University of California Berkeley 'fl JcT X- v t IT'S. &x- ) Early History of New England. In 1862 I republished DR. INCREASE MATHER'S " Brief History of King Philip's War," with an Introduction and Notes. I now pro pose to republish his other work, (which covers the most interesting period of the History of New England,) entitled "A RELATION op THE TROUBLES WHICH HAVE HAPPENED IN NEW ENGLAND, BY REASON OE THE INDIANS THERE, FROM THE YEAR 1614, TO THE YEAR 1675." It was printed in Boston in 1677, in a small quarto volume. This work, abounding in important facts, has never been republished. I propose to issue it in the small 4to form, printed with antique type, uniform with the BRIEF HISTORY, with an Introduction and Annotations. It will comprise about 300 pages. Price for copies in paper, $3 00 ; full bound in cloth, gilt tops, $3 50. Ten copies will be printed on large paper, at $10 00 per copy, in paper covers. Subscribers names will be printed in the work. Those desirous of the work will please give early notice to SAMUEL G. DRAKE, 13 Bromfidd St. BOSTON, June, 1863. EARLY HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND; BEING A RELATION OF HOSTILE PASSAGES BETWEEN THE INDIANS AND EUROPEAN VOYAGERS AND FIRST SETTLERS: AND A FULL NARRATIVE OF HOSTILITIES, TO THE CLOSE OF THE WAR WITH THE PEQJJOTS, IN THE YEAR 1637; ALSO A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN OF THE WAR WITH KING PHILIP. BY INCREASE MATHER. iXssc'Urs*. i.:^er*rr^VWl > - "*M ^ ' ' an Kntroftuction antr Note*, BY SAMUEL G. DRAKE. BOSTON: PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR, AND SOLD BY HIM AT NO. 1 3 BROMFIELD-STREET. ALSO BY J. MUNSELL, ALBANY, N. Y. 1864. TO HIS EARLY AND CONSTANT FRIEND, JOHN CARTER BROWN, ESQUIRE, OF PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, Whofe extenfive and invaluable Colleftion of Works on the whole Range of American Hiftory and Antiquities is a Monu ment to his fine Tafte, Judgment and perfevering Induftry, of which not only himfelf and his State mould be proud, but New England likewife ; inafmuch, as through his Kindnefs and Liberality his moft ufeful Collection is not a fealed one, but is aiding in various Ways the Bibliographer and Hifto- rian : To him, therefore, this Volume is, by permiffion, refpeftfully Dedicated, by THE EDITOR. INTRODUCTORY BY THE EDITOR OR many Years I had con templated publifhing Editions of the two Works of Dr. Increale Mather on Indian Hiftory ; they having been for a long Time rarely to be met with. The firft of thefe Works, in point of Time of Publication, was the Brief Hiftory of Philip's War, an Edition of which I ifTued laft Year (1862). As foon as that was publifhed I commenced preparing this to follow it. Various Demands upon my Time have prevented its earlier Appearance. Chronologically this fhould have ap peared before the other Work ; but fo the Author wrote and fo he publifhed them ; thus as it were writing Hiftory backwards. But fome great Hif- torians have fince either followed Mr. Mather's vi Introductory by the Editor. Plan, or employed one fimilar ; for it was in this Way Mr. Hume wrote and publiiLed his celebrated Hiftory of England. In refpect to thefe two Works of Dr. Mather, while the Firft may be thought to be more im portant to Hiftorians, the Latter is the more difficult to be found. The former is a contemporaneous Hiftory, while the latter is a Hiftory of a previous Age ; chiefly drawn from Works fince as well known as in the Time of this Author. This may account in fome Degree for its having met with but a fingle Impreflion in one hundred and eighty-fix Years. Being pofTefled of nearly all of Mr. Mather's Authorities, I have been able to fupply numerous ancl important Deficiencies in his Narrative. He doubtlefs felt himfelf obliged to comprefs his Ma terials as much as poflible, fo as not to make a large Book; for in his Time there were but few Buyers of even fmall Books. There may be thofe difpofed to berate and under value the Works of all the early Mathers, and to confider them of little or no Account. To fuch the Editor would fay, that with full Coniideration of the Condition of Society in New England when the Mathers wrote, he thinks they would change their IntroduSory by the Editor. vii Opinion. We can have but a vague and indifferent View of the State which our Ancestors pafled through, except by their Works. By beftowing a little Attention upon thefe we have in our Minds a very good Picture of the Steps by which we have arrived at our partially civilized Exiftence. To the Mathers then we owe a great deal, and we can acknowledge it without endorfing their peculiar Tenets or fubjecting ourfelves to the Charge of fhar- ing in the Superftitions and Bigotry of their Age. But a faint and imperfect Opinion can be formed of the Condition of New England from the brief Chronicles of the Period of the Pequot War. The Author is a good deal more Minute refpecting that War than any of the early Writers upon it ; but even from him we have a very incoherent Narrative. He did not poffefs all of the printed Accounts neither Underbill's nor Vincent's ; yet they are in- difpenfable being both by Eye-witnefles of the principal military Operations. Gardiner's Hiftory was not published, and its Exiftence does not ap pear to have been known to Mr. Mather. In fome Refpects it is the moft valuable of the con temporary Records of the War. It gives us a poli tical View, and with an " old foldier's " -Honefty. Mafon's Hiftory the Author pofl'effed, though viii Introductory by the Editor. under another Name. It came into Mr. Mather's Hands from Mr. John Allyn, then " Secretary of " Connecticut Colony," who appears to have tran- fcribed it with various Alterations and Additions, and allowed it to pafs for his own Work. Mr. Mather fays he prints it " without the lead Alteration as to " Senfe, and very little as to the Words." As Mafon's Work was afterwards printed as Mafon left it ; a comparifon will mow what Liberties Mr. Allyn took with it. Some of thefe Liberties will be pointed out in the Notes. We are told by the Author of a very important manufcript Account of the Pequot War which he found in the Library of a brother Minifter, but he was not able to learn the Name of the Author ; and as if to prevent Others from learning, he does not tell us in whofe Library he found it. He feems to have given us the Subftance of it, and that confirms what he fays of its Importance. But had he been at the Pains to collect Everything he could, manu fcript and printed, and compofed a faithful Hiftory from Materials fo collected, we might have had a much better Hiftory of the Pequot War than we now poflefs. He does not feem to have profited at all by Correfpondence, and not much from Con- veriation with thofe living in the Time of the War, or their Defendants. In his Detail of Tranfactions IntroduBory by the Editor. ix he is provokingly lilent refpecting thofe who per formed them. This was a ferious Fault of nearly all Writers of Hiftory of that as well as a previous Age. Often no Name is mentioned but that of the Leader of the Expedition ; and thus Oblivion hangs over the Memory of thofe who expofed their Lives to all the Dangers of a moft dangerous Service, for the Be nefit of us who come after them; thus denying their Pofterity the Gratification of honouring their Names. Perhaps we ought not to complain of Deficien cies in our early Authors, but rather to be thankful they have given us fo much as they have. But the Reader of this Hiftory will not fail to obferve, without our calling his Attention to fuch Facts as the following -.That he hears Nothing of the Agency of Roger Williams in preventing a Union between the Pequots and Narraganfets for the avowed Destruction of the Englifh ; Nothing about the Efforts of Lieut. Gardiner in fecuring the Friendship of the Long Ifland Indians; Nothing about the DifTatisfadtion of Plymouth in regard to the War ; Nothing about the Complaints of Con necticut that MafTachufetts had unneceflarily brought on the War ; and Nothing about the relative Strength of the Colonies. And yet thefe Subjects are as Pillars to a Superftructure. B x Introductory by the Editor. It is true that Writers near the Time of an Event are necefTarily deficient in documentary Vouchers. But few Letters were written at the Period of the Pequot War, and of that few but a Moiety ever come to Light. Important Letters pafled between Governor Vane and Lieut. Gardiner, but none of them have been preferved ; at leaft none have been difcovered. Mafon perhaps never wrote one while upon his Expeditions, nor was it neceflary, as he returned Home about as foon as a MefTenger could have performed the Service of Bearer of Dif- patches. Captain Stoughton 1 from the Army fent Home Letters. Officials at Home wrote Letters about the War. Winthrop on the Part of MafTa- chufetts. Winflow* on that of Plymouth. Roger Williams wrote many. We have one, and but one, from the benevolent Mr. John Humfrey.s Among them all, faving thofe of Humfrey and Williams, 4 we find no Expreffions counfelling Mild- nefs, Forbearance or Mercy towards the Indians. 1 See Appendix A. peared, in which he fays, in refer ence to the captive Pcquots "I 2 See Appendix B much rejoice [to learn by Captain Patrick] that fome of the Chiefe 3 See Appendix C. [Men] at Quonihticut (Mr. Heynes and Mr. Ludlow), are almoft averfe 4 Since the above was written, a from killing Women and Children." Letter of Roger Williams has ap- Mafs. Hift. Colls. 36, 196. Introductory by the Editor. xi Nor is this fo much to be wondered at, taking the actual Condition of the Country into View the very few white People then in New England, and thofe fcattered along a vaft Extent of Sea-coaft for two or three hundred Miles, with an unknown Number of Indians on every Hand -all jealous of thofe Intruders. Knowing that the Indians might at any time combine and deftroy them while in their Weaknefs, they thought it neceflary for their own Prefervation to divide this jealous People as much as poflible. And here it is fitting to remark that Jealoulies always grow up, fpontaneoufly, as it were, between Races or Sections, where one is fuperior to the other in any Refpect. The more ignorant Race or Section always fofters this Jealoufy into Envy, and from Envy into deadly Hoftility. It was thus arofe the prefent moft iniquitous Southern Rebellion. The Indians were perfect Seceflionifts. Their Philofophy of Liberty taught nothing higher in the Scale of Government. Hence they were conftantly breaking up into diftind: Commu nities or Clans. Several of thefe Clans or Commu nities were ufually called a Tribe ; and a Tribe held together no longer than it fuited the Con venience of its individual Members. Seceffion was at all times imminent, and although the Parties were xii Introductory by the Editor. conftantly reaping the bitter Fruits of Seceffion, they had " no Power to prevent it," as was averred by a recent Prefident of the United States, in refpect to the American Union : thus virtually acknowledging that the Government of the Union was not in Advance of that of the Indians ! All barbarous Nations are natural Seceders. In capable of binding themfelves together by any written Compact, the remedy for every Grievance, real or imaginary, was Defertion or Seceffion of the Party fo aggrieved. Thus, continually weakened, a Tribe became nearly powerlefs to every foreign Foe. No Confederacy could hold together any Length of Time, becaufe private Ends were fuperiour to publick Good. The Pequots feceded from an in land Tribe, and no fooner were they permanently feated upon the Borders of the River bearing their Name, but a difaffected Party broke from them, and became known as the Mohegans. Precedents were never wanting for Seceffion among a barbarous People. They acknowledged no Law but that of the ftrongeft. Their Exiftence depended upon their Ability to keep forcible Pof- feffion of whatever Place they found themfelves porTerTed of, or in their ability to difpofTefs a neigh bouring Community. From Time immemorial this Introductory fy the Editor. xiii had been their State of Exiftence, and they had no other Traditions for their Guidance. Hence they lived in continual Fear; always in Expectation of an Attack from one difpoflefled Clan or another, as their Progenitors, near and remote, had been. This was the State of the Indians in New England when the firft white People became acquainted with them. When the Pilgrims came to Plymouth, the Narraganfets were threatening the Wampa- noags, and this was found to be the Secret of the ready Compliance of the Latter to the Wifhes of their white Vifitors ; and when thefe travelled to the Bottom of the Bay they found the Country had been defolated by a barbarous War between the Maflachufetts and Tarratines. The Mohegans had broken from the Pequots, and War exifted between them. Other Wars doubtlefs exifted between other Tribes. None of thefe Wars could be attributed to the evil Influences of white Men. At trie fame Time it is clear that in fuch a State of Exiftence Seceffion was continually going on, and confequent- ly Wars muft be perpetual. Yet fome modern Writers have aflerted that Indians were peaceful and not given to Treachery before they had been learned to be fo through their Intercoufe with Europeans. This Affertion is- pretty fully difpofed xiv Introductory by the Editor. of by what has been fhown to have been the real Condition of the Country at and immediately after its Difcovery and Settlement by the Englim. That the Wars among the Indians generally originated in bad Faith is fcarcely to be doubted, it being con ceded that Indians are much like other Races of Men, and that they are made up of good and bad Elements. Roger Williams (and no man ever knew the In dians better), relates this remarkable Cafe of Treachery among them in his Vicinity in 1637: " The laft Day of the Weeke [Saturday July loth ?] " Wequafh the Pequt Guide neere Hand, flue his " Countryman Saflawwaw, a Pequt, alfo Miantun- " nomues fpecial Darling, and a kind of Generall of " his Forces. There was Yefterday fome Tumult " about it becaufe Wequafh Hues with Canounicus, " and Miantunnomu purfues the Revenge and Juf- " tice, &c." That is to fay, the Narraganfets required Vengeance to be taken on that Pequot in Juftice for Wrongs done them. Mr. Williams fpeaks of the Juftnefs of the Execution thus : " Although We- " quaih it may be haue treacheroufly allmoft, flaiii " him, yet I fee the righteous Hand of the moft " High Judge, thus : SarTawwaw turned to [joined] " the Nanhiggonficks and againe pretends a Returne Introductory by the Editor. xv " to the Pequts, gets them forth the laft Yeare " againft the Nanhiggonficks and fpying Advantage, " flue the chiefe Pequt Captain and whips off his " Head, and fo againe [returns] to the Nanhiggon- " fick : their Treacheries exceede Machiavills," &c. In another Letter to the fame Party he recom mends dealing with them wifely and juftly, as with Wolves endowed with men's Brains. That Civilization is not compatible with the Indian Character has been clearly eftablimed by Experiments oft repeated. The Exceptions in favor of fome Tribes difappear with thofe Tribes. Some two hundred years Experience has pretty conclu- fively proved, that whenever a white or European Colony locates itfelf near an Indian Community, that Community melts away ; flowly perhaps, but fteadily and furely. Well has Dryden fome where expreffed the Indian Lamentation : " Old Prophecies foretell our Fall at Hand " When bearded Men in floating Caftles land." Indians were always ready to " drive a Trade " with any People who vifited them. Moft Euro peans took what Advantages they could of their Simplicity. The firft Settlers of Plymouth gene rally dealt honourably and liberally with them. Perhaps rather more Co than the other Colonifts of xvi IntroduElory by the Editor. New England. But it mould not be pretended that Trade was not an Object with them ; and yet it is entirely true that it was not a paramount One originally. Indeed, with the Exception of Plymouth and one or two others, Settlements were made with a View to the Benefits arifing from Traffick with the Natives. Perhaps it was more notorioufly fo with the Spanifh Settlers. At all Events. the Author of Hudibras has in his inimitable Way fettled the Matter as far as Song can fettle Anything. The following Lines were intended for his Hudibras, but for fome Reafon were left out. The PafTage was preferved by the celebrated John Aubrey, F. R. S., and is as follows : " No Jefuit e'er took in Hand " To plant a Church in barren Land ; " Nor ever thought it worth the While " A Swede or Rufs to reconcile. " For where there is no Store of Wealth, *' Souls are not worth the Charge of Health ; " Spain in America had two Defigns, " To fell their Gofpel for their Mines. 1 " For, had the Mexicans been poor, " No Spaniard twice had landed on their Shore." At the Time the Relation was written, there were but Few remaining who were cotemporary i Wines in Aubrey's Mtfcels. ii, 264, Introductory by the Editor. xvii with the Events of which the Author treats. In a few Inftances he feems to have profited by Inform ation obtained from fome of _ the A publifhed in 1693, is that of the venerable William Hubbard. How far he endorfed all the Views exprefled in that Work cannot be certainly known ; but the Fad: of his Signature being there is prefumptive Evidence of his general AiTent to its Principles. Including Mr. Hubbard, there were fourteen Signers, and thefe were the principal Min- ifters in this Part of New England. Thefe Minifters fay, "That there are Devils " and Witches ; the Scripture aflerts, and Experi- " ence confirms that they are common Enemies of " Mankind, and fet upon Mifchief, is not to be " doubted : That the Devil can (by Divine Per- " miflion) and often doth vex Men, in Body and " Eftate, without the Inftrumentality of Witches, " is undeniable." If the Commendators had left the Matter here, their Credit would ftand much better in this Age, but they go on : " That he " often hath and delights to have the Concurrence " of Witches, and their Confent in harming Men, " is confonant to his native Malice to Man, and " too lamentably exemplified : That Witches, " when detected and convicted, ought to be exter- " minated and cut off, we have God's Warrant for." xxii Introductory by the Editor. It will be feen that thefe Obfervations are pretty carefully worded, and that although the Exiftence of Devil and Witches could not be denied, a grand Queftion, very difficult to be difpofed of, naturally prefents itfelf fuch as, if the Devil can ad: with out the Agency of a Witch, how is it to be deter mined when he employs their Agency ? Neverthelefs thefe fourteen Minifters fay in Con- clufion, " All that we are concerned in, is to afiert " our hearty Confent to, and Concurrence with " the Subftance of what is contained in the follow- " ing Difcourfe." In the Poftfcript to the Cafes of Conference, the Author feems as far gone as his Son in the Witch Delufion. Perhaps the Fourteen 1 did not include the Poftfcript in their Commendation. Indeed it is quite probable they knew Nothing of it until i Their Names as figned to the Samuel Angier original Commendation are very Nehemiah Walter differently arranged in the printed [Thus far in Dr. Mather's hand. Book ; and as they are partly Auto- The reft are Autographs^ graphs, I infert them here as they James Allen originally flood : Sam 11 Willard Charles Morton William Hubbard Michael Wigglefworth Samuel Phillips John Bayly Jofeph Gerrifh Samuel Whiting Jn Wife Jabez Fox Jofeph Capen. IntroduElory by the Editor. xxiii after the Book was printed. In that Addenda Mr. Mather fays, if he had been one of the Judges at the Trial of Mr. Burroughs, he could not have acquitted him. And in the fame Poftfcript he fays, " Some I hear have taken up a Notion that " the Book newly published by my Son [Wonders " of the Invifible World} is contradictory to this of " mine : 'Tis ftrange that fuch Imaginations mould " enter into the Minds of Men : I perufed and " approved of that Book before it was printed." Hence it is apparent that the elder Mather was at heart as much inclined to punim Witches as the younger. The only Difference being in their Tem peraments : the elder was flow and cautious, while the younger was fanguine and impetuous. This Poftfcript, in which thefe ftrong Convic tions are found, did not probably appear in the original Edition of the Cafes of Conference. I have a manufcript Copy of it (chiefly in the Autograph of the Author) to which there is no Poftfcript. As has been elfewhere obferved, that although Dr. Mather's Works are chiefly Theological, almoft all of them contain fome valuable Facts. He is treated rather cruelly by Mr. Oldmixon in his ac count of the Briti/h Dominions in North America, which is duly noticed by his Biographer, and xxiv IntroduSiory by the Editor. fcarcely requires to be alluded to here. All that need be faid refpedting the fevere Attack of Old- mixon is, that it principally relates to his preaching. This Confideration alone renders his Criticifms of no Value at this Day. There is no Biography fo valuable and intereft- ing as Autobiography. Under this Conviction I have made the following Extracts from Dr. Ma ther's Preface to a fmall Volume of Sermons, enti tled Awakening Truths, &c., publifhed by him in Bofton in an 18 mo Volume, 1710. He fays: *' I was by my Parents devoted to the Service of God in the Gofpel of Jefus Chrijl. What " my Father was in Lancajhire in England, all " New England knows. And many will blefs ** God to Eternity, that ever they did know him. " God has moreover been fo gracious as to give me " to be born of a fingularly pious, praying, holy " Mother. On her Death-bed, me delired to " fpeak with me her youngeft Son : All that me " faid to me, was, For the Lords fake do thou devote " thyfelf to the Work of the Miniflry ; and remember " that Scripture, They that turn many to Right eouf- " nefs, Jhall Jhine as the Stars forever and ever. " From that Day I refolved if the Lord would fpare " my life, to obey that laft Advice of my Parent. I Introductory by the Editor. xxv " was then a Youth, but fixteen Years old, having " been in the Colledge but four Years. It is im- " poffible for me to declare what Impreffion thofe " laft Words of my dying Mother had upon my " Spirit. God has been fo favourable to me, as to " uphold me (the moft unworthy) in His Work, as " a publick Preacher of His Word, for the Space " of more than fifty Years ; and this occafionally " in very many Congregations, and in four feveral " Lands. In many places in England, in Gloucefter, " and in many AfTemblies in Devon, and in Dorfet ; " but efpecially in and near the City of London, in " Ireland, in Guernjey ; in New England, very often " to the young Students in Cambridge, when for " many Years I prefided over them, but moftly in " Bofton. It being now upwards of 48 years fince " I began my publick Miniftry in this great Town, " where I have ever fince been conftantly Labour- " ing, excepting thofe 4 Years, when I was em- " ployed in England in Service for the Churches in " New England. 1 ' This Preface is dated " Bofton Nov. 9, 1709." " 'The prefent Generation in New England is " lamentably degenerate. As fometimes Mofes fpake " to the Children of Ifrael, Numb. 32. 14. Behold '' ye are rifen up in .your Father's flead an increafe D xxvi Introdu&ory by the Editor. " of finful Men. So may we fay, the firft Genera- " tion of Chriftians in New England, is in a Man- " ner gone off the Stage, and there is another and " more {inful Generation rifen up in their ftead. " We have in former Years enjoyed a Sun-mine of " Profperity, and that hath been attended (as ufeth " to be) with great Apoftafy. It is an apt Simili- " tude which fome ufe, that as the Heat of the Sun " in Summer breeds a multitude of Infefts, fo doth " the warmth of Profperity a Multitude of Apof- " tates. Men are loth to hear on this Ear, but [64] " if we mould deny it, the Lord doth teftify againft " us that it is fo, as loel. i. 2. Hear this ye old Men " and give Ear all ye Inhabitants of the Land, hath " this been in your Dayes, or even in the Dayes of your " Fathers, faith the Lord. Were there (faith the " Prophet) fuch Judgements formerly as now there " are, you may therefore conclude that you are de- " parted from God, and by your Sins have provoked " him fo to punim you. Thus may it be fpoken " with reference to our State and Cafe, and the Dif- " penfations of God towards us, you old Men that " are here before the Lord this Day, what fay you " to this Question, did you know fuch Judgements " upon New England formerly, as of late we have " feen ? was it fo in the Dayes of our Fathers ? Introductory by the Editor. xxvii " were there iuch general and killing Difeafes? fuch. " a long continuing Warr ? fo many hundreds cut " off by the Sword, yea, fo many hundred Familyes " brought to Ruine ? Candlefticks removed out of " their Places, and Plantations made defolate ! In " former Times we heard of little befides Settle- " ment of Plantations, and gathering of Churches, " but of late Years, in ftead of that, Ruins have been " multiplied, yea, Mifchief upon Mifchief. God " hath been fpending his Arrows, and heaping " Mifchief upon this Generation. This Generation " is not like the firft. How many ignorant Ones ? " how many fcandalous Ones ? There is great " Rudenefs amongft young Ones in this Land; and " in that refpect degeneracy from the good Man- " ners of the Chriftian World. And fuch Sins as " were not formerly known in New England are " now become common, fuch as fwearing, linful " gaming, &c. yea, the prefent Generation as to " the Body of it, is an unconverted Generation .... " We may fee here and there one that hath much " of his bleffed Father's Spirit and Principles, but " how rare are fuch amongft us? Nay, the Intereft " of New England is now changed, from a reli- " gious to a worldly Intereft ; and in this Thing is " the great radical Apoftafy of New England. Is xxviii Introductory by the Editor. " not this to chufe a ftrange God ? Hence do we " fee Warr in the Gates. And the Lord hath been " letting this Generation blood in the right Vein, " fince he hath taken the World away from them. " Trade is almoft ruined. Farmes, Oxen, Mer- " chandize, which Things have been fought after " in the firft Place, how have they failed ? New " England is not like this twenty Years, to be in " that comfortable Eftate it was in but two Years " agoe." P. 65. The State of Families with refped: to Govern ment is thus laid open in the fame Election Ser mon in the before mentioned Volume : "Families are the Nurceryes for Church and " Commonwealth, ruine Families, and ruine all. " Order them well and the publick State will fare " the better ; the great Wound and Mifery of New " England is that Families are out of Order. As " to the generality of Houfeholders, Family Govern- " ment is loft and gone ; Servants do not fear their " Mafters, Children do not honour their Parents, " in that refpect the Englijh are become like unto " the Indians." P. 91. The Author was quite as hopelefs of Old Eng land as New feveral Years later, and in his Preface to Ichabod thus difcourfes : " England (in whofe IntroduEiory by the Editor. xxix " Peace we mall have Peace) feems to be ripe for " Judgment. The grievous National Sins com- " mitted in the late Reigns have not yet been ac- " counted [atoned] for. Never was there a Nation " in the World (the Jewim excepted) that finned " againft the Light of the Gofpel fo as the Englifh " Nation has." P. 8. This Train of Thought was fuggefted to the Author's Mind in View of his Apprehenfions that Popery had taken, or was about to take PorTeflion of the Englifh Government. His Fears were not only for England, as the fol lowing ParTage mows : " Things at this Day, look " with a Difmal Afpedt, on all Proteftant Churches " throughout the World." The Millenium had been confidently looked for " about thefe Times," but rather defpairingly at the Beginning of the laft Century, owing to the be lieved Increafe of Popery. Mr. Mather fays : " So " as that fome who not long fince hoped that the " happy Dayes promifed to the Church on Earth, " were at the Door, begin now to fear that the laft " Slaughter of the Witneffes is yet to come." About 1710 our Author publimed "A Difcourfe " concerning Faith and Fervency in Prayer, and " the Glorious Kingdom of our Lord Jefus Chrift, " on Earth, now approaching. Delivered in feve- xxx Introductory by the Editor. " ral Sermons ; in which the Signs of the prefent " Times are confidered," &c. In this Work the learned Author argued very much as the Followers of the late William Miller argued reflecting the End of the World. I have not feen a Copy of the original Edition, and am indebted to the Kindnefs of Mr. Thomas Waterman for the Ufe of a Copy of the Work printed at Newry, in Ireland, as late as 1820. It was republifhed " by Matthew Lank- " tree, Minifter of the Gofpel among the Method- " ifts." Mr. Lanktree fays in his Title-page, that he has " carefully revifed and corrected it." For its Reproduction in that iingular " Corner of the World," we can only account by a Prefumption that a millenial Excitement then prevailed there, and that fome Accident threw a Copy of the Ori ginal in the Way of Mr. Lanktree. Hence it ap pears that "End of-the- world" Excitements are no new Things, and are in a Manner periodical. That of the greateft Note in modern Times, pro bably, was about 1588, when the papal Powers attempted the Conqueft of England, by the Armada. In 1713 one of Dr. Mather's Sermons was re printed in Edinburgh, 1 " by John Reid, in Liber- 1 The only Copy of this Sermon not contained in the Lift of Dr. which has ever come to my Know- Mather's Works as publiftied by ledge, is owned by Mr. W. H. his Son. There are alfo feveral Whitmore, who remarks that it is others not found in the Lift. Introductory by the Editor. xxxi ton's Wynd." Its Title is, " A Sermon {hewing, <; that the prefent Difpenfations of Providence de- " clare That wonderful Revolutions in the World are " near at Hand ; with an Appendix, fhewing fome " Scripture Grounds to hope, that within a few " Years, glorious Prophecies and Promifes will be " fulfilled." The Scotch Publimer prints the fol lowing on the reverfe of the Title-page : " To the " Reader. The Author of the following Sermon " and Appendix, tho' little known in this Country, " is much efteemed in other Places of the World, " for his great Piety, Learning, and Solidity. For " many Years he has been a burning and mining " Light in the Church : Having published this " Piece laft Year in Bofton, he lent a Copy thereof " to his Correfpondent in Scotland, who, according " to his Delire fignified in a Letter, doth offer it " to Publick View, hoping it will not be unaccept- " able to his Country Men." A leading Feature in Dr. Mather's Time was an almoft univerfal Belief in " Special Providences ;" and the recording of them was no new Idea in the Minds of the learned Men of that Day. There had been, in the Colonial AfTembly of Plymouth, an Agitation of the Subject, to which Mr. Mather thus refers in his Election Sermon of 1 677. After xxxii Introductory by the Editor. citing Pfalms Ixxviii 5 and 6, and cii, 18, he con tinues : " I perceive that fome good Men are afraid " left our too great Negleft in this Matter, may be " one thing that God is offended at. And there " be two Confiderations, which may caufe fuch " Apprehenfions not to feem Groundlefs, one is in " that this Thing hath been formerly urged. That " faithful Shepard who fpake here in the Name of " the Lord upon the like Occalion, five years agoe, ' " infifted upon this very Thing, and yet the Matter " remains unfinished to this Day. Moreover, whilft " the Body of the firft Generation, whom God " planted in this Wildernefs was alive, there were ' Effays this Way, for it * was propounded to, and " concluded amongft the Commiflioners of the " United Colonies above thirty Years agoe 9 that " there mould be a Collection of Special Provi- " dences of God towards his New England People. " And that Memorials being duly communicated, " an Hiftory mould be compiled according to " Truth, for the Benefit of Pofterity, that they " might fee how God had been with their Fathers, " in laying the Foundation of the Churches, and " of the Common Wealth. Now that fuch Things 1 Thomas Shepard preached an 2 Records of the Commiffioners, Election Sermon, 1672. Sept. 9, 1646. Introductory by the Editor, xxxiii " mould be concluded, and yet never done, cannot " pleafe God. P. 71. A Belief in "Special Providences" is very near akin to a Belief in Witchcraft, which is noticed as a prominent Feature of that Age. In 1718 Dr. Mather preached a Series of fifteen Sermons, " on the Beatitudes, as they are commonly "called," which was printed in Bofton in 1719. The fame was reprinted in Dublin in 1721, in a handfome octavo Volume. The Preface is dated " Bofton, Auguft 8, 1718." In the Clofe of this Preface he fays : " Now that I am entred on the " eightieth Year of my Age, tranfcribing is irk- " fome to my trembling Hand," &c. At this Time he fpoke encouragingly of the Succefs of Chriftianity among the Indians : " It is " a great Thing," he remarks, " (although little " confidered by the moft among us) that there are " at this Day, not lefs than thirty Congregations " of Indians, who commonly aflemble every Lord's " Day, to worfhip God. And there are above " thirty Indians who are Teachers and Preachers " of the Gofpel to their Countrymen, who awhile " ago were all Pagans. There are alfo Churches " among them gathered according to the Order of " the Gofpel, with Paftors and Elders of their own E xxxiv Introductory by the Editor. " ordaining with the Impofition of Hands. And " fome of the Indians are, as to Religion beyond " many of the Englifh among whom they live." About eighteen Years earlier, 1 he however fpoke with great Defpondency of the Indians and their Religion. " Alas," he exclaims, " What can we " think of, that has been the Peculiar Glory of " New England, but the blafting Rebukes of " Heaven has been upon it ! That Work of Gof- " pelizing the INDIANS, has been one of the pe- " culiar Glories of Afew England. I have in an- , ii, 194. [ 54- ] Spaniards, as hath been expreffed, laid the Founda tion to great Troubles which did, after that befall the Englim, efpecially in the Nortb-eaji Parts of this Land. Yea that inhumane and barbarous Fact was the unhappy Occafion of the Lofs of many a man's Eftate and Life, which the Barbari ans in thofe beginning Times did from thence feek to deftroy.3 For when the Gentlemen Adventurers 31 did again difpatch a VefTel hither commanded by Capt. in order to erecting a Plantation and fet- " them, twentie out of this very " Place [Plymouth] where we in- " habile, and feuen Men from the " Naufites." Mourt in Purcbas, 1849. Other Accounts fay twenty- four was the Number of Indians kidnapped No doubt fome were killed, and thefe were reckoned by the Indians, while the Englim reck oned only thofe aftually carried off. 31 Sir Ferdinando Gorges feems to have been the chief Adventurer in this bufinefs. 30 Hunt was with Capt. Smith in his Voyage, and Smith gives us the Particulars of the Manner in which he kidnapped the Indians thus : " But one Thomas Hunt, when I 1 was gone, thinking to prevent that ' Intent I had to make there a Plantation, thereby to keepe this * abounding Countrey ftill in Ob- ' fcurity, that onely he and fome ' few Merchants more might enjoy ' wholly the Benefit of the Trade, ' and Profit of this Countrey, be- ' traied foure and twenty of thofe ' poore Saluages aboord his Ship, ' and moft diflioneftly and inhu- ' manely for their kinde vfage of ' me and all our Men, carried them ' with him to Maligo and there for ' a little priuate gaine fold thofe * filly Saluages for Rials of Eight ; ' but this vilde Aft kept him euer after ' from any more imploiment to thofe ' Parts." Defcript.ofN Eng. See more from Smith in Note 37. The Indians told the Pilgrims in March, 1621, that Hunt took the Indians " vender colour of trucking with 32 When Gorges had arranged to employ Capt. Hobfon, he fays : I knew the Captain had fome re lation to Lord Southampton, and I not willing in thofe Days to un dertake any Matter extraordinary without his Lordfliip's Advice ; who approved of it fo well that he adventured one hundred pounds in that Employment, and his Lord- fliip being at that Time Com mander of the Ifle of Wight, where the Captain had his abid- [ 55 ] tling a Trade with the Natives here, Hunt's fore- mentioned Scandal, had caufed the Indians to con- trait fuch a mortal Hatred againft all Men of the Englim Nation, that it was no fmall Difficulty to fettle any where within their Territoryes. And whereas there were two Indians called Epenow and Manawet, who having been carried out of thefe Parts of the World into England had learned to fpeak Englifh, that were returned in Hobfons Vef- fel, as hoping they might be fervicable toward the Defign on foot, it [3] fell out otherwife; fince be ing exafperated by what Hunt had done, they con trived with their Country-men how to be revenged upon the Englim. Manawet dyed within a fhort Time after the Ships Arrival. Epenow fecretly plotted to free himfelf out of the Englim Hands, which he effected, though with great Hazard to himfelf and other Salvages that were his fellow Confpirato? s, which came to pafs after this Manner. Upon the Ships Arrival, many of the Indians (fome of them being Epenows Kinfmen) came aboard and were kindly entertained by the Captain ; at their Departure they promifed to return the next Day, and bring fome Trade with them. Epenow had not Liberty granted him to go on Shoar, only much Difcourfe (and probably a Contrivement for his Efcape) was between him and the other Indians " ing under his Lordfhip, out of " Gentleman, one Capt. Hobfon, " his Noblenefs was pleafed to fur- " who was willing to go that Voy- " nifh me with fome land Soldiers, " age and to adventure one hundred " and to commend me to a grave " pounds himfelf." P. 15. [56] in the Veflel, which nobody but themfelves could understand. The Indians returned at the Time appointed with twenty Canoos, but were my of coming aboard. Epenoiv cunningly called to them as if he would have them come into the Veflel, to Trade, and fuddenly did himfelf leap overboard : He was no fooner in the Water, but the Indians fent a Shower of Arrows into the Veflel, and came defperately near to the Ship, and (in defpite of all the Engliih Mufketiers aboard) went away with their Country-man Epenow.^ Divers of the Indians were then flain by the 33 It appears from Gorges own Account that Epanow had made great Pretenfions as to what the Country contained, and at the fame Time pretended that if he revealed his Knowledge to the Englifh, " he " was fure to have his Brains knock- " ed out as foon as he came afhore." But Gorges did not put implicit Faith in him : " For," fays he, " I gave the Captain ftrift Charge to endeavour by all Means to pre vent his Efcape ; and for the more Surety, I gave Order to have three Gentlemen of my own Kindred (two Brothers of Stur- ton's, and Mafter Matthews) to be ever at hand with him, clothing him with long Garments, fitly to be laid hold on if Occafion mould require. Notwithftanding all this, his friends being all come at the Time appointed, with twenty' Canoes, and lying at a certain Diftance with their Bows ready, " the Captain calls to them to come " aboard ; but they not moving, he " fpeaks to Epenow to come unto " him where he was, in the Fore- " caftle of the Ship. He being then " in the Waift of the Ship between " two of the Gentlemen that had " him in guard, ftarts fuddenly from " them, and coming to the Captain, " calls to his Friends in Englifh to " come aboard ; in the interim flips himfelf overboard ; and although he was taken hold of by one of the Company, yet being a ftrong and heavy Man, could not be flayed ; and was no fooner in the Water but the Natives fent fuch a Shower of Arrows, and came withal defperately fo near the Ship, that they carried him away in defpite of all the Muflceteers aboard, who were for the Num ber as good as our Nation did afford." P. 1 6. Confult Gorges for other Particulars. [ 57 ] Englijh, and the Matter of the Englijh Veflel and feveral of the Company wounded by the Indians.^ Hereupon the Captain and the whole Company were difcouraged, and returned to England, bring ing nothing back with them but the News of their bad Succefs, and that there was a War broke out between the Englijh , and the Indians.^ The Time when thefe Troubles hapned, is controverted more than the Things themfelves. 36 yobannes de Laet in his Defcriptio Indies Occidental}*, writeth that it was between the Years 1608 and 1615. So doth Purchaje. Sr. Ferdinando Gorges relates that he 34 Gorges fays nothing about any being killed or wounded. But Pur chas fays " they wounded the Maf- ter of our Ship, and diuers other of our Company, yet was not their Defign without the Slaugh ter of fome of their People, and the Hurt of others, compafled, as appeared afterwards." Vol. iv, p. 1829. Gorges complained that the Voyage was unneceflarily aban doned, as he had given Orders for its Profecution elfewhere if this firft Attempt failed. But if the Captain and others were badly wounded it is a good Reafon for the Return of the Ship to England. See alfo the Brief Relation of the Prejident and Council of New England, as re printed in Colls. Mafs. Hift. Soc., ix, 2d Sen, p. 6. 35 Here our Author follows Pur chas, but not with fufficient Care, for the Readei is left in Doubt about *' a War broke out," as to where H and when ; while Purchas is clear and explicit, and in thefe Words : Hereupon Captaine Hobfon and his Company, conceuing the End of their Attempt to bee fruftrate, refolued without more adoe to returne, and fo thofe Hopes, that Charge and Voyage was loft alfo ; for they brought home Nothing but the Newes of their euill Suc- cefle of the vunfortunate Caufe thereof, and of a Warr now near begun betweene the Inhabitants of thole Parts and vs. A mifer- ' able Comfort for fo weak Meanes ' as were now left, to purfue the ' Conclufion of fo tedious an En- ' terprife." Pilgrims, iv, 1829. Prince, Chronology, 4.1. so This Sentence feems to have been thrown in without Reflection, as by a careful Comparifon of his Authorities the Author would have fe^n that Dates were available, to an Extent fufficient for his Purpofe. [ 58 ] fent Capt. Hobfon into thefe Parts in Anno 1614, and what Hunt did was before that, as being the grand procuring Caufe of the Broyle between the Englifh and the Indians, which firft began in that Year.37 After thefe Things another Veflel was fent into thefe Northern Parts under the Command of Capt. Rocraft, he defigned to winter there, but fome of his own Ships Company confpired againft him, intending his Death, he having fecret Intelligence of this Plot againft his Life, held his Peace until the Day was come wherein the intended Mifchief was to be put in Execution, then unexpectedly apprehended the Confpirators ; he was loth himfelf to put any to Death, though they were worthy of it. But therefore he refolved to leave them in the Wildernefs, not knowing but they might haply difcover fomething which might be advantageous. 38 [4] Accordingly he furnifhed them with Ammu nition, and fome Victuals for their prefent Sub- fiftence, and turned them Afhore to Socodehock, 37 This is according to Smith's 38 The Author omits much im- Defcription of New England in his portant Matter refpefting Capt. <7 General Hiftory, but in his New Edward Rocroft's Proceedings. On ; England Trials, \ 6 (Force's Edit.), his Arrival on the eaftern Coaft, he he fays the Place where Hunt kid- captured a French Veflel fifhing napped the Indians was fo remote and trading there. This Veflel he from that where Capt. Hobfon was went into himfelf, and fent home attacked, that that Aft of Hunt the Men in his own Ship. After could not have been the Caufe of the Mutiny above recorded, Rocroft the Hoftility. " However it was went to Virginia, and there getting " alleged for an Excufe." Purchas into a Quarrel was killed. Pretty calls Hunt's " Sauage hunting of full Details may be read in Purchas, " Sauages a new and Deuellifh Pro- 1 829-30. See alfo Belknap's Amer, f 'jedl" Pilgrims, 1828. Biography, i, 361. [59 ] himfelf with the reft of his Company departing to Virginia. Thofe Englifh Mutineers got over to the Ifland of Monhegin, three Leagues from the Main, where they kept themfelves fafe from the Fury of the exafperated Indians, until the next Spring, when a VerTel that came on the Coaft on a riming Voyage, found them all (except one Per- fon that died of Sicknefs in this Interim) alive, and carried them away back for England. Not many Years after this, viz. in Anno 1619. a Gentleman whofe Name was Darmer was fent to profecute the Defign of planting and fettling a Trade in New England, and to endeavour that a right Underftanding of Matters between the Indians and the Englifh might be accomplifhed. He therefore brought with him an Indian called Squantum, who was one of thofe that Hunt had treacheroufly carried away from Patuxet, but was bought by an Englim Merchant, and lived fome Time with Mr. Slanyw a Gentleman in Cornbil, until he could fpeak broken 'Englifh, and after that at New-found-land, where Capt. Mafon was then Governour, who was willing that Mr. Darmer mould take Squantum with him to New England. Upon hs Arrival here, he told his Country-men very ftrange Storyes, giving them to underftand what Kind of Ufage he had met with among the Englim where he had been, and how much the wicked Fact of that covetous Hunt was condemned, 39 Probably "Matter John Slany," for Squanto's being fent to New- one of the Council of the Newfound- foundland. See Stow's Survey of land Company. This will account London,^. 591, Edition folio, 1633. [60 fo that many of them began to converfe with, and become friendly toward the Englifh, and Mr. Darmer conceited that he and Squantum had made a firm Peace between the Nations. But, manet alta mente repoflum Indians are not wont to forget In juries, when once they have fuftained any : fo did that Gentleman find it to his after Sorrow : For being near the Place where Hunt had formerly betrayed the Indians aboard his VefTel, they treach- eroufly fet upon him, and gave him fourteen Wounds, fo that he had much adoe to efcape with his Life. And though he got to Virginia after this, fome write that he never recovered of thofe Wounds which he received of the Naufit Indians.* And Epenow (before mentioned) was the Caule of Capt. Darmers being aflaulted, whom he hapned to meet with at his firft landing in that Place : The 'Indian being able to fpeak Englifh, reported to Capt. Darmer the Story of his Efcape out of Capt. Hobfons Veffel, laughing heartily at the Conceit of it. The Captain told him that Sr. Ferdinando Gorges was much troubled that he mould meet with fuch ill Ufage as to put him upon a Temptation to fleal away. This Salvage after fome Enquiries about Sr. Ferdinando (and his Family) with whom he had fometimes lived in England, belike fufpecting that Capt. Darmer 40 There can be no Queftion as " and thereof dyed." Pilgrims, iv, to the Death of Capt. Dermer in 1831. Dermer was well known to Virginia, but not immediately from Purchas, who had received Letters the Effeft of his Wounds, as may from him while upon his Voyage, be feen in Purchas. " He fell ficke See his Pilgrims y \\, 1778-9, where " of the Infirmities of that Place, a valuable one is inferted. [6t had a Purpofe to furprize [5] him, he confpired with fome of his Fellows to take the Captain, and laid Hands on him, who did with his Sword man fully defend himfelf againft thofe barbarous and treacherous AfTailants. 41 What other particular Mifchiefs were done by the Northern Indians (or others) about this Time, I cannot learn : Only Capt. Smith writeth that he met with many of their Jilly Encounters (as he calls them) but with out any Hurt. 42 Alfo a little before the nrft Plant ers in Plymouth Colony arrived in this Land, three 41 Capt Smith makes this Sum mary of Capt. Dermer's Adventures: " Mailer Thomas Dirmire, an vn- derftanding and induftrious Gen tleman, that was alfo with me amongft the French-men, hauing liued about a Yeere in New found-land, returning to Plimoth, went for New England in this Ship, fo much approued of this Countrey, that he ftaied there with flue or fix Men in a little Boat, finding two or three French men amongft the Saluages who had loft their Ship, augmented his Company, with whom he ranged the Coaft to Virginia, where he was kindly welcomed and well refrefhed, thence re turned to New England againe, where hauing beene a Yeere, in his backe returne to Virginia he " was fo wounded by the Saluages, " he died upon it." Vol. n, 219. See alfo Gorge's Narration, p. 20. According to Mourt(Purchas, 1849) Dermer's Fight was about July, 1620. 42 The following is Smith's Ac count of fome of his Skirmifhes with the Indians. I fuppofe they hap pened while he was furveying the Coaft of Maflachufetts : " We found ' the People in thofe Parts very ' kinde, but in their fury no lefle ' valiant, for vpon a Quarrell we ' fought forty or fifty of them, till ' they had fpent all their Arrowes, ' and then we tooke fix or feuen of ' their Canowes, which towards the ' Euening they ranfomed for Beuer ' Skins, and at Quonahafit [Cohaf- ' fet now] falling out there but ' with one of them, he with three ' others crofled the Harbour in a ' Canow to certaine Rockes where- ' by we muft pafle, and there let ' flie their Arrowes for our Shot, ' till we were out of Danger, yet ' one of them was flaine, and an- ' other mot through his Thigh. ' At Accomack [Plymouth harbor] ' we fought alfo with them, tho * fome were hurt, fome flaine, yet ' within an houre after they be- ' came Friends." It feems that [62 ] Englifhmen belonging to S r Ferdinando Gorges, were killed by thefe Salvages, and two more nar rowly efcaped with their Lives. And thus far wee have a Cold Account of the Defign refpedting the Advancement of a Plantation in the Northern Parts of New England.** In Anno 1620. A Company of Chriftians be longing to the Northern Parts of England, who pro- pofed not fo much worldly as fpiritual Ends in their Undertaking, ayming at the Converjion of the Indians, and the Eftablifhment of the Worfhip of God in purity, did therefore tranfport themfelves and Familyes into this howling Wildernefs. The firft Land they made was that of Cape Cod, Novemb. 9. Where they came to an Anchor, and went on Shore, Novemb. 11. Perceiving the Incommodi- oufnefs of that Place for planting, they refolved to feek out for another that might be more accom modate. But their Shallop not being in trimm to be fent out upon Difcovery, fome were defirous to improve the Time, in making what Searches they could upon the Land thereabout. 44 thefe Affairs occurred but a fhort " eight moneths agoe [the Naufites] Time before Capt. Hunt feized the " flew three Engliftimen, and two Indians at and near Plymouth. " more hardly efcaped by Flight " to Monhiggon." See Mourt in 43 The Author took little Pains Purchas, iv, 1849, who adds, "they about his Chronology. When the " were Sir Ferdinando Gorge his three of Gorge's Men were killed " Men." Ibid. does not appear from any of the Accounts ; but in a Conference with 44 The Author in this and what the Indians held by the Pilgrims on follows relating to the Settlement of the 1 7th of March, 1621, thofe Plymouth, takes his Narrative from Indians told the Pilgrims that " about Mourt's and Bradford's Relations as [63 Novemb. 5. Sixteen Men well armed were fet on Shore under the Conduct of Capt. Miles Stand- i/h. After they had gone about a Mile near the Shoar, they defcryed five or fix Indians, who like wild Creatures ran away from them at the firft Sight, they followed them, by the Trace of their Footings, about ten Miles, til Night came on, but could not come to any Speech with them. 45 At laft they met with a Kettle wherein was In dian Corn, which after much Confultation they feized upon, refolving that if they could come to fpeak with Indians, they would return them their Kettle, and give them full Satisfaction for their Corn, which they intended for planting, not know ing how elfe to be fupplyed. So did they return^ the next Day, but loft themfelves awhile in the Woods, and as they were wandering up and down, they hapned to efpy a fmall Tree that was blown down, and fome Acorns ftrewed underneath, whilft they were viewing of it, and wondering what it fhould mean, it gave a fudden Jerk, whereby one abftrafted in Purchas's Pilgrims. As thofe Works are acceffible entire, in tolerable Reprints, few Notes will be needed fo far as thofe are follow ed. 45 This Paragraph is very much abridged. When " they had march ed about the Space of a Mile by the Sea, they efpied flue or fix People with a Dogge, comming towards them, who were Sauages, who when they faw them, ran ' into the Woods and whittled the ' Dogge after them. At fir ft they ' fuppofed them to be Mafter Jones, ' the Mafter andffome of his Men, ' for they were a Shoare, and knew ' of their comming ; but after they knew them to be Indians they marched after them into the Wood, leaft other of the Indians ' mould lye in Ambufh : but when the Indians faw our Men follow- ' ing them, they ran away with ' Might and Maine." Mourt in ' Purcbas, 1 843-4. See^alfoJBel- knap's Amer. JBzog., ii, 194-5, [64] of the Company was caught up by the Leg, it be ing an Indian Deer Trap ; 46 the reft loofed him, and at laft they found their Way to the Ship again. After this their Shallop being fitted for the Pur- pofe, they went a coafting [6] upon Difcovery, but of fome Dayes could meet with no Indians. Albeit they found old deferted Indian Forts, and more of their Corn and Bafkets, and a Bottle of Oyle which doubtlefs fome how was brought out of Europe. 47 About the tenth of December, they difcerned the Track of Indians Feet upon the Sand, and fol lowed it, till they perceived where it ftruck up into the Woods, at laft they light upon an Indian Path, which led them a great Way up into the Woods, and faw where there had been Corn planted, and *found Indian Graves &c. but no Man appeared. 48 So they returned to their Shallop, and fome watching, others betook themfelves to their Reft. But in the Night they were alarmed by the Senti- 4(3 " Stephen Hopkins faid it had beene to catch fome Deere ; fo as we were looking at it, William Bradford, being in the Reare, when he came looking alfo vpon it, and as he went about, it gave a fodaine lerke vp, and he was " immediately caught by theLegge " Ibid., 1845. 47 We marched to the Place " where we had the Corne formerly, " which Place we called Corne-bill, " and digged and found the reft, of " which we were very glad : we " alfo digged in a Place a little far- *' ther off, and found a Bottle of Oyle. We went to another Place which we had feen before and digged and found more Corn, viz. two or three Bafkets full of Indian Wheat, and a Bag of Beans, with a good many of faire Wheateares. Whilft fome of vs were digging vp this, fome others found another Heape of Corne, which they dig ged vp alfo, fo we had in all about ten Buftiels." Mourt in Pure has, 1845. 48 The " Indian Graves " are minutely defcribed by Mourtj in Purcbas, 1845, 1847. See alfo Belknap's Amer. Biog., ii, 197. nels crying Arm, Arm, fuppofing Indians to be near them. They heard a moft hideous Howling, but one in the Company perfwaded the reft, that it was the Noyfe of Wolves and Foxes, which ufed (as he faid) to make fuch a Noife in New-found- Land where he had been, too Gunns were mot off, at which the Noife ceafed. But betimes in the Morning, 4 ? on a fudden, they heard the fame Voices again, and one of the Com pany cryed Indians, Indians, and immediately Ar- rowes came pouring in upon them. This barbar ous Salutation was amazing to the Englifh, but that which did moft of all terrife was the horrid Cry of thofe Salvages, whofe Note was after this Manner, Woach woach ba hahoac woach. A ftout Indian who was thought to be their Captain, ftanding behind a Tree let fly his Arrows apace, and ftood three Shotts of a Mufket, until one took full Aim at him, and (as 'tis fuppofed) forely wounded him, upon which he gave an extraordinary Shriek and went away, and all the other Indians fled with him. Providence fo ordered as that none of the Englifh received any Hurt, though they gathered up eighteen Arrows 50 (and many more were mot at them) fome whereof were headed with Brafs, others 49 " About fiue a Clocke in the " Men, Indians, Indians; and withal Morning we began to be ftirring, " their Arrowes came flying amongft vpon a fudden wee heard a great " vs." and ftrange Cry, which we knew to be the fame Voices, though 50 " Wee tooke vp eighteene of they varied their Notes ; one of " their Arrowes, which wee had the Company being abroad came " Jent to England by Matter Jones," running in, and cried, They are Sec. I [66 ] with Harts-horn, others with Eagles Claws, and fundry of the Englifh had their Coats fhot through and through.* 1 December 1 9. The Englifh landed and refolved to endeavor the fetling of a Plantation, at that Place which is now called Plymouth. No Indians then as yet appeared to give them any Difturbance : yea though Ibme were lent to feek after them, they could find none. There were not many Dayes* 1 after this, two Englimmen* 3 who being by the Side of a Pond hapned to fee a Deer, and having Dogs with them, they purfued the Deer until fuch Time as they loft themielves in the Woods, where they were forced to lodge that Night, and were terrified with the Yelling (as it feemed to them) of two Lions, who 51 1 do not find this mentioned in furniflied with a Copy containing Mourt or any other earlier Writer Erafures and verbal Alterations, than our Author. But Mourt does Capt. Edward Johnfon, who came fay, f ' thofe Arrowes wee found over ten Years after the firft Ply- " were almoft couered with leaues ; mouth Settlers, was doubtlefs inti- " yet by the fpeciall Prouidence of mate with fome of the firft that came " God, none of them either hit or there, and heard from their own " hurt vs." Purchas, 1 847. Yet Lips fome of the Circumftances of in the feparate Work of Mourl we their Settlement. See his Wonder- read, " though many [Arrows] Working Providence, Pages 17, 1 8, " came clofe by vs and on euery Ed. 4 London, 1654. See alfo " Side of vs, and fome Coates which Bradford's Hiftory, 85 and 86, who " hung vp in our Barricade were agrees exactly with Mourt, though ] " mot through and through." in fome Inftances he is more par- It is not ftrange that there mould ticular, and in others lefs fo. be found fome Variation in the dif ferent Narratives. Purchas is faid 52 January I2th, 1621. to haue abridged Mourt's Relation. We know there is more in the Re- 53 " lohn Goodman and Peter lation as originally printed than in " Browne." Mourt, Goodman Purchas. But he may have been died foon after Bradford. [67 roared exceedingly, and [7] a third that they thought very neer them : they betook themfelves to a Tree purpofing if the Lions mould come to climb that for their Security ; but they faw none. 54 The next Day they perceived that Indians had made Fires thereabouts, but it was wel they met not with any until they came home, being then unarmed and not fit for Encounter with fuch Enemies. Now it was that a fpecial Providence of another Nature hapned : For the Englim having built an Houle in Plymouth, a Spark of Fire flying into the Thatch, it was inftantly burnt down. Mr. Carver and Mr. Bradford were then fick, yet if they had not rifen with good fpeed, they had been blown up with Powder. The Houfe was full of Beds as they could lye one by another, and their Muikets charged, yet (through the good Providence of God) no hurt done. 55 54 Several of the early Writers imagined that Lions were found in New England. Thofe Writers do not feem to have known that the Lion could not exift fo far north. Wood, Joflelyn, Johnfon, Vander- donk, and it may be others, write of the Exiftence of Lions in New England. The firft named Author fays : " I will not fay that ever I faw any myfelf ; but fome have heard fuch terrible roarings, as have made them much aghaft ; which muft be either Devils or Lions." But Morton, the Ma ligner, was probably more of a Naturalift than any of the Writers above named. He fays there are no Lions in New England. " It is contrary to the Nature of the Bead to frequent Places accuf- tomed to Snow; being like the Catt, that will hazard the burn ing of her Tayle rather than abide from the Fire." New Englijb Canaan, Pt. ii, Chap. v. 55 This Calamity befel them on the 1 4th of January, 1621. " The Houfe was fired occafionally [ac cidentally] by a Sparke that flew into the Thatch, which inftantly burnt it all vp, but the Roof flood and little hurt ; the moft lofle was [68 ] Febr. 1 6. An Englifh-man that had gone forth upon a fowling Difign, efpied twelve Indians marching towards the Englifh Plantation and heard the Noife of many more not far off, he lay clofe until they were gone by, and then with all Speed returned home and gave the Alarm, but no In dians followed, only they took away the Tools of the Englifh that had been at work in the Woods. The next Day two Indians prefented themfelves at the Top of an Hill,* 6 two Englifh went out to parly with them, 57 but they ran away, and the Noife of a Multitude of them was heard on the other Side of the Hill. In the Beginning of March, an Indian called Samofet came boldly along the Houfes which they had built in Plymouth, and to their great Amaze ment fpake to them in Englifh, faying Welcome Englijhmen : This Indian was a Sagamore belonging to the Northern Parts about Monbiggen,^ where he had often converfed with Englifh Fifhermen, and he had learned to fpeak broken Englifh ; Hee was the firft Indian that they of Plymouth had oppor tunity to difcourfe with. Hee could tel them of the Huggery (as he called it) i. e. Fight, which the Englifh had with the NauJ/et^ Indians ; and that ' Matter Gamer's and [Mr.] Wil- ^ Capt. Standifh and Stephen ' liam Bradford's, who then lay Hopkins. Mourt. ' ficke in Bed, and if they had not ' rifen with good Speed, had been 5S Monhegan, an important and ' blowne vp with Powder." Mourt well known Ifland on the Coaft of ' in Purcbafe, iv. 1848. Maine. It was varioufly written, which has confufed fome Authors. *s Since called Watfon's Hill. Its Indian Name was Cantaugcanteeft. 59 The Affair with the lamented [69 the Name of that Place was called Patuxet where a Multitude of Indians had formerly lived, but they were all dead of the Plague which had been there a few Years before the Englifh came. 60 This Dermer. A Letter written by him within a Month of his Difafter is preferved by Gov. Bradford in his Hiftory. Bradford fays it was given him by a Friend. No doubt by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, 00 It happened in 1617, or per haps 1616-17. The moft authen tic Account of it is given, by Capt. Dermer, in a Letter dated at Vir ginia, 27 Dec. 1619, "to his Wor- ' Ihipful Friend, M. Samvel Pvr- ' chas." He fays, he failed from vlonhegan May igth. " I patted ' alongft the Coaft where I found ' fome ancient Plantations, not long ' fince populous now vtterly void ; ' in other Places a Remnant re- ' maines, but not free of Sicknefle. ' Their Difeafe the Plague, for we ' might perceiue the Sores of fome ' that had efcaped, who defcribed ' the Spots of fuch as vfually die. ' When I arrived at my Sauages ' native Country [afterwards Ply- ' mouth] (finding all dead) I tra- ' uelled alongft a daies lourney weft- * ward, to a Place called Nummaf- ' taquyt [fince Middleborough] ' where finding Inhabitants," &c. Purchas, 1778. Gov. Bradford fays under Date of 1621, the In dians about Plymouth " not many, " being dead and abundantly wafted " in the late great Mortalitie which " fell in all thefe Parts about three " Years before the coming of the " Englifh ; wherein thoufands of " them dyed, they not being able " to bury one another. Their " Sculls and Bones were found in " many Places lying ftill above " Ground, where their Houfes and ' Dwellings had been. A very fad " Spectacle to behould. But they " [the Indians] brought Word ' that the Narighanfets lived but ' on the other fide of that great ' Bay, and were a ftrong People, ' and many in Number, living ' compare together, and had not " been at all touched with this " wafting Plague." Bradford's Hifi. Plymouth, 1 02. Thomas Morton thinks the Difeafe was the Plague, and intimates that it was his Belief that " the Hand of God fell heavily " upon them" for their Cruelty to the Crews of the Ships they had taken ; and relates, that when one of their Captives told them God would deftroy them for their Wick- ednefs, boaftingly replied that they were too ftrong for him ; in other Words, " they were fo many God " could not lull them." But fays that Author, " the Hand of God " fell heavily upon them, with fuch " a mortal Stroake, that they died " on Heapes, as they lay in their " Houfes ; and the Living that were " able to fhift for themfelves would " run away and let them dy, and " let there Carkafes ly above Ground " without buriall. And the Bones [ 70 ] Samofet within a few Dayes after his Departure returned again, and brought Squantum (whom that wicked Hunt had flolen away and fold for a Slave) along with him : which Squantum was born in that Place. Samofet and Squantum made it their Bufinefs to bring the Englifti into Acquaintance with the next neighboring Indians i 6l where fore they undertook to bring MaJJafoit (Father to that Philip who began the War with the Englijh lun. 24. 1675.) to treat with the Englijh at Ply mouth. [8] Accordingly, March 22. MaJJafoit with his Brother >uadequina came accompanied with about fixty of his Men ; and an Agreement of Peace be tween the Englijh and Indians was then concluded " and Skulls upon the feverall " Places of their Habitations, made fuch a Spectacle after my coming into thofe Parts, that as I travailed in that Forreft, nere the Mafla- chufetts, it feemed to me a new found Golgotha." New Englijh Canaan, iii. 01 The firft friendly Interview between the Pilgrims and the In dians is graphically and quaintly re lated in Mourt's Journal. It was omitted by Mr. Mather, becaufe the Prefence of Indians at the Time he wrote was too common a Thing to be of any Intereft to his New Eng land Readers. But no valid Excufe could be given for its Omiffion in thefe Times. " On this Day [Sunday, March " 1 8] came againe the Sauage, and " brought with him fiue other tall " proper Men, they had euery Man " a Deeres Skin on him, and the " Principal! of them had a wild " Cat's Skin, or fuch like, on the " one Arme: they had moft of them ' long Hofen vp to their Groynes, ' clofe made; and aboue their ' Groynes to their Waft another ' Leather, they were altogether ' like the /rj^-troufes ; they are of ' complexion like our Englifti Gip- ' feys, no Haire or very little on ' their Faces, on their Heads long " Haire to the Shoulders, onely cut " before ; fome trufled vp before " with a Feather, broadwife, like a " Fan, another a Fox Taile hang- " ing out: thofe left (according to " our Charge giuen him [Samofet] " before) their Bowes and Arrowes " a Quarter of a Mile from our " Towne." Mourt in Purcbafe, iv, 1849. on. This Peace was in more Refpects then one fingularly advantagious to the Englijh, whilft they were thus but few in Number, and Strangers in this Land. 62 And as for the Reafons inducing Maffafoit to this Accord with the Englifh, there were feveral Things that prevailed with him thereunto ; For Squantum 6 * had told him what a great Prince King James was, and how well he would take it if his Subjects were kindly entertained, and how ill if c> ' 2 Maflaflbit's Vifit to Plymouth, and the Treaty then entered into between the Englifh and Indians, forms one of the moft interefting Chapters in the Hiftory of New England. As Juftice to the Subjeft can hardly be done in a Note, and as many Works are acceflible containing the full Details, a Re ference to them muft here fuffice. See Bradford's Hiftory, Morton's Memorial, Hubbard's 'Narrative, Prince's Annals, Holmes's Annals, Cheever, and Young's Edition of Mourt's Journal, &c., &c. 63 His Name is given in the early Accounts Tiffquantum ; in fome of the later ones Squando, and Squanto. He was one of the five Natives car ried from New England by Capt. Weymouth in 1605. He had been fo much with the Englifh that he was a very tolerable Interpreter to the Pilgrims in their early Inter- courfe with the Indians. But he was a mifchievous Fellow and caufed much Trouble between the Englifh and his Countrymen, by circulating falfe Reports. So much were they incenfed againft him for his evil Practices, that MafTaflbit directed that he mould be put to Death. But the Pilgrims knew not how to fpare him he had made himfelf fo ufeful to them as well in other re- fpefts as an Interpreter. They managed however to appeafe his Wrath, and Squantum efcaped Death at that Time. He was born in or near Plymouth, and was the only one belonging to that Place who efcaped the Plague before fpoken of. In Nov. 1612, he ac companied the Englifh to the fouth- erly Part of Cape Cod to procure Corn, of which they flood in great need. Through Tifquantum's In tervention eight Hogfheads were obtained. This Tranfaftion was at a Place called by the Indians Manamoycke, fince by the Englifh Monamoy, now Chatham. Here Tifquantum was taken fick of Fever and in a few Days died. Bradford fays he died of " an In- " dean Feavor, bleeding much at " the Nofe (which the Indeans take " for a Simptome of Death)." Hi/}. Plymouth, 128. otherwife, and how eafy it was for him to fend over Ships and Men enough to deftroy Maffafoit and all his People. At that Time alfo there was Enmity between Maffafoit and the Narraganfets, fo that he hoped the Engli/h might be a Defence to him againft them. Thus did the Feud which was kin dled amongft the Indians, one againft another, ad vantage the poor Church in Plymouth. Sic Canes lingunt ulcera Lazari. Moreover the Confideration of the Guns, and other warlike Weapons which ours brought with them was terrible to the Indians, yea, they had more formidable Apprehenfions thereof, than there was real Caufe for : They imagined that the Engli/h could by their great Guns caufe the Trees to fall down and kill the Indians. Furthermore Sqantum did wickedly poflefs them with one Delufion about the Englifh, which had difmal Impreffions upon the Minds of thefe ignorant Barbarians ; For whereas the Plague (a Difeafe which was never known in this Land before or fince) had newly been raging amonft them, whereby many of their Towns were totally depopulated, and defolated : he made them believe that the Englifh kept the Plague in a Place under Ground, and that they could let it loofe upon the Indians when they would. An Indian called Hobbomock one of Maffafoits Counfel- lors, obferving in one of the Englifh Routes a kind of Cellar, where fome Barrels of Powder were be- ftowed, enquired of Squantum what that was. To whom he replyed, that there the Englim kept the Plague that he told them of, which they could let [ 73 ] loofe upon Indians at Pleafure. When this Hobbomock become acquainted with the Englifh, he ferioufly afked them whether they had any fuch Power, they anfwered him truly that they had not, but withall added that the God whom they ferved had Power to fend that or any other Difeafe upon thofe that fhould doe any Wrong to his People. The Conlid- eration of that alfo, was fome Terror to the Indians. In the Month of "June 1621. The Englifh fent MefTengers 64 with a Prefent to Maffafoit at Poca- noket y ^ By the Way they were accofted, with fev- eral of the Indians, who having them at an Advan tage as they pafled [9] through a River, 66 were ready to moot at them : Only having Indian Guides Interpreters in their Company, who gave them to underftand that they were Friends, no hurt was done. 67 Being come to Maffafoit, they 64 Stephen Hopkins and Edward Winflow. They fet out June i oth. 65 " Partly to know where to find them, if Occafion ferued, as alfo to fee their Strength, difcouer the Countrey, preuent Abufes in their diforderly coming vnto vs, make Satisfaction for fome conceiued Iniuries to be done on our Parts,, and to continue the League of Peace and Friendfhip betweene them and vs. And hauing a fit Opportunitie by Reafon of a Sauage called Tijquantum (that could fpeak Englifh) coming vnto vs : with all Expedition prouided a Horfeman's Coat of red Cotton, and laced with a flight Lace for a Prefent, that both they and their K " Meflage might bee more accepta- " ble amongft them." Mourt in Pur chafe, 1851. Bradford's Hift., p. 1 02. 68 Probably Tehticut River. ' Being willing to haften our lour- " ney we went, and came thither ' at Sunne fetting, where we found ' many of the Namafcheucks (they ' fo calling the Men of Namafk- ' chet) fifhing vpon a Ware which ' they had made on a Riuer which ' belonged to them, where they ' caught abundance of Bafle/' Pur chafe, ib. 07 Our Author has given us fuch a miferable Abftradl of his Author ities at this Point, that I mould feel [74 ] prefented him with a red Cotton Coat, whereon was fome Lace, this he accepted with great Thank- fulnefs, and having put it on (faith my Author) He was not a little proud to behold himfelf, and his Men alfo to behold their King fo bravely attired. He then promifed to continue in Amity with the Eng- lifh, and to take Care that his Men mould not be injurious. 68 that I had done Injuftice were I to omit the following remarkably in- terefting Paflage : " The next Morning [June I ith] ' wee brake our Faft, tooke our ' leaue and departed, being then ' accompanied with fome fixe Sau- ' ages, hauing gone about fixe Miles ' by the Riuer fide, at a knowne 1 fhoale Place, it being low Water, ' they fpake to vs to put off our ' Breeches, for wee muft wade ' thorow. Here let mee not for- ' get the Valour and Courage of ' fome of the Sauages, on the op- ' pofite Side of the Riuer, for there ' were remainining aliue onely two ' Men, both aged, efpecially the one ' being aboue threefcore : Thefe ' two efpying a Company of Men ' entring the Riuer, ran very fwiftly ' and low in the Grafle to meet vs ' at the Banke, where with fhrill ' Voyces and great Courage, ftand- ' ing charged vpon vs with their ' Bowes, they demanded what ' wee were, fuppofing vs to be Ene mies, and thinking to take Ad- ' uantage of vs in the Water : but ' feeing wee were Friends, they ' welcomed vs with fuch Food as ' they had, and we beftowed a " fmall Bracelet of Beads on them. " Thus far we are fure the Tide " ebbes and flowes." Mourt in Purcbafe/w, 1851-2. The Point at which they crofled is not clearly afcertained. 68 When Hopkins and Winflow arrived at Maflafoit's town, the Chief was not at home. He was immediately fent for, " and being come we difcharged our Peeces, and faluted him, who after their Manner kindly welcomed vs, and tooke vs into his Houfe, and fet vs downe by him, where hauing delivered our Meflage and Pre- fents, and having put the Coat on his Backe, and the Chaine about his Necke, he was not a little proud to behold himfelfe, and his Men alfo to fee their King fo brauely attired." Among other Things he faid his Men mould no more annoy the Englifh at Plymouth by their ill timed In- trufions. He then deliuered " a " great Speech" to his Men, fetting forth his Importance, naming " at " leaft thirtie Places " as belonging to him, to which they aflented. The Speech appeared to delight [75 ] About this Time it was that an Englifh Lad (one lohn Billington) loft himfelf in the Woods, living five Days upon Berries untill he fel into the Hands of the Indians. Some were (upon MaiTafoits In formation) fent to Noflet to feek after him, 69 when they came thither the Indians flocked together, many not having feen Englifhmen before: Amongft others there was an old Woman, judged to be an hundred Years old, who when me faw the Englifh fel into an extream Paflion of bitter weeping, the the Indians, but very tedious to the Englifhmen. He then "light- " ed tobacco for them and fell to " difcourfing of England, and of the " King's Maieftie, maruelling that " he would liue without a Wife." Mourt in Purchafe, iv, 1852. Thefe Englifh MefTengers had a moft un comfortable Sojourn with MafTaf- foit : " For what with bad lodging, " the Sauages barbarous Singing (for " they ufe to fing themfelves afleepe), " Lice and Fleas within Doores, " and Mufkeetoes without, wee " could hardly fleepe all the Time " of our being there." Ibid. 69 The Author as in numerous other Cafes throughout his Relation, does great Injuftice to his Authori ties ; often rendering it difficult to fupply his Defefts in the compafs of a Note. The Englifh firft hear of their loft Boy at Cummaqutd, and with ten of their Number proceed thither with their two Indian Friends, Tifquantum and Tokama- hamon. Here they learned " that " the Boy was well, but that he ' was at Naufet ; yet fince we were ' there they of [Cummaquid] de- ' fired vs to come afhore and eat ' with them : which as foone as ' our Boate floated we did : and ' went fixe afhoare, hauing foure ' Pledges for them in the Boate. They brought vs to their Sachem or Governour, whom they call lyanough, a Man not exceeding twenty fix Years of Age, but very perfonable, gentle, courteous, and faire conditioned, indeede not like " a Sauage, faue for his Attyre : his " Entertainment was anfwerable to " his Parts, and his Cheare plenti- " ful and various." Purchas, 1853. Cummaquid was at the Bottom of Barnftable Bay, fometimes called Cummaquid Bay. Refpefting lyanougb, Amos Otis, Efq., the Antiquary and Hiftorian of Barnftable, remarks that it is his Opinion, that from lyanough comes Hyannis ; that lyanough's Town was that Part of Barnftable called Hyannis. Hyanna is early found on the Records. MS. Letter, 9 March, 1863. See APPENDIX, D. C 76 ] Reafon whereof being demanded, Anfwer was made, that me had three Sons once living in that Place, but they were all flolen away by that Hunt (before mentioned) and now me had no more left to releeve her in her old Age : The Englifh were much greived to fee the poor Creature in inch a Paf- fion but telling her that it was only one wicked Man who did that Fad:, and that they abhorred it, and withal giving her fome Trifles me was fatisfied. In fine the Englifh Lad was brought al bedecked with Peag, and the Sacbim of that Place (called Afpinet) made Peace with the Englifh. 70 Now it was that an Indian called Coubatant 11 70 " After Dinner we tooke Boate for Naufet [fmce Eaftham], lya- nough and two of his Men ac companying vs. Ere we came to Naufet, the Day and Tide were almoft fpent, in fo much as we could not go in with our Shallop ; but the Sachim or Gov- ernour of Cummaquid went afhore and his Men with him, we alfo fent Tifquantum to tell Afpinet, the Sachem of Naufet, wherefore we came. After Sunfet Afpinet came with a great Traine, and brought the Boy with him, one bearing him through the Water : he had not lefle then an hundred with him, the Half whereof came to the Shallop fide vnarmed with him, the other ftood aloofe with their Bowe and Arrowes. There he delivered vs the Boy behung with Beades, and made Peace with vs, we beftowing a Knife on him, and likewife on another that firft en tertained the Boy." Purcbafe, ib. 71 Coubatant. Winflow calls him Combitant. Purchas, iv, 1861 ; and Bradford Cor bit ant. The Affair about to to be related took place in Auguft, 1621. The Machinations of Corbitant were difcovered on the Return of the Expedition to Naufet. Winflow fays, " Word was brought " unto us that Coubatant, whom ' they ever feared to be too con- verfant with the Narrohigganfets, was at Namafchet, fpeaking dif- dainfully of us, ftorming at the Peace between Naufet, Cumma quid and us, and at Tifquantum, the Worker of it ; alfo at Toka- mahamon and one Hobbamock, two Indians our Allies, one of which he would treacheroufly have murdered a litttle before, being a fpecial and trufty Man of MafTafoyts." Mourt in Young, 219. Tifquantum and Hobbamock were fent to Namafket to learn Corbitant's Intentions. Tifquan- (who, though a petty Sachem under MafTafoit, fecretly confpired with the Narraganfets againft his Matter) occafioned fome Difturbance, feeking to deftroy thofe Indians that were Friends to the Englifh, efpecially Hobbomock and Squantum, faying if thefe were dead the Englim had loft their Tongue, watching his Advantage at a Time when thofe Indians were at Namajket, Coubatant took Squan~ turn Prifoner, and held a Knife at Hobbomocks Breaft, who broke from him, and gave the Engliih at Plymouth to understand what had hapned ; where upon 1 4.7* Men were fent armed to Namajket, in order to revenge Squantum's fuppofed Death. They furprized the Houfe where Coubatant was thought to be, declaring the End of their coming, and that they would hurt no Man but him, charging all others not to ftir at their Peril til they had fearched for their Enemy ; Confternation and Trembling feyzed on the Indians : yet fome of them violently brake away, whence they were wounded (and after wards [10] healed) by the Englim, 7 ^ Coubatant was not there, but fled to another Place, but within a while ^quantum was brought forth alive and fet turn was taken Prifoner, and was 73 " As for thofe that were wound- fuppofed to be killed, for Corbitant ed, we were forry for it, though had faid " if Tifquantum was dead, themfelues procured it in not ftay- " the Englim had loft their Tongue." ing in the Houfe at our Corn- But Hobbamock made his Efcape mand ; yet if they would return and arriving at Plymouth gave the home with vs our Svergeons mould Alarm. heal them. At this Offer one Man and a Woman that were 72 Ten Men, fays Window, un- wounded went home with vs." der the Command of Capt. Stand- Winjlow. ifh. [ 78 ] at Liberty. After this divers other Sachims fent gratulations to the Englim ; yea thofe of the Ifles of Capawack entreated their Friendfhip. Coubatant ufed the Mediation of MafFafoit to make his Peace. *i/ *f Things being brought to this peaceable State, fo did they continue for a little Space, the Church in Plymouth being preferved by a Miracle of Provi dence, like a Flock of Sheep amidft a thoufand Wolves; much what as Luther faith the Church fhouldbe pictured. Their next Neighbours amongft the Heathen did (as hath been expreffed) of Ene- myes become their Friends, not mewing any Acts of Hoftility. Only in the latter End of the next Year, Canonicus the Narraganfet Sachim, fent an Indian to them, who enquired for Squantum, at that Time gone fomewhither elfe, whereupon the Indian left a Bundle of Arrows, wrapped in a Rattle Snakes Skin, and departed. When Squantum was return ed, he informed the Governour that the Rattle Snakes Skin fignfied Enmity, and that the Deiign of this bruitifh Salutation was to intimate a Chal lenge, wherefore the Governour filled the Snakes Skin with Powder and Shot, and fent it back again, withal giving Canonicus to underftand, that if he had Shipping at hand, he would endeavour to beat him out of his Countrey. 74 The Indians durft not let the Powder and Shot continue in their Houfes, but every one was afraid to meddle with it, and at 74 This Meflage was fent by an " as it was no fmall Terror to the " Indian, and delivered in fuch Sort, " Savage King." Ibid. [79 ] laft it came back again to Plymouth. 7 * And there was an End of that Matter. Only they at Plymouth were by this Bruit awakened to impale their Town, and fortify, left there fhould be an Onfet from the Enemy. 76 In the meanwhile Hobomock (who refided with the Englifh) informed that there was Reafon to fufpect that the Maffachufet Indians were Confede rate with the Narraganfets in their bloody Defigns; and Squantum in wicked Subtilty, laboured to make the Engli/h believe that Maffafoit was falfe to them. Capt. Standijh with ten Men 77 was fent to Maffachufets : they had no fooner turned the Point of the Harbour 78 but there came an Indian running to fome of the Englijh that were from home, hav ing his Face wounded, and the Blood frefh on the fame (Zopirus 79 -like) calling to them to repair home, and of looking behind him, as if he had been purfued by Enemyes, faying that at Namajket there were many of the Narraganfets, and Coubi- 75 Canonicus " would not once 77 " With ten Men, accompanied ' touch the Powder and Shot, or " with Tifquantum and Hobba- ' fuffer it to flay in his Houfe or " mock." Winflow was doubtlefs ' Country. Whereupon the Mef- one of the Party, as he writes of the ' fenger refufing it, another took it Affair in the firft Perfon. The ' up ; and having been pofted from Time is the Beginning of April, 'Place to Place a long Time, at 1622. We thus make up the Num- ' length came whole back again." ber nearly as in the Text. Ib. 7:5 Called the Gurnet's Nofe, but 76 The fortifying the Town oc- wherefore does not appear. Per- cupied all of the Month of February, haps from Gurnards in the Ifle of 1622 " and fome few Days ; taking Wight. " in the Top of the Hill under " which our Town is fituated." Ib. ~ 9 Zopiro ? tant, and that MaJJafoit was Confederate with them, purpofing to aflault the Town in the Captains Abfence, profeffing that he had received that Wound in his Face, becaufe he had fpoken on the Englim their Behalfe. [n] Whenas all this was a Piece of artificial and miichievous Diffimulation, whereby the Englim were put into a fad Fright, and the Great Guns were difcharged to remand the Captain back again, who immediately returned. Hobbomock was confident that that Indian diflembled, for he was allured of Maffafoit's Fidelity ; however that he would not engage in a Thing of that Nature, without confulting him who was one of hisPdTz/Vj'j-, 80 i. e. Champions and Counfellors, and it was againft the Indian Cuftom for a Sacbim to involve himfelf in War without them. Wherefore Hobbomock pri vately, upon the Governour's Advice fent his Squaw to Maffafoit at Pocanoket, who feemed to be much troubled that the Englifh, and he himfelf mould be fo abufed. And upon Enquiry it was found to be Sqantum's Knavery, who fought his own Ends and plaid his own Game ; for he would in a clandeftine Way, make the Indians believe that the Englijh were refolved to cut them off, only he could pre vent it, and fo would obtain Gifts from his Coun- tryemen to prevent their Deftrudlion by the Englijh, infomuch that the blind Salvages began to have him in greater Veneration then their Sacbim; taking him for their Proteftor. And he would deal with 80 " One of his chiefeft Champi- low, ib. The Word was exten- " cms or Men of Valour." Winf- fively ufed by the Indians. [8! ] no leffe Falfnefs towards the Englifh then towards thofe of his own Nation. When Maffafoit underftood thefe Things he re paired to the Englifh Plantation, endeavoring to clear his Innocency, defiring the Governour that Squantum, who had thus abufed both Englifh and Indians, might be put to Death for his Treafon. The Governour pacified him as much as he could for the prefent, and though he deferved to dy, both in refpect of Englifh and Indians, yet defired he might be fpared, becaufe they mould want an In terpreter. 81 But not long after this, Maffafoit fent divers In- dians,vf\\o brought to the Governour, their Sachim's own Knife (according to the Indian Mode) that his Enemyes Head and Hands might be cut ofF therewith. At that Inftant when the Governour was about to deliver Squantum into the Hands of his Execu tioners, a Boat was feen at Sea, and there being even in thofe Days Jealoufies, that the French would join with the Indians to Mifchief the Eng lifh ; and fome fuppofing it might be a French Veflel, he told the Indians he would fee what that was before he delivered Squantum up to them. So did they go away difpleafed. 82 81 " For thefe and like Abufes, 82 Winflow fays thefe Meflengers " the Governour fharply reproved were " mad with Rage and depart- " him; yet was he fo neceflary and " ed in great Heat." Indeed it muft " profitable an Inftrument, as at be owned they had good Reafon for " that Time we could not mifs their Anger. It was a Breach of " him " Win/low. good Faith his not being given up, L [ 82 ] But this wrought well for the Englijh ; for it made Squantum be honeft whether he would or no ; inafmuch as his own Countreymen fought his Life ; he law it was his Intereft to adhere to the Englijh. As for the Boat mentioned it proved to be one that belonged to a Ship that was timing about Monbiggen. Thefe [12] Things hapned in May, 1622. in which Year it was that Mr. \Tbomas] Wefton (a Merchant of good Note in London] attempted the advancing a Plantation in this MaJJacbufets Bay** He fent over two Ships, and about lixty Men to make a Beginning. The moft of them were for the prefent refrefhed at Plymouth, whilft fome few Carters went out to feek a convenient Place to fit down in. They pitched upon a Place within Maffachufets Bay, then called by the Indians Wef- Jegufquajet** st this Day known by the Name of Weymouth. Mr. Win/low (who was afterwards Governour of Plymouth Colony] reports that the Weftonians, in- ftead of proving an Help to the other Englijh Colony, had like, within a few Months, to have brought Ruine. not only upon themfelves, but upon as by the Treaty between Maflaflbit by the early Writers. Winflow and the Englifh (hows. But it was fays it was in the End of June or a angular Cafe, and the great Ne- Beginning of July, 1622. ceffity of the Englifh muft be their Juftification. S4 This Indian Name finally fet tled down into WeJfaguJJ'et. It is 83 The precife Time of the Arri- capable of great Variation, as will val of Wefton's Colony is not ftated readily be perceived. their Friends alfo : For Complaints were quickly brought to Plymouth, that the Rnglijh at Weffeguf- quafet did abufe the Indians by ftealing their Corn from them, yea and one of them was fo brutifh as to turn Indian?'* Others of them were of fuch fervile and ilavim Difpofitions, as that they became Servants to the Indians, who would hire them to work with them in making Canoos, which Canoos were intended for the Surprizal of the Englifti Ship, in the Day when they would execute their defigned MafTacre. Some of the Theeves were ftockt and whipt, yea, one of them was at laft put to Death to fatifie the Indians, but it was then too late. 86 By the End of February, they had fpent all their Bread and Corn, not leaving any for Seed, nor would the Indians be induced to lend or fel them any, upon any Terms, hoping they would be ftarved to Death. Wherefore, they purpofed to take away the In dians Store from them by Violence, and therefore made Preparations accordingly. Only fome of the Company (at leaftwife one of them who is yet alive) 85 " w e heard many Complaints " might with Diligence haue gotten both by the Indians and fome " enough to haue ferued them three others of belt Defert amongft " or four Times." Win/low in Mafter Wefton's Colony, how Purcbafe, iv, 1863. This was about exceedingly their Company abafed the End of February, 1 622-3. themfelves by vndireft Meanes, to get Viftuals from the Indians, ^ This Execution furnifhed But- who dwell not far from them, ler with the Hint out of which he fetching them Wood and Water, made his fcurrilous Rhymes in Hu- &c., and all for a meales Meate, dibras, too well known to be here whereas in the meane Time they quoted. 84 being more honeftly minded then others were, advifed 'John Saunders their Overfeer to write to Plymouth before they did actually attempt anything, which being done, they received Letters from the Governour there, fignifying. great Difapprobation of their intended Proceedings; whereupon they defifted. Thefe Motions muft needs cauie ill Blood be tween the Nations : fo that the Indians grew very infolent in their Carriage, and there were fecret Confpiracyes to cut of the Englijh. And inafmuch as they thought, that if they mould deftroy the Weftonians, and leave the Plymoutheam (who had not wronged them) alive, thefe would take an Opportunity to be revenged for thofe : wherefore they concluded to kill all before them, as was after wards revealed by Maffafoit, and by another Sachim [13] called Waffapinawet} 1 brother to Qbtakieft, the then Sachim of Maffachufets. The Englijh of Plymouth as yet being ignorant of the bloody Mifchief which the treacherous Hearts of the Indians had concluded againft them, attended their Occafions as formerly. Upon a Time Capt. Standi/h going with fome Men in a Shallop, to buy Corn of the Indians at NoJJet, one of them ftole certain Trifles out of the Shallop ; whereupon the Captain repaired to the Sacbim, and told him, that if he did not imme diately reftore thofe Things, he would revenge it 87 " Who had formerly fmarted Winflow, ibid. His Refidence is " for partaking with Coubitant." not known. [ 85 ] before his Departure, and fo took Leave for that Night. The next Morning the Sacbim came accompa nied with his Train of Salvages, faluting the Cap tain in fuch a Manner as was hugely ridiculous to the Englifh ; for he put out his Tongue that one might fee the Root of it, and fo licked the Cap tain's Hands, al his Men doing the like, and en deavouring (according to the rude Information they had received from Squantum) to make him a Leg, he did peform his Ceremony after fuch an odd Manner, as the Englifh were hard put to it to re frain from open Laughter. Speftatum adrtiiflirifum teneatii Amid? After thefe Complements were over, he reftored the Things that were loft ; withal declaring, that he had much beaten the Indian that did Commooten (i. e. fteal) the Trifles mentioned. But not long after this, the Captain was in no fmall hazard of his Life in another Place ; for going to Manomet (now called Sandwich] and being en tertained in the Houfe of Kunacum** the Sachim there, the Indians defigned tut off him and his Men. There was with him at this Time a Cape-Indian called Paomet, who pretended Friendfhip to the Englijh, but was fecretly joined in the bloody Con federacy. That he might not be fufpedted he pro- fefTed fpecial Affection towards the Captain, and 88 The Author's Authorities all from them we fee no Reafon. fpell the Name of this Chief begin- Winflow writes Canacum (in Pur- ning with a C. Why he departed cbas, iv, 1866.) [86] would, as a Gift beftow fome Corn upon him, and help him to carry the Corn to his Boat, and would lodge in the Wigwam with Capt. Standifh, to mani- feft what Love and Honour he did bear towards him, having in the mean Time promifed the Indians to kil him that Night, and when he was killed the reft were to difpatch his Men. Alfo whilft he was entertained in the Sachims Houfe, there came in two Majfachufet Indians, be ing defperate bloody Villains. The Name of the Chief of them was Wittawamat, who took a Dag ger from about his Neck, and prefented it to the Sacbim, and made a Speech to him (which the Captain could not underftand) boafting of his own Valour, [14] and how he had been the Death of Chriftians both French and Engli/h and what pit- tifull weak Creatures they were, that when they were killing, they died crying, and made fower Faces, more like Children then Men, and that whereas they were determined to kil the Englifo (who had injured them) of Mr. We/tons Plantation, the beft way for their own Security was to kill them of Plymouth too, now their Captain being in their Hands, having but fix Men with him, two or three in the Wigwam, and no more in the Shallop, it was a good Opportunity to begin. The murderous Counfel of this audacious Bloud- fucker was highly applauded; and the Indians waited when Capt. Standijh woulcJ fall aileep, that they might attempt the bloudy Tragedy. But God fo ordered that he could not fleep that Night. Alfo an Indian fecretly ftole fome Beads from him; [ 87 ] which when the Captain perceived, he immedi ately called his fix Men together, and they befet the Sacbims Houfe profeffing to him that as they would not doe Wrong to him, fo neither would they receive any, and therefore, as they valued their Lives, they mould forthwith reftore the ftolen Goods. Hereupon the Sachim beftirred himfelf to find out the Thief; and having done fo, he cometh to the Captain defiring him to look into his Boat, if the Beads that he had miffed were not there, who looking found them lying openly on the Cuddy, the Indians having flily conveyed them thither. However, this did fo daunt the Courage of the treacherous and cowardly Indians, that they attempted not their defigned Mifchief. All this while, they of Plimouth Colony had no certain knowledge of the Evil that was intended againft them by the Heathen, albeit the Confpiracy Was very ftrong, for the Indians at NoJJet, Paomet, Saconet, Manomet, Matachiejl, Agaivam, were all in this Confederacy to cut off the Englifh. But God who hath a fpecial Eye of Providence over his People, did at that Time fo order, that Maffafoit fell fick ; whereupon the Governour that then was, defired Mr. Wmjloiv and another Gentleman to give the fick Sachim a Vifit, and adminifter fome Phyfic to him. As they were upon their Journey toward Pocanoket, the Place of Ma/Jafoits Refidence, the *4J */ Indians by the 'Way told that he was dead and buried ; which caufed Hobbomock (their Guide through the Woods) to break forth into bitter Lamentations, crying out " Neen womafu Sagimusl [ 88 ] " O my loving Sachim, O my loving Sachim, thou " waft no Lyar, not cruel like other Indians, thy " Paffion was foon over, thou wouldft hearken to " Reafon from the meaneft Subject, thou didft love " Englifhmen ; among Indians I mail never know " the like to thee." [15] So that it would have made the hardeft Heart to have relented to hear him. Yet they proceeded in their Journey, being come fo far as Metapoifet t they underftood that Majfafoit was not quite dead, but little Hopes of his Life. When they came to Pokanoket, they found the Indians Pol/yawing about Majfafoit , making fuch a hellifh Noife as was enough to make a wel Man fick, and was therefore very unlikely to make him that was lick wel. 89 Hobbomock told him that the Governour of Ply mouth had fent fome Friends to vifit him in his Sicknefs, and that they had brought fome Majkitt, i. e. Phyjick, for him. Upon the receipt of which, he fuddenly and ftrangely revived, and before their Departure gave them great Thanks for their Love, faying, that now he faw that the Englifh at Ply mouth were his real Friends. As they were ready to return home, he privately told Hobbomock of the Plot amorig the Majfacbufets 80 As Mr. Winflow's Account ' for vs. There were they in the fuffers fomewhat in the Text, I give ' middeft of their Charmes for him, it here in his own Words : " When ' making fuch a hellifh Noife, as it " we came thither, we found the ' diftempered vs that were well, " Houfe To full of Men, as we could ' and therefore vnlike to eafe him " fcarcc get in, though they ufed ' that was ficke." Purchafe, 1861. *'* their beft Dilligence to make Way Lefs particular in Bradford, 131. [89 ] and other Indians to deftroy the Englijh? and how they had follicited him to join with them, but he faid that neither he, nor any of his Men were in that Combination. He advifed that the Governour of Plymouth would, without delay, fend and take off the Principal Aftors in this wicked Defigne, and then the reft would be afraid. And whereas the Governour had fometimes faid they would not begin with the Indians, until the Indians began with them, he earneftly counfelled him not to ftay for that left it mould be too late.9' The firft Day whilft on their Journey back again, they were accompanyed with Coubitant the Sachim of Metapoyfet (before mentioned) who was a politick and jocofe Indian, and ftil fufpected to be falfe to the Englijh. He afked Mr. Win/low, how they, being but two, dared to truft themfelves amongft fo many Indians ? Anfwer was made that Love was without Fear, and they wished wel to the In dians, and therefore did not fear Evil from them. 90 " At our coming away, he " warn [War-sham], and the Ifle of " called Hobbamocke to him, and " Capawack .[Martha's Vineyard]. 1 priuately (none hearing faue two Window in Purcbas, 1862. * or three other of his Pueefes, ' who are of his Counfell) reuealed 91 This favage Advice of the In- ' the Plot of the MafTacheufeucks dians, was as will be /een, adopted, ' before fpoken of, againft Mafter though with reluftance, well know- ' Wefton's Colony, and fo againft ing it could be juftified only upon ' vs, faying that the People of Nau- the Gro.unds of Neceffity. It is 1 fet [Eaftham], Paomet [about hard to fay at this Day that the De- ' Truro], Succouet [perhaps Fal- cifion was wrong, in View of all 'mouth], Mattachieft [Barnftabk], the Circumftances ; it was this Af- ' Manomet [Sandwich], Agoway- fair that much grieved Mr. Robinfon. M [90] But then, faid the Indian, what is the Reafon, that when we came to Patuxet you held the Mouthes of your Guns againft us; he was told, that was the Engli/h, Manner of entertaining their Friends. At which the Sachim fhaked his Head, withal declar ing that he did not like fuch Salutations. 92 The next Day Hobbomock acquainted the Englijh with what Ma/Jafoit had revealed to him. *t/ */ So then being returned to Plymouth it was March 27. 93 refolved, to hearken to Mafia foits Advice: +j x/ *J many other Things at that Juncture appearing, which confirmed the Truth of what was by him difcovered. [16] And confidering that there was no dealing with Indians (as other Nations do with another) above board, it was thought moft expedi ent by Policy, to catch them at unawares, as they are wont to do by others. 94 Wherefore Capt. Standijh made Choice of eight Men to go with him to Wefegufquafet, pretending to Trade with 92 " By the way," fays Window, ' I had much Conference with him, ' fo likewife at his Houfe, he being ' a notable Politician, yet full of ' merry lefts and Squibs, and neuer ' better pleafed then when the like ' are returned againe upon him." Purcbas, iv, 1862. 03 March 23d, 1622-3. "The " three and twentieth of March be- ' ing now come, which is a yearly ' Court Day, the Governour hauing ' a double Teftimony, and many Circumftances agreeing with the Truth thereof, not being to vnd'er- " take Warre without the Confent " of the Body of the Company, " made knowne the fame in pub- " lique Court." Winflow in Pur cbas, ib. i 863. This was probably the firft Declaration of War by the white People in New England. 94 " Becaufe (as all Men know that haue had to doe in that Kinde) it is impoflible to deale with them vpon open Defiance, but to take them in fuch Traps as they lay for others ; therefore he [Capt. Stand- ifh] mould pretend Trade as at other Times." Ibid. [9' ] them, and then to take his Opportunity to feyze upon the Ringleaders amongft the Confpirators. 95 Being arrived at the Maflachufets Bay, two prin cipal Confpirators behaved themfelves very info- lently. One of them called Pickfuot, who was a Panees or Counfellour, jeered at Capt. Standifh be- caufe he was a Man of little Stature, and yet a Captain. Another, called Wittawamat (before mentioned) caft out bloody Expreffions, mewing a fharp Knife, which had a Womans Face pictured on the Handle, faying that he had killed French men, and Englifh too with that Knife, and that he had another Knife which had a Mans Face pictured on it, and his two Knives mould marry mortly, and that by and by it jhould eat though not f peak. Like- wife another Indian, and Wittawamats Brother, 95 The Author here makes an important Omiffion. Capt. Stand- ifb was inftrufted to repair firft to Wefton's Men at WHTaguflet, " ac- ' quaint them with the Plot, and ' the End of his owne coming, that ' comparing it with their [the In- ' dians] Carriages towards them ' [of WeflagufettJ he might better ' iudge of the Certainty of it, and ' more fitly take Opportunity to ' reuenge the fame : but mould ' forbare, if it were poffible till fuch ' Time as he could make fure of ' Wituwamat, that bloudy and bold ' Villain, whofe Head he had Or- ' der to bring with him, that hee ' might be a Warning and Terrour ' to all of that Difpofition." Ibid, Standifh was allowed to take as many Men as he defired. He "made " Choice of eight, and would not " take more becaufe he would pre- " uent lealoufi." That is, he took a fmall Number, that his Defign might not be fufpe&ed, " knowing " their guilty Confciences would " foone be prouoked thereunto." Ibid. But on the next Day, March 24th, before Standim began his March, " came one [Phinehas Pratt] of " Mafter Wefton's Company by " Land vnto vs, with his Packe at his " Backe, who made a pittifull Nar- " ration of their lamentable and " weake Eftate, and of the Indians " Carriages, whofe Boldnefle in- " creafed abundantly, infomuch as " the Viftuals they got, they would " take it out of their Pots and eat " before their Faces ; yea, if in any- [92 ] who in Bloodinefs was like unto him, being pre- fent ; Capt. Standi/h lhatched Pickuots Knife from about his Neck, and killed him with his own Knife. At the fame Time his Men fell upon Wittaisoamat and the other Indian, and flew them, and took Wittawamats Brother, and hanged him. After this they fet upon another Company of Indians and killed two or three of them, feeking ftil after more* At length they efpied a File of Indians making towards them, but as the Engli/h came to the Encounter, they (i. e. the Indians] ran behind the Trees, and Shot at Capt. Standifh, until one, as he was mooting, had his Arm broke by a bullet from one of Capt. Standijh his Soldiers ; whereupon he and the reft fled into a Swamp. thing they gaine-faid them, they were ready to hold a Knife at their Breafts ; but to giue them Con tent they had hanged one of them that ftole their Corne> and yet they regarded it not : that another of their Company was turned Sauage, that their People had moft forfaken the Towne, and made their Rendeuous where they got their Victuals, becaufe they would not take Paines to bring it home : that they had fold their Clothes for Corne, and were ready to ftarue both with Cold and Hun ger alfo, becaufe they could not indure to get Vidluals by Reafon of their Nakednefle ; and that they were defperfed into three Companies, fcarce having any Powder and Shot left. As this Relation was grieuous to vs, fo it " gaue vs good Encouragement to " proceede in our Intendments." Ibid. On Pratt's leaving Weflaguflet an Indian was fent after him to kill him on the Way; but Pratt loft his Path, and thus the Indian miffed him This intended Murderer went to Plymouth, " pretending Friend- fhip and in Loue to fee vs, but as formerly others, fo his End was to fee whether wee continued ftill in Health and Strength, or fell into Weakenefle like their Neigh bours, but here the Gouernour ftaid him, and fending for him to the Fort, there gave the Guard charge of him ; fo he was locked in a Chaine to a Staple in the Court of Guard, and there kept till Capt. Standifh mould return." Ibid, 1864. [ 93 ] The Captain dared the Sachim to come out and fight like a Man, but in vain. At the Time of thefe Skirmimes, there was an 'Indian Youth, who notwithftanding the Slaughter made amongft his Countreymen, came running to the Englijh, defiring that he might be with them. He confefled that the Indians had reiblved to cut off Mr. Wejlons Men, and that they only flayed for the finishing of two Canoos more (which if Capt. Standijh had not fo unexpectedly come upon them had been finimed) that were intended for the Sur- prifal of the Englijh Ship in the Harbour. Alfo an Indian Spye, 96 who was taken Prifoner and detained at Pilmouth, when he faw Capt. Standijh return with Wittawamats Head, looked on it with a guilty gaftred Countenance, and then confefled the Plot that was in Hand to deftroy the Englifh, and that Pickfuot and [17] Wittawamat, together with three Powaws, were the principal Confpirators.w He was releafed and fent to Okta- kieft, the Sachim of the MaJJacbufets, to fignify what he muft look for, in cafe he mould continue in Hoftility againft the Englifh. The Sachim be ing amazed and terrified with the Eng/i/h Succefles, humbly begged for Peace, pretending that he could 96 The Prifoner mentioned in the laft Note. 97 " Now was the Captain re- " turned and receiued with loy, the " Head being brought to the Fort " and there fet vp, the Gouernours ' went vp the fame further to exa- ' mine the Prifoner, who looked pit- ' tioufly on the Head ; being afked ' whether he knew it, he anfwered ' yea. Then he confefled the Plot, ' and all the People prouoked Obta- 1 kieft their Sachim thereunto." " and Captaines with diuers others Winflow in Purtbafe, iv, 1865. [94 ] not keep his Men in Order, and that it was againft his Will that Evil had been done to, or defigned again ft the Englijh. Furthermore, the Effect of thefe Things was, that the reft of thefe Indians were ftriken with fuch Terror and Dread of the Englifh, that they left their Houfes and betook themfelves to live in un- healthful Swamps, whereby they became fubject to miferable Difeafes that proved mortal to Multi tudes of them. Particularly Kunacum, Sachim of Manomet ; Afpinet, Sachim of No/Jet ; Janowgh, Sachim of Mattachieft : Thefe all fell lick and died. This laft Sachim faid that The God of the Eng- lifh was offended at the Indians, and would deftroy them in -his Anger. And thefe fignal Appearances of God for his Church in Plymouth, muft needs be a great Con viction to the Heathen. Howbeit thefe Motions ended in the Subverfion and Ruine of Mr. Weftons Plantation ; God who determines the Bounds of Men's Habitations, having appointed that another People out of England mould come afterwards and poflefs that Place, as at this Day. And thus far is Mr. Winjlows Relation of thefe firjl Troubles by Indians in thefe Parts, which I take to be undoubted Verity : For he was one that had particular Knowledge of thofe Things, and a Man of Truth and Confcience, that would not for the World willingly falfify in any Particular. There is an old Planter^ yet living in this Coun- 08 This old Planter was Phinehas Pratt, before mentioned. [95 ] trey, being one of thofe that were employed by Mr. We/Ion, who alfo hath given fome Account of thefe Matters.99 He doth relate and affirm, that at his firft com ing into this Countrey the Englifh were in a very diftrefled Condition by reafon of Famine and Sick- nefs which was amongft them, whereof many were already dead ; and that they buried them in the Night that the Indians might not perceive how low they were brought. This Relator doth moreover declare, that an In dian P antes, who fecretly purpofed bloody Deftruc- tion againft the Englifb and made it his Defign to learn the Englijh Tongue to the End he might more readily accomplim his hellifh Devices ; IO told him that there had been a French VefTel caft away upon thefe Coafts, only they faved their Lives and their Goods, and that the Indians took their Goods from them, and made the French men their Servants, and that they wept very much, when [18] the In dians parted them from one another, that they made them eat fuch Meat as they gave their Dogs. Only one of them having a good Matter, he pro vided a Wife for him, by whom he had a Son, and 99 The exceedingly crude Narra- of the Editor. Thefe Mr. Richard tive of Pratt isftillin Exiftence, but Frothingham edited and they were in a very imperfeft and damaged printed in the 4th Volume of the State. It is in the Hands of David 4th Series of Cols. Mafs. Hiftorical Pulfifer, Efq., the well known Editor Society. of the Colonial Records of Mafla- chufetts and Plymouth probably 10 Pratt gives his Name as Pex- the fame ufed by Mr. Mather, foutb, and Winflow Peckfuot. The There is another Paper extant by fame killed by Stand ifh as juft re- Pratt, called a Petition, in Pofleffion lated. [96] lived longer then the reft of the French men did ; and that one of them was wont to read much in a Book (fome fay it was the New Teftament) and that the Indians enquiring of him what his Book faid, he told them it did intimate, that there was a People like French men that would come into the Countrey and drive out the Indians, and that they were now afraid that the Engli/h were the People of whofe coming the French man had foretold them. 101 And that another Ship from France came into the Majfachufets Bay with Goods to Truck, and that Indian Panics propounded to the Sachim, that if he would hearken to him, they would obtain all the French mens Goods for nothing ; namely, by coming a Multitude of them aboard the Veflel, with great Store of Beaver, making as if they would Truck, and that they mould come without Bows and Arrows, only (hould have Knives hid in the Flappets which the Indians wear about their Loins ; and when he {hould give the Watchword, they 101 The Following is Pratt's Ac- " gave them fuch Meat as our Dogs count of Pekfuot's Narrative : "He " eate. One of them had a Booke " imployed himfelf to learn to fpeak " he would often read in. We " Englim, obferving all Things for " afked him what his Booke faid. *' his bloody Ends. He told me he *' He anfwered it faith there will a " loued Englifhmen very well, but " People like French-men come ** he loued me beft of all. You fay " into this Cuntry and drive you all *' French men doe not loue you, " a way, and now we thincke you ** but I will tell you what wee haue " are thay. We took away their " done to them. There was a Ship " Clothes. They liued but little " broken by a Storm. They faued " while. One of them liued longer " moft of their Goods and hid it in " than the reft, for he had a good rt the Ground. We maed them tell " Mafter and gave him a Wiff. " vs wheat h was. Then we made " He is now dead but hath a Sonn " them oar Sarvants. Thay weept " aliue." " much. When we parted them we [97 ] fhould run their Knives into the French mens Bellyes, which was accordingly executed by the Indians, and all the French men killed, only Monfier Finch the Mafter of the Veflel being wounded, ran down into the Hold, whereupon they promifed him that if he would come up, they would not kill him ; notwithftanding which, they brake their Word and murdered him alfo ; and at laft fet the Ship on Fire. loa Some enquiring of him how long it was fince the Indians firft faw a Ship, he replied that he could not tel, but fome old Indians reported that the firft Ship feemed to them to be a floating Ifland, wrap ped together with the Roots of Trees, and broken off from the Land, which with their Canoos they went to fee, but when they found Men there and heard Gunns, they hafted to the Shore again, not a little amazed. (Some write that they mot Ar rows at the firft Ship they faw thinking to kill it.) This Relator doth alfo affirm, that after Jealouf- ies began between the Englifh of Mr. Wejlons 102 Peckfuot's Account as detailed " thruft your Knives in the French by him to Pratt is thus : " An other " mens Belly s. Thus we killed them " Ship came into the Bay with much " all. But Mounfear Finch, Mafter " Goods to Trucke. Then I faid " of thayr Ship, being wounded, " to the Sacham, I will tell you how " leped into the Hold. Wo bid " you mall haue all for nothing. " him come vp, but he would not. ' Bring all our Canows and all our " Then we cut their Cable and the ' Beauer and a great many Men, " Ship went Amore and lay vpon ' but no Bow nor Arrow, Clubs, " her Sid and flept there. Finch ' nor Hatchits, but Knives vnder " came vp and we killed him. ' the Scins [Skins] about your Lines " Then our Sachem devided thayr ' [Loins] . Throw vp much Beauer " Goods and fiered theyr Ship and ' vpon thayr Deck. Sell it very " it maed a very great fier." ' cheep, and when I giue the Word, N [98 ] Plantation and the Indians, they built divers of their Wigwams at the End of a great Swamp, near to the Englijh, that they might the more fuddenly and effectually doe what was fecretly contrived in their Hearts : and an Indian Squaw faid to them, that ere long Aberkieji would bring many Indians that would kill all the Englim there and at Patuxet. After which the Sachim with a Company of his Men came armed towards them, and bringing them within the Pale of the Englijh Plantation, he made a Speech to the Englijh with [19] great Gravity, faying, " When you firft came into this " Land, I was your Friend. We gave Gifts to one " another. I let you have Land as much as we " agreed for, and now I would know of you, if I " or my Men have done you any Wrong." Unto whom the Englijh replied, that they defired, that he would firft declare whether they had injured him. I0 3 103 The fame as told by Pratt : Som tim after this thayr Sachem cam fudingly upon us with a great Number of armed Men ; but thayr Spys feeing us in a redinefs, he and fome of his chif Men terned into one of thayr Howfes a Quarter of an Our. Then we met them without the Pale of our Plantation and brought them in. Then faid I to a young Man that could beft fpeke thayr Langwig, Afke Pexworth whi they come thus armed ? He anfwered, our Sacham is angry with you. I faid, Tell him if he be angry with us, wee be angry with him. Then ' ' faid thayr Sachem, Englimmen, when you com into the Country, we gaue you Gifts and you gaue vs Gifts, we bought and fold with you and we weare Friends ; and now tell me if I or any of my Men haue don you Rong. We anfwered, Firft tell us if we haue don you any Rong. He anfwer ed, Some of you Steele our Corne and I have fent you Word Times without Number and yet our Corne is ftole. I come to fee what you will doe. We an fwered, It is one Man wich hath don it. Your Men have feen vs whip him divers Times, befides [ 99 ] The Sachem roundly rejoined, that either fome or all of them had been abufive to him ; for they had ftolen away his Corn, and though he had given them Notice of it Times without Number, yet there was no Satisfaction nor Reformation attained. Hereupon the Englifh took the principal Thief and bound him and delivered him to the Sachim, withall declaring, that he might do with him what he pleafed. Nay (faid he) Sachim do Juftice themfelves upon their own Men, and let their Neighbours do Juftice upon theirs ; otherwife we conclude that they are all agreed, and then fight. Now the Indians, fome of them, began to trem- ble ; and beholding the Guns which were mounted on the Englijh Fort, they faid one to another (in their Language) that little Guns would (hoot through Houfes, and great Guns would break down Trees, and make them fall and kill Indians round about. So did they depart at that Time diffatisfied and enraged. 104 other Manor of Punifhments, and now, here he is, bound. We give him vnto you to doe with him what you pleafe. He anfwered, That is not juft Dealeing. If my Men wrong my nabur Sacham, or his Men, he fends me Word, and I beat or kill my Men ac cording to the Ofence. All Sa- chams do Juftis by thayr own Men. If not we fay they ar all agreed, and then we fite ; and now, I fay, you all fteele my Corne." 104 Pratt's Account: "At this Time fom of them feeing fom of our Men upon our Forte, begun to ftart, faying, Machit Pefconk, that is nawty Guns. Then look ing round about them, went away in a great Rage. At this Time we ftrenthened our Wach untell we had no Food left. In thes Times the Salvages oftentime did crep upon the Snow, ftarting behind Bournes and Trees to fee whether we kepe Wach or not. [Many] Times I have rounded [gone the Rounds] our Planta tion, untell I had no longer The Englijh now perceiving that the Indians were fully purpofed to be revenged on them, they refolved to fight it out to the laft Man. As they were marching out of the Fort, feven or eight Men flood ftill, faying this is the fecond Time that the Salvages had demanded the Life of him that had wronged them, and therefore they would have him firft put to Death, and if that would not fatisfy, then to fight it out to the laft, wherefore he was put to Death in the Sight of the Heathen ; after which the Englifh marched out towards them, but they difperfed themfelves into the Woods. 10 * This Relator endeavored to give Notice to them in Plymouth, how that the Indians had contrived their Ruin, but he miffed his Way between Wey- mouth and Plymouth ; and it was wel he 'did fo ; for by that Means he efcaped the favage Hands of thofe Indians, who immediately purfued him, with a murderous Intention ere he could reach Ply mouth, they were informed by Majfafoit (as hath ' [Strejnth. Then in the Night, " ender being bound, we lett him ' goeing into our Corte of Card, I " loufe, becaufe we had no Food ' to giue him, charging him to ' gather Ground-nitts, Clams, and ' Mufells, as other Men did, and ' fteel no more. One or two Days ' after this the Salvages brot him, ' leading him by the Armes, fay- ' ing, Heare is the Corne. Com ' fee the Plafe where he ftole it. ' Then we kep him bound fom few fee one Man ded before me, an- " other at my writ Hand, and an- " other att my left, for Want of " Food. O, all the People in New " England that mall heare of thefe " Times of our week Beginning, " confider what was the Strenth " of the Arm of Flefh or the Witt " of Man." < Days." io 5 Pratt's Account : " The Of- been declared) concerning what was plotted amongft the Indians. 6 Finally there were (as this Relator teftifieth) three feveral Skirmifhes with the Indians. One at Wefe- 106 The Efcape of Phinehas Pratt, although before mentioned, is one of thofe perilous Adventures calcu lated to excite in all Readers in all Times a Defire to know every Par ticular concerning it. Our Author altogether failed to give it in a Man ner which its Intereft deferves. I therefore give it in Pratt's own Words : The Men of Weflaguflet having difcovered that the Defign of the furrounding Indians was to de- ftroy all the Englifh, beginning with them firft, " I would have fent a " Man to Plimoth, but non weare " willing to goe. Then I faid if " Plimoth Men know not of this " treacherous Plot, they and we are all ded Men. Therefore, if God willing, tomorrow I will goe. That Night a yong Man, want ing Witt, towld Pexworth yearly in the Morning. Pexworth came to me and faid in Einglifh, Me heare you go to Patuxit. You will loofe your felf. The Bears and the Wolfs will eate you. But becaufe I love you I will fend my Boy Nahamit with you, and I will give you Vicktualls to eat by the Way, and to be mery with your Friends when you come there. I faid, Who towld you foe great a lye that I may kill him ? He faid it is noe lye. You fhall not know. Then he went whom to his Howfe. Then came fiue Men, armed. We faid, Why come you thus armed ? They faid, We are Friends. You cary Guns wheare we dwell, and we cary Bowe and Arows wheare you dwell. Thes attended me feven or eight Days and Nights. Then thay fupofeing it was a lye, weare carlis of thayr Wach near two [hjours on the Morning. Then faid I to our Company, Now is the Time to run to Pli moth, Ts ther any Compas to be found ? Thay faid, None but them that belong to the Ship. I faid, Thay are to bigg. I have borne no Armes of Defence this feven or eight Days. Now if I take my Armes they will miftruft me. Then they faid, The Salvages will plhue after you and kill you, and we mail never fee you agayne. Thus with other Words of great Lamentation we parted. Then I took a How and went to the Long Swamp neare by thayr Howfes, and diged on the Ege thereof, as if I had bin looking for ground Nutts. But feeing no Man, I went in and run through it. Then looking round about me, I run fouthward tell three of the Clock ; but the Snow being in many Places, I was the more dif- treffed, becaufe of my Foot fteps. The Sonn being beclouded, I wandered not knowing my Way ; but att the goeing down of the Sonn, it apeared red. Then I02 gufquafet, before mentioned; another at a Place where the Town of Dorcbefler is fince planted ; and laftly at the Bay of Agawam or Ipfwicb ; in all which Engagements the Indians [20] were notably beaten, and the Englifh received no confiderable ' hearing a great Howling of Wolfs, 1 I came to a River; the Water ' being depe and cold, and many 1 Rocks, I pafled through with much adoe. Then was I in great Diftrefs. Faint for want of Food, : weary with running, fearing to ; make a Fier becaufe of them that ' plhued me. Then I came to a depe Dell or Hole, ther being ; much wood falen into it. Then I faid in my thoughts, This is God's Providence, that heare I : may make a Fier. Then haveing maed a Fier, the Stars began to a pear, and I faw Urfa Magor and the [north] Pole. The Day I began to trafell . . . but being unable, I went back to the Fier. The Day fallowing I fet out again, the] Sonn fhined, and about three of the Clock I came to that Part of Plimoth Bay, wher ther is a Town of later Time [called] Duxbery. Then paffing by the Water on my left Hand, cam to a Brook, and ther was a Path. Having but a fhort Time to con- fider, [went on] fearing to goe beyond the Plantation, I kept running in the Path. Then pair ing through James Ryuer, I faid in my Thoughts, Now am I as a Deare chafed [by] the Wolfs. If I perifh, what will be the Con- dischQjn] of diftrefed Englifhmen! " then finding a Peec of a [ ] I " took it up and caried it in my " Hand. Then finding a [Peec] " of a Jurkin I caried them under " my Arme. Then faid I in my " [Thoughts] God hath giuen me " thefe two Tokens for my Com- " fort ; that now he will giue me " my Live for a Pray. Then run- " ning down a Hill I [faw] an " Englifhman coming in the Path " before me. Then I fat down on " a Tree, and riling up to Salute " him, faid, Mr. Hamdin, I am " glad to fee you aliue. He faid, " I am glad and full of Wonder to " fee you aliue. Let us fitt downe. " I fee you are weary. I faid, Let " [me] eate fom parched Corne. " Then he faid, I know the Caufe " [of your] coming. Maflafoit hath " fent Word to the Gouernor to let " him [know] that Aberdikees " [Aberkieft] and his Confederates " haue contrived a Plot hoping to " [cut off] all Englifh People in " one Day." [Owing to Mutila tions nothing can be made of a few Lines which follow J\ The News which Pratt brought to Plymouth fully confirmed the People there, that what Maflafoit had communicated was true, and hence the immediate Adion of Standifh already related. I0 3 Damage ; fo that the Sachims entreated for Peace ; nor were the Englifh (provided it might be upon Terms fafe and honorable) averfe thereunto, Pacem te pofeimus omnes. Thefe dark Clouds being thus comfortably dif- pelled and blown over, the firft Planters in this Country received no confiderable Disturbance from the Indians a long Time. It is true, that foon upon thefe Motions (viz. in Auguft, Anno 1623), a Gentleman arrived here out of England (namely, Capt. Robert Gorges] being attended with many Servants, as purpofing the Settlement of an Englijh Plantation in this Bay of Majj'achufets, and although that Plantation was quickly deferted and duTolved, other Things, and not any Anoyance from the Na tives here caufed thofe Defigns to prove abortive.* 07 The like is to be affirmed concerning Mr. Wol- lajions Plantation : For whereas he with feveral others, being Perfons of Quality, did (in the Year 1625) with a Multitude of Servants come into this Majfachufetts Bay, as intending to fettle a Planta tion therein, they met with fuch crofs Providences as did difcourage them, and at laft diffipate them ; yet nothing from the Indians. 10 * 107 Pratt thus fpeaks of Gorges' " Thus was Famine thayr final over- Colony : " Thus [our] Plantation " throw. Moft of them that liued ' being deferted, Capt. Robert Gore " returned for England." ' [Gorges] cam [into] the Country ' with fix Gentlemen atending him, 10 f Of the next Colony Pratt thus ' and diuers Men to doe his Labor, remarks : " The Oforfeers of the ' and other Men with thayer Fa- " third Plantation in the Bay was ' milys. They took Pofleffion of " Capt. Woolifton and Mr. Rofdell. ' our Plantation, but thayr Ship " Thes feeing^the Ruing of the ' fuply from Eingland came to late. " former Plantation, faid, We will I have been informed, that this Gentleman, con- lidering the unhappy Cataftrophe's attending Mr. Wefton and Mr. Gorges, their Plantings at Wefeguf- quajet, conceited that the Indian Powas had brought that Place under fome Fafcination, and that Eng- lifhmen would never thrive upon 'Enchanted Ground, and therefore they would pitch down their Stakes in a Place nearer to Bofton ; even where the Town of Erantree has fince flourimed, but the Difficultyes of a Wildernefs were too hard for them, that Mr. Wollajton removed a great Part of his Servants to Virginia, not having (fo far as I can understand) received any Moleftation from the Indians here. 10 ? In Anno 1628. Mr. Endecot (who deferves to be honorably mentioned, as having been a Patriot in New England) arrived here with a Patent 110 for the Government of the MaJJachufets. 111 He and others " not pich our Tents heare, leaft remarks (in his Braintree Addrefs ' we mould doe as thay have done, of 20 July, 1858) rather facetioufly : ' Notwithftanding thefe Gentlemen " What became of him nobody ' wear wifs Men, they feemed to " knows; I am fure we do not care ' blame the Oforfeers of the formur " to know." This the Editor is far ' Companies, not confidering that from endorfing. The Place where ' God plants and pull vp, bilds and he fettled was named Mount Wollaf- pull down, and terns the Wifdom ton. It was three Miles north of of wifs Men into Foolifhnefs. Weflaguflet. Wood, N. Eng. Pro- Thefe caled the Name of thayr fpeft, 31, ed. 4, 1635. Place Mount-woolifton. They continued neare a Yeare as others uo The Author mould have faid " had don before them ; but Famin Commiflion. The Patent remained " was thayr final aforthrow." with the Company in England. 109 Nothing appears to be known in And yet, with aftonifliing Per- of Capt. Wollallafton, or Wallafton verfity it has been aflerted that En- further than is contained in this dicott was not a Governour at this Paragraph. We have not even his Time ! that he was nothing but a Chriftian Name. And Mr. Adams Captain ! Serious Argument againft with him fat down at a Place called Nahumkeik (as in a Parenthefis let me here obferve, that that Indian word is alfo Hebrew mro Nahum fignifieth Confolation, and p'n Keik is Hebrew, for Boofome, or Haven, and it fo fals out, that the Englifh have hapned to call that Place by another Name which is alfo Hebrew, viz. Salem}. There did they enjoy Peace. Howbeit there are Antient Planters, who teftifie that the Indians being poiTefled with fome Fears left the Englifh mould in Time take their Countrey [21] from them, were confpiring to de- ftroy them. And the fmall Handful! of Chriftians then in Salem, were alarmed with the Report of no lefs than a thoufand barbarous Natives, coming to cut them off; and that upon a Lord's Day, whereupon they difcharged feveral great Guns, the fmall Shot wherein made fuch a terrible Rattling among the Trees a far off, that the amazed Indians returned not a little affrighted. 112 And it was a wonderfull Providence of God, now to reftrain the Heathen, fince it fo hapned, that about this Time there were fome Tumults about the Englifh them- felves." 3 For whereas Mr. Wollafton and his Part ners left fome of their Servants here, and gave fuch abfurd Nonfenfe will hardly be ten Accounts ; perhaps from Roger expefted. See N. Eng. Hift*-Gen. Conant, as he was living when the Reg. for Oft., 1853, and Jan. 1854. Author wrote, See Dr. Felt's Annals Or Review of Savage's Wintbrop' s of Salem, i, 154. Journal, 18-22. 113The ^^ ^ Reference) 1 ' - This Affair happened in April very probably, to the Troubles and May, 1630 The Author no between Gov. Endicott and the Doubt had his Information refpedt- Browns. See Annah Salem, \, 87, ing it from fome of the early Settlers, 136, &c. Hiftory and Antiquities as it differs from the earlier writ- of B oft on, Pages 65, 73. o Order that a Man whofe Name was Flicker, mould command and overfee them. There was another, whofe Name was Thomas Morton. He would needs take upon him to be Lord oj Mif-rule ; and having gained much by trading with the Indians, this Morton and his drunken Companions quickly wafted all in riotous Living." 4 This was the Man that taught the Indians in thefe Parts the Ufe of Gunns ; how they mould charge and difcharge them, and imployed them in hunting for him : and when they were inftrufted in the Ufe of thefe Inftruments of Death, they would purchafe them at any Rates ; whereby the Safety of the Englijh was not a little hazzarded. In Conclufion, the Englifh at Plymouth and Sa lem, agreed to feyze upon this Morton, which was 114 The Story of Thos. Morton Things of that Day. Onenotknow- and his Merry -Mount Companions ing quite as much as its Author has been too often told to be in- about the Country then, would tin- troduced here. Morton was a re- derftand but little of his Meaning, markable Chara&er, poflefled of he employs fo many Enigmas and Learning, and perhaps was about fingular Allufions. He entitled it half as a bad a Fellow which New Englijh Canaan, and it was would leave him quite bad enough printed in 1637, in 410, in London. as the People of Plymouth and Some Copies have a Title purport- Salem report him to be. He ing it to have been iflued at Amfter- was a Churchman, and feemed de- dam the fame Year. It is not pro- termined " to have a good Time bable there were two Editions at " generally," in fpite of his auftere that Period. It is reprinted in Neighbours. It does not appear Force's Trafts. The Original is of that he went out of his Way to an- great Rarity. For many Years but noy them, or that he interfered with one Copy was known in New Eng- them in any Way, unlefs indireftly land, and that belonged to John by furnifhing the Indians with Fire- Quincy Adams. To that Gentle- arms. He publifhed a curious Book man I was indebted for an early Ufe about New England, which is indeed of his Copy. Many other Copies a Curiofity among the curious are now in this Country. I0 7 done w et armis, and he was fent over to England, there to receive fuch Punifhment as by the Honour able Council for New England mould be thought meet. 11 * All thefe Tumults notwithftanding, the over ruling Providence of God kept the Indians quiet. It is to be wondered at, that the Church in Plymouth mould be preferved when other Englifh Plantations could not lubiift in this Countrey ; but either the Indians, or the Lords own Hand brought them to a fudden End from time to time. But God, who faw that they deiigned fomething betier than the World in their planting here, brought it to pafs by iuch Wayes as thefe : 1. MaJ/afoit (as was hinted before) was per- fwaded by Squantums Information, that if the Englijh mould be his Friends, he need not fear any Enemies in the World : ib did he become a Wall to the Englifh at Plymouth againft other Indians. The Earth helped the Woman that was fled into the Wildernefs, whom the Dragon would have fwallowed up. 2. The Lord made them very fuccesfull in their Expeditions againft thofe Enemies that firft fought their Deftrudtion." 6 115 He returned however, foon there were not enough of his Fol- after, no Notice having been taken lowers left to get up a Dance about of the Complaints againft him, but it if it had been {landing, his Days for troubling the Puritans were pretty nearly ended. Although 1 1 o Reference is here made to Stan- he went to his former Place of Re- dim's fummary Campaign againft fidence at the Mount, his Maypole the Maflachufetts with eight Men, was cut down and deftroyed, and already detailed. [22] 3. They prevailed with God by Failing and Prayer to look upon them and blefs them with fpecial Mercy when it was a Time of need, which did greatly affed: and aftonifh the Indians. Some of them, therefore, conceiving high Thoughts con cerning the Engli/h-mans God, and his Love to his People, that truly fear and ferve him. That which Mr. Winjlow (and fince him another) doth pub- lickly teftifie concerning this Matter, deferveth Commemoration, namely, that whereas after the Firfl Indian Troubles were over, there was a fore Drought on the Land continuing for the fpace of fix Weeks; infomuch that it was judged by fome that the Corn was withered and dead, paft recovery, the Church in Plymouth fet themfelves by Fafting and Prayer, to feek Mercy from the Lord in this Thing. And though in the Morning when they affembled themfelves, the Heavens were clear, and the Drought as likely to continue as ever, yet be fore their folemn fervice was ended, the Heavens grew black with Clouds, and the next Morning thefe Clouds diftilled Rain, and for the Space of fourteen Days together there were moderate Show ers ; fo that the drooping Corn was revived to Admiration." 7 A friendly Indian before mentioned, known by the Name of Hobbomock> living in the Town of Plymouth, enquired why the Englijh met together in that Manner, it being but three Days after the 117 Befides the Account in Winf- Smith's New England Trials, and low's Relation, of this fevere Drouth, Morton's Memorial. Drouths have other Particulars may be found in not been uncommon in all Times. Sabbath; and being informed of the true Caufe thereof, and obferving the gracious Effects that fol lowed, he was greatly affected, and told other In dians of it, who were alfo fmitten with deep Con viction, and the more in that, albeit in Times of Drought the Indians are wont to Powaw and cry to their Gods, fometimes for many Dayes together; yet if Rain follow, it is wont to be accompanied with terrible Thundering and Lightning and Tem- pefts, which often do more hurt than the Rain doth good ; when as it was other wife with refpect to the Showers which at this Time came from Heaven, in Anfwer to the Prayers of the Church in Ply mouth ' II8 fo that the Heathen confeffed that the Englifh mans God was better than theirs. And fome amongft the Indians became faithfull to the Engli/h, though as yet but very few, Apparent rari Nantes in Gurgite vafto.^ There having been (as was faid) a Patent for the MaJJacbufets Government by royal Grant obtained, many out of England flocked into this Country almoft every Year. And for the moft Part, not fo much on the Account of Trade, or to profecute any worldly Intereft, as on the Account of Reli gion. Thele did God own, having wonderfully made Way for their Planting here by calling out 118 This ingenious Turn of "the powwowing had to Thunder and Author has doubtlefs caufed many a Lightning, it is rather ridiculous to Smile upon the intelligent Reader's fuppofe, that it caufed them. Face, and will without doubt caufe many more upon the Faces of others. 119 This is from Virgil, but its Whatever Affinity or Similitude Appofitenefs is not very apparent. the Heathen before them, [23] with mortal Dif- eafes ; efpecially by the Plague amongft the Indians in Plymouth Colony, and the Small-pox among the Maffacbufets. In Anno 1631. new Jealoufies arofe concerning the^treacherous Indians. Capt. Walker one Eve ning had two Arrows (hot through his Coat, which caufed an Alarm at Lyn, then known by the Name of Sawguji : but no Lives were loft ; nor is there any Certainty to this Day who fhot thofe Arrows, whereby the Captains Life was fo eminently endangered. 121 About the fame Time the Indians began to be quarrelfome touching the Bounds of the Land which they had fold to the Engli/h ; but God ended the Controverfy by fending the Small-pox amongft the Indians at Sauguft, who were before that Time 120 The Ravages of the Small pox are pretty minutely defcribed in Winthrop's Journal, The Book of the Indians, and Johnfon's Won derworking Providence. The latter fays : " The Mortality among them ' was very great, infomuch that the ' poor Creatures, being very timor- ' ous of Death, would faine have ' fled from it, but could not tell ' how, unlefle they could haue gone ' from themfelves. Relations were ' little regarded among them at this Time, fo that many who were ' fmetten with the Difeafe died ' helplefle, unlefle they were neare ' and known to the Englifh. Their ' Powwowes, Wizards, and Charm ers were pofleft with the greateft Feare of any." Page 51. 121 " Once, about Midnight, En- lign Richard Walker, who was on the Guard, heard the Bufhes break near him, and felt an Arrow pafs through his Coate and buff Waift- coat. As the Night was dark, he could fee no one, but he dif- charged his Gun, which being heavily loaded, fplit in Pieces. He then called the Guard, and returned to the Place, when he ' had another Arrow fhot through ' his Clothes." Lewis's Hift. Lynn, x 76. See alfo Johnfon, p. 50. exceeding numerous. 122 Whole Towns of them were fwept away, in fome of them not fo much as one Soul efcaping the Deftruction. There are fome old Planters furviving to this Day, who helped to bury the dead Indians, even whole Fami- lyes of them all dead at once. In one of the Wigwams they found a poor Infant fucking at the Breaft of the dead Mother ; all the other Indians being dead alfo. 123 Not long after this, when the Town of Ipfwich was firft planted it was vehemently fufpected that the Tarratines (or Eaftern Indians] had a Defign to cut off the Engli/h there. For a friendly Indian called Robin came to an Engli/hman whofe Name is Per kens 1 ** acquainting him that fuch a Thurfday there would come four Indians to draw him to the Water fide under Pretence of trucking with him, and that they had prepared forty Canooes which mould ly out of Sight under the Brow of an Hill, full of armed Indians to cut off the Englim. The four Indians came at the Time, and to the Perfon mentioned. He inftead of going to the Water fide to truck with them, fpoke roughly to them, and caufed an Alarm, fo they immediately returned, perceiving their Plot was difcovered, and prefently 1 2 '- Lewis fays the Englifh bought various Sources, that the Indians had the Town of the Indians, for which but vague Notions of felling Land. they paid them i6:io.r, and lived IOOT-M r i T c L- -NT n , ., Tj-a T This painful Part of his No- narmomoufly with them. Hilt. Lynn, c , V, . , 76. This was before the Purchafe Oce ' f , , the S ,mall-pox, the Author was made. They took Land where Fbably took from Johnfon. See they pleafed and the Indians made Wmd ' **** 5*- no Objefton. It is evident from ia4 Sergeant John Perkins, fourty fuch Canooes as the friendly Indian had given Warning of, were difcovered. 11 * Befides the Particulars which have been infilled on, I cannot underftand that there was any general Difquietment raifed by the Indians, untill the Year 1636. It is true that fome particular Mifchiefs and private Murthers were committed before that, after the forementioned Troubles were allayed. For Mr. We/ion, who himfelf (under another Name and the Difguife of a Black- Smith) arrived here not long after his Plantation was ruined, fuffering Ship wrack near Pafcataqua hardly efcaped with his Life, in refped: of the Indians, who took his Goods from him, and ftripped him of his very Cloathes to the Shirt on his Back." 6 [24] About eleven Years after that, Capt. Sfone, Capt. Norton, with all their Ships Company, were 125 A Narrative of this Affair fell into the Hands of the Indians, was drawn up by the Rev. Thomas This was in 1623. By what Means Cobbett of Ipfwich and fent to our he efcaped out of the Hands of the Author. I made a Copy of the Barbarbarians is not mentioned. It original Paper and printed it in the is probable that when they had N. Eng. Hift.-Gen. Reg., vii, 211- ftripped him of everything they fuf- 12. Seealfo Hi/}, and Antqs. Bof- fered him to efcape, and he found ton, 198. his Way to the Englifh at Pafcataqua. There he borrowed a Suit of Clothes 126 The Trials and Misfortunes and found Means to get to Plymouth, of Capt. Thomas Wefton are mi- " A ftrange Alteration there was in nutely dwelt upon by Gov. Brad- him," fays Bradford, "to fuch as had ford in his Hiftory of Plymouth " known him in his former flourifh- Colony. He was a Man of con- " ing Condition." P. 133. The fiderable Credit and in good Stand- fame Author tells us that from Ply ing when he undertook to make a mouth he " fhaped his Courfe for Plantation in New England, but " Virginia," and that " he dyed at Fortune was againft him. One Dif- " Briftoll in the Time of the Warrs, after after another overtook him, " of Sicknefs." P. 154. We have until at laft he was fhipwrecked and yet no Wefton Family Hiftory, C "3 ] barbaroufly murdered by the Pequot Indians (as in the Sequel more fully related.) And two Years after that, Mr. John Oldham was maffacred by the Indians of Muniffes, now called Elock-Ijland ; which Things made Way for the Pequot War, whereby the whole Englifh Intereft (yea the Intereft of Chrift, who had ere that taken PolTeffion of this Land, and glorioufly began to erect his own Kingdom here) was threatened and endangered. Great Pitty it is, that although it be now fourty Years fince thofe Motions, and albeit the Works which God then wrought for his People were ad mirable, yet that no Compleat Memorial thereof hath been publimed to this Day. 127 It is then high Time that fomething more mould be done therein, that fo both we and our Children after us, may fee what great Things, the Lord God of our Fathers hath done for them and for us. And there is a Gentleman in this Countrey (namely Mr. "John Allyn, who is Secretary to the Council at Hartford, and one of the worthy Magif- trates of that Colony) .who hath been induftrious in gathering up the Truth of Things, about thofe Troubles, being under peculiar Advantages there unto, by Informations from him, who was princi pally inftrumental in righting the Lords Battels at that Time againft the Heathen. 127 The Author does not appear 1638. When the Text was writ- to have known anything of the Pub- ten Mr. Hubbard's Hiftory, includ- Jications of Underhill and Vincent ; ing a very good Account of the both were printed in London in Pequot War, was alfo publifhed. P [ "4 ] This Narrative of Mr. Allyns I {hall here infert and publifh, as I received it, without making the leaft Alterations as to the Sence, and very little as to the Words. It is that which followeth. 1 * 8 Some Grounds of the W^ar again/I the Pequots. ' In or about the Year i633. I2 9 One Capt. Stone * arrived in the MaJ/achufetts, in a Ship from Vir- ' ginia, who fometime after was bound for Virginia ' again, in a fmall Bark, with one Capt. Norton, 1 * who failing up Connecticut River, about two Leagues from the Entrance, caft Anchor ; there coming to them feveral Indians belonging to that Place, whom the Pequots tyranized over, being a potent an da warlike People, they being accuftomed 128 The Writer was miftaken about the Authorfliip of the Narra tive fent him by Mr. Allen. The Author of it was Capt. John Mafon. It is hardly poflible but that Mr. Allen knew who the real Author was. Had he communicated the whole of it Mr. Mather would have known that it was Mafon's Work ; but he omitted to fend the prefatory Matter, and hence Mr. Mather's Miftake. Capt. Mafon lived at Norwich, and in or before 1736, his Grand-fon put the original Ma- nufcript into the Hands of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Prince, who edited and publifhed it in the Year above named. Mr. Prince fays, in his Introduction, " I have been more " than ufually careful in correcting " the Prefs according to the Ori- " ginal." It will be feen by com paring Mr. Prince's Edition with this in our Text, that Mr. Allen, in making his Copy took the Liberty to make many verbal Alterations; probably thinking them Improve ments. 129 About the Prince's Edition. Year 1632." 1 30 1 have been led to ftate the Chriftian Name of Norton Wal ter. Hift. Bofton, 1 66. Savage gives it William. The Editors of the late (36th) Vol. of Mafs. Hift. Colls. would not commit themfelves by giving Norton a Place in their In dex. [ "5 ] ' fo to deal with their neighbouring Indians. Capt. * Stone having feme Occafion with the Dutch, who * lived at a Trading houfe, near twenty Leagues up ' the River, procured forne of thofe Indians to go ' as Pilots with two of his Men to the Dutch ; but ' they being [25] benighted, before they could ' come to their defired Port, put the Skiffe, in ' which they went, aihore ; where the two Englim- ' men falling afleep, were both murdered by their * Indian Guides, there remaining with the Bark, ' about twelve of the aforefaid Indians, who had in ' all probability, formerly plotted their bloody De- ' figne, and waiting an Opportunity when fome of ' the Englim were on Shore, and Capt. Stone 1 * 1 * afleep in his Cabbi'n, fet upon them and cruelly ' murthered every one of them, and plundered ' what they pleafed, and afterward funk the Bark. ' Thefe Indians were not native Pequots, but had 131 Capt. John Stone. He was to the Connecticut River and was murdered in the Autumn of 1633, there murdered. The Fine of 100 the News of which was brought to was remitted about five Years after Plymouth 21 Jan., 1634. See Hift. his Death. The Circumftances of and Antiqs Bofton, 166. He is the Murder are particularly detailed doubtlefs the fame of whom we find in Winthrop's Journal, i, 1 48. See this Record in the Proceedings of alfo Bradford's Hift. Plymouth, 349- the General Court : Sept. 1633. 50. Much Intereft for Capt. Stone Capt. John Stone, for his Outrage feems to have grown up long after comitted in confronting aucthori- his Death, and every Effort was ty, abufeing Mr. Ludlowe, both made to ferret out his Murderers, in Words and Behavour, aflalting Among others the Narraganfets him and calling him a iuft as, &c., were employed. On the 3 1 ft of is fined C, and prohibited come- Auguft, 1637, they fent to Bofton ing within this Patent without the Hands of three Pequots, one was leaue from the Gourmt, vnder the aflerted to have been the chief Mur- Penalty of Death." In confequence derer of Capt. Stone. Winthrop's of this Banifhment Capt. Stone went Journal, i, 237. [ n6 * frequent Recourfe to them, to whom they ten- * dered fome of thofe Goods, which were accepted ' by the chief Sachim of the Pequots : and fome of ' the Goods were tendered to the Sachim of Nian- ' tick who alfo received them. 1 ** ' The Honoured Council of the MaJJachufetts * hearing of thefe Proceedings of the Pequots, fent ' to fpeak with them, and had fome Treatyes, but ' no Iffue was made to Satisfaction. 1 * 3 ' After which, Capt. John Rndicot was fent forth 4 Commander in Chief, with Capt. Underbill, Capt. ' Turner and about an hundred and twenty Men, ' who were firftly deligned againft a People living ' on Block I/land, who were Subjects to the Nara- ' ganfet Sachim, they having faken a Barke of Mr. ' John Oldham, murthering him and his Company. * They were alfo to call the Pequots to an Account * about the murthering of Capt. Stone : who arriv- * ing at Pequod 1 ^ had fome Conference with them, * but little was effected, only one Indian flain, and * fome Wigwams burnt. * After which the Pequots grew enraged againft ' the Englim who inhabited Connecticut, being 132 In Mafon's Hiftory it is : " and Block-Hand againft the next " Other of faid Goods were ten- " Seflion of this Courte." But a " dered to Nynigrett Sachim of Treaty was made. See Book of the " Nayanticke," &c. Indians, B. ii, p. 1 66. Hubbard's Narrative, 1 1 7, where the Articles 133 Nothing further than this ap- may be feen. pears on the Colonial Records : Dec. 1636. "The Court did in- l31 New London. The River on " treate the Govern 1 " and Counfell which New London ftands was call- " to confider about the Profecution ed Pequot River. Probably from " of the Warrs againft the Pecoits its Mouth to Norwich. [ "7 ] but a fmall Number, about two hundred and fifty who were there newly arrived, and alfo about twenty Men at Seybrook under the Command of Lieut. Lion. Gardner^ who was there placed by feveral Lords and Gentlemen in England. ' The Pequots obferving Lieut. Gardner going to Fire the Meadows about Haifa Mile off the Fort, with ten Men with him, was violently aflaulted by the Pequod Indians, fo that fome were flain, the reft were refcued by the Souldiers iffuing out of the Fort upon the laid Pequots who fled.'s 6 They 135 Gardiner wrote a Hiftory of the War fo far as he was perfonally concerned in it, which laid in MS. until 1833, when it was printed as a Paper in a Volume of the Mafs. Hifl. Colls., Vol. 3., Third Ser. It was drawn up about twenty-three Years after the War, " having," he fays, " rumaged and found fome old " Papers then written, it was a great " help to my Memory." Mr. Ro bert Chapman, Thomas Hurlburt and Major Mafon having urged him to do it. 136 " j n tne 22( j O f February, I " went out with ten Men and three " Dogs, half a Mile from the Houfe, " to burn the Weeds, Leaves and " Reeds, upon the Neck of Land, " becaufe we had felled twenty " timber Trees, which we were to " roll to the Water fide to bring " home, every Man carrying a " Length of Match with Brimftone- " matches with him to kindle the " Fire withal. But when we came ** to the fmall of the Neck, the Weeds burning, I having before this fet two Sentinels on the fmall of the Neck, I called to the Men that were burning the Reeds to come away, but they would not until they had burnt up the reft of their Matches. Prefently there ftarts up four Indians out of the fiery Reeds, but ran away, I call ing to the reft of our Men to come away out of the Marfti. Then Robert Chapman and Thomas Hurlbut, being Sentinels, called to me, faying there came a Number of Indians out of the other Side of the Marfti. Then I went to ftop them, that they fhould not get [to] the Woodland ; but Thomas Hurlbut cried out to me that fome of the Men did not fol low me, for Thomas Rumble and Arthur Branch threw down their two Guns and ran away; then the Indians (hot two of them that were in the Reeds, and fought to get be tween us and home, but darft not come before us, but kept us in a half Moon, we retreating and [ "8 ] ' alfo feized fome that were paffing up Connefticut ' River, and tortured them in a moft cruel Manner, ' with moft barbarous and inhuman Crueltyes ; * roafting'of them alive, &c. 137 ' They alfo lay fculking about the Fort almoft ' conftantly, that the Englim could not go out of ' the Fort, but they were aflaulted by the Pequods, ' fo that ConneSiicut out of their fmall Numbers, ' conftrained [26] themfelves to fend Capt. John ' Mafon with twenty Men 138 to fecure the Place. ' But after his coming, there did not one Pequod < appear in View for a Moneths Space about the ' Fort, which was the Time he there remained. ' In the Interim, many 13 ^ of the Pequods went to * a Place now called Wetbersfield on Connt&icut, * and having confederated with the Indians of that ' Place (as it was generally thought) they lay in * Ambum for the Englim People of that Place, ' and divers of them going to their Labour in a " exchanging many Shot, fo that Tilley." See Underhill's Hiftory, 1 Thomas Hurlbut was fhot almoft p. 15, and Gardiner, 147 (of Hift. ' through the Thigh, John Spencer Co/If., iii, in Ser.) ' in the Back, into his Kidneys, ' myfelf into the Thigh, two more 138 " Out of their fmall Num- ' fhot dead. But in our Retreat I " bers," fays Mafon. It mould be ' kept Hurlbut and Spencer ftill remembered that Connecticut had ' before us, we defending ourfelves been fettled by the Englifti fcarcely ' with our naked Swords, or elfe two Years ; that in the Emigration ' they had taken us alive." of 1635, but about fixty Men, Wo- Gardiner does not mention by men and Children compofed the what Numbers he was furrounded, Colony. This Murder was about but Underhill fays there were " a the Middle of Oftober, 1636. " hundred or more." 139 Certain Pequots, about one 137 This has Reference to the "hundred." Mafon. The Numbers horrible Torture of " Matter John of the Enemy were ufually magnified. [ "9 ] ' large Field adjoyning to the Town, were fet upon ' by the Indians, nine of the Englim were flain ' upon the Place, and fome Horfes, and two young ' Women were taken Captive. 140 * The Pequods at their Return from Wethersfield, c came down to the River of Connecticut, (Capt. * Mafon then being at Saybrook Fort,) in three or ' more Canooes, with about an hundred Men, the ' Englifh efpying of them, concluded they had ' been acting f me Mifchief again ft us, and there- ' fore prepared one of their great Gunns, and made * a Shot at them, which Shot ftroock off the Head * of one of their Canooes, wherein the two Captives ' were, although the Shot was made at them at a ' great Diftance, near three Miles: 141 but feing it ' was fo placed, they haftned to the Shore, and * drew their Canooes with what Speed they could ' over a narrow Beach and fo got away. ' The Englifh of Connecticut being fo alarmed ' by thefe Infolencyes of the Pequods, faw meet to 140 Mitigating Circumftances often " who came up the River and killed come to Light in the Lapfe of Years, " fix Men." Lothrop's Cent. Ser. which render A&ions lefs atrocious, at W. Springfield, 1796, p. 23-4. than they feem by a partial Recital Mr. Goodwin, Geneal. Foote Fam. at the Time of their committal. Int p. xxi-ii, gives the Names of " Sequin, a head Man of the two of the Men killed Abraham " River Indians, gave Lands on the and John Finch. One of the Girls " River to the Englifh, that he might taken was a Daughter of William " fit down by them and be pro- Swain. See Gardiner's Hiftory, p. " tefted. But when he came to 147. The Name of the Indian who " Wethersfield [then called Water- commenced the Murder of the Eng- " town] and fet up his Wigwam, lifh at Wethersfield was Wauphanck. " the People drove him away by Williams. " Force. Refenting the Wrong, " but wanting Strength to revenge ]ai The "near three Miles" is " it, he fecretly drew in the Pequots, not in Mafon. ' call a Court, which met in Hartford upon Con- ' necJicut the firft Day of May, 1637, who ferioufly * confidering their Condition, which did look very ' fad, fince the Pequods were a great People, forti- ' fied, cruel, warlike, munitioned, &c. and the ' Englifli but a Handful in Comparifon of them. * But their outrageous Violence againft the Englifh * (having murthered about thirty of them) their ' great Pride and Infolency, and their conflant ' Purfuit in their malicious Courfes, with their ' Endeavours to ingage other Indians in their ' Quarrel againft the Engli/h, who had not offered ' them the leaft Wrong. ' Thefe Things being duly confidered, with the ' eminent Hazard and great Perill the People of ' Connecticut were in, it pleafed God fo to ftir up ' the Hearts of all Men in general, and the Court ' of Connecticut in fpecial, that they concluded it ' neceffary that fome Forces mould be fent forth ' fpeedily, againft the Pequots, their Grounds being ' juft, and Neceflity enforcing them to engage in ' an ofFenfive and defenfive Warr, with the good ' Succefs the Moft High was pleafed to crown his * People withall, we are nextly to relate.- [27] A BRIEF HISTORY of the W^ar with the Pequot Indians in New-England; Anno 1637. 142 * In the Beginning of May, 1637. there were fent out by Connecticut Colony ninety Men under the Command of Capt. John Majon (afterwards Major Majbn, and Deputy Governor of Connefti- cut Colony) againft the Pequots, with whom went Uneasy 1 ** an Indian Sachem of Moheag^ who was newly revolted from the Pequots. 1 ** 1 This fmall Army was fhipped in one Pink, one Pinnace and one Shallop, fbme of which VefTels in their ParTage down Connecticut River, fell on Ground, by Reaibn of the lownefs of the Water, and the unfkilfulnets of the Englijh in the Chan- 1 4 2 An Epitome or brief Hiftory " of the Pequot War." Mafon. i43Onkos." Mafon. Our Au thor made ufe of the Form which has prevailed, but his Place of Refi- dence Mafon lays was at Mobegan. Uncas proved faithful during the Expedition. When the Army were marching on the Pequot ftrong hold, and were near to it, Capt. Mafon inquired of him if the Narraganfets would fight the Pequots, as they had made great Speeches as to what they ft would do. Uncas faid he could not depend on them : " and fo it proved. ' For which Expreffions and fome ' other Speeches of his, I ftiall never ' forget him. Indeed he was a ' great Friend and did great Ser- ' vice." 141 The Indians and other bar barous Nations continually practiced Seceffion. The more barbarous a People is, the greater their Propen- fity to this Kind of Self-deftruaion. See Introduction, I22 ' nel. 145 The Indians not being wonted to fuch ' Things with their fmall Canooes, and alfo being ' impatient of all Delayes, defired they might ' be fet on Shore, promifing they would meet our ' Army at Seybrook ; which Requeft of theirs was * granted : and they being fet at Liberty haftning to * their Quarters at Saybrook, met with about thirty ' or fourty of the Pequots near Seybrook, and en- ' gaged them, and flew feven of them upon the ' Place, and had only one of their own wounded, ' who was conveyed back to Connecticut in a SkifFe. ' Capt. Vnderhill hearing of the Approach of the ' Army, went and met them and informed them * what was performed by Vncus and his Men, which ' News was welcome to them, and looked upon ' as a fpecial Providence ; for before they were ' fomewhat doubtfull of the Fidelity of their Indian * Volunteers. 146 * Capt. Vnderhill hearing of the Defign our ' Army was upon, very freely offered his Service ' with nineteen Men to go along with them, if ' Leiut. Gardner would allow of it (who was chief * Commander at Seybrook Fort) which Motion was ' no iooner propounded to Lieut. Gardner, but he ' readily approved of it, 147 and our Councill of War 145 " Capt. Mafon having fent 146 It is not eafy to account for "down a Shallop to Seybrooke Fort, Mafon's Want of" Knowledge re- ' and fent the Indians over Land fpefting Lieut. Gardiner's Agency ' to meet and rendezvooufe at Sea- in this Aft of Uncas's Men. See ' Brooke for, themfelves came down Gardiner, 149. ' in a great mafly Veflel, which was ' flow in coming, and very long 147 Gardiner's Account does not ' detained by crols Winds " Gar- agree very well with this. He fays: diner, 16. " Soon after came down from Hart- 123 ' accepted of it alfo ; who in Hew of thofe twenty, ' immediately lent back [28] twenty of theirs to * Connecticut to help guard the Women and Chil- * dren, &c. ' Upon a Wednefday our Army arrived at Sey- ' brook, where they lay Wind-bound till Friday, in ' which Time the Councill of War confulted how ' and in what Manner they mould proceed in their * Enterprize, which was accompanied with much ' Difficulty; their Commiffion ordering them to ' land their Men in the Pequot River, againft ' which were thefe Difficultyes. * Firft, The Pequods kept a continual Gaurd * upon the River, Night and Dey in a conftant ' Courfe. * Secondly, Their Numbers far exceeded ours ; * they had alfo fixteen Gunns with Powder and ' Shot, befides their Indian Artillery, as our Councill ' of War was informed by the two- captive Maids * (mentioned where we declared the Grounds of * this War) who were redeemed by the Dutch, and " ford Major Mafon, Lieut Seely, " unlefs we, that were bred Sol- " accompanied with Mr. Stone and " diers from our youth, could fee " 80 Englifhmen, and 80 Indians, " fome likelihood to do better than " with a Commiffion from Mr " the Bay-men with their ftrong " Ludlow and Mr. Steel, and fome " Commiffion laft Year." He next " others. Thefe came to go fight doubted the Fidelity of Uncas and " with the Pequits. But when Capt. his 80 Mohegans, who were fo " Undrill and I had feen their Com- lately Pequots ; but, on adlual Trial " miffion, we both faid they were he found them faithful. " And " not fitted for fuch a Defign." But " having ftaid there five or fix Days the Major faying the Government " before we" could agree, at laft we could do no better : " then we faid " old Soldiers agreed about the Way " that none of our Men mould go " and Adi, and took 20 fufficient " with them, neither fhould they go " Men from the 80," &c. reftored now to us at Seybrook, 148 which was a very friendly Office, and not to be forgotten. ' Thirdly, They were on Land, and being fwift of Foot, might much impede the Landing of our Men, and difhearten them, they continually gaurding that River, and our Men not knowing where to land nearer then Narraganfet. ' Fourthly, It was alledged that if our Army landed at Narraganfet, they would come upon their Backs, and poffibly might Surprize them unawares ; at worft they mould be on firm Land as well as the Enemy. J48 Gardiner fays he redeemed the Maids at a Coft to himfelf of 10, for which he had never even Thanks. He employed fome Dutch Traders to redeem them, " who brought " them away almoft naked, putting " on them their own linen Jackets " to cover their nakednefs." P. 147. Underhill has a much more circum- ftantial Account than any of the early Writers. See his Hiftory, p. 17-19. Winthrop in his Journal, i, 223, gives an Account leaving out the Agency of Capt. Gardiner en tirely. It is likely, as Winthrop fays, that the Dutch Governour fent a Sloop and Men with Orders to refcue the Captives " even at the " Price of a War with the Pequots." Thefe Girls were captured on the 23 of April, and brought to Say- brook Fort to Capt. Gardner on May 1 5th. Gardiner's Account is doubtlefs perfectly correcl:. Mr. Goodwin, in his Genealogy of the Foote Family does not appear to have profited by UnderhilTs Nar rative. See Underbill, 17, 18. Capt. Johnfon has fome Fadts not contained in the other Authors about the Captivity of thefe Maids : Three Women kind they caught, and carried away, but one of them being more fearfull of their cruell Ufage afterward then the Lofle of her Life at prefent, be ing borne away to the thickeft of the Company, refilled fo iloutly with fcratching and biting, that the Indian exafperated therewith, caft her down upone the Earth and beate out her Braines with his Hatchet" Wonder Working Pro vidences, 115. "They did not offer to abufe their Perfons [of the Maids] as was verily deemed they would, queftioned them with fuch broken Englifh as fome of them could fpeak, to know whether they could make Gun-powder ; which, when they found they could not doe, their Prize proved nothing fo pretious a Pearle in their Eyes as before." Ibid. ' Notwithstanding thefe Reafons, the Councill * of Warr, all of them except the Captain, were at * a ftand, and could not judge it meet to fail to * Narraganfet. Capt. Mafon in this difficult Cafe, ' went to the Reverend Mr. Samuel Stone, late ' Teacher to the Church of Chrift at Hartford, ' who was fent as Preacher to the Army, and de- * fired him that he would that Night commend ' their Cafe and Difficulties before the Lord, and * feek Direction of him in the Matter, how and in ' what Manner they mould demean themfelves. * He retired himfelf from them aboard the Pink * the remaining Part of that Day, and the follow- * ing Night was not wanting in fpreading the Cafe * before the Lord, and feeking his Direction, in * the Morning he came on Shore to the Captains ' Chamber, and told him he had done as he defired 4 him, and though formerly he had been againft ' failing to Narraganfet and landing there, yet now * he was fully fatisfied to attend it. * The Councel being again called, and the Mat- ' ter debated, and Reafons confidered, they agreed * all with one accord to fail to Narraganfet, [29] ' which the next Morning they put in Execution, * which proved very fuccefsful, as the Sequel may * evidently demonstrate. What (hall I fay ? God * led his People through manifold difficultyes and ' Turnings, yet by more than an ordinary Hand of ' Providence, He led them in a right Way. ' On Friday Morning, they in purfuance of their ' Defign fet Sail for Narraganfet Bay, and on Sat- [ "6 ] ' urday toward Evening they arrived at their de- * fired Port, where they kept the Sabbath. I4 ? * On Munday the Wind blew fo hard at Norweft * that they could not go on Shoar, as alfo on Tuel- * day till it was near Sunfet, but the Wind abating, ' they and their Defign being commended to God ' by Mr. Stone, Capt. Mafon and his Company * landed, and marched up to the Place of the chief ' Sachims Refidence, 150 and told him, that they had * not an Opportunity before, to acquaint him with " their coming around into his Country, yet they * hoped it would be wel accepted by him, there * being Amity between us and them, and alfo that * the Pequots and they were Enemies, and that he ' could not be unacquainted with thefe intolerable ' Wrongs and Injuries, thofe Pequots had lately done ' unto the Englifh, and that they were now come ' (God affifting) to avenge ourfelves upon them, * and that they did only defire free PafTage through ' his Countrey. ' The Sachim returned this Anfwer, that he did 149 May 23, 1637. It was to the Arrival of the Maflachufetts Men under Patrick, that Roger Williams referred, doubtleis, in his Letter to John Winthrop, dated, " New Providence, this 4th of the " Weeke, at early Dawn." See Mafs. Hi}}. Colls., 36, 194. (They fhould have given their Volume a better Index, or none at all, as it is ' you a mercifull refrefhing to vs. ... ' He [Gallop] relates that there is ' now riding below three Pinnaces ' (the Names of the Matters Quick, ' JigHes [Giggles ?] and Robinfon), ' and the two Shalops, as allfo that ' the other, whereof Jackfon ' of Salem is Matter, was in com- ' pany with them the Night be- ' fore," &c. deceptive.) Mr. Williams fays : " John Gallop (blefled be the Lord) 13 Miantonimo was then the " is fafely arrived at our Dores, and " great Sachem of Narraganfet," " hath brought from the Lord and and this was on May 24th. * accept of their coming, and did alfo approve of * their Defigne, only he thought our Numbers were ' too Weak to deal with the Enemy, who were (as ' he (aid) very great Captains, and Men fkilful in ' War, thus he i'pake fomewhat flightingly of our ' Men. ' On Wednefday Morning they marched from ' there to a Place called Niantick, it being about ' eighteen or twenty Miles diftant, where another ' of thofe Narraganfet Sachims lived in a Fort, it * being a Frontier to the Pequots. They carried it ' very proudly to our Men, not permitting any of ' them to come into their Fort. 1 * 1 ' Capt. Mafon beholding their Carriage, and ' knowing the Falfehood of the Indians, fearing ' left they might difcover them to the Enemy, ' efpecially the Indians having many Times fome * of their neer Relations amongft their greateft ' Foes, faw Caufe to fet a Guard about their Fort, ' that no Indian might pafs in or out, and charged ' the Indians not to pafs out upon the Peril of their ' Lives. And there they quartered that Night, the ' Indians not offering to ftir out all the while. ' In the Morning came to the Army ieveral of * Miantinomie his Men, who told them they were ' come to affift them in the Expedition, which ' encouraged divers Indians of that Place to engage * alfo, who drawing [30] into a Ring, one by one, * made lolemn Proteftation how gallantly they .' would demean themfelves, and how many Men ' they would kill. 151 Ninigret, then a young Man, was Sachem of that Tribe. C "8 ] * On Thurfday, about eight of the Clock in the ' Morning, they marched thence towards Pequot, ' having about jfe hundred Indians with them. In ' which March, through the Heat of the Weather, ' and Want of Provifion, fome of our Men fainted ; ' but when they had marched about twelve Miles, * they came to Pawquatuck 1 ^ River, to a Ford, * where the Indians faid the Pequots did ufually * fifh. There they made a ftand and flayed Ibme ' fmall Time ; but the Narraganfet Indians mani- ' fefted great Fear, and many of them returned, ' although they had defpifed our Men, and laid ' they durft not look upon a Pequot, and vaunted ' what great Things they themfelves would do. * Capt. John Mafon faw Reafon then to acquaint ' the Indians that they were come on Purpofe, and * were refolved (God affifting) to fee the Pequots, and ' to fight with them before they returned, although * they perimed ; and then he enquired of Uncas ' what he thought the Indians would do ; who faid ' the Narraganfets would all leave them, but as for * him (elf, he would never leave them, and fo it ' proved. * After they had there refrefhed themfelves with * their mean Commons, they marched about three ' Miles, and came to a Field which had been ' planted with Indian Corn, where they made an- ' other Alt : and fuppofing that they drew near to ' the Enemy, who, as they were informed, had two 152 Pawcatuck, a Bay and River, part of the Boundary between it and in Wefterly, R. I. The River rifes R.I. Parfons, Indian Names, z\. partly in Conefticut, and makes This Name has many other fpellings. I2 9 ' Forts almoft impregnable, which did no Ways * difcourage the Souldiers, rather animated them, ' infomuch that they refolved to aiTault both the * Forts at once; but the Council of War having * confulted the Matter, underftood that one of the * Forts, in which the bloodieft Sachim refided, was * fo remote that they could not poffibly come up * with it in Seaibn, and feeing fome of the Soul- * diers fpent in the March with extream heat, and * Want of Neceffaries, concluded and refolved to ' afTault and ftorm the neareft Fort. 153 * Then they marched on in xjlknt Manner ; the * Indians th< t remained, who in the March hith- ' erto kept the Van, (being furprized with great ' Fear) fell all into the Rear. ' They continued their March till about an Hour * in the Night, and then coming to a little Swamp ' between two Hils, there they pitched their little ' Camp, being much wearied with hard Tra- ' veil ; fuppofing (by the Relations of the Indians) ( they were near the Fort, which proved other- ' wife. 154 The Rocks were their Pillows, yet Reft ' was fweet and pleafant to them. They appointed 153 Capt Underbill thus defcribes Colls . of Connetticut, 3 1 2. the Pequot Fort : " This Fort, or " Palifado, was well nigh an Acre J54 The Officers, fuppofing that " of Ground, which was furround- they were now near the Fort, pitch- " ed with Trees and half Trees, fet ed their little Camp between or near " into the Ground three feet deep, two large Rocks, in the prefent " and fattened clofe to one another." Town of Groton, fince called Por- The Hill is now called Pequot Hill, ter's Rocks. Trumbull's Hiji. Ct., and lies eight Miles northeaft of New i, 83. A View of the Rocks may London. There is a Reprefenta- be feen in Barber's Hift. Colls, of tion of the Hill in Barber's Hift. Connefttcut, p. 313. R their Guards, and placed their Sentinels at fome Diftance, who heard their [31] Enemies, finging in their Fort until Midnight, with great infulting and rejoycing (as they were afterwards informed by Wequajh a Pequot Captain, who was revolted from the Pequots, and was one of their Guides in this March) For they feeing our Pinnaces fail by them a few Days before concluded they were afraid of them, and durft not to come near them. 'Towards Morning Capt. Majon being awakened, and feeing it very light, fuppoied it had been day, and fo they might have loft their Opportunity, haveing determined to make their Aflault before Day and therefore immediately roufed up his Souldiers, and briefly commended themfelves and Defigne to the Guidance and Protection of the Lord, and went to the Affault. ' Their Indian Guide mowing them a Path, laid it led directly to the Fort; they took the Path, and marched on the beft Part of two Miles wondering that they faw not the Fort; and fearing that their Indian Guide might delude them, but coming to a Place where Corn was newly planted at the Foot of a great Hill, fuppofed the Fort was not far off, a champion Country being round about them. ' There the Captain caufed his Company to make a Stand and gave Order that the Indians fhould come unto him; at length Uncas and Wequajh come up, of whom he demanded where the Fort was ; they anfwered on the Top of that Hill ; He alfo enquired where the Reft of the Indians were, ' they anfwered, behind exceedingly afraid ; I5S he ' then defired them to tel the Reft of their Follow- ' ers that they fhould by no Means fly, but ftand * at what Diftance they pleafed, an fee whether * Englifh Men would now fight or not. Then Capt. ' Underbill come, up into the Front, and after Capt. 4 Mafon had commended their Cafe to God there * being two Entrences into the Fort, they divided * their Men ; and Capt. Mafon lead up to that en- * trance on the North- eaft Side, who approaching ' within a Rod of the Entrence a Dog bark'd, and ' an Indian cried Wanux wanux. 1 * 6 He commanded ' his Souldiers to clofe up to the Fort, and fire ' upon them through the Palizadoes, which they c - did, the Indians being in a dead and indeed their * laft Sleep. The Souldiers having fired wheeled ' off and came to the main Entrence, which was * blocked up with Bufhes about Breaft high, over ' which Capt. Mafon very couragioufly leaped, and ' ftood to make good the Entrance, and command- * ed his Souldiers to follow him, one of which 157 ' endeavouring, was entengled in the Bufhes, but 4 getting back, pulled out the Bufhes and fo the * Souldiers followed their Captain into the Fort ' with their Swords drawn, for they had concluded !55 " Of five or fix hundred In- ' off." P. Vincent's Hift. of the " dians, not above half were left; Battell, 37. " and they had followed the reft , _ had not Capt. Underhill upbraid- .. nux! ,?TJ. whu * ed them with Cowardice, and ' 1S En g hfhmen ' Enghfhmen!" ' promifed them they fhould not a -' n ' ' fight or come within (hot of the w " Lieutenant Seeley endavor- ' Fort, but only furround it afar " ed to enter," &c. Ma/on, to deftroy them with the [32] Sword, and fo to fave the Plunder. 1 * 8 ' The Indians as yet kept their Wigwams-, Capt. Majon entered a Wigwam, and his Guard not feeing him, pafled away from him, where he was ftrongly aflaulted by many Indians, but he bravely defended himfelf, and flew feveral of his Oppofers; at laft William Heyden perceiving the Place where the Captain went in, eflayed to go in himfelf, but in his Entrance ftumbled upon a dead Man, but foon recovering himfelf, he fel upon the Indians. The Indians fome were flain, fome fled, others crept under their Beds, 158 The following is Capt. Un derbill's Account of the Onfet : " Having our Swords in our right " Hand, our Carbines or Mufkets " in our left Hand, we approached " the Fort. Mailer Hedge being " {hot through both Arms, and " more wounded. Though it be not " commendable for a Man to make " mention of anything that might tend to his own Honour, yet becaufe I would haue the Provi dence of God obferved, and his Name magnified, as well for my- felf as others, I dare not omit, but let the World know, the Deliv erance was given to us that com mand, as well as to private Sol diers. Capt Mafon and myfelf entering into the Wigwams, he was mot, and received many Arrows againft his Head-piece, God preferving him from many Wounds. Myfelf received a Shot in the left Hip, through a fuffi- cient buff Coat, that if I had not been fupplied with fuch a Gar ment, the Arrow would have pierced through me. Another I received between my Neck and Shoulders, hanging in the Linen of my Head-piece. Others of our Soldiers were mot, fome through the Shoulders, fome in the Face, fome in the Head, fome in the Legs. Capt. Mafon and myfelf lofing each of us a Man, and had near twenty wounded. Moil courageoufly thefe Pequeats behaued themfelves. But feeing the Fort was too hot for us, we devifed a Way how we might faue ourfelues and prejudice them. Capt. Mafon entering into a Wig wam, brought out a Firebrand, after he had wounded many in the Houfe. Then he fet Fire on the well Side where he entered. Myfelf fet Fire on the fouth End with a Train of Powder. The Fires of both meeting in the Centre of the Fort, blazed moil terribly, and burnt all in the Space Half an Hour. Many courage- ' where they flept their laft; the Captain going ' out of the Wigwams met with many of them ' and put them to the Sword ; in which Time of * Fight feveral Englifh were wounded. Capt. Ma- ' fon perceiving his Men wounded, and the Enemy ' not yet routed, faw Caufe himfelf to go into a ' Wigwam, and fetch out a Firebrand, and putting * it in one of the Mats with which the Wigwams ' were covered; commanded one of his Souldiers * to throw fome Powder upon it, which fet the ' Mat on Fire, which the Wind taking, it was ' quickly thoroughly kindled, which made the In- ' dians run as Men moft dreadfully amazed. l & ous Fellows were unwilling to come out, and fought moft def- perately through the Palifadoes, fo as they were fcorched and burnt with the very Flame, and were deprived of their Arms in regard the Fire burnt their very Bowftrings and fo perifhed val iantly. Mercy they did deferve for their Valour, could we have had Opportunity to have beftow- ed it. Many were burnt in the Fort, both Men, Women and Children. Others forced [their Way] out, and came in Troops to the Indians, twenty and thirty at a Time, which our Soldiers received and entertained with the Point of the Sword. Down fell Men, Women and Children ; thofe that efcaped us fell into the : Hands of the Indians that were in the Rear of us. It is reported by themfelvesj that there were : about four hundred Souls in this Fort, and not above five of them efcaped out of our Hands. Great " and doleful was the bloody Sight " to the View of young Soldiers " that never had been in War, to " fee fo many Souls lie gafping on " the Ground, fo thick in fome " Places that you could hardly pafs " along." Underbill. " But this is very remarkable, one " of them being wounded to Death, a " Thruft thorow the Neck with a " Halbert, yet after all, lying groan- " ing upon the Ground, he caught '" the Halberts Speare [Blade] in " his Hand, and wound it quite " round." Johnfon, W. Prov., 115. 1 ' <) Mr. Allen has taken great Liberties with the Original, and his Liberty with this important Part of the Narrative is intolerable. I there fore extraft the Paragraph as Prince has given it in the Words of Mafon : Whereupon Capt. Mafon, feeing no Indians, entered a Wigwam, where he was befet with many ' Indians, waiting all Opportunities ' to lay Hands on him, but could And indeed fuch a dreadful Terror did the ' Almighty let fall upon their Spirits, that they ' would fly from the Sword, and caft themfelves ' into the very Flames, where many of them per- ' ifhed. 160 not prevail. At length William Hey don efpying the Breach in the Wigwam, fuppofmg fome Englifh might be there entred; but in his Entrance fell over a dead Indian; but fpeedily recover ing himfelf, the Indians, fome fled, others crept under their Beds : The Captain, going out of the Wigwam, faw many Indians in the Lane or Street ; he making towards them, they fled, were purfued to the End of the Lane, where they were met by Edward Pattifon, Thomas Barber, with fome others, where feven of them were flain, as they faid. The Captain facing about, marched a flow Pace up the Lane, he came down, perceiving himfelf very much out of Breath, and coming to the other End near the Place where he firft entred, faw two Soldiers Handing clofe to the Pal- lizado with their Swords pointed to the Ground : The Captain told them that we fhould never kill them after that Manner : The Captain alfo faid ' We muft burn them ;' and immediately ftepping into the Wigwam where he had been before, brought out a Firebrand, and putting it into the Matts with which they were cov- : ered, fet the Wigwams on Fire. : Lieut. Thomas Bull and Nicholas Omfted beholding, came up ; and " when it was thoroughly kindled, " the Indians ran as Men moft " dreadfully amazed." 1 G!J The following is Vincent's Ac.ount of the taking of the Fort: " The Englifh went refolutely up " to the Door of the Fort. What ! " (hall we enter? faid Capt. Under- hrll [This is denied by Under- hill with an honeft Soldiers em- phafis.] What came we for elfe ? anfwered one Hedge a young Northamptonshire Gentleman, who advancing before the reft, plucked away fome Bufhes and entered. A flout Pequot en counters him ; moots his Arrow, down to the Head into his right Arm where it ftuck. He flafhed the Salvage betwixt the Arm and Shoulder, who preffing towards the Door, was killed by the Eng lifh. Immediately Mafter Hedge encountered another, who per ceiving him upon him before he could deliver his Arrow, gave back ; but he ftruck up his Heels, and run him through. After him he killed two or three more. Then about Half the Englifh en tered, fell on with Courage, and flew many. But being ftraitened for Room becaufe of the Wig wams, (which are the Salvage Huts or Cabins,) they called for Fire to burn them. An Englifh- ' The Fort being fired, the Captain commanded ' that all mould march out of the Fort, and fur- ' round it ; which was readily attended by all, only ' one Arthur Smith was fo wounded that he could ' not move out of the Place, who was happily ' efpyed by Lieut. ^Tho. Bu//, and by him refcued * from the Flames, which otherwile had confumed ' him. * The Fire was kindled on the Northeaft Side to ' Windward, which did fwiftly overrun the whole ' Fort, to the extream Amazement of the Enemy, * and great rejoycing of our Souldiers, fome of the ' Enemy climbed to the Top of the Pallizadoes, ' where they were mot down, others gathered to ' the windward Side of the Fort, and lay pelting at * our Men with their Arrows, who repaied them ' with their fmall Shot, others of the ftouteft iflued ' forth of the Fort, about fourty of them who fell ' by the Sword. ' Capt. Underbill and thofe with him acted their ' Parts in this Tragedy, efpecially one Mr. Hedge 161 " man ftepped into a Wigwam, and hear nothing of any Feats of the ' ftooping for a Firebrand, an In- latter. They were doubtlefs So- ' dian was ready to knock out his journers in the Country for a fhort ' Brains ; but he whipt out his Time only. Mafon fays, " a val- ' Sword and run him into the Belly, " iant refolute Gentleman, one Mr. ' that his Bowels followed. Then " Hedge, ftepping towards the Gate, ' were the Wigwams fet on fire," &c. " faid, 'If we may not enter, " wherefore came we here ;' " thus 161 Nothing feems to be known not corroborating what Vincent at- of this " Matter Hedge," further tributed to Capt. Underbill. Mafon than is reported by Vincent and moreover fays that the Indian which Mafon. He is fuppofed to be a Hedge encountered at his Entrance Volunteer in the Expedition, as pro- was killed by him and Sergeant bably was Vincent alfo, though we Davis. C '36 ] * who was the firft that entred that Gate to which ' Capt, Underbill led up ; the Fire was no fooner * kindled but the Smoke and Flames were fo * violent, that they were conftrained to defert the ' Fort and keep them in. [33] ' Thus were they now at their Wits end, ' who not many Hours before exalted themfelves ' in their great Pride, threatning and refolving the ' utter Ruin and Deftruction of all the Englifh, ' exulting and rejoicing with Songs and Dances ; ' but God was above them, who laughed his Ene- * myes, and the Enemyes of his People to Scorn, * making them as a fiery Oven ; thus were the ' ftout hearted fpoiled, having flept their laft Sleep, ' and none of their Men could find their Hands ; ' thus did the Lord judge among the Heathen, fill- c ing the Place with dead Bodyes. ' And here we may take Notice of God's Judge- ' ment upon this bloody Generation, in fending the ' Night before the AfTault an hundred and fifty ' Men from their other Fort to join with this Fort, * who were defigning (as iome of themfelves have * related) to go forth againfl the Englifh at that s very Inftant when this Stroke came upon them, * where the moft of them perimed with their Fel- * lows, fo that the Mifchief they intended againfl us ' came upon themfelves ; they were taken in their ' own Snare and we through the Mercy of God ' efcaped. And thus in little more than one Hours ' Space was their impregnable Fort with themfelves ' utterly deftroyed, to the Number of Jive or Jix ' hundred, as hath been confefled by the Pequots ' who efcaped. There were feven taken captive, ' and about eight efcaped ; and of the Engli/h there ' were twojlain 16 * outright and above twenty wounded. ' Some of our Souldiers fainted for Want of fuch ' Comforts and NecefTaries as were needful in fuch * a Cafe. The Chyrurgion* 63 was much wanted, ' who was left with the Barks in Narraganfet Bay, ' with Order there to remain until the Night be- ' fore they intended to AfTault. * And thereupon grew many Difficultyes amongft ' the Army, their Provilion and Ammunition being ' neer fpent, and they in the Enemyes Country, * who did far exceed them in Numbers, being ' much enraged, and moft of our Indian Friends ' having left them, and our Pinacnes a great Dif- ' tince from them, and their coming uncertain. * But as they were confulting what Courfe to * take, it pleafed God to difcover our VefTels to * them under a fair Gale of Wind failing into the ' Pequot Harbour, to their great rejoicing. ' They had no fooner diicovered our VefTels, ' but immediately came up the Enemy from the * other Fort, about three hundred of them. Capt. ' Mafon led forth a File or two of Men to fkirmim lfi2" One of them by our own bably Thomas Pell, who came over " Muflcets, as is thought." Vincent, in 1635, i tne Hopewell; and 38. " In little more than an Hour went with Lt. Lyon Gardiner to " betwixt three and four hundred Saybrook. " Our Chirurgeon," fays " of them weree killed." Ibid. Underbill, " not accuftomed to Mafon fets the Number flain at " fix " War, durft not hazard himfelf " or feven hundred," while Gardi- " where we ventured our Lives, but ner rates the killed at three hundred. " like a frefb water Soldier, kept " aboard." Farmer feems not to 103 This " Chyrurgion " was pro- have found this Perfon. s [ '38 3 ' with them, which ftopt their Carrier, and put * them to a Stand, and then they prepared to march ' towards our VefTels, but four or five of our Men * were fo wounded that they were fain to be car- ' ried, with the Armes of about twenty more which * took up fo many of the Souldiers, that there was ' not above forty [34] Men free, but at length they ' hired feveral Indians to carry the wounded Men, * who eafed them of that Burthen, and carried their ' wounded Men for them. ' And when the Souldiers had marched about a ' Quarter of a Mile, the Enemy come to the Place ' where the Fort had flood, and when they beheld * the Runies thereof, and the Carcaies of their * Friends lye fome upon the Earth, others fcorched ' and fome almoft confumed with the Fire, they ' ftamped and tore the Hair from their Heads, and ' ran mouting down the Hill in their full Carreer * and the Lofs they met withal made them wary ' not to come near. ' The Souldiers then meeting with a fmall Brook ' at the foot of the Hil being very dry, fat down ' and refrefhed themfelves, the Enemy being grown ' by this Time fo wary they durft not come too * neer, to difturb them. ' Then they marched on towards Pequot Har- ' hour, and meeting with feveral Wigwams in the ' Way they burnt them ; the Enemy followed ' them, and fome lay in Ambufh behind Rocks and ' Trees, often (hooting at them, yet God fo covered ' them, that not one of them was hurt, and when ' they came to any Swamp or Thicket, they made ' fome Shot, and cleared a PafTage, and fome of the ' Enemy fell, which our Indians feeing, would * give a great Shout and then venture to fetch * their Heads, 164 and thus they continued, till they ' came within two Miles of Pequot Harbour, ' where the Enemy gathered theemfelves together, ' and left our Army ; they marched on to the Top ' of an Hill adjoining to the Harbour, with their ' Colours flying, (as for their Drum, it was loft, 165 * or at lead left by their Drummer at the Place ' where they kept their Randezvouze the Night ' before) where they faw our VefTels riding at An- ' chor to their great Rejoicing, and when they had * marched to the Water Side, there they fat down ' in Quiet. ' Capt. Patrick*^ being there arrived (with our ' Veffels) with forty Men fent by the Maffacbufetts ' Colony upon fome Service againft the Block ' Iflanders or Pequots, came to the Shore in a ' Shallop, with fome of his Men, as he laid, to * refcue our Army, fuppofing they had been pur- 104 "The Indians that then affifted ' the Englifli, waiting the Fall of ' the Pequets, (as the Dog watcheth ' the Shot of the Fowler, to fetch ' the Prey,) ftill fetched them their Heads." Vincent, 38. 105 Mafon fays nothing about the Drum being loft. He fays it was left at the Place of their laft En campment. The Reafon it was left is obvious. They had no Ufe for it. Every Man was wanted to wield the Weapons of Definition. " The Reafon why the Englifh wanted Amunition was, becaufe they had left that which they had for ftore, with the Drum, at the Place of their Confultation ; but found it in their Return." Vincent. 166 Daniel Patrick. He marched by Land to Providence, and arrived in the Neighborhood of Mafon and Underbill's Veflels juft in Time to get on board, and go round in them to meet the viftorious Forces. The Time he marched is not mentioned. ' fued, although there did appear no Sign of any * fuch Thing. 16 ? * But Capt. Patrick could not be prevailed with ' by any Means to venture himfelf on Shore while ' our wounded Men were carried on board, which ' was troublefome, not only to our Souldiers, but ' to his own Men alfo, who manifested their dif- ' like of his Carriage ; at length our Men were ' fetched aboard our Veflels, to the great rejoicing * of their Friends, where they did with one Heart ' blefs the Lord for his Mercy and Goodnefs unto * them. [35] * I might here relate a Conteft that fel out ' between Capt. Underbill and Cap. Patrick, about ' Capt. Under bits claiming an Intereft in the Bark ' in which Capt. Patrick failed, which by the ' Mediation of Capt. Mafon was iflued, 168 and that ' being the Place of Randezvouze, where Veflels ' were expected from the Maffacbufets, it was ' agreed that Capt. Patrick mould there ride in ' that Bark, and fecure the Narraganfet Indians ' until our Veffel could carry our wounded Men * to Seybrook, and our Pink return to carry home ' the Narraganfet Indians. 107 Both Mafon and Underbill feverely and juftly cenfured for at- feem to have looked upon Patrick tacking without the cooperation of with Contempt or Envy ; and fo Patrick who was clofc at hand, far as can now be perceived, with out Caufe. Patrick feems to have 1(iS The Particulars are in the done his Duty like a good Soldier ; original Mafon, but being of flight not arriving in Time to be at the Intereft, hardly call for a Note, taking of the Fort was not his Fault, further than to direft Attention to and had the Attack refulted unfa- the falfe Manner of dealing with vorably Mafon would have been the Work of Mafon by the Copyift. C HI ' After this Agreement, Capt. Underbill fet Sail ' for Seybrook in our Bark, but before he was out of ' Sight, Capt. Patrick fignified by writing to Capt. ' Mafon that he could not attend that Service he ' had ingaged for he muft with his Company wait ' at Seybrook, for fome VeiTels he expected from the ' Bay, 169 advifing Capt. Mafon feeing he had ob- ' tained the Honour of that Service, he would ' compleat it in fecuring the Narraganfet Indians, ' &c. Which indeed was a hard Tafk and difficult ; ' for the Pink could not entertain them, and to * march by Land was dangerous, it being near ' twenty Miles, and in the Enemies Country, and 'their Numbers being fmall ; for they had fent ' home about twenty Men to help ftrengthen the ' Plantations on Connecticut, for Fear of the Pequods ' invading of them, but at laft, feeing they were ' neceffitated to inarch to Seybrook by Land, they ' went Amoar with the Indians, and began their ' March ; Capt. Patrick feeing what they were ' about, came Amoar alfo with his Men ; and ' although Capt. Mafon told him he did not delight ' in his Company, yet he would and did march * along with them. * In this March about the Midway between that ' and Seybrook, they fell upon a People called Nian- ' ticks, l i belonging to the Pequots, who fled to a 109 The Force difpatched under to have ignored their Pequot Origin, Capt. Ifrael Stoughton, which could and become, by Intermarriages with not be got ready until after Patrick the Narraganfets, and having joined had left, as will be feen. them againft the Pequots, a Part of them. See Book Inds., 131. Nini- 170 Afterwards this Tribe appear gret was their Chief. ' Swamp for Refuge ; but when they heard or faw * this fmall Troop they fled, who purfued them ' awhile by their Tracks as long as they kept to- ' gether; but the Day being much fpent, Sabbath ' drawing on, and themfelves much fpent with ' their former Travel, and Service, they left their ' Purfuit, and marched on towards Stybrook, ' and about Sun-fet they arrived by Connetticut 1 River fide ; where they were welcomed by Leiut. ' Gardner ; with many great Gunns, but were forced ' there to take up their Quarters that Night. On ' the Morrow Morning they were all fetched over, ' where they kept the Sabbath, and were nobly en- * tertained by Leivt. Gardner, from whom they ' received meny Courtefies. ' And when they had taken Order for the fafe ' Conduct of the Narraganfet Indians to their ' Country, Capt. Mafon with his Men returned to ' Connecticut, the Place of their abode, where they ' were entertained with [36] great Triumph and ' Rejoycing and Praifing of God, for his Goodnefs ' to us in fucceeding our Endeavours, in crowning ' them with Succefs, and in reftoring our fmall ' Army with fo little Lofs. ' Thus was God feen in the Mount, crushing ' his proud Enemies, and the Enemies of his People, ' fo that they who were ere while a Terror to all * that were round about them, who refolved to de- ' ftroy all the Englifh, and to root their very Name ' out of this Country, were by weak Meanes 171 thus 171 " Even feventy feven there OmiJJion of the Tranfcriber. Why " being no more at the Fort." fuch an Omiffion ? H3 ' vanquifhed and deftroyed, and the Mifchief they ' plotted, and the Violence they offered, was brought ' on their own Heads in a Moment : for the Lord ' burnt them up in the Fire of his Wrath, and ' dunged the Ground with their Flem, it was the ' Lords doing, and it was marvelous in our Eyes. ' It is he that hath made His Work wonderful, and * and therefore ought to be remembered. * Suddenly after this, the whole Body of the * remaining Pequots repaired to that Fort where * Saffacous the chief S'achim did refide, and charged ' him that he was the only Caufe of all their * Troubles that befel them, and therefore they ' would deftroy both him and his ; yet by the ' Entreaty of his Counsellors, they fpared his Life; * coniulting what Courfe to take, concluded there ' was no Abiding any longer in their Country, and * fo refolved to fly into leveral Parts. The greateft ' Body of them went towards Manadus, 11 * and in * their Paflage over Connecticut River, they met ' with three Englimmen in a Shallop going for * Seybroak, and fought them, who refitted them ' ftoutly, and killed and wounded many of them, * but their Shallop falling on Ground they were all three flain.^s 172 Manbatance, in Prince's Ma- metjick. The three Men were going fon. Manhattan, where the City in a Boat for Clay. One was killed, of New York is now. the other two were tortured, but in what Manner is not known pro- 173 1 have not been fortunate bably by burning them to Death in enough to meet with the Names of a flow Fire. See R. Williams in thefe Sufferers. One of the Pequot Mafs. Hijlorical Collections, 36, Murderers of them was named Pa- 230-1. [ 144 ] ' About a Fortnight after our Souldiers were returned Home from Miftick Fight, we heard of the Arrival of feveral Veflels from the Maffachu- fetts Colony in Pequot River ; Capt. IJrael Stougb- ton being Commander in chief, and with him about 1 20 Men, who were fent by that Colony to proiecute the War againft the Pequots ; and although the main Body of the Pequots were fled, yet fome Straglers remained in that Country, fome of whom were difcovered by the Moheags, and by them difcovered to the MafTachufetts Forces, by whom they were both furprifed and taken, and feveral of which, to the Number of about twenty three, were put to Death ; the Reft were fent to the Bay. 174 ' The Colony of Connecticut hereupon fent forth Capt. Mafon again with forty Men, as alfo feveral Gentlemen, (as the Honour'd John Haines and 174 F or an Account of the Opera tions of the Maflachufetts Troops we rnuft recur to Hubbard. The above Paragraph is far more comprehend ve thanthecorrefpondingone in Mafon, and Hubbard has Fafts not in either. His Paragraph runs thus : " It was not long after Capt. Stoughton's Soldiers came up, before News was brought of a great Number of the Enemy, that were difcov ered by the Side of a River up the Country, being firft trepan ned by the Narhaganfets, under Pretence of fecuring them, but they were truly hemmed in by them, though at a Diftance, yet fo as they could not or durft not ftir from the Place, by which Means our Forces of the Maffa- chufets had an eafie Conqueft of fome hundreds of them, who were there couped up as in a Pound ; not daring to fight, not able to fly away, and fo were all taken with out any Oppofition : the Men among them to the Number of thirty were turned prefently into Charrons Ferry boat, under the Command of Skipper Gallop, who difpatched them a little with out of the Harbour ; the Females and Children were difpofed of according to the Will of the Con querors, fome being given to the Narhaganfets and other Indians that aflifted in the Service." Narrative, 127. C '45 ] ' Roger Ludlow, Efqrs.) to meet with thofe of the ' Majfacbufets to confult and determine what was ' farther neceflary to be attended. Who meeting ' with thofe of the Maffachufets in the Pequot ' Harbour [37] after Confultation, concluded to ' purfue the Pequots (who as you heard before ' were fled towards the Menados] and fo began ' their March after them, and difcovered feveral * Places where they had rendevowed and lodged ' not far diftant one from the other, for they could ' make but little Hafte, by Reafon of their ancient ' People and Children, and their Want of Provi- ' fion, being forced to gather Clams, and fuch other ' Things as the Wildernefs afforded for their Relief. ' The Veffels sailed along by the Shore. In the ' March fome were gleaned, but within the Space * of three Dayes, or thereabouts, they arrived at a ' Place then called ^uinipiag (now New Haven) ' and there efpying a great Smoke in the Woods, ' not far diftant, fuppofing the Pequots might be ' there, they went to difcover them ; but they ' quickly difcovered them to be Connecticut Indi- ' ans. From them they fent a Pequot Captive ' (whom they named Luz) upon Difcovery, who ' brought them Tidings of the Enemy which ' proved real. * The Pequots were fo terrified in their Flight, * that a Moheag Indian (named Jack Eaton) meet- ' ing in this Perfuit with three Pequots, took two ' of them and brought them to the Englifh. ' But to return, they having Tidings where the T ' Pequots were, haftried towards the Place where ' they heard they were, and at laft coming into a ' Corn Field, feveral of the Englim efpyed fome ' Indians, who fled from them. They purfued ' them, and coming to the top of an Hill, faw ' feveral Wigwams juft oppofite, only a Swamp * intervening, which was almoft divided in two ' Parts. One Serjeant Palmor ha fining with about ' twelve Men (who were then under his Com- ' mand) to furround the fmaller Part of the Swamp, * that fo he might prevent the Indians flying. ' But Lieut. Davenport, Serjeant yefferyes &c. going ' up to the Wigwams were there aflaulted by the ' Indians. In this Skirmim the Englim flew but ' few, two or three of themfelves were wounded, ' the Reft of their Army coming up, the Swamp ' was iurrounded. 175 * Their Council being called, the Queftion was ' propounded how they mould proceed ? Capt. ' Patrick advifed that they mould cut down the ' Swamp, (they having taken many Indian Hatch- ' ets.) Others propounded to hedge in the Swamp, ' which others judged would be to no Purpoie, ' and therefore ftrongly oppofed it. Some other ' advifed to Force the Swamp, having Time enough 175 The Pequots " flying into a ' very thick Swamp, being unac- ' ceffible, by Reafon of the boggy ' Holes of Water, and thick Bufhes; ' the Englim drawing up their ' Company belagered the Swamp, ' and the Indians in the mean Time ' fkulking up and down, and as Page 115. ' they faw Opportunity they made ' Shot with their Arrows at the 1 Englim, and then fuddainly they ' would fall flat along in the Water to defend themfelves from the re- talliation of the Souldiers Muf- ' kets." Wond. Work. Providences, [ H7 ] (it being about three a Clock in the Afternoon), but that being oppofed, it was then proupounded that the Men mould be drawn up cloie to the Swamp, which would have leihed the Circum ference, and then to fill up the open Paflages with Bumes, that fo they might fecure them till the Morning, and then confider farther about it. But neither of thefe would pafs, fo different [38] were their Apprehenfions, which was very griveous to fome, who concluded that the Indians would make an Efcape in the Night, as eafily they might, and did, the Swamp being large and their Num bers being fo fmall that they were forced to ftand at a great Diftance one from another, which made their Efcape more eafle. ' Capt. Mafon took Order that the narrow Paf- fage in the Swamp mould be cut through, which mould much (horten the League, which was ac cordingly attended and refolutely performed by Serjeant Davis and fome others with him. 176 17G Johnfon fays the Decifion upon a Plan of Dealing with the enfwamped Indians was arrived at by the following Circumftance : " Some of the Englifh fpyed an Indian with a Kettle at his Back going more inwardly into the Swamp, by which they perceived there was fome Place of firm ' Land in the midft thereof, which ' caufed them to make Way for the ' Paflage of their Souldiers which ' brought this Warre to a Period." Wond. Work. Prov. ; ibid. P. 1 16. In the Purfuit of the Enemy the following remarkable Feat, accord ing to Johnfon, occurred : " As the ' Souldiers were upon their March, ' clofe by a great Thicket, where ' no Eye could penetrate farre, ' fome Souldiers lingering behinde ' their Fellowes, two Indians watch- ' ing their Opportunity, when they ' fuppofed the laft Man was come up, who kept a double, double, double Diftance in his March, they fudden and fwiftly fnatched him up, hoifmg him upon their Shoulders, ran into the Swamp with him. The Souldier ftrove ' Mr. Thomas Stanfon* 77 a Man well acquainted with the Indians Language and Manners, per ceiving the Counfell of War loth to deftroy Wo men and Children, (as alfo the Indians of that Place) freely offered his Service to go into the Swamp and treat with them, which the Councel were iomewhat backward to, by Reaion of fome Hazard he might be expoled to, but his Impor tunity prevailed, who going to them did in a mort Time come to the Councel with near 200 old Men, Women and Children, who delivered : to free himlelf ; but like a care- ; full Commander, one Captaine Davenport, then Lieutenant of this Company, being diligent in his Place to bring up the Reare, coming up with them, followed with Speed into the Swamp after him, having a very fevere Cutlace tyed to his Wrift, and being well able to make it Bite fore when he fet it on, refolving to make it fall foul on the Indians Bones, he foone overtook them, but was prevented by the Buckler they held up from hitting them, which was the Man they had taken: It was Matter of much Wonder to fee with what Dexterity they hurled the poore Souldier about, as if they had been handling a Lacedaemonian Shield ; fo that the nimble Captaine Davenport could not, of a long Time, faften one Stroke upon them ; yet at laft they caft downe their Prey, and halted through the Thickets for their Lives. The Souldier thus redeemed, had no fuch hard " Ufage, but that he is alive, as I "fuppofe, at this very Day." [1654.] Wond. Work, Prov., 116. See alfo Hubbard, 129, who fays "Lieut. ' Davenport was forely wounded ' in the Body, John Wedgwood of * Ipfwich in the Belly, was laid ' hold on alfo by fome of the In- ' dians." He was probably the Buckler above mentioned by John- fon. At the fame Time Thomas Sherman, alfo of Ipfwich, was wounded. " Others were in much ' Hazard of being fwallowed by ' the miery Bogs of the Swamp, ' wherein they lluck fo faft, that if ' Serjeant Riggs of Roxbury had ' not refcued two or three of them, ' they had fallen into the Hands ' of the Enemy." Ibid. 177 We firft hear of this import ant Perfonage by Lieut. Gardiner. He came to Saybrook in 1636, as an Interpreter; is probably the Thomas Stanton who failed from England for Virginia the Year be fore. How he baca'me Mafter of [ 14-9 ] ' themfelves to the Mercy of the Englifh, moft of ' which brought their fmall Prefent with them, and ' laid it down before the Councell. Now Night ' drawing on, they did beleaguer the Swamp as ' ftrongly as they could. ' But above Halfe an Hour before Day the In- * dians that were in the Swamp, attempted to break ' through Capt. Patricks Quarters, but were beaten ' back feveral Times. They made a great Noife, * as their Manner is at fuch Times, which founded ' round about the Leaguer; Capt. Mafon fent Serjeant ' Stares 17 * to affift thofe againft whom the Pequots ' preflcd to come out by, at which Time alfo Capt. ' Trajk came in to their Affiftance, but the Tumult ' encreafing, the Siege was raifed, and they marching ' up to a Place at a Turning of the Swamp, the ' Indians were forcing out upon them, but they the Indian Language does not ap- " himfelf confeft to me at my pear. He fettled in Stonington, and " Howfe." Ibid, 208. Wequaf- died in 1678, leaving a Wife and chuck had married the Mother of fome nine Children. In all Troubles Safacous. Genealogical Matters and Controverfies between the Eng- among Indians muft have been very lifh and Indians Mr. Stanton was uncertain. Numerous are the De- depended upon to interpret between fcendants of Thomas Stanton at this them, yet at one Time the Indians Day. Mifs Caulkins has laid them greatly diftrufted him ; believing under many Objigations in this Be- that he interpreted againft them. half. See her invaluable Hi/lory of He was faid to have been " groflly New London, 296, and elfewhere. " deluded " by the wily Wequaf- Hubbard fays " he was an exadt chuck, " the Man (to my Know- " Interpreter." " ledge) that flickered Audfah, the " Murtherer of Mr. Oldham." R. *" Perhaps a Mifprint, as I do Williams in Mafs. Hi/I. Colls., 36, not find the Name of Stares in any 208, 216, 234, 246. Williams of our Records ; yet Prince has the alfo fays that Stanton was " groflly fame Spelling in his Edition of " coufend and deluded by Wequaf- Mafon. Savage does not include him " chuck, a Nayantaquit Sachim, as in his great Dictionary. [ '50 ] ' fired upon them, and fent them back by their ' fmall Shot. Then they waited a little for their ' fecond Attempt, but the Indians facing about, ' and preffing violently upon Capt. Patricks Quar- ' ters, brake through, and To efcaped about feventy ' of them, as the Indians informed ; the Swamp was ' fearched; there were but few found flain. The ' Captives that were taken were about an hundred ' and eighty, which were divided between the two ' Colonyes, and they intended to keep them as Ser- ' vants, but they could not endure the Yoke, for * few of them continued any conilderable Time ' with their Mailers. 17 * * Thus did the Lord fcatter his Enemyes with ' his ftrong Arm. ' The Pequots now become a Prey to all Indians : ' happy were they [39] that could bring in their ' Heads to the Englifh, of which there came almofl ' dayly to Windfor or Hartford ; but the Pequots ' growing weary hereof, fent fome of the Chief ' that furvived to mediate with the Englifh, offer- ' ing that if they might but enjoy their Lives, they ' would become the Englifh VafTals, to difpofe of ' them as they pleafed. * Whereupon Uncas and Miantonimo were fent ' for, who with the Pequots met at Hartford', the * Pequots being demanded, how many of them ' were then living, they anfwered about an hundred 4 and eighty or two hundred ; Then were there ' granted to Uncas Sachim of Mobeag eighty, and 179 Hubbard fays the Swamp was Fairfield or Stratford now Hands. a hideous one near the Place where Indian Wars, \ 29. ' to Miantonimo Sachim of Narraganfet eighty, and ' to Ninnicraft twenty Men, when he fhould fatisfy ' for a Mare of Elwood Pomeryes, killed by fome of ' his Men ; The Pequots like wife were by Cove- f nant bound, that they fhould no more inhabit ' their native Countrey; nor fhould any of them be ' called Pequots but Moheags and Narraganfets for * ever; Shortly after about forty of them went to ' Moheag, others went to Long Illand, others fet- ' tied at Pawcatuck, a Place in the Pequot Country, ' contrary to their Covenant and Agreement with ' the Englifh fo lately made, which Connecticut ta- ' king into Confideration, and well weighing the ' Inconveniences that might enfue ; for the Preven- ' tion whereof, they Cent forth forty Men under * the Command of Capt. Mafon, to fupplant them 4 by burning their Wigwams, and bringing away ' their Corn, except they would defert the Place : * Uncas with about one hundred of his Men in * twenty Cannoes alfo went to affift them in the ' Service ; as they failed into Pawcatuck Bay, they ' met with three of thofe Indians whom they ' fent to inform the Reft with the End of their ' coming, and alfo to tell them that they deiired to ' fpeak with them or fome of them, they promifed ' to do the Meflage, and fpeedily to return ; but * they forgot to keep their Word for they came < not. ' Then they went up into the River in their Vef- ' fel, but by Reafon of Flats were forced to land on the weft Side of the River, their Wigwams ' being on the eaft Side, juft oppoiite; where they ' faw the Indians running up and down, jefting at ' them. * Then they landed, and went up into a narrow ' Place in the River between two Rocks, where ' they drew up the Indian Cannooes, and got fud- ' denly over the River, fooner than they were ' expected, and marched up to the Wigwams, where ' the Indians were all fled, except fome old People ' that could not. ' They were fo fuddenly upon them, that they ' had not Time to convey away their Goods. ' There was plenty of Corn, it being the Time of ' Harveft, [40] and when they had viewed it, they ' were paffing to the Water fide to the Pinnance, ' Half of Uncas his Men being with them, the reft ' were plundering the Wigwams ; and as they were ' marching they loked behind them, and faw ' about fixty Indians running towards them, untill ' they came within forty Paces of the Indians, then * they ran and met them, and fell on pell mell, ' ftriking and cutting with Bowes and Hatchets ' and Knives, &c., after their feeble Manner. In- ' deed it did not deferve the Name of Fighting. * They then endeavoured to get between the In- ' dians and the Woods, that fo they might prevent ' their flying, which the Indians perceived and ' endeavoured fpeedily to get away under the Beach, ' but our Men made no Shot at them, but they laid ' hold on about feven of them, who were Ninni- ' crafts Men, who grew very outragious ; the Cap- ' tain told them if they were not quiet they mould ' be made fhorter by the Head ; and when they ' were going to put it into Execution, Of aft Sachim ' of Narraganfet, and Brother to Miantonimo, ftep- ( ped forth to Capt. Mafon, and told him, thofe Men * whom he was going to execute were his Brothers ' Men, who was a Friend to the Englifh, and if ' their Lives might be fpared, he would engage to ' deliver fo many MurthereTs Heads in lieu of them ' to the Englim ; The Captain granted his Defire, * and the Men were delivered to Uncas to be fecured ' till Otafli his Engagement was performed. ' Then they drew up their Bark into a Creek * the better to defend her, there being fome hun- * dreds of Indians within five Miles, waiting their ' Motion. ' But there they quartered that Night. In the * Morning as foon as it was Light, there appeared * in Arms at leaft three hundred Indians on the other ' Side the Creek, upon which the Captain com- * manded his Men to ftand to their Armes, which * the Indians perceiving, fome of them fled, others * crept behind the Rocks and Trees, not one of ' them were to be feen. ' They then called to them, faying, they defired * to fpeak with them, and that they would lay ' down their Armes for that End, whereupon they ' flood up : The Captain told them that the.Pe- * quots had violated their Promife and Covenant] * with the Englim, in that they were not tKe"re to/ * inhabit, and that he was lent to fupplant them; * the Indians anfwered, the Pequots were good Men, * their Friends, and they would fight for them and ' protect them ; which Words moved the Captain, U [ '54- ] ' who told them it was not far to the Head of the ' Creek, where he would meet them, and then they ' might try what they could do ; [41 ] The Indians ' replied, they would not fight with Englt/hmen, for ' they were Spirits ; l8 but they would fight with Un- ' cas. The Captain told them that he thought it was ' too early for them to fight; but they might take ' their Opportunity and fight when' they faw Caufe, ' for they mould be burning their Wigwams, ' and carrying their Corn aboard all that Day, and ' prefently caufed the Drum to be beat up, and ' fired their Wigwams in their View. But as they ' marched along, there flood two Indians upon an ' Hill jeering and reviling of them ; Mr. Stanton ' the Interpreter marching at Liberty, defired leave ' of the Captain to make a Shot at them ; the ' Captain demanded of the Indians, who they were ; ' they anfwered that they were Murtherers ; the * Captain then gave Mr. Stanton leave to make a ' Shot at them, who did fo, and mot one of them ' through both his Thighs, which was to the Won- ' derment both of Englim and Indians, it being at * fuch a vaft Diftance. ' They then proceeded and loaded their Bark * with Indian Corn, and their Canooes, about thirty ' of them, with Indian Trayes, Kettles, Mats, and * other Luggage, and then went on Board, and ' made homeward, and it pleaied God to profper ' them, fo that in a fhort Time they all arrived in ' Safety at the Place of their abode ; though they 180 It would have been gratifying of Spirits the Indians thought them if the Writer had told us what Kind to be. ' were in Hazard by the VefTels ftriking upon a ' Rock, and {ticking thereon a while in their Re- ' turn, yet the Lord bore them in his own Armes, ' and preferved them from Danger. * Thus we may fee how the Face of God is fet ' againft them that do Evil, to cut off their Re- ' membrance from the Earth. 181 ' Our Tongues therefore mail talk of his Right- * eoufnefs all the Day long, for they are confounded, ' they are brought to Shame that fought our Hurt, ' BleJJed be the Lord God of Ifrael, who only doth ' wondrous Things, and BleJJed be his holy Name 'forever, Let the whole Earth be filled with his ' Glory ; for the Lord was pleafed to fmite our ' Enemyes in the hinder Parts, and to give us their ' Land for an Inheritance, who remembered us in ' our low Eftate, and redeemed us out of our Ene- ' myes Hands ; Let us therefore praife the Lord ' for his Goodnefs, and wonderful Works to the ' Children of Men. ' Upon the whole it may not be amifs to gather * out fome Specialtyes of Providence, that fo the * Goodnefs of God may be taken notice of, and our * Hearts enlarged in the Praife and Service of that ' God who hath wrought fo wonderfully for our ' Fathers and for us. J * Thofe who were employed in this Service were ' not many, their Commons were very mort, there ' being then a general Scarcity throughout this ' Colony of all Sorts of Provifion, it being upon our 181 Our Fathers were never at a which they fancied met each par- Lofs for apt Scriptural Quotations ticular Cafe. [ '56 ] ' very [42] Beginings on the Place, they had but ' little Refreshment with them in their long March ' from Narraganfet to Pequot ; but one Pint of ' Liquor which was moderately dealt out to fuch ' as fainted in the Way, by Reafon of the Extremity ' of the Heat and fore Travel : after the Liquor ' was fpent, the very fmelling to the Bottle was ' effectual to the reviving of the fainting Souldiers. ' They walked in an unknown Path, yet God ' guided them in the Way they Jhould goe, though ' they knew not where the Forts were, nor how far it ' was to them, nor how far the Way that led to them * otherwife than what they had from their Indian ' Guides, in whom they durft not confide, and that ' in their fo long a March among a treacherous ' People, who had feveral Relations amongft our * Enemies, and that in their March, and Allodge- ' ment in the Enemies Country which was very ' populous, they mould not be difcovered but ' brought to their Enemies in the fitteft Seafon, ' when none of them then ufually were together, and ' that they mould be fo fucceeded in their Delign, ' (as you have heard) is Matter of Wonderment. ' What mall I fay ? God was pleafed to hide ' them in the Hollow of his Hand. It was a fay- ' ing of Mr. Hooker, that Man of God, in his 'Encouragements to the Souldiers, as they were ' going forth to thofe Ingagements, that the Pequots ' mould be Bread for them ; and the Lord made ' good his Sayings. ' It may not be amifs here alfo to remember Mr. ' Stone 1 ** (the famous Teacher of the Church of ' Hartford) who was fent to preach and pray with ' thofe who went out in thofe Engagements againft * the Pequots ; He lent his beft Affiftance and * Counfel in the Management of thofe Defigns, and * the Night in which the Engagement was, (in the ' Morning of it) I fay that Night he was with the ' Lord alone, wreftling with Him by Faith and ' Prayer; and furely his Prayers prevailed for a ' Blefling ; and in the very Time when our Ifrael ' were ingaging with the bloud-thirfty Pequots, he ' was in the Top of the Mount, and fo held up his ' Hand, that Ifrael prevailed. ' In thofe Ingagements fome Men had fpecial ' Deliverances. There were two Men, being one * Mans Servants, who were both mot in the Knots ' of their Neck-cloathes about their Necks, and ' received no Hurt. l8 3 Alfo Lieut. Siefy, 1 **. was ' mot in the Eyebrow with a flat headed Arrow, * the Point turning downward, the Captain himfelf ' pulled the Arrow out. Lieut. Bu// lB s was alfo ' mot in the Back with an Arrow, which met with 182 Rev. Samuel Stone. He came previous Note, to Bofton in 1633, and refided at Cambridge till 1636, when he went 184 Lieut. Robert Sieley, Sealy, to Hartford and fettled, and died Seeley, or Seely. According to there 20 July, 1663. He was a Savage, Capt. Nafbaniet-Seeley, Son Native of Hartford in England, and of this Gentleman, was killed in Hartford in Connecticut was fo Philip's War in the Narraganfet named on that Account (in 1637). Fort Fight. Trumbull, i, 77. 185 Lieut. Thomas Bull, before 183 Perhaps this refers to Wedge- mentioned. He came to N. England wood and Sherman, mentioned in a in 1635, at me Age f 2 5- [ '58 ] c an hard Piece of Cheefe and went no further, ' which may verify the old Saying a little Armour ' would ferve if a Man knew where to place it. ' Thus the Lord did great Things for his People ' among the Heathen whereof we are glad, Praife * ye the Lord, [43] * The Year following, the Colony of Con - ' necticut being in great Want of Provifion, Indian ' Corn being at twelve Shillings the Bufhel. The ' Court of Connecticut imployed Capt. Mafon and ' Mr. William Wadfworth, and Deacon Edward * Stebbing y to make a Trial what Providence would ' afford for their Relief, in this great Streight ; who * notwithftanding fome Difcouragements they met ' with fome Englifh, went to a Place called Pa * comptuck^ where they procured fo much Corn at ' reaibnable Rates, that the Indians brought down ' to Hartford and Wind/or fifty Cannoes laden with ' Corn at one Time, never was the like known to ' this Day, fo that although the Lord was pleafed ' to (hew his People hard Things in their Begin- ' engs, yet did he execute Judgment for the ' Opprefled, and gave Food to the Hungry, afford- ' ing them 'his continued Protection and Bleffing, ' in the bountifull Supply of the good Things of 4 this Life, with the Continuance of his Gofpel and * Ordinances, and a plentifull Increafe of their ' Number, from four Plantations which was then ' the alone Number of the Colony of Connecticut ; ' to twenty four Towns, 1 ^ which is the prefent 186 Or Pecomptuck, fince Deer- 187 It muft be remembered that field. this is what Mr. Allyn fays and not [ '59 ] * Number of Towns in this Colony, and from three * Churches to nineteen, which is the Number now fettled in this Colony." Thus fair is Mr. John Allyn his Narrative of the Pequot Troubles, which I take to be the moft perfect Account thereof that is extant, or that will probably be now attained. 188 fince few of thofe that were perfonally concerned in that War and who are fit to give a Relation thereof, are at this Day in the Land of the Living. Neverthelefs I have met with a Manufcript in the Library of a learned and worthy Perfon de- ceafed, wherein the Paffages of the Pequot War % are defcribed. The Author of the Script I know not, nor can conjecture, faving that it was one who had a particular and perfonal Acquaintance with thofe "Affairs. It doth in Subftance agree with that of Mr. John Allyn: only in fome Particulars, a more full Account of Proceedings is exprefled. For this Manufcript Anonimus doth Relate as followeth, viz. That in Anno 1634. a Bark wherein was Capt. Stone, and Capt. Norton, with fix Men befides go ing up Connecticut River were all killed by the Pequot Indians, and the Bark funk near a fteep Rock, which to this Day bears the Name of Capt. Capt. Mafon, for the Captain was 188 This would be a fingular Re- dead before the Towns in Con- mark for a Hiftorian to make in nefticut had increafed to twenty- thefe Days, although I have heard four. There appears to have been within my Memory, a very good twentj-Jix Towns fettled up to and Writer of a Hiftory of one of the including 1674. Mafon died " in important New England States, " 1672 or 1673." Prince. make the fame. Stones Rock. In the Year following a Bark going from the Bay, bound to Virgina, was by a Tempeft caft away at Long Ifland, certain Pequots there killed two Englifhmen, the reft efcaping. [44] In Anno 1636. A Veflel going from Con necticut towards the Bay, putting in at Block- Ifland, the Indians coming aboard to Trade, killed the Matter. 189 Another Veflel coming from Con necticut, taken with a crofs Wind, intended to put in at Narraganfet, but could not ; being therefore forced upon Block-IJland, they faw a Bark with her Sayls up, driving too and fro, they hailed her, but no Anfwer was given ; perceiving her full of In dians they fufpedted the Englifh belonging to the Veflel were murdered, whereupon they difcharged their Guns, mooting Bullets among the Indians, who, many of them immediately leaped overboard. The Mafter entered the Veflel, and lifting up a' Gloth faw an Englimman dead, and diferning that many Indians were ftill in the Hold, he returned to his own Veflel again, from thence pouring in fmall fhot upon the Indians, for a while, untill the Wind coming fair ; he failed away to Bofton, inform ing the Gouvernour and Council there, concerning what he had feen, I9 whence about an hundred iso T^ nas Reference to the Rev. Thomas Cobbet of Ipfwich ; Murder of Capt. John Oldham, which Account Mr. Cobbet fays he (See N. E. Hift.-Gen. Reg., VII, had from the Mouth of Capt. John 211), unlefs there was a previous Gallup, who was prefent when the and fimilar Cafe and of which we Indians were taken by his Father. have no other Account. Gobbet's Narrative was not printed till 1853, when it was publifhed in 100 This correfponds with an the N. Eng. HiJt.-Gen. Reg., VII, Account furnifhed the Author by the 209-2 1 9. Souldiers were forthwith fent to Block- I/land 1 ^ 1 As they were landing, the Indians came down and (hot violently at them, wounding one Man, but as loon as one Englishman was landed, they ran away. The Englifh purfued them two Dayes, burning their Corn and Wigwams, but the Indians betook themfelves to Swamps, thereby efcaping with their Lives. After this they refolved for the Pequot Country, having received fome Intelligence of the Infolency and Outrage of thofe Indians. As they were failing up the River, many of the Pequots on both Sides of the River called to them, defirous to know what was their End in coming thither, they were told that they defired to fpeak with Saffacus, one of their Sachims; the Indians faid he was gone to Long I/land ; then it was demanded that Moma- 191 The Expedition was under Endicott as General, and confuted of about 100 Men, which failed from Bofton near the End of Au- guft, 1636. The other principal Officers were Capt. John Underhill, Capt. Nathaniel Turner, Enfigns Jenyfon and Davenport. The Rev. John Higginfon of Salem, went as Chaplain. The Particulars of the Expedition may be found in Capt. Underhill's Hiftory, Winthrop's Journal, Hubbard's Indian Wars, 120; but there is no Lift of the Soldiers of which I am aware. I find on the Colonial Records that " George Munnings is granted five " Pounds in regard of the Lofle of " his Eye in the Voyage to Block V " Ifland.'' If an important Mem ber of the Body was valued at 5, it might be interefting to know what the whole was valued at in thofe Days. But it appears that Mun nings had fome further Confidera- tion on Account of his Eye, though what it amounted to does not ap pear, as it was contingent on certain Fines, which might or might not have been remitted, When Gen. Endicott went to chaftife the Pequots they fent their Women and Children to the Mo- hegans who protected them. This Miantonimo aflerted to Roger Wil liams to mow that the Mohegans were not real Friends to the Eng- lifh. [ '62 ] nottuck 1 ^ another of their Sachems mould appear. It was pretended that he was not at Home neither. The Englim went Afhore, and required the Indians to deliver up thofe that had murdered Capt. Stone. It was anfwered that they were alfo gone from Home, but they would fend after them, and de liver them to Juftice, and that they might the better keep the Englim in Parley, they faid that their Sachim would prefently come and treat with them. In the mean Time they tranfported Goods, Women and Children to another Place. At laft one of the Indians declared plainly, that Momanottuck would not come. Immediately a Skirmim followed, wherein one Indian was killed, and an Englishman was wounded. The Indians fled, the Englim purfuing, fet Fire to their Wig wams, and deftroyed their Corn, fo did they return to their VerTel. A few Days after this, going on Shore [45 | again, as they were loading themlelves with Corn, the Indians violently affaulted them, fo that they were forced to leave their Corn and ftand to their Arms. At this Time an Indian was killed, and two Englimmen forely wounded. The Indians attempted the Veflels, but were entertained with fuch Volleys of fmall Shot, as made them afraid to board any, fo the Barks arrived fafe at Say-brook Fort. The next Day fome of the Fort going to the River to fetch Hay, the Pequots privily came I 92 Since ufually written Mono- 36, 192,262. It was the Wife of notto. Roger Williams probably this Chief that faved the Lives of means the fame Indian by Mauma- the Captives mentioned in Note nadtucL See Mafs. Hi/t. Colls., 148. upon them took one Man and afterward roafted him alive, another mot with five Arrows lived fourteen Weeks and dyed, the reft efcaped with much Danger. 19 * After this the Pequots came near the Fort and deftroyed many of the Englim Cattel. About two Miles diftant from the Fort there was an Englim Houfe wherein were Souldiers. Their Commander charged them not to go out of doors, yet three of them would venture, and as they were a Mufket mot from the Houfe, the Indians en- compafled them, and took two of them alive, the third being wounded did with his naked Sword efcape through them to the Houfe, relating to the Company the fad Event, and that one of thofe Englim that were taken did firft kill two Indians. The next Day all the Englim deferted that Houfe, and repaired to the Fort. The Indians then quickly burned that, and two other Houfes. They made towards the Fort as if they would have done fome great Matter; but a great Gun being difcharged at them, they went quite away, and were no more 'feen at Say-brook for the greateft Part of that 103 Old Mr. Mitchell," fays out of the long Grafs, killed three Gardiner, "was very urgent with me of them and took captive the Bro- " to lend him the Boat to fetch Hay ther of Mr. Mitchell, Minifter of " from the Six Mile Ifland." Gardi- Cambridge, and roafted him alive, ner remonftrated, faying he had not Gardner, 142-3. His Name was Men fufficient, but was finally per- Butterfield. Savage fays his Chrift- fuaded to let the Boat go, and fev- ian Name was Samuel. Perhaps it eral Men fet off. Part of them was, but he gives no Evidence. The were enjoined to keep Guard, while Place where Butterfield was taken the reft loaded the Hay. This was was known for a Time as Butter- neglefted, and all went together on field's Meadow. It was on what is Shore. Suddenly the Indians rofe fince called Calves Ifland. Barter. 164 Winter.' 94 Only two Miles up the River two Men going in a Canoo to (hoot Geefe, the Indians hear ing the Report of their Guns, came upon them. Thofe two Englifh fought to fave their Lives by padling, but the Indians purfued them with an other Canoo (hot at them and wounded one in his Head, who fell overboard, the other mot floutly at the Indians, but at laft being wounded and wearied, the Indians overtook him, he with his Paddle cleft one of the Indians Heads, but the reft took him, and tortured him to Death. 195 Feb. 22. The Lieut, with nine Souldiers well armed, went out of the, Fort to burn the Woods thereabouts, being gone Ha'f a Mile from Home they were befett with about feventy Indians, who let fly their Arrows very fiercely ; the Englifh re treated, one Man prefently was fhot in the Neck, and then did they lay Hands on him, he drew his Sword, but that was taken from him ; Then would he (as the Indians afterwards teftified) have killed himfelf, with his own Knife, but that alio did the Indians deprive him of, and cut off his Nofe and Hands, and put him to a cruel Death ; they fhot down another Englimman with three [46] Arrows, and a third had one of his Ribs cleft ^with an Arrow, fo that he died immediately. A fourth was mor tally wounded, and though he got Home alive, he 194 This feems like an Abridge ment of Gardiner's Hiftory, without the Particulars. .195 Shallop coming down " the River in the Spring, [1636] having two Men, one whereof they killed at Six-mile Ifland, the other came down drowned to us A more at our Doors, with an Arrow fhot into his Eye through his Head." Gardiner, 143. died within fourteen Hours, a fifth was forely wounded, but afterwards recovered, and lived (the next Year) to behead that very Indian who had mot an Arrow into him. Yea, the Leiut. himfelf was wounded in this Skirmim. After this the In- dians kept Leaguer before Say-brook Fort. 196 March 9. A Body of Indians, confifting (as was conjectured) of two or three hundred come within Mufket mot of the Fort, challenging the Englifh to come out and fight, mocking and up braiding them with fuch Words as the Englim ufed when by them tortured to Death, and bragged that 1!);; Gardiner's Account of this defperate Adventure and furious Attack of the Pequots fhould be read in Connexion. " In the 2zd of " February I went out with ten Men " and three Dogs, Half a Mile " from the Houfe [Fort] to burn " the Weeds, Leaves and Reeds, " upon the Neck of Land, becaufe " we had felled twenty timber " Trees, which we were to roll to " the Water-fide to bring home, " every Man carrying a length of " Match with Brimftone-matches " with him to kindle the Fire withal. But when we came to the fmall of the Neck, the Weeds burning, I having before fet two Sentinels on the fmall of the Neck, T called to the Men that were burning the Reeds to come away, but they would not until they had burnt up the reft of their Matches. Prefently there ftarts up four Indians out of the fiery Reeds, but ran away, I calling to the reft of our Men to come away out of the Marfii. Then Robert Chap man and Thomas Hurlbut, being Seutinels, called to me, faying there came a Number of Indians out of the other Side of the Marfh. Then I went to flop them, that they fhould not get [to] the Wood land ; but Thomas Hurlbut cried out to me that fome of the Men did not follow me, for Thomas Rumble and Arthur Branch, threw down their two Guns ran away ; then the Indians fhot two of them that were in the Reeds, and fought to get between us and Home, but darft not come before us, but kept us in a Half-moon, we re treating and exchanging many a Shot, fo that Thomas Hurlbut was fhotalmoft through the Thigh, John Spencer in the Back into his Kidneys, myfelf into the Thigh, two more were fhot dead. But in our Retreat I kept Hurlbut and Spencer ftill before us, : we de fending ourfelves with our naked Swords, or elfe they had taken us C '66 ] they could kill Englifh men all one Fly es : but two great Gunns loaden with Carthages of Mufket Bullets being fired at them, away they went, and hearing that the Narraganjets were invading their Country, they viiited Sey brook no more. 197 After thefe Things, a Shallop coming down from Coneclicut, with three Men rowing, was fet upon by feveral Canoes of Indians, the Englim fought ftoutly fo long as they could, but one of them be ing (hot through the Nofe, fo as the Arrow went out at the Crown of his Head, fell overboad and dyed ; The other two were taken by the Indians, who ripped them up from the Bottom the Belly to the Throat, and cleft them down the Back " all alive, fo that the two fore " wounded Men, by our flow Re- " treat, got home with their Guns, " when our two found Men ran " away and left their Guns behind " them. But when I faw the Cow- " ards that left us, I refolved to let " them draw Lots which of them " mould be hanged, for the Articles " did hang up in the Hall for them ' to read, and they knew they had been publiflied long before. But at the Interceffion of old Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Higgiflbn, and Mr. Pell, I did forbear. Within a few Days after, when I had cured myfelf of my Wound, I went out with eight Men to get fome Fowle for our Reliefe, and found the Guns that were thrown away, and the Body of one Man ftiot through, the Arrow going in at the Right Side, the Head flick ing faft, Half through a Rib on " the Left Side, which I took out " and cleanfed it, and prefumed to " to fend it to the Bay [Bofton] " becaufe they had faid that the " Arrows of the Indians were of no " Force." Hift. oftbePequot War, 143-144. " That very Indian " who was beheaded " the next Year" by the Man then defperately wounded, was named Kifwas, as will be elfewhere feen. 1 - ' This brief Epifode is told at great Lengih by Gardiner in his Hiftory too long for a Note in this Place. Gardiner mentions that Anthony Dike brought him a Letter, being " fent by Mr. Vane," then Governor, who required Gardiner to " prefcribe the beft way to quell " the Pequots, which I alfo did, and " with my Letter fent the Mans " Rib as a Token." '67 throughout, and afterwards hung them up by the Neck on a Tree by the River fide, that the Eng lifh might fee them as they pafied by ; the Shallop they drew a Shore and fet on Fire. 198 May 15. 1637. Some of Uncas his Men being then at Saybrook, in order to amfting the Englifh againft the Pequots efpyed feven Indians, and flyly encom- paffing them, flew five of them, and took one Pri- foner, and brought him to the Englifh Fort, which was great Satisfaction and Encouragement to the Englifh, who before that Exploit had many Fears touching the Fidelity of the Moheag Indians. 1 " He whom they took Prifoner was a perfideous Vil lain, one that could (peak Englifh well, having in Times paft lived in the Fort, and knowing all the Englifh there, had been at the flaughtering of all the Englifh that were flaughtered thereabouts ; he was a continual Spy about the Fort, informing Safacus of what he faw or could learn. When this bloody Traitor was executed, his Limbs were by Violence pulled from one another, and burned to Ames : fome of the Indian Executioners barbar- oufly taking his Flefh, they gave it to one another, and did eat it, withal finging about the Fire. 200 19; ; This Shallop is that mentioned 20 The Indian thus barbaroufly by Gardiner as belonging to " Mr. executed was named Kifwas, men- Michel," I fuppofe ; and the Man tioned before. He had lived a Time fo barbaroufly ripped in two was at the Fort with Lt. Gardiner, as Mafter Tilly, of whom mention is above remarked, but when the Ex- already made. pedition againft the Pequots under Gen. Endicott came to Saybrook, 199 The Mohegan Indians broke he ran away ; hence Gardiner called from the Pequots in the Year 1636. him a Traitor. The marked dif- Gardiner. ference in the Narratives of this War C 168 ] It is alfo reported that before the Mi/lick Fight, a friendly Indian [47] that was lent thither as a fecret Spy, brought Word that the Pequots were finging, and dancing, and bleffing their God, in that they fuppoied the Englifh were gone from them ; and that in the Night the Englifh came upon them, they were fallen into a deep Sleep, by Reafon of their long Dancing the Night before, and their Sentinel was gone out of his Place to light a Pipe of Tobacco, juft as the Englifh fur- prized them, and when our Souldiers gave Fire there was not one that miffed ; the Pequots fo alarmed, in Horrour and Amazement crying Wan- nocks Wannocks* i. e. Englishmen, Englifhmen ; fome of the old Men taking hold of others that were willing to run away, and faying, as we have lived together, fo let us dy together, the Wigwam which was firft fet on Fire, being to the wind ward Side carried all before it, (as is in the Narra tive intimated). At that Time there were two Englifh men flain, (one of which was thought to be {hot by an Englifh man) and twenty four wounded, is obfervable throughout, and it is fays Capt. Underhill finifhed the very apparent that the Jealoufies Execution by " {hooting a Piftol between the Heads of the different " through him to defpatch him." Colonies came near deftroying them A True Relation of the late Bait ell, all ; and the Man whom Hiftory 36. may decide faved them all, was the Founder of that Colony hated by 2(U In Mafon's Hiftory the Pe- all. But of this I have taken No- quot Word of Alarm is " Owanux, tice in the Introduction. " Owanux" Why Mr. Allyn The Account of the Execution of changed the Orthography, he does Kifwas in Vincent's Traft corre- not inform us. Mr. Prince in his fponds with this in our Text, though Edition of Mafon's Work fets the it is more horrible, if poffible. He Matter right. See Note 156. i6 9 whereof one dyed within few Dayes. aoa Alfo fourty Indians that were Friends to the Englim were hurt in that Engagement. It was fuppofed that no lefs than five or lix hundred Pequot Souls were brought down to Hell that Day. 203 Moreover it is therein added, that as the Englim marched towards their Veflels in the River, ftill as they came near any Swamp, they fent in a Volley of Shot left the Enemy mould haply be in Ambum in thofe dark Places of the Earth, and fome Indians have related that the Englim did by that Means kill more Men of War in their marching away, than in the Fight at the Fort, whereby alfo Saffacous his Plot to cut off the Englim as they pafled by Swamp-ambufhinents was utterly and happily fruftrated. It is further faid, that an Indian called Wequafh did direcl: the En glim to the Fort at Miftick* 202 Underbill mentions a very 204 The other Hiftorians of the remarkable Circumftance connected War do not give this Indian Credit with the firft Attack on the Fort for this moft important Service. He that at the Word Fire every lived till about 1643, and was in Gun went off at the fame Moment great Favor with Roger Williams. which he thus relates: "Sore- See his Key, P. 22 (R. I, Hift. ' markable it appeared to us, as we Colls., i). See alfo Book Indians, ' could not but admire at the Pro- 166. It appears from Roger Wil- ' vidence of God in it, that Soldiers liams's Letters, that there was an- ' fo unexpert in the Ufe of their other Indian named Wequafchuck, ' Arms, mould give fo complete a whofe Name with the Englifh flid ' Volley, as though the Finger of into Wequam Cook, and became ' God had touched both Match confounded with that of Wequafli. ' Flint," P. 23. But Wequam was a Pequot, and Wequamchuck was a Nyantick, 203 This feems to have been a and " the Man," fays Williams, favorite Expreffion of our Author. " to my Knowledge, that flickered It will be met with again in the " Audfah, the Murtherer of Mr. Courfe of the Work. " Oldham. Mafi. Hift. Sot. Colls., w which Wequajhvfi& by birth a Sachim of that Place but upon ibme Difguft received he went from the Pequots to the Narraganfets, and became a chief Captain under Miantonimo ; and that there were with thofe eighty Englifh Souldiers, who engaged in this Expedition againft the Pequots, at firft four hundred Indians, whereof three hundred were Narraganfets. The Day before the Fight there was fome Agitation which Fort fhould be firfl aiTaulted, whether that of Miftick, or another eight Miles further, where Saffacus himfelf refided. The Englim were an End to be upon Saffacus , but the Indians were afraid faying, that Sajfacus was all one God, and nobody could kill him ; this made the Englifh yet more defirous to try what Power was in this imaginary Deity, and that was the Conclu- fion, whereupon many of the Narraganfets with drew and returned all Home, reporting that the Englim were cut off by the Indians ; the Fame of which was quickly at [48-] Bofton ; to the great Affliction of the Englim untill fuch Time as the Truth of Things was certainly known. z 5 In this Interim one of Capt. Underbids Souldiers fell lame, 36, 208, 242 For other curious 25] came News from the Narra- Particulars in the Life of Wequajb, ganfett, that all the Englim, and fee Ibid, 198. See alfo Note 177. two hundred of the Indians Mr. Williams recommended We- were cut off in their Retreat, for quafh for a Guide in the Expedition. Want of Powder and Victuals. Many other interefting Fads re- Three Days after, this was con- fpecYtng this Indian are brought to firmed by a Poft from Plimouth, Light by the newly publimed Let- with fuch probable Circumflances, ters of Williams. as it was generally believed." Winthrop, Journal, i, 225. See BOS " Prefently upon this [May alfo Bradford, 358-359. not being able to go fo far as the Place where Saffacus was fuppofed to be ; whence the Captain changed his Purpofe, and determined for Miftick? 06 and Capt. Mafon was not willing they mould part afunder, fo did they agree to make their AfTault there ; few or none of the Indians which were in the Fort efcaped, whole Companyes of them gathered together and were burnt to Death ; thofe that efcaped the Fire, the Englim without the Fort flew them with the Sword, fo that round about the Fort, dead Men lay hideous to behold. The Indians Goliab, even their only Champion, being a Man of huge Stature was then (lain, he brake through the Souldiers, and although one Sergeant ftroke him on the Neck with his Cut- lam, he got by him and by five Souldiers more, but the fixth killed him.* ? And thofe that efcaped the Sword, the friendly Indians that encompafled the Englifh took as Cap tives to the Number of eighteen. 208 This was done upon Friday, May 26. Anno 1637. A memorable Day. 209 Upon this notable Victory, SaJJacus his Heart failed him, his Men of War being many of them 200 If this were true, it would be in Note 158. very remarkable indeed, that through the Failure of a fingle Soldier the 208 This does not agree with the Plan of the Campaign was changed, other Accounts as will have been feen. 27 This was the Namelefs " flout " Indian " mentioned by Vincent. 209 Winthrop records the Attack See Note 160, and 161. Johnfon on the Fort on May 25th; but the alfo heard fomething about the Feat 26th is doubtlefs the aftual Date, of this Indian Goliab, as is mown Bradford does not give any Date.' cut off, fo that he fled his Country, breaking down his Forts, and burning his Wigwams himfelf, he marched away by Land, with fome Men, Wo men and Children, their Goods being fent away in the Cannons. The Englifh at Say-brook had Notice of the Cannoos, and an Advantage to ftop their PafTage, but Capt. Kilpatrick 2 - 10 delayed until! the Opportunity was gone, fo that Saffacus with his routed Train, coming up to his Cannoos fix Miles from Say- brook Fort, was tranfported over the River, and fled towards ^uinipiack. Being now inraged he follicited his Men of War, that they might go, and fall upon the Englifh at Con- nefticut, but fome of them not confenting, that Defign was not put in Execution $ he therefore fled to the Mohawks, who (being as is fuppofed excited thereto by the revengefull Narraganfets] cut ofFhis Head. 211 Many of the Pequots before SaJJacus his Death 210 Why Capt. Daniel Patrick's ' Mohawks for Shelter, with their Name is thus transformed muft be ' Wampum, (being to the Value of left to conje&ure. ' 500,) were by them furprifed ' and flain, with twenty of their 211 It appears that the Mohawks ' beft Men." Journal, i, 235. fent the Head and Skin of Saflacus Records of the Reception at to the Englifh ; for Winthrop fays, Bofton of the Heads and Hands of under date of Auguft 5, that Mr. the Indians feems to have been made Hooker, Mr. Stone, Mr. Wilfon, as coolly as almoft any other matter- Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Pinchon, and of-courfe Affairs. Yet there were about twelve more arrived at Boiton fome in the Land who did not ap- from Connecticut by way of Provi- prove of fuch Barbarities. '* Thofe dence, bringing with them as a Tro- " dead Hands,/ wrote Roger Wil- phy, " a Part of the Skin and lock liams, " were no pleafing Sight. . . . " of the Hair of Saflacus and his " I have alwaies fhowne Diflike to " Brother and five other Pequot " fuch difmembering the Dead." " Sachems, who being fled to the Mafs. Hiji. Colls., 36, 207. [ 173 ] returned to their Country again; but Souldiers being fent from the Maffachufets the returned Pequots were prefently difrefted, ours ranfacking their Country, and fetling a Garrifon therein, quickly came back to Sey -brook, with one of the Pequot Sachims, and other Indian Captives. After which a Supply of Men from Connecticut coming to the MafTachufets Souldiers, they failed Weftward in Purfuit of the Pequots who were fled that Way, failing along to the Weftward of Mononowuttuck? the [49] Wind not anfwering their Defires, they caft Anchor, where two Sachems from Long- -I/land? 1 * came to them, defiring Peace and promiiing to deliver up whatever Pequots mould fly to them for Shelter, fome fcattering Pequots were then taken and flain, as alfo the Pequot Sachem, before ex- prefled, had his Head cut off, whence that Place did bear the Name of Sachems Head* 1 * Being 212 Like moft other Indian Names, that Day, and has faithfully narrated this has been varioufly written, it in his Hi/lory of the Pequot War, Ufually now Menunkatuc ; the pre- 153, et feq. fent Town of Guilford in Connec ticut. In two Years after this pur- 214 Though moft of the Forces fuit of the flying Pequots 1639 went from the Fort at Saybrook by it was fettled by the Englifh. Roger Water, a Number of Soldiers with Williams, writing in Sept. 1637, Uncas and his Indians fcoured the fays the Place where the laft Fight Shores near the Sea, left any of the was, was called Safquankit. See Pequots mould lurke there. Not a Mafs. Hift. Colls., 36, 213. great Way from this Harbor they came acrofs a Pequod Sachem with 213 Thefe Long Ifland Indians a few Indians, whom they purfued. are very (lightly parted over, while As the fouth Side of the Harbor is their Services probably faved the formed by a long narrow Point of Englifh Settlers from Deftruftion, if Land, the Pequods went on to this Lieut. Gardiner may be allowed to Point, hoping their Purfuers would have known the Indian Policy of have pafled by them. But Uncas [ 174] come near to Note 176. cry, / Squaw, I Squaw, thereby to efcape with their Lives."5 [54] But to be Serious, That which Governour Winthrop writeth in his Letter, publifhed by Mr. Morton 6 is very memorable, 'viz. that in one Fight though the Indians coming up clofe to our Men, fhot their Arrows thick upon them, fo as to pierce their Hat brims, and their Sleeves, and Stockings, and other Parts of their Cloaths, yet fo miracu- loufly did the Lord preferve them, as that (except ing three that rafhly ventured into a Swamp after them) not one of them was wounded. And truly to fet afide cafual Confederations, there were two Reafons obvious, that may be affigned as Caufes of that glorious and fpeedy Succefs, which God gave to the Euglifh againft the Pequot Indians. 1. Blafphemy of thofe Enemies. For fome of them faid, that Englifh mans God was one Flye, which execrable Blafphemy the bleffed God would not bear from thofe his Enemies. Alfo when fome Englifh were cruelly tortured to Death by them, they would in a Way of Diverfion bid them call upon God now, and blafphemoufly mock at them when they did fo. Therefore did the Lord bring thofe bloody Blafphemers in a Moment down to Hell, yea, and damned them above Ground, when they lay frying in the Fire that was kindled in their Houfes, and making horrible outcries. 2. There was a mighty Spirit of Prayer and ess With Mourt's Relation before That it might have happened again him the Author could have feen that is not altogether improbable. this Story had its Origin feveral Years before the Pequot War. ' 2 ' 26 In Morton's Memorial. Faith then ftirring, both in thofe that ftaid at Home, and in fome that ventured their Lives in the high Places of the Field. That -Reverend Man of God Mr. Wilfon, (who excelled in thofe Graces of Faith and Love) went forth with the Souldiers that went from this Colony. I think I have my- felf heard him fay, (or if I have not, others have) that he 'was before he 'went out, as certain that God would give the Englifh the Victory over thofe Enemies, as if he hadfeen the Vittory already obteined. Such great Faith did the Lord ftir up in the Heart of that Holy Man, and of other his Servants ; and by Faith did they turn to Fight the Armyes of the Aliens. So then, thofe Enemies being fubdued, in fuch Wayes and by fuch Means as hath been ex- preiTed, the Terror of God fell upon all the Heathen round about, and the Englifh were dreadful to them : when they heard that the Englim had (lain, and taken Captive feven hundred Indians, and killed thirteen Sachims (who are their Kings) there was no more Spirit left in them. The Pequots beft Friends were afraid to receive fuch as fled to them for Refuge. But happy was he counted that could make Friendmip with the Englim, ib that two of the Sachims in Long- I/la no* 227 came to that worthy Gentleman Captain (afterwards Lieut. Colonel) ~~ 7 Thefe were the Sachems, with out Doubt, induced to aid the Eng lifh by Lt. Gardiner. The Name of one of them was Waiandance. Winthrop fays, " the Indians about " fent in ftill many Pequot's Heads Y ' and Hands from Long Ifland and ' other Places, and Sachems of ' Long Ifland came voluntarily, and ' brought a Tribute to us of twenty Fathom of Wampum, each of them." Journal, i, 247. [ '86 ] Stougbton " 8 entreating that they might be under our Protection. Alfo two of the Napannet Sachims, addrefled themfelves to Governour Winthrop, [55] feeking to be in Favour with the Englim. Thefe Things deferve to be mentioned among the Mag- nalia Dei, which he hath wrought for his New- England- People. Matters being again reduced to this peaceable State, that Land refted from War, and that for the Space of almoft forty Years together. Howbeit Jealoufies amongft the Englifh grounded upon Treacheries and Confpiracies amongft the Indians, (and fome particular AcT:s of Hoftility and Out rages by them committed) there have been, more than once or twice, fince the Pequot- Troubles were ended. For in Anno 1638, the publick Peace was en dangered by Occafion of a Murder committed by an Englim man upon an Indian. Thus it was, One Arthur Peach a young Defperado, who had been a Souldier in the Pequot War, and done notable Service, being bold and forward in any defperate Attempt, after he was returned Home he was loth to go to Work, wherefore he refolved to go to the Dutch Plantation, and enticed three Perfons, that were other Mens Servants, to run away with him. As they were travailing through the Woods, they met a Narraganfet' Indian y and defired him to take 229 fjjs Lieut. Colonelcy was turn again to New-England. He obtained in England; he having re- was Father of William Stoughton, turned to that Country and ferved Ll. Governor and Chief Juftice of in the Civil War. He did not re- Maflachufetts. [ '87 ] a Pipe of Tobacco, which the Indian was willing to do, Peach told his Comrades, he would kill him ; they were afraid to do that, but let him alone to do as he would. When he faw his Time, he ran the Indian through with his Rapier, and took away his Wampam from him, fuppofing he had left him dead, but after they were gone, the Indian made a Shift to get Home, where he dyed of his Wound within few Dayes ; But told other Indians that fuch and fuch Englim-men had mortally wounded him ; The Sacbims therefore prefently found out thefe Men (only one of them efcaped) who had done the Murder, and carried them away to the English at Aquidnet Ifland, where they were examined and committed. In the mean Time the Narraganfets were about to rife in Arms, fome of them conceiv ing that they mould find the Pequots Words true, that the Englim would fall upon them, now the other were vanquished. To be (hort, the Murder being confefled by the Partyes guilty, the Court in Plymouth did by Advice from Magiftrates and Elders in the Bay, condemn and fee Execution done upon thofe three Eng/t/b men for murdering that one Indian ; whereupon the other Indians magnifyed the Juftice which they law among the Englifhy and Peace was continued. 229 Yet after this new Fears and Troubles did arife upon other 220 The three Englifhmen were An exceedingly interefting Letter executed at Plymouth, Sept. 4th, of Roger Williams, detailing the * 1638. Their Names were Arthur Particulars of the Murder maybe Peach, Thomas Jackfon and Rich- feen in the Ma/s. Hift. Colls., Vol. ard Slinnings. 21, p. 170, &c. Accounts. For although the Narraganfefs, and the Moheags did Anno 1638. come under folemn Promife that they would not engage in a War, either amongft themfelves, or with other Indians, until they had advifed with, and obtained Approba tion [56] from the Englim. Nevertheleis Mianto- nirno, the chief Narraganjet Sachim, was continually picking Quarrels with the Moheags, defigning to make them become his VaiTals. Some (viz. Mr. Gorges and Mr. "Johnfonf^ have related that Mian- tonimo was fet on by certain vagabond Englifh, known by the Name of Gortonians^ 1 who being deep Apoftates from, and bitter Enemies unto the Wayes of Chrift, profefled by our Fathers, might eafily be induced to animate Motions of that Nature. However Miantonimo chofe rather to ac- complim his Ends upon the Moheags by Treachery, *" than by open War; and hired a Pequot Indian who was fubjected to Vncas (the Moheags Sacbim) to afTaffinate him that was become his Lord, which the Indian attempted accordingly; infomuch as on a certain Evening as Vncas was paffing from one Wigwam to another, he was (hot into the Arm by 230 This Confufion of Authors Reference as if there were two * requires fome Elucidation. John- Works. See Prince, Preface to his fon's Wonderworking Pr evidence, Ann ah &c., printed in London in 1654, appears to have been taken by Sir a31 For a rational View of the Ferdinando Gorges the younger, much abufed Gortonians and the who by cancelling its Title-page and more abufed Narraganfet Chief Mi- fubftituting one with his own Name antonimo, the Reader is referred to as Author, impofed upon the Public, the able and lucid Pages of the Hif- It would feem that our Author was tory of Rhode IJland, by Gov. Ar- aware of the Fal, and yet makes a nold, Vol. i, 115, et,feq. an Arrow, but recovered the Houfe he intended without receiving further Hurt.** 2 The Indian who was fufpected about this Matter, being called to an Account about a great Sum of Wampam-peag, by him poffefled, could not give any tolerable Account, how he came by his Money, which augmented Jealoufies of his being hired by Miantonimo to kill Vncas. Vncas then made his Complaint to the Englim ; the Iffue was, that Miantonimo and the fufpected Indian came to Bofton, where he was examined, at firft in the Prefence of Miantonimo, by whofe Help he had framed an Artificial Lye, faying that one Night as he came out of a thick Swamp, Vncas defired him to fay that he was hired by Miantonimo to kill Vncas, and that therefore he cut his Arm with the Flint of his Gun, that Men might think he had been (hot with an Arrow. This pittiful Story made the Englim fufpect Miantonimo more vehemently than ever, and upon a further private Examination (much againft Mian- tonimo's Mind) they faw Caufe to believe that he was fecretly defigning Mifchief againft the Englim, as well as againft Vncas. Neverthelefs, it was thought beft to difmifs him for the prefent, only with an Engagement to remit the fufpe&ed Pequot 32 It is fcarcely neceflary to re- Perfecutors of Roger Williams and mark, after the Reference in the laft his Followers, becaufe he was always Note, that from exifting Documents ready to do their Bidding, right or the Reverfe of what our Author has wrong ; while Miantonimo adhered delivered is the Truth ; Uncas was to the Treaty he had made at Bof- the Scamp and Miantonimo was the ton, in the Beginning of the Pequot upright and honourable Man. But War. There mould be written a Life Uncas's Sins were forgiven by the of the much injured Miantonimo. to his Matter Fncas : He contrary to his Promife, as he was returning Home cut off the poor Pequots Head, whereby he was made uncapable of difcover- ing any thing further about Matters between Miantonimo and him. Being come Home, he forthwith refolveth to be revenged upon Vncas, and with a thoufand Narra- ganfets gave him Battel, but the Moheags (though not half their Number) worfted the Narragansets, and took Miantonimo ', their chief Sachem, Pri- ioner, and brought him to the Town of Hartford^ defiring Advice from the Englim concerning the Difpoial of him. The Commiffioners of the United Colonyes [57] conlidering that Miantonimo had fhed Blood by railing an unjuft War againft the Mobeags their Friends, to whom they had engaged Protection, and that he was treacherous to the Engliih, and Peace not like to be fettled among the Indians, nor continued with the Englim except he were difpatched (together with fome other Reafons, more fully exprefled in the Declaration publimed by the Commiffioners, Anno i645-) Z33 they counfelled Tineas to put him to Death, withal prohibiting him to ule any Crueltyes in the Manner of his Execution, it being cuftomary with barbar ous Indians (who like their Father the Devil are delighted in Crueltyes) to put their Enemies to the a33 This " Declaration" may be &c. It would feem that the Com- feen in the Records of the United miffioners publifhed it at the Time, Colonies, i, 50, &c., as printed by but if fo I have never met with a Copy. the State of Maflachufetts, 1859; It is by no means the conclufive alfo in Hazard's tiift. Colls., ii, 48, Argument for which it was intended. greateft Tortures they can devife, when they kill them. 23 * The Advice was followed. Vncas led away Miantonimo as if he would carry him to an other Place, for Cuftody and Safety, and by the Way very fairly cut off his Head, as he not a Year before had ferved one of Vncas his Men.* 3 * Thefe Things hapned Anno 1643. 234 1 apprehend it will not be diffi cult for future Hiftorians to deter mine which had the largeft Share of the Devil in them, thofe who ad- vifed the Murder of Miantonimo or thofe who committed it. The Re cord of the Dealings againft the noble Indian Chief by our People, forms one of the blackeft Pages in the Hiftory of New England. Mr. Arnold fays (Hift. R. /., i, 117), " A juftly fevere Criticifm on the " Authors of the Outrage is penned " by Mr. Savage [in his Edition of ' Wintbrop's Journal]. The fcath- ' ing Remarks of the Editor, hon- ' curable alike to himfelf and to ' humanity, come with a better Grace from a Maflachufetts Man ' than any Comments from a Son ' of Rhode Ifland could do who ' will find enough befides to de- ' nounce in the Conduft of the ' Puritans towards his State, although ' nothing more needleflly cruel than ' the clerico-judicial Murder here * recorded." See alfo Gov. Hop- kins's Remarks in Mafs. Hift. Colls., xix, 202. My own Comments, with all the Particulars of this Tranfaftion and the Caufes which led to it, will be found in the Book of the Indians. 235 X ne fince well known Sachems Plain near Norwich is the Place of the Murder of Miantonimo, as it was the Place where the Battle was fought in which he was taken Pri- foner. A fquare Block of Granite marks the Spot where it is fuppofed he was buried. For many Years after the rude Interment of the noble Chief, a conical Heap of Stones marked the Site of his Remains. That Monument was raifed by the Indians, who, from the Time of Miantonimo's Death to a compara tively recent Period, always in pafl~- ing his Grave placed a Stone upon the Pile. But when the Englifli fettled about Norwich, the Land was cleared, and the Monument to Miantonimo was removed and ufed in creeling a ftone Fence. I vifited Sachem's Plain many Years ago, and fought for the Sachem's Grave, but nothing marked its Site. On inquiring of a neighboring Farmer if he could tell me where the Grave of Miantonimo was, faid " he could not, but he had heard " that an old Indian was buried " over there fomewhere "- point ing to an indefinite Part of the Plain. It is quite remarkable that our Author takes no Notice of the War In the next Year the Peace of two of thefe Colonies, viz, thofe of Connecticut and New Haven was difturbed by the Indians** 6 For, firft an Englim man running away from his Matter, out of the Majfacbujets was murdered in the Woods near Connecticut by an Indian ; and about fix Weeks after was difcovered by another Indian, a Sagamore in thofe Parts promifed to de liver the Murderer bound to the Englim; and having brought him to Vncaway a Connecticut Sachim, he was there unbound it leems by their joynt Confent, and left to Shift for himfelf where upon ten Englim men, who were forthwith fent by Mr. Ludlow to the Place, feeing the Murderer was efcaped, laid hold on eight Indians there prefent, amongft whom there was a Sagamore or two, and kept them in hold two Dayes, until four Sagamores ingaged themfelves within one Moneth to deliver the Malefactor to Juftice ; About a Week after which Agreement an Indiam came prefumptuoufly, and in the Day time murderoufly afTaulted an of 1643, in which Mrs. Hutchinfon " New Haven for fome of his Con- and her Family were maflacred. I " du6l in the Pequot War." And have given the Events in the Book Mr. Goodwin has copied a Court of the Indians, and it is therefore un- Record fliowing that the Indian neceflary to recount them here. See hanged was named Nepaupuck, and alfo Dr. O'Callaghan's Narrative. that he was proved to have been one of thofe who committed the Murders 236 The Records of Connefticut at Wethersfield in April, 1637, and New Haven appear to be filent which brought on the Pequot War. refpefting any Troubles of the Na- See Foote Genealogy, xxv. See ture here indicated ; but Dr. Dwight Note 138. The Indian called fays in his Hifl. of N. Haven, 35 : Wampbanck by Roger Williams is " Sept 30, a Pequot is hanged at doubtlefs the fame as Nepaupuck. Englim Woman in an Houfe in Stamford and by three Wounds (fuppofed mortal) left her for dead> and robbed the Houfe. z 37 The Indians generally in thofe Parts demeaned themfelves after an hoftile Manner, refufed to come to the Englifh* or to attend Treaties of Peace, departed from their Wigwams, left their Corn unweeded, and mot off Guns near fome Englim Plantations in a tumultuary Way, and fome Indians informed that there was a Pur- pofe to fall upon the Englim ; fo that there was Watching and Warding Day and Night. New- Haven and Hartford were fent unto, that Relief might be afforded the weaker Towns, alfo Appli cation was made to the other Colonyes for Affift- ance. At laft the Indians were perfwaded to deliver the Murderers up to Juftice. So did thefe dark Clouds blow over. [58] Neverthelefs, in this Year (viz. in Anno 1644.) the Rage of the Narraganjets againfl the Moheags did break out again in greater Violence than ever before, infomuch that Vncas was forced to betake himfelf to a Fort, and was there fur- rounded with Multitudes of thofe Indians. 2 * 8 The Englim thought it their Concern, not to fuffer 237 According to a Record made in the End of Auguft, 1 644. by Winthrop in his Journal, this was a moft foul Attempt to murder 238 A pretty cdfrecl: Notion of the an unfufpefting Woman by an Indian Severity of the Fighting between the named Bujheage. He was after- Narraganfets and Mohegans may be wards tried and executed, though obtained from a Letter of Thomas the Woman furvived her Wounds, Peters, printed from the original but loft her Senfes. Hoadley's MS, in the Book of the Indians, 133. New Haven Col. Records, i, 135, See alfo Johnfon, Wonder Working 146. This Attempt at Murder was Providences, 184-5. z him, to be fwallowed up by thofe Adverfaryes, fince he had (though for his own Ends) approved himfelf Faithful to the Englifh from Time to Time. The Narraganfets perceiving that the Englifh did (as they had Reafon to) favour Tncas, began to be high and infolent in their Expreflions and Actions, threatning to deftroy the Englifh (only as to the Englifh at Povidence and Rhode-IJland the Narra- ganfet Sacbims concluded a Neutrality) as well as the Moheags* Before thefe Things, there being four Colonyes of Englifh Inhabitants fettled in this Country, viz. Maffacbufets, Plymouth, Connecticut and New-Haven, (which is fince become a Part of Connecticut Colony) who were fenfible of the common Danger they were expofed unto, by Reafon of Indians throughout this Land, as alfo in that Dutch and Swedes, and French had feated themfelves not far off, who might fome of them probably prove evil Neighbours, and withal confidering that, as he in the famous Poet expreffeth. 2ufjwpeprj (Taper*) ireXsi av<5p<3 xa/ fjuxXa \wypuv Nwi SI xaiY ayadoio'iv' sifisan^ss " John Griffin, Edward El- 2C1 " Wahannos a Waranot In- mar and others. A8s of the Com- dian." Ibid. In the fame Page mijfioner}, i, 69. Wanbannos is called Mabanoje. [ 207 ] refolved to Fight,* 6 * yet the next Morning the Sachim with fome others offered the Englifti Mef- fengers eight Fathom of Wampam, towards Satis faction, and promifed to provide more. The MeiTengers not having any thing to that Purpofe in their Commiflion, advifed the Sachim to fend to the Commiflioners, but he refufed. Hereupon, Naymetayhu 3 -^ one of the Sagamores of Wananoke, who, as before, came on SequaJ/ons Behalf, was queftioned by the Commiflioners about thefe proud Affronts to the Englim ; At firft he denyed what was charged, and excufed fome Part, but one of the Englim Meflengers being preient, and he hearing the Reft mould be fent for, he fell under moft of the Charge, profefling that he intended no Harm to the Englim. Thus concerning Dif- turbance by the Indians in the Year, i6^6. 167 In Anno, 1647. New Fears and Troubles arofe by Reafon of the Narraganjet Indians, there being credible Informations that they were Plotting, and by Prefents of Wampam, ingaging the Indians round about to combine with them againft the 265 And if they fliould flay but an evil Spirit conftantly (Hired up ' one Night at the Englifh trading Uncas to do Mifchief. Having laid ' Houfe [with a captured Indian] the Connecticut and Maflachufetts ' neare all the Country would Englifh under fingular Obligations, ' come to refcue any fuch Indian they had to fhuffle very adroitly to ' feized." Ibid, p. 70. keep their Temper with that mif- creant Indian. It is a defperate ace Noynetacba. Game which requires the employ ment of a Rogue to play an import- 867 Befides this there, are numerous ant Part of it. Indian Hiftory fcarcely Entries in the Records fhowing that affords a Parallel in Perfidy to Uncas. [ 208 ] Englim Colonyes, infomuch that a Meeting of the Commiffioners was called before the ordinary Time; Being therefore convened at Bofton, July 26. A Meflenger was fent to Narraganfet, fignifying to Peficus and other Sacbims there, that the Englim Commiffioners expected their Appearance at Bojlon, and that if they [64] did refufe or delay, they {hould no more be fent unto, withal promifing them fafe Conduct, in Cafe they only attended. The MeeiThger being returned informed that Pejicus excufed his not meeting the Commiffioners at New Haven the laft Year, from his Ignorance of the Time, when he fhould attend, though that was falfely pretended by him. He alfo defired Excufe for his riot appearing at this Time, becaufe he faid he was fick and not able to come, (but the Meflengers could not perceive that he was fubjedr. to any fuch Sicknefs or Difablement) Neverthelefs, he had given full Power to Ninnigret to act on his Behalf. Moreover, he excufed his not performing the Arti cles he had fubfcribed at Bofton, two Years before, by pretending that he was frighted into that En gagement, with the Sight of the Englim Army, which was then ready to invade the Narraganfet Country, and he thought they would follow him Home, and there kill him if he did not promife to do as the Englim would have him. Auguft 3. Ninnigret with fome Niantick In dians, and too of Pejficus his Men came to Bojion. At firft he (though againft his Confcience) made as if he were ignorant, and had never been in- [ 209 ] formed of the Covenants which the Indians had made to the Englifh, and feemed to wonder that the Englifh mould afk fuch a Sum of Wampam, faying that he knew not that the Indians were in the Englimmens debt. He was then put in mind, how that formerly Satisfaction had been demanded of the Indians for the Breach of Articles ; and how the Englifh Meflengers had been ill intreated by them, and particularly by himfelf, who had ufed threatening and infolent Language, faying to the Meflengers, that he knew the Commiffioners would endeavor to keep them from warring upon Vncas, but they were refolved they would do it for all that, and nothing but Vncas his Head mould fatisfy them ; and that if the Englifh did not withdraw their Garrifons from the Defence of Vncas> they would heap up their Cattel as high as their Wigwams, and that he was the Man that had given out that an Englimman mould not ftep out of Doors to pifs but they would kill him. Ninigret not being able to deny thefe Charges, and fomewhat appalled thereat, began to comply with the reafonable Demands of the Englifh.* 6 * A Dayes Time was 269 The Author has omitted as important a Part of the Records as that he has given, but the Omiffion is too long for a Note. See Records of the Commiffioners, i, 88. But in order to underftand the Refources of the Indians the following Extract is given. I imagine however that fome allowance mould be made as to their Ability to pay a large Sum, for it does not appear that this Debt Bb was ever cancelled. " Ninigret not able to deny this Charge [that an Englimman fhovld not ftep out of Doores," &c.] " pretended that the Englifh Meflengers pro voked him, but that appeared a falfe and weake Excufe. He affirmed that the Some was fo great, that the Narraganfets had not Wampam enough to pay it it being well knowne to the Co- [ 210 ] allowed him for Confideration and Advice with the Reft of the Indian Deputyes that were then in Bo/ion. The next Day he declared that he was refolved to give the Englifh Colonies due Satisfaction in all Things, and that he would forthwith fend fome of his Men to gather up the Wampam which was yet behind hoping that within ten Dayes it might be obtained, and that himfelf [65] would ftay with the Englifh as Security, untill the Money was paid. Accordingly he difpatched his MefTengers home for that End, who not many Dayes after, came back to Bofton, bringing with them two hundred Fathom of Wampam, towards Satisfaction of what they owed to the Englifh. This falling very much fhort of what was expected, Ninigret pleaded that his perfonal Abicence from Home was the Caufe of that Defect, and therefore defired Liberty to go Home, withal adding, that if the Whole were not paid by next Spring, the Englifh fhould take his Head, and fieze his Country. The Commiffioners let him depart, and fince he pretended fo fair, did deliver to him the Children which were kept as ' miffioners that the Narraganfets " temptible fum," and was refuted, ' are a greate People, and can reafe fo the Meflenger fold the Kettles to ' a greater Quantity of Wampam Mr. Samuel Shrimpton for 14:5. ' vpon a mort Warninge when they In our View this was not fo " con- ' pleafe." Finally, Ninigret, fee- temptible" a Sum as might be ima- ing that pleading Poverty would not gined. This laft Amount being raifed overcome Cupidity, agreed to fuch from the Sale of the brafs Kettlei Terms as was demanded of him. taken from the Families of the What had been offered by Peflacus Indians'! The Weight of thefe was in Kettles and Wampam, in all, Kettles was 285 Ibs. See Book of 17:9:6, but it was called "a con- Indians. [211 ] Hoftages, expecting from him, the more Care to fee Engagements performed ; and if they did find him real, that then former Neglects mould be charged upon Peficus, and that they mould expect his Affiftance, when it mould be required, in re covering the whole Remainder from Peficus ; all which Things were cheerfully accepted by Nini- This Year other Troubles hapned by fome of Vncas his Indians, who committed feveral Outrages upon the Englifh in the Pequot Country. Mr. John Winthrop, and fome with him, complained 270 The Failure of the Chief to perform his Promife fhows plainly enough two Fadls : firft, that the Indians were unable to raife fo large an Amount of Money ; and fecond, that a Sachem's Power to compel his People |to part with what they poffefled did not amount to anything like arbitrary Power. The Com- miffioners were evidently fully aware of thefe Fafts, and wifhed to ufe their own Power to keep the Indians under their Control. The original Records add : " Not thinking it meet ' to begin a pr'fent War, if Satisfac- ' tion (though with a little forbear- ' ance may be had otherwife) by ' their Interpreter acquainted Nina- ' gratt, that fince he p'tended the ' Wampam had bene gathered and ' paid, if himfelf had been at home, ' they would giue him free leaue to ' returne, and twenty Dayes more 1 from hence to colledl and fend ' the Refidue yet behinde ; and tho' 500 Fathome of the Wam pam now due mould fall fliort in his Payment 20 Dayes hence, they would forbeare it till next planting Time ; and in the meane ' Time accept both the 200 Fathom ' now brought, and the 105 F. intended for a prefent, in pt. ' Paymt, but if they brought not ' 1000 Fathome more within 20 ' Dayes, the Comiflr 8 . would fend ' no more Meflengers, but take ' Courfe to right themfelves as they ' fee Caufe." This is accompanied with the further Threat, that if they mould refort to Armes, the Indians need not expeft to efcape Vengeance as hitherto, by a little Wampam ; that though they (the Englifh) would be juftified in putting the Hoftages to Death, they " would forthwith " deliver the Children to Ninegratt, " expefting from him the more Care " to fee Ingagements fully fatisfied." Records U. C., i, 106. 2I2 that Wowequay* 11 (Vncas his Brother) with about forty Mobeags, behaved themfelves infolently, hovering againft the Englifh Plantation in a fufpi- cious Manner, to the Afrightment of the Inhabit ants there ; Alfo, although Vncas at firft feemed gladly to entertain the Englim Plantation at Pequot, yet his Carriage fince was fuch as if he defigned by Alarums to difturb and break that Plantation. In fine Vncas was cenfured, and required to acknow ledge his Fault to the Englifh Plantation, (which he did) and pay an hundred Fathom of Wampam to make amends for Wrongs fuftained.* 7 * In September 1648. New Complaints were brought before the Commiffioners of the United Colonyes, (then fitting at Plymouth} againft the Narraganfet Indians. Henry Bull of Rhode- I/land petitioned for Relief, informing that thofe Indians had beaten him, and other Wayes been injurious to him. Alfo Meflengers from the Town of Warwick came with Complaints in Behalf of the whole Town,* 73 alledgeing that their Neighbour Indians did kill their Cattel, 274 abufe their Servants when they took them alone, and fometimes would 271 Written Nowequa in the Re- Randall Houlden and Mr. John cords. Warner. They had " a Writing ' vnto vs [fay the Commiffioners] 272 The Records here are too ' from the Towne or Plantatio of much abridged to give the Reader ' Warwicke, as they call it, fub- a correct Idea of the Tranfaftions ' fcribed by Mr. John Smith, Af- intended to be noticed. As they ' fiftant in behalfe of the whole cannot be abridged intelligibly the ' Towne, dated the 4th of the 7th Reader is only referred to them. ' Mo. 1648." See Records Corns. U. C. i, 101-2. 274 And " about a hundred hoggs," 2? 3 The Meflengers were Mr. &c. 2I 3 make forcible Entry into their Houfes, yea, and ftrike the Mafters thereof, and fteal and purloyn their Goods at Pleafure. At the fame Time, In formations were brought before the Commifiioners, that the Narraganfet Indians inftead of paying the Wampam that was due to the Colonyes, had im proved their Wampam to hire Indians to invade Vncas, and in Cafe the Englim mould defend [66] him, to fight with them alfo. Particularly, that Ninigret had given, out that if the Englim did pro tect Vncas t he would quickly burn the Houfes at Connecticut. The Narraganfets were withdrawing their old Men, Women, and Children into Swamps, hiding their Corn, &c. The mercenary Mohawks were faid to be about four hundred in Number, all armed with Guns, and three Pound of Powder for every Man. Thefe Counfils were fo far ripened and prepared for Execution, as that 'Thomas Stanton and other Meffengers from Connecticut, goeing to the Indians to enquire into, and (if might be) ftop Proceedings, found them met at Pacomptuck their Rendezvouze, who acknowledged that they had received Wampam from the Narraganfets to invade Vncas, and that they were met together to that Purpofe, expecting Mohawks and other Indians to make up their full Numbers : But hearing that two Mohawk Sachims, were lately killed by the Eaftern Indians, and that the Englim, who, they thought were a juft and warlike People, would defend Vncas, they did therefore ftop their intended Proceedings at this Time. But thefe Things made it yet more evident, that the Narraganfets were a falfe and treacherous People, rtot to be trufted, nor worthy to be treated with. Anno 1649. Nfwbdtven Colony was in apparent Danger of being involved in Trouble by Reafon of the Indians there : For at Stamford a Man going forth to feek his Cattel returned not home as was expected, nor could be found by the Englifh that fought for him ; but quickly after the Son of a Sagamore who lived near Stamford, came into the Town, and told the Englifh that John Whitmore was murthered by an Indian called Toguaffos, and to prove it, told them that Toquattos had fome of his Cloathes; and particularly his Shirt made of Cotton-linnen. Hereupon the Englifh and fome Indians went into the Woods to feek the murthered Body for burial, but though they beftowed much Time and Labour, they could not find it. Diverfe of the Englifh at Stamford fufpected the Sagamores Son to be either Author or AccefTory to the Mur- ther, but had not fatisfying Grounds to feize and charge him. About two or three Months after, Vncas coming to Stamford, calling the Indians thither, and en quiring after the murdered Body, the forementioned Sagamores Son, and another fufpected Indian called Ke/ioron* 75 fell a trembling, and hereby confirmed the Sufpition of the Englifh, and wrought a Sufpi- tion in fome of the Mohegin Indians, fo that they faid thefe two Indians were Matchet, meaning they 275 Reboron, according to the nowhere elfe mentioned, under either printed Records. I find this Indian Name. C 2I 5 were Guilty. Notwithftanding the Indians there abouts excufed the Sagamores Son, and accufed [67] 'Toquattos, and intimated that if the Sagamores Son mould upon Sufpition be feized on by the Englim, the Indians would doe the like by fome Englim, untill he mould be fet at Liberty.*?* Likewife at South-hampton in Long-IJland, the Englim were expofed to great Difficulties and Dangers by Reafon of a Murder committed in that Town, fo that they were neceffitated to arm them- felves and ftand upon their own Defence for many Dayes ; the Indians being gathered together in an hoftile Pofture. z 77 This Year alfo Vncas renewed his Complaints againft the Narraganfet Indians, that notwithftand- ing all former Engagements, they are ftill under mining his Peace, and feeking his Ruine, and in particular that to their late Endeavour to bring the 276 The Comiffioners being minded [July 1649] that Afquafti, a Murtherer of an Englifhman fome Yeares fince in or neare the Bounds of Fairfield lived yet (ac cording to general Report) among Indians neare to fom of the Eng lim Plantations in thofe Parts, and that the non p'fuite of fo notorious a Malefa&or is like to proue pre- iudiciall to the Englim by giveing incurragment to the Indians in other malicius and murtherous Attempts. It is therefore thought fitt that the two weftern Colonies* vfe the beft Means they can to take him, and then p'ceed with him according to Righteoufnefs." Records of the CommiJJioners, i, 142. 277 " An Information being alfo given of fom Indians at Long Bland that (by the Accufation of a Native that fuffered lately at Hartford for a Murther) are guilty of the Death of fom Eng lim who fuffered boatwracke fome Yeares paft in a Veflell belonging to one Cope at or near Long Ifland. It was defired and thought expedient that all Opportunities p'fenting bee improved for mak ing Inquiry and fearching after the Truth and (if Evidence ap- peere) the Murtherers be profe- cuted to Juftice." Ibid, i, 142. 2I6 Mohawks upon him, when that failed, they Ibught by Witchcraft to take away his Life. A Narra- ganfet Indian (called Cuttaquin) in an Englim Vef- fel in Mobegin River,* 78 ran a Sword into Vncas his Breaft, whereby he received to all Appearances a mortal Wound, which murderous Adi:, the Affail- ant then confeffed, he was for a confiderable Sum of fTampam, by the Narraganfet and Niantick Sachems hired to attempt. Ninnigret when ex amined utterly denyed his having an Hand in that Fa<5t but, affirmed that Cuttaquin, who accufed himfelf, and the other Sachims, was drawn there unto by Torture from the Mobeags* 7 *) 278 A p ar t of Pequot River, pro bably that Part of the Thames above Montville. 27!> The Records continue : " but he was tould that the Aflalent before hee cam into the Hands of the Moheges, p'fently after the Fa& was comited, layed the charg vpon him [Ninnigret] with the Reft, which hee confermed the Day folowing to Captaine Mafon in the p'fence of the Englifh that were in the Barkque with him . . . that hee was p'fented to Vncas vnder the notion of one apper taining to Vflamequin wherby hee was acknowlidged as his Frend and no Provocation giuen him." , . . . " Theire Indeavours to dif- turbe the Peace by theire Con- federafy with the Mowhawkes* was fo euident by Mr. John Win- thrope and Mr. Williams Rela tion the laft Year, together with " the Confeffion of the Mowhawks " themfelves to Thomas Stanton." The Commiffioners then recount the Indebtednefs of Ninigret, and " exprefled themfelves altogether ' vnfatisfied in the whole Frame of ' his P'ceedings," and recommended ' to all the Colonies to bee in con- flant Readinefs either for Defence or Offence as the State of Occa- fions may call for, which is like to be terbulent and difficult, which they the rather p'fent to concid- ' eration from an Information thay ' receved fence theire fiting, of a ' Marriage fhortly intended be- ' twixt Ninegrets Daughter and a ' Brother or Brothers Soone of ' Saflaquas, the mallignant furious ' Pequot, wherby p'bably their ' Aimes are to gather together and * reunite the fcattered conquered ' Pequates into one Body and fett ' them vpp againe as a diltin6t ' Nation which hatk alwayes been 2I 7 About four Years after this (viz. in Anno 1 65 3.) 28 there were great Troubles, and Commotions railed in the Spirits of Men with reference to the Indians, it being generally believed that there was an horrid Confpiracy amongft the Indians throughout this Land to cut off all the Englim, and that they were animated thereto by the Dutch ; there being at that Time war between England and Holland. 281 An Indian Squaw was fent by other Indians (that pro- feffed Love and Friendfliip) to one in Wethersfield on Conneffiicut informing that there was a Con federacy between the Dutch and the Indians, to deftroy the Englifh Colonyes, and that the Day of " wittnefed againft by the Englifh, " and may haffard the Peace of the " Colonies." Here Affairs appear to haue refted for that Time. Whether the fearful Marriage took place we are not informed, although an Inference that it did is drawn from the Commiffioners' Records of the next Year (1650), i, 169. Yet the Commiffioners do not feem to have troubled themfelves about Uncas's Marriages, one of whofe Wives was Sifter to Saflacus. 280 Notwithftanding the Author (kips nearly four Years, there were conftant Troubles with the Indians during that Time ; one Tribe com plaining of another to the Englim. At the Meeting of the Commiffion ers in Sept. 1 650, Uncas complained that " the Mohanfick Sachem in " Long Ifland had killed fome of" his Men, " bewitched diuers and " himfelf allfo," and defired that Cc he might be " righted therein." But the Complaint could not be acted on becaufe the Long Ifland Sachem was not prefent to anfwer or defend himfelf. So it was advifed that the Governor of Connecticut commif- fion Capt. John Mafon, Mr. Howell, Mr. Gofmer and Thomas Benedict of Southhold to attend to the Cafe. What the Cmmiffioners thought of Uncas being bewitched they do not inform us; but from their Silence on that Point it may reafonably be concluded that they thought the Devil had more to do with him than Witches. ssi Whatever Grounds there may have been for fufpe&ing a Combina tion of Indians with the Dutch againft the Englifh Colonifts at this Period, there feems not to be found any reliable Fads of fuch Combina-^ tion or Confpiracy. All the Tefti- mony elicited is vague and uncertain. [ "8 ] Election of Magiflrates in the feveral Jurifdi&ions was intended for Execution, becaufe then the Towns would be left naked and lefs able to defend themfelves. This Squaw moreover defined the Englifh to remember, how dear their flighting of her former Information of the Pequots coming had coft them.* 82 Alfo, Vncas addreffed himfelf to the Governour of Connecticut Colony declaring that Ninnigret had that Winter been at Manhatos, and that he had given the Dutch Governour a great Prefent of Wampam t and received from him twenty Gunns, with Powder and Shot anfwerable; [68] and that during his flay in thofe Parts, he went over Hud- Jons River, gathered as many Sacbims together as he could, made ample Declaration againfl the Englifh, defiring their Aid and Affiftance againfl them. Yea moreover, there were no lefs than nine In dian Sagamores, who lived near Manhatos, did voluntarily without any Notice or Reward from the Englifh, fend their MefTengers to Stamford de claring and affirming (even after they were urged by the Englim to teflifie nothing but the Truth) that the Dutch had follicited them by promifing them Gunns, Swords, Powder, Wampan, Waft coats and Coats to cut off the Englifh. The MefTengers added that they would not lye, and were as the Mouth of the nine Sagamores, who All fpeak they no lye y they would affirm it to the Dutch Govern- 282 This refers to the Maflacre at thersfield), and to the Agency of Watertown (afterwards called We- the Wife of Mononotto, probably. C 2I 9 1 ours Face, and if the Dutch were angry, and mould fight with them, No Force &c. The next Day, one of thofe Sagamores, with the Son and Brother of another of them came themfelves to Stamford, and confirmed what their Meflengers in their Names had before reported. This Spring alfo the Indians in the northern and eaftern Parts generally grew infolent, and their Cariage very Sufpitious, and they gave out threat- ning Words, fo that many Alarms were made, the Peace of the Englifh through the whole Country disturbed, they weaned with extraordinary Watch- ings and Wanderings, hindered in their Plowing, Sowing, preparations for Planting and other Occa- fions, to their exceeding great Damage. Thefe Things caufed many fad Thoughts of Hearts, and fome warlike Preparations ; but when the Partyes accufed were enquired of about thefe Matters they would own nothing ; as for Ninigret he pretended that his wintering amongft the Dutch was on the Account of his Health, and not at all out of Defign againft the Englifh. The Reft of the Narraganfet Sacbims made themfelves very ignorant of any Plot; the Dutch Governour likewife profefled great Abhorency of fo vile a Thing as that would be, to hire barbarous Indians to murder Chriftians ; withall adding, that if the Colonyes fell upon him on that Account, the righteous Judge would be his Defence,* 8 * and that, Hie murus aheneus efto Nil eonfcire Jibi nulla pallefcere culpa. *" - Peter Stuyvefant was Gov- ernor of the Dutch at New Am- [ 220 ] Alfo glad Tidings of Peace between the Nations at Home arrived here; fo did theieTroublesvanim.* 84 Albeit not many Years after thefe Things, the Indians in thofe Parts made an horrible Slaughter, not of Englim-men but Dutch-men, who were treacheroufly maflacred by them.* 8 * [69] In the latter End of this Year it was that the Montauket or Long-IJland Indians who were Friends and Tributaryes to the Englifh, complained that Ninnigret and the Nianticks had affaulted them, killing and taking captive diverfe of them. They were fo far hearkned unto, as that the Com- fterdam (N. York) and there has nothing fince been difcovered in the Character of the Dutch Governor to warrant any other Conclufion, but that he was malignantly tra duced by the vagabond Indians. Plymouth, Connecticut and New Haven feemed inclined to believe the Stories; but Maflachufetts, lefs interefted, did not credit the Tales. 284 The Treaty of Peace with Holland was figned the 5th April, 1654; the News of which was re ceived in Bofton, 23d June follow ing. See Holmes, Annals, i, 301. 28 New England has never feen fo diftreffing a Time as was experi enced by the Dutch Settlers adverted to in the Text. Tolerably minute Accounts may be read of thofe Troubles in O'Callaghan and Brod- head's Hiftories and their Authori ties indicated. The Invafion by the Indians is faid to have began on the 1 3th of September, 1655. But if fo there muft have been another Invafion the fame Year ; for, on the fame Day the Commiffioners of the United Colonies, who had met at New Haven on the 6th of Sept., 1655, fay, that on " the 15 of the ' p r fent September, by the Rcturne ' of the Meflengers whom they had ' fent forth for Inquiry, received ' certaine Intelligence of a great ' MafTacar perpitrated by the Wam- ' peage and other Indians vpon the ' Dutch at the Monhatoes,"who had taken feventy of the Dutch Prifon- ers ; that as they were about to take Means to ranfom the Captives, Mr. Allerton's Ketch arrived at New- haven from Manhattan, bringing News that the Indians had offered to make Peace, and a Treaty was entered upon. They therefore thought any Aftion on their Part unneceflary Records Commijjion- ers U. C., ii, 144. See alfo A Nar- rative\u& iffued byDr. O'Callaghan. [ 221 ] miffioners of the United Colonies did apprehend themfelves called of God to wage War again ft Ninigret and fuch Indians as fhould adhere to him in his bloudy Proceedings, and accordingly did by Vote conclude and determine the fame, and that two hundred and fifty Souldiers mould be forth with raifed, and fent forth by the feveral Colonies. But the Council of Bo/ion not concurring in thofe Conclufions, the intended Expedition failed at that Time; 186 Neverthelefs the next Year, it being known that Ninnigret perfifted in his warring upon the Long Iflanders, and that he brake his Covenant, refufing to pay Tribute for thofe Pequots that were by the Englifh formerly placed under him, and that the Lenity of the Colonies was abufed to heighten his Pride and Infolency ; upon thefe Coniiderations it was agreed by the Commiffioners that there mould be two hundred and feventy Foot Souldiers, and forty Horfe, raifed out of the feveral Colonyes, in order to reducing Ninnigret to Sub jection and better Obedience. Accrdingly Forces were forthwith levied, and a fmall Army fent forth under the Chriftian and Couragious Major Willard as Commander in Chief. 287 286 if thofe who are now main- " General Court to join in an taining the abfurd Doftrine of Se- " offenfive War." This Proceed- ceffion only knew how Matters flood ing on the Part of Maflachufetts in the United Colonies in 1653, came near breaking up the Con- they might ufe the Fafts to fortify federacy ; and that probably would their Pofition The General Court have been the Refult had Affairs praftically nullified the Aftion of turned out as the Majority of the the Commiffioners by a Refolution Colonies fuppofed they would, that " no Aft of theirs, though they " mould all agree, mould bind the 287 There was ftrong Diflatisfac- [ 222 ] Upon the Approach of the Englim Army, Nin- nigret fled from the Place of his ufual Refidence, and got into a Swamp, where it was not eafie to purfue him. Moft of the Pequots under his Jurif- diction then deferted him, and came to the Eng- glim. z88 MeiTengers were fent to demand a Treaty with him, but he was afraid to appear. In fine, two Gentlemen, viz. Capt. Davis and Capt. Siely went to him requiring the Delivery of the Reft of the Pequots ; to whom he replyed that they were gone on Hunting, but ingaged that within feven Dayes they mould be delivered to Mr. Winthrop.^ He was moreover charged to forbear tion with Major Willard's Proceed ings againft Ninigret. It was un accountable to the war Party that he fhould have returned from his well planned Expedition, having inflicted no Chaftifement on the Nianticks ; when as Ninnigret fled on his Approach leaving his Coun try, Corn and Wigwams unpro tected, which might have been de- ftroyed without Moleftation. It is evident that the Major did not think fuch a Courfe was the beft one; and that Ninigret and his Nianticks did not deferve fuch Severity ; and although he was gravely cenfured at the Time by fome, and perhaps even by a Majority of the Englim, yet Pofterity will doubtlefs fuftain him. He did excellent Service afterwards in the War with Philip, and died in the Midft of it. See Mather's Brief Hiftory, 153. His Report of the Expedition, and the Action of the Commiffioners upon it may be feen in the Records of the United Colonies, ii, 145-9. The Epedition fet out from Bofton the pth of October, 1654, anc ^ returned on the 24th of the fame Month. 288 About one hundred of them, according to Maj. Willard's official Report. Thefe all fubfcribed cer tain Conditions drawn up for that Purpofe. The Subftance of faid Conditions are contained in the Major's Report, but the Originals are probably not preferved. 2 ~ : ' ; This Interview tranfpired on the 1 8th of Oftober, 1654. The Number of Englifhmen fent to treat with Ninigret was fix. He refufed to meet them becaufe they were fo many, but fent Word that he would meet two of the Englim. Accord ingly Capt. [William] Davis and Capt. [Robert] Seily were met by the Chief, who inquired " Why all Acts of Hoftility againft the Long- Iflanders, or any other Indians that were in Amity with the Englifli ;*9 and plainly told, that if he did not hearken to the Advice and Charge laid upon him, he muft expect that ere long his Head would be fet upon an Englifh Pole.** 1 So did the Meflengers return and the Army alfo. Thefe Things hapned in October Anno 1654. After the Englifh Forces were withdrawn, Nin- nigret did according to his ufual Manner, obferve Fidem punicam in keeping the Promifes which at that Time he made and fet his Hand unto. [70] Not many Years after this the Indians in " do you demand the Pequots ? You " have them already. I have but " three or four. The reft are abroad " hunting and elfewhere." Finally the " feven Days " Arrangement was made, as mentioned in the Text 290 Ninigret had been made war upon by the Long Ifland Indians, who had killed feveral of his Chiefs and other Men. He therefore thought it fingularly unjuft Interfer ence on the Part of the Englifh that he mould not be allowed to " right himfelf ;" while at the fame Time the New Haven People had been fending Powder and Shot to his Enemies, the Long Iflanders. And we do not wonder that when he was told that he muft defift from attacking thofe Indians, that " he " was filent for a Time, but after, " faid this ' Shal fuch a Prince " and two Captains lofe theire Lives " and theire Bloud not to bee re- " venged ?' " The Englifh again repeated the Command, but Nini gret faid no more. They next demanded that he mould defray the Expenfe of the Expedition upon which they had now come. To this he anfwered, in Effeft, that he had not caufed the Expedition; that if it was on Acconnt of the Long Iflanders they might look to them. Here the Matter appears to have refted, fo far as payment for the Expedition was concerned. See Records Corns. U. Cols., ii, 147. 291 Ninigret was living in the Time of Philip's War, and rendered fome Service againft thofe Indians who brought it on ; but he muft at that Period have been very old, for we hear of him as early as 1632. The Time of his Death is not known. Several Anecdotes concerning him will be found preferved in the Book of the Indians. the fouthern and weftern Parts of this Land were involved in Broyles amongft themfelves, raging with implacable Feudes and Wars one againft another. The Nianticks, Mauntaukets, Mohegins, Norwootucks, all engaged in cruel and bloody Quarrels. And the Peace of thefe Colonyes was not a little difturbed and endangered thereby, inaf- much as the Indians would purfue one another to the Englim Plantations, and fometimes into the Englifh Houfes, and there kill one another. 2 ? 2 Some Englim at Wetbersfield, and fome inhabiting in the Moheag Country were by Means hereof put into fad Frights. 293 In fpecial, in Anno 1 658. fundry 292 ^ was nO an uncommon Thing, when Difpqtes and Diffi culties occurred among the Indians themfelves, that one Party would fly to the Neighborhood of the Englim, thinking thereby to efcape the Fury of the other Party. But this did not often fhield the Fugi tives ; for if the Englim had the Ability to fhield them, they could know nothing as to who was the originally agrieved Party. Hence deadly Skirmifhes took place fome times in the very Enclosures of the Englim, and Bullets often pafled through their Houfes. Sometimes even one Indian has purfued another into their Houfes and Murders were committed on the Floor and before the Eyes of the Family. An In- ftancc of this Kind once occurred in Cambridge. 293 Sometime in the Month of May, 1660, the Government of Connecticut fent a Letter to the Commiffioners of the United Colo nies, dated June pth, faying, among other Things, that " not many Weeks now paft, wee are by fuf- ficient Information certified, that one Night, at the new Plantation at Munheage, fome Indians (as will appeare) of the Narraganfets fhot eleven Bullets into a Houfe of our Englim there, in Hopes, as they boafted, to have flain him ' whom we have Caufe to honour," who appears to have been Deputy Governor Major Mafon. " As alfo " flew another at Robert Layes, "to the great AfFrightment and " Terror of Goodwife Lay. We intreat you to confider how jn- cogruous and crofs it would haue bin 20 Yeares agoe to an Englim Spirit to beare fvch Things as now we are forct to beare, or whether the Indians would not haue expedled a Vifltation upon 22 5 Englifli in divers Places were difquieted by the In- folence and Outrage of the Pacumptick Indians.* 94 ' lefs Occafions then thefe that haue ' of late bene met with by feveral ' of ours. We cannot but conceaue ' it is high Time to renew vpon ' the Memory of thefe Pagans the ' obliterate Memorials of the Eng- ' lifli." At the next Meeting of the Commiflloners it was refolved, in View of thefe Complaints, " to " require and force the Narrogan- " fetts to a juft Satisfaction." See Trumbull's Col. Recs. Ct., i, 576-7. Conformably to this a Demand was made on the Narraganfets for " att " leaft foure of the chiefe of them " that fhott into the Englifh Houfe," or to pay 500 Fathom of Wampum. The Matter appears to have been fettled by the Wampum. At the fame Time a Complaint was confidered about an Outrage committed at the Houfe of Mr. Brewfter by thofe Indians who be- fieged Uncas, " by theire forcable " attempting to enter his Houfe and " theire violent Intrufion and taking " away fom Goods and Healing his " Corn." Befides, the laft Spring (1659) " fom Narraganfett Indians " did aflault and kill a Mohegan ' Indian in his Seruice who flying ' to Miftris Brewfter for Succor; ' yet they violently tooke him from ' her and fhott him by her Side to ' her great AfFrightment." The Commiffioners faid this was "an " intolerable and impudent Mifcar- " riage," and for which they de manded 80 Fathom of Wampum. Recs. U. Cols., ii, 227. The Po- Dd cumtucke Indians were concerned in the Siege of Uncas's Fort, one of whofe Chiefs was a principal Leader. Ibid, 223. The Brewfter Family fo vaguely mentioned in the Records, was probably that of Mr. Jonathan Brewfter, eldeft Son of Elder Wil liam of the Pilgrim Band. Mr. Brewfter eftablifhed a Trading houfe on the Thames in 1 649, at a Point on the eaft Side of the River, ftill called Brewfter's Neck. Of this he had a Deed from Uncas, dated 25 April, 1650. His Wife's Name was Lucretia. See Mifs Caulkins's New London, 66, 331, &c. Mr. Brewfter was one of the Defenders of Uncas, and was with him in his Fort when it was attacked by the Mohegans, and thus was faved the Life of the deceitful Uncas. His Fort was at the Head of Nahantick River. See Ibid, 127. 294 In the Records of Connecticut mention is made of the Seffion of the General Court in April, 1 65 7, of "a horid Murder committed by " fome Indians at Farmington." (Trumbull, Col. Rec. Ct., \, 294.) But on whom the Murder was com mitted no mention is made. I infer from fubfequent Actions of the Court that the Murder was among the In dians themfelves, and that during the Affair a Houfe was burnt ; " and " though Mefapano feems to bee " the principall After, yet the Ac- " ceffbries are not yet clearly dif- " coured, and none brought to a [ 226 ] But when the Sachims were called to an Account about it, they pretended that they were ignorant of what Diforders were committed by their Men, nor allowed of by them who defired to live in Amity with the Englifh, and were willing to give Satisfaction for paft Injuryes, and to prevent the like Abufes for the Future. So did thofe Troubles pafs over. Not very long before this, at South- Hampton in Long-IJland fome Houfes had been burned by a wicked Indian (and a Negro Woman) who it feems after he had done this Wickednefs, defperately killed himfelf, to prevent juft Execution. It was at firft thought that more of the Indians there had had an Hand in that burning, whence they were condemned to pay feven hundred Pound in feven Years, but afterwards that Penalty was taken off, lince it was judged unreafonable that thofe Indians who were not proved to act in, or confent to the Mifchief that was done, mould be made to fuffer as Guilty. In Anno 1662, Plymouth Colony was in fome Danger of being involved in Trouble by the Wam- panoag Indians. After Maffafoit was dead, his two Sons called Wamfutta and Metacomet, came to the Court at Plymouth pretending high RefpecT: for the Englifh, and therefore defired Englim Names might be impofed on them, whereupon the Court there named Wamfutta (the elder Brother) Alex- " legall Triall." At the Seffion in " by Mefupeno " (as he is then Auguft of the fame Year the Tunxis called) eighty Fathom of Wampum, Indians agreed to pay for the Damage " well ftrungd," for feven Years. See done at Farmington, " occafioned alfo Trumbull's Hi/}. Conn., i, 230. [ 227 ] ander, and Metacomet (the younger Brother) Philip ; this Alexander (Philips immediate Predeceflbr) was not fo faithful and friendly to the Englifh as his Father had been. z 95 For fome of Bofton having occafionally been at Narraganfet wrote to Mr. Prince who was then Govern our of Ply mouthy that Alexander was contriving Mifchief againft the Englifh, and that he had folicited the Narraganfets to ingage with him in his defigned Rebellion. Hereupon Capt. Willet (who lived near to Mount Hope, the Place where Alexander did refide) was appointed to fpeak with him, and to defire him to attend the next Court in Plymouth, for their Satis faction, and his own [71] Vindication, he feemed to take the MefTage in good Part, profefling that the NarraganJ'ets who (he faid were his Enemies) had put an Abufe upon him, and he readily pro- mifed to attend at the next Court. But when the Day of his Appearance was come, inftead of that, he at that very Time went over to the Narraganfets his pretended Enemies ; which compared with other Circumftances, caufed the Gentlemen at Plymouth, to fufpedt there was more of Truth in the In formation given, than at firft they were aware of. 295 The Treaty made with Philip " y c -B VNCOMPOWETT, at this Time may be feen in the " Vnkell to the abouefaid Sachem. Plymouth Col. Records, iv, 256. " Witnefle, John Safomon. The Subftance of it is alfo con- " The Marke of n Francis, tained in Morton's Memorial, Sub. " the Sachem of Nanfet. an. 1662. But Morton omits Part " The Mark of Nimrod '-' , of the Signers of the Treaty. They " allis Pumpafa, are thefe: "The Marke ^ " Marke -r- of Punckquaneck, "PHILLIP, allis METACUM, " TheMarke 3 of Aquete- " Sachim of Pocanakett, The Marke " quefh." Wherefore the Governour and Magiftrates there, ordered Major Winjlo'w (who is fince and at this Day Governour of that Colony) to take a Party of Men and fetch down Alexander. The Major con- fidering that Jemper nocuit differre paratis, he took but ten armed Men with him from Marjhfield y in tending to have taken more at the Towns that lay nearer Mount Hope. But Divine Providence fo ordered, as that when they were about the Midway between Plymouth and Bridgewater, obferving an hunting Houfe they rode up to it, and there did they find Alexander and many of his Men well armed, but their Guns ftanding together without the Houfe, the Major with his fmall Party, pof- fefed themfelves of the Indians Arms, and befet the Houfe ; then did he go in amongft them, acquainting the Sachim with the Reafon of his coming in fuch a Way, defiring Alexander with his Interpreter to walk out with him, who did fo a little Diftance from the Houfe, and then underftood what Commiffion the Majorhzd received concerning him The proud Sachim fell into a raging Pafiion at this Surprife, faying that the Governour had no Reafon to credit Rumors, or to fend for him in fuch a Way, nor would he go to Plymouth but when he faw Caufe. It was replyed to him, that his Breach of Word touching Appearance at Plymouth Court, and inftead thereof going at the fame Time to his pretended Enemies, augmented Jealoufies concern ing him. In fine, the Major told him that his Order was to bring him to Plymouth, and that (by the help of God) he would do it, or elfe he would [ 229 ] dy on the Place ; Alfo declaring to him that if he would fubmit, he might expect refpective Ufage, but if he once more denyed to go, he mould never ftir from the Ground wheron he flood, and with a Piftbl at the Sacbims Breaft, required that his next Words mould be a pofitive and clear Anfwer to what was demanded. Hereupon his Interpreter (a difcreet Indian, brother to John Saujamari) be ing fenfible of Alexanders paffionate Difpolition entreated that he might fpeak a few Words to the Sacbim before he gave his Anfwer. The prudent Difourfe of this Indian prevailed fo far as that Alexander yielded to go, only requefting that he might go like a Sachim, with his Men attending him, which (although [72] there was fome Hazard in it, they being many, and the Englifh but a few) was granted to him. The Weather being hot, the Major offered him an Horfe to ride on, but his Squaw and diverfe Indian Women being in Com pany, he refufed, faying he could go on Foot as well as they, entreating only that there might be a complying with their Pace, which was done, and refting feveral Times by the Way, Alexander and his Indians were refreshed by the Englifh ; no other Difcourie hapning while they were upon their March, but what was pleafant and amicable. The Major fent a Man before, to entreat that as many of the Magiftrates of that Colony as could ; would meet at Duxbury ; wherefore having there had fome Treaty with Alexander, not willing to commit him to Prifon, they entreated Major Win/low to receive him to his Houfe, untill the Governour (who then [ 230 ] lived at Eaftham) could come up. Accordingly he and his Train were courteoufly entertained by the Major. And albeit not fo much as an angry Word patted between them whilft at Marjhfield; yet proud Alexander vexing and fretting in his Spirit, that fuch a Check was given him, he fuddenly fell fick of a Fever. He was then nurfed as a choice Friend. Mr. Fuller (the Phyfitian) coming providentially thither at that Time, the Sachim and his Men earneftly defired that he would adminifter to him, which he was unwilling to doe, but by their im portunity was prevailed with to doe the beft he could to help him and therefore gave him a Potion of working Phyfick, which the Indians thought did him good ; but his Diftemper afterwards pre vailing, they entreated to difmifs him, in order to a return Home, which upon Engagement of Ap pearance at the next Court was granted to him, foon after his being returned Home, he dyed. 2 ? 6 And this is the Truth and Subftance of what concerns Tranfactions with Alexander, concerning which fo many fabulous Storyes have been fpread abroad.* 97 Alexander being dead, his Brother Philip (of late 296 Judge Davis has a long Note to inc tide Mr. Hubbard's Account in his Edition of Morton's Memorial 9 among the " many fabulous Storyes" on this Affair of Alexander, in which which had been in Circulation is he compares the various Accounts not pofitive, but probable ; and yet of the Tranfa&ion, indulging in what Mr. Hubbard does relate is fome probably juft Criticifms upon much to the fame Purport as this, them. and his Work had juft been pub- liftied. Perhaps it had been out 297 Whether the Author intended near fix Months. curfed Memory)* 98 rofe up in his ftead, and he was no fooner ftyled Sacbim, but immediately in the Year 1662. there were vehement Sufpitions of his bloudy Treachery again ft the Englifh : yet he pro- fefTed otherwife, and making his perfonal Appear ance at a Court holden at Plymouth, renewed that Covenant which his Father and Brother had con firmed with the Englifh there. a 99 This Covenant he perfidioufly brake: For in Anno 1671. it was evident that he with other of his Confederates had been confpiring againft the Colony, under whofe Protection and Jurifdidtion he had fubmit- ted himfelf. He then armed himfelf and acted like a Rebel that intended a fpeedy Rifing, yea, he ordered (as fome Indians [73] have lince confefled) that if the Englifh did fend MefTengers to treat with him, if above four came in Company together they mould be mot down, and appointed fome to ly in Ambufh for that End ; and behaved himfelf after a furly and provoking Manner towards MefTengers that defired Treaty with hinV 00 and refufed to appear, and give Anfwer for his Infolencyes, his 298 "The Idea was too much 299 This has Reference to the cheriflied, that they [the firft Set- Treaty in the Plymouth Col. Recs. tiers] were themfelves the People as before cited in Note 295. It of God the chofen Ifraelites, was doubtlefs owing to the Death of and that the Natives, being Hea- Alexander, that Philip gave Occa- then, were in the Situation of the lion for the Authorities of Plymouth Canaanites whom the Children to fufpeft him of a treacherous De- of Ifrael had a Right, by the fign againft the Colony. Command of God, to extirpate them;" Rev. John Taylor of 3o This Matter of the Treat- Deerfield, in his Appendix to Wil- ment of Meflengers is touched upon lizms's Redeemed Captive, Ed, 1800, in the Brief Hiftory, p. 220. p. 199. [ 232 ] Covenant notwithftanding. Neverthelefs, he at laft conceded to meet the Governour and Magif- trates of Plymouth, at Taunton, where fundry Commiffioners of Bofton were defired to be, and to hear the Matters of Difference between the Eng- lifh of Plymouth and this Philip Sachim. This Meeting was attended in April, 1 67 1 . when Philip confefled his Breach of Covenant, and that he had groundleflly taken up Arms againft them, whom he had always found friendly to him ; And fur- rendered fome of his Arms, engaging for the delivery of the Reft in due Time.* 01 The Englifh being tender of medding Blood, let him go upon Promife of better Behaviour for the Future. Soon after this, Philip (with fome of his Counfellors) re paired to Bojlon, endeavouring to poflefs the Eng lifh there, with lying Informations about Injuryes done to him by thofe of Plymouth. Wherefore the Council of that Colony entreated that Com miffioners from Bofton, and from Connefticut alfo might be fent to Plymouth, that fo a fair Hearing of Differences before all the World might be attended. So then in September following the Governour of Connecticut, and feveral Magiftrates from the Maffachufetts, and fome other Gentlemen met at Plymouth,* * where Philip appeared, and all his 301 The Treaty of Taunton is Names of thofe appointed to treat given in the Brief Hiftory, p. 223. with Philip were Gov. John Win- It is alfo contained in Hubbard's throp of Connecticut, Maj. General Narrative, 11-12. Jt bears Date, John Leverett, Mr. Thomas Dan- April loth, 1671. forth and Capt. William Davis of Maflachufetts. The Names of 30a Thefe Proceedings are entered " fome other Gentlemen," do not upon the Records of Plymouth. The appear in the Records. 2133 Allegations were heard to the Conviction pf Philip himfelf, and great Satisfaction of all that Audience. The Conclufion was, Philip acknowledged his Offence and wa? appointed to give a Sum of Mony to defray the Charges which his infolent Clamours had put that Colony unto, The Particulars which Philip then covenated to were thefe. 1. That he would for the Future be fubje<3 to the Government of Plymouth, and to their Laws, 2. He engaged to pay the Colony an hundred- Pound towards reparation of fuch Wrong as they had fuftained by his Mifdemeanors. 3. He was under Obligations to fend five Wolves Heads every Year to the Governour of Plymouth in Token of his Fealty, 4. That he would not make War with any with out the Approbation of that Government, 5. In Cafe any future Difference fhould arife be tween him and the English, he would repair to the Government there to rectify Matters, before ingag- ing in any hoftile Attempts. [74] 6. That he would not difpofe of any of his Lands but with the Approbation of the Englifh Government there So was he difmiiTedJ 03 Some 303 Plymouth had now, in Pro- KOWPAHENITT; WUTTA- mifes, all flic required of the Warn- KOOSEEIM ; SONKANUHOO; panoags. In Cafe of Difobedience, WOON ASHUM, alias NIMROD; (he had only to call upon -the Com- WOOSPASUCK, alias CAP- miflioners to aid, if {he needed Aid, TAINE. The Treaty was figned to coerce any refra&ory Spirit among 29 Sept. 1671. her neighbouring Indians. Thofe On the 3ti\e Murder at Year 1665, King Philip purfued a Woburn was about 1669 or 1670. Fugitive to Nantucket, putting the Inhabitants into a great Fright. All 314 Had the Author been able to that has been learned refpecling this extend his prophetic Vifion a hun- Raid of Philip will be found in the dred Years in advance of his own Book of the Indians, 202. Age, his Views refpeding the Ob- 239 by the Lord Jefus, for the like hath been rarely known in the World, that a Plantation fhould be raifed out of nothing, and brought to fuch confid- erablenefs in fo mort a Time, whereas in the Clofe of the laft Century, there was not fo much as one Chriftian in this Land, there are now above Four- fcore Englifh, and^* Indian Churches, therein, be- fides many other Congregations calling upon the Name of the True God in Jefus Chrift, although as yet not brought into Church eftate, according to the Order of the Gofpel. This is the Lords doing, and it is marvellous in our Eyes. jefts of our Fathers would have been fomewhat modified. That any Set tlement was, or could have been made independent of Trade is pre- pofterous. That the Plymouth Set tlers were Traders, is as plain as that they were generally a fuperior Company of Emigants to fbme of thofe who preceded, as well as many who followed them. FINIS. An HISTORICAL DISCOURSE Concerning the PREVALENCY OF PRAYER. Wherein is Jhown that Neiv-Englands Late Deliverance from the Rage of the Heathen is an Eminent Anjwer to Prayer. By INCREASE MATHER, 'Teacher of a Church in Bofton in New-England. Pfal. 1 02. 1 8. This Jball be written for the Generation to come. Jam. 5. 17. 1 8. Elias was a man Jubjefl to like paffions, as we are, and be prayed earneftly that it might not rain, and it rained not on the Earth by the fpace of three years and fix moneths ; and be prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Preces et Lachrimas funt Arma Ecclifiae Ambrofius. Oratio eft vis Deo grata. Turtul. Bofton, printed and fold by John Fofter. 1677. [iii] TO THE READER. MY Dejign in the Subfequent Difcourfe, is not to enumerate all the Particulars which might be mentioned, that doe evince New-Englands late Deliverance to be a great Anfwer of Prayer : only to take Notice of fome more eminent PaJ/ages of Divine Providence, whereby it doth appear that the God of our Salvation hath anjwered us by terrible Things in Right eoufnefs, againft our Heathen Adver- faryes. There is now Caufe for an Holy Sollicitude left Security Jhould be the Effect of thefe Difpenfations ; left we Jhould now fay, our Mountain is made ftrong, and we Jhall never be moved. Howbeit there is little Re af on for fuch Imaginations, if Things be duly laid to Heart : we cannot but remember how near this Tree was to cutting down a Tear or two agoe ; but the Lord of the Vineyard hath at the earneft Inter - cejjion of his Servants let it alone this Year alio. But who can fay, how far the Lord may cut and lop and mar our Vine branches before many Tears be expired? To this Day we fee not the End of our late bleeding Diftrejfes^ 1 * and when this Day of Trouble 315 It will be noticed that this riming Veflels had been furprifed and Preface was written amidft Alarms their Crews carried into Captivity, and Defolations. Philip had been and Men were killed at Black Point, dead a Year, but there were fearful And, only a Month later, twenty - Ravages in the Eaft and in the Weft, four People were killed and carried Only in the previous July many away from Hatfield and Deerfield. 244 To the Reader. Jhallbe over, I for my part, muft folemnly profeff and \ dec /are, that I look for another feven times greater, \though 'what it Jhall be, or how it fhall come to pafs \f cannot teil ; for I pretend not to any Revelation, beyond what they that diligently compare the Word and Works of God together, may attain unto. It grieveth me not a little that I Jhould fo frequently write and fpeak in fnch a Strain, but I cannot for bear, the Lord hath fpoken, who can but prophecy ? There ate many Confederations, which are enough to caufe Jad Expectations of fome more fatal Changes of Providence not far off, but efpe dally thefe two. [ivl I. There is not a general Reformation in New England fo much as in any one Particular, notwith- ftanding the Lord hath tryed us by all Manner of Wayes that may be thought of, even by lejfer and greater Judgments, and by jignal Mercy es and De liverances : and that which aggravateth our un~ reformednefs, is, that in the Time of our Trouble we have faid, arife and fave us. 2. There are Evil Is prevailing among ft us, which if they be not reformed, the Lords Controverfy will not be ended, Juch as notorious Self ' feeking, reigning Pride, jhameful Drunkennefs, with the Occajions Leading thereunto; wofull Apoftacy, the blejjed Defign of our Fathers in coming into this Wilder nefs not being minded and attended as ought to be : and as Things are circumftanced, there is no Hope that thefe and other Evils Jhould be reformed, untill God arife and Jhake terribly the Earth. So that Nil nifi vota fuperfunt. On thefe Accounts, it concerns us, to be To the Reader. 245 crying unto the Lord Day and Night. If wee look abroad upon the Face of the Earth, in other Parts of the World, the Children are come to the Birth, and there is not Strength to bring forth. We behold y ap%Y}v 'o>5tV&)u the Begining of travailing Sorrows, evenfuch Things as Evidence that fome great Birth is at Hand. And in our Horizon dark Clouds gather apace, and the Heavens are covered over with black- nefs. Surely in thefe Refpects, we may truly fay as fometime that Martyr did, Pray, Pray, Pray, never more need than now. And conjidering the blejjed Encouragement God hath given us, whatever come on us, let us be found fo doing. BOSTON, N. E. Auguft. 1 6. 1677. Increase Mather. [I] An HISTORICAL DISCOURSE Concerning the Prevalency of PRAYER. IT was a great Word (and if rightly underftood, a true Word) which Luther fpake when he faid, Eft qutedam precum omnipotentia, there is a kind of Omnipotency in Prayer ; and the Reafon is obvious, viz. In that the Almighty doth luffer himfelf to be prevailed upon and overcome by Prayer. Had not Jacob in this refpect Power with God ? Yea when he made his Supplication, he had Power, and prevailed over the Angel, even that Angel who is the Lord of Hofts, the Lord is his Memorial. ' Where do we find in all the Books of God a more wonderfull Expreffion, then that of the Lord to praying Mofes, Now let me alone ? That ever the eternal God fhould become thus a see Mr Haii Petitioner to a poor mortal Man ! Feriendi p/aim 82, p. Hcentiam petit a Mofe qui fecit Mqfen. 183, 184. p ra y er then is like the Sword of Saul, or the Bow of Jonathan, which never returned empty from the Battle. Prayer is ftronger than iron 248 The Prevalency of Prayer. Gates. At the Prayers of the Church the iron Gates fly open, and the Apoftles Fetters fall off. Sometimes the Prayers of one Man that hath an eminent Intereft in God, are a Means to preferve a whole Town, yea a whole Land from Deftruction, ou r* we l might the Antient fay, Homine probo Chryfoftom. TT r i- i A i orante mml potentius. How tar did Abra hams Prayers prevail for Sodom ? Did not Elijahs Prayers open and fhut the Windows of Heaven ? Did they not bring down Showers when the gafp- ing Earth was ready to dy for Thirft ? When a [2] fiery Drought had like to have devoured the Land of Ifrael, and the Prophet Amos prayed and cried to the Lord, faying, O Lord God, Ceafe I befeech thee, by whom fhall Jacob arife ? for be is fmall ; the Lord repented for this, and f aid this Jhall not be. Wars, when juftly undertaken, have been fuc- cefsful through the prevalency of Prayer. Mofes in the Mount praying, is too ftrong for all the Armies in the Valley fighting. When the Philiftines went up againft the Children of Ifrael, Samuel ceafed not to cry to the Lord for Ifrael, and the Lord thundered with a great thunder that Day upon the Philiftines, and difcomfited them, that they were fmitten before Ifrael. Jehojhaphat, when furrounded by a Multitude of heathen Enemyes, by Prayer overcame them. When Zera the Ethiopian came againft the Lords People with an Hoft of a thoufand thoufand Men, Afa by Prayer and Faith overcome them all. Hezekiah and Ifaiah by their Prayers brought an Angel down from "The Prevalency of Prayer. 249 Heaven, who flew an hundred and fourfcore and five thoufand Aflyrians, in the Hoft of Sennacherib in one Night. And befides thefe and many Scriptural Examples ciuverius in in ecclefiaftical Story, Instances to this 2KSif Purpoie are frequently obferved. The Epitome, P . 304 History of the thundering Legion isfam- oufly known. Thus it was. The Emperour Marcus Aurelius going to war againft the ^uads y Vandals, Sarmats and Germans, who were nine hundred feventy and five thoufand fighting Men ; The Imperialifts were fo cooped up by their numerous Enemies, in flrait, dry, and hot Places, that the Souldiers having been deftitute of Water for five Days together, they were all like to have perimed for thirft. In this exremity, a Legion of Chriftian Souldiers being in the Army, withdrew themfelves apart from the Reft, and fall ing proftrate on the Earth, by ardent Prayers pre vailed with God, that he imediately fent a moft plentiful Rain, whereby the Army that otherwife had perimed, was refrefhed and dreadfull Light nings flamed in the Faces of their Enemies, fo as that they were difcomfited and put to flight. The Effect of which was, that the Perfecution which before that the Emperour defigned again ft the Chriftians, was diverted ; and that praying Legion did afterwards, bear the Name of xepvvo(3oto$ the Lightning Legion. Conftantine the Great, being to join the Battle Erefebuus in with the Heathen Tyrant Licinius, fingled r out a Number of godly Minifters of [3] Gg 250 The Prevalency of Prayer. Chrift, and with them betook himfelf to earneft Prayer and Supplication, after which God gave him a notable and glorious Victory over his Ene mies. But Licinius himfelfe efcaped at that Time, and raifed another Army, which was purfued by Conftantine, who before he would engage with the Enemy, caufed a Tent to be erected, wherein he did fpend fome Time in Parting and Prayer, being attended with a Company of holy praying Men round about him, after which marching againft his Enemies, he fought them, and ob tained a more glorious Victory than the former, and the Grand Rebel Licinius was then taken Pri- foner. Theodofius* 16 being in no fmall Danger by Reafon Lego Theo- of the potent Army of Adverfaryes he had to dofi mtam. do w ith, in his Diftrefs cryed unto Heaven for Help, and behold ! the Lord fent fuch a terrible Tempeft, as the like was not known, whereby the Darts of the Enemy were driven back upon them- AU uft De ^ ves to ^eir own Confufion, which a-vitatcDci caufed Claudian the Poet, (though no great Lib. s . 6.6. Friend to t h e Chriftian Name) to fay con cerning Theodofius, O nimium dilette Deo cut militat jEtber, Et conjurati veniunt ad Claffica fenti.3 l 7 316 Theodofius, Senior. He died The Lines he intended to quote are : 397* O nimium dile&e deo, cui funditab antris yEolus armatas hyemes, cui militat aether, 3 1 7 The Author has made Claudian Et conjurati veniunt ad claffica venti. appear to great Difadvantage, by a. Claud. Pancg. Lib. vi. F. 123, Ed, quoting him in a blundering Manner. Paris, 1530. The Prevalency of Prayer. 251 It is ftoried concerning the City of Nifibis that being s m fon's ftraitty befieged by Sapores King of Perlia, fs the diftreffed Citizens defired a devout and ticaiHift. j^jy jyj an amon gfl. t hem (whofe Name was James) to be earneft with the Lord in their Behalf. He was fo ; and the Effect was, God lent an Army of Gnats and Flyes among the Per/tans, which fo vexed and tormented them, as that they were forced to raife the Seige and depart. Amongft the Waldenfes fometimes an inconfid- erable Number have prevailed over their Morland . Hift. wd- popiih Adveriaryes. At one Time five hundred of thefe poor praying Saints over threw two thoufand and five hundred of their Enemies who fcoffed at them becaufe they would fall upon their knees and pray before they would fight. In the Land of our Father's Sepulchres, when Ofwald (who fucceded his Father Ethelfride in the Northern Kingdom) was aflaulted by Cedwalla and Penda, two Heathen Kings, that raifed a great Army, defigning the Ruin of Ofwald and his People, he humbly and earneftly addrefled himfelf to the Lord of Hofts, the great Giver of Victory, entreating see Clark's him to fhew his own Power in faving and Example, jw. protecting his People from the Rage of idem eodem heathen Adverfaryes : which, joyning battle with his Enemyes, [4] albeit their Army 31 s This Reference would fcarcely held forth in fame Tboufands of be known at this Day. The Work Examples, &c. Printed in London referred to is A Mirrour or Look- in 1671. Chapter C. is headed ing-Glafs both for Saints and Sinners, Examples of the Power, and Preva- 252 The Prevalency of Prayer. was far greater than his, he obtained a wonderful Victory, wherein Cedwalla himfelf was flain. When England was invaded by the Danes under the Conduct of their King Ofrick, who encamped at AJhdon, King Ethelred betook himfelf to Prayer; and marching againft the Danifh Army, put them to flight, and flew the greateft Part of them. Guftavus Adolphus the King of Sweden, nofooner landed in his Enemies Territoryes, but he addrefled himfelf to Heaven for Victory, and encouraged his Counsellors and Commanders by faying The greater the Army of Prayers is, the greater and more ajjured Jhall be our Viftory. Yea it was his Manner when the Armyes were fet in Battle array, to lift up his Eyes to Heaven and fay, Lord projper the Battle of this Day, according as thou feejt my Heart doth aim at thy Glory, and the good of thy Church. And how fuccefsful did God make that excellent Prince to But what need we go far to find Examples con firming the Truth of this Aflertion, that Prayer is of Wonderfull Prevalency, fince our own Eyes have feen it ? New England may now fay, if the Lord (even the Prayer hearing God) had not been on lency of Prayer. But the Author " made one fay, has given a wrong Reference, for Vpon this Place the great Guftavus di'd, there is nothing in the Chapter of Whilft Victory lay bleeding by his Side.' Clarke's Examples referred to upon Re ^ flain b ^ ^^ * ^ int e T eXt V, ee ' at Lutzen > November the 16 BnefHiJtory 161, for a Note upon . AnnQ Chrift} l6 and of his the Author of the Examples. ( Ag ^ ^f Q ^^ Maf _ ^ 319 " His Army won the Day, row of Eccl. Hijt., Pt. n, p. 265, ) " though they loft their King ; which Edit. 1 650. 4. The Prevalency of Prayer. 253 our Side when Men rofe up againft us, they had fwallowed us up ; then the proud Waters had gone over our Soul. And thus hath it been more than once or twice, efpecially fince the late Infurrection and Rebellion of the Heathen Nations round about us. We cannot but acknowledge, and Pofterity muft know, that we were in Appearance a gone and ruined People,* 20 and had been fo ere this Day, if the Lord had not been a God that heareth Prayer. And there are efpecially two Confederations that doe evince, that New England* Deliverance from the Rage of the Heathen is an eminent Anfwer of Prayer, I. In that God hath gracioufly anfwered us as to the very Petitions that have bin moftly infifi-d on, as will appear to Admiration by inftancing in fome Particulars. i. Then, How often have we prayed that the Lord would divide, infatuate andfruftrate the Coun- files of the Heathen that fought our Ruine. As ftfmetimes David when purfued by Abfalom prayed faying, O Lord divide their Tongues. Pfal. 55. 9. Again David faid, O Lord I pray thee turn the CounfellofAchitophelintofoolifhnefs. 2. Sam. 15.31. Thofe Requefts of David were heard, and therefore AbfalomsCounfellours were divided,one giving this, 320 It is a well known Portion of vent it being anything but a Defert. New England Hiftory, that the early Some of the Weft India Iflands Settlers were importuned by their were ftrongly recommended to them Friends in England to abandon the in the Time of Cromwell's Corn- Country, as not fit for Habitation, monwealth. Some thirty Years later Its fevere Winters and fterile Soil many " pulled up Stakes " and went it was argued, would forever pre- to New Jerfey, and other Points fouth. 254 The Prevalency of Prayer. and another that Advice ; and the fubtle Counfell of Achitoplel (which had it teen hearkened unto, David and thofe with [5] him had perifhed) muft not be followed. In like Manner hath the Lord done for us ; we have heard how that after the Fort fight, Decemb. 19. 1675. fome of the Indian Counfellors advifed that they might purfue our Army when upon their Retreat ;3 ZI which if they had fo done, how fatal would the Confequence have proved ? But therefore God divided their Counfells, that others were of another Mind. Moreover we have received Informations, con cerning a great Confultation amongft the Indians, loon after their Mifchief done at Sudbury in April. 1676.3" Had they then continued to moleft the Englifh, our Cafe had been fad ; but they fuppofed they had Time enough before them, and therefore refolved to be quiet a Month or two, in order to Attendance upon their own Planting and Fifhing. We have alfo heard that the old crafty Serpents amongft the Indians advifed that they might fhun all Encounter with the Englifh Forces, and rather difperfe themfelves into fmall Partyes, and fo fall upon the Englifh Towns, burning their Houfes, deftroying their Cattle &c. but that the young Men 3-21 This was reported by Cap- that Fight " rather like Dogs which lives taken fometime after the Fight. have loft their Ears." And, when they went they afted as if 322 Mrs. Rowlandfon who was a the Devil had told them that they Prifoner among them at the Time mould gain a Viftory, and now fpoken of, does not mention any they adted as if the Devil had told " great Confultation " about follow- them they mould haue a Fall." ing up their Viftory. On the other Captivity, 49. Ed. in Indian Nar- Hand flic fays they returned from rativet. The Prevalency of Prayer. 255 thought it beft to cut off our Souldiers, and then they fuppofed they might do what they pleafed with our Towns. Thus were their Tongues divided and Counfils turned into foolifhnefs. 2. How often have we prayed that God would do for us as in the Days of Midian, by caufing the Heathen to deftroy one another, and that the Egyptians might befet againft the Egyptians. The Lord hath anlwered that Requeft alio. For the Indians have been wafting and killing one another, 3 * 3 yea not only fuch Indians as do pretend Friendfhip to the Enlifh, (e. g. the Natick and Punkapaog Indians, and the Mohawks and the Moheags under Vncas t albeit it is too evident that he was fecretely con- ipiring with Philip in his defigned Mifchief, a little before the War brok forth, but God turned him about, 224 and made him a Friend to the Englim, and an Enemy to Philip} but alfo fome of thofe that were once in Hoftility againft us, did at laft help to deftroy their own Nation, Friends and Kindred, that fo they might do Service for us. So 323 This has been pretty fully wrote that "the Neepmucks are illuftrated by Examples already " returned with three Heads of the given. About July loth, 1637, " Wunnafhoatuckoogs, they flew Roger Williams wrote to John " fix, wounded many, and brought Winthrop " The laft Weeke is a " Home twenty Captives." Ibid. ' Battell fought betweene the hither 204. But little is known of the ' Neepmucks [thofe on the Upper internal Wars of the Indians. ' Thames] and the further, the ' Wunnamowatuckoogs [Nafliuas?] ;i24 Before the Reader confents to ' &c. the Succefle is not yet knowne: accept Uncas into his Calendar as a ' it will be of Confequence, for it Saint, he fhould read the Letters of ' faid they fortifie, ioyning with Roger Williams, and the Records ' fcattered Pequts." Mafs. Hi/}, of the Commiflioners of the United Colli , 36, 197. On the 1 5th he Colonies. 256 The Prevalency of Prayer. have they that fought to deftroy us, gone into the lower Parts of the Earth, they are fallen by the Sword. 3. How often have we prayed that the Lord would take thofe his Enemies into his own aveng ing Hand, pleading that though we know not how to come at them, they had fuch Advantages in re- fpeclis of Woods and Swamps and dark Corners of the Earth to lurk in ; yet the Hand of God could reach them, and that therefore he [6] would fcat- ter them by his Power and bring them down and let them wander up and down for Meat, and the deftroying Angel amongft them. This Prayer hath been heard ; For it is known that the Indians were diftreffed with Famine, Multitudes of them periming for Want of Bread ; and the Lord fent Sickneffes amongft them, that Travellers have feen many dead Indians up and down in the Woods, that were by Famine or Sicknefs brought unto that untimely End. Yea the Indians themfelves have teftified, that more amongft them have been cut off by the Sword of the Lord in thofe Reipects, then by the Sword of the Englifh. 4. How often have we prayed that the Lord would remember the Cruelty ', Treachery, and above all the Blajphemy of thefe Heathen ? This Prayer hath been heard in Heaven. As for their Cruelty, God hath remembered that, many of them falling into the Hands of the Mohawks or other Indians, who fought in our Quarrel ufed their Enemies after their own Kind; and it hath been obferved, that the Vengeance from the Lord did purfue them prefently The Prevalency of Prayer. 257 upon the Perpetration of ibme horrid Afts of bar barous Cruelty towards fuch as fell into their mur- drous Hands' And as for the Treachery, God hath retaliated that upon them ; as for the perfidi ous Narraganfets, Peter Indian was Falfe and Perfidious to them, upon a Difguft received amongft them, and directed our Army where to find them. 325 Treacherous Philip, one of his own Men ran away from him, and told Capt. Church where that grand Enemy had hid himfelf, the Iffue of which was, another Indian mot a Bullet into the treacherous Heart of that Covenant- breaking Infidel. Yea many of thofe bloudy and deceitful Indians who were taken by Capt. Church, would frequently de- ftroy and betray their bloudy and falfe-hearted Comrades. Matoonas who was the firft Indian that treacheroufly med inocent Englifh blood in Maffachujets Colony, 326 he fome Years before pre tended to fomething of Religion, being a Profeflbr in general (though never baptized, nor of the in- churched Indians) that fo he might the more covertly manage the hellifh Defign of Revenge that was harboured in his divelifh Heart ; but at laft Sagamore John with fome of his Indians un expectedly furprifed him, and delivered him to Juftice. That abominable Indian Peter 3-"- See the Author's Brief Hij- Language by faying that the Calamity tory, new ed., 105,249-51. After fell upon that Town becaufe "we the War he went by the Name of " had not mended our Ways !" A Peter Freeman. wretched Pun it muft be confefled. 32(! At Mendon. In the Brief 327 For a farther Account of Hijlorj the Author could not for- " that abominable Indian," fee the bear the undignified Torture of Book of the Indians, 265-7, 274. Hh 258 The Prevalency of Prayer. y; .betrayed his own Father, and other Indians of his //.//Tpecial Acquaintance, unto Death. Many of the / / Nipmuck Indians, who were wont to lay Snares for * * others, were at laft themfelves taken by a Stratagem, and brought to deferved Execution. [7] And as for their Blafphemy, God hath re membered it, the moft notorious Blafphemers amongft them have been made Examples of divine revenging Juftice, Quanonchet^ Pomham, Monaco^ all of them curfed Blafphemers ; the Vengeance of Heaven hath not fufFered them to live. It is alfo reported that an Englim-man belonging to one of the weftern Plantations, being mortally wounded by an Indian, the Indian upbraided him with his Prayers, faying to him, Tou were wont to pray to ye/us Chrtfty now pray to him, He cannot help you, and withal added a moft hideous Blafphemy (not fit to be named) againft our bleffed Lord Jefus Chrift, imediately upon which a Bullet took him in the Head and darned out his Brains, fending his curfed Soul in a moment amongft the Devils, and Blafphemers in Hell forever." 5. How often have we prayed that the Lord would take away Spirit and Courage from thofe that have 328 Ufually written Canonchet. his Depredations were quite exten- A thrilling Account of his Capture five, leading the Nipmucks at the and Death may be read in Hub- Deftruftionof Medfield andGroton. bard's Narrative. He fufFered on the Gallows " at the " Towns end," Bofton, September 329 He was ufually known among 26th, 1676. the Englifh as One-eyed John. Confiderable Space is devoted to 33 I have not been able to afcer- him in the Book of the Indians, tain who the Parties were, nor any He lived at or near Lancafter, and Tranfadlion correfponding with it. The Prevalency of Prayer. 259 been in Hoflility againft us, and caufe thofe Haters of the Lord to fubmit themfehes.. In this Thing alfo the Lord hath had Refpedt to our Requefls. For hundreds of Indians the laft Summer came and furrendered themfelves to the Englifh, e. g. in Ply mouth Colony the Squaw- Sac him of Saconet, wilh above an hundred Indians fubmitted themfelves to Mercy, 331 June 30, 1676. Not long after that two hundred Indians more furrendered themfelves. And in the eaftern Parts of this Colony (July 6.) there were fix Sachims addreffed themfelves to the Eng lifh in order to the obtaining Peace, bringing in with them three hundred Men befides Women and Children. 332 Likewife in the fame Month Saga more John lubmitted himfelf with about one hun dred and eighty Indians ; 333 and hundreds of them came and fubmitted themfelves to the Englifh in Connecticut Colony. Thefe Things came not to pafs without the Finger of God, fo manifeft as that the Enemy himfelf could not but take Notice of it. For a flout Indian Captain who was afterwards executed at Bojion, profefled to fome of our Soul- diers, that they could never have fubdued the Indians, But (faid he ftriking upon his Breaft) Engli/hmans God maketh us afraid here. 6. How often have we prayed that God would in fpecial look after thofe Places, which were in moft 331 Thefe were Awafhonks and Maj. Waldron. See Hubbard;\ 10. her People. 333 He "came in" to Bofton 332 This doubtlefs has Reference July zyth, bringing Matoonas, Fa- to thole Indians entrapped at Dover ther and Son. See Brief Hi/tory, by Capts. Hathorne, Sill, Froft, and 1 84. 260 The Prevalency of Prayer. eminent Danger, as being above others expofed to the Fury of the Enemy ? And we have had the Peti tions we defired of him in that Refped:. What a black Appearance of Death and Ruine was before the poor People at Quaboag, 334 when they were all cooped up in one unfortified Houfe, and furrounded by a barbarous Multitude of cruel Indians, who thirfted after their Blood? But [8] God by a ftrange Providence fent Major Willard, who with a fmall Party of Souldiers, came a few Hours or Minutes before it was too late, by which Means the remaining Inhabitants of that Place had their Lives given them for a Prey. After that the weft- ern Plantations, North -Hampton, Hadley, Hatfield, &c. were in the eminentft Danger, by Reafon of the Enemy taking up their Rendezvouze in thofe Parts ; but God preierved and delivered them, in Anfwer unto Prayer. That memorable Provi dence ought not to be forgotten, how that in the Begining of March, 1676. Our Army miffed their Way (defigning to furprize the Indians about Wa- chujet Hills) and were providentially led to North Hampton. Alfo Major Treat with Souldiers under his Command, did then take up his Quarters in that Town, coming thither a Day fooner than was intended ; the next Day a great Body of Indians brake in upon the Town, and in probability had laid it Waft, had there not been fuch a Supply of Souldiers as hath been mentioned, which the good Providence of God brought thither, in Anfwer to 334 Brookfield. See Brief Hijtory, 68. The Prevalency of Prayer. 261 the Prayers of his People. Moreover the whole Colony of Plymouth was in moft apparent Danger of being overrun and overwhelmed with the Enemy ; efpecially in the Spring of the Year 1676. when (as we have been informed) the Indians were de- figning, with fifteen hundred Men to fall upon all the fcattered Towns throughout that Jurifdiftion. But God gave Men, yea a great Sac him, for the Life of his dear People in that Colony. We have heard that ^uanonchets Surprifal and Death, ftruck an Amazement into the Heathen, and diverted their purpofed Mifchief. May 8. 1676. when Bridg- water was aflaulted, and in Danger of being laid Waft, God fent Thunder and Rain from Heaven, which caufed the Indians to turn back. And when they attempted to make Taunton a Defolation, July 1 1. how wonderfully did the Lord fave that Town ? So ordering by his Providence, as that a Captive Negro efcaping from the Indians, informed of their Purpofe to fall upon that Place, whereupon the Inhabitants flood upon their Guard, and Souldiers were timoufly fent in to them for their Relief and Defence. 7. How often have we prayed for our poor Cap- fives, that God would preferve them and return them ? When fome of ours not many Years lince, were in Captivity under Mahomet, what Prayer was made for them continually? Efpecially it was fo in re- fpedfc to Mr. Fojier and his Son, 335 the Church in Charleftown fetting a Day apart to feek unto the 335 What Fofters thefe were I am does not feem to have Humbled on unable to determine. Mr. Savage them ; if he has he did not know it. 262 The Precedency of Prayer. Lord by Fading and Prayer, that the Perfons mentioned might be fet at liberty, and although at that Time there was [9] no likelihood that ever it mould be, the infidel King under whofe Power they were, not being willing to accept of Money for their Redemption, yet God brought it about wonderfully, and rather then his Peoples Prayers fhould not be anfwered, that Tyrant muft dy by a ftrange and unexpected Providence. But I fpeak now concerning thofe that have been Captives amongft the Heathen in this Land. And God hath heard us for them. Whereas upon the 9th of May, 1676. the Magistrates and Minifters of this Colony, and the Deputyes of the General Court, fought the Lord together by Failing and Prayer, and did in fpecial Manner beg that Captives might be returned, as a Token for Good, and Pledge of further Anfwers of Prayer, within a few Weeks after this, neer upon twenty of our Captives were fet at Liberty. For fome, Prayer hath been more abudantly poured forth ; fo for Mr. Rowland/on his Wife and two Children, and we have (een the Lord returning them all again. And whereas in October 1676. Amongft others, the Son of that Man of God, and Man of Prayer, Reverend Mr. Cobbet (the faithful Paftor in Ipfwich) was furpriied in a VefTel by the Northern Indians, and led away into Captivity ; doubtlefs God did it, that fo glory might be to his holy Name, and that the World might fee how Prayer can prevail with him. Mr. Cobbet no fooner heard what was befallen his Son, but he called together about thirty of his Chriftian Neigh- Prevalency of Prayer. 263 bors (that being as many as could on the fudden convene) and they fet fome Time apart to pray for him that was now a Captive, after this his Fathers Heart was fweetly quieted, believing that God had heard them : Some others alfo that attended that Service, were as confidently perfwaded that God would return (and that in comfortable Plight) Mr. Gobbets Son to him again as if he were already come; Prayer alfo was made in publick Congregations in particular for that young Man ; and in December following, thofe Prayers were fully anfwered, the Lord bringing it about in ftrange Wayes, the Par ticulars and Circumftances whereof are too large here to be infifted on." 6 Let me further take Notice here, that whereas no longer then three Weeks fince, (viz, July 25. 1677.) the Church in Salem fet a Day apart to feek the Lord in fpecial on Behalf of thofe belonging to that Town lately fallen into the Hands of the In dians ; whilft they were praying, God brought Home one of the Veflels that the Indians had fur- prifed, and two Perfons (who were Matters of VefTels) that had been particularly prayed for in the Morning, returned [10] folemn Thanks to God in the after Part of the Day, in that he had in Anfwer of the Prayers of his People, brought them out of their CaptivityJ37 330 The Rev. Thomas Cobbet of 209-19. There is alfo an Account Tpfwich gave the Author an Account in Mr. Hubbard's Indian Wars, Pt. of the Capture and Liberation of ii, 57-8. his Son, in a Letter of great Length, which is publifhed in the N. E. i The Lord having allowed Hi/i. and Gen. Regifter, Vol. vn, " the Indians to take no lefs than 264 tte Prevalency of Prayer. 8. How often have prayed that God would cutt off the Ring-leaders, and principal bloudy Promoters of the late Troubles? That the Lord would doe unto them as unto Sifera, as to Jabin at the Brook of Kifon (which perifhed at Endor, they became as Dung for the Earth) and make their Nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb, yea all their Princes like Zeba and Zalmunna. Now in thefe Cryes to Heaven our God hath heard us even to Admiration. Philip the grand Enemy and Beginner of the War, is gone to his own Place. It was obferved that a little before the Deftruftion of that bloudy Foe, the Lord ftirred up the Hearts of fome of his Servants, to be inftant in Prayer againft that Enemy in particular, yea and caufed them firmly to believe that it mould be fo. Nor could they ceafe crying to the Lord againft him, untill they had prayed the Bullet into Philips Heart. And concerning what Prayers have been in the Clofets about that Thing, we mall hear more at the Day of Judgment when the Lord Jefus will reveal it and reward it openly. Are not all the Chieftains amongft the Heathen who have been in Hoftility againft us cut off for ever ? and their Memorial is periihed with them. ' thirteen Ketches of Salem and " as a Faft." Salem Cb. Records ' captivate the Men (though divers in Felt's Salem, 258. Nineteen ' of them cleared themfelves and wounded Men had been fent in a * came Home) it ftruck great Con- little while before, and fome of the ' fternation into all People here, and Ketches arrived the fame day of the ' it was agreed that Lefture-day, Faft. Hijt. Salem, Ibid. No Names ' July 25th, 1677, mould be kept are given. The Prevalency of Prayer. 265 O thou moft High, Thou baft rebuked the Heathen, thou haft put out their Name for ever and ever ! We have heard of two and twenty Indian Cap tains flain all of them, and brought down to Hell in one Day, viz. Decemb. 19. i675. 338 And fome of the Indians have confefled that at the Fall fight, May i 8. 1676. "/they loft no lefs then three and thirty of their Counfellours, which put them into an abfolute Confuiion, that they were like Men amazed ever after. Where are the fix Narraganfet Sachims, with all their Captains and Counfellors ? Where are the Nipmuck Sachims, with all their Captains and Counfellours ? Where is Philip and Squaw- Sachim of PocaJJet with all their Captains and Counfel lours ? 34 God doe fo to all the implacable Enemies of Chrift and of his People in New England! 2. If we conjider the TIME when God hath ap peared for us, it is manifeft that our Salvation is our Anfwer of Prayer. It was a fatal happy Blow 338 The Author's Statiftics of the and there might be feveral others Narraganfet Swamp Fight are no named. A larger Number of the doubt too large, as they are of the Nipmucks might be reckoned up : Deftruftion at the Falls. There were feveral Johns as John Monaco, Stonewall John, Sagamore 339 The Fight at the Falls in the John, Old Jetbro, Mautamp, Connecticut River. See Brief Hif- Sagamore Sam (Uflcuttugun), &c. tory, 148. Then of the Wampanoags, Philip, Annawan, Sam Barrow, Nimrod, 340 Thefe Queftions were eafier Totofon, Pebe, Watufpequin, Ak- afked than anfwered in the Author's kompoin, Tokamona, Woofpafuck, Time. The fix Narraganfet Chiefs &c., were the moft prominent; or Sachems can be pretty eafily among thefe the Female Chief Wee- made out : Canoncbet, Potock, Pum- tamoo was regarded next to Philip bam, Quinnapin, Quaqualb, Cbicon, on fome Accounts. li 266 The Prevalency of Prayer. which the Indians received at the Fort-fight in the Narraganfet Country ; and a little before that, all thefe Churches [i i] were folemnly by Fafting and Prayer feeking to the Lord, that the Heathen might be rebuked at that Time. When Quanon- chet was taken and {lain it was an amazing ftroke to the Enemy. And but a few Dayes before that many Churches in England kept a Day of Failing and Prayer for poor New-England. In the later End of June. 1676, (and ever after that) Succeffes againft the Enemy were wonderfull ; especially in Plymouth Colony. Now on the 22. of June, all the Churches in that Colony fet apart a Day of folemn Humiliation, and renewed their Covenant. And on the 29. of that Month, was a Day of Thankf-giving throughout this Colony, the Prayers and Praifes of which Day were fignally owned by the Lord, who did then fet Ambumments againft the Enemy and they were fmitten. Alib in this very Moneth, the Churches in Dublin in Ireland were folemnly feeking to the Lord on our Behalf. 341 Why mould not thefe Things be written and re corded for the Generation to come ? Why mould they not be made known to our Children, that they might fet their Hope in God, and not forget the Works of God, but keep his Commandments. Some one perhaps will fay, did not God in the Time of your late War feem to be angry with your Prayers? Had you not the faddeft Tidings on your folemn Dayes of Humiliation ? 341 Nathaniel Mather, the Author's Brother, was then Minifter in Dublin . The Prevalency of Prayer. 267 Aifw. This is true, and the Thoughts of it fhould\ forever humble us ; yet we know, fometimes the I Lord feems to be difpleafed with the Prayers of/ his People only to try their Faith (as with the Woman of Canaan) when as indeed they are his delight. Moreover (alas !) it cannot be denied or doubted of, but that the Lord faw Formality and Hypocrify in the Prayers of many amongft us, which he was offended at, howbeit there are fome living Chriftians, that walk clofely with God ; a few Names that have not defiled their Garments with the Sins, and generally prevailing Temtations of thefe Times ; unto them and to their Prayers hath the Lord had Refpedt. It muft alfo be confefled, that the Prayers of the Churches in Europe have had no fmall Influence into our Mercyes. I can affure the Reader, that the Churches in London, in Suffolk, in Dorfef, in Devon, in Somerfet, in Lanca- Jhire, have by Failing and Prayer, fought the Lord for New-England, in the Time of our late Troubles. And I doubt not but that the Lords praying People in other Countryes, where I have no Acquaintance or Correfpondence, have done the like. We are infinitely indebted to that God, who having a Pur- pofe to glorify himfelf by hearing Prayers, put into their Hearts to be earneft in our Behalf. [12] Who knoweth but that we may be again involved in Trouble by the Remainder of the Heathen, or otherwife. Let us then be encour aged to take in Hand our old tried Weapons, even preces et lacryme the Auntient Armes of the Church. If Enemy es arife, let us pray them down again. 268 The Prevalency of Prayer. And that is the fpecial Improvement which mould be made of what hath been difcourfed ; fince we have feen what Prayer can do. The Confederation of thefe Things Jhould jiir up an holy Resolution in every one, to be ftncere, frequent, and conjiant in this fo great and powerful a Duty. It is reported of - Joachim (the Father of the Virgin Mary) that Prayer was his Meat and Drink. And we know what was David's Profeflion, Pfal. 116. i. 2. / love the Lord, becaufe he hath heard my Voice, and my Supplication, becaufe he hath enclined his ear to me, therefore I will call upon him as long as I Jhall live. Wherefore to the Particulars already mentioned, I mail (for how mould a man when writing upon tuch a Subject, eafily break off) add a few more. It would indeed fill a Volume, mould all the In- ftances this Way be produced, which ftand upon record in approved Authors ; nor have I prefent leifure to revolve many books that treat upon this Subjed: ; only fuch Particulars as do prefently occur to Mind I mall relate, hoping it will not be un profitable to the Reader, who poflibly hath not had the knowledge of them. To proceed then, There have been, whom Prayer hath brought back from the Gates of the Grave, whenas to all outward Appearance they have been otherwife paft Recovery ; not to infift upon Scriptural Examples here neither; It is a memorable PafTage which a great Hiftorian hath noted concerning that learned and religious, Sir John Cheek, who was The Prevalency of Prayer. 269 Tutor to our Englim Joliah, King Edward .3* 2 Sir John being fick nigh unto Death, the King Hif ^^ carefully enquire after his welfare every of the Day ; at laft the Phyfitians told him that ' 4 ' there was no Hopes of Life; Nay (faid the King) he will not dye at this Time, for I have this Morning begged his Life of God in my Prayers, and obtained it ; which accordingly came to paffe ; and foon after Sir John wonderfully recovered be yond all Expectation. Melancthon was taken defperately fick at Vinaria, Mekhior as he was in a journey towards Hagenaw, in ^ I y" / . order to a Conference with fome of the re- anctkonis. formed Divines in Germany about Matters of Religion, Luther hearing of it, haftned to vifit him, and with Tears faying Alas! how [13] pre cious and profitable an Inftrument of the Church, is miferably weakned, and ready to perim ! and falling upon his knees, he did moft earneftly wreftle with the Lord for his Recovery, and prevailed, fo as that Melancthon would afterwards confefs, that idem in tnat Epi'/epttck and Lunatick Perfons wrhin are thofe Domoniacks whom we read fo i. Difeour. much of in the New Teftament. There is a 6f Deliratton that proceeds ex vi morbi, being from or with a Fever, and another Kind of Delira- 346 This Story of "Matter Robert "mine." This certainly is pretty " Balfom " is alfo told in the Mar- well for the old " Father of Lies," tyrology of Mr. Clarke, ii, 1 79, &c. and mows that he could fometimes His Converfation with the Devil in tell the Truth, the poflefled Man is exceedingly amufing. In the Courfe of the 347 Here we lofe much intended Debate the Devil faid to Mr. Bal- for us by not being informed of the fom : " If God would let me loofe Names of the Parties. The Name " upon you, I mould find enough of " the Woman behind the Door," " in the belt of you to make you all capable of doing what many thou- The Prevalency of Prayer. 275 tion which isjine Febre, when a Man having no other Beza in Difeafe is crazed or diftraclied. Not they Mat. 8. 16. that are fubjected to the former, but to this latter have been accounted Evspyovfievot poflefled Perfons. The Jews of old had fuch an Opinion concerning mad Men. Joh. 10, 20. Con- fider alfo Math. 17. 14, 15, 18. with Luk. 9. 39. Whatever of Solidity may be in that Notion, is not a Place here to difpute ; but this is certain, that dif- tracted Perfons have been reftored to the ufe of their underftanding again by Failing and Prayer. That Mofes of his Time, Mr. Dod^* (concerning whom Mr. Burroughs^ giveth this Teftimony, that he Mr Bur- was ^6 meekeft Man upon the Face of the roughs Earth) had a godly Son, whom it pleafed Math. ii. . ' n TT . .0 J . r -r^ n 28. idpt. the Molt High to leave unto iore Deltrac- *' 3s8 ' tion in his Mind, whereupon Mr. Dod called fome of his godly praying Friends together, who fet a Day apart folemnly to feek [16] the Lord about that Matter, and whilft they were yet fpeaking in Prayer, God heard them, fo as that the diftracted Perfon was not only reftored to his right fands of Men have failed to do, the youngeft of feventeen Children, fhould be handed down to Pofterity. He lived to the great Age of 96, An Author guilty of withholding dying in 1645, according to Clarke's the Name of fuch a Perfon deferves Martyrology, ii, 168, &c. the hearty Reprehenfion of all his Readers. 249 Jeremiah Burroughs, another noted Divine, who will be found 348 Mafter John Dod " is pro- duly noticed in Brook's Lives, iii, bably referred to. He was a famous 1-6. He was at one Time Col- Puritan, and the Author of feveral league with the Rev. Dr. Edmund Works in much Repute formerly. Calamy at Bury St. Edmunds. He was of a Chcfter Family and 276 'The Prevalency of Prayer. Mind again, but did himfelf conclude that Day of Prayer with folemn Thankfgiving unto God. This Information I received from a Reverend Minifter, who was preferit in Mr. Dods Houfe, when that Day of Fading and Prayer was there obferved, upon the Occafion mentioned. It is reported concerning that excelent Man and s ee Mr. Lwif- famous Minifter in Edinborough, Mr. "lg f t 's!rip- Bruce^ (concerning whom the Learned turn. p. 431. Didoclavius hath given a moft honora ble Teftimony) that divers Perfons that were dif- tracted, and fome who were Epileptick, paft Hopes of Recovery, were neverthelefs reftored to perfect Health in Anfwer to Mr. Bruces Prayers. But I have not met with any Inftance to Fulfilling of J the Script- this Purpofe more affecting than that which ;7 'is (by an Author worthy of Credit) pub- limed concerning Mr. Patrick Simpfon a learned and very holy Minifter, fometimes of Sterling in Scot land. The Story in brief is this. Mr. Simpfons Wife (a gracious Woman) falling fick, was forely affaulted by Satan, who told her that (he mould be given over into his Hand. The Temptation and AfFrightment prevailed fo far as to refolve in a vifible Diftraction, that the good Woman, moft unlike her former Way whilft me was herfelf, would break forth fometimes with dreadfull and horrid Expreffions ; This was (and could not be otherwife) a moft bitter Affliction to 350 1 do not find the Chriftian tions a " Mr. Bruce " among the Name of this Divine among the Eje&ed. The fame probably men- Puritan Biographers. Cakmy men- tioned by Wilfon, iv, 62. The Prevalency of Prayer. 277 her precious hufband, who told thofe about her that he was affured that Satans Malice fhould at laft re ceive a mameful Foyle ; wherefore he retired him- felf into his Garden, and fhutting the Door, betook himfelf to Parting and Prayer. One Helen Garner (a godly Woman) being follicitous for Mr. Simpfon, as fearing that his Labours, Grief, Fafting might be too hard for him, ufed fome Means to get over into the Garden, where Mr. Simpfon was alone wreftling with God ; being come near the Place where he was, me was terrified with an extraor dinary Noife which caufed her to fall upon the Ground ; It was like the Noife of a great rufh- ing of Multitudes together, and therwithal fuch a melodious Sound as did make her know it was fomething more than humane; fo that me fel to Prayer, entreating the Lord to pardon her Rafhnefs in fo coming thither, confidering it was Refpedt to his Servant, who had been an Inftrument of Good to her Soul, that did induce her. After going for ward, (he found Mr. Simpfon lying upon the ground; nor would he reveal what he had met with, until [17] Promife was made not to fpeak of it whilfl he was alive in this World. Upon this he faid, O what am I being Duji and Afhes, that the holy mintftring Spirits Jhould be fent by the Lord to deliver a MeJ/age to me, and {hewed that Angels from Heaven had by an audible Voice given him Anfwer concerning that which he had been pray ing about. [This was a Thing extraordinary, and in no wife to be expected by Chriftians ordina- 278 The Prevalency of Prayer. rily] 351 and returning into his Houfe, he bid thofe that were in the Room with his Wife, be of good Comfort ; for he was afTured that within ten Hours {he mould be delivered from that Diftraclion. After this he went to Prayer by the Bedlide, and as he was in Prayer, mentioning Jacobs wreftling with God, his Wife fate up in the Bed, and cafting afide the Curtain faid, Thou art this Day Jacob, thou haft wreftled, and haft prevailed, and now God hath made good his Word which he fpake to you this Morning, for lam plucked out of the Hands of Satan, and he jhall no more have Power over me. This Interruption made him filent for a while, but after in great Meltings of Heart he proceeded in Prayer, magnifying the Riches of divine Grace and Love, and from that Hour his Wife continued to dif- courfe Chriftianly and comfortably even to her dying Hour. As for thofe fpiritual (which are worfe then bodily Pofleffions) that Satan holds in the Souls of ciark, uti Men, how often hath Prayer been a Means Supra. to out him, anc j cau f e him (full fore againft his will) to quit his ftrong Hold for ever. Prayer hath (i. e. inftrumentally) converted many a Soul. Peter Martyr was wont to pray much for the Converiion35 2 of Bernard Gilpin, and the Lord an- 351 The Author can hardly be fimilar Delufions, yet with no more laid to have improved his Account Light on his Mind, apparently, by throwing in this bracketed Caveat. He probably had not had Experi- 352 Peter Martyr was a Florentine, ence with difordered or difeafed born at the City of Florence in 1500. Imaginations in 1677, but lixteen Clarke has given his Life and Por- Years later in Life he witnefled trait in his Marrow of Eccl. Htft, t The Prevalency of Prayer. 279 fwered his Prayers, and that Gilpin proved an emi nent Inftrument of Gods Glory and of Good unto his Church. I have read of one who having a Brother that fpent his Time in Hawking, Drinking and other profane Vanityes, upon a Saturday, when his un- Mr. white, godly Brother was gone upon an hawking u, **.. Matc h, he fet that very Day apart by Faft- ing and Prayer to beg of God that his Brother might be converted. And the Lord anfwered his Prayers wonderfully ; For within a Week after his Brother was ftrangely changed, and did himlelf (inftead of fpending his Time in Hawking and Drinking) obferve many Days of iecret Humilia tion between the Lord and his own Soul, on the Account of the Sins he had been guilty of, in the Days of Vanity, and made a very godly End at laft. That precious and famous Minifter of Chrift, Mr. Welch^ being in a Journey, his Entertain ment came to more than he expected, fo that the next Morning he had not wherewith to pay for his Horfe meat : the Hoftler fware and railed exceed ingly for his Money: Mr. Welch [18] (hut his chamber Door and went to Prayer and the Hoftler 201-13. He was obliged to fly the New World, published by Ri- from his own Country to avoid chard Hakluyt. He was celebrated Perfecution, and refided for a Period for his varied Learning, in Devonfhire, England. The Bio graphical Dictionaries are ample 353 Perhaps Mr. Henry Welfti, upon him. He has fometimes been of whom Dr. Calamy gives fome confounded with another Peter Account. See Nonconformifti Me- Martyr, who wrote the Decades of morial, ii, 88. 280 The Prevalency of Prayer. ftanding at the Door overheard him, and was con verted by that Prayer ; ever after that Time highly refpedting Mr. Welch, and refuting to accept of anything for his Entertainment, either then or at any other Times afterwards, when Occafion was offered. I knew one, the Son of an holy and eminently faithful Minifter, who in fome of the Dayes of his Youth had been wild and vain, but was (through the Grace of Chrift) converted in his young Years, and after his Fathers death, perufing his private Papers, he perceived, that not many Days before he was in the Pangs of the new Birth, his Father had been by fecret Fafting and Prayer feeking unto the Lord that converting fanctifying Grace might be beftowed upon that Son of his. That notable Ifraelite, Mr. Hugh Kennedy, Pro- MR.LIVISTON vofl of Air in Scotland, one Day being 'dtafpfw". l n g alone in Prayer, while fome of his *4 a - intimate Friends ftayed a great while to fpeak with him, upon their enquiry into the Reafon why he made them wait fo long ; he told them it was no wonder, for (faid he) / have this Day ob tained Mercy for me and all mine. And fo indeed it came to pafs ; for not fo much as one of his Children, but evident Signs of Converlion and true Godlinefs were obferved in them. This was that Kennedy, who when he was dying could fay, If the Wals of this Houfe could fpeak, they could tell how many fweet Dayes I have had in fecret Fellowjhip with God, and how familiar he hath been with my Soul. This is he concerning whom Mr. Welch The Prevalency of Prayer. 281 once faid, ' Happy is that City, yea, happy is that ' Nation that hath an Hugh Kennedy in it. I * myfelf have certainly found the Anfwers, of his ' Prayers to the Lord on my behalf.' There is one Paflage recorded concerning him which is exceeding ftrange. It is this. One of his Sons being abfent at Sea, on a certain Night he rofe early, before break of Day, and came to his familiar Friend John Steward^ and defired him to rife, and go with him into a room to pray, for (laid he) my Son with the reft of our Chriftian Friends now at Sea, are at the very nick of periming. After he had fpent fome Time in pouring out his Soul before the Lord, he rofe up cheerfully, faying, now are they fafe, John Steward being amazed thereat, writ this down, with the Day and Hour, and at the Return of the Ship made Enquiry, and found that in that very Hour of that Night, they then were in a moft Danger ous Place, fo that all Hope, that they mould be faved was taken away, only they were by an extra ordinary unexpected Providence then delivered. [19] To draw to a Conclufion, let the World beware, of doing any Wrong to a praying People. Such blafting Strokes from God were upon thofe that fet themfelves againft the reformed Churches and Profeffors (who were called Piccardines] in Bohemia of old that it became a proverbial Speech, If any Man be weary of his Life, let him become an Enemy to the Piccar dines. So I fay, If any Man be weary of his Life, let him become an Enemy LI 282 The Prevalency of Prayer. to a praying People^ fuch as (through Grace) many in New England have been, and are to this Day. And wo to that Man, whoever he be, upon whom the Prayers of New England fhall fall. It were better for that Man that a Mill-ftone were hanged about his Neck, and he thrown therewith into the midft of the Sea. It is faid concerning the Wit- nefTes, Rev. 11.5. ft if any Man hurt them, fire pro- " ceedeth out of their Mouth, and devoureth their " Enemies, and if ^ny Man will hurt them, he muft in this Manner be killed." Is not the Spirit of Prayer that Fire ? That Scottifh Queen once profefTed, that fhe was more afraid of Mr. Knox his Prayers, then of an Army of ten thoufand Men. And it is noted concerning Leolin Prince of Refer t[o] Wales, that being perfwaded by fome to Dr. poweii. ta k e U p Arms againft a Prince that was famous for Religion ; he replyed that he was afraid of that Mans Prayers more then of Armyes. Wherefore I fhall finifh this Difcourfe with the folemn Expreffion of one (whom I have peculiar Reafon to love) that was well known in this Place Myiitffed feven and twenty Years agoe. 354 I had %?&? rather (faith he] be environed with Armyes in this fiats O f armed Men. and compa/fed round with in hit Scrm- *J ' j T n r T-\ / ant on 2. drawn bwords and Injtruments oj Death, Kin gil %.*.p. 7 . then fhat the ^ p raying Saint Jhould bend the Edge of his Prayers againft me ; for there 354 The Author refers to his Pedigree in the Brief Hijfory. See Brother Samuel. See the Family alfo Hift> and Antiqs. Bojlon, 310. The Prevalency of Prayer. 283 is no ftanding before the Prayers of Saints, efpe dally if they unite their Forces, and join together in the fame Requefts. Rife up, O Lord, and let thine Enemy es be fc after ed, and let them that hate thee, flee before thee. A. Capt. IJrael Stoughton to John Wintbrop. [Not dated, but endorfed, " Red* 5, 6. " 1637] HONORED S' By y 8 Pinnace, being Giggles, 355 you fhall Receive 48 or 50 women & Children vnlefle there ftay any here to be helpfull & tn , concerning which there is one I formerly 330 mentioned y* is y 6 faireft & largeft y* I faw amongft them, to whome I haue given a coate to Cloath her : It is my defire to haue her for a Servant if it may ftand w th yo r good liking : ells not. There is a little Squa y l Steward Calacot defireth, to whom he hath Given a coate Lifetenant Damport [Davenport] alfo delireth one, to witt, a tall one, y* hath three ftroakes vpon her ftumach, thus . 111 + : he defireth her if it will ftand with yo r good likeing : Sofomon 357 y e jndian delireth a young little fqua w ch I know not. But I leave all to your difpofe : He had one here for one of his men. At prefent M r . Noyes, M r . Ludlo, Captayne Mafon & 30 men arc w th vs in Pequid Riuer, & we fhall y e next weeke joyne in feeing w* we can do ag st Safaco 8 , & an other great Sagamo r : Momowattuck : Here is yet tuff worke to be done. And how deere it will coft is unknowne : Safao 8 is refolued to fell his life & fo y e other with their Company as deere as they cann : but we doubt not but god will giue him to vs ; we are in a faire way. One of y e former y 4 we tooke (or y 4 was taken to o r hands in a great meafure) is a great Sachem, y e third of y e pequids : whome we referuc for a help, 158 & find Gods p r vidence derefted it well, for we are all cleere he is like to do vs good : yet we are farr from giuing him aflur- 855 Roger Williams wrote his Name Jiglies. There was a Thomas jfigglcs of Bofton ; doubtlefs the fame Perfon. Mr. Savage does not feem to have heard of him. See our Note, 149. 854 There is a long Letter from Capt. Stoughton dated after this, printed in the Appendix to Winthrop's Journal, i, 398, &c. That referred to in the Text is not known to exift. w Perhaps the fame killed by Philip' Men juft before the War of 1675, as de tailed in this Work. "58 This Wequafli. is probably a Reference to 286 Appendix. ance of life. We fee fo much worke behind y l we dare not difmife more men yet : We hope to find a way to bring them in plentifully, and to get y murderers too : & to make their aflbfiates tributary if they ftill adhere to them : for we heare of a great Number vp y e Country among y e Neepe- netts : but we fhall not deale with them with out yo r advice, vnlefs more remotely. We have fettled on a place for our randavooze : not full to o r Content but y e beft we could for y e prefent : vpon y e mouth of Pequid Riuer ; on y e Naanticot fide, where we haue 100 acres corne, if not z or 300 neere at hand. & a Curio 8 fpring of water within o r Pallazado, & may by great Gunns Command y e Riuer. So y e Charg of keeping y e fort need not be great, feeing Corne, water & wood are fo neare at hand : & fifhing & th . I pray let not p r vifions be neglefted with y e firft, fuch as y e Country affbrdeth fhall content vs : only w n we haue frends, as now, we could beteeme them a peece of Beef ets : if we had it. y e Rudlet of Sack we haue is fome comfort & credit : but many hands make light worke : and in cafes of fayntings, ficknes &ts among a many, it cannot be but occafions will happen of fome expence of fuch things as are a little better then ordinary. Thus w tlj my deereft Refpefts remembred to yo r felf with y e Councell & 1S I take leaue Refting Yor 8 as in duty I am bound. (. ISRAEL SroucHTON.) 359 B. Edward Win/low to John Winthrop. [Endorfed " Mr. Winflow about the Pequots."] WORTHY S'. Yo r L r by my wiues fonne I re d the 6 th day of the Jaft weeke being very forry mine came fo unfeafonable to yo r hands, ffbr anfwerc to yo rs Our Cowncell having weighty occafions this day to meete & con fer about divers bufinefTes w ch much concerne us I impted yo r L r to the Gov r and them, who feeing it impoffible for the Gov r or myfelfe to bee at yo r Court to morrow requefted me to write by the bearer & thereby falute yo r Gov r yo r felfe & affiftants. Concerning yo r prent bufnies we conceiue it will be fimply neceflary for you to pceed in the war begun w th the Pequots, otherwise the natiues we feare will grow into a ftronger confederacy to the further prejudice of the whole Englifh. We are very glad to heare that the Munheges are fallen from the Pequots & brought to a pfefled war w* 11 them knowing their inueterate hatred & defire it may be nourifhed by all good meanes, who are foldiers as well as the 389 A Fac-fimilc of Capt. Stoughton's Autograph iiin the HiJt.Antiqt. Bofton, 214. Appendix. 287 others. Thefe beft know the Pequots holds & holes & the fitteft inftru- ments can be employed & fuch a people as will alfo well accord w th the Narrohigganfets. But there is one thing of ill confequence w h we heare from Conectncut viz 1 , that there are fome Englifh there that furnim the enemy by way of trade having made a league w th them, If you enquire of Mr. Jefop who came in the barke with Mr. Harding you may receiue pticular informacon thereabout. That this will be ill taken I dowbt not, yet durft not doe no other then informe you, yet let me comend one thing to yo r confideracon how dangerous a thing it may proue if the Dutch (who feeke it) & they mould clofe by reafon of the Pequots necef- fity : I fpeake not this as defiring the benefit of their trade, for we are waary of the worke as we are dealt w th all. Concerning things Eftward, Capt. Standifh is returned who reporteth of the Royall entertainem* Shurt hath given Dony 200 at Pemaquid. He faith (being commander Generall) that if he receiue a Comiflion he muft take him, onely fix weekes before he will giue him notice, and in lue thereof tis [ ] Mr. Shurt hath pro- mifed him to informe him of whatever prepacon mall be made or in tended againft them. He further faith that if his commiflion be to take the Grand Bay (yo r felues) he will attempt it though he mould haue no other veflell then a Canoe. But the Englifh are all his ffriends except Plimoth : nor is he enemies to any other. Shurt hath undertaken to furnim him w th powder {hot yea all manner of provifions, And to that end under a colour of gathering vp fome debts is come to make provifions for them till his owne fhip come. Tis alfo reported that S r fferdinando Gorges hath written to Saco that the {French here are not fett out nor allowed by the King of ffr. but a bafe people w ch their ftate difclaime, & therefore ftirreth them up to informe both you & us that we might joyne together to expell them. One thing more w ch I had almoft forgotten they have loft their Gaily & a pinnafe at He Sable & brought away their people who are at Penobfcot where they haue built a pinnafe of threefcore tunne. I report thefe things fro Capt. Standifti but as the reports y* are familiar in the Eftern pts, y l you may likewife make yo r ufe of them. The laft news is this whereat I am moft grieved That all the late differencs betw. m r Wheelwright & yo 1 felues in Church & Court are in writing at Rich- munds He where Turlany 361 mewed him fix meets of pap full written about them. The Lord in mercy look upon us and leaue us not to the malice of Satan & wicked men his inftruments, but fo direft us, by his fpirit as the end may redownd to his glory & our mutuall good. S r howeuer I could not come at this fudden warning by reafon of our publick occafions & the fowlenes of the latter pt of the weeke paft yet neverthelefle if you conceiue my coming may be any furtherance in any 160 D'Aulney. It was within his Ter- xl No doubt Robert Trclawny, who ritory. See Hutchinfon, i, iz%; Davit owned the Ifland. He died before loth Morton, 1 80- 1, ^\l.. Oft., 1648. See Willw's Portland, 127. 288 Appendix. good accou God giving health & ability mine owne occafions (hall giue place, & I fhall be ready to doe any fervice God {hall inable me In the meane time & whileft I haue being my prs I hope mall be to the Throne of grace for you & yo rs whom I falute in the Lord & reft. Yo r aflured Plym: the iyth of the 2 d mo. 1637. EDW. WINSLOW. If now after your Court you have any defire to fpeake w*k me at goodman Stows of Roxbury you mall heare of one that is to come foorthw th hither. c. John Humfrey to John Winthrop. [Dated June 7th, 1637.] M 1 [UCH honoured Hitherto the lord hath beene w' h us, blefled for ever be his ever blefled name. O r nation, the gofpel, the blood of thofe murthered per- fons of o rs feems to triump in the p r {ent fuccefle ; now I onely defire to fuggeft it to yo r wife & deeper confederations whether it be not p r bable the confederates of the Pequots will not be glad to purchafe a fecure & fearlefs condition to themfelves, by delivering up thofe men or their heads, who have wrought & brought fo much miferie upon themfelves & theirs. Or if not fo, whither (if they give good aflurance by hoftages &c.) the blood fhed by them may not feeme to be fufficiently expiated by fo great an inequalitie on their fides. Hitherto the hono r & terro r of o r peeple to all the natives is abundantly vendicated & made good. If p r vidence for o r humbling (as in regard of myfelfe I much feare) mould flefli them [word worn off] by fome new cruelties upon anie of o 18 , how low wee may be laide both in their, & the eyes of o r confederate Indians, & to how great daunger to us, yea poffiblie o r pofterities, I leave to yo r graver thoughts, if it be worth the confideration. Onely to my ftiallownes it feemes confiderable whither it were not fafe pawfing to fee what effedt this will or may work upon fuch a demaund, 362 2 d ly whither not beft to reft in certaine viftorie & hono r acquired, upon fo fmall a lofle. 3 d ]y whither, (if wee carrie away the greateft glory of thefe poore barbarous people in o r triumphs over them,) the lofle of three men more (if we mould not exceede) may not be paraleld w th fo manie hundreds more of theirs. 4 th ly whither we muft not be forced at laft (& it may be in worfe cir- 864 This has Reference to the Capture only eleven Days before this Letter was of the Fort at Miftick, which was done written. See Page Appendix. 289 cumftances) to take this courfe unleffe divine iuftice will miraculoufly fhew it fclfe in bringing them all into o> net, w c ' according to reafon is not likely. 5 th ly, whether the dreadfulnes of o r maine Battallio (as it were) be better to be meafured by their feares raifed on this laft, then to fee, fay or thinke, that o r former victorie was not fo much of valo r as acci dent w ch we o r felves do acknowledge p r vidence. 6' ; 'ly, if we refufe to give or take fuch conditions now, they may not be likely to hold us to worfe, or neceffitate us to a perpetual war if for o r owne eafe wee after feeke them, & when they fee us (as they may) afraide in like manner. Much more, & to as little purpofe might be faide. But if you con tinue yo r refolutions to p r ceede according to former intentions you may pleafe to confider whither thefe bottles to be ufed granado wife, may not be of fome ufe ; and whither (if the fort 303 be fo difficile as it is reported) into which they fhall for their laft refuge retire) it were not opera; preciu to p r pare a petar or two to command entrance. Thus laying my low thoughts and myfelf at yo r feete to be kicked out or admitted as you fee good, being glad to hope of the continuance of yo r purpofe to fee us in yo r way to Ipfwich, W tu my fcrvicc to you & yo !B I reft yet and ever yo r * (anie thing) to ferve you. Jo : HUMPHREY. 30 * D. YARMOUTH PORT [Mafs.], March 9, 1863. OAMUEL G. DRAKE, ESQ. ^ Dear Sir: I have delayed anfwering your letter of Feb. 12, in order that I might thoroughly inveftigate the tradition in the Davis family, that their anccftor Robert bought of lyannough a traft of land at the north eaft corner of Barnftable for a brafs Kettle. 365 Robert Davis bought lands of the Indians ; but it unfortunately happens, that the pur- chafe was made after the year 1650, and was a part of the Indian refervation. It will not be juftifiable to depart from the authority of Winflow, with out we can fubftitute a better. I think no fuch authority can be fubftituted, and I fhall not therefore occupy fpace by quoting accounts more familiar to you than to me. The defcription of the localities fo far as given by 863 It was not then known that the Antiquttiet of Bofton, p. 51. This Letter ftrongeft Fort of the Pequots had been has never been publifhed before, entire, abandoned, which fome feared was im pregnable, and would never be expofed as 365 Mr. Otis wrote in a previous Letter, the other was, to be furprifed. that there was a Tradition in the Davii Family, that their Anceftor, " Robert 864 A Fac-fimile of Mr. Humfrey's " Davis, bought his Farm of Hyanna for Autograph may be feen in the Hijiory and " a brafs Kettle." 290 Appendix. the early writers is accurate, and I fet it down as a hiftorical faft that lyannough perifhed in a fwamp, as reprefented, and that the fwamp in which he died is probably the one about half a mile eaft of his town. There is an ifland in the fwamp where tents could have been built. The " Dead Swamp," not far diftant, is almoft impenetrable to this day. It is wet and muddy> and I do not think even an Indian would have at tempted to refide in it. Firft we will examine the queftion genealogically. In 1 620 lyannough is reprefented as being only 25 years of age; if fo he could not have had a fon of fufficient age in 1626, to fucceed him as Sachem. In 1639, the territory of lyannough was owned, the northerly portion by Nepogtano (who had by deed of gift conveyed one half to Tuacommicus), and the foutherly portion (that portion of Barnftable now called Hyannis and all the fouth part of Yarmouth) by an Indian Sachem whom Antony Thacher calls Hyanna, and whofe name in the reecords is written H y an a, Hyanus, Yana, lanna. Sampfon, fon of Mafhantampanu and his fifter claimed a right in thofe lands ; but it was afterwards proved that they had no right, and Nepoitan and Tuacomicus conveyed their lands to the proprietors, referv- ing about 60 acres 'at 'Mattakees Swamp or lyannough's town. Hianna and his fon John Hianna, fold that portion of their territory within the prefent bounds of Barnftable to the proprietors, referving certain lands and a tradl which fohn fays was given by his father Yano to Nicholas Davis. Hiano fold to the proprietors of Yarmouth all the lands on the fouth fide of the town of Yarmouth, referving certain lands in the vicinity of Bafs River for the ufe of the Indians. The deed of Nepoyetam to Barnftable is dated in 1641. He was then of age, and could hardly have been a fon of lyannough, if the latter's age is reported rightly. Yanno's deed is dated 1 9th July, 1664, m which he makes the refervation to the Indians and Nicholas Davis. John Yan no's deed is dated 7 Sep. 1680, and in it he names his father and Nicho las Davis, both deceafed. Nepaiton and Yanno may have been fons of lyannough, but if fo I think he was an older man than he was reprefented to be, and in fad his teeth mow that he was probably older. There is much preferved mowing the relationfhip of the feveral Indian Sachems who lived in this vicinity between 1639 and 1680, and their individual hiftory can be quite fatisfaftorily traced. I am entirely fatisfied that the ancient Indian grave recently difcovered, was not that of Tuacomicus, Napoyetan (or his fuc- ceflbr Keencomfet) of Paupmunmeeke, Sachem of Barnftable and Marfhpee, of Yanno (or his fon John), of Mafantampaine (Sachem of Nobfcuffet), of Sachemus (Sachem of South Dennis and part of Harwich) or of Mat- taquafon, Sachem of Monamoiet (though his fon John Quafon claimed to be an heir of Nepogetain. It is a more ancient grave, and after a very careful examination of all the fadls, which I have not time to recapitulate, I am entirely fatisfied that the Indian grave difcovered in Barnftable on Appendix. 291 the 1 8th of May, 1861, is the grave of that Indian Chief whom the Pilgrim Fathers called lyanough. The following are the fadb in relation to the finding of the grave : On Saturday, May 18, 1861, Patrick Hughes an Irifhman, a hired man of Mr. Enoch T. Cobb, and David Davis, a fon of Benjamin Davis of Barnftable, aged 16, were ploughing in a field on the fouth of the Great Swamp, which is fituate about half a mile eaft of Mattakeefe pond or fwamp, now called the " Perch Pond " (on the borders of which in 1620 lyanough's town was fituate). While ploughing the plough ftruck againft fomething that looked like metal. On examination they found it to be a brafs kettle, lying bottom upwards, about feven inches below the furface of the ground. They procured a pick-axe and dug around it, and taking it up found it much rufted and decayed. Under the kettle they found a fkull, and other bones. It was fo left for the night. Sunday morning following David Davis and his brothers, Adolphus and Robinfon, and their father, and Mr. Nathaniel Gorham, being provided with tools, continued the excavation, and found the fkeleton of a man who had been buried in a fitting pofture, an Indian peftle, an iron hatchet, a bowl, fomc white and black wampum, feveral iron nails and one fpike. In making the excavation traces in the earth were noticed in the form of a bow and arrows. The body was buried in a fitting pofture, the kettle placed over the head, the peftle on his right arm, the hatchet and bowl at his feet ; dark lines in the earth indicated that his bow and arrows had been placed acrofs his breaft. Thefe fads refpefting the exhuming of the remains, I obtained by a perfonal and feparate examination of the parties who were prefent. All the remains I had packed in a box and fent to the Pilgrim Society at Plymouth, and the late James Davis, Efq., on whofe land the grave was found, provided a fuitable cafe, and they are now depofited in the Hall of that Society. I believe I have now given you all the fads you will want in preparing your article on lyanough. I have named his contemporaries and their fucceflbrs. Nepogetam, Tuacommicus and Keencomfet, who refided at the Indian village (lyannough's town) were Chriftianized Indians, and would not have been buried in that pofture. In fa6l their burial place is known, it was farther weft, and the Indian graves are named in ancient deeds, and the lands referved in the fale. Yanno or Hianna refided at Hyannis, where there is an ancient Indian burial ground containing one acre, referved when the lands were originally laid out, and if he was brought (after 1664) to the north fide of the town to be buried, it is probable that he would have been entombed on the land fet apart for that purpofe. Mafantampaine lived to be very aged and is buried at Nobscuflet. Paupnummucke was probably buried at MafTapee (Marfhpee) of which tribe he was Sachem. Mm 292 Appendix. There is another confideration ; none excepting the chiefs had brafs kettles and hatchets at that time, and if they had, they were too fcarce and too valuable to be buried with a common man. The remains indicate great antiquity, and the articles found indicate with fome precifion the time of the burial. It was after the time that Capt. John Smith and Hunt vifited Barnftable harbor, and before the time that the Indians had laid the ufe of the bow and arrow, in their wars and in hunting. It was before wampum had ceafed to pafs for money, and be fore iron nails had become common, and ceafed to be regarded as articles of high value. Perhaps the latter faft is the moft important in fixing the time of the fepulchre. Taking this as the rule a later period than 1625, can not be fafely named as the time of the burial. Very foon after the fettlement of Plymouth, nails ceafed to be an article of value or curiofity to the Indians. They wanted hatchets, knives or other articles of ufe. In regard to an event which happened more than two centuries ago, and of which no record was made at the time, it is unreafonable to expet that the proof will be as ftrong as a mathematical demonftration. I have drawn out this letter to an unreafonable length ; but I will re peat that I have no reafonable ground to doubt that the grave of lyannough has been difcovered, and that fome of his remains are now in Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth. Refpeftfully yours, AMOS OTIS. INDEX A BERK1EST, threatens to kill f* all the Englifh, 98, 102. Acanootus, an Indian Juror, 236. Accomack, Plymouth Harbor, 61. Adams, John Quincy, 1 06. Agawams, conspiracy among, 87, 89; fight with, 102. Akkompoin, uncle to Philip, 265. Alexander, fucceeds Maflafoit, 227 ; feized by order of Plymouth, 228; his death, 230. Allen, James xxii. John, his connexion with Mafon's Hiftory, viii ; communi cates it to the Author, 45, 113; the Author mifled by, 114; his unwarrantable liberties with Ma fon's Hiftory, 133, 140, 159, 1 68. Anceftry, deficiency of data con cerning, xvii. Angier, Samuel, xxii. Annawan, 265. Aquidnet, Rhode Ifland, 1 87. Aquetequefh, 227. Armada, fent againft England, xxx. Arnold, Benedict, Ambaffador, 200. S. G . , on Miantonimo, 191, 194. Afpinet, Sachem of Naufet, 76, 85 ; dies, 94. Atherton, Humphrey, 197. Aubrey, John, F. R. S., xvi. Audfah, the Murderer of Oldham, 149. Auftin, caft out Devils, 27 1 . Awafequin, at Bofton, 196. Awaflionks, 259. T> ALSAM, Robert, encounters the Devil, 273-4. Bangs, Jonathan, Juror, 236. Barber, Thomas, 134. Bayly, John, xxii. Benedict, Thomas, 217. Billington, John, loft, 75 j reftored, 76. Block-Ifland, 1 1 3 ; the people Nar- raganfets, 1 1 6; expedition againft, 1 60- 1. Bradford, William, his Hiftory of Plymouth, 44; how difcovered, 45 ; caught in an Indian trap, 64 ; ficknefs, 67. Branch, Arthur, 117, 165. Brewfter, Jonathan, 125. Brewfter's Neck, 225. Brookes, William, 235. Brown Qames], 210. J. C., Dedication to, iii. Peter, loft in the woods, 66. Bull, Henry, 212. Thomas, 135, 157. Burroughs, Jeremiah, 275. Bufheage, a murderer, 193 ; put to death, 204, 205. Butler, S., his Hudibras, xvi, 83. Butterfield, S., burnt by the Pequots. 163. 294 Index. /^ALAMY, Edmund, 275, 276, 279. Canacum, Chief of Manomet, 85 ; his houfe attacked, 87 ; dies, 94. Canonchet, 258, 265. Canonicus, challenges the Englifh, 78 ; advifes the Pequots to keep peace with them, 1 8 1 ; death of, 194. Capawack, 78, 89. Capen, Jofeph, xxii. Carver, John, ficknefs and peril, 67. Cafes of Confcience concerning Witches, xxi, xxiii. Caulkins, F. M., Hift. N. London, 225. Chapman, Robert, 117, 165. Charles Firft gives names on Smith's map, 52. Cheek, John, Sir, 268-9^ Cheever, George B., his Mourt's Journal, 43. Chicon, a Narraganfet Chief, 265. Chickwallop, Sachem of Norwoo- tuck, 206. Church, Benjamin, Capt., 257. Cobbett, Thomas, 112, 262-3. Cllacot, Richard, 285. Commiffioners of the U. C. See UNITED COLONIES. Conne&icut complains that Mafla- chufetts unneceflarily caufed the Pequot War, ix ; Quonihticut, x ; claims the chief honor of deftroy- ing the Pequots, 178. Cook, Wequafh. See WEQUASH. Cope, , 215. Corbitant, his Confpiracy, 76-78 ; full of merry jefts and fquibs, 89. Crocker, William, 235. Cummaquid, 75, 76. Cuttaquin, trouble with Uncas, 2 1 6. FJANFORTH, Thomas, at Ply- ^^ mouth, 232. Darrel, John, 271. Davenport, [Richard], goes againft the Pequots, 161 ; again, 182-3 ; exploit; ib. 146, 148, 285. Davis, [William], 135, 147, 222, 232. Deane, Charles, xxxvii. D'Aulney, , 287. De Laet, John, his Novus Orbis, 42. Demonology, by King James, 236. Dermer, Thomas, voyage to New England, 59 ; mortally wounded, 60. Devil, caufes thunder and lightning, xix ; an infernal chemift, raifed a great wind, xx ; " there are Devils and witches," xxi; fug- gefts arguments to the Pequots, 1 80; Father of the Indians, 190-1; in Uncas, 217; elates and deprefles the Indians, 254; Devils fall before Prayer, 270; Autograph of, 270 ; caft out of one, 271 ; another, 272 ; driven out by a woman, 274 ; Father of Lies, 273-4. Dike, Anthony, 166. Dodd, John, a Mofes, 275. Done, John, 236. Dorchefter, fight there, 102. Drake, Sir Francis, names N. Eng land, 53 ; his voyage, 44. Drake, Nathan, Shakfpeare and his Times, 43. Drouth, how to manage one, 108-9. Dudley, Thomas, 179. Dutch, of New York, redeem Cap tives, 177; accufed of felling arms to the Indians, 175, 182; of confpiring with the Indians againft the Englifh, 217, 219; war with the Indians, 220. Index. 295 , Jack, exploit of, 145. Edward VI, a Jofiah, 269. Elliot, John, xxxiv ; American Apoftle, xxxvi. Elmere, Edward, 206. Endicott, Governor, arrives, 104; goes againft the Pequots, 1 1 6, 161. Epenow, kidnapped by Hunt, 55; efcapes, 56. England, ripe for Judgment, xxix ; Armada fent againft, xxx. "C*ALL Fight, killed over eftimat- f ed, 265. Farmington, mifchief done there, 225. Finch, John, killed, 119. Fox, Jabez, xxii. John, poflefled of the Devil, 271. Francis, Sachem of Nanfet, 227. French mips deftroyed, 95-7. /^ALLOP, John, 126; Execu- ^-* tioner of Indians, 144, 160. Gardiner, Lion, Hift. Pequot War, vi, 117, 122, 173; fervices not acknowledged, ix; wounded, 164; 1 1 8 ; redeems Captives, 1 24 ; receives Mafon's men, 1 42 ; ie- cures the friendfhip of the Long Ifland Indians, 185. Garner, Helen, her Miracle, 277. George an Indian Juror, 236. Gerriih, Jofeph, xxii. Gibbons, Edward, appointed to command in the Narraganfet war, 196. Giggles, [Thomas?], 126, 285. Gilbert, Jonathan, 202, 206. Gilbert, Raleigh, his Journals, 43. Gilpin, Bernard, 278. Goodman, John, 66. Gorges, Ferdinando, Narration, 44, 54, 56, 60. Gorges, Robert, arrives, 103, 188. Gortonians, " vagabond Englifh," 188. Gofmer, [John?], 217. Griffin, John, 206. Guftavus Adolphus, 252. tJ AKLUYT, Richard, 42 ; his Collections, 44. Hamdin, Mr. , 102. Hamilton, N. E. S. A., difcovers Bradford's MS. Hiftory, 45. Hanham, Thomas, voyages, 43. Harding, Mr. , 287. Harley, Edward, voyages, 43. Haynes, John, averfe to the murder of captive Pequots, x; a Com- miffioner, 144; Indians confpire againft, 201, 202. Hedge, , 132; wounded, 134-5. Hell, " Pequot Souls brought down to," 1 69 ; more of them, 1 84 ; Indians, children of, 35 ; others fent to, 258; Indian Captains brought down to, 265. Heyden, William, 132, 134. Higgins, Benjamin, 236. Higginfon, John, Chaplain in the Pequot War, 161, 166. Hiftorical Society, one early recom mended, 47. Hobbomock, Counfellor to Mafla- foit, 72-3, 76; his life attempted, 77 ; important fervices, 79, 87, 88, 108. Hobfon, Nicholas, Voyages, 43, 54> 57-8. Hooker, Thomas 156, 172. Hope, an Indian Juror, 236. Hopkins, Edward, Indians confpire againft, 201, 204. Hopkins, Stephen, vifit to Mafla- foit, 73. 296 Index. Houlden, Randall, 212. Howell, [Edward?], 217. Hubbard, William, endorfes Ma ther's Cafes of Confcience, xxi, xxii ; his Hiftory, 48. Hudibras on Jefuits & Indians, xvi. Hume, Hiftory of England, vi. Humfrey, John, Letter about the Peqots, 288. Hunt, Thomas, kidnaps Indians, 53-4, 58- Hurlburt, Thomas. 117; fhot, 1 1 8, 165. Humphrey, John, on the Pequot War, x See HUMFREY. Hutchinfon, Thomas, Bradford's Hiftory traced to, 44. Hyannes, 75, 290,; Hianna, 291. INDIANS, perfeft Seceflionifts, xi, xii ; early condition, xiii ; treacherous, ibid: their wars originated in bad faith, xiv ; a remarkable example, xiv, xv ; ' wolves with men's brains,' xv ; Chriftianity among, xxxiii-xxxvi ; of Martha's Vineyard, fwept away, xxxv ; children of Hell, ib.; ibme kidnapped, 53; war, 57 ; fight with Dermer, 60 ; with Smith, 6 1 ; attack the Pilgrims, 65 ; the Plague among, 69, 1 10 ; confpiracy, 87 ; no dealing with as with others, 90; Indian Goliah, 171; Gigantine Salvage, 183; Englimman's God all one Fly, 1 84 ; thofe of Long Ifland bring tribute to the Englilh, 185 ; un- derftood little of Covenants, 201 ; horrid Confpiracy among feared, 217; Northern and Eaftern make difturbance, 219; a general war among themfelves, 224, 255; apathy after a viftory, 254; curfed blafphemers, 258 ; twenty- two Captains flain, 263. Ipfwich alarmed by the Tarratines, in. lyanough, Hyannis? 75 ; dies, 94 ; his place of burial, reftdence and defcendants, 289-292. J ACKSON, -, 126. Jackfon, T., executed at Ply mouth, 187. James, (King), his Demonology, 236. Jefferyes, , 146. Jenyfon, [William], 161. Jeflbp, , 287. Jethro, Peter, 257. Jiggles, Thomas See GIGGLES. Johnfon, Edward, Wonder Work ing Providence, 45, 66, 188. Joflelyn, John, on Lions, 67. TT'EHORON See REHORON. ** Kennedy Hugh, 280, 281. Kilpatrick See PATRICK. Kifwas, barbaroufly put to death, 1 66-8. Knox, John, the Reformer, 282. Kunacum See CANACUM. T ANKTREE, Matthew, xxx. ^ Lay, Robert, 224. Leoline, Prince of Wales, 282. Leverett, John, at Plymouth, 232. Lions, fuppofed in New England, 66-7. Ludlow, Roger, averfe to the mur der of captives, x ; Commiffioner, 123, 145, 172, 192, 285. Luther on Prayer, 247, 269. Luz, a Pequot Captive, 1 45 ; Pilot to the Englifh, 174. Index. 297 VfACHIAVEL, N., Indians as * * treacherous, xv ; equalled by Pequot Chiefs, 1 80. Manafanes, a Norwootuck, 206. Manawet kidnapped by Hunt, 55. Manhattan (New York), 143, 145, 179, 218. Manifles (Block Ifland), 113; peo ple Narraganfetts, 1 1 6 See BLOCK ISLAND. Manomet (Sandwich), 85 ; Indian Confpiracy there, 87, 89, 94. Martha's Vineyard, Indians fwept away, xxxv. Martyr, Peter, 278. Maflcippague, an Indian Juror, 236. Maflachuietts, accufed of caufing War, ix; fends an Expedition againft the Pequots, 1 1 6 ; de fence of, 178 ; fends Commiffion- ers to the Narraganfets, 181 ; commits an aft of Nullification, 221. Maflachufett Indians at war with the Tarratines, xiii ; plot to cut off the Englifti, 79, 84 ; furprifed by Standifh, 91-3 ; Small pox among, no. Maflafoit vifits the Pilgrims, 70; treats with them, 71 ; vifited by them, 74-5; at Plymouth, 81 ; reveals a Confpiracy, 84 ; falls fick, 87 ; a wall to the Englifti, 107; his fucceflbrs, 226. Mafon, John, Hift Pequot War, vii, viii ; no Letters of, x ; his Hiftory attributed to Allyn, 114; urges Gardiner to write a Hiftory, 117; fent to Saybrook, 1 1 8 ; conducts the war againft the Pe quots, 121 ; inverts a fort, 132; fets it on fire, 133; returns home, 142 ; goes on a fecond Expedi tion, 144-150; his operations, 151-156; procures corn, 158, 216; a fuppofed attempt to mur der, 224, 285. Matachiefts, confpiracy among, 87, 89 ; their Chief dies, 94. Mather, Cotton, on Chriftian In dians, xxxvi. Mather, I., his Hiftories, vi-viii; The "Relation," xvii; value of his works, xviii ; Cafes of Con- fcience, xxi ; endorfes the " Won ders of the Invifible World," xxiii; Awakening Truths, xxiv; his Autobiography, xxiv-v, xxxiii ; Reafons for writing the " Rela tion," 41; deceived, 114; bad citation, 250. Mather, Nathaniel, 266. Samuel, his death and orders refpefting his interment, xxxvii. Matoonas, 238, 257, 259. Mattakees Pond, 291. Mattafhinnamy, murders Saffamon, 235 ; executed, 237. Matthews, , 56. Mautamp, a Nipmuck Chief, 265. Melanfthon, [Philip], 269. Mendon deftroyed, 257. Menunkatuck, Guilford, 173. Mefapano, accufed of mifchief, 225-6. Metacomet fucceeds Alexander, 226- 7 See PHILIP. Metapoifet, 88, 89. Mexano, vifits Bofton, 196. Miantonimo, 126, 127, 150; (hares the Pequot Captives, 151; friend ly advice, 1 61 ; accufed of picking quarrels, 188 ; vifits Bofton, 189; executes a Pequot, j 90 ; captured and flain, ib. Middlebury, murder there, 235. Millenium looked for, xxix-xxxi. 298 Index. Miller, William, his end of the world, xxx. Miftic Fort, captured, 171. Mitchell, Mathew, 163, 166-7. Mohanfick, on Long Ifland, 217. Mohegans, origin, xii ; at war with the Pequots, xiii ; Exploit of fome, 1 22 ;protedl Pequots, 161 ; once a part of them, 167; in trouble with the Narraganfets, 1 88 ; defeat the Narraganfets, 190; new war with, 193; threaten Uncas, 209 ; plotting with Philip, 234. Mohawk's, war-hammers, 182 ; Narraganfets practice with, 199; again fufpefted of entering their fervice, 213, 216. Monhegan Ifland, 62, 69, 82. Monoco (One-eyed-John), 258, 265 Mononotto, a Pequot Chief> 162 ; wife of, 176-7, 218, 285. Montaukets, aflaulted, 220. Morton, Charles, xxii. Nathaniel, New England's Memorial, 45, 184, 227. Morton, Thomas, on Lions, 67 ; the Indian Plague, 69 ; Lord of Mifrule, 106. Mount Wollafton, 104. Mourt's Journal, badly reprinted, 4 2 -3- Mannings, Geo., wounded, 161. Myconius, 269, 270. Peckfuot's boy, 101. Namafchet, 69, 76, 77. Nantucket, Indian Troubles, 238. Nappannets apply for favor, 186. Narraganfets efcape the Plague, 69 ; challenge the Engliih, 78; aid the Englifh againft the Pequots, 115; fome inhabit Manifles, 1 16; fend Pequot hands to Bofton, 115; decried by Uncas, 121; join the Englifh, 127 ; fhowfigns of fear, 128-9; refill the Argu ments of the Pequots to deftroy the Englifh, 1 80 ; Cowards, 181 ; taunt enemies in their dying agonies, 182; one mur dered by an Englifhman, 186-8 ; in trouble with the Mohegans, 188; war with, 193; war pre vented, 196 ; play Leger-de-main, 197 ; practicing with the Mo hawks, 199 ; threatened by the Englifh, 200 ; threats in return, 209 ; further complained of, 212-13 > felfe an d treacherous, 214; fome murder a Mohegan, 225 ; plotting with Philip, 234; their lofles, 265. Nafhuas at war with the Nipmucks, 255. Naufet Indians kidnapped, 54-5 ; retaliate, 60, 76, 84 ; in a Con- fpiracy, 87, 89, 94. Naymetayhu, a Sachem, 202, 204, 207. Nepaupuck, hanged, for murder, 192. New Albion, New England named from, 52. New England, early condition of, vii ; " lamentably degenerate," xxv ; radical Apoftacy of, xxvii ; its Families out of order, xxviii ; peculiar Glory of, xxxiv ; origin of the Name, 52 ; a black page in its Hiftory, 191 ; its Deliver- . ance an Anfwer of Prayer, 243 ; yet not a General Reformation in, 244; dark Clouds gathering, 245 ; unfit for habitation, 253 ; Wo to him whom N. E. prays againft, 282. New Haven, why fo called and when, 174. Index. 299 Nianticks, 127 ; Pequots, 141, 149; fend a Deputy to Bofton, 196; threatened, 200; aflault the Long Ifland Indians, 220. Nimrod, Counfellor to Philip, 227 ; Signs a Treaty at Plymouth, 233; 265. Ninigret, receives plunder of Mur derers, 1 1 6 ; his tribe vifited, 1 27, 141 ; receives captive Pequots, 151 ; his men outrageous, 152; goes againft Block Ifland, 161 j feized by Atherton, 198; at Bofton, 200 ; again, 208 ; over awed to promife what he could not perform, 209-11; marriage of his Daughter, 216; aflaults, Long Ifland, 220; war againft determined on, 221 ; formidable Expedition againft, 222 ; Englifh threaten to fet his head upon a Pole, 223. Nipmucks enfnared, 258; their Lofles, 265, 285. Nipnifoit, a Sachem, 202. Nobfcuflet, 291. Nonantum, firft Indian Church there, xxxv. Norton, Walter, Capt., 112; mur dered, 113-15, 159- Norwootuck, Northampton 201. Nowequa, brother of Uncas, 2 1 2. Noyes, James, 285. O BRAVE Pequots, 182. O'Callaghan, E. B., 192. Oldham, John, Murdered, 113, 1 1 6 ; his Murderer difcovered, 149, 1 60. Old Jethro, a Nipmuck Chief, 265. Oldmixon, John, on the Author, xxiii. Otafti, brother to Miantonimo, 1 5 3. Nn Otis, Amos, 75 ; Letter to the Editor, 289. Owanux, Englifhmen, 131, 168. , war Parties at, * 158, 213, 225. Palmor, [Abraham] Serjeant, 146. Pametfick, a Pequot murderer, 143 Panics, an Indian Champion, 80 ; villainy of one, 96. Paomet, 85 ; plan to kill Standifh there fruftrated, 86; in a Con- fpiracy, 87, 89. Pattifon, Edward, 134. Patrick, Daniel, ( 126; arrives at Pequot, 139, 140; ill treated, 141 ; operations againft the en emy, 146, 149, 150; 172. Patuckfon, 236. Patuxet, fince called Plymouth, 53, 69, 90. Pawcatuck, 128; in the Pequot Country, 151; Wefterly, 203. Peach, Arthur, executed for murder, 1 86. Pebe, Pecbe, or Thebe, 265. Pelham [Herbert], CommifEoner, 201. Pell, Thomas, Surgeon, 137, 1 66. Pequots, their origin, xii ; com mence murdering the Englifti, 113; grounds of the war with, 114; Expedition againft, 116; aflault Saybrook, 117; attack Weathersfield, 1 1 8 ; had 1 6 guns, 123; fort described, 129; def- troyed, 1 30-6 ; many taken & put to death ; others made flaves 1 44, 150; no more to be called Pe quots, 151; anonymous account of the war with, 159; protected by the Mohegans, 161 ; their (hocking barbarity, 1 64, 1 66 ; 300 Index. fouls bro't down to Hell, 1 69 ; outwitted by the Dutch, 177; conduft after their Murders, 179; quarrel with the Dutch, ib. ; counfelled by Satan, 180; fome " in a moment brought down to Hell," 184; one hanged, 192; fears of their afierting again their Nationality, 216; the Englifh again demand thofe with Ninigret, 222. Perkins, John, Sergeant of Ipf- wich, ill. Peflacus, vifits Bofton, I96;em- baffay to, 200 ; another, 208 ; Peter, a perfidious Narraganfet, 257. Philip, origin of the war with, 227, 237 ; "of late curfed memory", 231 ; at Bofton, 232; convifted at Plymouth, 233 ; hatching Mif- chief, 235 ; a bullet prayed into his heart, 264. Phillips, Samuel, xxii. Pickfuot, a Confpirator, 9 1 ; killed by Standifh, 92 ; Pratt's account of, 96, 98, 101. Pilgrims, why befriended by the Wampanoags, xiii ; dealt honor ably with the Indians, xv. Pinchon, William, 172, 201. Plymouth, aveffe to the Pequot war, ix; Indian names, 53,61,69; fortified, 79 ; falfe alarm at, 80 ; Commiffioners meet Philip, 232 . To be fupported againft the Ind ians, 233. Plymouth Colony Records, 227, 231. Pocanoket, 73, 87, 88. Pomeroy, Eltwood, 151, Pomham, 258. Popham, Francis, Sir, fends (hips to New England, 53. Popham, John, Sir, fends a colony to New England, 52; dies, 53. Porter's Rocks, 129. Potock, a Narraganfet Chief, 265. Powas, 104; unable to manage a Drouth, 1 09 ; or the Small pox, no. Pratt, Phinehas, his Narrative of Wefton's Colony, 91-104. Prince, Thomas, his edition of Mafon's Hiftory, 1 14. Prince, Thomas (Gov.), 227. Pulfifer, David, Plymouth Records, 46. Pumham, a Narraganfet, 265. Pumpafa (Nimrod), 227. Punckquaneck, 227. Purchas, Samuel, his Pilgrims, 43 ; his death, 44, 58. QUABAOG, attack upon, 260. Quadequina, brother of Maf- faflbit, 70. Quanonchet, a Narraganfet Chief, 258, 261. Quinnipiack, fettled, 174. Quonahafit, fight there, 61. Quonihticut See CONNECTICUT. T3EBELLION, the Southern, its origin, xi. Reid, John, xxx. Rehoron, murders a man, 214. Remarkable Providences, xix, xxxi- xxxiii ; a compilation of, urged, xxxii. Rhode Ifland, hated, 1 68 ; deep Apoftates of, 1 88 ; Indians friend ly to, 194; people complain of the Narraganfets, 2 1 2. Riggs, Edward, exploit, 148. Ringe, Andrew, 236. River Indians, troublefome, 201. Robinfon, [Nicholas?], 126. Rocraft, Edward, 58. Index. 301 Romanoke, a Connecticut Indian, 205. Rothwell Richard, encounter with the Devil, 272. Rowlandfon, Mary, 254, 262. Rumble, Thomas, 117, 165. CABINE, William, 235. ^ Sachem's Head, 173. Sachem's-Plain (Norwich), 191. Saconets, confpiracy among, 87, 89. Sagamore John, 259, 265 ; Sam, 265. Salem, fettled, 105. Sam Barrow, 265. Samofet, appears at Plymouth, 68. Safquankit, 173. Saflacous, Chief of the Pequots, 143, 161, 285. Saflacus, plot fruftrated, 1 69 ; all one God, 170; efcapes from Miftic, 172 ; killed by Mohawks, ib.s his Sifter, wife of Uncas, 217. Saflamon, John, 227, 229 ; reveals Philip's plans, 234; murdered, 235, 285. Saflawaw, murdered by Wequalh, xiv. Saugus (Lynn), alarmed, no. Saunders, John, 84. Savage, J., on the Murder of Mi- antonimo, 191. Say brook Fort befieged, 165. Scceffionifts, their origin, xi, xii, 121. Seeley, Nathaniel, killed, 157. Robert, Lieut, under Mafon, 123, 131,- 157; Meflenger, 222. Sequaflbn, Sachem of Waranoake, 201-2-3-4 5 fli gs to tne Mohawks, 205. Sergeant, \Tbomas ?~], 171. Sewall, Samuel, on Woburn Affairs, 238. Shaw, Jonathan, 236. Shepard, Thomas, xxxii. Sequin, ill treated, 119. Sherman, Thomas, wounded, 148, , '57' Shrimpton, Samuel, 210. Shurt, Abraham, 287. Simpfon, Patrick, Angular relief, 276-7. Sixpence, in Sequafon's Plot, 205. Slany, John, 59. Slaves, Indian, 144; could not en dure the yoke, i 50. Slinnings, Richard, executed, 187. Smith, Arthur, wounded, 135. John, Capt., a late attempt to difcredit, 42. Smith, John, of Warwick, 212. William, 201. Sonkanuhoo, figns a Treaty at Ply mouth, 233. South-hampton, murders at, 215 ; other troubles, 216. Special Providences See REMARK ABLE PROVIDENCES. Spencer, John, mot, 118, 165. Squantum, 59, 70 ; ordered to be put to death, 71 ; interpreter, 73, 76, 78 ; a mifcreant, 79, 80 ; narrow efcape, 8 1 ; his influence over Maflafbit, 107. Squaw Sachem (Weetamoo), 265. Stamford, murder at, 214. Standifh, Miles, 63 ; expedition to Namafket, 77 ; to Naufet, 84 ; at Manomet, 85 ; efcapes aflaffina- tion, 86 ; goes againft the Mafla- chufetts, 90-93 ; fent againft the Narraganfets, 195, 287. Stanton, Thomas, Interpreter, 148- 9 ; moots an Indian, 154; am- baflador, 200, 213, 216. Stares, Sergeant, 149. Stebbing, Edward, 158. Steele, George, Commiffioner, 123. 302 Index. Steward, John, 281. Stone, John, Capt., 112; murdered, 113-15, 159, 172. Stone, Samuel, Chaplain, 123 ; his Prayers anfwered, 125, 157. Stone-wall-John, a Nipmuck Chief, 265. Stoughton, Ifrael, Letters of, x ; Expedition againft the Pequots, 141, 144; takes many Prifoners, ib. ; dies in England, 186 ; Letter from, 285. Stoughton, William, i 86-7. Stow, John, 288. Street, Nicholas, prophecy of, 198-9. Sturgis, Edward, 235. Sturton , 56. Stuyveflant, P., his Efforts to redeem Englifh Captives, 177, 219. Sudbury, conduft of the- Indians after the fight at, 254. Swain, William, daughters captured, 119. '"PARRATINES, at war with the Maflachufetts Indians, xiii, n I . Taunton, Treaty of at, 232 ; faved, 261. Taylor, John, his Redeemed Cap tive, 231. Tchticut River, 235. Thompfon, Benjamin, 42, 196. Tifquantum See SQUANTO. Tobias, murders Saflamon, 235 ; convifted, 236 ; hanged, 237. Tokamahamon, 75, 76;Takamun- na, 234, 265. Tomfpon, William, Chaplain, 1 96. Toquattos, fufpefted of murder, 214-15. Totofon, a Wampanoag, 265. Treaty with Philip, 227, 232; at Plymouth, 232-3. Trelawney, Robert, 287. Trumbull,]. H., Col., Records Ct., 225. Tunxis, Farmington, 205, 226. Turner, Nathaniel, goes againft Block Ifland, 161. Turner, William, fent againft the Pequots, 1 1 6. TJNCAS, joins the Englifh, 121 ; Exploit of his men, 122; ad heres to the Englifh, 1 28 ; (hares Pequot Captives, 151; Exploit, 1 67 ; another, 1 74 ; fuppofed at tempt to kill him, 188-9; a Scamp, 189; kills Miantonimo, 190; Monument to, 191; be- fieged in his Fort, 193 ; Plot againft, 204; continually ftirred up to Mifchief, 207 ; threatened by the Mohegans, 209 ; again trouble with, 2 1 1 ; a brother in Mifchief, 2 1 2 ; at Stamford, 214; complains of being bewitched, 216; family of, 217; accufes Ninigret & the Dutch, 218; life faved by the Engliih, 225 ; not a Saint, 255. Uncaway, Indian Sachem, 192. Uncompowett, uncle to King Philip, 227. Underhill, John, fent againft the Pequots, 1 16 ; volunteers againft the Pequots, 122 ; upbraids the Indians for cowardice, 131 ; at tacks the Pequot fort, 132 ; fets it on fire, 132 ; contention with Patrick, 140 ; feizes a Squaw, 177 ; acquitted himfelf, 178. United Colonies, formed, 195 ; De claration, 190 ; Charges againft the Indians, 199 ; Proceed ings, 200 ; at Bofton, 208 ; Index. 33 Plymouth, 2 1 2 ; Newhaven, 217, 220 ; Declare war againft Nini- gret, 221. Uffamequin, 216. Ufkuttugun, a Nipinuck Chief, 265 . WANE, Governor, x, 166. * Vixon, Robert, 236. WADSWORTH, John, 236. Wadfworth, William, 158. Waiandance, Sachem of Long Ifland, 185. Wait [Richard], Ambaflador, 200. Walker, Richard, fired upon, no. Walter, Nehemiah, xxii. Wampapaquan. executed, 237. Wampanoags, why the early friends of the Englifh, xiii ; troubles with, 226, Wampeag, Indians, 204. Wamphanck See NEPANPUCK, 192. Wampye, an Indian Juror, 236. Wamfutta, fucceeds Maffafoit, 226. Wannoo, an Indian Juror, 236. War, firft declaration of, 90. Waranoke, Weftfield, Mafs., 201, 203. War-clubs defcribed, 182. Warner, John, 212. WafTapinewet, 84. Waflemofe, a Waranoke, 206. Watchibrow, of Paucatuck, 203. Waterman, Thomas, xxx. Watufpaquin, Wampanoag, 265. Weathersfield, murders there, 1 1 8- 19, 176 ; an Indian hanged, 192 ; an incident of, 218. Wedgwood, John, wounded, 148, 157- Welch, Henry, 279, 280. Wequafh's treachery, xiv ; pilots the Englifh, 130, 169 ; fhields a a murderer, 149. Weffaguflet, fettlement, 82 ; trou bles, 90 ; ruin of, 91-103. Wefton, Thomas, his Colony, gz j ruin of, 91-103 ; his misfortunes, 112. Wheelwright, John, 287. Whiting, Samuel, xxii. William, Indians confpire againft, 101, 204. Whitmore, John, murdered, 2 1 4. W. H., xxx. Wigglefworth, Michael, xxii. Willard, Samuel, xxii. Simon, Expedition againft Ninigret, 221-2; relief of Brook- field, 260. Willet, Thomas, defired to treat with Philip, 227. Williams, Roger, fervices not ac knowledged, ix ; Letters, x ; re lates a cafe of Indian treachery, xiv ; confided in by them, 161 ; difcourages barbarities, 172; pre vents the Alliance of the Pequots and Narraganfets, 1 80 ; detefts murderers of an Indian, 187; perfecuted, 189, 216 ; Informa tion, 255. Wilfon, John, 172; Chaplain, 185. Winflow, Edward, on the Pequot War, x; Good News, 43; vifits Maffafoit, 73; again, 87; Expe dition againft Caubitant, 77; Letter to Winthrop, 286. Winflow, Jofiah, feizes Alexander, 228. Winflow, Nathaniel, 235. Winter, John, about Drake's Voy age, 44. Winthrop, John, on the Pequot War, x, 172, 184. Winthrop, John, of Pequot, com plains of Uncas, 211, 216 ; to receive Pequots, 222; at Ply mouth, 232. 304 Index. Wife, John, xxii. Witawafh, vifits Bofton, 196. Witches, their reality and office, xxi, xxii, xxxiii ; trouble Uncas, 216, 217. Wittawamat, urges the murder of the Englifti, 86; killed by Stand- ifh's men, 91-2, Woburn, Indian Troubles, 238. Wohkowpahenitt, figns a Treaty, 2 33- Wollafton, , Plantation, 103-4. Wolves' Heads to be paid by Philip, 233; by Takamunna, 234. Wonders of the Invifible World, xxiii. Woody, Richard, 201. Woonafhum See NIMROD. Woofpafuck, 265. Wowequay See NOWEQUA. Wuttakoofeeim, figns a Treaty at Plymouth, 233. 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