J C 423 B79 1915 MAIN GIFT OF LW THOUGHT MEANS A JMPHANT DEMOCRACY [UNITED STATES OF IE WOKLD. [Address given by HENRY HARRI- BROWNatthe International New pught Congress, San Francisco, Cal., PRICK IOC. Cosmic Press, San Francisco, CaL r- . n 5: ** c ^ C .fe,9 v THOUGHT MEANS T RIUMPH ANT DEMOCRACY : ? ^ A UNITED STATES *' THE WORLD. An Address given by HENRY HARRI- SON BROWN at the International New Thought Congress, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 1, 1915. "Peace on earth among men of Good- Will." We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are en- dowed by their creator with certain inalien- able rights ; among these rights are life, lib- erty and the pursuit of happiness. Declara- tion of Independence. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, to establish Justice, do ordain and establish this Consti- U'iu,i! iY.r the United States of America. . . Congress shall make no law respecting an es- tablishment of religion, or of abridgement of the freedom of speech or the press. Constitu- tion oi the United States. Four- score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new na- tion, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. * * We here highly resolve that the dead shall not have died in vain ; that this nation shall rnder Gcd have a new birth of freedom, and that the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. Lincoln's address at Gettys- *""*' 328424 It is one huiVt red and xhirty-nine years since that august body in Philadelphia declared that "ail men are born equal," and 133 since from Independence Hall came forth the document that forever revolutionized the principles of govern- ment by placing it in the hands of, "We the People." It is fifty-one years since Lincoln declared this government "of the People shall not perish," and 50 years since the close of the war which cemented the confederacy into a nation and thus settled the question of the per- petuity of this Government of the Peo- ple. This Ideal of a government, "of the peo- ple," rests where, until that time, no gov- ernment or institution did rest, and that is upon faith in Man. Faith in kings, faith in warriors, faith in priests, faith in some authority of book, birth or gods, had heretofore been the source of power and reliance of man. The Puritans of New England had sowed the seeds of this rebellion against authority, and manifested faith in the individual conscience, when they de- clared for "A state without a kirg 1 and n rhnrrh without n hi c< hop." From the French Encyclopedists had come into other sections other streams of rebellion. The Hugenots had brought the spirit of liberty and Lord Baltimore, a Catholic, had declared in Maryland, for religious toleration. All this ferment had been working, un- til it broke out at Lexington and Bunker Hill. Jefferson had begun the agitation in Virginia six years before, and Patrick Henry had already thundered for Free- dom. Thus was the Declaration "All men are created equal" but the culmination of a New Thought movement a movement that had been growing en this soil for over an hundred years. "All men are equal" how? Not in ability; not in character; not in con- science ; not in reason ! No man of av- erage intelligence would so affirm. But "endowed by their creator" are the words. Thus all men are equal before that "Power behind phenomena" which is commonly called GOD. From iL"" the Fathers logically concluded that all men should be equal before the civil law. This is the American Ideal. This is 3 that Unity for which New Thought stands One God! One Life! One Hu- manity ! This Unity includes all mankind, all na- tions. In Ideal; in Principle; our na- tion and the New Thought movement stand for the Universal Federation of the World. One Universal Brother- hood; one "Parliament of man" in which all battle-flags shall be furled! We seek to establish that era of Goocl- Vv'iil among men so that Universal Peace must come. A Good-Will which must precede any desired era of peace! With Good-WillPeace Is. During all those 139 years events have been moving continually toward the rec- ognition of equality, and to the estab- lishment of the government among the people, and by the people, and for the people. It has not yet been realized in its fulness but the Perfect is on the way. We are doing our part to help its reali- zation. There is one Principle upon which all the various cults embraced under the generic term New Thought unite, and that is The Divinity of the Human Soui, and its infinite possibilities. Man is the one conscious expression of the one Power which we term Mind, or God. This statement of the Declaration which the Fathers saw as a Principle, they ap- plied as they were obliged or otherwise fail in their attempt to organize a gov- ernment, and so did not include in "We the people'' woman and the black man. We have grown so that we recognize that this Principle of equality has no more limitation than a principle of math- ematics, and today the black man, and in many states woman, is the equal, un- der the law, with man. It will not be long till she is so recognized in every state, and I will add, in every nation. All are of One Spirit. It is our purpose to so teach that each person shall see this Unity. Then we shall be One Peo- ple, and in time all people shall be one nation. When I realize that I am my brother, and iny brother is I, then will all wars cease, for all wars are born in competi- tion, born of wanting something my brother has, whether they be wars be- 5 tween neighbors, merchants, states, or nations. Good-Will as my brother will bring co-operation and communion where discord and dissension is impos- sible. Wherever and whenever this Principle of our Fathers is lived there is peace. "WE the people" are one Soul, as we are one blood. I and my Father are one. I aru in him and he is in me. In him all are One! What is for my good is for my brother's good, and what is for my harm is for my brother's harm. The harm or the good of one is equally true of all. Act from Universal Principles, must be the rule of each individual life. Never was a Principle of government, or of personal conduct, so all-embracing and so greatly stated in that most in- spired of all documents, the Declaration of Independence. It is an Eternal Char- ter of Liberty, for the constant unfold- ing soul of man. It frees the individ- ual from all authority outside himself, and places all authority within the man. "We the people!" are not only freed from all external authority in all ques- oi right, but we are responsible that we maintain this Freedom and per- petuate it, and thus pass it down unim- paired to our children. As a free-born, or as a naturalized American, there has been placed in my hand the scepter and the miter hereto- fore wielded by king and priest. I AM THE GOVERNMENT. Of necessity I should first be self-governed that I may in turn be a safe integral part of the one government. When the individual is selfrgoverned then will the nation be wisely governed. The first duty then is for each to learn and each to teach the Divinity of the Soul and to inspire men to its expression. "Upon me," each citizen should affirm, ''upon me depends the just settlement of all questions of national and internation- al importance !" Do you understand that here in this Am- erica, we have a New Thought govern- ment? A new experience in all history? Here for the first time is authority placed within the individual. Where do you as a New Thought person place the responsibility and authority for ycur 7 health and happiness? You place it where it is placed in the Constitution of the United States. The first truly loyal citizens of any nation are we. We say in our lives "Amen " to the statement of 78. Within is the Throne of God. From that throne issue all the edicts which we obey every waking moment of life. It is our mission to develop this con- sciousness in the people till they by be- coming self-reliant and self-respecting shall indeed form a nation of self-gov- erned people whose only authority is the Inward Voice, which ever thunders "DO RIGHT!" It is the mightiest task a people ever set for themselves to build a nation of in- dividuals where the state is for man and not man for the state. One hundred and thirty-nine years is but a tick of the clock of progress measured by the task before us. But the Idealism of 76 shall yet become an objective reality. We are on the way and Democracy is coming. During this century and a quarter the Principle of liberty of democracy, has been possessing the people. When Thomas Paine thought out the Declara- tion which Jefferson's hand wrote oui thought would have found no sympathy When Paine said, ''The world my coun- try and to do good my religion!" it was heresy and still worse was his heresy when he said, "I believe in One God and no more and hope for happiness beyond this life" for there were then three Gods, and no man, not a churchman, had a right to hope for happiness beyond this earth life. He was persecuted and socially ostracised. And today an Ex- rresident calls him "A dirty little in- fidel!" But we proclaim it, and are received with acclaim. The opinions of men do change. We have passed the persecu- tion stage. We have no longer tolera- tion or merely statute law protection, but we possess in almost perfection, the guarantee of no meddling with free speech. The heart of the people is always right. All we need is to give way to the natu- ral impulses of man and that human heart l;ein-;r Love all will be peace. Truth is finding its way and we trust it. r \ he Thinker his come and the Thinker n:lcs. Erner>un warns us to "Beware 9 when the gmtt Ood lets toose the Think- er, For then all things are at his mer- Ihe wisdom of the Fathers is now made manifest in this great body who echo back across the centuries "The soul of man can be trusted to the end!'' I wish you to see where you- where this Congress stands, in the march to- ward Freedom. I wish you to feel with me the great debt we owe and the great responsibility that rests upon each as in- heritors of the spirt of '76 and the in- stitutions born from it. As children of that early Idealism that materialized the United States of America it devolves upon us to materialize "THE UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD!" This is our manifest destiny. This is the mission of America among the nations of the world. As they were the Fathers of "Many made One" so we, New Thought peo- ple and I say it with a full heart and with a loyalty to which my life is con- centrated it is our duty to crystahze the spirit of today as they did the spirit of unrest of '76. In the dawn of the twentieth century we hold as important place in the world's history as did the minute men of Concord, Putnam at Bunker Hill and Patrick Henry in the Legislature of Virginia. Soon there will be a crystal organized that will, in the Spirit of the old Liberty Bell, proclaim Freedom through the world. It is to us, the only body today dealing with CONSTRUCTIVE THOUGHT, to see that that proclamation is made an universal reality. All the world but the United States seems in chaotic conditions. Ecclesiasti- cism has lost its hold ; it has failed when the test came; war is rampant among the great nations which have called themselves Christian. The church is powerless. Socialism is powerless. Ev- ery institution that has claimed to stand for brotherhood has failed. The Red Cross welds all into one in its sympathy, and while it has no constructive power, it is preparing the way for the thought of that Unity, which can only come through suffering. But here, we are an International Body with Uni- versal Truth and Love for our power, and WE ARE THE ONE AND THE ONLY i-ODY THAT REPRESENTS THE SPIRIT OF THE NOW, AND WEO HOLD A CONSTRUCTIVE IDEAL FOR THE WORLD. WE KNOW THE POWER OF THOUiHT. THE POWER OF TRUTH; THE CONSTRUCTIVE POWER OF THE IDEAL and upon us has fallen the man- tle of the prophets and we must fulfill that which they have foreseen and bring about a Universal Brotherhood. This Universal Federation cannot come through legislation. It cannot come by any artificial means. Nature's evolution of the human heart's expression which is Friendship, is its only way. Improved economic conditions will not bring it, for they will not eliminate selfishness from the heart. It will never come through physical or social hygiene. These do not reach, and only mitigate the evil. All conditions which the world does not find to its advantage as joy Lringer, as experience shall decide, will fall cff the body politic, and social, as leaves from the trees in autumn. Only the best of each generation will remain for future use, and when this is out- grown it will also fall away. The end of present undesired conditions can come and will come through the awakened consciousness of Man. Con- sciousness of his Divinity and his Unity with all the race. He must come to a realization not only that "I and my Father are One" but that I and my Brother are One. Consciousness of the One Indwelling God will create that feeling of Brotherhood which will result in an era of Good-Will which must pre- cede any era of peace. This is seen by many whose occupation is war. Sir Francis Younghusband, who led the British army to Thibet, in a re- cent article says: Men who regard themselves as integral parts of the whole, with every other single part of which they are most related, and who also realize that each, in his own small degree, contributes to form that spirit which has made them, will have not only this deep sense of unity, but a craving to make it closer. They will resent the tyranny of a rigid order im- posed from outside, but they will establish for themselves that full and flexible orcic* which free individuals possess of a sense of responsibility which freedom engenders, and naturally evolve for themselves. They will allow full scope for individuality, for they will know that thereby will unity be increased. . . . It is not so much peace and rest to which they look forward, as the harmony which comes of activity, an activity bent on i3 frsimr all discords. . . Men imbued with, the Universal Spirit will be sensible of it working- through them, making always for what is good ; propelling them upward. "The right to Life," say our organic law, "and the right to liberty are one/' Only under liberty can life have its full expression. But liberty is a constantly unfolding Principle. Its definition is never the same in any two generations. The Liberty dreamed in '76 would be tyranny now, and our liberty would have meant license to them. Even Paine and Jefferson would have shrunk in terror from present individual free- dom and the spirit of Hamilton if it has not kept in touch with mundane affairs, will see that all he feared has come upon us. But because we have trusted the Principle they announced, we are freer, and I believe happier, than were our Fathers. All this advance has come as all growth in individuals and nations comes through suffering, pain, agony, tears, and blood. O Freedom thou art not as poets dream, A fair young girl with light and delicate limbs And wavy trtsses gushing from the cap 14 With which the Roman master crowned his slave When he took off the gyves. A bearded man Armed to the teeth art thou ; one mailed hand Grasps the broad shield and one the sword; thy brow Glorious in Beauty though it be, is scarred With tokens of old wars ; thy massive limbs Are strong with struggling. Power at thee has launched His bolts and with his lightenings smitten thee, They could not quench the power thou hast from heaven. Bryant. And the struggle for Freedom is as great new as ever in the past. It has changed its fields, its methods and its weapons. The first struggle that greets us in the objective world is the struggle for economic freedom, for what we in New Thought term prosperity or opu- lence. There must be freedom from the present slavery of wages on the one hand, and the equally oppressive slavery of over-possession on the other. All the attempts toward this is but the attempt of Justice to balance her scales. As long as men live to possess rather than to Be; as long as possession is sought, and Be- 15 ing ignored, the scales of Justice will never balance. But we are nearer Justice in every av- enue of human endeavor than we were one hundred years ago. We are indeed our brother's keeper. But 1 am net to think for him. Am not authority for him. Am not to make rules and regulations for his thought and conduct. I am not to be a post for him to lean upon. I am not to save him from the effects of his thinking. I am to leave him as free as I wish to be myself. I am to see that he has equal opportunities with myself, then, if he refuses to use them, I am to leave him to the Law of Justice, but I am to love him under all conditions, as my brother still. Economic liberty when it comes will be only the John the Baptist to that Jarger Liberty of the Sons of God; that spir- itual liberty which we foresee and to- ward which we work. When that lib- erty dawns we shall be a self-governed nation of self-governed individuals, whose God is Love, and where till men are brothers and all life is co-operative This is Democracy. Kcar Whitman's 16 declaration : I speak the watchword primeval Democracy. By God! I swear I will have nothing that every man cannot have the counterpart of on equal terms. This is the Spirit and the Purpose of New Thought. As far as I know it 1^ the motive of every editor and teacher, healer and lover in our ranks in this, the last and greatest demand for Free- dom. All around is chaos. The world is in the birth-throes of a new era. Old institutions are tumbling Old methods have all been tried and found wanting. The most progressive nations are prov- ing that education, culture, theology and politics are impotent to save from war. If we look only on one side we may well believe that the end of civilization is near. There is a rampant holocaust of destructive thought. Where are the builders? Where is the savior? Only a movement that will look above the clouds and will come vith the con- sciousness that thought is Power and with an Ideal of Universal Brotherhood, and with constructive thought, will be equal to the work of reconstruction. Now is that psychological moment when the Savior can come, and can save. And the saving power, the savi??.v; move- ment, is here. This world-wkU: move- ment, called New Thought, is the one, ??ad the only, movement before the race today that comes constructively. We know the power of Silence. We know that Though: is creative, and amid all this tumult and chaos we speak the WORD and it will create more than a Tabled Eden. As God spoke Light into being and Jesus calmed the troubled sea, so we, a million people with under- standing of our Constructive power, speak the word PEACE, and peace IS, and that which IS in the world of Re- a"ty, will soon be seen in the world of the objective. but among t*>e inalienable rights is that U Life. This statement is not alone the recognition of the right to life, but the recognition of the fact that Life is, and it is for me. We claim Life, and we pro- claim with T'.r.th "I come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly/' and the slavery of disease mtibt end. Not alone the right to life and liberty, but I will be, in inv own person, life ?nd lib 13 crty. Will live in that larger liberty possessed by the equal sons of a co-nmc u iather, where there are no limitations of wealth, custnm, education, ncr even those of vice and virtue. Ail these are unknown. We have ushered in Uie thou* band years of Unity of Spirit, where w^ recognize only the Divinity of the hu- man soul and demand for each expres- sion of tl:;it soul, equal opportunities. Freedom comes in those successive steps in which the intellect of man translates the emotions into action. We start at birth full of the animal, and are slowly "crushing out the ape and let- ting the tiger die/' In this growing con- sciousness of ourselves as POWER TO \VILL AND TO DO we are fast over- coming conditions and shall conquer the last three enemies or the race poverty, disease and the involuntarily leaving the body by the present process of death. Man will eventually leave his body when he chooses, and at will will take it up again. Through the power of his thought, he will overcome all the condi- tions of mortality and will consciously live an immort'u Being here and now. Our first freedom came at birth; the next when free from mother's arms and breasts. The last physical step was tak- en when we becai le capable of earning our living. Intellectual liberty has progressed along with thir. physical liberty. Few reach liberty in tko'ight for instead of resting upon their own ability to perceive truth, they accept statements from some au- thority. Few have in all history ex- pressed this intellectual freedom. Am- erica has placed, in the panthenon of the gods, two men who represent her nine- teenth century freedom. When these two were ushered in the gods of old times arose and vacating their seats gave Ultra the places of honor, and these two Emerson and Walt Whitman. Complete emancipation comes only when we declare, as did Emerson and Walt declare, our own divinity, and live in perfect trust in ourselves. Here is my declaration of complete in- r!rrendcnce as taurrht nie by Emerson: I TRUST MYSELF. MY HEART VI- BRATES TO THAT IRON STRING. I ACCEPT THE PLACE DIVINE 20 PROVIDENCE HAS FOUND FOR ME. THE CONNECTION Ob EVENTS; THE SOCIETY OF MY CONTEMPORARIES. ALL GREAT MEN DO -THIS AND I DO IT ALSO. I AM SURE THAT THE ABSO- L, ^LY TRUSTWORTHY IS WORKING THROUGH MY HANDS, IS BEATING IN MY HEART AND IS PERMEATING ALL MY BEING. This is the Spirit of American citizen- ship, and when it becomes the manifest spirit, then the government of the people \vili surely be a government for the peo- ple and it will never perish from the earth. This coming is delayed by the conservatism, pessimism, lack of trust in man, and the fears of the timid and most of all by those who trust the past only and who cry for a precedent and for authority. A "Thus said the Lord" will keep back the car of progress for an hundred years, when a "Thus saith the heart of man! 1 ' would bring brother- hood and peace. There must come today, to all, that faith i:i the Self, that Luther had when he declared "Here I stand! I can no oth- 23 er! God helping inei" We are very near the dark and bloody gi^i.nd of Europe but we are in the dawn of Europe's greater day. The tale is told that upon Calvary the sun was darkened and the earth shook. So do the clouds of war always darken the sun and shake the earth. But as that darkness presaged the Resurrection, so does this upheaval prophesy the awak- ening of the Soul of Man from the grave of militarism, selfishness and ma- terialism and death. I TRUST MYSELF! hereafter will be his watchword. The Christ that was to coine is here! Christ is not a personality but a Prin- ciple inherent in every soul. It is the Principle that inspired Jesus and led to the cross, and it has inspired ev- ery teacher, lover and martyr in all times and all lands. It is here ! It has been precipitated from the Universal and crystallized its body in this Congress. It is today as un- known and as unperceived, as it always has been, by the generation that gave 22 it birth, but upon the grave of today will be built monuments to the Messiah's advent. The truth embodied in our fundamental Law is the Christ Principle, that shall bring in a Triumphant Democracy. A redemption from the ill, the authority and the grind of a false system of wealth, that allows one person to possess more than is necessary for his own life ex- pression, while ethers want. Democracy equality is the world sa- vior. We, New Thought people, are the first great body who have attempted to bring scientifically and by practical word the Kingdom of the Good upon earth. That kingdom has always been here. The early teacher said, "It is at hand!" Turn and grasp that hand of Love, always extended by man to man. It is there. Look for it ! Expect it ! and you shall find it. In that kingdom stands the altruist declaring "All is mine. And all is yours. There is no mine and thine for we are one " Supply is in-' finite, and always there is enough for ( rich and all. Come and be healed! We pray I-P.M!- risniy: "May thy kingdom come on earth !" We care for no other kingdom, nor time, but always enough for NOW AND HERE! This kingdom lies in the faith of the Quaker poet when he 'insi : j '9 I know not where His islands lift Their fronded palms in air; I only know, 1 cannot drift, Beyond His love and care. 'ih^t kingdom of the Good comes through the recognition that it is here the moment we look to the Law of Causation and realise Cause and Effect as its Chancellors. Think Goodness and Goodness is. Think righteousness and righteousness is! By thought we build it within where all Goodness dwells. Affirm: / am the Kingdom of the Good! and let it bring forth the fruits of th* Spirit. Emerson says, "God hid the whole world in thy heart," and also af- firmed : ''The whole future lies in the bottom of his heart." Mind, "heart " net intellect. In his Love and not in hi thought. Let it, en the waves of your emotion, find its objective expression, for LOVE IS ALL POWER, and in giving Love in Friendship we fulfill the 24 Law we fill the Law full. There is but One law, the law of Love, which is the Law of Desire. What 1 desire, I have already in Reality, or I could not desire it. 1 am Will to bring it forth. Desire and Will lead to Expec- tation, c.nd of these three all material things are mine. For I am an individ- ualized expression of the Absolute One. Through me the Absolute rim-i; con- tinue Its work of Creation. The Absolute made a world of mineral, vegetable and animal life, and It could do no more till, through Man, came Thought, and in Man God thinks, and by Thought continues creation. With- out Man not a nail. With Man see this Exposition. Without Man, God would have con- tinued to swim in the fish, to croak in the frog, to sing in the bird, and to blossom in the rose. But in Man the Absolute will express all possibilies of Being through new creations forever. Therefore the time has come when Man in consciousness of his Divinity must now declare his freedom of limitations, that in this faith God mav continue through liim the process of Evolution. It 13 for this Alliance to teach Man to proclaim I AM FREE! In his percep- tion of infinite possibilities he is to af- firm : I AM FREE TO EXPRESS THE DIVINITY I AM i Every condition of consciousness that is possible to Infinity I am now. I am to knew this, and to give each clay a fuller expression of that which I am. Know- ing this I am to affirm I AM THE LAV/! Because of this fact affirmed in the Declaration "WE, THE PEOPLE," ARE THE LAW, AND BEYOND US THERE IS NO OTHER! My work, therefore, lie^> with myself, and within myself. And that work is simply to KNOW MYSELF. Over the expressions of life in any per- son or nature I have neither right nor wish to interfere. If the wind cools my cheek gratefully that is Good. If it carries me by cyclone into the Bay still it is Good. For alone am I to decide \vhat shall be the effect upon me. And I have decided that whatever conies IT shall produce for me and in me Good. Work toward me your sweet will, my 26 brother, no s ii latter 'il uo you it 'shall that you give me hate. I shall not know it so, for it will be still to me your own sweet will, for I will sec the Divinity which is behind it all and that Divinity cannot wrong me, if it would. I am not an aspen leaf to be fluttered by every whiff of emotion frcm niy neigh- bors. I AM THE ROCK OF AGES. NOTHING EXTERNAL TO ME CAN MOVE ME ! If I like the sensa- tion I'll repeat it. If I do not like it, I'll refrain. I have learned that every friendly act produces in me happiness, therefore I am at all times and in all places and to all persons, A FRIEND. The only test and the only epithet of character that is worth anything, is that which w^e pay to Jesus HE WAS A FRIEND OF PUBLICANS AND SINNERS. Only that we fail by lack of friendship to transmute them, there are to us pub- licans and sinners. I have trans- formed them through my Love to FRIENDS. When I so live, when I so recognize, mv divinitv and the divinity of -rill, Uicr? has Goodjjos.s done its per- fect work, and eternity has for me no higher plane of expression, and I may forever continue to evolve in this life of LOVE. In this consciousness of the Wholeness of the Universe, I realize that I have nothing that is not all men's. That pos- session is robbery, and that I am to de- pend upon Infinite Supply from which, when I take, I take from no man that which is his need. I shall have passed into that opulence which was Jesus' when he said he had neither, like foxes or birds, the necessity for possession, because all was him. The hearts and hopes of all men was his, and at need the Law would materialize coin or bread My wealth is common, I possess No petty province, but the Whole! t's mine alone is mine still less Than treasure shared by every soul. 1 have a stake in every star in every flower that gems the day. All hearts of men my coffers are My oars, arterial tides convey. "All mine is thine" the Sky-Soul saith, The wealth I am thou must become, Richer and richer, breath by breath, Immortal gain, Immortal room!"'' And since all his mine also is, Life's gifts outrun my fancies far, And drowns the dream in larger stream As morning drinks the morning star. D. A. U'asson. U. C. BERKELEYLIBRARjES Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. V. PAT. JAN. 21 ,1908 CD5bb37DS7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY