^n UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A FRENCH-ENGLISH MILITARY TECHNICAL DICTIONARY WITH A SUPPLEMENT CONTAINING RECENT MILITARY AND TECHNICAL TERMS By CORNELIS DE WITT WILLCOX COLONEI* UNITED STATES ARMY PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES, UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 95 . Offic* of the Chief of Staff. Library PREFACE TO THE 1917 EDITION. The following pages contain the Dictionary as originally published by the War Department, with a supplement containing the more important recent military and technical terms. It had been my intention, whenever time should serve, to incorporate these terms, as well as thousands of others, in the main work, so as to make a new book of it; but such a book would have called for at least two years' steady labor. When, therefore, The Adjutant General asked me if I could furnish any additions to the original text, the only possible course was to collect them into a supplement. C. DE W. W. WKST POINT, X. Y., July 26, 1917. in A PREFACE. In spite of the events of 1870-71, perhaps because of them, the French language etil! holds its own as one whose military literature is of deep interest to the stu- dent of military progress. Apart from professional works of purely French origin, the stake of the French people in their army is so great that, sooner or later, every technical advance, every military achievement, whether afloat or ashore, is laid under contribution, if not to furnish its share of possible improvement to the French service, at least to satisfy the French people of the excellence of that service. And it follows that with French alone an officer can keep abreast of his profession almost as well as though he had at his command all the other foreign languages whose mili- tary literatures are important in a professional point of view. In some respects the preparation of a French-English military technical diction- ary isatask of great difficulty. This arises partly from the inability of the English lan- guage in all cases to supply the exact technical equivalent of a given French term, but more particularly from the extremely detailed nature of technical French nomen- clature. Where we in English are frequently satisfied to apply the class name to each of the objects or things of one and the same cla&s, the French will almost inva- riably modify this class name by some adjunct limiting or defining its application. Lexicographically, the result is to force the substitution of a description lor a name. It is pertinent to remark, however, that this substitution is unavoidable in those cases, relatively numerous, in which the thing to be defined is peculiar to tiie French. It is hoped that these, as well as other difficulties of which it is unnecessary to speak here, may be borne in mind by those who may use this book; for while all care has been taken to make it as accurate as possible, still it would be vain to hope that all errors, whether of omission or of commission, have been excluded. The author takes this occasion to say that he will be greatly obliged to officers and others if they will bring to his attention any mistakes that may fall under their notice. The author desires gratefully to thank the various friends that have helped him. Chief among these stands Col. Peter S. Michie, of the Military Academy. Maj. William A. Simpson, of the Adjutant-General's Department; Dr. Charles E. Mimroe, of the Corcoran Scientific School; Capt. John R. Williams and Lieut. I. X. Lewis, of the Artillery; Capt. J. E. Kuhn, of the Engineers; Lieut. K. B Cassatt, of the Cavalry, and Mr. Laurence V. Benet, of the Ilotchkiss Ordnance- Company, Limited, have laid him under obligations that are cheerfully acknowl- edged. Mr. Wilfred Stevens, of the Adjutant-General's Office, has given substan- tial aid in preparing the manuscript for the press and in reading the proof. C. DE W. W. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE, May, 1899. V AUTHORITIES. An asterisk (*) denotes a text-book of the French Artillery and Engineer School at Fontaincbleau. These texts are not published, being lithographed simply for the use of the school. A dagger (t) indicates that the work is an official publication of the French Government. Administration de Farmed, Lassalle, 1892. * Administration militaire, Masselin, 1893. Aide-memoire d'artillerie (ponts militairee, reconnaissances), 1883. Aide-memoire de marine, Durassier et Valentino, 1892. Apercpus sur la tactique de domain, Gonmee, 1892. * Application de la fortification an terrain, Corbin, 1890. * Application de 1'electricite, Pr^rart, 1892. Argot and Slang, Barrere, London, 1889. Les armes & feu portativee, 1894. Les armes a feu portatives, Bornecque. * Armoe por tatives, 1885. L'Artillerie a 1'exposition de 1889, 1890. Artillerie mod erne, Ilennebert, about 1891. * Attaque et defense des places, Sandier, 1893. Balistique experimentale, Vallier, 1894. *Bouches a feu, Lechauss6e, 1894. Les cahiers du capitaine Coignet, 1889. Canet: pamphlets, etc., relating to Canet guns. Canon, torpilles et cuirasse, Croneau, about 1893. Capitulations, Thoumas. Catalogue de la ' Brown & Sharpe Co." (French), 1893. Le cheval, Cuyer et Alix, 1886. * Const me tion des batteries, Richard, 1893. * Construction en bois et fer, Goetschy, 1885. * Contrernines, guerre de mines, Sandier. 1893. Cours des 6coles de tir, 1886-87. Cours d'hippologie pratique, Saumur, 1893-94. Cours de topographic, Lehagre, Vols. I and III. Cours special sur le materiel de cote, Delaissey, 1890. Cours special a 1' usage des sous-officiers d'artillerie, 1888. Defense des cotes d' Europe, Didelot, 1894. La defense des etats et la fortification a la fin du XlXeme sieele, Brialmont. 1S!)'>. Dictionary of French and English Military Terms, Barrere, London, 1S!)6. Dictionnaire de la marine, Dal>ovich. Pola, 1887. Dictionnaire militaire (Merger Levrault), as far as published. Dictionnaire technologique, Bergman, Wiesbaden, 1887. '" Droita et usages de la guerre, Masselin, 1893. La dynamite de guerre, Dumas-Guilin, 1887. Equipages de pouts militaircti, Haillot. VIII AUTHORITIES. Equitation diagonale dans le mouvement en avant, 1892. Lee experiences de Bucarest, J. v. Schiitz, 1886. Explosife modernes, Chalon, 1889. Fabrication des urmes portatives, Walter, 1892. Fabrication des assemblages metalliques et des affuts, Couhard, 1889. Fabrication des bouches il feu; operations metallurgiques, Couhard, 1885. Fabrication des projectiles, Couhard, 1891. Fabrication des substances explosives, munitions et artifices, Gages, 1893. Hotchkiss: pamphlets, etc., published by the Hotchkiss Company. Influence du tir plongeant, Brialmont, 1888. Instruction pratique sur le lever de reconnaissance, Goulier, ed. by Jardinet, 1893. Instruction pratique sur le lever d'ensemble, Romieux, Bosson, 1890. Instruction pratique sur le lever de position, Bosson, 1891. * Instruction pratique sur le lever exp&lie, Jardinet, 1892. Instruction practique sur le lever de fortification, Romieux, 1893. t Instruction sur 1'emploi des agres dont doivent etre pourvus les batteries de 80 de campagne appelees & manoeuvrer en pays de Moutagnc, 1894. t Instruction sur 1'armement, les munitions, les champs de tir et le materiel de 1'in- fanterie, 1891. fThe same, revised edition, 1895. f Instruction sur le service de 1'infanterie en campagne, 1893. t Instruction pratique sur le service de la cavalerie en campagne, 1893. t Instruction sur 1'emploi de 1'artillerie dans le combat, 1893. t Instruction sur le remplaccment des munitions en campagne, 1893. Instruments et precedes topographiques, Guillemard, Bosson, ed. by Jardinet, 1891 Littr6 Dictiormaire de la langue francaise. Machines motrices (moteurs hydrauliques et moteurs thermiques), Paloque, 1891-92. Machines operatrices (wood, metal, and machine tools) de Beauchamp, 1886-1889- 1891. Magasins & poudre et & dynamite; Stands, Goetschy, 1884. t Maniement et emploi de la lance, 1891. t Manuel d'escrime, 1889. Manuel de fortification, Plessix et Legraud-Girarde, 1890. f Manuel do gymnastique, 1888. Maxim-Norctenfeldt: pamphlets relating to their guns. Memoires du General Baron de Marbot. * Metallurgie du fer, 1884. . Metallurgie du fer: Travail des metaux, 1893. *Methodes de lever, Romieux, ed. by Jardinet, 1893. Mines, Simoutre, 1889. Mines sous-marines, torpilles et torpedos, Dupont, 1895. Naval and Military Dictionary, Burn, London, 1852. Notices sur d<- nouveaux appareils balistiques, Sebert, 1881. * Notions sommaires sur le materiel d'artillerie, 1893. Nouveau dictionnaire militaire, Baudoin, 1892. Nouveau mauuel de fortification, anon., 1895. Nouveau materiel naval (except purely naval parts), Ledieu et Cadiat, 1889, 1890. f Observations sur 1'emploi des troupes de cavalerie appelees a operer avec des detachement de toutes armes, 1893. Organisation des affuts, Gautier, 1893. Organisation de 1'artillerie, Gautier, 1893. Organisation des services de 1'arriere, Delanne, 1885. * Ponts militaires, Collet, 1887. AUTHORITIES. IX Fonts militairea et passages dea rivieres, Meurdra. * Proce"dea de reproduction des deaains, cartes, etc.; cmploi de la photographic, Prerart, 1893. * Projectiles et fusees, Lachauaa^e, 1893. Les regions fortifiees, Brialmont, 1890. t Reglement sur le service dea canona de 155 long aur affuta de tourelle rt de caee- mate, 1893. t Rcgleraent sur le service du canon de 120 court, 189G. t Reglement sur le service inteiieur de I'artillbrie et du train dea equipages, 1895. t Reglement sur le service interieur de la cavalerie, 1893. t Rcglement sur le service interieur de 1'infanterie, n. d. * Reglement sur le service inte'rieur de I'infauterie (revised edition), 1895. t Reglement sur le service dans les places de guerre, etc., 1896. t Reglement sur le service des armies en campagne, 1892. t Reglement sur le service dea batteries de montague, 1894. t Reglement sur les manoeuvres des batteries atteleea, 1896. t Rcglement sur le service des canons de 80 et de 90, 1893. t Reglement sur le service dea canons de 80 et de 90, 1894. t Reglement sur lea exercices de la cavalerie, 1892. t Reglement sur lea exercices et les manoeuvres de 1'infanterie, 1893. t Reglement sur 1'instruction du tir, 1893. t Reglement sur 1'instruction du tir (revised edition \ 1895. f Reglement sur le service du train des equipages, 1895. t Reglement sur le service dea canons de 95 mm., mle. 1888, monies eur afffit de campagne, 1896. t Reglementfi sur le service des bouches a feu de siege et de place. Vol. I. Service des bouches a feu, 1894. Vol. 11. Manoeuvres de force, 1893. Vol. III. Materiel. 1891. Vol. IV. Renseignements speciaux destines aux ofliciers et au\ .<>iis-. to January 1. ISiiS. *R61e et emploi de la fortification dan? la defense des eUits. Corliin. iV>". * Rapes, Mourral. 1891. Science et guerre < telegraphic optique: crytographie: re<-lair:i'.r<> elftrique a IA guerre; poste par pigeons t, 18SS. * Service de 1'artillerie dans la defense des jilaci-s, Hermary. 18.s.",. * Service de 1'artillerie dans les .sieges, Hermary, 1887. * Service de I'artillerie en campagne. Richard. ls!)2. Strategic, Maillard. * Tactique de combat. Houlin. JM2. *Tactique generale. Houlin. 1S!I2. * Tactique demarcheetdeatationneinent, Houliu. 1893. Topographic, militaire. Hertrand. Traite de topographic. I'ell-'tan. Virmaitre. Dictionuaire d' argot fin-de-siecle, Paris, 1S94. SERVICE AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS. [Taken partly from Stavenhagen, Petit Dictionaire Militaire Francais-Allemand, and the Almanach de Gotha.l A. A allongemcnt; artillerie (on the fleuron of a bridle); altitude (on the r<5glette de lecture); Altesse. Aduc., adsse. . .archiduc, archiduchesse. A.-M aide-memoire. A (of naval powders). A represents proportions and mode of fabrica- tion; m, thickness of presscake; n, width of strips into which it is cut. Amb air.bassadeur. Amb. C. (Div.). ambulance de corps (divisionnaire), 1R arricre (naval, and also in gun con- struction). AU Alger (on cartridge bags). Ar. G arriere garde. Art artillerie. Art. (" artillerie de corps. Art. 1. Div artillerie de la premiere division. Art. T artillerie territoriale. AS powder manufactured at Sovran Livry. A represents dosage and mode of fabrication; m, thickness of galette; and n, maximum di- mension of the grain. AT artillerie territoriale. Atm atmosphere. Att attachd. A' avant (naval, and gun construc- tion). Av. G avant garde. Av. I' avant poste. B. B symbol of smokeless powders (Vieille); (on base of projectiles) obus ii balles; Bouchet (powder works); breveted d'6-tat-major. Bat bataillon. Batt batterie. BC symbol of smokeless powder for field guns (('=campagne). B F symbol of small-arm smokeless pow- der ( !'= fusil). Bio.'. batterie. BN'n symbol of smokeless powders '(Vieille; N'=nitratee). B<) bou lets o^ivuux, 0:1 K. M. Art. sights; Bulletin ofliciel du ininis- tere de la guerre. B. O., P. R ____ bulletin omciel, etc., partie regle- mentaire. B. O., P. S ..... bulletin pfficiel, etc., partie suppie- mentaire. BO", B" ..... Baron, Baronne. Bon ............ bataillon. Br ............. brevet^ d'6tat-major; brigade. Brig ........... brigade. BSP ........... symbol of smokeless powders for siege and fortress guns (SP=sge et place). C. C .............. campagne; cube; (of puns) court; centime; conuuandeur (de la legion dTionneur). Cn ............. symbol of black powders (C=cam- pagne). C. A ........... corps d'armee. C. a. d ......... c'est h dire. Cal ............. calibre. Cap ............ capitaine. Cav ............ cavalerie. Cav. T ......... cavalerie territoriale. C. d. f. , Ch. d. f . .chemin de fer. Ceaux .......... (for) faisceaux, in commands only. C. G ........... consul g6nfral. Ch. d'aff ....... charge^ d'affaires. Chamb ......... chaml>ellan. Chev ........... chevalier. Cie ............. compagnie. Cm ............. centimetre. Cm 1 ............ centimetre(s) carrels). Cm 8 ............ centime tre(s) cube(s). Col ............. colonel. Comm ......... commandeur, commandant. Com' ........... commandant. C<*> U ......... canon declasse. Cslt ............ consulat. Cslt G ......... consulat-gfine'ral. Cte,* Ctesse ____ comte, comtesse. D. !) .............. doc tear en me'dieine (after the name of :i pharmacist, in the Annnaire de I'arniee). Dem ........... (leVimelre. Dem 2 .......... deimfttre(s) carrefsX Dem 3 .......... 'ieViinMre(s) cube(s). D<5p ............ departemcnt. Div... ...division. * Written also ( '-, and similarly of some other titles. XII SERVICE AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS. DP (on base of projectile) obus a double paroi. DP1J (on base of projectile) obus a double paroi et a balles. Dr docteur (en droit, es sciences, etc.). Dsse duchesse. K. E 6preuve (surmounted by a crown, and stamped on gun barrels after firing test). EC P Ecole centrale de Pyrotechnic. E. e envoy6 extraordinaire. E. e. et M. pl..envoy<5 extraordinaire et ministre plfinipotentiaire. E. M <5tat-inajor. Esc escadrou; t Div., escadron di- visionnaire de la 2 division. Ettc (for) baionnette (in commands only). Ex (on sights) exercice, indicates that corresponding graduations are for drill projectiles. F. F franc (coin and unit). Fa D I". fusee a double effet. Fn symbol of smokeless powder (F= fusil). F. 6. m force 61ectro-motrice. Fl. G flanc garde. F. M feld mare'chal. FP fusfe percutante. F. Z. M feldzeugmestre. 0. j g6nie. Gal ge'ne'ral. G B grosses balles (boite a mitraille). GC grand-croix (de la legion d'hon- neur). Gen gSntS ral ; genie. (ic'n. T genie territorial. GM g<5nie mobilicr (stamped on bar- rack furniture, etc., for which the engineers arc responsible). GO grand-officier (de la legion d'hon- neur). Gr proupe; gramme. GV grande Vitesse (on handwheel of turrets operated by steam). II. II hautour (on rfiglette de lecture). II. (' IIDIS cadre. US hors service (cf. I. C., U. S. A.). I. Illu^tr illnstrissime. Inf infanterie. Inf. T I:ifanterie territoriale. IK initials stamped on hospital fur nishinps, article, 1 ;, etc. K. K .............. kilogramme(s). Kg ............. kilogramme(s). Kilo ........... kilogrammc(s). Km ............ kilomfetre(s). Km 2 ........... kilometre(s) carr6(s). L .............. long (of guns). L<' ............. lumiere centrale (on cartridge bags). L6g ............ legation. L. F. M ........ lieutenant feld mare'chal. Lieut .......... lieutenant. Lieut. Col ...... HeutenanUcolonel. LL. AA ........ Leurs Altcsses. LL. EE ........ Leurs Eminences. L. M. R ........ ligne de moindre resistance. LN ............ Lyon (on cartridge bags). Lt... ...lieutenant. M. M .............. montagne (of guns), mfetre, mon- sieur, modele, modifie'; e. g., M. 1880= model of 1886; but, 1886 M.=of 188(5, modified. MA ............ manufiicture d'armes. Mad ........... madame. Maj ............ major. Me ............. metre(s) cube(s). MC'n ........... (of powders) symbol indicating that powder lias been triturated n minutes (M=meule), and is in- tended for guns (C=canon). M(s) carnHs). Mm> ........... niillin'.f'lrcis) cube(s). MmC .......... milliinetres court; r. g., piece de MmL nilliiriMrc g., piece de J. M. . . ..J(inrn;i .J. milituire. Mi:iq . . . milliniMn (sj carrC(s). Mle u:.).]Me. Mod iao'ieie. M. [>1 ministre plempolentiaire. Mq mMrr(s) earn'-. ,. Mqs e) in. mini 1 -, !iiarqn;se. Mr. num.- :< ur (rare >. M. If... .. .111:111, ire rt'si.lenl. N navire (0:1 re"lrt ii> f men th.it. have not qualified :,! !a::vl prael;ee). N. U Vdtre D-uiie. SERVICE AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS. XIII N. 8. J. C Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ. Ngt ne'gociant. O. O offlcier (de la legion d'honneur). Off offlcier, officiel. On (for) canon (in commands only). P. PA symbol of black prismatic powder. P. art pare d'artillerie. PBn symbol of poudres brunes. PBn S poudre brune de siege. PC poudre composition. P. C' portion centrale. PI> piece droite (in a turret). P G piece gauche (in a turret). P. I point initial. P. L. M Paris-Lyon-M&liteiTanee (railway). P. O parordre. Po pouce (inch). P. 1' portion prineipale. Pr prince. Prov province. PS pur sang (of a horse). Psse princesse. PV . ^ petite vitesse (on handwheel of turrets operated by steam). Q. Q carre 1 , e. g., mmq. (v. s. v. m.). (4. G quartk r gdn^ral. R. R (on fuses) Rubin (name of in- ventor). Ue'g regiment. Ulsid residence; resident. R. F Rgputiliquc francaise. 8. S sitge; saint. S. A. I. (R.)--- Son Altesse Imperiale Royale). S. C service en carnpagne. S. E Son Eminence. S. Kxo Son Excellence. S. G Sa Grandeur. S. G. i>. G Sans gura-itio du gouvernement. Si. Sovran I. i very (on cartridge bags). S. LI... . . .sous-lieutunant. SM sifege et montague. S. M Sa Majeste; station-magasin. S. M. A section de munitiens d'artillerie. S. M. I section de munitions d'infanteric. S. P Lc Saint Perc. SP sifege et place (guns). SnPn symbol for powders (siege and fortress guns). SS saints, S. S Sa Sainted. Sr sirur (in legal papers). St., Ste saint, sainte. * T. T territorial, transform^. TE train des cf-qnipages. T. E. G (station) ttc d'etapesde guerre. T. E. R tted'(Hapcsde route. Tr transform^. T. R tirrapide. Tr. Comb train de combat. Tr. R6g train regimentaire, V. V. C viee-corisuL V. C. G vice consul general. VI vitesse du vent dans la direction de la ligne de tir. Vr vitesse totale du vent. Vi vitosse du vent dans rection pt>rpendiculaire a la ligne de tir. Vcte vicomte. Vte., Vtesse... .vicomte, vicomtesse. W Wetteren (powder). W-f- Wetteren powder; m = thickness ness of grain; n length of side of base. .(not an abbreviation) stamp on an arme de thtforif, q. v. Z. .(not an abbreviation) si'rie 7. (Scabbards issued \vithou; bayonets, e. g., to infiriniiT-', belong tos^rie Z.) LEGION OF HONOR. G Cfg Grand- Croit. G O ft Grand-Officier. C * CominandruT. O ^ O/ticit r. ^ Chfvallir. Midnill' nil.itaire. ABBREVIATIONS USED ON THE FRENCH GENERAL STAFF MAPS. (Taken mostly from Stavenhagen, Petit Dictionnaire Militaire Francais-Allemand.J Abb Abbaye. Aigi- Aiguille. Aq Aqueduc. Arb Arbre. A ub*' A uberge. B Bois. Bat'" Batterie. B<->" Bouche. B Canal; Cortal. Can* Carriere. Carref r Carrefour. Cay Cayolar. Ch Chateau. Ch' Chaussee. Ch<-t Chalet. Ch<= Chapelle. Chne ..Chalne. Ch Cheminee. Cimr Cimel iere. Cit'i" Citadelle. C>" Cabane. Colomb* Colombier. Couv-t Couvent. Cr* Croix. (>- Cense. CT Canton. D6p le Dtfpartementale. Dig Digue. D n ' Douane. Dom p Domaine. Ec ie Ecurie. Ec* 1 " Erluse. Ky Kfjli.se. XIV Emb" Embarcadere . Emb r<> Embouchure. E. Min Eau minerale. Etab n * Etablissement. fetg Etang. Et" Etoile. Fab Fabrique. F>> Faubourg. F Ferine. F* Forge. Fl Fleuve. F> Ferme. F"', Font ne .. Fontaine. *i' Fonderie. F* Foret; Fort. Qd Grand. G Gorge. Gl" Glacier. Hab' Habert. H Hameau. H" hauts. I He. Je> Jete. 3" Jasse. K Ker I, Lac, Lag Lagune. Ld. Lande. Locr* Locature. M Mas. Mai" M aladrerie . Manuf" Manufacture. Met"' Metairie. Mg Montague . M' Moulin. MM Maison. M Marai.-;. M Mont. Nat' National)* . N. D Notre Dam<*. O Orry. 1' 1'arc i !>p.-iiiaiix. F'ic. fap' Papeterie. PF Prefecture. P* e Passage. Ph Phare. Pl u Plateau. P"" Pavilion. Poudi Poudrerie. P' Petit; Pont; Port P' c Pointe; Porte. P te de D Poste de Douane. Q r Quartier. R Riviere; Rue. R au Radeau. Red' Redoute. R Rocher. Retr ' Retranchement. R" 6 Remise. Riv Riviere. Rouble Roubine. R' e Route. S" 1 Signal. Sal Saline. Salpif Salp^trerie. Sap" Sapiniere. Sc^ Scierie. Sem Semaphore . Sig' Signal. Som' Sommet. SI' Sous-prefect ure. St., St, ston. Station. Ti*leg Telographe . T'- Tuilerio. T" 1 Torrent. Tr Tour. \'"~ Usine. V'ao' 1 Vacherie. V<'-,Vali5-....Vallee. V'-r Verper. \'un ) \';ii o " Vallon. V"- X'orroric. V" Vieux. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES. adjective. ervm... ..gymnastics. powd . . . prep .... q.v.,qq.v r. f . gunpowder and i Is man- ufaclure. .proposition, .which see. rapid fire adm adv .ad ministration, adverb. ham. . hipp.. hydr.. inf . .harness. . .hippology. . .hydrography, inlantry. a n armor-piercing. art artif fireworks, pyroteehny. ballistics. in gen . inst... ..in general. ...instruments. R. A.... R. M. A. r. r ,Royal Artillery. .Royal Military Acad- emy, railroads ball carp .carpentry. bt ..literally. cav ... . .cavalry. m . .masculine noun. chem c. o .chemistry, commanding officer. mach . . man... mas . . . ..machinery. . .manege, equitation, rid- ing in general. . .masonry. s. b. smoothbore gun s. c S. V . . . . .sea coast, .sub verbo. cons .construction, art of cord. building, cordage. sig . . signaling. mod medicine, medical. sm. a surv .small arms, surveying elec .electricity (and mag- met . . . mil ..metallurgy. ..military. eng netism), .eiv/incering, engineers. tech min ..mining. teleg top. . .telegraphy, lopographv. asp expl f. .especially, .explosives, feminine noun. m.l... ..muzzle loader. mus... nav . . . 11. C. O. n. e. . . ..music. ..naval. . .noncommissioned offi- cer. ..no equivalent, obsolete. torp t-P unif U. S. A . . U.S.M.A U.S. X.. v .torpedoes, .infantry target practic**. .uniform. .United States Army. .United States Military Academy. .United States Navy, .see. fain farr . .familiar, farrier v . fe ic fig . fencing. figuratively. F. m. art fond fort . French marine artil- lery. .founding, .fortification; field forti- opt ..optics. pi . plural. p.p... phot. . pont . . ..past participle. ..photography. . .bridges (especially mili- tary bridges). ; - c;ive verb. v. n v. r .neuter verb. .n-lle.\il)le verl>. Fr Fr. ;.... ft cation. .French. .French army. A. abaissement, m. , sinking, depression , subsidence; letting, putting, or throwing down; vertical distance of a pnint below another; fall (of level, of pressure, etc.); (ball.) negative jump; de I' horizon, dip of the horizon; du terre-plein, (fort.) lowering of terreplein, so as to keep it 2.5"' below the plane of defilade; du tir, (ball.) for equal ranges, the dropping of points of impact below the normal position, on account of variations of temperature, heat- ing of barrel, etc.; dc la trajectoire, (ball.) vertical distance be- tween any point of the trajectory and the line of fire produced. abaisser, v. a., to lower, let fall; to bring down, decrease, abate; - un intervalle, (mil.) to reduce an interval. abandon, m., abandonment, departure; cession (of rights, etc.); hi' , at random, adrift; de son paste, (mil.) quitting of one's post (of a sentry, before being relieved); (in gen.) deser- tion of one's post of duty. abandonner, v. a., to abandon, forsake, give up, let go, desert, quit; (man.) to set a horse at full speed; le combat, (mil.) to quit the fight, give up the contest, battle; *' sur la selle (or simply s' ), (man.) to lounge in the saddle. abaquarrage, m., the act or operation of forming an abaque (graphic table). abaquarrer, v. a., to form or make an abaque (graphic table). abaque, m., abacus, counting frame; any graphic table; (art.) range-finding attachment of a s. c. artillery telescope; grap/tique de tir, (ball.) graphic table of fire, or range table; de marche, (mil.) march diagram; des probability, (ball.) graphic table of prob- abilities (pffire); des trajectoires, (ball.) graphic table of fire, or range table. abatage, m., cutting down, felling (of trees); destruction, demolition (as by high explo- sives); lowering; bearing down," as on a lever; mechanical power, or purchase; holding-up hammer, dolly; throwing down (as of conl, in a mine); (mil.) destruction of diseased horses: d'arbres, (mil.) felling of trees for defensive purposes; d'armts, (mil.) the bringing of the rifle down to position of load, etc.: de chevaui, (mil.) destruction of diseased horses; tin chien, (sm. a.) letting down of hammer or of cpcking-pioce; commission d' , (mil.) board of ollicers to pass on diseased horses; dr la craw, (art.) lover made of trail of gun: fairt un, , to form a purchase under a body; mandrin " , holding-up hammer, dolly. abutaiit, in., shutter of a skylight. u.l>alis, in., (mil.) abatis; net if , defensible abatis; artilicid, abatis of trees, etc., transported to desired position; dtfensif, defensible abatis: de franc-etable , houses, walls, or trees thrown down to form a sort of abatis; 3877 17 1 (1) abatis natvrel, abatis of trees left in situ; passif, abatis that serves as a mere obstacle; de trans]>ort, abatis of branches, etc., dragged or transported into position. abat-jour, m.. roilector; shade (of a lamp); sky- light. abattoir, m., slaughter-house. abattre, v. a., to throw, throw down; to overthrow, demolish, cast down; to cut down (trees); to bear down on a lever; (rnin.) to throw down, bring down, as coal in a mine; v. r., (hipp.) to break down, to fall down; I'arme, (mil.) to bring the piece down to position of load, of charge bayonets, etc.; du bois, to fell trees; un cheval, (mil.) to throw, cast, destroy, a horse; I'cau d'un cheval, (hipp.) to rub a horse dry; la muraille, (farr.) to pare down a horse's hoof; du pied, (farr.) v. la muraillf; un rivet, to clinch a rivet; Us tentes, (mil.) to strike tents. abattu, p. p., down, throw down; & I' , (sm. a.) said of hammer when down: of bolt when shot forward and lever turned down; (mech.) said of a spring when free from pressure. abat-vent, m., penthouse. abClite, f., (ezpl.) nitroglycerine. aberration, f., aberration; chromatique, chromatic aberration; de spMncite, spherical aberration. abuts, in. pi., auz , (of game) at bay; (mil.) (of a garrison) reduced to extremities. " abonnatatre, in., contractor, who agrees to per- form service within a given time and for given pay. aboiinemcnt, m., subscription; contract, agree- ment; allowance, idemnilication; (ts;>. I'r. adm.) contract for given time and given pay. abord, m., landing place; approach (of a bridge): s, (mil.) ground or terrain immediate!) i" front of, or near, a position, or within cli.so range of; en , (>)!'.) close to ship's side (of a pun s-- mmmlud, as distinguished from turret mount ;, etc.). abordable, a., easy of across, accessible. aburdago, in., (mil.) contact with enemy i in an attack, or as result of an attack); (nar.) colli- sion; boarding (of a ship 1 ). aborde, m., (nav.) ship boarded, run down, or rammed. abonier, v. a., to come alongside; to ho:>r.i: to collide \\ith; to reach, attack: to charge: (miM lo atlack by assault: to oecnpy ti'e tron, (nar.) to ram. ibordeur, m., (nur.'i hoarder, member of a board- ing party; boarding shi;>. ramming -l:i:>. iboucliemt'iit, m., inler\iew; butt-joining, junc- tion (of pipes, etc. 1. tboiiclirr, v.a., to brim; together, for an interview ; s' fine un tan< mi (mil.) t > parley \ith an enemy. ilioiie iiit-iii . in. , Hush-joint . ibourRrl, a., stunted; knotty; cross-grained. iboQmviit, m., v. alMuanent. about accord about, ra., butt, butt-end; shoulder of a tenon; abutment; beveled piece of timber: (in joints) the end of the piece that is assembled to another piece; jotndre en , to lengthen a timber by joining on another; plagued' , shoe; portce d' , the bearing surface, the surface re- ceiving the about; de rice, ornamental or special tile at end of rafter. aboutement, m., butt, abutment. abouter, v. a., to join end to end. abou tir. v. n., to lead to (as a road to a village); to lead up to (a result); to abut. about Issaiit, a., abutting, bordering on; m., abutment, adjacent or abutting part; ks tenant,'! et les *, the houses, fields, etc., adjacent. aboil tissemeiit, m., eking-piece. abraquer, v. a., (cord.) to haul or pull (upon a rope): It mou, to take up the slack of a rope. abreuvage, m., watering (of horses). abreuver, v. a., to water (a horse); to steep, to soak. itn bateau, to soak a boat, so as to swell the seams. abreuvotr, m., watering-place (for animals); water- ing-trough; horse-pond; (of timber), soil of gutter or hollow formed in stem when branches are torn off. abrogation, f., abbreviation; dc service, (mil. sig.) conventional abbrevia- tion. abri, m., shelter; (mil.) cover; & I' , sheltered, protected, covered; actif, defensible shelter or cover; debirouac, any sort of shelter in a bivouac: biinde, bombproof; canlonncment , defensible cantonment; dc chimp de tir, (t. p.) marker's shelter; de charycment, (siege) filling shelter or cover; rn clayonnayf, shelter of wattled work; drfmsif, defensible cover; ti I'epreui'e, (fort.) bombproof, bombproof shelter; h I' du, feu sheltered from fire; (in yen.) fireproof; enfcuillagc, shelter of branches, etc., against wind, rain, etc.; (/<. marqueurs, (t. p.) marker's shelter; jvisaif, mere cover; remise, (fort.) proof storehouse for materiel: *., under way (of a boat;. abrivcr, v. n., to give way (boats). abri-vent, m., (mil.) wind guard; cover or shelter against wind. abri-voute, m., (for!.) any vaulted or arched bombproof. abrupt, a., (top) rough; having steep .slopes or .sides. abruti, m., (mil. xlnn'i) plodding cadet, (I'oly- techni(jue); "lly-speeker 1 ' (I". .S. M. A ; "swat" (. K. M. A.J. abscisse, f., abscissa. absence, I"., absence; illrgule (mil.) absence \vitliout leave; li'jnlr (mil.) legal (justifiable; absence (hos- pital, capture, captivity ;; ri.ijnliirf (mil.) authorised absence (leave); solded' , (mil.) lea\o pay, half-nay. absent, a., absent. absenter, v. r., (mil.) to be absent without leave. absolu, a., peremptory; complete; conge. , (mil.) discharge from service. absolution, f., (mil. law) release of accused by re- viewing authority, provided act committed does not call for punishment. absorbaiit, m., (eipl.) dope. absorption, f., annual ceremony at I'olytechnique, at which upper classmen are entertained by the newcomers (melons, q. v.). abtheilung, m., (art.) German name for group of 3 or 4 batteries; brigade; so-called battalion, U. S. artillery, alms, m., abuse, misuse; d'autoritc, (mil.) exceeding of one's authority acacia, m., acacia (wood and tree). academic, f., academy, school; (esp.) riding school; faire. sun , (man.) to learn to ride. acajou, m., mahogany (wood and tree). acatne, a., chainless; m., chainless bicycle. accablcr, v. a., to crush, overthrow, overwhelm. accaparer, v. a., to buy up all the stores, etc., in the market; to "corner" the market. accastillage, m. (nav.) poop and forecastle. accelerateiir, a., accelerating; -pus , (mil.) quick time. acceleration, f., acceleration; cu'nlrc , (ball.) retardation. accflerer, v. a., to accelerate, quicken, hasten. accC'lerojrruphe, m., (ball.) accelerograph; ii chariot, slide aceelerograph; ti diapason elcctrique, electric fork accelero- graph. - ii diapason rnicanique, mechanical fork ac- celerograph. accelerometre, m., (ball.) accelerometer; d diapason, fork accelerometer; & poids, weight accelerometer; d rusxorl, spring accelerometer; simple a poids, simple weight accelerometer. accepter, v. a., to accept; le combat, (mil.) to accept the combat, to risk a battle. acces, in., access, approach. accessible, a., accessible. accpssoires, m. pi., fittings, mountings; (sm. a.) all parts that may be removed from barrel, stock, etc.; d'nnues, (sm. n .) cleaning kit; --dc buitrrie, (sinji) supplies for service of a bat tcry for 21 hours; tli buiichia ii fin, (art.) all removable parts of breech mechanism; dc i-ti'iriii mint, loading outfit . d'tinbiiryitemcnl, (mil. r. r.) ramps, etc., for loading and unloading: tic richn.iiK, spare parts; df In xrll(, (hum., saddle fittings; dc to/tic ( mil. tuliii. } additions to regular pay, e.xtra pay, ..-\t r:i-diity pay (l ; . S. A.): it a tir 11 In cil>U, (/.' //.)'t;u-get practice equip- IIK :!'.,. u-cidcnt. m., accidenl: (top.) acc-ident, variation, une.eiuiess ('f ihe ground or terrain;. UTiil'sjour 'sou fti 'r , blister steel; bron:e, steel bronze; !>rul>', burnt steel; brut, crude, raw steel; ii canon, (art.) gun steel; a, de, cementation, cement steel; cement e, cement steel; centrifuge , steel treated by centrifugal process to get rid of blowholes; nu chrome, de chrome, chrome, chrome steel; commun. steely iron; com prime liquide, tluid compressed steel; corroye, shear steel, weld steel; une fnix corrmje, shear steel; deuif'iis corroye, double shear steel; coale, cast steel: de Duma.*, damaase, damask steel; diamaitt, tool steel, tungsten steel; i/ou-z, mild, soft steel; ilur, Jurci, hard steel; - ferriui, half steel; - fondu, cast steel, ingot steel; homogeneous ir n: fund ii an croiwt, cruciblo steel: ,/ t fontt . furnace steel, bean ti steel: - i/f /"''!/(, fined steel, charcoal hearth steel; Jefn-xiint, cast steel: -dm indts, //(!/,'. wo;>t7. stei'l; dt rinij:it.\\\^i>{ sleel: tiiinini'. rolled steel: ii'dlli'iUe. forge ht eel: - intiiiy .nim, tut intiiHiunfxc, ;.'."! - ;/.:;( /.sr, niaUL'aiie.-e stee'. Ifai! field steel: - mnrchind, rolled steel: - inuult , cast steel: -- tl'tlnri ! , natural steel, heart h :< inhfn/j< fi , scarfing, joggling; rtunirfi , to joggle or scarf together; tuilltr - lishmouts. adnilnlstratlvement, adv., in accordance with administrative regulations. admluistrcr,v. a., to administer, using legal means and resources. admissililllUJ, L, fitness for admission (as, to mili- tary schools); ipreuvesjl' , written examination, to test fit- ness for admission. admission, f., admission, (e.g., to a school); intro- duction, admission (of steam into cylinder, etc.); act of admitting; epreucts d' , oral and practical examination, to which are admitted only those who have passed the ipreuies d'admisnibilite. adonner, v. n., (of a rope) to stretch. ados, m., slope, talus, embankment. adosseinent, m., (fort.) slope. adosser, v. a. , r., to prop; to back up, or be backed up, against something; (mil.) to have a river, lake, hill, etc., close in one's rear or back. adoubcr, v. a., (nav.) to mend, repair. adouclr, v. a., to soften; to remove a sharp edge, to smoothen, make smooth; to file smooth; to cut down, reduce (a slope); to round oil (an edge, a crest); to grind (metal, etc.); (sm. a., art.) to fine-bore; (met.) to anneal. adoucissage, m., grinding, filing down; reduction; removal of sharp edges, etc. adoucissemciit, m. , union of two bodies by means of a bevel; (met.) annealing, softening. adoucisseiir, m.,(art.,sm. a.) fine-borer, finishing- borer; (in gtn.) workman who polishes. adresse, f., address (place); skill, dexterity. a drolte, m. , (foot troops , from a halt) an individual right face, (foot troops marching) an individual by the right flank; (of a squad, section, com- pany) right; (car.) (of a trooper) by the right flank, (of a platoon, troop) right; (art.) (school of the driver) by the right flank, (platoon, bat- tery) right wheel; (mountain art.) (of a mule) ail individual by the right Oank, (of a section) right wheel. aduction, f. , v. aduition. aduire, v. n., to exorcise, train, young carrier pigeons to fly about their cote without Hying oil; to "home." aduition, f., training of young carrier pigeons to fly about their cote without escaping; homing. vdvcrsaire, m., adversary, enemy. se, m., ventilation; pui'nd' , air shaft. itrutioii, f., ventilation. acivr, v. a., to air, to ventilate. Product, m., air-passage in a wall. 'Toiuftre, in., (iutl.) aerometer. Oi-Hiioteiir, m., (t::uch.) hot-air engine (hot :;ir and vapor of water). (ronuiitc, m., aeronaut. I'TOII antique, a. and f., aeronautic; aeronautics. t'Tonef, f ., air-ship. eroplane,m., aeroplane, flying machinv frostar.m., balloon. crostatier, in., aeronaut . ("rostudon, f. , aercsia.! ion. w'T(st:ilU|iH', a. and I". . aerostatic; acntaf ics. lOroste'ir, in., aeronaut, acrosticr, m., aeronaut; (m//.1 man serung iu ! al- looll section. atTaihlir, v. a., to we.iken. iblisseiiM'iit, m., wraXening; loss of streiutili, of intensity (ac> of lire, 1 . affaire aifftt affaire, f., affair, business, piece of business; (mil.) affair, combat, engagement; d'avant-postet, (mil.) outpost engagement, or skirmish; s indigenes, s arabes, ( Fr. a.) all mutters relating to administration of the military ter- ritory in Algiers. affuNsrnifiit, m., settling, subsidence; (sm. a.) shortening of bullet, duo to pressure of powder gases; (art.) depression in cast guns, due to pro- jection in mold. aflalsser, v. a. r., to sink, settle, sag, subside, col- lapse, give way. affaler, v. a., to overhaul (a rope, etc.); un palan, to overhaul a tackle; *' , to stumble (of a horse). affamer, v. a., (mil.) to starve, to reduce to star- vation (garrison, fort). affectation, f., (mil.) assignment to a particular arm, unit, or duty; etat lunniiiatif d' , (Fr. a.) list of men sent each vear from active army to the reser\e; speciale, special assignment in certain admin- istrative and technical branches of the public senice. aflecter, v. a. ; to assign, to allot; to tell off or detail for a particular duty, etc. affcrmage, m., (adm.) renting out of slopes and of arable land in or near fortifications. affcrmir, y. a., tostrengthen; fasten, fix; establish, consolidate. affermlssement, m., strengthening, consolidation. aflichatcc, in., posting of puiilic notices; (esp., J'r. a.) posting of notices dealing with the army, as of lists, drawing of lots, etc. afliche, f., poster. afilchcr, v. a., to post (a notice). aflilaire, m., sharpening, setting; act of sharpening, eic. affiler, v. a., to sharpen, set (a tool, etc.). affilure, f., operation of pointing (as a nail). aflinage, m., (met.) fining, refining; mithode d' anglaixt, puddling. aftiiuT, v. a., (met.) to fine, refine; (of the weather) to clear. afTiucrit', f., (met.) fining-hearth, finery. ul! incur, m.,(met.) finer (workman). affleure, a., flush (said of two adjacent or contig- uous solids); assemblage , flush-joint. alticim-mi-nt, m., outcrop (of a ledge, rock, etc.). afBuurer, v. a., to make flush, le\el, with each oilier. afflouer, v. a., to float (a stranded boat). affluent, m., (/';cruml>iii)t:, friable. affoulllenieiit, m., caving in ; undermining; w-,iullcts of [Hire load, duo to powder rases; dtx bti>icl,(s c ! odder lo animals i in the stable). aflourcliemfnt, m.,slit-arid-toni'iie ioinf. tongue joint , split joint . affourchcr, v. a., to join by un open iiiori ise; (iifir.) to moor. affrancliir, v. a . I o free, di-soh.irL'o: rele.i-.-o. rd, (nav. art.) naval carriage: r A bouclier, any carriage provided with a siiield; (i brancard, shaft carriage; dc cam paii ne, field carriage; - dc caponni&tc, caponier mount; de castinatf, casemate carriage; de casemate & pivot-avanl, front-pintle case- mate carriage; - - dt email rii, galloping carriage; chandcliir, -it- chandelier, (r.f. art.) fork- pi.-ot mount, pillar-mounting; a cJniftxix, slide-carriage, chassis-carriage: also, a generic term for this class ol carriages, as dis- tinguished from the field-carriage type; d chillis eirculaire, carriage with circular chassis M'unet ); a chassis horizontal, carriage with horizontal chassis; A chi'innis oscillant, carriage with rocking or oscillating chassis: t- short; A pivot, pintle carriage; A pivot anterieur, A pivot avant, front- pintle carriage; A pivot centra], center-pintle carriage; A pivot elastiquc, (r. f. art.) elastic mount (Engstrom); A pivotcment ftctif ct A tourillonnc went autour de la, bouche, generic term for ininimum port carriage under metallic cover; de place, fortress carriage; garrison carriage (England); a plaque tournante, turntable carriage; ile plat-bord, (nav. r.f.) gunnel-mount, rail- mount; plnte forme, (Fr. a.) carriage of 120"-- short; A plateforme tourn-inle, turntable carriage; de pont, (nav. r. f.) dock mount; quiv> :!' , rear end of top carriage; A rulnttement, disappearing carriage; A rappil auto mat ique, spring-return carriage; -A recul, recoil carriage; A rccul limit!:, limited recoil carriage; sans rccul, (r.f. art.) nonrecoil carriage; de. r;m/>rirt, (r. f. art.) rampart mount; (in gen.) rampart carriage; - A nssorts de rnppd, spring-return carriage j rigide, generic term for carriage in which recoil is not taken up by buffers, cylinders, etc.; roulant, wheeled carriage; roller carriage: (siegr) carriage on wheels, as distinguished from glisHint. q. v.; A roulettes, truck carriage; .'.': ; (ai/.) to loci; by an 'iiir :lr. K' , (art.) to hx'k (gun construction); A n s.--'i ut. (art.} to l-k hoo:>s by mean-. i'I shoulders. agr:ni(llr, v. a., to enlarge. iigraticllsscment, m.. enlargement. asrecr. \ . u., to rig. (v. (!<'< ir\ agre^ation, f., (mi!.) for!ii:ition (applic'! to all agrviiH'iits, in. pi., (miff.) iriinnung : or insi.:nia or ornaments of uniform, ol headdress, :md of equipuieut. agr&s 8 air agrts,m. pi., (pont.) bridge equipment, stores and supplies; (art.) all Implements for mechanical maneuvers; (gym.) appliances, apparatus; simples (art.) in mechanical maneuvers, any implements used directly, e. g., a lever; six'chui, (art.) in mechanical maneuvers, any special apparatus or gear. agresseur, m., aggressor. agres*ioii, f., aggression; (mil.) initiative of the oilensive; armed incursion. agucrri, a., (mil.) disciplined; experienced in war; war-hardened; in., trained and disciplined soldier; inul 1 undisciplined, inexperienced in war. aguerrir, v. a., (mil.) to inure to war, to season (troops). agucts, m. \>\.,&tre aux- ,to be on the watch, on the lookout. agui, m., (cord.) girtline, sling. n-uud d' , standing bowline knot. aide, in., assistant, coadjutor (aide is prefixed to the names of various grades and offices, to de- note either a lower rank of the grade or an assistant in the duty indicated); (surv.) chain- man; ciinjot, (mil. slang) canteen assistant; chaineur, (surv.) forc-chainman; dt- cuisine, (mil.) assistant cook, second cook (U.S.A.); dtuiiimc -, (surv.) fore-chainman mart'chal, marcchalf errant, under far- rier; premier , (surv.) hind-chainman; --sc'K.int, (art.) supernumerary cannoneer; littrinnire, assistant veterinary. aide, f., assistance, help, succor, relief, aid; (man.) aid; accord dts s, (man.) combination of the aids in horsemanship; disaccord dis s, (man.) failure of the aids to combine for desired result; s diagonales, (man.) leg and rein, etc., of oppo- site sides; - s latirales, (man.) leg and rein, etc.. of same side. aide de camp, m., (mil.) aid-de-camp. aide-major, m. ( Fr. a.) de lire classe, surgeon- lieutenant; de Seme clause, surgeon second lieutenant (n. e.). aiiile, m., eagle; f., (mil.) eagle (ensign'); porte , (mil.) ensign-, standard-bearer. aigre, a., (mtt.) cold short, brittle. aigrette, f., (unif.) tuft, plume, aigrette; pot d' , (artif.) firework, so called. algrir, v. a., (met.) to make or render brittle. aigu, a., sharp, pointed, shrill. aiguade, f., fresh water (for ships) (ob.t.); place where fresh water may bo obtained (for ships). aiguayer, v. a., to water, take in water; to wash a horse in a pond or river; to rinse. uigulllage, m., (r. r.) switch; til'anglaisc. automatic switch. aiguille, f., needle; draught-tree (of a carriage): (tap.) needle, sharp ton of a mountain; (iiist.) index, hand, pointer; (fond.) vent-wire; (r. r.) switch-, point-, rail; (sin. a.) firing-pin; (in plural) shear-legs; uimantie, (dec.) magnetic, compass, needle: armt 'i**i>te, compass-needle; i!c rln mill defer, (r. r.) switch; fi cn;itrt /inidx, (r. r.) counterpoise switch; d'emlnllagr, packing needle, burlap needle; fuu-vf , (r. r., mi 1 .) contrivance consisting of di-I'idging point rails, so as 1o cause a run-off; defer me, (cnn.i.) roof-post , truss-post; dt fa.iil (sm. a.) firing-pin; d'inclinainon, (eler.) dipping needle; mo'iilf, (r. r.) point-rail, point; prndnntr, (cans.) hanging-post (king-, queen-, post); aiguille, de raccordement, (r. r.) switch; d tricocer les cdtes, (mil. slang) sword (cf. "frog-sticker," "cheese-knife," "toasting-fork"; trottcuse, (inst.) split-second hand of a stop- watch, etc.). alguillcr, v. a., (r. r.) to work or set a switch. aiguilletage, in., (cord.) lashing, seizing; mousing, trapping, racking; faire un , to frap, seize, etc.; en portuyaisc, rose-lashing. aiguilletcr, v. a., (cord.) to lash, seize, mouse, frap, etc. alguillette, f., (cord.) lashing, seizing; (unif.) aiguil- leUe; (am. a.) needle, firing-pin; (in plural) shears; noutr I' , (man.) to kick out violently with both legs. aiguilkmr, m., (r. r.) switchman (U. S.); points- man (England). aigniilon, m., (top) needle, sharp top of a moun- tain. aiguillot, m., pintle. aiguisage, m., sharpening (of a cutting tool); grinding down of swords, etc., to proper form and weight. aiguiscr, v. a., to sharpen, set, whet; picrre d , whetstone. aiguiserie, f., shop where arms, etc., are ground down to shape and weight. aiguiseur, m., workman who does the aiguisage, q.v. aile, f ., wing; blade (of a propeller); fluke of an an- chor); pallet; flange (of angle iron); wing (to direct a flame in a furnace, hence a sort of fire bridge); (mil.) wing (ofaiiarmy); (/ort.) branch, wing; long face (o. g., of a crown or horn-work); (mach.) tooth of a pinion; (pont.) widening (of the approach to a Bridge); decisive, (mil.) that wing or part of the army by which the real attack is made; demonstrative, (mil.) that wing or part by which the front attack or demonstative attack is made, so as to give time and opportunity to the aile, decisive; dc fortification, (fort.) long branch on flank of open gorge work; d'hdice, blade of a propeller; dc lunce, (am. a.) hilt of a lance; marchante, (drill) marching flank; de mouche, cramp iron; de pont, (pont.) widening or splay of the ap- proach to a bridge; a tire d' , as fast as possible. aileron, m.,(torp.) blade; (fort.) shoulder-caponier; .simple, single caponier; (sometimes) flank of a small work. ailette, f., lug, tenon, stud; projecting piece; small wing of a building; (mach., etc.) paddle; (art.) stud (of a projectile, obs.,); (sm. a.) locking-lug; direr/rice, (torp.) guide-fin, guide-vane. aimaiit, m., (die.) magnet, loadstone; urniir 11 ii , to arm a magnet; artiffiel, artificial loadstone: magnet; dtrirtuir, compensating, directive, magnet; at ft r a client! , horseshoe magnet; - ii.ifiirtl , natural magnet; /,;./)( (/' , loadstone. uiiuaufaf ion, f., (dec.) magnetization; /' /; la double louche, magnetization bv double touch; - /' ;; In simple louche, magnetization by simple touch; - - ]ui>lc, etc., Inwhc , v. s. v. aimantalion. i ain, m., (unif.) i'ai)bre\iation of etntain) space or le'ig'h containing 1(K) threads (manufacture of Cloth). ; ainO, m., eldest son. j air, m., air. I he atmosphere; blast (in, or of, a fur- liace >: ( inn n.) air; | 1/itcht. de la pornjii ii , hot-woll; air 9 :i If/an air &?.*, (man.) air in which the horse does not raise or lift his body far from the ground; bit ile de la pom DC & , pump side-rod; boite d , air-box; chaud, hot blast; diagonal, (man.) air based on the dlagmml efforts of the horse; tchappement de V , escape, air escape; ftre en /' , (mil.) to be too far advanced; to be without proper support; to be in the air; froid t cold blast, cold-air blast; 6 /' Itbre, (cxpl.) in free air; de manige, (man.) riding-school paces, graces. airs; matelaz d' , (steam, etc.) air-cushion; mettre la crosse en I' , (mil.) to surrender; pompe d. , air-pump; prcs de terre, (man.) v. air bas; reltt-e., (man.) air in which horse raises his body in the air; reservoir, seau, de la pompe h , air-pump bucket; tige d' articulation de la pompe & , pump-rod and links; tirer en I' , (mil.) to fire in the air (e. g., to frighten rioters). alrain, m., (met.) brass. aire, f., area, superficies; floor, flooring, floor area, door space; (in barracks) flooring of ground floor when covered with neither wood nor flagstones; any even or smooth plat or flat; hearth, sole (of a furnace;; (nav.) way, head- way; de champ de tir, (ball.) plane surface suitably marked and prepared to receive projectiles, so that coordinates of points of fall may be ob- tained; d'enclume, anvil face or plate; de grille, (steam) grate-area; d'un pont, roadway; de vent, de vent de la rose, point of the compass; rhumb. als, m.. board, plank; de carton, pasteboard. aisanre, f., ease; (mil.) "rear" (/am.); room, elbow- room (in ranks); des coudcs, (mil.) space between adjacent men in ranks, room, elbow-room. aisceau, m., adze, cooper's adze. aissaute, f., (com.) shingle. aisseau, m., (cons.) shinglo. aisselier, m., (carp.) brace, strut; angle-brace. aisselle, f ., armpit; throat (of an anchor). aissette, f., adze. aissieu, m., v. cssicu. aisscm, m., grapnel, four-fluked anchor. ajournfi, m., ( FT. a.) man who has had an ajournt- ment (q. v.). ajonrnement, m., postponement^ Fr. a.) delay of two years, accorded young men found too short or otherwise physically unfitted for military service, before they are examined again; post- ponement or delay of joining for annual in- struction, of reservists and of territorialisls, for one year, for private reasons; d'appel, (mil.) v. ajournement ( Fr. a.); de rappel desolde,( FT. a.) delay of six months in drawing pay accumulated, to be suiTered by soldier who does not present required \ uuch- ers on rejoining; /. .) fine-boring (of barrel); bancd' , boring bench; barn d' ; boring liar. alese, f., furring; (sm. u.) wooden lining of (mi'tal) scabbard. ale's*'-, a., shouldered; bored; drilled. al6stT, v. ;i., to bore, to broach, to drill; to (iii^- bore -'a gun ); to re'iore. to boro up: to turn true; machine a , drill, drilling machine. alC'Sfiise, f., (mach.) drill, drilling machinp; d ruuli'ir, (macfi.) turret-drill, tiuri'l-heud drill. alesoir, m., (mach.) broach; reamer; roso-reainer'i lino linror; polisliiug-bit, finishing-1'it; lioriii;: machine; o /;ic/"f, angular rc-amer: (!, round broach; ti'ti d' , broac-tiiiiL'-hoad, boring-head. aU'sure, I., boring-chip. alcz;ui, ;\., (liipp.) chestnut (color'); in., chestnut (horse). - l>ruli , color of roasted coffee; c. r/.vc-, reddish client iiii I ; clititain, chostinii sorrel; cl'iir, lighl clu-sl nut ; cuiri'i . cliesliiut of coppery red rdlection: it' irr. dies t nut of a golden ri'i'.oi-' ion; fi-nri'. brownish chestnut ; lari . iichl chestnut (.liyht sorrel iiccorilin;: to M'ltie); uniiiiiiir. . approaching a dna.iiiion color: roiu, red or liizht b;i> ; saure, sorrel (.acc-ordiuir to some). alfcze 10 allumcur alezc, f., v. al&st. alfa, m., (cord.) Spanish grass. algarade, f., (mil.) feint, sham attack, bold dash, etc., to excite alarm in enemy. algarde, f., false alarm. alidade, f., (inst.) alidade; iiutoreductrice, alidade giving distances and ditferences of level; a Iclimetre, clinometer alidade; a lunette, telescopic alidade; nivdntrice, leveling alidade; & pinnules, open-sight alidade; plongeantt, telescopic alidade; one fitted with a sighting tube; phngeante h lunette, telescopic alidade proper; a telescope., telescopic alidade; a riscur, sighting-tube alidade. allgiicment, m., alignment; (surv.) bearing; line of direct ion; (con*.) lining-out ;(mil.) alignment, dress, dressing: in commands, "dress!" des approvisionnements, (mil.) state or con- dition of keeping supplies and stores up to regulation standard; en arritre, (mil.) dressing on a line in rear; des comptes, (adm.) condition of accounts so that balance, final statement, may be struck; direct, (mil.) dressing forward on a line; droit, (r. r.) straight part of a track; a droite, (gauche), (mil.) right (left) dross; ttred' , to be in line; oblique, (mil.) dressing up obliquely; perdre I' , (mil.) to lose the dress, to get out of dress; rectifier I' , (mil.) to rectify the alignment; topographique, (top.) condition of having three points in same vertical plane. aligner, Y. a., to line out, up; to sot out, mark out; to align (in general); (art.) to lay a piece for direction (rare): (surv.) to stake out; (mil.) to keep up to a certain quantity, as rations, etc.; to bring up to a certain amount; to get on the same line; s' , (mil.) to dress up to a line; Ics homines a dem jours de virrcs, (mil.) to furnish the men with two days' rations; Ics rations 'pour tint de jours, (mil.) to issue, furnish so many days' rations, to bring amount up to so many days' rations. ailment, m., food, aliment . altmentaire, a., feed (as, feed-water); m., dn'icli.) feed mechanism; eau , (much.) feed-water; poinpe , feed-pump; tuyau, , feed-pipe. alimentation, f., victualing, rationing, supply; (mil.) subsistence: (much.) feed, feedim:: appareild' , (rnach.) (cad, feed apparatus; eau d' -, feed-water; pompe d' , feed-pump; tnyau d' , feed-pipe. allrnenter, v. a., (mach.) to Iced; (in gen.) to sup- ply, keep up; (mil.) to subsist. allzp, in., s. trade winds; tent , trade wind. alkali, in., (chew.) alkali, potash. alkalinite, f., (chnn.) alkalinity. ailtge, f., lighter (boat); (r. r.) lender. allcccineiit, in., relief, easing, lightening, allevia- tion. allc?'r, v. a., to oaso, relievo, lessen, alie' into; to unload; (mun.) to case (a horse;; (curd.) to stick out (a rope;. aller, v. n., 1< go, proceed, repair, depart, sail, move: lie or re?t ou one's oars; (mach.) to work, function; l'am*ili'. (man.) to amble; ma.;rifr<, to hack; en ni-'ii'l, to go forward, -ihend; : -iih'iT'!, ( nnr. )to go on board; am c 'rt'juchcs, (mil.) to go for cartridges, on battlefield; ilc c'liv-irre, (nni.) to sail in company, under convoy; aller en course, (nav.) to go privateering; to cruise; - en derive, (nav., etc.) to drift; -d Vepee,(fenc.) to uncover one's self in a parry; fa ire - , to set in motion; - an fen, (mil.) to go into action; - ait fond, to sink; - le galop, (man.) to gallop; faisscr , to give way together (boats); - le pas, (man.) to pace; - aii, recul, (art.) to recoil, to go to position of "from battery;" - le trot, (man.) to trot. alliage, m., (met.) alloy. alliance, f., alliance, confederacy; (harn.) connect- ing loop or sirap (metal or leather); acte d' - , traite d' - , treaty of alliance. allie, m., (mil.) ally. allier, v. a. r., to combine, unite; ally; blend; (met.) to alloy. alliugue, f., pile driven into the bed of a river. allocation, f., allowance, grant; -de chauffage, (mil. adm.) fuel allowance: - de convoi, (mil. adm.) transportation in kind (by team, in certain cases provided by regu- lations); - en deniers, (mil. adm.) money allowance, to soldier (v. haute paye, indcmnite, prime)', - - defrais dc route, (mil. adm.) travel allowance; - enmatiere, - en nature, (mil. adm.) issues in kind; : de solde, (mil.) administrative term for -pay. alloRiie, f., (cord.) cordage used in construction of Dying bridges, and on trestle bridges. allonge, f., extension-piece ;ek ing-piece; joint (e.g., to lengthen a handle); (harn.) lunging rein: (hi pp.) strain of hip joint; (mach.) coupling- rod, sliding-rod; - de ceinturon, belt strap. alloneje, a., (man.) increased (of gaits); trot --- , trot out. alloiiKemont, m., extension; extension, elonga- tion, of a test piece in a testing machine; (mil.) elongation of a column (on march); (cord.) .stretch, lengthening of a rope (under stress); (! f.. (mn.) b-r- or handspike hole of a allum<'ttf, f., match, frid ion niatch; -aiiKirplu, safety-match; - i/< xt'irdi, fusee, ve.mvhm. ailiimcur, m., ignit_er; an\ b-irning substance, used t" touch oil a eh ,iye; influininable core of any conipo^ed of tube all u incur 11 ambulance allumeur fusant, (art.) "exciter" or primer of a torpedo-shell detonator; 3 dc gaz, (mil. slang) lancers. allure, f., (mil.) gait, rate of march (of troops); (TTIOTJ.) gait, pace; (mach.) behavior, work; (met.) behavior, working (of a furnace). I. Behavior of a furnace: chaude, hot working; crue, (lit. "raw," hence) poor, irregular; ertra-chaude, extra-hot working; ctlra-froide, extra-cold working; froiiie, cold working; normale, regular, steady working. II. Gait (of a horse, etc!); acquisf, acquired gait; allongcr une , to lengthen, increase a gait, rate; artiftcielle, artificial gait, air of manage; basse, low gait (action near ground); coulante, easy, Mowing gait; defectucuse , broken, defective gait (e. g., amble, traquenard, etc.): de.trndue, loose gait; enlevee, lively, quick gait; eteindre I' , to reduce speed slowly and grad- ually; faire des s . to put a horse through his paces; haute, high gait (action well above ground); marchee, marched (walking) gait; montrtr ses s, to show, go through his paces (of a horse); naturelle, natural gait; raccourcie, short, shortened gait; regie f, steady, well-regulated gait; regulitre, regular gait; - - relevke, high-action gait; sautcc, leaped gait (e. g., gallop); vive, rapid gait. alluvion, m., wash, alluvium, sedimentary de- posit. almaiiach, m., almanac; nautique, ephemeris, nautical almanac. alogne, f. v., allogne. alol, in., alloy; standard (of gold and of silver). aloyage, in., v. aloi. aloyer, v. a., to give to gold and to silver the stand- ard fixed by law. alpln, a., alpine, (mil.) applied to certain troops in France and in Italy destined and trained for service in the Alps; chasseur , v. chasseur. alquifoux, m., black lead, plumbago. alterer, v. a., to alter, impair, injure; to excite thirst. alternateur, m., (elec.) alternator. alternatif, a., alternate, alternating; (dec.) alter- nating; (mach.) reciprocating; courant , (elec.) alternating current; mouremcnt , (mack.) reciprocating, back- and-fortli motion. altimetrie, f., (top.) altimetry, determination of dill'erences of level. altitude, f., altitude, height; (strictly) height above sea level; cote, d' , height in figures, reference; da- moment, actual height above sea level at a given moment; - mo'i< nne. height above mean level of the sea; positive, height above sea level. alumcllf, f., v. allumcllf. aluniiiie, f., (chtni.) alumina. alumiiH'UX, a., (client.} aluminous. aluminium, in., (m/-/..) aluminium. aluu, m., (chem.) alum. alveole, in., cell, socket; (sm. n.) globular mold for bullets (irpl.) detonator .seal; (art.) seat (as for a rotating band); pnrte-capisule, (sm. nnreech end of barrel, corresponding to seat (.f extractor. amincir, v. a., to thin, to reduce in thickness. aminrissemcnt,m., thinning, reduction of thick- ness; - tncllauf, (mil.) term u^ed 1o describe the gradual loss of depth, of formation of troops, due to effectiveness of modern lire. amlral, m., (nnr.) admiral; ilagship; contre , rear-admiral; vaisstau . flagship: fire , vice-admiral, amlraute. f., (nav.) admiralty; bureau d: I' , admiralty, admiralty office. ammonlacal, a., (chem.) ammoniacal. ammonladynamite, f., (expl,) amidogen, am- moniadynamite. ammoniagelatine, f., (ezpl.) ammoniagelatine. ammoniaque, f., (chem.) ammonia. amiiistie, f., amnesty. amnistier, v. a., to grant an amnesty. amoise, f., (carp.) tie, brace, binding- piece. amolette, f., v. allumclle. amon t, m., the height from which a river or stream Hows, i. e., higher level with respect to mouth or to any point below the one considered; d' , en , upstream; ancre d' , (pont.) upstream anchor; vent d' , land breeze. amorcage, m., priming, action of priming; starting (of a pump, a dynamo); (sw. a.) action of seating a primer in a cartridge case; (in gen.) action of fitting a primer (as, e. g., to a mine, a torpedo, etc.); priming charge; primer-holder. amorce, f., beginning, outline, sketch; (art., artif., mil., min., eipl., sm. a.) primer, priming; fuse. I. Fuse; II. Beginning, indication. I. Fuse. d . . . ., primer to detonate a given explosive; one, containing a given ingredient, e. g., d. dynamite, to detonate dynamite; an ful- minate de mercure, one containing mercury ful- minate; d'Ame, (mil. min.) central primer, one in contact with the core (dme) of a Bickford or other fuse; boitc d' , (torp., etc.) primer or detonator casing, box, or tube; bouchond' , (torp.) fuse-plug; branche d' , fuse-wire, fuse-lead; ft brochc, (sm. a.) pin primer (obs.); sans bruler une , (mil.) without firing a shot; cable d' , (torp.) fuse-cable; Canouil, (art.) priming for French canon ft balles: chimique, chemical fuse; circc, pellet primer, wax-primer; compost e, (art.) a primer or priming in wlu'ch lire is communicated to a secondary igniting charge; couvre , (sm. a.) primer cover; clectriquc, (art., etc.) electric primer or fuse; ft etincellcs, (elec.) high-tension fuse; ft fil continu { low-tension, quantity fuse; ft fil disconlinu, high-tension fuse; afd metallique, low-tension, quantity fuse; ii fil de platinum, low-tension, quantity fuse; - (if fiction, (art., etc.) friction primer; friction primer composition; falininante, any fulminating primer: galvanique, quantity fuse, wire-bridge fuse, low-tension fuse; d'induction, high-tension, induction fuse; mecanique, mechanical fuse (percussion, friction, etc.); dm pares du genie, French service fuse; ft ptrcussion, percussion primer; a '/<< rcimxion central f, (sm. a.) centcr-firo primer; ptriiih/riqttr, (sm. a.) rim-fire primer; port i- , (art.) central channel (of a fuse); in;/'n'ichiiique, (mil., min., etc.) pyrotechnic fuse Mike Hick ford, etc.); ill f/n/intitt', low-tension, quantity fuse. tiniple, (urt.) fiw that communicates lire d' . re<, i ly to burst ing charge; p!.) unallatizing. aiiullatisinc, m. (opt.) anp.llatism. analyse, f., analysis; analytical mathematics; - chim.il/nc, chemical analysis; - spec! rule, spectrum :mal\ sis. analyseur, in., (opt.) analyser (polarized light). anaiuorphose,f., (top.) anamorphic view or image. anche, f., reed (of musical instruments). anclen, a., ancient, old; former, lato, ex-; (mil.) senior; m., (mil.) oldster; moins qut, ( mil.) junior to; plus true, (mil.) senior to; le plus , (mil.) the ranking (officer, etc.); le plus dans le grade le plus elevc, (mil.) the ranking officer. anclenneW, f . , ( mil.) seniority ; a /' , by seniority; abs;>lue, lineal rank; avanccment h I' , acancer d I' , promotion, to be promoted , by seniority; classement d' , lineal list; de grade, dans le grade, relative rank in a grade; liste d' , lineal list; minima, minimum length of service in a grade before promotion to next higher; de service, length of service, seniority by length of service. ancragc, m., anchorage, anchoring; cramping down; anchoring, mooring, of a bridge cam* d' , (pont.) box filled with stones, etc., for anchoring a bridge; panier d' , basket anchor, wicker anchor. ancre, f., anchor; grappling-iron; stay; iron brace; an S; d'amont, (pont.) upstream anchor; articulee, anchor with movable arms; d'aval, (pont.) downstream anchor; de bal Ion, balloon anchor; grapnel; borgne, one-armed anchor, mooring anchor: de bossoir, bower; de branchage, brushwood anchor; cordage d' , cable, mooring rope; d demeure, mooring anchor; de dctroit , stream anchor; cngagee, foul anchor; de flot, flood anchor; flottante. drag sail; grande, best bower; de jet, small bower; dejusant, ebb anchor; de. miscricorde, sheet anchor; mouillerl' , to cast anchor. nacud d' . cable clinch; orm d'- , buoy line of anchor: a pattes mobiles, anchor with movable arms; rcpechrr I' , to weigh anchor; sarpf'e. anchor foil led by th , m., instrument for v.\i '.- uri'ig the, direction, force, and velocity of in I. an<5roide,m., aneroid, aneroid barometer. aiifrartuosite, f., ('"/>.) indentation (of a coast . anglaiser, v. i., (hipp.) to dock a horse's l;:'l. angle, in., angle; corner. I. Artillery, balli-'tics. and small arn.-: II. Fortification; 111. Technical and mis- cellaneous. I. Artillery, ballistics, etc. .i'lib-iix*: m/ nt, (!>:!'. > angle of negative jump: negative jump; angle 14 angle angle d'abaissement au but, (ball.) angle of sight (target below horizontal plane through muzzle); angle made with horizontal plane, by line of sight, by line from muzzle to object; d'f.rrirce, (ball.) angle of incidence, angle made with surface of ground, by tangent to trajectory at point of impact; du bond, (art.) grazing angle; dc chutt, (ball.) angle of fall, angle made with horizontal by tangent to trajectory at point of fall; (fsp.sm.a.) angle of line of sight and tan- gent at" point of fall; di couchc, (sm. a.) angle between axis of barrel and line from point of application of recoil to shoulder, drop; ilr di part, (ball.) angle of departure, of pro- jection; dc depression, (ball.) angle of depression, angle of sight (target below plane of muz/Jo); dc derivation, (ball.) angle of drift measured from the plane of Ore, with the piece as origin; dc deviation initialc, (ball.) name proposed for angle of jump; d'ccart horizontal, (ball.) horizontal projection of angle of jump; angle of lateral jump, of initial lateral deviation; d'ccart initial, (ball.) angle of jump, jump; d'fg'ilite d' actions, (tor p.) angle made with horizontal by axis of torepdo (Whitehead) when piston and pendulum neutralize each other; d'iif ration du but, angle of sight (target above plane of muzzle); d' incidence, (ball.) angle under which a pro- jectile, fired in no matter what fashion, strikes no matter what surface; angle of incidence; d'incidcnce dc I'affnt, (art.) angle of incidence of the trail, angle made by trail-axis with sur- face of ground; liniitc, dirt.) limiting angle of fire (depres- sion and elevation); df mire, (ball.) angle between line of sight and axis of gun, sight angle of elevation (called angle of elevation by some English writers, angle of tangent elevation by others; it be- comes angle of elevation for American writers only when line of sight is horizontal, as this angle in United States is measured from hori- zontal to axis of piece); - dr mire aflificicl, (ball.) artificial angle of sight;
  • site , (bull.) angle of elevation or of de- pres ; iori of the target, measured from the hori- zon lul. angle of sight, inclination of line of sight to hoM/.ontal fin sin. a. practice this angle, may be, arid frequently is, measured from hori- zontal to line connecting muzzle and targei j; dr K-ntli n mi nt, (art.) angle of lift, limiting inclination of axis of piece, beyond which car- riage would tend to overturn" in first part of recoil; de tele, (ball.) \. d'elevation du but; angle Ac tir, (ball.) angle between axis of gun and horizontal, quadrant-angle of elevation (or de- pression); this is the angle of elevation in the United States. In the absence of expressed conditions, angle dc tir and angle de mire are taken as synonymous, they are rigorously equivalent only when line of sight is horizontal; dc tir negatif, angle of depression (qtiadrant); dc tir positlf, angle of elevation (quadrant); dc vibration, (ball.) German name of jump; II. Fortification: du bastion, bastion-angle; de couitine, curtain angle (more frequently called de flanc) ; de, defense, angle of defense; diniinue, diminished angle; d'epaule, shoulder angle; citerieur, externe, salient angle; dc flanc, angle of the flank; flanquant, flanking angle; flangue. Hanked, salient angle; du fosse, diminished angle; de la gorge, gorge angle; mort, dead angle, dead space; - perdu, dead angle, dead space; de polyqone, angle made by two adjacent sides of polygon to be fortified; rcntrant, reentcring, reentrant angle; saillant, salient angle; sortant, salient angle; de tenaille. tenaille, angle made by in- tersection of lines of defense; vif, salient angle; III. Technical and miscellaneous: aba/Ire ics s, to edge, chamfer; abordablc, angle within which a dirigible balloon may make any point; aigu, acute angle. d'avance, (steam) angular advance, angle of advance; dc calage, (dec.) lead of the brushes (of a dy- namo); (steam) angle between eccentric ra- dius and crank, 90 plus angular advance; dc coupe, (of cutting tools) cutting angle; de deviation, (mach.) leading oil angle of a belt); diedre, diedral angle; droit, right angle. emousser les s, (mil.) to break off corners of a square, so as to get fire in all directions; d'enroukment, (mach.) angle of contact (of a belt); d'iqucrre, right angle; fnirc , to elbow; d< frotlement, angle of friction; d' incidence, angle of relief (of a cutting tool); inoi/cn, (surf.) angle corrected for spherical excess; corrected angle, so that, when added to the two others of a triangle their sum shall be 180. nbliqu-c, oblique angle; bevel-rule, miter .square; observer un , to take an angle, to observe an angle; --obt.iix, obtuse angle; - - nptiguc, visual angle; ---iii /mi'/-, (top.) angle of slope, gradient; pliin , plane angle; T'tpi">rl'r -ii n , to protract an angle; 1'iippiif/inr, (inxt.) protractor; - - rtltvr, observed angle; rilii'iriiii , totake, measure, observe, an an- -ni nt'iiir, (xurr.) back-reading; - tit fiiplun , angle of rupture; - x/ilti' lii/m , spherical angle; dc ffiiiriinii/, locking-angle (of vehicles); - di traction, angle of traction (vehicles); -tratirh'tnt, angle between faces (of cutting too!.,), culling atii'le; anglet 15 aiionyme anglet, in., indenture, channel; miter-square. angullle, f., (pont.) small balk or beam between bays of a raft-bridge. aneulaire, a., angular; pitrre , (cons.) corner stone. e, a., (fort.) angular, having angles (e. g., a line of works, etc.). x, a., v. angule. anhydre, a., (chem.) anhydrous. aiihygromijtrlqiie, a., nonhygrometric. aniline, (., (chem.) aniline. ankylosc, f., (hipp.) anchylosis; fausse, false anchylosis; adherence, dryness, of synqvial membrane; vraic, true anchylosis, union of adjacent sur- faces. an lira 11, m., ring; collar; hoop; link; link (of a chain); loop; band; rim; sleeve; (dec.) ring- armature; (art.) lug or ear of a (spherical) shell; (harn., sm. a.) clapper-ring; (gym.) rings (in pi.). I. Artillery; II. Harness, carriages, and miscellaneous . I. Artillery: anti-friction, obturator-spindle washer (17. S. art.t; d'attelage d'un affut, lunette; de bombc, ear, lug (spherical shell) (obs.); dc brague, breeching-loop (nav. art.) (obs.); Rroadwell, Broadwell ring (obturator, Krupp); de outage, key-ring; carre de manceuvre, trail-handle; de compression, grip-ring (Gardner gun); dc crosse, pointing ring; elingue, trunnion-sling, -ring, -bale; cipansif, obturating ring, obturator; de terage, carrying-ring; de lunette, lunette, lunette ring; de mantguvre, trail-handle; obturateur, gas-check, gas-check ring; obtu- rating ring; Iilastique, gas-check pad: poignee, breech-handle, block-handle; de pointage, pointing ring; porte-armements, equipment-ring, lashing- ring; Ijorte-fcouvillon, sponge-ring; - portc-levier de pointage, trail handspike ring; porte-levier portereau, trail handspike ring (Fr. SO 01 "); porte-manchc de hachette, hatchet-ring; portc-refouloir, rammer-ring; dc prolonge, prolonge-ring; protcctcur, glacis armor; rcbnrd, circular flange (of fuses); dc refouloir, sponge-ring; de reglage, time-scale of a fuse; time-set- ting ring; nssort, restraining-ring (of a fuse); de rotation, rotating-ring; rini; a mare. lelet, m., small ring, aimulet. iPver, v. :;., to annex. \ioii, f.. annexation. iiuiire, m., any annual publicat ion; --dc I'armce, militairc, (//;/'.) army regis- ter ( I". S. A.) . army list ( liri: ish;; passer /' sons l< tir-in. (mil. slang) to 1m pm- moted according to seniority. aniiuilc, f., (mil. mini.) deduction of service or of money dun for a period of one year: dta,i - -. deduction based on a length of tim<> v-irymg from l-'i days to c>\ mouths. ampliation, 1'., ami'ilment, act of annulling: lapsing of an unexpended appropriation; canci'ling, cancellation (as of an enlistment contract); - dt jiiiiimcnt, (n.il. /'/>'') disapproval of the proceedings or lindiims or sont'-nce, or all three, of a court-martial; timlifi d' , cancellation stamp. uumilcr. v. a., lo annul, to cancel; (mil. I'tif) io disapprove proceodiniM. sentence, etc., of a court-martial. anode, m., (< he.) anode. ,iMnii\ me. . joiut stock i,of commercial, cl' 1 ., companies). anse 16 appareil anse, f., handle, car; (art.) maneuvering handle (on gun); (top.) arm or bay (of the sea); de bombe, (art.) lug, ear, of a (spherical) shell; de panier. (lit. "basket handle") curve used in road-makuig, -made up of three arcs of circles; 4 vie, screw eyebolt. ansette, f., small handle; (mil.) kind of clasp into which ribbon of an order is passed. anspect, m.. handspike; windlass handspike; barre d' , handspike. antenne, f., catch, hook; (torp.) striker (e. g., of Whitohead); -A ressort, (F. m. art.) implement for drawing a projectile from a gun, mortar. antCrieur, a., (hipp.) fore (as, leg); m., fore leg of j. horse. aiitestature, f., barricades improvised of gabions, sandbags, fascines, etc. aiithexlmetre, m., instrument for testing papers, etc., tissues in general. anthracite, m., anthracite coal, hard coal. anticipation, f., anticipation; de service, (Fr. a.) credit for service allowed certain classes of men (sons of foreigners, pupils of certain government schools, etc.). antidrapant, a., (of a bicycle tire) nonslipping; m., pebble-tread tire. antl-fortiflcateur, m., (mil.) opponent of fortifi- cations as a means of defense. anti-friction, a., antifriction; metal , antifriction metal. aiiti-incrustant, a., (steam) scale-preventing. aiitiiuoine, in., (met.) antimony. antiparullele, a. and f., antiparallel, antiparallel line. antique, m., (mil. slang) cadet of the Polytech- nic] ue who has completed the regular course of studies. antiseptique, a., antiseptic. antrtonietre, m., instrument for measuring the size of head-wear. apercu, a., (sig.) answering signal, (nav.) answer- ing pennant. aperkxlique, a., (elec.) dead-beat, aperiodic. a-pic, m., (top.) bluff. aplanetique, a., (opt.) aplanetic. aplunir, v. a., to smooth, smooth off, level, bring to a regular surface. aplati, a., (fort.) blunted (of a trace); lunette e. blunted lunette; redan , blunted redan. aplatir, v. a., to flatten; un reftsortd bloc, to close down a spiral spring completely between two Hat. surfaces. aplatissemeiit, m., (6a//.) flatness of trajectory (rare). aplomb, m., perpendicularity; (hipp.) stand or way of standing of a horse, with respect to the position of his legs; bn, rr.gulitr, (hipp.) regular distribu- tion of the weight on the legs, such a disposition as is most favorable to either standing or moving; fi i' (jf, immediately underneath; d' , vertical; - a du chd'ftl. (hipp.) v. Kuprn; prcndri I' ~, to I ry with a plummet line. ;ipome< oinetrie, f.. pedantic term for art of nu'a-snring distances by pacing. aponcvrose, f., (hipp.) anoneiirosis. aposter, v. r.., (mil.) In post a (small) detachment, either to guard a point or at a point from which a surprise is to be made. appareil, in., apparatus, device, gear, fixture, arrangement, disposition, contrivance, mech- anisi.i; plant; purchase, hold; (max.) bond, stonc'-utiinu'. A ppnrdl, followed by d or dc, etc.. is combined with a very great number of words to denote the gear or apparatus for the thing, or consisting of the thing, represented by the dependent word or words.) I. Artillery and military in general; II. Technical, machinery, and miscella- neous. I. Artillery and military in general: appareil, (in pi.) implements, equipments; dc bouche, (ball.) muzzle "target," in getting small-arm muzzle velocities; de campagne, de campagne d lentillcs, French field visual signaling apparatus; de charge, de chargem'ent, loading imple- ments; fi chargement central, device in certain Canet turrets by which guns may be loaded from any radial position; de choc, buffer; concutant, the striker and related parts of a double-action fuse; d conlrepoids, rolling-table and counter- weight, for testing eccentricity of the center of gravity of projectiles; crusher, crusher gauge; de deformation, generic expression for pressure (crusher) gauges; de detente, (r. f. art., sm. a.) trigger and re- lated parts; d ecrasement, generic expression for crusher gauges; defermeture, breech-closing mechanism; d fracture, (med.) splints, bandages, etc.; -r dcfrein, recoil-checking device; fusant, the time element of a combination fuse; grand , (Fr. a.) search light (complete); d grenade et d obus, (Fr. art.) sort of pro- jectile consisting of a half-barrel full of shells or of grenades, fired from a mortar (known as Moisson); de grenage, (powd.) granulating machine; grimpeur, creepers, climbing outfit (cavalry pioneers, etc.); de lancemcnt tournant, (torp.) torpedo car- riage; - lance-torpille, (torp.) torpedo-tube, torpedo- launching gear; d lentille, French field signaling apparatus; de mise en batterie, mechanism for returning a piece to battery; de mise de feu, any device, etc., for firing a gun, mine, torpedo, etc.; Af oilman, v. d grenade etd obus; d' obturation, gas-check, obturator; optii/ue dt campagne, French field signal apparatus; a iw.nse.mcnt, (med.) portable box containing medical supplies, dressings, etc.; percuttmt, the percussion element of a com- bination fuse; firing gear (e. g., of r. f. guns); dc pointage, de pointage. en hauteur, ele- vating gear; de pointage Deport, the Deport depression range-finder; de position, French field signaling appa- ratus; a prothi'tiques, generic term for artificial limbs, etc.; dc rtlcycmcnt, de rclevement rapidc, gear for bringing a gun quickly into loading position after firing; Itodiiinn, Rodman's pressure gauge; xecondaire, French army search light (com- plete on one carriage); de signalcurs, French field signaling appa- ratus; d soulevement, (siege and fortress artillery) arrangement or gear (eccentric) for raising 'a carriage so that it may easily be run into bat- tery; de surete, safety device; trie sco pique, French field signaling appa- ratus; d tige cannelee, (Fr. art.) device (insertion of a grooved rod in a mortar) by which several spherical projectiles may be fired at once from the same piece; dc tir, (in gen.) firing gear; apparoil 17 application apparell de tir ft mitraille det mortiers, (Fr. art.) apparatus for using mitraille in mortars (v. tupra, ft grenade et & obus, ft tige canneUc). II. Technical, machinery, and miscella- neous: 4 air chaud, (met.) hot-blast stove; alimentaire Oiffard, (steam) Giffard in- jector; d' alimentation, (mach., etc.) feed-gear; par assises rtglees. (mas.) plain work; a cadran, (Uleg.) dial instrument; de chanyernent de marche, (mach.) reversing gear; de cnangement d e voie, (r. r.) switch; ft chargement, (met.) aharging apparatus of a blast-furnace, etc.; des chemins de fer, apparatus for making falling weight tests; de choc, buffer (e. g. , of a railroad car); de cinglage, (met.) sliingler; de commande, (mach.) general term for any operating gear, any controlling gear; Cowpcr, (met.) Cowper hot-blast stove; ft croisettes, (mas.) cross-bond; de debrayage, (mach.) any device for throwing out of gear; de detente, (steam) expansion gear; de la distribution, (steam) slide-valve gear; (dit) anglais, (mas.) old English bond; (dit)ilamand, (mas.) headers and stretchers, Flemish bond; dynamique, dynamometrique, (mach.) dynamometer; d'eclairage, illuminating plant; generic term for any lighting apparatus; electrique, (elec.) electrical machine; d'embrayagc, (mach.) any device for throwing in gear; ft enclanchement, (r. r., etc.) interlocking gear; en e-pi, (mas.) herringbone work; etalon, (cite.) calibrator, standard; de I'exccntrique, (mach.) eccentric gear; (I feu de cave, sort of smoke-proof dress for entering rooms, etc., full of smoke; fumivore, smoke-consuming apparatus; graisseur, de graissage, (mach.) lubri- cator; de la locomotion, (hipp.) mechanism of a horse's motion; de marchf d contrcvapeur, (mach.) reversing- gear; enmocllons, (mas.) ashlar-work; motcur, (mach.) driver, driving engine; muUiplicateur , (mach.) any device for in- creasing power, speed, etc.; ti percussion, (min.) generic term for jumpers, drilling bars; de perforation, (min.) borer, earth auger, etc.; -photographique, (phot.) camera; d'une pitrre, (mas.) height of a stone; ft re lour rapide, (mach.) quick-return gear, motion; A rotation, (min.) generic expression for earth-augers; - de xauvrtage, any life-saying device; life-belt; air-supplying device, making possible entrance into places full of smoke, asphyxiating gases, etc.; fire-escape; de sondage, boring apparatus (foundations, etc.); te.lf.graphique, telegraph key and sounder; de. la transmission, (mach.) transmission gear; df In voie, (r. r.) switch; Whitwell, (met.) Whitwell stove. apparcliluge, m., (nav.) preparation for sailing, getting under way, weighing of anchor; (hipp.) matching (of horses, for a pair, team); (mas.) bonding, bond; matching (of bricks, stones, etc., in construction). apiKtreiller, v. a., (nav.) to hoist anchor, to get under way; (man.) to bond, to match (stones, bricks, etc.), to give a model for stone- cutting- (hipp.) to match (horses, for a pair, team). 3877 17 2 appel, m., call; (mil.) roll-call, call or signal for roll-call; ruffle (of a drum); call (drum, bugle, trumpet); call of a sentry to the guard; levy; general term for the opera- tions of census-taking, drawing by lot, as- signment, etc. ; for the military service; order to a classe to join the colors; muster; (sm. a.) click of a gun-lock, or of the sear mech- anism; (fene.) appel, beat or stamp of the foot, by way of challenge; (trch.) tension, pull; draught (of air); (law) appeal to a higher court. I. Military; II. Technical and miscella- neous. I. Military: ft I'activiie, summons or order to join the colors; battre I' , to beat a call; billet d' , roll-call list (showing absentees and passmen); contre , check roll-call; demi , v. demi-apptl; devancement d' , joining before date on which a new class is ordered to leave home ( French navy and colonial troops); devanccr V f v. devancement d' ; echelonne, summons to service, by indi- vidual order, at any time of the year, by corps commander, of certain claases of men, per- forming special duties; as, reservists of artil- lery, workmen, etc.; faire V , to call the roll; ftuille d' , muster roll; de In journee, roll-call during the day (in the field); manquerh V , to be absent from roll-call: du matin, morning roll-call (half hour after reveille); de mobilisation, levy or summons on mo- bilization; denansage, stable-call; passer r , to pass muster; recevoir I' , ro receive a roll-call; rcndre I' , to report the results of a roll- call: repondre ft I' , to answer to one's name: retard ft I' , delay in reporting for enlistment (bureau de rccrutement); delay in joining regi- ment or corps after having' been drawn for service; du soir, evening roll-call (half hour after the rdraite). II. Technical and miscellaneous: d'air, draught, supply of air; faire d'air, to draw" a supply of air from (for ventilation); ft la concurrence, (adm.) advertisement for bids; dc cramche, (man.) signal made with riding whip (e. g., tap on boot); dc linguc. (man.) cluck (of the ton sue): mirte, telephone call used in connection either with an electric bell or with a bu/zer; phoniqut, telephone call, buzzer; de la vnp< ur, steam-blast, appelc, m., (mil.) member of a class summoned to enter the service. appeler, v. a., n., to call: (.tin. a.) to click mf the sear); (mil.) to call the roll; to summon into service, to call out a contingent; (/ed in trench-work. sa:>- shield. application, f., application; tit punt, anil, /inr) determination of suit- able punishment after finding of guilty. applique 18 arasemcnt mpplique, f., a piece, applied or affixed to another; reenforce. mppliquer, v. a. , to apply (as one piece to another, tc strengthen or adorn it). appoint, m., anything over; (as, odd pennies over, odd inches over a certain number of feet, etc., hence frequently) addition, advan- tage; (art.) priming charge of black powder, for a cartridge of Drown powder; (top.) the difference between total distance to be meas- ured and the distance corresponding to the whole number of times the measure is contained in the distance (similarly of weights); I' d'un bataillon, (mil.) the addition of a battalion, the having a battalion over and above. appoint age, in., pointing (of branches, stakes, etc.). appointments, m. pi., pay (especially of oilicers). appoiuter, v. a., (mil.) to pay (obs.); to sharpen (a branch, stake, etc.); dt corvee, de garde, etc., (mil.) to put on extra fatigue, extra guard, etc., by way of pun- ishment. appondure, f., binding-piece (on a raft). appontemeiit, m., (nav.) flying-bridge; mooring buoy. apport, in., dotal, ( Fr. a.) dowry a bride must bring her husband, if in army. apposr, v. a., to ailix (a seal, a signature). apposition, f., affixing (of a seal, of a signature). appreciation, f., estimation; dcs angles, measurement of angles; des distances, (mil.) estimation of distances; des pentes, measurement of slopes. apprccier, v. a., to estimate; les distances, (mil.) to estimate distances; trap court, (mil.) to underestimate (dis- tances); trop long, (mil.) to overestimate (dis- tances); les vitfsses, (art.) to estimate speed of ves- sels. appreter, v. a., to prepare, make ready, I'arme, (drill) to come to a "ready." approche, f., approach; approach to a position; , (pi., sityc) approaches; directe, (siege) double sap, method of advance by double sap; Ugiies d' -, (siege) trenches; marched' , (mil.) v. marche; travaui d' , (siege) trench-work, trenches, ap- proaches; en zigzags, (siege) zigzags. approfondir, v. a., to deepen (as trenches); (fig.) to go profoundly into a subject. approprie, a., adapted (as, art., a carriage to a gun not its own). approyisionntinent, m., supply, store; (sm. a.) filling of magazine; m. pi., (mil.) stores, su|>- plies (any and all kinds of supplies, as, d'artillerie, artillery stores du genie, etc.); c de campagne dc lere ligne, supplies (i. e., subsistence)" carried by and accompanying mobilized troops; * de campngnr dc stations-magasins, supplios kept in the stations-magasins, q. v., and drawn in case of war; - s de concentration, supplies for use during the concentration that follows the transports strattgiqueit; s dc cmpa, regimental supplios, kept on hand for current service; de drbarqntmeni. supplies for first needs in zone of concentration; .1 del' flat, reserve of supplies for general needs of a mobilization; s de mobilivition, supplies that are to bo drawn on when mobilization is ordered (i. e., des Wjniir.f, des transports strategiqiKs, de concentration, qq. v.); s en munitions, supply of ammunition (inf. and art.); , 9 rfginnnni, 8 days' supplies, kept in each corps region for the troops mobilized therein; approvlslonnement, s de la reserve de guerre, comprehensive term for all supplies and stores, kept up in view of mobilization; du service courant, supplies for current service; s de sitge, supplios stored in places fortes, in view of war; s de surete, stores, etc., kept up in a place forte during peace, so as to be sure to have them at hand in war; s des transports stratlgiques, supplies organized in the stations halle-repas, q. v., to subsist men in the transports strategiques , q. v.; s des vinyl jours, 20 days' supplies for sub- sisting men and horses during the first 20 days of mobilization. approvisionner, v. a., to victual, to supply, to furnish stores; (sm. a.) to fill the magazine; (art.) to supply ammunition to a piece, to a battery in action. appul, m., buttress; prop; stay; support; rest; sill (of a window, frame building); (man.) move- ment in which shoulders and hindquarters go on parallel tracks; the bearing of the foot on the ground, in the walk; n' avoir point d' , (man.) to have a tender mouth (horse); de la cuirasse, (nav.) armor-shelf, for belt armor- donner de I' , un , d un cheval, (man.) to lot a horse bear on the hand (while urging him forward), by an increased tension of the 'reins; & hauteur d' , breast-high; mobile, (pont.) support or prop for raising or lowering the cap of the Belgian trestle; pi&ceiil' , (adm.) voucher; plaque d' , (art., etc.) wheel-guard plate; point d' , (tech.) fulcrum, pivot; (mil.) any accident of the ground (natural or artificial) that troops may take advantage of in attack or defense; donner un point d' d un cheval, (man.) v. donner de I' , supra; pour les roues, (art., etc.) v. plaque d' ; de tir, (sm. a.) firing-rest; aiming-rest (aiming drill). appuyer, m., (man.) passage. appuycr, v. a., to support, to prop, sustain; to strengthen, protect; to incline to the right (left); to enforce (as, a signal by a cannon shot); (man.) to cause a horse to passage, to bear to the right or left; (adm., etc.) to sup- port or bear out a statement, account, etc., by vouchers; une armtc &...., (mil.) to rest an army on (such and such a natural, etc., support, as a swamp, lake, etc.); la botte, (fine.) to press the foil after touching the adversary; un cheval, (man.) to passage a horse; to cause a horse to bear on the hand by increasing the tension of the reins; I'eperon, (man.) to spur briskly; au guide, (drill) to touch to the pivot; son pavilion, (nav.) to fire a shot under one's true colors. appuyeur, m., holding-up hammer. aptitude, f., fitness; militnirr, fitness for military service; profcxxionrtfllf , fitness for certain duties (as, oui'ricr d' art ill eric). apurenicnt, m., (adm.) auditing of accounts. apurer, v. a., (adm.) to audit accounts. apyritp, f., (expl.) apyrile. aquarelle, f., water-color (sketch). aqut'dtic, m., aqueduct, culvert. araiKiiOe, f-, spider; the American buggy; (mil. inin.) system of branches of a mine, each termi- nating in a mine chamber (obs.); fiis d' , cross-hairs of a telescope; jMtte.1 d' , (mach.) grease-channels. araseinent, m., act of bringing to the, same level, leveling (as, a course of masonry, etc.). araser 19 ar<;on araser, v. a., to make flush or level; to level (as, the top of a wall, an embankment or parapet); to be flush with. arases, f. pi., leveling-courses of masonry, arbiiletr, f., the leader of a spike-team; (carp.) hanging-post truss. arbaleter, v. a., to shore up, prop. arbalHrier, m., (cons.) main rafter of a roof, head- rafter. arbalatrlere, f., gangway of a platform. arbitrage, m., arbitration; (mil.) jurisdiction and judgment of umpires. arbitral, a., relating to arbitration, arbitrc, m., abritrator; (mil.) umpire at ma- neuvers. arbltrer, v. a., to arbitrate. arborer, v. a., (nav.) to hoist colors, a flag, a signal; un pavilion, to hoist a flag; Ic pavilion bkinc, to hoist the white flag, to surrender. arborescence, f., arborescence; (met.) treelike formation or arborescence (defect in steel lack- ing in homogeneity). arbrc, m., tree; (mach., etc.) arbor, shaft, spindle, axis, axle; boring-bar, cutter-bar; stem or post of a crane. (Except where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to machinery:) a ailetles, axle of cruciform section; de brin, tree of a single stem, i. e., straight- stemmed tree; ft camcs, cam-shaft; de changement de marche, roversing-shaft; charge, shafting subjected to bending stresses; de commande, the particular shaft driving a particular machine; controlling shaft (of a par- ticular machine): du communicateur, gearing-shaft; de couche, horizontal shaft; main, driving- shaft; crank shaft; the shaft running the length of a machine shop, i. e., power-shaft, distribut- ing-shaft; de couclie h manivelles rapportees, built-up crank shaft; a u n seul coude, simple crank-axle; etude, cranked shaft, cranked axle, double crank; a eondes multiples, multiple crank-shaft; - -crcui, hollow shaft; dehoit', arbor, spindle (vertical); dc distribution, valve-stem; a double-joint universe!, spindle fitted with a double ball-and-socket joint; faux , (fund.) false core or spindle (casting hollow projectiles); ft feuillage. perxixtant, evergreen tree; jlaible, flexible shaft; - - de fnin, brake-spindle; (nrt.) recoil-check spindle, compressor-shaft; ; jir> m'ur moleur, the engine-shaft; any shaft which, transmitting all the power, is fitted witli a fly-wheel or sheave; second motcnr, transmitting shaft, inter- mediate shaft, has no fly-wheel, and either recei\ es or transmits its power by gearing; - Irniiifiiic miilear, a shaft that receives power from helts or light gearing, or which controls oscillatory movements only; a nt'TV-jres, ribbed axle, axle of cruciform section; ('/ no;/au, (fond.) core-spindle, core-bar; tixc.il in nt, rocking-shalt; de -[mintage en direction, (art.) travorsing- shaft; de poinlagc \en hauteur, (art.) elevating shaft; - porte-fraise, overhanging arm (machine tools i: purte-molettes, cutter-arbor; arbre porte-outil, tool-spindle, tool-holder; porte-piece, work-spindle; Taint, slotted .shaft; de reglage, (art., mach.) adjusting-shaft, regnlating-spindle; de serrage, (art.) compressor-shaft, tightening spindle; suspcndu, overhead shaft; du, tiroir, den tiruirs, eccentric shaft, way shaft; de tour, lathe-spindle, mandrel; de transmission, secondary transmission- shaft, transmission-shaft; countershaft, dis- tributing-shaft; vccteur, main mill-shaft; en vilcbrequin, crank-shaft; fi vis sans fin, worm. arc, m., bow; arch; fork, bow, of a saddle (rare); en berceau, round, Roman arch; dcnte, (mach.) toothed arc, segmental rack; dcnte de pointage, (art.) elevating arc; doubleau, recessed, compound arch, facing- arch (as of a row of casemates); embrasse, (mach.) arc of contact (of a belt on a pulley); graduc, (inst.) graduated arc, limb; en plein cintre, v. en berceau; de pointage, (art.) elevating arc; de Toulemcnt, (mach.) rolling arc (of gear- ing); sterile, arc in which there is no circulation (of a ventilator); volta'ique, (elec.) electric arc (light). arcade, f., arcade; curved brace; (harn.) fork or bow of a saddle, of a pack saddle; (art.) curved transom; dentaire, (hipp.) dental arcade, incisive arcade; de derriere, (liarn.) cantle (of a saddle); de devant, (harn.) bow, peak (of a saddle); pointe d', (harn.) point or lower end of the saddle-fork; rcnversce, counter arch. arcanson, m., colophany, black rosin. arc-boutant, m., buttress, flying-buttress; stay, spur, strut, prop; (art.) axletree stay; (hipp.) bar, stay (of the foot). arc-boutement, m., staying; buttressing; (sin. a. jamming of cart ridges in a tubular magazine; point d' , point of support. arc-bouter, v. a., to brace, prop, support, hut- tress; (art.) to jam; (xin. a.) to jam, as cartridges in a tubular maga/ine. arc-doubleau, m., v. s. v. arc. arceau, m., small arch, vault; f n decharge, (fort., etc.) relieving-arch. arehul, m., brass; (used only in) fil d' , brass wire. archc, f., arch; largeur d'unc , span. arc-lift, m., bow drill; drilleii , bow drill. architecture, f., architecture; milllaire, (mil.) a general term for the art of military construction, forts, bridges, etc. u''- niost equivalent to military en.dneerin;.', in respect of constructions). archives, f. pi., archives, records; record olhce. archivist*', m., (l-'r. a.) clerk (in thestail'i. (The grades are: jirim-ipal de lire, :?eine claxxr; dc lire. Seme rl-ix.>i; .ieme cltxxe: the grades are not to be assimilated.) arc-iiiveau, m., (nrt.\ iuiintin::-arc; gunner's quadrant; (generally il< i>t>intaoint of a siile-l>ar; se rtmi/trt dunx /<> - ., (num.) to recover one's stirrups; vider ley .", (num.; to be tlirov n from a horse. aronnerle 20 aruie arconnerle, f., business or art of saddle-framing; generic term for all objects related to same; atelier d' , shop where saddletrees are made (.Fr.a.,at Saumur). arc tire, f., (art.) defect in cast guns, swell or rising in exterior surface; buckling, bend- ing, or warping, as of a gun heated to receive a tube. ardent, a., burning; high-spirited, of high mettle; vcrre , burning-glass. ardillon, m., tongue of a buckle. ardoise, f., slate; roofing-slate. are, m., are, French unit of area=100 square meters. arfage, m., land-surveying. aroiie, f., sand, gravel; arena; cockpit. areographie, I., areography. arete, f., edge, sharp eage (not a cutting edge), angle; (top.) crest, ridge; (fort.) salient angle of intersection of two faces; (sm. a.) ridge or rib on a sword-blade, on a bayonet; (art. and sm. a.) edge of the lauds; (unif.) ridge on breast of cuirass; (hipp.) rat-tail, grapes, mangy tumors on a horse's legs; vive, vive , sharp edgo (e. g., square edge of a screw head not countersunk, etc.); d vives s, sharp-edged. aretler, m., ridge; (cons.) any salient of a roof, duo to intersection of faces; hip-rafter (of a roof). arccaneau, m., ringbolt; anchor ring. argent, m..,(met.) silver; dttonant, (expl.) detonating silver (obs.); fulminant, (expl.) fulminate of silver. argrnter, v. a., to silver, to overlay with silver. afRile, m.,clay; -rffractaire, fire-clay. arzileux, a., clayey. ar^Ho-siliceux, a., argilo-siliceous. arin-it, m., a familiar term for fifes, flutas, flageolets. arlthmographle, f., arithmography. arithmoinetre, m., counting machine; comp- tometer; computing machine. ariuand, m., (hipp.) horse-drench; mash. armateur, m., shipowner; owner of a privateer; privateer. armature, f., fitting, brace, strengthening piece, mounting; frame, truss; Y of a telescope; (elcc.) sheathing, armoring (of a cable); armature (of a magnet, of a dynamo); (fort.) armor-plating (rare); (sm. a.) holder (as for a quick loader); cn/fr,shoe of a pile; iron facing (as for a skid, to roll guns on); -de pont, truss-frame of a bridge; poser une & vne poutrc, to truss a timber; simple, (cons.) simple truss-frame, kingpost truss; d<* sovpapcs, (much.) valve-gear. anne, f., arm, weapon; arm of the service; (in pi.) fencing, campaign; (figuratively) ellorls made by force of arms, war, fight, troops. I. General terms and classes of arms; II. Small arms (fire); III. Manual of arms; IV. Miscellaneous. I. General terms and classes of arms. d'abordage, (nav.) boarding weapon; blanche, side arm (sword, bayonet, lance); o canon lisse, smooth bore; a canon raye, rifle; te charg?ant par la bouche, muzzle-loader; - - xe. c.hnrgeant par la cijlax.se, breechloader; - - dr. chaxse. sporting weapon, shotgun; ---de choc, striking, crushing, weapon i mace); contondantr, v. d( ch'ic; ctiurtnisc, tilting, blunted weapon; arm of parade; .f dnrdtUfx, darts, javelins, etc.; dt'fcnsirt , any defensive weapon; d'rucrimr. fencing weapon, foil; d'litnc, thrusting weapon; d'tfloc ct dc taille, cut-and-thrust weap- on; arme dfeu, firearm; dfeu portative, hand firearm; de guerre, military weapon; d'hast, arm fitted with a shaft (lance); hautes s, v. d'hast; d'honneur, presentation weapon given in France as a reward for gallantry, after 1793, and before the institution of the Legion of Honor; dejet, ballistic, projectile weapon; d lame, generic term for sword; de luxe, private weapon (generally highly ornamented), as opposed to arme de guerre; de main, any hand arm (exclusive of fire- arms); offensive, any weapon of offense; d outrance, deadly weapon (in tilting); de parade, arm of parade, v. - cour- toise; a percussion, any percussion firearm, (esp.) the now obsolete (mil.) hammer-gun; de petit calibre, the modern small-caliber rifle; petite, side arm; pneuinatique, air-gun; de pointe, thrusting weapon; portative ; hand arm; de precision, arm of precision firearms); pyrobalistique , pedantic term arm; - -rayle, rifle; d rotation, generic term for Hotchkiss revolving cannon and its similars; sous-marine aggressive, any automobile tor- pedo; sous-marine defensive, torpedo, groundmino, mine; de taille, cutting weapon; d, tir rapidc, any r. f. firearm; de trait, missile weapon; tranchante, cutting weapon; transformee, converted arm (from one model to another). II. Small arms (fire): d. aiguille, needle gun; d'arc,on, holster pistol, horse pistol; automotrice , Maxim automatic gun; d barillet, rifle with revolving cylindrical breech (Spitalsky, \Verndl); d bloc, riLle of the falling-block system (I'eabody); dbroche, arm firing a cartouche d broche, q. v.; d canon mobile, sporting gun, shotgun; dchargement multiple, magazine rifle; d chargement rapide, rapid loader, quick loader; d chargement successif, single-loader ; maga- zine rifle that may be used as a single- loader; d charniere, dclapet, rifle with hinged breechblock (original Springfield); ddeiii coups, double-barreled shotgun; (i sir cnnps, six-shooter (revolver); d un coup, d un se.ul coup, (mil.) sin- gle-loader; (a porting) single-barreled shot- Rim: a culassc glissante, rifle with a sliding breech- block; d culnsse mobile, an arm with movable breechblock; dculnuxe mobile par glisse merit, arm with sliding breechblock; d ciilns.tr. mobile par rotation, unn with rotat- ing breechblock; d cnlnxxe tombantr, arm with fallins,' block ( I'eabody, Martini-Henry); dculasix tournante, arm with rotating breech- block; d (tlracteur, arm having or fitted with an extractor; d [{rmcturc rcctiligne, straight-pull riilc (Maiinlirher); dff-u portative, small arm proper (tire); d fin dc rit(sse et d r< 'petition, the modern mairaxinn rifle; fi longue portfe, long-range rifle; arme 21 arme ft magasin, magazine rifle; fi magasin fixe, rifle with fixed magazine; -ft magasin separable, rifle with detachable magazine; ft mouvement rectiligne, straight-pull rifle (Mannlichcr); ft p>ne , arm with hinged breechblock (original Springfield); - & percussion, the old hammer type of gun; any percussion arm; de petit calibre, the modern small-caliber rifle; it pfatine, hammer arm, small arm in which rotary motion of hammer is con- verted into translation of the firing-pin, or is applied directly to the cartridge or Charge (includes the obsolete percussion-cap sys- tem); sans platine, lockless arm (the modern military rifle); polvgonale, Whitworth rifle (twisted hex- agonal prisms); portative ft feu, small-arm proper (fire); a repetition, repeating rifle; - s de reserve, ( Fr. a.) rifles kept in store for the reserve of the army; revolver, arm in which repetition is effected by a revolving cylinder; ft rotation longiludinale , arm in which the axis of rotation of tho breechblock is parallel to the axis of the barrel; ft rotation retrograde, arm in which the breechblock rotates to tho roar (Kerning- - ton); ft rotation transversale, arm in which the breechblock rotates at right angles to the barrel; s de service courant, (Fr. a.) arms in hands of active army; simple, single-loader; ft systeme compleie, any rifle not falling into any one of the distinct classes of rifles; ft tabatiere, arm in which axis of breech- block is on the side and parallel to axis of . barrel; dc thcorie, (Fr. a.) rifle issued (4 to a com- pany) for training young soldiers in mounting and dismounting; ""hack" rille (always marked X , and never fired); -btige, ' tige" rifle,, having a pin (tige) at the bottom of the bore in the axis of tho barrel; ft lir rapidi, repeating rifle; --ft tiroir, arm in which breechblock slides up and down at right angles to barrel (Treuille de Beaulietil: - -ft verrou, bolt gun (usual type of modern armies). III. Manual of arms: arme, (in commands) "arms !" appreter I' , to make ready, to come to a ready; attaquer V , to seize tho piece briskly in tho execution of tho manual; I' an bras, (position of) support arms; /'- sous le bras gauche, arms under tho left arm (funerals); V a la bre.tr lie, rifle slung; r HUT I'cpaule droitc, (position of) shoulder arms; faisccau d' s, stack; haul I' , (position of) advance carbine; also command for same; haute, piece at a ready (obs.); maniemettt d' s, di /' , manual of arms; 'au pied, (position of) order anus; port d' , port dcs s, (position of) the carry; porter I' , les ., to carry arms; presenter V , lex ,v. to present arms; re placer I' , to recover arms; repose svr V , (position of) order arms; reposer I' , to order arms; ft volonti, pieces at will (route step). IV. Miscellaneous: appeler sous lex .?, to turn out under arms; (in gen.) to call to arms; arme, assaut d' , assault at arms, fencing match; auz / to arms; (mil.) turn out the guard! (also) beat of drums to call guards, piquets, and posts under arms; les 1 basses, rifles carried low (of troops enter- ing or leaving a trench); aeheval, (mil.) mounted arm; cheval d' , charger; cof/re d' s, arm chest; compagnon d' , brother officer; companion in arms; contrdleur d' s, ( Fr. a.) v. s. v. contrdleur; dcposer les -s, to lay down one's arms, sur- render; ft s t gales, on equal terms; en s, under arms; faire des (les) s, to fence; faire ses premieres *, to make one's first campaign, to see real service for the first time; fait d' , brilliant deed of arms; huissier d' s, sergeant-at-arms; les s sontjournali&res, one can not win all the time (proverb); les s ft la main, armed; maitre d' s, fencing master; mcttre has les s, to lay down one's arras, to surrender; se mettre sous les s, to get under arms, to turn out under arms; pas d' s, passage of arms; passer I' ft gauche, (mil. slang) to die; passer par Us s, to bo shot (military exe- cution); faire passer par les s, to execute by shooting (military execution); - ft pied, dismounted arm of the service; place, a' s, stronghold; drill ground, parade ground; alarm post; place of assembly in a can- tonment; (furt.) place of arms; port d' s, shooting license; license to bear arms; portir les s, to bear arms; to make war; poser les s, to lay down one's arms, surren- der, make peace; prendre les s, to take up arms, go to war; prendre les s conlre, to levy war against; rendre ks s, to surrender, give up one's arms; salle d' s, armory; fencing school; ai'oir tant d'anntes de salle d' s, to have taken fencing lessons for so many years; saianlc, - - scientifique, - - specivh, technical, scientific arm of the service; sous les s, under arms; sortir en s, to turn out under arms; suspension d' s, armistice, suspension of arms, of hostilities; tirer Its s, to fence; tircur d' s, fencer. arme, a., fitted with, fitted out. equipped; (art.) supplied with its equipments, et,-. (as a turret); fused (of a shell); (sin. a.) cocked; ft r , (sm. a.) full-cocked, at tho full cork: aulorntitiqiii . (sm. a.) automatic cot-kin;: of modern rides; cran de I' , (sm. a.) full-cock notch, cocking notch; in ynfrrc, armed; fitted out for active service (as a ship); ft niain - -e, by force of arms, by open force; - - de toults pieces, completely armed. arme>, f.. army; --uc/i'.-T, tho active army, as distinguished from tho reserve and the territorial army: --en bataillt', army drawn up in array, for attack or defense; ft cltiral, the, cavalry preceding advance of the regular field army (modern tactics': - -cnltinitile, (ill France) marine infantry :md artillery ; colonial troops in general: c*>r /is d' ' -. army corps (strategic unit); tnlfer dans I' , to go into iho army, enter t'ie service: ttred I' - -, to bt' in tho army, with the army: gn>s di !' , main body (as distinguished Irnni the advance guard); arm6e 22 arret arme> melronolitaine, "home" army, as opposed to colonial troops; de mer, sea forces, i. e., the navy proper, and the various marine troops, as infantry, artillery, etc.; (sometimes) fleet, navy; d'obsi nation, army of observation, to watch a point from winch danger is threatened (e. g., to watch a relieving army in a siege, a frontier hi case of probable intervention of a third party, etc.); d' occupation, army of occupation; d'o/':rations, army of operations, i. e., whose first business is to fight; permanente. standing army; tie secours, relieving army (to raise a siege, relieve a besieged fortress, or succor another army); de siege, besieging army; besieging forces proper, siege corps; de terrc, land forces (as distinguished from naval): tcrritoriale, (France) territorial army, con- sisting of men that have served ten years in the active army and its reserve. arniemeiit, m., armament, arming (fort, ship, army, etc.); equipping, equipment; fitting out (commercial as well as military); arms; warlike preparations: (in pi., art.) equipments; (art.) arming (of a fuse); d'unf tntterie, arming, supplying a battery with puns; de c'>::ibaf. (art., for/.) guns of an intrenched camp (lirialmont); compltmentaire, (art., fort.) in a permanent work, guns added to, complementary of, (/c suntf , q. v.; dis corps de troupe, (Fr. a.) the supplying of arms, etc., to troops (done by the artillery); cuinixxe, (art.) a generic term for guns in armored emplacements; de difinsr, (art., fort.) the armament of a permanent work, comprising de surete, complementairc, qq. v., and the general reserve' of guns; the (increased 1 ) armament of ail attacked sector of defense (iSrialmont); d' interdiction, (art., fort.) in a fort d'nrret, q. v., the runs covering the roads closed or commanded by the fort; de mobilisation, (art., fort.) the armament of permanent \yorks of the first order, installed in place, und intended to offset; open assault ana to assure the defense until the zone of attack is known; normal (art., fort.) the armament necessary to repel an open assault f lirialmont); ofjicier d' , (mil.) \ . ofticii r; d'une place dr guerre, (art., fort.) the arma- ment of a fortified position, consisting of de defense, batteries mobiles, q. v., and spare guns; de reaeri-e, (Fr. a.) arms, etc., for men who are to join on mobilization, for the reserve; du service courant, (Fr. a.) arms, etc., for the active army; en service, arms, etc., in the hands of troops; - - de surete, (art., fort.) the armament of a permanent work, destined to prevent a sur- prise or an open assault. arinpr, v. a. r., to arm; to furnish with arms; to make preparations for war; to take up arms; !o d: \\iih, to equip with; to build up; to tit o it .'commercial as well as military); to lit d'li a \es.el (trade or war); to steel (a tool); 'rt ; to mount guns in a battery, in a fort; to arm C i fuse); (nnr.) to put a ship in com- nii. ion: to man (a bout); (urn. a.) to cock a |. !(.!: ",'/!.) to (tike, the bit in the teeth, to l.i.nd do'.vn the head until cheeks of bridle wind a ' \,, s ;,ip the oars; ti.) in put a sliip in com- > 10 mount puns in a bat- ' lery with guns; :. capstan; li' 1 , armor, a cable; to arnier en course, (nav.) to equip, fit out, for pri- vateering; une dynamo, (dec.) to wind a dynamo; unfrein, (art., etc.) to set a brake; une fusee, (art.) to arm a fuse; sur la g&chette, (sm. a.) to move the bolt. etc., violently forward, so as to cause the head of the sear to be struck; en guerre, (nav.) to commission (a ship) for war; un obus, (art.) to fit or insert a fuse in a shell; une. prise, (nav.) to man a prize. armistice, m., armistice, truce; dcnoncer un , to close an armistice, to end it; general, general armistice, affecting all the armies engaged; particulicr, truce affecting only a part of the field of operations. armoire, f., cupboard, press; (i gl'iee, & poils, (mil. slang) soldier's knapsack. armoire-etagere, f . , clothes-press. arrnoirles, f. pl.,coat-of-arms. armon, m., (art.) hound (or side-rail); futchel (limber); side-rail (caisson); queue d' s, fork. arrnure, f., armor; (elec.) polo piece (of a dv- namo), armature of a magnet; (nav.) armor (of a vessel); du, ginie, (mil.) armor worn by two lead- ing sappers in the full sap (abandoned in 1878). armurier, m., armorer; (Fr. a.) employe of the, artillery who repairs, etc., arms in the regi- ment (called chef ; there are two classes, ranking next after adjudant). aromle, f., (old name for hirondellr, swallow); queue d' , (carp.) dovetail; a, en, queue d' , dovetailed. arpent, m., old (and varying) unit of area. arpentage, m., (surv.) land-surveying (to deter- mine areas). arpenter, v. a., (surv.) to survey (land, for area). arpeiiteur, m., land surveyor; chaine d' , (inst.) surveyor's chain; equerrc. d' , (inst.) surveyor's square (for angles of -45, 90). arque, p. p., bent. (esp. Tiipp.) bent or curved (of a norse's legs). arquebusier, m., (sm. a.) gunsmith, gun- maker. arqiHT, v. a. and n., to arch, curve, camber; to be or become bent, curved, crooked, etc. arrac he-cartouche, m., (inn. a.) extractor. arr;u:l>e-clou, m., nail-drawer. arrache-culor, in., (art.) cartridge-head extractor, used in canon (i balles. arrac hem cut, rn., pulling, wrenching; (>nt.) stripping (of a rilling-band); (nut.) break, tearing, or rupture (in a fracture, especially of iil'toiis metal); metallic threads noliceablo in ni"tal t hat has been broken with considerable violence. arrache-pieux, m., pile-drawing engine; leriii. -, wilhdrawing-screw; Ifi'itr , v. ithdrawing-levcr. arracl.er, v. a., lo tear oiT, out, apart; to rend, wrench; (.;/.. ,vm. n.) to strip (of jacket; on bullet, (.n I- ad-covered .shells, of rillmg-band, etc.). arraisoiincr. v. a., cial) \ es.se! to an Vessel. arraser, \ . a., v. iirnx arrf'raiio. in. pi., an arresi.-itioii, f , ai ri ; arrct. m.. stop; (//,//.) check, m n column" on (ho inarch, (A ;_ \v;.",.'ii in a train; (ntaclt., t/ch.) of a machine or mechanism intended to r limit ihe :;ctioii or play of some other s; (hence) .stop, catch, In.ir. rib, etc.; (mil., ilc.) judgment, d'-cMon; (mmi.) slopping or halting (nf u JiMi-e in motion, by its rider); (in /./., mil.), am -t (of ollk'crs, "disciplinary punish 'IK ni i; d' . (ni'tcli., art., itr.) stop, keep (in many relations; arret 23 arroser arrtt, aux ^t, (mtt.) In, under, arrest; de barillet, (sm. a.) cylinder stop; de brelage, (art.) lashing stop; - -buioir, (F. in. art.) V-shaped lug on travers- ing hend of sight; camper aux *, (mi?.) to clap Into arrest; de cartouche, (sin. a.) cartridge stop; de chaine, chain-nipper, chain-stop; des coffrcsb munitions, (art.) keep-plate; crochet d' , (much., etc.) stop; de la culasse mobile, (sm. a.) bolt-stop; de dffense, safe-conduct; dcmi , (man.) slowing or reduction of horse's speed by action of hand on reins; s forces, (mil.) close arrest; de fonctionncmcnt, (art., sm. a.) failure of a mechanism to work; jamming; fort n/.) chess-stop (In a chess- wagon); de potUrelle, (pont.) back-stop (of a ponton wagon); PI*- , (sm. a., art., etc.) stop-screw. arrlere, adv., back, in rear; m., (mil.) the rear (of an army); (nav.) stern (of a vessel, boat); en .backward; alter en , (mil.,fam.) to go to the "rear"; coup d' , back stroke; service, services, de I' , (mil.) a comprehen- sive term of wide application, including all operations and duties (supply, transportation of sick and wounded, etc.), of whatever na- ture, between an army or armies, the "front" generally, and the national territory (base). arrterf, a., behindhand, in arrears, unexecuted; m., (adm.) expenses not met or paid for in the fiscal year to which they belong. . arrtere-bec, m., (pont.) stern, after-peak, of a pon- ton boat (all that part of the stern the bottom of which curves upward); a downstream cut- water, starling. arriere-bonl, m., rear edge. arriere-coup, m., (sun.) back-sight. arrlfcre-garde, f., (mi?.) rear guard; faire I' , to do or be the rear guard; gros de !' , main body of the rear guard; pointc d' , point of the rear guard; extreme points d' , extreme point of the rear guard : tftc de I' , head of the rear guard. arrl&re-main, f., (hipp.) hind quarters of a horse (everything behind the rider). arriere-molalre, f., (hipp.) back molar tooth. arriere-plan, m., background. arriere-rang, m., (mil.) roar rank. arriere-saison, f., the end of fall and beginning of winter. arrifcre-trahi, m., (art.) hind carriage, i. e., the gun and carriage, as opposed to the limber; rear portion, after-body, of any four-wheeled carriage; (hipp.) hind quarters of ahorse (every- thing behind the rider); (of a bicycle) rear wheel and related parts. arrlinage, m. ( packing, stowing; (art.) packing of ammunition in chests; (mil.) the careful packing, according to regulations, of the knap- sack, of the various articles carried by thn trooper on his saddle; the operation of hitching the car and accessories to the balloon. arrliiu'r, v. a., to stow, to pack carefully (ammu- nition, knapsack, etc.); to attach a car and ar e-.- sories to a balloon; to pack a train (mountain battery on mules); tin balhn, to attach the car, etc., to a b-il- loon. arrimeur, m., packer; balloon-packer (i. e., helps in the inflation, etc., of a balloon). arrive, p. p., par Its rungs, (mil.) risen from the ranks. arrhee. f.. arrival: (steam, etc.) admission pipe: rice (/' - -. (punt.) the farther bank in building or dismantling a ponton bridge. arroiidi, a., rounded: in., swell or rounded part of unythim;, rounded surface (as, art., between lands and grooves, etc.); i n d'trict. mili- tary district (not territorial, variable iu area); d'artillrrie. (7" nfnir, - df Tlntcndnnce. d'inx/tiftinn iii ninth, artillery, enu'ineer, int'-ndanct, q. v./iiupoclion districts, ropcc- tively. arrosaice, m., irrigation; sprinkling: (/". art.) master artificer (one to each regiment i ; artiflcler de la gaine, (art.) artificer responsible for supplying turret guns with ammunition; du montecharges, (art.) artificer responsible for the supply of ammunition to the turret depot; sous-chef , (Fr. art.) battery artificer. artilie, a., (nav.) carrying guns; vaisseau de n pieces, ship mounting n guns (obs.). artlllerle, f.. artillery (arm of the service; per- sonnel of the- arm; guns, ordnance; science of gunnery); de bord, (nav.) naval artillery; de campagne, field artillery (horse and mounted); d cheval , horse artillery; combat d' , v. duel d' ; de corps, (mil.) corps artillery; de cdte, seacoast artillery; cuirassee, (art., fort.) a general term for guns under cupolas or 9ther metallic cover; divisionnaire , divisional artillery; duel d' , (mil.) the artillery combat preceding an attack by infantry; - dffurttresse, fortress artillery; garde d' , ( Fr. a.) v. s. v. garde; i grande puissance, high-power guns; grosse , heavy guns (seacoast, etc.); legere, light artillery, field artillery; lutte d' , v. duel d' ; de marine, de la marine, marine ar- tillery; de montagne, mountain artillery; montt'e, field artillery (proper, does not include horse); ouvrier d' , y. s. v. ouvrier; de petit calibre, generic term for r. f. artillery, etc.; secondary battery or artillery; a pied, foot artillery (in France, fortress artillery); d pied montee, field artillery; - de place, garrison artillery; - pnfumatique, guns using compressed air (Zalinski); pontonniers. in France, 2 regiments of ar- tillery pontomers used to constitute the per- sonnel of the bridge train; turned over to the engineers in 1S94; de position, field howitzers, mortars, etc.; de preparation, (mil.) the artillery that pre- pares the way for the infantry attack; de siege, siege artillery; de terre, land, as distinguished from marine, artillery; c'.ilante, antiquated expression for horse artillery. artilleur, m., artilleryman (officer or man); gun- ner; artillerist. artison, in., moth, woodworm. artlsoiinC, a., (of wood) worm-eaten. arzel, m., cheval , (hipp.) horse with off hind loot wliito or white spotted. as, m., nee; --'de carreau, (mil. slang) knapsack, ribbon of the Legion of Honor; - ile pique, (fart-.) pointed caponier, shaped s imewhal like the ace of spades; fix (t , (pntril.) v. s. v. .fir. asi-Piispur, m., lift , elevator; (art.) shell-hoist; --icltisi , (m, ;Hi.) canal-boat elevator. ascension, f.. ascension, balloon ascension; (mach.) upstroke of a pi-ton; cnptirr. assent of n captive balloon; I Hire, iV-cent of a free balloon. as pi i all nr, f., (d///.1 as pi '.aline. aspli.iltc, m., asphalt , bitumen. aspirall, m., (ni'iflt.. t'<\) vent hole, grating. aspirant, m., > nnr.) midshipman: il( ten cliisxt , naval cadet (at sea,T'. S. N.), passed midshipman ( K. N.); ilc Seme cliiKxi . mid -.liipmaii (n. e.). aspiratPiir, m., exhauster, a., exhausting. aspiration, f., suet ion, inspiration; exhaustion; d' , ( mach., tlr.) exhausting; sovpa]>t d' , suction valve; tuyau d' , suction-pipe, exhaust pipe. ftspirer 25 MMnnentt asplrer, v. a., (maeh., etc.) to exhaust; to suck, to suck in, up. Bssablement, m., sand bank, shoal. assabler, v. a., to fill, choke with sand. Rs.sulllant, m., assailant: (mil.) the assailant, the attack (storming of a breach, etc.). assailllr, v. a., (mil.) to assault, storm, attack vigorously; to march to the assault. assuiiiir, v. a., to mako healthy, introduce sani- tary measures. ossulnlssemeut, m., sanitation, sanitary meas- ures. assaiit, m., (mil.) assault, storming (of a breach, position, fort, etc.); the. final or decisive at- tack of infantry, in battle; storm (wind and rain); formes, (fenc.) assault at arms, fencing match; tokmne d' , (mil.) storming party; donner I' , (mil.) to storm, to attack with vigor; importer, enlever, d' , (mil.) to carry, take by storm; d'escrime, (fenc.) fencing match; faire , (fenc.) to have a fencing match; faire, livrer, un , (mil.) to make an assault, to storm; monttr&r , (mil.) to storm; prcndre d' , (mil.) to capture, take by storm, by open attack; prise a' , (mil.) capture by storm, by open assault; soulenir I' , (mil.) to withstand an assault. assechement, m., drainage. asscher, v. a., to drain. assemblage, m., assemblage, assembling, col- lection, bringing together; (carp.) scarfing, joint; (mach.) shaft-coupling, joint, coup- ling; (elec.) connecting, joining up; (mas.) bond. I. Carpentry; II. Miscellaneous. I. Carpentry: par acolltment, overlapping joint (one piece resting on the other); afficure, flush-joint; en biaisement, miter-joint; boutfi bout, butt-joint; en bout, joining butt on butt; cane, square miter-joint, square joint; dclef, keyed joint; ft, en, cremaiulre, joggling; j>ar croisemcnt, joint in which the pieces are at right angles; ft dent, en adent, dovetail and miter; liar embrcvement, open mortise and tongue; a embrivement longitudinal simple (double), simple (double) panel-joint; par cncastrcment, rabbeting; par endentement, joggling; fi entailles, fi simple cntaille, cross-grain notch, simple notch-joint; ti enture, any end joint (pieces end to end), ends notched, etc., together; avfc goujonx, doweling; h mi-Inns, halving, scarfing: mobili, temporary joint (e. g., leg in trestle- rap); -ii moise, joint in which the pieces are caught between moists, q. v.; a mortaise, mortise and tenon joint; ii, d', en, onglet, miter-joint; ft oulice, triangular tenon joint (the sup- porting piece receiving a triangular tenon from the supported); a i>aume, undercut in end of a timber rest- ing by the end on another at right angles to itself; d pnume et a re pox, undercut and shoulder in end of a timber resting by the end on another timber at right angles to itself; /iar -pint -(ration, any joint in which one piece is bedded in the other; fi quart-bois, notch cut one-quarter of thick- ness; d queue d'arondc (d'hirondc), dovetail joint, dovetailing; .. (i queue d'arondc perdut , dovetail and miter; assemblage i queue d'Mronde timpU, joint dovc- taijcd on one side only; d rainurc et kinejuttte, tonguuig and groov- ing; ft, en, sifflft, skew scarf; et tenon et mortaise, mortise and tenon; A tenon et mortaise avec cmbrevement, slit and tongue joint; ei tenon passant, joint through tenoned and keyed; tile d' .connecting point; h tiers-boin, notch cut one-third through; d trait de JupiUr, skew tabled scarf and key. II. Miscellaneous: d baionnetle. bayonet joint; & boulons dichargis, (much.) unloaded bolt connection; j>/ir boulons, (mach.) bolt, pin, screw con- nection; fi bride, (mach.,efc.) flange joint; d claveltf, (mach.) keyed connection; ft clavettes de hauteur, (mach.) edged key- ing; 4 Clavettes lonrjitudinales, (mach.) longi- tudinal keying, or keyed connection; d clavettes transversalcts , (mach.) crosskeyed connection; - douille, socket, socket joint; a enforcement, forked joint; < nfer, iron joint; fi joint plat, lap-joint (iron); d manchon, (mach., etc.) box-coupling, sleeve coupling; d inanchon fdete, (mach., etc.) screw sleeve coupling; d mi-fer, any joint in which half the thick- ness is cut away (iron, steel, etc.); mirtc, (eke.) joining up in series and parallel; i oreitte simple, single flange joint (pieces flanged on one and same side); h double oreille, double flange joint (pieces flanged on both sides); en qunntite, (elec.) joining up in parallel, in quantity, in compound circuit; a rtbords, (cons., much.) Mange joint; a rirtts, (much.) rivet joint .connection; en aerie, (elec.) joining up in series; en tension, (ilec.) joining up in series; de tiges mobiles, turn-buckle; a (/'., (much., etc.) screw coupling. assemble, f., assembly, convention: (mil.) assembly (call), signal to fall in (for guard- mounting); quirt it T d' , (mil.) alarm post, assembling point. assembler, v. a., r., to assemble, meet: to bring together; to collect; (mil.) to mus- ter; (carp.) to scarf, joint, score, tenon, etc.; (cler.) to join up, connect. (Fur the various adjuncts of this verb, v. atmembluyt, SltfiTU.) (l mi-bois, a mi-fir, to halve ami lap; en quantitt , (elec.) to join up in parallel, m quuuitity; tiisirit, en tension, (the.) to join up in series. assener, v. a., to strike hard, home mf a blow). asscolr, v. a., to set, seat, lay; jmt, li\: base, ground; (mil.) to fix a camp; to fix the position of a besieging army; s' ticiant unc place, (siegt) to lay sieire to a place; un camp, (mil.) to pitch a camp; un chfi'il, dniui.i to cause a horse to tiitnu his weight w.'ll on Iiis haunches: 1 ie:i'-h liim to gallop with his croup lower than IK shoulders; leitfnndntinnx, to sink a foundation: inn- pf it.^Kiii , to set tie a pension; - H;IC '' nti , to pitch a tent. aSMTiiinite', a., sworn, liaving taken an oath; ( />. (/.) sworn, of certain function- aries (adjoint (lit gmi< . qcrie -{>ar - *, par - srcglees (mas.), coursed work; tiny -- , (ma. 11 .) uncoursed. association, f., dc: Dames franqaises, association of French women to help medical service in war by nursing, etc. associer, v.a., (dec.) to join up, connect; - en (/iiantitc, to join up in parallel; en. d ric, - en tenxinn, to join up in series. assortments, m. pi., (nrl.) small stores. assou.'.lir, v. a., to supple, render flexible; un ch/i'il, (man.) to break a horse, give him an easy motion. assouplissement, m., suppling; (in pi., mil.) setting-up exercises, or drill; ezercictn d' - , (mil.) setting-up exercises. assourdir, v. a., to mullle (a drum, an our). assuje'tir, assujettir, v. a., to subdue, bring into subjection; to fix anything in position: to key, wedge, in. assurance, f., insurance, assurance; coup d' -- , (nav.) shot fired by a ship on dis- play of her colors, to show that; she belongs to the nation whose colors are displayed . assurer, v. a., to assure; to perform, furnish; to secure, make fast (a rope, etc.;; (mil.) to rectify, align (guides and markers at drill;; (art.) to lock ('as a breech); *' - , to slip, to settle, into good bearing (of a chain, rope, etc., on a drum, etc. i; - la t'r r , it-lie d'un chcvat, (man.) to accustom a horse to 1 he bit; tin b'l'it, (cord.') to nmke in end fast; assurer un cTieval, (man.) to train a horse to steadi- ness and to regularity in all his move- ments; - gnrdi, (fenc.) to take position of "guard," in bayonet exercise; une muraille, to prop up a wall; le pauillon, (nav.) to fire a gun under a ship's true colors; le service, (mil.} to carry out a duty, duties; to make it sure that a service will be per- formed. astatique. a., (elec.) astatic. astic, m., (mil.) polisher of wood, for spreading polish over leathern part of equipment. astiquage, astique, in., (mil.) cleaning of equip- ments, polishing of. astiquer, v. a., (mil.) to polish, render brilliant (equipment, etc.); au blanc d' Expagnc, to pipeclay. as (rafale, in., (hipp.) astragalus; (art.) astragal (obs.); (ingen.) astragal. atelier, m., workshop; (fi>rt., siege) task; (r. r.) working party, gang of workmen; (in gen.) a working party; (mil., siege, fort.) working party; (Fr.a.) subdivision of section de lere li'jne, of the telegraph service, i. e. construction party; (also, Fr. a.) skilled telegraph squad in each regiment of cavalry; d'njtislage, (mach.. etc.) fitting shop; d'artificicrs, (art.) laboratory; d' assemblage, (mach., etc.) erecting shop, de chargcmtnl, (fort.) filling room; chef d' , (in. gen.) foremen; (mi!.) n. c. o. in charre of a subdivision of a working party; civil de confection militaire, (Fr.a.) civilian shop supplying materials for army, under the military administration; dc confection, any manufacturing shop; (siege) place where ammimition is prepared (part of 'P'irc aux munitions, q. v.); de construction, (Fr. a.) artillery work- shop; du corps, (Fr. a.) regimental workshop; personnel of regimental workshop; d'entretien de la voie, (r. r.) repairing Rang; defascinage, (siege) place where fascines, etc., are made (attack); de granulation, (powd.) graining room, v. grenoir; mccanique, machine shop (for manufacture of machines); de precision, shop where accurate work or fitting is done, in which instruments of precision are assembled, adjusted, efc.; (Fr. url.) establishment in which instru- ments of precision are manufactured, adjusted, etc.; regimentaire du genie, (Fr. eng.) engineer workshop; de rem/ilinsage, (art.) filling room: de tracaui public*, (Fr. a.) penitentiary workshop for men convicted by court- marl ial of various offenses, as well as for ol hers who ha '0 had their punishment changed to this correctional form. atlas, in., atlas. atmosphere, f., atmosphere. atmospherique, a., atmospheric; tabe , /M//O ?i , air tube. atomicite, f., (chem.) atomicity, valency. Jltre, m., fireplace, hearth (of a forge, etc.). attache, f.. cord, strap, band; thong, tether: brace, rivet, fastening; a linuton, button-fastening; fui\ (hipi>.) the origin of a muscle; nubile, (hipp.) the insertion of a muscle. attache, m., attach(>; militaire, naral, military, naval, at- tach.'. attachement, m., fastening, attachment; (lop.) the name of an f tat dc Hun. s, q. v.,of limited area to be cleared: (in pi.) statement or notes of work done, of progress accom- plished, said work and progress being im- possible of inspection, or of verification after the whole construction is completed (building, etc.); attachcment 27 atterrir attachemeiit ecrtt. written data; figure, sketches, drawings, etc.; du mineur, (mil. min.) attaching the miner, attachment of the miner (obs.). attacher, v. a., to tie, fasten, attach, make fast, bind; (mil.) to attach (to a regiment, depart- ment, etc.); le mineur, (mil. min.) to attach the miner (obs.). attaquable, a., liable to attack, open to attack. attaquani, m., (mil.) the assailant, the attack- ing body. attaque, f., attack; (in gen., mil.) attack, any offensive operation involving or leading to fightm.tr; onset; (ball.) attack (i. e., trial, test) of an armor plate; (mil. min.) the of- fensive, the besiegers; (mil. min.) each sep- arate mining operation; (siege) attack, i. e., a subdivision of the general attack, having an entirety of its own (e. g., right attack, left attack, etc.); (in pi., frequently) ap- proaches: (tcleg.) call; (man.) the rational use of the spur as an aid, not as a punish- ment; abregee, (siege) irregular attack; taUerie d' , (art.) attacking, fighting, battery; (in proving grounds) the testing battery (for armor-plate trials); brusquce, attack of a fort by surprise, bombardment, open assault, etc.; in short, any attack not accompanied by trench work; canon d' . (proving ground) the testing gun in armor-plate trials; eontre , (mil.) counter attack; corps d' , attacking party; decisive, (mil.) the decisive (and there- fore the real) attack, as opposed to a dem- onstration (on flank, generallv), hence espe- cially the attack made by the aile decisive, q. v.; demonstrative, (mil.) demonstration, (esp. to-day) front attack; dircctc, (nav., tor p.) case where ship touches a towed torpedo directly; (mil.) front attack; double, (siege) two-storied descent into the ditch, v. disccnle; d'cmblee, (siege) attack without opening trenches; 1 n echelons, (mil.) attack in echelon; en cchiqnirr, (mil.) attack in squares, in checkerboard disposition; par cnlacemcnt, (nav. torp.) case in which the ship touches the towline of a (towed) torpedo and the latter doubles on the ship; d I'epcron, (nav.) ram attack, ramming; faussi , (mil.) feint; dc itanc, (mil.) flank attack, (esp. to-day) the real, the decisive attack; dunn Ics formes, (siege) regular siege; c;i fourragcurs, (cav.) attack as foragers, in extended order. de front, (mil.) front attack, direct attack, (esp. to-day) demonstrative attack; par intelligence, (mil.) attack or assault by treachery (by an understanding with traitors in enemy's lines); irrtguliere, attack of a fort by surprise, assault, etc. (no trendies opened); en laissc, (n-av. torp.) case where (towed) torpedo, at first held in leash, is let go, and strikes the ship in taking position of equi- librium; en masse, (mil.) attack of a point in the enemy's line; (in gen.) general advance on the enemy; en niurailJe, (cav.) charge of cavalry in close order, with very small or no intervals; Ordrc d' , (mil., nav.) formation for attack; ouvcrte, (mil.) open attack; dcs places, general expression for any operations leading to capture of a fortified position; rupprochi'e, (siige) attack by means of ap- proaches, trenches, etc., at close quarters; in regie, (siege) regular, formal siege; simulacre d' , simulee, (mil.) sham attack, feint; attaque touterraine, (siege) attack by mining; par surprise, (siege) surprise of a fortified position; de vive force, (siege) storming, assault; tulante, (mil.) feint, sham attack (rare). attaquer, v. a., to attack, to assault; (art.) to attack an armor plate in proving-ground trials; *' , (apl.) to operate against; iarmt , (drill) to seize the niece (small arm) briskly in the execution or the manual of arms; un cheval, (man.) to spur a horse, to use force to reduce him to obedience, (more spe- cially) to use the spur, etc., as an aid; I'ennemi & I'epcron, (nav.) to ram the enemy. atteindre, v. a., n., to reach; v. r., (hipp.) to inter- fere, overreach; (art., sm. a.) to hit; aw but, le but directement, dirccte- ment au but, (art., sm. a.) to make a direct hit; de pleinfouet, (art., sm. a.) to make a direct hit (i. e.. not a ricochet hit); au vol, to hit on the wing (game). attehit, p. p., par la limite d'dge, (mil.) having reached retiring age. atteinte, f., blow, stroke, reach; attempt; (hipp.) interference, overreach (more strictly, the former); wound caused by interference, over- reaching; (sm. a.) hit (target practice, also in action); ciicornee, (hipp.) interference that causes a detachment, and Ls followed by suppura- tion; simple_, (hipp.) interference productive of only a slight contusion; gourde, (hipp.) interference accompanied by severe pain. attelage, m., draught; draught-harness; team (of horses, mules, etc.); (r. r.) coupling; (art.) team; ii I'allemande, pole-draught; & la comtoise, v. h lafranc.aise; de dcrriere, (art.) wheel-team, wheelers; (i deux, (quatre, etc.) two- (four-) horse team, etc.; de devant, (art.) lead team, leaders; fi I'espaqnole, (mil., train) draught with sort of yoke or bar over horses' shoulders; de, en, file, single draught, tandem: d, dtui, trois, etc., files, double, treble draught, etc.; a la franfaise, rear horse in shafts, all tin) horses of the team being in single file; - (/< front, horses hitched up abreast, double draught; haut-le-picd, spare team' a litnoniere, v. a la jranqaise; du milieu, (art.) swing-team; en selle, (mil., art.) saddle-team; h timon,i~>olc draught, double draught. atteler, v. a., to liitc-h up, harness, put (the hor.'.v-^ to; (art.) to belong to a certain piece (lit.. !o hitch it), to be or servo with a certain piece; a , de, n chcruui, to put in n horses; m chcfillc, to lu'tch a horse in front of tin- shaft horse.; en Heche, to hitch up tandem; s' it n cheruui, to be drawn by n horses. attelle, f. , (harn.) hame; (xurulilt , (lit., "double sap") frozen sapwood remaining in a trot 1 i causes decay, etc.). aubiti, m., (man.) defective gait, 'consisting of a gallop with fore, and tint or ambio with hind legs; alter dc r . to go at the niihin: de dtrriin, au/nu 111 which the hind loirs do the galloping. dc dciant, auhin in whi'-h the fore logs gallop. auhiner, v. n., (man. t to i'<> at the .n/'iin. audience, f., audience, hearinir; (Itin-j hearing of a case; (mil.) bitting, session, of a court-martial. auditeur, m., {mil.) term used in France to-day for the judge advocate of foreign services; general, judge-advocate-general (of services other than French); suptrieur, deputy judge-ad vocate-goneral (not French). audition, f., (mil. laic.) hearing of witnesses. auditorial, m., (mil. law.) judge-advocate-general 's department (of services other than French). auge, f., hod, trough; watering trough; bucket (of a wheel); (hipp.) hollow or channel in the under part of a horse's head, between his lower jaws; abreuvoir, horse trough (wood or concrete); b, goudron, tar bucket; de roulagc, (powd.) under roller-stone, bed; de tr em page, (czpl.) dipping-trough (gun- cotton manufacture). aug$e, f., hodful, troughful. auget, m., small trough, bucket (of a water-wheel); (sm. a.) spoon cartridge-carrier, feed plate, platform, cartridge-hopper; (r. f. art.) feed- slot, feed-hole; (cons.) trough-shaped filling (plaster) in floors between beams; (art.) groove of a rocket frame; (mil. min.) wooden trough or channel to hold a saucisson, a. v.; de chargemcnt, (r.f. art.) loading-hole; boite d' , (sm. a.) carrier box or casing; pivotant, (sm. a.) rotating cartridge-carrier; de repetition, (sm. a.) feed-trough, spoon, car- tridge-carrier; roue d s, overshot wheel; d tiroir, (sm. a.) sliding platform or cartridge- carrier. aulire, f., canvas awning. aulne, m., alder (wood and tree). aumOnerie, f., chaplain's headquarters; militaire, body of chaplains, aumonier, m., chaplain. aune, m., alder (wood and tree); f., ell (measure). auraie, f., (nav.) mooring stone or block. aurore, f., dawn, daybreak. aussiere, f., (cord) hawser; en - , hawser laid; commix tn . hawser laid; a toucr, towline. austo, m., (mil. sling) guard-room, cell. austral, a., southern. autarelle, f., rowlock (i. e., thole, pin). autcl, m., altar; (tf:ch.) fire-bridge; part of furnace through which flame passes on leaving fire hole; - - dYp.) forehand (of a horse); (of a bicycle) fore wheel ami related parts; amener I' , to limber rear; amerttr /' en aiant.ln limber front: (i l/ras dr limnnif-ri, limber with shafts; de. caisson, caisson-limber; de camprujnc, field-gun limber; it rontn-app'ji. limber (e. g., of :i siege gun) in which the trail rests on the limber-axle; dfcrocher Us -', to unlimber; avant-train, mettre I' , to limber, limber up; 6ter I' , to unlimbor; iisellctte, limber with bolster and pintle; de siege, siege-gun limber; ii suspension, limber in which the lunette fits over a pintle, the usual type of field limber; ii timon, pole limber; de tombercau, (Fr. art.) the tumbril or box limber of the affut ti soulevcmenl, q. v. avarie, f., damage; average; dues (usually a com- mercial term). avarie, a., damaged, spoiled. avarior, v. a., to spoil, damage. a van, adv., (used only in) s -I'eau, down- stream, with the current; de-route, (mil.) in great disorder, in confu- sion (of a defeated army or body of troops). aventurc, f., adventure. aventure, a., (mil.) exposed, in a critical posi- tion. avent urer, v. .a., to risk; v. r., to expose one's self to hazard; to run a risk. avent urier, m., soldier of fortune. averse, f . , sudden shower. avertir, v. a., to notify, warn; un cheval, (man.) to gather a horso; to urge, to encourage a horse. avertisseiiH-iit, m., warning, notice; (Fr. mil. law) notice given to accused, before a court- martial, that if he does not select counsel, counsel will be assigned to him by the presi- dent of the court; notice given by the grrfficr (q. v.) of a court, to prisoner found guilty, that he has 24 hours in which to lodge an ap- peal; commandcment d' , (mil.) preparatory com- mand. avertisseur, a., warning, indicating; m., (dec.) call-bell, annunciator; d'incendie, fire alarm. aveu, m., confession; extra judiciairc, confession made out of court; -judicinire, confession in court. aveugler, v. a., to blind; to stop up; - une casemate, (mil.) to make a casemate useless by stopping up the embrasure; une voie d'luu., to stop a leak. aveuglette, marcher d I' , (mil.) to march at random, feeling one's way. aviateur, m., person fond of, or student of, the art of aerial locomotion by (light. aviation, f., flying, aerial locomotion (in imita- tion of the (light of birds). avlr, v. a., to beat or hammer down edges. avlre, m., (lying machine. aviron, m., oar, sweep; alltra I' , to row; de I'arritrc, stroke oar; dfxnurdir l.} notice, of trans- portation of material by rail, sent and received by tho interested transportation officers (sous- intendant); intitirf, reasons (e. p., as by indorsements); de passage, (I'r. a., iidin.) notice of move- ment of troops, sent by corps commander to c. o. of regions, and to prefects of departments, through which troops must puss; avis 31 bagut avis de transport, (Fr. a., adm.) notice of Jour- ney of a detachment by rail, sent by c. o. of regiment to the railway station of depart- ure. aviso, m., (nav.) dispatch boat; canonnilre , gunboat, gun vessel; mortier, mortar gunboat, mortar boat; torpilleur, torpedo gunboat. avlsse, f . , screw-nail. avltailleinent, m., storing, victualing. avitailler, v. a., to store, victual, provide stores, supplies. aviver, v. a., to sharpen, to make clean and smooth (as an edge); to hew timber (square). avKcs, f. pi., (hipp.) vives; parotid glands. avocat, m., (law) advocate; pleader before a court-martial. avoine, f., oats; (mil. slang) brandy; (in pi.) standing oats; boire son , (hipp.) to swallow oats, etc., with- out mastication (sign of disease); car tee, rusty, foxy oats; charanc,onriee , weevil-eaten oats; charbonnic, smutty oats; ergotee, oats affected by ergot; folle , wild oats; germee, oats that have begun to sprout; moisic, musty oats; du sac, one day's supply of oats carried in the battery sack; tirrtuse, dirty, badly winnowed oats. avoir, v. a. , to have, own, possess; ft, la masse, de masse, la masse, (Fr. a., adm.) excess of receipts over expendi- tures, of the masse individuelle, q. v. avoue, m., (law) solicit or, counsel. axe, m.j axis, axle, spindle, arbor; (sometimes) roc king-shaft; shaft; drs abscisses, axis of abscissas; d'arritre. trailing axle (of a locomotive); d'avant, leading axle (of a locomotive); axe du barillet, (sm. a.) center-pin (of a re- volver); boulon d' , (mach.) a bolt that serves as an axis or spindle; cotule, (mach.) crank, cranked axle; - b d( ui Uviers opposes, (mach.) cross axle; d'entratnement, (r. /. art.) hollow spindle- communicating motion to the breech-plug (Canet); d' explosion, (min.) line of least resist- ance; galet, (mach.) rolling or movable axis (c. g., a pin rolling in a groove and serving as a mova- ble axis); goupille d' , (mach.) pin that serves as an axis; moteur, (mach.) shaft, driving-shaft, driving- axle; d( s ordonnees, axis of ordinates; du, regulateur, (strain) governor spindle; en T, (mach.) cross axle; tournant & volonte, (mach.) revolving axl (e. g., of a railway truck); trou d' , (mach.) hole serving as a center of rotation for a spindle: dc vis, (much.) screw arbor. axunge, m., hog-grease, melted and strained (con- stituent of lubricant for care of arms). ayant drott, m., (law) legally entitled per- son; rightful claimant or owner, azinuit, m., azimuth; (inst.) azimuth circle. azor, in., (mil. slang) knapsack; etrc a chccal sur , to shoulder the knap- sack. azotate, m., (cftrm.) nitrate. azote, m., (chcm.) nitrogen. azote, a., (chem.) nitrogenized; poudrc e, (ezpl.) nitrogen powder, generic term for modern nitrogeiuzed smokeless powders. azotyle, m., (chem.) azotyl. B. babord, m., (nor.) port, port side of a vessel, boat; (in steering) starboard (of the helm). bac, m., ferry; ferryboat; (tech.) vat; oblique, oblique ferry, trail ferry; it pontons, ponton raft; a tr'iillc, trail furry; vapeur, steam ferry; coUint, flying ferry. bacivlas, m., cleat, fastening; sort of knee pro- ject ing above the rowlocks. bar he, f. , wagon cover (of canvas), cart tilt; pack cover, manta; smallboat; (steam) cistern or tank of a steam engine; alimcntaire, (steam, etc.) feed-water cis- tern; a eaufroide, cold-water cistern; dc gonjlement, inllating-canvas (of a bal- loon); (i huile, (met.) oil-tank; di In [lompeti air, hot well. bacher, v. a., to cover a wagon with an awn- ins;: ti> raise a tent. bachnt, m., small boat, generally flat bot- tomed. barl:igr, in., mooring of boats side by side, for unloading, etc.; closing of a port by chains, cables, etc. barlrr, v. n., to make fast: to chain, bar up (a win- dow, a door): to close a port by chains, cables, etc.; to moor boats, side by side, for loading and unloading. baderne, f. , mat or paunch. badigi'on, m., color or wash laid over a wall or large surface. badigromier, v. a., to wash (a wall, etc.) with color. badinaut, in., spare horse in a team (obs.). bagage, m., baKgage; kit; luggage; grox s, (mil.) heavy baggage, main bag- gage; menu, (mil.) baggage or effects that can bo carried by the men; plirr , to run away, decamp. bugne, m., galleys, hulk. bagnolette, f.,' tarpaulin (for covering guns, etc.). bagnage, m., (art.) operation of screwing on the Ingue or base-ring in lie ItelTye bronze guns. bague, f., (mach., art., etc.) ring, hoop, strap, collar, sleeve; (cord.) grommet; (art.) centering- band, rotat ing-band; base-ring (bronze I 'e Keilye gun); (sm. n.) circular impression left in 1 iore of rifle by the neck of a broken cartridge- case: d'appui, (in gen.) ring, collar, that serves as a support; (art.) assembling or support- ing hoop (e. g., ] lot ch kiss 155 mm ): flange or shoulder against which the winding abuts (l.ongridge wire, gun); - d'assemblage, collar, sleeve: d'assemblage .>" ); dirrctrici , (sm. n.) guide-ring: d, d'.ilingut. (cur, I.) rone slin.L-: {emu, bush washer-mil; - d't'Tcentrii/iif, (much.) i-ccentric strap; findur, (art.) split ring; ilr garniture, (atiaiit, e l'.;in,:o ferine I lire); A Kirtir, de firt>n, - iiculibrir, proof-bullet; i n 'u!> i. - a canntlurcs. cannelure J bullet; cari'iuch'. i: - , bullcartri'lge; c-iiit'i'tt, conical buUel ; r:i'ih r tn. ,v, to riddle with bullets; :l ', bullet, with capsule (culvt) in rear, to cause expansion (obs./; - li/'i't'e, (in target practice) a bullet hole cut. or enlarged by a subsequent bullet (wh'Te two or mo:f> huliet.s strike a bullot holf, the i/alle is said to be triplee, quad- t-lninr, (siege, f/c.) light-bull; -iij'irfi , ;t ray bullet; nw'ntit, bullet seated in a pasteboard sabot lob;;.); a f.ne. I ;/;/, jacketed tnillot; --- tl'i. 111:1, (t. //Jsig.'iiingshot; -i itdi' ', bullet wit h hollowed base; < i pit naii't', o x i >uii' 1 i n g bu I le t ; fnire , (of bird shot) to stick together when ill nil, instead oi spreading; --- ii I, i, (uri'f.) tire-; 'all: d,ft u ,t can usxe, (aril].) carcass; fifumh; (urtif.) smoke-ball; ---- dt /"u*i7,ritlo bullet; luiaante, (art if.) light-ball; -lu mincu-tc, \ . - a ft u; 7/:;.sr, (/. >,.) hit (on target); fi iiiitraille. (art.) case-sjiot bullet, canister bullet: - inijftc, spent bullet; 3877 17 - 3 balle multiple, fragmentation bullet (canon & balles); oblungur, ovoidal bullet (theoretically the best, but completely abandoned); l>erdue, spent bullet; unaiined shot, shot fired at hazard; de pleinfouet, (t. p.) direct hit; quadruplet, v. doublet: s de remplismqr, (art.) shrapnel bullets; & sabt>t, bullet with wooden sabot (obs.); spherique, spherical bullet, (obs., except in gallery practice and for shrapnel and canister); -a teton tt fi evident iU, bullet in hollowele. balustrade, f., balustrade; auy breast-lu'gh, open-work fence. bul/au, a., (hip p.) cltiral , black or lay with white marks on. his feet (.luetl also a, bal/.aiie, f., (hipp.) wbiie in-u a horde's leg (bal/ane is, "white loot/' the while not fetlock); gra/tdt - , half-slocking, haifWL large \> hite loot: gi'iiidt c/i'i,/.-.-.'/*, white slocking; grind' -- li-u.t ch".insit, hicii s! oci.in::: yi'tiitdi ti'i'J hint c/i'Hi.-v/, . a \ery ! stocking (pradically f. \\hiic leg); inc'in' pif-ii , inci'inpleto while foot, n ! . 'ir- roundiv-: t !,e member; ftilc , white nursing oil coronet aii-1 ;a tern, small v. bite foot. bain!)'.Hi, m., bamboo. b.iii, us., ban: banishment ; jirnclamrvinn: (mil. i roll of :i dnii.i or trumpet call, ri.i':; in , ', butl:t un , to gi\'e nnlico by beat of drum: firiiiit-iit tin , roll of drum toilowin/ a:i- noiiiii->'!iii'nt : oiiitrriri- tin , loll of dr;:m i-rvceding :i i- uouucemeut; up ca: . ban 34 baquet ban dc reception, call before presentation of modal or cross of Legion of Honor, or appear- ance of an officer before his men for the first time. baiianier, m., (cord.) mauilahomp. banassc, f., handbarrow. banr, in., bench; bank; reef, shoal; thwart (of a boat); (mach.) frame of a lathe; d'alrsayc. (am. a.) boring-bench; tl'ar/iticett, (art if.) laboratory table; . dc brnuiliard, fog-bank; de chnriji incut, (art.) filling-bench; rtnre, (sm. a.) proof-bench; h italonncr, gauge-bench, standard bench, for measures of length; & etranejlcr, (arttf.) choking-frame, choking- press; a forcr, de forcric, (mach.) boring- bench; (If iuoiileur. molder's bench; dc nage, thwart (of a bout); pied (If , (mil. slang) sergeant; it rabaUfincnt, folding-bench, folding-back bench. dc ramcur, thwart (of a born"); do rayage, (art., sm. a.) rifling bench; dc sable, (top.) sand bank. bancal, m., curved saber (Revolution and First Empire); curved saber (popular). bandage, in., bandage; hoop; tiro (of a wheel); surgical bandage; compose, a surgical bandage made of several pieces and shaped for a given purpose: a fracture, bandage for a broken limb; -herniaire, truss; mfcaniquc, surgical brace or frame; e. g., a truss for hernia; pncumatique, pneumatic tire (bicycle, etc.); dc roue, tiro; simple, ordinary surgical bandage. bande, f., baud, strap; back-strap (of a shoe); tiro (of a wheel); gang, set, crew, band; compression (of a spring); flight (of pigeons); (sliiim) lip of a slide-valve; (hi pp.) leg-bandage, leg-band, strap; (mack.) belt or cord, band (over a pulley); (sm. a.) upper part, of revolver frame, connecting console and rimpart; (hum.) 'side-bar (of a saddle); (nar.) list, roll (to star- board, port); (unif.) trousor stripe (gold or silver) worn by ollieers of the military house- hold of ihe President and by personal stafis of ministers of war and of navy, and of mar- shals i.f France; d'arr,n, (harn.) side-bar, saddletree bar; tie cnlage, (art.) chocking IT cr. - - elc ciirtnuchtx, Maxim cartridge belt.; - de c'ttir^imetit, loading Veil (Maxim-); - - dc cibi'-, (t p.) horizontal stripe on target, at r..50<, 1.10"', l.iiO 1 '-, respectively, uhove ground, to enable rapid estimate of effect of lire at those heights: - ci/Tidnirt, fifth wheel (of a wacron, etc.); <> iiciati , (hi >!>.) cross on withers; - it a c.ylindrr. (ntcain) cylinder fii'-e; dimjunalc, (in gin.) diagonal brace; d'fcartcmcnt, slay bur or rod; distance- piece: itr /"or/boit-choir, (am. a.) upper bund; d'f-/>ri urc, test piece, test spot.-ime.ii; - d'tx." leu, ailetree liand: ntrii/iii , ( much. > eccon'ric strap; - -iif'iiirchi , ( iii'ich., dc.) forked sirup; - ~ dr friction, (much.. i!c.> friction band or strap; ; ; du tr.o'ir, (statin) valvo- bande de pantalon, (unif.) trouser stripe; plate- , v. s. v. plate: de. recouvrement, (art.) garnish-plate, cheek- plate; de renfort, (art., etc.) any reonforcing plate or strap; d'un rcssort, set, bending, compression of a spring; dc revolver, v. supra s. v. bande: de rognon, (harn.) cantle-plate (of a sad- dle); de roue, tire of a wheel: dc sax.wirc, sweep-bar band; de selle, v. >. strings of a drum; - - It* ijfux, to blindfold. bamlereau, m., trumpet-cord, bugle-cord. banderole, f., banderole, streamer; small flag; bugle-cord; shoulder-belt (of man-harness); pis!ol-!>oli; support of cavalry sapper's io.il; boil, cross-belt (obs.); sling' (of a ilag, etc.); (/( bricok, shoulder strap or belt (of man- hanii SMJ; cuiip nilde;-bol! (ot>s ) ,n , slung across the should; r." btuilieuc, \., suburbs; tndin.) territory in neigh- ljorho,,d ot a foil, and ('encixline, on it, iii an adminisl ralive. |>oim of vicv, . bauiiiere. !' . l,anncr, cn.--ign, jiag, sl::nd:i:-d ('n-.ii a lailil.irv teriru. buiinir.. . ;:'. lo banish, ,- \-ilo. baiiiii-.^ciMcii:. m.. ban; -liniei'l . exile. b.intiuH. in., (inirn.) 1. ...'...! i.,-iri. -it ihc cin-c'; of a l.i; ; i i > e! -hole in t.iiii.e. bant/iicUe, !. long bone!:; foolnalh rna,c- iiifiil : (r ne;; slrcti li"i- (o! l-l'-i i :' m o! ci: .SSL, (it s-e;"'oas. la..-, . (ml. lul . , biiii<|(ii-.r. i., ite jam. pack, in gene:- 1. Iiapteiiie, m., i.;:i;i '-n;: -iii /,-!,(,. ii'. } fnsi . ba]ii*'t, r.i.. l.ii-.-Kei mil baraque 35 barreau baraque, f., (mil.) hut, soldier's hut; any light building taking place of a regular barrack; (mil. slang) service stripe; gourbi, (mil.) hut of wattles, etc., covered with clay and chopped straw; en torchis, (mil.) mud hut (chopped straw and clay, etc.). baraquees, f. pi., (mil.) troops lodged in huts. baraqueiuent, m., (mil.) hut camp; action of lodging in huts; lodging or quartering in bar- racks (synonym of casernement). baraqner, v. a., (mil.) to build huts; v. r., to be lodged in huts; la troupe, to lodge men in huts. baraquette, f., sister-block, baratri if, f., barratry. barbarou, m., v. avant-mur. barbe, f., board; burr; m., barb, Barbary horse; L, (hipp.) chuck, part of under jaw on which curb-eliain r-xsts; (art.) fringe around a shot hole in an armor plate; a poux, (mil. slang} pioneer; Sainte Barbe, patron saint of artillerymen and of sailors; royaume de Sainte Barbe, (art.) artillery in its widest extension; tirer en , (art.) to fire over bank, to fire in barbette. barbele, a., barbed, bearded; chtiille e, clou , spike-nail. barbeler, v. a., to barb. barbette, f., (art. fort.) gun-bank, barbette; la, , (mil. slang) the engineers, course of military engineering at military schools; le ~eme, etc., , (mil. slang) the 2d, etc., regi- ment of engineers; batteried , (art.) barbette battery; tn , in b.irbette (usually & ); tir & , (art.) barbette fire; tirer ii , to fire in barbette. barbilloii, m., barb (of a hook); (hipp.) small fold in mucous membrane of a horse's mouth, barbies. bar bo t age, m., stirring, mixing; (hipp.) mixture of bran or of barley with drinking water. barboteur, m., (ezpl.) mixer (gun-cotton manu- facture); a palettes, paddle-mixer (gun-cotton manu- facture). burb.'itin, m., sprocket-wheel or pulley; chain- pr.lley. barbouiller, v. a., to smear, besmear. bar.l, m.,handbarrow. bardeiui, m., (cons.) shinglo, slate. banieilt, f., sort of saddle (of canvas, and stuffed). bard*r, v. a., to barb a horse; to load upon a hand- barrow, to carry oil' stone, etc., on a hmid- barrow. burdut, m., (hipp.) oflspring of a horse and she- as s. bareine, m., ready reckoner; gruphique, graphic table or diagram; de solde, pay table. barge, f., barge; levoo (along a river). baril, m., barrel; - ardent, (siegr) fire-barrel; d' 'artifice, (siege) fire-barrel filled with gren- ades; a bourse, (art.) budge-barrel; -ii i-'tarber, (po'.t'd.) p dishing barrel; iclrjrant, ii cc^tinr, (siejt) light-barrel, illnmiiiatiiig barrel; ar; de fourniau, du foyer, de grille. i\r<*- b.;i , grate-bar; deinancye, (man.) leaping bar. dc nitjan inrc, handspike . maneuvering lever; (;'('.) p,-ner l>ar; d ntinc, (i mine.t, (min.) boring bar, blasting bar, jumper; a mine ti rjUnr.gt-s, (mil. win.) extensiblo, e\ten>ion jumper or borer, jointed borer (joints a .A-mbled by screw -sleeves); dc mii-f, (art.) sight bar; dc m)rs,(f,iirn.) barot'abil; -d'ohiurutiun, (art.) throttling bar; -3 paralleled, (gym.) parallel Lars; dc /Jticussion, (min.) jumper; dc port, boom; prijiilce, special iron or steel; dt rriyitgc, (art.) rillii:g-bai : dc re^'il, (art.) rt'Onil-bjir i Schumann): d>: rt-jl igc, (art.) throttling l>ar; dc rtti'iir, ((7f-'.1 ne.;ati\'e i.ur, llis-bi'.r (i;f ;'. / '.':<< an tie diatribu-'ii.')'); -!:' fiipi)oft, -niipport. (mach.) over- l!:v,i;:ing 'arm (e. g., In a Urowa i Sharp" pulling machine); - -a, dc, suspension, (yym.) huri7.<>utal iiT, T-iron,T-si.ocl; (i T tn licit r Hl'iC l>'"i'litl, T-b;;lb steel; r'.' T double m ucirr. girder s!e>'l; ii T fi iii i>lt : , T-iri)ii , T-s'eel; - !i''ii-iiin, (nut.) trial bar, t-.;p-bar (ci-ini-Titati. u pp "e.-s); t'i'jclur , In arrive and lea\ barre.ni, M., bar; b;;.- (c,f a con ]>rof,'s^'"n; test bar, ie ;f. sp.-'i de r/;v,bar fur falHn.u t,-t; il'iyyni. test bar,tf-l s' " cili gr':lli . tire-bar, grate-l-'-v; df ;.' ->/('/(, liondi'iL' l-':-!-l ,ir di Irad'mn, ter.siL' le.,t-!'.ir. barreaudage 36 bastion barreaudagc, m., barring, grating, bars (of a window, etc.). barrer, v. a., to bar, stop or close up; to dam. a stream; to draw the pen through a word or words. , barret te, i., small bar, rib; test strip or speci- men; (in a balloon) the short bar from which the pinceaux (q. v.) hang; (mil.) bar (of a medal); (harn.) bar (of a mule bit); (sm. a.) hand (of a revolver); (mach.) slide-bar, slide-face, valve face; (fond.) core- box stay, spindle centering piece (as in casting of projectiles); dc ditentc, (sm. a.) hand of a revolver; d'essai, test strip or bar. barricade, f., barricade. barrifre, f., barrier; fence, rail, stile; (fort.) heavy wooden door in exits of fortifications; (man.) hurdle; double, (fort.) double-swing barrier (field work); jlv/tanie, floating barricade, boom; - dc peagc, turnpike gate; ct pivot central, (fort.) central pivot barrier (field work); - a un vantail, a deux vantaux, (fort.) single, double leaf barrier (field work). barrique, f., hogshead. barrot, in., (nav.) dock beam. harrotaRe, m., (iiav.) deck beaming. barytc, f., (chcm.) baryta. bas, m., stocking; lowest part of anything; lower course of a stream; ---d'un b'Jtimen!, ground sill of a building; - - lt . fore puvt of a plyer; p'nii, fi - . weigh-bi idue, weighing-machine; - d<- p!/', (mil.) { tions; - d'tilignnntn', b,:- , lent (d - - d'appfjii-iiiniininnitx, (nti 1 .) l>ax> of sup- plies; aiuiUnui . (t'i/i.\ s>c<,nd-iry base; brim i. (/'i/'.' ln'oken Inise-jine; dc , (rf/'/'/i dire'-tirg (.said of a unit on which movement is made,); of opera- base diagonale, (man.) diagonally opposed feet of a norse, considered as points of support in his movements; - en equcrre, (mil.) enveloping base; dc formition, (drill) the unit on which, as a base, a movement is made or maneuver car- ried out; ii invariable, said of a cipher in which a symbol retains same meaning throughout; lattralc, (man.) feet on samo side of horse, considered as points of support; d'op< rations, (mi!.) base of operations; (also, more narrowly) line of points at which an army leaves the railways; quadra ptdale, (man.) tho four feet of tho horse, as points of support; -stcondaire, (mil.) secondary base, inter- mediate base of operations 011 the line of opera- tions; triptdale, (man.) any three feet of the horse, as points of support; & --- variable, said of a cipher, in which tho same symbol changes moaning in tho samo message. bas-foml, m., (top.) low ground, bottom, bot- tom land; swampy bottom (frequently); shoal, shoal water; deep place in a stream, deep water. bas-foycr, m., (met.) generic term for a low fur- nace (less than I 1 " high), as opposed to Imvt- fourntuu. basique, a., (chem.) basic. bas-joliite, a., (kip/i.) low-pasterned (of horso and of pastern). bus-off, m., noncommissioned officer (slang, Polytechnic). bas-omcler, m., noncommissioned onicer (obs.). basque, f., (unif.) skirt, tail, of a coat, tunic, etc. basse, f., (hi/dr.) shoal water, hiding a bank of sand or of rocks; sand bank, or rocks never uncovered, but near surface. basse-i'im, f., ebb, ebb-tide, low water. basse-encetnte, f. , (fort.) false bray. basse-iu'arce, f., ebb, ebb-tide, low water, low tide. basse-mer, f., low water, low tide, ebb, ebb- tide. basse-palee, f.. (pont.) foundation piles. bassin, m.. basin (vessel); scalp-pan (of a bal- ance); basin, (of a port); geographical basin; so much of a river or canal as lies between two bridges, in a town; (hipp.) pelvis; d< ciia.^e, (fort.) flush-basin (in a ditch th;' I may bo flooded); (i< construction, dry dock; (i !lt. wet dock: jlnllant, lloating dock; ilc f n in, (fart.* es'-ape-basin (after a rush ol water through the diidn; liydrograpMyuc, l-asiu drained by a river; lacustre, basin whose waters discharge info a lake; maritime., maritime basin; de portage, reservoir -at summit, level <.f a canal; de radoub, dry dock, graving do< U: de T('Ctpti ot a fu r; f.vw. uii of a flintlock (obsj: cnuiri-- , (stn. a.) pan-cover (obs. ). bassnii, in., (inuts.) ba--suon. bastide, f., (frt.) ancient bastion, H n !er; t-tandanl form or size. bastingage, m., (nar.) liarnmock nctlini's. bastion, m.,(fort.) bastion; - i-innis, bastion, with one of tho fares sup- pressed; bastion 37 b&tlment bastion ea*na^, case mated bastion; compose, composite bastion; creux, hollow bastion; deforme, irregular bastion; demi , half-bastion; driache, detached bastion; double, double bastion; miite, composite bastion; ph in, solid, full bastion; relranchc, retrenched bastion; vide, hollow bastion. b; s|!t>nn, a., (fort.) bastioned; front , bastioned front; trace , bastioned trace. bastiomier, v. a., (fort.) to fortify by means of bastions, to fortify on a bastioned trace. bastionnet, m., (fort.) bastionnet, small ca- ponier; de flanquement, half-bastion for flanking. b;f tonnade, f., bastinado. bat, in., pack, pack-saddle; d'affitt, (art.) carriage-pack (mountain bat- tery); animal de , pack animal: de. caisse, (art.) ammunition pack (mountain battery); cht nl de , pack-horse; elritr de , pack-saddle stirrup or support, for loads that can not be hooked on; mult t d( , pack mule; de piece, (art.) gun pack (mountain bat- tery); porte-caisses, (art.) ammunition-box pack (of a landing gun, French); du, train des equipages, (mil.) pack outiit for removal of wounded. butail, m., bell-clapper. bataillc, f., battle, array, battle array; en , in order of battle; in line (art. and cav. drill); Into lino (art. and cav. drill, of move- ments and in commands); (unif.) (of a cocked hat) worn with axis parallel to shoulders; acharnfc, desperate battle; champ dc , field of battle; chiral de , charger; corps de , main body of an array (i. c., the fighting element, as opposed to noncoin- batants); defensive, defensive battle; dlfinsive-offensirc, defensive in one part of the lield and offensive in another; demonstrative, attack or battle intended to deceive as to real point of attack; donrur , to give bad le; furl df la , thick of the fighl : imprreue, unforeseen battle, chance battle; lii-rcr , to give battle; nnvile, sea fight, naval battle; Dtftntii'c, offensive battle: ordrc "de. , order of battle, battle array, array or list of troops engaged or forming an army; p'rhnrditte, prr.rvr, battle foreseen, and lience provided for in orders; - - rangii . pitched b;if tie; rmi'jir < n , to draw up in battle order, in bill tie array; - de rau'oittri . unforeseen, unpremeditated, unexpected battle. b'atailler, v. n., to rive battle (obs.); (fig.) to dis- pute tenaciously. batailleur, m., one fond of battles; (l'ini!.) baUaMnn (foot troops); citJrt, skelflon battalion; de ciiiiniuiii r\ xidi iit'iii'i*, a battalion of foot artillery so c.ill'-d, kepi up at l.ille in remem- brance of its :-iegc in 17H2; c.'i'/i/r j major (inf.); c'c'i/i , instruction battalion: ti-'i/f de , battalion drill, school of tile bat- talion; nicndrc, a battalion frawtd in by other:. acting in conjunction \\ith others on its right and its l"ft; ilt guirrf, full battalion, battalion on a war footing; bataillon d'infanterle ligtre d'Afriqw, punish- ment battalion (sen-ing la Africa); d' instruction, drill battalion; i-iole, detached battalion, operating alone; de marchc, makeshift battalion (1"S9 and 1870), composed of fragments drawn from dif- ferent regiments; scolaire, v. tcole . batartl, a., (of animals) not full bred; (in gen.) said of what can not be put into a definite class. balardc, f., round hand; engrossing; ccriture , round hand. batardeau, m., dam, coflVr-dam; (fort.) batar- deau. bateau, m., boat, skiff; (pnnt.) ponton boat; d' avant-garde, (pont.) advanced-guard ponton boat ; de ballon, balloon-car; canon, boat considered nirn'h canon, boat considered merely as a car- riage for a gun (e. g., the Gabritt Cliarmes of Admiral Aube); gunboat; cliarbon n it r, collier; CJL contrepoids, (pont.) boat with counter- poise, used in construction of trestle briiivs (the counterpoise counterbalances the trestle in the operation); dilmtt nr, lighter; divisible, (p'nit.) ponton boat that lakes apart in two pieces; - eptron, French name for Admiral A ru- men's ram; d'iquipagc, (pont.) regulation ponton-bout of the bridge train; -/( u, light-ship; hangar ii .boat shed, boat house; hopital, hospital ship; de pa'smge,, ferryboat; -pint. Hat-bottomed boat; plianli, (pont.) collapsible or folding boat; plongcur, submarine torjxjdoboat; />onte ( no rt p-Jiite), decked (open) boat ; portc , (\TR\V (of abridge ofbo^ts); porte-torpill(,sp&r torpedo boat ; 1 succasifa, (pont.) successive pontons; torpilli ur, torpedo boat; t'irpilUur lance-tor pillts, reinilur torpedo boat ; t"TpiUcur port f -tor pillis, spar torjicdo boat ; trisitl: , ordinary Iwat used as a trail in a I'.ying bridge; u ((;>< ur, steamboat ; (i I'upt ur poxti'.l, mail steaiiu r. batela^e, m. , boating; trunspnriation by boats. batflee, f. ,boat load. bati-lec, v. a., to transport by boat. batelier, m., boatman, waterman; nidi-/-"riitr, (t'r. u.) cn/in.vr empli. re, assistant to i''>rt.ir-cn,:xi in- , q. v., in v. u: ks IITIK Mi;d with \\ el dit'-hes. batelleric, f.. gt-ni ric tena for small boat.-. batcr, v. a., to put on a pack saddle. bat-llane, m.. swing poio, swin.' bale i'.ef.\n-a stall.iiu usta'nle;. bati, m., (muck., //c.1 fr;'.:ne. frainev. i-rk, suppi-tl; t'lii'ine framt 1 ur bid; si and' -ami r.cni ;;.eii.^i Me bed of the Corliss t vi'e; bailment 38 battcrie batimcnt militaire, (mil.) any building used for service purposes by the regular establish- ment; ncutre, neutral vessel; d'obsermtion, lookout ship; parlementaire, cartel vessel; plongeur, submarine boat; our la pose des cables, cable-ship; a tourclles, turret ship; de transport pour les troupes, troop ship; d, vapctir, steamship. baton, m., stick, baton, marshal's baton; (fenc.) singlestick; ftre reduit au blanc, to be ruined, in ex- tremities; sortir d'un-e place le blanc & la main, (mil.) to depart without arms or baggage; de commander/lent, truncheon; court , (fenc.) sort of half-pike or staff; d'enseigne. (nav.) flagstaff; de Jacob, (inst.) Jacob's staff; de marcchal, (mil.) marshal's baton; a mcche, (art.) linstock (obs.); de me.sure, (mus.) baton of bandleader; de pavilion, (nav.) flagstaff; dc sovfre, roll of sulphur; H surfaii, (Mpp.) sort of surcingle twitch. batoim<;e, f., d'eau, throw of a pump. batonner, v. a., to beat with a stick; to strike out (a word, a line, etc.). batonnet, m., short stick; (hipp.) blood stick; (art.) grooved stick to facilitate explosion of bursting charge in shells. battage, m., beating (as in making pise); driving (of piles); (met.) beating, striking; (powd".) stamping. battaiit, m., leaf (of a door); bell-clapper; fly (of a flag); stile (of a window frame); (much.) mov- able or oscillating frame (e. g., in a copying lathe, touches the model and moves toward or from work as needed); (nav.) sufficiency of free-hoard, command; (sin. a.) swivel; de croase, (sm. a.) stock-, butt-swivel; & deux s, folding (of doors); dc grtnadi&re, (sm. a.) middle band swivel; mcneau, inner stile (of a window frame); de noii, outer stile (of a window frame); de pavilion, fly of a flag; d'vne poulie, pay of a pulley; dc suns-garde, (am. a.) lower band swivel. battant, a., at work, going; (nav.) fit or ready for battle (of a ship); mmcr . (mil.) to pursue a defeated enemy close and hard; pluie c, pelting rain; porte- f, swing-door; tambmr , (mil.) with drums beating, by beat of drum; scirtir tambour , (mil.) to march out with t he honors of war; VHixiciu dc guerre bicn , (nav.) ship in which t!ic uiins me well served. baltts f.. r.. minor, beetle: (barn.) peak or bow of a siddle: knee-piuf; (am. a.) sputcheou (of a seabbard); d'anncs, dc la 'cuvette, (sm. a.) sputch- i; bmirrer, uirrnxr, eartb-rammer; bat tenement, in., (cons.) eaves, eaves-course (of boating, stamping; oscillation; of projectile in s. b. gtms, in- !" by balloting in s. b. runs, TMil of time i >' \voen departures trail'.-; (in i/fn.) any interval .iry to i!ie good working of the IT ill heUvct n arii\al of troops at a st-ition and departure; (J'.nc.) Ijeat of point on J>ojt>t ; d'ipce, (fear.) act o r striking adversary's . blade, to remove H from tin- line of the body; - - ili- tair'tii':r, boating (if a drum. batterie, !., (art-, /c, (xitijt) battery whose lino of fire is oblique to line filed at : de dfi.ixif.nie echelon, (,"/<./') battery what in advance of first artillery posit io d'cncadrenunt, name formerly appli baiiery accompanying infantry in it,-, ad on hostile position; d' enfilade, enfilading battery (esp. siege); ji. i :c, battery fixed in position jfuished from mobile}, permanent bat- tery (seacoast, etc.); - flanqitante, dc flartquemcnt, (.fort.) flank- ing battery; - HotlnnU, (iiav. } s. c.) floating battery; di- Franc(,,(J-r. art.) battery serving, or for ser\ ice, in France; dcfiixctx, rocket battery; batteric 39 bat ti> He batterie de guerre, field battery on a war footing (composed, in France, of de combat, q. v., and train reaimentaire, q. v.); guide, that battery of a group to which as assigned tho duty of getting tho range (rtgler le tir); haute, (fort.) any battery situated in the higher parts of a work and having a consider- able command; (in seacoast artillery) battery on a high site, for delivering a plunging "lire (see under II); d'invcstissement, (siege) investing battery, established at outset of siege; lance-tor pities , de lancement de torpilles, de lancement de torpilles, (seacoast fort.) torpedo battery; lointaine, (.woe) battery at 5 or 6 km. from most advanced salients (attack); (some- times synonymous with de premiere periode); de manreurre, maneuver battery, (Fr.art.) 6 pieces and 3 caissons; battery for drill and Instruction; mobile, any field battery; (siege) battery accompanying mobile troops in tho defense of a place, sortie battery (part of armement de place de guerre); (s. c. art.) auxiliary batteries of lield pieces (against landing parties, etc.); de montagne, mountain battery; montee, mounted battery; de mortiers, mortar battery; dc dcitricine jieriode, (siege) battery thrown up by the attack in the second period of the siege, and used for the distant artillery attack of fhe main position, battery of the second artillery position; de premiere periode, (siege) battery thrown up by the attack at the outset of a siege, bat tery of the first artillery position, opened before the first parallel is opened; fi pied, foot battery ; field as opposed to horse battery (rare); a pied montee, old name for mounted battery; de pleinfouet (siigi ) direct-fire battery; plongiantc, (seacoast fort.) battery to deliver plunging fire; de deuxicme position (siege) battery of the second artillery position; dc premiere position, (siege) battery of the first artillery position (according to some writers the term battirie de lire, 21 me posi- tion is limilod to batteries armed with b. 1. rides, while btittcrie dc lere,lenif periode. applies to batteries armed with m. 1. rides, nosy obso- lete; but this distinction is fine drawn); - premiere, premiere , (siege) battery of first artillery position, more often in front of second parallel (obs.); dt pri p'lr'iU'in dc comlmt, name formerly applied to battery accompanying infantry in its attack on -a hostile \ osition; dc pr'iti cti-in, bailers protecting a ceitltr of resi.-'t'iiici'. in the infantry lino of a fortilied position; (.:'<(/! ) buttery of li;-ht pieces to repel attacks on tho position dt, comb-it of the be- siegers; df nrtrx. (xiirji) reverse-fire battery; - in riiii-iijc. i siigi ) enfilade battery when di- rected aL'i'iir-1 another battery; dt ru: vn , b.ii tery of ai alor-piereing guns; a, co nd i ire, (iiur.) sc"i>ndary battery: - 'If x'ii/t, (.finji) .>ic.u'e battery (::ims and works); >le sr-rtii , (s in;; ;>, s'.rtie or (defense;, v. guns ;>nd :! e,;i.,sons ('_' or :i horse bat- tery); in a mountain battery, i; guns and '2 ammunition mules: ('/(';/< ilc irurrt - txttti'ric d( coiiih'ii-rlf'tin reghm nin'ri . and hit/trie dc cijiiil.ii/ -btil!ir:t. dt t>r-i-t'chn"ii dc combat); [see supplement]; ;Y tir indirect, (siigt) indirect-tire battery; battcrie & tir normal, (siege) battery whose line of fire is normal to lino or work fired at; de tir plongeant, de tir vertical, (siege) high-angle fire, vertical fire, battery; (sotno- timcs mortar battery, e. g., in. s. c. artil- lery); II. Battery in respect of sit", etc.: annexe, (fort.) wing battery; emplacement outside of fort, and protected by it, for pieces that can not conveniently be placed m tho work itself; barbette, ft barbette, barbette bat- tery; bassc, puns along tho lower crests of works; (seacoast) water battery, any bat- tery less than 30"> to 35m above water level (also) any battery that can not use a depres- sion range-finder; (sometimes) ricochet bat- tery; casemated guns for Hanking the ditch (bastioned fort); blindee, battery furnished with overhead cover, blinded battery; casematee, ft casemates, nous case- mite, (fort.) casemate battery, casemate; -cucerne, (fort.) batteries carved out of rock, or constructed in rocks, for defense of delile, etc., iu mountainous countries; ft del ouvtrt, open battery (no overhead cover); de circonstance , (fort.) a synonym of detachie, q. v.; de cote, (fort.) seacoast battery; (/c couronneinmt, (siege) "battery estab- lished by the attack in covered way, when crowned; a, en cre.inrtillerc, indented bat tery; de crfte, (fort.) any battery firing over a crest; (siege) a battery behind a covering crest, but retaining possibility of direct fire while using indirect aiming; cnirassi-f. armored battery; dt-tuchi't. (fart.) detached battery: any battery sulficiently far oil to be considered isolated from some main work; (according to some writers) a ssnouym of df c;r- conxt'ince; (i distance, (:,iiiji} distant battery: ft embrasures, (fort., etc.) embrasure bat- tery; cncnissle, tn'oncie, - - tnttrrie, (sitije, tic.) sunken battery, one whose para- pet is constituted by the natural and un- disturbed ground, win-so terreplein is in the trench; ei ctugcs, tiered battery, with iruns in tiers; -- iihaiifsic, a battery whose terreplein is on a n ntblitt or aniiieiai mound; de for/ft *.>. t fi'ft.) fortress battery: en gradins, battery \\hu.ie guns are on dilTi r- ent levels; hnit/i , any (fixed) battery on an eleva'.ed site; (J-'r. s'. c. uri.) any battery basing a command of .'!()"' or m"<- if on McdPena'i' r< co.i t, of.V> or more ii on Atlantic or Clutnii' i; (./.v jni.. s. c. urt.) any battery a-ing a de- pre -iiin range-finder; - - ;\- <''( . (x. c. t"rt.) battery no! eon nee ted svii a or '' pendent on a //A/iv ; - :iil:njui i , scieened, marked bat tery: - tii iniitiilifiti'iH. battery i-nllstrnctcd on ni'. ili/.ation in a /'-:<< dt gnirri: dt iii: "in, baMcry on level of the from id: ii dnnli!i p'l/'tp't. battery permitting i:r> !:> 01 'pi Kite directions; './- y-,'i:ci , fortress lui battery: lire m.i^t ' hence 11..: . batterie 40 battre battcrie en sacs k tent, (siege) battery made of sandbags; simplijUe, (siege) a sunken battery sim- plified so that it can open fire after 24 hours' work; au dessus du sol, (siege) v. exhaussie; sur le sol, (siege) battery with its terreplein on the natural surface of the ground; -traditore, (fort.) casemated battery in the gorge or under the flank of the work; avec (sans) traverses, (siege) traversed (un- tra versed) battery (type); t'olante, emergency battery, established or used on occasion, when and where needed; a vues directes. (siege) battery in which the pieces may be aimed directly at their target ; dirobee aux vues, hors de vue, (siege) battery completely concealed from the enemy. III. Miscellaneous: en . (art.) in battery (movement and com- mand); mounted (of guns,osp. of position); d'accumulateurs, (elec.) storage battery; churiot de , (art.) battery wagon; de chaudieres, (steam) range, battery of boilers; (i courant constant, (elec.) constant-current cell or battery; tcole de , (art.) school of the battery; electrique, (elec.) electric battery; entrer en (art.) of detachments^ to take posts (at guns); de fusil, (sm. a.) gunlock (mil., obs.); -galcaniquc, (elec.) galvanic battery; yardien de , (Fr. art.) artillery storekeeper (ordnance sergeant, 1!. S. A.); hurts de , (nrt.) from battery; & percussion, (r.f. art.) percussion lock; rcntrcr en , (art.) to go to " in battery;" ressort de , (sin. a.) hammer spring; rttour en , (art.) return to " in battery;" sortir de , (art.) of detachments, to execute "detachment rear," followed by closing on leading detachment; de 80, de 90, etc., name of battery with respect to caliber of guns (xoium, 90mm, etc.). battittire, i., scale, forge-scale, hammer- scale. bat toir, m., rammer. battre, v. a., n., to beat, batter, strike; to ram, to drive in (as a pile); to bo loose (of parts of a mechanism); (met.) to forgo, hammer: (mil.) to defeat, to worst; to beat or sound a call or si penal on the drum; (art.) to cover, sweep with lire, to command or sweep (a water are;i, a pass, etc.); to direct the fire upon a given point; 1. Artillery and miscellaneous; II. Drum signals. I. Artillery and miscellaneous: a , (art.) to bo lired on, to be attacked by lire; un ban, to give public notice by boat of drum; ( a brtclie , (firgi) to breach; --de Uficnlt, to lire so as to sdanco oil and lut some other part of the work (obs.); - - [iir C''i/:'i/Wt(.y), ('irt.) to concentrate fne on same target; -la C'unjjiiy.'x , (mil.) to beat up tho country, to scout; du cunon, to cannonade; - - at chaser, (ivir.) to lire [he bow, tho forward guns; - - a chaud, (met.) to hammer hot ; C(,ntrf (ar/.) to counter-butter; In cou. erte , ( mil. s!i:t"j) to sleep; fi do", (art.) to tal.o an object by lire in rear; a dos en rears, to take an object by lire directly in rear; d'cchariir, (nrt.) to fire obliquely (halfway between direct and enfilade;; I'extradf, (mil.) to be;.;, up a country, to scout (cav.V, dujlanc, (hi pp.) to heave (of ahorse); battre enflanc, (art., etc.) to take in flank; dfond, (art.) to scale a gun (obs.); bfroid, (met.) to hammer-harden, to hammer cold; de front, (art.) to fire normally to a line or position, etc.; nne ligne, (tech.) to mark out, set out, work; to line out; d la main, (hipp.) to throw the head up and ' down; la mer, (nai\) to cruise up and down over the same area, to continue cruising in the same latitude or station; une passe, (fort) to command a pass; pavilion. le -pavilion, (nav.) to fly, show (such and such) a flag, to show one's colors; un pieu, (tech.) to sink a pile; - a plate couture, (mil.) to defeat thoroughly, to rout; point a -, (art., etc.) target, point to be reached by fire; (n refus, jusqu'ct refus de mouton, (tech.) to drive a pUe home till it will sink no farther; en rr'raitc, (mil.) to retreat, to fall back; to maintain a running fight; a, de, revers, (art., etc.) to take in re verse; (i ricochet, (art.) to deliver a ricochet fire; en rouagc, (art.) to take a hostile work in Hank; en mine, (art.) to batter down; e n salve, (mil.) to fire a salvo; en nape, (siege) to undermine by fire. II. Drum signals (those marked by an as- terisk are tho French regulation): I'alarme, to beat an alarm; I'appd, to beat a signal for calling the roll; * VasserribUe, to beat the assembly; * le ban, v. s. v. ban; * la berloque (more commonly brdoque), to sound the signal for "dismissed," to break ranks (also mess call, issue, but this is not official); la chamade, to sound a parley (obs.); * aux champs, to beat or sound the Presi- dent's march; (in gen.) to beat or sound oif in honor of the chief of the state, of gen- eral oilicers, of troops passing, etc. (v. s. v. champ); la charge, (mil.) to beat the charge (in action); * la corvee de I' ordinaire, to beat oil mess fatigue; * la corvee de quartier, to beat police call ( bar- racks, etc.); * le count prtparatoire, to sound school call; le dernier, to beat the assembly (obs.); * la diant, to beat reveille (camp or quar- ters; no longer used, though still in the li^t of calls); * au, drapcau, to sound to the. color; * I' extinction dt-sfcnx, to beat oil " taps;" la fascine, to beat a call Tor working parties (obs.); * aux fourriers de distribution, t > "issue;" la fricassee, to beat tho signal for tro or lodging the colors, for a baHalioii to up or leave its position in line, (obs.); H I c garde & vous, to beat " altenli"ti;" ''* la giiK'ralc, to beat the long roll; * am homines punix, to boat signal for pris- oners, etc., to turn out; * aux inn/odes, to beat sick call; li iiiarrtx , to beat a march: /; irtiKKf to beat church call; -* a I'ordre, to beat signal for rcpi/rting for orders (somewhat like first sergeant's call, U.S.A.); * l< pas accclrre, (drill) to boat (jiiirk time; * le pas dc charge, (drill, dc.) to beat " double time:'' -* 'in piqud, to beat signal for a pi'^nt to turn out ; le premier, to beat tho first call (obs.); beat ping take 41 borme battre la priere, to beat chnrch call; -* le rappel. to sound, beat, the assembly; *le rappel, (auz tambours et aui clairon*) to sound the signal for field music to full in; *le rappcl de pied ferine, (tambours et clairons reunis) to sound signal for men to take their places in ranks (on a march, etc.); * la retraite, to beat oiT tattoo; * le rival, to sound reveille; --*/ rigodon, lively beat, when bullet hits target at target practice; - -* le roulcmcnt, to beat a roll (reveille, taps, etc.); le second, to beat the asembly (obs.); * la Koupc, to sound mess call; le tambour, du tambour, to beat a drum; tambour battant, (mil.) with drums beat- ing; la veillee, to sound reveille (obs.). bat la, p. p., beaten; --tout juste, (fort.) said of the glacis when superior slope produced passes 0.50 over the crest and l lu over the foot of the glacis. battue, f., (man.) beat (i. e., noise) of a horse's hoofs on the ground; the last tread (in the gallop) before taking a jump; de depart, last tread or beat before taking a jump; diagnnalf, diagonal beat; d'tnlcvir, v. dc depart. ban, in., (wr.) deck beam; - -compose, trussed beam; & T, T-beam; ti double J, channel iron, H-iron. bauchCrisme, m., (man.) Baucher's method in all its extension. baudet, m., (lit., donkey) trestle, horse, frame. baudre, m., (cord.) thick stem of hemp. baudrier, m., cross-belt, shoulder belt; porte sabre, sabre support (on saddle). baudruche, f., gold-heater's skin; thin, trans- parent skin, for carrying and using stall maps. baugi*, f., (mas.) pugging-mortar. bauine, m., balsam. bauxite, f., (nut. and chem.) bauxite. bavard, m., (mil. slang) punishment leaf in a soldier's book. ba\e, f.. foam, froth (animals). bavette, f., tipper part of the mouth of a scabbard, turned in on wood or leather (rr.ro). bavleres, f. pi., (unif.) cloth ornaments or fittings on light helmets: sort of chin strap. buvure, f., seam, beard, burr; roughness or ridge caused by repeated shocks or blows; (art.) fringe around a shot hole; swell or bulge in a gun: (am. a.) seam of mold on bullet, fash, mold-mark. bazarder, v. a., (mil. slang) to pillage a house, to wreck it. beaupre, m., (nar.) bowsprit. bee, in., nose, beak, bill; nozzle; prow; stud; pro- jection (esp. a sharp projection); jib (of a crane); catch; jaw (of a clamp, vise;; --d'ain'int, (pout.) upstream cutwater; - - d'aiicrc. lull of an anchor; d'tine, mortising chisel; crosscut chisel; --d'nne doul'lt , mortising chisel with two ending edges; -d'l'im simple, mortising chisel with only one cutting edge; arrierc , Spoilt.) stern of a ponton boat; d'aral, (puiit.) downstream cutwater; avant , bow of a ponton boat; dc baitau, (/unit.) end of a boat; blanc , groenliorn; -- fiuuxcn, (chrm.) I'.unsen burner; dc cane, spring bolt ^of a lock); miner's pick- ax; dc capucinc, (sm. a.) prolongation of lower band in direction of ramrod groove; care.il, photometric unit (lamp burning 42 grams of purified colza oil per hour, with a flame 4()"- : - long, under spe -iiU-d conditions); i/( corbrau, rave-hook, calker's tool; dc corbin, (hipp.) parrot-mouth; -CL, dc. cur'jin, v. dc corbeau; bee de erosne, (sm. o.) toe of the butt; de giichettf, (sin. a.) soar-nose; de gaz, gas-burner; de grue. arm or jib of a crane; de lampe, burner of a lamp; de log tut, nose of a latch ; de m&tMtre, edge, jaw, of a clamp or vise; de pile, (pont.) starling, cutwater; de ponton, (pout.) bow piece (osp. of Bingo system). bcaiie, f., popular term for steam engine; also, a "smart" name for the bicycle. Mchp, f., spade; (art.) trail-spade; h articulation claatique, (art.) elastic truil- spade; de crosse, (art.) trail-spade; flaxtifiut, (art.) elastic trail-spade; d'essieu, (art.) recoil-cheeking axle-spade; pcllc , ( f'r.) infantry intrenchiiig-tool. bficher, v. a., to dig, to spade. Mdane, m., mortising-chisol: cixcau , roenforced chisel. bedon, m., metal-boring bit. Mgayrr, v. u., (hipp.) to throw the head up and down. bCgu, in., (hipp.) horse that never razes or loses mark of mouth. Mguitg, f., (hipp.) qualitv of never losing the mark; faustse . persistence of external dental cavity, when it should have disappeared. belftc, m., wool of natural color, undved won]. boiler, ui., ram, monkey; battering-ram; aiav.) ram: cuirassi . (nar.) armored ram; - - hydraulique, (mach.) hydraulic rain; lance-tor pilles, (mot.) torpedo-ram; - - torpillt ur, (nac.) torpedo-ram. WliOre, f., (unif.) sword-belt sling; (sat. a.) chape of a scabbard; clapper ring; - antiriture, short sling (of a sword belt); grandt , long sling (of a sword belt;; petite , v. anterit ur<; jjijnti.rie.uri, v. graude -. belle, f., (;ic.) waist of a ship; tlr CH , lire at, hull, body, of a ship: tint (ii , to firo at the" body, the hull, of a ship. bclleface, a., (hipp.} having a white head, or one side of head white. bellit;craiit, m. and a.. (//)//.) belligerent. bfllhiufux, a., warlike, martial. belllte, f.. (p/.) bcllite. iK'fiard, m., lieavy stone truck. benediction, f., blessing, consul-ration; dc drdpiauf, (.mi/.) consecration of colors. bengaline, f., (/.ipl.) bcngiilino. beiiiif, f., cage, basl'el (as of an elevator, of a hoist); (art.) shot platform or cradle of a siirll hoist ; d' extraction, (min., r'fi.p or (of u carri.igc), hriiij; suppuri ;,!"> ' ' Ji mirth, sort of prop used as a brake, on slopes, in U. '''i"' siege railway. berccau, in., cradle; vaulted chamber, barrel vault; (f'r very heavy J.MIIS'; (r.f. n/7.) cradle; a tnuriWinx, (r. f. art.) trunnion cradle ('. :;., lloti ilkis ? ('.."v ", etc.!. berccr, v. r., (him*.) to ro'-k finni si t,i ,-: K- (liorse). bfrct, in., (unif.) tam-o'-.sli;inler worn b, \!i ,;:, trooi.s. bergc, f., bi.nlir of a road, bank of a nud; nar- row .-'^iii'; (!'>;>.) b.uik nf ;. rivor; sloj-c :.l n; a vallej , si'lc or Hank of a valley; ,'iiep shore. bcrlotiuf, f.. (mi'. 7/r 1 /".) -!"; tiuuipet call for the same. berine, f., (fur!.) berm. berne 42 billet berne, f., pavilion en , (nav.) at half-staff signal of distress or of mourning. berry, in., (slang, Polytechnic) tunic. bersaglier, m.. (mil.) bersagliero, Italian light infantry soldier. besace, f., wallet, small bag, sack. besaizue, f., double-ended carpenter's tool, one end being a mortising and the other a common chisel; twibill. besides, f. pi., spectacles. besogne, f., task; belle , fine piece of work. Mtail, m., cat tie; gros , horse, mule, ass, ox; me nu , petit , sheep, goat, hog, etc.; sur pied, cattle on the hoof. n. fetes dc , n. head of cattle. bete, f., beast, animal; old hack, good-for nothing horse; eiiautee, (hipp.) shouldor-shot horse; de somme, beast of burden, pack animal. beton, m., beton, concrete; agglomere, beton agglome're'; dc ciment, beton made of cement; gras, beton rich in cement; maigre, beton poor in cement; au quart, mixture of 1 volume of cement to 4 volumes of siliceous pebbles; au septieme (huitieme), mixture of 1 vol- ume of cement to 7 (8) of pebbles. Mtonnage, m., concrete work, concrete founda- tion; concrete (generic term for). betoimer, v. a., to concrete, to cover with concrete or breton. bCtonniere, f., concrete mixer. beveau, m., bevel-rule, miter-rale; bevel; en , beveled. blais, m., slope, inclination, bevel; a., skew, oblique; de , en , obliquely, sloping, aslant, bev- eled. blaisement, m., bevel, slope, slant. blalser, v. a., to bevel, slope, slant. blbliotheque, f., library; de garnison, (mil.) post library; -de regiment, regimentaire, (mil.) regi- mental library; de troupe, (mil.) soldiers' library. biche, f., doe; piul-dc- , claw-lever; crowbar; prypole of a gin: (cord.) double splice. blchoiiner, v. a., coco, (mil. slang) to groom tine's horse. blclifortl, m., (artif.) Bickford fuse (frequently so called). biconcave, a., biconcave, double concave. biconlque, a., bicouic; f Tillage , (art.) biconic hooping. blcomexe, a., biconvex, double convex. bic;;q, in., prypole of a gin. bicuque, f., small town of no importance; (fort.) p"-irly fortified place or post. blcoriie, m., (/>./.) cocked hat. blcyi-le, m., bicycle (esp. though not necessarily, the ordinary); gr<:ntl , tin- (old-fashioned) ordinary. biryi-lette, f., s.Jety bir-.ycle; \ bicycle; machine; i'; bie\cie; 'liroacf.ster: blef de partage, summit level pond. bielle, f., (mach., steam, etc.) connecting-rod; strut (in a truss); any arm, link, or rod, in a mech- anism, particularly when the action is that of a crank; (art.) arm, rocking-arm, lever, of a disappearing carriage: (sm. a.) link (of the Borchardt pistol); d'accouplement, coupling rod; bride de la , connecting-rod strap; de connexion, connecting-rod; corps de .connecting-rod proper; corps de a nervures et&ailettes, channeled and ribbed connecting-rod; directe, direct-acting connecting-rod; dircctrice, driving-rod; grande , main connecting-rod; motrice, (r. r.) driving-rod; de parallelogram me, (steam) parallel-rod, mo- tion rod ; - pendante du grand piston, (steam) side- rod; dc la pompe & air, pump side-rod ; de pointage, (art.) elevation-arm; renversee, en rctour, back-action con- necting-rod; tetc de , connecting-rod end or head; (v. s. v. tetc); du tiroir, valve-rod; de traction, (art.) pole of the cabcstan de carrier, q. v. bien, m., good; du service, (mil.) good of the service. bleii-fonds, m.. real estate, landed property. bienvenue, f., (mil.), (lit., welcome) sort of scot or tax paid by recruit to men of his squad room on (irst joining. blere, f., beer; (funeral) bier. blez, m., v. bicf. bifurcation, f., branching, fork (of a road); (r. r.) branching. blfurquer, v. r., to fork, branch (of roads, r. r.). blgornage, m., (/ rdour, (r. r.) round-trip ticket, return ticket; d'appd, (mil.) mil-call list, showing ab- sentees and passmen; d'arrcts, (mil.) sealed note received by an officer in arrest, informing him of the reasons for his arrest and of its duration; dc banyiie, bunk note; colhclif, (Fr. adm.) general ticket issued by station master f" r b'.-ns de dieinin di fir, q. v., and retained by c. o. of detachment under way; direct, (r. r.) through ticket; d'hoaiicur, challenge (rare)! d'hopital, (mil.) ticket turned over by officer or soldier on presenting himself at a hospital; itf toycment, (mil.) billeting ticket or order, billet; a ordre, check; bill, promissory note; mortar; de brclage, {pont.) rack stick; fi charger, (artif.) fuse-block; d'cnclume, anvil-block; & enrayer, wheel-drag; d'tprcuve, (sm. a.) proof-block (for sword blades); de guindage, (pont.) rack stick. blnaire, a., binary; m., (powd.) mixture of two ingredients of gunpowder; salpctre, (powd.) charcoal and niter; soufre, (pou-d.) charcoal and sulphur. binocle, f., binocle, double eyeglass. blnoculaire, a., binocular; telescope , binocular telescope. btnOmes, m., pi., (slang, Polytechnic) pair of chums who work together. blpede, a., two-footed; HI., (man.) any two feet or legs of the horse; antcrieur, fore feet; diignnal, diagonally opposed feet or legs: diagonal droit, oil' fore and near hind foot; diagonal gauche, near fore and off hind foot; Ic.Hral, feet on same side; literal droit (gauche), feet on off (near) side; posterieur, hind feet. bipolaire, a., (elec.) bipolar. blribi, in., (mil. slung) term of service in punish- ment companies. blsalgue, f., v. bcsaigue. biscaieii, ru., (art.) grapeshot (obs.); (sm. a) long- barreled musket and its bullet. biscuit, m., biscuit; de four rage, compressed or concentrated forage for horses; dc mcr, sea biscuit. blscuUe, a., pain , ordinary bread cooked longer than usual, 1 hour and 40 minutes. blse, f., (in gen.) morth wind; (more esp.) >i.NE. wind. blseau, m., slope, bevel, chamfer; (sm. a.) back chamfer of a sword blade, back edge near Eoint; double-edged part of a bayonet lade; en -, beveled, chamfered. biscauter, v. a., to bevel, to chamfer. biset, m., sort of carrier pigeon; rock-pigeon; (/a///.) uutional guardsman, on duty in plain doilies; en , in plain clothes. bismuth, in., bismuth. bbquuin, m., sheepskin with the wool on. bissac, m., (mii.) grain bag, (art., and car. serv- ing in -UYica, officers); (inf.) ammuni- tion bag for supply of line from company wagons. blstourl, m., bistoury. blstoumage, m., (liipp.) castration by tor- sion. btstoume, a., twisted, crooked. chif:-l , (hipp.) horse castrated by tor- sion. blbiourner, v. a., (hipp.) to castrate by tor- ;.iim. bistre, a., brown. bltord, m., (curd.) spun yarn, marline; blaitc, untarrt-d spun yarn; -goudronni, tarred spun yarn. bltte, f., bitts. bitter, v. a., (coi-fl.) to bitt a f-able. lilt ton, m., kevel-head, moorinir-post. liitt urt", f., (cord.) range of a cable. bltvime, m., bitumen, mineral pitch; - -dcJiulec, compact bitumen, Judaea bi- tumen; f'>lide, mineral pilch. bltuminer, v. a.. 10 cover with bitumen. bltuinlncux, a., I ii luminous. bivuc, m., v. Itiiouac. blva<|Ucr, v. IK. v. liiri.miquer. bivoie, f., fork of u road. bivouac, m., (mil.) bivouac; abri de , v. s. v. abri: anneau de , v. s. v. anneau. blvouaquer, v. n., (mil.) to bivouac. blalreau, m., badger; shaving-brush; (mil. slang) recruit. blaiic, a., white; (cord.) imtarred, white; arme he, (mil., etc.) any ollonsive weapon except firearms; le baton 11 la main, (mil.) without arms or baggage; coupe he, coupe & estoc, coupe & lire, complete clearing of woodland, leaving neither trees nor bushes; eau - he, (hipi>.) water mixed with bran; en , unpainted; in blank (of documents); (cord.) untarrod; tpee he, bare sword; / , (met.) tin; seing, signi, blank signature, signa- ture in blank; m., white color; blank (in a form or document); chalk, whiting; (met.) white heat; (t. p.) bull's eye; d'argent, commercial term for the best white lead; argrnte, (hi pp.) white giving a pale silvery reflection; dc baleine, spermaceti; bo ire dans son , (hipp.) said of a horse when the tip of his nose is white down to his mouth; but in -, (ball.) point-blank; cartouche d - , (sm. a.) blank cartridge; " de ceruse, white lead; de chaui, whitewash; donntr un de cliaux, to whitewash; donner dans le , (t. p.) to hit the bull's eye, to make a hit; d'eau, (tup.) pool of water in a swamp; (fort.) shallow sheet of water, duo to inundation, and used as an accessory defense; d' Espagnc, (mil.) pipeclay; astiqtiir au d'Esuagne, (mil.) to pipeclay; dc lune, (met.) white heat, welding heat; mat, (hipp.) white giving a inilky reflec- tion; dc plomb, white lead; porcrlaine, (hipp.) white with the bluish tint of china; porttr nit , (met.) to raise to a while heat; ruse, (hipp.) svhiio that is pinkisli in spots (due to absence of cutaneous pig- ment); sale, (hipp.) yellowish white; xuitdant, - - suant, (met.) white heat, welding heat; fir ft. , (art., am. a.) flre with blank car- tridges; tirer it , (art., sm. a.) to Ore blank car- tridges; at 'I'ruycs, Spanish white; (it -Inc. oxide of zinc. blancliet, m., strainer, liltor; (harn.) reonforco of leather sewed on a second piece of leather to strengthen the la! ler. bhuif'niiiu'iit, m., blanching; whitening: V:L-U- iii!_'; whitewashing. bluiu-hir, v. a., to whiton; clean, wash; to divss trim down (as wooi, hing (clolho 1 : \\ ] iiie- w.ishing (wall.-, elc.). blase, a., (Itipi-.) luiiiii'ert'iit (:is a 1 ':, I" tUa touch). blaiidc, I'., fiock, groom's frock (pr.) coni'iMcm oi ihn s-io O'cel.-i and quarters;, l>lc. nie; - fi'ulie, rnero bruiso ol" l.eels i.r of quar- ters; blcimc 44 bols bleime scche, deep-seated bruise of heels or of quarters; suppuree, running sore in heels or quarters, leading to separation of parts. ' blelmeux, a., (hipp.) suffering from bleyme, from contusion of heels or of quarters. blenomctre, m., spring gauge or tester. blesse, a., m., wounded; man who has been wounded. blesser, v. a., to wound; ii ni'irt, to wound mortally; aa iif , to wound to the quick. blessure, f., wound; nwrti'lle, fatal wound. bleu, a., blue; m., blue color; (mil. slany) young soldier, recruit (until ho has passed the school of the platoon); republican soldier (1793, Vendee); conn , (art., sm. a.), miss. bleuir, v. a., to blue (as, sm. a., metallic parts). blin, m., beetle, rammer; (nav.) boom-iron of a spar-torpedo bout. blindage, m., (fort.) blindage, overhead cover (in gen.) any cover not a more parapet and nude of various materials, either singly or in combination with one another, blindage; (fort., iiur.) armor, armor plating; bunion de , armor boll : deceinture, (nnv.) belt armor; de muraille, (nav.) side armor, side plat- ing; pliujue. de , armor plate; tie pont, (nar.) deck plating, deck armor. blindc, f., (siege, firrt.) piece of wood for a blindage; Mind; (siege) wooden frame to support planks. fa,()( XJ to 3,000 kilograms); dr. ci'/'/w, de ftfmeture, (art., sin. a.) breechblock; a fuiutUr le.f arm*.*:, (sm. a.) testing block fur sword blades; de /irexsiun, (inacli.) pressure Mock; a rut'iti'tii, (sin. a.) rotating block; Hirer ii , to screw, si I, tt.rn, etc , home. blucage, in , (inacli.) clani])ing, lockim:; (mas.) pebble work, rul>lile work, nibble. blocaillf, f., (;mi*-.) rubble, pebble work. blocliH, m.i (nrii.) smau tie-beam; (art.) tie- pii'fe, for sleepers of a pl.it form. blocUaus, m., (mil. "Hiiy.) shako. bloctvhaus, in., (J"rt.) blockhouse; (Cerman ].::MIO lor) small caponier; (mir.) conning tower; iirlnge, two-storied blockhouse. block-notes m., ineinor.iiiduiu block, pad. block-sy:,ti-iiK', in., (r. r.) block system. bloc us, m., (-"itiif, nni .) invent nient, blockade; txc'idrc d(. , (nn' .; bide|forestoek; -- ilr (i'ii"t . Im.xu odd, lignum \il;e; ;/'/(/ , irost-rracl ed w Odd; 'jf-i', soil wood; bois 45 boite bols en grume, timber with or without bark, obtained by a first operation of felling, trimming, and cutting into lengths (gener- ally understood as timber with the bark on): ae haute fuiaie, forest timber; wood of lofty trees; de lance, d>m. a.) lance-pole, lance-shaft; leger, light wood, wood suitable for gun- powder charcoal; liant, tough wood, whose fibers resist sepa- ration: -de lit, bedstead; de mine, (mil. min.) uprights, sills, and caps; mart , wood of little value; mart, dead wood; brambles, underbrush ; mort sur pied, tree dead standing; d' outrage, d'ffuire, timber; de pnlissandre, violet ebony; ptrfnit, heart wood, mature wood, as dis- tinguished from sap; petits , (cons.) window-pane framing; pttits en fer, (COTW.) iron framing for window panes; de refend, split timber; - far pied, standing timber; d polir, polishing stick; rcbours, d rebours, cross-grained wood; de recette, timber fit for service; - resintux, resinous wood; - sur le retnur, tree decaying from age; de rose, rosewood; de stile, (ham.) saddletree; de service, timber, lumber; de faille, taillis, underwood, wood of underbrush: it ndrc , soft wood; tordu, tors, tortillard, twisted tim- ber, wood; de travail, lumber; -vert, vif , unseasoned , preen timber ; d lives arftis, full-edged timber. boisagc, m., timber-casing. bolsf, a., (top.) wooded; (cons.) wainscoted. boiser, v. a., to line or case with wood; (conn.) to wainscot. boiscrie, f. , (cons.) wainscoting; boarding: join- ing-work. boisseau, m., shell of a faucet; (popular slang) shako. hoi turd, m., (mack.) upper journal or bearing of a vertical shaft. bolte, f., liox; case; chest; (mach.) bearing (mil. slung) prisoner's room in a guardhouse. I. Artillery, small arms, military mining, etc.; II. Machinery, miscellaneous. I. Artillery, etc. d'ltlimcn'ation, (r.f. art.) feed-box; -_ d'nmorce, (mil. min., tor p.) prinier-bo.x. priming tube, casing (if a primer or fuse; - d'nngfi . (am. a.) carrier box or casing; acuir la , (mil.) to bo foot-soro from, march- ing; n Jnlles, (art.) case-shot; sort of canister for 1'rrnch s. l>. mortars; ii (/,'j.vsv.v bailey, (art.) catii:;ter containing lurge Millets; a pii.iir* ballc-s, (art.) canister containing small bullets; - i/i b'julrt, ( mil. min.) box-trap: a ii'jul'tx, (nrt.) sort of canister used in Krone': s. b. mortars; to caffuts, v. - a bouhtis; -chargeur, (sm. n.) magazine packet; loader, "loading-packet, loading-case; quick louder; Ae la chfvillc - tuicrilrt, (art.) pintle- socket; de culasse, (.vii. n.) breivh-casiug, receiver: (r. /. art.) breech piece, llotchkiss revolving cannon; de distribution, (mil. min.) sort of switch board, or connecting box (for electric wires) ; bolte, Mairantt, (artif.) box containing illumi- nating composition; d'uowritlm, (art.) sponge head on which sheepskin or bristles are fastened ; 6 ttoupillts,(ait.) friction primer box; dfeu, (mil. min.) box-trap; 6 fum,'e, (mil. min.) box of asphyxiating composition for subterranean warfare; d gurgousses, (art.) pass-box: d grai&se, (sm. a.) grease-box for care of arms; de hausse, (art.) rear-sight scat, rear-sight 1 ox or socket; d'inflammattuT, (turp., etc.) igniter-, primer- box; d' inflammation, (mil. min.) igniting box (fur producing simultaneous explosions); v de levitr, (art., etc.) handspike-, lever- socket; dlivrets, (mil.) case for lirrets, <\. v.; d marquis, (mil.) box for marking imple- ments; d marrons, (mil.) box in which tho oflirt r making rounds deposits liL> marrun, q. v.; de mire, (art.) sight box; a mitraille, (art.) case-shot, canister (used in preference to d ballesi; de mitraille, (art.) the case or casing of canister or case-shot; moyemte, (art.) canister containing bullets of samo size as those of 6 grosses billet, but fewer of them; de pilon , (pou'd.) shoe (of a stamp) : fi plaques a' identitf, (mil.) box to hold plaques d'identite,q. v.; de pointngt, (art.) elevator-pinioii box; ele- vating-screw frame, box; elevating-gear frame; fi puudre, (mil. mirt.) powder box (usi-d L:i relatively weak mines ofsmallcharge); d pultirin, (art.) dredging-box (obs.); quintuple, casing of the turret-reversing gear (five valves) on one or two 1'rench sl.i] > (e. g., Tonnant); a rifxurl, (r.f. art.} spring (recoil) cylinder; spring bulfer; deronde, v. d murrons; de sicours, (mil. min.l "first-aid" box f r asphyxiated miners; life-saving box: d tampons, de tarn pun, (aft.) rucoil-bunVr casing; butter box; a tiroir, (mil. ruin.) trap, box-trap; a touritluim. (art., eft*.) journal-box; II. Machinery, miscellaneous: de b'i f tnir, buffer-box: dc cable, sk-i-ve or.V'OX (for fust oiling t':^ end of rt wire caMe ta rigid metallic objects;; dc choc, builer-bdx; a claptt, (stttun) vulvo-box, valve ca."in..'; d conipas, cumpa^-box; cui ni'i . (hipp.)n >of (proper. horny part); O'j/Ht inif, (hip)>.) brain pan; dtssous df , (r.r., tic.) l"\\\-r axle-box; t!fx ; di ir.'itlif iini''iiut v. ! -o drawing;) i:i-!rnn!ents: dc mi:rf, (c^rp.) mitre-bi math t>oite 46 bordereau bolte d noyau, (fond.) core-box; h orcillfs, axletrce box, with lugs to prevent turning in nave; pttite , de petit bout, end-box of the nave; de rigulateur, (steam) governor sleeve; dc resistance, (dec.) resistance box; d rcxsnrts, buffer-box; de rctenue, (mach.) check-valve box; Ic tt nt, (?ic.) lee side. bonif 1 . a., planked, covered with plankhv; (hipp.) bordered (of horse's cout). bonlfe, f., (nav.) broadside (both guns and fire); (art.) salvo (rare >; dnnntr la . ( intr.1 to give a broadside; fro;ii'ie ,\.
  • i tfiii , (mil.) to flruw up troops along .1 ro;td for a funeriil or oiher (.ereiiuniy ; u n ji'iraj.ii, (mil.) to li i" . man, u parapet. bordereau, in., (';n, daily statement of innndnl.i de /,'/,'( nil nt i.-i.sne.l; cnnncuitif, :ilistract giving detailed account of all the \ oiichers covered by it; inunifrntif, abstract gi\-ing merely class and name of vouchers covered by it; bordereau 47 bouchon bordereau d'envoi, return voucher, setting forth that goods, etc., sent have been received in good condition; nominatif, list of names, etc., of recruits forwarded to a regiment by recruiting oflicer; de pret, abstract of payments (on feuilles de prct) made by paymaster during the day (shows total expended). bordure, f., edge, border; du pave , curbstone. bore, m., boron, boreal, a., northern. borgue, a., blind of one eye; ancre , single-fluked'anchor; trou, , hole that does not go quite through (as in armor plate); vis . screw that does not go through the piece (as in armor plate). boraage, m., marking or setting off by means of boundary stones. borne, f., limit boundary: boundary stone; curb- stone, spur-post; (in pi.) geographical boundaries; (art.) support or pillar of (Engel- hardt) field mortar carriage; (elec.) binding- past, bar of a switch board; (teleg.) post of a sending instrument; d'attachc, (elcc.) binding-post; -fiintainc, water-plug; limitf, boundary stone; milliairc, milestone; presse, (e Ice.) the connection or attach- ment to which (on a tableau de connexion, q. v.) the wires lead from the dynamo; rfperc, (surv.) bench mark; signal, (surv.) boundary signal or mark. bonier, v. a., to limit, bound, contract. bornoyer, v. a., to stake olT, to mark off by pickets, stakes, etc.; to verify an edge, a sur- face. eu\, by looking at it with one eyo, the other being closed. bossage, in., (mach.) crank-pin boss; (in gen.) boss, swell. bossc, f., boss, bump, swell; (cord.) stopper; en , in relief; du, saut. (liipp.) vertex of the croup. bosscr, v. a., (cord.) to stopper, to seize/ bossette, f., (haru.) boss of a bit; bridle-stud; (.m. a.) boss or swell of a trigger piece (causing double pull off, when there are two). botte, f., boot; bundle, truss (of hay, fodder, etc.); coil (of wire); (.an. a.) lance-", carbine-, of., bucket; (mil.) popular term for horses' meal; (Jcnc.) thrust lunge; arc.be, (unif.) boot worn by native officers of spahis and of lirnilUurs al'icruns; d'aspergcs, (fort.) fascines for stuffing a gat )ion; a , (car.) boot to boot; - de carabine, (xm. a.) carbine-bucket; de chcuat, riding-boot; duni . half-boot; -- -di mi-fort c, (unif.) sort of jack-boot worn by the garden" jiublicaine; dun iii r uiu: , ('/< nc.) to thrust, lunge; ii I'tcui/frc, riding-boot; --d'fti mliird, (mil.) color-bucket; il'-'iri. f, (am. a.) stirrup-bucket for lance; f-inxsiis a, (unif.) spatterdashes, worn by F relict) cuvalry; - -sf'irtrx. jack-boots; - -defmtrrugiit, truss, bundle, of forage; -~fr/utchr, (fine.) a "palpable hi! ;'' defu--:il. (,vm. a.) c:\rbino-buckot; - -ii la hijii-iiinlc, (unif. j light cavalry boot; di line* , (.1111. a.) lance-bucket; ---de maitf^i, (unif.) boot worn by n. c. o. on duty at cavalry school; - -multi-, (unif.) boot worn by French troop- ers of the */)/! is; - - dc mousqmton, carbine-bucket; pftite , (unif.) boot worn under trousers by the yi ndannca! - -/"f/' -carnbini , \'. dc ni'>iis^it(>i\ isioius, victuals: sans , (ma?!.) hard-mouthe.d; -mnxibU', teiulrc, (man.) tcinKr mouth; --trou, stopgap. boucher, m.. buicher. bouclicr, v. u., to M.'p. plug; to close ui> (:us wi:i- dn'A-s, doors. etc.);(ar/.) to bash; (.tUc.) r> |>1. ; (in ri'iistaiict! box ); - -nit, clu'.a!, (hipp.) to e\.:iU!ii! a hor .'.- irirjiith for aj.;e; -la liiinii'jt, (art.} to serve i hi< scat (obs..). bnuciietie, f.. buirhrr shop: i. .';;. ! iu.i>.^.irre. bom-lion, m., btupper. plug, Ynrl^; ^i.-p; w;nl; ti'iu[jion; familiar term I'nr ///' ^li:ir. U.M- bouchon 48 bullion bouchon porte-amorce, (art.) primer-plug (of a fuse); de queue, (art.) base plug or screw (of a fuse); rugueui, (art.) striker and plug in one (of a fuse); de surctc, (dec.) fusible plug, safety plug; de vidnnge, (mach., etc.) drip-cock; a iis, screw-plug. bouclinnner, v. a., to rub down a horse with a wisp, with straw. bourle, L, buckle, clasp; eye, ring; (sm. a.) band; (cord.) half-hitch, Kink, twist; (top.) turn, elbow, or bend of a river; (in pi.) irons, fetters, shackles; (/' amarrage , (art., etc.) mooring-ring, lashing- ring; crampon, buckling staple; enchapee, buckle at the end of a strap, swing- ing buckle; - d'etoupitte, (art.) eye or loop of a friction primer; de hart, (siege) withy knot; de mantzuvre, (F. m. art.) maneuvering loop; maneuvering chain eye; ourt r/c, open buckle or link; porte-etriviere, (ham.) stirrup-leather buckle; dr qua!, mooring-ring; renoir, (harn.) rein-buckle on pommel of certain packs, saddles, etc.; . roulante, a rouleau, roller-buckle; de sangie, (harn.) girth-buckle; sous s, in irons. bouclement, m., (hi pp.) ringing (of a mare). bourler, v. a. and n", to knot, to tie; to buckle, clasp; to lock up (prisoners); to bulge out (of a wall badly built); unejument, (hipp.) to rung a mare. bouclerie, f., generic term for buckle and parts of buckles. boucleteau, m., (harn.) strap with buckle at the end (used with contre-sanglon, q. v., to distinguish ends of same strap, boucleteau being the buckle end); tug; antcrleur, loin-strap tug; ptixtt'irieur, hip-strap tug. boueletolr, m., (harn.) tup. boiicletou, m., (harn.) near-side neck-strap. bouelier, m.. shield; (art.) gun shield: (fort.) armor plate or sliield, csp. plate through which embrasure of turret is pierced, embrasure plate; cnirasst, (art.) armored sliield; (/< sajK , (siege) sap shield; en tola, (art.) gun shield (esp. mobile and r. f. pieces). bonder, v. n., to pout; contre Its jambes, (hipp.) to uso or move the legs sluggishly or unwillingly; - sur son avoinc, (hipp.) to be off his feed (horse). houdiii, in., spiral or helical spring; wad; flanjre of a wheel (as r. r.); nosing (of a stair); (r. r.) butler; (artif.) hose or tube for a xaucisson: (mil. rnin.) synonym of saiicinson (latter the better term); (harn.) the coil into wlu'ch a for- age or picketropo is rolled; (cord.) sort of coil (as, of a rope pu/'ked in a chest); fi rixxnri, (r. r.) spring buffer. boue, f. , mud, mire. bouee, f., buoy; J'mnarr'igc, mooring-buoy; dt X'lun t>ig; . llfe-l .iiuy; xnnnarili . bell-buoy. " boucux, a., muddy, miry. bonfire, f. , pull, wliilf; ilcfumfc. pull" of smoke; ili : lent, Si|iiall. bouffette, f., (harn.) head knot, rosette, of a bridle. bolide, f., bilge, swell (of a cask, ship); round- ing (...< of a deck); di ni'iyni,, swell of the nave of a wheel' di mnr, s\vell or bulge of a wall; ./( planche, warping of a plank. bougie, f., eande; decimate, (dec.) practical unit of light. boulllante, f., (mil. slang) soup. boullleur, m., (steam) boiler-tube; heater (of a boiler); one of the tubes of a tubular boiler. bouillon, m., (unif.) epaulet-fringe. boulange, f., unbolted flour. boulanger, m., baker. boulangerie, f., bakery, bakehouse, bake-oven: de campagne, (mil.) field bakery; legere de campagne, (Fr. a.) field bakery for areas inaccessible to regular Held bakery. boule, f., ball; time-ball; boite dc , (mil. min.) box trap; duregulateur, (steam.) governor ball; de son, (mil. slang) loaf of bread. boolean, m., birch (tree and wood). boulet, m., (art.) shot, solid shot (very little used, having given way to obus, in its various mean- ings); (hipp.) pastern-joint, fetlock-joint; (mil.) ball and chain (punishment); ftarre, bar shot (obs.); cercle, (hipp.) pastern-joint surrounded by exostoses; h chaine, (art.) chain shot (obs.); condamner au , (mil.) to condemn to drag a ball and chain; couronni, (hipp.) scarred pastern joint, show- ing traces of falls, i. e., strained; crowned pastern joint; creuxei inccndier, (art.) incendiary shell; tnchaine, v. bchaine; incendiaire, (art.) incendiary shell; mcssagtr, shell containing a message (obs.); mart, (art.) spent shot; plein, (art.) solid shot; -rame, (art.) bar shot (obs.); rouge, (art.) hot shot (cbs.); de rupture, (art.) armor-piercing pro- jectile; torpiUe, (art.) generic term for a torpedo projectile, i. c., a torpedo lired by an explo- sive; a (projected) shell to be stopped by shin's side and then to explode after dropping under the ship's bottom; trainer ie . (mil.) to drag a ball and chain (punishment). boulet*, a., (hipp.) said of a horse whose fetlock joint is crowned, swelled, dislocated; boulet te, f., small ball; d' amorce, fulminante, (ur/if.) pellet primer, wax primer. bouleture, f., (hipp.) straightening of, and throw- ing forward of, bony parts of fetlock joint, causing the horse to stand on his toe. bouleux, m., (hipp.) short, thickset horse. boulevard, in., bulwark, rampart (obs. as a mili- tary term, except fig.): avenuo planted \\iili trees. boulimie, f., voracious, abnormal appetite; bulimy. bouline, f., (cord.) bowline. bouliiier, v. a., (curd.) to haul on a bowline. boulineur, m.,eainp-robbiT, -follower. bouloir, in., larry, lime-rake. honlois, m., (mi'l. min.) punk (obs.). bunion, m., bolt; d'asxtniblagr, through bolt, assi-mbling-bol!: I'll'/.) transom bull ; - --iratttln'/i'. drag-belt; m. a.) rim forming bottom of bayonet sccket; flange or run of ucart ridge ease; (art.) swell at the muzzle of a gun; centering- band. centering-shoulder; (fort.) reinforce of metal about embrasure of a turret-pun (C'anet); (top.) fold of the ground, long mound; (hipv.) coronary band, cutidiiro; (r. r.) flunce 01 a wheel, head of u rail, (liarn.) pad, cushion; (in gen.) any long pad or cushion; -avont, (art.) centering Dana or shoulder; de centrage, (art.) centering-shoulder; guide, guide flange; piriopligue, (hipp.) perioplic band or circle; posterieur, (r. /. ad., sm. a.) cartridge-head flange or rim; de terre, (fort.) small parapet (as of a shelter trench); en talipe, (art.) swell of the muzzle. bourreletage, m., operation of putting on a bour- relet (esp., sm. a., on cartridge-cases). bourreller, m., harness maker; pack harness maker; (Fr. art. and train) workman that keeps harness in repair, saddler. bourrer, v. a., to pack; to tamp; to stuff, pad, wad; to push or strike with the butt of the rifle; (man.) to bolt; (mm.) to ram, tamp, a mine, charge or blast; xur I' obstacle, (man.) of a horse, to bolt at a hurdle or jump and try to tear the reins out of the rider's hands. bourretage, m., act of putting in a bourre. bourrique, f., ass; (hipp.) poor, miserable horse. bourriqurt, m., small ass: (ttch.) horse (trestle); (min.) box or basket for hoisting earth, etc., from bottom of a mine by a winch. bourroir, m., (min.) tamping-rod. bourse, f., purse; saddlebag; stock exchange; scholarship in a school (military or civil); (med.) suspensory bandage; (hipp., 'etc.) testicle- sack; bariltl , (art.) budge-barrel; demi , half-scholarship (schools). boursier, m., pupil in enjoyment of a scholarship; gambler on the stock exchange, boursoufllement, m., (met.) blister, bubble, air cell; (chem.) increase of volume by chemical action, boursouffler, v. a., to swell; v. r., (chem., etc.) to increase in volume by chemical, etc., action. boursoufHure, f., (top.) swell, rise, in the ground. bousillage, m., loam and straw (adobe, almost); (fig.) poor piece of work. bousiller, v. a., to wall, revel, with loam and straw; (fig.) to botch, to do work badly. bousin, in., outer soft crust (of a stone, of a rock). boussole, f., (imtt.) compass; (flee.) galvanom- eter; atfalie, defective, erroneous com pa.- s (v. affoll ) : --alidade, compass fitted with an alidade; d'arpenteur, surveym 's compa.-s; de batter ic, (art. > C'linn .ss specially designed for use with field batteries mpari--;nr, prismatic com pa-.-; rapporteur, Compass and proiracti.r, for sketching: fi ri I 1 ! . r i<>n, reflect ing coinpas-;: - rnu-littr, sort of uiiiM-r-al in..) bout!*se, f.. (max.) header; (fort.) sod laid header- wise, head-sod. boutoir, in., (fan.) hutteris, butt rice; - ii 'iniile, butteris used in Charlier system of shooing. bouton, m.. button: stud, lug: knob, handle: (r. f. art.) crank-Mud (Ilolchkissi; (sm. u.i thumb-piece; threaded end of barrel; (fcnc.) button of a foil; - d'amnrri . (nrt.) primer-plug (fuse); d'nrrrt. (curd. ) any knot limiting motion of a loop, slide, etc.; nrrftnir, (am. a.) stop: dc bitllf, (much.) crank-pin; - dc bosst, (cord.) knot or crown of a stop- per; - dc canon, (sm. n.) brooch-pin; a clltc.) contact key or plug-, bouton coulant, (harn., etc.) sliding button or loop; de culasse, (art.) knob of the cascable; (sm. a.) breech-pin; (r. /. art.) adjusting-ball (Galling); du cylindre, (sm. a.) Ing joining cylinder and bolthead (French, model 1874); ecrou, (sm. a.) firing-pin nut; thumbpiece (nut to which firing-pin is attached in nolt- guns); d'etai, (cord.) mouse of a stay; - -farcincux, (hipp.) farcy-bud; dc. fiche, hinge pin; filete, (sm. a.) threaded (breech) end of a rifle barrel; de fourreau, (sm. a.) bayonet-scabbard tip or button; de manivelle, (mach.) crank-pin; de mire, (art.., sm. a.) front sight; mobile, (harn.) running button; mollete, milled head; en olive, knob, handle; poussoir, firing-button (Maxim machine gun); de rep'ere, ( Fr. art.) v. s. v. repfrrc; hressort, (dec. etc.) spring-button; de sonncrie, (elec.) bell-push, push-button; de tir, firing-button (Maxim machine gun); de tournevire, (cord.) Turk's head; & vis, (r. f. art.) screw stud, cascable, cas- cable button (Gatling, Gardner). boutoiiner, v. a., to button; (fenc.) to touch. boutonniere, f., buttonhole; (harn.) running- loop; <*unif.) distinctive mark worn on the collar by officers of the territorial army in France; good-conduct badge of military con- victs in French army. bouvet, m., (carp.) grooving-plane. bouveter, v. a., (carp.) to tongue and groove, to groove. box, m., loose box (stable). boxe, f., boxing, art of boxing. boxer, v. n., to box. boyau, m., (siege) boyau, zigzag; connecting trench between parallels or places of arms; (mil. min.) small gallery, branch, of a mine; (in yen.) pipe, hose; (hipp.) belly, flank; - - dc. communication, dc tranchce, (siege) zigzag, trench between parellels, between places of arms. brabant, in., iron strap or band; - iifinirchc, forked holdfast: - -a pattr. holdfast, brace, clip. bracelet, in., bracelet, any ring or circular band (esp. of metal); (,sn. a') band of a sword-' of a bayonet-, scabbard; (art.) loop of a lanyard: ciplorateur, (man.) Marey's pneumatic bracelet, for registering gaits by compressed air; - - -pontct, (sm. a.) band and bow of the French, infantry rifle (Lebcl). braroii, in., strut. brairue, f., (-nav. and s. c. art.) breeching, breech- tackle; dc canon, breech-tackle; croc df , brooch-tackle hook. bragiirt, in., (cord.) heel-rope. bniKiictte. f., front opening of trousers; (cord.) heel-rope. brai, in., tar, pitch; rosin; - -gras, mixture of tar, colophany, and pitch; tar; src. pitch. braic, !'., (fort.) bray, advanced wall projecting from tower over main entrance of fortress (obs.); faunae , (for/.) false bray (obs.). bralsi-. f.. (wood) coals. bralsinc, f.. (fond.) molding sand mixed with cow dung. brancard, m., shaft (of a wagon): handbarrow; iron shoo of a drag; (mrd.) litter, stretcher (for wounded); (art., dc.) side rail (of a caisson, ammunit ion wagon, etc.;; - -de caixst. wagon-body side bar (in wagons having - di liinniiir.rr, q. v.); chit at de , olf-wheeler; --dc limnnifri , side, rail in prolongation of shafts of certain two-wheelers; brancard 51 bravoure brancard mobile, shifting shaft. brancardler, m.. litter - bearer, stretcher- bearer; d' ambulance, (FT. a.) litter-bearer belong- ing to field hospital (ambulance); d'arttilerie, (Fr. a.) litter-l>earor furnished by musicians of the artillery school; canoral , ( Fr. a.) corporal in charge of litter- nearer, one per battalion; dcfrontitre, (Fr. a.) volunteer litter-bearer, to assist medical service and the French Red Cross; d'infanterie, (Fr. a.) litter-bearer furnished by musicians and reservists. regimentaire, regimental litter-bearer; tergtnt , ( Fr. a. . sergeant in charge of litter- bearers, one to each infantry regiment. branche, f., branca; subdivision of a subject; any part of a thing that may be distinguished as a branch; branch, bough, of a tree; leg (of a tripod, of a compass); (harn.) cheek of a bit; (fan.) part of a horseshoe from mamelle to extremity or heel; (fort.) longest side of a crown work, of a horn work; d'amorce, (eipl.) fuse-wire; fuse lead; ascendante ( descendente) de la trajec- toire, (ball.) ascending (descending) branch of the trajectory; d'avaloire, (hurn.) bearing strap; avoir de la , (hipp.) to have a long neck and shoulders and good withers; baa de la , (harn.) lower part of bit-cheek; d'en bos, lower arm of a knee (boats); de coquille, (sm. a.) bar of a sword-guard; coudee de baionnette, (sm. a.) bayonet shank; dc crosse, (sm. a.) rear end (toward butt) of trigger-guard plate; de devant, (sm. a.) fore end of trigger-guard plate; d'echelle, side, side rail, of a ladder; d'cpt'e, (sm. a.) basket-hilt; d'itrier, (harn.) leg or upright of a stirrup; defer, (fan.} quarter of a horsehoe; de fortification, (fort.) v. d'ourrage de fortification; - de garde d'epee, (sm. a.) bow of a sword hilt; yraiule , (sm. a., r.f. art.) long branch, main branch, of the hammer spring; haul de la , (harn.) top part of bit-cheek; de manivelle, (art.) elevating-screw arm; mobile, \. grande ; ile mors, (harn.) branch of a bit; ceil de la , (harn.) eye of a bit-cheek; d'ouvrage de fortification, (fort.) crest or part of a work more or less normal to the front, (hence) face, etc.; de percussion, (sm. a.) percussion spring (e. g., French revolver, model 1S92); petite, (sm. a.), r. f. art.) short branch of a hammer spring; de rrbondissement, (sm. a.) rebound spring (revolver); ile ririfre. (top.) arm of a river; de sabre, (sm. a.) how of a sword hilt; de sous-garde, (sm. .1 trigger-guard plate; supfrieure d'unt courbe, standard or upper part of a knee (boats); tie support de tinton, (art.) pole-yoke brunch. branrhrr, v. a., to tie up to a bough; to hang (as a deserter); to connect (tubes, pipes, etc.); (mil. min.) to cause to break out from (e. g., rameiiu from ecoute, qq. v.). brandebourg.m., (unif.) frogs ami loops. brandevlri, m., brandy. brandcvinler, m.. (mil.) sutler (rare). brandlr, v. a., to brandish (a saber); (carp) to stay, strengthen. branlc, in., impulse, impetus; path of a pendu- lum regulator; donner, mettre, le , to set in motion. branlr-bas, de combat, (nav.) clearing for action; faire le , to clear the decks for action. branler, v. a. n., (rr.'.l.) to waver; give away; (in. gen.) to shake loose, move stir; au manchr, to shake loose in the handle (tools). branlolrc, f., rock staff (field forge, etc.). braquer, v. a., to fix a telescope, a field glass, on an object; (art.) to lay, traverse, a gun (not used technically); se sur It mors, (man.) to bore on the bit. bras, m., arm; brace, tie; handle; link (in many; relations); lever, crank-lever; (top.) arm of a river; (mach.) spoke of a pulley); (sm. a.) car- rier-plate; carrier-lever; (hipp.) true arm; (r. f. art.) cocking-cam (Hotchkiss); (art.) leg of agin; & , by hand; 6 en arriere (avant), (art.) by hand to the rear (front); & francs, (sm. a.) offhand, from the shoulder & d'hommes, by hand; d'ancre, anchor arm; d'avaloire, (harn.) hip-strap; d'ariron.arm or handle of an oar; de balance, arm of a balance; de brancard, shaft; canon, (art.) gun-arm of the Watkin posi- tion finder; de cheval, (hipp.) horse's arm from shoulder to knee; de chtvre, (art.) leg of a gin; de courbe, leg of a knee (boats); directeur, (r. f. art.) action lever; double , (mach.) arm brace; eicentrique, (mach.) excentric rod, side rod; de force, bolt acting as a brace to keep a door or shutter closed or open; inutiles, useless hands (e. g , in a siege); de leiier, lever arm; delimonihe, (art. etc.) single shaft; des machines, (mach.) side rod; de manivelle, (mach.) crank-lever; de mcr. (top.) inlet, arm of the sea; mort d'une ririfre, (top.) stagnant arm; de pointai)e, (art.) elevating arm (esp. in French naval turrets); pompe it , hand-pump; de rappel , (much.) righting-lever, radius- rod, bridle-rod; de riveire, (top.) arm of a river; de roue, spoke; support, (much., etc.'] arm, support; dr trat'erse, (fort.) inclined postern under a traverse. brasage, m., brazing, operation of brazing; hard soldering. brasiT, v. a., to solder, bard solder; to braze, braze on. bras(|iie, f., (met.) brask, luting. brasqucr, v. a. (met.) to lute. brassage, m., (mtt.) stirriim. rabbling. brassard, m., (unif.) arm-badge: ( I-'r.a.) insignia of oilicers of the aenice d'ttut-majur, anil of the men of certain services, e. p., drivers, telegraph operators, etc.: bliinc fi eriiii rntine , de la conrention de flint :< , < med.) Cieneva cross, rr.l cross. brasse, f., fathom (l.'V.m). brasser, v. a., (mortc-obus, (art.) shell-strap. hrette, f., (sm. a.) long sword (obs.). bre"tW, a., toothed, jagged. brettelement, m., (cons.) scratch coat of plaster. bretteler, v. a., (cow*.) to scratch (as a coat of plaster). brettrur, m., duelist, one fond of fighting with jtho sword. bretture, f., teeth of tools; notches, scratches, made by them. breiivase, in., draught: (hipp.) drench. brove, f., act longues, (sig.) dots and dashes, shorts and longs. brevet, certificate: (mil.) commission, officer's commission; brevet (I". S. A. and Knglish army); a'.ijncfincnt a , brevet promotion (F. S. A. and Knglish army); tic capficite, certificate of fitness; d'etat-major, (Fr. a.) staff college certifi- cate (field officers take a special examina- tion before a special commission); d'inrrnfinn, patent, letters patent; m. brleole, f.. (h'trn.) s breast-collar; .- off horse of artillery teams; de manoeuvre, (art., etc.) part on which some other part plays or runs; dc noix, (sm. a.) bridle (obs.); d ailleres, (harn.) bridle fitted with blink- ers; - d oreilles, (mach.) a flange fiUed with or having cars; de parallelogramme, (mach.) radius-bar; de poignee de revolver, (sm. a.) revolver butt-ring; pousserd toute , (man.) to urge a horse at full speed; tourner , to turn and ride in the opposite direction; de traille, (pont.) rope fastening trail to cable; de tuyau, flange-joint, pipe-thimble. brider, v. a., to overcast; to curb, tie fast; (harn.) to bridle; (cord.) to seize, frap; to make a cross- seizing; to frap two ropes together; (mil.) to blockade (obs.): d(.i cordages, (cord.) to seize "all parts" to- gether by ii rope or lashing. brldou, m.," (harn.) snaffle with articulated bit; bridooii; en , ha\ ing a snaffle on ; d'abrcnvitir, watering-bridle; licol, snaffle and halior for artillery teams; ft triW&rs, snaffle fitted with blinkers: scier d>i , (num.) to saw upon the bit, to pull the reins alternately. bridoniier, v. a., (harn.) to put on a snaffle or bridooii. brldiirc, f., (cord.) trapping, seizing. brigade, f., brigade (2 regiments'): snuad, of from 4 to 7 men and 1 corporal, of gnular- m/rir; squad, gang, party, of men (no fixed Tiuniber), as, of engineers, workmen, draughtsmen, etc., working together for a specified end; d'nrtilltrii . (Fr. a.) brigade of 2 regiments to each corps, except the sixth: il< C'II'ILI d'armcr, (mil.) cavalry brigade attached to corps; dtmi- , (Fr. a.) Revolutionary name for regiment; ctrc il< ai'cc, fairr arf, to be brigaded wii li; fairt , to b- liriiraded together: di tji in/arm/ rii , -1 to 7 men and a corporal of geiHliirinirit; - -tin rjiiiii. (Fr. n.) 2 regiments of engineers belonging to the garrison of I'aris; brigade 53 brocher brigade de ligne, brigade of (French) cavalry , considered with reference to its duties in the ligne d'attaque and ligne de manauvre, qq. v.; miite , brigade composed of all arms of the service: de sdrete, brigade of corps cavalry; topoyraphique du glnie, (Fr. a.) section of engineer troops charged with execution of contoured surveys (now service geographique de I'armte). brigadier, m., (art., cap., and train) corporal; cor- poral of gendarmes; corporal of the garde rrpub- licaine; the commanding general of a brigade (rare); bow oar (boats); de bo'ilanqers, v. defour; brancardier, sort of corporal of litterbearers, one to each group of mounted batteries (n. e.); -dechambrce, corporal in charge of squad room; d'escouade, corporal of cavalry who, in his squad room, lods after the rnen of his squad; -de four, (Fr. a.) baker, baker in charge of oven; fourricr, (n. e.) quartermaster-corporal; fourrierd'ordre, (car.) quartermaster-corporal who takes the morning report of the regiment to the headquarters ofthe place and who brings hack the orders of the day, etc.; gentral, brigadier-general (not a French grade, but used by French to denote the grade of brigadier-general in United States); infirmier, (n. e.) a corporal of the hospital corps; monitcur d'escrime, assistant fencingmaster; d' ordinaire , mess corporal; de piece, (art.) corporal in charge of and responsible for the men of his piece; premier outrier armurier, bottler, cordonnier, sillier, tailleur, (Fr. a.) workmen of those various trades, of the grade of corporal, and acting as foreman in the shops in which these trades are carried on; saptur, (cav.) corporal of sappers; de stmaine, corporal on duty for the week; aux s de semaine, call for the assembly of the s de semaine: trompctlc, corporal of field music. brigand, m., brigand. brigandage, m., (mil.) pillage, robbery. brlgaiitine, f., (nav.) brigantine. brigue, f., cabal, party, association for some im- proper purpose. brimade, f., hazing. brimbalc, f., handle, lever, of a pump. brimcr, v. a., to haze. brin, m., small bit, piece; (cord.) strand; quality of hemp; yarn; a part (in combination, fold) of a tackle; tackle-fall or free end of a cable on a v\ inch or windlass; lnii.1 de , small timber; tree roughly squared; rhene de , v. s. v. chene; ciiiulacttiiT , (mach.) driving side of a belt; conduit, (mach.) driven side of a belt; - iibre, (cord.) free end of a rope; (mach.) driving sido of a belt; menunt, (mach.) driving sido of a belt; men/ , (mach.) driven side of a belt; mintlc, (cord.) rove-tackle; prt miir , best part of hemp, hemp of tlio bast quality; smind , inferior part of hemp (combings). brtnguebale, f. v. brimlxtle. brief uc, f., brick; blancht , fire brick; -cmme, hollow brick; erne, unburnt brick; pili i- , brick dust; brick dust and oil, to re- move rust; - ri'fraetaire, fire brick; nrnixsi'i , gla/.ed brick. bil<|iiei:iaim. briqueiiioii, in., (mil. slang) cavalry saber. briquet, m., steel (for striking a light); (m. a.) old term for infantry sword. briquetuge, m., brickwork; imitation brickwork. briqueter, v. a., to imitate brickwork. briquette, f.. brick of patent fuel; de charbon, de houille, patent fuel, bris, m., breaking open; escape from jail, jail- breuking; breaking, smashing; (art.) smashing of a projectile against an armor plate; d'armes, (mil.) willful dauiago or injury to arms. brlsuiit, m., 1 reaker, wave; breakwater; sand bank, shoal, reef or shelf of rocks under water. brisant, a., (eip!.) "brisant," sudden; poudre e, ' urisant" powder, sudden in its action. brise, f., breeze; de m er, sea breeze; de terre, land breeze. brise', a., broken; folding, jointed; (fort.) tenailled consisting of alternate salients and reentrants; trace , (fort.) broken, tcnailled, trace. brisf-, m., (in singlestick) moulinet (downward in front of the body). brise-firoiiit, m., (dec.) circuit-breaker; (torp.) cut-off. brise-cou, m., (man.) horse-breaker, rough rider. brlsc-eourant, (elic.) mako-and-break key. brlse-slace, in., ice-fender; cutwater (ice-breaker) of a bridge. brise-lames, m., breakwater. brisement, m., breaking, smashing; breaking o sea along the shore. briser, v. a., to break, shatter, shiver, smash, break down; (elec.) to break a circuit, a cur- rent; une resistance, (mil.) to overcome, break down, aresistaiice; Se sur la trajcctoirc, (art.) to burst in the air (of a projectile). brlse-vent, m., shelter against wind; windguard. brisquard, brlsque, m.. (mil. flang) old soldier, with long-service, stripes. brisure, f., any part broken; break, crack; (furl.} brisure, break in a parapet to prevent en- filade; {'embrasure, (foil.) neck of the embrasure. broi'be, f., spike, peg, picket; spike-nail; lent peg; gudgeon; felly-tenon (of a spoke); (mnch.. ont.) p. inted bolt (assem- blage of trestle); (sin. a.) the i>in on which tho hammer strikes, in cartoiidic a ; si>itidle of a revolver c\ Under; (artif.) rammer, drift; arm,- ii , (xm. a.) rille using ciir'oiuv'ic (i , q. v.; . d' assembling/, riveting-pin; cum't, (nriif.l junich; square ramm.T; cartouche' fi , (.tin. a.) cartridge !iMr 1 with a projecting piu near base, on which i he hammer strike-, pin-carl rid'-ie (ob.-O; ,[<< ch'iriH ill' nl. (art.) Sort of le\ er used to s;,ppiirt breech of Kronch 1:;S""-' gun (on siej:i> carriai;e^ during loading; - a , iHiii'illi.t. (:irtif.) spindle: ft ifiiansioii, (art.) measuring-point, lioop- gauge; -ilc percussion, (sm. a.) pin or striker of r./r- /ni;c/|( (I : . (/c rn'iK, felly tenon of a spoke: _ _,;, f, ,;/././( . adiustinir-pin; (/, /tfiriti, (urt.) safety-jiin of a fuse. broclicr, v.a.,tostitc!isl;ee|s tog.-ihi'r (p:-mp!ilct.;, lu.oks, etc.); (f.irr.) to dri\e nails into a hoof; mi dun. to prick a horse iu shivi:n:: in mnnique, (furr.) to clinch nails at dilferent brochcr 54 buehcr brother trap h gras, (farr.) to set a nail too close to the quick, or too high; imp d maigre, (farr.) to engage a nail too near the outer surface of the hoof. brochet, a., formed or made upon a spindle. brocholr, m., (farr.) shoeing-hammer, farrier's hammer. broclieur, in., spike-driver. brodequin, m., high (lace) shoe; botte , combination of shoe and boot. broderle, f., (unif.) insignia of rank or of function. broiement, m., pounding, crushing, pulverizing, grinding. brome, m., (chem.) bromine. bro inure, m., (chem.) bromide. bronchade, f., (man.) stumbling, tripping (of a horse). broncher, v. n., (man.) to stumble, trip, take a fiilsestep (horse). bronolite, f., (ezpl.) bronolite. broiizagc, m., (art., sm. a.) browning. bronze, m., (met.) bronze; (mil. slang) artillery, (in pi.) artillerymen; acier, steel-bronze, Uchatius bronze; acitre, steely bronze; d' aluminium, aluminium bronze; . d canon, gun metal; d cloches, bell metal; dcpvssc, bror.zo that has been over-stirred, and that, has lost part of its malleability; dur, durci, hardened bronze; au manganese, manganese bronze; moulu, bronzing powder; nature I, common bronze; de nickel, nickel bronze; phosphor e.ui, phosphor bronze; siliceux, silicon bronze; suraf/rne, v. dr. pass f. bronzer, v. a., to brown (small arms); to bronze. bruquette, f. , tack; clou , headless nail, sprig. brossc, f., brush; underbrush on the edge of a wood: d cheral. horse brush; en chicndent, en crin, v. d che- i-al: double, blanking brush; ecouvillon, (art.) vent-sponge; en fit de metal, wire finish: ii fusil, v. a graifse d graisse, grasse, oiling-bnish (for arms); passe-partout, small dusting brush (e. g., for the breech mechanism of a rifle); d ptjlinicc, polishing brush, button brush; rude, still brush. brosseur, m., (mil.) officer's servant, soldier serv- ant; ' striker" (L'. S. A.). brourtte, f., whoflbarrow; - dc chanji ment. (art.) shot, barrow; - -de deronlement, - - d dirouler le fil, (telcg., d".) wire drum, unreeling barrow; d di u.c routs, handcart. brouetter, v. a., to wheel, carry in a barrow. brouillard, in., fog. brouilh 1 !, v. a., to confuse, fo throw into disorder. brouilioii, m., scratch pad; rough draught or copy. broussaille, f.. bramble, underbrush (used also in plural;; (count.) ripr.ip work; in piirrrx sfc.lnx. dry stone riprap. broil t, m., term applied to u boring bit or tool when cutting untrue. broutase, m., broutement, m.. (mach.) vibra- tion, unsteadiness, state of i>eing out of true, of line (of a boring or cutting instrument ). broutor, v. n., (mach.) to vibrate, to cut untrue (of borers, etc.;; to browse (of animals). broyage, in., v. broiemcnt: (cord.) breaking (manu- facture of rope, etc.). broyc, f., (curd.) breaking-machine. broyC, in., (cord.) material that has been passed through the breaking-machine. broyer, v. a., to bruise, crush, pulverize, grind; (cord.) to break. broyeur, m., crusher, (met.) crushing-mill; pulvcrisateur , crusher and pulverizer. bruine, f., mist, drizzle, Scotch mist. bruit, m., noise; rumor; rattle, din, disturbance; decaisse, (mil.) drum music, beat of drums; de grenomlle, (hipp.) churning noise of the sheath (esp. in the trot); de guerre, rumor of war. brulaKC, m., burning oft dry grass, etc., from fields. brulc, a., (hipp.) burnt (coat of horse); (met.) burnt, overheated. brule-amorce, m., igniter, primer. brule-pourpoint, a, adv., at the muzzle, close up, at very close quarters. brule-queue, m., (hipp.) circular cautery (used after docking). bruler, v. a., to burn, scorch, sear, blast; (met.) to overheat, burn (as iron, steel), (mil.) to fire; sans une amorce, (mil.) without firing a shot; unf. cartouch;, (mil.) to fire a shot; se la cervelle, to blow out one's brains; le pave, to go very fast; Ics signaux, Ics stations, (r. r.) to rush past signals, stations, etc., without stopping. brtUeur, m., burner; dc Bunsen, (chem.) Bunsen burner; intermittent, permanent, (mach.) (Otto) gas engine. brulis, m., part of a forest on fire; burning off weeds, etc., from the fields. brulot, m., brand; fire-raft, fire-ship, any burning floating body to set fire to and burn a bridge; (powd.) half-burnt charcoal. brumaille, f., thin mist. brume, f., mist, fog; cornet de , fog horn. brumcux, a., foggy, misty. bruii, a., brown; m., brown color; dull ain, (hipp.) chestnut; clair, (hipp.) light-brown; fonce, (hipp.) dark-brown. brunir, v. a., to burnish, (also) to brown (arms etc.). bnmissage, m., burnishing, browning (arms, etc.). brunissoir, m., burnisher; -a rout, polishing wheel. bruiiissure, f., browning, burnishing (arms, etc.). brusque, (mil.) sudden, without preparation or notice (i. e., without stopping at, or going through, the usual intermediate stops, as of an attack, a siege, etc.); altaqnc e, (mil., siei/i:) sudden attack, assault (no intermediate steps;. brusquer, v. a., (mil., xirgt) to make a sudden and violent effort, without slopping at inter- mediate. stages; ( innrr esp. sicgr) to start trenches on counterscarp and work buck; une altaquc, to go straight to the objective by a coup dc main (e. g., fortress): un cheral, (man.) to start a horse suddenly; ui tr. place, - - iin jioxli, (si<.) hill; low, broad hill: (t. p.) butts, target-butt, bullet stop; ttre en u, to be exposed to. buttee, f., butting, tappinir, striking, of one part on another (in machinery, etc.); measuring- shoulder, fixed point (of calipers, measuring rods, etc.); lug, limiting-motion lug, stop; (pont.) bridge abutment: (inach.) Ihrust- bearing; (r. /. art ) resistance piece (machine puns): i.f/n. a.) chamber-cone: (Fr. art.: frame supporting or abutting the pintle block i^'i'--" s. c. u'liii); de ch'irgement. (ham.) in Ihe carriage pack of mountain artillery, a hook or lee to keep the load from slipping forward: fi collet*, (iimch.) thrust-bearing; thru.-t- block;
  • -(/Hf(.<1, fi rnndrUf(f), (tnarh.i tbru-l- beariui;, thrust-ring and di>k. t hnist-cdlia- . frnncnniqur, (on. u. ) conical >urfai'e, catching or holiling t he neck of the cartridge. (The Miellini; bntli- is more common than bitltri , but the latter is preferable ) butter, v. a. n., to stri'.e, hit , tap ui>i>n: to pro)>. to support, (a wall, etc.): to buttress up. to earth up, to bank up earth auaiii-M : (t. r to hit the mark: i/.'i;<;..) to kick, Mrike ai'ainst, pebbles, inequalities, etc., in the ro;nl, (.hence) to stumble, t rii>, come near fallin.;:. buttoir, m., (m.;c*.) catch, tappet . dm er; 'ing: collar and set-screw; guide; valve-guard; (r. r.) buffer; (urt.t ret racting-stud; seating-pin; .--tud, projection; stop; buttoir 56 cadence buttoir d'augct, (sm. a.) tappet or lug of the car- rier, heel of the carrier, carrier-stud (Kropat- schek, Lebel,etc.); de descente l (sm. a.) front lug or tappet of the carrier (Kropatschek). by which the front of the carrier is caused to drop; defermetwe, (art.) closing-stop; r company; all the officers or a regiment; (~>y a further extension) the officers of the staff, of the tntendance, santc etc., of the various departments (contrdlc, archives, etc.) connected with the military service; the stall of a military school; the of.icers on recruiting, remount, etc.. serv- ice; (in a limited sense, esp. In pi.) the n. c. o.'s of a company; (as applied to unit;) the elements necessary to the continuous organic existence of the unit, irrespective of the men to put it on an effective basis; a class of officers (e. g., de rcserfc, infra.) I. Frame (material); II. Military or- ganization. I. Frame: affut, (min.) stand or frame of a drill; avec s arc-bontes, (pont.) single-locked; cible, (ball.) velocity-frame, frame and wires for determination of muzzle veloci- ties; coffrant, (mil. min.) casing (of a shaft), sort of box frame; d('n'rfoir,reel; eitensenr,(phot.) stretching-frame; faux , (mil. min.) temporary frame, some- what larger than permanent, used in sinking ing shafts in difficult (crumbling) sr.il; de guliric, (P'r. art.) arrangement or frame on caisson chest , to carry the sacs of the men (caisson, model 1SK8); a glissitres, (mack.) slide-frame; -interrupteur, (ball.) v. cible; de mamrurre, (pont.) frame used in con- struction of trestle and of pile bridges (for swinging trestle into position and for pile- setting'); m/'thode dcs s, (pont.) method of construc- tion of trestle bridges in which s de ina- TU< ttrrc are used; de mim(.v), (m-i'Z. min.) shaft-frame; multijilicateur, (dec.) galvanometer coil; a onillex, (mil. min.) ton, frame of a shaft, the ends or horns (ortillts) of which stick out beyond the square; porte-lunette , (mach.) poppet-head; a st'chtr, (artif., powd.) drying-frame, tray board; support, any supporting frame; des tamix, (powa.) shaking-frame, shaker; uni, (mil. min.) shaft-frame (i. e., has no projecting horns, (ordlltx); d vis, screw-frame. II. Military organization: actif, active army (as opposed to reserve), troops of the active army (used in a very gen- eral way); cadre, alimenter le , la 1, to strengthen the outre*, add to them; armt. the armed or arm-bearing portion of u unit (as opposed to the unarmed or non- combatant); cample mentaire, supernumerary officers ( Vr. a., of infantry); de conduite, detachment for conducting recruit j to the regiments to which they are assigned (generally, Fr. a., of n. c. o.'s, but sometimes commanded by a lieutenant); eiercices des s, drill and instruction of Officers and n. c. o. (generally of the Litter); fue, permanent stall (as of a school); horn , soeonded (n. e., U. S. A.); status of an officer of the active list, on the stalT, at a military school, either as instructor or stu- dent, etc., and so not counted as belonging to a statutory organization; instructcur, staff or detail for instruction .(drill); loi den s, law organizing the army; mamiurrcs ai'tc s, v. ttercices dfn s: mobile, the attached, transient, or detailed staff (as of a school); ofjldcr , the officers of a unit; des officiers de rf serve, otlicers of the reserve; -d' organisation, the elements of the organic existence of a unit; de reserve, ( Fr. a.) the second section of the etat-major geniral de I'armie (i. e., body of general officers), composed of generals and of functionaries of assimilated rank that have reached retiring ago or are retired through disability; (in u general sense) ollicers, etc., of the reserve, as contradistinguished from those o f the acti ve arm y : troupe , skeleton organization. cadueee, m., caduceus, (Fr. a.) emblem of the personnel militaife of the medical depart- ment. caff-, in., coffee; torrtfic, roasted coll'ee; i' skulk. cai{tlt'll\, a., (Ai;>/).) open (as to legV cross-footed, pigeou-t(ie, Kids, etc.); (/< v rlmriiix (lintriilex, (ml in.) general -qx'i't- fica tii ins lone sel of, for each .< resistance, (elrc.) resistance-box; dt ruue, (nav.) paddio-uox; calsse roulante, (mus.) snare drum; et son, (art.) large box filled with bran, for recovery of projectiles; de tambour, (mus.) shell of a drum; & tasseaux, small-arm packing case; de transport, chest for tools, etc v carried by mountain batteries, telegraph sections (moun- tain), ambulance park, etc.; (expl.) gun-cotton shipping case; de trcsorier, (mil.) money chest, pay chest; de voiture, body of a wagon, railway carriage. caisson, m., caisson (esp. an artillery caisson); (in gen.) any closed wagon used in the military service, for the transportation of ammunition, tools, supplies; (cons.) caisson; d'ambulance, hospital wagon; d'appui, (fort.) supporting sheet-iron boxing or framing of a turret; de bataillon, (inf.) infantry ammunition sup- ply wagon (now disused, Fr. a.); desservir un , to servo ammunition from a caisson; d dynamite (melinite), dynamite (melinite) wagon of the engineer parks; des equipages militaircs, ( Fr. a.) caisson similar to that of artillery, used a long time for transportation of subsistence supplies; ti fusees, rocket carriage; d'infanterie, infantry ammunition supply wagon; -d munitions, ammunition wagon; & poudre, (Fr. eng.) powder-wagon' of the engineer park. cal, m., the joint or knitting of a fractured bone; osseux, (hipp.) bone spavin. calude, f., (man.) slope of a rising manege ground. calage, m., wedging, chocking, blocking; (intit.) leveling (as a transit); adjustment or setting of various parts of an instrument (or machine) with a view to keying or clamping them in proper position; clamping; operation of fixing, e. g., an axis, in its proper position; adjustment; (art., sm. a.) jamming of breech mechanism; angle, de , (die.) load of the brushes; (steam) angle between eccentric radius and crank; anncau dc , (art.) key ring; -ti chaud, (mack.) hot forcing, hot pressure; frettc de , (art.) locking hoop; dfroid, (mach.) cold pressure, cold forcing. calaison, f., (nav.) load water-line. ralamite, f., calamito, loadstone. calaiidre, m., (steam) the lower tube of a two- tube boiler. calc;iiiT, a., calcareous; in., limestone. c ilc;meum, m., (hipp.) point of hock, os calcis. c ilcinage, m., roasting, calcining. c ilcinatlun, f., calcination, roasting. c ilciiKT, v. a., to roast, to cal. -inc. c lie, f., key, wedge: chock, block; quoin; prop, beam; (toj>.) cove, small bay; (mach.) key; (harn.) small pad (as on headgear of pack horse'); (nav.) hold (of a vessel;; shipbuilding stocks; (mach.) liner; d'ajnstagc, tightening key, adjusting key; i /( bois, wooden thickness piece; df construction, shipyard; grands , (art., etc. ) wheel chock; grande. - - -de roue. (r. r.) wheel chock; tiiiiijut, (art.) roller chock; j,(tit< ' -. (art.) gun chock; - - de radoub, graving dock; de, roues, (art., etc.) wheel chock; - de rouleau, (art.) roller chock; - scchi , dry dock. calC', a., said of a level when the bubble is bisected by origin of graduations. ralecon, m., drawers. calepin, m., memorandum book; (am. a.) greased patch, patcli of a rifled bullet. calcr 59 ramp ealcr, v. a., to chock, scotch (wheels); to key; to wedge, wedge in; (two.) to draw (so many feet of water); to strike, lower colors; (ins/.) t/> level (as a transit); to adjust in a given posi- tion, to set, to clamp (an instrument when sot up); (mach.) to set (e. g., the cranks of pumps coupled up together); (dec.) to give the brushes thoir lead; (art.) to jam (a turret, or a gun, by a well-placed shot); d chaud (froid), (mack.) to force, press on hot (cold); Its roues, to chock, scotch, wheels; te , to be keyed on. calf ait, m., calking iron. calf at, in., calking, calker, calking iron; fer de , calking iron; frr de double, calker's making-iron; maill ft de , calking mallet. calf at age, m., calking. calfater, v. a., to calk; maillitd , calking mallet. ealfateur, m., calker. calibrate, m., (mach., sm a,., art., etc.) operation of giving a piece its exact form and dimensions; calibration, gauging; verification of form and dimensions by means of gauges, templets, etc.; verification of the caliber of a cylinder osp. of the bore of firearms): (sm. a.) in manu- facture, the increase in the diameter of a boring, and removal of irregularities left by first boring. calibre, m., gauge, templet; calipers; wire-gauge; (nrt., sm. a.) caliber; (art.) fuse-gauge, shot-- gauge; d'un arbre, (mach.) diameter of a shaft, axle; compass de ; calipers; cnulant, sliding gauge; a dfbiter. model (sm. a., gunstock model): & entaillfs, stand measure, surface length measure; line-standard; tire de , to be of proper size, caliber, diameter, etc.; fort et foible, maximum and minimum gauge; grot , (art.) largo caliber (24< ;m and above); motien , (art.) medium caliber, yo mm to 10 cm ; petit , (art.) small caliber, 37 mm to 65""; pnur pas de vis, screw-pitch gauge; type , caliber gauge. calibre, a., sized, of proper size and form, fitted to si/.e; chalne e, sprocket chain, pitch-chain. callbrer, v. a., to take, measure, the size of; to gauge; to measure with calipers, gauge, etc.; to calibrate an instrument; (art., sm. a.) to take, measure, the caliber of a gun, to fix the caliber of a firearm and of its projectile accord- ing to determined rules; une bouche fifcn, un projectile, (art.) to gauge a gun, a projectile. aallce, m., (art., fun. a.) cup of a fuse, of a primer; (artif.) mouth of a rocket-case. callorne, f., (cord.) purchase-tackle, any large 2- or :i-fold tackle; de rctenuc, retaining tackle. calnie, a., calm; m., calm (no wind): plut, dead calm. calorie, f., calorie (unit of heat); gramme-degrf, \. ;';'/< ; grande , (unit) uinoir.it of heat necessary to raise 1 kilogram of water from ('. to 1 kilogramme, v. (iran/lc : nigative, amount of heat taken out, as by a freezing mixture, dr.; pet He , (unit) amount of heat necessary to raise one gram of water from o ('. to 1 ('. calorifere, m.. heater, heating apparatus; a., heat-conducting; ft air, hot-air apparatus; d CT.U, hot-water heating apparatus; ft l-i tapiur, steam healer. calorlf ut;e, a., nonconducting (of heat). ealorimetre, m., calorimeter, calorimetrlc, f., calorimetry. calot, m., (unif.) stable cap; crown of a kfpi or shako. calottage, m., capping, heading. calotte, f., cap, knob, head; (unif.) stable cap (mounted troops); (tin. a.) bucjc piece of a sword hilt, steel cap, of the Schmidt rifle bul- let, butt cap of a revolver; (Jiwf .) spherical cup or bearing (as of a plane table); (fort.) roof of a cupola, skin or lining of a cupola roof, of overhead turret armor; (art.) cap or capping of a projectile; -- Chechia, (unif.) fez, sort of fez worn by zouaves; - de campagne, (unif.) sort of Scotch cap; - d'fcuric, (unif.) stable cap; - sphfrique, (fort.) head or cover (as of a land turret). calpin, m. \.,calepin. calquaa;e, m., act, operation, of tracing (a draw- ing). caique, m., tracing, copy, counterdrawing. caique, m., the same as dtssin caique. calquer, v. a., to make a tracing (of a drawing., to trace; papier d - , tracing paper; toiled, - , tracing cloth. calquuir, m., tracing-point or instrument. calus, m., callosity, blister. camail, m., (hipp.) blanket covering the fore- hand of a horse (sick horses, horses from re- mount establishments, while on the road). canrarade, m., comrade; (mil. slang) regimental hairdresser; batteries par - , v. s. v. batttric; battre par - , v. s. y. battre; - s de e chambree, (mil.) men of same squad-room; s de combat, (mil.) men that must not sepa- rate during drill in dispersed order, nor in battle: - * dc lit, bedmates (during routes). cambouis, in., oil and dirt, turned black by fric- tion, dust, etc., on the bearing parts, working parts, of machinery, etc. cainbre, m., cambering, bulging. canibre, a., curved, bent, broken-backed, (of a shoo 1 ! blocked; (hipp.) bow-legged (fore legs\ cambreim-nt, m., curving, cambering, bulging, bending. cambrer, v. a.., to bond, curve, crook, warp, cast. cambrion, m., shank, waist piece of a shoe. cambriser, v. a., (mil. min.} 10 plank the gallery (.f a mine. caiiibrure, f., bend, curve, flexure; arch of the instep; curve, hollow, of the- instep of a sho.>, of the foot; filling (of a shoer, (gin. a.) cur\ v of a sword blade. came, f. (mach.) cp.m, lifter, viper, tappe-i: cut:: ii - .v, cogged, lilted with cams: ii ftan'/fr.cocking-cam (machine gv.n-': (/< ili It ntr, trigger-cam, larpt", ; ,''/< , "island" cam (Maxim r. f. nui'-'i. gun); - - (/( manrruirr, action-cam (N'nrdenfeldi i; d' pliliui , lock-cam ; ' iaNner >. canvloi.', f.. poorly ne work: tnsh. poor *\\\:f; wi.n !:le-s incrchandiM 1 . camion, in.. trMcl. , dray: du'.'i lini'-cart ; inl'iii'tniiii , ((//)/.> d\naini!i> truck French i-ngineor ]i;irk. cainionnatce, in., tian>portaii->n of mati 1 v, >-en raih 1 :iy and s'i'rehou>c. camisadc. (.,( ;;'/.) night attack tobs.V camKard, m.. (inil. x/nrni) soldier of tlie h 'c (punishment corps'). caino\it!el. m., ( mil. iinn.] caiiuniilet (i. e., producing no exterior crater >: --- cmiiri ini'/ft, cumoiitlet. intended to net ;us a ciuitrt /nuts (i. e. , to destroy shafts, etc.. of t!:e attack without damage "to the defence), and jirepared liy boring fr. in a i:allery: m>ir!.ini a --- .v, cainou;le:-lMirer (-i.it (.f angeri. camp, m.. (mil.* camji, emMiupment; aligner un - . to i:iy out a c.iinp; of i: camp 60 cancvas >, asseoir un , to pitch a camp; ette d'un , site of a camp; camp, assiett - bara. adm.) allowance (of money) paid to un ofliciT joining an army in the field, or a mobilized body of troops; o put or bring into , to lake the licld; ops; eld; mitlrr se mrttrcen ouvrir la - cun/rc, to take the field against; piece dr - , (art.) field piece; enra.ii: - .in the open field; tenir la - : , to hold the country, keen the field: ten tic de -- , (unif.) field dress'; marching order for the field. camperhe, in., Cam peachy wood, logwood. campement, m., (mil.) encampment; (synonym of) camp; the establishment of a camp; party sent forward toselect a cantonment or bivouac; camping-party (U. S. A.); chef, commandant, du , officer or n. e. o. In command of a campement; couverture de , soldier s blanket; effcls, materiel, de , camp equipage; service adrninistratif du , (Fr. adm.) depart- ment that furnishes material for shelter and bedding in camps and cantonments. camper, v. n., (mil.) to camp, encamp; en potcnce, to camp with flanks thrown back. camper, m., (Iripp.) spreading out of the four feet from the normaJ and regular base of support (manner of standing in which the horse does not keep his feet well under him, but spreads them out front and rear). camplire, m., camphor; poudre, (expl.) camphorated powder. camphrer, v. a., (expl.) to camphorate. campylomdtre, m., improved curvimeter, instru- ment to measure lengths of curves on maps. camus, a., flat-nosed; chevald lite c, (liipp.) hollow-nosed horse. can, m., edge (as of an armor plate). canal, m., canal; channel, bed, bed of a river; groove; conduit, tube, drain; (art.) rear -sight socket ;(/o?id.) drain-metal; d'airage, air-hole, ventilating flue; d'amorce, (expl.) detonator-hole of a gun- cotton disk; (art.) vent channel of percussion lochs (obs.); d'ass&chement, drainage-canal; dc baguette, (sm. a.) ramrod groove; du canon, (sm. a.) barrel groove of the stock; de communication, (art.) communicating groove, or channel of a fuse; de coulage, (fond.) v. de coulee; dc coulee, (fond.) runner; (less accurately) gate,ingate; de (Irritation, supply channel (of a mill); de dessechement, v. d'assechement; d'ccoulement, channel of a river; event, (art.) flame passage of a fuse; defuite, waste channel for escape of water after use hi a mill; fusant, (art.) time-train: time-channel, of a fuse; de hausse, (art.) rear-sight socket or slot; longitudinal, (art.) powder channel of a fuse; delumiere, (ort.)yent; dc navigation, ship canal; du percuteuT,(sm.a.)s6Sii of the firing-pin or striker; dc powtte, channel of a block, pulley; dc la lige, (mach., etc.) piston-hole: - dr i luce, (art.) aiming slot or hole, ((iriison turret, etc.). canali, m'., (conn.) sort of roofing tile, convex up- ward, used in combination with tegolm, q. v. canalisation, f., t he confinement of a river between artificial banks; sewerage; operation of digging canals; (slcam) connections (generic term); (flee.) wiring (\\ithspecialreference to conduits or channels). c maliser, v. a., to inclose n river between artifi- cial banks; to render navigable (a stream); to (1 ig canals ; (dec.) to wire (with special reference to conduits, etc.). c mapsa, m., tool-bag; (mil.) knapsack (obs.\ cuiarder, v.' a., (mil.) to lire somewhat at ran- dom, from undercover. o manliOre, f., (KJII. a.) duck-gun. c mdi faction, L, (ma.) state of being at a white heat. c imlclette, f (cord.) burton, ton-burton; fish- tackle. c int'vas, in., canxas, sailcloth: (xurt'., (o/>.) net- work of triangles, triaugulation, .skeleton of triangles: i/i di/'iil, triiingulatmn that forms l.he im- mediate basis for filling in, wiiel her of details of surface or of le\ elh.g; canevas 61 canon canevas de detail de nivelkment, triangulation for filling in differences of level, on which the detail work of leveling is based; directeur du tir. (siege) skeleton survey connecting observatories, batteries, and natu- .ral bench-marks or stations (attack); d'enscmble, general framework or skeleton of the whole area to bo surveyed, priinary triangulation (applies to leveling as well as to areas); d'ensemble de nivelkment, primary trian- gulation for the determination of differences of level; general, framework or skeleton of triangles amplifying or extending the d'ensemble, secondary triangulation; geodetique, geodetic triangulation; de nivelkment, triangulation for the deter- mination of differences of level; polygonal, triangulation, system of tri- angles; triyonometrique, triangulation; trigonometrique de nivellement, (accu- rate) determination of differences of level in a survey. rani voa 11, m., channel or conduit for shafting, belting, or transmissions in general; (elec.) subaqueduct for wires. canne, f. ,cane, stick; cours de , single-stick instruction; hippometriquc, (hipp.) stick for measuring height of horses; jeu de s, singlestick; de tambour-major, drum-major's baton. canneIC, a., grooved (as, mach., a roller; sm. a., a bullet). caiineler, v. a., to channel, groove, flute. cannelle, f.,cock. rpigot, tap, faucet. cannelure, f., channel, groove, cannelure, flut- ing; rib, spline (rare); (sm. a.) hollow of a blade; balle ft s, (sm. a.) cannelured bullet. cannetille, f., (unif.) flat braid of twisted gold or silver wire, worn on collar and kepi by certain military functionaries; (garde d'artil- leric, adjoint du genie, etc.). cannette, f., v. cannelle. canon, m., (art.) gun, cannon, (sometimes, in singular) all the guns of a position, of an army, or of part of army engaged, (fig.) artillery fire; (sm. a.) gun-barrel (inclusive if boite dr. culasse); (mach., etc.) any bored cylinder; (harn.) beam of a bit; (hlpp.) canon, canon bone; c n acicr, steel gun; en acicr fondu, cast-steel gun; - d'alarme, alarm gun; fi amc amoinblc, field gun with removable tube (Oboukoff); d dine lisse (rayee), smooth-bore (rifled) gun; d'assaut, gun used in preparation of an assault; d'attaque, gun used in armor-plate proofs; au , by artillery fire; automalique, \r. f. art.) automatic pun; fi balks, the French mitrailleuse of 1870-71, now assigned to ditch-flanking; - - de batterie, (nur.) broadside gun; ft bfche, ;;un whose carriage is fitted with a recoil-checking spade; dc bombardement, any gun delivering high- angle fire; de burd , naval gun; bunch i', .11' chargtant par la bouche, muzzle-loading gun; d ban-Ions, Sehultz wire-gun, in which the longitudinal stress is taken up by rods (bo u Ions); brise, (harn.) jointed beam of a bit; de camptgnt, field gun; df cm-nitric, horse-artillery gun; crrclf', hooped gun; de chassc, (nav.) bow chaser; & cheval, horse-artillery gun; choke-bored, (sm. a.) choke-bored barrel (sporting); canon de combat, an expression for a siege or position gun used on the battlefield (a; distinguished from the same gun used ii sieges, etc.); de c6te, seacoast gun; coup de , gunshot; court, shell-gun, howitzer; cuiraxxe, & cuinisse, gun with shield mounting, gun mounted in a turret; culasse, se chargeant par la culanse, breech-loading gun ; dc dfbarquement, (wr.) landing gun; dimontabic, gun that takes apart. Jointed gun (c. g., some mountain guns), take-down gun; d. deux s, (sm. a.) double-barreled (sport- ing); d deux hausscs, gun with two sight-seats; ft dynamite, /alinski dynamite gun; d'embarcation, (;w.)boat gun; encloutr un , to spike a gun; faire , (min.) of a charge, to blow out or to detach only a very small amount of ma- terial; faui ; , Quaker gun; h fils, d fils d'acier, wire-gun, wire- wound gun; d fils a segments, (Brown) segmental wire- wound gun; fondtric de , gim factory; en f ante, cast-iron gun;" de forge, (sm. a.) bar or skelp of which the barrel is made; de founts, "exploration" gun (i. e., a gun for use in heavily wooded countries, in thickets, during exploration, (Krupp); fntti', built-up gun; dt -fusil, (sm. a.) gun-barrel ; a gargoussc obturatrice, any gun using a self-sealing cartridge; d grande longueur, gun of great length of bore, (hence) high-power gun; dc gros calibre, heavy gun, (sometimes) high- power gun; d jaquttte, turret-gun mounted in a recoil- sleeve; wire-wound gun, in which a cast-iron jacket surrounds the wiring; lana-tor/iilles, (tor p.) torpedo- launching tube, torpedo tube; lixse , smooth-bore gun; a luniifrc ccnfralc, gun with axiai vent ; (i lumicre dans Ic rcnfurt, gun with radial vent; machine . machine gun; marclnr un , {inii.) to inarch to the sound of the guns; dc martin, naval gun; micanique, generic term for machine and for r. f. guns: de moii/cignr, mountain gun; obn*i< nduh , (bull), gun-pendulum; perce-cuirus"t, a. p. gun, high-power gun; tit perforation .a. p. gun, high-power gun; it pi int. swivel gun; dijilncr, fortress gun; pm iii/iii/iiju< , :,ir-L:uii: /alinski gun. pneumatique ainirioiin, pnninialii/tif fi la dynamite, dynamite gun, /alinski [Mm; - porti->initirrt . life-savintr trnn or innrtar: d /nir/fc dc , within oaiinun range; - - d( i><>,\ilinn ,gu:i of position; dc s, In, etc.. /"wn.v, .s" , 10", etc., gun: de qiuitn . (M>, tie.), -1-pounder; gun linn:; :\ l-kg. projectile, etc.; ci'/r. rifle, rilled gun; (xm. '/."I rilled barri'l: -it ri'cill -in />i'i/iu'', xu:ix vail, iionn mil gun; : -finindicrr, (Fr. a.) the same as cantinicre (n. e.). (In addition to canteen duties, these women are required to keep the melnm , fulltv.pi'iiier; a redan, caponier with rodan-shaped head; - de r( nrs. rear caponier; simple, simple, single caponier; tite dc , caponier head, part farthest from center of work. caporal, m., corporal ( Fr. a., infantry and engi- iu">rs, is not counted a n. c. o. ); armurirr, assistant of the chtf arinuriir; hrancardicr, corporal in charge of the litter- bearers; dc. chamhrfc, corporal in charge of squad room (property, behavior of men, etc.); caporal-c la iron, corporal of the field music (bugles;, charged with the instruction of the buglers; conducteur, corporal in charge of the wagons, teams, etc., of the regiment; de consigne, ranking corporal of a guard, has immediate charge of guardhouse ana property; eleve , lance-corporal; elevt-fourrUr, corporal who assists the sergent- fourricr, q. v. (chasseurs & pitd); d'escouade, corporal of a squad, looks lifter it in barracks, sees that it observes regulations, etc.; fourrier, assistant of the tergent-fonrritr, sort of quartermaster-corporal (n. e.); dc fiarde, corporal of the guard; d'in/lrmtrie, corporal rasponsible for the police, condition of the infirmary, watches convalescents, etc.; monileur d'escrime, assistant of the fencing- master; d'ordinaire, mess corporal; de -planton aui cuisines, corporal detailed daily to superivise the police and discipline of the kitchen; de pose, corporal of the guard that posts and relieves sentries, instructs them in their duties, etc.; premier ouvrier cordonnkr, corporal that acts as foreman in the shoe-shops of the regiment; premier ourricr tailleur, corporal foreman of the regimental tailor-shop; saficur, corporal in immediate charge of the sapntrs otivricrs d'art, q. v., of the regiment; secretaire, clerk of the major, treasurer, officier d'habilltment, d'armement, etc.; de semaine, assistant olth&sergentdt scmainf, q. v.. in all the duties of the service de semaine; tambour, corporal of field music (drums), instructs the drummers. capot, m.. cover, hood; de calx stan, drum, head, of a capstan; di cinnn. (art.) guu-co\ er; de chciainre, funnel cowl; fairc , (nav.) to capsize, overset, turn turtle. capote, f.. (unif.) watch-coat, sentry's greatcoa:: buffalo coat (U. S. A.); (mtd.) hood (of a litter); d' faction, dc yucritt, sentry's walchcuat; bull'alocoat (U. S. A.). capsule, f.. (sm. a.) cap, capsule, primer: priming- cap: percussion-cap (obs.); (rivl.) detonator, pri iaer. detoiuit ing primer; ( mactt . . etc. ) ex I enuvl gauge, ring-gauge, external cylindrical gunge; amorce, (cxpl.) detonator, detonating primer; H b'tlli . (t. p.) gallery practice cartridge; -fnlminaitti, fulminate cap, or primer. capter, v. a., to take. capUMir, m., captor. captif, a., captive; m., captive, (and populaily) captive b.Jlxiiii; ballon , captive balloon. capthite, f., captivitv. capture, f., (mil.) apprehension of a dcser'cr; (mir.) prize, captured vessel; (ini;.. /:! sei/-,:.> of contraband roods; prime (If , (n,il. ' bnunly . to nuke a pri.-.-. u.; a \ essel. capwhon, in., (unlf.) hood; (i;i iji ;i.) liotxi; (<'/( whipping. Ciipuclioiiiior, v- n.. (man.) I" an-h t!n> net k (horse). capuciiio, f.. (sm. a.) band. Icwer band; dit, ci .tin , middle band: rf'- ii li nit, upper band; - - /;.-. .,,/. n, lowjr band. carabine, f.. (fin. a.) t-ar! ine: (// ci'.taii rit , carbine nf liie [''rrnch (exi ept tviru.-xii r.--.i; - n, ( much.) piston body; de .ihakn, (tniif.) body of a shako. carrel, m., (flic.) i-.ireel ('unit of light, about 9J British candles). carder, v. a., to card (:LS cotton waste for gun- col ion). cardinal, a., cardinal; fi'iinl , cardinal point . car^iK', f., (iiai.) bottom of a ship; undcr-water hull. caros-cr, v. a., (man.) to stroke, to make much of a horse. caret, m., (cord.) rope-maker's reel; fil de , rope yarn. cargot, m., (mil. slang) canteen man. carle, f., rot (in wood); (hipp.) caries, ostitis; dure, (hipp.) a form of caries in which the bone, though dead, retains its structure; mollc, (hipp.) a form of caries in which the bone disintegrates; dcs mur (aille)s,_ (mas.) ofllorescence; seche, dry rot (m wood). carKJ, a., having dry rot (of wood); caried. carious, a., carious. carillon, m.. iron rod (applied to a variety of uses, e. g., to brace beams in iron floors); fer de , iron in small rods. carlingue, f., (nav.) keelson, carmin, m., carmine (color). carnage, m., carnage, massacre. came, f., salient angle of a stone, of a table, etc. carneau, m., flue, fire tube (of a furnace). carnet, m., notebook, memorandum book; (top.) notebook, field notes. (Garnet, Fr. a., may be followed by almost any name descriptive of the sort of notes or accounts kept); d(s accidents de tir,(t.p.) record of accidents due to defective cartridges; dc caisse, money account book of the council of administration; de campagnc, record, kept by functionaries of the intendance. of orders received, incidents, etc., during fall maneuvers and in the field; dc com ptabilitc , record kept by c. o. 's of ad- ministrative units, beginning on first day of mobilization, of all property and money trans- actions of their respective units; de correspondance, (mil. sig.) record of mes- sages sent and received; dis dcserteurs, deserters' descriptive book; medical, (in peace) register of inventories, and of administrative matters in general; (in war) register of dead, sick, wounded; dc mobilisation, register of details of mobiliza- tion, kept by captains; de pointures, register of tho labels affixed to shoes, clothes, etc., kept in storehouses and magazines; (/c regluge du tir. notebook in which the range officer (lieutenant d'armcnunt) enters certain required observations on the arms and am- munition in service; derequisition, book containing blank requi- sition forms; & souche, stub-book; de. tir, (t. p.) notebook containing informa- tion needed in order to carry on infantry in- direct fire at a given place; df tir de batail/on, (t. p.) blank form for re- sults or record, etc., of target practice. carnier, m., game-bag. carunude, f., (nai'. art.) carronade (obs.). carotte, f., (mil. slang) medical inspection. carotUT, v. a., If mrcic/.. (mi!, ninny) to shirk (vulgar); to dead beat (U. S. M. A.). carpi 1 , m., (hij'p.) carpal bones, knee bones. carro, f., angle, face; (.*)//. it.) face of a sword-bladi 1 , bayonet, etc. carre, a., square; en , (so may inches, feet, etc.) square. carre, m.. square part (of anythin;:); (/rut.) iron of square, cross-section; (con/.) roi--niaker's sledge; (mil.) square; (man.) reclawlo. (:)()" X '.')'") laid out in the open, for in-ii ndion in riding; tin boulrjii, (art.) cascable square. du, chicn, (sm. a.) 1 umbler-pin hole (obs.). fairr li , (in "driving) while holding both reins in left, to seize tho right rein in right hand, hands O.IO" 1 apart, and bolli reins equally stretched; former If. , i-rfornnr in , (mil.) to form square; grinnl , (imni.) larw rectangle <;j(KC"X '00'") in tho open, for instruction in riding; car re 65 cartuuclie carrt, position du , \.faire le . carreau, m., flagstone; floor; ground; fender-strake of a boat; window pane; large coarse file; (ex pi.) guncotton disk (parallelepiped in form); toucher sur le , to sleep on the floor; coucher, Jeter, quelqu'un tur le , to kill or wound (one's adversary, etc.); demeurer, Tester, sur le , to be left dead on the field; de vitre, window pane. carreau-module, m., square, reference-square on a map. carrefour, m., crossroads; de galerie, (min., mil. min.) intersection of two or more galleries. carrelet, m., large needle, packing needle; (am. a.) sword of thin triangular blade; (ezpl.) cubical grain. carrer, v. a., (mil.) to form square (obs.). carrier, m., quarryman. carrierc, f., career; quarry; course; (won.) out-of- doors riding school or ground, open manege; cheval de , (man.) riding school horse; donner it, (man.) to g^ive a horse his head; donner (prendre) , to increase the gallop (obs. as a mil. term); galop de , (man.) open manage gallop; offiaer de , (mil.) regular officer; systeme de , (mil.) system in which an officer accomplished his service in his own arm, as opposed to systeme de passage, q. v. carrossable, a., (of roads) practicable for carri- ages, vehicles, passable by vehicles. carrossage, m., set (of an axle-arm). carrossler, m., draught horse, carriage horse; grand , coach horse; pttit -, small carriage horse. carrousel, in., military festival or pageant by groups of horsemen in costume, who go through various exercises, etc. carroyage, m., checkering (of cross-section or pro- file paper); copier par , to copy by means of squares on cross-section paper. carrure, f., breadth across the shoulders. cartahu, m., (cord.) whip, girt-liue; doubt?, whip upon a whip; d(s projtctilis, (or*.) shell-whip. cart ay er, v.'n.. to drive so as to keep a nit be- tween the horse.; and between the wheels. carte, f., map, chart; card, pasteboard; ^-d'assemblage, in France, a map consolidat- ing the labors of the brigade topographique, and used in the orientation, etc., of siege artillery fire; chorographique, general map, map of a coun- try; en courbes, contoured map; croquis, sketch-map; a I'eti (I, map representing surface forms; d'erisemble de tir, (art., fortress) map show- ing what guns bear on a given point; - de Cftat-majnr. French ollicial map of France on scale of 1:^0,000, begun in 1*18 and finished in 1SK2; -gcnirale, general map, ordinary geographical map; gcographiqne, geographical map; en hacnuri.1, hachured map: hydrographique, hydrngraphic chart; lecture d/s .?, map-reading; lire une - - -. to read a map; marine, marine chart; mililain , military map or plan; --minute, map made directly from survey notes to the scale of the survey, and inked; - dc mobilisation, map issued when troops are mobilized for war, of the probable field of oper- ations: model! e ft I'effet. map showing relief of sur- face of the ground, by hactiures, or by flat tints, suitably graduated, etc.: uc moulage, (ariif.) cartridge-paper, stiff board; de I'obserration, ( Fr. art.) plan used by ob- server in an observatoire de tir; 3877 17 5 carte orographique , orographic map, mountain map; oromttrique, map showing relief by contours, contoured map; particuliert , special map; plane, plate, plain chart; pointer la . to prick the chart; porter tin reletnnent sur la , to lay down a bearing on the chart or map; reduite, Mercator's chart, plain chart; routierc. road map; topograjiliique, map of a small area, topo- graphic chart, giving details: universelle, map of the world; de visibilite, map by which visibility of points may be determined with reference to a given point. cartel, m., (mi7.) cartel, cartel of exchange; d'echanae, cartel of exchange; d' extradition, agreement between neighbor- ing governments to surrender each other's deserters. cartographic, f., cartography. carton, m., pasteboard; any pasteboard box or receptacle; porfolio; (artif.) paper for pyro- technic purposes; h bretellts. (top.) sketching case, slung around neck: Bristol, bristol board: de cartouches, (sm. a., (tc.) cartridge packing case; de correction, (art.) correction card; fj. dessin. sketching-board: --Blanche, sketching-board or -case (for mili- tary sketching, reconnaissance); -portefeuille. sketching-board, case f recon- naissance, etc.). cartouche, m., ornamental scroll or drawing in- closing the legend of a map; frame or cartouch to receive a card or paper (as on a railway ear); (mach., etc.) receiver, cylinder (e. g., tm. a., the receiver of the Giflurd liquefieo-gas guiit; (artif.) rocket-case; (ball.) recorder of the Le Boulen.ec chronograph; rt'ceptrnr. (bull.) recorder of the Le Bou- lenge chronograph. cartouche, f.. cartridge (f-'/>. sm. a., but said of artillery in a few cases): tirpl., etc.) cartridge, demolition cartridge, blasting cartridge; aller am s. ( mil.) to go for cartridges: amorce, ( Hmpe-d cartridge; fi brnchf, pin-oartirdgo. i.in-tire cavtr: Lv: .<- dr carlniicliifrc, cartridges issued fcr :'ii.inl ai'd other security purjioses: - iiciiUit. but lle-shapeu cartridge: - ilr cuiiibnt. f r.f. art.) service caririd/e: cnmbnftibli . self-consuming ( paper car' ri,!^,-: cnmiilrtr, (sm. a., r.f. art.) round ;" lixrd ammunition; ('; citlnt replie, folded-bead c-artridge; d< dijnni'uii . dynariiti' ;' :ard; -ft i n it, (' r /i!.) stc-l of w.ii--r jacket surr. wind- ing tlie expliislve (safety 'i,-\ic": - .t (l'i'c<>7!n:it . unexpended < artridgt^: (tnboiiti'. (."m. a., r.f. arf.) solid-l'.e.ul lid- drawn cartridge; (tui de , c.irtritlgo case: hctuicombustiblt , paper cartridge; cartouche 66 castration cartouche d Itui metallique, metallic car- tridge; d, d', ezercice, (r. f. art., sm. a.) drill cartridge, dummy cartridge; s d'eiercice, yearly allowance of ammuni- tion; ei plosive, (mil. win.) melinite cartridge used iu making forages, q. v.; fausse , dummy cartridge; a fumee, (art.) (signal) smoke-producing cartridge to represent bursting of shells at target practice; d gorge., grooved-head cartridge; & gorge et sans bourrelct, crimped rimless cartridge; de guerre, regulation service cartridge; & inflammation centrale, center-fire car- tridge; a inflammation pcripherique , rim-fire car- tridge; d' instruction, drill, dummy cartridge; metallique, metallic cartridge; d mibraille, (r. f. art.) casf-shqt; (sm. a.) fragmentation cartridge (containing sev- eral bullets instead of one, segments, etc.); * de mobilisation, (Fr. a.) supply of cartridges kept near assembling point of a corps, to be issued on mobilization; obturatrice, self-seating cartridge; de pansement, (med.) first-aid packet; poched s, cartridge pouch; o poudre, blank cartridge; * de sac, v. s de sHrete; speciale, self-igniting cartridge; s de silrett, cartridge issued to the guard, etc.; de tir redu.it, (sm. a.) gallery practice car- tridge; de tube d tir, subcaliber cartridge. cartoucherie, f., cartridge factory. fartoiichiere, f., (sm. a.) cartridge-box; (some- times) quick-loader; automatique, box in which the cartridges are pushed out by a spring to the same point, one after another. cascade, f., (top.) cascade, waterfall, falls. ca,scane, f., (mil. rain.') cascan, shaft from terre- plein near rampart (obs.). case, f., cabin, hut; compartment, pigeon-hole; (in blank forms) divisions made by lines cut- ting columns at right angles; (mil. min.) inter- section of several galleries; aui charges, (art.) cartridge compartment of an ammunition chest; am o/ms, shell compartment of an ammuni- tion chest; an? projectiles, projectile compartment of an ammunition chest. casemate-, f., (fort.) casemate; armfe, (art.) casemate supplied with its equipments; ft canon, gun-casemate (direct firo); de rojitrexcarjie, counterscarp casemate, under the glacis, at tlio salients of the front; drfenxire, generic term for gun-casemate; tt 1,'t'pri-n-ce, bomb-proof casemate; d'escarpe, scarp casemate, opposite and facing a ditch: a ftn-ios, tiered casemate; fi in> i.lcui) r'tiii/fx), single- (double-) tier casemate 1 : - de H-injUfirtni!. fl, inking casemate (some- times I'n'.iivalent 1" rviponier >: d'hiMlntinn, casfiuatiMiuarters; din Ifnio, if axo casemate; Inguni itt , ciisem;;! --quarters; de rnin:, count crscarp casemate; seri'ie, (urt.) casenvite ready to open fire; tflt de , head of a casemate, part turned to- ward oiiomy; & tir indirect, indirect-fire (mortar, gener- ally) casemate. casemater, v. a. , (fort. ) to casemate. caser, v. a., >> put. away; to put away in a pigeon- hole; tn pigeonhole. Ciisenie, f., ' riti!.) barracks', blir.dre, (s. c.fort.) armored barrack. caserneiuent, m., (mil.) barracking, quartering in barracks; (Fr. a.) a generic term for afl buildings, etc., used for tlie service or duties, quarters, and instruction of the men, for ad- ministrative departments, etc.; commission de , (Fr. a.) board of officers which fixes yearly the distribution and assignment of barracks and of hired quar- ters, determining the number of men to be sheltered, etc.; effets de , barrack-equipage; masse de , barrack-f und ; offlder de , ( Fr. a.) lieutenant who, under the major, is responsible for the details of the casernement; remettre un , to turn over barracks to troops; remise de , turning over barracks to troops; reprcndre un , ( Fr. a.) to take over barracks quitted by troops (engineers and intendance); reprise de , taking over of barracks quitted by troops. caserner, v. a., n., (mil.) to quarter, be quar- tered, in barracks; faire , to put into barracks. casernier, in., (mil.) barrack-keeper, caretaker. easier, m. ; set of pigeonholes for papers; judidaire, (Fr. adm.) record kept by each civil court (in pigeonholes, hence name) of all legal proceedings, civil or military, against every person born in the district (arrondisse- ment). casque, m., (unif.) helmet; colonial, cork helmet worn by colonial troops; dpointe., German "pickelhaube." casquettc, f., cap; (mil. slang) bugle call "out champs;" la , (in camp) signal of the arrival of the mail. cassa;;e, m., crushing (as of ore). cassaiit, a. , (met.) brittle, short; defraud, hot-short, red-short; - it f raid, cold-short. cassation, f., (mil.) reduction to the ranks; (law) reversal of sentence of lower court; cour de . court of appeals; in France, supreme Court. casse, f., (met.) crucible; (mil.) cashiering (obs.). casseaux, m., pi., (hi pp.) clamps used in French mode 01 castration. casse-cou, m., (man.) hor.so-broaker, rough- rider. casser, v. a., to break, snap; (mil.) to reduce to the ranks; (law) to reverse, set aside a decision, a verdict; lex genopcs, to break the slops (nt n Hag); de son rang et remettre, replace. r, soldat, to reduce a. n. c. o. to the ranks. casse-tete, in., sand bag, loaded stick. cassette, f., box, casing, case. casseur, m., de svcre d 4 SOM.S, (mil. slung') member of a compaynic de discipline. casslne, f., (fort.) fort let of no importance; town or post not susceptible of defense: small iso- lated country house that may be defended (Marbot); (met.) linu'stone !U' v. cassure, f., (met.) fracture: cuncho'ide, conchoidal frncln; '. crystalline., crystalline fracture: A ccZats, splintering fracture: a l[!>r-jockpy; de /runclu'c, (fort.) trench-cavalier (siege, attack). cave, f., cave; collar; (l canon, (fort.) sort of covered battery (arch overhead covered by 2"> or :! m of earth, and behind rampart), for indirect fire; (i mnrtirr, (fort.) mortar casemate, proposed by Carnot. caveau, in., underground vault. cavece, a., (hipp.) headed; de n/iir, black-headed horse cave con, m., (man.) cavesson. cavfie, f. , hollow road. caver, v. a., to dig holes, to hollow, undermine, excavate; (fene.) to uncover, so as to give ad- versary a chuiice to hit. cavessou, m., (man.) cavesson. cavlllot, m., v. chrvillot. cavln, m., hollow road; defile, cavlte, f., hollow, cavity; hole; (art.) pit, pitting, in a bronze gun. ceaux, m., (mil.) abbreviation olfaucttmi, used in commands only, cecite, f., blindness; des coulcurs, color-blindness; lunatique, moon-blindness. ceder, v. a., to cede, yield, surrender, resign, give up; give way; I'nvantoge du vent, (nav.) to lose the weather gauge. cfcdre, m., cedar (wood and tree). cgdule, f., (mil. law) summons of a witness before a court-martial, signed by judge-advocate, ceiiidre, v. a., to surround, compass, encompass; to put around; to inclose, fence in; (rail.) to surround a position, an army; uite epee, to buckle on a sword. cetuture, f., belt, waistband; (r. r.) belt railway; (nav.) armor belt; (fort.) line or belt of works, surrounding a place; (pont.) wale or strip on interior of upper ends of the knees of a ponton- boat, clamp; (art.) rilling band, rotating band, centering band; fillet, ring; d'appui, (art.) centering-band (sometimes centering shoulder); arriere, (art.) rilling-band, rotating band or ring; avant, (art.) centering-band (in some pro- jectiles, centering shoulder); de blindage & la. Jloltaison, (nav.) watjr-line armor belt; dc centrage, (art.) centering-band; chemin defer de , belt railway; d expansion, (art.) rotating baud; rifling bund; directrice, (art.) rotating-band ; de Jlanelie, waistband of flannel; de llnttaison, (nav.) water-line armor belt; for^ante, h, de, forcement, (art.) forcing, rilling, rotating, bund; de natation, swimming belt; prolongation de , (pont.) blocks, blocking (under rowlocks, U. S. bridge equipage); de suuretage, lifebelt, lire-preserver; taquet dc , (pont.) cleat supporting prolonga- tion de . celnturer, v. a., (art.) to scat a band on a pro- jectile. celiituroii, m., (/.) waist belt, swordbelt; alloii'je de , belt-si rap: piai/iK dc. , wuisi l.eli plate. C61eusti(|lie, f., (mil.) pixlantio term fur military signaling fobs.). cellule, f., cell; (mil.) prison cell, punishment cell (solitary conlhiement i; cmn/inxrc, (n> ft.} (in the cellultir theory of steeh agglomeration of globulites, group of simple cells; de cnrrtctioii. (/nil.) solitary conlinement (in tiie rfgimeiit.i ilriiiii/rrs a:ul hutaillons d'Afrique alone); /it . cell in which a military person may be. temporarily confined; aini/ilf. (mil.} ordinary solitary conlincmont (in France); (inrt.i (in "the cellular theory of steel) a grain of iron surrounded by cemeutito. celluloid, m.. celluloid. cellulose, f.. (ciiun.) cellulose. cf'iueiit, m., (met.) cementation powder; ihipp.) cement (of leet h). cfiinentation, f., (met.) cemeniation, ca.-c-harden- ing; four, fonrncau, dr . cementation furnace. ft'iiientf 1 , a., idf armor plates) faci^hardrned (e. ., ITirvey plates). ceiiieiiter, v. a., (met.) to cement, to caseharden. cond ras?e 68 eertiflcat tend rage, m., (fond.) washing over, ashing over, of molcls. cendre, f. , ashes, cinders; (in the arts, etc.) resi- dues of combustion, ash; de plomb, (sm. a.) dust-shot, mustard seed (cendret is more commonly used). cendrte, f., dross, sweepings; (sm. a.) dust-shot, mustard seed. cendrer, v. a., (fond.) to blacken, ash, wash, line, a mold. cendretix, a., (met.) filled with, or having, ash- spots. cemlrier, m., ash-pit, ash-hole (of a furnace, etc.). cendnire, f., (met.) ash, or cinder-spot in iron, etc. centesimal, a., centesimal. cent-gardes, m., pi., Napoleon Ill's bodyguard. centiare, m., one square meter (very little used). centigramme, m., centigram. centilitre, m., centiliter, a hundredth of a liter. centimetre, m., centimeter. centime, m., centime; * de bagutttes, (Fr. a.) retention of 5 centimes a day on pay of drummers and buglers, as a fund' to keep instruments in repair, etc.; d'ordinairc, (Fr. a.) part of corporals' and of soldiers' pay turned into the mess fund; de pochc, (Fr. a.) part of pay of corporals and of soldiers given to them, in money. ceiitrase, m., centering, operation of centering, in general; (top.) centering; (art.) operation of finding axis of gun forging before shaping the outside and boring the inside; centering of a projectile in the bore; (much.) centering (in a lathe); ,-/!(. canon, (sm. a.) operation of placing a centering collar on barrel, before turning. ent ralisation, f., centralization; (adm., Fr. a.) consolidation and balance of quarterly accounts of funds received and expended; rcgistrc de , (adm., Fr. a.) consolidated ac- count of quarterly receipts and expenditures, showing balance kept by each regiment and establishment counting as a regiment. centralNrr, v. a., to centralize; (Fr. a., adm.) to consolidate accounts, returns, etc.: (of an OiTicial) to supervise, to give the necessary orders, directions, etc., and to cause all mat- ters to pass through his hands; le Mrrice de, (of an official) to cause all mat- ters relating to a given service to pass through his hands, etc. centre, m., middle point; (mil.) center; d'approvisionnement, (mil., etc.) center of supply; il'u 'grovpement, (Ixtll.) center of impact ; de resistance, (mil.) point or position organ- ized to olfer a serious resistance to the enemy. ceiitrcr, v. a., to find the center, to mark the center (as in Intlie work); (top.) to center; (iirt. > to center (a projectile in the bore); (mach.) to center work in a lathe, etc. (e. g., a gun, a projectile). centrier, in., ceiitripete, m., (mil. slang) foot soldier. cerceau, m. , hoop. cercle, in., circle, hoop; tire of a wheel; ring, band; elui>; (inxt.) limb; surveying or astronomical instrument for an^'le measurement; (man.) closed curve described by a horse in working, exorcising: circling (bv a squad;) (/n..) hoop keeping drumhead clown: (mil.) formation in circle to listen to publication of orders; cirrle of officers and n. c. o. receiving orders; subdivision of military territory in Algeria; d'liligm mtnt, (inst.) surveyor's transit; umuu.l, riiiL' Cof a tree); tirnbe, district of military territory in Algeria; il'urrt'/, (rnnch.) a circle that limits or arrests the motion of some other piece: azimutl.al, (insl.) azimuth circle; cercle de butee, (a. c. art.) bearing circle (of a plat- form); de cible, (t. p.) circle of a target; de commotion, (mm.) v. de friabilite; de contact de piston, (mach.) piston-ring; & cremaillere, (art., mach., etc.) ratchet- circle; dccrit, (nav.) turning-circle of a ship; demi , (art.) calipers to measure exterior diameters; directeur, (fort.) directing circle; de division, (mach.) v. primitif; de la distribution, (steam) valve-circle of a valve diagram; dynamometrique, (expl.) General Abbot's ring apparatus; d'ctoupe, (macn.) junk ring; de friabilite, (mil., min.. etc.) base of trun- cated cone through which the effects of ex- plosion reach the surface of the ground, i. e., the circle whose radius is the crater radius; fusant, (art.) priming circle of a fuse; geodcsique, (inst.) surveyor's transit with a single-trunnion telescope; d'inyestissement, (siege) circle of investment; limite, (mach.) clearance circle (of gear- ing); militaire, (mil.) military club; noir, (t. p.) bull's-eve; ordre au , (mil.) orders given to officers and n. c. o's. formed in a circle; - de plomb pour joint, lead joint-ring; pnmitif, (much.) pitch-circle; proportionnel, (mach.) ratio-circle; quart dc - , quadrant; dc recouvrement, (xteam) lap-circle of a valve diagram; dc reflexion, (inst.) reflecting-circle; rrpetiteur, (inst.) repeating-circle; de rupture, (min.) circle of rupture; de scrrage, gathering band or collar at the top of a balloon; ci taquft, clasp hoop; du tiroir, {steam) valve-circle of a valve diagram; a vis, screw-hoop; zenithal, (inst.) zenith circle. cercler, v. a., to hoop; (art.) to hoop a gun. cercueil, m., coffin. c6r ales, f. pi., cereals. ceremonial, in., ceremonial. ceremonle, f., ceremony. cerf -volant, m., kite; portc-amarrc, life-saving kite. cerne, f., annual ring (of a tree). cerner, v. a., (mil.) to surround an army, a position. certiiicat, m., certificate. (The following terms relate to the French army): d' acceptation, certificate from colonel or c. o. of recruiting bureau to a young man ac- cepted as a volunteer: adininislratif, certificate that a responsible person assumes, or is relieved from, responsi- bility in the case in hand; d'o/itituile, (in promotion by selection) cer- tificate of fitness given to candidates after successfully passing the required examina- tions; d'aptitv'lc professionnelle, certificate of pro- ficiency presented by a young man wishing to serve in certain technical branches (artificers, artillery workmen, engineers, train, ci* 1 .); d'aplUude au scri-ia, document given bv c. o. of a recruiting bureau to a youni: rn;!i< who wishes to enlist and is recognized as tit led for the service; lie. bicn virre, certificate of good behavior during absence from regiment, presented I. a detachment on rejoining, and furnished by the civil authorities: similar document for a rear-guard during a march in France (more or less obsolete); dc bonne conduitr, goal character given on expiration of service, or on discharge; certilioat 69 chains eertificat de bonne vie et mceurs, civil document setting forth correct life and morals, to l>e fur- nished by every Frenchman who offers himself for enlistment; de cessation de paiement, certificate show- ing up to what date pay has been received, and the stoppages, if any, to be made (final statements, U. 8. A.); de contre-visite^ certificate of medical in- spection or examination, given as a check, or serving as a check, on a previous medical inspection (sick leave, discharge from hospi- tal, etc.); d'tntree, de rentree, en solde, certifi- cate of return to a status of pay (suppressed in 1883); d'ezamen, medical certificate of examina- tion for the retired list in all grades, and for reforme No. 1 in case of the men; d'eiemption, certificate of total unfitness for military service; - d'incurabilite, certificate of chief surgeon of a hospital (on demand of reforme, by officers, etc.) of incurable disability not incurred in line of service; de non-opposition, certificate that no objec- tion to payment exists, on presentation of a check or order at a caisse other than that on which drawn; d'origine de blessures ou d'infirmites, attest that wounds, maladies, etc., have been re- ceived in line of duty; de presence sous les drapeauz, a certificate . of presence with the colors, issued under certain conditions, on demand of interested parties: de verification, medical certificate, check on d'eiamen; de vie, document vouching for the holder's being alive on a certain date, and required before certain payment can be made; de visite, medical certificate given in cer- tain well-defined cases (sick leave, transfer from one arm to another, etc.). ccrtifier, v. a., to certify; une copie, to make "a true copy." ceruse, f., white lead. cervelle, f., brain; (of earths, soils) cohesive- ness.(?) cessation, f., cessation, stop (of hostilities, pay- ment, etc.) cesse, v. a., (in commands] avast! (heaving); (art.) halt! cession, f., cession (of territory); (mil. adm.) issue or grant from one department of the army to another. enable, f., (cord.) stout rope passed through a pulley for raising a weight. fl ahleuu, m., (curd.) towline, warp. cl abler, v. a., (cord. ) to fasten a rope to anything in order to raise it. aliotte, f., anvil-block, uiiraque, f., v. sclnibruque. cl aiiiage, m., (xurv.) chaining: (con.?.) bracing of walls by anchors, angle-irons, etc. chaiiie, f., chain: chain of mountains: tie, shackle, band; warp (of clot hi; anchor, tie-roil (to bind walls together); main chain or cable (of a bridge); (top.) chain of triangles (us distin- guished from a network); (mil.) chain (of skir- mishers); the. line engaged, the firing line; chain (of sentinels, etc. >; allcmande, open-link chain : d'amarrage, mooring-chain, anchoring- chuin; d'antrage en boix, wooden anchor-chain, flail-chain; - atvjln ixi, close-link chain; de i nncr e. chain cable; art nt n v- de , link; d'arpenteur, (surv.) surveyor's chain: -d'arrct, locking-chain; (ham.) breast-, pole- chain; a articulations, - articulic, v. dc gallc: d'attarhf, stall-chain; d'attflngt, (harn.) breast-chain; (r. r.) cou- pling-chain ; chalne d'atlelage lateral, (harn.) side horse coupling chain ; a barbotin, sprocket-chain; de bout de timon, (harm.) pole-chaiii, breast- chain; de bcrui de trait, (harn., esp. art.) trace-chain; de brflage, keep-chain; lashing-chain (c. g., for chess in chess-wagon); cdble . cdble, chain cable; calibrfe, sprocket chain; pitch chain; de charge, (roocA., etc.) any supporting chain; clef de , (pont.) suspension chain hook or toggle; en coins ft articulations, (inach.) ClissoM belt; de combat, (mil.) the line engaged, the firing line; a crochets, v. A to Vaucnnxon; decametre, (surr.) surveyor's chain; de. dt montage, (art.) sling-chain; d'echappement, (art.) that part of a locking or drag chain formed into a loop and not in bearing when wheel is on drag-shoe; d'embrelage, 4 embrelcr, (art.) limber- chain, keep-chain; d'enrayage, & enrayer, (art.) drag-chain, locking chain; d'equiptment, (art.) sling-chain: detail, studded chain, stay-link chain; sansitiis, unstudded chain, crane chain; etinyonnee, h flaiifons, v. it etais; sins fin, endless chain; fiie, stationary chain; de fourrage, (mil.) chain of troops to protect foraging parties; dc frcin, (art.) brake-chain; gallex, de galle, pitch-chain, sprocket- chain, flat-link chain; a godetx, chain pump; de levage, (art., etc.) hoisting, lifting chain; de licoit, (harn.) halter chain; ft w.illons, link-chain (ordinary chain); a maillons itroits, close-link chain; a largis maillons. open-link chain; de manoeuvre, (art.) traversing chain; (in gin.) maneuvering ciiain; milrique, (*MFT.) surveyor's chain; mobile, running chain; (.'c rnnntagnex, (top. ) chain of mountains: oucerl f, generic term for open-link chain: de piratonmrn , chain, conductor, of a IK-l.t- ning-rod; de pirrres, (ma*.) course of dressed stone-, in a wall of sin:. 11 stones, etc., intended in strengthen it; chain course; tn pli'stre, (conn.) plaster bracing fur t!o,.r sleepers; df /mintage, de poinlage t n direction, < art. ) traversing chain; de part, boom of :i harbor; Jr piiftat, (mil.) chain of posts: tie rttenitf, keop-chain; lit ntniitc, (/mm., c.rt.) breast -chain, backing chain; (!' riri , (nai.) niooriiiL' chain. si;>refa.-t ; (.'< ruchirx, itnii.l ritiell-l;oi.-t ; (/< si'irtti. v. lit xiciirili-: ( 'irt.} safely oha: 1 (on I'rench ammunition caisson^ ; df tirnilli-iirx, (niit.j line of skirmishers; di t"ti'igt , towiiu chain; di traction, hauling, traction, chain: tie triiri-xmixisinn, (much.) |>O'A-T chain, dik- ing chain; ft In, di , ViiiiC'inxnn, pitch-chain, sprc* t - el-wheel chain. < !u this chain the link< ,i;e not closed, but cacn link serves as a clasp tu ! i. next.) < haiiuV 70 champ chalnee, f. t (surv.) chain-length. chalner, v. a., (surv.) to chain, chain off. chalnett*,f., small chain; catenary (curve); (harn.) slobbering-hain; (sm. a.) (art.) stirrup; arrtt, keep-chain; d'enrayage, (art.) brake-chain; former , to sag, bend down in the middle; de servante, (art.) pole-prop chain; de susbande, (art.) cap-square key chain; d T, small chain and toggle. chaliicur, m., (surv.) chainman, (esp.) hind chainman; porte-chaine, hind chainman. chainon, m., link (of a chain); cable-length; (top.) short chain of mountains; en bois, link or element of a chain of logs end to end. chair, f., flesh; flesh side of leather; (r. r.) chair, railway-chair; cannelee, (hipp.) lamellar tissue of the foot. & canon, (mil.) food for powder; feuilletee, (hipp.) v. cannelee; de pied, (hipp.) envelope of the interior parts of the foot, keratogenous membrane; (jam.) flesh of the foot; veloutee, (hipp.) velvety tissue of the foot. chaise, f., chair, seat; (cons.) frame, timber-work; (r. r.) rail-chair; (mach.) hanger; (nav.) armor shelf; d articulation sphcrique, (mach.) ball-and- sooket hanger; dcolonne, (mach.) post hanger; de la cuirasse, (nav.) armor shelf; a nervures, (mach.) ribbed hanger; d rotule, (mach.) adjustable hanger; de transmission et de renvoi, (mach.) hanger. chaland, m., lighter; d cheval, lighter for embarking horses (also spelled chalan). chaleur, f., heat; blanche, (met., etc.) white heat; bouche de , heating pipe or flue; conduit de , v. bouche de ; coup de , sunstroke; rouge, (met.) red heat; soudantc, (met.) welding heat; spccifique, specific heat; suante, (met.) welding heat. chant, m., bedframe, frame of a bed. chaloupe, f., launch; canonnifrre, (nav.) gunboat; pliante, collapsible boat, folding boat; a vapour, steam-launch. chaluincau, m., blowpipe; d gaz, gas blowpipe. chamade, f., (mil.) drum or bugle for a parley with the enemy (obs.); battrc la , to sound or beat a parley; (fig.) to surrender, yield. chamuiller, m., (mil.) slight skirmish, brush, of no importance; v. n., to have a slight brush with the enemy. chambard, m., (mil. slang.) at the Ecole Poly- technique, act of smashing the furniture, etc., of new cadets, making hay in a new cadet's room. chambarder, v. n., (mil. slang) at the Ecole 1'oly- tochinque, to smash the furniture, etc., of new cadet's room. chambrnze, m., (art.) ratio of chamber diameter to caliber; (mil. min.) operation of preparing or forming the mine chamber by the use of high explosives (,-ir of hydrochloric acid in calcareous rock); operation of increasing the diameter of a boring (!>>' the same process); the mine- chamber it;>elf, prepared by high explosives. cliambraiile, m., frame, casing; door or window cising; (ruin.) frame of a mine gallery; contre , outer or false casing. chambre, f. , room, chamber; Chamber of Deputies (France); (art., sm. a.) chamber (for the charga the projectile); chamber of a revolver; (art.) cav- ity, Blowhole, defect, honeycomb (bronze and cast-iron guns); & air, air-chamber; inner tube of a bicycle tire; ardente, (sm. a.) a circular recess or space in rear of paper cartridge of first breech loader used, to insure expulsion, combustion, of uii- burnt parts of case; d balles, (art.) bullet-chamber (of a shrap- nel); des canons, (fort.) gunroom (of a turret); d'un canot, stern sheets; de charge, (torp.) explosive chamber (of a torpedo) ; de chaudiere, boiler room; de chauffe, fire-room, stoke-hole; claire, camera lucida; claire megaloptique , magnifying camera lucida (Colonel Goulier's); de combustion, (steam) fire-box; de compression, (mil. min.) the (mathe- matical) volume over which the interior ellects of an explosion are manifested; (mach.) the (exaggerated) clearance of the Otto gas-engino cylinder; d crasse, (sm. a.) v. ardente; cylindrique, (art.) case for the bursting charge of a shell; d'eclatement, (art.) bursting space behind a proving-ground target, admitting of the recov- ery of shell fragments in experimental firing; to. feu, (art.) powder-chamber of a fuse; defonderie, (fond.) defect, in a casting; aux lampes, (fort.) lamp-recess of a powder magazine; aux lumikres, v. aux lampes; tie la machine, engine-room; de manmivre, des manofuvres, (fort.) working or operating room of a turret; de mine, (mil. min.) chamber of a mine; noire, (phot.) camera; a poudre, (art.) powder-chamber (of a gun, of a shell, of a shrapnel, of a fuse); aux poudres, (jort.) powder-room of a maga- zine; des poudres, (min.) powder-chamber; du projectile, (art.) shot-chamber; de rail, (r. r.) seat of a rail; des rfgulateurs d'immersion, (torp.) balance or "secret" chamber of the \Vhitehead torpedo; d, de, sable, (art.) sar.fl inclosure, or in- closed sand-butt (proving ground, for safety and for recovery of projectiles); de tir, (fort) gun-room of a turret; du tiroir, (steam) valve-chest; tournante, (mtt.) rotary chamber (of a me- chanical puddler); d, dc,vapcur, (steam) steam-chest: sioani- space of a a boiler. ehambrfi, a., (met.) blistered, honeycombed; (art.) chambered (of a gun). chainbrte, f., (mil.) number of men in one squad- room, squad. de , in charge of a squad, or barrack-room. chambrer, v. a. n., to chamber; (mil.) to mess and live together in the same room or ten!; (mil. min.) to make the chamber of a mine, (art., etc.) to chamber (a gun): se , (nrt.) to become pitted or hone.ycombed (of a gun). chambreux, a. v., chambrc. chambriere, f., long whip, lunging whip; cart- prop; (cord.) lacing. chanieau, m., camel; d une bouse, dromedary; -d deux bosses, camel proper; corps de x, camel corps of the Egyptian itruiy. chamois, m., chamois leather, shammy. champ, in., field; edge (i. e., least dimension, as of a olank, brick, etc.); (insO field, interior space (of a telescope, etc.); (mil.) battlefield; (art.) field (of fire); champ 71 chantier champ, oui (mil.), call or battery sounded on the approach of the president or sovereign, of ministers of state, and of general officers toward troops under their command; when a body of troops passes another, or before a post or guard; at the ceremony of relieving guard; and when a soldier sentenced to death arrives at tho place of execution; de batiille, battlefield; de bataille defensif, defensive battlefield. (hen<-e. technically) a strongly intrenched battlefield; de bataille dcfensif-offensif, a battlefield strongly intrenched, but with wide intervals, permitting offensive operations; de bataille offensif, offensive battlefield, (hence, technically) one but slightly in- trenched; de , on edge, on end, upright (of planks, bricks, etc.); (mas.) headers and stretchers (of bricks); dffcn-sif, (mil.) that part of a battlefield in- tended to be merely held; d'cgal eclairemcnt, (opt.) field of equal illumi- nation; d'cpreuve, (art.) proving-ground; d'ezpiriences (dc8 torpiues), (torpedo) testing ground; d' exploitation, (min.) working place or room in a mine; de feu, (ball.) obsolete name for trajectory; deforce, (elec.) field of force; galvaniirue, (elec.) magnetic field; de lumtere, (art.) vent-field; magnrtique, (elec.) magnetic field; de mantfuvre, (mil.) drill-ground; de Mars, (mil.) drill, parade ground; square in Paris, formerly used as a drill, etc., ground; offensif, (mil.) that part of a battlefield in which the main, i. o., the offensive, effort will be made; de tir, (inf.) small-arm target range; (art.) proving-ground, practice-ground; field of fire (of a gun, of a battery, of a work, of a line, of a position); tour:i:tnt, (elec.) rotating field; de vision, (opt.) field of view (field-glass, telescope, etc.); visuil, visual field; space seen or covered by one eye or two eyes (monoculaire, binocutaire); de vue, v. de vision. champignon, m., mushroom; (art.) mushroom, i. e., head of the l>o Bango gas-check; (hipp.) scirrhous cord; (elec.) knot or mushroom on arc-light carbon; (r. r.) head of a rail (with reference to shape of cross-section); (fond.) sleeker; railii double , (r. r.} double-headed rail; ii tete de , mushroom-headed. chance, f., chance; s dc guerre, (mil., etc.) fortune of war. chancelcr, v. n., to totter, stagger; (mil.) to waver (of troops). chaiicfller, in., chancellor (of an order, etc.). chanrelU-rie, f.. chancellery, administration (of an order, c. g., Legion of Honor); grande , administration of Iho Legion of Honor. chancre, m., canker (trees, horses, etc.). chandelier, in., candlestick; stanchion, upright; crutch, swivel; (siege) chandelier, fascino- chandelier (obs.); (r. f. art.) fork-pivot, pillar of a pillar-mount (in many r. f. mounts), cross- head (sometimes); (art.) firing-support (Rus- sian l. r >'"" mortar); af} tit ti (r./. art.) any fork-pivot mount; pillar- mount; dc blindc, v. de tranchcc; a-foitrchr. (r.f. art.) fork-pivot; dc mine, (mil. min.) minor's candlestick; de tranchee, (siege) a wooden framing used in building up cover by means of fascines (obs.). cliaiulellc, f., candle; prop, shore, stay; (mil. slang) musket, sentry; chandelle romaine, (artif.) Roman candle, chaiit'-r, f., (cow.) hollow tile, when laid with hollow up. chaiifreln, m., chamfer, bevel; (hipp.) forehead; en , beveled; taillcr en , to chamfer, to bevel, chaiif reiiicr, v. a., to chamfer, bevel. changcment, m., change (of direction, of garrison, etc.); d aiguilles, (r. r.) point-switch; split-switch; & double aiguille, (r. r.) double switch; double- slip switch; d'arme, (mil.) transfer from one arm to another; de corps, (mil.) transfer from one regiment to another; de dimension, (mil. min.) passage from a gal- lery to a smaller (in construction); de direction, (mil.) change of direction (of a column or lino of troops, to the right, etc., by the flank, etc.); also, the command for a change of direction (the movement and the command are in some cases equivalent to "column right," etc.; in others, to "(squad) right. "etc., U. S. A.); de front, (mil.) change of front; de garnison, (mil.) change of garrison; dc main, (man.) change of hands; de marche, (mach.) reversing gear; de inaree, turn of the tide; d'objectif, (art.) change of target, also com- mand for the purpose; de pcnte, (mil. min.) change of slope (in con- structing galleries, etc.); de vied, (man.) change of tho (leading) foot in galloping; de pied en I'air au tact, (man.) change of foot (made in the air on contact); dc pied en I'air au temps, (man.) change of foot made during temps de suspension, q. v.; de posies, (art.) change of posts (at a gun); dc. sape, (siege) change from one kind of sap to another; triple, (r. r.) three-throw switch; a trois voies, (r. r.) y. triple; de voic, (r. r.) switch; action of switching; siding; tie voic ii rails mobiles, (r. r.) stubswitch. changer, v. a., to change; le pas, (mil.) to change step. (For other adjuncts, as dc corps, de main, dc vote, etc., v. s. v. changement.) chaiitepleure, f., sort of funnel with a roso at tho end; opening in a wall for tho passage of \vator; barrel faucet, or plug; outlet for water; pipe, spout; drain, sort of gutter. chaiitler, m., skid, small beam; (art.) block, full- block (for mechanical maneuvers); (nai>.) yard, shipyard, stocks; (min.) thirling, chamber of excavation, working-room (of a tunnel r. (in gin.) any place win-re men are at work (e. g., working parties, in a siege, etc.); (r. r.) embark- ing track (troops); de calage., skid; --de chevalcts ii fascines, (fort., siege) fas. i no beach; di cominettage, (cord.) laying-machine; ii. rn miiutln, v. de con<.i,iittaije' di eon-siruction, (/mr.) shipyard, shipbuilding yard; (in ijen.) construction shop; demi , (art.) half-block; entree tn , (Jig.) commencement of any opera- tion, work; cntnr en , (fig.) to begin work, an operation, etc.; d'cxploitatinn d'une mine, (min.} excavation room of a mine; - - dc mann-urrex. (.i (t mnurnnents, (urt., itc.) loading by detail, by the numbers; - de tir, (art.) gun cliarge as distinguished from the bursting cliarge; usuclle, (Fr. art.) reduced charge for curved fire; a tolonte, (sr/i. a.) loading at will. II. Technical and miscellaneous: d , (law) for the prosecution; 4 et & decharge, (law) for and against the prisoner; charge d'aplatistement. the load that will just flatten out a set of (Belleville, etc.) springs; brute, gross weight; cahitr dcs *, specifications for contractors, bidders, etc.; chemince de la , (met.) throat of a blast fur- nace; conirr , counterpoise; couxsinet de , (harn.) breast harness pad; en cucillette, a general cargo (ship's); d'tprcui'c, test-load; d'e.toupe, thread of oakum; lire en , to be loading (ship); en premier, bulk cargo (ship's); en hauteur, edge pressure or load; Ugne dc . (nav.) load water line; mobile, live load, rolling load; pitcc ii , (late) any object that has been used in the commission of a crime, or that may serve to bring out the truth: entre deux points, difference of piezometric level of two points; sans rompre , without breaking bulk; dc rupture, breaking load; de securite, safe load; de surite, safe load; tauz de , load per unit of section or of area; temoinh, , witness for the prosecution; dc traction, load behind teams. charge, a., (art., sm. a., etc.) loaded, filled (of a shell); (much., etc.) stressed, loaded; dtbout, receiving stress on end (as a con- necting-rod, etc.); d'encolure, de ganache, dc tftc, (hipp.) heavy-headed. charge, m., d'affaires, charge d'affaires. chargement, m., "loading (of a wagon, etc.); (adm.) record of registry of a letter, etc.; (art., sm. a.) loading (operation of) of a gun, etc.: (art.) filling (of a shell); (sm. a.) filling (of a magazine); all the operations of assembling the parts of a complete cartridge; (min.) charg- ing (of a mine); atelitr de , (art.) filling-room: d - central, (art.) central-loading (said of turrets when ammunition is brought up in center); coup par coup. (urn. a.) single-loading (-'aid of magazine rille when magazine, is not used;; cylindn. de, . (art.) loading-tube: dinxi/i dt , (art.) density of loading: Hi Mints dc , (art.) elements of loading; ft (space d'air, (art.) air-spaced loading; planchdti dc , (art.) loading-tray; jioxition ilc . (art.) loading position; en diui, truis, <.V., tunps, (art.) loading in two. three, etc., motions; mil de (t dc dechargement, (r.r.) side-tnvk, siding. chargi'olr, m.. (art.) loading-ladle fobs.). charter, v. a., to load (in general); (ar, 1 a.) to load a gun, a rille. etc.: to (ill a si: to prepare, fill, primers, lireworks. r (art.) to moiuil a gun upon its earn.. (min.) to load a mine: (nut., itc.) to cl a: fee, I, a furnace: tin'icfi.) to load (an e; (tiil.n.) to register a letter; anil.) to el a'lack, the enemy; (.-;j. (.'.) to (ill < IIUL' :- ., (art.) to till a shell v :;h idtc.) to charge an ;.<- i much., dc.) to fill \* : ;h ,/.. xin . n., dc.) to fill a ziue i; d cliar/e in exteivled order: iinr fusee, (artif.) to load, till, a fuse, rocket; en guirre. (art.) to till a shell with its (ser\ ice) bursting charge; charger 74 chasse charger en ligne, v. en muraillt; an magasin, (sm. a.) to fill a magazine; en muraille, (car.) to charge in Tine with no intervals; en queue, (mil.) to attack in rear; en deux, trots, etc., temps, (art.) to load in two, three, etc., motions; tn villf, (cat', slang) to go into town. churgette, f., (sm. a.) powder measure (gallery practice). chargcur,m., (met.) litt; (art.) cannoneer who loads (e.sp. r. f. art.); (sm. a.) loader, cartridge packet, clip, loading clip; autmnatiqu-t , (sm. a.) self-loader; & dcui branches, (sm. a.) loader supporting point and base of cartridge; fuisilii -, (sm. a.) rifle to which a loader may be attached, or requiring a loader; d' introduction, (sm. a.) loading-strip, i. e., one not fixed to, or introduced in, weapon; lame , (sm. a.) loader, loading-strip; & lame simple, (sm. a.) loader holding only base of cartridge; o mdchoires, (sm. a.) clip; d main, (sm. a.) loader, hand-loader, quick loader; mobile, (sm. .) detachable loader; T'ipidt, (sm. a.) quick loader; s< parable, v. mobile. chariot, m., chariot, wagon (four-wheeled), trolley, truck, railway carriage, carriage; (art.) cradle; trunnion carriage (esp. of r. f. guns); (sm. a.) cartridge-carrier; (mach., etc.) slide, sJide-rest (as of a lathe), saddle, traversing- head, traveler, any sliding tool-holder, any sliding device for holding the work, sliding carriage; (inst.) in some instruments, the rotat- ing plate supporting the instrument proper. I. Military: d'artillcrie, (art.) battery wagon (U. S. art.); de bagages, baggage wagon; de bvtterie, (art.) battery wagon, ammunition wagon; d canon, (art.) mortar wagon, heavy sling- cart, truck wagon; dry derives, (art.) deflection slide; d'uiuipages, baggage wagon; d'eiplosffs, (I-'r. car.) explosive wagon (ac- c. 'in;. anies a division of cavalry for demolition p.a poses); -iir forage. - dc furerir, (nrt.) boring-bench; -forge, (irt.) traveling-forge; -j'awnil , bakery-cart, kneading cart, of a li'-hi bakery; ~-fou rragrrr, forage wagon; - 7""): y a cluun); 1 '''i-raphiqin . ( I-'r. ;.) wagon for transporta- ti in i.; telegraph material, coils of wire, etc.; i!e ir/ii-ail. ( l''r. u.) construction wagon of a t"'>".;r iiih serti"iK :i is', (ball. 'i screw-slide (Marcel Peprez). i I . Technical and miscellaneous: ii'iiirxiiir, ( .ti'/r/i.) boring-block; fi commrttre, a couchuir, (cord.) laying- top; chariot de forage, de forerie, (mach.) boring- bench; A glissitret, (mach.) slide-rest, sliding sup- port; le grand , the Great Bear, the Dipper; de mine, (min.) miner's truck or car; le petit , the Little Hear; porte-fardeau, truck or traveler of a crane; porte-f raise, (mach.) reamer holder; portc-pifcc, (mach.) table, plate, slide carry. ing the work; de reglage, (mach.) cross-slide of a lathe; & ridtllcs, cart or wagon with a rack, open- side wagon; df roMcment, expansion roller (metallic trusses, etc.); ii rollouts, truck wagon; de tour, lathe-slide', de tournage, (mach.) turning-down lathe; transversal, (mach., etc.) cross-slide. chariotement, m., motion by or in a chariot or slide (cranes, lathes, etc. );(mofh.) displacement of a tool , as carried by its slide. Charlemagne, m., (mil. slang) saber-bayonet. charme, m., hornbeam (wood and tree). charniere, f., hinge; joint, turning-joint; d , hinged, fitted with a hinge; d, cog, hook-and-eye hinge, gate hinge; fcmelle de , femelle, female-joint, axis of a hinge; male de , male, male joint, revolving part of a hinge; d pli, (harn.) joint of a broken bit, mouth joint. cbarpe, f., mooring-rope for pontons. charpente, f., framing, framework, timber work; carpentry; enfer, iron framing, framework; enfontc, cost-iron framework; de mine, (min.) timbering, casing of a mine. charpenterie, f., carpentry, frame- or timber- work. charpeiitter, m . , carponter. charpie, f., lint. charretee, f.. cart load. charretier, m., driver (of a cart); a., practicable for carts; chemin , cart road; roie e, cart-track, distance between wheels. gauge. c.harrette, f., cart, two-wheeled cart; ii brew, bandcart, pushcart; tumbril; d cartouches, (xm. a.) ammunition cart : a munitions, (sm. a.) ammunition cart; porte-obus-torpille, (art.) torpedo-shell cart; poflr-projectile, (art.) shell cart; de nit.gf (xitge) transport cart ; de tranchi-e, (siege) trench cart . charri;K(', in., cartage; (ail.) transportation of guns, etc., by wheeled Carriages: den y!nt;ea, downflow of ice in a st ream. charrier, v. a., to cart, to transport in carts: to carry down ice (of a river). charroi. in., teaming, transportation by wagon. charroii, in. , wheelwright. charronmiKe, m., wheelwright's trade. cliarroyer, v. a., to transport in cart . uhiirtagtie, f., Lntrenctiment or retrenchment in a wood. charte-partie, f., charter party, charter (of a vessel). rhas, m. . eye of a needle; mason's plumb-rule. chasse, f., chase, pursuit (esp. nav.); set, setter. drift, punch; (of drains, etc.) flushing; (of vehicles) the greater or less facility of being moved forward; (of a bicycle) the hori/onial distance from the vcrti'-al projection of the front a.xlo on the ground, to the steering post prolonged; (mach.) play; (sin. a.) frame on which sword-blade is shaped; impact of the hammer; (artif.) filling, bouncing; (fort.) rush of water through a ditch, flooding; (hipp.) propulsive power of the hind legs; d'affe. (mil. slang) chasseur d'Afrique; ehasse 75 chati'lirrv chasse fi biseau, bevel setter; bloc, (art.) drift (special drift for dismount- ing breech mechanism of 27 m s. c. mortar); boite, driving-bolt; catllvu, v. pierres; calotte, (sm. a.) driver of hard wood, for setting the calotte on the tongue of a sword blade; carrie, square setter; chaine, chain-spacer, chain guide; crochet de pontage, lashing-hook setter; derr.i-ronde, half-round setter; donncr & un navire, (nav.) to give chase to a ship; d'cau, sudden flooding, flushing, (esp. fort.) sudden flooding of the ditches caused by very rapid opening of water-gates, so as to sweep away enemy's ditch crossing; ecluse de , (fort.) flash -gate; ~~etui, (art.) shell-driver (e. g., of a Gardner gun, etc.); -fusee, (art.) fuse-setter; goupille, pin-setter, pin-bolt drift; lever In , (nay.) to give up the pursuit; maree, (mil. slang) chasseur d'Afrique; marie, random shot, miss; mouche, fly net; iwii, (sm. a.) blunt punch or driver; & parer, set hummer; - -pattes, (mil. slang) chasseur d pied; piece de , (nav. art.) bow chaser; --pierres, (r. r.) cowcatcher (U. S.), wheel guard; poignee, pommcau, driver for driving hilt on tongue of sword-blade; reservoir de , flushing-tank, reservoir; rivet, setter, riveting set; ronde, round setter; roues, wheel-post, spur-post. chassepot, m., (sm. a.) the French rifle model, I860. cliasser, v. a., (mil., etc.) to drive before one, to drive out of a position; (tech.) to drive in, to set; (man.) to set forward at an increased gait; (of an anchor) to drag; les ancres, to drag anchors; en avant, (man.) to urge a horse forward; les fcsscs sous sot, (man.) to sit well down in the saddle. chasseur, m., huntsman; ( Fr. a.) chasseur (cav. and inf.); s d'Afrique, ( Fr. a.) light cavalry for African service; - n alpins, (Fr. a.) li-^ht infantry for service in the Alps; .? ft chcval, (Fr. a.) mounted chasseurs, light cavalry; s fnrc>;tiers, (Fr. a.) rifle corps recruited, on mobilization, from the personnel of the govern- ment forestry department; tii j>icd, (Fr. a.) rifles, light infantry. chassis, m., frame; (art.) chassi.s; (tich., tic.) saddle. b.v.1; (mil. min.) gallery frame; (r. f. art.) gun-case (Maxiia-Nordenfeldt);(/(id.) molding- box, flask.; rirciilairr, (art.) circular chassis (Canet.); -ft rlairr vote, openwork frame; cntjrant, (mil. min.) case, mine c;ise; -de combat, (mil. min.) case of a rameaii de c.'iin'int, q. v.; fane , (mil. min.) false framo, temporary or movable frame: drfermeture, (an.) breech-frame; grand -, (art.) chassis proper, as distinguished from petit - - (q. v.), of some Krunch guns; - grille ft depeches secretes, ciphering frame (in cryptography); hollandais, (mil. min.) v. cofj'rant; infi'rirur, (fund.) drag, lower Mask; -hi milieu, (fmi'i.) middle flask; (/< mine, (mil. min.) mine frame, gallery frame; ;.<;)';/;< de pieds (de t,'te), (med.) forward (roar) movable part of a littcir; di' rnoulage , (fot:d.) molding box, flask; chassis negatif, (phot.) plate-holder (of a camera); petit, (art.) pintle-frame ( French 138"""); de ph!e-forme, (art.) traversing carriage; des platints, (r. f. art.) lock-frame (Gardner gun); de pout, (pont.) beam, sleeper (e. g. r to unito casks, etc.); jtortt-jicie, saw-frame; porti-tourillons, (r. f. art.) frame (Hotehkixs revolving cannon); positif, presse, (phot., etc.) printing- frame; supfrieiir, (fond.) cope, top-flask; & tabatiere, skylight with movable win- dow: de transport, (art.) sort of truck for trans- porting carriages, etc., in garrison (somewhat like llnjted States mortar wagon); vitre , skylight. chassoir, m., driver, drift; fuse-mallet. chat, in., (art.) searcher (obs.); de punt volant, de pate nee, dr traillr, ferry-block. chataigiie, f., (hipp.) chestnut. chatalRtier, m., chestnut (wood and tree). chataiii, a., chestnut (color); (hipp.) chestnut horse. chateau, m. , castle, fort, citadel; d'eau, (r. r.) water tank. chatter, v. a., to punish. chatiere, f., cat-hole, small opening in roof. chatlnietit, ni., ptuiishment. chatoulller, v. a., to tickle; (man.) to tomoh a horse lightly with the spur. chfttrase, m., (hipp.) castration, gelding; drs roues, shortening of fellies, tightening up of fellies and spokes. chatrer, v. a., (hipp.) to geld, cut: une roue, to set up the fellies and spokes, to remove part of the fellies. chatter-ton, m., a waterproof material composed of tar, rosin, and gutta-percha. cbauii, a., hot; (frequently, mU.) red-hot; jmndrcd , (met.) to weld; placirii , (met.) to shrink or put on hot; travalllerb, , (met.) to work hot. chaiid* 1 , f.. (met.) heat, heating; blanc dc Inne, blanche, graxse, weld- ing heat, white heat; donner la - ---, une, deui, etc., ,, to heat (for tempering), to heat once, twice. et<-.; grasxe, white heat; - rouge, red heat; ruuye cerise, cherry-red heat; . sombre, dark-red lie:tt ; Houdantr, sii-inii , \vi -Iding heat. chaudlere, f., copper, kettle; (.steam) boiler, steam boiler; alinientairf, 'eed bnih>r: - ~ anjiiiiiiire, donkey bciler; btittr batiery of boilers; -ti bi, (Hie boiler: wagon boiler: -chnunie dts dms. bouts, dou I de-ended boiler; ' chiriise dc , boiler-jacket, case, i leading, la^^in;;. dp;idini;; - -it arci'/Htinn nimdi . Field boiler: - - cylindr;i/ui , cyiinili ! boiler, barrel boiler; -eylindrii/ne (i bon-.li ars, cylindrical loler witii till'. 1 -; exposed p. ho;:t; - ft/limit 'iijiif it fiiinf in', riiur, Corni.-,li boiler; itniihi, . double boiler; - a i 'Ii mi nt.i ii .cireiil'iiinn, water-tulu> boiler; ii i.'iinciUs niiiUnuliuiuire.t, inullituhiilur boiler: tnr
  • ii, if i- , boiler shell; - - (i y/fl.'i. 1 me direct! , loi'omotive lioilei: - -tifoytr ti't'riritr (nittritnri. extern. illy (.in- ternally) Tired boiler: xamifoyir, internally lired boiler; fran^aisc, French iioiler; chaudierc 76 chef ehamiien-. lit de pose d'une , boiler setting; j;;an'nc . marine boiler; & petit chtia!, v. auxiliaire; h bassc (haute, moijenne) prcssion, low (high, mean) pressure boiler; dc raijmagc, refining boiler (e. g., for salt- peter); ra-tangulairf. box boiler; a n tour il( jlammc, return-flame boiler; sfctionnclle, sectional boiler, water-tube boiler; scmi-tubulaire, boiler in which the lower heater (bouilkur) has its place taken by tubes; support de , knee; a, en, tombcau, wagon boiler; caravan boiler; tubulaire, fi tubes, tubulee, (ordi- nary) tubular boiler (i.e., fire-tube); tn V, Thornycroft, Yarrow, boiler; & vaporisation instantanic, instantaneous generator. chamlrannerie, f., coppersmith's trade, (more extensively) plate-working in general; grosse , work in heavy plates or bars; boiler making; petite , work in light plates, etc., done by hand. chaudroniiier, m., coppersmith, plate-worker; boiler maker; (mil. slang) cuirassier. chauffage, m., fuel; firing; heating of bar- racks and quarters; stoking; heating (in general); bois de , fire'wood; d'un coussinet, d'un essieu, (mach.) heating of a bearing; ii la va pcur, steam heating. chauffe, f., stokehole; furnace; fire-hole of a fur- nace; (met.) fireplace (as of a reverberatory furnace); (m ft.) action of heating; donntr une , (mtt.) to heat; dufourneau, fire-hole of a furnace; surface de , heating surface. chauffer, v. a., to heat, to warm; to fire up; (steam) to get tip steam; to keep in fuel, give firing to; (mil.) to grow hot (of a combat fam.); (hipp.) to grow heated, as a result of injury; blanc, (met.) to bring to a white heat (and similarly of the other heats, v. chaude); une forteresse, unc troupe, (mil.)' to keep up a brisk, steady fire on a fort, a body of troops; a la vapeur, to heat by steam. chaufferie, f. , (nut.) bar-iron furnace; (steam, etc.) stokehole, fire-box; range of boilers. chauffeur, in., fireman, stoker. chuuffure, f. , (met.) brittleness; burnt, over- burnt, iron. chaufour, m., limekiln. chausse, f . . sock; ., breeches; d'nisancrs, waste-pipe, soil-pipe. cha tissue, f., high road; causewav; (more narrowly) the central part of a road, the car- riage way; bombf't, barreled road; dc branchagc, road of mattress of boughs, etc., for swampy ground; in dfb/ni. road formed by cutting; (n ( ui[,iirri i:n nt. metaled road; firrei, metaled road; a In Mac Adam, macadamisce, macad- amized road: ( n /mi;' , paved highway; i nrtinblni, road formed by filling in, as a si:-;t. lining wall, by embankment; ill tronc d'arbrcx, corduroy road. chausser, v. a. ( to put on" (stockings, shoes); 'iii'in.) to stick the feet home in the stir- rups; Us epcrons aui. ennaitl.t, (mil.) to pursue the enemy; Us etritrs, (mnii.) to ride with feet home in the stirrups. Chausse-trape, L, (mil.) crow's-foot, caltrop. chaussette, f., sock; - s, (mil. slang) gloves. chausson, m., (Fr. a.) kind of buskin or sock, of flannel, etc., worn over stockings, and issued to mounted men ; to men in camp, etc.; - s, (art.) magazine slippers. chaussure, f., footwear, foot-covering; shoe of a pile; - eiploratricc, (man.) Marey pneumatic foot- bulb (for registering gaits); - de mobilisation, ( Fr. a.) reserve pair of shoes, kept in company storehouse; - de pointe d'arcadc, (harn.) sort of shoe or point of a saddle panel, into which the pointe d'arcadefits; - de rcpos, (Fr. a.) second pair of shoes (in- cluding gaiters). chauvir, v. n., to prick up the ears (mule, ass). chaux, f.,lime; - anhydre, quicklime; blanc de - , whitewash; - calcinee, quicklime; - caustiquc, quicklime; crepird. la - , to whitewash; donner un blanc de - , to whitewash; - eteintf, slaked lime: - eteintc 6 sn/il<>t, ringleader; de con mi, c. o. of a convoy; - de corps, c. o. of any body of troops hav- ing an organic existence or Independence, i. e., generally of a battalion or of a regiment; the commanding general of an army cor; is; in tho absence "of limitations, cluf ath; militaire, military road; (fort.) the road be- tween the works and the houses, etc., of the town; witional, high road; nord, (nav.) northing; nord et sud, (nav.) ditference of latitude; a ornierts, tramroad; ouest, (nav.) westing; purticulier, private road; pusant, public road, great thoroughfare; des pontonniers, (vont.) space l>etween side rails and ends of cness in military (ponton) bridges; de ronde, (fort.) chemin de ronde; exterior corridor; dc roulement, (art.) roller path; rufal , crossroad ; sud, (nav.) southing; de terre, country road; "dirt road" (U. S.); de traverse, crossroad; vicinal ordinaire, (Fr.) road kept up by a commune; vicinal de grande communication et d'inlirit commun, (Fr.) road kept up by the interested communes. cliemlnee, f., chimney; fireplace; hearth; smokestack, funnel; (sm. a.) nipple (ohs.); (art.) llame-passage (of a fuse, of a primer, etc.); e-n acitr, (sm. a.) barrel-cover (e.g., of Bel- gian Mauser); d'apptl , ventilating shaft, air-shaft (e. g., of a magazine, etc.;; de la charge, \. supirienrc ti coulisse , (nav.) telescopic funnel; ctai de , chimney stay; papillon mobile d'une .regulator, damper of a chimney; supi'ruurc, (wcO throat and main body (above bosses) of a blast furnace. chemlnement, in., (in gtn.) advance along a road; (siege) advance of the zigzags toward the place besieged; the zig/.ags themscl-. c>, works executed by bosii-gers in apnroaching a a place; progress of siege works; (mil.) approach or advance of troops to position from which they are to attack; (/;>.. svr.) nu-thiKl in which plane-table, etc., is taken from vertex to vertex of the polygon to be surveyed; geoafsique, (top.) method of survey consist- ing of going from point to point, followed when from the nature of the ground triangulation i; impossible; t'lcti'im , (mil.) procedure and methods nf measuring paces, steps, gaits, etc., of t lie v:irii.::s arms. c hen liner, v. n., to advance, as along a road: t.r -<:!;:!; (xitam) slea'.u-jacket; (intt.) outer casing, s 1 .. il. of a furnace; >.) horse adapted to, or fitted for, dragoons; 7on0-join#,long-pasterned horse; low:-! , clay-bank horse; - lunatique. wall-eyed horse; de luxe, pleasure 'horse; d main, oil horse; de main, led horse; held horse; ofl horse; hand horse; mal coiffe., lop-eared horse; <>rtcur d'outih, (mil.) tool horse; JHIUSXC dc nmirriturt , overfed horse; p'lussif, broken-winded horse; pres rle Icrre, short-legged horse; promenade a , ride; pur sang, de pur sang, thoroughbred horse; guartiersde , quarters of the horse; de race, blooded horse; thoroughbred; ragot, stocky horse: ramasse, compactly built horse; stocky horse; raminguc, horse that refuses to obey the spur; riittau a , hay-rake; rtfait, made horse; uiu dc reformr, cast horses; riformc de our, cast ing of horses: Tfjixtrc dc (iui, si ud-book; de. rtl'.i, relay, fresh burse; de rciH'intf, remount horse; de rtmplucc nii-iit. spare horse; rn/0rrf, strong, th'cksct horse; -ilc reiiini. return horse; de. Trqnixilion , (mil. t horse pressed intoservieo by requisition; de rexcrre, (Fr. car.) horse adapted to cuiras- siers: (in nfn.) spare horse; retif, stubborn, obstinately disobedient horse; Tiii,." df , horsohide.eoat of tlio horse; OUT de meme rt>l,< , horses matched in color; rounn, roan horse; route, stocky horse, compactly built; ru.i/f, rough, uneasy horse; ruetir, kicking horse; rutnr, broken-down horse; suhut de , horse's hoof, cotlin; sagr, steady horse, of food disposition; .wye an feu, horse steady under lire, that will stand under fire; sain it net, horso warranted sound and free from vice; ehoval 80 cheval Cheval de sang, thoroughbred horse, (better) blooded horse (not necessarily thoroughbred; v. pur sang, with which de sang is often taken synonymously); de sclle, saddle horse; serrc du derriere, horse whose hind legs are too close together; serre du decant, horse whose fore legs are too close together, horse closed in front, knock- kneed; dc somme, pack horse; soupede latt, cream-colored horse; sour is, mouse-colored horse; sous la main, off or hand horse; sous lui de derritre, horse whose hind legs are too much under him; sous lui du devant, horse that has his fore IPTS too much under him, horse over in the knees, (sometimes, even) knee-sprung; de sous verge, (art.) off horse; de steeple chase, steeplechaser; de suite, pack horse; taille ft coups de hache, horse the bones of whose croup stand out, rawboued horse; tartarc, saddle horse, half wild, with some Arab blood; de tete, officer's horse; en tete, horse with medium-sized white spot on head; fnrtemcnt en tete, horse with large white spot on head; en tete interrompu, horse with white spot on head interrupted or broken by a colored spot or place; legerement en tete, horse with a more or less considerable number of white hairs on head; marque en tete, horse with white markings on head; en tete prolong? , horse with white marks or spots coming down to chamfer; tigre, spotted horse; de timon, wheel-horse, wheeler; liqueur, horse given to some trick or habit, as crib-biting, wind-sucking (term ordinarily means crib-biting); dc tiragc, draught horse: tirant au ri nard, horse that pulls or hangs on halter in stable, with a view to breaking it; lisonne, branded gray horse, marked with black spots; tondcur de auz, horse-clipper; tondt use de aui, horse-clipper; a tous crins, horse with flowing mane and tail; ii toutcs mains, horse that may be driven or ridden indifferently; train dc , horse's 'pace, rate; train de dtrrierc d'un , hind quarters of a horse; dc trait, draught horse; dc gros trait lent, horse for heaviest draught; dc gros trait rapidc, omnibus horse, express- wagon horse, etc.; dc trait leger, cab-horse, etc.; (also) light- draught horse for artillery service, engineers, etc.; - - trapu, Strong, thickset horse; traiail a , (cat-.) mounted work, exercises, in vhk'st sense (not drill so much as equestrian work pure and simple K trnp in/tie, horse whose ribs do not come down as low as the elbow; trtip fait cn montant, horso of abnormally high croup; trn/i tninrt du (hrricrr. horse whose hind legs. on the whole, are too wide apart; (It tral. trotter; df trinijn . (mil.) soldier's horse (subdivided into dt sill(. for the cavalry, etc.. and - dt trait und dc trait Icyir, for the artillery;; troop-horse: truiti , flea-bitten horse, trout-colored horse; uni. horso that gallops smoothly, well- paced horse; cheval vert au montoir, horse hard to mount; vicieux, vicious, headstrong horse; vif, high-spirited horse; voiture pour dresser les aux, horse-break; de volee, leader, lead horse; zain, whole colored horse (total absence of white hairs). II. CheTal as the object of or qualifying a verb: abattrc un , to cast a horse; acheminfr un , to teach a (young) horse to advance in a straight line; achever un , to finish breaking a horse; ajustcr un , v. achever un ; appuyer un , to passage a horse, to cause him to move with shoulders and hind quarters on parallel tracks; arrondir un , to break a horse; asseoir un , to train a horse; to throw him well on his haunches; asseoir un sur ses jambes, to train a horse to gallop with his croup lower than his shoulders, to execute airs de manage; assouplir un , to give a horse a regular and easy motion; assurer la bouche d un , to ride with a light hand; assurer un , to make a horse steady, i. e., train him to execute all movements with accuracy; attaquer un , to spur a horse, to use the spur; a'vertir un , to urge, encourage, a horse, to gather him; boucher un , to look at a horse's teeth to determine his age; brusquer un , to start a horse suddenly; conduire un par la figure, to lead a horse by the head; couper un , to geld a horse; defcrrer un , to remove the shoes from a horse; dcpetrer un , to free or disentangle a horse from harness; donner feud un . to fire ahorse; donner halcine d un , to breathe a horse, give him his wind; donner un -point d'appui d un , to cause a horse to bear on the hand while urging him forward; donner du talonh un , to spur a horse; dr( sscr un , to train a horse; cnlever un , to urge a horse vigorously for- ward; cntratncr un , to train a horse for a rare: tnreloppfr un . to grasp or clasp a horso with the legs (of the seat); ftrc maid , to have a poor seat; faire la toilttted un . to trim a horso; faire iiarader un , to make a horse .show off his paces; faire /irendre. le vert d un , to piu a horso on groen food, to put. a horse out to grass: faire quitter le vert d un , to take a horse from grass; /< i re r un , to shoo a horse; flatter un , to make much of a horso; franchir un , to jump over a horso: guurmandir un , to use a horso roughly with the. hand, to increase its severity; lanc(r un , to urge a horse, to set him at speed; marche r ft , to ride; mnlre quetgu'un d , to teach one how to ride; au terl, to turn a horso out to sur lot dentx. to override, founder mail, un grass: mi!. lo rido bareback: oiiln run . t o override, to founder, a horse; parcovrira , to rido over: piiiiKr un -- -.to prick a horso in shoeing, to drive a nail into the quick; (hence) to lame a horse; to spur a horse; cheval 81 chevalier cheval, plier un , to break a horse; porter un d'un talon sur I'autre, to passage a horse; jiouxser un , to push a horse, try his mettle: j/romener un , to lead a horse tip and down, to walk him up and down; promcner un par It droit, to make a horse advance on a straight line; rabaisser Its hanches d'un , to throw a horse on his haunches; rasxembler un , to gather a horse; Tectcoir des aux en pension, to keep a livery stable; recherchcr un , to animate a horse, to stir him up, excite him; rrduire un , to break a horse; refaire un , to make a horse; reformer un , to cast a horse; relayer de aur, to change horses; reme/tre un & sec, to take a horse from grass and put him on dry food again; rctcnir un , to curb, restrain a horse; rttirer un du vert, to take a horse from grass; ro-mpre I'eau & un , to stop, check, a horse in drinking; rompre un , to break a horse; sautcrd , to vault into the saddle; serrtr un , to keep a horse together, well in hand; sonnerh , to sound "to horse:" soutenir un , to keep a horse up, keep him at (e. g., increase of gait); surmener un , to override, to founder, a horse; tenir bienfi , to have a good seat; ttnir un en main, to keep a horse in hand, hold him by the head; unir un , to give a horse regularity of motion; vider un , to rake a horse. III. Cheval qualified by a relative clause: qui a de I'action, stepper; qui a beauconp d'actinn. high stepper; qui a bonne bouche, horse that will eat any- thing; qui a de I'ecole, trained horse: qui a lesjambesfouttes, foundered horse; qni a Us jambcs stchcs, clean - limbed horse; qui a Us jarrets bun tides, clean-hocked horse; qui n'a ni bovche nieperon, horse that obeys neit her bit nor spur; qui a tout mis, horse that has all his teeth, full-grown horse (at least 5 years old); qui a un effort, strained, foundered horse; qui s'armc, qui s'arinc de ton mors, horse that gets the bit in His teeth, that bends down his head so that bridle-cheeks rest on his chest; qui s'atteint, horse that overreaches: qui x'attrapt, horse that overreaches; qui bat du /lane, horse that wheezes; qui se btm, horso that rocks in trot- ting; guibillarde, horse that paddles; qui boit dans son olanc, white-lipped horse; qui commence it marqner, young horse that begins to show his age by his teeth; qui xe coupe, horse that cuts himself (leg in air cuts leg bearing on t he ground ); :,ni ac at robe dt dix.iou.i ihomme, horse that slips from under his rider; qui fait maiinxin, horso that keeps part of his fowl between his teeth and cheeks; qui fait quartier ncuf, horse that is quarter eas' : qui faitclir. horse that paddles (not so much as qni billurdi ); qui forge, horse that forges; qui galopefaui, horse that gallops false; qui harpe, horse that bends at the hocks, on starting, backing, turning corners, etc.; qui s'immobili.ie, balky horse; quijettc sa gourinc, glandered horse; cheval qui laboure la terre, digger; q'ti marque, horse that still has the mark; qj.i ne marque plus, horse that has lost the mark; qui se monte en dame, horse broken to a side-saddle- qui part bien de la main, horse that starts as soon as he feels the hand slacken; q-'.i ixirte sa tete en beau lieu, horse that carries his head welj; qii se rainene bien, horse that carries his head well; ont.) trestle of a bridge; (mack.) bit of a borer, (art.) rocket-stand; d'armetiif nls. (mil.) equipment rack; d" arm ex, ( mil.) arm-rack t in camp, etc. : beltje, (pont.) Belgian trestle (cap 0:1 tri- pods); bigue, (pont.) sheer-trestle, two-legged trestle: spar trestle; Hirolt; ourrif.re, pivot, pivot-bolt, spindle; main- pin; bolster bolt; (art.) pintle, pintle bolt; oui'riere arrierr, ( anint, de, I'avant), dirt.) rear (front) pint le boll; iiirnt, (art.) central pivot, pivot mounting, pivot-bolt or pillar (esp. of armored mou!,lsj; a n iinun.tir, ilrift-bolt, starting bolt; fi In r<>niirini , shift iirj-pin '(jf u carriage); scllcttr ilt nuirirri', pintle-block; a tetr cnrrii , s<|ii;)re-h<-aded bolt; h >< :i( tlimiiiiitt. diamond-headed bolt; h tele , countersunk bolt; h i/rnHtr tfte, saucer-headed bolt; ii tftr /,!ate, flat-headed boll; a tftr rowtf, round-headed liolt; dr /'infringe, (curd, ftc.) belaying pin; ft fr>vrniqvrt,st:TPv>'-]jolt', (punt.) rack-stick; a cfroog a shoe, etc.; il'iin bordfi I'nutrt , to bolt, through; en cuivre, to copper fasten; cheviller enfer, to fasten with iron spikes, bolts, etc.; h travers bois, to bolt through. chevlllette, f., phi, key, keep-pin; arret, keep-phi, stay -pin; e cicatrized. del, in., sky; weather; roof (of a mine gallery, of a furnace); (forl.) top (of a cupola); convert, cloudy weather; & convert, under cover, with overhead cover; d ouvert, (art., fort.) without overhead cover; open; plaitchcr de , (mil. min.) roof timbers; planches de , {mil. min.) roof planks of a mine gallery; pommele, mackerel sky; - - serein, clear sky; traiauia ouvert, (mm.) ordinary blasting as distinguished from tunneling operations. clerge, in., candle; (.sm. a.) curve separating illumi- nated from dark portion of interior of barrel, when tested by the method (i la planchette (v. dressage a In planchette). clgale, f., anchor-shackle. eigogiie, f., (much., etc.) web, crank lover. cliiiaNe, f.. (srn. n.) part of guard suppoiting the knob of the hilt (model 1817). clinbalc, f., v. cymbale. cliii>, f., (top.) crest, ridge, summit, peak. clitirnt, m., cement; (hipp.) cement (of a tooth); (mtt.) material, as quartz, added to clay in making furnace linings; in the cellular theory of steel, the carbide of iron surrounding a ct llule simple, q. v.; urine, cement (blocks, etc.) reinforced or strengthened by iron; bft'in .) grain-chest; de contrescarpe, (fort.) counterscarp gal- lery, flanking gallery in the angle of the ditch; sort of flanking casemate; - difemif,(fort.) caponier; demi , (fort.) German name for single caponier; d'nicaissement, v. de la voic; jlnnquant, (fort.) flanking casemate or works (in modern works); caponier, espe- cially an infantry caponier in a short ditch; sort of blockhouse for flanking the ditch; flanquant double, (fort.) double caponier, etc.: jlanquant simple, (fort.) single caponier, etc.; de flanquement, (fort.) sort of caponier, v. jlanquant; fort, strong-box, money-chest; de fortification, (fort.) obsolete flanking work in tho ditch of a bastion; German name for double caponier; de mine, (mil. min.) obsolete name for riling chamber; d munitions, (art., sm. a.) ammunition chest; & outils, tool-chest (traveling-forgo, etc.); fi vaprur, (steam) steam-chest; de la vine, (r. r.) ballast-bed of a railway. coflrer, v. a., to plank, to line with planks, to sheathe (as a mine gallery, a shaft, etc.). coffret, in., small chest, box; (f <(.,/, (art.) trail-chest; d'arant-train, (art.) limber-box; df cHits'in, (art.) caisson- or body-box; dc cannivchie.rc, (sm. a.) v. de yiberne; d'essim, (art.) axle-box; (in gen.) nave- box of a wheel; deflfche, (art.) trail-chest; - - dc gibirne, (sin. a.) leather body of a car- j tridge box; --mnrchepied, (art.) small chast under foot- boards; d'outils, tool chest; de remparl, (siege, etc.) ammunition box. cognCc, f., ax; de bilcheron, felling-ax. cogiier, v. a., to strike on a nail, bolt, etc., to drive it.; to wedge together. coiflage, m., (art.) fuse-cap. colfle, f., cap, cover, hood; guard; any strong metal plate covering or joining adjacent parts, or any parts; sling or strap (e. g., on a gin, to take an additional block); Inside band of a hut, etc.; (unif.. Fr. a.) white linen attachment (manchon) to which the havelock is fixed (Algiers and Tunis), (in France) white cover, marking the enemy at fall maneuvers; (art.) soft nose or cap for a. p. projectiles; d'armons, (art.) futrhel strap; de culanse, (art.) breech cover; d'ecouvillon, (art.) sponge-cover; eiterieure, (unif.) cap- or headgear-cover; de fusee, (art.) fuse-cap: intirieure, (unif.) band of a cap or of other headgear; de liaoir, (art.) bolster-plate; de lunette, (art.) pintle-plate; de manoeuvres, (unif.) v. supra, coiffe under (unif., Fr. a.); d'obturatcur, (art.) obturator guard; projectile 4 , (art.) soft-nosed or capped a. p. shell; de sassoire, (art., etc.) sweep-bar plate; de sellette, (art.) bolster-plate, pintle- plate; de volet, (art.) muzzle-cover. colfler, v. a., to cap, fit over, anything; la chevre, (art.) to apply "or fit a sling to a gin; la fusee, (art.) to put a cap (coiffage) on a fuse. coiffure, f., generic term for head cover, head- gear. coin, m., wedge, quoin; corner, angle, solid angle; die; (^hipp.) corner tooth; (art.) chock; the Krupp, or any other similar breech-closing wedge: (in timber) the slab or part of a log lying between tho plateau and tho plateau de cceur, qq. v.; (in pi.) screw- dies; d'arrtt, (sm. a.) nose of tho cocking- piece, coc king-stud; (art.) chock or stop (at the end) of a traverse circle; small recoil- checking wedge; d'arr image, stowing, securing, wedge or chock: arrondir las s, (man.) to cut corners in riding- hall; li canon, (art.) gun-chock (in tho transpor- tation of guns); de collier de guindnyr, (pant.) balk-stirrup wedge; cytindro-prismatique, (art.) cylindro-pris- matic wedge; a fenfire, ordinary splitting wedge; de fermeture, (art.) brooch-closing wedge; guide, (art.) sledge-chock (transportation of guns); tie guindagc, (/tonl.) side-rail wedge; (i manchf, calking-iron; (art.} chock; df mire, (art.) elevating quoin (obs.); d iniiniie. wedgo with handle; de /intiitnge, v. - -- df mire; ]>rixi;iatique dnnblc (xiuijilt'). (art.) double (single, flat) wedge: - 'ii. (art.} wheel-chock, drag-shoe; subut tii ititt ur. ( /'. m. art.) nvoil chock. coincer, v. a., lo wedge, to jam: v. r.. to jam (.as bullet..-, in tiio magazine). c>. coke, m., coke, gas coke. col, m., neck, collar; (ttiiif.) stork; ^o/).) saddle, l>ass, col; - - dc ri/yne, (aft.) "swan iu>-k" (siogo carriage); (much., etc.) gooso-ne, k. colback, m., (unif.) colback, busby; (mil. flung) raw recruit. colichemarde 88 colon nc colichemarde, f., (sm. a.) fencing sword (long thin blade, very broad near guard). colique, f., colic, gripes. colls, m., package, box, bale. colismarde, f.. v. colichemarde. collage, m., pasting, gluing; sizing. collateral, a., collateral; points -aui, points halfway between the car- dinal points. colic, f., glue, paste; forte, glue; de menuisier, carpenter's, joiner's glue; it pierre, cement ; dt poisson, isinglass. collccteur, m., collector; (elec.) collector; simple, (dec.) collector (as of alternating- current machine); de vapeur, (steam) steam drum (Belleville boiler, etc.). collection, f., collection; d'efets ( FT. a.) the collection of tools, objects, etc., necessary to a given service or duty; (more particularly) the clothing and necessaries of the men, kept in the company magazines, and subdivided into: No. 1 (guerre et parade), clothes, equipments, etc., issued in peace only on mobilization or on occasions of great cere- mony; No. 2 (extcrieur), the next best articles, etc., after No. 1, and used by men when they go into town individually; No. S (instruction) , all articles unfit for active serv- ice; in general, all other articles in use in the company; d'effets de pansage, horse-kit, stable-kit; de materiel de bivouac, bivouac outfit. coller, v. a., to glue, to stick, to adhere; to cake; to fit close; to size paper; to find deficient (a candidate, student), to "rind" (U. S. M. A.), to "bilge" (U. S. Naval Academy); au bloc, (mil. slang) to send to the guard house; a onglet, to mount on strips (as, maps for binding, an extra sheet for indorsements, etc.). collerette, f., rim, flange, ring; polar ring or collar of a balloon; (mach., etc.) collar; (eipl.) necklace (of cartridges); (fort.) glacis armor, outer pro- tecting ring (of a land turret or cupola) (may be of concrete); (nav.) capping ring or flange (of an open turret). colleron, m., (harn.) neck harness or strap, har- ness collar (supports pole, worn only by wheel horses). collet, m., collar; shoulder; neck; throat (of an anchor, of a knee); (mach., etc.) bearing of an arbor, axle, spindle, etc.; brass, pillow, pillow- bearing, spindle, collar, neck, shank, throat, flnage, gland; (sm. a.) neck of a cartridge case, shank of the bolthead, neck or narrowing of barrel-cover (German Mauser); (hipp.) neck (of a tooth); (cons.) end of stair farthest from supporting wall; (unif.) collar; (art.) neck (of the cascable); de V (inert, throat of an anchor; d'arbre, (mach.) shaft collar; d'un aviron, shalt or loom of an oar; a billot, (art.) gun sling; de bolted bourracje, (mach.) packing ring; du bouton, (art.) neck of the cascable; de buttee, (mach.) thrust ring or collar; a capuchon, (unif.) collar and hood; d'une courbe, throat of a knee; crimcenne, (unif., FT. a.) sort of tippet worn by officers (not regulation); Ac ci/lindre, (steim) cylinder flange; d iptron, neck (of a spur); dc I'f.tui, (.nn. a.) neck of a cartridge case; inferieuTj (mach.) step, lower brass; de junction, (mach., steam, etc.) shoulder, flange, collar; . de lance, (sm. a.) neck of a lance; de manchon, (sm. a.) shank, neck; manteau, (unif.) sort of cape worn by men of the gendarmerie; df mat, step of a mast; de la mortaise du te, (mach.) cross-tail butt; collet de sclle, (Mm.) hollow of the pommel of a saddle; supcrieur, (mach.) upper brass, collar; dela tete mobile, (sm. a.) bolthead shank; de tulipe, (art.) neck of the muzzle of a gun; de vis, screw-neck. collier, m., collar, hoop, ring; heel-piece of a spur; (inst.) ring, bearing ring (as of a level in the Y's); (pont.) rack collar, suspension-chain ring; (hipp.) draught horse; d antitiqueur, (hipp.) collar to prevent crib- biting; d'attache, (harn.) hitching collar, picketing collar; pack-mule collar; de cheval, (harn.) horse-collar; chcval de , draught horse; cheral franc de , willing, energetic puller: de conduite d'excentnque, (mach.) eccentric guide collar; coup de , (of teams) pull on the collar, (hence) great effort; d'cperon, neck or bow of a spur; d'excentrique, (mach.) eccentric hoop, belt, strap; deforce, (hipp.) collar or brake for restraining horses (in veterinary operations, etc.); d galets, (mach.) friction -roller collar; -guide, guide-collar; de guindage, (pont.) balk collar, balk stirrup; se jeter dans le , (of teams) to jump forward, struggle, work against the collar; a martin-gale, (harn.) collar fitted with breast- straps; de pointage, (art.) elevation collar, muzzle collar (as in French 155 lma casemate); portc-guidon, (art.) sight collar; de poussee, (mnch.) thrust ring; - de presse-etoupe, (mach., etc.) stuffing-box collar; de pression, v. de poussee; a la prussienne , (pont.) iron stirrup, in perma- nent military bridges; a vis, screw-collar. collimateur, a., collimating; nivcau , (top. inst.) collimating level. colliination, f., (inst.) collimation. colline, f., (top.) hill. collodion, m., collodion. collodtne, f., (expL) collodine (sporting powder, of the Volkman type). colloxyline, f., (cxpl.) colloxylin (synonym of sol- uble cellulose). colomnaee, m.. (carp.) row of columns or joists in a wall or partition. colombler, m., dovecote; fixe, stationary dovecote; milUain, military dovecote; mobile, traveling or movable dovecote; de pied . v. fin-; sur piliers, v. mobile. colombln, m., (mas.) mixture of plaster of paris and baryta. colombine, f., pigeon dung. coloiubophile, m., pigeon-fancier, -breeder. colombophilie, f., pigeon-fancying, -breeding. colon, m., colonist; (mil. slang) colonel; petit , (mil. slang) lieutenant-colonel. colonel, m., colonel; propriitaire, personage (.f high rank, after whom, by way of compliment, a regiment is named; de tranchic, (siege) colonel detailed every day for each of the principal attacks and wlio commands the troops on duty in the trendies. coloiielle, f.. the colonel's wife; (mil.) the first com- pany iJi a regiment (obs.). colonial, a., colonial. coloiiie, f., colony. colonne, f., (cons.) column; (mil.) column; (in the fullest development a column consists of: 1, troops proper; 2, trains de combat; 3, ambulances; 4, trains regimentaires; 5, convois); colonne 89 combat colonne(s) accouptees, (cons.) grouped col- umns; d'assaut, (mil.) storming party; d'attaque, (mil.) attacking column; de bataillon, (in/.) battalion in column of companies In company columns; de bataillon en masse, (inf.) battalion in close column of companies (at C paces); de bataillons en masse, (inf.) of a regiment, column of battalions in close column of com- panies (C> paces); par batteries, (art.) (of a croup) column of batteries in line at 14 meters distance; par brigade en ligne de masses, (cat.) of a division, column of brigades in line of masses; chapiau en , (iinif.) cocked hat worn in the usual way, horns or peaks "fore and aft"; -& cheral. (art.) the teams, carriages, of artil- lery marching alone: de combat, (Fr. a.) so much of the column as consists of troupes, trains de combat, and ambulances: de compagnie, (inf.) company column (sec- tion front); contre la cavalerie, (inf.) column against cavalry; & a ( mi-distance, (inf.) column at half distnnce; dirt etc. column right in front: - d distance entiere, column at full dis- tance; a distance entiere par section (par compagnie). column of sections (of companies) at full dis- tance; a distance de six pas, (inf.) English quarter column; de, par, division*, ( Fr. car.) column of divisions (front of two platoons'); double, (inf.) of a battalion, double col- umn at C, 24, or more, paces interval, with columns in column of company columns; (cat-.) double column, each of a half regi- ment in column of platoons, interval of 12 paces (or more or fewer): (in a brigade or division) two regiments side by side in col- umn of platoons; (also) two or more double columns of regiments, one behind the other; double ouverte, (inf.) double column with more than 24 paces interval: double de regiment, (inf.) column of bat- talions in double column at 24 paces, one behind the other at section distance plus 12 paces; d'escadrons, (car.) column of squadrons (troops, r. S. cav. i: d'iscadrons d di mi-distance (d distance en- titre). (cav.) column of squadrons at half (full) distance; eipfditionnairc, column on specinl duty, on detached duty, on a special expedition; fut de -, (con's.) shaft of a column; (trois de la , main body of a column; "ligne de s, (art.) line of batteries in column of platoons (sections, R. A.) at open or closed intervals: (car.) line of squadrons in column of platoons at deploying intervals; (inf.) line of companies in company columns (at various intervals); lignc de - s dc compagnie, (inf.) line of company columns; ligne dc s en masse, (cav.) line of squadron columns at close intervals: ligne de -6- par piece (pur section), (art.) line of column of pieces or of platoons (sections. R. A.); - -de mannuvre, formation fur moving troops on battlefield; --de marchc, marching column: (also) the inarch formation of a corps, division, etc.; marcher en , to march in column; de masses, (art.) column of masses (several groups); (cav.) column of regiments in mass (brigade, etc., formation); mobile, flying column, one acting inde- pendently, and composed of all arms of the ] service. colonne de munitions, ammunition column, to supply ammunition on battle field (this designation holds, no matter what the for- mation of the wagons); in the German artil- lery, the same as the French "section de munitions"; - fi nervures en croiz, (cons.) cruciform column; ordre en - , column formation; - parallele, any column formed parallel to a previous line; - de prlotons, - par pdoton. (inf.) column of platoons; (cor.) column of platoons (squadron, regiment, brigade); - ptrpendiculairt. any column formed at rieht angles to a previous line: par piece, (art.) column of pieces (battery, group); - & pied, (art.) the unmounted men of artillery marching alone; - -- pivot, (r. f. art.) pillar-mount; balam-c- pillar: supporting pillar: profondeur de - , depth of a column: de purge, (mach.) drain pipe (of a pump) between pump and accumulator; - par quatre. (cat :., inf.) column of fours, squads; queue de -- , roar of a column; - - de regiment, (inf.) regiment with battalions one behind the other at section distance plus - 12 paces, each in colonne de bataillon: - - de rendez-vous, column formed in a position d'attente: rompre en - . to break into column: - - de route, route column, cavalry in fours or twos, infantry in 4 ranks (exceptionally, in 6 or 8); (art.) column of pieces; par stction. (art.) column of platoons (V. S. Art.), of sections (R. A.) (battery and group formation); - strree. (inf.) close column; (art.) close col- umn of batteries in line, distance of 14 meters: (car.) close column of squadrons at 18 paces; serrer en - , to close in mass; sejrer une -- , to close a column; tfte de. --- , head of a column; de tfte. leading column; tronc, iif.de - , \.fiit tic : du vent. ( jwr.) weather column; - - de sous le ttnt, (nai .) lee column. colonette, f., short column, post. colophaiie, f. . colophony. rolta, 111.. colt liar, m.. coal tar. colt in age, m.. act of carrying a load on the shoul- ders or back. coltiiier, v. a., to earn, 1 a load on the shoulders or back. coltiueur, m., stevedore; (in gen.), a man that carries a load on liis shoulders or back. combat, m.. (mil.) combat, fight: action, affair, engagement (less in importance than a Nat- tie); - --- d'attente. delaying action: -- a contrc-bord, (nav.) engagement broadside on; corps ft corn.?, hand-to-hand fight: - --- dfci.ii/. real attack (i. c.. Hank attack) while - - dt monxtratifis going on; - -dimonstratif, front attack, feint, attack to engage attention of enemy (synonymous now with front attack) (v. de front, d'uxtiri V -- incadre, combat by troops acting in con- by two divisions supporting earh etc. (opposite of un --- . to engage, t cert. e. g. other, by two corp isole): engaijir Ic action; tvitrr It -- , to slum, avoid, battle: ---- flftu. tiro action; --- d'eitrcici . sham tight: formation d< --- . at tack formation; fort du - . thick of the tight: --- de front, front attack; (iu modern tac- tics) the demonstrative attack, to engage attention of enemy while, the real attack is going on somewhere elso (generally a front attack); Jwm de-, disabled; eombat 90 commandant combat isolf, combat by a single unit, unaided, single-handed, or not in concert with other troops; lig nf d e , fighting line (in many relations); de mer, naval, (nay.) naval engage- ment; de nuit, night attack, engagement; - offensif, ollensive combat (two phases, ono demonstrative, the other really offensive, combined afterwards in a single attack pushed homeir possible); ordre de , attack formation; en ordre disperse, attack, combat, in open order; 6 pied, (cav.) dismounted action; c n pointc, (nav.) engagement bows on; de prts, combat at close quarters; rapproche, v. de pres; e n r clrait e, nirming fight; rompre Ic , to break ofl a flght; si mule, sham fight; singulier,sing\6 combat; ti terre, land action; en tirailleurs, action in open order; train de , ammunition wagons and ambu- lances; tnlnant, combat of which the object is to allow the real attack time to make its dis- positions; d'usitre, (v. demonslratif. de front, synonyms) in the preparation for the attack, the back and forth of defensive and offensive fighting, in which the artillery supports the infantry, drives off the adversary, backs up offensive movements, etc. combattant, m., (mil.) combatant; non , noncombatant. combattre, v. a., to fight, be engaged; to make war on; corps d corps, de pres, to fight hand to hand. combe, f. , (top.) valley between two mountains (-combe, of English compounds). combinaisoii, f., combination; chemical combi- nation; contrivance. combine, a., of, or belonging to, two or more allied powers. combiner, v. a., to combine, join, unite. comble, m., top, ridgo; garret, roof, generic term for roof with all its parts; summit, height, zenith; complement, consummation; a. , heaped, full; en dQmt, domed roof; fidcux egouts, ridgo roof; d un egnut, shed roof; d la Mansard, mansard roof; en parillon, pyramidal or conical roof; pied , (hipp.) pumiced foot. comhleau, m., (cord.) strong rope used in me- chanical maneuvers to lift, drag, and, at a pinch, for liitching horses to ponton wagons. comblcment, ni., filling up (as of a ditch, ditch of a besieged place, etc.). combler, v. a., to fill, fill up; supply, make good; crown, fulfill complete. comburant, a., (diem.) oxidizing, burning; m., (ixuluing agent, burning agent. comlnmT, v. a., (cticm.) to burn, oxidize. Combustibility, f., combustibility. combustible, a., combustible; m., combustible, fuel; alimtnffr en , to fuel, keep in fuel; ancien, generic term for conl; d'tclahnge, any lighting material operating by combustion; minern! , v. ancien! inoderne, generic term for wood and peat. combustion, f., combustion; (eipl.) propagation of Hume to interior of grain or mass; !( ntr, slow burning or combustion; au fibre, combustion in free air; spnntanee, spontaneous combustion; I'ivc, quick burning, combustion. comestible, a. , eatable, comestible; m. pi. , victuals, food. comitt, m., committee, commission, (esp., mil.) board of officers; d'achat de chevaux, ( Fr. a.) horse board; d' administration centrale, ( Fr. a.) a war department board of which the minister is president, and whose object is to secure and maintain uniformity of views and of principles in respect of the various branches of the war department, and to coordinate the general measures to be taken in any given case; consultatif , ad visory board; consultant dcs poudres et salpetres, ( Fr. a.) war department board to consider adminis- trative and technical questions bearing on explosives; de defense, (Fr. a.) board to consider the defensive system of France (suppressed in 188S, and functions assigned to conseil superieur de defense); permanent des subxistances , ( Fr. a.) con- sulting and investigating board or committee taking cognizance m the widest sense of all questions bearing on the supply, in war, of armies in tho field, of fortified places, and, in general, of all questions relating to resources, both domestic and foreign; - de sanle, ( Fr. a.) the technical committee of the medical department; de surveillance des approvisionnements de siege, (Fr. a.) committee having charge of the question of supplies for a fortress (garrison and civilian population); technique, ( Fr. a.) board investigating all technical questions submitted to it by minister of war (one to each arm and to each depart- ment of the service). commandant, m., (mil.) commanding officer (troops, department, service, etc.V. (collo- quially) major; commandant, commander; d'armee, the commander in chief of an army; d'armes, the c. o. of a garrison, or of a fort, in peace; d'artillcrie de iranchce, (siege) field officer of artillery charged in each attack, or im- portant part of each attack, with tho direction and service of the batteries; des avant-postes, the c. o. (field officer) of outposts; de, balterie, c. o. of a battery; dcs batteries, c. o. of a group of batteries; du campement, c. o. or officer in charge of a campement , q. v.; - de cercle, (Fr. a.) in Algiers, the chief of administration In each subdivision of military territory; en chef , commander in chief (reserved in Franco to c. o. of a group of armies, or of an army operating independently); - d'dtapes, officer in command of a post on a lino of communication . i. e. , of a t/iie d'etapis; dc la force publifjnf d'une division, c. o. of the qcnn); en au.tsiere, to lay hawser fashion; diuxfoi.t, to lay cablewisc; de droiled gauche, to lay up against the sun, cablewiso, left-handed; en garochoir, to lay up the wrong way ; de giiuchcfidroite. to lay hawser fashion, with the sun, right-handed; engrdin, to lay cablowise; de main torsr, to lay 1 ho wrong way; au. qinrt, to lay soft (twisted one-quarter^: en qu.atrc, to lay up in four strands, shroud fashion; en queue de rat, to point a rope; tani paymaster; adjoint, (Fr. iini.) passed assistant pay- master; Here , (Fr. nar.) cadet, paymaster in. e., T. S. X); conimlssaire 92 commission comnilssaire du gouvernement, ( FT. mil. law) field oilicer or assimile, public prosecutor before courts-martial; representative of the government in military cases appealed; (m gen.) any officer (general or other) charged with a special mission: du gouvernement rapporteur, (Fr.mil. lair) public prosecutor of a court-martial, for an army in the field, and for a place invested or besieged; des gnerres, (Fr. a.) commissary and quar- termaster (suppressed at the Restoration); de la marine, ( Fr. nav.) paymaster, etc.; mililaire de gare, (Fr. a.) officer member of commission de gart, and acting as c. o.; de lere classe (2eme classe), (Fr. nav.) pay director or inspector; sous , (Fr. nav.) assistant paymaster (2 classes of); de surveillance administrative, (mil. r. r.) functionary in a railroad station who looks after soldiers that have missed their way or lost their transportation; technique de gare, (mil. r. r.) agent of the railway, member of the commission de gare, looks after transport of troops, etc. commissariat, m., (mil.) commissariat (does not exist as such in France); the corps of com- missaires de guerre (obs.); ( Fr. nav.) naval pay, quartermaster, etc., corps. commission, f., order, charge, duty; warrant, authority, mandate; commission, board, committee (e. g., of officers, in many appli- cations); (Fr. a.) warrant or lettre de service, given to commissionnes, q. v. (In the fol- lowing list will be found the more promi- nent boards relating to the French military service:) d'abataqc. board that determines whether a horse shall be cast or not; d'achat. purchasing board (horses, etc.): d'ndjudication, board to settle assignment of contracts; administrative des Mpitaux mixtcs, board to regulate the administration of civil hos- pitals used by the military forces of the nation; d'admission, board that passes on the admis- sibility of would-be bidders, and on the nature, etc., of their guaranty or security; d'acrostation militaire, board, investigates questions of aerial navigation and reports to head of engineer committee; d'armes, promotion board for captains and majors; de casernement, board to assign, etc., quar- ters, etc., in barracks; centrale des travaux geographiquex, board that assists the minister of war in the co- ordination, etc., of all topographic work done by the state; de certificat de bonne conduite, board of offi- cers to pass on claims of n. c. o. and men to a certificate of good conduct; f de chanin de ftr de campagne, board, in war, charged with railway transportation beyond the base of operations; that is, beyond the station de transition, q. v. (uses military railroad forces); de classcmtnt pour ravancerncnt, la Le- t/inn d'hnnntur cl la medaille militaire, board to recommend candidates lor promotion, the Legion of Honor and the military medal; de classcment de cJievaur, biennial board classifying and inspecting all horses and mules 5 years old on January ] of year in which census is taken; de cl'tfxuntnt ft dc requisition des chei-aux crs; mari- ner's compass; (/'urn'.vi.M, bow compasses; brnnchi dc ---- .compass lei:; (i br. g., o/Jicicr d' administration; ofjicicr , (adm.) responsible officer (either by virtue of his duties, e. g., oflicirr d'hubilli tnent, or by virtue of his position, e. g., ojjicicr d' ad minis- tration); place , (Fr. a.) a principal place, under tho charge of a comptabU, and to which arc an- nexed smaller plactx, so far as tho same service is concerned, depot of issue and receipt: - -du tresor, treasury official (Fr. a., paying or disbursing officer). compte, in., account, return, statement: number, quantity; - un/iiit I dr gcxlion. ( Fr. adm.) tho. ledger kept in property accounts by tho responsible offi- cer, tho ledger so kept" being turned in as a return; - -i-ii( :iirrs, money accounts; - f'-li ni/ nliurr, ( J-'r. adm.) account furnished by responsible officers, by councils of administra- tion, and by contractors; com p to 95 conducteur eompte en deniers, quarterly money ac- count; general, (Fr. adm.) account or return sub- mitted by ministers of the government, equal to the sum of s elementaires; general de I' flat, (Fr. adm.) the sum of the complex generatii, general du materiel, (Fr. adm.) a general return of all the property of the war depart- ment, i. e., army in its widest sense; de gestion, ( Fr. adm.) annual return of gov- ernment property (materiel); en journees, (mil.) return of number of days of treatment in hospital; matieres, (Fr. adm.) all and any sorts of property accounts, receipts, invoices, memo- randum receipts, etc.; d'ordonnancement, (Fr. adm.) account sub- mitted by officers authorized to warrant the disbursement of funds; du, recrutement, (Fr. adm.) ministerial return on the execution of the recruiting laws, made annually to the Chamber of Deputies; rend re , to report; rendu, report; de revues, ( Fr. adm.) comparison of amounts due (money or stores) and amounts actually received. compte-pas, m., (inst.) odometer, pedom- eter. compter, v. a., to compute, number, reckon, tell off, count; (hipp.) to advance and with- draw the knee continually, owing to a shoe set too close to the quick. compteur, m., counter, meter; (mack.) counter, telltale; fi eau, water meter; electrigue, (elec. ) electric meter; & gaz, gas motor; de resistances electriques, (elec.) resistance box ; telemetre. m., (art.) proposed range-finder, to act on velocity of sound. coniptoir, m., factory (in a colony). cOna^e, m., (mach.) coning. concasscr, v. a., to pound, bruise, beat small; to crush, break, stone. concassement, m., pounding, crushing; stone- crushing. concave, a., concave. concavitC 1 , f., concavity. conceder, v. a., to yield, grant. concentrate ur. m., (sm. a.) concentrator, paste- board tube containing bird shot, so as to secure close grouping of shot. concentration, f., concentration; (mil.) con- centration, or period of, following mo- bilization; concentration of troops in gen- eral; duftu, (mil.) concentration of fire; du tir, (art.) concentration of fire upon a given target; zone de , (mil.) zone of concentration (mo- bili/.ation, etc.). concentre, a., (chcm.) concentrated. conceiitrer, v. a., (mil., etc.) to concentrate. concmtrique, a., concentric. confession, f., concession; grant of land in a colony. conciliation, f., (adm.) act of causing laws, etc., in apparent disagreement, to agree. concordance, f., agreement; dc.i charges, (art.) selection of charges so as to obtain an agreement of results. concoiirs, m., competition; competitive ex- amination; match; (top.) meeting point of roads; - de conduite de voitures; (art.) artillery drivers' competition; - an fusil, rifle match; fie march r, (mil.) long-distance march; - ilc pointage, (art.) aiming competition; a 'i revolver, revolver match; de tir, (art. and inf.) artillery target compe- tition; rile match, ritle competition (or any other firearm :; de voitures, (art.) v. de conduile dr voitures. concret, a., concrete. concurrence, f., competition (of contractors . etc., commercial, etc.); (frequently) equal- ity. concurrent, m., competitor. con ut . a . nt a -> striking, coming in contact systtme - , (art.) the time system of a doubln- action fuse; systeme -percutant, (art ) double-nation system of a double-action fuse concuteur, m., (art.) striker of a fuse; plunger- plunger of a double-action fuse; time plunger,' time-tram firing-pm, of a double-action fuse condamnatlon, f., conviction, judgment, sen- tence; sur procedure sommaire, summary convic- condamne, m person under sentence; con- vict; a., unfit for service; condemned, sen- tenced . condamncr, v. a., to condemn, convict sen- tence; to seal up, block up, a window or door. condensabilitl, f., condensability condensable, a., condensable; condensateur, m.. (elec.) condenser. condensation, f., (steam, etc.) condensation- (mil ) close order (rare); auge de , condensing cistern; auget de , v. auge de ; par contact, surface condensing; eau de , waste water, water of condensa- tion; par I'eiterieur, surface condensing; par injection, condensation by injection; machine ft , condensing engine; par melange, condensation by injection; .van.? milange, surface condensing; h sec, surface condensing; & surface, v. 4 sec. condenser, v. a., to condense; (mil.) to close up (rare for serrer); machine fi , (steam) condensing engine condenseur, m., (steam, elec.) condenser; condens- ing vessel; barometre dn , condenser gauge; ft double effet, double-acting condenser; ft injecteur, a injection, jet condenser; -fi jet, jet condenser, injection condenser; fi, par, melange, v. f> jit: ti simple effet, single-acting condenser; -ft surface, surface condenser; tubnlaire, surface condenser. condition, f., condition; terms; s ambiantes, (ball.) atmospheric condi- tions; sans , (mil.) unconditional (as, a surrender). conducteur, m., conductor, guide, manager, leader, superintendent; teamster; conductor of a railway train: conductor (of heat, etc.): (art., ernj., train) driver; (man.) loading trooper in riding-hall; (elec.) conductor, lead wire, main: d'ullir, (tlec.) main or diroct wire: canonnier- , (art.) (full expression for) driver; rso to describe a small (large) circle (riding school); un cheval par la figure, to lead a horse by the head; le chicn d I'abattu, (sm. a.) to let down the hammer , bring it down to the safety notch; au cran de , (sm. a.) to bring or let down to (such a notch); a la Daumont, to drive from the saddle, postilion-wise; & grandes guides, to drive at full speed; to drive four-in-hand; tn guides, to drive (reins from seat); une ligne, to produce a line; en main, to lead along a horse (from the saddle); en selle, (art.) to drive. conduit, m., conduit, pipe, drain; fair-lead; canal, cut, passage; d'admission, (steam) steam passage of a cylinder; d'echappement, (steam) exhaust passage; en entonnoir, funnel pipe; a 1702, gas pipe; souterrain, culvert; de. la vapeur, steam pipe; de vent, blast pipe. conduit, a., (inach.) driven; receiving. ton luite, f., conduct, management, leading, leadership; (mil.) behavior (as of troops under fire); (art.) driving, art of driving; (steam, etc.) generic term for pipe, tube, conduit, etc.; d'amcnie, (steam, etc.) delivery pipe, tube; cadre de , (mil.) detail of n. c. o. for taking recruits to their regiments; certijicat de bonne , (mil.) v. certificat; dufeu, (inf., art.) fire direction; en guides, (art., etc.) driving (reins from seat); du tir, (art.) fire direction and control; tnyau de , delivery pipe; de vent, ventilation shaft; dcs voitures, (art. and train) driving, act of driving. cdnc, in., cone; (mach., etc.) taper hole, speed cone; ajustcr , to taper; d'arrachement, (expl.) the cone detached by a blast; arritre, (torp.) stern cone of the Whitehead torpedo; de charge, (torp.) war head (Whitehead torpedo); de commande, (mach.) driving cone, feed cone; conique, (mach.) cone pulley; df-ntf. (mach.) toothed-cone clutch; de dispersion, de divergence, (art.) cone of spread; donncr du , to taper; d'fdatcmcnt, (art.) cone of dispersion of burst; clfistique, (art.) elastic cone mount; -d'entratnement, (much.) gearing cone; (tage, (mach.) speed conn, speed pulley; deforcement, (art.) compression slope; de friction, (mach.) cono clutch, friction clutch*, friction pulley; ponlif, de poulie.t, (mach.) speed cone, speed pulley; set of stopped pulleys; de raccordement, (art.) junction slope, junc- tion cone, chamber slope; de xuujx-nsinn. prolongation of net below the body of the balloon cOne(s) tronques, (mach.) speed-cone, -pulley, stepped pulley. cOiier, v. a., to cone. confection, f., making up (of cartridges, articles of clothing, etc.). confectionnfe, m., any manufactured article. coufectionner, v. a., to make up, prepare, con- struct, put together, etc. confectionneur, m., one who makes up articles. consideration, f., confederation, confederacy; alliance, league. conf6dCre, a., confederate, confederated. conference, f., meeting, meeting of officers, etc., (hence) lecture, address; lyceum meeting, paper read before a lyceum (I*. S. A.). confin, m., limit, boundary, border. conflner, v. a. n., to confine, limit; to border on. confirmation, f., (Fr. mil. law) approval by a conseil de revision, q. v., of a verdict referred to it. conftrmer, v. a., to confirm; un cheval, (man.) to finish, perfect, the training of a horse. conflit, m.. conflict, issue, collision; (law) clashing or overlapping of authority; d' attributions, conflict between the judicial and the administrative authorities; de jurisdiction, conflict between two au- thorities of the same order or nature; tribunal dcs s, tribunal to which are referred conflicts of authorities. confluence, f., (/op.) confluence. confluent, m., (top.) confluent. confluer, v. n., (of rivers) to meet, to flow one into the other. conlormatkm, f., conformation. confrontation, f., (mil. law) interview between the accused and witnesses for the prosecution, or between the accused and co-accused, to settle questions of identity. conse, m., permit, pass; discharge, dismissal; (mil.) any cessation of service, whether tem- porary or permanent, (hence) leave of absence, furlough (if of more than 30 days), discharge from service; (nav.) clearance (papers); (cons.) rib, bracing rib, congee; -absolu, (mil.) full discharge, discharge from service; pour affaires personnelles, (Fr. a.) leave on private business; pour alter d I'etranger, (Fr. a.) leave -with permission to visit foreign countries (to go beyond the sea, U. S. A.); pour allrr faire usage drs eaux, (Fr. a.) sick leave to go and take the waters; ai'oir son , (mil.) to have one's discharge; de convalescence, (mil.) sick leave; droir un , (mil.) to be on leave; donner , to discharge, send away: don ner un , (mil.) to give or grant ;t leave of absence, etc.; i!re en , to bo on leave, pass, or fur- lough; de I'ttui, (sm. a.) rim of the cartridge case; fain an , ( Fr. a.) to serve a full term of three y( .irs; -illimitf, (mil.) unlimited, indefinite leave; discharge; de libtration de strike, (mil.) complete dis- charge from service; limitf, (mil.) short leave; par motifs defamillt, (mil.) leave on private affairs; par motifs df sante, (mil.) sick leave; .Vo. /. ( Fr. a.) discharge on account of physical disability incurred or developed in service; ,Vo. 2, ( Fr. a.) discharge for physical dis- ability not incurred in service; prendre son , (mil.) to leave the service; pnndre vn , (mil.) to take a leave; prolongation de , ( mil.) extension of leave; df r/fmme, (Fr. c., etc.) discharge for physical or any other unfitness for serv- ice; congg 97 console conge d litre de soutien de farnille, (Fr. a.) leave of absence on account of applicant being necessary to the support of his family; lasts until benefi- ciary passes into the reserve of the active army. congedler, v. a., to discharge; disband; pay off. congelation, f., congelation, freezing, congealing; cold storage. congeler, v. a., to freeze, congeal. co:igrage, m., (cord.) worming, keckling. congrter, v. a., (cord.) to worm, keckle. congrts, m., congress. congrtye, m., (art if.) Congreve rocket; fttscta la , Congreve rocket. coniclte, f., stato of being coned or tapered. conification, f., (sm. a.) operation of tapering the seat of the bullet. conique, a., conical, tapering; (mach.) taper; fortement , (mach., etc.) quick tapering. cutijoncteur, m., (elcc.) connector, key; disjoncteur, make-and-break kev; de misc de feu, (mil. min., expl., etc.) firing- key. conjugaison, f., des hausses, (art.) employ- ment (when range is unknown or observation difficult) of several elevations, differing by 100" or 200" 1 , in the same battery, in order to deter- mine the range. conjuguf, a., (art.) in pairs (of guns in turrets); (fort.) having end faces in same line (so as to secure the defilade of a given point, as in a salient). conjuration, f., conspiracy. con jur*, m., conspirator. connaissance, f., acquaintance, knowledge; des temps, nautical almanac. coimaissement, m., bill of lading. conrialtre, v. a. n., to know; to have authority to pass on a matter, take cognizance of; - -la bride, Ics eperons, la jambc, (man.) to be bridle-, spur-, leg-, wise, comiexer, v. a., to join (as two shafts, etc.). connexion, f. . connection; dirccte, (mach.) direct action; (i dirccte, (mach.) direct acting. ConquCrant, m., conqueror, victor; a., conquer- ing, victorious. conqurir, v. a., to conquer, overcome, vanquish. conquCte, f., conquest. coiisacrer, v. a., to sanction; - - unc prise, (nav.) to legalize a capture. coiisanguin, i\.,(hipp.) inbred. consanguinltC, f., (hipp.) in-and-in breeding. conscience, f., breastplate of a bit. conscription, f. (mil.), conscription; familiar ex- pression for recruiting by means alavpck, q. v.; des cheraux, (Fr. a.) census of horses and mtilos fit for military service. conscrit, m. (mil.), conscript; iu familiar language, a recruit not yet joined. conseil, m., board, council; ^'administration, (mil.) council of adminis- tration, (Fr. a., receives funds, etc., from the state and turns them over to the regiment, or corps counting as a regiment): d'administration central, (Fr. a.) the council of the portion centrule, q. v.; - - d' administration eventuel, ( Fr. a.) the council for detached portions of at least companies of infantry or 'A troops of cavalry; lie I'a/nirautc, (our.) admiralty board; dc diffuse, (Fr. a.) board of oiliccrs and of functionaries which assists the governor of a place, and the c. o. of forts during a siego (v. commission dt defense); --de dixciplint , (Fr. a.) court passing on rec- ommendations to Uio compay nits de discipline, q. v.; - d'enquftc, ( Fr. a.) court of inquiry in general; more specially, a court or board passing on cer- tain specified cases, as the rifnrmc of an ollicer, reduction of certain classes of n. c. o., etc.; de guerre, (mil.) council of war; (mil. law) court-martial; OO i ' 1 i conseil de guerre prkvGtnl, (mil.) drumhead court- martial; d'honneur. (mil.) court of honor; passir dtauni un de gutrrt, (mil.) to be tried by court-martial; de regiment. ( Fr. a.) board to pass on requests of n. c. o. to bo reenlisted: de revision, ( Fr. a.) military court of appeal; recruiting board (see next word); de revision (cantonal). ( Fr. a.) board to exam- ine claims of exemption from military service (name frequently given to the de reeuion in view of this special duty); de sante, medical board; superieur de la guerre, (Fr. a.) board that assists the war minister, deliberates on ques- tions of mobilization, concentration, supplies, etc. consent!, a., admitted, admissible. cousentir, v. n., to consent; (Uch.) to spring, give way (as a mast, etc.). conservateur, m., des belli mcnts, (Fr. a.) one of the principal employees of the war depart- ment, a sort of chief clerk lor military buildings, their construction, etc. conservation, f. , preservation; des tranches, James Beraouilli's principle of the "parallelism of sections," in the strength of materials. conserve, f., (nav.) convoy, consort; (fort.) counter- guard; (in pi.) preserved meats, vegetables, soups; de , preserved (meats, etc.); navigutr de , (war.) to sail in company with. conserver, v. a., to preserve, keep, secure; to keep in pay; to keep sight of; les distance!--, (drill) to keep distances, march- ing in column; une position, (mil.) to hold a position; la vttesse, (art.) to hold up well (of a pro- je.ctile that keops its velocity well). consignation, f. , (adm.) deposit of a sum of money, of an article, in the hands of a public official. consigne, f., (mil.) orders, instructions, o. g., special orders, orders for a particular post or duty, especially sentinel's orders; confine- ment to barracks, quarters; barrack-stove poker; caporal de , ( Fr. a.) corporal responsible for guardhouse material (the senior if there are more than one); - & la chambre, confinement to room as pun- ishment (of a n. c. o.); forcer la , to force a sentry, to break or- ders; yinerale, general orders for a sentinel or post; a gros grains, (mil. slang) imprisonment in the cells; leur la . to cancel an order: manquer ii la , to break au order; particulilrf, special orders for a sentinel or post; pettier , ( Fr. a.) gate-keeper of a fortress ( retired n. c. o.); ait jiiortifr, confinement to barracks (n. c. o.'s and men); --ifrbaU. temporary or special order. consigns, m., (mil.) man confined to barracks, not allowed to pass the guard, by way of pun- ishment; salle d'. ( Fr. a.) sort of guard room for disorderly or insubordinate soldiers iu hos- pital. consigner, v. a., to consign ( merchandise "i; to deposit (money); to forbid, to prevent access to or egress from; (mil.) to confine to bar- racks or quarters; to have the men ready in an emergency; to give orders to a sentinel or vedette. coiisistaut, a., tenacious. console, f., bracket, corbel, console. . ill-fix- ture; (art.) loading-tray, plu^-lray, bracket; (sm. a.) part of revolver frame into which the barrel is screwed; (nricli.) traveling or movable plate U" r the \vor',. ; vottt- , (art.} revolving plug-tray, tray aud shutter in one. consomniation 98 contre-brlsure consommatlon,f., consumption; expenditure; objets de , expendable articles. consommer, v. a., to use up, expend; finish, accomplish. cons piratioii, f. , conspiracy, plot; combina- tion (in a bad sense). conspirer, v. n., to plot, conspire. constaiite, f., constant quantity, constant; magnetique d'un lieu, magnetic elements of a place. consultation, f., verification, authentication; statement. constater, v. a., to verify, prove, establish, de- clare, authenticate. constltuant, a., (mil.) forming an integral part of the organic composition of a troop unit. consiitue> a., (mil.) having an organic existence of its own, organic. constituer, v. a., to constitute, appoint, place, depute; to give into custody; (mil.) to form, organize, a body of troops, etc.; une pension , to settle or grant a pension; un prisonnier, to commit a prisoner; se prisonnier, to surrender. constitutif, a., v. constitue. constitution, f . , constitution, make-up; d'un pays, nature and description of a region, of a country. constitutionnel, a., constitutional. constructeur, m., builder, constructor; design- ing engineer; mecanicien, mechanical engineer. construction, f., construction; building, struc- ture, edifice; d'art, (r. r.) bridge, culvert, etc.; en bois, woodwork; enfer, ironwork; enfer et en bois, composite work; on pise, (fort.) pisa work. construire, v. a., to build, construct; (min.) to drive (a gallery); (fort.) to throw up (a work). consul, m., consul. consultant", &., consulting (as committee, board). contact, m., touch, contact; (mil.) contact with the enemy; touch (of elbow); (elec.) contact, contact-plate, contact-strip; condensation par , (steam) surface con- densing; conservcr le , (mil.) to keep (the enemy) in touch, to keep in touch with (the enemy); du coude, (mil.) touch of elbows in ranks; escadron dc , (cav.) contact squadron; etre aw , (mil.) to be in contact (with the enemy); pur frottement, (elec.) friction-contact; gardc.r I,- , (mil.) v. connervt-r le ; de gli.isement, (elec.) sliding-contact; fi mcrcure, (elec.) mercury contact; pe.rdn. le , (mil.) to lose touch (with the enemy); pre.nilrc le , (mil.) to establish contact, touch (with the enemy); Tester en ai'ec, (mil.) to remain in touch (with the enemy); roultint, (eltc.) rolling contact. contagieux, a., contagious. contusion, f., contagion. contoiiance, f., capacity; contents; (nay.) bur- den. contenlr, v. a., U> contain, hold; restrain, hold; check (as an advance, the. enemy). conteiitieux, administrafifx, (Fr. adm.) dilfi- culties arising from antagonism of public and of private interests. contfiiu, in., content.-;. contigu, a., adjoining, contiguous. continent, in., mainland, continent. continental, a., continental; defense e, (fort.) land defense of a seacoast work . contingent, m., contingent, quota; - annvi'l, (mil.) annual contingent, that a clause must furnish. contondant, a., acting by shock; (art.) racking. contour, m., outline, circuit; plan; (top.) con- tour; (/.) edging of an epaulet, (also) of a flag tassel. contouruement, m., (fort.) crochet (of a trav- erse). contourner, v. a., to turn, to go around; to con- tour, give a contour to; to distort, deform. contractor, v. a. r., to shrink, contract, shorten; to stipulate, make a contract. contraction, f., contraction, shrinking; force, de , contractile force. contractual, a. , stipulated by a contract. contracture, f., diminution. contradictoire, a., (law) after having heard both sides; (adm.) after examination of both sides of an account. contrainte, f., constraint, violence; (adm.) order to pay decreed against a person owing public money; par corps, compulsory, i. e., forced, attend- ance of a witness. contraire, a., contrary, opposite, adverse, hostile. contrarifi, a., with joints broken. contrat, m. , contract. contravention, f., infraction, infringement, viola- tion; &tre en , to break regulations, etc. centre, prep., against, near, close by; (in com- position, contre. carries with it the notion gen- erally of opposition, and frequently of juxta- position); ft , (cord.) the wrong way, against the sun. contre, m., (fenc.) counter; de quarte, quart-, cart-counter; de tierce, tierce-counter; double- , double counter. contre-accele'ration, f., (ball.) retardation. contre-a-contre, adv., (nav.) sido by side. contre-aiguille, in.,(r. r.J mam rail,'line or stock rail. contre-aliz<5, a., vent , anti-trade (wind). contre-amiral, m., (nav.) rear-admiral; rear- admiral's flagship. oontre-appel, m., (mil.) check roll-call, check; (fenc.) caveating; (teleg.) call. contre-approches, f. pi., (siege) counter ap- proaches. contre-appui, m., sr/steme h , (art.) system in which the trail rests on the limber instead of over a pintle-hook. contre-arquer, v. n., to sag. contre-assaillir, v. a., (mil.) to make a counter assault. contre-assHiger, v. a., (siege) to besiege a besieg- ing force. contre-attaque, f., (mil.) counter attack (by tho defensive). contre-aube, f. , strip laid against an aubt. contre-balancer, v. a., to counterbalance, coun- terpoise. contrebande, f., contraband, contraband goods; smuggling; de guerre, (mil.) contraband of war. contrebanclelette, f., fork-strap (of a pack saddle). contrebandier, m., smuggler. contre-bas, en , adv., below, downward, on a lower level, lower; from down up; embrasure en , (fort.) counter-sloping em- brasure; etre. en de, 1o be lower than, on a lower level than. contre-batterle, f., (siege) counter-battery; (more Renerallv) any battery intended to engage a given hostile battery, and particularly battery rn.L'a^ing hostile batteries during the infantry advance. contre-battre, v. a., (art.) to counter batter, to oppose batteries to those of the enemy. contre-biais, ti , contrariwise. contrebord, (nav.) allir & , to run aboard or foul f of each other). contre-bordee, f., (nav.) the other tack. coiitrc-boutant, m., buttress, counterfort. contre-bo uter, v. a., to prop, to support (as a wall by a buttress). contre-bride, f. counter flange. contre-brlsure, f., (fort.) outer brisuro. contre-buter 99 contre-platine contre-buter, v. a., to press up against a resisting or supporting mass; to prop, support. eontre-calquer, v. a., (draw.) to take a counter- proof of a counterdrawing. eontre-capsule, !., (art., etc.) primer-cover or cap. contrecarrer, v. a., to oppose directly (the efforts ol the enemy, etc.), thwart. eontrcchaiigeinent, m., de main, (man.) don l>le change of hands. con tree hanger, v. n., de main, (man.), to make a double change of hands. centre-charge, f., counterpoise. centre-chassis, m., (fond.) top-flask; (cons.), outer sash. contrc-clief, m., foreman. eontre-clavette, f., gib. tightening key, fox- wedge. eontre-cie, f., gib. contre-clef, f., (mas.) second stone in the crown of an arch. eontrt'-cceur, m., back plate of a forge, as of a traveling forge; chimney-back; (r. r.) guard- rail, wing-ran. contre-couder, v. a., to bend the other way. contrc-coup, m., return-stroke, counterstroke; rebound; (expl.) reverse stroke or effect some- times remarked in (high) explosive blasts; (man.) sudden start, jump (of a horse) ;(hipp.) heaving (of a broken-winded horse); /a/re -, (mach.. etc.) to receive, support, a Mow (as in riveting). contre-courant, m., back draught, counter- current. contre-degagement, m., (fenc.) counter-thrust (i. e., a degagement, q. v.. made simultane- ously with the adversary's degagement); general expression for cnntre de quarte, de tierce, qq. v.; counter-disengage. contre-degager, v. n., (fenc.) to make a contre- degagement, to counter-disengage. centre-derive, f., (art.) negative lateral allowance (on a sight). contre-digue, f., a dike protecting another; con- struction protecting a dike. contre-e<-rou, m., jam nut, lock nut, keep nut, check nut. contre-enquftte, f., counter-inquiry. contre-Cpaulette, f., (unif.) epaulet having neither bullion nor fringe; shoulder-knot. contre-tvreuve, f., couutor-proof, counter-test, check-test. contre-escarpe, f., (fort.) counterscarp. coiitro-essai, m., counter-test. coiitre-el:i!. in., (cord., etc.) backstay. contre-H'timipc, f., swage, upper tool. centre-expertise, f., counter-valuation. coiitrcfacoii, f., counterfeiting, illegitimate imita- tion or copy, in manufactures; dt I/revel, infringement of a patent. coiitn-factcur, m., counterfeiter, forger; in- frinuer. cont i't't lire, v. a., to counterfeit, forge; to infringe a [intent . Centre-feu, m., back plate (of a hearth); a fire lighted to check another (as in woods or pi lins). back tire. eontre-fenfitre, f., inside sash. contrt'-ticlie, f., (conn.) strut, brace, stud, shore, stay; any compression piece in construc- tion. con t iv- 111, in., the opposite direction; it - -, backwards. conlre-il.mc, in., 'art.) loading-edge. contre-foi-ger, v. a., (farr.) to shape out a horse -hoe. coiUn-forl, m., buttress, shoulder, pillar, pier, supporting mass; reinforcing piece; (of boots, shoes, etc.) still'ener, reinforce, counter; (top.) spur of a mountain range, lesser chain of moun- tains. centre-fosse 1 , m., counter-drain; (fort.) synonym ol n runt-fount. contrc-fouleiuent, in., upward motion of water in a pipe or tube. centre-fruit, nu, (mas.) iusido batter (of a wall). contre-garde, f., (fort.) counterguard. centre-guide, m., (mach.) link. contre-nacher, v. a., to cross-hatch. coiitre-hachure, f., cross-hatching. contre-hauban, m., (cord., rtc.) back guy. coutre-haut, en , on a higher level, upwards; from up down; lire en d'un point, to be higher, on a higher love) than. contre-heurtoir, m., (art.) counter-hurter; gar- nish plate. contre-jauger, v. a., to counter-gauge. contre-jour, m., false light, counter-light. contre-latte, f., (cons.) lathwork at right angles to laths already laid on; counter-lath. contre-latter, v. a., (cons.) to counter-lath. contre-lattolr, m., lath-holder, clincher. contre-lisolr, m., (art.) bolster-block. contre-luiiette, f., (art.) lower pintle-plate. contre-maltre, m., overseer, foreman; (nav.) boatswain's mate; aide, , assistant foreman. contremandenient, in., countermand, counter order. countremander, v. a., to countermand. coutre-manivelle, f., (mach.) countorerank, return crank . contre-nianoeuvre, f., (mil.) countor-maneuver (rare). contre-marche, f., (mil.) countermarch, (cons.) riser of a stair. centre-marcher, v. a., (mil.) to counter- march. contre-iuarte, f., back or contrary tide, eddy tide. contre-niarque, f., check; (hipp.) bishoping. contre-marquer, v. a., to countermark; (hipp.) to bishop a horse. centre-mine) f., (mil. win.) countermine. centre-miner, v. a., (mil. min.) to counter- mine. contre-iiiineur, m., (mil. min.) counter- miner. contre-moiit, adv., up hill, upwards; against the stream. centre-mot, m., (mil.) the "word" given in answer to the mot d'ordre, and hence equiva- lent to the mot de ralliement; counter-parole, parole (U. S. A.). contre-mouvement, m., couutermovement, coutre-niur, m., (fort., etc.) couutennure, contra- muro. contre-murer, v. a., (fort., etc.) to counter- inure. coiitre-ordre, m., (mil.) counter order; count or- mand. contre-ouverture, f., counter opening. coiitre-outU, in., any plate, wedge, key, etc., sot against a t(X)l to hold it in place. coin re-paroi, t., (nut.) casing of a blast fur- nace. centre-pas, m., (mil.) a half-step taken to recover tho step, when lost; man that has lost step. contre-jtfdaler, v. a., to back-pedal (bicycle). coutre-peiite, f., descent or slope toward ono, (jnrt.1 toward the interior of i lie work; fi , en ; counlerslopiiii;; talus ft , U'irt. ) count wslopiiii! glacis (('arnot's su list it 1 1 to for the comiiorsciirp i. tOiitre-jMTfer, v. a., to pierci> Ironi tho other side; (jarr.) to pierce through-holes in a horse- shoe. coiitrc-pcrcun', f., (f-irr.) through-hull 1 , hole for shank ol nail, in a horseshoe. coiitrt'-|)eser, v.a., tocounit-rlialaiice. coiitre-piwl, in., wroim scent , bai k-M'ent . contre-pierre, f., the support or holder ot a jewel- bearing (as in the .Schuiiclt chrono- graph ). centre-plaque, f., reinforcing plate; anchor- plate, etc.; (J'ul.) buc-k-plato. (art.) bot- tom plale. as ol a pintle; (lurt.) underskirt, liachin:', - jilate (o. g., on whirii (.rusnii armor rests;; dr poulif, (art.) outer reinforcinu' plate of a giuleg (near the head). coutre-platlne, f., (xn>. a.) side plate (opposite lock side). contre-polds 100 controler contre-polds, in., counterpoise, counterweight, counterbalance ; balance-weight . contre-poil, m., wrong way of the hair, of the nap. contre-poln$on, m., counter punch; upper die, or punch. contre-polnte, f., (sm. a.) back edge of a sword, near the point; (fcnc.) saber or broadsword fencing or exercise; (much.) back-center, dead center, center, center-support, spindle on fixed poppet of a lathe. contre-porte, f., double door, folding door; (fort.) second gate (as, in a passage). contre-poupee, f., (mach.) foot stock, foot-stock i center. contre-presslon, f., (steam, etc.) back pressure, counter pressure. contre-puits, m., (mil. win.) defensive mine or shaft, prepared in advance, and intended to annoy enemy without destroying the galleries of the defense; camouflet- - -, camouflet prepared by boring from a gallery (defense). contre-queue, f., -il'hironde, (fort.) work whose branches splay inward, counter swallow- tail work. contre-qullle, f., (nav.) keelson. contre-raid, m., (mil.) counter-raid. centre-rail, m., (r. r.) guard-rail, safety-rail, check-rail. contre-rlpostc, f., (fcnc.) counter-thrust. contre-rivure, f., burr, rivet-plate. contre-ronde, f., (mil.) check-rounds. contre-sabord, m., (art. nav., etc.) port-lid. contre-salut, m., (mil.) return salute. contre-sanglon, m., (ham.) strap, fixed at one end and free at the other, pierced for the tongue of the buckle; girth strap; any small strap buckling or lying over a larger one, or serving to join adjacent parts of har- ness. contrescarpe, f., (fort.) counterscarp; a vo&tcs en decharge, counterscarp with re- lieving arches. contrescarper, v. a., (fort.) to counterscarp. contre-scel, m., counterseal. contre-sceller, v. a., to counterseal. contre-seing, m., counter signature. contre-sens, m., wrong side or way. eontre-signal, m., (mil.) any cautionary signal, e.g.,theconfrf-mo*,q. v. contresigne, f., (mil.) countersign. contre-slgner, v. a., to countersign. contre-sortie, f., (mil.) counter-sortie, attack directed against a sortie. contre-taille,f., crosscut. contre-tailler, v. a., to crosscut. contre-tenips, m., accident, disappointment (hi pp.) the second expiration or "lift" of broken-winded horse; (man.) sudden and unexpected passage from action to inac- tion. contre-tenlr, v. a., to hold up a rivet. contre-tige, f., (art.; the central counter rod of the Canet system. contre-timbrage, m., counter stamping. eontre-timbre, m., counter stamp. contre-tinibrer, v. a., to counter stamp. contre-tirage, m., back-draught, reverse draught. contre-tirer, v. a. , to counter prove; un iilnn,\o make a tracing of a plan. contre-torpilleur, m., (nav.) torpedo-catcher. contre-tranchee, f., (fort., siege) counter trench. contreval, & , downstream, down the river. contrevallation, f., (siege) eountervallation (obs.). contrevaller, v. a., (siege) to construct a counter- vallation. contre-vapeur, f., (steam) returning, back, steam; steam cushion; donntr , to interpose a steam cushion; to use back steam. contrevenant, m., offender. contrevenir, v. a., to infringe, violate, break. contrevent, m., outside shutter; straining piece, brace; (met.) blast plate of a firing forge. contreventement, m., (cons.) lateral brac- ing (of a roof or of a bridge truss); wind- bracing; pitce de , wind-bracing; brace. contreventer, v. a., (cons.) to brace laterally (as a truss). contre-verrou, m., (art., etc.) bolt-stop; any device controlling or affecting the motions or functions of a bolt. contre-vis, f., differentialscrew. contre-vjsite, f., second inspection, counter in- spection, check inspection. contre-visiter, v. a., to make a counter or check inspection. contrevolte, f., (car.) countervolt. contrevolter, v. n., (cav.) to countervolt, to make a countervolt. contrlbuer, y. a., to contribute, to be laid under contribution. contribution, f., contribution, tax; n argent, (mil.) money contribution; directe, (adm.) direct tax; _ de guerre, (mil.) contribution of war; indirecte, (adm.) indirect tax; mtttre ti , (mil.) to lay under contribu- tion; en nature, contribution in kind. contrOle, m., register, list; check, as on a re- . suit; stamp; verification, inspection (as of sm. a. during manufacture); mark, official mark (as on sm. a. after inspection); (mil.) muster roll, roll, roster; (adm.) inspection or surveillance of administrative transac- tions, (hence, FT. a.) le controle, i. e., func- tionaries or officers, in general, whose duty it is to watch over and inspect the admini- stration or the gestion; de I' administration de Varmte, (Fr. a.) special branch of the war department, safe- guarding the interests of the treasury on the one hand and of individuals on the other; verifies for the whole service the observance of ministerial orders, decrees, etc.; annuel, (Fr. a.) muster roll of officers, men, and horses belonging to each administrative unit, made out each year, or is kept up during the year; central, (Fr. a.) the controle exercised by the bureaus of the central administration of the war department, by inspectors-gen- eral, and by the personnel of the corps du, controle; corps du de r administration de I'armee, (Fr. a.) the personnel of the controle serv- ice* 'eiterieur, (Fr. adm.) the controle exercised by the courts and by parliament; general des arm(s, (Fr. a.) register of all the arms in the hands of a body of troops; local, (Fr. a.) the care, surveillance, etc., exercised constantly, and on the spot, by the directors of trie various services (e. g., artillery, engineers, etc.) over their respec- tive personnels, and by the functionaries of the inteudauce, in a regiment or other troop unit; nominatif, (mil.) list of names, roster by name; drs pcrsonncs miscs d la retraite, (mil.) re- tired list; porter sur les s, (mil.) to put on the rolls; ei posteriori, (Fr. a.) a general expression for the s local, central, and eiterieur; rayer des s, (mil.) to strike off the rolls; -de service, (mil.) duty roster, roster; de tir, (art. and t. p.) target-practice re- ports. controlement, m., (Fr. a.) subjection of respon- sible officers to the contrGlr. contrfller, v. a., to check; to verify, inspect, com- pare; (Fr. a.) to exercise the duties of the controle; le pointage, (art.) to verify the aim of a gun. controleur 101 eontrOleur, m., inspector, person who makes a test; (Fr. a.) member of the corps du con- tr6le; d'armes, (Fr. a.) inspector of small arms, employee 01 the artillery charged with the reception, sale, and maintenance of sm:ill arms in small-arm factories and in the ar- tillery directions. contumace, m., f., (law) contumacy, failure to appear for trial; person who, "being ac- cused of a crime, fails to appear for trial; de- faulter. coiitumax, a. and m. (law) contumacious; per- son guilty of contumacy. convalescence, f., convalescence; conge de , v. conge. convalescent, m., convalescent; de/>6t de s, v. s. v. dep6t. convention, f., convention, meeting; agreement; deOcneve, Geneva convention. convmtionnel, a., conventional; signe , conventional sign. convergence, f., convergence; concentration of effort, fire, etc., on a given point ; des feux, du tir, (art., etc.) concentra- tion of fire upon a given target planchette de , (art.) direction-, converg- ing-plate. convergent, a., converging, as (art., sm. a.) of fire. converser, v. a., (drill) to wheel, to wheel about (a general drill term for a change of direction by a line, in line, or by an element, itself in line, of a column; is limited now to artillery and cavalry, and is not a word of command); (pont.) to swing a bridge into position. conversion, f., (drill) wheel (artillery and cavalry, v. converter); (pont.) conversion (U. S. A.), swinging (British); construire un pont par , (pont.) to construct a bridge by conversion, swinging; demi , (drill) about; demi-tour de , (drill) about; en marchant, (drill) wheel on a movable pivot; de pied ferine, (drill) wheel on a fixed pivot; d pivot fiie, (drill) wheel on a fixed pivot; fi pivot mobile, mouvant, (drill) wheel on a movable pivot ; point de , (drill) wheeling point ; pont -par , (pont.) bridge by conversion, swinging; quart de , (drill) wheel of 90; repliement par , (pont.) dismantling by- conversion; replier un pont par , (pont.) to dismantle a bridge by conversion. convertisseur, m., (met.) converter, Bessemer converter. comexe, a., convex. coiivexit* 4 , 1., convexity. conviction, f., conviction; piece ft , (mil. lax) statement of charges, etc., against a man. convocation, )., calling put, convocation; (mil.) calling out of reservists, territorialists, etc., for service. coiuoi, in., (r. r.) train; (mil.) train, convoy; (."''.) convoy; administrate, (Fr. a.) subsistence sup- ply train, of four sections, one to corps head- quarters and one to each division; d'tilltr, (r. r.) down-train; - d'approvisionnement, supply train: - d'artilUric, (Fr. a.) ammunition supply train; cuxiliairc, (Fr. a.) subsistence supply train formed in each corps region and completed on mobilization by wagons obtained by requisi- tion; de bestiaux, (r. r.) cattle train; Ion de , (Fr. a.) request for wagon trans- portation; direct, (r. r.) express train: jtar eau, water transportation; ivcntml de requisition, (Fr. a.) transport, trains created as re.quirenients develop, and used along the liync d ilapts; convol erpret, (r. r.) express train; de grande (petite) Vitesse, (r. r.) fast (slow, train; de merchandise*, (r. r.) freight train; miite,(r. r.) passenger and Ireieht train; -de rauitaiUfme-at, (mil.) ammunition supply train; regimentaire, (Fr. a.) an incorrect expres- sion lor train regimcntaire, q. v.; deretour, (r.r.) up-train, return train; de terre, ( Fr. a.) wagon transportation; de voyageurs, (r. r. ) passengei train. convoyer, v. a., (nar., mil.) to convoy. convoyfeur, m., (mil.) driver (in" a convoy); (mure ep., Fr. a.) an agent or functionary accompanying a convoy and charged with its loading or packing (cf. head-packer, l r . S. A.). co-ordoniie>, f., coordinate; s cartesiennes. cartesian, rectangular, co- ordinates; s polaire.f, polar coordinates; s Ttctangulnirtu, rectangular coordinates. copeau, m., chip, shaving (of wood). cople, f. , copy; - de lettres, letter-press: pour conformr, "a true copy." coquc, f., shell; (steam) body of a boiler, shell (nav.) hull of a ship; (cord.) kink in a rope; faire (defaire) des - s, (cord.) to kink (unkink) a rope. coqufllard, m., (mil. slant)} cuirassier. coquille, f., shell; footboard (of a wagon); thumb (of a latch); (much.) crosshead. bearing, brass; (fond.) chill-mold; (inst., etc.) clamp of a ball-and-socket joint; (sm. a.) dust-cover (Vetterli); basket-hilt, guard, of a sword; couler en *. sur , (fond.) to cast chill; en f ante, (fond.) cast-iron mold, chill, chill- mold. coquiller, v. a., (fond.) to chill, to cast in a chill- mold. cor, m., (hipp., etc.) corn; (mux.) French horn; ft etfi cri, hue and cry; de chant; f, (lit., hunting horn; Fr. a.) prize for small-arm target practice. corbeau, m., holster, bracket, bracket-piece, corbel; grappling-iron. corbcillf, f., basket; (fond.) grate- furnace, used to dry molds; (sitge) small gabion. cordage, m., (cord.) cordage, rope, rigging: out- fit of ropes (as for mechanical maneuvers, etc.); d'ancre, (pont., dc.) anchor rope, mooring rope; lilnnc, untarred rope; -decauise, (mux.) drum-cord; 'Commits cnausxiert, hawser-laid rope; commits en cubit, cable-laid rope; -unefoiscnmmis, hawser-laid rope; commix en gretin, cable-laid rope; cum in is enquatrc, tour-stranded rope, shroud- laid rope; commix scrrf. short-laid rope; . com/ioKe, cable-laid rope; a congri.fr, worming; coii-nnine de. , strap, sling; ft crochet, (art.) any rope lilted \uth a hook for maneuvers, etc.; - een soaked in fat oil; ft to main, handmade rope, rope made of yarn spun by hand; ' - dc manoeuvre, (art.) elevating rope, ma- neiiv ering rope; intcaniqtH, ropo made of yarn produced by machinery: ii'iir, tarred rope: du /ittti , coir rope : du prtimtr orin, rope of t!.e be.st qii.il- 1 1 v : - -in quatre, shroud-laid rope, four-stranded rope; cordage 102 cornlche cordage ^n queue de rat, pointed rope; refait, twice-laid rope; de sauvetage, (mil. min.) life-saving rope; simple, hawser-laid rope; de trait, (harn.) trace-rope; en trots, hawser-laid rope; trap tordu, rope laid up too hard; de voice, ( F. m. art.) chase-rope. corde, I., cord, twine, string; rope, band; belt; (art., artif.) choker, choking-line; (mil.) drum- cord; tent rope; ft la , (art., cay.) tied up to a picket line or rope, on the picket lino; aju-ster ensemble deui , to bend twt> ropes together; amarrcr une , to belay a rope; & annraux, (gym.) rings; d'un arc, (com.) span of an arch; d'arrifrr t^w-rope: - artifici/e, (artif.) quick-match (obs.); d'aitache, (art., cav.) lariat, picket rope, picketing rope; d'arant, head rope; ft botillon, forage-cord; bout de , rope's end; ft, de, boyau, catgut; brassiere, v. cordcaii de sitrete; de brelage, lashing-rope (for loads on wagons); de campcment, ( Fr. cav.) improvised picket- rope (in a bivouac); de charge, lash-rope (of a pack outfit); ft chevaui, (art., cav.) picket, picketing, rope; embarra-ssee, foul rope; cngagee, foul rope; d'cnrayage, (art.) brake-rope, locking- rope; epissrr une ft une autre, to splice a rope on another; cqualoriale, equatorial rope (of a bal- loon); dfeu. (artif.) fuse, slow match; en fil d'acier (de fer), steel- (iron-) wire rope; de fils metalliqucs, wire rope; filer une , to ease away a rope; sans fin, endless rope, band, belt; hfourragc, (mil.) forage cord; ginee, foul rope; u'tche, slack rope; --/me, (gym.) climbing rope (without knots); mollir une , to slack off a rope; mouchcr une , to cut oil the fag-end of a rope; - -ft n'mds, (gym.) knotted climbing rope; ourdir uiie , to warp u rope; - -ft piano, crucible-steel -wire; --poitrail, - - de poitrail, (mil.) breast- rope (embarkation of horses in railway cars); de jiont, (pnnt.) chord of a bridge; dc Trmurqvr, tow rope; dc rttmuf, guy rope; - -signal, signal rope (as to a diver): - de timbre, drum cord (under drum); (/( traction, (gym.) rope for a tug-of-war. eordeau, in., line, tracing-line, chalk-lino; measuring-tape; (am. a.) pull-through; (sm. a.) lirsiss wire for testing accuracy of gun bar- rels (obs.); au . by the siring, (hence) straight (cf. our familiar expression. " straight as a string"); d'niiijiu ni' nt. ( furl. ) tracing-tape; aliynir mi -. icluv out by line; d'n in urci . (uri'if i quick match; liickfont. (tirti'f.) Uickford fuse; - diriii, (nrtif.i secondary of troops; dii controle dc I' administration de I'armfe, ( l-'r. n.) v. control r; ilc cuirassf, (cm .) breastplate; de dibnrijUtnitnt, (mil., nar.) landing party; dei/nui mi , end on; t.'.v ill I it, (mil. lute.) body of material proo establishing a diiit militairr; dc dlvijilinc, (mil.) body of military con- victs; disciplinary unit; droi>, si raight (bicycle) frame; d'il'iii , (mil.) 1'iMly of picked troops; crack corps or regiment : d'fpaultttt, (unif.) body, field, of an epaulet; dm equipages (de la finite), (nar.) tho seamen of a navy, whole, body of blue-jackets; d'r/tsien, axle tree bed; d' fiat-major, ( mil.) stall corps; d'llal-inajor di 1 I'annfc iinrale, (nnv.) the officers of a navy, naval officers; I'/riin/jir, (in yrn.) foreign substance; (mil.) regiment or corps of foreigners in the service of France; erprdilinnnnire, (mil.) field force, special col- umn, expedition; corps, former , ( FT. o.) to have the same ad- ministrative status as a de troupe, e. g., a military establishment, a battalion detached, etc.; frattinnnf, regiment occupying more than one station or garrison; franc, (Fr. a.) corps of volunteers, under the first Republic, the first Empire, and in 1870-71; de fusee, (art.) fuse-case, fuse-body, or housing; de garde, (mil.) guardhouse, guardroom; in tho field, the post of the guard; de garde difensij, (fort.) small work com- manding an entrance, or road of approach; garde du , (caw.) life guards; life guardsman; garde du corps; gras, grease, unguent; : indigene, (Fr. a.) native trooj>s in French service; d'inspection de la marine, (Fr. navy) in- spectors' corps; d'inrestissement, (mil., siege) investing body, besieging army; se lancer ti, perdu, (mil.) to go in to win or die; se lancer it son defendant, (mil.) to go in guardedly, half-heartedly ; de logis, main building, main part of a build- ing; de mantruvre, (art.) that part of a battery that maneuvers, as opposed to tho wagons, etc., that do not; de mi'cainsme, (sm. a.) in tho Lobol rifle, the plate on which aro moiuitod tho feed and trigger mechanisms; - mixte, (mil.) in tho colonies, a troop unit containing both Europeans and natives; mobile, (siege) mobile troops of a defense, used particularly for tho exterior defense; mart, shore-beam, mooring-buoy, mooring- sill, dead man, bollard, any permanent or fixed mooring or anchorage; de musique, (mil.) regimental band, band; -d' observation, (mil.) army of observation; d' obits, (art.) main body of a shell (exclu- sive of fittings, etc.); d'nfliciers, (mil.) all the officers of tho army, the officers of a regiment, of a garrison; jwsxt.r sur le a, de, (mil.) to overthrow, rout; perdu,, makeshift anchor (not. intended to be picked up); mooring weight or body; ptrir et, oiens, (/mr.) to go down with all hands; dt piston, (much.) piston body; de place, (fort.) central position or fort, main work, body of the. place, tho cnciinte proper ( parapet, and ditch) (more or less limited now to old fortifications); --de plaline, (.tin. it.) lock plate ;a.s of :\ re- volver); du- poitrail, (ham.) breastplate; dc 'pumpe, barrel of a pump; pump cyl- inder; (mil. slanti) stalf of the St. Cyr school and of f ho cavalry school at Saumur; -dr puiiloii, (pont.) body of a ponton-boat, as distinguished f ruin 1 ho brat, q. v.; - dc 'pinilie, (cord.) shell of a block; prtmlre , du , to set, to form or harden into a mas-*; dc presse, barrel, cylinder, body, of a hy- draulic press: ;- derails, body of a spoke (part not mortised ac rcmlilaix. (r. r., etc.) embankment ; nujiitur, (nrt.) roughened "ire i of a friction primer); plunger ot a fu>e; dr fntltf, (mil.) medical department; xni ant, (mil.) technical corps, scientilic corps; de siege, (mil.) siego corps, Mego army; be- sieging armv; simple, (r/irm.) element, elumentary body; corps coton-poudre corps, de support, (pont.) support of the super- structure of a bridge (either fixed or float- du train des Equipages, (mil.) the train, train troops; du train de dessous, (art.) limber-body, cais- son-body; de troupe, ( Fr. a., etc.) in each arm, the largest body whose command and administration are exercised by one and the same chief; (hence, generally) regiment, unless otherwise indicated; troop unit; hs dc troupe, the line of the army; rolant, (mil.) flying body. correcteur, m., (art.) corrector; compensator (on a sight.) correction, f., correction; (expl.) addition of alco- hol, when fumes appear, in manufacture of mercury fulminate. correctionhel, a., (law) correctional; punishable (said of certain tribunals, of misdemeanors, and of the punishment of these misde- meanors). correspondance, f., correspondence; transfer (omnibus, etc.); (sig.) communication; (mil.) assimilation of rank; de grade, (mil.) assimilation of rank; optigue, (sig.) communication by visual telegraphy; ouirir la , (sig.) to open communication; paste de , (sig.) transmitting station; de service, (mil.) official correspondence. correspondre, v. n., to correspond; (mil.) to report to; se , to be exactly opposite one another. corridor, m., corridor, passage-way; (fort., etc.) communication; d'assechement, (fort.) drying or ventilating corridor of a powder magazine; de circulation, (siege) communication along interior crest (obs., see couloir de circula- tion); de surveillance, (fort.) exterior corridor. corriger, v. a., to correct. corroder, v. a., to corrode; (of rivers) to wash, erode. corroi, m., claying, puddling; layer or lining of earth or of clay; currying of leather. corrosion, f., corrosion; wash, erosion (of rivers). corroyage, m., dressing, currying, of leather; (met.) refining, shearing (of steel); dc n, (met.) said when the section of the ingot is at least n times as great as that of the gun, on leaving the forge. eorroyC-masse, m., (met.) scrap-iron. corroyer, v. a. , to dress leather; to trim, dress down (as a felly); to plan ; (fond.) to roll sand; to beat up, pug, puddle with clay; (met.) to reheat and weld, to shear, refine, (steel) to weld to- gether, to "shut." corsage, m., (hi pp.) chest of a horse. corsalre, in., pirate; (nai.j privateer; -autorise, (nav.) privateer. cortege, m., escort, cortege, funeral escort. corveable, a., liable to contribution of forced labor. corvee, f., forced labor, statute labor; (mil.) fatigue, fatigue duty, fatigue party; (in pi.) fatigue call; de , on fatigue duty; du bois, fuel faiigue, and party for this duty; de chicstrac, (mil. slang) fatigue for cleaning cesspools, etc.; d'eau, water fatigue, and party; eitericure, any fatigue beyond the limits of camp, of quarters; - de fourrage. forage party or detail (and duty); d'tiommes, fatigue detail; d' installation, labors, duties, etc., of installa- tion in one's cantonments; intiriiun. post or garrison fatigue; de I'ordinaire, kitchen police, (call, party, and duty); de proprctc, police; - - de guarticr, police call; service de , fatigue duty; corvee supplemental, extra fatigue, by way of punishment. corvette, f., (nav.) sloop of war, corvette; cuirassee, armored, protected cruiser cosaque, m., Cossack; paste & la , (mil.) Cossack post, irregular post. cosaquerie, f., (mil.) raid, sudden raid. cosse, f., (cord.) thimble. costal, a., of the ribs, costal. cote, f., (top.) altitude of a point (in meters and fractions of); signal, level; (ball.) the coordi- nates of a point of impact; reference lines on a target; (fort.) reference; (in gen.) dimen- sions marked on a tracing, drawing, map, etc.; de niveau, (top.) reference to a datum plane, level. c6te, f . , rib, edge, fillet; coast, seacoast, shore; ((op.) rise of a hill; & , edge to edge; artillerie de , (art.) seacoast artillery; asternak, (hipp.) false rib; basse, (hipp.) rib that comes down below the level of the elbow; batterie de , (art.) seacoast buttery; defense des s, (art.) seacoast, coast, de- fense; descendue. v. basse; materiel de , (art.) seacoast material; b m i , halfway up the hill; sternale, (hipp.) true rib; s de vache. (met.) slit iron (iron in small rec- tangular rods); au vent, weather shore; sous le vent, lee shore. cOte, m., side; party; (nav.) side of aship; (art.) side rail of chassis (seacoast guns); bas , footpath, or other way, at a lower level than the main road; side aisle; lean-to, penthouse; de la chair, flesh side (of leather); de champ, edge (as of a plank, etc.); du chassis, (art.) side rail of a chassis; de , sidewise; droit, off side (of a team, etc.); dc droite, (harn.) ofl-side neck strap (of breast strap); eiterieur, (fort.) exterior side (of a bastion); (pont.) side farthest from bank from which the bridge is built or from bank toward which the bridge is dismantled; gauche, near side (of a team, etc.); de gauche, (harn.) near-side neck strap (of a breast strap); grand , (arf.) chassis side rail; (harn.) longer strap of a bridle; mterieur, (pont.) side nearest bank from which the bridge is built or toward which the bridge is dismantled; d la main, near side (of a team, etc.); de la moelte, end grain of wood; montoir, du montoir, (man.) near side of a horse; hors montoir, hors du montoir, (man.) oil side of a horse; pas de , (man., etc.) side step; petit , (harn.) shorter strap of a bridle, (v. grand ); de sous-verge, off side of a team; d'un triangle, side of a triangle. coteau, m., (top.) hill, slope; hill taken in its length; hillock. cotcr, v. a., to put down references, measures, dimensions, etc., on a map, plan, drawing, etc. cOtier, a., coast, coasting; m., coaster, coasting vessel. cotiser, v. a., to assess, to rate. colon, m., cotton; azotigue, (expl.) gun-cotton; fulminant, (expl.) gun-cotton; ait nitrate, (expl.) nitrated gun-i.-otton; nitrate (de Faversham), (expl.) touite; pyrique, (expl.) pyrocotton. coton-poudre, m.. (expl.) gun-cotton; comprime, compressed gun-cotton* d fusil, small-arm gun-cotton; humide, wet gun-cotton; sec, dry gun-cotton. cotoyer 105 coulisse cOtoyer, v. a., to coast; to go alongside of. coin-, m., (nav.) cutter; de la douane, revenue cutter. co; ret, m., small fagot; (siege) fascine. cotter, v. a., to catch, lock, as a wheel (Switz- erland). COU, in., neck; de cygnt , crane neck, goose neck. Couchage, m., (mil.) bedding, all that relates to bedding; aufiliaire, (Fr. a.) bed sacks, etc., used by troops when contractor's supplies are lacking or can not be used; paiile de , bed straw; sac de , bed sack; service de , (Fr. a.) the supply and main- tenance, by contract, of bedding for officers and men in barracks, of watch coats for sentinels, and, if required, of washing for the linen of the men. couchant, m., the vest. couche, f., layer (as of mortar, color, con- crete, etc.); seam (of coal, etc.); coat, coat- ing, stratum, bed; ground-sill; annual ring of a tree; (art.) tior (of bullets in a case shot); (am. a.) butt end of stock, part of stock between breech and heel; (fond.) molding board; angle de , (sm. a.) slope of the stock; de fibres invariablcs, neutral layer; de fulminate, (artif.) priming; d'imprcssion, priming coat of paint ; longueur de (In) , (sm. a.) distance from shoulder to base of the breech; ncutre, neutral plane, layer (of stressed beams); penlc dc , (sm. a.) v. angle de ; plaque dc , (sm. a.) butt-plate; -deroue, dish of a wheel. Couche, a., lying down; position -e, (mil.) prone position. Couche-point, m., welt (on the heel of a shoe or boot). COUcher, v. a., to slope, lay down; v. r., to lie down (of troops); to set (of the sun); tnjoue, (sm. a.) to aim at; la lance, (car.) to slope a lance; par tcrre, (mil.) to overthrow com- pletely. COUcher, m., setting of the sun; furniture of a bed; state of being in a recumbent posi- tion; (ibarulonne , (hipp.) position of a horse lying on his side. couchette, f., bedstead. coucliis, m., lagging; bed of sand (under the pavement of a bridge); -revfttmtnt, (nttam) lagging of a boiler, cleaning. cotide, m., elbow; any bend or turn in parts of machinery, etc.; bend; knee, angle; el- bow (of a pipe, tube, etc.); (top.) bend or loop of a river; (hipp.) elbow; (mach.) crank, cranked portion of a shaft; (am. a.) bend, neck of a bayonet; (min.) turn of a gallery; it , (mil.) alignment in vhich each sol- dier must feel the touch of elbow; dc gonflcmtnt, inllating tube (of a balloon); tact dts s, (mil.) touch of elbow; universcl, (mach.) Brown's joint. coucle, a., forming a knee or angle; bent, kneed; (mach.) cranked; aic , (mach.) crank. roudee, f., arm's length. eou-de-j)ied, in., instep. condor, v. a., to bend, to knee; (mach.) to crank. roudran, m., wheel-grease. cotillion, m., d'ancre, anchor-nut. coulage, m., (fond.) casting, cast, act of casting; -ti calr, v. d siphon; en cht'ussis, cast ing in flasks or 1 >oxes; fachaud, casting at a higher temperature than is required by the nature of the metal; en, sur, coquille, chill casting; h, en, creur, casting hollow; d decouitrt, casting in open molds; eoulage& la dcsctntt, casting from the top; ti froid, casting at a lower temi>erature than is required by the nature of the metal; massif, casting solid; d'un morceav. casting in one piece; ft noyau, casting hollow, casting on a core, with a spindle; tilt in, v . massif; -a la rcmonle, v. < n siphon: < n sable, casting in sand molds; rentable grot, dry sand casting: ( n sable vert, green sand casting; a, en, siphon, casting from bottom of mold; en source, casting from the bottom; -in Itrre, loam casting; a une settle jiortrt, casting in one piece, all at once. coulant, a., movable, sliding; crumbling caving (of earth, soil, etc.;; (mil. slang) easy, good-natured; in., slide, runner; (unif.) slide, keeper (as on a sword l>e!t, etc.); (inst.) slide ring, bearing ring; slide of a telescope; purie-fils, (inst.) cross-hair slide, reticule holder. coule, m., (feiic.) straight lunge feint. coulee, f., (lop.) coule>, draw ((". P.); (fond.) spray; tapping; runner, sullage-piece; tap- hole; cast, casting, quantity cast; channel from furnace to mold; canal tie , gate, ingate, (more accurately) runner; a chaud (froid), v. S. y. ctnilagi: d In dtsct nte, tapping into the top of a casting pocket or ingot mold; diricte, tapping directly into ingot mold: fain' la it , to tap; jet de , feeding head; piece tie , cast in t 1 ; en pochc, tapping into casting ladles; d la rcmonlt, tapping into the bottom of a casting ladle or ingot mold; (n sip/ion, v. s. v. coulagc; en source, tapping into the bottom of an ingot mold or cast ing pocket: trou dc , gate, ingate: tap-hole: zr.'iir de , to be produced or made in tho casting; to be cast in one piece with. coi:lT, v. a. n., to llo-.v, to leak; (fond.) to cast; to tap, tap u furnace; (line.) to sink, to run down, to founder; (wan.) to pass gradually from one put into another: to give :\ horso his head in galloping; (cord.) of a knot or lashing, to slip; bnl.) trestle-<-.ip mortise; a dittnic r/TY/eWr, expansion link; guide, guide, guide slot; dc hi rsi . ( pout.} port'-u'.lis slide; intmitT ti - -, (H-.iich.) to g;\e a sliding motion to a piece. coulisscau 106 coup coullsseau, m., (art.) way-plank; (mach., etc.) slide-block; slipper-block, motion-block, slip- per-slide block; guide-block; (sm. a.) handle- guide; du if, (steam) crosshead guide. coulissement, m., (mach.) sliding motion, coulomb, m., (dec.) coulomb. couloir, m., (fort., etc.) passage; (art.) feed-guide, hopper, feed-trough; d'assainissement, (fort.) ventilation passage or conduit of a powder magazine; de chargement, (art.) feed-trough, feed- hopper; de circulation, (siege) communication along rear of platforms; de surveillance, (fort.) exterior corridor (Car- not trace). coup, m., blow, stroke, shock; (art., sm. a.) shot, round; (surv.) sight through an instru- ment; (mach., etc.) stroke; (fenc.) cut, tlirust, stroke. I. Artillery, small arms, etc.; II. Fenc- ing and related terms; 111. Miscellaneous. I. Artillery, small arms, etc. accuser son , (t. p.) to "call" one's shot; amorti, (art.,sm. a.) spent shot; d'arrne ti feu, shot'. d'arrosoir, (art.) the sheaf or spray of bullets, etc., from a shrapnel; (inf.) the sheaf of bullets produced by a volley; d'assuravce, (nav.) gun fired by a ship under her true colors; d'audace, bold stroke; de baguette, (mil.) drum tap; d balles, (sm. a.) round or shot fired with ball cartridge; bas, (art.) a shrapnel bursting at a height lower than the type height; tres bas, (art.) shrapnel that bursts below the target; a blanc, shot fired with blank cartridge; de blanc, (t. p.) bull's-eye; bleu, (art.,sm. a.) miss; de bricole. (art.) shot intended to rebound laterally and strike after the graze (obs.); au but, (art., sm. a.) hit; - de canon, (art.) cannon shot (wound, report, round); de canon de diiresse, distress gun; de canon dediane, (mil.) morning gun, reveille gun; >ointc, (art., sm. a.) aimed shot; rasant, (art.) shot whose direction is par- allel, or nearly so, to ground, at point con- sidered; rate, (art., sm. a.) miss-fire; dc rcglage, (art., st7i. a.) sighting, ranging, shot; de rejouis.tanct , (art.) salute gun or round: dc ntfaile, (mil.) evening gun, n>!reat gun; reussi, (art.) hit; - ih' rt-r.crx, art. ) shot or hit in revorse; de ncolier, (sm. a.) revolver shoi, report, etc.; de scmnncc. (nav.) bringing-to shot : dc xii'iUt, whistle, signal or call niado wilh a whistle; di minilf . (nar.) cast with the lead ; tirr di blanc, (art.) blank round; tirer fi perdu, to Ore. at random ; tirer n , to firoashoi; tonchf, (art.,sm. a./ hil; it ton.tr roltt, (art.) random shot, shot fired so as to give the greatest range possible; l.) 'whipping otif of a Bickford or other fuse when improperly set, on the flame reaching the end: dislodgment of a second charge by the explosion of the first (before the second goas oil); - dc foulard, (hipp. ) insertion of a small sponge, etc., in nostrils that discharge (horse dealer's trick); grand -- , master stroke, ( fig.) home thrust; de hache, (hipp.) marked depression between withers and neck; de Jar IMC. stab in the dark; mortal wound; underhand blow; de lance, (hipp.) depression at junction of neck and shoulders, at base of nock (soon in Turkish and in Spanish horses); de. mer, heavy sea, wave; -de mine, (eipl.) blast; - de mine crachant. (eipl.) blast in which a part of the charge is thrown out burning; - --- mart el, death blow; -- de mouchoir, v. ----- de foulard: de niveau, (surv.) leveling sight; d'oulil, tool mark; parer un - , (fig.) to ward off, parry, a blow; de pied, kick; de pied en vache, (hipp. ) cow kick; ---- de piston, (mtich.) piston stroke; --de piston double, (mach.) complete piston stroke; - -de piston simple, (much.} single piston stroke; - - de point/, blow with the fist; (eipl.} firing- key, exploder; qui portt , blow that tells, telling blow; porter -. to hit home; porter It dernier ---- , to deal, give, the finishing blow; get out of plumb (of , pull (rowing); walls); (/( I'Klflt . strok - di >'< ill. (nnin. i .v>] haunches; -tit ,'( nrs. misfiirtun (/c 1'iiiilix. lurch, iol - tli' so'i-il, siinsl roke sous It dt , e\ posi with: - tti xiirfiicr. ( min.. trpl.} surface bhuU; - (/c linitiii'it , pi 1 1 -I i ing (of a ship); - - tit ti'inurri . clap of I hunder; e n rt n't tun s, to come i o NOW.S - (/c n nt. s(|iiull. gusl of wind. coupablc, a., guilty; in., ijuilty pcr^oi prit: sediflnnr . to plead euillv: sc rict'iiiniitrt . ID pi, ad -,.. sc rt nth, - dt . ID In coup;i:it, a., cultiiu;. edge. COUpC, ! end grain * tioll and elevation: faus.tr . sjilico; horizont-ilf. horizontal : of tlio by or utling eoupe 108 eourbe coupe in long, - - longitudmale, longitudinal section; transversal*, cross-section; end grain (of a tree); en iravcrs, cross-section, transverse sec- tion; t'trticale, vertical section. coup*, a., (top.) intersected, accidented; pan , (fort.) pan coupe; (in gen.) any cor- ner cut off (of a room, building, etc.); terrain , (top.) ground full of natural ob- stacles. cour<% in.. (Aw.) disengagement over the ad- wrsary's point. coupe-cercle, m., round punch. coupc-fhoux, m., (i!>il. slang) infantry sword, frog-sticker" (U. 8. A.). coupe-circuit, m., (elic.) circuit-breaker, cut-out, safety cut-out. couple, 'f., (wic.) gangway of a ship. coupo-filet, m., (nap.) torpedo-net cutter. coupc-RUZon, m., sod-cutter. coupe-sorgo, m., (mil.) tight place, from which escape is impossible, death-trap. coupellatioii, f., (met.) cupellation. coupelie, f., (aid.) cupel; (art.) gas-check cup, reinforcing cup (of a cartridge case); (sm. a.) small copper shovel for gunpowder; essaid la , (met.) cupel assay; d l-inguetle, (art.) brass cup and wire of French naval electric primer; inettre a la, , (met.) to submit to cupella- tion: otiluratrice, (art.) annular obturator (of French double-action fuse); ronddle fi , (art.) cup-shaped washer on axle-spindle. coupeller, v. a., (met.) to test or assay by cupella- tion. coupe-net, m., cutting pliers or nippers. coupe-paiile, in., straw-chopper, chaff-cutter. cuupc-iiueue, m., (hipp.) docking-knife. couper, v. a., to cut; cross, intersect; to am- putate; to cnop, strike; to mix, dilute; (kipp.) to geld, cut, castrate; (mil.) to cut off (a body ol troops, a retreat, etc.), to break through ?a line): (cord.) to wear, chafe, be chafed; (steam) to cut off, shut off, steam; un chcval, (hipp.) to geld a horse; un correspondant, (tig.) to break off, in- terrupt, a correspondent; line jumtiU, (hipp.) to spay a mare; dc longueur, to cut to proper length; nc jinx n , (mil. slang) to be in for extra drill, latigue. or other punishment; sc , (hipp.) to cut or strike a leg in bearing by one in motion, to interfere; tn (raters, to cut across: la rapeur, (steam.) to cut off steam. couperet, in., chopper. cou peruse, f., copperas. coupe-vent, m.', wind guard, windbreak (in bicycling). couple, in., frame, timber: ("mechanical) couple; !.) disposition of charges on oppoMie sides 01 a rail, in demolition, so as to produce rot '.it ion: n < i'i, 1 1 Ire.) cell pe iring cupola; o<:ctUant( , oscillating cupola; coupole it pivot, pivot-mounted cupola; i tir direct (indirect), direct- (indirect-) fire cupola; tuarnante, revolving cupola; - transportable, (art.) traveling shield mount- ing, traveling cupola. coupon, m., coupon; remnant. coupure, f., (pont.) cut or opening in a bridge for passage of floating bodies; (fort.) palisade, ditch, etc., behind a breach, across a road, obstacle across a road, etc.; cut, coupure; obstacle; coupure or passage in the glacis; break or crochet in a long face; (top.) cutting in a wood ; ( n r (tirade, (fort.} intrenchment in a bas- tion when the exterior is destroyed. cour, f., court, courtyard; (lau ) court: de cassation, (Fr.) supreme court, court of appeals; descomptes, (laic) auditing office (public funds and execution of financial laws). courage, m., courage. courant, m., current (of water, air, electricity, etc.); stream; course; routine; (cord.) running part of a tackle; (hipp.) set or lay of a horse's hair; d'air, draught; alUrne, alternatif, (elec.) alternating current; - de charge, (elec.) charging current of an ac- cumulator; derive, (elec.) shunt current; direct, (elec.) direct current; d'entrie. (elec.) Hood stream; extra- de fermeture (de rupture), (elec.) mak- ing- (breaking-) contact current ; fil de , thread, axis, of a stream; - de flamme, flue; - de flat, flood stream; fort da , main stream; de Foucault, (elec.) eddy current; inducteur, (elec.) inducing current; par induction, indu.it, (dec.) induced current; inverse, (elec.) inverse current; dejusant, ebb stream; lit du , main stream, bed of the stream; de maree, tidal current; de polarisation, (elec.) polarization cur- rent; primaire, (dec.) charging current of an accumulator; redresse, (elec.) unidirectional current: secondaire,(elcc.) secondary current, polariza- tion current; de sortie, ebb current ; sou* , undertow; sous-mar in, undertow; ttrrestre, (elec.) ground-, earth-current. courant, a., running, (lowing; instant; current; (cord.) running. couraiitin, m., (artif.) line-rocket. courbage, m., bending, curving. courbant, a., bent, curved; m., compass timber; bois , compass timber. courbuton, m., knee in a boat. cour'iatu, a., (hipp.) foundered, che>t foun- dered. courbuture, f., (hipp.) founder, foundering, lameness; (in gtn.) lameness, as from bicycle riding: ginirah, i' id lie, (hipp.) chest founder- ing. courbuturer, v. a., (hipp.) to bring on lameness, to founder. eourbe, f., curve; arc; railway curve: (top.) con- tour; (/ion/.) knee, rib, of a" boat: (macii.i knee, rib; i /mm.; fork of a saddle; (hipp.) cuib (not to be confounded with the "curl''' of English writers, I lie French of which is jurat f, balistigue, (ball.) ballistic curve; in bois, wooden knee: da dual, curve of pursuit : de chut/-, (l''r. art.] in t:ie planclntlt: dc tir, the locus of all the points of fall lor given angles of elevation; df la cloche, probability curve; en cceur, (much.) heart wheel; courbe 109 ro urroic courbe de defilement, (ball.) in small-arm fire, curve used in obtaining elevations for plunging fire; des densites, (ball.) curve showing grouping of shots about the center of impact, (hence) prob- ability curve; d'egale teinte, (top. drawing) curve of equal shade; - d'epaulcment, (ball.) v. de defile- ment: d' evacuation, (steam) initial exhaust lino of an indicator diagram; d'ivilement, (r. r.) side track; tnfer, iron knee; grosse, (top. drawing) contour drawn in with heavy stroke, in heavy line; horizontal, (top.) contour; hypsometrique, (top.) contour; de I'indicateur, (steam) indicator diagram, curve; dejustesse, (ball.) curve comparing accuracy of different guns; de liaison, strengthening knee; & longue inflexion, (mach.) Watt's link motion; montant dc , (pont., etc.) upper part of a knee; de niveau, de nivcUement, (top.) con- tour; des pressions, (ball., etc.) curve of pressures; (cons.) thrust line (of an arch); dt sections horizontals, (top.) contour; s de tir, (ball.) graphical table of fire, range table; de Vaucanson, (mach.) heart-wheel, courbe, a., bent, curved; devenir par le tir, (art.) to droop at the muzzle; tir , (art.) curved fire. courbl, a., bent, curved, crooked; secured by knees. courhement, m., bending, incurvation. courber, v. a. n., to curve, to bend; to shape, bend to shape; to sag, bow, bend. courbet, m., (harn.) bow of a saddle; pack-saddle tree. conrbette, f., (man.) curvet, curvetting; faire dts , to curvet. courbetter, v. a., (man.) to curvet. courbure, f. , curvature; curve; bend; (/( /across^, (sm.a.)beudor angle of the stock, inclination of the butt; double, double curvature, S - shaped curve; dn sol, curvature of the surface of the ground; d( la trne, curvature of the earth. courcur, in., runner; (mil.) mounted scout (obs.); i/( fond. long-distance runner; de rilesse , sprinter. courlr, v. a. n., to run; to flow; go over; (mi!.) to overrun (a country), to raid; aui aniKs, to lly to arms; In baguf, to ride at the rings; la boulint, to run the gauntlet; ont.) rack lashing knot; ouvrageci , ( Fort.) crown work; de pieu, pile-hoop; elr. piston, (mach.) junk ring, piston cover, piston ring; de presst-etoupe, (mach.) stuffing-box gland; it rochet, (mach.) crown wheel; - de roue, rim of a wheel; - de rovlement. (art.) roller path; de spheres, (jort.) spherical-roller ring; de tour, (Jort.) casting around turret spindle. couroime, a., (hi]>p.) broken-kneed; mil-rage , (fort.) crown work. couronnement, m., cap, coping; top or summit (of a road, dike, etc.); top piece; (siege) crow u- ing; du chemin convert, (siege) crowning of the covered way; d'un entonnoir de mine, (siege) crowning of a mine crater; de la galiionnade, (siege), laying, act of laying, fascines on top of the gabion work, of the gabion revetment; pied & pied, (siege) crowning of the covered way by gradual approach; de vive force, (siege) crowning of the covered way by open assault; de v'oute, (mas.) crown. couroimer, v. a. r., to cap, crown; (mil.) tu o-cupy heights, a position, after driving out the enemy; (siege) to crown, to make a lodgment in; (of trees) to betrin to wither at the top; (of horses) to spring the knees: le clumin couvert, (siege) to crown t he covered vay; un entonnoir, (siege) to make a lodgment in, I o crown, a mine crater; la galiionnade, (riegt) to lay fascines on top of the gabion work. courre, v. a., to run, race (a horse); to hunt (run) (deer, etc.). courrier, m., courier, messenger; - de cabinet, bearer of dispatches, king's messenger; et'ordonnance , v. nuxsagtr de campagnt; - tw/an/, shell containing message (obs.). COiiiToie, f., slrap, throng; (mach.) bolt, band, driving belt; (ham.) coupling strap, collar- strap, etc.; el'eigrafc dc collero/i, (art., harn.) pole-yoko strap; d'arcade, (harn.) yoke strap; (car., dc.) equipment strap; nrri't, (him.) keep strap; d'atte'lle , hauie-st rap: dc I'aralnirt . (hern. > hip strap, Hank-strap; de Imttf, (car.) bucket si rap (carbine i; - el liuueie, strap and buckle; de brflaye . lashing strap; n lirins croixi '., ( much.) c-rossed belt : ii brins peiralll'li x. tm'ich.} open belt: ccinture .strap belt ; tie rnnture, (mid.) belt of u run. let; (inn!.) waist strap; e-hairn . (mach.) Rouiller's belt : eti- ch'inje, (mil.) luggage strap: cir! > shoe- ca.se strap: - ili chargement. (harn.) seeuring -~tr.il> | .' >ir gun-carriage on p;u-k-mule i; - dc cliasse , (mach.) driving belt; courroie 110 cousslnet eourroie croisfe, (mack.) crossed belt; croiste au quart, (mach.) quarter-crossed bolt; - demi-croisee, (mach.) quarter-twist, half- crossed belt; directe, (mach.) open belt; direction de la , (mach.) set or direction of a bolt (so that it will not run off the pul- leys); dwsilre, (ham.) back-strap (pack, moun- tain artillery): double, (mach.) belt of double thickness; de dragonne, (coy.) carbine stay-strap; droite~(mach.) open belt; d'entreloise, (harn.) transom strap (pack, mountain artillery); sans fin, (mach.) endless belt, driving belt; de guindage, (cai'.) retaining strap; de lance, (car.) lance sling; de manteau, (caw.) cloak strap; de mousquiton, (art.) carbine belt; ouverte, (mach.) open belt, band; de paquetage, (mil.) pack strap, equipment strap; de pommeau, (cav.) equipment strap (on pommel); de porte-crosse, (cav.) carbine strap (with carbine in boot); porte-Squipemenl, (inf.) equipment strap (supports waist-belt); porte-traits. (harn.) trace strap; de retraite, (harn.) hold-back strap, back- ing strap; de sic, (inf.) equipment strap; de sacoche, (cav.) brush-bag strap; simple, (mach.) belt of single thickness; -support, bearing strap, supporting strap; -support de limoniere, (harn.) shaft strap (mountain artillery); de surcharge, (harn.) top-pack strap (moun- tain artillery); tnmbour de -, (mach.) belt pulley; de transmission, de transmission de mouvement, (mach.) belt, driving belt or bund; triple, (mach.) belt of threefold thickness; de trnussequin, (cav., etc.) coat strap; trousse-traits, (harn.) trace strap, tucking strap. cours, in., course, direction, extent, length, turn; current, flow, stream; track, path; course of study, term; (/'< /., stream, water course; f'tcjiltatif , elective course (in a college, etc.V, infericur, lower course of a stream, por- tion of the course in. which there is scarcely and fall; nioiiin, middle course of a stream, in which the fall islets than l:l..; preliininaryschoolcourse for illiterate soldiers: Ic prfparatoire, ( />. a.) cull or signal for men to turn out for school', nuprrirur, upper course of a stream, in which the fall varies from 5:100 or 7:100 to 1:1000. course, f., course, run; race, journey, trip; career; (mil.) incursion, inroad, irruption; (nay.) cruise; privateering, commerce-destroying; (nrt.\ flight of a projectile, (much.) throw (of a pi ; ton), travel (of a valve), throw (of an eccentric, of a crank), feed, length of feed; nl'er fn , (nav.) to go privateering; urini-T en , (na>.) to lit out for privateer- ing: de la Itague, de hagucs, (man.) riding at rings; fibnitti- . (mach.) at the end of the stroke; d bout di 1 , v. ii bas d< ; fi rhn nl , rid' 1 ; de. chf'itif, horse race; nn rlwh'. r , steeplechase; dffctii'lrni'f du. piiton, (mach.) doivu stroke, back stroke of a piston* course, directe du piston, mach.) forward stroke of the piston; d eclipse, (art. fort.) "disappearing" dis- tance (of a disappearing cupola or gun carriage); en , (nav.) on a cruise, privateering; par enjeut, sweepstake; d'essai, (nav.) trial trip, trial run; d' eicentriquf , (mach.) throw of an eccentric; faire la , (nar.) v. aller en ; faire une , to take, go for, a run; (mil.) to make an inroad; defond, long-distance race or run; guerre de , (nav.) privateering, commerce- destroying; dot haies, hurdle race; haut de , (mach.) top of the stroke; longueur de , (mach.) length of stroke; d'obstacles, steeplechase, hurdle race; d, pied, foot race; de piston, (mach.) throw, travel, of a piston; plate, flat race; retrograde, (mach.) return stroke (piston, etc.); terrain de , race course; de telex, (man.) riding at heads; du tiroir, (mach.) travel of a slide-valve; au trot, trotting race; de velocite, (mil. gym.) dash (never exceeds 150 meters); de vitesse, dash, sprint. coursler, m.,race, mul race; float board; cul- vert (of a water-wheel); (hipp.) charger, steed; (nav. art.) bow gun, bow chaser; de roulement, (sm. a.) butt-piece (of the Borchardt pistol). coursive, f., (nav.) waist, wing passage; gangway plank. court, a., short; limited, scanty; (art.) lower (of two elevations, in ranging); shorter (of the elements of the fork in ranging); 6 , (to bo) short (of money, etc.); bdton, (sin. a.) generic term for halfpikes, sword canes, etc.); tour ner , to turn short. court-&-pattes, m., (mil. slang) foot artillery- man. courtaud, a., (hipp.) thick-set; docked; m., horse docked and cropped. courtauder, v. a., (hipp.) to dock and crop a horse. courte-ep6e, f., (sm. a.) generic term for any short-bladed weapon (nearly obs.). courte-(|ueue, m., (hipp.) docked horso. courtine, f., (fort.) curtain; (in field works) parapet connecting salients: former , (mil.) of men, to form a screen, to close a gap. court-joint*;, a., (hipp.) short-pasterued , short- jointed. court-moiitC, a., (hipp.) short-coupled. coussin, m., cushion, pad; driver's leggings; bolster, chock, bed; fiair, air-cushion; dc mire, (art.) quoin (obs.). coussiiiet, in., pad, cushion; (harn.) pad (for straps, etc.); (mas.) impost (of a picd-droit); bolster, wagon-bolster; iron wedge; (tnach.) box, journal box; bearing, journal blaring; bush, hushing, brass: pillow, pillow-block, phimbe.r block, bolster; collar; (r. r.) chair, rail-chair; dirt.) trunnion-bed lining or plate., trunnion-bed; holster, carriage-bolster; ( l''r. car.) cushion or pad of rubber or Leather for carbine (cuirassiers); (pnnt.) bolster, bolster- block; d'uUxoir, (iitl.) cutter; burnisher (of a boring tool); d'asscmblage, (r. r.) ioint-chair: -de liidle, (much.) ciosshead box or Inuring proper; connecting-rod end; a billc.i, (innrh.) ball bearings: bride, (mach.) connecting-rod strap; - -de charge , (harn.) breast liariev, pail; - ilt rhr.val , (harn. ) pillion; - i\'- rliffilft. (ptnit.) t.ri'-'tlc bolster; de cruise mcnl, (r. r.) crossing '.:hair; roussinet 111 < i H h.il cousstiiet df culassr, (art.) traveling bolster (breech); de df , (r. r.) chair-block; double , (r. r.) double chair; echauftl, (mack., etc.) hot box, heated ln bolster; rafralchir un , (mach.) to cool a bearing; de selle, (harn.) pad of a saddle; suiwrieur, (mach.) upper brass; de volte, (art.) muzzle traveling bolster. c<> ill. m., cost; premier , first cost, purchase price. coutal, m., (mi. a.) saber forming a carbine bayo- net (obs.). contrail, m., knife, cutter; knife-edge of a balance; any knifo-od'%.; feather of carrier pigeon to which mo .ARC is attached; d'alemir, (art.) cutter (of a boring head); anglais, (farr.) drawing knife; ba'ionnette, (.tin. a.) knife bayonet; beige, (powd.) granulating knife, (for certain powders); de chalcur, (hipp.) sweat knifo, sweating knife; fi conserve, can opener, opening knifo; fi df, chit/utter. (cii>l.) pulping knifo, knifo roll, knifo plato, knifo plato ana roll; d dtui manchr.t, draw knifo; grand , (mil., slang) cavalry sabe r ; - -poignard, (sm. a.) poniard bayonet (I)audo- teau); rdcloir, scraper. coutclas, m., (sm. a.) cutlass. coutll, m., ticking, drill. couture, f., se,am; lash, burr; rivet seam or burr; battreft /ilnte , to defeat utterly; rafxit/nt, fell, tout scam. couvcrolf, m., cover, lid, cup, top; (sm. a.) dust cover; (much.) cylinder cover; it char n if re, hinged lid; dc cheinixea liroir, (mach.) valve-casing cover; de culindre. (mach.) cylinder cover; - tie pixton, (mach.) piston cover. couvrrt, a., co\ r ered;sheltered, hid; (of the weather) overc-asi ; (fiirr.) wide (said of tlio bearing- surface of the shoe); (mil.) covered; (lop.) close, woodfid; ehrinin , ( fnrl.) covered way; puyx -, (toil.) close, wooded country; tem/>x , cloudy weather; terrain , (tup.} close terrain. cou\crt, m., shelter, cover; (ti>.) overgrown, \v ooi led, close country or terrain; ft -
  • al. (harn.) horse-bhuiket; dm lit* inilUaire.t, du service den lit* mili- tatrm, (Fr. a.) ordinary service or garrison blanket (for men, includes also foot-blanket); desfllf, (harn.) saddle-cloth, blanket; triiiipt* de , (mil.) tnxms covering a mobilisa- tion, troops garrisoning frontier forts. couvrantp, f., (/or/.) lino of flre, Interior crest. couvre-aiiiorre, in., (.nn. a.) prlmor-x)ver, primer cup or cap. couvro-biisslnrt, in., (urn. a.) pan-cover (obs.). coiivre-bouclu', m., (art.) muzzle-cover. com rr-l>ourlir-< c>ii\re-i;illdoii, t M;I. a.) mil/ /In and front-sight cover. couvrp-ranon, in., (*m. a.) muzzle-cover, mur.r.le tompian. couvre-cliarsros, m., (art.) comjwrtment cover in ammunition wagons. couvn-rhef, m., generic term for headdress, headdress In general. coiivrp-clavetto, in., (mach.) key-cap. couvre-colback, m., (untf.) oilcloth cover for oolbaok. couvre-culasso, m., (art.) brewh-cover. couvre-ciinn'iiaKi's, in., (mach.) wlieelcse, gearing case. rinivre-Ctoiipo, m., (marh.) stulTlng-box cover. couvn v -face, in., (fort.) face cover; counter-guard. roiivrc-fed, m., fire-plate. couvw-flle, m., (mil.) proposed shield or pinto to protect inlantry from small-arm lire. couvre-fonto, m., (x?n.a.) holster caj). ctiiivrr-frrln, m., (art.) brake-i'over. nuivrc-ullxTiio, in., (mil.) cartridge-box cover. COUVre-KUlllon, m., (.sw. r an aur.er). couvrc-roiic.s, in., (mach.) gear-cnvei , wheel- cover. couvrt'-shako, m., (uni/.) .shako-cir er idlr,. in Kr. a.). (((livre-traiH'lianl, in., e protestor couvrenr, in., f /unit.) ch couvre-vls, in., irt.) br< cjll\rlr, v. ;\,, to ro 1 i-r, t to cover (a p.i t;-e, protect. Hlie I'.,:; c (/i/y./;.) to cover, ei .ir , (man.) to co\ er, - -Mn'rhrf df. /i/-, (mil. r.inl; man. covoluine, in., ( In II., < r /it )< constant " ol ('lail.-iu:.. coxal, in., (liti>/>.) haunch I" coyau, in., (runt.) rafter Inn royer, in., (ntn.i.) arii ; beam crachat, m , (run*. > poor material . f flu in/ , I lie I in order* ol l.mghlliood. ers I In' merchalldl .e); ( a Ulan i; ', cliec). hi , I, .pi (,,! n I.I to cover one'-, fronl- cracheinent 112 creosote craehement, in., (of boats) starting of seams; (art., am. n.) escape of gas through defective breech closure; (steam) priming, foaming, of a boiler: (fond.) running over of a mold; (eke.) sparking. cracher, v. a. n., (art., sm. a.) to escape (of gas, through defective breech closure); (steam) to prime, foam (of boilers); (fond.) to run over (of a mold); (rlec.) to spark; les itouuts, to expel, start, calking from seams of a boat. craie, f., chalk; etre marque h la , (mil.) to have troops billeted on a house; logirdla , (mil.) to billet; maison eiempte de la , (mil.) house exempt from billet; marqucr. tracer, a la , (mil.) to billet or quar- ter soldiers. rranipe, f., cramp, staple, cramp-iron, catch. crampon, m., cramping-iron, staple; catch; cramp; holdfast; spike; creeper; brace; (fan.) calk of a horseshoe, calkin; (i I'aragonaise, (fan.) pyramidal calk; -d'assaut, (mil.) creeper, worn on shoes in an assault (obs.); d'attelage, (ham.) shaft-staple; defer a chcval, (farr.) frost-nail, calkin; li glace, (farr.) calkin, frost-nail; & brcittcs de chat, (farr.) v. & Vara- gonaise; portc-esse de rechange, (art.) spare linch- pin hook; ft vis, (farr.) screw calkin. cramponner, v. a., to cramp, fasten with a cramp; (hence, fig.) to hold on tight (to a wall, etc.); (Jan.) to rough-shoe a horse, put on calkins. crampoimet, m., small cramp, cramp-iron; tack; staple, cran, in., notch, mark, nick; cog, ear; crank; (met.) defect in welding; (hipp.) ridge of a horse's mouth; (art..sm. a.) sight-notch; (sm. a.) notch of the firing mechanism; & s, cogged, notched; de I'abattu, (sm. a.) sear-notch, (in the Lebel) the first notch of the cocking piece receiving the sear after firing; de I'armc, (sm. a.) cocking-notch, full-cock notch; d'arret. (sm. a.) stop notch; du bandc, (sm. a.) lull-cock notch; du curstur, (art., sm. a.) slide notch (of a sight); de d< montage, (sm. a.) (in the Lebel) dis- mounting notch in the ejector-head; de de-part, (sm. a.) full-cock notch; d'emoarrage, (art.) maneuvering, embarring, notch; dc la hausse, (art., sm. a.) rear-sight notch; - de mire, (art., sm. a.) sight notch; mobile, (art., sm. a.) slide notch; de r( [>os, (sm. a.) half-cock notch; (r. f. art.) catch for operating handle; de siirtte, (sin. a.) safety notch; (r. f. art.) safety catch. crane, in., skull. crapaud, m., toad; (torn.) anchoring weight, mushroom anchor; (hipp.) thrush (aggra- vated); (mil. slang) diminutive man; purse in which soldiers store up savings; - - d'amarrage, mushroom anchor. CrapaudJiie, f., (mach., etc.) step, bearing, step- hearing; pivot-step; thrust-bearing; socket, pivot-hole; bush, coll-ir, pillow; valve of a discharge or escape pipe; grating over the mouth of a gutter pipe, etc.; (hipp.) disease or atfeotion of the anterior face of the coronet, leading to fissures in the coronary band; fimilh, (much.) spindle-hearing; ct grain mobile, (mocft.) independent step bearing; male, (mach.) pivot; ii pat in horizontal, step-bearing; aitc plaque dt fixation terticaU, (mach.) wall step-bearing. craquer, v. u., to give way, yield, crack, spring. crasse, f., (art., sm. a.) fouling of the bore; (met.) dross, cinders, slag. cratere, m., (art., min.) crater (produced by ex- plosion of a shell or of a mine); (elcc.) hollow or crater of the arc-light carbon. cratlculer, v. a., (drawing) to reduce by squares. cravache, f., riding whip, horse whip. cravate, m., Croatian horse; horse soldier (obs.). cravate, f., cravat. necktie; axle-collar, -strap (of a capstan); (cord.) top tackle; (mi/.) bow tied around the top of staff of colors; (expl.) quick-match (fastened to a fuse, etc.); d'avant-train, (art.) pintle-stay. cravater, v. a., un drapeau, (mil.) to tie a bow, etc., around the head of the color- staff. crayon, m., pencil, chalk, crayon; pencil-drawing, rough, draught; sketch, outline; (elcc.) carbon of an arc lamp; & dessiner, drawing pencil; lithographique , lithographic chalk; & n bees, railroad pencil. crayonner, v. a., to draw in pencil, to sketch, outline. crfance, f., trust, credit; bill, money owing, debt; elongcr en , (cord.) to make a guess warp; leUre de , letter of credit; ambassador's credentials. cr6at, m., (man.) riding-master's assistant. creclie, f., manager, crib. credit, m., credit; (adm.) appropriation; extraordinaire, emergency appropria- tion; legislatif, appropriation by legislation, gov- ernment (congressional, parliamentary) ap- propriation; lettre de , letter of credit; ministerifl, funds turned over by a gov- ernment minister to his subordinates lor the expenses of their departments; sous-dilegue, (Fr. a.) in the intcndance, funds turned over by an inlendant to his sous- intendaiits; suppli men!airf, additional appropria- tion, (sometimes) emergency appropria- tion. crtmaillere, f., (mach., etc.) rack, rack-work, rack-gear, rack-bar; ratchet, rack-tooth; (fort.) indented line; (art.) traversing-rack, elevating arc; (sm. a.) circular ratchet (Colt's revolver); cried , rack-jack; en , indented; (narcdecercle, (art.) circular elevating arc; ligne.il , (fort.) indented line: de pointaye, (art.) elevating arc; reunir en , (carp.) to joggle; trace ft , (fort. ) cremailiere trace. crfimone, f., sash-fastener. crC'iieau, m., (fort.) loophole, battlement, em- brasure; (mil.) interval between units, place of a chtf de stciion in the line; de, couronnement, (fort.) battlement; droit. (fort.) normal loophole; d'ilagc, (fort.) loophole through a wall at any point; 'horizontal, (fort.) horizontal loophole: - -machicoulis, (fort.) machicolated loop- hole; de pied, v. machicoulis; en sacs & ttrre, (fort.) sand-hug loop- hole; nrlical. (fort.) vertical loophole; de tisie, (fort.) aiming peep or slit in armored forts). crCiU'ler, v. a., (fort.) to loophole, embattle, crenelate; (m gen.) to cog. indent, notch, tooth. crenel urc, f.. (fort.) battlement; (in gen.) indent- ing, toothing, notching. crtosotage, m., creosoting, impregnation with creosote. crfeosote, f., creosote. creosoter 113 crochet creosoter, v. a., to creosote, impregnate with creosote. crCpe, m., crape, piece of crape; porter le ou bras, au sabre, (mil.) to wear mourning on the arm, on the sword. crepi, m., (cons.) plastering, parget; rough coat of plaster; donner un 4, to rough cast, rough coat. creplne, f., strainer, rose (of a pump, over the mouth of a pipe, etc.). crfplr, v. a., (com.) to plaster, parget; to rough cast, rough coat; d. la chaux, to whitewash. crfpltement, m., crepitation; - de la fusillade, (mil.) crack of musketry. crplter, v.n., (mil.) to crack (of musketry). cre^ylite, f., (rrpl.) cresylite. crCte, f., (top.) crest, ridge, top; (unif.) crest of a helmet; (sm. a.) thumb piece, comb; d'artilltrie, (mil.) the ridge line on which guns take position; du chien, (sin. a.) comb of the hammer; courrante, (mil.) line or position under the shelter of the crest proper; erterieure, (fort.) exterior crest; defeu, (fort.) interior crest; d'infanterie, (mil.) line or position from which the slopes and approaches can be swept by infantry fire (on the slope next the enemy); interifure, (fort.) interior crest; d( manoeuvre, (tin. a.) milled head or thumb piece; masque, (mil.) covering crest (for artil- lery); 'militaire, (mil.) line or position from which the slopes and approaches can be kept under pood observation; military crest; quadrillff, (sm. a.) milled head or comb; a ressauts, (fort.) terraced crest, crest in steps; supirieure, (fort.) superior crest; topographique, (mil.) the ridge line proper, watershed. creusajre, m., dipping, excavation; deepening. creuser, v. a., to dig, excavate, deepen; to dredge; to hollow, to hollow out; machine ii , dredging machine; au tour, (mach.) to turn hollow. creuset, m., (met.) crucible, hearth, fireplace of a hand-forge; crucible, throat, of a blast furnace; mithddc du pttil , crucible method of making steel. creux, u., hollow, empty. creux, m., hollow, groove, cavity; (artif.) fuse socket, fuse cavity; (art.) hollow of a shell; (fund.) mold; (mach.) depth of a cog, clearance, space between adjacent teeth; (nai-.) trough of tne sea; (sm. a.) groove of a sword blade; u-d.) coming-sieve; passt r au , par le , to sift, to screen; a piYd, screen, sifter; it poudrc, (iJiiH'd.) powder-sieve; saxxiur, bolter; a scconxse. swine-sieve; a tambours, (artif.) mixing-sieve. 3877 17 8 cribler, v. a., to sift, to screen; (sm. a.) to riddle; - de balles. (sm. a.) to riddle. crlr, m., jack, lifting-jack; - d'assemblage, cramp; - de campagne. (art.) field jack; - compose, rack and pinion jack; - o cremaillere, rack-jack; - u crochet, hand-jack; - & crochets de suspension, sort of jack for raising and lowering the cap of the Belgian trestle; - double, double jack; - ii double engrenage, double rack-jack; - ii cngrenage, rack-jack; - it main, hand-jack; - a nou, chain-jack; - h double noii, double-clawed jack; - & deux pattes, double-clawed jack; - de siege, trench jack; - simple, ordinary hand-jack; - de tnnchte, y . - de siege ; - a i -is, screw-jack. crime, m., crime. crimeeniie, f., (unif., FT. a.) hooded rollar (not regulation) worn with or without the overcoat. crimlnel, in. and a., criminal. crin, m., (hipp.) horsehair (of mane or tail): - s blancs, white mane or tail (dark-coated horse); checala tous - s, horse with flowing mane and tail; - * laves, washed mane and tail (dark-coated horse); s melanges, mane or tail containing white hairs, there being none in the coat. criniere, f., (hipp.) mane; (unif.) horsehair plume mane of a helmet; - (n brosse, (hipp.) hogged mane. crinoline, f., crinoline; affut a - -, (r. f. art.) crinoline mount. port, or basin, made by excavation; (art.) hair- crique, f., cr oun eek, cove; small harbor or port, crack (of an armor plate); (md.) fissure pro- duced by tempering, small crack, seam, hair- crack (of an ingot); (sm. a., (tc.) bit of iron, etc. (fraudulently) used to conceal flaws in a gun barrel, etc."; (top.) basin-like depression; (fort.) cut, ditch; des fosses, (fort.) inundating channel around a fort, to prevent hostile trenchwork. eriquer, v.a., (inet.) to crack. criquet, m., (hipp.) pony .small horse. croc, in., hook, crook: claw of a lifting-jack; catch; boat-hook, grapnel, drag; (i cosse, thimble-hook; ii declic, pawl-hook; double, clasp-hook; a duuillf , socket hook; it echappenn nt, slip-hook; ae nit rillon . swivel-hook ; it IIK ntonnet. forelock, hook; de palan, (cord.) tackle-hook; it puintf (til crnchit. boat-hook: s /inrti-fcoui i/loii, (art.) sponge-hooks; s /Kirtt-rtfouloir. (art.) sponge-hooks: portc-seau, (art.) bucket-hook; i n S. S-shaped hook. croclicr, v. a., to hook; to seize with a boat- hook. crochet, m., hook, little hook: crook; fire-hook; bend: i-law; crochet; clasp; hasp; (urt.} lan- yard-hook; (:/iil.) flank, either refused or thrown forward; (harn.) near ,:idc curb-hook; (hipp.) tusk, canine tooth; (,/ trigger-guard catch; a bombc, (art.) shell-hook i,obs.); crochet 114 croquis crochet de bout de timon, (harn.) pole-hook; de brague, (art.) breeching-hook; de brelage, any lashing hook ; de carabine, (sm. a.) carbine swivel; de charge, pack-hook (ol pack-saddle); de chemin, bend or turn of a road: chcville-ouvriere, (art.) pintle-hook; clou a , tenter-hook; de dechargement, (art.) hook for drawing cartridge; defensif, (mil.) defensive crochet, wing or flank thrown back; double, double hook; double fiannesu, double tackle hook and ring; double d'eyuipement, double tackle (swivel) hook; double de retraite, (art.) double trail hook; double de reunion dechaine, double connect- in;: hook (for chains); elcvatoire, lifting hook; d'enrayage de tir, (art.) locking chain hook; d'epars, (art.) crossbar hook of a field gin; d'cpontillc, stanchion hook; d'equipement, (mach., etc.) tackle-hook; & clrangler, (artif.) choking hook; extracteur, (r.f. art.) hook extractor (Gard- ner gun); frndu, split hook, double hook; ferme, closed hook; a fourche, (art.) forked hook, sponge-hook; du glacis, (fort.) passage around traverse on the covered way, crotchet; a incendie, fire hook ; jumcau d'amarrage & double bee, (art.) double mooring-hook (cabestan de carrier)', de. lerage, lifting-hook; de manoeuvre, (art.., sm. a.) any hook used in mounting ox dismounting parts of the mechanism; de mousqueton (art., etc.) snap-hook; ii obv.K, (art.) shell-hook; o Ifcwif, (mil. ) offensive crochet, wing or flank thrown forward; ouvert, open hook; li piton, ring-bolt and hook; h, poignees, (art.) shell-hook; de pontage, (pont.) lashing hook; -s portc -armements, (art.) equipment hooks; port-ecouvillon, (art.) sponge-hook; porte-lenier, (art.) trail handspike hook; portc-levier -portercau, (art.) trail handspike hook: pvrte-sdhots, (art.) locking-shoe hook; porte-neau, (art.) bucket hook; de. prolongc, (art.) prolonge hook; * - -rfnoir, (harn.) pack saddle rain-hook; de r envoi, (art.) guide hook (for lanyard); ii rcssort, spring hook, spring latch; dc retour, (fort.) return; di retraite, breast or draught hook in heavy carriages; (art.) breast-hook, trail-hook; de. reunion de chainc, chain hook, connecting hook; ringanl h . hooked poker; en S, S-hopk, open link, S-shaped hook; de nape, (siege) return; simple, single hook ; de xo u If cement, lifting hook; nvp/itirt de limonierc, (art.) shaft hook (moun- tain artillery): dr fete d'aff&t, (art.) breast-book ; ile ti'/r de trait, (harn.) front t race-hook; tire-cartouche*, (art.) cartridge-case extrac- tor; tire-chalne, chain pick; tnc-ijiirgowxc, (art.) cartridge-hook, unload- ing-hook; dr trail, (hnrn.) trace hook; return; dc traverse, (fort.) passage around a traverse on the covered way, crochet; dt ruli i , sv.'iriL'lHrec hook. croclM'tcr, v. a., to pick a lock. crochu, in., (hipp.) unciform bone. crocodile, m., (mil. slang) foreign student at St. Cyr. croisC, m., (fenc.) movement by which the ad- versary's blade or foil is forced from the upper to the lower line. crolsfo, f. window, casement; cross (of an anchor); (top.) crossing (of roads); (inst.) cross-hairs (telescope sight, etc.); d'ancre, cross of the anchor; de sabre, (sm. a.) cross or guard of a sword. croisement, m., (r. r.) crossing of two tracks; (hipp.) crossing of breeds (outbreeding); (fenc.) crossing of swords, toils, etc.; (mach.) belt crossing; au quart, (mach.) half quarter twist (of a belt). croiser, v. a. n., to cross, overlap; to lay or set across, to intersect; (cord., etc.) to cross; (hipp.) to cross, to breed out; (nav.) to cruise; (fenc.) to cross swords, foils, etc.; la ba'ionnette, (mil.) to charge bayonets; se , (cord.) to be crossed. croisette,, f., (urn. a.) sword or foil whoso guard is a simple cross. crolseur, in., (nav.) cruiser; ft barbette, barbette cruiser; second-class cruiser; d batterie, cruiser with broadside battery; -h ceinture cuirassec, belted cruiser; de combat, armored cruiser; -cor-mire, commerce destroyer; de course, commerce destroyer; cuirasse, armored cruiser; protege, protected cruiser; a rcdoute, cruiser with a redoubt battery: -torpilleur, torpedo cruiser ; & tourelles barbette, barbette-turret cruiser. crolslfire, f., (xm. a.) cross, hilt of a sword-bayonet; (nav.) cruise, cruising; (r. r.) crossing of two tracks; (pont.) spring line, cross or diagonal mooring; en , (nav.) on a cruise; guerre de , (nav.) privateering, commerce- destroying; tenir -, (nav.) to continue cruising. croislllon, m., crossarm, crossbar, crosspiece;boss and arms of a water-wheel; (art.) slide of a rear sight; (mach.) arm of a wheel; (cons., etc.) frame of crossed bars; s arlicwles, (mach.) cross-axis; -poignee, double tee handle, cross-handle; s d tourillons, (mach.) journaled arms (in some forms of universal joint). croissant, m., crescent; (art.) scraper (for interior of shell, as far as the eye); (hipp.) projection of the os pedii in founder; de bride, (harn.) heart of the throat-latch. crolx, f., cross, cross of an order; (cord.) kink; (am. a.) cross-hilt of a sword; en , crosswise, crossways; grand , knight grand cross; grand' , the cross or decoration worn by a grand-croix, grand cross; de St. Andre, diagonal stays, cross-stays; braces joined diagonally. Croix-Kouge, f., Geneva Cross, Red Cross; KoKictr. de la , Red Cross Society. croquade, f., rough, hasty sketch; dratnrlit. croqucmltalnes, m. pi., (mil. slang) soldiers sent l,o the disciplinary companies in Africa on account of self-mutilation. crocjuer, v. a., to make a rough sKc-tch or draught. croquis, in., sketch: plan, outline, rough draught; cahier rtr , sketch book; - d'r ri'cvtion, working sketch, sketch of detail; pitfnresque, landscape si- etch; topographiqve,toposra,]^}tic fm m. 1. gun (obs.); bjour, (r. /. art.) openwork stock (e. g., Hotchkiss); future la en Vair, (mil.) to surrender, yield; de pistolet, (r.f. art.) pistol stock. crotte, f., mud, mire (of the road or street). crottiii, m., (fond.) horse dung and clay for molds. croulernent, m., falling in, falling down (of build- ings). crouler, v. n., to sink, fall in, give way. cruullcr, a., boggy, swampy. cnmWere, f., bog, swamp. croupade, f., (man.) croupade. croupe, f., (hipp.) croup, rump, hind quarters, crupper; (cons.) hip-roof; (top.) long hill or crest, top or brow of a hill, point where brow of a hill drops down to a hill of lesser height; avalce, (hipp.) croup that slopes too much; balancer la , (man.) to be unsteady of gait (of a horse); biaisee, (cons.) hip-roof whose end wall is oblique to the facade; cuupee, (hipp.) very short croup; - - droite, (cans.) hip-roof whose end wall is perpendicular to the facade; en , (man.) behind; morttir en , (man.) to get up behind, to ride behind; de mulet, (hipp.) sharp croup; porter en , (man.) to ride double; prcndre en , (man.) to ride behind; en pupitre, v. avalee; tranchante, v. de mulet. croup, a., cheval bien , (hipp.) horse with fine hind quarters. croupiiider, v. a., to moor by a stern cable. croupaat, m., small stern-fast or cable. croupiere, f., (harn.) crupper; (of boats, etc.) stern-fast. croupen, m., crup, cnip leather, body leather (of a shoo). croute, f., crust; (font.) skin, casting skin. cru, a., raw, crude; montirfi , (man.) to ride bareback. cruche, f., pitcher, water-pitcher. erne, f.. growth, increase, swelling; rise, flood, freshet; d'arbre. growth and age of a tree. crusher, in., (ball.) crusher, crusher gauge; - -ii ccrasemcnt, crusher gauge. crj ptoKraniine, in., cipher, cryptogram. cryptographe, m., cipherer, cryptographer. cryptographic, f-, cryptography. cryptofrraphler, v. a., to convert into cipher, to encipher. crystal, in., crystal. cryptorchlde, m., (hipp.) cryplorchid. cryptorchldie, f., (Ai//>. ) cryptorchism. cryptorchldisnie, in., (hipp.) cryptorchism. cry>t:tlllii, a., crystalline. cuhiigc, m., cubic, measurement; cubic con- tents. ciihi'.lurc, f. . v. cubage. cube, in., cube; third power; volume or cubical amount (to be excavated, etc.); f. barbette-turrcl battleship; - -d'exnidTf IL tourcllrs fermrfs, turreted I'-MI],. ship veins,- d turretsi; - -ft fort central, battle ship with central :- doubt: lit litine. bat t le shi[>; - d( j>rrinitr rang. \ . - dr li.iiii-; -tiriditit. v. 'r(, f., (pont.) abutment; bank cut down, etc., for a bridge entrance; in a ponton bridge, the abutment sill conplete, i. e., anchorage, shore fastening or "(lead man " with chess against the ends of the balk's- shore-bay; (fort., etc.) abutment masonrv to take up the lateral thrust of one or more arches; mobile, (pont.) movable bay, draw, of a bridge. culer, v. n., (nav.) to go astern, make stem- way; nagtr, scier,it , (in rowing) to back all. culeron, m., (harn.) dock. cullfire, f., crupper; channel or gutter stone culot, in., bottom, bottom part, lower part (as of a spindle, etc.); small washer for a bolt or pin; (or,'.) base, bottom of a projectile- bottom of a cartridge bag; fragment of the cartridge bag at the bottom of the bore after firing; primer-cup (in certain cartridge cases)- (sm. a.) head (of a cartridge ca^e): (fond ) refuse metal at the bottom of a crucible; (powd ) v. s. v. cul (faux); en enclume, (sm. a.) base and anvil of the cartridge case (revolver, model 192); tfpansif, d, expansion, (art.) e'xnandine sabot; faux -, (art.) part of cartridge bag containing the priming-charge; rapportf, (sm. a.) the head of a built-up cartridge case, one seated or mounted on t! o case. culottage, m., (art.) the operation of forming or manufacturing a culot. culotU', f., (unif.) riding-breeches; (rr.ach.) up- right tube, upright of a boiler tube; uptake- (sm. a.) butt-cap of a revolver: vieille de peau, (mil. slang) retired gen- eral. culotter, v. a., (art., etc.) to make a culnt CUlpablUte, f., guilt; df duration de , (lair) verdict of guilty. CUltc, m., worship, religion; service des s, (mil.) chaplain's department. cultellation, f., (surv.) cuHellation. culture, f., cultivation (of fields, ete.v (hi ;7.) cultivated fields: hautat .s, any crops that grow to a consid- erable height above ground. cuiniil, m., state of filling two or more offices at the same time; of drawing pay f:r more than one office or employment at the same time. curielforme, n., wedge-shaped, cuneiform; m., (>iil>p.) one of the tarsal bones. dinette, f., (/or/.) cunette. curate, m., dredging, cleaning out (rivers, chan- nels, etc.). cure-feu, m., poker. curemeut, m., v. enrage. rure-iuOlo, m., dredger. cure-pied, m., (hipp.) hoof-pick. curer, v. a., to scour, dredge (a river, to clean, clear out. curette, f., cleaner, scraper; (ar>., am. a ,... for cleaning guns, rifles, etc.; (mil. xl/mgi cavalry saber: maniir la , (mil. plnnrpedo; - a chi mini . (strum ) jacketed cylinder; ckiiiiisi ilt . (t/fa/n) steam jacket; suns chunist, (stiam) imjacketod cylin- der; a cinylir, cimjlmr, (mach.) shingling roll: - a la Culltt'in, (puiit.) cylinder ponton; high-pressure cylin- cyllndre de competition, (artif.) the composition of rockets, etc.; couverclr de , (steam) cylinder cover; dtgrouiuew, (mach.) roughing-down roll; - - dftendeur, v. ft basse prtssion; de d.ttnte, v. & basxt presxinn; durciii la surface, (rnocft.) chilled roll; ibaufheur, (mach.) roughing cylinder; -enreloiipe, (sttam) steam jacket: enveloppe de , (steam) cylinder case, cas- ing: d'fpreuve, (art.) primer gauge: etireur, (mach.) drawing-down roll; finishing - - eitracteur, (sm. a.) broken-shell extrac- tor; ftnissfur, (mach.) finishing roller: fiie, (powd.) horizontal carbonizing ro- fund de , (steam) cylinder head; forgeur, (mach.) drawing-down roll; - -frdn, de frtin, (art.) recoil-checking cylinder; --& funee, (art.) smoke-producing cylin- der (used in the tcoles&fni, q. v.r, grand , (mach.) main roll; (steam) v. , (harn.) D-ring. due I IP, m., (mil. slant/) zouaves (a mythical po alliz raci.rntcr cela, a - marines. dactyUigraphe, in., typewriter. diictylogrupliir, f.. typewriting. gnletn, roller-bush; e n fiirrre, stone block: dc sunfllc, (harn.) cincha-ring; de surfaii, (harn.) cincha-ring, spider ring. dcbachase, m., until I ing of a cart. debacher, v. a., to untUt a cart. dObackigc, m., clearing of a harbor. debacle, f., confusion, disorder; breaking up of ico in a river. do!>;trler, v. a. n., to break up (of ico); to clear a harbor; to unbar a door or window. drtiallagr, m., unpacking. (It'-ballcr, v. a., lo unpack. dt'-bandade, f., confusion, disorder, stampede; a la. , in tlie greatest confusion, helter- skolter; fiii, ii in , (mil.) random firing, firo without order or system; wart-lit r a In , (mil.) to .straggle; sV/j nil' r n. In -, (;/(//.) I o leave the ranks. df-liandciiieiit, m., (mil.) disbanding, leaving, quit ling l lie ranks. dObandrr, v. a., lo take, off a band, a bandage; lo relax a spring: (*in. a.) to let down tho liainmer, tho bolt,, to uncock; (mil.) to dis- band; se , to go off, disperse: lo grow loose, slack; (mil.) In break ranks in disorder. dfharcadCrr, in., (r. r.) station; platform, quay; Cot a port) wharf. dbarquenient, in., landing, debarkation; dis- embarkation: (mil.) del raining (of troops); lundmi:, descent (of troops on a coast); nffi'it dc , (nij.ynic de , (mil.) landing party; debarquement, corps de , v. compagnic de ; troupes de , (mil.) troops for a landing. dCbarquer, v. a. n., to land, disembark; to unload, discharge; (mil., etc.) to leave a train (of troops etc.). dCbarrasser, v. a. r., to clear : disentangle; get, rid of; clear off, away; to strip, unload. dCbarrer, v. a., to unbar, disembar; to withdraw (a handspike, etc.). dCbftter, v. a., to take off a pack saddle. dfebauchnRe, m., (mil.) act of enticing a soldier (or sailor) to desert. dCbaucher, v. a., (mil.) to induce a soldier (or sailor) to desert. debillardement, m., cantling, cutting diagonally. df-blllarder, v. a., to cantle, cut off diagonally. dfbit, m., debit; cutting up, sawing, of logs, stone; unit volume of discharge or of flow, (hence, frequently) supply; (mach.) feed; grand , sawing of a log into planks or slabs, first sawing of a log (generally, a large log); petit , quartering, splitting, of a log or piece of wood (for small parts, as helves, spokos, etc.). dfbiter, v. a., (of timber, stone) to cut up, to saw up, to subdivide by sawing, etc., with a mini- mum of waste; to discharge (of streams, chan- nels, sluices, etc.). dCbitter, v. a., to unbitt a cable. deblai, m., (fort. r. r. etc.) cutting, excavation, cut; excavated earth; rubbish; en , excavated, cut; rtmblais et s, cuts and fills; route, etc.., en , road, etc., below the level of tho adjacent ground. dfiblalement, m., clearing (of the ground), re- moval of rubbish, dug earth, etc.; removal, sweeping away, of earth, as a result of artillery fire. dCblaye, p. p., entonnoir , (art., mil. min.) crater into which none of the earth loosened by the explosion falls back. dfiblayer, v. a., to excavate, dig; to remove rub- bish or excavated earth; to clear; (r. r.) to clear the track; (mil.) to clear tho ground or position of the enemy; to clear the ground in front of a position; M??. camp, (mil.) to quit an encampment; le terrain, (mil.) to clear the ground of the enemy; la ioie, (r. r.) to clear the track. dfcblocus, m., (mil., nav.) raising of a blockade. debloqiior, v. a., (mil., nav.) to raise tho blockade, to relieve a besieged place; (art.) to unlock (a safety device). dfibolsemeiit, m., clearing of woods, of timber; (mil.) clearing away of timber from tho front of a position. dCboiser, v. a., to clear of woods, of timber; (mil.) to clear or remove timber from tho front of a position. deboltemeiit, in., dislocation (of a bone); (mil.) breaking out of column, leaving, act of leaving, column (either temporarily, as at drill, or per- manently, when units separate); (in some movements) stepping, or act of stepping, to the right (or left;. deboUer, v. a., to dislocate (a bone); to separate (as joints of a pipe): (mil.) to break out of column, lo Ica.o the column; (in certain move- men' sj to slep to the right (or loft;. debonnetor, \ . ;>., \ . il<'ci >mt , head to wind. debraser, v . a. , to unsolder. debr;i>ajc > , m., (nuich.) disengaging, uncoup- ii:r/, throwing out of gear; dLsengaging gear, release, clutch fur throwing out of gear. dcbiayer, v. a., (much.) to disconnect, uncouple. thr-iv out. of gear, release, ungear. debreler, v. a., (con/.) to imlasli. dOhridcment, m., (ham.) unl>ridling, removal of bridle. debrider, v. a., (hum.) to unbridle; i hence) to halt; aw.! , without interruption. debriilo liner, v. a., (hnrn.i to take olT the bridoon. debris, in., fragments; wreck (of un army, etc.); remains; rubbish. debroiiiller, v. a., to make out , discern; He. . to get out of a difficulty, to know how to take, tho initiative. debroussalllrmrnt, m., clearing away of under- brush, bushes (as, from tlie front of a |>osi- tion). debroussalllrr, v. a., to clear awnv underbrush, etc. (as, from the front of a position). debrutlr, v. a., to clear oft* the rough, to rough polish. debusquemerit, m., (mil.) dislodgment , expul- sion (v. dtbusqvrr). debusquer, v. a. n., (mil.) to drive out, dislodge (generally by means of a surprise, from under cover, etc.); to come out (as, from cover, etc.). decade, f., (Fr. art.) set of 10 readings with the Goulier telomeJre. decagramme, m., decagram, 10 grams. decalage, m., unscotching (of a wheel); (mach., etc.) unwedging, unkeying. dteater, v. a., to unscotch a wheel; (mach., etc.) to remove a wedge, a key. dCcalibrement, m., (art.) modification of tho cali- ber of a gun: 1, by accident; 2, by transforma- tion of bore (conversion). decalitre, m., decaliter, 10 liters. decalquage, m., re-tracing, operation of tracing from a tracing. dfccalque, m., counter-tracing (tracing from a tracing); counter-drawing, re-tracing. decalqui*, m., counter-traced drawing, re-tracing. dficalquer, v. a., to counterdraw, to trace from a tracing, (in lithography) to transfer. decametre, m., decameter, 10 meters; (irul.) 10- mt'tor measuring tape; en rtssort d'acier, IOmeter steel tape; d ruban d'acier, 10-meter steel tape. decampement, m., (mil.) breaking camp; (fig.) making off in haste. dficamper, v. a. n., (mil.) to break or strike camp; (fig.) to decamp, inarch oil precipitately. decanter, v. a., to decant. decapage, m., scouring, cleaning; (met.) pickling, dipping, (dec.) cleaning of electrical con- nections. decapeler, v. a., (cnrd.) to unrig a masthead. decaper, v. a., to clean, scour (as metal): (met.) to pickle, dip; (eltc.) to clean electrical con- nections; unr fusee., (art.) to uncap a fuse; It mi!, to scrape, level, the surfaco of tho ground (as, for a tent i. dficarbonisatlon, f. , (met.) deearbonizntion, de- carburation. deoarbonlser, v. a., (met.) decarbonize, decarbu- rate. decarburation, f., (nut.} decarburation. decarburT, v. a., (met.) to 'lecarlniri/e, decar- bonize. decarburlsatlori, f., (nut.) decarburation. de<-:ir- honi/ation. decatir, v. a., to shrink, to sjioiu'e iclolln. decatissaice, in., shrinking, sponging (of cloth. 1 . deoeiitraire. m., (much., i'ic.) state of lu-ini- out of true, out of center; operation of putting out of center: (art.) boring a gun on an axis dilfer- ent from that of the exterior surf:icp. decentralisation, f., (mini.} decentralization (;is, of accoiinls, purcluises, etc. ). deceiitralKer, v. a., (ailm.) to decentrali/e iac- coiints. auditing, etc.). de( entralion, f.. (tn>n-h., c/r.1 act or o|.eratii.n of putting centers, axe,, fu-i. etc., out of true. deccntrcr, v. a., (tnnrh., (tc.) in put out of true ni dC-clialner. v. a., I derlialcmrnt, in., r banks, etc., visibl dechalcr, v. a., to lea dechajMToiinor, v. a., to reino\e a wall. dechappcr, v. a., (fond.) to tak the mold. dlcharge 120 dccommettre p, f.. unloading; discharge; release, exon- eration: lumber room; (art., sm. a.) discharge (of a gun, of a rifle), volley; (steam) discharge, exhaust; (cons.) safety arch, brace; (law) defense; i , (law) for the defense, in favor of the pris- oner; arccau en , (cons.) relieving arch; en . (cons.) relieving; gcntralc, (art., sm. a.) salvo, volley; juridique,(law) receipt; recognition of ac- quittal of obligations; mur en , (cons.) relieving wall; piece de .lumber room; soupape de , (steam, etc.) eduction valve; timomti , (law) witness for the defense; tityuu de -, delivery pipe; voutc ca , relieving arch. dScharsie', a., unstressed, unloaded (of keys, shafts, etc.). dCchargcnient, m., unloading, discharging, tilt- ing; (art., sm. a.) unloading of a piece; (art.) unloading of a shell, of a shrapnel; entrcr en , to break bulk. dechargeoir, m., (art.) sort of shell extractor (canon CL ballcs). dfecharger, v. a., to unload, empty, tilt; to put down, lay down (a load); to relieve, release, exonerate, discharge, acquit; (art., sm. a.) to shoot, fire; to draw a load, to unload; (mil. min.) to remove the charge from a mine. decliasser, v. a., to drive out a nail, bolt, etc. dCcliaussement, m., blowing up, undermin- ing (of foundations); baring (of a foundation); (art.) to expose, lay bare (a foundation) by artillery fire. dCclUiiisscr, v. a., to lay bare, to bare; to under- mine (as, a foundation); (man.) to take the foot out of the stirrup; (art.) to undermine, lay bare, by artillery fire; un pilot is, to blow up a pile. dfcchCaiice, f., forfeiture of a right, a franchise, statute of limitation. dediemfsement, m., (sm. a.) stripping (of a bullet). deciict, m.. waste, loss; wear and tear; (fond.) waste of metal in casting; - - d'abatage, waste or loss in slaughtering cattle; -s dc colon, cotton waste, cop; --de distribution, (mil.) the necessary waste in making issues; di ft u, (nut.) waste in the furnace. dechevftrer, v. a., (harn.) to unhaltcr. decheviller, v. a., to unpeg, unpin, remove a pin. etc. dfichlfTrement, m., deciphering (of a cryptogram. etc.). dCchiffrer, v. a., to decipher (u cryptogram, a cipher dispatch, etc. >. decliiqueU 1 , a., (top.) indented (as a coast lino). dechirer, v. a., to rend, tear, break up; to rip olf; d< la toile, (mil. slang) to execute platoon tiring. d-'-rliirurc, f.. rent, tear. di-choiipr, v. a., to get a grounded boat afloat. dOrlKramme, m., decigram, tenth of a gram. decilitre, m., deciliter, tenth of ;i liter. decimation, f., ( mil.) decimation. dcrjiiier, v. a., (mil.) to decimate. decimetre, m.. decimeter , tenth of a metrr. decilitre me nt, m., (cons.) removal of the center of an arch. decintrer, v. a., to remove, strike, the centering of an arch. decislf, a., decisive: combat , (mil.) decisive attack (generally on flank). decision, f., decision (as of war department, of this chief of tlin s!,tc. elc.,>; ( l-'r. art., car.) pub- lication of details, punishment list. etc. (the ra/ipurt of the infantry), by the c. o. of a regi- ment to his officers and to flatteries and troops. declanrhe, f., (mjcli.) disengaging gear, trip- gear. derlanchement, m., (mach., etc.) tripping, trip- gear; release, releasing-gear; operation of trip- ping, of releasing, of throwing out of gear. dgclancher, v. a., (mach., ftc.) to trip, release, throw out of gear, disengage a catch. declaration, f., declaration, statement; de guerre, (mil.) declaration of war; de quittance, (adm.) memorandum or Hat de soJde that the sum mentioned has been paid to its rightful owner. de versement au tresor, (adm.) statement (not a receipt) that a sum duo to state by a conscil d' administration or by a military per- son has been paid. declarer, v. a. r., to declare, certify; to find (guilty or not guilty); to break out. set in; 'la guerre,' (mil.) to declare war. dCclassement, m., (adm.) passage or transfer of a person, of an article, from one clas:; to another; (fort.) abandonment of forts, etc., for military purposes; -d'une bouchehfeu, (art.) rejection of a piece as too defective for regular service, accom- panied by retention for drill, target practice. dfeclasser, v. a., (adm.) to pass, transfer, a person, an article, from one class to another; (fort.) to abandon a fort, a work , for military purposes; (art.) to put "out of system;'' une bouche & feu, (art.) to reject a piece on account of minor defects, unfitting at for regular service, but not for target practice, etc. dficlencher, v. a., to unlatch. d6clir, m., trigger; click (of a pile driver); catch, pawl; (jnach.) trip, trip-gear; disengaging fever; (sm. o.) hair-trigger; ti double ditcnte, (sm. a.) hair-trigger. ddcliiialson, f., declination (of the needle); (inst.) declination of an instrument. dfecliiiatoire, m., (inst.) declinator, orienting compass; (law) exception to the jurisdiction, request of defendant to be sent before a differ- ent jurisdiction; d incompetence, (law) formal or official state- ment of lack of jurisdiction. dficliiicr, v. a., (inst.) to declinate, set on a given point or bearing. dCclinquer, v. a., to unclinch. dCeliqiiettr, v. a., to let fall a pawl. dCclisst-r, v. a., (r. r.) ro remove a fishplate. dCclive, a., (top.) sloping. declivit*, f., (tup.) .slope, declivity. decioiicr, v. a., to draw nails. dCcoffrage, ia., (mil. min.) unsheathing (act of). dCeoffrer, v. a., (mil. min.) to unsheathe. dlcniflagt*, m., (art.) uncapping of a fuse, removal of a fuse cap. dcoilTer, v. a., (art.) to remove the cap from a fuse. dlcoiiirer, v. a., to unwedge, remove, knock out wedges. decollate, (art., sm. a.) starling of a cartridge case from its seat, primary extraction. denouement, m., ungluing, impasting; (carp.) tenoning; (nut. and in yi'i.) reparation of ad- jacent parts (e. g., so as t:> form a crack in a casting, etc.); (nrt., xm. u.) primary extraction, starting of cartridge case, of an obturator, from its seat. dCcoller, v. a. r., to unglue. impaste: to behead; to come apart; (./., am. a. > to start (a cart ridge, an obturator, from its scat;. df'ooilctaKe, m., (much.) screw cutting. decollcter, v. a., (mach.) to turji, cut, screws; machined, .screw machine; tour a -, screw lathe. decoltliarisatiori, f., scraping off, removal, c,f a layer of coal-tar (as from a gun;. decoli liariser, v. a., to scrape oil', remove, a layer of coal-tar (as from a gun). de'comlm-s, f. pi., rubbish, chips. decommatider, v. a., (mil. ttc.) to countermand an order. dfecommettre, v. a., (cord.) to unlay a rope. dconiniis 121 dfaut devoiiimis, a., (cord.) fagged, unlaid. decomposer, v. a., to decompose, break up into constituent parts or elements; (mil.) to go through a movement by detail, decomposition, f., decomposition, breaking up into elements or parts; de I'effectif, (Fr. a.) report of a very com- prehensive character, made annually to the minister of war, setting forth all circumstances of the service of the regiment or seriice for which made, both of an individual and of a general character; dts forces, resolution of forces. decomptc, ni., deduction, discount, allowance; (adiu.) balancing of accounts; (mil. slang) mortal wound; faire son fi quelqu'un, to settle one's accounts; de liberation- ( Fr. a.) auditing and balanc- ing of accounts between a troop unit and the government, showing over- and under-issues; ricevoir son , (mil. slang) to be done for, have one's accounts settled. decompter, v. a., to allow; to deduct, dis- count. dei :miire, v. a., (mil.) to defeat thoroughly. deroiiiiture, f., (mU.) total defeat. dCccmjuguer, v. a., (mach.) to throw out of gear. deconstrulre, v. a., to pull down, raze, demolish. decoration, f., decoration, ornament; decoration (.o fan order); (tranqtrf , foreign decoration; de juiiUI, decoration given to combatants in the revolution of July, Is30; militaire.(miL) "military decoration (as, Medal of Honor, U. S. A.; Victoria Cross, British); porter une . to wear, to have, a decoration. deeorder, v. a., (cord.) to unlay, untwist; la bout*, to unlay a rope's end. decordonnage, m., (potcd.) operation of remov- ing crust from stampers of powder mill. dCcorcr, v. u., to decorate, adorn; to confer a deco- ration upon. decompiler, v. n., (mil.) to lie or sleep out of quar- ters. dec-micheur, m.,( mil. slung) man who is habitually absent without leave. decoudre, v. a., to unsew, to rip oil; 4'e , (man.) of a horse, to become disunited in his gaits, to have broken, irregular gaits. decoulement, m.. (lowing, running oil, trickling. decouler, v. n., to flow, run oil, trickle, drop; pro- ceed from. dccoupage, m., (met., etc.) cutting out of designs from marked plates. decoupO, a., (top.) indented (us, a coast line). dOcouper, v. a., to cut out. decoupler, v. a., ( clear a crest or height of the troops occupying it, to dislodge troops from a height. ('.('TOUTS, in., wane, decrease. eUi-ousu, a., (in>ui.) irregular, broken (..f gaits':; (/(/'. ) loose-built, badly put on (as, head on neck, fore quarters and hind quarter-^. dficouvert, a., (''.) open, treeless; (mil.) un-he!- tercd, exi>'>.-"d, wit hot:! cover; fi , exposed to fire, unmasked. dec-invert, in., (ftrnin I negative lap. dOcoilverte, f., discovery: (mil.} reconnaissance, reeonuoitering; (run.) lookout; allir a In , (mil.) to explore, to scout; a'iirfi I 'i d',(rnil.)t-} reconnoiti (nvot/trdla . (mil. i to explore, to scout; tsc'itlron dc , (fir.) scouting troop, tr. decouvertt, service de , (ear.) the information service proper of Independent cavalry. dfroiivrlr, v. a., to uncover, lav open, expose; to discover, make out; (mil.) to leave unprotected, unguarded, to unmask, expose; (met.) in tem- pering of steel, to lose the blackish scale ac- quired by heating; ft , (mil.) to come out from under cover; (man.) to undercover, to undercheck. decnissae, m., cleaning, scraping, scouring; (art.,sm.a.) removal of fouling. dfecrasser, v. a., to clean, scrape, scrape out (us tubes, furnaces); (art., am. a.) to remove foul- ing. decret, m., decree; -rlgUmtnt, (mil.) decree having the force of a regulation. decrepitation, f., decrepitation. decreplter, v. n., to decrepitate. decrire, v. a., to describe. dferochage, m., unhooking. decroche-obturateur, m., (art.) obturator re- leas ing-gear. deVrocher, v. a., to unhook, unfasten; les arant-t rains, (art.) to unljmber. deerochoir, m., (mack.) disengaging hook, re- leasing hook. decrolscr, v. a., to uncross; Ics echelons, (mil.) to form direct from ob- lique echelons. decrotter, v. a., to clean, rub, brush oil, scrape oil. decrottolr, m., sera per. decroulr, v.a.. (md.) to anneal. decrouissage, m., ( mtt.) annealing. ddcroflUtge, m.. (fond.) dressing down, fettling. decroOter, v.a.j fond.) to dress down, fettle. decrue, f., decrease, fall of water. deculrasser, v. a., (nai.) to reduce the amount <.f armor carrietl l>y a vessel. decuirassement, "in., (nni.) reduction t.f the amount of armor carried by a vessel. dficulasseiueiit, in., (cr!., s'm. c.) unbrewhing, blowing otf of the breech, opening or un- screwing or blowing out of the breech by the action of the powder gases. deculasser, v. a., (art.,sm. a.) to unbreech. dedans, adv., inside; de , e n , in the clear: mtttre un chtta! . (man.) to break a horse. dedoiamaiiemeiit, in., compensation, indem- nity, indemnification. dldoiiimager, v. a., to compensate, indemnify, make go: ri:!/.v. (:nil.^ to for;:i folinini of twi-s frr>m column of fours, or single fn>m dm:! 1>> lile; sent on exploration, scouting ilnt\ ui: defalle, (.. , mil.i defeat. di'fausser, v.a., to straight en that \vhii t . unw-arp. defai-I, in., Haw; deVc'. Mi-:ni;l:. ciency, ' , : . iul; . i"i,., dtfaiit 122 defournemcnt dffaut de la cuirasse, break; de I'epaule, hollow of the shoulder; d'eiecution, defect of workmanship; flirt , (laiv) to fail to appear; de fonctionnement, (art., sm. a.) failure of any part of the mechanism to work properly; de soudure, (met.) defect in welding, defec- tive welding. defection, f., defection, disloyalty. d6fectueu.\, a., defective, imperfect. defendable, a., defensible, susceptible of defense. defendant, a., defending; (fort.) flanking; it aim corps , guardedly, timorously. defendeur, m., (law) defendant. defeiidre, v. a., to defend, protect, maintain, up- hold, support; to shelter, screen; to prohibit, forbid; se , (man.) to refuse to obey, to resist, to make a show of resistance (of a horse). defense, f. defense: protection; prohibition; (of boats') fender; (laic) defense; (man. ) resistance, count ermove (on the part of the horse); (mil.) defense, protection; (fort.) defensive work, (sometimes) outwork: (in pi. generally) defen- sive works, fortifications, (more esp.) out- works; (siege) defense; absolue, (fort.) work or part of a work depend- ing on its own fire; s accessories, (fort.) accessory defenses, i. e., obstacles (exclusive of ditch); active, (mil.) defense involving a return to the offensive; centralt, centralist, (fort.) system of defense in which no attempt is made to stop the invader at the frontier by forts, but in which reliance is placed on a fortified center outside of the enemy's lines of operations, and serving as a point of support to the national army; continenta.lt, (s. c. fort.) land defense, land- side defense, of a s. c. work; s continentales, (s. c. fort.) land defenses (in a s. c. work, to repel land attack); cuirassee, (fort., nar.) armored protection; directe, v. absolue; czli-riewe, (siege) defender's operations beyond the position avancee, q. v.; fitrrieure active, (siege) operations carried on by the mobile troops of the defense, beyond the permanent works, against the outer works, positions, etc., of the attack; fixe, (s. c. defense) defense by guns and sub- marine mines; guerre de . defensive warfare, defensive war; ligne de , (siege, etc.) line of defense; a la mine, (siege) defense by mining, by sub- terranean warfare; mobile, (siege) operations by the mobile troops of tho defense; (s. c. defense) operations, defense, etc., by torpedo boats, mobile tor- pedoes, etc.; mobile de terre, (s. c. defense) use of land troops (infantry, field artillery, etc.) in sea- coast defense: passive, (mil.) mere defense, passive defense; /irri/ilii ri'/ii' , (furl.) system of defense in which it, is sought to arrest tho enemy on tho front icr it self by means of forts; ptficr df -, (fnrt.) fortified position ready to sustain a siege; i.'r.v filacis. (siege) defensive siege operations; wl ale, (furl. i system of de" Jirrcsling forts arc placed 0:1 enemy mn>t follow in hi: in . attempt - ID reach t lie capital: T-.-i/./T'ir/i/V, (snijr) c,lo a:i> I liiiig. dPurossisseur, in., a.inih.) r.Higli-dressing tool. dejirossisseiir, a., redii"inu' iin size, of lathes, rollers; u:'ed also of process itself i. dfRiierpir, v. n., to pack oil, to hasten with extremo rapiditv (somewhat I'aM'iliar as a military word). delianchf, a.,(ft;>/>.) hipsh.it. de'iarnaclicnienl, in., unharnessing. delianiaclicr, v. a., to linharnes.s. dfjeter 124 dmnager dejeter, v. r., (of wood, trees) to cast, to warp; (met.) to warp, become distorted, to get out of true (as, in tempering). dfjolndre, v. a., to disjoin; start; part, open, gape. dejouer, v. a., to baffle, to neutralize, to render null and void. dejour, m., opening left in the fellies of a new wheel. danger, v. r., (man.) to undercover, undercheck. dt-labrement, m., dilapidation. dOlabrer, v. a., to shatter, batter, ruin, dilapi- date. di'Iacer, v. a., to unlace, il.'lal, m., delay; time, allowance of time (as, to carry out an order, for a change of station, etc.); d'arrivce, ( Fr. a.) time granted every soldier to reach his destination; dans le plus brtf . as soon as possible, with the least possible delay; de grace. (Fr. a.) allowance of lime for join- ing,' granted every recruit or volunteer that fails to join on the assigned day, before being taken up as an insoumis, q. v. (1 month in France, 2 months for Algiers, Tunis, etc.); de recours, ( Fr. a.) period (3 mouths) within which a regular decision of the minister of war must bp appealed to the conscil d'etat; de rcpentir, ( Fr. a.) time allowed a man ab- sent without leave to return to duty before being declared a deserter or insoumis; de route, ( Fr. a.) time allowance for making a journey; de tolerance, ( Fr. a.) 4 days allowed an offi- cer changing residence, in addition to regular allowance of time for the purpose; (in gen.) permission to delay in carrying out an order; de transport, ( Fr. a.) time allowed for trans- portation by rail, wagon, etc. dfilalssement, m., abandonment. delaisser, v. a., to abandon, give up. delardement, m., chamfer, chamfering; splay, slope; slope of earthwork. delarder, v. a., to chamfer, splay; to cut sloping (as earthwork). delavage, m., dilution of a color by water. delaver, v. a., to dilute a color. delayf, a., (of the soil) reduced to a state of mud, soaked, soaking wet. delayer, v. a., to dilute, temper (lime, clay, etc.); to soak. delegatalre, in., (in gen.) deputy; one who has received authority (delegation) to act in the naino and place of another; ( Fr. mil. adm.) oflicer or functionary who receives the dcle- yalhn of the funds of the minister of war. delegation, f., (adtn.) warrant or authority be- stowed upon or granted to a person; - dc la commission suptrienre, (mil. r. r.) a board, at general headquarters, in charge of transports beyond the base of operations, in the zone operated by the personnel of the regular railway companies, or otherwise, from thai base to the .it'ttiuns d< transition (q. v.); de signature, authority to sign; signature par - . authorized signature of one person for another; de soldi . ( mil.) assignment of his pay. by an officer or soldier, to third persons. dC'lestagc, m., removal of ballast from a vessel. delcster, v. a., to unballast a vessel. deliaisim, f.. ( HK/.V.J unbound masonry. delicat, a., delicate. ditliniM; < ntri i -- (. dillicult entrance (of a port). delieoter, v. r., (hum.) to strip oil his halter or collar. delie, a., thin, slender, fine; in., up-stroke of a letter. delier, v. a., in untie, unfasten. delimitation, f.. delimitation (of a territory, of a sphere of influence 1 . delimiter, v. a., to delimit. delineation, f.. delineation. deliquescence, f., deliquescence. deliquescent, a., deliquescent, delit, m., misdemeanor; (mas.) wrong bed of a stone; le corps du , the offense itself; mettre une pierre en , (mas.) to lay a stone on the wrong bed. df liter, v. a., (mas.) to lay a stone on its wrong bed; to split a stone along its cleaving grain; la chaux vive, to slake quicklime; se , (mas.) to cleave, split (as slate, etc.); to exfoliate (by the action of frost). d llvrance, f. . delivery, issue (of stores, arms, etc.); par force, (mil.) rescue of a prisoner. dtllvrer, v. a., to deliver, deliver over; to free from; set at liberty, free (a prisoner); par force, par violence, to rescue a pris- oner. dClogement, m., removal, departure; (mil.) change of quarters (of billets) (obs.). deloger, v. a. n., (mil.) to change quarters (of billets) (pbs.V, to dislodge the enemy, drive him out of his position (v. dibusquer);' to decamp, move out hastily and in disorder (when sur- prised). delta, m., (top.) delta: metal . delta metal. dClutage, m.. unluting. dCluter, v. a., to unlute. dfimaconner, v. a., to undo, take down, masonry work. dCmaigrir, v. a., to thin, reduce (a slab, a log, a piece of timber, wood, etc.). demaigrissement, m., feather-edge; thinning; place where a stone, etc., has been thinned, reduced in thickness. dCmailler, v. a., to unlink, unshackle; to unlace dfimaiHoiiiier, v. a., to unlink a chain. demanchement, m.. unhafting; taking ofT a haft or handle; removal of a handle. dernancher, v. a., to remove a haft or handle. demande, f., demand, request, petition, suit, inquiry, application; (mil.) requisition; (cons.) proportions required in a piece of timber; d la de, so as to fit, take, apply to; en cassation, (mil.) request of the c. o. of a detachment for the reduction of a n. c. o. to the ranks; filer ei la . (cord.) to pay off a rope according to the stress. dennuider, v. a., to demand, require, call for, want; (mil.) to submit a requisition; du calile, (cord.) to require more rope. demandeur, m., (law) plaintiff. di'maiiillage, m., unshackling. dOmanlllcr, v. a., to unshackle. demaiitlement, m., (fort.) dismantling; blowing up works. dC'imuiteler, v. a., (fort.) to dismantle, to raze, demolish. demarcation, f., demarcation; lignc de , line of demarcation. demarche, f., gait; walk; step; bearing; measure. dlmarquage, m.. erasure of a mark (as, the letter, number, etc., from a weapon, etc.). dCmarquement, m.. fraudulent removal of the mark on anything (as, clothes, etc.;. demarquer, v. n., (hipji.) to lose mark of mouth. demurrage, m., (cord.) unmooring; casting otf of a rope; untying, undoing (of lashings); (r. r.) starting of a train; (much.) starting of an en- gine,; (art.) starting, moving oil' (of teams, car- riages). demarrer, v. n.. (curd.) to cast otT a rope, to clear, to unbend; to cast loose; to unmoor; to unlash; (rnach.) to start an engine; (nrt.) to start, lo cause to start (of teams, carriages); (r. r.) to start. demasquer, v. a., (mil.) to unmask a front, a position, a movement, an attack. demf'ler, v. a., to disentangle, unravel; to jiuil. (lemeiiaeemt'iit, in., moving out. deiiH'iiager, v. a. n., to move out (of one house into another). (Ifiiu-iilir 125 demi-voflte dementlr, v. a. r., to give way, bulge (building). dlruettre, v. a. r., to dislocate, put out of Joint; dismiss; turn out; resign; lay down. demeure, f., lodging; residence; 4 , fast; fixed; rigidly attached to; fixer & , to secure permanently. demeurer, v. n., to remain, last, stand, stay; to live in. (irii ii-a-ilroite (-gauche), m.. (of foot troops, marching, or from a halt) right (left) oblique; (art., coo.) right (left) half-wheel. deml-appel, m., (Fr. cat.) signal for the execu- tion of an order previously given. demi-arrtt, m., half-stop; des doijts, (man.) slight check or stoppage (of the horse, by the reins). demi-bastion, m., (fort.) half-bastion. demi-bataillon, m., (inf.) half-battalion, wing (.obs.). demi-bateau, m., (pont.) sort of half-ponton boat, used by the French engineers. demi-hatterle, f., (nrt.) half-battery (adminis- trative subdivision). deiiii-bois, v. mi-bois. ileail-brlsade, f., (mil.) Revolutionary name for regiment. deml-eapoiinifcre, f., (fort.) half-caponier, single caponier. demi-capucine, f., (sm.a.) lower band. ileini-cercle, in., semicircle; (art.) semicircular gauge; (inst.) half-circle; (/MIC.) half-circle parry; graduf, semicircular protractor. deiiil-ctiantier, m., (art.) half-block. demi-chAssis, m., (fond.) half of a molding-box. demi-chemlnement, m., (surr.) a combination of tlie method by polar coordinates and of cheminement, q. v. demi-clef, f., (cord.) half-hitch; '\ capclir, clove-hitch. deml-colonne, f., (mil.) half-column. deml-comble, m., (co;w.) area or garret under the roof of a shod. demi-compagnie, f., (inf.) half-company. demi-culrasse, f., (car.) breastplate. demi-cyllndre,m., (art.) half roller. deml-distance, f., (mil.) half-distance. . deml-ecrou, in., half-nut. demi-equipage, in.. ( Fr. pont.) half bridge train; (Fr. art.) subdivision of the siege train, so called. deml-escadron, m., (cai.) the French equivalent for troop (U. ri.). demi-essieu, m., half-axletree. demi-etampe, f., (mack.) half-die; one of the parts of a die or swage in two parts. deml-etape, f., (mi!.) half a day's march. tltMni-fer, m.,(/arr.)tip. liemi-ferme, f., (cons.) half-frame, half-truss (of a roof). deml-llfhe, f., half the depth to which a pile is to be driven into the earth. demi-llasque, f., (tin.) bracket of a block-trail car- riage. deml-tteche, f., (art.) middle rail, one of the two parts of the under body prolongation of the tltche (French N>""). demi-fourniture, laun'iaire de eampemenf). i Fr. u.) bedding of straw, issued for hick of regular bed outfit dippcl des n'sir'-ixtrs ft territori'iur). deiul-fourreau, m., (art.) axlo-plato . French S()n..,,). demi-fralse, a., half-countersunk. deinl-galerie, f., '.mil. run.* low gallery. 1 meter wide by 1. iio-l..") meters high. demi-Kargousse, (art.) half-cartridge itlie full charito being subdivided fur convenience of loading). demi-eite, f., (art., siegr) half-sleeper of a pin platform. deiiii-sorite, f., (fort.) demigorge. dtMiii-uue'tre, f., (unij.) half-legging, short log- ging. deml-haut-fQurneau, in.. unt a c in- paiiy). demt-siiiiialement, m., ( Fr. n.) summary de- scription or descriptive list. demi-solde, f., (mil.) half-pay inn longer an oilicial expression); oflicer on half-pay; en , on half-pay. demission, f., resignation; (mil.] resignation from the service (of oilicers, and also of comnris- sionnfs); doniur an , to resign from the service; donner sa individual ali'iui; Ic'ft ;.botit (of n platoom; (f,nc.) left rear volt ibay.>n't exercise i; -indiciduil, (inf.) about face (from a half, to tho rear (if marching r. UM'O an individual about; (nrl.) reverse iota sinnle team, carriage, section, mulei; about iof a cannoneer, drive-, mounted i; />'tr ,'CCiiirn. furf.i left about mfa platoon ; mir hs f pa ul 1. 1. ( man. ' half-circle on the f.r i hand; mir It.t h'inchiit, (win.) half-circle on tlio rear hand. ( Di mi-liiiir is frequent ly used alone, the Context indicaling the nature of I he movement. It is also the name of the call for the movement.) denii-volte, f.. , //cm.) half-circle, followed by a change of hands. driiii-vofttf, f.. half vault or arch. demobilisation 126 denture. demobilisation, f., (mil.) passage of an army, of a regiment, etc., from war to peace footing. demobilise!-, v. a., (mil.) to demobilize, to muster out of war service, to go back to peace footing. demoiselle, f., earth rammer. demolir, v. a., to demolish, break up, pull down, raze; (mil.) in break upstores, etc. .condemned; (moreesp.,.Fr. a.) to break up cartridges, pro- jectiles, into constituent elements; une poudre, (powd.) to lixiviate (damaged) gunpowder; tird , v.rJ'r. demolition, f., demolition, destruction; (mil.) the separation of cartridges, projectiles, etc., into their constituent elements, saving the parts that may serve again; military demoli- tion, destruction; s, rubbish. demonstrate, a., (mil.) demonstrative; combat , demonstrative action (frequently synonymous with front attack). demonstration, f., (mil.) demonstration. dOm out able, a., that takes apart, to pieces, "take-down;" afftit , (art.) carriage in parts, take-down carriage; canon , (art.) jointed gun, gun that takes apart. dem*ntage, m., (art., sm. a.) dismounting, taking apart, (as, a gun, a rifle, etc.); (the destructive) dismounting of the enemy's guns by artillery fire. demonte, a., (man.) unhorsed, dismounted (against one's will). demonter, v. a., (art., sm. a.) to dismount, take apart, to take down (as, a gun, a rifle); (art.) to dismount, i. e., remove guns from a work, a gun from its carriage: to dismount, i. e., dis- able, the enemy's guns; (mil.) to supersede (in command); (man.) to unhorse; (in gen.) to unship, to take to pieces; la chtire, (art.) to strike the gin. demoralisation, f., (mil.) loss of morale, de- moralization. demoucheter, v. a., (fcnc.) to take the button off a foil. demoulaRe, m., (fond.) lifting, removal of a pat- tern, of a casting, from a mold. demouler, v. a., (fond.) to lift, remove a pattern, a casting, from a mold. dimmir, v. a., to strip, deprive, of anything (as, a place of its stores, a fort of its ammunition, etc.;. demuseler, v. a., to unmuzzle. dciidrltes, m. pi., (met., min.) dendrites. drill, in., refusal of what is due; (law) refusal of a judge to staiuer; action of denying; fe justice, refusal of a judge to pass on a case, to do justice in a case, whether by open refusal or by -negligence. denier, in., penny; (in pi., as an administrative term) fund, moneys; allocation en s, allowance in money; comptiliili/e en s, money accountability, re- sponsibility ; le.t .v de i'i-tat, public money, public funds. denivelee, f., difference of level of two points. m'liivrler, v. a., to put out of level. deiiivellation, f., unevenness; state of being out of level; change, fall of level (as in a stream); i'/o/j.) difference of level. deiiiyellement, m., variation of level; settling, sinking (as of an engine, etc.); state of being out of level. denombremciit, m., census; (mil.) computation (man i>y man; of numerical strength of troops; collect ivc enumeration of the various cate- gories of troops. denomhrer, v. a., to take a census. denomination, f., denomination; (mil.) military title of address. denonror, v. a., to declare, publish, the expira- tion of a treaty, of an armistice,! o denounce, a , treaty; to report, to the authorities, to the law, etc.; In gurrre, to declare war. denonciation, f..demmci-tn n (of a treaty, etc.); report made to the authorities, etc.; I denonciation de la guerre, declaration of war. deiiourr, v. a., (cord.) to undo a knot, to untie, loose. deiioument, m., (cord.) untying, loosening. denoyage, m., artificiel, hydro-pneumatism of a turbine. denree, f., article, commodity; any article of food (except meat, generally in pi., csp. as a mili- tary term), used for both man and beast; sfourragercs, forage; s-vivres, rations, articles composing the sol- dier's subsistence. densimetre, m., (ball.) densimeter; fi mercure, mercury densimeter. densiW, f. , density; absolue, (ball) absolute density (exclusive of pores and interstices); de chargement, (ball.) density of loading; des coups, (ball.) grouping "of hits, density of grouping; defeux, (art.., sm. a.) density of fire; qravimktrique , (ball.) gravimetric density, weight of unit volume, inclusive of air spaces; de groupement, (ball.) density of grouping, ratio of number of shots to unit area on which they fall; de la ligne de combat, (mil.) number of men per yard of front; au mercure, (ball.) real density, specific weight, density by mercury; des points d'impact, (ball.) grouping of hits, density of hits; reclle, y. au mercure; de section, (ball.) sectional density; transvcrsalc , v. de section. dent, f., tooth; tooth (of a saw, of a horse, etc.); (macft.) tooth, catch, cog, pawl; (top.) mountain top of prismatic form; 6 , cogged, toothed; d'arret, (r.f. art.) cocking-too (Maxim semi- automatic); d'cn bas, lower tooth; en bee de perroquet, gullet tooth (saw); -caduque, (hipp.) milk tooth; de cheval, (hipp.) adult tooth; hcheville,\>m; de dessous, lower tooth; de dessus, upper tooth; df devant, front tooth; ; d'cnyrenage, (mach.) ratchet; gear tooth; s ctagees, en ctagcs, (mach.) stepped teeth, teeth in steps; d'cn haut, upper tooth; d' impulsion, (mach.) impulse tooth; - incisive, incisor; de lait, v. cadnqne; de loup, (art., mach.) pawl, catch; macheliere,}&'w tooth: mitniit nnr, middle tooth; malairc, molar tooth; mllbre, eye tooth; pas den s, (mach.) pitch of teeth: persist/ante, (hii>/>.) tooth lute in coming, and that never falls out: pied d'une , (mach.) shoulder of a tooth or cog; pkin d'unc , (mach.) thickness of a tooth or cog; ile remplacement, v. de cheral', roue a .s i , (mach., etc.) ratchet wheel; sitpplementaire, (mach.) hunting cog; ilc surctc, (nm. a.) safe'ty lug; triangulaire, (art.) cutter. deiite, a-., (mach., etc.) cogged, toothed; fitted with teeth; roue f , cogwheel; c n scie, serrated. denteie, a., (top.) (of a coast) indented. dcntcie, m., (hipp.) denticulated muscle. dentclcr, v. a., to tooth, notch, indent. dentelure, f., indentation. denter, v. a., to tooth, to cog (as, a wheel). dentition, f., (hipp.) dentition; df. chcral, second dentition; de poul'iin, first dei>t it'ion. denture, f., (much.) the teeth or cogs of a wheel, gearing; sitch of gearing; nse, f., expense; expenditure; consumption; discharge, flow (of water); dispensary (of a hospital). d perdition, f., loss (of heat); escape (of gas). deptfrlr, v. n., to fall into ruins; to waste, decay. depCrissemeiit, m., wear and tear. dC-pC'trrr, v. a., to oxtricato, disentangle, free, clear; un chtral, to oxtricato a horse entangled in his harness. dCphosphoration, f., (met.) dephosphorization. dephosphorer, v. a., (met.) to dephosphorize. depister, v. r., (man.) to mistrail (said of the gal- lop when the imprint of the rear foot is in front of or behind that of the diagonal an- terior). deplucement, m., displacement, change of posi- tion; (mil.) changii of station, (hence) journey; (flaw.) displacement; -des aiguilles, (r. r.) working or operation of switches; d'ax.iiette, (man.) unsteadiness of soat; rfit tir, {art., sm. a.) sliitt or transfer of fire to a new target. dt-placer, v. a., to change the position of a thing, to displace; to misplace; (mil.) to change, transfer (troops); If tir. <>irt., urn. a.) to change from ono target to another; Kf ( t,, move, change position, station, oto. de pi At rage, m., removal of plus! or. depl&trer, v. a., to remove plaster. deplier, v. a., t', unfold; In protonge, (art.) to undo, get out, the prolonge. deployment, m., unfolding, display (of a flag); (iniL] deployment; ( n n runt, deployment to the front; pur If. flanc, deployment by the flank; irtrr'-'il/e i!r , deploying interval; stratfyiqut, installation of troops in the prolv- ablfl theater of operations; disposition of troops in the order selected or found proper for march- ing against tlie enemy; en tirailleurs, deployment as skirmishers. , m., (art.) stripping (of the lead coating of a projectile), deplombrr, v. a., (art.) to strip oil lead (as, in a lead-coated projectile). dCpluyer, v. a., to unfold, display; (war.) to dis- play (colors); (mil.) to deploy, extend; en arant, to deploy to the front; par le tlanc, to deploy by the flank; se , to' deploy, extend; en tirailleurs, to deploy as skirmishers. dgpoiiitage, m., (art.) loss of aim (of a gun, due to firing), state of being off the target. depolarlsunt, m., (elec.) depolarizer. d polarisation, f., (elec.) depolarization. depolariser, v. a., (elec.) to depolarize. dCpoll, a., dead, dull; (of glass) ground. depollr, v. a., to give a dead surface to anything, to take the polish off; (of glass) to grind. dCpollssage, m., removal of polish; grinding (of glass). deportation, f., transportation. dCporte 1 , m., convict (transported for life). df-posant, m., deponent (witness). dCposer, v. a., to deposit, lay down; to settle; to depose, to testify; to lodge a complaint; les armes, (mil.) to lay down one's arms, sur- render, yield, capitulate. deposition, f., (law) deposition. dfcposter, v. a., (mil.) to drive the enemy from a post, a position. d6pot, m., storehouse, magazine; place of deposit; depot; sediment, settling; (mil.) depot of a regiment ; the, part of the regiment at the depot; d'approvisionnements, supply depot; de batterie, (siege.) store of tools, supplies, etc. (for working parties); central de I'artillerie, ( Fr. art.) establishment having a collection of arms of all nations and times, of models, and a library, workshop, etc.; de chevaux tnalndea, (Fr. a.) veterinary establishment in roar of an army of opera- tions for sick and wounded horses; de convalescents, ( Fr. a.) depot for men dis- charged from the hospitals, but not yet able to resume active service (may exist in pence; in war, are estal >lished on the lines of march and of evacuation); de corps de trnupe, (mil.) regimental depot; d'iclnpt's, ( Fr. a.) sort of hospital for men in need of rest, or but temporarily and not seri- ously disabled (established on the ligne d't tapes); d'l'lfage, v. dr transition; d' fictions, (in France) government ostalv- lishment in which stallions are kept for the service of private mares; dcs fartificathnx, ( Fr. n.) establishment hav- ing charge of fortifications, maps, telegraphy, etc.; suppressed i l s<| > by tlio distribution of its duties to other braiicl-.es; - de garantif, (mini.'} earnest money, a bid- der's guaranty or bond: - general lie In gntrrt, ( Fr. n.) depot, ofarchives (for campaigns' and war in general); - -ijnii'rul lies minis, (mil. viin., sieye) denot of material for mining operations ( Fr. a., depend- ency of the main euuineer par\); i'ntfrmi-ili'iirr, f.i.i/i) a depoi from l.ooo to 1..VX) meters in rear of the bat'eries, use.l fur tools, e'c.. duriiii; their Const ruci ion . and after- wants for implements. S])ar<> carriasn-s, etc.: - > dismount (from a horse); to flow oil, to fall, to ebb; to go down, descend (a river); (art.) to dismount (cannoneers from chests); to dismount (a gun); (mil.) to make a descent, an irruption; - de. cheval, to dismount; tic garde, (mil.) to come off guard; la garde, (mil.) to bo relieved from guard; ( mil. slang) to die; tine r'uiere, to drop down a river: l/i tranche f, (siege) to be relieved from duly in I ho trenches. descctite, f., fall, descent: slope, coming down, letting down; (cons.) cellar stairs; (mil., nav.) landing, irruption; (mil.) coming oil (a duty); (sl. ir. to uncouple, disconnect. desenroler, v. a., (mil.) to discharge. c!isnii>s. a soldier. dCseiiasbler, v. a., to get off (a boat aground i. dC'seriseller, v. a., to unsaddle (a rider). dCscpauler, v. n.. (.tin. n.) to romov>\ takedown, the piece from tho shoulder (afior firini:^ dOse.(|iiiper, v. a., to take off equipment. j:e-:r. working parts. et<'.; (art.) to take oil' equip- ments; - - fa c>ie.rrc, (art.) t la piece, (art.) ( and ammunition n piece; ,vf - -. (art.) to tak eers). desergoter, v. a., (furr. desert, m.. desert. dOserter, v. n.. to quit, abandon; (/nil.) to d 3877' -179 deserter 130 disunion dSserteri I'ennemi, to go over to the enemy. deserteur, m., (mil.) deserter; ennemi, deserter from the enemy. desertion, f., (mil.) desertion; H I' ennemi, desertion to the enemy; - (1 I'ftranger, desertion involving escape to a f >reign country; desertion from troops serving abroad; & I'interieu-r, desertion without quitting the country. di-slierite, a., badly formed, imperfect (as, organs of a horse). deshydrater, v. a., (chem.) to remove water from (a substance). designation, f., appointment, nomination, assign- ment; (mil.) detail. designer, v. a., to appoint, nominate, assign; (.nil.) detail, tell off for service or duty. deslncorporation, f., (mil., etc.) disincorpora- ti.;n. desincorporer, v. a., to disincorporate, disunite. didinerustaiit, a., (steam) scale destroying. desinerustatlon, f., (steam) destruction, removal, of scale. dCslncruster, v. a., (steam) to scale a boiler. d-i siiif ecter, v. a., to disinfect, fumigate. disinfection, f. , disinfection, fumigation. desofoeir, v. a., to disobey. d6sobeissaiice, f., disobedience, contumacy. desolcr, v. a., to waste, lay waste. desordoime, a., disorderly, unruly, ungovern- able. desordonner, v. a. , to revoke orders; to confuse, disorder; to throw into disorder. desordre, m., disorder, confusion; uproar, riot; havoc. . disorganisation, f., disorganization; (mil.) con- etc.). .. desorsanlser, v. a., to disorganize, disorder; (mil.) to break up the enemy, etc.; to dismantle (as, a farmhouse, to keep the enemy from using it); to disorganize, destroy (the enemy's siege works, etc.). desorieuUitioii, f., (top., in gen.) loss of bear- ings; (inst.) state of being out of station. desorleiiter, y. a., (top., in gen.) to cause to lose one's bearings; (inst.) to get out of station; sc - , to lose one's bearings, one's way. desoxydant, a., (chem.) deoxidizing. desoxydation, f. , (chem.) deoxidation. di'so.iydcr, v. a., (chem.) to deoxidize. desoxygeiiation, f., (chem.) deoxidation. dC'soxyjjener, v. a., (chem.) to deoxidhe. des.siui'rler, v. a., (harn.) to ungirth, to loosen the girths. dessecnant, a., drying, dessicative. desspche, a., dried, seasoned (of wood). deisechement, in., draining, drying; fiinse dc - , drain; travaux Ac -- , drainage. dessecher, v. a., to dry, drain; to season (wood). dessecheur, m., stenni-drier. (ic.ssein. in., design, plan; project; resolution, intention. desseUfr, v. a., to unsaddle. desserrement, m., (ini!.) loosening or loss of dis- i-uice iii columns on the march. desM-rrer, v. a., to slacken, to loosen; to unclamp: drift.) to lot the compass card down on the pivot; (fir/.) to unship a brake; ar -- , to work loose: nnr r'tn, to loosen a screw. dcsscrroir, in., screw-driver. desservir, v. a., to supply; to perform, or attend t >, the service of anything; un caisxon, (int., KHI. a.) to pass out am- munition from a caisson. dessicatlf, a., drving: m., ( FT. a.) regulation dry- ing <>il. dessicatlon, f., drying: (of wood) seasoning. dessin, m., drawing, draught, sketch; design, plan; designing; dessin d'aprcs nature, sketch from life, from na- ture; d'atelier, working drawing; cahier de , drawing book, sketchbook; caique, tracing; cote, drawing, etc., with dimensions marked on it; de construction, working drawing; au crayon, pencil sketch; decalqiie, counter tracing; de, en, detail, detailed drawing sketch, of details; d'ensemble, drawing of the whole, general plan, general view; d' execution, working drawing", li ncaire, linear, mechanical, drawing; & main levee, free-hand drawing; militaire, sketch for military purposes; nfgatif, negative of a drawing (blue print); fk la plume, pen-and-ink drawing; de projets, working drawing; 'topopraphiquf, field sketch; Oii trait, line-drawing, drawing in outline. dessinatcur, m., draughtsman, designer. desslner, v. a., draw, to sketch, design, delineate, outline; d'aprcs nature, to sketch, draw from nature, from life; & main levee, to draw free-hand. dessoler, v. a., (hipp.) to draw the sole of a horse's hoof. dessoudage, m., (met.) unwelding, separation along a welding joint. dessoud, a., (met.) un welded, unsoldered, sepa- rated along a welding joint; angle , ( met.) in plato rolling, the overlapping corners not welded together. dessouder, v. a., (met.) to unsolder, to separate along a weld; se , to become unsoldered, separated along a welding joint. dessoudure, f ., (met.) unwelding, separation al-m a weldod joint; break or crack in a welded joint or surface; unsoldering. dessous, adv., under, underneath. dessous, m., under part or side; wrong side icf cloth); avoir le , (mil.) to have the worst of it in a combat; beau , (Mpp.)-fiw, well-shaped, legs; de gorge (d'une bride), (harn.) throat-latch; - du vent, (nav.) lee-gaugo. dessus, adv., on, upon, over, above; sens dessous, upside down, topsy turvy. dessus, m., upper part, top; right side (of cloth); lid, covvr; avoir le , (mil.) to have the advantage, tho upper hand, to got tho best of it (in a com- bat); beau , bon , (hipp.) good back, fine and good upper line of back; dc cou, (harn.) support of the breast-collar; nock or shoulder strap; cnfer du caveqon, (man.) cavesson-iron ; de nez, (harn.) nose-band: prendrc le , (mil.) to gel the upper hand, to have tho best of it; de tfte, (harn.} crown piece (of a headstall); du vent, (nan.) weather-gauge. destlii it '.lire, m., f. .addressee. destination, f., destination; a , (r. r.) through (of a train). destitui'r, v. a., to dismiss, discharge; deprive, of employment; turn out; (I'r. a.) to dismiss an o licer. destitution, f., dismissal, discharge, removal, de- privation of employment; deprivation of office, of grade; ( FT. a.) dismissal of an ofliccr. destruction, f., destruction, ruin; (mil.) inten- tional destruction, demolition. desuni, m.. (man.) horse that drags his hips, that gallops false, or on i.he wrong foot; an pan, au trot , irregular in his walk, trot. desuuion, f., disunion, separation.' desunlr 131 devancer de.sunir, v. a., to disunite, disjoin, separate, divide; (mil.) to break up the enemy. detache, a., detached, loose; (fort.) detached; m., (mil.) officer or man detached from his regi- ment or corps, person sen-ing on a detach- ment. detache-chalne, m., petard for breaking or un- hooking a chain. deturlieinetit, m., (mil.) draft, detachment (in France, for transportation purposes, must have at least 6 men); ( FT. a.) in a subdivided regiment, any part not the portion principale or ccntrale (a. v.); (mach.) disengagement; de corvee, fatigue party. detacher, v. a., to untie, unfasten, undo, take off, unchain, unrivet, detach, take down, un- bind; (mil.) to detach, to draft; &, (mil.) to detach to or with, detail to or for; une ruade, to kick, let fly with the heels (horse). detail, m., detail: (mil.) all matters of detail re- lating to administration and command; (top.) filling-in work of a map, reduction and plot- ting of details; officier de , (Fr. a.) lieutenant assisting the c. o. of a detachment of several companies, in administration and in papers, when there is no const H d' 'administration; rerue de , (mil.) inspection of men's knap- sacks, kits, etc. detallnguer, v. a., (cord.) to unbend (an anchor cable). detaper, v. a., to open, remove a bung; (art.) to take the tompion out of a gun. detelage, m. ; (harn.) unharnessing, unhitching. dCtcler, v. a., (harn.) to unharness, to unhitch. detendeur, m., (steam) regulator, pressure regu- lator (Belleville boiler). delendre, v. a., to unbend, slacken, loosen: to relax (a spring); (sm. a.) to pull the trigger; (at earn) to expand, to cut off, to allow to ex- pand; un camp, une tente, to strike a camp, a tent. detenir, v. a., to hold, detain; to keep in custody; to have logal custody of. detente, f., detent, tension of a spring; expansion of A gas: (am. a.) trisu'or: (r.f. art.) firing mech- anism, firing gear (all parts;; (st'am) expansion; cut-oil; expansion valve (and gear); cut-oil mechanism; d anncau, (sm. a.) sort of annular trigger in magazine pistols; app/ircil de , (steam) expansion gear, cut off; came de , (sm. a.) cylinder cam; Corp.? de , (sm. a.) body of the trigger as dis- tinguished from the finder-piece; 'de depart, (sm. a.) in a double trigger, the one that determines the discharge of the piece; d'lulilc, (urn. a.) double trigger; double -, (sm. a.) hair-trigger; ti double bossette, (sm. a.) double-pull trig- ger; douce, (sm. a.) light trigger, trigger of easy pull: dur ii la , (sm. a.) hard on tho trigger; c.clu lonncmcnt de la , (steam) compound- ing; - -gdchette, (sm. a.) trigger and scar in one; fauxne , (sm. a.) false trigger: lachtr la , (sin. a.) to let go the iriu'wr; machine to, , (stiam) expansion engine: dcs mcmbres, (man.) stretching 0,11, stepping out; pirce dc , (sm. a. 1 ! (rigger plate., cnard plate and trigger; (steam) cut-oil' valve, cut-oil' plate; - (/< preparation, (xm. a.1 in tho double. that which almost disengages the sear; rri pnrtr la , (sm. a.) to pull the de pre- pnrati'in; giiiix-ynril:.' dc la , (,?m. o.) trigger plate and guard; - de nfireti , (r.f. art.) safety seur. detenteur, ra., (law.) legal custodian of anything. detention, f. , detention, confinement, imprison- ment, keeping in custody; (mil. law) con- finement to a fortress for not fwer than five nor more than twenty years; preventive, (mil.) cbnfiuement before trial. detenu, m., (mil.) officer or man in confinement; prisoner; prisoner in a fortress; par mrsure disci plinaire, prisoner suffering a disciplinary confinement; par mtsure prerentiie, prisoner held for trial by a court-martial. deterioration, f., deterioration; wear and tear; - par arrachement, tour; par I'usure, wear. deteriorer, v. a. r.. to become defaced; to dcteri.-r- ate, debase, deface. detlrer, v. a., to draw out, stretch. detiser, v. a., to rake out a fire; calm, quell, .s'.'Ii detoner, v. n., (ezpl.) to detonate, explode. detonant, m., (expl.) detonating substance, e-- plosive. detonateur, m., (art.,erpl., mil. min.) detonator; (art.) dry gun-cotton priming of a toriied;- shell; the fuse complete of a torpedo-shell, of certain high-explosive shells; A double effet, (art.) double-action detonator fuse; rctarde, (art.) delay-action detonator (tor- pedo-shell). detonation, f., detonation, report; (npl.) det- onation; di , detonating; par inf.uencc, (ezpl.) sympathetic deton.i- tion, detonation by influence. detordre, v. a., (cord.) to untwist, unlay. detors, a., untwisted, unlaid. detortiller, v. a., to untwist, unravel. dCtouper, v. a., to unstop, uncork; take out t \v or stuffing. detour, m., winding, turn, detour, circuit; f.ill, recess. detournemcnt, m., embezzlement; (mil.) making way with, disposing of, arms, accoutenuoiits, articles of equipment, etc. (letourner, v. a., to turn, turn aside; (mil.) mako way with, dispose of, arms, equipment, etc. dftraque, a., (mak. wc-iken; (inet.i to anneal, take oul t'.ie, temper; - - (/< hi chant, lo slake lime. detresse, f., distress: en , jammed, stuck (as, a shell-hoist); canon dc , (niv.i diMre>s gun: sig mil dc , (nav.) signal of distress. detrolt, m.. strait, narrow so'ind: (top.) dei:l<>, p:i-s: diipp.) communii'ation between poh;. and abdomen. detruirc, v. a., to destroy, ra/.e. break uj>. deuil, in., mourning: - rfi /;; il!i , private mourning: inilitnire, ollicial mourning. deux, a., t v.-o; donnir d. n.. itc. : into service before the i-gal dale fixed f .r ^ enlr> (navy and colonial imops usually, in a few ollu-r cases-. devancer, v. a., to gel tho start of. outstrip, code, devancer 132 direct devancer Vcpoel, (Fr. a., etc.) to enter the service te'ore the le;;al date fixed for such entry (navy colonial troops, etc.). devant, prop., adv., before, head; vcr.t , head wind. devant, m., front, fore part of anything, fore end; breastplate of a cuirass; chcralde , (art.) lead horse; les s. (mil.) the front of an army; gagnir le de, to forge ahead of, outstrip; jambc de , (hipp.) fore leg; dcsabftt, (hipi>.) toe of a hoof; du nystcme jxrculant, (Fr. art.) front block of the firing mechanism of the canon & balles. devastation, f., devastation. de\ T aster, v. a., to devastate, lay waste. dCveloppe'e, f . , development (as, of a spiral, etc.). developpement, m., development (of a curve, etc., of a photograph, of a bicycle); (fenc.) spread. dgvelopper, v. a., to develop, to uncoil (a wire from a drum) ; expand; uncover, unfold , extend; I'atture, (man.) to increase, develop, the gait. dCverrouiller, v. a., to unbolt. divers, a., warped, crooked; inclining, out of plumb (as, a wall). dfivers, m., inclination, warp; (r. r.) inclination of the vertical axis of the rail to the interior of the track; de I'essicu, set of an axle-arm. diverse', a., sloping. dCversement, m., inclination, state of being out of level, out of plumb; overflowing (of canals, weirs, etc.); (bau.) angular displacement of the axis of a bullet with reference to the base, and vice versa; - lateral, spreading, lateral yield (as, a railway track). dfiverser, v. a. n., to bend, curve, to bend out, to put out of level; to bend, incline, to be out of plumb , out of level ; to change the direction ol a stream , of waters; se , to warp, to get out of level, out of plumb; to fall into, empty into (of a river, canal, etc.). deversoir, m., weir; sluice-gate. devCtlr, v. a., (fond.) to open a mold. deviateur, a., (ball.) deviating. deviation, f., deflection, deviation; compass devi- ation; (ball.) deviation, error; 1'ittrale, lateral error, lateral deviation; longitudinalc , longitudinal deviation, error in range; ( n portee, v. lonaUudinale. devidage, m., winding oil', unwinding, uncoiling, (as, from a reel, drum, etc.). devKlernent, m., v. devidagt. devider, v. a., to unwind, reel ofl (as, wire from a drum). 1C'\ ld:il r, m. , reel , spindle. dewier, v. n., to deviate, swerve, turn out. deviruge, m., (art.) unscrewing of the breeeh- t lock (esp. an accidental and hurtful unscrew- ing). dfvircr, v. a., turn back (as, a capstan); to come unscrewed, to work backward (as, a winch); to disengage (as , a screw from its scat), to un- screw; to turn an oar flat; to turn upside down, to turn turtle (of a boat ): (cord.) to take out the kinks of a ropo, to unkink; :, h, cabextan, to heave back, turn back, the caps t an ; If cabli . to surge the cable. devis, m, estimate; specifications; upl>rorimatif, rough estimate; ffiliwu/if, estimate, of cost, materials, etc. d<"-visser, v. a., to unscrew; In C':la.vsr, (art.) to unscrew the breefh-plug. devoiement.m., flaring; inclination, slope (as, of a chimney, etc.). devoir, m.,'duty; wilitnire, military duty Cin general); ren'rir d-inx le , to return to one's duty, allegiance (as, after a mutiny). devoyer, v. a., to place obliquely, to put out of true; to bend and turn (as, a smoke pipe, a fun- nel); to set (a saw). dextrine, f., (chem.) dextrine! dlable, m., (art.) devil-carriage, truck-carriage, small truck (Fr. art.) used in maneuvers with the gin; b, roulettes, small truck for transporting the carriage of the revolving cannon. diagonal, a., diagonal. diagonal, m.,(hipp.) legs diagonally opposite; droit, off fore and near hind legs; gauche, near fore and off hind legs diagonale, f. , diagonal brace, tie; en , diagonally. dlagnnalisuf ion, f., (man.) training of a horse in the extension of his diagonals. diagonaliser, v. a., (man.) to tram a horse to ex- tend his diagonals. diagramme, m. , diagram; de I'indicateur, (steam) indicator diagram. diamant, m., diamond; lozenge; point of an earth- auger or jumper; (fort.) drop ditch, diamond ditch; de I'ancre, crown, throat, lower part of the shank of an anchor; fosse. , (fort.) diamond ditch, drop ditch; & rabot, glazier's diamond. dlamfitre, m. , diameter; demi , semi diameter; : devolution, (nav.) tactical diameter; primitif,(mach.) pitch diameter. diane,f. ,(mZ.) reveille (and call for same); battre, sonner, la , to beat, sound, reveille; coup de , morning gun ; coup de canon de , morning gun. diapason, m., tuning-fork; (drawing) scale of hachures, of graded tints, of tones. diaphragme, m., diaphragm (mach.) stop valve, sliding stop-valve; en ceil de chat (inst.) diaphragm with adjusta- ble orifice. diaspongelatlne, f., (ezpl.) diaspongelatine. diastCinomC'trtque, a., (inst.) measuring dis- tances by direct reading (i. e., without having to go over the distance to be measured). diatomlque, a., (chem.) divalent. diazobeniol, m., (chem.) diazobenzole; azotate de , (expl.) fulminating aniline. dlctateur, m., dictator. dlctlonnalre, m., dictionary; ch'ffre, cipher dietionary, code book (crypt- ography). diedre, a, diedral; diedral angle. diete, f., diet; (medical) diet; absolute, (Fr. a.) abstention from food of any sort; avcc aliments, (Fr. a.} hospital diet com- prising two articles of the list of articles pre- scribed); lactee, (Fr. a.) milk diet. differential, a., differential: palan , (cord.) differential tackle; via le, differential screw, dlgriitaire, m., dignitary. digue, f., dike, dam, bank, embankment; defensive, (fort.) dike or dam of an inunda- tion reservoir; defasci7iagi , fascine-work dike; - d'lnondation. v. dt'/i nsivf. diguer, v. a., to dike, dam. dilaniateur, a., (<..rpt.) brisant, p'ndimr. dUatabilite,f.,dilatability. dilatation, f., dilatation, expansion; conxtruction de , (con.i.) allowance for expan- sion in the joints of metallic constructions, dilater, v. a., to expand, dilate. dimension, f., dimension, size; dimension (of a unit ). diorrexine, f. , (eipL) diorrcxine. direct, a, direct, straight; (die.) in series; (fenc., etc.) straight to the front. directcur 133 discipline directcur, m., director, superintendent, manager: (Fr. a.) head or chief of a ''direction;" field officer of artillery, superintendent of a small- r.rrn factory, or of any establishment for the manufacture and preservation of mali-riel; chief of a direction d'arttllerie, a. \.; head, chief, or di- rector of an operation, of a service; d'ad ministration centrale, ( Fr. adm.) head of a department of the administration, under the direct orders of the minister; ({'administration regionale, head of a terri- tori.-.l, etc., subdivision of the administration; d'artHlcrit, ( Fr. art.) chief or head of a direc- tion d'ar tiller le, q. v.; dex atlaques de mine, (mil. min.) the officer in charge of mining operations in a siege; chff de service, the head of a department or branch of the administration; (more partic- ularly. Fr. a.) the chief of a direction (as, artil- lery, powders and saltpeters, etc.); - dcs chemins de fer auz arme.es, ( Fr. a.) the c^Vcr at the head of the military railway service; des chemins de fer et des etapes, (Fr. a.) the of!: cr at the head of the service de I'arriere for an army acting independently; des constructions navales, ( Fr. nav.) cliief of construction corps; de la defense souterraine, (mil. min.) in a sio ;e, the officer in charge of countermining operations; dcs etapes, ( Fr. a.) chief of the service des ftir-fs of an army, is under the orders of its chief of staff; gcn-iral des chemins dc fer et dcs etapes, (Fr. a.) general officer at the head of the service de I'arriere, is under the orders of the chief of stall, and acts for several armies under one command and in one theater of war; du genie, (Fr. a.) the colonel or lieutenant- ('-.lonel of engineers in charge of a direction du genie; de la manceuvre, des manoeuvres, (mil.) officer who directs a maneuver or maneuvers and criticises and passes on the results; du pare, (siege) the officer in charge of a park: de serrice, ( Fr. a.) the administrative head of the services of artillery, engineers, intenda-itce, and of the medical department, respectively, in armies, army corps, and military govern- ments; - - du service de santc, ( Fr. a.) the chief medical ollicer of an army corps and of a military gov- ernment (in peace); chief medical officer of a corps, division, fort, etc. (in war); (Fr. nav.) chief medical officer; SOUK , ( Fr. art.) major or captain of artillery on duty at a small-arm factory, etc., in special charge of fabrication; Kiirje.rieur dcs chemins defer et des etapes. ( Fr. a.) oliicer in charge of the service de I'arriere of an army acting alone. dlrectpur, a., directing, guiding; }!c --, (art.) driving edge. direction, f., direction, conduct, management, administration, directorship; bearing; steering- P'ist, steering head (of a bicycle); branch of the administration or district, under the charge of a director; (more esp., Fr. a.) branch of the war department, under a military director; there arc eight in all, one for each arm, and one each fur the cnntrdle, "powders and saltpeters," medical department, and administrative serv- ices; d'armc, ( Fr. a.) the direction of each arm of the. service; - - il'art'llerie, ( Fr. a.) territorial subdivision, comprising arsenals, certain manufacturing and repair establishments, magazines, etc.; tlis ballnns. ( Fr. a.) the direct inn in charge of IKe whole subject of military ballooning; direction, A billet, steering-post on ball-bearings (bicycle); des chemins defer de campagne, ( Fr. a.) direc- tion or administration of transports beyond the base of operations, i. e., between the transi- tion stations and the army, in the zone worVod by military railways proper, and by a military personnel; accompanies the main headquarters of the army (sometimes called direction militairc, etc.); de la courroie, (mach.) v. s. v. cvurroie; de courant, set of a current; de . (mil.) guiding, of direction (said of a unit at drill); d'etapes, (mil.) the direction or management of the etapts service; du flat, set of the flood; generale des chemins de fer et den etapes, ( Fr. a.) administration of the whole subject of trans- port for armies in the field; is adjoined to the commander in chief; du genie, (Fr. a.) a group of cheffcrics du ginic (q. v.); dujusant, set of the ebb; - dc la maree, set of the tide; montante, upward direction; plongeante, downward direction; de service. (Fr. a.) the direction of a service, as, e. g., of the medical department of an army corps, of the intcndance of ono of the military governments; de la telegraphic tnilitaire, (Fr. a.) depart- ment in charge of the military telegraph; in war, one to each army, and to 'each corps act- ing independently (the general subject of the telegraph service" for a given theater of war constitutes the direction generale dc la tclcgra- phie). (It is clear from the foregoing definitions and examples that direction, in a military sense, is a more or less comprehensive term. It moans 1. An administrative subdivision of the war department; 2. An administrative subdivision, either of a territory or of troops in the field; 3. In certain special cases, the administra- tion of affairs to secure a specific end. This idea is necessarily connoted in 1 and 2. Finally, by extension, it may be taken to denote the personnel of a direction.) directive, f., (mil.) private information given by the .supreme command to subordinate- chiefs, to enable the latter to act in conformity with the general object sought. dlrectrice, f., directrix; (fort.) directrix of an em- brasure, of a j;un port; (t. m.art.) support for tlie guide dc crosse (q. v.); (sin. a.) bayonet guide-rib (Fr. model 187-1); (inst.) righi linn tangent to middle point of an air-level. dirlser, v. a., to direct, manage, govern, conduct; - - la iujnc dc mire, (art.) to lay a gun. dlsaiit, m., ic moiiis , (adm.) t he lowest bidder. disclpliiiaire, a., (mil.) disciplinary: cor/is , disciplinary unit, punishment corps; jitine , disciplinary punishment. discinliiialre, m.. (mil.) man belonging to a - pui/iiie dc discipline. discipline, f., (mil.) discipline; punishment: ci'.iiijiiuinic dc , ( Fr. a.) \ . coinpagni : ctniscil d( , ( Fr. a.) \. cinistil: corps dc , ( /';. a.) v. compaynie; finite de - , breach of discipline: dcs fun, dufcu . (iirl.. inf.) fire disci ['line; gnrdtr la- -. to maintain disi iplir.c: maintt nir dans la -, to keep under discipline: - (/< marclu , attention paid t'> all details on ;i march, especially to prevent clmir'atinn; pfinc dc . disciplinary punishment; sans , undisciplined; sc nlachcr dt la , to relax in discipline. discretion 134 dissoudre discretion, f., discretion; se rendreh (mil.) to surrender at discretion, unconditionally. dlsjolndre, v. a. r., to disjoin, disunite; to come apart or asunder. disjoncteur, m., (ball.) disjunctor; (elec.) cut-out, a bouchvn, (elec.) plug. dlsjonctton, f., separation, disjunction; (ball.) disjunction; hauteur de , (ball.) height of disjunction. dislocation, f., dislocation, rupture, dismember- ment; (mil.) separation of troops, after ma- neuvers, and also alter a war, in order to return to their respective garrisons; (at drill) separate action of the members of a unit, e. g., of a batterv, or of a group when going into battery; marche de , v. s. v. marche. dlsloquer, v. a., to break up, dislocate, disperse. dlsparition, f., disappearance; (mil.) state of being "missing" after an engagement. disparu, a., (mil.) missing (after an engagement). dlsparu, m., (mil.) man missing (after an engage- ment). dlspeiisaire, m., dispensary. dispense, f., ( FT. a.) reduction of military service from 3 years to 1, in certain specified cases; exemption from military ser, ice of Frenchmen living regularly abroad, during their absence. dispense, m., ( FT. a.) the beneficiary of a dispense, q. v. dispenser, v. a., to scatter, dispense; du, service, (mil.) to exempt from military service. dispenseur, m., (inst.) difluser (of light). dlsperseur, m., (T. f. art.) oscillating lever, device for causing lateral dispersion of bullets (ma- chine guns). dispersion, f., (ball.) dispersion (of hits); (art.) spread, dispersion (of shrapnel bullets and fragments); cone de , (art.) cone of spread, of divergence: ellipse de , (ball.) theellipse containing a given percentage of hits; en hauteur, vertical dispersion, dispersion in elevation, over a vertical target; en largeur, lateral spread, dispersion; lit/ rale, v. en larijtur; en longueur, dispersion in range, longitudinal dispersion, dispersion over a horizontal target; rcclwvjle de , (ball.) the rectangle containing a given percentage of hits. disponlhilltl, f., availability; (Fr. a.) (of general o:Hcers and of assimilated grades) status of nonemployment, of being unattached; (of the men) status of men allowed to return to their homes before the completion of their full term of service; en , unattached, unemployed; sent homo before expiration of active sen ice; nr> . status of n. c. o.'s and men who, while belonuin 1 -; to the reserve or to the territorial army, in \irtue of their position in public ser , ices, do not join the colors on mobilization; gnl'lc de , half-pay, pay of the status of dis- ponibilitc; truth i mint dc , half-pay. dispoiiiltle, a., available; (mil.) in general, avail- able lor service; < />. ".) belonging to, or on the status of, the disponibilite; -non , belonging to tin 1 non-disponibilile. dlspoiiibl.", in., ( Fr. a.) general oflicer or man on the status ofdi.'pijnibilite; nun , n. c. o. or man belonging to tho non- dixponinililt; disposer, v. a., to set, fix, place in position, pre- i'ure, arrange; unefusie, (art.) to set a fuse. dls;>o>-itif, in., arrangement; (mil.) arrangement or distribution of troops for 1 lie common end; (jnil. nun.) mine chamber; dlspositlf de cibles, (t. p.) arrangement of indi- udual targets to represent infantry, cavalry, etc.; de combat, (mil.) combat dispositions; en croii, (mil. min.) cross-shaped mine chamber; des ecoles, (Fr. mil. min.) the typical mine system of the Scales du genie; de marche, (mil.) arrangement of troops on tho march, order of march, marching arrange- ments; de mines, (mil. min.) generic term for a system of countermines, or for the arrange- ments made in peace, for hasty destruction of railways, bridges, etc.; des polygones, y. des icoles; reitreint de I' Ecole d' 'application, (mil. min.) mine system regularly taught at the French Artillery and Engineer School of Application; de atationnement en surete, (mil.) general ex- pression for all the measures taken to guurd troops in a halt; df snrele, (mach., etc.) lock, locking device, safety device; en T(mil. min.) T-shaped mine chamber. disposition, f., arrangement, disposition; order; situation; (mach.) gearing, device; (mil.) any disposition or arrangement of troops for any purpose whatever; & la * . ( Fr. a.) state of being in the disponibilitc, q. v t ; (German army) status of an oflicer who has retired with a pension, but who may neverthe- less be actively employed in both peace and war; Ac combat, (art.) measures taken by a battery, either in park or at any halt, to enable it to open fire as soon as possible (as, a command "prepare for action. "). interieur d'un ouvraye, (fort.) interior arrange- ment of a work ; de route, (art.) command for passing from the de combat to the order of march in respect of the materiel; du terrain, (top.) lie, lay, of the ground. disputer, v. a., to dispute, contend; : le terrain, (mil.) to dispute a position, the ground ; le vent, (nav.) to struggle for tho weather gauge. disque, m., disk; nave-box plate; (elec.) disk armature; (fort.) embrasure plug or closer (in armored casemates); d'arrct, (r. r.) stopping signal, stopping disk; -d' assemblage, (r. f. art.) assembling plate (Hotchkiss rcvoh ing cannon); d'avant de nuit, (r. r.) headlight of a locomo- tive; d composition, (art.) fuse-composition disk, time train; de cutassf, (art.) breech-plate; dente, (mach.) ratchet washer; it distance, (r. r.) signal to stop, placed MX) to 1,()(K) meters ahead of stopping point; ti double couronne, ( Fr. art.) double ratchet wheel of the French casemate gin; < talon ii references, standard reference disk; de garniture, (mach.) pack i m: disk : -lanterne, (r. r.) headlight of a locomotive; mobile, nave-box; .-molettc, (mach.) worm; olilurateur, (art.) obturator plate; de pointage, (art.) elevating drum; Itortc-canont, (r. /. art.) assembling disk (Hoiclikiss revolving cannon): dc tarn/ion, (r. r.) buffer-plate. dissliiiuler, v. a., (mil.) to conceal from enemy's view, to cover. dissipation, f., (mil.) making way with arms, effects. dissolution, f., (clicm.) solution (act. and liquid); (in it.) disbanding of a body of troops. dissolvaiit, m., (i>ht.) developer. dissoudre, v. a., to dissolve. distance 135 document distance, f., distance; (or/., in. a.) range (to tar- get); & , (mil.) within range, at a proper distance; & de, (mil.) at (platoon, company, signaling, etc.) distance; appreciation des , (mil.) estimation of dis- tances; appr icier lea , (mil.) to estimate distances; de but en blanc, (ball.) point-blank range, range corresponding to the smallest elevation of a small-arms sight; de combat, (mtl.) fighting range; (sm. a.) range corresponding to smallest graduation of rear sight; demi , (mil.) half distance (drill); eniiere, (mil.) full distance, wheeling dis- tance; estimation des s, v. appreciation des s; estimcr Ics s, v. apprecier Ics s, evaluation des s, v. appreciation des s; tvzluer les s, v. apprMcr les s; eiplosire, (cipl.) striking distance, radius of elTect, of explosion; de fleche, (ball.) distance from the origin of (ire to the foot of the ordinate passing through the vertex of the trajectory, measured along the line of sight; franchissable soils la vapeur, (nav.) coal en- durance; de front, (mil.) v. entitre; grande , (t. p.) any range greater than 1,200 meters; long range; 'iraphique. actual distance on a map, a chart; scale distance; hyperfocale, (pJtnt.) hyperfocal distance (i. e.,- that distance beyond which all objects are in focus at the principal focus of the lens; the fo- cusing of a screen in projections); jugrr les s, (mil.) v. apprecier Irs .,' manuct des s, ( Fr. a.) table of distances; de marche, (mil.) distance between the con- stituent elements of a column on tho march; mo'jenne , (t. p.) any range between 600 and 1,200 meters; mean range; petite , (t. p.) any range between and TOO meters; short range; -des rails, (r. r.) gauge; de rcglage, ( Fr. art.) tho distance used in set- ting the Deport sight: serrSf, (mil.) close distance (drill); de signal, des signaux, (mil.) signaling distance; dc lir, (art.,sm. a.) range (i. e., distance from gun to target, to be distinguished from portee, q. v.); zi'nithale, zenith angle, angle made by the visual ray from the point considered, with the vortical through the station (in geodetic level- in;;). distinct!!, a. .distinctive, characteristic; iii-'rifnc re, (mil.) distinctive, distinguishing, iTinrlc (as, for faithful service, for success at target practice, etc.). distl'ictif, m., (mil.) lace, ornament, any dis- ti'i'4 'ashing mark or badge (of arm, grade, of fiithful service, etc.). distinction, f., distinction; distinction, as a deco- ration; act of distinguishing. (listrlliiier, v. a., to distribute; to servo out, hand out: (mil.) to issue, to make issues; la I'/ipeur, (attain) to feed, distribute, steam. distrilMiteiir, m., distributer; (r. f. art.) carrier, cart ridge carrier, distributer; feed-table (ITotch- kiss revolving cannon); (si rum) steam-regula- tor (of supply, in some engines): (mil.teleri.) sol- dier \vho hands out implements, etc., from tho chirint de travail; (macrt.) distributer (as, of a turbine); fi coulisse, (macit.) Stephenson's link mo- tion: '!' insertion, (eli-c.) rheostat; df potentiel, (rlrc.) transformer, converter: lie In vnpeur, (steam) main slide valve, valve distribution, f., distribution; serving out; ar- ranging; delivery, issue; (mil.) issue (of clothing, rations, etc.; frequently used in plural for issues in general, of no" matter what sort of stores and supplies); (steam) valve gear, expan- sion valve, expansion valve and gear; intro- duction of steam; (mach.,etc.) the gear or device producing a distribution; appareil de la , (steam) valve gear; arbre de , (steam) valve stem; ft coulisse, (steam) link-motion, valve gear; par diclic, (steam) Corliss valve gear, drop cut-off; a detente, link expansion; & detente fixe, valve gear with fixed cut-off; d detente variable, valve gear with variable cut-off; enunyer aux s f (mil.) to send men to draw, receive, stores, issues, etc.; Its s, (mil.) call for issues; d lei'ier, (steam) lever motion; li main, (steam) hand gear for working tho slides; mccanisme de de la vapeur, (steam) steam valve gear; officier de , (mil.) issuing officer; par robincts, (steam) distribution of steam by means of cocks; par soupapes, (steam) valve gear, distribu- tion of steam by valves; par tiroirs, (steam) slide-valve gear: de la vapeur, (steam) regulated supply of steam to the cylinder, valve setting; (hence) valve gear. divergence, f., divergence, spread; (art.) scattering, spread, of shrapnel bullets; cone de , v. cone. dlverger, v. n., to diverge. diversion, f., (mil.) diversion. divlser, v. a., to divide; machine a - , dividing engine, graduator. dlvtseur, m., (macrt.) dividing plate; (in cryptog- raphy) enciphering table or abacus; ii double transposition, enciphering plato involving horizontal and vertical inversions; ii simple trans-position, enciphering plate in- volving only one inversion of each element. division, f., division; (mil.) division (of an army corps, of cavalry); ( Fr. nr.) division ii. o., two platoons); (mach.) indexing mechanism (of a milling machine); adminis!niti'.e, (Fr. a.) administrative di- vision of territory (e. g.,r/y/on de corps d'crm/t ; encadree, (mil.) division forming p-irt of a corps (in action), acting in concert with other troops on both Hanks; iiidt'ptndante de fnvalerie, (car.') independent cavalry division, division of exploration, cav- alry division operating independently in fror.t of an army; imilce, (mil.) (infantry) division operating alone, not in concert with other troops; Jc mdladcs, ( Fr. a.) in a hospital, the sit-!: under the charge of one surge. m: n:i pi tit pinl, (mil.) a division Cinfant: ; i lacVmg some of its organic parts; dc la nine des rcnftt, compass division.. divisioiinairc, a., (mil.} belonging to a , a., tent h; piixmr iiu , (mil. slin: 1 )) to die. docile, a., docile, gentle. IrarPible. docllite, f., docility, gentleness; (mitch.) rase cont !'"!; -nn-fni, (hi pp.) steadiness under tire. dork, i'.\., ( )ir.) dock: /lottnnt. llo:itintr dock. document, m.. ddcumcnt; ilr cnmptabilitfi, (adm.) any property return or voucher. dod$cagone 136 double-joint dodCragone, ra., dodecagon. dolgt, m., finger; (r. f. art.) cocking-toe (Hotch- kiss47"> m r. f.); demise drfcu, (torp.) firing trigger of a (Canct) torpedo tube; de mine en marche, v. de inise defeu. dolst*, m., (fcnc.) fingering, momentary displace- ment of the point by the action of the fingers. dohjtcr, m., (man.) pressure or touch of fingers on the mouth through the reins. doistier, m., any mechanism operated by the thumb or finger; (art.) thumb stall (obs.). doler, v. a., to work, chip off, with an adze. dolman, m., (unif.) dolman, jacket (really cav- nlry, but also worn by field artillery, etc., in tho French army). doloire, f., broadax. dclomle, f., dolomite, f., dolomite, domain-, m., domain; (ndm.) public property, state property; de I' rtat, state property, public property (frequently synonymous with prive, q. v.); militnire, all forts and their dependencies, and all buildings, grounds, etc., belonging to the state and used for military purposes; privr, state property held by the state as a private citizen holds property; public, rivers, canals, roads, etc.; rentier au , to cover into the treasury, to re- turn to the state. domanial, a., belonging to tho state. dnmuiiiulitp 1 , f. , quality of belonging to the state, to the public domain. dome, m., dome; cupola; (steam) steam dome; (met.) reverberating roof; de machine & vapeur, (steam) steam dome; de prise de vapeur, (steam) steam dome of a locomotive; de vapeur, (steam) steam dome. domicile, m., (law) domicile. dominer, v. a., to dominate, keep in subjection; (fnrt.) to command, overlook. dommaee, m., damage; s-intirrtjs, indemnity due a person for dam- age done him; damages. dompter, v. a., to reduce, quell, master, keep under; (man.) to break a horse. donipteur, m., tamer, subduer; de, chtraui, (man.) horse breaker. donjon, m., keep, donjon (obs.). donne>, f., datum. dormer, v. a. n., to give, to hit, strike: ^mil.) to be, engaged , in action; to attack, charge, fight; (inst.) to read to; (nav.) to make an entrance into a port; I'a.iKant, (mil.) to storm, to assault; - bataillr, (mil.) to engage; aw hut, (art., sm. a.) to hittho mark; rnrrirre ii un chcral , (man.) to give a horse full speed; -- ''( chnnde, (met.) to heat: dn curie, (much., etc.) to taper; un rtiv/ia inic mnnmirrr, (cord.) to haul on a 1 ackle, tn give a pull to a tackle; It dirn-lin'1, (nrl.'i f i l:iv a gun fur direction; f'lirr , (mil.) to send in, to put (troops), into thv combat; --f'nitl. i'mnO locast anchor; ii (rniii . (nut.) to .; lac's CM the fire; lit lian.-t.tc, (art.) to elevate; to give tho ele- vation; dn ir.nn , (rml.) to produce fouling (as, in a gun, ... fixed, immovable; standing, dead; dormant, /aire , (cord.) to fix, clinch, fasten; to be seized to; manauvres ex, (cord.) standing rigging, tackle; pont , fixed bridge. dormant, m., sleeper, post; transom, fan light (of a door or window); (cord.) standing part of a tackle, (in pi.) standing rigging; de. bretelles, (mil.) upper part of haversack straps. dos, m., back (in a great variety of relations); (cay.) backplate of a cuirass; (top.) ridge; d'ane, (fort., etc.) ridge formed by the inter- section of the glacis planes; (top.) shelving ridge, saddle; en d'Ane, (of roads) crowned, barreled; &, en, d'ane, saddle-backed; avoir le sac au , (mil.) to be in tho service, to be a soldier; de carpe, (hipp.) hogged back; crcux, (hipp.) sway-back, saddle-back; double, (hipp.) double back (backbone countersunk); droit, (hipp.) straight back; enxiltt, v. crtuz; fairc le gros , (man.) to buck; manterd , (man.) to ride bareback; de mulct, (hipp.) slightly convex back; mule back; plongr, (hipp.) dipped back; tranchant, (hipp.) sharp back; razorback. dosable, a., (chem.) in proper, equivalent, pro- portions. dosage, m., (chem., expl.) proportion of ingredients in gunpowder, etc.; percentage composition; action of weighing the ingredients; tire au , (of a powder, explosive) to have in- gredients of the proper proportion, or accord- ing to specification or requirements. doser, v. a., (chem., ex-pi.) to determine propor- tions of ingredients, as in gunpowder; to use ingredients in proper proportion. dosse, f., slab (of a log). dossier, m., back (of a seat, etc.,); headboard, backboard; bundle of papers relating to the same subject; wrapper, office jacket (for papers bearing on one subject). dossiore, f. , backplate of a (modern) cuirass; (harn.) back or ridge strap for supporting the shafts. dot, f., marriage portion. dotation, f., endowment (esp., France, of a pub- lic institution like the Invalides, the Lfi/ion d'honneur); grant of money to a successful general; de I'aTinfe, (Fr. a.) fund created for tho benefit of soldiers with tho colors, and to in- crease their pensions (ceased to exist in 1869). douaiie, f., custom-house; droits de ,/ruis de , customs dues. douaiiler, m., custom-bouse inspector. doublage, m., (nav.) sheathing; en citivre, copper sheathing; en metal , metal sheathing. double, a., double, duplicate: detente, (sm. a.,) hair-trigger; double trig- ger; fi fffet, (art.) double-acting, combination ( '< a fuse). double, in., duplicate, copy, counterpart: (curd.) bight; (mil. slang) sergeant-major; en , in duplicate; de maniyniTf, (rorJ.1 bight : .f df papier, thicknesses of paper. double, a., (wir.) bottomed, lined, sheathed: en cuiiTC, copper-bottomed. double 1 , m., (ftnc.) a feint, followed by a thrust made in the same line as the feint. doublc-contre, ( fine.), v. s. v. cr<7i're. double-decimetre, 20-centimeter rule fur taking distances, especially curved . from a ninp. double-fond, in., (nav.) double bottom, double casing. double-joint, m., universal, double ball-and- socket, joint. doublement 137 dressage doublemenf, in., doubling; (inf.) doubling of flies, ranks; (mil.) act or state of marching on same road with (as, artillery with infantry); (art.) passage, as, of a piece by its caisson, and vice versa; in general, passage of one vehicle by another in aroad;(Afiwr.) doubling; d'i'ne ballt, (t. p.) the enlargement, by a bullet, of the hole made by a preceding bullet; reinforcement par , (mil.) reinforcement such that the same extent of line is held by an in- creased number of men. double-metre, 2-meter rule or measure. double-pas, ni., double pace or step, in pacing dis- tances. doubler, v. a., to double; to fold; to lap; to line (as, a coat); (nav.) to sheathe; (art.) to pass (as, a caisson its piece), and, in general, of two \ohi-jles in a road: (mil.) to march on the same road (as. artillery with infantry-): (inf.) to double (.(lies, ranks); (maw.) in a riding-hall, to pass at right angles Irom one track to the oppo- site, preserving the original direction of mo- tion; (f.) to double a cape; tine fl-isxe, to repeat a course at school, etc.; to be turned back (U. S. M. A.); hs files, (irf.) to double the flies, 1. e., form column of two or of four files, according as the original line is in single or double rank; dans la largeur (longueur), (man.) in a riding hall, to pass at right angles from one track to the opposite (crosswise or lengthwise), pre- ser.ing tlie original direction of motion; lex manwvres. (cord.) to reeve double; ltsraags,(inf.) \. Us files. doublor, m. (man.) passage at right angles from one track to the opposite in a riding-hall, pre- ser\ ing the original direction of motion . doublette, f., (of timber) piece of standard size, standard piece. double-vole, f., (r. r.) double-track line. doubiis, in., (coTw.)eave, eave coarse (of a roof). doublure, f., lining (as, of a uniform); fold, lap- pin-;; (met.) flaw, defect in irons, consisting of scales that peel oil, scale; unsound welding. doucemeiit, adv., easily, gently; handsomely (as, in paying out a rope, etc. 1. douceur, f., softness, gentleness tn ! handsomely! nu'.ine tn ! (cord.) lower handsomely; doui'iii, m., freshet; brackish water. dourinr, f., (art.) ornamental molding or swell on ordnance. doucir, \ . a., to grind smooth, as by emery, trip- oil, etc. doiillle, [., socket, bracket, eye; (mart:., etr.) box, bushing, collet, bush; (am. a.) part ot revolver to \\liich the barrel is screwed; bayonet socket; (MM. a., r.f. art.) cartridge case; (steam) gover- nor sleeve; - d'a/iiorQayf, (artif.) primer seat or socket of demolition petard: (art.; primer holder of certain < uTtnun mortar !us\s. - -arrftotr, (irt.t locking socket, of a jointed sponge atid rammer stall'; n cu'.nl i,virti , i r.f. art.} built -up c;i so; - tl'fiiilxirraji . (art.) emharring socket ; -( i 'lain. c- does. dragle, f., (sin. a.) small shot; de plomb, small shot. dragon, m., (cav.) dragoon; f -gardes, dragoon guards (English). dragonne, f.. (unif.) sword-knot; (harn.) strap:- (in gen.) strap or thong (on certain equipments, etc.). draguage, m., dredging. dragiie, f.. dredging machine, dredge; (">icye) sap- per's sitfH'el, sort of sweep or hoe to push aside snow, loose earth; de mine, (mil. nun.) miner's sweep (sort of hoe for loose earth); de sape, (siege) sort of hoe or sweep for loose earth in sap work. draguer, v. a., to dredge, drag; (torp.) to dredge, drag, for torpedoes; Vancre, to sweep or drag an anchor; machine a , dredger. drngueur, m., dredger; battau , dredger, dredging boat; a godtt.i, bucket dredger. dr;ti!le, f., (rnrd.) girt line; de teute, ridge rope. drain, m., draining ditch; draining pipe, drainage, in., draining, drainage. drainer, v. t 1 .., to drain. dr;tp, m.. cloth; at lit. sheet; di- snldai, (mil.) clotli for private's uni formal dr soun-vfjicitr, (mil.) clotli lor n. c. o.'s uni- forms: de troupe, (mil.) cloth for t he men's uniforms. drapeau, m., flag, colors, ensign, standard, stand of colors; (sin. a.) thumb-piece of the safely device (Spanish Mauser): (in pi., n/7.) armies: apjidfr sous Irs 1, to call into active service: ar'ninrun , to hoist a color, a Hag; au , "to the color;' 1 ba/ireau , to beat "to the color;" biittn U - .r, 1o troop the color >: bfnedii'lion (Its i.consecraiion of colors; btnir /'.v r, to consecrate t he colors; bianc, flag of truce, white Hag; qiinlt dct. , color-L'tiartl; nampe de , color stall, pike; -jiunf, quarantine (lag; /vtrltii't ntaire, v. blanc; plnnftr un -, to erect a standard; pur/r , color-bearer; ."( rii't'tir noil.-- //.s- - j. to espouse t he cause of; se nmlrt aui j, to join one'-', regiment; xignnl. signal tla: r ; unniKr <- in.;. I.'IiliiiL 1 : (.>;//. n.i straightening M-tting mf a L'uii iiarrrl during nuinu':n't urc >; < :nn n . ' i niin- iii 1 .: iof horse--"': (.of rarrior j'irivins th-.-i yi-ar's tniinini.'; militatrf, (nni.i military training (pbysical : dressage dynamite dressage ft la pJanchetU, (sm. a.) operation and process of detecting defects of straightness in rifle barrels by the reflection of a straight-edge; vcrificatcur de , (sin. a.) optical apparatus for detecting defects of straightness in guu barrels. dresse, a. , ( mil. ) well set up, drilled, and instructed (of the men in ranks); (man.) broken; d la selle, (man.) broken to the saddle. dresseinent, m., (r. r.) grading, finishing, of earth- works. dresser, v. a., to dress, straighten, erect: to set up; to make true; to level; to dress; trim (as, a surface, aslope); to draw up, prepare (a report); to arrange; to instruct, train, form; (man.) to train (a horse); (sm. a.) to straighten, set (a rifle barrel); (mil.) to set up drill, and instruct (a recruit); (mack.) to line up (an engine); d'alijncment, to build by the plumb-line; a l'ar<;on, (sm. a.) v. au cordeau; unc battcrie, (fort., art.) to trace or mark out a battery; to equip it with guns; un camp, (mil.) to lay out a camp; un canon de fusil, (sm. a.) to set and straighten a rifle barrel; un cheval, (man.) to break a horse; li cherre, (art.) to raise the gin; an cordeau, to set by line (as, a gun barrel, etc.); dcs embuches, une embuscade, (mil.) to lay an ambush, an ambuscade; une machine, (mach.) to adjust, line up, an engine; dc riivcau, to level; d I'etil, to set by the eye (a gun barrel, etc.); une recrue, (mil.) to set up, drill, and instruct a recruit; une tente, to pitch a tent; dresseur, m., (man.) horse-trainer; (sm. a.) barrel- setter. drillc, m., (mach.) drill, boring-bit; borer, piercer; (mil.) poor soldier: ii archct, bow-drill; & arc.on, breast-borer, breast-brace; bo n , (mil.) old soldier; en cngrcnagc, bevel wheel; & Icvier, ratchet-brace, ratchet-drill; brocket, ratchet-drill, ratchet-brace. drisse, f., halliard; du pavilion, flag halliard; de signauz, signal halliard. droit, m., right, rights; title, claim; toil, duty, fee; s'.iarc; law; hqui dc , (law) to those having legal rights in tiie ease; d'imic, right of shelter, (esp., nav.) on a war vessel; ayant , (law) person entitled (to payment, redress, etc.), rightful claimant or owner; dc brtiet. patent rights; de chanccilcrie, registration fee; - commercial, commercial law; ilc discijiline, (mil.) disciplinary power; ichilvnnc, (adm.) differential duty; - - d'enquftc du, pavilion, (nav. int. law) right of a man-of-war to make a commercial vessel dc /".in raisonner. (nav. int. law) right of s, (lav:) international law, law - - d> graft . pardoning power; dc lit iiiurri . (mil.) law of war; maritime, maritime international, inter- national maritime law; - inili>':ir(. military law: d, n in 'itrcx. law of neutrals il>~ prl-i , (mil. int. law) ri;,'ht of capture; iniiilic inili/dire. (mil.; uodo of military legis- lation, jurisprudence; dr re/'rixiiillcs, law. right , (if reprisals; - d( irr,'-riiti'in dr la natiminlitt , ( ntir. int. law) rk'ht i f vc:ifvitii; natiunalil y of a vessel; de linitf. '. i"r. in', lav:) right of search. droit, a., straight, right; plumb: upright, erect, standing up; (man.) straight in line, said of a horse when he stands squarely on his legs, with his head and body in the same direction; (hipp.) sound, free from lameness; cheval , (hipp.) horse warranted sound and free from lameness; surjambe, (hipp.) short-pasterned. droite, f., right line, straight line; right hand, right side; (mil.) right of an army, body of troops, etc.; d'un leve, (top.) Une of direction, bearing laid down on a survey. droit-jointe, (hipp.) straight-pasterned (of a horse); straight (of a pastern). droiture, f., justice, uprightness; en , in a right line. drome, f., raft, float; des embarcations, (nav.) in a shipyard, boats, small boats, collection or assemblage of small boats. drosse, f., (nav.) steam steering chain. dualine, f., (expl.) dualin. ductile, a., (met.) ductile. ductilit*, f., (met.) ductility. duel, m., duel; d'artillcrie, (art.) artillery duel; d'artillerie decisif, (art.) decisive duel, artil- lery duel proper (assailants in duel position): d'artillcrie preparatoirc, (art.) preparatory duel (assailants in reconnoitering position). Dumanet, (mil. slang) French equivalent of Tommy Atkins. dune, f.. ((op.) dune, sand dune. dunette, f., (nav.) poop. duplicata, m., duplicate (of report, document). dur, a., hard; harsh; stifl; (fond.) chilled; - au depart, (sm. a.) hard on the trigger; a la detente, (sm. a.) hard on the trigirer; dla lime, hard to file, resisting the file. durability, f., durability. durable, a., durable, lasting. durci, a., hardened (as, lead for bullets); (fnrt.) faced with concrete (of a parapet); (fond.) chilled; fonte e, (met.) chilled cast-iron; (L la surface, (met.) case-hardened, surface- hardened. durclr, v. a., to harden; to stiffen: to make hard, still; to indurate; (fond.) to chill. durcissemeiit, m., hardening, stiffening; indura- tion; (fond.) chilling. dure, f., bare ground; bare board. duree, f., duration; life (of a gun, etc.); (art.) time of flight; (ball. ) time interval; de combustion, time of combustion (as. of a fuse, a match, etc.); combustion interval: d'ecoulement, (mil.) time necessary to march past a given point: - du jour, (art.) time of combustion of a fuse, as determined by local atmospheric conditions of the day, in contradistinction from the tabular combustion interval; de la trajectoirc, du trajrt, (ball.) time of flight. durer, v. n., to last, continue; hold out, endure. durete, f.. hardness; d'citraclion, (sm. a., r. f. art.) difficulty of extraction (of the cartridge case); - dc mannurre, stiffness, dilliculty of opera- tion (of the parts of a mechanism, etc.). durlllon, m., callosity; (sm. a.) irregularity of caliber (due to lack of homogeneity in tho metal of the barrel); au fiitd. com. dynaniagnite, f., (rxpl.) Hercules powder. dynamlqur, f., dynamics. dynamite, f., (tzpl.) dynamite; asbcste, dynamite with asbestos for absorb- ent; & base active simultanec, dynamite with ox- plosive base; blanche, dynamite with base, of siliceous earth; dynamite 139 eau dynamited cellulose , llgnln dynamite; au charbon, dynamite with charcoal ab- sorbent , carbo-d ynamite; aufulmicoton, glyoxyline; gtlatint, explosive gejatine; gomme, gum dynamite, explosive gelatine, blasting gelatine; grasse, dynamite with a relatively nonporoas base (as compared with maigre); grise, dynamite with a base of resin, char- coal , and s'odium nitrate; i yrisou, fire-damp dynamite, grisoutite; grisoutine, fire-damp dynamite, grisoutite; de guerre, sen-ice dynamite; ligneuse, lignose; maigre, dynamite with a very porous base; au mica, mica-powder; molle , unfrozen dynamite; noire, dynamite with a base of pulverized coke and sand; paillc, d paille, straw dynamite, paleinc, v. paille; rimge, dynamite with a base of tripoll; fi la silice, siliceuse, kiesclguhr dyna- mite; >.iu sucre, dynamite with a base of sugar. dynanilterle, t.,(expl.) dynamite factory- dynanilteur, m., (mi!.) man charged with han- dling dynamite. dynamo, f., (dec.) dynamo; ar trier une , to wind a, dynamo; de charije, dynamo used to charge accumu- lators, charging dynamo; dynamo, compound, compound-wound dynamo; & courants alternatifs, alternating-current dynamo; & courants redresses, unidirectional-current machine or dynamo; electrique, dynamo; h enrouleinent compound, com pound-wound dynamo; b excitation indlpendante, separately excited dynamo; & excitation en serie, series-wound dynamo; excitee en derivation, shunt-wound dynamo; eicitee en seric, series-wound dynamo; quantitf., low-tension, low-voltage, dynamo; teiMto n, high-tension, high-voltage, dynamo. dynaniojsene, m., (cxpl.) dynamogen. dynamographe, m., dynamometer, dynamo- graph. dynamometre, m., dynamometer. fi compleur, registering dynamometer; b, courruies , belt, strap, dynamometer; d'ecrasement, (art.) crusher-gau.-c; enregistreur, registering dynamometer; dfrein, brake dynamometer; de rotation, transmission dynamometer; de traction, traction dynamometer; de transmission, v. de rotation. dyne, f.,dyne. dyssenterle, f., dysentery. E. eau, f., water; river; rain; wash; lake; sea; pond; perspiration; urine; (in pi.) waters, territorial waters; fountain, waterworks; watering place; walce; d'alimentation, (steam) feed water; bassc , low tide; blanc d' , sheet of water of slight depth (e. g., fort., as an accessory defense); blanche, mash of bran and water; 4 blanchir, whitewash; chute lii : e. j.liiriu/e, rain water; imtiihte, drinking water; l>r< nitie 1' , to leak: jirendrc (tiint
  • ii,l.t ran lenient, m., shock, concussion; shaking, disturbance, commotion, disorder; (mil.) wavering. ebranler, v. a. r., to shake, unsettle, disturb, stagger; (mil.) to shake, to cause to waver; to move, to be set in motion (as, of troops set- ting out on a march); to waver, to become broken up. ebrasement, m., splay, splaying; mur d' , wing wall, bay wall (as, of an em- brasure). Cbraser, v. a., to splay. ebrtcher, v. a., to notch, hack; break a piece out of, make a hole in. ebrlllade, f., sudden jerk with the bridle. ebroudage, m., plate wire-drawing. ebroudeur, m., wire-drawer. ebroudir, v. a., to draw wire through a plate. ebrouement, m. (hipp.) snort (due to surprise or fear). cbroucr, v. r., (hipp.) to snort, sneeze. ebullition, f., ebullition. Ccacher, v. a., to crush: to beat, squeeze, flat. ecagne, f., (cord.) part of a skein or hank that has been divided. ecaille, f., splinter, chip; scale; s, (met.) scale; s, defer, forge-scale, hammer slag. ecaillement, m., scaling, scaling off (as, an armor plate under fire). ecailler, v. a. r., to scale, peel off; to chip off; to flake. ecalllon, m., tush or tusk of a horse. ecarlate, f., scarlet. fecarrlr, v. a., to fine-bore, to polish. ecart, m., any place more or less remote; (in ther- modynamics) difference of temperature; (man.) shy, sudden start (aside); (hipp.) strain; (opt.) dispersion, failure of rays to focus on account of spherical aberration; (carp.) scarf, joint, (length of) overlapping (in a joint); (ball.} error, deviation; distance from center of im- pact to point aimed at (of n, group): distance from point of impact to point aimed at (of a single shot). (Except where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to ballistics:) absolu, absolute error, deviation: straight lino from point considered to center of impact; absolu moyen, mean absolute error; angle d' horizontal, angle of lateral jump; angulaire initial lateral, angle of lateral jump; angulaire vertical, vertical angle of jump; corr, (carp.) butt and butt; en direction, lateral deviation; double., (carp.) hook and butt, two ends of timber laid over each other; d'fdatement en hauteur, difference between real height of point of burst and theoretical moan height; d'eclatcmcnt a'un point Silivant In trajectoire, distance, of point of burst from plane normal to mean trajectory and passing through meai> point of burst; - -d'eclatemcnt. en portce, difference between ranu'o on burst and mean theoretical range on burst,; d'e panic, (hipp.) shoulder strain; fain tin . (man.) to shy; faul , (hipp.) slight strain of hip joint; f'.mdamtnial, any error that will sei \ e ns a standard of comparison (e. g., the, probable error, the mean-square error); gfomitrin; moyen en direction, mean lateral error; moyen gf.omctrique, v. gfomctrique; moj/tn en hauteur, mean vertical error, mean error in range; moijcn en portfe, mean error in range; moyen quadratiqut, the square root of tho arithmetical mean of the squares of the ol>- served deviations (employed by General Didion); moyen , a synonym, first of geometrique, and, second, of moyen quadratique , qq. v.; en portfe, error in range; probable, probable error (otherwise defined as the radius of the circle, having the center of impact as center and containing 50 per cent ofliits); probable absolu, V. probable, second definition; probable en direction, probable horizontal, probable en largeur, probable lateral error; probable en hauteur, probable en lon- gueur, probable en portee, probable ver- tic il, probable error in range; probable normal, the probable error, referred to a plane normal to the trajectory ; de reglage, distance between the target and the center of impact of a group, the practice being as accurate as possible; simple, (cirp.) v. cam; s totaui, the sides of the rectangle, equal each to eight times the corresponding probable error; vertical, v. en hauteur; vertical moyen, v. moyen en hauteur. ftcartement, m., spacing, distance apart; scatter- ing, separation, putting aside; pitch (of rivets); (jort.) spacing (of forts, works, on a line); des essieux, (r. r.) wheel base; -des flagques d'affut, (art.) distance apart of cheeks; normal, (r. r.) standard gauge; des mils, (r. r.) gauge; des rivets, pitch of riveting; des roues, span or width between wheels; dc la vole, (r. r.) gauge; * de la voie dans ceuvre, (r. r.) gauge in the clear. ^carter, v. a. r., to extend, widen, separate; di- ve.it, turn aside; ward off; scatter; dispel; un coitp, to ward oil a blow. eciivecade, (man.) pul vith the cavesson. 6ch;:f;uid, m., scaffold; (fort.) balcony made in the window of a house prepared for defense. fechafatidaKC, m., scaffolding; erection of stages; (Jig.) preparations. Cchaf under, v. a., to scaffold, to stage. eohanrrer, v. a., to channel, groove; to hollow, b >ll'j\v out; to cut, make hollow, sloping; to eat into (as, the sea into a coast, etc.) Cclri'ifTiin 1 , f-. channel, cut, groove: hollowing, notch, indentation; scallop (as in the edge of a s-iddlecluth); (fort.) cut (in the covered way); (.s'.-i. a.) cut (in the receiver); Jit glacis, ( fort.) defile crotchet. ec-haiiKC, in., exchange; (mil.) exchange, (of pris- oners); cur'.! I d' , (mil.) cartel of exchange; liiirt , free trade. r hauler, v. a., to exchange; (mil.) to exchange (prisoners). 6cliantltr,llolle, f., bracket, block, lining; axletroo In icket; (art.) trail bracket (obs.); cheek-piece of a gin. Gcliaul illon, in., sample, specimen, pattern, tem- plet, model; (fond.) loam board, modeling board; dc chemise, (fond.) thickness piece; - druii, (fond.) deadhead board; firr. conformed I' , ctre d' , to be according t ) pattern; ft riros ,1, oflarge pattern; dc noyau, (fond.) core board; echantlllim-tvpt, (idm.) model or pattern fur- nished by a contractor. echantlllonnage, m., gauging, verification by a standard. ("ch.niUllorino, p. p., made up into patterns, shapes (of manufactures, e. g., iron, etc.). echantlllonner, v. a., to verify, to gauge, to com- pare with a standard; to make up according to given patterns, etc. echapp*, p. p., m., fugitive.; stray, runaway (horse); (hipp.) mongrel horse; cheval de normand, etc., (hipp.) horse of Norman, etc., sire and dam of any other breed; un de nor viand , etc., (hipp.) horse of Norman, etc., sire and Jam of any other breed. echappee, f., space for carriages to turn in; width of a door or window, width of any opening ad- mitting the light; clear space, of a spiral stair- case; (man.) prank, trick, fit; d'une vis, distance between threads of a screw; de vue, vista. fichappement, m., escape; escape, leak (of steam, air, powder gases, etc.): putt, blast (of steam, etc.); escape pipe; flue (of a reverberatory fur- nace); space for carriages to turn in; height between floor and ceiling; scapement, escape- ment (of aclock, etc.); (steam) exhaust (period); d ancre, anchor escapement: d cylindre, cylinder escapement; d i'epiTK, deadbeat escapement; d recul , recoil escapement; d repos, v. d I 'epiiu; tuyau d' , escape pipe, blast pipe; d verge, crown escapement. echapper, v. a. n., to escape, run off or away, break loose; to avoid; (fenc.) to retire or with- draw to avoid a thrust, a lunge; lajarnbe, (fenc.) to withdraw; laisser , to let off (steam, gas, etc.); (man.) to put a horse at full speed. charpe, f., sash; sling (as, for tho arm); shell or frame of a block or pulley; assemblage of one or more sheaves in one shell; ji'o of a crane, out- rigger; tie; (cons.) brace, diagonal brace; re- enforcing strap: (unif.) sash, ollicer's sash; batterie d' , (art.) oblique-fire battery, one firing obliquely at any target : battre d' , (art.) to fire, take obliquely: changer d' , to change sides; coup de sabre en , slanting saber cut; d crochet, block and hook; d' , obliquely; de distinction, (unif.) sash worn over shoulder, as a badge of duty or of command, (obs. in France); en , askew, skew, slanting, in a sling, slant- ingly, across the .shoulders, obliquely. echarper, v. a., to pass a sling or tar-Mo :in>imd a weight; (mil.) to cut to pieces (as, a regiment). 6rhas.se, f., stilt; scaffolding pole. Cchatulairr, m., whitewash, limpwash; operation of whitewashing. fohaudp, f., (iiKt.) welding heat. Orhaucle, m., camp stool, folding scat. fcl i;ui Iff, a., (of wood) moldy, roiton; rotten. ft'haiifYeiiu-rH, m., overheating: (of wi.-o defect duo to the fermentation of *a heating of a (waring, journal, etc.: feed water; (art., sm. a.) healing of barn'!, of gi'.n.duo to tiring; - dc StifvitrchflU , (hipp.) di--va--o of t lie foot . (chauffer, v. a. r., to heat , to become hot : n-i' mr- bcr) t i dry rot; (man.) to stir up, excite, irrii.iii 1 (a horse). 6chauffour6e,f.,(mj7.,rtc.)alTray,scutl!e;skirmisli; ill-conducted aitair. etliaiisuettc, f., lfrt.) watch tn'ver or l-"\, s->rt of elevated sentry box, bartizan. (Also spoiled fcharyudlt , ol'S.) echaunic 142 talatement Cchaume, m., thole-pin. Cchaisx, m. pi., drains, irrigating channels. eclifaiice, f., term, expiration; (mil.) expiration ofad./ii; 6 /' , when due; h lor.rjue , with a long time to rim (of a note, etc.). cchcc, m., check, repulse, foil, miscarriage; ctrecn , to be slopped, checked; eprouver un , to be defeated, repulsed. Cchclette, f., rack of a cart. fclieller, m., peg-ladder; de grue, jib or arm of a crane. ecnello, f., ladder; scale; ship's ladder; bt'.see, folding ladder; de corde, rope ladder; & la courte , by mounting on ono another's shoulders; faire la courte , to mount on ono another's shoulders; dcs dinnes, diagonal scale; double, (siege) scaling-ladder of double width; (inacn.) double ladder (i. e., two ladders hinged ut the top); d'cau, water-gauge; d'cscalade, (siege) scaling-ladder; de front, plain scale, uniform scale; fuyante, vanishing scale; graduce, graduated scale; graph ique, scale; dcs hauteurs, vertical scale; ii incendie, Ore-ladder; dcs longueurs, horizontal scale; nareometrique, open-sea tide-gauge; de meunier, st-iircase without risers; mobile, sliding scale; 7i inner ique, representative fraction; de pente, (fort. , top.) scale of s lope ; pont , m., (siege), ladder-bridge for crossing ditches; dm i>onts, river-gauge; de projection, scale of project ion ; dc projection & I'horizon, scale of reduction to the horizon (stadia work); proportionnelle, diagonal scale; a rapporter, \. dc reduction; de reduction, plotting scale, reducing scale; diagonal scale ; de reduction d I'noriznn, scale of reduction to the horizon (stadia work); dc siege, scaling-ladder; fi:n pie, ordinary scale of length; stadimetrique, stadimcter scale. Crhelle-obseryatolre, f., (mil.) field observatory (iaddur suitably erected atid supported). C'chcloii, m., round, rung, of a ladder; (mil.) echelon (in many applications); grade; (art.) synonym of decomoat, q. v.; de combat. (Fr. art.) what is left of the batterif de combat after taking out the batttrie de tir, i. o., battery wagon, forge, 6 caissons, 6 spare teams (hence) first line of wagons of a battery; dccroiscr Ics s, (mil.) to form direct from oblique echelons; ilirtcl, (mil.) echelons parallel to one another and to the lino of battle; dc la hirrarchii , (mil.) grade; ii'ilii,'ut , (mil.) oblique echelon (to guard against a possible flank attack); tie purr, (Fr. a.) section of an army corps ammunition JJ.M k. tV-heloime, a., (mil.) echulonned; tir , v. s. v. In. >"chel(>mieni'nt, in., (mil.) eehelpnning. opera- tion, result, of disposing troops in echelon; dr la ttrtfjiti , (i-lxnn i compo- Hiding; dcs Arju.Mf.s-, (urt.) use of increasing eleva- tions, in ranging; du tir, v. di v haii sfm. iTlii'lonner, v. ;.. to proportion; (mil.) to form, draw up, post .dispose, troops in echelon; les haux,ie.f, (urt.) in ranging, to give or use increasing elevations for the first salvo. rchonal, in., gutter; (fond.) gate. t'TS'piieau, in., v. echenul, Cthenet, in., v.echcnal. 6chet,m.,hank. echeveau, m., hank, skein (French cotton spin- ning, 1,000 meters). echevette, f., skein (French cotton-spinning. 100 meters). ecliifle, m.,cliJflre, m., (cons.) partition wall of a stair; mur d' , partition wall of a stair. Cchlne, f., spine, spinal column. echlquetC, a., (mil.) checkerwise. fechiquier, m., checkerboard: exchequer; en , (fort.) v. s. v. quinconce (mil.) disposi- tion of troops checkerwise. fichome, m., thole-pin. Cchouage, m., (nav.") stranding, running aground. cohouement, m. , ( nav. ) v . cchouage. ecliouer, v. n., to strand, to go aground; to strike, to run aground; to cast away; (f:g.) to fail, mis- carry, go wrong; to foil, bo foiled. eclion, a. , (nav. ) stranded ; a sec., stranded high and dry. eclair, m., lightning; flash; dec/ia;<;wr,heat lightning; de feu. de flamme, (artif.) fixed rocket filled with bright stars. Cclalrasre, m., lighting, illumination; elcctrigite, electric lighting; au gaz, lighting by gas; : du terrain, (top. drawing) illumination of u map. eclalrcie, f., clear spot in cloudy sky; (top.) cleanii;; or glade in a wood. eclairclr, v. a. r., to clear, clear up; brighten, polish; clarify ;solve,explain; elucidate; (of the weather) to clear up; lesrangs, (mil.) to thin the ranks. Cclalrement, m., (top. drawing) illumination. eclairer,v.a.n.,tolight, give light to; to enlighten; (mil.) to inform, keep informed; to reconnoiter, watch ; to clear or cover the front of an army by scouting; au gaz, to light by gas; une marche, (mil.) on a march, to send recon- noitering parties ahead; le terrain, (mil.) to explore, scout over, the ground; une, tranchee, (siege) to illuminate a trench. Ccluireur, m., (mil.) scout; (wzr.) scout boat; allcr en *, (mil.) to scout, to reconnoiU-r: c;/cliste, bicycle scout, scout mounted on a bicycle; d'escadre, (nav.~) scout boat; d'objcctif.(art.) an officer orn.c. o. whoreoon- noiters and reports on the number, position, etc., of the enemy's batteries, for the purpose of regulating the fire of his own side; de position. (cc.) scout posted on high ground near the line of march of a column; lookout; du terrain, (cav.} ground scout; s volontnircs, (Fr. cav.) a body (10 troops), authorized but never formed, to consist of vol- unteers from the reserve or the dispi>nibilitc,bAl- isfy ing certain fixed conditions, and required to srrvc only during maneuvers or on mobiliza- tion. eclat, m., splinter. piece, fragment; crock (in wood): explosion, burst, bursting; brilliancy, clear- ness; (art.) splinter (of a shell, etc.); (nig.) lla.sh (of a signaling apparatus); action (.'' , ( mil.) brilliant deed of arms; de bois, splinter of wood ; de I'imaqe, distinctness, clearness, of the image (telescope, etc.); d'nhux, de projectile, (art.) splinter (of a shell, etc.); pare .s, (forl.) splinter-proof; in rctour, (art.) splinter falling back into shell crater. eclat a n to, L,(arlif.) rocket with stars. eclateineiit, m.. burst, bursting; breaking out; explosion; (art.) bursting (of a shell, a gun); (sttam) bursting, explosion (of a boiler); charge d' , (art.) bursting charge, burster; Sclatement 143 fcolc Celateinent, gerbe d' , (art.) sheaf of fragments; --de la guerre, (mil.) outbreak of war; hauteur d' , (art.) height of burst (of a shell, shrapnel); hauteur theorique moyenne d' , (art.) height of mean point of burst above the ground; intervaUe d' , (art.) horizontal distance of the point of burst to the target; point d' , (art.) point of burst; point moyen d' , (art.) mean point of burst; portee d' , (art.) horizontal distance of the point of burst from the muzzle of the gun; portee d' du point moyen, portee thiorique moyenne d' , (art.) range of the mean point of burst; projectile d' , (art.) any projectile intended to act by explosion: shell, shrapnel; retard rte d' , lock pate; - ilc rcteiiiu 1 . (fort, i sluice gate, flood gate; a .ins. canal loci:; .vr (/;/, f., sluice-full, lock-full, of water; water dammed up in a river (otherwise not navi- gable). fecluser, v. a., to provide with locks, sluices; to pass a boat through a lock; to lock. colnc:t in ballooning, at Chahiis; d'application de I'artillerie (t du genie, s; i.'.nl of application for officers of artillery and of e;< ,i- neers, at Fontainebleau ( df Fo;t;-ji;>i- bleau)', d'application de cavalcrif, school of applii/.- tion for officers of cavalry, at tfaum-.ir t.ad;;'i: -; some artillery and engineer oflicers, veteriiu:iic>. and n. c. o.'s "fitted to receive commission.s ' i, de Saumur); d'ai>j>lkation dc mi'drcine cl dc i>hnr,iilicnti<>n dcs poudres ft saljiftrt-.i, ^ h.i'.^i for the study of military clieniistry. f .r ; tcchnii'ims wlio enter the jioudrcs ct salpitrr.*, at 1'aris; (l'n/ii>licition d>i S'.nifc ogriij,!iii' t itr. at the trailing of (lraut,'Ut>nic-i f.ir I .0 strmi tji iiiirajihii/in ; dc dT'sanqr, an annex of the ca\ ,i!ry s Sauni'ir. for instnii lion in tlu> art of t: i: : horses; geole 144 tM-ou villon fccole de la Fleche, preparatory school for sons of officers killed in action or who died without means (I'rytanee militaire de to Fleche); du genie, redmental school for the instruc- tion of n. c. o.'s for the technical instruction of the regiment, the execution of experiments, and the supply of material for engineer service in the fie Id; as fcoutc le(s) talon(.i), (man.) the slop is regular. Ccoutetir, m., (mil. min.) listener; earpiece of a telephone; a., v. ccouttui. Ccouteux, a., (man.) skittish; chd'al , horse that pricks up his ears; horso slo\v in starting. CcoiHlllc, f., (nav.) hatch, hatchway; (fort.) man- hole. fromettc, f., sprinkling brush (of a forge). ccouvillon, m. ; (art.) sponue: -articule, jointed sponge; built d' , sponge-head : biiitt'Hi d' , v. boitf d' ; brine, v. articult; it. cluirnierc, v. - urlicnli; crvxxe d' , v. bniti d'- ; cuiller, gun-ladle; fi graixstr, oiling, greasing sponge; it liamjif mobile, \ . arliculf:; fi ham i it rrcnurber, snormo wil h bent staff; -In'icr, sponge handspike (Fr. m moun- tain gun); moulincr , fairr moulinrr I' , to turn, cant, the sponge at drill; fcouvillon 145 effet comlllon-re/outofr, sponge and rammer staff; tile d' v. btAte d' . Ccouvtllonner, v. a., (art.) to sponge, sponge out. fccnui, in., screen, flre-screen; (mil.) screen of troops, e. g., cavalry screen: (r. /. art.) deflector (for empty cases); shield; (ball.) screen for direct measurement of ordinates of trajectory; (t. p.) target; manipulateur, screen or cut-off (as, of a signal- ing apparatus); de surett, (mil.) cavalry screen. Ccrasement, m., crushing, crushing In; collapse, .uin, destruction; eprciive d' , crushing test. fccra^er, v. a., to crush, bruise; (/?.) to ruin, run over; to overwhelm (as, by artillery fire); moulin fi , crushing mill. eVraslte, f., lexpl.) ecrasite. tcremolre, f., (artif.) rubber, grinder, scraper for the measuring table. Ccrcter, v. a. (art.) to destroy, cut down, the i,op of a wall, a parapet, by artillery fire; (Jort.) to pierce (a wall for loopholes); une cote, to lower, cut down, a slope; - une route, to cut down a road. Ccrevlsse, f., crab; can hooks; largo double hooks for raising heavy weights; de rempart, (cav. slang) foot soldier, "mud crusher." *crttiire, f., writing, handwriting; (in pi.) papers, official papers; (top.) legends, any written or printed indications on a map; comnisaux s, clerk: dilice, fine handwriting; seztfrieures, ( FT. a.) accounts and papers kept by a troop unit, or by an establishment, with the state; s interieures, ( Fr. a.) all accounts, papers, not included under s extirieures; moulce, engrossed handwriting (as, in legends on mnps); engrossing hand; bpleins, full, heavy, writing. 6rrlva(ii, m,, writer; clerk; purser. ecrou, m., nut, screw-box, screw-nut, female screw; collar; (aim.) prison register; (art.) hold- ing-down nut; (sm. a.) cocking-nut; aile, wing-nut; & anscs, jounialed screw-box; d'a.iseinblagc, (art., etc.) assembling nut; LilUt d' , (mil. adm.) order of confinement; borgne, (mach., etc.) follower, cap follower; Ixiulnn a .coupling bolt; button , '(sin. a.) cocking nut, cocking piece; d branches, wing-nut, thumb-nut; - - 4 cannelures, grooved nut; it ch'ipfan, (art.) wheel-nut, axle-nut; de cuuisse. (art.) base ring, breech bushing; a douillc, (art.) brake-nut; /rein, (art.) locking-nut; dcfrtin, (art.) brake-nut (on axlo of some car- riages); h, gorge, grooved nut; --& mole/te, milled nut; -m'>iiur, feed-nut; ordrc d' , (?/ii/. adm.) order of corps corn- in indcr to transfer a prisoner from regimental to i-ivil prison; ii tirtiHtx, wing-nut, thumb-nut,; - -jii'/non, (art., etc..) pinion-nut; --ii /;!cof, v. (l tourillons; - -a i>oignte(s) set-nut and handle; - so-riug, breech bushing; de la via de pointage, (art.) elevating-screw box. ecrouer, v. a., to enter (name, cause of confine- ment, etc.) upon the prison register; to im- prison. CcrouL, a., (met.) cold-hammered, springy. ecrouir, v. a. r., (met.) to cold-hammer, to hammer-harden; to harden by cold work- ing, as by rolling, drawing, etc.; to make crystalline from fibrous by hammering; to make brittle by hammering; to become springy. Ccrmilssage, m., (met.) cold hammering, hammer hardening, cola hardening. ecroulssement, m., (met.) v. ecrouissage. croii!ement, m., falling in, or down, giving way (of a building). fccrouler, v. r., to crumble in, to fall in; to give way; to fall into decay. ecu, m., shield; escutcheon. ecuantenr, m., disk of a wheel. Ccubior, m., (nav.) hawse hole. ecucll, in., rock, reef, sand bank; (fig.) danger. ecucne, f., porrin2<"-; socnot, capstan socket. 6cu!er, v. r., to run down at the heel (of a shoe). fccumo, f. , foam, froth, lather; scum, dross; defonte, (met.) Msh. Ccumcr, v. a. n., to froth, foam, lather; to skim. ecumolre, f., (met.) skimmer. ecurage, m., scouring, cleaning. fecurer, v. a., to scour, clean. Ccureuil, m., (powd.) granulating cylinder of wire gauze. curie, f., stable (esp., stable for a horse); stabling; (nor.) horse boat, horse trans- port. ecussoii, m., escutcheon, scutcheon; (sm. a.) trig- ger plate (obs.); d'attribut, (unif.) the pie--e of cloth on which are sewed the insignia, the number of the reiciment; d' epaulette, (unif.) pad of an epaulet; - ft numero, (unif.) shield or piece of cloth with regimental number. ecuycr, m., squire; horseman, rider; good horso- nu:n; riding master; equerry; grmiit , grand equerry. etjiii. mean daily strength of tln> yrar elapsed, i. e.. the uuiubeis obtai.ied hy y >'"> '; - d'( iiii, da pied t/c jiaii, peai o siren/tli, footing; (/it pied dc guerre, war fooling, war strength. eflct. m., oiTwt, execution, result, ci'iise-juem-o; (mach., flc.) jierforinatice; (in pi., ut,!.} kit. outfit, articles of ei|uipnicnt; 4 /' , (top. drawing) so as to show surface forms; briiant, (eipl.) explosive strength, elKvt; calurifiqiu , calorilic eifivt. duly; 3877 17- -10 effet 146 eleetricite eflet(s) de campement. (m7.) camp equipage; contondant, (art.) racking effect; ii double , double acting, double action (as, a pump, fuse, etc.); d'cclatement, (art.) bursting effect, perform- ance; d'habillement, (mil.) clothing, kit, outfit; d'une machine, performance of an engine; s de la main, (man.) motions of the hand (in riding); mcurtrier, destructive effect, killing power (as, of a shrapnel); nominal, nominal effect, performance of an engine, etc.); s de pansage, (art., coy,) grooming kit; perdu, (mach., etc.) lost work; pcrforant, (art.) perforating, piercing, effect (of a projectile); s de petite monture, (mil.) kit of small parts, articles, etc., carried in saddlebags; s de pointure, (mil.) marked or stamped arti- cles (of the equipment); s de la premiere portion, (mil.) clothes, grand equipemcnt, q. v., belts, etc.; in general, every- thing normally drawn from the regular admin- istrative maga'zines; s de la deuiieme portion, (mil.) petit tquipe- mrnt, q. v.; articles bought in market, and arti- cles exceptionally drawn from administrative magazines; s rtglementaires, (mil.) regulation outfit, "uniform" articles (U. S. M. A.); retarde, (art.) delay action (of a fuse); & simple , (mach., etc.) single acting, single action; ulilc, (mach., etc.) useful effect, duty per- formance; (ball., sm. a.) the number of hits by one man in one minute (generally multi- plied by 100). effile, a., slender; cheial , fine-, thin-shouldered horse. efflaiiquf, p. p.. (hipp.) thin (result of fatigue or of poor food); lean-hanked. efflanquer, v. a., (hipp.) to reduce a horse by faligue, poor food, etc. effleurer, v. a., to graze, glance on, rase; to skim the surface of. efflorescence, f., (chem.) efflorescence. eliiorescent, a., (chem.) efflorescent. effondre, a., (of the soil) plowed deep and man ured, broken up thoroughly, (hence) boggy, miry; (of a cask, etc.) knocked in. effotidrer, v. a. r., (of the soil) to plow deep, break up thoroughly, and manure, (hence) to bemire, to cut up, as by teaming, etc.; to knock in (a cask, etc.); to crumble, fall, effort, m., stress, effort, exertion, strain, force, strength; (hipp.) strain; de boulet, (hipp.) strain of the pastern joint; cha-al qui a un , (hipp.) strained, foundered horse; dc p/i.wmf nf , shearing strain; - dc rdnx, (hipp.) strain of back and loins, dorso-lumbar strain; de rupture, breaking stress; de t(ndon, (hipp.) tendon strain; dc ti nxion, tensile stress; dc fraction, tractive effort. effrartlon, f., breaking in, for purpose of stealing. effriter, x' -. to crumble. cfTnil, in., fright, terror. figal, a., equal; (man.) even (of a gait); (top.) even f ground). f-sali ;;iu<-. m., (poicd.) equalizing of grains (manu- facture). evaluation, f., (mi!.) equalization (of platoons, sections, etc.). e'sali-.rr, v. a., 1o pqinlbp; (mi!.) to equalize (platoon.-;, ptc.v to classify, separate (grains, according to six.o. fgaliscur, in., de po^nticl, (eke.) potentLil rp'."il:itor. f'Kalisoir, m., (povl.'} separator, separating sicvp. egalisun-s, f., pi., (point.) granulated and sieved powder. figalltf. f.. equality; smoothness, uniformity; state of level; cgalite, angle d' d'actions, (torp.) angle made by the Whitehead torpedo with the horizontal when the piston and the pendulum neutralize each other's effects; position a" d'actions, (torp.) position of the Whitehead torpedo when the piston and the pendulum neutralize each other s effects. figare, p. p., lost; (mil.) missing (report of casual- ties after a battle); bouche e, (man.) spoiled mouth. Cgarer, v. a. r., to cause to lose one's way; to lead astray; to lose; to lose one's way; la bouche d'un cheval, (man.) to spoil a horse's mouth. Cgarrotter, v. a., (hipp.) to wring the withers of a horse. figlander, v. a., (hipp.) to cut vives out. figlise, f., church; the church, especially the Roman Church. (Eqlise is strictly a Roman Catholic church, Protestants using temple instead.) egohlne, f., keyhole saw. fcgorger, v. a., to cut the throat of, to slaughter. slay, Mil. 6gout, in., drip (water); gutter; drain, sink; eaves; slope or face of a roof. Cgonttage, m., draining, dripping, drip. figoutter, v. a. r., to drain, drip; to dry by drip- ,-ping; faire , to dry. Cgouttoir, m., 'drainer; drip board; grating for tarred rope. cgratlgner, v. a , to scratch. egratignure, f., scratch; (art.) scratch, score (in the bore of a gun). Cgravolr, in., awl, sharp-pointed bit. egrcnage, m., shelling, picking; ginning (cotton). egrCiiement, m., (art.) crack, flaw, in the boro of a (bronze) gun. egrener, v. a. r., to pick, shell; to gin (cotton)- (met.) to crack, to lly. egrise, m., fegrisee, f.,' diamond powder (in the arts). Cgrugeoir, m., (poicd.) rubber, mealer. egrugcr. v. a., to pound, bruise; (pou-d.) to meal. Cgueulement, m., (art.) running, spewing, of the metal (at the muzxle of bronze guns). 6gueuler, v. a. r., (art.) to spoil, break, the muw.lo of a gun; (esp. of bronze guns) to run, spew, at the mouth. ChancliC, a. , (hipp.} hipshot. cjecter, v. a., (sm. a., r.f. art.) to eject. CJecteur, m., (sm. a., r.f. art., mach.) ejector. ejection, f., (sm. a., r.f. art.) ejection. elagage, m., lopping or thinning of branches; tho branches lopped off. flagucr, v. a., to lop branches, to trim trees. elan, m., start, spring, jerk, leap; dash; (mil.) dash, spirit of troops; faire un - , to make a start, sprung, dash; prcndre d' , to talce a start; prcri'iieun , \.faire un . Glance, a., lank, thin, slender; cheval . swayback horse, one shrunk in tho Hank. dancer, v. a. r., to rush or shoot forward; to make a dash, rush. Clarn'ir, v. a., to enlarge, widen, exfpnd, sirrc;;'! out; to release, set at liberty (a prisoner). Glarglssement, in., widening, extension: dN- charge, release (of a prisoner); (art.) c'rlai^,'- ment of the l> >re; de la tranchff, (sieged v-i'lening of tho trench (by infantry working nariic-M. Clarglssure, f., eking piece, piece let in. (slastlclte, f., elasticity; farm tile d' , Hooke's law; i/r In piiisx'ince, (xlrnn) variation 'f t''o power of a steam engine from its iii.minal power. Clastlclmetre, m., instrument to measure tho elongation of test bars. llastiqius a., elastic. C-lecteur, in., elector; voter. filet- trlritf, f., electricity; ii brtsse tenxion, low-tension electricity; dynamique, dynamical electricity; eiectricite 147 embarrasser eiectrlcite i faible tension, v. i basse ten- sion; b forte tension, high-tension electricity; A haute tension, v. & forte tension; itatiquf, statical electricity. Clectro, m., (elec.) electro-magnet. eiectro-almant, m., (elec.) electro-magnet. Clcctro-balistlque, a., (ball.) electro-ballistic. eiectro-chlmiquc, a., (elec.) electro-chemical. Electrode, f., (elec.) electrode. eiectro-. o.> n. c. o. of tho ad- in ;ni ''ration alter graduation from tlio school at Vincon'ies, and be-fore appointment us n rticirr d'adm inixiralinn; tinctt )< de . . . . , graduate of . . . . ; lirigaditr, (art., ca; .) lance-corporal; fijitmil, (ii.j.) lance-corporal; tie marine, (nor.) naval cadi-l ; - -martyr, (car. slang) a private in training for corporal's che\ rons; - -xapenr, ( Fr. cat'.) lance-sapper. Clever, v. a., to raise, hoist; build, erect; exalt, advance; to raise, breed (horses, etc.;; to put up, throw up (works, fortifications, etc.). devour, m., breeder, (ftp.) horse-breeder. eiingagr, m., (art.) slinging of a piece by a strap or sling; t ho sling itself. eilngue, f., (cord, art.) strap, sling, sling chain; ii barrtque, cask-sling; en chaine, (art.) sling chain; de culasse, (art.) breech-sling; grande , v. de culasse; fi paltcs, can hoo!:s; petite , (art.) muzzle sling; de volec, v. petite . eilnguer, v. a., to sling (a weight, cask, gun, etc.). eilnguet, m., capstan pawl, elite, f., elite; d' , (mil.) picked (of men); crack (of a regi- ment, etc.); corps d' , (mil.) crack corps, body of picked men. ellipse, f., ellipse; (art.) elliptical frame for packing tools on tool mule; enveloppe, f., (ball.) ellipse containing 97.4 per cent 01 all the points of fail. elllpsoi'de, m., ellipsoid; de bonne rupture, (mil. min.) the ellip- soid whoso semiaxes are the vertical and horizontal radii of good rupture, respec- tively; de'ruplure-limitf, (mil. min.) the ellip- soid whoso semiaxes are the vertical ai^l horizontal radii of limiting rupture, respec- tively. eiolgiiement, m.. distance; dcs for!. 1 !, (fort.) distance of works from the enceinte, or main central work or posi- tion. eiol^iier, v. a. r., to stand oft, remove, to \.\th- draw, to go away; (mil.) to stand off, beat oil the enemy. eion^er, v. a., to come alongside; uncmaiueuvre, (cord.) tostretcli out, run o;it, a rope. email, m., enamel; d'cncadrrment, (hi pp.) external enamel, en- amel sheath (of a tooth). enlargement, m., receipt written on tho mar.rin of a bill; feuiUe d' , (Fr. a.) monthly pay sheet, for officers, reenlisted n. c. o., and coiiiinin- sionnes. Gmartcer, v. a., to cut down or trim a mr.rrin; (i:l:n., Fr. a.) to receipt for pay (on the margin;, (hence) to draw one's pay. emballuge, m., packing (as, of arms, ammunition, clothes, etc.); spurt (bicycle); fit d'- , packing thread ; toile d' , packing cloth, burlap. emballer, v. a. r., 1o pack, pack up; (of a turbine) to rac'->; (of a bicycle rider) to spurt; (man.) : ,1 run away (horse). embulleur, m., packer; (man.) horse liable to ri.;i away. embarcadere, in., wharf, quay: r. T.) sta- tion (strictly, station of departure, v. uY- barcadere). embarcatlon, m., bmt, small bait; fenerif na -.u<\ for row IPO-US and small sailing cratt. embargo, in., i-mburgo; lever, mcttre, un , to take oil, put on, ;i'i < -::i- bargo. einlcirlllago, in., (>trt., ft pi.) pac-king, stowing, if po'.vdnr, etc., in barrels. cmbarlilcr, v. a., (art., up!.) to jiai-k, stow, in Kir- re Is, t<> barrel (powder, ete.i. enibarquement, m., emburkiir,': i.r. r.} e ing. embarqucr, v. a. r., to embark, goon Ixiard: to get into a train; It: pay de . ... , (mil.) to take up the.... Step. embarras, m., obstruction, obstacle, impedi- ment . eiubarrassfr, v. a., to obstruct, impede, embar- rass. embarrer 148 embrocher embarrer, v. a. r., to take a purchase; (art., etc.) to embar; (of a horse) to get the leg over the polo, over the bail. embarrure, f., (of a horse) trick of getting the leg over the pole or bail; (hipp.) blemish caused by this trick. embase, f., (mach., etc.) shoulder, base, seat; shoul- der of a bolt, etc.; (sm. a.) front-sight mass; (art.) rimbase; de garniture, (sm. a.) band-shoulder; du guidon, (art., sm. a.) front-sight mass; du, percuteur, (sm. a.) circular shoulder or band of the striker; drs tourillons, (art.) riinbase. embasement, m., basement. embatuge, m., tiring, operation of tiring a wheel; i-lalformcd' , tiring platform. mbatailler, \. a., (mil.) to draw up in order of battle. embatalllonner, v. a., (inf.) to form into bat- talions. embatcr, v. a., to pack, put on a pack saddle. I'lubattre, v. a., to tire a wheel. embaueliage, m., engaging, hiring, of workmen; (mil.) the crime of enticing and of helping soldiers to desert to the enemy, of enlisting men to serve against their own country. embaucher, v. a. , to hire workmen ; (mil.) to entice soldiers to desert to the enemy, men to serve against their own country. enibaiirheur, m. t labor contractor; (mil.) person guilty of cmbauchage, q. v. embauchoir, ni., last; (art.) semicylindrical block (for taking impressions of the bore). emblem, d' , adv., at the first onset, at once. eniboire, v. a., to cover with oil or wax (as, a mold, etc.). cmboltage, m., (in shoeinaking) the seat of the heel. ciuboltement, m., fitting; clamping; jointing: putting or fastening together (as, the several parts of a carriage); locking in or together; (mil.) action of swinging into, or taking up, the ca- denced step. emboiter, v. a. r., to mortise, to clamp, to tongue- to engage in, fit in; to join, joint, put together- dovetail; Ic pis, (mil.) to lock in marching; to swing int.), take up, the cadenced step; *' it fcuillure, (carp.) to fit into a rebate or groove. cmbolture, f., socket; nave lining or box; frame (of a door); joint; insertion of one piece, etc into unotner; clamp, collar. embosser, v. a. r., (nnr.) to moor, anchor, a vessel ahead and astern; to bring the broadside to boar. emboss are, f., (cord.) mooring, lashing, stopper; fnire , to put a spring upon a cable. embouchement, (ham.) biting (a horse). eiiiboucher,v.a.r.,toputintothemouth;(7iarn.) to bit a horse(i.e., select a suitable bit), to put the '>it in the horde's mouth: (of rivers) to flow, empty into; (mil.) to use the loopholes of the defence against the defense, to lire through the dc-ferne's loopholes: (7?,'/c.) to enter. embnurhoir, m., mouthpiece (of a tnimpel , etc.); (.'. (of a pistol holster): (';-'.) rmu/.le (rare); (/orf.) exterior part, month, of an embrasure, a crenelation. emboudlnure, f., p'uMi'nim; (of an anchor). embouquement, in., entrance of a narrow pass. channel. einbouqurr, v. n., (n<-.) to enter a narrow pass, channel. embourluT, v. a -., to gd into the miro, to stick in t'ie mud. emboiirrer, v. a., to stuff, pad (a saddle, etc.). embout, m., ferrule; (sm. a.) tip (metal) of a leather scabbard. embouter, v. a., to ferrule; put a ferrule on. emboutl.p. p., headed (as, a cartridge case), beaten out, hollowed out by beating, stamping. einboutl, m., any work, piece, produced by swag- ing or stamping. emboutir, v. a., (farr.) to cut down a horse's hoof; (met.) to chase, swage, beat out, stamp out, head, to form, shape (as, curved armor plates); (sm. a., r. f. art.) to form the head of, to head. a cartridge case. emboutissage, m., (met.) operation of cmboulir; swaging, heading up (as, a cartridge case)- beating out; shaping, forming (a< curved armor plates); ait pilon, heading, forming, under the ham- mer; a la presse hydraulique, forming, etc., by hydraulic pressure. emboutissoir, m., (mach.) plate-bending machine. einbouveler, v. a., (carp.) 10 plow and tongue, to join by plow and tongue. embranchement, m., branch; branching (as, of pipes, etc.); forks (of a road); (r. r.) branch Une; (cons.) brace. embrancher, v. a. r., to frame, put together; branch, branch out from. embraquer, v. a., (cord.) to sling; to haul in; to haul in the slack; le mou, to haul in the slack. embrasemeut, m., fire, conflagration, combus- tion. embraser, v. a., to set on fire, kindle. embrasser, v. a., to clasp, span, encircle; to dine to a horse. embrassure, f., iron hoop, collar (as, for the top of a pile, of a chimney). embrasure, f., embrasure (of a door, window); (fort.) embrasure; brifure d' , (fort.) embrasure neck; en contrepente, (fort.) countersloping em- brasure; coup d' , (nrt.) embrasure hit; de coulee, (met.) working side, face of a fur nace; dt'gorger une , (fort.) to cut out an embrasure; dirrctc, (for(.) normal embrasure; cvi'i:< mcnt dc I' , (fort.) splay of the embrasure; oblique, (fort.) oblique embrasure; a ouverture minima, (fort.) minimum port embrasure; tir< r ti , (art.) (o fire through embrasures: de, travail, (mit.) v. de coulee; tunnel, (fort.) embrasure tunnel (casemate embrasure protected by a masonry screen',; dc tu.yf.re, (met.) tuyere arch; fi nolcts, (fort.) shutter embrasure. embrayage, m., engaging and disengaging gear; coupling; a cows (de. friction) , cone clutch: ii friction, friction clutch; (i cndentures, clutch. emtiraycr, v.a., (inach.) to throw in gear: to engage, connect. embiclage, m., lashing, lashing down; (>JOT?M rack Uvshiug, operation of racking down,' rack- ing down; annum d' .lashing ring; cJi-iiiu te, m., wrapping with straw (as, a swing- bar in u stable, etc.). enipalllcr. v. a., to wrap with straw (as, gun- carriage wheels, etc.). rni pan, in., span (in measurements). empanacher, v. a. r., to adorn with a plume, (urtij.) to plume (a helmet). empannoii, m., (cons.) jack-rafter; (art., etc.) nouiid, brace; - sdefltchc, (rear) brace, hind hounds; S dc timon, (fore) brace, fore hounds. empaquetaRe, m., packing, packing up; (sm. a.) assembling of cartridges in packets; packing of cartridges in tho magazine or the loader; ii 6, 8, etc., (sm. a.) packing of cartridges in set:; or packs of t>, 8, etc. empaquetcr, v. a., to pack, pack up: (sin. a.) t:> p2 r 'k cartridges in cases, in pa.ka;;es gen- er.tlly. emparer, v. r., (mil.) to take a work, position, etc., by assault or main strength. empAtt 1 , p. p., cheval , coarse, thickset horse, with hairy extremities. empatemeiit, m., (cons.) foundation, base, footing, of a wall; base, support, of a crane; (cord.) splicing, length of the strands in splic- ing. empater, v. a., to foot, to tenon; to shape the foot or tenon of a wheel-spoke; (cord.) to splice, to twLst tho strands of two ropes together when making a splice; (cons.) to give foot- ing to a wall. empattement, m., foot (of a talus); foot, solo (of a rail). empature, f., scarf, scarfing, joining together (of two beams, end to end). empt'ehS, p. p., embarrassed, hindered; (mil.) prevented from serving, from taking duty; cordage , (cord.) foul or entangled rope. " empf'cnement, m., impediment, hindrance; ob- struction, obstacle: (mil.) any hindrance to performance of a duty; en fi.s' d' , in case of inability. enip^cher, v. a., to stop, prevent, hinder, oppose, obstruct. empei^ne, f., upper, of a shoe. empftrer, v. a. r., to entangle: hamper, embar- rass: to hobble (a horse.); (of horses) to become entangled in tho traces, to get the feet, legs, tangled in the traces, harness. empierreiuent, in., ballasting; ballast; metaling (of a road, of a railroad bed); (n , metaled, macadamized. empierrer, v. a., to ballast a road. einpiiaK*', in., piling (of projectiles, etc.). empiicmeiit, m., piling, stacking; pile (of shot, ei .). enipiU-r. v. a., to pile up. stack (shot. etc.). empire, in., empire; .) halter-fist; excoriation of the pastern; (cons.) trimming work around a fireplace; trimmed joists. enclanchcment 151 enfant enclanehement, m., (mach.) throwing into gear, coupling, connecting; locking (as, a Breech-plug In its seat). enclaiicher, v. a., (mach.) to throw into gear, to engage, couple, connect, lock. enclave, f., projection (as, of a closet into a room)' recess (for a lock gate when open; (law) enclave. enelavure. enclavciuent, m., (law) enclavement. euclaver, v. a., (cony.) to bolt, to key; (mas.) to lay or embed a stone (among other'stones already in position); (law) to enclave. encllqnetaete, m., (mach.) click and ratcheti ratchet -gear, -work. enclos, m., (top.) inclosure, inclosed field or yard- encloiiase, m., (art.) spiking (obs.). enclouer, v. a., (art.) to spike a gun (obs.); (/<* rr -) to prick (a horse, in shoeing). enclouure, f., (fan.) nail prick. enclume, f., anvil; (sm. a., etc.) anvil (of a car- tridge, of a primer); chif dans It th >ra.'. v. faussc; malx'irtif, v. fauase: /iniclt'intc. lop-ne'-k; 7)'i dc /' . bend of the neck; n ir.i'.-i c, v. d< CM/; runt i , ;;ii ( ncoli'rc w ith tho whole upper linn of i lie in- k. convex upward; - /'un'.'U-ir. v. pciichnnte. encnmlm'inent, m., crowding, obstructing, ob- sl run ion. encomimT, v. a. r., to obstruct, to encumber, to l,i"-oMr (li)structod. encoriH'lk-iueiit, m., (nai\) sponson. eiu-oriie. a., n/tdnle c, (tri/i/i.) wound duo to d . eiic.i liiiiL', and penetrati.-i:: into tlie hoof; jurat! . (hijiji.) svelhii; under tho coronet. eimiulu.e, f.. i liiil-cnvovl; (boats). eiieo ill u i i 1 , a., clinker-built, fm-rassi', a., foul, dirty: choked (of a grate); (art., urn. n.} foul (of the bore). encrv.sst-nient, in., (x;t>. a., art.) fouling; (dec.) fi i;ling of electric com aits; (fttai:i) choking (of a ,'raif). encnisM-r, v. a. r., to foul, make, foul, dirty; (art., sm. a., tlic.) tn foul; ID become foul; (steam) to choke i of a grate;. em-re. 1 '.. ink; itt Chine, India ink: -fi C'ljiiir, copying ink; draijon. indelible ink; d' impression, printer's ink; encre, lithographiqut, lithographic ink; mtttreb I' , to ink (a drawing); mise & /' , inking (of a drawing); passer & I' , v. mtttred V . encreiil, a.,/o- , (met.) iron twice heated and hammered. encn-nee, f., (met.) iron twice heated and ham- mered. encr^per, v. a. r., to put on crape, to go into mourn- ing. encreur, a., inking; rouleau , hiking-roll. encrler, m., inkstand. encrier-porte-plumes, m., fountain pen. encroue, a., arbre , tree that has fallen upon and caught in another (standing) tree: a (stand- ing) tree supporting anotner that has fallen upon it. encrouter, v. a., (mas.) to put on a coat of plaster (as, on a wall). enculassaRe, m., (sm. a.) operation of assembling the barrel and the breech-cosing, of screwing the barrel into the breech-casing. enculassemeiit, m.. v. enculassaje. enculasser, v. a., (sm. a.) to screw the barrel into the breech-casing, enculasseur, m., workman who performs tho r nr u- lassage. encuraRe, m., the consecutive operations, first, of covering a saddletree with a layer of fine ox tendons (nerranc), and, second, of stretching canvas (entoilagc) over tho tree thus treated. encuvemerit, m., (top.) hollow, depression, any basin-like depression. endent, m., square notch. cndeiite, f., v. endcntcmcnt. endentf, p. p., cogged; roue e , (mach., etc.) cogged wheel. endentement, m.. (mach., etc.) catching, cogging, toothing; scarfing. endenter, v. a. r., to indent; to notch, dovetail; to be toothed, notched in; (mach., etc.) to furnish with teeth, to cog. endenture, f., (mach.) toothwork; clutches (of a coupling box). endiRuer, v. a., to dam in or up. endlyisioniiemciit, (mil.) the formation of a divi- sion, assemblage of troops into a division. endlvislonner, v. a., (mi 1 .) to form or constitute a division, (more narrowly) to join brigades into a division, to form a division from tsvo or more brigades. eiidosmosc, f., endosmose. endossement, m., (ndm., etc.) indorsement. endosst-r, v. a., to put on (some special dross, as uniform); (adm., nn.) network of small drains in tho thickness ol a layer of concrete: tit' ni,ir. (f'ind.) black wash, wet bhi-!-mg. emlurclr, v. a. r., to harden, lo become lu.nl. rmlurcissciiient, m.. liardening. endr.rer, v. a. u., to endure; lo slacken, slow up (,in rowing); - - i url'iut. (of rowing) to hold water. eiiergie, f.. energy; - nit cli'ic, (ni'l.) striking energy. Cliergl.|UC, a., energitic; (;;n.1 ridge-tile. eiifait-emclH, in., ^cuiix.) lead on Die ridge of a cilfuitrr, v. a., (,cmis.) to put le; roof. eiir.iMl, m. and f.. child; d on the ridge of a enfant 152 engreiiage enfant(s) perdus. (mil.) forlorn hope; de troupe, (Fr. a.) soldier's son (so recog- nized with special reference to admission to thoieoles militaires preparatories, q. v.). enlerme, P. p., shut up, in; closed up; enlre tcs terra, landlocked. enfermer, v. a., to shut up, in (as, the enemy in a town). enferrer, v. a. r., to run through (one's adver- sary); to spit one's self on one's adversary's Wade. eiifihihlc, a., (art.) exposed to enfilade fire, enfilade, f., suite of rooms with doors on same straight line; (fort.) enfilade, enfilading; (or*., sm. a. ) enfilading fire; batttrie d' , (art.) enfilade, enfilading, bat- tery : coi/p d' , (art.) enfilading shot; d' , raking; tir d' , (art., sm. a.) enfilade, enfilading, fire. enfller, v. a., to thread, thread on; to pierce, run through; (mach.) to thread on; (art., (sm. a.) to enfilade, rake; le cable, (turd.) to heave in the cable. eiifl, p. p., swollen: ainjambes, (hipp.) potirdy. enfler, v. a. n. r., to swell, swell up, rise; to fill (of a balloon). endure, f., swelling. eiifnique; ., sm. a.) general expres- sion for the failure of a mechanism to work properly, jamming (as, of a magazine feed, of a breech-cldsing mechanism, etc.); (vm. a.) act of putting the safety device into play; - -- jockey, etc. enrPner, v. a., to rein in or up; to tie by the reins (of horses in harness): to fasten the bridle-reins to a dumb-jockey, et". cnrCiioirv, f., hitching-post. eiiriincur, m., driver of a rinsing engine. eiirocliaqje, m., (powd.) caking, induration. enrocheinent, m., (cans.) riprap; (powd.) in- duration, caking (of powder in barrels, in shell, against walls, etc., of shell, after fir- ing*. enroclier, v. a. r.. feon..) to riprap: (potrd.) to harden, cake, become indurated, v. tnriH-hi- ment. enrOle. in., (mil.) soldier or sailor whose name- is on the rolls of the army or navy, respcc- tively. enrOlemcnt, m., (mil.) enrolling, enrollment, of a name on rolls of army or navy, (.of an enlisii.-d man only') enlistment. enrfller, v. a. r., (mi!.) to enroll, enlist. enroleur, m., (mil.) recruiting agent, crimp (dh-0. enroulller, v. a. r., to rus'. ; to grow, become, rusty. eiiroulaice, m.. winding (as. of v, ire, etc.v (w'. rolling of liars into spirals (to form cylin- drical forcings); a cylindrical forging' so formed. enrouliMiienf, m.. winding (of a dynamo, df a wire gun, etc.i; (mach.) tho "going i, (mil.) to throw a body of troops into disorder. entaliiiRiier, v. a., v. ftaUngiirr. entallns;ure, f., v. ft'tUnyurf. eiiK'vlncment, in., (laici ratification. cntOrlner, v. a., (Ian ) to ratify. enterHc, f., (hipp.) inflammation of bowels. enterrt", a., (art., fort.) sunken (of a battery). criterreiiiciit, in., buri il: milit'tire,(r'iil.i military funeral. cntcrrer, v. n.. to bury. eii-tete, in., letter ln-rl: leading of a column (of logarithms, of -'incs, etc. j; defacture, billhead. entler, a., entire, whole, complete; (hipp.) entire, uncastrated; (man.) obstinate, self-willed; chcval , (hipp.) stallion; aux deux mains l (man.) unwilling to turn, etc., either to the right or the left; d une main, (man.) unwilling to turn, etc., to the right or left (as the case may be). entler, m., (hipp.) stallion, entire. entoilage, m., mounting (pasting on linen, as a map); act of covering with linen, canvas. entoiler, v. a., to mount (as, a map on linen); to cover with Unen, canvas. entoiser, v. a., to stack or pile material (for conven- ience of measuring). entonnolr, m., funnel; (mil. min.) mine-crater; (art.) shell-crater; crater-like shot-hole in an armor plate (rare); (top.) funnel-like pass or outlet; apparent, (mil. min.) visible mine-crater; de chargement, (r. ). art.) feed-hopper; deblaye, (art.) a shell-crater into which none of the earth falls back; -ddouille, (sm. a.) powder-hopper (for reload- ing cartridges) ; en , funnel-shaped; reel, (mil. min.) real crater, i. e., the whole volume dislodged or loosened by the blast. en torse, f., sprain, strain; donncrune , to sprain; entourage, m., case, casing; frame; railing. entoure, p. p. , surrounded, hemmed in; de terre, landlocked. en tourer, v. a., to surround, hem in. entours, m., pi., environs; adjacent parts; ap- proaches. entratne, p. p., trained, skilled. entratnement, m., dragging, dragging along; training, state of training (horses, troops, ath- letes); (steam) priming; (mam.) any communi- cating gear; advance, motion, of the work; de I'eati non vaporisee, (steam) priming; piece d' -, (mach.) connecting-bar, -piece, mo- tion-piece. entralner, v. a., to drag, drag along, bring on; to make the pace; to train (a soldier, an athlete, a horse); (mach.) to advance (the work); I'cau, (steam) to prime. entratneur, m., horse-trainer; pace-maker (in races); (mach.) motion-piece. entralt,m., (carp.) tie-beam, straining beam, collar- beam. entraver, v. a., to shackle, fetter; to impede, en- tangle, to hobble (a horse). entraverser, v. a. r., (nav.) to set, to lie, across or athwart. entraves, f. pi., (harn.) hobble; (fig.) fetters, shackles, clog, hindrance. (This word is also singular.) entravon, in., (harn.) ankle strap or collar (to keep the hobble from chafing). entraxe, entr'axe, entre-axe, m., distance be- tween axes, interaxial distance (as between adjacent guns, traverses, embrasures, axles of a railway car, etc.). entreballler, v. a. r. , to half open, to be half opened. entrcbat, m., the middle part of a pack-saddle. entrechoquer, v. a., to engage, interfere, clash, strike against each other. entrecouper, v. a., to intersect, traverse, crosscut. entrecrolser, v. a., to intersect, cross each other. entre-dcux, m., intermediate sp'.ee, belt, 7,ono; interval, (of a shoe) welt, half-solo between outer and inner soles; (uteam) bridge of a slide- valve; . . das lames, trough of the sea: den orifices, (steam) bridge of a slide-valve; passer , to pass between. entree 155 envers entree, 1., entrance, mouth; opening. Inlet of a channel, pass, etc.); admission; (mil., (adm.) turning in of stores, etc., to a magazine; en campagne, (mil.) taking the held; en galerie, (siege, mil. min.) operations pre llminnry to gallery work proper; d'ordre, (mil. adm.) paper entry or transfer of stores (in a change ofclassification.etc.); prendre une , (now.) to make an entrance (into a port); rtelle, (mil. adm.) actual turning in of stores themselves; en solde, epoch at which pay begins to be due; tuyau d' , (steam, etc.) admission pipe. entre-fer, m., (dec.) air-gap. entre-Jambes, m., tread (of a bicycle). entrclarementf m., weaving, twisting, twining; waUling. entrelacer, v. a., to twine, twist, interweave; to wattle. entrelacs, m., (cord.) twine; knot; iijour, open twine. entrelardement, m., defect in timber, caused by freezing of sap. entre-llgne, m., space between two written lines; interlineation. entremPler, v. a., to intermix, intermingle, in- terweave. entrcmlsage, m., (nav.) system of carlings. entreinlse, f., mediation, intervention; medium,, agency; small wedge; chock; (JMV.) carliug. entrepas, m., (man.) broken, ambling, gait. entre-pont, m., (nav.) lower deck; 'tween decks. entreposage, m., bonding (goods, merchandise). entrc;)osor, v. a., to bond, put in bond; to ware- house, to store. entreijoseur, m., bonded warehouse keeper. entrepot, m., intermediate dep6t; store house; bonded warehouse or store; ft I' , en , bonded. entrepremlre, v. a., to undertake; (adm.) to con- tract for. entrepreneur, m., contractor; builder. entre;>ri*e, f., enterprise; contract; undertaking, attempt; encroachment; in repair, in good order; to maintain, support. entre'ticn, in., support, maintenance, care, presor- %ation; maintenance in good, in \vorking, order; rti.,o and tenon in vertical pieces. envagomier, v. a., (r. r.) to put on the train, in the cars. envahir, v. a., to overrun, break in upon; to roach all the parts of (us, tire, of a burning building; water, of a sinking ship, etc.); to encroach upon (as tho sea upon the land); (mil.) to invade, overrun, envahlsscment, ~n., overrunning; encroachment; extension to all tho parts of; (mil.) invasion, overrunning. envahlsseur, m., invader. eiivastT, v. a. r., to sink in the mud; to stick in tho mud. enveloppe, f., envelope, cover, covering, casing; letter envelope; (iitach., stiam) jacket, i-a v', cleading;o iter shell or casing of a doable-she! led cylinder; (ari.) co.ttiiiL' of a projectile, tl'.e sl.iil or casing of a shrapnel; (r./. an.) water-jacket; (fort.) continred Co.mteraiard, silion; (; //. min.) main {'..llery of a countermine; <7<:.''.) iho zone between the vyau, q. v., and tho cir- cle of twice the radius of the latter: decylindre, (sttai.i, <'.' ) cylinder jachet; isolan-tc, (dec.) insulating cover (.i.s, i.f a cable, etc.); (/c pied, (hil'p.) flesh, envelope, of the fcnl; kerato -enous membrane; & piiicix, tnr/.)clip-'-Ki-ve, of a fuse; jiuhfi'isu-e it' , (man.) the grip or chisp of tlio tliighs (of the seat); ./( rujifiir, (ytaiii) steam-jaeket. envelopp^e. f.. (fort.) silion. eiiveloppement, m., M tion of enveloping, sur- rounding, etc.; (?."i7.) anem elo; in ; HIT. eim "! ; -ttr! ) lo l:i", to. lea^; t .,.,'.; to execute uii enveloping inownient, to in\est, hem in. enviTgiiro, f.. stretch of a pair of compasses; (?icntii>n dc I' - -, shoulder slip; -ili-'ii'f. straight, upright, shoulder; irurl d' - -, v. s. v. i-cnrt; ninrt d' -, ^ti'iuldcr strain; I' - tn dni'iiiK. (with; the shoulder on the inner trai'k (tnuailstir deux //Mr*); f'lrr pri* t)m ,v, fj bo si.iif, lame, in the shoulder; itrt XIIT /<.? - ., (of a horse; to carry his weight too mu.-h forward; - froidf, shoulder still on lea\ ing stable; mtttrf ('in chanl) sur lot - - .v, to throw too niU'-h of the weight on the fore quarter; de iiiortvixr, (art.) windlass-bracket; de moutiin, (car//.; chip-ax; mniil d' , (unif.) shoulder knot; pati: d' ,(unif.) shoulder-strap; - pluijuif, flat, sunken shoulder, restrained or stilf in its movements; f patile, sur ley s, on the forehand; trotter dcs s, to trot heavily, stiffly. *paul*e, f., thrust, or push, with the shoul- der; bdtir par s, (mas.) to build, run up (a waUi etc.), irregularly, unevenly. fpaulement, m., shoulder (as, of a tenon, a spoke); (fort.) epaulment, parapet, breast- work, gun bank; (mach.) shoulder; (art.) shoulder, locking-shoulder; (sm. a.) recoil- shoulder, firing-pin guide-ring; (cons.) revet- ment wall; d'appvi, (sm. a.) locldng-shoulder, locking- lug shoulder; de. batterie, (art., fort.) gun cover, gun parapet; de campagne, (art., fort.) field-gun epaul- ment; hauteur d' , (sm. a.) height of rifle above ground (when fired); --tupide, (art., for i.) hasty opaulment (one to each gun); en retour, (fort.) an opaulment refused, thrown back. Cpanlor, v. a. r., to sprain (the shoulder); to assist, support, ba"k; (fort.) to protect by an epaulment; (mil.) to cover, protect (as, flank by a marsh or other obstacle); (sm. a.) to bring the piece to the shoulder (for firm-;); (carp.) to cut down, pare down, a tenon. epauletler, m., (mil.) officer inordinately vain of beiivc such. Cpaulette, f., (unif.) epaulet, shoulder-knot; (fig.) commissioned rank; arrirrrfi I' , to win, get, a commission; bouilln-i.i d' , v. torsadcs d' ; corps d' , field of an epaulet; double , ( Fr. a.) the grade of captain; ft tcailles, shoulder scale: ecuas^ii dc I' , field of an epaulet; ii fraiifie. fringe epaulet: fi araine d'&pinards, epaulet with large bul- lion fringe; A ij''i>s grains, v. ft graine d'cpinards; oltcnir I' . (mil.) to become an oflicer; to get his shoulder-straps, U. S. A.; it. pctitrs tor sides, v. hfrange; tfirsadcs d' , bullion of an epaulet. CpauliiVe, f., sort of man-harness; (unif.) shoulder- strap of a cuirass. 6p6e, f.. sword; swordsman; (fig., mil.) the profes- sion of arms; abanrlun d' , (fenc.) lack of control of the blade, (hence) invitation, apparent opening; absence d' , (fenc.) state of being uncovered, (hence) invite, invitation; -In'ionnene, (sm. a.) sword-bayonet; sr battrfti I' , to fight with swords; une bonne , a good swordsman; briser .sow , (mil.) to quit the service; coup d' , sword thrust, sword wound; V dans Ics reins, (mil.) vigorously (as. of a pursuit); d( m-andcr son h queiqv'nn. (mil.) to arrest; A I'fstoc, thrusting sword; le fnible de r , (fenc.) part of the blade near the point; le furt de /' , (fenc.) part of the blade near the guard; qrns d' , military men, soldiers; lame d' , sword blade; la main dc I' , (man.) sword hand, right hand; m/ttrc I' ci la main, to draw; mdtrt sun au sir vice de Vetrartgcr, (mil.) to take service in a foreign army; le mi furl, dc r , (fenc.) the middle part of the blade; passer an fil de I' , to put to the sword; plat d' , flat of the sword; j>oiyni:e de I'- - -. sword hilt, gripe; poser /' , (mil.) to return to a state of peace, to stop warring; rtmtttre I' , to put up, sheathe, one's sword; Tendre I' , to give up one's sword; (mil.) to surrender; 157 epreuve e, rengatner I' -, v. remettre I' ; tiriT I' , to draw the sword; vierge, unfleshed sword. tperon, m., spur; ice-fender, stream-fender (of a bridge); starling; buttress; mole, breakwater, jetty; (top.) mountain spur; counterfort; (nat>.) stem, ram; (art.) trail-spur, trail spade; chausser Its , to put on one's spurs; & la chevalilre, (unif.) officer's spur, ordinary spur (held on by straps and buckles); dtchausser les s, to take oil, remove, one's spurs; donner de I' , des , (man.) to spur, put spurs to; dur&l' , (man.) not spur-wise; fire, screw-spur; Signer tes 3, to win one's spurs; mobile, v. ;ic Iflnron i ntirr. full splice. (pite, f., \voririue, (mil.) in promotion examinations, examination in book work; - de tir, (art.) firing-proof, proof-firing; artillery, small-arm, proof-firing in gen- eral; - de tir & oulrance, (art., ball.) proof-firing to test ultimate strength; d la vapeur, (art.) steam test (cast-iron shells); - de Vitesse, (nav.) speed trial. fprouvf', p. p., (mil.) sorely tried, hard pressed. fiprouver, v. a., to test, try, prove; to experience! to assay, make trial "off to meet with, go through with. Cprouvctto, f., (met.') test bar, test piece; (chem.) test tube; (ball.) eprouvette; it crimaillfre, vertical eprouvette; moTtiiT ---- , (ball.) powder eprouvette; - poudre, v. morticr -- ; - fi rcssort, (ball.) spring eprouvette for testing sporting powders; a rones dentces, (ball.) pistol eprouvette. epuisement, m., exhaustion; draining, drain- age; d' - , exhausting; pompe d' - , (nav.) bilge pump; tu'jau d' - /exhaust pipe. epulscr, v. a. r., to use up, wear out (as, troops by fatigue); to exhaust, drain, empty; to run dry (of springs, streams). Cpulsctte, f., sort of net (for catching carrier pigeons, etc.). Cpuraee, m., (cord.) cleaning or second combing oi ht-tii]). fpurateur, m., (steam) purifier; (expl.) poacher. fpuration, f., refining, refinement, purifying. (pure, f., drawing, mechanical drawing, geo- metrical drawimr; working plan or drawing; diagram (e. g., Xeuner diagram;; di-s efforts, stress diagram; cw /un.v, wash drawing. fpun-r, v. a., to purify, cleanse; (cord.) to clean hemp, give the second combing to hemp. CquarrO, m., square inscribed in the cross section of a Jog to be squared. to .-quarp (as. timber, stone); to recut. .s:r:ii'.'ht"ii, groo.es, etc.; to case (t,r.-, v.in.iov < ; to kill and cut up animals (beef, horse.-, c!c.;. squareness: scant- g and cutting up m. qrnritH'. ling M,I limix-n; .-.^.'ini I of animals;; d' -- . s(|iiarc, in the qu-'.re - - an cinqiiirtni, sqiu'rivg the side of tbe inscribed chord of one-fifth o! 'i he circumference; -- df /"fit, rouLh hcwiiR' (of timber, in situ); formulc d' - , v. s. \.jnil<; -- a D/, squaring, hewing, that reaches the heartwood. of timber, so that uare shall be the Cquarrlssement, m., act of squaring, state of being squared ; cutting at right angle's; tailler en , to square. Cquarrtsseur, m., nacker, knacker. Cquarrlssolr, m., square broach. fcquateur, m., equator. Equation, f. , equation; pirsonnelle, personal equation, personal error. equatorial, a., equatorial. fcquerraire, m., bevel, beveling; gra, obtuse bevel; maigrt, acute bevel. gquerre, f., square, rule, scale, carpenter's rule; elbow (of a water-pipe, etc.); strap, junction-strap; knee (of a boat); (emu.) corner brace, corner angle-iron, rect annu- lar angle-iron or brace; (mach.) any piece branched at or near 90; (pont.) 'timber- platp. & , d' . en , square, at right angles; d I' , by the square; d'arpei'teur, surveyor's square; courbfb . square kiiee; de combe, (pont.) knee-strap of a ponton boat; fi diamtfre, universnl or center square; double , T-square; (cons.) broad strap; double, T-square; double d'appvi, reen forcing strap; ti double reflexion, (inst.) reflecting square; 'ft epanlement, a square of which one branch is three times as thick as the other; fausst , (inst.) bevel square; (cons., carp.) corner, bevel, not a right angle; bfaus.ie , out of square; defer, iron knee; fi miroirs. (inst.) reflecting square; -h mitre, (carp.) miter square; -onglet, h onilct, v. d mitre: ordinaire, T-square; i pat/e eth coulisse, (cons.) iron strap with groove and holdfast; & pit on etd, anneau, iron strap with eyebolt and ring; de precision, try-square; 4 prismes, (inf-i.) optical square; - xautcrelle, bevel square; simple, try-square; en T, v. ordinaire. Cquerrer, v. a., to square; to bevel. questre, a., equestrian. Oqulans'e, a., equiangular. Cquidlstance, f., equidistauce; (top.) equidistance of contours; grnfthiijue, (top.) equidistance, difference of level, to the scale of the map; metrit/uc, ('"/'.) diilerence of le^el, equidis- tance, in meters, actual equidistance; rtat'irellf, v. metriqnr; rrduite, v. graph iqiie. equidistant, a., equidistant; (top.) equidistant (of contours. etc.). CquiKMon, in., 'iron band or plate, on the under side of a wooden axle arm. fqiiUntPre, a., Oquilati'r;il, a., equilateral. (iquilibre. m., equilibrium ; formnle. d' , Hooke's law; - rfr. remhlais et des deblais, (eng.) >>alancing fills and cuts. 6qullii>rer, v. a.,. to equilibrate, equalize; - If tiroir, (ftrn,w ) I o regulat o a slide valve, equillette, f., fquiiiette, f., spindle o! a vane. equin:i!rc, in., equipage, equipment; outfit, plant: dress: horse furniture; c-irriai'.o and horses; (much.) gear, gearing, ct. of pear wheels; (n-iv.) crew; (m //,'.) w:i"o;:s, ^ebicles, ('if net, mil.) train, wagon train; oarria"es, wagons, and material of all sorts trans- ported by an army; bairrage of an army; (mere esp., I-'r. ft.) regimental 1r:iin; the com- plete material of a given unit (as, a battery); the wheeled elements (of a siege or artillery parki; a larre gun, on its cnrriuge, and equipped with all the material necessary to its service; the collection of tools, im- plements, etc., necessary to execute a given mechanical maneuver; equipage 159 erse Cqulpase farmff, (pont.) the bridge train of an army; s de I'armee, (mil.) all the transport of an army; * d'artiJUrie, ( FT. art.) a generic expression for artillery trains and parks, and ammunition columns (two subdivikions, s de campagne, s de silge); d'artillirie d'une armee, battery material and supplies of ammunition, and of material in gen- eral, i. e., ammunition sections, corps parks, and grand pare; d'atelier, machinery, etc., plant of a shop (ar- senal, navy-yard, etc.); d'nrant-garde, (pont.) advanced guard bridge equipage; s de campagnt, (mil.) the baggage of an army in the field; ( FT. art.) a generic expression for army and corps (artillery) trains, mountain equipage, and fortress (mobile defense) equip- age; de corps d'armee, (art.) the divisional and corps artilleries, with their respective ammuni- tion sections, the infantry ammunition section, and the artillery park; de corns de troupe, ( FT. a.) regimental train (train rcgimtntaire and train de combat); demi , v. de siege; de division, v. d'avant-garde; di' division de cavalcric inde pendante , two horse batteries; de. montagne, (FT. art.) mountain equipage, i. e.. the various batteries and ammunition sec- tions assigned to mountain duty; normal, v. de sitge; - de pltff, ( Fr. art.) the mobile batteries used in the defense of a fortress; de pompe, (mach.) pump gear; de pont, (pont.) bridge train, bridge equipage; - de punt d'armee, (pont.) bridge train of an army, the sum of the two corps trains; de pont de cnmpaqne. (pont.) the full name of the bridge train of an army in the field; - tic pont de corps d'armee, (pont.) the corps bridge train; - - dr pout de place. ( Fr. a.) fortress bridge train (maintained at Bcsangon, Lyons, Tool, and Versailles); s riuimentairei, (Fr. a.) regimental wagons, train; dt requisition . (mi'.) horses, wagons, etc., taken from the country on requisition; de. riif.rcf, (mi!., pont.) reserve bridge train; dcsii-'H. (ticgt ) siege train (generally, the artil- lery sie re train is meant); consists in Franco of 5 i'luip'i 1< 3 ii.tr man x, each comprising IT'i guns ami nn/rtars of various calibers (exclusive of r. f. g-;ns) uiid 7. 300 rounds, nnd subdivided into d< :?: j - Icycr (SO guns) and demi lourd ('.' '. nuns); d? sit ie dc Vartillerie, (siege, art.) artillery sk-g) train, the siege train proper; - dc siege du ginic, (wj/r, my.) engineer siege tru'u (tools, implements, mining outfit, etc.); tT'-.iii ihs s, (mil.) baggage (rain: train; dc transport, (mil.) the wheeled elements of a siego par'-;, etc.; - - dt vui.i.vau, (nav.) ship's company, crow. qulpe, f. , gang. set. squad; crew or gang (of work- men.;, v.'DVr ing party: train of boats; (art. > num- ber or party of men necessary to execute a me iiancial maneuver; ch'f u'- , foreman of a gang of workmen. tqiilpec, f., foolish and reckless undertaking. Oquipenient, in., equipment, outfit; fitting out: stores, equipage; (mil.) accoiiterment, equip- ment, ( Fr. a. ) exclusive, of clothes and of arms; dt. clicial, horse appointments, horse furni- ture; grand . ( Fr. a.) belts, gun- and haversa^k- slings, haversacks, etc. (no longer an ollicial term;; equlpement, petit , (Fr. a.) brashes, cleaning kit , small articles generally (no longer an official term)- de la tere (leme) portion, v. effets de la lire (2eme) portion. fqulprr, v. a. r., to equip, fit out; to provide, sup- ply, furnish, stock; to arm, man; (art., etc.) to rig (a gin, capstan, etc.); (art.) to take equip- ments; to furnish a pie *e with all the equip- ments necessary to its service; d n brins, (art., etc.) to rig or equip with an n-fold tackle; ttne chfrre, (art.) to rig a gin; une chcvre en cabestari, (art.) to rig a gin as a capstan; une chcvre d haubans, (art.) to rig a gin as shears; - une fusee, (artif.) to fix a stick to a rocket. Cqulpeur, m., (sm. a.) finisher (in assembling parts); monteur, stripper and finisher, armorer who assembles, etc., small arms (performs the duties olcquipcur and of monteur, q. v.). equitation, f., (man.) equitation, horsemanship: dia-jonale, a system of horsemanship of \v!.i h the base is the development of the action of tiio horse's diagonals; ecoh d' , riding school; maitre d' , riding master; militairc, military riding; ras&tm'Me, riding, equitation, so called from the necessity of the horse getting his hind 1<> 's well under him in the execution of the various air*. Crable, m., maple tree, maple wood. eraflemeiit, m., (art.) scrat'-h, score, in the bore (if a gun (produced by bursting of shell in bore). frailer, v. a., to scratch, graze, score. fcraflure, f., slight scratch. CraillO, a., (cord.) worn out, frayed. fralller, v. a. r., to rub, gall, fret, chafe, fray. gralllure, f., fraying, galling, chafing. Crection, f., erection, raising, establishment. CrelnUi, p. p., broken-backed: tired out; worn out. Crelnter, v. a. r.. to break the ba<-V; tiro out, knock up; to be tired out, knocked up. erg, m.. erg. ergot, in., hook, spur; toggle; ergot, sort of fungus in oats and other cereals; (hipp.) ergot. Criger, v. a., to ere-'t. establish, institute; (fort.) to throw up (works, parapets, etc.). ermiiictte, f.. carpenter's adz. Crosif, a., erosive (as, of powder gases in born of gun). frosioli, f., erosion; (art.) erosion of the bore. erre, f., (nav.) way, headway, steera.;e\vay. erreur, f.. error; de la dirixin, (inst.) error of graduation: defermeture, (surv.) error of closure, il->.--ing error; dc graduation, v. de In division; graphique, the error on the I'lap. correspond- ing to the :vtual error in tho iiehi, si-.<|i> en\ r, the field ern.r reduced to the scale of t!-.o n::>;.; instrumcntalc, (tint.) instrumental, iivlex error; dt liclurt , (inxt.) error of reading; dc niiiiiu (ippurt n!, (sun.) error of apparent level: - '. 'i;>/ . (inst.) error of sight; - d' 1 r> fraction, refraction error: dc Tfijicye, (t. p.) distance lieiween pcini of impact and poinl aimed a! (si.-i-'le sh ; n : di<- (anee he) \v-eein rntorol impact and point, aimed at (group ol shots); - - di i>plifrici!r. (*!/nO error of sphericity; - - df riA'/c. (t. p. ) error of aim (.rili^ in u re>t). ers, m.. fitches, vet' hes; tares. erse, f.. iron cringle, thimble; (o.rd. ' strap, grom- uiet; erse 160 espace erse en bilord, selvage, selvage strap; de poulie, block strap. erseau, m., (cord.) small grommet, small block strap; valet , grommet wad. esrabeau, m., stool, settle. escache, f., (ham.) oval bit, scatch. escadre, f., (nav.) squadron, fleet; de blocus, blockading squadron; d evolution, squadron of evolution; - d' 'observation, squadron of observation. escadrille, f., (nav.) small squadron. escadron, m., (car.) squadron, troop; actif, (Fr. car.) of a regiment, any squadron not the depot squadron; chtfd , (art.) major of artillery; chifd s, (coy.) major of cavalry; de contact, contact squadron; de dicnuverte, contact squadron, exploration or scouting squadron; derr.i the French equivalent of the U. S. cavalry troop (in France the cxcadrcn has 4 platoons, in the U. S. but 2); de depot, depot squadron; de depot h pied, in the German cavalry, the depot (dismounted) squadron; ecole d' , squadron drill, school of the troop; de. garnison, \. de depot fi pied; de guerre, (Fr. cav.) v. actif; mobile, (Fr. cav.) v. actif; par guatre. troop in column of fours; du train des equipages, (Fr. a.) unit of the train, corresponding to the battalion, and con- taining 4 companies. escadronner, v. a., (mil.) to maneuver with cavalry; to maneuver as, or in, squadron. escalade, f., (mil.) escalade, scaling; assault with scaling ladders; (law) the passage or crossing of any fence, wall, or inclosurc, climbing in over a door, so as to get into a house, garden, etc.; alter d I' , to advance to the escalade; tanner I' , to attempt an escalade; monterb I' , v. alter d I' ; tenter I' , v. donner I' ; vol avec , (laiv) theft preceded u. accom- panied by escalade, v. supra. cscalader, v. a., to scale; (mil.) to scale, escalade. escaladeur, m., (mil.) escalader. escale, f., maritime city of the Mediterranean, and more particularly of the Harbary States; f-jirc , (nav.) to touch (at a port). escalier, m., stairs, staircase, flight of stairs; de commande, (nav.) accommodation ladder. dfgage , d( dewgtmentj back stairs; dirobe, private stairs; droit, straight flight of stairs, fivers; en tchiffre, ec.hiffre, staircase resting upon a supporting wall; en escargut, s_piral stairs; grand -, prinipul staircase; hunt " .stairhead; d'h'inn'ur, grand staircase; tn limace, en limayon, cockle stairs, winding stairs, well-stairs; a noyau pliin, winding stairs; rianscrinrc, inner stairs; her, of a horse. escapouler, v. a., (met.) to dress down, reduce. escarbilles, f. pi., cinders, ashes; fragments of unburntcoalin ashes. escarbite, f., calker's grease or oil box. escarROt, m., (art.) gun worm; (mil. slang) man with his tent, in the field. escarniouche, f., (mil.) skirmish; d' exploration, skirmish on exploration serv- ice (cavalry skirmish); de route, running fight. escarnioucher, v. a., (mil.) to skirmish. esoarmoucheur, m., (mil.) skirmisher. escarpe, f. , (fort.) scarp, escarp; attachie, full scarp, attached scarp; attaches ai'tc voutes en de".hargc, full scarp with relieving arches; a bahut, semidetached scarp (admitting of fire over the detached portion); contre- . counterscarp; dcmi-detachce, v. fi bahut; h demi-rtiftement, half-revetted scarp, scarp revetted halfway up; di'tucnfe, detached scarp; pleine, full scnrp; pleine et attache e. full scarp; a terre coulante, scarp left at the natural slope of the earth. escarp*, a., steep, bluff. escarpement, m., steepness (as, of banks, etc.); (top.) slope; escarpment of a plateau; steepest slope (of a mountain) (fort.) escarpment. escarper, v. a. r., tn cut steep down, to form steep slopes; to be steep; (fort.) to scarp. escarpolette, f., swing; cprfuve d' , (art.) axletrec test or proof. escaume, m., v. echome. escavecade, f , (man.) jerk, pull, with the caves- son. eschure, f., (hipp.) scab. est'lavage, m., slavery. csclavo, m., f., slave. escompte, m., discount. escompter, v. a., to discount. eseope, f., scoop; A mam, baler. escoperche, f-, v. ecoperche. eseopelte, f., (sm. a.) carbine (ohs.). escopetteric, f., (sm. a.) small-arm fire (obs.). escorte, f., (mil., elc.) escort; inav.) convoy; d'hnnneur, (mil.) escort of honor (of the I'resident, ministers, generals). eseorter, v. a., (mil., etc.) to escort; (nav.) to con- voy. escouade, f., (mil.) squad; brisee, s<]iiad compased of men of different regiments. escoupo, f., curved spade, round shovel. escf(, fencing wit'; the sword; m'ii/rr d , fencinir master: a la poinlf, , generic expression for fencing in which the point is used; an , du, sabrr, broadsword exercise; salli' '!' . fencing school, fencing hall or room; fencing academy (T. S. M. A.). escrlrner, v. a. r., to fence, to tight with swords; to 'ise a stick as a weapon; (Jig.) to apply one's self to; s' des dents, s' dts m&choircs, to be a valiant trencherman. esrrimrtir, in., fencer. espace, in., space, room, interval; d'air, (art.) air-space, air-spacing; ba'.tu, (art., sm. a.) zone or area swept by fire; espacc 161 essoufflement espace, chargement & \ \\iinging, to wring (materials). csson-ussc, f., (upl., etc.) centrifugal drying m.i- cliiue, hydro-extractor. cssorillO, p. p., crop-eared; c/iiraf , (hipp.) crop-ear, cropped tior.-e. essorlller, v. a., to crop the ear; (/m/i.i to ml (!.> hair \ erv short. essoufflement, m. of breath. .f being winde.l. 3S77 17- I 1 essouffler 162 etalon essoufflcr, v. a. r. , to blow, wind (a horse, a man) , to become winded, essourisser, v. a., (hipp.) to cut the cartilage of a horse's nose, essui, m., drying-room. essuyer, v. a. r., to wipe, wipe oft; to dry, dry off; (f:y.) to bear, endure, support; le feu, (mil.) to stand fire without flinch- ing. est, a., m., east, the east; easterly, eastern. estarade, f. , estacade; boom; barricade of piles; (Jort.) stockade; tlie, row of piles, piling, pile stockade (across a river, etc.); flottanle, boom, floating boom, chain-boom; mixte, a combination of fixe and flottante (i. e., piles with logs, etc., chained or secured between; does not interfere with navigation); dc, en, pilotis, v. fixe; dc s fir etc, secondary boom protecting the main one, guard-boom. estafette, f., estafette; courier, express; - montce, (mil.) mounted orderly; courier (U.S.A.). estafilade, f., gash, cut. estalilader, v. a., to gash; to cut, slash, the face. estampaeje, m., stamping, forming, shaping. estampe, f., print, engraving; stamp, die, swage; ronle, rounding tool. estamper, v. a., to stamp, emboss; to swage. estampllle, f., stamp, mark (e. g., on stock of guns); ( FT. a.) o.iicial stamp or seal caused to be a fixed by minister of war on samples models, etc., sent to regiments. estampoir, m., v. etampnir. estampure, f., v. etampure. estimation, f., estimate, estimation, valua- tion. estime, f., estimation; (nav.) dead reckoning; d, /' , by estimation (o. g., of readings, when the index stops between graduations). estlmrr, v. a., to estimate, value; (nav.) to get the course by dead reckoning. estoc, m., stump, stock; (sm. a.) tlirusting sword (')lis.), sword point; arme d' , tbrusting weapon; coup d' , thrust; coupir d, Wane , to cut down a tree to the root; d' , (fenc.) with the point; d' it detaillc,(fcnc.) cut and thrust; frnpper d' , to thrust. estoi-ade, f., long sword (obs.); (fenc.) tlirust, pass; wound produced by a thrust. estocader, v. a., (fenc.) to thrust, make a pass. estompe, f., stump (drawing). estompor, to stump (drawing). estor, v. a., to rivet, to jog, to jump; (sm. a.) to jump a gun barrel. cstoquian, m., catch-bolt, catch; pawl, ratchet. e.stoiipin, in., wad of oakum. cstrar, in., (hijiti.) lauk, lean, heron-gutted horse. est null*, f., platform; b.ii're i , (mil.) of cavalry, to scout, to patrol, so us to keep in touch with the enemy. estr.imacon, m., (s;n. a.) long, double-edged sword inlis.'i; (fntc.i cut; cmi;i d' , ( frtir.} cut. estran, in., I'M,"''.) bench or strand between high :i:id 1'i'Y W:.ier marks. est ra pa do, f., (0y.'/>.) "skin the cat"; (man.) sant-ili-mrnitftn, <\. v., of a horse who stops, kick- , and tries to t lirow his rider. estra purser, v. a., (win.) to tire, knock up, ovcr- ri'ie, overwork a horse. estrapontln, in.. li;iiinnork. estrope, f., (ci,rd. > strap. I. lock strap; - ii 'ii Iron, oar groinmet 'to confine the oars 1 i Use I hole pin- : in l>ni.t, woo.lcii collar; it rrnchil. iii'ii .. nrf.j shell-sling; en fir. iron collar: estrope de poulie, block strap. estroper, v. a., (cord.) to strap, to provide with a strap; une poulie, to strap a block. estropie, p. p., lame, crippled, disabled; m cripple. estropler, v. a., to cripple, lame, maim, mutilate disable. estualrc, m., (ht/dr.) estuary. etablage, m., stabling; stallage; keep (of a horse etc.); space between shafts. Stable, f., stable (for animals other than horses). fetabler, v. a., to stable. fetabli, m.. workbench; frame (of a lathe, etc.); (art if.) laboratory table; valet d' , dog, holdfast. etablir, v. a. r., to establish, fix, set up; to insti- tute, erect; to lay down; to take possession of; to construct (a railway, etc.); (mil.) to pitch (a camp); les bois, to mark wood for sawing; une machine, to construct and set up a machine; les picrres, (mas.) to mark stone for cut- ting. etablissement, m., establishment; settlement settling, placing; d' etudes, (Fr. art.) a generic expression for all boards, committees, and commissions in charge of technical questions and investi- gations; dcs marees, d'un port, establishment of a port; pfnitentiaire, any penitentiary establish- ment; d< s quartiers, (mil.) cantoning of troops. etagc, m., floor, story (of a house); row, stop, layer; degree, class, quality, rank; (fort.) tier (as, of casements); (mack.) step (of a stepped cone or pulley); s defcu, (fort., etc.) tiers of fire; premier , second story (of a house). Stager, v. a. r., to tier, to be arranged in tiers; (mil.) to be drawn up in lines one above the other. Stagere, f., set of shelves. fetal, m., strut, brace, stay, prop; (cord.) stay; de cheminfe, (nav.) funnel stay; pommed' , (cord.) mouse, of a stay; en sautoir , diagonal stay. de tele dc bigue, shear-head stay. ctaie, f., \.ctai. Ctaiement, m., v. etayement. Staler, v. a., v. ft aver. elaiii, in., (met.) tin; pewter; battn, tin-foil; en blocs, block tin; row mur> , common tin; cnfeuilles, sheet-tin; en saumnns, v. en Woes. talaRf, m., display; (in pi., met.) boshes. etale, a., slack (of the tide), steady, still; m., slack water; cordage , (cord.) rope that slacks after being paid out; eltre en , to be slack, at a stand; de flnt, slack of the flood; dejnsant, slack of t he ebb; marie , mer , Hood tide, highest of-tho flood; rent , wind of moderate velocity. Ctaler, v. u., to display; to stem (the tide, a cur- rent ). Gtaleuse, f., (mucJi.) spreader, spreading machine (in rope manufacture). (talliiKiic, f.. (<*ord.) clinch of a cable; shackling of a chain-cable. el-alinsiiier, v. a., (cord.) to bend, clinch, a cable (to 1 lie anchor). ('talliigure, f.. v. ftalinguc. etalon, in., standard, legal standard (of weights and measures), gauge, standard gauge; (dec.) standard of calibration; (hipp.) stallion; itpiirnui't . (hipp.) in France, a stallion recog- nized by the government as suited to the improvement of the breed, and the owner of which gets a bounty ; ft a Ion flat (talon aulorist, (hipp.) in France, a stallion recog- rized by the government as suited to maintain (i. e., riot to improve) the standard reached (owner gets no bounty); A coulisse , sliding caliper scale; A coulisse el a vernier, standard sliding cali- pers; d' , standard ; deixtrtcmental, (hipp.) in France, a recog- nized stallion (one to each departement); d'essai, (hipp.)\.bouie-en-train; de haras, (hipp.) as tallion attached to a breed- ing establishment; national, (hipp.) in France, a stallion belong- ing to the state; prime, v. approttrc; rouleur, (hipp.) traveling stallion, "tramp" stallion. CtaloimuKe, m., gauging, verification, standardiz- ing, comparison with a standard; stamping (after comparison with a standard); (elec.) cali- bration; du pas, (mil.) determination of the average length of one's pace or step (distances used in France, 10 meters and 100 meters). etalonnement, m., v. italonnage. Ctalonner, v. a. n., to gauge, standardize, compare with a standard; to stamp Rafter comparison with a standard); (elec.) to calibrate; (hipp.) to , serve; le pas, (mil.) to find the average length of one's pace or step. ttamage, m., operation of tinning; tinned work; gahvnique , galvanizing; de glace, silvering (of a looking-glass); au zinc, zinking. Ctanihot, in., (nor.) sternpost. fctamer, v. a., to tin; to galvanize; une glace, to silver (a looking-glass). Ctameur, m.. tinner. etamine, f., bolting-cloth; bunting; a flag y>roper (as distinguished from the head, tassels, etc.); de crin, haircloth. fctampaKe, m., swaging; operation of stamp- ing, punching, or boating out. of giving a cylindrical or truncated-cone shape to any- thing. Ctampe, f. , swage , swage-tool , swage-block, stamp ; bottom tool: d>. boss, drift, mandrel; f/arr.) horseshoe punch; dessuus d'une , bottom swage, bottom tool, lower die; de>.itts d'une , top swage, upper tool, upper die, swage hammer; inferifttre, v. dessuus d'unr -; ronde. rounding tool; siiperieure, v. dessvs d'unt . Clamper, v. a., to swage; to stamp out, beat out; to shape, punch, emboss; to draft, open out; to give a cylindrical or truncated-cone shape to anything; (farr.) to punch holes in a horse- shoe;' gras, i grns, (farr.) to punch a horseshoe close to the inner edge; inaiyre, ti inaiyre. (farr.) to punch a horse- shoe close to the outer edge. Ctampure, f., mouth or spiny of a hole in a metal plate; (fan.) nail-hole (of a hor ii'shoe; stri'-tly, the square hole for the head of the nail). Gtamure, f., material for tinning. eturirlie, a., tight i steam-, water-, wind-tight); a I', d', eau, (i d'rau, water-tight; faire I' .to make (water-) tk'hl; mettre fi , to stanch; to dry, empty (as, a ditch); a la. dc. vapeur, (.it ram) steam-tight. taiirli<*itO, f., tightness (water, steam, of joints, etc.). etaiiclier, v. a., to stanch, to stop (a leak), quench, slake, dry up; an vtiissenu. to free a ship by her pumps; u ne rule d'cau, lo stop a leak. $taiKurt, and each has a post-oflk-c , a hospital, a telegraph station, a small garrison, etc.; gitc principal d' s, every third or fourth g'.tc d' s on a route d' s (has a stron-er per- sonnel than the ordinary gl'e , a lar -or hospital, a S'ius-intcndance,<\. v.; iscstablisned only when the liiine d' s de route is prolonged beyond 4 etapes)', Tinpitdl d' s, the hospital of a gtie d' s; innrmerie d' s, dc giie d' s, infirmary estab- lished in a glte d' * that has no hospital. lieu d' , halting place; lignc d' s, li'jnr d' s de route, line of s, (hence, substantially) line of supply, of commu- nications, line of posts; ligne d' * auiiliaire,n\me of s parallel to a railway; route d' s, the road on which are situated the gltfs d' ,v, and which connects an army In the field with the terminus of railway transporta- tion; service des s, a general term for the whole service of transportation (railways cxcepled) and supply , as carried on along the ligncs d ' s; station tile d' * df guerre, most advanced railroad station on line of communication; Ca- tion where, the route d' s begins; (in ma- neuvers, this is called station tete d' .v ;/.< tit, (for w]\ Krench garrison town ) a report on each military buildiii 1 .:, giving its design, diiuension.;, capac- ity, and use; (/c dix'riliution, ( Fr. a. adm.) in I lie M rr:c< <'is lit.i inili/iiir(, papi-r or voucher on \\hirli lid- ding is issued; dresser mi , to snake a return of: to draw up a report; fair i I' df, to make a return, report , of; i/c filiation, return or li.-.l . hy name, of ollirers, n.c. 6., and rneu about to embark; etat 164 gtelndrc *tat dc guerre, state of war; war footing, (Fr. a.) the status of a fort or fortified place, upon the publication of the order of mobili- zation (assumption of command by the designated governor, limitation of the powers and functions of the civil authority, adoption of general measures for the safety of the place, etc.); h libre, (met.) in a free state, native; de lieuz, (Fr. a. adm.) report on state of barracks when first occupied by new set of troops (so as to fix responsibility for future damages): ((op.) in fortification surveying, subdivision of the terrain into squares whose vertices have, their differences of level determined. These altitudes are re- corded on the map; contours also may be run by interpolation on plan (also appli- cable to roads, cross and axial profiles being run); dc malades, sick report; inenfutl ({'existence, (Fr. a. adm.) in the frrcice dcx lit* militaires, a report or voucher showing what the contractor is entitled to; miHitiire du corps de I'artillerie, (Fr. a.) annual register of the corps of artillery; naistant, (chem.) nascent state; nominal, list of names; nominalif d' affectation, (Fr. a.) list of men sent e^.ch year from the active army to the reserve; dc pair, state of peace; peace footing; (Fr. a.) the status of a fortress or fortified position under peace conditions, in respect of command, police, relations to civil au- thority, etc.; de perte, return of losses in action ; ptirtcr sur Ics s, to put on the muster rolls; ra'/cr des s, to strike off the rolls; rfcapitulatif, (fort., Fr. a.) report kept in ench place, showing what works and guns will reach such and such points of surround- ing terrain; de rijorme, (adm.) inspection report: ( Fr. a.) detailed list of property to be submitted for rcforme; de reintearntion, (Fr. a. adm.) in the service des litu militaires, list or return of property turned in; de service, military (official) record, record of military service; detail of men for duty in nxt 24 hours (e. g., in a siege); de stfif, state of siege; (Fr. a.) of a fortress or fortified position, state of siege, resulting in the complete transfer of the civil authority to the military governor; sijnalftique, descriptive list; xignalctique ft des services, (Fr. a.) state- ment of etat civil, with descriptive list and record of military service; dc situation, return or report showing the strength, condition, and station or stations of an army. regiment, garrison, etc.: de xotde, ( Fr. a. adm.) pay sheets, on which c'nixtil d' ad ministration draws amounts due for pay (officers and men); r'<:, (art.) to silence the (enemy's) fire: Cteindre 165 Hre fte Ctelndre lesfeux, to draw the fires; (mil.) to put out lights and fires; - It travail, (tech.) (of metals under stress) to take up or stand so much work or stress. etenduge, m., clothes-lines. ttentlard, m., standard; (art., cow.) colors, regi- mental color; d I ' , to the color; pvrtc --- , color-bearer. fctenderie, f., v. itendoir. teridoir, m., clothee-lines; any drying place. fttondre, v. a. r., to extend, spread, stretch; draw out, lengthen; expand; lay on or over; (chem.) to dilute. enduc, f., extent, length, stretch (of country)! extension, duration, volume. Ct^slens, a p\., vents - ,etesian winds, north and northwest winds (in the Mediterranean), blow- ing for about 40 days after the rising of the Dog Star. ftetemeiit, m., (of trees) heading, topping, pol- larding. fetCter, v. a., (of trees) to top, pollard; to remove the head (as, of a nail, etc.). f thai, in., (chem.) ethal. Cther, m., (chem.) ether. etherisation, f., (chem.) etherization. *tlU? riser, v. a., to etheri/.e. etiaRp, m., (hydr.) low-water mark; lowest point or level of a river for the year; 6 T - ,at low water. Ctliiceler, v. n., to spark. fctinrelle, f. ; spark; scale of hot iron; tlectnque, (elec.) electric spark. Ctiqueter, v. a., to label, to ticket. etiquette, f., label, ticket. Otlrable, a., (met.) susceptible of being drawn, etc., out. t!r;ize, m., (met.) drawing, drawing down, out; draw; beating out; stretching out; rolling. {tirer, v. a. r.. (met.) to draw, draw down, out; to beat, roll, stretch out; to draw (wire); to ham- mer out; bane it -- , draw bench; ( n fds, to wire-draw; - a la prtsse, to draw down under pressure. ftlre.ur, in., v. s. v. cylindre. etnite, f., a riil.) etnite. a variety of asphalinc. etofff, f., stuff, material; d' '.icier , t he cnre, heart , or backing of a cutting tool (i.e., the part supporting the cutting edge). ( toftt-, p.p.. stuffed, stout , stiff; of or with sufficient material; chf<:al - , stout, stocky horse; fir - . iron forming the backing or heart of a cut- ting tool. ftolfcr, v. a., to thicken, stuff, stuff out, stiffen by the addition of material (as, the walls of a gun barrel, in order to resist vibrations). etolli 1 , f. , star; radial cracks (in timber); the star (in- accurately called cross) of the Legion of Honor; crown or set of long radiating meshes near the top of a ballon not; (art.) base or plate (on which the gun or forging rests) of a vertical oil- temperiiig tank; (hi pp.) blaze; ( />. a., itnif.) the star of a general oliicer (worn on sleeve, a ireneral of brigade having two. a general of divi- sion three); star of a retired oliicer (distinguish- ing mark of, worn on collar): (artif., in pi.) stars of a signr.l, etc., rocket; (fort.) star fort: -d'urtificea, (artif.) star or decoration of a rocket; - -fi ralibrcr, v. - iniibilr; (Jt ntairi, (hipp.i dental star: H'fcht d' - . - (It mii-hi, (artif.) star match; -- muhile, (art.) star gauge; rndirtile, v. --- tlnttitirr. eloile, p. p., starred (as. a crack); /,,,-t -- ,( fnrt.) star fort. (toiler, v. a. r., to crack radially, to star; 1" mark with n slur. 6 tonne me rit, in., astonishment; -- tin xabnt, (hiiip. ) concussion of foot 1 y a shock or blow. fituqueresse, f-, pawl. elouffement, m., suffocation; d'un incendie, stifling of a fire. CtoufTer, y. a., to choke; un incendie, to stifle, put out, a fire. etouftolr, m., (poicd.) sheet-iron vessel into which charcoal is put as soon as made (to pro vent spon- taneous combustion); (steam) damper. etoupage, m., (mach.) packing, stuffing. eloupe, f., tow, packing-tow; oakum; stuffing. blanche, un tarred oakum; bolteti, , (mach.) stuffing-box; garhir d' , to pack; goudronne'e, tarred oakum; noire , v. goudronnte. etoupemeiit, m., (art.) packing of ammunition in oakum. etouper, v. a., (mach., etc.) to pack, stuff: to stow with tow or oakum, calk; to pack in oukum. CtoupUle, f., (artif.) match; (art.) primer, friction primer, cannon primer; de Bickfiird, (artif.) Hick-ford fuse; - de campagne, German fricti:m primer, adapted to lamellar powders; itectriqve, electric primer: fausse , dummy primer (for use at drill); bfriction, friction primer; & friction en plume, (Fr. navy) goose-quill primer; fulminante, friction primer; obturatrice, vent-sealing, obturating, primor; oburatriceH friction, (Fr. art.) subcaliber fric- tion primer; obturatriced percussion, percussion self-sealing primer; obturatrice d percussion cfntralr, French navy primer, self-sealing and for axial vents; obturatrice d vis, an obturating primer, screw- ing into the vent; pare , friction-primer deflector; & percussion, pcrcutante, percussion primer; & percussion centrale, French navy self-sealing axial primer; de sfiretr, (artif.) safety fuse ( Bickford's). toupiller, v. a., (artif.) to prime, Qt, or supply with quick match. etoupillon, etoupin, m., (art.) vent-plug of white oakum (to keep out moisture) (obs.). etourneaii, a., (hipp.) (lea-bitten; m., flea-bit ten horse; poil d' , flea-bitten. etouteau, m., pawl, click; (srn. a.) locking-ring pin (of a bayonet); arrftoir, (sm. a.) stop-pin, pin (holthead "f l.ebel, model 1SSC). (traiiRer, a., foreign; m., foreigner, stranger; d I' , abroad, in foreign parts; Tftjiiui nt . ( Fr. a.) \ . s. v. Itijion. etnuiRle, f., (artif.) choking-string. etraiiK't'inent, in., choking, strangling; contrac- ti-iii: (nrt.,arfi/.) choke; (sm.n.) choke t,ofash<.t- guii); (.iUnin) throttling; wire-drawing; (Inpp.) neck (of a tooth). elruiiKler, v. a., to choke, strangle: to compress. condense; (nr!., artif.) to choke; (xteiim) to t':rottle: to wire-clraw; d-on.'.l to soi/e: - -/ ( .x iMixtinnf. (mi/.i in ma!;ing rounds, to pass- along the gorge of tlie bastions, i. e.. to shirk the inspection of the bastions: machine ii , (artif.) choking-frarne: UH saucisson, (siege) to choke and bin 1 a fascine. etranffleur, m., (fort.) f;v;cine choker, etranijloir, m.. t artif.) choking-frame; e(raiiKiiilli, in., (hipp.) strangles. ftr;it|iic, (.. breadth of a strafe (boats). etrave, f., ( itnr.} stem. Ctre, m.. being, existence; .1, ]>ar's. disposition, of a house. etre, v. n., to In-. 'stand, lie: to take part in; -- d) iirmonrnt, (tittr.) to be fitting out; - ~ti tint, to l>e afloat; po, f., v. estrope. : 'oper, v. a., v. extroprr. tli-, f., (mil.) in commands, abbreviation of ' ''ii>niiftte. (' ! : ;, 1'. , study, investigation; >i i' , under investigation, research, experi- ment; -.s- prcparatoires, preliminary experiments, in- vest i gallon. > tui, m.. ca;e. box, sheath; instrument, etc., case: 1 x.-n. a.} cartridge case; - dc cartouche, (xm. a.) cartridge case; ch'tr'/nir, (xm. n.) loading packet; - <"i collet reverse, (sin. a.) cartridge case tlio i-iterior of whose nock is cone-shaped; - co7nbii,Kli f >lf , ism. n.} paper case fobs.); - -rro.wc, (am. n.) a pistol holster so contrived as to he used for a stck; - I>F '/rrttirriu . I mil.} standard or.se, flag case; ii eimulrment, (mn. a.) shouldered cartridge c . ;; - a goryr, (vm. a.) grooved head cartridge 6 tui de mathlmatiques , (inst.) box or case of mathe- matical instruments; mftallique, (sm. a.) metallic cartridge case; --musette, (mil.) haversack; bag; porte-avqinc, (cat).) grain sack; portc-boite ti mitraille, (art.) canister box or case (on axle, one on each side, field artillery; on gun-pack, mountain artillery); porte-charge, (art.) leathern cylindrical case for a single round; & rebord, (sm. a.) flanged cartridge case; de revolver, (sm. a.) holster. etuvasre, m., seasoning (of wood); (fond.) drying of a mold. etuve, f., stove, drying-stove, drying-oven; room heated by a stove; hot-air or vapor bath; (fond?) foundry stove, drying room (for molds): d eau, (chem.) water-oven, water drying- oven; -locomobile & disinfection, traveling disin- fecting plant; & quinquct, (chem.) drying-stove with lamp; d, rapeur, steam drying-oven. etuvement, m., bathing, fomenting. etuver, v. a., to put anything into a drying-stove, stove, to dry; to bathe, foment; (fond.) to dry a mold. euthymCtre, m., (inst.) horizontal stadia rod usad in combination with the tacheometre, q. v. evacuable, a., (med.) that may be removed, taken to the rear. Evacuation, f., (mil., etc.) evacuation; (med.) transfer of a patient from one hospital to another, sending of sick and wounded to the rear; (steam, etc.) exhaust, eduction, evacua- tion; (mach.) evacuation pipe; conroi d' , (med.) hospital train or convoy (land or water) conveying sick and wounded to the rear, from field or corps hospitals; hopitald' , (med.) "overflow" hospital; transport d' , generic term for any method of transporting the sick and wounded in the field. evacuer, v. a., (mil., etc.) to evacuate, (more esp.) to send back or to the rear (of troops in dis- order, broken up); (med.) to transfer a patient from one hospital to another; to send the sick and wounded to the rear, home; faire , to clear (a room, otc.) of people. Cvad6, m., escaped prisoner. evader, v. r., to escape, break out of prison; faire , to help, cause, a prisoner to escape. evaluation, f., evaluation; dcs distances, (mil.) estimation of distances. evaluer, v. a., to value, estimate, rate; les distances, (mil.) to estimate distances. evaporation, f., evaporation. evaporer, v. a. r., to evaporate. 6vase, p. p., bell-mouthed, splayed, wide at the mouth; cupped; fosse. , (fort.) a ditch whoso counterscarp is not parallel to the scarp; en pavilion, boll-shaped, hollowed out like a bell. Cvasement, m., splay, spreading; (art.) enlarge- ment (of the vent, bore); (fort.) splay (of an embrasure); state of being not parallel (as, scarp and counterscarp); (sm. a.) splay (of cartridge-case nock). 6va.ser, v. a. r., to enlarge, increase; to viden (an opening) to splay; (art.) to become en- larged. evasion, f., escape (from, jail, prison, confinement). evcnemerit, m. , event; - de force mijcure, act, or fact, beyond one's control; act of God, ins major; napolconicn^ (mil.) List phase of a battle, crisis upon which depends victory or defeat . event, rn., air-hole; ventilation passage; air-shaft of a mine or gallery; decomposition of cement, etc., by exposure; (art.) punching hole (of a fuse); flash-hole, flame passage (of a fuse); (art., am. a.) small cavity, flaw or honeycomb; (met.) longitudinal crack (defect); (fond.) es- cape-hole (for gases), gas-port; (rn>l. win.) sort of defensive mine, destroying the elToct of a hostile mine, by acting as a lin' of least re- sistance; Cvent 167 event, deboucher V , (art.) to punch, cut, a fuse; de deyoryement, (fond.) riser; de prise defeu, (art.) Hash-hole; rtglage de I' , (art.) determination of the point where a fuse should be punched or cut; reyler I' , (art.) to determine where a fuse should be punched or cut. even tall, in., fan; fan light; screen; bat-whig gas burner; en , fan-shaped. Cventer, v. a. n. r., to fan, ventijate, air; to give vent to; to discover, to get wind of anything; to hold or pull a wei::ht from the wall while hoisting; to lose strength, decompose, by exposure (of cement, etc.); (mil. min.) to discover and destroy or neutralize a hostile mine; (hipp.) to raise, elevate, the nose too much; I'approche (la marche. la presence, etc.) de Venn-mi, to. discover the enemy's approach (march, presence, etc.); une mine, (mil. min.) to discover a mine or the wires or train leading to it; une veine, to bleed, let blood. Cventolr, m., (min.) adit. Cventrer, v. a., to rip, rip up or open. ^venture, f., (art., sm. a.) crack, honeycomb (rare). Cversite, f., (expl.) eversite. evidcment, m., hollow, aperture, cut, grooving, recess, cavity, guttering; de la balle, (sm. a.) hollow in the base of a bullet; du bloc, (r.f. art.) breechblock mortise; du fill, (sm. a.) lateral groove of the fore- stock. eMder, v. a., to cut hollow, to make a hollow, groove, recess, or cavity; to scoop out; to hollow out; to groove; to cut sloping or slanting. Cvldure, f., hollowing, sloping out, scooping out. e\1er, m., stone channel or gutter; piirre a , sink-stone. Cvitage, m., navigable breadth, navigable channel ( of a river, canal), fairway. eVitee, f., v. eiitaye. evitcnient, in., (r. r.) turn-out; garc d' , turn-out station; voit d', side track (of a single-track road). e\1ter, v. a., to avoid, shun. evoluliilite, f., (nac.) quickness, readiness, in making evolutions (i. e., in answering helm). evoluer, v. a., (mil., nav.) to make evolutions; a la I'apeur, ti la voile, to make evolu- tions under steam, under sail. evolution, f., (mil., nav.) e\olution; (mach.) (com- plete ) stroke, as of a piston ; - x de liyne, (inf.) the drill or evolutions of a line of several battalions, of a regiment, of a brigade in line (obs.); (car.) the evolu- tions of a brigade or of a division of cavalry (obs.); * xous tapeur, .s sous I'oile.t, (nav.) steam tactics, sail tactics. exaiiicn, m., examination; survey, inquiry, in . e>t Station: d'admixitiun, entrance examination; d'avancement, (mil.) proinoiiou examina- tion; certipcat d' , certificate of ha\ing passed an examination; irrit, written examination; oral, oral examination; paster i;n , to pass an examination; pratique, practical exauiinaiioii; de xartie, graduation examination; subir u n , to undergo an examination; tie thforic, examination in the theoretical part of a subject, book work. pxaiiiinatcur, in. .examiner. exca\ateur, in., excavator, digging machine. excavation, f., excavation; excavating; hollowing out; digging a foundation; machine a , excavating machine; excavation d'une mine, crater of a mine. excaver, v. a., to excavate, hollow, dig out. excMant, a., m., exceeding, in excess; surplus, excess, overweight; (in pi., adm.) excess (over what one is responsible for). excMer, v. a., to exceed: tire, weary; to knock up (a horse); to wear out. exeentr*, a., eccentric; out of center; out of true. excentriclte, f., eccentricity. excentrique, a., eccentric; m., (mach., etc.) eccen- tric; eccentric gear, wheel, or motion; eccentric chuck (of a lathe); (r. r.) switch; barre d' , eccentric rod; bras d' , v. barre d' : brax el collier d' , eccentric rod :ind belt; circulate, circular eccentric; en ctKir, en forme de corur, heart-wheel, heart-shaped cam; a deux tiles, (Fr. art.) elevation gear (field piece); d', de I', expansion, (steam) expansion eccen- tric; de la marche en arriere (avar.t), bad:, go astern (forward, go ahead) eccentric; poulie d,' , eccentric sheave; roue , eccentric tappet, gab; tirint d' , v. barre a' -, d:i tiroir, slide- valve eccentric; triangulaire, triangular eccentric. exces, m., excess; -sphfru/iie, spherical excess. excitateur, a., exciting; (eipl.) determining; m., (dec.) discharger, discharging rod; liquide , (dec.} liquid of a plunge battery or cell, exciting fluid, electrolyte. excitation, f., excitement; (el'c.) excitation; compound, en compound, composer, (dec.) composite excitation; en derivation, (elec.) shunt excitation; double , (elec.) shunt and series excitation; 7i double circuit, \. double ; independante, (elec.) separate excitation; si par/' e, v. inicpendantt; en sirie, (elec.) series excitation. exclusion, f., (steam) cut-oil; du scrrict, (mil.) slate of not being allowed to serve (of convicts, etc.). excoriation, f., sore on foot, or abrasion, produced by shoe. excrolssance, f., excrescence (defect of wood). excursion, f., excursion, inn-ail; (m.'.'.) raid, incursion; (mach.) stroke, travel (as, of a piston). executer, v. a., to execute, perform, accomplish; f o go through (a:% a maneuver), carry out, fuliill; to put to death; nne bouchc & feu, (art.) to serve a gun; les chtminements, (siege) to advance, pi: ;h I'orv/ard, the zigzags; les feui, (art., sm. a.) to fire; to perform, practice, the firings; militaircment un pa>/s, to punish a country, to subject it to rigorous treatment by way of punishment. exfciition, f., execution (of a sentence, of a man- nil'- er, etc.); achievement, ful.illme: : ; (itants to pay their contrinutiun; mi -fit , execution: it nmr/. execution of a death sentence: onl.'i' (/' , .leat h warrant, wurr.jit fur exe- c:it ion: - rff.s 1 ordrex, carrying out, execui \m\. of orders: p< lotun d' , (mil. ) firing part v; tlf.t rfiiuixiti'iii*. (-1111.1 i-M'citiou ai-coin- jilishinent , of re'|iiisitions; s, (adm.) past, closed, fiscal year; de c'imbat, (mil.) battle exercises; - r:!rrectionnel, (mil.) punishment drill, extra drill by way of punishment; courant, (adm.) fiscal year current; di'laille, (art., etc.) drill by the numbers, by detail, it double action, one in which enemy is repre- sented by a full body of meu; en , in practice; s d' ensemble, (art.) drill or exercise in which all the units interested take part; faire I' . (mil.) to be drilled; faire faire I' &, (mil.) to drill (a company, a battalion, etc.); (i feu, firing drill; de Inncement, (lorn.) torpedo drill, torpedo- hrim hing drill; s parliils de mobilisation, (mil.) mobiliza- t ion drill (packing, issue of rations, etc.); dc nage, rowing drill, boat drill; .; d' occupation, (art.) an exorcise involving tin; manning, equipping, and serving of a battery, as nearly as possible under war service conditions; dc pain/age, aiming drill; ii( punilion, v. curnctionnel; re.'ili'inmt sur I' ...., (mil.) drill regula- tions for . . . . ; - du sabre, (fenc.) saber drill, exercise; juir temps, v. dctaille; dc tir, (art., inf.) target practice. exhaussemeiit, in., elevation, raising; (Fr. art.) 1 Pit i; fixed to the cheek, to raise the trunnions (ob;.): sort of frame or rack to increase the cap i"ity of a chariot d< pare; du,]r, v. a., to take, condemn, by right of eminent domain; to condemn (as, land for mili- tary purposes). eipulser, v. a., to oxpel, drive out; throw out; to exclude, banish. expulsion, f., expulsion, banishment. exsudatlon, f., exudation; (ez/y.) leakage (as, of nitroglycerine from dynamite). exsuder, v. n., to exude; (expl.) to leak (nitro- glycerine from dynamite). extenslf, a., extending, expanding. extension, f., extension; (tech.) strain, stress, of extension. exte'rlcur, a. m., exterior, external, outside; out of doors; the outside; foreign parts; (mil.) said of duties beyond a line of outposts, or out- side of a place or camp; (pont.) said of the side farthest from first bay built or last dismantled; h V - , abroad; out of doors; on the outside; tra>'nil - , (mil., etc.) drill, exercises out of doors, in the open country. exterrHorialite, f., (law) exterritoriality, extra- territoriality. extiiictpiir, m., fire engine, fire extin- guisher. extinction, f., extinction; reduction; dimi- nution; quelling, suppression; slacking of lime; - par asperxion, slaV ing by sprinkling; - desfeui, (mil.) "lights out," "taps"; - h grande eait, slaking by sluicing; - ,t pontane.e , (of lime) air-slaking. extrac, a., (hipp.) slim, slender. extra-calelht, a., supercalcined. extra-rourant, m., (elec.) self-induced cur- rent; - - direct, extra-current on breaking; - dr'fermeture. extra-current on making; - inverse, v. defermelure; d'ouverture. v. - direct. extracfeur, m., (sm. a., art.) extractor; - a bascule, (sm. a.) rocking extractor; griff e de V - , extractor hook; arec projection, extractor that throws out the case: - ii vis, (art.) screw extractor for projec- tiles. extraction, f., extraction, discharge; quarrying of stone; (art., r. f. art., sm. a.) extraction of cartridge case; - a del ouvert, surface quarrying; - en galeric, quarrying bv gallery: pompe d' - . (mar/i.) discharging pump; tuyau d' - , (mach., etc.) discharge pipe. extradition, f., (laic) extradition, surrender of a criminal; trniti- d' - , treaty of extradition. extrados, m., (cons'.) extrados of an arch. extradossf-, a., (coii.t.) extradosed. extradosser, v. a., (cow.) to make the extrados of an arch; < n arc, to make an exl ratios with a cur e similar, but not parallel, to that oi the intrailos. - t-n chape, to build up the extrados ridgp- wise; -- d( niicau, to build up the extrados of an arch flat: - l>rmllH<'mcnt, to make the extrados parallel to l !;'.' intrados. extra-dynamite, f., (dpi.) extra dynamite. extrairc, v. a., to extract, draw out; to take a prisoner out of prison. t'xtr;iil, m., extract, abstract; certificate (of birch, etc.); - tl'aclea, (adm.) certified copy of any legal or o! her document. extraordinaire, a., extraordinary: m., uryihing Rxlraordinary; - -- ilex giicrres, (mil.} eotitingeni fund for extraordinary expenses of an unny during v :,''. extrapontin, in., v. (*tr'ii.nnfin. extni-rpirlcnienlaire, a., (mil.) no; prescribe*! i v t hi 1 regiilai ioiH. extra-territorial, a., (law) exterritorial, extrater- ritorial. extratcrrttoriaUte, f., i/") v. (iitrriturt- aliti. fabricant 170 faire F. fabricant, m.. manufacturer. fabrication, f., manufacture, make. fabrique, f., manufactory, factory; works, mill; manufacture, make; d'armes, small-arm factory; prii de , manufacturer's price, cost at the factory. fabriquer, v. a., to construct, make, manufacture. facade, f., front, face, facade; droit de , frontage. face, f., face; surface; aspect; flat (of a sword, etc.); (fort.) front (of a work); flank (of a caponier); face (of a bastion); (hipp.) face; (mil.) face, fac- ing, faced (at drill); d'apptti, bearing face; en arricre, (mil.) face, faced, to the rear; to the roar (infantry skirmishers); d'assise, seat or surface of any piece, etc., on which piece rests; - en avant, ( mil.) face, faced, to the front; belle , v. bclleface; carrelee, (sm. a.) checkering of the comb of a hammer; de , in front, front; ci droite (gauche), (mil.) faced to the right (left); (fenc.) right (left) volt, (bayonet exer- cise); en de, hi front of; faire &, to face; to oppose (as, an enemy); faire de tous cotes, (mil.) to face in all direc- tions: de lame. (sm. a.) flat of the blade; libre, (fort.) end face (i. e., not attached to or running into any other part of the work); motrice (du piston), (mach.) steam, side or end of a piston; de puits de mine, (mil. min.) side of shaft; resistance (du piston), (mach.) exhaust side or face of a piston; dc travail, (met., etc.) working face or side. facette, f., facet; (art.) seat (flat surface) of gunner's quadrant. facon, f., make, form, shape, workmanship; opera- tion; care, attention; boisa , dimension, lumber. facoimage, m., shaping, forming; (in Fr. sm. a. manufactories) work along a curve, either open or closed. facoiiner, v. a., to form, model, mold; to make, work, fashion; to figure, shape, construct; to face; to finish off; to accustom. fuctagc, m., carriage, porterage, delivery; c tutpagnie de , parcels delivery company. factcur, m., factor; carrier; agent; railway porter; postman; - - parasite, numerical factor necassary to pass from one system of units to another; converting or reducing factor; - - dc securite, factor of safety. factice, a., sham, artificial, mock; inn rre , (mil.) sham fight; maneuvers, faction, f., faction; (mil.) standing sentry, sentry titry go; - . watch coat : buffalo coat (U. S. A.); n sentry, on post; - . to go on sentry or post; . i<> be on seniry duty; ) on sentry, stand sentry, to do en . on si entn r i n ~- ftre en -, t faire -- .to sentr\ . o: i retire en i" 'Tiler la - } 'li 1. 1 jirt':ire.(nu . //i.vi run .id post a rtli '.-ir tin , to reliftv nntinel; soldier sentry; f act u 111, m., case; statement of a case. facture, f., invoice, bill; des comptes en denters, (adm.) money bill, bill for services rendered, for goods delivered, etc.; des comptes en matieres, invoice of material shipped, transferred, delivered, etc.; d'txpedition, invoice of goods shipped: dc livraison, invoice of goods delivered in per- son; fj, talon, invoice with stub. facultf, f., power, ability; giratoire, (nav.) turning power of a ship. fagot, m., fagot; (mil.) fagot, man falsely mustered as a soldier; (art.) packet or bundle of powder in making up cartridges; (fort.) sap fagot, fagot; fascine; (met.) fagot; d'allumage, kindling wood; dme de , core of a fagot, made of the smallest sticks; ardent, (artif.) tarred fascine, for incendiary purposes; 6ow de , bavin; chatrcr un , to take a few sticks from a fagot; goudronne, v. ardent; lien de , fagot band; parcment de , bavin, large stick of a fagot; petit , small fagot; de sapc, (fort.) sap fagot or fascine. fagotage, m., fagot making; fagot wood. fagotaille, f., (fort.) brushwood revetment. fagoter, v. a., to make up into fagots; to fagot. faguette, f., (siege) small fascine. falblc, a., weak, feeble, slight, slender; d'effectif, weak in numbers (of an army, etc.); front , narrow front (of troops, formations, etc.). falble, m., (sm. a.) part of sword blade near point. falblesse, f., weakness. faiblir, v. n., to weaken, lose strength; to die down (of the wind); (of troops) to lose courage. faille, f., (geological) fault. failli, m., bankrupt. faillir, v. n., to fail, to become bankrupt. fallUte, f., failure, bankruptcy. fail 11, f., hunger; famine; reduire par la , (mil.) to starve into sur- render. faim-calle, f., v.faim-valle. faim-valle, f., (hipp.) hungry-evil (balk caused by hunger, and cured only by eui- faire, v. a., to make, to do, to construct; (mil.) to execute (a maneuver >: abalage, to raise a weight by means of a ful- crum and lever; I'appcl, (mil.) to call the roll: des, Ics, armes, (fine.) to fence; afsxaut, (mil.) to storm, assault; 1' avant-garde, (mil.) to bo the advance guard; to do advance-guard work or duly; - - du bifuck, (slang) to become galled from ri'ling; . tl'ibitonl, (cord.) to make spun yarn; du bois, (nav.) to take wood on board: binims garctttes, (cord.) to nip or lash well together; des bordeis, (war.) to tack; ~ !iranle-ba.t, (nav.) to clear for action; brMic, (furl.) to breach; - -en pot, (nav.) to turn upside down, to turn turtle; tr charlion, (nav.) to take in coal; - eixeaui, (hi]>p.) to move the jaw inces- santly; - C''iiu . (mach.) to taper; It cowli . to make a turn, elbow, or bend; le coup df fusil, v. s. v. coup; fmlre 171 farcineux talre dormant, (cord.) to make fast (to make stand- ing fast); eau, (nav.) to leak, he leaky; de I'eau. (nav.) to take in water; I'ecole, (mil.) to drill, instruct; faction, (mil.) to be on post; ferme, to hold out; feu sur, (mil.) to Ore, to open fire, on; desfeux, to hang out lights as signal of dis- tress; force de rames, (boats) to pull hard; les forces, v. ciseaui; ne pas deforce, to put no strain on; to bear no strain; la garde, (mil.) to mount, to be on, guard; grenier, (hipp.) to keep bits of fooa between the molars ana the cheeks; - la guerre, (mil.) to make war, to fight; la guerre de, (mil.) to serve (generally in past) in a particular war; leguet, to be on the look out; long feu, (sm. a. art.) to hang fire; magasin, v. grenier; la main, to make the hand skillful; la main, to get one's hand in; main basse, to put to the sword; I'office, to perform divine service; patfuet, (art.) to hold well together in the trajectory (of bullets from shrapnel, case, etc.); partir, to set off, to discharge (a rocket, mine, shot, etc.); pavilion, (nav.) to hoist, show, colors; - patois, (nav.) to dress ship; la planche, to float (swimming); plus loin, (art.) to elevate; plus pres, (art.) to depress; prise, (of mortar, cement, etc.) to set; quarantaine, la quarantaine, to perform quarantine; quartier, to spare, to give quarter; des recrues, (mil.) to recruit; rcvenir (racier), (met.) to temper, anneal; la reverence, (man.) to stumble, trip; In revue de, (mil.) to review; to inspect (ac- counts); la ronde, (mil.) to go the rounds, to make rounds; rough, (met.) to heat, heat red-hot; - la route, (mil.) (of a march) to cover or make the distance between two points; xcntinelle, (mil.) to be on sentry go, to do sentry go; des signauz, to signalize, make signals; dc.i soldats, (mil.) to raise troops; la aoupe, (mil.) to make or take a meal; taire, (art.) to silence (a battery); son temps, (mil.) to serve one's time; trie (ft), to oppose, resist; (cord.) to become taut or stiff; - travailler ii compression, etc., to subject to a stress of compression, etc.: It a rirres, (nav.) to put stores on board; vilf, (nav.) to set sail; - voile sur, (nav.) to make sail for. falsrean, m., bundle, fagot, sheaf: truss, pile; (in pi.) fasces; (sm. a.) arm rack; stack of anus: - nimnnte, (elec.) compound magnet; - -il'iirmex, (mil.) stuck of arms; arm rack; st:. ves for supporting colors; - - du, canon-revolver, (r. /. art.) assemblage or sheaf of the five barrels of the (Uotchkiss) revolving cannon: en . in a pile, piled up; former It v i. (mn. a. i to make stacks; - - iti- liimif.re, lumintui, pencil of light; mrttrc en - , (sm. a.) to stack arms; romprr Im i, (sm. a.) to break stacks; - de trajectfiire, (ball.) sheaf of trajectories. fait, a., settled; grown: full-grown; fit, qualified; dy (said of weather and of wind); . full-grown horse broken in. fait, m.. f:vH . doeii, exploit: -tilminixirntif. administrative act or opera- tion: d'arme.', (mil.) distinguished feat of arms; de , de facto; fait disciplinaire, any act calling for disciplinary control or repression; de guerre, act of war; (mil.) combat; guerrier, presonal feat of arms: juridique, any act or operation calling for action by the courts; haut , high crime; (; top, coping, summit; (top.) watershed, summit level; watershed be- tween two thalwegs; ligne de , (top.) crest line, line joining the various summits of a chain of heights. faltlfre, a., belonr making rounds). falourde, f., fagot of thick sticks. falque, i., washboard of a boat; (man.) fal- cade. falquer, v. n., (man.) to execute falcades. falsificateur, m., falsifier, one who adulter- ates. falsification, f., adulteration; forgery. falsifier, v. a., to adulterate; to debase (metal); Ics allures d'un cheval, (man.) to spoil a horse's gaits. famine, f., famine; prendre par la , (mil.) to reduce by famine. fanal, m., lantern; beacon; signal light; light, bea- con light; blaze or flame; light-house; de tiignaux, (mil.) signal lantern; sourd, dark lantern; dc unite, (mil.) magazine lantern; - pour sou/end poudrc, v. de xoute. faner, v. a., to turn (grass, etc., in order to euro it for hay). f aiieur, m . , "haymaker. fanfare, f., brass band (cavalry and chasseurs i\ pied); flourish of trumpets. fange, f., mud, mire. fangeux, a., muddy, miry, fanion, m., pennon, flag; (u7.) distinguishing flag, camp color, headquarters flag; flag for target practice; d'altgnement, flag for dressing line of troops; marker's flag; d'utnbulance. Red Cross flag; -- dc commander/tent, headquarters flag; < rrntail, swallow-tailed flag: ft. forme de flatnrne. swallow-tailed flag; in forme de parillon. rectangular flag; - - ilr lance, lance pennon; pin ic . color bearer; --signal, signaling flag: de tir, (t. p.) red flag used for various purposes at target practice; e. g., danger lla^C. faiion, m., pennon; (hipp.) fetlock. faiitasslii, in.. (;;i;7.) foot soldier, infantry- man. fantome, m., ghost; - - magnetiqne, (flee.) magnetic curve, lig- tire. faquln. m.. wooden dummy f r various military exercises. farad, in., (rlrc.) f.irad. farcin, in., (hipp. > farcy, glander*: ctinlr , (expl.) sawdust; fossilc, infusorial earth, kioselguhr; de montaane, v., fossilc. farouche, a., shy; shying; ferocious. fascicule, m., part, number (of a serial pub- lication); (Fr.a.) sheet sewed in the livret indiridiifl of a soldier quitting the active army and containing certain documents (mdrc de route in case of mobilization, and other data). fascinate, m., brush-revetting (of a river bank); (fort.) fascine-making, fascine work; (field fart.) generic term for gabion, fascine, and hurdle work. fascination, f., (fort.) fascine revetment. fascine, f. , fagot; bavin; hurdle; (fort., siege) fas ine; bundle of small branches for fas- cines; d'ancrage, b. ancre, anchoring fascine; de blindage, covering fascine; de coitronnemenl, trench fascine; dfarcir, filling fascine; fondrirre, - & fosse(s), water fascine, sinking fascine; goudronnee, (artif.) pitched, tarred fas- cine for inflammatory and illuminating pur- poses; de gravicr, fascine filled with gravel (hy- draulic engineering); dc pierre, fascine filled with broken stone (hydraulic engineering); de premier rang, fascine of the lowest course; de retraite, securing fascine; & revctir, revetting fascine; h tracer, tracing fascine. fasln, m., mixture of earth, ashes, and small twigs. fatigue, f., fatigue, weariness; toil, hardship; fatigue of metals, etc. (i. e., strain, long-con- tinued strain); chcial de. , horse used for the hardest kind of work. fatiguf, a., fatigued; strained; (cord.) worn, fagged. fatiRiier, v. a. n., to fatigue, tire, weary; to try. strain; to labor, work, overwork; to be strained (said of springs when weakened, of the parts of a mechanism). fau, m., beech tree. faubert, rn., (nar.) mop. swab. fauberter, v. a., (nav.) to mop, swab. fatiberteur, m., (nar.) swabber. faubourg, m., suburb, outskirt (of a town). faucliage, m., mowing. faucliaison, f., mowing time. faiichant, m., sweeping, oscillating motion (of machine guns). fa'iche, f., a mowed crop; mowing time. fauciu-r, v. a. n.. to mow, to reap; to throw the legs sidewise in walking; (hipp.) to dish, to paddle (said also of a lame shoulder); (mil.) to sweep by fire, to mow down (as, by skir- mishes or by UKI horizontally oscillating motion of a machine gun). fauchere, f., (liarn.) wooden rod; crupper for pack mules. fauclieur, m., mower. faiirille, f., reaping hook, si'-klo. fauriller, v. a., to cut with a sickle. faucllUm, in., billhook; hr.ix , 6oi.su - - , brushwood. fauronneau, in., jib of a crane. fuucoiiiiier, m., mnntfr it cktral en , (man.) to mount a horse on the olF side. faucon nit-re, f. , saddlebag. fatitil, in., basting thread. fautilage, m.. lulling. faultier, v. a., to baste; . to creep in or through. faufilurc, f., basting, act of basting. faulde, f., charcoal pit; charbon en , charcoal made in open air for common use (unfit for powder manufac- ture). fa n lie, f., fauna. faussage, m., \.faussement. fausse, a., (sm. a... etc.) sprung' bent; & court pli, sharply cent or sprung; d long pli, sprung over a considerable length. fausse aiguille, v. s. v. aiguille. fausse(-)alarme, v. s. v. alarme. fausse(-)alerte, v. s. v. alcrte. fausse ame de chargement, v. s. v. Ame. fausse-axe, f., pattern spindle. fausse-bande, f., (harn.) false saddle-bar. fausse-bolte, f., de rime, (Fr. art.) nave box on spare-wheel axle, 95 mm gun. fausse(-)braie, f., (fort.) low rampart; false bray; deta tachcc, detached, advanced, false bray. faussc-cheminfee, f., sheet-iron stovepipe. fausse-coupe, f., v. s. v. coupe. fausse-culasse, f., v. s. v. culasse. fausse-6querre, f., v. s. v. cquerre. fausse-fusfee, f., d'exercice, v. s. v. fusee. fausse-gourme, f., v. s. v. gourmt. fausse-gourmett*,f., v. s. v. gourmctte. fausse-lance, (art.) v. s. v. lance. fausse-nianche, f., v. s. v. manche. fausse- marche, f., v. s. v. marche. fausse-martlngale, f., v. s. y. martingale. tausseinent, m., (sm. a.) springing of a gun barrel, state of being sprung. fausse-parois, f., v. s. v. parois. fausse-pie,ce, f., v. s. v. piece. fausse-porte, i., v. s. v. porte. fausse-poutrelle, f., v. s. v. poutrelk. fausser, v. a. r., to bend, warp, break; to make or become crooked; to strain, force; to set, get wrong; (mil.) to be irregular in line, out of line (of troops that have lost the dress); (sm. a., etc.) to spring, be sprung (of a gun barrel, etc.); une lame. (sm. a.) to spring, bend (said of a sword blade, in block test, when it fails to recover its first direction); une serrure, to force or spoil a lock. fausse-rtiie, f., v. s. v. rene. fausses-bottes, f. pi., v. s. v. bottc. fausset, m., faucet; spigot; pin. faute, f., fault; (mil.) breach (of discipline); contre la discipline, (mil.) broach of dis- cipline; crmtrc I'honneur, (mil.) any breach of military honor. fauteur, m., promoter, inciter (as, of a mutiny, of a riot, etc.). fauve, a., drab, fair (of leather); bftes s, deer. faux, f., scythe; in., falsehood; forgery. faux, a., false, artificial; sham, mock; imitation: counterfeit; blank; (man.) false, broken (of a gait;; axe aire, (cons.) coarse material on which the true flooring (oirf ) is laid; collier, collar of a preventer stay; ,9se cote, (hi pp.) false rib; Itre en pmtf-h , v. porter & ; fnirc - sse route, to lose one's way; porter a , to have an overhang, to project from; to be out of tho perpendicular; sue position, double position (in compu- tations); use route, error in one's reckoning, loss of one's way; - - soldat.'(miL) false muster. faux-bouton, m., (art.) square, chuck c.iscablo square. fam-cadre, m., v. s. v. cadre. faux-ccrcle, m., (r. r.) under hoop. faux-chassls, m., v. s. v. c/idwi*. faux-cAW 1 , m., (nar.) list. faux-coup, m.,(fent.) random thrust, miss. faux-cul, m., v. s. v. cut. faux-entrait, m., (carp.) top beam. faux-tai, m., preventer st;iy. faux-fond, m., v. s. \.fmnl. faux-fourreau, in., v. s. \.fourreau. faux-frais, m. pi., v. s. v.frais. quarp, faux-fret 173 fer faux-fre;, m., v. s. v.frtt. faux-f uyant, m., bypath. faux-Kuiiidage, in., v. s. v. guindage. faux-Jour, m., v. s. \.jour. faux-mantelet, m., v. s. v. mantelet, faux-niarc|U<% m., v. s. v. marqui. faux-plancher, m., v. s. v. planchtr. faux-poiit, m., v. s. v. pont. faux-quartler, m., v. s. v. qvartier, faux-rais, m., v. s. v. row. faux-ranchet, m., v. s. v. ranchei. faux-roiid, m., v s. v. rond. f:ui\-sat>ord, m., v. s. v. sabord. fam-slcge, in., v. s. v. siege. f;mx-tampon, m., v. s. v. tampon. fuux-tltic, v. s. v. titre. faux-traiichant, in., v. s. v. tranchant. faveux, a., relating to fnvus. favus, m., v. leignefaveuse. ftcule, f., fecula. federal, a., federal. fode>aliser, v. a., to federalize. federation, f., federation. fpf Sen's a., federated, federal. felndre, v. a. n., to feign; (hipp.) to be very slightly lame, to limp very slightly. feint, a., sham, feigned, counterfeit, imitation. feinte, f., foint, sham, pretense: (hipp.) slight halting or lameness; (fenc.) feint. fcld-marGchal, m., (mil.) field marshal. feldspath, m., feldspath. fOle, f. , iron blowpipe. feler, v. a., to crack. felnre, f., cnck; (hipp.) splitting of l>one. femelle, a., female; (rnach., etc.) female (i. c., having a hollow or bore into which a cor- relative fits). fenime, de I'adjudant, (mil. slang) lockup, "jug;" de regiment, (mil. slanfi) big (bass) drum. fenderie, f., cutting, slitting; slitting mill, fend PUT, m., splitter, cleaver. fendiller, v. r., to crack. fendilles, f. pi., small cracks (in iron. etc.). feiidre, v. a. r., to split, crack, slit, cut opeu, burst, cleave, open, rend; to break through; to slot (a screw); (fenc.) to lunge out; to thrust the body forward; to open (attack); to thrust out; 1' or title, (mil. slang) to place on the re- tired list; ,*r , (art.) to step off; to break; se en arriere, (art.) to break to the rear (ol the man who pulls the lanyard). femHre, f., window (opening and panes); open- ing, in general; (steam) admission port; (m.ft.) hollow of- a level; (am. a.) rectaugu- lar opening in breech casing of the French model 1M74, allowing extractor to enter its seat ; tn Itaie, bay window; cit-':ysii de , window frame; -cintrie, bow window; C'indamner une , to block up a window; fanfte , sham window; e n snillie, v. tn bale. fcnil, in., hayloft. fenle, f., crack, chink; slit, slot; hollow, puide- w-iy; cut, groove.; openiru:, notch; rent; cranny, en-vice, rip, etc.; (ftnc.) lunge; de re/iere, any adjusting or assembling mark, fiducial slit, or mark (<>. g., on n rifle barrel, to show when ii is properly connected \M'| h the breech c:i'nni*f, galvanized iron; it grain, granular iron; -yraltr, iron wlio;e outer black crust hay been removed by tiling or brushing; iirii, gray iron, gray pig; i/ grox grain*, coarse-grained iron; ( (i gueu-"f, pig iron; homogint, tiomogeneous iron; Inmini , rolled iron, laminated iron; tnwinrr le , to roll iron : limit:///- df . iron (ilinrs; i.mt, iron bastard file'!; lupin de , ball, lump, ol iron; bloom; it loupe, bloom iron; i n IOHIHS, iron blooms; de lunr, iron brought to white heat; nnt<]iirti(]ue, magnetic iron; malleable, malleable iron; inui/mltt dt , half-forged bloom; fer 174 fer f er marchand, merchant iron, bar iron; martclc, hammered iron; - d. masaiau, bloom iron; mcle.cast iron between white and gray; metiorique, meteoric iron; metis, red short iron; micoet, micaceous iron ore; tic mine limoneuse, muddy ore; dc mineral en roche, stony ore; df mineral lerrcuz, earthy ore; m itis, alloy of iron and aluminium; mou, soft iron; -nut if, native iron; ti ncrf, fibrous iron; ncrfdc -, fiber of iron, fibrous texture; ncrveux, fibrous iron; nnir, black cast iron; sheet iron for making tin plate; oligiste, oligist iron ore; oligiste micace, micaceous specular iron; oiyde rouge, red oxide of iron; oiydule, magnetic iron ore, magnetite; paillcux, weak iron, iron full of Haws; piece dc , piece into which bloom is divided for working; - pla/ine, rolled iron; puddle , puddled iron; rjffi tie, refined iron; ri.'lnns de , scrap iron; rouvcrin, red short iron; en saumon, pig iron; scorie de , iron dross; sowle, welded iron, weld iron; sender le , to weld iron; spalhiqiic, spathic iron; apfculaire , specular iron; tenace, ductile, tough, iron; If-idre, cold short iron; -I niche, "aired" bar (cementation process); en tournure, iron turning.*; nsine de , ironworks, smelting works; zinqni, galvanized iron. II. Structural iron, etc.: - d' angle , angle iron; aplyii, hoop iron; de bandage, tire iron; bande de , iron strap; - en bandcs, hoop iron; b'irre de , iron bar; oi barres, bar iron; -en bcrgcr, bar iron; d liscau, wedge-shaped iron; en bottes, bar iron; fi biudin, bulb iron; & C, C-iron; a ci.iu, nail iron; nail plate; -conique, A iron (fer zores); ii corniere, angle iron; creux, v. a boudin; a cruiz, + iron; demi-rond, half-round iron; .1 t'-bauches, forcings; cbroudi, iron wire; ,1 edmn-tUlones, iron bars, rods, of definite ( nss su'-tion, and according to specifications or inodel (includes iron wire); a fcrou, screw plate; -i m a Me, enameled iron; '(: / rre dr , iron knee; - -f-n;i>nne, special iron; fi adv., slit iron, nail rod; -/ uilfard, strap iron, hoop iron; ( nfiuiUts, sheet iron; ,iron wire; -xfi>rgc.i, \TH\\ that has been more or less shaped iin'l prepared for i.sr; .1, iron used in main or heavy work, and ; .;f roughlv shaped; -it fH.cn H, double- T iron, channel iron; - I, I-iron; - >i I'l/nr.i, sheet iron; ! I- 1 n\'>d f , v. a plat i; -ii n rrurr, flanged iron; - nrdinniri a platin, sliding shoe, ice shoe; periplantairr, a shoe let into, and flush with, the exterior surface of the hoof; coun- tersunk shoe: pinc.itrd, shoe with wide and tliick toe, wide and high clip, and high calks; -fi pincc couvcrtt, shoe wide in the toe; fi pincc prolonger, long-toed shoe; a pincc tronqnee, hind shoe \\ith truncated toe; a pinions, flip shoe; a jil.anche, bar shoe; fl ]ilanch( ii crampon longitudinal, bar shoo with the rear edge of the bar turned down as a calkin; h plaque, shoe with a plate of metal, leather, etc., covering the foot, the sole; fer 175 former fer Poret, a shoe without exterior border (thinner near the heel than near the toe, and has neither rights nor lefts): forte , horseshoe case; pour piedi combles, rocking shoe; rt lever un , to calk or (rost a horseshoe; de riviere, broad-plate shoe (covering the entire sole except the frog); & saillie. shoe fitted with a projection to pre- vent slipping; 1 la turque, shoe with unequal branches; - - d une tranche couverte, shoe with one broad branch; d une on deux rponges couvertes, shoe \vith one or two broad heels; - d une eponge tronqute, shoe with one heel removed. IV. Miscellaneous: d - etdclou, solidly, firmly; battre If j to fence; bo is de -, iron wood; de tmt'.e. boot-heel plate; d, de, calfat. calking iron, calking tool; a cArrai, double winding staircase; (fort.) horseshoe fort; donncr le , to set the tool (e. g., a rifling tool, after insertion); d donner, mcttre. lefeu, v. s. v.feu; en d cheval, crescent-shaped; df gaffe, head of a boat hook; de girourttc, iron spindle of a vane; gris dc . iron-gray; de lance, spearhead, laneehead, head; maniir le , to wear the sword; --d marquer, brand, branding iron; mcltrf aui *, un homme aux s, to iron a 1:1:111; d mi , (of rails, etc.) halved and lapping; porltr ia flamme ct le dans, to lav waste with fire and sword, carry fire and sword into; -S de prisonnier, chains, shackles, fetters, irons; u re passer, flat-iron; a souder, soldering iron; copper bill; travaillant, reaming iron; - u titrage, window-pane framing made of iron. fer-blaiic, m., (met.) tin, tin-plate; brillant, iron covered with pure tin; terne, iron covered with one-half tin and one-half lead, or one-third tin and two- thirds lead. ferblanterie, f., tinwork, tinware. ferbluiitier, m., tinner, tin-plate worker. fi'ret, in., ferret: (met.) red hematite iron ore. ferir, v. a., to strike; (used only in) sans coup , without striking a blow. ferliiRe, in., (nor.) furling. fi-rler, v. a., (not;.) to furl. fermuKCt in., rent; (mil.) rent of grass on slope of works. fermail, m.. clasp. ferniaiit, a., closing; (fitted) with lock and h jiiur , v. s. v.jvur. ferine, a., adv., firm, steady; unshaken; fixed. fast, steadfast, strong, stiff; (in commands) steady! heave! pull together! achut ( inarchf, icnte) , binding pun-base, contract, sale, (involving certain delivery); c'lntrt. jiriine, option; tire 11 cheial, sur s(,f etricrs, (man.) to have a steady seat; faire , (mil.) to make a stand; irt'irchrd prii , v. s. v. inurclii ; dc /lird , (mil.) at or from a hall; on a lixed pivot; saitft r di ft , (man.) of a horse, to jump without advancing; tcnir . hold one's ground, stand fast; ttrrc , terra lirma. ferine, f., farm, farmhouse; lease: (cows.) girder. tm>sed girder; couple, truss, rib. frame, loof lru..>; j>air of principal rafters: main couple: timber frame; centering frame; largest timber on a door; d , on lease; ferine arec arbaUtriers munis de eontre-fiches, roof with single-trussed principals; cintree, arched truss; d (une) clef pendante, king-post truss; - d clefs pertdantes, queen-post truss; d eontre-fiches, roof truss with trussed princi- pals; courbe, polygonal roof; de mi , v. demi-ferme; d deux eontre-fiches pour chaque arbale- trier, roof truss with double-trussed princi- pals; - d deux aiguilles rendantes, queen-post truss; droite. roof truss with principals at right angles; simple truss of rectilinear profile (as distinguished from one of curved pro- file); droite d dcuz pannes, purlined truss, prin- cipals at right angles; droite d entrait, tiebeam truss or frame, with principals at right angles; droite d entrait d 2 (ou 3) pannes, purlined tiobeam, frame or truss, with principals at right angles; d ccharpcs. scissors truss; d entrait, tiebeam truss; defalte, ridgepole bracing or frame; d jamba de force, roof truss resting on struts (of which the mansard roof is an ex- ample); maitresse , main truss; d la Palladia, a variety of tiebeam trv.ss (frequently used by Palladioj; ]'all..Jio truss; d pans intgaui, truss of unequal princi- pals; d la Philibert de Lorme, curved or arched roof truss; d plusieurs eontre-fiches, English roof truss; avcc poinc.on en dessus, king-post truss; avec poirtfon en dexsous, inverted king-post truss; d deux poin<;ons. queen-post tniss; d dcuz poinc,ons en dessous, inverted qvi-c::- post truss; de remplage, middle rafter: simtjled poinyin, simple l:ing-post tru<^; simple ai'fc arbalitriers sans cotttrf-f.eiHt, roof with simple principals; u tan de boix, truss in which the rafter is con- nected with tiebeam by blocks of wood notched into one another and bolted; trijiiju'aire, truss. ferine, a., shut, closed; landlocked; (law) closed (of a soa, bay, etc.); (fort.) closed; d I' air, air-tight; !,. e (as. of an air-supplying machine in iai;ie>. ! > be worn by miners). ferine-circuit, in., (eke., tor;t.. ,.'<-. i circuit closer: - d boule, (torp.) a ball - con! .1 t circ'sit closer; - a cone, (torp.) a coiUM-ontact cin nil closer. former, v. a. r. n.. to close, shut, lock, fasten. >-t'ip, clii>"h, bolt. [>in. clasp: to bring P.v > oi.je Is into one: to inclose: to closo a p rt i by an e;-i- bar^-oi; to close (a draw in a bri I::e : 'i to complete (a figure); - - I'angli. to pliice one's self s-> as to bri:: : two objects in the same line; la communication, to shut i.iT: - i/;i fn;:rs d'assixas. (inint.f tu lay t!'n l.:st s'^o.e of a course: till (--. (roril. 1 t'l I110U ;<> ;l tlook ; In in of three rounds a minute; oHKr'urc du , opriiin ! e.-iiii'.ing. of file, i f firing; oucrir it , to (.pen lire; 17- -T2 feu 178 feullle feu de pcloton, (inf.) platoon firing, fire by pla- toon; par piece, (art.) fire by piece; de plrin fouet, (art.) direct fire with full service charges; plongeant, (art.) plunging fire; i de polygone, target practice, firing, on known range; potii , (artif.) fire pot (obs.); ib, poudre, blank-cartridge firing; de poursuite sur un ennemi, running fire in pursuit; de, par, rang, (inf.) fire by rank; de i.i/r Ir , to poke, stir, the fire; nit ! (alarm of; lire; li"itrii, (/,", , lire box; - Catalan, (mil.) Catalan forge; eh' i- i r< a . fire chest; i *hi *t<>n, Coston hgnts; / tie cut?, (rtai'.) running lights; side lights; coup ile , defect due to everburning; d'i:nt( r Ii a un cheial, (hipp.) to fire, scar, a horse; tl'iri n u. , fire gilt; diircir nn . to fire-harden; - / clnirmie, lights; ft idntx, flasa lignt (light-house,); ii icli;>se, intermittent light (light-house,); feu & eclipse de minute en minute, intermittent light (light-house) with one-minute intervals; electrique, electric lignt-house; employer le , (hipp.) to fire; & I'epreuve du , fireproof; faire la part du , to try to save something from a fire; fer d donner, & mettre, le , (hipp.) canting- iron; fixe, fixed, steady lignt (light-house); lloltant, light-ship; garniture de . fire-irons; grisou, fire damp; intermittent, intermittent light (light- house); jelir has les x, to draw the fires; de joic, bonfire; mettre en , (met.) to fire, to put in blast; mettre hors de , (met.) to put out of blast; mettre le , v. employer le ; mettre , le , a,, to set on fire; mcltre bas les x, v. Jeter bas les x; me/tre les x aufond (dufourneau), (steam) to bank a fire; mise en , (met.) firing, putting in blast; m isc hors de , (met.) putting out of blast; de nai'ire, \. de cote; d'oii/dition, oxidizing flame; de paille, (hipp.) a spirited horse of no bot- tom; petit , low fire; slow fire; pornped , fire engine; steam pump; poussir les 1, to urge, excite, the fires; de raffinerie, (met.) refining hearth; de reconnaissance, light-house of the first order; de reduction, reducing flame; Tester sur les z avec vapcur, (steam) to bunk the fires and keep steam up; de route, v. de cote; tacke ile -, (hii>p.) tan spot on a horse; limrnant, revolving light (light-house). feuilla.nl, in., hoop wood; hoop iron; defer, iron boons, hoop iron. feuille, f., leaf; sheet (of metal, of pasteboard, paper, etc.); plate; scale, spring, branch or blade of a spring; foil; veneer; list; waybill; (mil.) generic term for certain reports or docu- ments; ii , with leaves, folding; an/trieure, (sm. a.) fore end of trigger guard ; d'appel, (mil.) muster roll; s de chon-, (mil. slang) infantry gaiters; de. cuir-re, sheet copper; iVemargtmcnt, (Fr. a.) officers' pay list, pay roll; d'ttain, tin foil; d'ei:acuation,(Fr.a.) list or statement ac- companying men sent singly or in a body from a military hospital; defer, (met.) iron plate; de jovrnees, (Fr. a.) sheet showing number of days present of officers and men, and ci horses, as a basis for pay and allowances, ol whatsoever nature; dc jonrnees individudle, (Fr. a.) a quar- terly statement showing transfers, etc., during the quarter, and the deductions from tln> various money allowances (kept for n. c. o., corporals, and privates of regiments and es- tablishments where the masse indiridu'U' , q. v., is kept up); de jiiurtiffx numerique des chevavx, < Fr. u.) quarterly statement showing daily ;d- lowances due in forage and in funds fmi:i tlie wirsc d'cntrfliin de licrnachemi nt it tic ferrnge; - it( jmirner." numerique drx homines ile troupe, (I-'r. a.) qitarteily sla'ement showing the daily allowance in money dr.c the u. c. o., cor- porals, and privates of the unit interested, and the allowances in kind d';<> these men, and also the officers on the. stren;:lh; osterieure, (sm. a.) rear end of trigger ginrd; de poudre, (powd.) flake of powder; de pontet, (.m. a.) guard plate; de frit, (Fr. a.) numerical sheet or list drawn up by the captain every five days in order to draw the pay of the men; men's pay list; de rectification, (Fr. a.) sheet on which an intendant de corps d'armee enters his deci- sions about errors noted by him in the matter ol {>ay; rectificative, interpolated sheet announcing corrections, amendments, etc.; de rtssort, plate, leaf, of a spring; de route, (Fr. a.) voucher or order deliv- ered to a soldier (officer or man) or to a de- tachment, traveling on duty, and showing the itinerary to be followed and the allow- ances due on the journey; de sinige, (liipp.) point of a set on needle; df snide, (mil.) pay sheet, pay rolls; de tole, plate of sheet iron; de verification, (Fr. a.) memorandum of observations (by cnntrOleurs or intendantx) made in verifying accounts, inspecting stores, etc.; volante, loose sheet (of paper, etc.). feiiil'e, m., (top. drawing) foliage. feuHlee, f., leases, branches; (mil.) camp hut made of branches of trees; camp latrine (sur- rounded by brushwood). feuiller, v. a., to rabbet, groove. feiiillrret, m., rabbet plane. feuillet, m., shoot (two paces); thin plate; thin si one or slate; paneling plank; saw; r/ititriculf, v. registre niatricult; s mobiles, loose sheets on which are registered names of all men called to the colors; dn personnel des ojticicrs, (Fr. a.) register kept by the lieutenant-colonel of a regiment (by the e. o. of a separate battalion, or the head of n nerrire) of the punishments inflicted on oii.cers, and on which ore entered semi- anmnlly notes on their private and professional conduct : a jioiiifi, handsaw; de (ivniti'ins, (Fr. a.) register of punish- ments (of the men) kept in each company of inian'ry and in each regiment of artillery and of c,i, airy; defaulter shoet ; de fir, ( Fr. a.) sheet in the Jirret indiriduel, selling forth the soldier's record at target practice. feuilleter, \ . r., to split into thin plates. feuillurc, I., rabbet, rebaie; groove; recess, slit; (.'777. n.) bolt head rim; space between re.ir Mrface of chamber and bottom of ci: cMe; ii tcii'ui 1 1 , tonmied and groo\ed. feu<|iil<"'rt>, I., pad; -saddle bow. fen tract*. Hi., wad, wadding. feutrc, i;i., packing, felt; (liarn.) gall leather, piece ol leal tier under burbles, etc., to pre- \enl, galling; safe; u/n. a.) leather on LMIII slinv' to keep button from coining in direct contact with wood oi'stoeK. feutrer, \ . a., to pack, pad (a saddle). feve, !., bean; (liipp.) lainpas, lampcrs' - er, thread, s'ring; rrain (of wood); ini'ariahlr, v. nri'tre; ii'ir, (art., Kin. a.) plot of shots at tar.rt practice. figure, f., face, figure; diagram; number; (/rnr.) position (of the body, arm, or sword); c'tnrliiire un chcral ]>ar la , to lead a horse 1 y 1 lie head; -- sclifniatiqiif, theoretical diagram (showing relations ol parts). figurf, p. p., fi mired, representative; m., shape, appearance: representation (by gram, plan, or sketch ; emu in i . v. s. v. rnnrmi; juirtimlnr, (to/i.) conventional sign: pl'in , representative plan: tin trrrmn, (//'.) representation ground (as plowed, wood-;, etc.. ' y plowed, to figure >f I' speci represent; to wire: chain; yam: of a cutting weapon flgurer, v. represent . fll, in., thread; string: filier; y: lin i of wood, etc.): eik'e or i' M.I); stream; vein, erne! - lanei>t, (eipl.) primer wir i .vo primers), fuse wire; - d'ncirr, steel wire; -tiirten, o\erhead wire; - d'lllcr (elcr.) lead wire (is the insulated v. iro when only one of a pair is insulated ,1; it'nrnorrr, priming wire; - iV'irnignif, spider line; - d'urchal, brass \vir>: - - ti'aricnt, (fnrr.1 a ra; -a la main, liai.'l si. inning; ii'icnn : .'iJii\ mill spinning. filament, in., dlainet't ; - ./i c/ "/'>';/, (i lw& s interrompus, (art.) interrupted breech screw. flletase, m., threading, screw-cutting; threading (set of, as a screw). fileter, v. a., (inach.) to cut a thread on; - - en repassant, to cut ft screw thread with a chaser, to chase a thread; une vis, to cut a thread, a screw; & la voice, to cut screws by hand. filiation, f., flat de , (miJ.) return, list by name of officers, n. c. o., and men who are to embark on one and the same ship. flMCre, f., manrope; ridgeropo of an awning or tenf: (mack.) .-crew plate; tap; draw, drawplate, draw bench; wire gauge; (cons.) purlin; ii bois, screw box (wood screws); brisee, screw stock; die stock; & coussinets, v. briaee; double, sc-ew stock and dies: d'envergu-e, (torp.) ridgerope of a torpedo netting; - h'irarchique, (mil.) passage through inter- ested military channels; plaque , drawplate; simple, screw tap; tarauderb la , to tap; d tircr, v. ' t >laaue ; d vis, screv plate. filliiriiMi', f.. (sm. a.) brass wire on the gripe of a sword hilt. fllin, m., (cor/.) rope (hawser-laid, right- handed); - - en abaca , m anila rope; -d'amarrage seizing; de bastin, -\ . en caire; blanc, untr rred rope; - en cairc, coir rope; -com pose de cordons, cable-laid rope; compose de orons, hawser-laid rope; d'dirayagc, (art.) drag rope, locking rope; franc , white, untarrod, rope; noir, tarred rope; /ircinitT brin, rope of the finest hemp; en qiuitre, four-stranded rope; en quatrc avcc meche, shroud-laid rope; dc transfitage, lacing; f n trnix, three-stranded rope. flllte, f., (cipl.) Italian name of balistitt. filt rage, m., filtering. iiltratlon, f., filtration, percolation. nitre, m., filter, percolation, filtering stone; d aspiration, suction filter; -d cAarbon, charcoal filter; degrossisseur, separator; -a cau, water filter; & pression, pressure filter. flltrer, v. a., to filter; strain; (chem., etc.) to filter; piirred , filter, filtering stone. flu, is., line; fine-bred; sharp; slender. tin, f., end, conclusion, tail, object, purpose; in.. (of coal) coal dust; cln raid toutex ,f. horse fit to ride or drive. finale, in., (met.) fining, conversion of gray into white pig. finance, f., i-ash: (in /)/.) money affairs, finances: In , bankers, capitalists; minixtrc des S, secretary of the treasury: chancellor of the exchequer. flrichclle, f., (curd.) towropo for boats. line, f., coal dust. finer, v. a., (met.) to fine, to convert gray into white pig. fiiicrie, 1'., (jnrt.) finery (hearth or furnace). finesse, f., sharpness of an imago (as in photog- raphy). fin card, m., restive horse. linir, v. a., to finish, end, complete; - un chtiat, (,nun.) to complete the training of a horse. fiiiissaiie, ni.. finishing of p:irts of a mechanism. etc., done by hand or \viin a file; (.vm. a.) 11.!- i^hiiK' (of llarreli, i. e., filing, adjusting, all line anil .small work: flnlssage d'un canon (art.), generic term for work on gun after it has been turned down, bored, and rifled (e. g., seats for accessory parts); d'un canon de fusil, (sm. a.) operation of fini hing chamber, brazing of sights, and fitting of recover; dfs grains de poudrt, (pnwd.) generic term for glazing, drying, and dusting of powder. finisseur, a., finishing, final (of various opera- tions of manufacture, as of arms); m., finisher (workman); (roach.) finishing roll, finishing tool (general). fliiiteur, a., circle , horizon (obs.). flon, m., finishing stroke, last touch. flsc, m., public funds; administration of public finances. fiscal, a. , fiscal. flsolle, f., whipping twine, fox made (' a single rope yam. fissile, a." fissile. nssllitl, f., liabilitv to fissure, fissibility. fissure, f., crack, fissure. flssurur, v. a., to fissure. lixafte, in., fixing in place, securing; (phot.) fixing. fixateur, m., (phot.) fixing solution. fixation, f., fixing, setting: appointing; ctat de s, (Fr. a.) return drawn up by the minister of war showing the nature and the minimum quantity of war material to be kept in reserve. fixe, a., fixed, settled, steady, solid, steadfast; firm, stationary; (art.) nonrecoiling; (mil.) (in "commands) front; m.. appointed, regular salary; (in pi.) fixed bodies; machine , v. machined, yapeur ; machined vapeur , stationary engine. fixe-pieds, m., (bicycle) toe-clip. fixer, v. a. r., to fix, to fasten, to bed, settle, stick; to wedge; (phot.) to fix; (hipp.) to place (a horse, for a surgical operation); - la portee d'un fusil, (sm. a.) to determine the range; flache, f., nole in a pavement, chuck hole in a road; crack, Haw, depression, in a stone; wane of a slab (of wood); pool of water in a wood. flaclier, v. a., to blaze a tree. flacheux, a., waney. flafif-oler, v. n., (man.) to tremble, shake (horse's legs). flambage, m., singeing; (art.) scaling, warming of a gun; coup de , (art.) scaling shot, warming charge. flambeau, m., torch, flambeau; --d'artijict, (l-'r. a.) t->rch or flambeau used by troops oil the march, or to luht up a spot where work is being done, etc. (known as Lamarre)', dtmi , (Fr.a.) a flambeau that will last seven minutes. flam her, v. a. n.. to sear, to singe; to flame, bla/.e; lo purify, disinfect; to sag; (art.) to scule a gun; to warm, to fire a warming shot, a sc.iling or wanning round; to firo a friction primer in an unloaded piece; - une boinbe, (art.) to mark the instant a fust- is burnt out by means of the burster; - - ini moult . (fond.) to dry a mold; -iin raixxtau, (mir.) to hoist a ship's par- ticular signal to reprove her commander for inattention to orders. tlaiubernc, f.. rapier; strong and heavy sword; ni'tlrr an tint, to draw (sword) i familiar). If. n. une, f., flame; bla/.e; vane, streamer; pen- nant, pennon, lance pennon, pendant, ban- derole; signal flr.g; (unif.) pudding bag of a busby: (hipp.) fleam for bleeding horses; (mir.) man-of-war's pennant; (nrt.. sm. <(.> flash of discharge; bdlun di~ , (nor.) stall of a pennant : - - dc ]ifnyal( , ('irtif.) Bengal lu:'.ii ; rfr/.w de , (/lac.) halliard of a pennant: -, firo and sword: lance pennon: f, . ( ii,r\ ) i-liiircli perm nit ; , ox Mi /.ing II:: i '".: inii. reiln MIL- l..:i;ie. llaniini-rlic 182 flette fl inuncche, {., flake, spark; (art.) burning shred of cartridge blown out of a gun. flan, rn., plate, disk; flanch (for coins); (sm. a., art.) the disk of which a cartridge case (primer, fric- tnn primer, etc.) is made; the plate of which a bayonet scabbard is made. flaiic, m., flank, side; (top.) slope or side on each side of a lijne de thalweg, q. v.; (art.) edge, side of groove in riding; (fort.) flank (of a bastion, etc.); (hipp.) flank; (mil.) flank; avoir du , (hipp.) to have line flanks, good \vell-turnedribs; avoir Us a cousus, (hipp.) to be thin- Hanked; (HIS, (fort.) lower flank, casemate; bMre de , (art.) to take in Hank; inttre du, , (hipp.) to heave; de charge, de chargcment, (art.) loading edge of a groove; conductcur, (art.) v. deforcement; contre , (art.) loading edge; corde, (hipp.) stringy, corded flank; decourtine,(fort.) auxiliary flank; convert, (fort.) retired flank; creux, (fort.) concave flank; (hivp.) hollow (lank; d.'feruif, (mil.) a flank standing on the defensive; the defensive flank in a cavalry charge; directeur, (art.) v. deforcement; ilroit, (fort.) straight Hank; p-ir lc droit (gauche), (drill) by the right (left) flank; citcrieur (interieur), exterior (interior) Hank; /./<'. e nar le , (drill) to face to the right (or lui'l; Hank; de forcement, (art.) driving edge of a groove; girdc, (mil.) flanker; liaut, (fort.) upper flank; leyrette, (hipp.) greyhound flank; -lijne, (mil.) detachment on the flank of a main line, intended to deceive enemy as t.> t'.ie real points of support of the wings of the main line; de irurche, (drill) directing Hank; marche de , (mil.) Hank march; 7B;.T/ic, marcher, par le , (mil.) march to march, ! y the flank; moiilnrle d, v. prater le ti; wort, (mach.) surface opposed to bearing surface; miiqu-e, (fort.) auxiliary flank; ntfrnsif, (mil.) a body of troops holding a P >:.ui-m menacing a flank of the enemy; the uuac'.-.ing Hank in a cavalry charge; tie po.-ti'je, (much.) bearing surface; prcnilre de , v. b'lttre de ; pi-c:bi,-c en , (mil.) to flank, outflank; to take 1:1 II. mi:; P''' d, (mil.) to bo exposed to attack i.i Hunk; den rayuret(art.,3m. a.) t,ho edge of=v land; - - ri'i,r', (mil.) retired Hunk; - r. ,',-nuffr, (himi.) tucked up (lank; - dc tir, ('irt.) driving e;l^'o of a groove; - ' if, ( tiirich.) v. de purtijr. fl.mcoxifide, f., (fenc.) blow, pas.,, or thrust in l!ie. flunk. fhiTielle, f., flannel; ciiiii'.ifi de , (med.) flannel waistband. il:i:t(|uant, a., (/or/.) Hanking; it.ijlr , flanking angle. fliuiquemcnt, m., >/<>rt., mil.) flanking; flanking deie:i->e; Hanking lire; - tt :.v, v. r-i.i'iiit; h '.I'ffir dc , Hanking battery; - /) ir Ira crfti.i, v. pu lr tmr.f; -direct, Hanking by lire from loopholes in in.iin work (galleries, relieving arches) a-. o;r> >sod to flanking from special works fur the P irpose; '/ hint, Hanking by downward fire (as in the l>:i ,:i iiieil trace. ,1; --!> t 'i, v. tfhfint; -re (-/, (linking from works snefi illy cori- :'-tei for the purpose, (as in tho polygonal flanquement, tir de , v. s. v. tir; par le trace, flanking from the work itself (as in the bastion system). flanquer, v. a., (mil., fort.) to flank, to attack in Hank; to defend, secure, guard, tho flank of a line or work of a body of troops; 8 et 7 , (mil. slang) to give a man a fortnight's confinement or arrest. flanqueur, m. and a., (mil.) flanker, flanking. flaque, f., puddle, stagnant pool. flasque, a., weak, poor, feeble; not completely lilled (of a balloon) flasque, m., standard or support (as of tho driving axle of a dynamo); (art.) bracket cheek, flask; f., (art.) rocking-arm (in some Hotchkiss types); s d'affut,~(art.) brackets, cheeks (of a g'in carriage); de cabestan, whelp of the capstan; eihaussement de , ( Fr. art.) cheek plate to nt the old 24 siege-gun carriage for 13H"" siege de levage, (Fr. art.) lifting frame (used to lift a caisse & obus f rom its truck); queue de , (art.) rear end of cheek flatolr, m., flatter, flatting hammer. flatter, v. a., to flatter; unchecal,(man.) to make much of, to caress, a horse; to yield to a spirited horse, so as grad- ually to quiet him; un courant, to divert gradually a stream from a threatened bank; - les vagues, to break the force of waves (by the opposition of an inclined surface). fleau, m., flail; door beam, crossbeam (to shut a door); beam, bar (of a balance), scahv- beam; (mach., etc.) beam; knife-edge; link joint; de porte, (fort.) crossbeam. fleche, f., arrow; sag, deflection (of a belt or cable, ofa beam); sag, bend, departure Irom a straight Hue (in falling- weight tests); compression of a spring; underpole connecting the fore and hiiKl parts of a carriage (4-wheel); perch or pole of a Carriage; height of the crowning of a pulley; rise of an arch or vault; spire (of a church); stem (of a troo); sweep (of a horse- power); (art.) droop of the muzzle; trail; (b-ill.) maximum ordiiuito of a trajectory (measured from the ligne de mire, q. v.); (min., etc.) point (of a drill bar); (fort.) Heche, redan; (nurv ) surveyor's pin; d', in fi'. , (nrt.) trail; -dec'iissond munitions, (nrt.) porch; dc crturbure, (punt.) dip of a bridge cable- direclrice, (much.) guiilo bar; it (largir, (min., etc.) widoner, widening en , tandem (of a team); fansse , fan..isf, (an.) false trail (use.] for limbering up short-trailed, heivv < r- riages, e. g., that of the French 220""" sic mortar); i , (ofa beam; to get its permanent. sag or set; rallonye de ,(art.) extension piece, of a moun- tain-gun trail; il tambour, (fort.) Heche with tambour; de In lr ijectoirc, (ball.) maximum opiinale <,[ a trajectory; (/(. triqueballe, (art.) shaft, pole, of the truck wagon. flfccliir, v. a. n., to bond, sag; (in cjin.) to give way, stagger, waver; (rni/.i to give \\;i-. , waver. H'iit, m., bending, giving dro-ip of tho muz/Jo of a gun ;- long gun,. flectographe, m., (nrt.) Hectograph (inHtrumeiit to measure the flexions of I, ,e poinl.; of at- tachment of the various organ , of a gun car- ri:,f;e!. flectuinetn 1 , rn., flectonneter. tlette, I., puul, small ferryboat. 183 fom.iin* fleur. f., flower; flower (i. e., pick); hair side, grain side (of leather, of a skin); & de, on tho same level with; A d'cau, awash, (lush with surface of water; between wind and water (of a shot)' de chain, v.f urine f outlet 3 de soufre, flowers of sulphur; de troupe, (mil.) picked men. fleuret, m., square boring bit, rock drill (point); (fine.) foil; - - d' mine, (min.) mine-borer, miner's borer; mouchete., (Jenc.) foil. fleuron, in., any ornamental small brass, etc., disk, as in harness (esp. on tho headstall of a bridle); lance-like ornament on top of a grating (iron);linlal. fleuve, m., river (large river emptying directly into the sea). flexibility, f., flexibility, pliancy, suppleness. flexible, a., flexible, pliant: m., (mach.) flexible shaft, for small drills, etc. flexion, f.. flexion, bonding; (drill) change of direc- tion (rare); (gym.) (leg, trunk, and arm) exer- cises; du corps, (gym.) trunk exercise; des eztremites, (gym.) arm and leg exer- cise; - -iimple, flexion: df la volec (art.) droop of the chase, minister, v. n., to become a filibuster. HilMisii rle, f., filibustering. fllbustlrr, m., filibuster. fllngol, in., (mil. slang.) musket, rifle. llipot, m., (carp.) piece let in to conceal a dfr feet. flochtf, f. , liit of cloth that is unraveling; colon-poitdre en ., (eipl.) loose gun cotton, gun cotton in yarn, tli IK 1 1 1. in., flake. flore, f., flora. floss, m., (loss; - d'acirr, lamelleiu, (met.) white cast iron fit to be converted into steel. Hot, m., tide; flood tide; stream, torrent: wave, billow, waters; (in pi.) the sea; ft , afloat; floating, by floating; ii ., in torrents, ui waves; -cnminun, ordinary flood; drui i- - -, 7/iJ- , half flo< d tide; direction du. , set of tho Hood; rtale df , slack flood; df fund, ground swell; mrtlre, remettre, a , to sot afloat, to sot afloat again; quart tie , first quarter of the flood t ide; trnlt i/uartx de , last quarter of the flood. flottable, a., navigadle for rafts or looso wood, navigable (of u stream); that will float. flolt;i*e, m., rafting. II ill lixni, f., (IHII-.) wafer line; a la - - --, on the water line, between wind and water; liiiie ile , water line; n 1 1 liijnf de , between v hid and water. lluit.t it, u., floating, buoyant; (// .) to sail in company with; - - tinner, (nar. I fleet of men-of-war; - -f'i crochet, (art. } drag washer; - -cuiruxtee, (nur.) armored fleet; --df debarquement, (inn.) landing fleet for landing operations. flotlemt'llt, tn., (mil.) waveriir: or undula- tion in the ranks; (luj.) hesitation, irroso- lui inn. Hotter, v. n. n., to float; to fly out, to float, to flutter (of a flag); to undulate, \va-.er, wave; to hesitate; (mn?i.) to wahhln about, (of a horse, e. g., n blind horse i; to advance, move aimlessly; (much.) to wabble, bo unsteady (of a piston, shaft); (mil.) to waver (of a line), tol".--o the dress; tin Ciitilc, (n.) to float a Cable. flottci:v. in., floater; water gauge, float; float (of a torpedo); tlout board; cable cask or buoy; floHeur d'alarme, (tteam), boiler flout, to give warning when water is low. flottlUe, f., (nav.) flotilla; squadron, floii, a., (iilmi.) runniiii', indistinct; image e, '"oyster," shell marks. flotirt, m., vane, weathercock, lionet te, f., v. flnuet. Hurl, a., thin, spare, lank, meager. Iliildc, a., in , fluid. HOte, f., (r/iu-i.) flute; (nav.) storeshlp; open boat; troopship; d bee, (mm.) generic, term for clarinets, oboes, and other similar instruments; 'petite , (mils.) piccolo. fluviul, a., fluvial; eau e, river water. flux, m., flow, current, stream, flood, Influx; (met.) flux; ft refluz, ebb and flow; roueb. et rtjluz, tide mill. focal, a., focal; lonyenr e, (opt.) focal length. fol, f., faith, sincerity: parole; en de, in witness of; etre priwnnitr sur sa , (mil.) to be a prisoner on parole; faire en justice, to bo admitted a:; a wit- ness; lijne rf< , fiducial edge; *iir sa , on parole. foln, m., hay; standing grdss; btiite de , bundle of hay; com prim f, compressed hay; dflavt, hay that has become too wet after mowing; -erhanffe, moldy hay; faire Us -., to make hay; grrnicr de , hayloft; --/(/, light-colored hay; hay that is too wet, before cutting; mrule tie - , haystack; - /irrvv, compressed hay; - r. in |'1.\ ]MT- formance. exix'iiii n, \\ orl- ing: di i Intel'.*, working of i'":ir, gearing. foiu I Kiiinalre. in., liui'-t luiiary (civil): ill. n.) functional \, ollicial (genernllv lim '! to fiuiotionaries of the lutenJance i,...'i- taire). foiK llonneinent. in., function, meth' <1 cf \\"rk- ing, of operating, behax i r: (ir.n,-l, . rrl., i-li'.) art ion (of a machine, of a brei i-h inei-li.iii- ism, etc. ). foiK tloniier, v. n.. to work, to work jinpeilv, to be in working order; to woiu, t to go (of a machine, etc. ); adiiiii ili , (ilay: fl ili It n/i ilmi* (/c< ci/Iiiulrix n'/Hin to work like a compound enrine; fl iiilriiilii'-liiiii itinclr, (.11,111111 to simple endue. fonruic, f,_ f.,,-ing (of a paddle wheel I. fond 184 fond 11 re fond, m., bottom (of a vessel, of a steam cyl- inder, of a ship, of the sea, of a river); ground, anchoring ground; soundings; head (of a cask); crown (of a hat); depth; bed; groundwork, foundation, base, background; first coat or coats (of paint); center, heart; back, back part; farthest, remotest, part; floor, flooring; (hipp., etc.) endurance, bottom; (fort.) sole (of an embrasure); fi , bottomed; thoroughly, fully; tight, home; de 1'iime, (art., sm. a.) bottom of the bore; d'argile, clay bottom (stream, sea); avoir du , (hipp., etc.) to have endurance, to be sound-bottomed; fta.t , v. bas-fond; bun . good anchoring ground; - de bonne tcnue, good bottom (for anchor- in jr); de cale, (nav.) bottom of the hold; charier & , & de train, (mil.) to charge home; d'une chaudiere, bottom of a boiler; de en comble, from top to bottom; covler & , (nav.) to founder, to sink, to go down; de cour, cure, bottom neither sandy nor muddy (stream, sea); courant de , undertow; de cuve, hollow, with rounded angles; de c'jlindrc, (mach.) cylinder bottom; dc , (cons.) resting'on'a foundation; ft deux .', (nav., etc.) double-bottomed; danner , to cast anchor; double , double bottom or casing; (nav.) double bottom; a dragie, shot mold; dur. hard bottom (stream, sea); de I eau, bottom (of the water), ground; d' embrasure, (fort.) sole of an embrasure; d'embrasure en contrepente, (fort.) counter- sloping sole; faui- , false or movable bottom (as of an ammunition chest); fosse & de cure, ditch with steep sides; du fosse, (fort.) bottom of the ditch; de galene, (min.) bottom, sole, of a gallery; d'une galerie, (min.) heading; grand , deep water; de gravier, gravel bottom (stream, sea); haul- , flat, shoal, shallow water, shoal \vater; haul, v. ftaut ; lame de , ground wave; de lit, frame or slats (for the mattress); de mauvaise lenue, bad bottom (for anchor- ing); de miroir, back of a mirror; mou, soft bottom (stream, sea); -a mouiltage, anchorage; mouvant, shifting bottom; d'un ncrire, ship's bottom; petit , dept h of water under the keel; p' u de , shoal, shallow wal or; pierrtux, stony bottom (stream, sea); plat, flat -bottomed; - de pre, grassy bottom (stream, sea); l*rtndre , to cast anchor; to I ouch at a port; de la rayure, (art.) bottom ol I he grooves; de sable, sandy bottom (stream, sea); sale, foul bottom; de son, bran-colored bottom (stream, sea); (i de train, as fast as possible (of a charge, g:iit of horses, etc.); - de vaxf, muddy bottom (stream, sea); tisxcr & , to screw tight , to screw home. fond age, m., (met.) melting. fondamental, a., fundamental; radical; pitrre c, foundation stone. fondant, a., melting; m., (met.) flux. fomlation, f., foundation, groundwork; bed (is of a machine, engine, etc.); a l'".ir com iirinir, compressed air foundatioi affoir lm f, to sink a foundation; bunion de , holding-down bolt; a'' ic < m /.aternfnt, footing foundation; par trmixseinrnt, cofferdam foundation; - i'iir iiirnisurmint ct cm'tttej cofferdam, used in enters liable to rise, (t he rise being kept out ! y a small . a.) fund (part of maxxr d'cntrctun ct d'liabilltmtnt, <\. v.) used to meet special expenses of each adrninUtra- tivo unit : - l>':!>/'n-x, public funds; stocks; - de rrnerre ('Ic siei>.) grease, molten grease. fontaine 185 force fontaine, f., spring, fountain- cistern cock; (harn.) hollow in padding of saddle (over a projection on the back); ftltrante, filtering stone. fontanelle, f., (hipp.) rowel. fotite, f., (met., fond.) melting, founding; castln--: pi 1 ,' iron, crude iron, cast iron; (*ro. a.) pistol holster; d'acier, cast steel; pour acier, forge pig; aciereuse, steel pig, steely pig; d'afftnage, forge pig; 4 affiner, v. d'afUnage; 4 I'air-chaud, hot-blast pig; 4 roir/roid.cojd-blast pig; atelier de , melting house, smeltery; bigarree, v. , truilee; - blanche, white pig; hard white cast iron; No. 5 pig; blanche caverneute, porous white cast iron; - blanche crystalline, specular iron, spie- geleisen; blanche lamelleuse, v. blanche cristal- line; blanche grenue, white semigranular pig; blanche miroitante, v. - - blanche cris- lalline; blanchie, fine iron or metal; blanchie 4 la surface durcie, chilled casting, chilled cast iron; - de bo is, charcoal pig; brutde , as cast, just as cast, rough casr; 4 canon, gun pig; 4 canon en bronze, gun metal; 4 canon en fir, gun pig; de canons, gun casting (operation); canon de , a'n obsolete term for bronze gun; caverneust, porous pig; au chetrbon de frits, charcoal pig; au coke, coke pig; en creui, hollow casting; crue , casting, pig iron, cast iron; dure, chilled cast iron; cast iron especially refined or incompletely refined, for the special purpose of bringing out strength and tenacity; en , (made of) cast iron; epurce, pig refined by hearth process: -de/rr, cast iron; /< r de , cast iron; 4 fusion crue, gray pig; a fusion seche , white or mottled pig; dt lire fusion, cast iron made directly from ore; all-mine pig; de Seme fusion, cast iron, made by a mixture of various grades of all-mine pig, or by a mix- ture of these with scrap iron; graphiteuse,)>\ak pig; graphitic pig; grise, gray pig; No. 2 pig; grise cl'iire, light-gray pig; No. 3 pig; grise foncce, dark-gray pig; gneuse de , pig iron; jitir en . to cast; Inmfllnirf, lamellar pig; limai/lcusc, graphite iron; black, dark -gray iron; - loupante,, metal too rapid!- ri hard; maculee, mottled pi;:; malleable, malleable cast iron: mi lee, v. iirisulti; (/c inin< n//.*--,S!>;elting ore; - - mills, initis metal; - - de wmlneji , foundry pig; - ri'iire, black pig, dark-gray pi. iron, kistiy pi;:; No. I pig; - -a n-iyau, cored work, cored cast in;:: hollow casting; de iristolet, (sm. a.) pistol holster; ru ftinrc, relmed pi::; - - rirre.gt niratiun, cast iron from a regenerative f mace; < 11 saumnn, pig iron; /< m/n , gray i>ig iron: - -truili'e, mottled pi;-; No. 4 pig; itrir de tu/c, to be cast at the same time as. or in one piece with: to be integral with; cfnir in , to be cast; 'ined and fonte, venu de , cast In one piece with, onst solid with; integral, integral with; verte, an obsolete term for bronze. fonteux, a., (met.) resembling pig iron (bad sense). font (rule, f., (hipp.) rowel. forage, m., (mach., etc.) boring, drilling; (mil. rain.) drilling of a blast hole; also the hole itseli ( 10 r > to 3!) cm in diameter); bored mine or camou- flct (small mine); bane de , boring bench; barre de , boring bar; puits de , driven well; des puits, driving, boring, of wells, 'oral!!, a., foreign; wide enough for two carriages to pass abreast ; mouillage , (nav.) open anchorage; rade e, (nav.) open roadstead. forant, m., balk, spar. f orbaii, m., pirate, corsair. forbanntr, v. a., to banish. forbannissement, m., banishment, trans- portation. format , m.. convict, galley slave. force, f., force, power, strength; skill, ability; pur- chase; violence; spirit; plenty; capacity; sup- porting power (of a crane, bridge, raft, boat, etc.); (in pi., mil.) forces, troops; (cons.) strut; buttress; accelcralricc , accelerating power; ^armit, (mil.) armed force; troops of all arms; (in France) the publii;ue, q. y., together with any other body or organization bearing, or susceptible of bearing, arms, e.g.. ril!e clubs, Ore brigades, etc.; aroir de , (cord.) to be strong enough; du bois, heart, strength of the wood; 4 de bras, by strength of arm; brisante, v. explosive, centrifuge, centrifugal force; c e ntri/^tc, centri|>etal force; dc chc.'al, horsepower; en chevaui, horsepower: - en chevaui e/eclifs, effective horse- power: - en chevaui estirnes, estimated horse- power: - ar bataillnn.i en masse, (inf.) line of battle with battalions In column of divisions, and deploying intervals, etc. (30 paces); en batterie, (art.) formation in battery; -des cadres, instruction of subaltern" grades, with special reference to training them to act as drillmasters for recruits; en colonne, formation in column; en colonne par piece (section), (art.) forma- tion in column of pieces (sections, i. e., platoons, U.S. Art.); dr combat, combat formation; combiner, a generic term for formations in echelon, for formations involving the use of offensive and defensive flanks, etc.; constitutive, the organic constitution of a troop unit; de defile, march-past, review, formation; deplnyee, any deployed formation; deriree, derived formation (e. g., double column); dottblee, (inf.) formation in which two ranks (either double or single) take the place of one (either double or single) when forming for a march by the flank; eehelohnee, formation in or by echelon; tventueUe, formation not carried out at once, as a single maneuver, but involving- a stay or delay between the first and last ofit; par file , formation by file; par le ftanc, formation by tbc flank; grnii i>ee, dense formation, troops in mass; en ligne, formation in line; en ligne de colonnes, formation in line of columns; en litjne deployee, (inf.) formation in line (company, battalion, regiment); de manir.uvre, drill formation; de niarche, march or route formation; rn niarche, march formation; en masse, formation in mass; mtrmale, (so-called) normal formation (e. g., line of columns, mass, etc.); mi- pare, v. de irassemblement; passage, passer, d'une & une autre, v. s. vv. ptixxatifj passer; ployre, any ployed formation; ilc /motion d'attentc, v. d'attenfe; i>ri:i>aratoire de combat, (art.) the formation taken by a battery on approaching the em- placement whence it is to open (ire, consisting of the separation of the batterie de tir, q. v., or of t he group of such batteries, from the echelon, <\. v., or L'roup of echelons; de ras.\emblement, assembling, close, forma- tion, e. i'., of troons assembling from march formation preparatory to passage to combat formation; ( />. art.) a synonym for the for- mation of a park ( avec materiel): the assem- bling o( the teams and detachments prepara- tory to hitching up the guns and wagons (, *< iiintfriel); --de rende*-nyim, an assembling formation by which a e. o. gets his troops well together and in hand in a designated place before under- taking definite operations against a specific objective; de rente, formation for inspection; de route, route formation, road formation: sanitaire, ( l-'r. a. med.) any administrative unit of the medical ser\ ice; -tfictique, tactical formation; any formation relating to a definite- tactical object; any for- mation enabling a troop unit to make the best possible disposition of its moans of otfense and of defense; d'uii train (r. r.) making up a train. forme, f., form, shape, figure, make; shoemaker's la-!: mold, frame; scat; layer of sand for pav- ing stones; block; (iirgr) stage (in trench work >; (hip/>.) ring bone; bone spavin; (nav.) dry dock; forme, de , of proper, suitable, form; of a special shape (of tools); Jlottanie, (nav.) floating dock; de radoub, (nav.) graving dock; gape fans s, (siege) sap driven at full size (without subsequent enlargement); sMie, (nar.) ary dock; tourmentee, irre'gular, twisted form. former, v. a. r., to form, frame, make, shape, mold, fashion, cut out, compose, plan, train, season; (mil.) to set up, drill, and instruct soldiers or sailors and to give them the mil- itarv spirit; (mil.) to form up; le carrr, (mil.) to form square; le.ifaisceauij (mil.) to make stacks; la hair, (mil.) to form troops one rank on each side of the street or of a cortege; un sikgt, (siege) to begin a siege, to begin to open the trenches; une troupe, (mil.) to draw up a body of troops in a definite formation. formulalre, m., (med.) pharmacopoeia. formule, f., formula; form, model (as, for pro- ceedings): (med.) prescription; d'equarrisfaqe, in strength of materials, a formula showing relation between the exterior forces, factor of safety, and the di- mensions (unknown) of the section consid- ered ; d' elasticity, d'equilibre, Hooke's law. fort,, a., strong; thick; considerable; skillful: hi?h (of the wind); heavy (of the sea, rain); (mil.) strong (with reference to numbers), number- ing; able to resist; strong (of a position), for- tified (of a city, position); bois , thick wood; colle e, clue; de (2;>,000 hornmes), (25,000) strong; place e, (fort.) stronghold; fortress, fortified position; de i>oids, overweighted, overloaded; terre e, heavy ground; ville e, fortified city. fort, m., strongest, thickest, or principal part; main point: midst; heart; depth; brunt, center, middle, etc.; skill; strength; (fort.) fort (con- tains no civilian population), esp. detached fort; redoubt; blockhouse; (mi7.) thicic (of a fight): (*m. a.) part of tho sword blade near the hilt (cf.faihlc). (Except where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing words relate to fortifications:) d'arrit, stop fort; barrier fort (English name); d'attaque, fort lying in an attack, hence one that is attacked; au de, (in yen.) in the thick of; baxtionnt, bastioned fort: ft batterie 6a.w, fort with battery near the ground; a batterie haute, fort with elevated battery, a ; in a cavalier, etc.; de hoi'', quarter grain (of wood ^ de cain/Hitine, field work: circulnire, circular fort, inarMlo tower; du combat, (mil.) thick of I lie ii 'hi : continental, land fort (not intended for sea- coast doiensc): dt cote, seacoast work: ct'-t'ir, seacoasl tort iu whoso neighborhood troops may be lauded, and which must iheio- foio bo provided with ditches and thinking defenses; a se.icoast fort exposed to attack by landing parlies; (i coupolix, a fort provided with cupolas or t iiiTets; - -d'un courant, main part, middle, of tho si roam: ii crctc baxse, a fort of low croM . for small-arm fire: (i cretc haute, a fort, of high crest . for artillery fire; (i cretis rrdonblef.i, name of forts lining cavaliers or parados, having two interior crests; ii crctevniijiie, fort having but one interior crest; cnirasse, armored fort or work; dtmi-hafitiininc, semi bastioned work; detfiche, detached work; u itoilf. it'iili- star fort ; fort 188 foudrc fort ftudier le et le faible d'une position, (mil.) to make a thorough study of a position; d' interdiction, v. d'arret; isnlf, a fort on lines of communication, at the forks of a road; a fort intended to close a defile; substantially the same as d'arril , q. v.; de la lame, (sm. a.) thick of the blade, part near the hilt; de liaison, work between two others, and in a sense (military) joining them; maritime, seacoast work; a massif central, work having a parados or cent nil mass; de la melee, (mil.) thick of the fight, of the mellay; (7 la mer, fort surrounded by water, or at the end of a pier or jetty; de mrr, seacoast fort; name given by Gen- eral Hria'.mont to works built on sand banks, or on rocks that are either submerged or at water level; mi , (sm. a.) middle of a blade; d' occupation, a fort occupying a salient point in a fortified perimeter; plat, v. d, crtte unique; --de protection, v. d' occupation; rfduit, name applied to the fort to which belong several batteries annexed; semi-maritime, a fort partly land, partly sea, intended to repel attacks from both sea and land ; de surveillance, "watch fort," on high prom- ontory; tenaille, tenaillod fort; fort of tenaille trace. f .irtcresse, f., fortress (has a civilian population); ailiLlerie dc , v. s. v. artillerie; game de , siege warfare; maritime, de mer, (fort.) seacoast work or fortress; mobile, (fort.) depot of all necessary sup- plies, etc., for the creation of a fortified posi- tion when needed (as opposed to permanent forts constructed in peace); troupes de , fortress troops. fortification, (fort.) fortifying, fortification; art of fortification; work; angulaire, redan system of fortification; tenaille system of fortification; * d'attaque, offensive work; bastionnte, & bastions, bastion system of fortification; de campaqne, field fortification (i. e., de- liberate); deliberate intrenchments; du, champ de batuille, field intrenchments; hasty intrenchments; cullatfralf, Hanking work; continental*, land, work (esp. use;! i.i connec- tion with seacoast works, to distinguish land from sea works); ciitifrr, seacoast fort; ciiirnnxi't, armored fortification: -eztt'rieure, exterior fortification; out- works; iinprorisee, v. du champ de biit'iillt; irrtyulicre, irregular fortification (no system); maritime, coast defense; initte, semipermanent fortification; inndirne, v. - pn! ygonale; niturillt, any natural position suscepti- ble, without labor, of being used as a forti- fication, e. p., woods, swamps, very steep slopes, etc.: x nttt nxirfs, works of al tack; pimmigrre, temporary, improvised, forti- fication: v. dr campiignt; pirtiiantnti , permanent fortification: pirpr ndiculaire, perpendicular system of fortification; - - pnli/ijon'ile, polygon:)! fortification; jinftniivi . (i/tf.i generic term applied to pro- posed inr-asement in armor of a portion of in- fantry tr>ops; - :( r,i'i > rli . v. pr' i.inirr; '"; ittndxf. .in<;etvroLind fortification; fortification tenaillfe, tenailled fortification. fortlJler, v. a., to strengthen, to corroborate; (fort.) to fortify; en dedans, (fort.) to construct the bastions in- side the polygon; en dehors, (fort.) to construct the bastions outside the polygon. fortin, m., (fort.) small fort, fortlet, fieldwork, very small fort or work. fortis, m.. (expl.) name (in Belgium) of pol - nitrocellulose. fortrait, a., overspent, overworked, knocked in (of ahorse). fortralture, f., (hipp.) sickness due to overwor' - ing, over fatigue. fortuit, a., casual, incidental; cos , casualty, emergency. fortune, f . , fortune; de , jury , makeshift ; de mer, risks of the sea; officier de , (mil.) an officer risen from the ranks; soldat de , (mil.) soldier of fortune. forure, f., bore hole, drilled hole, fosse, f., ditch; trench, pit; d'aisance, cesspool; basse , dungeon; d couler, - de coulee, (fond.) casting pit; de fonderie, (fond.) foundry pit, casting pit; d moulcr, (fond.) molding pit; aui monies, v. dc fonderie; d tuber, (art.) assembling pit, shrinkage pit. fossf, m., ditch, moat, drain, fosse, trench; (fort.) moat, ditch; d'arret de I'eau, catch drain; arant , (fort.) advanced ditch; de ceinture, catch-water drain: du corps de. place, v. principal; dcgorger un , to empty a ditch.; de deliors,(fort.) ditch of outworks; desrinte de , v. s. v. de.icrnte; dtsct nte de blindee, v. s. v. dcscente; de desatchement, drain; diamant, (fort.) drop ditch, diamond ditch; d'cconlrment , ditch, drain; de I'ecrou, ( F. m. art.) (in some guns, M. 61, (SO) that part of the breech nut from which threads have been cut away; d.fond angulaire, triangular ditch; fifond de cute, a ditch with steep sides; inondi, (fort.) wet ditch; a manaurre d'eau, (fo r t.) ditch with water maneuver; ditch wet or dry at discretion; passage de. , (siege) passage of the ditch; pi cin d'eau, (fort.) wet ditch; principal, (fort.) main ditch; rtmnlayer un , to fill up a ditch; riretu, (fort.) revetted ditch; t;ii :r:er un , to drain a ditch; sec , (fort.) dry ditch: fi sec, (fort.) dry ditch (i. e., emptied of its '. utcr); d( separation, intervening ditch; talits d'fscarpe et de contrcscnrpe du , slopes of the ditch. fossoyage, m., digging, excavating, of ditches; ditching, operation of surrounding by a ditch. f ossoyer, v. a. , to ditch , moat , trench ; to 'dig in oats or ditches; to surround by a ditch. foil, a., mad, crazy, insane; ( mach ) loose, idle (of a (inlley): aiguille folle , (dec.} a crazy or permanently un- steady needle; balmice'folle, unsteady balance, i. e.. one that will not come to rest; boussolcfollf, unsteady, irregular compass; pirccfollr, (art.) a piece whose bore is not true: poiilii folle, (mach.) idle pulley. fouailler, v. a., to whip; (art.i to destroy by artil- lery fire; lit la queue, to switch (lie tail. foudre, m., f., lightning: thunderbolt; in. pi., (M ?.'!/., J-'r. a.) distinctive mark (forked light- ning) on collar or arm (a.g of a gun when fired; (mach.) thrashing, whipping, whip action (of a connecting rod); de la tolee (art.) thrashing of the muzzle. f ouet fer, v. a. , to whip, lash , horsewhip; to scourge; to beat (as rain, hail); to be cutting (of wind); (cord.) to whip; to lash a tail block; (art.) to thrash (of the chase), to sweep with shot; (hipp.) to tic the scrotum; en plein sur, (art.) to fall directly upon (of projectiles). foiiRadc, \.fougasse. fougasse, f., (mil.) fougasse; & bombesj shell fougasse; en deblai, stone fougasse of the usual type (axis at 45, and tae excavated earth forming a parapet behind); ft feu ratant, grazing fougasse, stone fou- gasse with horizontal direction of fire; mobile, (art.) term fancifully applied to modern shell filled with high explosive; ordinaire, powder fougasse (i. e., no stones, etc., to be thrown forward); picrrier, stone fougasse; Finn, fougasse. in wmch powder is on side of excavation instead of at bottom; rase, covered fougasso (stone) (flush with the ground, axis at 60, and excavated earth removed, so as not to show); en remblai, a fouirasse constructed on the surface of the ground; -furchargie, overloaded fougasse. foiipcre, f., fern; en , herringbone-wise. fotiKiie, f., mettle, spirit (of horses); (artif.) rocket without stick, moving horizontally. fouguette, f., (ar/if.) small war rocket. fouirueux, a., fiery, mettlesome, high-spirited (horse); unruly. foiiille, f., digging, excavating; earth dug out or up; excavation; (art.) cavity in (brass) guns, caused by long-continued firing; (met.) cavity (defect) "in a casting, filled with dross, slag, etc. fonillcinciit, m., v.fouillr. fouillcr, %'. :i. n., to dig, to excavate, to search by digging; to trench; to work a mine; to rake, search; to search, as with a search light; (hipp.) to make a rectal examination by hand; (mil.) to explore, as a wood or thicket; --den obstacles, (mil.) to reconnoitcr obsta- 'le trnain, (mil.) to search, explore, the rround; (mil.' sig.) to search the terrain, to evtinino it, by telescope by search light; vn terrain, (mil.) to cover a bit of ground with projectiles, so as to drive the enemy out. foul ne, f., pitchfork. foulr, v. a., to dig; to sink a well. fouissement, m., action of digging. f outage, m., fulling. foil la nt, a., forcing; pompe e, force pump. foule, f., fulling; crowd, great number. foiile, p. p., galled, sprained; (hipp.) foundered; chevafqui a lesjambts et, foundered horse. foule, f. , tread (of a staircase); blast (of a bellows); (nan.) tread, step; contact, instant, during which the horse's foot rests, bears, on the ground; lignc de , line of tread (of a staircase). fouler, v. a., to gall, hurt, sprain, strain; aux pieds, to trample under foot. foulolr, m., (art.) rammer (usually nfouloir, q. v.). foulon, m., fuller; argile, terre, it , fuller's earth. foulonnage, m., fulling. foulure, f., fulling; sprain, bruise, strain; (hipp ) surbating, warble, saddle-gall. four, m., oven; kiln; stove; hearth; fireplace; bakery, bakehouse, bake oven; (met.) fur- nar c; aride, (met.) oven with acid lining; hnxique, (met.) oven with basic lining; it bianchir lafonte. (met.) finery furnace; A bonlangcr, (met.) flat coke oven or furnace (for ma king coke); fi briqiies, brickkiln; tic cmnpagne, (mil.) field oven; ca/ieler un , v. capeler; eri>ctual kiln; (met.) tap furnace; d cuiseon continue (discontinue), perpetual (intermittent) kiln; & cut'i , (met.) generic term for furnaces (e. ;'., blast) tnat have no separate fireplace: dimontablc, (Fr. a.) bake oven that taJes apart; tlormarilb. Kir, (met.) plate-heating furnace; -it encrintc ptrmaiienl< , permanent furnace; ft enceinte t< inporaire, temporary furnace; a foijir inter ieur, furnace with in tenor hearth; df fusion, (met.) melting furnace; fi ejn;, gas stove or furnace; (met.) gas furnace: inti rniittent, intermit tort kiln: loc< i mobile, (Fr. a.) traveling bake own: wanchf, (nut.) generic term for funuucs less t!mn 2 meters high; itKfillant, (mil.) oscillating hearth (for iuni- dling); a pain, (mil.) baking oven; i pliitrc, parget kiln; i poitrim ftriiit'e, furnace with closed breast; poi/rinf mi ft rt< .furnace with open lr!i In , (art.) bracket, rangin.rr fire; iirrr d la , (art.) to find, determine, the fork; - - du tour, (art.) v. large. r-Mirchon, m., prong (of a fork); fnrk (of a tree). f.iurcliu, a., forked, branching off; cloven, furcate; ar!>r( - , forked tree; r.'if inin , crossroad. f->;irchure, f., fork, splitting; bifurcation. iour^oii, in., (mil., etc.) van; victual-, ammu- nition-, baggage-, wagon: military wagon; c, bagyagts, baggage wagon; fourgon, de correspondanct, mail wagon; -forge, forge wagon; de levee de boites, mail-collecting wagon; reoimentaire, regimental baggage wagon; regimertiaire & vivres, regimental provision wagon; - du service de santi, medical baggage wagon; d, vivres, provision wagon. fourmilifcre, f., (hipp.) cavity in a chronic foun- dered foot (due to fourbure). four n also, f., furnace. fourneau, m., furnace; fire hole; hearth; stove; kiln; chamber (of a mine): (mil. min.) cham- ber, mine chamber (strictly, loaded mine, or the charge itself). I. Military mining, etc.: x accoles, series of mines intended to be sprung at the same moment, conjunct mines; d'artifice, (artif.) furnace of a pyrotechnic laboratory (of two kinds: de lere espece, in which the flame reaches the sides and bottom of the boiler; de Slme espece, in which the flame reaches the bottom only); has, lower mine, countershaft mine; d, charge apres bourrage, chamber prepared and tamped and then loaded, one that may be loaded after tamping; contre-puits, upper mine (above galleries), countershaft mine; de, ft demolition, demolition mine, (more particularly) a mine prepared to blow up works when abandoned; de lere, 2eme, esptce, v. d'artifice r-ftages, x etages, mines in tiers, tiered mines; indice du , ratio of the line of least resistance to the crater radius; isolf, independent, single, mine; (a syno- nym of) fougasse; (in pi.) isolated, unconnected mines; de mine, the charge of a military mine; mine chamber; ordinaire, common mine; mine producing a two-line crater; retirade, v. de tete; fi boulets Tonnes, & rougir les bouMs, (art.) hot-shot furnace (obs.); sous-charge, undercharged mine, a mine whose crater radius is less than the line cf least resistance; superieur, (in a tiered system) upper mine (synonym of contre-puits, q. y.); surcharge, overcharged mine (globe of com- pression, though this term is also applied to undercharged mines); mine whose crater ra- dius is greater than the line of least rasislan- v: dc tete, a mine having a conjugate ( - retirade) and whose explosion causes its con- jugate to work. II. Metallurgy, etc.: en activite, furnace in blast; d'affinage, refining forge, refinery, rofiniir.; furnace; a (l')air chaud (froid), hot- (cold-) blast fur- nace; fi t anthracite, anthracite blast furnace; arrett, furnace out of blast; arreter un , to put a furnace out of blnst ; fi avant, creusct, forehearth blast furnace; bas , bloomer j r furnace or hearth; de calcinagc, & calcincr, calcining fur- nace; - - de cementation, h crmrntrr. steel-con- verting furnace, cementation furnace; dcharbon, charcoal pit; a charbon de bois; churcoal oven; chauffcdu , fire hole of a furntice; au coke, coke furnace; bcrrnset, crucible furnace; d creuset interieur, a furnace in which the hearth is wholly within the shell; dc cuisine, kitchen range; in': chauffer, heating, annealing, surface; cnjcu, v. en activitc; fourneau 191 fourrure fourmMU A foyer Independant, (met.) furnace where hearth and bed are separate; fumtr le , v. preparer It ; de fusion, met tint; furnace; gentratfur, gas generator; de griliane, roasting furnace; hunt , blast furnace: iron works; A manche, cupola furnace; mettre un en activite, a feu, to put a furnace in blast; mettrt un Tiers feu, to put a furnace out of blast; ondule, corrugated furnace: outrage de , hearth of a smelting furnace; percer le , to tap the furnace; preparer le , to neat a furnace; a puddler, puddling furnace; de raffinaije, refining furnace; A rtcnaufter, reheating furnace; A recuire, annealing furnace; Tffroidir un , v. writer un ; A reverbtre, reverberatory furnace; rotatoire, rotary furnace; a rotir, roasting furnace; -fi seclier, drying furnace; ft vases clou' (met.) generic term for fur- naces in which the charge is separated from and out of contact with the combus- tible and its products, closed-vessel fur- nace; ii rent, blast furnace. fournfe, f., charge of a furnace; baking (batch) length of time needed to bake and turn out a batch of bread. fourniment, m., (mil.) accou torments, etc., (hence) kit. four.iir, v. a. n., to furnish, provide, stock, sup- ply; to contribute, afford; to complete, make up; son air, (man.) (of a horse) to execute his paces accurately; la carntre, (man.) to go over the whole course; un coup d'epee, (fenc.) to make a good thrust. fournlsseur, m., furnisher, contractor; d<: I'armee, (mil.) army contractor; de narires, ship chandler. fotirnlture, f. , furnishing, supplying, provid- ing; (home) materials, things furnished, supply, provision; furniture (esp. bed furni- ture); etc.); .f (/, xnldat, ( Fr. a.) bedding. fourrasro, m., forage; all that pertains to foratre; foil'.n'r; (mil.) forage, foraging, foraging party; (con/, i serving; all' r an. , (mil.) to go on a foraging expedi- tion; en>-'>ij(r an , (mil.) to send out foraging; ii'n: rri'txaijc au , stall feeding; x-racinex, edible rools; - A-tc, fodder; hay; -in AYC, foraging for bay, etc.; - firt, grass, green fodder; n't I'crt, foraging for grass or any other green fodder. (ourriiffor, v. a. n., (mil.) to forage; to ravage, [filler, plunder, pillage; ce,s, trial expenses; ---de mute, (mil.) travel allowance, mileage; --de .tcrt'ice, (mil.) allow. ur-e for expenses to olVi'-r-rs holding certain commands or fulfilling ccii.iin functions; dt trurtrsit, p:issa< r e. money. frais, n.. fresh, cool: recent: fresli (not salted ); fresh (n ieord, m., patli along a river or canal bank; (?H!I :.) planking of a ship's hull; freeboard. franc-lilin, in., v. s. v. filin. fraiic-funln, in., v. s. \.funin. framliir, v. a. 11., to climb (a hill), to overcome (un obstacle); to clear, leap, or jump over; to cross, traverse, puss over; to exceed; to break through, overcome; to start from iis seat, to project, as an (sm. a.) extractor; to freshen (of the wind); un chntil, (ma?).) to vault over a horse; la wain, (man.) (of a horse) to get rid of the contiol of. to pull away from, the hand; i/n inisfuaii, (nar.) to free a leaky vessel by means of tiie pumps. franchise, f.. exemption, immunity: freedom, liberty: franking pti\ ile'_ r e: (mini.) willingness (of a horse;; (lair) right of asylum: r n , duly-free; lit u i!i , place of refuge, of asylum; priF/'iii . franking privilege; tiliyrap/nqne, telegraphic franking privilege. franchissement 193 froin franctilssement, m., facility of ingress and egress; d'extraeteur, (sin. a.) slipping of the flaw over the flange of the cartridge without extrac- tion of the latter; du fosse, (mit.) passage, crossing, of the ditch; grading de (fort.) steps in the sides of a parallel or trench for facility of ingress and egress; francisatton, f., register of a French vessel. franco, adv., post-free, carriage-free. franr-tireur, m., (mil.) franc-tireur, French guer- rilla. f ran Re, f., fringe. f rappe, f. , striking face (of a hammer, etc.). trapper, v. a., to strike, hit, stab; to knock; (cord.) to frap, to bend, seize, lash on or to; d'amende, to fine; de contributions, to impose contributions; un cordage, une manoeuvre, (cord.) to seize or lash a rope in its place; d'rxtoc, (fenc.) to thrust; d'cstoc tt de tail/e, (fenc.) to cut and thrust; un paltin, (cord.) to clap on a tackle; palan sur garanl . (cord.) to bend luff on lufT; unr poulic, (cord.) to strap a block; noupape chargee, loaded valve brake; de stint' . safety brake; de fir, recoil brake; rt ralre, Vavasseur hydraulic brake; rotating valve brake. II. Miscellaneous: fi , fitted or equipped with a brake; d'ah.torp/ion, absorbing brake or dynamom- eter; li air. (r. r.) air brake: a/inonpherigve, (r. r.) airbrake; - niitinnattur, automatique, self-acting brake; confirm, (r. r.) continuous brake; (// cu run f de piston, ( mach.) junk ring stop: diiiii-in/irieur, a bicycle brake lodged in the steering post ; dynftmnmrtriquf, (mach.) friction brake: rlrctriqui . (r. r.) electric brake: il'entralnenicnt circulairr, circular bicvcle I. rake; garde , brakesman, 1 rakeman; 3877 17- -1K In-i.i 194 front freln invisible, a bicycle brake, of wliich only the handle is visible (lodged in steering post and handlebar); inettre le , (r. r.) to put on brakes; oter le , (ham.) to unbit, unbridle; (r. r., etc.) to take off brakes; prendre 'e auz dents, (man.) to bolt, run away; retenir par le , to curb; ranger le . (of a horse) to champ the bit; a ruban, friction strap; de rapture, (balloons) a set of five parallel cords, the successive breaking of which less- ens the shock on the anchor when it finally bites; a sabot, (r. r.) shoo brake; tare du , (in a friction brake) the tare or al- lowance due to leverage; d vide, (r. r.) vacuum brake; a vis, screw brake; de voiture, carriage brake; de volant , chunp of ahandwheel. frtle, ;v., weak, fragile, brittle. frfcmir, v. a., to tremble, vibrate; to simmer (of \vuier about to boil). f rCne, m. , ash (wood and tree). frequence, f. , (dec.) frequency, periodicity. frere, in., brother; d'armis, (mil.) brother in arms, comrade; grns s, (mil. slang) cuirassiers. fret, in., chartering of a vessel, cost of chartering, sea freight (material and C'>st of transporta- tion); transportati >n of freight by sea; d'aller, outward freight ; donncr un vaixseau a , to charter a vessel (.broker, owner); faur , dead freight; prmdre un vaisseau a , to charter a ship (merchant); de retour, return freight, homeward freight; de sortie, v. d'aller. fretcuicnt, m., freighting, chartering (of a ves- sel). frCter, v. a., to charter a vessel (strictly of the broker or owner); to freight; cap et queue, to charter a ship; ti la cueillftte, to charter for a general cargo; en grand, to charter in bulk; en tracers, v. en grand. fretcur, m., charterer of a vessel (strictly, of the owner or broker); freighter, shipper. frettiise, in., hooping, tiring (a wheel); (art.) hooping, shrinkage; generic term for process of constructing a built-up gun; hoop; - allonyf, (art.) system in which hoops extend over a considerable length of the gun; this sort of hooping itself; biconique, ('irt.) system (De Bange) of bi- conic or double-taper hoops; cunique, (nrt.) taper hooping; double, (art.) double row of hoops; double hooping; en fits, (art.) wire hooping; fossi de , v. puils de ; miile, (art.) in certain bronze guns, the assemblage of tube and jacket under pres- sure; pui'K de . (nrt.) shrinkage pit. frctte, f., hoop, ring (in general); end band (of a woixlen nave': ferrule, hoop ring; band, tire, Iliinge; (art.) hoop, coil, (esp. to-day) short hoop. (F.xcept v.here otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to artillery:) ii agents, ribbed hoop, cradle hoop; ngrufts, 1., v. ii />.} forehead; d'action. (mil.) battle front; d'arnii(, (ii'il.) front of an army; front occu- ['ied by the various units of the first lino of an army; d'attaque, (win.) driving head; face of the work (of a ttinnel); (/or?., mil.) front of :ii- tack; (fun.) frcnt that will be or is attacked, front selected for attack by besieging enemy; a-taqu-t de , (mil.) attack in line; attntfuer de , (mil.) to make a front attack; de bandifire, v. s. v. bnnditre; bastionnr, (fort.) bastioned front : - de bntnil/e, (mil.) front of all the troops in the first line; battrr dc , v. s. v. bnttrr: chnnyement dt , changer de , v. s. vv. chnngement, chnngrr; cheval fj, plat, v. s. v. cheval: front 195 fuseau front de combat, (mil.) combat front of a unit; couvert, (mil.) front covered by obstacles, such as a wood, ravine, etc.; de , in front, abreast, simultaneously; dicouvert, (mil.) front open to attack, unpro- tected; front to be covered by an escadron de decotinerte; dt defense, (mil.) defensive front; d' exploration, (mil.) front or zone in front of army advancing, front covered by service d'trploration; faire , to face, front; dt fortification, (fort.) front, all works on one side of the polygon fortified; de goroe, (fort.) gorge front; herisse, (mil.) front protected by guns, troops, etc.; - de marche, (mil.) march front: inarch t de , (mil.) march in line; de mer, (fort.) sea front; d'operations, (mil.) front of operations (im- aginary line joining heads of columns in march or in station); pol>ji/onal, (fort.) polygonal front; rcpoiLsser de . to drh'e back the enemy over the ground ol his advance; strattgique, v. d'opirationf; de faille, (mm.) working face, mine head, heading; tenaillr, (fort.) tennilled front: de tent, (fort.) the land front of a sea-coast work; de tfte, (fort.) principal, main, front (i. e., toward enemy), as opposed to de gor'je, q. v.; (in a work forming part of defenses of a place) the front facing the exterior of the in- trenched camp; de la tctif.rt, (harn.) brow band. frontal, m., (harn.) brow band; a., front, in front; l>triijue e, (fort.) front plate (of a cupola); sovfi-gorge, (harn.) brow band and throat- latch in one continuous piece. frontail, m., (harn.) mourning brow band. frontcau, m., frontlet: (harn.) brow band; mourn- ing brow band; de mire, ( F. m. art.) front sight; dc it err e, (nav.) housing chocks; support de de mire, ( F. m. art.) sight patch, sight mass. frontlere, f. and a., frontier, border; /XI.WT la , to cross the border; tille , villt de la , border town. fronton, m., pediment; de bateau, (pout.) ponton stern. frotlaKe, m., rubbing; dry rubbing. f rot foment, m., friction; 'rubbing; dcs f cuttles, (mil.) scouring of plates, after pickling; de alifistment, sliding Iriction; inonter a dur, to mount with a press lit; demourement, friction of motion; paiir n , to fit, or go in, with friction: to go in with a press fit : piece de , (liarn. i galling leather; plni/i/f de . friction plate; ill re pox, friction pi quiescence; - - erfeet obturation; mettie en , to put to flight; prendre la , to take to night. fulgurite, f., (npl.) fulgurite. fiili;;incii\, a., smoky, sooty. fulinlbols, m., (eipl.) nitrated sawdust. fulml(-)roton, m., (expl.) gun cotton; com prime, compressed gun cotton; tiuntide, wet gun cotton; sec, dry gun cotton. f ulml-moteur, m., ti jxiudre, explosive engine. fulminant, a., (ex pi.) fulminating, detonating; argent , fulminate of silver; composition e, fulminating composition; merctire , fulminate of mercury; poudre e, priming powder. fulminate, m., (eipl.) fulminate: de mercure, mercuriqne, mercury fulmi- nate. fulmlnatiiie, f., (eipl.) fulminatine. fulmlnutlon, f., (eipl.) detonation. fulniliier, v. n., (eipl.) to fulminate, detonate. fulmi-paille, f., (fipl.) nitrated straw. fulmlson, m., (eipl.) nitrated bran. fume 1 , m., smoky, smoked; verre , smoked glass. fume>, f., smoke, vapor; bolted , smoke box: cylindreb , (artif.) smoke-producing cylinder, to simulate at target practice the smoke of an enemy; poudre h , (pou'd.) black (brown) powder; smoke-producing powder, smoky powder; poudre sans , (eipl.) smokeless powder; tut/au conducteur de la , smoke pipe. fumer, v. a. n., to smoke, reek, throw out smoke; to expose to smoke; to smoke; (hipp.) to steam; un four, un fourneau, (mtt.) to dry a furnace (e. g., after repairs); sa pipe, (hipp.) (said of horse afllicted with epilepsy) to take food indolently and chew it some li'me. fumeroii, m., (pou'd.) half-burnt charcoal. fuinler, m., manure, dung, horse dung; dunghill: tamberiau.il , dung cart. fumigation, f., fumigation. fmniijatoine, a., fumigation. fumijifre, m., smoke composition; a., sniokw generating. fumlvore, in., smoke consumer; a., smoke con- suming. fune, f., ridge rope (of an awning). funebrc, a., funeral. tuner, \ . u., (cord.) to rij;; un unit, to fix the standing rigging on the masthead. fuller-allies, I'., pi., funeral, funeral ceremonies. fuiiii ulaire, a., lunicular: f., lunicular curve, ctitenary. fuiiin, in., (cord.) ropes and rigging (of a ship); jrnnc , white, untarred, rope; hawser; ti\e- si randed rope. fusaiii, in., spindle-tree, prickwood; drawing char- coal; charcoal pencil; criiiion de . ch-.ircoul pencil; ine, bobbin fuse (in which a wire is un- wound from one bobbin to another and a tongue releases a spring that strikes the primer); en boix. wooden fuse: de bombe, common shell fuse; bonnetage des *, v. bonnetage; borgne, blind fuse, fuse that fails to work; d boule, fuse in which the rotation of the central slcm is assured by a ball; ticadran, disk fuse, ring fuse; calicc de , fuse cap; canal de , bore of a fuse; d chapeau. cap fuse; chapeau de reglage de , setting collar; chapiteau de , fuse cone; chargee, loaded fuse; chassc s, fuse setter; coiffe de , fuse cap; coiner la , to cap a fuse; & concussion, concussion fuse; corps dc , fuse case; de culot, base fuse; decoitjer une , to uncap a fuse; a deux etages, double time-train fuse; disposer la d tcm/>s. to set a time fuse; d double effct, double-action fuse, combina- tion fuse; & double effetd chapeau, mobile, combination fuse with rotating cap; d duree(s), time fuse; d eclatement reiarde, delay-action fuse; d effct rttarde, delay-action fuse; - electrique, electric fuse; & etages, double-ring fuse: dctoupilles, v. d'amorce; fausse d'exercice. drill tube; a friction, (hand grenade) friction fuse; fuxante, time fuse; godct de , fuse cup; d grenade, hand-grenade fuse; a inirtic, fuse on which the primer is free and striker fixed; a inflammation directe. any fuse inflamed by the discharge; lumitre dc , v. canal de ; mccanitjuc, mechanical fu.se; metallique, metallic fuse; metallique a canal circulairc. ring fuse; miite, double-action fuse; combination fuse; a obus, shell fuse; a il dc . fuse hole; a percussion, - - prrcutante, percussion fuse; pincc dc , fuse engine; d plaltau, disk fuse; rate dc , failure of a fuse to ai-t; drefouUment, fuse in which the primer is fixed and striker free; riglfc, time fuse; rigler une , to set a fuse; restart d'armi mint de , fuse spring; relardrc delay-action fuse; ruban dc fuse hand: a six durccs, a (French) six-channeled time fuse; de surete, safety fuse; it it in px. time fuse; - fi temps a dun ilagts, fuse with double time- train; - ill t/te, nose fuse, point fuse; fufcc m n a fuse whose eye is m mm in diameter, for a shell whose top is ii' 01 " in diameter; II. Rockets, etc.: fusfce, affut ft, , v. s. v. affut; ame de , bore, hollow, of a rocket; - - asphyxiante, (mil. min.) asphyxiating de- vice; baguette de , rocket stick: d baguette, rocket and stick, ordinary rocket' sans baguette, v. & rotation; d ballon, light ball; de Bickford, Bickford fuse; - - de bombar dement, siege rocket; d bombe, shell rocket; de campagne, field rocket: d carcasse incendiaire, carcass rocket; chargcment de la -, driving of a rocket; chevalet d, de, s, v. s. v. cheralet; d commotion, concussion rocket; o la Congrtrt, Congreve rocket; courante, line rocket; degorger une , to empty a rocket; d double vol, double rocket; d'cclair, flash rocket; - d'eclairage, eclairantc, light rocket; eclatante, star rocket; engorger une , to fill a rocket; garniture de. , rocket heading; de guerre, war rocket (Congreve); de guerre & ricochets, ground rockets; d'honneur, signal rocket to open fireworks; incindiairc, carcass rocket; instan/anee, instantaneous fuse (cordcau portc-ffu); Bickford quick match; Irnte, slow match, Bickford fuse; lumineuse, rocket light ball; d mitraille, case rocket: & obits, shell rocket, shell-headed rocket; - d parachute, parachute rocket (i. e., to fur- nish a parachute light); d plusieurs vols, compound rocket; porte-amarre. life rocket; porte-fcu, (mil. min.) firing rocket for firing mines; rondille de . separator, separating disk; d rotation, rifle rocket: d serpents, rockets with swarmers; dc signal, dc siejnaui. signal rocket; de. siyii'iui d petards, marron-headed rocket; bounce-headed rocket; d table, tourbillon; tfte de , rocket head; torpil/e, torpedo rocket; tube d , rocket tube; vivc, v. inxtantanec, rolanle, signal rocket, skyrocket; volante d etoiles, star-headed rocket. III. Miscellaneous: d'un arbre, (mach.) axle arm; d'aviron. mouse of an oar; de cabestan, barrel of a windlass; d'(xxi(u, axletree arm; de treuil, capstan barrel. fusf'cn, in., (art.) rocketeer. d clu ral, mounted rocketeer. fuselc, a., spindle-shaped; slender; taper. tuser, v. a. n., to fuse, liquify, melt. fusihilitt, f.. fusibility. fusil, in., steel (for striking a light, for sharpening a knife); (xm. a.) musket, rifle; - d aiguilh . neoilk- gun; anner un , to cock a gun; automatique, (.\faxitnj automatic gun; baguittc de , cleaning rod; - - d bloc, any rifle whose breech is closed by a block containing part of the breoch mechanism (e. g., Remington, I'oabody); bois de , rifle stock; brtttlle de - -, rifle sling: a broche, any rifle firing the cartridge by a striker (broche) (e. g., Lebel, Mauser); en nun de - -. rifle barrel; xe chanjeant par la culasse, breech-loading rifle; - d chargeur, rifle to which a loader may be attached; - de chasxr. fowling piece; chirn de , hammer; - d chien non-apparent, hammerless shotgun; fusil 197 fusil choke-bored, choke-bore shotgun; coup de , v. s. v. coup; crostse de 7 butt of the stock; fi culasse tombante, v. arme A culture tom- bante; A de>it canons, it deui coups, double- barreled gun; elertrigue, electric gun. (Tieper) pun fired by electricity; also, in tests, etc., any gun fired by electricity (incorrect term); d'eprtuve,ri{\o used to try ammunition; fi frelte, (ball.) rifle barrel bedded in an enormous cylinder (frette), and intended for tho test of ammunition; , mastic (of glue and sawdust . fuyaut, a., tapering; receding (of shape, e. g., plate of a turret or cupola i: allrr en , 10 approach each ol her (as the edgey of a front sight ); ichelle f, reducing scale, flying scale. fuyard, m., fugitive, runaway." Kiibare, f., (nai.) transport, lighter. puliuror, v. a., to scull a boat. cahari, m., v. gabaril. cubariage, in., not, action, of modeling. Kabiirlrr, v. a., to mold, model. gaharit, m., gaure, templet, modeling board; ( sirge, fart. ) j.a bion form ; de chari/i nn nt, . frame of the interior profile of the tunnel, to gauge trucks or llai cars loaded ai rrnr); d'r gnhiun. dtx gabionx, (sirgr,fort.) gabion form ; rff ptntr, (mil. win.) slope gauge; dcx rails, (r. r.) rail section. gabet, in., \a:ie ; sk'ht of a qundranf. Kahlcr, in., (nai .) jiicked sailor, fir.-t-class man: de hunt, lopinan, rifleman in the tops. gabion, m., (siege, fort.) gabion: d'artillerie, (l-'r. art.) gabion l ln high (wat- tling) by 'l..~>r>"> in exterior diameter: liu*r ih' ., v. s. \. hum-: --- cl't'jnrtni , wicker gabion; gabion /arc/, sap roller: d>i y> nit, ( l-'r. tJi:t.) gabion O.^Om high (wat- tling) and O.iiO" 1 in exterior diameter; pliant, coll-.ipsiblc gabion: - ronlnnf, sap roller: - ara|iet. gabion tier, v.a., (."irge,fort.) to revet with gabions, to gabion. gaburoii, m., fish, clamp (for a mast ). gilrliaer, in., mixing of mortar. gAclie. f., nab. c:ilch, staple; wall hook: it, , matee, (fort.) casemate gallery; ti del ourcrt, open gallery: de communication, (fort.) communicating. transverse, gallery; - high by 2.1 wide; nil tie . entrance to a gallery; en i>m-t( , v. inclnx't; juiite , tii/in.) heading, creep bole; - pi'inciii'ilf, (min.) mother-gate; (mil. min.) v. 'iint j< ii n; --- i!t rcrerx, (fort.) counterscarp gallery; revers* gallery, Hanking gallery (ditch:; - Irtinsrersale, (mil. min.) cross or fommuni- cat ing gallery. naleiicii, m., galley slave. galct, m., pebble, bowlder, gravel, shiiurle; Kin 1 . galet 199 gamelle galet fi friction, (tnaclt.) friction disk; - - de friction, friction roller; - ijuidf. roller guide, chain-roller guide; de retirement, (art.) eccentric roller; ( FT. art.) rear roller of the afftit fi soullvcmtnt; & restart, spring roller, roller with elastic bearings; de Toulement, (an.) recoil roller; friction roller; de sovtevement, v. de retirement (Fr. art.): tournant, swivel roller. galetage, m., (powd.) operation of making press cuke; - - auz meules, pressing in nn incorporating mill; -- ti la presse, operation of making press cake by (hydraulic) pressure. galeter, v. a., (powd.) to make press cake, galetie, f., thin, flat cake; biscuit, cake; (powd.) press cake; (art.) obturator pud, gas-check pad; separator, separating disk (of a shrapnel); comprimie, (jwwd.) press cake; de I'obturateur, (art.) gas-check pad; - - plastique, (art.) gas-chock pad; de poudre, (powd.) mill cake; promenade , (St. Cyr slang) general marching out. galcux, a., mangy, scabby, scabbed, gallette, f. , v. gailtftte. gallote, f., (nar.) galliot; , in., (man.) gallop; canter; - - aixe, easy canter; aller an --.'to gallop; allonge. ( Fr. car.) a gallop at the rate of 4-10 a minute: full gallop; au , at a gallop; (call) u'allop; branlc de . start of a gallop; de charge. ( FT. cat'.) full-speed gallop; charg- ing gallop'; dc chassc, a gallop at the rate of MX)" 1 a min- ute; de contrrtt m/is. a broken gallop (gallop, fore legs; courbcttix. hind legsi; dc course, a gallop at the rain of SOU'" to yOO"" a minute; running gallop, run (I'. S.;; galop drsuni. disunited gallop; dur, rough gallop; d'icolf, v. dt mantge; (according to some authorities) a synonym of galopade. last definition; enltrrr dt , run off at a gallop; a faux, gallop with the wrong foot leading; force, overreached gallop; grand , full gallop; - -juste, true gallop; - - de manage, ( Fr. cat'.) hand gallop; a slow gallop of variable rate (according to some authorities, of 350"> a minute), employed in training recruits and young horses; ordinaire, (Fr. car.) gallop at the rate of 34O" a minute; pdit , hand gallop, canter; ple.in , v. grand ; - & quatre limps, a gallop in which four beats are heard, (hence) irregular gallop; (according to some authorities) a synonym of de manage; au triple , as fast as possible; a trots temps, true gallop, normal gallop. galopade, f., (man.) galloping, gallop; space gal- loped over; an air consisting in a short-gaited, well-marked gallop: faire tine , to have a gallop. galoper, v. n., (man.) to gallop; to go at a gallop; - di'iuni, to gallop disunited: :ucter: irmnai, testing galvanometer (as for tor- pedoes): i'i /// di cocoa. Nobili's astatic t/uh aiiii. \ . 11 rtimir; dm .iin us, sine galvanometer; di.f tuiKjt n/ix. tangent galvano ii t'lrriuii. torsion galvanomete galvanoplastie, f.. elect roplai ing. galvaiioplastUjuc, a., galvanophist galxaiioscopc, in.. gal\anoscope. ganiachc, I'., (mil. ) spatterdash butus being now useifl. eainelle, f.. cup, bowl, platter: (i mess, dinner (also breakfast >: -- de cum pi mi nt, ( I'r. a.) camp gamelle 200 garde gamelle dt cavaltrie. ( Fr. roc.) individual mess tin; de cuisine, (Fr. a.) soup copper (as for a whole company); faire arec, to mess with; indinduelle, ( Fr. a.) individual mess tin; d'infunterie, (Fr. inf.) individual mess tin; marmite de pelotnn, (Fr. a.) mess kettle, issued one to each platoon of cavalry; moitlin h cafe, (Fr. a.) a mess tin, having a cottee mill in place of the usual lid; pour 4 homines, ( Fr. a.) mess tin used during marches, maneuvers, on mobilization, and issued four to each squad of infantry, and one to every four men in the artillery, the train, etc.; prendre , to take, eat, dinner. gamine, f., gamut, scale; (top. drawing) scale of hachures, tones, tints; dcs charge*, (art. ) scale of charges for different angles of tire (plunging). ganarhe, f., (hipp.) lower jaw; region of the lower jaw; charge de , (hipp.) heavy-headed; ccartement des s, splay of the jaw; faire la , (hipp.) to bucn off or remove hairs on the ganache (common horses); onrerte, wide jaw; atrrif, narrow jaw. ganglion, m., (hipp.) spavin. gangrene, f., (med.) gangrene. gaiiguo, f., (met.) gangue; (mas.) mass of mortar i, rare). gaiise, f., (cord.) small cord: loop, eye, cord or rope doubled on itself; bight, double, or bend with which a knot commences; (art.) rope handle (for handling projectiles); d'accouple, (harn.) coupling loop; de cordc, loop, bend, eye ol a rope; croiaee, (harn., etc.) thong-lace; d'ctoupille, (art.) friction-primer loop; de prolongs, (art.) prolonne loop; dti trait de harnait, (harn.) trace loop; Iron dc , (art.) rope-handle eye. gaiisin, in., (cord.) nipper. gaiit, m., glove: bourrf , boxing, fencing, glove; de boxf, boxing glove; - d'escrime, fencing glove; l/oar faire les arme.i, v. d'escrime; foiirre, \ . bourre; de manoeuvre, (unif.) sort of drill mitten (art.); de. mancruvre (dit rnoufle), v. de ma- naui-re; month, mitten: passe-coude, gaunt lei ; s de piid, (mil. slang) wooden shoes. garage, m., docking of boats: (hence) basin, turn- out (as in is, canal); (r. r.) shilling, shunting; side track; - de. churgement, (r. r.) loading t rack : roic dt , (r. r.) side track, siding. garatit, m., guaranty, surety; (cord.) running, hauling part of a tackle; fall, tackle fall: dr caltornf, (cord.) fall of a winding tackle; dc candelitte, (cord.) fish-tackle fall; tit en pun, (cunt.) eat-n>pe or fall: - dr /Milan, (cord.) tackle fall; - d' n n< pou in , (cord.) strap of a block. garant, a., guaranteeing. garantl. in., person guaranteed, bonded person. garantie, f., warranty, guaranty, secririiy; money deposited as a guaranty. garantlr, v. a., to warrant, L-uarantee, ma : ,e sure; to protect, shield. garantisseur, in., bondsman. garcettp, f., cat: Icnrd.t naskt't. knit tie, sennit; de fourrure de ciible, (cord.} plat, for serving a cable; lerrr tine , (cord.) to un^ei^e; - , '* ilt cninniiinifiiiioii, in war, troops guarding communications. II. Miscellaneous: garde 201 gare garde se mettre en , (fene.) to take the position of guard; mtttre tout bonne. , to commit to custody; reprendre , (ftnc.) to resume jvysition of guard; de sabre, (tm. a.) guard of a sword or saber; *ou , (sm. a.) trigger guard; te tenir en , (fenc.) to be on guard; se tcnir tur ses , to be careful, to be on the watch, garde, m., watchman, guardian, keeper; (mil.) guardsman; --d'artiilrrie, (Fr. art.) artillery storekeeper (on duty in the various establishments of tho arm, rank as officers; there are five grades: principal de lere, time, classe; de lere, Seme, Seme classed; cent - s, Napoleon Ill's bodyguard; cent- *, a member of the cent gardes: champitre, in France, a country policeman; chef-artiftcier, (Fr. art.) a d'artillrrie that has been a n. c. o. of artillery and has taken tho course at the school of pyroteehny; chcf-oucricr , ( F. art. ) a d'artilUrie coming from the ouvriers d'etat, q. v.: & cheval, (mil.) horse guardsman; comptaole, ( Fr. art.) a - d'artilhrir in charge of material, and sometimes responsible for public funds: au corps, (mil.) life guardsman; in pi., life guard, bodyguard; forestitr, forester: v. chasseurs forrxtiers: (/ ginie, (Fr. cny.) an obsolete name for adji>int du, genie; imperial, (mil.) moniber of the imperial guard; - - iii'iritime, v. gardc-pfchc a (>iid, (mil.) foot guardsman; principal de le.rt- (Stint) < lossy, f FT. art.') the two highest grades in the hierarchy of the gardes d'artillerit; royal, (mil.) life guardsman, member of royal guard; des sciaiuc, keeper of the seals. garde & vous, (mil.) attention (call and com- mand). gartle-burrifrre, m.. (r. r.) crossing keeper. garde-boue, in., mud guard (bicycle). gardc-calsses, m., (art.) in mountain artillery, tho cannoneer that passes out ammunition from th chests. garxie-ceiidre, m.. fender. garde-chaliie, m., chain guard r,>icy< lei. garde-chambre, in., (mil.) room orderly. garde-chasse, m.. gamekeeper. garde-chevaux, m., (art.) horse holder. garde-coffre, m.. (art.) tho cannoneer at the limber. garde-con slgiie, m., person whose duly it is to see that orders are carried out. garde-corps, in., manrope; hand rail, side rail. balustrade (of a bridge); rail (of a ship;; swifter (of a capstan). garde-cote(s), m., oonsf guard, coast guardsman; (nar.) coast-guard vessel. coast-defense, vessel: en irajsxf, (nav.) armored coast-defense ves- sel; a tourcllcs, (nai.) turret coast-defense ves- sel. ganlc-crotte, in., mud guard, dashboard, splash- board. garde-drapoau, in., (mi!.} color guard. garde-etaloii, in., stud keeper. garde-feu, in., fender. garde-finances, in., in Italy, the customhouse personnel. garde-flaiic, m., (mil.) flank guard, garde-flans, m., side-pad of a saddle. de-fi bah rope, hand-rail, garde-foil mean, in., dnit.) assistant founder. gurde-freiii, in., hrakcmun. garde-frontieres, in., in Russia, the customhouse personnel. garde- jam be, in., (/torn.) leg guard. garde-jour, m.. screen. garde-June, m., skirt guard (woman's bicycle). garde-ligne, m., (r. r.) trark watchman. K-trde-magaslii, m., storekeeper. ganle-inain, m., (sm. a.) hand guard, barrel guard. garde-malade, m., f., (med.) nurse. garde-manger, in., pantry. garde-marine, m., (H/JI.) naval cadet, midship- man (obs. ). garde-iueuble, m.. funiiture storehouse, lumber- room. garde-pare, ( Fr. art.) battery, storekeeper (nuus chtfartiftcicr) (cares for material, etc.). garde-pave, m., curbstone. gardc-pecJie, m., in France, a sort of river and mist policeman, coast guard. garde-phare, in., IK'ht-house keeper. garde-port, in., harbor watch. Karde-poussiere, in., dust guard. garder, v. a., to guard, keep, protect, watch, d"- feiul; (mil.) to guard: to defend; Ics arrf'tft, (mil.) to observe one's arrest, to be in arrest; la. prison, to be in jail: ley rang*, (mil.) to remain, keep, in ranks; sc , to prole t one's self; (mil.) to do guard duty, to perform security service; Ic terrain, (man.) to keep on the track (of a horse); en rue. to keep sight of. garde-robe, m., wardrobe. Karde-role, m.. keeper of the rolls. garde-roue, splasher (of a carriage); guard stone (at a corner;; wlioel rail (of a bridge cf boats); garde-sable, (pont.) hurter. garde-salle, m., (/- lishments, uulass the engineer-; havt> a spivial representative; nearest equivalent. I", s. A., ordnance serjreanl I. gare, f., place whore wagons, boats, carriages may be kept; small wet dock or basin: p aro in seciint . if arrival. et .. sta- river v.lu're vessel tion: platform: - -d'arririi, (r. r.) statioi journey: - d( liifurcation, (r. r.) station at tho inter;-'>-- tion or branching of two lines; chif di --- , (r. r.) station master: df di part, (r. r.) station at the hejnnniii f a jounie\ : (/c depots, (r.r.) station at which locomr.ii . . s are changed: - - d'iftii. wliarf; - - d'ifiti nit nt. (r. r.) turn-out (rack, side ;n.ck, station: -frunl grand i litilli c, (r. r.) frontier station: principal or main railroad - tiultt-nptis. (HI//, i co\,-r for men halted for me:ds on railrnad j in/irmirii d< ---- . v. s. v. infirnitri, ; ii marchaiidiscs, (r. r.) freight dep. station; rfc p'tint df di part d't tapis. ( Fr. >i ! at - tiiuriianli , (r. r. ) turntable; Urininait, (,r. r.) tciinunis; 202 ga/ (tare d tite, (r. r.) reversing station: de triage, (r. r.) station for making up trains; out royageurs, (r. r.) passenger station, pare, (interject ion) look out! an fi'ihle. stand clear of the cable! destoux, stand from under! A von*, look out for yourself! garrr, v. a., to shift, shunt (railway carriages); to put boats in a basin or dock; se , (of carriages) to pass each other on the road by turning out; (r. r.) to pass upon a side track. " lllft f-. gargoyle; water pipe (in a gutter); pur ring; (harn.) lower cheek; eye of a bridle bit. gancnusse, f.. (art.) cartridge; hblanf. blank cur! ridge; - - de con! rule, standard cartridge; & esp'ices d'air, air-spared cartridge; - d'ncrcice, practice cartridge; lift, choked cartridge; nuf, exposed cartridge (i. e., not in pass box); ob/uratrice, self-sealing cartridge; - tuns poudrr, dummy cartridge; de srtlut, pour 'salve d'artillerie, saluting cartridge; - -siijnal, signal cartridge; cidt, cartridge bag. garsimssler, m.. (art.) cartridge bag; pass box; ti fond mobile, (F. m. art.) pass box with movable bottom for convenience of loading. Kami, m., filling; (cord.) rounding. garnlr, y. a., to fit, furnish, equip with; to stock, provide, supply, adorn; to rig; (cord.) to serve (a rope); (mach.) to pack (a stulling box): to apply (as a chain to a sprocket wheel): (mil.) to man (a line), occupy a position; (harn.) to put the harness (on a horse's back); (artif.) to fit the head and cone of a rocket ; une amarre, (cord.) to put on a rounding; les iii-irons, to ship the oars; une batterie, (art.) to fit out and equip a battery: le cube/Stan, to rig the capstan; ii cii'e.rre, (art.) to rig the gin; une t pie, (sm. a.) to put on the guard; une finite, (artif.) to fix the head and cone of a rocket; - If. i joints, (max.) to point : la liyne de feu, (mil.) to man, strengthen, the. firing line; le magaxin, (am. a.) to fill the magazine; une place, (mil.) to supply a fortress (guns, etc., stores, etc.); un snucisisoii , (artif.) to fill up a saucisson where it is too thin; un tirrain, (art.) to cover an area wit h falling projectiles. tcamisaire, m.. a soldier billeted on a family whose son had failed to respond to the conscription (obs.). gariilson, f.. (mil.) garrison; (l - -. garrisoned; de di faise, complete or full garrison of a forties or f (i-tified pout ion, i. e.. the number of men necessary to make a fortress equal to ils ta; - de xiiri'r, in a fortress or fortified position, the minimum of troops needed to guard against the-surpri.se or open assault ; tcnir -n, to be si itioned at or in; tille de -, garrison town. narnissage, m., facing, trimming; (xm. a.) gen- eral t-Tin for all the minor operations of getting a gun barrel to shape. ganusseur, m., (xm. a.) finisher. garniture, f., furnishing, furniture, fitting; mount- ing; set; trimming; filling; quilting; (in pi.) mountings, finishings: wards of a lock; lining, liner (esp. met.) lining of a furnace, of a con- verter; (mach.) bearing box; packing, stuffing; (cord.) serving, rigging (standing and running); (farr.) outer edge or border of a horseshoe (projecting beyond the wall of the foot); (m. a., in pi.) fittings, mountings, of a rifle, of a sword (bands, swivels, etc.); acide, (mtf.)acid lining: artifices de , d'artifices, (artif.) rocket filling; d'asbeste, (mach.) asbestos packing; autoclave, automatique, (mach.) self-act- ing packing; basique, (met.) basic lining; de bolte d'etoupe, (mach., etc.) packing; en caoutchouc, (mach.) rubber packing- de chain re, (mach.) hemp packing; S de ,f"ff rf f > <""''> a11 . gaucliisseiuont, m., warping, bending, shrink- ing, getting out of true. gaulr, f., stall', rod, ]>ole: d'aiKiiijiu, (nm.) llagstalT (small, as ;.l stern of. ship i : " d( poinpf . (mach.) pumpspe:ir. gaulelte, f. , wattle, wit lie. i;a\age, in.,^!u!ling (as of pi;:eons^. gave, (i , astraddle. gayrt, m.. i familiar term for) horse; tnuqnilliT un - . v. s. v. innqn'llir. gayette, f. . v. galiitte. K'dt, in., gas; bic di . gas burner; ga/ 203 glnie gaz lie combustion, gases of combustion; compteurb , gas meter; conduit ft , gas pipe; conduit A principal, gas main; ecla.irn.gr ail , gas lighting; d'tclairage, illuminating gas; Moirer au , to illuminate by gas; de hovillf, coal gas; impermeable au , gas-tight; reservoir de , gas holder, receiver; robinet de , gas cock; usinf b , gas works; tuyau 4 , gas pipe; tu'i/titt i principal, gas main. gazage, m., (met.) reduction by gaseous fuel, gaze, f.. gauze; - - metallique, wire gauze; & pansement, (med.) dressing gauze. gazllfler, v. a., to transform into gas. garotte, f., gazette; lire la , (hipp.) to be off his feed (familiar). gazoux, a., gaseous. guzier, m., gas fitter. gazogene, m., gas generator. gazometre, m., gasometer, receiver; a contrepoid.f, counterpoise receiver; & lunette, telescopic gas holder; a mouvemints librt.*, free receiver. gazon, m., grass; turf; sod; de buutisse, header; matte de , sod (cut out in squares); dc panntrex-ie, stretcher; plague, facing sod; post de haul, head sod; de rerftemint, revetment sod; revftemcnt en , sod revetment; it talus, v. posf de liaut. gazonnage, m., (fort.) sod work, sodding, revet- ting with sod. gazonnemeiit, m., (fort.) v. gazonnage. gazonncr, v. a., to turf, to sod, revet with sod. gazonneur, m., (fort.) sod layer. gelatine, f., gelatin; -dftonantc, v. erploxire; -dynamite, (apl.) gelatin dynamite, Nobel's nitrogelatine; eiploitive, (erpl.) explosive gelatin; gum dynamite; de guerre, (eipl.) explosive gelatin, gum dynamite, blasting gelatin: o6u" d, , (art.) shell filled with explosive gelatin. gelatinlsntlon, f., (erpl.) gelatinization. gflatlniser, v. a., (izpl.) to gelatinize. gclbite, f., (dpi.) gelbite. gelee, f., frost; - - blanchf , hoar frost. gcler, v. a. n. r., to freeze, become frozen. gelif, a., cracked, or liable to crack, by frost (stones, trees). gfligiiite, f.. (npl.) gelignite. gelivite, f.. liability to crack, etc., by frost. gf'llviire, f., frost-crack (in trees, stones). gomelle, f., (conn.) fish, side piece, check. gendarme, in., ( Fr. a.) gendarme, private of the gendarmerie: ''/N pi.) tin 1 gendarmerie: flf'.i- - , " lance " gendarme, lowest, enlisted grade of the gendarmerie. gendarmerie, f.. ( / /. a.) gendarmerie rivil duties, those of a const abulai y, army d ties, provo-it guard, prisoner's gu ird. direct ioi and man:ii, r i'jneiil of tin- train* ritjimmlaires. vhen consolidated); headquarters of a gendar nerie post, the IK si iti:i'i:ui . u/ff,(wji7.)'military men, soldiers; tit (jiLtrr( . v. d'fjifc: de)fttres, literary men; dt mrr, seafaring men; no.* . i 'mil.) our side, our people; a!/.) mean trajectory of a sheaf; - rfr.v trajtcloirus, (ball.) pencil or sheaf of trajec- tories. gerber, v. a., to pile casks one on another; to make up into sheaves. gerce, f. , crack, shake (in wood); plank cracked in its thickness. gereer, v. a. r.. (of wood) to become shaky, to be- come fr.ll of shakes; to crack, cranny; tocrack (hi general). ff.erc.ure, f., crack, fissure; shake, flaw (in wood); crevice, chink, cleft; (art.) hair crack, hair lire (in armor, on the outer surface, of guns, etc.; Haw produced in the outer surface of bronze guns by long service; dc trempe, (mtt.) crack produced by temper- ing. gerine, m., germ, seed; shoot : defect , (hijip.) mark in a horse's mouth. gerseau, m., (cord.) small grommet or block strap. geste, m.. gesture; d'arcrtissemcnt, (mil.) warning gesture (to attract attention); (I'trf-ciititiii, (mil.} gesture of execution: prcparatoirt , (mil.) preparatory gesture. gestitm, f.. (adm.) administration: management or performance of duties according to dei.nito rules, under the obligation of making returns, (hence) officials or persons in charge of stores, of moneys; atltninistratire, generic term for the perform- ance of any administrative duty; d/ clrrca maitrr, v. dincie; cdllectire, (Fr. a.) the administration of a const il d'adrninixfratior/; dirfde, the direct performance of a service, etc., by the government (i. e., without the intermediary of a contractor); - manuttrilionniire, the actual handling of stores or of moneys, in the performance of a government operation, in carry ing on a rn'cr. geslioimaire, m., (adm.) functionary or ollicial re!<' for (lie performance (titnlinn) of a service; a., in charge, having charge of. glbeciere, f., game bag. gibelet, m., gimlet , borer. gibiTlie, f., (mil.) cartridge box (old pattern). glboulfp, f. . hail shower. gitfartl. m.. d'trhavxtion. (inaclt.j ejector. gigots 205 godet gigots, in., pi., (hi pp.) hind legs of a horse. glgott, a., (hipp.) having strong thighs. gigue, t., de crosse, (m. a.) swell on a gun stock; monler en , (*m. a.) to put or leave a swell on a gun stock. gllet, m., waistcoat, undershirt: d'arme*, (fmc.) fencing jacket; donner un & qurlqu'un, (frnc.) to out fence one's opponent, to touch him very frequently; defer, (mil. slang) cuirassier. glnguet, m., pawl, (as of a capstan, etc.). glraiide, f., (orti/.) girande, bouquet; any firework turning upon a wheel; girandole chest; collec- tion of rockets placed in a chest in rows, smallest in front and largest in rear. girandole, f., (artif.) girandole, any firework turn- ing upon a wheel; wheel whose circumference is studded with rockets; any lirework which revolves horizontally upon its center. giratoire, a., gyratory; faculte , (nav.) turning power (of a ship). glrel, m., windlass, capstan (a Mediterranean term). giruii, m., handle of an oar; movable handle (as of a crank); (cons.) tread of a step; (mack.) distance between the bearings of a crank; droll, (cons.) tread of a straight staircase; triangulaire, (cons.) tread of a winding stair- case. giromiC-, a., winding; marche e, (cons.) step of a winding stair. girouette, f., vane, wind vane, weathercock; fcr de , vane spindle. " glsement, m., bed (e. g., of clay); (nav.) bearing.. glte, m., lodging; vein, seam, bed, deposit (of ore, coal, etc.); (cons.) door sleeper; (art.) sleeper, sill, of a gun platform: (mil.) halting place (esp. at the end of a march, of a day's march); dc ctilage (art.) rear sleeper, cross sleeper, of a siege platform; cintree, (art.) curved sleeper (of a gun plat- form); d'etapes, v. s. v. itapc, lantbourdc , v. s. v. lambourde; - principal d'etapfx, v. s. v. itape. glter, v. n., to lodge, sleep. ghre, m., rime, hoar fivst. glace, f.,ice; plate glass; (macli.) slide-valve facing, slide-valve seal; bane dc , field of ice: de cylindre, (much.) cylinder face; tn derive, floating ice; iceberg; mon/ayne dc , iceberg; nappe de , sheet of ice: --objectif, (opt.) object glass; put in a , (art.) runner. glarer, v. a., to freeze; to glaze. glacerie, f., manufacture of ice. glacier, m., glacier. glacis, m., slope; (fort.) glacis; -bnttu tout juste, (fort.) glacis so constructed that the plane of the superior slope passes not more than d."*) above its crest nor more thaii !"" over its fo.it; -~tn contn-pente, (fnrt.) countersloping glacis: cnupr, (furl.) limited glacis, swejit by brixurts in the interior crest of the main work; -cuirassi-, (fort.) armored glacis (in Griison system and others involving use of metals); manque, (furl.) glacis mask; de pied de. cheval, (hipp.) exterior surface of the hoof; - -- nini pit, (fort.) single glacis; toll - -, (/or/.) glacis plate. glacon, m., cake of ice, ice floe, icicle. glais, in., v. gins. glaise, f.. loam; clay, potter's day; ttrrc - --, clay. glaiseux, a., clayey, marly; tirrain , still", clayey, ground. glalvr, m., sword (poetical); puix.; marine, marine glue. Kluant, ;:. , viscous, slicky, glutinous. glucose, f., (chtm.) glucose. glucodinc, f., (cxpl.) nitrated solution ol cano sugar. glyc^rldc, f., (chcm.) glycerid. glj (f-rlne, f., (chcm.) glycerin; niiro- , (tjcpl.) nitroglycerin. glyccronltre, f., (iipl.) another n:im<' for ]>"ly- nitrocelluloso. glyc'n>-p> roxyliiie, f., (a pi.) Clark's nitrogelatin, tlurk's explosive. glyoxyllue, f., (npl.) glyoxylin. golu'lcl, m., cup; (artif.) nx-kct-case. Kobeter, v. a., (iiui-*.) to point a wall; to stop. goMilc, f., (puiid.) triiurating ball. godet, m., ciij), bucket; bucket of a mill wli.i'l; (tilnj.) telegrajih-line insulati.r; (.-in. a. r.: , cup or cap of a fuse, primer cap; (urM ve:i!- sliell in bron/.e s. b. mortars (o!'s.); brre. !:- ])iug recess or hollow ide KelTyeV. sort of washer guard used with the l.emoiuo brake; --dcjuxu, ('in.) lu.-e cup; godet 206 gousset godet b graise, graaseur, (maeh.) oil cup, grease t-iip; it huilr. oil cup; A suif, talfcnv cup; de support, (tclcg.) insulator. godille, i., (boats) stern oar, scull. godiller, v. n., to scull. iKxllllcur, in., sculler. godillot. m., ( Fr. a.) military shoe (so called from name of manufacturer; no longer worn 1 "; (mil. slang) recruit. gotflette, f., schooner, golfe, m., gulf, gum me, f., gum; adraaante, gum tragacanth; arabiaue, gum arable; rlastique. mdia rubber; n plosive, (eipl.) gum dynamite, explosive gelatin; quite . gamboge; ia<}>K. gum l:io. KOiiimelaquer, v. a., to gum lac. guild, in., hinge; hook, pintle; gudgeon collar; a . hinged; de fichi, hinge hook; horx dfs .?, oif the hinges. gomlllle, f., \. 'godille. gondiller, v. a., v. godiller. gondolage, m., warping (of wood). goiidolemeiit, m., v. gondolage. gomloler, v. n.. to \yarp (as a drawing board). gondolure, f., warping. gonflement, m., swelling, distension; inflation of a balloon; quantity of gas no essary to fill a balloon; (sm. a.) swell in gun barrel (caused by sand, gravel, etc.). gonfler, v. a., to swell, swell out, distend: to inflate a balloon. goniasmometre, m., (inst.) goniometer. goiiioKrapliique, a., v. goniomitriquc. goniometre, m., (inst.) goniometer; - dc pointage, (art.) aiming goniometer. gonlometrique, a., angle measuring. gorge, f., throat, neck, mouth, opening; groove, channel, score, of a pulley; (tech.) recess, chan- nel, furrow, groove, fiollow; (top.) gorge, ravine, pass, strait, defile; (artif.) choke; (mach.) neck (of a journal); (sm. a.) groove, gorge, of a cart- ridge head; (fort.) gorge; splay (of a turret port); bfixi: e, (fort.) broken gorge; dt carte , roller of a map; dc culasKi, (art.) groove on breech (servos to hold courrc-cuiassc, and is used in mechanical maneuvers); d'nn (xyicu, (mach.) axle ne;-k, shaft neck; di I'itui, (sm. a.) neck of a cartridge case; iraxi in , splayed out; d< fuxii, (urtijf.) choke of a rocket; - ili yraissayt, grease channel; di pigton, (hum.) sharp, severe bit; il< poulie, score, groove, of a block, of a pulley; dL rupture, (art.) fuse-plug score; snii.1- ,(knrn.) Ihroat-l.itch; - tli i i. furrow of a si rew. gorge, p. p.. (hi/i/i. i swelled; jiinttnn -(., swelled Ic4s. gorger, v. a., to choke, fill ';p: (hipp.) to swell; n in - funct, (nr/ij.) to till a rocket with corn- posi; ion. Corsiet, m.. inoMing plane. K,> icr, in., i hro.M. goii.lrou, in., tar; - - di.i ij'i.. v . ili h'wiUe; - di AI.HJ//C, coal tar; - mini rat, ,iiii;'er;il t ir. roal lar; asphalt; jiiiitxii , tar pit oi ,'.i., works; UXIIH n -, tar work>; - li'jital, vegetalili' tar. goudronnage, m.. tanin^; yr/is, (nrtif.) composition for larrtid links (20 parts pitch to 1 t;J!o\v j; - - .tic, composition for tarred links (ei|inl parts of pitch and of nxiii). Koiidroiiner, v. a., to tar. to pay. goudronnerie, f.. tar works. eo ml ron ii cur, m., one who pays, lays on, tar. goii IT re, m., gulf, whirlpool. goufTr6, a., ribbed. gouge, f., gouge, spoonbit; 6, baguette, half-round bit; & bee de corbin. bent gouge; h canon, barrel gouge; double, double gouge (i. e., of ^-section): hfbaucher, turning gouge, round tool; - triangulaire, parting tool. gouger, v. a., to gouge. goujat, m.. armed peasant; mortar boy, mason's apprentice; apprentice in a small-arms factory; (mil.) soldier's servant (works for his bread only); dc vaisscau, (nav.) powder monkey. goujon, in., pin. peg, dowel, dowel pin, gudgeon, clip; center pin, coak; (art.) plunger pin (of a fuse); d arret, stop pin; de charnitrc, hingo pin; dici'illed, , rag bolt; perdu, peg. dowel; dc poulie, gudgeon; d vis, screw gudgeon; goujoniier, v. a., to dowel, to pin. goujure, f., channel, score, score of a block, notch; groove. gouK'e, f., du jet dejonte, (fond.) channel from furnace to mold. goulet, m., neck of a bottle; gutter; (top.) narrovr pnrt of a stream, where the current is very swift; gut, channel, entrance of a port or har- bor; (art.) fuse hole of a shell (rare); - dc fosse, (fort.) dinette. goulette, goulotte, f., small channel; groove, gul- let, water channel. gouiu, m., an Arabic word denoting the gathering or reunion, under arms, of all the mounted men of a tribe (used by the French as scouts in Algiers and Tunis). gouinler, m., a member of a gmim (q. v.), used as a scout, (hence) Arab scout. goupille, f., pin, peg, forelock; joint pin; key of a bolt, bolt pin; leather peg washer; d'arrct, (art. etc.) stop pin, stay pin; --arretoir, (art.) pin stop, stay pin; double, split pin; .fcndue, split pin, forelock pin; pirot, pivot pin; drtKnort, split pin; . de aftrete, (art.) safety pin, fuse safety pin. goupiller, v. a., to pin, peg, dowel. goupilloti, m., sprinkler for a forge. goupillonner, v. a., to sprinkle water. gourbi, m.. (mil.) any improvised light shelter, shack (as of branches, of wattles;; baraquc , T. s. v. bar:.ui'.c. goiirbillage, m., countersinking. goiirbiller, v. a., to countersink. gourde, f., cup, drinking cup. gourdin, m., cudgel, club, rope's end; cobbing board. gourdiiier, v. a., to cob; to cudgel. gourmander, v. a., to reprimand harshly; nil cluidl, (man.) to die -U a horse violently with the bit, use him roughly with the hand. gourme, f., (hipp.) strangles; - bcnigne, mild strangles; faunae , bastard strangles, improper expres- sion for relapse of the strangles; jdir sa , to run at the nose; mmujni, severe strangles. gourmer, v. a., (man., hunt.) to curb. goiirmette, f., (harn.) curb chain; curb: fauxxc , lip strap; morxfi - , curb bit. gourn.iblago, in., doweling, tree.nailing. gournablc, in., treenail. gournabler, v. a., to treenail. goussant, goussaut, a., thickset, in., thickset horse. gousset, m.. armpit; gusset, gu^si brace; (carp.) angle brace; (ii' pad to protect withers; - e/'axM nib/aye, angle plate. goutte 207 grand goutte, f., drop; froide, (met.) blister (in a casting), bwtd or. globule of oxidized metal (in an ingot); sereine, amaurosis; dt sutf, (tltc.) contact point. gouttier*, f., spout, guttering, gutter; synonym of geliture, q. v.; (sm. a.) hollow of a blade, of a bayonet; (fort.) reentrant angle of inter- section of two planes or faces, e. g., of the glacis; (med.) cradle (for a broken leg, etc., in bed); de Vestoc, (sm. a.) groove for forging musket barrels; a fusee, (art.) rocket trough; de glacis, v. under main word, (fort.); desjugulaires, (hivp.) jugular gutter; pore-eclats, (fort.) the gutter of a turret, ser\ ing also as a protection a'-'ainst splinters; de tourelle, v. part-eclats. gouvernall, rn., (nav.) rtiddor, helm: (met.) porter bar; (of a bicycle) handle bar; eftil de , (mil'.) steerageway. gouvernant, m., governor, ruler. gouvernateur, m., (mach.) governor, regulator. gouveme, f., guidance; government; l*->nr .sa , for one's guidance. gouvernement, m.. government; government house; command, direction, management: (nai<.) steering; (mil.) government, command, of a fortified position; (mil. slang, I'olytech- niqtie) sword; militairc, (Fr. a.) current name of the cir- cumscriptions under the command of the go\ernors of Paris and of Lyons, respec- tively. gouvcrner, v. a. n., to govern, rule: manage, di- rect, regulate: to take care of, husband: (man.) to rein, rein up; (nav.) to steer. gouverneur, m., governor: (nav.) helmsman: (mil.) c. o. of a fortified position: - -dexigne, (Fr. a.) oiiicer designated to corn- mand a place in case of war (has this title in peace only); general, governor-general; militaire, (Fr. a.) designation of the com- manding generals of the qouvernemtnts of I'aris and of Lyons, respectively; - -lowed usually upon a foreign sovereign); If iil'ix i /trt: (ii , (mil.) the senior in grade; iimi'ttr ,71 , (mil.) to he pri, moled; pr Hi'.': a ti- de , (mil.) seniority in one's grade: - litre, (mil.) bre\ft commission or grade. gradiS m., (inil.) the holder of a grade (applied usually t( noncommissioned grades); -- slido notch (of a rear sight >; * de franchissrmtjit, (fort.) steps to get over the parapet, sortie steps; .v de fusillade, (fort.) firing steps of a para- pet; v dc refers, (fort.) steps in the reverse slope of a trench; gradln(a) de torllr, (fort.) sortie steps; s de tranchee, (fort.) steps in a trench. gradliie, f., stone cutter's tooth-edged chisel, graduation, f., (int.) graduation; (art.) tim scale (of a fuse); en porttfx, (art.) range scale: de reptrage, ( Fr. art.) correction scale of a reglette de correx/tondance. gradue, p. p., (iwf.) graduated; (art., n. a.) sighted; tiqe 1, index rod. gradiirr, v. a., to mark with divisions, to gradu- ate. grain, m., grain, seed; (in pi.) grain (as wheat, rye, etc.); fiber; squall; shower; (met.) grain (due to fracture); (mack.) bush, bushing, pil- low, box, neckum; (powd.) grain of powder; (art.) direction sight; ft -, grained; squally; aiguille, (met.) grain or fracture of crystal- line aspect, with radiating needles; d'amorce, (artif. ) primer; hlanc, white squall: (met.) steel lar (pro- duced by cementation from poorly refined iron ) : -de craj^atidine, (mach.) bush, brass, or hear- ing of a socket ; de decollage, (art.) gear ring; dfaceUfs, (md.) large grain or fracture, with facets; fin, (mel., poicd.) fine train; a .v tins, (wet., jtoird.) fin- grained; oros , (met., poird.) large grain; a grot *, (met., poird.) largo grained, coars* grained; - dt lumi&re, (art ) vent bushing: mettre (poser, riaatr; tin de lumitre, (art.) to hush a gun; noir, black squall: d'or, (artif.) golden rain in fireworks; d'orge, (urn. a., art.) barleycorn fore sight; (car f.) sort of dovetail; reduction in ., granulation: rcduire en ,v. to granulate; a * xerrex, close grained; tntitc, (met.) mottled fracttrre, with small radiating needles arranged iu large stars. de tint, wind squall. Drainage, m., v. grtnage. grainailles, f. pi., defer, (mil.) small shot of iron. gruiiie, f., seed; & d'epinards, with large bullion (of epau- lets); dc giberne. synonym of enfant d( troupe; - de 'J'urquie, Indian corn. gniiner, v. a., v. gnntr. grainolr, m., v. grtnoir. grain me, f., (met.) character of fracture. graissagi 1 , in., greasing, grease; lubrication: (j autouiatiijtif, self-oiling. graisse, f., grease, unguent : d'armix, grease for arms in general: boltf fi , gre-ise I o\; ii canon, an inr.'iient composed of two jiarts \\ ax and one of kero>ene, gun \ i i \ ; con i'f a , godct u , i:illov. c ip, cup; rnbinitfi , crease cock: - verti, unguent for siile anus and t lie e part.- of firearms. gralsst-r, v. a., (.much., ttc.} to rn : tallow;; to lubricate fas uii h oil t: In Inn- , to clou a lilc. gralssrur, in., (mack.) lubricator: - ui/t'iiiiutir/uc, self-aclirg lu'Ticator. gndit , (i ijodit, grease c'lp: 1/iicannjut, sclf-actini;, self-feeding, lubn- cui or. graKrut, m., (dpi.) grakrut. graiiiino, in., uTanim-,'. grand, a., great, granil. I all. In chief; in., a dignitary, per /'/. ) grown-iM> peoule; Ii - air, t he open air; /> - de ini, hu'hest poin Ins risen during the niont h m -, life-sj/.e; d'Espagnc, .Spanish gran with tide grand -cordon 208 grenade grand-^ordoii, in., grand cordon of an order, grand-crolx, in., v. s. v. croix. grand* croix, f., v. s. v. rroir. grand-diir, m., grand duke. grand-duche, m.. grand duchy. graiide(s)-maree(s), f. (pi.) v. s. v. marer. grand' garde, f., v. s. v. garde. grandlr, v. a. n.. to grow; to increase; n ch. a .) clerical element of the permanent part of a court-martial; archives, records, of a court- martial. greffer, v. a., to graft; (mil. win.) to break out from. greflicr, in., (Fr. a.) administrative officer of mili- tary law, appointed by president, keeps the- greffe of a military court brofaconAftitfrrlrixton; adjudant cominis-'- -, commix- - --, clerk of a grelt'e (h'.us the rank of adjudant). grOle, a., slender, slim. lank. grele, f.. hail, luulstorm; (mil.) shower (hail) of bullets; orayc di . hailstorm. grelet, m., pickax. grelin, m., (curd.) war]), hawser; stream cable (strictly, a large rope composed of tlireo or four aussitres (hawsers) of four torons (strands) each); chaine. stream chain; f . , cable-laid: de rt morijM , towrope. grPloii, m., hailstone. grelot, m., bell, sleighbell. grenade, f., (artif.) grenade; (art.) head (of a shrapnel); powder chamber and walls of the obit* ft mitruilh; (unif.) shell and flame (dis- liivlive mark); ( Fr. art.) grenade worn by the bust gun-layer of the year in a battery; horgne, (artif.) a fuseless grenade; eclair ante, (artif.) light grenade, flare; grenade 209 grlvier grenade eclairaite et incendtaire, (art if.) light and incendiary grenade; eitinctrice, flre grenade; de fosse, (artif.) ditch grenade; & main, (artif.) hand grenade; A perdreaui, (art//. ) disk grenade; porte , grenade pouch; de rempart, (artif.) rampart grenade; roulante, (ar'if.) wall grenade. grenadier, m., (mil.) grenadier; (am. a.) grenade wall-piece. grenadier?, f., (mil.) grenade pouch; (sm. a.) mid- dle band; (to-day) lower band; arme, (comma'nd for) sling carbine; baste, (sm. a.) lower slide; mettre I'arme A la , (sm. a.) to sling a muske- toon, carbine; porter a la , (m. a.) to carry slung (as a car- bine). grenadine, f., (eipl.) grenadine (blasting powder). grenage, m., (potrd.) granulation, corning; act or operation of making powder grains, grenallle, f., refuse grain (wheat, etc.); small shot; en , granulated. grenadier, v. a., to granulate (metal). greiier, v. a., to grain, to granulate; (powd.) to gran- ulate, to corn. grenette, f., (powd.) powder grains remaining in sieve. grenier, m., granary, loft; garret; en , in bulk; in store; faire , v. s. v. faire. greiiuir, m., (powd.) corning house, corning ma- chine, granulator, sieve; anglais a cylindre*, cylinder granulating ma- chine; 6 cannelures, granulating machine with ribbed cylinders. dcribles, sieve and shaking frame; & cylindres, cylinder granulating machine; a retour, granulating drum of Colonel Le- feljure's device (so callea because the grains too large to pass through the second sieve return au- tomatically to the crusher above); tonne , granulating barrel. greiioullle, f.. frog; bush, coak (of a block); anti- mony sulphide triturator; (mil. slang) pay: mess fund; bruit de , v. s. v. bruit; emporter, mangtr, la , (mil. slang.) to be dis- honest (said of the holder or keeper of the mess fund). grenouille, bushed, coaked (of a block). greiiouillctte, f., (hipji.) disease of the canal of the tongue. grenu, a., granular; (powd.) corned, granulated, grained; cassure . granular fracture; gres, m., sandstone; freestone; gritstone; d, aiguixtr, grindstone; dur, gritstone; ii metile, millstone grit. grt>sil, m., broken, powdered, window glass; sleet; gresiller, v. n., to sleet. gresserle, f., sandstone quarry. greve, f., strike (of workmen;;" strand, sandy shore; (ma.s\) mortar sand; faire , to strike. grexiste, m.. striker (workman). grief, 1:1.. grievance, injury, tort. prifTaice, in., queue de , (met.) long-hold. grifle, f., claw, catch, hook; pawl, prong, clasp: guide: facsimile of a signature, and stamp for making same; claw (of a hammer,); chuck square; (sm. a.) claw of the extractor; (pan!.) balk cleat or claw; (art.) plug-tray guide rail; clip (as of the Merriam fuse;; (fan.) toe of a horseshoe; arrt't. clip stop; --dt. chargem(7it, (art.) shell hook; s dc l,i c'tnxtilf, (art.) breech-plug guides; de conlrexeing, facsimile signature; ttu grand rct.wrt, (xm. a.) mainspring hook; de mixe drffu, (art.) firing catch or hook; - de iioii. (.rm. a.) tumbler hook; - fi rtxxort, spring claw. griffomier, v. a., to scribble; to make a rough drawing, sketch. 3S77" 17 14 griffon nls, m., pen-and-ink sketch. grignard, m., plaster of Paris, grll, m., grate, grating; (conn.) grillage. grillage, m., grating; flre grate; wirework. wire lattice; (met.) calcining, roasting of ores; (eon*.) grillage: de bou. timber frame; de la baited feu, stokehole ban; en fil metallique, wirework or lattice; fottrntau de , (met.) roasting, calcining, fur- nace. grille, f., lattice, trellis; grate, grating; railing, iron railing; (in cryptography) a reading frame; (con.?.) grillage: (torn.) bearing (of a stirrup); (met.) calcination, roasting, furnace, (art.) hot- shot grate (obs.); (artif.) rocket frame; (fort.) gate; defensive fence; anylaue, iron grating; barreau de , fire bar; ci circulation d'eau, water-circulation grate; en escalicr, step grate; defer, iron grating, gate; dfcu, flre grate; de forteresse, (fort.) grating; defensive grating (proposed as a substitute for the scarp and counterscarp); de foyer, v. it feu; fumn-ore, smoke-consuming grate; d gradinx, step grate; mobile, revolving grate; oucrante, iron gate; surface de , grate area; lournante, v. mobile. grille, a., barbed; p. p., barred. griller, y. a., to inclose with iron rails, to rail in, bar in; (met.) to roast, to calcine, grilloir, m., roasting kiln. grimper, v. a., to climb. grimpeur, a., climbing; apimreil , climbing outfit (for telegraph poles, etc.). grippement, m., (mach., etc.) gripping, wedging, wearing (of parts of a mechanism), friction, abnormal or undue frictic.n. gripper, v. a., to grip, wedge, bind, grind (of parts of a mechanism). grippette, f., creeper. grippure, f., (mach.) worn bearing or seat of any moving or movable part. gris, a., gray; (of the weather) gray, raw; (Jam.) drunk; faire , faire un Urnps , to be raw (of the weather); ftr , gray iron; temps , raw, gloomy weather. gris, m., (/'/)/;.) gray (horse and coat); ardoine, gray shading on a bluish slate color; argente, silver gray; cnidrc, ash gray; -cliir, light gray; trf.t clair, almost white; d'etourneau, flea-bitten gray; dffer, iron gray; fnnee, dark gray; !<>unt, deep yellow dun: innuchtte, nea-bitten gray; ordinaire, gray of black and white in equal pats; - - jmmmtlt, dapple gray: p<>rc/>.) grayish' (of the, coat i. i. e . showing white hairs in u black coat, or on (he Jilai-k parts of the body. grisou. m., lire damp: mined , a mine with fire damp in it, or liable to lin 1 damp. grisou line, f.. (ripl.) grisoutine. grfsniitltr, f.. (tip', i grisoutite: fire-damp :.'/' tic (fall.) density of grouping, ratio of number of shots to unit area on which thev fall; en derivation, dlic.) joining up in parallel, in quantity; horizontal, (ball.) grouping of shots on a horizontal target; indiridiul, (ball.) grouping of shots by a single man; 1 n qiianli/e, v. < n dirimtwn; rnsirir, (f/rc.) joining up in scries; en nurfnci , \. i n derivation: en tension, v. en s/rie; I'rtical, (bull.) grouping of shots on a vertical target. grouper, v. a., to group, bring together; it lie.') to join up; grouper en derivation, enguantite, clc.,(elec.) v. s. v. groupement. gruau, m., small crane. grue, f., crane, traveler; a.iossce, wall crane; h air comprime, crane worked by compressed air; d'alimentation, water crane; amarre dc , cheek of a crane; arbre de , crane post; d, axe tournante, revolving crane; bee de , jib or arm of a crane; & bras, hand crane; de chargement, hositing crane, loading crane; d chariot, ft chariot mobile, overhead, traveling crane; & deux pivots, wall crane; & double volee, double crane; echelier de , crane jib or arm; electrique, electric crane, electrically con- trolled crane; fixe, stationary crane; hydraulique, hydraulic crane; hydraulique. & palan, crane in which a tackle is worked hydraulically; hydraulique it piston, "hydraulic piston crane; & lest, ballast crane; locomobile, traveling, running, transportable, crane; & main, hand crane; mature, sheers; mobile, traveling (transportable) crane; monte-projectiles (art.) shell hoist, shot crane; d pierres, loading crane (for heavy work); d, pivot, revolving crane, post crane; (i, picot fixe, stationary crane; h pivot mobile, & pivot tournant, turning crane; pivotante, v. v h pivot; el poine;on, landing or wharf crane; stationary crane; poine;on de , crane post; portative, portable crane, winch, hand winch; rancher dc , v. bee de ; / roulante, v. mobile; a trois os, three-legged crane; (i vapeur, steam crane; volte de , v. bee de . grume, f. , bark left on felled tree; bois en , timber with the bark on, unsquared timber (but otherwise trimmed and cut tip into lengths); on , with the bark on. grumeau, m., clot, lump; se mellre en , to clod, lump, grow thick, coagulate. grumeler, v. r., to clod, clot. gruitieleux, a., lumpy, clotted. grumelure, f. (met.) small hollow in a casting, in cast metal, pitting. srumlllon, m., (met.) bit of hammer scale. gu, in., ford; a , by fording; paxsr-rii , traverserb, , to ford. gueable, a., fordable; 71071 , unfordable. gueer, v. a., to ford; to water, wash horses, in a river. guerilla, m., v. guerrilla. giilrillero, in., v. guerrilliro. gurir, v. a. n. r.. to euro, to be cured: de, to be cured of (a fever, etc.;. guerlson, f., euro. gufirite, f., (fort.} small watchtowcr, lookout; op- erating or conning tower, aiming dome (of a turret), handing room (of a magazine); (mil.) sentry box; de'barbanon, (fort.) lookout. blindce, (art. .fort.) conning tower or aiming turret (of a gun turret); capote dr (mil.) sentinel's watch coat ; buffalo coat (T. S. A.); de locomotive, (r. r.) cab; oi'licier dr. , C/m.)a private; ftlephonique, telephone stand or box. guerlin, in. v. grelin- guerluchonc 211 guide guerluchone, f., mason's trowel. guerre, f., (mil.) war, warfare, art of war; (more narrowly) campaign; war department; land service (as opposed to navy); academic de , war school, war college; oiler h la , to go to war; allumer la , to kindle war; art df la , art of war; articles de , articles of war; avoir la , to be at war; bailment de , (na.) man-of-war; de bonne , according to the recognized laws of war; bureau de la , war office, war department; de cabinet, any war not a national war, e. g., the French expedition against Madagascar; decampagne, war in the open field, as opposed to sieges; chances de . chances of war, luck' of war; c-ieval de , charger; civile, civil war; conseil de , council of war; court-martial; contrebande de , contraband of war; de cote, coast war (i. e., descents and related operations); de course, (nav.) commerce-destroying war; cri de , war cry; de croixitre, v. de course: de .warlike, of or belonging to war; declaration de , declaration of war; declarer la , to declare war; defentivt, defensive war; dfpartement de la , department of war; droit de la , law of war; ecole de , (any> war school; I'icole de la , the school of war; ecole suplrieure de , v. s. v. ecole; en , at war; under service conditions; ctat de , state of war; war footing; etrangere, foreign war; d' extermination, war of extermination; factice, sham war, simulated warfare; faire la , to wage war, be at war; faire bien la , to understand the art of war; faire bonne , to wage war with all possible humanity; to act honorably to an adversary: faire une petite , to be engaged in minor opera- tions (as opposed to battles); foudrede , great warrior; franc de molestation de , free from molestation of war; gain de , military men, soldiers; grlcin, (in aiming) full sight; rate, (in aiming) a sight along the points of the front and back sights; guidon de renvoi, reference mark; a vis, (art.) screw sight. gulgue, f., gig (small boat). gulllaume, m., rabbet-plane; (powd.) first sieve or separator; coarsest sieve; a ebaucher, jack plane. guilledin, m., (hipp.) gelding, hackney. gulll >chage, m., engine-turning, rose-engine de- sign. gullloche, f., rose-engine tool. gullloche, a., bushed, coated (of a block). guiliocher, v. a., (mach.) to trace or make rose- engine patterns; to engine-turn; feud, , (artif.) double Catherine wheel; machined , (mach.) rose-engine. gulllochis, m., (mach.) rose-engine pattern; engine- turning. guillotine, f., guillotine; cut-off, drop-shutter (as of a camera). guillotincr, v. a., (mach.) to guillotine, to shear off. guindage, m., hoisting, swaying up; (pont.) side rail (including rack stick and lashings), riband; racking down, rack lashing; lashing down of chess; collier de , (pont.) balk collar, balk stirrup: commande de , (pont.) rack lashing; side-rail lashing; fiui , (pont.) false balk, false side rail; the joint connecting two consecutive rafts in bridge by rafts; poutrelle de , (pont.) side rail. guindal, m., windlass. guindant, m., hoist of a flag. guindas, guindeau, m., windlass. guiuder, v. a., to hoist, raise, sway up; to strain, force; (pont.) to rack down, lash down. guipage, m., (dec.) wrapping (of a cable). guiper, v. a., to wind tape around (as a wire). guipon, m., tar brush. guipure, f., (rlec.) wrapping for cables (made of woven thread). guirlande, f., (cord.) marling down; snaking of a seizing; faire , (art.) (of traces) to sag, hang in the middle; not to be stretched. gun-cotton, m., (expl.) (iu France) compressed gun cotton. gutta-percha, f., gutta-percha. gymnase, in., gymnasium; school; musical, (Fr. a.) musical school in i'aris, trains musicians for the position of sous-cli\ving; chcmin de , towpath; corde de . towline. loxvrope; b. la cordellc, to\\ ing; ligne de , towline, towropc; d captur, steam towage. hale, m., (lech.) clearance, play (of a bolt). hah'-bas, m., (curd.) downhaul (of a flag, etc.). haleine, f., breath, wind; ctinal gros d' , (hi '///>.) thick-winded horses: dnnner (i un cheml, ( man.) to breathe a horse: mdlrr in , to let (a horse, man, etc.) get his wind; ttnir dcs troupes tn , (mil.) to keep troops in exercise. halcmciit, m., hauling, towing; pulling, hauling, knot. haler, v. a., (cord.) to haul, haul in; to pull upon a rope; lias, to haul down; ft la c'irittUe, to tow; ii joimlre, to haul tight, to haul chock-a- block, two blocks; haler, a la main, to haul in by hand; main sur main, to haul hand over hand; sur une rranceuvri, to haul upon a rope. halle, f., large open shed; market, hallebarde, f., halberd. hallebardler, m., halberdier, halller, m., thicket, brushwood. halogene, a., (chrm.) halogenous. halo\\ line, f., (eipl.) haloxylin. halte, f., stopping, halt (of troops, etc.); stop, stand, resting place, refreshment during a halt; stopping place, halting place; (call or drill command) halt! 4 la charge, (art.) cease loading! (command given when a battery under fire is about to quit its emplacement); faire , (mil.) to halt, make a stand, stop, stay; un feu, v. s. v.fru: gardie, (mil.) halt with sentinels out, with guards, etc., posted; grandc , (mil.) main or principal halt; long halt for rest, etc., (on march); horaire, (mil.) horary, hourly, halt (of ten minutes); to/ (miZ.) sentinel's challenge on approach of people; re pas, (mil.) halt or stop for a meal in a statim haltt-n pas; dinner halt on a journey; subtle, dead stop; sudden stop. haltere, m., (gym.) dumb-bell, haniac, m., hammock; pour le passage des blesses, (mej.) stretcher. hameau, m., hamlet. hamec.on, m., fishhook. haiiif-e. f., (art.) sponge staff, handle of a sponge (icouvillon). hammerless, m., (sm. a.) hammerless shotgun. hampe, f., shank, staff; shaft; main spar (of a sj>ar torpedo); itc c >mbzt, (torp.) war spar (of a spar torpedo); rf'( driptau, Hag pole or shaft; d'ecouvillun, (ait.) sponge staff; d'cstrcice, (torp.) drill spar (of a spar torpedo); de (la) Innce, (sin. a.) shaft; de pavilion, (nav.) ensign staff: de parill'in dt btnupri , ( nav.) jack staff; dr rrfouloir, (art. ) rammer staff: d'une lorpillc, (torp.) spar of a torpedo. hampette, f., (of a spar torpedo) the part of a torpedo spar that supports the torpedo at its end; secondary spar. hail, m., heave (of a workman striking a heavy blow). hanche, f., haunch, hip; leg Cas of a trestle, e. p.. Hek'iau three-legged trestle): (art. > lee of a gin: (hipp., ttc.) haunch, hip; ( ") i>l.) hind quarters of a horse; (nor.) quarter of a ship: lien sortit, (hipp.) well-placed, well-set. haunch; cheral "M'lnt sur, pirt .s-i/r. Its ., (man.) horse that in galloping supports himself on Ins hauncnes; tic ( In ) clifrre, (mnch., etc.) cheeks of a gin; coulif, tlf'icif, (hipp.) haunch t.iat is not prominent enough; (/tiijnf-i , {man.) saiil of ahorse when 1m rider succeeds in controlling his hind quarters: mit're un clidtil sur Irs- ., ("/>. i tn make a horse gallop so that he supports himself on hi- hiud quarters; ii't'ii i . (hipp.) sunken launch: ralinixxtr /<. s, (man.) to force :i hop-- to lower liis croup; traimr /< .- .. (man.'i to drai; i-..id cf a l>cir--i- that gallops false, or that change* the f.*.r r; hanet, m., lashing of a lent or reefline. haiicur. m., shed, penthouse house, etc.). | huiisanl, in., pit saw. hansiori' 214 hausse hansitre, f . , (cord.) hawser, ha iite, f., whip handle. happe, f., hasp; cramp iron; bed, axletree bed; semicircular wrapping plate or clout; - - fi anneau, linen hoop and plate, clout plate and loop at end of axletree arm; ii a a in a ti- etii piton, wrapping plate and ring (ring attached by means of a piton); ft crochet, wrapping plate or clout termi- nating in a hook; ft virole et ft crochet ferme, iron plate beneath the fore end of a limber-pole. happelourde, m., (hipp.) a weak but fine-looking horse. happer, v. a. , n., to seize suddenly; ft /a langue, to stick to the "tongue (as clayey stones, etc.). haquenfie, f., (hipp.) hack, hackney, nag (gentle horse); alltr la , (man.) to amble. haquet, m., drag or cart without side rails; (pont.) ponton wagon; ft bateau, (pont.) ponton wagon; & chevaleU, (pont.) trestle wagon; ft forge, (pont.) forge wagon of a bridge equi- page; ft nacelle, (pont.) mooring-boat wagon; ft ponton, (pont.) ponton wagon; ft poutrelles, (pont.) balk wagon. haras, m., (hipp.) stud, breed, of horses; breeding establishment of horses; (in pi.) the administra- tion of breeding establishments; d'amelioration, v. de perfect ionnement; demi-sauvagc, establishment in which the animals run free in fine weather; domestinue, regular establishment in which the animals are always under care: d'etudes, experimental breeding establish- ment; de mulet, mule-breeding establishment; parque, a regular breeding establishment or stud; de pepiniere, v. de perfectionnement: de perfectionnement, stud specially intended to improve the breed of horsas; de production, general breeding establish- ment; - xauvage, stud in which the stallions and mares are at complete liberty all the time; - de souche, de the, v. de perfrctionne- mtnt. harass^, p. p., wornout, tired, done up; par la route, wayworn. harasser, v. a., to harass, jade, knock up, fatigue. haranx, m.. stratagem for carrying off an enemy's horses while picketed or at grass. harcclaRe, m., v. harcelnnent. harcelemeiit, m., harassing, galling. harceler, v. a., to harass (the enemy); to gall. harries, f., pi., clothes, apparel, clothing. hardi, a., bold, intrepid, audacious; branche e, (harn.) bent branch or check of bridle bit. hardiesse, f., boldness, intrepidity, audacity. haricot, in., bean. harldelle, f.. thin, poor, and worthless horse. harnachement, in., harness, saddlery in general: horse furniture; (car.) saddle and' bridle and parts; d'officicr. officer's horse furniture; - de s'dlf, saddle and its outfit (all parts); - df trail, draught harness. harnacher, v. a., to harness. hariiarheur, in., harnesser; harness maker. harnals, m., armor, ac< outennents; (ham.) horse trappings, harness; (mach.) train and gear (of j wheels); (unif.) anv kind of military clothing: | d'aixjli , (mach.) bevel gearing: - d'a'ttlnge montf , (art.) artillery harness '<. (driving from saddle); d'attdnge en guides, (art.) harness of a team driven from seat; de bat. (art.) pack-mule harness: .blanchir amis Ic . to turn old (gray) in the I service, to grow old in the profession of arms; & bricole, v. oilrail; harnals ft bricole renforce. ( FT. art.) harness used for very heavy weights (as n gun truck); de circonntance . ( Fr. a.) the same as de limoniere, but lighter; -ft colKcr(s), collar harness; - de derriere, (art.) wheel harness; de devant, (ar(,) lead harness: endosser le , (mil.) to turn soldier, go into the army; d?engrenage, (mach.) set or tnnn of gearing; back gear; de limoniere, shaft harness (two-wheeled vehicle); mctallique, (mach.) gearing with all twth metallic; de milieii, (art.) swing harness; mirte, (mach.) gearing with leeth part wood, part metal; ft poilrail, breast harness; -de retraite, anchoring binder; ft traits renforcfs, (art.) harness with reon- f jrced traces (for very heavy weights). harpage, m., (mew.) toothing. harpe, f., (cons.) corner iron, cramp iron; (mas.) tooth, toothing stone, toothing; defer, (cons.) cramp iron. harpeau, m., grapnel, grappling iron; fire grap- pling. harp*, a., cheial bien , (hipp.) shad-bellied horse. harper, v. a. n., to grapple, gripe; (hipp.) to bend or flex the hock on starting, changing diw- tion. or backing; d'une jambe, (hipp.) to raise one hind leg higher than the other without bending the hock. harpln, m., (pont.) boat hook. harpon, m., harpoon; ripping saw; staple (of a lock); (man.) cramp iron. harponner, v. a., to harpoon. harponneur, m., harpooner. hart, m., (fort.) withe, binder, gad; fagot band; - de fascine, fascine band; de retraite, anchoring withe (siege, revet- ment); withe band, for fastening a fascine or sod revetment. harveylser, v. a., to treat armor plate by the Harvey process. hast, m., shaft, pole, staff; arme d' , v. s. v. armt. hauban, m., guy rope, guy. hausse, f., anything serving to raise something else; rise (as in the price of stocks, etc.): hind bolster of a wagon; (met.) second course of a reverberatory furnace; (in pi.) planks laid on a sluice gate to raise the level of the water; (art. sm. a.) rear sight; also the elevation itself; (art.) the possible length of travel of the rear sight; amelioree, (art.) tho elevation corresponding to the inferior limit of the narrow fork '(fnnrch- ettc (troite); - anglaixe, v. cicursnir; ft cadran, \. circulairc; cl:'i;irau dc la , v. s. v. cha/icau; -facharnifoe, (am. a.) leaf sight, flap sight ; -circnlnir(. (sm. a.) sight whose notch rvolves between two plates on which the gradual inns nro marked; ft clapet, (sm. a.) leaf sight, flap sight; de combat, (art.) sight for full service charges; corijuqaifim (Its f, v. s. v. conjugaixini; - rfc contrite, (art.) sight used in Germany to train gun layers; li corrictiiir, (s. c. art.) compensating sight: - sans correcteur, (s. c. art.) noncompensating sight; - cmirbe, (art.) curved, bow, sight (used with short guns in high-angle fire); -iicrtmaillere. (art.) rack-and-pinion sight; - (i ciirmiir. (xin. a.) sliding, leaf, sight; ordi- nary type of sight, with slide: fi ciirsntr ltd -yradinx, (sin. n.) sight comliining the riirnrur and the gradins. step and leaf sight; dc curscurh rallongi, (tin. a.) sliding sight ; haus >;; 215 hautc-mare hausse du demi-tour de manirelle, (art.) elevation corresponding to one-hall turn of the elevating- screw handle; it derive, any sight fitted with a device for making lateral allowance; doniter la , (art.) to give the elevation; droite, (art.) straight sight; de droite (gauche), (art.) sight on right (left) side of gun; en ichelle, (art.) ladder sight (Hotchkiss 37mm mount, etc.); * tchclannees, (art.) combined elevations; d'eitsai. (art.) trial elevation; d'nereice, (art.) sight for drill and instruc- tion (using projectile d'eiercice); d' ' experiences, any special sight used in bal- listic firing; fixe, (sm. a.) fixed sight; fiie & coulisse, (sm. a.) rear sight and slide; ylissante, (tin. a.) sliding sight; a grading, (gm. a.) step sight, the foot or base having steps on which the slide rests; 6 grading et & curseur, v. & curseur et 4 grading; yrande , (art.) long-range sight; instrument, (art.) rear sight (rare); ft indications continues, any sight giving con- tinuous indications; & indications continues ttb cran de mire unique, any single-notch sight giving continuous indi- cations; 4 indications discontinues, a sight in which the notch can be adjusted in only a few posi- tions; b indications discontinues et A cran de mire unique, sight with a single notch, capable 'of adjustment at fixed ranges only, at a limited number of ranges; du jour f (art.) the actual elevation used in the field, instead of the tabular elevation, anH true for the day only; the elevation found when the range is obtained, corresponding to the determined range; d lamettes, (sm. a.) leaf-, folding-sight; sight with leaves, plates, of various lengths, each with a notch, for a particular range; 1'itcralc, (art.) side sight; blunttte, telescopic sight; mcdiane, (art.) oentrnl (radial) sight; de mire et de tir, tingent scile ; elevation itself; a miroir, (art.) reflecting sight; mobile, (sm. a.) movable sight; 6 niveau, (art.) spirit-level sight (also hausse- niceau); de 71 metres, (sm. a., art.) the elevation cor- responding to a distance of n meters; petite , (art.) short-range sight; pied de , (am. a.) foot, rear-sight bed; plaque de , (German field art.) elevation plate; pratique, (ball.) distance from sight notch t'> upper element of gun barrel; prorisnire, (art.) the elevation corresponding t ) the inferior limit of the wide fork (fourchttte law); -du quart de tour de. manivelle , (art .) the eleva- tion corresponding to a quarter turn of the ele- vating screw; d rillongr, (sm. a.) extension sight; ffMt, (ball.) the fo'.i/f, q. v., corrected for jump; ri'elle thforique, (ball.) r.i'io of ilio rrrlli to the lonjucur de mire: tfte de la , v. rhapcait dc I't ; t'n'oriquf, (hill.) ratio of the tti!e to the Innjueur de mire; a tige, (art.) rod sight : totale, (baiM distance of the sight notch from a parallel to the gun axis through the point of tho fore sight; totale comparative, (btll.) other name of hnu.tse tht'orique: (i trou(.<<), (s-n. a.) IHH> > si-;ht. hausse-col, m . . ( 'i lif. ) gor-^rt (ohs. ) ; c< >I lar ; (har n . > top of tho collar. hausser, v. a. n., to raise, elevate, lift, increase, augment; to heave, hoist; to rise (of a river); to rise (of prices); letir, (art. )(lit., "to elevate the fire"); to give the elevation, haussiere, f., v. aussiere. haut, a. , high, tall, lofty; upper (of a room, story); upper ( of a st ream , of a country) ; erect , elevated ; deep (of water); high (of ast ream, of the tide, of the seas); high (of prices); loud (of the voice); bright (of colors); distant, remote, (of time); chief , principal, important, capital; hoisted, fly- ing (of a signal, a flag); e administration, the ministers and higher ad- ministrative personnel; les s Alpet, the central chain of the Alps (and similarly of other mountain systems); b&timrnt de bord, (nav.) slup of the line; de bord, (nav.) of high free-board; la chambre e, the (English) House of Lords; le commerce, the higher branches of the com- mercial world; e eau , high water; teolt , v. s. v. tcole; la e Egypte, upper Egypt (and similarly of other countries); la e finance, capitalists, bankers: fond, v. s. v.fond; fourneau, v. s. v. fourneau and haut-four- neau; efutaie, y. s. v.futaie; les es latitudes, high latitudes; maree e, high tide; e(s) marte(s), spring tide; time of spring tide; mer e, high tide; high sea; - e mer, the high seas; messe e, high mass; e-paye, \. s. v. haule-paye: le Rhin, the upper Hhine (and similarly of other rivers) ; la e Seine, the Seine above Paris; le temps est , the clouds are flying high; tenir la bride e, (man.) to hold a tight, a short rein on; e trnhison, high treason; la ville e, the upper town (as at Quebec). haut, m., height, elevation, top (of a tower, etc.); upper part of anything; (top.) mountain, height ; summit, top; upper course of a stream; (nat>., in pi.) top sides; (/mm.) top cheek (of a bit); de bos en , de en bas, upward, downward; up-and-down motion; s et bas, long strokes (at the pump); dc la branc.he, (harn.) top cheek of a bit; dnjour, noon. haut, adv., up, upward; arme, (sm. a.) advance carbine! (command); I'arme, (sm. a.) (position of) advance carbine; les bras, (siege) commence work! (command intrench work): chrral chavssf, (hipp.) a horse with a whiti> stocking; chernt mnnii , montf, (hi pp.) a horse with long, thin legs; it main, with case (cf. our familiar expres- sion, "hands down"); merttr tin chfil la main, (man.) to ride with a high hand; Ic pint, spare (of horses, teams 1 ; irar.1 held (of horses, troopers dismounted to tight on food; (r. r.1 (of a train) containing no pas- sengers: pistole? , (sm. a.) raise pistol! (command 1 !: le pixtotrt, (sm. a.) (position of > raise pistol. hiiut-bols, m.. (inns.) oboe. hautbolste, m., oboe player. liaut-bord, m., (inr.) ship of the line; vessel of high free-board: -Tn::ii:>, f., v. s. v. fjt-iif. hante-m.ir.'v, i . -\i^'i li le: s >ri::g li if. haute-paye 216 hcrmimire haute-paye, f., (Fr. o.) extra or additional pay given to commissionnis and to rengagcs ( d'ancimnetf). hauteur, f., height, depth, altitude (of a triangle, etc.); (top.) neight, elevation; altitude, hill; rising ground, ascent; (cons.) height at which beams are laid; (mil.) number of ranks (of a battalion, etc.); & la de, o'T, abreast of; equal to; in a line with; (drill) on a line with; abxolue, height above sea level; appqrente, apparent altitude; d'appui, breast height: (fort.) height of para- pet above banquette (called genouilllre in bar- bette battery); d'aspiration, height of suction; d'assise, (mas.} thickness of a course; du barometre, barometer height; de batterie, (war.) height of battery above water; height of axis of guns above level of water, above water line; de chute, (ball.) fall of a projectile due to gravity; de la chute d'eau, head of water; sous cltf, rise of an arch; d'une colonne, depth of a column; de , deep, in depth; - d'une dent, (mach.) depth of a tooth; de disjoiwtion, (ball.) height of disjunction; donrxr In , to elevate; de I'eau, depth of water; (mach.) depth of water in a boiler; water line; ecart en , (ball.) vertical deviation; d'rclatement, (art.) height of burst from ground, height of the bursting point (of a shell, etc.); d'entrepont, (nav.) tween-decks; between decks; d't paulement, (sm. a.) height above the ground at which the gun is fired; de genouillere, v. s. v. genouillere; de jet, (ball., etc.) height of projection; libre, height in the clear (of a bridge); du parapet, (fort.) height of the crest above natural ground; du pas d'une vis, (mech.) pitch of a screw; piezometrique, piezometric level: de plongee, (toil.) height of interior above exterior crest, rise of the superior slope; du point d'eclatemcnt, v. d'cclatement; point aie en , v. s. v. pointage; de pointe, (mach.) swing; la de pointe est de . . . (mach.) to swing . . .; pointer en , v. s. v. pointer, prendre , prendre la du soleil, to take the sun: relative, height of a mountain, etc., above its base; thforiquemoycnned'i'clatement, (art.) height of mean point of burst above ground; du tiroir, (macli.) breadth of the slide; Igpt, f., (art.) tno height above target at which for a given trajectory the shrapnel must burn to give maximum effects; rrui'f, true altitude. haut-foiid, m., shoal, shallow, bank: shoal water. liaut-fourneau, m.,- (met.) blast furnace; iron- works: - f'j allure chamlc (froidr), hot-(cold-) blast furnace. haut-le-corps, m.. (mnn.) jump, bound. liaut-mal. in., epilepsy. haul -mon to, a., long-legged. haut-ofticicr, m., (mil.) field officer, general officer (obs.). haut-peiidii, m \< s|iiall over. havrr, m., harbor, haven. havre.'-isac, m., (mil.) valise; (we/.) hammer havresat, m., (met.) hammer s^ale. liayon, m., front or tail rack of a wagon. heberKcr, v. a. r., to lodge, harbor. heche, f.. sideboard; rave; rack, or plank forming side of wagon. hectare, m., loo ares. >f wind or rain, quickly haversack; cale. knapsack; hectogramme, m.. 100 grams. hectographe, m., hectograph. hectolitre, m., 100 liters. hectometre, m., 100 meters. hectostere, m., 100 stores. helduque, m., Hungarian foot soldier. heler, v. a., to hail, challenge. heiice, f., helix; screw, propeller screw; spiral grooves (as, around the hilt of a sword, etc.); any spiral; (cord.) one complete turn or twist; a ailes amovibles, built-up propeller; amovible, de/montable a la, mer, auxiliary propeller; ft deux, trots, etc., branches, ailes, two or three hladed, etc., screw; en , spiral, helical; escalier en , spiraLstaircase; sjumelles, twin screws; b, pas droit (gauche), right- (left-) handed propeller; propulsive, screw propeller. heiice, a., heiicoidak heiicoldal, helicolde, a., helicoidal; spiral (fre- quently). helingue, f., v. ilingue. heliographie, f., heliography. heliometre, m., (inst.) heliometer. helioscope, m., (irutt.) helioscope, lieliostat, m., (inst.) heliostat. heliotrope, m., (inst.) heliotrope, heliograph. hellofflte, f., (ex pi.) hellhofite. hematite, f., (met.) hematite; brune, brown hematite; jaune argileute , yellow hematite; rouge, red hematite. hemipiegle, f. (hipp.) paralysis of one side. hemisphere, m., hemisphere; austral, southern hemisphere; boreal, northern hemisphere. hemisphe'rique, a., hemispherical. bemorrhagie, f., hemorrhage. hennlr, v. n., (hipp.) to neigh, whinny. hennissemt'iit, m., (hipp.) r.oigh, neighing, whinnying. heptaedre, m., heptaedrcn. heptagone, m., heptagon. hCracline, f., (eipl.) heraclin (a picric powder.) herbe, f., grass, herb; man raise , weed. herbue, f., (met.) clay flux. herco-tectoiiique, f., (fort.) art of fortifying a camp, places, etc. hCrissf, p. p., bristling, erect, rough, armed at all points; baril , v. Ticrissonfoudroyant; chei'i.1 , (hipp.) horse with a staring coat, rough-coated horse. herisser, v. a. n., to erect, bristle, stare; to be- come rough; (ma.s.) to rough-cast with mor- tar; (mil.) to multiply obstacles, accessory defenses, etc. herlsson, m., hedgehog; sprocket, sprocket wheel; wheel before felly, etc.. is put on; (in road-building) a ground bed of large stones covered with small stuff and rolled; spikes on top of a fence; (mil.) chevaux do frise; sort of chausse-trappe made of 3 lances (used in Algiers); turning beam, herisson; (mach.) spur wheel, spur gear, spur fly wheel; de cote, (macli.) crown wheel; en , (mas.) set up on edge (of bricks, flat stones, on the top of a wall): foudroyant, (mil.) rampart beam (obs.); -de roue, speech; roulant, (mil.) strong door studded with Iron spikes, used (obs.) to close a breach; had two wheels; -stable, (mil.) same as roulant, but with- out wheels. herlssonner, v. a., (mas.) to rough-cast (a wall, etc.). irrmetlque, a., hcrmetic(al), air-tight, close. icrmetlquement, adv., hermetically. lerminf, a., (hipp.) ermined (of the coat). lerminette, I., adz. lerniiiiiire, f., (hipp.) ermine spot in the coat of a horse. hernic 217 hor.ime hernle, f., hernia, njpture. hernler, m., crow's-foot; (cord.) kind of dead-eye through which the lines of an awning pass. herpe, f., (mil.) v. herte. herre, f., v. ha'tre. hers*, f., harrow; iron cringle, strap; (cord.) strap, prommet; (fort.) portcullis: (mil.) harrow (ob- stacle); (paint.) substitute lor anchor in bridge buiHing; articulee, balloon anchor, grapnel; d'attrape, (mtl.) upturned harrow, used as an obstacle; de la croupe, (cons.) crossbeams; iefortcrtsse, (fort.) sort of portcullis or prat- ing, to close a passage. hcrsillon, m., (fort.) plank or beam filled with nails, and used to impede a passage; small portcullis. hetmaii, m., Cossack chief. hetrc, m., beech tre, beech wood, heiire, f., hour; hour's distance; moment, time; arancer I' , to set a watch, clock, forv ard; du ford, ship's time; de chcmin, an hour's distance: (s) de clieral, an hour's, so many hours', ride; clironomctrimie. chronometer time; de Greenwich. Greenwich time; legate, time by the public clock; lucale, local time; mcttre vne monlrea I' , v. prendre V ; de Par's, Paristime (reckoned from the meri- dian of Paris); (r. r.) Paris time; prendre I' , to set a watch , clock ; * de presence, office hours; retards I' , to set a watch, clock, back. heurt, m., collision, shock, blow; crown of a bridge or pjv\ emcnt. heurtc|iiin, m., hurter; shoulder washer; rt />at!r(>i), hurter with a body clout, or iron wrapping plate; wheel hurter instead of shoul- der washer. heurfer, v. a. n. r., to run into, strike, hit, knock against, collide with; (mtl.) to come in contact vith (the enemy, outposts, etc.). heurtolr, m., door knocker; sill (hf adoor); (mack.) catch, stop tappet: joint bolt; (art.) hurter; retracting stud; stop; joint bolt of a cap square; (r. r.) hurter; de plate-forme, (art.) platform hurter. lieu->e, f., bucket, spear and bucket of a pump. liex;;edre, m., hexahedron. hexaeorie, a., hexagonal; m., hexagon; (fort.) six-l-:i.,tioned work. heiatomique, a., (chtm.) hexad. hie, f., commander, pa\ing beetle, ram, beetle; ballrc fi la , to ram. itlement, m., ramming, paving. filer, \ .a., to ram, drive in with a beetle or rammer. liilrarctile, f., hierarchy; militairr, military hierarchy; series of grades, clas.sification of grades, with" subordination of lo\\rr to higher. hU'rarcliique, a., hierarchic; belonging to the hierarchy; i '(/'( , (mil.) military channels. hlfrarchlser, v. a., (mil.) to fix or establish a hierarchy, to fix the sequence of grades. liinmiet, m., v. lifiiiet. hllipiatre, m., veterinary surgeon. hipplatrle, f., (hipp.) horse medicines. liippiatrique, f., (lii]>/>.) veterinary art; horse medicine; knowledge of horses. hi|>))iiplt -.r. liippolii he, I., (hipp.)slonc in stomach or intestine of a horse. hlppologle, f. , hippology. liippologue, in., hippologist. liippomaiie, m., horse lo\er; person very fond of riding. hlppomanle, f., great love of horses: (liipp.) sort of madness, rage. hippometre, m., (hipp.) hippometcr. liippo-saudale, f., (hipp.) horse sandal, sort of box shoe. hiroiide, f., queued' , dovetail. hlrondellJ*, f., swallow; iron axletree band. lilsT, v. a., to pull up, sway up. hoist, raise; a bloc, to haul chock-a-block; en douceur, to hoist handsomely; main tur main, to haul hand over hand; le pavilion, to hoist the colors. hlstolre, f., history, lilstorlen, m., historian. hlstoriqur, m., historicul account; de corpt, de regiment, riyimentairt, regimental history. hlvpri m., winter; ceriir de I' , midwinter; paster I' , to pass the winter, remain in winter quarters; quartier d' , (mil.) winter quarters; queue dc /' , latter end of winter. hlvernage, m., winter season, wintering place, winter fodder; (tnij.) winter quar- ters. hlverner, v. n., to winter; to go into, remain in, winter quarters. ho! du iiailre! (nap.) ship ahoy! hoblii, m., (hipp.) breed of Scotch horses (natural pacers). hoche, f., notch, nick, hollow. hocher, v. a. n., to shake the bit, toss the head; to notch. hwhct, m., kind of spade, lioirin, m., (nav.) anchor buoy. Hollander, m., (expl.y-palpfr. rag engine. homards, m. pi., (mil. slang) Spahis. hornnie, m., man; d'affaires, business man; agent. en affectation sftccialr, (Fr. a.) any man belonging to or serving in railroad, post, telf-eraph, customs, forest, etc., depart- ments: sans aw/, vagrant: de bois, (man.) dumb jockey; n de cadre, (nil.) n. c. o.'s, corporals, trum- pnters, ^fiddlers, etc.; dc chambrte. (mil.) room orderly: de chernl, horseman, rider, lover of horses, thorough horseman; (ran.) trooper; dc communication, ('nil.) man used to pre- serve communication between the parts of an advanced guard; s de compliment, (mil.) the men needed to bring a unit up to a war footing; de corvee, (mil.) member of a fatigue party; s not an ollicinl term >: d'ctjlite. clergyman, pries! ; ent-adrc, v. ^ de rantj; d 'i /iff. soldier ; d'rtat, statesman; fait, full-grown, (hence) able-bodied, man; d( guerre, soldier, warrior; a la mer, man overboard; at mer, (nai.) al'le seaman, thorough sailor: mcUrt d(i< s Kvr, to pu: men at (anytmni:); to man; s win-disponihlfs, (Fr. a.> on mobili/ation, men kept tor the pui'lu- goeei h, corporal and j>ri\ate;. homog&ne 218 honille ho in OK^II r. a., homogeneous; acitr , (met.) ingot steel; ftr , (met.) ingot iron. homologatlon, f., (law) confirmation, legaliza- tion. homolographe, m. , (tnst.) an instrument enabling one to prick mechanically, by mere sighting, the horizontal position of a leveling rod and to read the altitude of the point directly (Peau- cellier and Wagner); homolograph. hoiuologuer, v. a., (law) to confirm, legalize. hongro, a., (hipp.) gelded; coeval , gelding; hongrer, v. a., (hipp.) to castrate, cut, geld. hongroye, Hungarian, Hungary; cttir , Hungary leather. hongroyer, v. a., to taw joather. honneur, m., honor; (in pi.), honors, military honors; affaire d' , duel; arme d' , v. s. y. arme; champ d' , (mil.) battlefield; croii d' , cross of tlie Legion of Honor; dettes d' , gambling debts; fairf d t to honor (as a draft); (nav.) to avoid (as a rock, a shoal); sfunebres, funeral honors; f:uil d' , v. s. v. fusil; s de la guerre, honors of war; legion d' , Legion of Honor; s militaires, military honors; mourirau litd' , (mil.) to be killed in battle; ordre d' , I-egion of Honor; point d' , point of honor, pundonor; rcndre les s, to give military honors, to pay honors; siirf d' , v. s. v. sabre. honoralre, a., honorary; m. pi., honorarium. ho;>itai, m., hospital; ambulant, a "first aid" hospital on the field of bat tie; annexe, (Fr. a.) a hospital administratively attached to a regular military hospital (estab- lished in garrisons lacking full hospital facili- ties); auiiliaire,(Fr. a.) Red Cross hospital (in war); -auxiliaire de campagne, (Fr. a.) Red Cross i old hospital; de campagne, field hospital; central, (Fr. a.) the hospital to which an anncre is attacned; - civil militarise, civil mixte, v. mili- tarise; a destination speciale, (Fr. a.) a hospital for infectious and contagious diseases; d'caux mincralcs, a hospital established at healing springs; d'elapes, the hospital of a glle d'elapes; d'evacuation, hospital at the rear, receiving : iek and wounded from the front and forward- ing them to interior of the country, "overflow" hospital; fievrc d' , typhus fever; militnirc, post hospital; militarise, mirtc, (Fr. a.) a civil hospital in which wards arc specially assigned to the use of soMicrs under the care of military surgeons; l>r>>irri!>irc d' , hospital gangrene; Iftnimraire, a hospital established in besieged towns, or else in open towns, to receive the wounded. horalre, a., hourly; m., railroad time-table; halte , (mil.) hourly halt , horary halt; livre , (r. r.) time-table. horizon, m., horizon; a/i/iarrnt, \ . vixille; artilicid, artificial horizon; aslronomigue, true ..orizon; en -flere, above the horizon; ii mrrcure, mercurial horizon; jihiizique, v. rinifilt; - rat'mnnrl, v. irui; Tit' act inn h I' , reduction to the horizon; rt'lnircii I' , to reduce lo the horizon; .trruiilile, v. fi.iibli ; visible, rimifl, apparent, visible, horizon; nai, true horizon. horizontal, a., horizontal. horizontale, f., (top.) contour line, contour. horloge, f., clock; d eau, d'eau, clepsydra; du loch, log glass; d longitudes, v. marine; marine, chronometer; monter une . to wind up a clock; regler une , to regulate a clock; remonter une , v. monter une ; de sable, hourglass; solaire, sundial. horloger, m., clockmaker. horlogerie, f., clock-, watch-, making; clock work. l hors, m., prep., adv., outside of; de baticrie, (art.) from battery; cadre, (mil.) (of officers on the active list and employed) not on the rolls of a regular organi- zation; in addition to or in excess of the statu- tory number; seconded (Brit.) (n. e., U. S. A.); de combat, disabled; de cour, (law) out of court; d'cau, not level; d'ecole, (man.) long out of riding school (said of the horse); itre du montoir, (hipp.) to bo lame in front; feu, (met.) out of blast, not working; la garde, v. s. v. garde; d'haleine, out of breath, out of wind; la main, (man.) hard-mouthed; me/ire , (met.) to put out of blast; meltre d'eau, (art.) to depress a gun and close the vent and muzzle so that water will not lodge in it (an expression nearly obsolete); le du nontoir, (man.) off side; d'ceuvre, (ruvre, v. s. v. cruvre; de la portee (du canon, etc.), out of range of (a gun, etc.); rang_, v. s. yv. peloton, section; service, (mil.) unserviceable; tour, (Fr. a.) out of turn (said of promotions by selection not counted among those deter- mined by the law). hors-d'oeuvre, m., v. s. v. ceuvre. hors-montolr, m., (man.) off side. hors-ceuvre, adv., v. s. v. ceuvre. hospice, m., hospital; civil 'militarise, civil mixte, v. honital mili- tarise. hospitallsation, f., admission to and sojourn in a hospital, hospitalise, a., admitted to a hospital; homme , man who has been in hospital. hospltaliser, v. a., to receive in a hospital, hostile, a., hostile. hostility, f., (mil.) hostility, enmity: commencer, ouvrir, lex .v. to open hostilities; condnire, poursuivre, lex s, to carry on hostili- ties; suspendrc lea s, to suspend hostilities. hotrhklss, m., (art.) Holchkiss gun (esp. the Hotchkiss revolving cannon). hole, m., post; (mil.) (in France) a person who is compelled to furnish quarters to a soldier. hotel, in., hotel f (mil.) official residence (as of a general commanding a corps d'armee, of the heads of the various military schools, etc.); Ditv,, hospital; des Invahdes, pensioners' hospital, esp. th>' "Invalides," at Paris; Soldiers' Home, V. S. A.; du ministtre de la guerre, seat of the war rnin- istrv in Paris; ilu quarlier general, v. under main word, (mil.); dc vilie, town hall. hotte, f., scuttle; hod; basket for carrying earth, etc.; (chcm., met.) hood, funnel hood. hone, f. , hoe. hourr, v. a., to hoc. houillc, f. . coal: pit or sea coal, soft coal, bituminous 'oil; hard coal; nijqlomerie, artificial fuel, pressed fuel: l/itumineuse, soft, bituminous coal: Ill'l.'!.! 219 hyckori buuille brunt, lignite; c^arbon de , coke; i ci>k< boursoufU, v. grasse; col'ante, v. grasse; di mi-grasse, coal not quite so pasty as grasse; df'.At de , coal deposit; store of coal; - - eclatante, anthracite coal; entrepot de , store of coal; de forge, forge coal; grasse, a term descriptive of any coal that be -onies pasty; fat coal; smithy coal; grassta court e flamme, close-, short -burning, short-flaming, coal; grasse b tongue flamme, cannel coal; long- flaming, long-burning, free-burning, smith coal (easily inflammable); grasse marcchale. best forge coal; luisante, anthracite coal; maigre, coal containing but little hydrogen; i losc-burning coal; marechale, v. de forge; - -non collante, y. maigre; proprement dite. bituminous coal; sans flamme, close-burning coal; seche, v. maigre; seche & longue flamme. Ions-flaming, long- burning, free-burning, glance coal; trndre, soft coal; - terreuse, v. brunt; tnut-venante, rough coal, coal as it comes from the mine, mine run. houMler, a., containing coal, coaly, houlllere, f., coal mine, colliery, houilllte, f., anthracite coal, houlan, m., (cav.) uhlan. hniile, f., swell (of the sea); - battue, cross sea; defond, ground swell: longue, roller. houlette, f., trowel; spatula; (fond.) casting ladle. liouleux, a., (of the sea) rough, rolling, heaving, swelling. hoiiTie, f., tuft; - - du menton, (hipp.) rounded protuberance on . the lower lip. hourdage, m., (mas.) rubblework, rough casting; Icons.) pugging. hoarder, v. "a., (mas.) to roughcast; (cons.) to pue. hotirdls, m. (mas.) rubblework; (con*.) pugging; hollow brick. hourra, in., hurrah, cheer, sudden attack with cheers. housard, m.. (oar.) hussar (rare). housardcr, v. a., (cat 1 .) to make a housardaille, q. v. housardailie, f., (civ.) sudden and rapid attack or raid of a small party of cavalry (obs.). houssaga, m., sweepings; nitre dc , niter obtained by sweeping walls. housse. L, (ham.) horse cloth", saddlecloth, hous- ing, housing cloth, shabraque; \ n bottes, croup housing; de threat, sadulecloth, horse cloth; - - dn eiillirr, collar pad; - de pied, en soulicrs, a housing coming li.-low the leg of the, rider (obs.); /nunante, funeral housing. hims.sor, v. a., to sweep, dust. houssine, f. , switch. houKsiner, v. a., to switch, beat. houssoir, m., hair broom; whisk of feathers. houx, ru., liolly, holly tree. hoyau, m., grubbing" ax; l>ic . grubbing pick. luiclie, f., hutch, bin, trough, mill hopper; tub. hue: i in the United States) goe! (in England) haw! hue>, f., shouting, whoop, whooping, liuer, v. a., to hoot. huihiKP, m., oiling. liulle, f.. oil; - d amande. almond oil; - - nnimnif. animal oil; aiitmydt . rust-pun willing oil; hulle de baleine, whale oil; boiled , oil cup; - de bra, (/dm.) "elbow grease;" ti bruJer, illuminating oil; tr.rtlte & , oil cun; - de citaces, v. de baleine; de ckanvre, de chenevU, hemp-seed oil; - - de coco, cocoanut oil; de colza, colza oil, rape oil; de colon, cotton-seed oil; - - cuite, boiled linseed oil; - douce, swe*t oil; eclairage & I' , illumination by oil, oil light- ing; Mairerb T , to light by oil; - etsentielle, essential oil; explosive, (expl.) Nobel's name for nitro- glyi-erin, detonating oil: defainr, bMch-nut oH; fixe, fatty, fixed, oil; god et it , oil cup; de goudron, coal-tar oil; grasse, fatty, fixed, oil; any drying oil boiled with litharge, oxide of zinc, etc.; de lampe, lamp oil; de lin. linseed oil; de lincrut, raw linseed oil; de lin cuite. boiled linseed oil; lourde, paraffin oil; he-ivy, thick oil; lourde de houille, oil from coal tar, used as disinfectant; minerale, mineral oil; de naphte, petroleum; --de navette, rape-seed oil; - non-siccative, uondrying oil; d'leuillette, poppy-seed oil; d'olive, olive oil; de palme, palm oil; de petrole, petroleum, coal oil; de pierre, petroleum, nx-k oil; -- de pied dcoceuf, neat's-foot oil; de poisson, fish oil; - - o quinquet, v. A bruler; - de rcsine, rosin oil; de ricin, castor oil; - siccative, drying oil; de terebenthine , (oil of) turpentine; - de terre, v. de pierre; - - vegrtalc, vegetable oil; de vitriol, oil of vitriol, sulphuric acid; volatile, volatile oil. huiler, v. a., to oil, lubricate. hullerie, f., oil refinery. huiller, m., oil bottle, oiler, oil can. huis, m., door (obs.); it clou, behind closed doors. huisseric, f., door frame, doorcase. huNsier, m., usher; - - d'armes, sergeant-at-arms; - apifariteur, (Fr. a.) n. c. o. ( sergeant > ;it- tached to a court-martial, and used to servo papers, look after tho rooms, etc. . huit-r army service corps. hussariie, f.,(i ta . by means of rapinr. CM. bnttf li la. -, liflht ca\-ilr\ Im.M : n< II' it In . (hum.) light cavalry saddle'. hutte, f.. shed, lull; df iViis. loghut. hutter, v. a., to make an eiicumpmenl to make hills. li\<- in huts, cl . . ran". Iiyi-k4irl. m.. lii'-kory \ hydarthrose 220 imperial hydarthrose, f., (hiirp.) scientific name of wind- gall. hydrate, m., (chem.) hydrate; de chaux, calcic hydrate; en pfite, lime powder paste; en poudre, lime powder. liydrat^ (chem.) hydrated. hydraullque, a., hydraulic; f., hydraulics; hy- draulic gear; 'bflifr , hydraulic ram; f haul , hydraulic lime; ciment , water cement; machine , ram, hydraulic engine; ouvrage . waterworks; pratsf , hydraulic, hydrostatic press; puissance , water power; roue , water wheel. hydrocarbon^, a., hydrocarbonie. hydrocellulose, f., (expl.) hydrocellulose; hydrocarbnre, m., (chem.) hydrocarbon.; hydrodyiiamique, a., hydrodynamic. hydro(-)electriquc, a., hydro-electric. hydro-extracteur, m., (expl., etc.) centrifugal dry- ins; machine, hydro-extractor. hydrofuge, a., waterproof, water-tight (said of ce- ments, etc.). hydrogene, m., hydrogen. hydrogene, a., hydrogenized. hydrographe, m., hydrographer. hydrographle, f., hydrography. hydrographlque, a., hydrographic. hydromecaiilque, a., hydraulic. hydronifctre, m., (in*/.) hydrometer. hydrometrtcite, f., v. hygromttricite. hydrometrie, f., hydrometry. hydrometrlque, a., hydrometric. hydropneumatique, a., hydrcpneumatic. hydropneuinatisme, m., hydropneumatism. hydrostatlque, a., hydrostatic, f., hydrostatics. hydro-ventilateur, m., hydroventilator. hygiene, f., hygiene. hygrometre, m., (inst.) hygrometer; A absorption (condensation), absorbing (fon- densing, or chemical) hygrometer. hygrometriclte, f., hygrometricity. hygrometrie, f., hygrometry. hygrometrlqu ~, a., hygrometric. bygroscope, m., (inst.) hygroscope. hyporyctique, a., (mil. min.) having to do with the operations of underground war. hypotenuse, f., hypotenuse. hypotheque, f., mortgage. hypothequer, v. a., to mortgage. hypothese, f., hypothesis; tac/ique, (mil.) tactical situation (in maneu- vers, exercises). hypsometre, m., (inst.) hypsometer. hypsometric, f., hypsometry; determination of heights. hypsoinetrlque, a., hypsometric. hysteresis, m., (elec.) magnetic lag, hysteresis. I. lohnographe, m., machine designer. Ichnographle, f., ichnography. Ichnographique, a., ichnographic. Ichthyncolle, f., isinglas, fish-glue. icon()inetrC m., (inst.) instrument for measuring distances on maps, f)lans. Icosaedre, m., icosahedron. ideiitite, f., identity; carte d' , ( FT. a.) document (including a photo- graph in plain clothes) to be shown by officers ami assimilcs when claiming special rates on railraods; (in gen.) identification card, similar in idea to plaque d' , q. v.; plaqui d' , (mil.) identification plate worn in war, issued on mobilization. idiostatique, a., (elec.) idiostatic. idoiue, a., suitable (obs. word still used in admin- istration); erptrt. expert. If, m.. yew tree, yew; triangular framework, to sup- port lamps (lampions) in illuminations. ignO, a., igneous. Ignition, f., ignition; ( n , ^nited; rntrer en , to ignite; mcttre. en , to ignite, set on fire; Kpnn/an>:< . spontaneous ignition. tie, f.. island. illettrf, a., illiterate; unable to read or write. Hot, m., islet; (top.) block, clump, or mass (of houses, etc.). image, f., image, picture, illustration; photograph (po^it ive image i ; dirrcte, (n/il. > direct image; -iltiiriqui, (ilic. ; electric image; finite, (phut.) "oyMer:" nignlit'f, <[ihni.) negative; poxitite, (jilial.) liositive; rfclle, (ffit.) real image: r/tlfrhir, (npt.) reflected image; TtnrfTxit, (op!.) inverted image; rirtiirllr, ("pi.) virtual image. Imbiber, v. a. r., to soak, imbibe; to soak into. Imbibition, f.. soa 1 ing. imbibition. Imboirr, v. a., t > imbue. Imbrication, f.. imbrication. Imbrirfe, a. (feminine only,!, imbricated, imbri- cate; tuile , hollow tile. Imbrifuge, a., rain-proof. Immalleable, a., (met.) immalleable. Immanoauvrable, a., (nan.) nnm.inageable. immatriculatlon, f., (mil.) taking up on (rolls of men. horses), mustering in (IT. S. A.); (Fr. a.) inscription of a name on the registre matricule (<1- v.); - au corps, ( Fr. a.) taking up of a name on t ne regimental rolls (rcgistre matricule); au recrutement, ( Fr. a.) in each regional sub- division, taking up of a name on the recruiting rolls (registre matricule). Immatrlcule, f., enrollment, registry. Irpmatricule, m.. (Fr. a.) soldier or employee of war department inscribed on rolls of the army. Immatriculer, v. a., to enroll, register; (mil.) to put on the muster rolls ~f the army. Immerger, v. a., to immerse. Immersion, f., immersion. immeuble, a., real (of property); m., landed prop- erty, real estate. Immobiller, a , of lands, landed. immobilisation, f., (law) act of giving a real char- acter to property; (mil.) tying down of a force to a particular position, immobilization. immobillser, v. a., to fix in position; (law) to give property a real character; (mach.) to stop; (mil.) to immobilize, to fasten or tie down to a given position. immobility, f., immobility; (mil.) state of being still in ranks (as at command, fire!); (hipp.) immobility, inability of the horse to execute (voluntary movements); balkiness. Impact, m., impact; centre d' , (hall.) center of impact; point d' , (ball.) point of impact. Impair, a., odd. uneven. Impasse, f., blind alley or lane; se troui-er dans une , to be in a great difficulty. Impedimenta, impediments, m. pi., (mil.) bag- gage (especial baggage not directly needed for the combat). Impenetrable, a . impenetrable, impervious. Impenetrability, f. . impenetrability. iiniH'Tittrlce, f., empress. imperial, a., imperial. Implriale 221 incompetence imptrtale, f.. top of a tent, of a carriage; imperial (tuft on the under lip). impermabl, a., waterproof, Impervious, im- permeable; m., mackintosh (overcoat); ft I'nir, air-tight; ft Veau, water-tight; an gaz, gas-tight; & la vapeur, steam-tight. impermlablllsation, f., waterproofing, imper- meubiliiation. ImpermeablHser, v. a., to make water-proof. imponderability f. , imponderability. imponderable, a., imponderable. Importable, a., importable. importateur, m., importer. importation, f.. importation; droit d' , tariff, impost; prime d' , bounty on importation. importer, v. a., to import. iiiiposer, v. a., to inflict, levy, impose (as taxes, etc.). imposition, f., imposition (of a tax, etc.). Imposte, m., transom (of a door or window); (mas.) impost. Imp6t, m., impost, tax. impotent, m., person who, for any physical reason whatever, can not earn a living. Impraticable, a., impracticable; impassable (of roads, etc.); (fort.) impracticable (of the breach). Impregnation, f., impregnation (as of wood). Impregner, v. a., to impregnate (as wood). tmprenable, a., (mil.) impregnable. impresslqn, f., impression: printing; priming; en faille doiice, copperplate printing. tmpresslouner, v. a., (phot.) to ''print." imprimf, m., public document; blank form: (in pi.) printed matter. Imprimer, v. a., to print; to impress; to give a first coat of paint; un mnuvement, to set in motion. iniprlmerle, f., printing; art of printing; printing establishment; portative, ( FT. a.) portable press accom- panying the headquarters of each army and of each group of armies. imprlmeur, m., printer. Imprimure, f.. priming, priming coat. Iniyropre, a., unclean, unfit; au service, unfit for service, useless. impulsion, f., impulse, impetus, shock; (mil.) impulse given a firing line by the arrival of reserves; donntr I' d, to set in motion; to give, impart an impulse; /T-ff d' . propelling power. imputation, f.. deduction of a sum of money: sum charged on the debit side of an account; charge, imputcr, v. a., to place to account; to deduct a sum of money. Imputrescmillte, f., imputres-'ibility. Imputrescible, a., ini[>;im>-vible. liiabortiable, a., inaccessible, as, (mil.) a position. Inaccessible, a., inaccessible. in.i: I if. a., inactive, unemployed. Inaction, f.. inaction; (man.) keeping a horse still while flexing the incohirr. InafToulllable, a., (of earth, soil), not liable to scour, wash. InaRuerrt, a., (mil.) umvarlike: not trained or inured to war. frialleiiu bill t6, f.. inalienability, in.ili.- Manic, a.. m.ih"ii;ibi.-. inalliablc. a., (mrt.) nonalloying. InamovUltc, f., state of boing unremovable. lnamo\lt>!c, f., not removable. inal l ;u| ua'ue, a., unassailable. incalculable, a., incapable of calcination. liicalcliie, a., uir-il ined. incandescence, L, incandescence; white heat. incandescent, a., white hot, welding hot. incapacity, f., (laic) lack of power to take a legal step. incarcerable, a., liable to Imprisonment, incarceration, f. . iniprisoniin-.it. Incarcerer, v. a., to imprison. Jncendlalr*, a., incendiary; competition , v. 5. v. competition; cylindre , v. s. v. eylindre; futt , (artif.) incendiary roeVet; ofms , (artif.) carcass, lncndlary shell; projtctile , (artif.) incendiary projectile. Incetidle, m., conflagration, fire: eruption (of a volcano); (mil.) burning, devastation by fire. appareil de sauvetatje pour let *, fire escape; crochet d , fire hook; tcheUeil , fire ladder; eitincteur d' , fire extinguisher, fire en- gine; pompe d , flre engine; robinetb , fire plug; scauh , fire bucket. Incendler, v. a., to fire, set on fire, burn, bum down. Incertalii, a., uncertain, variable: chcval , restless, ndgety horse; joints s, ( mas. ) irregular joints between stones of different sizes. incesslble, a., that may not be ceded, uncedable. Inceste, m., (Ju'pp.) in-and-iu breeding. Inchavlrable, a., Cof a boat) non-capsizable. incidence, f., incidence; anile d' , anele of incidence. Incident, m., incident, accident: a., incident; s de tir, (art.) incidents that delay or arrest the fire. Incineration, f., incineration, burning, reduction to ashes; des marts, cremation. InclnCrer, v. a., to incinerate, reduce to ashes, cremate. incislf, a., incisive; dent ve, incisor. Incisive, f., incisor, incisive tooth: adulte, adult incisors, of se.-ond dentition; caduque, incisor of first dentition; de lait, v. caduque; dc remptaccmtnt, v. adulte. Incllnalson, f.. in linatinn; obliquity: gradient, sbpe; angle; (dec.) dip of the needle; (nav.) heeling, angle of heol; (nin.) hade, under- lay; aiguille d' , (eJec.) dipping neexlle: de I'aiguille aimanlic, (dec.) dip of the needle; bouxsolc d' , (elcc.) dippinj? compass: inclina- tion compass; finale dcs rayurcs. (art.) muzzle inclination of tie rifling; d'une fusee d'cssiru, set of an axletree arm: majniti'iue, (r!n. niri.i tu depress a gun. Inclinometre, m.. (in.'f.) inclinometer. Inclure, v. a., to include. Incombustible, a., incombustible. Incombustibility, t'.. inconibtistibilitv. Incommode, p. p., inconveniem-wl, distress! shuttered; Mlimnil .(d'-.)n ship that has l^t a ni:i-.t or otherwise suliercd injury: ftre d'un brnx. d'uni jnin>>i . to h.ive 1'^i iln' use of an arm or !i'_ r . Incoiiiniotlite. ; 1:1 fiynul d' . ( nar.) signal of c list re--;. Incompatibllitc, f.. (Inir) iinpossibility ing two pi>-iti(iiis at oui> and the s.une IIMIC, e. g., civil and m.lii.iry. incompatible, a., incoiiiiiatilile: (!a>ri tliat may not be held at one and the xiine time, by olio and the same |>e;>,in. IncoiiijH'ti'nci", (.. i 'me. i Lick of jurisdiction; ini-uiupelt'iicv. Incompetent 222 index Incompetent, a., (law) having no jurisdiction; incompetent. iiicoinplet, u., incomplete, blank; m., vacancy, blank; (in pi., mil.) difference between statu- tory and budgetary strengths. incompresslblllte, f., incompressibility. Incompressible, a. , incompressible. incondulte, (., bad behavior, misbehavior. incongelable, a. , nonf reezing. incoiigele, a., unfrozen. inconnue, f., unknown quantity. Incorporation, f., incorporation; (mil.) pas- sage of a class, contingent, etc., under the colors, incorporation; action of receiving young soldiers into the regiments to which they are assigned and of placing them on rolls of same (.synonym of am matriculation): in recruiting, inscription of names on the recruiting rolls; (potcd.) incorporation. incorporer, v. a., to incorporate; (mil.) to incor- porate (a contingent) recruits in a regiment; (powd.) to incorporate. Incorrtgibllltl, f., incorrigibility; (mil.) perma- nent resistance to the requiremnts of disci- pline. incorrigible, a., incorrigible; (mil.) permanently undisciplined. incrasser, v. a. , to thicken. incriiuination, f . , incrimination. incriminer, v. a., to incriminate. incrochetable, a., that can not be picked (lock). incrustation, f., incrustation; (steam) scale, boiler-scale, fur. Lncr uster, v. jffr., to incrust; (steam) to become covered with scale, to become incrusted, to fur. Incult, m., underburned limestone. Inculpation, f., (mil. law) accusation; suspicion of guilt, of having committed a crime or mis- demeanor. inculpe, m., (mil. laic) the accused, (in the literal sense of the word, before charges or trial). Inculper, v. a., to accuse, criminate. Inculte, a., uncultivated; wild. incurable, a., incurable. incurubillt^, f . , incurability. incursion, f., incursion; (mil.) inroad, raid, irrup- tion, incursion. incurvation, f., incurvation. incurver, v. a., to curve in. lnde>hiffrabillte', f., quality of being undecipher- able. IndCchiflrable, a., undecipherable. liidfendable, a., (mil.) indefensible. Indelebile, a. , indelible: encre , indelible ink. Indelebilite, f., indelibility. liidemne, a., indemnified; rtndre , to indemnify. Indemnisatlon, f., indemnification. indemnlser, v. a., to indemnify, make good. indt nmltairc, in., person entitled to an indem- nity. Indemnity, f. , allowance; indemnity; commuta- tion. (K.xcept where otherwise indicated, the following terms relate to the French serv- ice:) pour changement d'unifnrme, allowance to subaltern ollicers and adjudtints on involun- tary transfer to a regiment having a ditlerent uniform; de d( placement, (in gen.) traveling expenses: travel allowance; aui enfant* tie troupe, a yearly money allow- ance made to cnfant.i de troupe who remain at home; d'eniree en cnmpagru, allowance to ollicers on being ordered to join un active army lone in the field), or to join a fort when its gnrnison fie defense is formed. - erlranrdinnire de voyage, allowance depending on distance and on unusual character of mission or duty on which sent; de ferrure, shoeing allowance to gendarmes serving in the provost guard during the fall maneuvers; lndemnlt pour la fttc nationale, a money allow- ance to n. c. o., corporals, and privates on the occasion of thofrte nationale, q. v.; fiie, - fixe de transport, allowance of money (officers) for transportation of bag- gage from quarters to station, and vice versa; defonctions, allowance accompanying certain functions or details; pour frais de bureau, (in gen.) office ex- penses; pour frais de service, allowance made to officers holding certain positions to meet the expenses incumbent upon them (e. g., chief of staff, governor of Paris, c. o.'s of military schools, etc.); de guerre, (in gen.) war indemnity; pour habillement, (in gen.) clothing allow- ance; journaliere, daily subsistence allowance to isoles traveling under orders; kilomftrique , mileage; de logement, commutation of quarters of certain n. c. o. (rengayes, commissionnfs) , who have families; also to master-workmen, etc., for whom there are no quarters in garrison; (in gen.) commutation of quar- ters; de monture, extra pay (mounted); pour pertes de chevaux (d'effets), indemnity for horses killed in action (for loss of effects captured), . -de premiere mise de harnachement, allowance to officers upon passing for the first time from dismounted to mounted status; de premiere mise d'equipement, outfit allow- ance made in the case of certain "promotions (as to n. c. o., who are appointed adjudants or officers); en rassemblement , daily allowance to soldiers of all grades stationed in camps or in certain designated fortified positions; to officers who accompany their troops on certain duties (target practice, preparation or organization of ranges, polygons); to soldiers on excep- tional occasions of assemblage of troops where provisions are dear; en r emplacement de vieres, commutation of rations (in France in time of peace) in certain designated cases, e. g., when troops can easily buy the -victuals; de rengagement, (in gen.) reenlistment bounty; representative, (in gen.) commutation; representative de fourrage, (in gen.) forage commutation; pour residence en Algerie ( Tunisie) , special allowance to officers and military employees ranking as n. c. o. in garrison in Algiers (Tunis); pour residence dans Paris, special allowance to officers, employees ranking as officers, or as n. c. o. and to n. c. o. rengagfs or com- missionis serving within the enceinte of Paris; . de responxabilite , allowance to bonded offi- cers of administration responsible for property or money; de route, (in gen.) travel allowance, mile*- age; de sfjour, allowance for residence in certain places under certain conditions; -sprciale, allowance substituted for pay and rations in case of reservists, territorialists, etc., for the day of their arrival only; de table, (in gin.) mess allowance: de transport, (in g. (eipl., art., etc.) firing or discharg- ing by electricity; par pircusxion, (sm. a.) percussion fire; pfriph(ri. (mil.) a generic term for all means of transmitting information, orders, intelli- gence, etc. Uifomic, in., investigation. informer, v. a. n., to inform, make known, ac- quaint; (Inn-) to investigate a case, inquire into an accusation or charges. Infortlflable, a., (fort.) not susceptible of fortifica- tion. Infracteur, m., infringer. Infraction, f., infraction, breach, violation. infrastructure, f., (r. r.) roadbed; (more strictly) masonry work and earthwork; (pont.) structure under the roadway of a bridge. liif raye, a., not opened (of a road). Infuslbillte, f., infusibility. Infusible, a., infusible. Infusolres, m. pi., infusoria. Ingfiriieur, m., engineer; (mil.) military engineer; (Fr. nav.) naval constructor (two classes of, assimilated to captain and commander, respec- tively, U. S. N.); artilleur, artillery engineer; de campagne, fiela engineer; en chef, chief engineer; des chemins defer, railroad engineer; civil, civil engineer; consultant, consulting engineer; constructeur. (nav.) shipbuilder; des constructions navales, (nav.) naval con- structor; du corps du genie maritime, (nav.) naval con- structor; de cuirassement, armor engineer; du genie maritime, (nav.) naval constructor; gcographe, surveyor, topographical engi- neer; hydrographe, hydrographer; ( Fr. nav.) hydro- graphic engineer; nydrographe de Irt (2mc) classe, (Fr. mar.) grades assimilated to captain and to Ccm- mander, respectively, U. S. N.; inxpecteur, superintending engineer; .- de la marine, maritime, naval construc- tor; mecanicien, mechanical engineer; militaire, (mil.) military engineer (a current, not an official, expression); des mines, mining engineer; opticien, maker of optical instruments: df place, garrison engineer; des pon/s et chaussces, (French) government engineer (for bridges and roads); des poudres et salpetres, (French) engineer for manufacture of explosives; de routes, road engineer; sows , assistant engineer: (Fr. nav.) assistant naval constructor (three classes of); sous hydrographe, ( Fr. nav.) assistant hydn.g- rapher (three classes of); torpilliur. torpedo engineer. Ingredient, m., ingredient; de propnti , ( Fr. a.) cleaning material (soap, wax. polish, etc.). inKtit'able, a., unfordable. inhumation, f., burial. inhumer, v. a., to bury. inintlammabillte, f.. uninflammability. ininflammable, a., uninflammable. Inlnflammatton, f., failure to inflame, initial, a., initial. point , (mil.) initial point of a march (in- accurate term); vitcsse e, (bali.) muzzle velocity. initiative, f., (mil.) initiative (bold, offensive spirit); esprit d' , spirit of initiative. Injecter, v. a., to inject. Injecteur, m., (vtaim) injector: aspirant, suction injector; atitomoteur, self-adjusting injector; Giffard, flilTard injector: universel, universal injector. Injection, f., impregnation of wood; (steaiti) in- jection; eau d' . (steam) injection water; lerirr, robinet, tiroir. tuyau, d' , (steam) injec- tion lever, cock, slide, pipe. Injonctlon, f., injunction; formal order, impera- tive command. InnaviKabllite, f., state of being unnavigable, (nac.) unseaworthiness. innavigable 225 iiistahle innavigable, a., (of rivers, etc.) not navigable; (nat>.) unseaworthy. Iii-octavo, in., 8vo, octavo, iiiotlenslf, a., inoffensive; (of mechanisms) out of gear, out of action. i no iid at ion, f., inundation, overflow; (Jort.) inun- dation (accessory defense); inferieure, (fort.) downstream inundation (below town or fort); lattrale, moyenne, (fort.) an inundation opposite the town or fort; r superiewe, (/or/.) upstream inundation (above town or fort); tcndre tine , (fort.) to prepare an inundation. inouder, v. a., to inundate, overflow, iii-plano, m., full sheet. in-quarto, m., 4to, quarto. inuutet, a., restless; cheval , (hipp.) restless, skittish horse. Inquleter, v. a., (mil.) to annoy, harass, impede the enemy (a march, the passage of a river). insalstssable, a., (law) not liable to seizure or levy. inscriptlble, a., inscribable. inscription, f., inscription; notice (as on a sign- board); (mil. adin.) registry, enrollment; Here d' , register, record book; maritime, in France, registry of all persons living by the exercise of some maritime employ- ment. Inscrlre, v. a., to register, inscribe, record; (mil.) to take up. Inscrit, m., in France, any person forming part of the inscription maritime, a. v.; definitif, any man belonging to the crew of a merchant vessel and having 18 months' sea experience (must be at least 18 years old); hors de service, a sailor of 50, or any sailor dis- charged as physically unfit; provisoire, any minor that can read and write and that intends to follow the sea. In-seize, m., 16mo., sixteenmo. insensibilisateur, a., (ex pi.) desensitizing. Insensibiliser, v. a., (eipl.) to desensitize. Insensible, a., not sensitive; bouche , (man.) hard mouth. insensitif, a., insensitive. insurer, v. a. r., to insert, beinserted; (eke.) to put in circuit. Insertion, f., insertion; fixe, (hipp.) origin of a muscle; mobiU, (hipp.) insertion of a muscle. insigne, m., (found generally in the plural) in- signia; marks of rank; s de grade, (unif.) insignia of grade; * de gradi de s sous-oflicie r.v hospitalises, (Fr. a.) insignia worn by n. c. o. and corporals that have been in hospital; de pointrur, (Fr. art.) grenade worn by the best gun layer of the battery for the year;" de HI nice, (mil.) any badge or mark indicat- ing that the wearer is on duty; (Fr. a.) chiii- stiap down; de lir, ; des forges, (Fr. a.) steel inspector, govern- ment inspector at a gun foundry; general, (Fr. a.) general officer detailed by the minister of war to inspect a regiment, "a service, art establishment, etc.; provost-marshal- gencral; (Fr. nar.) senior grade of the engineer, construction, and medical departments, re- spectively; general permanent de cavalerie^ (Fr. cap.) gen- eral officer, permanent cavalry inspector (v. s. v. inspection); general permanent des fabrications de I'artil- lerie, (Fr. art.) general officer, head of this in- spection (v. s. v. inspection); general permanent des travauz de VartilUrie pour I'armement des cities, (Fr. art.) general officer, member of the technical artillery com- mittee, specially charged with this duty; de manufactures d'armes, (Fr. a.) inspector of small-arm manufactures, member of section technique of the artillery (abolished); medecin , (Fr. a.) medical inspector; technique, (Fr. a.) an inspector of the special services. inspection, f., inspection, survey, examination; (mil.) inspection; personnel o'f an inspecting department; charge, functions of an inspector; arrnt-, (sm. a.)command for inspection of arms d'armee, (Fr. a.) inspection made by an i- spcctcur d'armee; d'armes, (Fr. a.) inspection of arms in the hands of troops (made by inspecteur d'arm<.;; faire I' the permanent inspection personnel of (he French cavalry; gi niralc. des priiiitix asserii I' , to undergo inspection; jtasxir une , to make an inspect inn; ptrmaiu 11/1 . fiihricutimix ctio:i department in charge of all technical and administrative matters reining to the manufacturing establishments of the ar- tillery. inspiration, f.. insufflation. Instability. f., instability. lustable. a., nnsial'Ic: acitr , i I'nt.) she! that loses its [irop>'rties; liistable 226 intendance instable, combination , (chem.) unstable com|xmnd; fquilibre , unstable equilibrium. Installation, f., installation (of guns on board, in a work , of troops in a bivouac , cantonment) ; (tech.) plant. installer, v. a., to install; to mount (as guns). instance, f., (law) instance; premiere , first instance. Instaiitaiif, a., instantaneous; m., instantaneous photograph; photographic f, instantaneous photogra- phy. itistituteur, m., teacher, tutor, instructor. uistructeur, in., teacher, instructor; (mil.) drill instructor, drillmaster; (man.) riding master; capitaine- , (mil.) captain supervising drill; caporal , sergent , (mil.) drill corporal or sergeant; officicr , v. s. v. offider; de fir, (mil.) musketry instructor. Instruction, f., instruction, education; circular; rules, directions, for anything; (mil.) instruc- tion, training, (more narrowly) drill; (laic) preliminary trial or hearing; inquiry, exami- nation (synonym of information); (Fr. a.) the instruction or order for a march sent by the general in chief to corps or division com- manders; camp a" , v. s. v. camp; sur la conduite de voitures, (art.) driving drill; des demandes de pension, (adm.) all the documents necessary to obtain a pension; . division d' , ( Fr. a.) a division of the Ecole de Fontaincbleau, composed of lieutenants detached for one year from their regiments to be trained in riding and as drillmasters; equestre, riding instruction; judiciaire , v. information: juge d' , (law) examining magistrate; lieutenant d" , (Fr. a.) at Fontainebleau, a lieutenant belonging to the division d' , q. v.; at Sanmur, a lieutenant of cavalry in training for the duties of capitaine-instrucleur; a lieutenant of artillery in training for the duties of riding instructor and taking a special course in cavalry tactjcs; rnilitaire prfparatoire , in France, military instruction of youths of 17 to 20 years by socie- ties organized for the purpose: mimstMelle, (mil.) circular, war department circular; pelnton d' , v. s. v. peloton: -desrecrucif, recruit drill, etc.; du tir, target practice. instruire, v. a., to instruct, teach, explain; (mil.) to train, drill; (lair) to bring up a case or ar- range a case for trial; un chcral, (man.) to train a horse; une pension, (adm.) to present in due form an application for a pension. Instrument, in., instrument, musical instrument; tool, engine, implement; (law) instrument, deed, con tract; afftlr, v. tranchant; fi nnche, (mi/,*.) reed instrument; d'arprnteiiT, surveying instrument; ii bee, (mux.) instrument fitted \vith a mouth- piece; s ilc chauffe, firing tools: d cordts, ( mux. > stringed instrument; CMijunit, v. traiichnitt; de lei'fx, surveying instrument ; de mathematique, mathpiuatipul instru- ment; ti meche, (mus.) reed instrument: dc percussion, . /ni/a. percussive instru- ment; de pointage, (art.) any aiming instrument or ijevice; dc precision, mathematical instrument; fi r'tlciinn, rel !':! ing instrument: tranchwit , edge tool; il rent. ( mu.-i.t wind ins) rumen I; i-rrificateur, de t'ritieiilinn. (art.\ in- specting, verifying instrument, vr.nifje; de virile, (art.) inspect ing instrument. instrumentaire, a., ttmoin to a document. instrumcnter, v. a., (law) to draw up legal pa- pers, documents, deeds, contracts, etc. instrumentiste, m., (mil.) band musician. iiisiibimTsibillte, I., (of boats) state of )>eing unsinkable. Insubmersibie, a., (of boats) unsinkable. insubordination, f., insubordination. insufflation, f., insufflation; (met.) blast. iusufflsance, f., insufficiency, lack; de numfros, (Fr. a.) in drawing by lot, excess of young men over the numbers con- tained in the urn. Insultable, a., (mil.) that may be attacked. insulte, f., insult, affront; (mil.) sudden attack; coup de main; assault, open as- sault; nors d' , beyond reach of a coup de main; mettre hors d' , (fort.) to secure from a coup de main; ft une sentinelle, interference with, assault on, a sentinel. insulter, v. a., (mil.) to surprise (a place or position). insurge, m., insurgent. insurgence, f., riot, insurrection. insurger, v. a. r., to excite, cause to rise; to revolt, mutiny. Insurrection, f., rising, revolt; d, main armce, armed insurrection. intact, a., untouched, inviolate, unharmed. integrateur, m. , integrator. integrometre, m., (inst.) integrometer. intelligence, f., intelligence; collusion, under- standing with, relations with ; avoir des s, to have an understanding, rela- tions with; avoir une double , to have an understanding, relations, with both sides; noutr des s, to establish relations (as wtih the enemy, with the besiegers, etc.). intemperies, f. pi., vicissitudes of the weather. in tenable, a.. ( mil.) untenable. intendance, f., direction, administration of affairs; (Fr. a.) one of the branches (services) of the administration of the army. The intendance service comprises (1) the services of pay, military subsistence, cloth- ing, camp equipage, cavalry (horse) equip- ment, travel and transportation, military bedding, and the approval of all disburse- ments connected with these services: (2) the approval of the outlays made by the troop units and establishments, the verification of issues in cash and materiel made from the military chests or from the magazines of these units or establishments; (3) the approval and the verification of the dis- bursements of the recruiting service and of the service of military justice; and (4) finally the administration of such person- nels as are not attached to troop units and of all detached persons (isolcs) who draw pay, salary, or gratifications (n. e. U. S. A.; army service corps, very nearly, England); adjoint d, I' , lowest grade of the intendance (rank of cap tain); adjoint & I' du cadre actif, an adjoint on the, active or permanent list; adjoint d, I' du cadre auxiliaire, an adjoint, that comes into the corps on mobilization (belongs to the cadre auxiliaire); attache d I' , special grade (rank of lieuten- ant or of sublieutenant) of the cadre avi- iliaire de I' (is not counted a fonction- naire); cadre actif de I' , the permanent list of the corps; cadre auziliaire dc V , complementary list of the corps formed on mobilization; corps de I' militaire, official designation of the personnel of the intendance fonftiimnairf del' , v. s. v.fonctionnaire: militaire, full designation of the hitni- (Innce; offiri/r d'admirtistration du strrice dt I' . v. s. v. officitr; Intendance 227 Intel-version Intendance, tcrvtce de V , v. under main word; slayiaire de I' , an officer, who, after passing the first competitive examination for entrance into the intendance, is taking the course in administration at Paris, preparatory to final entry into the corps. Intendant, m., manager, director; (Fr. a.) in- tendant, officer of the inUndance, q. v.; de 1'arme.e, the general, or militaire, at the headquarters of an army , when formed; dv, cor/<* d'armce, the militant at corps headquarters; general, the highest grade of the inUndance (ranks with general of division); militaire, second grade of the inUndance (ranks with general of brigade); tout- militaire. subintendant (three classes, ranking with colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and major, respectively). Intensity, f. , intensity; d'aimantation, (elec.) intensity of magnetiza- tion; du champ, (elec.) intensity of field; du courant, (eUc..) current strength; du tirage, (steam) intensity of draft. Intenter, v. a., yn proces, (law) to bring, enter, an action against. Inter-ars, m., (hipp.) part of chest between the art and the forearm. intercalaire, a., intercalary. Intercalation, f., intercalation. Intercalement, m., (mil.) the putting of an in- creased number of men on the same line. Intercaler, v. a., to intercalate; (elec.) to cut in, to insert, to connect with a circuit; une courbe horizontal enlre deux aulres, to find a point or points having a given reference. Intel-cardinal, a., intercardinal, as NE., NW., etc. Intercepter, v. a., to intercept; to cut off (as a convoy); to close (as communication); (art.) to take up (recoil); (steam) to cut off steam. Interception, f., interception; (art.) taking up of recoil. Interchangeable, a., interchangeable. interdiction, f., interdiction, prohibition; de commerce, prohibition of trade (with a country at war with the prohibiting country); des droi/s, loss of rights (civil, personal, etc.); legnle, loss of rights, flowing from a local con- demnation (as to the pe'nitentiary, etc.). Interdlre, v. a., to prohibit, interdict. Interesse, m., interested party. Interference, f., interference. IntCrieur, a., interior, inside, internal; (of meas- urements) in the clear; (mil.) interior, said of duties within the post or enccinle, as opposed to duties without; (i,ont.) near (said of the side next to first bay biu'lt,or to last dismantled); in., interior, inside; interior department; homo (as opposed to abroad). & r , at home (as opposed to abroad); ministere de I' , interior department; ministre de I' , secretary of the interior, home secretary; sen ice , (mil.) interior economy. Interim, m., interim; (adm.) the exercise of a function by a person not holding the corre- sponding grade.; command/ mnit pnr , (Fr. a.) command held under special orders of the minister of war by an officer not definitely invested with it. Interlmalre, a., ad interim; m., jwrson perform- ing duties of a position mi interim. Intvrlmat, in., state of " interim." liiterjeter, v. a.. api'd, (law) to appeal from a decision. tnterligne, f., space between two printed or writ- ten lines. InU'rllgner, v. a., to space lines (in writing). Interllueer, a. v., to interline. Intermedlalre, a., intermediate, middle; m., me- dium, agent; (mach.) intermediate shaft; arbre - , (mach.) intermediate, transmitting, shaft; par I' - de, by means of. Intermittence, f., (mach., etc.) Intermlttence. Intermittent, a., (mach., etc.) intermittent. Interne, a., internal; m., (med.) house surgeon. Intern^, m., (mil.) interned man. Intcrnemenc, m., (mil.) state of being interned. Interner, v. a., (mil.) to intern. Interpolate, a., (elec.) interpolar. Interpolator, m. , interpolator. interpolation, f., interpolation. Interpoler, v. a., to Interpolate. Interpre'te, m., interpreter; - judiciaire, (mil.) interpreter of a court- martial; - s militaires, (Fr. a.) corps of interpreters serving in Algiers and in Tunis (two classes, - s tilulaires, Frenchmen by birth or naturali- zation; - s auiiliaires, not necessarily Frenchmen); - principal, highest grade in the - * mili- Jaires; - s de reserve, (Fr. a.) special corps of inter- preters attached in war to the various staffs and departments. Interrogation, f., examination of witnesses. Interrogatolre, m., (law) examination of accused parties, interrogatory; (mil. law) questions by any member of court, and answers thereto; (Fr. a.) preliminary examination of a prisoner by the judge-advocate; - contract ictoire, cross-examination. - prtliminaire, el lecture de I'acte d' accusation, arraignment; gubir un - , to undergo an examination, Interroger, v. a., to interrogate, question, ex- amine. interrompre, v. a., to close, to cut off, to interrupt (as communications, steam, an electric cur- rent, etc.). Intermpteur, m., (elec.) interrupter, contact breaker, circuit breaker; - automatifue, automatic interrupter; - d' excitation, an excitation interrupter; -- d'inertif, an interrupter acting by inertia; - - d, manette, switch; d mcrrure, mercury circuit breaker or in- terrupter. Interruption, f., interruption, obstacle, obstruc- tion; breaking (ol a current;; break (in a railway track). intersection, f., intersection; (sun.) foresight; method by observations of a point from the extremit ies of a base line; - en arrifrc, (xurv.) backsight : mfthode d' - , (wrr.) ordinary niethofroii< i h<> point ol burst to t he Tiearc-;! point of t lie tar^n ; - degalrrir, bay of a irallfrv; -- niinrl, (;;;//.) o|)i'ii, fcill, interval; de iniih, bav ol a shi'.P. ; minr/nre tl' - ,v. (r'il. ) openinr of interval.--; .-ruirif If* - *. (mi!.) to O|M-II inier\.il.->: -- ,v< nV. ' >;>il. ) ( in,i' inicrval, r.- h:n-.l interval; mrri me:/ (/' -- .<. ( :nil. ) do- in.: of i'ltor-. aN; mrrtr Im -- >, (JHI/.) toilo.-'e nilerval- ; --- ,f,.v tnninv, ('<' rrf.) j:iw. liitcrvciitloii. f.. interve'i;ic.:i: i. e., (ho emry into aclion o: , rocji- hi- ': T -o nnenga-c'l. intener-ioii, f.. inversion; i"il.) inv drill). Intervertlr 228 IntCTvertir, v. a., to invert. hitestln, a., civil, in guerre - 1, civil war. Intlmer, v. a., (iatr) to assert or indicate with authority; to give legal notice. Intonation, (., intonation; teoU d' - , (mil.) voice drill in giving com- mands. Intrados, m., (cons.) intrados. Introduction, f., introduction; (steam) admission of steam; fermerl' - , (steam) to shut off steam; orifice d' - , (steam) admission port. invalid?, a., invalid, disabled; m., invalid, pen- sioner; (in pi.) the Hotel des Invalides, at I'aris; - eiterne, out-pensioner; hdtel des - s, soldiers' homo (U. S. A.); the Invalides at Paris; military or naval hospital for invalids. ImulidiUS f., (late) invalidity. Invasion, f., (mil.) invasion; gntrre d' - , war of invasion. Inventalre, m., inventory, return. luvcrseur, m., (elec.) commutator. Inversion, {., (mil.) inversion; formation left in front. Investigation, f., inquiry, investigation. Investlr, v. a., (mil. fort.) to invest, blockade, sur- round. Investissement, m., (siege) investment, block- ade; corps d' - , investing bodv or army; delinitif, final or complete investment, when the line of investment is thoroughly estab- lished; ligne d' - , line of investment; provisoire, preliminary investment, to dis- lodge besieged from his advanced positions and to close his communications with the ex- terior. Invincible, a., invincible. Invitation, f., invitation; defeuille de route, (Fr. a.) request for trans- portation. Invulnerable, a., invulnerable; posit dts - s, a synonym oimont pagnote, q. v. lode, m., (chem.) iodine. Ions, m. pi., (dec.) ions. Ipfca, le pere - , (mil. slang) regimental sur- geon. IrrMuctlble, a., irreducible, impregnable. IrrvRulier, a., irregular; (mil.) irregular, said of troops not belonging to the regular line (prac- tically obs.); fortification - -r, (fort.) fortification that for any reason whatever follows no regular definite system. Irrigation, f., irrigation. lrriu;uer, v. n., to irrigate. Irruption, f., inroad, irruption. Isabella, n., (/,<>/>.) yellow dun, clay bank; m., a clay-ban!; noiored horse: Chun I - -. clay-hunk horse; --- , 'inn. Ischum, m., i-'chiiim, hip hone. Isoharonietriqiip, a., isobaric. Isocele, a., iso.-x-eles. Isocliroiic, ;i , ivucl luii , is(>:lyn:'inic li ls.ol.iut, :i..!'lic.) in .;;i. insulator; tnbuurit , insulatin; iMii.ili'iir. in., i tin-, in--: arn'l, terminal ii\< nonconducting; m., 11 double arrit, sulat<;i; des ordinaire,'', slops, swill. Isthine, m., isthmus. Isthnileii, a., isthmian. canal , ist hmian canal. Itaguc, f., (cord.) tie, pendant, runner; dfculasxc, (rt'ir.art.) breech runner (oK O: - ct palan, [inlan h , runner and tackli ; de retanii, preventer ropr; dc lolee, ( nai. art.) muzzle runner (obs.). Italiquc, a., italic; f., italics. itinf-niire, m., itinerary; route of march; ,-. r.) time-table; krc d' , (top.) road sketch, road map. Ivolri*, m., ivory; dentine, ivory (of the teeth;. ivre, a., drunk. Kresse, f., drunkenness. Ivrogne, a., drunken; in., drunkard. ixoniolrt', in., instrument to investigate the vis- I'osity of liquids. ja< In re 229 jam ic J. lachere, f.. fallow land, grotmd. Jark, in. . jack, union jack. Jalllir, v. n., to spout, gush, gush forth. Jallllssement, m., jet, gushing, spouting. Jalcr, v. a., to stock (an anchor). Jallne, f.. (eipl.) jaline (a picrato powder). jalon, m., stake, _pole, picket, directing mark; (wrr.) picket, sighting rod; A drapeau, (surv.) flag; mire, (surv.) sighting rod; de reptrage, (art.) aiming picket (indirect fire). lakmnage, m., staking out; marking out (a road, a line of march, etc.). Jalonnement, m., (surv., mil., etc.) staking out, marking out a line, a direction, etc. lalonner, v. a. n., to stake out, to mark out with pins, pickets, men, etc.; (surv.) to stake out. (mi!.) (of markers, guides) to mark, establish; the line, a direction; - line direction, (mil.) to take up points in m.irching; - une ligne, (mil.) to mark, establish, a line. Jalonneur, m., stake planter; (mil.) soldier who marks out the ground or takes up points, mirker; man who connects the point with the main body of an advance guard and marks out the direction; precede des deux , (art.) indirect aiming in which two men mark out the line of fire. Jalousie, f., grating; Venetian blind; (nav.) cranki- ness; (mil.) anxiety, nervousness (as in regard to one's communications); A , (much., tech.) like a grating, having open- ings like a grating. jaloux, a., (nav.) crank, easily upset; (mil.) ex- posed to attack; perilous. jambage, m., jamb; chimney jamb; side post; doorpost; upright of a window or door: side face of A-i ro n; leg (as of a steam-hammer frame); (max.) sort of pier or pilaster in a wall, vertical course (as of dressed stone in a brick wall) to ornament or strengthen the wall or to support the main rafters; s rf'un tour, (mach.) wooden base or supports of a lathe. lam be, f.. leg; leg from knee to foot; leg (of a com- pass); branch of a siphon; (hipp.) leg (from thigh to hock): (in pi., fig.) faculty or power of walking, of marching; (urn. a.) shank or lug of the Werder rifle for opening the breech; artificielle, artificial leg; ai-fir dex s, (fenc.) to be firm and steady on the left foot; aroir /< prta, (man.) of the rider, to have I he legs close to the flanks of the horse; n'li'iiir point de s, (hipp.) to have the fore legs spoiled, ruined; birn dirigfe, (hi pp.) well-set leg; de MX, wooden leg; bnudir con/re Ics , v. s. v. bonder; Ixiutittxr, (mas.) vortical course, sort of built- up pilaster (as of dressed stone in a brick wall} bonded header-wise in the wall; de chrrre. cheek, lee. of a gin; de clr.i it, (cord.) shwpshauk; cinquieme - -- du cleral, the bit, if ridden on, (cf. - 'to ride a horse with three logs''); dr didinii. (man.) near log (front or hind <; - - de dthoTit, (man.} oil leg; echapper la , (frnc.) to withdraw the leg (from a cut) in broadsword exorcise; - - d'i ncnigntire, (mas.) corner (of quoins : - - itriHf, (mas.) intermediate pilaster <-r pillar in a wall; de force, strut; (nav.) strong back; /cir.v da mmiloir, v. dedehnrs; marchtr sur trois .v, (hip p.) to be laino; Jam be, du montoir, v. - it; (hipp. > hock; x c/o.v, li(x-ks too close together, cow hocks; cordc du . cord of tho hcx'k: cavdi . hock in which the tibio-tarsal angle is too much closed; couper le , to hamsiring: crtusdu-- -, hollow of tho tux-k; xcrochux, v. x ek; itrnwii-. liod-in or strangled hock: ttrc xur It.-: .*, to be cow hm'koil; -etroit, slender, narrow hix'k; grax. v. - tmi>; xmoiix. v. - - -x niciliiiiitx; (('', neat, clean hoc., . pli (lit. . fold of Die h, ck: i>:>iiii< "du .point of tin 1 hoc'k; -x,f. lean or dry b.-,-k; tuition iln . ham-ti m::: - - .< tro/i n>n, r.'.. ln'ck-; too wide open: x iitriiitiiit*. rotattni; hix-k -: ,,-.',/. . dean hm-k :. Jarn'to. a., i '.,/;/..) closo-h.iinined. Jarretlfcre 230 jeu e, (., carter; lower strap of a drum bolder (around the leg); (cord., etc.) lashing; (art.) small rope, sling, or strap used in mechanical mane ivers, transporting horses, etc.; accessoire d'emltarquement, sline or strap to keep poles of wagons up and to tie wheels to- gether in loading on trams; double, (Fr. art.) sling or strap 10 meters long, used in mechanical maneuvers; ferree, (Fr. art.) sung with iron fittings; ordre de la , Order of the Garter. simple, (Fr. art.) strap 4 meters long (SO"" mountain batteries); Jas, in . , anchor stock. Jut, in., anchor stock. jauere, f., gauge, standard; foot rule; (nav.) burden, tonnage (of a vessel); avoir la , ftre de , to be up to standard, to be of standard measure; de douane, (nav.) registered tonnage; de fascine, (siege) fascine gauge; d trifiltr, wire gaui;e; de vapeur, (steam) steam gauge; du vide, (steam) vacuum gauge. Jaugeagc, m., gauging, measurement, calibration; (nav.) tonnage, measurement of a ship. Jauirer, v. a., to gauge, measure; (nav.) to measure for tonnage. Jaugpur, m., gauger. Jatine, a. .yellow; de chrome, chrome yellow; d'ocre, yellow ocher; -paille,'(mct.) straw yellow. Javert, m., (hipp.) quitter; du bourrclet, \. encorne; cartilagineux, cartilaginous quitter; culant, cutaneous quitter; c ncorne, tumor under the wall of the hoof; de lafinirche/te. swelling or tumor of the cush- ion, furuncle of the frog; simple, v. cutane; tendincui, tendinous quitter. Javeau, m. , bank of mud, sand, in a river, javelle, f., swath; t:>mbt r en , to fall to pieces (as a cask). Ja yet, in. , jet; jetlike reflection of a horse's coat. Jeaiijean, m., (mil. slang) recruit. jectlsscs, nl. n.,picrrrs , (mas.) stones that may be laid anywhere by hand; tcrrrs , earth (hat has been removed from one place to another. Jet, in., throw, act of throwing, cast, toss, flinging; motion of any body impelled by a force; stream, jet; jettison; set, suit; (fond.) casting, poiiring; waxen cylinders used to make runners; (in pi.) casting pit; (art if.) small rocket on the rim of a wheel to make it turn; d'acier. steel casting; amplitude an , (Inll.) range of projection; arme throv. ; jet, premier . first cast, first casting; rough sketch; (steam) priming; du premier , at the first stroke, or cast; de sable, sand blast; d'un seul , at one stroke; (fond.) at a single casting; talon de , heel of a runner; de-terre, earth bank; de vapeur, steam jet. jetage, m., (hipp.) discharge (of the nose), running at the nose; d'un font, bridging. jetar, m., (mil. slang) prison. Jetee, f.,ietty, pier, mole; debarcadere, jetty and unloading pier in one; musoir de Jetty head. Jeter, v. a., to throw, cast, fling, toss; to lay (as a foundation); to cast (an anchor); (fond.) to cast; (mil.) to throw (arms, stores, reenforce- ments) into a town, a fort; to throw out (as a brigade, a skirmish line); (or/.) to throw (as shells, etc.); (hi pp.) to run or discharge at the nose; I'ancrc, to cast anchor; has, d, bas, en has, to throw down; cheval quijette sa gourme, foundered horse; I'etoupe, (nav.) to spit, spow, oakum; les fondements de, to lay the foundation ot anything; enfonte, (fond.) to cast; le loch, (nav.) to heave the log; 6 la iner, to throw overboard; en moule, (fond.) to mold, to form, for the casting; le plomb, (nav.) to heave the lead; un pont svr, (pont.) to throw a bridge (over a river), to bridge; la sonde, v. le plomb. Jette-feu, m., movable grate, dumping grate (of a locomotive). jette-sable, m., sand box (of a locomotive). Jeu, m., play, game; gaming, gambling; set (as of toois); (mach., etc.) play, clearance; working; backlash; (min.) springing of a mine; (art.) clearance of a stud (in studded projectiles (obs.)); (fine.) manner of handling the foil; (cord.) slack of a rope; d'accesmires (d'armes), (sm. a.) cleaning, mounting and dismounting outfit or kit, for ritle; des arbns, (mach.) end play; avc-ir du , to have play, to work loose, to be loos* 1 ; 1 de bois, generic term for dominoes, checkers, and other similar games; du citron, lemon cutting; compose, (ftnc.) complicated play, i. e., em- ploying all possible combinations to deceive the adversary; donncr du, , to give play , leave loose; dur, (fi nc.) still action; en , in gear, working; nt work, in action; d'( ngrcnagc, (mach.) backlash; defcrrures,set of iron fittings; dc la gnirre, (mil.) war game; d( la giirrre nai'alc. naval war game; de hasard, gambling game; lainst i du. , v. donner dn ; dc marques, stamping, marking outfit: sten- cils; mittn en , to set in motion, to actuate; d'unr mine, (min.) springing of p, mine; min en , actuated; /urdu, (mach., etc.) lost motion; drx j litres, (mach., elc.) play, working; -- du pi(/U(t, du piquet dc ttntc, lent pcg- piston, travel of piston, back-and-forih di in 'pnintr. de Vi pee, (fine.) play of the 7>oint; - (lr pnulifs. block (more than one sheave); ndii du , (wac'i., (tc.) to work or become ting; it 'i 1110'io! jote 231 Jouail Jole, f., joy. feu de , bonfire; feu de joie. Jolndre, v. a. n., to Join, to assemble, put together, (mil.) to effect a junction, to join, i. e., attack, the enemy; & , borne, block and block, chock-a-block, two blocks; en about, to join end to end; ft chaud, (met.) to weld; ft onglet, to miter, splice; la piste, (man.) to go close to the wall of the riding hall; en V, en pied de biche, to double splice. Joint, p. p., joined; boutb bout, joined butt and butt; ft chaud, (met.) welded; ci , herewith, hereunto annexed. Joint, m., joint, coupling, hose coupling, union; (mach.) link, joint, articulation; (carp., mas.) joint (strictly, surface of junction); in an arch, the lines of intersection of a voussoir with the intrudes; (r. r.) end space between rails; en about, (carp.) butt joint; anglais, (teleg.) telegraphic joint, Britannia joint; ft I'anglaise, (mas.) tuck-joint pointing; appuyc, (r. r.) joint supported on a cross-tie; ft articulations en croix, (mach.) Hooke's joint; articulf, (mach.) knuckle joint; assembler & s plats, (carp.) to make a butt joint; d'assist, (mas.) bed joint, coursing joint; ft baguc, (mach.) ring joint; ft boulet, (mach., etc.) ball and socket joint; bout ft bout, (carp.) square joint, butt joint, flush joint, jump joint; en bout, joint between adjacent rows of pav- ing stones; ft bride, (mach.) flange joint; brise, (mach.) knuckle, universal, joint; ft s brises, so as to break joints; bntf, (mas.) undressed joint, or surface of junction; ft la Cardan, (mach.) Ilooke's joint; carre, v. bout it bout; (mas.) square joint; cerclt pour , joint ring; - de chalne, flat link; cire, (mas.) in pointing, a flat joint; ft euaiifementdouiiJf, double-riveted lap joint; ft cisaillement simpU, single-riveted lap joint; ft clef, (mach.) keyed joint; dcolde cygne, (mach.) expanding joint; a collet, (mach.) flange joint; compensateur, (steam, mocA.) expansion joint; ft s contraries, so as to break joints; coupe par le , jointed; en coupe, joints converging to a center; de lacouronne, (hipp.) coilin joint; creux, (mas.) in pointing, a sloping joint to (hr.'w off water; dcgnrnir un , (mas.) to scrape out a joint for pointing; dimaigri, (mas.) chamfered joint; derobe , hidden joint; h double anni.au, (much.) double ring joint; dc douille, (max.) inside joint of an arch; soffit joint; (rUsui , (r.r.) fish joint; ilastiqiii . (mach.) el;u-4ic joint; upaynvl, (tclcg.) bel) hanger's joint; par etranglt mint, v. - tspagnol; deface, (max.) face joint (of an arch); fai.-e le . (fond.) to level oil and sprinkle the parting plane with facing sand; cnfer, joint iron; /( uilii . rabbet joint . joint of two stones to one half thickness; nchir Its s, (mas.) to fill joints with mortar; L< (ranc-hoTt), butt joint, flush joint; Joint, garnir let , (mat.) to point: glissant, (mack.) expansion Joint; yras, (mas.) obtuse angle joint; joint more open than a right angle; de Hooke, (mack.) Hooke's joint; horizontal, v. d'asiixe; * incertains, (mas.) irregular joints betwoon stones of different sizes; lateral, (mas.) heading joint of an arch- libre, (r. r.) a joint not resting on a tie; de lit, v. d'assise: ft lunette, telescope joint: maigre, (mas.) acute angle joint, joint less open than a right angle; male etfemelle, pin and socket joint; ft manchon, (mach.) sleeve joint; montant, (mas.) vertical joint; heading jitiut of anarch; ft ongkt, diagonal joint; perdu, (mas.) dead joint: placer plein sur , to break joints; plan de , (fond.) parting plane; plat, (carp.) butt joint; ft plat, v. ft recouvrement; plein sur , so as to break joints; pointer les *, (mas.) to point flat. en porte-d-faui, (r. r.) unsupported joint (be- tween cross-ties); des rails, (r. r.) rail joint; recirer un , (mas.) to smooth a joint (in point- ing); ft s reconverts, with broken joints; ft, de, recouvrement, (carp., mas.) lap joint; ft -* rccroises, so as to break joints; recroiser les , to break joints; en rive, joint between paving stones of the same row; de rivet(s), rivot joint; ft rotule, v. universe.1; de rupture, (mas.) joint of rupture; breaking joint (of an arch); saillant, (carp.) rebate joint; spherique, (mach.) ball, spherical, joint ; suspendu, v. - en porte-ti-faux; de tf.te, v. deface; par torsade simple, (t'tcg.) simple twist joint; de tuyaui, hose coupling; universcl, (mach., etc.) universal, Hooke's, joint; vertical, v. montant; vif, sharp, close, joint; ft fu,(macA., etc.) screw joint, screw coupling. jolnte, f., (hipp.) pastern: m. pi., (carp.) tongu.wi and grooved planking of a partition. join to. a., (hipp.) (in composition: of the horse, p.i-;- teraed or jointed; of the pastern, jointed >; bets , low-jointed, -pasterned: court , short-jointed, -pasterned: droit , straight-jointed, -pasterned; haul , v. long ; long , long-jointed, -pasterned. Jointer, v. a., (mas.) to point. joiutif. a., side by side, joined. jolntolemeiit, in., (mag.) po.nting. grouting. jolntoyer, v. a., (mu.O to point. jointure, f., joint, joining, seam; joints, urtit ;;la- tion, scarfing; courtc. (hipp.) short -jointedne.ss; tongue, (hipp.} long-joinlcdiuvss; in f, elbow joint (.lubes, etc.). joiic, m.. cane, rush; twiii. osie: ; (/< siege, (harn.) seat t\\ i>t of a saddletree. junction, f.. junction, joint, joining. cnii|>)iiig. union, binding; railroad junction; (i".il.) jini"- lion; <'[ br'uh . flange, joint: - - I'M iiih'iiti itii nl . M-rr.i-t joint. jo I HI i ic, f., junk, t '!iir,r>i' junk. joii(|liille. in.. jiin>|iiil \i'llo\\ jouail, in.. \ . nix. Jo no 232 jounu-e |oue, f., cheek; side, sidepiece (in many ap- plications); cheek (of a horse); (sm. a.) cheek hollow in the butt; side of the re- ceiver; (mach.) shoulder or flange (to keep a belt from slipping off a pulley, a journal from slipping longitudinally); (mil.) com- mand "itim"; de bielle, (mach.) connecting-rod fork; de la chape, cheek of a pulley; coucher en , (sm. a.) to aim, take aim at; de crosse, (sm. a.) cheek piece of a rifle stock; deml , v. de vache; d 'embrasure, (fort.) cheek of an embra- sure; pcler d'un , to appeal from a verdict; - -ar&t/rof, award; casstr un , to quash a verdict; par contumace, judgment in contempt; par defaut, Judgment by default; faire passer en , to bring up for trial, send before a court; in firmer un , v. casser un ; -mMre en , to bring to trial; militaire, sentence of a court-martial; mise in , arraignment; passer en , to be brought up for trial; prononcer un , to give judgment, to pass sentence; rindre un , to pass judgment, to sen- tence. juger, v. a., (law) to judge, try. put on trial: to sentence; to give judgment; (in gen.) to decide, to act as umpire; sc , (man.) of a horse, to cover, check, his steps (to plant the hind in the track of the fore feet). jugulaire, f., (un//.) chin strap (of a helmet, foragecap); - - a coulisse, sliding chin strap; d'tcailUs, helmet scale; jdu.s*e , dummy, false, chin strap (i. e., not used to hold on the cap or helmet). Juinart, m., jumart, hinny. juineau, a., twin; (mach.) double (generally with the idea of symmetry ). juinelage, m., (iiont.) overlapping and hushing together of balks in the same row. Jumeler, v. a., to assemble and join two sim- ilar objects; to strengthen by moans of chocks, sidepieces; to fi.;h; (pont.) to make a jumdage, q. v. Jumellr, f., check, sidepiece, fish; field gloss, opera glass (used also in plural); paved side of a gutter next to the road; (artif.) twin rockets (with one stick); (in pi.) in various applications, similar pieces symmetrically disposed (as the bearers of a lathe); cheeks, sidepieces. uprights; dc ban . dump of a beam; centre , paved side of a gutter farthest from the road; --a g luces, field glass fitted with mirrors in front so as t-> reflect objects to the right and the left of the observer; Jumelle, grossr , a field glass magnifying 6 or 7 times; . t-longues-vues, telescopic field glass; - -largnon, small field glass; lunette , telescope field glass; * de sonnette, guides of a pile driver; Ulemitre, (mil.) field-glass range finder. Juinent, f.. (hipp.) mare; couper une -, to spay; pouliniert, brood mare; tide, unimpregnated mare. Jument*rle, f., (hipp.) a breeding establish- ment for the special purpose of producing stallions (Arab and Anglo- Arab stallions in France). Jupiter, m., Jupiter; trait de & cl(f, joggled and wedged scarf; trait de i join/a droHs, scarf with parallel joints and tabling; trait de & joint* droitx et ti clef, scarf with parallel joints and a table on each side; trait de simple, tabled scarf. Jurt, m., (law) juryman (any Frenchman 30 years of age may be sworn to take part in the tr.al of any matter, civil 01 criminal). Jurldlctlon, f.. (law) jurisdiction; administrative, the legal power to settle all differences between the government and pri- vate individuals; citile, civil jurisdiction: militaire, military jurisdiction (comprises, in France, the corps commands*, the minister of war, and the council of state). Jurldique, a., legal. Juridiquement, adv., legally. Jurisprudence, f., jurisprudence. Jury, m., (law) jury (criminal cases only): board or commission charged with special functions (e. g., in an exposition); d'accusation, (law) grand jury (does not exist in France); chefdu . (law ) foreman of the jury; dresser la lisle du , (law) to empanel a jury: d'etat dejMrtemental. in France, a jury pass- ing on the claim of young mechanics (ouvriers d'art) to be exempted from two years of mili- tary service; d'eiprnpriation. a jury to condemn land: d'honn-eur. in the German army, a board of officers passing on affairs of honor, with a view to prevent duels; dejugtmcnt, (law) trial jury. jusant, m., ebb, ebb tide, ebb of the tide: commencement du , first quarter of the ebb; de , ou the ebb. during the ebb; direction du . set of the ebb; etale, slack ebb: ctale dit , slack of the ebb; fin du, . last quarter of the ebb; etflui. ebb and Hood; mi -, half ebb. Juste, a., just, legitimate; exact: correct, right; accurate, (as a gait, a firearm, a marksman, target practice): tighi. close-lining: too light, too short, too iwrrou-; (rurJ.i tight . close-lilting (as a rope in a block): ('-c/i. t true: chcral , a horse of regular and steady gaits; tir - -, (art. ,V/H. .) uccurute fir.v pr.u-ti. e. justesse, f., justness, exact ness: accuracy: (!> accuracy u'. lit, truth; i^'i- .) - : precision; -ti'it it: arm i a J tiirjuished fioin /inctti'ni, : tir i!i . i 'ci.'/.i accuracy I ri:i tirccisinji t.i a lir-ana; un:cv Justesse 234 lache justesse d'un tit, (ball.) per cent of hits made by a group of men firing together under identical conditions. Justice, f., justice, court of justice, law officers, the law, jurisdiction; alltr en , to go to law; appeler en , to sue; citer en , v. appeler en ; civile, civil jurisdictions: conseil de , ( Fr. nav.) inferior court-martial; criminelle, criminal jurisdiction; deni de , v. s. v. deni; maison de , v. s. v. mobon; -^militaire, (mil.) Judge-Advocate-General's department (U. S. A.); department of military justice; rendre la , to dispense justice; justice, traduire en , to prosecute, bring before a court. justiciable, a., (law) amenable, under the jurisdic- tion of. justlcier, v. a., to inflict corporal punishment; to execute, put to death. justification, f., (adm. ) the justification or support- ing of all items in public accounts by vouchers; state of being supported by vouchers: s comptable.t, vouchers made out and presented by the interacted parties: d'ordre, vouchers prepared by superior au- thority (e. g., orders) independently of the inter- ested parties. justlfler, v. a., to justify; (adm.) to support by vouchers. jute, m., (cord.) jute. K. kabyle, m., kabyle. kadmite, f., (eipl.) kadmite. kalr, m., coir, cocoanut fiber. kalre, m., (cord.) coir n.pe. kaleidoscope, m., kaleidoscope, kali u in, m., (che-m.) potassium. kaolin, m., kaolin. kaollnlsation, m., kaolinization. kaollniser, v. a., to transform into kaolin. kaoutchouc, m., caoutchouc. karat, m., carat, karature, f.. alloying; alloy; blancht. alloying (gold) with silver; rouge , alloying (gold) with copper. kathode, m., (ehc.) cathode. kbir, m.. (mil. slang) commander of a- corps; col- onel (Arab word). kpi, m., (unif.) forage cap. kOracele, f., (hipp.) exterior swelling of the foot. keraphylleux, a., (/lipp.) keraphyllous; tiasu , keraphyllous tissue of the foot. ke>aphyllorele, f., (hipp.) keraphyllocele (horn tumor on inner face of the wall of the foot). kfrapseude, f., (hipp.) cracked and seamy horn tumor in some diseases of the foot. kCratogenc, a., (hipp.) keratogenous. kerite, f., kerite. kiliare, m., 1,000 ares. kilo, m., commercial abbreviation of kilogramme. kilogramme, m., kilogram. kllofr,rammetre, m., kilogrammoter. kilolitre, m., 1,000 liters. kilo me 1 1 rage, m., measuring by kilometers; opera- tion of putting down kilometer posts along a road. kilometre, m., kilometer. kilometre, p. p., marked off with kilometer posts; route e, a road marked ofl with kilometer posts. kllometrcr, v. a., to mark ofl a road with kilometer posts. kilomCtrique, a., kilometric; indemnity , mileage. kilomCtriquement, adv., by kilometers. klna, m., (med.) quinine. klnctlte, f., (expl.) kinetite. kinine, f., (med.) quinine. klosque, m., small house, kiosk, arbor, belvidere; newspaper stand; de labarre, (nav.) wheelhouse; du capitaine, (nav.) chart room; du gouvernail, v. de la bane; de la pasaere lie, (nav.) bridge house; de vcille, (nav.) pilot house. knout, m., knout. kolback, m., (unif.) colback. kolpack, m., v. kolback. kriegssplel, m., (mil.) war game. kyanisation, f., kyanization. kyanlser, v. a., to kyanize. laheur, m., labor; IITTC (n - . land under cultivation. laboratoire, ra., laboratory; (artif.) establishment for manufacturing fireworks; (met.) bed (of are- verberntory furnace); de pyrotechnie, (artif. ) fireworks laboratory; df la stction trchniqiif de 1'n.rtillerie, ( Fr. art.) a chemical laboratory belonging to the technical section and making analyses for certain branches of tl p army. labour, m . plowing. labouragc, :n., plowing; p.irl. of a raft of loijs under waler. labourer, v. a., to plow; (of an am-hor) to drag: (art.) to plow, to graze, to tear up tin- ground; to make wide gaps in the hostile ranks; - -lef'tnd, (nar.t ri'i!<>r>-i labradorite, m.. I.ubrador feldspar. Kibradorito. labyrinthe, m., labyrinth; (mach.) sinuous guide: (met.) launder. lac, m., (top.) lake; salant, salt lake. lac,age, in., operation, act. of lacing. lacer, v. a., to lace, attach; une manrruvre, (cord.) to belay a rope. laceret, m., small auger or gimlet. lacet, m., lace, shoo lace: zigzag; zigzag or turn-out in (or from) a road (to avoid an obstruction or obstacle); winding or zigzag of an ascending road; (cord., etc.) loop, lacing, knot, thong; fn ire un , to wind, zigzag; mouvrment de , (r. r.) rocking of an engine; (art.) motion due to inequality of pressure in recoil cylinder?: de route, winding, turn, in a road. lac h age, m., in river naviagtion, the descent of a boat. laclie, a., loose, not packed; slack, started; cow- ardly, dastardly, mean; m., coward, poltroon; temps , soft weather. 235 I iinc lacl'O, p. p., (math., cord.) started, loosened. UU uefer, m., (mtt.) tap bar. lache-nialns, m., riding with hands oif the handle bars (bicycle). laohpr, v. a. r., to let go, release, loosen, li-t loose, let slip; to slacken, slack off, cast oil fa rope); to become slack (of a spring); to allow to escape; (art., *ro. a.) to discharge; m., release, let go (as of carrier pigeons); une armehfeu, to discharge a P. rearm; une bardie, (nap.) to pour a broadside into the enemy; la bride, (man.) to slacken the reins; an coup (de fusil, etc.), to fire (a join, etc.); li dttente, (sm. a.) to pull the trigger; nnfuxil, (7B. a.) to fire a gun; la gourmelte, (man.) to loosen a curb chain; la main, (man.) to slacken the hand; la mesure, (ftnc.) to fall back, retreat; pied, to (rive way, to yield; un robintt, to turn a cock. larhctf. f. , cowardice. KV-hciir, m., raftsman. lachure, f. , synonym of ediuie, q. v. lacis, m., fold, plait, twist. lacs, m., cord, snare; (horn.) hobbles, fetters, shackles. lacuiie, f., gap, breach of continuity. lacunette, f., (fort.) cunotte. ladre, a., leprous; (hipp.) said of a horse having so-called leprous spots; dans tft rtaaeau, having a leprous spot in such a nostril; entie les naseaur. having a spot between the nostrils; cntre et dans ks nascaui, having a .spot be- tween and in the nostrils. ladre, m., (hipp.) leprous spots about the natural openings (due to absence of cutaneous pig- ment); horse having leprous spots; horde, bordered spot (surrounded by a hairy . zone of darker color); interronipu, crossed spot; mirbre, marbled spot (sown with black spots); melange, mixed spot (partly covered with hair). lagan, m., lagan. lagon, m., (top.) salt-water lagoon. lactic, f., (nar.) wake (obs.). laguls, m., (cord.) running bowline, bowline knot. lag une. f., (top.) lagoon. lale, f., lane or road through a forest: (mas.) tooth- ax, tooth-axing. lainage, m., woolens; fleece; teaseling. laine, f. , wool; defer, filaments of iron; de scorirx, slag wool. lalner, v. a., to tease (wool, leather, etc.). lals, m. pi., young trees left standing to reach a full growth; (hyilr.) bank, land gained from the sea flats et relnix is often said for tais alone). lal-.se. f., string, leash: (hydr.) strand or beach between bi'.'h and low wat'T marks: furrow- like deposits of sand, etc., left by the sea on the shore; de ba.ixr mer, low-water murk; de biKse mer d'eav, vive, low-water mark in spring tides; de tiaxxi mcr anuisciis blade: damns'i'iinte, (xin. n.) inlaid Made: daman.--! c, v. de Duniaa: dtbont, lie-id sea: de la dl tr nte, (xm. a.) trigger M.ide; ar; brakestrap; - de ga:, tongue of gas; - it gniittieres, v. - iridee; grande - , (art.) compressor plate or bar; - haute, high sea; - de lance, (ro. a.) lance head; - litngiic, long roller; - it la Montmorency, v. - tvidee; - non-eridfe, (sm. a.) flat blade; - pendantt, v. grande - ; - - percutftir, (sm. a.) firing pin (of the Spencer plat At 'la - , (.m. a.) flat of the sword; - plate, flat, smooth, blade; - iileine, v. - plate; - de plomb, sheet lead; strip of lead (between the drums of a column); - de pointage, (art.) elevation bar; pointe de la - , (sm. a.) point of the blade; - Claire, (elec.) the strip of a voltaic cell; de poudre, (powd.) pressed cake, milled cake; - de robot, plane iron; de ressort, spring blade; - de sabre, (sm. a.) sword blade; - de scie, saw blade; - dc support, (art.) side lever (elevation gear); talon de la - , (sm. a.) heel of the blade, part near the hilt; tranchantdela - , edge of the blade; de travers, cross sea; la - - vse le fourreau, (hipp.) said of a nervous, irritable horse; lieiiie - , (mil. slang) old fellow, or chum. lam?, a., laminated; plated (with). lamellaire, a., lamellar; laminated, lamellate, lamellated. lanielle. f., scale, plate, small disk; (expl.) gram, small disk; - de mire, (art.) the risirklappe of the Ger- man field-artillery sight (sort of leaf, fixed on the field-gun sight, by means of which the use of plaques de nausse, q. v., may be avoided). lanielle, a., v. lamellaire. lamelleux, a., v. lamellaire. lamette, f., small leaf or plate; cramp, clasp; hoop or ring, used in wood construction, to meet a special stress; (am. a.) leaf of a sight; (art.) end band, end band and hoop (of the splinter bar); amnrcc de - . (art.) end-band loop; grande - , (art.) middle band (of a splinter bar): dr ha'isxc, (sm. a.) sight leaf; de i/alonnirr, (art.) swingletreeend band; de '. '>lie, (art.) splinter-bar end band. laminate, in., (nut.) rolling, laminating; (steam) throttling, wire-drawing: d< tfilt, (met.) plate rolling. lamination, f.. lamination. la nine, a., rolled. Miner, v. a., (maeh.) to roll. nlneur, a., rolling; >i*iiie de , (urn. a.) lance shaft or pole: lame de , \.frr de ; Us de , \.fir de : main de In , (man.) risrht hand, saber hand; mettre la enarrf, to put the lance in rest; pied de la , (hipp.) o!T foot ; ft pompe, pump spear; port de la , v. s. v. port; porter la , v. s. v. porter; re poser In , v. s. v. r< poser; de fnndr. sounding rod. lance, m.. throw or roach; (attain) (in indicator diagrams) the parts of a diagram due to mo- ment nm and not to steam pressure. lanrement, m., throw, throwing: (nau.) launch- ing; (torp.) launching, discharge; (pont.) opera- tion of bridging; nii-ili MUSI (aurdexsous) de la floUai.ton, (lor p.) above (under) water discharge (of a lorpedo); btittirii dc (dc lorpilles), (s. c. fort.) lorpedo lial lery; enrrice de , (ffirp.) torpedo-launching drill; (print.) bridge drill; il'n n p'inl, (pont.) construction of a bri:iitirc it , (carp.) tongued and grooved; rapiwrler, (carp.) inserted tongue. laniore. f.. lanyard; thong, leather strap: tie: lash: linchpin tie; cloak strap; - du crochet d'attelage, trace hook, thong; t/nu pillr . thong used as a connecting pin; - - a: sea room, offing; au . (n?O oif shore, off: <>n the high seas: (mil.) keep HT. stand tf (sentinel's cry to warn passers-by to keep oil', to avoid a point not to be approached, or to keep to the other side of the road); an de.... , off of. . . . : poii 'KIT n . (o push oil a boat (.us in bridge building). large u r. I'-, breadth, width: (nar. > beam i f :\ ship); df.v cloixon.. (nr/. i width of the l:'.nds; - : riti-riturr. dill side w idth: at fond, width at the bottom (of a ditch. etc.); < gufule, width at the top i"f a ditcii. etc.); interifitrf, inside width: largeur 238 Un?eur du Jour, width (of an opening, as win- dows, etc.); -i/.i/i.s- ceuvre, width in the clear, inside width; normalt de la vote (r. r.) standard gauge; fas rayures, (art.) width of the grooves; de vote, (r. r.) gauge. Ur artilicial mastic. lave, p. p. .light, light-colored; w;.,-hc, f., raising, act of raising; removing, removal,, removal of funds , stores , e tc .( from a depository ); dike, bank, embankment, causeway, mole; levee; agitation, rising, of the sea; collection of, mail from mail boxes, the mail so collected; rising (of a congress, meeting); harvest; arrest of a prohibition, cancellation of an arrest, of a punishment; collection (of a duty); (mach.) cam; cog; lifter; wiper; throw, course (as of a piston); lift, stroke, length of stroke; (mil.) levy, levying, raising, formation, of troops, of a body of troops; soldiers levied; (man.) act of raising the lance in ring riding; (top., drawing) v. lever; d'arrft, (mil.) termination of arrest, of con- finement ; d'un blocus, (mil., nav.) raising of a blockade: des boites, collection of mail from letter box PS: de ooucliers, unsuccessful attack; much ado about nothing; de camp, (mil.) breaking of camp; d'ecrou, termination of confinement in a jail, either by expiration of sentence or by transier of the prisoner; faire une , to embank; en masse, (mil.) raising of the population f.>r the national defense ; general uprising of a nat ion in self-defense; de piston, (mach.) piston stroke: de scelles, (law) reino al of seals; d'un siege, (mil.) raising of a siege; deterre, (fort., etc.) embankment; de troupes, (mil.) levying of iroops (no longer an official term). leve-gazon, m., turf-spade. lever, v. a. r., to lift, raise, raise up, heave: to get, pull, take hold; to remo.e, clear a\vay, break up, relieve; to recall (a permission, an order); to rise (wind, sun, sea); to raise (a quarantine); to clear up (of the weather i; (mil.) to raise, levy (troops, armies, ; regiment, etc.); to break (camp); to raiso (a siesre, a bloc'- ade); to revo ..e inn order i; to relievo (a guard, a sen'i y. a posi >; (corti.) to remove, take o'T ui stopper, a S>T iiv>; (top.) to survey, to sketch, to plot, to mu,.o a plan; I'ancre, (n-or.) to weigh, hoist, anchor: lex arrt'tx, (mil.) to release from arre>( ; le blocus, (mil., war.) to raise the block- ade; le cam/:, (mil.) to break camp; la cons iy ne, to re . o!;o orders: tine contribution, (mil.) to levy a romribi:- tion; I'flendard, to proclaim war: unc finirritrt , (cnrJ. ) to take olT a si-r\ ii-r; la gardr, (mil.) to relie > i-iriri! ; tin objct, (snrr.) to ta;a> a ln-arim; m: :in object; If iiHft, to retire pnvipitad-Iv . "ii> pull nj> sta'.es"; - un plan, to draw up, make, a pi MI. a ground !>!:u,: to plot ; - - H;I /).'.'.', i. n7. ,."/00 to 1:100; angles computed from sides meas- ured); de mine, mining survey; de nivele, contoured survey; par Its perspectives, generic expression for photographic and other similar surveys; photngraphique. photographic survey; de plan, des plan-s, plot, plotting, of a survey; f'i la planchetle, plane-table survey; ili pnsit>nn, survey of ground for a position, -sp. for a fort; df precision, accurate instrumental survey i !:."iX) to 1:1'XXK)); pur "irjr.nmment, plotting by polar coordi- nates; ./c r i-'iitntiimance. (mil.) reconnaissance sketch, m .;>; II'IT n nfiiijni nnn/x. sketch, survey, made on Hie spot . frnm informal inn received, and not by actual sichl : xnuii rraiii. mining survey; ft In xt'idi'i. stadia survey; tii;>ngrii/ilii'fiif, topographical survey, skeich. sum (it (lie <>|KTalions leading to a map of the terrain (1 :'J**(iK) to 1 :l(xxmt: ili triii MII Intiiin, geodei ic survey , triangula- tion survey; ii rin . eye sketch or map. made on the spol without in-'trumenis 1 :L'IXKI, IMiKxxi. I:."dXXH)). ICve raines, m., (command > "ours" (boat drill). leveur, m., de plans, engineer officer (Marbot). levier, m., lever, hand spike; crow, crowbar; arm; handle; (sm. a.) operating handle; carrier lever; spring catch (for detachable magazines) ;( m ach .) arm. I. Artillery, small arms; II. Machinery, miscellaneous. I. Artillery, small arms. -d'abatage, (art.) long handspike or crowbar; d'arrft, (sm. a.) cartridge-stop lever; (art.) stopping lever, jamming lever; arret de repetition, (sm. a.) cut-off; arrUoir, (F. m. art.) lever-stop; d'auget, (sm. a.) carrier lever; A bander, (r.f. art.) cocking lever; de chargement, (art.) projectile-hoist lever; dc chime, (art.) gin lever; de choc, (spar torpedo) contact lever; fi crampon, (arl.) lever with staple to hold it to the cheek of the carriage (obs.); curdle, ficuielte, (art.) gear, socket, lever; de cylindrc, (am. a.) operating handle; de declencliement, (art.) disengaging lever; dorp.) launching lever; de dcsserrage, (s. c. arl.) disengaging-brake lever; de la detente, (torp.) firing lever; directeur, (art.) traversing handspike; directeur d roulette, (art.) roller-, truck-lever; ic'ouvillon- , (mountain art.) rammer-lever (rammer used as a lever in packing and unpack- ing the piece); d'embarrage, (art.) cmbarring lever; d'embrayage, (art.) in-gear lever; a encliquetage, (s. c. art.) gearing lever, trav- ersing lever; enferh rouleaux, (art.) iron handspike (serv- ice of French s. c. carriages of old model); dc frein, (art.) brake lever; brake-nut lever (Fr. 80="" gun); fi, de, galct, (art.) roller handspike (one roller); it gakts, (art.) roller handspike (two rollers); de galet(s) arrierc, (arl.) rear eccentric lever; fi griffe, (. c. art.) claw lever (used \v'hen, after firing, the breech screw is hard to turn;; inferieiir, (am. a.) cnrrierlever; h lunette, (art.) carrying bar; de mantrui're, (art.) hand lever, maneuvering lever, any operating lever; traversing hand- spike, trail handspike; (sin. a.) bolt handle, bolt lever: operating handle or lever; (of the I.ebel) cut-on", magazine cut-oil, locking lever; marin, (art.) handspike; mobile, v. ii t' nrm; & pifd de bichr, pinch bar; de place, v. rfc sif yt: - place (n galere, v. s. v. ti: ela^tif u>f springs): m., elasticity (of a spring): toughness (of metals); cohesion (of earth, hind, etc.); (man.) suppleness (of a hor^e). llasse, f., bundle, file (of papers^: string, tape libage, m., (mas.) large, rough-dressed stone, rough ashlar. llbelte, m., drawing up, wording (of an order, docu- ment). libeller, v. a., to draw up (a report, an opinion, etc.). liber, in., bast, liber, inner bark. llberable, m., ( Fr. o.) soldier that has completed his time in a given category. liberation, f., deliverance, discharge, acquittance: (mil.) liberation or discharge from military service after having accomplished all that the law requires; de cmnptablf. (adm.) discharge from admin- istrative responsibility: notice setit to re^pon- sible officer (money and proper! vl that his accounts are correct and ha\e been pad, after auditing, by ministerial otlicers. llbCrf*. in., ( Fr. : ditlni. 1 istrative responsibility, to p liberty f., freedom, liberty: imacli.^ play: --- dn ci'iniinrcf. free tt:ide: -- rfi/ c'lliniln . ( imicli. ! clearance: - ~df garrot, (ham.) hollow of pomnn-I: t he CO*-F* -| ** .58 ( < 17- -1G Bborte 242 ligne Hberie dt langut, (harn.) port (of a bit); des mem, freedom of the seas; mcttrt en , to set at liberty, release, free, discharge; mise en , discharge, release; rfu piston, (steam) clearance; dc rognon, (harn.) hollow of the cantle; dt troussequin, v. de roynon. Hbraire, in., bookseller; editeur, publisher. libralrie, f., bookseller's shop; book trade. Him-, a., free; at liberty, independent, released; loose; at large; open; (much.) out of gear; ft fair , in the open air; espacf , clear ground; plenty of room; au , (ball.) in free air (of combustion of powder, etc.). Bee, f., lists, field, arena; tntrer en , to enter the lists. Bcence, f., license, permission. Ucenclemeiit, m., (mil.) disbanding, mustering out. Hceiicler, v. a., (mil.) to disband, muster out . Hcet, m., leave, permission. Hcol, m., (harn.) halter; bride , v. s. v. bride; bridon , v. s. v. bridon; d'ecurie, stable halter; de force, shoeing halter (for refractory horse); collar for restraining horses in certain veteri- nary opcrationsj de parade, (in the French cuirassiers and dragoons) bridle halter. Ilcou, m., (harn.) halter; head collar, stable collar; - d'aoreuvoir, watering bridle. He, f. , sediment, dregs. Hem-, m., cork; (harn.) knee-puff; ct , corked; - foxsile, dc monlagnt, asbestos, fussil cork. llement, m. , (fenc.) binding. Hen, m., tie, strap, hoop; band, knot; iron band, strap; hoop for strengthening timber; brace; (in pi.) shackles, chains, irons, bonds; (cord.) hushing; (mach.) link (of a link-motion); defer, enfer,iron strap or band; incline, tic-rod; pendant, hanging-tie. Her, v. a., to bind, tie, fasten, lash; to connect, join, unite; (fenc.) to bind the adversary's blade, lierne, f., rail, stringpieee; floor plank of a boat; (cons.) wall-plate (of a roof); de, fxilee, tie piece for supporting king-post; tie, ribbon (bolted to a row of piles to keep them in place). lieu, in., place, spot; ground; room; order; locus: turn; (in pi.) premises; d'aisancex, latrine, water-closet, "rear;'' de franchise , asylum : refuge); porter en beau -, (man.) to carry the head well, lletie, f., league; geographiyue . marine leatrne; marine, marine league (3/>.">(i meters); de poste, postal league (3,K9X meters); commune, (so called) common league (4,444 meters); mi-lrique, metric league, 4 ,000 meters. lleiitenanre, f., ( mil.) lieutenancy. lieutenant, in., (mil. ami nnv.) lieutenant; (fig.) assistant; adjoint au trinoriir, (Fr. a.) assistant of the cipitaine trtxoriir; adjudant-major, (Fr. a.) a lieutenant acting as adjudant-majnr; - -nmirnl, (nar.) vice-admiral (rare, not official); - d'arme me nt, (Fr. a.) in the infantry, a lieu- trnant charged with the repair, care, and ac- countability of the arms in service (acting ordnance officer, I". S. A.); tie ljf>rd, i ri'ir.) executive officer; ciilontl, lieutenant-colonel; rn d.'uiiimr. second lieutenant; ye nf ral, lieutenant-general; lieutenant d'habittement, (Fr. a.) the officiar (I'h'i/iiili nit nt of separate battalions, of the bat- talions of fortress artillery and of the squadrons of the train; d' 'instruction, v. s. v. instruction; en premier, first lieutenant; second , en second, second lieutenant; sous , sublieutenant; tresorier, (Fr. a.) the paymaster of separate battalions, of battalions of foot artillery, and of the train squadrons; de vaisseau, (Fr. nav.) lieutenant. Ugan, v. lagan. ligature, f. , ligature, tie, binding; (art.) choke of a cartridge bag; (elec.) twist joint. llgnard, m., (mil. slang) foot soldier of the line, linesman. Hgne, f., line; line (of railway, of telegraph, of cable, etc.); (railway) track; order; path in a forest; twelfth part of an inch; the equator; (fenc.) line, division; (man.) track (followed by the horse in riding school); (cord.) small rope, line (esp. Fr. art.) rope 7. r >m long used with the 80"" gun on mountain duty; (mil.) line, line of battle, lino of troops; rank; the line of the army (as opposed to irregular or light or special troops); line (as opposed to guards); (m -ol.) lines (quarters); (fort.) line of works. I. Artillery, ballistics, fortification; II. Military operations, drill, formations; III. Technical and miscellaneous. I. Artillery, ballistics, fortification. il'ame, (art.) axis of the bore; d'upnroche, (siege) line of approach, trench; -d'attaque, (siege) approach, trench; de I'aie, (art., sm. a.) axis of the piece produced: bastionnle, (fort.) bastioned line; de but, (art., sm. a.) range (lino to target); -capitale, (fort.) capital; de circonvallation, (siege) line of circumval- lation; de combat, (siege) the line of works or of prepared positions of a line of investment; (more esp.) the part of tae line of invest- ment composed of the two principal lines of works; de combat dc la defense exierievre active, (siege) line held by the mobile troops of tae defense in advance of the permanent works; s de communication, (siege) communicating trenches; continue, (fort.) continuous line of works; de contre-approchc, (siege) line of countcr- approaches; de conlrevallatinn, (siege) lino of counter- vallation; dn cordon, (for/.) magistral; convranle, (fort.) in defilading, the line below which a standing man will be safe (drawn from the crest to 1.8 ln above the farthest point to be defiladed) fi crtmailleres, (fort.) indented, cremaillere line; de defense, (fort.) line of defense (bastion trace); mam line, as distinguished from a ilank adjacent: line of frontier defenses; (sicgt) outer line; line of forts; line, between the forts and the main body of the place; (torp.) line of torpedoes in a pass or channel; a demi-redoutes, (xicir, for/.) a continuous line, with half redoubts at intervals; de depart, (ball.) line of departure, the tan- gent to the trajectory at its origin; d'tx plosion, (eipl.) line, radius, of explo- sion; ill feu(r), (fort.) interior crest; h'nitiur de la dc mire, (ball.) lino of metal elevation (obs.); x inlermediaires, (fort.) defensive lines joining the salients of the, noyau central; lino of works in the second line; fi in/ernillen, (fort.) aJine of works vilh in- tervals between; noncontinuous line of works, (ligncx Pid'tll, Rngniat); liguc 243 ligne l\%ned'intestissement, (siege) line of investment; & lunettes detachtes, (fort.) line of detached lunettes; magistrate, (fort.) magistral; dn milieu, (art.) line of metal (obs.); de mire, (ball.) line through sights, line of sight, sighting line; de mire artificielle, (ball.) artificial line of sight, (or simply) line of sight; de mire fixe, (ball.) line passing through the fixed notches of the rear sight; de mire de n metres, (ball.) line of sight, using the elevation corresponding to a range of n meters; de mire naturelle, (ball.) line of sight cor- responding to the zero of the rear-sight grad- uation; de mire primitive, (ball.) line of sight par- allel to the axis of the piece; d'ouvrages, (fort.) line of works; sparalleles, (siege) parallels; de pointage, (ball.) \. de mire; prendre la de mire, (ball.) to look through the sights; to aim, take aim; prendre une telle de mire, (ball.) to use such and such a division or graduation of the rear sight; principale de defense, (fort.) the line of forts; de projection, (ball.) line of projection, the tangent to the trajectory at its origin; b redans, (fort.) redan line; d redans et courtines, (fort.) line of redans connected by curtains; & redans et it tenailles, (fort.) redan and te- nailled line; bredoutes, (fort.) line of redoubts; b redoutes detachees, (fort.) line of detached redoubts; repere, (art.) line joining two bench marks, used for laying guns; retranchee, (fort.) retrenched line, fortified line; de retranchements, (fort.) line of intrench- ments; de site, (ball.) line from the center of the muzzle to the point aimed at ( taken ordi- narily as coincident with the de mire); de sol eiterieur, v. de terre: tenaillee, a tenailles, (fort.) tenuilled line; de terre, (fort.) ground line, ground level; de tir, (ball.) line of lire, of departure (un- corrected for jump), the axis of the piece produced (at the moment of inflammation of the charge); (t. p.) direction of fire at target practice on a range; detir depolygone, (art.) firing line of a proving ground; de tranchfc, (fort.) line of approach, trench. II. Military operations, drill, formations. d'approvisionneTnent, line of supply; d'appui, tactically, the. second lino in an attack, supporting the firing line; armce de , line of the army; d'attuque, tactically, the line, in its most general sense, that executes the attack, the first line; (more esp.) the attacking line, the first line in a cavalry charge; avant , y. avant-liyne; de balaille, line of battle in general; front occupied by the leading units (battle, maneu- ver, review); (more esp.) troops with their train de combat; ( Fr. inf.) former name of deploy/.e, q. v.; (Fr. cav.) formation in lino; (of a brigade, division), line of regiments in line at intervals of 12 meters: ( FT. art.) for- mation in line or in echelons (.of several groups of batteries); de bataillons, (inf.) any formation in which battalions are ranged side by side on the same alignment; de bat'iillons en masse, ( Fr. inf.) in the regi- ment, etc.. lino of battalions in mass; ttgne par brigade en colonne de matte*. (Fr. can:) of the division, line of brigades in column of (regimental) mama; cavalrrit de , v. S. v. cavalerie; de colonnrs, any formation la which col- umns are side by side on the same alignment; (Fr. cav.) of a regiment, Une of squadrons in platoon columns, at deploying intervals; of a brigade or division, line of regiments in line of columns at intervals of 12 meters, plus the front of three platoons; (Fr. art.) of a group, or of several groups, line of bat- teries in column of sections (platoons, U. S. Art.); de colonnes de compagnie, (inf.) line of company columns (battalion, raiment, etc.); de colonnes doubles, (mil.) line of battalions in double column; de colonnes par piece (section), (Fr. art.) of a group, or of several groups, line of batteries in column of pieces (sections, U. S. Art.) or of sections (platoons, U. S. Art.); de colonnes serrees, (Fr. art.) of several groups, lineof groups in close column of bat- teries; en colonne par brigade en de masses, v. s. v. colonne; de combat, in general, line of battle, fight- ing line; (more esp.) tactically, the firing line, the first line, the firing line, with its supports; de communication, line of communica- tion; conduire la , (nav.) to head the line; s convergentes, converging lines; de convoi, open space between an enemy and its base; couper la , to cut the enemy's line (also a naval term); de defense, in general, any line, of what- soever nature, behind or on which a defense may be made or prepared; any line held to be defended ; deployie, ( Fr. inf.) formation in line; de direction, line of direction: * divergences, diverging lines: * doubles, double lines (said of an army pur- suing two objectives); en , abreast; ''fall in" (command); f echelons, line of echelons; -b echiquier, checker*' ise line; ennemie, enemy's line; entrer en , to take position in line, on the line; d'ftapes, d'ftapes aurittaire, d'ftapes de route, v. s. v. ftape: d'ftapes routiere, the same as d'f tapes de route: fire en , to be in line of batt le; etre sur la me me , to lie of tho same r ink; to be abreast; * eiteritures, exterior lines: de feu, the firing line; (in gen.) the li.ie on which the action is going on; de file, (miv.) line ahead: forcer la , to hold a position in advance of the general line; formation en .any formation in line; dc front, (mil., mn . line abre.sst; de front tie bandien , magistral line of a camp; horslts s, out of quarters; infantine ; ith ordinary and cogged wheels; adiabatique, (steam) adiabatic lino of an in- 'li' at or diagram; a'ridini, overhead telegraph (telephone) lit:?: -d\iligni mnit. base line; - d'tiinarnigi , (cord.) seizing or lashing line; - d'nrbris, (mach.) line of shafting: atmn/tiiherique, (sUam) atmospheric line (in- dicator diagram); - almosphiriquf moijcnne. (xteam) mean at- mospheric lino (indicator diagram); d'aitrape, (curd.) heaving line (as, to bring a hawser on hoard;; - de I'arancc ii ['introduction, (steam) lead line < of an indicator diagram); - de base, (sure.) base line; - basxt , (ftnc. ) lower line; - df.? basses iui, low-wator mark; - blanche, (curd.) untarrod rope, cord; dc cuiiijMijiir, (mil. tdtg.) tield telegraph line; llgne de ceinture, (r. r.) belt railway; de chainette, catenary; de charge, (nav.) load water-line; dc charge extreme, (nav.) deep-water line: de chemin de fer (r. r.) railway, railway line; de collimalion, (opt.) line of collimation; - - de compression, (steam) compression line (of an indicator diagram); - de la contrepressicn, (steam) back-pressure line (of an indicator diagram); cnurbc, curved line; it cremaillere, (r. r.) cog railway; dc dedans, (fenc.) inner line; de dehors. (fenc.) outer line; - de douane, line of frontier custom- houses; djoitc, right line; de droite, v. de dehors; de direction, line of direction; d'eau. level line; (nav.) water line: d'eau en charge, (nav.) load water-line; (i d'eau, ( nav.) between wind and water; electrique, telegraph line; s d'embranchemerit, v. s secondaires; d' engagement, (fenc.) line of offense; ftrc en , (hipp.) to cover (of the fore and hind le^s, both standing and moving); (fenc.) to be in position to face each other (of the two adversaries); cquinoriale. the equator; defaite, (top) watershed; ferree, (r. r.) railway; ferree de campagne, (mil. r. r.) field rail- way; de flottaison. (nav.) water line, line of flota- tion; de flottaison en charge, (nav.) load water- line; de flottaison h lest, (nav.) ballast line; de flottaison legire, (nav.) light water- line: - de foi, (insl.) fiducial edge; sighting line; lubber's line (of a compass): spider line; s de force, (elcc.) lines of force: -- de foulie, (cons.) line of tread of a stair- case; gauche, de. gauche, v. de dedans; goudronnee, (cord.) tarred line, rope; gninde , (r. r.) main line; - - de halage. (pont.) tow line; haute, (fine.) upper line: extraordinary, of marked oxcel- hors lence; hors de , out of line, out of the way; d' introduction, (steam) admission line (of an indicator diagram); de, joints, (mas.) edge (of a stone, brick in position); - - Icge, v. - snr lent; - - sur lest, (nat. > light water-line; - - de loch, (nav.) log line; - meridiimn, meridian, meridian line; mclire en premiere ---- , to place in the first rank; miitc. (ttlcg.) a lino partly overhead, partly underground; dc moindre resistance, line of least resist- ance; moyinne, ilcs basses cam, mean low-water line; de niveau, (top.) contour, level liner - pnrcnuruc, swoop; - de partagc, - de partage dis eau.i, (top.) ridgo betw shod; , , . een two intersecting slopes, water- plomb, plumb line, vertical line; dc plus grande pentc, (top.) liiio of greatest slope; - pnintille.e, dotted lino (as in drawings); dts pr(ssions zero, (steam ) absolute, true 7.oro line (of an indicator diagram) ; de prime, v. ---- hmili ; -- principale, (r. r.) main line, trunk line; dc quartc, v. ---- dr dalai:*; rampantc, (mil. ttlig.) telegraph line of in- sulated wire, laid directly on the ground; dc reptrc, (top.) reference line, bench-mark line; ligne 245 Hmonite Ugne de resvect, maritime frontier (as at the three- mile limit); de rupture, (eipl., etc.) line of rupture; * tcondaires, (r. r.) branch lines, feeders; de second f, v. basse; de so-nde , lead line ; tout-marine, submarine cable; submerged line; stulemine , underground (telegraph, tele- phone) line; de surete, life line; supendue, v. aerienne; de telegraphie militatre, military telegraph line; tflegraphique (telephoniqut), telegraph (tale- phone) line; de terrr, ground line; t f rrestrt. land (telegraph) line; de thahcrg, (top.) intersection of the sides of a valley , line of junction of waters; de tierce, v de dehors; it tracer, (fort., etc.) tracing cord; tralnanle, (teleg.) line laid on surface of tround (telephone also); de risee. line of sight, of direction; visuclle, visual line; a voierlroite, (r. r.) narrow-gauge road; & deux mies, (r. r.) double-track road; bunevoie, a vote unique, (r. r.) single- track road: rolantc, (teleg.) flying or temporary telegraph (telephone) line; rolante de telegraphie militaire, temporary military telegraph. Hgner, v. "a., to mark with a chalk line; to rule (paper, etc.). lieneroile, f., (cord.) small line; twine made -by hand, fox. llffnette, f., twine. ligniiie, f., (expl.) v. ligno&e. lignite, in., lignite, brown coal. ll^nose, f., (npl.) lignose (mixture of nitroglycerin and sawdust). liliie, f., league, confederacy. lla;uer, v. a. r., to league, combine, form a league. Hinace, f. , spiral pump, Archimedes '.s screw. Iiinacon, f., snail; tscalifr en , winding stairs, spiral itair- ca-ie. liTiiaille, f., filings, file dust; d( fontc, (met.) kish. limande, f., (carp.) graving piece; (cord.) parceling; (mil. min.) sheeting; de garniture, (much.) packing gasket. liiiiander, v. a., (carp.) to put on or apply a grav- ing piece; (curd.) to parcel, (filiation, f., filing, rasping, li mat tilt', f., small file, lima! lire, f., file dust. llnihe, in., (tnst.) limb; fi complet, ha\ing a complete graduated circle; ill mi , half limb, half circle. re?t itiable, adjustable limb; lime, f.,filp; d'A lit magne, straw-packed file; a nrchct, bow file, rimer; li'irbaclu , ripsaw file: oarrtltc, small file of very fine cut; ttatardi , bastard file; a 6oH.) v. lixtc tablfttr, (nav.) armor shelf. lissc, a., smooth; (art., .tin. a.) smoothhorod; ennun .a amr . (art.) .smoothbore gun. llsscc, f. . (powd. ) glazing. llsser, v. a., (powd.) to glaze; (fond.) to black wash; -an graphite, h la [ilornljaginr, (pnicd.) to black lend, llssoir, in., polisher: (poird.) glazing b-.urel: glazing house; (ma*.) smoothing tool (in pointing). llste, f., list, roll; (hipp.) list (on horse's facei: d'admissiuiliic. ( />. a.) list of candidates that have passed the. (primes d'ndmixxi'iiliti . and are therefore entitled to compete for ad- mission (.schools, etc-.,); llste d'admixxiun. (Fr. a.) list of candidates ad- mitted (schools, etc.); - d'anciennete, (mil.) lineal list: -d'appel, (mil.) list of the men in ^ squad room, roll-call list; - d'aptitude, ( Fr. a.) list (drawn up by in-' specters-general and by corps command- ers) of candidates competent to discharge certain functions (as pay, color-bearer, etc.); list of officers quaufled for promotion; matricule, (Fr. a.) in each recruiting sub- division, a list of the reservists who have transferred their domicile to the subdi- vision; noire, black list; de. presentation, ( FT. a.) list of officers recom- mended for special functions, fir admis- sion to the Legion of Honor, and for pro- motion by selection; rayer de la. , to strike off the rolls (of the army, etc.); -de recruitment cantonal, (Fr. a.) in each canton, a classification list of the young men drawn for military service (made by the conseil de revision cantonal; contains seven classes, i. e., fit for service, exempt, rejected, etc.); des reservistes, (Fr. a.) list kept in each company, squadron, and battery of the re- servists Y>elonging to it; de.s sentinelles, (mil.) guard list; de tirage an, sort, (Fr. a.) list of drawings (by lot for military service). Hsteau, m., fillet, listel, reglet. listel, m., fillet, listel: (art.) fillet (obs.); de. la bouche, (art.) muzzle fillet; -de bouton, (art.) knob fillet; de cul-de-lampe, (art.) cashable fillet. lit, m., bed; bed of a stream, channel; layer; (art.) layer of bullets in a shrapnel; (mil.) guard bed or platform; (mas.) natural bed of a stone; bed joint or face of a stone; up- per or lower face of a course; bed (of mor- tar); - -d'assise, (steam) seating of a boiler; (mas.) bed, bed joint: a, en, ar moire, folding bed; bnis de , bedstead; be bord, cot; de bordages, (nav.) planking; brisk, camp bed, folding (i. e., jointed) bed; brut, (mas.) undressed face (of a stone); de camp, folding bed, field bed; (mil.) guard room stretcher or bunk; de campement, camp bed; -ft canape, sofa bedstead; --de carriere, (mas.) cleaving grain; natural bed of a stone; d'un courant, main stream; -dur. (mas.) lower face (of a stone); entr( prise dfs s militaires, (Fr. a.) contract .service furnishing beds and bedding to the troops; faire It dc la p'urrc, (mas.) to drass the face of a stone; faut-- , (mas.) wrong bed; ft fusion, (met.) mixing bed: - - de fusion, (met.) charge; - dc gucuse, (met.) sow channel; - des iiautcs ttiur, high-water bed; - mnjcur, bed occupied by a river at high water: - - d( la marer. tideway: - mincuT, bed occupied by a river at ordi- nary level; mnurir au d'honneur, (mil.) to bo killed in battle; --murailleb bascule, (hipp.) operating table (can be tipped after fastening the animal to it); - de i>icrre, stratum or Liver of stone; -d'une pierrc, (mas.) face of a. stone; - de pont, plat form of a bridge; - dc /iitse. (steam) boiler seat; - - de riricrr. channel, river bed; - dc xangli . folding lied; - ti mlrc. upper face of a stone; du nut. wind's eve. liteau 247 logement liteau, m., strip; (fort.) riband (along palisad- ing); de frottement, (or/., etc.) friction band, strake, or guard; de palusades, (fort.) riband (along or on the top of a palisade). llterie, L, bedding, bed and bedding. litewka, f., (unif.) sort, of jacket or blouse. litharge, f., litharge, litlioclastite, f., (eipl.) lithoclastite. lit hof racteur, m., (expl.) lithofracteur. llthographe, m., lithographer; imprimeur , lithographer. lithographic, f., lithography, lithographic estab- lishment. llthographier, v. a., to lithograph. Utiere, f . , litter, stretcher; (hipp.) litter; itre SUT la , (hipp.) to be sick, to be down; faire la , (hipp.) to bed down horses; gautee, (hipp.) litter that has been turned over with a fork. litre, m., liter. Utteral, m., (Fr. a.) parts of the drill book to be memorized by drill masters; "booking" (U. S. M. A.). littoral, m. and a., coast, seacoast; littoral, sea frontier. Mure, f., (cord.) seizing, lashing. livarde, f., (cord.) rubbing cord. ilvet, m., (nav.) sheer line. livralson, f., delivery; number of a periodical; marche de , contract to furnish. livrancler, m., deliverer, shipper, of goods, supplies; contractor for supplies; a., delivering. livre, m.,book- de bord, (nay.) ship's journal; ti chiffrer, cipher book, code; de comiitabilite, (adm.) account book; de detail, ( Fr. a. adm.) register; book of ac- counts (now registre de comptabilite); grand , ledger; -journal , journal or daybook; de loch, (nav.) log book, log: de notes, (top.) notebook; field book; d'ordinaire, (mil.) mess book; d'ordres, (mil.) orderly book; de signauz, signal book, signal code. livre, f., pound; a half kilogram; franc: metrigue, a half kilogram; -sterling, pound sterling. Uvrcr, v. a., to deliver, abandon, yield, give over or up, hand over, surrender; (mil.) to give (battle), to make (an assault); un assaut, (mil.) to make an assault: bataille, (mil.) to give battle; & la circulation, to open for traffic; un combat, (mil.) to fight, give combat; se , (man.) (of a horse) to yield to the im- pulse of the reins, of the legs. livret, m., notebook; (mil.) soldier's pocketbook; d'armement, (Fr. a.) register or record of the arms in the hands of detached units; de vouched feu, (art.) register for each gun (description and record of firing); record of artillery (U. S. Art.); d' emplacement des troupes, (Fr. a.) roster of troops and stations; d'etapes, ( Fr. a.) list of gltts d'i't/tj>e: individuel,(mil.) soldier's handbook; d'infirmerie, ( Fr. a.) sick book or record kept for each horse; matriculc de cheral , ( Fr. a.) descriptive book for each horse; malricule d'homine de troupe, ( Fr. a.) de- scriptive book made out by the recruiting bureau for each man it enlists (sent to the unit which the man joins); matricule d'otfirier, ( Fr. a.) officer's record or descriptive book (made out by the major, or head of department, and kept by the c. o., by the trt'sorier for stalf otlicers): de munitions, (Fr. a.) register of ammuni- tion and of related material received and ex- pended by the regiment; d'ordinaire, (mil.) mess account book: livret de solde, (Fr. a. adm.) register or account of sums paid to troops, establishments,, officers not serving with troops, etc. llslviatlon, f., (chem.) lixiviation. local, a., local; m., place, premises; (mil. and fort.) generic term for any room, apartment, or premises used in the military service, e. g., barracks, storerooms, magazines, kitchens (does not include gun casemates or any other quarters or rooms in which guns are mounted); ditciplinaire, (mil.) guardhouse, prison, cell; de pjunition, (mil.) any place where punish- ment is served, local! te,f., locality. locatalre, m., f., tenant. loeatif , a. , occupier's , tenant's location, f., hiring, renting. locatls, m., (hipp. ) hired hack; screw. loch, m., (nav.) log- bateau de , log ship, log chip: brevete, v. enregistrtur; enregistreur , patent log; defond, ground log; Jeter le , to heave the log; ligne de , lop line; livre de , log book; ordinaire, common log; sablier de , log glass; tour de , log reel. locher, v. n., to be loose (of a horseshoe). lochet, m., narrow spade. locomobile, a., locomobile; f., (mach.) portable engine, transportable steam engine. loconioteur, a., producing locomotion. locomotif, a., locomotive; force, puissance, re, locomotive power; machine ve, (r. r.) locomotive engine. locomotive, f., (r. r.) locomotive (ordinarily called "machine," engine); allumee, locomotive with steam up, fired locomotive; - articulie, double-ended locomotive; chargce, v. allumee: express , express locomotive; de gare, shifting engine; & grande ritesse, express engine; de, en, mannuvre, y. de gare; d marchandises, freight engine; de monlagne, mountain locomotive; -a roMrs coupieeg, coupled engine; & roues ind('pendant motors from most advanced mines of defence, a;i used as a .starting point for offensive o;>. "rations): ,/, rn'ilnr-i- nr. itc.. "n-'. scut, recess, of th. obturator, i-'c.: logement 248 lotissage logement, offitier de , (Fr. a.) off ccr in com- mand of a logtmcnt (reports to the c. o. of the garrison on which the column ,s marching, receives instructions, prepares for the arrival of the t roops. and reports back to his own c. o.); du projectile, (art.) seat of the projsctile; du tenon defermelurc, (sm. a.) locking shoul- der. loger, v. a. n. r., to lodge, make a lodgment; to stable horses; to set in, seat (used when the part seated projects from the surrounding surface); (mil.) to quarter, billet: to be quar- tered or billeted; to effect a lodgment: chcz I'habitanl, (mil.) to be billeted, locis, in., house, habitation, dwelling; forps de , main building, detached build- ing; marfchal dcs , v. s. v. marechal. logistlque, f., (mil.) logistics. lot, f. , law, rule, authority: dcs cadres, (mil.) law organizing the army; de la guerre, law (international) of war; law ("necessity) of war; martia.lt, martial law; -* militaires, military laws; d u quart, (top. drawing) principle of spacing hachures at a quarter of their length. loin, adv., far; nu , in the distance; fairc plus , (art.) to elevate. lolo, m., (mi?, slang) gros >', cuirassiers. Ion?, m., length; au . along, at length; an ft au largi,in length and in breadth; de .lengthwise; ni . lengthwise; f n (t en large, backward and forward, upand down: jf dc , along ; triage- dc . ripping; scicde .ripsaw; scicr dc . to rip; scicur dc , rip sawyer. long, a., long; much; slow; great; (art.) over; eapitaine au cours, v. s. v. capitaine; tin cane , a rectangular parallelogram; cote, (fort.) long face of a work; coup , (art.) an over; -feu, (art.,sm. a.) hang fire; prrndre Ic plus . to rnake a detour; tir , (art.) overshooting; royage lat( , v. plali-lnngt; --imitrail, (Fr. cat.) lunge (so carried as to act like a poitrail); prifi itt ,(ftip/j.) halter-cast; du rognon, v. s. v. libirti; ili trait, (nrt., harn.) trace-tug; trui'ailii In , (man.) lunging; trni'iillirii li , (jinin.) tuper de , to cut to proper length; cr> ,lengthwlse; at great length; iquivalente, (ball.) reduced length; ;' la flottaison, (nav.) length at the -ivater line; Qcodisique, (top.) length of the sides of a triangle reduced to sea level; graphique, (top.) length or distance meas- ured on the map, scale length or distance; h to ligne de flottaison, v. risme, (opt.) eyepiece. vu & la , magnified. loupeiix, a., knotty (as a tree). lourd, a., heavy, dull, close; (art.) heavy (of shells, guns, etc.); arlillerie f, special name given to the heavy artillery (field howitzers) accompanying a field army; batterie e, field-howitzer battery. loustlc, m.,(mil.) good-humored, pleasant soldier. having the gift of amusing his fe.llowsoldiers and of keeping them in a good humor (familiar). louve, f., lewis. louver, v. a., to sling a stone by means of a lewis. louvet, a., (hipp.) yellow-dun (color), fox-color, clay bank. lonvete.au, m., wedge, side piece of a lewis. louveture, f., (hipp.) in the coat mixed blackish spot of indistinct outline. louvoyage, m., (nav.) beating. louvoyer, v. a., (nav.) to tack, to beat. lover, v. a., (cord.) to coil down; - avec le soltil, to coil with the sun; -& conlre, to coil the wrong way; en galrtte, to make a Flemish coil; en S, to make a French coil. loyrr, in., rent, hire; d'entretien, (Fr. a.) rent received by con- tractor (service des Hts militaries) for articles furnished, whether in hands of troops or not ; d' occupation, (Fr. a.) rent received by con- tractor (service des tits militaries) for articles in use. lubrifartrur, m., (mach.) self-acting lubricator. lubrifactloii, f., (mach.) lubrication, oiling. lubritiuKC, m., v. lubrifaction. lubritiant, in., lubricant. liilirillcateur, m., (much.) oil cup, self-acting lubricator; (sin. a.) bullet lubricant, lubricant; de mpcur, (mach.) impermeator. lubrification, f., v. lubrifaction. liihrlfior, v. a., (mach.) to oil, to lubricate; hu'tU rjectile, (art.) eye of a shell, etc.; de rabot, slot of a plane: de aortic, (steam) exhaust port; trnu de , (art.) vent; ii vapeur, (steam ) steam port; verticale, v. dinctt; zenithale, \. dincte. luiiatique, a., (hipp.} moon-eyed; ci-cile , moon-blindness; chiral , mcwn-eyed horse; ceil , moon-eye. lime, f., moon, lune; clair de . moonlipht ; denii , (fort.) demilune. luneton,m.,(/ort.) small lunette (defense of covered way and other works). lunette, f., (inxt.) telescope, spyglass: (in pi.) spectacles: u 1 "'^'.) lunette (of a vault); (art.) lunette, gauge, ring gauge, shot gauge; assem- bling hoop (Kronen 120""" ('.); feed valve (lirirdnor gun): (fort.) lunette; (mach.) slicll- chuck; bearing-support; (farr.) tip; (harn.) lunette; d'n/lilt, (art.) upper pintle plate: - d'ainarrage, (art.) nuxjring eye of a cnbt.itan M-r- \ at ion of hits: (i cnlibrr, (art.) ring irauire, shot gauge, trun- ;ii >;i gi:i', f o : lunette 250 machine lunette, de campagne, field glass; s de cantonnier, (t. p.) stone-breakers' spectacles, eye-protector, worn by markers in the butts; de chargement.(art.) loading hole of the Krupp wedge; -d charniere, (art.) synonym of volet, carrier ring; dc chevaux, (man.) blinders (used on horses hard to mount); de cheville-ouvriere, (art.) pintle eye; contre- , (art.) lower or bottom pintle plate; cylindre- , (art.) cylinder gauge; band gauge; de demoulage, (fond.) lifting ring; d'equipement, (art.) rigging eye (of a cabestan de carrier); -dfacettcs, multiplying glass; fixe, (much.) center rest: de fleche, (art.) pintle eye, lunette; de tongue-rue, telescope; dc marqueur, (t. p.) marker's spectacles (hav- ing a wire mesh instead of glasses); mcttre la au point, to focus a telescope; micromitrique, telescope with stadia at- tachment, for measuring inaccessible dis- tances; de nuit, night glass; plaque de , (art.) pintle eye-plate: -- polarimctrique, polariscope; -profit, (art.) profile gauge; pyrometrique, pyrometric telescope; de reception, (mil. sig.) receiving telescope; (art.) shot or ring gauge; --de reception grande (petite), (art., etc.) maxi- mum (minimum) gauge; de repere, lower telescope of a theodolite; verifying telescope; lunette de serrage, (an.) assembling hoop (of the French canon a balles, a ring or hoop con- necting the rear and front blocks of the firing mechanism); stadimttrique, stadia; terrestre, terrestrial telescope; de verification, (art.) shot, etc., gauge; d vis de reglage, (art.) adjustable shot gauge; d viseur, sighting telescope (e. g., for a com- pass, etc.); de volee, (art.) splinter-bar plate. lupin, m., lupin. lusin, m., (cord.) houseline, housing. lustrage, m., glossing, polishing. lustrer, v. a., to polish, to smooth. lut, m., luting, cement, lute. luter, v. a., to cement, to lute. lutte, f., struggle, fight, contest, strife; d'artilleric, (art.) artillery duel; generate de, traction, (gym.) tug of war. lutter, v. a., to struggle, fight; to wrestle; to strive. hitteur, m., wrestler. lux, m., (elec.) unit of light (the illumination produced by one bougie decimate). luxation, f., dislocation; luxation. luxe, in., luxury; armes dc , sporting arms; train de , (r. r.) first-class express. luxer, v. a., to dislocate, put out of joint. luzerne, f., lucerne (grass). lycopode, m., lyeopodium. lyddite, f., (expl.) lyddite. lymphangite, f., (hipp.) lymphangitis, flammation of the lymphatic vessels ganglions. lyre, f., lyre; (unif.) lyre (insignia of musi- cians). m- and M. macadam, m., macadam, macadam pavemect. macadamisage, in., macadamizing. in arad utilisation, f . , macadamization, macadamiser, v. a., to macadamize. macaron, m., (unif.) leather patch (under the button of a belt loop); (mach.) valve adjuster (of a locomotive), maceration, f., maceration. macerer, v. a., to macerate. niache, f. , horse-mash. machecoulis, m.. v. machicoulis. machefer, m., skg, forge scale, hammer slag, scoria, '.'linkers. iiiacht'liere. a., of the jaw; f., grinder; jaw tooth, mill tooth; dent , jaw tooth, grinder; mill tooth. machemoure, f.. bread dust, inacher. v. a., to chow, grind; - le frtin, (iii />/>.) to champ the bit. machete, m., matchet, machete. machicoulis, in., (fort.') machicoulis, machi- colation; crinian- , v. s. \.crencau. machinal, a., mechanical. inachiiialemeiit, adv., mechanically. machine, f. . machine, engine; machinery, piece of mechanism, contrivance; bicycle; (r.'r.) loco- motive; (elec.) dynamo. I. Steam; *II. Operating machines; mis- cellaneous; III. Electricity. I. Steam: (The full expression for steam engine be- ing machine a rapeur, the, following com- pounds arc occasionally found with the phrase 11 vaiitnr following the word "machine. ' e. g., machine a ra/mir ii detente, instead of inn- chint a detinte, the shorter being the usual form.) - it action directr, direct-acting engine; a ndmixxion ct ii echappement inde pendants, scientific name for engines of the Corliss type; machine atmospherique, atmospheric engine; fi balancier, beam engine, lever engine: - d balancier de dcuxicme ordrc, half-beam engine; ---is, balancier libre. grasshopper engine: ii balancier simple, single-beam engine; d balanciir superpose, overhead-beam engine; a balanciers latlraui, side-lever engine: a basse prcssion, low-pressure engine; & birllc articulee, engine with jointed coimecting rod; fi biellc dirccte. direct-acting engine; d hiellc renvcrsec, v. & bielle en retour; fi builf. en retour, back-acting engine; return connecting-rod engine; - sans bielle, \. oscillante; -- en clochcr, steeple engine; ii commandc directe, direct-acting engine; compound, compound engine: compoundd nc.itlindrcs, TKjylinder compound engine; -compound horizontalecj, cylindres accolfx, hori- zontal cross compound engine; -compound horizontale a cylindra 'in- quished from simple): ft composer, typesetting machine: ft comprimer, (sin. a.) bullet compressor: ft comprimer I' air, air-compressing en- gine; conducteur de , engine driver, engineer: s conjugw'ts, v. ,? , ncroliis: conatructtiir dc a, engine builder. designer; ft copier, copying machine: iifnrdcr, cording machine: ft coudrr, sewing Tiiaclune; ft coii/nr, cutliniK mact.ine. cutter, de course, racing liit-ycle; machine 252 machine machine A crtuser, dredger; ft curer, v. ft creuser; dt dame, woman's bicycle; - d dfblayer, excavator, excavating ma- chine; -d debourbcr, dredger; d decolUter, screw machine; dt demi-rovte, semiroadster (bicycle); Jf monter une , to Uvke an engine to piecos; di nivdie, machine, engine, out of line; ft dcsabter, foundry rattler; ft ditisfr. dividing machine; ~-b draquer, dredger; dresser une , to line up an engine; ft Jr, user ks ecrous, nut shaper; ft SchtHcf mobiles, v. & monter; ii ecrire. typewriter; tlectro-mineur, (mil. mlfl.) excavator; & clever I tau. water-raising engine; & emboutir, chaser, chasing machine; ft < monlir, grinding machine; ii enfonctr Irs pieujc, pile driver; ft engrenaqe, geared engine; * ft tnronler. (art.) winding machine; ft eniiloppcr Us ualtes, (sin. a.) jacket-seating ma -liino; d'rpuisement, pumping engine; d'e puiifinent b pompt . pumping engine; d'ts.vri. testing machine; atssai/ir Ics huilfs, oil tester; (t essaycr hs matitres premieres, testing machine; ft (stamper, swage tool; ft italer, (cord.} spreader; attain per , v . (t esta mpcr: ft i.tinr, drawing frame; tictrangler, choking frame; to, cicniation, excavating machine; - d' extraction, hauling, hoisting, winding, engine; d'eztraction & tapcur, steam hoist, steam hoisting engine; &ja<.onner. shaper. shaping machine: ft fac,onner dile d reproduction, \. ft faonntr; faire arriere, en arriere, to reverse the engine. ; go as tern; faire avartt. en want, to go ahead; - de fatigue, a bicycle for heavy, rough work; il fauchcr, v. ri colter; a fendre les dents, (roues') tooth- (wheel-) : cutting engine; h fendre leftr. slitters, cutters; iifi ndre Us vis, screw-slotting machine; --ft tilir, spinning frame, machine; (cord.) rope- spinning machine; - -a itlitir, screw-cutting lathe; ti.ftirct centrifuge, centrifugal machine; iiforer. borer, boring machine; iiforer (Its canons), (art.) gun lathe; ' lift, fixed drill (work moves); or i ts rotatifs, boring machine with rotat- ii fords ing (frills: - ii font tournant, revolving drill fixed); - iif'-rgrr, fortrer. forging machine; ii fraixtr, milling machine; shaper, shaping machine; a fraixtr ordinaire, plain nulling ma- ''work n Jfiixir iirlicnli, vertical spindle milling ma hitie; - - fr>tni;nis(,\. - - ii rnbntir; friii'iritlqiH , refrigerating machine; frit/in i IHJ in ii air. v. ii air: n ij/i:, g;us eugino; frecx.ing machine (using a volatile g.i.s); ii g ltd , s ( -re\v engine; ili hi.ixnin , hnisiiiig engine; ii fiuili iiriiii rali , nil engine; - lii/ilrdtiliiim , h\ Mraiiii, engine: infirnnli, (.nut.) infernal mai-hine, torpedo machlneft.7> de sable, sand blast, sand jet; sjumelles, twin engines; ft laminer (les canon* de fusil), (sm. a.) barrel roll; ft levier, any lever engine or machine, lever- testing machine; ft timer, filing machine: - & manometre, manometric testing ma- chine; ft maqurr, (met.) squeezer; marteau-pilon, steam hammer; marteauei vapeur, steam hammer; ft mfiter, sheers; sheer hulks; mettre la en arriere, to reverse the en- einc; ?i meuler, grinding machine: de mise en marche, starting engine; mobile, transportable engine; ft moieties, winding engine, whin, whim; ft monter, (min.) man-engine, mining en- gine; monttr une , to set up an engine, to put an engine together: ntfntfw de , engine fitter: ft mortaiser. slotting, mortising machine; motrice, generic term for motor in widest sense; any engine furnishing power, prime mover; motrice h gaz, gas engine; d mouler, (fond.) molding machine; ft inouluits, molding machine; niveler une , v. dj-esser une ; dc n chevaui, an n-horsepower engine; - nourriciere, v. alimentaire; ft onglet, (carp.) miter block; operatrice. any engine in which power is used to perform some specific work; operat- ing machine; oscillantt , oscillating (blowing) engine; outil, machine tool; outil , v. outil; - -ft pciyner, (cord.) heckle, hatchel; --ft -peltries pomrnts de terrt, potato-peeler; ft perccr, punching machine, rock drill; - ft pcrccr d colonne, column-drilling ma- chine; ft pcrcer radial*, radial drill; ft pcrcer les rails, rail drill; - ft perccr verticale, vertical drill; ft perforatrice, rock-boring machine; ft petrole, oil engine; pilotc, (r. r.) pilot-engine; ft planer, planing machine; a plateau, any machine in which the work is placed on a bed or table (plateau); single- lever testing machine; ft plier hs tolcx, plate-bending machine; pneumatique, air pump, pneumatic machine; ventilator (as for mines); -ft poinqonner, punch, punching machine; ft poinqonner & mai;i,hand punch, - -ft polir, polishing machine; ft posir Us grains dc luiniere, (art.) vent drill (ohs.); ptmrvu de .t. engined: - dc precision, generic term for any machine doing accurate work: ft pression. press; (sm. a.) bullet-compressing machine; - ii pression d'/an, water-pressui e engine: ft profiler, profiling machine: - ii propulsion liydrauliqut, jot {iropeller en- gine; piiits tic , engine-pit, -shaft; - ii jui/ieriser et a corroycr Us tcrrex, (fund.) loam mill; ft quart d'effd. an engine whose shaft makes two revolutions in one complete cycle (e. g., Otto engine); ('/ r abut 1 1 . pinning machine, planer; -ft ralin'irii until (i>li.inr. pis^-mason; fiosrur, rough mason. rnavoiiiiaiee, m., mason's work, iiiacoiiiicr. v. a., to do miisonry work; to wall up, block up ui door, a window); / n drgris, to buihl up stair-wise: l(- ork; d< hlncaillf, ruiiblework: bloqutr In , in foundations, to place the foundation blocks against the lace of the ex- cavation; ir.r.onnerie 254 inaconnerle de. en, briques, brickwork; brute, rubble masonry; croiset, cross bond; it, en, fchiquitr, reticulated work; deforcement, foundation work; de fourneau, de foyer, brickwork of a furnace; arotntre, mbblework; hourdce, mortar masonry (as distinguished from dry work); hydrduliqut, waterproof masonry; en liaison, bonded work; de libage, masonry of large rough-dressed stones; maillee, net masonry; de moeuons, ashlar work; de pierres seches. dry work; en pierres de taillc, ashlar masonry (dressed stone); de remplissage, filling, filling in; riticulee, reticulated work; de soubassement, \. defondement; vive, ashlar masonry (dressed stone). macree, f., bore (in rivers). niaoule, f., spot, stain, blemish. mad re, a., spotted. niadrier, m., tliick, plank; (art.) shifting plank; deck plank; platform plank; (pont.) chess; boul dc , (art.) short plank; dcmi (pont.) half chess; d'equipemcnt,.(art.) plank used in rigging the gin; glte , (art.) ground plank, bottom plank, of a pirn platform; librc de crosse, (art.) loose plank under the trail (hence easily renewable); de petard, (mil. min.) board to which a petardis fixed; de plateforme, (art.) deck plank; de pont, (i>ont.) chess; poser drs s, (pont.) to lay chess. niadrure, f., mark, speckle in wood. iiiae'strul, m., mistral, northwest wind (Medi- terranean). niajjusiii, m., shop; magazine, storehouse, store- room; provision, store, stock; (art. fort.) maga- zine; (sm. a.) magazine; (mil. slang) military school; administratif, (Fr. a.) administrative depot or magazine (as distinguished from a troop- unit magazine); receives raW materials, con- tractors' materials, and acts as a depot of issue to troops (two classes intendance, in- cluding subsistence and quartermaster depots; medical, including hospitals and medical supply stores); quartermaster (subsistence) depot (U. S. A.); adminislratif central, (Fr. a.) depot of issue for current service charged with the manufac- ture of cllects for one, two, or three army corps; administratif gtneral, (Fr. a.) general service depot containing reserve supplies of cloth and of made-up articles; udiiiinixtrulif regional, (Fr. a.) depot of issue of made-up articles for current use (has no workshop); armt ii , (xin. a.) magazine rifle; d'nrwex, (mil.) arrnorv; d'lrtiUfrii , (xiegi) artillery storehouse; >ni/oignee, link and handle; lit suspension , (pont.) trestle-cap ring; ft talon, link and stud. maillit la , with ease, "hands down:'' ln'i(, free hand; longueur de In , span; miitre l( annr*. It I// ant, ii la , (fenc.) to give the first instruction in fencing; main, mettre la dernitre A, to put the finishing touch to anything; d'olire, (ham.) trace-tug loop; de papier, quire of paper; postb la , hand set; de poulie, block strap; prtter la h, to lend a nand, to help; sciefi deux s, crosscut saw; de scrgent, clamp, cramp; sous la , at hand, ready; sur , hand over hand ; tenir boit 4 la , v. amarrer bonne ; tenir dans so , to be master ol; tenir la i, to attend to, see to, a thing- tour de , manual skill or dexterity. mainotte, f., body loop. main-d'oeuvre, f., labor, manual labor; work- manship, handiwork; cost of labor, wages. main-forte, f., armed assistance, e. g., the' sup- port or assistance of the army in the execution of the laws. main-levee, f., (law) replevin. maiti-milltalre, f., the armed force of the State (charged with an execution, an expulsion). inain-mise, f., (law) seizure, detention, arrest, attachment, distress; embargo (ships). malntenlr, v. a., to keep up, keep in good order; to maintain, support, uphold, bear up; (mil.) to keep, hola,ineheck;to hold; se , (77i^.) to hold one's ground. malntlen, m., maintenance (of order, discipline, etc.); keeping in repair. inalre, m., mayor. mairle, f., municipal headquarters: mayor's office of a French commune; mayoralty. mals, m., Indian corn, maize. corn (I'. S.). muison, f.. house: home, household; family; (mil.) official household, personal staff; d'alifnfs. insane asylum; d'arrff, house of detention; (Fr. a.) place of confinement of officers punished for disciplin- ary reasons; of men going to join compagniet de discipline; of soldiers traveling under guard of thegendarmory; dc banqvc, ban!, ; en bois blinde,(fort.) blockhouse; de campagne ; (mil. slang) cell; centrale, penitentiary; de cnmmcrce, firm, house; de correction, v. de detention; (Fr. a.) place of confinement of officers undergoing sentence, if not dismissed; of men sentenced for less than one year; de detention, house of detention; deforce, v. de detention; de juxtice, place of confinement of persons awaiting trial; (Fr. a.) place of confinement (jf persons undergoing trial and of persons await ing execution of sentence: ntililaire, in France, the military stall or household of the President; (mi7.) military family of a general, the personal guard of a so ereign; de I'fit pa wn broker's shop; de santi'. private asylum; de nlli , town house. n::;isomiage, m., building timber. malstrance, f., (nav.) warrant officers; dockyard stalT. malt re, m., master, chief, head, owner; proprie- tor: teacher, instructor; foreman; in France, style of lawyers; (noc.) boatswain; ( Fr. nar.) second grade of warrant officer (ranks with sergeant-major): (Fr.a.) designation of coitain workmen (v. examples infra), who rank as marfchal da< login chef: d'academie . principal of a riding school: d'armes. (fine.) fencing master; armuriir, ( Fr. a.) master armorer (incorrect expression for chtf armuriir): nrtijicier, ( Fr. a.) foreman of a (artillery) laboratory, master artificer; avoir lex piedx tn fl danger, (man.) to turn out 1 he toes too much; de bi'itiment. master of a merchantman; de bi'i ton,! fenc. ) single-stick teacher; bau, (nav.) midship beam; ruaitro 257 malade maltre cable, best cable, main cable; cal/ai, bead calker; de canne, v. de Mton; canonnier, (nav.) gtmner; canonnier en second, (nap.) gunner's mate; chargt, (nav.) warrant officer in charge of stores; charpentier, (mil., nav.) master carpen- ter; chevron, (cons.) principal, main rafter; compagnon, foreman; c'uutructeur, (nav.) naval constructor; conlre , foreman; (nav.) boatswain's mate; cordier, ( FT. a.) cordage master; cotiple, (nav.) midship frame; d'tcluse*. sluice master; tcole, schoolmaster; (hipp.) steady horse, used in setting the pace in training colts to gallop, or hitched up with a young horse under training; good horse used as a decoy in a sale (a poor horse being substituted oh delivery); entrait, (cons.) tiobeam; d'equipage, (nav.) boatswain; Is-arts, master of arts; d'escrime, (fenc.) fencing master; (Fr. a.) regimental fencing master; es-lois, jurist ; en fait d'armes, V. d'armes; ferrant, farrier; forgeron, ( Fr. a.) chief blacksmith; garcon, workman in powdor mills; grand(-) , grand master: - de hach(, \. charpentier macron, master mason; de manage, riding master; de manoeuvre, v. d'iquipage; - marechalf errant, ( Fr. a.) chief farrier in each mounted regiment (art., cav.); mecanicien, chief engineer; de musique, (mil.) bandmaster; nageur, swimming teacher; d'utuvre, foraman; d'ouvra;e, master workman; ouvriiT, (Fr. art., eng.) master workman; (in gen.) master workman; - - pilier, (cons.) arch pillar; - pointeur, (Fr. art.) gunner (seacoast, U S\A.); de p-:rt, harbor master; - - de paste, postmaster; - poudrier, master workman of a powder factory; ?rrmitr , ( Fr. nav.) senior warrant officer -inks with adjudant); de quai, wharf master; de quart, (nav.) boatswain's mate; quartier , ( Fr. nav.) petty officer (ranks with a corporal); se rendre dufcu, (art.) to subdue the hostile fire; second ,(.FY.na.) grade assimilated t sergeant in the army; second canonnier, (nav.) gunner's mate; st liter, ( Fr. a.) saddler's sergeant; tambour -, tambour, (mil.) instructor of drum music; torpilleur, (nav.) torpedo gunner: voilier, (nav.) sailmaker. inaitresse, f., mistress, (in combination") principal, Ciiief; ancrc, best Bower; arc/if, principal arch (as of a bridge, etc.); - - bitte, pawl bill of a capstan: fame, (c>>ns.) main truss or couple; par tin, (nin .) midship bend, dead fht; pltce, main limber, main piece; poutre, (roiix.) principal beam, girder; tiye de poinpr, main pump-rod; rnrangue. (nar.) midship f" route, main vaulting. maltrise, f., mastership of a military order; grnndi , dignity of grand master. maitriscr, v. a., to master, control, .subdue, over- come, keep under, command. ma Jest*, f., majesty. majeur, a., great, greater, important; force - e, a r -t of God, superior force, drcum- . stances beyond one's control, ris major. major, m..( Fr. a.) Meld officer in immediate charge of the administration and accountability of a regiment (function, not a grade); shortened form of medecin-majar; (mil. slang) at t!'.c 1'olytechnique, the head of the list, number one" (major is sometimes used by the Frrh to denote the major of services other than the French); adjudant -- , v. s. v. adjudant; aide- -- , v. aide-major; aide- -- gtniral, (Fr. a.) general officer, as- sistant of the - general, assistant chief of staff; clairon -- , bugle major; Mat -- , v. etat-major; gardien - , in French ports, a sort of chief of police; - de la garnison. ( Fr. a.) the executive olli- or of a garrison, assistant to the commandant d'armes; town major; - giniral, ( Fr. a.) chief of staff of a group of armies in war (for other cases see under gcniral; nearest equivalent, U. S. A., adjutant-general); ( Fr. nav.) chief of start; medecin de ler< (2e,me) classe. ( Fr. a.) surgeon- major (captain); de place, town major (obs.); pilote -- . v. s. v. pilote; de queue, at the Polytechnique, the Jost man: the "endth," '-endth'' man. the ''goat," (U. S. M. A.); 9onde- - 1 - , v. s. v. ronde; sergent- - , (Fr. a.) sergeant-major (nearest Xivalent, I 1 . S. A., first sergeant); itr -- . drum major; de tranchcc, (siege) field officer of the trenches, assistant to the general dc tranchie in executive duties, police of the trenches, direction of working parties, etc., (permanent detail, one to each attack); irompdtc -- , trumpet major. majoration, f. , allowance in excess of actual needs, to meet contingent ies. e. p.: d'essayage, clothes, etc.. in excess of the num- ber of men to be fitted, available in case clothes issued should not fit. majorlte, f.. ( Fr. a.) function of a major; office of a m".jor. iiiaUis, m., (Corsican) jungle. mal, a., bad, poor; wronsr, sick, ill. mal. m., hardship, hard work: harm, hurt, evil: dis- ease, malady: d'anc, (hipp.) scratches: blanc, white cankerous growth (in the throat of pigeons); dc bois. v. - de brout: - de brout, (hii>[>.) disease brought on \-\ brousing on young shoots of trees: - endue, (hipp.) epilepsy; -- d( r< rf. (hipp.) tetanus: d'incolnrt. (hipp.) generic name for con- tusions, etc., on the upper part of t!:o encolurc -- p.) sleepy staggers: dr gar rot. (hipp.) li: lul.i of the withers, li.-tu- lous withers: (/< in/r. S'.'asicktu'st; (/r innnldijni . mountain sickness; dt nii'jri'>n. (lii;>p.) saddle gall: inflainiu,,: i n (phlegmon) on 1;:e liaui'.clie^; - - il: tit u pi . (iiip/i, ) poll evil; - ili lirrr . scur\ y: (/i tttt glanders. malade, a. n.. riiU 3877 17- 17 maladic 258 manchot maladje, f., illness, sickness, distemper, com- plaint; de I'aile, wing disease (carrier pigeon); d(s camps, typhus fever; d u c oil , v . do u ri n t 7 natnculaire, (hipp.) navicular disease; de tfrre, scurvy; * ririlles de pnitrine, (ftipp.) chronic affections of lungs or of pleura, or of both. mala ml iv. f., rotten knot in timber; red or white vein appearing in wood before rotting; (hipp.) malanders. malandmix, a., with dead, rotten, knots. malastlque, (mil. slang) dirty, slovenly. malaxer, v. a., to knead, to work (as, dough, clay); to grind up together under a tluid. mal-bouoh, a., v. mal-dtnli. nial-rtenit'', a., (hipp.) chei-al , a horse, thb malformation or wear of whose teeth makes it difficult to estimate his age; false-mouthed horse. male, a., male; (of a ship) seaworthy; (of the sea^ rough; (mach.) male (of screws, "teeth, etc., of any part fitting into another;. malebCte, f., calker's hammer. mal-facon, f., poor work, bad workmanship, defect in a piece of work. malfalsant, a., malignant, unhealthy, noxious; air , malaria. malgache, a., Malagassy. mallne, f., spring tide: grande , equinoctial spring tide. malinRre, a., delicate, weak; m., sickly, weals: man. mallard, m., small grindstone, malic, f., trunk; mail: (mil. slang) prison: faire (difaire) une , to pack (unpack) a trunk. mallfabllitc, f., malleability. malleable, a., malleable. malltlne, f., (hipp.) mallein. malle-poste, f., mail coach; mail steamer. mallier, m., shaft horse. mal-rasfs, m. pi., (mil. slang) sappers. malsain, a., unhealthy, sickly, malt lie, f., mineral tar. malversation, f., malversation, embezzlement. malverser, v. a., to embezzle. mamelle, f.. (hipp., farr.) part of horseshoe, of hoof, on each side of the toe: (harn.) collar pad; lower part of the saddlebow; in - . rounded. maniPloii, in., gudgeon: (fan.} sort of calkin; (/"/>.) hummock: rounded bill or elevation, pap. mumelon: (mack.) swell. mainrloniie, a., (tap.) rounded (of a hill, height !. niamHouk, niameltik, m., Mameluke. mancrllc, f.. (hnrti.i polo chain; tliilltug. iiianrhe, n, . handle, helve, hafl; holder for burn- ing signal lights; d'niinin. loom of an oar; a . nhri . derogatory term for a soldier; - uiiiitrxel. jtad. muiirhr, f., sleeve: -hose, pipe, funnel; neck (of a Balloon): chaimei; -d'a/i/ii ndice, filling tube cr slee.ve Cof a balloon;: a cfndrrx, ash hose; -it rliurliitn. coal chute; - ill cuir, leather hose; <'i i mi. watering hose; fit n. **! , oversleeve; (Si. Ci/r xlaiuj) fatigue jacket: tli fiole. flexiblf hose: finilnnit,<\y\\\< -y hose: dr ftnniped inci ndii . lire-cn.'-'ine hose; -anc rim,r'leini n/ it m, screw hose; - ill t'li.'r, anvus hose; a nut, v. :!icl s-: il: vcnl 'l.itor. Maiiche, c'u , the Kngli/M Channel. mancbette, f., (cord.) lizard; span, bridle; (art.) sleeve, gunner's sleeve; coup de , v. s. v. coup. manchon, m., sjeeve; cylinder: housing; mouth- piece (as of iron piping); joint ring, collar- band; (art.) hoop (longer than afrette), breech, hoop; jacket; cradle, sleeve; recoil sleeve, muzzle sleeve (of a turret gun); trunnion bushing; dirt guard; (m. o.) collar or sleeve (into which the tubular magazine screws); bolthead; dust cover; firing-pin nut; cocking- piece nut; firing-pin clutch; (unif.) distin- guishing white cover for headdress at ma- neuvers; (mach.) sleeve, box, clutch, trans- mission clutch; shaft coupling; coupling box, chuck; sleeve or collar in which an arbor turns; mandrel (of a lathe); flange. 1. Artillery, small arms; II. Machinery. I. Artillery, small arms: nqrafcs, d agrafes, (art.) locking sleeve, locking hoop; arrtt d'arrft stop-sleeve or collar; de bnnche, (art.) muzzle collar (Longridge wire gun); cnvcloppe, (sm. a.) outer case, barrel cove.) glissit.re, -glissiere d, tourillons, (artT', trunnioned slide; graisseur, (art.) self-oiling box or sleeve; oiling sponge; de mancnivre, (art.) maneuvering clutch; porte-extracteur, (sm. a.) extractor sleeve; porte-lmtuse, (sm. a.) rear-sight sleeve (Span- ish Mauser); de support de timon, (art.) muflf; A.T, (sm. a.) T-shaped cocking piece; d. de, tourillons, (art.) trunnion sleeve; visse, (art.) locking ring. II. Machinery: - d'accour.lemcnt, clutch, coupling box, coup- ling sleeve; automatic coupling; - - d'alesoir, cutter head, boring head; iVarbredmanwclle, crank-shaft flange; d'arret, stop sleeve or collar; articulf, jointed clutch; d' assemblage, assembling collar, coupling flange; d'a/tache, securing collar or sle; ' clavette, keyed shell clutch; fi cones, cone coupling; dcoquilles, clamp; cylindrique, cylinder friction clinch; - ile debrayage, clutch coupling; dcnte, ii dents, claw clutch, claw coup- lin; -a disques cannelc/t, friction clutch (sor of multiple cone clutch); -< double ecrou, screw coupling box; - il'fcubirr, hawse pipe; -- ctrtbrtti/age, clutch coupling, disengaging coupling: coupling box; - - il'ijnbrayaye d de desembrayage, clutch coup- ling lyx; d'(.txiru de poulic. coak of a block; filitf. screw sleeve; - /ire, fixed or permanent coupling; -fifrtttrx, clamp cou])ling: - -A friction, friction coupling box; friction clutch; - ling: -n trnun, clutch', tenon clutch: il'urn scute piece, box couj>ling, JiuilV coup- ling: d ri::, screw chuck, screw coupling box. main lion'i;m", m., (art.) operation of putting oji, shrinking on, a boo]) (applied more par- ticularly to long hoops.i. iifim :iot, m., one-armed, one-handed, man. mandant 259 manipulateur mandant, m., person who issues a mandat. mandat, m., mandate, commission, check; (adm.) order, request (for transportation, money, rations, etc.); d'amentr, (law) capias; d'arrft, (law) warrant of arrest; carte , v. potle; de comparution, (law) summons; sub- pcrna; de convoi, (Fr. a.) railroad transportation order; leptche, v. Uligramme; de aipfjt, warrant of commitment; : d'ctapcx, (Fr. a. adm.) order for forage and rations (issued to troops on march) to be drawn at me it ape; defourn itures, (mil. adm.) requisition; rd'indcmnite de route, (mil. adm ) order to pay over travel expenses; lancer un , to issue a warrant; de passage, order for transportation by sea; de pavement, an order to pay; paste, de posle, post-office money order; telegramme, telcgrar>hique, telegraphic money order; de vivres, (Fr. a. adm.) ration request, is- sued to and presented by troops on the march. mandatalre, m., person to whom a mandat is issued. mandater, v. a., to deliver an order for the pay- ment of, deliver an order for. mandement, m., order, charge. mander, v. a., to inform, to order. mandrin, m., mandrel, drift, punch; shaper, former, shape or form; chuck, plug; coup- ling; holding-up tool; top and bottom swage for rounding bolts; gauge (for hollow or cylin- drical objects); (eipl.) fuse-hole gauge (gun- cotton disks); (artif.) rocket-case former; d'abatage, holding-up tool; & Vanneau, elastic chuck; de bourrage, (mil. min.) tamping rod; briKf, elastic chuck, cup chuck; c'irre . square drift; h, chand, mandrel, etc. (for working met- als hot); de cocnon, sort of screw chuck: cnique, taper mandrel; d disque, disk chuck; erccntrinue, eccentric chuck; expansible, shell chuck; it er nan.iion-, expanding mandrel; faiblt, (eipl.) minimum gauge (must fall of its own weight through the fuse hole of a gun- cotton disk); bforet, drill chuck; de forge, forge mandrel; fort, (eipl.) n>a\bmim gauge (must not of its own weight fall through the fuse hole of a pnn-corton disk); a gobelet, bell chuck, cup chuck; h griffe(s),C\a,w chuck (lathe); ti gucule de loup, split screw chuck; me pint, flat drift; -ordinaire, plain chuck; h point es, flanch or prong chuck, inirte-fortt l drill chuck; -ii mini*, n'k'd drift; mud, round puncheon; taillr, grooved mandrel; Inura , mandrel lathe: d'nn t'tnr. face plate; du tour d milt, h tournrr nralf, oval chuck: universe!, concentric chuck, universal chuck: ft ris. screw chuck. mandriner, v. n., to form, shape, work, upon a>inandrol. e!c.; to Ciiuck. marieuge, in.. <<;'.) manual labor of loading and unloading cargo, for which no extra pay is demended. "'ge, in., horsemanship, riding, manege, ling-school equitation, manege riding; train- ig, breaking, of horses; riding school, riding- ol building or inclosure: drill hall: (tnach.) 1 orsenower (i. e., mechanical contrivance), horse whim; manfege caralier de , (car.) trooper attached to a riding school; cheral de , ridinc-school horse; old, worn- out horse; 6 ehevaia, horsepower; civil, instruction in riding simply, as dis- tinguished from military riding; A colliers, horse mill: tit convert, ring, outdoor riding school: de guerre, an uneven gallop, in which the horse frequcntjy changes the leading foot; par haul, high school, training of a horse by the airs relevex; mailre de , riding master. manette, f., handle, hand -pear; hand lever; spoke of a steering whe.pl; hook or catch (on the bolster of the French 0.60 m siege railroad truck). manganfcse, m., manganese. manganesifere, a., manganiferous. mange, p. p., (cord.) galled, worn. maiigeotre, f., manger; crib; musette , v. s. v. musette. manger, v. a., to eat, feed, mess; to corrode, eat out or away; to wear, to grind; to absorb, destroy , eat up; to undermine; le chemin, to advance, proceed, with (Teat speed; ensemble, (mil.) to mess together; de la guerre, to be present at a combat; du sable, to cheat the glass; se , to wear, to be ground down; un pays, to lay waste a country. manialile, a., manageable, tractable; handy, pliable, easy to handle, to work. maiiiement, hi., knack, trick; touch, handling, management, conduct, use, employment; des armis, (mil.) manual of arms;" de la lance, (mil.) manual of the lance; du sabre, (mil.) manual of the sword. maiiier, m., touching, handling, feel; (man.) action of the feet in the three gaits: au , to, by, the touch. manler. v. a. n., to touch , handle, treat: to mana-e. administer, use; to substitute new for old paving stones: (man.) to work (at the horse); to obey the rider: les armcs, (mil.) to execute the manual of arms, to handle arms; a bout. (<;ons.) to repair a roof; un cheral, to manage a horse; difficile ti , unmanageable: de ferme fi ferine, (man.) to jump with- out advancing: sur lis hanchcs, (man.) to work uopn the haunches; .vur pl'tce, v. de ffrme h ftrme: pres de terre. (man.) to drag the feet maiiifeste, m., manifesto; ( 'hip's) manifest. maiilgaux, in., bellows lever. manilla, m., icord.) manila hemp. iiKHiillace, m., shackling. munillc, f., shackle; m., (croth sides; competitive maneuver; d'enu, (fort., mil.) measures ta' en to in- undate at will the ditches of a work, to flood a road, etc.; en ecrecisse, (art.) cross-lifting; elonger une , (cord.) to stretch out a rope; empechee, (cord.) foulrope; at'ec un enntmi marque, (mil.) maneu er against an indicated enemy: aiec un ennemi reprrxrnlt, (mil.) maneu- ver against an enemy in full force; fauxse , wrong movement (as in working a breech mechanism); ^sdfeu, (art.) firing maneuvers; sd feu de masses d'artillnie, (Fr.art.) f.ring maneuvers by artillery masses; s deforce, (art.) mechanical maneuvers; s deforleresse, (mil.) fortress maneuvers; grandes s, (mil.) fall maneuvers (especially of armies proper); avec hypothe.se, (mil.) a maneuver in which a theme of problem is worked out; en liyne(s) exterieure(s) (inter ieurc(s)). (mil.) maneuver on exterior (interior) lines; mariqv.ee, poor management, working, handling; paster une dans une poulic, (cord.) to reeve a block; - * de polygone, (mil.) drill-ground mancu- \ ers; - ,t de pontage, de ponts, (pont.) bridge drill, pontoon drill: en queue de rat, (cord.) pointed rope; reglement de s, (mil.) drill regulations, drill book; terrain de s, (mil.) drill ground. mancrtiVTer, v. a. n., to work, maneuver; (mil.) to maneuver; to drill; to direct the movements of an army, of a fleet, of a regiment , etc.; fairc . (mil.) to maneuver, drill; en lignr(s) erterieuret*) (intcrievrefs)}, (mi}.) to operate on exterior (interior) lines; en trnnpr, (mil.) to drill in a body (said of recruits, as distinguished from individ- ual drill). maiuruvrlor, m., (mil.) skillful tactician: a., able to maneuver (i. e., seasoned and in- structed); skilled in maneuvering. maixrmriere, f., bonne , (mil.) of an army, s! illfnl maneuverer. maiiometre, in., manometer, pauge; (strain) steam gauge, pressure gauge; (art.) pressure gauge; a air cainprime, (steam) compressed-air gauge; b air li'nre, (steam) open air press'. re gauge; crufsher, (fir/. ) crusher gauge: fi diiiphraijmc intt:illie missing; to be short of, to be in want of (water, food, et f> .), to fall short of; (s"t. a., or/.) to miss fire, to miss; (cord.) to be- ' co:ie loose: a I'appel, (mil.) to be absent from a roll call; le but, (t. p.) to miss the target; defer, (fan.) (of a horseshoe) to be too narrow, too thin; dc monde. to be shorthands!; fi, de, virtr, (nor.) to miss stavs. - il ne manque personne, (mil.) all are pres- ent, Sir. mansarde, f., attic, garret; mansard roof; garret window; ft n tre en , garret window: toil en , curb roof, mansard. maiiteau, m., cloak; (in pi.) leaves of a door: (unif.) military cloak; cape (U. S. A.); (met.) outer casing of a blast furnace; shell of a mold, cope; (fort.) cylindrical part of cupola or tur- ret; metal envelope to exclude gases; (chem.) hood; - -d'armes, (mil.) conical arm cover, ticking to cover a stand of arms in the field; de cheminee, mantelpiece; f-j::i , mantelpiece on brackets; de fcr, iron bar (supporting the lintel of a chimney); - dc gucrite, (unif.) sentry's greatcoat; tente , v. d'armes; tcnte-abri, (mil.) shelter-tent cloak, or half. mantelet, m., (art., fort.) port shutter; embra- sure shutter; mantelet, screen; (ham.) harness pad; (nai.) deadlight; brisf, half port; faux , (nor.) false port lid; deadlight; de sabord, (nav.) port lid; de iia pear .(siege) screen against musketry fire, mutuirl, in., manual, handbook, text-book; dcs distancts, (mil.) official table of dis- tances. manufacture, f., manufacture, making, factory, mill; d'armes, -small-arms factory; dc canon, gun factory. manufacturer, v. a., to manufacture. manufacturer, m., manufacturer. manutentlon, f., management, maintenance; administration; overhauling; establishment; (mil.) bakery. man ulcritlomiaire, m., manager. maiuitentionner, v. a., (mil.) to bake bread for ma]>|>e, f., map. chart (rare). mapppiuoiide, f. . map of the world, chart. maquette, f., (xm. n.) skelp; di)ubii , double skelp (enough fur two bar- rels); *-- - /niiir abri . skelp for a sword Made; -simplt, single skelp (.enough for one bar- rel). maqiiftteur, in., (sni. a.) barrel forger, skclp forger. le.iler (frequently a dis- ,i. Ley, jcickt-y; man who maqulgiion, m.. h. hone,st dealer;. !: bishops horses. maqulgnoiiiKige, horse-jiillirr, shell marble; -d:>r. granite; tbaucht, tooth^-hiseled marble; ftint, (of painting) marbling: fini, marble that has received its final finish; jete, painting to imitate porphyry; "dan* .fa passc, marble sawed o'uf parallel to its quarry bed; piquf, "rough-pointed marble; poudir/giK. pudding stone; - statwiire. statuary marble; df tracnge, layirig-out-work table; tracing- table-block. marbre, a., (hipp.) marbled (of the coat). marbriere, f., marble quarry. marbrure, f.. marbling (of painting); (hipp.) light spot, marble spot (of the coat). marchand, m., merchant: de marron', (mil. slang) otficer who looks ill at ease in plain clothes. marchand, a., commercial, mercantile, trad- ing; ba/inifit - , merchantman; capitaine -- . shipmaster; fir , merchant iron: marine - e, coiumer' ial navy; nai'ire - , v. batinunt -- ; oflicitr -- , v. capital n i ---- ; prir -- , market pri''e; ririere c, navigable river; vaixxcau, - . v. batinit nl ---- ; ville - -- e, commercial city. marchander, v. n.. to ask the pri. e of, to bar- gain for, to haggle. marchaiidlse, f., merchandise. go frcigi' t :" - ,1 chtirgf-is in grenirr, merchandise in bulk; s di cf>ntrfban/if , smuggled goods; - mi. ciibnin , bulk freiglit: - ->t fn fon'ls, timber cue for fuel, on.struc- tion: .v ayahs, lawful merchandise: ui'iitii ytiirn , inoiln - . v. s. \ . 't> rrr; ,s tli pacotil/t, goods, liier. haudise, of poor quality; - x iirincipahs, staple articles; < di fnitt . export goods. march*', f., walk, walking: gait. pace, step; coiir.;^, ciMuiuct, procedure; udvan e. progress: r:.ii- (rjf a chrotioineter); bt-tiavior (as of an eiii'.iiie. furiiiwe. machiiHM: (ttch. ) |iedal, treadle: i cnn.t. \ slair, step of a stair; (;"<>.) lire briduc of .1 r<>- veiberalory fiirnacn: (n:nx.) ihsrrh: (/;/..) sailing, spe'ed, headway: (i:.il.) march. !- lowing terms relate lo I :ie an mili'.ii \ . i arciiifit. map h at Hie latent about M kiln- meters per day tin kilntin-lers at the iuu\i- nuitn i, kept up for M\ eial i-onsiv-uti 1 , e da> - . --- ii untili, (C'jiif.j longest, or diagonal, winder of a staircase; marohc 262 marchg marc lie d'approche, (in the Infantry combat) the march from the combat position to the enemy's line (1,500 meters); also, march up to about 1,500 meters from the enemy's line, i. e.. march to the combat position; any march made by troops about to en- gage; the approach of the columns of at- tack in Von Sauer's shortened attack; (in field artillery) march toward the emplace- ment, estimated from the time when the battery or group begins to take up its em- placement; arreter la , to impede, hinder a march; arrierCj march to the rear; en arriere, stepping back, retreat, march to the rear; (mach., etc.) reversed motion, retro- grade motion; (nav.) stern way; d'attaque, 4|IBk made in executing an attack; en avance, garrroTa chronometer; en avant, march toward the enemy, toward the front; (mach., etc.) direct motion, headway; (nav.) headway; en 6atannritien f . (a.\cri!te a service during a fixed lime for iixed pnc'-; jiar adjudication pui/lif/in , (adin.) contract awarded to a pulilic bidder; clrfn In rnnin, clrfs rn main, contract to build and finish a house by a given time; nrin '.(" 263 inariVhal marc he, au comptant, cash sale; SUT devis, (adm.) contract (for public works) based on estimates furnished and subject to change; ferme, binding contract (involving certain delivery); 4 forfait (adm.) contract In which e.-ery- thing, both work and price, is fixed in ad- vance; de fourniture 4 long terme, (adm.) contract to supply materials, etc., for a given length of time; de gre 4 gre, (adm.) contract established between contracting parties, without the in- tervention of bids; direct contract; libre, option; delivraison, (adm.) contract to deliver speci- fied articles at fixed time and place ; de lots defournitures, (adm.) contract to sup- ply certain amounts (Job) of supplies: ait. mitre, contract for work at so much a meter; d'ouvrages, building contract : passer un , to make a contract, purchase, etc.; 4 prime, v. 1 ibre; 4 prix ferme, (adm.) go .-eminent contract (i.e., involving a fixed price); fi la ration, (adm.) contract to furnish sup- plies to the troops in rations, i. e., reidy for immediate use, during a designated period; SUT serie de, prii. (adm.) contract in which prices are assigned to all works, in a state- ment (bordereau), and by which a contractor binds himself either to carry out all works that may be exacted of him, without knowing their nature, within a certain interval (6 years maximum), or to execute a given work: (use- ful in works that must be kept secret, or that can not be fixed in advance; requires sanction of minister of war); a terme, time bargain; a tirmeferme, binding time-bargain; ft terme fictif, optional time-bargain; de transformation, (adm.) contract by which the contractor is furnished the raw material (and sometime? all or part of his labor) and in which he agrees to convert this raw mate- rial into objects for which he receives a sot price, fixed in advance. marchef, (mil. slang) abbreviation of marcchal des logis chef. marchepled, m., step, stepladder, steppin-rstone: footstep; towpath; lauding place; stretcher of a boat; (art.) footboard; chassis steps; (nav.) foot rope; de chirgement, (art.) step (of a siege-gun carriage); (fort.) loading stops (on which the men stand to pass ammunition to the gun- room of a turret ); de derrifre, (nrl.) platform board; dc dcrant, (art. ) footboard; tie nag e, stretcher of a boat; de pnintage, (s. c. art.) gunner's platform. marrlier, v. n.. to walk, go. tra.el, ride, run. to proceed, move on, go ahead, progress: to take precedence of; to work, beluue (of a machine, engine); (nav. ) to sail, steam (-.veil or ill); (mil.) to inarch; logo on duly, to take duty, to march on. to take duty by roster or in turn; to go out (as on expeditions), (of an aid-de-camp) to " gallop:" ii 1'aixe, (mil.) to march at ease, at the route step; a/irks, (mil.) to follow (on I he roster;: in arrierc, (mil.) to march to the rear, to retreat; (inacli.) to bo rexersed: (,m/r. ) to go astern; n avant, (mil.) to march to tho front, to ad\ ance; (mach., nar.i to go ahead; - u , I curd.} to walk tx\v:iv wild a rope: (j I'ni't iii/l/tl/. to march hither and thither, iit random, without dollnite purpose; _ "i fxilntli, (mil.) to march in line; " eur, (mach.) to re verse an engine; encorp, (mil.) to troop; 4 echappemeiU, (steam) to exhaust into the .air; faire - , to march, set in march; set agoing; - aufeu, (mil.) to go under fire; - de front, (mil.) to march abreast; - 4 gurulebee, of a mill, to work under a full head (water gate lifted clean out of the water;; - 4 grandes journees, (mil.) to advance by forced marches; large, to keep off; 4 main droile (gauche), (man.) to turn, gallop, work, to the riglit (left); - le pas en arriere, (mil.) to step back; au pas cadence, (mil.) to march at attention; - au pas de route, v. - 4 I'ai.ie; - en sape, (siege) to sap, to ad \ ance by sap; - strre, (mil.) to march in close order; - sous bois, to march in the woods; - sur deut (une seule, etc.) colonnes, (mil.) of an army, to march in two (one, etc.) columns; en titoir, (mil?) in column, to march with the rear elements passing through those in front in order to take the head in turn; - sur trots jambes. (hipp.) to be lame; - 4 la wpcur (voile), (nav.) to be under steam (sail); - a ranne trempante, of a mill, to work under a partial head (water gate not wholly drawn out); - 4 ride, (mach.) to work unloaded; - 4 volonte, v. - dl'aise. marcheur, m., pedestrian, walker; a., (mil.) hav- ing good marching powers: bon (maiirais) - , grand - , (nav.) of a ship, good (bad) sailor. mareheux, m., (in brickmaking) trough or ditch for kneading clay; workman who kneads brick clay. marcholr, m., (in brickmaking) place or shop for kneading clay. mare, f. , pool, pond. marfase, m., (nav.) hiring of sailors for an entire \ oyage. martirage, m., (top.) marsh, bog, feu, swamp. mar^caReiix, a., (top.) swampy, marshy, bog;;y; pays - , marsh land; terrain - , marsh or moor laud. marlrhal, m., blacksmith: veterinarian: i //.) marshal, field marshal; aide - , aide -- f errant, (Fr. a.) underfarrier (art., cav., train, and engineer drivers : brigadiir maltre - firrant, ( I'r. a.) farrier rau!.- ing a-i corporal (art., cav., train, and en /iiieer drivers); ff-rrunt, farrier, vo! I'rinarv: - d'nn/'irf. ( I'r. a. > < uiid'T the lirsl Kmpire) a marshal of Trance; de l'run<-e,( l-'r.n.) marshal o r France: - ties lii-jis. ( I'r. a. > sergeant i^art.. c.i .. tr.iin, and engineer drivels); --- den litgi.t chef. ( I'r. n.) ser:'eanl-niaor (art., ciiv., train, and engineer drivers: almost t < same as lirst sergeant, I'. S. ,\.); ----- dm Loiii.i cliff ma'lre-fl:. >.'.) master carpenter (bridge trooj.s ): de.t lo'ji-i ch(f maltrt-cirrdicr, ( I'r. n. cDrdaire master (Abridge Iroojis' ; dex IIHIIH i-hi f in'iJri i'i.-it n. ( I'r assis'ant to the ca;>iain in I'l. mental park : -- di . l/fiix f'ltirriir. ( l-'r. r;.> sergeant (art. .cav., train, aude ( I' > an1, regi- marochal 264 mariannctte iiiaK-chal den logis garde-magasin , (Fr. a.) sergeant storekeeper: des logis dc garde, sergeant of the guard; dts logis maitrc scllier, (Fr. a.) saddler sergeant ; ties logis de pcloton, (car.) sergeant m charge of a platoon, and responsible for its discipline, instruction, etc.; dts logis dc piece, (art.) sergeant in charge of a piece, and responsible for the discipline, training, cleanliness, quarters, etc., of the de- tachment of his piece; dcs Ingis secretaire, ( FT. a.) sergeant clerk; des logis de scmaine, (Fr. art.) sergeant on duty for the week (roll ialls, stables, etc.); ' dcs logis trompettc, (Fr. or/.) sergeant of field music; dcs logis trompctte-major, (Fr. cay.) ser- geant trumpet-major; des logis vagutmestre, (Fr. a.) sergeant mail carrier; mai'rc f errant, ( Fr. a.) master farrier, sergeant farrier; premier maitre ferrant. (Fr. a.) farrier with the rank of sergeant-major; vilirinaire, farrier and veterinarian (obs.). marOchalat, m., (mil.) marshalcy, dignity of marshal. marfehale, f., wife of a marshal, of a*field mar- shal. marerhalerie, f., farriery: atelier de , blacksmith's shop, farrier's estab- lishment. martchaussfte, f., mounted police. marf e, f , tide; ebb, flux and reflux; age dc la , v. retard de la ; allcr dice la , to go with the tide; annuaire des s, tide tables; baissantc. falling tide; basse, basse , low water: ebb tide, low tide; baste de vive-cau, low springtide; d( bassc-cau, neap tide; change ment dc la , turn of the tide; contrc , eddy tide: et contre , tide and half tide: dcmi baissante (montantc), half ebb (flood) tide; descendante, falling tide, ebb of the tide; d(sccndre & la faceur de la , to tide it down; direction de la , set of the tide; tchelle de , tide gauge; i clave a montante. tide gate; d'equinoxe, dcs equinoxes, equinoctial springtide; etaiiliissement de la , establishment, of a port; elale, slack water; fairc - , to take advantage of the tide: goulet b forte , tide gate: grandc. , high flood, high tide; springtide; grartde. dc bassc-eau. high neap tide; grande dc vivc-iau, high springtide; grandi(s) (s) dcs equinoxes, high spring- tide; grandeur dc la , rise and fall of, range of, the tide; haute, haute. , high water, flood, tide; lit dc , tideway; ini , half tide; nivHtcnt dc la , beginning of the flood; - montantc, flood, rising tide; flood tide: morte, neap tide, dead neap; dead water; ill rnortetx) euu(i), ne;ip tide; innnlin tic . tide mill: nude ilt, , tidal wave; IK till , neap tide; ^li in ill In . high water: I'll in< - -. high tide, high water; 1'nrtii -. tidal harbor; ; 'ir>'ijitaii < the marine infantry or artillery; tirnif d( -, sea term, nautical term; trim i'ts dc la . marines; i in Frame) (he i; - fanlry and artillery of the marine; a rajicvr, steam navy, steam shipping: a voiles, sail shipping; mariiiier, a., of Hie sea. marine: in., seam-:::; (in a derogatory sense i bargeman: - d(. carton, d'cuu donee, fresh-water sailor; ofliciir , petty officer; soldni . (mil.) soldier familiar with boats. mario i incite, f., leading block; miie-('iiv block. maritime 265 maritime, a., maritime, naval; anenil , dockyard, shipyard, navy-yard; assurance , marine insurance; code, , marithne-law or code; divisions s, (in France) naval prefectures; legislation , naval articles of war; maritime law; naval laws and regulations. marmenteau, a., bois , wood of tall trees near a house, marmltf, f., kettle, camp kettle; copper; boiler; de campement, camp kettle; de cuisine, copper, boiler; it digraisser, (mach.) soda kettle, marnp, f., marl, fuller's earth; - a/outon, fuller's earth. marner, v. n., (of the sea) to rise above the usual level of waters; de tant dc mttrrs, (of the tide) to have a range of so many meters. marniere, f., clay or marl pit. maroquin, m., morocco (leather). marprime, f., sailmaker's awl. marquage, m., marking, tamping; (hipp.) branding (on the hoof in French army); (sm. a.) markings, stamps, etc.. on firearms, show- ing place and date of manufacture. marque, f., mark, sign; (commercially) brand, (hence in pi.) goods; brand (of a criminal); cipher; stamp (mark and tool); government stamp (as on dutiable goods); landmark, sea- mark; buoy; insignia, sign; proof, evidence, testimony ; (sm. a.) stamp, mark (of date and of place of manufacture, etc.); (hipp.) star on a horse's forehead; brand; mark, affixed in an epidemic, to show that the animal so marked is healthy; bean (the mark on a horse's tooth); de basse maree, low-water mark; de bonne conduile, (mil.) good-conduct badge; de cheval, (hipp.) brand (on hoof, in France); distinctives, (mil.) distinctive badges (as, for good service, good conduct, of grades, func- tions); markings (on material objects); s I'ixtincth'ex de cnmmanilrmrnt, (nor.) insignia or murks of command (pennants, etc.); de li douane, custom-house stamp; (I'fin, water guage: de I' E/al. official stamp of the state; in F.ng- land, broad arrow; de fnbriqut, trade-mark; dc feu, (hipp.) red spot; de guide, loading mark; de haute maree, high-water mark; x li'tinnrtfur, insimia ("as, of ;fTi order); marks of honor, i. e., compliments exchanged (sa- lutes, etc.); Wire dc , letters of marque: - di la mir, trace, mark, left by the sea; de scrrice, (mil.) sign of beiug on duty (in French army, chin-strap down); ilr trrrr, landmark; en tile, (hipp.) blaze on the forehead; -(/it tirant d'tan, (nav.) draught mark. marque, p. p., marked; c'tit/rt , \.fnm : f i m i -, (hi/ip.) hishopcil, countennarked; >ran.) horse that has lo-t the mark, that has razed; le coin, (man.) to take the corners properly (in riding hall); le coup, (fcnc.) to touch one's adversary slightly; uncoup, (fenc.) to feint, to make a feint thrt'st; faire . to dip (a Hag); unr ligne de tonde, to mark (the divisions on) a sounding line; le IMS, (mil.) to mark time. marqueter, v. a., to inlay. marqueterie, f., marquetry, inlaying, inlaid work. marqiieur, m.. marker; (/. p.) marker; (mil.tiltg.) marker, man who marks or puts up indica- tions (on houses, trees; for the working party in rear. marquise, f., huge tent, marquee; (mil.) head- quarters tent (obs.); awning or cover of an officer's tent; (artif.) sort of rocket; (con*.) (water) shed over a door or window; double , (artif.) fifteen-line rocket; d'une locomotive, (r. r.) cab. marre, f.', mattock, pickax. marr:>ti, m., chestnut (frrit); mark, ticket, tag; (arlif.) bouncing powder; maroon, cracker; cube of cartridge paper filled with corned pow- der: (fond.) mold core: (Fr. a.) metal disk snow- ing the hour for making rounds (dropped into receptacles prepared for the purpose, by the officer on guard, on making rounds, and thus serving as a check on the performance of the duty); d'arHfices, (artif.) cardboard boxes fil'ed with gunpowder; de distribution, (Fr. a.) ticket issued to fre.1 and light contractors and presented as a veri- fication of their claims; luisant, (artif.) maroon with star com- position on the outside, to give a wliite light before bursting; de service, v. under main word (Fr. a.). marronnier, m., chestnut tree, chestnut wood; faux , horse chestnut; d'Ind/ , horse chestnut. Mars, m., \fars; ch'im/i de , (mil.) parade rround , drill ground. marselllaise, f., French national hymn. marsouin. m.. (mil. t!an ilfal . calk I'm- hammer; ii C'iriic*. taopet hamniei : C't."-*'int, ma('U's double-face hammer; sleiiiv hammer; ('/ dia>>il f t, sledire hammer ;'smith'M; di cli'ii t .' ntiir, (rdiuary carp nil r's IMI.-I- ir.er: i:hi't ) \ved..es (MdiH'ltme:: c/ef*.vi--c.u)i alone i ; used): ci ii:i/i nr. ! ii.it.} s'M. (/, c/'.rAf, bell clapp ii L-iin/ix iirrinlif, ]iree'l air und ctip a, miiiKie; degn>x.--ir <>ric-itnc, v. d biscule; d Tifnnlir, culler's set hammer; ii n'lerer. farrier's hammer; "-.-'/r/.v, spring (cushioned) hammer; IT, riroir. riveting hammer; second , uphand sledge; d x'x't'ir. soldering hammer; d m-.'-iftniti ni . v. (i I'tillcinande; d .vii /;;/ ,u MV, , . creasing hammer; tablf d'v :i . lac.' of a hammer; >ii>!'int. hack hammer; plnti (ronili j. Hat- ("round-) liead ham- d Iranrln , --- /ro/ir'i /', chipping hammer: 'un --, lift <>f a liaiiinu-r. mart el, m. , hammer. martrliice, in., hammering, hammering down. forging; martelage au martinet, tilting. murteler, v. a., to hammer, to hammer down, to forge, to tilt. martelet, m., small hammer; (art.) percussion hammer. marteleur, m., hammerman. martelliere, f., sluice fitted with water gates, martello, m., (fort.) martello tower. martial, a., martial; warlike; code , articles of war; cour ; f , court-martial; legislation f , v. code ; loi e , martial law. martinet, v. a., to hammer, forge. martinet, m., hammer, forge hammer, tilt ham- mer, sledge hammer, forge; cat o' nine tails; d bascule, small tilt hammer; de forge, tilt hammer; forger au , to tilt; de grosse forge, forge hammer; d queue, v. d bascule. martingale, f., (mil.) cartridge-box flap; Y-shaped frog (for bayonet or n. c. o.'s sword scabbard); (ham.) martingale; fatisse , (harn.) half martingale. mascaret, m. , bore. mash, m., (hipp.) mash. masque, m., mask, screen; any plate or shield of wood or of any other suitable material; (fenc.) mask, fencer's mask; (fort.) mask, cover, and, in general, any concealing cover; embrasure mask, shutter; (art.) gun shield, splinter-proof shield; cover or mask of the gun opening of a shield proper; (mil. min.) tamping blocks; retaining planks, plate, or shield, used in driving galleries in crumbling soil; d'eppnge, (mil. min.) sponge mask (used in succoring asphyxiated miners) ; former , to screen, to mask; protfcteur t (art.) gun shield; de tele, (siege) head parapet (of a sap). masquer, v. a., to mask, screen; (mil.) to mask, conceal (a march, etc.); to cover; en alezan, to paint a horse so as to deceh e a purchaser; tine batterie, (fort.) to mask a battery; une -place forte, (mil.) to mack a fortified position ; aux vues, (mil.) to screen from view. massacre, m., slaughter, massacre, butchery; (fig.) bungling; bungler, botcher, ma.ssacrer, v. a., to slaughter, massacre; (fig.) to bungle, botch. masse, f., mass, lump, heap, body, weight, bulk, cake; sledge hammer, mace, maul, beetle, mal- let, rammer; bob, ball, of a steelyard; scrap iron; beds of stone in a quarry; fund; (mil. adtn.) fund; (top.) area; (art.,sm. a.) sight mas?; (mil.) mass (of troops); (Fr. cav.) line of squad- rons in platoon columns at 12-pace intervals: ( Fr. art.) of a group, line of columns (open or closed intervals); (elec.) ground; actirt , assets; a>'oir d la , avoir de , avoir la , v. s. v. avoir; de batterit, ( Fr. art.) battery sledge; de bois, commander, or large wooden im:l- let; de campcincnt , (Fr. a.) (so called) camp sledge; carrfc, sledge; de casrrnenunt, ( Fr. a.) barrack fund (speaial to the regiments and establishment*, desig- nated by the minister, that keep their bar- racks in repair); de chauffaye, ( Fr. a.) fuel fund (heating and cooking); coinmix.iioii r transformed into a more or less regular purallelopipedon. ;uiassii'ot, m., litharge, massicot. massif, m., mass of rocks; chimp of trees; mass or main body of any building or part of a building, or of any construction (e. p.. of a dam, of an embankment); main or solid part of anvthing; foundation, substructure; shell of a blast furnace; (in top. drawing) any .solid block or area (as. a pond, house, lake, etc.); (or///.) drift; solid part of a rocket; (/op. aggregation, mass of mountains about a con> tral summit; (f->rt.) mass of earth supporting or constituting n parapet. exploitation, out-rage, par s lonys, (min.) panel working; d'un putts, (min.) pillar of a shaft; de terre, (fort.) mass of earth supporting a parapet. massif, a. massive, solid, heavy. massivage, m., (cons.) tamping, packing, of con- crete. masslver, v. a., to mix and settle mortar concrete by tamping or beating. masspque, f., (met.) bloom, slab; bloom ob- tained by dividing a masse in two; (m pi.) pieces of iron composing the blast plate of a Catalan furnace; exterior parts of a Catalan bloom. massoquctte, f., (met.) bloom obtained by divid- ing a massoque in two. massoquin, m., (met.) synonym ot matsoq-.-.e . mastic, m., cement; putty; mastic; artii'fid, artificial mastic (mixture of slute dust and coal tar); d'asphallt, asphaltique, asphaltic, mastic; bitvmintuz, bituminous cement; de e'nncnt, mastic cement; dffer, iron cement; defonte. iron cement; (/( limaille defer, v. defer; naturel, v. asphaltique; des vitriers, glazier's putty. masticate, in., cementing. mastlKadnur, m., (harn.) slobbering bit; bit of a watering bridle. mastiqucr, v. a., topntty, cement. inasure, f.. old hovel; rickety old house. mat, a., dead, heavy, unpolished; m., dead sur- face, dead color. mat, m., mast; h s rtfi cordes, (nat.) under bare poles; d'artimon, (nav.) mizzenmast; de beauprc, (nav.) bowsprit; df charge, derrick; df fortune, (nav.) jury mast; grand -, (nav.) mainmast ; dc misaine, (nav.) foremast; df -pavilion, flagstaff; d( pavilion dc bcavpre, (nav.) jackstaff; He rri'iphoriquc, (r. r.) s.smal post; dc xignnui, signal ma-st ; de tentr, tent pole. matable, a., (met.) susceptible of being jumped, upset. matage, m., (me/.) jumping, upwttinr; 1-eat- ing Hat: (hence) closing, tightening of joints: it In poudre. (art.) process oflu'.rdening bronza guns by a tir dr matiige, q. v. matage, m., musting. matasiette. f., dr/il.) n dynamite wiiose ser. v. a., I o pad. nialelassure, f.. \n<\ . padding: \v:vl!ed lininp of a breastplate: armor-plate '>ackin: r . matdol.in.. seaman sailor i.a.s a grade e> rre<;> to private in the army i; canonnii r, seaman gunner, nuls matelot 268 mecanisme zuatelot de I' Etat, blue jacket, man-of-war's man; g ibier, topman; aepon/,ordinaryseaman. matdntage, m.,: seamanship. mater, v. a., to render dull, deaden; to flatten down (as the edge of a plate): to clinch: to overlay with iron, copper,etc.; to upset, jump; to set metal cold; une soudure, to remove, flatten, a solder mark. muter, v. a., to step a mast; to set up on end (as, a prop); toset up shears; les ai'irons, to toss or peak the oars; un canon, (art.) toset up a gun on end; machine ii , masting sheers: machined flnttante, sheer hulk: machine b en ponton, sJieer hulk. matereau, m-., small mast: pole; stu'T. materialise! 1 , v. a., to render material (as, a center of rotation). matcrlaux. m., pi., materials, stuff; rub'.iish (ma- terials produced by demolition); bruis. raw materials, natural products; de construction, building material; resistance des , strength of materials. matfriel, m., material, stores; (mil.) m '.Uriel; -nccesftoire de la vote, (r. r.) small parts, fit- tings, of a railroad; (I attache, (mil. ) picketing implerrents; chef de , storekeeper; (r. r.) trailic man- ager; d' exploitation, (r. T.) rolling stock; fiie, (r. r.) fixed plant; de guerre, military stores, war material of all and of any sorts; de mobilisation, (Fr. a.) furniture, etc., used in stations halte-rcpas during concentra- tions in places fortex, etc.; petit de la voie, (r. r.) fittings, small parts: de pontage, (jtont.) bridge material, espe- cially materiaifor roadway proper; des pontx, bridge material: rmlant, (r.r.) rolling stock. materiel, a., material, substantial, gross, rough, coarse, rude. mathematlque, f. , mathematics: b;>ite, etui, de s, box of mathematical instru- ments; instrument de . mathematical instrument. matiere, f., matter, stuff, subject; (artif.) com- position: (nap.)decjk beam; sd'argent, silver bullion; * d'artifices, (artif. ) firework compositions, materials; cirile, (law) civil case ; cr/iniiielle, (law) criminal case; ,en coined; sd'or, gold bullion; (s) premiere(!<), raw material; primitive, raw material; xiiufflee aui -poll.*, (hi pp.) purulent discharge around the coronet (duo to inflammation of the sole). inatir, v. a., to doad.cn metals; to remove a solder- in'..' seam. matoir, m.. stamp, ri noting hammer, flat ham- mer, selling tool, upset ter; chisel; soldering iron, copper bit. 111:1 Iras, m., (rhi in.\ matrass. JiialrK'iice, m., swaging, operation of forming in a matrix or die. matrire, f . , . m.i'rix; Mock; boss, bottom sw".^e; lower tool; -a c'liiiri-plwitic, sort of block swage used in ;: in ping shrapnel onve 'opes: - it lui'it/i'. sort of rin.; swugcused in shapin;: s'lnpnel en dopes: - --'/<; rif'jcli'tii, (urn. a.) reloading, matrix <>r matrU'Ulc, f. , roll, li-i: (mil.) reirimei!!ai loil, mu-icr ro;i. H.-rne list dnen an 1 horses;; (mil!, - , i ;rt(V. i.sori ol L:--cTipti\ o list; in nt . v. s. v. In ft: nu in*' m , (mil.) ri'L'imeulal number of a soldier; miiirx-; ,,, a ,. , ,, n; matricule, registre(-) des chevaux, (mil.) register of officers' and of public horses, kept by the tresoricr of each troop unit; registre(~) des hommes de troupe (des offi- ciers), (mil.) men's (officers') register (con- taining Etat civil, descriptj-. e list, etc.); user son , (mil. slang) to serve in the army. matriculer, v. a., (mil. slang) to steal. mattage, m., overlaying with metal; operation of planing, smoothing metal, of beating down, clinching (as, an edge). matte, f., (met.) matte; blanche decuirre, white metal, regulus; de C'livre, copper matte; de plomb, lead matte. matter, v. a., to overlay with iron, copper, etc.; to smooth and plane metals: to beat down, clinch (as, an edge), (same asmo/er). matOre, f., (TWI>.) masts, masting; spars; masting sheers: mast house: /lottante, sheer hulk. mauvais, a., foul, bad (of weather, wind, bot- tom, etc.); unsound, poor. maye, f., v. maie. mazagc, m., v. mazeage. mazaro, m., (mil. slang) regimental prison; prison cell; "jug." mazeage, m., (met.) Styrian refining process, charcoal refining; com ersion of gray into white pig. maze, p. p., (met.) refined; fonte e, (met.) refined pig. maze*, f., (met.) fine metal, refined metal. mazier, v. a., v. mazer. mazelle, f., (met.) pig iron produced by melting cast iron with slag. mazer, v. a., (met.) to refine. mazerie, f., (met.) refmiti" hearth. mazette, f., sorry little horse; (mil. slang) re- cruit. meaiidre, m.;, (top) meander of a river. mecanlcien, m., mechanician, machinist, en- gine builder; engineer; mechanical engineer; engine drher, locomotive engineer (U. S.); ( Fr. nar. ) engineer; of the engineer en chef, (Fr. nar.) grade < corps (relative rank of major); conductcur, engine dri\ er; ingcnieur , mechanical engineer; inspecteur, ( Fr. nuv.) grade of the engineer corps (relative rank of colonel); inspectenr general, (Fr. nav.) chief of naval engineer corps; outrier , machinist ; premier , chief engineer; principal de len (.'cine) cla.ssf, (Fr. nar.) grades of the engineer coprs (relatn e rank of captain and of lieutenant, respectively); second , .second engineer. mecaiiique, f. , mechanics, mechanism, machine, machinery, piece of machinery; fait fi la -, machine-made. nierani(|ue, a., mechanical: automatic. inc'canlquement, adv., mechanically. iiie'canlsiiic, m., mechanism, motion; (art.) (by extension) fuse; cor/w de , (sin. (J.I plate on which (he parts of the Lebel repeating mechanism are as- sembled; -drcHlamte. (art . , xm . a) breech, breech-closing, mechanism; - -di-riii , (lerived mechanism; de ili/inte, (xrn. a., r. f art.) trigger and re- la! I'd paris, tiring meriiuni--m; (ni'uli.' ex- pansion gvar, expansion \uh i gear. cut-olT; it dun-hie rfactidi', (art ) gei.cric term fi,r any percussion fuse acting I y inrrl ia .inertia fuse; de fcrmetvre, d: fcr i ctitre. de culuxxc. y ft f ful(lVX( ' (>. friction, (Fr. nar.) so-called friction fuse: -de mine en inurchr., en Irani, (mac/t.) slide :il\ e link motion: d' obi u ration, (art.) obturation gear: pcrcuiiint, (art..) percussion fuse; percus- sion lock; 269 mlangeoir de rentrrsement, - - de renvertt- mtnt de marchf, du mouvtment, (mack ) re- versing gear: de repetition, (am. a.) repeating or magazine mechanism; it i screw bit;. nierouvrir, v. r., (man.) to oven-over, ovor- check. medaille f. . medal; - - cum mi inoi'itn i , ( Fr. a.) I'iimpaign medal; - ili commixsionnairc, (.French) St. Helena medal; nifdallle d'honnew, medal of honor; militaire, in general, war medal; ( Fr. a.) a medal given to n. c. o. and men, and, ex- ceptionally, to generals: de Sainte UHene, ( Fr. a.) medal given to soldiers who served Iwtween 1792 and 1815; de sauretagc, life-saving medal. metlallle. n.. medaled; m., medalist, man who has gtit a medal, medalllcr, v. a., to medal, bestow a medal upon. mfrlalllon, m., medallion. inMerln, m., physician, doctor; (mil.) sur- geon; aide , ( Fr. war.) assistant surgeon: - - aide-majnr de lere (Stme) claxxc, ( Fr. a.) sur- geon-lieutenant (sublieutenant); auziliaire, ( Fr. a.) assistant or auxiliary sur- geon, drawn on mobilization from vari- ous forces, and ranking as an adjndant Here d' 'administration; "contract doctor" (U. S. A.); autiliairt de Seme clas.tr, ( Fr. nai\) subaltern grade, sort of assistant surgeon: chef, senior surgeon of a military hospitaj; chief surgeon of any unit; - - chef de xerrice, senior medical officer, as of a group of fortified positions: chef de trancher, ( Fr. a.) in sieges, the chief surgeon of each attack (daily detail); en chef, ( Fr. nar.) full surgeon, fourth grade of the naval medical department: civil, (Fr. a.) "contract doctor" (V. S. A.): -inypecteur, (Fr. a.) second grade of the medical department (ranks with general of brigade); -inspectetir general. ( Fr. a.) surgeon-gen- eral, chief of the medical corps (ranks with generals of division); - -major de lere (Seme} clis.se, (Fr. a.) sur- geon-major (captain); - militaire, (army) surgeon, medical offi- cer: de premiere (&mr) classe. ( Fr. nai\) assist- ant surgeon (sixth and seventh grades); principal, (Fr. nar.) surgeon (fifth grade): principal dr Ifre (~! > me) classe, ( Fr. a.) sur- geon-colonel (lieutenant-colonel); Iraiiiuit. surgeon in charge of a case, attend- ing surgeon: - - de trnnchee ( Fr. a.) in sieges, surgeon on duty in the trenches (permanent detail;. mfdeotne, f., medicine. medical, a., medical. medicament, m., medicine, medicament: entire de , medicine chest, rnedlterraiie, a., surrounded by land. medtterrariee, f., ail interior sea, (.ex p.) the Med- iterranean. mediterranean, a.. Mediterranean; surrounded or in* losed by land. mcdullite, f., " (hi ] 'p.) inflammation of the marrow. niC-tiant, in., (mil. slami* fool soldier. u-gaiiitc, f . (if pi.) mi-.uanitc. ifgie, f.. tawing; lifstrtn , totuw. lefCir, v. a., to taw, dres? Vii T. ies;Nsfr, v. a., to taw. legi-iM-He. (.. v. iniijn. leglssier, in.. ta\\er. u-liarU i" . racing camel < pi. mihara), (spelled nicliarisle, in.. ( Fr. .) rider of a r- lacli men t of these exists for sci \ in- in iho ! >OMT. of Salui i). mejuuer, \. r., (man.) to overco\cr. O\IT- check. mf'laiiiie, m.. mixture, mixing. muK'ii'iL i 'if ./.O mash ; d' i nit 1 1 ile ni i a n r. (xtiiim'i priTiii..": (/<.< /.'/., 'Jthy.) ci^.-.-in^' of \vin-s con- tact'; fri'.inriiii:i . fri'i-/.iug mixture; ';n///H/-inie lino; -un r/ii'til en ariuil, (inn.ii.) to urge forward an unwilling horse; difln-ili n -, (man., hard 1o ride; - I', nn/ mi bat'n at, iiimhuur battunt, (mil.) t-> dr.ve tlio enemy before one; far it i 'i ,i mini, i easy to ride; - - ill front, to drive abreast; - - / ; ii'n rrr, to make war; l"< main*, to fight: rudt :ncn!, (mil.) to subject to severe loss. meneur, m., leader, driver; ringleader; (mil.) ringleader of a mutiny. iiiC'iill!:-, f., shackle; de. brogue, (now. art.) breeching shackle (obs.). meniscjue, m., (opt.) meniscus, inenotte, f., little hand; handle (of a winch); (in pi.) handcuffs; (mack.) drag link; (art.) trail handle; (r. r.) spring hanger; (in the Q.GO siege railroad truck) sort of coupling rod; mcttre Its s, to handcuff, mensole, f., (cons.) keystone of an arch; de vo&le, keystone. mensuration, f., mensuration; land surveying. menton, m., (Jtipp., etc.) chin. meiitonnet, m.. catch, lug, nab. ear, tipprr; cleat: notched peg; catch-bolt head; (mcc:>.) tappet, cam, wiper; (r. r., mack.) flange of a wheel; (art.) ear (of a shell, obs.); (sin. a.) hammer strut; & , fitted with a catch or cog; dc bombe, (art.) ear or lug of a shell; de chargement, (art.) roller or lever support; d'ctabli, fi patte, holdfast; de revolver, (am. a.) hammer strut; de soufflet, lug of a bellows. mentonniere, f., (mil.) chin strap;- (met.) nridlo plate or support. menu, m., small fragment, small piece; coal dust, small coal; s des homlle.res, small coal. menu, a., small, fine, minute; minor, lesser; - ^ achals, s approvisionnemcnts, small stores; charbon, small coal; .* equipages d'une armcc, (mil.) spare horses and mules, etc.; ftlin, (cord.) small rope, small stun"; es Iinuillc.t, line coal, coal dust; ' oflicicr, (mil.) noncommissioned officer; plomb, small shot, bird shot. menulsCaiine, f., twigs, bmshwood; (am. a.) dust shot, mustard seed. menuiser, v. a., to do carpenter's, joiner's work; to chop or split up (wood) fine. meiniiserie, f., joinery, joiner's work; f n bntiments, en biltisse, dormanle, house carpentry; mobile, cabihetmaking. inenuisler, m., joiner, carpenter. mCphitique, a., mephitic. meplster, v. r., (man.) of the horse, to mistrail. iijtplat, m., flattened surface (either plane or of greater radius of curvature than adjacent, parts); flattening tool; flat side (as opposed to edge); (art.) flat top or nose of a projectile. mf'plat, a., flat, flatwise; boix . planks, timber, broader than thick; planks laid flatwise; fir . flat iron: xoliie r, Hai-laid joisl. nier, f., sen. tide, ocean, waters; (??ar.) sea service, the navy (as opposed to tint, land service, army); ft la , ovrbonrd: at sea: arince de , the (war; navy; (more narrowly) a tl'eet, a squodron; IIIIKKC, low water: shallow sea: btixxc (/( murtc m. low-water neap: bnxsc dc lire <.i>orte, the tide begins to increase ^a'ter dead neaps>; In refnule, the tide ebh.s; the wator faMs: t: nir la , to keep the seas, (.outinue at sea: trrrit'innlt, territorial waters; t'ltirmai/t't, choppy sea; tin trurtrx, cross si'a. merccnaire, m., a., mercenary, imrci, '., mercy, grace: u l'i ili , ut one's mercy. merriirc, m., mercury; fiil,niwint, (.ti'i'l.) fulminate of mercury. metTuriale, f., reprimand, censure; periodical list of prices current ^esjV'rially such lists piiMished \<\ municipal am hority in 1 'ranee .1; f'lirt u iic . to rebuke, to reprimand. mere, f., motlier: (tech.) master-tap, hub; (ad>c- li .'t'iyj principal; mn , nidi her liquor. merlflii'ii. in., meridian; midday, meridian; a., meridian; mtridien gtographlirue, meridian; ligne nt, meridian line, meridian; magnetiqvr, magnetic meridian; premier , prime meridian; ttrrettre, meridian. mertdlenne, f., meridian, meridian line; magnttiqve, magnetic meridian. meridional, a., southern, meridional. merlin, m., club; long-handled hammer; splitting ax; (cord.) marline (in the French artillery, three yarns laid up together): blinc, (cnrd.) white, untarred marline- noir, (cord. ) tarred marline. merHner, v. a., (cord.) to marl, marline. nuT'tm, m., (fort.) merlon. merrain, m., clapboard; staves, stavewood. men'ellleiix, a., (.m. a.) hair (of rifling). mf-salr, in., v. merair. mess, m., (mil.) mess. messager, m., messenger, carrier; de campagne, (mil.) proposed mounted orderly for infantry headquarters; rf' EM, state messenger; king's messenger; pijcim , carrier pigeon. messaserle, f., coach office, booking office: coach, sta'^e coach (used sometimes in plural); (in pi.) line of mail steamers; (r. T.) freight, parcels. messe, f., mass; basse, low mass: grand , haute, high mass; jxtite , v. basse. mesurage, m., measuring, measurement; men- suration; surveying. mesure, f., measure, measuring, measurement; dimension; (hipp.) cadence; (fenc.) proper dis- tance; absolue, absolute measure; d'arpente ur, surveyor; - s d'axaortiments, copper powder measures of various sizes: a boutx, end measuring; it cheral, measure by horse's gait; cf>mble, heaped-up measure; de , according to measure; -dure, (fenc.) stiff action: d'elevation d'un pixton. stroke, lift of a piston: cnlnr en , (fenc.) to take a step toward one's adversary; ftred la , (fenc.) to have the proper distance; etre hors de - -, (fenc.) to lie out of distance; dff/irce, dynamometer: gngner la ,'(ftnc.) -to advance; lilchcr la , (fenc.) to retreal : de longueur, measure of length; mitritfu-f, metrical measure: a In montrr. measure by timing (as, a horse's gait): - ."/; pa^. pacing of! a distance; /loudre, powder measure; r tt-t. strike measure: / ,:r, la , t fenc.) to gel out of rrich; m .-ii'inn, tape measure: ; ' r rtr l'i , i, ft iic. i to close on one's a Uersary; ---(i truitx, measuring l>etween marl.s; a iu<, measure by tin- eye. iiiestircr, v. a., to measure, measirre out. n:ete, mete out; to jiroportion; ,jcnc.'> to inea::ro swords; .vf. armrs. to fight with anyone: a c'l'inl. to measure l>y a horse's gait ; ('; l'i i-i>rdt, ait cordmu, to tr.n.> out: u 'i cini/i. to aim. adjust, u blow accurately: I;.-.- (/>('<-'. in a duel, to measure the swnnis to sre if tl:ev are of I he same length; - VOH //,/,. : fnic.) to light; inr fijitvrrixxi mint, to take as I lie M'hime of anything, the xoliiinc of li:" circum^cni'ing red angular parallelojiipedon: it l'i 1'iotitri . to nie.isiire !> timing, to tiir.o; mi jinx, to pace oil' ( a dis!;\n<-e: -lii lirrc, to measure one's length on the ground; mesurer 272 mettre mesurer ft Za vue , to estimate by the eye; avec les, des, yeux, to measure, estimate, by the eye. mesurett*, f., small measure. metacarpe, m., (hipp.) the metacarpal bones. metaearpien, a., (hipp.) metacarpal; m., meta- carpal bone; os s, metacarpal bones; ruaimentaiTe, small metacarpal bone; ntdimtntaire eittrne, outer metacarpal bojie; rwlimentaire interne, inner metacarpal bone. mCtaceiitre, m., (nav.) metacenter. metareiitrique, a., (nav.) metacentric; hauteur , inentacentric height. metairie, f., farm, farmhouse. metal, m., metal; alloy; ore; (specially) an alloy of tin, copper, and gun metal (founder's term); metaling of a road; d'Aich, an alloy of copper, zinc, and iron; d'Algcr, a sort of imitation silver; anglais, Britannia metal; antifriction, antilriction metal; Babbitt metal; antifriction magnolia, magnolia metal; argentin, v. anglais; de Bath, Bath metal; blanc, white metal; antifriction metal; britannique, v. - - anglais; brut, coarse metal; d canon, gun metal (i. e., bronze), (more rarely) cast iron; tie cloche, bell metal; d collets, antifriction metal; console, an alloy of copper, zinc, and tin; de Darcet, a fusible alloy of bismuth, tin, and lead ; dfcapc, pickled metal; delta, delta metal (iron and brass); do ur, antifriction metal; ecume , kish ; fin , fine iron, fine metal; de/onte,Ci\st metal; homogcne, homogeneous metal; maze, fine(d) metal; de miroirs, speculum metal; mir.te, compound metal (steel and iron, for compound plates); de Muntz, Muntz' metal (zinc and copper); natif, native metal; -' de prince, super refined copper; -(fit Prince Robert, Prince's metal; rebel It, refractory metal; Kama, an alloy of platinum, manganese, and cobalt; de Hose, Rose's fusible alloy (bismuth, load, and tin); xttrro, sterro metal (an alloy of copper, zinc, iron, and tin); df Stirling. Stirling metal; utilt, the quantity of serviceable or workable metal obtained from an ingot or from a charge, v. mise an inillf. metalline nltroleum, f., (expl.) a dynamite whose dope consists of red lead (with or wit'iout plaster of paris). metallique, a., metallic; gi'.".t-, th'tt, toilc , wire gauze. mctalllsage, in., plating with metal, metalliser, v. a., to cover or plate with metal. mOtalloide, in., metalloid. metalliirgie, f., metallurgy. mf'taUiirKique, a., metallurgical. metatarsi", in., (hipp.} the met.atarsal hones. metatarsle 11, a. ,(/u ;>/).) metatarsal; m.,inetatarsal bone; na , metatarsal bone; rudimtntuiri. txtirnc, outer small metatarsal lioiie: rudimcntaire interne, inner small metatarsal bone. metayer, m., fanner. inrtell, in., maslin (mixed wheat and rye). metcorisation, f., (hipp.) distension of the belly. metforlser, v. a., (hipp.) to swell, distend, the belly. meteorisme, m., (hipp.) flatulent cclic. meteorologie, f., meteorology. meteorologlque, a., meteorological, met liodf, f., method; process; de Bapaume, (siege) the classic method of breaching a wall (by attacking it at one-third its height) ; (. on his quarters; - (. n bnis, (sm. a.) to assemble the parts of a ritle on the stock; mettre 273 meule mettre d bord, to ship; to put, carry, etc., on board; Us canons d la xerre, (nav.) to house the guns; let canons out sabords, (nav.) to nin out the guns; le cap sur . . . . , (nor.) to head for . . . . ; de champ, to set up ou edge (as, a plank, bricks, etc.); en chantier, (carp.) to mark out; (nav.) to put upon the stocks; (in gen.) to begin anything; 'ear let chantitrs, (nav.) to put upon the stocks; un chetal dedani, dans la main, dans 7f< talons, (man.) to make a horse obey the hand, the spurs; un cheval au galop (pas, trot) (man.) to put a horse to the gallop (walk, tr.it); If.t chevauid la v->iture, to hitch up; dans le circuit, (itcc.") to cut iu, put in cir- cuit; -& contribution, to lay under contribution; en communication, to connect; au cran dc (//par 1 , (am. a.) to cock; - la croupe an mur. (man.) to cause a horse to passage, croup to wall of riding hall; - dedans, (carp.) to assemble the pieces (as, of a frame); audehor*, (nav.) to get out (a boat); en demeure, (lau<) to order, summon; les deux boats en dedani, (man.) to train, supple, the head and the croup of a horse; -- en ilitponibilitc, (Fr. a.) to put on the un- employed list; d I'rau, to launch (a ship); d I'effet, (top. drawing) to indicate surface forms on a map, topographical sketch; en, par, icrit, to put in writing; un embargo, to lay an embargo; -d I'encre, to ink (a drawing); d'equtrre, to square; unfer & un cheval, to shoe a horse; dftu, to start up a furnace: df(u etdsang, to burn and kill: en feu, to burn; (met.) to put a furnace in blast; - le feu, to set on fire; to touch off (a mine, etc.): / fen a, to set on fire Cas, a house); lt.< fcui au fond des fourncaux, to bank the .'ires; - - au fil de I'tpee, to put to the sword; ft //')/, to float (a stranded ship, etc.); - - le frtiu, to put on the brakf (brakes); - gurnison dans, to garrison (a town, etc.); un grain de lumlere, (art.) to bush a vent; en half, to pile bricks (in rows) for dry- ing; - un homme aux ferx, to iron, shackle, a man; bora, v. horxfi u: - h'irx du circuit, (tin-.) to cut out, put out of circuit: - imrx de.c-irnbat, to disable; horn fiii, {.mil.) to put a furnace out of blast; r, to do-troy, make useless; -djovr, to bring up I , date; HUL l-ir-ji, (inu.) to put, out, stand out, to sea; in I'iri.v, to wash (colon, tint, a drawing; - la linyucs tut Cdlnx'.iin, t > pawl the cap- st in: rn marche, to set out on a march; to set out: to set at work (an engine, etc. i; - - ti la niir. (?iar.) to 1 much a ship; to shove oil (a boat ,i; to stand out to sea; en nicr, to go to sea; - - rn mire, (an.) to lay a -fi miirt. to put to death; If wiu-iaiirton d la but/r, (am. a.) to return, boot, a carbine; rn miturcmint, to start (a machine, etc.); to throw int i gear; mrttre un naiire d la c6te, to run a ship ashore; au net, to make a fair copy (drawing, notes, ef.); - d I'ordre, (mil.) to publish in orders; - ou pain et a Veau, to put on bread and water; - pinllon bos, (nav.) to haul d iwn one's flag, to surrender; - son paritlon *ur ..... (nap.) to hoist one's flag on . . . . ; -- une piece hors d'eau, (art.) to depress the muzzle so as to keep out water; -- pied ft tirre, to dismount: -- en place, to organize, prepare; - sur plage, to beach a boat; dans le plein, to hit the bull's-eye; - ou point, (in.it.) to focus, adjust; in sur- veyiriT, to set up an instrument accurately over its station; it la presse, (mach.) to set or seat by pressure; - en prcsxion. (steam) to get up steam; --- tur son raide. sur son fart, (cafp.) to put the convex side of a piece uppermost; ii la rtformr, ( Fr. a.) to condemn (material); to cast a horse; to discharge fn m the service (far misconduct or physical un- fltuess); au renard, to hold up, keep up, the monkey of a pile driver; d la retrai'e, (mil.) to retire; - - .vur rouie.es, (art.) to throw a top car- riage in gear (on rollers) for return to bat- tery; d nac, to sack (a city); se - - sous les annex, (mil.) to get under arms; d sec, to pump out; - - le silje decant, to lay siege to; en s:aiion, to set up an i:i\v into pour; - - au vert, to pat a hor^e i ut to grass. nieublo, m., article of furniture. meuhlp, a., movable: (of earth, soil) mellow, e !ed: bim/i '- -.;, personal property; tcrre - . li.^ht. soil. meubh'r, v. a., to furnish. iiieuhifjc, in., grindin;,': - -a ;'(. wet urinding. rtieulard, in., lar.re grinione. iiiculartle, I., mid.lie-<'/.ed grindstone. meul?, f., grindstone, millstone; mow or stack (of hay, fodder, e'- . ; pile, of wood charcoal " burning); poii--hiiig w li i e 1 ; (pirtt.) runner, rouer; \Joitd.) for ,'. m-ld; -a n> iniitr. grindstone: - (i ttit'i'iiint' (. (*tn. ti. i grinds! one ing side- of bayoin't blade.-: nixntioii. ain'. in t<* to be , tliirkn '-- o. a grindslin imi. jiile oi i-iiarci.ai; i . ujiper mi !-i"ne. '.v. upper iniip.-toiie; foundation - -d chn di (/ fn: H, i - - !//>.; ', HI :,IT iiiili-- -/i d" , >rits. ^in. . i>, e.; 111 rii-r.s; nil). !> . nni,ii:i:: mil.-( ue; - want i . griiii ii, tn: . (p'lidl.) nuiner that d e-i not toll'-h tlie lied: li.injrini; nuiiier: - ."ii-iiii ndiii* <>ud.) un- coupled haiifiiug runners; 381 -18 mo i lie 274 mine iii en le, trituration sous Its , (powd.) incor- poration. meuleau, m., small grindstone. meulier, a., of mills, for grinding; m., millstone maker; carriere he, millstone quarry; pierre Ire , millstone. meuliere, millstone, grindstone; millstone grit, buhrstone; picrre de , millstone grit, buhrstone. mctirtrier, a., (mil.) deadly (of fire, etc.). meiirtrtfcre, f., (fort.) loophole. incurtrir, v. a., to bruise, to kill, slaughter. metirtrissure, f., bruise, contusion. uiczair, m., (man.) an air consisting of a succession of jumps forward. mho. m., (dec.) mho. mi-bo is, m., (carp.) scarf, halving; assembler d , to scarf. mica, m., mica. mi-chemi'i, a , halfway. mi-cOte, & , halfway 'down (up) a slope, a hill. micro-farad, m., (dec.) microfarad. microhm, m., (dec.) microhm. micrometre, micrometer; miTometer ealiper; d double image, double-ima^e micrometer; - objeciif, heliometer; optique, dioptric micrometer; prhmatique, v. fi double image; de torsion (elec.) torsion micrometer; vis & , micrometer screw. mlcrometriqne, a., micrometri.-. micron, m., one one-thousandth of a millimeter. microphone, m., microphone. microscope, m., microscope; compose, compound microscope; simple, simple microscope; solaire, solar microscope. microscopic, f., microscopy. mlcroscopique, a., microscopic. mi.n, m., noon, 12m.: south. mi-doux, a., (met.) half soft. ml-;lur, a., (met.) half hard. nii-fer, assembler d , to halve and lap (of iron beams, etc.). mi-Hot, in., half flood. migraine, f., headache. mi-jusaiit, m., half ebb. milice, f. , militia; (in gen.) troops, army; war, warfare; soldat de , militiaman. mllicien, m., militiaman. miiicu, m., middle, middle point: middle part; midst; heart; center; coi .. ,; expedient, medium, means; (art.) swing; attthige du , (art. ) swing team. miline, f. , (expl.) railine. militaire, a., military; soldier-like; architecture , art of fortification; art , art of war; chan'ier , (nau.) navy-yard; circution . v. s. v. execution; hcure , "sharp:" hmnrurs, s, iirMitary honors; jut/ice , v. s. y.juxtice. mjlitaire, m., soldier (cither oflicer or man); itre , to be a soldier (by profession); isolf, detached soldier. militairement. adv., in a mi'itary, soldier-like, manner; smartly, energetically; by force of arms; orcn/ifr , to occupy with troops. militant, a., raiiitatit. ' mili^'.riser, v. a., t'> n-ndor military, to Till with the military spirit. ml!;:;irKi!i!>, in., militarism, domination or su- premacy of military ideas. mlllc, H..ITI., thousand; grand , (paver's term; 1,122 paving stones; mi., to sort ore. mineral, a., in., mineral. mire>:ilo'.rie, f., mineralogy. mineral 11 rsle, f., art of tro.Uing minerals so as to increase their usefulness. mlnnur, in., miner; (mil.) miner; corps dc s, ( mil.) corps of sappers and minors. mliiier, a., mining, mineral. mlnlfcre, f., v.irih, MTV!, or ston^ in v.-'jch ore is found; (more specially) a surface mine. mtnistOre, m., ministry; department (U. S.); o!!ice,u(lrninistraiion; (/-x nlfiirtf ,''rnr\i~ens, foreign oilice; De- pvfiieut of stuie. rr. s.)-. (.' .v itiianci>'. tre-.sury department; .-/. /'/. (i"f,-f , v, : ir de-vart nic-nt, war o;Iico, mh>::;; ry nf w:u . ii"orse'< itiards; i!e i'inii'rh ur, Interior Department (I'. S.); i'.nrie o!!ice; ili- j-:.:!ii*r, department of justice; d-'iu 1:1 -(', . navy department, admiralty, niiui-i ry of iMaritu': iiihlic, (hi -:!ai:t 'li-r.' . nan: (mil. x!-i:>;i) a mule: (.'.- l'ni{i>iiit!--:ii'!i'>ii Ji I't gnirrr, v. de /i g.frrc; 'd(/, cabinet minister: --- i!n< liii'inctx, secretary of the treasury; r hits of battery). mirage, in . , mirage. mire, f., (art., am. a.) front sight, fore sight; (in.'t.) leveling rod, sight vane; (sun'.) directing mark; anjle de - , v. s. v. angle: bouton de -, v. s. v. bouton; coinde - , v. s. v. coin: a coulisse, (inst.) sliding leveling rod; cran de - , v. s. v. cran; fron'fiu de - , v. s. v.frontcau; gr-zdu.ee, graduated rod; li'jne de -- , v. s. v. lignc; longiu ur de - , v. s. v. longueur; longut ur de la ligne de - , v. s. v. longueur; 7n'i^.vf dc - , v. s. v. m '.rlante, (inst.) self-reading rod; pdinldc - ,(ball.) point aimed at; (surr.) sight- ing point; prtndre la - , (ball.) to aim; -dcTrpfrage, (art.) sighting rod; IrLinjle de - , (ball.) triangle of si^ht ; h voy;int, (inst.) leveling rod: dc voyanl, (inst.) slide vane of a le-Tir rod. mlrer, v. a., (ball.') to aim (rare). miroir, m., mirror, looking-glass: blare (n treeV. scutcheon; cavity (.on the i..i'< o ; " .. dres.-ed stone, caused by chipping t n deop); gr.mJ. ,(in*t.) imle\ i,i ,i'ocl nit , (inst.) I : or i /.!.: petit , (i:>st.) hiiri/.on ^l.--s of sexl.;r.' : c/i 1 / .'.'/./ ;r, (.//). (i.) iu aii'iiiig il-i. ir Usrd () verify the : a.) reiKrtor f,>r in mirroi or rellect ri'llictiar rille barrels. liiiroitaiil. ;., s]>ecular. siiiTiing, tlasliiiig. iiilrotti 1 . (lii i'i).) dapj.led. iiiiroUi-r, v. r.. to shine, flash. mlroiture, f.. fA/;.) dipple; reiruhir roiniii sp> '-< iritlier lighter or da'-UtT t::;m l!'." :r.nin i .ai., bul ahvaVMif the same coli i . mlroiu'tte, a., (hijii'. s !>ri_''.t d.r 'pled bay. mise, f., la-.'inv;. l;ivi:'g (io'-n, p-.-.ttiia'. pUu'ing, setting, inst'allation, stariir.ir; (met.l layer; ( n a('i'ti.--ii;in!i , iiiilii'tmen;: (lint. .'.". i r- raignnient : - -6ijs, lirinniiii; f->ri h. f -alini;. littering: (n bnt'rrii , (nrt.) a^t or operation of going into battery; moiintii'g of guns in their em- placements; mlse 276 mi-vitesse mlse hors df batterie, (art.) act or operation of going from battery; bbord, (nyv.) installation on bbard ship; en breche, (siege) breaching; en cause, (larr) summons; e n chantier, setting to work (as, of a working party); en couleur, (sm. a.) browning of a rifle barrel; en daneure, (law) summons, order, to per- form an obligation; en dimwnibilitf, (mil.) plaoing on the un- attached list; ill'fiu, (nav.) launching of a ship; a I'ftjet, (top. drawing) representation of sur- face forms; ft I'cncre, inking of a drawing; reproduction in ink of a map or reconnoissance; en etat de difin-se, (mil.) preparation (of a wood, house, etc.) for defense; en hit de siege, (mil.) declaration of a state of siege; lire de - , to be presentable; a feu, (met.) beginning of the work; defeu, (art.) discharge of a piece, act of firing a piece; (min.) firing; defeuelectrique, (irt.,min.) electric discharge (of a gun, of a mine;; de feu, multiple, (mil. min.) simultaneous discharge of a group of mines; de feu, & repetition, (art.) system in which, in case of miss fire, the same primer may be tried several times in succession without opening ihe breech} dc feu simple, (mil. min.) discharge of a single mine; - LI feu, (met.) act or operation of putting in blast; hors de feu, (met.) putting out of blast; defonds, outlay; en hfiie, piling of bricks for drying; hors, money advanced; enjeu, starting, putting into play; enjoue, (SM. a.) whole operation of aiming; iju -jour, bringing to light; enjugenent, trial, putting on trial; au laris, washing, tinting, of a drawing; en libertf, discharge; f n iumi&re, (siy.) Hash; en marche, starting (of machinery, troops, etc.); it a rnille, (met.) ratio of the gross weight of an ingot to the weight of the finished piece, or t he number of kilograms in an ingot or charge needed to make 1,000 kilograms of useful metal irioinmie de. - , v. s. v. munnaie; i n ini'Uiement. v. -- enjeii; - au rut, act of making a fair copy; -in iii>ii-Mliritc, (Fr. "..) placing on the un- employed list; ' n 'jtuire, setting to work, putting in opera- tion; - mi pain ft bl'eau, putting on bread and water; i /( pliirc, seating (as, (nrt.i a rotating band); - 1 11 pi i . <|. v.: - - 1 ;, [io?, ,-ioH, (/'eel givin:; possession; primi're , (mi'.) joining for the livst on entry into servic -- , n /insxion. < xteai i'i prir, pricii;/: ---- a r'liir/in, pulling up for ransom: m reforme, ( l-'r. i:.i condemnation fnf ma- terial): ca-;ting (of a horse): discharge (for rnis- c >ndiict or physical unfittipssl; n la rctraite, (mi!.) putting on the retired li.'-t; -- xnr rnnlf'ti.t, dirt.) operation of throwing a top carriage in ^vir ''said of guns having rollers for return to battery;; ;:otting up .-.team; mlse en route, setting out on the march, dispatch of recruits, soldiers, etc., to their destination; en seine, getting up, get up; en service, (mil.) adoption into service; hors de service, (mil.) destruction (as, of condemned articles); rn station, (surv.) operation of setting up un instrument; en subsistence, (mil.) assignment of a man to a company or regiment (not his own) for pay and subsistence; (i /,i suite, (mil.) the attachment of an officer as supernumerary; en train, making ready, starting; (mach.) starting of a machine, engine, starting gear; en vcnte, putting up for sale; au vert, putting (horses) out to grass. mlsour, m., (in French Mediterranean ports) the south wind. mission, f., (Fr. a.) mission, special duty given by the minister of war to an oflicer, and tem- porarily detaching him from his regiment or corps: (frequently) foreign duty. mistral, m., northwest wind (in the Mediter- ranean). mitaine, f., mitten. mitigation, f., mitigation. mitlger, v. a., to mitigate, temper, qualify; pour, , in mitigation. mitoyen, a., middle, intermediate; party; cloison nc, partition; dent -ne, (hipp.) middle tooth; mur , party wall. mltoyenne, f., (hipp.) middle tooth. mitnycnnett*, party right. mitruillade, f., (art.) fire of, firing of, case shot; langrugo (obs.). milr.iille, f., scrap iron; soldering alloy composed of iron, copper, and silver; (art.) case shot (grape, canister): langrago (obs.); any frag- mentation material used for scattering eilect; baljcd , (art.) case-shot bullet; boite & , (art.) case shot; charge d, de, , (art.) round of case, canister, grape (obs.); charger & , (art.) to load with canister, etc.; fer de , (met.) scrap iron; grouse , (art.) grape (obs.); obns d , (art.) shrapnel; pendante, (met.) old brass, copper, etc.; petite , (art.) canister (ol s.); rouge, (met.) copper dross: tirera, , (art.) to tire case shot. mitraillcr, v. a., (art.) to fire mitraille; (in a general sense) to sweep or cover a lino or position with shrapnel, rapid tire, etc.; d br Hi c-pour point, to overwhelm at close quarters with shrapnel or any oilier fragmenta- tion lire. mitrulilcur, m., any person using mitraille iire; (art.) v. mitrailleuse. mitrailleuse, f., (>./. /'.) machine gun: < l-'r. art.} a synonym of canon a, batlt.t; (xm. u.) sort of magazine pocket pistol; aatomatique (any) automatic machino gun (e.g., Colt); a can-mis files, (typo of) machine guu with fixed barrel? (e. g., U:irdner.i: (tatliiiij, tic., iwiK), (>"]>. drawing) with reliof brought out by direct (oblique) illoiniii.il ion. imxlclcr, v. a., to model, pattern, shape; /< iiirain. l< tirrainiil'itjlet. (tup. drawing) to represent surfac'o forms, to bring out the relief. iiio'lclciir, modeler. moilt'ratfiir, in., (mach.) governor; regulator salvo; damper; -(i force'ct iilri/inji . conical pendulum. moilOn'r, v. a., to moderate, clux'U, restrain, curb, temper, slacken, lessen, abate. iiiodlticateur, in., (mach.) engaging and disengag- ing gear. modifier, v. a., to modify, change, alter; (art.) to transform to correspond to a different luodcl (.as, of a gun;. modlllon, m., modillion, cantilever: console. bracket; module, m., modulus (of rupture, elasticity, etc.); d'une riviire, means discharge of a river. moelle, f., marrow; pith (of trees), inoellon, m.. (max.) quarry stone; rough, unhewn stone; building stone; ashlar; - - d'appareil, ashlar; generic term for stone of dressed face and undressed body; * d'assise, stones of the same size used in regular courses; brut, rubble, undressed stone; quarry-faced stone; en coupe, stonp laid on edge; evince, face-hammered stone; gisnnt, quarry stone, more or less regular in form; groa. riprap stone: ashlar; dc HI. stone laid on its natural bed; mac,onnirie de , ashlar work; d* parement, facing stone; piqi.it, stone with pointed and drafted face; smillf, hammer-dressed stone; de taille, dressed stone, cut stone; teiuc, v. epince. mofette, f., choke damp; black damp. mote, f., heap of sand. moignon, m., stump of a tree, of a branch; zinc or lead pipe (med.) stump of an amputated leg or arm. motion, m., v. mocUon. moil 10, m., monk; (met.) blister, flaw; (mi!, mitt.) monk, punk (obs.). mot n can, m., sparrow; (hipp.) cropped horse; (fort.) small bastion or lunette at the middle of the curtain; chfval , v. s. v. chci'al. moliis-percu, m., (adm.) amount not drawn: en denicrs, money not drawn or paid out at a payment; en nature, effects, articles, not drawn. mains-value, f. , (adm.) deterioration, loss, de- crease in value. mots, m., month; month's pay or allowance. moise, f., (cons.) tie, couple, brace, binding piece, connecting piece, tiebeam, collar or shoulder on a pump barrel; (poifd. > frame or crib support- ing the stamp of a stamping mill. en rcharpi , diagonal tie: horizontal f, horizontal t,e; walo; inclinit , diagonal tie; s-jumtllis, - sjumclfcs, binding pieces; piiidantc, hanging tie. molser, v. a., (carp.) to tie, join timbers together by moans of a tie; to noti !i timber together; to bridge over; par niiaillf, to notch to rethor. 1st, j). p., musty. isir, v. a., to make musty. isissuri', f.. mustiness. issoii, f., har\ost: harvest time; crop. Mttnier, v. !.. to reap. :>M>imeil>o. f., reaping ma< hiuo. ite, a., damp, moist , v, el . iletir, f.. daintiness, moisture. Itlt, f..half; ii. , half. baifNviy; - --boix, v. /iiHV.i.V fi - 1 ir tooth; .tin ri.fit'ur. (/l.:r<; (/< ;,/ .. iaol.il- looth; ii-i n'' nt, adult iiinl-ir, nn.l.ir of ti.e mole, MI., mole. pier, ielts; d .MI; ietty he.nl: de, tl'itii. iiori, lirealvu..i<'i. ' moleculi', f.. in ili" :dc. molestation, I., molesintii.n; - (// i/iiirrt . inole.-tai i.m of war; franc (U t/c yiurrc. free from molestation o[ war. molester 278 montc-charge(s) molester, v. a., to molest. mulcts, ra., (top.) bog, swampy ground. molet(t)age, m., polishing, milling. moletto, f., any small-toothed wheel; tracing wheel; rowel," spur rowel; rope pulley; (cord.) whirl; (mach.) cutter, milling wheel; (ni>p.) windgall; tuft of hair; d'tm baritel, pulley of a winding machine; chevillee, (hipp.) articular windfall; coupantf, (marh.) cutting wheel; a egruger, rubber, mealer; hfmdrt, (mach.) screw slotting cutter; machine ii s, winding engine, whim; nerreitse { \. simple; scied !>, circular saw; simple, (hipp.) windfall; sou 't!ee, (hipp.) through windgall; tendineuse, (hipp.) tendinous windgall. mo!et(t)er, v. a., to polish, to mill. moliCre, f., grindstone quarry, millstone. luollet, m., calf of the leg; small nippers; (hipp.) bl:ve; avoir du , (hipp.) to have prominent muscles in the gaskin. mollettf, a., kuarled. ruolletier, a., bande e, (or simply) molletiere, (mil.) putties. mollicre, f., (top.) bog, swamp. mollir, v. a. n., to sluck, slacken, abate; to go down, to lull (of the wind); to slack (of the tide, a current); (cord.) to ease, ease off, slack; un cubic, un cordaqe, (cord.) to slack, loose, ease off or away, a cable, a rope. molybdcne, in., molybdenum. moment, m., moment, momentum, force, lever- age. monarchic, f., monarchy. monarque, m., monarch. moncean, m., heap; mettre en 1, to put in heaps, heap up. monde, m., theworld; people, crew, men, persons; hands; fournir , garnir de , mettre du , to man. monder, v. a., to hull. mondraln, m., small mound of earth or of sand. monlteur, m., ( />. a.) monitor, subinstructor, or teacher (as, of boxing, fencing, etc.); d'escrime, (Fr. a.) assistant regimental fenc- ing master; ijl'.nrrnl, head monitor, senior instructor; de gymnastique, instructor of gymnastics. monitor, m., (nav.) monitor; ii reduit central, monitor with a central re- doubt or battery. moniiale, f.. change, money; tho exchange; de com fife, money of account; /au.s.sf , counterfoil, money; fiditciiirc, hills, paper; 'ft force libf'ntmrr, lo'.'ul tender: itnaginnirc. v. df ctr.: jncnuc , tho copper (and oven the small silver? currency : tit ini'te, current money; papier- , paper money. momiayer, v. a., to coin. monoutomique. a., >e' s, side bean;.; (top.) rise; (ham.) headstall, cheek piece, chee strap; (pnnt.) upright of pontoon-boat knee; (mm.) stile (of a frame); (77? il.) first for duty (on a roster); (sm. a.) crane (of a re - olver); .d'appni, fixed part of a drawbridge; de branloire, (art.) standard of a bellows frame; de. bride, (harn.) headstall: cheek strap; de buse, meeting post of a lock gate; de cluiasii, (min.) upright of a gallery frame; de cha-alet, (pont., etc.) trestle leg; - dc cloche, belfry; de conrbe. (pont.) uprisjht (of boat timber); A crochet, hooked upright, for hoo.dng cacolet to pack saddle; de droite (ga'iche), (harn.) off (near) side neck strap of a saddle; de. I'eau, rise of water, of the tide: d'une echelle, side piece of a ladder; en , uphill; a'escalier, (cons.) tread: rise of a staircase; grand , (harn.) offside, long head; grand tropical, (mil. sla,ij) riding breeches: de la maree, beginning of tho Hood, rise o:' t ho tide; -de poifrail, (harn.) breast strap proper; de salmrd, (nap.) stile of a gun port ; dc xcinclle, (poxi.) rising timber; df tentc, tent pole; awning stanchion; (/< la tflif.re, v. - de bride. montant, a., rising: la garde c, (mil.) the new guard, guard march- ing on. nionte, f., (hipp.) covering; leaping; coverin" ?e-i- son: serving, time of ser.ing; (man.) sysiem i.r method of riding, of managing a horse. moiitf 1 , p. p., mounted, maimed: fitted or equipped will; (a;, a projectile with its rotating b.uni,; (inn-.) commanded by; bicn , well supplied, stocked; (titan.) v.c.l mounted, ha\ ing a good stable; birn d'h'>mmc.<, well manned; chn-'tt limit, h'int , (hipp.) loiig-l<':.'::e.l horse (legs too long); di, (n/ir.) carrying (so many) gnus; ha. ing (so many; men; tlrr nini (ni'il) en chirnur, (man.) to iia\o a good (poor) stable; mnl , ill supplied, stocked, appointed; (man.) badly mounted, ha. ing a poor stable; inmi - , unmounted; (mil.) dismounted. monte-<:li:irKe(s), in., hoist, lift ; (art.) shell hoist, shell lilt, projectile hoist; winch or windlass of (the Trench) garrison gin; monte-eharge(s) 279 moral monte-charKe(s) i barbotin, (art.) winch, windlass of (the French) garrison gin; tt bennes alternatives, ( FT. s. c. art.) coun- terpoise or alternating snell hoist ; i commande , power hoist; h-idraulique , (art .) hydraulic shell lift; A la main, hand elevator. inonte -courroie, in., (mack.) device for mounting a belt on a pulley. monte-culasse, m!, (art.) tool used in mount- ing and dismounting Hotchkiss revolving cannon. mont.H-, i.. ascent: rise, rising approach, ramp; flight of stairs, stair; height (of a building, of a column, etc.); pitch, height (of an arch); height (of a bridge); gradient (of a road). monte-escarbllles, m., ash hoist. monter, v. a. n.. to mount, ascend; to go, come, up; to rise; to rise (of the barometer, thermometer); to rise in one's profession; to raise; to rise, come in (of the tide); to furnish, supply, stock, equip, fit out; to ship (as, a propeller); to assemble, erect, fit up, put or fit together, mount, put in place; to horse (give a mount to); to be too nigh (as, a wall); to ri''e (a bicycle); (man.) to ride; (art.) to mount (a gun on its car- riit'ei; (') to go on board of, embark; to command (a vessel); (mil.) to be pro- moted; (elcc.) to connect up, to wire; (hipp.) to serve, co /er, leap; ti I'anglaiie, (man.) to ride with the English seat, to post; it t'a.ttaut, (mil.) tostorm; un ballon, to go up, or be, in a balloon; un bntiment, (nav.) to hoist one's (lag on. to fly one's flag on (such and such) a vesser (of a flag officer); une batterie, (art.) to arm and eciuipa battery; (elec.) to set up and connect a battery; le bivac, ( mil.) to prepare a bivouac for the nig lit; & la brtche, (mil.) to storm a breach; uncinon, (art.) to mount a gun; d cheval, (man.) to mount a horse; to ride; (hence) to put anything astraddle of some- thing else; imc/if!'a/.(man.)toride: to train a horse; un cheval a nu, d, poil , (man.) to ride bareback; un cltrnnometre, to wind a chronometer; en croupe, (man.) to get on behind; - un creuxet, (met.) to remelt a crucible of metal; 6 cru, (man.) toride bareback; en deri'-ati'in, (elec.) to mount, connect, in mul'inle circuit ; di<"cilc (facile) ii , (man.) hard (easy) to mount; a dos, (man.) to ride bareback; -nneepee, (sin-, a.) to put the hilt on a sword; 1,1 H iilf, (drc.) to make a star grouping; faire , to bring, take, get up (,;is, guns, etc.); -u. fitxil,(xm. a. } tostocic a rtMe; 1 1 udriii-, ( mil.} to mount 1 he guard; to serve a tour of guard du'y: - MJ yarde, (mil.) to servo a tuur of gu:ird c'u: \ : i ; 'iridi , (mil.) to bo promoted; ;.' l.ni-lie, to helve an ;i\: , ir li:i '!, (iit'in.) t.) o .ercise horse in cur- vet' :.!g, i;i executing rr'>u;-udi.i: i I jintU' , i .macii.) to mom.t, in or on a shell c.:uc .; - < i mnrrJiand di ceri.-c;-, (mil. xl'iiiy) to ride ludly; ' ir uicr. toembar!-. : iti'r*, (mi. i.) to Ia!;e A turn on a *iutt:ir (jumping horse fastened between po-t.-i; ,. jioilun, (win.) toride bareback; ( ! / inlitc, (. art.) frame used in mounting the ca "or? A ballrs. monteur, ni., engine fitter; (.n. a.) gun- stock fitter; (mil. teleg.) lineman (puts up the line); en blanc, (sm. a.) gnnstock maker; fourbix.<(\.r, (.'m. a.) scabbard maker. moiitzolfiere, f., hot-air balloon. monticule, m., (top.) small hill, hillock; en . tumular. mont-joie, f., pile of stones to mark a road. montoir, m., (max.) mounting block; horse block; near side; bearing of the foot in near stirrup (in mour.tir.g); aiteati , ea>y to mount; ci'./c dti , near side; c6tt hflrs du , olTside; difticileau , hard tomount; docile, doux, au , v. oW au ; Aor , Aor. le , off side; pied du , near foot ; pied hor.t du , off foot; rude au , v. di"icilc au . moii t re, f., watch; show case; sample; (mil. muster, pay when mustered (ohs.); (man.) showing a horse's paces; place where horses are shown, parade i, etc., for sale: (fcnc.) part of a fencing hall in which the foils are kept; marine, chronometer; tirr petition, repeater; ii rep'jx, stop W;tch; a aonntrie, striding watch. moiitrer, \. a . to show, di -play; to teach; vn cheial, to show o'T a horse; unfen, to di-jilny a li^'ht; un jMiillon. to display a signal. monteux, (/op.) hilly, mountainous. moiiture, f., mounting, fitting, setting; wor'.c- manship: fran:e; support; ('man.) mount, nag, hac';, hac':ney; (nor.) armir.g and liuiiij; a ship of 'war; (hnrn.\ headstall (and related parts): ("in. a.* hilt ai:ek plate of a re.-olver; i ne bo'.iclic a ftu, (art.) moldings of a gun: ' liridf. (liarn.) hea-lstrtll: i ,i : . spur clnin, leai her: ilr t : i!, (.v,':i. n. ) . ' i- : tl''"'cnr. (('!'. i o ''"IT'S mount, charivr: jiit'tr , !,;';/.) cl" niiiiu' t^it and small articles ' spoon, conil'. etc. i; dt HU'TI-, (.mi. c. ' hilt ; tie scii . >aw handle. ino(|iu>, f., (C<>rd.) dead-eye, bull's-eye; ji 1'ilira , dead-e;. e. dii^'k; i'i rn'iil, clump !'l' c : ('; tr"-.* trn:i<. o : Ion : three-hnled dead-eyo; fi tro.if, lrui'\, lair lea .er. iiKirailler, v. a , i liif.i. i i<> use a barnacle. Illitraiiles, f. pi., i ''';/-. I barnacle. mo rail lo 11, m., bolt nab, catch; hasp: frrnicr nu , t o h.i^p. c!:i--(': 1 1 t'utr . -\i".''-' i . ha- pan- 1 1 urn-' uc le. moraine, f . moraine; (;/w...i lilli-i of mortar in pise wor . . moral, in., spirit, morale of tn>o]is (.Anglicized into morale;. mordache 280 mortier mordache, f., clamp, vise clamp, vise jaw; tongs, pincers; fi chart/rein, vise clamp; d'ctau, vise claws, vise clamp; ft rirrr, riveting clamp; ft souder, soldering pincers. mordant, in., brass nail or stud; double-pointed brass nail used by saddlers; mordant; (of a file, etc.) cutting power. niordro, v. a. n., to bite; to take bold of, to catch; to corrode; (cord.) to jam, to nip; au cabestan, to ride (one part over another); faire Ic bout, (cord.) to push down the end of a rope under a loop, a turn, etc.; l'hnri-on, to dip; (of the sun); la poiissiere, to bite the dust, to be killed. mortis, m., jaw (of a clamp); cutting or biting edge of nippers, pincers, etc. mordu, p. p., (cord.) jammed, nipped, stuck fast. more, m., Moor; cheral ca/> dc, caved de, , v. s. v. cheval; tile de , (cord.) Turk's head knot. laorcaii, a., m., (hipp.) shining block; horse of shining black coat; hair nosebag. morfil, in., wire edge. morfomlu, (cord.) rolaid rope. mome, m.. (top.) low mountain, small mountain (in tbo French colonies). mornet, m., (top.) hill. mornettc, f., ferule, ring. mors, (harn.) bit; (marh.) jaw, chop; d' illemaiine, sort of bit for refractory horses; a rantiltise, port-mouthed bit, English bit; a branches droites. v. omnibus; de- bride, bridle bit. curb bit; de bridon, smullo bit, watering bit; de bridon-Ucol, snaffle-and-halter l)it; a canon bri.ti', jointed bit, Gorman bit: d canons tordus i n spirales, twisted snaffle bit; dc filet, snafllo bit; a gorge de pijeon, v. ft I'anglaise; fi, arcc, gonrmette, curb bit; fi libcrtf montanie, v. d J'anglaise; macher son , to champ the bit; au miroir, a bit to prevent the protrusion of the tongue; omnibus, straight-branched bit; dter Ic ii. to unt'it; parleur, a bit that the horse must bo con- tinually champing, thus announcing to rider that ho is feeling it: mouthpiece (as in certain kinds nf telephone); ---A pijinpe, curve-branched bit; ]>ren'ire Ii uiif dents, to take the bit in tho ted's: to run away; - rirli . so* ere bit; - it. simple canon brisc, bit with a jointed mouth- pie"O. mort, f., death; nfi-'t dc - . v. ffntenrc dc ; drill, (I'm i loss of all c ivil rights; co>' i) ilc - - , death blow, shot; criai, rtar piece; (mack.) socket or cup to support the work; bain de. , v. s. v. ba>n; baiard, (mas.) mortar composed of good and of poor lime; Mliii chaux etci , solidly built: --blanc, (mas.) mortar made of poor lime; dc campaijne, (art.) field mo:lar; cart a , (fort.) mortar casemate; ---& chaux ctd sable, (mas.) ordinary mortar; de chaux, (ma.s.) lime monar: tie ciment, (max.) cement mortar; ~-cl:iir, (max.) thin mortar; (i In Cm horn, (nrt.) Coehoni mortar; -- - de conti'/is, compass l>,;x: corroi/rr le - -, (m-,ttr, (ball.) I'proiivctte. proof mortar; trial mortar: - -(/riiK. ( wa.O f-.:( morlar: -hydruuiiqut , (max.) h;, draulin mortar, water cement; - limit, (max.) mortar easy to work; - li'jiiide. ( nax.) groining; " - /!>.( , (art.) smoothbore mortar: - n-.n'-.jri . (i/ints. i I !>in mortar ( lai-king in lime); a. ;nnin, v. - ed of mortar; puuzzolaniquc, (inax.) ])o/,/.'iol an-- morlar: n prisi liiilr (jifimi pl( , rnpiil' i. i inn*.) slow ((|iiii-k) set ting mortal': --raiji (nrt.) rilled morttir; a ximdlf, \. d /;/,//<; -de xift/i , (art.) sie^e m^rlar; d xoufllnnt, (max. ) in ;in excess of mortar; --sphiriquc, (art.) Schumami mortar; morticr 281 OMUflettc mortier de terre, (mas.) a generic expression for clay, mud, etc., beaten up and used for rough constructions, or as fire-wall linings, etc. mctrt-sublte, f., (the American) buggy. mort ualre, a. , mortuary, funeral; drop , pall; ntrail , certificate of registry of death. morve, f., (hipp.) glandersj ntteint de , glandered. ' imirvcux, a., (hipp.) glandcred. not. in., word, expression; note, memorandum; ( FT. a.) the countersign, parole; the mot in the French army is composed of two names; the first, known as the mot d'ordre, being the name of some great man or celebrated general, and the second, known as the mot de ralliement, being the name of a battle, of a city, or of some Civic or military virtue; mot alone Is frequently synonymous of mot d'ordre. ' The mot d'ordre is the answer to the chal- lenge of posts, patrols, rounds, and of double sentinels, and is itself answered by the mot de ralliement; the mot de ralliement, used indepen- dently, is the answer to the challenge of single sentinels; both may be translated countersign; v. s. v. avance. avarice au . v. avance d I'ordre, au ralliement; clef, key word (of a cipher); donner le , (mil.) to communicate the counter- sign; de guet, watchword (obs.); d'ordre, v. supra, in definition; (mil. sig.) call word; de passe, password; porter le ,(mil.) to take, transmit, the counter- sign; prtndre le , (mil.) to receive the counter- sign; de ralliement, v. supra, in definition. niotenr, m., (mach.) motor; (elec.) electric motor; a air , pneumatic motor; d w cirjure, hot-air engine, combustion oc- curring in cylinder itself; - d air chau-d, hot-air engine (cylinder sepa- rate from point where heat is developed); iinimi , animal power, living motor (as, man, horse, ox, etc.); as.iervi, A servo-motor; d c'l.irinta alternating , (elec.) alternating- current motor; a courant continu, (elec.) continuous-current motor; d courant rotatoire, (elec.) rotating-current ni t r; - t .1 Icrivation, (elec.) shunt-wound motor; 'Uclriqu.^ , \,clec.) electric motor; a g>iz, gas engine, v. d air carburc; a lii'ltce, screw propeller; h'jdrautique. hydraulic motor; d pitrole, oil engine; - de xcc'jnde main, any motor in which the energy has been stored up; - e n sir it , (ilic.) series-wound motor; t'tcrmique, heat engine; ''urmn-piitu-tuitiyue, hot-air engine using c- 1. :i pressed ;ur: - - i> i ipcur.&ii) steam engine. motriir. a., moving: motive; upp.tnil , motor: ,( -, ilri\ in , a.\i"; fnrcr :ni)tricc. mn< i ve power, prime mover; priir.'ipc , prime mover; rrvmirt , 'id Haling spring; roue ;:iutrict , driving wheel. ni:)tif, in., motive, reivson, consideration; j-'jr xd( fimlHi , stntt , service, etc., on account of family, health, etc. inotte, f., clod, peat, turf, sod; (top.) hillock; (/")"(/.) stone bed or foundation for a stamp mill; ii >>rulrr,i:\n balls, tan turf; d< ill-mi, sod; -dfttrr, .rind; - slack off a rope. moucharabi, moucharaby, m., mouchuraby. mouche, f., fly; small bit of paper; point of an auger, of a 'bit; tuft of hair on under lip, im- perial; spy; (mach.) sun and planet wheels; (fenc.) button of a foil; (t. p.) puster; bull's- eye; (fan.) small cal!< in on the heel of the shoe; (naf.) dispatch or advice boat; abreuroird s, (mil. slang) long, broad wound, made by a cutting weapon; bretonnf, a hippoboscid that attacks horses; chasserles s,(ftnc.) to fence wildly; de chien, v. breton nt; couperdla , (fenc.) to beat off the adversary's blade by a blow near its point; faire , (t. p.) to make a bull's-eye; de fleuret, (fenc.) button; riposter d la , (fenc.) to follow tho couper ft la by a thrust made in the line toward which the adversary's blade has been beaten; du, trepan, point of an earth auger. moucher, v. a., (cord.) to cut off the fag end of a rope; (carp.) to trim smooth the end of a piece of timber. mouchetf, a., speckled, spotted; (hipp.) (!ea- bitten (spots black); cheval , flea-bitten horse: epfe e , sword blunted on point for exercise; fleuret , foil with button on point ; - --truitr. (hipn.) said of a flea-bitten coat. ci>n- taining red and brown spots, as well as black. moucheter, v. a., (cord. ) to mouse a hook: (xn. a., fenc.) to put a button on a sword, on a f il; (fenc.) to hit or reach the adversary with The button of the foil. mouchetiire, f. . ( f tir>p.) slight and superficial scarification; (of the coat) small, round, black spots on the gray and sometimes on the roan (aii'rfre). mourhoir, m., handkerchief; en , (mus.) obliquely; d' instruction, (mil.) handkerchief on vhich are printed various data of tise to the soldier. mouehure, f., waste piece of wood; (cord.) fag end (of a rope, after being cut oil). moudre, v. a., to grind, to mill; (met.) to grind ore. moufette, f. , v. mofrife. nionfle,in., (mit.. ft .) muffle: foununu d , mu'.lle lunv.ice, mill. moutlc, f.. muren; (ro;i,.i anchor, tie iron: (ron/.l tackle, block and fall, (Mricily) sy. inn of pulleys in same shell, but not necessarily on same axis; a block of more t'-nu on- s!-e:r. ; de chirif ">"!, ('ir'.) i.nviini; jectile) hoislim: tackle; tire, (f>rd.) standing Mock, !i\> g:nt . v. s. v. yr't: -,!>,t'iih, (cor/,'. : running Mock: T'i:>,>r -\irltx- ,-, to round in the blocks; srpartr Its , to overhaula tackle; '.'( trriii!t, traveiii'.g pulley, trail pul (trolley). lilouJU-, a., ('',,-(/.) (\tied with, operiled by Tat. niotiflcr, v. a., (anx.) to stremrtlion a wall l>: ties. mouliette, f.. seat or socket uf a bi.rinc bit; -in pi. ^ holders for a soldering irnii: i frJ.) a tackle formed of pulleys of unequal radius. mouillage 282 moulurer inouillaire, m., wetting; depth; anchoring ground, anchorage; anchoring, act of letting go the anchor; au , (of an anchor) ready to let go; tire au - , to ride at anchor, be moored; droit de - , harbor dues; venir au - , to come to anchor. mouille, f.. deep water along the concave bank of a river. mouillts p. p., wet; peri metre , wetted perimeter; surface - e, wetted surface. moulller, v. a., to wet, soak, steep, moisten; to east anchor; to lot go (anchor); to moor; (torp.) to plant torpedoes; c n affourchant, to cast anchor on both sides; - une ancre, to let go anchor; - unc ancre en dedans (en debars), (pont.) to cast the anchor on the near (far) side of the boat, referred to the bank of departure; par rarriere, (war.) to an'-hor by the stern; - en CTimpikre, (nav.) to moor bow and stern; en patte d'oie, (nav.) to moor with (so many) anchors (ahead); un raiisscau, (nav.) to anchor a ship. mouillctte, f., sprinkling brush. mouilluro, f., wetting, sprinkling, moistening. mouluge, m., grinding: (fond.) casting, molding: (ma*. ) brick moulding: (much.) inillwork; (top.) molding, modeling; (cons.) form given to clay; shaped tile; en argile, loam molding; atelier de - , casting shop; en chassis, flask molding; - en coquilles, chill molding; - crcui, hollow casting; - -a. creui peidu, dead molding; d de convert, open sand molding; & la machine, machine molding (brick mold- ing and founding); ft It main, hand molding (brick molding and founding); - mecanique, v. it la machine; au modele, pattern molding; sur plaque, plate molding; an rcnverse, turn molding, rolling over, turn- ing over; en sable, sand casting; en sable etuve, casting, molding, in a stove- dried mold; en sable gran, dry sand mold ing: en sable grim, molding in a moid dried inside by an open fire; en xavlc maigre, green sand molding; -- en .table rerl. \. incers; irioule perdu, v. d creux perdu; petit , (cons.) in France, small size (of roofing tiles); en pldtre, v. coquille; de pot de fusee, (artif.) cylinder former; d renverser, roll-over mold; retourner un , to roll over a mold; en sable gras, dry sand mold; en sable maigre, "green sand mold. motile, p. p., printed; resembling print; m., print; printed matter; print (done with a pen): lettre e, printed letter; letter in imitation of print, moulee, f., swarf, grit produced by wet grinding; writing in imitation of print. mouler, v. a., to mold bricks; (fond.) to cast; to mold; d creui perdu, (fond.) to cast in a dead mold; fautse planche d , (fond.) rolling-over board used in projectile casting; machined, (fond.) molding machine; - une picrre, to trace out, mark out, a stone fur cutting; planche d , (fond.) molding board. moulerlp, f., (fond.) art of founding, of casting; molding shop. mouleur, m., founder, molder; brick molder. moulin, m. , mill; dauges, overshot mill; barrage de. , milidam; d bras, handmill; d c ife, cofifee mill: (mil. slang) a mitrailleuse; canal, .courant, de , race; -d chcvaui, horse mill; d cylindre, rolling mill; de discipline, treadmill; -d eau, water mill; ii teacher, flat ting mill: demoadre, grinding mill; df urine, flour mill; d fil d'archal, wire-drawing mill; - -d forge, ironworks, forge; d marcher, y. de discipline; de maree, tide mill; mealed, de, milistone; - - d meules, rolling mill; (nowd.) incorporating mill; d minerals, ore mill; d pilon. stamping mill; portatif, portable mill; a pots, overshot mill; d poudre, powder mill; . -droitedecdte, middle-shot mill; d sable, sand mill; - d scie, sawmill; dtirer, wire-drawing mill; ii v-innts. undershot mill; d i'1/iiur. Rteain mill; d i'cn!. windmill; d vis, (xm. a.) caliber for polishing F)s.); - -(': biinnl. spun-yarn red; - - - il. ciiecre, (art.) windlass of n gin; fnire It . (art.) to tiirn tli" sp ur:t' in loadinT (obsj; (fcnc.) to make flourishes uiiii a s-.v, ,], elf. iiioulinure, f., gravelly spot (defect.) in st.onc. moulure, f., bonier, molding (ornamental r ilsi'd work;; (art.) gun molding, i. c., rings al nuizzlo or brcefh, or tiotli (old gun:-); (ni'ii^i. ' the form of a cut ting tool (to cut special shapes); d>i bourrc/d, (art.} muz/.le ni"ldi:i.^; - - dc c ulawc, (art.) breech inoldinu; trainee au calibre, (com.) molding obtained by passing a template over the wet plaster. moulurer, v. a., to cut or make a molding. mour 288 mouvcinent mour, ra., (met.) muzzle or nose of a twyer. mourant, en , tapering very gradually; with a very gradual taper. mourlr, v. n.. todie: togoo'it, be extinguished; to stop (as, a bullet or shell); a 'i champ, aulit, d'ltonneur, (mil.) to be ki lied in battle; faire , to put to death. mousquet, m., (ro. a.) musket; ii pierre, flint locic; porter It , to be a soldier; to carry a musket; de rcmpart, wall piece. mousqueta'de, f., (TO. a.) discharge of musketry (obs.); musket shot (obs.). mousquetaire, m., musketeer (obs.). mousqiieterie, f., (.m. a.) musketry; rifle fire; decharge de , volley of musketry. mousqueton, m., (tm. a.) mus'cetoon, carbine; (Fr. a.) short, light, artillery carbine; accrocher le , to slim the carbine; banderole porte , carbine sline; decrocher If , to urisliu;! the carbine; mrttre le a la bot/e, to return the carbine: porte . carbine swi el; d repetition, repeating carbine. mousse, m., (niv.) cabin boy; powder monkey; f., foam; froth; moss; a., dull, blunt. mousson, m., monsoon, time of the monsoons. moust-.iche, f., mustache: (in pi., hipp.) hairs or tui'ts of hair on the upper lip; briil'.r la & quelqu'un, to fire a pistol in one's face; vieillt , (mil.) old soldier, veteran. moutoii, m., sheep; monkey of a pile driver;ram- mer, ram, beetle; punch; (i'i pi.) white-caps (waves t; testing weight ;(fond.) driver (to knock out cores); fi bra*, hand pile driver, three-hand maul; pa ers beetle; cap de , dead-eye; de ctioc, falling weight (used in tests); a cmporte-pie.ce, (hollow) punch; enfoncer un pieit au rrf,is de , to drive a pile till it will go no farthor; Iprcu'-e ft 1 proof (of axlotrees) by dropping a weight : faire le taut de , (man.) to buck; de htiquetti b/'iteau, stud stave; i'i ir.'iin. monkey or driver worked by hand; de mnuleiir, wooden driver; pcau de , sheepskin; de pnnl roulant, upright, stanchion of a brid"o, formed by four-wheeled carriage; rffus de - , "home"; saut de , (man.) buck: dc snnne'te, ram, monkey of a pile driver; ii tiir, drive or monkey working oa a vertical guide rod; a lajii-ur, steam pile driver. moutonnc, p. p., (of clouds) white and fleecy; rounded by glacial action: (of the sea) showing whiteeaps: (hi/>]i.) s'ieep-no-;ed. moutormer, v. n., ;of ( liesoru tos'iow white-caps; (irt.) to jump, th;'a-,h (of gun-; ; mi /)./< iif ','( r, to worm one's self into the coi'sid'-nce of a pri-nner. inoiitoiineux, a., (a t he sea) showing white-caps; (ofr-lo!!,!--) llfcee-likc. mouinre, f., grinding (into Pour). mouvriiit, a., mo. ing; nn ta''lc; in. pi., quick- sand; /"ret- ', nio ing power: n'llt , qnicU-and: >'ii":ing, iliifting, sand; .' rr;iri . slippery gronii'i. niuuxfiuciit, in., inoM'iisi'nt , mot inn; impulse; ai'iidii, aniiii.iiior!, life: , trailic, \ip.ume of trallic: \ariuions in niniibors, in prkvs. etc.: bell crank: (:'> act ion, freedom of the forehand: (top.) undulation of the ground: iiiairf,vi> in! >r move me lit ; -ri' ti'iiiM . rectilinoar un>tio:t; -ri'el. real nioiinn: de rc''':clir, -ilackeniirr motion; -rci '.til . rel.-.tix e mot nm : renr.ii dt , ( iii'ic! .) n:<> i.m; n - ni i!c tl-i tii'tir. ( in n-.'!.) valvo motiini; - - n.'irdi . d'-creasin;: motion: c.i rr/'i,ir. return motion, ret urn stroke: r,-tr-ir-ide, (ni'tch.) b.-.ck stroke, inoiiu!'.: re- vc;se stroke; (mil.) retreat, mo\emeiil to the rear: --- de ri r >lution. revolution: rn't!:f. de ruf.i/i'ii. rotary movement, rota; inn; --{!( rmilix. rdckini: nidMon; viin;ile, simn.'e me in i .1 -iinglo fore- 1 acts.; - ci, u''c, x'iniHtti . ( iti-irh.) lieil crank le\er, .iji'iiit'in- . :t: it din it ic nid-. emeu I : - xtrntiijii/ne, ( in ;.'., > >trategi'- movement: ma- neuver: - - tacti'/iif. (mil.) lact ical mo- ernent : de tamjaye, pitching motion. <>;'a locomotive! mouvement 284 nmr mouvempnt de terrain, (top.) undulation, varia)- tions, (.of the ground); dr.(.t) ttrrt(s). slipping, crumbling (of earth- work); conveying, transporting (of earth; (fort.. T. r.) earthwork, cuts atid (ills; tnn-rnant, (mil.) turning movement, made out of sight of the enemy, and intended to take him in flank or roar (strategic move); ~ de translation, motion of translation; -- nniformc. uniform motion; timformement aceclcre (rrtardc, varied, uni- formly accelerated (retarded, varied) motion; - - de va-et-vient, alternating, reciprocating, motion: rariable accelere (retarde), variable acceler- ated (retarded) motion; varii, varied, variable motion; vertical, vertical motion. mouver, v. n.. dufmid. (of a stream) to flow ai the bottom more rapidly than usual. momoir, v. a., to move, put in motion, drive, impel; ft demcurc, (of a screw) to turn without advancing; faire , to put in motion: to move, sot agoing; en roiid, to wheel, to move round. moye, f., (mas.) soft part of a stone; cavity, flaw, filled with earthy matter. moyf, a., (max.) flawy: picrrc e, stone sawed in two; stone freed of its soft parts. moyeii, m., way, means, medium, expedient, power; (in pi.) means, i. o., riches; (law, in pi.) pleas; t'oir s ct s, ways and means. moyt'ii, a., m., mean, mi idling, middle; mean (e. g., arithmetical, et'-. ; chi'lrc , average, on an average; temps . mean time; ttrme , average, on an average. moycnne, f., mean. mover, v. a., (mas.) to saw a stone in two; to divide a stone along its quarry bed. moyeu, m., nave; nave box; ( mach.) boss; ecoltagt dv , n&''< of the nave; enrayagc du , speec:liing, mortise holes of the nave; civile, (lit.) "star nave," name of peculiar nave in which the spores are connected near nave bv ribs produced under the hammer ( I'orges dc Couzon); gros b per cent tallow, 10 per cent tal>\ . r > per cent lime, with resinous and fatty matters}. mudcr, v. a.. (HOC.) to jibe. in tie, f.. molting. Timer, v. n., to molt. murt, a., dumb, silent; an/its - /i.', (KHI. <;.) arms that remain silent, liiiinb weapons (e. g.. in t'no hands of troops too e\|y;;ist;-d. el'-., to fire tlieiu i; cnr'i - n . a map without legends; tir -. v. s. v. in. imirUc. f.. (St. Cijr xi'iii'i) drill in which cadets purposely tail to ma!;(j tlieir ri.ies ring in order to annoy an unpopular oilicer. iiuiHlc, ;:., (of -hues) squared-: <>,>d. niufle, in., no/; le "f forge 1 llo\vs; band or strap of iron on the t-nd nf a si-.t in : - dt ilicln, tuimiio or iNK-e plate on the end of a piii-h. imicnct, in., jaiinc, v. mat bliinc. niiiid, m.. hogshead. iniiliissc, f.. young mule (male or female). mukihscric, i'.. mule-breeding estaliiishmcnt. mulassler, a. m., mulo breeding; liorse of J'oitou; mulassler, Industrie ere, mule breeding; jument ere, (or, mulassiere simply), mule- breeding mare. mulctcr, v. a., to tine, mulct. mule, f., mule (female); x trarersieres, s traversines, (hipp.) cracked heels. mulct, m., mulo (male); (mil. slang) marine artilleryman; d'afut, (art.) carriage mule; de bagages, baggage mule; dc bat, pack mule; . de cacnlcts, (med.) Utter (cacolet) mule; de caisscs (a munitions), (art.) ammunition mule; de convoi, train mulo: de forge, (art.) forge mule; grand , mule proper (ollspring of the jackass and mare); d'outils, (art.) tool mule (other arms as well); petit , mule (ollspring of the horse and she ass); de piece, (art.) gun mule; de roues, (art.) wheel mule; de sclle, saddle mule, riding mulo. muletier, a., passable by mules, practicable for mules; m., muleteer: route e, road practicable for mules; pack trail. muleton, m., young mule. multangulaire, a multangular. multicycle, m., multicycle. multiple, a., multiple, multiplex; m., multiple; telegraphic , multiplex telegraphy. multipliciiteur, m., multiplier; (elec.) coil, multi- plying coil (of a galvanometer); multiplier; cadre , v. s. v. cadre. multiplication, f., multiplication: gear (of a bicy le). multiplier, v. a., to multiply. multipolaire, a., (elec.) multipolar. municipal, a., municipal; m., soldier of the munici- pal guard; m., municipal ollicials; conscil , town couivil; garde , a member of the (inrde e, a. v.; garde - r, name of the Garde de Paris between ISoOand 1S48. mtiTiir, v. a., to supply, furnish, especially (mil.) to snptily arms, ammunition, warlike stores in general. munition, f., (mil., in pi.) ammunition; provi- sions; stores; s dc bouchc, victuals, food, food supplies; de , regulation; s de grand pare. v. dc. pare d'nrmir: x dc gutrrt', ammunition and other military stores in general; s d'instruction, blank cariridtres; s (It- la liijiie dc. bataille, iii.i; munition in the hands of the troops in the licM; s d( mobilisation, (Fr. a.) small-arms ammu- nition kept iu magazines for issue on mobiliza- tion; pain dc . (mil.) ration bnviil: .? < n/, arry the weight. muiiitioiiiiairc, m., (mil.) commissary (obs.). iiiur, m.. wall; (fine.) salute, prelude of an assault at arms (consisting of conventional disengage- ments and parries, to prepare the hand and the legs, and accompanied by salutes to the adver- sary and to the spectators;; (min.) mine floor; iinir 285 mutation mur en ailet, win;; wall; e n Vair, overhanging wall; d'ajipui, breast wall; nveugle, blind wall; ft bahui, (fort.) semidetached wall, so arranged as to permit firing over it; de bataillc, (met.) tunnel head (in open-top Mast furnaces, a sort of chimney surrounding the charging hole to protect the workmen from the llamos); de bailment, house wall; boucle, bulged or bulging wall (face sepa- rated from the mass); iff cnlagr. (fort.) a sort of supporting wall for the back of a gun platform (top Hush with the platform); i/(n, common wall, party wall; marts -.1, walls of a melting furnace; .f'-ins 7iioijcn, private wall (i. e., not a party wall); orhe, dead wall; nurdi, ill-built wall: l:u r . v. en 1'air; i!t ],:;i lered wall: rifr'ict'Un . lire;. roof \\all; lire wall of a furge: dt nit ml, purl it ion wall; - dt n a: . /'Hi*. - r< nijili (.' I'.'icaiji , de hour- dagi , eolTcr wall; di ri-xi nn-.r, reservoir wall; - en ritour, return wall; mur de revert, back wall; de revetemtnt, revetment wall; sins jour >, sans atUre construction, dead wall; dti sas, lift wall; de separation, \ . de refend; stiutni, v. bouclr; de souUnemcnt. retaining wall: en surplomb, overhanging wall; table de , wall plate; en talus, talute, scarp, slopd wall; de trrraxse, supporting wall of a terrace; de lite, (fort.) head or end wall of a ca'K'mate; tirer at* , (ftnc.) of a bei-inucr, to practice thrusts in quarte and in tierce; f n traverse, erosswall, (sometimes) dwarf wall; de vent, bh: ;t wall of a furnace. murajje, m., masonry- walling; de chauditre, boiler setting. murallle, f., wnll; wall of acity, of a fortress; inar.) side of a ship; (hipp.) wall crust of a horse'* foot; aUaque en , (mil.) charge of cavalry in line without intervals; s de bois, (nav.) "wooden walls"; s de Prussr, artificial inter bed; de rdt'tfmfnt, revetment wall; tirer d la , (fenc.) v. s. v. mur. murafllement, m., walling (especially of gal- leries, shafts, etc.); double , (md.) exterior walls of a blast furnace. muralller, v. a., to wall, to wall in; tosunport by a wall; to line with masonry, (as, a shaft, etc.). mural, a., mural; carte f, (in* I.) wall map: cercle , (inst.) mural circle. murf, p. p., walled, walled up; non- , imwalled; ville f, walled town. mureau, m., (md.) tymp arch. murcr, v. a., to wall, wall up, wall in. mQrier, m., mulberry tree. museau, in., snout, muzzle; nose (of a pipe, etc.); i de I'esxicu, (nar. art.) axle ends; de la tuytrt, (nut.) blast nozzle. muse>,m., museum: d'urti/l/rit, artillery or military museum, collection of arms. miisder, v. a., to muzzle; to gap. silence; an erne, (con!.} to ir.ouse a hook. muselifre, f., mu/zle, noseband. muserolle, f., (/cirri.) noseband. musette, f., no-ebag; pin <-!i: (mil.) haversack, bag; dims.) (a poetic nan.e for; bagjiipe; deC'H-iilitr, (mil.) linisli li-.-j; iit'inyioin, (hum.) rn-.'b;!-: it, iti, /unmade, it i>utisi inrnt, (mil.) groom- iim kit (mounted service!: i'.e i^ro i >r iti', (nil.) clean in.' ' '' . niu>icien, m., nnisici.ni: a/', I.) 1'apdsmaii: I i.t v. i mi!. ' the l>:'.!ii!. f.. music, i mil.) onti'l. r"" : :--e! seuiiiieiu nr .si-t;!i!K r - i.t-. in mutilation 286 nappe mutilation, f.,rautiliation; mainline: castrating. imitilf 1 , ra., ( FT. a.) soldier of A punishment com- pany, sent to it for self-mutilation: rolontaire, (mil.) man who has mutilated himself to escape military service. mutllur, v. a., to mutilate, maim, mangle, cas- trate; fc , (mil.) to mutilate one's self in order to es- cape military service. muMii, a., obstinate, headstrong; (mil.) mu- tinous, seditious; m., (mil. not;.) mutineer; en , mutinously; faire le , to be mutinous, seditious. mutinf, p. p., (mil., etc.) mutinous, seditious, rebellious. inuttncr, v. a., to drive into rebellion, revolt; se , (mil.) to rebel, mutiny. nintlncrle, f., mutiny, revolt; sedition. mil/In, m., (hipp.) cross between the tarpan and the domestic horse. myellte, f., (hipp.) inflammation of the spinal marrow. myope, a., shortsighted. myopic, f. , shortsightedness. myrlagrainine, n., myriagram (10,000 grams). myrlametre, m., myriatneter (10,000 meters). myrlare, in., rnyriare (1 square kilometer). iiabab, m., nabob. nahle, m . , scuttle hole, plug hole of a boat; the plug itself; bouci'on de - , plug. nacelle, f., boat, skirt, dingey; car of a balloon; (pont.) small pontoon boat; mooring boat (U. . A.); Oar.) anchoring boat; dc manniime, (pont.) working boat; ' 'tjimcntaire, (pont.) (so-called) regimental pontoon boat. nadir, m., nadir. nage, f.. swimming; rowing, pulling (a strictly naval term); part of a rowlock on which the oar rests: way through water; boat; crew; pile of rafted timber: A la - , by swimming; alter fi la - , to swim; to row; bane de - , thwart; chef de - , stroke, stroke oar; coup de - , stroke of an oar; donntr la - , to pull tho stroke oar; to set the stroke; etre en - , to be in a sweat; erercice de - , rowing drill; passer il la - , to swim over; perdre la - , to catch a crab; rfgler la - , to set tlie stroke; tfntf de - , boat's awning; tra'-erxer ii la - , to swim over. nuijee, f. . stroke in swimming, distance traveled in ;i ^ingle stroke. luiRC'oire, f.. fin; any inflated vessel used to support a swimmer. iia^er, v. n.. to swim; to float; to row, to pull (a strictly naval term; is also used transitively in t his sense); (man.) to dish: to paddle; - ii I'angjaixe, v. - - de long; - en arriere, to back water; ii couple, to pull double-banked; - fi calcr, cider, to back water; - - delimit ii la lame, to pull bead to sea; - deboutau vent, to pull into the wind; it deux mains, - nrcc deux avirom, - des deni. mains ii la join, to scull; ensemble, to pull together; {:irc - un raixserm , to take a ship in tow; it fuire ahatlre, to pull to leeward; .wr le fcr, to pull against the wind or the stream (e. g., when an anchor fails to hold); - - i!e force, to pull with a will, hard; - lenttment, to pall a long stroke; - dc long, in pull a long stroke; -plat, to feather; (i , en. pninic, In pull a single stroke; fcr, to pull wilhoiit. spla.-.hing. row dry; ft ate, to row uground: to touch the ground with tlie oar; tn i>nsh apiiiist a hank, a wharf, til row dry; (ninn.) to compel a hor'-o to go on throe lo^'s (by tyini" up Die lame one;; - ii 'fire, to p\ill for ttit shore; - ? (' ditf-nt. to pull u short stroke. In commands; 7iage!gi\o way I nager, nage b&bord (tribord)! give way port (star- board); nage en douceur! easy all! nage ensemble! give way together; pull together! nagcii faire abattre! pull to leeward! nagefermel pull away! nage deforce! stretch out; pull hard! nage le. long! bend to your oars! none partoutl give way all! nagc qui cst pan'! pull with oars that are shipped! nage sec! vow dry! nage tribord et scie b&bord! give way starboard; back port! nage ail vent! pull to windward! napenr, m., swimmer, oarsman, rower (a strictly naval term; de I'arritre, stroke oar; de I'avant, bow oar; mattre , swimming teacher. naillc, f., clamp, small iron plate; grandc , iron plate for covering knot holes in a boat plank; mnycnne et petit, small iron plate to cover seams. naissance, f., birth; source, starting point , rririn (conn.) springing line (of an arch); (mas.) tooth; toothing stone; band or strip of plaster; acte de , certificate of birth; de colonne. deffit, (cons.) apophyge; d'enduit, (cons.) plaster dressing (around a window, etc.); ligne dc , (cons.) springing line: .v masculines (feminines), number of boys (girls) born in a given time; nivenn dt , springing level; dcsrairures, (sm. a., art.) origin, start ing point, of the rilling; de voutc, (cons.) springing line of an arch. naissant, a., rising, springing up; (diem.) unseen I; flat . (ehem.) nascent siate; ro'iine , nascent rc'ii (of bodies subjected to heat); n iiitir. v. a., to give security (as, for a deht\ se , to secure one's self. imitissemcnt, m., security (as, for a debt). n iphtazil, m., sort < f natural 1 itiimen. n U'litaline, f., (chrni.) naphthalene. n ij'ble. m., napht 1 ': hiiHr de , naphtha. n ipolt'-on, m., 20-frane piece. n ipi't'. f., sheet ; nappe; uquijrrc, wator-1. caring stratum; - el' niu. sheet of water (both standing and falling); il'i i'i, ."outerraine, soil water; de ijl'ici . sheet t>f ice; p:Tiiffnt, (bull.) name, given to the layers of air iiiimcdiatcly around and displaced by a projectile in motion; dc pcne, bolt nap, catch. narinc 287 navlre narine, (., nostril; fautse , (hipp.) false nostril, a fold of the skin in the nostril. naseau, in., (hipp.) nostril. nasse, f., (met.) small hollow in the floor of a melt- ing furnace. natation, f. . swimming; c( inture de , swimming belt; ecole de , swimming school; o see, preparatory or preliminary swim- ming exercises on dry land nattf, a., (met.) native, nation, f., nation; pavilion de . national flag. national, a., national; m. pi., natives, fellow- countrymen; garde e, national guard; pavilion , national flag. nationality, f., nationality, (by extension) na- tion. natrium, m., sodium, natron, natrum, m., soda, mineral soda. natte, f., mat; plait, plaiting; dunnage mat; (jund.) straw band; d'arrimage, de fardagc, dunnage mat. natter, v. a., to plait, to mat; to plat (as, ahorse's tail); Ic trousseau, (fond.) to cover the spindle with straw. naturalisation, f.. naturalization. naturallser, v. a., to naturalize. nature, f., nature; kind, sort, species; d'ayres . from life, from nature; en , in kind; prendre , (met.) to come to nature; dn terrain, (top.) nature, character, of the ground. naufrage, m.. shipwreck: Jaire , to be shipwrecked; fairefaire , to shipwreck. naufrage', a., shipwrecked, wrecked. naufrageur, m., wrecker. nautique, a., nauti' ul. nautometre, m., (rwt.) log (rare). naval, a., naval; architcete . naval architect; architecture- f, naval architect tire; armie r, f ect , naval forces; the navy; combat . sea fi'zht; conttrnction 1, naval construction, architec- ture; tactufue t, naval tactics. navet, m., turnip. navctte, f., rape seed; shuttle; pis of load; netting needle; (mil.) relief of men in the trenches: fain / t j , to go \<.: k and frrth (like a shut- tle;: to m:;r. h to and fro (eiti.er aimlessly or by design); to ply between a sliip and 'the ,sh"re; -- (.', pl'imb. pi'i ( f le -\:\; - di'.i tracaiiUnry, '/"/'(.) shift of working par- Tiiivicula're, a., navicin ir; i;n!i-f!ie - , (hii>;i.) i: '.icular disease; o.v . (I h '.) navictil.ir bom-. \\,.rel. M-i'-i'-cab'-lUc, i., i'i> i;':-.bilii y; seawr,ri!.incss. r;ivU"iI>lc % , a., li; 1 igaMc; si'.uvi.rli. v (of a ship). n. \'-:. itfiir. in., a.. i\:\\ it-aior. seafaring. na\iu-:.tit)ii, I'.. n->.\ ipiiirn (art. S' iciu-e); navi- g; 'iiiii (!:;:!. tllim; of a shijn; voy. ;;.v. trip fun tl'o sw.s. :i lake. :\ ;ivor, ;i cuiud;; transport of {"K;.!- ; i'V ri\ cr 'ir c;:;:'.l i; ai'.'ii niif, aerial n;i\'i,j''iion. ballooning-; /,.) i-jrc di. g^ind cucif, v. orthodro- iii (/;. ; natrnnnir.iijiit, navigation by observations: nit cuhit'Uji , eo.i^lv. ise tr:!'!c, crust inn t:;.'le: car,tl r' i 1 canal (as distinguished fr-'ML an irrig.itii'ii <-.in .1 ; de c-ip (n ca; . v. - an ea'mtayf; - - C''it i'< - -, navi-Mtion school; (pon/.) boat drill; in escadrt, fleet sailing; navigation ft Testime, dead-reckoning; fluvialt, river navigation; t n haute mer, naut'iriere, navigation on the high seas, foreign trade; ~ in'triturt, inland navigation (lakes, rivers, and canals); journal de , log book; an. long court, v. en haute mer; le long des cotts, v. an cabotage; orthodromique, great-circle sailing; de plaisance, yachting; pl-tne, plane sailing; de riiiere, river navigation; b la sondt, running by the lead; (i rapeur, steam navigation; 6 loiles, sail navigation. navlKiier, v. a. n., to navigate; to sail, handle a ship; to steer; to row a boat: to I e in such and BUcn a trade; to lead a seafaring life; ft 1'a<-entiire, to go in search of freight; to be a 'tramp," to ''tramp;" a , i, cabotage, to bo in the coasting trade; ait commerce, to be in the merchant navy; en compagnie, to sail in consort, to keep to- gether; de conserve, v. en comjtaonie; ii conlrt courant, to sail against the stream; conlre la lame, to head the sea; en conroi, to sail in, under, convoy; en cscadre, to sail in squadron; & restime, to go by dead-reckoning; -ti I'etat, to serve in the national navy; an long ctntrs, to be ia the foreign trade, to sail the high seas; en plcine mer, to sail on the high seas: ilia sonde, to run by the load. navllle, f., name given in Franco to irrigation channels in Lombardy. navlre, m., ship, vessel: sail, bottom. (BUliir.ent is a general term for ship; t , seau is usually a war vessel, and navire a i: : military ship:" bat ran, stands for all small boats, with a special ap}>li ation to steamers.) aba ndon ni . doreli- 1; ( a acier, steel si' ip; d'airf.mert. yacht; -allonyc, lengthened ship; -amiral, flagship; - annexe, tender; - arme en coi/rsr . privateer; arineenguirn, armed vessel (e. g., an armed merchantman); auriliaire, auxiliary steamship; baitif ilottant, i onvict ship; baleinier. whaler; dc bns-bord, a sliip of low free board; - blind? , armored sbi;>: en hois, wooden <''i;>: bombarde, mortar boat; capable de t< ;u'r lit mer, seaworthy vessel: ch'(irbonrti(r, collier; df cliargi . cariro, freight, ship; dciti rno-.tinik steai::er; a co'fre, well-dock ship: - tit ci'i'-'xji, battle ship. >liiT> of tholi::i-: de commerce, tradin 1 :, merc',:a!;t . ve-sel: --fomy.i.vv, cnnijH'Si' '.coin posit i, \ e.-. 1; - -co7i/r,ix.v/ i anuure-1 ship: - -dixarmc, ship w.l of commissii !. i:i oi.li- n iry : double rn a/irrt , copper-hot tnmod ship: - fc'i'.f, ;. h.iol ship, t rainii't; s'-iji; -fC'ilt d'n, . sliin i:i cnnuuission; o board; d hUice, screw steamer; navirc 288 nez navlrea hrlicesjumelles, twin-screw vessel; hopital , hospital ship; d hurricane deck, awning-deck ship; h'jdrographt. surveying vessel; impfopred la. navigation, unseaworthy ship; jiimran, sister ship; lance-torpilles, vessel fitted with torpedo tubes; lege, light ship; aiulong count, foreign-trading vessel; maniable. handy vessel; marchand, v. - de commerce; marchand arme en guerre, armed merchant- man; - man n, - de mer, good sea boat; . miite, steam-and-sail vessel; a n mats, n-masted vessel; - ntutre, neutral vessel; oli! tin - .' ship ahoy! pfcheur, fishing smack; p/nilencier, prison ship; - de plaisir, yacht; - - d pont abri, awning-deck ship; d pont abri partiel, partial awning-deck ship; - pontf, decked vessel; a pontlcger, shell er-deck vessel; d pontlibre, flush-deck ship; a n ponts, ii-deck ship; it pont ras, flush-deck ship; a pont tente, shade-decked ship; - d porques, web-frame ship; porte^faii, v. - de charge; a puits, well-deck ship; de propriety etrangere, foreign bottom; qut a le cote droit (foible, fort), wall-sided (crank, stiff) ship; - - qui fatigued la mer, ship that labors; - qui manque de liaisons, structurally weak ship; ramasse, snug, comfortable, ship; & rones, - d roues d au&fg, paddle steamer. d shelter deck, sheltpr-deck vessel; d spar deck, spar-deck ship; sous-marin, submarine vessel; torpilltur, v. - lance-torpilles; -d tourellfs, turret ship; d transport, transport; -d trois mats, (sometimes) full-rigged ship; d vapeitr, steamer; d rapeur arme en guerre, armed steamer; d I'oiles, sailing vessel; d voiles ft d vipeur, sail-and-stcam vessel; en rue. 'sail hoi nayt-, f., v. naillc. nayor, v. a., to sheathe, to cover a seam. nCimU'iix, a., cloudy, overcast. nf-cessaire, a. m., necessary, needful; what is needful. necessaries; am armfmcnts, (art.} implement and spare parts kit (mountain artillery); d'anncs, (sm. a.) cleaning kit; --de bou-chc a feu, (art.) cleaning and quick- repair kit. lu'vrosi', f. , (hipp., etc.) necrosis; (of cereals) smut. r. ': ritser, v. a., to bring on necrosis. inf. f.. nave; main hall or gallery; r/i fondS . sort, of boat in use on the northern river.- of !" ranee; 'tin 1">'.} ner'.nive; M , i II!K,I. i ne'_'a(ive pruof. n'"- r li'4ciice, f., ni -u'litrrwe: (mil.) neglect of duly; --in i{nicc,(mil.) ii.-gliet onduty. nf-^rier, in., ! IV.T, >l:i\c shij); sla nelee, chasse- - , snowdrift; snowplow of a locomotive; flocon de - , snowflake; monceau de - - , v. amas de - . neig, a., (hipp.) snowflaky (of the coat). nelger, v. n.. to snow. nelgeures, i. pi., (hipp.) small white spots, re- sembling snowflakes, on the coat. neptuiie, m., lock-chamber (of a canal); (nav.) col- lection of charts; marine atlas. nerf, m., sinew; fiber; nervo; (met.) fiber, fibrous texture; (cons.) rib; -- des affaires, money; - de bvuf, ox tendon; - de fer, (met.) fibrous texture of iron after being well forged; - dt, ta guerre, money, sinews of war; -- d'une tente, ridgepole of an awning. nerferer, v. r., (hipp.) to overreach. nerfrferu, m., nerf-ferure, f., (hipp.) over-reach; upper attaint, the contusion or cut produced by overreaching. nervate, m., (harn.) covering of a saddletree with ox tendons. nervC, a., ribbed, braced or stiffened by a nervure or rib. nerver, v. a., to line, cover, with sinews or tendons; (harn.) to line or cover a saddletree with ox tendons. nerve ux, a., (met.) fibrous. iicrvure, f., rib, spline, stem, web, flange, collar; fillet, molding; piping, edging, cording (of a seam); (mach.) feather; (top.) branch, rib of a mountain chain; (carp.) sort of triangular rabbet or groove; (art.) guide, guide clip; (sm. a.) rifling print (on a bullet); guide rib; rail, undercut rail; - (itfricure, (mach.) keyway; -- guide, (sm. a.) guide rib. net, a., clean, pure, unmixed; free from defect; net (of weights and of prices); chcial sain et - , horse warranted sound and free from vice; fairc - , to clean a horse's manger; mettre, au - , v. s. v. mcttre; mise au - , v. s. v. -misc. nettete, f., cleanness; (opt.) sharpness of definition. nettolement, m., cleaning, cleansing; - des grains, separation of foreign matter from grain; cleaning, scouring, of grain. nettoyage, m., cleaning, cleansing, scouring; (met.) pickling; orifice de - , mud hole; robin et dc - , purging cock; trou de , v. orifice de - . nettoyer, v. a., toclean, so >ur.cleanse,wipe; (met.) to picMe; (mil.) to enfilade, to sweep a work with shot; to clear a village, etc., of the enemy; - If terrain, (mil.) to clear the ground of the enemy; - la trancJu'r, (siege) to drive oirt the guard and working parties in the tronch and destroy their works, etc. nettoyeusc. f., cleaning machine. nenf, a., now; cluviil, - , unused horse, fresh horse. neutralisation, f., neutralization; proclamation of neutrality. neutralise! 1 , v. a., to neutralise. iieulralite, f., neutrality; --- arm/e. armed ni'iitrality : declaration df --- , declaration of neutrality; garder, observer, In- ---- , to remain neutral.' nciitre, a., neutral; m. ;>!.. ii"Ui ral sialev; corps - , (dec.) netit ral In .ijy : droit des - *, rights of neutrals, law of neutral- ity; ligne - , (elec.) neutral line (of a magnei i; pai'iHon --- , neutral flag. nfvO, in., glacier snow, fini. ncvrile, f., (hipp.) hypeilrophy of the intcr.st iti.il walls of the nervous organ:-. nez, m., nose: nose (of a bit, etc.); (wiclt., etc.) front end (of a piece, etc.), rn.) water level: de I'eau, level of the water, water line, height of water, surface of water; des cauf, water-mark, -level, -line; d equirre, (inxt.) mason's level; etnfili dt , on a dead level; etablir de , to level: -it fil dc plomb. (inst.} plummet level: -d Hole 1ixe, djiole non-re vrrsible, (intt.) a fixed-bulb level; d fwle. indeprndantf, d fmle rirtrsible, (in*t.) a level with reversible bulb: d finlts rodffx. a level whose bulb is rubbed true \\ ith emery; -tlnttfur, float gauge; -'des hautes eaui, high-water mark; de la haute mir. high-water level; indiratcur de , float, float gauge; indicattiir du, d'cau. ("tram, itc.) water gauge: - djambes, (inst.) striding level; liyne de . level line: -d lunette, (inst.) siirvoyoyor's level: lure. v. d brnili : - dc mac.on, (inst.) mason's level: de la mir, se;i level: -dfmrrcnre. mercury level; mrttre au . to level: mittre dc , to level, bring to a level: nivcau 290 noeud nlveau de pente, inclined plane; (inst.) clinometer, slope Isvel; ii pendule, - b perpendkule, - & plomb, plummet level, carpenter's level; pl.in de -- , datum plane, plane of reference; dr pointage, (art.) Runner's quadrant; potentiel, (elec.) potential level; prendre If - , to take the level; quart dc cnrcle 6, - .quadrant; - rcflectcur, - & rcflciion, (inst.) reflecting level; - - souterrain , soil water; sphirique, (inst.) spherical, circular level; surface de , level surface; d tubedererre, (steam) glass gauge; d visce directf, (inst.) generic term for hand levels; vouant dn - ft bulk d'air, (inst.) eyepiece of a spirit level; - vrai, true level; true, astronomical, horizon. nlvelle. f., (top.) operation of taking or making a level observation. nlveler, v. a., to levl, make level, bring to a level; (surv.) to level, to run a level; - - au demi-cerck, to plumb. % nivclette, f., (surr.) boning rod or stick. iiivclcur, m., leveler. iilvelle, f., in leveling instruments, a line or di- rectrix serving to show when the line of sight is horizontal; a synonym of niveau d, bulk d'air, q. v. nlvellement, m., leveling (i. e., operation of mak- ing flat or level); (surv.) leveling; (cons.) de- termination or establishment of a level line (e. g., for a foundation); baromctrique, (sun 1 .) barometric leveling; - du, caneras general, (surv.) general determi- nation of the differences of level of an area; i>ar cheminement, (surr.) leveling in which the observations are made from different sta- tions by going from station to station; compose, (surv.) operation of getting differ- ence of level oetween two points when several stations have to be taken; au demi-cerck, plumbing; dc detail, (surv.) filling-in level work; direct, (surv.) leveling by horizontal sights; geodf.sique, (surv.) geodetic leveling; - - par I'horizontak, v. - direct: indirect, (surv.) clinometer leveling, leveling by the slope; mire pour - , (inst.) leveling rod; - par les pentcs. v. -- indirect; - proprement dit, v. - direct; - par rayonnement, (surv.) leveling from a cen- tral point or station; o een two points from one sta- tion; - - to/iographique. (surv.) operation in which dif- ferences of level are got by measuring angles of slope; -- tri'jonometrique, (surv.) trigonometric level- ing; - parvisteshorizontalcs, (surv.) Y leveling, level- ing by horizontal sights; par visits suivant la pente, (surv.) leveling by sights parallel to the slope. nobC'lite, f., (eipl.) a name for dynamite (from the inventor, A. Nobel). nccud, m.. knot; knot (in wood); node; (cord.) knot, tie, bend, hitch; (nar. ) knot (rate); (mil.) key (of a position); (to]i.) plateau from which radi- ate subsidiary chains; d'agui. bowline bend; d'agui fi elingur. bowline: d'agui & elinguc double, bowline on a bight; d'ajus, d'iijut, bend; Carrick bend; granny knot; (i/lrmand, figure-of-eight knot; - d'amarrage. hitch, tie, lashing; d'amarrage en (trite, seizing; d'amarraae d fmiet, tail block with a rolling hitch, and the end stopped up; simple, (mrv.) operation of getting differ- ence of level betw nceud d'amarrageh plat, lashing; pour amarrer, mooring knot; d'amour, (artif.) firework of 3 wheels at the vertices of a triangle; d'ancre, anchor knot; fishermen's bend; anglais, fisherman's knot; d'anguilk, timber hitch; running bowline; d'ariiftce, (art.) choking knot (for cartridge bag); d'artificier, clove hitch; d artificier double, a clove hitch with the free end passed through one of the loops; de batelier, clove hitch; midshipman hitch; de bee d'oiseau, v. d plein poing; de bois, timber hitch; de bois et barbouquet, towing hitch; df bombardier, bombardier s knot, (German) jar knot; de bosse, stopper knot; & boucle, bowknot, slipknot, drawknot; de bouline, slip clinch; de bouline douok, double slip clinch; de bouline simple, single slip clinch; de cabestan, bowline; de capcluge, masthead knot; - de chalne, chain knot; dc chaise, bowline; de chaise de, calfat, a sort of double bowline; de chaise double, bowline on a bight; a doutlo bowline (i. e., a double-looped bowline); de chaise simple, bowline, standing bowline knot; de charrue, plowman's knot; commun, overhand knot; de communication, (in gen.) focus or center r,f communication; cnulant, noose, slip, running knot; rolling hitch; coulant simple, slipknot, running knot; coulant sur double clef, timber hitch; courant, running knot; de croc de palan. Dlack wall hitch; de croc de palan double, double black wall hitch; cul-de-porc, single wall knot; cut-de-porc couronne, crowned wall knot; cul-de-porc couronne avec une passe double, double crown knot; cul-de-porc double, double wall knot; cul-de-porc simple,, single wall knot; defaire un , to undo a knot; demi , overhand knot; demi-clef, half hitch; de demi-clef s, clove hitch; desserrer un , to loosen a knot; double, double knot; bowline on a bight; double fixe, rolling hitch; double, de tirc-vcille, double diamond knot; - - de dri.sse, midshipman hitch; de drisse dc bonnetle, studding-sail bend; droit, reef knot, square knot; droit game, a slip square knot, drawknot, bowknot; ecole des s, cordage drill; d'ecoute, sheet bend, hawser bend ; - d'ecoute double, double sheet bend; d'ecoute simple, singlesheet bend; delingue, standing Dowhne knot; - d'epaule, (iinif.) shoulder knot; d'epe.e, (unif.) sword knot; d'epissoir, martin-spike kitch; d'e.talingure de cable, cable ( linfh; d'ctalingnrcdeqrelin, fisherman's bend; faire des- -a, to tie knots; faire un , to make, tie, a knot; faire un & boucle, to tie in a bow; faire, un serre &, to tie hard and fast to; faux , granny knot; de fil (de) caret, rope-yarn knot; filer (taut dc) s, (nav'.'j to go, make, so many knots; de filet, fisherman's bend; en forme d'un huit. figure-of-eight knot; defouet, rolling hitch; de galerc, martin-spike hitch; drag-rope knot; inn id 291 non-disponible noeud de galire double, harness knot or hitch; 4, avec le, garrot, (pont.) rack lashing; glissant, running hitch; de grappin, fisherman's bend; de grefe, cut splice; de griffe, bill hitch; degueule de loup, cat's-paw; de gueule de rate, cat's-paw; d u hart, (siege) withy knot of a fascine; de hauban, shroud knot; de hauban double, double shroud knot; de hauban simple, single shroud knot; hongrois, (ham.) cinch knot or lashing; (unif.) Austrian knot ; dejambe de chien, sheep shank, dog shank; de jointure, bend; lache, loose knot; Idcher un , to loosen a knot; de loch, (nav.) log-line knot; de ma petite snur, granny knot; marin, Carrick bend; d'organeau, clove hitch with free end seized to standing part; anchor-ring knot; d'orin, buoy-rope knot; de p,?/an,tac:-ie hitch (to fasten the hook el a tackle to a cable); de passe, generic term for any knot requiring the strands to be unlaid; splice; de patte de chat, black wall hitch; en pattes d'nie, Maznus hitch and two half hitches (mooring knot); de pecheur, fisherman's bend; plat, reef knot, square knot; Carrick bend; a plein poing, loop knot; hawser bend; depontet, (sm.a.)foot, knob, of trigger guard; de poupee, mooring knot; Magnus hitch; - de prolonge, (art.) prolonged knot; de rSne, (harn.) sliding loop; de ride, Matthew Walker's knot; de ride double, double Matthew Walker's knot; de ride simple, single Matthew Walker's knot; de routes, (top.) point of junction of several roads; de saignee, (hipp.) artificer's knot, so called because used in closing a vein after bleeding; serrc, hard knot; simple, single, simple, overhand knot; - simples, ordinary, simple, knots; simple boucle, drawknot; simple ganse, draw thumb-knot, slipknot, drag-rope knot; - simple de tire-veille, single diamond knot; de soldat, granny knot; de tire-veille, diamond knot; - de tisserand, weaver's knot, sheet bend, single bend; tors, granny knot; de tresillon, marlin-spike hitch; - de vache, granny knot; Carrick bend; vicieux, dead knot in wood; de voleur, thief knot. tioir, a., black: (of the weather) threatening, dark; (curd.) tarred; m., black, mourning; negro, black; (t. p.) bull's-eye; d'AUemagne, German black, Frankfort Mack; animal, animal black, bone black; ble , buckwheat: de charbon, coal black; de Chine, China (India) ink; d'Expagne, cork black, Spanish black; fonte e , (met.) cast iron; franc, (hipp.) uniform black coat (without reflection); defumre, lampblack; defumre calcinr, burnt lampblack; df houille, coal black; d' impression, Frankfort black; d'iroire, ivory black; jain, jayet, (hipp.) jet black, with bril- liant reft ectlon. glossy black; de lampe, lampblack; nolr mal teinl. (hipp.) dull black, rusty black; mineral, mineral black; d'oi, bone black; pain . black bread; de peche, peach black; pie , (hipp.) black and white; de platine, platinum black; point , small black cloud announcing a storm; vegetal, vegetable coal. iioirrlr, v. a. r., to make black; to blacken, darken; to smoke; (of the weather ) to grow dark, threat- ening; to lower, become cloudy; (fond.) to black wash, nolrclssement, in., blackening; (fond.) black washing. nolrclssure, f., black spot. noisette, f., little nut; casser la , (hipp.) to agitate the lower lip rap- idly. nob, f.,nut; plug (of a cock); drum, head (of a cap- stan); (cons.) semicircular groove (as of a win- dow stile); tongue fitting into such a groove; (srn. a.) cocking notch; lower part of cocking piece; cocking-piece nose; cocking piece, cocking nut; tumbler; (r.f. art.) tumbler; (mach.) chain pulley; de cabestan, head of a capstan; eicentrique en forme de cceur, (mach.) heart wheel; de galle, gall nut; de platine, (sm. a.) tumbler of a gunlock; de robinet, plug of a cock; treuild , chain winch; vis de , (sm. a.) tumbler pin. nolet, m., v. none. nolis, m.. freight (by sea); price of transportation (a Mediterranean term). iioli.su t cur, m., charterer. nollser, v. a., to charter a ship. I nolissement, in. , chartering of a vessel. noni, m., name, fame, celebrity; de guerre, nickname. nonibre, m., number; abstrait. abstract number; cardinal, cardinal number; concret, concrete number; entier, whole number; impair, odd number; ordinal, d'ordre, ordinal number; pair, even number: -premier, prime number; rond, round number. nombrer, v. a., to number; to count, enumerate. nombreux, a., numerous. nomenclature, f., nomenclature, list; frit de , published, list . price. nominal, a., nominal (of eilect, horsepower, etc.;. iioniinaiif, a., nominative; etat , list (of names); Hate rr, list of names. nomination, f., (mil., etc.) appointment: nomina- tion; right of nomination; d la de , in the appointment, gift, of iiommer, v. a., to name: to appoint, to promote. non-activite, f., (mil.) state oi being detached from active- duty, of being on waiting orders (said of officers whose corps are disbanded, who return from captivity, whose functions: are canceled, etc.); (as a punishment) suspension: mettreen , to put on waiting orders: to relievo from active duty; fas a punishment) to suspend; par retrait d'emploi. ( 1'r. a. ) suspension not to exceed three years, at the expiration < f which period a constil d'enqnfte declares whether ttie olficer shall be, discharged or not; par suspension d'emplni, ( l-'r. a.) suspension, no substitute being appointed for a year, before the expiration of which the officer may be re- stored to duty. non-combattant, m., (mil.) noncoinbatant. non-conducteur, in., a., (rice.) nonconductor. noii-dl.sponible, a., m., v. s. v. disponiblt. 292 nu non-exercp, a., (Fr. a.) green, untrained (said of men that have not had at least three months' active service). nonius, in., (in*/.) vernier; nonius. lion-lieu, m., (tow) quashing of an indictment, nnllf prosfgui; ordonnancc de , (law) order to quash a case. non-valrur, f., deficiency, waste; bad debt, worth- loss paper: (mil.) any person deducted for any reason whatever from the effective fighting strength (e. g., orderlies, man who does not report with Ms class of the contingent). noquet, m., (con*.) gutter lead; Hashing, apron. nord, m., north, the north, north wind; north point; du compas, compass north, north by com- pass; fiirt le , (nay.) to run north; magnctique, magnetic north; du monde, v. rrai; pirdre le , (nav.) to lose the course; vrai, true north. noria, f., noria, chain of buckets, chain pump, normal, a., normal, standard; bougie e, (dec.) standard candle; ccaricmcnt , (r. r.) standard gauge; lignc e, normal line. iiormale, f., normal, normal line. nostalgic, f., nostalgia, homesickness; del' epaulette, (mil.) hankering for the service, longing to be in the service again. notable, a., m., notable, noteworthy; principal personage (e. g., of a town or of a commune); idoine, (adm.) expert, who pronounces in certain cases of differences between contractors and government. notaire, m., notary. notarial, a., notarial. notarial, m.. functions, duties, of a notary. noturie 1 , a., done by a notary, sworn to and sub- scribed before a notary; acte , v. s. v. acle. note, f., note; (musical) note; memorandum; mark (of standing in schools); rating of professional standing (as of officers); bill; diplomatic com- munication; des aiarics, average statement; ministeriellc, (mil.) war department memo- randum. iioter, v. a., to note, note down; to take (as the time from a chronometer), notification, f., notification; notice; de blocus generate, (ou) diplomatique, notice of blockade sent to governments; dc blucus locale, notice of blockade sent to place to be blockaded; de blocus spcciale, notice of blockade given to ships in port, or making the port. none, f., pasture land; low-lying meadow; (cons.) valley (of a roof); pantile, gutter tile, gutter stone; valley rafter; cornitre, (cons.) valley of a roof. nouemeilt, m., knotting. nouer, v. a., (cord.) to tie, hitch, lash, bend; d(,i intelligences avec icnnnni, anc la place, to establish seeret communication with an enemy or with a besieged town. nonet, in., a synonym of mastigadour, q. v. noiirttp, f., (cons.) hip tile. iioiieux, a., knotty, gnarled, full of knots. noulet, m., (cons'.) valley of a roof, gutter of a roof; chevron, chevron a . valley rafter. nourri, p. p., fed. sustained; full, tliick laid; (of l IIP wind) steady and strong; (of clouds) passing freely; (art., sm. a.) steady, well-delivered (of (ire). nourrirp, f., nurse: (much.) small auxiliary pump i attached to some hydraulic machines; called also nitre ). iiourrir, v. a., to f"cd, maintain, keep up, supply, cherish, enterl ,;iti : - I'l pita, (wet. i to feed (lie piece. nourri^;iirc, rn.. f'"!iti: r , f .Pening; dis i'unpi.". < 'uc.) feeding. nourrisseur, cow keeper; tuyau , feed pipe. nourriturp, f., food; nourishment; diet; sub- sistence of men, horses, etc.; de cheval, horse feed. nouveau, a., new; fresh; inexperienced; raw; module, latest, most recent, model; dies troupes, fresh troops. nouvelle, f., news, intelligence, tidings; envoijer aux s, to send out for intelligence. novembre 33, (mil. slang) officer or n. c. o. who sticks close to regulations. novice, m., youngster; novice; apprentice; (nav.) ordinary seaman. noyau, m., heart, core, nucleus; knot, group; groundwork, origin; chosen, select, band; (tech.) plug (of a cock); stem, shank (of a screw, of a bolt); nave (of a fly wheel); (cons.) newel of a staircase (both solid and hollow); (fond.) core, former; (sm. a.) core (of a jacketed bullet); (ball.) central part of a group of hits (containing the better half of the hits); (powd.) small ir- regular lump (becomes spherical in process of manufacture); (fort.) central position or fort; the enceinte of a place & forts detaches; (mil. slang) recruit; arbrefj, , (fond.) core bar, core spindle; boite d , (fond.) core box; central, (fort.) town surrounded by ah enceinte (said of modern system of detached forts); en corde, (cons.) a newel with a spiral hand rail; enveloppc elu , (ball.) in a sheaf of trajectories. the part surrounding the de la gerbe, and containing 40 per cent of hits; d'escalier. (com.) newel; de fond, (cons.) continuous newel; fusant, (artif.) core (as of a Bickford fuse); de la gerbe, (ball.) in a sheaf of trajectories, that part (nearest the axis) containing 50 per cent of tne hits; de moule, (fond.) core of a mold; d'un robinit, plug of a cock; sable h , (fond.) core sand; suspcndu, (cons.) interrupted newel; d'une vis, stem of a screw. noye, p. p., drowned; ruined; clouded; (tech.) let in Hush; (nor.) hull down; (nav. art.) too low (of the battery), too near the water; dans, (mas.) bedded in. noyer, m., nut, walnut (wood and tree); noir, black walnut. noyer, v. a. r., to drown; to flood; to inundate, deluge, swamp; to confuse colors; (tech.) to countersink; to let in, to sink in (as one piece into another); (meis.) to bed in (as in concrete); la chauz, (mas.) to ovcrslack lime: un clou, to countersink a nail; Ics poiidret- 1 , (mil.) to Hood a magazine; le rivet, (farr.) to clinch a horseshoe nail; la soute mix poiidrta, (nav.) to flood the magazine; to scuttle a ?u'lls<|iir, m., obelisk. <>!>!T, in., snowball tree, guelder rose. object if, a., (mil. , opt.) oiijecli . e; l>jne re, (mil.) line to the objective; n -re , (opt.) object glass. objni[io.ii., built-up lens. ol\iec( glass; diaphratimc an In, (pnnt.) lens in which the ratio of diaphragm opening to focal distance is \:n; duiiblr, doublet Ions; d', : irih>i'Jii, object glass of a field signaling apparatus; fi yrnnd ati'ilr, grand angulaire, (phot.) v i'!e-aiii:le lens: iiriiifii*il, (mil.) the final objective, the ob- jecthe projM'r; objectlf rectilineaire, (phot.) rectilinear objective; Tcctiliniaire grand angle, (phot.) vride-angle rectilinear lens; secondaire, (mil.) intermediate objeclive, one necessary to curry out tl'.o prinfijial; simple, (opt.) simple ol>jecti\ e: rerre d' , (opt.) objective. objet, in., object, thin;:: sde co ?wom/7ioto;i, expendable articles, stores; v hnrx de merrier, condemned, unserviceable articles: x otivris, prepared art ides: s dt rtchanyi, spare parts. obllftatalre, in.. ImiKlholdcr. obligation, f., obligation; bond (e. p., a railroad bond); an Kircicc militain, (mil.) liability to military service. obllij uaiiRle, a., oblii|ue-angled. oblin charge, empty, unloaded shell; non creve, blind shell; oblong, oblong shell; oyival, ogivo-cylindrique, ogival shell; a ogive vissee, a shell whose ogive is screwed on to the body; ordinaire, common shell; ordinaire enfonte, common cast-iron shell; ii percussion, percutant, percussion shell; de perforation, armor-piercing shell; fi pelrole, petroleum (incendiary) shell; pierritr, stone fougasso; de rupture, armor-piercing shell: battering shell; h segments, segment shell; en un scul morceau, shell mad* in one piece; shrapnel, & la shrapnel, shrapnel shell; a tenons, studded shell (the studs, tenons, are circular, obs.); tfte de-mort, v. incendiaire: it trte plate, flat-headed shell; -turpille, torpedo shell. obuscr, v. a., (art.) to shell. obuslcr, m., (art.) howitzer, shell gun; de camjtagne, field howitzer: cuirax.ie, armored howitzer (armored mount); lix.tr, smoothbore howitzer; rayr, rilled howitzer; ii tir raputr, rapid-lire howitzer. occasion, f., opportunity; occasion; occurrence; (mil.) engagement, light (obs.). Occident, m., west, the west; a I' , westward; d'ite (d'hirrr), point where the sun appears to sot on the longest (shortest) day of the year. occidental, a., western, westerly, west. occlure, v. a., (chem., met.) to occlude. occlusion, f., (chem., met.) occlusion; (steam) cut- oil. occultuteur, m., cut-oil, screen (as in a searchlight). occupation, f. , occupation; (mil.) seizure, occupa- tion, of a country, o;' a position; (tech.) in a joint, thesurface that feceh es the 060 at, q . v., bearing surface; arm ee (brigade , corps) d' , (mil. ) army (brigade, corps) of occupation; (more narrowly) an army occupying a friendly or allied country (as a guard against surprise, invasion, etc.). occuper, v. a., to occupy; to employ; (mil.) to occu- py (a position, etc.). ocfcm, m., ocean; (especially to Frenchmen) the Atlantic; grand , the Pacific Ocean. ocre, f., ocher: brunt, brown ocher; -jaunc, yellow ocher, ininer.il yellow, limonite; rouge, red ocher (Spanish red, Venetian red;. octant, m., (in*/.) octant. octave, f.,(fenc.) octa e parry. octORone, m., octagon; (fort.) an eight-bastioned work. octroi, m., town dues (municipal tariff); office where such dues are paid; personnel charged with the collection of these dues. oculaire, a., ocular; m. (opt.) eyepiece, eyeglass, ocular; compose, (op!.) built-up ocular; negatif, (opt.) negative ocular; positif, (opt.) positive ocular. odometre, m., (inst.) odometer. cell, m., eye: opening, mouth, hole; loop (as of a drag chain;; re.ofing eye; (mach., tech.) opening, eye, aperture, hole (in a great variety of appli- cations); (cord.) eye, loop; (harn.) eye (of a bit, etc.); (rt>7!.f.) any smallopening; (art.) fuse hole; (met.) tap hole; hi' , by the eye; d'ancre, eye of an anchor; oi-oir I' augttet, to be on t he lookout; dc I'arbre de manivelle, (mach.) large eye of a crank; de.i attdles, (harn.) hames ring; de Ixtuf, (hip/>.) gross eye, bo> ine eye; dc-breuf, bull's-eye window; bull's-eye, in hot countries, small cloud appearing suddenly and announcing a tornado: scar or wound in a tree (produced by a rotten branch): water gall, weather gall; wooden tra\ eler (the plural is aeils-de-bceuf); de charnitre, hinge-bolt hole: d'une chkcre, opening for the passage of the ropes; de cocJion, (hipp.) small eye, pig eye; dc coulee (met.) tap hole; coup d' , survey, view, glanoe, peep; coup d' mililnire, (mil.) ability to take in a military situation at a glance, to recognize possibilities of a position, eye for ground; coin'crt, v. de cochon; - drd'jipf, (roH..)eye of a dome: d'un itau, screw hole of a vise; ftre sur /' ( man.) to shy : d'un f trier, (harn.) stirrup eye; iilaflamande, (cord.) l-'leniish eye, madooye; fondre par I' , (nut.) to melt without closing t he Hp hole: drgrichtttr. (."m. a.) sear hole; (/( gaine, tack of a flag; dt galtrir. (min.) entrance of a caller y; yrund - de la manivelle, (mach.) largo eyo of I he crank; gran, \ . de cochnn ; (/rot, v de biruf; de manivelle, (mach.) small eye of a crank ; hnutenr de I' , height of t he eye; - d'une grue, opening for the passaize of the ropes, the chains; de martcau.?\'p or socket of a hammer: d'une mettle, ye oi a millstone; du mnrtt. (liani. ) eye of a bit ; d'abun, (art.) fuse hole; petit, v. (/< cochnn; de pie, (cord.) reefing eye; eyelet ; ceil 296 offlci?r (Ell du pivot df la bride, (sm. a.) pivot hole of the tumbler bridle of 11 gunloek; -~dt pont, weeper of abridge; de rout, nave hole; (1 foe, (art.) plus-lever cam eve, tappet eye; . dc la tuyere, (met.) twyer hole; vuiron, (hipp.) wall-eye; du rent, wind's eye; it rue d' , by the eye, by sight. cclllard, in., middle-sized grindstone: eye of a mill- stone; opening for the shaft of a mill; aspirating mouth (of a ventilator); - moitif. (in a ventilator) opening whose diam- eter is one-half the diameter of the wheel; - - au quart, (in a ventilator) opening whose diameter is one-fourth thediameter of the wheel. celllorp, f., canine tooth: eyetooth; (harn.) blinder, 1 'linker; blind; eyeflap; dent , eyetooth. (riiict, m., eye, eyehole: eye of a bolt; (cord.) eye; eyelet; eyelet hole; thimble; d'amdrrage, (cord.) lashing eye; de I'ancre, anchor-stock eye: artiflciel, (cord.) Flemish eye; bague d'- , grommet of an eyelet; d'un bouion. eye of a bolt; coulant, roller stud (sort of stud pierced by an eyelet containing a small roller); episse, (cord.) eye-splice: d'estrope, eye of a block strap; d ttai, eye of a stay: de fer, eye of a bolt; ft la flamande, v. artiHcicl; de pavilion, tack of a flag; de poulie, eye, of a block strap; rond, (cord.) half a crown; de voilier, (cord.) reefing eye. oellleton, m., (art., (sm. a.} eyehole, peephole (of a sight); (inst.) eyehole of a telescope. oestre, m., gadfly, oeuf, m.,egg; cmtrbe rn . (steam) slide-valve diagram; electrique, (dec.) electric egg. oeuvre, f., work, pie-'O of work, fabric; o V , at work; (mil.) in action; alclicr dt grosses s, (nav.)that part of an arsenal where capstans and other heavy pieces are made; s blanches, tool-maker's cutting tools; buis d'- -, construction timber; en , at work (being worked at); s citirifurcs, (nor.) outboard works; s intericurcs, (ma.) inboard works; main d' , v. main d'ceutre; ' ntnitre dcs s, foreman; metlre b, /' . to put to work; ncttrc (n . to employ (a workman); to utilize; ( inns.) to set a stone; mortcs. (nav.) deadworks, upper works; pisec, cofferwork, cobwork; earthwork; pise work ; - riven, (fort.) generic term for working parts of a fort (guns, emplacements, magazines, el':.); (nav.) lower works. oeuvre, in., construction, building; (met.) argentif- erous lead; dans , inside of the building; inside measure- ment; grux - --. (cons.) the heaviest walls; ti'irs - , exterior measurement; Imrx d' . outside of the main walls; outside measurement: pnm-'ting, bulging out; ht'Tf-d' . a projecting construe 1 ! ion; outwork; ./ j'ttr hurts (/' . \n project, bulge out ; mi sure it/nix (h<>rx, horn d' ) , in.sido (outside) measurement; mi surer dans (h'trs. hurs d') , to take an inside (outside; measurement : d. />ird d' . at hand, in the neighborhood (of the work to be done, i; rc/iri ndn sons - . rriirtndrr rn fous . (cons.) to underpin, rebuild from the foundation; to alter the groundwork; reprints i n situs . ( runs.) repairing, rebuilding, alteration, of foundations; ceuvre, sous , (cons.) underpinning, shoring up, foundation; en sous , (cons.) at the foundation. offoiislf. a., (mil.) offensive; (torp.) ready to act; armes s, offensive weapons, weapons of offense; guerre ve, offensive war; retour , counterstroke, return stroke; traite , offensive treaty; traite et dcfensif, offensive and defensive treaty. offensive, f., (mil.) offensive; garder I' , to remain on the offensive; prendre I' , to assume the offensive. office, m.. duty, employment; service: divine serv- ice; turn, functions; diplomatic note, paper; bureau; d' , officially, by virtue of one s office; sponta- neously, of one's own accord; divin, divine service, public worship: faire I' de, to perform the service, functions, duty of. officiant, m., officiating chaplain, clergyman. offlciel, a., official; bulletin , v. s. v. bulletin; journal , v. s. \.journal. offlcier, v. n., to perform divine service, to officiate. offlcier, m., officer; official; lowest grade but one in the Legion of Honor; (mil., nav.) officer; d' Academie, in France, person that has re- ceived the decoration known as the palmis acadi miqucs , q. v.; acheteur, member of a horse-purchasing board; - - tn activite (de service), officer on the active list; adjoint & 1'habUlcment, (Fr. a.) assistant of the capitainc d'habillcment. q. v.; d'aaministration, ( Fr. a.) officer in charge of an administrative department, or who assists the head or director of a department in his accounts and papers. Administrative officers serve in three services the intendance, military justice, and hospitals and enjoy the privileges of officers proper. The grades are d'ad min- istration principal, d'administration de Ire (2e) classe, d' administration adjoint de Ire (Se) classe, and have no assimilation with mili- tary grades proper except as to pay and retire- ment (from major to second lieutenant); d'adminislration grcffifr, v. d' administra- tion de la justice militairc; d' administration de la justice militaire, ( Fr. a.) administrative official of military courts ( d'administration griffur, or greflicr, q. v.) and of military prisons; d'administration du services d(s hdpitauz, (Fr. a.) official in charge of accounts, etc., of sanitary establishments, under the orders of the medical officer; d'administration du strvice de I' intendance, ( Fr. a.) accountant or administrative ollichil of the intendance (serves in the bureaus of the in- ti ndancc, in the subsistence, and in the clothing departments); - - iimiral. (n i>\) (lag officer: - -d'approvisionnement, ( FT. a.) subsistence officer of a regiment; regimental commissary officer (U. S. A.); - -d'arnu mi nt, ( Fr. n.) the assistant of thecopi- taiiif d'habiUtmi nt in matters relating to the arms and ammunition nf a regiment (almost the same as acting orduam-o officer, L r . S. A., in some rospc'-ls); auL -x, officers' call; - -aviiliairr. ( Fr. inn ) an officer of the mer- chant navy serving in the war navy as a com- plementary or auxiliary officer; has -. noncommissioned officer; de la li'itltrii , (nav.) officer in charge of the gun deck; --bliu, auxiliary, supernumerary officer who takes another's turn of duty when sick or absent s du bord, (nav.) ship's officers; offlcler 297 ogive offtrler en bourgeois, v. en civil; brevete, officer with staff certificate: officer who has passed the staff college (English army); cinonnier, (nav.) gunnery lieutenant; de caserncment. (Fr. a.) officer who acts as barrack master (the color bearer;; charge du dltail , (nav.) executive officer; -Charge, du materiel d'artUlerie, (nav.) gunnery lieutenant; (charge) des montres, (nav.) navigator, navi- gating officer; chef d'attaque, (sieae) in each attack, an officer charged with the direction of the work, with the execution of the orders of the engineer in chief; ciril, functionary or official of the civil service; en civil , officer in mufti; commandant, commanding officer; de compagnie, company officer ; co m ptable , accountant officer ; de corps, de corps de troupe, regimental officer, line officer; corps d' s, the whole body of officers (of the army and the navy); corps de pompe, (mil. slang) officer well up in scientific and technical subjects; corps dts s de sante, medical staff; de deini-batterie, officer in direct charge of a half battery (police, discipline, etc.); . en demi-soide, officer on half pay ; demissionnaire , officer who has resigned; descendant de garde, officer coining, marching, off guard: de detail , v. s. v. detail; du detail general, (nav.) executive officer; - -en disponibiliti, officer unattached, on wait- ing orders; de distribution, issuing officer; fleve, eleve , student officer; de I' almrx acadimiques, the lower of which is d'Academie. de jnur, oilicer of the day, orderly officer of the day; tie j i! slice . police official; d< In I.Sgion d'hmiiuar, lowest grade but one in the Legion of Honor; at loqtiniiit, v. s. v. loacmmt; itt rnajorite, (nav.) ollicer on the admiral's stalT; di mani uire, (nor.) officer of the deck; de mariiK , de la mm int. uavul ollicer (of the line only); ninriiiiir, (nai.) warrant officer; niiirchand, merchant captain; iiiicanicien, (nar.) engineer ollicer: inililnire, combatant, as distinguished from an administrative oilii'er; /' - le mains anciin (<'lir<'), the junior officer;d; - mmitnnt de garde, officer marching on guar - inonti, mounted ollicer; ofAcler d'ordonnance, orderly officer, aido-de-camp (nav.) Hag lieutenant; de paii, justice of the peace; parlementaire, officer bearing or with a flag of truce; pa'ifur, paymaster; (mil. slang) comrade who treats the company to drink; de peloton, officer iu direct charge of a pla- toon (police, discipline, etc. i; I' le plus ancien, I' le plus ancien dans le grade It plus llcve, the senior officer; de police, police official; de port, officer in charge of a dockyard, dock master; porte-drapeau, color bearer; paste d' , v. garde d' , supra; premier , first mate (commercial navy); de prise, (nav.) officer in command of a pri/.e; dc quart, (nai.) watch officer; de recrutement, recruiting officer; rf forme, half-pay ofliccr; ri former un . to put an officer on half pay; de reserve, (Fr. a.) an officer of the reserve of the active army; en rttraite, retraite, retired officer; de ronde, officer on rounds; -sans troupe, (Fr. a.) officer who has not under his direct orders an organic troop unit; officer holding a staff appointment; de sante, health officer; quarantine officer; (mil.) medical ollicer; en second, (nut-.) executive officer; de stmaine, officer on duty for the week; en strre-file, supernumerary officer; file closer; de seriice, officer on duty, on duty for the day; orderly officer: du service d'etat-major, staff officer; du service de sante, (Fr. a.) medical officer (includes surgeons, apothecaries, and medical administrative officers); sous , noncommissioned officer; sous de marine, (nav.) petty officer; warrant officer; stagiaire, ( Fr. a.) officer who, having taken the course at the Ecole superitvre de gturre and received certificate, is required to serve two years in some staff employment , including service in arm or arms different from his own; suhfilternc, company ollicer: subordunne, subordinate ollicer; -^-ii la suite, supernumerary officer, oflictr at- tached as supernumerary of his rank: xupfricur, field officer; (nor.) flag officer: -supericur dejonr, field ollicer of the day: supcriew de service, field officer of the day (on duty); stipfriiur de risite, (Fr. a.) (in garrison) field ollicer who inspects guards: surnumeraire, additional officer: officer in excess of the statutory number; supernume- rary ollicer; table (I'S , officers' mess: territorial, (Fr. a.) officer of the territorial army; de !ir, musketry instructor: range officer (I". S.A.I; de tor pill ci[>ii!ixti . officer mounted on a bicycle, belonging to a bicycle corps. otlicirux, a., nonoilicial. off re, 1'.. (contractor's; bid: supply: et d< innndt, supply and demand, ogivums in., (art.) operation of ma!. ing ihe ogive. <>ivul, a., ogival: (art.} oijival. ogive, f.. pninied arc!;, ogive; (art.) ogive, .gi\aJ head, of a projectile; en , ogival ohm 298 ordonnancement ohm, m., (flee.) ohm. oluimiiM re. m., (elec.) ohmmeter. oiKiioii. m.. onion; (hipp.) swelling of the os pedis, l>ony tumor of the foot. olnc. m'., grease, lubricant, wheel grease; rinii , wheel grease. olseau. m., bird; mason's hod; A rol d' , as the crow flies; ft rue d' , bird's-eye view. olerrane, m., (hipp., etc.) olecranon. olecranlen, a., olecranoid. olefiant, a., (chem.) olefiant; gaz , ethylene, olefiant pas. oleonuphte, m.. Russian mineral oil. o!i"isK>, a., m., (met.) oligistic; oligistic iron; fer , snecular iron. olive, f., olive: (in general) button, knob, oli^e- shaped button; (art.) lanyard button, slide; (/mm.) olive bit; poulicfi , shoe block ; de tiraye, gathering or assembling button; tire-feu ti x, (art.) slide lanyard. ollvier, m., olive tree and wood. ombrageux, a., (man.) shy, skittish; chet'al , skittish horse; ttre , to be shy. ombre, f., shade, shadow; brtilef, burnt umber; n-aturel, raw umber; terre d' , umber. ombrer, v. a., (drawing} to shade. ombrometre, m., rain gauge. omelette, f., omelet; de la pleurenie, (hipp.) clots due to pleurisy. omis, m., (Fr. a.) young man whose name has not been inscribed on the tableau de recense- mrnt, q. v. omission, f., omission: de numerns, (mil.) omission of numbers (in drawing by lot). omnibus, m., omnibus, 'bus. onde, f., wave; undulation: (mach.) (in pi.) sur- face irregularities caused by defective ma- chining: longueur d' , wavelength; lumineuse, light wave; maree. tidal wa - ~e; sonore, sound wa'"e. onile, a., undulated, wavy, corrugated; boix , grained wood. ondee, f., shower. ondoyant, a., undulating, undulatory; waving, wavy. ondoyer, v. n., to undulate, to wave, to rise in billows, ondulation, f., undulation: du sol, (top.) undulation of the ground. ondulatoire, a., undulatory. otidule, a., corrugated; fer , corniL'aled iron; tole e, \.fer . onduler, v. n., to undulate, wave, float, play loosely: to flutter (as a flag). onereux, 'a., onerous; ti litre , at one's own cost; paying all charges. ongle, m.. nail; de chtral, (hipp.) (horse's) hoof; chute (If I' , (hipp.) casting the hoof; du- poing de la bride, (man.) nails of the left hand. onglet, in., graver: band or strip on which maps, etc., are pasted for binding; ungula; hollow (in the Hat side of a rule): notch, nail-cut (in a lid, in a knife blade); (carp.) miter, miter joint; (min.) conical cut in the excavation of a mine; (hipp.) inflammation of the nictitating mem- brane; (art.) vent shell of a mortar (obs.); (sm. a.) fullering (of a blade); a , mitered; assemblage fi, en, , (carp.) miter joint; assembler t> , en, , (cur/}.) to miter; boitefi , (carp.) miter box; cnllerfi , to mount on strips (as maps); couperd , (earp.) to miter; en . mitered; arec enfourchcment, (carp.) a mortised miter joint: fquerrrfl . miter square; taillrrii , . cnu/icra -. onglette, f., small, flat graver, punch; nail cut for opening anything with the thumb; (sm. a.) fullering of a blade. oolithe, m., oolite. ope, f., (cons.) scaffolding hole left in a wall. operateur, m., (mach.) operator, motor; ti eau, (mach.) water motor. operation, f., operation, performance; working; speculation; (mil.) operation: bane d' , (mil.) base of operations; front d' , (mil.) front of operations: de guerre, (mil.) military operations, opera- tions of war; liyne d' , (mil.) line of operations; de nuit, (mil.) night operation; theatre d' , (mil.) theater of operations. opercule, (art.) diaphragm (separating bullets from powder chamber in certain shrapnel). opfirer, v. a. n., to work, perform, effect; operate; work out, etc.: (mit.) to operate (against); contre, to counterwork. ophicieide, m., (mus.) ophicleide. opposer, v. a., to oppose; (/me.) to parry by oppo- sition, to oppose; les epaules am hanches, (man.) to cause the shoulders to follow the haunches (so as to keep a horse straight). opposition, f., opposition; attachment or claim on pay: (fenc.) motion of the hand by which a thrust is parried; lire en , (fenc.) to keep one's point directed against the adversary's breast while covering one's own with the guard; faire des s, (man.) (of the rider) to use the hands and legs simultaneously; juridigue, v. saixie-arret. opti"ue, a., f., optical; optics; (mil.) visual sig- naling. or, m.. cold; fulminant, (expl.) fulminate of gold. oraj*e, m., storm, tempest, thunderstorm; storm of rain, wind; magnetique, magnetic storm. orasreux, a., stormy, tempestuous; coup , storm. orbe, a., that which causes contusion; coup , heavy blow, severe bruise; mur , (cons'.) dead wall. orbevoie, f. , blind arcade. orbieres, f. pi., (ham.) blinkers. orbit e, f., orbit; socket (of the eye). ordinaire, a., ordinarv, customary; (of function- aries) sit t ing 1 he whole year. ordinaire, m., (mil.) soldier's mess; mess fund; caporal d' , mess corporal; chtf de I' , n. c. o. or soldier in charge of mess; de la troupe, ( Fr. a.) mess fund (applied also to the lighting of barracks, to the purchase of cleaning materials, etc.). ordon, m., (met.) hammer frame; -ft baxc.vle, tilt frame. ordonnance, f., order, retaliation, decree, admin- istrative order (in these senses no longer tised in the French army); ordering, disposition; (med.) prescription; (law) decision of a judge; (adm.) warrant to pay or disburse; (mil.) or- derly (sometimes masculine in this sense); ft I' , accordinn to regulations; capnral d' , orderly corporal; cavalier d' , (mil.) mounted orderly; d' , (mil.) regulation; - de d'- lit/at ion, (adm.) act by which a min- ister delegates his powers to" an ordonncleur secondaire, q. v.; en , on orderly duty; habit d' , (unif.) uniform (obs.); de non-lint, v. s. v. non-lieu; off'icirr d' , orderly officer, aide-de-camp; dr la place, (mil.) standing order, post order (U. S. A.); .f de jiolice, police regulations; soldat d' , orderly. ordonnancement, m., (adm.) written order of payment (at the bottom or acrpss the face of a bill). ordonnanccr 299 ordre ordonnuncer, v. a., (adm.) to write the order for the payment of anything, to warrant a payment; line depense, to authorize a payment or dis- bursement. ordunnateur, m., (adm.) person empowered to order disbursements; secondaire, (adm.) person to whom the power to order disbursements is delegated t, v the one who holds it in virtue of his office (e. g., FT. a., the directeurs of the various terricts). ordoimee, f., ordinate. ordonner, v. a., to order: to regulate, direct, command, enjoin, prescribe; de, to make regulations for; ' , (med.) to be prescribed. ordre, m., order, rank, class, arrangement: (mil., nav.) order, command; order (formation); ft T , n. c. o.'s call, first sergeant's call (U. 8. A.); by order; ft /' at, by the order of; d'appel,-(Fr. a.) order to young men of a given class to report at the capital of the regional subdivision in order to join; de I'armee, general order; aux s de, under the orders of: by order of; avance & I' , y. s. vv. arance and mot; de bataille, list of troops composing an army, a corps, etc.; order of precedence of troops; battle array, order of battle; (n bataille f (car.) order in line; (art.) order of formation in line (battery or group); en bataille d intcrvalles ouvcrts (serres), (art.) order in line with open (closed) intervals; en ba/terie, (art.) order of formation in bat- tery (battery or group); du cabinet, cabinet order; de chasse, (nav.) order of pursuit; en colonne, (art., car.) column formation; en colnmie par piVce (section), (art.) forma- tion in column of pieces (sections) (platoons. U. S. Art.): en colonne serrte, (art.) formation in close column; de combat, combat order, disposition for battle; compact, compact formation, compact order of battle: complet, order that, in addition to the exact description of the duty to be performed, gives some idea of the ensemble of the whole opera- tion; concave, concave order of battle; conf'irme a V , according to orders; constitutif, organic order of formation (e. g., of companies in the battalion, of battalions in the regiment); centre , counter order; conveie, convex order of battle; de convocation, order convening a court; (Fr. a.) order to reservists and tcrritorialists to join for a period of instruction; copier I' , (mi/, slang) to do fatigue duty; - deploye, deployed order; disperse, extended order; - d distance entiere, order of formation at full distance; fi distance serree, close order: donner de, to give an order to (advance, etc.); donner i d, to order, appoint, direct, provido for; dojiner un , to give an order; tn t-chflonx, echelon formation; d'ecrou, order to confine a man; en , in order; rn fchiquier. checkerwise; elre mix, porte, d i' du jour, to be mentioned in orders: tl'citraclion, (in military prisons) order re- lea-ing a prisoner or person acquitted from confinement; tie front, (nar.) line abreast; general, general order; hierarchique , order of rank; ordre d'informtr (law) order to investigate a case; infraction aux *, breach of orders; inverse, inverted order; du jour, general order, one publishing a matter or matters of importance; order of the day; jusqu'd nouvel , until further orders; de levee d'ecrou, order releasing a man from confinement; lineaire, en ligne, order in line; en ligne de colonnes, (art., car.) order in line of columns; en ligne de colonnes (par pitce ou par section), (art.) order of formation in line of columns (of pieces or of sections) (platoons, U. S. Art.); en ligne de file, (nav?) order in line ahead; en ligne de front, (nav.) order in line abreast; livre d' *, orderly book; de inarche, order of march, march formation; (nav.) order of sailing; en masse, formation in mass; mettred V , to put or publish in orders; mettre d /' de I'armee, du jour, to publish in general orders; mince, shallow formation (wide front and little depth); mised V , publishing in orders; mise d V de I'armee, du jour, publishing in general orders; de la mise en jugcment, (law) order to try a case; de mise en route, march order: de mobilisation, order to mobolize; d moin.t d' s contraires, in the absence of other orders; mot d' , v. s. v. mot: de mouvement, inarch order; order for the movement of troops: transportation order: de mouvement ripide, order for railway transportation issued on mobilization or in emergencies: en muraillc, formation in line without inter- vals; naturel, direct order; s de null, night orders; oblique, oblique order of buttle; par , by order, by command; parallele, parallel order (of battle, etc.); pirticulier, special order; /urmancnt, standing orders: jierpendiculaire, order in which one body ol troops is perpendicular to another; ploye , ployed order; - en potence, formation or order with one (lank refused or thrown forward; pour , to define or give a status: precis, order that exactly describes the duties of the detachment, etc., to" whom issued; profond, deep formation (small front and great depth); tir prom pte formation, formation without tiny condition of order: ei ranan serres, close order; rrceroir I' de, to be ordered to; redaction des x, preparation of orders; rediger un , to draw up un order; registre d' ,v, orderly hook; ri nrer.te, inverted order: renvirser I' , to invert the order of formation; tie requisition, requisition order (\. e., order- ing a requisition to be made); retablir /' , to restore order; iect ion, foot; (sin. a.) thumb piece, comb; (mil. win.) horn (of a case); (tap.) either crast or summit of a double-peaked mountain; (carp.) sort of arch (upper part straight in front, bot- tom rounded); (mas.) cut or notch at the end of a window- or door-sill: alter de I' , v. bolter de I' ; d'ancre. anchor fluke; d nne, kevel, cleat; b(c d' , point, bill, of a fluke; de bo'tte dc roue, ear of a nave box; boitf r de V , (hipp.) to limp at the ear (said of an ear that flops during motion); cassee, (hipp.) broken ear; de chat, (fan.) sort of calkin: de cochon, (hipp.) swine ear; thick, broad ear, falling over; d'un cordage, (cord.) ear of a rope; coucher les : s en arri&re, (hipp.) to throw back the ears; coupce, (hipp.) cropped ear; dresser Us *, (hipp.) to prick up the ears; hardii, (hipp.) well set, fine ear; inquiete, (hipp.) restless ear, uncertain ear (always in motion); plaque e, v. de cochnn; de pointage, (art.) aiming ear or lug (Russian field mortar); de renard, \. hardie; taq'Hl d s, belaying cleat. oreillere, f., (harn.) ear ornament. orellloii, m., (fort.) v. orillon; (sm. a.) languet; (harn.) head knot of a bridle, tassel. organe, m., organ; (mach., etc.) part of a machine, of a mechanism: ,v actifx, the moving, working parts of a ma- chine shop; de diformation, (art.) generic term for hy- draulic cylinders. buffers, etc., used in taking up and checking recoil; n paxnifs, the fixed parts of a machine shop (hangers, plummer-. rtc..i; dc reglaye, adjustment. organeau, m.. rirm: anchor ring; d'ancrf, anchor ring. organisation, f., organization: (mil.) preparation for defense (wood, ho'iv, village, etc.); ilifi nxii't (fun n>il!;e, '.. barloy; limit'iiH ' . winter barley: grunt rt; r, v. angulnire. rographe, in., (in"!.) on^raph. rograpliic, I.. cnigra])hy. roinetrc, in., (iiixt.) oromeler, mountain baroin- ronii'triciuc, a., altitude measuring, r pimeiit, in., orpin, in.. 01 jji;neiit. rt, a., tof weights) gn.ss. rthochrornatltiue, a., orthochromatic. rth'tjrraiiliic, I.. urthogra])liical i>i' ji'i-i ion; eleva- tion. (fur 1 .) normal profile or section; - - iftinif, elevation; - in/irni , section. oriie, f.. nettle: (h>pp.) rowel, set on; dc Chine, ramie, China grass; ortle 301 outre-passer ortle, pratiqutT une , (kipp.) to rowel. os, in., bone; avoir de I' , (hipp.) to have a thick or big cannon bone; crochu, (hipp.) carpel bone, trapezium; naviculaire, (hipp.) navicular bone, sesamoid bone; de pied, (hipp.) coffin bone; suscarpien, (hipp.) v. crochu. osctilant, a., oscillating. oscillation, f., oscillation, vibration, fluctuation; double, double or complete oscillation; simple, single oscillation. oscillatoire, a., oscillatory, oscillating. ostlller, v. n., to oscillate, vibrate, fluctuate. osculateur, a., oscillatory. osculation, f., osculation. oserale, f., osier bed, osier, m., osier, wicker; witlie, withy. osmose, f., osmose; electriqur, electric osmose. ossature, f., skeleton, (hence) framework; (surv.) skeleton of a survey; network of triangles; (mil., min.) skeleton of a system of mines. osselet, m., (hipp.) exostosis (of the knee, fetlock, pastern). osteite, f., (hipp.) inflammation of bony tissue, ostitis. osteomalacie, f., (hipp.) softening of the bone caused by lack of lime salts, osteomalacia. Otase, m., hostage. oter, v. a., to remove, take off, take out; I'avant-train, (art.) to unlimber; lacharge, (art.) to draw a load; I'tngnnage, (mach.) to throw out of gear. otite, f., (hi/ip.) inflammation of the mucous mem- brane of the ear, otitis. ouate, f., wadding, packing: cotton wool, ouater, v. a., to wad; to pack. oubliette, f., dungeon. oucher, v. a., (sm. a.) to mark a barrel with a file or graver; to mark the quantity of metal to be taken off. ouest, m., west: the west; the west wind; du campus, west, by compass. ouilluge, m., addition of the same liquid to a cask, etc. (to make up for loss by evaporation, etc.). ouiller, v. a., to add the same liquid to a cask, etc. (to make up for loss by evaporation). ouragan, in., hurricane. ounliige, in., strong wooden frame, used to sup- port piles when making a wharf. ourdir, v. a., to warp; to plat straw; (cord.) to warp yarn; (mas.) to roughcast (a wall); (Jig.) to plot, contrive; un com plot, to hatch a plot. ourdissage, m., (cord, etc.) warping. oimlissoir. m., wanxr. ourler, v. a., to hem. ourlet, in., hem: (of metals) soam, lap joint. ours, in., bear; (mil. slang) guardhouse, prison. ourse, f.,she bear; ta grande , the Great Hear, the Dipper; la }>t lite. , the I.iltle I 'ipner. oursiii, m., (w n ;/.) bearskin (headdress), oiisscau, in., ousset, in., well-room (of a boat), outil, in., lool, implement, instrument; d'ajiist ic':fun'j , packfond). parotille, f., goods shipped by a passenger to sell at a vpnturo, (houcoj venture; package or ]> iri-ol of freight; lots or parcels composing the cargo; supplies or stores of poor quality; parotille, de , cheap, poor, made to sell, worthless, shoddy; m iriitundises de , v. s. v. 7narchnndi.-n, m., straw; foil: link; solder; spangle; sheet tin, drop or small lump of tin; silvered copper or brass; - de soudure, leaf solder. paiiiimiier, v. a., to tin, cover with tin. li.iiili)t( t je, f.. straw hut. l>;iiu, in., bread; loaf of bread, cake; cake (as of :'.-I'!ialt, etc. ); pig, lump (of metal); - d'nc'ur, (met.) lump of steel; it a I'cau, on broad and water; - bin, brown bread : biscuit f. ( />. n.) soldier's bread cooked longer than usual (1 hour and 10 minutes instead of 60 minutes); d blunchiT, cake of whiting: d cachcltr, wafer; de cummixKinn, (mil.) ration bread; --decirf, wafer; wax patch; - de emit, lump of chalk; de craxse, ( md.) pig of waste metal; dc cnirrc, (met.} copper brick: - di fvurnixxeiir, v. de munition; - -frits, soft bread; - dc gucrrr, (mil.) field-service bread; pain de liquation, (met.) an alloy of copper and of lead (1:3); de mer, ship biscuit; de munition, (mil.) ration bread; de plomb, (met..) pig of lead; rassis, stale bread; soute au , bread room; tendre, soft bread; de vieux oing, cake of grease. pain-vln, m., ray grass; avoir un , (hipp.) to have the excretory canal of the maxillary gland inflamed by the lodg- ment of bits of forage. pair, a., even, equal, similar; non , odd, uneven. pair, m., peer. palre, f., pair; brace; couple; d la , in pairs; de limons, par of shafts; par , in a pair; par s, in pairs; de solivcs armee, (cons.) solid-built beam. paix, f., peace; en , in peace; fourree, pl&trce, patched-up peace; pied de , peace footing. pal, m., impaling stake; (met.) large clinker bar or rake. palade, f., distance traveled over by a boat be- tween successive strokes of the oar"; stroke of an oar. palais, m., palace; dc justice, law court; terme de , law term. palan, m., (cord.) tackle, purchase. ( A palan consists of two moufles, q. v., equip- ped with suitable cords or chains.) affaler un , to overhaul a tackle; - d'appareil, heavy purchase; dc bout, heel tackle; brider un , to trap a tackle; d, de, caliorne., winding tackle; any large two or three fold tackle; de candelette, fish tackle; d, dc, canon, gun tackle; de capon, cat tackle; d chaine, chain tackle; dc charge, garnet; s conjugues, combined tackles (e. g., luff on lti!T, whip on whip); It cordages, rope tackle; de cote, side tackle; courants de , running parts; d croc, hook tackle; croc de , tackle hook: du davier, bout tackle; dcpasacr un . to unreeve a tackle; dc dcsccnte, lowering tackle; it dcut poulics doubles, twofold purchase; d dcui ponlies quadruples, fourfold purchase: d deux poulics simpUx, gun-tackle purchase; d deux poulics triples, threefold purchase; fr dear, poulics d violun, long tackle; . difjerentid, differential tackle; dedimanche, luff tackle: de direction, training tackle; dormants dc , standing parts; double, double tackle; d'cmbarcation. boat tackle; d'ctai, stay tackle; dfouet, tail tackle, tail jigger; sur garant, lull upon lull'; garant de. , tackle fall or rope; - - de gui, boom tackle; grand -' , main tackle; - -d Id lice, tackle in which iho lifting chain is actuated by an endless screw, itself worked by a hauling chain; hydrauliquc, (mach.) hydraulic tackle; Hague et , runner and tackle; d Hague, runner purchase; mobile, luff tackle; It mnnilcs (n boix, wooden block tackle; d moutlm mftuUiquo', metallic block tackle; sur pu/an, lull upon lull; passer un , to roeve a tackle; palan 305 palme palan, passer en franc, to reeve a tackle (said of manifold blocks when fall first goes through end sheave) ; passer les grants d'un , to reeve a tackle; , de pied (des bigues), heel tackle; de pointage, (nav. art.) training tackle; portitif, v. mobile; de poulie, purchase block; poulie double de , long tackle block with two scp.iFato axes and two sheaves on each block; ponlie simple de , single-tackle block; de recul, v. de rctraitt; renrersf, any tackle in which the power i; greater than the resistance; reprcndre un , to overhaul a tackle; de retenue, preventer tackle, relieving tacklo; de rctraite, relieving tackle; de revers, whip upyn a whip; des sabords, gun tackle, side tackle; simple, lufY tackle; de trnventilre, v. de candelette; Vcrlinde, Verlinde & hclice, v. u hiUce; volant, jigger tackle; watch tackle. palancon, m. , stake or beam used for building mud walls. palundeau, in., v. palardeau. palaiique, f., (fort.) loopholed stockade of round timbers, stockaded fort; tournante, tambour stockade. palanquer, v. a., (cord.) to bouse. palanquin, m., palanquin; (cord.) small tackle. palardeau, m., plug or stopper for boats; hawse plug. palastre, m., main plate of a lock; plug or stopper for boats. palatre, in., (sm. a.) part of guard of sword, shaped like a spade. pale, f ., pile; blade of an oar; dam, sluice gate, flood gate; paddle board; bung; stopper, stopple; arbre de , paddle shaft; articulf'e, feathering float; d'aviron, blade of an oar; fixe radial float; de ramc, v. d'aviron; roueii s, paddle wheel. pale-age, m., unloading (a ship) with shovels. palee, f.,row of piles, sheet piling; basse, lower row of trestlework (of a bridge); basse de punt, foundation piling; chripfiu de , stringpiecc, cap; haute de pont, trest le; de pont, pier of a pile bridge; de rive, snore pier (of a pile bridge); supfrieure, upper trestle, trestle on a trestle or piling. palefrcnier, m., groom, hostler. palcfroi, m.,(Uipp.) palfrey, lady's horse. palelne, f., (etpl.) straw dynamite. palcrou,m., shoulder blade, bono (of ahorse, etc.). paletot, in., great coat; overcoat- palette, f., paU.tte; pallet, armature; paddle, float board; copper shovel (used in powder mills and magazines'*; (tfh.) drill plate; (f. p.) murker (for aiming drill); (him.) hirn or projection of the hind forks (of some cavalry saddles); (telcg.) ticker; ii , undershot; ilr inn;racket; f a gi'iic, lignum-vit.e bearing; deg-ijtric, (mil. min.) return landing; graisseur, plummer block; graissfur de , oil cup for a bearing; ii graisseur automatiquc, self-lubricating bear- ing; grand , main plummer block; guide, lateral bearing; horizontal, pillow block; horizontal articulf, adjustable pillow block; - ho.'i:onlal A Iroiscousmnets, three- part bearing; lumicre de , oil hole of a bearing; ma.chc , v. s. v. mirche; ii patin, broad base bearing; sans pitin, narrow base bearing; pendant, hanger; de pmm.ifc , thrust block; principal, main bearing, crank-shaft bearing; de ri pox, (cons.) intermediate landing; & rotult', v. articulf; de support, pedestal; - de suspenximi , hanger; pour tourillons il'appui, thrust bearing; pour tour il Ions de charge, lateral bearings: 4 trois coussinds, v. horizontal il trois cousnincts. paliere, f., top stair. palitlftition, f., comjires^ion, ]>reparation, of soil for foundations by pile work; foundation pile work. palifier, v. a., f o prepare thr soil for foundation^ by piling. palis, m.. pale, paling: fence of stakes; incli>sure of palisades: (fort.) pa!i--ai!e -take. paliss-.ide, f. . lu\lge; fo.'t.) palisade, stockade; pali- sade, stake; (;/)) ;i ir'Tc, ( fitrt.) palisade caponier: --- (/.'/'( n::i- > , i fnil.) palivide, stockade; toitrnuntt, v/')y7.) swing palisade, barrier pate. pall>sadeinc!it, in., (f.) turned out (of the feet), out- bo-.v foote'i. oowhocked; m., horse with fore feet turned out: --r//; bnulet, with pasterns turned out or too open; chn'xl . horse whose fore feet are turned out; chd'ul du derriert . horse whose hind feet are turned out. paricarte, f.. placard; bill; folder or holder for papers in current use. paiiclastite, f. , (einl. > panclastite. puii(lour(e;, m., Hungarian soldier; robber, pil- lager. paneton, m., sort of basket into which dough is put before baking. panier, m., basket, hamper: (m. a.) basket hilt; panler d'anerage, basket anchor, wicker anchor makeshift anchor of basket and stones; ansc de , basket handle; d'armements, (art.) equipment basket; A charger, (met.) charging basket; conique, feed-pipe strainer; d feu, (artif.) sort of incendiary projectile (obs.); de guidon, handle-bar basket (bicycle); laveur, (phot.) plate washer; de mine, dc mineur, (mil. min.) miner's basket; & papier, wastebasket; h parapet, (fort.) gabion; & pierres, (art.) stone basket (service of stone. mortars, obs.); pldtre au , (mas.) plaster passed through a wicker screen; de sabre, (sm. a.) basket hilt; -& terre, miner's basket; & trous, perforated shaker (for cleaning tools, etc.). panlflable, a., susceptible of conversion into bread. panlflcation, f., conversion of flour into bread. panlfler, v. a., to convert into bread. panjque, a., f., panic; pris de , panic-stricken; terreur , panic. panne, f., pane (of a hammer); hammer face; face (of a press); (cons.) purlin, rib; winding or longitudinal rafter, tiebeam; pantile; (nor.) heaving to, bringing to; de brisis, (cons.) angle purlin, hip purlin (of amansardroof); chevron, (cons.) purlin which supports roof- ing directly; courante. (IMF.) heaving to under sail; en , (mil.) to be exposed to enemy's fire without being able to return it; f.tre en , (nav.) to be lying aback; f endue, v. fi pied de biche; laisser en , (mil.) to leave a body of troops exposed to fire; de marteau, pane or face of a hammer; me/tre en . (nav.) to heave to; fi pied dc biche, hammer claw; seche, (nav.) heaving to under bare poles. panneau, m., panel; pane of glass; snare, trap; (mas.) filling; templet (for stone cutting); face of a dressed stone; (cons.) space between the stringboard and the sleeper of a staircase; paneling between stringboard and sleeper of a staircase; (nar.) hatchway, hatch: hatch cover; deadlight; (harn.) pad (of a saddle); sort of pack or flat saddle used in the French artillery (two-horse teams); (t.p.) target; skirmish tar- get, silhouette target; ci 1, paneled; dinner dans un , to fall into a trap; d'rchiffre, (conn.) paneling of a staircase; d'eclatement, (art.) Imrsiing panel (sort of target used in the determination of the angle of the cone of dispersion); d'icnutiUe, (nar.) hatch; x ll'jttf-s, overlapping panels; de H', (mas.) lower bed of a stone (cut); en planches, (art.) board target; por.'ea .r, paneled door: dc xabord (nav.) port lid; pour le tir. target: de stile, (horn.) pad: de tete, (man.) head, face, of a stone; a verre, d ri-n , window sash; de verre, de vitre, window pane. panncrcsse, f., (mas.) stretcher (.said also of bricks, of .sods); en , stretcherwi.se; gazon ae , v. s. v. yazon. panneton. m., key bit; handle of a window fas- tening; catch. pannetoiine, fitted with a panntton. parmon, m., dogvano. panoplle, f., panoply. pansage, m., grooming cf a hcrsc, (hence) (art., cav. ) "stables": effcts du , stable utensil.', stable 1:11 pansa^c paquet pansage, j>u d'cffet* de , horse kit; a In main, rubbing down, hand rubbing; grooming. panse, f., stomach of a horse; (ftarn.) broadest part of a horse collar. pansement, m., grooming of a horse; (med.) dress- in? of wounds: lieu, de , (med.') dressing station; de la main, grooming; paquet individuel de , v. s. v. paquet. panser, v. a., to groom a horse; (mf.) to dress a wound; de la main, to groom a horse. panseur, m., ( FT. a.) current name for infirmier de vixite, q. v. pantalon, m., trowsers, breeches; dg clieial, riding breeches; (unif.) regulation cavalry trowsers; d'ordonnance, (unif.) regulation trowsers, made of cloth; de treillis, (unif.) canvas trowsers. panteJe'Rraphe, m., pantelegraph. pantc'tephone, m., pantelephone. paiitographe, m., pantograph. paiitometre, m., pantometer. pantopolllte, f., (eipl.) pantopollite (nitroglycerin and naphthaline). pantoufle, f., slipper :(/arr.) panton shoe; frrfi , (farr.) panton shoe. pamir^e, m., (harn.) sort of link or loop (tosupport the reins). pape, m., the Pope. paperasse, f., old, worthless paper. paperasser, v. a., to dabble in papers; to scribble. paperasserle, f., "red tape." paperassier, m., scribbler, "paper" man, "red- tape" man. papier, m.. paper; document; bill, paper (in a com- mercial sense); government securities; (m pi.) papers; passport; - al'tumine, albumenized paper; albumine brillant, double albumenized pa- per; en bloc, sketching block, pad; s de lord, ship's papers; Bristol, bristol paper: bronillard. blotting paper; built, scribbling paper, common writing pa- per: btirard, v. brovillard; ctlque, a caique, tracing paper; ii calquer, tracing paper; carton, pasteboard; r, de, cartouches, cartridge paper; fi cirlotichfx de(s)fusee(s), rocket-case paper; r.iri . oiled (tracing) paper; f'nltiK, black print paper (black lines on white ground); cor/uille, letter paper; - co"clir,~(pltot.) baryta paper: court, a short-term note; a crayons, v. Bristol; iiu cywio-fer, blue-print paper (blue lines on white ground^: <"; dical'/iKr, tracing paper; carbon paper; fi iti sin. ii dt xintr, drawing paper; diitptique, waxed tissue paper; tlrr .111 r tranche, "gilt-edged" paper (com- mercial); x. do'iolfs, (nar.) duplicate (hence, probably false) papers; ic'.Hir, common paper, scribbling paper; ii icrin . letter paper; d'emball/ige, wrapping paper; fi 1'iHieri. -iiiuri, d'cmeri, imcrist, emery paper; --.> it enseignementu, (nar.) ship's papers; pass- port ; enveloppe, (sm. a.) patch, bullet patch; -ij>t a , (tnach.) butterfly valve. papyrographe, in., papyrograpli. papyrograplUe, f., papyrography. paquebot, m., packet, n ail steamer: po.ftal, po.ttr, df poxtr. mail steamor. a vaprur, stoam packet ; a milts, sailini; packet . paquet, m., packet, package; bundle; (met.) pile, fagot ; x cachetes, (nav.) sealed orders; paquot 308 pare paquet tie cartouches, (sm. o.) packet, cartridge packet ; double, (sm. a.) double skelp; (Trait, v. fclv-ee; tn , without order; by the run; quick, cheerily: - individuel de pansement, (med.) first-aid packet; de mer, green sea; de m'iraille, v. grappc de milraille; tranpe en ,(met.) casehardening; Iran per en , (met.) to caseharden. paquctaee, m., pack, packing; (mil.) packing (as cl equipment); (sm. a.) putting into packets (cartridges); (met.) piling, fagoting. paqm'ter, v. a., to pack, put up in packets. iniraballe, m., (t. p.) bullet stop (gallery practice); ( mil.) defensive armor proposed in Belgium. para bole, f., parabola. parabololde, m., paraboloid. paracel, m., sunken reef , coral reef. parachute, f., parachute; safety stop (of a hoisting apparatus); (art.) sort of piston valve (recoil- checking). pararrotte, m., mud guard. parade, f., show, pageant; (mil.) review, parade, especially parade for guard ; (fe nc.) parry ; ( m-i n . ) stopping, halting of a horse (synonym olarrft), place where horses are sold; fi la , on parade; de ft indcrnle. (fenc.) parry against, a diagonal cut (broadsword); chtral xi'irfila , horse easy to stop; de corps, (fenc.) body parry (broadsword); ai \\lir la , (mil. slang) to die; demi , \.dfini-arret, s. v. arrft; di , (art.) (of a gun detachment) facing to the front (from the epaulment , if there is one); d'eifcution ,(mil.) parade of troops to witness a military execution; faire , (Jiar.) to dress ship; f.tire la , ( mil.) t o parade; attend , go to, parade; de figure droite (aau-c,lie),(fcnc.) right (left) cheek parry (broadsword); dt fistic, \ffnc.) Hank parry (broadsword); de Q'irae. ( mil.) guard mounting: manqufr, (man.) refusal of a horse to stop; de pointe, (fine..) point-cut parry (broad- sword); de ti'tf .head parry (broadsword); de n ntrc, v. de banderole. parader, v. n., f-iire un chr-a! , (man.) to put a horse through, make him show off, his paces. parados, m. ff'irt.) parados: - -ri'd'ii' , parados '.hat may serve as a keep in case of .ieed. paradossor, v. a., (fort.'} to build a parados. parali'nc, f., parailin. para'iliicr, v. a.. (.) Hanking tra verse, epaulment. parafoiidrr. m..>',li<-.j lightning arrester, lightning protector. parafonille, in., (row.v. i piling to prevent the wash- para-c ', ri.. -trrion of foast, waters, shores, lati- tude, parts: trimiiiin.L'. poli-hiug, of metallic paraulacr, m.. i'-r. f.-ndi par;:!la\e, f.. par..M.ix. panllele, a., \i ir.'llel; m.. pai f.. :,,ralli-l li arniii-- -, v. arnvt-imrninh; dnti- - -. v. . n.) catilo on the hoof, to last 12 days, subdivided inio - - dii.'ixtH ni:iiiii . 2 days; (/!' cur/ix il'iinnii , I days: d'r.niu'i, 2 d.r, ,; - -dcrrxirce, \ days; ---(/( li'iixit pliii't-j'oriin . (.V : M;I) limber uclt(xafiii.'j.\in p. irk; n li;>i!,ix, (nnr.\ :!,,,! locker; rlnir,nt If ,' v. s. v. cliiiriof; iti cur/,', il iifiii' i. v. - ride OUT: - - /(.-.: cuiitiiri-*-, to c.xaimuo the seams of a b< at with a chisel; --h i>i'.po, an anchor); (na.1 cleared for combat ; (tmr. } parried; pint , (/ I/HI.) vvi.ru hool'. pure-bulles, m., splinter-proof; bullet shield, for land servicv (proposed cuily. and intended to cover, say, front of company); (t. />.) marker's s'l.-Iter; i rit>>nttnn< ni , (art. } folding shield. pure-bout*, in., mud scraper (of a bicycle). pare-doullles, m., (r. /. art.) deflector, cartridge- case deflector. pare-oclats, m., (fort.) splinter-proof; (art.) splinter-prcof shield. pare-*tlnce?i, (r. r.) spark arrester. pait'-etoi'pHles, (art.) primer deflector. parcll, ri., equal: fellow; match; a., similar, like. parericnt, m., curb, curbstone; fa'-ing of a build- ing; face (of a wall, of a beam); (carp.) outer, visible, face of a construction; (mas.) outer face of a stone; (in pi.) outer stones of a wall; (fort.) face of a cutting; (unif.) facings (on the cuff); d'appui, (com.) stones supporting a case- ment; brut, (mas.) rough, undressed stone in the face of a wall; - de c-suverture, (cons.) fillet or border of mor- tar: itroit, plain face; -s d'un fagot, outer (large) sticks of a fagot; faux , (mas.) facing of a wall; interitur, (mas.) back of a wall; de moeUon, (mas.) setting of a stone in posi- tion; -de pave, uniform arrangement of paving stones; d'un pate, surface of a pavement: piacir, poser, en , (mas.) to lay stones length- wise; postcricur, v. inliTicur: dt sujilion, (mas.) ornamental facing (stones arranged in regular designs); dc lite, (mas.) tho dressing and placing in position of the stouts in tho head of an isolated wall; dc route, (cons.) face of an arch. parementer, v. a., to make even, smooth (as the toco of a wall). pare n thy me, m., pith. purr-pled, in., fonder; firo screen. purer, m., (man.) halt, stop (foro legs raised ;. purer, v. a. M., to deck, sot oil, trim, make neat; to 'Co ready, prepare; to parry, ward olf, fend, kee,j oil, defend, guard, screen: (ft, :.) t,> parry; (cord.) to clear, to yet clear, to coil; (trch.) to fla'ten, finish (as a rivet head); (nor.) to weather, double, clear, go clear of; (liV/f> to trim (gabions, fascines); (mas.) to set stones in position; - '.in aborjage, (nar.) to ward oil a boarding party, a collision; UHC ar,crc, to see an anchor all clear for coming '.o; unr '.otte, (fenc.) to parry a thrust; un Mult , to jret a caule clear; it'i cap, (nav.) to double a capo: u corp-:, (fmc.) o remove the hotly from tl.o lino of a thrusl . etc.; - - un coup, (ft itc.) 10 parry n blow, a cut: - -s the planlar surface; H.) pac.-llun, to clear a M.m; i/i ia. piiiiitt . (j't'nc. t to boiit oil' tho adversary's I'Lul-i v.iih the point: uit 4UH-i.wun. to trim a fasciiio; si , l'-s!;ill(i by; :i til'-. (,( nc.j to make the hoad parry O'.iy- onct cxorci.se); i n iit> il urvitt ((laiu-hf), (f< nc.) to make ri^lit (lef') head parry (bayonet cxcn i>ei. pare re, m., expert, adviuo, coiui.v-1 ve,lni,xish; said ol r Mary lir.'u-nrk. ' trii f iil to roi-itc-. parc-turplllcs, h... - nm .) torpi-do net ; fil't . tofpe.!.. del. parf iiiuer. v. a , to pel :i:nie: -- r/i.\- Ifllrm. ni'i inniiin'i. tin tir court, of appeal, consisting of !-'io com ni.tsair' 'it, gnwcrncmcnt, q. v., etc.; fi ! an . more or lc s, wit h cd::o of hoards;; dfdiimhre di chdnlir. ( at in in) engine plat form; di c'l'.iriji mint, (art.) loading plat form; dc chaujje, (stiain) stoke-hold platform; parquet & compartimentt, (cons.) panolotl floor; enfeuillcs, (cons.) inlaid floor; de justice, bar of a court; de maniruvre, (steam) engine-room floor; militaire, v. supra, under main word; - & point de Hongrie, (cons.) miter-laid floor. parquetage, m., (cons.) parquetry. parraln, m., sponsor; person who christens a ves- sel; sponsor of a candidate for admission to an order; ( Fr. a.) person selected, by a soldier about to bo shot, to bandage his eyes. parselnto, f., piece of parceling to cover a seam. part, f., part; share; hand; interest, concern; side; dct accidents du laminoir, (mach.) breaHng pieces or spindles; de en , through and through, from front to back; donner , to communicate officially (diplomatic term); faire , to inform; d'un navire, s'.iare; de prise, (mil., nav.) prize money. partagc, m., partition, division; distribution; share;, portion, lot; summit level; biefde , v. s. v. bief; canald point de -, summit canal; ligne de , watershed; point de , summit level; watershed; O point de , with a dividing ridge. partagor, v. a., to share, to have a share in; to divide; les rencs, (man.) to take a rein in each hand; se , to divide, fork (as a road); le soleil, in a duel, to divide the sun equally; le vent, (nav.) of a vessel unable to get the weather gauge, to maneuver so as to keep the enemy from getting it. partance, f., (nav.) departure; coup (de canon) de , signal gun for departure; en , about to start; pavilion de , blue peter. partement, m., (artif.) small rocket; (nap.) differ- ence between the last observed and the actual longitude of a ship. parti, m., party, side, cause; defense, expedient, means; condition, terms; (mil.) party, detach- ment; aller en , (mil.) to go out to harass the enemy ; bleu, (mil.) marauding party (obs.); envoy cr en , (mil.) to send on detached duty; pren'dre , (mil.) to enlist; refill , (mil.) party sent out on legitimate duty (as distinguished from bleu; obs.). partlculariMSs, f., pi., (hipp.) markings of ahorse). partlculier, a., particular, special, private; m., pri- vate individual; (mil. slamj) civilian. partie, f.. part, portion; game, match; (law) party (to a lawsuit ), client; (mun.) start; (inns.) part; ai/rcw, (law) the other si. lo; -,s ticllijlrantis, (mil.) belligerents; - civile, (late) plaintiiT; - ciinifiaraiile, (law) party appearing in court; cDiistrvire un punt par 's, (pont.) to build a bridge by parts; dffaillante, (law) purty failing to appear in court; &, en, double, by double entry (boo^Ueep- ing); executive, (adm.) person or ollicer that makes a payment, an issue of stores; f litre une de la main, (man.) to sli<-Ui>u ilu> hand fora gallop; fill tic, screw threads; -jorfante (art.) driving edge; frottante (mach.) rubbin.,'. bearing, part; d'hunncur, i in games; rubber; parch- 311 pas par tie morte, (fort.) dead space; nulle, drawn game; (in races) dead heat; occupant t, (adm.) tenant : plaignante, (law) plaint in'; (s) prenante(s), (adm.) person(s) who re- ceive(s) issues (clothing, etc.); public creditors; prendre & , (law) to sue; proceder par jxtites *, to proceed, work, ad- vance, etc., by degrees; publii/ue, legal designation of the public ministry, as representing the public; soiicitor- general; secrete, (mil.) the spy service of a stall; d, en, simple, by single entry (.bookkeeping). partlr, m., (man.) start (of a horse). partlr, v. n., to go, leave, set out, proceed, start, spring, to sail (of a ship); to go off (of a shot, a firearm); to be carried away (of a spar, etc.); Men de la main, (man.) to take the gallop as soon as the hand slackens; faire un coup, to lire a shot; juste, (man.) to take the gallop with the leading foot; de la main, (man.) to take the gallop easily; du pied droit (gauche), to step oil with the rurht (left) foot; tie pitdferme, (man.) to pass from the walk to the gallop. partisan, m., partisan; (mil.) partisan, guerrilla; (in pi.) raiding party; guerre de s, v. s. v. guerre. parure, f., adornment; (hipp.) parings of a horse's foot; chtvauz de mime , well-matched horses, of same size. parvenu, m., (mil.) ranker. pas, m.', pace, step, footstep; stride, gait, progress; precedence; threshold of a door, step before an entrance; strait; obstacle, bad place, in a road, etc.; (top.) narrow, difficult, pass in a valley or mountain; (carp.) notch (as for the foot of a rafter); (cons.) going of a stair; (cord.) turn of a rope; (lech.) pitch (of a screw, of a gearing); thread of a screw, turn of a screw; (art., sm. a.) pitch (of rilling); (mus.) march. T. Military, manege; II. Technical, ar- tillery; III. Miscellaneous. I. Military, manege; ncctleri, (mil.) quick step, quick time (0.75, 12S to the minute); the call for quick time; allcr nil , to go at a walk; allonynncnt du , (mil.) lengthening of the step: (man.) walking out; aflnnge, (mil.) stepping out; alhrxjir le , (mi?.) to step out, lengthen the step; (man.) to walk out; il'armts, (mil.) post that one undertakes to defend (ohs.); (n arrirrc, (mil.) back step; au , (HI//.) at a walk; "step!" (to troops marching in line, when they lose the step)' c:r11 for walk: atrrli, (man.) regular, well-marked stepping of u horse (sort of gait between a walk and slow trot); cailfnef, (mil.) cadcnced step; ch'intjir de , i mil.) to change the gait; chanyrr l< , < mil.} to change step; lit charge, (mil. -i charging pace (0.75m, 140 to the minute; cadenced, as a rule; may be as fast as possible, according to circumstances); chci'iil ilt , pacer; C'linplil, (ni'in.) comj>leted step (i. e., all the motions made between two successive and identical positions of a given member); ft coin/ittK, (man.) gradually; ilf coiixcrit, (man.) high step with fore legs; contrc- , (mi/.) short step or half step (to recover the step); ilt course, running step, fun, \. gym- nastique; pas de cttte, (mil.) side step; (man.) side step; d'ecol,. (mil.) short step, balance step; (man.) well-marked walk (sort of gait between a walk and a slow trot); ecoutt, (man.) regular, ^inform step; espagnnl, (man.) an air in which the horse, at a walk, gives all the extension possible to each of his fore legs; elalonntr le , (mil.) to find the average length of one's step or pace; fa ire alter au , to walk a horse; fairelescent , (mil.) to do sentry duty; faux , (man.) stumble: gymnaxtii/ue , (mil.) double time (O.SO*", 170 to the minute); call for same; double step; h&ler le , to hasten, to hurry, the march; longueur du , (mil.) length of the step: marcher au , to walk, pace, move at a walk; marquer le , (mi/.) to mark time; mettre au , to walk a horse; se mettre au , (mil.) to take step; ordinaire, (mil.) marching step, ordinary . step or pace; ouirir le , (mil.) to begin marching; passer d'un b un autre, (mil.) to change the gait; raccourcir le , (mil.) to shorten step; redouble, (mil.) double-quick; reglemeniaire, (mil.) regulation step; releve, (man.) high step, high action; rcmcttre un chcval au , (man.) to come down to a walk; retrograde, step backward; rornpre le , (mil.) to break, or lose, or get out of, step, as in crossing a ponton bridge; de route, (mil.) the route step (1 kilometer in 11 to 12 minutes); saccade, irregular pace. II. Technical, artillery: a I'anglaise, v. Carre; au de , (sm. a., art.) making one turn in. . . . ; carrf, square thread; constant, (art., sin. a.) uniform twist (also of a screw, of a propeller); (if la corde, mean pitch; court, line thread, low pitch; des dents, (mack.) pitch of teeth; diametral, (n>ach.) diametral pitch; double , double thread (screw): -d droite (gaiu-ht), right- (left-; handed twist; d'ecrou, thread of a nut: d'engrenage, pitch of a gearing: ti.'t ntri'e, (art., gin. a.) initial pilch; final, (art., urn. a.) final twist; du //one direcUur, (art., sm. a.) twist of the driving edge; a ga?, r,';us thread; hauteur dit, d'unc vis, pitch, ono complete turn, of a screw; il>- i'hilice, pitch of the propeller: inclination du desraytircs, cirt., xm. a.) angle of rilling; initial, (art., sin. a.) initial t wi ;t ; lung, coarse thread, sleep p!h \,\ lomjiitur (hi , ((.v/. ,'.v/'/. a.) r'/'.; tn>.n.-it; lint ill , thorough'-!!'!'; df In l/inie, cro^-ing of Die. line (equator); - - (/' muni/ion*. (i>'n .) ammunition passage; - 'i la 'nniji . passage l>y sv.'iminini;; - -11. df, nii'idit, (r. r.) grade crossing; point ill . (tun.) ('\: passage de roues, undercut of a vehicle; des sangles, (Mpp.) girth (i. e., part of body around which girth passes); par St. Cyr, etc., training, education, at St. Cyr, etc.; souierrain, underground passage; systeme de , (mil?) svstem in which officers serve first in one and then another arm. in the staff, etc., (as opposed to systeme de carrierc, q. v.); ' de vapeur, (steam) steam-passage, -way. passager, v. a. n., (man.) to passage. passager, m., passenger; de I'avant, steerage passenger; (i la chambre, cabin passenger; de I'entrepont, 'tween-decks passenger; de pout, deck passenger. passant, m., crosscut saw; (harn.) keeper; (unif.) shoulder-knot loop or keeper; coulant, (harn.) sliding keeper or loop; d'cpaulettes, (unif.) keeper, binder; fixe, (harn.) fixed loop; . mobile, v. coulant. passatinn, f.. (adm.) conclusion or accomplishing of a bargain, contract, etc. passavant, m., permit (to pass goods through a custom-house). passe, f., pass, situation, case, state; small channel, fairway, entrance of a harbor; loop, keeper (e. g., a leather loop to hold a file against a wall); (fenc.) pass; (cord.) end strand, passing through the eye in making a splice; turn (of a mooring); (harn.) loop or binder; (mach., met.) pass; d' all ague, (mach.) working pass; d'un cordaye, (cord.) turn of a rope (over a pulley, in a knot, etc.); d'ebauchage, (mach.) rough-shaping pass; de finissage, (mach.) finishing or shaping pass; defleure, channel; mesure de , (fine.) position such that the two blades can cross near the point; mot de , (TniZ.) password; no ud de , v. s. v. naud. passe-appareil, m., (cord.) whip line; passc-balle, m., (sm. a.) bullet gauge (obs.). passe-bombe, m., (art.) shell gauge (obs.). passe-BouIet, m., (art.) shot gauge (obs.). passe-eampane, m., (Mpp.) capped hock. passe-canal, m., canal ferry. passe-cheval, m.. horse ferry. passe-corde, m., (harn.) drawing awl. passe-cordon, m., large needle for thread or string. passe-coudes, m., gauntlet,. passe-debout, m., permit for passage of goods through a city without payment of octroi dues. passe-rtroU", m., (mil.) injustice done to nnvone by promoting a junior over him; overslaughing. passe-.', f., passage (of troops;; track. passe-Iaret, m., bodkin. passciiirnt, m., lace, trimming: dejinnbt, (gym.) cut-oil' (rings); de pied en aiant (arrifrc), step to the front (rear) (French boxing). passementerie, f.. lace. trimmiii';s. passe-iueteil, m.. maslin (two-tlu'rds wlieat. one- third rye). j)asse-!)aro!e, m., (mil.) word passed from mouth to mouth, from the head to the ;ail of a column. passe-montagne, m., sort, of headdress (either :\p pi c.ir i. passe-partout, m.. master key. pass key: J'irge cro.sscul, saw. keyhole saw, pad saw; ]> s^ p<.ri; iwil. T. r.) short' (t).2.V<-) piece, of track, used (in the liecativillo system) to Connect, two tracks end to end; \ ie\ved. innii etc-!: - la rci-it- dt, (mil.) to review (n given reiri- r.'ient. etc.); - ime rf:uf, (mil.) to hold a review, an inspec- tion; - n rie riri'crea gvi', to ford a river; - par >/. Cyr.'ttc.. lo#t> through St. Cyr, etc.: an- t'uni", losifl; - - lets IITOII*, (con/.) to sj>Iice; passer demnis un vafaeau, (nar.) to run a vessel down ; an vent, (nav.) to pass to wtoidwtrd; tout le vent, (nav.) to pass to leeward; tur U venire & une armee, (mil.) to defeat an army; par Its vtrget, v. par let baguette*; la vinite de, to inspect ; une visile, to make an inspection. passerolle, f., foot bridge, bridge (of a ship); pang plank; de commandement, (nar.) captain's bridge; d'entree, (ar.) gangway; flottante, floating gang plank; roiilante, (i>nt.) light briihe on axle and wheels for passing very slight s! reams: de riqit, (mr.) Ion" out liridge; volantt, (nac.) connecting bridge. passeresse, f., (cord.) ship line, lace, passe-riviere, m., sort of raft, used to cross a ri-er rapidly. passeur, m., ferryman. passe-violet, m., (met.) violet tempering color. passe-volant, m., (mil.) man f:ilslv mustered or enlisted, false muster, false enlistment. passH>lllt, f., liability (to trial, punishment, etc.). passible, a., liable to; d'un covscildc guerre, (mil.) liable to trial liy court-martial; de la peine d: mort, punishable with death. passif, a., passive: (fort.) organized or prepared for protection merely (as an ol>stacle, abattis, shelter, etc.); abri , (furl. ) mere shelter: commerce , excess of imports over exports. passoire, f., strainer; bird-shot mold. pastel, m., era von, pastel; pastel drawing; au, en, , in crayon; de.tsiner au , to draw in crayon; peindre en , v. de.-^iner au ; peintre en . pastelist; peinture au , pastel work. pastequc, f., snatch block. pastille, f., (.?. a.) small round or disk of wax; fuiininante, \. boulttte d'anwrcc. pastourelle, f., (mil. tlang) trumpet call for extra drill. patache, f., tender (of a vessel): d'arix, advice luv.it; ilc la oouane, custom-house boat ; de la police, harbor police boat. patarasse. f., calling iron, horsing iron; cannelfe, making iron. patarasser, v. a., to calk, drive with a miking iron; to horse. pAte, f., p;'.'-e: pulj>: dough; (/>tr(1.) niill cake; dt fovrnraii, clay, hue, loam, of a furnace; ft ijrcnir, (poird.) mill cake; inttnl tn . . (,:itt.''i pasly metal: (/c poiidrr. \. (I'.'.lttti iti p-i :: (c.ix.t.) con,e\ mass ->f earth, etc., sometimes used as the center of :<". arch: con.-iruiff uitr mute fvr , (con.".) to buiM i.u arch o:i an earthen center: de fortitie-iiinn; f/.r.'.) outwork, or i- ila'e-1 work, especially when surrounded l.y \\.>.'rr. r when in iiiundjt'cd coiritr :: - tic r:(. (.'; 'ilr.) bank "of roc\s. small reef, bank orsnvill '.-ct. etc. pate.e;!e, l'., (mil.') ll;:p (,of a 1 u.ip<.\c!.. c.;i i r i>!':e bo.\. pouch, etc.1. patciwiirc, f.. e'laic.v-'-bain fof n d ;i ; n pi: -up patcnft'. 1'.. bill. ])a'er!t, dip!. -in.:: lie..:i--e: I. ,11 ,.f healiti; patent a\Ie: tifirr, foul bill oi heab h: --(/.'/,'<.-,. ;-iuited billot healili: (.v.-,( ;/ ii , patent axle; dt navigation, (IMC.) regisi^r; patente 314 pause patente ntUt, clean bill of health; de sanie, bill of health; suspectc, v. douteuse. pateux, a., muddy; (met., etc.) pasty; ehemin , muddy, creasy, road; pain , soggy bread. patience, f., (mil.) button stick; -planchfttc, button stick. patin, m., skate; clump sole; (in pi.) magazine slip- pers; sole, plate; (fan.) patten shoe; (con*.) sfll of a staircase: batten; flange or foot of channel, or other special beams; grillage; foundation sill, sleeper; (harn.) part of the stirrup bar riveted to the saddle; (mack.) slide block, crosshead slide Uock; guide-, motion-, slipper-block; d'amanage, timberhead, bitt, bollard, kevel head; de calfat, v. patarasse; de charpcnte, grating; d'enrayage, locking shoe; d'entretolse, (art.) batten, or tie, etc., of a transom; faire (of wheels) to slide; defaile, (cons.) ridgepiece; ferd , (farr.) patten shoe; -a ncigc, ski; raild , (r. r.) foot rail; du rail, (r. r.) rail foot; flange; de traverse, (mack.) guide block. patinagc, m., skating; (r. r.) of locomotive wheels, slipping, turning without advancing. patine, f., (the beneficial) weathering of a stone. patiner, v. a., to skate; (r. r.) of locomotive wheels, t J slip, turn without advancing. paton, m., piece of leather, in a shoe, to preserve the shape of the upper. paton. m., cake of dough for baking. patouille, f., (met.) ore separator. patonlllet, m., (met.) washing or separating cylin- der; shop where separat ion is carried on; de si paration, washing cylinder. patrie, f., native country; the part of the country from which one comes. patrlote, in., patriot. patriotisme, m., patriotism. patron, m.. patron: master, "boss," captain, skip- per; model, sample; templet; stencil; (art.) car- tridge-bag pattern: d embarcalion, coxswain; fnirc un , to draw, take, a pattern. patroiine, f., v. patron, s. v. (art.). patronner, v. a., to stencil; to draw, take, a pat- tern. patroruu'ur, m., pattern maker. patrouillo, f., (mil.) patrol; rounds (detachment and duty); alter en , to patrol; d'arant-panU'g, cavalry patrol at the outposts, security patrol; (It nn'alfrie, cavalry patrol; de cmnbnt, combat patrol (a cavalry patrol S"iit out before a battle or when expecting early contact with the enemy); ifjVr,offieers'patrol; de prtlicr, night rounds Cin garrison); de si'inti , v. d'aranl-jxmtes. patroulller, v. n.. to churn (of a turbine); (mil.) to pal ml, to go the rounds, make rounds. patrouilleur, m., (mil.) member of a patrol; man specially trained for scouting service. patte, f., claw, foot; rlamp of a vise; holdfast; tug, draught chain: flap, flange; batten; cringle; nave tenon (of a spoke); fluke of an anchor, claw of a grapnel; (unif.) shoulder strap, any band sewed on uniform, as on collar; d'ancre, fluke of an anchor; d'anspect, claw of a handspike; d'araignee, (mach.) oil groove, lubricating channel; d'attache, (harn.) cincha ring: d'attellcs, (harn.) top of saddle-bow frame; de bois, batten; cramp iron; en bois, cramp iron; d boucle, tug with a buckle; de bouline, bowline cringle; de chatne d'enrayage, (art.) skid chain hold- fast; de chat, (cord.) midshipman's hitch, marlin- spike hitch; de collet, (unif.) collar patch; de eric, foot of a jack; ; s de crapaud, (mil. slang) epaulets; d crochet, tug and hook; elingued s, s d'clingue, can hooks; d'epaule, (unif.) shoulder strap, knot; def( r, cramp iron; click, pawl; (r. r.) rail foot; enftr, click, (r. r.) rail foot; fiche, cramp, holdfast; licked bois, cramp iron fastened to wood; fiche H platrc, cramp iron driven through plaster; sdfutailles, v ^elingued s; garnir la d'ancre, to shoe the anchor; dc lievre, (r. r.) wing rail; de loup, (carp.) joggling, dovetailing; mouillcr en d'oie, to moor with three anchors ahead; d'oic, point of junction of several roads; meet- ing point of two gutters; (cord.) bridle, bridle- mooring; any point where several cords meet; (mil. min.) three small branches at the end of a gallery; (carp.) junction of three timbers; s d'oic equatoriales, in a balloon, the cords starting at the equatorial line of knots; ft piton, holdfast with an eye or loop; en plulre, cramp iron (for stones); du rais, scarf tenon, foot of a spoke; li ressort, (art.) spring catch or clip; de tension, chain adjuster of a bicycle; fi tiye, sort of clamp or cramp iron with a stem; de trait, (harn.) trace ring or loop; de voice, (art.) splinter-bar loop. paturage, m., pasturage, pasture, pasture laud, grazing. pat u re, f., food, feed, pasture, pasture ground; i-'iinc , rignt of the inhabitants of a commune to graze their cattle on one another's laud at certain times. paturer, v. n., to pasture, graze. patureur, in., (mil.) herdsman. paturoii, m., (hipp.) pastern; bas-joinlc, low pastern; court-clinic, short pastern; druit-joinlc, si might ptislern; - long-jnintf , long pastern; o.s- de , pastern bone. paumr, f., palm; (/ii';>/).)hand (measure). paii'iicllp, f., (sailor's) palm; (cord.) ropemaker's list; rubbing cord: (COT?.'.) hinge, door hinfe; .s- ft boulex, door hinge ornamented with acorns; ,1 doublen, door hinge; sfi rqnerrc, garnet hinge; nil grinds .eye hinge (for masonry): s h wrud bouchf, hinge with closed knuckle. pannier, v. r., to lie towed by hand. puiimet, in., sailor's palm. paiimoyer, v. a., (curd.) to underrun a rope; se , to climb hand over hand. pause, f.. suspension, stop, rest; stint, fixed amount of work; il'efrrcice, (mil.) rest; period, duration, of drill; pause 315 pays pause de pas, (mil.) said of marching at a walk, . as a rest from p more rapid gait. pava^e, m., paving; paving work; pavement; pav- ing materials; en asphalte en boii, etc., asphalt, wood, etc., paving. pavf, m., paving block; pavement, paving; paved road, paved floor; carriage way; d'asphalte, asphalt pavement; d bun de mortier, mortar paving; tn biton, concrete pavement; de blocage, pebble pavement; en bois, block wood pavement; en brique(n), brick pavement; br&ler le , to ride furiously , go whip and spur; en caitloutis, pebble pavement; d'fchantillon, standard paving stone; epince, face-hammered paving stoue; grot , street, road , paving stone ; haul du, .wall side; inside of trie pavement; de mosaique, tessellated pavement; petit , paving stone for courtyard , etc ; de pierre, stone pavement; piqui, dressed paving stone; d'un pont, floor of a bridge; d, sec, dry paving; smillf, hammer-dressed paving stone; later le , to examine the ground. pavement, m., act of paving; paving materials. paver, v. a., to pave; & bain de mortier, to lay a pavement on a coat of mortar; de carreauz, to flag; pierre ti paving stone. pavilion, m., pavilion, summerhouse, tent; mouth, bell (of a Imgle or other instrument); mouth- piece (of a telephone); standard, colors, flag, ensign (strictly a naval term); (fig.) navy, sea po.ver; (mil.) olficers' quarters in barracks; amener ,amcncrs<>n , t'> strike one's colors; amenrrle , to strike, to haul down, the colors; amenirvn , to haul down, strike, colors; amiral, admiral's flag; appui/er le , appuycr son , (of a ship) to fire a gun under it s proper colors ; arborir le , to hoist the colors, to hang out the colors; d'armatnir, house flag; d'assixtancr, signal of distress; d'ax.iurance, signal of peace; assurer le, son,- , v. anput/er le ; baixner , to strike sail, to yield; baton de . flags la IT; battant ayi-; jour de , pay day; nuirte , ( .-.'/,'.) pensioner (obs.V. snns , unpaid. payeiueivt, paienient, palim-iit, in., payment. payer, v. a., to pay, pay o.f: I'tquipagt, to pav n-f the i % r'W. pay en r, in., payer; (;;;//.. o . i payir.a-Mer: adjninl, (t'r. .) u..sistaiH pa\inas!er , ranks as c.:|>tain^; i/i /-'/';/, ( I'r. ii. 1 ) cliiff jiayiuasiiT of an army (raH!:s as iji'in'rirl ..) division payin;ister (ranks as nia; ..ir ;; /iintr-i/w/, ( I'r. n. 1 ! corps paymaster ;,ranks as colonel i. pays, in., country, countryside, region: part of a country from 'which one comes, home; climate; an , home, at home; biitin Ir , (mil.} to explore the ground; il( chicane .( mil. i in! -i MM 'ted. 1'p'XeM couniry; cn:i /ir. ( mi'. ) roUith, ii.lerM'cteil Country, full of natural obstacles: hunt , mountainous pirt of a country; pays 316 peloton pays, plat. , (mil.) open country, as distin- guished from fortified places. paysagc, m. , landscape. pay sail, m., peasant. jH'ai;e. m., toll, tollhouse; barrifre de -, tollgate. toll bar. pCaser, a., chemin , toll road. peau, in., hide, skin; (met.) skin or crust of an ingot or casting; dont la adhere aux n> uncles, hidebound; de batterie, batter head of a drum; de caixse, drumhead; crue, rawhide; de .leathern; infcrieure, snare head; - preparee, dressed skin or hide; rouge, redskin. North American Indian; de tambour, drumhead; vtrte, rawhide. pochard, m., familiar term for roan horse. pOclie, f., fishing. pOcher, v. a., to fish. pecheric, f., fishing grounds. pfcheur, m., fisherman. peckln, m., v. pekin. ptculat, m., peculation (of public moneys); militaire, theft of part of booty or of public moneys by accountable persons. pCculateiir, in., functionary or official who steals public moneys; peculator. pWLale, f., (macti.) treadle, footboard, pedal; pedal of a bicycle; fi billes, pedal on ballbearings (bicycle); : (curd.) gill; dc declanchement, (r. f. art.) trigger comb; iiibaudrtr, (cord.) hatchrl: d rpiirt r. (cord. ) cleaning comb; ; (< iml/e, (itch.) internal chaser: ft i"'lit(r, (Itch.) chasing tool, chaser; s'ni.i fin, (cord.) gill: t:ii'il'-', (/fr/i.) external chaser. peiKiier, v. a., locomb: (curd.) to taper (the end of a rope <; io iia'ehel (hemp'. peisiieuse, f.. (<-nrn.) hatfheling machine, peiuinoii, m.. (curd. ) t \vr.i of hemp. in'iiirliebec, m.. pinchbeck. pciiuli-e, v. a.. I o paint, draw; to coat: -n 1'iii/iiitri /!>. to pnint in water colors; -/i Ii clnniT, to whit.-nvash; - -fi rhnil' . to paiiil in oils. pcinc. I'., penally. puiiKhment : labor, toil, trouble, fatigue; nfiliriin it iiifinnftnt/ , punishment of grave 'rime , iuvoi\ ing lo.-s of liberty, forced labor, deal,:: d-i >x,iil- ]ii-n:il:y of : / /a '// . iMidc penally "f pelrctrt 1 , in.. j> lintcr j)ciMt'ir;ur' i. i to si rei*'!] under the hammer; > -?;(. n. to clu-'lcr nil sni .11 s'lot.i. peloton, in.. i>:iH. lump: groiiji. i.ri!.(. jcirty: ' u.il.) ]>latoon: i l-'rcncli c;i valr\ - platoon i 12 file " : i/i i'!i/i^---'. '-.nil. xlfitn\>\\r\\. drill- difniii mi .iii iu:'-lf\\ ; (/'/ .n r ii /ii HI. i in i!. ) tiring party: f-.i:i . ;' bi i ML' 10 l In- p 1 :: : hment -ijilrld. to set \ n pi HI i'-firi et : l : fin \!i . < mil. plaloon liriui-; peloton 317 pente peloton horg rang, (Fr. cue. and art.) in each regi- ment, a special group comprising the petit Hoi-major, and various workman, clerks, fenc- ing masters, etc.; a" 'instruction, (Fr. a.) platoon of soldiers taking special drill; de (la) piece, v. s. v. piece; des pieces, (art.) gun detachruent (.. in a turret); de punition, (mil.) punishment squad; - des tenants, (art.) gun detachment. )>t on neiiu-iit, m., (mil.) platoon formation in three ranks (rare). jx-iotoiiMer, v. a. r., to clew; to gather into knots, lumps; (mil.) to gather into small groups (e. g., to resist cavalry). pelouse, f., lawn; lawn grass. pfloux, m., earth washed down by rains from mountains. pelucheux, a., shaggy. peiialitc, f., penal law; (in pi.) punishments (legal). penchant, m., slope (of a hill, earthwork, etc.), declivity, brink. pencher, v. a. n., to incline, lean; bend: stoop; be out of plumb; (nav.) to list, have a list, pendant, a., hanging; pending: cltf e, (mas.) hanging keystone; v. s. v. elrf; mitrailk e, (flirt.) old brass. pendant, m., (mil.) sword-belt sling; frog; (not.) raan-o '-war's pennant: brut, (mas.) long flat stone used especially in arches. pendcntif, m., pendentive: sleeve, neck, of a bal- loon; en , hanging. penderoles, f. pi/, (mil.) trumpet cords. pendeur, m., (cord.) pendant, pendu, m., (St. Cyr slang) instructor. pendnlaire, a., pendular, pendulous. pcndule. m., pendulum; f, clock; balixttque, (ball.) ballist ic pendulum (the part that receives the projectile); canon , (hall. )*gun pendulum (the part that carries the gun); & ca;:on, (ball.) artillery ballistic pendulum ( t he whole apparatus ) : circulairr, circular pendulum; cornfiensitcvr, & compensation, com- pcn.tc, compensating poniliilum; compost-, compound pendulum: (unique, (mnch.) Watt's governor, conical pendulum: cyclo'idal, cyeloidal pendulum; cUctriqae. electric pendulum: it force centrifuge, \. coni^uc: fiiti!- , (ball.) musket pendulum (i. e., the part that carries the rillei; ---dfuxil, (bull.) small-arm ti-.illistic pendulum (the whole apparatus); It-n'.ille (/'. --- . pi-inliilum 1 oh; poidsde . pi'iidtilum weight; - a ri 1 1 U. al:i! m clock; a .cj(x t j|i-. jM'nelr'T, v. :i. ii..to penetralo: vr/.,.\m. a.) topeiu>- tr:it- (<>f projc lik'S). I^niclie, I '., pinnace. j>eiiinsulf, I. [icninsula: In -- -. > s pain and I'orlugal. penltencler, m., penitentiary; militaire, military penitentiary (in France, for soldiers sentenced to more than one year's imprisonment). penitent lair*-, a., reformatory, pen TIC, f.. mop. pennon, m., pennon. penon, m., dogvane. pension, f., pension, annuity, allowance: food, keep; livery; boarding school, boarding house; accorder une . to bestow a pension: alimentairr. ixnird money; chcral en , horse at livery; lnir les chevaui, livery stable; envoy er en- , (horses) to put out nt livery; ur I' Ktat, goveniment pension; elre de la mfme, to mess together: mettre en , to put (horses) nt livery: jtroportionneUe, v. (de retrdiU) prnitr- tionnelle. recevoir des chtvaux en . to keep a livery st ;il Je: deri forme. ( Fr.a.) (ollicers') pension. granted for physical or other un'itness; at rctraite, (Fr. a.) retiring pension (officers and men); de ritraite jtour anciennfte df services, ( Fr. a.) retiring pension, based on length of service (orticers and men); (de retraite) pr&portionneUe, (.Fr. a.) retiring pension (men only) granted for length of sen -ice between 15 and 25 years; - de retraite par tulte de bhssures tt d'infirmitif, ( Fr. a.) retiring pension for wounds and disa- bility in line of duty; pnur firifers emimnts, (Fr. a.) good-service pension, with reversion to widows and orphans; tenir i n , to keep in livery; viagkre, life pension. pensionnaire, m., pensioner, pension iiut, m., boarding school. pensioniier, v. a., to pension, to grant a pension or allowance. pent as paste, m., five-block tackle, for raising heavy weights. pentagon?, a., m., pentagonal; pentagon. peiife, f., slope, inclination; des ent. ascent: de- clivity, ac'. livity; uphill, downhill; gradient, grade"; pitch (.of" a roof); talus (.of a walli; f.;ll (of a stream); face (of a hill;; (am. a.) je;:: fall or bend of the stork; (tick.) jig; (carp.) set or angle of a tool bl. ule or cutter; ai.x'V, good gradient: alter tn , to incline, slope, shelve; angle df , angle of slope; asfendai'lf, ascent, ac. livity: u"C x tt ram/if*, undulating; ai'"ir d< la . v. (In i n -; - - d/ dii'chi .(.<;.<;. i :M'-:le of -dop> of sto. '..; -coiirnntt, slope of a road i in the dire ami nf ilsl.'ir.'ih ;; (/'<(( hd-iil'f. descent . div li\ ii y: dinicili , v. - - riiii/i : - diiiK.'i , g(.od j/r:'.i!ic".t: e:i<\ slopf -- - li'nirn ;/;r/i . .-lij'f on wliiih v. i.ecls in'..st bo ,'l:-':i - . to in-line, be iui'lilicd. slnpiiiu*; . n. \ f.ill. id ol mu.,;.ot sto-'k; (jnhr'i' >n .(mi, :. : adit of a mii-.f. - dll llnci<. ()..)/. ' sl.ipc (.1" ll:c glai'is; ht.'l ill. sid.' slope of a r.;::d: liiiiili 'H-cifiitli . limiting pr.i' ti>-al>le .-i ; ; (.'. mat. ( ii'ii . ) r.V.n- "f :i m...>l : (/< jilnlri . vc tit l.iyi r of jil.i.-ter. I" S o i lie leads of;, giitjcr: r,/f.steO|). l,i:d.slojif: -ra;yiW/, steep slope: d' 11 iii rii iir- . 1 .11 "f ;. ri\n -(/. ttiltt. si.ic v. -li> of a I. o;; -. .:i.iti. .- . i uwuing; // groiiiut i; i:i.iii;e:il : tiri.nn i n . sloping i;ri>'ii:-l - d'l/n tn'n. pitch oi .1 r.ioi pent lire 318 perd-fluide penture, f., hinge; hinge strap; iron hangings of a door or window; iron brace; pintle; eye of a clamp; holdfast; automate, self-art ing hinge; (i charniere, hinge joint; a erapaudine, \. & piton; double, forked hinge; a equcrre, garnet hinge; en F, cross tailed hinge; llamande, double hinge strap; a gitnd, hook-and-eye hinge; tongue, strap hinge; A piton, & pivot, pin-and-socket hinge; de sabord, (nav.) port hinge; ti lalon, cramp hinge. pequiii, m., v. pekin. pfralite, f., (ex pi.) peralite. pfiras, perat, m., patent fuel, briquettes. percale, m., boring, punching; (art., sm. a.) first operation of boring. percaiit, m., (of a horse) keenness, spirit; (mach.) piercer, borer, puncher. perce, f., size of opening (in screens, sieves, etc.); borer, drill, punch; a mam, hand punch. percf, p. p., pierced; to. jour, openworked. peree-carte, m., (mil.) flag pin, used to mark the position of troops on a map. perce-cartouche, m., (art.) priming wire (obs.). perce-chausse, m., teredo navalis. perce-clous, m., gimlet. perce-drolt, m., straight borer. pereee, f. , opening in a wood, vista; opening (of a canal, etc.); (mil.) breaking or cutting the enemy's line; (nut.) tap hole; fain la , (met.) to tap; fane unc , to break through (as the enemy); to make an opening (door, window) in a wall; iron rft , (met.) tap hole. perce-fournaise, m., (met.) tapping bar, bott stick. peree-fusces, m., (art.) fuse cutter. percempiit, m., piercing, perforation, boring; tunneling, tunnel piercing; piercing of an isthmus; (mas.) opening in a wall (for a door or window); (wet.) tapping; (mm.) driving of a gallery, sinking of a shaft. percepteur, m., collector, taxgatherer. perception, f., collection of taxes; collectorship; (more narrowly, mil.) action of receiving stores, supplies, issues, (hence) stores, issues, drawn. percer, v. a. n., to pierce, bore, drill, punch; to broach, tap; to break through, open; to pene- trate, go through; to wet through; to tunnel, drive a tunnel; to stick, lance; to run through (with a sword); (furl.) to pierce (loopholes); (mm.) to drive, sink, shafts, galleries: (met.) to tup (a blast furnace); (mil.) to break through, pierce (the hostile line); to rise in rank by merit; 'i bois, to make roads (hroiiL'h a wood; ,/ ,." cminic, to make an opening for a window; il'nw deux ruts, ("f a huune) to open oil two streets; -tin tscadrtm, r/c., (mil.) to break, dash, tlirough a squadron, etc.; (i fnr,t. to drill: inn fitn'i, v. tin htii.i; / li'itii fiiuriKini. < nut.) to tap the furnace; inxtrmni ntii , borer; nuichiiK 'i , punching niachine; >in inrirt, ( ri'ii .) to pierce a ship for guns; nutri , to dig through; d'otii,-e fn nuln , dc part en part, to pierce through and tlirough; to run, shoot, through; tin pays, to make roads through a country; une purte, to open a door (as in a wall); un puil.i, to sink a shaft, well; unt rui, to open a street; percer un tonneau. to broach a cask; Its Idles, to punch the plates; une tranchce, (siege) to break tlirough a sap; un tunnel, to drive a tunnel. percerette, f., gimlet, borer. percette, f., borer, drill. perceur, m., borer (workman); (met.) tapper; dcculasse, (sm. a.) breech-screw maker; mecanique, (mach.) punching machine. perceu.se, f., (mach.') boring machine. percevolr, v. a., to collect taxes, revenue; to get, draw (as clothes, supplies, etc.). perche, f., perch, pole; shaft (of an oar); (surr.) measuring rod; (gym.) pole, hanging pole, jumping pole, climbing pole; d'aviron, shaft of an oar; A brasser, (met.) stirring pole (for metal in fusion); double, (mil. tclcg.) extension pole (two joints); ei houblon, (mil. slang) lance; et rnesurer, measuring rod; oftcillante, (gym.) swinging pole; sauta la , (gym.) pole vaulting; tauter ei- la , (q>im.) to pole-vault; a sauter, (gym-.) vaulting or leaping pole; de souffltt, rock staff, bellows lever: triple, (mil. telcg.) extension pole (three joints). percheron, a., m., Perchcron (horse), perclus, a., crippled. percoir, m., punch, awl; broach, borer, drill; (met.) tapping bar; a cournnne, rose bit; ei coutcaux mobiles, slotting bar, grooving tool with movable cutter; ft levier, v. d rochet; multiplex, automatic punch; d rochet, rack drill; ratchet brace; ratchet drill; a fete crepre, key way drill. percolateur, m., percolator, percolating coffeepot. percussion, f., percussion, shock, blow; hammer- ing, striking, of a timber, to test its soundness; (art.) shock (of trunnions in beds, of trail on platform, due to firing); the blow on deck, due to firing; (art., sm. a.) percussion; amorce ii , (sm. a.) percussion cap (obs.); percussion priming: armi a , (.sm. a.) percussion arm; centralr, (sm. a.) center fire; fusila , (,im. a.) percussion musket (obs.); peripherique, (sm. a.) rim fire: promt ft , (mnch.) stamping press; system c ei , (art.) percussion principle; du lir, (art.) the blow on the carriage, etc., due to tiring; vis dc , lly, screw, press. percutant, a., percussive, striking; (art.) using percussion shell; a/ipardl , (art.) percussion apparatus, device; Chien , (sm. a.) hammer; micnni.irnr , v. iu: plunger of a fuse; librt, (sm. a.) loo.'.c striker, striker not act- uated by a spring, frer to move under a blow (as Springfield, Winchester); ii rixxort. (sm. a.) spring striker; de nurtte, (art.) safety striker, perdiint, m., ebb of the tide; dot tnnriat, takc-otT of the tides. pertl-fliilde, in., (dec.) ground end of a lightning rod. per d re 319 personnel perdre, v. a. n., to lose, waste, ruin; to drag (of an anchor); to carry away (sails, yards, etc.); to (all in price; to (all (of the tide); to take oil (of the tide); - une bataille, (mil.) to lose a battle; - son chemin, to lose one's way; M - corps et bient, (nav.) \o "be lost with all hands; - fond, (of an anchor) to drag; lefond, (nav.) to get off soundings; - ft marche, to lose speed; la nage, to catch a crab (rowing); tt - , (of a river) to fall into; - la sonde, \. - lefond: du. terrain, (man.) in executing vaults, to lose ground; tent, (nap.) to lose sight of land; de cue, to lose sight of. perdu, p. p., lost, ruined; extinct; (nav.) carried away (yard, etc.); lost (ship); ballon - ,free balloon; d, corps - , headlong, desperately without regard to consequences; coup - , random shot; ft coup - , at random; enfants - s, (mil.) forlorn hope; fond-ition b pierre(s) - e(s), random, riprap, foundation; ouvraje A pierres - es, v. fondation 4 pierres pierre - e, (mas.) stone completely embedded in mortar or concrete (as in filling work); puit.t -- , dry well (i. e., whose sandy bottom absorbs the water); sentindle - e, (mil.) advanced sentry; to, tet r - f, Hush, driven Hush (as a bolt, a peg). pertq nation, f., equalization (as of promotion, of taxation). perfection, f., completion, perfection. pcrtectloniienieiit, m., improvement. pertectionuer, v. a., to improve. perforant, a., perforating; effet - , (art.) perforating effect. perforant, m., (hipp.) perforans tendon. perforateur, a., perforating; m., drill, borer; rock drill; ii air compriml, pneumatic drill, compressed- air drill; - erimeter (of a river). periode, I., period. i 'I iie following terms relate to .steam.) it'iidminsion, admission; - il<- I'acuncriil'ichappemmt, inside lead; rir I'lirnncrfi I' introduction, outside lead; dc compression, compression; - ilf contrc-pres.iion , back pressure; dr dftrntf, expansion; x lie lii distribution ilr la r.ipeur, behavior of steam in a double piston stroke; steam in a double piston d' Evacuation , exhaust; ptrldeeriostosis. peripherle,f.,rim, periphery. peripherique, a., rim, peripheric. pcripneumonie, f . , (hipp. > consumption. perir, v. n., to Derish; to decay; to sink, be lost (of a ship); corps et biens, to perish (crew and cargo); t > be completely destroyed. pfrissable, a., perishable, subject to decay, peril te, f. , perlite , pearlst; ne. permanence, f. , permanence; armee en , standing army; en , permanent, continual. permanent, a. , permanent , lasting; armee e, standing army; fortification f, permanent fortification. permeability, f., permeability. permeable, a., permeable, pervious. permis, p. p., permissible, admissible; m., written permission , permit; de circulation, (r. r.) pass; d'eiport ition, permit to export; de stjour, permit of residence. .permission, f., leave, permission; (nar.) liberty; (mil.) i>ass;leave(Fr.a.,not to exceed 30 days); accurder In , to grant leave, permission; d' alter bt err e, ( rear.) shore leave; avec , with leave, permission; avoir de 21 heure.i, (mil. slung) to be on guard; depasser une ( mil.) to overstay a leave; en , (mil.) on pass: de siiine, (mil.) night pass; en df soiree, (mil.) on night pass: ti titre de sursi.i, (mil.) delay !as in joining, etc.). permisslonnairc, m., (mil., nav.) oilicer on leave; man on pass, on liberty, on fur lough, periiiissionner, v. a., to license. perm utateur, m., (elcc.) plug. permutation, f., permutation; (elec.) switching of a c u r re n I : (m if. ) t ran s f e r : par ainrennnce ;>t'rx tnn^He, (mil.} transfer at otlicer's request; exchange: d'offici', (mil.) transfer by order. perm liter, v. a., (mif.i to transfer, to exc!.aii:-e. piie, in., (hipp.) fibula. perpendlculaire, a., perpendicular: f. , (for!. or- pendicular (in the bu.siioned system;. perpeiidirule, in., plummet (.obsi.i. perquisition, f. , search. perri 1 , in., dry w.ili: stone packing, stov.e seashore covered with stone- ,,r sliiiurle: v.-..''-- wini; of a bridge: < r, r. i s:n ill c il ven . dr.ii , . filled with broken stone; rubble drain. perreye, a., packed with stoiu' covered or fa vd wit h stone i ;i< a ili' e i; xiifili , facing --and i of a dike'. perrler, in., (nift.i lapping l--.r: bolt stick. perriore, f. , i local name for quarry; (mtt.l tapping bar. perron, in., the steps and landing of the main en- trance of a buildi'U'. |>eiTi n: step (of ;i \- aler- full going over a series of stops': tr. r. platf irm; dr churgt mi nt , (r. r.) freight platfcTin; ft pans,\\ perron with cut-oil' corners. perruquier, in., barber. persieiine, f. , I'ersian Mind. person nage. in. . person . personage. prrsoiiiu*, f., person: cti-ile, (luir 1 1 he State, a community, corpora- tion, association: de sa , in person: {a - - dn roi, the king. personnel, in., ( "//., ftc.) personnel; ou 1 ri< r workmen. perspectlf 320 phare perspertif, a.. perspective: plan - . plane of the picture, prospective plane. perspective, f.. perspective; perspective drawing; - -afritnnf, aerial perspective: caialifre. cavallt-r-perspective; tiniairt, linear perspective; tfteculatii't, science of perspective; d co/ d'oiseau, bird's-eye view; (n vue accidentelle, oblique perspective; en vue de face, parallel perspective. perte, f., loss; loss (of a battle, position, town, of men, of a ship); waste; escape (of heat, etc.); ruin; censee totale, (nor.) constructive total loss: - - de charge, (tech.) loss of pressure; (elec.) waste (as in the circuit); dc cnuru?!/, (dec.) current leakage: s graves, ( mil.) serious, heavy, losses; s leglres, ( mil.) slight losses; par les support*, (dec.) weather contact; a la tcrrc, (eltc.) ground leakage; totale, (nav.) total loss; ti dc vue, as far as the eye can reach. pert ills rn., hole; ward of a key; hole or opening of a screw plate; waste, drain hole (of a basin, etc.); drain: sluice; opening for boats in a dike or levee; strait (between two islands, between an island and the mainland); narrow channel in, to, or about a harbor; (in France) rapids of the .Seine; narrow part (of a river navigable by flushing only, point where the retaining dam is established); (top.) col; (met.) tap hole. pertxirbateur, a., perturbating, disturbing. perturbation, f., perturbation; disturbance; - - ilc I'uitjuillc, perturbation of the needle; atmosphcrique, atmospheric disturbance. pesade, f.. ( man.) rearing of a horse, pesade; dt cheire, pesade in which the horse docs not bend hi* fore legs under him. pesage, m., weighing; weigning in. pcsuiit, m., horse that does not rise easily on his fore legs. pesant, a., heavy, ponderous; slow, sluggish; chtval - , horse sluggish , heavy, in front; chfral ---- a la main, hard-mouthed horse, horse that bears on the bit; grain ---- , heavy squall; it nt - . heavy wind. pesanteur, f., weight: gravity, force of gravity; -- sptciftqui, specific gravity; - unicerselle, universal gravitation. pe.sc-acide, m., (chem.) aek'onuter, acid densi- meter. pesO, f., weighing, weight; amount weighed at one antl the same time: effort made with a lever; pull down on a rope; fiiirr line , to bear down on a lever, to take a purchase. pestesprit, m., al-oholmeter. pose-let t res, m.. letter si ale. pesf-li'.|ucur, in., areometer: hydrometer. Ijcse-papier, m., paper weight. pcsei, v. a. n.. to weigh, ID weigh in: to bear hard; to press; to lie heavy; to lie, hang, heavy on; (C'iri!. to haul down on a rope; l fig.) to weigh. consider; .-IT itn unxptct, to bear down on a hand- spike: buffit'f ti. /<'ii//'. -, weighing machine; - i/r'it, to weigh gn>' a rope; - mi. to weigli iii-i pese-sel, m.. >alnioiiiet peson, in., steelyard: a r i pesse, f.. Noruiiy pine. pt-ste, f.. pestilence, plasruo. (it ijut.'rt, tyi)hu.i lever. petard, m., (artif.) petard, cartridge; (r. r.) tor- pedo; (mm.) blast hole; d'amorcc, (artif.) the primed petard (in a charge of several); ae cavalcrie, (mil.) demolition cartridge car- ried by cavalry; de cif Constance, (mil.) any petard or torpedo made on the spot out of any material at hand; de dynamite, etc., (expl.) dynamite, etc., cartridge; pour icolcshfeu, (art.) a petard or cartridge to simulate burst of shell on strike; --de mines, (win.) blast hole (made by ex- plosives); de poudre, (artif.) (black) powder petard. pCtardement, m., act, action, of blasting, or of destroying by explosives; (min.) blasting; trou de , (min.) blast hole. pt artier, v. a., (mil., min.) to blast, to blow up; to destroy, demolish, by blasting. petardeur, m., petard worker or thrower. p^tardier, v. petardeur. pgterolle, f. , (artif.) cracker. pfcte-sec, m., (mil. slang) martinet. pftillement, m., crackling; (sin. a.) crackling of musketry. ptiller, v. n.. to crackle (of a fire, of musketry, etc.). petit, a., small, short, little, insignificant; ante I, flue bridge; s ooi'.s, v. s. v. bois; cqaijiement, v. equipement; etat- major, v. Mat-major; e yutrre, v. s. v. gutrn; e monture, v. s. v. monture; pied, (hipp.) colliu bone. pctit-clieval, m., (mack.) donkey engine; alimentaire, (sham) feed-water donkey engine; compresseur, donkey compressor. petits-vivres, m. pi., (mil.) a generic term for salt, sugar, coffee, tided vegetables, etc. pftralite, f., (apt.) petr.ilite. pCtrln, m., kneading trough, pug mill. petrir, v. a., to knead (dough, clay); to mold, form, make. p^trissage, m., pftrissement, in., kneading. p6trolracteur, m., (crpl.) petrofracteur. Ii6trolc, in., petroleum, mineral oil. petrolorie, f., (rock-)oil rclinery. I>etrolier, m.. tank steamer. peuplade, f.. coldiiy; trilie. peuplc, m., people, nation; host, throng, crowd. peuplier, m., popkr ( tree and wood); blanc, white i)oplar; - -franc, black poplar; dc llol/tiinif . \ . grisard; grisard, gray poplar; noir, v. -train-; pyramidal, Lombardy poplar; in '.nhlt, aspen. pen i', f., Tear. peurt'ux, a., timorous; cliiinl - , skittish, shying, horse, phalange, f., joint (of'a linger, a toe); (hipp.) phalanx; di uiit mi , (hip/i.) cornet bone, coronary or small pastern bone; pfi in/in , (hipp.) great pastern bone, fetter- bone; triiixii'iiir . (hipp.) ct)l!in bon>. phalatigett<', i.,,(hipp. ) cotiin bone. phulaiiglen, i;i., (nipp. ) |)hal:mx. plial.inuine, 1". , (nipp.) cornet bone. pliarf, in., li^ht-house: iiii nim/l . alternating light (rod and white light wiiluiiit e lipsej; drhotoscope, in., v. photo-avertisseur. >hototc'16graphp < in., teiephoie. ihotote'le'graphle, f. , telephotography. itiototype, in., phototype. ihototypie, f., phototypy. phot4it> posjraphle, f., phototypography. phototypogravurc, f., lino ami half-tone block making, photozliicographie, f., photozincography. phrase, f., phrase; d'arme,(fenc.) a s.iccesston ol blows given and taken without interruption. physique, f., physics. plaftY merit, m., pawing the ground (of horses), piaffcr, v. a., (of a horse) to paw the ground; (man.) to execute the piaffer, q. v. plaJTer, m., (man. ) piafTer (air in which the diagonal bipeds are alternately raised and lowered with- out advancing or backing); dtpile, a mincing piafler: espaqnol, Spanish walk (i. e., the piafTer well marked); grand passage, an air consisting of the pa**!*;*, without advancing (the motions being ample, clean cut, and well separated), plaffeur.a . pawing the eround (of a horse); (hence) m., a stately horse (one that paws the ground). piano, m.,Jo'ier du , (man., slang) to have dis- united gaits. pic, n'., pic' ax, pic';, bush hammer; (top.) very high, steep mountain; A , perpendicular; (nav.) a-peak; ci'itea , bold, bluiT, shore; A /fit, (nut.) poe-.er; a feuille de sauge, (min.) miner's pick for sand and gra el; hoyav, mattock: gnibbing pick; d'tnfanterie, (mil.) portable pickax; a roc, miner's pick; rock pick; A roc A tcte, poll pick; d rocker, v. a roc; H tete, poll pick; A tranr>:ti, mattock; A tranche etii pointe, double pick (i. e., with a point and with a chisel edge). plcochc, m., scaling hammer. picolct, m., clamp, bolt clamp; holdfast, plcoree, f., plundering, marauding. picorer, v. a., to plunder, maraud, go plundering. plcorcur, m., plunderer, freebooter, marauder. picot, m., pointed hammer: splinter left on a stump, etc., not cut completely through; f mm.) wedge used in the framing of a mine shaft. pfcotage, m., (min.) wedging of p. mine shaft. picoter, v. a., (wan.) to prick, spur lightly, to feel with the spur; (min.) to wedge the framing of a mine shaft. picotiii, m., peck, feed of oats, feed measure. plcrate, m., (chem. ) picrate. picriquea.. (c'ltm.) picric; aciae (upl., etc. ) picric acid. pie, f., magpie: (hipu.) piebald, calico, horse: nid dc , (fort. ) lodgment in antUe of bastion or of demilune or ra\ elin. pie, a., (hipp.) piebald: (iric mav be followed by the name of the color which, witfi the white,' pro- duces the piebald elTect t; b'ii, piebald hor^e more white than buy: but -, piebald hore inure buy t han white; chtrul , piebald horse. piece, f., piece, pin (,-ts -if ;i cloc'k. of a maclui'o); fragment, bit; cask, barrel: piece of money, coin; apartment . room; apiece, each, (ad in.. i1f.) document, voucher: i: />.) piece of woocl (>' x ti" x i'," isor! of unit ol measure); (inrt.'i a shinirled blooii); (much.) the work; (ron.t. ) h.tlf tile, half a root'mir slate; (art.} gun, pien 1 . cannon ;( more r.irely ' gun and carriage, gun and limber, more esnecially. in Krance) subdivision of a liel'l buttery on a war footing (the tir>-t six inerrx luu e clviri'e each of a gun and caisson, the seventh of three caisson.;, the eighth of the forge, etc., and the ninth of the baggage and supply wagon): the men serving several siege or fortress guns; any >;roup of cannoneers. I. Artillery, etc.; II. Miscellaneous. I. Artillery, etc.: .s-ur aflat d'Hi'ixo, swivel gun: sur afffit niiirin. (iiin . art. > gun Oil truck car- riage fobs, i; d'alarwt . alarm I'un: tl I'tmt li.iii . ^<\ni\ hbore gun; (j ftim r..>iir, nil' 1 : d'arrit, (xm. .; stop; cui-olT: 3S7T 17- -121 322 picco pi*ce d'artitleru, gun; armee, a piece ready to be served, i.e., with its equipments at hand (siege and -seacoast artillery); s d'armes, (sm. a.) parts, spare parts, of arms; d'armons, iron band embracing end of fore guide; d'avant-train. v. d'armons; de, en, battene, (nav. art.) broadside gun; en batterie, (any) gun in battery; de bombardement, any piece for delivering curved or high-angle fire with shells of large bursting charge (as distinguished from de perforation,*}. v.); bouche, muzzle-loading gun; de campagne, field piece; de canon, piece of artillery; de chasse. (nav. art.) bow chaser; chef de , chief of piece; de cote, seacoast gun; cvlasse, breech-loading gun; de debarquement, (nav. art.) landing gun; de decoration, (artif.) set piece; de mi , a half detachment; desccndre une , to dismount a gun; de desctnte. v. de debarquement; delachee, (fort.) detached work; de detente, (sm. a.) trigger plate; guard plate; directrice, directing gun; A double detente, (sm. a.) hair-trigger plate; egalisee, gun with no dispart; d'embarcation, (nav.) boat gun, landing gun; de fermeture, (sm. a.) breechblock; breech- closer proper; feu! number fire! (command); de flanquement, flanking gun; folle . piece not bored true; de fortification, (fort.) any part of a fortifi- cation; fusante, piece firing time shell; de gros calibre, gun of large caliber; sjumelees, guns in pairs in turrets; lisse, smoothbore gun; de lumiere mobile, removable vent piece; de mcr, seacoast gun; monter une , to mount a gun; nette, gun well cast and bored true (obs.); pavilion de , (Fr. art.) a searcher or locator for locating on the map the common target of a group of batteries; peloton de , (Fr. art.) the piece (as defined under main word); peloton de la , gun detachment (siege and seacoast artillery); percutanlc, piece firing percussion shell; de perforation, high-power armor-piercing gun for direct fire (as distinguished from de bombardement, q. v.); de petit calibre, gun of small caliber; pivot, ft pivot, sur pivot, pivot, swivel, gun; de position, siege gun; de poiLce, (sm. a.) small plate lot into a stock; rayee , rifled piece; de rempart, a gun permanently mounted, not intended to be removed from a work or fort; wall-piece; de retraite, (nav. art.) stern chaser; de salut, saluting piece or gun; scrvie, a gun in action or ready to open fire at once, equipments in place and men at their posts (siege and seacoast artillery); dc sifge, siege gun; desuTcti', (sm. a.) safety device; de surveillance, (s. c. art.) gun commanding as great a field of fire as possible, or having an all-around fire; tailler une armee en s, (mil.) to cut an army to pieces; de toureUe .turret gun; lournante, swivel gun; de Iravers, (nav. art.) broadside gun; type, type gun; versee en cage , en panier, gun upset, with its carriage upside down; piece, voiture , gun and limber; A vos a, detachments opposite your piecesl (command); A true directe, any piece laid habitually di- rectly on the target (e. g., field gun); de n, n-pounder; de n po(uccs), an n-inch gun. II. Miscellaneous: is, la , by the job, piecework; ttl'appui, (adm.f voucher; d'appui, (cons.) ureast rail; d'arret, (mach.) locking piece; de ble, field of wheat; d'attelage, (r. r.) coupling; de bftail, head of cattle; de bois, generic term for beam, plank, etc. ; brute de forge, (met.) rough forging; carrec,(carp.)& sort of sqnare or gauge (for trying rectangular assemblages); de ceinture, gunwale of a boat; chargec debout, generic term for any piece receiving an end stress or load; de charpente, (cons.) any piece of light timber (used in construction of ships, carriages, etc.); de comptabilite, (adm.) voucher; de construction, timber (as of a ship, etc.); de contreventement, (cons.) crossl cam; de conviction, document establishing proof or facts o f guilt, o r o f the circumstances leading to arrest; de cordage, (cord.) length or piece of rope (120 fathoms); de coulee, (fond.) casting; -croisee, (cons.) crosspiece; a culotte, (mach.) breeches piece (breeches pipe); de decharge, (adm. ) relieving document; demi , half barrel: de depcnse, (adm.) pay account or voucher, statement of money due; A eau, water cask; d'eau, ornamental water; d'ecrilure, page written with great care; emporte punch; stamp iron; enlever la , to punch, to stamp; d'entratnement, (mach.) connecting bar; d'eslomac, flannel waistband; fausse , (fond.) false bottom; frondee, anything slung for raising; de froUement, friction piece, plate; (harn.) galling leather, safe; - - du harnais, v. defrottement, s. v. (harn.); de jointure, connecting piece; -justificative, (adm. ) voucher; s justificatives comptables, (adm.) vouchers proper; s justificatives d'ordre, (adm.) generic term for orders, reports, certificates, etc. , drawn up and published by superior authority; de liaison, (cons.) tie, etc.; maitrcsses s, (com.) main pieces (e. g. , sills, sleepers); de membrure. frame (of a ship); - de metal forgee, (met.) forging; metlre en s, to rend, tear, to pieces; mettre une , to patch, piece; mettre une enprrce, to broach a cask; de paicment, (adm.) pay voucher, statement of moneys due; dc ponf, arc or main piece of a punt volant; s n>, from head to foot, cap-a-pie; -decheialet, (pont.) leg ol a trestle; - -dc-chtvre, pinch bar; crowbar; (art.) pry pole (of a gin); pled cornier, corner (1. e., boundary) tree; (carp.) corner piece of a framing; & coulisse, calipers, sliding calipers, microme- ter gauge; ti coulisse de precision, vernier calipers; coup de , v. s. v. coup; courant, running foot; d'une dent, shoulder of a tooth or cog; en , full length (as a portrait); rtilonnt, standard foot; standard sliding calipers; ttre en . (mil. , etc.) to be on the establishment; to be on full pay; faux , (pont.) false leg of a trestle; de ferine, obstinately, without flinching; (mil.) at, from, a halt; on a fixed pivot; (Jenc.) without advancing or retiring; gens de . (mil.) foot soldiers; du glacis, (fort.) foot of the glacis; de guerre, (mil.) war footing, establishment; - de guidon, (sm. a.) front-sight mass; dehausse, de la hausse, (sm. a.) foot or base of rear sight; lacher , laclter le , to give way, to lose ground; marcher du mfme , to keep step; marin, sea legs; mettre sur , (mil.) to enlist men, raise troops; mettre & terre, to dismount, alight, from a horse; to get out of a carriage; to go ashore; du mur, foot, footing, of a wall; du nuage, blending or continuity of a cloud with the horizon; & d'ceuvre, v. s. v. ceuvre, m.; de paii, (mil.) peace fining, establishment; perdre , to- get out of one's depth; de plain , (rooms) on same lloor; poudreuz, deserter, vagrant; (mil. slang) "rounder" (man who deserts from one regi- ment to another); prendre , to touch bottom (as in a ford, etc.); & profondeur, depth gauge; du rail, (r. r.) rail foot; rcduire un plan au petit , to draw a plan, etc., on a small scale; de rustine, (met.) charging door; aur , on foot; standing (as wheat, oats, etc.); (mil.) ready, ready to serve; du talus, foot of a slope; - -a terre! (mil.) dismount! (call and command); &< user, tcndre, un , to set a snare. plerraille, f. , broken stone; rubble; road metal. pierre, f., stone; flint, rock, gravel; & adoucir, slip; a affller, whetstone; df lair, aerolite; u aiguisrr, whetstone, grindstone; d'aimant, loadstone; pierrc 324 pilastre plerre aimantte, magnetic stone; iiiniiiinir,'. corner stone (i. e., at a comer); d'appareil, ashlar; appareillee, hewn stone; arinacte, sandstone; argileuse, argillaceous stone; - artificiellc, artificial stone; brick; assise de , course of stone; d'attente, toothing; block left to be carved; d bahut, rounded olock of a coping; en bossage, stone left to be carved; en boutisse, bonder; d briquet, flint; ft broyer, grindstone (for colors); d brunir, red hematite; burnishing stone; brute, unhewn stone; rubble, ashlar; cilca>re. any calcareous stone; carree. squared stone; - en chantier, stone ready or in position for cutting; d chaperon, v. d bahut; d chaux, limestone (for making lime): s concasstes, broken stone; road metal; de construction, building stone; coiLjicc, triangular paving stone (to finish a course laid diagonally); de , of stone, stony; di en , stone block; delardcr une , to dress a stone with the pick; en delit, stone laid on breaking grain; deUtee, stone that cleaves easily; demi-dure, building stone of moderate hard- ness; dcrniere, stone on which is cut a date, etc.; dure. hard stone, building stone; d'cctumtillon, stone cut or dressed to proper size; d'emeri, emery; en , of stone, stony; d'encoignure, quo'in; equarrie, v. carrte; d trier, sink, sink stone; dfeu, firestone, (sm. a.) gunflint (obs.); ftltnnte, d filtrc, filter, filtering, stone; de fond, sole; fondamentalc, foundation stone; defoudre, v. de I'air; f ranch' , stone without defects; de fusil, v. dfeu; garnir de , to face with stone; gypseuse, parget; d'l'huilf, oil stone, whetstone; infernale, lunar caustic* jet de , stone's throw; en lit, stone laid on cleaving grain; lithographique, lithographic stone; de mew, meuliere, de meuUere, millstone; milliairc, milestone; dc mint . iron ore; nctte, stone squared aud dressed; noire, ampelite; d papitr, (stono) paper weight; de pnrnnent, de parure, facing stone; parixiiyne, bonder, heart bond; perpend, perpeud stone; d paver, paving stone; s per dues, looso stones, thrown Into deep water for a foundation, "riprap;" piquerune . to pick a stone; plate, si one slab; d plain . g\ |>sum; plfini , sound stouc, free from all defects; ponce, pumice; porcuse, gravel stono; pnurrit, rotten stone; pn miere . corner stone; quarrie, broad stono; ii recurcr lepont. (nan.) holystone; T(fracta.ire, firestone: d ranouUur, grindstone; fi ri'iiasser, hone; ritnurnic, stono squared and parallel on oppo- site sides; rustiyute, rusticated stone; plerre schisteuse, schistous stone; scintillante, silicate; - de scorie, slag stone; y. ^ *, s seches, dry stone; ,. "... , ''.. de sujttion, any stone that can occupy but one place in a construction, whose position is marked; d taillandier, grindstone; de taillc, ashlar; cut stone; taille de la , stonecutting; taillee, hewn stone; tailler une , to dress, cut, a stone; tailleur de , stonecutter; - tendre, soft stone; traversee, cross-hatched stone; velue, verte, quarry-faced stone. plerreau, m., (mil. slang) recruit; soldier who has been one year in the corps or regiment. plerree, f., stone drain, nibble drain; sort of riprap composed of boxes filled with small stones. plerrelle, f., stone packing of a drain. plerreux, a., stouy. plerrier, m., (art.) (stone) mortar (obs.); fougasse , stone fougasse. plerrlere, f. , stone pit. pierrot, m., (mil. slang) soldier who shirks and incurs punishment; recruit. pletage, m., (nap.) draft mark, pic tliier, v. a., to trample under foot, pletou, m. , pedestrian; (mil.) foot soldier, infantry- man (obs.). pleu, m., pile, spile; stake, palisade, post; arracher un , to draw a pile; battre un , to drive, sink, a pile; en beton, a foundation pile formed by filling a pile hole with concrete; enfoncer un , v. battre un ; - d'essai, proof pile; faux , punch; fer re, ferruled pile; ficher un , v. battre un ; -defondement, foundation pile; de garde, (fort.) guard pile; lardoire de , shoe of a pile; rann dc x, row of piles; rictpiT un , to square or saw off the head of a pO:, en sable, a foundation pile formed by filling a pile hole with sand; ft vis, screw pile, or stake. plezometre, in., piezometer. pit, m., (hipp.) aorse whose testicles have not descended (fam.). pigeon, m., pigeon: (mas.) trowelful; cloud s, large hooked nail, tenter hook; jeuned'ite, pigeon hatched between February and July; mesnager, carrier pigeon: militaire, carrier pigeon (military service); voyageur, carrier pigeon. plgeoimier, m., militaire, dovecote. pigeon nage, m., (mas.) act of laying on mortar by hand. plgeonner, v. a., (mas.) to lay on mortar by hand (without packing). pigtion, m., gable, gable end (of a house); (mach.) pinion; cogwheel; (art.) lid prop; d'anglc, (much.) bevel pinion or wheel; conique, (moch.) bevel pinion; cylindrique, (mach.) spur pinion; --A double denture, (mach.) double-toothed pinion; d double manivellt, pinion worked by a double-handled winch; drnit, spur pinion; ecrou, pinion working an inside screw; --galle, (mach.) .spro<'ket; d manchon d'assemblage, (mach.) clutch pinion; de reglagc, regulating adjusting pinion; de r envoi, transmitting pinion; de scrrage, tightening pinion; de torsion, twist wheel. pllagc, m., pounding. pilastre, m. , pilast er: stanchion and thick planking; cornier, corner pilaster; pilastre 325 plnasse ptiastre rampant,- de rampe, post of a sloping balustrade. pile, f., pile (of shot, etc.); starling of a bridge; bridge pier; masonry pier; vat; stem or trunk of a tree fit to convert into lumber; (pored.) hollow (of a'powder mill) in which pilon works; (elec. ) battery, element, cell; (kiitp.) horse whoso testicles have not descended, ridgeling (/am.). (Except where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to electricity.) fia 'tge*, trough battery; ou bichromate dr potasse, bichromate battery: ii charbon, carbon cell; (in gen.) pile of char- coal; au chtorvre d'argent, silver chloride battery; de compensation, compensating battery; cwtante, constant battery; fi couronnt de iasstx, crown cell battery; c'Me. abutment pier (of a bridge); h decniquetfr, (expl.) pulper (gun cotton); demonler une , to dismount a battery; a densitf, gravity battery; a deui liquides, two-fluiu battery; ft eau, water cell; fltctrique, electric battery; et'ilon, standard battery; tturiale, (pont.) river pier; qatoanique, galvanic, electric, battery; a gravite, gra- ity battery; h'/dro-electriyue "hydro-electric battery; fi immersion, plunge battery; d' inflammation, (tor/).) iiring battery; intermittent*, v. des pares du genie; de ligne, line battery; monler une , to assemble and connect up a battery; d mortier, (powd.) bed of a powder mill: den pares (du genie), bichromate battery, plunge battery (used as a firing battery in the French army); percee, (-pont.) open pier; plongttintc, \ . dts jxircs du gfnie; de polarisation, polarization, storage battery; d'un pont, (pont.) bridge pier; primnirt, primary cell; a renvfTJtment, reversing cell; reversible, v. a rtntersement; xcche, dry battery; sccondaire, accumulator, storage battery, secondary battery; tcrrrxtre, earth battery; thermo-fUctrigiic, thermo-electric pile; ft un liquide, single-fluid cell; de VnUa, voKalque, voltaic battery. pili-r, v. n., to pound, bruise; menu, to break up small; du poll re, (mil. slana) to mark time (said of the rear units cf a column); (Man.) to bunij. up and down in the saddle, not to sit tight. pilrur, m., pounder, beater. pilirr, m., pillar; standard; pier (of a bridge;; post (in a stall;; (man., in pi.) the posts be- tween which a xauliur (q. v.) is hitched; anterirur. head post (in a stable 1; ; d'antise, bed pile, foundation pile; b(o)utan!, (cons.) clofo buttress; minter tntrr Us ., (man.) to take a turn 0:1 the xauteur: po-'lerieur, heel post (in a stable); tauter nitre Ic.t s ( (man.) to train a horse to jump without losing or gaining ground (by hitching liim lxtween the posts); de stniinn, (tech.) supporting station (rope transmission). pillage, ni., plunder, pillage, looting; atnndonner, lit rtr, an, , to give up to plunder. pillartl, ni pillager, plunderer, looter; a., plunder- in;-:, pillaging. plller, v. a., to pillage; to plunder, loot. ji'lh'iir. m., pillager, plunderer, l(x>ter. plloii, m., -;tamj), pestle, crusher: (powd.) rammer; (met.) shingling hammer; (mach.) hammer; pllon atmoupkerifw, (mach.) compressed-air ham- mer; du botard, (met.) stamp: forger ou , (met.) to work or forge under the hammer; marteau , v. s. v. marttau: micanique, (math.) power hammer; a ylanche de frictton, (mach.) friction-roll hammer; a capevr, (mach.) steam hammer, ptloii njnce, m., ramming; (mach.) hammering, forging. pllnii(n>er, v. a., to ram Cearth, concrete, etc.); (mach.) to steam hammer, to hammer. pOonrnieur, m., workman who rams, etc. pllonnler, m., man who works a steam hammer, pilot, m., pile; d'aicragc, anchoring pile; apjminter un , to point a pile; arracher Irs , to draw piles; battre lei , to dri- e pilos; de bnrdane, gauge, gauged, pile; coiffer Ifs , to cap piles; en/oncer le* , to drive piles: faux , false pile, used for sinking a pile below level of the ram or driver; ferrer Ic bn-:t d'un , to shoe a pile; defondement, foundation pile; fritter un , to hoop a pile; de grillage, foundation pile of a grating; nte/tre tin en ftdir, to plant, drive, a pile; pointe de , foot of a pile; de pnnt, bridge pile; ti rainnrt, sheet pile; de remplave, de rctenue, filling pile; retirer les *. to draw piles; gabot de , shoe of a pile; saboter un , to shoe a pile; de support, foundation pile of a prating; Ute de , head, top, of a pile. pilotage, m., pile driving; piling, pile work; pilot ace, pilot office; boi* de , pile timber, piling; droitx de , pilot fees; d'entrje, inward pilotnge: dc I' Ktat, government pilotage: batititrier, sea pilotage; -ft nil tan du terrain, (lush f foundation) piling, ofiliautiiire, compulsory pilotage: or re pirur saillantx. protecting pile work; de sortie, outward pilotage. pllnte, m., pilot; - a<'i'>ri'<', licensed pilot: d ranrl, channel pilot; cf.tirr, coasting pilot; dr ulii e, ice niastrr: hauttir'fr, v. de mer; - lainatitnr, v. cfitier: major, pilot i'i:><*or: (li inrr. -(:! Jiilot ; de /nr/. dock, harbor, pilot; /irnti'rx. unhcen.i\<: - Ir i//. pitch pine: ruii'if, red pine, Norway pine; <; trncniJi, v. di JHHI. iiiiis^e, f innace. pi i it; a rd 326 piquet pincard, m., horse that wears his shoe fast at the toe: (man.) rider that sits tight, with a firm seat. pliico, f., pinchers; pliers; nippers; clamp screw; clamp; pinch bar, crowbar; toe or wedge (of a lever) or pinch bar; tongs; hold, square, of a handspike; trowsers clip (bicycle); purchase; twibill; (farr.) toe (of a horseshoe); (hipp.) pincher, foretooth; toe of the foot; (r. f. art.) clip, catch (Maxim automatic 25 mm.); d amorsoge, (ezpl.) fuse pliers, cutters, or pinchers; d' assemblage, riveting flange, shoulder, or rim (French boiler); automatique, ( FT. art.) automatic fuse punch; avoir de la , (man.) to sit tight ; en bois, vise chops, vise claws, vise clamps; d cliches, (phot.) plate lifter; d cote, side-cutting pliers: d coulant, pin-tongs, sliding tongs; coupanlc, cutting pliers; d couper, cutting pliers; d couper et & sertir, cutting and crimping pliers; d crochet, small hooked lever; debouchoir, (art.) adjustable fuse pinchers, fuse punch; - d declic, tongs of a pile driver; d. dtsamorcer, (sm. a.) unpriming pliers or pinchers, unpriming machine (reloading tool); d double cran, cutting and crimping pliers (for Bickford and other fuses); deferd cheval, (farr.) toe; d fit defer, wire pinchers; deforgeron, smith's tongs; d juste, (art.) fuse drawer; d goupille, pin pliers; -levier, pinch bar; d main plate coupant de cote, side-cutting flat- nose pliers; de manueuvre, pinch bar, iron handspike; - de mineur, (mil. min.) miner's crowbar; ceilleton, (art.) spring clip (for the peep of a sight); d oreilles, round-nosed pliers; pantalon, trowsers clip (bicycle); petites s, tweezers; dpied de biche, claw handspike; plate, flat-nose(d) pliers; pressante et coupante, cutting and pressing pliers; de pression, clamp (as on a sextant, etc.); d ressort, spring pliers, spring catch; a syn- onym of (tilltton; d riper, crow or pinch bar; d sertir, crimping pliers; tire-culot, (art.) cartridge-head extractor or pinchers (canon d ballrs, etc.): tire-etoupilles, (art.) primer-case extractor or pinchers; tire-goupille, pin extractor; de treillageur, wire pliers (lattice maker's); d trois branches, (dec.) three-legged tongs; d vis, hand vise. pince, p. p., (of a lever) caught, pinched, under a load, weight, etc. pinccau, m., brush; (mil. slang) broom; (of bal- loons, in pi.) the two pencils of cords to which the car is directly attached; d goudron, -a goudronner, tar brush; d i>eindre, paint brush. pince-balle, m., (sm. a.) bullet nippers; (art.) hot- shot nippers (obs.). pincc-/m., etc.) cinder path; ( man.) longing ring, race track; track of a horse at work; double, (man.) double (race or trail, marked by both fore and hind quarters at the same time; marcher d'une , (man.) to make one trace | (hind follow fore quarters); marcher de dcuz .*, (man.) to make a double trace (quarters on different but parallel tracks;; simple, (man.) single trace or trail. passes plstrr, v. r., (man.) (of the horse) to trail him- self (in the gallop, to plant one foot of the rear biped on same cross line as diagonally oppo- site anterior). pisteur, m., follower (In a flight of pigeons). pistolct, m., (sm. u.) pistol; (art.) pistol grip and appurtenances of a rapid-!' re gun; (mm.) nead, point, or borer of an earth auger, of a mine auger, of a boring bar; api-reter le , (sm. a.) to cock the pistol; d'arfon, (rro. o.) horse pistol; double, (sm. a.) double-barreled pistol (obs.); faire le coup de , (mil.) of a trooper, to leave the ranks and challenge the enemy to single combat; haul le , (sm. a.) raise pistol (position); de mine, (min.) borer or drill of an earth auger or of a mine auger; de mineur, v. de mine; de petardcment, (min.) drilling bar; de poche, (sm. a.) pocket pistol; it, repetition, (sm. a.) magazine pistol; replacer le , (sm. a.) to return pistol; revolver, revolver; signaleur, signal pistol. plstoller, m., good pistol shot. piston, m., (mach.) piston, sucker, forcer, plug, bucket, etc.; (sm. a.) tube, nipple (obs.); fol- lower (of a tubular magazine); aspirant, valve piston; is. basse pression, low-pressure piston; & brosses, piston with a brush packing; cercle de , piston ring; de chargement, (r. f. art.) loading piston (ITotchkiss); dapet de , piston clapper; clef de , piston key ; collerette du grand , duplicate piston ring; compensateurj valve-balance piston; coquille au , piston crosshead; corps du , piston body; coup de , piston stroke; couronne de , junk ring; course du , length of stroke of piston; coucercle du . piston cover; du cylindrea vapeur, steam piston; deplaceur, (Stirling's hot-air engine) driv- ing piston; 6 disques, leather-packed piston; distribution & , piston-valve motion; b, double effet, doable-action piston; & double tige, piston with two rods; ft etoupage, packed piston; & etouj>age de chanvre (melaUique), hemp- packed (metallic) piston; eipansif, expansive piston; defermeture, (sm. a.) piston fermeture; fore, v. per fore; bfouneau, trunk piston; garniture de , piston packing; ii garniture de chanvre, hemp-packed piston; a garniture melallique, metallic piston; grand , steam piston; gvide_ de la tige du , piston-rod guide; d haute pression, high-pressure piston; intermediate, intermediate-pressure piston; jeu de , length of stroke of a piston, travel; Itvie de. , piston stroke; marche de , length of piston stroke; metatliquf. metallic piston; moteur, main piston; prrce, inrcrfijnur, v. per fore; perfurt , hollow piston, perforated piston; plaque de , piston packing; plfin, solid piston; plongeur, plunger, ram, ram plunger; l*neumatique, claslipot of the Corliss engine; de pompe, sucker; bucket; de pompe foulanie. forcer; presse-itovpes de , pisiion -stuffim: box; 6 pressinn intermfdiaire, intermediate pres- sure piston; queue de , tailpiece of a piston: piston 328 place piston ft rainures, grooved piston; - rtcepleur, main piston; rtssort de - , packing spring; & simple effet, single-action piston; - & soupape(s), val . e piston; soupape de - , piston valve; - titidois, Swedish piston; T(f) de (tige de) - , piston-rod crosshead; tete du - , piston crosshead; tige, - & tije, rod piston; tiye de - , piston rod; A tige compensatrice, (art.) compensating piston; tournant, radial piston or plate (as of an oscillating pump); fi vapeur, steam piston. pltalne-orayon, m., (tlyng), orderly who waits on drawing classes (Ecolc Poly technique). pltanco, f.. ( FT. a.) soldier's expression for his share of the ration. pitch pin, m., Georgia pine, yellow pine. pitc, f., Agar-e americana; coir; m., hemp, cordage, made from the agave. plthomotre, in., cask gauge. plton, m., eyebolt, ringbolt, screw ring, ring, eye; (top.) peak, top, of a mountain; sharp point or crag or spur; cone- or point-shaped mountain; d'affut, (art.) eyebolt on a carriage; d'amarrage, anchoring eyebolt; fit anneau, eyebolt, ringbolt; s et anneauz, (sm. a.) loops and rings (of a scabbard); fi brtvcle, ringbolt; cirri-, crutch; de chargcment, packing eye or ring; de chimtau, cramp-iron eyebolt; fi croc, hook bolt; - CL crochet, ring hook ; double, double eyebolt; ti, fourche, shackle bolt; crutch; de gansc, (art.) carrying ring and bolt (pro- jectile); h auil, eyebolt; de retour, (art.) guide ring (for a lanyard); de sellette, (art.) baggage-strap staple; de tirant, eye of a cramp; a ris, screw eyebolt; it visfi bois, w'ood screw eyebolt. pltte, f., coir; cordage en - , coir rope. pivot, m.. pi'~ot, axis, spindle; pin, stud; tap- root of a tree; stud (or pin) of a spring in general; (mil.) pivot; (sm. a.) bridle stud; abatirc un arbre en -- , to fell a tree through its taproot; a f fit a - , (art.) pivot carriage; ,< --- . (art.) fork pi ot; ft fourdifttf, (art.) fork pivot; tnjdrauliguc, < fort., much., art., etc.) hydraulic pivot; df manrrnrrex. (/or/.) a fortified position re- s'ar<;pd as a pivot in the operations of an army; mobile, movable pivot; MOW/.': n::r -- , ph oted; mouiant, (mil.) movable pivot; fi in iiirant, (mil.) on a mo\ able pivot; tumbler stud; tie li noii. (sm. a.) t t" j rrssnrt de battcric, (.fin. a.) hammer- sprmc stud; - - xtr-'itfyiqur, (for/.) a name sometimes given to a iV.rtress or fortified position in virtue of its influence on slra'c; r ifal operations: .xj/jy/'.r/, (r. f. art. ) pi . oi ing support . plvotempiit, in., (nrt.) pivoting (ease of training or tnt .iTsing,). plvoter, v. n., to pivot; to fell a tree through its taproot; (mil. slang) to be drilled, to be on fatigue; fa ire , to slue. placate, m., (carp.) veneering; (fort.) rammed earth facing; (cons.) facing wall (against a backing of rock); (met.) plating; (mas.) loam mortar. placa:;ue, m., (ma*.) loam mortar. placard, m., placard; (diplomatic) document on parchment and not folded; sort of flat pulley; galley proof; cupboard (nav.) scupper leather; (carp.) panel. placarder, v. a., to placard; (carp.) to panel. place, f., space, room, ground; seat (in a train, etc.); spot; stall (in a stable); square (of a town); town; change (commercial); employ- ment, of'ce, post, position, place, standing (in one's class); (mil.) fortified town or position; garrison town; d'appui, (mil.) position of support in military operations; (fort.) a position supporting a & c-imp n tranche, q. v.; a supporting fort; d'armes, (mil.) parade, parade ground; open space or place of assembly in the center of a town; general parade or assembling ground of a camp or cantonment; alarm post; frontier town serving as a depot of supplies; (fort.) place of arms; (siege.) parallel; (sometimes) approaches; d'armes rentrante, (fort.) reentrant place of arms; d'armes retrartchee, (fort.) retrenched place of arms; d'armes saillante, (fort.) salient place of arms; artillcric de , garrison artillery; s bassex, (fort.) the lower part (casemates, etc.) o f a bastion flank; batt< rie de , \. s. v., bat/eric: fi camp r (tranche, (fort.) position or city defended by a camp rttmiictie, q. v.; it ceinlure df forts, (fort.) a position surrounded by a girdle efforts; de la cJiaudierc, (steam) boiler room; comptable, (mil.) depot of issue and of receipt; (Fr. art.) arrondissement where a garde d'ar- tillerieis stationed; de dcj>6t, (fort.) generic term for fortifications considered as centers of supply or as supply depots; awe enceinte et ceinture de forts, v. a forts detaches; d'etxieu, letting up for the axletree; d'rrercice, (mil.) drill ground; -fortf, (f'>rt,) fortress; fortified town: fi. forts drt'iche*, (fort.) usiinl name of a modern fortified position (consisting of an interior position, tnctinlc or noyau, and an exterior line of forts,); & fosses d'eau, (fort.) fort with wet ditches; A fonxes stcf, (fort.) fort with dry ditches; frotitiere, (fort.) frontier fort, position, town; lie girnixon, (mil.) garrison town; gnnidcs , high ollices of the go ernment; de gturrr, (fort.) fortified toun; fortified pl.ure or position (isolated fort ); Jtmn,.-e < P. , a high-placed o.iicial: de In machine, (mach.) engine room: de manttuvre, (fort.) a name gi en to forti- fications with reference to their influence on operations; ft mnrutuvres d'eau, (fort.) a fort whose ditches may I c filled with or emptied of water at will; maritime, a'military port ; mtttrr en -, to stow away, put into its proper place; to prepare, organize; mist en , putting in place, stowage; iii'ihiif, v./'r/*rr we rnottilr; o>-rirlf, (mi/.) o|>en town; ouvtrte avcc forts ezterieum, (fort.) open town defended by exterior forts; a outrages detaches, (fort.) town surrounded by detached works; 329 plan place, petite , (fort.) small fortress in a very- strong position; de refuge, (fort.) name given to a fortress re- garded as a refuge for a beaten array; ft simple enceinte, (fort.) place defended by an enceinte only (no detached or outer works); de si mple fabrication. ( FT. a. adm.) place in which contractor simply makes the bread, flour being supplied by the administration; de surete, (fort.) place held as a guarantee of the execution of a treaty; vide, (In a forest) an open clearing; volte sur , (man.) leap (in the horse's tracks); ft vos s, (mil.) posts! (command). place, p. p., placed; placed (in a race); cheial bten , horse that holds his head well. placement, m., placing, setting; investment (money). placer, m., (man.) upright stand or attitude of a horse; normal, proper, position. placer, v. a., to place, put, set, seat; to sell; to in- vest; to find a place, a position , for anyone; de I'argent, to put money out at interest; bien un coup, (fenc.) to thrust home; de champ, to set up on edge; un citfva! , (man.) to keep a horse in equilib- rium; te ft cheval, (man.) to take the correct posi- tion on horseback; un homme ft cheval, (man.) to make a rider take the proper seat; une sentinelle, (mtl.) to post a sentry. plafond, m., (tech., cons.) ceiling; top, ceiling, of a caisson; crown (of a fire box, etc.); bottom (of j a canal, of a reservoir); under face (of a staircase): ) (min.) roof of a gallery; (nav.) floor of a ship; floor grating of a boat; enaugets, (cons.) ceiling with the spaces between joists filled with plastering (trough- shaped on top); ft caissons, (cons.) cotfered ceiling; faux , (cons.) false ceiling. plafnniiage, m., (cons.) ceiling, ceiling work. plafoniicr, v. a., (con-s.) ceil. plafonneur, m., ceiling plasterer. plage, f., beach, strand; sandy shore; quarter of the wind; de galfts, shingly beach; Its quatre * principal ex, the cardinal points; de sable, sandy sloping coast. plaUIant, a., (lair) litigant; uiocat , barrister. plaider, v. a. n.. (law) to plead, to argue a case; to go to latf with. plaidenr, m., (law) suitor. platdolrie, f., (law) pleading, plea. plaldoyer, m., (law) speech, argument. plule, f., wound, sore; de marchf, (;nil.) foot sore, foot blister. plalgnaiit, m., (lair) plaintiff. plain, a., flush (with anything); level, even, plain; m., the high seas; de picit , on the same floor; le pird,TiMm?. quarters, on the same floor. plaine, f., (?'>/j.) plain; d'eau. broad stiftch of calm waters. plaliite, f., complaint; en conseil de guerre, (mil. law) charge and specific.it ions; logcr , porter , to lodge a complaint. plan, a., plane; angle , plane ang'e ; carte 1, plain chart; Mercn tor's chart; -confute, (o/>t.) plano-concave; conceit, (o/)/.) plano-convex; figure f , plane figure; nnrigation e, plane sailing: nombre , a number containing but two factors; surface e , plane surface. plan, m., plane, plane surface; plan, scheme, pro- ject, design; ground (as foreground, back- ground) of a picture; tier (as of barrels); (top. arawina) ground plan, ground plot, (more specially) plot, plat, map of a small area ot ground , detailed map; entire , background; d'arri mage, (nav.) tier of the hold; automoteur, self-acting plane; cadastral, (sure.) cadastral plat: de campayne, (mil.) plan of campaign; de chape, (cons.) \. s. v. chape; de collimation, (inst.) plane of collimation; de combat, ( mil.) plan of battle; de comparaison, (fort., etc.) ground plane, plane of reference, reference plane; de construction, working drawing; s cotes, v. metkode des s cotes; coupe, sectional plan, plan and section: des erf Its, (fort.) in defilading, the plane in which the crests of the work or works must lie; de dt':harge, discharge plane; de defilement, (fort.) plane of defilement, ol defilade; de depart, (ball.) plane of departure; de detail, plot or plan showing details; d'n mitral , sectional elevation ; directeur (des attaques), (siege) map or chart on which are plotted all the positions, trenches, batteries, etc., in the siege of a place; directing plan; directeur d' ensemble des attaques, v. directeur; directeur des attaques rapprochees, (sitge) directing plan of the attack at close quarters; de direction, plane of direction; d'eau, the level of the water in a river; d'fcartement, plane of spread; d' enfilade, v. de refers; d'enqaqement, (mil.) c. o.'s plan for getting troops Into action; d f cntemble, general plan (of a fort, etc.); d'epreuve, (eiec.) proof plane; itre au , (mil. slang') to be in arrest; -d,' execution, plan of execution; working draw- ing, plan; faire le de, to survey; fairel'fleiation d'un , to construct the eleva- tions of a plan; fniie un , to draw, make a plan; f<:ire lever le de, to survey; des ftbref imariatild-. neutral surface, plane ot neutral fibers: de flexion, piano of flexion; dtfonda'ion, foundation plane; des foras, force plan; du foyer, focal plane: fuyant, vanishing plane; geonietrc.1 , ground plan; de gligsf merit, (steam) slide; -geomitrimiu , plan; graphlqu', any plan of a town, fort, building, t:> given scale; dc guerre, plan of war: horizontal, ground plan; horizontal plane; d'immersitm, i/r;<. (.hue of immersion; -d' incidence, plane of iiicidcii'-e; i'i-7/n/. ini'lined plane: d 'join 1 , (foiKl. patting plane: Itrre d'un , survey; lerer un , to make, draw, get up, a plan; Ifrer d ' .<, to survey; !>>n !< \>\ t u fort in a good state of defense; de .Ivenu , datum plane; parcfllaire (du cada.ftn \. v. s. v. parcel lairr; plan 330 planchette plan pertptctif, perspective plane; premier , foreground; principal, general plan, principal plan; At projection, (ball.) plane of projection; rampant, (fort.) plane of slope; rf reflexion, plane of reflection; de refraction, plane of refraction; reltve, vertical projection of the roofs and other upper parts of a building; roof plan; rdie), en relief, (top.) relief map, map showing relief of ground; de reptre, datum plane; de revert, (fort.) plane of reverse defilade; de rcz. datum plane; second , middle ground; de site, (fort.) plane of site (In defilading), rampant plane (parallel to and 1.5 meters below the plane of defilade); (ball.) plane per- pendicular to the plane of lire and containing the ligne de site; de site artifidel, (fort.) plane of site on sloping ground; de site naturel, (fort.) plane of site on level ground; de symetrie, plane of symmetry ; du tableau, directing plane: de terrain, plot; de tir, (ball.) plane of fire; de tir initial, (ball.) initial plane of fire; de iiroir, (mack.) slide face; tupographigue, topographical map or plan; tracer un , to draw, make, a plan; transversal, cross section; troisiimc , background; _ vertical exterieur, elevation; vertical interieur, section, sectional elevation; de risee, plane of collimation; h. vol,ti vue, d'oiseau, bird's-eye view. planche, f., plank, board; shelf, plate; (nap.) gang plank; putting in port; (/an-.) planch shoe; (harn.) foot rest (of a stirrup); (sm. a.) leaf of rear sight; (top.) plane table; armee de clous, (mil.) spiked board (accessory defense); aui armaments, (art.) in a turret, equipment shelf; d'arrimage, (nav.) dunnage plank; A bagages, (mil.) clothing shelf in a squad room; a bascule, tilting, rocking, plank; de caisson, (art.) ooard or plank for an ammu- nition wagon; de del, (mil. min.) top plank of the casing of a mine gallery, overhead plank(s), overhead sheeting, roofing plank; circulaire, (siege) gabion bottom; - d clous, v. armee de clous; de coffrage, (mil. min.) plank lining, sheath- ing; de cole, v. portf-fourrage; cdlierc, (cons.) (in a roof) outer plank of a gutter; fi drbarquer, (nav.) ganfc plank; fi dtssin, drawing board; directrice, (fort.) wooden bottom, for making gabions; fi fffcts, (mil.) equipment, clothing, shelf, in a squad room; d'embarcalion, gang plank; entifre, full-sized plank; * d'fntrevouz, (cons.) planks covering spaces between joists; faire , (of the sea) to be calm; faire la , to float, in swimming; (fig.) to lead the way; to show how to do any tiling; fausxe ~a moulrr, (fond.) rolling-over board; ilt fond, (fund.) molding board, bottom board; (pont.) flooring board of u pontoon; dr friction, (much.) friction-roll plank; grande , (nav.) mam gang plank; de hausse. (sm. a.) sight leaf; joint ivt, sheet pile (feathered and grooved); jours de -, (nav.) lay days; planche-marcAepied, footboard of a wagon; (art.) footboard; marteau ti , (mack.) drop hammer controlled by friction or geared rolls (the hammer head is attached to a board); minute, (top. drawing) engraved plate of a minute; mobile, loose plank; (sm. a.) movable leaf, leaf (of a sight); d mouler, (fond.) bottom, molding, board; de mulct, (farr.) planch shoe; ft pain, bread tray; (Fr. a.) bread shelf in a squad room; porte-fourrage , (art.) side board for carrying forage (ammunition wagon); de profil, (art.) chamber gauge; de reproduction, (sm. a.) guide plate (for sliapint, the stock); & ritablissemenl, (gym.) plank fixed to a wall for exercising men bi pulling themselves up; de roulis, (nav.) washboard; leeboard (of a berth); a trousser, (Jond.) loam board. plancheiage, m., planking, boarding. phuicheier, v. a., to board, plank; to cover with planks; to tloor; to lath. plancher, m., (con*.) iloor, flooring (strictly, a wooden floor); ceiling, covering, roof; framing on which the roofing rests; platform, stage; (harn.) stirrup tread; (r. r.) engine driver's stand; (lech.) horizontal position of a stone; aire de , floor proper, surface of a iloor; bois de , flooring; charge de , tliickness added to a floor (to bring it up to the level of surrounding floors); dc chargement, (art., met.) loading platform; de del, (mil. min.) roof planks of a mine gallery; d compartiments, paneled floor; creux, hollow floor; d'une darse, apron; d'une ccluse, bottom of a sluice; faux , (con*.) false floor (to reduce the height of ceiling); sound boarding; defrise, parquetry floor; d'en haut, ceiling; hourde, rubble floor; hourdis de , filling between joists; du lavoir, (met.) slime pit; ordinaire, floor made of full-sized planks; perdu, \.faux ; plein, a floor filled in solid (masonry, etc.) between joists; d'un pont, roadway of a bridge; ' ii remplissage, v. plein; roulant, (r. r.) traveling platform; des vachcs, (fam.) dry land, terra firma; voute, vaulted floor. plancher, v. n., (mil. slang) to be confined in the cells or guardroom. plancliette, f ., small board; (harn.) lady's stirrup; (art.) crossbar, deflection bar (of a sight); (mil. min.) trap, box trap; (teleg. and gen.) wire board (in a telegraph office); (inst.) plane table; (mil.) cleaning board (leather equipment); aux armenunts, (art.) small equipment shelf (siege battery); ii axliquer, (mil.) board for cleaning and pol- ishing leather parts of equipment; de ballerie, (art.) battery plane table (Fr. art.); traversing, pointing, scale; deflection scale; fi ailotlc sphcriquc ( (ins/.) plane table with spherical cup or bearing; de chargement, (art.) loading tray; de convergence, (in.it.) circuraferentor; fi courbes d'egal angle dc tir, (art.) a scale giving the angle of elevation for a given target and (ho bearing of the linn from gun to target; declinec, v. oritntee; dis derives, (art.) deflection leaf, deflection scale (of a sight); fi douille, (insl.) plane table with socket bearing or spindle; 331 plaque planrhette graduie de pointage, (art.) aiming scale, pointing scale; de hausse, (sm. a.) sight leaf; d'inOammation , (art.) little tongue of wood used in some shrapnel or shell to facilitate the combustion of the burster and to prevent its caking; - de lever t (inst.) plane table; d'o'jjecttf,(phot.) lens board; orientee ,(int.) plane table, oriented set to or 011 given bearings; photograpkique , (inst.) photographic plane table; porte-armement, (art.) small equipment tray (of an ammunition chest); depression, (art.) in an ammunition chest, a strip or plank pressed down on the contents to keep them from moving; & rlgled curseur, (art.) a scale giving angles of elevation and the distance apart of the collars on a regie ti curseur, q. v.; de reperage, v. de tir; de soutien, any block or bit of wood, etc., placed under a tie or strap to assist in bearing the stress; - de tir, (Fr. art.) range-laying scale (gives elevation, direction, charge, and time of flight; consists of a map, 1:20000, of the field of fire, suitably mounted, graduated, etc., to furnish the necessary indications); ci trous, (urn. a.) pierced plank or tray for holding cartridges. plan? 011, m., plank timber. plane, f., chisel, turning chisel ; spokes have; draw- ing knife; ni., plane (tree); de charron, spokeshave. planer, v. a., to smooth, planish; (of a balloon) to soar over (a position, etc.); machine ii , jointing machine. planeuse, f., jointing machine. planlgraphe, m., (inst.) plaiiigraph. plan (met re, m.,planimeter. planimetrie, f., mensuration, planimetry; opera- tion of making a plat or plan of a given region. planltude, f., flatness; dis champs, (opt.) flatness of field. planometre, m., planometer, surface plate, plan taire, a., (hipp.) plantar. plantation, f., planting; plantation of trees; (fort.) trees, shrubs, etc., used to screen a work. plants, p. p., erect; birn , well situated, placed; poil , (hipp.) staring coat, hair erect, brist- ling. planter, y. a., to plant, set, fix, set up; to place, drive in; (cons.) to prepare a foundation; (fort.) to set (palisades, etc.); des echelles, to plant or set up ladders; un edifice, (coiis.) to begin trie construction of a building; -I'ttcndard, (mil.) to set up or raise the stand- ard, the flag (over a captured town, a work carried by assault, etc;.); le piqud, to encamp, take up one's quarters. planton, m., (mil.) orderly; 'ot, (art.) pivot plate; --deplnmb, (nrt.) leaden vent apron; -depont, (mil-.) dock urnior plate; pontet, (sm. a.) triggt-r suid plate; -porte-tartouche, (r.f. art.) cartridge plate; - de poulie, (art.) pulley-supporting plato (of agin); de protection, (r.f. art.) deflector; de recourrnnent , (art.) face plute; breech c-ip (Krupp fermeture); (m. a.) frame cap, siilo plato (of a revolver); de recouvremmt d'essieu, (art.) top axle plate; de repiragt, (art.) sort of delUxMion scale ((Jerman artillery): desrmelle. (art.) swing, bedplate; surcrmentre, face-hardened armor plate: detfte. (art.) top or heud plate of a gin; delete d'affut, (art.) breast transom, front transom; de tir, (art.) face plate; plaque 332 plateau plaque de toiture, roof place of a Griison turret, etc.; de tuybrt, boss or back plate of a traveling forge; , de tuyere dccontre-caur, boss or plate of a field forge: d'union, (pont.) assembling or joining plate. II. Miscellaneous: d'about, (r. r.) shoe, bedplate; d'accouplement, junction plate; antcrieure, (met.) front plate; d'appui, locking plate (wagons); (harn.) gulling leather; d'arr. : t, (elec.) terminal plate; d'arriere, back plate; d assemblage, assembling plate or strap; junction plate; d'assise, socket of a coiled spring; d'assise pour rails, (r. r.) bedplate; d'avant, front plate; en bois, veneer; de boue, mud guard, cuttoo plate; de battoir, (r. r.) bulfer disk; de chio, (met.) (or simply chio) tap-hole plate (of a firing forgo); cisaitle, (mach.) shearing or cutting plate; dc contrerent, (met.) blast plate; de cylindrc, (mach.) cylinder cover; de dame, (met.) dam plate; diaphragme, division plate; disjonctrice, disjunction plate; de' division, (mach.) division, index, plate; d'enclume. anvil face; enti&rc, (phot.) whole plate; i ntre les paries et les barres dufourneau, dead plate, coking plate; eidtatrice, (elec.) exciting plate, electrode; dcfcu, back of a chimney; flhirc, (wocft.) draw plate; bar plate; de fixation, sole, bedplate, of an engine, a machine; fixe, dead plate; dcfond, (met.) bottom plate; de fondation, (mach.) oedplate; foundation plate; soie plate; case plate; dr. foyer, (steam) furnace plate; defrein, (r. r.) brake block; -- dc friction, friction plate; -jrnttante, (mach.) slide-valve face; dc frottement, friction plate; - ai frottement dc t'esticu, liuch plate; axle-tree clout; de frottement (de sassoire), (art.) sweep plate; at garde, (r. r.) axle guard plate; dejonction, connecting plate; - a luntttcs, eye or lunette plate (of a cabestan de carrier); de mire, (inst.) vane; pclliculairc, (phot.) film; a pitun, plate and eye, plate and loop; de poutte, plate separating or inclosing the sheaves of a block; -- dc recouvrcment, any strengthening plate, reeiifori-e; axle strap or plate; cover plate (in general;, lap; lap strip (for a joint, eti'.); dc renfort, reenforcing plate, stillening plate; -de ru.itui(, (met.) bacH plate; - .icittsibtc, (phot.) sensitive plate; iltoupajjt. valve plate (forge bellows;; souptc, (phot.) film; de siircte, guard plate; dc lirre, (etec.) ground plate; a< tilt (des tubes), (steam) lube, plate (boilers); - tournante, (r. r.) turntable; de travail, (met.) working plate (of a firing forge); dc trou de sel. mud-hole door (of a boiler); a inbf.1, acs tubes, tubulair, tube plate (of a boiler); dc tuyere, (met.) twyer plate. placju, a., (hipp.) still, with little or no parotid channel (said of junction of head to neck). plaquer, v. a., to veneer, to plate, plate over, to lay down turf or sods; to lay- on mortar or plaster; du bois, to veneer; f entiled, , veneer, veneering; du gazon, to sod, cover with sod or turf; du platre, to lay on a coat of plaster. plaquette, f.. small plate, small disk; (sin. a.) stock plate of revolver; drotte, (sm. a.) right stock; gauche, (sm.a.) left stock; de monture, (sm. a.) stock plate of a revolver; -de recouvrement, (sm. a.) stock plate of a revolver. plaquis, in. . stone casing. plasticity, f., plasticity. plastique, a., plastic. plastron, m., breastplate, front cuirass; (fencer's) plastron; (mach.) drill plate; ~8e cvirasse, breastplate; d manchette, sleeved plastron. plastronner, v. n., (fenc.) to practice fencing, to practice feints, thrusts, et'*. (i. e., against the teacher, who wears his plastron). plat, a., flat, level; dead; (of boats) flat-bottomed- m., dish; plate; flat part of anything; flat (of the oar, of the sword); (met.) iron in plates or .sheets; & , flatwise; d'aviron, blade of an oar; r- de balance, scale of a balance; battred- e couture, v. s. v. couture; calme . dead calm; camarade de , messmate; carte e, plain chart; cheval , (hipp.) lank-sided horse; course e, flat race; de crosse, (sm. a.) part of stock opposite to thojoue; eaux es, still waters (as distinguished from fountains) ; d'epee, (sm.. a.) flat of a sword; eitrrieur, (sm. a.) lock side of a gunstock (obs.); faire ensemble, to mess together; bfond , flat-bottomed (of a boat): interieur, (sm. a.) brass-side, ulterior side (obs.); de malades, (IMV.) sick mess; materiel dc , mess outfit; mcttreb , to lay flat, flatten the oars; nu'ud , v. s. v. nceud; pays , flat, level country; so alters s, heelless shoes'; du sabre, flat of the sword. phitane, in., plane (tree and wood); d Amenquc, button wood; faux , sycamore-ma i ile. plat-bord, m.,(nav.) gunwale, plank sheer; cover- ing board. plate, f., small flat-bottomed barge. plaUie, f., (cons.) entire foundation. plateau, m., waiter, truy; plate, disk, board, flange; (earth-) rammer; scale pan (of a balance); slab, thick plank; one of the two main beams that may be sawed out of a log; (much.) bed of a machine; bed or table for the work; face plate of a lathe; piece performing the office of valve plate in Farcot's Corliss engine; (mil. win.) plate or slab covering the charge of a mints; shield of a fougasse; (art.) time scale of a fuse; (top.) plateau, table-land, flat-topped hill; (powd.) lignum- vitoe granulator; - d'arbre d maniveUe, (mach.) crank shaft flange; - d assemblage, (mach.) coupling flange; de buttoir, (r. r.) buffer disk; canncle, (art.) grooved hoard for carrying spikes, punches, etc., nailed to side of ammu- nition wagon; circulaire, (art.) dust guard (seacoast gun); de c"> C.); en trrre, (art.) gun bank; tournante, (r. r.) turntable; lolante, (siege) literally, flying platform, i. e , three planks (under wheels and trail, re- spectively). platcl i:re, m , armor skin, interior skin (armor): (font.) floor of a bridge. plate-Ion ge, l.,(harn.) kicking strap; leading rein; hitching strap; lunging rein, sideline: (Fr.art harn.) breastband (buckling to the breeching). platlere, f., terrace at the foot of a hill. plat I ii, m., (hydr.) small bank, flat, awash at low tide. platine, f., plate, lock plate; (sm. a.) lock; (r. /. art.) lock, action block; m., (met.) platinum; & aiguille, (sm. a.) needie-gun lock; (en) arrifre, (sm. a.) lock whose mainspring is behind the tumbler; back-action lock; (en) arant, (sm. a.) lock whose mainspring is in front of the tumbler (e. g., bnr lock); corps de , (sm. a.) lock plato, lotv 'rame (of a re -ol -&r); A double detente, (sm. a.) hair-trigger lock: de lumtere, (art.) apron, vent npror: & meche, (sm.a,) matchlock (obs.): ft percussion, (sin. a.) percussion look (obs.); (art.) percussion lock; h pierre, (sm.a.) flintlock (obs.); de rail, (r. r. ) bedplate; reboitdissanie, (sm. a.) rebounding lock (ro ol.er); renrerxce, (sm. a.) back-action lock; fi roue), (sm.a.) wheel lock (obs.); a sHctf v. u pitrrt; -titongifui, platinum sponge; de sftrc'c, safety device. platlner, v. a., (sm. a.) to lock a gun; (met.) to o erlay ^ copper) with an amakam of tin and mercury. platlneiir, (s/n. a.) loci maker. plat-pays, in., (hydr.) largo sand bank. plat rage, in., (cons.) plaster work; plastering; lath ar.d pHstcr. platras, in., inblnsh of o!>i w:-Hs, plaster, oti-., from which saltpeter may !>e extracted. platrc, m. . plaster; gypsum; (in /''., <<'.. ) plaster \vrk of a house, (IUOIY rsp.) moldiii.us. cornices, etc.; - alunt, plaster treated with _' per cent of alum; aii'i'Ur (I i , unr'uosi; y (ol Well-i>urnl plaster of I 'an.;): battrt It , to powder gyp.ium; - >i!n:i-, white phister (freed from coals); ctirriirt n , gypsum qiiarry; - -ciinuit,ii variety of carbonate of lime, largely mixed with clay ami irou oxide; clair, thin plaster ; excess of water): - rn;, tinburnt pla-trr; c'l/t. calcined plaster; dip'isr, plaster rubbish; einlint f n , stucco: ---rrtnir, weathered plaster: Jin, white parget: flc'ir de , (lowers of gypsum: - -grichi-, gypsum paste; gras, well-burnt plaster: , grin, gray phister (not freed from coals yrnf, iinsiiied plaster: luixant, v. fin; plfttre 334 ploinb plat re mouline, powdered plaster: noye, thin plaster (excess of water); de Paris, piaster of Paris; (passe) au panier, coarse-sifted plaster; (passt) au sas, fine-sifted plaster; a to pelle, v. fleur de ; picrreh, de, , plaster stone; serre, stiff plaster (mixed with but little water); au tamis de soie, finest sifted plaster; vert, underburnt plaster. platrer, v. a., to plaster; (fig.) to patch, piece up. platreux, a., chalky. platrler, m., plasterer. platriere, f., gypsum quarry. pleln, a., full, whole, ent ire, complete; close-worked; thorough; solid (not hollow); (of animals) gravid; (art.) solid (of a projectile); en air. out of doors; bois. (nav.) part of a ship above the water line; 6oi* , close-grained wood; thick forest; bouM , (art.) solid shot (obs.); en campaigne. out in the country; en champ, in the fields; en ederoute, (mil.) completely routed; d'eau, water-logged; fouet, v. s. v.,fouet: en hiver, in the middle of winter; jarrets s, (hipp.) broad houghs; jour , a day of 24 hours; e lune, fulfmoon; en e marche, (mil.) in full march; e mer, mer e , v. s. v. mer,' en e, mer, v. s. v.. mer; mois , any month containing 30 or 31 days (as distinguished from mois cave, February); ouvrages en bois, (carp.) glued work (i. e., not tenoned or doweled); e pression, (steam, etc.) full pressure; en e retraite. (mil.)ia full retreat; e vitesse, full speed. plein, m., full or down stroke of a letter; beach between high and low water mark; high water; full, full part, of anything; full cargo; A , fully; absousb pur etfi . honorably acquitted; avoir son , to be fully laden (ship); battre son , (of the tide) to be at the full; d'unbois, etc., middle of a wood, etc.; dans le -, en , in the middle; d'une aent, (mach.) thickness of a tooth or cog; de I'eau, high water; - -sur-joint, * sur joints, so as to break joints; dela lune t full of the moon; de la maree, high water; de la mer, high water; metire dans le ,mettre en ,(t.p.) to bit the mark; d'un mur, mass of a wall; s des rayures, (art., sm. a.) lands; tant gue vide, (in measuring areas) including windows; (mil.) with intervals. pleln-clntre, m., (ore en ) Roman arch. plelne-eau, f., v. s. v., eau. pliilpotentlalre, m., plenipotentiary; ministre , minister plenipotentiary. plet, m., (cord.) fake; faux , catch fake. pleurcur, v. s. v. puitn. pleuvoir, v. n., to rain; (Jig.) to fall, come down (as bullets, shells); & (lots, to rain in torrents; par ondees, to lie showery; a seauz, v. d fluts; a verse, to rain in torrents. pleyon, m., osier; twig. pli,rn.,fold; bend; plait; seam (as in soldering); reentrant angle (of a building); manner of folding a letter; cover, envelope (of a letter, etc.); official paper or document; (art.) clip of a case shot; (cord.) fa'.;e, coil, biKht; de cilble, (harn.) fake, coil (of a cable or rope). pli cachete, (nav.) sealed orders; charniereh , v. s. v. charnilre, de I'embouchure, (harn.) joint of a bit; de I'encolure, (hipp.) bend of a horse's neck; enfermer sous le . v. metire sous le ; filer un , (cord.) to veer away some of the cable; de manoeuvre, v. de cAble; mettre unchetnl dans un beau , (man.) to make a horse arch his neck: mettre sous (le) , to inclose (letters); du paturon, (hipp.) fold of the pastern; sous , herewith, inclosed; de terrain, (top.) inequality, fold, in the ground. pliable, a., flexible, bending, pliant . pliage, m., folding; de la poudre de chasse, putting up sporting powder in rolls. pliant, a., bending, flexible, pliable, supple, fold- ing; m., folding chair, camp chair, camp stool. plier, v. a. n., to fold, fold up, do up; to bend, curve, sag_, bow; to bring under; to yield, submit, give way; to lose ground; (mil.) to give way; (nav.) to run away, quit the com- bat (of a ship); 4 , folding; bajage, (mil.) to decamp; to beat a retreat; & bloc, to fold double (in plate testing); se fi bloc, to bend over a block (test for various articles); uncheval, (man.) to break a horse; to bond a horse's head down to right or left, so as to give him a flexible neck; le cou d'un cheval, (man.) to give a horse a flexible neck; faire , to bend, curve; faire I'ennemi, (mil.) to force the enemy to lose ground, give way; to fortification au terrain, (fort.) to adapt a work to the site; les jarrets, (man.) to work the hocks (i. e., to be supple in the hocks); les reins, (man.) in galloping, to bring the croup down; les tentes, (mil.) to strike camp. plleuse, f., (mach.) folding machine. plinthe, f., plinth; washboard; skirt, skirting board. pllolr, m., folding knife; paper knife; pliers. plissage, m., (act of) folding. plisseinent, m., corrugation; creasing, plaiting, fulling. pllsser, v. a:, to corrugate, crease, plait. dufer, (met.) to corrugate iron. ploc, m., (nav.) sheathing felt. plolement, m., (mil.) ployment. plole-ressort, m., v. ploye-ressort. plomb, m., lead; lead stamp or seal; plumb line, plummet, plumb bob; (co'/w.) roof lead, loads; (sm. a.) bird shot; ti , plumb, upright; aigre, hard lead; balle de , (sm. a.) leaden bullet; blanc, hard lead; white load; blunc de , white lead; blanchi, lead mixed with tin; br&le, lead ash; cendre de , (sm. a.) mustard-seed shot; de chasne, (sm. a.) bird shot; de , leaden; durci, (am. a.) hardened lead (for bullets); feuille de , sheet of lead; sheet lead; en feuille (.s-), sheet lead; fild , plumb line, rule; nif, lead wire; fusible, (dec., steam) safety fuse; garnir le de sonde, (nav.) to arm the lead; grand dc sonde, (nav.) deep-sea lead; granule, (sm. a.) shot; en yrainx. (sm. a.) bird shot; laminf, sheet lead; rolling lead; lancer le de sonde, (nav.) to heave the lead; menu , (nm. a.) small shot; plomb 335 poignfe plomb df mer, graphite; mettreit , to plumb, mark the perpendicular; mine de , graphite, black lead; lead ore; mineral de . lead ore; mot*, soft lead ; & niveau, plumb line, plummet; mason's level; noir, lead used in the arts; d'ccvcre, pig lead; argentiferous lead; d'ceuvre, leaden goods or wares; rouge, red lead; en rottteatt, rolled lead ; en mvmon, pig lead; de aowfe, (nav.) lead, sounding lead; - - de surete. (mack.) safety plug, fusible plug; entCle, sheet lead; de vitrier, came. plombage, m., plumber's work; sealing with lead; (art., tin. a.) leading. plombagine, f. , black lead, graphite, plumbago; de , plumbaginous. plombagtner, v. a., to black lead, to cover with black lead . plombee, f., trying by plummet; (mas.) layer or course fi%-e bricks deep (in the brick lacing of a concrete or rubble wall). plomber, v. a., to try, test, with a plummet; to co er with lead; to fill with lead; to affix a leaden stamp; to tamp, pack, the ground; (sm. a.) to lead the bore of a gun. plomberie, f., plumbery; plumber's shop; lead works. plombler, m. , plumber. plomee, f., (max.) fair e les s, to dress, trim, the face of a stone to the middle. plongeade, f. ,(man.) plunge (of a horse). plongeant, a. , plunging; feu , (art.) plunging fire; tir , (art.) high-angle fire; vue e, view from above. ploiiiree, (fort.) superior slope; parapet around a turret; sole of an embrasure; du parapet, dip; superior slope; tirer de, par, , (art.) to fire downward. plongement, m., dip, plunging; (r. r.) pitching of a locomotive; (nav.) pitching of a ship. ploneteon, m., duck, diver; (artif.) water rocket; faire le , to duck, di e; to duck when a shot is fired; to flinch, recoil, back out. plonger, v. a. n., to plunge, dive, sink; to dip, im- merse; to pitch, plunge (of a ship in a sea); to go downward, ta.^e a downward direction; to look down upon; (art.) to come down upon (of fire); to fere downward; (met. ) to quench; le coup, (art. ) to depress a gun; machined , diving bell. plongeur, m., plunger, ram; diver; diving ap- paratus; a., plunging; cloche b , diving bell; madiine de , diving bell ; pixton , plunger. plot, m., short, thick, piece; (elec.) brasses of a re- sistance box, contact stud. ployer, v. a. n., to fold, put up, bend, bow; (fig.) to force to submit, yield, give way; to curb; to o/erthrow; to yield, submit, give way; (mil.) to ploy, form into column; (carp.) to separate timbers and pile them up. ploye-ressort, m., (sm. a.) spring iron, spring crump. ployeusc* f., plate-bending machine. ploy tire, f. , fold. plule, f., rain; shower; spray; - Ixittantc, pelting r:iiu, pouring rain; craint la , to be kept dry ; de feu, (artif. ) rain, shower, or cascade of fire; men tic, line rain, drizzle; d'or, (artif.) golden rain; /)///<: , fine rain, drizzle. plu mail, in., feather, plume, feather brush. pluiiiasseau.m., feather brush; pledget. plume, f., feither; pen; quill; (unif.) plume of a uocitc\)iqvt, specific gravity, weight; ulile, (mar/i.) effective, useful, weight; (r. r.) paying freight. polgnard, in., poniard, dagger; tmirmnttte, (sm. a.) dagger-bayonet; - & drui tranchnnt.t, double-edged dagger. pol!?iiarder, v. a., to stab (with a dagger). polgnoe, f., ru.ndle, grip, pripe: handful; handle of an oar (nai'.Jstoering-wheelspOiseUani.a.Jsmall of the stock; pistol sloe .: sword hilt or Kriiw>; (art.) trail handle; brn % ch-plug handle; stock or handle of a rapid-fire gun; d'aviron. hamilo of an oar: de (In) bainniifJIf, (.tin. a.} bayonet hilt; centrale, ( F. HI. art. ) central gripe or handle; de entire, (art.) chest handle; rncrnii, cross handle; de cruise, (art. ) trail handle; drciiluxxr, (art.) brooch-screw handle; d'epfe, (xm. a. ) sword hilt; tue, (art.} block handle; df fleche, (art. ) j>orch Imndlo: Itvtfr- - -, (art.) breech-j)lug le\er handle; poignle 336 point , (sm. a.) the stock and magazine of a magacire pistol; de manoeuvre, (art.) maneuvering, operating handle, working handle; de matururre & deux branches, (r. /. art.) double-branch maneuverir g handle or crank; de pistolel, (r./. art.) pistolgrip; de pointage, (r./. art.) stock handle; ressaut de la. , (sm. a.) pistolgrip; ii ressort, (r.f. art.) spring handle; de revolver, (sm. a.) butt of a revolver; de robinet, handle of a faucet. polgnet, m., wrist; wristband; manqutr or or spindle; (art.) (Rodman) pressure gauge; de confrole, hall mark; itdfcoujxr, hollow punch: d'echafaudage. (cons.) scaffolding pole; cftilf. brad awl; ii emboutir, punch; h episser, v. du, voiUU T; d'cfireuvc, proof mark, as (sm. a.) on a barrel afterit has stood a firing test; ii griln d'orgc l (mil. win., etc.) diamond- pointe.l punch, diamond-point tool; mac'iinea , (m ;.', (baU.) point aimed ai ; sril lations); - mort d line scir, point of a saw where the l.'pthstop; - -de ninitrimntt. confer of motion, fulcrum: du nir irt , ( ntr.) ship's position on the chart: - - de nii'tnu. extremity of a horizontal line; ii'iir, threatening (loud: - - obxtrri , (tuii'.) j'hip'j position by observa- tion; - -d'omhrr, brilliant sun spot (in pelting mcri- di.ui by corresponding all itudo; 01 the sun i; - dt parlage, (("/'.) dividing ridge; watershed; pirdK. (sitrr.) temporary point (of reference) in triaugiuation; - pium , middle st it'll; -principal dc triauy illation, (stirv.) principal station, primary tiiair.'iilatinu point; radieui, (<>pt.) radiant poiut; point de reflexion, (opt.) point of reflection; - de refraction, (opt.) point of refraction; derepere, bench mark; reference-, datum- point; - de roste, dew point; secondaire de triangulation, (urv.) secondary 1 vertex or point; - de section, v. - d' inter sect inn; dtserragt,(mach.) point where work is held or re 'elves pressure, et'-.; - s solstitiavi, soLstitlal points; - de soudure. soldering soam; - de suspension, point of suspension; de tutienlation, point of support; de tout - , completely: - trigonomitrurue, (tun.) point determined trigonometrically: - de vaporisation, evaporation point; s verttcaut, the zenith and nadir; de vue, point of view; (opt.) Coras. point age, m., (art.) aiming, pointing: art of laying guns; (nav.) pricking one's position on a map or chart. (The following terras relate to artillery:) arc dt ---- , elevating arc; appareilde - latfral. side sights: en chaise, (nav. art.) laying (a gun) on object m front of bows; cordeatt de - , chalk line; direct, direct aiming; -diricth la haurxe, dirtvt aiming by sights; - en direction, aiming in direction; ecole de ---- , aiming drill; eicrcices de -- , aiming drill: att filti plom*), laying by plumb; & la h'liissr, laying by siirhts; --- en hauteur, aiming for elevation; ---- horizontal, laying point blank: ---- indirect, indirect aiming; latiral, lateral aiming; aiming for direction; side aiming, i. e., with side siihts; it la manivelle, aiming corre< ted by turns (or fractions of turns) of the elevating-screw hand- wheel; - ininutifur, fine, accurate aiming; nfgaiif, depression (act of); - au nifcau, quadrant aiming; . de nnil. night aiming: - potitif, elevation (act of"); -til retraite, (nav. ait.) laying a gun on object astern; vertical, aiming for elevation; i is de , void nt de -- , elevating screw. pointal, m., prop, upright slay: dirt.) firing sup- port or strut (on some carriages ); de It i:ier, fulcrum. pointe, f., point, taporin:; point: tack, sprig, wiro nail; point of a bit. UIMMT. etc.; double-pointed pi- k; bit, boring bit; point of a bl.i le; gore (of cloth); point of the compass dawn, break of day; (I'll'., hi/dr.) pniui of 1 u;d, puint of land at the confluent e of t \\ o ri-'n <; foreland, protn- otitor;. ; t. |>, pe.ik (ofa moiinl.nn ): ( i.'..:ch. i cen- ter point ol'um.i'. ,;i>lt- p i[i|..'t : ni\'ot ofa vertical shaft; (.win.) l.oriiij hit; i /<-. i ihri:--i. point; (mil.) evtriTiiiiy (if a \vi!j^ r : point (o| an ad- vain-elil ad m. i> beyond or ' oil' the lini (range; ( ;ii n.) a s;> imii ym o fill -- dm 11 f ititf, l>y li.ice. - dc I'lirrnu, ( inn ii.') s'l'ldl'- -il'mi'ifr, 'firl ion point (.( a star f m^r-r, (|. \ .: by (or. of aim-;; tnv |iiu..i : u-v;u.irii point: .un f-'4uani p'.inl; r --|nl: ient: - de f i nr, (r. r.) tongue nf a ire::: sciiHtctricm, ( i lie . ! col l.i ' w : point -. c-'ii/itir -, ( /'(,!..) saber tluu-;: ctinptr In , './i r,r.) to p.i.^s o: e'. p,.int o\ ad\orsary's bj.ide: - '/' diuman!, diamond T, ( ,i;ii. ,'l.i-ier': mond; kla del'riu'r.v.filii i/c. t,-r (: rfr* i ;i . i "..';. i to in- ' !! ir i in (ronl tlioside ol 'inc m.un lnxl> oi ti.ip>; 3877 17- -22 pointe 338 pole poliite, eitrtmt - , (mil.) extreme point of the advance guard; faire une - , (mil.) to make a movement (gen- erally bold and rapid) beyond one's linos of oj>erations; (man.) (of the horse) to leave the circle or track of the ring; - defev,, (hipp.) firing needle or iron; fue, (mack.) dead" center, dead point, of a lathe; it graver, drawing point; grossr - , double-pointed pick; du guidon, (sm. a.) point of the fore sight; - haute, (hydr.) headland; hauteur de - , (mach.) swing; dujour, dawn; - morte, v. - fixe; - d'officier(s), (mil.) small detachment of officers sent out on exploration service when near the enemy; parer de la - , (fence.) to ward ofl the adver- sary's point; - de Paris, French nail, wire nail; - de pave, fork-shaped junction of two street gutters; - percutante, (torp.) nose; - du pied, point of the foot; prendre entre - s, (mach.) to swing; rivee, clinched point; tailler en - , to taper; terminer en - , to taper; - de terre, (hydr.) foreland, cape, headland, point; - detoile,KOTO; - de tour, (mach.) lathe point; fi tracer, scribe, drawing point, tracing point; tranchante, nicker of a centerbit; -- '(-tranche, pick: - de vent, light breeze. poiiitc, m., (inst.) sighting, directing, pointing (of an instrument, as a transit); (fenc.) thrust (bayonet exercise). poiiiteau, m., punch or stamping tool; center punch; coup de - , nick, notch, cut; punch mark. polntenient, m., outcrop; appearance (on the surface, in a flame, etc.); (art.) pointing, laying, of guns (rare). pointer, v. a. n., to prick-, pierce, mark, stick; to spear; to check off a list; to mark or check a list of names (present and absent); to point (i. e., direct upon, as a telescope, etc.); (art.) to lay or aim a gun; (pointer is to lay a gun; riser is to dispise the piece so as to see the target through the sights); (fenc.) to strike with the p-)int, thrust; (man.) to rear; (mach.) to mark the center or points of support in lathe work; (c-irp.) to mark out work, transfer dimensions, etc., from a working drawing; cnavant,(fcnc.) to thrust (bayonet exercise); en belle, (niv.) to aim a g'tn at tho hnll ; de but en blanc, ( jr.'.) to aim point blank; .'rscjTions, (art.) to aim; li cirlr, to prick off in the chart, to prick (the position of a point on) t !>o chart ; . ffti.w, (nar. iirt.) to aim forward of the ion, to give ani; tn dirt rl ion. (art.) to aim in di v . " o iiroolion tho gun- pointier, m., (cons.) (vertical) scaffolding pole. poln tillage, m., dotting, stippling. polntilte, p. p., dotted, stippled; m., dotting, stippling; OM , en , drawn dotted. pointiller, v. a. to dot, to stipple. pointu, a., pointed, sharp-peaked, sharp-pointed. pointu-carrt, m., (mil. slang) stick-in-the-mud. pointure, f., size of shoes, etc.; mark, tag, or labe showing size and class of shoes, clothes , etc.). poire, f. , pear; powder horn; ball, weight of a steel- yard; bulb; d'amorce, priming horn (obs.); de bnttoir, (r. r.) buller box; - de caoutchouc, rubber bulb; de dcjonflement, (balloon) releasing bulb; a feu, (artif.) smoke ball; a poudre, powder flask (obs.); roue to, , tub wheel; s secretes, (harn.) pear bit. poirier, m.,pear (tree and wood), pois, m. ; pea; chwne, chick-pea. poison, m., poison. poisser, v. a., to pitch, to wax (a thread). poisseaux, a., pitchy, pitch-like. poisson, m., fish. poltrail, m., (hipp.) chest; (harn.) breast harness; breast plate, (cons.) girder; beam; lintel; breast summer; capping plate; (tech.) breastplate (of a drill); arine, (cons.) trussed girder; corps de , (harn.) body of a breast strap; enfonce, (hipp.) hollow chest; dt harnais, (harn.) breastplate, breast piece, breast strap; lanje de , (hipp.) broad-chested; montant de , (harn.) upright strap of a breast strap; supporting strap. poitrine,f., breast, chest; (met.) breast or front of a furnace; d'acier, (mil. slang) cuirassier; d'enclume, anvil pillar; defond, (hipp.) chest in which the ribs come down below tho level of the elbow; pres de terre, y. defond; de velours, (mil. slang) engineer officer. poitriniere, f., (harn.) breast strap. polyre, m., pepper; pilcr du , (mil. slang) to mark time. poix, f.. pitch: bat'irde, v. nolrt; ulunchf, de. Bimryoyne, Burgundy pitch; tl'ixlique, India rubber; grux.if, v. blanchf; de Jadcc, asphalt: juive, asphalt. Jew's pitch: min/ralc, minerr.l tar; naval e, v. uoir?; noire, common black pitch; rt'xine, rosin; skche, hard pitch; slone pitch. polaire, a., polar: (eUc.) polar: f., pole star; dnrbons s, (elcc.) electric-light carbons; '.) t.!'iri/.ati^n; con ra nt de , dltc. ) polarization current. polariscope, m.. (hitt.) polari-cope. polarizer, v. a. , (tier., o/i'J to polarize. poia risen r, m., (<;/>'.) jdhirizer polaritC', f., (olarit y; rcnrcrst'innit dc , change of polarity; rrni'trstr la , to reverse the polarity. pOlo, m., pole; (dtc.) iiole; de I'nimant, magnetic pole: d'riimantation, pole of magneti/ation; cherchrnr de , p"le finder, indicator; .v const quentis, conseinient poles; indlcateur de . v. c'i(rch(ur dc ; pole 339 pompe pole magnetigue, magnetic pole; ntgatif, negative pole; s de nom contraire, opposite poles; s de mime nom, poles of the same name, like poles; d'une -pile, battery pole; positif, positive pole. poll, a., polished, bright, shining; m., polish, polish- ing; des armes, (sm. a.) burnishing. police, f., police; public order and safety (of a State or town); police regulations, police administration; regulations, rules of con- duct and of order of an assembly, of an associa- tion; policy (of insurance); (mil.) police, pub- lic order, etc. (of a post, a garrison); agent de , policeman; d'a-tsurance. Insurance policy; bonnet de , (unif.) forage cap; de chargement, bill of lading; commissaire de , police superintendent; correctionnelle, police court; detachement de , (mil. ) in a march, troops bring- ing up rear, so as to pick up stragglers and make them join; faire la , to maintain order; flottante, open policy (of insurance); garde de , (mil.) quarter, barrack, guard; garde de du camp, (mil.) rear guard in camp; haute , police power of a State; jours de salle de , (mil.) (so many) days in the guardhouse; judiciaire, court of law; dans les marches, (mil.) rules of conduct on the march; medicale, v. sanitaire; militaire. (mil.) military police; prcfet de , prefect of police (police commis- sioner) ; salle de , (mil.) prisoner's room (guard); sanitaire, sanitary measures or rules; de suretc, measures, etc., to preserve public order; tribunal de (simple) , police court. policer, v. a., to police, establish law and order. pollcler, a., police. poll ii ifii t, m., polishing, grinding. pollorcfcte, in., capturer of towns. poliorcetique, a., (fort.) pertaining to sieges; f.. poiiorcetics. pollr, v. a., to polish, burnish, to smooth; (sm. a.) lo fine-bore a gun or gun barrel; une armedfeu, (.fin. a.) to burnish; fi la jnnce. to pumice. pollssage, m.. polishing; (sm. a.) fine-boring; polishing (as of a gunstoek, etc.); al'cmiri, emery polishing; - - au gran, polishing by emery powder and oil; --& sec, dry polishing (e. g., by means of an emery wheel). polisseur, m.. polisher (workman); (sin. a.) fine- borer. polissolr, m.. polisher, burnisher, buff stick: polishing in,n or brush; polishing wheel; (poird.) glaring barrel: (v;. . i finishing borer; bbrotse, (much.) brush wheel; bolster of abed. >ltr:>n, in., coward, skulker, poliroon. illroiinwle. f., cowan I ice. dypMrP, in.. polyhedron. >l>Konal, a., polygonal; fortification "e, (furl.) polygonal fortifica- tion; trnri- , (/or/.) polygonal truce. poly gone, in., polygon; (art. a ml rng.) target ramie, tar;el-i>racticf ground, proving ground, testing gn-iiiid: (xm. .) range (generally, ch'iTi />.
  • i>iti, .polygon of support; polygon* articule, v. fvnlculalre; du canon, (art.) artillery drill ground; d'essai, (art.) proving ground; eiterieur. (fort.) exterior polygon; ft fortifier (fort.) polygon the sld* of which are to receive the works to be built; funiculaire, funicular polygon; interievr. (fort.) interior polygon; manawna de , (art.) drill-ground maneu- vers; methodes des s et traverses, (stirv.) system In which the plane table, etc., is taken from vertex to vertex of the polygon to be sur- veyed; petit , (art.) place for gun drill, etc., in winter; regimental drill ground; piece de , (art.) proving-ground piece (e. g., a piece that has not stood the test of service, or a piece specially designed for proving- ground work, as distinguished from a service piece); de tir, (art.) proving ground, firing ground, polygoner, v. r., to get out of center, to be out of true. polygraphe, m., polygraph; copying pad, hecto- graph. polygraplile, f., cryptography. polymfctre, m., (inst.) an instrument for tak- ing horizontal distances and differences of level. f., (eipl.) polynltrocellulose, lose. polynitrocellu- polyphase, a., (elec.) polyphase; courant , polyphase current; machine e, polyphase generator. polyphote, m., (elec.) constant potential arc lamp. polytechnlcien, m., cadet, graduate, of the eole Polytechnique at 1'aris. pomme, f., apple; ball, knob; mouse; aconi; (war.) truck (of a mast); (mil.) pommel on drum- major's baton; d'arrosoir, rose (of a sprinkler): deconduitf. fair-lead truck; d'ctai, mouse of a stay; d'ctrier, (cord.) diamond knot; de girouette, vane truck: gwigce, fair leader; de miH, truck: de mat de pavilion, flagstaff truck; de parillon, truck of the flagstaff; de racage. parrel truck; - deterre, potato; de tire-ttillc, (cord.) double diamond knot. pomiiM an. m., <*;n. a.) pommel (of sword, pistol); (harn.) pommel (of a saddle): d'nrcoii, (harn.) saddle pommel. poimnele, a., dappled: overcast with dapplo cl( ;!ids; (hipp.) dapple (more or less rostriciwl to gray horses by I In- French); grix . (.ft//'/*.) dapple :;ray. pomnielle, f.. sfr-iiner: pipe grating; (min.) jack; '.in/lit in Ti . en. :s-lail<-d hinge. poiiimeliirc. f. . dii/iii.) dapple (limited to gray bv !l:e In ncli). ponimcltc. I'., (.tin. c. ])onuui;l, knob, or cap of poinmier, m.. apple Ire.-. poini-'. 1 . pump: s\ringe: ]>omp; state: (St. t'yr xliing) - i tud\ ; - i't ani'i < iln:<-t< . d'rect-acling pump, a pump wlii-si- pi ! -i is worked It i i:tup: itlini' I'/'in, feed pump, feed-water piiiiij): - aHiin ntmrr h'iii:niiti:li tnr::cn : i . huri/.niilal (verlical) fc,-'ir partiri, bridge by parts (Knglish, by '!' ir'iiiiig up".i; i lie, (nav.') bridge deck; . i flush deck; bridge (for crossing the 'in-pidl , (mi' /n/vxon, portable ditch in an assault i pmili'c d'vn -- , v. /a, - dr pi>niom>, ponto portiere d'nn . raft , /air /wrdVrcs, bridge by rafts ;>i'incipal , (nai.) main deck; i'i t ,' .n bridge; or single bay, of a bridge; pont de promenade, (nav.) promenade, hurricane, deck; protecteur, (nav.) protective deck; prorifoire, temporary bridge; de radeaui, raft bridge; de radeaui d'arbres, timber-raft bridge; de r ideauz de tonneaui, cask bridge ; rails, "rail bridge," i. e., sort of truck for hoisting, shitting, materials in fortifications, barracks, etc.; ras, (nai.) flush deck; replier un , to take up, dismantle, a bridge; de rondins, spar bridge ; mutant, rolling bridge; any vehicle run into a ditch , ri s'ulet . etc. , ana serving as a foundation for a (temporary) bridge; bridge built on such a carriage; d: sortie, sally bridge; S'tus-wrin, (nav.) under-water deck; sup'rifur. (nav.) upper deck; 4 ta'iticr relrtci, bridge with chess laid down obliquely; ttnie, (nav.) shade deck; tttt de , (fort.) bridge bead; tete de pont; de tonneaui, bridge of casks; de tonneaui 4 I'anglaim, cylinder pontoon bridge. travfe de , bay of a bridge: ,itr trui-trxrs en encorbtllement, extempo- rized cantilever bridge; de riitturfs, bridge over wagons used as supports, bridge resting on vehicles; carriage bridge; tvlint, flying bridge; portable bridge for crossing ditches in ail assault; trail bridge; (nit-.} bridge; rolant d' equipage, trail bridge of two pontoon l.oats. II. Bridges in general, miscellaneous: am/ricain, ft la Twn, Town's lattice triuss bridge; aincricain en dessous, lattice truss bridge, roadway on top; amrricain en dtssus, lattice truss bridge, roadway below; aqutduc, aqueduct bridge: tn arcs nu't'illi'iues, iron arched bridge: d arches, arched bridge: armature de , truss frame of a bridge; d armatures, hanging or t russ-framed bridge; (i rinntfi . (n'tl. i fire briilge: clid'i xxi'i (f 'an , roadway cfa bri'k"-: -.< < I r'riuWrv. 1. ridges and roads: governmrnf ci'-il engineers ; in Kranivi: xnr<- /H/ff-/icAf.v,strut-frampd bridge; (.'( cn.dngt x), dt cordm, rope l.riilg'-; ( i\ tli.ix'i' ,i. bridge below roadway; in rl: V.VM i, bridge above road wa 1 : dormant, fixed, permanent, bridue; a diiu'ilc (tripli) init, bridge of two -three' roadways; li'r.-'i-ippemrnt. (md.) flue bridge of a re- veriierilnry furnace: ilc fnxfhim, brush work iv.i leeway : en fir, iron briilge; bs. i: catch securing a bayonet scabbard to the IKI-.:; s< abiiard holder; pontet, bracelet- , (sm. a.) bayonet scabbard catch; de Jourreau de baionnette, (sm. a.) scabbard catch; magasin, (sm. a.) trigger guard and maga- zine in one; de seUe, (harn.) bow of a saddle; de la sous-garde, (sm. a.) trigger guard. pontllle, f., v. kpontille. pont-levis, m., drawbridge; (man.) rearing; -d bascule, drawbridge worked by a counter- poise lever; & bascule en dessous, v. d tape-cul; d bascule en dessus, drawbridge with counter- poise above roadway, lifting drawbridge; - d chaines, chain drawbridge; dcnntrepoids, counterpoise drawbridge; d cnqrenage, drawbridge worked by gearing; - d fltche, drawbridge worked by pliers; fleche de , pliers; d la Poncelet, lifting bridge with chain coun- terpoise; (i spirale, drawbridge worked by a chain passing over a spiral drum; - ii tape-cul, drawbridge with counterpoise under roadway, dropping drawbridge; tape-cul de , counterpoise of a drawbridge; d trappe, lever drawbridge. ponton, m., pontoon, ponton; hulk; -d'accostage, lighter; - allege, camel; bac d , pontoon raft; -bigue, sheer pontoon; crane barge; cadre d , pontoon frame; d canon, gun hov; charbonnicr, coal hulk; a to CoUeton, (mil.) cylinder pontoon; ii creuser, d curer, cureur, dredging boat, dredge; cylindrique, (mil.) cylinder pontoon; fiottant, pontoon; haquctd , (m_il.) pontoon wagon; en lilge, (mil.) cork pontoon; d mater, mature, sheer hulk; metallique, (mil.) metallic pontoon; mouilleur pour torpilles, torpedo-planting hulk; en toile goudronnee, (mil.) canvas pontoon; tonneau, (mil.) cylinder pontoon. pqntonnier, m., (mil.) pontonier. pore, m., hog, pig; (met.) slag containing tuimulted ore; cul-dr, , (cord.) single wall knot; cul-dc -coiirnnni', (cord.) crown knot; cul-de double, (cord.) double wall knot; soie dc -, bristle; ttte de. , (mil.) wedge-shaped formation of a battalion. porfic, i., (fond.) fine eivrth for molding. poreux, a., porous: (met.) blistered (of a casting). porgvs, m., (met.) twyer sitlo (of a Catalan forgo). p/.) dottle; eye for a hook; (MIL a.) gat (of .1 revolver); (sm. a.) g;i'e, magazine gate (as in Kra^,;; - - d' agrafe , eye of a hook ; . - d'amont, cVown gate, head gate of .t lix-k; - - il'aial, tail >:ale of a lock; battuu- , boat sunk at the outran* -D of u port to close it; - battamc, swing door; boi'tonde . tioor knob; - Wim/t-f, armor- plated door; --brisie, jointed door (i. e., one whose upper half folds down on the lower); - iiiixyufi , lock gate; - tin cendriir, damper, ash-]iit door; - - di charge, (met.) charging Uo.ir; {tor p.) load- ing door, lilling gate; ilc chargement, (sm. a.) gate, maga/.iuo gate (as in tlie Krag); porte de chauffe, (met.) fire door; ft clairt-voie, v. ft jour; cochire, carriage entrance; de coffre, lid (as of an ammunition chest); -coulante, portcullis; ft coulisse, sliding door; trapdoor; coupee, half door; croitte, French window; cuirassee, v. blind; c; de drgagement, back door; derobee, back door; de derritre, back door; fidcut battanlx, folding door; ft deux vanlaur, folding door; de devant, front door; d'ecluse, slui-.-e gate; d'entree, front door; enfoncer une . to break in a door; etanche, (nav.) water-tight door; fausxc , sham, blind, door; secret door; (fort.) postern gate or door, sally port; feinte, sham, blind, door; ft fermante (ouirante), (mil.) at the closing (opening) of the gates; fermer sea s, (mil.) of a town or fort, to refuse to surrender, to resolve to stand a siege; defermiture, (art.) breech door (Uotchkiss revolving t-annon); & fermcture itanche, (nav.) water-tight door; tlamande, a grated door surmounted by ornamental ironwork; du foyer, fire door: de galerie ( mm.) air gate; de garniture, (mach.) packing port; - de glace, mirror door; -djour, grated door; latiraie, charging door of a furnace; -de mesure, (nav.) measurement capacity; de mouille, \. d'aval; la Ottomane, Turkey; uuvrir ses s, (mil.) (of a town or fort) to ca- pitulate; it, panneaui, paneled door; perdue, concealed door; petite , postern; to, placard, vestibule door, door folding back into a recess; petite , postern; piciiif, ordinary nonpaneled door; enpoids, (nav.) dead-weight capacity; POUSSCT une - -, to leave a door ajar; principale, main gate; reason de , (sin a.) gate spring; - de rue, street door; roulante, rolling door, overhung door; de mcourx, (fort.) sally port; de sortie, exit, door; la Sublime . the Sublime Porte; -- - de sftrete, (fort.) defensible gate, i. e.. a gate in a communication, and that may be closed and defended; dc tftf, v. d'amont; l,iurn/.ed door. porte-a-faux, m., overhang; slate of being out of plumb; cotuli in , (mach.) overhung crank; en - -, not in b".irin<,'. unsiipp.ntcil; ftn in -, to overhang: to i. porte-al'Jjlt', m., (mil.) mglo bearer. porti'-alKiillks in., ('"/.) se-it or tiling pin (of a Ui.-'-.'j; <.. i,.v porte-i'.Uuiiicttfs, m., m:.th b porte-am;irre, in.. lifi-s:i\ing apparatus can-tii- , hfivsuvin;, ni'pri.ir: ctrf-volant . life- -:-. in.^ i-ite; fusic- -, lift^si'.vii:.: ;ockel. IKti'te-aniorci-. in., (>irt.) j-.:imer spui'll bnlilcr. fu.M) cup; (f-'.n. porting a crapaudine. port e-craj oil, in., pencil case. porle-frosse, in., (r. f. art.) part of the stock connecting the shoulder piece with breech; (ttm. u.) carbine holster; (sometimes) support for I lie stock. port <- Ira pea u, m., (mil.) color bearer (of in- fantry). portC'f, f.. range, reach; length, extent, compass; capacity, power, ability, pitch; range of a lignt, of a signaling apparatus; distance be- tween telegraph, etc., polos; bearing, i. e., distance, clear horizontal space, between supports; part of a beam, etc., noting on sup- ports; bearing length, bearing surface, span of an arch, radius, reach, of a crane; < /unit.) span of a bay: (iii'ifli.) bearing, bearing surface, neck, journal, shoulder; iiner; plane bearing surface to fix work in a lathe; turned surface for measurements, bearings, etc.; (mil. min.) amplitude., reach of a mine; (snrv.) chain length; fin geodes-v) (length of) 3 (or 4) base-measuring rods taken together; opera- tion of using one set of rods; (ball), distance from the gun to the point of toll; (art., sm. a.) range; port*e, 4 de. within reach, range, of; & la de, within range of; d'un arc, span of an arch; de but en mate, (ball.) point-blank range; de canon, (art.) cannon range; coulee b, une seule , (fond.) casting all at once; coulerb une seule , (fond.) to cast in one piece, all at once; courte , (art., etc.) short range; demi , (art., sm. a.) half range, half (cannon, etc.) range; d'euUj volume of water discharged by a stream in a given time; d'eclatement, (arl.) distance of point of burst from muzzle; efticace, (arl.,sm. a.) effective range; d'essai, (art.,sm. a.) trial range; d'un feu, range of a light; de fusil, etc., (sm. a.) rifle, etc., range; d'unegrue , radius of acrane jib; hors de (la) de, out of range of; lon-gue ,(art., sm. a.) long range; lumineuse, v. d'un feu; maximum, (art.) maximum jango; moyenne, (arl.) mean range; petite , (art. ,sm.a.) short range; to plus grandc , (art.) maximum range; de' la poudre-type, (art., sm. a.) standard range; dcs poutrclles, (pont.) span of a balk; & dcs signaux, within signaling distance; du, son, range of sound; sc 'i:"idrh , (mil., etc.) to keep within range, much; if tcnir hors d? la , (mil., etc.) to keep out of range; theorique moynne d'eclaler.icnt, (art.) dis- tance of mean i oint of burst from the muz- zle; Male , (art.) e> treme range; fi tmi/e volec, (art.) greatest range possible, using service charge, and greatest angle of ele- vation; trouvtr la , (art.) to find the rangi visiullc, visual range; de (la) voix, range of the voice: i o;'.:-^ dis- tance; - d'une voute, span of an arch; vraie , (art., sm. a.) true range; - .) flagman; (mil.) bearer of a battalion color; n. c. o. carrying fnnion of a general oflicer. porte-fer, m., (car.) horseshoe case. porte-fcu, m., (art.) (lame passage (of a shell, etc.); (mil. min.) leader ; train, igniter; a., lire transmitting (in composition); Hickfnrd, (nrt'ij.) Bickford igniter. porte-feuillc, m., portfolio; (Jig.) functions of a minister of state; minintre d , minister in charge, of a depart- ment; minislre sans , minister without a depart- ment; \\ithout portfolio. porte-Wliere, in., (mach.) die holder. porte-flambeau, rn., torchbearer; U)rch holder. porte-forct, (mrort( poignoe, in., (r.f.arl. i lower part of shoulder piece of a rapid-lire pin (part that carries the nipt'). porte-poiiicon, m , (mach. > punch holder. porte-pomixm, m., (unif.) pompon socket. port e- pout relies, m., (pont.) balk carrier, porte-poutres, m., v. purte-pwtrellet . portrr, v. a. n., to support, sustain, bear, carry, transport, take; to expend; to siitTer, stand; to bear up, be supported by, rest, He, lean on: to bear (of afro'enrher.etc ); to wear (a coat, a sword); to cirry (a pistol); to carry, reach (of sound or light); to set (as a current); to prick (a bearing on a chirt); to rrmsure (ns so many feet); (adm., mil ) to inscribe, carry (as on a muster roll ), hence to recommend (for promo- tion, a decoration, etc r, (mas ) of a stone, to have such and such dimensions; (art.,sm.a.) to hit, to range, to carry: (hence, fig.) to take e!Tect, doexecution: (mae'i.) to come into tear- ing; (nav.) to mount (so many guns); (cord.) to nip; I'atmt, (drill) to "carry arms;' 1 Its arm, (mil.) to be a soldier; to make war; un arrit, to make a decision; en aranl, (mart.) to go forward, advance; se en avant, (mil., etc.) to forge ahead, ad- vance; la barbc, to wear a beard; box, (man.) to carry the head low; bateau, (of a river) to be na - igable; beau, (man.) to carry the, head well; bien son plomb, (sm. a.) to make a small pat- tern; unebotte,(ftnc.) to make a thrust; (tint de) bouches & feu, (nav.) to carry (so many) guns; le 'cap ti, (nav.) to head for; la carabine a la grenadiere, (sm. a.) to sling carbine; son cheval, (man.) to keep up, sustain, one's horse; en enmptf. to chareo to; ft cru, to be built or resting on the ground; fi corbcllement, v. iifaux; vncoup, to deal a blow; K7 coup d'epee, (fnic.) to make a thrust: le daiil (dr), to be in mourning (for); !'(i>rr, (mil. ) to be an oilioer: fi fatu, to be out of plumb; to o erh;ur r : to pro'ect (as a balcony, a turret); (cord.) to near badly: dcsfrrs, to be a slave: a fond, to boerected from the ground, to rest on tlie foundation; ft gauche (droite), to bear oil to the left (or right); haul, (man.) to make one's horse cirry his head hih; (of the horse) to curry his head high; juxti, (art., sm. a.) to hit tli tsatitoir, to \veir crosswise ias sfnvddcr bells); se , to go: to comport one's self: to ded.iro one > sel:: to l.e a ca ltd i dale, to run, to st.nn!. se it, to :i ; ani-c to cm all u K : ge (nti;'i::t,li>)n<^< for\\ 'i '.: .v'r.tobearagaint! i one part a ainst allot her ; (' i to s'eer or st'ind 'or; {tdiit) df t'iniKiiiii, ( nit' . ) ti> carry so many) ton..; a Urrc, (nai.) to stand for the shore; porter 346 poser porter au vent, (man.) (of the horse) to carry the head high and horizontal. porte-rame, m., rowlock (for either side oar or steering oar). porte-ranclier, m., porte-ranchet, m., stake socket. portereau, m ., (art.) carrying bar; levier , v. s. v. levitr. porte-rftne, m., (ham.) rein billet. porte-retard, m., (art.) delay-action device or mechanism of a fuse. porte-retlcule, m., (opt.) tube holding the reticule. porte-roue, in., de rechange, (art.) spare-wheel axle. porte-rugueux, m., (art.) plunger spindle (of a fuse). porte-sabre, m., (mil.) saber holder (of a saddle, of a bicycle); (sm. a.) sliding frog for n. c. o.'s sword belt. porte-sac, m., (mil.) medical-kit bearer. porte-sacoches, m., (ir.il.) medical kit bearer. porte-sele, m., (mil.) saw case. porte-selle, m., saddle rack, rest, bar, block, -or holder. porte-servante, m., (art., etc.) pole prop hook. porte-taraud, m., (mach.) tap holder, tap wrench. porte-tarlCre, m., (mach.) brace head, drill stock. porte-tlmon, m., (art.) pole-prop. porte-torpllle(s), m., (nav.) (torpedo) spar; spar- torpedo boat; bateau ,canot , spar-torpedo boat. porte-to(u)let, m., rowlock. porte-trait, m., (harn.) trace loop. porte-tuyfcre, m., (art.) ring or collar (of a twyer of a field forge). porteur, m., carrier, bearer, porter; (art.) near horse ola team; ( FT. a.) truck of the Decauville transportable railway; au , payable to bearer; Decauville, ( Fr. a.) Decauville transportable railroad; de df.peches, bearer of dispatches; de derriere, (art.) near wheel horse; de devant, (art.) near lead horse; d'eau, irrigation channel; methode par s, (stige) in a flying sap, method in which all the gabions are put down together; de milieu, (art.) near swing horse; d'ouiils, (mil.) the pack animal carrying the tools of an infantry com pany ; de la roie, (pnnt., etc.) stringpieee, sleeper; wagonnet- , (Fr. a.) the truck of the Decau- ville railway. porte-vallscs, m., valise support or holder (bi- cycle,). porte-vent, m., blast pipe (of a blowing engine); (met.) nose pipe, nozzle, tuyere. porte-verres, m., slide of a signal lantern. porte-vis, in., (sm. a.) side plate of a gun lock. porte-voix,, m., speaking trumpet, speaking tube! - l\u , speaking talio. porlior, m., porter; -cuitssigne, v. s. v. consignc. portiere, f., curtain; coach door; door; flap (as of a leather casci; (]n,nl.) r.ift, cut (part of a bridge of l>i >ais formed by t'.vo or three boats completely covered c movable jurt i.r draw of :i bridge of boats: inrt.) old name for ioht; mantelet; (fort.) shutter (of au ernbi.isun-); ccmxtruirr vn jmnt jnr s, (punt.) to build a bridge by rafts; tn ronligai, (art.) rope mantelet ; d'( i:\iira.turi , 'fiirt.) embrasure shutter or mantelet or blind; portiere entiere, (pont.) a raft of three pontoon boats; de manceuirre, (pont.) construction raft for bridge building; de navigation, (pont.) movable part or draw of a bridge of boats; de pont, (pont.) cut, swing bay or raft of a bridge; pont par s, (pont.) bridge by rafts; Tcvliemfnt par s, (pont.) dismantling bridge ny rafts, by breaking up into rafts; repliir -par s, (pont.) to dismantle a bridge by rafts; roulante, sliding door. portlllon, m., small postern. portion, f., share, part, portion; active, v. dctachee; ccntrale, ( Fr. a.) in a subdivided regiment. the part containing the depot, or designate^ to form it ia case of mobilization; circulain, (siege) circular place of arms; du contingent', ( Fr. a.) subdivision of contin- gent (when the annual contingent is larger than the appropriations admit, it is divided into two parts; the first (lower numbers on the list) serves three years, the second (higher numbers on the list) servos one year, and is then sent home en disponibilite) ; dt'tachee, ( FT. a.) the part of a divided unit of troops that is not comprised in the portion centrale, q. v. (also called dctachement); effets de la lere, Heme, , v. s. v. effets (some- times shortened to prem.ie.re portion, deuziem,; portion); principale, ( Fr. a.) in a subdivided regiment, the part directly commanded by the senior ofticer of the regiment; separee, v. detachee. portique, m., porch; (siege) covered passage in the trenches; blindage (of a blinded sap); (gym.} rectangular frame, board, or platform 3.5 m or 4.5 auove the ground, used in various gym- nastic exercises; -avec ichelle, (gym.) a portique fitted with a ladder. portugalse, f. , (cord.) sheer lashing, head lashing; amarrage en , sheer lashing. posasre, m., laying, placing, laying down; setting tip, hanging. pose, f., setting, setting up, planting, laying, lay- ing down (as of a railway, a telegraph line); posture, attitude; stint; set; shift (of workmen); stationing; ( mach.) seating (as of a riding band) (mil.) posting of a sentry, relief of a guard; relief of a working party; (phot.) exposure; (mas.) operation of laying stone, bricks; d'un cable, cable laying; caporal de , (mil.) v. s. v. caporul; -tie ceirttvre, (art.) banding of a projectile; -descorps drchvidierrs, (steam) boiler setting; ilescendante, (mil.) relief coming olf: inxiiftixanle, (phot.) under exposure,; d'une ligi'e tiltyraphiqut , laying down of u telegraph line; ii,i>nt'intf, (mil x . relief fr->itt.) duration of exposure, ex- posure; tic la roif, (r. r.) track layiiis;. po.sf-o. f., >' in^ni.) the instant, 'luring '"Inch tl;e foot is in ifviriiig. poser, rn., ( ma?*., v. /cj.st.-. poser 347 post* poser, T. a. n., to put, place, set, lay, lay down; to put in posit io.i, in place; to stand, plant; to post, station; to Dear, lie, rest on; to lay down a railway track; to set or put up a telegraph line; (mil.) to pitch a camp; to post a sentry; (mas.) to lay stone, bricks; d, Vangluisf, (cons.) to lay a floor in parallel strips; (mas.) to lay bricks In English bond; forme A lerre, (drill) to "ground arms;'' les armes, (mil.) to lay down one's arms; surrender; to make peace, a truce: tcs armes basii ttrre, (mil.) to lay down one's arms, to surrender; sur la came, to set on edge (as a plank); de champ, to lay on edge; en coupe, v. en di lit; a cm, (cons.) to erect a timber framework without a foundation; en decharge, to set (a timber) as a prop; en dilit, (mas.) to lay (a stone) contrary to its < leaving grain, on edge; l'r.l>ie,( mil. ) to leave the military profession; en cpi, (mas.) to lay (bricks) herringbone- wise; HJ.T lefaux lit, v. en dilit; tm gninde lumiire, \. s. v. grain; r i lit, sur son lit, (mas.) to lay (a stone) on i ts cleaving grain; d. main, to set or lay by hand; en panneresse, - - "en parement, to lay (stones, etc.) lengthwise, stretcherwise; o plat , to lay flat ; dc plot, (ma-i.) to lay (a stone) on its cleaving grain; pkin sur joint, (mas.) to lay so as to break joints; la premiere pierre, to lay a corner stone; la quille, (nav.) to lay the keel; d, recouvremeni, to lap over; d, sec, (mas.) to lay down dry, lay stones without mortar; une sent i it die, (mil.) to post a sentry; une sonmtte, to hang a bell; sur to tranche, v. sur la carne; to loie, (r. r.) to lay the track. poseur, m., builder, fitter; mason, bricklayer; (r. r.) plate layer, track layer; contrc , mason's assistant. positif, m., (phot.) positive; - - pour jirojertion. lantern slide; sur verre, transparency. position, f.. position, situation, stand, place, pos- ture; (mil.) position; (mil. adm.) status; (art.) the ground occupied by the artillery in a battle (as distinguished from emplacement, tho posi- tion of the gnus alone); (man.) position on horse- back; d'abscncc, (mil.) status of absence ( Fr. a., leave, sick, confined, under trial, absent with- out leave); d'activite. (mil.) status of active service; (administrative) genera Ir, (Fr. a. adm.) gen- eric term for tho status of soldiers as a whole (i. e.. peace and war footings); (administrative) indiiidnrllt, (Fr. a. adrr..) administrative status of tho individual with respect to pay and allowances (o. g., acthitc, non-actiiiie, disuonibUilf, etc.); d'afff 1 . (mil.) a position prepared in ad- vance to check or stop the enemy, (morn spe- cially) such a position in a mountain pass; d'atlrnte, ( u'it.) position in which thoenerny is awaited; temporary position, under cover, if possible, assumed before passim; to the tie combat: (ur!.} transitory position of field artil- lery just iKiforu going iiito batterv; aicncie, (fart.) ad vain fd positions occupied by tho defense to keep enemy frori ii-in^ them for his guns; line of fort.iliod advanced posts of an intrenched camp; batttrif lie , (art.) battery of position (position guns'); di chargement, (art.) loading position of u guu; position de combat, (mil.) in general, combat post. tion; (siege) intrenched position of a besieging army for the sneviul purpose of repelling sorties; (Jort.) main line of works of an intrenched camp; (of a turret) tiring position; Mairrur de , v. s. v. iclairevr; d'Mipse, (art.) loading position of a disap- pearing gun; fausse , in computation, double position; (sure.) false position; de ftrmeture, (ar!.) position of breech plug when name; gentrale, v. (administrative) generate; horsrang, ( Fr. a. ) status of being hors rang: individuelle, v. (administrative) indirid- ueilc; d'ouverture, (crt.) position of breech plug when open; prendre une , (mil.) to take up a position; de presence, ( I'r. a. adm.) status of being on duty (present, on mission, en route); - - privcipale (de defense ). (fort. ) tho line of forts; - -04 raUument,(mil.) rallying position; ft raascmblement. (mil.) point where troops collect after executing march maneuvers, in rear of the positions where they are to tako combat formation; de rcndrz-rouii, v. de ra.tsemblemcnt; de r< /,li, (mil.) position selected in advance to fail back on if repulsed; de retraite, (mil.) position to fall back on; de route, (art.) traveling bed; traveling posi- tion (siege guns); en route, ( FT. a. adm.) status of being en route; d' secours, (mil.) succoring or supporting po- sition on line of retreat of an army; dit soldat sous les armes, (mil.) (position of) attention; de soutien, (mil.) position in rear to which troops may fall back; (fort.) second line of forts; (of a'n intrenched camp) position to render tho parts of the de combat in enemy's hands un- tenable, to protect retreats, etc.; r n station, ( Fr. a. adm.} status of duty (i. o., of being at one's post of duty ); dctir, (art.) firing position (esp. of siege guns:; (fort.) firing position of a turret; du tirfur, (inf.) firing position of the indi- vidual soldier; ;in>, position of rest; (art.) setting of a shrap- nel fuse to zero. possession, f., possession; occupation; prise dc , (mil.) capture. poste, f., post house or station; stage < distance of two leagues); post, post-office; mail; (sm. a.) swan shot; b&tiint nt , mail sU-amor; burtau, de , post nil'.i e; chfiauz dc . j>o.-: horses; courir la , to tr:.\el by post; dincti ur dt la - . postmaster; difictt ur dcs , postmaster-general; grar.dc- -- , geii'Tal post-olliee; inalii- - - -, v. nt'iiii />.il<: - iiiilitniri . (//,/. i field post (ollice); p ;.. -iil i rain. poslc, m., post, stal ion. iM'iployincnt . pLwe: ( mil.) po-ii. -any posii'.m nr |. 'in! occiipunl iiy troops, or ".iicrc* troop^ m iv i>c " iriere'l: particular di'ty cr st".tinn: p"s! -if :. ; i.ird. guardhouse guard, main gti-inl. i In- i; -.rrr "ii of a post: posi- tion taken by :. \\-.\-: i /: . i i.erth: piitinti .>r pii^t, of a ship: siatiou; (in-, i post >( a i m- noneor at the gun; d , at . liomo: il xi in - . at one's post , in ;it !;!!< la M' C. attain .( n/(/H;-'7<.. 1 1. r. i opiTiiu! - --,-;' :in.' !->\\er. d'alarme, (mil.) rende/.vi.ns. .il.inu i".st. postc 348 poteau postc d'amarrage, (nav.) mooring berth; d'arrft,(fort.) small field work recommended (or mountain passes; ar.inc, , (mil.) advanced post; post nearest enemy; in a defensive position, points in front of main position (wood, farm, village, etc.) that may l>o ad .-antageously held by infantry SOOm to 1 ,000" in front ; avant , (mil.) outpost; nrunt ft la Cosaque, (mil.) Cossack post; avant irregulier, (mil) Cossack post; avant- reg alter, (mil. )or,linary outpost; des blesses, ( nav. ) cockpit ; de camimgne, (mil.) hold post, such as a church, mill, etc.; central, (mil., jig.) central station; changer de *, (an.) to change posts; chefde . (mil.) c. o. of a guard, of a post, etc.; de comoat, (nai\) quarters, st ition in action; de correspond! nee, (mil.) transmitting sta- tion, relay, dispatch post .communicating post; transmission or disi atcL.ng post (in explora- tion scr \ ice from froii! to roar) ; a la Cosaque, (mu.) Oossac.v outpost; detache, (mil.) dct.iche,! post; (more esp.) an abphone station in main line(i. e., not shunted); enlever un , (mil.) to carry off a post; d'eiamen, (mil.) examining posts (deserters, etc.); ecterieiir. (mil.) exterior post of a guard; faire entrcr (sortir) les servants d leurs s, (art.) to tai.e (leave) posts; & file, (mil.) permanently posted or sta- ti >ned; guerre de s, (mil.) outpost operations; d'lionneur, (mil.) dangerous po^t or posi- tion; post designated to pay honors; post or guard of honor; inlerieur, (mil.) interior post of a guard; i'lterrntdiaire, (mil.) intermediate post, de- ' tached corps placed between others for sup- port; df.s inrulncrables, (mil.) place out of the reach of harm (v. mont pagnote); ixttle. ( mil. ) detached post; jilouz, (mil.) post of danger; dc lanctment (de torpilUs), (torp.) torpedo- launehing point or post; li'jne de s, (mil.) picket line; des m'lladfx, (nni~.) sick bay; d' observation, (mil.) advanced post, recom- mondod for obser ing mountain passes (in mountain warfare) dunng mobilization; (torp.) range station : o ' > >r . a I ion si at ion ; pit it , (mil. ) picket \H>r win n xon , < unl.) to go to one's .station or duly; rtiitftrn xon . inrl.) I o resume one's post; nlr'inchi , i l't .) intrenched post ; if .i\\ition, (teleg.) pole at the fork of a telegraph Hue; dt clnison,(cons.) quarter, s I ud; tict)nlre-fich,(cons.) braced pole; cornier, (tflctj.) corner pole; (cons.) corner post : tcouples,(lelcy.) A-f shaped) polo; --de crthir, (cons.) j;',rnl>, sidu post of a door or window; - - de dixlnncf, (in races) distance post,; (r. r.) section mark; -doublt,( teleg.) double pole; -d'rciirit. .stal>!e post; d'effculion, i>.ace of execution; dc fond, (cons.) stud or post, extending the whole depth of a wall; yd'jnant, ( in races; winning post; de galerif, (min.) stay, strut ; guide, hand post, signpost: d'huixxeric, (cuiut.) window post or stud; - indicaieur, signpost poteau 349 poudrc poteau de jonction, (Uleg.) pole or post, as on a railway bridge; xjumeles, (teley.) poles boltd together; & lumiere, light spindle, spar, or buoy; idemine, (min.) pit wood; montant, (con*.) jamb; de raccordtment , v. de jonction; de remorque, towing post; --de remplage, (con*.) stud, quartering, quar- ter; - telegraphiqve, telegraph pole; --valet, fastening or securing post (of a sluice gate). pote, f., putty (of tin); (fond.) luting loam; - d'emeri, emery dust; - -d'itain, tin putty; --defer, nist putty; de montagne, rotten stone; de rouillc, v. defer. poteiet, ra., small stnit, post, stanchion. potence, f. , crut *h; standard or rule for measuring the height of men and of horses; gallows, gib- bot; arm (to hang anything on); pin tongs; saddle post (of a bicycle; (SUTV.) otl'set stall; (man.) ring post; (mil.) angle in a line (e. g., formed by a flank witli the lino); (cons.) brack- et; crosslwiin; (art.) shaft orstem (of a loading crane); (pont.) pier of a (military) suspension bridge; horse of a flying bridge; bridfr (.1 , (man.) in riding at the rings, to hit the p:>st instead of the ring; de cltvrgcmcnt, (art.) shell crane; chat de , cat of the horse (of a flying bridge); comble en, . (cons.) shed roof; ti dear liens, (cons.) double bracket; en , (mil.) with a flank forming an angle with the main line; etaid. , (cons.) strut fitted with a bracket; bfnrer, de foret, boring frame; d'un pont volant, horse of a flying bridge; & wn lien, (cons.) single bracket; sous , under standard height; troupe en , (mil.) lino with a flank forming an angle. potmtlrl, in. (dec., etc.) potential; chu.lt lit ITS a niiii- n tec tt'raii mitfiqin , unit of flow through an aper- ture pierced iu a wall 17 '' thick, under a head of "> " (21 culiic meters iu 21 hours;. pourot, in., (run.*.) wiper, lifter, nipper, cam. pomviu--., f. pi., handciiirs; !il:ui:u-lcs for the t.lllllll). poii< iv;, m., thumb-stall. poudre, f., dust, powder; gunpowder; explosive. (Kxcept where otherwise, indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to explosives:) nciirniKt. (mil.) cementation powder; -amulf,- - nmidf r, amido powder; it ramnioninqiic, ammoniakrut; (iityulairi . - anguhime, angular powder (angular grains); .-U /a*, Atlas powder; - arartif, (lamagcd powder; s uui azotata, nitrate powders; poudre azotee, nitrogen powder (generic term for modern powders); battre la, , (man.) to paw the ground; biiiti'rr, |>owder corn|>osed of two subatmoct (o. g., gunpowder without any sulphur); - - blanche, white Herman or American pow- der; Augendre's powder; white powder; au. dt, boif, nitrated sawdust: an bois pyromti , KchuH/ powder; - - brisante, brisant powder, quick powder; high explosive; any chemical explosive (1. ., no mechanical mixture'; hbronztr, (in the arts) bronze powder; - - brnne, brown iwwder; cailloii, pebble powder; A c inon, cannon powder; ti canon des pilnns. ordinary powder; de cara pehliie JM, \\der kKng- lan-ii; mamni'.ith po\\der il nitel States); (XIH. u.) large-grain powder; pot i drc 350 poulie poudre de guerre, service powder; Hercule, Hercules powder; en lamelles, powder in flakes or disks; lente, slow-burning powder; lissce, glazed powder; magasin d , v. s. v. magastn; mesurette A , powder measure; de mine, blasting powder (in France, three kinds: anguleuse, fin(s) grain(s), ronde); mordre la , (mil.) to bite the dust, be killed in action; moulie en charges, powder compressed into large cakes (no cartridge bag needed, obs.); moulee en grain, -nolded-grain powder; moulind , powder mill; d mousquet, de mousqueterie, small-arm powder; neuve , new powder ; nitr-itee, nitrated powder; noire, ordinary black powder; noire comprimee, compressed black powder; normale, standard powder; noycr les s, to flood the magazine(s); offensive, v. brisante; papier, paper powder; pellet , pellet powder; ou picrate, picrate powder; att picrate d'ammoniaque (de potasse), am- monium (potassium) picrate powder; picratee, picrate powder; picrique. Abel's powder, picric powder; de plomb, (sm. a.) dust shot, mustard seed; poire d , powder flask (obs.); prismatique, prismatic powder; progressive , progressive powder; pyroii/Ue ,a nitrated cellulose; radoubce, powder worked over again; rapide, quick-burning powder; rffaite, v. radoubre; en roche, powder that has caked; rondc, round-grain powder; d rondel I (s comprimees, a powder consisting of compressed disks; s etsalp&res, ( Fr. a.) one of the subdivisions of the administration centrals de la guerre, deal- ing with technical questions of explosives and related matters, and having general charge of the manufacture of explosives (government monopoly); s salpetrees, generic term for black and for brown powders; fi siiut, saluting powder; scntir l-i , (mil.) to have been frequently the seat of war; soutc aux s, powder magazine; df nfirttf, name given at flrst by M. Nobel to dynamite; superfine, a variety of sporting powder (French); (erniirc, a powder composed of throe bodies or substances (e. g., gunpowder); d tirer, v. de chassc: aux. tonnes et presses, powder that has not been incorporated (that has passed directly from tonnes to presses)', t'innerre, thunder powder; de trnite, (originally) powder manufactured for 1 lie slavo trade; (now) export powder for the colonial trade; d tremper, (met.) cementation tempering powder; a tritnra'inn n'duiic , powder produced by a shortened process of incorporate m; -type, standard type powder, .-umdarrt pow- der; de vente, powder in the trade; rrrle, new powder; powder n it thoroughly dric'l; a variety of picric powder; ri'-e. quick-burning powder; m rr/ic, loose powder; de V'ulcain, Vulcan powder. poudrer, v. a,, to pounce. poiidriTU', f., (pnvd.) powder mill, powder works. poudreux, a., dus'.y. poudrier, m., hand or workman of a powder mill; poudrifire, f., powder mill; powder magazine (not a military term). pmif, a., (of stones) weak, crumbling; m., (met.) proper amount of resistance required in a mold to bear the weight of metal in fusion. poullleux, a., (of timber, tree) with cankers or ulcers. poulain, m., colt, foal, filly; sledge (for heavy loads) ; faire un , (mil. slang) to fall from one's horse, to come a cropper (to bite tan bark, U.S.M. A.); maladie de , (hi pp.) colt evil. poule, f., hen, fowl; (in racing, etc.) pool, sweep- stakes); ader , (met.) blistered steel; d'essai, (racing) maiden stakes; des produits, (racing) futurity stakes. poti let, m., chicken; d'Inde, (mil. slang) cavalry horse. poulevrin, m., (powd.) priming powder; pulver- ized, mealed powder; powder flask (obs.); vert, powder previous to granulation; vieux , powder caked from age and damp. poullage, m., blocks, system of blocks. pouliche, f., (hipp.) filly. poulie, f., (cord., mark.) pulley, block; sheave, (more rarely) tackle; rd'appareil, large purchase block; fourfold block; d' 'assemblage, made block; bande de , block strap; barbotin, d barbotins, chain pulley; baraquette, sister block; s & bloc, block and block; en bois, wooden block; en bois d'assemblage, made wooden block; bombce, (mach.) rounded, crowning pulley; ft bras diviscs, (mach.) split or divided-rim pulley; caisse de , shell of a block; caliorne, de caliorne, winding tackle block; de capon, cat block; de cartahu, girt-line block; dchiine, chain pulley; fi .itaine & la Vaucanson, sprocket (chain) pulley; a chapeau, shoulder block; clan de , sheave hole; swallow; de commande, (mach.) (the pulley working a particular tool or engine or machine) driving pulley; conductrice, (mach.) driving pulley; conduite, (mach.) driven pulley; de conduite, leading block ; d cones ctages, (mach.) stepped pulley; dcontre, shoe block; (tcorde, rope pulley; dcorde met Clique, 'wire-rope pulley; ft co.s'.ss, block with lashing eye or thimble; coupee, snatch block ; coupec et ferrre, ironbound snatch block; courantc, running block; ti croc, hook block; d crochet, traversing pulley; bdi, bushed block; d dcmi-joue, cheek block; d dent, snatch block; -deslropte, dftropfe, unstrapped block, i.lock shaken out of its strap; - -d deux engoujures, double-scored block; d dem estropes, double-strapped block; & deuxjouts, (mach.) double-flanged pulley; - en deux morccaui, pieces, split pulley; d deux rawjs de rats, (mach.) double-arm pul- U'y; difffrentieUe, differential pulley; diffcrentielle double (simple), double (single) (li:Terential pulley or tackle; riircctrice, (mach.) guide pulley; --dixquc, (mach.) disk pulley; dormante, standing block; poulie 351 poulie double, (mach.) double cable pulley; (cord.) double block; double & canon, double (run-tackle block; & double gorge, double-groo /ed pulley; double de palan, lone tackle block: doubled tourniquet, iron block with a swivel hook; A emerillon, swivel block; ii emprernte, chain pulley; enchapte, frame puilev; enchapee double, double frame pulley; enchapee simple, single frame pulley; emtvujure de , score of a block; erxc de , block strop; estrope de . block seizing or strap; a estrope double, double-strapped block; i estrope enfer, iron-strapped block; 6 estrope interne, internal (-bound) block; it estrope simple, single-* trapped block; eslrop&e, strapped block; e.ttropee enfer, iron-bound block; eicentrique, eccentric sheave; d'expansinn, (mach.) expansion drum; enfer, iron block; fence, iron-bound, -strapped block; fue, (mach.) fast pulley, lixed pulley; (cord.) standing block; fiie etfolle, fixed and loose pulley; folle, (mach.) loose, idle, pulley; enfonte, cast-iron pulley; iifouet, tali block; /roncawe d helices, a synonym of palan A h&lice, q. v.; frapper une , to seize a block; d, de, friction, (mach.) friction pulley; & gorge, grooved pulley; gorge de . score of a block; guide, (mach.) guide pulley; libre, (mach.) idle pulley; martonnette, nine-pin block; menantr, (mach.) driving pulley or wheel; menee, (mach.) receiving pulley or wheel; mobile, (mach.) movable pulley; loose sheave; (cord.) running block; a mogue, dead-eye; motrice, (much.) main driving pulley; mnutlee, tackle (set of blocks, block and Uie.de); /i mouvement universel, (ranch.} pulley hav- ing a motion around three rectangular axes; nnn-tstropee, unstrapped block; ii, dl'aeil, v. & cosse; d olive, shoe block; d' orientation, (balloons) direction pulley; ouurantf, snatch block; de palan. puur pilans, tackle block; de pied de mat. nine-pin block; /ilatt, cheek block; l-leine, (mich.) solid pulley (as distinguished from one with arms); pirtante, bearing pulley; riade , shea o; fi nreax, n-sheavjd block; de reni-oi(mach., cord.) guide pulley; resistance, (mach.) drh on pulley; de retiiur, leading block; ronde etcourt-;, clump block; rnitet de , sheave; d n rnuttx, ft-foH block; il xibot, v. n flinpcin.: de xtcour*. (mach.) guide pulley (to keep belt s on main pulley; d'nne xeult piece, mortised Mock; simple, (cord.) single bloc!;; (mach.) singlo- cablo pulley, one-cable pulley; - timpled cr>>c, single-hook block; simple f. stropped irillrt, eye block; Dimpled fmiet, tail Mock; support, -de xnitpurt, (m'ich.) support- ing, intermediate, pulley (of a rope transmis- sion); '/ talt>n, shoulder block; dr. tension, (mach.) tightening pulley: detite dc mnt, masthead Mock; dr t-mjf, (balloon) towing pulley; / tourniquet, gin. block, monkey block; (.'.' transmission, (much.) communicating, transmitting, pulley; belt pulley: de trau-rxiere, fish-tackle Mock; poulie frlplf, threefold block, triple block; - Verlinde, asvuonym of pa Ian & hi'lice, q. v.; - vieryt, sister block ; - vierge double, double sister block; - cierge simple, single sister block; - d violon, fiddle block; -- volant, (mach.) driving fly wheel. poulier, v. a., to work, hoist, draw up by a pul- ley; poulierle, f., block shed. poulleur, in., block maker. poulin, m., dog shore. poulliiallle, f., (hipp.) foal's cramp (displacement of kn e pan); poulliieraent, m., (hipp.) fo:\ling. putillner, v. a., to fU. poullniere, f., (hipp. ) brood mare ; bonne - , good Iroeder; jument - , brood mare. poupe, f., (nav.) stern, (torp.) rear end of a spar torpedo; enseigne de - , (nap.) stern flag, national color; patter fi - d'un navire, (nav.) to pass clo>e under the stern. poupee, f., doll; warping-cone, -end, of a wind- lass; (pout.) timber head, mooring post (of a pontoon boat); (fmid.) tow winding of a core bar; (elec.) binding post; (mach.) bar, rod (in manvupplications);(moreesp.)poppet. center, Deadstock; spindle or shaft and related parts; contre -- , v. contre-poupee: - cnntre-pointe, \. - mobile: - dederriere, (mach.) back poppet; - dedemnt, (mach.) fore poppet; - d diviseur, (mach.) spiral head, index head, index center; faire la , (fond.) to wind tow, etc., around the spindle of a core box ; - fiie, (mach.) headstock, live head, fixed poppet or head (of a lathe); - it jour, (mach.) shank mandrel; - d lunette, (mach.) cone plate, boring collar: - mobile, puppet prooer, tailstock, mo- aMe headstock, back poppet; deadhead; sliding poppet; - a pnintc, v. - mobile; - & rndcr, (mach.) grinding poppet. pour-rent, m., percentage. pourette, f., (hipt>.) grease complicated by prapw:. pourfeii Ire, v. a., toclease with a sword. pourparler, in., parley ; en - , pirloying in treaty; entrer en - ," to enter in to a_ parley; ftre en, - , to parley: to be in treaty. pourrl, p. p., rotten, corrupt; damp, wet; m., rot- tenness, rot ten part; pierre - 1, rotten stone; temps - , damp, wet, weather. pournture, f.. rottenness; (of wood) rot; - -d'hdpitai, (mnl.) hospital giuigreno; humide, wpt rot; xlche, dry rot; t'nnbir en - to rot. luwme rotten. poursuitc, f., pursuit: cluiso; search: (lair) pro- c'oo 'lings; pro-ii-cutioii: (mil.) pursuit; (man.) extTci.se in ridini: scbool in winch each tnx>i>*T pursues aar t of further breaking him u[> ;said e>p. in pursuit ). poursuivrc, v. a., to pursue, cha.e: to go on. i> oe.-il with: to prosecute; u'''" ) '" i'ro.,ecii (mil.) to pursuo. ,. actual purpose f cavalry pourtour 352 poutrelle pourtour, m., circumference, circuit, .ength (around, etc.), compass; de la chambre, (art.) interior surface of the chamber of a gun. pourvot, m., (law ) appeal; en cassation, appeal to the supreme court; f ,- grace, appeal for a pardon. pourvnir, v. a. n., to provide, supply, furnish, 'st-ek; to see to, attend to; to appoint (to an office); se , to appeal; (laic.) to appeal a case; se en cassation, (law) to appeal to the supreme court; se en grfice, (law) to appeal for pardon. pouryoyeur, m., purveyor; (mil.) in general, sol- dier who brings up ammunition, as from the wagons to the line; (art.) cannoneer who serves ammunition to the piece (limber to gun, maga- zine to gun, etc.); fervan', (art.) cannoneer who serves am- munition. pousse, f., shoot, growth; dust (commercial term); (hipp.) heaves, broken wind. poussfc, p. p. pushed; (of ironwork) filed, i. e., unpolished; bon , (of hardware) state of being half polished (between polish and total lack of polish); chi':il de nourriture, overfed horse, pampered horse. pousse-cailloux, m., (mil. slang) foot soldier. poussfe, f., push; pressure, thrust (as of an arch' of an embankment); jerk (as of a machine)! (man.) spurt, dash; de I' ea u , pressure of water : buoyancy of water; faire le trait de? s des vou'e^, (cons.) to compute and mark out the thickness necessary to resist the thrust of an arch; de rheUce ! thrust of the screw; indiqule, indicated thrust; de la lame, heave of the sea; inrmale, normal thrust; dcs terra, thrust of earthwork; de vapeur, (steam) (int rmittent) thrust or delivery of pressure from a steam cylinder in a steam vacuum pump; verticale de I'eau, buoyancy; au vide, (cons.) an unsupported thrust. pousse-goupillc, m., (sm. a.) driver, pin drift. pousser, v. a. n., to push, to push forward, to thrust, to impel; to extend, carry on; to press, press forward; to drive, drive back, along, in, on; to shove, shove off (a boat); to jut, bulge out; (fcnc.) to thrust; (hipp.) to heave, to be broken-winded; (mil.) to drive the enemy; (siege) to drive, push (a sap, a trench); (cons.) to thrust, to have or develop a thrust; une attar/ue, (mil.) to press an attack; en avan/. to push ahen;! or on; une botte&quelqu'un, (fcnc.) to make a thrust at anyone; fi bout, to press horn' 1 , carry to a successful issue; une charge, (mil.) to press a charge: vn cheial, (man.) to push a horse, try his me i tie: un clou, to drive a nail; un coup d'cpcc, (fenc.) to make a pass or thrust; - une dtcnurerte, (mil.) to explore with a view to fmni? enemy's position; i n di'hur;:, to bulge out , swell out fas a wall): I'ennewi, (mil.) to drive the enemy; ferine, to push, thrust hard; to strike, hit hard; to carry on fast; - - lefen, to urge a firo; to fire up; lf.ifi>ii aufnrul de In grill', to bank the fires; deffiiid. to pole, a boat: une ijirdf, itc., (mil.) to push forward an advanced party or guard, etc.; nit large, to push, shove otf (a boat, a pon- toon): - Its marches, (carp.) to put the moldings on the front of the stairs; pousser des moulures, (cons.) to form, make mold- ings; de nourriture, (hipp.) to overfeed; outre, to carry too far; li planche, (nav.) to put out a gang plank; une reconnaissance, (mil.) to make a recon- naissance suddenly and boldly; la. sape, (siege) to advance the sap; une tranchee, (siege) to drive a trench; tropfort, trop loin, to overdrive; au vide, (con*.) to have an unsupported thrust. pousster, m., dust (of coal, gunpowder, etc.); (mas.) stone chips; de charbon, coal dust; defoin, bits of hay (on the floor of a hayloft); de mineral, slime; sec, (ptwd.) gunpowder dust, after drying, rolling, and glazing; tcrt, (powd.) dust produced in granulation. poussiere, f., dust, powder; battre la , (man.) to paw the ground; de charbon, coal dust; faire de la -, to be dusty; defnret, stone dnst; mordre la , to bite the dust; de la poudre, gunpowder dust; tombcr en , to crumble, crumble to dust. poussif, a., (hipp.) broken-winded; pursy. poussolr, m., driver, punch; (am,, a.) spring but- ton; push button, push piece, pusher (<,ii a bayonet); ejector-rod head (of a revolver); a rcssort, spring push button. poussolane, f., pozzuolana. poutrage, m., (cons.) framing, timber work. poutraison, f., (cons.) framing of joists, timber work. poutre, f., (cons.) girder, beam: (pont.) balk; armee, trussed beam or girder: armee par fourrures, fishe-1 beam; d'assemblage, built-up beam; cellulaire, cellular girder; cintree, courbte, bent, curved, beam; - doiaonnce, chambered beam; de culee, (pont.) shore balk, trestle balk; & deux con're-fiches. double-trussed beam; en double, en double T, I-girder; foudroyante, (fort.) rampart beam; & griff es, (pont.) claw balk; de guinaage, (pont.) side rail: horizontal, (gym.) horizontal beam; d lalice, lattice girder; de la machine, (mach.) engine beam; mattresse- , main girder; ordinaire, common balk; (pont.) balk; plancher, (punt.) trussed beam, in form a s r i!id of equal resistance, with floor fixed in position to cover small streams; pleinf, tubular girder; a plusirars contre-nches, multiple-trussed beam; porte s, (pont.) balk carrier; quarderonnee, beam with a rounded corner: rail, rail beam (i. e., beam and rail in one the track of a pont-rail, q. v.); ramee, trussed beam; de rampe, (pont.) balk used in the construc- tion of trestle bridges, to slide the trestle into place; i 'ius , sleeper; a une snih en Ure-fiche, simple-trussed beam; en T, T-girder; - en tile, plate beam; tourninte, swing bar of a gate; - - traversikre, straining beam, straining piece; a trfillis, en treUli*, lat tice girder; - -a trois contre-f.ches, triple-trussed beam; tuliulaire, tubular girder; - en icntre de poivson, fish-bellied truss. poutrelle, f., joist, skid, small be.im; (pont.) balk; articutee, (pont.) jointed balk; poutrelle 353 prendre poutrelle, & charnirre(t) (pont.) hinged, jointed, balk; - du cheval defrise, (fort.) barrel of a cheval de frise; - cowie, (pont.) short balk; de culie. (pont.) shore I alV; fansse (de guituiage), (pont.) false balk (used in method by rafts); 4 giltts, small sluice gate; &griffes,(pont.)c\A\v balk; de guindage, (pont.) side rail, * iumtleet, fished spars; lonyue, (pont.) long balk; en madriers, (pont.) trussed balk made of ehrss; de manauvreg, (art.) skid, parbuckling skid; en planches, (pont.) trussed balk made of planks; de rampt, (siege) sap roller skid; de support, (pont.) balk proper; de t'i'>lter, (pont.) road bearer; Iraintnte, (art.) srrutll spar lashed under the axlo, with one end drawing, as a substitute for a broken or disabled \v heel. pouvoir, m., power; authority, power of attorney; influence; calorifique, heating power; conducteur, (dec., etc.) conductivity; disciplinaire, (mil.) disciplinary power; fclnirant, illuminating power; fvolutif,(nav.) maneuvering power of a ship; multiplicattur, multiplying power; op'igne, v. stparateur; l>"rforant, (art.) perforating effect (of a pro- jectile); - d s pointes, (dec.) action of points ; s>'jMrateur, (opt.) defining power of a lens. pouz7,olane, f., pomiolana; artificielle, artificial pozzuolana; nalurdle, natural pozzuolana; 'iipierre, trass; tn poudre, pozzuolana powder, prairie, f., meadow; prairie (U. S.). praine, f., praam. praticahle, a., practicable; passable (of a mad); (:nii.) practicable (of a breach). pratk-ien, m., practitioner; practical man. prati'ine, f., practice; execution (of a design, etc.); method of execution, custom, habit; experi- ence; customer; (war.) pratique, communica- tion with the shore; (in southern Europe), pilot; (/aw, meil.) practice; (mil. slang) dead- beat, coffee-cooler (U. S. A.); entrtr en libre , (liar.) to have permission to enter, to land (no quarantine); hmnmede , (Jaw) jurist: lawyer: libre , (na>-.) free commuincation with the shore (no quarantine); - dela mer, practical knowledge of seamanship: inettre en , to put into expcution; piirre de , (mas.) undressed stone usee in t he t hickness of a wall. etc. i; (; access; -- u n die inln , to cut a road; - it in ( inliruxiiri , (fort. \ to cut an embrasure; In piirrt. (;/(.<.) to cut a stone with ;is little W;i ;te as possible; - dm ruiniH'ur, (mil. tnhi.) to run out branches. pre, in., m"idow; unit, salt marsh. proacliat, m. , prepayment. preuii. m., prison yard. precemte, f., (riur.) wale. precession, f., precession. precipice, m., precipice. 23 precipitation, f., precipitation; (chtm.) precipita- tion. preclplte, m., (chem.) precipitate. predplter, v. a., to precipitate, hasten, plunge; (chem.) to precipitate; M , to throw one's self; to rush; (chem.) to l>e precipitated. prerls, m., abstract, summary, comj>endium. precis, a., precise, exact; (ball.) holding well to- gether (said of bullets all of which f;.llcl se to the center of impact, though all may be ril the target, as distinguished from regie, accurate, i. e., on Die target). precision, f., precision, accuracy; (ball.) precision (v.jiutetse); arme de , v. s. v. arwi; atdiirde , v. s. v. attlitr; de , accurate; instrunun de , v. s. v. instrument. preoompte, m., stoppage or deduction of pay. prefecture, f., office, jurisdiction, functions, term of office, headquarters, residence, city of resi- dence, of if prefect; maritime, headquarters of a rraritime dis- trict ; de police, functions, office, of the prefect of police: aou.s , v. ious-prffecture. prO'et, m., prefect; maritime, ( Fr. nav.) maritime prefect (a vice- or rear-admiral i ; de police, police commissioner; sous , v. sous-prefd. prehender, v. a., to seize. prejudice, m., harm, damage, injury, loss. prejut?e, m., prejudice; (lair) preceden . prejujrer, v. a., to prejudge. prela;r)t, in., tarpaulin; de crin, haircloth fcr the floor of a powder magazine. (The form prt'lat is used by the French artillery.) preieveinent, m., selection, as of specimens for te.>t ; relent ion of pay, of money, fur any specific purpose; installment. preiever, v. a., to select from, pick out of. a l'>t; to retain (a sum of money, part of a soldier's pay). preiimliiaire, a. m., preliminary: Us * de la paii, (mil.) preliminaries of peace. premier, a., in., first (in rank, order, time, or place); former, early, next; prime (of num- bers); lender, chief; first story of a Ivuise (sec- ond, U. S.>; (mil.) first drum, 'first call: an , on the first floor (second. I'. S.); /i de t'nn, New Year's day: -i/'iyt , first floor (second. I". S.); ctre n<;n le , to pa>s first : Jtijure c, a (geometrical ) figure, not suscepti- ble of sul'di vision into simpler tiirnes; Its sjitnas, judges of I he hr.ver Ci.'.;n>; lieutenant, lituttnant til . u"i'.' i-rsi lieu- tenant ; itmtif ri-i <.', ra'.v materials' ini!>ixlr< . prime minister, lir-t n'inister. U (/)/ iiini.t. first day of the month; 1'iirix. leading article of a ni".\ sjsiper; - /"//, {inn .; h>u er deck. prrniiinir, v. a. r., to warn, caution. prenable, a., (fnr'.'i that may be captured. pve'iant, a., /; nil*. (/i;'yi/).) rising n ye :r-: // I; .'( 1 , V. S. V. I'.irlit . prendre. v. n. n. r., to tui.e. taV" hoi 1 of. !:i\ b..M of. . . i 'e, obtain: t i catch, l.tke. adi>e.|v.-: t,i ur- rcst . tal-e.a IMMXOH: to surprise, overt a ke.c. it cii at : to taki> (iiiiners, to in'Ciii.v : t . c.irr\ . i'.i. turn: to take lire, burr. . be^in to I inn: to con- geal; to freeze (of :> ri er.et<-. :tol IM. i! ir. cement i; to bile (of an ani'iioi . to ; ..ke hold tof a screw); (con/.} to bev-mii' 1 ent/.iigleil: to get foul: (mil.) to t:\ke, capime x gland; chapcau de , stuffing-box gland; collier de , collar or hoop of a stuffing box; -d chaptau en icrou, s-rew-gland stuffing box; ~--d contre-chapeau, counter-gland stulling box; couronne de -, stuffing-box gland; faire le , to pack a stinting box; grain de -- -, collar or hoop of a stuffing box; --d lanttrnc, lantern-brass stiifling box; sernr un , to press down tho packing of a stuffing box; sityt dc - -, v. couronne de . presse-fusce, tn., (art.) fuse setter (obs.). presse-pamlture, m., (mach.) (leather) packing box: stiilling box; collar s rowed into cylinder heads and keeping p-u-Uing in position. pressenieiit, m., compression. presse-papier, m., piper weight. pressor, v. a. n., lo pi to urge, h'.istcn; d ri.le h ml: a n c ; i,; (/, (inriii.) tn urgo a horse, keep liim fri'in >l.u''> eniri 1 / his u lit; /' p. I*, to h.l. U'll nil. presseur, a., in., |ircs-iiiL r , pnx-wman. pression, f., pressure; (/(..) slight prassuro of point mi point ID defle t the adversary's blade; atixnlitt, absDlute pn-ssure; net in Hi . act u il prosure: atmoxphfriqur, atmospheric pressure; amir de In , in have steam up: - - baroinetrique, barometric prassuro; compioss, squoe7.o, jam; iwd, throng; (man.) to pression, butt , (steam) low pressure; centre de , center of pressure; at chauditre, boiler pressure; Wiutante, constant pressure; contre- , ba*-k pressure; courbe des *, curve of pressures; ichelle de , scale of pressure; d'iclatement, bursting pressure; e'tectire, useful, effective, working, pressure; -, (steam) with steam up, under pressure, under steam; tprtwe de , pressure test; itrenoiu , to have steam up (as a steamer, etc.); eiit/ce, necessary pressure; exteriewre, external pressure; faire monter la . to get up steam; finale, final pressure; haul? , high pressure; hydranli'iue, hydraulic pressure; initiafc, initial pressure; intcruurc, internal pressure; intermediaire. medium pressure; Unite, limiting pressure: mettrc en . (steam) to get up steam; mise (n , (steam) act, operation, of getting up steam; motienne , (steam, gen.) mean pressure; nor male, normal pressure; pie in e , full pressure; de. regime, working pressure; requise, v. eiijee; SOUK , with steam up; tenir dc la , to keep steam up; dc travail, working pressure; - - de la vapeur, tension or pressure of steam; voulue., v. exiyee. pressolr, in., rolling or pressing mill; pinch bar. prestatalre, m., person compelled (by statute) to work on the public roads; (mil.) soldier (re- garded from the point of view of the allowances, etc., drawn). prestation, f., swearing fidelity, taking an oath; compulsory labor on the public roads: stores, supplies; ( FT. a.) generic term for pay and allow- ances, supplies; - - e n denicrs, (mil.) pay and allowances; --< nature, (mil.) supphas in kind furnished by the government. prtt, in., action of lending money, loin, sum of money lent; ( FT. a.) pay of n. c.'o. and privates; - franc. ( FT. a.) pay free from any detention whatever, given to men noi living at the mess; - d la grosse, (law) respondontia. prtt, a., ready, prepared: se tenir , to be ready, in readiness, prepared, etc. prtfer, v. a. n., to lend, give, attribute: to yield, stretch (as cloth); - - le cfitr, (nar.) to prepare for action; - - le flanc, (mil.) to expose one's (lank: - la mam. - /(.s inn i ax. to help, lend a hand; - - miiiii-fiirtr. (laic) to carry out a \erdict: - - sicnnrx, to tifhv. i'i rim n!. to take an oath. prf'tre, in., priest (e.sp. Uoman Catholic priest i: boinnt tli , (fort.) outwork with three salients in Iron! (,'ilis.). pnMive. f.. proof, trial, evidence, testimony; Coin mi net un nt de . in ntnplete proof; .< /i-if icrit. written pn>f: fain st* s, to give proof of one's ability, cour- - inle, pr preux, a., valiant. prt'veiilr, v. a., to preccd foro.siall: to forewarn; ; to prevent, prfvenlr 356 prise prevenir un chrval, (man.) to stop a horse when about to change the foot. prevention, /., (law) accusation ;( Fr. mil. lair) confinement of a man until publication of verdict ; misc en , (lair) commitment for trial. prtvenu, p. p., (lair) accused; m., prisoner before trial; (mil.) person ordered to be tried on charges preferred. provision, f. , prediction; du ti m/w, weather prediction. prevot, m., (mil.) pro- ost marshal; (Fr. ,'v.vaml departments); m., capital: miiHiin / . capiial. prinripat, m., principality. principaiito, f., prim-utility. principc, m., principle; (liipp.) white marking surrounding the le-^. and not rising abo'.'e the coronet ; l>e:'innin:: of white fool ; ilr I' Hit inifi'il rt di' I'l'tit jiinl, fclirrn.) fin thermo-chemistry) principle, of the calorific o'l'ii -al vu-v of cVmical t -ansformatious, prin- ciple of t h" initial and final s'aies; dn /r:n:ii/ iinriin/i'n, (chim.) in thermo- chemistry, the principle of maximum work; principe des travaux moleculairts, (chem.) in thermo- chemistry, the principle of molecular work. pris, p. p., taken, caught; fixed, settled (as an hour); made, formed, shaped; congealed, set, fro '.en; entangled (as a horse in the traces, in the halter); de calme, (nav.) becalmed; de chaleur, (hipp.) suffering a pulmonary congestion; cheval Men , (hipp.) well-made, well-built, horse; des epaules, (hipp.) stiff in the shoulders; de la fumee, (hipp.) atTected by staggers; par les glacen, frozen (of i i ers, ports, etc.); ice-bound, frozen in (of a boat, ship); non , loose; de. la nuit, overtaken by night; - dans centre, measured in the clear, inside measure; hors d'cenvre, outside measure. prise, f., ta'. ing, ho'd, purchase, gripe, handle; quarrr-l; (lech.) \a\ -e, coc . ; (mas.) setting (of mortar); (c->ns ) end of stair seated in wall of case; (mich.) hold, bearing; (mi JL) capture, con- quest, taking; v ay in which fire has reached theenemy, as, pri-fd'echarpe, deflanc, etc.; (nap.) capture; pri e; d'air, (tech.) air passage; draught passare; d'armet, (mi!.) taking arms, getting under arms, for a duty; paradi'i;:, turning out, under arms; duty performed under arms; arrft de , v. s. \ . arr<'t; d'atsaut, (mil.) capture by storm, by assault; avoir sur, to ha e hold, to ha e a hold on; (mach.) to be^r upon, enga"e with; bea'ico'ip (moi-i.i) de , greater (lesser) object or mark presented; bonne , (nav.) lawful prize; capitainc de , (nap.) pri.-:e master; - en charge, (adm.) taking, up (of property, etc.); code des s, (nav.) pri7.e code; convacrer une , (nav.) to hvali/.e a capture; de corps, arrest, apprehension; de courant, (dec.) point at which a current comes in; droit de , (nav.) right of capture; d'eau, source of supply of water for manu- facturing ptirposes; supply of water for manu- facturing purposes; water channel, or gutter, or pipe; (r. r.) water tank; d'i'and la mer, sea cock; (en) e-trt: aux .< to clash, come to blows, fight; c/re aux s aiec, to struggle, be struggling, with; ftrc di bonne , (nav.) to be a lawful prize; ftre en avec, (much.) to ha e engaged; fire en au, feu de, (mil.) to bo exposed to the fire of; ftre liorx de , to be out of reach; faire , (of mortar, cement , etc.; to set : fairf une , (nav.) to ma^e a capture, pri/e; de feu, (art.) (lame passage, (in the head of certain cartridge cases); Ifichir , to lei go, let go one's hold; (mil.) to quit t lie combat : laite, slow setting (of mortar, etc.); di Inntjf, (hipp.) halter c;ist; liinrliirfi li ad (rapidt ), s!o\v- (quid.- ^ mortar; jiar/lx) ilt , (n)7i, act of taking possession cnpture (of a town or position ): (/( xiiir. (stmm) ta 'ing, drawing, delivery, ofsleitn; steam cork, steam valve, steam port; si earn donn ; mouth of the steam (also "steam pipe") at I he boiler; f n i niir ant * v. (en) etrc anz ,v; prise 357 profll prise au vent, (of halloons) exposure to the effects of wind. prlsmatlque, a., prismatic. prlsme, m., prism; A rtJUnan totalt, (opt.) total reflection prism; de remplixsage, volume of water (of a canal); --- teUrnitre, (mil.) (Soiichier) range finder. prison, f., prison, jail; imprisonment, captivity: (mi/.) confinement, (punishment of n. c. o., corporul, and men); ([iowd.) collar (of the stamper of a powder mill); brix df -, breach of prison; conduire en --- , to take to jail; dirccteur de -- , governor of a jail; o -- , in confinement; forcer une -- , to break jail, break out of prison; garditn de - , jailer; mettre en - , to jail; de quarlitr. (mil.) confinement to barracks; *or/('r df -- -, to come out of jail, be released from confinement. prixtnnicr. m., prisoner; lt, -pin; (adjectively, much.) fixed; (fond.) piee (e. g., a band on a pro- jectiie) set in pi:inn in the mold bpfore cist- ing, and which after casting is in its proper place on the object east; avnir (tint de) --- .?, (mil.) to lose (so many) prisoners; de cabextan, drop bolt; de chateau de preae-itoupes, (steam) stuffing- box gland stud; e conxtituer -- , (mil.) to surrender one's self prisoner; faire , to take into custody; (mil.) to take- prisoners; fers de -- . fetters; garder -- . v. tenir - ; de guerre, (mil.) prisoner of war; sur parole, (mil.) prisoner on parole; se rendre --- , v. se conxtitv.tr - ; tcnir -- , to keep in custody. privation, f., privation; de suriir, (mil.) stoppage of pass. prive, a., private; m., privy; act i unni' srico agreed on; fi'Tiin. fixed and unalterable price; - (ire, fixed price; fnri. full price: --- dejournir. <1 lily wages; ju#te , ni'i ierite price: --Ihni'e. limit inn price; limite d( in/11 u. upset price; innrchi it -/'"', v. nuirchi ii forfa.it; - -df mn.rc!i< , market price; in< f !r<' In I' if ri'un hoinmi n - , to put a price (.11 .1 man's head: in I. l ride price: ili n ni:< naa'>ir< . published or list price; (// /mi.a'if, nionev. fare: .wir i'l:if< . v. it' ninrrlti; --tii i, i- .,/(>:,, salvage money for recapture; > tart'el-prae! ice prize; i i . ( l-'r. n. > pri/e in target pr;v- - - '/( lir i 7< ,xlr, it nnn- - . lo >.'!! al alo>s. - ili i< /(,'( , selling price. probability, f.. probability: - d'ui'iintln . i ')(//. i probability of hitting; - - / lir, v. - ti a'li intln . Proliant, a , conclusive in proof. probation, I., probation, trial: ili . probational. on probation. prol>leine, m., problem; po.ffr un . to state a problem; omure d'argenl, (phut.) gelatino- probKtne, res^idre un - , to solve a problem. prorede, p. p., (laic) tried; torn juyf, mat - , (law) judgment sound, pro- cedure wrong. prorede. m., process; proceeding, procedure; conduct, behavior; operation; tip of a billiard cue; - Re**emer, (met.) Bessemer process; - au charbon, (iihnt. } cnrhon process; - ou collodion humide (*rc.>, (phot.) wet (dry) collodion prm-ess; - con.'ondant, (art.) racking method; - de la dnu'ile (simple) cuiiuon, duuble (single) calcination (of lime); -- dn double tramftrt, (phot.) double transfer carl>on process; ---- au oiia'ino-bro brornid p - negaif, (phot.) blue-print pnx'ess (white lines on blue ground): -- /lerforant, (art.) perforating method; - posi'if, (pfmt.) blue-print process (blue lines on while ground); SieintiM, (met.) Siemens process: --- /xir le tranxnarent. inall.i rneth the pi >t ( f the results of practice a transparent figure of the target and noting the hits that fall within it. proo*dpr, v. n., to proceed, pass on: to arise from, originate in; to act, behave: (law) to try; -crimintlltmcnt, (lair) to proceed criminally against; -- militairement, (lair) to proceed without ob- serving due forms; ---- mr-derant un tribune!, (law) to proceed judicially. procedure, f., procedure, proceedings; (la if) legal proceedings; -- cii'ilr, --- criminclU, (law) civil, criminal, pr(x.'eedings. proems, m., (Intr) trial: process, suit; au . on trial: - - ciril. civil action: - - crimind, criminal act i"n: faire le -ii, to brinu' to trial: fairc un -- d. to involve in a lawsuit: inttnicr un - -it. t > institute prcK'eedings: sanji forme de , without trial. proces-verbal, m., proceedings, rep-Tt, official report (as of a hoard ': dri.-'xir un ----- . to draw up a report. proces-verbaliser, v. n.. to draw up a report, make out proceedings. proclamation, f , proclamation. prorlaiiii'r, v. :< . to proclaim. procuration, ' (,/."/) power of attorney, proxy. procureur, in . proxy, amh'irued agent : - -iii in rn I. s ilicit'.r-general. attorise;. -general. pniductenr. a., ucii'Hi - - Inci . produlre, v. a., iliei-in pnl' prod nil, m., product, pr e; in.. pro.lucer: > . . bring forward, intr in generate steam. duce, perforinance. out . profane, a., in., lay. profane. prof I"N -.en r. in . profc-rM defer -i' (ilc. one not intended for - dirir'nir. > Inrt. ! L'uidini'. 'tire, tii . \-r : -ilnnhli . (art.) d' nhle : iiij.- : to ;, - n I ilinearil \ of Ilie general i ii > - "f a jertilei; flturilix -., tfnrl. i to set up jnoiiles; -rrtirinir. (art.) exterior gauge for a tile; Hie pr<- profll 358 prolongation profll interieur, (art.) interior gauge for a projectile; en latles, (fort.) lath profile; en long, longitudinal, longitudinal sec- tion; naturel , natural section (horizontal and verti- cal dimensions on same scale); de niveau. (top.) vertical section; primitif, (fort.) profile of the whole works; procfder par s echelonnes, (fort.) to construct a parapet progressively (i. e., when an attack threatens, to throw up a mere shelter, deepen- ing and widening as time permits); de rayure, (art.) riiht section of the bore; simple, (art.) single gauge; surbaissf, section in which the vertical is less than the horizontal scale; surhausse, section in which the vertical is greater than the horizontal scale; en talus, (fort.) profile of the end face of a parapet (includes end slopes); de terrassement , (fort.) earthwork profile; en tracers, transverse section; trizngulnire, (fort.) profile in which the scarp is suppressed and the ditch is reached by direct fire from work; ifrificateur, (art.) rifling gauge. profilf , m. , iron, steel, of special cross section (gen- erally in plural). profilement, m., (fort.) profiling. profiler, v. a., to cut to a snecial profile; (fort.) to sot up profiles; to establish profiles, to profile; (surv.) to run profiles, to profile. prof ond, a. , deep, profound; complete, dark; (mil.) deep (of a formation). prpfondeur, f., depth; (mil.) depth (length) of a ' column; depth of a formation; de , deep, in depth; de foyer , depth of focus: des rayures, (art.) depth of the grooves. programme, m., programme; bill; de tir, (ball.) programme, order, of experi- mental firing. progrds, m., progress, course, improvement, effi- ciency. progressif, a., progressive; (art.) increasing; rayure ve, (art.) increasing twist. progressiviW, f., (ezpl.) progressiveness (of pow- ders, etc.). projecteur, m., searchlight; flectrique, searchlight; fnc , fixed searchlight; mobile, transportable searchlight. projectile, a., projectile; force , projectile force; impetus. projectile, m., projectile; (art.) projectile; ti ailettes, studded projectile (v. s. v. obus); (tHonge, elongated projectile; d'amnrce, (art.) in tests, a projectile destined to explode others near by, in test of explosi- bility; arrnndi sur 1'arant, round-nosed projectile; ii ccintuir, banded projectile; - fi ceinture deforcement, projectile fitted with a rilling hand; chargr. en guerre, shell filled and fused; (i chemise, jacketed projectile; ft chemise de -plumb, lead-jacketed projectile; li cuiffe, (art.) s')ft-nosed shell, capped shell; a concussion, racking shot; - ii cordons dc plumb, lead-ribbed projectile; n-M//. shell; rrtux.ii charge hrixante, shell and high explo- sive; cnirttfs/, Kuliin bullet, capped with steel cap, culled n/iV'jv*',- a cut nl ii ill i , v. tr/i'itifif: C'/liiiilri'j'if . c> lindric.d projectile; cu/iiidro-H'iiit:! . 'vliudro-ogival projectile; discu'idt , di jcoid project ile; projectile durci, chilled shot; eclairant, light ball; eclatant, shell; d'fclatement, generic term for shell; enregistreur , (nail.) registering projectile (fit- ted with a device registering law of motion); & enveloppe, y. fi chemise; d'eiercice, drill projectile; eipansif, expanding projectile, one taking the grooves by expansion; ciplosif, shell filled with high explosive; faux , dummy projectile; . cnfonte dure, chilled shot; force, projectile fitted with forcing bands; ti, fragmentation systrmatique, shrapnel; fulminant, percussion shot (rare); i'Kendiaire, carcass, incendiary projectile; Icnticulaire, lenticular projectile; (i main, hand projectile (o. g., hand grenade); ft mantcau, v. (i chemise; marche d'un , flight of a projectile; massif, solid shot; mine, term descriptive of modern shell of great capacity; torpedo shell; oblong, elongated projectile; ojiyaf , ogivaj projectile; ojivo-cylindrique, ogivo-cylindrical projectile; pfrce-cuirasse, armor-piercing projectile; plat sur I'avant, flat-nosed projectile; plan, solid projectile; rame, bar shot (obs.); &, de, rupture, armor-piercing projectile; syhfrique, round shot; a tenons, studded projectile (v. s. v. obus); & tete plate, flat-headed projectile; torpille, (art.) torpedo projectile, torpedo shell; b, vent, a projectile with windage; vcriftcateur, studded projectile, with handle, for testing bore and grooves of rifled guns. projection, f., projection; (man.) the instant (in the trot) in which the animal is completely off the ground; (ball.) projection (fond.) pouring; centrale, central projection; de cote, side view; cylitidrique, cylindrical projection; d'eau, (steam) priming; deface, front view; horizon-tale, horizontal projection; isocylindriquc, isocylindric projection; ligne de , (ball.) axis produced, line of pro- jection; mouvemcnt de , projectile motion; orthogonale, orthogonal projection; orthographique, orthographic projection; plan de , plane of projection, polaire, polar project ion; stfrfographique, stereographic projection; verticale, vertical projection. projecture, f., projection; jutting out. projet, in., project, plan, design, scheme; rough draft; d'actf, rough draft of a legal paper on un- stamped paper; d'n'tique et de dffrnse, (fort.) (probable) plan of attack, (and hence) of defense, of a fortress; faire un dc machine, (o design a machine; de Ini, bill (in Parliament , Congress); de machine, machine design; dc sif.yc . d-it'jc) siege plan (based on informa- tion obtained;. projeter, v. a. r., to project, project on, jut out, stand out; to scheme, plan, contrive, prolongation, f., prolongation. Icngt heninir; ex- tension, continuation 01 a certificate, eir.; df ctinttirr. v. s. v. ccintiirr: i''l, walk; d" pli'rir, trip; tz 1 1 v >il f , sail; en voiture, drive. promener, v. a. r., to take out, lead; to take a walk (ride, drive, etc.); un chfval, to walk a horse up and down; un cheval en main, to lead a horse; un cheval dans la main el Its talons, (man.) to control a horse by hand and spur; un chci'il entre les deux talons, to walk a horse straight ahead; se d cheval. to take a ride. proniontoire, m., promontory, foreland, head- land. promotion, f.. elevation of several persons to the same dignity; (mil.) promotion, (of military schools) class; camarade de , classmate; faire une , to ma v t> a promotion; la de 1900, at the Poly technique, the class that enters in ItXK); at St. Cyr, the class gradu- ated in 19M. promouvoir, v. a., to promote, raise, advance. promii, p. p., promoted; in., person promoted. promulgation, f.. promulgation (of a law, etc.). prom dinner, v. a., to promulgate (a law, etc.). pro 1 10 net, m., (mil. Inn-) verdict of a court-martial. prononrer, v. a., to pronounce; to decide; to render ft "< .d'li proper) it y of pig iron to be converted into steel. proportion, f . proportion, relation, ratio; (much ra ! io or rolulioil between two wheels gearing together: (i -, in proporl ion; a tli . in p r op >rt ion to: rnin/wtdi- . proport ional compasses, proposer, v. a . to propose; (mil., fir.) to reoom- mend formally for promotion, the Legion of Honor, etc. proposition, f., formal recommendation for pro- motion. Legion of Honor, or for any employ- ment, duty, etc. propre, a., own, fit, proper; adapted, fitted to; clean, neat. propreinent, adv., properly, exactly, neatly, cleanly; (cord.) snugly. propret*. f., neatness, cleanliness; revue de , (mil. ) inspect ion of arms and cloth- ing (Saturday morning inspection, U. 8. A.). proprlC talre, m., ov-ner; fonder, landed proprietor. proprie'fe', f., property, d'stinctive quality, pro- priety, ownership; landed property; a'n^dtnnie, <::a>-.) derelict; lUliraire, copyright. propulsetir, a. m., propelling: (maeh.) propeller, propelling apparatus: (nav.) screw; - ii hflice, (nav.) screw propeller. propulsion, f., (mack., etc.) propulsion. prorogation, f., prolongation, postponement; adjournment (of Congress, etc.); - d'tnquf/e, (law) continuation of an investi- gation; - de j urid ict ion, (latf) transfer of jurisdiction. proroe'T, v. a., to prolong, put off; to adjourn ((Yir.;ress, etc.). proscription, f., proscription. proscrire, v. a., to proscribe. proscrit, m., outlaw; (political) refugee. protecteur, m., protector. protection, f., protection, cover, defense; support; (fort.) c-.ver; -- ctmintTciale, protection, high tariff; fscadron de - , (car.) covering, protecting, squadron; au innyen du charbon, (nav.) coal protec- tiin; systkme de - , protective (high-tariff) system; sou* la -- de, under cover of. protection nlsme, m., high-tariff system. protectloiirilste, m., advocate of a high tariff. protectorat, m.. protectorate. protfgf, p. p., protected; croi.itur --- , (nav.) protected cruiser. protege-malm's), m., (xm. a.) hand guard (to protix;t against heating). proteger, v. a., to protect, defend, shield; (mil.) to cover, protect by cover. protPt, m., protest (of a note, check); protest (of a sh'pnii-;ter i; - (It mtr. shipmaster's protest. protocole, m.. protocol. prone, f., prow (of a boat); nose (of a torpedo). pniiicsst 1 , f. , prowess. prouy, m.. land.) mooring rope, painter. provenance, f.. origin: production, growth, manu- facture i generally in iiluraO: en u en dtxtinatinn de, coming from or going to; litii df ----- , place of origin. provende, f.. provender, provisions (fam.t. proxluci*. l '.. pn>\ inci>. proxiMon, f.. jirovi-^ion, siijiply, stock, store: 'in l>l.) victuals, fosid; tl'in'i provisional dani-i:-es (before linal deci-i^n.; i in coinniiTcei cotiuni.- sion: money dep iicd to be drawn on: alinnitt-iirr. (In i- 1 allowance f..r support granted by a court: aliinom; v tic li>ich< . victuals; . oire. a., temporary, prov visional; fnrtiiii- t/i'in -- . (fart. < temporary fortification: JIHI'II : ri . peririal pr, m., - militaire (de la Ftechc), (Fr. a.) preparatory military school for the sons of officers without means or of officers that have been killed in action. pseudo-vltesse, f., (ball.) the horizontal compon- nent of a projectile's velocity. psychromfctre, m., psychrometer. public, a., public; m., the public; le bicn , the public good; I'atttorite - que, officials charged with the public administration; charges - qnes, taxes: la chose - qne, tho State: droit - , science of government, constitutional law; , public buildings; <, prostitute; ut, v. s. \.furce; tie, house of ill-fame; -, v. s. v. ministerc; qnts, ptiblic pflicials; puissance - q-:e, the national power; partie - que , v. s. v. partie; otlicier - , public official; dainaine - , v. s. v. domaine, publication, f., publication; piriodiqut, periodical. publiciste, m., political writer. puc'Hct, in., (pont.) pitch pan, pitch ladle. puclieux, m., v. puchcl. puddlagp, m., (met.) puddling; chaud, wet puddling, pi? boiling; an, four bouiHant. \. chaud; an gaz, gas puddling; or as, v. - chaud; huniide, v. - chaud; maigre, dry puddling: mlcanique, mechanical puddling; sec, v. - maign. puddler, v. a., (met.) to puddle; fuurd - , puddling furnace. puddlerie, f., v. pvddlage. puddleur, m., (met.) puddler (workman); pud- dling furnace. miranique, puddling machine; rotatif, rotary puddler, furnace; revolving furnace. pudrolitlir, f., (tipJ.) pudrolithe. pueil, m., bois en - , wood not three years old. pugilat, m., boxing. pujdli.-ite, m., boxer, pugilist. ]>uiiie, f., brushwood. pilisage, m., drawing wafer. puisard, m., waste well; cesspool; drain well, trap, sink; drain pipe embedded in a wall; (nun.) sump; water sump; (nar.) well; -- a'lxitr'iintt , sort of sink or catch basin (used when the slope is too gentle to carry oil water). puiscr, v. a., to draw, dip from, imbibe; (lig.) to li irrow, take from; (farr.) to take oil, remove, h'.ru with the shank of the nail. puisette, f.. sort of ladle or scoop. puisoir, in., ladle. puissance, f., power: force. authority; domination, e:>i|iiie; property; \irtuc; power (of a micro- thickness (of a vein;; government, o ,-e.reiL r n ,;t itc,; effectiveness: 'iVcA.) horsepower; .-'.) e .,'c tr. ciic^.s (as of a gun. shrapnel, etc.); i.iMti 1 * of expl.^i ,"e i:i a projectile; '.-t'i'iin ,(rirt.) iullMi'- power; - i -i !. I'l'iii:--, (i : ic.) candlepower; C't'orinrfuf , hi i:i inu power; - - r< ,,ti >in ; . cent i il';:.:al force; - d( flu i nl , lii;r.-cpnw(-i", - en clHiaiu. horn-power: - - il'fi iifiri, ( rt'u .) arni'ir: - - dititiii'itrici', (f rji 1 .) rending strength; explo- sive, tearing, power; - -<'nr/iif, actual power: a'-tual, effective, horsepower; elfe live horsepower per second; ilaxticiti dt In , (|iialit.y of a steam engine to furnish power carrying from nominal power; --ilictri'inf utili . dlic.) net output; iltctriijiii tutult , (tltc.) total output; puissance d' evaporation, evaporatoire, (steam) evaporative power (of a boiler); -executive, the executive (in a government); d'cxpansion, expansive power; garante, guaranteeing power (government); hautcs s contractantes, high contracting powers; hydraulique, water power; impulsive, linpulslvi , imi^elling, power; indiqnte, indicated horsepower per second; liji.tlative, the legislature; lojistique d'uneligne, (r. r.) circulating ca- ;v 'it y of a railway (sixty to seventy trains a ay in each direction of a double-track railway); dc la machine, (7nach.) power, efficiency, of the machine or engine; d'ane machine, en clievaux, ( mach.) horsepower of an engine; maritime, naval power; mecanir/iie, simple machine; mcurlrierc, (art.) killing power (as of a shrap- nel); militaire d'un navire, (nav.) offensive quali- ties of a ship; motrice, motive power; (nav.) engine (generic term); nettc , v. effective; noniinalc, nominal power; nominal horse- power; offensive, (nav.) armament; pcr/orante, dc perforation, (art.) perforat- ing, punching, power of a projectile; - rcelle, effective power; & toute , at full power; de trac/iiin, tractive,, tractive power; utilc, useful power; de la va;>eur, steam power; de vaporisation, (steam) evaporating power. puits, in., well; water tank; (mm.) pit, shaft; (mil.) military pit; (mil. min.) shaft; (nav.) well; locker; absnrbaat, drain well; d' at 'rage, air shaft: h air, vent iluting shaft; d'appfl, (min.) uptake; upcast shaft; artcxi: n, artesian well; o la barred mine, (auger-) bored well; A la B'inle, (mil. min.) shaft fi la Boule, one in which t he frames (chastis cofi rants) are placed one on top of the other; d t\ras, pump well: tt chaine(f), (nai.) chain locker; dc charge mcnt, (art.) shell-hoist shaft (of a turret ;; ammunition shaft ; d cnfrage, (mil. min.) lined shaft; nans cnijraqc, (mil. min.) unlined shaft; --d comb as lion, (met.) flue; - dr d'xccnte, (min.) footway shaft ; fi t'nin, water tank; d'iciattmmi, (art.) explosion chamber; d'i : paint mult, ( ini/i.) sump shaft ; d' extraction, (min.) hoist ing sliaft : de furaye , /we' 1 , driven well, drive well tube well; de fri'ttage. (art.) shrinkage pit : grand - , ( mil. min.) great gallery shaft; - dc Vhilict, (H'/r.) jjropeller well: d !i liollaiid tint , (mil. min.) shaft lined with chaxxiy Iwllandais; i'i*trj n/m:f , tube well; i,m i ii nr, ( min.) win/e; - -('/. iiiiini ii,i , (much.) crank i>it: - dt: m'ifit , tide shaft (sort of tide indicator); - - militairc, (i;/. blind w-.-Il (a well of snndy liottom, absuroing lins water;; ;/(/// , (mil. min.) sliaft from which opens a eased bran.-h; - [ili 'irtur, seepage well; a /mil lit . draw well; - d ruiu, draw well; puits 361 quantit pults de service, di travail, working shaft; ( ;;ii/. ) trourde-lovp; souttrrain, (min.) sump; & tube-jieche, tube well; de tunntl, tunnel shaft. puipage, m., pulping. pulper, v. a., to pulp. pulsateur, m., (much.) ptilsator. pulsometre, m., (much.) steam vacuum pump; pulsoiueter. pulverin, m., (powd.) mealed powder; priming powder; d'amorce. priming powder; toilc ii . (mil. min.) linen or calico covered with mealed powder paste; vert, powder previous to pulverization; rieuf, powder caked from damp. age, etc. pulverlsateur, m., pulverizer; (mack.) sprayer of an oil motor. pulverisation, f., pulverization. pulveriser, v. a., to pulverize, reduce to powder; (powd.) to mt'iil. , pulvcrulence, f., pulverulence. pulverulent, a., pulverulent, piinaise, f., thumb tack. puiiir, v. a., to punish. dc mart, to punish by death, pun It ion. f., punishment; disciphnuire, (mil.) disciplinary punishment; lever une , to remit a punishment; livre dc ., (mil.) defaulter book; record of previous trials ana convictions (U. S. A.); peloton de , (mil.) punishment squad. pupille, m., f., ward. pure. in, m., (cons.) tail, uncovered or exposed part of a shingle or tile; distance between two laths. purgation, f., (met.) reiining of metals. purge, f., cleaning, disinfection; (s/eam) blowing through; (much.) blow-through valve; rnbintt de . (mnch.) blow-olT cock, pet cock. pjurgeolr, m., filtering basin or tank. purser, v. a., to purge, to clean, purify, clear; to strip (bark and sap from wood); '(law) to purge; (steam) to blow through; une condemnation, (lair) to serve, out a sen- tence; In coniumace, (law) to purge one's self of con- tempt; punter la machine, (steam) to blow through; Us metaiu, (met.) to refine metals; la qifiTantiint , to Ho out tho quarantine, to spend the quarantine; ri'iitnit fi , (math.) drain coc-t, blow-through cock; soutiape de , (mach.) drain valve; blow- through valve. purgeur, in., (mach.) blow-oft* g-ar; purging gear. purifier, v. a., to purify, clean, cleanse. pur - saiiir, m., (hipp.) thoroughbred (horse). putzen, m., (met.) unmelted ore sticking to sides of furnaw. puy, m., (top.) eminence, peak, puy. pylOne, m., (mach.) supporting station or tower (of a ropo transmission). pyr, in., (eUc.) a bougie ilccimalf; pvr (unit of in- tensity of light, producing one fux). pyramide, f., pyramid; (/>/>.) mountain or eleva- tion more or 'less pyramidal in shape. pyrite, f., pyrites. pyroballstique, m., pyroballogy, ballistics. pyrocoton, m., (apt.) pyrocotton. pyrotflectricite, f., (dec.) pyroelectrieity. pyroglyK-rine, f. , (eipl.) fobrero's name for nitro- glycerin. pyrollte, f., (eipl.) pyrolit(h)e. pyronietre, m., pyrometer; a air, air p . rometer; a outran, dial pyrometer: eltclriqui -, electric pyrometer; I'.ntiquc, optical p Tometer (photometer really); thermo-tleclriquf, thermo-electric pyrometer. pyronllrine, f., (,/.) pyronitrine. pjToiifline, m., (eipl.) pyronomc. pyrotcchnie, f., pyrotechny. pyroteclmlqiie, a., p;. rotechriical. pyrotheque, in., (the.) exploder (induced-eurrelit matliine). pyroxylain, m.,(fxp/.)pyroxylam. I'cliatius' whito powder. pyroxyle, m., (eipl.) gun cotton, pyroxylin. pyroxylliie, f., (eipl.) gun cotton; pyroxylin. pyroxylol, m., (rtpl.) name proposed for nitro- cellulose. Q. quadrangle, in., quadrangle. quadrangulaire, a., quadrangular. quadrant, in., (in.*/.) quadrant; I lad ley's quad- rant; 1 1 lee.) henrv. quadrature, f., quadrature; dial work. quadricyele, m., two bicycles side by side. quadrilatere, m., quadrilateral; (mil.) quadri- lateral, (esp.) the quadrilateral of northern Italy; itaHrn.dnil.) tlie Italian nuadrilateral (Man- tua, I'r'schii-ra, Verona, I.ernaii"). quadrillage, in., llaL'-riii','; cbeckering u>f <-ross section or prolili 1 p;i[T >'. (."in. 'kering tun a hammer). quadrille, f.. (iri'in.) group of horsemen executing fanciful iiKiicnu'iii^ in a canned. quadrille, a., m., checkereil; any checkered part of a inrcliani-.ni, etc.; c!ie<-kiT work. cri'/i i , (.-:!!. n. ) checkered cocking piece; ji'iliiir , CMits ;eclion p:ip'r; sy.it! m is .-, (iM;iv.) fru'iiin:: by |>arallel pieces braced by tit'i.T parallel nieces at right angles; it ti'l: (, with checkered head. <(iiadi-iller. v. a., to checker; to cover wit h lines at right aiu'les. quadruplette, f., qiiadrupli't, i four-seat bicycle). quadruples .1., qu-idruplcx; syxifim , quadrupli'\ telegraphy. qua), m., quay, wharf: (r. r.) platform; u chnrbvn, coal wharf; qual df dibirqucment, (mil.) point where tr(K>ps (let rain; d'embarqucment, (mil.) point whore troops en! rain; (in[ilnccmnit ii , (n/ir. > quav berth; itrt a ,(nur.) to bi>::t the uliarf; tlnllnnl, huulinu' sta '<; it hmiilli , coal \v hai f: ill rin, riviT quay. (|uali!i( atioii, f., qualification; name, si;, Ic. qualltier, v. a., to qualify; to c-ill, style. qualCr. f.. qii ility; proper! . : p" -itii n. title, rank; i /.'; i qiiulification; proportion, moiion. of a liti, ,int; u'-n-r ;/rir, to have IfL'al or stai ut ory <-onipe- leney fir qi. ililical inn; to !( inuihlie.l \: tuna ill' , mm .v.| f..M.d (iiill.cr: x il'i nlniiini, s i ' iihititix d'nn ii'inn, 'it'll'.) n 1.1 neu . ering qualii ics of a ~!.ip: .v du J'.i'i' UK ni, . In 11- \ the fact of the c.i .e; x mililuifi v , i tin i - 1 oil en i\ e qua lit ic of a hip; X ll'fl/l'i"' V, - -A (/I tl'tl ltl'!l!"i: . '!'!'. M'.l- worthiness of a -Oiip. quantieilie. m., day of I lie mont h; date; mull/it it ^, u aicli LI\ inj I !,e 'la> of I Ih- nmnth. qiianlile. f., quantity; il - - il'ni'i innlrn-i, q'jaiitily of ill i\ ing w.iter: in , i r/ic. i in i; naiitii y . in parallel: nmnlir , n , u/ir.) tii'join up 111 paraiK'l. in quantity; quantity 362 quatre quantiM dr motive me ni, quantity of motion, mo- mentum; de travail, quantity of work. quarantalne, f.. quarantine; (cord.) ratline stuff; ttre en , to be quarantined; faire (la) , to perform quarantine; lever la , to admit to pratique; a' observation, li'jht quarantine, observation; prendre la, , to begin quarantine; pnrger si , to clear one's quarantine, to spend the quarantine. quarnit inner, quarantenier, quarantinler, m , (r >rd.) ratline stuff; grot , twel ve-thread ratline stuff; petit , nine-thread ratline stu:T. quarderonner, v. a., to quarter round; to round off. quart, m., quarter: point of the compass; cup or i tin; (mil.) soldier's drinking cup; (nay.) watch (duty and party). I. Xaval; II. Miscellaneous.' I. Naval: d'un aire de vent, quarter point of the com- pass: de b'jbord, port watch: chef de , captain of the watch; engineer of the watch; chef de aux chaudieres, loading stoker; de commander/lent, officers' watch; de m i , half point of the compass; de deux heures, dog watch; de diant, morning watch; ftre de , to be on watch; faire ban , to keep a good lookout; faire le , to keep the watch; faire son , to stand one's watch; de huit heures a midi, forenoon watch; de huit heures fi minuit, first watch; du, /our, morning watch; day watch; librf de , watch below; , maitre de , boatswain's mate; de mecanicien, engine-room watch; de midih qwitre heures, afternoon watch; de minuitti quntre heures, middle watch; de mouill(i(/e, anchor watch; de nuU, night watch; officier de , watch oliicer; petit , dog watch; prendre le , to go on watch, to take the watch; reglcr le , to set the watch; remplnctr le , to relieve the watch; role de , watch bill: de tribord, starboard watch; de vent, point of the compass. II. Miscellaneous: - bi'icuite, (mil.) bread cooked only one-fourth as long as biscuit; de cercle, (inst.) quadrant; (art.) gunner's quadrant; de cercle en boh, (art.) wooden quadrant: de cerrled niveau, (a bulle d'air), (art.) spirit- IP el quadrant; de cercle ii pendule, (art.) pendulum quad- rani; de cercle fi r&gle, (inst.) common quadrant; d< conversion, (mil.) wheel (of 90); en , (man.) sort of \olt; itre de cheval, to have a fourth interest in race horse; loi tin -. v. s. v. IH>: tie minute, l.Vsocond sand glass; de H'liiuntf, quadrant: n puidiili, (nrt.) pendulum quadrant; ill ri Ht rinii, v. nc/'iii/: - tlr ri ",erson; prealable, the preuous question. quCte, f., (nit?.) rake of the sternpost. queue, f. , tail, end, tip; rear, tail, of a procession; file, string, of people; queue; tail of a letter; billiard cue; train (of a cloak, etc.); pendant, tailpiece; lly of a tlag, point 01 a guidon: tang; shank of a button; tail-race, mill tail; tail of a block; whetstone: (max.) hinder, back, face of a stone; (hydr.) end of a tongue of land, of a. bank; (mack.) end of a piston rod; (cons.) the end of a stair seated in the wall of the case; (cord.) down haul: (ball.) tailings (zone contain- ing 6 per cent of the hits and lying between the enveloppe and the circle whose radius is three times that of the noyau); (mil.) rear, tail (of a column, etc.) d , tailed; -to. , in file; ft la , behind, in file, in a string; ft la, de, at the heels of; in pursuit; d'affut. (art.) rear of top carriage; d I'anglaise, amjlaisee, (hipp.) docked and nicked tail; d'armee, (mil.) part of an army opposite to the front de bandie.re; d'armons, (art.) fork or junction of foreguides; d'aronde, (cons.) dovetail, dovetail scarf; . (for!.) crown or horn work whose branches approach each other toward the body of the place; d'aronde cmnerte, (cnrp.) lapped dovetail; d'aronde percee, (carp.) ordinary dovetail; assemblage h d'aronde. d d'hironde, (earn.} dovetailing; assemblage a - pcrcce , (carp.) assemblage with visible joints; asstmblu/jt ii -perdue, (carp.) assemblage with covered joints; assfinbltrii d'aronde, (conn.) to dovetail: attiqutr en , (mil.) to attack tin- rear of a column; d'auget, (urn. a.) tail or end of the cartridge currier; arimn de . steering oar: --- en balni, thtpp.) tail ending in a sharp point ii, .'i nl>>irl,<'< , I/II;M). uell- ;! I .iched tail Mork cle-.ir of bullocks. ;>r.d in continual ion \ me- .) docked tail, v. iih the hair-; long on each side; chnnjtrui , to load the rear end of anything; ilc chat, cat-ii'-nine tails; queue dt chetal. (mil.) horse tail (so called), used as a standard; ekfral de rat, (ftipp.1 rat-tailed horse; de cochon, auger with spiral point; collet, v. mat attaehfe; d'un* colnnne, (mil.} tail of a column; d'un conroi, etc., (mil.) tail of a convoy, etc.; d'un cordage, (cord.) rat's tail; faire un cordage en de rat, (cord.) to point at rope; d'un coup de vent, tail of a storm; d'un couttniL, tang of a knife blade; de (la) cula.ise, (sin. a.) tang of the breech; en cul-de-lampe, (conn.) pendant (keystone); de , (drill) last, rearmost (in a column); ft la da depots, (mil.) (of recruits, etc.) to be allowed to remain behind (to be put at the foot of the list of men to be sent oil to the army); de detente, (sm. a.) finger piece of a trigger, trigger proper; donner en, sur, la , v. prendre en ; d'ftu, tail water; t'courtee, (hipp.) banged tail; d'empanons, v. dr fonrchette; en , behind, at one's heels; d'enrayement, (r. T.) brake rod; episxure en de rat, (cord.) pointed splice; ftreti la , to he in u file, in a column of file; d'eitracteur, (sm. a.) tang of the extractor; faire de colonne. (mil.) to be at the tail, to bo the tail, of a column; /dime , (hipp.) false tail; de flasque, (art.) rear end of top carriage cheek; de forgeage, (met.) tong hold (of an ingoO; de fourchette , fork of hind guides of a wagon; de In gdcltette, (sm. a.) arm or tail; garnir de de rat, (cord.) to point ropes; du glacis, (fort.) foot of the glacis; d'un grain, final shower of a squall; de la Grande Ourse, star at the end of the Dipper; de greffage, (met.) tong hold; d'un haut-fond, (hydr.) tail of a shoal; de I'hiver, end of winter; Itttre fi, n'tr, double , letter with its seal on a band passed through the parchment: lettre x'ellte sur simple , littre a siirplr , U-tter with its seal on a corner of the parch- ment; d'une ligne, (na>-.) last ship in a line; longunir de , (max.) length of a stnio per- pendicular to the face of the wall; mal attaehfe, (hipp.) tail 1 adly attached (when dock is not >vell clear of buttocks); d'un martinet, (m-ic/i.) tail of a tilt 1-ammer; mttire un dr rnt . d-->r-!.) to point a rope); di rnnr< , long wedge-shapei>.) nicked tail: ouiT'i'iea d't:rndt. f->rt.) work whose faces or branches splay <>;iiv.ard; oiu-rn-H il cunlri- (.''..,..;!f a Ion, ti| d-int irilli .-u-nal ii.f,': -- ;./ r,/i/i , O'rr/O lllite - --u- .',.' ' '/; a i/'l/H/ /')' , n .-i t r j it slraiirht oil rf'iin, ,,' rincipale, main keel: rfe rr.pos, (of wagons) cart prop; supcrienre, v. principale; de, surttc, safety keel; tttults lati rales, plate keel. quillon, m., (sm. a.) quillpn (curved part of a sword or bayonet hilt). quiucaille, f ., hardware; ironmongery. quincaillerie, f., hardware; ironmongery. qu'.-icoiice, m., quincunx. quinfoiincau, in., toggle. quinine, f., quinine. qulnquet, m., argand lamp; de gaz, gas burner. quinquina, m., cinchona bark. quintal, m., quintal: hundredweight (112pounds); metriquc, 100 kilogrammes. quintan, m., quintain. quinte, f., (man.; dead stand made by a horse; (fenc.) quint; faunae , (fenc.) feint quint; parade de , (fenc.) quint parry. quiiitelagc, in., kentledge. quinteux, a., (man.) freakish; irritable; liable to come to a dead stop; balky. quintuple-metre, m., (surv.) 5-meter rule. quintuplette, f., quintuplet, (a five-seat bicycle). quittance, f., receipt. quittance!*, v. a., to receipt. quitter, v. a., to quit, leave: to give up, renounce! to retire from; to discontinue; to go away, let go, lay down, abandon; le commandcment, (mil.) to give up com- mand; I'epee, (mil.) to leave the service; le.t etriers, (man.) to quit the stirrups (vol- untarily or not); lefond, (nav.) to go off soundings; les rangs, (mil.) to step out of ranks. quitus, m., (adm.) final receipt given to a person accountable for public moneys; the closing of an account after settlement. qui va la? qui-va-la, ( mil.) (of a sentry) " who goes there?" (sentry's challenge). qul vlve? qui-vive, (mil.) challenge of a sentry, of a patrol; aller an , to patrol; arretcr par le , to challenge; crier , to challenge; etre sur le, , to bo on the lookout; to keep a sharp lookout; sur le , on the lookout. quouiller, v. n., (hipp.) to switch the tail contin- ually. quote-part, f., quota, portion, contingent, etc. quotient, m., quotient; dr. la charge, (hall.) ratio of weight of charge to that of projectile. quotite, f., share, portion, percentage; quota; rating. 11. a, m.. (mil.) stroke on a drum, so as to produce a very short roll. rabaN, ii'i., diminution, shrinkage of value, reduc- tion of price, abatement, deduction; (adm.) award of a contract to the bidder olTering the greatest reduction from a given price (method spe Lily followed by the French artillery and cii-iiu'i-isj: nil'iniie'ii'inn an , Dutch auction; an . liy contract, at a reduction from a given price; by I hitch auction. rabaissemcnt, in., lowering; reduction (in value, i.l price). rabai-MT, v. a., to lower, abate, diminish, lesson, linn:' down; in reduce a price, \alue: (man.) In force a horse to use his hind quarters (said of hordes that h:i\c a tendency to march and work with their shoulder.-- or to raise themselves on tneir hocks, 1 ; /'.v lin:;cltix il un chnal, (man.) to throw a horse mi his haunches; si . < mm).'} to come nearer to the ground (said of a hor.so that can not keep up a high curvet- ing). raban. in., (c in!.) roband, rope band, earing: r/> /.'. i.ll'jii, rope band of a Hag; i': i'i/ii . (art.) muzzle lashing. raba!, in., discount; reduction of price; scriber; (much.) spring beam (of a triphammer;; rabat df di-favt, (laic) annulment of a verdict by default. raliat(-;cau, m., splashboard. rabat lenient, m., bonding bade or down, a.s in metal tests: (in dfscriptive goomotry) revolu- tion into the plane ol ; - (/;/ tltjiuit. (law) v. s. v. rabul; In iir il , folding lever. rabattoir, m., dressing tool (for slates). rabaltre, v. a., to lower, abate, diminish, lessen, depress; hi beat down or back; to flatten: to bring (cut. force, lay, pull, put , take, turn) down; to turn, turn oil; (nul.) to bend, fold, bad; or down ,'in metal testing); to beal out under t lie hammer; to forgo; to jump up: to ham- mer even; to shape (as the head of a nail); ( ft nc.) to pam , ward oil; (mil.) to sit down boforo a place; to deploy; (man.; v. - lis coiirlmtix, i : frn : mi dm/, to clinch a nail; in) rnii;i.( /< nc . < to parry by beat ing down the adversarv'.-' blade: niic cnutun , to flatten n seam; - /(.s cuiiDirix, to horse the seams (of a boat); - -lix ctiuriiftUs, (man.) to force a curveting horse to bring down his feet simultaneously; - - court, to follow quickly with the next Blow (of anvil work;; rabattre 365 ra final rabattre un difaut, (law) to annul a finding of contempt; se - , to turn down (as a collar); *e - ur, (mil.) to fall back on; un volant, (much.) to make the upper part of a fly-wheel turn toward the steam cylinder. rabattu, p. p.. Ilattencd, smoothed; epte - e, blunted sword (has neither edge nor point). rabian, rablo, ratilot, m., (mil. slang) what Is left of food after all have had their shun.-; profits on forage, food supplies, etc.; remainder of a term of service; term of service in a conijiagnie de dis- ciiilint; convalescent soldier. rablc. m., rake, stirrer, stirring iron or bar; (met.) rabble; (jtoni.) irame; en bois, wooden skimmer for metal in fusion; ti crocket, - enfer, (m(t.) rabble, rabbling tool; - d main, (met.) rabbling tool; - meccnique, (met.) mechanical rabbler. rabler, v. a., to stir, rake, a fire; (met., etc.) to nibble; le plfitrc, to clear plaster of Paris of coals. rablure, f., rabbet, channel, grooving. rabcit, m., plane; jack plane; road scraper; hard paving stone; sort efnoe for stirring and mixing mortar; (mtt.) stirrer (used during the washing of ores): (/*>//, smoothing plane; - o rain u re, grooving plane; a rt/Msser, v. - plat; ronflf, compass plane. rahotacce, m., planing; (sm. a.) smoothing (of the lands). rabotement, m., planing. raboter, v. a., to plane, piano down; (fan.) to rasp u hoof; la courbe, (ball.) in constructing a trajectory, to cause the curve to pa -;s as nearly as possible through the observed points; machine, a - , planing machine; It mnrticr, to beat mortar: a (rarer*, to plane across the grain. raboteur, m., planer (workman). rabotcuse, f., (mach.) planing machine; ' horizontal slo r, vertical lati oiicr or planer; n rticale, slotting murliiiio. raboleiix, a., rough, uneven i as ihe ground, a road): knoity, knotted (of wmxl, planks, etc.). rabolure, f., shavini'. rabouicri. a., (of trees) similt-d, crooked. rubougrir, v. a. n., lo stunt, to be stunted (of trees;. ml (of ironwork i rabo liter, v. a., to join on, cm (nt'ich.) to ferrule. rabo tit insane, in., joining end loi-nd (of iron work j. rabra(|iicr, v. a., (cr>!.> to haul in anew. racaije, in.. (ii':r.) parrel. riicaiiibeau, in., (nni .) traveler. racaMillagi-, m., ('.".) repair of the \ip|>er work-;. raca> tiller, v. a., (e; dm. a.) junction slo|te or cone between the body and the neclc of a cartridge; (mil.) establishment of contact between troops that have concentrated for any purpose (esp. for night attacks): ixurr.) junction of twolrian filiations; (r.r.) junction (of the tracks, of the rails); cftne de , (art.) junction cone; courbe de Junction curve. race-order, v. a., to join; to level, adjust, smooth, unite; to make parts agree; to make Hush. raccourci, m., foreshortening; any short cut; (r.r.) short line making a short cut between two points; en .foreshortened. raccourcir, v. a. n.. to shorten, take up, contract, draw up, abridge, foreshorten; to l>ccome shorter, shrink; la briilt . ( man.) to shorten the reins; un chfial, (man.) toslu'.-keu the gait; to keep a horse down; un cnrdagr, (cord.) to shorten a rope; to make a sheepshank (on or of); den demi-toUfi, (man.) to make half circles of a smaller radius; Us ilritTs, to shorten, take up, stirrups; It fitly, (mil.) to shorten step. raccoiirclssenieiit, m., shortening, contraction; foreshortening, raccroche, a., ( man.) having a long seat (of a rider); 'hunched up" (of a seat on horseback), raccrocher, v. a., to hook again. rac?, f.. race: stock; breed (of horses); chtfil tit , thoroughbred horse; chi I'tlini , horse species; crtiixantc, (/u'y ; /'-) breed whose blood is in- troduced: -crtiitit, (hipp.) breed whose blood is to be improved; pure -, i>.) unmixed breed, pure breed (not to be confused with //iir sang}. racliat. m., redemption, recovery, commutation; tits ctxnii.f, (J-'r. <;..) purchase by the state of horses issued to otticers; fncii/i ih , privilege of repurchase; imctt -, \.ficn I'* d< ; ili fiain. (mil.) money equivalent of bread, when not drawn. rache, f., dreu-s of pilch and tar: coir pass trace on wood. racher. v. si., to scribe. racbeter. \. a., lo buy back, redeem, ransom; to ommute; I cn hi m im .( m inililar> sei ,s( , i ;:/.! to purchase e \ tai\ scr\ ice; to buy one's d iclieliv, a , knotty. i i. i'ei y . IlilKine, m. . i '(/'/'. > t i' !>e|s. Ina^e. m., generic icnn fm r.li'-l, llial, in., (rnir . . sle. per; --oic. sill. I er: tin til. ) grillage': nt'ral, (in compressible soil) strengthening layer of concrete, etc., supporting the whole foundation of a Imilding; ili- pout, apron between the piles ofa bridge. radiei:x, a., radiant. radiophone, in., (flee.) radiophone. radoub, m.. (nav.) repair, refitting (of a ship); dockyard; (powd.) drying, reworking, of pow- der; reworked powder; bassin de , v. s. v. bassin; cale de , (nav.) graving slip; en , (nav.) in the dockyard, under repair; forme de , (nav.) graving dock; poudre de , (powd.) reworked powder. radoubage, m., (powd.) remanufacturing, working over again. radouber, v. a. r., (nav.) to refit, repair (a vessel); to be under repair; (powd.) to dry (work over) powder. radoubeur, m., (nav.) calker. radoucir, v. a. r., to soften, become softer; (met.) to anneal. rafale, f., squall, wind squall; a .t, squally; par s, in squalls. raffcrmlr, v. a., to harden, consolidate, make firm; to strengthen, fasten, confirm. raffermlssement, m., hardening, strengthening. rafflnage, m., refining (of saltpeter, etc.); (met.) refining, fining. raffincr, v. a., to refine (as saltpeter, etc.); (met.) to refine, to fine. raflfinerie, f., (met., etc.) refinery. raf(f)utage, m., putting tools in complete order. raf(f )uter, v. a., to put tools in complete order. rafiau, raflot, m., small sail and row boat. raflouage, m., v. renflouage. raflouement, m., v. renflouement. raflouer, v. a., v. renflouer. rafralchlr, v. a., to cool, freshen, refresh; to renew, renovate, repair, make over, do up, rub up; to rest, cause to rest; (mas.) to retrim, re-dress, joints, faces (of a stone); (mil.) to throw sup- plies, reenforcements, etc., into a place; (cord.) to cut off fag-ends; (eipl.) to trim (a Bickford fuse, etc.); une amarre, (cord.) to freshen a rope, cable, at the nip; les amarres, (cord.) to make a knot or lashing over again ; une bouchedfeu, (art.) to cool a gun, to swab it out; le bout d'un cordage, (cord.) to cut off the fag- end; un cable, v. une amarre; un canon (art.) v. une bouche fifeu; un cordage, v. les amarres and le bout d'un cordage; un coussinetichauffe, (mack.) to cool a heated bearing, a hot box; le cuivre, (met.) to alloy copper with (three times its weight of) lead; fourncau de . (met.) refining furnace: lafourrure, (cord.) to put on a fresh sen ice; un fusil, (sm. a.) to clean a gun; le mortier, (mas.) to thin mortar; une place, (mil.) to throw fresh troops and supplies into a besieged town; une queue, to trim a horse's tail even; les rayures, (art.) to rifle over, to reset, to recut the grooves; une sci'r, to sharpen a saw; lex troupes, (mil.) to halt, refresh, and rest troops and horses. rafraichissement, m., refreshment , cooling; x, supply of fresh provisions, fresh pro.isions; dn ctiicre. (mil.) alloying of copper with (three times its weight of/lead. ragagi', m., v. rngw.ijr. raguiiagt*, m., trimming of the lower brandies of trees. ragot, m., shaft hook (ofa wagon): breeching hook; a., I hickset, stocky; chcval , thickset horse. ragrfage, m., dubbing; duiv.) refitting of rigging. ragreer, v. a., to finish oif, work o\or, dub; to refit, repair, restore, reno' ate; to remove inequali- ties; (nar.) to refit the rigging; ragrtfer 367 ralcntlsscnicnt rag-rCer une maison, to renovate a hous. raKrtment,m., finishing, finishing ofl, dubbing, repairing, renovation, restoration; simple, (mis.) more finishing, trimming, of a surface (includes p untingof j >ints); ft vif, (mis.) finishing, dressing (involves re- imval of the s-irfaee t ) a do->th of 5 or 10"; said of soft stone; includes p tinting of joints). ragiiage, m., (cord.) chafo, chafing; rubbing, gall- ing. rasue, f., fair-lead, truelc. r;i~uer, v. a. , (cord.) to chafe, rub, gall. ra~ure, f., chafing, chafed part. raid, m., (7i7.)raid. ruKle, a., stiff, rigid, tight, inflexible; steep (of a slope); s.vift (jf the course of a stream); rapid (of a descent) ; (cord.) taut; mart , stone dead ; settnir , tTst.mci stiff upright; tuer , to kill outright, on tne spot. rakleur, f., sti Tness, rigidity, tightness, inflexi- bility, toughness; steepness (oi a slope); rapid- ity (')f a descent); (cor/.) stillness of cordage; descordijes, (cord.) stillness of cordage. ruidUlon, m., rise, ascent, in a road, little hill. raidlr, v. a. n., to stiffen, to stretch; to tighten; to become still; to bear up ag.iinst; to with- stand: to m.ike steep (as a slope); (cord.) to haul tight (of a rope, etc.). to haul taut; to set up, to have everything well set up; en abattant, (cord.) to sway down on; un etai, to stiffen a prop; d la main, (cord.) to haul taut by hand; les manoeuvres, (cord.) to haul in the slack; se , (maw.) (of a horse) to balk. rale, f., stroke; stripe; line (of a spectrum); furrow; (art.) ri.ling (rare). de misi-re (hipp.) groove or depression in thin horses, between muscles of buttocks and else- where; de mulct, (hipp.) mule ray or stripe, rail, m..(r. r.) rail; a:nericain, foot rail ; a bisc plate, v. amtricain; central, central rail; - fi champignon, rail resting on chairs, chair rail; ii champignon avec semelle, v. amcricain; dchimpignonsymetrique, double-headed rail; fi champignons ine.gaui, rail of unequal . heads; f 7i charpente, wooden rail of a tramroad; contre , guard-, wins;-, safety-, side-rail; c<>ntre-ai!t T, v. fi champijnini symetrique; a double champignon, v. il champignon x'j.m'trique; i n n . v. ii': ('; ,'i-lift.ir, fish-plate rail; --.W:-/;W.v, fished rails; nitre-' a! i ilex .v, gauge; < 'ii , exterior (higher) rail of a curve; r'iii-r d'un etui n ('tint nt d:' mie, v. - dirt fji nt; - /j.-r.v. coHtre-aiguille; - , n H . channel rail: n.:il,ili .switch, point .rail: ii'i'lu.1, .lish-belUcdruiL; - -n iiTnii-r< , Irani rail: ii inille/i., v. n champignon syme'tTique; d i, paring knife; simple, v. rogne-pied. rail ui re, f.. groove, slot, rabbet, furrow, opening, channel, guide way, key way; d'arret, (sm. a.) rim orshoulder (limiting the entry of the cartridge); (F, m. art.) seating groove; d baiuette, (sm. a.) ramrod groove; 6 coin, key bed, keyway; -de di-ga-jement, spiral channel (of a drill or auger or bit); de depart, (sm. a.) cocking groove; directrice, (r.f. art.) cam groove; d'eitraction, (art.) extraction groove; de fut, v. d baguette; hilicaiidale, (nm. a.) helicoidal groove; d hnile, (mach.) oil way: et languette, (carp.) tongue and groove; d ct langue'-tt, (carp.) tongued and grooved; - de poult,scoreofa block; transversale. cross groove; de visee, (fort.) sighting slot or aperture, sighting groove (of a revolving turret). rals, m., spoke: rowel, of a spur; (mach.) spoke or arm of a wheel; broche de , tenon embedded in the nave of a wheel; creui, tubular spoke; eride, beveled spoke; fain , lish (for mending a broken spoke); 1>atte de , v . brocht de ; serre , spoke cramp, setter. raisin, m., grapes; (art.) grape (obs.); grappe lie , (art.) grapeshot (obs.); tirerdgrappe de , (art.) to fire grapeshot (obs.). ralson, f., reason, proof, ground; ratio; name (of a linn); arnir de. to get t he bet ter of; demaiider ft, to challenge to a duel: de ijuern , (mil.) military custom, practice, martial law; iiuttre dot pifffs de Imi.t rn tear . (carp.) to place timbers in their respective places; rendre A, to light a duel with; tie .nrrire, i mil. i servicr reasons; xixialt . firm name. ralson 'ier, v. n., to argue, reaxm; (mjr.) to show pa-Tis; dm;! teur, m.. sealer oi weights and niea-ut <.-.. raU'iitir, v. a. n. r.. to -.lacki'ii. retard: to lesson; to reduce I he velocity oi: to ln-.-oine S!..\MT; (iiiiich.) to slow down an engine; (i>mn.> to r>- iluce a Kail ; nil clu i'il . ( w iiii.l to slow up a l'..r-.-: -- - In iiinrflie. ( much, i to ea>" t t;i' I'liiriln 1 -- I --low down; i mil . I In -lad en a inarch, ralentissi'uu'iit. m.. retat dali >n. of velncit\ : diniiiuition, coohni:. n slow- inu' down inf an engine ; miiiii.i >l.iing up, slaCKcning of a gait. ralingue 368 rampin ralingue, f., (nav.) boltrope. rallngucr, v. a., (nav.) to sew on the boltropes of a sail. ralllemcnt, m., (mil.) rallying, rally, rallying into groups; rallying of skirmishers; rallying of troops after a charge or battle; (nav.) rallying, assembling, of ships; le ;' (mil.) call for a rally; mot de , (mil.) v. s. v. mot: point de , (mil.) rallying point; signal de , (nav.) rallying signal for ships to take respective stations; signe de , (mil.) rallying sign: snnncr au , (mil.) to sound the rally. rallie-papier, m., paper chase. ralller, v. a., (mil.) to rally; to re-form; (nav.) to join (a ship); to approach (the land, a port); le camp, (mil.) to rejoin camp; le corps, (mil.) to rejoin one's regiment; tin port, (nav.) to approach a port; la terre, (nav.) to stand f"r the land; un vaisseau, (nav.) to rejoin a ship. rallonse, f., any extension piece, eking piece in general; leaf "of a table; (in balloons) rope form- ing the extension of the net proper; (sm. a.) rear-sight extension leaf; curseur a , (sm. a.) extension slide of a sight: de jleche, ( FT. art.) trail extension piece of the S0 mm mountain gun: dc trail, (iiarn.) the rope extension piece of the French artillery trace. rallmi cement, m., eking, lengthening; splicing (of timbers). rallonjter, to lengthen; to eke out; to splice (tim- bers). rallumer, v. a. r., to rekindle, light again; to break, burst out again. rani'iindot, m., (powd.) crust of powder (forming in barrels during glazing). ramas, m., heap. ramasse, f., sort of sled used in the Alps; (tech.) sort of reaming rod or tool (for enlarging a cylindrical hole in wood or metal); (sm. a.) steel cleaning rod. ramasse, p. p., thickset, squat; compact (e. g., an engine); (Itipp.) short in the joints. ramasser, v. a., to pick up, take up; to gather; to rake and scrape together; to collect; to drag on a ramasse, q. v.; (cord.) to take in; de la bolte, (mil. slang) to be locked up; les /ourreaux de ba'ionnette, (mil. slang) to come up after a battle has been fought; unc pelle, (Jam.) to get a tumble from a bicycle. rame, f.. oar. scull, paddle: ream of paper; ii bateau, (pont.) pontoon oar; canot d , rowboat; H force de .v. by dint of rowing, by hard pulling; if.ce s, oars! unship oars! lu'ir lex ,v, to lie or rest on the oars; (i n ,v, ji-oared: fi nncdlc. (pont.) mooring boat oar; tin r ii la , to pull at the oar. rame, p. p., rowed; bou lit - -. (art.) bar shot fobs.). runicati, m., branch, bough: (mil. min.) branch ( T small mine gallery. ( Th'- following terms relate to military min- ing-: - (i^cindtini. ascending branch: dc C'lmlmt, small branch (0.7() m high and O.i'Ji'i wid'. requires cases): ili.--ct ii'l'iiii, descending branch: it double rftonr d'itiuTrr. (mil. min.) double rectangular branch (i. e.. a branch breaking out at. right angles and thru making a rec tangular change of direction ,; fcoute, branch between, and parallel to, listening galleries (fcnuimy, fntrtr en . to open a branch: grawl -, great branch (l ln high and 0.80 wide, requires cases); grim pant, climbing or ascending branch; Itollandais, (i la hollandaise, v. petit -; rameau, petit , small branch (O.SO" 1 high and 0.0,5 wide, requires cases); & relour d'equerre, branch broken out at right angles from a gallery. ramenO, p. p., brought back; m., (man.) the posi- tion of the horse's head, when brought down and in; itre , (mil.) to be pursued, forced to retreat, defeated; to be taken, brought, into camp (said of cavalry). ramener, v. a. r., to bring, take, lead, drive, back; to recall, retrieve: to recover, restore; (man.) (of the rider) to lower and bring in the head of a horse (is also said of a bit); (substantively) the act of lowering, etc.. the head; (of the horse) to carry the head; (mil.) to handle roughly; to take into camp (said of cavalry); bien. (man,) to carry the head well: un cheral, (man.) to force a horse to bring his head down and in; chevril qui se ramene bien, horse that carries his head well; 1'cnnemi, (mil.) to defeat and drive back the enemy, to tako him into camp; se , (of a horse) to carry the head well. ramfeiieret, m., stroke with a chalk line. raiiier, v. a., to row, to pull (the naval expression is nager); to paddle. rameur, m., oarsman (nagcur in the navy). ramification, f., ramification, rumilic, a., ramified; (hydr.) having arms (said of ' a bay). ramllle, f., stick, twig, bavin. ramlngne, f., restive; (man.) disobedient to the spur; cheval , v. s. v. clieval. ramollir, v. a., to soften. ramoiiage, m., chimney sweeping. ramoner, v. a., to sweep chimneys. ramoneur, m., chimney sweep. rampant, a., crawling, creeping, climbing, rising; (cons., etc.) inclined, sloping; in., slope, sloping part; (met.) sloping side of the bed of a rever- beratory furnace; flue of a reverberatory fur- nace (between the crown and the chimney proper); arc , rampant arch: bandage , (med.) spiral bandage: fenelre e, (cons.) oblique staircase window; limnn , (cons.) continuous (unbroken) string- piece: lunette e, (cons.) sectroid; marche e, v. s. v. marche; vou'e e, rampant arch. v rampe, f., slope, ascent, descent, declivity, accliv- ity: (cons.) flight of straight, stairs, slope or inclined plane on which the steps are con- structed: hand rail, railing (of a staircase); (fort.) ramp; (r. r.) slope or gradient, grade; loading ramp; (t'acccx, approach of a bridge: - eourbe, (cons.) curving (light of stairs; d'armement, (fort.) gun ramp of a platform; de. debarquenxnt, (r. r.) unloading ramp, brough; -de degagement, (.'m. a.) disengagement curve or surface of a breech mechanism: tl'nitrce. slope or bank leading down to a ford; -hflico'idulf, (urn. a.) helicoidal guide surface of a breech mechanism; - - imnrnrixff, temporary ramp: - -A lonyrinex tnfer, (r. r. ) irirder ramp: mobile, (mil. r. r.) transportable ramp for embarking and debarking; - - (If xortie. slope lending from a ford: -rofifit, arched or bow.ramp. raniper, v. n., to creep, crawl; (rnnx.) to incline according to a given slope. rampiii, a., (hipp.) that wears his shoes at the toes; "over" in the feel: cheral , horse over in the foot, horse that stands on his toes; pud , "over'' foot, foot bearing on the toe. ranee 369 ranee, f., skid, parbucking skid; a., nncid. ranche, (., round or peg of a ladder \esp. of a peg ladder), pc'i or pin of a gin prypole; rack of a crone or pile driver; de haquet, (pont.) stud stave of a pontoon boat. rancher, m., peg ladder; stud stave; (pont.) iron upright o( a pontoon wagon, to keep a boat in (in the fore und hind bolster of the wagon); (art.) iron stirrup on the side of an ammunition wa^on for spare pole; de grue, jib. arm, of a crane. ram-bet, m., upright stud (in the framing of a wagon body), stay of a pile driver (pegged to serve as a ladder): /oar , movable stanchion; de haqnet. (port/.) stud stave; If rirr , stua iron or stanchion of the Decau- ville truck. raiiclr, v. n., to become rancid. rancon, m., ransom: mct'.re A , to set a ransom on; to levy contri- bution on, pillage; mixed , ransoming; pillaging. rancoimemeiit, m., ransoming. ranc>nner, v. a., to ransom; to levy contribu- tion on, pillage. randunito. f., (eipl.i a variety of infusorial earth or kicselguhr. rung, m., row. order; rank, station, degree, place, class, precedence; turn; tier; rate; (man.) part of the riding hall where the line of troopers or horsemen is drawn up: (man.) course (of bricks, of stones): (mil.) rank, line; ( FT. a.) rank (a line of men standing side by side and a file of men when marching by the flank, i. e., the designation of rank does not change); (H.) rate of a vessel. (Except where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to the art military:) aligner imr de faille, to size (a company, etc.); ait i (car.) form rank! (command); d'anciennete, seniority; lineal list; fir d'ancit unite, according to seniority; arrive par les s, risen from the ranks; avoir apres. arant, (in gtn.) to come after, before (in point of precedence); dc batnille, ta tical order of troops in line or in column in battle; de balaillc dttf timtpts, precedence of troops; dt canon*, tier of guns: casatr de son , to reduce to the ranks; to cashier; casstr de mm ct rcniuyer soldat, to reduce to the ranks; cnmplcter Its x, to fill the ranks, bring num- bers up to their lull complement; dc . (in gtn.) in a row, abreast ; dcpemiilcr dc S'>H , to deprive of one's rank; dernier , rear rank; (in gtn.) lowest ran!;; JnnJjIe, (!tch.) double row of rivets; dnuliie, double column of files; ft d'infile (simple, i/r.) dc rn , v. IK r ctr Its - ; enlrT dans les - .s d'une //;;, to be, iii"<>rpor- ated in an army; itrt an, i>r< micr , (in gen. ) to stand in the, first rank; f/ri mi siTiititl , (in gen.) to stand in the second rank; ftre sur Its , (in gen.) to bo a candidate, a competitor; defai of troops; far tin ---- . in single rank; raismau de premier, ttc.. - , (m. ; i \ essol i,f the first, etc., rate. range, f., row of paving stones . f t'.e - - losange, paving stones et i./i i ,'u rani!*', p. p., arranged in a certain >';<;> i; ; ,l.i. eil; steady; in good order; batniUt ---- f. (mil i pitched bat tie: - an-d/x.toiis de la li>nn>. (i.f th shoe i neiiher smaller bottom of the laM. ranpee, f.. row. line, course; i.ir (nn-.) line, row. of s-l.ips in a d rangrr. \ . a., to put in a place. !> range, to arrange. to put to rights, in order. e!<-.; lo (nil a>ide. nut of the w.is ; to kee|> bark; to keep out of the w; y; to subdue, to subject; to rank, number, reckon, pla 'e; ( mi/. I to draw up. marshal, troops: (ran .) to draw up a fleet; (l. to siibjix-t to: i ;i tiataitlf, ( mil.) to draw up a body of nieii in "battle array," to draw up in the order of battle; tin chniil h droitt djutn-I.i \, ,1111111.. t.> nii^'e : Imrse to the right (left l; e n . . . ., ( mil.) to draw up in . . : Its i pintles, (mnn.) lo p;M >r r..iu:t> i .e sho ilders on a line; lix ijii;on.t, ( /i-/M li' 1 iv S,M!S; lex haneht.i, (man.) to put or range the liind iniartcrs on a line; (i ritniiiiiiir. (ii,'?/.) battery or call for assem- iiiy, i. e., 1ir>t call: summons to service; with- dra"'al from command: (art. ) return to battery; tii'ii .) beating to (|iiar!ers; (adm.) further pay- ment, payment of what remains due: d'un mnlmy.-ddfiir, recall of an ambassador: baltre If , 'mil. ) to beat the assembly; (nav.) to in at 10 cjii.irtcr.s; --- /;'(/ rincrntlii, f: re call: Icttre ilr , I'M If! of recall (of an ambassador); fi I'ordre, call to order i in deliberative assem- blies); le de pied ferine (faminturs ct clnirons rfunist, (mil.) the as.sembly proper, signal to fall in (sounded by the assembled field music); - l''n;tiiiatiqt,(miich.)tl',inhpot gearof Frikart- 1 orhss engine; de jirct, v. fie aoldt; - -n !'i quextion. brinuitiK back to the point (in deli ; .era! i ve a-sem blics , : t he previous question; de rouli.i, (unr.) weather roll; de ftriidc, (mil. i further payment, restoration of retained pay; rappel, le aux tambours et aux clairons, (mil.) call for the assembly of field music (assembly of trumpeters, U. S. A.). rappeler, v. a., to recall; to call up (by telegraph); (cord.) to grow; (mil.) to beat, sound, the as- sembly; d , (n7.) to sound the call for ; d, pour, la garde, (mil.) to sound the call for guard mounting; aux malades, (mil.) to sound sick call; ft I'ordre, to call to order (deliberative as- semblies); o la question, to bring back to the point (de- liberative assemblies); to call for the previous question; au reilement, to protest against a violation of regulations. rappointls, m., plastering nail; (in pi.) generic term for nails, spikes, hooks, etc. rapport, m., action of bringing; report (in general); statement, account; return (from property), income, revenue, profit; reimbursement; evi- dence, testimony; ratio, relation, connection; (mil.) orderly hour, orderly call; (regimental) daily report, morning report, guard report; publication of orders, etc.; (fond.) false core, drawback; (mach.) take-up for wear; au , (mil.) at orderly hour; au de, on the report of; avant le , (mil.) before orderly hour; d'ararics, (nap.) damage report; de la charge au projectile, (art.) ratio of the charge to the projectile; sur la conduite, (mil.) confidential report on conduct; d' experts, report of a survey, etc.; geniral de la place, (mil.) consolidated guard report; heure du , (mil.) orderly hour; journalier, (mil.) daily (morning) report; de maree, volume of water brought by the tide into a canal, river, etc.; du matin ; (mil.) morning report; de mcr, (nav.) shipmaster's protest against responsibility for damage to ship or cargo, or for a collision; piece, de , v. s. v. pibce; salle des s, du , (mil.) orderly room; de sarife, (mil.) medical return; situation, situation , (mil.) morning re- port of a company, troop, or battery; report, return; du, soir, (mil.) evening report; terres de , made ground. rapporte, a., inlaid, inserted, not in one piece with; (inacli.) with take-up for wear; piece f, inlaid or inserted piece. rapporter, v. a. n., to bring bac 1 :, to add: to report, ma'lr, in., razor; tie sfiriti, safety razor. rassemblace, m., (mach.) connection. ra.ssemblemeiit, in., gathering, assemblage, crowd; (mil.) mustering, collecting, assem- bling, troops preparatory to forming u march- ing order; re-forming in normal onler of troops (infantry) that have been engaged in the dis- persed order; (more esp., FT. a.) formation of a squad in line, of a company in column of sec- tions, of a battalion in double column, at six- pace intervals; command for these movements; assembly of skirmishers; (on a large scale) tem- porary formation of troops between the order of march and that of battle; dirt.) forming up of a gun detachment, of a battery; command for these movements; (/me.) return to the upright position from that of guard; assemble, finish. rassemblement en arricre, (fenc.) return, etc., in which the right is brought back to the left foot; en avant, (fenc.) return, etc., in which the left is brought up to the right foot; formation de , (mil.) v. s. v. formation; (art.) general term for the assemblage of th,e various subunits of a batter)' into greater units, these forming up the battery; gare de , v. 8. v. pare; de la garde, (mil.) assembly of guard details; call for same; au pare, (art.) formation of a battery at its park; sans materiel, v. s. v. formation. rassembler, v. a., to gather, collect, draw, bring together; to put together, to mount; (mil.) to collect, assemble (troops, an army, material, etc.); to assemble troops for a march formation; (more esp.) to re-form in normal from dispersed order (v.s. v. nusemblfment);(art.)toJorm upa gun detachment, a battery; (man.) to gather a horse; (fenc.) to assemble, iinish; to return to an upright position from that of guard; m., (man.) position of having hind legs under horw>, gath- ering up (operation of bringing the four feet under base of support); un cheval, (man.) to gather a horse; les quatre jambcs, (man.) (of the horse) to gather (the legs) for a jump; e , (mil.) to form in normal from dispersed order; (art.) to form up (detachment, battery); se fn arriere (arant), (ftnc.) to finish to the rear (front), v. s. v. rasscmblemrnt; se faire , (mil. slang) to get reprimanded or punished. rasseolr, v. a., to seat again; (farr.) to.refastcn a horseshoe. rassieger, v. a., (mil.) to besiege anew, rassis, p. p., reseated; reset; m., (farr.) horse.shot) set on again with new nails; pain , stale bread: terre e, packed, well-settled earth. rassurer, v. a., to settle, clear up; to secure, strengthen (as a weak bridge). rastel, m.. (furl.) ramp (out of the covered way through the glacis;. rastelle, f., v. rastel. rat, m., rat: (Poly technique slung) cadet who is late at a formation; de p"nt, (Polyiechnique slang) cadet whose marks are not hii'h enough to put him into the Punts ct Chauysftx; prcndre un , (xm. a.) to miss fire; queue d( , v. s. v. qut ue. rutatla, m., ratafia. rataplan, in., "rub-a-dub." ratapoll, in., unconditional partisan of militarism. rate, p. p., missed; m. (rt., sin. u.) misi.re; (min.) nnsiire; (ic charge, (art.) (of ihe charge) misfire, f;iil- tire to go <>!T: (more e.|>. i misfire caused l>y pushing a reduced charge too far into tin 1 breech (powder chamber i. ratrau, in., rake; rack; fair-lead; it chrval, hay rake; fairt x'>n , . ;;ii/. xl'ing) of reservists over time with the regiment by way ment. rAtcluRe, m , raking. ratelee, f., r.ikeful. rateler, v. a., to rake. rateller, m., rack: hayrack; tool rack; n rack, rack of arms; d'urmcx, ( mil. i gun rack, armr.ick; d'i'curif, hayrack; il'ft-itili. tool rack; TtiiHttrt /(.< arm i* an - . <'ar; hridle rod; de roue, arm of a wheel; paddle arm; de rupture, (ezpl., min.) radius of rupture, of destruction; de rupture-limite, (mil. min.) limiting radius of rupture (l>evond which a gallery, e. g., would suiter no harm); tinqent. bicycle spoke; lige de , radius rod; n'.sf/f/, visual ray; (top.) line of direction; (art.) line of sight. rayonnement, m., radiation, radiance, beaming: (,-iurr.) method by use of polar coordinates from a central station. rayotmer, v. a. r., to radiate, shine, irradiate: to put up shelves; (fig.) to make itself felt at a dbUinco (e. g., an army). ray lire, f., stripe, streak, scratch: action of striking of (us a name from a list); (cons.) -A synonym of enrnyurt, q. v.; (carp.) groove, furrow; (irii/vf. groove whose bottom is con- (iirio with the surface of the bore: 11 rfite*, prooxes in which the lands are nar- rower t hau 1 ho grooves; rib ri'ling; - i n ere mailHrc, rifling the profile of which re- s"tnbles the teeth of a saw, saw-tooth rilling; K cuneifnrmts. v. .v en coin: de dicharge, discharging groove; donhle, alteniate rilling; ciroife, straight groove, straight, rifling: -fi droitr, rieht-hand rillim:; a r/o/fr-s, rilling of which t he lands are broader at the base than at the surface of the bore: tfcentriquc. a groove the bottom of which is nut concentric with tho bore; eccentric groove: -otO. ', in., resurvoy. rt-ar|M>liter, \ . a., to re MI -\ ev. | reassurance, f., reinsi rC-assurer, v. a., to real trier, v. a., to pit : n'-attanier, v. a., ton rehander, v. o., to i.md up airaiu (;us ti ("in. a ) to cock (a piece > again. ("in. a to coc (a pece' again. reburlM 1 , f., (tn-h. ) N'ard. fash. burr. rchatat'lo, f. , (HII'/.I rein-wed battlo. reli;Mlr, v. a., to rebuild; - par le pud, to underpin. attagr. ni., any ojx'r.ilion of boaiini: i;p <:i^ a mattn-Jst; (nrt'.) hammering (of prn;o<-t:le>;. MI as to remove inequalities i. rrbatt reb linilM-^xr. \tiii.) ii;iiiuiiiiiiif; ^ui j'liijtiiiii-r,, MI as to remove inequalities >. KUtre, v. a., to beat au-ain; to boat o\er i.i mat- tri'ss, etc. '; to travel, go, oxer ai;aiii; /<.< l>'>-ii,f-i. furl.) to hammer a pruiecJile iso a: to remo-. e seam<. ineiiuali! \<^ . !! : rebelle 374 recevoir rebelle, ft., rebellious, rebel; obstinate; ill-adapted, refractory; m., rebel. metal , (met.) refractory metal; substance , refractory substance or material. rebcller, v. a., to rebel, revolt, rise in arms. rebellion, f., rebellion, revolt, insurrection. rebiffer, v. r., (mil.) to have a soldier-like bearing; to "brace" (U. S. M. A.), (Jam.). rebolscr, v. a., to replant trees. rebond, m., rebound. rebondlr, v. n., to rebound. rebondlssant, a, rebounding; cfiifn , (sm. a.) rebounding hammer; platine e, (sm. a.) rebounding lock. rebondlssment, m., rebound, resilience; (am. a.) rebounding of a hummer; branche de , (urn. a.) reboumler. rebondonner, v. a. , to replug (a cask). rebord, m.. rim, shoulder, edge, border, flange; (art.) guide rail (of the breech tray); arrttoir, (much., tic.) a tlango acting as a stop; de chaudiere, boiler stay, boiler tlange; de roue, (r. r.) tire flange; saillant, (marh.) tappet, wiper, driver, lifter; desoupapes, (steam) tapping of the valve, rebotter, v. r., to put on one's boots again. rebouchcr, v. a., to plug, cork up, anew. rcboulonner, v. a., to rebolt. rebours, m., wrong way. wrong side; twist of grain due to wind ; a. , reverse, contrary ; & , an , a 1 ,' unst the grain, backward, the wrong way; reversed; ftois , boisti, de, , crossgrained wood; che'al , obstinate horse (horse that backs, kicks,ete., that pays noattention to correction), rebousse, f., starting bolt. rebrousse-poil, & , against the hair; (fig.) the wrong way. rebrousser, v. a. n., to set, or turn, back; to make no impression (of a cutting tool); chemin,io retrace one's road; to turn back; faire , to turn up t he edge (of a cutting tool). rebroyer, v. a., to grind over again. rebut, m., rejection; waste, rubbish, anything re- jected, rejected piece; fi>g end; repulsion; armr de , condemned arm; bois de -, refuse tinil er: b;triu dts s, dead-letter office; canons de , condemned guns; charbon de , refuse Coal; de , condemned , waste; fire au , to bo thrown aside; mettrc au , to throw aside, condemn. rebut?, p. p., condemned, rejected (as stores, articles, etc.); (of horses) worn out by fatigue; (;!/.) disgusted, discouraged. rebuter, v. a., to reject, condemn; to reject after testing; to refuse as unserviceable; (mil.) to di-'cr-irage (the enemy, as by repeated re- pulses): mi rfitruJ , to make a horse obstinate by overworking him. reraler, v. a., to smooMi, level. recalesceiice, f.. (rnrt.) recalescence. reralfat;is;e, in., recalling. reruifater, v. a., to calk over again. reralihrer, v. u., (*,n. u.) to resize (a cartridge case). reralnir, in., smoot hing ulane. recanltulaUf, a., recapitulative. I'ollcvtion of information in ceneriii alxnil a pr. I- able theater c f war or cf o|>erat ions: -journaHrrr. (mil. > daily rrcnnnaissaiu'i 1 i.ci-- essary for safety of camps, pests, etc.; Irri tie , reconnaissance survey: nffin>-irr, reconnaissance in f'>rce. t c> mpel the enemy to sliow his hand and in deploy in his fighting pcsitfon; rwonnai-ssance made l>y the advance guanl: - d'olfn-iiTi, rec .ii!iai < 5- ject ihe nature of the ground, ihr r^ads. and l- cal resources, and the evident intentions of the enemy; reconnaissance 376 rectlflcateur reconnaissance speciale, reconnaissance in the neighborhood of enemy (&s distinguished from generate); reconnaissance with _ a special object; reconnaissance having for its object the special reconnoiterine of the terrain, with reference to the march of the troops, of the various positions to be occupied either offensively or defensively, of the position and forces of the enemy. recoil nail re. v. a., to recognize; to recognize a government: to acknowledge, proclaim; to re- ward, recompense, return; to explore, discover, find out; (mil.) to reconnoiter, make reconnais- sance; to challenge (patrols, rounds, etc.); tin ecueil, (hydr.) to take the bearings of a reef; faire , to proclaim; faire un oiticier, (mil.) to proclaim an officer; faire Its rondes, (mil. ) to challenge the rounds; se , to get one's bearings; un vaitseau, (nav.) to approach and hail a ship (with a view to learning its nationality, etc.). reconquCrir, v. a., to reconquer. reconquetc, f., reconquest. reconstltuC, p. p., (mil.) (of troops) reformed, as after uu attack. recoiistituer, v. a., to reconstitute, reorganize. recoustitutkm, f., reconstitution, reorganization. reconstruction, f., rebuilding. reconstruire, v. a., to rebuild. record, m., record (sports). recorder, v. a., to tie up again; (cord.) to lay up a rope anew. recoupe, f., waste, clippings, stone chips; rubble; pollard, first bran; second cutting (of clover, hay, etc.). recoupement, m., offset, recess in a wall or build- ing; (in range finding) intersection; (surv.) resection. recouper, v. a., to recut; (fort.) to trim, to pare; (sun.) to fix by intersection. reroupette, f., sharps, middlings. reconpon, m., v. recoupetle. rocourber, v. a., to bend around or down. recourlr, v. a. n., to run again; to resort, have re- course to; apply to, betake one's self; un cable, (cord.) to underrun a cable, a rope; Ics covtures, to chinse, run over the seams (as of a pontoon boat), or to calk them slightly and expcditiously; faire vnc manerurre, to take a rope to the point to which it should go; (sur) nne mannuvre, v. un cable; un prisnnnicr, to deliver a prisoner. recoups, m., recourse; resort; resource; refuge; help; avoir h, to resort to, to apply to; en cassation, (law) writ of error; en grace, (laic) petition for pardon, for miti- gation of punishment; (n rnixion, (Fr. a.) appeal for retrial or re- hearing of a case. recotisse, f., (nar.) recapture; driiif dt , salvage on recapture; l>rii de , salvage money upon recapture. reconvert, p. p., covered, overcast again; re- covered; (ma.v.) not visible (of joints); covered with plaster (as a partition); (dec.) insulated (of wire). recouvremcnt, m., recovery (of debts, of health, etc.); collection; covering, action of covering; overlap, overlapping, overlapping plate or strip; part of a stone or tile covering a joint; cap (e. g., of a telescope); (harn.) cover (of a saddlebag), hood of the American cavalry stir- rup; (mas.) coat of plaster on a partition; (stm>) lap of a slide valve; (sm. a.) lip of a cartridge farrier; b , by overlapping; d'aiaric parliculitn, particular average; recouvrement, bande de . butt strap; (art.) check plate, garnish plate; (mach.) flap joint; du chemin, (r. r.) ballasting; du colt de ['admission, (steam) steam lap; du cbtk de 1'emission, (steam) exhaust lap; en dedans, (steam) inside lap; en dehors, (steam) outside lap; etrefi , to lap over, to be lapping over; & I'evacuation, (steam) inside lap, exhaust lap; eiterieur, \. en dehers; des flancs, (mil.) Hanking party; de ilasque, (art.) garnish plate; inierieur, v. en dedans; a I' introduction, (steam) outside lap, steam lap; negatif, (steam) negative lap; plaque ae, , garnish, cover, plate; poser h , to lap over; positif, (steam) positive lap; soudcrn , (met.) to lap-weld; soudureh , (met.) lap-welding; de talus deflasque t (art.) upi>er garnish plate on cheeks of a traveling carriage; du tiroir, (steam) lap of a slide valve; dc tblis, overlap of plating. recouvrer, v. a., to recover, regain; get in, levy, collect; (cord.) to haul in a rope hanging slack in the water (as into a pontoon boat). recoiivrir, v. a., to cover, cover anew, cover over, conceal, mask; to wash metals; (adm.) to cover into the Treasury- se - , to become cloudy again. recreplment, m., v. rccrepissagc. recrepir, v. a., to parget, rough-cast again; torough- coat again; to re plaster. recreptssagc, m ; , pargetting, rough coating again. recroiser, v. a., to cross again; to weave in and out (as in making gabions); (hipp.) to cross again: lex joints, to break joints. recroq ueviller, v. r., to shrivel (under the influence of beat). recrouer, v. a., to re-imprison. rtcrouir, v. a., (met.) to reheat; (cord.) to ret. recru, a., tired out, worn out, weary; jaded, spent. recru, m., fresh growth, shoots on trunks of trees. recrue, f., (mil.) new levy, recruit, recruits, body of recruits; recruiting; alltr en , to go on recruiting service; dresser la , to drill, instruct; recruits; faire des s, to recruit, to enlist men; forma la , to set up a recruit; lever des s, to raise recruits. recrutement, m., (mil.) recruiting, enlisting; - dc I'armtc de mer, (nav.) recruiting for th navy; classc de , (Fr. a.) young men summoned to draw for military service; service de , (Fr. a.) recruiting service (in charge of the yearly enrollments and dispatch to regiments). reeruter, v. a., (mil.) to recruit; di.i soMats, to beat up "ceruits, soldiers. recru teur, m., (mil.) recruiter, recruiting officer. rectangle, a., rectangular: m., rectangle; invelnppt, (Ml.) rectangle inclosing all the shots; (am. a.) packet of revolver cartridges; en papier, (Fr. art.) paper wrapping for car- tridge bags; dc probabilite, (ball.) probable rectangle. reetaiiKUlaire. a. , rectangular; d( cham/i, (of a beam) set up on edge; ii plat, (of a beam) laid Hat. rer tillable, a., susceptible o! correction; rectifiable; O'nsf.) adjustable: limbe: , (inst.) adjustable limb. rectlflcateur, in. . (art.) workman who verifies and assures axial direction in gun boring. rectification 377 rectification, f., straightening (as of a road), cor- rection; rectification of a curve; rec.lflcation (of spirits); (wf.) adiustment; (mil.) rectifi- cation of an alignment; de route (mil.) measures taken to prevent two columns from meeting when their roads touch. rectifier, v. a., to straighten; to rectify, adjust, correct; to rectify (a curve, spirits); (in*//, to adjust an Instrument; (math.) to grind true; I'allgnement, (mil.) to rectify the alignment; letir, (art.) to correct the range. reotlUsnc, a., rectilinear, right-lined; & mmtvemcnt , (sm. a.) straight pull. recto, m., rins.) batter of a wall, reculer, v. a. n., to back, carry back, move hack; to delay, put back; to go backward; to retire, recede, withdraw, give way; to back (of a car- riage, of a horse); to back,' rein back, a horse, a team; ( mil.) to retire, fall hack; (art.) to recoil; (sin. n. i to recoil, kick: fairf , to drive, push . back; Icsfrontirrts, to extend a state, to "expand." reculer, m., (man.) backing, act of backing. reculonv.d , adv.. backward, the wrong way; alter ft , to go backward; marchrrb , v. alter ti . r*cun*rat*ur, m., (art.) recuperator (of a /.) corbel steps; (fort.) rednn: batteried s, (fart.) inoentod battery; double , (fort.) double redan, i. e., a redan Hanking its own faces; a linnet, v. double ; ligiic(i s, (fort.) indented line; - rtnforce, (fort.) v. double . reddltlon, f., submitting an account for audit; (mil.) surrender of a town, of a fortified place. redemption, f., redemption, ransom. redevable, a., in., owing: debtor. redevance, f., rent; dues, sum payable at fixed intervals. rMhlltttton, f., (lair) action to set aside a contract (it :-:!'. rtnllilUitolre, a., (lair) redhibitory. setting aside a contract of sale; ca:t , (/u/j;>.) disease or defect that annuls the sale of a horse (is applied to all domestic ani- mals); ricr , v. cas . rediiiKotf. f..frock coat; criiixtr, double-breasted coat; droitt . single-breasted coat; d^ raimgt , ruling c- at. redoniier, v. a., to give Kick; (ii7.) to charjrc, fall on. again. redoiinhiKc, m., (iniiO reshoAthinc. redouble^ p. p., doubled, redoubled; increased; /> :ix ' . v mil. double-quick time, step, march. redoiinlrineiit, m.. incre;i-e: f, :ic. i tuo (or in rol attacks in ((uii'k siicce-si.in from I ho s :ine lunge, following a pairv without r/';>"'. reilonttlrr, v. a., to dotibli-. ri.i'nibl.'. iiuTi-ise; to line over again; i '> itf. i to nrike a succe-.- 1> n of attacks from the same luiij.e \\itlmut ri>ing. redoute. f.. (/nrt.1 rrdoi:bt: ktiUer it . IxiHtni - --. in s'inii>erm:nent fortification, redoubt in i he intervals bofwcvii the forts of ;i Hue; t,liiidt'< .bliK-khoiise; - ctirrti , MMiare nxloiil.t; - rnsrviittt i . caM'inatcd Uoinb-proof retloul 't ; circiiiiiirf, circular redoubt : ,/, c'impayiiii , redoubt (standard) f"r oiu> company; emu t'rlf, v. blindtr: at croii. cross ntloubt; di-mi , half re.loiil.t. fi mdrA/rou/M, redoubt of several storie-. lln< upper projertiiii! be\ond the w.ill I.MI u- t" M-O and defend th.- |...f,.in -: lignt a ill mi <. v. s. v. /I'.;NI . retlressage, m., straightening, as of a bar, i tc. redresse 378 ri 1 forme redresse, f. (cord.) relieving rope; c&ble de , relieving cable. redresse, p. p., straightened; (dec.) unidirected, commuted, redressed; courant , (elec.) commuted current. redressement, m., strnigh toning; m>V in straight; new erection; unwarping; (jig.) redress, repara- tion; d'un courant, (elcc.) commutation of a cur- rent. redresser. v. a., to straighten; to make straight again; to erect, reset, set up again; to re tify, redress, put, set, to right; (make) right; to repair, relieve, remedy, correct, adjust; (man.) to train over again; en armes, (sm. a.) to "recover arms;" tea courants (alternatifs), (elcc.) to commute currents; tm rav,rcs, (art.) to freshen the grooves by remitting; se , (drill) to resume one's original direction. redresseur, m., -de courant, (elcc.) commu- tator. rtdufteur, a., (chem., met.) reducuig (as agent). r6durt)oii, f., reduction; (chem., met.) reduction; (mil. and in gen.) subjugation; reduction of a position, fortress, etc.; iu- centre, (surv.) reduction to the center; de la course, dn tiroir, (macn.) linking up; - i I' horizon, reduction to the horizon; ate, cut down; (chem., met.) to reduce; (mil.) to reel, IPO a pla e; "acier, ( met.) to reduce steel to iron; en ccndres, to redu e to ashes; un chcval, (,nan.) to break a horse; & I' horizon, to reduce to the horizon; _ U n plan, to redui e a plan to a smaller scale; en poudre, to grind, reduce, to powder; en pounsitre, to crumble to d,:st; >a prension, to reduce, lower, a pressure; m ration, (mil.) to reduce or cut down the ration; la route, (nav.) to work up the course and distance; -au silence, (art.) to silence (a battery, etc.); au sornmet, iu leveling, to reduce to the summit; - - In vi'.esse, to cut down the speed of, to slow down. rediiit, p. p., reduced, diminished; a i-onMC , (itriil) with diminished numbers; cjflc f, Map ou Mcrcator's projection. reduit, m., (fort.) keep, redoubt; (nav.) redoubt; blockhuu*, (fort.) I >lo<-i;house in tae roenteriiig plrvi e of arms; central, (nar.) central redoubt; central bat- tery, keep, or casemate in certain types of ana -in-.-i ships; - <:c iir->:: jua dc batteries, (fort.) a redoubt sui ;r-r\ ii;g a group of detached batteries at cloM- intervals; di- ri. ini-l.iie, (fort.) demilune redoubt; - in ,'ii'ci (f,>rt.] l-cep of a fort; - rf' /..''ice "('/;'.', (Jrt.) redoubt of the place of anus; -tic /) miriitn. (if.il.) keep of any position (vil- i:'.gi-. inf. it' /i"n'>. to \vai:-h one may fall Iwk iinlil sucror comes, or in order to prolong (in nirclin, (f'irt.) ravelin rodoulit. reel, n., re;d; (lair) real (as distinguished from personal); T, res Us, f-ivsh olTer. rC'eiirlericliC'iiK-nt, m., (mach.) rocoupling (of reeiigarrir.eMt, 1:1., (mi'.) reenlistmont. reeiigager, v. u., (mil.) to reenlist. refaction, f., doing up again; (commercially) allowance; de droits, rebate. refalre, y. a., to do or make over again, to remake, repair, mend; to begin again; (mil.) to rest, refresh (troops); un cheval, to make a horse; se , to recruit one s strength; to "pick up." ref alt, p. p., done over again: (cord.) twi^e laid; bois . (cons.) squared timber, prepared for use and dressed upon all sides; cheval , made horse; cordage , (cord.) twice-laid cordage or rope. rejection, f., repair, reconstruction; (sm. a.) prep- aration of cartridge cases for reloading. rtfectlonner, v. a., (sm. a.) to prepare cartridge coses for reloading. rffectoire, m., mess room. refeml, m., splitting; (carp.) strip removed from a plank, et ., that is too large; (cons.) party wall, partition wall; (mas.) joint of a wall; bois de , cleft, hewn, wood; quartered timber; timber sawn lengthwise into several pie' es; mur de , (cons.) partition wall, bearing wall; pierre de , (cons.) corner stone. refendage, m., (met.) slitting of iron. refendre, v. a.-, to split, cleave; to saw wood, stone, etc., l^n.^tbwise; to quarter timber; to saw stone into slabs. refeiite, f., splitting, sawing, lengthwise. refcrrer, v. a., (farr.) to reshoe; to new-shoe. refeuillement, m., (carp.) rabbet made in situ. refeuiller, v. a., (carp.) to make a double-lapping rabbet. refeuillure, f., (carp.) double-lapping rabbet. renclier, v. a., to sink in anew; (mas.) to pick put the joints of a wall (in repairing the point- ing). reflechir, v. a. n., to reflect, be reflected. reflechissement, m., reflection. rtflecteur, m., relector; (sm. a.) reflector for inspecting barrels; ii miroir, (sm. a.) reflector for inspecting barrels; paraoolique, parabolic reflector. reflet, m., reflection. reileter, v. a., to reflect. reflexion, f., reflection. instrument & , reflecting instrument. refluer, v. n., flow back, run back (of the tide), to ebb; to flow. reflux, m., ebb, ebb tide, reflux. refoucage, m., reheadiag of a cask. reftmdre, v. a., to romelt, melt down; to overhaul thoroughly; to ma.co thorough repairs; to cor- rc'l, improve, remodel. refonte, f., remelting, recasting, remolding; thor- ough repair; overhauling. reforer, v. a., to bore up, ream out, enlarge. refoiTiir, m., borer, workman who bores gun barrels. reforme, f., reform, reformation; (Fr. a.) con- demnation of material; casting of horses: en- forced retirement of oilicors and of meu (from physical disability or from unwortliiness to serve); clievaui de , cast horses; - dc ctievaux, costing of horses; congf. de , v. s. v. cnnge; . a.) to be on the compulsory retirement, list (either froiii misconduct or from ph y.-ii al disability); mrttrt ii in - - -, v. s". v. mettri ; truiti m i nt dc , ( I'r. a.) reduced pay. reforme, p. p., ( f''r. n.) condemned (of material); cast (of horses); on the compulsory retirement list (oilicers and men); rforir.i> 379 rtfornie, officier . ( JFV. a.) officer on the compul- sory retirement list (physical disability or un- worthiness to serve). reformer, v. a. r., (mil.) tore-form, form up again; to !>e re-formed (as after an assault). reformer, v. a. r., to reform, rectify, correct, re- trench; (mil.) to retire for physical disability, for un worthiness to serve; to cast (a horse); to condemn (sores, equipment); unarrtt, etc., (fair) to modify a decision, etc.; dca chevaui. (mil. ) to cast horses; un officier, (Fr. a.) to put an officer on reduced pay (v. s. v., reforme); un soldat, (Fr. a.) to give a soldier his congt de reforme; des troupes, (mil.) to disband, discharge, sol- diers; to reduce numbers. refortlfler, v. a., to refortify. refoulllement, m., (carp.) hollow in a timber; (man.) polyhedral hollow in, or hollowing of, a stone, refoulller, v. a., to carve, chisel, mortise out (as in a timber, a stone). ref (Ullage, m., (met.) jumping up, upsetting. refoulement, m., stemming (of the tide, of a cur- rent); ebbing (of the tide); flowing back (of a current); driving back, compression; forcing; seating or setting (by hammering); backing (of a train, of a locomotice); delivery of a pipe or conduit; (met.) jumping up, upsetting; flow of metal; (art.) enlargement of the chamber; jump- ing up, upsetting, of a projectile; ramming down of the charge; (steam) compression; d'un bandage, jumping or slipping of a tire: d'une touched feu, (art.) enlargement of the chamber; periode de , (mach.) exhaust period (of a hot- air engine); tvyau de , delivery pipe. refouler, v. a. n., to stem (the tide, a current); to fall, ebl) (of the tide); to How back, cause to ilow back; to back, drive home, or back; (of a pin, etc.) to refuse to go in, to go t lie wrong way; to start, to drive; to drive out (a pin, bolt, etc.); to upset (a pin, etc.); to deli er (of a pipe, etc.); to force; to seat, set (by hammering); (art.) to ram the charge home; to seat a projectile; to upset a projectile; (met.) to hummer on all sides so as to unite the particles; to cans* to How; to jump up, upset; (mil. ) to drive back, repel (out- posts, the enemy); (man.) to cause a norse to throw his weight hack, to bring a horse hack; Ir canon de fusil, (m., (more strict ly ) the distance a pile sinks under a volley of blows: 4 , home, as far as possible (of n moving, slid- ing, etc., piece); nbsolu, in pile driving, the final refusal of the pile; au , home, as far as it will go; battrca , to drive (as a pile) until it will sink- no farther; battrf juxqu'ti de moutnn, to drive a pile until it will L'ono farther: en , set or dri en home; enfoncer juxqn'h . N . liattrt h : fire an , to he et or dri' en borne; reldtif, in pile drhing, I he refusal due to fric- tion. refuser, v. a. n , to refuse, deny, decline, a-oid, resist, withstand, shun, tln.>'.v t'..r.; <. ion. .1 to refuse to work, to l:ii! to flit, eu-.: (of a pile! to resi-l, refuse, any farther ier; >\r<- inu: (wan. i (of the hor.se; to refuse obedience ; .1 w elei and wirier antle with the .lirectu.n ... ei .iiu-" as one ahance> r, di nnr, ( inr > to iri-s ^tay^. regagiiag**. ni..(iii'l.* recovery of acids in the man- ufacture of explosives. regagner 380 regir regagner, v. a., to regain, gain hack, retake, re- cover, retrieve; to rejoin, to reach, to meet again; le chemin, to pet hack into the road; i. -n corps, (mil.) to rejoin ; le dei>sust du vent, ( nav.) to retrain the weather gauge; sex foyers, toreturn home; un ouvrage, tin poste, (mil.) to retake a work, a post; du terrain, (mil.) to recover lost ground, to drive back the enemy from the ground he has taken; le terrain, (man.) to bring a horse hack to the track, to the ground that he had left; le vent stir, \ . le desxus du vent. regain, m., second crop of grass; second' cut of forage (clover, etc.): amount by which a timber or stone is too large for the place it is to occupy. r<5galage, in., v. regalement. rtgalemeiit, m., leveling (of ground); (r. r.) grad- ing, finishing, of earthwork; (/ort.,efc.) distribu- tion, spread, of e-irth (as in a parapet); (adm.) equitable distribution of a tax. rtgaler, v. a., to level (the ground, upturned earth, an embankment); (fort., etc.) to distribute, spread, earth, soil; (r.r.) to spread ballast even. rtgaleur, m., (fort., r. r., etc.) spreader, leveler (of earth, a.s in or on a parapet, etc.). regard, m., look, aspect, survey, glance; super- \ ision, superintendence; cardinal point ; (cons.) opening, eye, skylight, hole; draught hole; opening in an aqueduct; (met.) sight hole; (fnrt. ) opening, as in some disappearing rapid- fire turrets; giving access from one part to am.-ther; en , facing, opposite to. regarder, v. a. n., to look on or at; to face,. front, be opposite to; to point toward; to survey, examine; dt Varribre, de I'avant, (of a block) to lead astern, forward; de pres, 1 o be nearsighted; dans la volte, (man.) to have the head turned inward or in the direction of advance. rte:a(t)te, f., regatta; ii r-unes, boat race (oars); <> miles, yacht race. regayer, v. a., (cord.) to hatchel. regayoir, m., (cord.) hatchel. regayure, f., (cord.) refuse of hemp. regazomiement, in., resodding. regazonner, v. a., toresod. regel, in., freezing a now. regeler, v. a. n., to freeze again. ri-gem-e, f., regency. r Rf'iu'M'ateur, m . , regenerator (of a hot-air engine); (m(t.) regenator; a; /anil -, (nut.) regenerative furnace. regeneration, f., regeneration; (met.) regeneration, regenerative principle. recent, m., regent. rCgie, f.. administration, excise; tn -. directly and wholly under government control (in general) in t ho hands of trustees. regiiiibriucnt, m., kicking (of saddle animals'). regiinlier, v. n.. to lack, to wince (of saddle ani- mals). regime, m., diet, regimen; rule, system, govern- ment, administration, management; regime, t'o'.v Cof a river or stream): dirt.) behavior, po- cuii:iritjo<, of a gun iv hoi her due to atmos- pheric conditions or to I he essence of the pier-pi; I'anciiri- , in France, the times preceding the [{evolution of 1 "-'.): blanc, (hi/ip.) ciiet of straw and of bran or hurley mixed with drinking water; .a.ar/)subdi ision of the /il/in- ctnttedctir bounded by parallels and meridians; (hi i) p.) region (of the horse); oassf, lower course of a river: de corps d'"rmic, ( Fr. a.) mililary district of an army corps in time of peace, lias eight xnb- dr i-ini/s dt region, onotocach infantry regiment of Uie corps; d'i tapes, ( Fr.a.) subdivision or region of t ho (tapis service; fortifice, (fort.) fortified region, behind whose ft>r'..s armies may assemble and maneuver, or an army incapable of taldng the field may si ill offer resistance to an enemy: fronlitrc, (mil.) frontier region or military si ibdi rision of territory; - - haute, upper course of a river; v o/Jtciellfs, circles of tho administration; prinfi]xili, (fort.) that part of the cnrcinte most, exposed to fallinto power of enemy; secondaire, (fort.) such part of an enceinte as is less likely to fall into power of enemy' mibdirixinn de , ( Fr. a.) v. de corps d'armce: territoriale, ( Fr. a.) territorial subdivision or region. rf gir, v. a., to govern : to manage; t o administer; 381 riglement rtlflr A I'ecowmie, (of the government) to admin- ister, manage, carry on works, etc., without the interveatkn of a contractor. regisseur, m. . manager, administrator. reglstre, m., register, liltuik book, record; (tech.) damper, regulator, smoke vaive: (IMP.) ship's register; de cendrier, ash-pit damper; charger un to enter in an account book: de cheminie, funnel, chimney, damper or regulator; ---de chevaui, (hipp.) stud book; - de comjiiabiliU, (mil. adm.) account book; cinptMe, ( FT. a. adm.) register of property, of stores, etc., to be accounted for; decharjer un . to credit on the books: des deliberations, record of the minutes of a board, etc.; deditente, (steam) expansion valve; tif?rou(s}, (mil.) register of confinements; d'effectif, ( Fr. a. aim.) register, kept by the paymaster of the rejiraent, of variations of strength; de-s entrees, (med.) register of patients re- ceived; des entrees et sorties, (mil. adm.) register of receipts and issues: faire (Ic) , to record; a feuillcis mobiles, register with detachable sheets; journal, v. s. v. journal: manauiredu , (steam) throttling: - - matricvlf, v. s. v. matricule; non-comptablf, (Fr. a. adm.) current register or amount of property, of stores, in hand; d'ordinaire, (mil.) mess book; d'ordres, (mil.) orderly book; de prise de vapeur, (steam) throttle valve; de.t punitions, (mil.) defaulter book (British); rovord of previous trials and convictions (V. S. A.); de route, ( Fr. a. adm.) record of feuilles de route ami of rel-.i'ed payments; - de xfrrice, (mil. ) daily duty roster: des sortie*, (mcd.) register of patients dis- charged: d souche, stub book (of any sort): tenir , to koep a register, an account book; - de tir, (art., sm. a.) target record, target- pnx cice record book; - dc vapeur, (xteaui) throttle valve. reliable, a., adjustable. re>Iajr,e, in., adjustment (as of an instrument), regulation: (art.) ranging, i. e.. all operations necessary to put the center of impact on the target; tit: I'arme. (sm. a.) measure taken to insure accuracy of an arm; aut unatiqui . self-adjustment; art- ill , adjusting spindle; rtee, (art.) determination of the range, ranging (operation of getting one short" and one "over''); du tir. (art., sm. a.) ranging, all operations necessary to put the center of impact on the target (includes fuse setting in lime-shell fire); transport dc , (art.) y. s. v. transport; au :ero, (in*t.) setting at zero. regie, f., rule, ruler, straightedge; rule (of action, of conduct, etc.); pattern, model: (turv.) meas- uring rod, base-measuring rod; (mack.) guide bar, mot inn bar; affaire en , a duel in which all formalities are observed; (mil.) combat in strict accordance with the rules of war; - -fi anneau cant, (art.) sort of trunnion gauge; A araser, straightedge: a'taquc en , (mil.) regular attack (all rules observed): atlaqiur une place dam let 3, (mil.) to lay regular siege before a place; p i >grai>!ti. p.. ruled: regular, regulated, steady: (art.) a> curate (of lire ; iipi>'ir/il -, (innx.'i masonry of cn-irso-. of nni- form height: u.s.vi(.v - ix. (max.} courses of the --une !..'i^ht: tir - -. dirt. ) ai curate lire; trait IH:I j.v. ( '//.'/. i regular trootr-: it nt , trade wind. rfglc-ulltires, in., (tnnn.t gait r rOKlcinciit, in . rule, accoiiiit: (mil.} re times in plural >: t!'at' of general (part icnlai averac* 1 ; - - il'ini ?<>in /MI--, ;>.'li;i^tineiit of a cninpas-". d'irircifif. i mi/, i drill re-nl ,i mil-', drill lunik; - -x ill l'i tl'ni'iiii. i ii^tnins nx'iila'inn--: mi r fen race ill (mi/. ' drill btnik: rtglement 382 rein rfglrment de maneruvres, v. d'ererckes (also simply reqlemerti); * de.' police, police regulations; du port, port rcgulatiors; de soupape, (mach.) adjustment of a valve (e. g., safety); du tir, (art.) regulation of fire. reglemenrafre, a., of or pertaining to the regula- tions; ''regulation." reglemeiitation, f., process of reducing to rule, or regulations. rtgler, y. a., to rule, rule lines; to regulate, order, pul in order.settle, wind up, adjust, determine, decide; un chronometre. to rate a chronometer; un compels, to adjust the compass; M compte, to settle a 1 ill; une fusee, (art.) to cut, or set, or adjust a fuse; une montre, to regulate a watch; to set a watch by; une rifiere, to give a river a constant regime; le(i') quart(s), (nar.) to set the watcrrcs); le firrice, (mil.) to regulate (i. e., make rules for) any series of duties; le tir, (art.) to get the ranfe, i. c., to take all the steps necessary to put the center of impact on the target; le Hr d la fourcJiette, (art.) to get the. range by means of the ' fork:" - / tiroirs^(mac'i.) to adjust slide valves; au, zero, to set an instrument at zero. rfglet, m., carpenter's rule; (art.) small fillet at the muzzle of a gun (obs.); double, winding sticks. rfglette,f.,reglct;s_mall rule, ruler; (art.) graduated rule for correcting, aiming laterally; defection slide or scale; d'altitude. (Fr. art.) altitude scale (for de- termining the distance of a ship from the known altitude of the station, and from the measured imerometric distance of the water line from the horizon); de conrersion, (art.) rule or scale for convert- ing turns Of the elevating screw into degrees; -correclcur, d correcleur. (Fr. art.) scale for correcting the distance given by a range tinder (seaeoast practice); de corns /,ondance_, (Fr. arl.) scale, rule triv- iugtlie pointsut which a fuse should 1)6 punched for given elevations <"a r d vice versa): ctimeur (art.) the graduated slide of a direc- tion scale; de dine/ion. (Fr. art.) scale or rule for ob- serving deilections in .seaeoast practice; d'im jet dc coulee, (fund.) metal tilling the runner; (/( liclnrc, (Fr. art.) general name for the . d'altitude and ,.'i mature; ilr /:i/":i::rt, (Fr. fir/.} s?ait; fur obtainin^ the distance pi a : ; hip from the ri(M i nired inicro- metrir hci'-rht of its inn its; /,orli-noU, (or I.) level-arm of a gunner's quadrant ; ill n pinigf. dirt.) direction bar or r\:lo; . r;r/. ) strip or bar of wood used i,i laying guns for din-ction. rC'!;1i>ir, in., ruler, burnisher. rfjrlnrt 1 , f.. drawin'/ or ruling of lines; distance be! vcen t\\ d ruled line-;. rtgiiaiit, a., rUi'iir; reigning; prevailing; pre- 11 :tt , pre\ aiiiii 1 / wii'.d. rCRiit', in., reign: predominance; kin-.'dom (e. g., ariimal, vegetal le;. ri'gner, v. n., to rrie, rei"n, i-overn: in prevail; to reach, run along, extend iiv.er,. rt'snirole, m. (lnu.) native: 'bv e:\ir-i. -io;i ) i.ad.r- a'.ized. rogonflrnicnt, in., swclhujr or risin 1 / ,-otne obstruction; refillii: 1 ,' of a I ai of waters by loon. ostrliow Of river-, etc.); to refill a balloon. rescorirenii'Mt, in., over'low. overflowing; (lowing back (as through a drain;; superlluity. , v. n., to overflow, run over, flow back; to abound. regrattage, m. , scraping (as of a wall). regratter, v. a. , to scrape, rub down, regrossir, v. a., to make thicker, thicken. regulnder, v. a., to hoiJt again. rcgularisatlon, f., putting in order, regular order; rgularisation, f., putting in order, regular order; setting right; regularization (of accounts, etc.); written confirmation (of an oral order, etc.) (m il. adm.) formal approval of mileage and other travel accounts. rtgulariser, v. a. , to put in order, regular order, regulate, set right; to confirm an oral order; (mil. adm.) to approve mileage, etc., accounts. rCgulateur, m., regulator; (mack.) regulator, governor, pressure regulator; conical windlass; (eta:.) regulator; it action direclc, (elec.) direct-acting regu- lator; gravity regulator; d action pneumutiquc, pneumatic governor; d ailettcs, momentum wheel governor; d air , air vessel; alimentaire, d' alimentation, (mac't.) feed regulator; d bovles , (steam.) ball governor; conique, conical pendulum; -decvireint. (elec.)c ir rent regulator; d diclic, (elec.) clutch regulator; en derivation, (elec.) shrnt regulator; dc dcscenle, safety apparatvs of a hoist; di ffi-Tcntiel, (elec. ) differential regulator, regu- lator with differential coils; ezcentrigue, eccentric governor; d force centrifuge, Watt's governor; pendu- lum governor; d friction, friction governor; d gaz, gas governor; (T injection , injection-valve cock; d'immersion, (torp.) immersion or depth regulator; a jalousie, (steam) regulator valve (for admis- sion of steam); d mai'n, hand governor; monophote, (elec.) monophotal arc-light rcrrulator; ]n!yphotc, (dec.) pplyphotal arc-liglit regu- lator; d pofcnliel courant, (dec.) current-potential regulator; dc pre.tsion, (torp.) v. d' immersion; de resistance, (elec.) any re;:ulating resist- ance; d ressorts, (mack.) spring regulator; en aerie, (elec.) series regulator; dr tension, (flee.) potential regulator; d( tira(je, draft regulator. rtsrnlaleur, a., regulating; fnrcc rice, regulating force. rf'Siilc, in., (met.) regulus, matt. K'gulior, a., regular, exact, in order; in., (mil., in ill.) regulars, regular soldiers. rehabilitation, f., rehabilitation; recovery of civil rk'hts. K'liiibililer, v. a. r., to reinstate; to recover civil rights. reliaiis*.'!nei>, in., raising, raising higher; touch- ism up (a drawing). rehausser, v. a., to raise, raise higher; to touch up (a drawing). rein, m., kidney; (in pi.) loins, bacV; (of animals, csp. of the horse) lower part of the back, loins ('cither singular or plural); (cp.) loins not on same horizontal with croup; da chitn, (urn. a.) neck of the hammer (obs.); d court, (hi/i]i.) short-coupled; - C.v) doublets), (hi/ip.) double loins; fti'ort de. . (hijtp.) strain of the loins; d lung, (hijip.) long-coupled; ftii attache, (hipp.) loins much below thfl croup; rein 383 1 rein, powmivre I'ipU dant let , to pursue hotly; soudf, v. mal attache; IOUT de , v. effort de ; tranchant. (hipp.) sharp, narrow loins; de votite, (cons.) spandrel. reine, f., queen. relntegration, f., reinstatement; (adm.) return, or turning into, a magazine of stores unconsumed; (nav.) reclassing of an (old) ship done over; des chevaui. ( FT. a.) return of government horses to public use (as, e. g., when an officer en- titled to DO mounted at public expense turns his mount in). relntegrer, v. a., to reinstate; (adm.) to turn back into (as supplies to a stare, cartridges, etc., to a ma;*azine); (nap.) to reclass a ship; un dieval, (Fr. a.) to return a public animal to public use. reiterateur, a., (inst.) repeating. reiteration, f., reiteration; (inst.) frequent meas- urement of a magnitude, so as to reduce the final error; par tour d' horizon, (surv.) continuous reading around the horizon. rejailllr, v. n., to gush, gush out, break forth, spout out; to rebound, fly back; to flash; to reflect, be reflected. reJaUHsement, m., gushing, gushing out; spout- in? f >rth, out, up; rebounding, flying back; re- flection, flashing. rejet, m., rejection; outthrow; shoot (of a tree); earth thrown out (of a ditch); overflow pipe: trap;(3Jn.a.,r./.ar?.) throwing out of an emnty cartridge case; (aim.) disallowance (of accounts, of expenses); (fond.) overflow. rejeter, v. a., to reject, throw, throw away; to re- fuse, set aside; to wash up, to cast up (as by the sea); to send out shoots (of a tree); (sm. a., r.f. art.) to throw out an empty cartridge case. rejcton, m., shoot (of a tree, a bush). rejiiigot, m., (cons.) weather strip or shoulder of a window sill. rejolndre,v.a.,torejoin;(mi7.) to join, rejoin, one's post, regiment. rejointolement, m., (mas.) repointing. rejointoyer, v. a., to repoint. relache, m., interruption; intermission, discon- . tirmance, respite, rest, relaxation; f., (nav.) call, stay, or sojourn in a port (for repairs, rest, etc.); port of call; faire vne , (nav.) to call at a port; forcee, (nav.) enforced sojourn in a port (e. g., because wind bound). reiadioment, m., relaxation; rest, refreshment: decline, falling off; moderation of the weather; df discipline, (mil.) decay, falling olT, of dis- cipline. relaoher, v. a. n. , to relax, slacken , loosen, loose, re- lease, enlarge; to set free, al liberty (a prisoner); to let out, let go, yield, remit, abate, diminish; to moderate (cold, etc., of the weather) ;(u".) to touch (;ita port), put in, put into, a port, cull at a port; to let a vessel proceed on its voyage; Indiscipline, (mil.) ton-lax discipline; faire , to beat back. relal, relals, m., relay of horses, relay station; nv 1 iv, relief, of workmen; working place; distance excavated earth is transported in a barrow; dis- tance to which excavated earth may be thrown with a shovel; res hovel ing of earth; earth to be re -shoveled; ground left bare by a running stream, by the sea; (mi 1 .) method of joining up stv.-eral charges or petards in line, connected by a detonating fuse; (fort.) berm (ohs.); (mil. si'i.) transmitting station; (tcleg.) relay station; local, relay, buttery; ftrr (/ , t-> be unemployed; indicateur de tension, (rite.) potential indica- tor; mtrlun , (siege) (in constructing a battery) the natural ground on which the merlon is to rise ; relal, relate,* la pelle, distance to which earth may be thrown with a shovel; pelleterU n *, to reshovel earth n times; paste , v. s. v. posit; transmission par , (mil. sij.) transmission by relay, by transmitting stations; traverse , v. s. v. traverse. relation, f. , relation, Account; official report. relaxation, f., release, enlargement, of prisoners, relaier, v. a., to release, enlarge. relayer, v. a., to relieve, relieve each other; to serve as a relief for; to change horses; de chevaui, to change, take, fresh horses; * , to alternate in a duty. relegation, f., banishment without loss of civil or political rights. releve, p. p., raised, elevated; (fig.) noble, exalted; air , v. s. v. air. releve, m., act of raising; bearing (ofacoast); (adm.) abstract, extract, summary (asfrorn an account, a register, etc. ); report ;(/arr.) removal, shift ing, of a horseshre; , decentralisation, (adm.} abstract : de comptMlitr', ( Fr. a. adm.) monthly ac- count of funds made to the minister of war by ordonnatcurs. releve, f., (mil.) relief, as of troops, sentry, etc.; change of station (rare); de .relieving. releveinent, m.,actof raising anything; taking up, removing (as torpedoes); picking up (of aca' le, of a telegraph lino); statement, account, list; (surv.) bearing; (mil.) relief (of an outnost, a sentry), relieving; (ball.} jump, angle of jump; angle de , (ball.) angle of jump; astronomique, (surv., nav.) true bearing; d'une cote, bearings, survey, of a coast; au conpas, compass bearing; du compas, setting of the compass: de la course d'un vaisseau, (art.) vessel track- ing; * se croisant, (surv.) cross bearings; * croisfs, (surv.) cros* bearings; fuire le de, to make an abstract or report or statement; faire un , to take the bearings (of a coast, shore, etc. 1; magnftique. magnetic bearing; inaqnftique reel , true magnetic bearing, i. e., corrected ; porter un sur la carte, to prick, lay down, a bearing on the map; preiulre un , to take a bearing; du terrain dangrrcui, (f.nt.) in defilading, I he height of plane of defilade above the point de- filaded against: trm/prs de , relieving troops; vrai, true bearing. relcver, v. n. n., to r:'.ise. raise up. elevate: to make higher: to t-.ike ;n>, out: to take up and rejxiir, lift up or out; t inn it.', register, record; torehe\e, replace (in general); to discharge, free, o mccl, release (us from an obligation, an out h); to \voigh an anchor; (fig.) to bring out . ma'-e prominent; (cunt.) to trice up; (mas.) to rai-e a wall, etc.; (mar!.) to rnise the feot verv high in galloping; (mi/.) to relieve fa sentry, etc. i; to relieve fp'tn command: (inii\) to lake a bearing, t-i pricV a position on a map: (r.;>. n/r-.) to prick a ship's position on the chart; to bear: un angle, (surr.) to measure an nnirle; /n clicral (man.) to raise the forehand by the bridle; rf'.iwiV.) to report to ff>r orders, instpic- tions); to lie responsible to, be under ttu' unmo- diate orders of: de faction, ( mi!.} to relieve from nirv; unfactionnaire, frni/. > t" relieve a -entry; 7i fcr. (farr.) to remove a l,n.-e shoo and put it on thinly; un fnt.'r, to raise the banks of a ditch; de yintr. ( mil. } to reliex e from guard: In gnrdr. i mil.} to relieve the guard: ilf rnaladie, to rise from a sick l>el: relever 384 remise relever un navire (couli), to raise a (sunken) ship; Its 'posies, (mil.) to relieve outposts; le quart, (nav.) to relieve, change, the watch; un sabre, to hook up a sword; se , to rise (from a recumbent position); (jfnc.) to rise from a lunge; de scitinette, (mil.) to relieve from post; une sentinelle, (mil.) tarelieve a sentinel; tine torpille, (torp.) to pick up, raise, a tor- pedo; Us tranchees, (mil.) to relieve the troops In the trenches. relcvour, m., chaser, embosser (tool or man). reliage, m., new hooping (of a barrel). relief, m.. relief, embossment, embossing, set-off, foil; relief of the ground : t 'rejection from the face of a wall; (fort.) relief (of a work): de la culasse, (art.) case-able astragal behind baso ring, (obs.); faible, (fort.) relief of less than 6"; moyen, (fort.) relief between C m and 9 m ; plan , plan en , relief map or plan; rasant, (fort.) v. fnible; du sol, (top.) relief of the ground. rellen, in., (poied.) coarsely bruised, unsifted, pow- der (for fireworks); reller, v. a., to bind: to rehoop or new hoop a cask; to connect (by roads). reliRicxise, f., mm. rcticieux, a., religious; m., monk. religion, f... religion; de I'Etat, state religion; surprendre ia de, to impose upon the good faith of; to deceive. relinier, v. a., to file again, filo up. polish up. rfiiiaconner, v. a., to repair masonry. reinander, v. a., to send again (as an order). reraandrinagp, m., remandreling: (sm. a.) resizing of cartridge cases. remandrlner, v. a., toremandrel: (sm. a.) to resize (cartridge cases). rcruanent, a., remanent, remaining. remanienient, m., repair, mending, working, do- ing over again; altering; touching, handling again; (cons.) rcpaving. new roofing. renianler, v. a., to retouch, touch up; to repair, mend, alter, change; to make great alterations in; (cons.) to repave, roof anew. rernballer, v. a., to pack up again. rembarqueinent, m., reombarkation, reshipping renibarqiior, v. a., to reembark; to go, put, on board again, ship again; to take shipping again; to engage anew. remblal, m.. earth used to make an embankment, to fill a hollov : act of embanking, of filling; em- bankment . fill; en arant. embanking from the end. lipping: de cittt , side embanking: par much f.t. horizontal filling, embanking, by successive layers; s ct df-bfais', cuts and fills; en , like an embankment; embankmentwise; fm/>loi en , spreading; e'luilibre dcs s et dibiais, bnlan'-ing fills and cuts: rijitoitation ]>ar s. (win.) system in wlii'h ore is taken out from below and the excavations filled. remblayor, v. a., to make an embankment ; to em- bank: to fill up; to fill an excavation. reiiib<>lt4>nieiit, m., clumping, putting togeiher again; replacing in a socket; fitting in again. reinbolter, v. a., to rex-lump, clamp together again, lit in again; to put together again (as the parts of a gun carriage). rembourrage, reinbourrenmnt, in., stuffing, padding. rernbourrer, v. a., to stuff, to pad. rpinliourrure, f., hair for stuffing. remboursable, a., to be paid back, restored. remboursement, m., repayment. rembourser, v. a., to reimburse, pay back. reinbraquer, v. a., v. embraquer. rembrayer, v. a., (mach.) to gear in again. remede, m., remedy. rem&ller, v. a., to remedy; & des voies d'eau, (nav.) to stop leaks. remene, f., (cons.) arch ever a door or window. rcmcncr, v. a., to lead, drive, carry, back. rtmei*, m., (law) privilege of repurchase; partede .recognition of the right of repurchase; vented, , sale with the right of repurchase. remettre, v. a. r.. to put back; to restore, give up; to deliver, return; to bring back to health; to set (a broken leg, etc.); to surrender (a prison- er); to pass over, forgive, pardon; to remit; to remit funds; to delay, defer; to commit, con- fide; to return swords; (mil.)*tO resume, cause to resume, one's original position after a move- ment; unearmee ,iur pied, (mil.) to raise f rash troops, new forces; I'avant-train, (art.) to limber up; la ba'ionnittr, (sm. a.) to uniix bayonets; un chcval, (nan.) to train a horse anew; le commandement (d'une armic, etc.), (mil.) to turn over the command to some one else: la consign e, (mil.) to turn over orders (as a sentinel to his relief); une dfpfched, destination, to send a telegram to its address; I'cpce dans le fourreau, (sm. a.) to return sword; la gardr, (mi'.) to turn over the guard; *f en gardr. (fcnc.) to come back to the posi- tion of guard; un navire & flat, (nav.) to get a vessel afloat again; b ncuf. to make ns good as new: une piece en batttrie, (art.) to return a piece in battery; le quirt, (nai\) to turn over the watch; fi to route, (nav.) to resume an (interrupted) course; - - hs ftceavx, (of a minister of state) to give up fie seals, resign; se , to recover one's health; (mil.) to resume one's original position ("as you were"); to re- sume one's original formation; se en route, to resume one's journey; la semainr, ( mil.) to turn over the week Ci. e., duty performed by the week); If servict, (mil.) to turn over duty to one's relief. rniii'. f.. reinex (in a carrier pigeon, feather to which the message is attached). remise, f., return, delivery (of goods, of p. letter, etc.); delivery of a medal, of a decoration; remit- tan< e (<>f money); reduction, discoitni, allow- ance: surrender. "giving up; delay, adjournment; pardon, reduction of a sentence; carriage-, coach-, house: (mil. ailm.) turning over (of func- tions, command, orders, property, barracks, quarters, <(<-.): (fenc.) repeated attack (i. e., a thrust following one that has been parried and that is delivered from the same lunge): - - il'nrmis. (mil.) laying down of arms (in token of surrender); in hattfric, (art.) return to bal lory: di'.i drapraui, (mil.) delivery ol. presentation of, i-olors to troops; f.iire l rempllssage remlser, v. a., to store, to put up in sheds or store- houses, to keep (under cover); (fenc.) to exe- cute a remise. remmancher, v. a., to put on a new handle. remmoulage, m., v. renmoulnye. remmouler, v. a., renmoukr. remokule, f., (hipp.) charge for sprains. remont, m. , (r. r.) ascent, up grade. rcmoiitage, m., ascent of a river; (*m. t.) assem- bling, remounting iof a ! rearm dismounted or taken apart ); restocking. remoate, f., ascent of a river; (mil.) remount, remounting, remount establishment; remount service; purchase of horses for the army; horses purchased for the army; (Mpp.) second leap: par atnnnfmrnl, (Fr. a.) system by wnich ' the government snares in trie purchase of a horse by an ollccr (e. g., an officer buys for 2,000 francs and t'.irns in his mount at gov- ernment price of 1,4!K) frnnes: should the officer leave the service he pays back the 1,400 francs and keeps the horse); capitainc de , (mil.) remount officer; cavalier de , trooper in a remount establish- ment; cAffil de , second mount; (mil.) remount horse; circonscription de , (Fr. a.) remount district; compagnus de (carilirrs di) , (Fr. a.) compa- nies (8 in number) of troopers for remount establishments, military schools, etc.; di /tit de , (mil.) remount establishment; dcpdt de mobile, (Fr. a.) remount establish- ment accompanying an army in the field; ecole de , (mil.) remount training; itiblisxcmintde , v. 6< dc ; tin-ice de , (Fr. a.) the service charged with the purchase of hordes, with their care and training until turned over to troops, and with the brood mares intrusted to farmers; fi litre gratuit, (Fr. a.) mount at government expense (subaltern officers); a Hire unircni, (Fr. a.) mount at one's own expense (general and f.eld ofiicers). remonter, v. a. n., to go up, to go up again; to rise (of stoc' s, of the barometer, etc.); to ascend fa river, a hill, a street): to raise, raise in the air; to raise (ma 1 e higher) a wall, a floor; to equip anew; to assemble, to put together, to mount (anything that has been separated into its parts), to roach, run up, a river (of the tide); (sm. a. ) to restock a rifle, to assemble .a rii'.e; (T?I/.) to remount (furnish a fresh sup- ply of horses); (inv.) to ship a propeller, a rudder; ii'tc armr h feu, (sm. n.) to assemble the parts of a f rearm; u.i canon, (art.) to p::t a gun on its carriage a-ain; .tar I'rau, to rhe, come, to the surface of Uii> water: xnii ic-irif, to buy a lot of new horses; .vr . to give oar's self a f-esh mount; -/iiir If lint, (/if a nH-i^ct) to come, up into the wind. remontoir, winding key f watch, etc.); ':'.'intrrfi . stem-winder. reinonlre, v. a., to bite again; (mil.) to attack or Mght airain. reiiior<|uafi;p, m.. towing: c-ilile ili . tou rojii-: fi ce or line; <: la , in tow of: bride vi-;ii>:is, stores, etc.; fj/)iV.) resupply of stores, etc., whenever exhausted or condemned; fresh ^-:\>- ply of men, lior^s, and ammunition in action; finding a substitute (obs.1; f n tit , to replace, in lieu of, vice: d.<.t grains dc lumifrc, (art.) rebashiiu: <>r a vent ; d(s ligncf, (mil.) relief of one line by a fresh one. remplucer, v. a., to replace; to substitute f >r: to succeed; to supph ; lo supply the pl:ire u'; (mil.) to serve us a substitute; to ollicrite; If fairr , to get a substitute: to 1-e re;> discharge, perform, the dutie.s of; of boat.- to fill, swamp; (u/> fit in, of a ! asin. ete.j lo :.ll b;. the overllow of another basin, etc. renipliai;e, m.. fillu ;:. stulVin:'. pac 1 in/, pad ding, make-weight; air.' timber !.ll:n. up an empty space: M-"/I.S.' iMiii;/. , li;n: of nia>oiir . of limber); (li 'li , .,>>. | Ilin/ limber; iiiu<;niii!,ri/ il t - , (iifi.i.) lilling in. rubble; collcrwork; rcmplissage 386 rtnetter reni pllssage, piice de , (con*.) filling piece. remporter, y. a., to boar, carry, carry off; la victoire, to win the victory. remueVp. p., moved, shaken, stirred; tare e, transported earth. remuement, remflment, m., commotion, dis- turbance; stirring; des terres, removal of earth. remuer, v. a., to move, shake, jog; to stir up, agitate; la gauJt, (man.) to swish a riding whip; les poudres, (powd.) to sun powder; de la terre, to remove earth or soil; fa terre, (mil.) to dig, turn over, ground (in sieges, trench work, mines). renftcler, v. n., (of a horse) to snort. renard, m., fox; cant hook; timber dog; opening, gap, chink, crack (as in pipes, reservoirs, etc.): (met.) bloom, loop; (cons.) blind wall; (mas.) stone tied to a string by way of plumb line; (war.) traverse board; faire la guerre en , (mil.) to be full of strata- gems; mettre au , v. s. v. mettre: queue-de , root or vegetable growth in a water pipe; firmer chisel; tirer au , (of a horse) to pull on the halter in the stable and try to break it. renardlere, f. (met.) refinery, refining furnace. renclanchement, m., the coming into play of the various parts of a ballistic instrument on the current being made. renelouer, v. a., to spike again; se , (of a horse) to pick up a nail again, get a nail in the foot again. rencontre, f., meeting, adventure, chance, junc- ture, em-ounter, chance encounter, clash, col- lision: duel, meeting; (mil.) unforeseen encoun- ter; any encounter or combat; bataillc de , (mil.) chance, unforeseen, battle; combat de , v. hataille de ; dc , second hand; roue de , balance wheel. rencontrer, y. a., to meet, encounter, fall in with; to light, hit, upon; (mil.) to meet, i. e., engage (the enemy); un navire, (nav.) to meet, speak, a ship; to rim foul of a ship. rendement, m., efficiency (of a gun, machine, engine, etc.); duty; (art.) ratio of the weight of explosive 1o the weight of the shell; d'unc bouchebjcu, (art.) efficiency of a gun (ratio of useful to total work); commercial, \. - -industricl; economiqxe, economic efficiency (of a ma- chine), (ratio between amount of steam used and effective power i; cfficlif, efficiency (ratio of useful work to the work corresponding to the quantity of heat developed by the combustible agent); clectriqiie, (die.) electric efficiency of a dy- namo (ratio of the net to the gross output); indu-itri; direct rein; fauxxe , strap used as u sort of chockrein to force a horse to arch his neck; ,f tic filet, stiaflle reins; grand cole de , v. s. v. edit; - - lache, loose, slack, rein; Idclur les s, to loosen, slacken, the rein; to give a horse his head; - -apposite, (man.) said of the rein when right (left) rein is borne amiinst right (left) side to bring head to left. (rK'ln;; jiurlmier les s, to take a rein in each hand; jictit cote dc , y. s. v. coti; linrtc , rein billet; n /irrntlrc Us s, to take up the reins ui'iiin: Si juner les s, to take a rein in each hand; si n.iible aux s, (IH/III.) bridlewiso; siiieme , (/am.) tail of the horse. rcner, v. a., (man.) to rein a horso. reiiette, f., tracing iron; (fan., hi pp.) paring knife foot probe; d guide, v. boutoirh guide; tnurnc-d-gaufhc , saw-set. renetter, v. a., (hipp.) to groove, probe, a hoof with a paring knife. renfaitage 387 rentrer renfaltage, m., (cons.) repair of the ridge of a roof. renfalter, v. a., (con*.) to repair the ridge of a roof. rentermer, v. a., to shut up, confine; to imprison; to comprise, include; (mil.) to shut up in a place; to close in and invest an army, etc.; un cheral, (man.) to have a horse well under the control of the hand and legs. renflf, p. p., swelled, swollen; inflated; fat; (nav.) bluff (of a ship). refinement, m., swell, increase of diameter, of thickness, in a piece; boss, hub seat of an axle; fur, furring; rising of waters; (art.) swell or shoulder of a projectile; (sm. a.) cheekpiece of a stock; de bourlet, de bourrelet, (art.) swell of the muzzle of a gun; de centrage, (art.) centering shoulder of a projectile; central , center boss. rentier, v. a. , to swell, swell out. renflouage, m., (act of) getting afloat again (a stranded boat, etc.). renfiouement, m., refloating (a stranded boat, etc.). renflouer, v. a., to get afloat again (a stranded boat, etc.). reiiflure, f. , inflation of the hollow of the eye in old horses (horse dealer's trick). renloncement, m., cavity, hollow; break, dent, recess; (fort.) recess , passage around a traverse. renfoiicer, v. a., to sink, pull down; to new head and bottom a cask. renforca^e, m., act of reenforcing; (phot.) intensi- fication of the blacks. renforcf, p. p. .a., strong; reenforced; thickset, canon , (art.) reenforced gun; cheval , tliickset , strong, horse. renforcement, m., strengthening, reenforcing; (mil.) reenforcement; (phot.) intensification; par double ment , (mil.) reenforcement by put- ting more men on the same line; par prolnngcment, (mil.) reenforcement by extending the line; p'tr rex.trrrement, (mil.) reenforcement by making men stand closer together. renforfer, v. a., to strengthen, to reenforcp; to in- - crease, augment; (mil.) to reenforce; pvr doublement, (mil.) to reenforce by adding to the men on a given line or position; par prolongement, (mil.) to reenforce by ex- tending a lino or position; pur rrasfrrfmtnt, (mil.) to reeuforce by di- minishing intervals, and thus making room for more men. reiiformir. v. a., (mix.) to repair a wall by giving it A thick eir.it of plaster and replacing missing stones; to dub out. rcuformis, m., (mix.) repair of damaged parts < by the insertion of fresh stones and addition of a thick coat of plaster); dubbing out. renfort, m.. fresh strength, strengthening: (marh., etc.) reinf.irce, strengthening pie 'e, rib, shoul- der: any part adde. 1 to give Strength; (art.t rc- info!vo. part of the breech ovor the povdor chamber, breech hoop; (.tin. a.) reinforce: heel of a (MI Tier lover; front face of t he breech casing (in s'>me magazine arms); I mil.) reinforcement; support (in attack formation >; aniS-rimr, (xm. a.) front reinforce of a boll : il'nrmoiix, (art.) cross bar or piece between foio guides; dr chandiire. (xtcam.) boiler stay; dn ci/lindrr, or of the number of teeili of the wheel geared into. roil t ray aire. m.. operation of rentering. reiilraycr. v. a., (harn.) to stile h bulTalo skin<. ri'Htree. (., return, return hoiur; return to school after the holidav--: resumption of functions in goner. I: gelling in of crops; receipt o( :nriic\ :-. collection of taxes; (/(."() reopening of the courts; (mi!.) voluntaty surrender (:is of a de- serteri; return of prisoners to their ci-initrv; return home from maiiemers of men t >i it d<> not belong to the active army; return i>( men to barracks. rontriT, v. a. n.. to return, return borne, reentor: to lit in together; to conic in iof nioiie\- : to take, get, bring, force, pull. haul. h>"ive. in; to unship; (mil.) to reinin. come in fr-m dt- tacheil duty. etc. >; to div-~ l>ack > of an indi- vidual in 1 he line); fanm . to take the r/'ju.v !' to army; rentror 388 repas rentrer les avirons, to take in boat, the oars; en battcrie, (art.) to return to battery; un canon, (art.) to run in a gun; un cordage, (cord.) to haul in a rope: au corps, (mil.) to rejoin, as from detached duty; If* couleurs, (nay.) to haul down, strike, colors; dins le, son. devoir, (mil.*) to return to duty (after mutiny, etc.); enfonction. to resume one's duties; dfins les foyers, (mil.) to return home (after maneuvers, etc.); au rtgiment, v. au corps: en re/ache, (nor.) to put back; rentrcz devanttin bows! rentrez partout ! rowed of all ! way enough ! tentr\ir>, f . . register (of the parts of a map mounted on linen). renvahir, v. a., to invade anew. renverso, f., shift, turn (of a current, tide, wind); (wan.') diagonal motion. renver^fi, p. p., reversed, inverted, (of a flag) with union down; thrown down (as a wall); canon encage, (art.) gun upset, but still hang- ing onto its carriage; com pas , hanging compass; encolvre e, (htpp.) ewe-neck; lijne dc file e, (nav.) line ahead, inverted; mvulaje au , v. s. v. moiilage; ordrc , (nav., mil.) inverted order. renversement, m., overturning, inversion, up- sotting; disorder, overthrow, destruction; throwing down (as of a wall); turn of the tide, shift of the wind; (mach.) reversing (of an en- gine); (siege) destruction (as of the counter- scarp); (gym.') act of turning over the hori- zontal bar; (man.) sharp reining up of a horse (to make him change the leading foot); canon ci , (xm. a.) drnp-hingo barrel (as of the Smith & Wesson revolver); de courant, (dec.) reversal of a current; dcsccndre par , (gym.) to dismount (from a horizontal bar, etc.) by turning over; de la machine, (max.) reversing of an engine; de la marche, (mach.) reversing of an engine; mecartisme de du movrement (a la main, d. la rapcur), (mach.) (hand, steam) reversing gear; liroir de , (much.) reversing valve; de la vapcur, v. de la machine. reiiverser, v. a., to turn upside down, invert, upset; to reverse; to knock down, overthrow, throw down (as a wall, etc.); to bear, beat, down; to derange, throw or put into disorder; to ruin, subvert: to spill out, to cant; to capsize (a boat); (mach.) to reverse an engine; (mil.) to defeat, rout, destroy, overthrow; ap par iH pour , (mach.) reversing gear; un cheval, (man.) to rein up a horse sharply (in order to make him change the leading foot); un corps de troupe, (mil.) to defeat a body of troops; ii n corps de troupe sur un autre, (mil.) to drive h:i' !% one Ion-eon another, so as to involve them both in the same rout; la mnrliine, (much.) to reverse the engine: -- In inarclu, (mach.) to reverse (an engine, etc.); se. , (gym.) to "skin the cat:" to turnover (lilies, t't--.): (;;?//.) to fall back in disorder; uitr Hi' . to reverse a rod; - - I ix n-ii n.ii (/' /'( tint mi. (mil.) 1o destroy the works ot liie enemy (;is in a siw). renvoi, m., sending b;vk, return; discharge, dis- missal; adjournment, postponement; explana- tion (as of the signs on a main; reference, note; (mil.) discharge of men, of classes, whose term of service has expired; discharge from the active army; (mack.) general term for gearing; transmission pear; countershaft; comprehensive term for overhead works; par des arbrcs, (mach.) shafting; renvoi de I'armee, (mil.) dismissal from the army; chevaux de , return horses; de I'excentrique, (mach.) eccentric-rod gear; de mouvement, (mach.) gear, gearing; return motion; transmission gear, reversing gear; the particular shaft from whHi a particular ma- chine gets its power, special shaft; de movementli la main, (mach.) hand gear; de mouvement d'excentrique, (mach.) eccen- tric (rod) gear; de mouvement de mise en train, (mach.) start- ing gear, starting-valve gear; de mouvement du registre dc vapeur, (mach.) throttle-valve gear; de mouvement de la soupape d'arret, (mach.) stop-valve gear; de mouvement du tiroir, (mach.) valve gear, slide-valve gear; de mouvement du tiroir de detente, (mach.) expansion-valve gear; de la lere h la Seme classe, ( Fr. a.) reduction from first to second class (punishment of men); de raccordement, (mach.) connecting gear; du son, reverberation of sound; de,du, tiroir, (mocA.)valve gear, valve motion. renvoyer, y. a., to return, send back, away, off; to decline; to dis 1 harge, dismiss, turn olT; to delay, put off; to refer; to reverberate: to reloct (heat, light, etc.); (law) to acquit; to send a case before such and such a judge; d'accusation, (law) to dismiss a complaint; un accuse, (law) to acquit an accused person; de la plaintc, (law) to acquit a prisoner; de la lere d la Se.me clfisse. ( Fr.a.) to reduce from the first to the second class (punishment of men). reorganisation, f., reorganization. reorganiser, v. a., to reorganize. repaltre, v. a. n., to feed, bait (horses). rfepandre, v. a., to spill, pour out, send out, scatter, spread, diti'use; du sang, to spill, shed, blood; les troupes dans les villages, (mil.) to distribute troops among the villages. reparation, f., repair, repairs, mending; p>uit, (art.) marking the position of a gun, so as to fire by night; point de , mark, bench mark; pendre un sur tcl ou til point, to make an observation on such and such point ; a li riijlrtte et au niveau, (art.) laying a gun by rule and level; de la station, (tturv.) fixing position of station by reference to conspicuous objects on a map and thus finding it on terrain; du tir. (art.) correction or adjustment of practice by means of bench marks or any ob- served points (point de reptre). repore, in., mark, bench mark, adjusting mark, reference mark, marks (on a level bulb, on a test bar): extension marks on a telescope; picket marking the height of a cut or of a fill: bovton de , (Fr. art.) button or sltid ou some carriages, used as a guide in laying the gun; fenle de , v. s. \.fente; f;xe, any fixed mark, (more esp.) fixed mark used in adjusting the Deport range finder* de flottxixon, floating mark used in adjusting the Deport range finder; de niiellemtnt, (mil. min.) bench marks for determining dUTerences of slope iu galleries; point de - , trench mark, datum point: ( Fr. ar/.) reference mark (on some gun carriages, used in laying); de pnintaye, (Fr. art.) reference mark (on some gun carriages, used in laying); re./lt de , ( Fr. art.) aiming scale; - M/r , (art.) said of a shell or shrapnel fu~e when so set as to cause explosion on striking. repereim-iit, m.. (nirr.) reference <<> a bench mark ; recording such references, sketches, etc., as may ser e to fix the position of ;v point or points m case the pegs should be lo^t. repercr, v. a., to mark: to establish a bench mark; to mark out a lino by stakes; (xiirr.) to relcr to bench marks; lo connect with bench marks; en arrifrt ((in:"/), (art.) to lay a gun by reference to an object in rear (front c en arriert (acattl) a la, hau-xxf, (fir/.) lo lay a gun by sighting, on an object in rear (front i; line distance, to determine a distance (by means of bench marks); a la hauKxc, (art.) to lay a gun by sighting on some distant object; rep*rer une pilce, (art.) to mark the position of a gun : tii ned (elevation and direction); a la rtgletle et au niceau, (art.) to lay a gun by rule and level; le tir, (art.) to correct the fire by reference to observed points or conspicuous marks. repertoire, m., inventory, table; list; dts rlservixtts et duipombltx, ( Fr. a.) list kept by the major of each retriment, of the reser\ists and dispunibles, arranged in categories. rtpeter, v. a., to repeat: to examine, question (students) on a sti'v'ect of study; to strike (of a watch or clock); (lair) tochim; un prifonnier, (mil.) to demand the return of a prisoner: Us signaux, (mil., nav.) to repeat signals. rtpetlteur, m., instructor, tutor; rxniniiur (in important ^oientific schools); (nar.) signal repeating ship. repetition, f., repetition: prrate lesson; (>,/.) multiplication of the measures of a rramitu:!e (so as to reduce the error of the final result); (sm. a.) short expression for repeatm;: meci an- ism; (liu ) claim; armed. , (sm. a.) mara-inearm; arrft de , (am. a.) cut-o'", i:;aga7ine cu'.-ofT; double , (*77i. a.) double few!; feu d , (sm. a.) reneuting fire; moritreh , repeater; pen'l:;U& , striking clock ; sy;teme& , (sm. a. ) repeating system. repller, v. a., to pound o'. er again. replocher, v. a., to dig. o~ er. repipnace, m., repair of the surface of a road (re- mo a! of broken stones and substitution of new ones). replquer, v. a., torepairthesurfaceof a road. replacer, v. a., to put bac' : to reinvest funds; 1'irme, (mil.) to "recover arms" in the fire exercise; le pistolet, (mil.) to ret urn pistol. replanir, v. a., (carp.) to fmis'i , a surface); un plancher, to plane a door smoot h . replat, m., (top.) fiat place, shelf ,on a mountain. replAtracje, m., new plastering. replat rer, v. a.,toreplaster. repli. m., fold, plait, creae; (lop.) winding ar.d turn of a river, of a path; sinuosity; (>//.) M:;>- porting troops (on which,*'. g. f outposts may fall back); fallini; bac : de matiire, (7ntt.) fold on t hesurface of short metal; i/u terrain, (top.) fold of I he ground: .? de la ti iiiclu't, (iii/f) turns, or cban: > s of direction, of a trench. repllenient, m., foMinu: (pont.) dismantliig or ta..inu r up of a pontoon bridge: pir lute nit x-tfcrv !>:>rt s ( British, by "breaking, up into rafis")." repllor. v. a. r.. to fold up again: to ti'rn in, 1 a< '.. up: to double upon: 10 coil up. bei;d up: stream, etc.) to turn und twist :( miV ' i " . , >>. force, back (aline, outposts, etc. >; to : 11 ... . TV', ire: localise to fa 11 back; (]> licitli . /Kir com irxinii, (P'int. > t o ma::t ; :>> i'.n version (by "sw iir/iiii-." BriM-d; : /xir parties, (pont.i to dismantle h\ parl>: i/;i punt, to dismantle a I : i'i. '<: par portie,rtx, (jnni.i to dismantle by r--/t.--; replkr 390 reprise repller, se tnr soi-mfme, (man.) to turn sud- denly around (horse). replonger, v. a. n., to plunge again, to divo again, repollr, v. a., to repolish. repompement, m.,repumping. repomper, v. a., to repump. rCpondre, v. n., to answer; to reply; to answer (a letter, a signal); to take an examination; to cor- respond to; to lead, go; (mil.) to return a salute; aux aides, (man.) to obey (the leg, spur, hand, etc.); dc, to be responsible for, answer for; a un signal, to answer a signal. response, f., answer. report, m., transfer (as to paper, of observations); transfer (of designs, etc., from one to several other lithographic stones); (commercially) con- tango; "brought (carried) forward" (in ac- counts). reporter, v. a. , to transfer, carry, place, carry over; to carry back, reconvey; toretransfer (in lithog- raphy); h , to be carried forward (in accounts); - nn mortier, (art.) to cross lift a mortar. reporter, m., leader of a flight of carrier pigeons. repos, m., repose, rest, quiet, peace; resting place, seat, (cons.) sort of landing place on stairs; (mil.) rest during drill; (sm. a.) halfcock; (much.) rest, state of being at rest; (/or/.) berm; arme en , (sm. a.) arm at halfcock; au , (sm. a.) halfcocked; (mil.) standing at ease; cran dc , v. s. y. cran; du curseiir, slide rest, index rest; de , quiescent; tchappement & , dead beat escapement; en still, at rest, quiescent; (mach.) out of gear; esca'ier sans , (cons.) continuous (light of stairs; ftre an , (ttlcg.) to be silent (of the key); long -, (mil.) long rest or halt; mcttrc au , (sm. a.) to set at halfcock; mcitTe en , to set at rest; (mach.) to put out of gear; monlrc ci . stop watch ; nuil /It , (mil.) night in bed (IT. S. A.); piece of trees, etc.); (mil.) to repulse: to repel, heat olT. an attack: (*7fl.i.) to recoil, kick; (art.) to chase, adorn, engrave (a guru: compos a , inside adjusting calipers. repoussolr, m.. drift, drive, bolt, starting bolt, pencil, pin djiver. starting punch: (r. f. art.) shell starter: (nrlif.) small rammer; (Jarr.) farrier's drift; (/mird.) plow: a manchc, driving, starting, bolt; repoussolr, h talon, (art.) drift with a head, stud, or shoulder (to limit its advance). repoustage, m., (uowd.) shaking, agitation, of powder (to break up lumps). repouster, v. a. . (powd.) to shake powder (in order to break up lumps). reprendre, v. a. n. r., to take, get, back; to take again, away; to recover, regain, acquire, obtain, resume, resume possession; to sum up recapit- ulate; to freeze again; to shift the, turns of a cable upward on the capstan; to take a fresh purchase with a handspike; (med.) to heal, close up (of a wound); (man.) (of the horse) to start oft again: to chance the leading foot, (mil.) to recapture; to be resumed (of a battle); (nay.) to recapture; un chcmin, to get back into the road again; le dessus, (mil., etc.) to get the better of it; to recover a lost advantage; fialcinr, to take breath, get back one's wind; le large, (nav.) to got out on the high seas again; v nc mnnrruvrc, (cord.) to sheepshank, shorten, a rope; k mouillage, (nai-.) to return to moorings; un mur, (inas.) to repair a wall; un mur (en) sous-auire, par dcsxous <>uvr?. (mas.) to repair the foundation of a wall; an palan, (cord.) to overhaul, licet, a tackle; le pas, to change pace, step; .von jwste, (mil., etc.) to resume one's station or post; une prise, (nav.) to recapture a prize; les rangs, (cap.) to form rank; en sous-reuvre, (mas.) to rebuild a founda- tion; to underpin; terrc, (of a swimmer) to get within one's depth. represaille, f., reprisals, retaliation fused gener- ally in the plural); lettres dc .>, letters of marque and reprisal. reprfisentant, a., m., representative. reprsentatif, a., representative, (substanlively ) representative government. representation, f., representation: exhibit ion; de I'cnncmi, (mil.) in maneuvers, impersona- tion of the enemy; /r ii'i . ) re- capture, recaptured ship; (fiTc.) renewal of a;i attack (v/ithout ri^in;: from the lun/e): bout; (man.) each part of u r iding le<';on (for both horse and man;; riling ;y requisition, cot ly requisition; issued, obtained, on requisition; cheval de , v. s. v. chew I; mtttre en , (mil.) to requisition; to put into requisition; ordre de , v. s. v. ordre: zonede , (mil.) zone or area to furnish supplies, etc., by requisition. requisltionnaire, m., (mil.) conscript. requisitionner, v. a., (mil.) to levy requisitions on, etc. requisltolre, m., (law) public prosecutor's speech, charge (said also of military courts). resrif, m., \.rccif. resclnder, v. a., to rescind. rescission, f., rescinding. rescrlptlon, f. , check, money order. reseati, m., not, network; "network (of railways, of roads in general, of the lines of travel of a steamship company); (surv.) skeleton of a sur. ey; de chemins defer, (r. r.) railway system, divi- sion; network of railways: commission de , v. s. v. en m minx ion: de entrants, (flee.) net of currents; electritjue, (mil. and in gen.) network of electric-telegraph lines, system of telegraph linos; fcrr!, v. de chemins defer: de /ll de fer, (fort.) wire entanglement; qeodixique, (surf.) continuous network of Irianglf-s (not o\erluppiiu' >; optiine, (mil.) network of military -visual telegraph stations, of \isual signal station;: de robxeri'ati'iTi. (mil.) wiring (network of wires) of a fortified position, for the trans- mission of intelli'-eneo as to the enemy: dm ordrrx, (mil.) wiring (i. <., network of wires) of a fortified position for the transmis- sion of orders; j' de /xjxtfx. (mil.) line of posts: ro'dtier, (ti>.) network of roads; (mil.) all the roads in the inarch front : . art. i aux- iliary supply of ammunition and of spare parts for a mountain battery; (pont.) one pontoon wagon and one chariot de \xirc, q. v.; (/air) protest; rs*rve de rarmee active, (Fr.a.) reserve of t he active army; de Varmte territoriale, ( Fr. a.) reserve of the territorial army; d'avant-postet, (mil.) outpost reserve; de bataillon, de brigade, etc., (mil.) bat- talion, brigade, etc., reser\e; de batterie, (Oerman art.) reserve for the service of the piece and to replace drivers; boix de , trees left standing in a cut; cadre de , v. s. v. cadre: corps de , (mil.) reserve, body of troops in reserve; de , in reserve, spare, in store; en , (mil., etc.] in reser.e; (nar.) in ordinary; garder en , (mil., etc.) to keep, hold, in re- serve; ijinerale, (mil.) the reserve proper of an army engaged in battle; (siege) a body of men held in reser e to face emergencies (in order to avoid drawing on the garrisons of the various sectors ) ; (more esp.) mobile troops charged with all operations outside of the place: ( Fr. art., tiege) general reser e of guns, intended to increase the number of guns on the side attacked, and in particular to equip the batteries de cirnn- stance; de guerre, (mil.) material kept in store for war; lieutenant, etc., de , ( Fr. a.) a lieutenant, etc., of the reser \ e army; mettre en , (mil., etc.) to put in reser'. e; officier de , (Fr. a.) an officer of the reserve army; de recruitment, (mil.) Ersatz reserve; .v de rfgiment, (mil.) in the attack, battalion in the second line; de secteur, (siege) mobile troops of a sector of defense; .v stratrqiquex, (mil.) in mountain warfare, troops occupying central positions for action whene- er their presence is beeded; .t tactitrues, (mil.) in mountain warfare, the troops that first engaire the enemy until backed up by the s strategique*. reserver, v. a., to reserve, keep in store, Veep back; de manmirre, (mil.) to keep o!f other duty so as to take drill; de scri'ice, (mil.) to keep off drill, etc., so as to perform some other duty. reservlste, m., (mil.) reservist, man belonging to t he reserve. reservoir, m., reservoir, pond, cistern, tank, rc- cei f er, holder, well, receptacle; alimentaire. feed tank; a air, a' air, air box; alimrntaire, d'alimentation, feed tank: hot well: d'umnt-train. limber locker: de chnxse (d'eaii). flushing tank; collecleurh huili , (inach. i oil tank : i'i tan. d'rnu. water reservoir, tank, cistern: (r. r.) water tank: d'emt clunide, (strain) hot well, hot-water well of a si cam envii"' 1 : fi eat/ xnlie, brine tank: '-fi o7/i/)r, cistern, well, of a pump; '/. dr I'i. rn/iinr, (xtenm) steam churnber. resrrvoir. dome, space. K-sldu. m., residue, residuum, seltlemenl. srliluu:; dirt., xm. a.) fouling, residue, in the bore <.: .1 gun: de la iMtudrf, ()nrd. > fouling, beads. residuel, a., residual; charge It, (ilic. i residual charge: maynilixnit , (r/rf. )rosi i-i'^ii-natioii (a-; of riu'hls i. rvsinncr, v. a., to resi.-n: give ut>. reslllation. f.. cancellation. aTirmlinent of a con- tract, etc. U'.v agreement of t he parties i. 392 ressort rtsilier, v. a., to cancel, annul, a contract (by agreement of the parties). rtslne, f., resin, rosin; blanche, white resin; com m u nt, coarse resin; copal , gum copal; flastique, caoutchouc; jtiunt, yellow resin; liquide. soft resin; solide, hard resin; de terebenthine, common black resin; de tcrre, mineral resin. r*sin?r, v. a., to tap a pine for resin; to cover v.'ith resin. rtsineux, a., resinous. resistance, f., resistance, strength, strength of materials; opposition, contumacy: endurance; (el(c.) resistance; (man.) opposition (of the horse); de I'air, (ball.) resistance of the atmosphere; apparente, (elec.) apparent resistance; bobine de . (dec.) resistance coil; boitt de , (flee.) resistance box; iichiud, (of metals) resistance hot; au cisaillement, shearing strength; de compensation, compensating resistance; fi la compression, strength of compression; des cordcs, strength of cordage; critique, critical resistance; a I'rcrasement, crushing strength; essentielle. v. - interieure; u I' extension, tensile strength: d'frieure, (elec.) external resistance; a la tlerion, bending strength; afraid (of metals) resistance cold; dcfrottement, frictional resistance; au qlissement , sliding friction; ivttrieure, (elec.) internal resistance; d'isolement, (elec.) insulation resistance; dfs machines, internal resistances of ma- chines; iragnftique, (elec.') magnetic resistance; d(s matfriaui , strength of materials; dfs pieces chargees debout, resistance to buck- ling; ait roulemcnt, rolling friction; fi s separfts, (art.) of wire guns, said when diilerpnt parts take up the different kinds of strains (tangential and longitudinal); SO//..Y de la moindre , solid of least resistance; a In tension , tensile st rength ; fi. In tnrxion, torsional strength; dr tout un circuit, (el/r.) total resistance; ('/ la traction, tensile strength; rice (lastique, resistance within the elastic lir-i! ; fire ft la, df, rupture , limit of resistance to rupture; breaking stress. register, v. n., to resist, offer resistance, with- stand, oppose; to abide, bear, endure; to stand. lr>ld "lit; (trr>i. , t-) support , to take (as a stress): (.:/.) to resist; (man.) of the horse, to refuse obedience; cnpaliU de . proof against. rtSol'ition, f., resolnti n, solution; (lair) cancel- lation (as of a contract) by superior authority. reso'i'iume, f., resonance; (urn. o.) rattling of a iv.iarod, of a gun, in the manual of arms. rf's(tiiii;itcur, in., resonator. rfsonneiiient, m., resounding; clank (of spurs, s:ib-r, etc.), reverberation. rtsoTiner, v. n., to resound, clank (spurs, saber), clang. rCsoudre, v. a., to resolve, determine; to reduce, di- (a contract), respirateur, m., respirator: anjlnis, (mil. min.) respirator worn on going into a foul mine. responsabilite, f., responsibility; degager la , to free from responsibility; engager la , to make responsible for. responsable, a., responsible, liable, accountable. ressac, m. , surf. ressangler, v. a., to regirth, to tighten the girth. ressaut, m., projection, lug, jog, shoulder; break or change of level (as of an interior crest); change of direction; (art., sm. a.) junction slope; (mil. min.) abrupt change or le'. el in a change of gallery; (sum.) change of level in chaining up (or down) hill; -d'une facade, projection of the facade of a building; faire , to project, to stand out of a line or range; de la poignSe, (sm. a.) pistol grip; de. projectile, (art.) shoulder c fa projectile; de terrain, (top.) abrupt fall of the ground. ressauter, v. a. n., to leap, jumn over, to leap back, jump back (as over a ditch); to project, stand out of a line or range. resseller, v. a., to saddle again. ressemelage, m., new soling. ressemeler, v. a., to new solo. resserrement, m., tightening; (mil.) closing up; de. I'argt nt, tightness of money; renforcemcnt par , v. s. v. r enforcement. resserrer, v. a., to tie, tie again, fasten, bind up; to tighten; to confine, restrain, c< nfine mere closely, keep in close con nernent; to con- tract, compress, crowd; (mil.) to invest (a town), pen up (a garrison); to close up (ranks); son argent, to hoard one's money; se , to grow colder. ressif, m., v. recif. resservir, v. n., (mil.) to serve again. ressort, m., elasticity, springiness; (fig.) force, energy, activity, incentive; (law ar.d in gen.) jurisdiction, sphere, function; (tech.) spring. I. Artillery, small arms, etc.; II. Springs in general. I. Artillery, small arms, etc.: d'armement, (art.) cocking spring: restrain- ing spring of a fuse; arret, d'arret, (am. a.) spring stop; arrftoir, (sm. a.) spring st^p; cut-olf; d'attache, (sm. a.) spring catch; d'aiiget, (sm. a.) carrier spring; de baguette, (sm. a.) ramrod spring; de batterie, (am. a.) sear spring; - de barrette, (sm. a.) hand spring (of a re- volver); (de) Belleville, (art.) Belleville spring, spring disk; en bois, v. de garnitvrc; de bouche, (sm. a.) band spring; n boudin, (r.f. art.) Jock spring; a brassardtllf, (sm. a.) upper 1 and spring; de capitcine , (sm. u.) lov/r-r l"i"d spring: de ditente, (r.f. art.) mainspring; (urn. a.) tripper spring; ustributtUT, (sm. a.) spring clip hook; d't .:ibouclioir, (.sm. a.) IH.;>ring; gcchette, (am. a.) spring se ;r: -de grirhdte, (sm. n.) ear spring: rt< (1'irniture, (sm. a.) hand spring: grand . (sm. a.) mainspring; de gri 'I'idiere, (sin. a.) lo\ver band spring, v. gr< nadirrr; de la han.tse, (sm. a.) rear-sin! 1 1 spring: dc lanci merit, (tor p.) discharging spring d>f a torpedo tube); de wise dc feu, (art.) firm;; spring (turret ); de unit, (xm. a.) mains;)ring < ! a g'lnl'iek 1 -, de pir'-iixsion, f-T/.i j>orcu'-sii n of spring; pf'i! , (im. n.) sear spring; ti pincc(s), (art.) clip spring; spring catch; ressort 393 rftahlir ressort plat, (r. f. art.) spring buffer or buffer spring; de pottsfoir, (sm. a.) push-button spring; de rappel (en battene), (art.) return spring;. counter-recoil spring; de recu/ ; (sm.a., etc.) recoil spring; desuritt, (art.) safety spring (o.a fuse); tire-feu, (F. m.art.) spring on sorr.e fold) breech-loading guns, forming part of the safety de ice of the breech closure. II. Springs in general. h (*), fitted with a sprinc (or springs); acierd , (met.) spring steel: aniaijoniste, antagonistic spring; en arc, bow spring; atmosphfiique, air buffer, air cushion; d'attelage, (r. r.) dra\v spring; balanced , spring balance; bander un , to bend, set, a spring: bolte ft (.t), spring box: (r. r.) butter box; boudinfi , spring buffer; d boudin, spiral spring; d boudin d droite et a gauche, right- and left- hand spiral spring; ti branches multiples, zigzag spring; it branches plates, flat-branched spring; bride de , spans: shackle; d C, C spring; condoled , spring latch: r n caoutchouc, india-rubber spring; charged -, spring weight; de choc, (r. r. ) buffer spring; de choc iif millets, ('. r.) plate buffer spring; de cliocd s pirate, (r. r.) spiral buffer spring; d claretie, key spring; <'i coches, notched spring; corn-pax d , spring di iders; * compensateur*, restoring springs; de compression, compressor spring; de connexion, connecting spring; (elec.) con- tact spring; coniqite, coiled or conical spring; fi coupelle, plate or disk spring; coussind , spring cushion: croc, crochet, de , spring hook; dftendre un , to case, M go, relax, a spring; dederivatwn, (elec.) insulated spring; double, double-branched spring; figure-of- eight spring; ti double lame, double-branched spring; ellii'tiqur. elliptic spring; d'enctancnemfnt, spring catch; ttritr de , v. brid< el< ; faire , to spring, tofiy back; to spring back; feitille de , spring plate; afeiiilles, plate spring; iifrtiillrs ctayfrx, carriage spring; de Helton, flexion spring; frdn, spring brake: frottcur. fnotion spring (as for making elec- trical contacts); grand . mainspring; a tjritfe, spring catch; fi hilice, helical spring; d'indicaleiir, (xtt-am) indicator spring; lame dt , plate of a spring; // l lames d alrx, \ . ii lames rtvgcts; lixjt inent dc , spring hole: seat, socket, of a spring; Iriqtuiii , sprint; latch; dn manometre, (steam) gaueo spring; de martenu, spring of;v hammer; monte , spring hook or cramp; de montre, v. a, tn , boudin; inntinr, actuating spring; a i>ince(s), V spring; de piston, (much.) piston spring; packing spring; plat, flat spring, plate spring; ressort 4 -pompe, spiral spring; dt rappel. antagonistic spring; de recfftiion, (elec.) recei erspring; de segment de piston, (mack. ) piston ring; spiral, spiral spring, hairspring; ft, en, spirale, v. d boudin; de sou page, val' e spring; de soujMpe de su-rete. safety-val- e spring; de tutpenfion, suspension spring (of n rail- road car or of a carriage); half-ellipt ic spring; de siupentwnd sniralr, \ olute spring; de timbour, (r. r.) buffer spring; tampon, spring buffer; de tampon, v. de tambenir: tarn non de choc d , (r. r., etc.) spring buffer; tig eft , sprine rod; ti'je de , spring pin: de tiroir, (mach. ) slyle-^alve spring; de torsion, torsion spring; tournc en hilice, conical snring: d, At ; traction, draft spring, traction spring, tug spring; de traction fi spirnle, volute drawspring; traverse du, . spring bar; - en V, V spring; verroud , spring bolt; ' vibrant, oscillating spring; de voit'ire, earri:u r e sprine: (en) volute, volute spring. ressortir, v. n., to ro out again: (fair) to be under the jurisdiction of. ressoiiflir, v. a., (met.) toreweld: toresolder. ressoudure, f/, (met.) rewelding, resolderinf.-. ressurce, f., resource, means: de I'arriere, (mil.) supplies pushed forward by the service dtx iiapit: '-> de I'arTnf, (nil.) resources, supplies, etc., obtained locally; stotMi'iHei, classified, tabulate( tin- horse * to be slow, to be continually slackenim' the gnil : en (>. to go no farthrr; to stop at, discontinue, lea- e otT; sous le frn, (mil.) to remain exposed to t :e enemy's fire; - h him pic, (nar.) to ride short ; darts id main, ( man. t (of the horse) to remain under t ho control of the bit : en jxinnr, (nat . t to remain ho- o to. restif IMT. v. n.. to ret urn, rest ore: dair) to restore to one's ori"inal status. restitution, f., rostitiiiioii. restoration: di>r) restoration to one's original status, rehabilita- tion: (."crc.) determination of a point by the intersection of lines of perspective. re'sultantr, f.. resultant. resuiiH-r. ' . a., tn recapitulate, (o sum up. retaltllr, . a., to rpestiihlisl), repair thoroughly, re- store; to reinstate: les affaire.*-, la Itataillr, le combat, (mil.) to regain the upper hand; retahlir 394 retour retabllr, xe , (gym.) to pull one's self up, to mount on (a horizontal bar, etc.). rttablisscment, m., restoration, reestablishment; thorough repair, doing up; (gym.) act of mount- ing, of seating one's self on the horizontal bar, etc.; par renversement, (gym.) act of pulling one's self up. of mounting on the bar, etc., by turning over it. retaille, f., shred, cutting, clipping (as of plates, siieets, etc.); furrow of a millstone. retainer, v. a., to cut again: to recut a file; (carp., etc.) to cut and fit again; la lance, (mil.) to shorten the lance in the hand. r tamer, v. a., to retin. retard, m.. delay, retardation, slowness, loss: la<: or lost time of any apparatus; (in gen.) the time necessary to cause any apparatus to work, or any operation to proceed; (mil.) delay in re- porting, in returning to barracks; (art. artif.) delay of inflammation: (artif.) delaying fuse; d'aimantation, (elec.) magnetic lag; de dfclanchement, (the.) interval of time between the breaking of a current through an electromagnet and the flying back of the armature; dedesaimantation, (dec.) lag of demagnetiza- tion; - d'cclatement. (art.) horizontal distance a shell goes on ricochet before bursting; en , behind time; backward, slow; etre en sur, (of a watch) to be slow in com- parison with; - de I'etincclle d'inditction, (elec.) lag of an induction spark; d' inflammation, (art.) delay of inflammation, hang fire; h ['introduction, (steam) state of being late (of a slide valve); de In maree, drs marees, v. s. v. marie; de la phase du courant, (dec.) lag of a current; de rtnclanchement, (ehc.) interval of time between the making of a current and the spring- ing into place of the armature. retardataire, a., in arrears, lagging; (mil.) slow in joining, slow in reporting, m.. person in arrears, delinquent; (mil.) recruit slow in joining; man who overstays his pass; person late in reporting for duty. retardation, f., retardation, negative acceleration. retardateur, a., retarding. retarded p. p., delayed, retarded; effet , (art.) delay action (of a fuse). retardement, m., delay; jours de , lay days; des marics, retard of the tide. retarder, v. a. n., to retard, delay, defer, put off, put back; to lose (as of a watch); to go, be, slow; (of the moon) to wane. retassemeiit, m., (met.) pipe (defect in steel). retassure, f., (met.) pipe (defect in steel). retenlr, v. a., to get liold of again; to withhold, retain; to hold, hold back; to keep back, reserve, deduct, take off; to restrain, curb, chock, fold in; to hire, engage, secure; (of horses in harness) to hold back (as going downhill); (man.) to curb, hold in, chock (a horse); (cord.) to guy; unc cause, (luir) of a judge, to declare his competency in a given case; unc imiiirr, (COH.V. ) to cramp down a beam; prisonnitr, to detain anyone as a prisoner; *f , to stop, to bold on; (man.) (of the. horse) to l>e unwilling to advance; to prance instead of going forward. retention, f.. retention; (law) reservation; retention of a case by -i judge. retentir, v. a., to resound, to peal; (art.) to boom (of guns). reteritlsscment, m.. re-sounding; (art.) (of a gun) ptuling, booming. reteiiu, p. p., restrained, checked, etc.; chi > at . horse unwilling to start; par Ics glaces, ice bound. retenue, f., deduction, stoppage, stoppage of pay, charge against one's pay; keeping in (punish- ment in schools); confinement (U. S. M. A.); .basin between two sluices; reservoir of water; '(cord.) guy rope; cable de , balloon rope; (nav.) anchor cable; de c&ble-chaine, (nav.) cable reliever; de chasse, flushing basin or raservoir; corde de , (cord.) pendant, tackle guy; met ire en , (of schools) to keep in: to confine (U. S. M. A.); palan de , (cord.) relieving tackle; d'un pont suspendu, fixture of a suspension bridge; de solde, (mil.) retention of pay. rfctlcule, m., (inst.) reticule, cross hairs, cross wires. rticul, a., reticulated. rtif, a., (man.) obstinate, stubborn, refusing to obey. retirade, f., (mil. min.) mine that bursts into a fourneau de tele (q. v.); (Jort.) retreat, retrench- ment, cut (obs.). retlrer, v. a. r., to draw over again; to withdraw, to retire; to shelter, obtain; to draw from; to remove, unship; to leave, go; to contract, shrink; (of waters) to fall, subside; (of the tide) to ebb; (art., sm. a.) to withdraw (a charge, a load); to fire off again; (mil.) to retire, retreat, draw off; to retire from the service; (cord.) to shrink; : sa parole, to release one's self from a promise; sc d, la prolonge, (art.) to withdraw with pro- longes fixed. rttivete 1 , rCtlvltC, f., (hipp.) obstinacy, refusal to obey. retombee, f. , (conn.) courses of voussoirs near the springing line; (more strictly) elbow of a vous- soir laid near the springing line. retordre, v. a., to retwist, to twist again; to twist together (as two or three strands, cords, etc.). retors, a., twisted; m., (cord.) second twist. rttorsioii, f., (law) retorsion. retorsoir, m., cord wheel; spun-yarn winch. retoucne, f. finishing, dressing, trimming; fitting (as of clothes, i. e., that have to be done over or made to fit): alteration (in any object, to make it serviceable, e. g., articles of uniform). retoucher, v. a. n., to retouch; to dress, finish, trim (as after casting); (much.) to dress, to finish (after main work has been done). retour. m., return; home journey, return journey; an;;le, corner, turn, winding turn, twist; return pipe; (cord.) lead; round turn; (law) reversion; (fort.) flank of a battery; flank or end traverse; return, change of direction, of a sap, trench; (mil. min.) return of a mine; -- i n arrifri , (hipp.) breeding back; tn battcrie, (art.) return to battery; bois nur Ic , trco decaying from age; dwc en , return stroke; - - d'un cordage, (cord.) return lead or part o f a rope led through a leading block; cf>tr en , return side; courant de , (dec.) return current; de. courant, eddy of a stream; dt , back, homeward, homeward bound; droil, v. - d'cqutrre; en , at right angles; (mil.) thrown back (as of a flank, or of a line); d'i'i/uirre, (siege, mil., min.) rectangular change of direction; en d'cquerrc, at right angles; fire xv r Ic , (of tree.',) to ln-gin to die, to fade; fuirc son , (nar.) to ictiirn to the point of departure (of a shipi; fildc - -,(dcr.) return wire: filer un cordage & , (cord.) to pay out a rope with a turn; - d'une manrfurri , (cord.) hauling or running part; dc lu maree, change, turn, of the tide; retour 395 retranchement retour de mine, (mil. min.) change of direction at the intersection of two mine galleries; oblique, (siege, mil. min.) oblique change of direction ; offensif, (mil.) counter attack, return stroke: attempt to recover a position from which just driven; renewed attack (by the offensive); du -piston, (mach.) back stroke, return stroke, of a piston; poulie de , leading block, quarter block; prendre d. , (cord.) to take a turn; prendre un , (cord.) to take a round turn; rapide, (mach.) quick return motion, quick return; rmite de , homeward route; de sape, (siege) change of direction in the sap; de sape double en sape double, (siege) double sap return from a double sap; de sape double en sape simple, (siege) single sap return from a double sap; de sape simple en sape double, (siege) double sap return from a single sap; de sape simple en sape simple, (siege) single sap return from a single sap; tenirii , (cord.) to hold on with a round turn; en tele, (siege) change of direction of same gallery; au type, v. en arriert; vi>'res de , unexpended provisions; voyage de , return voyage. retracer, v. a., to retrace. retrail, a. , bois , wood warped in seasoning.- ret rait, m., repurchase; withdrawal; shrinkage; (fond.) shrinkage, contraction, of cast metal on cooling; (fort.) v. retiradc; ii double . (fond.) with allowance for double shrinkage (said of a model, itself intended to furnish a second model; ; d'emploi, (mil.) suspension, removal from an o.'lice or duty (punishment); etre en , sur, to be back from, not in the same surface with; de la mer, (gradual) withdrawal of the sou; mtttre en d'emploi, (mil.) to deprive of one's ollice or place; de mouture, shorts. retralte, f., retreat, withdrawal, retiring, super- annuation; place of retreat; (commercially) re- newing, counterdraft; drafton the last indorser of a protested note; (tech., nift.) contraction, shrinkage; (cons.) oilset, setback; (ham.) sort of leading rein; (fenc.) retire; (fan.) part of nail' left in the hoof; (crd.) free end (of agin, wind- lass, or capstan rope, etc.); tackle fall; (art.) recoil; (mi/.) retreat (before the enemy); retreat (in garrison), call for retreat; pension, retired pay; retired status, (strictly, FT. a.) st itus of a soldier definitively struck from the rolls of the army with a retiring allowance; retired list; (/ort.) berm. (.'xcept where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing expressions are military) amir sa , to be on pension ; bat tn- en , to r.'i real , to draw oil; SC ball re tn , t > make a running tight ; buttre la , to beat retreat ; cui.'Htf tie , superannual ion fund ; coit'rote numinatif des pirnonnts n:i.ie.i & la , retired list; coup de canon dc , retreat gun, evening gun; coup> r la , to cut oil' t lie retreat ; de . retiring; deiiM ntler sa , to apply for the retired list ; - directe, direct retreat upon object to l>o cov- ered; donner be covered; lieude , (in gen.) place or ret real, hid ing place; mtttre d. la , t > pension olf, to put on tne re- tired list, to retire; mixed la , retiring; miseii la d' office (pour let cnmmissionnex) ,( FT. a.) compulsory retirement ofcommitsionnts; obtenir si , to get one's pension, to get on the retired list; officier en , officer on the retired list; optrer une , to etfect a ret rent ; palan dc , (cord.) training tacVle; piralltle ( m i/.l retreat parallel to the base; pension dc , retiring pension or allowance; sans pension de , un pensioned, without an allowance, wholly retired (V. S. A.); perpendiculaire, retreat perpendicular to the base; piice de , (war., art.) stern chaser: placer en , to cause men and teams \o hold back wagons on steep descents; prendre sa , to go on the pensioned list: to retire upon a pension; to go, or be put, on the retired list; quitter sa , to come out of retirement; sans , v. sans pension de : sonntr la , to sound retreat, the retreat; stratcgique, the retreat of a defeated army after the battle; tvti<]ve, withdrawal of a body of troops de- feated in an assault; tin't, (nav.) evening-gun fire (in military ports). retralte, a., (mil.) retired, on the retired list, pen- sioned; in., person on tho retired list; (strictly, FT. a.) person who has a pension dc rttraite; noil , unpensioned, without an allowance (but still not in service: wholly retired, U.S.A.) officier , retired oilicer. retraiter, v. a., (mil.) to retire. retrancheineiit, m., curtailment, abridging; recess; i/or.'.) retrenchment . intronchment. (The following terms rolate to f >rtilieutions ) a paper; de signitures en rond, to sign round a robin. revOtissement, m., v. revetement. rrvidage, m., reboring, enlargement, of a hole. mider, v. a., to rebore, enlarge, a hole. revlf nt, m., prix de , net cost. revircment, m., turn of t v e tide; transfer; ad- j'lsfment of accounts on the books; (adm.) ex- change of stores. reAlseur, m., examiner, reviser. rtvWon, f. , view, inspection; medical examina- tion; (V.'i. a.) rertsion, roexamination, of small anns after proof; flfs chnudifres, (fteam) boiler testing: canst it de , v. s. v. cor.snl; se poun'nir en , (mil. laic) to lodge an appeal. r vwatlon, f., revocation; (Fr. a.) revocation of warrant < 'V/.t de musique anil commissionnti)', c-noel!r! f i.->n of commission (officers of the re- serve and of the territorial army). revolin, in., eddy wind; back or reverse current, revolti-, P., revolt, mutiny, rebellion; ' ;i , in rov l! . rebellion : i^-.-i'ir, pi>i'!'. ,".' .-.!/.' n- , ( Kreni'h) revolution of 17S9; d'i. 4 st'i'embre, (I'arisian) revolution of September 4, 1*70. revolver, in., (sm. a.) revolver; revolver, & double mouvement, douhle-nction re- volver; iifeu ctmfintt, self-cocVing revolver; a maui'emrntcontinu,xell-coc)fing revolver; A mouvement intermittent, single-uction re- volver; 6 maunement simple, single-action revolver; d n cmips, n-chamlHTed revolver; d'offvirr, officer's revolver; pi*tolet , navy revolver ( France). revt>quer, v. a., to revoke, recall; (mil.) to dis- charge; (Fr. a.) to withdraw one's employ- ment (v. rfvotation). r*voyeur, m., canal dredge (boat). revue, f., examination, survey, inspection; (rt.it.) revie.v, muster, inspection; also "review and inspection," I". S. A.; admi'iixtriti-e, (I-'r. a.) review made by the administration. as distinct from a purely mil- itary inspection; de dftiil, ( Fr. a.) general kit or equipment inspection, examination of account hool s. rto. (general's inspex;ti(.n; may take place in quar- ters); d'effeclif, (Fr. a.) general inspection (made by the intendance, or else by an oilicial of the contrnle, for the purpose of verifying num!>ers); muster (l r . S. A.); d'ensemble, (mil.) general inspection; faire la dc, to review, survey, examine, make an inspection; de jtrrure, (mil. slang) said of a horse that plunges and kirks out (shows his shoes); grnnde , (mil.) grand, ceremonious, review; field day; * d'honneur, (Fr. a.) review held at a general inspection; d'inspection, (mil.) kit inspection: d'inatalla'inn, ( Fr. a.) review held by the general commanding a corps, on taking com- mand of it ; de liquidation, (Fr. a. adm.) quarterly com- parison of regimental accounts, in order to balance and se' t le them ; de linge et chaussurts, v. de petit fqnii>e- ment; passer en, la, une, , (mil.) to review; pass(rla de, (mil .t to hold a re view; toreview aparticularrefrimeutorcorps.ete.: t" ' e-psv^fd in review by, to be reviewed by; to mustt r, to be mustered; depitit fij'tipement, (mil.) kit inspection: de proprrte, (mil.) inspect i n (,of cl thes, arms, etc.); Saturday morning inspection (T. S. A.); de xin/f , medical inspection. rez, m., level. rez, prep. .close to, on the level with: de mur, interior measurement, in the clear; (-)pi(d, even, level, with the ground; (-)terre. v. pinl: tronc, close to the trunk. rez-de-chaussee, in., ground level: street level; ground floor: ft , level with the ground; (in , on the ground lloor. rez-mur, m., (rnii.*.) inner f:\ce of a wall: ol-vr '.'<. tance between walls: croir taut d> jiirdx (It , 'of a beam to ! so long in the clear. n'7-terre, in., even surface of the ground . rliabilla^e, in., repair, meiidiiig. j'ltcl.ing v , so as to reiiilor serviceal le; (more o-p. .;. a.) repair of damaged small ari"s. rhabllli-r, v. a., to repair: to drr:itcTr: djiisteiir, (sm. a.) workman who mends and (its. rheostat, m.. (rlec.) rheostat: 'A cltf, plug rheostat : d'firitntion , motor rheoslal ; (i liqitiilf. hyilr'Tluvstiit: a mantHi , >li, f., squall, gust (of wind). riser, v. a., (nar.) to reef. risque, m.. risk: - de capture, risk of capture: s dc guerre, risks of war; s dc mcr, perils of the deep: dangers of the sea; d ms ,v <7 pf-ril.i, at one's own risk. risse, f., (cord.) gripe, lashing, trapping, rope. risser, v. a., (HOC.) to lash to lhi> dock. ris^on, m., four-clawed grapnel. rhage, in., mor bank; shore (of the sea. of a lake); (tick.) riveling. rive, f., bank, shore, border (of a si ream, of a lake); towpath; skirt, edge, border (of a wood); (fan.) edge, border (of a horseshoe); amie. (mil.) our side, our bank, of the river; d'arrirfe, (punt.) bank to which a bridge is built or toward which it is dismantled; --de depart, (pont.) bank from which a bridge is built or from which it is dismantled; dcuiieme, , v. d'nrriile; droitc, right bunk (of a stream); r!?e robinet rive ennemie, (mil.) the enemy's side, the other .side of a stream; ezterne (interne), (fan.) outer (inner) border of a horseshoe; d'un four, border of a furnace; gauche, left bank (of a stream); jrremifre , v. de depart; teconde , v. d'arrivle. rive p. p., bent over (of a sword point, etc.). rtvement, m., clinching (of a nail). river, v. a., to clinch; to clinch a nail; to rivet; mordacheb , v. s. v. mordache; presse it , v. s. v. pressc; sur virole, to clinch on a ring. (For other compounds, see ritetage and rioure.) riverain, m., person living on the bank of a river or lake; owner of property situated along a road, a forest; (in pi.) inhabitants of both sides of a street. riverain, a., riparian; bordering on a forest; owning property situated along a forest, road, or street; proprietaries *, (near) neighbors; propriftes es, neighboring property. rivet, m., rivet, clinch; (farr.) clinch of a horseshoe nail; border of a horseshoe; (cons.) edge of a roof at the gable; d'assemblage, rivet connecting two or cor- responding parts; bnuterolle^ snap-head rivet; chix.it , riveting set; de clou d'un fer & cheral, (farr.) horseshoe clinch; ecartement drs s, pitch of rivets; enfoncer la tite d'un , to countersink a rivet; ti entretoise, stay bolt; filde, threaded bolt; funcLT un , v. en/oncer la tfte d'un ; fraite. countersunk rivet; fraixer la tele d'un , v. en/oncer la tete d'un ; marteau ft , riveting hammer; noye, countersunk rivet; noyer un , (farr.) to clinch a nail; rang de ,?, row of rivets; reftmlcr un . v. s. v. refouler; fi tfteaiyituree, flush-head rivet; fi tfte conique, conical- head rivet; a tetefraiste, flush, countersunk, rivet; fi tfte perdue, countersunk, flush, rivet; n ique, conical riveting: a left frnisrf, countersunk riveting; tripli, ti trnix ranis, triple riveting; r'-i-ii-i is, chain rivet inf: rn zigzag, zigzag riveting. riveter, v. a., to rivet. rivet-paillette, m., ( J-'r. art.) primer reen force (De Hetfye cartridge). rivour, m.. riveter. ri\eu*e, (marh.) riveting machine: a rapeu-r, steam riveting machine. riviere, f., river: (lop.) narrow valley containing a few feel ile springs (rare;; favxse , (top.) temporary or overflow channel of a river; riviere, la de Olnes, the Riviera; haute, full river; marchande, na\ igable river. rivolr, m., riveting hammer: rivet set. rtvure, f., hinge pin; pin-connected joint; (action of) riveting; the head of a rivet (shaped in titu); riveted joint(s), rivet joint; clinched end of a rivet; bombee, snap-head riveting; en carre, chain or square riveting; a chalne(f,, chain riveting (butt riveting, butt-joint riveting); ft chafnt.1 double, double chain riveting (double butt riveting); fi chatnt.i simple, single chain riveting (single butt riveting); conique, conical, hammered joint, riveting; convergent : r. group riveting; convergence i n rangs, n -group riveting; ti deui rangs. double riveting; donble, double riveting; double b. rec'iuvrement, double lap rivetimr; enfchiquier. zigzag, snake, staggered, riveting: de fvrrt, special riveting, riveting of special strength; fraixee. countersunk riveting; en goutte de sitif, round-head riveting: de joints, edge riveting; plate, llat riveting, flush riveting; pl'it-joint, butt-joint riveting; fi points de diamant, conical riveting: fi rccoti i-rernent, lap (joint) riveting; fi recouvrement double (simple) double (single) lap (joint) riveting; rectangulain, square or chain riveting; si w pie, si ngle ri veting ; si mpled recourremeni, single lap ("joint ) ri\ et- ing; ri trots rangs, treble riveting; :igzag, en zigzag, staggered, zigzag, rivet- ing; rixe, f., quarrel, disturbance; combat, scuffle. riz, m.,rice. rizifre, f., rice field, rice plantation. riz-paln-sel, m., (mil. slang] anyone connected with the commissary department. robe, f , dress, robe (of a judge, etc.); the ma"is- tracy; (hipp.) (coat of a horse): name for the whole of the hairy eo.eringof a horse, tail and mane included ; binaire, coat of two elements; de cheral, coat of a horse: cltei'eaur dt mfme , horses matched in color; compost e, composite coat 'more than <.ne color); de den ;ioj/.v. mixed coat ft wo colors, p. g., gray); - d'un sail i><>il. simple co:it (only one color;: simplr, simple coat i sin irle color i; -ti-rrnirt, coat, of I hrt i> rlcniciils: d( trots poilx, mixed coat 't liree elements). rob! i let, m., cock: tap: plug of a ooo\; (art. ) con- nect ing tube (of a combination fuse>: (."'tarn) Corliss \al\e; d'nd mission, -team CMC'.. adn:i>sioncock: ii'nir, air cod. : uliinentnire, d'ali mentation, feed cock; - - n 'iitlnirt. angle coc!;; d'arrit, st opcock ; d'arrosttiie. wulcr-sor ice cod:: d'as/>fra/io7i, suction cool,: autoinntt wr, self-act ing cod; : pour Ixiirea mime, bib cock; boissi'iit de -, shell of a cock: --fi boixnenu, ordinary faucet, plug cock: de hoite ii graissf. grease cod- : clefdc , plug of a cock: de chandifn . gauge coc'.- : fi clefcreiise. hollow jilug coc'.. - dr'c'tmmiiniratin'i, communicating cock; rondenseur, coii'lens^-r coir Icfonri, bottom blow-off cock; d'eirractiun {i la surface, brine cock, scum cock, surface blow-off cock; a feu, fire plug; tlottetn, float gauge; de goiiet, tallow cock; araglnce, ice cock; poignte de -, handle of a cock; de jirise dc rajxur, steam cock; de prise d'e r iu d to mer, sea cock; ile purge, drain cock, air cock, clearing cock; IX! t cock 'of a pump; jiurqiur, drain cock; purgeur dc cylindn, c- Under drain cock; rechauffcur, heating cock; dc rrgurd, gauge cock; dc rem/'iissage, hlling cock fas, art., of a recoil cylinder); reparaleur. relief cock; dc ntenve, stopcock; a rotation, rotary cock; dc nel, sediment cock; sovf/lcur, blast cock; a sou- pa i ic, valve faucet, disk plug valve: rif xfiri-tr, safety cock, shut-olt cock, stop- cock, safety water plug or faucet; test cock; rnlre, gate valve; d nilKi, rotating valvo: rannr, gate valve; sluice gate, plug, cock, faucet: feed-valve or cock; it rn/n nr, steam cock; a nipmr titincttur, steam fire-oxtinguishing cock; ririiicfif' ur, pft cock; ih riil'iiiij', blow-oil' cock, driin cock, blow- dnwn cock; (/< ridimii df />'/>/, watcr-orllet cock: a ri., screw faucet. robinetterle, f., cocks and valves. robre, m., oak, English oak. rolinrlte, f., (erjil.) roburite. roc, m., rock, mass of rock; df , rocky. rocaillo, f., rock work. rocailleux, a., (linty, stony. rocantin, m., v. roquentin. roche, f., rock, rocks, mass of rock; hardest stone of a quarry; calcareous, semlcompact stone, containing shell prints; lump (of coal); crude borax; (in pi.) overburnt or vitrified bricks; (met.) horse; bane de , (hydr.) reef; converted la miree, (hydr.) half-tide rock; iifeu, (artif.) Valenciennes composition, I'.re- stone; ii fleur d'eau, (hydr.) rock on a level with water; fond dc , (hydr.) rocky bottom; noyf-e, (hydr.) sunken rock; ou'i decouvre d mi-marl c, (hydr.) half-tide rock; d sel, rock salt; d smtdir, soldering stone; sous I'eau, (hydr.) sunken rock. roclier, in., high, steep, rock; (hydr.) rock (above water), small islet; bane de . (hydr.) reef; gui veille, (hydr.) rock above water. rocher, v. a., to sprinkle with borax. rochet, m., (much.) rack, ratchet, ratchet wheel; ratch; a'encliquttage, ratchet wheel; rayuri'd , v. s. v. rnyure; roue d , ratchet wheel, click. rochette, f., (artif.) war rocket (obs.). rocheux, a., rocky. roclioir, v. a., solder box. rodage, m., grinding; d I'emeri, grinding of a lens (with emery). roder, v. a., to grind, to rub together; to polish (as bird shot); d I'emeri, to grind with emery. roder, v. n., to work smoothly (of a machine, a mechanism); to have play; sur son ancrc, (nan.) to veer at anchor; sur un pivot, to turn on a pivot. roilct, m., horizontal mill wheel. rodoir, m., polisher; grinder; d I'emeri, emery stick. rogatoire, a., commission , (law) requisition by one judge on another. rogue, f., scab, mange, inveterate itch; mildew on wood. roa;iie-pied, m., (farr.) farrier's butleris, rasp. rogner, v. a., to pare, scrape, trim; to cut oil; Ic piid d'un cheval, (Jan.) to pare a hoof. rognrux, a., scabby, mangy, itchy. roRiion, m., kidney; kidney stone; (ham.) cantle (of a saddle); bande de , (horn) cantle plate; blisxiirc OUT . (hi/iji.) navel gall; .v de fcr norjcs dans I'asphalte, (cuns.) iron con- crrte; mine en s, (met.) kidney ore. roRiuire, f., shred, clip]>ing, paring. rol, m., king. rOle, in., sheet (of writing, on both sides); list, catalogue; (mil.) roll, rolls, roster, muster roll (obs. in France; contrdle nominatif is used in- stead); (lair) calendar (of cases to be tried); (math.) roller; (rifii .) bill; , de combat, (nar.) quarter bill: d'fijui/xiQi:, (not.) list, muster roll, of (ho shin's company; il'incendie, (nav.) fire-station bill; pnr/rr stir Ic , (mil.) lo put or carry on the rolls; di pnsfr, (nar.) station bill; dc quart, (rwr.) watch bill; - des xoldutSj (mil.) muster roll; it tnur <1> , in turn; (mil.) by roster (of duty). romalllet, m., v. roinbuilltl. roniaiii. a., Itoman; (mil.) infantryman frare). romainc, f., steelyard: lever 'of a weighbridge); sliding-weiirht testing machire: ro|>e-testing machine; roman detteriii!' for maps;; droitc, upright roman (for villaues on maps); romaine 401 ronucllc romaine 4 leviers multiples, compound-lever test- ing machine; oscillante, steelyard: jienchte, inclined roman (for hamlets on maps). romballlet, in., graving piece, dutchman. romlte, f., (expl.) romite. rompre, v. a. r. n., to break, break in pieces, a winder; to burst through; to destroy (as roads, bridges, etc.); to break the effect of; to interrupt, discontinue, prevent, avert, break oil, divert, keep oil; to fail in an obliga- tion; to fatigue; to train, accustom to, become, accustomed to; (opt.) to refract; (fenc.) to retire (said also of Ixixing); (cord.) to part; (mil.) to break an enemy's line; to reduce, diminish , the front (as of a column for a march); to pass from line to column: to break in,to column; to lose one's formation; une armte, (mil.) to break up or disband an array; Its anitx, (mil.) to break one's arrest: un bittillon, etc., (mil.) to break through a battalion, etc.; lecamp. (mil.) to break up camp; tin cirn, (mil.) to break a square; to reform into column from square; charge, to break bulk; un cht.-nin, to break up a road; un cheral, (man.) to break a horse; un chevaltiune allure, (man.) to train a horse to a gait ; en colnnne, (mil.) to break into column; le combat, (mil.) to break oil a fight; le cou d' an cheral (man.) to make the head of a horse flexible; un coup, to weaken or deaden a blow; un cours d'tau, to divert a stream; to turn a stream off; uu courant, (elec.) to break a current; to open a circuit: d droit, (mil.) to break into column to the right; -I'tau^d un chcval, to interrupt a horse whil.> drinking, to keep him from drinking his fill; Its ftuxcejiux , (mil.) to break stacks; a la fatigue, to inure to fatigue; le fd, \. un cours d'eau; fi gauche, (mil.) to break into column to the left; la glace, to break the ice; un gui ' , to destroy a ford; a la gutrre, (mil.) to inure to war; la memrc, (fenc.) to retire while parrying; la nesur( h .Tin adi'trsatre,(frnc.) to keep one's adversary from delivering his thrust; le pa.v, (mil.) to break step, to take route step (as in going over bridge); 'in print, to destroy a bridge; la prixnn, to break jail: Irs rang*, (mil.) to break ranks, to be dis- missed (as after drill); It xnl/ii'tre, to pulveme saltpeter; la stun lit-, (fine.) to retire a foot's length: -~une Iroiipe, (mil.) to drive in a body of troops, throw it into disorder. roinpii, p. p., broken: trained: (rw.) carried aA'ay; (mil.) defeated, broken up; r'n min . broken road: fatigue, war, etc.; train -, ("an.) broken L':iit, resembling the aubin and the traifiif nanl, ! ier; - 'irtiticirllf, (mil., for/.) obstacle or enlangle- ment composed of M>iral or barbe be on one's rounds; /'/ire la , (mil.) to make rounds; major, (mil.) round made by a field officer or by the major of the garrison; grand rounds; de niiit, (mil.) night rounds; d'officier, (mil.) officer's rounds; officier de , (mil.) officer of the rounds; de .loux-officier , (mil.) n. c. o.'s rounds; supirieure, (mil.) grand rounds. rondeau, in., (art.) astragal, round molding on a gun. ronrtelle, f., any (small) round of wood or metal washer, packing washer, scutcheon, disk, wad round-nosed chisel; (po>rd.} disk, pellet; (art. face plate, obturator plate; vent-bush plate small washer for the points of a star gauge (mach.) dial; (met.) disk of (purified) Copper agrafe, (art.) primer spindle catch; annulaire, ring washer; d'urrft, (steam) screw of safety-valve lever arrftoir(e), stop; (sm. a.} cut-oil; (urt.j wooden base plug or bottom of a canister: litllni/le, l!flle\ ille disk or spring: drug hook: hook v. asher; u cntchftii onilh , dirt.) drag hook; -, leather disk or washer; - ir>. ; roed friction primer. rosee, f.. 'lew; j>i;it d( , dew-j)oint . rosette, f., rosette: red ink; rod chalk: burr, rivet plate, disk, washer, scutcheon: spur rowel: clout nail; specie (defect < in wood, etc.; (met.) ca.-e of (purified) copper; (cord.) rose lashing; dc battant, (sin. a.) lore-swivel stud; ft b'liicle eta anniau. rivet plate, with loop and ring attached; cvirrc de , v. s. v. ciihri; crochet, (art.) hook and plate; -piton de chaine d'tnrnyage, (ordinary wag- ons) lock-chain plate; in talus, beveled washer. rossard, m., (carrier pigeons) poor, worthless, pigeon. rosse, f., (man.) worthless horse; jade. rosslffnol, in., nightingale; picklock; quarryman's fork; (carp.) mortise wedge; (mach.) air valve, snifting valve; (hipp.) artificial fistula (ig- norantly supposed to help the breathing of a broken-winded horse). roster, v. a., (cord.) to woold. rosture, f., (cord.) woolding; faire unc , to woold. rotariR, m., v. rot-in. rota* if, a., rotatory, rotating: m'irhine ve, rotary engine; outil , rotating tool. rotation, f., rotation; (man.) action of turning on the snot; crcmaitlerc h , (mach.) revolving rack. rotative, f., (mach.) rotary engine. rotatoire, a., rotatory. roter, v. n., sur I'avoine, (hipp.) to be off his feed ; sur la besogrte, (hipp.) to bo lazy, unwilling to work. rOtir, f , (cons.) running up of a (party) wall at one-half the thickness of the lower part. rotiri, m., rattan. rotir, v. a., to roast; (met.) to roast ore. rfltissase, m., (met.) roasting, calcining. rotolde, m., solid of revolution, rotule, f.,kneepan; whirlbone; (mac?).) small roller or wheel; s'articultrh , v. s. v. articuler. rot-vert, m., (hipp., /am.) cryptorchid, crypt- orchis, (popularly) ridgeling/rig. rouaWe, m., rake, fire rake; a vase, mud rake. rouage, m., (mach.) wheelwork; wheels; train wheels; machinery, mechanism; batter ie en , v. s. v. batterie; bois de , wheel timber; fi chaine, (mach.) chain wheelwork; ft courroie. (mach.) strapped wheelwork; debit du , (mach.) travel of wheelwork in unit time; prendre en , v. s. v. prendre. rouan, a., m., (hipp.) roan; roan horse; cap de more, roan with black mane and tail; cheral . roan horse; clair, light roanj white predominates'*: fonct., dark roan (brownish red predomi- nates): ordinaire, ordinary roan (red, white, and black in substantially equal quantities); robe ne, roan coat ; rincm, rod (blood, strawberry, wine) roan (red in predominance). rotianne, f., marking tool, branding iron: ii niarqvir, timber marker; - (/( piimjie, pump borer. rouan ne, a., (hipp.) said of a gray coat with chest- nut hairs. rouaiiner, v. a., to mark, brand: to bore; une purnpc. to enlarge the bore or channel of a pump. rou::iinettc, f. , small marking tool, scraper, pointer. roui-. 1., wheel. I. Machinery: II. Water whorls; III. Ve- hicles and miscellaneous. I. Machinery: f> ac/i'in dirtclc (in-lincfi'i, direct (.indirect.) not in;,' wheels; - -a aile, lly wheel; ('/ alluchonx, cogwheel; d'niirilc, bevel wheel, bovelgear; mil er wheel /--nr I arbre, \\ heel and axle; ,s- d'axKortiment, interchangeal.-Io fJ ( '- ir ! - barbiitin, sprocket, wheel; cn!ny d'une , keying, wedging, of a wheel; - enlie, wheel keyed or wedged on; cnlir n ni , to wedge, to key, on a wheel; d cam en, cam wheel, wilier wheel; roue 403 roue roue de carrilre, quarry capstan; ft chalne(s), chain wheel, chain pulley; de champ, crown wheel, face wheel; changement de s, change wheels; ft chevrons, wheel with V-shaped teeth; en cttur, heart wheel; & coins, wedgefriction wheel; de commande, driving wheel; conductrice, driving wheel, main wheel; conduilt, driven wheel; conique, v. d'angle; conique menante, main cone driving wheel (of a steam windlass); iicorde, cable pulley; ft couronne, v. de champ: de courroie, belt pulley; bcoutranr, rotary cutter (wood working); creuse, internal wheel; cylindrique, spur wheel; cylindrique ft dents hilicmdalts, cylindrical spiral pear; decalage d'une , unkeying of a wheel; decalee, loose, idle, wheel; dicaler une , to unkcy, release, a wheel; ft declic, ratchet wheel; dent de, d'une, , cog; dentee, toothed or cogged wheel; gear wheel; dentee ii action dirccte (indirecte), direct- (in- direct-) acting tootlied gearing; dentee d'angle, v. d'angle; dentee d, couronne, v. de champ; dentee ft couronne interieure, crown wheel with internal teeth; dentee cylindrique, spur wheel; dentee ft dents de bois, mortise wheel; dentee droite, v. dentee cylindrique; dentie epicycloidale, v. epicycloidale; dentee en qfnges, v. en etages; dentee interieure, v. interieure; denteed rochet, v. & declic; a dents, cogwheel; ft dents de bois, mortise wheel; fi dents de cotes, \. de champ; ft dents droites, straight-toothed wheel; - ft dents etagees, v. en etages; fi denture etterieure (interieure), spur (internal) wheel; -ft dents inclinees, obliques, oblique-toothed wheel; sans denture, friction wheel; dfxcngrener Us a, to ungear the wheels; detachee de I'essieu, loose, idle, wheel; de distribution, starting wheel; droite, spur wheel; doubled filets symetriques, v. ft chevrons; ft emboitemcnt, double-flanged wheel; ft einpreintrs, sprocket wheel; d'encliquetaqe, ratchet wheel; endentee, cog wheel; d'engrenage, gear wheel; engrenage di , gearing; d'engrenageconique, miter wheel, bevel wheel; d'engrenage intericur, aimular wheel, in- ternal wheel; d'cngnnageli vis, worm wheel; cnarenant extiricurement (intMeurement), ft engrenemerU titirieur (intirieur), .spur (annular) wheel; - -i i>ic:jclo"tdah, epieyelnidal wheel; --in etage/t, stepped gearing, Jlooke's gearing; - -i'toilte, star wheel; - - i fcentriqui , eccentric wheel: a filets co niqutx, spiral bevel-gear wheel; ft lltitx In ' lifii'ida ur. :-piral-gear wheel; Julie, loose, idle, wheel; iifourchdtc, forked wheel; ilfriction, friction wheel; ti friction cnniqut , friction wheel for inclined axes; - fi friction cylindriqut , frii-tion wheel for paral- lel axe.s; - --it . frotte ment, friction wheel or gearing; iifrnttf nit nt a admit directe (indincti ). diriX't- ( indirect-) acting friction wheel, friction gear- ing; roue tans frottement, Hooke's gearing; -ft gorge, double-flanged wheel; grande d'engrenage, driving wheel; (ft, ,) hflicf, worm, worm wheel, screw wheel; hi-Iirmdalf, spiral-gear wheel: hyiitrbolique, skew wheel, skew-bevel wheel; inJt pendante , loose wheel; intfrieure, internal wheel, annular wheel; inter mediaire, intermediate wheel (or gearing); ft lanterne, lantern wheel; libre , v. independante; ft mai'n,handwheel; de mannuirc, operating wheel, working wheel; menante, driving wheel; mtnit, driven wheel: motrice. driving wheel, main wheel; petite , scroll wheel; ft pigjwn, wheel and pinion; plane, plane gear wheel; planetaire, planet gear wheel; vneumatique, ventilator; ft rainures, grooved wheel; rechaiisser une , to recog a wheel; s ion rcciproques. single wheels; de renioi, reversing wheel; ft rochet, ratchet wheel; satellite, sun-and-planet wheel: snlairc et planetnire, siua-and-planet wheel; striec, worm wheel; subordonnee, driven wheel; s gynvtriques, wheels belonging to the same set or gear; tour de , (mack.) reciprocation; - d'un tour, lathe wheel; travailleuse, driving wheel; vis, screw wheel; ft vis sans fin, worm wheel; volante, fly wheel. II. Water wheels: arbre de , paddle shaf t; aube de , paddle; ft aubcs, paddle wheel, mill wheel: ft aubes articuliis, feathering paddle wheel; ft aubcs courbcs, paddle wheel with curved float board; ft aubcs files, radial paddle wheel; ft aubes en porte-a-faux, overhanging paddle wheel; ft atigets, bucket wheel; ft amjets de cote, breast water wheel, bucket wheel: ft augcts de dcssna. en drssus, overshot wheel; ft ate vertical, turbine: ft baqucts, bucket wheel; camf de , paddle box; chemin de la , wheel race: ft choc, v. ft iialdtiK planes; decoti, middle-snot wheel: breast wheel; (/( cote classiqur, standard or typo water wheel; coin irture df ,y,caisscde - : /air dirriert . high breast wlieel: in dtitaou*, undershot wlieel; < n dtssuii, rcast wheel, middle-shot whiM'l; - -hydraHlique par dirrien , high breast wheel: - - hy.lraiitiquc lit disunity (drsstix). under- ^over-) shot wheel; hydrnnliqufli moitlii', mill wlieel: hydranliqiii ft imlitti.i, lla.>l) wlieel; - - h>idraiiliqiit' i rsain '(pi miqui ). si oo]> wheel, 1'ersian wlieel; mobile, working wheel (,of tho Foiirneyrou turbine); roue 404 roulage roue, moyeu de d aubes, paddle-wheel boss; mue en dessous, undershot wheel; mue. en dessus, overshot wheel; ordinaire, ordinary paddle wheel; d pales, v. d aubes; pale de , paddle; d palettes, flash wheel; d palettes planes, undershot wheel; nendante, stream wheel (no dam); a piston, chain pump; d poire, tub wheel; de poilrine, breast wheel; en portc-d-faux, overhanging water Tfheel; d pots, overshot wheel; de puits, water wheel; rayon de , paddle arm; d reaction, reaction wheel; d scant, v. d go-lets; tambour de , v. cause de ; tourtrau de I'l aubes, v. moyeu de d aubes; turbine, turbine; d, tympan, \. & godets. III. Vehicles and miscellaneous: sarcoiiplcis, coupled wheels (of a locomotive); arriert, hlud wheel; hiiul wheel of a bicycle; d'arriere, hind wheel; stern wheel of a river boat; trailing wheel (as of a locomotive); de I'arTif re-train, hind wheel of any four- wheeled velu'cle; d'arant, leading wheel (as of a locomotive); fore wheel of any four-wheeled vehicle; d'avant-train , (art.) limber wheel; s de I'arant -train, fore wheels of any four- wheeled vehicle; avec rais, spoke wheel; bondage de , tire; bateau d s, (nar.) sido-wheeler; de bois, wooden truck (wheel); bolte de , nave box; de cattle, (cord.) cable coil; calage d'une , scotching of a wheel; calie, scotched wheel; ciler line , to scotch a wheel; de canon, hour wheel; chnn'jer une , (art.) to change wheels; chdlrtr vnc , v. s. v. chair cr; de chauxitce, minute wheel; ii chevilles, quarrier's treadmill; dc commaiide, v. conduct rice; connnaiiitff, (locomotive) driver; ile. commettagc, (cord.) laying wheel; de comp'c, - coinpttur. register; conductrice, driving wheel (,of u locomotive); de cordage, coil of rope; dt'rr.ltr une , to unscoieh :\ wheel: dentfc, sprocket wheel of a bicycle, ill drrrifn, \. d'lirriirt; i , (tirtif.) e.ii h:\rine wheel; -dii gourirnnil , (nf wood 1 . rougir, v. a. n., to redden; to prow red; (mil.) to heat red hot; n, en, blnnc, (met.) to bring to welding he-U; /,;/,, - t (mil.) (o heat red hot. rouill;i(;e. m., rusiing iesp. of iron and steel in the "pen air). ronille, f.. nisi; - '/. c'lirre, verdigris. rouiller, v. a. r.. to nisi : xr , to become rusty. ouilleux, a., rusty. oulllure, f., rustiness fof metals, and nf nats, etc. i. nulr. v. n. (ronl.) to rel. ouissage, in., l curd.) retting. oulage, m.. rolling: ea-^e nf rolling; cartngp. v.-heel transportation; transfer mf baggage;; transfer otlice; transfer company; biovrling; cerclt de , tlesh hoop of a drum; roulage 405 route roulagc, par It , by land transportation; ptiil - , carrier; utrgeite de , v. cfrrle de ; voiture de , transfer, baggage, express, wagon. roulant, a., rolling, easy, (of roacis) easy running, (of vehicles) easy for teams; armfc 1, (slang) chain garip; (mil.) stragglers; boulet , (art.) shot without us sabot (of spheri- cal. shot, obs.); e.Vw in , road easy for carriages; feu , (77! it.) rolling f.rc, running f re; fonds , funds for current expenses; materiel , (r. r.) rolling stock. roule, tn.,log (for sawing into planks, etc.). route, a., shaky (of wood). rouleau, m., roil, roller; cylinder; log (for sawing up. etc.); road roller; sheave, drum; (mack.) rolL cylinder, friction roller; (art.) roller (in mechanical maneuvers); roller of a top carriage; (sit ye) sajj roller; (curd. ) coil; (mas.) course, ring, of vousscirs in a thick arch; alimentaire, (modi.) feed roller; 7- de bandcs, (mtd.) field dressing; compres&cw, (mach., etc.") press roll; road roller; de culasse, (art.) brooch roller; dUivreur, (mich.) delivery roll or roller; a dtpiquer, thrashing roll; de dilatation, (cons.) expansion rollers; icraseur, road roller; clireur, (mach.) drawing roller; grand , (art.) long roller; guide, (math.) roller, guide roller, belt guide; de manoeuvre, (art.) roller; petit , (art.) short roller; de prcssivn, (mach.) press roll; de srconrs, (med.) roll containing articles of first aid to asphyxiated, drowned, etc., per- sons; support, (mach.) supporting roller (of a cable transmission); tend cur, (mach.) tension roller; dc tension, (much.) tightening pulley, tension roller; o vapcur, steam roller. roulement, m., roll, rolling; ease of rolling (bicycle, etc. >; circulation of money; rotation of ollice; (mug.) roll of a drum, rullle; (mil.) alternation of duly by roster; transfer (as of troops from one point to another); (met.) working season, continuance of Mast; dcs effcts, (nilm.) movement or shifting of stores in magazines, so that longest in shall be used iirst; faire un , to roll; funds tie , funds for current expenses; defondx, rapid circulation of money; ilu hautfouriKau, (nut.) working season of a furnace. rouler, v. a. n., toroll; towind, roll, tip; to "wheel" (bicycle;: to tumble; to turn, run, on wheels; to roll (of sounds); to rotale in the i>crforiim;iee of a duly: (mil.) to be on the rosier; to take duly, service, by roster; ( ;w.) to roli; a chri'al, (inn.) to wobble in the saddle, to have absolutely no seat it! all; --- 1 -naimlili , (mil.) to take duty by turns on 111" same roster (said of oflieers of the same' grade); i ittrr nis, v. inxnnli't': friirr , to trun]>urenif, (nav.) steered course; birrer une - , to stop a road; barrir la - d quelqu'un, to stop, check (as troops, etc.); -- d. barricTt, tnrnpiVe; - battue, beaten road, path; - ImmfMf, convex, barreled, road, (n cailfav, metaled road, broken-stone road; - A carrosxer, carriage road; - chaussit, liit'h road; chuussee de - , roadl ed; circulation sur unt - . t raffic on a road; clfiturc de - , road fence; clou dc - , v. s. v. clou; - comhinee, (nar.) compound coi r>e: - au cow pas, (wr.) compass course; commas de - , (nar.) steering compass; construction des - 1>, road making; conslruire unc - , to make a road; corrifet , (nav.) trve course; - -- corrijit dc la derive, (nar.) course corrected for leeway: - --- carri'iit dc la dei'iation, (nar.) co;:rsc corrected for deviation: -- ere use. hollow road: drgrndii, broken road: - - d( : [Hirt< mentalr, country road; 'in Frano 1 ) road kept up by a dc/mrfc m< nt and having a number in the departtwfnt onlv; deterioration ri'une - , wear and tonr of a road: delirioratinn par arrachfniint d'unc ----- , tear of a road; direction dcs - s, line of draft : dnnmr la -- , (nw.) to ~ei the course: - - ;>nr cnu, water journey; - -- nnpii rr/, stone-ballasted road; en -- . on the \vav, road, march: nu-iii.-txii , road with hidi bunks; t ii'.-aixxt UK nt de -- , bu i o. bed, of a nwl: i nfrin.'i't, road full of chucks: ->i/h>i(i ( nar.) dt id-reckiiiiirg; ' road, a wroii'r take the wrong fnirr ---- t'l pin!, to foot if. - f'ltiiin- 1 . heavy road; - iii f, r. railway; firrii, metaled road: broken-stone ro fm, Hi di --- . v. s. v. fniiil,: r aliowaiu- gran:!', iiriindt , ------ , lii;:h road; --- iin ft rinli , n-U ioiial road; indtmnili de . v. s. \ . ni.li uni'tf: inrgalf, ron/h. rnujed. road; inii iiitvr dt ., road enirineer; --- ilirna I'lti/trimr. i mil.) march from o to another at home: itiiitrairt 'If -- , (iil.) road reiiori : - kUomctrn. road \vith kilometers marked off; route 406 rugueux route, liner une & la circulation, to open a road to the public; {i la macadam, macadamisce, macadam road; magnetique, (nav.) compass course; jxir mer, sea journey; se melfre en , to march, go, off; to set out; mettre le cap en , (nav. ) to head for; militaire, military road; muMiere, horse road; nationale, high road; (in France) national highway built and kept up by budget of pub- lic work's, and numbered in series for the whole of France; de niveau, road on a level with the surround- ing country; nccud de "a, v. s. v. iwevd; ordinaire, common road, "dirt road" (U. S.); outrage d'art de , road masonry, stonework; ovirir une , to open a road; parcourue, (nav.) course made good; de jxirtance, (7iav.) outward voyage; pavee, paved road; a peage turnpike; position de , (art.) traveling position of a gun; & profil parlie en deblai, partie en remblai, road naif exca^ ation, half embankment; publique, high road, government road; raboteuse, rough, rugged, road; remblai de , road embankment; se remettre en , to leave, set out, start, again: de retour, homeward voyage; royale, king's road, national road, parlia- mentary road ; xirategique, v. militaire; tenir une , (nav.) to steer a particular course; en ttrrain naturcl, surface road, country road ; de terrc, land road; trace d'une , Une, direction, of a road; tracer une , to lav out, line out, a road; travauz de s, road works; de traverse, crossroad ; (&-) rau-de , in disorder, in confusion; vicinale, parish road; traie, (nav.) true course. routier, m., guide (rare); road book; (nav.) sail- ing directions; vieuz , old soldier, old stager. routier, a., road, of a road; carte e, road map; locomotive e, traction engine. routine, f., routine; par , by rote. routiner, v. a., to teach anyone to do anything by rote. routinicr, a., m., person who does everything by routine; routine, "red tape." rniitoir, m., (cord.) steeping tank. rouveriii, a., (met.) hot short, red short; (used only in)/fr , red short iron. rouvicux, m., (hip p.) mange on the upper part of the neck; a., mangy. rouvre, n>., Knglish oak. rmivrir, v. a., to reopen. roux, a., reddish; >ilr:un, (hipp.) red bay; rent* , raiix, cold April winds. roux-vipiix, m., an incorrect form of rouvieui, q. v. royal, a., royal; m.. d>J. ) the royal troops; altfune f, royal highness (titlej; hrixtian , (fort.) largo bastion; chcmin , national road; fitniilte e, children and grandchildren of tho king (reigning or dead /: inaixon e, all the princes and princesses of the blood; I'tim/ir! , (fort.) parapet of tho enceinte; rmi/r ( , national road; ville ?, capital; I'aris. royale, f. , tuft (on the under lip). royalist*, a., m., royalist. royaume, m., kingdom. royaut*, f., royalty. ru, m., channel, bed, of a rivulet. ruade, f.. (of the horse) kick with one foot or both feet (always accompanied by an elevation of the hind quarters); allonger une , to kick out, lash out, with the hoof; detacher une , v. allonger une ; lancer une , v. allonger une . ruban, m., ribbon; ribbon (of an order); binding hoop; (sm. a.) riband or strip (for the manu- facture of gun barrels); d'acier, (inst.) steel tape, steel measuring tape; canon 6, , (sm. a.) twisted barrel; fer & , hoop iron ; defrein, (tech.) brake strapi mesure, measuring tape. rubanner, v. a., (sm. a.) to twist into a barrel. rubioan, a., (hipp.) rubican (having white hairs on a black, bay, or chestnut coat); m., rubican coat, rubican horse. rubrique, f. , red ocher, chalk; imprint of a book; title, head. rude, a., rough, rugged, unpolished: coarse, hard, rough hewn, uneven, harsh; severe; trouble- some, violent, fatiguing: adversairc, redoubtable adversary; brosxe , still brush; chemin , rough, rugged, road; cheval , rough, hard-set, uneasy, horse; coup , heavy, severe, blow; epreuve , se > ere trial; froid , bitter cold; main , (man.) hard, heavy, hand; train , (hipp.) uneasy, rough, action. rtiderittion, f., paving of small stones or pebbles; (mas.) rough coat of plaster on a wall. rudesse, f., roughness, harshness. rudoiement, mdoyement, m., (man.) rough handling of a horse. rudoyer, v. a., (man.) to spur, whip, a horse \io- lently; to maltreat a horse. rue, f., street; in a quarry, space from which stone has been removed; (mil.) street of a camp; bnrgne, by-street; de camp, (mil.) camp street; clou de , v. s. v. clou; fcartee, v. borgne; grand' -, high street of a provincial town; (mil.) street perpendicular to the rows of huts or tents, general parade (of a camp); grande , high street of a provincial town; (nav.) waist; guerre de , (mil.) street fighting; militaire, v. de r em part; paxsante, thoroughfare; petite , (mil.) street parallel to huts or tents, company street (of a camp); en plrine , in the middle of the street; du rempart, (fort.) in a fortified town, na- tural ground or space between tho nearest houses and the foot of I he rampart slope; dc traverse, cross street. ruelle, f., small street; (mil.) street of, or in, a camp. ruclibe, f., (cons.) joint or covering of plaster, or of mortar, along the intersection of a roof with a vertical wall. ruer, v. n., (of a horse, etc.) to kick up, throw the heels in the air; fi la ImUr, to kick nt the rider as he mounts, or when he closes his leg; en vaclie, to kick like a cow. rueur, m., a kicking horse; chrral , kicking horse, kicker. rumination, f., (lii/i/i.) bone scraping. rugine, f., (hij>i>.) rugine, bone rasp. riifjiiHT, v. a., (hijip.) to scrape or rasp the bones. rugnsitts f., rugosity; rough place, corrugation, seam, wrinkle. rugiieux, a., rough; m , (art.) roughened wire (of a friction primer); striker (of a fuse). mine 407 sabloux mine, f., fall or destruction of a building; ruins: ruin, overthrow, destniction; (hipp.) breaking down of a horse; batlrt en - , (art.) to batter down; en , ruinous, in ruins; tomber en , to become ruinous, fall to decay, po to waste, etc. ruine, p. p., useless, spoiled, broken down, ruined, downfallen; bouche e, (man.) spoiled mouth; chcmin , destroyed, broken up. road; chtval , (hipp.) spoiled, broken-down horse; jambes es, (hipp.) sprung legs. miner, v. a. r., to ruin, destroy, spoil, lay waste, overthrow; to baffle, subvert; to decay, fall to de^ay; (art.) to batter; (hipp.) to break down, spoil, a horse; (carp.) to groove. ruineux, a., ruinous, decayed, in decay; ready, threatening, to fall; falling to ruin, to dec-ay. rulnure, f., (carp.) groove, housing (of a beam). ruis.seau, m., stream, brook, rivulet, rill, gutter, kennel. rulsson, m., small channel to drain a swamp. runib, m., r(h)umb; de vent, point of the compass. rupture, f.. rupture, breaking, breaking ofT, burst- ing, destruction, fracture; rupture, breaking oil (of relations); annulment (of a contract, etc.); ( ined.) hernia; (elec.) break (of acurrent); (mach.) breakdown of machinery; (mil.) breaking from line into column; reduction of the front of a column; (expl.) destruction, demolition, by ex- plosives; boulet de , (art.) armor-piercing projectile; charge de , (tech.) breaking loa.d; (art.) a break- ing charge used in incendiary projectiles (to keep the enemy from getting hold of them); rupture double, (expl.) destruction of a rail by ex- plosives on both sides: - - double en couple, (rtpl.) destruction of a rail by explosives so placet! as to form a tnriMii>: del galrriet (nil/, min.) destruction of gallerie; de mmtvemrnt, (mil.) breaking from one for- mation to another; abut de , (art.) arraor-nien-ing shell; d'une porte, breaking in of a door; par quatre, (mil.) breaking into column of fours; rayon de , v. s. v. rayon; rayon de bonne , v. s. v. rayon; rayon de Unite, v. s. v. rayon; des routes, (mil.) destruction of roads; simple, (expl.) destniction of a rail by explo- sives placed on one side only; solide de bonne , v. s. v. solide; *olide de limite, v. s. v. solide; strategique, (mil.) separation of forces of an army into two distinct bodies; breaking of ene- my's center; "par subdivisions, (mil.) break into column of subdivisions. ruse, f., stratagem, ruse, artifice, art; - de guerre, ( mil. ) stratagem. rusticlle, m., primitiveness; (of machines, pun carriages, etc.) simplicity (with a connotation of rudeness of design), rustlne, f., (iiirt.) back plate of a forge hearth; back of a blast furnace. rustlquage, f., (mats.) rustic work (both of stone and of plaster). rustlque, a., rustic; primitive, simple (o. g.. of machines, etc.;; twisted (of the grain of wood); (mas.) rustic; bois , wood of twisted or curling grain: genre, outrage , (mas.) rustic work. rustlque, m., mason's hammer point. rustlquer, v. a., (mas.) to rusticate; to cover (a wall) with a rustic coat of plaster; to hatch or nig the surface of a stone. rutilatii, a., (chem., expl.) rutilant. S. S, any S shaped cramping iron or plate, spare couple, S-snaped link; en , S -shaped, sigmoid; de la gourmette, (/mm.) curb hook. sabatte, f., anchor shoe; patin, sole for heel of sheers. sabaye, f., boat rope, painter, mooring rope, stern rope. sable, in., sand, gravel, ballast: (not.) glass, hour- glass; nrf-ne, sand formed in situ by the spontane- ous decomposition of rock; argllcui, clayey sand; asphaltique, bituminous sand; bain de , (charn.) sand hath; bane de , (hydr.) sand bank; battu, binding sand; boite d , (cons.) sand box (used in striking centers); s bou/ants, qui'-ksand; bnuillant, quicksand; carriere de , .sand pit; de carriere, quarry sand; de cave, v. terrain; dc , sandy: doui, silver sand; d'elut'f, rtuir. (fond.) burned sand; frmcllc, v. inii It-; ilefer, (art if.) iron filings used in fireworks; - jin, lino, sharp sand (no grain larger than I 1 "" 1 in diame.l.er); (fund.) facing sand; fin dc moulaiic, (fond.) lining sand; fond dc , sandy bottom; --dcfondetir, \. dt moulagi; forme dr , bed of sand; foasile, fossil sand (sand transported by water); defouille, fouillt, pit sand; sable gras, (fond.) dry sand; gravier, coarse, angular sand; grille, (fond.) dried or roasted sand; gros, coarse sand (diameter of grains 2m"> or {from); lit de , sand bed; maigre, (fond.) green sand; male, dark-colored sand (so called to dis- tinguish it from femelle, lighter-colored sand in the same bed); many IT du , (nav.) to cheat the glass, turn it over too soon; de mer, sea sand; iner de , sand Hood; dt mint , pit sand; iiiobilt , v. * mourant; dt moulagt , (fond.) molding sand; ii moult r, h mottle.*, v. - - - de moulagt; (.1) mou.iant(x\. shifting sand^s); d noyau i, (fond. ) core sand; - ncnil, v. d'tlure; - dc riiien, river sand: - dr sablonniere, pit sand; sued , (siiye) sandbag; - .<((, (fund.) dry sand: parting sand; d xoiidtr, (nut.) welding sand; - ti rrnin, --- - de terrt . pit sand; - canard, muddy sand; - i-trt, v. - maigre. sable, p. p., sanded; graveled; alii t f, graveled walk ; fontainc (. sand lilter. sabler, v. ;>... tn sand, gravel, cover with sand or urivel; to sandbag. sablerle, f., (f:tnd.) workshop for pc-rparing sand molds. sablcur, in., (fund.) sand niolder. sableux, a., sandy. sablier sac sablier, m., hourglass; sand box, glass; sanddi.-grer; sand box of a locomothe; de drmi-heure, de demi-minute, etc., half-hour, half-minute, etc., glass; d'une heitrr, hourglass; de loch, (nae.) log glass. sabliere, f., sand pit; (con,?.) wall plate; ground timber, solej or plate; (r. r.) ground plate; (fort. ) metallic ring surmounting the cylindrical part of a turret; baste, (eon*.) sill; haute, (cons.) girt, intertie. sal.lon, m., very fine sand; eciircr avec du , to scour with sand; ricurer avtc du , v. icurer acec dtt . sablonner, v. a., to scour with sand; (met.) to scatter, sprinkle, with sand. sablonneux, a., sandy, gritty. sabloimHTc, f.. sand pit, gravel pit; (fond.) (mold- ing-) sand-box. sabord, m., (nar.) port, porthole; gun port;{/or<.) gun port; embrasure; d'ueratje, (nav.) air port; d'aniere, de I'arr&re, (nav.) stern port; de I'arant, (nar.) bow (loading) port; dts ai irons, (nav.) row port; bane de , (nar.) port bar; de belle, \. - de charge; brisc, (nar.) half port; cadre de , (nav.) port frame; de casemate, (fort.) casemate, cupola, port, or embrasure; de charge, (nav.) cargo. loading, port; dt dfgdgtment, (nar.) bulwark port; d'fchelie, v. d'entree; d'cntree, (nav.) gangway port; fairc. It, , (art.) to fire a (hostile) shot through the embrasure; favi , (nar.) sham port: deadlight; fenner les s, (nav.) to close the ports; fcrmeture de , v. barre de ; hrtblot, (nai.) scuttle port: & lester, (nav.) ballast port; mantelet de , (nav., fort.) port lid; de nage, v. des ai irons; de painif, v. de di'gagcment; de tourelle, (nav., fort.) turret port, em- brasure. sabordement, m.. (nav.) scuttling. suborder, v. a., to scuttle (a ship). sabot, m., wooden shoo; dm;:, drag shoe, skid; shoulder Mock; (/;!>/>.) hoof; (tech.) shoe (of a post, pile, etc.); (COHV.) rafter shoe: curved part of the string] 'card of a staircase; (cord.) laying top; (macli.) clamp, pump piston; (r. r.) chair; (art.) sabot of a projectile: recoil-checking shoe: socket of a gin shoe; (xm. a.) sabot of a bullet; ferrule of a lance; d'nncrf, shoe of nn anchor. de I'arbrr, cog, catch, of a wheel; nrmer d'un , to shoe; de Itigve.v, step for t he heel of a sheers: en hois, (art.) wooden bottom of a case shot; ilf finite it balles, (art.) case-shot bottom; (i fxmlrt, (art. ) round-shot bottom (obs.); carrant, (liifip. ) brittle hoof; -cliau-tiHtrr, armature: d( cltiial, (hipi>.) hoof, rolfln: dii'iint du , t In/,/'.) (OP of a horse's hoof; itfrnlif, (hijip.) hoot so worn t hat no shoe can he put on: d'enraynge, (art., >/c.) shop, brake shoo, drag shoo, chock: d'nn'-njinjc de cami'tinnc. (art.! field-gun drag shoe; d'r.nrn\iat:c de sieve, (art.) Mege-gim dra:r shoo: ft fnrtiiiir, dra::, shoo, drag shoe; locking skid for n wheel; d'i pint, (art.) the slotted shoe or upport. of t he first cross bar of the French garrison gin; itminewint d'i , ( fi ipp.) concussion of foot by shock or blow; fertdu, cloven hoof; defnin, (much.) brake block; sabot-galoche, ( Fr. a.) barrack shoe (wooden sole, leather upper); A glace, ice shoe, for going down hill covered with ice; creeper; guide, (sm. a.) sabot of a tubular bullet; de. lance, (sm. a.) shoe of a lance; d'orws, (art.) shell bottom; pitin, (art.) wheel runner (to be used on snow); de pied, iron shoe plate (for a trestle leg, etc.); de i>ilot(i.t), pile shoe: de pompt, pump piston; h raintires, (art.) groo ed sabot; de traineau, sledge shoe. sabotage, m., (r. r.) operation of fixing the chairs on the ties; cut or notch for the foot of a foot rail, sabnter, v. a., to put on a sabot or shoe; to shoe (a pile, etc.): to scamp, skimp, work. sabotte, f., - de cneralrt, (pont.) collar or shoe (to prevent a trestle leg from sinking too deep). sabre, m., (sm. a.) sword, saber; (mas.) mason's fillinc trowel; d'abordage, (nar.) cutlass; bainnnftte, sword bayonet: -fmionnette isntt, sword bayonet to which there is no corresponding rifle; briquet, short infantry sword (obs.); an clair, sword bared; covp de , sword cut, sword wound; coup de plat de , blow with the tlat of a sword; droil, straight sword, saber; d'escrime, fencing saber; de yrosse camlerie, cut-and-thrust sword; haul le / (command) raise saber! d'homtenr, sword of honor (officers' reward for gallantry, given during the Revolution, be- fore the institution of the Let'ion of Honor); main! (command) draw saberl -fi la main, (call) draw saber: manchefi , soldier (regarded as a mere killing machine; term of contemn! >: - Montmorency, light cavalry saber; --jioignnrd, sort of dirk; port du , position of carry saber; porter le , to carry saber; presenter le , to present saber; remettre le , to return saber; re/ioser le , to order saber; tralnant, cavalry saber; Irainrnr de , blustering soldier (term of con- tempt); yatagan, curved sword bayonet. sabrer, v. a., (mil.) to saber, to cut down with the saber; (fig.) to hurry o or. to patch up (work) (cf. our expression to '" soldier-" or "soger"); en anngie, (mil.) to saber recklessly, without doing much: tt pointer, to cut and thrust. sabretache, f., (mil.) sabretache. sabre-tout, m., fire-eater. sabreur, in., (mil. slang) bra o soldier, without great knowledge of his profession; bloodthirsty soldier: (tig.) slo\ only workman (cf. our 'soldier" or ''sogcr"). sac, in., sack, bag, pouch; sack (of a town); (mil.) knapsack, haversack: (mitt.) pocket; ubri, (w<7.) shelter-tent half; d'ambulance. (uml.i s<>' 1 of medical field kit; ft avoii/e, (mil.) oat sack for field equipment; de lint/trie, (art. i grain sack ; fi tiii/tn la jitmdrc, (imird.) calfskin for pul- verizing powder; it bliinchixxnge, wash bag: it hie, corn sack : (/r bourrage, (mil. mi'i.i sand bag u-od fur lamping: brtttlltx
  • . ij'ircjnuaff , (art.) (empty) curt ridge bag; (.'/ mitraillf, (art.) grapeshot (nbs.">: iff pannnnint, (mid.) first-aid packet: - plein, jictitK lii'rts u!'i'tct , orit'i.) the cavalry ,,-uc il'umhu- lanc: l Freii<-h uriin ); ch irii'in, i ut.t coal suck of a fieM forge; er\e. leap, horse; (cord.) to haul upon a hawser. sain, a., sound, healthy, clear: iiirt.) sound / ar- mor plate , i. e., no cracks within 2.~> ca!; 1 ers of the point of imvacl: chili:' ,/ ,,,t, v. s. v. (//(';/; ct'itc (. clear coast : iiiiiuiilngi - - , safe i.nchorat;' : plnoin '. IT/.) plate (armor) without any cracks 'c\cii 'iliotu'h it may have a s'.c't hole through it i. saindoiix, in., hiv's I:.nl. sainfoin, m., sainfoin. salnt-o rien, in., cailn of M. C\r; them, lic.illy educatfd oll'm r. salnte-l)arl)e, f.. gvu room; powder ma-.'a/ine; patron saint of ai tillei ; ir.'ii i writ ten v i;h ca]'- italsin this sense; v. s. \ v. /!/'>( and/<''< ': sainte-barbe 410 saint sainte-barbe, jour de la , artillerymen's festi- val (v. s. \.fete). salsi, m., (Itw) debtor distrained upon; tiers , tliird person distrained upon. saisi, p. p., (law) seized of; charged with. salsie, f., (law) seizure, distraint; (nav.) capture or seizure of a neutral vessel; arrft, (laiv) ^arnishee; seizure by creditor of goods of debtor in hands of third person; brandon, (law) siezure of crops and fruits; txlcution, (law) seizure of furniture; execu- tion, distraint; gagcrit , ( law) distraint; revendication,(luie) seizure under prior claim. salslne, f., (law) seizin; (nav.) gripe. salsir, v. a., to seize, capture, catch, lay hold of, take hold of; to grip; to put in the possession of, to submit (a document); (law) to seize; (cord.) to lashj secure; to seize; to fasten with a seizing: to nip; ensemble, (cord.) to lash all up together; un tribunal de, (law) to lay a case before a court. saisi -sable, a., (laic) subject to levy or seizure. salsls.sant, m., (law) seizing or levying person. saislssemeiit, m., (law) seizure; (fenc.) seizure of the adversary's blade; defroid, chill. salsun, f., season. salade, f., salad; (hi pp.) mess of wine and of bread for a horse; rcginunt de , (mil.) regiment of men taken from different regiments; (hence) poorregiment; troupes de , (mil.) poor troops. salaire, m., pay, wages, salary, hire, reward. sulaison, f., salting (of meat, etc.); salt provisions (in pi. usually). salant, a., salt; marais , salt marsh; puils , salt well. salarie, p. p., m., paid, salaried; salaried person. s tlarier, v. a., to pay, fee, hire. sale, a., dirty; (nav.) foul (ship's bottom); foul (of a coast). sale, in., salt pork. saler, v. a., to salt (meat, etc.); un navire, to salt a ship; el sicher au soldi, to jerk (meat). sallere, f., saltcellar; (hipp.) hollow (over the eye). salin, a., saline; m., salt marsh; potash (crude, ob- tained by evaporation). saline, f., salt fish; salt works, pan, pit. saliiiometre, m., salinomeler. sallr, v. a., to soil, make dirty. sallte, f., (f//)?.)salite. salle, f..hall, room (large): ward of a hospital; J'ariius, fencing hall: (sm. a.) armory; d'nrtiftce(s), (artif.) lire works laboratory; d'attintt, waiting room; d'cndicncf, audience hall; dr bains, bathroom; tic billiard, billiard room; dr clianfti , (at turn) fire room: nui cnimposilfans, (powd.) mixing house, mixing room or shop: d'.s c'wxigniii, in military hospitals, prison- ers' ward; dm C'lnraltxctnls, convalescent ward; tl, crrictinti, unit.) v. room in wliich gun barrels are loaded for proof; d'fftrrimi , fencing hall; ftrc dt. , (mil.) to be on guard at the palace; salle de gabarits, (nav.) mold loft; des gardes, guardroom of a palace; d'hippiatrique, room containing models, skeletons, used in teaching hippology; d'honneur, (Fr. a.) kind of regimental hll, containing patriotic busts, etc., lists of officers and men killed in action, and used for meetings of officers and for various regimental councils, etc.; d'hopilal, ward of a hospital; d'humidi'e, (powd.) damping room for testing powder barrels; .... jours de de police, (mil.) (so many ) days in the guardhouse; de lecture. (Fr. a.) men's reading room; des malaac.i, v. d'hopitil; de manaurre, (mil.) drill hall; ti manger, mess room; de musiqur, band practice room; de police, (mil.) prisoners' room, guardroom, confinement in the guardhouse; prerot de , (fcnc. ) under fencing teacher; des, du, rapport(s), (mil.) orderly room; (le reception, v. d'andience: de recetle, (sm .a.) room for receipt and exami- nation of arms and component parts; de revision, (am. a.) room for examining gun barrels after proof; du trone, tnrone room; de visile, reception room (of a military hos- pital). salon, m., drawing room, parlor; gallery, exposi- tion; (nav.) saloon; - des courses, betting stand. salpetrage, m., formation of saltpeter in artificial beds. salpltration, f., efflorescence on buildings. salpt-tre, m., saltpeter, niter, potassium nitrate; (by extension, poetical) gunpowder; , brut, crude, commercial saltpeter; du Chili, Chile salt peter; de conversion, saltpeter made from sodium nitrate; de deux (trois, etc.) cuites, potassium nitrate refined by second (tliird, etc.) boiling; de deuT eaui, v. de deux cuites; de houftsage, potassium nitrate obtained by efflorescence; nsturel, crude, natural, saltpeter; raftinf, refined potassium nitrate; de roche, saltpeter after the fourth boiling; terreui, efflorescence on damp walls. salpCtrcr, v. a., to cover (a walk, etc.) with a mix- ture of saltpeter and earth; to bring out salt- peter. salpCtriere, f., niter works. saluer, v. n. a., to bow to: to take olT one's hat to; to greet; to greet by letter; (mil., nai . i to salute, (of persons and of guns); to fire a salute, to exchange salutes; (of colors) to droop; to cheer; du canon, (mil.) to fire a salute with guns; dt . . . . coiijis de canons, (mil.) to salute with i'so many) guns; du drnpeau, (mil.) to droop the colors: (/< I'fpftf (mil.) to salute with the sword; deln main, (mil.) to. salute wiih the hand; li wcr salue la terre, the ship fires the first salute when making a port; -ile la ni(>nnii>irfiri(, to salute with musketry; arec If. du, parillnn, to dip the flag; f,nr un riruf, to cheer; di la voii, v. iir un tirnt. salure, f., degree of salt ness (of the ocean, etc.). salut, m., safety, salvation, welfare; greeting, bow; salute; (mil. n'ir.) salute (nerson and guusi; ddtarnus. ( mil.) military salute; (fine.) salute \vith the foils; dticiri'in, (mil., ?w.) salute with guns; de ennui ii i-'itt'it, (m/r.) boat salute; cnntrt , (mil.) return salute; d'ltiin r un . (mil., nav.) to fire a salute; nu drape an, (mil.) salute of the colors; du drainau, (mil.) salute by the colors; saint 411 gape saint, f changer drs , (mil., nap.) to exchange salutes; de I' tpfr, (mil.) salute with the sword; de I'Ktit, commonweal; faire un , (mil., nor.) to fire, give, a salute: faire un de coups, (mil., nan.) to tire a salute of (so " lany) runs: ilt mer, (nav.) salute by a ship to another,' or ton licet; r ilitnire, (mil.) military salute; s militttire.- , (mil.) military honors, compli- ments; -public, the public welfare.; rewire un , (mil., nav.) to return a salute; retire It coup pour coup, (mil., nav.) to return .1 salute gun for gun; dv. sibre, (mil.) salute with a sv.-ord. salve, f. , (art.,) salvo; (jm. a.) volley; d'ariillerte, (art.) saK'o; salute by a salvo (honors paid in French army in certain cases); bisse, (art.) salvo wh/>so average point of burst is below the type h-jght (of burst); d'essai, (sm. a.) sighting volley; fnire tine , to fire a salvo, volley ; feu(i) de , volley firing, etc.; h'tutc, ('irt.) a salvo v.'hoso average point of burst is above the type height (of burst); ei hauteur, (art.) & salvo at the proper height of burst; percutante, (art.) a shrapnel salvo that strikes before bursting; ires haute, (art.) a salvo whose point of burst is more than twice as high as the type height; tirer une , v. faire une . sanrlr, v. n., (nav.) to founder, sink; sur ses amarret, v. 6 I'ancre; dl'ancrc, to founder at anohor; d, la mer, to founder at sea. sanrtale, f., sandal; (harn.) lady's stirrup; (fenc.) fencing shoe, sandal; (gym.) gymnasium shoe; (in pi.) magazine slippers. samluraque, f., pounce, sandarac; poudre de , pounce . sandwich, a., sandwich (armor, etc.). saii:r. m., blood; race, family; the blood royal; (hi pp.) blood; full blood; avoir au , (hipp.) to lie blooded, part blooded; se battre au premier , to iiglit until blood is drawn and no longer; cheial pur , full-bred horse; de , (hipp.) blooded; d lash, horsewhip; un coup, to give a las!: , a blow. saiiKlon, m., (harn.) small girth, strap. suiigl >:, m., v. tanjlon. sanguine, f., red hematite: rod chalk; a branir, polishing stone i fur metals); a cr'iyon, red (drawing) cJ'alk; crayon tn , red chalk (for drawing). sanit lire, a., sanitary; curd'i't , sanitary lino of troops; line of troops on quarantine duty, saits-tulotte, m., Jacobin, sans-culotte. sante, f., hoalth; medical service; quarantine service; agent de la , quarantine officer; appeler , to make quarantine signal; bitc'iu de , quarantine boat; billet de , bill of health; bureau de , board of heilth; co not de la , v. 6.7/1 m d< : pour cause de , on medical certificate; corps de , (mil., mv.) medical department; dcinander la , v. app'ltr ; garde d^ , quarantine oi'icial; maison de , private asylum; par ir.otifde , v. pnur cause de officicr de , v. s. v. offt'ier; P'ltcnte de , bil 1 of healt h ; service de , medical staff, corps or depart- ment; (also) dutie:',, functions, of the medical stall; quarantine service. sape, f., undermining (of a wall, a tower, etc.1; hole made in the foot of a wall to bring it down; (sitge) sap, sapping. (The following terms relate to sieges:) accidentelle, generic term for saps belonging to no regular system, but adjusted to circum- stances; improvised sap (as in going across a rock that can not be dug); ancicnne, Turkish sap; blinde de , sap mask or blind; biii'dce, blinded sap; bouclicr de , sap shield; couvcrtc, Covered sap; fi, en, CTftnaillere, indented sap, sap with crotchets all on one side; crochit de , sap hook: debnut, direct double sap; (i di'coumt, open sap; de mi-double, half-double sap: demi-pleine, same as single sap, except that a gabion farci is not used: di'rnbee, sap hastily executed (when enemy's tire slacks, or he does not keep a good watch); il'iiiblt, di.uble sap; double ft trrre n>'ilante, double sap (head parapet pushed forward); doublt triftrst'c, sap \N illi cube traverses: lioiible ii tra.'trntK in crtinaillfrt , double sap with indented traverses; entirrr, full , bored sap(i.e. .aborine ismade parall''! to I tie surface of the ground, loaded, and blown u]O; itans ftirmes. sap dri\on at full si/e (and then-fore re'|iiiring no subsequent enlarge- ment); (in case of oblique l.re, when one <>f the two forin< of the simple regular sap may be suppressed ); fonrchf ilt -.sap fork: i n gabion*, gabion s.ip: - -in ii r, v. s. v. pompier: --- x-pitmpitrsde In rille.de Paris, v. s. v. pompier: piir/e-hache, ( Fr. a.) the classic sapper of the infantry (suppressed in 1S71 ); sporteurs d'outilx, v. soldatx port CUTS d'ouHls; - nfji _ pii -ii pine: , red fir. spruce; pitch pine. saplno, f.. fir joist, plank; SfilToHirig timber or p'.le; lift, scalVold; sort of hoisiing or winding engine. sarbacaiie, f., pea shooter; speaking trumpet. sarche, f., frame of a sieve. sarcler, v. a., to weed. sure loir, m., hoe. sardine, f., sardine; (in pi., mil. slang) stripes on the sloovcs of a tunic; s blanches, gendarme's stripes. Sarrasin, m., buckwheat; (met.) waste, sweepings; b!c , buckwheat. sarrasine, f., (fort.) portcullis, sarrasin. sarrau, m., smock-frock, blouse, laboratory frock, wagoner's frock, yeterinary's frock, surgeon's frock when operating. sas, in., sieve, bolt; lock-chamber; ij. air, airlock (of the plenum process); dclie, fine sieve; fin, v. dclif ; gros , coarse sieve; mobile, cradle, rocker; passer an, , to sift, to bolt. sasse, f., (pont.) water scoop. sasscnient, m., sifting. sasser, v. a., to sift, bolt, winnow. sasset, m., small sieve. sassoire, f., sweep bar, sway bar, riding bed or bolster. satellite, m., satellite; veine , (hipp.) vein nearest the arteries. satiner, v. a., to press paper, to satin; d chaud, to hot press; 'hfroid, to cold press. satisfaction, f. , satisfaction; donner , to give satisfaction (as by a duel). satislaire, v. a., to satisfy; a, la conscription, (mil.) to draw lots for mili- tary service. saturation, f., (chem., elec., steam, etc.) saturation. saturer, v. a., (chcm., etc.) to saturate. saturometre, m., (steam) salt gauge, salmometer. saucier, m., shoe for the foot of a stanchion to hold it ia place; saucer of a capstan; couronne des linguets, pawl rim of a capstan. sauoisse, f., sausage; (fort.) saucisson; (artif.) pow- der hose; bag containing powder, or powder it- self. saucisson, m., sausage; (artif.) saucisson; powder hose; (fort. ! long fascine: de petards, (cipl.) string or necklace of pe- tards; de rctraitc, (siege) saucisson to which fascine- work revetment is anchored; anchoring fascine; colant, (ariif.) long petard choked in the mid- dle. sauf-conduit, m., (mil.) safe conduct, pass. saucer, f., sage; fcnitle de , (mm.) miner's pickax; (hipp.) point of a seton needle, saulo, m., willow (tree and wood); /i n'lle. dc , featiier-edfje file; plcurcur, weeping willow. saumache, a., v. saumatre. saumalre, a., brackish. saumon, m., salmon; charge of coal in a coke fur- ;i '. e; (fmnl.) feeding head, sinking head; sulhigo I'iivo; (met.) pig of metal; (in p.'., nav.) kent- ledge; di far, kentledge; di turtle, (uit I. } ( asting pig, iron pig; J'nric < ii , (/nit. ) pig iron; plumb en , (nut.) pi r - lead. sail mure, f., brino. saiiiKMiditT, v. a., to powder, dust, sprinkle witii; (J ni wear an order upon a ribbon around the neck. sau\;igr, a., wild, savage, barbarous: (in pi., as a noun; savages ( uncivilized people'; rnui ,v, v. <(iui fitl/rx. sauvi'gardv safeguard, safe-keeping: custody: protection; uwc.i manrnpe; (//'.) party or de- tachment to guard a place against pillage; (I'm iron, oar lanyard; t dii gourcrnail, (nav.) rudder chains, pend- ants. sauvegarder, v. a., to safeguard; to protect. sauvement, m., salvage. sauvfr, v. a., to save (a man, a ship, etc.), rescue, deliver, preserve, keep; se , to escape, run away, floe, make one's escape; to take refuge, to refugee; te ' 4 cheval , to escape on horseback; se de prison, to break jail, prison; to break out of prison; same qut pent! everyone for himself! sauvetage, m., salvage, recovery of anything wrecked; rescue (of men fallen overboard, of persons in danger of drowning); appareil de , life-preserver; appareil de pour inctndies, fire escape; bonce de , life buoy; canot dc , lifelicat; ceinture de , life belt, life-preserver; droits de , salvage money ; ligne de , life-preserving line; mcdaiHe de , life-saving medal; paste de , life-saving station; prir de , sal-, age, salvage money; societe de , salvage association. sauveter, v. a., to rescue, save, from a wreck. sauvetcur, m., salvor; a., life-saving. savaiie, f., (top.) savannah; nuyce, a savannah on the seacoast. savartine, f., (mil.) sort of fougasse to throw bar- rels of powder (fused) into the enemy. savate, f., old shoe; sole (as of sheers); (gym.) savate, French system of boxing; (mil.) surt of punishment given a soldier by his comrades (really a severe spanking); (naii.) anchor shoe. savoii, m., soap, soaping; blanCj castile soap; de cuirre, v. mttal'ique, dur, hard soap; eau, de , soapsuds; jaune de rcsine, yellow soap, turpentine soap; nutaUlque, (art.) mixture of soap and sul- phate of copper (used, to diminish friction); mou, soft soap; ponce, sand soap; vert, green, black, soap; soft soap. savonnage, m., soaping, washing with soap. savoniier, v. a., to wash with soap. saxhorn, m., (mus.) saxhorn. saxifragine, f., (ex pi.) saxifragine. saxoii, m., (artif.) turning stall. saxophone, m., (mus.) saxophone. scaltiic, a. , scalene. scaphandre, in., cork, swimming, jacket; diving dress; caxrjne de , diver's helmet; pompc de , diving pump. scaphandrler, in., diver. scaphoidr, a., m., scaphoid; scaphoid bone. srarllirat4'iir, m., scarifier, scarilicator. scarification, f., scarilicaiion. scarifier, v. a., to scarify. sceau, m.. seal: impression of a seal; d:i pi.) state .seal: functions of 1 lie chancelii r; dt l~ Ktnt, the state seal: qnrdc dts 1, lord chancellor. si'i'UO. m., seal (on doors, locks, t-U 1 .. put on by authority >; sealed document; appiixir lt(x) 1*" 1 . to seal up; hr if seal hermetically ; (7i/ ;)le, f., stonecutter's handsaw. sciure, (..sawdust; de bois, (wood) sawdust; de marbre, marble sawdust. srorhut, m., scurvy. scorie, f., (met.) slag, scoria, dross; cruc, slag poor in oxide of iron, tap cinder; scorie 415 secret scurle douce, slag rich in oxide of iron; defer, iron slag; de forge, hammer slag; pauvre, v. crue; riche, v. douce. scoriflcation, f., (met.) scoriflcation. scorifler, v. a., (met.) to scorify, scrutln, m., ballot, election; de. lisle, ballot count. scrutln, m., ballot, election; par oasis et teve, voting or election In which the voters rise and remain standing till counted; convert, secret ballot; dtcouvrrt, open ballot ; direct, direct ballot; indi'-iduel, ballot containing but one name; de liste, blanket ballot; secret, secret ballot; vrrte de , balloting urn; voter an , to cast a secret vote. sculptable, a., that may be sculptured. sculpter, v. a., to carve, sculpture. sculpteur, m., sculptor, carver. sculpture, f. , sculpture, carving; (art.) ornamental work on guns (obs.). stance, f., mooting (of committees, boards, etc.); meeting, session (as of a court); Icvrr la , to close the meeting; ouurir la , to open the meeting; publique, open session of a court; tenante, nefore rising; on the spot; de tir, firing, "shoot." seau, m., bucket, pail; bucketful; d'akreucoir, watering bucket; d'atluJt, (art.) sponge bucket; en bois, etc., wooden, etc., bucket; & centres, ash bucket; (icharbon, coal scuttle; d'eav, water bucket; d'ecurie, stable bucket; de forge, forse bucket; hgnudron, tar bucket; (t, (jraisse, slush bucket; - A incendie, fire bucket; de markiuvre, v. a'atfui; & puiser, well bucket, draw bucket; 4 xui/. slush bucket; en toile, canvas bucket; bucket for watering horses in cars. sebastlne, f., (fipl.) sebastine. sebile, f., (wooden) bowl. sec, a., dry, thin, lean, spare, hard; dried (of fruit, vegetables, etc.): waterlass; without springs (as a buffer); (of some metals) brittle; ui.,dryness; dry food, manger food (for horses); b , hit;h and dry; dry, drained, exhausted; dry (asadit'-h'i^i/m.) on dry land (of prepara- tory or preliminary swimming exercises); (nav.) under bare poles; bnrit , (hydr.) bank uncovered at ebb tide; bois , seasoned wood; chevalquiti lesjambcn lies, clean-limbed horse; courira , (unv.) to scud under bare poles; ctre d , (boats) to be high and dry; faire , (weather) to be dry; fosse. -,/o.s.fe d , v. s. \ .fosse; fourraye , v. s. \.fourragc; fruit , v. s. v. fruit: muraillf de jiierrrs -hcs, dry wall; nnjcr , to row dry; natji'r b. , to row ground, to touch the ground with the oars; orayc . rainless storm; & pud - , dry shod; ptrrrm hi*, v. s. v. pitrrc: rciiitttre un chnat ii .to take a horse from grass and put him on dry food again; snn , coarse bran. serante, f.. secant. secateur, m.. cutter (sort of shears). secession, f., secession; gu/rre de la , war of secassion (United States. isii isi,-,). seYe**tonlste, m., secessionist; Confederate ( 1'nited States, l,Sf>l-l,si>, r >). secluiRe, in., dryi.ig (:is of powder); "stoving;" seasoning (of wood); 'air, air drying; - de la tapeur, drying of steam. >< liuger, v. a., to squilgee and swab dry. seche, f., (hydr.) sand, rock, left dry at low water. s*ch*, p. p., (slang) found deficient in examina- tion; found (U. S. M. A.); (military schools) punished. sechee, f., (mil. slang) punishment (schools). secher, v. a. n., to dry; to dry up. parch; to grow dry; to season; to drain (as a ditch); (met.) to heat; - it I'air, to air-drv: cadre & , (artif.) drying frame: un elere, (slang) to find deficient; to find (U.S. M. A.); tablet* , (powd.) drying tray. secheresse, f.. dryness, barrenness; drought. secherle, f., drying room or place; (powd.) drying room, stove. secheiir, a., m., (appareil) , de tapeur, (steam) drying pipe, steam trap, sficholr, m., drying room, place, or floor; (powd.) drying room; & air chaud. hot-air drying room; & I'air, air drying room. second, a., m., second, other; inferior; second, assistant: second floor (third floor in American and English houses); (nav.) first mate, first officer (commercial navy); au -, on the second (third) floor; capitaine en , (mil.) second captain; commandant en , (mil.) second in command; eau e, v. s. v. e au; en , second, in the second order; entrait, (cons.) collar beam; lieutenant en , (mil.) second lieutenant; mattre, (nav.) boatswain's mate; pont, (nav.) upper deck; de quart, (nar.) mate of the watch; rang, second rate; taisscau , (nav.) tender, consort. secondalre, a., secondary, accessory; (elec.) sec- ondary. seconde, f., second (of are, angle, time, etc.); (/rnc.) seconde (parry). seconder, v. a., to second, assist; to back, support, promote. secouement, m., shaking, jolting, shake. secouer, v. a., to shake, shake off, cast off; to got rid of; (mil.) to shake off an attack, an enemy; lejoitg, to shake oil the yoke. secoueur, m., (met.) mallet (to break up molds after casting). . serotirable, a., capable, susceptible, of relief. serou rir, v. a., to succor, relieve, help, rescue, aid; un chcral, (man.) to use the aids when the cait slackens. secours, m., succor, rescue, help, relief, aid, as- sistance: men who help on capstan bars: ( />. n. adm.) allowance by minister of war of funds to the rruisse d'habilltmtnt ft d'fntntitn: (mil.) re- lief of a besieged place; troops sent to relieve a iKJsioged place; -rreiitHil.i />. a. ailm.^ occasional money help from the government IK worthy soldiers (or their families) who have no claim to a pension; - permanent, ( FT. n. adm.) permanent sum from the government to worthy soldiers or tlieir families who have no claim" to a pension (considered as compensation for title almost acquired to a pension d<~ rttrailc)', porte de , v. s. v. porte. secouru, p. p.. succored; - - mi nonstC'iuru, rescue or no rescue " dibs. 1 ). secousse, f., shock, shake, jolt. jerk, concussion, shaking: check; attack, blow, stroke, toss, toss- ing; (mil.) shock of attack; de la liridf. ( win.} v. farcnilr. sec(|iilere, f.. path or road through a forest. secret, a., secret, private, inward: m.. secret: con- cealment, close confinement; secret drawer (of a cabinet, etc. i; place from which a fire ship is fired by the captain; secret 416 section secret, au , in close confinement, "incomuni- cado;" escilier , pri ate staircase ; fonds s, socret-ser ice money. secretaire, m., secretary: writing table; d'ambassade, etc., secretary of an embassy, etc.; d' Etat, secretary of state; d' fiat-major, ( Fr. a.) stall clerk (general serv- ice clerk, U. S. A.); s d'ctat-major ft de recruitment, y. s. v. section; du recrutement, ( FT. a.) recruiting clerk. secretairp-archiviste, m., (Fr. a.) staff clerk (rec- ord clerk). secretariat, f., functions, duties, term of office, place of oilice, of a secretary. secteur, m.,sector;(/or<.)sector (of defense); (siege) sector of attack; (mach.) slot link; double bar link; d'attaque, (Rieqe) sector of attack; condiLcteur, (art. ) guide piece of a star gauge; (i cremaillere de t'appareil de pointage, (art.) toothed elevating arc; de difense, (fort. ) sector of defense; fans defense, (fort.) dead sector, undefended line in front of a salient; dentf, (much.) toothed, cogged, arc; (art.) segmentalrack; . inf.) one- four) 1) of a company; (art.) section (two guns), (platoon, V. S. Art'.); active, ( Fr. a.) activesection (i. e., belonging to the active army); section ol the stall in charge of matters touching the act i\ e army; n'/f'lre, (mountain err?.) section hitched; dr. bateaux, (punt.) pontoon section; du centre, (art.) center seel ion (platoon, r. S. Art.); tin fdi . (art., inf.) chief of section (art., chief of plaioon, I'. S. A.); s df clinsxinrx forestierx, v. s. v. chasseur Cor- g'.Hii/.cd in'o coin panics, sections, and detach- ments, according I o numbers a\ ailable r. s ) of hospital orderlies assigned to nrmy corps, etc., and \arying in strength according to the needs of the service; intermediaire, (top.) section lying between equidistant sections; longitudinale, longitudinal section; - movillc, (tech.) area of waterway; de iiittnition(x), (mil., art.) ammunition col- umn; de munition.* d'artillerie, ( Fr. a.) artillery am- munition column; de munition,? d'infcintcrie. (Fr. a.) infantry ammunition column; (/< munitions mirte (Fr. a.) artillery and in- fantry ammunition column of a mountain bri- gade; de munitions ties pares, (Fr.a.) reserve am- munition column: .s non-guides, (art.) in ranging, sections regu- lating the height of burst; nor male dc la m>e, (r. r.) standard gauge: de pare, (Fr.a.) one of the subdivisions 01 the general park: percutante. r. s. v. percntunt: pivot, (art.) pivot section (platoon, 1'. S. \rt.); la plusfatiguee, v. dangerewe; portce, (mountain art.) seel ion packed (i. e., gnus on pack animals); tie premier eligne, ( Fr.mil. teleg.) section oper- ating in the zone of operations ol the army; .v prinfipalex, (top.) sections determined by equidistant planes: ilt la queue, (hipp.) docking: horxrang, ( Fr.inf. ) in each regiment, a special group comprising the petit i'tat-major, the band, workmen, clerks, etc.: de risen e, ( Fr. mil. teli'j.^ reserve section; T'lnipre par .f, (mil.) to break oil' by sections: de secretairex d'i l<:t-major et lii ncr uteniint, ( Fr.a.) sections of clerks for stair and recruit ing duty, assigned to army corps and to i 'arK ami varying in sirength according to the needs of t he MT-, ice; -tcri- mcntal and other, new iti'-entions, etc., re- specting the arm to which it belongs); section 417 seinaine sectloii(s) techniques d'ourritrs de chtmini de ftr, (mil., T. r., France) sections of skilled railway operatives, formed in peace, to serve in con- junction with the engineer railway troops, such railways as are not worked by the com- panies themselves (recruited from the per- sonnel of the companies, and form no part of the army); * de tetegraphie (miliiaire), (Fr. a.) telegraph sections (v. de lire, Seme, ligne); teltgravhique Ifgere, (Fr. cav.) the reunion of the ateliers, q. v.; transrersale, transverse, cross, section; verticale, vertical section. s*ciirit, f., (erpl.) securite. seftirit*, f. , security ; sercice de , v. s. v. service. sMentalre, a., sedentary; v. s. v. bataillon; garde milii meii nt n er; bed, bedplate; floor timber of a boat, of a bridge; chord, stringer, boom, of a bridge; bottom of a furnace; shoe of a capstan; (cons.) tiebeam; cap piece (of an arch center); (nav.) leeboard; (mil. min.) ground sill of a frame; (pont.) shoe of a trestle leg; lower part of a pontoon-boat knee; bottom strake of a pon- toon boat (at the edge); chafing batten; (art.) bed of some carriages; liring support (French 22O m siege mortar); shoo of a gin leg; sill (of a gun lift); racer support of a gun platform; side rail of a truck wagon, of a mortar wagon; d'aff&t, (art.) swing bed (obs.); d'ancre, anchor shoe; d'appui de tir. (art.) shoe (for firing support Russian 6-inch field mortar); de bateau, (nav.) Iseboard; d'ancre, shoe of an anchor; d' 'assemblage, (cons.) ground plate, ground sill; de ch&ssis, (min.) ground sill of a frame; (art.) chassis side rail; de chcvalet, (pont.) trestle-leg shoe; de comble, (cons.) polo plate; d'un coussinet de rails, (r. r.) chair foot; courbe, (cons.) curb plate; * de croisillon, (art.) sills at right angles to one another, on which rests the sellette de che- tille ouvriere, in some old platforms; de derive, (nav.) leeboard; double , dovble entre-dcui, middle sole of a shoe; d'embrevemenl, (cons.) bearing surface or shoulder of a silt-and-tongue joint; d'etat-, sill of a stay; eiterieure, (pont.) chafing batten; inferieure, lower chord of a bridge; stringer of an arch center; interieure. (pont.) bottom board of a boat or pontoon laid lengthwise; mobile d'une vis de pointagr, (art.) swing bed (obs.); oscillante, (mil.r.r.) rocking support (on some of the trucks of the Decauville system); de ]Mlicr, (mach.) plumber-block bottom, or bedplate, or ground plate; premiere, insole, inner solo; d'un rubot, face of a plane; d'un rail, (r. r.) foot of a rail; rec.uhr, rompre, d'une , (fcnc.) to retire a foot's length; seconde, outer sole of a shoe; supericurc, top chord of a bridge; de (d'une) viy de pointage, (art.) elevating- screw bed. seniciiri*, f., seed; fine sprig, sprig nail. senier. v. a., to sow; (art.) to examine a gun; dtx chaussc-trapcs, (mil.) to spread, scatter, caltrops. semestre, in . , half year, six months; one-half year's pay, revenue, duty, rent, etc.; (mi/.) six months' leave of absence, furlough; soldier on furlough for half; 1 year (obs.); de , half-yearly , semiannual; conge de , (mil.)i\\ months' leave of absence; ftrc de , to be in Due's half-year's duly; etrc en , to bo on six months' leave of absence; ftre liors de , to be oil duty for six months; dc jinvier, semester beginning January 1; semestre, pnr , half-yearly. scinestre, a., half-yearly, semiannual. semestrier, m., (mil.) soldier absent on six months' furlough. smiotique, f., (mil.) the art of drilling troops by signal (no commands). sem'>nee, f., (nav.) summons to show colors, to heave to. semoncer, v. a., (nav.) to summon a ship to show colors, to heave to. senat, m., senate, senateur, m., senator. senau, m., (nav.) sort of brig. sens, m., sense, meaning, import, signification, acceptation, construction; (mach., mil.) direc- tion, side, way, sense; ton , (mach.) direction of rolling; en contraire de, in a contrary direction; dti courant, direction of a current; dans le , in the right way, in the right direc- tion; dessus dessous, upside down, wrong side up; dt'L'ant derriere, lund part foremost; en inverse, in a contrary direction; en long, with the grain; (mack.) with the direction of rolling; du laminage, v. en long, (mach.); de la marche, (r. r.) direction of the train; mauvais , (mach.) direction opposed to the di- rection of rolling (also at right angles to); met/re dessus dessous, to turn upside down; de rotation, direction of rotation; Iravers, across the grain; (met.) across tha direction of rolling; darix toun les , in all directions; dutir, (mil.) direction of fire. sensibillsateur, a., sensitizing; bain , (phot.) sensitizer. sciisibillsation, f., sensitization. sensibillser, v. a., to sensitize, to make sensitive (as a fuse, a photographic plate, etc.). sensibllltfe, f., (cxpl., etc.) sensitiveness of an ex- plosive, fuse, primer, of a balance, etc.; (dec.) figure of merit of a galvanometer; au choc, d, la friction, (ezpl.) sensitiveness to shock, friction; de la main, (man.) lightness and quickness of hand. sensible, a., perceptible, sensitive; (ripl., etc) sensitive (fuse, plate, thermometer, etc.); bouche , v. s. v. bouche; an, choc, & la friction, (eTpl.) sensitive to shock, friction; a i'cperon, (man.) spurveise; ft lajambe. (man.) legwise; aur mouchcs, (hipp.) sensitive to flies; H la rene, auz renes, (man.) bridlewise. sensitif, a., sensitive; fusee we, (art.) sensitive fuse. sente, f.. v. scntier. sentence, f., sentence; (laic) judgment, (moro specially) decree, sentence, of death; appclcr d'une , to appeal from a judgment ; confirmer une. - , to confirm a sentence; prononcerune , to sentence , to pass a sent-enee. seiitcncter, v. a., to sentence, to condemn. sent!, p. p., conspicuous, noticeable, marked. sentier, m., path, footpath, track; batty, beat 'Mi path; -.IHournr, bypath; (mach.) footway in ma- chinery); m.u!c/.ier, mule path. sentiment, m., feeling, sensation; sentirneul; esti- mate, guess, judgment; an, , !yv judgment, by guess (i\ g., in running lines, contours). sen tine, f., well of a boat. semiiielle, f-, (mil.) sentinel, sentry; d'uuymcnlat.ion, extra sentinel (posted at night); iirincre. advanced sentinel; de communication, warning or communicat- ing si'ni ry ; - dfanl les arises, sentinel at the guardhouse. X(i. I; 4 duublfs, double setilrx ; sontinelle 419 serpentfn sen tlnelle, etre en , to be on post, to be on sen- try duty, to stand sentry; faire , v. ttre en ; fixe, stationary sentry ; d'honneur, a complimentary sentry, e. g., before a general's quarters, etc.; inter nudiaire, v. de communication; lever une , to relieve a sentry; meUre en , to put on sentry; d' observation, look out; perdue, advanced outpost, sentry, sentry posted in a very dangerous situation; placer une , to post a sentry; poser une , v. placer une ; du poate, v. devant Irs armes; relever une , v. lever une ; simple, single sentinel; volant f, flying sentinel, running sentry. sentir, v. a., to feel, be sensible of; (man.) to feel a horse; la bane, le gouuernail, (nav.) to answer the helm; lefnnd, (nav.) to he almost touching the bot- tom (of a ship moored). sep, m., (nav.) belay .'ng cleat. separate, in. , sorting. stparateur, m. , sep vrator; separating funnel; d'eau, separator. separation, f., separation; partition ("as in un am- munition chest); plate between the sheaves of a block; de la batterie, (art.) in ranging, the separation of the battery into the section-guide, and the sections non-guides, qq. v.; entonnoir de , separating funnel. sftparer, v. a., to separate, sort, sort out, part; (cord.) to part; la battfrie, (art.) to divide a battery into the section-guide and the sections non-guides, qq. v.; les rcnes, v. s. v. rf.ne; se , (of a river) to divide; (mil.) (of an army) to break up. sep , m., (sin. a.) boring bench. sCpia, f., sepia; sepia drawing. septentrion, in., north, the Little Bear. septentrional, a., north, northerly. septlme, f., (fenc.) septimo, half-circle parry. sequestration, f., (lite) sequestration; separation >i diseased from healthy animals. sfcquestre, m.. (laic) sequestration: thing seques- trated; depository, sequester; (hipp.) seques- trum (piece of dead bone remaining in its place). sCquestrer, v. a., (law) to soquester; to make an illegal arrest. sCranine, f., (eipl.) seranlne. serelu, a., (of the weather) clear and calm. sereliie, f. , (nir.) quarantine, isolation (of a man with a contagious disease). serge, f. , serge; (art.) cartridge flannel. serpent, in., (mil.) sergeant (Fr. a., foot troops); (tech.) screw frame, clamp, holdfast, cramping frame; tirtificicr, master artificer, laboratory ser- geant; brancardier, v. s. v. brancardiir; de crottin, (mil. .s'rrrn?) noncommissioned ollieer of cavalry school at Saumnr; d'tn:: L Ire mrnt, second sergeant in the lust sec- tion of ti battalion; (-)fmirrier , ( Fr. a.) quartermaster-sergeant of a company; de iardc . sergeant of the guard; garde-mi jaxtn, ( FT. a.) sergeant in charge of the clot lung magazine of the regiment; d'hirer, (mil. tinny) soldier of the first class 'allusion to his woolen stripes, humorously sup- posed to keep him warm in winter); - ins'ntfieur, drill sergeant; m.iinr, sergeant-major (nearest equivalent, I". S. A., iirst sergeant); - -mujnr-artificirr, master artificer; secretaire, ( Fr. a.) sergeant acting as clerk or secretary; nsU .le for the instruction, barrack room, anus, and equip- ment of his section t^cf. line sergeant, U. S. A.); sergetit de temaine, ( Fr. a.) sergeant under the or- ders of officier de semaiiv , assisting him in the execution and administration of his duties; -tambour, sergeant of field music; de lir, ( Fr. a.) sergeant who brings up poor shots and has charge of details; de ville, policeman. serie, f., series, set, as of signal Hags, etc.; (elec.) series; en , (elec.) in series; d'tngrcnaga, ( mack.) change gear; de marche, (Fr. a.) implements for measur- ing, weighing, etc., provisions (at issue to troops); box containing butchery implements, scales, etc.; montage en , v. s. v. montage; monter en , v. s. v. monter; de pavilions, set of flags; regtmentaire d'outils de baudier, ( Fr. a.) butch- er's tools; Z ( Fr. a.) said of or applied to scabbards for which no bayonets are issued, belonging to tn- rs neutralised by Geneva cjavcntion. , a., serious, grave, important. strtinMrc, m., serimeter, instrument f.>r testing silk thread. seringue, f., syringe, squirt; pour yraisser, d hulls , lubricating syringe; a main, hand lire engine; a suif, tallow syringe. seriiiguer, v. a., to syringe; to rake a ship fore and aft. serment, m.. oath; avoir en justice, to have been sworn by a court; declarer sur lafoi du , to swear: deffrer le h, to administer an oath to; to swear a person; a' entree en charge, oath of office; faire de, to swear to (a thing, a fact); faire u-nfaui , to commit perjury; faire preter d, to put on oath; fausser son , to break one's oath; de ftdflite, oath of allegiance; formule d'un -, form of an oath; prestation de , taking an oath, swearing; preter , to take oath, an onth; to be sworn; rompre son , v. fausser son ; serpe, f., billhook, pruning hook; (mach.) worm, serpeger, v. a., (mnn.) to take a horse over a sinu- ous track or path. serpent, m., serpent, snake; (mil. slang) leather belt used as a purse; (Polytechnique slang) one of the first fifteen on the list after entrance examination. serpente, m.. silver paper, tissue paper; f., (cord.) snaking line; papier (n fire (obs.); <7 proueMf,(r/i/.)serpent fullof composition, with holes at each end and on each side to give whirling motion. scrpenter, v. a., to meander, wind (river, road); (man.) to take a horse over a sinuous path or track; (cord.) to snake a rope; deux cordage:, (cord.) to snake two ropes to- gether; faire un chernl , (man.) to cause a 1: >r-.> to describe a sinuous track. serpeiitiil, a., serpentine; m., (mtt., n-'iich., dc.) worm, coil; aroir l'i Inngnr e, (hipp.< to luivi> a pendulous and restless tongue: fiix.ni/, i.irl.i l i mi 1 train of a fuse; fifrnichisycur, refrigerating coil; worm con- denser: 420 serrure serpentln, A vapcur. steam coil. serpentine, f., (man.) sinuous path or track de- scribed by riders in column of Ales. serpettP, f., praning knife; billhook; (pont.) sort of calking tool. serpeyer, v. a., v. serpeger. serplller, v. a., to reduce the thickness of a palisade by cytting off the sides. scrpllllfrre, f., sarplar, coarse packing cloth. serrasre, m., fastening, securing, tightening, ad- justing (as of a screw): uniting together; tight- ness of fit (as a cartridge in its seat); (art.) tension or strain (of gun met:d); shrinkage; (frequently) compression; in obturating de- vices, the pressure or bearing of tho device against the vails of the gun; (artif.) crimping of Bii-kford fuse, etc.; (mach.) vertical path or course of a bit (boring machines, et".); the play or course or travel of a cutting edge (machine tools'): locking; (sm. a.) longitudinal distance traveled by the cylinder necessary to close the breech, measured from the point where the stop-screw comes in contact with the lateral groove; distance from handle up to handle down after the bolt has been pushed as far for- ward as possible without turning; cJcfde , wedge key; de , adjusting, tightening (in many combina- tions); . diametral, (art.) shrinkage; fosse de , (art.) shrinkage pit; gras, tight fit (as of nuts, washers, etc.); naturel relatif, (art.) the difference per unit of length between the exterior diameter of the tube and the interior diameter of the adjacent hoop; pratique absolu. (art.) the actual expansion of a hoop necessary to put it in place; puits dc , v. fosse de . scrre, f., ship plank; greenhouse; pressing together; press; ii la , v. en ; donner unc , to press together; en , housed. serrt, p. p., hard, tight, close, fast, compact, close together, shut up in; (of wood, grain) close grained; (mach.) (of work, hammer, rolls, etc..) as close to the final shape as possible; (mil.) close (of formations, etc.); (man.) (of a gait) short, well together; cheval , v. s. v. cheval; j (U ( (mil.) close, well-delivered fire; jouer , v. s. v. inner; lignc c, (mil.) dense line: en masse, (mil.) closed in mass. serrr-cou, m., (hipp.) compress used in bleeding a horse at the nock. scrre-elTous, m., nut setter. semMHoupe, m., (mach.) stuffing box. serre-feu, m., (met.) fire screen. serre-fil(s), m., (dec.) binding screw; binding post: (ttleg.) connector; ; ~~-N*t(ui rls, double connector. serre-filc, m., (mil.) file-close'-; List soldier of a filo (nar.) sternmost ship of a column or fleet (whether in line or column): en , (mil.) in tho line of file-closers: tire en , (mil.) to be in the line of file-closers; --gi-niral, (mil.) general file-closer detailed under special circumstances to bring up rear: gives information to any elements that may have fallen behind; may he an officer: rt ntri r til (), to go of fall into the line of filiv c losers. serre-f rein, m.,(mocft.) brake tightener or adjuster; brake setter (of a bicycle); (r. r.) brakeman. sern'-zarntture, in., (mach.) gland. serre-joiiits, m.. clamp, holdfast. serreinent, m., squeezine. pressure; (drill) closing of intervals; (win.) dam or partition to keep out water. se.rre-ni'7, m., (hifiji.) horse twitch. serre-papiers, m., paper weight; paper holder or clip; set of pigeonholes, file for papers. serrer, v. a., to close, close up, press, press clqee, tighten, squeeze; to crowd, crowd on, gain on, push back; to clasp; to lock, lock up, put away or aside, take in; to pass, go, close to; to tie, arrange, fasten, wedge in, make secure, screw down, shrink, crimp; (macTi.) to lock; (met.) to bloom; (man.) to narrow the area over which a horse is moving (as in volts); (mil.) to close, close up; son adversairc, v. la botte, (fenc.); & bloc, to set up; to set home; to cause all parts to bear together properly; --la, botte, (fine.) to thrust home and hard; (man.) to close in the legs on the horse; les bot/es, (car.) to close in boot to boot; li bride, ( man.) to pull on the bridle; un canon, (imv. art.) to house a gun; t;rt cheral, (man.) to keep a horse together, well in hand; unc colonne, (mil.) to make a column close to a denser formation; le compos, to lift the card off the point (pivot); cor.lre, to push, force, back, on or to; la c(>t( , (nav.) to hug the coast; la dcmi-colte, (man.) in a demivolt, to bring the horse accurately back to his starting point; - d distance, (drill) of the rear rank, etc., to close up to proper distance; I'ennemi, (mil.) to push, press, the enemy, press him hard; I'eperon, les iperons, (man.) to put spurs to a horse; une fascine, (siege) to choke a fascine; les files, v., Us rangs; Icfrein, to put on a brake; to brake: tine garniture, (mach.) to tighten, screw down, a packing; les mtervalles, (mil.) to close intervals; un joint, to tighten a joint; la ligne, (mil.) to close or contract a line of battle; (nar.) to close up, form a close line; la mesure, v. la bottf, (fenc.); un n tud, (cord.) to tighten, to secure a knot or lashing; une place, (siege) to annoy, press upon, a place, cut off its communications; dc prl, (mil.) to press the enemy hard: Irs rangs^mil.) to close up, to close ranks; les sangles, to tighten the girths; le saucisson, (siigc) to choVo a fascine; se , (man.) (of tho horse) not to take enough ground; SU r t (mil.) to close upon (the enemy, the unit in frout); (nav.) to close upon; unc tente, (mil.) to furl a tent; la tare, (nac.) to hug the co.ist; sur la let'., (inil.) to close up on the head of a unit, column, etc.; une ville de pres, (siege) to invest a town; ii vis, to screw, screw down; la tolte, (man.) to narrow a volt. serrc-rais, m., spoke setter. senr-rayons, m., spoke setter of a bicycle. serrc-tet*, m., headband, band. scrre-tube, m., (rnach.) apparatus for riveting locomotive tubes, riveting clai.ip. serriere, f., (met.) plug of iron, stopple of a furnace. serrure, f , lock; - hi nard< , lock with a solid l;fy, i. e.. lock that may tie turned from both side;:'; - --& broche, piped-key lock; bniuillcr une , to derange a lock; - - d( cabinet, latch-, spring-, lock; cachie. v. encastelU; - ft clef ft mdlc, v. & brncht : a clef male, lock with a l-'rench key; - -ej,combinai*on(s), combination lock; crnchiter nnc , to pick a lock; crochdtur de , picklock, ly the army itself from the local resources; ( Fr. a. med.) medical ser ice at the front, with the troops engaged; d'avani-poste, des avant-pottcx, out;K>st d;ity; aroir du , to have seen ser ice; ai-uir ans de , to ha c served (so many) years: le bien du , t he good of the sen ice; bord, (nav.) sea ser-. ice (I". S. X.); sen ice afloat; de (la) bouchefi ftu, (art.) standin"-"un drill; decamiwjne, field ser ice: d'i caniiiernent, generic term for e erything relating to camping; - decanlonnement, generic term foro erything relating to cantonments; central, ( Fr. a.) generic term for all opera- tions, etc., that are taken cognizance of by tne minister of v. ar or his direct subordinates: cenlraliser le , to centralize the ser. ice, to concentrate all responsibility, direction, etc.; rltarye de , (art.) normal, ser, ice, charge; des chemin.t defer, ( Fr. a.) branch of the de I'arrilre, railway ser. ice between the army and home in time of war; commander le , to make details for regular routine duties; commander pour le , to detail (for such and Piicii a duty); nn commerce, (nor.) merchant ser ice; dc communication, communication service; congr abxnlu dc -, conge de liberation de , discharge from the sen ice; contrdle de , duty roster; du, contrdle (de V administration tic Varmie), ( I-'r. a.) v. s. v. contrulc; s engaged in the same opera! ion ; de carrie, fatigue duty, extra (fatigue) dutyj - fnnrant, daily srr ice, ordinary routine service; current .ser-, ice; en cmirant, in service, forming part of the system; de cuuchatje, \ . s. v. cmicltage: tie cmtrte dtir/i , "short " ser\ i<'i^: dc culti'x, (l-'r. <;.i department of public worship in t he army; de , on duty; de dicotnertf, name applied to I he speciaJ funclinn of tlie e\p!(ir.iti';n cavalry, of dis- co ering enemy, keejiiir.- in contact with him, - - (/( dfffnxi,(xieiir* defence i.;":i plac place or fort only ; diyeiiie;il dt , discharge from t he fortitiod 422 service service de deur&me ligne, ( Fr. mil. teley.) telegraph service connecting the headquarters of various armies with the main headquarters, and all the armies with home; de dfuiitme tour, duty of the second class; directeur de , v. s. v. directeur; head of any department or duty; de direction, v. d'admiriistration; direction de , v. s. v. direction; dit'tn, (in gen. ) divine service; sous les drapeaui, service with the colors, in active army; dureede ; period, length, cf service; des tcuries, stable duty; entrer ou , to enter the service; d'estafette, messenger, courier, duty; des Stapes, v. s. v. etape; etat de r, certificate of service: de I' Etat. (in gen.) service of tV.e state; (nav.) service in the war navy; d', de I', etat-maior ,' staff service (in Fr. a., not to he confounded with e/at-inajor general); (tl'etranger, foreign service; lire ou , to serve; ' etrs de , to he on dutv; ftre en activity de , t > be on the active list; tire appele au , to 1 o called into service: lire de auprcs dc, to be on duty with, to attend upon, one; '?/i4f/ ; subsistence duty in the field; d'executton, v. tie geslion; exempt du , excused from duty; d' exploitation , (r. r.) operation of a railway; d' exploration, the exploration service of inde- pendent cavalry; expulsion du , dismissal; expulsion infamante du , drumming out, dis- honorable discharge; (4 l')eiterieur, service or duty heyond the enceinte, beyond the line of sentinels; foreign service; faire le de, to perform the duties of a given position; faire son , to do one's duty, one's tour of duty; faire son temps de , to finish one's time of service, to serve out one's time; finir son , v. faire son temps de ,' des forges, (Fr. a.) stoel-, gun-, inspection duty; de forte re ssc , fortress duty or service; des fourragcs , forage (supply) service; de garde, guard duty; de garnison, garrison service, whether open or fortified town; routine garrison duty; de la gendarmerie auxarmces,(Fr.a.) provost service; s genfravi d( Varmft, ( Fr. a.) term describing certain staff and administrative departments having relations with the whole army, as the general staff, the contrftif and administra- tion, etc.; geographique de I'armre, ( Fr. a.) a depart- ment of the French stalf charged with astro- nomical, geodetical, topographical, and carto- graphic duties; de gestian, v. s. v. geslion; de Vhahillement, (Fr. a.) army clothing department; du Itarnachcment de In. cavalerie, (Fr. a.) harness supply department; d'honncur, honorary service; (e. g., aupren d'un roi, d'un cmjxrtvr}; horn de , unserviceable, unfit for service; out of service: retired from the service; des hfipitiiit mili'tir(.<, hospital staff: impropreau , unfit for duty or service; inhabilitt au -, unfit ness for the service; del'int'-ndance, v. inttwlnm-c; intfrieur, interior economy; ( Fr. a.) branch of the adminixtratitin ccntrnle having certain duties with respect to its material and per- sonnel, to archives, etc-.; ^ I'intfritur, service in a fort or place inside of a line of sentiuels; home service; service des interprets, v. interpret; dejour, daily duty; de la justice militaire, law service of the army (judge-advocate's department, U. S. A.); lettre de , v. s. v. lettre; licendement de , discharge from the service; des lits militaires, v. de couchage and entreprise des lits ir.ilitaires; de marche, rnarcli, transportation, service; de la marine, naval, sea, service; maritime, v. de Id marine; marque de , v. s. v. marque; mfdical , medical service; de mer, v. de la marine; de mcssageric, (in gen.) transport, freight, etc., service; mettre hors de , to wear out; militaire, military service or duty; militaire de la marine, naval service (proper"); obligation du , obligation to serve; oVigatoire, compulsory service; optique, (mil. sig.) field or military visual signaling; de I' ordinaire, mess duty; d'ordonna.nce, orderly duty; ordre de , v. s. v. ordre; d'ordre, v. s. v. ordre; de pansage, stable duty; s particuliers de I'armee, (Fr. a.) term de- scriptive of staff and other departments re- lating to particular arms or departments or branches of the army, as military schools, chaplains, Algerian affairs, interpreters, re- mount, etc.; permanent, subsistence duty pertaining to permanent camps and garrison towns; du personnel, department in charge of per- sonal affairs ("appointment, commission, and personal" division, A. G. O., U. S. A .); de(s) place(s), garrison and fortification serv- ice; routine garrison duty; de planton, orderly duty; de police, police duty; du port, (nav.) harbor duty; des pmidrts et salpetrcs, ( Fr. o.) the depart- ment or duties of the poudres et salphres, v. s. v. poudre; de premiere ligne, (Fr. mil. leleg.) telegraph service connecting the main headquarters of the army with headquarters of corps or other designated points; ( Fr. a. med.) advanced medical service; medical service with troops (includes regimental service, drassing stations, field hospitals) ; du premier tour, duty of the first class; premlrc le , to go on duty; to take over duty; prevotal, de la prttbte, provost duty; projtre au , fit for service; du qwirtier-geniral , headquarters service or duty; quitter le , to leave the service; raison de , service reasons; de reconnaissance, reconnaissance duty; du reci utemenl, recruiting service; rcgiiiKiitiiirr, (inL, Fr. a.) regimental medi- cal service: first attendance, on halts, during marches and combats, (mil. in yen.) regimental service; religiiui, v. di> in; rciitittre le , to turn over u duty, service, guard, etc.; dc la rrtnonte, remount service; iles rinntignement.i, intelligence department; (more esp.) corps cavalry exploration service; de reparation, department of repairs; tie rc.ierve, (Fr. a.) service having in view the maintenance in peace of supplies of all kinds in view of mobilization, and keeping forts fully supplied with material for sieges; ne rdirer du - --. to withdraw from, leave, the service; de ronde, patrol duty; rounds; service service At xante, medical department, medical corps, medical service; de sanie de Varriere, (Fr. a. med.) medical service on the lines of communication: de tmnte de I'avant, (Fr. a. med.) medical serv- ice at the front, i.e., with the troops encased: de sante en campagne, (Fr. a. med.) medical field sen-ice (includes de I'arriert and de securite en marehe, all measures taken to insure safety on the march (advance guard, flankers, etc.); de securilf. en station, all measures taken to insure safety during halts; outpost service : de semaine, garrison duty taken by the week; v. s. v. semaine; des signaleurs, dessignaux, signal service, signaling; de la solde, pay department; tournis au militaire, liable to military service; de surete, security service (includes protec- tion of columns on the march, outposts, and reconnaissances) ; de s&rcte en marehe (en station), \. de ticurile en marehe (station); de silrete de premiere lijnt, duties of informa- tion and of protection as carried on by the corps cavalry; des subsisiances militaircs, subsistence depart- ment; tableau de , duty roster; dcstflegraphes, (in gen.) telegraph service; de la telegraphic militaire, military telegraph service; tclfgraphique de la premiere lignc, (Fr. a.) tele- graph duty in the zone of operations of the armv; telcgraphique dc la scconde ligne, (Fr. a.) tele- graph duty in the rear of the army and con- necting the army with home; telegraphiquc de la trouihne lir/nc, (Fr. a.) telegraph duty in forts, arsenals, etc., at home; temps de , period of service; tenue de , service uniform or dress; de tir, target practice, target-practice duty; tnpographique, topographic, surveying, duty; tour de , tour (of duty); de trinrhee, trench duty; des transports, (Fr. a.) transport service; de la trcsnrerie et des posies, (Fr. a.) pay and postal service in the field; veterinaire, (Fr. a.) veterinary service; des virres, subsistence department; volontairc d'unan, one-year volunteer service. servlr, v. a. n., to serve, be in the service of; to serve the state, be in the administration; (tech.) to work (as a stream, a mill); (mil., nav.) to serve; to be in the service; to perform one's duty; (hipp.) to serve (a mare); a, to bo used for; une bnticrie, (art.) to serve a battery; 6 bard, (nar.) to serve afloat; un canon, (art.) to serve or work a gun; dans (Vnrtilltric, etc.), to be, serve in (the ar- tillery, etc.); de', to serve for or instead; une pumric, to work a pump; sou.", ( (>)/.) to serve under (so-and-so); sur mcr, (nai.) to serve afloat. servitude, f., servitude; (law) easement, servitude; (mil.) OIHMI ground around an explosive inaga- zi ic (in which no building may be put up); butt- m de , (nav.) harbor-service boat; s de lafrnntiere, (Fr. a.) zoiit-s along the fron- ti rs in which no ground may b cleared or Is buiit without thi! special permission of 11 e commission mute dis tracauz publics; ,1 militairts, militaircs, (fort.) zones around a fortification in which all building is forbidden, or is allowed only under certain conditions; r.iiire de , (nav.) harbor-service vessel. servo-nioteur, m., (mach.) servomotor, stsamokle, a. m., (hipp.) sesamoid, sesamoid bone; grand , sesamoid bone; petit , small sesamoid bone. selon, m., (hipp.) seton, rowell; aiyuillt b , seton needle; anglais, rowel; antmt, tape smeared with irritant; a meche, seton needle and tape or other thread; & rouelle, rowel; simple, seton with unsmeared tape. seull, m., sill, ground sill; sole, threshold; gate; en- trance; doorstep; (fort.) interior edge or crest of an embrasure; (lop.) ridge closing a valley; d'ecluse, sill, ground sill of a sluice; de pnnl-levis, (Jorl.) counterscarp beam for drawbridge. seulllet, m., (nav.) lower port sill, scve, f.,sap; pith. severe, a., severe, stern, harsh, rigid (as of disci- pline): austere; strict (as a blockade); close (as an investment). svrli, f., severity, strictness, etc. sextant, m. , sextant; arc of 60; h bolte, small box sextant; grand , sextant proper; de poche, pocket sextant. sextuplctte, f., soxtuplct, six-seat bicycle, seye, f., (art.) axletree bolt, bolster bolt; a I'ecrou, screw bolt. shako, in., v. schako; shrapnel, m.. (art.) shrapnel; a chimbre antcrieure, front-burster slirapnel; a chnmbre centrale, central-burster shrapnel; fi chambre postericure, rear-burster shrapnel; percutant, (art.) shrapnel used as a percus- sion shell, i. e., fuse unset. slccatif, a., siccative, dning. siccltt, f . , dryncss; iiaporir & , to evaporate to dryness. sidCrite, m., siderite. sldCrotechulc, f., v. sidcrvrgie. sidCrurgie, f., (met.) metallurgy of iron. sifle, in., century; age, period, world, slfcge, in., seat; see of a bishop; box (coachman's seat); (lu>r) bench; (mil.) siege; (mnch.) valve seat: (harn.) seat of a saddle; (/irr.) flat part of the upper surface of the Knglish shoe; accetere, (mil.) hasty, rapid, siege (an irregu- lar siege, batteries erected at once, no ap- proaches); affiit dc , (art.) siege carriage; d'afftil, (art.) axletree sent; armee dc , (mil.) siege corps or army; aiiillcrie de , (art.) siege art illery ; d'assaut, (mil.) sudden attack (no trenches opened); ba/lrrie de , siege battery; bouchcci/fu dc , (nrt.) siege gun; - brusque, (m'l.) siege without approaches; canon dc , (art.) siege gnu; dc clnpct, (mach.) valve seat: cor/is dc , (mil.) besieging army, siege corps or army; courrir un , (mil.) to cover a siege; dc -, (mil.) besieging: frhcllc dc , (mil.) scaling ladder; fquijKige dc , (art.) siege train (v. s. v. rqui- l>age); d'essieu, (art.) axle scat; flat th - , v. s. v. Hat; fairc Ic, un, , ( mil.) to besiege, carry on a siege; four , (harn.) straining, straining leather, cross webbing; facing of cloth and leather on the arch of a pack saddle; slfcge 424 signataire siege (n forme, dans let formes, (mil.) regular, formal, siege; une guerre de s, (mil.) a war characterized by many sieges; la guerre des (*), (mil.) siege warfare; irregiilier, (mil.) a generic term for any siege in which no trenches are opened (e. g., assault, blockade, etc.); lever le (d'une place), (mil.) to raise the siege; mettre If devant, (mil.) to lay siege to ; to sit down before a place; mettre en etat de , (mil.) to declare a state of siege; to put in a state of siege; parcde , v. s. v. pare; pie.ce de , (art.) siege piece; en rt.gle, (mil.) regular, formal, siege; regulier, (mil.) v.~ en regie; & ressort, (r.f. art.) spring seat; le Saint , the Holy See, See of Rome; de soupape, (much.) valve seat; soutenir un , (mil.) to stand, or support, a siege; supporter un , (mil.) v. soutenir un ; de violence, (mil.) v. d'assaut. si^Ker, v. n., (law) of a court, to sit; (in gen.) to pre- side over an assembly. sleur, m. , sort of legal title used for private persons, in deeds, legal papers, etc. slfflement, m., whistling, whizzing; (art.) hiss, whistling (of a projectile); (elee.) hissing of a voltaic arc. sillier, v. n., to whistle; (nav.) to pipe; (art.) to whiz, hiss; un canot, (nav.) to pipe a boat away; un eommandement, (mil.) to give a command by means of a whistle; (nav.) to pipe; - la gaule, (man.) to swish a riding whip. sifflet, m.. whistle; steam whistle, call, pipe; (carp.) skew scarf; (met.) spot or defect in a fracture; (art.) (tin) spot in a bronze piece; (mil. slang) gun; (hipp.) cut in the toe of a hoof (to prevent bearing in the neighborhood of a toe track); aperture ignorantly made under the tail to help a broken-winded horse; d' alar me, alarm whistle; d anche, "reed" whistle (vibratory whistle); automoteur electriquc, electric self-acting whistle; atcrtisseur. bicycle whistle; dt brume, fog whistle; de brume dvapcur, steam fog whistle; eommandement avec le , (mil.) call; coup Ac , whistle (note); pipe or call; couper en . (carp.) to skew, to bevel; en , (carp.) skew, bevel; d'itain, (art.) tin spot in a bronze piece; de xignal. signal whistle; sirenc. bieyile siren; d captur, steam whistle. slftiour, a., wheezing, whistling, hissing; chccul , roarer. signal, m., signal, sign; (top.) target (over a bench mark, etc.); (mil.) signal; acoustique, acoustic signal; d' aiguille, (r.r.) switch signal, showing which track is to betaken; d' nlar me, signal of alarm; d'aptrcju, answering signal; "('). K.;'' - d'appel, ''call'' on a telegraph cr telephone line; appui/tr un par un coup, (nav.) to enforce a signal by a gun; artificiel, (top.) target; aranci 1 , v. d distance; d'acerlissi uunt dt tempfic, storm signal; ballon dc - am, signal ball; d brai. homographic signal; y which he may be identified; de raUitment. (mil.) rallying signal used in- stead of mot de ralliement; signal by which friends may recognize ono another; de service, (mil.) badge of being on duty (chin strap down, in France). signer, v. a., to sign, subscribe; (in the arts) to mark, stamp; dufer, to stamp iron; une jxiii, un traiii, etc., to conclude peace, a treaty, etc. slgnifier, v. a., to signify; to mean; to make known; (toff) to notify, give formal information of, serve notice; 'lei arriti, to notify a person that he is in ar- rest. slguole, f., reel, winch, on a shaft or axle; arbre coude en , shaft, axle, cranked so as to form a winch. slguett*, f.. (Itirn.) (mors b la) , a cavesson the noseband of which has iron teeth. silence, m., silence; rcduire an , (art.) to silence (a hostile bat- tery, etc.). sllex, in., flint; fusil & , flint gun (obs.); plalined , flintlock (obs.). silhouette, f., silhouette; (t. p.) silhouette target; 4 bascule, tilting or dipping target; cible , silhouette target ; d conirepoids, surprise target worked by a counterpoise; res.tort. surprise target worked by a spring: tfle, head target (one consisting of a head only); tombante, falling target (fulls when hit). silicate, m., silicate; de potasse, liquid, soluble, or water glass. sIlicutlsatioiL, f., operation of covering with water glass. silica, f., flint, silica, quart/.. sllicium, m., silicon. siHco-spiegel, m., (met.) silico-spiepel. slllage, m., (nor.) headway, course, wake; doubter le , to make twice as much way; montred , patent log. siller, v. n., (run.) to cut through the water; to run ahead; to have headway; tosteer. slllometre, m., (nor.) patent log. sllloii, in., furrow; dent, groove, depression, trace, mark, trail, train; (nor.) wake, truck; (/or/.) trace, traced line; (hipp.) ridge of a horse's moil! h. silloimer, v. a., furrow; to plow, cut, groove; (nit.) to cut, plow, through the water. silo, in., silo. sllotvor, m., (ci/>l. i siiot\or. sim'.ilcau, m., carpenter's radius lino for striking large circle.;. filmtUgravure, f., similigravure. simple, a., simple: single; private; common; bare; mere; OIK : plain: (ctn HI. > elementary ; cur/.x , < flu in.) element, elementary body; ii rtjii, single-act ini:: ai , (curd.) noi passing through a pulley (of a iope.>; lignt , v. nrdrt : macltini a < tttt. Mimic-stroke engine; tii'it'tnt, coiiimon .seaman; mi ml , v. an uc , v. s. v. mi/ii; Mldat, (mil.) private soldier, private; fuuliirii srmellr, single-soled shoe. slmulacre, in., imitation; feint, sham; de combat, (mil.) sham but lie; d( sicgt, (mil.) sham siege. -liiniltane, a., simultaneous. simultaneity, f., iniiiltiiiirnii innnfl. sluaplsme, m., mustard plaster. singe, m., monkey; monkey of a pile driver; wind- lass (mounted on two trestles); iioist, crab; (riw/.l pantograph; clef, monkey spanner, monkey wrench. slngleau, m., v. simbleau. slnNtre, m., disaster, damage (from fire, wreck), accident ; loss or damage in anything insured; evaluer le , to estimate the damage. sliiueux, a., sinuous. sinuosite, f., l>end, turn, sinno-ity, meandering. slrms, m., sine; (fiipp.) sinus, ca\ity; vertte, versed sine. siphon, m., siphon; waterspout; -(fond.) rising gate; coulageb , v. s. v. covlagr; mtchcit , siphon wick; recorder, (teleg.) siphon recorder; robin rt de , siphon cock. sire, m., lord, sire. slreiic, f.. siren; a air c->mj>nmf, cornpressed-air siren; a idpcttr, steam siren. slroc(ol, m., sirocco, slrtes, f. {)!., v. syrtes. site, m.. site; a ".-jle de , v. s. v. angle; tn aqvatique, (fort.) on a wet site (wet- ditched); en elevf, (fort.) on a dry site la > de , v. s. v. plan: otherwise defined as the vertical plane through the ligne de . situation, f., situation, condition, position, state; (mv.) bearing: (adm. and mil.) state return; re imental or other return of personnel; re- port: -administrative, (Fr. a.) daily report, morn- in.-: report (as a basis of pay and allowances): (administrative) de dizaine, (Fr. a.) report of men present and absent, etc., sent in every ten days by fractions detached from an admin- is! rail .e unit; de 1'en.teignement, ( Fr. a.) school report : etil de , v. s. v. etat; dt.t fond*. (Fr. a.) quarterly account cur- rent of each regiment (includes the various funds (masses) entered upon the rnixtri de centralisation after the accounts ha\e been audited); fo;,rnir une , (mil.) to mu'.e or furnish a re- port ; (//? maladat, (mil.) sic!; report or return: -rap/xirt, v. s. v. ra/>j>ort: de tir. t-.ircet-practice report, kept on range as practice pr :d tie. sleeper. snialai Ii >, f., the collection of tents of a powerful chief (.Arab word;. smUle. f.. stonecutter's pick. smiller, v. a . to dress stone with a pii'k. sot 1 , m., ])low.iliare; (mil.) slun', Mh-^et, of a l:uu-e or color stafT: (art. > trail ::pade. recoil spade. soci.'t*', f., society: company; partnership: d'actiunnairts, y-d/ aci'miif, s;x'k com- pany : an'inyme. joint-stock company; d'tt.txuriuiri!'. in.-iiiaiu-i- c.iui|iaiiy: < n rn'iiiiiundiit , limiteil i lial iliiyi company; - lit gym tw :!, ('tt ) gymim curries food and various oilier art ides, looks aft IT the officer if \\ounded, etc.); .)sole(of hoof); (met., etc.) furnace bottom, hearth; dead plate; bed, sole, of a rever- beratory furnace; (art.) plate at the lower part of some top carriages of the French marine artil- lery, serving to keep cheeks together (obs.); d'ttff&t, (art.) transom of a gun carriage; de bateau, flat bottom of a boat; battue, (hipp.) v. snlbature; de bigue, step for the heel of a small shears: brrlec,(Jan.) burned sole (shoe put on too hot); charnue, (hipp.) ileshy, sensitive, solo of ^ horse's foot; chauffce, (farr.) overheated sole (the hot sh'W held or. too long); comic, (hi np.) horny sole; d' embrasure, (fort.) sole or bed of an embra- sure; di-foyfr, dead plate, coking p'wle of a furnace inobilc d'afffit, ( F. m . art. ) movable transom; dr xabnrd. (furl., nai .) n ;rt sill; de. sabni. ', fti/i/i.) sole of u hoik's foot; de taqud, step of a kevel. soleil, ;n., sun; (artif.) fireworks having jet^ or rocket as radii of a circle; com nu It , with the sun; rontrt Ic , against the sun; (a) co ntrf - port for long beams: he-am of a balance; lower crossbar of an iron gate or grating: double hoop at the end of a barrel or cask: (cons.) 1 reast- summer; end stone of a platband; springer, springing st.me of an arch: ''fort., nar.) iron backing or part of compound armor; (na.) upper sill of a port; (i;iac.) bed of a machine (boiler, etc.); des barreaui, v. de grille; de crin, hair mattress ; cul de , (cons.) ske\vl>ack ; claxtiqu-e, spring mattress; de grille, fire-' ar support; delit, mattress; dc pont, stringer of a bridge; de porie, wooden architrave of a door. sommiere, f., (harn.) packing rope, packing strap, packing cord; (top.) open space, glade, in a wood, sommlte, f., summit, top, (extremity) end; head; lea n, highest grades, authorities; les s du commandement , (mil.) the highest authorities in the army. son, m., bran; sound; discordant, rattling noise, rattling (in ma- chines); - r/:out///,bran mash (for horses). sondage, in., boring (of earth, as fur foundation?, etc.); (ruiv.) sounding; (med.) probing (.ol wounds); rhinois, ul> th.> lojul; (ctrt.) vent probe; (,<.irv.) nu'neral ex- urRxsion of the di>umce of a point belc-.v a datum plane: allirb la , (;mr.) to go by the load; barrr de , sounding rod: d'unc carte, soundings marked on a chart ; chirchtr la , to make soundings; cri,r la , (nav.) to call the depth; a crochet, (art.) vent searcher; etre sur la , (nar.) to be on soundings: grand plomb de , grandt , (i lead; jcttr la , (n . h/ii'i !":'.: nai'iiiiiif In fi in i. <'". >. '!/'f ri; '; tinnniii.::. art. sh('' "I'l^f ! i:i<'l- nrs. pl'iinb ! . condition, destiny, fate; rfi.v annex, fate of ;irms; -., of material itself ; tui/au de , delivery, eduction, pipe. sortlr, v. a. n., to go, come, out; to depart, sally forth; to get, carry, lead, take out; to project; to leave, come out of; to devinte, swerve from; to be a graduate of; (mil.) to turn out (of a guard); to be paraded: to be taken out (of a flag); to come out (individually in dressing a line); (art.) to lead out; (nor.) to put to sea; en armcs, (mil.) to get under arms; to turn out under arms; le dcuiieme, v. le premier, le deuiitme; =- de I'eau, to rise on the horizon; de la garde, (mil.) to have been the guard; de I'herbe, to take (a horsel from grass; de son lit, (of a river) to overflow its bed; le premier, le deuxieme, etc., to pass 1, 2, etc. (in a school); de prison, to be set at liberty: de. la question, to miss the point, to swerve from the point; de.t rangs, (mil.) to step out of ranks; to rise or come from the ranks; d'une regie, to ignore a rule; - de la selle, (man.) to show daylight (under the seat); de la voie, (r. r.) to run off the track. sosle-mannequin, m., (mil. slam) bolster ar- ranged so as to look like a man in bed. son, in., five centimes, five-centime piece: dc poche, ( Fr. a.) v. centime de . soubarbe, f., v. sous-barbc. soubassemrnt, m., (cons.) foundation structure, foundation; base, basement: patten, of a column; --dudomc, (steam) base of a steam (best. soubernie, in., freshet; torrent, swollen by a freshet. soublse, m., (unif.) braiding on the back of a dolman or tunic. soubrcsaut, in., start, jolt, shock, jerk; (hi pp.) lift or second expiration of a broken-winded horse. souhrrsautcr, v. n., to start, jolt, etc. sour tie, f , stump, stock, stem; stub (of a cha-lt. etc., book); water pM>e of a basin, (furr.) end of a horseshoe nail left in the hoof; (cons.) part of a chimney above the roof; & , fitted with, or having, a stub; cahirrit. , blank book willi a stub; - - (\( chaixiili't , candle (gas) burner: dr. cheminic, part of a chimney above i;.e roof; d'cnchnnf, anvil stock; Ihr i ti , stub book, clic'-k book; regif-irt fi , v. s. v. rt:iiifi; talun inbier(<<), solder of two parts le.i'i to one of tin; a nrourrement. lap-welding; sans , weldless; tiudrc, soft solder; (operation of) soft solder- iiiL f ; au tiers, solder with a third of copper. SouffhiKC, m., (nitt., <:<-.\ blowing, blist; glass blowing: i imi'.) sheathing, furring, added to a ship to increase its stability: en I'lanclitx, (xttani) cylinder jacket, soutllant, a., blowing; m., (mil. slang) bugler; wind-jammer ( 1 ' . S. A . i; cyiindfe. . blowing cylinder; machine c, v. s. v. machine. soulllaiitc, f., (mach.) blowing engine, machine. souffle, m., blast, blasting, pull'; breath, wind. breath of air, concussion of air (as in a mine); ( be indifferent to the spur. soufragc, in., treating with sulphur. soufre, m., sulphur; - - in tialunx, v. en canons,- lirut, (rude sulphur, obtained in the first pro 1 , ess of. purification: en cantin(.i\. roll sulphur; Jlcur de , flowers of sulphur; - < n flturs, v. Jltur di -de iniiif. native s;il;ii ur; ii'it art I. natural sulphur; - - ruuiji, realgar; suhtimt ,%.//( nr de - : - - riiiital, lycopodium powder; litTiir, virs-'in sulphur; - I'if, v. minirtl. usofrer, v. a., to sulphur, to dip in brimstone. soufriere, f.. sulphur mine. pit. souillard, m.. sinkhole in a stone, sink stone: (con*-.) sirut brace; - ignon renver.tr, cup valve; en chapean, cup valve; chnrgce. loaded valve; ft clmrnicrt, clack valve; flap valve; chemixe de , valve jacket; ilc chr>c, butTer valve; a cla/iet, \. a cliirnitre; -fi un clapcf, single clack valve; de communication, communicating valv; cornpoK/f, compound valve; de atndf nsatrur, fool vahe; conigue. conical val\ e; cone valve; plug valve; mitered valve; de contrulf, test valve; a coquillrs, shell \al\e; df Cf>riiouaill(,i, Cornish valve; fi coulisse, sluice vahe; crr'ise, long slide valvo (obs.); en D, df, D -valve; soupape de decharge, delivery valve, discharge valve; de dfgonflement, (balloon) emptying valve, escape valve; de detente, cut-off valve, expansion valve; de detente fj. papillon, throttle expansion valve; & dixqite, disk vah e; de distrimUion, distribution valve: dormante, fixed vah e, suction valve; double, double-beat, equilibrium, valve; fi double orifice, double-ported valve; fi double silge, double-seat valve; b eau, water valve; d'ecJiappement, exhaust valve, escape valve; by-pass valve; d'cchise, sluice valve; rlectrique, (elec.) electric plug; d'emission, eduction, outlet, discharge, valve; envelop pe de , valve jacket; d'fprruve, test valve; d'equilibrr, equilibree, balanced valve; d'e*sai, test valve; d'evacuation, exhaust valve; h, d', expansion, cut-off valve, expansion valve; d' expiration, forcing valve, snifting valve; extcrne, external safety valve; d' extraction, blow-off valve; d' extraction par le fond, bottom blow-off valve; d'eitraction d la surface, brine-, scum-, sur- face-, blow-off valve; fausse , false valve of a ballon-gazom&tre, i. e., substitute for a valve; defond, foot valve; en forme de cloche, bell-shaped valve; en forme de coupe, cup valve; fi garniture, piston valve; rt gaz, gas valve; glissante, slide valve; de gonflement, (balloon) filling valve, inflating valve; h, gorge, throttle valve; fi grille, gridiron valve; ft guide, spindle valve; gitirif de } valve spindle; hydraulique. hydraulic clack; d' injection, injection valve; d' injection par melange, jet injection valve; interne, internal valve; d' inspiration, suction valve; d' introduction, throttle valve, inlet valve; jeu de s, set of valves; de lancement, (torp.) firing valve; a lanterne, v. d, grille; ft leree, lift valve; - h- levee limitce, limited lift, valve; ft levee rectitigne, lift valve; de mise en marclie, starting valve; de moderateur, throttle valve; - de mine en train, starting valve; fi papillon, butterfly valve; de pied, foot valve of a pump; piston ft , valve piston; de piston, piston valve; de pontpe, pumn valve; porte de , valve door; firincijtalf, main valve; dc prise d'eaud la mer, soa valve; de prise de vapeur, steam valve, admisMon vahe; de purgation, df purge, h purgrr, blow-through valve, snifting valvo; de rechnracijien/, filling valve; ilc reduction, reducing valve; de refoulement, delivery, forcing, valvo; nut. let valve; de reglage, throttle valvo; ri-gulnlrice, regulating valvo; - - rtni/lante, snifting valve; rfnrrr.trf, reverse valve; n resxorf, spring valve; all valve; de sttrett, safety valve; de stirfte de cha'jidiere, boiler safety valve; de s&reti & corps spherique, spherical safety valve; de s&retf du cyltndre, priming valve; de suretf. eiterne, external safety valve; de suretl b lecier, lever safety valve; de suretf b restart, spring safety valve; spring- balance valve; systcme de , set of valves; de tete, head valve; tige de , valve stem; A tiroir, slide valve; tournante, rotating, rotary, turning, valve; de trop^plein. overllow valve, escape valve; tubulaire, tubular valve; & vapeur, steam valve; vcrticale, hanging valve; de vidange, bottom blow-off valve; vis , screw valve. son pc, f., soup; ( Fr. a.) dinner; mess call; aa. de, (ait, (hipp.) cream-colored; faire la , (mil.) to take or make a meal; prtparer la , to cook a meal. soupente, f., loft; iutty; braces of a carriage; straps holding a horse in a brake; support of a winch. souper, m., supper; (mil.) evening stables. soupeser, v. a., to poise (in the hand); to weigh by hand. soupirall, m., air-hole, vent, vent hole; air-hole in ice; (art.) telltale channel (to give warning if A tube split); souple, a., supple, pliant, flexibly, limber, tough. souplesse, f., suppleness, flexibility, sou pout re, v. saus-poutre. souquenille, f. , stable coat, stal ;!e frock. souquer, v. a., (cord.) to ha-il or heave taut, tighten, heave close, any lasM^g or sci/.ing; Kur Its rames, to pull awa> wit h a will. source, f., spring (of water), fountain; source of a stream; chaitde, hot spring; cottier de , to flow naturally; - d'eau, spring; intermitUnte, intermittent spring; du vent, point whence the wind blows. sourd, a., deaf; dark, dull; hollow, rumbling (of a sound); absorbing or stifling sounds (as a parti- tion wall): secrc-t, underhand; Innterne r,dark lantern: lime f,dead file; dead smooth file; --muf>, deaf mute. sourdine, f., (mus.) sourdine, dair ;>pr; a la , quietly, softly. souriciere, f. , mouse trap; (mil. ruin.) trap, box trap (obs.). sourls, f., mouse; (min.) trap, box lr.\p; (hipp.} gristle in a horse's nosii; niouso color ; cheval , mouse-colored li'irse; /nis-de , (fnrt.) pas de souris; -porte-feu, (mil. min.) mouse by \vl:ii i li a mine is fired. sous, prep., under. beneath; sub-, deput y ; -lesarines, ( mil.) underarms; fight iith the colors; in it-c service (of); If feu de, (mil.) exposed to the fire of: - panllun nntjlais, itc., (ntir.) living the Kng- lish, etc., f!ag; ptine de mort. de la vii, under penalty of death; le I'tnt, (nav.) under the lee. sous-aide, m. , under assistant. sous-urbale'trier, m., (COTM.) under rafter of a roof. sous-arrondlssementv m., subdistrict, under arrondiftement. sous-bandage, m., felly. sous-bande, f., (art.) tnmnion l>ed plate; d'essieu, (art.) axletree coupling band. sous-barbe, f., cross piece of a sluice; piece under the tenon of a hammer helve; (hipp.) hinder part of a horse's lower jaw; (harn.) chin strap of a halter. sous-berme, m., v. sauberme. sous-biff, m., channel connecting two sluices. sous-bols, m., underwood, underbrush. sous-bo uric, f., (harn.) safe. sous-brigadier, m., (COP.) lance-corporal. sous-cap, m., under foreman, under overseer. sous-charge, a. , (mil. min.) undercharged. sous-chef, m., under foreman; assistant; artificier, ( Fr. art.) v. s. v. artifider; d'ftat~major, (Fr. a.) immediate subordinate of a chef d'etai'ina jar, having charge of a bureau or service of the staff; de musiquc, (mil.) principal musician (U.S.A.); ourrier, under master workman. sous-chevron, m., (cons.) under rafter. sous-collet, m., last hoop of a cask. sous-comlt, m., subcommitte. sous-commlssaire, m., v. s. \ .commigsiire. sous-rommlsslon, f., assistant committee, sub- committee; de lig-ne, ( Fr. mil. r. r.) subcommittee of the commission de ligne, q. v. sous-contre heurtolr, m., (art.) plate lining the under part of the check of a field carriage, opposite to the garnish plate. souscriptlon, f., subscription: share list, order. souscrlre, v. a. n., to subscribe; to take shares in, put one's name down for. sous-d6leg;atalre, m., under deputy; under dfle- gatnire, q. v. sous-dlriH'teur, m., v. s. v. dincteur. sous-direction, f. , subdirection, subordinate direction. sous-eruyer, m., under riding master. sous-fRulisage, in., (pou'd.) fine separation by sieve, separation of grain from dust by third sieve. sous-fgaliser, v. a., (powrf.'! to fine sieve, to pass grain through the third sieve. sous-a;alisotr, m., (pmril.) line sieve, third sieve. sous-embraiH'hement, m., ir. r.) branch of a branch road. sous-entrepreneur, in., subcontractor, sous-^tage, in., generic term for ;ill undergrowth of a forest. sous-falte, in., (con.t.) under roof tim'-er, ri.Jge l-oard or pole. sotis-ft>ii(latloit, f., under pavement; subpave- inent. smis-foiidfur, m.. caster of small ai tides. S4Mis-fret<>r, v. a., to underlet . underfreight. sous-rnt-.ilo, f., undergrowth (of a forest). sous-garde, f., (,vw. sJ; (harn.) throatlatch. sous-gouvenicur, m., under governor, lioutouant- governor. sous-gucule, f., (harn.) strap end under a horse's mouth. sous-horizontal, a., (mil. min.} under t'i<> center of ttie charge (of ell'ecls). sous-lit tendance, f., subintendunce: i i'r. n.) functions, etc., of a smix-hiti m.'.ni.'. soiis-hilfiidaiit, m., v. s. v. ;.(.'< niltint. ..nis-lleiif'.-nance, f., (mil.) sublieiitenaiiey, sous-lleiiti'iiant, in., (mil. i sul>lieutenant. sous-longeron 432 spectre sous-lonfceron, m., (cons.) under stringer; (pont.) bolster (under side rail). sous-main, m., pad, scratch pad. sous-marin, a., submarine; submerged; guerre e, (nav.) submarine warfare; na filiation e, submarine navigation; rtavire , submarine boat. sous-mentonniere, f., (unif.) chin strap. sous-eeuvre, m., v. s. v. auvre, m. sous-ofl, m., (mil. slang) f'noncom." sous-offleler, m., n. c. o.; ( FT. a., does not include corporal); (nav.) petty officer; chef de pitce, n. c. o., chief of piece; comptaole, n. c. o. having money or property responsibility; de magasin, n. c. o., storekeeper; de tir, noncommissioned range officer, in charge on range. sous-ordre, m., subordinate: (lnw) garnishee order; (mil.) subaltern oTicer: any officer under the orders of another (may be a corps commander); en , in a subordinate capacity; officier , (mil.) subaltern officer, company officer; officirrs en , (mil.) subordinate officers in general. sous-pled, m., trowser strap; spur strap; gaiter strap: de dragon, (cav. slang) foot soldier. sous-poutre, f., (com.) under girder, corbel piece, bolster. sous-prefecture, f., district, functions, term, resi- dence, office, city of residence, of a subprefect. Sous-prcTet, m., subprefect. sous-pression, f., underpressure, pressure from below. sous-secrftaire, m., undersecretary, d'Ktat, assistant or under secretary of state. sous-seiug, m., private document (i. e., not drawn up before a public officer): postal fran- chise. soussign*, p. p., undersigned; je, , I, the undersigned. sousslgner, v. a., to sign, undersign. sous-sol, m., subsoil; underground room or apart- ment ; de chemin defer, (r. r.) roadbed. sous-sombrer, v. n., (nav.) to sink to the bottom; to founder. soiis-tendeur, m., (co-n-O tie-rod (metallic truss). sous-tendre, v. a., to subtend. sous-traltant, in., subcontractor. sous-trait^, m., subcontract. sous-traitor, v. a., to make a subcontract. sous-unit*, f., (mil., etc. ) subunit. sous-vetitrlire, f., (harn.) bellyband, surcingle; saddle girth. sous-verge, m., (art.) off horse; de ilf-rritre, (art.) off wheeler; de d.cmnt, (art.) off leader; elrr en , (mil. slang) to be second in com- mand; limnnitr , v. s. v. limonier: ilr milieu, off swing horse. sous-vetrinaire, m.. underveterinarian. soutarhe, (unif.) embroidery of braid on a uni- form. soutarlier, v. n.. (unif.) to braid. soute, f.. duir.) storeroom, locker, tank; auzciiblfs, cable locker: a cartouches, cartridge locker (rapid-fire pins): '/ charbon, coa! bunker; ft chnrlmn decott . side coal bunker; ii (ti>i, water-ballast compartment ; a tau el a charbon. (r. r.) water and coal space of a locomoti\e tender; - fi munitions, filling room; a ithtis, shell room; h p'tin, bread locker: ii [imidre. an i /mudrfs, powder magazine; 11 /irnitrtilrx, pro'pciile magazine; am tm^illfx, torpedo room; ritrrf. filling room. soutPiienietit. m., (con*.) support, prop; timber- ing and walling (of mines, etc.); mur de , retaining wall. soutenlr, v. a., to support, sustain, bear, hold up (a weight, etc.); to stay, prop; to uphold, main- tain, keep from falling, keep up (credit, a gov- ernment, etc.); to sustain (a reputation); to en- dure, bear, stand, hold out, resist; to back, second, assist; (mil ) to support, resist; un assaut, (mil.) to support an assault; un Mtiment, (cons. ) to prop up a building; la chouse, (nav.) to maintain a running fight; to follow an enemy closely; - un cheval, (man.) to hold up a horse (going downhill); to keep up, assist, bear up, a horse; to keep a horse at his gait: un combatj (mil., nav.) to keep up a fight against superior forces; la guerre, (mil.) to wage war; un pas, (man.) to keep up a gait; un silge, (mil.) to stand a stege, to hold out. soutenu, p. p., (man.) (of gaits) well marked, regular, cadenced. sou terrain, a., subterranean, underground; guerre e, v. s. v. guerre; nappe d'eau e, v. s. v. nappe. souterralu, m., underground room or passage; (r. r.) tunnel; (mil. min.) gallery of a mine; (fort.) bombproof; underground portion of a fort; de caserne, (fort.) casemate barrack ; passage , (mm.) drift, driftway; putts , tunnel shaft, pit. soutien, m., support: point of support; abutment; (man.) lifting of the foot; (mil.) support: (esp. inf.) the support, i. e., one of the elements of the ligne de combat, or ligne defeu; compagnie de , (mil.) company in support; escadron de , (cat 1 .) supporting squadron. sou tier, m., (mv.) coal trimmer. soutirage, m., (met.) drawing off; (elec.) tapping of electricity. soutlrer, v. a., (met.) to draw off; (elec.) to tap. souverain, a., m., sovereign. souveralnetf, f., sovereignty. soyer, v. a., to crease, seam (tin plate, etc.). spadelle, f., (met.) sort of stirring spado. spahi, f.. (Fr. a.) spahi (Algerian cavalry, four regiments; the cadres are one-half French and one-half native up to lieutenant, inclusive). spalme, m., (nav.) paying stuff. spalmcr, v. a., (nav.) to pay a ship's bottom; to pilch, bream, careen, spalt, in., (met.) spalt. sparte, m., (cord.) esparto grass. sparterie, f., articles made of esparto grass. spath, m., spar, Iceland spar; tlvor, fluorspar; 'd'Isli tide, Iceland spar. spatule, f., spatula; any spatula-shaped object, e. g., a handle so shaped; curette, \ . s. v. curette (i etoiiptr, (int.} implement for packing low around ammunition. specification, f., specification. spe'rllique, a., specific: chalfur , specific heat ; pexantfur, poms, , specific weight; poids relatif d'nn cor/is, ratio of the specific weight of a body to that of water at -1 ('.; population , population per unit of area. spectral, a., spectral: iriali/xt e. spectrum analysis. sprrlre, in., spectrum; solar spectrum: - d' absorption, absorption spectrum; cnntinu. continuous sp'Ttnini; tie diffraction, diffraction spectrum; discontinu, discontinuous spectrum; d'e mission, emission spectrum: mngnetiqvt, magnetic curve; magnetic figure; prixmaliqut, prismatic spectrum; solaire, solar spectrum; sp?r. r. \ wa\ station: librc, (/I:/'/M attitude o" a horse standing free, free attitude: magaxin, v. s. v. mngnsli : intifrt en , (xurr.) to set up an instnjment; mine in , (xiin.t oj>eration of setting up an instrument : - ,/i i'-.,-iiii)t, (m-Trft.) distributing station, power housr (wire transmission); ili />'! .".I'IIK, v. inltriniili'iirc: tie pili.fi , (nar.) pilot station: I'lncit-, (hiii/i.) attitude of the horse standing uniformly on all four let's, the fore and hind bijH'ils being apart three-fourths the height of the horse; l>int stop (an engine); (nar.) (of a ship or torpeuo) to stop, halt; to stop a cable, rope; el marcher en arrierf , to stop and reverse. stoppeur, m., stopper (of a cable, etc.); stopping mechanism (of an engine, etc.;. stoqueur, in., stoker, (ire rake. store, in., window curtain, blind; spring roller. strapontin, m., bunk; thin, narrow, mattress; hammock used in hot countries; bracket seat of a carriage; (mil. r. r. ) hanging seat (in a horse car). stratageme, m.. stratagem; de guerre, (mil.) stratagem of war. strangle, f. , (mil.) strategy. strategique,a., (mil.) strategic. stratcgiste,m., (mil.) strategist; writer onstrategy. stratocratie, f., military government. stratographie, f., (mil.) description of an army. stratonomie, f., ensemble of laws governing an army. stratopedie.f. , study of arts . etc., useful in an army. stribordjin..(nav.) starboard (unusual, if not obs., for tnbord). strlction, f., "choke" of a test bar under tension. stricture, f., (fort.) neck (of an embrasure). strie, f., stria. strie,a., lluted, striated, corrugated, strier, v. a., to corrugate, to ridge. strille, m., mason's double-pointed hammer. strosse, m., stone in the sole of a mine; stope; (in a tunnel) bench; exploiter une mine en s, to stope. structure, f., structure (in general), construction; grain of a stone. stuc, m., stucco. stucateur, m., workman in stucco, stuccoer. style, m., style; diviseur, dividing-point, tracer. Styler, v. a., to train; to bring up; to accustom; (man.) to exercise, train, a horse in certain mo- tions. stylet, m., stiletto. suage, m., sweating of wood; blacksmith's s^-ftgo; creasing tool, creasing hammer: tinsmith's an- vil; (7W.)payingasmp's bottom; payingstnff. suager, v. a., to crease (tin, etc.); (nav.) to pay a ship's bottom. suant, a., (met.) weldablo, welding; blanc , welding heat; chaleur e, v. blanc . subalpin, a., at the foot of the Alps. subalterne, a., inferior, subordinate, subaltern; rn. ( subaltern; officier , (mil.) subaltern officer, company otlicer. subdelegation, f., subdelegation. subdelejuie, m., subdelegate. subdCK'Ruer, v. a., to subdelegate. subdivision, f., subdivision; de region, ( Fr. a.) subdivision of territory of region de corps d'armee, each of which consti- tutes a recruiting district for a regiment subdi- rittionnuirr , q. v. subdivisiormaire, a., suhdivisional; rigiment , v. s. v. regiment. subir, v. a., to suffer, undergo, endure; (un) ciamen, to take an examination; un intcrrogatoire, (law) to answer the ques- tions of a judge; son iugcmeni, (law) to serve one's sentence. subjugation, f., subjugation conquest. subjugiicr, v. a., to cc.nquer, (jiirll, put down, master, sulxlue, bring into subjection. siibliina.tioii, f., (c/icm.) sublimation. s!it)li!ii i . in., (chi'rn.) subiimatf. subliinvr, v. a., (chfin.) v> sublimate. siibiaarin, a., submarine. submergt-r, v. a., to submerge, drov.n, Hood, swamp. submersible, a., submersil le. submersion, f.,sinkiiii;. subordination, f., (mil., itc.) subordination, order. subordonne, m., subordinate. subordonner, v. a., to subordinate; to render fir make subordinate. subrf-cargue, m., (nav.) supercargo. subside, m.. subsidy. subsistance, f., subsistence; (mil., in- pi.') provi- sions and forage; subsist an iv 435 support subsistence, mcttrc en , (mil.) to assign a man to a unit not his own, (or pay and subsistence; 1 militaires, (mil.) food, forage, illuminating and heating, supplies, etc.; mite en , ( mil. ) assignment of a man to a unit not his own, for pay and subsistence, subslstant, m., (mil.) man temporarily subsisted and paid in a unit not his own (said of militairc isole). subslster, v. a., to subsist; faire unc armee, (mil.) to subsist an army. substance, f., substance; matter; ixnlante, (elec.) insulating material; * rebelUs, (met.) refractory ores. substltuer, v. a., to substitute. substltut, m., substitute; deputy. - substitution, f., substitution; (osp. FT. a.) the substitution of one sort of forage for another. substruction, f., substruction; underpinning; foundation. subvention, f., relief; subsidy; grant; supply, aid. subventlonner,v. a. ,to subsidize; to make a grant, a subsidy. sub version, f., subversion, ruin, overthrow. subverter, v. a., to overthrow, ruin, subvert. succomber, v. n., to fail, yield, succumb, be worsjted; to sink beneath ; to be overthrown. succursale, f., branch establishment. sucre, m. , sugar; casseT du ft deux sous le mitre cube, (mil. slang) to be in punishment companies, break- ing stone. sud, a., south, southerly; m., the south; south wind; magnetique, magnetic south; vrai, true south. sudiste, m., Confederate, 1861-1865. sud-ouest, a., southwest; m.. the southwest: southwest wind, southwester; southwester (head gear). su6e, f., (hip/i.) sweating, sweat. suer, v. a., to sweat: to perspire; blanc, (hipp.) to sweat foam; to sweat foamy; to foam; lefer, (met.) to weld completely, sueur, f.. sweat. sule, f., soot; de &c/ix, wood soot. sulf, m., tallow; si let; (art.) tallow disk; (nar.) mix- ture of soap, tallow, brimstone, et<-., for paying a ship's bottom; boiled , tallow box; bouilloired , tallow kettle; coupe d , v. godtt a ; cuir en , v. s. v. cnir; donnrr un . to grease; godtt ct , tallow cup; grease rup: goutte de , round-head screw, button-head screw ; iiifttTt i a , to tallow; mineral, a variety of tali-. suifTer, v. a., to tallow; (nav.) to pay with tt'iif. q. v. suintement, m.. oozing, running, exudation (run- ning, leaking, of seams, boilers, etc. i; t, ids; dc la fouTchittf, (hipp.) thrush, running thrush. suinter, v. n.. to luak, filter, drip throng!' : t i rm out, oo/.e; (tipl.) to e.xinle. leak (as acids i. suite, f., retinue, train; sequel, continuance, seces- sion, series, set, consequence; d la , (mi/.) supernumerary; to, la dc I'armff, (mil.) of a general ollicer. in excess of the. statutory number: din d'un regiment, (mil.) of an officer, attached to a regiment as supernumerary of his grade; ftrc mind la , (mil.) to be discharged with a pension; olticirrd la , v. s. v. afficitr. suhage, in., tallowing. simuiil, in., follower in a flight of pigeons. sulvcr, v. a., v. suifjtr. sulvre, v. a., to follow, pursue, go after; - un court, to take a course of study (in a col- lege, etc.); - la piste, (man.) to go close to the wall of a riding hall; le pong de'la bride, (man.) to obey the hand readily. sulet, a., subject to, amenable, liable; prone, given to, addicted to. sujet, m., subject, topic, matter; subject (of a king); bon , steady, well-behaved man. su jetton, f., subjection; inconvenience; picrre de , v. s. v. pierre. sulfatlsatlun, f., impregnation, injection, with sulphate of copper. sulfatlser, v. a., to inject, impregnate,, with sul- phate of copper. sulfoiclycerique, a., (chem., eipl.) glyeerolsul- phuric. suit oultrique, a., (chem., eipl.) sulphonitric. sulfurtte, (eipl.) sulphurite. sultan, m., sultan. sultane, f., sultana. super, v.a.n., (of a pump) to suck up the packing; (of tubes, etc.) to be stopped, plugged, up. superflcie, f., superficies; surface, area; d la , superficially: de , superficial, in area. superfln, a., superfine; (of a file) dead smooth. sup^rieur, a., superior; upper (of rivers, of coun- tries, e. g., the upper Rhine, etc.); COUT f, higher court; supreme court; officur , (mil.) field officer; tribunal , v. COUT f . superposer, v. a., to superpose. superposition, f.. superposition: (*m. a.) overlap- ping and welding the edges of a skelp. stiperstructlon, f.. (cons.) construction above ground. superstructure, f., superstructure: superstructure of a bridge; (T. T.) superstructure (ballast and rails, track and supports). suppleance, f., substitution; functions of a substi- tute. suppleant, a., m.. deputy, substitute, assistant. supplier, v. a. n.. to supply, make good: to fur- nish, fill up. supply the place of, do duty for, serve Instead. supplement, m.. supplement, addition; additional pay; gratuity, bounty; ullowuu< e; en , extra, additional; offieier en , (mil.) siijxrnumerary officer; de solde. extra pay or allowance. supplemental, a., supplementary, additional, extra, supernumerary. suppllce, m.". punishment, corporal punishment; /c dfTnicr , capital punishment. supplifler, v. a., to execute, inflict capital punish- ment on. support-, in., support, prop, stay, rest, pillar, column, standard, stanchion, strut, bearing, block, holder, projecting frame, stand, rack; fulcrum, stand; (fig.) assistance, help, protec- tion; (art.)headstock; mount (rapid-firing gun); (//on/.) beam supporting balks, etc.; (mach.) plumber block; overhanging arm; bracket; (elec. ) incandescent-lamp socket ; - - d'alimentatinn, (T./. art.) feed box; - d'arbrc portf-fraixr, (much.) overhanging arm (as of a milling machine); - arritre, (art.) rear support (of a star gauge >; -arant (d T), (art.) front or T rest (of a star gauge); - d ba'ionnctte, (dec.) bayonet-joint socket (for an incandescent lamp); - - dc bnlancier, crosshead bracket (of a steam windlass); - - df biryclrttf. bicycle stand: df chdrffi mi ill. t art. i brooch support ( French 9V''-'' for lire under great angles; '/ , ir;o/. (macA.) slide, slide rest (of ft lathe}; 436 sflretfi support! s) de la chaudilre, (steam) stay bars; girder stays; stays, brackets, of the boiler; knee of the boiler; conducteur, (art.) guiding support (of a star gauge); continu. continuous bearing; cornier, (telea.) angle bracket; corps de , (pont.) generic term for boats, trestles, etc., supporting the roadway; ii coulisse, v. h chariot; dc cylindrc, ( mach.) cylinder column; de tenant du haqutt, (pont.) upper cross- piece of a pontoon limber; d'tsxieu pnrtt-rouf, (art.) crossbar of the spare-wheel axle; d'etoile mobile, (art.) star-gauge rest: . fire, (mach.) fixed rest: fixed support (of a lathe); (pont.) any fixed support (e. g., a tres- tle); tlottant, (pont.) floating pier, any floating support; afourche, any forked support, Y; H'r fronteau de mire, (art.) fore sight, patch, des glissieres, (mach.) slide-bar bracket, guide-bar bracket; de(s) grilk(s), (mach.) fire-bar support, bearer; de hampe. (art.) stall rest (of a star gauge); de haquet, (pont.) crossbar of a pontoon wagon; isrtlant, (teleg.) insulator; / : 6rr. loose support; lunette, (mach.) arbor bearing; mobile, standard; d'ttn palier. (mach.) plumber-block bearer; pendant, (macli.) hanger: en pierre, (r. r.) stone sleeper, block; & pirot, pivoting support; planchc de , stand; plaque de , stand; du pnids, weigh bar; de pointagc, (art.) elevating-gear support; front -sight support; sight rest; de pont rotilant, (pont.) crosspieee of a car- riage bridge upon which balks are laid; de porte corps, center transom; dcs rails, (r. r.) sleeper: ii rainures, (mach.) slotted table (to hold the work); de route, (art.) traveling breech support (French 95); de tente. awning boom; de timon, pole yoke; ait tour, (mach.) lathe rest; de lourillon, (art.) traveling trunnion; trun- nion bed; A via, (telcg.) screw bracket; de vis dc pointagc, (art.) elevating-screw nut. supporter, v.. to support, prop, stay, bear, beai up: to sustain (as attack, etc.); to endure: - le feu, to bo fireproof; to stand, resist, fire (as bricks, etc.). suppression, f., abolishment, suppression, re- trenchment, withdrawn!; d' cm plot, suppression of an office, of a place. suprcmatie, f.. supremacy: narale, sea power, naval supremacy. sur, a., sour. sur. a., sure: steady; safe (of n port): ai nir If con/i d'ri i'l , to have an accurate eye; ai"ir In jarnbe f, li pied , (man.) to be sure- footed. suraffliie, a., v. df passe. suranner, v.a.,to IK; more than one year old (pass- ports, etc.). sur-arbitre, m.. \impire deciding a lie bHween other umpires. surbalssfi, p. p.. elliptic, depressed, surbased. surbaissement, m., surbasemenl. surbalsser, v. a., to make elliptic; to surbase. surbande, f., (sin. a.) distance that the hammer may be drawn beyond full cock; (art.) cap square. surbau, m., (war.) frame, framing piece of a hatch- way, head ledge. surbout, m., any piece of wood turning on a pivot, surcalclnC, a., overburned. sur-cftmenW, p. p., face-hardened (armor). sur-cfimenter, v. a., to face-harden an armor plate. surcharge, f., extra, additional, load; baggage ex- cess; in races, handicap (weight); top pack (pack mules); top load; word(s) or ngure(s) written over another or others; (mas.) load of an an-h; increased thickness of a coat of plaster; increased heieht of a wall; (art.) overcharge (in testing): (mach.) overload (of valves); d'epreuve dis chauAieres, (steam) boiler test- ing by increased pressure. surcharger, V. a., to overload: tc overburden, oppress, overcharge, overtask, weigh down: to write in a word, etc., over another; (mil. min.) to overload a mine. surchautfaRe, m., overheating, superheating (as of steam). surchaufTc, f., (steam) superheating. surchauffer, v. a., to overheat; (met.) to bum; (steam ) to superheat. surchaufteur. m.. (steam) superheater; surface de s, superheating surface. surrhaulfure, f., (met.) burnt spot (in iron or steel); (operation of) overheating metal. sur-col, m., (harn.) wither strap. sur-cou, m., v. sur-col. surcuisson, f., everburning oUime. surdent, m., (hipp.) supernumerary tooth; wolf's tooth, supplementary premolar. surdi-mutite, f., deaf-muteness. surdos, m., porter's pad; (harn.) back band, back strap. sureau, m.. elder tree. surecartement, m., (r. r.) increase of gauge. surezalisaRC, m. . ( powd.) passage of grains through the upper (coarse) separating sieve. surtRallscr, v. a., (powd.) to pass grains through the upper (coarse) separating sieve. sureRallsoir, in., (powd.) coarse sieve, superior or upper separating sieve. surelargissement, m., v. surecartement. surCWvatiori, f .. (r. r.) raising of outer rail; (cons.) addition to a building (e. g., a story). sure'lcve', p. p., chemin de fer , elevated rail- road. sure-lever, v. a., to raise; (cons.) to raise (a build- ing, e. g.. by adding a story). submission, f.. overissue (of paper money). .uveiiveloppe, f., outer envelope. surepaisseur, m., excess of thickness, increased thickness. sun-stark 1 , f.. overtime, demurrage; i"d/mnitt: pour . demurrage. surestimation, f., overestimate, overvaluation. surestlmer, v. a., to overestimate, overvalue. surett, f., safety, security, safe-keeping, custody, warranty; (commercial) security; arrt't de , (sm. a-) safety bolt, catch; Iritinde de , (mil.) a name for the corps cav- alry; cnixsc at . safe: dispositifd( - - . (mil.) measures of safety; dix posit if tic ism'i>:it:u nit nt df , ( mil.) measures taken hi a staii-.innt aunt for sei-urity; hypothecate, mortgage; I'linpcae . safety lamp; I'n u, dt , safe place; ;,:irnbole de , (ball.) envelope of the parabolas having the same point of departure and the same initial \elocity: place dc - -, place retained by a state as a guar- antee of the execution of a 1 reaty ; platini: dc -, (sm. a.) safety lock; rfseau de , ( mil.) the network of troops estab- lished to secure safety; robin (t dc , safety cock; strrurc dc , safety lock; service de , v. s. v. service; sflrete 437 suspect surete, soupape de , safety valve; troupes de , (mil.) troops employed In service de gUrete; verrou de , safety bolt. surface, f., surface, space, area: d'anpu i,( mach . ) working surface; de chanffe, (steam) heating surface; de chauffe Male, (steam) total heat ing surface; ographique, the surface of the ground; any surface whose law of generation is unknown and is pierced by a vertical in only one point; unit, even, smooth, surface. surf aix, m., (harn.) surcingle, roller; oroir du , (hipp.) to have a deep and well- rounded girth; cavalier, v. s. v. cavalier; dt enurtrtuTi, blanket surcingle; dti*sitr(, gun-pack lashing or strap (moun- tain artillery). surhausseraent, m., elevation, act of raising: ex- aggeration of vertical scale (in relief maps, etc.): (r. r.) elevation of outer rail. surhausser, v. n,., to raise; to run up. siir-liorizontal, a., (mil. miii.) over the center of the charge (of effects). Ktirintendaiire, f., superintendence, overseeing; overseer's duties. surlnteiidant, m., superintendent, overseer. surjalt', a., (of an anchor) fouled. surjaler, v. a. n., to raUo an anchor in order to clear the stock; to become unstocked (of the anchor). surjet, m., overcast in?, whipstitching. surjeter, v. a., to overcast, whipstiu-h. surlier, v. a., (curd.) to whip (the end of a rope). surliiiro, f., (cord.) wliipping (of a rope end). surmenatre, m., overworking (of a horse). surmener, v. a., to overs! ruin, overwork, override, a horse; (mil.) to handle roughly. surtueiile, f., runner or upper mill-;' one. surntoiuer, v. a., to surmount; to get over; rise above, rise to the surface of; (fig.) to overcome, conquer; to surpass, excel. surmoule, m., mold made from a casting. surmouler, v. ;>.., to mold from a costing. surnaiicr, v. n., to float; to flout to the surface. surniiuiera-ire, a., supernumerary: (mil.) super- numerary, additional, as additional lieutenant. suros, m.. (hipp.) splint; cerclt. v. duvtitt; s en chai'ilft, chain tpltats; cltevitlf, through, double, or pegged splint; sur la corne, riiigbqne; double, v. cneriUe; sfuiii, spindle-shaped splints; simple, single splint; Undineui, tendinous splint. surpasser, v. a., to surpass, exceed, go beyond; to overweight, overflow. surpaye, f., overpay. surpayer, v. a., to overpay, surpied, m., spur ?trcp (over instep). surplomb, m., overhang, overhanging: state of neinf: out ol the perpendicular (said of ever- hangini: rocks, etc.); en , overhanging; Hre en , to overhang. snrplombemeat, m., overhanging. surplomber, v. a. n., to overhang: to hang over; to lean out; to be out of the perpendicular (of a wall). surplus, m., surplus, overplus, remainder, surpoids, m., overweight. surprendre, v. a., to surprise, take by s'irprise; to detect, intercept; to overreach, catch, over- take; to obtain by fraud; (mil.) to surprise; un cheial, (man.) to use the aids suddenly surprcsslon, f., (ball.) abnormal pressure. surprise, f., surprise; (mil.) surprise, sudden attack: surprise of a fort, of a town; slratigique, (mil.) state of affairs caused by a lack of information as to the enemy (e. g.~, a bfifaille de rencontre); tactique, (mil.) surprise proper (caused by the improper performance of the security service). sursaturatlon, f., supersaturation. sursaturer, v. a., to supersaturate. surseance, f. , suspension, respite, reprieve, surseoir, v. a., to suspend, delay, put off, arrest, EiimTsede, reprieve, respite. surseitll, m., (cons.) lintel. sursls, m., delay, reprieve, respite; accurdtr un , to reprieve; d'appel, (Fr. a.) delay or postponement of joining; d'arriref, (Fr. a.) delay of joining, as a new regiment or service, in consequence of change of residence: j>frmis.iii>n h titre dc , v. s. v. permistion. sursoufflane, m., (met.) afterglow (Bessemer process), surveillance, f., supervision, superintendence. inspection, watch; inspectorship; administrative, (Fr. n.) inspctiou (by the jnttii'lana) of the administration of regiments and of establishments ranking as regiments; --de {'ordinaire, (mil.) inspection of company mess. survelllar.t, m., watchman, inspector, overseer, s'ijH'rvisor: keeju-r of a military jail. sunelller, v. a. n., to superintend; to inspect: to look after, take care of, overlook, watch over, h.ive an eye upon, preside over. siirvctite, f., increase in the violence of the wind. sunentiT, y. a., to blow hard: to blow a gale; to iiiiTi-ase in -\ iolence (of the wind ). sur\ldrr, v.a., toempty partly (vessel or receptacle tliat is too full). stis-l>amle, [., (art.) cap-square; a coulisse, sliding cajHsquare glides into position); - dc tirf-ftit, (F. m. arl.) kind of strap holding down the lanyard, and forming pan of safety device. suscriptlon. f.. address. :;uper-er:piion. of :i letter. siisdit. a.. a!ores : ii(i. sus-naxeau, m., (//////.) part alio\e the nostrils. suspect, a., suspected, opi n lo suspicion: chti'al , horse suspected of u contagious disease; suspect 438 table suspect, lieu, pays, (de contagion), place, country, thought to he infected. suspendre, v. a., to hang, hang up, sling; to sus- pend, stay, stop, arrest, discontinue, intermit (as hostilities); to delay, put oil; to suspend from office; UK cheval, to slins; a horse; le compas, to swing a compass in gimbals. suspendu, p. p., suspended; swung; (of a vehicle) on springs, having springs; suspended (from duty, from office); pont , suspension bridge. suspenseur, a., suspensory: m., sling; cfjble , supporting cable (of a suspension bridge). suspension, f., suspension, hanging, swinging: discontinuance, interruption, cessation; sus- pension (from duty, office); (in balloons) the set or system of suspending cords; anncau de . v. s. v. anncau; d'armea, (mil.) suspension of arms, of hos- tilities; truce, armistice; bifilatre, hifllar suspension; A la Cardan, Cardan's, cardanic, suspension; cttalne de , suspension chain; dcs chtnnx, (hi pp.) swinging of horses in case of certain diseases or fractures; contrefilaire, counter-filar suspension: d'emploi, (Fr. a.) suspension from duty (as on account of passage to non-actiiile): de grade, (Fr. a.) suspension from grade (chefs de musique, who have no assimilated rank as officers); d'hostililes, v. d'armcs; mort par , death by hanging: point dc , point of suspension; syslemeb, , (art.) lunette-and-pinlle system of limbering up; temps de . (man.) time or moment, after the execution of the parts of a movement; unifiliire. unifilar suspension. suspensolrc, f.. (pont.) suspension rod (us of a suspension bridge); (med.) suspensory, sus- pensory bandage. sus-pled, 'm., v. sur pied. suzerain, a., m., suzerain. suzeralnetf, f., su/eraiiitv. svelte, a., slender, linht, slim, graceful, easy. switch, m., (r. r.) switch. sycomore, m., sycamore tree nnd wood; fa-: i , pride of India. syiiite, f., syenite. syme'tri,f., symmetry. symetrique, in., symmetric. sympigzomctre, m., sympiesometer. synchrone, a., synchronous. synchronlque, a., synchronic. synchroniser, v. a., to synchronize. synchronisme, m., synchronism. syndic, in., syndic; magistrate; assignee; (dtx gens de ma'), in France, seaman or dis- charged petty officer haying police duties with reference to the maritime domain, fisheries, etc., and local representative in ail matters re- lating to the inscription maritime. syndical, a., chambre e, trades committee; chambr: e ouvrfcre, trades-union committee. syndlcat, m., office, duties, of a syndic; trades committee. syndiquer, v. a., to form a syndicate. synovia!, a., synovial. synoviale, f., (hip-p.) synovial membrane; lendineuse, synovial sheath. synovie, f., synovia. synovlte, f., (hipp.) synovitis. syrtes, f. pi., (hydr.) shifting sands. systeine, m., system, project, scheme, plan; in any material or mechanical arrangement, the ensemble of the essential or characteristic parts; angulaire, (fort.) v. tenaille; d'artillerie, (art.) comprehensive term for everything connected with the arm, especially of a material character; aoiervi (mack.) system controlled by a servo motor; bastionne, (fort.) bastioned system;- a bielle et cadre, (mach.) slit-bar motion; de b idles combinees, (mach.) connecting-rod system; en boiiflc, (elec.) loop system; de carriere, v. s. v. carncre; de changement de inarche, (mack.) reversing gear; concentrique, (fort.) system of fortification in which the works are situated in lines, all the fortifications of the national territory being considered ; concutnnt, (art.) in a double-action fuse, the arrangement that sets off the time system; concvtant-pcrculant, v. s. v. concvtanf; de contremincs, (fort.) system of counter- mines; a deux fils, (elcc.) two-\vire system; de for/ification , fortification system ; fu.iant, (art.) time train proper of a double- action fuse; de lumicreh arc, (elec.) arc system; moderne, (fort.) modern polygonal system; de passage, \. s. v. passage; percutant, v. s. y. percutant; dc poin/'iie en direction (hauteur), (art.) train- ing (elevating) gear; polygonal, (fort.) v. moderne; rayonnant, (fort.) system of fortification in which the works radiate from the capital, along probable lines of in nsion, to frontier; de roue.s, system of wheels; en serie, (elec.) series system; de soupape?, (much.) set of valves; tenaille, (for/.) tenaille system; d, transmission directs (indirecte), direct- (indirect-) distribution system; (i trnisfili, (elfc.) throe-wire system; ti vide, vacuum system. syzygle, f., syzygy; maree de , spring tide. T. T, any T-shaped device, any T-shaped part of a mechanism; toggle; T square; T iron; (sieged T-shaped trench (in front of the circular place of arms); (fort.) T-shaped phee of arms; (mil. win.) double mine, T-shaped mine; < mach.) crosshead; d'axsemblagf, T-shaped asM-mbling or con- necting piece; me en (ti deux leviers oppnxci<>, (much.) cross axle; (s.iieu in , (much.) cross axle; ftr en , T iron: ferh double , H iron; guide* du, , (mach.) crosshead guides; mine en , (mil. min.) T mine; du piston, (mach > piston crosshead; T, poutrc en , en double , v. s. v. poutre; renvcr.it, (mach.) cross-tail; de tige de piston, (mach.) pislon-rod en head; du tiroir, (mach.) slide-valve crosshead. tahac, m., tobacco; les s, government sale o!" tobacco. tahatlcre, f., tobacco box; crete supporting construction in compressible soils; (nat<.) sigir.il book: (mil.) officers' mess; (pou'd.) lied, bedstone (of the mill); (mach.) table 439 taehe table d'appareil, worktable; aut armements, (. e. art.) Implement shelf; d'attenttj plate or slab lor an Inscription; de baitene, oattiere, molding trough; en beton, concrete bed (for construction in compressible soils); brisfe, folding table; de charge, (art if.) drift board; chiffrante , cipher table, board, or disk; de construction, any sheet, plan, etc., con- taining full details for constructing a mechan- ism, machine; working plan, working drawing (e. g. , small arms); ( Fr. a.) tables of specifi- cations for the construction of material; de conespondance , (Fr. art.) table showing variations in the elements of loading for the same piece, using different projectiles; & coulisses, v. & rallonges; de cylindre, (much.) cylinder face; de defilement, (art.) range table for indirect fire (fixes points from which a hidden target may best be reached by indirect fire); dcntaire, (hipp.) dental table; d dtssiner, drawing table or board; & double entree, double-entry table; decrire, writing table; degruger, (artif.) mixjng table; mealing tray; d'enclume,teceoi an anvil; lire d la me me , to mess together; iiier, tank table; faire rase , to obliterate, begin all over again; enfonte, cast-iron face plate; d forer, (math.) traveling table (of a boring machine); dfourrer. (cord.) serving board; de foyer, hearth plate; dead plate; de friction, (macn.) slide face; de glaciers, glacier table; d'harmonie, sounding board; des hausses, (art.) tame of elevations, drift, and of other elements; d manger, dining table; de manipulation, (elec.) switch board; key- board; d'un marteau, hammer face; dcs matieres, table of contents; d'un moulindpoudre,(poicd.) bedder, nether millstone; d onvrage, work bench; pliantc, v. brisee; de pointaqe, ( Fr. art.) bed of the lower carri- age ofthe 120 C.; porte-projectile , (raach.) projectile table in band-seating machinery; pratique de tir, (ball.) a ballistic table (so called because it gives only data indispensable for actual execution of fire); d rallonges, extension table; rapportce de cylindre, (math.) false face of a cylinder; d rebord, v. d egrugtr; a router, trundle plank: saillante, (cons.) panel projecting from its frame; d sccher, drying tray; - de tir, (art.) range table; de tir grn/thique, (art.) graphical range table; detir num/riqiif, (art.) table giving numerical arguments and functions; de tir plongeant, (art.) range table for curved fire; de tiroir, (rnach.) valve face, slide face; tournante, (mm.) slime table; d tourner, (much.) rest of a boring machine; de visfe, (nav.) sort of range table for firing, a torpedo from a ship. tableau, m., blackboard, announcement board: picture, painting; description, catalogue, list, table, tabulated statement, schedule; diagram; (cons.) reveal; d' assemblage, Index map; d'avancement, (mil.) promotion roll or list; de concordance des charges, (art.) table giving the Charges of different powders necessary to produce a given muzzle velocity; de connexion, (elec.) secondary switch board; de defilement, v. table de defilement; de distribution, (elec.) switch board; d double entree, double-entry table; figuratif de tir, (ball.) plotted diagram of practice; (-)indteatfur, (art.) in a seacoast battery, board containing or showing data useful in target practice; ae marche, (mil.) tabulated statement of a day's march (giving elements of column, time when each is to start in order to reach initial point, destination, etc., Fr. a.); de marche dts trains, (r. r.) time-table; de recer&ement, v. s. v. recensement; de recherches pour le tir plongeant, (art.) a table giving for known ranges and angles of fall the muzzle velocity, the remaining hori- zontal velocity, and probable error in height ; secondaire, (elec.) secondary switch board; de service, (mil.) duty roster: (r. T.) time- table; du service Journalier, (mil.} schedule or roster of daily duties; de service de tranchfe, (siege) roster of trench duty; de tir, (art.) range table. table tte, f., tablet; shelf; (in pi.) writing tablets, notebook; long rib (e. g.,in Schultzgun); (in.?/.) plane table; (nav.) armor shelf; (fort.) coping; (med.) tablet; d'appui, (cons.) window-, door-, sill; en bahut, (cons.) coping stone; de cheminfe, (cons.) mantelpiece; d coulisse, leaf of a table; de fenfire, (cons.) window sill; d'un mur, coping of a wall: de platine, (sm. a.) lock ph-.tr: d'une poutre, d'une solire, (cons.) beam end (resting on a wall). tablier, m., apron; apron of a carriage: small canvas bag for nails, spikes, etc.; (pom.) floor of a sus- pension bridge; frame and planking of one bay of a frame bridge; road way of a pontoon bridge; (art.) floor of a platform; platform of a two- wheel truck; d , aproned; d bavette, cook's apron (high apron): charpente de , road framing of a suspension bridge: plate-forme d continu, d i superposes, \. s. v. plnt<-forme; de pont, tloor, flooring, of a bridge: de pont flottant, brow of a floating bridge; de pont-liris, platform, movable part, of a drawl, ridge; de saprnr, (mil.} sapper's apron; de siege , (fort.} flooring of a siei;e platform. tabors, ill., (;.-u'.) ring, circle, of baggage, for de- ft-use against cavalry. tabouret, m., stool; (man.) riding st->ol (sort of stool susceptible of motions similar to those produced by a horse in motion^. 1 i iectriqiie, ixolant .ielec.) insulating stand. tac, in., (hipp.) rot (eruptive pnlegmasia); (fenc.) touch. tache, f., spot, stain: (art.) tin spot in gun metal: d'Stain, (art.} tin spot in bronze guns; dans l'. tache, f., task, job; piecework: d la , by the job; fired la , to work by the j >l>, i>y (ho piece; taehe 440 talon tache, metlred la , to put (men) to work by the task (in sieges, 0.4 me. per hour); ouvraged la , piecework, job work; currier ti la .jobber; prendrc fi , to undertake a task, etc.; travail h la , v. ourrage h. la ; tramitler a la , to work by the task, by the piece. tachtosrafle, (., v. tacfiygraptiie. tachfomfctre, m., (inst.) tachometer; tacny_meter, an altimetric and planimetric surveying in- strument, invented by Colonel Goulier, of the French engineers. taelier. v. a., to spot, stain. tacher, v. n., to try, endeavor, tacheron, m., man en piecework; job hand. tachcter, v. a., to spot, mark. tachometre, m., (inst.) tachometer. tachygraphe, m., stenographer. tachy^raphle, f., stenography. tachymfctre, m., (inst.) tachometer" speed gauge. tachyme 1 trie, f., taehoraetry. tacomiage, m., (art.) defect in cast-iron guns, caused by a flaw of the mold (obs.). tact, m., tact, touch, feeling. des coudes, (mil., inf.) touch of elbow; gardcr, conserver, tcnir le dcs coudes, to keep the touch. tacticlen, m., (mil.) tactician; en chambre, closet tactician, theoretical tac- tician. tactlrographe, m., (mil.) writer on tactics. tactlcographle, f., (mil.) graphical representation of maneuvers of troops. tactique, f., (mil.) tactics; de combat, battle tactics; de combat spfciale, the drill of each arm; dc combinaison V. combinee dcs trois armes; combinee dcs trois arnics. tactics ofthe three arms, acting in conjunction; clemcniaire, drill (of each arm); d'fmbnrcafion-s, (nar.) boat drill, boat tactics; df I'eperon, (nav.) ram tactics; cTfcntive, term applied to operations in action for the attainment of a definite and immediate purpose; genfrnle, tactics of the three arms in com- bination; grande , grand tactics; lineaire, linear tactics: de marche, march tactics; namle, (nnv.) naval tactics; nnvalcit vapenr, (nnv.) steam tactics; pcrpendiculaire, perpendicular tactics: dcs signaur. signaling tactics, i. e., signaling with reference to troops in the field, to' use under service conditions; de ravilnillement. supply tactics: de stntionntment, measures taken on making a halt (v. stationncmcnt). tafia, tn., rum. talf, f., (I'.ipp.) film (over the eye, disease); i1'or< illrr, pillowcase. illladc, f., cut, gash, slash. lillader, v. a., to cut, gash, slash. lillanderie, f., edge tools; edge-tool trade. lill.indicr, m.. edge-tool maker. liilaiit, in., edge, cutting edge (of a tool). I i t taillc. f., si/.e, stittnre. lieu-lit: height of a man, figure, height of a hor-;e: cut. cutting, lopping; Kione, etc., cutting; eul of a file; tally; coppice wood: (sin . a.) i-d'-'e of a sword; a/i/iin nt(. cutting (stone) to shape, or ac- cording to pattern; nrmr di , v. s. v. nnm : nc i'is m-fiir In , (mil.) to be teat- ing ; t he eal 1 is going ; aux . (call) assembly of drummers; baguette de , drumstick; bandtr un , to brace a drum; de basque, tambourine; rtattant, by beat of drum, with drums beat- ing; energetically, violently, thoroughly; battement de , v. s. v. battemtnt: batterie de , beat of drum; (mil.) call or signal by boat of drum; buttrc du , to beat a drum; bat!re le , to beat a drum (i. e., give a sig- nal ty drumbeat); Irxi! tie , drumming: caisst de , case, frame, barrel, of a drum; caporal , v. s. v. caporal; ccrclc de . flesh hoop of a drum ; de chargement, (r.f. art.) ((.atling) feed gear (earliest type): ch-isscr un sotdat au son du , (mil.) to drum a soldier out; collUr de .drum carriage: coriique, (mack.) cone pulley; cord e de , brace of a drum : (i. de, courroie, (mach.) drum of a belt; belt pulley; de crible, (ariif.) composition sieve; - de cuivre, kettledrum; dcssus de , drumhead; fifineri, emery wheel; fniseur de s, drum maker; defrotttmeni, friction drum; fut de .shell, case, of a drum; g'and cerclede , snare hoop of a drum; grns , bass drum; guide , ( Fr. art.) grooved drum of a seacoast sight (controlling the displacement of the delleetion scale and automatically correcting for drift); d' indicateur , (steam) indicator barrel; induit en , (e'rc.) drum armature; magasin, coiling drum (of a balloon rope); m /.v/.yr, sieve, sand sieve; Twyvrr an - , to sift, screen; -de perc'-cnnoiifdHiird.) canon-powder sieve; tie i>i-rc<-inouxqu mach., etc.) buffer; (artif.) wad; atmospherique, air buffer; d'attelage, (r. r.) coupling buffer: bofted , inking and stamping pad; de bouche, (art.) muzzle tompion; de buffle, (sm. a.) wad; de charge, (art.) gun wad (ohs.); de choc, (art.) Belleville spring, used as safety device in case brakes should break; (art., r. r.) buffer; de chocd ressort, (art., r. r.) spring buffer; de combat, (nav.) shot plug; coup de , (r. r.) collision; dixque de , (r. r. ) buffer disk; d'ecubicr, (nav.) hawse plug; d'ts!tieu, (art.) axlo buffer (Russian field mortar); faux , (r. r.) buffer box; dcft.utre, (sm. a.) wad; defuset, (artif.) fuse disk of a rocket; (art.) plunger of a fuse; d galet, (art.) roller buffer; hydraulique, hydraulic buffer; de lumicre, (art.) vent plug; masque, (sm. a.) gas guard of the Lebel rifle: du noble, boat plug; d rr.-'sort, (art.) spring tompion; ressort de , buffer sprint;; avec re-iKorts en caoutchouc (en volute), India rubber (volute) spring butter; d TondeUes de caoutchouc, india-rubber buffer; du scan d'affut, (art.) water-bucket lid; fee, (r. r.) springless buffer; de surcte, (art.) safety plug (of a fuse); taraude, screw plug; screw buffer; tete de , buffer disk ; 'tigt de , buffer guide rod ; Iron de , (met.) hole through which metal flows; de tube, (steam) tube plug; It vis, v. taraude. tamponiiage, m., (action of) plugging; plugging, stopping up. tampoiinement, m., v. tamponnage. tamponncr, v. a., to plug tip. to stop up; to tamp, to pack down; (t. p.) to plug; (r. r.) to collide; une fusee, (artif.) to plug a rocket. tamponiieur, m., (t. p.) shot-hole plugger, man who fills holes made by shots. tan, m., tan bark. tandem, m., open carriage driven tandem. tangage, m., pitching motion (of a ship, of float- ing bridge); overbalancing of a locomotive. tangente, f., tangent. tangon, m., (nav.) swinging boom. languor, v. a., (nap.) to pitch; to be down by the head; c n arriere, to squat. tangueur, m., lighterman. tuiiin, m., v. tannin. tannage, m., tanning. taniife, f., tan, waste tan, tan bark. taiuutr, v. a., to tan. tannerie, f., tannery, tan yard. tan ni 11, m., tannin. taon, m., gadfly, horsefly. tape, f., slap; plug, stopper; (art.) tompion; d'fcubier, (nav.) hawse plug; d'ctoupe, (art.) vent plug; d eipanxion, (art. ) expanding tompion. tape-cu'l), in., drawbeam, counterpoise, of a drawbridge; alter d , (cay. slang) to ride without stimips. taper, v. a., to slap, hit, strike; to plug up, to stop with a plug; (drawing) to sketch freely; (art.) to put in a tompion; v. n., (met.) (of steel) to form or develop interior cracks; un canon, (art.) to put in a tompion; un cheval, to crimp the mane and tail of a horse. tapereau, m., kind of petard (obs.). tapin, m., (mil., fam.) a drummer, esp. a poor drummer. tapis, m., table cover, carpet, rug; (ham.) saddle cloth; cheval qui rase le , v. s.v. cheval; rascr le , v. s. v. raser; de sclle, (harn.) saddle cloth. tapure, f.. (met.) interior crack or fissure (in large ingots) caused by too rapid heating or cooling. taque, f., (mrt.).plate, lining plate; de gueulara, iron ring around the charging hole of a blast furnace. taqueret, m., fore plate of a forge hearth. taquerle, f., (met.) stokehole of a reverberatory furnace. taqtiet. m., cleat, belaying cleat; stop cleat, hurter; angle block; whelp of a capstan barrel; step of a ladder; kevel; wedge; small picket, peg; (mach., etc.) catch, stop, driver, tappet, detent; (sm. a.) front part of the trigger guard (shaped to receive the ramrod); locking brace; (art.) trunnion cleat; d'arret, (art.) stop cleat; (sm. a.) bolt stop, stop; d'arret de console, (F. m. art.) tray catch; arretoir, (sm. a.) bolt stop; de baguette, (sm. a.) ramrod stop; de baionneite, (sm. a.) bayonet-ring stop; de bout, stop cleat; de butce, standard knee of a windlass; (r. /. art.) resistance piece; de cahestan, capstan whelp; - de ceinture, v. s. v. ceinture; dc chargement, (art.) loading cleat or stud (on various French carriages); s d'un chariot d canon, (art.) trunnion brack- ets or cleats; - de chassis, (art.) front (or rear) wedge on the chassis side rail (ol>s.); s d'un chassis de moulage, (fond.) lips or flanges of a molding flask; de clievre, (art.) peg on the pole of a gin ; dcaeur, kevel; -d come, belaying cleat; come de , arm, horn, of a cleat, or kevel; courbe de bi/te, standard knee of a windlass; pour crochet de /ion/age, (i>ont.) block through which the lashing hook passes; -d dent, snatch cleat; de detente, tappet ; ecrou, (urn. a.) ramrod stop (threaded) (in the front end of the guard); d'cmbarrnge, (art.) embarring bolt or cleat; d'eicrntrique, (mach.) catch tappet, eccen- tric catch; peg; defer, hanging clamp; file, stop; F n grain d'nrtje, stop cleat; d gveule, snatch cleat; de nagc, Hat thole; oreille de , v. come dc ; -d oreilles, thumb cleat or kevel; de pente, (mil. min.) slope template; dc pont, deck cleat ; a rexsort, spring cleat (sort of spring cushion); de relrnut:, (art., etc.) stop; - - de stir etc, (r.f. art.) safety catch; xim/ile, belaying cleat; - - de tmirnage, belaying cleat; de tringle, (pont. j kevel block; tarage, m., allowance for tare; (intf.) calibration (as, art., of a crusher); force de , (art.) force of calibration, i. e., the force producing the final compression of a crusher cylinder. taranrhe 443 taranche, f ., lever for the turning screw of a press, tarare, m., winnowing machine. taraud, m., tap, screw tap; boxing machine; compensateur, compensating tap, expand- ing tap; comquf, taper tap; equarrissoir, square tap-rimer; & eipantion, v. compensateur; manche de , wrench, tap wrench; mire, master tap. taraudage, m., tapping. turaude, p. p., tapped; boulan , screw bolt. tarauder, v. a., to tap; (less strictly) to cut screws; & to filitre, to cut screws with a die; & to volet, to out screws by hand. taraudeur, m., workman who taps; tapper. taraudeuse, f., (mach.) screw-cutting engine or machine. tard, a., late. tarder, v. n., to delay, put oft, loiter, lap, linger. tare, f., tare; loss, waste; defect, fault; standard of comparison; (hipp.) blemish; (r. r.) weight of a railway car; chfval sans , horse without blemish; dure, (hipp.) o>seous blemish (e. g., curb, spavin); molle, (hipp.) generic term for elastic, non- inflammatory tumors near the articulations; osseuse, v. dure. tar*, p. p., blemished; cheval , blemished horse. tarer, v. a., to damage, injure; to tare; to compare with a weight taken as standard of comparison; to calibrate. taret, m., teredo, teredo navalis. targette, f., sliding-bolt, fastener; sash bolt, win- dow fastening; d rcssort. spring bolt; de s&rete, (sm. a.) safety device. tariere, f., auger; wimble, borer; anglaise, screw auger; screw earth auger; d arcade, (mil. min.) an earth scoop strength- ened by a curved band (arcade) joining the edges of the scoop; bout de , auger bit; ft da pet, sludger; creuse, twisted anger; & cuiltrr, shell auer; cuiller de , shell of an auger; dclirgtr, (mil. min.) enlarging auger or earth borer; & goujon, dowel borer, hollow aueer; grande (de forage), (mil. min.) name of Colonel Bussifire's earth auger; en hclice, gimlet; fijaniiere, felly auger; meche de , v. bout de ; de mine, mine an per; pontee, v. a arcade; h spirale, v. en hflire; lige tie , shank of an auger; torse, twisted auger; (mil. min.) earth borer; lubutaire, tubular earth auger; verge de , v. tige de ; fi vis, screw auger. tartf, in., tariiT; charges; table of prices, price list. tarlfer, v. a., to (i\ the tariiT, the fares. tarlr, v. a. n., to dry up, drain, exhaust; to be ex- hausted, drained: to go, run, dry. tarlssable, a., that dries up. tarissement, m., draining, drying up, state of being exhausted. turpan, m., (hi/>p.) wild horse of the steppes of Mongolia. tarse, m., (hii>;>.) the tarsal bones. tartre, m., (chem.) tartar; (steam) boiler incrusta- tion, scale; p.) poll evil; de rnnpart. (mil. slnng.) engineer soldier. taupin, m., student of higher mathematics: candi- date for the Polytechnique; (mil. slang) officer or soldier of engineers; carrr, second-year student of higher mathe- matics; cube, third-year student of higher mathe- matics. taurocolle, f., very strong glue made from tendons, cartilage, etc. taiitorhrone, a., tautochronous; (ctiurbf) , tautochrone. tautochronlsine, m., tantochronism. tauv, m., rate, rate of discount, of interest; assess- ment: selling price: fixed price for sale of stores, rate of interest, etc.; (.in strength of materials) load; de charge, load per unit of section or area (strength of materials); dc sfcuritt, (in strength of material-;) safe load per unit of area. taxation, f., valuation, estimate; (in pi.) fees. taxe, f., tax, taxing, r;xte, price; mUitnhe, (Fr. a.) tax or duty paid by men exempt from service in the active army; -de f>rt, (nar.) harbor dues, duties. taxer, v. a., to rate, fix the price of; to charge, to tax. tayoii, m., a tree left standing after Tie third cut. tchuko, m., v. schako. t*. in., v.s. v. T. technique, a., technical, scii'iitili prujtt -. project for a railw:iv technologic, f., technology. took, in., teak, teak wood. tactile, f.. (<"..) ti'iirl i ' -ort of telgiip. f., i /i //>/>.) thrush. 444 teillaije. m., (cord.) breaking, stripping of hemp by hand. tellle, f., (cord.) shive, fragment separated by breaking. teiller, v. a., (cord.) to break orstrip hemp by hand. tclndre, v. a., to dye, stain, tincture. telnt, in., dye, color; bon, grand'. fast color; iiiaucais , color that will fade. teiute, f.*ijnt. tinge, tincture, dye; color, touch; conveHtiomiellr, conventional tint' degradcf, graded tint; d< :n i , half tint : dure, ground color or tint; fondue, blended tint; forte , hard tint ; linnachfe, variegated tint; de i>ax.fag(, (nut.) intermediate tint (between red and preen, in a polarizing telescope) used to determine temperatures; plite, flat tint; - vicrge, single, unmixed, tint. telnter, v. a., to tint, color. teinture, f., dye, hue, tint, tinge, color, tincture. tek, m., teak wood. tolas, in., coarse sackcloth for sand bags. ttledynamique, a., transmitting power to a distance; cnlile , long-distance power cable. te'If'sramme, m., telegram. en souffrancc, telegram delayed for any cause whatev or. tfilCijraphe, m., telegraph; (/we.) engine-room tele- graph; - aerien, v. optique; <; aiguille, v. ii cailran; ii cadran, dial telegraph; de campagne, (mil.) field telegraph; de cliambre de machine, (nav.) engine-room telegraph; fcriiartt, writing telegraph: tlectriqvc, electric telegraph; imprimant, imprimtur, printing tele- craph; l.) miiiiary telegraph, fieM telegraph: multiplex, multiplex telegraphy: optique, aerial, visual, telegraphy, signal- ing; nans fil, wireless telegraphy ; xicti'iti di . v. s. v. Kcctinn. tt'iegraphier, v. a., to telegraph; m., telegraph operator, tf'iesraphique. a., telegraphic; flll ,, t ; v . s . v . p,,*/,; fcct'.nn , v. s. v. tns/;on. telegraphist?, m., lelc'/raph operator (said esp., l-'r. n., of employees or ;.gen:s forming pan m telcL'raph section*;. teieironographe, in., (inxt .) instrument fused in lu'i-pi olive surveying; for I, iking pictures at ;i distance. teieiogle, f., (olelogy; -optique, visual signaling; strictly accurate term for visual signaling in general. ' rtieioKiio, m., dint.) a (proposed) signaling in- strujiiont, dependent ou the visibility of color-: or of luminous objects. t^K'nit'tro, m., i:i.) counterpart of the ''monk " (lit at the same time to show when the explosion would taKc place, obs.); '/ cl"irge, witness for prosecution. ilc cordiiijc (cord.) untv.'iMed end of rope to show t hat t he whole is correct ; ii di charge, witness for defense: faux -- . false witness; addition of earth to a mound left in an excavation iu order to obtain false measurement; intirrofwr un - , to examine n witness: /irfilii/inr 11 n --- , to tamper with a witness; proi" steady (unsteady) in its (light (of a projectile . - -/>"7i, (mil.) to hold on, fast, out: to stick, stand, fast; to stand one's ground: (.'T'/.. t heaving, hauling; io make fast, belay; - bn / cum', (mrii.) to haul and hold: tn'ii i:(i,-'i>iii. (fnrd.) to l.ccp or hold every- thing; tenir 446 tenue tenlr fa bride haute, (man.) to raise the hand (in order to restrain a horse); campagne, (mil.) to be and stay in the field with one's troops; la campagne, (mil.) to hold the country; le chemin de. to be following the road to; un cheral, (man. ) to support, keep up, a horse in his movements; un cheval en bride (main, talons), (man.) to control a horse by the bridle (hand, spurs); un cheval dans la main, (man.) to nave com- plete control of a horse: un cheral sujct, (man.) to hold up a horse short when he shies; Us chtvaux au filet, to keep the snaffle on horses (to prevent their eating); to corde, to have the inside track; court, to hold up a horse short (m dri- ine): croisiere, (war.) to be cruising (in such and such waters); se swr to defensive, (mil.) to b ,- on the de- fensive; de in objets I'un p-ir I'aulre, to see or keep two objects (e. g., masts) in one; f n echec, (mil.) to keep the enemy from carry- ing out his plans, to hold him in check; ert embuscude, (mil.) to lie in wait, in ambush; ferme, v. ban; se stir sex garden, (mil.) to remain in one's position without seeking to tai;o the offen- sive; garnison, (mil.) to be in garrison (at ); une garnison dans, (mil.) to keep a garrison in; en Jiftleinc, (mil.) to keep one's troops in condition to fight; les hanches, (man.) to make a horse step sideways; 7/71 lirre, to keep a book (bookkeeping, etc.): la main, to pull the bridle; se mala chernl, (man.) to ha^'o a poor seat: la mer, (nav.) to keep the sea; to be master of the sea; la plume, to be a secret ary; de la preaxion, (steam) to keep up steam; prison, to be in jail; en respect, (mil.) to hold or ' een off (tho enemy, his fleet, etc.); (of a fort) to dominate the surrounding country; h retour, (cord.) to haul taut by degrees; to haul and hold; ffte, (mil.) to accept combat: to await and resist the enemy. tenon, m., tenon, stud: (am. a.) stud, bayonet stud; locking lug: brace quoin: (art.) stud of a projectile (obs.); en abort, end tenon; d'appui, (sin. a.) recoil shoulder; de I'ajien, nut of an anchor: d'arrct, stop, stopper (as,rvf., on a canister); d'arret du chien, (.tin. a. ) cooking-piece stud; arrftoir, (sin. a.) lug, stop lug; assemblage d - et innrtaixe, (carp.) tenoning; assembler d et mortaise, (carp.) to tenon; to mortise and lenon; d'nttnclie, securing, fixing, tenon; ft cnmc, (nr/., inn.cn.) cam tenon; de la capiicine, (xm. a.) band Mud; a contri-flim/te, tenon and ke\ ; s cr<>i:arls bound together; de /erme/iirr, (xm. a.) locking lug; -at fusil, (sm. a.i barrel lug or tenon; de levier, de muntruvre, (art.) maneuver- ing bolt; embarring stud; passant, (carp.) through tenon; tenon-pivdf, pivot stud; . porte-hausse, (s. c. art.) sight seat or socket; (Y queue, en queue d'aronde, (carp.) dove- tail tenon; de recul, (sm. a.) recoil shoulder; fi renfort, (carp.) tusk tenon; de s&rele, (sm. a.) safety stud; de tSte mobile, (sm. a.) locking lug, bolt head tenon. tennniier, v. a., (carp.) to tenon. tenseur, a., stretching. ^. tension, (., tension; tension (of pases); tensile stress; (elec.) series; assemblage, assembler, en , v. s. vv. assemblage, assembler; anx bornes. (elec.) terminal voltage; chimigue, (expl.) chemical tension; ecrou fi , tightening or adjusting nut; montage, montcr, en , v. s. vv. montage, mr.nter; de regime, normal tension; de la trajectoire, (ball.) flatness of the trajec- tory. tentative, f., trial, attempt, effort. tente, f., tent; awning; pavilion: (med.) lint; abattre une , to strike a tent; aftri, d'abri, (m>l.) shelter tent; chandelier de , awning stanchion; conique, (mil.) bell tent; detendre une . to strike a tent; dresser lea s, to pitch tents; d'embarcation, boat awning; faWere de , ridgepole of a tent; fune de , awning ridgepole; goudronnee, tarpaulin; grande , (nav.) main-deck awning; mf:t de , tent pole: montant de , tent pole; monter une , to raise a tent ; mnraille de , v. pente de ; - de narje, boat's awnintr; pente de , tent wall, side wall; piquet de , tent peg; flier les s, to strike tents; de ftoldat, bell tent; tendre une , to pitch a tent; tortoise, turtle-back tent; transfilage d'une , awning lacing; traverse de - , v. faltiere de ; de troupe, soldiers', military, tent. tentement, m., (fenc.) double beat against the adversary's blade. tenue, f., holding: holding ground (for anchors); sitting (of an assembly); appearance, bearing, carriage, deportment, attitude; discipline; dross; (man.) seat: (mil.) uniform, dress, bill of dress; (sometimes) outfit; appearance, bear- ing; atw'r une bonne , (man.) to have a good seat, to sit well on horseback; (mil.) to be well sot up, to have a soldier-like bearing; n'avoir pas de , (man.) to have no seat; (of a saddle) to lie badly shaped; (mil.) to have no bearing; to have an awkward, slo enly, carriage; not to be well set up; (of weather) to be un- settled; bahutce, (St. Cyr slang) smart ("spoony" U. S. M. A.) dress; bonne , good holding ground (anchors); (man.) good seat; (mil.) smart. soldier-liKC bearing; en bonne , well appointed; bourgeoise, (mil.) mufti, plain clothes, "cits"'; de campagne, (mi!.) service marching order, heavy marching order, field dress: - de cone.c, (iiiil.) fatigue dres.s; en , (mil.) in uniform; 'd'elf., (mil.) summer dress; d'eiercice, (mil.) drill order of dress: eitirieurc, (mil.) dross worn on going out of quarters; - de fantaMf, ( />. a.) nonregulation clothes of finer cut and cloth than the regulation (for- bidden); dc fatigue, (mil.) fatigue, working, clothes; tenue 447 terrassement tenue, yrande , (mil.') full dress; review order (British army); de guerre, (mil.) service dress? d' instruction, (mil.) drill order (of dress); du jour, ( Fr. a.) the usual dress worn from lp. m.; dtt litres, bookkeeping; du. matin, (Fr. a.) dress worn until 1 p. m., by officers and men; mauvaise , bad holding (anchoring) ground; (man.) poor seat; (mil.) slovenly appearance, unsoldier-like bearing; de nuit, (mil.) dress prescribed for the night; d'officier, (mil.) officer's dress, outfit; d'ordonnance, (mil.) regulation outfit or uni- form supplied by government; de parade, (mu.) full dress; renew order (British army); petite , ( mil.) undress; de premiere , (unif.) full dress. l>est (uniform, etc.); rectifier la , (mil.) to inspect and correct a man's appearance, as for guard . etc.; de route, (mil.) marching order; telle sans , v. s. v. selle; de service, (mil.) service dress; de soldat, (mil.) soldier's (private's) dress, outfit; de sortie, ( Fr. a.) dress worn out of barracks; de sous-officier , (mil.) u. c. o.'s outfit, dress; de travail, (mil.) fatigue, working, dress; de ville, street dress. tenure, f . , holding; hole in a block of slate to receive the wedge. terebenthlue, f. , turpentine. terme, m., term, limit, boundary, bound, termina- tion, end; expression; rent, quarter day; march?., operation, & , v. s. v. marche. terinlnaison, f., termination, close, end; (hipp.) insertion of a muscle. termluer, v. a., to end, limit, stop, finish, close, close up, get through, conclude, wind up, work off. termite, f. , white ant. ternaire, a., ternary. terne, a., tarnished, dull. tcriilr, v. a., to tarnish, dull, dim. trrrage, m., (artif.) claying. terranol, m., horse with a heavy forehand, and hard to throw on his haunches. terrain, m., ground (with special reference to the purpose for which it is to be used); piece ol ground; tract, region, stretch of country; duel- ing ground: (man.) ground, track, covered by a horse; (mil.) terrain; accidente, (top.) rough country , full of natural cover; alltr snr le , to fight a duel; - amcubli, soft ground, for landing from a jump; argilenx, clayey ground; attaqucr le au pic, to work, loosen, the ground with the pick; dcs attafucs, (si(tjf) ground beyond glacis, on which are situatt-d the saps and mines; aiantaytnr, vantage ground; battu, (mil.) space over which projectiles actually fall; all terrain on which bullets fall: broussailleux, (top.) ground covered \\ith brushwood; cfder le , to give way; - de chicane, (mil.) ground in dispute; chicamr le , (mil.) to dispute the ground: de combut , (mil.) battle, lightii ::. ground: cnmprexxi'ilc, compressible ;;nmnd (with respect to foundations); de construction, building ground; cmtpf, (top.) intersected, br.iken, country; coupe d' obstacles, v. coupe; convert, (top.) close country; terrain danger eui, (fort.) all ground held by enemy and within range; dangerrtus ground; unde- flladed space; (more generally) any space over which projectiles fall or may fall; dScnuvert, (top.) open country; fcfendre son , to hold out, hold one's ground; dtlaye,v. dttrtmpt; de derriere, background ; dftrempe .soft, muddy, ground; dfverst, sloping ground ; disputer le , v. chtcaner le ; dominant, (mil.) commanding ground; eleve, upland; embrasser, du, son, , (man.) to go wide; to cover the ground; entrtcoupf', intersected, broken, ground; d'eiercices, (mil.) maneuvering ground, drill ground; exproprier le , to condemn land (e. g., for military purposes): ferme, (fort.) solid ground (as distinguished from sand or under-water foundations); fourre, v. broussattlrux; gagner du , to gain ground; garder, le, son, , (man.) to keep on the track (horse or man); garnir un , (art.) to cover the terrain thor- oughly with projectiles; glaistui, loamy ground; glissant. slippery ground; de gymnase, gynasium ground, athletic field; kouiUer, coal formation; inondf, overflowed ground; d' instruction, (mil.) drill or maneuvering ground; lourd, heavy ground; de manaurre(s), (mil.) drill ground; marfcageui, swampy ground; militaire, (mil.) the area comprised in the servitudes militaires, q. v.: montagneux, hilly ground; wi ou, soft ground; nature! , natural ground; obxcrrer le, son, , v. garder If, son, ; d' operations, (mil.) "field , scene, of operations; tnpente, sloping ground; perdre du , to lose ground; (man.) to narrow; pierreuT, stony ground; plidu , (tnp.) fold of the ground; rapportc, made ground; rase, (mil.) space in front of terrain battu, within which a man standing will be hit: reconnoitre le , (mil., etc.) to re>connoiter the ground; se rcndre sur le , v. alii r sur le ; repli du , v. pli dn ; resistant, hard ground: rochcui, rocky ground: sablonncui, sandy ground; sonder le , to feel one's way; sur le ,on the ground, in the field; talute, sloping ground; later le , to feel one's way, v. s. v. Idler; de transport, transportf, v. rappnrtr; uni, smooth, level, ground; gui va en descendant (montant). falling (rising) ground; rogue, waste land: varif, varied ground. terra!, m., land breeze. terrasse, f., terrace, earthwork, platform: flat roof; foreground; d , terraced: sur comblr, flat roof: con/re- , succession of terraces, one raided above another; en , in the form of a terrace; former en , to terrace; mac,ontue, perron; traiaui de , earthwork. terrassement, m., earthwork 'i. e., the me etc., of earth), banking, embankment; " terrassement 448 tertre tei rassement, conduite des *, (fort., etc.) man- agement, progression, of earthwork; traiaui de , earthwork. terrasser, v. a., (fort., etc.) to execute earthwork; to fill in, bank up; to bank up a wall, a road, with earthwork; to prepare the ground for paving; to throw down on the ground; to fell, to floor; se , (mil.) to intrench one's self. terrassler, in., digger, excavator, navvy; person who contracts to do earthwork. terre, i., earth, soil, mnld, ground; the earth; pot- ter's flay; land, estate, territory, dominions, country (esp. in pi.); (n:r.) land, the shore; land as distinguished fro.n sea service; (mil.) the army, as distinguishes from mcr, the navy; (dec.) earth, ground, connection; ft , ashore, on shore; aground, siranded; alle r & , a , ( man. ) to passage low; amendie, v. re-animec; armie de , (mil.) army proper, j-.md army; artiilerie de , (art.) land as distinguished from marine artillery ; basse, low, flat, land on seacost; de beurre, cape flyaway; bien avant dans Ics s, far from the coast, far inland; ft bte, etc., wheat, etc., ground; ft briyiifs, brick clay; clicmin sous la , underground road; cotnmutatcur dc , (dec.) earth switch; --cnulante, (fort.) loose (unranimed) earth, crumbling earth; earth taking its natural slope: ft couiante, at the natural slope; courir ventrcti- -, (of a horse) to go at full speed; se couvrir de -, (siege) to intrench; cuitc, terra cotta; dans Ics s, inland, up the country; etre ft , to be aground, ashore: to' lie aground (of boats, ships, etc.); ferine, mainland, continent (as distinguished from islands); dry land (as distinguished from waters); (fort.) solid ground (as distinguished from foundations in sand or under water); fil de , (die.) ground wire; ft fleur de , on a level with the ground ; close to the ground; forces de , (m : l.) land forces; forte, stilf earth; stiff, clayey, grour- ' (.hard to march through); iifoulon, fuller's earth: -franche, vegetable mold; enjriche, fallow land; s froidcx, damp, clayey, ground; glaise, pipe lay, potter's earth, luting; urasst. loam; hauti , upland; --liavtc, high land on the coast, bold coast; ho in mi de . landsman; ft n homines, (furl., siege, and in gen.) earth or earthwork that calls for 1 shovel to (n-1) picks; (hence) ft vn homme, earth that may be directly removed by the shovel (no pick); ft ujt homme , work requiring 2 shovels and 1 pick; ft^, .'>' ftommes, work requir- ing i shovel and 1,2 picks; ft .'/' hnrn- mt. i.l, work requiring 2 shovels and 5 picks, etc.; - -d'infitsnires, (crpl., etc.) infusorial earth, kieselguhr; - -- rn jiii'Mrc, v. enfriclu; dii Jupon. cativhti; jtttra -. to tiirow. tumble, down; - li.gkrr, light, easily worked, ground; mangi iitn In , landlocked; maritime, seacoast, shore; nif/irt a , to laud, set on shore; to touch at a port; mii'r, ft la , ^ (dec.) to ground; mfltre pitda , v. s. v. pied; -ii inonUr, (fond.) molding loam; 77101/17 merit de , earthquake; - riioynnn. (furi.) average earth, with respect to cruinblin;;; nnire. ground unplowcd for a long time; noycr la , to lose sight of land; terre d'ombre, umber; ottverture de la , (siege) breaking ground; ouvrage de , (fort.) earthwork; par , by land; on, upon, the ground; (mil.) by marching; pelleteed un relai, earth reshoveled once; pcrdre , to go, swim, out of one's depth; (nav.) to lose sight of land; ft pipe, pipe clay; ft pise, pisa earth; plaque de , (elec.) ground plate; ft pot, a potier, potter's clay; vofffie Cf , earthenware; pourri , rotten stone; firewlTt , to land, disembark, make land; de. rapport, rapportee , made ground; rassise, '.fort.) settled earth; re-animee, earth from which saltpeter is ex- tracted; reconnaitrc la. , to see how the land lies; refractaire, lire clay; relief ft ia, , (elec.) to ground; remucr dc la , to upturn, dig, move, earth (in construction, etc.); (siege) to open trenches, do trench wor'.:; remuer la , les *, to dig; (siege) to intrench; re tour par la , (flee.) earth return; sac ft , (siege, fort.) sand bag; de Sienne, r.ienna; de Sienne br&lct, burnt sienna; tr avai Her & , v. alter it ; trcmblcment de , earthquake; vague, unclaimed land; vegctale, v. franche; au vent, weather shore; ve nt de , land breeze; sous 1c vent, (nor.) lee shore; --merge, earth in its natural state, i. e., not shoveled; ground that has never been culti- vated. terre-a-terre, m., dull, routine, work; (man.) low passage (sort of slow gallop sidewise). terreau, m., garden mold (decomposed leaves). tcrrc-plein, m., earthen platform; (fort.) terro- pein; (in temporary fortification) bottom of the ditch behind the parapet; (in siege works') era- placement of the guns of the batteries of first and of second position; - - crense. (ftrt.) bottom of trench in rear of the prrapet (field works). terrei', v. a., to earth up; to cover with earth; (artif.) to plug with clay, with earth; se , (wil.) to cover one's self by earth works; to intrench one's self. terrrur, f., terror; - - punique, v. s. v. panique. terrcux, a., earthy. terrine, f., earthenware pan; - flltre. earthenware filter (used iu the manu- facture of mercury fulminate). terrir, v. n., (ol boats) to make a landing. tf'irltoire, m., territory; civil, (All iers arid Tonkin) territory admin- istered by c viliau functionaries; maritime, territorial waters; - militaire, ( Algiers nd '. --nkin) territory ;; 1- ministered I) / the military; --reserct. <'ir France) P;M; of the zonefronti&re, as well as al. ground wis.Hiu lo kilometers of a filfce forte, for which so\cro resiri'-tious exist as to l)iiildiug, etc.; - special, ( Fr.fort.) area in which woods may not be clearer". territorial, a., territorial; (Inw) (of the seas) within the 3-mile liirit; (mil.) in l-'ram-c. belonging to the territorial army; m., ( l-'r. n.) laember of the territorial army; armii (, ( Fr. a.) territorial army; mir - e, seas within the 3-mile limit. (errltorialP. f.. ( Fr. a. ) the territorial army. territorialite, f.. torritoriality. tcrritorleu, m., ( Fr. a.) member of the territorial army. terroir, rn., soil, ground. tertre, in., (tup.) hillock, hummock, knoll, emi- nence, rising ground, little hill. tesson 449 tesson, m., potsherd. test, m., (met.) test; cupel, testament, m., testament, will; militaire, soldier's will (made without the formalities usually considered necessary). testimonial, a., testimonial; Icttre 1, testimonial of good conduct; preuve e, proof by witness. tet, m., v. test; s tt blocailles, broken-up castings. tetanos, m., (hipp.) stag-evil; lockjaw, lotartl, m., tongue, foot, of a pole, shaft; square end going in between the guides (queue d'armons); pollard tree. tete, f., head (of a bolt, rivet, etc.); head (of cattle); (in races) head; front end of anything; steering head of bicvcle; face of a stone; facing; outside face; face of an arch; life; head (of a canal, of a wood, etc.); (mil.) head (of a column, advance guard of an army, etc.); front, front rank; body of troops (tnrowh out for any purpose; rare); a la , at the head, in front (as in front of a company); d'affut, (art.) head plate of a gun carriage; d'alouctte, (cord.) crown knot; d'alouette double, (cord.) double crown knot; d'alnnette simple, (cord.) single crown knot; d''issemblage, (much.) connecting point; en acant, ahead; d' avant-garde, v. s. v. avant-garde; avoir la (en) dedans, (man.) to carry the head turned in; avoir la au mur, (man.) to carry the head turned out (toward the wall); aivii'r qutlqu'un en , to have some one as a rival, an adversary; batiste, headlong, undaunted; de balancier, \. s. v. balancicr; bataillon de , (mil.) leading battalion; de belier, double hook; de biclle, (mach.) crosshead (of the rod); stub end; connecting rod (head or end); de blclle fcrmee, (mach.) solid head or end; de bicllc hfourche, (mach.) forked end of con- nect ing rod; de bitlie ouverte, (mach.) open end with a strap and key connection; bien attachte, (hipp.) well-attached head; nnt.) trestle cap end; de chit, undressed stone more or ess round in shape; ilr clicrnl, (mach.) in a lathe, the slotted bar for the change wheels; df chevalcmeni, (cirp.) crosspiive supported by two stays or props; dn chun, (sin. a.) hammer head; d'un clou, head of a nail; df colonnc, (mil.) head of a column: com/Hignic dc , (mil.) leading company: d'un compas, head or joint of a pair of com- passes; corner ver li direcli , (mil.) to keep the eyes to the front, as in marching past: cnurt de la , (man.) riding at head (lance, saber, or pistol;; cruiser, (mach.) crosshead; ill , leading; tie en , from stem to stem; t*te dtctnuvf, v. mal attachfr; de dtfilt, (top.) head of a defile next the enemy; dessus de , v. 9. v. dessux: donner une , to dive headforemost; ft douiUe. (bicvcle) steering head; A droite (gauche), (mil.) eyes right (left); d'ecourillon, (art.) sponge head; en , in front, at the heaa of; en e t en queue, front and rear; d'eta;>es de guerre, v. s. v. etape; d'etapes de route, v. s. v. ttapt; tire en . (hipp.) to be marked about the head (v. s. v. cheral); faire d, to cope with, to make head against, to face; faire de eolonne, (mil.) to be at the head of a column, to be the head of column; faire une , (mm.) to make (i. e., strike, etc.) P head in riding at the heads; fiie, v. chantier de commettage; fourgon de , (r. r.) baggage car; fourchie, forked head; bf raiser, (mach.) broach, broaching head; dc gachette, (sm. a.) nose of the sear; grofse de biellc, (mach.) crank end of the connecting rod; homme de , bold, resolute, man; dc leinterne, (art.) head of a gun ladle; de lierre, (hipp.) hare-faced head (convexity limited to forehead); s de ligne, (r. r.) termini of a railway; mal attache e, (hipp.) head whose parotid channel is too pronounced; de martTinre, working handle of a drill or boring instrument; marcher en , to lead the way, march in front; d'un martcau, etc., head of a hammer, etc.; marteau & dcui s, double-faced hammer: demaure (more), (cord. ) crown knot; \.cheval cap de maurc; mobile, (sm. a.) movable head, movable bolthead; (art.) movable head (of the breech plug); (mil. slang) musketry instructor; (cord.) v. chariot hcominettre; de. mort. skull; (artif.) carcass, incendiary shell; (cord.) single crown knot; (carp.) hole in which a dowel is broken oil below the surface of the piece; morte, caput rnortuum; mouionnee, (liipi>.) ram's head (convexity on chamfer); -de mur, thickness of a wall at its end; obus dt mrt l v. s. v. oftus; h oreillff, winged head (as of a screw): d'un outrage d cnrnc, ii cnuronne, I fort.) front of a horn, crown, work: perdue, countersunk head; petite de biclle, (mach.) crosshead end of a connecting rod; piqitcr une - , v. donner nnr ; d pivot, steering head (of a bicycle); 1'ltiqiiff, (hipp.) head plastered on (p:\rolid groove effaced); de plalinc, (r.f. ail.) lock head; plongeante, (fond.) deadhead: - d'un pont, approach to a bridge; (/< pontd bascutt', front crossbeam of a draw bridge; porte-ontil, (mach.) tool-holder; porter la xur I'fchnfaud, to lie beheaded: dc imtence de pompe, cheeks of a pump which support the brake: a-queue, complete turn of a horse to ihe rear (as, e. g., in refusing a jump); (// milage, (innch.) rilling head; (/< nfouloir, (art.) rammer head; ile regiment, (mil.) head of a regiment: (/< rhinoceros, (hipp.) rhinoceros head (with concave chamfer); ei la romaine, round head of a (large) screw; rnnde, snap head of a rivet ; .) small round elevation; h , fitted with, or having, a point or stud; de grain de luinierc, (art.) end of the bush that enters the bore and is afterwards re- moved. tttraRone, m., tetragon, quadrangle. tCtrapolaire, a., ((Zee.) tetrapolar. tetratomlquo, a., (chem.) tetravalent. tetraposte, f., combination of four pulleys. tetu, m., mason's cavel; d'arelc, cavel. tetu5, a,, worked with a cavel. teiigue, f., (nav.) forecastle. texte, m., text; chiffrr, enciphered text; clatr, text written out in full, in plain words. toxture, f., (mil., etc.) texture. tlialweg, m., thalweg; axe du , axis of a stream, navigable channel of a stream; (d'v-n court d'cav), position of the thread moving with the greatest velocity; d'une vallce, the intersection of the slopes of a valley. the. m., tea. thftirc, m., theater; scene of an event; pile of wood in a dockyard; (j>ou'd.) platform, sta'.'e, on which powder is dried: dc (la) guerre, (mil.) seat of war, theater of war; d' opi ration*, (mil.) theater of operations. thfiiio, m., theme, subject, exercise: tie manoeuvre, (mil.) problem lo be worked out OTI varied ground. theodolite, in., (irift.) theodolite; 111,'iiit/niiihe, photographing theodolite; a iunittc cnitrf.f.. a theodolite with axial tele- scope: it imietfi erccntnqiit, a theodolite with eccen- tric telescope; rciliratf.tr, a theodolite that repeats th.> read- ing, whoso mean is the angle sought : rfpftitnir, ;i theodolite that multiplies tin angle observed, so as to minimize the error; teUmetrc, sort of universal surveying in--tru incut. theorle, f., theory; (Fr. a.) book?, works, maps, etc., whose purchase is authorized for the vari- ous schools or periods of theoretical instruction: :my theoretical instruction given in quarters on various duties, of no matter what yort, (more esp.) drill book; annv de , v. .s. v. armc; thfcorie, faire la , (mil.) to give or receive theo- retical instruction; s et placards, ( Fr. a.) generic term for the con- crete elements of the thtorie (books, diagrams, etc.); pratique, ( Fr. a.) application to the terrain of various written principles (applied particu- larly to the drills of cadres); recitative, (Fr. a.) recitations in drill, etc. (n. c. o. and candidates for n. c. o. warrants), theorique, a., theoretical. thermique, a., relating to heat; machine , heat engine. thermo-avertlsseur, m., heat alarm. thermo-baromfctre, m., therrnobarometer. thermo-caut*re, in., (hipp.) thermocautery. thcrmochimic, f., thermochemistry. thermodyiiamique, a., f., therrnodynamic, ther- modynamics. thermo-e'lectricite', f., thermoelectricity. thermo-eiectrique, a., thermoelectric. thcrmo-magne'tique, a., thermomagnetic. thermo-magnCtisme, m., (elec.) thermomagnot- ism. themio-maiiornfetre, m., thermometer gauge. thcrmometre, thermometer; fi air, stir thermometer; -ft alcool. spirit thermometer: o bulle mouill'e, wet-bulb tliermonieter; & bulle seche, dry-bulb thermometer; - centigrade., centigrade thermometer; differentiel, (elec.) thermopile, thermoelectric pile; d esprit dc vin, v. ft alcnol; etalon, standard thermometer; & gaz, gas thermometer; h liquide, liquid thermometer; a maxima, maximum thermometer; h maxima et minima, maximum and mini- mum thermometer; self-registering thermom- eter; a mcrcure, mercury thermometer; d minima, minimum thermometer; metallique, metallic thermometer. thcrnioscope, in., tliermoscope. thermostat, m., thermostat. theta X, m., (jam.) a second-year cadet of the 1'olytechniqiie. thibautle, f.. haircloth; cow-hair cloth. tHomycroft. m., (nav.) torpedo boat (Thorney- croft). thran, :n., train oil. tic, m., (hipp.) any stable vice; en I'liir, c n I'air sans appui, en I'air suns umrf de.i dent,i t wind sucking; - 6 i.'appui, trick of taking hold of objects with the teeth; d I'appni avec insure dcs duita, cribbing; - d ('appui sans usure des dints, \. d I'appui; arec appul ft uniire dot dtn/.t, cribl)ing; dc I'tiurs. weaving: rongeur,'h&bit of eating earth, of cril> biting, etc. tierce, f., (fcrtc.) tierce: baste, second tierce; porter une, en, unc botte en, , to thrust i^i 1 ierce. tiers, a., in., third; third part; third person; third party; -(irbilfc. v. sur-arbitre.; fermt; (cord.) hard laid; moa, (coyd.) soft, laid; litrce pcrxonnr, third person. tiers- point, in., saw file; three-cornered lilc, ic/inx.) arch of the tierce. tlers-poteau, in., (cons.) .small po.st for slight par! it ions. lige, f.. slem, boll, of a tree; stalk; rod, stem. shank; shaft, spindle; entire upper leather of a shoe or laced boot, upper and leg of a boot; (r. >.) \v<-!> of a rail; (xm. n.) shank of a firing pin; 'art.) obturator spindle, breech-plug .spin- dle: f ')rrcut.ricc, (sin. a.) striking pin; de petit c/iffla/. donkey-pump rod; de jiixinn, (ntacli.) piston rod; ii piinn, rod and eye; fipom/jc, hollow stem upon which a piece (ponipf) may slide; (/c p( , (mach.) pump rod: porte-atffuille, (gm. a.) needle bolt, needle holder. df n'glaqr, adjusting red or bar; dt riijuiateur , (vtaclt.) governor arm or rod; c'z, dc, Tisxort, (art., itc.) spring pin; tie ffrrayt, (art.) keep or securing pin; tic utmdagt , de xondi , .boring rod; df sou page, ( much.) valve spindle; df. soiipapc d'arn't, t irmck.) stove-valve, rod: tic x 11 *p fusion, suspension rod (of a suspen- sion bridge); dt.la tele mnbilr. (nrt.i obturator spindle; d< Hriiir, (mach.^ valve rod. slhie rod, valve spindle or stem, slide-\al\e spindle; df tranxmisifian, (top) immersion regulator rod (Whiiehead): dr r-ttnic, in., shiice-vulvo rod; it, li.-i du frdn , brake scri'i\ . tlgrf-, a., (hi fin.) sjjotted, )eoprd-s|jot.(,ed; ch< '-Hi , leopard-spotted horse. Her 1 1 re, f., (bipp) leopard spot in oont. tUlar, m., (nur.) deck (of a nicrcluuitman, of a river boat); chm df , tcnpuiiny nail: cli-u dr dcmi , sixpenny nail: franc , flush dock. tille. f. . bast: hemp bark: cooper 'sad 4; (nor.) cuddy; lore cabin, steru cabin. tillciil, in., lime tree and wood. timhale, f., kettledrum, timbal, metal cup. timbalier, in., kettledrummer; timbal player. timbre, m., (striking) hell; snare of a drum: stamp, postage stomp, postmark; shell of a helmet; m construction memoirs, the amount and nature of work to be done, written as a catchword opposite each article of the memoir; adrtsxer sovsle de, address as above (of ollicial letters); d'alarme, bicyete bell; d'unnulation, cancellation stamp. d'arrfl (fort.) in a turret, bell that rings when embrasures are iso away from the dangerous sector; bureau de , stamp oflicc; cachet, seal press; -dipicht, telegram stamp; de dimension, stamp varying in cost with thesizeof the paper to which it in attached ; droit de , stamp duty; ilcctriquf, electric bell; b cmpreinic, embossed stamp. extraordinaire, a stamp put on a document that should havebeen written on stamped paper: fixe, fixed stamp (impression); tu m idc. colored stamp; lotangeii points*, cancel: mobile, attachable st-unp (as distinguished from the stump on stamped paper); pofte, postage stomp; (sm. a.) cartridge (sporting, tarn.); proportionncl , proportional stamp ('varies with amount involved); quittance, d<- quittance, receipt stamp (on receipts for more than 1(> francs): Ate, plain stamp (not colored); de tambour, snare (of a drum): telefframmc, v. aiptchc. timbrer, v. a. .to stamp: to postmark a letter: to head a document with the date and place, and a summary of its contents. timon. m., pole (of a wagon, gun carriage); (nav.) tiller; de rechanQe, (art) spare pole; support de -, pole yoke. tiimmerie, f., (nr.) wheelhouse; the quarter- masters of a ship. trmonier, m., (art.) wheel horse, wheeler; (-;w.) helmsman. timiH!, f., v. tympt: tin, m., (nnr.) stock, block, for s'nip's timl.-ers (keel, lloor timbers, in construction); boat chock. tint 1 , '. , water cask; (poird.) powder tub; ''n>.in.) i ub, kibble. tinette, f.. small tub: soil tub. tintiige, m., blocking, chocking, of casks, etc. tliitenague, f. v., imitenagut . tiiitf-r, v. a., < nnr.) to put iinnn the stocks; to proji, support, with blocks of wood. tion,rn., (met.) tool for cleaning crucihlns. tionl, m., (fund.) skimmor us<'d in fniunlric-;. tiiiUt'r. v. n., (hipp.) to liave ;i stable vice: to s'li-k wind, be a crib bit. r, eat dirt . eh:.: a /'appuJ. to crib pruper. liqueur, m., (M/jp.) hnr.se timt hus u .-.tu'ue \ i^e (crib biter, dirt eater, etc. <. tir, m., ''mil., art., .ini.a..i. -p.i lirini;. lire. shoot ipg. Uirget practice; giiunery: round; set ur s.rios nf shot*: .shooting gailcry, tiring ground, pr.-.ctien ground. r;in;. r e. I. Vrlillery. ballistics: II. .Small -a-in-,, lurget practice. 1. Artillery, ballistics: alltrtiyrr It . v. s. v. aliony< r: unglt dt . ( ball. ) ungle of fire: attelf, firing with hor.-.es hitched 1" tho. carriage; u uaiiix, shrapnel Uring: - sur >>ii!li>'i . !iri:ig at balions; lifiit , barliette liring 1,1'. bank lire ( K. \.<; tir 452 tir tir de batttrit. battery target practice; bollc pour Ic flctif. ( Fr. art.) case of iron filings used in the flctif, q. v.; de bombardcment, shelling; i boltesb balk, shrapnel fire; en bombc, v. fifeuz vtrticaiu; des bouchcs&feu, artillery fire; 6 boulet, fire with solid shot; -h boulet rouye, firing rod-hot shot (obs.); en breche, breaching fire; de bricolt . tiring at one portion of a work, and under a small angle, so as to glance and hit some part out of reach of direct fire (obs.); brisant, practice or fire with high-explosive shells; bulletin dc . v. s. v. bulltlin; dc but en blanc, (ball.) point-blank firing; - contre. but mobile, practice at a moving tar- get; contre but immobile, practice at a fixed target; snr but risible (invisible), practice at visible (invisible) target; circulaire dc , direction-aiming circle in cupo- las; convergent, converging fire; courbe, curciligne, curved fire; - - de de molition, (siegr) plunging fire on all masonry to be loosened when the breach can not be made directly; -a dimonter, fire the object of which is to dis- mount hostile pieces (said esp. of siege); de placement du -, shifting of the aim or practice to a new target; df placer It , to shift the aim or practice to a new target; au-dessous d( I'horizon, plunging fire; direct, direct fire; en direction, fire as respects direction; fi distance ftctiie. (of experimental firing, as at armor plates, etc.) fire at reduced distances (using reduced charges, so that the initial shall equal the remaining velocity under service charge and service ranges); a dos, normal reverse fire; d', en, ccharpc, oblique fire (from the front); cchelonne., fire with combined elevations; tcolc de , target practice; school of practice; target season; period of instruction in liriiig; d'ffticacitt, fire against the enemy after the range has been found; d'clci'ation, v. Llcri; - -it'ir, firing at an object above the plane of j)iC':'e; firing down at an object (rare); d embrasure, fire through an embrasure,; -d'/nliladi. enfilade fire; d'tnxtmblr, ranging practice: trial shots to determine position of target in zone of disper- sion corresponding to angle of elevation used; -d'eprnncs, proof firing in general; d'cmiai. ranging practice, trial shots; experi- mental tiring; -iif'iiblt chnrgf. practice with reduced < -barges; cj.f>.ui C(rtiainr, vertical lire: fichant, downward lire, giving an angle of full greater than 4\ - tictif. ( Fr. nrt.) dummy firing (i. e.. firing of cases filled with filiims from guns in service. using full service charges, for the purpose of testing brakes and the strength of carriages and of platform; uietliod followed when the range is limited;; jlanc dc . v. p. v. flanc: dc tlinquemcnt, flanking fire: -d furccmnit, fire in which the projts-tile is forced to the grooves; -a lafourckette, bracket firing to get the range. ranging; /iixaiit, time-fuse practice; rocket practice: tirfusant dc pldnfouet, time-fuse direct fire; fusant plongeant, time-fuse plunging fire; de groupe, group target practice; de guerre, practice with full service charges; en hauteur, fire as respects elevation; incline, shot fired under horizon; indirect, indirect fire; d'innpection, special practice (in Russia) ordered by general officers to test capabilities of c. o. of batteries or of groups of batteries; lent, slow fire (one round per minute); ligne dc , (ball.) line of fire; en ligne droitc, fire under a small angle with full charge; masque, practice at an invisible or unseen target; de matage, firing bronze gun with over- charges before final boring, so as to obtain permanent enlargement of powder chamber (obs.); iila mer, seacoast practice; h mitraillc, case-shot fire; in general, any "fragmentation'' fire; memtant, fire at a target above the plane of the piece; en mouvemcnt, fire while the turret is rotat- ing; ncgatif, fire under an angle of depression; an nircau, practice with quadrant elevation; de nuit, night firing, night practice; oblique, oblique firing; practice producing an oblique impact; a obus, shell practice, shell fire; a obush ballcs, shrapnel fire; optique, practice in which aiming Is done by optical means; ordinaire, normal rate of fire (two to three rounds per minute;; originc du , (ball.) origin of firo (muzzle of the piece); perculant, practice with percussion shell; perculant plongeant, plunging percussion fire; plan dc , (ball.) plane of fire; planchtt/c dc , v. s. v. planchette; dc pldnfouet, direct fire with full charges; dc pleinfouet direct, direct fire against visible targets (full charge, fiat trajectory); dc pldnfouet indirect, practice against in- visible targets (reduced charges, trajectory more or less curved; Brialmont); mtr plate-forme, lire from a platform; ]ilonycant, plunging fire; mortar fire; plongeant fusant, time-shell plunging fire; d pointage indirect, indirect fire; par le pointage intcruur, fire or practice by indirect aiming; - . dc polygoni. proving-ground fire; range as distinguished from service practice; (fig.) ac- curate fire; poxitif. fire under angles of elevation; - - auz prcssions, practice to determine pres- sures; ~ progrcssif, practice consisting in covering systematically, by progressive zones, the bell, situated between tiie observed inferior limit (short shot) and the superior observed or esti- mated limit (time shell in sets of six shots, varving by one turn of elevating-screw handle.); of a tiring party); amir If juste, to shoot straight; (i tnlliK, ball practice; en bfllf, (nai.) fire over the beam; horizontal tire; ii, en, blanc. fire with blank cartridges; ii branfrancK, oilhand practice or firing; di raiiijMHjne, field tiring; cnpitninc de , v. s. v. cajiit'iint: a capital th Ixilli, (.tin. a.) gallery practice; curnit de , v. s. v. cornel; canifl, de de bataillon, v. s. v. carnit: -it cartouche* ii ballex. case-shot firing; en chambre, de chambrt'e. gallery prac- tice; champ y shot; single-shot fire (said of a repeating arm", as distinguished from magazine fire); distance de , distance from the target to the muzzle; & distance connues, known distance firing; & distances inconnues, practice at unknown distances; d'ecole, v. (inditiduel) d' instruct ion; d' ensemble, (inf.) collective firing; d' elude, test or experimental firing; d'tfxamen, firing or practice to test the effi- ciency of the men; d'eiercice, practice firing: instruction firing; firing practice; target practice in general; eiercices de , tiring drill ; d' experience, experimental practice; feuillet de , v. s. v.feuillet; - -fi genoux, fire kneeling; de guerre, practice under service conditions; individuel, (t. p.) individual target practice; individuel a' application, (t. p.) individual skirmish target practice; (indiriducl) d'inslruclion, (t. p.) individual practice at known distances (includes tir pre- paratoire and lir d' instruct ion); innignt de , v. s. v. insigne: intermittent, tire as a single loader of a repeat- ing ride; single-action fire of a revolver; jusqu'a la destruction, v. a outranci; dfjustesse; v. s. v.just; fire fr.>m i a vest , a platforni,etc.); tube fi . subcalil'er lube; _ - fi ijm'f hi>ri:n le\el with muzzle of rille; 454 tircr tlr, vittsse de , rate of fire: number of shots by one man in one minute; de Vitesse, (t. p.) rapid firing (i. e., to train men in rapid firing); a volonti', fire at will. tirage, m., draught, traction, pulling load (of ve- hicles); towpath, towing; quarrying of stone; impression, issue (of a book, etc.); draught (of a chimney , funnel, etc.) ; (phot.) printing; (mil., etc.) drawiiig of lots; (mm.) firing of a mine; (?rf.) drawing of metals; arlificiel, forced drauglit; de la chaudi&re, furnace, draught; de la cheminee, funnel draught; chfval de , draught horse: tow horse; : to print, run off (so many copies of a book, etc.); to uig (a canal); to draw (of a chimney, a- fur- nace); (mrt.) to draw (tubes, etc.); (TI.T-.) to draw (so many feet); (rail.) to trace, throw up (an intrenchmeirt); to draw lots for service; to serve; (of firearms in gwie.ral) to fire, fuo off, discharge; to fire at; to go off, bo discliarged; (fenc.) to fence; fi, (art., sm. a.) to use such and such (n charge); to be fired with such and such a charge; nur affut , (sm. a.) to fire, from p. rest; en I'air, (ism. a.) to fire in the air; sur uppui, (sm. a.) to fire from a rest ; d;.v, lm, armrn, (fenc.) to fence; dot armes&feu, to shoot; -dans (horn) lenarmen. (fcnc.") to thrust on l.ho Irft ! right) side of the adversary's blade: - KIIIJ.S (sur) lex nrmi-x, (Jenc.) to thrust under (over) the adversary's arm; a 'w//f(.v), (sm. a.) to fire ball cartridge; ft. biirlirttt, (art.) to fire in barhctie; ni btllt, (nnr. art.) to hull a ship; him, to be a good shot; a, tn, blanc,to fire bhsnk cartridges; au. b.'tii/r. v. an but: ft, :>vl(/x rutiges, (art.) to fire red-hot s!'"t (olK.i; fi bout porfan!, (ball.) to fire point-blank; tirer 455 tiroir tlrer (i bras francs, (sm. a.) to ftr from the shoulder, to ftre standing (said also of a revolver); an but , to lire at a target; le canon, etc., (art.) to fire a gnn (a mortar, etc.); de la cellule, (mil. slang) to be confined in a military cell; a charge (foible) picine, (art.) to fire with (reduced) full charges; en chasse, (nap. art.) to flre forward of the beam; chetal (jul tireii la main, v. s. v. cntval; H I* cible, (t. p.) to perform, carry on, target practice; to fire at a target; (A la conscription), (mil.) to draw lots for conscription; copie, unc copie. to make a copy; an cordtau, to trace by the tape; f un coup, (m. a., art.) to fire a shot; Vi coups perdus, (sm. a.) to fire at random; A convert (mil.) to fire from behind a pro- tection; d do*, (art.) to fire In reverse (normal fire) ; df l'(au, to suck up, absorb, water; d'ccharpe, (art.) to fire obliquely (e. g., at a line) from in front; a embrasure, (art.) to flro through an em- brasure; d'cn/iladc, (art.) to enfilade; I'f.pfe, to fence, fight, with swords; (fig.) to take up arms; l'fptec(/nlrequelqu'un,lo fight anyone: une estocade, (fcnc.) to make a pass or thrust (obs.); faire I'fpcefi quelqu'un, to force one to fight; dtsfeintes, (fenc.) to feint; dans lefer, (fenc.) to thrust, etc., on the side where the opponent is covered; lefeu, (art.) to use (such and such) a fire; itnfeu d'artifite, to let of! fireworks; a flfur d'eau, (nan. art.) to hull (a ship); ait Jtanc, (mil. sling) to be a dcadbeat, a collee cooler (I*. 8. A.); a la fonrchette, (art.) to use the "fork" to U . ro fire true, shoot tnie, straight : unc li'! r e ilf change (pnr -premiite, s'conde, trmsifnii). to draw a bill of exchange (in dupli- cate, in triplicate): a la main, (man.) to bore; la twin plate, (fenc.) to raise the hand, nails up; it la wcr , (s. c. art.) to fire seaward: (nar.) to stand out to sea; a mitraille. (art.) to Are canister, case shot : n ;(. iinif, \ . s . v . iifdr; it la inuraHle, \. s. v. mv faille ti, rff.v, nbiia. (art.) to fire shell; a onlnj/io, (art.) to firo to the limit of ulti- mata strength; p'rciUnn'. (irt.) to firo percussion shell: .s'^r pl"tr-fnrmc. (art.) to Urn from a platform; 1 1> jtiii'i lull*, v'. d lit nr d'tuu: dc />'< in fund, (art.) to use direct fire (full charges); a l>loinb, to liresmallshol (sport); punjft fi , sporting powder; n piHulft, v. -a ill a nc; an premier brin, (curd.) to work hemp so as to ?ct tho bvst Duality; (i prnjt'ftilfK, (art.) tn fire with projectiles: df, in. qvt'.rif, i>c..(fenc.) to thrust in .inarto, etc.; rare, (hip,).) to breed a mare; an rennrtl, (hipp.) to pull on tlie halu>r and try to break it; to fall on haunches so us to break the halter f stable vice); en rrtriiitr. inai'. art.) to (Ire abaft tho beam; d revtrs, (art.) to fire in reverse (oblique fire;; tlrer & ricochet, (art.) to use ricochet flre; la made, (ot ahorse) to kick out; dt.i, par, saltet, (art.) to lire salvos; (tin. a.) to flre volleys; A tec, to draw boats up on land; A fix, (art.) to pull together (all six horses); 01* sort, (mil.) to draw lots for military serv- ice; sur le tempi, (frnc.) to make a time thrust ; hterre, to haul a boat or ship high and dry; d ti>ute volte, (art.) v. tirii tattle volte; it trots, (art.) said of a team when off horses alone pull; ou tube, (cord.) to draw yarn through tulies in manufacture of rope; la tunique, (unif.) so to pull the tunic as not to show more than the prescribed folds in the back; au vent, (Itipp.) to hold the head high; aii, vot, to shoot on the wing (sport): d vue, to draw upon anyone at sight. tlrerle, f., wire-drawing shop; (mil.) wasteful, use- less, small-arm firing. tlre-terre, m., quarryman's spade. tirette, f., register, shutter, drawer, damper; (urn. a., arlif.) string (to open cartridge packets, smoke cylinders, etc.). tlreur, m., wire-drawer; fencer; drawer of a note; (mil., etc.) marksman, "shot," rifleman, sharp- shooter; d'armes, fencer; arrctcr un , (fcnc.) to meet a stop thrust; d'ariron, oarsman; d'rlitf, crack shot; dc mine, miner; '/c pnxition, (mil.) picked shot (inf.) to flre on enemy's artillery during infantry advance. tlre-vclllc, f., manrope, tide rope; de, cabistan, swifter of a capstan; tueud de , (cord.) rnanrope knot. tlrolr, m., drawer; (sm. a.) small Hat sliding pin fixing the barrel to the stock (sporting arnm: (mach.) slide valve; (mil.) second rank (nt troops in three ranks). (I nless otherwise indicated., the following terms relate to machinery:) arbre du , eccentric shaft ; armature du . valve work(s); d'asservissement, (much.) slide valve of a servo-rnoior, or of a sy.i/hiic ajucni; auxiliaire, auxiliary starting valve: acance flu , v. s. v. aranct: ti basse prmxinn, low-pressure slide valve; btatca ,slid<- chest; boite de , slide box; & hiiltr, box slide valve; cr>iip( n3t~, balanced slide valve; A, tn, cuq'iitlc, -pK> column; a dt'inte fi.rr (variable), valve with fivd (variable) cut-oil'; (/.- di'trntr, oxpansion valvo. cut-oil valve; dc dfttntt a fti.ttint, piston expansion vahe; sans drientf, valve without lap or lead: mt i n f un'/ic', flouble ported slide valve: in dixquf, IJroi herhood valve: diitrihitteur, distrib\itii)g sli.le valve: de ili.tifibunon, main slide valve, distributing valve; (art.) f<-e4 trough (e. g., of the llotchki---; revnh iiij; caiinonl: distribution pnr , disirilnitiilg-N alve gear; de distribution <''id>> valve, balanced \alve; a dux prrr/' . gridiron valve: rt double nritict , doubie-poi l'-wd.) barrel in which all three in- gredients of powder are pulverized together; titriturer, (powd.) triturating barrel. tonneau, m., cask, tun, barrel; (nav.) ton (1 cubic meter. 1,000 kilograms): (art.) target (barrel on a pole) for mortar practice; d'arrosagt, watering cart, sprinkler; broueur, mixing barrel (brickmaking); melangeur, mixing barrel; de ma, 1 cubic meter, 1,000 kilograms; me'triquc, v. de mer; ponl de J, cask bridge. tonnelade, f., (mil.) breastwork of casks filled with earth. tonnelet, m., small cask. tonnelier, m., cooper. tonnelle, f., p.rbor; (cons.) wagon-headed vault. tonnellerie,f., cooper's shed, trade. toimer, v. n., to thunder; to thunder (of artillery)- tonnerre, m., thunder, thunderbolt; (fig.) guns, artillery; (am. a.) breech, powder chamber, seat of the charge; (art.) reenforce, part of the breech over the powder chamber; eoup de , thunder clap, stroke; eclat de , thunder clup. stroke; fermer le , (sm. a.) to clo-se the breech; ouvrir le , (sm. a.) to open the breech. tonte, f., shearing; clipping of horses. tonture, f., clippings, shearings; (nav.) sheer. toper, v. a., (mil. ilang) to seize, apprehend. topo, m., (mi?, slang) topographic survey, general staff map; staff; staff officer. topograpbe, m., topographer. topographic, f., topography. topographique, a., topographic; brit/idt -, v. s. v. brigade. toposrraynre, f., photogravure applied to repro- duction of topographical drawings. toponifetrio, f.. (top.) topomctry (i. e., the science of accurate topographical measurements;. topoplastlqtie, a., topoplastic. toque, f., jockey's cup. toquerie, f., (met.) hearth, fireplace, of a forge. toqueur, f., poker, rake, for cleaning a furnace. torche, f., torch, flambeau; straw mat laid under anything to prevent injury: coil (of wire, etc.); dc signal, (mil.) signal torch. torchf, p. P., wiped; (> ta diablt, mal , badly done (work I. torohe-fer, m., wet cloth for rubbing soldi-ring irons. torche-nez, m., (liipp.) horse twitch. torcher, v. a., to wipe, rub, clean; to l>uild with lo;nn and straw mixed. torchette, f , twisted osier, twig: (met.) twyer scraper. torrlils, m., mud, loam, and straw: mud un 1 chopped straw mixed; in ur i/i , mud wail. torchon 458 torsion torchon, m., rubber, duster, raps; twist of -straw under stones (to protect the edges); sc donner vn , se rafrairhir d'un coup dt , (mil. slang) to tight a duel with swords; serr.ieUe, rubbing-down cloth (for horses). tordagp, in., twisting, twist. tord-boyaux, m., rotgut. tordeuse, f., (wire-) cable-twisting machine. tord-nez, m., (Jiipp.) horse twist. tordoir, m., (met.) stamping mill, ore crasher. tord-oreillo, m., (Jiipp.) ear twist. tordre, v. a., (cord., etc.) to twist; (fort.) to twist (as withes); ( garochoir, (cord.) to twist (a rope t ho wrong wav); de main torse, (cord.) to twist (a rope the wrong way). tore, in., torus; (art.) small semicircular molding on pi ins. tornado, f., tornado. tornado, m., tornado. toroii, m., (cord.) strand (must contain not fewer than six yarns); comma & droite (gauche), hawser- (cable-) laid strand; cordage a s casses, stranded rope; en , hawser-laid; interialle.t dcs s, v. s. v. intervalle. toronnage, m., (cord.) formation of strands from yarn : par ourdissage, formation of strands by warp- ing; au tube. v. tirage au . tori>ii]<> ; i., (77ii7., nav.) torpedo; ground, land, tor- pedo; mine; -a aiguille, v. divergente; automatiqv-e, se'f-aciinp torpedo, automatic torpedo, clockwork (land) torpedo; contact mine ; automatiquc-electrique, electric-contact mine (firing battery in mooring weight); avtomatique a juste chimique (micaniguf), contact mine with chemical (mechanical) fuse; automobile, autowotrice, automobile tor- |.-0ilo; locomotive tot petio: barrage , (if bainujt, frame torpedo; bttuee , bouee, bouyant torpedo; bo u let , v. boulei-torpille; ewrca.*.e , line of mines: i/t, cont'i:-t, e->rtLU-! torpedo; cnnift , eoiiii. ermine; - di.it /.'.-<( (, defeusi . e I orpedo; ih'ritf.rft. drii'iina torpedo; dfrivanle ds nilla^f, drifting torpedo let go nslern; liiriiar.tc de Irait't, drifting i orpedo (owed astern; diruiwble, dirigible torpedo: - i!>- iraa'tf, towing torpedo; - di>T/nnnic, pi'tiimd mine; uotiom. groun-.i, tor- |ic In '^uluii-ii an- mini 1 ;; - di>r!i>nr,it 'Mctri'jui,i>'it.-er- ation j.j"iiinl mine; dor nm nil a ;' nne circuit /1'ittaiit, ground mine iV'l I, t|o-.;tijll; <:il'(.-i:|t ci/isri ; - (I'lnnunti (/'/.).,"/, ii.\cil trroinid mine; , !u;-ed mine: eleotro-automAfic mine batter^ ashore ; - d'(fimmy tm - im, Sii!>m;'.iMic mine buoyant mine: --- il'ilfanti. --- llnlii'";: in;-, torpedo: -- ill (mill, -..! !.>. 1 mine ' lom, I'round, luriii'dci; ulini:irini) miiio;: l>o(- torpille, de fond tltctrique, observation ground mine; miite, v. Hfrtro-automatique: mobile, mobile torpedo; mouillff, mouill&e entre dtui tnnr, an- chored mine; floating torpedo or mine; buoyant torpedo, buoyant mine; mouillcr tine , to set or anchor a mine; u mouremtnt d'hortoge, clockwork torpedo; d' observation, observation torpedo (land tor- pedo); obits , (arf.) torpedo shell; offensive, otTensive torpedo; poisson, fish torpedo; pfirtalice, spar torpedo; pnrtath'e d'eiercice, dummy spar torpedo; pvrtee, spar torpedo; de nrrssiim. a land torpedo so arranged as to go oil when walked on or disturbed; ptirotethnigue, pyrotechnic torpedo (i. e., one set oil by any contact, friendly or hostile); rartfiee de - *, row, line, range, of torpedoes; relevcr une , to pick up a torpedo; remorqii^ee, towing torpedo; remoravle divergente, torpedo towed astern by a patte d oie; de .tillage, torpedo lot out by a pursued vesseJ against pursuer; xhnulee, dummy mine; de trrrc, laud torpedo; terresire, land torpedo or mine; de tralne, towed torpedo (against pursuing vessel); ritjiinnte, contact niine: vigilante automatique-electrique, v. atit<>- matique-electrique; viflilante eleclro-automatiq-ue, v. electro- automatiquc. torpille, a., planted with torpedoes; zone e, zone or area planted wiih torpedoes, torplller. v. ?.., (tor p.) to torpedo; to destroy by torpedoes. torpilleur, m., (mil.) torpedo man; (nav.) torpedo boat; autonome, a torpedo boat that always travels under its own steam.; ariw, torpedo gunboat; bateau , torpedo boat ; belier , torpedo ram ; canon (litre , torpedo catcher; con'rt , destroyer; it- embnrqutv, torpedo launch; d'cficudrf, v. de tutitte mtr; - - garde-cdte, coast-defense torpedo boat : de li/tkfe ;<;, seagoing torpedo boat; vedette, vedette tori>edo boat; torpedo scout ((oat). iorriur, f.. torque; dcjil, coil of wire. tonvfacUoii, 1'., roa.->iing; (nut.) roasting of uivs: du cafe, ro.isling of colTee. torreiii-r, v. a., to roast. torrent, m., tonvnt, flood, stream. torrciitifl, a., i,orrenti;,I, pluii. le, torn-!i!iai rain. tors, a., twisted, crooked; (curd.) laid: m., (rsir>1 } ! '.'. i-;!, lay, of .". roiie; bui.i . wood of twisted grain: cm'il'ifii: i/"i a Iran dr , (cord.) ro|>" h'd up loo hard; /'"// . (cord.) re\'erse twist : i:i-iHlc ( . twisted <-li:iin link; otir le , (cord.) to untwist a rope. toi'N.xle, f.. I \vi-.ii'(l fringe; join! made by twisiini; t \vj \\ ire.-- 1 (.get her; (wni/. ) bullion of fin epaulel ; <7ro.vv.-s' ., ( J'r. "..) large Bullion (field ot'icor'i epaulets); j/iliti^i .<, ( />. port; se -, (cord.) to be two-blocks, chock-a-block; ie vif, (man.) to prick a horse. toue, f., ferryboat; towage, warping. touCc, f., tow, towage: warp, tovvrope; towline; length of a lowliue; d l beat and stir; to mix with a touilloir, q. v. touiliolr. m., (jioii'd.) curved stick used for mixing ingredients after being moistened, toiilet. iu., y. iolcl. touletlere, f., v. wlctierc. (online, f., towline. toupct, m., (liijiti.) forelock of a horse, toupic, f., (much.) mulching machine; matching hui'd. tour, in., turn, circuit, circumferonce. winding; riHiii't; rotil; baiid; trip; trick; sprain; turn ii. u., revolution); turn (i. e., oriler of succession;; (and.) tuni, round turn; elbow, kink; (mach.) lathe, lathe shoji; winch, wheel and axle; revo- Intion.turn; (mil.) tour (of guard or oilier duty): (urn to go on; class of duty, roster: (nar.) log reel. I. Cordage; IT. Lnthe: III. Miscellane- ous. I. Cordage: - - d'uHjfuiite, pivssing or Trapping of a tail; tour A bitord, spun-yarn Tel: df bitte, turn around the bitt; dt blue au cdblc. bitting of tho coble; de e&ble. foul hawse, elbow or foul in the hawse; * croitts, rucking turns; drmi , elbow, kink; a eithieurs, v. superiews; mart, round turn; marl acec, et, demi^sltf, round turn and a half hitch; mtirt avcc deux demi^tefs, round turn and two half liitches; simple, turn around a bitt; * supericurs, riding turn:;, upper turns. II. Lathe: en Van, chn^k lathe: pit lathe; d, alfser, boring lathe; arbre de , lathe mandrel, spindle: b. archet. throw lathe; an , in the lathe; tihancTompu. break lathe, gap lathe; bane df , lathe frame, bed; 1> barre, bar lathe; ball dt , lathe frame; a calibre., (fond.) founder's lathe: d canons, (art.) gun lathe; hcnnnns df fusil, (m. a.) barrel lathe (for ont- side of barrels); fi chariot, slide (rest 1 ) lathe; h cfiarioicr, slide lathe: r't ckariotcrh mum, hand slide lathe: h chariots multi-files, turret lathe; fi contrepointes multiples, v. & chariots multiples; d copier, copying lathe; & copier degroosisseur, roughing down (copy- ing) lathe; a copier finisseur, finishing (copying) lathe; cremaltiere de , Lithe rack; cruiser au , to turn hollow; a crocket, metal-turning Ir.the: cylindriquc, slide frost) lathe; & decollttcr, v. -revolver; screw-cut I ing lat he: d dcrouiller. (cri.) lathe for scraping old paint from projectiles; bdrux-b-jrins, duplex lathe: ddcvi jiointfs, double-center lathe; a double wtil. duplex lathe: ft ellipse, eccentric lathe; fi emiHHttir, chasing lai,he. spinning lathe; it engrcTtiges. geared lathe: fi etmngler, (artif.) chokiu;,' lath; or press; fnit au , lathe-turnocl; (I filrter. screw-cutting lathe; d fill '.' r automat r. sol f-a- -Unit lathe: ti fihlfT et 'eniHqt!i . t ut.'ine lathe, power kitiie; d< mouldy. . foui't}rr'> latue; ft. inrtaiti. \. tt crochet; -a iinijnitT, v. di mnulaye; ordinaire., Ctiirter lutho; u avail., oval latue; ontihdt .l.itho tools; - /mrallHe, slide lutlie: - -o />ix di CM. acrow-culting lat.he; d jirdalt , fixi! huhe: jii'dah d'un . lathe irondle; uu >>ied, v. fi iitiiaie; 6 jMtian, face laihc: - (/ /Hititr, potter's wheel; poinlc di -. In; lie cenicr: -ft iminUs, ex-liter Lithe, doublo-venfer lathe turn bnnch; a jiiiiiitt* /u'l.v. laihe with fixed centers; c't jiulir ttii finir. polishing and f'im'shing lat he; tour 460 tourUIon tour poupfe de , poppet; nresstur, v. & emboutir: de precision, lathe for turning irregular forms; copying lathe; it repousser, v. ft cmboutir: -revolver, any hit he in which the work is fixed and the tool turns; hroder, grinding lathe; ii rosettes, rose engine; & roues, wheel lathe; 4 support, slide (rest) lathe; support de , lathe rest ; - & tourner les tourillons, (aft.) trunnioning machine; <1 tourillnns, trunnion lathe: a trois ritesses diffi rentes, treble-geared lathe: h verge, liar lathe; i in de , lathe screw, leading screw: {i citesne variable, variable-speed lathe. IIT. Miscellaneous: ampere , (elcc.) ampere turn, ampere wind- ing; d'artciennetf , (mil.) seniority: en arriere (arant), turn ahead (astern); de bras, by main strength; de bateau, (hipp.) strain of the back and loins; du chat, space (about half a foot; between a furnace and the adjacent wall; croquis de d'horkon , sky-line sketch; dt mi , v. de mi-tour; de dctacncment , (mi?.) roster of detached service; dfurieme , (mil.) duty of the second class (in garrison and in the field, duty inside the line of sentinels, police, and other guards; in sieges, pique!, q. v., and reserve); d'epce, (fcnc.) circling of adversary's blade; f,iire le de, to make the circuit of fas of a position); faire If du compos f(ol the wind) to swing around the compass; dd'heUce, (nav.) revolution of the screw; d' horizon, sky lino; de main, manual dexterity, skill; pusitcr (i son de bftc, (mil. slang) to bo pro- moted by seniority; premier , (mil.) duty of the first class (in gar- rison, duty outside the line of sentinels, exterior guards; iii the field, advance and rear guard. Hank guard, outposts, exterior guards; in be- sieged places, guard, service of the guns, exterior fatigue under arms); l>n n'.lre son , (mil.) to take one's four of duty: dt reins, v. de bateau: ii dt ri>lf,in succession, in turn; de arrriee, (mil.') service rosier: tour of drty. 1 urn for duty; order in which duty is taken: ('/ fin , in one's turn ; troisieme , (mil.) duty of the third clnss (in garrison, personal or individual duty; in the Hi-Id, and during sieges, general and interior fatigues, issues). tour, f., tower; bell tower: (nav.) lurn't: (foit.'* sort of redoubt in seacoast works (obs.); canematfe, v. rn-arimilicnnc dc eoin ii>n ml f :nt nt . (nav.) conning tower: crdiKt. (con*.) concave face of a cylindrical wall; // fen , light hou^e: - marine, n/ar'dlo, (fort.) marte'lo tower: mazimilienne, (furl.) three-storied ea-emated tower, with a battery of guns on the top (,in- ventivl by the Emperor Maximilian); ronde, (con*.) convex face of a cylindrical wall; di niynavf, signal lower: timrwinlf, ini/.} revolving turret : rri'irn-intf d-inn I'aie, (ii'jr .,) revolving turrri in the plane of the keel; tour tournante excentree, (nap.) revolving turret diagonally placed with reference to a similar turret on the other side of the keel. tourbe, f., peat, turf; carbonitee, peat, peat coal. tourbeux, a., peaty. tourbler, a., peaty; m., peat cutter (workman). tourblCre, f., peat bog. tourblllon, m.. whirlwind, whirlpool; vortex, eddy; tornado, (artif.) tourbillon; de courant, whirlpool; defeu, (artif.) tourbillon; gaztui, (e.rpl.) vortex action set up by the gases of explosion (in a gun); - de inaree, tide whirlpool; de poussiere, whirling cloud of dust - - de tent, whirlwind. tourbillonner, v. n., to eddy, to whirl, wind. tourdille, a.,(7n's , (hipp.) dirty gray (yellowish tinge, with reddish patches here and there). tourelle, f., turret; (nav.) turret; (fort.) turret (land turret); (mach.) turret; affut de , (art.) turret carriage; armfe, (art.) a turret with its embrasures turned from the enemy, and with the equip- ments, etc., ready to be taken by the can- noneers; ft axe fixe, turret with fixed axis; & aie mouvant, turret with rotating axis; - & barbette, (nav., fort.) barbette (or open) turret, one permitting barbette fire; blindee, armored turret; el del ouvert, open turret; de commandement, (nav.) conning tower; (i roil pole, cupola; cuiraxxee, armored turret; d( mi , half turret ; de mi en sail lie, sponson; double, (nai.) double, double-decked, super- posed, turret; fi eclipse, disappearing turret; fermce, (nav.) closed turret; fue, nonrevolving turret , fixed turret : filed barbette, nonrevolving barbette turret: (i manoeuvre clectrique, electrically controlled turret; A mannurre hydrauliquc , hydraulically con- trolled turret; mobile, revolving turret; mobile fcrmfc, closed revolving turret; nniire d , turret ship; OKCillante, rocking turret; osdtlante ii eclipse, disappearing rocking turret: oui'trte, open turret: piece de , (art.) turret gun; a revolver, (much.) turning turret; servie, (art.) turret in complete readiness f(/r action (cannoneers at their posts, circuits work- ing, etc.); - tournante, revolving turret; transportable, transportable turret (accom- panies an army in the field); dc ccillc, (nav.) conning tower. toil ret, m.. wheel, reel: small ring, (bow-) drill, spun-yarn winch, rope-maker's reel: thole pin; swivel; (mach.) lantern wheel, trundle; ft archet, bow drill, fiddle drill; dc bride, (hum.) bridle ring; ue chahulte, (hum.) curb hook; -ii finer, drill holder; a percer, drill holder; . (if porte-rr'nex, (finrn.) swivel; (i rochet . ratchet, drill (brace); -delfiur, (mach.) wheel of a lathe. tourie, f., Carboy (incased in wickei work). tourillori, in., (much.) journal, axis, axle, spindle, pivot, bearing, neck, journal, gudgeon, crunk pin; dirt.) I runnion. (Kxeept where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to machinery:; a /) fii7f.<,aii n-winged journal; h inert . anchored bearing: - d'uniTf. shank nut of an anchor; tourillon 461 tournisse tourillon ft ancre artificieUe, keyed -in 1 caring: ft (inni'iii, four-winged l>eiiring surrounded by a conical shell; d'appui, tlirast bearing, pivot: d'appui & collets, collar thrust bearing; d'arbr,. shaft journal; d'arbrc ft inantveUf, crank-shaft journal; d'arbre otcillani, rocking-shaft journal: d'arbre de relecaye. weigh-sliaft journal; banded , v. s. v. bandc; bande de . (art.) trunnion plate; ft boulet, ball pivot, spherical gudgeon; it cannelures, multiple collar thrust bearing; de charge, multiple journal; de charge ft collets, multiple nock journal; ft clavette, v. ft ancre artijiriefle; ft collfls, neck journal: en crnii, a journal with securing cross arms cast on it; de. crosse, wrist pin; de cylindre, cylinder trunnion; demi , half journal; demi-cylindriquc, half journal; d'ecrou, de vis de poinJage, (art.) tumbler gudgeon (pivot of the nut of an elevating screw); t ncastrement des ., (art.) trunnion bed; d'essieu, axle journal; d'evacuation, exhaust trunnion (of an oscil- lating cylinder); d'eilremite, end journal; faux , (art.) false trunnion (piece fastening a sight rest to the trunnion); ilfourchette, fork journal; frctte . (art.) trunnion hoop; frontal, overhung journal; guide, link journal; iiiferimr, lower gudgeon of an upright shaft; intermfdiaire, v. ft collets; d' introduction, admission trunnion (of an oscillatinsr cvlinder); de leiier, fever journal; dc levicr dc pom e>t, pump-lever gudgeon; logement des s, (art.) trunnion bed; de manivdlc, crank pin; palicrti s, dc , trunnion block; de pied, v. d'apjrui; ft pico/, ball pivot; de ptjnitage, (art.) elevation trunnion in guns mounted in cradles; a presaifinlongitiidinale, end or thrust journal; -ft pression tranmersah , lateral journal; simple, overhung journal; dt souffle t, (art.) bellows gudgeon of a field forge; supfrieur, upper gudgeon; a ti'le spheriquf, spherical bearing; /our ft s, trunnion lathe; de traverse, crosjhead journal. tourillonner, v. n., (mach.) to turn on trunnions. tourloure, touriouron, in., (Jam.) infantry re- cruit. tourinente, f., gale, tempest: violent storm, sud- den storm accompanied by a high wind. loin menter, v. a. r., 1o torment, injure, hurt; to toss, tumble, jolt; to labor, strain (of a ship): to warp (of won whei-1. touniNse, f., ((://'.) filling-in piece, sind. tilling post. 462 train tournotement, in., turning round and round, wheeling round; dizziness; c/'i, whirlpool. tounioyer, v. a., to turn round and round; to wheel round ; to whirl; to wind (of a road). tournurc, f., turnings. touroii, m., v. toron. tourteau, m., oil cake; boss of a wheel; (powd.) runner, ruiiner ball; d'eicentrigue, (much.) eccentric sheave; (goudronne), (artif.) link made of old rope, mecne a canon, etc., covered with an illuminai- ingcornposition; de maniveUe, (mach.) crank boss; oscillnnt. (mach.) rocking disk, wind plate, motion disk (Corliss engine). touteiiague, f., (met.) tutenag. tout-yenant, m., coal just as it comes from the mines; mine run. toycre, f., eye of an ax or any other tool. traban, m., halberdier. trabe, f., anchor stock; pole or shaft of an ensign or color. trac, m., tfatt, track, trace (of a horse, mule, etc., obs.). " trac;ise, m., tracing (as of diagrams on plates to be cut out. etc.). tracasser, v. r., (of a horse) to fret. trace, f., trace, step, footstep, mark; track, rut, of a vehicle; outline, sketch, draught; lines marked out, traced out, for a construction: (fort.) trace; (art.) scoring of the bore; (fond.) runner; de bahane, (hip p.) white mark on the coronet (an incomplete principe, q. v.). trace, p. p., (of a horse) registered. trace, m., drawing, plan, ground plan, draught, trace, outline, sketch; laying out grounds; di- rection, Hue, of roads; track; tracing, copy; (fort.) trace, or trace; des ateliers, (siege, fori.) marking out of tasks; bastionne, (fort.) bastioned trace; a bastionnets, (fort.} trace in which flanking is secured by small bastions (mountainous coun- try); brisc, (fort.) tenaiiled trace; a copfninieres conjuguees, v. a bastionnets; dc iu cltambre, (art.) form of the chamber of a gun; circulaire, (fort.) circular trace; it clamrant., v. s. v. clameau: dcremaiiltrc, (fort.) creuiaillere trace, in- dented trace; faire If - dc, to trace out. sketch out, lay out roads, grounds, works, buildings, etc.: interim r, (art.) form of the bore of a pun: miitc, (fort.) trace belonging to both the po- lygonal mid the haslioni'd systems; '-den ourragts, (fort.) profiling of a work; perpendiculaire, (fort.) name given by Moiita- lembert to his teuaille t nice; imlygmml. (fort.) polygonal trace; rectiliyne, (fort.) rectilinear trace; de l'i .icction, profili 1 ; tcnaillc, (j'>rt.) teuoilled trace; h traverse-*, (stipe) traversed trace of a double .sap; a travcrtc.1 tournantex, (yicgr) cube traverse truce. tracdct, m., tracing point (of a dividing machine). tracemeiit, in., laying out, itaeing out (of a fort >. traceqiiin, m., marking gauge, carpenter's gauge, scriber. tracer, v. a., to sketch, trace, mark out, plot; to make a plan or drawing; to lay out roads; t'/'or/.) to lay out, on the ground, the dimensions of a work; ^iTdtmi fi , v. P. v. cnrdeaii; tn crais, to make a cut or groo\e; inn T'ltiti xur In carle, (nay.) to lay down a course on the chart . traceret, m., scriber, scribing awl; tracing point (of a dividing machine). traceur, m., de route, (art.) position finder. tracoir, m., scribing awl; tracing point (dividing machine); routing cutter, tool, tracteur, m., traction engine. traction, f., traction, draught, tractive power, ten- sion; thrust of a suspension bridge; de , tractive; force de . v. pouvoir de ; frais de ', locomotive power; en palier, (of a road locomotive) traction along the surface of the ground; pouvoir de , tractive power; puissance de , v. pouvoir dc ; restart de , (r. r.) drawspring. tradltorc, m., v. batterie-traditorc. traduire, v. a., to translate; (taw) to indict, ar- raign; to transfer from one prison to another: enjusdcf, (law) toindict, bring before a court; en prison, to send to prison; en, demnt, par devant, un conseil de guerre, (mil. law) to taring before a court-martial. traflc, m., trade; (r. r. ) freight as distinguished from passenger business; interieur, inland trade. traflquer, v. ft. n., to traffic, deal in; to negotiate (a bill of exchange). traliir, v. a., to betray. trahlsori, f., treason, treachery; haute , high treason. traille, f., trail bridge, trail ferry; flying ferry or bridge; bac a , v. s. v. bac; bride de , v. s. v. bride" mnufle de , v. s. v. moufte. traillon, m., small ferryboat. train, m., pace, rale of going: way, course, mnnnoi ; retinue, suite; average speed of a bicycle: (fore, after) body of a vehicle; train of cattle: (man.) rate, pace, gait, action; (in races) gait, pace; (r. r.) train: (riiacA.)roll, train, mill train: (hipp.) quarters; (mil.) train, baggage train. I. Military; II. Railway; III. Miscella- neous. I. Military: d' ambulance, (mtd.) hospital train; arric.ft , v. arriere-trnin; d'artillerie, artillery train (suppressed in ISK J ,, place taken by the sections de munitions); auxiliaire, ( FT. a.) reserve train (supplies t he co>i'")iy adm hiistratifs and the s regimen- taires); a vint- , v. a rant-train-; blind f, (r. r.} armored train; - de bateau , (pont.) train of boats; chargont.) bridge train ; cguip'tgtn de , train equipage; wagon train; d'fiacuation, (med.) hospital train taking Hie sifk and wounded home (either a rail or a wagon train); facultattf (militarre), v. special facultutif; du. ghric, engineer train; militaire, (r. r.) troop train; i/t pontons, (pont.) pontoon train; r<(iimentaire, (Fr. a.) regimental train, pro- vision and baggage train (all wagons not ml IH> dc combtit, of both stall and troops); ( />. art. so) much of a l>attery as is left after taking out i he batter it dc combat (v. K. v. ixittcriei. i. e., forage, provision, and baggage wagons; xnnitairt, (med.) hospital train; - xanitiiirt: improvise, (tiled.) any improvised hospital train (e. g., one composed of wagons); tralu 463 trait train tanitaire permanerJ, railway hospital train (service orgMUiwd in peace); sptcMatraardiwtwt, ( Fr.a., r. r.) turgacy train proper; -special (facultatif), (Fr. ., r. r.) train nude up and used under unforeseen circumstaucoti; any train of more than eight cars. II. Railway: (For military trains, flee onder Military.) - - acctlire, v. arprit; d'allrr, down train; de bartiaux, de bt1a.il, cattle train; de ceinture, beK train; en correspondence, connecting train; courritr, express; drucendant. down train; direct, express; eclair, very fast train; tstafttte. v. direct- eiprtt, express train; facultalif, special train; dt grand* vttfsnt, fast (rain; de grand parwtirs, kmg-distanoe train; kiln mitre, train kilometer; lent, slow, local, awommodation, train; de luie, train of Pullman cars; de inarcluinditics, freight mere, hind body of a tour-wheel vehicle; (hi pit.) liitid quarters of ahorse: di (/(.s-soiw. under body of a vehicle; dt dix-iux, upper body of a vehicle; dr drrant, fore body of a four-wheel vehicle; (hi;'i>.) lore quarters of a horse; dun, (rnacn.) two-high rolls, two-high mill; - - ilidtirhoir, (much.) roughing rolls; i (lifuc'iiidnl, (/notVi.) epicyclic train; - -ft n i 'quiimgts, (moc/i.) train with n pairs of mils; - nniancur, (inach.) finishing rolls; bftiiui dc , at a great pat*, iiadtaeing drawn or dragged: dragjuirj cable; branches, windfalls, on the ed^e of a wood; (ford.) rope maker's sledge; i la , in tow, tovring overboard. tralneau, m.. sleigh, sledge: sled, truck: drag; (r. r.) railroad truck; (rm. o.) shoe of a sword scabbard ; (art.) sledge for the transportation of heavy guns; rj bascule, tilting or rocking sledge; dufourreau de subrt, (sm. OL) shoe; de jnontagne. (art.) moiuitaLa artillery sledgts de mine, (mil. min.) miner's sledge; ordinaire, ordinary sledge carriage; A putins, a sledge on slides; de pot erne, h rovJeatu. (art.) roller -sledge (for use in narrow ramps, in posterns, etc. ) trainee, f., trail, train; dela gcrbf, (ball.) tailings; de pov4re, (mil.) powder train; dc pod-seUTe, train of dust. traluement.nl., (art.) scoring of the bore, made by the projectile (bronze guns, obs.). tralne-patllassc, m., (miL slang) fourrier in chanrt' of the bedding. trainer, v. a. n., to drag, draw, haul, trail: to lengthen, protract; to be lengthened; (mil.) to loiter, straggle; (*w. a,.) of a lock, to drag (said when the no.se of sear stops on the edge of tbo full-cock notch); les handles, (man.) to have unsettled gails: to gallop false or disunited; lajambe, (man.) to drag a leg (to be weak or hurt in the leg). tratm'ur, m., sleigh driver; (mil.) straggler, loi- terer; di sabre, (slang) v. s. v. nbrt; trait, p. p., drawn (as wire). trait, m., draught; tow of boats; stroke (of a pen. etc.), line; sketch, dr.wghi; cut, mark; arrow, bolt, dart, shaft: kerf; turn of the soiile: mark- ing out (of wood for sawing, of stone for cut- ting); Hash (of light): beam (of the sun): (Aar;;. j trace (in Fr. art. the trace proper runs from thu shoulder to the hind quarters of the horse. being eked out by a ralhiuu de , q. v.\ (art., sm. a.) graduation of a'sight; d'arriere, (/turn.) wheel trace; art du , art of stonecuttiug. of cutting out timber; - - d'atlrlage, (Jtnrn.) tmce: atttlage --- sur -x, (Itarn.) hitciung up with the traces in the prolongation <>f one another: biais, (e.tiMs.) lino cutting another mider an obiiqtio angle: (!.( lirilagt, (art.) lashing strap or rope: ti canon, (art.) trace rope (for mechanical maneuvers; - cnrrc, (cons.) lino culling another at right angles; chiiii'.f dt bout de , (luurn.) trace chain: f/n i-iil dt , v. s. v. cluvaJ; -tl< ckiraidt sfllf. (horn, i lariat, picketing r'pe; -acfCcUf. (carp.) scarf joint and key: - de. C'imi>a, division (line) of a compass cunl: corruwpv, (cons.) five-hand sketch (.forstoiuv cttllcig. etc.); cuti/irr dc, It, , to make a mod; 1 ! in pListor, etc.; dt dtrritre, (harn.) wheel trace; trait 464 tram-lice trait, desgin au , line drawing; dt derail!, (ham.) lead trace; deforce, heavy line, stroke, with a pen; de forrt, (sm. a.) mark left by boring bit in the interior of gun barrel; franc de , (of a horse) free in harness; ganse de , (ham.) trace loop; de Jupiter, \. s. v. Jupiter; longe de , (art., harn.) trace tug; d manoeuvre, (art.) sort of trace rope; de milieu, (art.) swing trace; de niceau, level mark; de paysan, rope for lashing, drawing, light weights; petit , (harn.} trace strap; ]>iece dt .construction model; rallonge de , v. s. v. rallonge; de repere, reference mark; de scie, saw cut; - de la scic, kerf; simple, (carp.) simple scarf ; (*) sur (s) , v. atttlage s sur .; - de lirage, (harn.) trace; d'union, hyphen; - de vent, point of the compass. tralte, f., trade (especially with coast of Africa); transport, exportation; journey; banking; draft . Mil of exchange; Mtimtnt de , slave ship; d'fbrnt, dcs ntgrcs, des noirs, the slave trade. traltf, m. , treatise; contract . treaty , agreement ; d'niradition, extradition treaty; dt paii, treaty of peace. traitetnent, m., treatment, usage; pay or salary; (mil.) full pay (of officers), esp. pay of military members of the Legion of Honor and of holders of the m-fdiille militaire; (med.) treatment (hipp.) means and met hods of treating animals; dc conge, ( mil.) ret ired pay ; -de la inidnille militaire, (Fr. a.) annuity accompanying a military medal; d( table, table money. traiter, v. n. n., to treat, handle, negotiate, be in treaty for; to execute; to come to terms; (mtd.) to treat a patient; (chcm., etc.) to treat. trait re, m., traitor. trajrctoire, f. , (hall.) trajectory; abaissemrnt di la , v. s. y. abaingement: de I'air, dans I'air, trajectory in air, actual trajectory: 6a. dt la , right lino from the origin to the point of fall; c'tiirbr, curved trajectory; faixrrnii tic s, shoaf of trajectories; inft'rienre, lowermost trajectory of a sheaf: maintenir sur la , to keep a projectile on its trajectory l>y rotation: mnytnni, nor ma/f. mean trajectory: raxance de la , flatness, quality of flatness, of the trajectory; rax-intt , flat trajectory: rigiditf 'rii>iri, upper trajectory of a sheaf; tendur . flat trajectory; tm. tion ill In . flatness of the trajectory; - du, dans l< , t'i'it , trajectory in vac no. trajct, m., trip, course, passage (from shore to >-horei; vovage, journey; (Ml.) (light of a projectile; ' d'tii* I'i'imr a>'ill.) lime of Might of projectile. tramp, f., woof (of cloth 1 : (fii.) course: progress- plot: i,iinl>r unf . to lay ^ plot. trainer, v. a., to weave; , n, f., trench, ditch; cut across the grain; (r. r.,etc.) cut, cutting; (siege, fort., mil.) trench, or demiparallel; parapet of sand bags, gabion, on rock or soil hard to dig; tour of trench duty; abr(, rifle pit, shelter trench; nbri (baucncc, rifle pit, shelter trench (cover kneeling); abri iwnnale, normal shelter trench (cover standing); abri renforcee, v. renforcfe; cacalitr de , v. s. y. cavalier; & del courert, covered trench; d del ovvcrt, open trench; colonel de , y. s. v. colonel; de communication, communication trench (to connect gorge with main parapet, or to allow circulation around various elements of a group); courrnnte, shelter trench used when troops are going to stay any length of time in one position; couvranie normale, trench with thickened parapet, protecting reserves and supports against artillery lire; couvrantesimplifite^roncli protect ing against small-arm fire; a crochit , zigzag trench; dc , on trench duty; dfpot de , v. s. v. dipot; deacendre la . v. s. v. dtscendre; -directc, straight trench; double, double trench; (bauclu'e, v. abri /baiifhit: ttplnxire, trench work established by explo- sives ( Fr. a., experimental only); garde dr , v. s. v. garde; uf nival de , v. s. v. gi(r; normal t . v. abri normal r; nitrerture de la , opening of the trench; oimir la , to open the trenches; pfrf(ctionn'e, trencli with a step in the rear slope; prn/ilfi intrrifiirt . profile with interior trencli: I/IK Hi ilf In . v. s. v. q*fiif; tranch^c 465 transport tranche*, refuser une , (siege) to cause the trench to make a wider angle with the direc- tion of advance as one advances; ren/orcle, trench affording protection against artillery fire and holding two ranks of men; de revers, reverse trench (protecting against enfilade), traversed trench; * rouges, (hipp.) colic, gripes; en sape dirobie, "stolen" trench (v. s. v. sape); en sape a lerre roulantf, trench in wliich the head of the sap is pushed forward as the work advances; en sape volante, flying trench; service de , trench duty; simple, simple, common, trench; simple trench work; ton/ de jours de ouverte. so many days of siege work, I. e., since trenches were opened; Me de , v. s. v. tete; tournantf, enveloping trench; travaui de , trench work or operations. tranchefil, m., v. tranchefile. traiichenle, f., bar in a shoe; (torn.) curb strap; slobbering chain, curb chain. tranche-fromage, m., (mil. slang) sword, "frog- sticker." tranche-gazon, m., turf cutter, sod cutter. tranche-papier, m., paper knife. trancher, v. a. n., to strike off, amputate; to cut oil, across; to decide, determine, settle. tranchet, m., cutting, paring, knife; cutter, hack iron; de ciseau, shank, tail, of a chisel. tranchls, m., (cons.) row of slates, etc., cut so as to fit an angle, a valley, etc.; faire un , to cut shingles, tiles, etc., so as to fit a valley, etc. tranchoir, m., trencher, platter. tranchon, m., trench cutter. tranquille, a., quiet, calm (of the weather, sea); steady (of the compass). tranquillity, f., tranquillity, calm (of the sea, etc.). transbordement, m., reloading, transfer of cargo from one ship or car to another; transshipment; (mil.) of ammunition supply, transfer from one wagon to another, as opposed to exchange of wagons; par , by breaking bulk. traiisborder, v. a., to transfer cargo, transship, unload (as freight from one veliicle to another, from sMp to ship, ship to shore, etc.); (mil.) to shift ammunition from one wagon to another. transbordeur, m., traveling platform; pont , transfer bridge. transcorporatlon, f., (mil.) transfer from one regi- ment to another (rare). transferor, v. a., to transfer, remove, convey, transport; to postpone; to make over; un prixonnicr, to remove, convey, a prisoner. transfer!, m., transfer. transfll, m., (cord.) hieing. transfllage, m., (cord.) marling, marling hitch; lacing of an awning; fuirc nn -, to lace. traiisUIer, v. a., (cord.) to marl; to serve a rope, etc., with marline; to lace. transformuteur, m., (ettc.) transformer: ft action insta.nta.nee, ordinary transformer with induction coil; fi action differee, any accumulator or con- denser; fi circuit magnetique ferine, closed-circuit transformer; ii circuit magnetique ouvert, open-circuit transformer; - ft coquill< f, ironclad transformer, shell trans- former; ile conrnnt fi bzssf temhn tn couranl & haute tension, step-up transformer; de courant 6, haute tension en courant ei basse ten.tion, step-down transformer: fi courants aUernatifx, alternate-current trans- former; h cmirQiits continue, continuous-current transformer; 3877 17 30 transformateur & enveloppt, v. ii noyau, cored transformer; tournant, rotary transformer. truns for i nation, f., transformation; (art., sin. a.) con version; (fun tour de manivtUt, (art.) evaluation of a turn of the elevating screw in degrees and minutes. transforme, p. p., (art.) converted (to a different model). transformer, v. a., to change, transform; (art., sm. a.) to convert to a ditlerent system; un tour de manivellt, (art.) to evaluate a turn of the elevation screw in degrees and minutes. transfuse, m., (mil.) deserter to the enemy; (fig.) turncoat. transgresser, v. a., to transgress, violate; to tres- pass. trausgresseur, m., transgressor. transgression, f., transgression. transtger, v. a. n., to compound with, to come to terms; to agree, enter into articles with. translr, v. a. n., to chill, freeze, benumb; to be, become, chilled, frozen; to paralyze, subdue, overcome. translssement, m., chill, freezing. transit, m., transit, transit trade; droit de , transit duty; en , in transit; mnrchandises de , transit goods; port de , transit port. translter, v. a. n., to pass in transit. translateur, m., (teleg.) translator. translation, f., translation, transfer (of a body, etc.). transmetteur, m , (ttleg.) transmitter (of a tele- phone, telegraph). transmettre, v. a., to transmit, convey, deliver, forward, send on; to make over, hand over, transfer; (mil. sig.) to send. transmission, f., transmission Cas of power, mo- tion, etc.); (mil.) transmission (of orders, etc.), transfer (of command); (mach.) gear, trans- mission gear; arbre de , v. s. v. arbre: dcourroie, (mach.) belt transmission; deforce, transmission of power; de liaison, (mach.) connecting gear; de motivcmeni, (mach.) gear, transmission rear; souterraine, (mach.) floor or underground transmission; siii'trieurt, (mach.) overhead transmission. transmontaln, a., ultramontane, transmutation, f., transmutation: (mil.) transfer from one regiment, etc., to another (rare'. transparent, a., m., transparent; transparent paper, transparency, tratispercer, v. a., to pierce, strike, run, slioot, through. transport, m., transport, conveyance; transfer, assignment, removal, traffic; (n-ir.) transport, transport ship, cargo vessel; (Itch.) transir.ission (of energy, etc.); (mil.) transport, transporta- tion: blHner de . transport, transport ship: c'temin de , teaming road; par chemin de frr, (mi!.) rail transportation; commerce de , carrying trade; tit concentration, (mil.) transport of troops by rail for concentration; f curie, (nar.) horse ship; entrepreneur de par eau (terre), water (land) carrier; d'eracuatiort, v. s. v. Evacuation; friis de , carriage; de In gnerrt, any conveyance or trnn.-.porta- tion on War Department account; des marrhandiffs, carrying; maritime. par tucr, transportation or conveyance ny se:\: water transportation; de mobilisiiinn, i mil.) transport of troops by rail for mobilization; transport 466 travail transport, moyena de , means of transportation; ordinaire, ( FT. a.) rail transport by ordinary train; prix de , carriage dues; de ravUaillement, (nav.) storeship; (mil.) transportation of supplies; de reglage (en direction, en portie), (art.) trans- fer of a correction (e. g., wind) from ouerange to another (in direction, in range); strattgique, (Fr. a.) the transport l>y rail of troops in great numbers for concentration; terrain de , alluvial ground; des terres, teaming; du tir, v. s. v. tir; de troupes, troopship; (in gen.) conveyance, transfer, of troops; vaisseau de , transport ship. transportation, f., (law, etc.) transportation. transporter, v. a., to transport, convoy, carry, remove, transfer, assign, make over; (mil.) to transport troops; b sec, to carry o^/er dry (as arms, ammunition, etc., across a stream); le tir, v. s. v. tir. trans port cur, m., transporter, public carrier, hand car; (sm. a., r. /. art.) cartridge carrier, transmitter, feeder, feed, feed mechanism. t ruiissudatloii, f., transudation. transsuder, v. r., to transude. transvasement, m., decanting. traiisvaser, v. a., to decant. transversal, a., transverse, cross; cloison e, v. s. v. cloison. transversale, f., any transversal line; (mil. min.) transversal, transverse gallery, cross gallery; (sun.) traverse; sy steme de , (mil. tel.) system of cross tele- graph lines (system in which, after each day's march, the positions occupied are connected by lines perpendicular to general direction of march followed ) ; (mil. min. ) system of transverse or cross galleries. transverse, a., transverse, cross. trapan, m., top of a staircase. trapeze, m., trapezium; trapeze of a balloon (frame from which the car swings); (gym.) trapeze. trappe, f., trapdoor, flap door; register (of a furnace, etc.); trap, pitfall; gin, snare; (mack.) manhole; (mil.) trou-de-loup. trapu, a., sfubby, squat, stocky; cheval , thickset, strong, horse. traquenanl, in., trap (for noxious animals), (hence mil.) a fougassp ; or other explosive trap, so to say: (man.) racking, ambling, gait; racking, am- bling, horse. traquenarder, v. n., (man.) to rack, amble. traquet, m., mill clapper. trass, in., trass. trastravat. m., (tiipp.) horse with while diagonal marks upon his feet. travail, in., work, labor, workmanship: piece of work, employment; industry, study; report; (in t he arts ) strain, fatigue (as of joints, lashings, of metuls, etc. ; (!npj>.) tra . e, brake, for refrac- tory horses; (nar.) laboring of a vessel; (mil.) exercises, practice, drill, training; (more esp.j trench work; (much., etc.) working (of metal, wood, etc.); auxabandonnes, dead wast* 1 ; aux d'approc/ic, (siege) trench work, ap- proaches; arcc, cn,armcf, (m/J.) exercises under arms; sans armes, (mil.) exercises without arms (o. g., facings, various steps, etc. >; -avi d'nrt, (r. r.) constructive works; construc- tions in masonry, iron, etc. (is bridges, culverts, embankments, "tunnels, etc. K anx d'attaque, (siige) approaches, siege works; u bascule, (hipp.) tilting tra vis; travail, travaux de bivouac, (mil.) all measures taken on occupying a bivouac; en bride, (mil. man.) exercises on a horse bri- dled; en bridon, (mil. man.) exercises on a horse snaffled; du camp, (mil.) all labor necessary to get a camp, bivouac, cantonment, etc., Into order as soon as troops arrive; aux de campagne, (fort.) field works; campagne de aux, working season; en carrier e, v. sur de grandes lignes; dchaud, (met.) hot working; fi cheval, (mil. man.) mounted drill (and work generally); chimique, (expl.) change in composition; aux d ciel ouvert, (min.) ordinary blasting, as distinguished from tunneling operations; au cisaillement, shearing strain; d to compression, strain of compression ; conseil de aux publics, board of public works; aux de demolition, destruction, (mil.) demolition (as of railroads, bridges, etc., in campaign); effectif, useful work; avec elan, (mil.) man.) exercises with a run- ning start; sons elan, (mil. man.) exercises without a running start; d I' extension, strain of extension; cxlerieur / (surv.) field work, out-of-door work; aux extcneuTS, (mil.) exterior fatigues; externe, external work; fane chtimer les aux, to throw out of work; & la flexion, bending strain; aux deforce, (art.) moving heavy guns; -^-aux forces, compulsory labor, hard labor (pun- ishment); transportation; aux forces & perpetuite, hard labor for life; transportation; aux forces d temps, hard labor for a term of years; de. la forge, forging; dfroid, (met.) cold working; aux de fortification de campagne, (fort.) field works; au galop (mil. man.) exercises at gallop; sur de grandes lignes, (mil. man.) exercises on an out-of-doors manege; track exercises; aux de guerre, (mil.) field works, etc.; indique, indicated work (indicator diagram); inter ieur, (surv.) internal work; indoor work; (in pi., mil.) garrison fatigue; ft lajournee. work by the day; -o la longe. (man.) longing; de la machine, working power of an engine; a la main, hand labor; maison de , workhouse; maximum, (rr.pl.) the mechanical equivalent of heat multiplied by the quantity of heat dis- engaged; potential of explosive substances; mecanique, work done, mechanical effect, mechanical power; machining; (expl.) change in stale or in condensation; mix militaireSf (mil.) works, military works; fatigues; moteur, (mach.) work developed by a 1:10! or; dc nuit, night, labor; perdu, lost work; d l>irird frrmr, (mil. man.) exercises with a horse standing; d potcaui, (hipp.) ordinary travis; preparatoire, (mil., man.) preliminary exer- cises on horseback; aux preparatories, (r. r.) preliminary survey; ant publics, public works; (mil.) confinement at hard labor; travail 467 traverse travail, quantite de , quantity of work; - resistant, work necessary to overcome a resistance; en tens inverse, (mil. man.) work on a double track (one squad on each, going In opposite directions); avtc la sflle, (mil. man.) riding exercises, horse saddled; aui de siege, (siege) sap work, trench work; aree le surfaii, (mil. man.) riding exercises, sun-ingle on; & la tache, work by the job, piecework; aux de terrasse, de terrassement, (fort., r. r., etc.) earthwork; h la torsion, strain of torsion; au tour, (mach.) lathe work; de tranchle, (siege) trench work; aux de tranchee, (siege) trench work or opera- tions; utile , (mach.) useful work, effective work; & vide, (mow.) exercise, work, of a horse without a rider; (mach.) work unloaded. travailtt, p. p., strained, overstrained; arotr Us jambes es, (hipp.) to be stiff in the legs; cheval (trop) , overworked horse. travailler, v. a. n., to work, labor; to fashion, work up; to execute with care; to open, work open, spring, warp; (of material) to boar a stress, to be strained; to work (i. e., prepare material, as iron, wood, etc.); to get out of glumb (of walls, etc.); (man.) to exercise a orse; to overwork a horse; (nav.) to labor; un cheval, (man.) to exercise a horse; un cheval ferme it ferme, (man.) to work a horse without advancing (as in the piaffer); un cheval dans la main, (man.) to put a horse through his paces by the hand alone; un cheval de la main it la main, (man.) to change hands; un cheval de quart en quart,- aux quatre coins, v. s. v. quart; au cisaillement, etc., to bear a shearing, etc., stress; ensemble, to bear equally; to bear an equal strain; faire , to work, warp; to stress; ft 71 kg. par cm 2 , to bear a load of n kilograms per square centimeter; ii main droite (gauche), v. s. v. main. travailleur, m., laborer, operative; mechanic, artisan; close, hard, student or worker; (mil.) member of a working party; any soldier doing nonmilitary work; a soldier who has a trade and is required to exercise it in the army; - - d'infanterie, (siege) member of a working party. travat, m., (hipp.) horse with white marks on his tout on tlie same side. travcc, f , (rons., -print.) bay; (mil. r. r.) element of a track (ready to lay down: of different lengths); de culif, (pont.) shore bay; pour Irs fnKilx, (am. n.) arm rack, impro- vised (two beams and a plank for the butts); -- de junction, (pont.) connecting bay (in bridge by parts, or by rafts); win f!itrr de - , (nont.) span of sx bay; - dc rice, (pout.) 'shore bay. travers, m., breadth; spring line; (art.) sling, lasiiing-rripe; (lint.) transverse crack in a cast- ing, forging, eti-., in a fireann, in a sword; (/mi.) -idc, broadside; beam; ft - , across, through; d, -, crooked, awry, askew, the wrong way; en , crosswise, across; en (I, athwart; ftrr i n de lame, fco lie in (ho trough of the sea; un i :-:'ji en - , t win. } cross system of mining; j, ar i, , (7?ar.) on the beam, abeam; athwart; ( ilso) parallel, beam and beam; travers, pied df , v. s. v. pied. tnivcrsaiit, m., beam, lever, of a balance. traverse, f., passage across ; crossroad; cross-beam, -bar, -piece; whlffletree; horizontal stovepipe; (cons., etc.) stay, brace, cross-framing, girder, ground sill, crosspie e; (r. r., etc. ) sleeper, cross- tie; (hydr.) sand, mud, etc., bank at the mouth of a port; (surv.) traverse; (mach.) crosshoad; (fort.) traverse; (sm. a.) cross of a sword: firing- pin crosspiece; deflection slide; (art.) traversing box, head, crosshead; partition board of an ammunition chest; sleeper of a platform. I. Fortification; II. Miscellaneous. I. Fortification: abri, v. s. v. abri: d'attaque, traverse, place of arms, in a dry ditch; bras de , inclined postern under a traverse; en capitate, traverse along the capital; casemate e , casemated traverse; * conjuguees, conjugate traverses; contre un commandcment, traverse to screen a work seen or commanded by the enemy; ft cremaillere, lock traverse; creuse, hollow traverse, bombproof traverse: de defilement, defilading traverse; - diagunale, diagonal traverse (axis oblique to interior crest); enracinee, attached traverse; traverse run- ning back to and joining the parados; isolee, y. tournante; magasin, magazine traverse; perpendiculaire, traverse perpendicular to the interior crest; pleine, solid traverse; relai, in a battcrie rapide, natural ground left between guns, upon which the earth exca- vated for the terre-plein is thrown, and which serves as a traverse on the completion of the battery; tournante, cube traverse; de tranchee, part of the original ground left as a traverse in a trench. II. Miscellaneous: d'appui, breast rail; arbre de , crosstree; & arrftoirs de poutrelles, (pont.) balk stop cross bar of a pontoon wagou; d charniere articulee, (Fr. art.) (in 12O^ C.) bar securing upper to lower carriage for trav- eling; chemin de , crossroad; de chevalet, (pout.) trestle brace; de chison, (cons.) crosspiece of a partition; & cremaillere, (art.) toothed or notched trav- ersing head of a sight; d'rchafimd, (cons.) putlog; dcfenetre, (cons.) window transom: tlottce, (cons.) crossbar concealed behind a partition; - - defrein, brake bar; - - avec ylissitrc, (mach.) crosshead for sliding guides; graridt -- , (mach.) main crosshoad; (r. r.) weigh l>;ir; dn grand piston, (mach.) main crosshead: dice yuiJisd articulations, (mach.) crosshead for link guides; de Grille, fire-bar bearing; crosspiece of a grating; - - d'iniposte, (cons.) transom bar (Trench window >: - -- inftrii-urc, (art.) lower sleeper (of a plat- form); (cons.) bottom rail, weather rail (of a door, of a window); dr joint, (r. r.) joint sleeper: - de liinnnitre, crossbar of a l>air of shafts; rfr linleau. (cons. ) head rail: - - limir, (art. > chock of a slide carriage; - d'une maniiellr. shackle bolt : mobiled huit pans, shifting (octagonal) bar; traverse 468 trepan traversed mouvement libre, (mach.) free crosshead; moyenne, (cons.) lock rail of a door or window; de pMe, cap; du piston, ( mach.) crosshead ; de raccordement, (art.) sleeper used to widen a platform; de reculement, (harn.) outrigger, when three horses go abreast; renverse.e, (mach.) cross-tail; de ressort, spring bar; rue de , cross street; & un seul patin, (mach.) single guide cross- head; de soupape, (mach.) valve guard; supeneure, (art.) upper sleeper of a platform; (cons.) top rail of a door or window; de tente, v. s. v. tente; de tfte. crosshead of a windlass; de la tige, (mach.) crosshead; de tije de piston, (mach.) piston crosshead; d'un wagon, (r. r.) headstock. traversed, f., passage (as from one port to another, etc.); short sea journey; (art.) perforation (of an armor plate); (de vote), (r. r.) crossing. traverser, v. a. n., to cross, cross over; to pass, go, get, travel, through; to penetrate; to thwart, Fie across; to cut wood against the grain: (art., sm. 3.) to perforate; (mil.) to break through (enemy's line); (fort.) to traverse, put up traverses; I'ancre, (nav.) to fish the anchor; la lame, to head the sea; ft la nage, to swim over; unepitce,(fort.) to protect a gun by traverses; une pierre, to crosscut a stone; se , (man.) to traverse; (nav.) to present the broadside; se - des cpaules (des hanches), (man.) to throw the shoulders (the hind quarters) off the line of advance; un raisseau devant unfort, to bring the broad- side to bear against a fort or battery. travcrsler, a., cross, crossing, going across; kirque f. ferryboat; mules es, v. s. v. mule; poutre e, v. s. v. poutre; rue e , cross street; vent , wind right inshore (Mediterranean term). traversier, m. , ferryboat; crosspiece of a banner. traverslCre, f., (cons.) straining beam, collar beam; (pont.) breast line; synonym of anguille, q. v. travcrsin, m., bolster of a bed; cross-beam, -piece; transom; beam of a balance; thwart of a boat; heading, crosspiece, of a cask, barrel, etc.; head- (tail-) piece of a raft of logs; (fam.) in- fantry soldier; d'dffut, (art.) transom of a gun carriage; de bateau, thwart; du gourernail, sweep of the tiller; - de nage, de pied, stretcher of a boat. traverslne, f . . plank to pass from one vessel to an- other; (cons.) crosspiece of a grillage; (r. r.) crossing. tr;vvon, in., (pont.) stringpiece, capping piece, of a \voocien bridge. travtire, f., (cons.) framing (of a floor); - rnmposfe, a framing with intermediate sup- porting beams; simple, f niming with no intermediate sup- porting beams. treburlier, v. n., to trip, stumble; to have an excess of weight; to outweigh, weigh down. trfbuchct, m., pitfull; gold scales. trcTilage, m., wire-drawing. tK'filer, v. a., to wire-draw. trcfilerie, f., wire-drawing works; wire-drawing machine. trvfilpur, m., wire drawer, trifle, m., clover; (mil. min.) trefle (mine); double , (m;7. min.) double trelle. trijfle, f., (mil. rein.) trelle. trtfonds, m., ground under the surface of the ground. treillagc, m., trellis, trellis work. treille, f., vine arbor. treillls, m.j trellis, latticework, grating; drilling, strong ticking, corduroy, buckram; de fil defer, wire lattice. trtmat, m., (hydr.) sand bank (in the bends of the lower Seine). tremble, m., aspen (tree and wood). tremblement, m., trembling; shaking (e. g., of a bridge); quivering; (mil. slang) fight; de terre, earthquake. trembler, v. a., to tremble, quiver, shake (as a bridge). t re in bit- u r, m., electric bell, buzzer. trembleuse, f., electric bell, trtmeau, m., (fort.) obsolete name for merlon, trtmle, f., hopper; (met.) charging funnel or cone of a blast furnace; (sm. a.) hopper of a reloading tool; (cons.) hearth stead; band? de , (cons.) iron trimmer strap. trfmloii, m., (corw.) trimmer; iron band or brace to support the funnel of a chimney. trempage, in., soaking. trempant, a., (met.) capable of being tempered. trempe, f . , steeping, dipping, soaking, dampening;; (met.) hardening, tempering; temper; (hipp.) firmness of tissues, muscles. (The following terms are metallurgical:) d , hardening (e. g. , oil hardening) ; & 1 'air , air hardening ; de bonne , finely tempered; par cementation, casehardenins; chimique, hardening by the introduction of foreign substances ; par compression, hardening by compression; en coquille, v. en paquet; donner la , to harden , temper ; doable, double , double tempering; eau de , tempering water; d Veau, water tempering; glacee, chilling; dl'huile, oil hardening, tempering; negative, name proposed by Osmond for tem- per that does not harden steel ; en paquet, casehardening; au plomb, lead hardening, tempering; positive, name proposed by Osmond for tem- per that hardens steel; de la surface, v. en paquet; ilia voice ordinary tempering. treinpf, a., (met.) (of steel, etc.) hardened, tem- pered. trempcr, v. a. n., to steep, soak, dip, wet through ; (expL.) to dip (cotton for gun cutton); (met.) to temper; to quench; to harden; (less correctly) to anneal; to take temper. (The following terms are metallurgical:) b ,to temper (as to oil temper) ; dl'air, to air harden; ti hlanc, etc.,w temper when white, etc., hot; par cementation , to caseharden ; par compression, to harden by compression; en coquille, v. en paqutt; iil'eau, to harden by water, to water luirden; lafonte, to chill cast iron; dl'huile, to oil temper; en paqud, to caseharden ; son pied dans I'encre, (mil. slang) to be con- fined to barracks: au plomb, to lead harden; a la voice, to temper (ordinary process). trcmpeur, m., temperer. trt pan, m . . bit . boring bit ; center bit , wimblje , drill , 'stone drill; (min.) earth auger, rook drill, tre- pan; tool for boring the roof of a gallery in order to admit air; donner un coup de , to bore the roof of a gallery for air; d( sondage, dc sonde, (mil. min.) ground auger. trpaner 469 tricycle tK-paiier, v. a., (mm.) to bore the roof of a gallery for air. trpas,f ., very narrow passage, channel; death, 'trepidation, f., jarring, tremor, vibration (as of an engine, screw, etc.). trtpltxl, in., tripod; trivet; three-legged stand (in goneral); & doubles branches, (in*/.) split-leg tripod; & fusees (artif.) rocket stand; de lir, (t. p.) aiming stand; & vis calantes, (inst.) tripod fitted with level- ing screws. trtplgnement, m., stamping. trfplgaer, v. a., to stamp, tread, under foot. trtywlnte, f. ( welt (of a shoe); seconde , skiving. tres-fonds, m., v. trtfonds. tresaille, f ., upper rail of a wagon. trfsillon, m., Spanish windlass; small block of wood placed between planks stacked to dry; (cord.) heaver; ncrud de , v. s. v. naud. tr*sUlonner, v. a., to heave with a Spanish wind- lass; to space planks stacked to dry; (cord.) to use a heaver; to fix a tackle to a rope (by a tre- sillon); trfsor, m., treasure; the Treasury; de I'Ktat, v. public: de guerre, military chest; public, public moneys or funds. trfsorerie, f., treasury; public finances; (mil.) pay department; service de la , (mil.) pay department. trtsorier, m., treasurer; (mil.) paymaster, pay officer; capilaine . v. s. v. capitaine; payeur-geniral, (in France) chief paymaster or treasury official of a department. tressage, m., braid work, braid, braiding, plaiting (e. p., around a Bickford or other fuse); (eltc.) cable wrapping. tresse, f., plat, twist, braid, plait: (cord.) fox, sen- nit; (unif.) braid; (mach.) gasket; anglaise, (cord.) common sennit; carree, (cord.) square sennit; en chanrre, (mach.) packing gasket; en fils de bitord, (cord.) French ser.nit; en fil-s de caret, (cord.) common sennit; de garniture, (mach.) packing gasket; coiling for packing; - de joint, (mach.} packing; plate, (cord.) flat sennit; (unif.) flat braid: ronde, (cord.) round sennit; (unif.) round braid, cord; ti tracer, (siege) tracing cord or tape. tresser, v. a., (cord, etc.) to braid, twist, plait, weave, wattle. trJleau, m., trestle, horse; prop. tretill, m., winch, windlass, crab; barrel or drum (of a crane); wheel and axle; truck; -(i barbolin, v. A nii; des carriers, <|uarriers' treadmill; -chariot, movable or traveling loading crane for heavy work; -a chtrilles, capstan; de chfvre, (art. ) windlass of a gin ; compose, (double, etc.) geared winch; coniijue, conical drum; fi dtin ritrxsex, double-speed winch; 'liffercntitl, Chinese crane; differential wind- lass; a double force, quarricrs' trca; graphique, triangulation. plot KM! from direct observation (when area to be surveyed may all be contained on plane-table sheet);" point principal de , principal vertex, primary vertex; point ffcnndaire de , secondary vertex; trigonomeirique, triangulation proper. triatomique, a., (chem.) trivalent. trlbord, m., (nav.) starboard; starboard watch. tribortlals, m., (nav.) member of the starboard watch. tribu, f.. tribe; sc mctlrt en , (mil. slang) to start a mess. tribunal, in., tribunal, court; de I'amiratUf, adminilt v court; d'apptl, court of appeal; - ciril, civil court; des conftits, v. s. v. contJil; criminel, crirnin:;! court; I'lilitairc, military tribunal, court; (/< premitrt inx/anci , co'.iri of lirst instance; de prist, (nav.) prize court. tribune, f., gallon,'; bench, peat; iu the French Chamber of Pe'puties, tribune (tin pulpit-like stand from whii-h a niomlwr spe.iks in address- ing the hoiiM 1 ); (in /'/.) grand stuud; df Id . parliamentary; des journalistfs, reporters' jn\llery; monttriila , to take the lloor. trlhut, in., tribute. trlbutaire, a., tributary. trlcoises, f. pi., pinchers, nail pinchers; (farr.) slioe- ing puichers, farriers' pinchers. tricolore, a., tricolor- tricot, m., knittint:; jersey. tricoter, v. a. n., to knit; (man.} to move the legs rapidly without gaining niuca ground. tricouse, f., cloth or knit slipper. tricycle, in., tricycle. tricyclette 470 trot tricyclette, f., tricycle. tride, a., (man.) quick, cadenced, and regular (said of a horse's movements); (as a noun) quickness and regularity of gait. triedre, a., triedral. trier, v. a., to sort, sort out, select. trieur, m., sorter (machine and workman), trilateral, a., trilateral. trllatfere, m., triangle; (fort.) trilateral work, trim or. v. n., (Jam.) to march, walk, one's self tired. trtmestre, m., quarter (three months); quarter's pay or rent ; par , quarterly. trlmestriel, a., quarterly. tringle, m., rod. batten, ribbon; tringle; lath; (mach., JT pi.) links, straps, connecting links; (art.) tringle; (pont.) end and side beam of a pontoon boat, on which the ribs rest; (sm. a.) swivel bar (of a carbine): de boisage, (mil. min.) batten; de calfatage, calking strip of a pontoon boat; de connexion, (r. r.) tie-rod of a switch; & crochet, (sm. a.) swivel bar (of a carbine); de crochet de pontage, (pont.) cavil (of a pontoon boat); & dtnt, (sm. a.) rifling rod; d'ecartement, (COTW.) batten (iron roof truss); d' entrainement, (mach.) drag link; de mousquetnn, v. & crochet; s du parallelogramm e, (mach.) connecting links; d rayer, (sm. a.) rifling rod; recourbce, v. d crochet; de relevage, (mach.) drag link; h tamponner les tubes, (steam) tube stopper; taquet de , (pont.) cavil block; dc tirage, traction rod; de traction, (art.) traction rod. triiiglcr, v. a., to mark out with a chalk line. triii glctte, f., small rod. tringlos, tringlOt, m., (mil. slang) officer or man of the train des equipages. trinitrophCnol, n,, (expl.) trinitrophenol, picric acid. trio, m., (mach.) three-high roll. triomphe, m., triumph; (mil.) great victory. triompher, v. n., to triumph (over), to conquer. triplette, f., three-seat bicycle. trlpode, m., tripod (rare). tripoli, m., tripoli, rotten stone; brundtri, brownish rotten stone. tripolir, v. a., to polish with tripoli. triqucballe, f., (art.) truck, sling cart; de chargement, hand-sling cart; -a routs de charreite, casmnatc truck ; d treuil, sling cart fitted with a winch; fi vis, (.screw) sling cart. triquer, v. a., to range timber in n yanl. triste, a., gloomy, doll, dreary; overcast (of weather). trituration. f., (poicd., etc.) trituration, grinding, pulverization, incorporation; binaire, (pmcd.) trituration or incorporation of two constituents together; rfduite, (jmwd.) sliortened incorporation; fii:/,'irci, (powd.) trituration of one ingredient at a time; ternnire, (povd.) trituration or incorporation of the throe ingredients together. triturer, v. a ., (pou d., etc.) to triturate; to grind; to pulverize charcoal; to incorporate. troc, m., barter, swapping. trocart, m., (med.. hip/}.) trocar. trochanter, m., (hipp.) trochariter: (jrand . greater trochanter; petit , lesser trochanter. trochante'rien, a., trochanteriau. trocheametre, troclieometre, in., (inxt.) odome- ter. trols-carres, m., v. truis-quarte. trois-tils, m., (dec.) three-wire system. trois-inats, m., (nav.) three-masted vessel; (mil. slang) veteran with three stripes. trois-ponts, m., (nav.) three-decker. trois-quarte, f., coarse triangular file. trois-quarts, m., v. trois-quarte; (hipp.) trocar. trombe, f., waterspout; (mach.) trompe, water blast; (nav.) ventilator; de brume it vapeur, steam fog-horn; d'eau, waterspout; (mach.) water blast; de vent, whirlwind. tromblon, m., (sm. a.) blunderbuss. trombone, m., (mus.) trombone. trommel, m., (mm.) trommel; classeur, sizing drum; debourbeur, washing drum. trompe, f., trumpet (obs.); hunting horn; speak- ing trumpet; fog horn; waterspout; (mach.) water blast; (nav.) ventilator; (fond.) gate; runner; (artif.) fire pot, or succession of fire pots one above the other; (eons.) pendentive, sqtiinch; de brume, fog horn; de vo&te, keystone of a niche. troin per, v. a., to deceive; (fenc.) to avoid a coun- ter, a parry, etc., by shifting one's point; un cheval, (man.) to turn a horse suddenly. trompette, m. ; f., trumpeter; trumpet; aux s, (mil.) assembly of trumpeters (call); coup de , blast of a trumpet; major, (mil.) trumpet major; parlante, speaking trumpet. trompillon, m., (corw.) small pendentive or sqiiinch: (mach.) air tube or hole of a water blast; de voute, (cons.) quoin, angle-stone, of a squinch. trompion, m., (mil. slang) bugler. . troiic, m., trunk (of a tree, of a column, of the body, etc.): de cone, truncated cone; de la queue d'un cheval, (hipp.) dock of a horse's tail. tronce, tranche, f., short, thick block of wood; de cable, bit of cable. troncon, m., piece, end; drum of a column; cut, stump, stock; (hipp.) dock of a horse's tail; (r. r.) "block" (of a track); de ligne telegraphique, section of telegraph line; de rebut, waste end; de vole, (r. r.) portion of a line, section of a line. tronconique, a., truncated. tronconner, v. a., to truncate, cut into pieces, lop. trOne, m., throne; royalty, royal government; discours du , speech from the throne; king's, queen's, speech at the opening of parliament. trftniftre, f., (fort.) embrasure. tronquer, v. a., to truncate, mutilate, maim. trop, adv., too, too much; cheval as.iix, horse whoso hind legs are too much under him; cheval oiiurt (serrf), horse whoso logs uro too far apart (close together; laterally. trophfe, in., trophy; d'armes, collection of arms, colors, etc., ar- ranged upon a shall, column, arcii, otc. tropical, a., tropical. tropic) tic, m., tropic; (in pi.) the tropics; mn investment, tho troops (of tho attack) serving as a reserve to the -s di lere ligne. q. v.; s i$, lino-of-vommunieation troops, troops garrisoning the yitcs d'i tapes (two sorts: permanent,, aud detached from tho operating army); sitrangeret, mercenaries; s d'cxploralion, troops sent ahead to pre\'Mit mobilization (v. exploration stratcgiqiie); sfroiniires, frontier troops; hnmine. de , v. s. v. homme; 8 d' instruction, depot troops; sdeligne. troops of the line (sometimes regular troops, as opposed to irregular ); sae la mannr, v. s. v. uinriin: a national!*, national troops (as distinguished from mercenaries ): s d' occupation, troops stationed in a defeated country; ofjicier de , v. s. v. offtcier; troupe 472 tube troupe(s) d'operations, field troops, or troops belonging to a regular field army (as distin- giushedfrom troops assigned to a fortified position; said whenever latter happen to be in theater of operations); s to. pied, foot troops; s de premiere ligne, in an Investment, the sentinels, outposts, etc., of the attack; * rfjlrts, instructed, disciplined, troops; regular troops; s de relevement, relief, relieving, troops, (in forts); s de secteur, (siege) troops assigned to a sector of the defense of a fortified place (exclusive of garrisons, of works, and of reserve); s de sortie, in a fort, troops for sortie pur- poses; .? de soutien, supporting forces; s de sftrele, troops on security service. troupeau, m., flock, herd, drove (of animals). troupier, m., (mil.) familiar term for a soldier; old n. c. o. advanced to the grade of officer; a., soldier-like; vie-ux , old campaigner , old soldier, veteran. trousse, f., bundle of tilings tied together; truss (of hay, of fodder in general); case (of small objects, of instruments, of tools, etc.); house- wife; tail case of a horse; rope for raising mod- erate weights; (mrt.)pileof fagot; setof slitting cutters; (cav.) roll, valise, carried behind the saddle; (sm. a.) packet of cartridges; bundle of steel pieces for tne manufacture of a sword blade; A cartouches, (mil.) sack for bringing car- tridges up to line of battle; de cartouches, (sm. o.") packet of cartridges; en drop, bundle of rags or of cloth (cleaning kit); en , behind (on a horse); deforets, set of drills, boring bits, etc.; monter en , (man.) to ride behind. trousse, p. p., well set, well made; chtval bien , well-made horse. trousseau, m., outfit of clothes, etc. (taken by a student to college); (fond.) spindle of a loam mold; de clef, bunch of keys. trousse-Ctrler(s), m., v. etriere. trousse-pas, m., sod-cutter's spade. trousse-pied, m., (hipp.) leg strap (for refractory horses). trousse-qiieue, m., tail case (for a horse); de cuir, tail leather. trmissequin, m., mortise gauge; (harn.) cantle of a saddle, hind peak. troussequlner, v. a., to mark; to gauge with a mortise gauge. trousser, v. a. n., to tuck up, turn up, tie up; to dispatch, expedite; (man.) to raise the fore legs too high (in the trot and walk); baggane, to pack up; - la qiieiir, to tuck up a horse's tail, put it up in a tail case. troussp-traits, m., (harn.) trace strap, tucking strap. trouvaille, f., anvthing found; di"i' di , salvage. tronvpr, v. ;i., t i fri'l; to come across, light upon; I e fund, to find, get bottom in soundings. tronveur, m., (inst.) firulpr (of a telescope). true, in., truck; (r. r.) fiat or open car; (mil. slang) ro, in; military equipment; ft pl'if'iu tmirnant, (Fr. art.) truck with t'irniiig platform; support, (r. r.) under frame of a locomotive. trucheman, trucheiiient, m., interpreter, dragoman, tnielle, f., (mis.) trowel; hntJ/e, notched trowel. truellee, f.,trowolful trurllcr, v. a., to work with a trowel. truiU 1 , a., (ma.) mottled; (hipp.) trout-spotted, (Ira-bitten (of the coat); red or reddish patches on a base of wliite or gray; tiulte-mouchete, (hipp.) trout-spotted (spots red- dish brown or almost black). trulture, f., (hipp.) small reddish spots on a gray or white coat. trulllsation, f., (mas.) coating, rough dressing, with a trowel. truineau, m. ; (cons.) pier between window or door openings; paneling between windows; (fort.) synonym of merlon. t rune, f., sort of alpine shelter. trusquln, m., mortise gauge; carpenter's gauge; (art.) sort of gauge. trusquiner, v. a., v. troussequiner. trypographe, m., cyclostyle, using a point instead of a wheel, tsar, m., the czar. tsarlne, f., the czarina. tsarowitz, m., the czarowitz. tschako, m., v. ,tchako. tscliapka, m., v. schapska. tubage, m., (art., etc.) (action of) tubing, insertion of a tube lining; fosse de , (art.) shrinkage pit. tube, m., tube, pipe; (art.) tube; ignition tube (of a slirapnel); (F. m. art.) lining tube (usually, but not always, extending about half way down the bore'f rom the breech). I.Artillery,smallarms;II. Miscellaneous. I. Artillery, small arms: en acier, (art.) forging, rough forging; d'amorcage, priming tube of a cylindre & fumee, q. v.; d'amorce, (art., etc.) priming tube; arrtt de piston, (sm. a.) follower stop; buttoir, (r. f. art.) recoil tube, resistance tube; canon, (art.) subcaliber gun; subcaliber tube; & canons, (art.) (gun) forging; de canon, (art.) tube; carcasse, (torp.) launching frame, launching tube; under-water torpedo tube; en caoutchouc, (r. f. art.) rubber shoulder piece, shoulder buffer; central, (art.) ignition tube of a shrapnel; de cluirge, (art.) loading tube; de chargement, (art.) loading tube; (mil. min.) loading tube for a bored mine; (nav.) ammunition-supply tube (turrets); compose, (art.) built-up tube (gun con- struction); de composition, (art.) fuse; friction tube; coussin, (r.f. art.) shoulder piece of rubber; & cuilltr, (nav.) torpedo tube fitted with a spoon; dftonant, (mil. min.) detonating tube (for communicating fire to mine); -directeur, (art.) rocket tube; i'jecteur, (r.f. art.) ejecting tube; enveloppe, (sm. a.) barrel cover; d'/'toupitle. (art.) friction-primer tube; flit, (torp.) fixpd torpedo tube; fusant, (art.) time train (double-action fuse); (tr.il. min.) communicating tube; dfvsfts, (art.) rocket tube; guide, (sm. a.) guide sleeve; intiTinir, (art.) lining tube; de lancement, (torp.) torpodo tube, torpedo- luunch ing tul e; dc lanccmcnt&Virriere (I'avant), (torp.) storn (bow) torpedo tube; de lancement au dessou.i (au de/ssux) dc la flnitaison, (torp.) under- (over-) water torpedo tube; magtuin, (sm. a.) tubular magazine; de mine de feu, (art.) communicating tube (of a shrapnel); fi percussion, percutant, (art.) percussion primer; percutant coude, (art.) rectangular percus- sion primer; planchftte de chargement, (art.) loading tv.be (protects the thread (if the breech nut); - fi pointage, (torp.) torpedo tube that may be aimed; tube 473 turro tube A poudre, (art.) powder tube (of some shrap- nel); de renfort, (art.) breech (reenforco) tube or fining; timple, (art.) single, simple, tube (pun con- struction); 4 tir, (art., am. a.) subcallber tube; de transformation, (sm. a.) gun barrel in the rough; de transmission, (mil. min.) leaden tube for communicating fire. II. Miscellaneous: acoustifue, speaking tube; ii air, Air tube; alimentairr, d'alimentation, (mack.) feed pipe: allonge, (mil. min.) lengthening piece or joint (of a borer); d'aspersion, spraying tube; atmospherique, (mack.) air tube; vacuum pipe; bnuea, de, , v. s. v. bagne; bancb s, tube machine; bouche , (steam) tube stopper; bouillfur, (steam) boiler tube, water tube; A bride, flaneed tube; brosseb , tube brush; capillaire. capillary tube; de chauditre, (steam) fire tube; boiler tube; chauditre li s, tubular boiler; collectevr d'eau d'alimentation, (steam) supply pipe (of a Belleville boiler); collecteur de la vapeur, (steam) steam-collect- ing tube; de condenseur, (steam) condenser tube; sans couture, seamless tube; en cuivre, etc., copper, etc., tube; cuvette, bushing or sleeve (of a bicycle axle); cylindre, rolled tube; a deux branches, double-branched tube; directfur, (steam) water circulating tube; d'eau, (steam) water tube; d'epreuve, (chem.) test tube; (~)eprouvettecj,efflv,ve, (elec.) tube for testing the effects of an electric flow; d'essai, v. d'epreuve: d'ttamoot, (nav.) stern tube; Hire, (solid) drawn tube; - -Heche, drill or point of a well borer; f'l-jfr, (xteam) the flue of a Lancashire or Cor- nisli boiler; afumte. (steam) fire tube; fuyant, leaky tube; de graixsage. (mach.) lubricating tube; indicateur, (steam) water-gauge glass; j tu-geuT, (stfam) boiler gauge; de niveau, (steam) water gauge (boiler); de nm/age, flooding pipe; perforateur, sort of rock drill; pliqueti s, v. s. v. plaque; (-)rall7ige, lengthening or extension joint; de rrtour d'eau, (steam) rot urn tube; go:id6 tnecharpe, lap-welded tube; S'>:iAeau point, butt-welded tube; s'trut 9oiM2(e plug; tirnnt. (.'/earn) stay tube; en V, V-shaped tube; tie rrrre, (steam, etc. ) class gauge; r/, tubular screw joint ; vuteur, (opt.) sighting tube. tuber, v. a., to tube; to fit, line, with a tube; to line a shaft with brick, etc.; (art.) to tube a gun; to insert a tul>o lining. luhuiaire, a., tubular; chaiidicre , (ftcam) tubular !>oiler; t6le -, (steam) tube plate. tubule, f., tube of very small caliber. tubulf, a., tubular; chaudiere- , (ateam) tubular boiler. ttilnilurc, f., tubulure, neck, nozzle. tuC, p. p., killed; -a fennemi, (mil.) killed in action. tuer, v. a., to kill. lefeu, to put out, extinguish, the fire. tuerta, f., butchery, carnage; slaughterhouse, tuf, m., tufa, tuff; pierre de , tuff. tufleau, m., calcareous tufa, tufacoous limestone, tuilr, f., (cons.) tile; piece of marble, bronze, etc., sen-ing as a tile; d'A ttkirch, v. mtmnique; arltitre, ridge tile; de Bourgogne, hollow tile (In shape, half a truncated cone); chaperon, coping tile (of a wall); corniere. \. creuse; creuse hollow tile; gutter, ridge, crest, tile; & crochet, hook tile; demi , half tile; friille, ornamental tile (i. e., whose tail is rounded, etc.); ii emboltement, v. mlcaniqut; fiitiere, gutter, ridge, crest, tile; flamande. pantile; fronton, facing tile (for the front point of the intersection of two slopes); aironnee, wedge-shaped tile (for use on curved surfaces); de gouttifre, gutter tile; de Guienne, sort of hollow tile; litcarniere, front tile (for attics, etc.); * mecaniqves, tongued-and-prooved tile; pannetonnee, tile fitted with a catch (panne- ton) by which it may be wired onto the framing; plite, flat tile, plain tile: plated crochet, a flat book tile; refractaire. f.re tile; de rive, gable tile (at end of gable); romnine, normal Roman tile, tegula; de Tarascon, semicylindrical tile; en verre, glass tile (admits light). tulleau, m., fragment of a tile. tullette, f., small tile. tulipe, f tulip; (art.) tulip, muzzle swell: th mouth or cup of the central tube of a shrapnel; bourrelet en , (art.) swell of muzzle; collet de , (art.) neck of a gun. tulipler, m., tulip tree and wood. tumeur, f., tumor; (hipp.) warbles; cornee, (hipp.) honi tumor. tumult*-, m., tumult; street disturbance. tumiiltueux, a., tumultuous: reaction sc, (expl.) tumultuous reaction. tumulus, m., tumulus, barrow. tuiiagc, in., fascine work, mattress work. tune, f., bed of fascines covered with gravel, mat- tress. tuiigstene, m., tungsten. tunique, f., (nnif.) tunic; aMominale, (med. ) co;it of the stomach; mreuse, (unif.) litewka. tunnel, m., tunnel: puiis de , tunnel shaft, pit. tlirbinaRe, in., action of a turbine; (fipl.) wringing (of gun cotton). turbine, f., (macli.) turbine; (rrpl.) wringer, acid wringer (gun cotton): centrifuge, outward-discharge turbino. <>i:t- llow turbine; ceritriiiete, inward or central-discharge tur- bine, inflow turbine: -ti choc, impulse turbine; -composte, double turbine (i. e., combining outflow and inflow); double, double turbine; miite, y. com/nixf-t; noyrr, iiniuorso; a reaction, reaotion wheel or ttirliiue; rit'trxible, re\ ersible turbine; roue , turbine; 4 siphon, siphon turbine; a vapeur, steam turbine. turbo-moteur, m., (mach.) turbine motor; steam turliine. turcle, f., levee or bank along the ri\ er. turco, m., ( FT. a.) Turco (Algerian rifleman). turlutinc 474 tuyfcre tUrltitine, f., (mil. slang) campaign ration of pounded biscuit, rice, and bacon. tutelle, f., guardianship, protection. tuteur, m., guardian, protector; supporting stick or rod or picket (as, t. p., of a silhouette target). tuyau, m., tube, pipe, hose; stalk, stem; spout, con- duit, nozzle; llue of a chimney; funnel (of a sliip, etc.); tip (on a horse, hence), trustworthy source of information; d'accouplement, coupling pipe; acous'.ique, speaking tube; d' admission, inlet pipe; d'admissiiin de la vapeur, steam-admission pipe; d'acrage, A air, air pipe; aerique , ventilation pipe; alimentaire, d' alimentation, feed pipe; - alimentaire d colonne d'cau, standpipe; d'apporl, steam pipe; d'arrivee, delivery pipe; main steam pipe, supply pipe; d'ascension, (mach.) rising main; aspirant, aspirateur, d'aspiralion, suction pipe; atmospherique, vacuum pipe; auxiliaire, auxiliary pipe; d bifurcation, bifurque, breeches pipe; 6 bourrelet, flanged pipe; branche de , branch pipe; d bride, flanged pipe; de cale, bilge pipe; en caoutchouc, rubber hose; de chaleur, de chauffage, hot-air flue; heat- ing pipe; - decheminee, smoke-pipe, flue, stack, chimney llue, funnel; de chemise (de cylindre), (cylinder) jacket pipe; - de circulation, circulating' pipe; --collcclcur d'cau d' alimentation, v. s. v. tube: d colonne d'cau, standpipe; de communication, connecting pipe; de communication des soupapes d'arrft, induc- tion pipe; de communication de In vapeur, steam pipe; d compensation, compensation pipe; des condenseursd surface, condenser tube; de conduite, delivery pipe, eduction pipe, main pipe, conduit; d, en, cou de cijtjne, elbow pipe; -cfiv.de, elbowed pipe, bent pipe, kneed pipe; courbe d'un quart dc ccrcle, quarter bend; courbe, elbow pipe; en cuir, leather hose; - cylindre, rolled pipe; de de charge, discharge pipe, delivery pipe; evacuation, blow-oft, pipe; de dechnrqe du r.ondensateur, waste, overflow, pipe of a condenser; de degagemrnt (de la rtipcur), waste (steam) pipe, escape pipe, blast pipe; de fttgorgemenl, discharge pipe; exhaust pipe; a dcmi-ccrcle, pipe bent to a semicircle; de depart, waste pipe; exhaust pipe; - de dexcente, lead, vertical lead; -~tlr distribution, service, distributing, |>ipe; - df distribution de la vapeur, steam-distributing pipe; - -t'.mstiir, separating pipe (Belleville boiler); ii am, water pipe; -('i (tiu dnnce, fresh-water pipe; - - il'i c.h'i ppem (lit, escape pipe, wash' pipe, e\- !: .L.st pipe; -emciit d< x soup/i/im e; d'extraction de la vapeur, v. de sortie; -flambeur, fire tube; flexible, hose; en forme de S, S-shaped pipe; d il.) the smallest organized unit having a distinct administration (e. g., company, troop, or battery); d'armement (et de munitions), (mfl.) state or condition of having but one model of small arm; de chaleur, unit of heat; colliaice, (Fr. a., mcd.) the outfit (materiel) of a sanitary formation, necessary to its duties for a given time; de combat, (mil) fighting unit, combat unit (the largest unit that may be controlled directly by the voice company, troop, battery); de commandcment, (mil.) any unit having a permanent and recognized head (e. g., com- pany, battalion, brigade, divisional artillery): dfriree, derived unit; -for.damentale, fundamental unit; de longueur, unit of length; - de mtnu-uvre, (mil.) drill unit; de marche, (mil.) march unit (e. g., bat- talion, squadron, battery; a march unit is defined as a combination of groups such that the space between them equals the elongation each group may take in the interval between consecutive halts); mecanique, unit of work; de mesure, unit of measure; de ]>oidi<, unit of weight; pratique, (elec.) practical unit; prei'iitule, v. s. v. prciotal; de -puisnance, unit of force; de raiilaillcment, (mil.) unit of supply; stratcgique, (mil.) strategic unit (group formed of troops of nil arms and of necessary services; e. g., army corps, which is the typical strategic unit); K successive*, (mil.) units one behind the other (as distinguished from saccniim): --tueti'iue, (mil.) ta ticU urit (i. e., the small- est unit to which may be gi v en a definite mis- sion on the battlefield; e. g., battalion, croup of batteries, regiment of cavalry; on a larger scale for cavalry, the dnision of three brigades with three horse batteries); de travail, unit of work. uiilviTsltair*, n. m., university; ur.ivorsity man; carps , faculty of the university. university, f., university. lino-rail, in., uno-rail. urane, in., sort of flying machine (proposed). urjrciice, f., urgency; cis d' , urgency, pressing case; il y a , the case is pressing. us, m. pi., use, usaw, custom, ways, practice (found usually in the follow inu expression:) et con/units, usages and customs. usable, a., liable to wear out. usage, in., use, usage, practice, habit; employ- ment; service; (law) right of pasture; common of estovers: de hmi , very serviceable; hors d' , out of use. obsolete. usance 476 val usance, f., (commercial) usance (thirty days usually); du bois, timo since a wood was cut; dcmi , half usance; double , double usance; letlre & une, ft deux, (*), bill payable in one, two, months. usblat, m., isinglass (obs.). use, a., worn, worn out; (cord.) frayed; m., the worn-out part of anything; cheval , overridden horse. user, v. a. r., to wear, wear out, wear away; to rub, become rubbed; to become worn, frayed, etc.; to use, use up, consume; to waste, spend; (hipp.) of a tooth, to lose the enamel of the outer edge; de, to make use of. user, m., wear, wearing, service; ttre d'un bon , to wear well; tire d'un mauvais , to wear badly. useur, a., wearing, grinding. usiiiage, m., machining, machine work; working to shape, as by lathe, etc.; dffaid d' , defective machining; drjrossiseur, machining to approximate shape; etterieur (in-tMeur), machining of the out- side (inside) of a gun barrel. uslne, f., works, shops, factory, manufactory, ma- chine shop, mill, forge, power house; centrale, power house; A cuirassements , armor-plate factory ; fixe, v. centrale: iigaz, gas works. uslner, v. a., to machine. ustneur, a., machining; etablissemcnt , machining establishment. usne, m., (cord.) towrope. ustensile, m., utensil, implement; s d'artiflces , (artif.) laboratory implements; s de campement, (mil.) camping utensils; s de chauffe, fire tools; sd'ecurie, stable utensils; s de marqueuTS, (t. p.) marker's outfit. usure.f., wear and tear, waste, wearing out; (hipp.) loss by wear of the enamel of a tooth (on its outer edge); et accidents, wear and tear ; annuelle, (hipp.) the rubbing surface of the teeth; corrigtr I' , (mach.) to take up the wear; preter 4 , (mach.) to work only to wear (as a fly w heel with too high a velocity); rattrapage de I' , (mach.) take-up, compensa- tion, for wear; rattraper I' , (mach.) to take up the wear. usurpateur, m., usurper. usurpation, f . , usurpation. usurper, v. a., to usurp. Utile, a., useful, serviceable; profitable; expedient; effet , v. s. v. effeJt; en temps , within the prescribed, the fixed, timo; travail , useful work. Utlliser, v. a., to utilize, turn to account; employ to advantage. utllite, f., utility, usefulness, use, benefit, service, avail; profit, advantage. V. V, (tech.) parting tool. vacance, f., vacancy; (mil.) vacancy; (pi.) holi- days, vacation; les grnndcs s, the long vacation; summer holidays. vacant, a., vacant, unoccupied, vacation, f., sitting; vacancy; recess; chambre dts s, (law) chambers. varlic, f.,cow; cowhide; leather; amarrer en , v. s. v. amarrer; edits de , (met.) slitted iron; secoucheren , (hipp.) to lie down with legs bent up under the body; coup de pied en , (hipp.) a kick forward with the hind log; cow-kick (of a horse); f n grain, grained leather; ri'rud de , v. s. v. ncsud; pcau de , cowhide; petite , hide of a young cow; plancher dts -s, v. s. v. plancher; rMfr en , (hipp.) to make a cow-kick. varillant, a., vacillating, unsteady; jarrets , v. s. \.jarret. vacillation, f. , wavering, vacillation; rocking (of a boat); unsteadiness (of a light, etc.). vaciller, v. n., to waver, falter, vacillate, hesitate; to bo unsteady, to rock. viulrl, m., tar-mop handle. va.lrouiHe, f.,s.v;\b. \a-t't-viei\t. m., up-and-down motion, back-and- (ortli moti 'it; ferryboat; ferry rope, pass rope; (iruuii.) reciprocating motion, reciprocating pear; ('nil.) circulation from front to rear, and vice versa; rn , pulling back and forth (of a ferryboat); mouvemrnt de , ( maclt.) reciprocating motion: b.ick-and-forth motion; (mil.) circulation from front to rear, and vice versa. vagon, m., (r. r.1 car. \uoiim't. m., (r. r.) truck. vague, f-, wave. vaguemestre, rn., ( FT. a.) n. c. o. in charge of t lie posl-otlice; baggage master ( in each army corps, an officer of gendarmerie specially charged wi> li this duty; in each division, the commandant tic la force jiuhUqtie^: offiaer . baggage master. valgrage, m., (nac.) ceiling; operation of ceiling. vaigre, f., (nav.) ceiling plank, ceiling stuff. valllamment, adv., valiantly; (mil.) gallantly. valllancc, f., valor, esp. military valor, gallantry, vaillant, a., valiant; (mil.) gallant. vain, a., vain, vainglorious; cheval , horse easily knocked up; e p&ture, v. s. v. p&ture. valncre, v. a., to conquer, vanish, overcome, sub- due, defeat, worst, master, surmount, excel, surpass; un cheval, to break a horse. vainqueur, m., conqueror. vairoii, a., wall-eyed; cheval , wall-eyed horse. vaissean, m., vessel; (nav.) vessel, ship (esp. war ship); ainiral, flagship; cvirassf, armored ship; du dfsert, camel; ecole, school-ship, training ship; gunnery ship; a eperon, ram; ship fitted with a rain bow; dc V Etat, national vessel; xfrcres, sister ships; de garde, guard ship; de guerre, war ship; de guerre bien ballunt, ship on which the guns are veil served; d lu'lice auxiltaire, auxiliary ship; hopital, hospital ship; de lignt.,sh\\i of the line; mnrchand, merchantman; mizte, composite ship; ft npontx, n decker; rase, hulk; ft roues, paddle steamer; (dc) transport, transjxjrt; (Y t-'ipeur, steamship; ft roiles, sailing ship; de 74, etc.., 74, etc., gun ship (obs.). valsselle, f., crockery; (mil. slang) decorations. val, m., (top.) small valley, vale: (strictly speaking, bottom of valley, between foot of slopes); val 477 vmpeur val.i de. down from, at the bottom of; par inontt et par muz, over hill and dale. valabto, a. , valid. valdrague, en , (not;.) in confusion, higgledy- piggledy. valet, m., valet, footman; door weight, rest, sup- port; dog, claw, bench hook, holdfast; (nav. art.) junk wad for guns, wad (obs.); en anneau,(art.) ring wad; del'armte,(mU.)o&c6T's servant; r i/indrique, (nav. art.) full wad (obs.); d'i curie, stable groom; trseati, (nav. art.) grummet wad (obs.); estrope. v. erseau; d'etabli, dog, holdfast; d griffes, vise, clamp; I ubricateur , (am. a.) lubricator, lubricating wad; de pied, footman; (tech.) bench vise; de place, guide; plein, v. cylindrique; a vis, screw holdfast or dog. \.ilciir, f., valor, bravery, gallantry; value; (in races) purse; (In pi.) securities; a'isolue, (mil.) positive importance or strength of a position; en compte, " value in account" (on a bill of exchange); te SO cou.ra.nt , payable the 30th instant; > fictives , securities haying a prospective value; militaire, (nav.) fighting qualities (of a ship); n-iutique, (nav.) seaworthiness; papier, generic expression for bank notes, shares (and other paper representing value); re<;ue, value received; re tiles, securities having a present value; venale, market value. valeureux, a. , valorous, gallant, brave, valiant, valide, a., valid; in good health; (mil.) fit for serv- ice, effective. valider, v. a., to make valid, validltc, f., validity. valise, f., valise, portmanteau; mail bag; de cadre, bicycle valise; diplomatique, embassy mail bag. vallee, f ., (top.) valley, vale, vallon, m., (top.) small valley, dell. valloime, a., (top.) full of, or intersected by, ral- leys. vallonnement, m., (top.) shallow and short ral- ley-like depression. v iluiRis m., (cord.) woolding. valter, v. a., (cord.) to woold. valture, f., (cord.) woolding; sheer lashing; rope used to lash two masts together, valve, f., (mack.) valve, clack valve; d' admission t throttle valve; - d'a/m<'nntr de la , to strain; d'ean, steam , vapor of water; fchaj-pcmfnt dr In .escape pun* of steam; d'echavpemrnt, waste or exhaust steam; iehaunet, heated steam; en , with steam on or up; Hunched la, de, , steam-tight; itritnylfe. t hrotl le.) blood spa\iu. v iricocCle, in., varicocele; dn janct, (hipp.) blood spavin. vurle', p. p., varied; ((rrain , (top.) broken, varied, ground. varler, v. a. n., to vary, change; (of a wind, cur- rent, etc.) to shift; (of the needle) to be un- steady. variole, f., smallpox. variomctre, m., (inst.) variometer. variqueux, a., varicose. vartope, f., large carpenter's plane; (artif.) rocket press; dem i , two-handled plane; onglee, molding plane, match plane. vanne, f., (met.) twyer plate of a fining-forgo crucible. vase, f., mud, ooze (at the bottom of rivers, lakes, the sea, etc.); (in pi.) mud flats; bane de , mud bank ; fond de , muddy bottom. vase, m., vessel, vase; clos, closed vessel; de condensation, condenser (distillation, etc.); poreux, (elec.) porous cell. vasf, a., /bin . muddy hay. vaseline, f., vaseline. vaseux, a., muddy, slimy, miry. vasiere, f., mud hole; muddy, miry, stretch of country. vaslstas, m., bull's-eve window. vason, m., piece of clay of which a brick or tile is made. vasque, f.. basin of a fountain. vau, m., (top.) small valley; narrows of the gorge of a valley (obs.); d 1' can, with the stream, current; d de route, (mil.) (of a defeat, rout) in the utmost confusion, disorder. veau, m., calf; calf leather, calfskin; (cons.) curved piece cut out of a plank; curved back or block of an arch center; (mil. slang) knapsack, "scran- bac." vecteur, m., vector; arbre , v. s. v. arbre; rayon . radius vector. vedette, f., (mil.) cavalry sentinel; vedette, mount- ed sentry; (fort.) sentry box; watch tower (rare); (in letters, etc.) conspicuous place for a name, title, etc.; double, (rail.) double vedette; elre en - ? (mil.) to be on vedette duty; en , (mil.) on vedette duty; (in letters, printed pages, etc.) conspicuous; displayed; placed so as to catch the eye; mettre en ; to station or post on vedette duty ; simple, single vedette. vChlruIe, m., vehicle, carriage; (inst.) vehicle, draw tube, slide. veille, f., keeping awake; eve, day before; watch, watching; (nap.) lookout; d la , A isiblo above water (said of a project ing or floating object); ancre de . v. s. v. ancre; tn , v.ft to ; (ofiin anchor) a-cockbill; met/red la , to cock hill. veiller, v. n., to stay or be awake; (?w);. and in (ieii.) to be on the watch, on the lookout; (of a buoy) rock, etc., to bo (partly) above water, in sight, visible. veilleuse, f., night light; tn , serving as a night light. vt'iliote, f., small haycock. vein acts m., grain of wood; graining; (met.) ve>- iug (defect). vcln, f., vein; streak, vein (defect, in wood or stone); underground spring; (min.) seam, lode. , oin; bnrr/r la 11 uv cJifval, (Jiijip.) to b:'.r a vein: - dc bain, vein (defect) in wood; d't-an, underground spring; fluide, stream or jet issuing from a Ihin- wailcrl orifice; - satellite, (hi pp.) vein close to an artery: xnmhre, (met.) mark or defect resulting from a Hat toned or welded blowhole. veliK'iix, a., streaky, veined. vf'lln, in., vellum; pa/iii'r , v. s. v. papier. vfeliU-s, in. pi.. ( />. a.) battalions of chasseurs ft pied formed by Xapolon I to furnish n. c. o. tn lino regiments. 479 venteux v*lo, m., (familiar abbreviation of velocipede) bi- cycle. veloce, m., ordinary bicycle, veloceman, m., bicyclist. velocldrome, m., bicycle track. v*loclm*tre, m., (ball.) velodmeter; & chariot, slide velocimcter; im/lindre tournant, rotating cylinder velod- meter: - fi diapason electriqw, velocimeter with elec- trically controlled tuning fork; 4 diapason eth enretistreurs electriques, veloci- meter with electrically controlled tuning fork and register : A diapason mecanique, ordinary timing-fork veloci meter; fusil, gun veloeimeter. velorlpMe, m. , velocipede, ordinary; bateau , water bicycle. v*loclpder, v. n., to "wheel," to bicycle. velocipedeur, veloclpedier, m., bicyclist. veloci pediq tie, a., relating to the bicycle; service , (mil.) bicycle service. veloclpMlste, m., cyclist, bicyclist; (mil.) bicycle dispatch rider. vfclocite, f., speed, rate, swiftness, velocity. velodrome, m., bicycle track. veloffraphe, m., instrument for measuring the speed of a bicycle, bicycle velocimeter. velours, m., velvet; d cotes, corduroy. veltage, m., v. voltage. velter, v. a., v. valter. velture, f., v. vaUure. velu, a., hairy, shaggy; pier re e, rough stone. veudre, v. a., to sell; un cheval crins el queue, to sell a horse very dear; un cheval tout nu, to sell a horse without sad- dle and bridle. vengeance, f., vengeance, revenge. vender, v. a., to avenge, revenge. vengeur, a. in., avenging, avenger. venlr, v. n., to come, repair, proceed; arrive; to come on, grow; to come out, off; to happen; a I'appel, (cord.) to begin to draw, to come into bearing; a bout dc ses cnnemis, to overcome one's ene- mies; defonte, (fond.) to be cast on; defonte aiec, (fond.) to be cast on at the same time with; to bo cast in one pie"e with; en aui mains, to begin to fight: (more esp. mil. ) to come to close quarters; to light hand to hand; & point, (met.) to come to nature. vent, in., air, wind, gale; di> ision of the compass; (met.) blast; (mach.) clearance; (aft.) windage (smooth-bore mu/./.le/-loading guns,<>l>s.); blase (of a project ile/i: difference, between turned part of the shoulder of a projectile and the caliber; (HT'-.) weather gauge; dts ailctles, (art.) clearance of studs (obs.); aire dr , v. s. v. airc; - - ali:e, trade wind; alltr au plus /ires ( meters per second); froid, (met.) cold blast; fusila , v. s. v. fusil; gagner le , le dessus du , (nav.) to get the weather gauge; grain de , squall, sudden squall: au gre du , with the wind; grec, (in the Mediterranean) northeast wind; impetueui, violent wind (15 meters per sec- ond); du large, sea breeze; du levant, levantor; {it du , wind's eye; mancfieii , wind sail; mautait , foul wind; de mcr, sea breeze; mettre I'cpee, jlamberge, au , to draw (famil- iar); moulinb, , windmill: dr mousson, monsoon; pinccr Ic. , (nac.) to saU close to the wind; - d'un piston, ( mack. ) piston clearance; en i>t(in , in the open air; porter (Ic ncz) au, , (hipp.) to carry the head high; du projectile, (art.) windage: les qwitre s, the cardinal points; Tallirr au, le, , v. pinc< r If ; regnant, prevailing wind; rose dcs x, v. s. v. ro.fr; Tuinb de , v. s. v. runtb; scrrer le -, v. pif'crr le : dc soldat-f, soldiers' wind; soi's If , (to) leeward, le* 1 , u-leo; te nir le ,\. pii:ctr le - - -; dot tenons, (ar/.) clearance of studs (obs.): de tfrn , land hi eo/,e: de tr-i; (m, wind ahoam; * lex trente-dt in .*, tin* compass card. veiite, f., s'llo: felling of wood; place where timber has just been I'.-llrd; cnntrnt de - . l>ill of s'.ile; - - nuz encherff, silo by and ion; poudrc de , v. s. v. jioutirr. veiitf. p. p., driven bv the wind: arbrefaux . wind shaken tree: marie r, tide banked up by the wind. venteau, m., sluice gate, water gate; air hole of a bellows. veiitrllP. f.. valve or opening of a 1'x-k gate; sprin- kling brush. venter, v. n., to blow hard or fresh (of the wind). venteux, a., windy; (fond.) (of a casting) blistered; del , windy sky. venteux 480 vcrmoulure venteux, temps , windy weather. wntlhiteur, in., ventilator, fan; a ailcs, d ailettes, fan, blower: asDirant, aspirator, suction ventilator; .) cupping glass. ventre, m., belly; body; swell or curve; (met.) belly of a blast furnace; avale, (hipr>.) pot-belly; avoir (ne pax avoir) du , (hipp.) to be too full (thin) in thebellv; tie biche^ (hipp.) fawn-bellied (color); d'un chten defiisil, (sm. a.) breast; cnurir d lerrc. to go at full speed; fire sur le , (art.) to lie on ground (of a dis- mantled gun); faire . to bulge out, swell out; to lean, lean over (of a wall); du haul fourneau, (met.) belly of a blast furnace; lave, v. de biche; levrette, (hipp.) greyhound belly; mal ait , (hipn.) belly fretting; marcher snr le -d, to make head against; de la noii, (sm. a.) swell or curve of the tumbler; paster snr le d, to make head against; d de poisson, fish-bellied; d terre, at full speed, with whip and spur; - tombant, \. avale; de vache, v. avale. ventriere, f., (him.) girth; sling (for hoisting horso-O; (com.) palisade riband (about halfway up); post for the planking of a sluiceway. verm, p. p., de fonte, (fond.) cast on, cast in, one piece with: integral; mal , badly done. ver, in., worm; de, digues, terMo navalis; de, mer. \ . de digues; pir/ur am, des, v, worm-eaten; range, aui, des, s, worm-eaten; tarrt, tar if re, v. de digues; de vaisxeaux, v. de digue*. verbal, a., spoken, verbal, by word of mouth; procts- , v. procis-verbal. verballser, v. n., to make a statement of facts, a formal statement; to make an official report (prncts-rfrbal). verboquet, m., (cord.) guy for steadying a weight (in hoisting). ver-rotjuln, in., (hinp.) staggers. verdH, in., verdigris; - - nature! , c irbonate of copper. vonllot, in., verdift, finding; pr in/inter, rendrt, un , to bring in a verdict, finding. verdillon, m.,hf>nt crowbar, pinch bar. verclir, v.a. n., t > paint green; to become covered with verdigris. verge, f., rod, wand, switch; handle, shaft, spindle; beam of c'rtain balances; (hipp.) penis; (surv.) surveyor's nxl: de I'ancn , anchor shrink; d'arpenJeur, (insl.) surveyor's rod; dc calibre, (art.) gance. for the bore; decharpfntitr, foot rule; dn coll ir r, (him.) fore wale; fi rimprnmtion, compensating rod; sc.rcrulrrs, nail rod iron; Main en .', bar tin; verge, faire passer par les s, (mil.) to flog through the lines (obs.); faisccau de s, bundle of rods; defer, iron rod; fer en , rod iron; de fusee, (arlif.) rocket stick; de girouetie, vane spindle; de nelloyage, (mack.) cleaning iron; d'or, (inst.) Jacob staff, cross staff; * du varilltlogramme, (mach.) parallel rods; passer pir les s, to run the gauntlet; de pompe, pump spear. vergeage, m., measuring with a yardstick. verge'*, m., a soft calcareous stone. verger, m., orchard. verger, v. a., to measure (cloth) with a yardstick. vergette, f., hoop of a drum; (in pi.) brush; bundle of rods; de roulage, flesh hoop of a drum. vergeure, f., wire-mark in paper; verglas, m., sleet. vergne, m., alder tree. vergue, f., (nap.) yard; d , yardarm and yardarm. veYiflcateur, m., examiner, inspector; gauge, calipers, sliding calipers; standard; de I'ame et des rayures, (art.) bore and rifling gauge; de la butie, (art.) instrument for gauging the seating of a projectile; calibre , (ari., etc.) gauge; cylindre , v. s. v. cylindrc; de dressage, (sm. a.) an instrument to test the straightnesa of barrels; d'enxemble, (sm. a.) an instrument to verify the angle made by the last element of a gun barrel with the line of sight; de Veicentri-ite de la lumiere, (art.) fuse-hole gau-/e (eccentricity, diameter, etc.); instrument , gaiu:e; de la. ligne de mire, (art.) instrument for test- ing the p-vrall"lism of a line of .sight; de I'tril, (art.) fuse-hole gauge; de rebut, (art.) sort of rilling gauge (for gutta- percha impressions); de reception, (art.) acceptance gauge, so called (to verify the possibility of a projectile reaching its seat properly; obs., muzzle-loading guns); du taraudage, (art.) tiiread gauge (of a fuse hole). verification, f., verification, test, examination, in- spection; auditing of accounts; tost of an in- strument to see if it is in adjustment; (swrv., etc.) check or checkin'; of an observation; (art.) verification of dimension;, etc.: df controls, second or counter verification; f'lite, after examination; de la. lipic de mire, (art.) verification of the parallelism of the line of sight ; d'une ligne. tfl'graphique (telfr>hnniquf), ex- amination and tcit of a line (with reference to insulation and continnitv of circuit); mumisti , under examination. verifier, v. a., to verify, to'-'t, try; to test an instru- ment; to confirm, inspect, audit, prove, go over; to adjust (as a compass); (cord.) to mend (a soi/.in", etc.); un chronomeirc, to rate a chronometer. verlii, in., jafkscrew; hand screw, liffiirr jack; -arrachf-pieui, pile-withdrawing screw; ft li'iutrille, screw jack; fi chariot, powerful screw jack for either verti- c il or horizontal efforts; -fi demonicr, dismounting jack; - hydranlique, hydraulic jack; - -ii vis, v. d boutdllt. verine, f.. (nav.) binnacle lump; (cord.) selvages. vemileule, a., vormiculate. vermiculures, f. pi., \ermicuhited work. vermilion, in., a., vermilion. vcrmoulu, a., worm-eaten, rotten. vermonlure, f., wormliolc, wormholo dust. vernier 481 verllge \rrnler. m., vernier; nonius; -direct, direct vernier; retrograde, retrograde vernier. vernlr. v. a., to varnish, glaze, japan; to French p ILsb. veriils, m , varnish, glaze, japan, polish, French p Hsh; A I'akool, spirit varnish; d'ambre, amber varnish; ej, 1'asphale, black japan; clair an goiidron, bright varnish; i la copaU. copal varnish; dt copal, copal varnish; d'tbtniste, cabinet varnish; fi 1'esprit de tin, spirit varnish; & {'essence, turpentine varnish; - ii fer, ironwork black; -de goudron, mixture of asphalt, rosin, and coal-tar oil, for fireworks; 4 la gommt layue, gum-lac varnish; - gran, oil varnish; & I'huile, v. gras; htjdrofuge, waterproof varnish; luisant, glaze: intr<--nrroii; fi contrffinida, ()rt.) counterpoise embrasure mask or shut ter (< Ir.ison r, -criinail/tre, fi cri mailllre, (art.) ratchet bolt (sort nf safety bolt >; - d'tmbrayage, (art.) coupling boll (French y.Y"); - d'enclrnthrment, (art.) locking bolt; - -d'fiirayaijr . spcuring bolt : d'eicrcicr, (art.) drill bolt of a tiring mech- anism; ftrirnrau .to bolt; verrou, ftrmetwe a , v. s. \.fermeture; defermeture, (art.) locking bolt, latch; glissant, sliding bolt; a heurtoir, (art.) tappet bolt; d' immobilisation, (art.) clamping bolt ; (art.) spring safety Dolt; de retcnuc, stop bolt; sous ks *, in safe custody, in jail; de sArttr, (art., tor p., etc.) safety bolt; (MOP.) turret-securing licit; tirer le , to shoot a bolt. verroulllement, m., (sm. a.) bolt system, system of bolt locking. verroulller, v. a., to bolt; laculasse, (sm. a.) to lock the breech. vcrsant, m., slope, watershed: slope, side, of a hill, of a mountain; sloping ground on each side cf a river; plongeant, steep slope (plunging into a valley); rasant, slope (of a hill) of but slight incli- nation. versant, a., cranky, liable to overturn. verse, f., (of cereals) state of being beaten down by rain, etc.; large charcoal basket; (fond.) pouring; 4 , hard, in torrents, (of rain). versement, m., payment, deposit (of money); (mil. in pi.) turning over, issue (of arms and of material in general); partiel, installment. verser, v. a. n., to pour (out, in, forth); to spill, shed, discharge, empty; to lay, beat down; to be beaten down (as crops by rain, etc.); to over- turn, upset, be overturned, upset (of vehicles); to throw, cast, on or upon; to deposit, pay in (funds); to turn over, assign (as horses to a troop); (mil.) to issue material; (fond.) to pour; en cayc, tn i>ani resolute, firm; 6ois . v. s. v. boift; chfi'al au montoir, horse hard to mount: cuir . rawhide; fonte f. (nut. ) brass, gun metal; piirre f , stone fresh from the quarry; ration e, allowance, ration, of green food (for horses); regime- , green food (for horses ); sable , v. s. v. sabir. vert, m., green color; grass, green food, green forage; a(4 , at grass; --how, (tn/i. drawing) green for woods: chi'i'al au- , horse on green food: fairr jtn ndre le a un cln < al, to keep a horse on green fond; J'airr quitter Ir ti uit flu i al. in take up a tiorse from grass: franc, (top. drawing} green for slopes, orch- ards; mettrt un chcval au, , to put a horse out to grass; mise tin , putting a horse out to grass. prc, (ti>j>. dra wing i green for pastures, mead- ows; ntirtr nnchernldu , to take a horse from grass; de litre, verdili r. vert-de-grls, in., verdigris. vcrtciicllc, f. , staple, bolt staple. vertcrellc, f. , v. n r/i ihUc. vcrtcvellp, f. . v. i < rt< ndlr. vertical, a., vertical, upright; la i . tho \ ertical. vertiralitf', f. . vertic.ilness. verlic.dity. vertiK*, m., dizziness, vertigo; /i. i staggeis: 482 vlf vertlge abdom inal , (hipp.) stomach staggers; esstntiel , (hipp.) staggers, blind staggers, mad staggers. i vertigineux, a., causing vertigo; (hipp.) causing staggers. vertigo, m., (hipp.) staggers. vertlqueux, a. , spiral, winding. vesce, f. , vetch, tare. veslcatoire, m., (hipp., etc.) blister. vesirulaire, a., vesicular; it.it , spheroidal state. ve.sicule, f., vesicle; (met.) blister (in a casting). vesirule, a., blistered (as steel, etc.). vessle, f., bladder; 1 lister; relachement dc la , (hipp.) profuse staling. veaslgoii, m., (hipp.) vessicnon, vessignon, wind- gull; articulaire, articular windgall; chenlle, thorough pin; calcaneen, calcaneal whidgall; cunfen, cuneiform vessignon; du grasset, stifle; souffle, v. chenille. tarsien, vessignon of the tarsal sheath; tendineux, tendinous windgall. vesslr, v. n., (met.) to scatter. veste, f., jacket, round jacket; (unif.) undress or fatigue jacket; d'ecurie, (unif.) stable jacket; de service, (unif.) undress, fatigue, jacket vestibule, m., vestibule, hall, lobby, entrance. veston, m., short coat. vehement, m., clothing, clothes. veteran, m., (mil.) veteran; (in schools) student who repeats a course; " turn-back" (U.S.M.A.); - - de mathcmatique, "turn-back" in mathe- matics. veterauce, f., state of being a veteran. vetfrlnaire, a., m., veterinary; veterinarian; farrier; aide , ( Fr. a.) veterinarian (sublieutenant); artiste , v. medccin ; en let (2d), (Fr. a.) veterinarian (captain, lieutenant); midecin , veterinary surgeon ; horse doctor; - principal de If re (Seme) classe, (Fr. a.) vet- erinarian (lieutenant-colonel, major). vetir, v. a., to put on (clothes, a garment). vlahilite, f., practicability, good condition, of a road. vladuc, m., viaduct. vtager, a. , in., during one's lifetime, during life; life interest, life annuity; penxion e, v. s. v. pension,' rente e, v. s. v. rente. vtande, f.,meat; conservee, preserved meat; countries de , preserved meats; fraiche, f resh meat; unite, salt meat. vibration, f., vibration; oscillation of a pendulum. vlbratoire, a., vibratory. librer, v. n., to vibrate. vicaire, in., vicar; ourato. ilcatrie, f. , vlrariat, m., oifice of vicar; curacy. vice, rn., vice, defect, Haw, blemish, imperfection; dm biiis, defects in wood; chfal i/ui a du. , restless horse; de conformation, (hipp.) defect of build; rfdhibitoire, v. s. v. rfdhibitoire; (adm.) fatal lefect (in a contract, etc.). \ire-ainiral, m., vice-admiral. iir amiraute, f., vice-admirality. vice-consul, m., vice-consul. lice-Rfrant, m., deputy manager. vice- president, m., vice-president. vlce-rciiip, f., wife of a viceroy. vice-roi, m., viceroy. lice-royal, :>., vice-royal. vice-royaute, f. , vice-royalty. vicie, a., corrupted, tainted, foul; bois , spoiled wood, timber. vlcler, v. a., to taint, corrupt; to vitiate, make void vlcleux, a., vicious, defective, faulty, imperfect; cheval , vicious horse; nature se , vice, viciousness, of a horse. vicinal, a., chemin , crossroad, parish road. vicomte, m., viscount. vlctolre, f., victory, conquest, triumph; gagner, Temporter, la , to win the day, the victory. vlctorieux, a., victorious, triumphant, ilcf n ail lt>, f., victuals. vldage, m., emptying; parapet, mound (formed of the earth dug out of a canal and thrown on each side). vldange, f. , clearing, removing; voidance, draining, emptying, blowing of!; thinning out (of a forast); empty part (of a cask, etc.); (in pi.) soil, night soil; (mach.) sediment (in a boiler); robinet de , v. s. v. robinet; trou de , (steam) mud hole (of a boiler); tuyau de de cha.udie.re, (steam) blow-oil pipe. vldanger, v. a., to empty, i Ulart, m., (hipp.) horse liable to diarrhea. vide, a., empty; void, vacant; devoid; unimpreg- nated; & - , empty, in vacuo; (mach.) unloaded (of an engine); (man.) riderless; frapper (t , to strike the anvil instead of the work; porter d , to be unsupported; ranges tant pleins que s, (mil.) drawn up with intervals equal to the front of the units. vide, m., empty space, emptiness, void, gap, hole; interstice (as between the bars of a grate, etc.); vacancy; vacuum; (top.) chasm; (cons.) open- ing in a wall; span of an arch; (mil.) gap in a line; (art.) slot (of a breech screw); d'un bastion, (fort.) hollow of a bastion; combler un , to fill up a gap; "to fill a long- felt want;" dans le , in vacuo; espace de , (steam) vacuum space; faire un , to make a vacuum; deforure, bore-hole; d'unfourneau, (met.) interior of a blast fur- nace (synonym of cuve, q. v.); jauge de , (steam) vacuum gauge; pousser au , v. s. v. pousser; rester dans le , (man.) of a horse, to carry him- self so as not to feel the bit; to cease to feel the bit; tirer au , v. pousser au ; volume de , v. espace de . vider, v. a., to empty, clear, void, drain, evacuate; to bore, scoop, scoop out; to decide, end, settle, arrange, adjust; to quit, leave, depart from; (mach.) to blow on", out; lex arsons, v. s. v. arc,on; une chituiiitTe, to blow off a boiler; un cheval, (liipp.) to rake a horse; une cltf. to bore a key; /(a escarbilles, to throw out ashes, etc.; une priaon, etc., to clear a prison, etc.; une querclle, to have a quarrel out by figiil- i"g; dcs Icrres, to level ground; cheval qui a les jarrets bien vidf.s, cleau-hockod horse. vie, f., life; duration, life (of a gun, etc.). vleil, a., old. vicillir, v. n., to grow old; to become obsolete. vience, n., f., virgin; poulie , v. s. v. poulie. vieux, a., old, antique, obsolete; (of a horse) aver !> years of age; fer it vieillcs fontes, unserviceable iron stores of every description, scrap iron. vlf, a., alive, living; lively, eager, sharp, brisk, quick: spirited; mettlesome; deep, vivid, bright; r;ipid; 483 virure vtf, allure w, (man.) rapid gait; re arMe, v. s. v. arete; arftes ves, (hipp.) grease, rat-tails, grapes, mangy tumors, on a horse's leg; argent , quicksilver; at tuque, etc., ve, (mil.) sharp attack, etc.; 6oi , living tree; boisfi ve ortte, timber whose l>ark or soft wood is cut off to make it square; re canonna.de, (art.) brisk cannonade; eltaut ve. quicklime; ehcril , high-spirited horse; cvrrr A bord, a fond, to clear (a ditch) to regulation depth and width; ea-u ve, running water; ve eau, v. s. v. eau; feii , bright fire; (mil.) brisk flre; fond*, undisturbed ground; rt) 'antes, forties ir., (met.) metals that in fusion remain liquid a long time; de ve force, by main force, strength; fore t ve, forest of fine and large trees; ve fusillade, (inf.) brisk fusillade; liaie ve, v. s. v. haie; Cfurres vcs, v. s. v. ceuvre, f . ; roc , bed rock; rochf ve, natural rock (surface unaltered); dt ve voii, aloud. l4f, in., living person; flesh; quick, core; the thick of anything; solid; (mas.) the hardest part of a stone (interior); d'un arbre, inside, stem, of a tree; d'une colonne, shaft of a column; ducombat, (mil.) thick of the fight; donation entre *, deed of gift; de I'eau, v. s. v. eau; d'une pilce, (art.) outer surface of a gun as it comes from the mold (ol>s.); de pitdextal, die of a column; pii/iifrju-squ'au , (farr. ) to prick a horse's hoof; racier au- , (mas.) to scrape off the outside of a si one; toiu-licr le h, (farr.) to prick a horse's foot. vlf-argent, m., mercury, quicksilver. vigie, f., (nav.) lookout, lookout man; (r. r.) box (as near a switch, etc.); (hydr.) lurking rock; shoal water: en , on the lookout; hnmme de , (nav.) lookout man. vtglor, v. n., (nav.) to look out, watch, be on the lookout. vigilance, f., vigilance, watchfulness, vigilant, a., vigilant, watchful, careful, on one's guard. vlgii*', f., vine; wash (for sections and elevations*. vigiioble, m., vineyard. vlgorlte, f., (/>/) vigorite; (americaine), vigorite. vilain, a., vile, liad, wretched; faire , to be, bad, misty weather. vllebreqnlii, in., l>race; slock and bits; (mach.) cranked shaft; (art.) vent pricker with gimlet point; (/./. art.) crank, arm; & rochet, ratchet brace. village, m., vijlaeo; frrme, village with streets; irregulier, >illago without streets; - regulier, \ . frniif. \1lle, f , town; the municipal officers; cnr/iK de , municipal ollicers; d'eani, watering place; df fabriifiir, manufacturing town; de qnrnixon, (mil.) garrison town; ta i/fiinde - , I'aris; hfidl rit de , spirits of wine. Vinaigre, m., Mtiegar. vlndas, m., windlass, capstan, oral), drum; viiida.s, clefde , cheek of a capstan; linyuet de , pawl of a capstan; mfche de , barrel of a capstan; tai/net de , v. lingutt de . vtneux, a., (ft/np.) wine-colored (of the coat); rouan , wine-colored roan. vtiigtalne, f., score: (cord.) lashing (for scaffolds); small rone to keep a load from striking the wall (in hoisting >. violation, f., violation; d'arrft*, (mil.) breaking one's arrest; de consign f, (mil.) violation of orders. violence, f., \-iolence, stress; faire , to coerce, strain, stretch; du tempt, stress of weather. violent, a., violent; strong, wild, boisterous, ve, hement, fierce, hard. vloletiter, v. a , to force, do violence to. viuliT, v. a., to violate (as a parole, quarantine, etc.). vtolon, m., violin: cell of a guardhouse. vlrage, m., hea- ing, play, of a windlass, of a cap- stan: hoisting of weights by a capstan: space necessary for the play of "a capstan: (phot.) toning; b'lin df , (phot.) toning bath; liqueur de , v. s. v. liqueur: ra'ion de , radius of capstan play. vlrebrequin, m., v. vilfbrtouin. vlrement, m., act of working a capstan; payment of a debt by the transfer of a debt; adjustment of an account bv a transfer on the books; clear- ine; trans f er of funds (to equalize accounts); (adm.) transfer (frequently illegal) of funds from one article of the budget to another; (phot.) tonine; de bord, (nav.) goinT about ; d'eau, turn of the tide; de fonds, (adm.) transfer of funds from one article of the budget to another. virer, v. a. n., to turn; to turn, to heave (of a caps- tan); to clear, to transfer an account; to pay a debt by the transfer of a debt; (rav.) to go about; (phot. ) to tone; 1'ancrc, to weigh anchor: de bord, (nav.) to go about; au, le, cabestan, to heave, pull, etc., at the capstan: le ci'ihle, to hinl in the cable; -& courir, to hea e away; en dnucrur, to heave or pull handsomely; mantiuerti , (nar.) to miss stays; parecj, / (nar.) ready about; refuser ft , v. maiif/ul.) virite. vlrole, f., ferrule; collar, hoop, sloe- e, ring: (rnach.) tube ferrule: (si tarn ) section of a boiler: (am. a.) bayonet rinir: locking sleeve; (art.) base ring; collar of a tube; A ailrttrs, (xm. o.t locVitiL' ring of a bayonet; baine, (sttam) tube ferrule: de bn'innnette, (xm. a.) locking riiu r : de bout d'essieu, linch hoo|: collar of axlp- treo arm; tcroii, (art.) base ring, bushing i l.on^riilge wire gun); l>rtf-cuiraf!nr. (fort.) armor-supporting ring (.of IJus-iiiVe cu])ola); de rirnre, clinching ring; detiinnn, (art., rtc.) pole hoop. vlrok-r, v. a., to ferrule. vlrolet, in.. Dller: spun-yaru winch. virure, f., (nai.) strake. vis 484 via vis, f., screw, especially male screw; screw stud; (con*.) spiral staircase; newel of a winding staircase; (art.) breech screw. I. Artillery, small arms; II. Miscellaneous. I. Artillery, small arms: d'amorce (art.) screw fuse plug; d'arret, (art., sm. a.) stop screw; locking screw; (inctoir, (art.) stop bolt; (sm. a.) stop screw; ilc bague, (sm. a) locking ring screw; (/tt battant. (sm. a), swivel screw; de boite de culasse, (sm. a.) breech-casing screw; luirgnt, v. s. v. borgnc; --bouchon, (sm. a.) screw plug, bolthcad and nut; (art.) breech plug; dt biUie, (or/.) central bearing support; c-jtlantt, (art.) support (screw) of the St. (,'hamond disappearing carriage; du carrf, v. de noir; trnlralt, (art.) inner screw (of the elevating screw); -conique, (urt.) conical breech screw (Arm- strong); dc con/rc-platine, (sm. a.) side-plate screw; dc croixierc, (sm. a.) hilt screw; citlaxse, (art.) breecn plug, breech screw; screw plug of Creusot projectile tester; de culasse, (art.) breech screw, breech plug; (SHI. a.) tang screw; cylindro-coniquc, (art.) (Armstrong's) cylin- dro-comcal breech screw; - ii dent-df-loup anc chainc-gallc, (art.) chain and sprocket elevating screw; il? dtssus, (sm. a.) breech pin, breech screw; doubli, double conceitiriqne, double de pointagf, (art.) double elevating screw; droiti , (art.) single elevating screw; remit, (art.) fuse plug; ccrou fiitj (art.) fixed-nut elevating screw; fi f'-crov, oscillant, (art.) elevating screw with oscillating nut; -f-jtcieiir, (sm. a.) ejector, ejector screw; cd screw; ''iff a fcrou mobile, (art.) fixed elevating screw with movable nut; -fiiurnan, (art.) outer screw (of the elevating screw); frcin, (art.) screw set of the Deport sight; ill frtin, dirt.) brake screw; screw clamp: dt frt in de hausse, (ar/.) set screw of a sight ; dt qachttfi, (sm a.) sear screw; goiipilli, (sm. a.) screw pin or bolt; ilw grand ressort, (.m>. a.) mainspring screw; ijrimlf , (art.) outer screw (of a doul>lc elevat- ing screw); gviili . inrl., sm . tt.) guide screw; - i'niiilliH, (nrl.) I win (elevating) screws; -lumicn, (jift.) screw vent (Krupp ftrmc- tr> >: ili wiiinKin, (x:n. a.) casing screw; - - i!i iii'ignxiit unlir'urf, (am. a.) front, casing iiKii rit urt, (sin. a.) rear casimr screw; i/i inicHiiixini, (xut. t:.) breech-inec'luinism S'-rew: iti noii. (xm. it.) tumbler screw; 1'iiiti , ('irt.) inner screw (.ofa, double elevat- ing screw); tt ingiiiiii d'angli ii Irrnu /nitnniil, furl.) l>evel gear elevating screw wiih rotary mil: fl I'ii'ol, (.fin. a.) pivot sereu ; ilc jilaifue, (sm. a.) buit-]>lat<; screw; d( I'lalinf, (nm. a.; lock-plate screw; vis de poignie, (sm. a.) hind screw of the trigger plate; de pointage, (art.) elevating screw; de pointage double, (url.) double elevating screw; de pointage simple, (art.) single elevating screw; de pontcl, (sm. a.) guard screw; porle-amorce, (an.) screw fuse plug, de prcssion, (art.) set screw of a sight: de rpel, (art.) elevating (deflection) screw of a sight ; du ressort dc gachelte, (sm. a.) sear-spring screw; fi stcleurs Mlicoidaur, (art.) breech screw with hehcoidal slots; de scrruge, (art.) locking screw, set screw, clamp screw; a soulevemenl, (art.) raising screw (of an affiUfi sou/tvemcnt); Itnaeur ii , y. s. v. tcndeur; de translation, (art.) translating screw; de triangle, (sm. a.) swivel-bar screw. II. Miscellaneous: a . screw, fitted with a screw; aiJce, wing screw; thumbscrew; wing nut; d'ojustagt, adjusting screw; anneau d , 6 anneau, screw ring; fi ansc, handle screw; appariilfi, , screw gear; d'ai>pui, bearing or supporting screw; arbre a , screw arbor; d'Archimede, Archimedean screw; d'lirrct, set screw; screw top; d':issemblagf, assembling screw, set screw; d'altathr, assembling screw; me, screw axis; bagu-c a , screw collar: & billcs, (nmch.) ball-bearing screw (thread represented by ball bearings); tn bl'inr, screw blank; (L hois, wo(xi screw; a bois en ft r, iron wood-screw; dt, en, bois, wooden screw; bouchonfi , screw cap, screw plug; butantt , dust.) tangent screw; dc b't'tf, stop screw, bearing screw; buttoir, stop screw; -de caltigi, (macJi.) clamp screw; calantc, (insl.) leveling screw; (mach.) cen- tering screw; de ccntnigr, (mach.) centering screw; chaise h . revolving chair; chapeau ii , screw cap; tichiii'oiu, (jnocft.)screw for assembling pipes and collars; chcrillc a . screw pin; v. s. v. chetilli; concarc, female screw ; -conductricc, (mark.) lead screw; dc condnitc, (mach.) lead screw, guide screw; dc ctirrtcHnn, (in*/.) tangent screw; -crnixr, hollow screw: it criichrt, screw hook; dc dic'.: iln-ii , (inst.) adjusting screw; Tignlalricf, (innch.) lead screw; dr. rexsort, spring screw; - - de. ridatjt , (curd. ) rigging screws ; robiiut , screw faucet : de strni'ie, set screw, clamping screw; xDitpapc. (mach.) screw valve; -snupape' de dfchargr, discharging screw- valve; it T winged screw ; --Itinyi nti , (ins!, i tangent screw; trti if lira . v. s. v. It npe, f., (mil. slTjig) kepi. vis*e, f., aim, design; (nrt.. sm. a.) aiming, sighting; (surr.) sighting (of an instrument); crhicau de , v. s. v. creneau; directe, (surv.) front sight; inverse, (sure.) back sight: point de , (art., sin. a.) point aimed at. viser, v. a. n. (art. sm. a.) to aim, take aim at: to lay (a gun) on; (adm., etc.) t > visi'-, to examine and sign; (sure.) to take a sight, an observa- tion, on; le but, (art., sm. a.) to aim ai the target. viseur, m., (inst., etc.) sighting tube: sighting piece; eyepiece; tuyatt , sighting tube. visU>re, f., (unif.) vi-sor (of a cap, etc.); (sm. a.) sight; breech sight; front sight; (fort.) embra- sure, tunnel (cover or protect! n of masonry for a casemate embrasure: (small arch in front of a caponier); (art.) sight; sort of rearsight on a turret; dc canon, v. de cut aw: A chirnikre, (xm. a.) folding, leaf, sight; A da pft (sin. a.) foldinir. lea . sight; A coulisse, (."in. a.) sliding sight; de cuhsse, (irt.) breech sight; fenle de , (art.) aiming slit (turrets); fire, (sin. a.) fixed rearsight; defuxil, (sm. u. i rear sight: mn'iilt, (sm. n.) folding, leaf, sight; dt protection, (fort.) protective plate o/ a barbette turret. vision, f., sight; direct/ , naked eye; vlslr. m., v. ri;ir. vlslte,f., visit: call (of a doc tor); inspection; custom- house insppclion; survey; examination; (nai . ' search; (I'urt seirch; (art.) inspection of gun and carriage alter living: iiniiu-fllt , (Mir.) atniual inspection, survin : nnnitfllc dts clt.iudiens, \.inr.) yearly boiler inspection; -innurllf di* irmciiinix, (nur.i ye;irly engii'.i inspection; aes armis. bnnc'itx, ft fin. (nil., sm. a.) e\ ainination an-.i ins[wction ot pins and snul 1 arms; bane (/' , testing, verifying, bench; dt." C'txirtit.--, (mil.) inspection of barracks: (/< ror/iv, ( Fr. <;.,>. formal olticial visit by on- cers in ii !>ily ; domiciliain, llntr) domiciliary visit; tie In doiiarf, customs invperlion: druit de , (r-i- .) right of search; fit in- , to inspect; - - f'is lirur, (I'i'r i search of the iiremisos; (/(.* {unit.*, inspect inn of liniim'<; p-ixxir nut . I i make an iii-i>iv; ion; dt's poxitx. (mil.) inspection of posts, sen tries; rounds; vi.sitc 486 vole vlsite ptriodique, (nav.) periodical survey; de reception, (art.) examination before recep- tion; xanitaire, (med.) medical, sanitary, health, Inspection; oumisii la , liable to search, inspection; spcciale, (nav.) special survey; d'un vaisseau, (nav.) examination of ship's cargo or papers. vislter, v. a., to visit, call upon; to inspect, ex- amine, survey, search, look. visit cur, m., visitor; custom-house inspector, searcher, tide waiter; (nav.) searching vessel. \N>:Iarabolc dc la , (ball.) the parabola that would be described by a projectile from a given point if the resistance of the air were to cease at and from that point; /irtite , (r. r.) slow dispatch; - dti piston, (much.) speed of the piston; pli'inc , (mach.) full speed; -rapidr. (art.) 10 kilometers per hour (artil- lery marching alone); - - de riijime, normal speed: (mach.) speed best suited to each engine and peculiar to it; relatirr, relative vel;x it y; Tcquini , desired, required, velocity; respective , v. - -n Inlii i ; -rcstantc, (bull.) remaining velocity; rttardie, retarded velocity; de rotation, veltx'it y of rotation; -terminate, (ball.) terminal velocity; de tir. (art.) rate of fire; toute , full speed: (i toute , at full speed; dc toute sa -, at one's utmost speed; de. translation, (mil.) velocity of translation; - uniforme, uniform spoe,d, velocity. vUraste, in., glazing, glo-sa windows, window glass, gloss partition. vitrail, m., stained-glass window (in pi. generally). vltre, f., window glass, pane of glass, window; carreau de , panneau de , window pane. vltrf, p. p., glazed; glass; vitreous; porte e , glass door. vltrer, v. a., to glaze. vltrerie, f., glazing; glazier's work, trade. vitresclbllltl, f., vitriflability. vltresclble, a., vitriflable. vltrier, m., glazier; (171 pi., mil. slang) chasseurs b, pied, rifles. vltrlf action, f., vitrifaction. vitriflable, a., vitriflable. vitrlfler, v. a., to vitrify. vitriol, m., vitriol, copperas; blanc, white vitriol; bleu, blue vitriol; de cuivrc, v. bleu; defer,v. vert; huile de , oil of vitriol; vert, green vitriol; de zinc, v. blanc. vhacite, f., vivacity; quickness, eagerness; de la poudre, (expl.) quickness of powder; de recul, (art.) quickness, suddenness, of recoil. vivandier, n., (mil.) sutler, canteen steward. vivandlere, f., (mil.) vivandiere. vivat, m., cheer, hurrah; crier , pousser des s,saluer parvn , to cheer; to hurrah. vive, v. qui vive. vives-eaux, f. pi., spring tide (v. s. v. maree); vivre, v. n.. to live, subsist; to be maintained, subsisted; sur I'habitant, sur le pays, (mil.) to live on the country. vivre, m., food; (in pi. esp. mil.) provisions, stores, victuals; commissary department; * d 'administration, (mil.) stores supplied by the admimstration as distinguished from de requisition; administration des s, (mil.) commissary de- partment; alter aui s, (mil.) to go and draw rations; bureau des s, victualing office; s de campagne, v. pit its s; .t de conserve, preserved (canned, tinned) rations; - s-conserres de viandc, iron ration; - s dc debarquement, (mil.) rations available on detraining; ftre dans Ics s, (mil.) to be in the commissary department; fnire des s, to victual; fourgonh *, (mil.) provision wagon; - -s-pain, (mil.) bread part of the ration; bread ration; pelits s, (mil.) groceries and dried vegetables; s de requisition, (mil.) supplies, etc., got by requisition; sde reserve, (mil.) raserve supplies; -* du sac, (mil.) two days' rations carried by the soldier; - -s sees, dry provisions (i. e., beans, cofTee); K-viiindc, (mil.) meat part of ration; meat ration. vivrier, in., (mil.) commissary of provisions. vizir, m., vizier. voRue, f., speed of a rowboat (obs. ). voRue-avaiit, in., bow oar. vogucr, v. n., (of a bout) to be rowed, pulled; (nav.) to sail; to be tinder sail; to bear, go; vngiu-avant!gi\'Q way! vogurur, in., oarsman (obs.); swimming belt. voie, f., road, way, roadway, trail, track, trace, path, any line of transportation; conveyance, means of conveyance; load, cartload (as much as may lift carried at one time, or in a single tripi; track (distance between wheels); set of u saw, kerf of a saw; (r. r.) track, line, gauge. vole 487 voile I. Railroads; II. Miscellaneous. I. Railroads: vole accessoire, side track: oxxir/te de la , (mil.) method of laying a road (v. fixe, and mobile); de campagne, (mil.) field railway; changement de , v. s. v. changement; de chargemeni et de drchargement, side track, siding; chemin defer & tine, etc., , v. s. v. chemin.- de chemin defer, railroad; de circonstance, (mil.) temporary road; de dassrmrnl, v. de triage; communication de s, junction of tracks; ii crtmaiUere, cog track; CTOisement de , crossing; en cul de-xac, side track (for storing spare cars); de debord, \. en cul-de-sac; de depart, starting track; de dtrimnon, (mil., etc.) branch road; descendante, down track; ci deux x, double tracked; diagonale, crossing; double , double track; fi ecartemrnt normal, standard-gauge road; d'embarqvtment, \. s. v. chantier (r. r.); itroite, narrow-gauge track; d'evittment, side track, siding; defer, ferret, railway, track; fence portative, (mil.) transportable railway; fue, (mil.) permanent railroad; de formation de train, track for making up the train; de garage, side track, siding; a grande (petite) section, broad (narrow) gauge; largeur de ftroite (normale), narrow (broad) gauge; de manauvre, shifting track, side track; mobile, (mil.) mobile track (laid down before and taken up behind the train); montante, up track; normale standard-gauge track; pcrmanente, superstructure (of a railway, bridge, etc.); de plus grande (petite) largeur, broad, narrow, gauge; porttur de la , v. s. v. portcur; pofe de la , v. s. v. pose; princijxili, main track; de raccordrmtnt, junction line; riduile, narrow gauge; de service, side track ; A unc ftule , single-l racked; ximple, single track; sortir de la , to leave the track, run oil the rails; supplementaire, side track, siding; trartrxfe de , crossing; de triage, shifting track; tronc.nn de , section of the track; unioue,-single track. II. Miscellaneous: ti'acces, approach (in general): d'amortissiment, v. s. v. amortisscment; an U(ilir unc -d'eau, to stop a leak temporarily, in a temporary manner; avoir (ne pas avoir) la , (of vehicles) to have (not to nave) the regulation track; avoir une d'eau, to leak (of boats, ships); ar et clumin, by any road whatever; i irculairc, (nrt.) racer, traversing circle; dc coke, a cubic meter and a hah of coke; vole de communication, thoroughfare, road; any road of communication, etc.; any road or path, of whatever nature; par de concourt, by competitive examina- tion; A cremaillere, (art.) cogged racer, traverse circle; en deblai, road below level of country, sunken road; dcrtvie, (mil.) connecting road (when main communication has been cut); dnnner de la A une tcie, to set a saw; s de droit, (lair) resort to legal methods; d'eau. load of water (as much as a man can carry, two bucketfuls, usually): waterway; (nap.) leak; economique, v. ge'tion directe: d'ecoulemenl, water course; outlet: en de, in a fair way for; faire une d'eau, to'spring a leak : atfa.it, act of \ iolence; * de fait, assault, assault and battery; duel; bad treatment; A flanc de coteau, road cut in the side of a hill ; fluriale, waterway; fumante, v. chaude; la grande , the highroad; hierarchiquc, (mil.) regular channels, mili- tary channels; nvmide, (cbem.) wet process; latcralf, side road, crossroad; de manoeuvre, (mil.) road parallel to the front; par de mer, by sea; mixte, (art.) traverse circle, partly plane, partly toothed: s et moyens, (adm.) ways and means; navigable, navigable stream; ft niveau, road on a level with the country; ordinaire, (wagon) road; par de, by means of; par la de, via, by way of; de pierre, cnrt load of stone; de pin Ire, twelve sacks of plaster; de pont, (pont.) bridge way (distance 1x*- tween side rails); pnbliqve, public road, highway; dc Paris, unit of volume, 1.92 cubic meters; de raccord, de raccordement, v. - dcriree; reglementairc , (mil.) regular channels; de releve, cold trail (animals): en remblai, road above level of country; raised road; ' de roue, gnupe; track of a wheel; (art.) tra- verse circle, racer; de roulement, (art.) roller track; de sable, wagonload of sand; d'une scie, set Of a saw; kerf of a saw; xfche, (chem.) dry process (exposure to llaiiip, etc.); simple, (art.) piano traverse circle: de terre. wagon road; land road, as opposed to railroad; par de tcrre, by land (as distinguished from sea); rn trancJire. v. c n deblai; t'irr, v. chaude: - - df(s) voiture(s), track, width lx>twe>n wheels; voile, f., (nav.) sail; (fig.) ship: sail; 6 la , under sail; allrrii la , to sail; .? dc I'avant, head sails; bans fit .*, courses: dimininr la , to shorten sail; d'eau, drag sail, drill sail; ftre fin de , to be a good sailer; faire , to set sail; faire de la , to set more sail; faire farce de , to crowd all sail; faire iirtite . t go under easy sail; grande , mainsail; .s- haute.*, npp'T sails; miftreii la , \ .faire : nat irrfi .1, sailing vessel; *o.? - , under sail. voile 488 voi\ voile, m., veil; pretext; (phot.) obscunty, dimness. volte, p. p., clouded, covered; (nav.) rigged. vollement, m., warping, twisting, getting out of true. voller, v. a. r., to veil; to conceal, hide, disguise; to warp, to become distorted (steel, wood); (phol.) to obscure, dim; (nav.) to bend on the saks of a ship; tine cainse, un tambour, to muffle a drum, vuilorie, f., (nor.) sail loft; sailmaking. voilier. in., (nar.) sailmaker; sailing vessel; bon (mauyai*) , good (poor) sailer (also mau- vaiiie voilierc). voilure, f., warping, distorting (of wood, of stool in tempering); (nav.) sails; sailmaking. voir, v. A., to see; to examine, oversee, attend to, overlook, command, inspect; to frequent; to look out on; (/or.:., etc.) to dominate; U feu [imtr l'i premiere fois, (mil.) to get one's baptism of fire. voirie, f., com nission of public ways; collective term for all roads and moans of " communica- tion, wnothor land or water; sewer, common sower; garbage, refuse, offal; grande , commission of pub lie roads, railroads, canals, navigable rivers, etc.; petite , commission for local roads, unnaviga- ble rivers, etc.; rurnh, commission of public ways in rural districts; tnniui de , road labor. urbaim , com mission of public ways in towns. voisln, a., m., next to, neighboring, adjacent, bor- dering on, adjoining, contiguous to; neighbor. vulsinage, m.. neighborhood. volturage, m., carriage, wagon transportation. vulture, f., method of transportation; conveyance, transportation; carriage, vehicle; fare, load; (art.) carnage and limber; caisson, any artillery vehicle; (r. r.) car, coach; d'zdministration. (mil.) generic term for for- age, baggage, and battery wagons; d'ayrfs, (r. r.) tool car; d'ambulance, (mil.) hospital wagon; ambu- lanee (V. S. A.); d'arroiTie, sprinkling cart; d'artilhrit , (art.) artillery wagon; automobile, motor wagon; automobile (le plaisance, automobile; bzgnges, (mil.) baggage wagon; a bateaux, (pont.) folding-boat wagon; h bobifun, (mil. tel.) reel wagon; -rn bl'tnc, (art.) carriage without the iron- work; it bras, push cart, hand oart; nu (fit, (r. r.) bullet car; tiuri n/, (mil.) office wagon (of the staff); (Fr. ,/.) telegraph-station wacon; cagi, traveling pigeon cote for armies in the Held; canon, (art.) gun and limber; d( s cnpucinx, ''shank's mare"; - a Itutc.iri , prison van; - - tie cluraux, string of horses (for sale, etc.); ilc ciniJiniere, (mil.) canteen wagon; oste (lelegraphique), v. s. v. paste; prii de la. , fare; publique, stage, diligence; regimentaire a bateaux, v. a bateaui; de remise, livery -stable carriage; de requisition, (mil.) wagon got by requisi- tion, i. c., when needed; risermir, tank cart, water cart ; --restaurant, (r. r.) dining ear; ii riddles, rack wagon; salon, (r. r.) parlor car; de section, (Fr. a) implement wagon (tools, surveying instruments i.ring gear, etc.); de service, (r. r.) tender; suspendue. any vehicle on springs; fi suspension, '(art.) lunette and pintle car- riage; ei tourninl complct, a tournant illimiti, cut under; fi tournant limiti-., a carriage of limited turn; (i un train, deux trains, 2-wheeled, 4-wheelcd, carriage; traincau, (art.) sort of sled for neavy weight s; treu.il, reel carriage for the rope of a captive balloon; balloon cart; ii vapev-r, steam carriage; - de vivris, (mil.) ration wagon; ei tnlontt , private carriage; -voliert , v. cagt ; a voyageur.1, (r. r.) passenger coach. vuiturer, v. a., to convoy, transport, carry, carl; par eau, to convey by water. voiturier, m., carrier, wagoner, wagon driver, driver. voit in-ill, m., driver and owner of a carriage for hire; the carriage itself; par eau, shipper. voix, f. , voice; vote; song (sailors') in hoisting, heaving, etc.; nllir nut , to take a vote; aclire, right to elect, the suffrage; nftiri et paxxirr, right to elect and be elected; commander ii la , (mil.) to' give commands by word of mouth; consultative, right to advise, etc., but not to vote; - - il( liberal ii'e , vote; dnnih r la . to sing out; mi tin, aii.r . to put. to vote; /(.s-.v< r l'i , to puss the word; pnrtr . speaking trumpet; voix 489 volte volx,ltai(]iie, a., (rlec.) voltaic, galvanic; pitt -, voltaic battery. voltuismc, m., (dec.) %oltai.:m. gahani-ni. voUametrt'. m., (elte.) voltameter. volt-amj^re, m., ((!>c.) watt. volt-coulomb, m., (im.) vaulter (on a horse); vaulting teicher; vaulting horse; (mil.) voltigeur (light- infantry man). volt-metre, m., (elec.) voltmeter; avertisseur, potential indicator. volubility, f., ease of turning, of rolling (as of wheels) volume, m., volume (book); volume, bulk, size; de vijyeur, v. s. v., vapeur; de riir, v. s. v. vide, volute, f. , volute, scroll. vomlr, v. a., to vomit: to throw up; Its ftoupes, (not 1 .) to start oakum from seans in a heavy sea. vousseau, m., v. voussoir. voussoir, m., (cons.) voussoir, archstone; (fort.) \ oussir of a cupola; rotted, , v. s. v. roue. voussoirler, m. , machine for shaping foot of spokes. voussure, f. , (cons.) rise and bend of an arch; curved top of a bay; arrierc , dome-like arch over a door or win- dow. voQte, f. ? (conn.) vault, vaulting, arch; (farr.) hol- low of a hoof, of a horseshoe; (met.) roof orcrown of a reverberatory furnace; annulaire, annular arch; -a, en, ante de piniir, basket-handle arch; en arc de cercle, segmental arch; en arc de clollre, cloistered arch; d'arf.tc(ft), groined arch, groined vault; cross vault; d'arrtes Qothiqnc (romaine), gothic (Roman) ribbed arch; en berccau, cylindrical arch; biai.it, en ft/w. skew arch: d ciixwnx, caissoned arch; clefde , keystone; compoxre, arch or vault composed of two or three kinds; conii/ii', conical arch, squinch; de C'Mxtniction miile, arch of mixed masonry (e. g., brick and stone i; ronlrc- , counter arch; -rroixre, cross vault: (n cul dr four, scmidoine, apsidal dome; a/lindriijuc, v. en btrceau: de, en, dfrhirge, relieving, discharging, arch; en dichargc & trrre, cnnl/inte, relieving arch with the earth at its natural slope; (dite)at'impiriale, cloistered arch with a Hat top; en dvme, dome; a double , bivaulted; - - d double arete, double cross- vanlt; voute droite, right arch (axis perpendicular to face) ; en ellipse, elUptique, elliptical arch; en , arch-like, vaulted; d I'cpreure, (fort.) shcllproof arch; extradossce en arc, arch thicker at springing lines than at vertex (extrados not parallel to intrados); .. ei'.radossee parallelement. arch of uniform thickness (extrados parallel to intrados); titradosxce en chape, arch whose estrados con- sists of two symmetrically disposed plane surf- faces; eitradossee de niveau, arch whose extrados is a horizontal plane tangent to the vertex ; da fer d, cheval (farr.) hollow of a horseshoe; forte, arch to resist heavy loads, and no or but slight vibration (e. g., road arch); imparfaite, diminished arch; en limic,on, spiral vault; legere, arch to resist very slight loads or only its own weight; moyenne, arch to resist moderate loads (as in a building); naiss'dncc de , springing line of an arch; oblique, skew arch; en ogive, ogical or pointed arch; en plate-bande, straight arch; en plein cintre, semicircular arch, full-cen- tered arch; primitive, the arch proper of an extradosed arch; dc remplissage, small filling arch (as in the valley between adjacent arches); renverske, inverted arch; souterraine, underground arch; sphrrique, dome; surbaissee, surbased, elliptical, arch; surbaissee au l:n, arch whose rise is i:n the span ; snrflevle, v. surhaussfe; xurkaussce, surmounted vault; tete de , arch head, face of an arch; tres forte, arch to resist heavy loads and con- siderable vibration (e. g., of a railway bridge); tunnel, (fort.) vault or arch constructed in front of a caponier to protect it from direct or plunging fire; embrasure tunnel; en vis St. Oillm, inclined annular arch. voOtC 1 , a., vaulted, arched; round-shouldered. voutelette, f., (cons.) small vault. voQter, v. a., (c-m.) to arch; to vault; (farr.) to bend a horseshoe. voutln, m., (con.v.) small arch; counter arch. voyage, m., voyage, trip, journey; run, tour, travels (account of a voyage); (mil.) travel (U. S. A.); d'nllcr, outward trip; voyage out; d'aller ct de rdour, entire trip; voyage, out and in; aller en , to go on a journey, trip, voyage; chcxal de , good road horse; horse suitable for a long journey; de, voyage to(such and such a place. country); t n , on u journey; en conr.i de , outward bound ; entier, voyage out and in: etreen , to be journeying, traveling: d'iprruve, v. d'essai; d'essai, (na.r.) trial trip; d' ftat-m'ijor , d'ftiules, (mil .) stall-college journey or voyage (for the study of military problems on the terrain); fane , v. ftrr rn ; faire un , to take or make a journey, make a trip; to go on an errand; grand, /on.?, -, long journey, trip; an, d- , low) ciinrx, long (sea) voyage; petit , short journey; dc re/our, return voyage, voyage home: rei-cnir dr , to return from one's travels, jour- ney, trip, etc.; rond, v. cntitr; xtrati'gu/ue. (mil.) st.;v(f journey (to study military problems on tho terrain). voyager 491 wurst voyager, v. a., to travel, make a trip, journey. voyajceur, m., traveler, passenger; commit , commercial traveler. voyaiit, a., conspicuous (of colors); chrval , shortsighted horse. voyant, m., (of colors) consplcuousness, brightness; (fitrv.) vane, target, leveling rod; mire du , slide vane of a leveling rod : d'un niveau ii bulle. d'air, eyepiece of a spirit level; plaque du , v. mire du ; de I'uni/orme, (mil.) conspicuousness of the uniform, ease with which seen at a distance. voyer, m., rood trustee. vrac, m., disorder, confusion; charger en , to lade in bulk; en , in bulk; (art.) without any regular order (of bullets in a case shot). vrague, vraque, m., v. vrac. vril, m., (expl.) vril. vrille, f., gimlet, wimble, drill, borer, piercer; en gouge, kind of auger. vriller, v. a. n., to bore with a gimlet, etc.;~ory glance; perdre de - , to lose sight of; perspective, perspective view; & perte de , as far as one can see; out of sight; planfi d'oiieau, bird's-eye view; point de , point of sight, eye; point of distance; focus; A portie de , within sight: A In pnrtte de , de la , in, within, sight; de servitude, de souff ranee, v. s. v.jour; A It simple, by the naked eye; A tant de jnurs de , at so many days' sight (of a draft); df terre. horizontal, cellar, window; A vol d'oiseau, bird's-eye view. vulcanisation, f., vulcanization. vulcanlser, v. a., to vulcanize. vulijarlsateur, m., popularizer. vulgarisation, f., popularization; out-rave de , popular work or treatise. vnlgarlser, v. a., to popularize. vulnerable, a., vulnerable. vulnerability, f., vulnerability; (mil.) liability to l>e hit. vulnCralre, a., good for wounds: eau , herb lotion for wounds. \v. wagon, !'., wagon, car; (r. T.) carriage, car; (Kxeept where otherwise indicated, the follow- ing ;ire railway cars:] ambulance, (mil.) hospital waeon: fi bagages, baggage car (U. S.); luggage van (England); ba.tculant A bascule, tilting, dumping, wai'on ; a btntiauj, cattle car; -boie, horse car; buffet, v. -rextaurattt; enrulier, horse car; - -clinmbrr, car di\ ided into rooms; -cheralet, trestle cur, i. e., a cai with trestles or planks instead of seats; a chevaui, horse car (transport of hordes); ritirne, water carl ; cuisine, kitchen car: dehout, fourth-class car (no sea(s); - -dccoun.rt, open car: - durtoir, sleeping cur; f curie, horse car; d'rnxnbli incut, sand (ballast ) car; ferine, Honiilcr, in., (r. r.) conductor wariuc, f., v. i-arme. atl, in., (elec.) watt. watt-hpiirc. in., (flee.) watt hour. watt-seconde, m., (rite.) watt second. wattiiictn*, in., (tlic.t watt meter. \\olfart, in., v. irolfratn. \volfe, in., whirlpool or race wolfram, in., (met.) tungsten. \\ootz, in., (met.) wool/., Indian steel. wurst, m., (iirt. ) ammunition wagon of light con- struction (horse artillery, obs. i; (med.) ambu- lance wagon. 492 zouave X. x, m., (/am.) a cadet of the Poly technique; alkrh , to go to the Polytechnique; fort en , strong in mathematics; lex , mathematics; piocher I' , to study mathematics seriously; If tea , good head for mathematics (cf . thcta X). xanthlne, f., (fxpl.) xanthino powder. xyloglodlne, f., (eipL) xylo^lodme. xyloldine, f., (rr;>/.) xyloklin, nitrostarch. xyloRraphle, f. t xylography. xylophone, in., (mus.) xylophone. yac, m., (nav.) union jack; (also) yacht; anglais, union jack. yacht, m., yacht; h glace, ice boat ; d rawur, steam yacht. yachtcur, m., yachtsman. yak, m., v. t/oc. yatagan, m., (sm. a.) yataghan. yatagaiierle, f., collection of arms. yeiitte, f., yenite. yense, f., live oak. Y. yens, m., plural of ceil. yole, f., (nir.) yawl; dc I'maiml, admiral's galley ; du commandant, captain'-; galley or gig; grande , galley. you, in. and interjection, hurrah! halloo! de gut m , war cry. youyou, m., (nar.) dingey, jolly-boat, youyoutier, m., oarsman in a dingey. ypereau, in., v. yi>reav. ypreau, in., Dutch elm (Yprcselm). zagaie, f., assegai. zaln, a., (hipp.) whole colored (i.e., no white hairs); pure 1 1 lack or bay; chftal , horse of one color. zebre, m., zebra. zt'brt, a., (hipp-) zebra-marked. zfbrcr, v. a., to mark wiln zebra-like stripes. zebrure, f., (hipp.) zebra mark. zele, in., zeal. zClt, a., zealous. zfriith, m., zenith, vertical point. zenithal, a., zenithal. zepliire, zephyr, m., zephyr; (mil. sling) soldior belonging to a disciplinary company; undis- ciplined soldier. zCphyrleii, a., (mil. slang) relating to a zephyr, q. v. zgriba, f., zareba. y.Cro, in., zero, cij)her; ahxolu, absolute, ze; ;;; rt , (Ixill.) depth in which a ^i\en target will -uii'Iy he )iil b\- moan tr:i- je.iiorv corresi>onding to the elev.uion coiHid- erecl; r-r/i' Hr, (frirl.) sphere of ad ion of a fortress; r/' it i in i n tni inn, (!'(.; zone of supply; . ace: , , frontitn, lafronlierc; houillfrr, coal belt; de I'intiruvr, (Fr. a.) territory comjuising all railways, communications, etc.. remaining under the direct orders of the mimster of war (this, with the dts arnitix. constitute^ f> "> lard); - dc man-In, (mil.) march zone; - niHif'iirc, (mil.) area of terrain of a pine/ fr military reservation, L". S. .\.; - --de. la mort," (mil.) the terrain 600 to meters from hostile line; 200 - dc niiiusqiuttric, (mil.) /.one swept by in- fantry (ire (begins at 1,MK) meters in open ground); - myriamftrigue, (Fr. n.i I ho country around a p.'aci forlt , to a radias of 1(1,000 meters; d'oiiinitinnx, (mil.) zone of operations; -- dc priitiTlion, (fort.) area or zone protected by defilade, defiladed zone; - ;'.'s((. (mil.) Hre-swcpt. zone or area; - d< f:Cru/imcni, (mil.) recruiting district; "> and to 300 respectively. Each set of four years was called a franriadi '. Each month was divided into periods (decades) of ten days each, the week having been abolished; the tenth day was a day of rest. The year beginning September 22. 1792, was the year 1 (Van I) of the Republic. The correspondence of the Revolutionary with the Gregorian calendar is as follows: AUTUMN. veiidfmtalre (vintage month), September 22 to October 21. brumaire (fog.month). October 22 to November 20. friinaire (sleet month), November 21 to December 2(). WINTER. niv6.se (snow month), December 21 to January 19. pluviOse (rain month), January 20 to February 18. veiitose (wind month), February 19 to March 20. spring. germinal (sprout month). March 21 to April 19. florC'.il (flower month), April 20 to May 1'J. pralrial (pasture month), May 20 to June is. STMMKR. messidor (harvest month.), .Tune HI to July IS. thermtdnr (hot months, Juh l!i to August 17. fmctidor ffr'iit month), August is to September in. ANS-CULOTTIDES. <> \ertus, September 17. e go nip, Scr>U-mt>fr is. e travail, S<>piei.il;cr l!t. '<>pi;:i:>ti. .''-.Mitcr.iiicr 111. es recompenses, Suptcmber 21. (493) A FRENCH-ENGLISH MILITARY TECHNICAL DICTIONARY SUPPLEMENT By CORNELIS DE WITT WILLCOX Colonel, United States Army 1'rofessor of Modern Languages, United States Military Academy [Edition authorized by license from the author, July 17, 1917] (4'J5) Copyright, 1917, By C. L>E W. WILLCOX. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Preface 499 .Military abbreviations 501 Miscellaneous abbreviations 503 Compass indications 503 Staff map abbreviations 504 French weights and measures 506 Relations between degrees, grades, and mils 5C7 Grammatical abbreviations in use in military telegrams 507 Text 509 3877 17 32 (497) PREFACE. Of the words contained in the following pages, the vast majority were collected by reading official and standard texts. The work as it stands was prepared under extreme pressure. It is hoped that this fact will be borne in mind as shortcomings aro discovered. I am indebted to Gen. Paul Vigual, military attache, French Embassy, for clearing up a few difficulties; to Maj. F. P. Lahm, Signal Corps, as well as to Marchand's Modern Parisian Slant:, for some of the slang terms recorded; to Capt. II. L. Gruber. Field Artillery, and to Capt. M. E. do Jarny, French Embassy, for some artillery, and to Col. Wirt Robinson, Military Academy, for some electrical definitions. My best thanks are due to Sous-Lieut. Maurice Tabuteau, and to Capt. Ernest Junes, Signal Corps, for valued assistance in aeronautical nomenclature. C. DE W. W. \\'K*T POINT, N. Y.. October 15. 7,9/7 . (499) MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS. A atteI6e (said of a battery). [30 department telegram. A. C artillerie de corps; auto-canon. A. C. 9* artillerie de corps du 9eme corps. A. D artillerio divisionnaire. A. D. 53' artillerie de la 53eme division. A. G avant-garde. A. L artillerie lourde. A. L. A artillerie lourde do I'arm6e. A. L. C. A artillerie lourde de corps d'armee. A. L. G. P artillerie lourde a grande puissance. A. L. V. F artillerie lourde sur vole ferre'e. A. M auto-mitrailleuse. Amb ambulance. A. P avant-poste. Appt approvisionnement. Ar a retard. AR arrie.re. Arr. G arric.re-garde. Art artillerie. A. T artillerie de tranche*. AV avant. Az Aufsehlag-ziinder (German; per- cussion fuse or primer). Bde brigade. Bie batterie. Biv bivouac. B. O. A boulangerie d'arme*. B. O. C boulangerie de campagne. B. R bulletin de renseignements. Branc. C groupe de brancardiers de corps. Branc. D i division de brancardiers Ire divi- sion. Btn bataillon. Bz Brenn-ziinder ( German ; time fuse or primer). C. A corps d 'armee. Cant cantonnement. Cap ca;>itaine. C. A R central arriere. Cav ( -a vaierie. C. A V central avant. C. C corps do ca valerie. (' ............. U&aleux (type of projectile, sharp o.^ive, and truncated base). D. A ........... direction de Tamere. D. C ........... division de ca valerie. D. C. A ........ defense contre a^ronefs. B. C. F ........ directeur des chemins de fer. D. E .......... direction des (Stapes. r>. E. S ........ direction des 6tapes et services (obsolete). H. I ............ division d'infanteric; dGp6t inter mexliaire. Div ............ division d'mfanterie. Dp. E .......... . Inf ............. infaiiterie. Int ............. intend. int. Lieut .......... lieiiten:mt. .M... . ..mitrailloiLse. (501) 502 Mcin m6deein. M. W minemverfer (German). N. T nontransforme 1 . foj official telegram. O. A. C obus en acie.r a amorgage de culot. O. A. T obus en ador a amorcage de tfite. O. F oflfensif fusant. O. F. T obus en fonte a amorcage de tto. P de position (said of a battery). p. A pare d'artillerie; pour ampliation. P. A. L pare d'artillerie lotirde. P. C points do contact. P. C poste de comm&nderaent. P. C. A pare do corps d'arme'e. P. C. A. D postedoeommandementd'artillerie divisionnairo. P. C. C. A poste do commandement de corps d'amnSe. P. C. D. I poste de commandement de divi- sion d'infanterie. p. E poste d'e'coute. Pol peloton. P. et C. V pares et convois. P. Gen pare du geVnie. P. g6n. A pare du genie d'arm6e. P. II. R peloton hors range. P. I point initial. P. J poste de jonction. p. O paste ist section de distribution. Sgt sergent. S. Hos section d'hosi)italisation. S. M station magasin. Sm. a section de munitions d'artillerie. Sm. i section de munitions d'infanterie. 8. Mitr section de mitrailleuses. S. P section do pare do campugno. 8. P. G section de pare du g^nie. S. R sans retard. S. R. A service de renseignements de I'ar- tilierie. S. Ravt section do ravitailloment. S. Res section de reserve. S. R. L section de repdra'to par las luours. S. R. O. T service des renseignements de 1'ob- servation du terrain. S. R. S section de repe>a;;e par le son. S. R. T section de r*p6ra~e par la terre. S. T. A service technique do I'aroonautiquo. 8. T. C. A section topographique do corps d'armee. S. T. C. A service te'le'graphiquo do corps d'arme'e. S. T.D.I section topographiquo de division d'infanterie. T a tractour (said of a battery). T. A t616gra;)hie acoustique. T. C train de combat. T. C t6I6gramme collationnfi. T. E teto d'etapes. T. E. M tnte d'6tapes de rnanceuvro. T. M convoi de transport de materiel. T. M tiildgronliie mililfiire. T. O tt'lt-gramrae ordinaire. T. P tir de place. T. P. S t<5U'gra;>liio par !o sol. T. S. F telograpliio s:i:is til. T. R train re>;imonUiire. T. U te'lcgramme tr6s urgent. V. B Vivon Bcssi6res (namo of a grenade) appears in (ironade V. I!, or some- times alone: les V. 15., the V. 1!. grenades. W vivres-viando (on earmark or but- ton of cattle). MISCELLANEOUS ABBREVIATIONS. A. A Anglo-arabe. A. C. T automobile club de France. A. 0. A association genfrale automobile. A. O. E avance a 1'ouverture d'echappe- ment. B. H. P Uritish horse power. C. F capitaine de frfi^-ate. chx rhevaux (horsepower). C. V capitaine de vaisseau. & U Etats Unis. F. A . I Federation aoronatique interna- tionale. ffon, (Tons faisant fonctioius). h lieure. j jour. I. m. r Ikrne de moindre rdsLstance. L. V lieutenant do \'aisseau. m .minute. i m- metre(s) carrots). ! Mgr monsignor. | N. M nord magne'tiqae. 1 \. 8 Nord Sud (on maps). P. o pour ordre. P. S Pur Rang. P. S. ar Pur sang arabe. R. F. A retard ii la fermeture de 1'ad mission R. F. E retard ii la fermeture de 1'echappo- nient. R. O. A retard a 1'ouverture de l'a>lmLssiori. s secondo. Js demi-sang. T on documents, indicates that the/ are to be stamped (timbrtf). T. C. F Touring Club of Franco. T. S. V. P Totirnez s'il vous plait. COMPASS INDICATION'S. N. N. i: . N. E.... E. N. F... E. S. E... E S. E S. S. E... . nord . .nord nord est. .nord est. est nord est. .est sud est. .est. .Slid est. .sud sud est. S s'id. S. S. W slid sud ou>'sl. S. W sad oiiest. W. S. \V otiestsudomvl \V oiiest. W. X. \\ oiiest nord oiio>i . X. W nord o:;ost. X. X. AV nord nord ouost. (603) STAFF MAP ABBREVIATIONS. A bat ......... Vbattoir ....... Slaughterhouse. Abb' ........ Abbayc ........ Abbey. A ly .......... Vbreu voir ...... V.'atering trough. Aiji' ......... \nuille ........ Needle. Anc n ......... \ncicn ......... Ancient. Aq' ......... Vqueduc ....... Aqueduct. Arb .......... Vrbre .......... Tree. Ard" ......... Yrdoisiore ...... Slate quarry. Ars' .......... Vrsenal ........ Arsenal. Art n ......... Artesien ....... Artesian. As ........... \sile ........... Asylum. A ........... \rret .......... Halt. Aub ....... Aubcrge ........ Inn. Av- ........ Avenue ........ Avenue. B ........... Bois ........... Wood. Bac ......... Bac ............ Ferry. Bat ......... Bateau ......... Boat. Bat'' ........ Batterie ........ Battery. B"' ......... Bouche ........ Mouth. B Cabane Cabin. Cab 1 Cabaret Small country inn. C" Calvaire Calvary. Ci Canal Canal. Carre f r < 'srrefour Crossroads. Carr- < '.rri s re ' Juarry . C'' CiKi-ade Waterfall. Cas r -' ' Y.senie ['.arracks. Cath'' CatV-drale Cathedral. C" ( '-n-v Farm. Ch" ChAlet Sv.'i^siv.ttage. Ch :I ' Chajvlle Chai.el. Ch l!l Chateau <'astie; country house Ch'- ' Ctv^ Ch"'... C:m r - ........ Cimetiore ...... Cemetery. Cit"<- ........ Citadello ....... Citadel. Cit* ......... Citerne ......... Cistern (well). l'i'- .......... Clocher ........ Steeple. C^n .......... Coron .......... Miner's house. C--i ......... Cortal .......... Shepherd's hut. Couv ....... Couvent ....... Convent. Cr 1 .......... Croix .......... Cross. Deb 1 ' ....... PObarcadere ___ ?tat ion. platform. De> ......... DoTiW .......... Dcf.le. Dig .......... Digue .......... Dam. Dist'- ....... Distillerie ...... Distillery. Die ......... Douane ........ Customhouse. Dunes ....... Pv.uos ......... Dunes. E. , ......... r.au ............ Water. EC-" ......... Kclusc ......... Lock (floodgate). EI .......... Ecolo .......... School. Ec'<- ......... Kcuri.^ ......... Stable. Eg" ......... i: L :lise .......... Church. Etab ...... fetablisscment .Establishment. E t ......... E tang .......... Pond. Fab' ........ Fabrique ....... Factory . Fbe .......... Faubourg ...... Suburb. F ......... Ferme ......... Farm. Fl ........... Fhnive ......... Large river. F" ......... Fonderie ....... Foundry. Fond" ...... Fondriore ...... Quagmire, slough. F n ' .......... Fontaine ....... Fountain, spring. F< ........... Forot .......... Forest. F .......... Force .......... Smithy, forge. F' ........... Fort ........... Fort, Fortif ....... Fortification ___ Fortification. F .......... Fosso .......... Ditch. Fr ........... Four ........... Furnace. ilal'' ........ Calorie ......... Gallery. ( ; \" ......... Ci lacier ......... lacier. C,Tf ......... (Jorge .......... Pass, gorge. C.r d ......... <"! rand ......... Large. Ci ......... ( Grange ......... Barn. Or" ......... C rot to ......... droito. (lut- ......... (Jii-' ............ Ford. Ilab' ........ lla'.XTt ......... Cowhouse. 1I> .......... Hali- .......... Halt. Il u ......... llatn.-au ....... Small village, harnt-i. I!i- .......... Hai- ........... Hedge. TI t .......... Haul ......... Height. Herm ..... Hermi'a/e ..... Hermitage. IT'' .......... Hoinnil ........ H,.i;.n.l. Irri. ......... Irri. ati''!i ...... ii ri.T.tiin. I'" ....... liinlin... . . .Ciink-ii. 50-4 1 505 J*. JcWe Pier, jetty, mole. K Ker House. L Lac Lake. La-; I^a-uno Lagoon. L- Landc Heath, moor. L' Las-oir Wash house. L Lctte Swamp. Loo" Local ure Farmhouse. M Mas Farm. Mag'" Ma-asin Shop. M-" Maison House. Manuf Manufacture. . .Vanufactory. M. Marais Svramp. M'^ MarchS Market. Marc Marc Pond. Mar* Marccagc Marsh. Met/- M Ponton Pont.ixin. P 1 Port, pont Harbor; bridge. P Porte <;-.itc. Pi' IV-.1- Post. P" Potoaii Fingerpost, guideposl- Poud ie PotidriTie Powder works. Poud r " Poudriere Powdermill; powder magazine. Pr Prairie Meadow. P Prison Prison. P- Puits Well. O/ Quarticr Quarter. R" P.adeau Raft. Raf' K afTmerie Refinery. Rav Ravin Ravine. Red Redan Redan. Red* Redoute Redoubt. Ri' Refuge Shelter. R voir Reservoir Tank. Retn" Retranchement Intrrnchmcnt. Rig Rigole Guily. R Rivifere River. Rr Roc her Rock. Rf Route Natio- National road. nale. R Rue Street. R' Ruine Ruins. R"" Ruisseau Brook. S Sable Sand. 8abl' RablSfre Pand pit. Sal Saline Salt pit. Sanat Sanatorium Sanatorium. Sap Sapinifere Firwood. Sc 1 ' Scierie Sa'.vmill. SXim Semaphore Semaphore. S' Si.cnal Signal. Strain S^minaire Seminary. Sentier Sentier Footpath. Som* Sommet Summit. S Source Spring. S Sous Under. St"" Station Stat ion. St Statue Statue. Suc if Sucrerie Sugar mill . Susp Pont suspendu. Suspension bridge. Sj-n r Sjniagogue Synagogue. Tan 1 ' Tannerie Tannery . T('l('-g' T'.].-graphe Telograph . Temp Temple Temple. Th 1 Thermal Thermal. Tomb fTo ....... ITo Tombe ........ \ f Crave. >mbeau > T D Torrent Torrent. T r Tour Tower. Tram Tramway Tramway. Tr 1 Treuil W indlass. T" Tuilerie Tilekiln. T-i Tunnel Tunnel. Us' Usin Worl;s. Vac'' \';irh"rie Cow house. V* VailtV Valloy. V-" Vullon Vale. Verger Verger ' > rchard . V''" \"errerir < ilass works. V tune, (wiroloss). accostor, v. t., to accost; a, (nav.) to come alongside of. accomlolr, in., arm (as of a carriage seat). accoupler, v. t., (dec.) to connect up, join, aorroc, in., hitch; fonctionner sans , to work without a hitch , .smoothly. accrochiiRC, m., rim-flange clinch (of an automo- bile wh*l) ; (sm. a.) catch (e. g. , of &fu.til-mitrail- leur). accrocher, v. r., (mil.) to secure a fooling, a hold, on tlio ground (as in an attack). acrumulatcnr, in., (flee.) accumulator; d'alluinr.gc, (flic.) ignition storage battery; sec, (elec.) dry cell storage battery. aecus, m., (rlec.) abbreviation of aceumulateurs. accusation, f . , (mil. law) charge; chefd' , specification; meUre en , (l-iw) to arraign; mite en , (law) arraignment. acetylene, m., (chim.) acetylene. acharnf, a., stubborn, desperate; combat , (mil.) stubborn fight acti.it, m., purchase; de grtii gre, (adm.) purchase by contract; ttr le marche, (adm.) purchase in open market. aclde, m.,acid; of soufre (elec.) a mixture of pure sulphuric acid and water (density 26, Baume). acler, m., (met.) steel- double-chrome, double chrome steel; fr omnibus, universal mount (takes any machine gun;. aflat-true, m., (art.) railroad track gun carriage; n y/i.iftt nunt, (art.) slide recoil carriage truck. agent, m.. employee, policeman: de chanyc. ('cum.) stock-broker (is an of/icier ji'iblif in Prance); conxnluirt. generic term for consuls; more narrowly . lower j;r:i. adm.} person charged with the construction, repair. :mrt maintenance of communal roads , f., alley; cavil icre, bridle path. alK-ger, v. t., to lighten. alloiigement, m., (afro.) in a dirigible, the ratio of the diameter of the principal section to tho m:iin longitudinal axis: aspect ratio; du tir, (art.) extension of the range. allonger, v. t., to lengthen: le tir, (art.) to extend, increase, the range. allumage, m., (mil.) priming (as of a hand gre- nade); (marh.) ignition; [The following terms relate to motors:] avanced I' , sparking advance; erpendicularity; & I' de, above, vertically above. apparell, m., apparatus, device; d'allumage , igniting gear; d'ariation, (aero.) airplane; de disinfection, disinfecting apparatus; d' ecoute, (mil.) listening apparatus (in sound liaison); d't itinction, fire extinguisher; de ftlage d'huile, (nav.) oil sprinkler (storms at sea); fi flammcs, (mil.) generic term for flame pro- jectors; de freinage (mach.) brake pear; - tl hrlice arriere, (aero.) pusher; A hi lift arant, (af, (auto.) signal, sounding of the horn. ;ir rihrrttenr. (telrfihant) buzzer; rilirr. (tl(C.) buzzer. apix-iidlre, in., (aero.) neck; tail; sus'.cnale. (arro.) tail. appoint, m., small quantity over and above some round or great number, " butt " (slang, U.S.A.) approche, f., approach: garde des , (mil.) in sieges, trench guard. approvtslonnement, m., (art.) ammunition d'armke, (art.) army ammurition supply issued under the orders of the general; army reserve ammunition; de reserve du corps d'armee, (art.) corps re- serve ammunition; du service courant, (art.) ammunition for daily needs; de sttrete. (art.) ammunition reserved for use in an attack by the enemy. appui, m., (mil.) support. appui-coudcs, m., (mil.) elbow-rest (e. g., the berm, sometimes). appuycr, m., (man.) passage; (mil.) to support. aquablinde, a., (nav.) water-line armored. aquarlr, v. n., (aero.) to alight (on water). aquatubulaire, a., (steam) water-tube (of boilers). araignge, f., spider; support de moteur, (aero.) engine spider support. arbalete, f., cross-bow; (mil. slang) a gun (rifle). arbatetrier, m., strut. arbltrer, v. n., (sport) to umpire. arbre, m., (mach.) shaft. (The following terms relate mainly to motor vehicles:) d'attaguc, main or driving shaft; d cardan, shaft of a cardanic transmission; carrk, square shaft; de chalne, chain shaft (chain transmission); conduit, driven shaft; coudttin coudes, d n cnudes, an n-cranked s^aft; n-throw shaft; de dedoublement, half-time shaft, half-speed shaft; dcmultiplie, reducing shaft; demultiplied un dcmi, half-time shaft; de direction, steering post; de distribution, (elec.) ignition cam shaft; d'entrainement, driving shaft; e oil nails, etc., that may have stuck on tho tire). arrache-douille, m., (art. ) cartridge case extractor. arraisonnement, m., "speaking" of a vessel, act of arraisonncr, q. v. arrft, m.,stop; (mil.) arrest; iila chambrr, (mil.) confinement to quarters; de cartouche, (much, gun) cart ridge stop; facultif, (r. r.) stop-over privilege; faculty d' , (r. r.) stop-over privilege; fuire , (nav.) to stop, come to anchor. arrCtolr, m.. stop; de bouchon d'appui, (roach, gun) spring guide cap stop; drexsort, spring stop. arrifcres, m., pi. back (of a motor car); galhx, curved back ( double curve); A'oi dex Stlges, straight back; tulipe, curved back (convex outward), arrimaee, m., (aero) packing, stowing, of balloon equipment on board; rigging; de route, (art.) (of guns) travel stowage. arrimer, v. t.. to pack, secure, stow; (aero) to pack, stow, equipment on board a balloon, to rig; arrimeur, in., (aero.) rigger (balloons). arrivee, f., (mach.) admission; d'tssenci , gasoline inlet. arrlvcr, v. n., to succeed; (Jam.) to "get there." arrivismc, m., ambition, resolution, to succeed by no matter what means; corrupt ambition; " the state of soul of some men of unscrupulous ambition" (Gen. Bonnal). arriviste, m., a man of unscrupulous ambition. arrondl, a., (of numl>er:;) round. arromlissernent, m., (France) political unit com- posed of several cantons, is the jurisdiction of a soux-prefet (is not a person of law), arrondisse- ment. art, m., art; /' in Hi, (mil. slang), I' art militairt, the art military. article, ni., article; -. d' argent (adm.) generic term for post-oflice money order. artlrulutioti, f., joint; a cardan, (much.) universal joint, llooku's joint. artlculer, v. a., (mil.) to spread out troops, space them apart, M> as to diminish the target. artifice, in ., ariitice: (artif.) composition, fireworks (in I'l.r, f claim i>i, inn!.) (lire. x a xignauz (mil.) signaling devices. artiflor, in., (mil. slinq) artilleryman. artillerio, f., (nri.) arlillory; untitoriiilltiir, (nut', art.) in the modern (dreudnaiiKhl ) type of ship, the guns intended to beat olf torpedo boats; - aut'twihilf, motor-drawn artillery; -- d'accomi/agnrmtnt de I'infanteric, (artillery i hat assists infantry in an attack both directly and by taking under fire enemy reinforcements, counterattacks, etc.) accompanying artillery; : !M'H . ,'./)or/i wrestling maich: --- OH. i>ixt<>l>t. (>. /i. i pi-tiilin.iicli; d( snbr , i // nc. ; sv\ \\\ match. asseiiihlajje, in.. f arrn.) generic term for parts, piece:;, etc., used to a,ssrtiii>!e or join \ariuiis parts, especially uprights to iring i>iece<; ge d' , (arro.) landing lights; terrain d' , (aero.) landing place, landing ground; train it' , v. chassis d' . attrape-tiquets in., tick traj> (pigeon lofts). attrilxit. in., (in pi. mil.) insignia (on uniform, but nut of rank), auliade, f.. morning serenade. audience, f.. audience; il> con ;/ . farewell audience of an ambassador, nf a military alluclu'. auduni, in., in'inli ) audion. aiiditeu i. m.. auditiir: dflicer of the (French) mini' il of -talc. ausct. in., trough: din i rear ca^inr ( trench inurtar l-ed i. auto, f.. familiar abbreviation (if automobile. aulo-allumane. in., (much.) self ignition (u\ttr- h.-aledc;. lui-lcr- . i iM i-lialliiii, in. taint ) dirigible. ..ul.ibloque, a., self locked. autobus m., autobus. .into-camion, m., -into truck, mo! or trues . :iut)auto-machlagun. automobile, m., f., automobile; airitn, any aerial machine driven by a motor; dl'alcool, any automobile in which theenergy comes from alcohol; hlindfr, (mil.) armored automobile; canot , v. s. v., canot; de. course, racing car; cuiraxxe, (mil. ) armored motor car; d essence, gasoline motor car; fi explosion, explosion engine car; de guerre, (mil.) service or military auto- mobile; mitrailleuse, (mil.) machine gun on automo- bile carriage; de tourismr, touring car; -4 vapeur, any steam automobile; vedette , v. s. v., vedette; a viandes, (mil.) meat automobile. automobilisme, m., automobilism (sport, science, etc.). automotricc, f., (r. r.) electric locomotive. autonautismc, m., motor boating. auto-rupteur, m., (dec.) make and break device (adapted to coils not fitted with contact break- ers). auto-taxi, m., (fain.) taximeter. auto-torpillase, m., (no?'.) self-destruction by torpedo (case where a torpedo turns back on its own ship). auto-transformuteur, m., (dec.) auto trans- former. auto-trembleur, m., a synonym of vibreur, q. v. autoviseur, m., small mirror to observe the exist- ence and nature of spark produced. auto-yacht, m., (nap.) motor-yacht. auxiliaire, m., (nor.) auxiliary boat. avance, f., advance; (mach., etc.) lead; d I'allumage, sparking advance, sparking ad vance gear; & I 'cchappement, exhaust lead; ii I'ouKertnre d'fchappement, exhaust lead; sur litre, (com.) loan on security; par tour, (of a propeller) the theoretical advance less the slip. avancement, m. , (mi/.) promotion; -a I' u.ncifn arti', promotion by seniority; ft I'aricicnntte par sflrctinn, ((Jerman Army) promotion by seniority, after elimination of in- competents; it I' election, (mil.) promotion by vote or elec- tion (Krench Hevolution): pir rfi/imtnt, (mil.) regimental promotion; ji'ir selection, (mil.) promotioir*by selection; sur toutel'arme, (mil.) lineal promotion. avail t, m., forward pnrt, forepart; Ijrise-ylacts, (na>\) ice-breaker of a shij). avenant, m., additional clause (as of a contract or treaty). av1aK'. m., (aero.) flight (word proposed, but not adopted). aviateur, m., (aero.) aviator, pilot, airman. a\i:ition, f., (arro.) aviation; cfi'irrr, co-ist aviation (naval purposes); - liuulitrifir, high sea aviation ser\ r ic-e; avier, v. t., (aero.) to fly (word proposed, but not adopted). avion, m.. (arro.) airplane; d' accom imgnc me nt de I'infanterie. (mil.) air- pLino that follows the march of advanced iMtils anil reserves (one to each division,); con- tact plane; il'arlillcrie, spotting plane. - de bum bard rmc nt, hombinp ])lauc; - tie Imnl, ship's plane (carried :'lio:irdi; - - de cltaxm , combat plane, pursuit, airplane; -drcumbiit, battle plane; avion 515 ballon avion de commandement, (mil.) airplane to observe the general progress of the combat, the enemy, the distribution of his forces, ana indications of counter attack (one to each corps); corps plane. cdtifr, coast plane (i. e., for naval work along a coast); estaftttf. (mil.) messenger airplane (to carry information to division, brigade, and regi- mental commanders); bhelice propulsive, pusher; it hi I ia- tractive, tractor; marin, seaplane; de reconnaissance, scouting plane; de rrglagr, (art.) fire observation airplane; spotting plane. type corns d'armte, generic term for spotting, photographing, etc., planes. avioii-canou, in., (aero.) gun plane, aviso, m., (nor.) dispatch boat; aviso ft rout*, paddlewheel dispatch boat; front port, dispatch transport. avorat, m., barrister, counselor-at-lavr. avoir, v. t.. to have; (mil. slang) to beat, crush, "do up. avout, m., attorney. axe, m., axis; (mach., etc.) shaft; de blocage, (trench art.) elevation axle; brist, divided shaft; coucourant, continuous shaft; demultiplie, reducing axis or shaft; iigalet, (mach. gun) roller: d 'obse rro'ion, (mil.) line of observation (e. g. t from a captive balloon). de pivotrment, pivot, spindle, (of a vehicle). de rettnue, (trench art.) securing axle. axe-manrhon, m., sleeve and axle. axer, v. t., to mount on an axis, axmliy. aiimutal, a., azimuth. B. bac, m., (elec.) jar, of a storage battery. baccalau*at, m., in France, the examination concluding the course in secondary education; bachelor's degree. bar he, f., awning; decampement, (mil. aero.) ground cloth, bachot, m. , punt; (slang) the baccalaure'at, q. v. bafoulllage, ra., chattering; (-mack.) chattering (of a motor). bafoulller, v. n., to chatter; (mach.) of a motor, to chatter. baggage, m., baggage; technique, (farn.) technical qualifications, fit- ness; s-vivres, (mil.) food supplies in the train. baguage, m., banding (pigeons). bague, f., ring, leg-band (pigeons); d'apput. (art.) wasner; (mach. gun) recoil spring bushing; d'armement, (trench art.) cocking ring; d' attache, (art.) locking sleeve; abilles, (mach.) ball-bearing ring; de calage, (art.) locking ring; d'ttranglement, (mach.) air throttling ring, valve, or collar, (in some forms of carburetors); degraif sag f, (mach.) oil ring, lubricating ring; - de raccord, (mach. gun) front connector bushing; de reglage, (mach.) adjusting, feed adjusting. collar (some forms of carburetor); (trench art.) chamber ring; de rfgliige d'air, (mach.) throttle valve, throttle ring valve. de siLrcti, (art.) safety collar or ring. bagiic-c'crou, f., (mach. pun) assembling nut; rear connector bushing. baguer, v. t., to band (u pigeon's leg). baguette, f.. rod; -de ncttoyage, (am. a.) cleaning rod. bal. ;\.,m., (/ii;>;>.) bay; - cerise claii . light red bay. bain, m., bath; - de finigi , (phot.) fixing bath. bain-douche, m., shower hath. balance, f.. balance; a socle, ordinary balance. bulaiirlrr, in , (art.) roller-arm (in some forms of carriage), baiimneltc, I., (mil.) bayonet; baxse, with bayonets at the charge; courte ile tranchre, trench bayonet ; mniitcr a , to mount , assemble by a bayonet joint. baloiinette-scle, f., (xm. a.) saw bayonet. baladcur, in., (mach.) sliding clutch; syxttme (i double (triple) , double (triple) ' reduction gear set; systeme a simple , simple reduction gear set. balai, m., broom; (slang) gendarme; rotatij, (elec.) rotary brush, collector. balance, f . , balance; & socle, ordinary balance. balancler, m., (art.) roller-arm (in some form of carriage). balancine, f. , (aero) diagonal steel wire, supporting the car of a dirigible. balayeuse, f., street-sweeping machine; automobile, motor driven sweeping machine, ballste, f.,balista. balle, f.. (am. a., art.) bullet; (com.) bale; (siany) one franc; aciculaire, v. A pointe effittt; blindte, (sm. a.) perforating bullet, (for use against shields); de colon, cotton bate: direcie, direct bullet (point first; cf. renters fe); efUcacf, (art.) of a shrapnel bullet, one whose velocity is dangerous; qiii/ait c/iam;>i97iw,(7n.a.)soft-nosed bullet; ineflicace, (art. ) v. inofensirr; inoffentwe. (art.) harmless bullet, said of a shrapnel bullet whose velocity is harmless: pcrfnrantc. (sm. a.) ((Jcrman) perforating bullet (attack of blindages); A point e efftlec, (sm. a.) pointed bullet. 8- bullet. O-bullet; - - rf nvmtec, (sin. a.) iuvnrted bullet, (point to the rear); iS. (am. a.) (German) S-bullet (Spit:e, pointed bullot); SMJK. (sm. a.) (German) perforating bullet. ballon, m., (afro.) balloon; (anto.) top, carriage top; lio nl; (cum.) globo (as, of glass); abaitrr mi , to bring down a balloon; _ -trrf-rolant, (aero.) Kite balloon; - rigare, (at m. ) ci'4ar-shaped b;illoon; ; - -(i rifiii nactllfS. (n; largui r un ,( mil. atrtt.) to give a bal lixin cable, to let uj> a balloon; normal, ( />. n.) normal balloon (oliO Pub. m., free and captive ascensions >; obsinati ur, observation ballixni; dc i>lnct,( l-'r.n. } fortress l>alloon (,'.l^)c;il>. in., j.iXM) cub. in., frivasi'vnsidiis i; ballon 516 bailment ballon ramtner tin , to bring down a balloon; de siege, ( Fr. a.) siege balloon (750 cub. m., rapt ivc ascensions); - 'Ktuplf, (aero.) flexible balloon (as distin- guished from one that has a frame); p!i(rigit(. (aero.) spherical bulloon. ballon-erole, m., (aero.) instruction balloon. ballonet, in.. (aero.)mT bag; it a:r. ballonet ; . d'l inpeiinaai. stabilizing ballonet. ballonner, v. n., to bulge. ballon-sonde, m., exploring balloon to pet atmo- spheric records, ballon-sonde. ballonnet, m., (area.) ballonet; compensalfur, ballonet. ballot, m., bale; (mil. slang) heavy, dull man. balurhon, m., (eng.) dredeo-bucket, excavator- bucket or shovel: (mil. mi>t.^ miner's bucket, (sometimes .spelled balluclinn). bandage, m., band; (auto.) tire, shoe; caoutchouc plcin, s-Mid rubber tire; crntr, pneumatic tire; plein, bolid tire. bantle, f . band, newspaper wrapper (usually a nar- row strip of paper in France); (mil.) cartridge lieit (for machine gun): (auto.) tire, shoe; (med.) bandage; li n!r1i'rr, (unif.) puttee; I'll inr, (witn.) solid tiro; p'irtc-cnrtoiichex, (mach. gun) cartridge belt; ntntir it? , ( mach . gun ) back feed, reverse feed: ile roulemcnt, (auto.) shoe, tread (of a tire); riiji .' , i m mil. gun) feed strip; xim iilf, (aufn.) sinclc tire. di tt, ill , ( mach. gun) canvas ammunition belt. bandeau, in., (unif.) band of p. forage cap. bamle-riiargeur, f., (mil.) cartridge belt ("machine gun). band.'-, m., compression (of a spring). bander, v. t ., (met.) to bandage. banquette, f., seai, carriage seal, (no intermediate ana .;; (art.) gumier's seal; i/. i,'i'"i>nir, (r. r. a.rt.\ gunner's platform; ill '' liiix, (xii/H > rrlav bank: in t'.r. imi/.) (irinj; step (in trenches). bapt^inc, !'i.. baptism; '!>' i^nmi'ti'i^, (mil.} irraduation dinner or fis-lival. baquet, IM., bucket sit i motor car i; (airo. ) cix-k- I" t iraqtie. f.. ->v hut 'i. e., small wooden trl);i(|iie, in., n>'.!. si'i'iy, poor meat. irhf. !..b. r-1; a shave. --. ' i',iin , ol-i ..olilier>. irt>ol:ic< , m.. dipping, -nla.-:i. (as mnrh., of a p 1 1 in oil\ irboiinc, f.. sort of iia.-!e or nient (will pour). t) irrla. :u.. ( mil. xl/iny) pai U. b irdace. in., moving, li UK ling (with a I 'arrow, Imrd); barilU't . in., ' inui-l: . fit: n ) fi>i"I dm in : ttniyt,,,', , f,...,| dniTii linger.; - -n n .<,;/, -.pring clru'ii. barographe, ]n..iarri>., inxt.) barograjih. baro-tbertnonii'tn 1 , ;n.. t.aromeier and t.her- !ijoni"tcr; baro-thermometre, enregistrcur, (aero.) self-rec- ording baro-thermometer. barrage, m., line of men forming a "hedge" in a street (P. g., gendarmes); line of men (to stop an entrance, block n road, etc.); (fort.) covering or restraining works, e. g., to allow mobilization, to cover an advance, etc.; (mil.) curtain of fire (artillery, grenades); afrien, (arm.) airplane barrage (constituted by airplanes themselves); d'aqrntK. line of police; defeu, (mil.) line of fires lighted to neutralize a pas attack; fire, (art.) stationary barrage or curtain flre; mobile, (art.) moving barrage or curtain fire (used to assist attacks by infantry); normal, (art.) normal 'barrage (battery per target); mirranr He. (fort.) covering work or fort (o. g., during mobilization); renforcc,(art.) reenforced barrage (two or more batteries on same target); toile de, (mil.) specially prepared cloth to ex- clude gases from shelters, bombproof s, etc. in a gas attack. barre, f., bar; tidal bore; d'accouplement, (mach.) drag link; (auto.), tiebar, crossbar (front axle); d' attelag( ^ (r. r.) drawbar; -de conninon, (auto.) v. d'accouphment; de direction, (mach.) drag link; (motor car); d'enlevage, (trench art.) lifting bar; franchc, (nav.) tiller; (mach.) steering bar; (motorcar): de portage, (trench art.) carrying bar (240 C. T. mortar); de tirage. (mach.) tension rod, pull bar, (motorcar); de tension, v. dc tiragi . barreau, m., grate bar; de manoeuvre, (trench art.) hand spike. barre-cntretoisc, f., (trench art.) bar-transom (210 C. T. truck). barret tc, f., oar; dc mentonnct, (mach. gun) trigger bar. barretter, m., (iririlam) barretter. barivur, m., (nor.) helmsman. barricade, f., (mil. min.) tamping mask. basane, I., sheepskin; (mil. slang) cavalry. bascule, f., (art., mach.) rocking piece. bast u leu r, in., (mach.) rocking lever, tappet lever. base, f., base (in many relations); dc depart, (tup) primary base. bassaing,ni., plank 65 mm. t.luck, and 22-2."i cm. wide. bat, m., pack, pack saddle: il/ mitrailleuse, (much, gun) gun pack; de munitions (mach. gun) ammunition pack. bat ri'Af, (mil.xlan-j) an abbreviation of 60 ta i! lun d'.IJriqin, q. \ . bataillon, m.. (m;?.1battalir.n; d-Afri'im, v.; d'ififanttrie lia'eri d' A friquc: . .axn(ifi<. linked tmitalioii ( I'.ritish Army;; formaiitcm-fi.*. indepeiid:i;, sender boat; - pom ur di riil>!f.. ( niir. > c-.'Jile ship: aoiixinarin , i iiur.) stlbiiiu: ine; -nufunir.-ili/i . ( nin.) submersible boat. bateau-Klisseur, m., (am>.) hydroplane. bali, m., t'lrm. i support ing frame of an airplane i for Height of pill 1 ! , IIHi'dl . CIl'. !. bailment, in. . building, ( mn-.j ship: a mini I. ( ii'ii'. } lla;>liip; iiii'lrattery; - faccompapnement. (mtf.)in general, any bat- twy accompanying troops of a different arm, more especially infantry; accompanying bat- ter v: d'nllmnnae .(tlrc.)ignit ion battery of amotor; -nl nint, (Fr. art.) Alpine battery, mountain battory; anti-dfrieniie , antiaircraft battery; d'attaqur, battery of the attack, infantry bat- tery; en attmtt, battery in readiness; avaneff , advancing lottery (moves forward with infantry, if necessary bv sections); - de barray normal, any nailery executing normal barrage fire (i.e.. has its own separate target); --& boi'dier, field lottery with shielded guns; - - de brMie, breaching battery (opens passages in enemy lines); - cidrr . skeleton hntterv; - de combat, ( FT. or?.) the whole of a field bat- tery, exeppt the train rcgimentnire (consists of the baiterie de tir, 4 puns and liml>ers, 6 caissons, and of t he echelon df combat, 6 caissons, 1 forage and 1 battery was/on); - de contrf-at/ai/tie, cpnnter-attack battery (hold in readiness to resist a counter attack); cGliere, coast battery; co::rt', howitzer battery; en - , of fire hose, ready;' fau^c - , (mil.) dummy battery, Quaker bat- tery: fnwsse, (mil.) dummy battery, Quaker bat- ter v; c>e fiifilx, (mil.) battery of small arm rifles; - tnngiif, battery of long guns: moniee de 76 (f'r. art.) 75 mm. battery (4 puns); ninyenne, (rwr.) secondary battery; - rttutralixef, neutralized battery (suspends lire, rot necessarily 0111 of action); - a i>iil(fc( net , incandescent giia burner. iM^^luetanc'*', f , < mil. "Imi(i) fiKx.l. brnsalf. !:i., iarlif.) Hwigal light. bi>ii7.tnc, f., Imp/ino; e translated en btriir, but more accurately would be pavilion renverse). Bertha, f., (proper name) (mi7. */;'?) heavy shell (42cm.). bessonnean, m., (aerrt.fam.) canvas hangar. bestluu, m., (m:7. slang) horse. bfton, m., (ron, tho Arabs, Berbers, of North Africa; sometimes the Senegalese. blcyrlette, f., bicycle; automobile, motorcycle', 4 cadre riaiflt, ordinary bicycle; 6 pftrole. motorcycle: pliante, folding liicycle; a va^eur, steam bicycle. bidoche, f., (mil. slang) meat. blelle, f., (inach.) connecting rod: (n.ach. gun) cart- ridge guide cam; a'accouplemrnt, v. barre d'acc('U/>lrrnent; df. cominandt, dri\ing rod; :l; pied de , piston end of a connect ir;g rod; de i'lon.iKif, radius rod; de reaction, reacMon rtwl ; tilt df , crank end of a connec: ing rod. blellette, f., (macri.) link. biffin, m., (>m7. slang) infantryman. bigorre, f., (mil. slang) colonial artillery (Freud. Army). bilateral", a., bilateral; (WfpJion^f/o.; both sendir. and recei\ing. blllard, m., billiards, billiard la! ic: ITT;;/, ulan; operating talile C medical j. bille. f., marble: dc sicurite., (trench art.) safely ! nil. bllld, in., O.om.) bill: (r. r.) ticket ; -il'tntiif, (mi!, mtd.) admis-ion order: - - ili 'jnniitle, (r. r.) family tic...-i ; indiiiduel, (r. r.) sinirle ticket : u i/ortiur, (C'tii:.) pyomissory note; --- ilc snrl'f, (mil. itn<1.\ dischart.'e order: -d'urytncc, (tin!, mid.) emergency order. biphase, a.. (lacc, in., (iurn) ("oseater. biplan. m., (airn) bi|>lane. bi(|iic, !'., (mil. ."Imiij} old horse. bt-iofrlngent, a. . double refracting. blss'ct<-r, v. t., u> bisect. bistro, m., (mil. ylai:t/i liar kee])ei bUlll, 171., ( mil. xlmui'i :i " plel'O" : ' I !n> I'olytei ' llii|lie; (also II- 1- ! by o! bri j;'i>:.: !IIKI!>I. blrsse, a , wounded: (mit.)greiit , (/a ?n.) telegram (in blue envelope); tirrr dans It , (mil. /am.) to fire into the blue, into t lie air. bleutl, a. .bluish. blindage, m., (a/o.) dust casing, dust cover; steel sheeting. bloc, m., block; in the French Chamber of Deputies a "block"' supporting certain radical policies (those of Combos, etc.); A , (of straps) in, up to, the last hole, as far as possible; d'acier, (met.) rough forging; d'alimentation, (mach. gun) feed block; de securitc, (or,'.) safety lock. blocage, m., (mach.) jamming, of a mechanism, gearine; locking, setting: (in gen.) state of being well set up (said of a whole composed of parts in bearing or in contact with one another). blockhaus, m., (nor.) pilot house. bloquagr, m., v., blocage. bloquer, v. t., to lock, set: (mach.) to jam; (in gen.) to sent "home": to set, fix (at or in a given position); un frcin, ses f reins, (auto.) to put on brakes suddenly, to jam one's brake suddenly home. bloquiste, m., in the French Chamber of Deputies, a member of the bloc, q. v. bobinage, in., (elec.) wiring, coil, bobine, f., (elec.) coil: reel: dfTovlmse, reel; de reactance, de reaction, choke coil; refaire vne , to rewind a reel, a coil; d trem'tleur, (elec.) make and break coil. & ru/iteur. make and break coil; de self, self-induct ion coil; dc .t'jntnnisation, syntonisatrice, (wireless) timing coil: bobine-devldolr, f., reel. bobosse, m., (mil. slang) German soldier. boche, m., (mil. slang) German. bocherle, f., (mil. slang) German cruelty. bochle, f., (jam.) Germany. bochlsuiit, m., (mil. slang) germanophile. bochiser, v. t., (mil. slang) to spy. bochlsme, m., (mil. slang) kultur. bochoniierie, f., (mil. slang) asphyxiating gas. boggle, in., (rr., mach.) bogy. bolre, \ . t.. to drink: I'obxtacle, (autn.fnm.) to swallow (i. e., to be imlitTerent to; obstacles (said of the pneumatic tire;. bols, m., wood: - d'ntnis, ( mil.) shelter lumber, (fit for iho con- struction of shelter); urine, armored wood; brut, lumber; a ;- r/.v. dimension stuff, worked to sixes and Shaves: sou* , (mil.) in the woods, in a wood. bolsseau, m., (mack.) throttle valve. bolte, f., box; (mil. tlang) guard honse(|>rison), jug; d'allnmage, (mach.) ignition case; c/''i///;M/, irt. ) box f;ise: ii liil/m ( much. ) ball bearing casing; ilr brtinctu nun', (tcl.) junction box, distribu- ti.'M box; ii taint, (mnrli.'i cim case; rir cnrdiin. ( ni'ich. i V|<-<>VP or casing (in a form of r-nrdan joint, let-rising the lugs of a joint fl <1' > i ; - (as of u thermometer); (mil. slang) issue bread, soldier bread; /.r/'.vc (tc xn 'i, (mil. 771(71.) sound ball (for tap- ping so 1 ,' nds in a mine). boulnii, m.. bolt ; tie chiim . sprocket chain bolt; di urcantt , ^afety b.lt. bourdon, m., pole; (mil. slanij) old horse. bourrelet, m., flange, edge, or bead of a tire cover ! pneumatic tiro;. bourroir, in., (ruin.) tamper. IMHIMII, in., rotten ice. boulefeu, m.. drill.} (generic term for) igniter (e. g., Mickford fuse;. bonteille. f., bottle: u (ja~. pis cylinder. bunion, m.. button; (. Irr.) plug; d'tiiujlt d: xitr, (art.) angle of site knob (l.\5 CTK); d'nppel, (til., c'c.) push, pushbutton: - tit-, cinnwuiide, working Imid. adjusting knob: - dr dt rim/'/iiii (art.) n . (aero. ) branch of equal pressure (balloon sleeve). defcrmeture, (mach. gun) breech tenon sup- port; de percussion, (much, gun) percussion arm. branchement, m., branching; (artif., erpl. mil. min.) combination of two or more fuses with the principal (cordeau maftre); multiple, multiple branching (more than one secondary fuse); simple, simple branching (only one second- ary). brancher, v. t., (elec.) to plug in, to connect. branrte, f., (top.) heath. braquaKe, m., (auto.) change of direction of steer- ing wheels; angle de , steering angle (i. e., made by plane of wheels with original position). braquer, v. t., (aero.) to fix and hold ttie rudder at a given or desired angle. bras, m., arm; -- de commande, (mach.} any controlling r.r actuating arm or lever; de pilot, pivot arm of a steering bar (motor car). braser, v. t.. (ma.) to solder; an cuiire, to copper solder. brasser, v. t., to stir (liquids, gases). bwtclle, f., suspender; - de suspension (mil.) belt suspenders, belt straps; de lirage, breast strap. brevet, m., (com.) patent (as of an invention > dcm/iiidi de , patent, application. bn-veter, v. t., to patent. brlrole, f.. breast strip, dragrope: ii brnx. dragrope; bride, f., clip; - -d'H'traituje. (trtnch art.\ assembling strap (platform); - - d'( mlirt'laijt , dxint) lashing strap; brtRade.f -, (r. r. adm.) detachment of railway mail service; - nr utrt', (mil.) neutral brigade (exercises o\ rr- sight over both parties in mining maneuvers at full. strength); tofiographitjue, (mil.) topography squad. brigadier, m., "boss" of a gang of workmen; - d'iuuipt, (mil.) head or leader of a detail or squaii; r groom in the government studs brigadier 520 cage brigadier at lir, (Fr. art.) (corporal who notes down data of fire, hatteryin action); recording corporal (corresponds to instrument sergeant, U.S. Art.). brillant, m.. polish ''of mot til surfaces, etc.); Bright work. brindillr. f twi'-. brlsrard, in., (mil. rl'jng) old soldier. lirisque, f.. (mil. slanging service stripes. brtstol, in., card, cardboard. brisure.f-. (mil.) jog; break in a parapet, to permit (lank lire. brorhr, f.. pin: Ac mamrutvi, (mach. gun) maneuvering bar. hrot-lirt. in., pike, (fishl: (mil. slang) (German) trench mortar boml>. (so called from its shape). brodequin, in., shoe. (I". S.); boot (British); I, m.. 'ibm-M . w. c.: ('.i , fi i,-i , ( mil. ) office, orderly room. ruble, in.. (,-,7,7. i cable; - - it'urn.irrfriii , (<-.,../.) mooring cable; "/;;(/', iiiif.) armored ca'ili-: il'ti ' in- UK nt (tri iicii uri.) <'ocking lanyard; - d( c'nn i*i(jr>e, (unl. tr h ;>:u)ti< i fiold calile; rnirnx-i , (. i-ram. r.ilw.'-cr, . . ' -. t'i I'l'iii !, t.;iih'i< in. (allot, til., i iii,l. >/.;;i,/; < 1,1 -poral. rabotai^f, in , i ir\~' inr i r !i|i-: fr'tn'-ii,*, i . ;ini' iri'lo ln'tween French pur;-, i'i'-li!'l:iu' I hose o( Ah-icr. i; -- ntifii'iii'iu il, nci. is! iii;: !r:nle lietween forck'n !',"!-, or I ,! vi-. n It. !(! and foreign ]n,i\< ii.'i ~o fir oiT ;i, to con.-tituie navigation e-lift. c.itir', ; !.. ('iifi' l .ii down, nn-c-Iifi. rabrer, .. ;., < :ir"_ < (,f::n airplan' 1 , to rear. carlir-flaniHH-, m.. 'ur,',, much, gun) flash con- r- i!i" . !!.. -I: flit-nut , fl-ish protector. cache-Incur, m., (art., maclt. gun) flash cut-out flash protector; flash screen. caclie-iiez, in., muffler. cache-soupapes, m., (mncli.) valve casing (dust guard). cachet, m., seal, stamp: de verification, inspection stamp, inspector's stamp. caclioii, m., catechu, ctitch: con/fur , dark Imlf. cadence, t., cadence; rfy tir, (art.) cadence of fire. cadre, m., frame: (a(r<>) running gear. bid, ( I-'f. n.) sit Siuimiir, all tbc instructing ptalfuot included in the /ioir, (\. v.; (blue uniform); /ior< - -.(mil.) on detached officers' list. I). O. L. (U. S. A.); loi alrtir. (ftirn.) suspenrion frame, (Le- b'Hi'ly. acted as a st-ibili/er). tlr' miit/>rn.':it>n. (tnnc.h a r t.) hanging frame ic inslriK-liou of :{!<) mortar platform); cafard, in., cockroach: (mil. *l<>ng) tlie blues. cage, f.. e i"e: ---d'tntrri:, entrance cage (of a pigeon loft). 521 ragfbi, m., (mil. lang) hut. cagna, f., (mil. ilang) hut. cagouic, f., (mil.) gas mask. cahuua, in., (mil. along) coffee. ealllebottls, m., (mi!.} grating, (flooring of a wet trench). cald, m., military chief (Arab). calsse, f., box, chest: anr armtmtnts, (art.) equipment chest; ft grain*, crib; de charyt, (min.) explosive cbainbar of a mine comptibilUe, (mil.) document, chest; -A ditonatrurs, (art.) detonator chest; tiferrures, (mil.) horseshoe chest; filtrartte, (mil.) sort of filter box, used in shelters, against gas attack; frmds, (mil.} money chest; A 1>ftard*, (art.) demolition chest. de I't ail, (min.) hoisting basket; calsse-^hfissis, f.. (art.) flange, rim (trench-mortar bed) box frame. caisson, m., caisson, box: compartimenU, (trench art.), bedplate (340 mortar). ti munition* (art.) caisson; observatnire, (art.) observing caisson, (cap- tain's post, battery in action). -- renversemtnt, (art.) tilting caisson (French 75). calage, m.. (eke., fie.) setting, adjustment; (art.) supporting block, (railway artillery). ralbombe, f., (mil. slang") l:>mp. calfiilaleur, m., counting machine, mechanical computer. cale, f., key, wedge; (wir. ) slocks; - a'fcartrmtnt, distance piece, separator; - - d'i'iif.ixfeur, shim. de nalaije, ways; de restart, spring block. de retinue, retaining wedge; calefaction, f. , calefaction. caJendri;T, m.. calendar; (mil. /am.) hairbrush grenade, caler, v. n., to jam, stick fast, refuse to move or work; (fire., etc.) to set, to adjust. ealfeutrage, in., chinking, operation of chinking. caJfeutrer, v. t., to chink (interstices). cal!fourchon,]iatn , (-nil. slang) train soldiers (from the grease on the axles of their waircns;. cambrousard, m., (mil. xlang) peasant. cambrure, f., (arm.) camber. came, f., (mirk.) cam; d'lidiinfi'iii, admission (valv e) cam; d'nll>iiit:'xaiji , bossed cam; -a ern,-', notched cam; -- (/. ilicani iirmmr, , relief cam: (trdixtiihiilmn, inlei cam, outlet cam; d'if.ltai[,. mint. (mil. airo.) camp equipage truck. ramlon-atelier, m., (mil. auto.) repair iruck. < :imion-m;r.a^in, in., i /nil. utrn.\ ueneral supply I nick i lnill(X)i!s . camkmnette, f.. light truck, camisole, ,'., sort cf chemise (woman's); deforce, straight -jacket. camouflage. m~ (ml.) disguise, act cf disguL'i-ig (e. g., a gun ry pointing it in harlequin colors, burying it in CU.-IUTS, etc.); disguising, couctaJ- ment (ofaroatl.1-ncri, etc.); ! 'lakiug." ramoufliT, v. t., (mi. 7 .) to disguise (as, a gun by painting. b'.Tnang it in bushes); to disguise, conceal (a road, a traacb, etc.); to "fake." camp, in., camp; de coiicentrai<> n, (mU.'i concentration camp; de repos, (mil.) rostuwup. campC, a., (aero.) camped (said of aircraft when stopped at a place that o'aars no shelter). campemeiit, m., (mil.) CUJID equipage, camp outfit; (aero.) stop (at a place Laat oilers no shelter), balloon bed (sphencals); colhctif, (mil.) portion of camp equipage carried by the men, and f onning when com bined an outfit for sc oral oersons; loint cam > equipage. point de - . (mro.) billoon bed. camper, v. t. n.. to camp; to encamp: (zero.) ~.o stop (at a pi ico that a'fonis no shelter'!; UH li.) to camp a ball xm (when camped, the balloon in sheltered from enemy fire, shielded from enemy view, masked against airplanes, and properly secured in position). canal, m., cnnal: - - de gort'u . ( mar ft. gun.) band exit ; de conduite, (mach.) guide (as of a valve stem); - a iclnxes, lock canal : lateral, canal flanking a shoal, fall, in a liver; side canal; h nirciii d'eau, sea-level cnnal: & -j flint de /xirtaye, can a', joining different basins, or watersheds. canalisation, f., piping; (I'T.) wiring. canape-lit, m., sofa-bed. canard, m., duck; (mil. slavy) soldier. canardtr, v. t., (mil.fum.) to snipe. canardeur, m., (mil. f am.) sniper. caiievas, m.. (top.) triangulation, network of tri- angles; d'enstmblf, (art., mil.) general triangulation (for artillery and for general military purposes); de tir, (art.) survey or triangulation lor the direction of artillery fire; artillery map or tri- angulation. canevas-fcuide, m., (top.) reference triangulation. canlveau, in., shallow trench. canon, m.. (art.) gun (to-day, long gun giving a flat trajectory); d'accom /Myenemrnf, (mi/.} gun to nrcoinpany and be operated by imantry; infaniry gun; ati-eat o!T torpedo-boat iinlniiiotiile blintli , gun mounted on an ar- mor.'d automobile; cuiitri-iiriiiiif, (int. nfrn.) antiaircraft gun; contre-tiir/iillcitr, \. -- antitnri>Ui(ur; coiui, short gun 'to-; ll r-c'i '*/ I'mn'it, C'airia.ue lin-oili. 1 1;:: - dc traiichir, trenrh gun. canot, rn.. cnnoe; aut'iii'obUi . fnar.') auto boat ; ('/ iiin'i ur, ( nar.) motor boat. caiitachr, f. . (ir.il. xlnihi) canteen. cautocbe, f .. i ;->i!. rlnng ' canteen. 522 cartouche canton, m.. (France) political unit composed, for certain joint administrative purposes, of two or more communes (is not a person ot law); canton. caiitonnement, m., (mil.) cantonment; d'alerte, a cantonment in which an alarm is to bo expected (officers stay with their men. no one undresses) ; alarm cant on ment : de rofraichisscmcnt, ( mil.) rest cantonment; surface de , billeting area. rantonnemont-bivouac, m.. (mil.) cantonment in whi.-h the troops are lodged as far as accom- modations go, with the remainder bivouacking. raoiia. m., (mil. slang) coffee. caoutchouc, in., caoutchouc; durci, hard rubber. raplston, m., (mil. slang) the captain, rapitaliie, m., (mi?., nap.) captain; de corrette, (nar.) lieutenant commander (grade I'. S. N., R. N.): instructeur de tir, ( Fr. a.) musketry officer; dejonr, (mil.) captain of the day (in attack by mines, assistant to the engineer officer in charge). raplton, m., cushioned back (of a seat). capltonnage, m., upholstery, cushioning. capltouner, v. t., to upholster, to tuft. caporal-approvlsionneur, m., (mil.) corporal in charge of an ammunition supply squad; am- munition corporal. caporal-vlgie, in., (mil.) look-out corporal. rapot, m.. cowl; (auto.) bonnet, hood. capotage, m., (aero.) somersault. capote, f.. top, hood (of a carriage, auto, etc.); (nnif.) (infantry) overcoat. capoter, v. n., (a^ro.) to turn turtle; to somersault. captage, m., piping (of water, from its source). captation, f., telephone tapping. capter, v. t., to pipe (water): to tap 'a telephone). rapteur, in., (nat.) captor: d'ondis, (wirckss) wa\e receiver (said of a wire*. capuchon, m.. hood; de rahe, valve guard (of a tire). caramaiiage, m., mandrelling. carburant, m., a generic term for the fuel (gasoline, alcohol, petroleum) used in explosion engines. rarhuratlon, f., carburation. t-arburatcur, m., (mach.) carbureter; it nlciiol.ttc. . alcohol carbureter (and similarly of other combustibles); auioiiinnqut .compensation carbureter: nii'iimatiune d tiiciitgc cl a rinau constant, automatic float feed spray carbureter; - it Ijiirlm/niji . splash carbureter, (obs.); - it fli'imiiiijtinii gtm/j/t, simple cone carbureter ( no neeille valve): ii <'< ..fact, generic term for carbureters of (ho s>;i face and splash types; 1 1 c'i'ir'iiit.i imnillf/ix. (any carbureter in which ihe air current is sensibly parallel to the direc- ti'iii of pray; parallel flow carbureter: - ft cnxnu'.tx /iir/H it'Hrtiiiiinx, any carbureter in which air How is perpeii'liciilur to spray llo\\ ; n er; t.-'l c.il bureler; - n iii'-l ii/t, spray carbureter; - ii /'/;/*, surface r.irbureliT; -a mfclit.", wick carbureter: - <( 11, < KIII run /iinl. lloai feed carbureter: - im-ii , llrxxled carbureter; , iiomi/in^'. carbun ( '.I! carburateur u rtglage. de I'air el de V essence, extra air gasoline cent rol carbureter; (Y reglagf de r essence, gasoline control carbu- reter. carbure, a., carburated. carcasse, f . , (aero. ) frame (over which are stretched the membranes of the wings or body). cardan, m., (mach.) universal joint; (i double articulation, double joint or coupled cardan shaft, longitudinal, (auto.) longitudinal cardanlo transmission, (system of transmission from gear box to rear h>e axle by a cardanically con- trolled longitudinal shaft) ; transversal, (auto.) cross cardanic transmis- sion, (system in which the wheel shafts are di- rectly controlled by cardanic transmission ) ; (i vne articulation, single joint or coupled cardan shaft. carfnage, m., (nar.) careening; forme dc , careening ways. cartne, f., (aero.) the lower part of the envelope of a dirigible or of its frame; (by extension) the envelope or frame itself. carlingage, m., (aero.) engine bed. carlingue, f., (aero.) car, nacelle; cock pit. carnet, m., notebook; d depechcs, (mil.) dispatch book; multicophle, (mil. ) copying notebook ; dc position, (art.) emplacement record; dc tir, (art.) battery tiring record; carrO, in., (macn.) square shaft. carreau, m., square (of n squared map); de reduction, reducing square, (for copying a drawing or map on a smaller scale). carrefour, m., (mil.) intersection of boyaux, trenches. carrelagc, in., tiling (small); h caoutchouc a emboltement, interlocking rub- ber tiling. carrifre, f., (man.) instruction in jumping (Sau- nuir). carrosserio, f., (auto.) carriage body, carriage proper; fi entree laterale, side entrance body. carotte, f., carroi. carotter, v. t. , Ic />>, (mil. slang) to sleep late (Sauinur). carroyc, a., squared, in squares (as, a map). carte, f.. map; njronaiitique, (aero.) aeronautical map; (i'mfiUcrif, (art.) (artillery ) fire map; oints d'ajtpni, q. v.; [1 ci n<=3 O'oi example) /win/* d'appui; 1 poir,t d'appui-4 (tor example) segments act if x; 1 segment aclij'^ lino or points actively held.) centre-ecole, in., (afro.) aviation school. cercle, m.. circle, ens';: -d calculi r. circular calculation machine: dc charge, (atro.) ring or circle carrying the car: suspension ring; - dc suspension, \. de charge: dc vi.iie, (art.) aiming circle.. cercle-cnlretoise, in., (art.) circular transom. cerf-volant, m., kite: --Cfllulaire, box-kite. ceif-volisto, in., (aero.) kite man. chaliie, f., chain, (mil.) chain, line, (.of markers, of runners, may servo to establish :i liaison); - - d'ayrafngf, securing chain; dc nltrngc, (ar/.) lifting chain; il roulxiur, roller chain: xi mi-rigidf. sprocket chain. - - siltitcitnsi, silent chair; clialiu-tte, f.. small chain; arnich' -clous, v. arrache-clotts; d'e /until , (unif.) shoulder chains. clialneur, in., (i:'il.) sand-bag passer. chaise, f. . chair: (i basculi , roiltrs (r. I./.MII: >pac-: - & air. inner tulv. air lube i.of a tir.- 1 ; ehambre 524 chasse-clavette rhambrr, de carburatian, (inach.) mixing cham- ber, spraying chamber; df comptnsttlion, (com.) clearing house; df cumprrxxiiin, (mach.) compression space (cylinder of an ex plosion engine); air-compress- ing chamber (of an air compressor); d(.i d< i>ntcs. Chamber of Deputies (lower house. France): d'rscoiiadr, (mil.) squad room; d'tiploxinn, (much.) combustion chamber (of an explosive motor): dtt tlntintr. ( mach.) float chamber: h ga:. (mil.) gas chamber, (through which all officers and men, suitably masked, must pass in order to test them); mittrr la , (trench art.) to adjust the chamber (of combustion, V. 1). mortar); dc iru'lange, (mach.) mixing chamber; aui fK'udrtu, (mil. min.) |>owder chamber; prnrhoire, (trench art.) moan cliamber (V. 1). mortar): de Tichavfiaijt. (mach.) hot-air jacket, hot-air chamber; df soiipapis. (mach.) valve chamber: -de i-;: pm unit inn. (mach.. dc.) vaporizing chamber. rhambrec, f.. (mil.'' squad room. champ, m., field: d'attirrixxngc (turn.) landing ground; df cnursfii. (sport) race track; racing field or ground; --df pointage tn direction, (art.) limits of an aim in azimuth; df {Mintage en hauteur, (art.) limits of aim in elevation; df tir, (sin. a.) rifle range; dr tir m hauteur, (art.) limits of elevation of a gun: ---di tir lati'ral. (ar>.) limits of firo in direction of a gun. champignon, m., mushroom; (mach.) nozzle or >pny atomizer; atnmuing cone, or atomizer lie.id". cap. (of a valuM: - - giclfitr. spraying device, spray; --a r'linnrtx, grooved spray, (in some forms of carbureter-.); chancre, m., nicer. chandelier, ri., candlestick; !('/. slang') German ireiich mortar bomb (M> called from its shape). chandellf, f.. candle: (.M". ,-/// in prim. much. change- -;>eed gear: di ' c ( . .1 it tnii it i ;..<>' -I'lilii!. in laiy cli-m ;e ge ,r. uir!-int' place; .tump, yard fur I he chapeau haut dc forme, high hat, pot hat; de roue, wheel cap, hub cap; df scrragc, (mach.) clamp, clamping rinrog collar; de valve, valve cap (of a pneumatic tire). chapelot, m., stnug of beads; en , (aero.) in series (of a train of kites) . chapelle, t..(maett.) explosion chamber (forms, with the culasse, the explosion chamber), char, m.. car, cart; d'assaut, (mil.) tank. charbon, m.. coal: collecteur, (dec.) brush. charbonner, v. t., to char; to deposit carbon. un naiire, (nav.) to coal a ship. charboimoux, a., carbon; di put , (mach.) carbon deposit (in motors). chardon, m., thistle. charge, f., charge, load; (phys.) head (pressure); all'ingie, (mil. min., etc.) elongated charge (cartridges end to end); amorce, (at!.) priming charge; - dc ehambraqe, (mil. min.) chambering charge (v. chambrace); d'eau, (phys.) hoad of water; faibtc, (trench art.) reduced charge (mortar); - -fondamentale, (art.) unit charge; -forte, (trench art.) full charge (mortar); - d' inflammation, (art.) igniting charge; f>ir mitre, (aero.) wing loading: Male, (ami., etc.) full load: ptrtc de , (plnjx.) loss of head; rompre , to break bulk; de. transmission, (tip!.) communicating charge (from primer to burster); utile, useful load. chargemeiit, in., loading; mixte, (art.) mixed load (i. e. shrapnel and II. E. shell, in limbers, etc.). chargciir, m., (art., etc.) (gun) loader (person); (i-ti-'r, (trench art.) mortar truck (transportation^; - /iiirle-DiililH. (irench art.) tool truck: * -p'irti-;il'itifi:ri:n, (tnuch ait.) platform truck (transportation); - - ji'irli >ir. i . r. nrt.) roller cradle; d( Tijiivti 'Hi ni . (art.) shot truck and rammer, rammer slvit trucli; di mull ,ni ill. (nit.) roller truck. rharint-foiiriii!, ni.. drill.) kneading wagon. Charlotte, f.. ( jinsper name) (mil. slang) thpT.Vmm. g 1 1 ' i . chariilCr*. f. 1'iniie; knuckle: <: :>!< , pin hinge, cliamgne, f.. c.irrinn: charoitnard, 1:1.. (fain.) mean, worthless Imrse clu-rpente, f . fiaininu'; Hiiiiilli'/i'i . ICHHX.) generic term for metallic girdeis, beam '. c !);-(, f.. sei or inclination of an axle (motoi c n); i iirtii ) ex;.iHi!!i: charge; . (m i'.. i si nii-jht ahead Co. g., of fire). ciias<*l)ls, m.. ( mil. ailing) cltuxxt ar ft piid. i ha>-c-cla\cttc, in., key driver. chassis 525 rhoii chassis, m., frame; [The following terms relate mainly to the auto- mobile;] & arritre relevt, elevated roar frame; d'aUcrriatage, (aero.) landing chassis, under carriage; ii want rttrtci, cambered frame; blinde, v. cuirasst; en boii arme, armored wood frame; cintre, curved frame; cuirasst, pressed steel frame (in one piece); a double rtdeau, (phot.) plate-holder. droil, straight frame: embovti, pressed steel frame; faiLZ , false frame; tournant, (mil. min.) turning frame. en tubes, pipe frame, tube frame. chassls-blinde, m., (mil.) supporting .ramo (roof of covered shelter). chAssis-truc(k), m.. (art.) railway chassis (the truck forms the chassis). chat ici ton, m., tape, chaudiere, f., (sttam) boiler; steam boiler; aquatubulaire, water-tube boiler; aquatubulaire & jlamme directe el ii retour At Jlamrnr, return flue steam boiler; - to circulation, circulating boiler; & fitments, generic term for tubular boilers; multitubulaire , inultitubular boiler; to, tubes d'cau, water-tube boiler. cliauffage, m., heating; (slang) cramming for ex- amination; central, furuace heating (houses). ii la vapcur, steam heating; chauffage-vapeur, m., steam heat, steam heating, chaullard, m., (auto., fain).; chauffeur. chauffe-baiiis, m., hot-water heater. chaufte-pieds, m., foot warmer. chauffer, v. t., to heal; (slang) to cram for exami- nation; & la va-peur, to heat by steam. chauffeur, m., (auto.) chauffeur. chaussette, f., sock. naclous, (mil. slang) soldier shoos; a lucdx, lace shoe; (diif) dt rtiios, ( mil.) barrack shoe. rus.u', (mil.) (strip or bandage of tallowed cotton, a substitute lor socks) Kussian sock; rh vlrer, v. n. , to Capsize; uu, canon, (nav.) to be sunk by gunfire. clu-ddite, f., (apt.) cheddite (chlorate of potas- sium base, and castui oil). chef, ii].,cl!ief; d>' four, (mil.) head baker; dc liui < , ( />. n.,r. T.) military station muster: . g.. when eneiny lire slackens, thus making simpler earthwork possible); xiii.ilifr-.iii:, ( in sieges) ad vauco In mining; chemise, !'., shirt; (>tr horse, cross country horse; di'pot de aui (mil.) horse depot, field depot for remount purposes; eftectif, (phys.) actual horsepower; 75 kilo- gra mine t res; imprusslonnable, nervous, excitable horse; our indiyuts. d'hyx.) indicated horsepower; jtunf, horse less than 4} years old; dc Iryfrc, (Fr. cav.) light cavalry horse; mis, well-trained horse; mis an bonloii, finely trained horse; nominal, d'hut.) 300 kilogram me I res; place, trained horse; & puil, bareb. c-k horse, i. e., horse without equipments. cheval-hcure, m., d hys.) horsepower-hour. chevalet, m., trestk: (mil.) obstacle of barbed wire (fastened to the cuds of a sawhorso, us it were, back and 'orth, diagonally, etc.; (inf.) rifle rest; lancr-fuxtc, (mil.) rocket trestle, stand; dc la'rine, (si'tjc) latrine trestle (seat); de It i a K , v. dt mantrurre; dc manwuvre, (trench art.) trench gin (340 mortar;; dc i>oinlagc, (mach. gun) firing. stand, support; dctir, ( 7/1 tl.) firing stand or trestlofor rockets and grenades. chevalet-blgue, m., (pont.) sheer trestle. chevalct-palee, m., (/>tint.) pile trestle. chevaucher, v. t., (of signals) to overlap. chevlllr, f., (iltc.) jack; --de titnlion (lunch art.) seeding bolt (210 (.'. T. carriage truck). chicane, f., obstacle; (attain, ttc.i liaille, l>allle phte; disiwxcr tn , to stagger (of objects); in , (so us to oilVr resistance, us it were, to dispute a passage: hence, in many technological relations) with joints broken, elbowed, Mag- gared; I'tiit-r lex gm (any intentional ol^taclo to tlio passage of gases so" as lo le ;sen s'lock, \iolctico of action, etc.;, ba ill e plate. chlcassc, L, (mi!, slant!) mixture of chicory and colfeo. chlcn, in., dog; (mndi.) dog, catch: (much, n-in) boll l,,.dy; titiiiiumi lit (ml.) ctK'king piece vlrencii mor- tal <; - ilt quarticr, (mil. flung) tin nini>(, punip circulation; l sliding clinch ; dt / 'r i.-" tin ort, (eke.) spring switch; de scrrage, spanner; scrre-fils, (dec.) double connector; - tourney;*, screw driver. fi tube. en tubff, jointed, tubular, .spanner (for reaching distant, parts); uiiivtmdli', combination wrench: d I'elo, bicycle wrench. din, in., clinker work: a ,i, (nar.) clinker built. clique, f., (mil slang) field music. cliquet, m., click; dog; --- d'arrct, pawl. cllquefer, v. n.. (of an engine) to knock (from too much spark lead). cliquette, f. , bolting wire. cloche, f.. hell: cap. top (as of? tiench sentry !>o\ '; tie cafdiin, v. bttitt tic c.nrdnn; de din ct ion, - direct rici-, (ofro), steering gen i case; Icvier fi , (afro.) gear shift lever. Clolsoi), f., partition; bulkhend; porane, (pan I. ) reinforcing bulkhead (i..c!.i!li>. cloiiterie 527 comntls ckmterle, (., nail business, nail works. coco, in., cocoa. coefficient, m., coefficient; At sccuritf. factor of safety. coffre, m., chest; d'arriere-train. (much, gun, art.) caisson chest; d'avant-train, (mach. gun. art.) liml>er chest; de batterie, (art.) ammunition chest (heavy artillery). cogner, v. n., (mach.) to knock (of an engine), coherer, v. n., (wireless) to cohere, cotte'reur, m., (wireless), coherer; auto dfcohfrent, self decohering coherer; -& grenaille, granular coherer; (t limaillr, filings coherer; & pottdre, powder coherer. recepteur k , coherer: & vide, vacuum coherer. cohesion, f., (wireless) coherence. colffe, f., cap, cover; courrc-nuqut, (unif.) havelock. eonte, a., (art.) capped (of projectiles). colfier, v. t., (art.) to include the target (in brack- eting); to cap (a projectile). coiffure, f., head dress; "it la chicn." the "mahomet," q. v., down on forehead, and kepi pushed back. coin, m., wedge; de rattrdpage, take-up wedge. colncement, m., (mach.. etc.) jamming. col, m., collar; - - rabatlu, (unif.) falling collar. colls, m., package; du corp.t. (Fr. a.) personal parcel delivery; -it domicile (mil. slang) shell (lit. parcel to be delivered). collaiit, a., tight (as of trousers, etc.). oollat ion iiement, m., comparison; (mil. tel., etc.) repeating (of a despatch). collatlonner, v. t., to compare; (w<7. trl., etc.) to repeat (a despatch). colic, f., (slang) oral examination. collerteur, m., (mach.) water cavitv: he:i; rii , (mil.) paymaster's clerk. rommissaire 528 conductance commlssaire, in. , member of a commission; mililiirt, (mil.) military member of a mixed commission; (*/>or/) military representative on a sporting, race, or athletic committee; dt surveillance administrative, (r. r. adm.) local manager (official in each important sta- tion, who looks after the police of the railway, and the local exploitation). commission, f., board, commission; df i'armee, committee on military affairs, (House, chamber of Pcputies); du txi-liitt, appropriation committee of the IIoiLse of Deputies; df rontrule, (Fr. a.) control board; d'mqucte, court of inquiry, investigating board; df.f finances, the appropriation committee of the Senate (France); de gnre, (Fr. a. r. r.) station commission; d'habilltmcnt, (mil.) clothing or uniform board : rcgulatrice, (Fr. a. r. r.) (commission in charge of the supply of an army by rail, and of troop transportation within the army's zone of action) supply commission; mial'-'ire, (Fr. lair) requisition by one judge or court on another to proceed or act in the case referred; df salubrit^ (Fr. a.) sanitary board (of a can- tonment). comml.ssionnalre, m., porter, messenger. commotioniie, m., (mil. med.) man shocked by proximity to If. K. burst, but not directly wounded or hit. commune, f., (France) municipality, political unit under a maire; is a person at law; com- mune. communication, f., communication; (mil.) trench: en cn'inni'lerc, (xiigc) uremaillere trench; a trai'i rxi:t, (xiif/i ) traversed trench; d iravcrsty lournantcs, (xicgi) cube traverse trench. eommiiUitur, in., (elec.) commutator; d'anttnne, (wireless) aerial switch. d i>l<:/s t (rlee.) shifting contact switch. eommutateur-lnterrupteuT, m., (dec.) contact- shifter. comp:rgnie, f.. company; auluinobilistt, (mil'.) traction company: ci/cli.fti, (mil.) cyclist company; i'f C'ifiix, (Fr. ing.) company of army corps engineers; it'"ixii-niMlr(, (Fr. ing.) company of division rnL'ineers (part of corps establishment); ilti dm: M;?/. color company; dn iji'mc ill jifirr, i FT. (IHJ.) company of the cni'imvr park: /('. the, di- i"ii : 'he lerMin iiiiu in>i line, support. -. intiTCi-- : i!e Men.-hi-s: of a center of !' i : !!'! i!,'.. ;n ti\l- ....JIII: Hi i. Works, Ct C. ciMtip.irtiiiM'iiicr v. i.. in 'li'.iiic into compart- . i" ( !i i i'!i- l li-> teiT'.in in LI inili- imp. com pas mattre h danser, interior compasses (for inside measurements); portc-crayon, drawing compasses. coniplPt, m., suit of clothes (all parts of same cloth). composer, v. t., to take a written examination. composition, f., composition; (in a written ex- amination) subject: (art if.) composition; ammerii , to bring to terms; fusante porte-retard, (artif.) delay composi- tion. compresseur, m., (mack.) grease cup; & air, d'air, (mach.) air-compressing en- gine; ii gaz, ( mach.) gas compressor. compression, f., (mach.) compression, compres- sion stroke: volumctrique, (ratio of volume of cylinder to that of chamber of explosion) volumetric com- pression. comprlme, m., compressed tablet. comptahilitC, f., (adm.) accountability; apurcr la , to audit accounts. comptahle, a. m., (adm.) accountable; accountant ihs dtnicrs publics, ollicial accountable for public moneys; r.n dmiirs, official having a money responsi- bility; ('.cpeditcur, (mil.) administrative shipping officer; r n matures, official having property responsi- bility. comptant, a., cash; au , (com.) cash down, for cash. compte, m.. account; d'aiinle. ( Fr. adm.) account or report for the year current, made by the Minister of Finance; annual account or report (calendar year); dc & dcuii. each paying one-half: s d'txircicc, (adm.) accounts of the fiscal year; - en denicra, money account; en matiires, property account. compte-cartouclie, n., (sm. a.) cartridge counter, (to tell the soldier how many cartridges he has fired). compte-flls, m.. thread counter. compte-Kouttes, m., (mach.) diip feetl lubricator; dropping tube. coiiipte-rcml u, m., ( Fr. a.) brief report (made on the spot, and at the time of the occurrence of t he event involved. May be oral). compte-tours, m., (mach.) counter (of revolu- tions^. comptcur, m., counter; - - dc cartouches, v. compte-cartouche; - df ga:. gss meier: kilomitrique, mileage recorder. concentration, f.. concent ration: (art.) the simul- taneous or successive lire ol several baueries mi the same lai get or zone. conciliation, f., (lav) settling of cases out of court. coiiconrs, m., competition: --df cinixism iiiation, (auto.) consumption test or compeiilion; - hi/>i>iM(!aniticr. v. t., I o condemn; - - nui di iinm. tlnir) in be found in costs. -& ni'ift (lute, mil.) to condemn to death. condensiitcnr, in., (fire.) condenser; d air, air condenser: a j>lft. mortar). conteiitieux, m.,(<7c?/;>.) controversy, dilliculty of governmental or administrative nature be- t'.veen individuals, Corporations, between in- dividuals and tin- state, etc. conrralnte, f., (law) act or document authorizing legal measures in certain cases; porUur de , (law) (sort of process or writ server) bailiff. contrarler, v. t., to oppose; Us joint*, to break joints. roii t rat. m.. contract; d'assurancet, (com.) insurance policy. contre-arbre, m., (mach.) countershaft. conrre-attaque, f., (mil.) counterattack (i.e., attack made upon an enemy attack). coiitre-batterie, f., (art.) (battery engaging the artillery of an attack, or during the attack), counter-battery. contre-eiiveloppe, f., protective cover (pneumatic tire). contro-epaulette, f., (unif.) shoulder knot (worn on one shoulder, with epaulet on the other (French armv), to indicate certain grades; on left shoulder by adiudant, sous-lieutenant and major; on right shoulder by lieutenant and chef d'escadron and chef de bataillon). contre-esplon, m., counter-spy. contre-*splonnajr,e, m., counter-spying. coiitre-feu, m.,eounter-iire, back-fire; dc barrage, (mil.) counter-tire to neutralize a gas at tack. coiitre-pente, f.. reverse slope. coutre-plaque, f., check plate, guard plate. contreplaque, a., -ply (in composition); veneered, laminated; en trois epaisseurs, three-ply. contrepolds, m., (wirekss) counterpoise, arti- ficial ground. contre-polnte, f., (elec.) second point or end of a jump-spark (end of wire to metallic housing). contre-prtparatlon, f., (mil.) counter prepara- tion (to meet an attack in preparation); offensive, (art.) violent shelling of enemy trenches in which assaulting troops are forming. contre-rampe, f., (art.) lower ramp (fuse). contreteair, v. t., (cord.) to lower handsomely. contre-torpllleur, a., torpedo-boat resisting (v.s.v. artitterie, canon). contre-vls, f ., chock screw, stop screw. contrlbuable, m., (adm.) taxpayer. contrOle, m., (atabli, (r. r. adm.) inspector of railway accounts; tie ]>nssin, air pressure gauge (piu-iunatic tire); ilf route (r. r.) ins|>ector, ticket taker; du tw'iil, (r. r. aim.) (ofllcial who watches over train operations and the execution of regu- lations; trallic manager. coiivalo, in., (;;ii/. slang) a convalescent soldier. roiivol. m., train: train of Ixxits (made up of small trains or rafts); aultnnnbilr, (mil.) motor train; dt raritaillemtnt, (mil.) supply train. comoyer, v. t.. to accompany, go with Cpii;e<>ns in transport). ronvoyeur, in., keeper (accompanies pigeons when transported in l>asketsV copaln. in., (mil. flung) chum; ' Ininkie," I'. S. A. coiiuo-fusplase, m.. .) hull (of a flying boat). roqullle, f., shell; (mach.) rasing, housing: (typographiqut), printer's error. 3877 1' -34 eorbcau 530 coureuv corbeau, ra., crow; (slang) Roman Catholic priest. cordage, m., cordage; hempen rope; ( n acier, steel rope; en chanvrc, hempen rope; en coco, fiber rope; en manille, manila rope. corde, f., c,ird;(cat'.,art.)pickotline; (afro.) chord; de commande, (aero.) maneuvering rope; de dcchirure, (aero.) rip cord; u piano, piano wire. cordeau, m., line, cord, string: (artif.) fuse, match; derive, (arlif.) match or fuse spliced on the cordcau mai/re, q. v.; instantane, (artif.) synonym of dilonant, q. v.; mailre, (artif.) any primed match or fuse; tire-feu, (art.) lanyard. cordfe, L, string of men (in mountain climbing, of men on one rope), cordicr, m., (aero.) rope man; cordag* expert (balloons). cerdonnet, m., (unif.) hat cord (U. S. A.). oornarder, T. n., (mil. slang) to make a mistake. crnc, f.,hom: d'appel, horn. e*rner, v. n., (auto.) to sound. eomet, m., horn; acoustique, ear trumpet. wwnifcrr, f . , angle bar; angl iron; bechf, (trench art.) corner-anchor (210 C. T. mortar). corps, m., corps; body; d'armee (mil.) army corps (two or tiireo divisions); under modern conditions may be a group of divisions under ov.o command; indigene, (mil.) native re; imont, regiment or unit of native troops; nourricier, (mil.) subsisting unit; ct services, (mil.) troops and stall depart- ments (U. S. A.). correcteur, m., reader (of examination papers); (art.) corrector; d'efjicacite, (art.) (tho - de reglage in- creased by two units), final corrector, cor- rector for effect; ds regime (art.) ranging corrector, adjust- ment corrector, (gives smo!;e of burst low enough to observe errors of range); de site, (art.) site corrector. correction, f., reading of examination papers; de convergence (ar>.) convergence correction; dc station, (art.) (station correction) offset. corrcspoiidance, f. , (adm.) mail, post; dcxcendinte, (mil.) mail going to the army, army mail (in the field); mnntinte, mail coming from tho army (in the field). corrlffer, v. t., to read examination papers. corvfable, a., liable to fatigue duty, to public labor. cosso-ijulde, f., (cord, aero.) thimble. cote, f. , hill; en , (of motor cars) in hill climbing. cOtC, in., side; jiflit , (iinij ., clothes in general) side body. cotier, a., coast; f.) lying down, lyintr, prone. rom-hettc, f., bunk (V~;>i'cially on board ships). counm. in.. f ",-;.'. Klunti) shell; (afro, slang) bus coulairr, 1:1., to* if concrete). coulant, m.. (man.) ease of seat, adjustment to motion of horse. conler, v. n., to leak ; v. t. , (cons.) to pour (concrete) ; au canon, (nav.) to sink, to be sunk by gun- fire. coulls, m., (cons.) grouting; clair dc ciment pur, v. barbotine, coulisseau, (mach.) m., stuffing box (rare); (art.) traversing gear; traversing gear (field gun on its carriage); de pointage en direction, (rnacn. gun) traversing slide. coulisseau-KUiile, m., (rnach.) guide block. coulissemeiii, m., (art.) (sliding bac':, recoil of gun on carriage), carriage recoil; traversing (of field gun on its carriage) ; sur I'essieu, (art.) axle-traverse, traverse. coullsser, v. t., (art.) to traverse (a field gun on its carriage). couloir, m., (art., etc.) hopper; d' alimentation, (macn. gun) feed slot (mod. 1907 T and others); feed guide, feed hopper; de circulation, (siege) passage, communica- tion (as around a traverse); rallonge de , (mach. gun) fed trough exten- sion. coup, m.. blow; call, signal, blast, (trumpet, etc.); (Jam.) nip, drink; (art., etc.) hit; bos, (art.) low burst; direct, (art., etc.) direct hit; lire sous le de, to be exposed to the attack of; faire double, to kill two birds wilh 0:10 stono; faire d'une pierre deux s, to kill two birds with one stone; defeu d blanc (art., sm. a.) blank shot, blank round; defrein (macn.). action of braking; haut, (art.) high burst; de main, skill, handiness; d' af.il milUaire, (mil.) eye for ground; dc fi'fflet. (mil.) whistle signal; de telephone, telephone call, communication by telephone; tenir le , to keep up 1 ho stroke. coup-de-poing, m., (mach.) hand oiler. coupe, f., cut, cutting; des ballons, (aero.) panel cutting; militaire, of the hair, short e.erywhere ex- cept in front where a "mahomet" is left. coupf, m., con pc* , brougham. coupelle, f., (mach.) recess, cup-shaped recess. couper, v. t., to cut; la communication, (telephone) to ring oil; i I'exercice (mil.fam.) to cut drill. coupe-vent, m., avant en , (auto.) sharp front or forebody. coupUipje, m., (elcc.) coupling up, connecting; -l/lcfir, (wireless) loose coupling; i-n serie, coupling in series: nerre, (wireless) tight coupling. coupie, m.. (phys.) couple; ni'^'rc , (n/rn.) midship frame; moteur, torque. coii])!er, v. t., (dec.) to connect up, join. coupcre, f., cut; (mil.) straight line trench; b. a > relny of ninner^, chain of; co ii re ii r 531 crocodile eoureur * doublet, (Fr. a.) double runners (for messages); paste de , ( F r. a) runners' stations (2 or 3 runners). courir, v. n., to run; apres Its projectiles, (mil.) to follow, run after, one's barrage fire, con run in-, f., crown; (mach.) crown, crown wheel; d'agrafage, (trench art) locking ring (240 L T). d'appui el d'agrafage, (trench art.) base ring (240 CT mortar); dechalne, (mach.) sprocket wheel; de corde. (cord) strap; dentie, (mach.) gear wheel; & denture eiternt, (mach.) external gear; & denture interne, (mach.) Internal gear; graducf, (mach. gun) gas-vent ring, pressure regulator; rfgulateur d'echappement, v. s. v., rchappe- ment: - de roulement, (art.) roller path: des siUllitfs, (mach.) intermediate pinions, planetary gear, circle. couroiiiii*, a., crowned; Grand di Xuncy, range, of hills around Nancy. eouronnement, in., (mil.) top (of a. parapet). eourrter, in., (adm.) mail, letters, post; descendant, (mil.) mail going to the army (in the field); montant, (mil.) HIM;! coining from the army (in the field;; retime du , return mail. eourrler-condiieteur, m., (mil.) mail carrier, courrole, f., strap; de portagi , carrying strap, slim-; de suspension, (sm. a.) revolver strap. tours, m., (com.) market price. course, f.. (aero.) trip, excursion; de out t (aero.) trip whose purpose it is to reach a given point: de hales, (sport.) hurdle race; de lon'jucur, (aero.) (trip to test staying powers of the balloon); endurance trip; de relais, (sport.) relay race. courtage, m., (com.) brokerage. court-circuit, in., (eke.) short circuit. court-clrculter, v. t., (eltc.) to short circuit. courtier, m., broker; d'assurancm, insurance agent, broker; s interprets ct conducteurs de navires, ship brokers; libre inscrii, registered merchandise broker; de marchandistx, merchandise broker; non inner it, unregistered broker. cousstriet, m., (mach.) bearing, basiling; bague, strap bearing, hushing, or brass; lix.ic, unlined bushing (no antifriction metal); smooth, plain bushing (no ball bearings or rollers); a rouleau f, roller bearing.; sphtriijui, spherical ball bearing. coutcaii, in., knife; primary (feather); - dr. mnntfiir, ('led rifian's knife; dc tranche t , < mil.) trench knife. rout (ire, f., (nai'.) seam (of a deck). cotivagp, in., sit (ing (on eggs). comee, f., hatching. com IT, v. t ., to sit, (on egg-;), incubate, hatch, couverclp, m.. ('s , cloudy weather. couvertiire, f., cover; (nr/.) operations of covering (>. i;., Hanks, j by artillery lire. -tie caw pi in nit, ( />. n.) field blanket; ijniiiilix x, wing coverts; iiMiitnirrrsi dc , (mil ) covering operations or i i meuvers by truupix dr comrrture, q. v. l,i!ili.i .v, lesser coverts (wing); con-, r-'-apnan'il. "i.. oo >">-. h<>od. con vre-bou ton, m., safe (as of a bouton double). couvre-kppl, m., (unif.) cap cover. couvre-percuteur, in,, (art.) striker cover. couvre-selle, m., (horn.) housing, saddle cover. couvre-sounape, m., (mach.) valve cover, valve hood. couvrlr, v. t., (jtont.) to deck, to lay chess. crahe, m., cmb; marcher en , (aero.) to go sideways. cran, in., notch; (mil. slang) day's confinement; . d'urmc, (sm. a.) cocking notch. crapoulllot, m., (mil. slang) trench mortar, (di- minutive of crapaud, toad; sometimes spelled crepouillaud). era tic i lie, f., graticule. craticulatlon, f., graticulaUon. cratlruler, v. t., to graticnlate. cravate, f., era vat; de commandeur de In Legion d'honneur, neck ribbon of this grade of the Legion of Honor. cravater, v. t., to put on a (neck) tie; de chantrr, (Jam.) to hang; decrfpe, (mil.) to put thecolorsin mourning, crayon, m., pencil, (e'.ec., gm.) carlxm; (art.) dis- tance piece (of a fuse); anti-bust, (mil.) (pencil of composition to prevent formation of mist on lenses of gas masks); anti-mist pencil; - - & copirr, copying pencil; de couleiir, colored pencil; des flats-majors, a pencil with a scale on it. creclie, f. , manger; (mil. slang) shelter (in trenches), crf-dit, m., (adm.) appropriation; s eitruordinairex, urgent appropriation; x legistatifs, appropriation made by the legis- lature; ministMel, (Fr. adm.) allotment of public funds made by a minister to his subordinates; s supplementaires , deficiency appropriation. crtniaillere, f. , (mach., etc.) rack; de pointage, (trench art.) elevating rack. crfneau, m., (mil.) loophole; dfcoui-ert, (notch or groove in top of para|>et and not perpendicular to the crest) open fir- ing notch. crtpuscule, m., twilight. crevalson, f., puncture (pneumatic tire). crever, v. t. n., to burst, to puncture. crlc, m., rack and pinion jack; (i gala, roller jack. criminal, a., m., criminal; au , (law) in criminal cases. crln, m., hair (inane and tail); vegetal, vegetable fiber. crlsc, f., crisis; ininixti'riilli , disagreement between respon- sible ministers and parliament, parliamentary crisis. crlsKcniriit, m., grating, grinding noise, crtsspr, v. n., togratw, to grind. rrltlfinc, f.. (mil.) review, summary, and criticLsm of operations after maneuvers or exercises. crochet, m.. hook; rim-ll.uige of an automobile wheel; it'urri't dr cliarycnr (mach. gun) mag r/.hie catch; '/ nrrt'inir, tint.) pawl, catch; d'axxni'lilnge, (mil.) coupling hook (assem- blage of corrugated iron plates for shelters). -ciimwiitnuur, ('il< plm-n ) luxjk switch; df. cyctixte, trouser clip; de jinriinie .carrying hook, bale hook; - de riti n u c, (a rl. ) retaining hook: tie traclinn, traction hook. crochet-lyre, m., (In itch art.) Ivro-slwiwvl hook (Jin I,. I crocodile, in for coin croc "odile; (inil.) (uheeled apparatus an elongated Hi.irge inl o \\ ire en- >f enemy, Mid then exploding it; eroisor 532 .) cruiser; at'ritn, (afro.) a dirigible of over 9,000 cubic meters. erolseur-ateller, m., (now. aero.) mother ship. croislllon, m., (aero.) bracing wire; d'un cardan, cardan cross-bar. croissant, m., tread (of a rubber or pneumatic tire). crolx, cross; the Legion of Honor (which is not a cross, but a five-pointed star); dite de consolation, (Fr. a.) Legion of Honor given to officers upon retirement; gagncr la de boif, (mil. slang) to be killed; de guerre. ( Fr. a.) cross of war (decoration); la , (used alone) the cross of the Legion of Honor; rcrte, (mil.) green cross (mark on Overman gas shells). Croix-ttouge, t., the Red Cross, Ked Cross Society. croquis, m., sketch; d'objectifs, (art.) large scale plan of the terrain on which targets are found (trench artillery); panoramique, a detailed perspective sketch on large scale; pcrspcctif, (mil.) perspective (landscape) sketch; planimetriquc, sketch plan. crosse, f., sort of half C -spring; de qveiie, (aero.) tail skid; tubuluirc, (art.) tubular trail. crosser, v. t., to strike with the butt of the rifle. croupe, f., (hipp.) croup; ( n dfdam, (man.) (of the horse) croup toward cenfer of hall; in dchors, (man.) (of the horse) croup away from center of hall. croupioii, in., rump. cnichon, m., jug. cube, m., cube; a plat i, (mil.) obstacle of barbed wire (di- agonals and sides of a parallelepiped); d'eau, (steam) volume of water of a boiler. culr, in., leather; d'tmbruiiage, (mach.) clutch leather; les a, (mil. xlang) cuirassiers; nunrrir les ., to keep leather in good condi- tion by nibbing in grease, oil, etc. culrasse, f.. casing, i.e.. auto frame made in one piece. cuirassf, in., (nai .) armored ship: de c'Hirst. armored oruiser. cuirasser. > . 1 ., (nor.) to armor; iudrilii'i, checkered (glass) plate. dam, in., damage. dais, in . rind top, roof, of a (an open) carriage. automoliile, etc. dame, f., lady: emplnyif, (Fr. ndm.) title of women em- ployt-d iu the services of posts and telegraphs. dame-Jeanne, f., demijohn. d<>, m.. t iiim'nle; ii c<>;/alement, m., v. decalage, (afro.) dficaler, v. t., to set, stagger (in a number of re- lations). dCcalotter, v. t., (art.) to uncap (a projectile). decametre. m.. decameter; (surv.) 10-meter tape; en ruban, (surv.) (ordinary linen) tape. dCcdn tu rage, m., removal of a tire; (art.) strip- ping of a rotating band. dSceinturer, y. t to strip off. remove, a tire; (art.) to strip on the rotating band. dCcentrement, m., (mach. etc.) eccentricity. dgcharge, f., (adm.) receipt, release; (eke.) dis- charge: ap/riodiquc, (elec.) dead-beat discharge; courant de , (elec.) discharging current; - oscillante, oxUlatoire, (eltc.) oscillating dis- charge. dCcharger, v. t., to unload; af -- , (dec.) (of a storage battery) to run down. c, i., (adm.) limitation, statute of limita- tion. m., waste: de [ti'trnle, waste oil. de>hirure, f., tear; (aero.) rip; rnrdt (1<- - , v. s. v. corde; panntau de - , v. s. v. panntau; triangle dc - , (turn.) ri[> triangle; rolet dc - , (area.) ripping panel. derifrrade, m., deci grade (tenth of a degree in the centesimal di vision of t he circumference). decimetre, in., decimeter; doublf - , double 10-centimeter scale (draw- ing). decision, f., decision: pris'iiL nlirlle. (in France) executive approval of a ministerial proposition (no special decree being issued;. dfclancheiueiit, m., v. dt'clrnchement. declaiirhcr, v. t., v. dicUnchrr. decleiiehemeiit, in., unlatching, unloosing; (madi.) release (act, and rear for act); l I di - , (mach. ) releasing gear, release; derlenchement d'une atlaqvr, (mil.) loosing, launching of an attack; d'un tir, (art.) opening of fire (connotation of suddenness). derlrnrhrr, v. t., to unlatch; une altaque, (mil.) to let go, launch, an attack; le tir, (art.) to open fire, (connotation of suddenness). dcohe>attf'>rt.) works on the land front. dC-fllcmeiit, in., (mil.) deli lade; com i 'lit, complete defilade, (lash defilade. dffller, v. t., to rover; atti n/(.s-, to keep (a company, etc.), fr> ::i being seen, io protect from \ ic\v. dSflecteur 534 derivation dftflecteur, m., (mach.) baffle plate. dgaurhlr, v. t., (euro.) to unwarp, to reverse a warp. dtKaurhlssenient, m., (aero.) unwarping, re- versal of a warp. dfRomiiicr, v. t., (mach.) to remove old lubricant, grease, otc. degouplllcr, v. t., to unpeg, unpin. lsseiir, m., cleaner, sconrer, prease remover; d'cati d' alimentation, (sUam) feed water pu- rifier. r, v. t., (mach.) to free, release. desrosslr, v. t., to rough how: (art.)to set approxi- mately (elevations, do'loctions, etc.). les "rcglages, (art.) to make an approximation to the range. degrosslssage, m., rough hewing; du tir, (art.) approximate correction of fire. r, v. t., (pvnt.) to uulash, unrack. in., (of a bait) lifting (of the bow, in motion) lift forward. dejeaimer, v. n.. (cf a boat) to lift (at the bow, in motion), to lift forward. delai. in., delay; de route, ( Fr. a.) travel time, not counted in a leave of absence (officers, otc. , far from home) delegation, f., (mil.) allotment. dCieguer, v. t., to allot. deiestagc, m., (aero.) throwing out of ballast, un ballasting. deiester, v. t., (aero.) to throw out ballast, to un- ballast. deiit, m., misdemeanor. demander, v. t., (lax) to bo a plaintiff. dfemarrage, m., (auto) starting. demarrer, v. n., (auto) to start. demettre, v. t., to dislocate; sc I'epaule, to dislocate one's shoulder. dcmeure, f., delay; mettre en , (law) to summons. mise en , (law) summons. dcml-arbre, m., (mach.) half-axle or shaft (of a divided axle). demi-axe, in., (art.) half-axle, semi-axle. deml-botte, f., (unif.) Wellington boot, deml-tleclie, f., (art.) trail h;ilf (split trail). demi-fourchette, f., ( lire lever. driu on i IT. v. t .. to
  • wn. flenlcr, in.. p"nny: < in ///. i i'unds, money; dent, f., tooth; df chien, pawl, catch. dSpamier, v. r., (auto., etc.) to overcome, get out of, "trouble." ddparier, v. t., to cross match a team. depart, m., departure; -arrete, (sport, auto.) standing start; start from scratch; d'assaut, (mil.) start, origin, of an assault; d'wn coup, (art., am. a.) discharge; :); deputy in general. df'rapage, m., (nnto) skidding, slipping, side slip. deraper, v. n., (nulo) to skid, sideslip. dOratisation, f., extermination of rats and mice. dOntlser,, v. f. to exterminate rats and mice. drrecli'uo, '., disadjustment; (art.) maladjust- ment (of lire); d 6 n"- icier, v. r.. to get out of order; (art.) to lose aim, t.i get olT the target. derivation, f., (much.} small tube l.!|>i>;l on a largo one. derive 535 direction derive, f., (auto) slipping backward down hill; leeway; (etween the axis of an aerial vessel and tho direction of its proper speed) drift angle; iehelonner la , (art.) to distribute, spread, the fire; horizontal, (aero.) stabilizer; plan de , (aero.) stabilizing fin, tail fin. dtriver, v. t.; n., to turn, deflect; (of an auto), to .-lip (backward down hill); (aero.) to drift; - 'efeu, (mil.) to give deflection. derin;itiiie, f., packing composition (copal dis- solved in turpeatine form* the base). dfrobade, f., (man.) swerving (as before a jump). derobf, m., (man.) (of the horse) swerve (before a jump). dArober, v. r., (man.) to swerve, derouleur, in., (mil.) reel man (telephone, etc.); aiil<- - -, assistant reel nun. desaciUt-r, T. t., (min.) to'disarm a mine, desactivatiou, f., (min.) disarming of a mine. desuxaxe, m., (in auto construction) the system in which tho cylinder and crankshaft axes do not lie in the same plane. desccndre, v. n., to descend, come down: (aen>.) to n >.;e down; a plat, (aero.) to pancake; de voiture, (r. r., etc.) to leave, get (Kit of, a carriage, car. descent e, t'., descent, fall; (mil. fort.) descent into a ditch, shelter, bombproof, etc.; de main, (man.) (of the horse), fall, dropping, of his quarters; de voiture, leaving, getting out of, a carriage, a car. desengraver, v. t., to run off. push off (a bout that has gone aground). de'senrayage, m., (r.f. art., sin. a.) unjamming. dCseiirayer, v. t., (r.f. art., sm. a.) to unjam. deslquilibre, m.. loss of equilibrium. desfqullibrer, v. t., to cause loss of equilibrium. de.simmobilisation, f., (mack.) unlocking. dslnimoblllser, v. t., (mach.) to unlock. desorienter, v. t., (inst.) to unseat. dessernige, m., loosening (as of a screw, bolt, etc.). desserrement, m., loosening, release; dt's casernes, (Fr. a.) removal from barracks of people having no rights to quarters therein. desserrer, v. t., to unloose, release; - leu casernes, (Fr. a.) to remove from bar- racks, all persons having no right to quarters therein. desyntiuiisatlon, f., (wireless) desyntoni/.ation. dfcsyntonlser, v. t., (wireless) to desyntoni/.e. dttaclieiuent, m., detachment; party; iir dfcnwertr, (COP.) reconnaissance detach- ment, thrown out by the army cavalry; tit liiinon ft d' observation, (mil.) connecting .mil observation detachment; (between infantry :md artillery ;. dt'-tail, in., (cow.) retail. detarl rajje, m.. (strum, etc.* scaling, furriii;:, of a boiler, pipe, etc. dtar(rer, v. t., (stc'tm, etc.) to scale, to fur (a ti >iler, water i>i;>i', etc.). de'tet-trur, m., (<' \pandod. detente, f., (mach.) the working travel of a piston, power stroke; (sm, a., mach. fun) trigger; - adiabitique , (phys.) adiabatic expansion; - 6 cluUur constante, \. adiabalique; - tquilibree, expansion in a closed vessel; - jttr, (mach. gun) fixed trigger (for inter- mittent tiring, Mod. 1907 T); - isothrr mique , (phys.) Lsothti niic expansion; - lit>r e , free expansion; - mo'jile, (mich. gun) nio\al>lu trigger (for automatic firing, Mod. 1907 T). detention, f., imprisonment; - pcrpctuelle, (law) life imprisonment. d6tonateur, m., (nr>L, etc.) detonator; - ciii:nique, chemical detonator; - mccaniqttc, inoclianical detonator; - a percussion, percussion detonator; decollation, f., (exr>!.) detonation; franche, complete detonaliuu. detournemcnt, m., (adm.) application of funds, stores, etc., to one's own use; (honco) embezzle- ment,, theft. detoumer, v. a., (adm.) to take from public stores, to apply funds, stores, to one's own use; (hence) to embezzle, to steal. detrolt, m., (sometimes, when used alone) the Knglish Channel. df u 11. m., mourning: conduire le - , to head the mourners; mcttre en - , to put into mourning; porter le - de, to Ixs in mourning lor. dfcvelonpemeiit, in., length, development; n. Km. de - , u kilometers long. dtverroulllage, m., unbolting; (mach. gun) bolt release. de'verrouiller, T. t., to unbolt, (much, gun) to re- lease (the bolt). deversement, m., (aero.) inclination (dip, lift) (of a dirigible); - cri'.ique, critical inclination (beyond which it increases very rapidly). deviation, f., (elec., etc.) deflection (of a needle). diablc, m., devil; s blruK. (mil. slang) chasseurs (wear blue, renowned for valor). devorer, v. t., (auto.,fam.) to eat up (distances). 'Ucu, m., god; (the Deity is written with a capi- tal, Dieur, Jes - 1, ( Fr. a.) at Saumur tho cadre noir, q. v. (so called from their horsemanship); les demi -- 1, ( Fr. a.) at Saumur, the cadre bliu. q. v. diflC'rence, f., difference; en moins, reduction, decrease; - in plux, increase. diflerentiel, m., (mach.. etc.} dilTerc.ni.ial gisir. equali. ing gi-ar; - H piijimwi contques, bevel gear diflerential: - ti p'ujnons drolls, spur gear diiTeronlial. dlffiiseur, m., (marh.) mixor, mixing cone, spray cone; dilTuser; Venturi tube. dlllRence, f., diligence. ilia -dfc, by the action, effort, of; - - h vai>t ur'. stoam stage coach. diner, m.. dinner; - - d'adii u, farewell dinner. dlner-proinotlon, m.. (mil.) class dinner. direct, a., direct; infttrf.cn, , to give direct communication il- telephone). direetcur, in., director; - - dt I'nn terc, (l-'r. a.) chief ur director portation; - - ill d< pot, ( Fr. adm.) manager of go stud; d( .v f tapes ft *rr rices. ( Fr. a.) dirtx-t plii 1 .*; v. s. v. dincti'in; - dtxf.iri'ta, ( Fr. adm.) chief forester. direct Inn, f.. (nut"., macli. - ('i inrrt, bar steering gear, tiller steoring gear; ii <~tt 'iif conii/iK . cono cam steering gear; - ii ci'i inaillfri . rack and piiu.m steering gear; -a d> ni jiiivtx. t w,<:) spark gap; sparking distance: our jxtitcs ., (mil.) at close quarters; r ntre lex plans, (aero.) gup; dc rupture limilc. v. s. v. rayon. dlstlllateur, in., distiller. dlstribe, f.. (mil. slang) distribution of mail. dlstritiuteur, m.. (elec.) contact maker, make-and- brcak key (more especially one for periodic makes and breaks); - -d' n! hi mage, (elec.) ignition switch or contact (fur periodic makes and breaks); - - cninptf-gouttcf. (much.) drip feed; eli courant. (flic.) current distributing key; d haute ten-sion, v. - de sirondairc -- mi'canique, mechanically operated contact maker; - di /irimnirf. (dec.) a synonym uSnllumeur in monncylindrie motors; --de mc'iitdain . d/ic.) high tension contact maker. distribution, f,. distribution; (mach.) feed gear, valve gc-ir. valve mechanism. doitct, m.. f'muer: df de>ira'jagi . (nri.j releasing dog. jag. (155 C. S ) doiualne, m.. domain: -/ :i:imnt, (lair) eminent domain; -fnriotifr, national forests; gnmd . a generic tt>rm for fiefs of all kinds, e.statcs. lordship, etc.: - miliiriirf. so miifh of the public domain as is military; doniaine national. State property; petit , a generic term for waste land, swamps, ponds, etc., houses, shops, heaths, moors, etc., (obs.); prive militaire, generic term for barracks, quarters, hospitals, arsenals, for forts, etc., no longer in commission, etc.; public, (generic term for roads, streams, seashore harbors and (sea-) roads; gates, walls, etc., of forts or fortresses, and in general for all property of any sort whatsoever not sus- ceptible of private appropriation or use); State property; public artificial, canals, roads, railways; public concede. ~!.ll railways not operated by the State; canals aot State property, toll bridges; public fluvial, streams (navigable and float- able); public maritime, generic term for seashores, ports, roads, havens, whether natural or arti- ficial (in short, for any part of the sea under national control in fishing or navigation); public militaire, (generic term for all terrain and works used in the public defense); military reservations; public monumental, generic term for all monuments, churches, and other construction of general interest; public national, the same as public, q. v. public nature], rivers and sea shores; public non concede, railways operated by the State, public canals, etc.; tomber dans le public, to become public prop- erty (e. g., an expired patent). dommaRes-intrets, m., pi., (law) damages. dormer, v. n.. (art.) to fire, open fire. dos, in., back: d'ane, water bar; (top.) small ridge, hog back. dosage, m., proportions, (as of air and gasoline in an explosive mixture). doseur, m.. (maclt.) feed regulator; d'air, air regulator (of automatic carbureters). dossier, m., papers; du personnel, (Fr. a.) formerly, personal efficiency reports by the lieutenant-colonel of the regiment or head of a service; de tir, (art.) (papers, tables, information re- lating to an emplacement; comprises planchette dc tir and car-net de tir); artillery record. doublard, m., (mil. slang) sergeant. double, m., (mil. slang) sergeant-major. doublement, in., duplication (of images in cer- tain range finders). doubler, v. t., to duplicate; to accompany (as an assistant). doublure, f., substitute, understudy. douille, f. . sleeve, socket; d baionnettc. (xm. a.) bayonet socket (used also in mechanical relations); obturntrice, (art.) obturating cartridge case; porte-amorce, (art.) primer case socket; de prixe de courunt (elec.) connection socket ; de roulemt.nt, navo box; de retinue, (art.) locking sleeve. doullle-entretois*, f., (trench art.) socket-transom (240 0. T. truck). draperle, f. . drapery: bunting used in decoration: d'tnsrignc, (mil.) flag cloth, bunting. drisse, f.. (com.) lashing in general, any temporary lashing. droKUiste, in., druggist. droit, m.. tax, due. fee; law; administratif, (adm.) body of regulations nec- essary to the public administration; d'anile, right of asylum; c'li/ininn, (law) ordinary law (civil or com- mon), as distinguished from military law; cnnKtitulionnil, (law) constitutional law; -de conlnile, (adm.) right to check (the ad- ministration of subordinates); - - (jicutif . (law) right of seizure, of arrest; international, (Ian') international law; de pastsagc. (r. r.) right of way; drolt 537 frrou drolt penal, (laic) penal law; pnlitiqut, v. conttitulionnel; price, (late) private law, the municipal law; public, (law) puMic law (i. e., international, political, penal, etc.): de requisition, (mil.) right of requisition; de gaisie,(nar. int. law) right of seizure, of capture. droltlcr, a. m., right handed; right-handed man. duality f., duality; d'orii/inc, (Fr. a.) duality of origin (of offi- cers, some coming from the great schools, the remainder from the ranks). dulte, f., (cord.) warp: rope yarn. dupllcateur, m., duplicator (sort of copying mn- chine). dupllce, f., double alliance (France and Russia). duralumin, f., (m/t.) an alloy of aluminum, non- oxidizable. durit, m., india-mbber pipe. dynamite, f., (eipl.) dynamite; ~& bate inerte, inert base dynamite; gelt e, frozen dynamite. dynamode, m., (tipl.) unit of potential (work di- vided by 1,000). E. eau, f., water; de boiMon, drinking water; croupit, stagnant water; later & grande , (chem.) to wash in an excess of water; mfnaglres, slops, waste water; x mftropolitaines, home waters; point d' , any point for the supply of water; water hole; de refroidissement , (mack.) cooling water; retenir de r , (pont, etc.) to hold water (row- ing): de son, bran water. Cboutllanter, v. t., to scald, scald out (a vessel, dish, etc.). Ccart, m., (com.) margin (as, between receipts and expenses); probable pratique, (art.) the probable error of the field of battle (1.5 times that of the proving ground), field probable error. Ccartement, m., spacing, separation; dts plans, (aero. ) gap. ftcarteur, m. , separator. fchancrtire, f. , (erf.) cut, recess, in a breech plug; dt visce, (moc/i. 0u7i.)ainimgaperture(shield). chappment, m., (steam, etc.) exhaust, escape, exhaust stroke; libre, silencer by-pass, relief valve; exhaust into the air (motors); Tfgulatfur d' , (mach. gun) pressure regulator, gas vent ring. fcchaudoir, m., slaughterhouse. Cchelle, f., ladder; dt francliissement, (mil.) trench ladder; dc relevagt, (trench . art.) lighting gear. Cchelon,m.,(rm7.) echelon, (used alone, frequently means) ammunition column, supply, unit; de batttric, (art.) battery echelon (ammuni- tion supply); de co in tmi, v. s. v. batterie de combat: de compagnie, (mil.) ammunition detach- ment; de station-maf/asin, ( />. a.) ammunition sup- ply kept in one of the S. M. assigned to a given army; - inlanl, (mil., aero.) the flying section proper of an (.icadrilli. Cchelonneinent, m., (ji7. and in gen.) echeloning; din apnrorixionnemenls I mil.) supply depots on the line of communications; d- cnnicrgencf, (art., convergence difference; derf/xiftiiion, (art.) dis'rihution difference; lulal, (art.) deflection (inference. eclairaee, m., illumination; (wi/.) enlightenment (run-). edalrciiiriit, m., intensity of illumination. eelaireur, m., ( mil., lishment furnishing horsemen opportunities to train their horses; de guerre, v. supMeure de guerre; nntionale dex haras, ( f'r. adm., hi pp.) school for the development of hippology and the train- ing of the personnel of the government studs; de palffrenitrs , ( FT, adm.) school for grooms (forms part of the icole dts haras); fcole, de.t signaltiirs d'armfe, (Fr. a.) signal school (for the training of instructors); de signalisation ct de liaison d'infanterie anc avion et ballon, ( F'r. a.) corps signal school (in- struction of ollicers and signal men); de tir, (art.) target practice, target season. econornat, m., stewardship, treasurership; com mi* d' , treasurer's clerk. fcoiiome, m., steward, treasurer. Iroulemeiit, m., outlet, (as of a lake). ecoute, f., (mil. min.) listening, listening service; (wireless) receiving station: missed' , (mi/.) (so-called) ''listening box" of a listening post, (contains the rec'-iving trum- pets, and angle measuring device); c/i.) listener: listening device or apparatus, mine stethoscope. Ccontofr, in., (m/?, mii>.) listening device, mino stethoscope; ear piece of a geoi>!:on. : double & rf.i.iorl, double listener (t\vo ear pieces). ecoiivUloii-curette, in., (art.) soong- 1 and semper. ecraii, in., : mm-h.} l-illte plate; ('. .S.;. fcraii-silhouette, in., (mi/.) silhouette screen. ecriteau, in., signboard. 6crasenient, in., collapsing (of a pneumatic tire at point of contact;. ecrOteineiit, in.. fr'.) (of fire) grax.in f ', (top of a parapet or cover, etc.): - -iinlicatiiir, ('!(; trench sisin. signboard, ocrou, m., nut; - atii'ira-"*! tir. buffer nut : d'arrct, Iwking nut; d'atldagr, (art.) locking nui ; fcron 538 ciidem-he frron V Wot'a,??, locking nut, clamping nut; li(, r 'in?. screw cap: A chaptan. screw cover; fcndu, split nut, safety nut (will not un- screw): - de iiiation. holding down nut; pressf-cuir, (art., mach., etc.) leather-washer jam nut; dr retenue, cheek nut; de tension, tightening nut, adjusting nut, setting nut; - -a tu'iriilnns. (i:i gen.) trunnion-nut. Callage, r.i.. v. icunnteuT. IciKintrur, (., dish of a wheel. I'mriw-buraque, f.. (m;!.) hut stable, fieM stable. eourlc-dock, f., box-stall stable, etfarer, v. t., to rub out; iri>t ' paulcs, to hold the shoulders square and back. offcotlf, m., (mil.) strength, total strength; Inttt'titairc, the strength as appearing in par- liamentary estimates; mchi'iisablf, the men available for purely mili- tary dul y ( the reel, diminished by men on non-military duty, service auiHiairt); red, all the men on the rolls at a giyen in- stant. eflet, m., effect; dcstructif, (mil.) destructive value; mc'LTtricr, v. dcstruftif; s publics, (com.) Government stocks and bonds; nil la taillc de . . ., e'othos, etc., fittinj efiUr-r, v. t., to taper. effleurC, m., (man.) graze (in a jump). Chiller, v. r., to spread, distribute. Gjerteur, m., (steam) ejector. Marslsseiir, m., (art.) extension piece, extension (platform). electrisation, f., (flee.) electrification. tlectrlser, v. t., (dec.) to electrify. Clertrobus, in., (auto.) electric bus. flertrosene, a., (eke.) generating. fitment, m., element; - s nnn endivisionnes, (mil.) (in a corps, all the elements not organically parts of the divi- sions, e. g., battalion of engineers, medical units, etc. jnondivisional elements, corps troops. Plfcvateur, m., (mach. rnin) carrier. Cleve, m., pupil, student; m nlchal, (Fr. a.) lanoe farrier; stir lunt, (mil.) cadet about to l;e graduated. eieve-o {floor, m., (mil.) pupil or student who is to become an officer. fellnguc, f.. ^ling: de ]>->n : jr. sling. fily.se>, m., official residence, in Paris, of the Presi- dent of the French, Republic; palais de I' , the Elys.'e Palace. Cmalller, v. t., to enamel. embacle, m.. ice jam, ice pad. rmballagr, n., pacLing c:'.sp. 'inballeinent, in., (ni'ich.) racing; (man.) run- away, running away. rmballer, v. t. r., (mn<'li.) to race; (man.) to run away, bolt. em ba rrntion, f., stn:il! bo:if ; n n'/'lunii ilr"h. i ! rolciirn motor boat; >;, nti, I'iif-ii . pi'i i oli -in motor boat; (I lfljifur,.-.ll':lll l:ll.ll('h. cmbai :){><*, f., (" -r-i.) ya'.v, \-awiiiL'; (nrir.) vaw unit", i front -~\M; . 'I'ltt'i.) In s5:id; (m m., unr. > to yaw. fiuhurdcr, v. n., crul'i.) > skid; <'w,-u\r,t:'< g:ib, (also spelled encoche 539 oscadrillc encoche, f., notch; & baionneltt, bayonet point. encombrement, m., (art.) cubic space (occupied, e. K., by a mortar in battery, measurement OTer all). ' encrasseinent, m., fouling. encrasser, v. a. r., to foul, to become foul. enculvrase, m., (art., sm. a.) metal fouling. endaubage, m., preserved (canned) meat. endaiiber, v. t., to preserve meat. eiidnlre, v. t., to dope. endult, m., (aero.) dope. enloncc-portes, m., fireman's pickax. enfourchement, in., for 1 .? (in many techincal re- lations). engagement, m., (aero.), nose dive; ptcial, dit du dci\.ncemeri d'appcl (Fr. a.) (enlistment or entry into service before date on which service is duo), anticipated enlistment. engin, m., gear, device; d'arrct, (aero.) device for stopping a balloon from dragging when landing (rip-strip, anchor, guide rope and valve); * de lancement. (artif.) projecting apparatus; de sauvetage, life-saving device. - s de tranchee, (generic term for trench guns, mortars, etc.) trench gear; engrenage, m., (mach.) gear, gearing; mesh: de direction, steering gear; de distribution, feed-gear. enronlcment, m., (elrc.) winding; inductevr, winding of th primary coil, primary winding; induit, winding of secondary coil; primaire, v. inducteur; secondaire, (dec.) winding of the secondary coil, secondary winding. disable, a., sand hound; port , sand bound port. entartrage, m., (mach.) scale, furring (of tubes, radiators, etc.). entartrt, a., (mach.) scaled, furred (of a boiler, pipe, etc.). entartrer, v. r., (mach.) to scale, (become covered with scale). entassement, m., (mil.) the (hurtful) concentra- tion of men on the battle line, or in action, in an assault. entente, f., understanding; I' , the Entente (France and England). enterrer, v. t., to bury; tcs mnria, to bury the dead; *' , (mil.) to dig in, to dig one's self in. iitoilage, m. , (aero. ) (covering of canvas placed over the fuselage, frames, etc., to diminish air resist- ance); fabric; wing covering; covered body (air plane). entoller, v. t., (aero. ) to cover fuselage, frames, etc., with canvas. entoimolr, in., funnel; a yrillf, a screened funnel. entratnemciit, in., (mach.) driving; l>ar carte, square shaft drive; - par pignon, gear driving. entraiiier, v. t., to drag, carry on; (utach.) to drive. entree, f., entrance; (much., etc.) inlet, intake, ad- mission, introduction; lex .1, (com.) receipts, income; )s lit. eutre-rall, in.. od block; mediane, (mich. gun) handle block; porte-volet, (mach. gun) barrel catch block. enucleatlon, enucleation. enveloppe, f.,shoe(pneumatictire); (mach.} wuter- jacKet; (aero.) gas-bag; (mach. gun) barrelcasing. envergure, f., (aero.) spread; wing span; relative (aero.) aspect ratio; totale, (aero.) spread (from tip to tip). envoi, m., (aero.) start. envolee, f., (aero.) trip, journey, flight. epauouir. v. t., (mach.) to splay. epaulement, m., (aero.), ferule. cpee, i., sword; de combat, dueling sword ; faire del' , (ftnc.) to fence with th sword. Cpelste, m. , (fenc. ) skillful sword fencer, swordsman. Cpcron, m., spur; A boite, box spur; A la caraliere, jack spurs; 4 courroies, ordinary spur; mobile, detachable spur. epi, m., (mil. top.) small salient, point or tongue.; (mil. T. r.) spur track; courbt, (mil. r. r.) fan-shaped combination of spur tracks (some railway guns can fire only in the direction of the axis of the true!;; to allow them to fire in directions other than that of 1)10 main line the e; C. T. }{.). equlpe, I., (mil.) detachment, squad; (.*j><>rt) team. dc liaison, (mil.) connecting squad, liaison squad; de salubrUe, (mil.) police squad in barracks. equitation, f., (man.) equitation: eiti rifure, out-door riding (as distinguished from hall work). era I IK 1 , a., (m gen.) raveled, frayed. erosion, ('in.) blast (ground in front of a gun, torn up, burnt, etc.. by the blast). erreur, I., error; dr bnit/r, ( or ro.) error duo to \erticul magnetic in'lneuco ol cart h coinlMiied with that of mag- neto: qitadrantalc, :ur><.'i quadramal compass error (alternating e;is* and wi--t in lln> lour .( im-circnl'iirt (a. \ unit of a i sit ion troops or personnel; esi-.idrille; d'uriilli rn . (ni n>. } art illery escidrille. spot I ing squadron; df Iminlxirdi rnnit. mirn.'i Loin! -ini- LTOMM or e.icadrille esradrille 540 6vent ail es< adrllle de chat.K. pursuit oseadrille; de combat, battle eseadrille; --d'infantrrie, infantry escadrille (assists in- fantry combat); dc'jtlufi . fortress aero squadron; - df protection, protecting ascadrille; esralr, f., (atro.) landing; fa ire u, to come down at; lirt d' , station. esrrlme, f , fencing: ou flniTft, foil fencing. espolette, f., (artif.) delay action plug. esprit, in., spirit; de ffl (chem.) hydrochloric acid. e.sal, in., trial, test; d'itafonnagc, (aero.) calibration test; (? jtnrtfc, (art.) range trial, trial shot; a-d fable, (arm.) sand tost; ftaliqui, v. au tablr. esseiire, f. , gasoline; petrol : ft brfller, fuel oil; a eclair er, lump oil. rectified oil; I'ljfrf, li::lit oil; Ititirdr, heavy oil; mint rale, gasoline; d( i>itrol(, gasoline, petrol. essieu, m., axle; (Kxoppt where otherwise indicated, the fol- lowing terms relate to motor vehicles:) arriere, rear axle; dead or carrying axle of a motor; a>:an!, front axle, steering axle of a motor; crant surbaissi', bowed steering axle, dropped axle, luuidng axle; briff, divided axle: dirrctnir, st coring axle; ftct'f, ( Fr. a., r. r.) unit of capacity of n truck or'lht car (in respect, of the transportation of vehicle*: the e.tsifu flctif, is the space taken up by the limber of the To""" pun or of its caisson. The materiel of a 7o'"> battery takes 55essieux ficlif."); an miliru dc I' , (art.) at the center of the traverse; mntfUT, driving axlr: l>i>rt(iir, rear axle, dead axle, carrying axle: - i>rr>lili , I-beam axle; iturbai"*f, dropped axle: tiiurnant, driving axle, live axle (incorrect name for rear axle of a voi/iirefi cardan; the cor- rect term is pontarritrc, q. \.): --t"bnlair<, tubular axle. est<|ui.iii, in.. ' ' nxifli , ((c.) stop, pin, stud (any pin or I >ol( limiting the play or mot ion of apart). (trado, f.. pl.ii onu: at ij : 'i :inrcK."inn, (ad in.) pcniti-ntary. etablir, v. (., to e.-'tablish: -- If limit volant, (]jrtt.) to sot a Hying bridge; eliiler, '..I., to .spread, spread out. Malon, in.. s-Hinbrd: - - it linlll. IMld St:tlld.ird. f-lape. f.. tmii.'i nrirch; emu 7i-i nli 'iii nl d' .,( l-'r.n. i c. n. and assistant at r iil!ic:id; 1 1 in r'.' IT I' . I'i niai.i' t ':( triji. the distance; i-,nriiir I' ,'n . . ,n . . .. to march, gn. from ->i'u;>, rfpori ar^'nm ;i inying a transfer . a<, of a tmr^f. (.[ prnpci I ;, . dr.: /'. I'r. 11. \ ri'i' irt ni.i'lc OM ;:ii olticer set ting f.'fth hi; (i:i.ilifii'aii'in-i fur promotion; A". ( l-'r. f.) C'lti-Mliilaic'l r'[r,rt made in Mini-'.T (if War's ol'ice from the tints It.. ij. \ . . in the ca-e of olticiTS MTV ing with troops A", i I'r. n ''m- n'.'iatc'l report made (in Mr i -IT .) build, (in the sense of strength and of endurance); double caov/chmitfe, (aern.) double rubberized cotton: i de droit fil, (aero.) parallel thread cotton; etoHe, f., (macli.) star wheel Csmall star-shaped wheel for adjusting or setting a screw, rod, stem, etc.): (mil. in pi.) the grade or dignity of general oflicer; (Fr. a) s.ar on the ribbon of the croii de guerre, (bron -.0 for citation in regi- mental or brigade orders; silver, for division; gold for corps orders V, Mairante, (artif.) light, star, flare; gag-ntr am .?, (mil.) to get his stars, i. e.,to be promoted general: A pnrictnitt, (artif.) parichute flare; de la tflfgraphie militaire, a synonym of cartouche signal, q. v. etoqueau, m., v. extoquiau. etoquereau, m., v. estoquiau. Ctoquiau, in., v. extoquiau. etoupe, f., waste. etoupille, f.. (art.) tube, (primer). etraiiRcr, a., foreign: n, la , (mil.) in the 1st foreign (regiment). etraiiRleinent, m., (in many relations besides steam) throttling; (ou/o.) narrowing, camber- ing, (of a motor car frame in front). etraiitflciir, in., (mach.^ throttling device, throttle, throttle vah e; d''ii:'. :\ir t hrottle. Otrave, f., (uiru.) stem. etrier, in., stirrup; yoke: clip. Hrier-i'peroii, m.. ih'irn.) spur and stirni)) in one (i. e., stirrup uith spur permanently attached). Olui-txilte, in., case. ri -i i/i i/nz (intirh. ynii ) gas port; (/' ii'ijlani, (art.) adjusted setting (in u series of four shots, two must burst high, and two low). f veutall, m., fan: i!i In lmlliii( , (,nrl.) slieaf of lire; tin fir, v. d( In linHirit. eiamen 541 feu eiamen, m., examination; d' aptitude physique, physical examination; d'tntrte, entrance examination; de sortie, graduation or final examination. excedent, m., excess; de tempt, (sport, man.) exceeding of time limit. excentraKe,m.. state of being, operation of putting, out of center (e. g., in a lathe). rxcentrUiue, m., eccentric; d'orientation, (mack, gun) setting eccentric. excis, m., excess; de pouvoir, excess of authority. cxcitateur, m., (dec.) exciter; xerelce, m., exercise; s tii r la carte , ( mil.) war game; /' estclos, (adm.) budgetary accounts are closed; x de combat, (mil.) combat drill (drill in cases that arise in attack and defense); devolution, (mil.) drill to develop suppleness and rapidity of maneuver; development drill; s d' instruction, (I. p.) preliminary training; s de mine, (mil. min.) mining maneuvers; de nvitaulement, (mil.) maneuver to test or apply a supply system; supply maneuver. exploitation, f., exploitation; (mil.) (of informa- tion) circulation, transmission, despatch to interested parties: tnctiqvf du meets, (mil.) operation of clinch- ing a success, of following it up; exploitation troupts d' tactiipu du sueces, (mil.) troops detailed to clinch, to follow up, a success, exploiter, v. t., toexploit; (mil.) (of information'; to circulate, transmit, send to interested parties u n tuccrs tactiqvt,(mil.) to follow up a tactical success. exploration, f., (mil.) exploration; A petite distance, (mil.) exploration after con- tact, cxploseur, m. . (dec.) exploder: A mayutto, dynamo-electric exploder; d pile, battery exploder. explostt, m. f (rrpM explosive; chimtque, chemical explosive (e. g., the picrates); mecaniq'.it, mechanical explosive (e. p., black powder): mine, mixed explosive (e. g., dynamite). explosion, f., (mach.) explosion; power stroke: P"r influence v. synipathique. extenseur, m., (afro.) rubber shock absorber. extlrieur, a. , foreign, out-of-doors < of riding, sports etc.); dl' , in foreign parts: equitation , (man.) riding oiit-of-do<,rs, cross-country work; politique f. foreign politics. extra-courant. m., (eler.) extra current. de rupture, extra current. face, f., face; headlight (rare); (trench art.) end sill (of a mortar plaUorm. e. g., 240 L. T.): d droile (gauche), (mil.) right (left) face (com- mand and movement). faeteur, m., agent, postman; distributcur, postman, mail carrier, (U. S.). fa trot, in., fagot; d'auumage, kindling wood. falm,f., hunger; riftir sur la , to be kept hungry, (e. g., of a carrier pigeon, away from his station or home). faire, v. t., to do, make; du n, (auto.) to do n kilometers per hour, faisceau, m., sheaf of light, beam; (art.) sheaf of fir i- (from the guns of a battery); (pont.) bundle (of ropes); dcplactr It , (art.) to transfer the sheaf; dirergtni, divergent beam; firmer It, , (art.) to close the sheaf: former le , (art.) to form the sheaf (by echelon- ning elevations); ouvrir le , (art.) to open the sheaf; luminnir, luminous sheaf, beam; parallflf, parallel beam; dfs plans dc tir, (art.) sheaf of fire. fall, rn.jfacl; s ilium, (in newspapers) minor news, gossip, personal notes. familiarise, a., familiarized; avtc, (man.) "wise." fainille, f., family; uiilitttiri , tin military newspapers, heading of a column) personal news, (xTsonals. famllier, a., familiar; trusting, fearless, (e. g., car- rier pigeons, with respect to their keepers). fanlon, m., (lag. color; n< iitralite (mil. m1.) Kcd Cross (lag of a hos- pital unit. far! tie, f. , Hour; ilun, winter wheat flour; tt ndrt, spring wheat Hour. fatigue 1 , a., (art.) worn (of a gun, after much firing). faiichiige, m., (art., natch, grin) sweeping fire; in dirictinii. sweeping fire: -dnublt, (art.) double sweeping (successive rounds separated by six turns of handwheel); m. portf'f, searching (in depth/; fauchage simple, (art.) sweeping proper (succes- sive rounds separated by three tunis of handwhecl); tir de , mowing fire. taucher, v. t., to mow; (art., etc.) to mow. sweci> by fire; double, (art.) to sweep broad (six turns be- tween rounds); double (simple) par n, (art.) to sweep n turns between rounds; simple, (art.) to sweep (three turns between rounds). fausse-cale, m., (mil. slang.) nonmobilizuble man. fausscr, v. t., to distort, spring, gf>t out of shape. fauteiill, f., arm chair; (fig.) chair of a committee (i. e., chairman); chair, i. o., membership, in the French Academy, fauteuil-lit, m., (r. r.) sleeping chair. faux, a., false; dummy: maladt, (mil.) malingerer. faux-chassis, m., (auto.) false frame, under frame. federal, a., (in Kr.ropc) Swiss; armct f, Swiss Army; colonel , colonel of the Swiss Army. femelle, a., female; (mach.) female. feiietre, f., window, opening J'fjictinn, (mach. gun. etc.) ejection opening; fl guilln/itif, (emu.) s;is!i. ( window); nbjirtif, (mil.) objwiivi- opening (trench piriscope): itculaii i, (mil.) eye opening (trench peri- scope*. - . fente, f., slit; ., aim.) to throttle down. ferri 1 , a., iron bound, shod: (hii*t . > shod. frrrure, f., ironM'ork; (in pi.) linings. feu, fire: il atti rrixt'igi . d;/rr..i landing (lure: continue du . dirt.) choiiv of projMT procedure (nuL'tinixiin'i : hy the c;\])tain); 542 force feu, direction du - , (art.) fire direction (by the _ de d'isciplinr, (inf.) salvo firing (impossible without discipline); _ tclairant,(artif.) light composition; ftr f (lt - , to be on lire; (fig.) to bo up, in re- volt, in rebellion; marcher dans le - , (mil.) of an infantry attack, to follow its own artillery fire (tir dr. barrage); mettre en - (ciplo., win.) to explode; - rvi. naked Hume; - piltf, (artif.) parachute flare; - i de poailion, (mil.) position lights (e. g., Bengal lights); (nav.. aero.) runnini; lights; prtndre sous le - , (art.) to take under fire; - de surprise, (inf.) surprise fire (fire at will under the form of a sudden and intense blast or gust). feullle, f..leaf; - de cikv.1, computation sheet; - s dc chfnf, (lit. oak leaves) Inslgna of a general officer, oak-leaf embroidery on his uniform; - de dc placement, (mil.) travel order; descentc en - morte, (aero.) dead leaf (fall like that of a dead leaf); - rectificatii'C, correction sheet; - de. reto'iche, (mil. min.) addition shoot (of tricing cloth) progression sheet (of a map or chart). feutre, m., felt; graifstur, grease pad. Bar re, m., cab; automobile, taxi. fibre, f . . fiber; de bois, wood fiber. flche, f., card (of a card system); (more generally) memorandum (such as can be written on such a c.ird): (elcc.) jack, jackknifo; - nominative, snrt of identification or registry card (e. g., to be filled out before using a library, etc.); - d'objectifs. (mil) descriptive card of objectives (noted by aviation); - de renseignementt, (art.) information cards; de surete, (clcc.) plug switch. HI, m., wire, thread; -- addncteur, (flee.) leading-in wire; - d'allnmage, (elec.) igniting wire; d'Arinne, (aero.) plane indicator (balloon above clouds, indicates the vertical plane in which the balloon is moving at the moment of observation); - nrrachf-chus, v. arrache-clous; bi-mitalliqne. (dec.) double conductor wire: de ba.ixe tension, (elec.) low tension wire; dc conversation, (mil. telephone) conversation wire: au double - , (elec. mi!.) equipped with return wire; f.maitlt, (dec.) enamel wire; - dffrr. (mil. slang) a thin man; - drfir barbele. (mil., itc.\ barbed wire; - de fcr ronce. (mil.) barbed wire; - /trine-circuit. (mil.) firing wire; - (// haute trn-ion, (elec.) hK'li tension wire: iMi/t, (tlic.) insulated wire; (mil.) tripping wire; - - de wns*r. (dec.) ground wire; - jirhnnin. (elrc.) primary c<-il wire; - ra/:' ;**e-d, (u-.il. at m. j shell catcher; /' r-'jHji, (mil. tdcphonf) lirea djustment wire; - - ili srrnurii. (mil. telephoned rescue wire (com- nrmi' i'f-s with c.ipti . e ), illoouj; -- x.;i'rn:l. (lilnj.) private v ire; - df tiTTt, (ilic.) ground v. ire; - 1'ilu'tt, (ffrc.) small i temporary) testing wire. filrl. in., net: (r. T.I liiL'irairo r.u-k f over seals); jifiiirctmr, < n'\) torpedo net. in., (run-.) sort .f fle fllrt-iias a i..r fillf. f.. "i! /.I/' filtracre, edge If net to pocket four? Hit re, m. , strainer; d Vamiantc, asbestos filter; de compagnie, (mil.) company filter; micanique, mechanical filter; d (aw) sable , sand filter; en terre, earth filter. flitter, v. n., (/am. mil.) to "sift" (as the edge of a wood). finesse, f., delicacy: d'nn avion, (aero.) ratio of lift to drift coeffi- cients. flni, a., finite. flrmo, f., (com.) firm name. flxe-vitre, a., m., (mil.) glass holder, eyopioeo holder, (of a gas mask); rondelle , glass holder of a gas mask. flambage,m., (art.) warming, scaling; teems.) yield- ing (as, a strut to pressure); charge de , (art.) warming charge. flamber, v. n., to give way, to yield (as a strut, to pressure). flamme, f., flame; pennon; de signal nation, (sig.) signaling flag. flammeiiwcrter, m., (mil.) flame projector (f!er- man word and invention). flanc-sarde, m.. (mil.) flanker; fixe, stationary flanker; mobile, mobile flanker (marches parallel to the column). flasque, m., bracket, support; flange; (much, gun) side plate; de manivelle, (mach.) crank arm; de moycu, boss support. flftche, f., arrow; (art.) split-trail half; (aero.) camber; attelaye en , spike team; attclcr en . to nitch up spikewise; en , (mil.) ahead of the line (said, e.g., of a battalion in line, with one company out ahead); d' oriental ion, north and south arrow (on maps), meridian. se pliccr en to place one's self ahead (e. g. , of the line); telescopique, (mach. gun) telescoping trail. flCehette, f., (aero.) aerial arrow. flgchois, m., (Fr. a.) graduate of the rrytanrt MiUtaire de la Fleche. fleuragc, m., bran (of grits, also of potatoes). flenret, m., (fenc.) foil; faire du , (fenc.) to fence with the foil. flexible, a., flexible; m., (any) flexible tube or pipe; flexible tubing manifold. flingot, in., (mil. slang) gun, rifle. flinjuie, m., (mil. slang) infantry rifle. floroti, in., flake; defumce, puff of smoke. flottard, a., (unif., etc.) absurdly loose. flotte, f., (nat<.) fleet; dc la metropole, home fleet. floflement, m., wabbling (as of a wheel). flotteur, m., (nero.) float of a hydroplane; (innc.k.) c;irl)iireter (loaf; - en catamaran, (arm.) catamaran float: d redan, (aero.) stopped float. foln, m., bay; - preaxe, compressed hay. folio, f , folly: la du noinbrr, crazo or mania for largo stand- ing armies. fond, bottom: - (.',- course, (mach.) bottom of the stroke. foiKle, p. p., (ui fonder, to establish, found); (// /iiiiii-oir, clothed with authority. in., (tup.) swale. foiitc, f., (-met.) cast iron; )// ' i , seniisfeel; n-'iuli'e, cast iron. forro, f. , force: - -axceiisif'untlle, (a< /-a. ) the lifting power of a gas; force 543 triturer force Mfting power (of a lighter-than-air); lift (of a heavier-than-air); desceruionnelle, (aero.) descending force (diri- gibles); gain de , (aero.) wake gain; portantc, (aero.) supporting power (airplane). forct, m., drill, bit; de ntt'.oyagc, (mach. gun) cleaning bit. forfaltuire, a., (adm.) at a price or figure fixed in advance. formalisms, m., formalism; (sometimes) red tape, forniallste, m., slave to form, to red tape, formation, f., (ri7.) formation; d'approche, (mil.) approach formation; dertvee, (mil.) secondary formation, (forma- tion derived from the standard and usual for- mations; e. g., colonne double, en losange.etc.); devolution, (mil.) drill or maneuver forma- tion. forme, f., form; de tete, (siege) sap form. fort, a., strong; de, numbering, strong. forte-self, f., (dec.); forma.rU amorlisseur, choke coil, fortif, f., (mil. slang) fortification. fortification, f., (fort.) fortification; de campagne legtre, (mil.) light field fortifi- cation (done by infantry); dc campagne renfurci:e f (mil.) heavy field fortification (done by engineers). fosse, r., grave, pit; d escarbillex, ash pit, cinder pit; de recul, (art.) (.in nigh angle fire) recoil pit. fosse, m., ditch, trench; d cdbles, (telephone, etc.) cable trench. fossoyeur, m., grave digger. fou, a., (mach.) idle, fougasse, f., (mil.) fougasse; a to barred mine, bored fougasse; d la melinite, melinite fougasse; a la pvudre, powder fougasse. fouilll, a., (top., etc.) buried (as a bay in the shore, etc.;. fouiiler, v. t., to search, (mil.), a prisoner. four, m., furnace; a chaulfaqe, heating furnace; d incincrtr, incinerator. fourbi, m., (mil. slang) soldier's kit, outfit (any- thing that may be cleaned and polished). fourbir, v. t., to polish; - ait clair, to burnish. fourche, f., bracket; (trench art.) fork (of the 150 T. mortar mount j; (mach. gun) bipod. fourrhette, f.. fork; (mil. slang) bayonet; (art.) bracket (defined as the final bracket reached): de bitiulngt, ( much.) slide block fork; de cmnin trttlt , (mich.) clutch shifter; de dcbrayugt , (inach.) clutch throw-out fork. fourgon, m., ( mil. ) wagon ;(r.r.) car, van (British i); ii archives, (mil.) document wagon (tn>oi>s in field;; ii bagagcs, (r. r.) baggage ear, luggage van, (British); funibre, (r. r.) funeral car; den pompes funcbres , hearse; postul, (r. T.) mail carriage; tie tint ue, (r. r.) rear car (esp.car in rear of a royal car); (/ >t'tr, (r. r.) head car (esp. car ahead of a royal car). fotirgoii-poste, m., (r.r.) mail car, carriage or van. fournlturr, f. . < : i b-u-rel Meeve. foyer, in., focus; tire ou - , (opt.) to be In focus; - d'eiplosion, (eipl. min.) center, focus, of explosion. frais, m., pi. (fair) costs; - d'eiploitation, (r. T.) running expenses; - de representation, (mil. etc.) entertainment fund. franc, a., (of space) clear. francals, a., French; Le petit Francais,(mil. slang) the 75 mm. gun. franoflleur, m., (mil.) runaway. franchlr, v. t., (mil.) to "go over the top," toleave the t ronches (for an attack) , to cross over. franchise, f., free carriage (luggage on rr.ihvavs, mail, etc.); (man.) willingness, good disposition (of a horse); - debayage, (r. r.) free carriage ofluggage; en - , free of charge (luggage, etc.). franchissement, m., (mil.) egress from a trench, "going over the top," crossing over; echeUe de - , (mil.) trench ladder; grading de - , (mil.) trench steps. franglne, f., (mil. slang) sister (both natural aad religious). frappe, f., stamp, die; point de - , (mil. min.) origin of sound (sound detection, point whence blows appear to pro- ceed). frapwur, m., (mil. etc.) driver (of stakes, pickets, etc.). frelii, m., brake; (at.ro.) lock wire; [The following terms relate mostly to ma- chinery.] -- bfinde, v - d rvban; - de blifage, clutch; brake; - a collier, collar brake, clip brake; - de dfbrayage, clutch release lever; - dedi^treniW, differential brake; - d'lnamo-electrique, motor-testing brake; - d'r'crou, (any device to keep a nut from un- screwing) stop, lock; - d enroulement,spinil brake; - eiffTi*iWe,segn'.ental brake; - (itfrieur, external brake, outside brake; - intf-rieur, internal brake, inside brake; - surjantf,rim brake; & mdrAoijv*, shoo brake, clamp brake; - fl main, hand brake; - de mfcanismf, gear brake (applied directly to the gear or part of t he gear); - d y*rrfa/, foot t brake; - d pied,iwt brake, pedal brake; - de roue, wheel bra'.;e. hub brake; - d rnultment, strap bruV:e; - ruhin, band brake, strap brake; - d sti'iotx, v. - d m'':f!'iiirfi; - de xecuurs, (r. r.) emergency brake; Ktrrrr le - , to apply the brake; - - d tambour, (,art.) drum brake. frcinafie, brakinir, arrest, stoppage; (mach., ttc.) braking, operation of brai.in;,'. fn-iiH-r, v. a., to bra!-.* 1 , put on lirakes. frequence, f., (ilec.) fre(|iiency. frC'iiUPiieemetre, in., ((Uc.) fnal( l< /-/ID/I- > frying. frltnrer. v. n., <.tn7.) (corps stationed along the frontier) frontier corps, troops. frottrment, in., friction; ci , with a friction fit; ti diiur, with easy friction fit. frotteur, m., (rite.) wiping contact, brush. ftilr. v. n., to leak. fuit(>, f., leak; leak of information (ns loan enemy listening post ). fuseau, in., spindle: dedtchirure, (aero.) ripping strip or panel, rip strip. f tisfo, f.. (artif.) rocket (any device having a rocket stick): (art.) fuse: (auto.) stuh axle; chenille, (artif.) "caterpillar" rocket (form of signal produced); deririe, (mil. min.) secondary train, fuse, match; draptau, (artif.) "flag" rocket (form of signal produced); fclairantf, (art if.) flare; fi friction, (art.) friction fuse: instantanfc, (art.) instantaneous fuse; initanfani-c allongfe, (art.) super instantane- ous fuse; mattrcssc, (mil. min.) principal train, fuse, match; & parachute, parachute fuse; porte-retard, delay action fuse; a retard, (art.) delay-action fuse (adjustable); retardce, (art.) fuse set for delayed action; delayed fuse: fus*e sans retard, (art.) instantaneous fuse: sensible, sensitive fuse; universtlU, universal fuse. fusee-detoii;iteur, f., (art.) detonating fuse/per- cussion fuse. fuse-stgnal, f., (sig.) signal rocket. fuselage, m., (aero.) fuselage. fusete, a., (r.ero.) faired, streamlined. fuser, v. t. n., to fuse; (in motors, of the vaporized gases) to form solid drops; torecombine into drops. fusible, a., fusible; m., (elec.) fusible plug, fuse. fusiforme, a., spindle-shaped. fusil, in., gun; - automatique, (mil.) automatic rifle; lance-cartouche, (artif.) signal rifle; lance-cartouche eclairante (artif.) gun to fire the cartouche tclairante ii parachute, q. v.; lance-grenades, (sm. a.) grenade nfle; mitrailleuse, (mil.) automatic rifle; signaleur, (mil.) signal rifle. fusilier, (mil.) fusileer; (Fr. a.) (name formerly given to the aide-grenadier, q. v.; present name of the soldier carrying and working tho fusil- mitrtiillevr, q. v.) automatic rifleman; (in a nar- rowersense, to-day) man whoexploresacleaned- out trench; mi/railleur, (Fr. a.) mnn who works a fusil- mitrailleur, automatic rilleman. fusll-mitrailleur, m., (am. a., Fr. a.) automatic rifle, machine rifle. f usionner.v. a., toconsolidate (as reports, accounts, papers, etc.). fflt, m., barrel; petrolier, oil barrel. f ute>, f . , mastic. (abarlt, m., gauge: dc chargrment, (tr. art.) depth gauge. guliillot, m., toggle. gabion, in., (mil.) gabion; pliant, folding gabion (hinged cases, fold Hat for transportation). garhe, f.. recess; dr chargement, (tr. art.) loading slot; dc ftrnitture, (tr. art.) locking slot; d'onxrturc, (tr. art.) opening slot, gaffe, f., boat hook: /m/? Ir* .. (porit) up boat hooks. gaffer, v. t.. to polo (a boat). gaffrur, m.. poleman (boats). gaener, v. t ., to reach (a place). ir.iinr. f., (urn. 11.) bolster. galtie-relais f. , drench nrt.i bon from a gallery to a smaller at same level and in same, direct ion). -- di arture 'on i' fro? ii which a return is made ): - lii.tichi . 'art.) inu/.zle roller (75 mm., 155 c n: i. ti cninf (art.,rtc.}i-Mn roller: dc frirtion, friction roller; (// r":ilrment, (art. i roller; e (insitmia of grade); ci itn, froi., etc., (77ii7. Klang) method of 'lescribing a staff oflicer having assimilated rank, (c.p.,fetf.rinaireiitrois -a veterinarian having assimilated rank of captain). Kamelle. f., cup, bowl; (mil. slang) the German 77 mm. shell. garage, m., (auto.) garage; (mil.) turn-out, by-pass, (in a trench), recess, storage recess; h I'eau, basin for boats; ii sec, sort of dry basin for storing boats. garance, f., madder (red); pur de , (fam. mil.) free of madder, (said by chasseurs of themselves, in allusion to their blue, trousers, as compared with the, madder trousers of the French infantry of the line). garde, f., guard; (art.) guard plate (to protect gun- firer against recoil); t7ttier(, (am. a.) solid basket hilt; prendre !'i , (mil.) to march on guard; prise <1( la , (mil.) marching on guard; d( surctr. (mach.) lock (e. g., of an admission cock). garde, m., watchman; des votes et communications, (mil.) track watcher (generally a territorial). garde-bone, in., mud guard (any vehicle). garde-chaliie, m., chain guard (in general). garde-rrot(i:i. in., mud guard. ganle-fcurie, f., (mil.) stable guard. garde-voie( s), m., (mil.) railroad watchman < taken from the territorials). gardlennase, m., (duty, office of a gardinn ward, wardship. gare, f , (r. r.) station; dcxtinitairc, station of destination; d' evacuation, (Fr. a.) (orgin of railway trans- portation from the front, i. e., the nare dc Turitni/li ment becomes the gare d'evacuiition), evacuation station: d'iriti merit, (mil.) turn-out, by-pass, in a trench: mdtrr en ; to turn over to a railway for ship- ment, to slup by rail; di gruuinment dc betait, (Fr.a.) cattle tation (meat for troops); gare 545 grade gar* (d')rrriginc d'elapes, (Fr. a.) (the name of a yare de ravitaillfmcnt, when more or less dis- tant from troops, y. ligne dttapes); railhead; - point de re i>artitiort, (Fr. a.) distributing station (sick and wounded); - de raritaillement, (Fr. a.) refilling station; - regulatrirr, (Fr. a.) (in a given region, a railway station to which all trains are sent for dispatch to destination) regulating, dispatch- ing. station; - de repartition de staiion-magasln, (Fr. a.) distributing station (of a station-magasin, q. v. ); - sitge d'infirmcrie, (Fr. a.) railway infirmary; - de triage, (mil. mcd.) sorting station. garer, v. t., (in gen.) to put on one side. garnlr, v. t., (mil.) to pack (e. g., a machine gun, etc., on a pack animal). garnlson, f , (mi7.' garrison; de. suriie. (mil.) safety troops (to hold posi- tion in rear if advance falls back). gars, m., boy; Us - , (mil. fam.) the "boys," i. e., the men (pronounced GA). gauche, a., left; jusqu'ti la - , (slang) unto death. gaucher, a., n., left handed. gauclilr, v. n., (aero.) to bank, to warp; v. t., to warp (a wing). gauchlssement, m., (aero.) warping; cinnmandf de - , warping control; h tier de - , warp control. gavcr, v. t., to staff. gaz, i>i., gas; - asphyxiant, (mil.) asphyxiating gas; - br&lfs, exhaust gas, burnt gases; - carburi, mixture of air and of hydrocarbon vapors; - d'echappemcnt, exhaust gases; - fruit, fresh mixture; tcger, any gas whose density is less than unity; - pauvre, a sort of water gas (made by passing a current of air and water vapor over incandes- cent coke or anthracite); suffocant, v. -- asphyxiant; tornant, explosive mixture (explosive en- giiies). gazCifier, v. t., to gasify. gazer, v. t., (mil. slang) to smoke; to drive an auto- mobile. l, m.. (mil.) general; d(. jour, (mil.) in sieges, the general of the day, of u sector of attack. gnratcur, in., (macli. ttc.) generator (in many relations); h, vaporisation rapidc, (steam) quick-steaming boiler. Renoiiillere, f., (math, gun) knee joint (tripod le^). gf on? el re. in., (tup.) surveyor; t'lpographe, (mil.) topographer. gooplione, m.. (firgt) geophonc (ground listener, sound detector). grste, m.. (//;>/.) (in skn.iHni.') motion; d'wiriistM mi at, warning signal; cominnniiniunts an, - , (.arm, sabre, and rifle) signals; --- Mii: in art. signal common n, sipi:;l of execution: - - ii'ifiiniliir. signal peculiar to each arm; /:<(' ixiral'iitf, preparatory signal. glck ; o, f , Mpr -;\ . spray discharge. git'ltr, v. n., (:na-~h.) to spray. glclt'ur. a., (mac/i.) utomi/.ing; m., nozzle, spraying ISM/./. lc; jet; chnm'irt at" -- s, spray chamber; - - in/ifirisatritr, atomizer, spray nozzle. giflc, f., blow, bullet; (sm. a.) kick. giriHiHU', f.. vane; d'arintion, (arro.) sort of slope, speeiqitf, trench goniometer. de ttirge, (art.) siejre ui-il sight, goniometer. a <-(i grenade, ,-.t i"'-. grenade; - \ . it., tiie Viveu lies.sieres grnnadw. !j;rpn.i:iipr, ill., dn'i.) grenadier; (to-day; bomber, hr. 'in-, (iiili'.icr pperially skilled and bold in n;e f j;ri"i 'dt/.i expert grenadier; (is a .1 design i! i.:i in the I-'rencli Army); . lanre grt'n:idir (man qualifying to iiif a grenadier t hrower); , oiiicer on grenade duty, grena. rrio near Sainuur;. ponii'blk-, a., horse-drawn. jiomobiiisiiip, m., hippomobilism (horse. distinguished from molnr, traction). hommt, m., man; s St-40, (mil., r. r.) legend on railway car, meaning that 32 men with, 40 without, their equipment, may be taken on board; de ckambre, (mil.) room orderly; de communication (mil.) agent of communica- tion (more especially) runner. homme-balonnette, m., (mil.) man who explores a cleaned out trench, bayonet-man. hOpltal, m., hospital (curable cases); de I'interieur, (mil. mcd.) base hospital; militaire,(mil. med.) military, army, hospital. hopltal-aimexe, m., hospital annex. horalre, m., (r. r.) schedule; (any) schedule, time table. horlogerie, f., clock work; mouvement d' , clock work. hospice, m., hospital (aged persons, and incur- ables). hosplrallser, v. t., (mil. 7nfd.)tosendtoahospit;il. hostau, m., (mil. slang) hospital. hosteau, m., (mil. slaruj) hospital. hotte, f., scuttle; portt-bombes, (trench art.), (fort of) bomb scuttle. houillc, f., coal: blanche, water power. houppelande, f., great-coat, long coat (e. g., Cos- sack coat). houppette, f., tassel; (unif.) tuft (as of a helmet). hourd, m., (sawyer's) trestle. hou.seaux, m. pi., leggings. housse, f., cover; (auto.) spare tiro cover. huilc, f., oil; les *, (;n//. slang) staff oflicers; iieylindre, (mach.) cylinder oil; de graissage, (mach.) lubricating oil; lampante, mineral oil; petroleum; ligirc, light oil; lourdc, heavy oil; A mecanisme, (mach.) machine oil; - a mouvement, v. fi mecanisme. huileux, a., oily. hiilM. m., door (obs. except in the followim; expres- sion;. 6 clus, behind closed doors (ctuirts, etc.); demander le -clns. (courts, etc.) to ask that i!ii court be cleared and closed. huniide, a., humid, damp; ii n o/o, (ripl.) of gun cotton, containing 11 o o of moisturn. liutto, f., hut: en flayonnaye, wattle hui. hydravloii, m.. (aero.) sea;>lan. liydroaC-roplaiio, m., (arr<>.) hydnuirplano. Iiydro-avlon, m., (afro.) seaplane. hydrurarhurr, f.. (chi m.) hvdri)<.-arl>oii. liydroplauant, a., (urro.) water floating. hydroplane, m., (aero.) hydroplane. Idfe, !., idea; de mmwtnirc, (mil.) fundamental idea of the jilin d'tnst-inhle, <|. v. IgMil'iuvc, a., fireproof. iRiilfuger, v. (., to make fireprf. Hot, m., islet; de rexixtanrr, (mil.) (any point, or portion of a position, prepared to resist capture, to olTer resistance, e. g., segment actif, q. v.); (isolated) point of resistance. immuiilrulatioii, f., (uui>.) horse unfit for duty, but not in hospital (generally used in plural). inductance. t.,(elec.) inductance; botiine d' , inductance coil. hid ult. in., (elrc.) armature: tnurwnt, revolving armature. Incnrrassable, a., nonfouling. Infiltration, f., infiltration; (mil.) the "sifting" o: iiu-n, troops, into the e.nemy position. Infill rer, v. t., to infiltrate; (mil.) to "sift" into an enemy position, through a wood, otc. Infirme, a., m., (mil.) permanently disabled. infirinifTe, f., (mid.) nurse. liiflammatcur, m., (nfl.) ieniting charge; (mack.) coniact point; plug, sparking plim; igniter. Insffnleur-constructeur, in., engine builder, builder and desijmr-r of machinery. ingftranco, f., meddling, unauthorized or improper intervention. InondatUm, f., inundation; tendre une. , (mil.) to establish an inundation. Insoumlsslon, f., (Fr. a.) state of being inxovmis, q. v.; contr6les de I' , (Fr. a.) muster rolls, or rolls, of the insoumte. Inspectoral, m., inspectorate. Instance, f., instance, solicitation; itre en , to be an applicant for; se mettre en de pension, to apply for a pen- sion: tribunal dr premiere , (law) court of f.rst instance, instil ut. m., institute; I' de France, the Institute (composed of the five academies, French. Inscriptions and Belles I.ettres, Sciences, Une Arts, Moral and Political Sciences). Instructeur, in., instructor; d'cquilatinn, (man.) riding master. Interieur, a., m., interior; dans I' des lerres, inland. liiternenient, m., seclusion (of carrier pigeons); Tpanicr d' , seclusion basket (pigeons). Internef, v. t.. to seclude (carrier pigeons), mterpeller, v. t., (mil.) to challenge (sentry). Interri'.pteiir, in., (elec.) plug, switch, key; fi c r < m pas-:, rotary swi tch ; h dcur direction*, two way switch: Hectrolytique, electrolytic interrupter; h ji-t dc wercure, (wireless) mercury jet inter- ruptor; fi main, hand contact breaker; du mancheb balai, (aero. ) control lever swiif.h; h mar/esu, (wireless) hammer break; fi mcrcrre, (wireless) mercury interrupter; dc s&rcte, (elec.) safety switch; fj, trembleur, y. amarteau. ft turbine, (wireless) turbine interrupter. Interrupteur-distributeur, in., (dec.): d'allumage, ignition make and break. invalo, m., (mil. slang) invalid soldier. liiverscur, m., (elec.) reversing, inverting gear, current revcrser. , f., irregularity: d'ecriture, (adm.) doctoring of papers. Irreversible, a., (much.) irreversible. Isobare, f. , isobar. isolant. in., ((he.) insuhnor. Isoler, \ . t., TO isolate, insulate; au. cnuutchouc, eic., (elec.) to insulate with rubber, IMC. Ivrale, f., chaff, tan. jack, in., (.) (visual) indication (of a potion or line by Uengal lights, Hags, panels, i '<.) jaloiiiirur, m., (mil.) i: 1 .. in sr-i \ing to connect two l.n'iii--; <' tnio;>-;; marker; r'. : ;>.- f/' .-, chr-.in or string of such mon, chain of ni.ir'.-ers. Jamb", 1. ,': - -rt'n .'.;.;, ?up).!ir| . )(;_'; (I i ;.'<', s:ay. si rut. jante. f., fciiy, rim; ariir, sir .! riu:: ni'i-i' 'i'j/i, rf/.'. Cn form of) car-l-m joint (in which lugs, drx, r-Ti;':; ;e in suitable .slots): in.' i".l!'>- l ilnaiifpii', (i.'mch.)- (any joj.,i, pro- dured hv the. interposition of a, plasti;: sub- st;iuce jii-iwfcn the compressing metal pacts); |)lasi ic joint; d'oidham, (maclt.) (.Oidham joint) 'ongue and ' f 'roo\ o clutch. juintage 549 lava jolntage, m., joining, attachment. jointer, v. t., to Join together (as, by bolts, rivets, etc.), to make a Joint. Jonftlon, f., fork of raids: (;>?.) junction (of melinite fuse to its igniter). Josephine, f., (proper name) (mil. tlang) the 75 mm. gun. joue, f., cheek; cheek or plate of a hub (artillery typo). Joucr, v. t. n., (mw.. ) to play. Jour, m., day; defeu, (art.) the consumption of ammunition during tho period of execution following prep- aration (not necessarily a daily rate, nor a fixed amount); day's supply; franc, a whole day; officer de , (in siet'es) officer of the day (of a sector of attack; field or general officer); de vivres (mil.) ouo day's rations. journal, in., journal; d'ecoute, (mil. min.) record of observation (by listening); Journal de mines (mil. min.) Journal of mining ope- rations. Jules, m., (French proper name) (/am. Fr.a.)&. synonym of baquet de proprete, q. v. Jumelle, f., field glass; (much.) link , spring link ; de Galilee, Galilean field glass; a micrometre, (mil.) micrometer field glass: micrometrique, (mil.) micrometric field glass rt prisme(t), prismatic field glass. sterko-pTiamatique : (inst.) stereo-prismatic field glass; xtereoscopioue, stereoscopic field glass. teiemetre, (art.) range finding field glass. j 1 1 merit, f., mare; d'armrx, troop mare. Jury, m., jury, board, commission: d 'homieur , (mil.) sort of court of honor. Jus, rn., (mil. slani) soldier's first breakfast (coiTee and bread). Juteux, m., (mil. slang) an adjuilant. kukl, m., (uuif.) khaki; toile , khaki-colored cloth. kfibour, m., (mil. slang) krpi, forage cap. kit-kit, (mil. sling), it is all tho same, same thing, (Arab word). kilometre, m., (auto.) kilometer race, dash; anetl, kilometer race, standing start; kilometre lancf, kilometer raw, flying start. klaxon, m., (auto.) claxon horn. ksar, m., (Berber word mefi'iint:. originally) forti- fied position, (but now indiscriminately applied by the French to any) town, village (plural ksour). labourer, v. t.. (of a l>ullct) to tear open, lay open (as a shoulder, the leg, etc.). lacet, m., lace, zigzag; (mil.) tripping loop; mouvement de , (aero.) yaw, yawing. lache, a., (unif.) loose, sloppy. lacher, v. t., to release; tout, (aero., etc.) to let everything go, to throw off. laris m., network; dcs tranchres, (mil.) network of trenches. lacrymofffcRp, a., tear-producing; m., (art.) tear- producing shell. ladre. m.. disease of pigeons (duo to inability to get ri'l of their milk). lalssez-passer, m., (adm.) permit, pass. lame, f., blade of a propeller; - d'am't. (much, gun) magazine closing plate; fine - , great swordsman; --uf'.nnchr, (mil. til.. iV.) lance head; vni!i(."sc, longest leaf (of a spring); ]>lr;(in(i', (dec.) contact strip; rcfs'irtii griff f, spring catch. lanie-f ournc\is, f. screw driver. lam pant, a., clear. lainne, f., lamp; -i';. '//;.'//');!, acetylene lamp; a "'irc'iyi. d'unc , preparation of a lamp (oil): /; I'f.'i |i, j. - -, to iiri.p.ir ( a limp (Oil): luii-.ir, brazier s lamp, brazing lump; ('< tiT'is: r iliie miidoist, special brazing lamji (us'ni: iietroleum); ilfftrinir, R:\--\\ IL'M; - - (rlftriiiuc) dc ;<-w-ti, . flash lichi : fi I'driiii . kerosene l--inp; Terlii'.itirnse, Ivati-r, beating lamp (in sonic fortiT! of explosion engines); <; funln-. plunibpr's 1or(-h; thfrmo-ionigue, (die.) audion, valve. lance, f., fireman's nozzle; fmi7.) nnl (of cJiecau. rf< frisr); d'arrosagc, nozzle of a watering hose; - dfmircltt. (mil. t,< ci'tblt.t. \ < put a disj-.atch, etc., on the w ire; 4 la main, (aut'i.) to start !i\ liaiid. to vrai.k; un mutt ur, to start a motor. lanreur, m., thrower; (mil.) grenade-throwi-; , grenadier (of a modem army). landaulet, m.. I:inp. lantonip, f., ra-i'\ easing; lantern; d'ngrandixfi nent. magnifving projector; d'irrlif- tail lii'lilofa motor c-.ir; il'i'.'an/, headlight of a mot"C ear; ikrlr'ni'i' , Hash light; ---de i>ri>jei'ti-ni. projtvtiii" laiMern: - - de rcjjiraijf, (art.) rtsgistrat!'.!! lantern (nit:V.:. firing); ''[ xrrriirr, (mil. mhi.) miner's lantern: ilf signaliw/inn, (.tin.) signalling lantern; -- -ft^lrncrr. (sioji") tracing lantern; -de tranthff. (r/'iV.) |M>nch lantern; finny bi' used also for signalling, and for marking' 01:: directions'). lartlori, m., patching lace (puiifii.red tire, e(c.i. latriTip, f., (mi'.) lat rin. 1 ; mi, 'tdi.-tft l'''ffw quf I'air, (afro.) lighter-than-air (1. e., balloons). leiitille, f.. (opf.)lons; it echelons, Fresnel lens. lest-cau, m., water ballast. lettrM-, letter; collective, (France) circular issued by a min- ister of the Government de creance et de j)ouvoirt, minister's, ambassa- dor's credentials; double, doable weight letter; morU, dead letter; ordinaire, any personal letter or not (ex- nludes post cards and registered letters); s de rappel, letter of recall of an ambassador; x remaphoriques, semaphore signal letters; simple, single-weight letter. teve-auto, m., motor jack. leve, f., lift of a valve; d'uncorpx , (at a funeral) removal of the body for burial; (in some cases exposure of, for pur- poses of identification). lever, in., survey; ~-dc bdtimeht, (surv.) building surrey; des travauz souttrrains, (surv.) mine sur- veying; i vue, (top.) place sketch. levf-roue, in., jack, carriage jack. levier, m., lever; [Hxcenl where otherwise indicated, the follow- ing terms relate to machinery:] -d'accrochntje, (art.) securing bolt; d' admission (des gaz), throttle lever, gas cut- otl, g:is lever; d'nrmement, (mach. gun) cocking lever (mod. 1907-T and others); -arr-'tmr, (mach. gun) barrel catch; d'ni'anced I'allumage, sparking lever, timing lever; bascule, rocking lever, rocking arm; de briquagc, steering rod; h cttalne, (trench art.) traversing lever and chain: - ft charr.iere, hinged lover; ei clfichc , gear shift lever; decomm:ntde(acro.,etc.) control lever; (auto.) steering arm; de di-'irnijuge, clutch throw-out lever; (mach. gun) clutch lever; -- h':i,-:ed by ;\ spring i; - -ite pri.te d'rtir, air-admission lover; - d f n'gltn> , ( ni'i"h. gun) speed-regulating lover .if tho iiKMl. l'N>7-Tr. -n rrnri t j, boll-crank lovor; -a resx'irt, (nrt.) spring lover; -~fi r')tule, rock shaft, rocking lever; steering lover; - ~d< runt are, swinging arm, hammor break; - dc x\LTtraii dra armees, (mil. r. r.) line in the /.one M operations; Hgne 551 maison Ugne reservee (mil. telephone) line reserved for special purpose: de resistance, line of trenches of the first line, line of resistance; de resistance des avani-postes line of supports; de retenue', (pont., etc.) holdfast; de sections par quatre (deur, un), line of sec- tions in columns of lours (squads, U. S. A.) of twos, of single files; - - de separation, (inst.) line of separation (rang* tinder); de xoutien, line of support, of supporting trenches; de rurreiltance, outer line nearest the enemy, lookout line; de surveillance des arani- pastes, lint of observ- ation. de tol, (aero.) line of flight. limousine, f., (auto.) limousine. llngue, 111., (mil. slang) knife. Unguet, m., catch; de detente, (modi.) spring catch; d'entralnement, (mach.) driving pawl; de retenue, (mach.) catch. Uqulde, m., liquid; ezcitateur, (elec.) active or exciting liquid of a cell. Usser, T. t., to smooth, smooth down. Uste, f., list; generate de classement, general standing, (schools). HsteL, m., (art.) fillet (of the mushroom head). Ut,m.,bod; & rabattement, folding bed. Ut-canape, m., sofa bed; fi rabattement, folding sofa bed. lit-caiitine, m., sort of box bed. Ut-salon, m., (r. r.) parlor sleeping-car. llvrable, a., (adm.) to be delivered (of goods, etc., under a contract). Hvre, m., book; bleu, Hlue Book (and so of other colors). livret-Bulde-horalre, m., (r. r.) railway guidt and time-table. Uvret-horalre. m., (r. r.) time-table. lobe, f., lobe. longeron, m., side piece, stringer; (aero.) longeron (of the fuselage), spar (of a wing); d'aile, (aero.) wing spar; de queue, (aero.) tailpiece. longue-vue. f., telescope; binoculaire (munoculaire) it pri.ion magneto; - - blindit, eased magneto; i bougies, high-tension magneto; f) sl:.l- magneto fi haute tension, hidi-tension matnieUi; - h, inducteur tournanl, stationary armature magneto; - (i indv.it oncillant, oscillating', rocking arma- ture, magneto; - a indutt tournant, revolviii.; armuli'ri- i:i.i-;- neto (usual type); - a ru/itturs, low-tension majnieio; - firuiiturc, makc-nnd-break liiniraeio; -- (i roltt, - fi volct(s) tourn armature magneto. mahoniet, m., (fam.) liair of the front. main, f.. hand; -- cnurnntf, handrail; tn -- , (miin.) in hand (i. e., b-d --- tijunulUs, (mach.) link spring hanger or 'c\i rier; se mrtlrc ni - s, (mil.) to get, come, !o g.-ii^; mixc (ii - s, (mil.) gelling to grips; rnncttrc en -- , (mil.) to collect, gel. all one's men, troops, together; dc rrxH'irt, (mach.) spring hanger; dunih-'i-nn: - simple, (mach.) spring hanger; dumlv-iroii. maln-d'opuvre, f.. labor; militiiire, (mil.) enlisted workmen. malnmnrtr. f., (law) mortmain. maison, f., house; -- 'If cnmpaynif, (mil. fam.) company barracks, (i. e., special or separate barracks, and so of other units). -- rtt!rmrnt, (aero.) inflating tube; a vtr.t, wind cone. manrhctto, f.. marginal nou>. maiichon,m., sleeve; (acrn.) neck (of a balloon); ; i.:-i<-h.) locking sleeve, clutch; (art.) breech cas- in<:, gun f-!eeve, recoil sleeve; dc chainbrr ti ga;, (rtxjcJi. gun) gas chamber sleeve; d'iiit'>rn'innr, (mnrh.) clutch; ricnrtri , (art.) eccentric sleeve; ii gi>rg', i much.) slotted or grooved sleeve; gnidt , (mich.giin) (barrel) housing; t'.r j,)i,].nhinn. (mi/.) cart ridge .sleeve ('in some ri':.'i '.f i ifle grenade): Ti'i':i'!'i-mi, (mach. gun) cooling jacket: ii t>iiiri,'lr>n.i (art.) (tnmnioned) recoil sleeve '.'HIT. K.I: iu:ii::lai, in., order; (/'/'<) sutnmoiv: - ifii a- 1 -i/r, f/rn/') suniMons; viT i!!( money order. m. molo!,, :>!., ' /'(/!.) crank pin. mur.cMi'. , hi7i:''i> -ngis clitf. mjir'Rls, m., (mil. sla/iy) abbreviation of mnrfrhnl diK fnijia. ircouiller, m.. (cord.) dead-eye. irie-S^ouise, m., (mil. stung) recruil. iriiie. f., water front (Spanish, marina^. tr'ol* 1 , n., (mi.', slnny) wide awake. irmltagp, m., (mil. slang) marmitr fire, ( v ?>mr- milf). in irmite, f., kettle: (mil. sling) large shell. m irtk: surface). Rraplu', la., (a(r.) meteorograph f''!*'. m.. (<->irm.} melhylene: rf' bui.i, W(MX! s(>irit. metnyl iilci>h<>l. int'tlt-r, m.. fluff. (.'t rn: -I il> cuir. (fain.) chain.varning, rmitino ilc,sk wi'i k. metro, m.. ff-nn. > .'hiiroviation of m/'/ro/x.///'^': I'aiis underground. mt-lnijiole, f , hcino, homo country: (in I'n I-'rai'.ce. :is distinguishixi from I ii'e ( ' Ionic-- d.'/i risr <>s(f, (art.) seating (of a projectile in the chamber); d trrre, (dec.) grounding; (mil.) disbarking (of troops from a transport or vessel). mission, f., mission; (mil.) duty, object, purpose, task. Instructions, mission; dc renseignements, (mil. aero.) observation having for its purpose the determination of objectives; dc mirreillartcr, (mil. aero.) duty of observing a sector, so as to mark batteries in'action, troops that may be taken under fire; dc tir.'iart. aero.) duty of fire observation. mltalne, f., wristlet. niitralller, v. t., (mil.) to use machine-gun fire. mltrailleur, m., (mil.) machine-gun soldier, machine gunner. mitrailleuse, f., (mil.) machine gun; - df c/m.w (turn.) airplane machine gun; - de ii;tri!aijnc, mountain mac-bine gun; d motfur. motor machine gun; t'/pe miit(-t>n>c al;>in, (Fr. a.) (so-called) mi\M typo mountain machine gun, (v. type). mitrailleuse-automobile, f., (nil.) machine pun ou all automobile carriage; auto machine gun. iiMHici att'iir, m.. (mach.) speed reducing device; dr coinprfx.'iioii. (mach.) compression relief (ilevice); ii f iititKf, (mack.) speed regulator. 1'iiiliitMU, in., sparrow; (mil. sl'ing) shell. tti'.tli'ttf. ( . knurled screw head, nut, etc. inoiioMoc, m., (much.) solid forged. inonoco<|UP, in., duro.) monocoqr.e. nionoryliiiilre, in., (nv!n.) single cylinder auto. iimiioryliiiilrique, a. A: m .. < mark., etc.) single cylinder; (nvtn) single cylinder car. mmioplace, m., (arm.) single seater. iiiitniiplun, m., (afro.) monoplane; a., single planed. nioiuisar, m., (mil.) single sack (as distinguished d'.iu bis.iacj. moiiotllephoiie, in., wirelf-^.s telephone. liionotelt'plionie, f., uirrless telephony. montage, m., fitting, (dec.) wiring; en circuit-osciUant, (wireless) condenser wir- ing; direct, (wireless), direct coupled wiring; en derivation, (wireless) shunt coupled wiring; par induction, (wireless) inductively coupled wiring. moutagne, f., mountain; prendre la , (fig.) to take to the hills, L 6., to become a bandit, to take to the road. montant, rn., (aero.) strut. mont-de-plete, m., pawnbroker's shop, in 0:1 tec, f., (aero.) climb. monte-plats, m., dumb-waiter, mo liter, v. t., to mount; (aero.) to nose up; en balance, to mount on a balanced test bed; un ballon, (aero.) to operate, manage, a bal- loon; d la cardan, (mach.) to mount on a univer- sal joint; en chandclle, (aero.) to zuhm; & rotulf, (much.) to mount, assemble, in, or as, a ball-and-socket joint; se en dame, (man.) may be ridden under a sidesaddle. montre, f., watch; show case, show window; & trotteuse compte-secondes , split-second stop- watch. montre-bracelet, f., wrist-watch. montre-chronographe, f., chronograph-watch (second hand centrally mounted, and travels around the face; for computation of small in- tervals of time). monture, f., fitting, mounting; de fixation, (artif.) rocket-stick fixture. moraillon, m., hasp, clasp; d ressort, spring clasp. mordant, m., spirit, energy. mortier, m., (art.) mortar; de tranchce, (mil.) trench mortar. morve, f., pigeon glanders. moteur, m., (mach.) motor, engine; dailittfs, ilange cooled motor; atmospherique, air motor; cirrf, any motor in which the piston-stroke and cylinder-bore are of the same length; ti combustion (interne), (internal) combustion motor; - d cuJasse cj, eau et h cylindre h ailett.es, water- and air-cooled motor; d e saic , motor whose cylinder and crank shaft axes do not intersect; tideuxculindren opposes, double-opposed two- cylinder motor; -: patent, (auto.) patent hub (motor). multiplication, f., gear-ratio, multiplier, v. t., (mach.) to multiply, to gear up to. munition, f., (mil.) in pi., ammunition; supplies, stores; * de salut, (art.) saluting ammunition. musee, m., museum; de I'armee, the army museum at Paris. musette, f., bag, pouch; fi cartouche*, (sm. a.) cartridge pouch; 4 vivres, (mil.) ration pouch. mutuallte, f., mutuality (8sp. of insurance); la militaire, (mil. ) army mutual relief or other benevolent association. 3ST. nacelle, f., skiff; (aero.) car, basket, (dirigibles, sphericals, and sometimes, but seldom, air- planes); de reconnaissance, (aero.) (in Zeppelins, car that may be lot down for obser nation purposes) observation car. nappe, f., sheet; de jUx, sheet of telephone wires. navet,m., turnip. navire, m., ship; aerien, (aero.) airship, balloon; brise-glace, (nav.) ice breaker; ren'loueur, (nav.) wrecking vessel, wrecker; de plan-gee, (nav.) generic term for submarine; poseur de mines, (art., nav.) mine planter. navirc-Kigoffne, m., (nap. aero.) mother ship, hangar ship. nervure, f., rib; (aero.) rib (of a wing). de guidage, (mach. gun.) guide-rib. nettoyase, m., cleaning, cleansing; (7ni/.)cleaning up, "mopping" up, of trenches (comprising: (a) destruction of parties of t he enemy that con- tinue the defense; (t>) cleaning up properly so called, steps to make sure that no enemy are left in the trenches); des tranchitx, (mil.) neutralization or removal of remanent gases in tho trenches, after a gas attack ; " mopping up" of a trench (i. e., making sure than no enemy is left); i>ar le vide, vacuum cleaning. iiettoyer, v. t., to clean; (mil.) (to-day) to clean a trench (of its hostile occupants, make sure that none are left); une tranchff, (mil.) to "mop up'' a trench: par le vide, to clean by tho vacuum process. nettoyeur, in., (mil.) trench cleaner; de tranchic, (mil.) trench-" moppor." iieutr.illte, f., neutrality; (in some relations) free from personal comment. iieutro. A., neuter; neutral; (in some relations) free from personal opinion, unvarnished, ilez, in., nose, lug of a key (c/avrf'r); a , at tho closest possible quarters. niche, f., niche, recess; a charge, (trench art.) powder recess; a grenades, (mil.) grenado recess (in a trench); de guetteur, \. poste de gntttenr; de tireur, (mil.) riileman's pit (recess in a trench); nid, m.. nest; d'abeilles, (mach.) honeycomb radiator; d'abeilies acoustique, '''honeycomb" mega- phone; d'artillerie, artillery "nest;" de batteries, (mil.) group of batteries, close together; de bombes, (mil.) bomb catcher; dc mitrailletises, (mil.) group of machine pi ins; d'obus, (mil.) shell catcher; de resistance, (mil.) focus of resistance. nifflettc, f., head cold (pigeons). niole, f., (mil. slarnj) bramly (the same as gniole, gnols, but a better spelling). nlveau, m.. (inst. and in gen.) d bnlle, spirit level; de hausse, (art.) cross level; d'iriclinaison, (art.) cross level; de rcperagc, (mil.) registration clinometer, or level; de site, (art. ) angle of site lovel: de tir, (art.) firing level (for sotting t!io anglf of site); ft totalisation automat iyne, (art.) integrating level ( 155 C. T. U.). nocif, a., hurtful, noxious. noeud, m., knot; double /:/(, double bowline; d'intrn -'.te de ciiuraitt, (>lic.) current no-lr; dejii.iftion, generic term for any knot joining two ropes end to end; dc voics ferrets, (r. r.) railway junction. nolr, a., black; m.. Mack (substance, color): de ra/juicrit , bone black. iioix, f., nut; (mach., ttc.) stud. uornhrc, in., quorum; 7i f /'.'i* ctre en , not to have a quorum; sc trouvir en , to have a quorum. nomenclature, f., nonienclaiure; ///,( />. a.) iiomenci.il lire ami price list 01 ' ilolhing and camp o< uipage. noi -en-element, m., (a r^.) (of fire) c' } ii;i.;--a;:f i.era mask or co.cr. inn -entree, f., r.n Inttrr f, ( lint <>r post: - d'artilurie, (art.) artillery observing point; cirri'* df I' , (mil.) record book of observa- tions, kept in each observation point; --de cnmmandnnent, (mil.) commanding offi- cer's observing point: - dc riglagi, (an.) fire adjustment observation M.iiion: df Tffitage (t ili tir, (art.) lire control observa- tion ]i'-:'; - d( ri naeign-rni'. ntx. (mil.) observation station ' for the detect ion of objectives, and particularly nf In >s I ili- bat l erie-s i n act ion );(art.) long-distance t>bserva:inn p-i.-u: - -tirrix'ri. (mi!.} (observation station on sur- fir-.j .[ ground ::s distinguished from aerial - i.isi-rvutioni. surface station, ground station. obstacle, m., obst'icle; (/,>'( (trii>l>\ (wnn.) double (triple) ob- .-lacle f jii!ii;> i; H I'urcl. (mil. i any n '.Mr;-! obstacle. oMuralrur, m.. o'. >l unit^r. slritter: .". : liglu -:. utter. -i 'ii rp. H'. i !>! ' ' ; ''i .) rif'e b.mib; ) (::-|''!v\i:iti7uO g:i.s shell; II (tear-producing); obu satire retard, slow shell (shell fused to delay burst on strike, attack of deep shelters, of buried targets); sans retard, quick shell (shell fused to burst on strike, attack of blindages); de semi-rupture, (art.) semi-armor-piercing shell: special, generic term for shell of special pur- pose, . g., asphyxiating, tear-producing; svtvre scs , (mil.) of an infantry aitack, to follow the, shell of its own artillery fire (tir de barrage, cf. marcher dans lefcu); uriivemel, universal shell (one type only, for all purposes). obusier, m., (art.) howitzer: pncumatique, (Fr. a.) pneumatic howitzer (trench artillery). obuslte, f., (mil.) (nervous disease caused by proximity to explosion of large caliber IT. E. shell, without being hit); shell shock. oculah-e, m., (inst.) eyepiece, ocular; d. I'ila, cross-hair eyepiece; - de I/ f ivre. reading eyepiece (range finder); ---de. n'.vf'. sighting eyepiece (range finder). ceil, in. ,oye: d'iiitmobilisation, chain stop. opillen', f.. face piece (range finder). ccllleton, m., eyepiece; pinhole. olllcesnar, m., (mil. slany) ofUcor. olriciael, a., official; jirinritf, on a telegnim, means that it has precedence over all others, except cxtrfme ur- gence (v. teUgramme and .-nrrice). offleier, m., (mil.) officer; n,'rt);:'i(r, (aero.) balloon officer, officer on dill y '' a balloon section. Kiir.irn, officer of length of service; d'oittcnne, (Fr. a.) (at each wireless receiving station, oflicer who transmits airplane com- munications) wireless transmitting officer; de balli fir, (tni.) combatant officer; s fir coi'i/Migjur, (mil.) company officers; dc. com /i/f mint, (mil.) supplementary or auxiliary officer (as distinguished from an ollici-r of the active army ); dihrnmli'ird. resourceful, knowing oflif-r; e.f"ii>is>, eonnep.iing officer (e. f., oiliccr kn.jv, iim bo!U l-'ri'nch and English, and acting :'.:; intermediary lietwcen the two heu'i<|iiar- ters); liaison oflicer; --de. mnii'twre, (uiro.) operations oilici-r (of a ballo'in C'linpaiiy); urini'mr, (art.) (officer whoso duty it is to : 557 panneau officier de remeiynemenU, (mil.) intelligence, information, officer; reviseur. (Fr. a.) officer on duty with the revision of the map of France; t'legrapkiste, (mil.) telegraph officer; tettphoniste, (mil.) telephone officer; dc tranchee, (siege) officer of the trenches, in charge of trenches; de tranchfes, trench officer, (with reference to construction ancl organization of a position); * de troupe, regimental officers, (as distin- guished from brigade and division commanders) ; v,n faiant-fnnctinn d' , an acting-officer; de voituns, (mi!.) officer of the train. onicter-chlmiste, m., (Fr. a.) chemical expert belonging to the ammunition inspection of the army. ofltic5er-*leve, m., (mil.) an officer who is, or be- comes, a student at a military school, or war college. ogive, f., (art., etc.) ogive: /aimc , (art.) nose. ohraique, a., (elec.) ohmic. olive, f., olive; button, knob; directriceti roulettes; (mil. min.) roller guide (of a mine rammer). omnibus, m., omnibus; autumobilc, (auto) autobus. on, (mil.) in commands, abbreviation of canon. ondr, f., wave; (con.?.) corrugation (sheet steel, etc.;- de choc, (art.) the shock wave accompanying a projectile in its flight; s entrctenues, (elec.) sustained, undamped waves. ondule, a., undulated; mtta.1 , corrugated metal. opercule, m., (art. and gen.) cover, diaphragm. or, m., gold; noir, (fam.) coal (cf. houille blanche). ordoimance, f., ordinance, disposition; (mil.) (sometimes) soldier servant; d' , according to pattern, to model. ordre, m.. order; d'aaieux, (mil.) farewell order; d'apprl, (Fr. a.) order to Join, (applied also to reservists and territorials); d'e login, (mil.) order of congratulation, laud- atory order; d'u mlrite ogricole, (France) v. s. v., mkrite; service d' , v. s. v. service; de static nnement. (mil.) orders for stations (at end of march), for outposts, orefller, m., pijlow; taie d' , pillow slip, pillowcase. organiser, v. t., to organise; une tranchee, (mil.) to put a (captured or other) trench in order, to equip a trench. orifice, m., hole, orifice; d'arririr, (macli.) admission cock or orifice; de remplissagt, (art.) filling hole (oil cylind- ers); de vidange, (mach.) draining orifice or cock. orlglne, f., origin; dn tir, (mil.) in grenade throwing, point from which a grenade is thrown, ornithoptere. m., (aero.) ornithopter. orthopteTe, m., (aero.) orthopter. osclllateur, m., (dec., etc.) oscillator, vibrator. oscillation, f., oscillation; s amorlies, (wireless) damped oscillations. osciilograinme, m., (elec.) oscillogram. ossature, f., frame (in many practical relations). osselet, m., knuckle bone; (mach. gun) knuckle. ossomite, f., (expl.) a name for cmrneruute. os tau, m., (mil. slang) hospital. outrage, m., (fort.) work; dc barrage, restraining or covering work (o. p., during mobilization, to cover an advance, etc.). ovalisatlon, f., (mach.) ovallsation (of a cylinder, etc.). ovallser, v. t. r., (mach.) to ovalize. oxylithe, m. , substance purifying vitiated air. paclflsme, m . , pacifism. pacifist*, a. ,m., pacifist, a peace-at-any-price man; (an antimilitariste is opposed to armies and to military service; a pacijiste, to war). pageot, m., (mil. slang) hospital bed. paillc, f., si raw; de cn:i~har (.': , compressed straw; en ramc, straw in bundles. paiit, m., bread; de gutne, (mil.) hard bread; de picrre, (mil.) hard, bread. paix, f , peace; ti'iinchc, a peace that settles nothing. pnjot. H!., f /fir/. >lrf>v/on. (mach.) relief valve tappet: --dr rupture, (nuich.) a synonym of Itiier de ru/itun . q. v. paiirr, in., (mach.) thrust block, thrust bearing, thrust collar; 4 Ixigucs, ring-thrust Ijearing; palier de buite d bagues, thrust collar, coMar- thrust bearing; de butted billes, ball-thrust bearing; de chalne, sprocket-shaft bearing; en , on the flat, on the level; (motor car, as distinguished from hill climbing). palme, f. ,palm: ( Fr.a.) bronze palm branch on thx ribbon of the rroir de guerre, granted fur a cita- tion in orders to the army at large; when i;vo have been obtained, a silver palm is substi- tuted. palmer, m., micrometer gauge, micrometer caliper. palonnler, m., <r'>ju'li!c. (art.} shut b'lskel: de vo'yjrjf. (piyrtinx) tninsfer ba.sket. panicr-rrpas, m., basket meal. panne, l'., (trri'itiiini>l)ite tie ri. verve, ( Fr. a.) mechan- ical 'ra;i = l'or: ha .e; hi; I'Hi/Hitjilr, tjnil.) horse-drawn train (balloon riTiiiai'V ;; maritime, (nrrn.) dirigible port ; Ti'i'tiir. (II'; //i ( (art.) expense magazine (rail- way arlill'-ry ; *>ir r: - .-;/r wilt, < ! ". n., r. r., r-.trj.) road park (engi- H"*T park, l:-pt to bo sent through a first breach;. nni tiihr*. (mil. afro.) Rns-fylindf-r train (bal- lo. >!i comi..my >; pan-lose, f., front seat (of an auto, etc.). pare-bouc, in., ("-I"/-).; mudguard. paro-brlse, in., ('int.}. aim.) \\iivl .sf.Teon. pare-t>rult., in., f.'>r. \ silencer. pare-il-crotte, m., mudguard (said of a spur so put on as to keep the trousers off the ground). pare-crotte, m., mud guard. pare-*clats, m., (mil.) splinter proof (in a trench). pare-grenades, m., (mil.) grenade stop. pare-pluie, m., (mil.) rain guard (of a gas mask). pare-poussiere, m., dust guard (of a motor car). parer, v. t., to prepare; lefrein, (art.) to fill a recoil cylinder. parlement, m., Parliament; (in France) the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. parlementarisme, m., parliamentary custom, eti- quette; "senatorial courtesy" (U. S.). parquet, m., (laic, mil. taw) court officials. partie, f., part; plfine, (art., sm. a.) land (of a rifled tube or barrel); prcndre d, , to take in hand. pas, m., step; (mach.) pitch of a propeller, of a screw; (in a roller chain) pitch (distance l>e- tween axes of adjacent rollers); de flexion, (mil. ) pace in the marche de flexion; de parade, (mi?.) the parademarsch of the Ger- mans. passage, m., passage; de lignes, (mil.) passage of or through the assaulting battalions by the reserve battalions (in an attach)- passager, m., passenger (in a ship). passe-montagne, m., mountain climber's hood (adopted by aviators); knitted woolen helmet. passer, v. n., (mil.) to be promoted; v. t., (adm.) to make a contract; (mi^.) to turn over (as, the command); canitaine, colonel, to become, to be pro- moted, captain, colonel; sous la protection de Afme V Berger-Lcvrautt, (mil. sluny) to be promoted by seniority (see annuaire; this book is published by the house of Berger-I-evrault, of which at one time M" Berj;er-Levrault was the head). ;passcrelle, f.. (mil.) small portable bridge for cross- ing trenches. pastille, f., repairing patch (pneumatic tire); d'allumage, (art., czpl.) black powder prim- ing charge; incendiaire, (mil.) incendiary tablet (to set houses, etc., on fire; German); microtf-li-phnnique, (etec.) carbon disk (of a microtelephone). patCe, f., pigeon milk. pat in, in., spring seat or plate; (aero.) runner, skid, landingskid; (much., c;c.)shoe; ( Fr. art.) brake- shoo of thp 75 mm. gun; d'appvi. (art. ) supporting slide; de glissiere, (aero.) axle guide bearing; pnrte-auto, trestle (to take the weight of a motor car o(T tlio tires); tie queue, (aero.) tail skid. patinage, m., (jnach.) advance, slipping, skidding; (.;).) skid, runner. patir.cr, v. n.. (mach.) to turn, work without ad- vancing; to skid. patron, in., patron, master; (mi?, slang) tho cap- tain. patrouillc. f. . (mil.) patrol; (aero.) air patrol: - dc contact, contact patrol. pattf, f., ela\v. foot: - -li'if'iche, catch, fastening; - d'ijxuile, (unif.) tho shoulder part proper of an e]).inlel,; d'(paiilrtte. (unif.) v. d'epmle: --de parrmcnt, (unif.) band, patch (forming part of facings); ndi raccordement, mortise and tenon (metal). pavilion, m., sort of funnel; rigid top of an open carriage, motor car, etc. pavolser, v. a., to dress, decorate, a building, a street, etc. 559 ptage, in., toll; druits de , tolls. pfeager, in., toll gate keeper. peau, f., skin; des batteura d'or, (aero.) gold beater's skin. pMale, f. , pedal: ( in pi. , Saumur slang) the stirrups; (d')'accf:lerateur, (mack.) accelerator pedal, (motorcar); - de debrayage, (mach.) clutch pedal, (motor car); d'embrayage-debrayage, (mach.) clutch i>edal (motor car): defrein, (mach.) brake pedal (motor car). pMUuve, m. t automatique, (Fr. a.) automatic foot washing machine. pelner, v. n., (of a motor) to labor. pelnture, f. , painting; laquee, lacquered paint. pgkin. m., (mil. slang) ttre pekind'unecolle, to have finished with an oral examination. pelisse, f., (Fr. unif.) sort of short overcoat, with fur collar (not worn under arms); (auto.) chauf- feur's fur coat. pelle, f., (/am.) "cropper;" bicker une , (mil. slang, man.) to fall from, or to be thrown by one's horse, to come a cropper; ramasser une , v. bicher une . pelle-nioche, f. (mil.) spade-pick (engineer equip- ment). pelliculalre, a., m., film. pellicule, f., any film. pelote, f., ball; -d'ftoffe, (mil.) stuff ball, (used as a dummy, or drill, grenade). peloton, m., (mil.) platoon; name given to a bat- tery of 37 mm. T. R.; de piece, (art.) gun detachment. pelucheux, a., lint producing. pelure, f., peeling; (mil, slang) overcoat. pencher, v. n. t., to lean, bend; (afro.) to bank, tilt. pendu, m., (mil. slang) instructor (not confined to St. Cyr). pene, m., (mach. gun) cover latch. peiine, f., arrow feather. penthlere, f., (Fr. adm.) stretch of 8 or 10 kilo- meters along frontier, watched by a customs brigade. pepere, in., (mil. slang) a territorial. pequenot, m., (mil. slang) awkward man. perce, f., drill, punch; mcttre en , to broach (a cask). percement, m., cutting, digging, of a canal. percer, v. t., to pierce, cut through (sis a canal). perchettc, f., pole, rod. perclioir, m., perch. perco, m., (mil. slang) news, information. percuter, v. a., (art.) t'> strike; v. t.. to tup, strike; (nrt..sm. a., etc.) to strike; to arm (a grenade). perfectionnement, ni., (man.) final training. Ix'-rliiHT, v. n., (la>r) of a patent, etc., to lapso. period <>, f., j>eriod; en , (mil.) (of reservists) during the |>eriod of sen ice. pCrlsrope, m., (mil.) periscope; d'titble. double [x-riscnpe; At prfrixion, (mil.) wide field periscope. - dctraiiclii:e, (mil.) trench periscope. perl-icopique, a., periscopic; tflet - -, po.riscopic oiTect (distance between eyepiece and objective). pcrlot, in., (mil. slang) tobacco. perme, f., (mil. slang) permission. periuls, m., permit; -de circuler, (ndm.) permit, license, to circu- late, to go and come; dcconduire, (auto. ) chauffeur's license. permission, f., (mil.) pass; delajournee, (mil.) all day pass; de la demi-journSe, (mil.) half-day pass, afternoon pass, prrniututit, m., (mt/.) party of the second part in a transfer. perslenne, f., shutter; (arro.) louvor. perte, f.,loss; de charge, drop, loss of pressure-: de titftse, (aero.) pancake (of * landing); stall (in the air). pfcse-essence, m., gasoline densimeter. pttard, m., petard; (mil. mm.) small bored mine; d'assaut, (mil.) offensive grenade. pfttard-amorce, m., (mil. min.) priming cartridge. pete-sec, m., (mil. slang) gymnastics. petrolage, m., oiling (of mosquito holes, etc.). pCtrolf, m., petroleum; bbrAler, illuminating oil; brut, crude oil; dfchets de , waste oil; lampant, ordinary petroleum; ordinaire v. lampant; rrctife, lamp oil, rectified oil. petroler, v. a., to oil (pools, etc.) against mosqui- toes. pCtrolette, f., (auto.) motorcycle (name given iji France). phalange, f., (mil.) phalanx. pharc, m .automobile lamp, headlight, pilot Ifori: : projector, searchlight (rare); ti acetylene, acely tin light; automobile, (mi;.) automobile searchlight: de bicj/clettc, bicycle lamp; flcctnque, electric headlight; ('electric) sp-.irc!:- light; tlojtant, (IMC.) lightship; d incandesccnff, incandescent light. photophorc, m., sort of electric reflector; ed; aitjuixe, (mil ) sh:irpeni\i si i : .e (nl>st;U'li>); carnltir te . (Saumi:r ) to sleep late. plenin. in.. pi?eon: - d'arrierc-saison. 1 le iii^enn ('hatched after Julv); pigeon 560 plan pigeon de mobilisation, (mil.) service pigeon (1.5-8 years old). postede s, (mil.) carrier-pigeon station; de rem placement (mil.) substitute pigeon, pigeon in training. voyagrur, (mil. slang) shell. plgeonneau, m., young pigeon, squab, plger, v. n., (mil. slang) to understand, plzr.oii. (mack.) pinion: gear; d'atffiqut, driving pinion; dt cliainc, sprocket wheel or pinion; _ de comrnandt, (much., etc.) driving pinion; conduit, driven gear; coniffue. bevel pear; de dt multiplication, reducing gear; dj-'tribvleur, dt. distribution, valve gear pinion; d'entrainement, \ . d'aftaqv-e; manirfllf, (mach. gun) breech mechanism pinion. df marche arriert, reversing gear; .t dc prise continue, coastant mesh gear; - *ntfllUt, intermediate pinion or gear; tindeur, chain stretcher; plir, f., (ehf.) battery; liii;i>uln, m., (rii>., mr-t., slung) beginner's prao- li rl e machine, (has rudimentary wings). liiochc. f., pi, k: jiltnir.lcr, m . F'/. i pi.n M ; : ri' ni ."'. , . . 'I'lti-.j c..v,ilry pioneer. pii>'. . i i;>e: p : pe-s'iaped top of certain single . : : pi|ii - Griped turbine. r, (niit.i ttif troops turned out, the plquetage, m.. picketing; (mtt.) any staking or marking out of lines. plquet-bCche, m., (trench art.) anchor (platform). pise 1 , m., pis6: - de machf.fer, (cons.) a sort of rough concrete made of clinkers or slag (3 sacks of clinkers to 1 cubic meter of hydraulic lime). piste* f., trail; (mil.) open passage in a network of trenches; - cavaliere, (man.) bridle path; - de roulcment, (mach.) roller path; - en S, (mach. gun) S-groove; sortlr de la - , (man.) to leave the track. plstolet, m., (am. a.) pistol; (mil. slang) bed pan (hospital slang); (mil. min.) bit; --- d'armement, (art.) cocking gear; - automatiquc, automatic pistol (e. g., Colt, etc.); hdiamants croiste, (mil. min.) cross bit; - er.lainnl, (mil.) flare pistol; d /<< eclairante, v. - eclairant. piston, m., (mach., etc.) piston; (slang) influence, interest, "pull"; (mil. slang) the captain; (slajiy, Poll/technique), assistant (cares for ap- paratus, sort of janitor); (mach. gun) magazine follower; - b galct, - porte-galet, (piston in whose face is mounted a roller) roller piston; - molcur, (mach. gun) driving piston; - dc rig/age. , (mach.) feed regulation piston (of some forms of carbureters); surface c'c - , (mach.) piston area. plstoiincr, v. n., (slang) to work a "pull"; sefuire - , (mil. slang) to get on by "pull." piton, m., eyebolt. ringbolt; -- de briiage, (harn.) lashing ringbolt (machine gun). pivot, m., pivot; (mach. gun., etc.) pintle; - dircctfur, - de direction, (mach.) steering pivot, knuckle: - de pointage en direction (trench art.) pintle. place, f., place; la Place, la place dc Paris (i. e., Paris as a mili- tary position); - annerc, (fort.) fort, position, depending upon a main or central fort; - d'armes. (mil.) (trench or trenches serving for the assembling of troops; may be either exist- ing trenches, or trenches laid across the boyaux for the purpose), assembling trench; - rfw moment, (mil.) any place fortified during the course of a war (e. p., Torres Vedras, Peters- burg, i'lCVllil). placer, m., (man.) position of the horse with respect to tlib leading foot. plafond, in. , ceiling; (a< ro.) limit of height to which an airplane may rise. plan, m., (afro.) wing, synonym of rudder, stabiliz- ing plane; (m:>n He Vartilhrh, (art.) (plan fixing the organization, emplo> inent, and action of the artillery in order to secure the results con- templated by the plan d' engagement), plan of artillery action; - d'apiirnrht, (car.) plan of approach (i. e.. nil measures for collect ing and forming cavalry in the preparation of the pursuit.); d'armi mi i:t, (mil.) equipment plan: al ru igible); , . dt 1'asfiittle, (airo.) horizontal der (dir- of each rf< {. rrr. (riff.) ground stake; ii vis, ( n'/., > sw\vst 'ike (wire entanglements). b'trrage, (art.) plan fixing the r battery in barrage fire; a atriil, (at ro.) central panel; ~iit ciin/rr-i>reparution, (art.) plan giving all (!eta''ls of the tir de contrc-pre paration; tlrb'irdant, (aero.) overhanging plane; .v ilicniix, (aero.) slagire.red wings; ili rl/fi use, (mil.) plan of defense (of a given position); - - dc il(]ilactmtnt ih I'lir/illerie, (art.) table show- ing shifts of positions to be made; plan 561 poids plan de derivation, (ball.) plane of drift (passing through axis of piece ana point of fall); de Strive, {aero.) vortical fin; de destruction del contrebaUeries, (art.) table showing hostile batteries to be engaged and destroyed; direct ?w, (mil.) map or plan for the direction of an attack, battle map; (art.) plan, survey, sho ving the distribution of targets, emplace- ments, etc., (heavy artillery); (art. and mil. in general) directing map (artillery (Ire, operations in general); (mil. min.) map of operations; a'emploi del'artillerle, (art.) (a plan prepared at each army corps, and division neadquai ters, covering all the cases of the use of the guns in the unit concerned), artillery plan; d'engagement, (mil.) plan of engagement of troops; d' engagement de I' infantine, (mil.) plan of attack, in the broadest sense, of an infantry force; d'ensemble, (mil.) plan for the combat de rupture, q. v., and the subsequent exploitation of the success achieved; general plan; (mil. Mrvhane) general plan of the telephone system of an army; a" exploitation, (mil.) plan made to clinch a successful attack ; fixe, (arro.) stabilizer. incline, (phys., etc.) inclined plane; (mach. gun) ramp; ir.ffrieur, (aero.) lower wing; den liaisons, (mil.) (measures to secure good communication between troops, troops and commanding officer, infantry and artillery, etc.) liaison plan; de neitoyage, (mil.) cleaning out plan (trencher.); de neutralisation, (art.) (table showing bat- teries to be neutralized as battle progresses) neutralisation plan; d' observation, (mil.) observation plan (forms part of the plan de df-fenf of the sector, and contains map of observing points, panorama from each of these points, diagram of telephone communications, and statement of the working of the observation service); d' occupation, (mil.) plan of occupation (of enemy position); d' operation, (mil.) plan of operation(s); portevr, (aero.) supporting plane, wing; de poursuite, (cav.) plan of pursuit; raoattant, (aero.) movable plane; supf-rifiir, (aero.) upper wing; smttrntiifur, I aero.) sustaining plane; de vixfe, (art.) plane of sight. planohe. f., plank; n cuffi cr, (mil. min. ) sheat lung plank, sheath- ing; reposc-pieds, foot board of a vehicle. planrhette, f., (ins!.) plane taMe; de batterie, (art.) battery map (zinc square on which is pasted so much of general map as concerns battery in question; screwed on a wooden board): - dfvidiiif, standing reel; rapporteur, ('irt.) protractor plane table; fi roulfauz, roller map board: t'rrriiscopiquc, (inst.) stereoscopic plate (pro- duces stereoscopic effects by the. juxtaposition of tvo photographs of the sii:ne object); dc tir, (.art.) range card. pUmement, in., soarin?,; ("fro.^ volplaning. planer, v. n , to soar: (mm.) to volplane, to glide. plai:et:oche, fountain pen; fi reservoir, fountain pen; de vol, primary. plurality, f., plurality; d'origine, ( FT. a.) plurality of origin (with reference to the various sources from "which officers are drawn, v. s. v. unite). pneii, m., tire; ferre, studded tiro (pneumatic); sjumeles, (auto.) (motor truck), twin tire?. pnru-auto, m., (auto.) auto equipped with pneu- matic tires. pne'i-cuir, m., leather casing f pneumatic tiro}. pnruiiiatltiue, m., (auto.) pneinnatic tire. porhc, f., pocket; ft air, (afro.) air-pocket: a cartes, (Mil.) map case; ii chargeurs, (xjji. a.) loader pouch; fifeux, (mil.) "fire pocv.ei' 1 (said of the place insiile one's lines to which the enemy has |)enetratod, and in which lie may be pocketed hy Tire on his llan!-s and in iiis rear); - - ilc norlrfeuiile, inside poc- et of a co.it: devapeur,stC3Jli bubble (its in a water jacket). pof-le, in., pall; tfiiir Us cordon.? du , < o be a pallbearer. poids, m., weiglit ; -dii. chcial, (auto.) weight per horscpowi-r; demi-lnurd, (antn.) generic term for :iu;.,s IH>- tween - - l.) allowance or marks for rapidity of lire. p(/lntngf, m., (art.) sum; ilf oroxsir If , (art. ) to take approximate aim; HU ''iiiroir, (art.) laying by reflection; vrirotr de , (ail.) laying mirror; i>lan de , (art.) piano of aim; rfcifiroqttf, (art.) reciprocal laying. p:>intc, m.. (mi/.) dash; de miiKur, (mil. win.) drill. polnteaii, in., (mach.) needle valve; needle of a Hoat-fMxl carbureter; d( ri:gtagc, (ni'ls.) needle valve; & Tensor t (mach.) spring nrodU) valve; d fix, (mach.) screw noodio (10 regulate the spray of an atomi/or). pointer, v. t.. (madi.. fir.) in mark relative posi- tions of adjarpKil parts; (art.) to lay a gun; ou mif'ir, (ur'.) to lay by reflection. potnteur-tireiir, n., : 'n *>ch a .-.'.) gtumer. p.ilro, f., bulb. |xiir<*:iti, m., leek: fitlre tin , (Jam.) the nrdre dn mcrile agricolt, (\. V. pnlrot, in., (mil. slang) tho commanding officer, pois, in. pen; jarri-", vetch (usually spelled jtirotme. or j.irmx.'>lico slu'ion: in I'enorul, all measures taken t" injure pnMic order: - ad>nii>i.iirutir<\ ("II measures looking l.o the in, lint, -luiucd 'if onlcr. the well-being and -,.'ciirii \ of the citizens) administrative police; .- Tjis
  • d In ilio fiiiris) ciiuiiii.il p ilice: ( mil. i da! ies of gendarmerie (in sonrctiin^ on; ci i tin 1 and criminals, and in assisl ing (lie regular (('Hi i -marl ial liy h"lding >|H'cial c-'Hirls;; t'.i f'.nlii'ii , I n '!< i. i TM -id in' i i lat inns; - -i 1 .' .'H,'<. !>-.'i'e in ni'up.i-tin piil.'lic order: meiL.i'Kv. oi pui.pia; siifo'y. pollcler, m., policeman, police agent. politique, f., politics, policy; - defermcture, v. a' interdiction; d' interdiction, policy of exclusion (of foreign- ers, etc.). polochon, m., (mil. slang) bolster (of a hospital bed). tmiyrdiiiijuo, a., polyconlc. polycylindre, m., polycylinder motor car. polylobfe, a., (aero.) polylobod. pol;. phase, a., (elec.) polyphase. polyplace, m., (aero.) "many seater." Polytechniclenne, f., (Fr. a) mutual benefit society made up of graduates of the Polytoch- nique. pompe, f., pump; (mil. slang) shoe; theoretical in- struction: d cylindres independants, double-cylinder pump, duplex pump; d, engrenayes, gear pump; sfunebrcs, funeral; & gonf.tr, bicycle pump; & graisse, grease pump (lubricating); d huile, oil pump (lubricating); oscillante d piston, oscillating piston p:imp; d palettes, vane pump; d imeu, tire pump, bicycle pump; d pression. pressure pump; d purin, farmer's pump, (purin, liquid ma- nure); pondrc, v. t., to lay (eggs). pout, m., bridge; (owto.)axle (and related parrs; e. g., housing); (r. r. an.) girder (transmits wenht of gun to two trucks); (trench art.) tra- versing cro.ss piece; aqncduc, aqueduct bridge; arribre, (auto.) rear Lve axle (of a cardamc transmission); arritre d cardan transversal, (auto.) rear axle (wheel shafts directly controlled by cardanic transmission); canal, aqueduct bridge; d cinquenclle, (pant.) (bridge hold by sheer lines) sheer-lino budge; de fortune, (pont.) temporary bridge, bridge built on the spot from local resources; now oscillant, (auto.) dead axle; oscillant, (auto.) floating live axle; d PI'IIIJC, (pont.) toll bridge; d( />'rtc-cartes 563 poste porte-cartes m., (aero.) map holder. Twite-cartouches, m., (rm. a.) short cartridge belt or holder. norte-c-harffe, rn., (ro. a.) cartridge belt. ;>orte-rontact, m., (elec.) contact holder. porte-de'pfche, m., (mil.) message tube (carrier pigeon). norte-dotonateur, m,, (tr. art.) detonator cylin- der, tube. port*e, f., reach, stretch; (mach.) bearing length (of a trunnion or journal, length of the bearing itself;; (fond.) core holder, or support; (telephone, etc.) span; at'-tt-nne, air span; ponter b grande , (pont.) to bridge with ex- tended bays. porte-galons, a., (mil.) chevron wearing. porte-ffrenades, a., (mil.) grenade carrying; ceintnron , grenade belt; panicf , grenade basket. porte-lancc, m., (mil.) nozzle man (of a (lame pro- jector): saptur . nozzlo man. porte-lanterne, m., lamp bracket, holder. porte-manteaux, m., clothes hook. porte-matrtel, m., (art.) carrying bar. porte-matSriels, m., (art.) equipment cart, portc-mines, m., (torp.) torpedo planter. porte-mltrallleuse, m., (mach. gun) gtin support (of a gun cart). porte-objet, m., slide (of a projection lantern). portc-parole, m., spokesman. , porte-phare, m., lamp fork or bracket. porte-plume, m., penholder; & reservoir, fountain pen. porter, v. t., to carry; tine depeche, (mil. slang) to have one's horse run away. porte-relals, m., (art.) relay-carrier. porte-savon, m., ;;oap dish, soap holder. port .e-tourUlons,jn.,(7;intoon raft (part of a bridge); fi fii^altf merit, foMhr: d'nvn donr; ~-d' trn:.:-/:-!rt, (i;;il.) p<;;it.im r.ift, (forms no part oi a bridge). purtliiue, (xifjc) covered portion of a nape dcbout, to protect against enfilade. {>oit,-in:iKaslii, m.. (Fr. u.) depot in a river or <.-.: .;ai port. pose, !'.. l:u ing; nirirnnt, (mil. If 1 .., rtc.) laying rtbovo ground; - a tirrc, (mil. III., ilc.) s::rf:ice laying. poseur. ;>!.. filter: (sit (if) sa'K'Iri,; l:iyer; -- ^ plsmier. poslt'iiii, f.. )>osi!io:i; ~ - d'ntii.nte, (art.) wr;ilins; p'VMiion (pieces limbered); dt drmi-roult . (nrl.; s'l.'.-rt tnivel position (transport to short disi;:!uvs>; - -iif iH jilacr jiicnl, (art.) <': u.'jo p-'sition. (to deceive I ho enemy ); fn'ix-i -. (mil.} (lummy position: position, de furrrillance, (art.) waiting (Kisilion (pieces tuilimbered, against enemy expected at a certain point) ; position of expectation; de vol, (aero.) flying position. poste. f., post office; petite, (hi newspapers) questions and an- swers, answers to correspondents. post*, m., post; (art., sm. a.) "home" or seat of a pro'ectile or cartridge; d'armee, (mil. teleg.) (station between lines to the front and corps and division headquar- ters); army transit station; d'arrittc. (mil. ';., etc.) receiving station; atanct, (mil. telephone) advanced telephone station; de commandement, (mil.) commanding offi- cer's station (especially in trench warfare); command post; de controle, ( Fr. an.) chocking or comparing station (name given to wireless station of a yruupement; follows the work of airplanes serv- ing groups and the batteries of a yroupcrncnt, as well as the infantry planes in the zone of the grovpement); de depart, (mil. sig., etc.) sending station; d'tau filtrec, (mil.) drinking fountain in bar- racks; d'ecoute, (mil.) listening post; d'fcoute tlUphoniqur , telephonic listening post (has telephonic communication with the rear); emeUeur, (tel., etc.) sending station; d'entreticn, (mil.) repair post (of a bridge; engineers); fi I'epreuve, (mil.) shell-proof post or station; d'cxamcn, (mil.) examining post (outpost duty); d -face, (mil.) stationary; grand , (mil.) main, central, listening post; de guetteur, (mil.) lookout past, sentry post (trenches); inter miaiaiTf. en derivation (rmbrochf), (trie- phone) shunt (series) way-station; de jonction, (mil. tileg.) connecting station (between lines t o the front and those to the rear ); d'obseri'atfur, (mil.) observing-post; d' observation, (mil.) observing station or post; oi'tiqur, (mi!.) search light station: de t>an*emfi:t, (mil. med.) dressing station: petil . (mil.) sort of outpost in front of the first trenches; small listening post; plu>to-e,kctrique, (mil.) searchlight station (dynamo \vugon and projector); tie piijr.om, (mil.) carrier pigeon station. de police, police station, police headquarters; (mil.) (infantry) post guarding a bridge; (mil. in gen.) any guard post; pnrtatif de_ T.S. F., portable wireless set: (It protection, (mil.) (in bridge guarding an upstre.un) po^t on the l(K)kout for floating objects (may be downstream occasionally); hy, i7c.'i receiving station; de ri-ttftiije. ( I- 1 . mi.) raiigiiig sunion (I'.inio given !o \vircle.-s rtyeiving station of a l)a!tery or group of batK-iits in couuuunicution \vith an artillery plane); - (/.- vf. '.<, (.mil. i:nd.) popularly, (irsi -aid st-itiou ', >. ?(/;/;/( dt lilifst'x:) dressing st'i'ion; (;.'i/. -iii')!.) ri"-i'i: station: :!> .s'ing stai ion i beliind regiment): - - (/' xurrti/lni'.ec, (mil.) lookout past: ( Fr. i;rt.t gpiier-l recci\ing .station cit 1'. (.'. of the artil- lery and of tlu< heavy artillery: makes an etiort to take all !,;i-sai;cs c,f the corps pl.mes. or at le.i-t thii.M 1 i'ii general duly, ailiili'.y ol-;--rv:i- lion. inf.inlry pl.uifs, ci)iiim;inding gi-ner:vl's planes- till pl.-r .' t r: ins- nitt ing station: postc 564 projectile poste d< T. S. F. d'aviateur, (ma.) airplane re- ceiving station (wireless). postilion, m., postillion; "t decUnchcment , sliding release. <: , { ^ ri ,ement. (mach.) muffler, silencer, sUonce-box (of an explosive engine): _ d-ffhappemrnt de vapeur, (mach. gun) steam pot (to conceal steam from the Maxim cooling J^Tfu'mie, (artif.) smoke compartment. -l-'iwen, (artif.) Bengal light. (Ruggieri was the great maker of fireworks of the 1 hird Empire.) pote, m.. (mil. slang) a good friend. noteau, m., post; (mi/, slang) a good friend; . front-err, frontier post; . dctflegraphc, etc., telegraph, etc., pole. noteiitlel, m., (erpl.) potential, (quantity of work coVn sending to the quantity of heat developed by unit weight), pou, in., louse; -flec'fruiut Tc'rpl.) an explosive containing 33 per cent of nitroglycerin (remaining ingre- diont.s unknown); gfant,(cj:pt.) giant powder; mica, (dpi.) a dynamite of mica base; an picrate (eipl.) pier-ate powder; Vuican, (eipl.) Vulcan powder. noulct, m., chicken, note; 1 gatitf, (mil. slang) note thrown into enemy trenches. poulle, f., pulley; nlcnstile, expanding pulley; fi juues, cheek pulley. pounol, m., (lav) appeal; ( n cassation, appeal for reversal of verdict . in error. pourvoyeur, m..( mi.'.) grenade-carrier (assistant t > lawur, q. v.), assures supply of grenades; ( IT. a.t f coder, supply man (.to & fusil-mttraillevr); (in gen.) ammunition server or carrier: c n charges, cartridge server; en projectiles, projectile server. ponssfe. f., (afro.) lift: (mach. gun) gas-pressure; centre de , center of thrust: lull ,/, ; ( mach. gun) pressure reduction tube. poussrtte, f., push button, spring button. poiissh'Tf, f. , dust; d'hoiiunes, (mil.) expression to denote the virtue, indistinct appearance of a line of men at a distance. pousse-pousse, in., jinrikisha; pushcart. poiissolr, m., pusher, push button (in general); f at'ich.) valve lifter, cam follower, plunger, push r >!, tappet, politic, f., (coin.) beam, girder; a a-ne pleine, (const.) solid beam, solid web i r' lire-role, (con.*.) lattice beam; . . ii:-'in (iido.) ^ir.ler e-iiini-cting principal "eil-ile. (|. v., with the reur of the machine; jii:,"i ; .n ginler; .i. telegram. premier, a., lirsl : rit'iri i -i in,', nni<>.) to put on first speed. precKion. f., 'iccuracy: ^ii itinrti'iii , i 'irt.) lateral precision; en jjortt'c, (art.) procisi'.in in range. preievement, m., exclusion (as, mil.) of gases. prtlever, v. t., to exclude (as, mil.) gas. prendre, v. t., to take; sous lefeu, (art.) to take under fire. presentation, f., presentation; du drapeau, (mil.) presentation of colors. presidency f., chairmanship of a committee, etc. Crpsident, m. , chairman of a committee; speaker of the house, of a parliamentary body; de chambre, ( Fr. law) the presiding judge of the chamber or division of a court. pression, f., (phys.) pressure; chute de , loss of head, fall of pressure. prtt, m., ( FT. a.) soldier's pay; dfcadaire, pay every 10 days. prefer, v. t., to lend; serment entrc les mains de, to swear before. prftolrc, m., (mil. law) court room (as of a court- martial). prevention, f., preventive confinement; en de conseil de guerre, (mil. law) held by or for a court-martial. prevision, f., forecast, prediction; locale, local (weather) forecast; (i longue echeance, distant forecast (weather). prise, f., purchase, grip; d'air, (mach.) air inlet, air intake; de commandemcnt, (mil.) assumption, taking over of a command; de courant, (dec.) jack; direct e, (mach.) direct transmission, direct connection; in , (mach.) engaging with, gearing with; 7i directe, (mach.) direct-connected; dejour, (mil., etc.) opening to the air, as in a covered trench; de possession de commandemcnt, (mil.) as- sumption of command. de tcrre (elec.) ground, ground connection; prisnin, m., (opt.) prism; bi-rffringent (inst.) double refraction prism; deviateur, (inst.) refracting, deflecting, prism (range finder); d'tttremitt drnite. (gauche) (inst.) right (left) end prism (of a range finder); de gryxsltseme-nt, magnifying prism; dc reperage, (art.) registration prism; sfparateur, (it finder); sfparateuT,'(inst.) separating prism (range a failure, blunted triangular prism. prisme-objectif, m., (opt.) objective prism. proboche, a., (/am.) German sympathizer. proces-verbal, m., minutes. procureur, m., (law) attorney; dc la J'.epubliquc, (France) solicitor general. prod nit, m., product; accessoirc, (chcm., etc.) by-product. prolil, in., (airo.) fair. j)r(ililaj?e, in., (arro.) stream lining. protilC*, a., (aero.) stream lined; faired. profoiidcur, depth; --it' unc surface, (aero.) length of the chord (wing). prosresscr, v. n., (mil.) to advance (trench fight- in;-). progression, f., (mil.) advance (trench fighting). projertiMir, in., searchlight; <]< tlammcs, (mil.) flame projector; pnrlntif, (mil.) portable searchlight, hand searchlight; hand set; dc signaliiation, (sig.) Morse lamp. projectile, m., (. rumasse-inleltes, m.. (mil. ././ j> : /i lit ter-bearor. li thrown, c illery; i.;:c to u small slieathod "a'tier, , . ;i.,lorow; .- i'Ti'i>nT,Tn , to -hip thoours; ,>rf'itarti-mu!iii , lot fall! raiune, f., slope; ramp; bank of lights; border of the stage; d'atterrissaue, (aero.) landing lights; fc wr de la , footlights; dc yraissage, (mach.) oil distributor; lumincuse, (aero.) row of lights (on an air- plane); de scrv'ice, (pont., etc.) gangplank. ranclo. m., (mil. slang) meal, same as soupe, q. v. randonnee, f., trip. rang, m., (mil.) file (from the point of view of promotion); de , (mil.) belonging to, or serving in the ranks; & sent, (mil.) in close order. ranger, v. t., to put on one side, to get out of the way; se , of a vehicle, etc., to get out of the way of a following vehicle. rapace, m., bird of prey. rape, f., "scraper" (said, auto, of certain vwy rough roads). rappcl, in., recall, return; de soupape, (mach.) return of a valve (to its seat). rappeler, v. t., (mach.) to bring back, (as to a former or initial position); to cause to bear. rapport, m., (Fr. a.) formal, detailed, written report; general, general report consolidating the various ministerial budgets (France); special, the report made on the budget of each ministry (France, v. s. v., rapporteur). rapporteur, m., (France) the member of the ap- propriations committee of the Chamber of Deputies, reporting on the budget of each de- partment (ministry) of the Government; in the Senate, the member reporting the general budget (only one is appointed); general, the member consolidating the re- ports of the ministerial budgets into one general report. ras, a., clo.se, smooth; au du KOI, a Ions the surface of the ground (and very little above it). rase-mottes, m., (aero, slang) grass-cutting. rata, in., (mil. slang) stew. rate, in. ,(macJi.) misfire; (art. .sm. a.) misfire, failure; de., failure to. failure of, (o. g., d'cclatc- metit, failure to burst). d'allumage, de molenr, misfire. ration, f., (miZ.) allowance (of food, forage, fuel, etc.) de chauflaiie, fuel allowance; defer, emergency ration : dc icrl, allowance of green fodder. rattrapaRC, m., (mach.) take up, (as of the wear of a 1'iech'inism); drjtu, take up (of wear). ruttrapcr, v. t., (macli.) to take up (as wear of a mechanism); rave, f., rape (sort of turnip). ravltallletnent, in., (UH-(I>. < repair and supply sta- tion; (/:/.) refilling, replenishment; ]inr cchange de rilurfx (art.) refilling by exfhango of vehicles (loaded for empty); irrrricc :rse of stilly Oiftera failure to pass); to boeomo a "turn-back, " (U.S. M. A.) redresseinent, in., (aero.) straightening up, re- covery; manwurrc dv mi />/.'icr;. > reversal of the rudder (banking). redresser, < ; .. to llm u;> .'its an wigine); (atro.) lo .str:'.;L,lLt:.ti t;;>. ml^csf'SMir, r;., (tlic.) reviiiier. I ";: iu-t.iir, in.. (-If.) n il:;.-.T; !' I'lii:-'. ( oiit-u 1 ro! ' stMi.siU/.er. referrc! 1 . v. : ., to re.-:!)!).- a horse. refouloii-, in., (art. "i v.iv.::;cr: - -a dittlnc . mi-riyi'.li'. (art. (chain riiminor. refroldisspinent, in.. ("ilii:g; I/"'///, :iir-<:i)iili;iL r : - - (i't:tu, \vater-c:i',Hii^. refrojdlsseur, m., (mach.) cooling apparatus, de- vice, a synonvm of radiatcur. q. v.; cloisonne, (mach.) sectional cooler. refuge, m., refuse: de blessts, (nil. med.) first aid station (im- mediately behind the troops; sometimes inac- curately called fxiste de secovrt). r-fu:, m., (man.) refusal (of a jump; horse). refuser, v. t., (man.) to refuse (a jump; horse), rcgagner, v. a., to return to (a place); to rejoin, regard, m., manhole, inspection hole; (mach.) a synonym ol compte-aoitUet, q. v.; d'cgout, manhole (in a street). regime, m., rule, system: normal performance; du tir, (art.) 'management, regulation of fire, (e. g.,ina barrage); zone du rlgulier, (aero.) stream-line flow. regiment, m., regiment; attele. (art.) regiment serving horsed pieces; de France, (Fr. a.) home regiment (as dis- tinguished from colonial or African); A tracteurs, (art.) regiment of tractor artil- lery; squelette, skeleton regiment. reglstre, m., damper; de batterie, (art.) battery firing record. de prise dc vapeur, (steam) intake. reliable, a., adjustable. reglage, m., adjustment; (mach., aero., etc.) align- ment; aerien, (art., aero.) ranging by aerial obser- vation; d'un appardl, (aero.) lining up; coefficient de , (art.) 1 the ratio of the ranging to the topographic distance (of an auxiliary tar- get, before opening on the real target); 2 ratio of the ranging distance, corrected for atmos- pheric conditions, to the topographic distance; range-correction factor: distance de , (art.) observed range: defrdn, (mach.) brake adjustment (take up of wear); dc haiitnirs d'iclatc mrnt, (art.) adjustment, determination of the height, of burst; h iri'ontal, (art.) horizontal adjustment (range finder); tie I' incidence , (aero.) wash in, wash 0:1! ; percntaiil en, porter, (art.) ranging by per- cussion; IfTTtatrt, (art.) ranging by terrestrial observa- tion (usual c;kso. before advent of aeronaut ins); vertical, vertical adjustment (range finder). regie, f.. rule; -rt- cnicni.i, slide pile; Ui n-pcrage, (tmich art.) registration scale. regleiiiv-iiier, v. t., (mil.) to make regulations for. rtgler, v. t., (mach., aero., etc.) to c.lign. rOir'c'.te, f., small rule: scale: '<(.'. (ofro.) euemv speed bur: ite cuntre pi'itt, (If. art. i < jui.tersiopesc-ale , li;r iii ii on re verso slope); ill' t!>fire. (iiern.) drift bar: - t/i rfirir'ifui, (nr/.) direction Tv.le: - - lit /<(;' vr, (art.) i'1-.'valicii sca'e: (ic miri-, (!ii t'ch ait. ) .sighting :i'i<(.-. (art.) mechanic.:! f'.!/-o setter. rf'Ktilarijf, f.. (T'(?".I excolliMuo 111 :!! n- -pi-ct .. rt'iv-iarity of performance. rcnu!al'ur, ni., (mach.) governor; I,(IH/". i speed r-.T-il '.lor: (/'<'!>, air regulator (of f.titoTiiatic carburet or--;; - - ii'f.nillti-!tl-i"ii. f'-ei| coil! ''I.!. -- -tl i>>iu!ix, l.'ail governor - V noi iu>ce.ss:irily limited 1.1 -ienm >; - c , 1'iriji: ;: . criilrifi::.al ; " i-rnoi . rru'iihtor; i!i /n't ->, in. riHlucinc \ i! (; I' .' lice, (aero.) rucc. rendernciit, in., pcrfonn:uice, duty: (of vehicles) raUo of lisciiil to total load; d''i;-;.f>ii;fi-ition, (\*.l :: prope!!er, etc.) per- forn;a!i'.-e ,(',!;! y, under se'r - ice conditions: e. g., when rn.!"iie.| on ;in -lirj/lMi'-. lit r',n-tr: rli'in, (of :; pror.'olier, etc.) shop di:ty, t!.\ed-!c I duty. rend re, v. ' ., to turn iu 'as tol'^.e! o.;. renildin-iiicnt, m., f'i, r". i in'! :t joi;: rer>!eni.shrnent (of ' :i- g.is of a l)all;..)u after ascension), partial intiation. rriiflixier, v. t., (>i>rn. i to inliale- - H-I l,>ii;.-ji, (n;as (if a to inilato p:;r- 't.-r li il'mr. i/i:/ renversable, a., reversible (as a telescope in its bearings). renversement, m., upsetting; (aero.) overturn on the wing; tn, (Fr. a.) portable \viro, entanglcraents, units with supporting ar'iilory); rtsoau 569 robinet e.seau, commiion de - , (Fr. a., r. r.) line com- mission; (is assisted in war by a emu-commis- sion): - de carps d'armte, (mil. tele-phone) army corps telephone system; - a" ensemble, (mil. telephone) telephone sys- tem (artillery); - general de commandement, (mil. telephone) telephone system (forms part of" tho reseau d'armee); connecting the commanding general with stations as far down as the jtostrs at cnm- mandemtnt of tho various corps; headquarters telephone; general de tir, (mil. telephone) artillery tele- phone system (so designed as to permit bat- teries to use a great number of observation sta- tions without being directly connected to them); - de I'interieur, (Fr. a., r. r.) all railways tinder the authority of the minister of war (v. ligne. de dimarcatinn, - des armies, zone des armies, and zone de I'iniirieur); - particulicr de I'artillerie (mil. telephone) artil- lery telephone system (artillery command and units); au res du so?, (mil.) ground entanglement (about 1 foot high): - de reglage (general), (art.) network of obser- vation points and connections; - de seeours, (mil. telephone) relief system, duplicate svstem (c. g., the reseau genfral may be used in case a reytau particulicr should break down); sous-commission de - , v. commission de - ; - ttltphonique, telephone system; - telephonique d' 'observation et de reglage, (mil. telephone) telephone fire observation and con- trol system; en tTtillagf mttalligue, fence- wire entangle- ment. ., (mil. telephone) private. reservoir, m., (inst.) bulb (as of a thermometer, etc.); - en charge, (mach.) gravity tank; d'huilr, (mach.) oil cup; - sous prcssion, (mach.) pressure tank. reslliable, ti., (adm., laic) revocable, subject to cancellation. rtsll'er, v. a., (law, adm.) to revoke; resistance, f., resistance; & I' advancement, (aero.) drag, passive resist- ance; s passives, (aero.) body resistance, head rasistance; s parasites, (afro.) head resistance; - de reglage, (dec.) rheostat resistance; -- totaled, iavzncement, (aim.) drag. resonance, r., resonance: (elcc.) resonance, tuning; aiyiie, sharp tuning; en - , tuned. ressalslr, v. I., to soizo again; ne - , to pull one's self together (e. g., mil., the enemy, after a surprise). ressniit, in., jog, shoulder; (mil. min.) abrupt change of level (in a gallery). re.s.sort, in., spring; --- it'a/i/iui de chargcur, (mach. tjiin) magazine stop spring; - d'anntment, (art.) cocking spring (trench mortar); amorllsstur . bull'rr spring: shock absorbing spring; cnnttlertr, the -- ft crow, upside down; tie c.tianji ir-Ierji'g on (a river, sea, I;'. i e, Voail. 'oiest. e'c. 1 : ittit , boidering si:i'r. state l'or-!erlng on a sea, ocean, etc. rohliirt, m.. phu r . faucet; ilc d i 'com;:i-t!f, driving wheel; - riorlcuxf, hearing wheel; - a raytns nctaliiques, bicycle wheel (i. e.. wheel of bicycle t ype); - a r, xsiirta, elastic wheel (using springs to dori'leu slu-ck i: roue, train de s, train of wheels. rouet, m., reel, winch. roue-turbine, f., (mach.) turbine, turbine wheel. rouge, a., m., red; porter ou , (met.) to heat rod hot. rouget, m., (sort of) tick. roulage, m., transportation; tpreuve de , wheel or transportation test, rouleau, m., eyo (of a carriage spring); roller; concasscur, rock crusher; tijour, open-work roll, cylinder, or barrel. roulcment, m., (mach.) rolling (i. e., bearing) surface; (roller) bearing; annulairc, annular ball bearing; fi billi-s, ball bearins;; point dc , (mach.) bearing, journal bearing. rouler, v. n. t., to roll; au moteur, (aero.) to taxi. roulette, f., (surv.) (ordinary linen) tape (dcai- metre a ruban). rouleur, m., (mil.) gabion-roller (soldier); (a:ro.) ground machine. roulls, m., (aero.) roll, roulotte, f., (a-Mo.) sort of largo traveling car. routiere, f., road engine, traction engine. Royal-Cambouis, ra., (mil. slang) soldier of the trains des equipages. ruban, m., (mart.) strap, band; . chatterton, strip of Chatterton, q. v.; copia.nl, copying ribbon; hcclixjraphe, hectograph ribbon; range, red ribbon; (fig.) the Legion of Honor, rue, f., street; Royalc, (street in Paris; by metonymy) tho Ministry of tho Navy; Saint-Dominique, (a street in Paris; by mo- tonymy ) the general stall of the army. rucllc, f. , small street; (mil.) company street. ruguerx, m., (art.) striker, percussion pin. rulssvllemcnt, m., trickling; cam dr , trickling waters. rupteur, in., (dec.) make-and-break mechanism, key f producing the break spark); distributeur, make-and-break key (with special reference to periodic makos and breaks). rupture, f. , rupture, burst; crrcle de , (ezpl.) circle of destructive effect. rustlque, a., (of mechanical devices, weapons, etc.). not complicated. s. sabot, in., i d'arret, scotch d'arret, scotch. sabot-agrafe, m., (r. r. art.) rail clip, sabotage, in., sabotage, (i. e., scamp work, scamp- ing; malicious injury done to the establishment; 1-y an employee-; intentional garbling of copy by a printer.) saboter, \ . I. (r. r.) fc> nor. h (a tie. for the fnot of 'I,.- rail), s.iiirc, in., (.tut. a.) ,.v. ,-.!; tin i>'>iiiy, sword in hand, with drawn swords. f, i '.. suck, h.ii;: (mil.) knips-.ck; - n nlninit'ir.-, (nrl.\ pci::ier b-ig; r; r/... i wit.) regulati'in pack; >t'inxi'lnncr*Hiiiitr. (imri.) wate.r-tight bag sa'-r;;(!('-. a., irni-ular, jerl.y. ;! unit ual benefit society -i l '.< 'in '-f 'Ti'H: '(,-, (if :'m ( v: Sainte-Barbe, (proper name) St. Barbara; celebration de la , (art.) feast on December 4 to St. Uarbara, tho pa Iron saint of the artillery; yli'.brer la , (art.) to celebrate St. Barbara, patron saint of the artillery, on December -1. Saint-mafxenraise, f., ( />. ns.1 mutual beni'it society made up of graduates of SI.. Maixent. salslr, v. t., (I'lir) 1o refer; un />an/:i:// d'unc affaire, (mil. law) to reu-r a case to a p.in/.it/., [. <_., to a court-martial. salle, r., hall, largo room; d'axtiquajr, (mil.) in barracks, room for do. MI - in.L' rilles. e'luipinent:, c' c.; - dm mnclniicx, machine-shop; i!c vinilf, (mcd.) surgeon's oilice. sahc, f., (art.) salvo; (either rounds fired u i).;ot.hoi-, <>r a series of shots fired one by one); - de. cnntr 1 ',!! , (art. ) ranging sal . c satidow. (proper n.ii!i r ; "tro n!iing) 'il)i)rr shock uhsorbcr. saiit/', f., quarantine (station, personnel, function). sape, f , (mil.) ;.!;, (strict Iv sin-aklnir, sape is a pro- cedure, n mo.lho:! of e- bind the first); ft une forme, in trench work, full sized sap; ruxse, vaulted unlined gallery (In trench work); tolante en sacs a terre, (siege) flying sand bag sap. ssi pour, m., (mil.) sapper; culomlophilc, (mil.) pigeon sapper, pigeon man of the engineer corps. sapeur-aerostier, m., (mil.) soldier belonging to balloon park. sapfiur-bonibnrdler, m., ( Fr. a.) man assigned to trench artillery duty. sapeur-cycllste, m., (Fr. a.) sapper cyclist. sapliilere, f., (top.) pine wood. satellite, m., (mach.) satellite, middle, or inter- mediate gear or pinion. satisfaction, f., satisfaction; letlre de : (mil.) official letter, as from secre- tary or minister of war expressing commen- dation; temoignage de , (m il. ) expression of commenda- tion, etc., by the authorities. sauce, f., sauce; poirrade, Tabasco diet (at one time unlaw- fully in voguo at West 1'oint). sauclsse, f., sausage; (mil. slang) kite balloon. sauclsson, m., sausage; (mil. slang) aerial torpedo. Saumurolse, f., (Fr. a) mutual benefit society made up of graduates of Saumur. saut, m., .iump; d' obstacles, (man.) hurdling, jumping. sauveteur, in., rescuer. scandcr, v. t., to measure. scenario, m., scenario; (mil.) plot or plan (whereby the hostile infantry is induced to man its first line trenches when these are to be taken under a tir de concentration). schlltte, f., wood-sledgo (for conveying lumber down a mountain side; used in the Vosges); cfttiwi'/j dc , continuous track or trestle on which t he schlitte slides. scle, f.. saw; egnhine, rip saw; d, tenon, wood saw. scler, v. t., to saw; la bouche, (man.) of the rider, to saw on the mouth. stance, f.. session; - u chcral, (man.) ride, work on horseback. seau, in., bucket; A rhiriMni, (mil. slana) projectile of tho Oor- irum Krdmorser, (buried trench mortar). sec, a., dry; lire u ', to bo dry, run dry (of reservoirs, etc.); 11:1 l. r nt(irr ft , to mix dry (as sand and cement); P'litiir unesechf, (mil. slang) to know nothing of a subject when questioned, to'^fess,'' (U.S.M.A.), sector, f., (hydr.) lint (left exposed at low (id(>). secher,v.t.,todry; unr manteuvre, (mil. slang) to "cut" a drill, sfcheresse, f., anemia (pigeons). socrOiaire, m., se n xifi'iiTr, 1 entire de-rtxistanci^*^ /WH/V ri'iippi'i, i /">/;/ d'uppui'.'i nnjiin nls aciifs, i smut':! rjc'ii "- portion of line actively held.) ( \ i;i:i! 'ITS :ire illustrative merely.) - (I'wjfiifa.'K t.tr< iich art. ) clamping sector: d'app'ii', (in/irii nrt.) base sector ('2-iD !,. T.): it Ixtrritrc, v. <'/ gitr/jc; i't cruns, (mack.) notched quadrant; (Y gnrgc, (mtch.) lever guide jilule; l-i, etc. self, f., (dec.) inductance coil. self-Induction, f., (el^c.) self-induction, induct- ance, inductance coil. selle, f., (ham.) saddle; d'annrs, (mil.) service saddle; angl'iixc, tint or park saddle. sellette, f., (trench art..) bod plate. seinelle, f., (hnrn.) tread of a stirrup; (aul.i.) tread; ( wur.'i . gun) Irail slu.v; antidcrapante, nonskidding tread; -a crijot, (mach. gun) (sort.of,spikoshoes tri[M>l leg). seiner, v. t., (lor p.) to t 1; nt torpedoes. sciiiitcur, m., seiuu'.ir; inamoviblr, life ' ; e::ii!or. sens, t<>., ( : '> y-i.) vv.y, di-eclioii: iacrnte dr.t uiijuil!:* d'ti'te mo-n.'Ti', contra fl'jck\vi.-.n dircvticu: i!t la fun 1 *.:- d'.'x aifi'ti.'es ri'uiic TiwniTf, clock- wise dirci'tion. sfiHIr, v. I., tc, fet'l: t v Ifni-'riJ-n, (mi!.) dn teol. touch of elbow) io luive :i fei'liii 1 ; ol roil- ctivo strength, of p:iwe r. separation, f ., seji-ir.i'i. 'i; iiix r; 'intx. OH;'/.) si parntion of rlslcs (i. o., in artillery lin i i!;,nis. b-ilt.'ries, 1 he se;itleri:ig of i IK- gi :n 'del >.(' i ! i lent, sc tl;-it nil.- bit shall not d>- i!>le !)( I'iittre <': ti'.i-I;n;.>iii ), sc.il iering. >ept;'ln, in., (a-;- .)seven-stri!'.del,ilS). serlc, f., series; r/ ijiin, nli:,r, . i .''/ . c.) .in so'.ne cases) rogi- ine:a.il on: ' . :loit-ition, (r. r., etc.) operation, service of operation; extreme urgence, (mil.) on a telegram, means that it has precedence over all others. d'honnenr, (mil.) the duty performed by troops paraded to receive a king cr dignitary; de ji:(T, (nuit), (r. r.) day (mg'it) trains; d'ardre. (mil., etc.) duty of maintaining puMic orler; the troops, police, turned out to i:uiinl,tin order; di .iintf, (mil.) sanitary service; rf, surveillance, (mil.', lookout ditty; drst'rri fixations, (art.) ammunition-inspection department. senlr, v. n. , to be in use. serv;>-moteur, in., (mach.) servo-motor. sovniKP, in., weaning. s-vrcr, v. t., to wean. sh'iiitcr, v. t., (rhc.) to shunt. sidi, 7Ji., (rriil. slang) the Arabs and Berbers of North Africa. sit g\ m.. seal; social, (com.) main office. siiJlet, in., whisile; i ' , (in Q< '.'., con-s.) skew, bevel-wise. S!;IIH!, m., signal; (artjf.) signal (i. e., device of a r;x'l:ci, ll.ig, caterpillar, slur, etc.); - - li'.ifril , tr. r.) shipping skni.il; inn d'a>'frt!:<.\i;iti'nl, warning "ipifils, appa- r.i! >s t" produce san'e; - ".ii Worse, (mil. sit.) Morse alphabet; / tr p-t.riifd'iT. (mi' . > ii.;:iel sign;;!; './a.M'.', (u'irtUxs) interfering message, or . i'ji' d; i'r rfccnnnis.inncf, (mil.) answering signal, sip! .1 01 nvepli<:ii i.e. g., from a batterj- to an airpl me;; - - ilf. srji'iralian, signal made betv.-een ciphered slKii:ii!.-ation, f., (mil.) signaling, signali/.ing; - fir artijicef!, signaling by rockets, by fire- wrrV; : :; (i l.rax.srm signaling; ptir pannccnr, panel signaling. signe, m., sign; - du temps, weather indication or sign. silencleux, m.-, (mach.) muffler, silencer. slng:e, m., monkey; (mil. slang) canned meat, tinned meat. sinlstrf-, m., victim ol&sinistre. slsmographe, m., (inst.) seismograph (also spelled seismographe). sismomicrophone, m., (mil. min.) long dis- tance listener (device), mine stethoscope. slsmotlthoscope, m., (mil.) listening device (tcouteur); mine stethoscope. site, m., site; scctcur de - , (art.) site angle sector (scale); lambour de - , (art.) site angle drum (scale). sltogonomlfctre, m., (art.) sitogoniometer (for measuring angles of site). sitomfetre, m., (art.) sitometer (for measuring angles of site). situation, f., situation; (mil.) report; de prise d'armcs, (mil.) (return of troops, setting out on a march, a duty) field return. situation-rapport, f., (mil.) return; dcs cinq jours, ( FT. a.) five-day return. sltuer, v. t., to locate. ski, m., ski. skieur, m., ski-runner. soir, m., late afternoon; evening. sol, m., soil; fene, hard soil (e. g., surface of a hard road). soldat, m., soldier; pet its - s, (Fr. a.) "little soldiers" as a term of endearment; - de. Tang, (lit. soldier in the ranks) soldier unable to fight usefully when not under the direct orders of his officers, soldier accustomed to fight in the ranks only, routine soldier. soldat-cltoyen, m., (mil.) militia man (in bad soaso). soidat-mucislen, m., (mil.) bandsman. soldo, f., (com.) balance of accounts; de campaijne, ( Fr. nav.) campaign pay. soleil, m., sun; faire le grand - , (mil. slang) to have one's horse turn a somersault. solldaire, a., solidary; de, (mack., etc.) integral with. sortie, f., exit, departure; (mach.) outlet, discharge (pipe); les --- s, (com.) expenses, outgo. souder, v. t., to solder; - & I'autog&ne, to burn on, to solder autoge- nously. soufflase, m., blowing, blast; d'etinecllcs, (elcc.) blow out (magnetic). soJifHe, in., wind, breath; ii tiii.it dc -- , out of wind, winded. soufflcr, v. n., (mach.) to blow. soudli't, m., (sltni'j) gore or gusset (let into a coat to increase iis girth). soula^tr, v. t., (mach.) to release, ease (a valve). soulior, m., shoe; Las. low shoe; - -- H lacds, lace shoe. soupa'ip. f., (mach.) valve; - d'lilr addition ncl. extra-air valve (auto.); mnntliiirc, annular valve; , pui, (trench art.), (vertical) bearing sur- face (of a platform, e. g., 240 L. T.); portartlt, (aero.) bearing surface, wing; de refroidissemeni, (mach.) cooling surface (e. g., ota radiator); verticales, (aero.) keel plane area. sursature, a., suporsatured. surveillance, f., (mil., aero.) observation of a sector; point de , (art.) (point on which a batterie en surveillance, q. v., is laid) point under observa- tion; position de , v. s. v. position. surveillant, m., watchman; mililaire, (mil.) military watchman; i. e., sentry (as at a palace). survol, m.. (aero.) flight. survoler, v. t., (aero.) to fly over (as a zone). sus-bande, f.. (art., mach. gun) cap square; A charnierr, hinged dtp square; d rotation, rotating cap square. suspension, f., hanging lamp; (arm.) method of suspending the car (balloon and dirigible), suspension: (a>ito., etc.) springs, spring mount- ing (of a vehicle); captive, the suspension of a caplive balloon; circle de , hoop; fibre, (the suspension of u free lullooui free suspension; en triinqle, (acre.) triangular siisimision (dirigibles, indeforniablo >. suspeiisolr, in., (mid.) suspensory. suspente, f., (aero.) suspending cords (spherical 1) liloon and dirigible), suspension wire. sustc-ntateur, m., (aero.) the same a-; plane-ur, q. I". syiitonie, f., (icirdfss) synlonism. syntonlsatlon, f., (i.-'iriUxn'i tiiPing, syntonira- lion; bobiiie de . tuning coil. syiJtonlser, \. t., (trirrlesx) to tune, syntoni:o. sysleme I>~ m., (mil. fain.) tn.*!>nif de In debrouillr, i. e., system whose o!>joct, is to iua..e the (rendies, lines, etc.. as comfortal'lp us j>ssit>le 1'v showing resourcefulness nii'ler diilicnH conditions. r r. tabac, in., t'.)!)acc<>; w.auvais , ( mil. .ilany) bad business, bad utTair, " bad medicine." table, f.. table; table (e. g., of logarithms': - de. chargemi'tit, (art.) loauiiii; table (15. r ) l\ T. U.j; prati'/ne dc tir, (art.) service range t:i!,lc; - - d> tir fi charyts con-staiitcs. (art.) single charge niige table: - de tir complete, (nrt.) ballistic range table (gives all ballistic elements"': - - (/< tir ft double (aim pit) inlrfi. Ctrl ' double (single) entry range table. tableau, m., dashboard (of a motor carl: - -aiiiiitiifintfiir, (ttli'ph. "' ) annum i '.tor: - anminruiU'Hr & n iiirrctnint. i.-drop .u<- nunciator: - - Ji cmiC'i'ir.*. ( 1'r. u. i li-.i of ci)inp-tin:T candi- dates for Legion of II 0:101 . etc. ; a n diridinn.'i, (t , !; j,l,oitt ) an n-line switch- board; - - nioniicardc, (liltpbuiif) j'lug switch .111- nnnciator; - tie parafondrex, (telrpluiiii) lightning arrester; :'i ri,:/t!i'.*, (ttti fiL'tiit ,< /iiic-s'.rip iiimuiiciatur. tabler, \ . i... to count upon. tablier 574 territoriale tubllrr, in., dashboard (of a motor car, of vehicles in general). tachc, f.,spot: fairt la d'huile. (of an army) to spread like an oil spot. tacliyiuttre, m., revolution counter, tachometer. tarot, m., (mil. slang) any old motor car. talllr, f.. cut; (mach.) cutting; en , (un//.) without overcoats; par fuseaur, (aero.) cutting out by spindles (the envelope); par panneaux, (aero.) cutting out by panels (the envelope). tallleur, m., tailor; (mil. aero.) fabric expert (bal- loons). talon, m., flange, edge, or bead of a tire cover (pneumatic tire). tambour, m., drum; (mach. gun) drum, feed drum, tray; des directions, (art.) direction drum (scale); deflection drum; defrein, (much.) brake drum; de friction, (mach.) friction drum; dcs hausses, (art.) elevation drum (scale); jiigement de , (mil.) drumhead court-martial. mo/cur, (mach., etc.) driving drum; de site, (inst.) angle of site micrometer. tampon, m.. plug; (mil. slang) orderly; (med.) compress; d'allumage, (eke.) sparking plug; de presse'-etounes. (mach.) stuffing-box plug; de rapture, (e'ec.) sparking plug; de visile, (mach.) inspection-hole plug. tankage, m.. (arro.) pitching. tangent, a., tangent: (aero.) sluggish, logy (in school slang, tangent is applied to a student who has almost made the passing mark; more generally, to a person who just misses getting a favor, a'deooration, etc.); m., (aero.) stalling. tape-cul, m. (in the following expression): faire du , (slang) at Saumur, to trot without stirrups. taplar, m., (mil. slang) drummer. tapir, f., (mil. slang.) topography. taquet, in., cleat; de buti'-c, stop; a glissitrcs, slip cleat, guide cleat, adjustable cleat . tasseau, in., cleat; de rctcnuc, stop cleat. taube, in., (aero.) Tatihe, German airplane. taupe, f., mole; (mil. slang) German soldier; gurrre d( , (mil. slang) trench warfare. taupinlere, f.. molehill; (mil.) sniper':-, post; blinder, (mil.) armored sniper's post. tauriaii, m., (provincial for taureau, bull); hence. lex trrriblrx 1, (n:ii. ulnng) the territorials (connotation of sarcasm). taxamttre, m.. <<>.) a variant tittaximttre. taxauto, m., ( ).> taximeter automobile. taxc, f.. tax: militnire, (nJm.) exemption tax (tax on men exempt or cxci-.-c'l from tho military service, composed of a head t:ix which is the same for -.ill. :>.>i'l of i\vo other elements varying with the circumstance.^ of tho person and of his family!. taxer, v. t., to lix prices. tax!, m., (>n-;i.} aM'rt-\ iatic-u of taiimetre. taxi: (a telegraphic money order. telegraphic, f., telegraphy; sans fil, wireless telegraphy; sans fil dirigcc, controlled wireless, directive wireless. par le sol, ground telegraphy. tSle'rr.ecanlque, f., (phys.) (science of long-distance power transmission) telemechanics. t16m6trcur, m., (mil.) range taker (man). U'iephane, m., automobile lamp. telephone, m., telephone; telephone call; appel de , telephone call; de campagne, (mil.) field telephone; coup de , v. s. v. coup; haut parleur, speaking telephone; tribune de , telephone booth. tlphoner, v. t., to telephone; (mil. slang) sur- reptitiously to draw ofl wino from a cask with a rubber tube. telephonic, f., telephony; sans fit, wireless telephony. MlCphotographie, f., telephotography. t616scopique, a., telescopic; telescoping. temps, m., weather, time; (mach.) cycle; d guatre , four cycle (engine). tendelet, in., small leather strap. tendeur, in., turnbucklc; jockey pulley; tight- ener; (mach.) stretcher; wire stay; de. chalnc, (much.) chain adjuster, chain tightener; de pont, (mach.) reaction rod or lover (to re- lieve tho springs, auto). tendon, m., tendon; chavffi, (hipp.) heated tendon. tendre, v. t., to reach; la main, (mil.) to join hands with. tenir, v. n., (mil.) to hold put (as, a fort, a iiuo attacked, an army, a nation). tenon, m., tenon: d'accrcciiage, catch; d'armemcnt, (art.) cocking lug; -d' assemblage, (mach. gun) Seed piece assembly stud; dcfermeture, (mack, gun) lock in?: lug; de manauvrc, (mach. gun) operating lug. tensiomfttre, in., dynamometer, (for dotcrminitiij wuid-volocitias). tension, f., traction. tente, f., tent; dc discipline, (mil.) prisoners' tent; d ( nn /')///><: double (simple), (mil.) double (single) lly tent. teruH 1 , f., (mil.) dress; d'liicer, (unif.) winter dross; - dc route, (mil.) marching uniform, i. <., (ii-ld. tcrine, m., U'rni, limit; a , time (in commercial transactions, etc.). terrain, m.. ground, soil: (mil.) terrain; fi^iln.tt, siiifting soil; tit i,ud<:, (/ i/).) haro ground; d! />!iit}tniin, (arm.) ground school; -- (curtain lire preced- ing aa attack on the enemy) offensive bnrnige; />'!., (art.) short pruclif '.short; liint/uf, (mach. (jun) I'm:, |)ii*c locked in di- rection; ii Ii bovtiiilt-, (Fr. a.} (lire employim; com- pressed air iu tubes, triMcli iutilicry;, [;ncu- ni-itic lire; C'lii* r.''c dn , v. s. -, . cu'laift ; c /e;. ;"''). - tie , (rtni.) iii;.tni'.'tion pit (grunadu ii:-l nic'ii p ); -at i-liH.-orirr, (art.) simulate'! target practice; (mn. '.'.) t/ailcry practice. :;ut)culiber practice; -- id c'i"C: ;>trect to tactical purposes) casual fire, occa- sional fire; arecfauchage (irach. $vn) sweeping fire; fauchant, (art.) sweeping fire; fauchard, (art.) sweeping fire; de fonctionncmtnt, (mach. gun) gun-testing practice; fouillant, (art.) searching fire; de grpupeminl. (t. p.) (practice the object of which is to produce a small pattern) holding practice, grouping practice; de harcelemtnt, (art.) annoying, harassing, fire (e. g., on the trenches used by reliefs, sup- plies, is a tiretentufl, q. v.); *!/.r hausne unique, (art.) (in a iir d'efficacite) a gust of two or four rounds per piece (all using the same elevation); haut, (art.) over practice; over; d hauteur, (art.) adjusted i re (iho range has been got); d' instruction, (mor.'i. gun] instruction prac- tice; a'interdiclion,(art.) fire to prevent the enemy from reaching a t'ven point (e. \- ., a battery destroyed in order to repair it; hence) isolating fire, preventive lire; mtcanixir'f du , (ttrt.) fundamentals of firing, of target practice; procedure, method, of fire; dans la mfli-f, (t. p.) (practice of firing m a melluy ); :;nap shooting; h>sij, (art.) liigh explosive fire; jmrdcssus Its tron-pui, (art.) lire over the lieiiin/>f. (Fr. c..) (fire using a bicycl" pump to foinprcss uir, trench artillery); compressed nir (ire; ivi.tiliim ac , (art.; f:'-in;; position (.brtttery or gun); prtcis, (art.) aw unto fire, (closest pos^iblti ranging on lixed targets, mid accurate plot tin;.; n ;,i riiij< of the terrain (>>r mobile objoi-tives); di im'cision, (art.) :i'-curate tiro (tn destroy the hostile artillery); drmoutiou fire; (I. /.) practici' to develop accuracy; pri i -'irii'i -a itu - ,clrl.) ipreparatii.il of lire (c. p., ori'Mii ition, measuro of anglo of site, corrector, niiil r'Hii'.e i; lir:i'j;i. toilr, f.. lin.-n; tl' li-irritie, v. s. v. barrage; c't'iiitriinuti'e, (nnto., aero, etc.) repairing tape, strip; rubl'cri ( ,-;.) engine spider support. toHte, f., (cjrpZ.) tolite. tombaut, m., (unif.) fringe of an epaulet. tomber, v. n., to fall; en Ute d queue, (of a horse) to torn a somer- sault. toimeau, m., cask, barrel; tonneau (of a motor car); (aero.) horizontal spin. tonne- kilometre, f., kilometer-ton. top, m., voice-signal (made to indicate an instant of time, as in reading chronometers, or in com- paring watches). topettc, f., phial. topinambour, m., Jerusalem artichoke. topornelrie, f., (top. surv.) the determination of points (topography^ forms and objects). torpCdo-fougassc, m., torpedo acting as a fou- gasse. torpillage, m., (nav.) torpedoing. torpille, f., (mil. nav.) torpedo; seche, (mil.) land mine. torsade, f., twist joint. espagnole, American twist joint. tortue, f., turtle, tortoise; (mil. slang) grenade, totalisatcur, m., (auto.) any device or instrument giving distance, run, time spent, etc. toto, m., (mil. slang) trench vermin, ton bib, m., (mil. slang) surgeon (mtdecin-major; Algerian word). touchau, m., (elec.) contact, contact piece, plug, or device. toncbe, f., (t. p.) hit; (elec.) contact; (fenc.) touch in a fencing match; d'extracteur, (art.) extractor cam; ztro , (fenc.) untouched (in a fencing match). touchf, m., (art.) hit. toucheur, m., cattle drover. toupet, m., forelock; (/am.) audacity, "cheek," impudence; avoir du , to be "cheeky," to be B. J. (U. S. M. A.) tour, in., (mach.) revolution; (auto) lap (of races); d'horizon, complete turn of the horizon; hors , (mil., etc.) out of turn; de service, (mil. cng.)ia sieges, rosier of duty; (three classes: 1, attack, app caches, saps and mines; 2, interior sen ice and guards; parks, maintenance of communication; 3 rest). tourelle, f., (aero.) machine gun racer. tuurillon, m., (art.) trunnion; (mach.) crosshead pin , wrist pin; central, (art.) broochplug spindle (155 C. T. It.). tourillomiement, m., (art.) (state or act of turn- ing on trunnions) truiuiioniug. tuurnaiit, in., turn, bend, of a road; (mil.) turn (around a traverse, etc.); (am>.) turning. tourriee, f., round, visit; d'inspcction, (mil.) inspecting trip or tour. tourner, v. t., n., to turn; tie n tours, (mach.) make n revolutions. tourtcau, m., oilcake. travage, m., (mil. fort.) tracing out, staking out, of trenches, works. I tracf', ni . . design; en ligne brisie, (mil.) broken line trace (gives | flanking fire); d redans, (mil.) redan trace; t mvrqur, touring tractor. tractl<n(d.) hos- pital train, sanitary organization at the front. train-ambulance, m., v. train sanitaire de pre- miert ligne. tralneau, in., (r.rt.) slide or cradle, gun slide. rraJne>, f., (aero.) drift, trail; unylf at . trail angle; defm , trail of flre. tralne-pattes, m., (mil. slang) ration wagon. f rainglot, m., v. tringlot. train-parc-cantonnement, ra.. ( Fr. a., r. r. eny.) railway cantonment (railway engineer troops) railway quarters. train-post^, rn., <'r. r.) mail train. mail. trait, m., (mil. siy.) dash (of a code). trajectolre. f.. (art., *m. a.) trajectory; (art.) travel of projectile in the bore (rarei; passage of pro- jectile through armor plate (rare.); (aero.) flight path. tranche, f.. (drau-ing) section; (mach. gun.) gas-face (of the driving piston); horizontal, horizontal section; vcrticalt . vertical section. tram-ne'e, f.. (mil., (tc.) trench: (strictly speaking. trauelift is u procedure, a particular method of diguing); d'avant-post{a,Qatpost trench (in front of first line trench i; * at brdilh/t, (mil.) (lit. suspender trenches) splaying trenches; de circulation, passage, circulation trench; Ac combat, synonym of dr ilr. q. v.: de dfoorytment, tsiegei draining trench: df dffxirt. trench from which an attack starts, departure trench; double, v. di double ment: df double mint, circulation trench, (trench parallel to dr rtr, and some 30 (0 m. behind U): cover trench: ftriiirm ti, refuge trench; .'Idiirittr inn , to turn a capture/1 trench against its original occupants; to reverse ;. Tench; tranche* sous bois, trench in a wood; df soutien, support trench (l.*iO-200 ra. be- hind flrst line trench); de support, bombing trench; i>e furnUlance. lookout trench (In advance of the tranche t detir); if there is no lookout tronrh the lookout is stationed in the first-line trench, for that reason sometimes called de ur- vfiUanci: inaccurate); de tir. flro trench, first-line trench; de tirfeTMfc, closed fire trench t i. e., closed on itself so as to form a sort of inclosed work). pour tirrur couchf. lying trench; pour tirrur deboiit. standing trench; popr tin ur 6 genou, kneeling trench; traiisbordement, m.. (r. r.) change of cars; (In gtn.) transfer (from one vehicle to another). transfert, m., transfer. transformateur, in., transformer: (wirfrlctuitr, (fair) hard labor for life; atir forcfs fi trmpn, (lair) hard labor for a limited time; inUitniri. ( mil.) mounted drill (Saumur); .i/r dtui /li.ttis. (man.) two track work; snf line piste, (man.) single tnck work. travailler, v. t.. to work; xur di in pinii-s, ( man.) to work on two trucks; stir nut piste, (man.) to wurk on one track. t ravers, in., breadth; d> . (x(/i. a.) of a bullet, keyhole wise 'mark on target). traverse, f., crosspiece, crossbar: (r. r.) sleeper, d< fn refit , < mach. gun.) fork transom; ft pirut, (mach. gun.) top carriage support ( p:wk): toiiniaiilf, (fort.) cube traverse, island trav- erse. traverse-blockliaus, in., (mil.) sort of defen.-h traverse. tnuersfe, f., (mil.) crossing, passage, of a river. traxcrse>-jonrtion. f.. < r. r.t rrossini; (two trick- : timilili . doubliMTOSsing i switch toe-it her t ra-k in tioih din xini/il/. -ini;l' crossing (crossover ]> from one direction only .>. r iehi:c In : . v. 1).. to trip. in-mage. in.. frellN: - cnyi a la pi n, ehii-ki n wi iiiitalliqiit , wire fen-'ing. trembk'iir 078 tuyau twmbleur, m.. (eltc.) niako-and-break. contact breaker: buizer. trembler; (trireUt-f) ticker: maynftiqtif. electric baiter (usually and bel- ter called ribreitr); nucauuiiif. mechanical (or true) trembler. treull, m., winch; - de rapptl, (aero.) lowering winch (of a tram of kites). tri, m.. sorting (adm.. of the mail). triage, in., sorting. triaitKulathm, L. triangulation; (telephone) tripling ol OMB. tribunal, m., court : prtvbtal, (mil.) provost marshal's court. tricar, m.. (wto.) generic term for three-wheeled vehicles. tricot, m., sweater. tricycle, m.. tricycle: a pi trotf. motor tricycle; - & rapeur. steam tricycle. trier, v. t.. to sort. trlugle, ra.,rod; f., rod,stem:(war/i.0.)feed bar; - ft'armemnt, (art.) cocking link; - d( manmisre, (r. r.} switch bur, switch rod; - de mist de/rv, (art. ) firing stem; de tirage. (mack.) tension link. trinetot, m.. (mil. slang) soldier or officer of the train des equipages. trinitrotoluene, m., (expl.) trinitrotoluol, T. N. T. trinitrotoluol, in., (erpl.) trinitrotoluol. trlplias*, a., (rlec.) three-phase. trlplace, m.. (aero.) three-seatcr. t riplaii, m., (aero.) triplane. tripllcr, i., la - . the Triple Alliance. trouiblon, m.. (*m. a.) blunderbuss; (mil.) (cylin- der fitted to the muzzle of a rifle, to take the rifle grenade) grenade sleeve, discharger: r. R., the "discharger" of the V. H. grenade trouibloniiier, m.. (Fr. a.) grenadier (works the trnmbtuH. q. v.). trommelteuer, m.. drum fire (German word;. tmmpe, f., ;uu?o. ) hom. tronipette, f.. trumpet; ra., trumpeter; -- d'aj'iitl. (dec.) buzzer. trotteuse. f. . split second hand: ctimptc-mcondis. split second hand. trou, in., hole; (mil. xlnnq\ '-soft snp"(r. S.); d'air. (tu-ro.) air pot-Let: - de oraixsage. v. - grai-meur: -- frwsevr. (macft. ) jyetise. lubricating, hole; - J( prrctiMninn. (art.} percussion vnnt ; -- /lurtitur. ('jr'. mac/i.) drain hole; - de .ifnfintllc.f, sentinel pit; - dt tirnillrnrs (tail.) individual rifle pits. troufioii. m.. (mil. slang) private. tnuirw. f.. iroop; (mif.) troops: - x nllig-tx. (mil.) infantry, a parr of whose pack <>r equipment is carried in trie wagon.--: - s culunialcs. (f'r. (>long- Lug to the atmef colonialf ): -- T mftrnjtftlttniv.iy. (t'r. n.) hom" troops (be- lunuing to the armic mrr/'ipu.'t/xi/K i: --- .v ni>n-all?nicx. (mil.) ir.fa'i'rv carrying tlio n.llpar-k;/ - ^ y:sxfiy medical uniich; (;;/. a.) Imndo- U.-r; - rwfjin'r, well cas>. w caiin^ (for >i~e in -- d'nuiHt tofrf kit, :-t of t.uols; d: -j'dii, (/iiii.i liou.-ev ifw. troiissc.-m, m.. out'it f cloMif^ truc-boecic. HI. li''L'v !p:rk. liiuam-, in . spi-ri.il s\vit 'llr>. r<>:i-i--i;:-^ of th i;!'i!iuf::"i M!i> of -nit i'jiic ,; . !ini!ic. irnnx teiu-r all;. ) "Lkkiii^"; (.nil.:, qiiaker \\ <>?*, dinnmv work. truquage, in., v. it truquer, v. t., to manufacture "aatiques"; (more generally) to "ake." truck, m., truck (!x>rrowod by the French). tub*, m.. tube: (art.) (the) gnu (itself as distin- guished from the carriage); allonge, m., v. tttbr-rallon-gt; d'admixsion, (mach.) inlet pipe: d'anwr<;ayf. (art.) priming tube; e (Nored mine); coUicteur, (mach.) ccJtecting tube (of a radiator); de direction, (auto.) steering column, steering pillar; d'tchappement, (mack.) exhaust pip*: d'tchappement de vapeur, (mack, gun) steam escai>e vP: ipmuiue, (pont.) tube stanch ion: d'e.raeuatiort. (mack.) exhaust tube: de gaz comprimr. gas cylinder: htnce-brnnbts, (nfri>.) Istmchinp tube: lance-fusee, (artif.) rocket trough; df lancement, (Fr. cert.) barrel of a nneti- matic howitzer; a limaillr. (trirtlfsx) filings-till*) coherw: de nircaii. glass gauge; de Pilot. Pitot tube; plongcur. siphon (-bottle) tube. de pontage, (pout.) lashing tube (metallic ponvon); - porte-amorct. (art.) primer tube: portf-de/ptche, (mil.) message tube (carrier pigeon); porte-diaphragme. (in-if.) diaphragm slide: porte-lentilJe , (inst.) lens holder, slide; porte-miroir, (in.tt.) mirror holder, slide; - -de -pou-stce, (mack, gun) pressure re1uftion tube; de ri-glage, (inst.) focusing slide: salaire. (inst.) heliostat: de-iortif. (mach.) outlet tube or pipe: xtfultine & rfcnl de , (art.) tube-recoil system. independent recoil system; trompftte. (mach.) easing (surrounding cer- tain parts of the rear axle. auto, i: fix, m., tubular screw joint. tubulure, f. . hibulure: d'admission, (jnach.) admission pipe, joint, neck: fffchappcmfnt, (rr>ach.) ese.ipo pipe. j'">int, neck. tue-boches, m., (mil. flanq) the Iwyonet. ttinfque-blons*', f.. (unif.) ("coat having pn>per- tk's of each of elements indicated) loose-fitting tunic. turban, m., (unif. ) croven of forage cap. turbine, f., (mach.i turbine: dt 6ar jir>s.?inn. low-ptvssnre turlMrit 1 : '. ( u.vai!, in., iiibe. pipe: a nili/iii, (mach. i flangexf tul>e or (np (ai of a r-.idialor); 'l'arri : 'er. i.mach.^ admission pip;'. inl>-t: (I i r : " mint i . ch'unnpy p<>! ; i n /lt'nn ti'ra>: hose; d' f/n; (.<.<'/<. lulii'n-aliii).' tiltH 1 ; i a . a.) colonial type (of organiza- tions); type di France. (Fr. a.) metropolitan type (of organizations, as distinguished from colonial); , ftor dt Fnrntt. ( Fr. a.) foreign service type (of organization*), colortinl type; miitf. ( Fr. a.) combined* type (pack and whoil transport); mirtr-titr* a/pfw. ( Fr. a.) combined alpine or mountain type. uton, m., (mil.) uhlan (usually spelled uhlan). unite, f., unit, unity; (mil.) troop unit; xd'a-isattt. m., (mi7.) troops told off for assault; d'attaque. (mil.) troops lold olf for attack; d'origrne, unity of origin, with special refer- ence to ( Fr. a. ) the effort made to get all officers from one and same source; unit* r-'.icnee. (mil.) reserve Iwxly of troops, to follow up an attack. uriitoir, m., urinal. usure, f.. wear; lutted' . (fflft.) (term applied to the war 1!>14- to descril>e its wenring-oi!t character) treiring- dowu conflict, attrition contest. V, (letter); littiyitudinal, (aero.) longitudinal diedral ancle: trartsrcrsal , (atro.) diedral angle. vaston-lit, m., (r. r.} sleeping car. vague, f., wave: (mil.) wave of pas (gas attack); (mi/.) Una of assaulting troops, wave; d'attaut, (mil.) assaulting wave; dt netloyagi, (mil.) wave following the as- saulting wa'e, and charged with the duty of "mopping up" the captured trenches: wave or lino oi trench cleaners, trench ' 'moppers." vaincre, v. t., to conquer, overcome: - - If /><>ids mart, (mack.) to overcome dead centers. valise, f.. valise, bag: diplomatique, embassy dispatch bag. valve, f.. (mach.) valve: faun-"- , false valve fused in inserting an air chamber, pnsumatic tire). valvolinc, f., (mach.) a generic terra for cylinder oils. van ne, f.. valve: il'ctritngltinent, (mach.) (sort of) throttling valve. vaimcrie, f., side baskets (of a motor car). vapeur, m.. (nor.) steamer: -- ci'ihlirr. cable ship: dturhinf. turbine steamer. vapour, f.. steam; sttrchaufttt, superheated steam. vareuse, f.. (unif.) blouso; it ci intckon , (iinif.) cyclist's hooded jacket (Fr.a.\ variole, f. smallpox: piutvin pox (pigeons). va^t 1 , m.. vessel; a niv(au constant, (mafh.) flout chamber. vedetU-. f.. rrdttti . (<;.;.) l-'ronch military dirigible cubing 2,000- -MX".) uieters (obs.). wfliicule, m., vehicle: - autinnittrnr. iauin.} automobile: - n tmtjyit iii'tinir. (niiln.\ motor truck: hiitf>nn>i>b!lf. horse-lr:wn vehicle: - >If irniia/xirl. generic term for omnibuses. autobuses. ek - . vftlo, m., (fnir.. bipyfling. iglorijiuMrr, in., f.iny \ao to IU,ISIIIH speed': spi^Hlnineier. venlr, v. u.. to c .tni/i //>c'- acre, to l>o iiionopiece with, to be one with, integral \villi. vent, in., v imi: iluiniimnl, prevailint; wind. veiitllateur, in., (mach.) fan: hilico'idt . spiral fan: en nidx d'abtilles, (auto.) honeycomb radiator; /r, (rnaih. gun i asseiiibling lolt : de crimnilli'n, (art Mocking rnrk bolt; (If culnnse, (art.) linking holt(2.M) Sohneideri: de diclenchcmcnt, (rr.ach.) releasing, disen- gaging bolt: d'tiitiuiiiemcnJ. (intich.) feather, dog. key: df ft Tint tun . ( much, gun t latch; dr mi.v< dfftu,. i firing bolt ('.#0 Srhueidrr : fl r(x*nrl. (art.)\ii -iiuj firing bolt: d( m'citritf, dirt.) siift-ty boll; ii;n i;t>. >o liiatix men to such a hutt;ili<.n i. veston, rn.. sack coat; (tir.'f.', sliort oven-oat. \Kiiulc. f.. nn-.it : - nl>:;ttu. . ', mil.} ilressi><| meal ' as i|i^tiTiKui-iii*l from int-it on (tie |KM)[ i: --- - i/' ni.;..i , , . |r,'-er\'."! Ill'-.i! ; ftimri , smoknl nts'al ; mariv'f, picki'il i'ie:,! ; stir pieii, niout on liie IH>OI. 580 voiture \llirateur, in., (dec.) vibrator. \lbrt-ur, m., (rite.) magnetic make-aml-break key, Uizzer; contact breaker, vide, a., empty; unloaded; ti . . rctpide. ( mach.} quick-motion screw; jilalintt, (flee.) platinum point, platinum screw; P'linteau. (art.) set screw; tie pnssion, set screw; dt rioititaqe (n directinn, (nrt.) horizontal aim- ing screw; direction screw; ii( purge, (mafh.) dram cock: dt toe. \ mach.) limiting screw, stop screw. iijii(, periseopic sight. .Kite-conference, f., ( Fr. a.) visit of officers of The RAiTi>"n of 1'nris to Jfutt't dt I'armSe. pre- rede-i l.y lecture on use of museum in instruct- ing the men of the garrison. \K-pI\ot, f.. pivot screw. \1s-polnteau, f., male center \l-ser, v. t., to screw; a force, to screw home. \ltesse, f., speed: rommircialt . (r. r.) average speed .includes stops, etc.); ccnxintT sa . tart.) (of a projectile) to hold up well; critique, (mm.) stall; di di filacemi nt, rate of travel: limitt. (atro.) terminal speed; ili mnrchi . (r.r.) (actual) running speed; - rti mnntit. (afro.) climliing speed: I'lidn la , (in m.) to stall: ]>, it< df , v. s. v. /i/rtt; l>'ir rnpfiiijttil'tiir. (uuo. ; airspeed:. l>ar rafi/Mirt au .to/, (turn. jrnaind speed: df rtguni, (niro.) I -.pop,! of a balloon, when the upward force is balanced by the resistance 1. : tit tin iiiin di In-.i mil.r. r.j travel ration. \iile. f. . road: ir.r.} track: - ill charm mint, \lnnch ni! - lo,:diiu' track; - dt dibortl . ( r. r. ; track alongside a r'n<): < nrtiisn't . road in a cut: annual,, (r. r ; -tandard gaui-e: (/< >v, r. T. nrt.j \\T\\ty tnio . \ollure, f., (atro.) aero foil. voirie, f., roads, communications: graride , generic term for highroads (n.tiii.u.il and departmental navigable and floatable rivers, canals, and railways); pttite . communal roads; urbainc, generic term for streets. voiture, f. , carriage, vehicle; afftit, (trtr.ch art.) carriage truck (trans- portation); (r. r. art.) carriage truck; aux agrt*, (Fr. a., airo.) kite equipment truck; (in g(n.) equipment truck; d,' ambulance, (med.) ambulance (i. e., vehi- cle); aut armcmcnta, (trench art.) equipment t nick ; attth'ed (/uatre, etc., four, etc., horse carriage; - automobile, motor car; motor truck: & bagagfs, (mil. atro.) baggage truck; fj. ballon dtmontable , (auto.) car with remov- able hood; btrciau, (art.) cradle truck (transportation ; o blesses, (mil.) wagon for wounded: bvreau-telephoniqtu, (Fr. a., atro.) telephone track ; caisson, (trench art.) caisson-truck (trans- portation): canon, (nrt.) gun-truck (transportation'); capitonrtf'e, padded van. furniture van; d capote, (auto.) auto with top; fj, cardan, (auto.) carriage driven by oarrlanic transmission; -cartis, f. , (mil.) map-wagon (carries the ma- ' terial of a topographic or map section): Hchaine(s), (auto.) chain-driven vehicle; de charge, freight wagon: de chemin defer, (r. r.) railway carriage, car; a chetnl, d cheraui. any horse-drawn vehicle; colombicr, i. t (mil.) pigeon vagon: at fc co in/tart intents-couchettes, (r. r.) compart- ment sleeping car; d couloir, (r. r.) corridor carriage; de course, (auto.) racing car: coitcerte, (auto. ) covered, closed car; d duix. (auto.) half-closed car; demi-fermce, v., d daix; df'courerte. (auto.) open car; di dfintnagement, moving wagon, furniture wagon; directe, (r. r.) through carriage, car; . . d'niu, (administrative term for any) pas- senger boat; d'tclairagc, (mil.) dynamo vagon (German >; <'!(Ctriqiti . elect romoUle: t'leclrogrtit, (mil. u'irtltvf) dynamo wagon: afautfuil-lit. (r. r.) parlor sleeping car; 1'ilirantc, (mil.) filter wagon or cart 'for troops in the field); d foyer, (mil.) the cook wagon of a traveling kitchen; hippomobile, horse-drawn vehicle; d intercirculation, (r. r.) vestibuled carriage; l''jir( d munitions d'iufanttrie, (Fr. a.i \\\- horse ammunition wagon; d litn-snlona, (r. r.) parlor sleeping car: d( lirraison, delivery wagon: ai'eclitn-toilette (r. c.i sleeping car: m/'r/f, motor car (transmitting mot or energy dirt-i'i h . and using electric energy for starts imbing i; (trench art.) mortar-truck (transpnr- and iiill climbing - -tiHirti tation); d motcur animi , any vehicle drawn by nn animal: a miinitinnf. (mil.) ammunition wagon: d'tfrasiiiii. (ttdm.) any lured land vehicle; l>itrolfi>-/l(ctri(]ii(, ((into.) any motor car n-ing hydrocarbon fuel to develop electric energy; -- lihotograpJiigtie, (Fr. a., u.) photograph truck: - -/>itc(. f.. (r. r. art.) gun truck; /ilutiformi. (art.) platform truck C transpor- tation); rtatkm ) ; iKirte-faiwn, (art.) gun truck tateforme, (trtnch art.} platform-truck transportation); publiqut, any vehicle for hire 'whether rail, water, or ordinary road ): -pvldrUfl., (mil.) pylone wagon (German: for elew ting a searchlight); radinitlrgraphiqut, (tnrelett, mil.) radiotele- graph Wilson; tanitairr, (mil. m(d.) generic term for vehicles of the sanitary service: tltetti, (trench art. )1>}*ier truck (transpor- tation ); a ixrricf Tf-gnlHT, any public land vehicle (other than rail > observing a regular schedule; stfrUitaJricr. sterilizing cart (for drinking water r. trlephoniqur-kurfau, (mil. a telephone truck: trndtr, (I-'r. a., turn.) tender (camp equip- age); d( Km. administrative term for any public laud vehicle other than rail; d( tnurismr. (auto.) touring car: h transmission Hectriqut, ^auto.) motor car all of whose motor energy is converted into electric energy; trtu.il, ( mil. arm.) winch tmck : & liibft. ( Fr.a.,afro.)tu}ye wagon, gas wagon; 6 vn/tftir, (auto.) steam car; & vinndes, (mil.) meat wagon; dt rillf, (aiUo.) town car (motor car for town use as distinguished from touring): A riirw. ( 'itil. aero. ) ration truck. 6 volontc, (adm.) generic term for cabs. vciltu re-atelier, f., (auto., mil.) repair truck. \nlturr-cantfne, f.. (mil.) canteen wagon. vollure-t-lteriie, f.. f mil.) (drinking) water cart. voiture-fuisinc, f., (mi/.) traveling kitchen. voiture-observatolre, f., (art.) wheeled observ- atory. \olture-remorque, f., (auto.) trailer. \ nl lure-tube, f., (atro.. mil.) gas wagon. volturette, f.. small carriage; (macli. gun) pun and ammunition cart (monrti-mnrti>r. (nrO drench) mortar cart: portc-mu.nition!>, >/nucli. gun) ammunition cart. TI mnrgiif. f.. f aut<>.j trailer. volx, f.. voice, voU; f*< l>ondtranti , deciding vote. vol, ra.. (afro., r?r. ) flight : tnhrl, (arro. ) cahre, tail down; pi?/, (arro. ) sharp dive: plant, (atrn.) volplane, glide. - rame, bird flight. volant, in . handwheel: (iiwli.) flywheel; (auto, arm, ; steering wheel: (mil.) intermediate dump; dt blneayf. (trtnch art.) ]ockin<; handwheel (130T. mortar); trtiritur, ( mach.) exterior flywheel: interirw, (mach.) internal flywheel (name sometimes given to a cnmk disk); dt i*j'nitagt in hauteur, (art.) elevating hand- wheel: dt rt'glagt, itrnich art.} chamber regulator (V. I\ mortar): trnnlattur. ( mach.) flywheel fan. volateur, a., (aim.) flyin;. volatile, tn.. bird. voKe.f.. flight; ft la . at speed, by the run. voler, v. n.. (tin. a.) to sail (said of some bullets); (atro.) to make a flight. volet, m.. (mach.) shutter (sort of valve": (the.) oscillating sleeve: (r. T., art.) (hinged; bracket (side-support in firing position): d'attelagf, (art.) assembling plate; d( carbnratdir. (mach.) butterfly valve: di culaxff, (trtnch art.) breech closing plate (l.V) T. mortar); dt d(chi,-itr< . (afro.) ripping strip or panel: yitidi car/'inc/if, (atach. tin) cartridge guide: i. tniirnant. ((lee.) revolving sleeve (of a sta- tionary armature magneto). voltigeur, m.. ( I-'r. a.) (to-day, an all-around mem- ber of a grenadier stjuad, assists wherever needed, must also know how to throw a gre- nade,, rifleman. volume, in., volume: dnft n, (art., inf., (tc.) volume of fire. voyaiit, a., 'of a uniform) conspicuous. voyer, m.. roadmtuster; ag( nt . roadnuister. vrille, f., (atro.) tail spin. vulcanfsateur. m.. (iippaiaius to j^rwluce ! ..1 vulcanization in repairing pneumatic tire^.'; vulcanizer. vulcanisation, f., vulcanisation. vulcaiilser, v. t., to vulcanize. AV. U;IKI>II, in., wagon; (r. r.) car, carriage; iiinliulaiil , (r. r.) mail carriage: anunagr, (mil.) car prepared to tu men; - ctUulairf, ( Fr. adm.. r. r.) prison van; - ctimpiri. (r. r. carload, fulfcarload; n snnlnir (r. r. ) corridor car: ft niiniiiiiiii.t. (r. r. arl. \ sl'cll c;ir; - itrdi'i'iirr . < mil.) ordinary cur; i,if>" :> " . r. r.) sealed car; M.iicim n>i.<.i'. (r. r.) royal carriage. i /<", (r. r.) idler, empty. vvaciiimet. m.. truck; ili CM- gi nil ut, (art.) shell truck. Muicoii-poMf, m., (r. r.) mail carriage. wagon-salon, in., (r. r.} parlor cur, druv ir,g-ri.in car. west rmnlte,f., Coal-tar preparation f> rln> inc r<-iid zMuc. .T.. ..!-i-r:: ( ,1 i! . 'iii);." burse. ef. if... .")'/. .v,'o)K7^ /jj(.;) \ . .-if/. zJjrzaeiieiiient, m., /ig?.agtrinc t "' "' trenci.t /inc, ui., ziue; 'ctro., slnnu) bus ii. r.. itirplar.e xonc f>82 *oiie, f.. r.nnn; (mil.) zone, area, region; at I'armee, (mil.) army zone (practically theater of operations, including supply sys- tem). d( I'atunt, (tnil.) zone of the front, of activi- ties; de friclinn, (mil.) lotto of activity (i. e., of actual contact between hostile troops;; No Man's Land. frontilre, frontier customs tone (20,000 in. wide; France); objectif, (or'.) the zone taken under fire in concentration tire' Knio de protfftioit, (mil., fnii.) (that part of a de- filaded zone in v. Inch the trajectory is above the turget Y>ehind (.lie cover) protected 7.one; rost'c, (mil.) (for a tarpt of given height, terrain over which the trajectory will not rise higher than the target) danger zone; de resistance, (mil.) (cone surrounding a gcctfur, q. v., and composed of the iiynr de fitrreillance , premitre llgnr , and ligne de soulicii , <{<\. v.); zone of resistance. zuuzou, m., (;/ii/. xlang) zouavp. zyeuter, v. t., (mil. slang) to see (yeur, eyes). O. J. S. O UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JUL 2 7 6 1964 Form L9-25m-8, '46(9852)444 UNIVL \L1FORNIA U25 Vf66 cop. 4 Libra Auxin/*! ST.' r K SEP "8 P'iffffll A 007432756 3