iiliiiiil! iaffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir: < X H U Greater Indianapolis The History^ the Industries^ the Institutions^ and the People of a City of Homes BY Jacob Piatt Dunn Secretary of the Indiana Historical Society VOLUME I ILLUSTRATED THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO 1910 Copyright. 1910, by THE LEWIS PUBLISHING CO. PREFACE If any a])n)perly a chronology, the events being grouped by years. In 1870 ilr. ^^'m. K. llolloway published his Historical and Statistical Sketch, juade an effort at topical treatment, but was still largely chronological, and tlii-refore disconnected. In 1884, Berry R. Sulgrovc, who wrote a large ])art of the llolloway publication, issued his Historti of Indianapolis and Marion Countij. This made a still further effort at topical treatment, but it was also biographical, and the biographies are so mixed with the historical text that it is difficult to get trace of any special subject. In both of these 'Wr. Brown's work is closely followed. In the present history, the method followed is strictly topical, the chapters being ari'anged as nearly iji chronological order as was prac- ticable. The entire ground has been gone over from the beginning, with consultation of original authorities, a number of which were not in reach of previous writers. Especially full treatment has been given to disputed questions; and free citation of authorities has been made to facilitate research by those who may care to investigate any question more fully. Effort has been made to secure not only full illustration, but illustration of a historical character. The biographical matter, while essential to the history, has been placed in a separate volume where it will not obstruct the general reader. It would be extraordinary if some errors had not crept into a work of this size: but the publishers and the author feel that they are offering the public a history that is accurate, "accessible", and com- prehensive. CONTENTS CPTAPTER I. In the negiiiiiing 1 CHAPTER IL Tlie Lay of the Land 7 CHAPTER III. The Xaviga1)le Stream 10 CHAPTER IV. Phmning tlio City 26 CHAPTER V. Tlie First Settlers 36 CHAPTER VI. The R(>giiiiiini;-: of CDvernnient 47 CHAPTER Vll. Tlie Primordial Life 61 (TIAPTER VIII. The Coming of the Capital 7-1 CHART Kl{ l.\. The floral Foundation 82 CI! Ai'TFR X. Development of the Town 9;! cjiAr'i'Ki; XL The State Build.< 101 CIl.M'TLI! .\I1. 'I'he Town (love rnments 112 (■ir\l"i'Ki; .XIII. The iviiiy SchiHils 121 {'lIVrTKI! .XIV. Thr McNiran War 13-1 vi COT^^TENTS : I CILM'TER XV. I Advent of ilio Kaili-oads 1-12 CHAPTER XVI. Becoming n Pity 1-5-1 i CHAPTER XVII. i 'The Volunteer Fire Com]wnie^: 167 j CHAPTER XVIII. Some Old-'l'ime Religion 177 CHAPTER XIX. As Others Saw Us ISC, CHAPTER XX. The Germans in Indianapolis 302 CHAPTER XXI. Civil War Times 217 CPIAPTER XXII. The Colored Brotlier 2,10 ; 1 CHAPTRR XXIII. ' Railroad Development 2.")4 i CHAPTE1£ XXIV. < The Pul)lie Schools 2GS '] CHAPTER XXA^ The Paid Fiiv Department 2S1 CHAPTER XXVr. .\ Political Epoch 292 i CHAPTER XXVII. The City Charter 300 CHAPTER XXVIII. ; Public Utilities 322 CHAP'I'ER XXIX. i Business Di>velopment . 340 i CHAPTER XXX. Insnranee Companies 3f;0 1 fllAI'TF.i; XXXI, Fraternal Organiza'. i n* 3^1 ^ CONTENTS vii CHAPTER XXXII. The rro>? :588 CHAPTER XXXIII. Tender the Charter 41G CHAPTER XXXIV. 'I'lie Suburban 'I'owns 434 CHAPTER XXXY. "The Demon Rum" 445 CllAl'TKR XXXVI. 1"lie Tlioater and Theatricals 4.58 CHAPTKi; XXXVII. The Fine Arts 4T3 CTFAPTER XXXVIII. The .Social Swirl 490 CHAPTER XXXIX. Tlie Eiterary .Vtmo^jibere 504 CFIAPTKR XL. The Soul of Mu-^ie 521 CIlAl'TKi; XiJ. Tlie ^fcdioal Profession 541 r||\r'l'i!:H XLll. Courts, Renoh and Piar 554 CHAPTER X I.I 1 1. The Churclies riG7 CHAPTER XEIV. The CJiurohe.'^ (Continued) 591 CHAPTKH XLV. The Churches (Continued) (51.-, Ill AI'TKI! .XI.Vl. Roster of City Officials, 1847-1909 634 INDEX Abundance of Game, 65. Academy of Music, 468. Act for Removal of Capital. 75. Adams. H. Alden. 765. Advance in Commerce. 350. Advent of Railroads, 142. Adventists. 6.'50. African Methodist Church. fiOn. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 603. .Agiiculture. 96. Agricultural Papers, 396. Air Line 2'>B. Allison. William D., 967. All Souls Unitarian Church. 622. Amendment to State Constitution, 159. American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Com- pany, 362. Amusements, 490; Early, 84. Ancient Order of Druids, 384. Ancient Order of Hibernians. 385. Ancient Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, 376. Annexation of Irvington. 428. Annual Report of Public Schools. 1S66. 268. Anti-Masonic Movements, 373. Arrivals in 1820. 46; in 1821. 46. Artists, 473. Art Publications. 486. Asbury Chapel, 598. Ashby. Samuel, 1061. As Others Saw Us, 186. Atkins, Ellas C. 1054. Atkins. Henry C. 1058. "Aunt Cheney." 239. Australian Ballot Law, 307. Automatic Electric Alarm System, 288. Averill, Charles E.. 780. Ayres, Alexander C, 755. Ayres, Levi. 755. Bachman. Valentine, 1077. Racon. Hiram. 250. Rad Roads. 75. Raggs. Mrs. Anna C. 177. Bailey. Francis P., 740. Bailey, ,Tames F.. 1125. ' Baker, Albert, 1095. Baker. Conrad, 1093. Baker. .Tames P., 979. Baker. .John E., 121. Baker, Milledge A., 1028. Ballenger, Walter S., 947. Bals. Henry C. C. 1016. Banking Facilities, 350. Banks. 351. Bank of Commerce, 353. Baptists, 86, 122, 567. Barbour, Lucian, 1159. Barnes Chapel, 575. Barnhill, John F., 1095. Barnhill, Robert, 36. Barrett, Charles E., 1126. Barrett, Thomas F., 901. Bartholomew, Pliny W., 734. Bass, George F., 1119. Bass, William H., 1152. Bassett. Edward W., 1115. Bates, Harvey, 49. Bauer, George, 1070. Beck, Frank A., 1227. Becoming a City, 154. Beech Grove, 441. Beecher, Henrv Ward, Rev.. 110, 149, 170. 24:1 396, 582. Beecher's Church, 1893, 277. Beecher's Home. 195. "Bee Line," 150. Beginnings of Government. 47. Bell. Eliza C, 1230. Bell. William A.. 274, 398. 1228. Bellis. William K., 989. Belt Railroad and Stockyards Company. 256. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, 382. Bennett, Henry W., 851. Bennett. William H., 1242. Berry. David F., 663. Berryhill. James M., 749. Berryhill, John S., 964. Beveridge, Albert J., 704. Big Four R. R., 1.50, 255. Birdseye View of Indianapolis. 1854. 138. 191. Birdseye View, Indiana|)olis. 1907, 315. Blackford Street Church. fiOI. Black Hawk War. 135. Black. .Joshua. 781. Blackwell. John J.. 1113. Blaine Avenue Methodist Cb\irch. 598. Blair. Willet B.. 893. Board of Park Commissioners, 637. Boards of Aldermen. 640. Boards of Health. 637. Boards of Public Health and Charities. 637. Boards of Public Safety, 635. Boards of Public Works. 635. Board of Trade Map, 1853. 355. Bobbs, John S., 982. Boice, Augustin. 1028. INDEX Bolton, Mrs. Sarah T., 504. Books Scarce in Early Days, 507. Bookwalter, Charles A., 1103. Bowen-Merrill Fire, 284. Boyfl. Linnaes C, 766. Bradford, Chester, 1122. Brenneke, David B., 1215. Breiuiig, George T., 1163. Brigham, Edwin B., 1134. Brightwood 438. Brightwood Methodist Church, 602. Bristor, William A., 717. Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church, 601. Brown, Arthur V., 1182. Brown, Demarchus C, 1193. Brown, George P., 279. Brown, Hilton U., 757. Brown, Parker. 1177. Brown, William T., 688. Browning, Eliza G., 953. Broyles, Moses, 574. Bruce, James A., 973. Bruce, Margaret T., 973. Bruett, Jean Baptiste, 541. Bryson, Robert H., 959. •'Buck Town," 434. Buennegal. Jacob, 1160. Building Inspectors, 635. Bull. Ole, 529. Bullitt Law, 313. Bunting, George W., Sr., 1216. Burckhardt. Louis, 1182. Burford. William B., 711. Buschmann, Charles L., 876. Buschmann, William, 877. Bush, Rev. George, 576, 579. Business Development, 342. Butler. Amos W.. 1239. Butler. Ovid. 131. 116.5. Butler University, 131. Cahier, Madame, 540. Cahier. Madame, as "Orpheus," 535. Canals, 20. Cannon, William T.. 1048. Capitol, 107. Capitol, First, 105; Second, 111. Capitol Avenue Methodist Church, 602. Capitol Building, Vincennes. Erected 1806, 3. Captains of the Watch, 635. Carey, Ada M., 1043. Carey, Jason S., 1042. Carey, John N., 972. Carr, Carroll B., 1099. Carter, Vinson, 834. Catching Fish, 67. "Caterpillar Deadening." 15. Catholic Knights of America, 386. Catholic Order of Foresters, 386. Catholics. 132. 615. Caven. John, 164. Center Township, 51. Central Bank, 352. Central Canal, 20, 23. Central Art Association, 486. Central Avenue Methodist Church, 599. Central Christian Church, 608. Central Medical Society, 545. Central Trust Company, 356. Chamber of Commerce, 234. Chambers, Dr. John, 550. Change in Theater, 234. Changes in Street Names, 31. Chanticleer. The, 394. Chapman, George A., 388. Chapman, Jacob P., 388. Charter. City, 156. 309. Chase, William Merritt, 480. Chase, William M., First "Pot-Boiler," 479. Cheyne, Frederick H., 695. Chicago. Indianapolis, & Louisville R. R.. 255. Chief Anderson, 38. Chief Fire Engineers, 635. Chiefs of Assessment Bureau, 637. Chiefs of Police, 635. Childhood Home of Mrs. Robert Louis Steven- son, 516. Chipman, John W^., 1165. Chislett, John, 1131. Choral Union, 530. Christ Church. 609. 611. Christian Church, 606. Christian Church Union. 610. Christian Scientists, 623. Christian. Wilmer, 783. Churches, 567-633. Church of Christ. 610. Church of God, 631. Church of the Assumption, 619. Church of the Holy Innocents, 613. Church of the Holy Trinity, 620. Church of Our Lady of Lourdes. 620. Cincinnati, Hamilton & Indianapolis R. R., 255. Cincinnati. Indianapolis & Western R. R., 255. Cincinnati & Indianapolis Short Line, 254. Citizens Company, 336. Citizens Gas Light and Coke Company. 323. Citizens National Bank, 351. Citizens Trust Company, 356. Cily Attorneys. 634. City Charter. 156. 309. City Clerks, 634. City Common Councils, 638. City Commissioners, 636. City Comptrollers. 634. City Gas Inspectors. 636. City Government, 154. City Gravs, 219. City Guards. 219. City Judges, 634. City Hospital. 551. City Library. 512. City Marshals, 635. City Officials. 634. City Regiment, 232. City Sanitarians, 6:'.7. City Seal, 157. City Solicitors, 634. City Weigh Masters, 636. Civil Engineers. 634. INDEX SI Civil War Times. 217. Clark, Edmund D., 993. Clark, Salem D., 687. Cla.v, Joseph T.. 1137. Claypool, .Jefferson H., 713. Cla.vpool. John W., 1066. Claypool. Solomon, 1063. Clerk of Park Board. 638. Clerks, Board of Aldermen, 641. Coburn, Henry, 1237. Coburn. Heniy P., 1235. Cocknim. .Tohn B., 658. Coe. Dr. Isaac, 542, 577. 579. Coffin, Charles F., 1218. Coffin. Charles E., 703. Coffin. David W., 939. Coffin. Orlando S., 914. Coldest Day on Record, 234. "Cold Spring," 59. Coleman, Christopher B.. 649. Coleman. Lewis A.. 1187. Collins. James A.. 1162. Colonial Theater, 472. Colored Brother. The. 239. Colored Methodist Episcopal Chtirch. 603. Cohimhia Club. 1192. Coming of the Capital. 74. Commercial Club. 311. 358. 416. Commissioners. First Meeting of. 4: Report of. 7. Conduitt. Allen W., 809. Cones, Constantine. 1071. Congregationalists. 604. Conner. William, 4. Cook. George J.. 948. Cool. Dr. Jonathan. 541. Cooper, Charles M., 701. Cooper. John J.. 699. Corbaley. Jeremiah. 36. Corporation Counsels, 635. Corydon. 74. Cost of War to the Town, 238. Cotton. Fassett A.. 1026. "Cotton Town." 434. Coulnn. Charles. 162. Council Men. 1832-1847. 120. Councilmen-atl.arge. 639. County Divided into Townships. 51. County Jail. 57; First, 58: Second, 59: New. .59. County Library. 511. County Seal Adopted. 51. County Seal Now in Use. 51. Court House. First. 61. Court House. 560. Court Proceedings, 555. Courts. Bench and Bar. 554. Cowan. John. 36. Cox. Jacob. 474. Cox, T-inton A.. 1024. Coy. Sim. 293. Craig, Charles W.. 1077. Cross, Charles M.. 828. Cruse, James S., 688. "Da Capo," 525. Daily Evening Republican. 394. Daily. Thomas A.. 1105. Daniels. Edward, 772. Dark, Charles E , 761. Dark, Wilbur W., 763. Davis. Frederick A. W., 912. Davis, Henry. 36. Davis. Samuel, 36. Day, Thomas C, 986. Decatur Township, 51. Delawares, 64. Democrat, 71. Denny, Caleb S., 166, 675. Depots, 151. Deschler, Louis G., 738. Deterding Missionar,v Training School, 437. Deutsche Haus, Das, 215. Deutsche Klub, Der, 215. Development of Town, 93. Disciples, 130. District Councilmen. 641. District Schools, 123. Dodds. William T. S.. 716. Dorsey. Francis O., 1196. Dorsey, Robert S.. 1194. Dowd. Frank T., 1171. Downey. Brandt C, 1120. Downing, Michael A., 857. Dougherty, Hugh, 829. Drake. Mrs. Alexander, 458. Dress of Early Settlers, 69. Duncan. John S., 59, 698. Dudley Letter. The. 299. Dunlap, James Boliver. 475. Dunlap. James E.. Work of, 476. Dunn, Jacob P., 1255. Dunn, John G., 474. Dye. William H.. 1112. Dyer, Sidney, 569. Eaglesfield. Caleb S.. 1014. Eaglesfield. James T.. 1013. Eaglesfield, William. 1012. Early Amusements, 73, 84. Early Criminal History, 59. Early Fires, 282. Early Fourth of July Celebrations, 88. Early Mails, 71. Early Manufactures. 94. Earlv Reminiscences, 99. Early Social Life. 490. Early Sunday Schools, 87. Early Wearing Apparel, 69. Earnshaw, Emeline C, ^243. Earnshaw, Joseph, 1242. East Washington Street Presbyterian Church, 588, Eastman, Joseph, 1106, Eastman, Joseph R.. 1110. Eastman, Thomas B.. 662. Edenharter. Frank T.. 1146. Edenharter. George F., 975. Edwin Ray Methodist Church. 601. Egbert. James. 1046. Elani. John B.. 850. Elder, John R.. 1011. Elder, William L., 1012. xu INDEX Elections, Early, 74. Election, 1862, 230. Electric Lighting, Gas Heating and Illuminating Company. 328. Elevation of Tracks, 430. Eleventh Presbyterian Church, 588. Eleventh Regiment, 219. Elliott, Byron K., 665. Elliott. David M.. 711. Elliott, George B., 874. Elliott. Joseph T.. 990. Elliott. William F., 665. Emmanuel Baptist Church, 573. Emmaus Lutheran Church, 614. Emrich, John H., 1046. End of Early Steamboat Navigation, 19. English, William E., 887. English. William H., 159, 880. English's Opera House, 470. Episcopalians. 129, 611. Erdelmeyer, Frank, 807. Evangelical Association. 633. Ewing, Calvin K.. 899. "Ezra House," 518. Fahnley. Frederick, 763. Fairbanks, Charles W., 1183. Family Visitor, The, 394. Farmers Trust Company. 356. Fauvre. Frank M., 697. Federal Building. 305. Feuerlicht, Rabbi Morris M.. 629. 1102. Fidelity Trust Company. 356. Fifth Christian Church, 608. Fifth Presbyterian Church, 586. Financial Conditions Improve, 102. Finch, Fabius M.. 44. Fine Arts, The, 473. Fire Association, 171. Fire Companies. Volunteer. 167. Fire Department Headquarters, 290. Fire Department Paid. 281. First Adventist Church, 631. First Baptist Church. 571. First Child Born on Donation, 36; First Born on Original Townsite. 36. F^rst Church, Evangelical Association. 633. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 623. First Church Organization. 86. First Congregational Church, 605. First County Treasurer, 50. First Election, 49. First English Lutheran Church. 614. First Exposition, The. 483. First Fire, 167. First Friends Church, 626. First Free Methodist Church, 604. First Free Will Baptist Church. 575. First German Baptist Church, 572. First German Methodist Eniscopal Church. 597. First Indiana Regiment. 139. First Justices of the Peace, 53. First Masonic Temple. 1848-50, 375. First Mayor, 160. First Medical College, 547. First Military Execution. 232. First Musical Festival, 533. First Musical Instruction, 521. First National Bank, 351. First Negro on Site, 239. First Odd Fellows Hall. 380. First Physicians, 36, 541. First Presbyterian Meetinghouse, 575. First Presbyterian Church, 586. First Presbyterian Church and School, 1823, 86. First Railroads, 14, 142. First Recorded Fire, 176. First Reformed Church. 632. First Religious Organization, 591. First Roads, 78. First Sale of Lots. 32. First School Exhibition, 92; School House, 90; School Teachers, 91. First Schools. 90. First Settlers. The. 36. First State Fair Grounds. 347. First Step to Increase Funds. 101. First Street Railway, 335. First Surveyors, 28. First Theater, 464. First United Presbyterian Church, 589. First Universalist Church, 622. First Water Works. 330. First White Child Born in County. 36. First Woman Librarian. 108. Fishback, Frank S., 993. Fitton. Bertha B., 1017. Flack. Joseph F., 938. Flanner. Francis W.. 1053. Flat Boat Trade, 346. Fletcher. Calvin. 49. 423. 562. 643. Fletcher's. Dr. W. B. Sanatorium, 955. Fletcher Place Methodist Church, 595. Fletcher, Stoughton A. II, 1129. Fletcher, Stoughton A. Jr., 647. Fletcher. Stoughton A. Sr., 1128. Flood of June. 1875, 13. Floods of 1904. 430. Fordham. Ellas P., 28. Fort Benjamin Harrison, 443. Fortune, William. 685. Foster, Captain Wallace, 479. Foster. Chapin C. 1207. Fourth Christian Church, 608. Fourth National Bank. 351. Fourth of July Celebrations. 88. Fourth Presbyterian Church, 585. Fox, William H., 960,' Francis, J. Richard, 742. Francis, Joseph M., 651. Frank. Henry, 1091. Frank. Johanna S.. 1092. Franklin Fire Insurance Company. 363. Franklin Institute. 127. Franklin Township. 51. Fraternal Organizations, 371. Freeman, John, Case. 244. Freeman. The. 394. Freemen's League. 207. Free Methodists, 604. INDEX Xlll Free Soil Banner, 395. Free Will Baptist, 575. Freie Presse. 204, 395. Freight Bii.siness, 357. Friends, 130, 62C. "Fundamental School." Furnas, ,Iohn H., 1230. Furs and Hides, 342. 126. 136, 480, 1174. Gall, Alois D., 931. Garden Baptist Church. 572 Gardner. Fred C, 1024. Gas, 322. Gates, Harry B., 974. Gavin. Frank E.. 1125. Gavisk. Francis H.. 838. Ga.v, George A.. 926. Gazette. 71. 588. General Lew Wallace, General Tijjton, 4. German-American Trust Company, 356. German American Veterans Club, 215. German Evangelical Church, 633. German Fire Insurance Company, 360. Germans in Indianapolis, 202. German House, The. 213. German Mutual Fire Insurance Company, German Newspapers, 395. German Population in 1850, 202. Gillette. Doctor. 177. Gladding, Nelson A.. 1254. Glossbrenner, Alfred M., 987. Goar, Charles S., 706. Golt, Walter F. C, 847. Goss. David K., 279. Government, City, 154. Governor .Jennings. 4. Governor Morton, 226. Governor's Mansion in the Circle, 103, Grace Episcopal Church, 612. Grace Methodist Church. 601. Grace Presbyterian Church. 589, Graf. Carl H., 1137. Graham. Edward F.. 868. Grain Dealers National Company, 362. Greeley, Horace, 225. Greenfield, Miss, 529. Gregg, Harvey. 388. Greiner, Louis A.. 746. William A,. 1127. Claude T.. 824. Humphrey. 1009. Theodore E.. 822. Gristmill, First, 72. Grout. Charies S., 654. Growth of Town. 99. Grubhs, Daniel W., 166. Hack. Oren S., 848. Hiulley, Oscar. 784. Haines. Matthias L.. 581. H.ill Place Methodist Church, Hammond, Rev. Resin. 85. Ilanna, Charles T., 938. 361. Mutual Fire Insurance Greyer, Griflflth, Griffith, Grifl^th, 599. Handel and Haydn Society, The, 526. Hanson, Josiah, 242. Harding, George C, 401. Harding, Robert, 36. Harding. William N., 1220.- Harlan, Isaac N., 1062. Harlan, Levi P., 1138. Harold, Cyrus N.. 805. Harris, Addison C, 1179. Harris. Charles O.. 747. Harrison, Benjamin, 227. Harrison, General Benjamin, 1192. Harrison, Russell B., 1192. Harugari, 384. Harvey Gregg Library. 508. Harvey, Lawson M., 1005. Haughville, 440, Hawkins, Edward. 1075. Hawkins. Roscoe O., 1097. Hays, Bartin S., 478. Heath. Frederic C, 922. Heeb. Emmett ,1.. 1172. Hempstead, Harry N., 1106. Henderson, John O., 1181. Henderson, Samuel, 160. Hendrickson, Alonzo P,, 1087. Herald. The, 392. Herron Bequest, 487. Herron, John, 487. Hesperian Club, 506. Highest Price in First Sale of Lots, 32. Hill, Albert A.. 1145. Hiileary, Mary C, 1066. Hilleary. Ridgely B.. 1065. Hillside Avenue Christian Church, 610, Hines, Cyrus C, 849. Hines, Fletcher S.. 849. Hodges. Mrs. Edward F., 648. Hoffmeister. August, 202. Hollett. John E,, 694. Holliday, John H.. 196, 217, 1O06, Holliday. Rev. William. 127. Hollowell. Amos K., 936. Holmes. Ira M., 1209. Holt, Steriing R., 1154. Holt. William A.. 1105. Holtzman. John W., 1123. Holy Angels Catholic Church, 620. Holy Cross Catholic Church, 619. Home Heating and Lighting Ciuniiany, 330. Home Presbyterian Church. 589, Hood. Arthur. M., 941. Hood, Harrison P.. 941. Hooton. Elliott R., 681. Hoosier City, 394. Hospitals of Indianapolis, 549. Hospital Square, 34. House Built by Henry Ward Beecher, 583. Howe, Aaron B., 900. Howe, Daniel W., 753. Howe, Mary S., 901. Howe, Thomas C. 683. Hugg, Martin M.. 861. Hume, James M., 724. Hume, George E., 726. XIV INDEX Humorous Journals. 407. Hungarian Ohev Zedek Congregation, 630. Hunt, Phineas G. C, 844. Hunt, George E., 844. Hurst, Charles F., S54. Hurty, .John N., 741. Immanuel Church, 633. Important Legislation, 159. Impressions of Town on Visitors, 186. Improved Order of Red Men, 379. Improvement of Fire Department, 286. Improvement of Town. 70. Inadequate School Buildings, 272. Inaugurating the Government. 416. Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. 387. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 377. Independent Relief Company. 169. Independent Zouaves. 219. Indiana American, 395. Indiana Banking Company, 352. Indiana Admitted to the Union, 1. Indiana and Marine Fire Insurance Company. 360. Indiana Central University, 442. Indiana Democrat. 388, 394. Indiana During War Years. 225. Indiana Female College, 130. Indiana Journal. 71, 388. Indiana Lumbermen's Mutual Insurance Com- pany. 362. Indiana Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 362. Indiana National Bank. 351. Indiana Pythian Building. 381. Indiana State Library, 1193. Indiana State Sentinel, 388. Indiana Trust Company, 356. Indiana Volksblatt, 204. Indianapolis, Birdseye View. 1907, 315; Birdseye View of, 1908, 429; in 1820. 68: in 1854, 138 in 1871. 365; Banks, 351; Churches, 1854 600; Description by John H. HoUiday, 196 Description by Madame Pulszky, 186; First Case Heard in, 559; First Law School in, 564 First Library in, 509; Hospitals, 549; Legis lature Organized, 81; Impressions on Visitors 186; Map of, 1855. 271; Material Progress of 237; Mayors. 160. Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western R. R.. 254. Indianapolis & Cincinnati Junction R. R.. 255. Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad. 152. Indianapolis and I^afayette Railroad. 153. Indianapolis & Vincennes Road, 254. Indianapolis Branch Bank. 351. Indianapolis Daily Citizen, 394. Indianapolis Daily Herald. 388. Indianapolis Daily Sentinel, 388. Indianapolis. Decatur & Western R. R., 255. Indianapolis Depots, 151. Indianapolis Dramatic Society. 470. Indianapolis Female Institute. 128. "Indianapolis Female School." 121. Indianapolis Fire Company, 167. Indianapolis Fire Force. 288. Indianapolis Fire Insurance Company. 360. Indianapolis Gas Company, 328. Indianapolis Gas Light and Coke Company, 322. Indianapolis Handelian Society, 521. "Indianapolis High School," 127. Indiana Historical Society, 510. Indianapolis Horticultural Society, 225. Indianapolis Maennerchor, 206. Indianapolis National Bank, 351. 353. Indianapolis Natural Gas Company, 324. Indianapolis News, The. 757. Indianapolis Opera Company, 532. Indianapolis, Pittsburg and Cleveland Railroad, 150. Indianapolis Public Library. 953. Indianapolis Sabbath School Union. 87. Indianapolis Savings Bank, 351. Indianapolis Socialer Turnverein. 215. Indianapolis Southern R. R., 255. Indianapolis Street Railroad Company, 336. Indianapolis Times. 410. Indianapolis Traction and Terminal Company, 339. Indianapolis Turngemeinde. 202. Indians, 64. "Inductive School," 126. Inspectors of Scales. Weights and Measures. 636. Insurance Business. 360. Insurance Companies, 360. Interior of a Filter Bed, 333. Interior of St. John's Church, 618. Interurban Railroads, 338. In the Beginning, 1. Invincible Company. 169. Irvington, 434. Irvington Presbyterian Church. 589. Jackson. Gustavus B., 788. Jacobs. Harry A., 1177. Jacoby, Elias J., 966. Jameson. Ovid B.. 1061. Jameson. Patrick H., 1058. Jeffersonville Railroad, 153. Jerry Collins and Doctor Cool, 450. Jessup. Roscoe C, 812. Jeup. Bernard J. T., 777. Jewish Temple, 630. Jews. 628. Johnson, Emsley W.. 794. Johnson. Eudorus N.. 1199. Johnson, .Joseph T., 1039. Johnson, Minnie L., 1201. Johnson. Richard O., 895. .Johnson. William F., 1043. Johnston. Eliza A.. 1004. Johnston. Samuel A.. 1003. Jones. Aquilla. 866. Jones, Aquilla Q., 866. Jones. Lewis Henry, 279. Jones, Homer I., 1164. Jordan. Arthur, 1155. Joss, Frederick A.. 1017. Journal. 388. Journal Cartoon. November. 18SG. 296. Judges. Early. 554. Judge Harrison, 28. iNi>i-:x .Iiine, George W.. 1088. .rune. William H.. 1088. .Justices of the Peace, First, 53. .luvenile Court. 321. .Juvenile Prodigy, 536. Kelly. Walter F.. 854. Kenasses Israel Congregation. 630. Kendall. Calvin N.. 279. Kennedy. Bernays. 1004. Kenyon. Clarence A., 1210. Kern, .John W., 783. Kes.sler. Walter. 1115. Ketcham. John L., 1191. Ketcham, William A., 1143. Kiefer. Augustus. 1147. Kimball. Howard. 750. "Kinderhook." 434. King .Avenue Methodist Church. 602. Kiser, Sol S., 809. Kitchen. John M., 796. Klausmann. Henry W.. 1025. Knabe. Hclene E. H., 852. Knight. William W., 1044. Knights and I^adies of Honor, 382. Knights of Columbus. 386. Knights of Father Mathew. 386. Knights of the Maccabees of the World. 385. Knights of Pythias. 379. Knights of Pythias. Colored. 381. Knights Templars, 376. Koehne. Armin C, 1039. Kolmer. .John, 932. Korbly. Charles A.. 817. Krauss. Paul H., 1021. Kregelo, Charles E., 962. Kregelo. Laura J., 964. Kring, ,Iohn L., 946. Kuhn. August M.. 1158. Kurtz, .John A., 942. Kyle, John J.. 752. Lack of Mills. 72. Ladies' Fair. 234. Ladies' Protective Association, 229. "Lake McCarty," 14. Landers, Jackson, 759. Landers, William F.. 761. Landes, Joseph Jr.. 905. Landes, William F., 905. Landon. Hugh McK., 914. Latta. Will H., 665. Law Journals, 408. T^aw Librarv and Bar Association. 565. Lawyers, 554. Lawrence. Ann. 91. Lawrence. Henry W.. 872. Lawrence, Rice B.. 91. Lawrence Township, .'il. I^ayoock. Thomas B.. 1117. Laycock, William H.. 1117. Layman. James T.. 1089. Lay of the Land. 7. Leathers, Douglas A.. 910. Leathers, James M.. 1166. Lemcke. Julius A., 702. Lemon, Marguerite, 538, 539. Lemon, Marguerite, as "Eva" in Die Meister- singer, 539. Lesh, Charles P., 1032. Lieber. Albert, 944. Lieber, Carl H., 866. Lieber, Herman, 864. Lieber, Peter, 943. Lieber, Richard. 980. Light, Robert C, 870. Lilly, Charles, 1102. Lilly, Eli, 689. Lilly. James E., 826. Lilly, James W., 903. Lilly, John O. D., 1100. Lilly, Josiah K., 693. Lindenmuth, E. Oscar, 793. Linseed Oil, 344. Literary Atmosphere. The, 504. Little Sisters of the Poor, 621. I^ittleton. Frank L,, 1147. Locomotive. The, 394, 514. Log Rollings. 73. Long. John B., 739. Loomis, Frederic M., 1103. Louisville, New Albany & Chicago R. R.. 255. Lukenbill, Orestes C, 1153. Lutherans. 129, 613. Macauley, General Dan., 165. Macadamizing, 117. Mack, Frederick J., 816. Macy. David, 1149. Madison Avenue Methodi^-t Church. 601. Madison Railroad, 142. Maennerchor, 210. Maennerchor Hall, 206. Magruder. Uncle Tom. 243, Magruder, Louisa and Daughter, Last Home of, 243. Maguire, Douglass. 388. Mail Service Poor. 80. Maintenance of Order. 115. Majestic. The, 472. Malarial Diseases, 9. Malott. Volney T., 1048. Manner of Organizing a New County, 49. Mansfield. Henry A., 827. Mansur. Isaiah, 980. Manual Training, 276. Manufactures of Early Period, 343. Map of Indianapolis, 1855, 271. Mapleton. 441. Maplelon Methodist Chnrch, .598. Marion County Agricultural Society, 96. Marion County Seminary. 122, 125. Marion Fire Engine Coniiiany. 167. Marion Guards, 136. Marion Rifle Men, 136. Marion Trust Company. 356. Market Masters (East Market). 636. Market Masters (Southside Market), 636. Market Masters rW'est Market), 636. Marmon. Daniel W.. 1186. INDEX Marmon, Walter C, 1187. Marraon-Perry Company, 329. Marott, George J., 917. Marott. John R., 959. Marott, Rebecca C, 959. Marshall, Augustus L., 1130. Marshall, Thomas R., 681. Martin, Henry C, 369, 1035. Martin, Paul F., 650. Martintlale. Elijah B., 1221. Mason, Augustus L.. 767. Masons, Colored, 377. Masonic Hall, 374. Masonic Lodges, 376. Masonry, 371. Masson, Woodburn, 780. Masters, John L., 1136. Matson, Frederick E., 1207. Maus, Casper, 697. Maxwell, John, 36. Maxwell, Samuel D., 163. Mayer, Charles, 806. Mayer, Ferdinand L., 1112. Mayflower Congregational Church, 605. Mayors of Indianapolis, 160, 634. M. & I. R. R., Opening of, 148. McAllister. Frank, 1073. McBride, Bert, 1127. McBride, Robert W., 789. McCarty, Nicholas Sr., 668. McCartney, William, 48, McClung, Rev. John, 85. McClure, Robert G.. 773. McCormick, Amos, 37, 42. McCormick, James, 36. McCormick, John. 36, McCoy, Isaac, 38. McCready, James, 161. McCulloch, Carleton B., 1162. McCulloch, Oscar C. M., 606. McCullough, James E., 715. McDonald. Joseph E., 706. McDonald, Josephine F., 710. McFadyen, John, 945. McGowan, Hugh J.. 1188. McGuire, Newton J., 843. Mcintosh, Andrew J., 1121. Mcintosh, James M., 791. McLean Seminary, 129. McKee. Edward L., 797. McMaster, .John L., 166. McMichael, Henry S., 1068. McPherson, Carey, 927. Mechanic, The, 389. Mechanic Rifles, 219. Medical Journals, 407. Medical Pioneers, 543. Medical Profession, The, 541. Mercantile Banking Company, 357. Merchants National Bank, 351. Merchants' Exchange. 234. Merchants Heat and Light Company, 330. Meridian Street Methodist Church, 594. Merrill, Catherine, 506. Merrill, Charles W., 1038. Merrill, Samuel, 1037. Merrill, Samuel, Jr., 1038. Merritt, George, 1197. Messing, Rabbi Mayer, 629. Methodists, 85. 178. 591. Methodist Hospital, 552. Methodist Hymns, ISO. Methodist Protestant Church, 604. Metropolitan Hall, 464. Metzger, Albert E., 721. Mexican War. 134. Meyer, August B., 795. Military Funerals, 234. Military Park, 348. Military School, 121. Military Uniforms. 136. Miller, Blaine H., 1117. Miller, Samuel D., 1234. Miller, William H. H., 1231. Miller, Winfield, 811. Millikan. Lynn B., 978. Mills, 344. Mission Hall, 623. "Miss Hooker's Female School," 121. Mitchell, Major James L., 165. Mitchell. Dr. Samuel G., 36, 542. Modern Art, 486. Modern Woodmen of .America, 385. Moffitt, Charles F., 921. Money Appropriated to Build State House, 104. Monon R. R., 255. Montgomery Guards, 219. Mooney, William J., 1171, Moore, DeWitt V., 665. Moral Foundation, 82. Moravian Church, 631. Moriarty, John A.. 661. Morrison, John I., 940. Morrow. Joseph E., 667. Morss, Samuel E., 264. Most Exciting Day in Indianapolis, 237. Mount Jackson, 441. Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 574. Mueller, J. George, 1068. Municipal Improvements, 417. Munsell's Map of Indianapolis, 1830, 52. Murat Temple, 469, 472. Murphy, Augustus, 652. Murphy, Charles S., 652. Musical Festival, First, 533. Myers, Charles R., 934, Names First Suggested, 26. National Guards, 219. Natural Gas, 324. Negley. Harry E., 996. New Albany & Salem R. R., 255. New Bethel Baptist Church, 575. New Charter, 116. Newcomb, Horatio C, 160. Newcomb, John R., 1217. New Jail, 59. "New Lights," 85. Newspapers, Early, 71. New Purchase, The. 2, 47. INDEX New Union Depot. 263. .Nicholson, Mereditli. 652. .Nintli Piesb.vterian Church, 587. .\ippert Memorial Church, 602. .Voel, James W., 862. Xordyke. Addison H.. 673. Xorth Baptist Church. 572. -N'orth Indianapolis. 440. -North Street Methodist Episcopal Church. 599. .Northwestern Christian University, 131, 435. .Northwestern Fire Company, 170. Notable Incidents, 231. O'Donaghue, Rt. Rev. Denis. 615. Odd Fellows. Colored. 378. Offices of City Treasurer & City Assessor Abol- ished. 160. "O. K. Bucket Company." 170. Old Bacon Home, 248. Old Bates House. 221. Old Blake Home, 390. ■Old Buckhart," 114. Old Fire Alarm Tower, 285. Old Indiana Medical College, 544. Old Lion Guard, 394. Old National Bridge, 21. Old National Hoad Bridge over White River, 118. Old Supreme Court, 110. Old Watch Tower System, 288. Oldest Brick Building. 38. Oldest Brick House, 97. Oldest Frame House, 83. (H.l.st Living Settler, 42. Order of B'rith Abraham. 387. Order of the Eastern Star. 377. Oren, Mrs.. 108. Original Methodists, 604. Original Wesley Chapel, 1829, 178. Orlopp. Jeannette, 537. Osenbach, William, 818. Other Benefit Associations, 385. Other Insurance Companies. 367. Outline Map. Indianapolis, 1857, 168. Packet "Governor Morton," 21. Page. Lafayette F., 1034. Paid Fire Department, 281. Paine. Dan. 525. Panic of 1893. 420. Parker. Harry C. 860. Parvin. Theophilus. 995. Park Purchases, 422. Parry. David M., 819. Patrick, Katheryn C. 1071. Patten. William T., 855. Patterson Homestead, 82. Patli. Adelina. 529. Pattison. .Joseph H.. 902. Pautzer. Hugo C. 1161. Payne. Gavin L., 786. Pearsall. Professor Peter Roebuck. 529. "Peedee," 434. Peirce. .lames D., 1015. Pennsylvania Street. 1856, 183. Pentecost Bands of the World, 625. Pentecost Tabernacle, 624. Permanent Seat of Government, 4. Perrin, .John, 1251. Perry, Charles C, 751. Perry Township, 51. Peru and Indianapolis Railroad. 150. Pfaff. Orange G., 1001. Physicians. 541. Physicians, Early, 9. Pickens, Samuel O.. 850. Pickens, William A., 676. Pierce, Oliver W., 720. Pierson, John C, 879. Pierson, Samuel D., 1178. Pike Township, 51. Pioneer Table, A, 42. Plan for the City Adopted, 29. Planning the City, 26. Plymouth Congregational Church, 604. Pogue, George. 36. Political Epoch. A. 292. Political Journals, 4(l9. Political Parties, 119. Politics, Town, 113. Poor Mail Service, 80. Pork Packing. 344, 348. Portteus, Theodore. 854. Post Office. The. 357. Potter. Merritt A., 935. Potts, Alfred F., 1121. Price. C. Lawrence, 869. Price of Manufactured Articles, 65. Primordial Life, 64. Pritchard, James A., 693. Presbyterians. 86, 127, 575. Present Fire Department. 288. Presidents Board of Aldermen. 641. Press, The, 388. Professor FoUansbee's Grand Ball, 497. Propylaeum. The. 506. Protestant Deaconess Society, 552. Public Schools, 268. "Pulilic Squares," 33. Public Utilities, ,322. Pugh, Edwin B., 804. Pulszky, Madame Theresa, 186. Quakers, 130. Quill, Leonard M.. 758. Railroad Development. 254. Railroads. First, 142. Raising Tobacco. 96. Raising Troops. 222. Ralston. Alexander. 28. 239. Ralston Plat of 1821, 30. Rappaport, Leo M., 933. Rates of Forria.ge, 53. Rattlesnakes, 69. Rauh. Samuel E.. 814. Reardon. Michael H.. 1163. Reasons for Location of Capital. 7. Record of Adjusted Losses. 288. Record of Fire Alarms, 288. Recruiting Active, 228. IXDEX Reed, Jefferson H.. Iii74. Reformed Methodists. 604. Reformed Cburch. 632. Relics of 1S47. 147. Religious .Journals. 405. Religious Jleetings. 85. Reminiscences, 99. Remster, Charles, 661. Remy, Charles F.. 664. Report of Commissioners, 7. Richards. William J., 12;i9. Richardson. Benjamin A., 836. Richardson. Daniel A., 923. Richardson, Sarah C, 924. Richie. Isaac N., 907. Riley. James Whitcomb. 1211. Ritter. Eli F., 774. Ritzinger's Bank, 353. River Avenue Baptist Church, 573 Roads. First, 78. Roberts. George H., 1086. Roberts, John, 911. Roberts Chapel. 177, 595. Roberts Park Church. 597. Robison. Edward J.. 988. Ross. David. 956. Roster of City Officials, 634. "Rough Notes," 369. Royal Arcanum, 382. Royal Arch Masons, 376. Royal and Select Masters, 376. Rubush. Preston C, 903. Ruckelshaus, John C. 667. Ruddell, Almus G.. 804. Ruick. Samuel K.. Jr., 1146. Runnels, Orange S., 969. Russe, Henry, 824. Rush. Fred.erick P., 929. St. Anthony's Church, 619. St. Brigid's Catholic Church, 618. St. Catherine's Church. 620. St. David's Episcopal Church. 613. St. Francis de Sales Church. 619. St. George Episcopal Church. 614. St. John's Catholic Church, 616. St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church. 597 St. Joseph's Church, 617. St. Mary's Catholic Church, 610. St. Patrick's Church. 617. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. 612. St. Paul's Evangelical Church, 614. St. Paul's German Reformed Church, 632. St. Peter's Lutheran Church, 614. St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, 616. St. Philip's Episcopal. Colored, 613. St. Philip Neri's Church. 620. St. Vincent's Hospital. 552. , St. Vincent's Infirmary. 621. Sacred Heart Church. 618. Sacrifices of the War. 230. "Salt Water Wells." 331. Salvation Army, 623. Samuel McCormick's Home, 97. Sanitary Fair, 348. Laws. 269 : Journals, Sarah Davis Deterding Missionary Training ] School. 437. ' Sawmill. First, 72. < Saxe Horn Band, 524. : Schmidt. Lorenz, 1079. School Days. 122. School Expenditures. 279; 398; Statistics, 280. Schools. Early. 121; Grading of, 273. Schroeder, Henry C, 801. Scott, John E., 772. Scott, William, 1133. Scudder. Caleb. 95, 161. 1014. Seal. City, 157. Sealers of Weights and Measures, G36. Second Adventist Church. 631. Second Baptist Church. Colored, 573. Second Christian Church. 608. Second Church of Christ. Scientist, 623. Second Church. Evangelical Association. 633. Second Evangelical Lutheran Church. 614. Second German Methodist Church, 601. Second Jail. 59. Second Masonic Temple. 386. Second Presbyterian Church, 582. Second Reformed Church. 632. Second United Brethren Church. 632. Secretaries Board of Public Safety, 635. Secretaries Board of Public Works, 635. Security Trust Company, 356. Sedwick, Charles W., 1041. Sedwick. James B.. 1040. Seidensticker, Adolph, 1223. Seidensticker. Adolph, 1226. Seidensticker, George. 1225. Selection of Name "Indianapolis," 27. Sentinel. 71. 388. Sentinel Office. 1850. 409. Seventh Christian Church. 608. Seventh Day Adventists. 630. Seventh Presbyterian Church, 587. Severin. Henry Jr., 875. Severin, Henry Sr., 875. Sewall. Mrs. May Wright. 506. Sewer Tax. 14. Shaare Tefila Congregation. 630. Sharpe, Ebenezer. 1080. Sharpe. Joseph K.. Jr.. 776. Sharpe. Thomas H., 1082. Shideler. John E., 660. Shiel, Roger R.. 1201. Shirley, Cassius C. 696. Shiriey, Foster C. 1131. Shortridge, Abraham C. 273. Shute. Hamlin L.. 859. Sigler, George A., 842. Sipe, Jacob C, 719. Sisters of Charity. 621. Sisters of the Good Shepherd. 621. Site of Union Railway Station. 1838. 12. Sixth Christian Church, 608. Sixth Presbyterian Church, 586. "Sleigho," 434. Smith. Charles W., 676. Smith. Sol, 458. Ni)i:x Smith, Theresa H., 969. Smock. William C. 778. .-Socialistic Turnverein, 203. Social Swirl. 490. Sccial Turnverein. 202. s. i. Illy for the Cultivation of Church Music. .521. Sm. i( ty .Totirnals. 409. Sucii'ty of Friends, 625. Soldiers and Sailors Monument. 487. Some Old Time Religion, 177. Sons of Hermann, 384. Sons of Temperance, 452. Soul of Music. 521. Southerland Presbyterian Church. 589. Southern Drivin.a; Park Association. 348. South Street Baptist Church, 572. Sowder, Charles R., 679. Spaan. Henry N.. 1135. Spades. Michael H., 1205. Spahr, William H., 894. Spann. .John S., 363, 389, 1213. Spann, Thomas H., 1214. Spears Case. 241. Spencer, M. J., 920. Spink. Mary A., 955. Stalnaker, Frank D., 957, Stanton. Ambrose P., 1176. State Bank. 342. State Bank of Indiana, 350. State Board of AKriculture, 98, 348. State Capitol. 107. State Fair, 229. 348. State Guard, 392. State House and XJ. S. S. Kearsarge. 424. State House, April, 1865, 233. State House at Corydon, Built 1811, 77. Stale Institutions, 109. Stale lournal Building. 1850, 397. State Library. 106. 509. State Librarian. 106. State Savings Bank, 352. State vs. Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company. 263. Steam Mill Company, 104. Steele, Theodore C. 791. Steffen. Andrew, 952. Stein. Theodot-e. 756. Stempfel. Theodore. 860. Stephenson. .John C. 878. Sterne. Albert E.. 802. Stevenson, iMrs. Robert L.. 515. Stevenson. William E., 856. Stewart, Alexaniler M.. 726. Stewart. Daniel M.. 924. Stewart, Martha. 925. Stewart. William K., 1044. Stock Yards. 257. Stone. Charles S., 1201. • Strange Chaijel. 596. Strange. .Tohn. 591. Street Commissioners. 636. Street Imiirovemcnt, 117. Street Imiirovements, 309. Street Lighting. 322. Street Railroad System, 235. I •'Strin.etown," 434. Suburl)an Towns. 434. Sugar Grove Methodist Church. 598. Sulgrove, Berr>- R., 171. Sulgrove, Berr.v. 527. Sullivan. George R.. 1072. Sullivan. .Jeremiah. 67S. Sullivan, Thomas L., 160, 677. Sun, The, 410. Superintendents City Dispensary, 637. Superintendents City Hospital, 637. Supreme Court. Old. 110. Surgical Institute. Burning of, 286. Sw-amps, 11. Swain, Mrs. Harold. 537. Taggart. Alexander, 1170. Taggart, .Joseph, 1000. Taggart. Thomas, 1204. Talge, John H.. 1002. Tally Sheet Forgeries, 292. Tanner. George G.. 1021. Tarbell, Horace S., 279. Taylor, Dr. H. W., 10. Taylor, James H., 1175. Taylor, Major, 1142. Taverns, Early, 32. Tavern Rates, 53. Tax Rates, Early, 54. Telegraph, The, 346. 395. Telegraph and Tiibune, 395. Telephone, First, 339. Temperance Chart. 394. Terre Haute and Richmond Railroad, 152. Terre Haute, Indianapolis and Hlastern Company, 339. Thalia-verein. 208. "The Aig.ger," 10. Theater and Theatricals, 458. Theater, Change in, 234. -The Baby of Uncle Tom's Cabin," 242. "The Capital in the Wilderness," 101. "The Demon Rum." 445. The Freeman. 394. The Indiananian, 399. "The .Teff," 153. The name "Indianapolis" in other Slates, 27. The Navigable Stream, 16, The State Builds, 101. "The Soldier's Friend," 226. Thespian Corps. The, 460. "The West Market," 34. "The Wigwam." 63. Third Christian Church. 608. Third Presbyterian Church. 584. Third Reformed Church. 632. Third Wesley Chaiiel, 593. Thomas, Edwin C 1116. Thomas, William H.. 655. Thompson, Charles N., 1140. Thompson, James L., 765. Times. 388. Town, Development of, 93. Town Governments. 112. Town Incorporated, 112. INDEX Town Officers, First, 112. Town Politics, 113. Township Library, .511. Tr.iiie .Tournals, 395. Transfer and Belt Railway Compaay, 258. Treat, Edward R. L., 1252. Treasurer, First Annual Report of, 56. Tribe of Ben Hur, 383. Tribune, 395. Trinity Danish Church, 614. Trinity Lutheran Church. 614. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. 599. Troub Memorial Church, 588. Trustees. 1832-1847, 120. Tuck, Claude T., 1044. Tutewiler, Harry D., 1086. Tutewiler. Henry W., 1084. Tuxedo Methodist Church. 602. Tuxedo Park Baptist Church, 573. Twelfth Presbyterian Church, 588. Tyler, S. E., in Uniform of Indianapolis Band, 523. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 242. Under the Charter, 416. Underground Railroads. 250. Underground Railroad Lines ia Indiana, 250. Union Company, 170. Union Depot and American Hotel, 1854, 256. Union Fire Insurance Company, 361. Union Literary Society, 103, 513. Union Railway Company. 263. Union Traction Company. 339. Union Trust Company, 356. United Brethren, 631. United Brothers of Friendship, 385. United Hebrew Congregation, 630. United Presbyterians, 589. Unitarians. 622. Universalists, 622. University Heights, 444. University Place Baptist Church, 573. University Square, 34. Van Arsdel, William C. 831. Van Camp. Cortland, 907. Van Camp. Frank, 935. Van Camp. George, 1010. Van Vorhis. Flavius J.. 718. "Virginia River," 14. Volksblatt, 395. Volunteer Fire Companies, 167. Volunteers of America, 623. Vonnegut. Bernard, 965. Vonnegut. Nannie S., 966. Voss, Gustavus H., 968. Wales. Ernest DeW., 815. Walk, ,Tulius C, 727. Walker. Lewis C, 771. Walker, Merle N. A., 906. Walker. Sarah Layton, 535, 540. Wallace, General Lew, 136, 480, 1174. Wallace, Harry R., 1020. Wallace, Henry L., 1175. Wallace, Lew, 1000. Wallace, William, 998. Wallace, William J., 162, 1019. Wallace, Mrs. Zerelda G., 505. Wallick. John F., 928. Wallingford. Charles A.. 961. Ward, Marion, 1098. Ward Councilmen, 640. Warren Township, 51. Warman, Enoch, 912. Warrum, Henry, 985. Washington Hall Tavern. 445. Washington Street, 1862, 158. Washington Street Views, 1854. 173. Washington Township, 51. "Waterloo," 114. Water Works Company of Indianapolis, 332. Waugh, Henry W., 474. Wayne Township, 51. Welch, John R., 833. Wesley Chapel, 593. Wesley Chapel, Present, 602. West, Henry F., 161. West Indianapolis, 440. West Park Church, 610. West Washington Street Presbyterian Church. 587. Westbrook, Adjutant Emma. 623. Western Censor and Emigrants Guide, 71, 388. Western Liberties Company, 169. Western Presage, 395. Whallon. Thomas C, 950. Wheatcraft, Charles O., 1181. Whetzell, Jacob, 39. Whetzell. Lewis, 39. White River, 16; First Large Boat on, 18: Im- provement of, 17. White Water Valley Canal. 20. Whitehead, Herbert L., 1008. Whitfredge. Thomas Worthington, 477. Wholesale Trade, 345. Wick, William Watson, 48. Wicks, Frank S. C, 1078. Wiegand, Antoine, 710. Wild, John F., 1111. Wilkins, John A., 1034. Wilkinson, Philip. 1141. Williams, Charles N., 740. Willis. Frank B., 1069. Wilson, George S., 1092. Wilson, Isaac, 36. Winter, Carl G.. 919. Wilson, Medford B., 748. Wishard, Dr. Milton M., 550. Wishard, William H., 65, 1244. Wishard, William N., 1248. Wood, Edson T., 842. Wood, Horace F., 813. Wood, Samuel F., 839. Wood. William A., 841. Woodruff Place, 439. Woodruff Place Baptist Church, 573. Woodruff Avenue United Presbyterian Church, 589. Woodbury. Herbert L., 1169. Wolf, George, 723. INDEX XXI Woolen Manufactures, 344. Woollen. Greenly V.. 867. Woollen, Leonard. 781. Woollen, Milton A., 782. Worrall, .Josephus Cicero, 12G, 177. Wright. Anna Haugh, 658. Wright, Charles E., 657. Wulschner, Emil, 1132. Wvnn, Wilbur £f., 769. Yandes, Daniel. 50, 555, 728. Yandes, Simon, 555, 731. Year of Donations, 1907, 432. Youngest Prosecutor, 59. Young Men's Library Association, 512. Young Men's Institute, 386. Zion's Church, 633. Zouave Guards, 217. History of Greater Indianapolis. CHAPTER 1. IX THF. BEGINNING. The time had come when ludiana had need of a new capital — not, indeed, that there had been any lack of capitals, for they had been iiuniorous and varied. The first seat of govern- iiicnt was Paris, France, — shifting to Aler- saillcs — with tiie provincial capital for the northern ]iart of the state at (^ncliec, and inter- mediate authority at Detroit ; while the ^oiitli- ern end of the state had its provincial capital at Xew Orleans, with intermediate authority at Fort Chartres, in Illinois. This continued until the close of the Seven Years War, when, by the 'J'reaty of Paris, in 1763, the capital became T^ondon, and the provincial govcrn- nipnt was centered at Quebec, with intermedi- ate authority at Detroit. This, in turn, con- tinued until Gen. George Kogers Clark took forcible possession of the region for Virginia, in HTS, and the capital came over to Rich- mond. Virginia acted promptly, and. in October, 1TT8, establislied the (!i)unty of Illinois, includ- ing all of her territory ''west of the Ohio river."' On December 12. Col. .Tohn Todd was appointed ('ounty Lieutenant, with power to appoint subordinate ollicials, except that, by the law, "all the civil otncers to which the said inhabitants have been accustomed, necessary for the ])reservation of ])pace and the adminis- tration of justice, shall be chosen by a major- itv of the citizens of their res])ective district*.""" 'i'odd came West in ITTfl. and called an ^IfrnitHi's Sliilx. Ill Lnnjr. Vol. I— 1 \'(ii. :i. election for the "general court"" of \"in- cennes, wdiich was the first election ever held in Indiana. The persons then elected were commissioned by Todd, excepting one known as Cardinal, who "refused to serve." It is not recorded whether this uniq\ie action was due to modesty, or to fear of being led into temp- tation in an American ofiice. The A^irginia rule continued until the organization of the Northwest Territory, when the capital w-as transferred to Marietta, Ohio. It tarried there until 1800, when, on the organization of In- diana Territory, it came to Vincennes. Here it remained until 1813, when it was removed to Corydon. But now Indiana had left the territorial status, and had been admitted as a sovereign state of the Union in 1810. It was putting away the things of childhood. It must have a permanent capital, and not merely one suited to the temp(n-ary convenience of the existing population. This involved its location near the center of the state, for no ]U'inciple was nioi'e firmly fixed in the minds of the early settlers than that "equality is equity,"' so far as dis- tance from the seat of government is con- cerned. Travel, at that time, w-as tedious and difficult, and from the time the Americans be- gan settling in the Northwest there had Iteen complaint on this subject. And Congress had recognized the justice of the complaint. In the report of 1800, on the division of North- west Territory, the House Committee said : "The actual distance of traveling from the HISTORY OF GREATER INDIAXAPOLIS. places of holding courts the most remote from each other is thirteen hundred miles, and in a countrj' so sparsely settled, and so little re- claimed from its native wildness. this distance alone seems to present ijarriers almost insuper- aljle against the exercise of the functions of government." hi the debate of 1804, on the separation of ilichigan, it was urged that "it was unjust to deprive the citizens of Detroit of the benefits resulting from the administra- tion of justice;'" and that Michilimackinac, '"exporting annuallv produce of the value of $->00,000, from which the United States had a revenue of $1T,000. was more than 800 miles from the present seat of government." Mich- igan had the best ground for complaint, and was separated in 1805, but other sections were also clamorous. In 180.5 the people of Dear- born County — then all of Indiana east of the Greenville Treaty Line — ])etitioned for reun- ion to Ohio, on the ground that they were "at a Distance of Xearly Two Hundred Miles from the Seat of Government ; that the Interme- diate Space is a Wilderness oecupy'd only by Indians, and likely for many years to Remain Unoccupied by any Other persons." In the same year, the ]X'op]e of the Illinois settle- ments asked for separation on the ground that they were separated from Vincennes by "about one hundred and eighty miles, through a dreary and inhospitable wilderness, uninhab- ited, and which, during one part of the year, can scarcely afford water to sustain nature, and that of the most indifferent quality, be- sides presenting other hardship!^ equally se- vere, while in another it is in part imder water, and in places to the extent of some miles, by which the road is rendered almost impassable." Congress refused these petitions, but after others to the same effect in 1806 and 1807, provided for the separation of Illinois in 1809; one of the chief reasons given being that, "The great difficulty of traveling through an ex- tensive and loathsome wilderness, the want of food and other necessary accommodations of the road, often presents an unsurmountable barrier to the attendance of witnesses;" and that when witnesses did attend, the expense was "a cause of much embarrassment to a due and impartial distriliution of justice. "- These considerations wt're uppermost in the -Ind. Hist. Soi: I'nhs.. \\ No. M. minds of everybody in connection with tlie establishment of the permanent capital, and it was a matter of common consent that the capital must be in the central part of the state, which was then an unsettled wilderness, held by the Indians. It was equally understood that it should be located on the West Fork of White River — properly the main stream — which was the only stream in the central part of the state that was considered navigable. After the admission of the state. Congress, by resolution of December 11, ISKi, made a dona- tion of four sections of land for a capital, to be selected by the state legislature from "such lands as may hereafter be acquired by the United States, from the Indian tribes witiiin the said territory ;" and all of these lands lay to the north of the existing settlements. The original title to this region was in the iliamis, with a special claim in the l'iaid Q ; Z .= d - z ■; Q 3 = J < o Plh < HISTOKY OF (JKKATER INDIANAPOLIS. All thf jjifliniiiiarios being: now anangcd, the legislaturi', which repR'sunted the southern end of the :.'. of IJ. 3 li. \\\; left our clerk making out his minutes and our leport, and went to cam]) to dine. Keturned after dinner. Our paper (not) being ready H.(artholomew), D.(urliam) and myself re- turned to camp at 4. They went to sleep and me to writing. At 5 we decamped and went over to JlcCormick's. Our clerk having his writing ready the commissioners met and signed their report, and certified the service of the clerk. At 6:45 the first boat landed that was ever seen at the seat of government. It was a small ferry flat with a canoe tied alongside, both loaded with the liousehold ^■oods of two families moving to the mouth of [•"all Creek. They came up in a keel lioat as far as they could get it up the river, then re- loaded the boat and brought up their goods in the flat and canoe. I paid for some corn and w(hiskey) 621X>- The clerk of the commission. Benjamin 1. Blythe, was a Pennsylvanian of Scotch de- scent, who afterwards located at Indianapolis. lie was also clerk of the surveyors who laid off the city, and for a time the state agent for the sale of lots. He was captain of the first artillery company, which welcomed the steamer "Robert Tlanna"" with a national salute when she arrived here A])ril 11, 1831. i^atei- he was well-known and successfvil in the bus- ini'ss of the city, especially as a dealer in hides and leather, and as one of the pioneer pork- packers. Mc(!'ormick'"s, where the commission- ers lield their meetings and took their meals, was an ordinary double log cabin that stood on the triangle now made by Wgihington street. Xaticnal avenue, and the river. It fronted the river. Alost of the time the commission- ers camped on the west side of the river just al)Ove the mouth of Fall Creek, which was then about 200 yards north of the National iJoad l)ridge. They named the bank where they camped "Bartholomew's i'lulT," but the name did not last. The lands they selected, and which were duly confirmed by the legis- lature, are bounded, east of the river, on the norlh by Tenth street; on the east by Shelby •street extended north to the L. E. & \V. tracks above Massachusetts avenue; on the south by Morris street: and on tlie west hv the river lielow Washington street, and by Hiawatha slriTt above \Vashin<;ton street. West of the river they are bounded on tln' north by Ver- mont street: on the east by the river; on the south by Maryland street; and on the west by Lynn street. Outside of these lines the lands were sold by the United Stales to individuals, and those that have since been added to the city were laid out as "additions" by individ- uals. On June 8th, Tipton records that he started home "in company with Ludlow, Gilliland, Blythe, Bartholomew, Durham, Governor Jen- nings and two Virginians.'"'" Who the Virgin- ians were is not mentioned, but probably they were JIatthias R. Xowland and .\ndrew Byrne, brothers-in-law from Kentucky, who had been looking at lands in Illinois, and who had come up from Vincennes \rith a ])art of the com- missioners. There were several others at- tracted to this point at the time, among them John and Absalom Dollarhide, who coiTie up with a f)art of the commissioners from their farms rn-,n- the southern line of Marion County. John H. B. Xowland, son of Matthias R., says that their party came up White River from Vincennes, past the Bluti's, where they found "about a half-dozen families settled, in- cluding that of Jacob Whetzell." At the mouth of Fall Creek they stopped for a day, and "inost of them were favorably impressed." N'owiand told the commissioners that if they located here he would move out in the fall, and try to induce other Kentuekians to join lum. This mention of the favorable impres- sion is of interest in connection with a vener- able tradition of a strong conflict of opinion among the commissioners as to the location, which is stated by Brown as I'ollow^s: "They met as directed at Conner's, where, after very serious disputes between them as to sites at the Blutt's, at the mouth of Fall Creek, and at Conner's, the present hication was chosen by three votes against two for the Blufl's." This has commonly been followed by other writers, but it is manifestly incorrect, for Tipton ex- plicitly states that the choice was made at McCormiek's, on M;iy 'i'l. and there were then nine commissioners present. It is incredible that four of them did not vote, and there is no contem])orary mention of material disagree- ment in Tipton's journal or elsewhere. Tlie Indiana Sentinel. iiul)lished at Vincennes, said on .lune :5 : "We understand from a gentle- man who has been some time in company with G llLsruliY or GKEATER INDIAXAPOLIS. tlie comiiiissioiicr!;. tliat it is most probable the permanent Seat of Government of Indiana will be fixed inunediately Ijelow the mouth of Fall Creek, that empties into the West Fork of White River, on tiie east side" On June 17, the same paper announeed the location by sections, and added : "It is just below the mouth of Fall Creek, which is in full view from the town scite. Fall Creek is a beautiful stream, at this season forty yards wide at its mouth, witli a rapid current and deep water. We are happy, also, to say that the business of the commissioners proceeded with ]3erfect concert and harmony, and that they suffered no interest but the public's to guide them in the selection." The presence of Governor Jennings with the commissioners, who were not only his ap- ]K)intees but also his personal and political friends, would naturally tend towards una- nimity of sentiment, and there was no show of (piestioniug tjie locatuin afterwards. In fact the press of the state treated the action of the commissioners as settling the location, and the legi.elatiire adopted their decision without any recorded question or debate. When the exact surveys were made, it was found that section 1 contained 6.58.2 acres; section 2, 61]..5.'5 acres; section 12, G40 acres; and east fractional section 11, 448.2 acres; leaving 202.07 acres to be taken from section 3, west of.the river, to make the full donation of four sections, or 2, .560 acres. The lands were so platted, falling between now existing streets as mentioned nl)ove. I CHAPTER 11. THE LAY OF THE LAND. 'rhv report nl' llir (•(iiiniii^siniuTs tn tlu' k'f;- islature makes no stali'iiiciit of their rca50ii>^ for the location chosen beyond the following: "The nnilersigned have endeavored to connect with an eligible •^ite the advantages of a naviga- ble stream and fertility of soil, while they have not been unmindful of the geographical situation of the various portions of the state ; to its political center as it regards both the jiresent and future population, as well as the inesent and future interest of the citizens."' Among tiie features that went to make ii|i the "eligible site," tradition records the consideration that the banks of the river at this ])oint afforded a good boat landing, and that Fall Creek and Eagle Creek were good mill streams. - But there were other considerations that no doulit had weight. At this time the TJ. S. Commissioners to locate the National Road had finished their work in central Indiana, and had located the inad abotit fifteen miles south of Indianapolis, 'i'his was brought to the attention of the legislature at this same ses- sion, and on January S, 182L it adopted a me- morial to (jongress asking for a change in the lim^ of the road, so that it wcndd come to the new ca])ital. Hi this memorial the legislature urged that the site of the capital was not only nearer the center of the state, but that it had "many other advantages," among which was the fact that at this point there were '■'elevated banks on both .=ides of the west branch of White lliver ;" and that this condi- tion insured "in time of hish water a certain passage, and that a similar advantage is not to be found on the said river at less than thirty miles sonth of the location aforesaid."' This was also true of the river for some ten miles above — to the head of the backwater above Broad Ripple — there being bottom-land on one side or the other when not on both. Of course in those days a heavy fill was a much more seri- ous undertaking than at present, and there was no point near here that afforded as great natural advantages for a crossing .as the pres- ent Washington street crossing of the river. Indeed, it is almost certain that the commis- sioners gave weight to this consideration, for they located on both sides of the river and the only place where the lands selected come to the river on both sides is from a block below Washington street to abo\it the same dis- tance above. Congress, however, did not change the location of the road until ISi."), when Jonathan Jennings secured an anu'nd- ment, bringing the line to Lidianapolis.'' But there was another reason for the selec- tion. Tipton says: "The bank of the river on which McCormick lives is from '2') to 30 feet above the water at this time — the country back is high, dry and good soil ;" which (lemon- strates that 1S20 was not a wet year. Hut at an:>: Iiiil. Ilisl. Soc. I'lihs.. Vi>l. 1, p. ].■>;!. -//((/. Ilisl. Soc. Pubs.. Vol, -2, p. :i8(): \'ol. ■J. p. :!i:. ■\Acfx of is:i. p. ] ;■:.. *Stah. (ll Liirijr. \',,|. -I. pn. I'.'S. :i.^>l : Cun,;. Pchates, Jan. i: and 1S. IS-.'."), pp. -MO. -Jl.-,. ' 8 IIISTOKV OF GREATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. to the fact that at this point tln-iv was an abundance of level ground for a town. When Stephen Ludlow, tlie Dearborn county com- missioner, returned to Lawreneeburg, he was met l)_v William Tate, a young mechanic from Boston, wlu) inquired how they had succeeded. "Oh. splendidly," was the reply, "l tell you. Billy, we have got the finest piece of land you ever .ylvania street at the big elm, which still stands in front of X^o. I'il'y, and which is sometimes called "the McC'ulloch elm,'" on account of Rev. Oscar McCulloch"s devotion to it. From there it veered to the south, crossing ileridian street at Eleventh and Illinois at St. Clair; then between Illinois and Capital avenue across Vermont ; then southwesterly past the corner of the State Cap- itol grounds to-the old canal bed on Missouri street, and down it, and across, emptying into the river just above Kiugan's packing-house through what was called "the big ravine," or sometimes "the River Styx,"" and which, when subsequently dammed uj), became the lower basin of the canal. In these ravines tliere were a number of deep places where the water stood most of the year; and outside of them, scattered through the dense forest, were many low places whert' the water stood for weeks, especially in wet seasons. Southfl-est of Oreenlawn Cemetery was a body of stagnant water known as "Grave- yard Pond,"' of wliicli was said: "In the sum- mer it is covered with a green, filthy scum, and is the habitation of various kinds of rej)- tiles and bull-frogs. At the lower part of this pond is a bridge, supposed to have been built by Governor Scott's army, to get to the ford of the river, about the year lTi)0.""" These conditions made a natural field for malarial dis- eases, whatever the direct cause of those dis- eases. The favorite theory, until quite recently, was that they were the jiroduct of miasma' and there was certainly ami)le cause for miasma in the dam)) soil and the de- caying vegetation. But some, esiieiially in later years, held to the theory that malarial diseases were caused by alternations of heat and cold. Dr. Tlios. 15. Harvey, one of the best physicians Indianapolis, or any other eitv, ever had, was a warm champion of this theory, and there was ample basis for it here, ilore recently the mosquito theory has been gener- 4(5. ''N^oirhnnf's Tlriiiiniscrnces. ]i "Locomotive. M»y 27, 1848. ~Ind. Hist. Soc. Piihs.. Vol. ?. p. 400; ('Jkuh- hrrlaiii's Gazetteer, p. 41 ; Bejioi-t.-i Stale Jleallli Comm.. 1880, p. 339. ally accepted, though there are a few old doc- tors who scoff at jt, and declare that they have known people to be "almost eaten up by mos- lIISTOIiV OF (MtKATKi; 1 XDI A \ Al'OLlS. 9 iiitos" without liaviiifi' malarial iliscasui^. I'os- - bly I'lirther scientiiic invt':^tigation may dera- astrate that, on the germ theory, tiie germs iiay be introduced into the blood otherwise lian througli mosquitos, and that there is a "issibility of acclimation or inoculation, by A hich the individual may develop an anti- "xin that makes him to some extent immune, '.lit doctors disagree as to everything, except '■rhaps the number of bones in the human u'ldy, and the writer has no desire for a medi- cal controversy. Suffice it to say that, whatever the causes of malarial diseases, they were here in abundance and so were the diseases, especially in wet . years. Old settlers maintained that it rained much more in the earlier years of the settlc- mejit of Indianajiolis than later"* and tliis is ])robable enough because the conditions were peculiarly favorable to local evap- oration and reprecipitation. Brown says: "The summer of 1S21 was distinguished by the general sickness resulting, it was thought, from the lieavy fall of rain. It is said that storms occurred every day in June, July and Augu.st. Clouds would suddenly gather and send a deluge of water, tlien as quickly break aw*y, while tiie sun's rays fairly scorched the drenched herbage, generating miasmatic va- pors with no wind to carry them oil. Sicknes.s began in July, but did not become general till after the lOtii of August, on which day .Mat- thias Xowland had a raising, all the men in the settlement assisting. Kemittent and inter- mittent fevers, of a jieculiar type, then began, and in three weeks the community was pros- trated. Thomas Chinn, Enoch Banks and Nancy Hemh-icks were the only persons who escaped. Though so general, tlii' disease was not deadly, about twenty-five cases only, most- ly cliildren who had been too much ex])osed, dying out of several iumdrcd cases. The few wlio cduld go about devoted their time to the sick, anil many inslances of generous, devoted friendship occurred. Their mutual suffering at this time bound tiie early settlers together in after life, and none recur to this period witliout emotion. Xew comers were disheart- ened at till' prospect, and some left the coun- try, c-ircuhiting extravagant repm-ts alioiit the health of the town, greatly retarding its sub- sc(pient growth.""' In fact tiie conditions here were not much worse than at iiiany other places in the state, and the year was noted foi- the ])revalent sickness.'" The doctors fared no l)ctter than the rest of the community. Dr. ^litchell and all of his family were prostrated with ague, as was Dr. Livingston Dunlap, who was then living with them. These two physicians were not only unable to minister to others, but were in so helpless a state that Matthias Xowland took Dunlap on his back and carried him to his caliin to care for him.'^ Xowland and his fam- ily were soon in as bad a plight. His son vividly portrays their situation by recording tliat one day '"my father was suffering for water, and no one able to draw a bucket. He crept to the door of the cabin and saw a man passing. He beckoned to him and requested him to draw a bucket of water. 'Wiere is your friend Blake?' the man inquired. 'He. too, was taken sick this morning,' was the answer. 'What on earth are the people to do now?" said (lie man; 'God had spared him to take care of the people; they would now suf- fi'r as they never had before." ""'- Indeed "riule Jimmy"" Blake was a guardian angel. He w^as then a bachelor, and though he was having chills every other day the malady was not bad enough to disable him, and Xowland says: "He would employ the well days in gathering the new corn and grating it on a horse-radish grater into meal to make mush for the con- valescent. Indeed our family, as well as the others, would havi' suffered for food had it not been for his kind offices in this way, not only because the mush made from the new corn was more i)alatable, but the old could not be got, as there were no mills nearer than (lood Landers", on the Whitewater IJiver." '■ |)i-. ('oe was the only physician able to altenil to patients, and he was kept going night and dav. comliating the disease single-handed iiniil |)r. Jonathan Cool arrived in the fall. In fact the ague was so ])rominent a feature of earlv Indianapolis, that it calls fur special ''Hroini's I iiiliiiiiiiiiiills. |i. 'i : Juiiniiil . .June 7, °ffis:f. of lililidliiliiolis, p. .'>. ^"Chauibt'rlaiu'x Gnzctircr. j) ^^Novhiiid's ririniiiisrciiccx. p ^-Nnirltnid's Rcmiiiiscrnrcx. p. (il. ^"fiJarli/ UrminiKcences, p. (II. lit. 4.5. 10 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. notii-c as one of the institutions of lliu jilacu; not that it was worse than elsewhere, but the natural conditions were favorable to it. and th()ii<;]i it becanie le.ss common as the land was cleared, it continued to some extent for many years, csijecially in wet reasons. The writer passed the summer of 1870 with it, having six recurrent attacks after the disease was sup- posed to be "broken" in each case. Most nf the early settlers could say as Demas Mc- Farland did, that he "served a regular appren- ticeship at the ague, and worked at journey work at the chills and fever, and thought he had gi'aduated.""''' T'sually the disease was not fatal, unless complicated with sometliing else, although Mrs. Beecher portrays it as vcrv (laii- gerous in her "F'rom Dawn to Daylight." but it was decidedly annoying. The popular view of it was never better expressed than in tlie fol- lowing dialect poem by Dr. H. W. Taylor, wjiich a])|icared in The Ciinriit. in ISS."): THE AIGGER. Em folks at thess moved thrum the East Haint gut the least Idee of Aigger, thess a-tall I Haint no Aigger hee-yur ess Fall, Haint seed Aigger anywhawr Thess sencc the War. Now-days, feller gits the chills Thess well quit payun boardun bills, Yusen to be. ef Aigger tuck Holds on a feller, it thess ud whet His ap-tite up — harder he shuck The more he et. A feller ats ben Round hee-yur when Terry Hut wair thess in the bresh. Hez seed the right Aigger, thess ])linn fresh, .\pt to feel thess ornery mean Time the pawnds uz tnrnun green. Thess along when Dawg-days come Ef a feller swum Thess en the Wabash. Git kivvered uth at-air yeller scum, Fn et thess, thess, a mess a trash. He gut ut, shore! Cawn-trairyest Aigger to kee-yore. ^^Loroiiiollfc. .Tune 1:3, 1S.")!1. Thess git out un set en the sun Lack a torkle on eend of a log, Caillestest theng yevver done I Feel too ornery fur a dog ! Thurreckly the theng has taken its track Streekun un streakun up yer back Zef a slice Thess plum ice Thess a-meltun long the sken T'n freezun en I Draw a feller euto a knot I After a spell, he gits so hot. Rasslun roun un makun a furss, Tho-un the kivvers evvurwhurs ! Feller"d thenk He's thess a fish, to see him drenk; Long's UTver kin hold the cup — Un en turn roun un tho ut up! Thess when the theng hcz gut you het Thess hot enough to thess about bile. Hit starts a dad-burned ornery sweat. Smells zef yous bout to spile Worse un a key-yarn ! Smells fur's thrum hee-yur to the barn I That air sweat that usen to pour Clur throo un throo ar feather-bed • Thess onto the floor ! Run en a stream j)!uni outen the door I At is, a-peerntly hit did, Ez the feller said. ************ Third-day Aigger, sometimes, brung Enfurmation en strifFen of the lung. Take the feller's maidjur thess long down Ez you brlmg the doctor u]) thrum town. Curn-jestuff chills uz thess the same ; .\irry a defPerunce. thess en tlie nami'. I hed the second un, wunst cumun on. Thinl un. a feller az good az gone. ************ Shake? thess dad-lnmi my hide Ef I haint thess tried un tried Shake the clabljoards offen the ruff! Tliess ast Sniiryniuss ef she haint hilt ^le thrum sliakun ofTen the bed By settin on the end of the quilt. Shuck the teeth right outtm inv head. Leave it to pa]). Woosli I may drap Right en my tracks Ef them haint facks. IITSJTOnV OF (IKKATRK IXDIAXAPOLTS. 11 This dialect was broader than was often heard in Indiana, but it might be heard in some regions where the popuhition was South- ern in origin, for most of the so-called "Hoo- sier dialect" came to us from the South, and especially from the mountain districts.'"' A few- explanations may aid tlie uninitiated, "Thess"' is just; "Thrum" is from: "Key-yam" is car- rion, and in words like this, "Hee-yur,"" "Kee- yore," etc.. the first syllable is very short — in fact would be better represented by the in- itial consonant alone. "Curn-jestuff" is con- gestive; "Knfurmation"' is inflammation; and "Striffen" is a detached membrane, especially the diaphragm. Hon. John E. Wilson used to tell of a woe-begone Virginia neigliljor who complained of his health, and. when asked wliat was the trouble, replied: "Obi my strif- fen hez rotted out, and my lungs hev dropped down into my stummik."" This description of the symptoms and the course of the malady is excellent. l)ut neither the afflicted nor their doctors had any idea of what caused it, according to the present accej)ted mosquito theory, which has been de- veloped almost wholly since 1898; and a state- ment of it, in plain language, is ai)rt)pos here, even at the risk of incurring medical criti- cism, ilalaria is a germ disease of the mos- quito, which does not appear to bother the nios()uito, but one stage of the life-cycle of the jiarasite is passed in the blood of man, and possiV)ly some other animals. There are three common genera of mosijuitos. cidex, stegomyia. and ano])lieles. The first and second are not germ-carriers, and are easily distinguished in the larva state by the fact tluit their "wiggle- tails" appear '"with flowing mane and tail erect" — or, in other words, rest witli their tails at tlie to)) of the water and their heads and whiskers below. But a "wiggle-tail"" that lies flat at the surface of the water belongs to the anopheles, and these are the ones that make the tro(d)le. Various s])ecies of anopheles carry different germs, which cause respectively three t^-pes of malarial disease. The first two are known as tertian and quartan, according to the period of re[)rodnetion of the germs, every other day or every third day. and the attend- ant convulsion. When two or more alternat- ing shifts of germs are working on the victim ■7»'/. //I'v/. S(h: I'lihs.. Vol. X. he will have a chill every day. Those of the third type are the aestivo-autumnal fevers which are commonly known as bilious remittent and typho-malarial. These are the dangerous ones. A patient may get over them without treatment, but he is much more apt to die if not intelligently treated. How the experience of Indianapolis hinges with the recent theory, developed since we exterminated yellow-fever in Cuba, that malaria is a cause of physical and mental deterioration, and was responsible for the decadence of Greece and Rome, I leave to the mosquito experts and historians of those countries. In addition to the sii-kiiess which was an in- direct result of the topography, there was con- siderable annoyance from floods. When the swamp northeast of the city overflowed, and Fall Creek overflowed through it, the "ra- vines" became raging torrents. They did little damage in the early years, because the cabins were out of their reach, but they obstructed travel. Where the east ravine crossed Wash- ington street there was ((uite a broad valley, reaching from Xew Jersey stri-et well over to- wards Alabama, and so deep that after Wash- ington street was graded for the National Road the property owners there did not have to dig cellars, but had to fill their lots. Before that time' old settlers say that in flood time the water at this p)int "would swim a horse." With this ravine and l'ogue"s Kun on the east and south, and Fall Creek on the north and west, with the river occupying the same valley or bottom as the creek, the city was in flood time almost on an island; and when the streams were all flooded at once, as often happened, the jilaie was almost isolated, for there were no bridges for several years. In April and May, 1821, the publication of the Gazette was sus]>endcd for a month, because the edi- tors ba(l gone out of town and could not get back through the floods. On May 10, 1824. the W'steni Censor apologized for its limited amount of outside' news for the reason thai the mail carriers had been unable to get out of or into the town. In Manh and April. 1820, the mails were slopped for some ( l-'i lnuaiy 4, 1837, appointed Calvin Fletcher and Tbouia-; Johnson "commissioners to superintend the drainage of the swamps aiul lowlands immedi- ately northeast of Indianaixdis, the outlet of which overllows the grounds wes-t, northeast and north of the State House square." The state engineer was directed to make the neces- sary surveys, and the coinmissionei-s to take subscriptions for the work, and |)i'oseeute it '"as they may deem most expedient."" rejjorting their proceedings to the county commissioners. They didy proceeded to cut "the state ditch"' from near the present crossing of Twentieth street and the L. E. & W. tracks, in a direction slightly south of west, to Nineteenth and CVn- I tral avenue; thence west along the south linf of ^lorton i)lace to Delaware street: thence, north to the Fall Creek bottom ; thence west- erly, along tlu' south line of the bottom-land to Fall Creek at Twenty-second street. For some ten years this disposed of ti-oulde with the "ravines," but in December, 184G, there were heavy rains on a hard frozen sur- face, and on January 1, 1847, all the streams wore running over. 'I'he bank of the ditch gave way, and the water came down its old channels in volume that startled those wlio had invaded them. For exanii)le, Israel Jennings, who had been living peacefully at the northwest corner of Walnut and New Jersey streets, was awak- ened by a noise in the night, and on rising from his high-post bed to investigate went into water almost to his waist. He managed to get ashore with his family ; and in the morn- ing rescued his belongings by aid of a wagon and team. The Hood of 184? was quite gen- eral throughout the state, and did so mucli damage that the legislature ])rovided foi' the reappraiscment of real property that had been injured, and for change of the' tax duplicates to the extent of the in- jury.'" The state diteli was repaired, and no further trouble was ex])erienced until the peo- ple had almost forgotten the "ravines," when in June, 18.58, the bank of the state ditch either broke, or was cut by uuschief-makers, near Central avenue, at a time of very high water in the creek and river; and the water sought its ancient channels, making its way as far down the west ravine as Illinois and St. Clair streets, where it was stopped by the street fills.'" Fortunately the break was discovered and stopped before any great damage was done. Again the ditch was repaired, and a long period of immunity followed in which there grew up a generation that knew not the "ra- vines," except as the youth of their neighbor- hoods utilized the remains of their cdd chan- nels for coasting and skating places. But on .June 1, 187."), the city was visited by a severe electric and wind storm, followed by a deluge 1)1' rain. After nightfall on June 2, the bank III' the state ditch broke again, and the waters surged down through what was then becoming the fashionable residence district of the city. The merchant police displayed their utility liy waking the residents and warning them nf danger, and hundreds of ])ec)|>le turned out to see the unusual sight, and pre])are for any emergency. The water playetl havoc with the new block pavement on Delaware street — the first laid in the city — and covered several other streets for some blocks. The Kaufman and Caylor residences (then 618 and 620 N. Penn. street — now about 1210) were flooded on the first floors, and so were several othei-s northeast '"Locomollrc. Jlav 12, 184!). 'Mr/.t /,"?.'/ 7, p. nC. "•■/niirnal. .lune 11. 1S,-)8. H iiisi(ii;v OF (;i!L-:ateh ixdiaxatolis. ol' thiit point.''' At this tiiiii' tiiree vouiig laeii. George Curry, Charles Culley, and Louis New- burger, rowed iu a boat from near Eleventh street, on Pennsylvania, to beyond Eighteenth and Alabama. This was the last time the state ditch broke its bounds, and the old "ravines"' have been so completely tilled that there is little trace of their course now except in the slope of some street grades and lots towards their old loca- tions. After they were filled there was quite a i)revalent impression that there were "ty- phoid belts'" along their old channels and trib- utary swales. The medical profession did not seem to attach much importance to this, but very generally held that they affected the wells, wliich were then commonly sunk only to the first level. Dr. Samuel E. Earp, the first city sanitarian, expressed his opinion that "the dug- well supply of a greater portion of this city is none too good, becaijse it is drawn from a swampy source, which formerlj' extended from al)ovc the Atlas Works to somewhere near the State buildings.""-" I'ntil the coming of the first railroad, in 1847, the region south of Pogue"s Eun was "country," and its flood conditions were of little importance. The city made its first rapid growth in that direction between 1860 and 18"0, and it was then that the topography of that section first demanded serious atten- tion. There were two natural features that made trouble. "Lake McCarty"' and "Virginia Eivcr."' Lake ilcCarty was a pond in the low ground in the vicinity of the J. M. & I. tracks, between Eay and ilorris streets. It was partly natural and partiv due to the excavations and fills for the road! In 1866 the City Council ordered Nicholas ^fcCarty to cut a ditch through his land to White River and drain the pond. He complied, but notified the coun- cil that this was for temporary accommoda- tion only, and that a different arrangement would have to be made. In 1868, the city fathers having become convinced that under- ground sewers would have to be adopted, a s])ecial sewer tax of 1.5 cents on ^100 was levied, which produced about $-'50.000 ; and one of the first appropriations from this was for a sewer throuirh Hav street to the river. draining Lake McL'arty. It is still in use. When it was finished ilr. McCarty was given leave to fill the pond.-' The decision for sewers was hastened by the j)erformances of "A'irginia Eiver," which was described by the Committee on Sewers, in a re- port to the council in 1869, as follows: "The so-called Virginia Eiver rises in a wet tract southeast of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and after a winding course of about two miles, tlu'ough Fletcher"s pasture and Fletcher and Stevens" addition, ]iassing down East street and Airginia avenue to Pogue's Eun. In former days when entirely unobstructed, it was. after heavy rains, a swiftly flowing stream, from lo to 100 feet wide, and deep enough iu places to swim a horse. It drains a territory half as large as the city plat, and now, when obstruct- ed by street grades and culverts, forms many deep ponds along its course ; but its channel is deep and rapid, carrying a formidable body of water after long-continued heavy rains. It has already cost the city many thinisands of dollars in culverts and embankments and tliere have also been large sums claimed as damages from its overflow." The committee urged that these evils would increase with future street im- provements, and recommended a sewer through Virginia avenue from the corner of Pine and Elm streets to Pogue"s Eun."-' Instead of this the "river"'" was lodged in the South street arul Kentucky avenue sewer. The chief source of the trouble, and the im- mediate cause of final action was the eidvert under Virginia avenue, for the other culverts did their work fairly well. When Virginia ave- nue was a country road there was at this point a wooden culvert or bridge 10 feet wide with a waterway of 4 feet under it. But when it was improved as a street in 18.59, there was sub- stituted for this a culvert of masonry "214 feet wide and 3 feet high. This worked very well in dry weather, but in floods the water could not get out fast enough, and backed up like a reservoir. By the statements of several wit- nesses, Herman Huffer, whose property was a short distance above it. "had to swim out'" repeatedly, and after the heavy flood of 1866 he sued the eitv for his accumulated immer- "City papers, .lu)u> ;i and 4. 1ST ^"AVh'.s-. .laniiarv 2.5. ISST. H'niniril I'm,-.. isiKI-T. p. 68:5: 1867-8. n. 160. --('oiiikH I'nii.. ISCil-Tll. pp. 1.57-8. HISTOUY OF G1;EATJ:U lM)lANAi'ULlS. 1." sions. He iveovered dainajji's, and the city appealed to the Supreme Court, wliieh attirnied the city's liability for the insutticient culvert. Further consideration of the drainage will be found in a later chapter on the city irovcrn- ment under the new charter. There was another natural feature of the site that may be mentioned here. When the pioneer .settler located in the forest lands of the New Purchase, he prepared for his tirst years crop by makinji a "deadening." In other words he killed the larger trees by gir- dling them with an a.\, and, having cleared out the underbrush, planted his crop between the deadened trees. Fortunately for the first set- tlers at Indianapolis, nature had done this work for them, for there was in tiie northwestern part of the city an irregular strip of land, variously estimated at from 100 to 200 acres, on which the large timber Mas dead. Tipton passed through it twice, coniing from and go- ing to Conner's Station, and describes it thus: "The most of the timber tor some distance from the river having beuit sugar tree has been killed abt 2 years since by the worms, and is now thickly set with ]irickly ash — near tlie creek the timber is better. "-■' This tract began a short distance north of ililitary Park, and extended irregularly northeast towards Fall Creek in the vicinity of Senate avenue. It was sometimes called "'the Caterpillar Deaden- ing," and is said to have been the work of "locusts or caterpillars,"' but locusts and cater- pillars do not kill sugar trees, and it was no doulit caused by maple-borers.-* The first settlers united in making a cominon lield of the soutliern end of this, by clearing out thi' underbrush, wliich W'as used for a fence to keep out their cattle. Their crops were in and well started before the sick- ness of 1831 became prevalent, and this fact saved them from the danger of starvation. This tract was cultivated by the settlers for several years, while the clearing of other land was in ])rogress, and was notable for the fine vegetables it produced.-'' -■'Iiul. Miui. of Hid.. \'i)l. 1. pp. 12, 1.".. -*Fifih Bcpl. of U. S. Kiiluiiioliii/ii'dl Com., pp. 3T4-90. -'-Xew.i. ^rarch 29. 1S79. CHAPTER 111. thp: xayigable steeam. I doubt that any other watercourse ever had White Kiver's experience of being a navigable stream for nearly a century, and then losing its character. Tliis was due to a manifest change in the legal meaning given to the word "navi- gable," and is an illustration of "judge-made law"' that may possibly result in somewhat serious consequences in connection with future movements to improve the river. The ordin- ance of 1787 provided: "The navigable waters leading into the ilississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways, and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of the said territory as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other states that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor." It is beyond question that "navi- gable" in this provision means navigable by canoes and bateaux, for no other craft were used on these streams at the time, nor could any other be used in approaching "the carry- ing places between the same." The United States courts have always recognized this pro- vision of the Ordinance as continuing in force, and, in one of the cases, as to the Wabash at Terre Haute.' By the act of Congress of 17 9(). for the survey and sale of the public lands, it was expressly declared tliat "all navigable streams within the territory to be disposed of by virtue of this act shall be deemed to be and remain public highways." As such their beds were always excluded from the lands surveyed and .sold. The United States surveyors were governed by these provisions in Clarion County, and did not include the bed of White River in tlic sur- veys, but "meandered" the stream, and the land was sold onlv to the meander lines. Xever- theless, when the question of the navigability of White Eiver came before the Indiana Su- preme Court in 1876, the court, by Judge Per- kins, said: "The court knows judicially, a-; a matter of fact, that White River, in Marion County, Indiana, is neither a navigated nor a navigable stream;" and as to the bed not Ijcing surveyed and sold, he said: "The idea that tbe j)ower was given to a surveyor or his deput}', upon casual observation, to determine the ques- tion of the navigability of rivers, and thereby conclude vast public and private rights, is an absurdity.""- Hence he held that tliere were no "vast pulilic rights,"" and the whole stream be- longed to the owners of the banks. The reasoning of this case, at least, was abandoned by the same court in 1878, when it held that the Wabash in Warren county was "a navigable stream, the bed of which has neither been surveyed nor sold.""-' This put the court in line with the legislature which had always recognized the action of the United States in its surveys and sales as conclusive. Thus the act of Janu- ary 23, 1829, "relative to navigable streams de- clared highways by the ordinance of Congress of 1787," prohibits any obstruction to "any stream or river which is navigable, and the bed or channel of which has not been surveyed and sold as land by the United States."' And so the law of 18.32 provides a penalty for obstruct- ing "any navigable stream, the bed or chaniud whereof may not have been surveyed and sold as land by the United States."'' Tlie survey and sale were not mere acts of a surveyor or his deputy. Their work was ratified and eontirmed by their superiors, and was as much the action 'G McLean, p. 237. =.i4 Incl. -J:1. ="64 Ind., p. 162. *Rei: Siafs.. 18.V2. Vol. ]). t:?2. 16 I!IS'|-()|;V OF (illKATKI! IXDIAX.VroUS. 17 i>f the T'nitod StatL':^, being in pursiuiiu-L' of a ilirt'ct requirciiiciit of law, as any otlit-ial action • ould be. Mo;it of the states have been more fortunate than Indiana in the attitude taken as to i)ublic- rights in such streams, and the general rule is that any stream that will carry commerce, even by floating logs, is a navigable stream.^ The decision in the Marion County case was quite imnecessary. The (luestion in the case was the right of a riparian owner to gravel in the bed of the stream ; and while the decisions are conflicting there are a number that sustain that riglit without regard to the navigability of the stream, subject, of course, to the easement for navigation." Rut the most important jioint in the (|uestion of navigability was not raist'd in the Marion Cotintv case, and was not considered by the court at all. It is the well established law ill this country that a state has plenary power over navigable streams completely within its borders, at least, until Congress acts.' This power is to be exercised by the legisla- ture and the legislature of Indiana had acted repeatedly and consistently as to thi- miviKability of White h'iver. The act of January 17, "[f^-iO. declared '•Wliite River from its mouth to the main forks; the west fork from thence to the Delaware towns," and certain other streams, to I)e "public liigh- ways"' and made it a ))enal offense to obstniet "any stream declared navigable i)y this act," the only e.\ce])tion being the erection of dams undei' certain conditions, by any person who has "pur- chased from the Tnited States the bed of any stream by this act declared navigalde." This law has never been repealed, hut was slightly modified by the act of February 10. 1831. which declared the West Fork of White ll'wrv na\i- gablc as high as Yorktown, in Delaware County. This law was notable for r'eeognizing that a navigable stream need not be navigal)le at all seasons, for it i)rohil)ited any obstruction that would "injure or impede the navigation of any stream, reserved by the ordinance of Congress of 1787 as a public highway, at a stage of water when if wnuld Dlherwise be naviirable." ■■2 Mich.. 21!) ; 1!) Oregon, .3:.',; 3.-5 \V. \\v- ginia, I.T: W liorhoiii: X. W.. 0; 14 Kentuckv Law, r,-2] : 87 Wisconsin, ^:U. " ol 111.. ?fif, : 42 W'is., 20.3. M2.5 TT. S., 1 : 148 I'. S., 320. Vol, 1—2 If this law was not repealed by the Supreme Court, it is still in effect. As has been noteRrr. Stiil.<.. \K '.n: "A'oH'/((//(/\- tt'i'iii Itiisci'iicrs, 11. 2^ ^"Hisfdri/ /)itliaii(iiiolix. ]i. 20. IIISTOUY Ub' liUEATKii IMUlAXAi'OJ.lS. 19 •"The arrival of tlie stcainboat 'Gen. llaniia/ from Cincinnati, at tliis plat-c. should be vie wed bv the citizens of the Wliite Kiver countrv, and of our state at large, as a proud triumph, and as a fair aud unanswerable ilenionstration of the fact that our beautiful river is susceptible of safe navigation for steam vessels of a much larger class than was anticipated by the most sanguine." The committee also resolved "that Captain Blythe's company of artillery be in- vited to parade on this day at 2 oVloek near the boat to fire a salute in honor of the occasion," whicii was duly done. It also extended an in- vitation to the proprietors and officers of the boat to a public dinner, but this was declined by General Hanna, because "our arrangements make it necessary that she should leave this place for the BiutTs early tomorrow morning." However, the boat made two excursions up the river on the Tith with large loails of passen- gers. In one of these she ran into an over- hanging tree, knocking down her pilot-house and chimneys, greatly frightening the passen- gers, a number of whom took to the water. Tlie boat started down the river on the 13th but grounded on a bar at Hog Island, and did not get oil' for six weeks; and went out of the river in the fall. This ended steanilioai navigation in this jiart of White River until 1865, when the Indian- njiolis and White River Steamboat Company Iniill and launched the "Governor Morton"'. Slie was a sidc-wheeler, 100 feet long, '2\. feet beam, and 'i feet 4 inches deep. Her regis- tered capacity was l.")0.87 tons, and tlie in- spector permitted her to carry 'iOO passengers. but she carried more if more desired to ride. She was laimclied on July 1, and made her trial trip on August 25, 1865, running up the river ])ast tlie mouth of Fall Creek, as far as Crowder's IoimI. successfully going over all ripples, though with some bum[)ing. She was licensed at the port of Cinciniuiti, on October 1 1. "to carry on tlie coasting trade" between In- (liana])olis and points unnamed, 'i'he highest point up the riMT she ever made was Cold Spring, (111 .V|)ril 'i'.K ISdi;. In an ctl'ort to repeat this achievement in I lie latter part of July she grounded, and was liadly strained in getting off. f)n .\ugust (I. 1cS(;(;, she sank at her luniirings below the .N'ational bridge, with no one aboard but the watchman, and he as!e(>p. It wa- l)clic\ccl that she was scuttled, whirli would not have been difficult, as she was built of soft ])ine. Sli(! was raised and dismantled, the hull being sold for $1,200 to Levi Comcgys, who used it for some time to haul bowlders for paving pnriioses. The "Governor Morton" was a source of much joy to the people of Indianapolis, both those who cared for boat riding, and those who constructed jests on nav- i.")o miles, which cost $44,0i;i,l(!{;. and of this Indiana had 4.53 miles that cost $r,72.5.2Gv'. The Whitewater Valley canal, the first com- pleted in the state, washed out twice before it was finished, and the damage was estimated at $n(),000. The small amount constructed at and near Indianapolis — about seven miles of the Central canal — was little used for com- merce, liut is still in use for water-jiowcr. It has been put out of commission repeate o c E- a o <: 22 HISTORY OP GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. length and --'O to 25 in width, and by centrif- ugal suction power draw up a mixture of water, sand and gravel through 8-inch pipes. The pipe entrance is protected from tlie admis- sion of stones over four or five inches in diame- ter, to avoid clogging. The stream passes out over screens that separate the material into two grades of sand and two of gravel. The prod- uct is used for plastering, locomotive sand, concrete work, asphalt mixture, rooting and street improvement. Formerly Lake Michigan sand used to be shipped here in considerable amount, but now its place is filled by this prod- uct. The capacity of a pump is about loO cubic yards a day, and the actual product about 30,000 yards in a working year. In otlier words these six pumps now at Indian- apolis are taking about 180,000 cubic yards of obstruction out of the river annually, and mak- ing money at it. They are shipping by rail over 30,0b0 cubic yards to the suburbs and to outside points, and the balance of their prod- uct is used in the city. They take out the material to an average depth of fifteen feet, and in the eleven years that this work has been in jirogress over three miles of Indian- apolis river front has been made actually navi- gable for any kind of river craft. In addi- tion to these pumps there have been two steam dredges working at Indianapolis on Fall Creek. They operate from the shore, and have taken out large quantities of gravel. Either system is easily applicable at almost any point on the river, and of course it would be needed only at intervals for improving nav- igation for there are now long stretches of deep water, and there are few localities on the river where sand and gravel are not in de- mand for highway and other purposes. In fact thousands of dollars have been paid to riparian owners for gravel from the river bed for public uses, when the river bed shouUl justly belong to the state. The American peo- ple have shown a fearful lack of foresight in the exhaustion of the natural resources of the country. They have seemed to exert them- selves to put mineral lands and forest lands into private hands. They have taxed them- selves to encourage the exhaustion of our for- ests and coal mines by tariff laws, when they could have got timber and coal from abroad cheaper than they could be produced at home. But of all stupid aberrations of public policy. none ever was more absurd than this aban- donment of public right by a hasty and ill- considered Supreme Court decision. We have now reached the point where the "good roads" movement — and it is a very important move- ment to Indiana — is handicapped by this dona- tion to private parties of the best road material found in many localities, and which can be taken from the river by the pumping process at a cost of 20 to 25 cents a cubic yard. And by taking it out the work would be promoted of luaking practical highways of streams that would be of immense commercial value to the state. It is practically certain that the "Lakes to Gulf Canal" movement is going to result in a vast improvement of the Mississippi and its tributaries, and Indiana approaches partic- ipation in that result with an impediment to reaping its benefits that should never have been created. Can it be removed? That is a question for the courts. They can reverse the decision if they wish, and there is ample authority for the position that the beds of streams not sold by the government belong to the state. It is not easy to conceive where any court obtained the jiower to annul the declared policy of the United States and the expressed legislative will of the State of Indiana, as was done in thi: case. Can the Supreme Court repeal a law that is consistent with the Constitution, ap- plying to a matter over which the legislature has unquestionable power, merely because tlu judges differ from the legislators in opinion; That is not commonly understood to be a pre rogative of the courts. It may be irrged that the decision has become "a rule of property," hut this is hardly tenable in fact. Discreel conveyors of property bordering on White River in Marion County do not warrant titlt to the center of the stream, but only to the, meander line, and quit-claim from there to the center. It may be thought by some that this property right would be of little value to the state, but a moment's reflection on the amount of gravel taken out now should dispel this delusion. In fact the state fovnid it worth while to maintain an agent for years to sell gravel from the frontage of the old ferry sitt on the west side of the river (Outlot 1), and old residents remember when ''Bill Aleck" IMorrison used to superintend the taking of gravel from the bar there prior to the sale of HISTOKY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 23 the property iu 1889, under authority of the aet of ^farch 9, of that year. The United State;; authorities liave always treated the river as navigahle. In fact, in 18!)!l. when a controversy arose? over the dam at Riversiile Park, Cajit. Geo, A. Zinii of the Euf^ineers Corps, informed the Park Super- intendent that they could pay no attention to state decision.*, so long as U. S. laws and de- cisions made a stream navigable, as they did White River.'" In connection with this con- troversy the Xeirs sent an "expedition" down the river, consisting of F. D. Xorviel and two other men, on a house-boat 22 feet by 8, It went to the forks of the river, and Norviel reported that the river was navigable for that distance, which he estimated at 218 miles, and ought to be improved.'' This e.xpedition was made in a very dry season when the river was "abnormally low." In 189.5 the engineering corps of the War Department made a survey of lower White River, and reported that the navi- gation could be improved to the forks, and 14 miles up the West Fork without dams and locks, but that these would be needed on the West Fork above that point for "slack water naviga- tion." This is leased on an estimate of a flow of only .'i.'JO cubic feet |>er second near the mnutli . but sometimes not water enou'di to run one. Tiic liu-k nl' water is due •ii HISTOEY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. to tlie smaller low-wator flow above Broad Ripple, where the level now is often below the top of the dam, but forty years ago the com- pany commonly used "splash-boards"' on top of the dam in low-water, and had at least a foot more of water in the canal than at pres- ent. It was naturally cxpegted that there would be considerable traffic on the canal, especially as everybody expected it to be soon opened to Xo^lesville on the north and ^lartinsville on the south, and considerable preparation was made for it. As soon as it was opened to Broad Ripple an effort was made to utilize it on an outing basis, and the following ad- vertisement appeared in the local papers in July, 1839: THE CANAL BOAT. "iSi"ow running on the canal between Indian- apolis and the Broad Ripple will ply daily. The boat leaves Indianapolis at ten o'clock in the morning, and retui'us at six o'clock in the evening. Good order will at all times be maintained on the boat, and every attention paid to render those comfortable who nuiy take passage. Fare $1. Persons visiting the Broad Ripple are assured that good entertain- ment will be found by those desiring eat- ables, etc. "Robert Karl." Alluring as the triji miglit seem, there were few persons in Indiuajjolis at that time, when .50 cents was the legal allowance fnr a day's \vork on the roads, that could indulije in such luxuries very often, and as there was very slight occasion for travel over this line on busi- ness the canal boat was soon found an unprof- itable venture, and was drop|)ed altogether. At a later day the com])aiiy used boats \vitli .scythes attached to the stern to cut the moss and grass, which almost stopped the flow of water at times, but in the early period they got rid of it by .'ihutting off the water jiiiil raking it out. So for twenty-five years theic was no navigation oxc( pt a limited and inter- mittent use of skiff's. T'ractically all of the "commerce" that oc- curred on the canal was the work of Aldrich & Gay. Frank .\ldrich. and his father-in- law, Alfred (iay, came here in 1858, and started a saw-mill with George D. Stevens un- der tlie firm name of Gay i^- Stevens. It was located on the iladison tracks one S(|uare south of the old iladison depot on South street, and used the first circular saw^ operated in Indianapolis. Mr. Aldrich was with the Army of the Tennessee during the war, and after it he and ;\[r. Gay started a wood yard, first at the corner of Michigan street and the canal, but later moving north of North street, where the yards of the Western Construction Co. now are. They bought the timber on a lot of land above Broad Ri]:)ple, and established a camp of ref- ugee negroes to cut it. It was brought down the canal in two scow boats, 8.5 feet long, 25 feet wide, and 3 feet deep, each of which car- ried about 25 cords of wood. They also brought down considerable C(uantities of corn, bowlders for street paving, and flour from the mill at Broad Ripple. There were formerly locks at Broad Ripple through which boats could be taken into the river, and a fair tow-path up the south side as far as "the big slough," opposite what is now known as "the rip-rap." These boats were also quite popular for Sunday school and other picnic parties which were towed up to (Jolden Hill (D. :\r. Parry's grounds) or the site of Fairview Park. The canal was a great disappointment to tlie people of Indianapolis, who had been warm supporters of the internal improvement system. When the bill passed the senate, on January 1(3, 183(i, there was a general illumination of the town, and in the summer of 1839, when the canal was open(Hl from here to Broad Ripple, there was an excursion by boats to that place. But the crash of that year put an end to the work that had cost so much. There had been Jfl.nOO.OOO expended on the (V'utral Canal, and comparatively little more would have put it in o|)eration from Xoblesville to ilartins- \ille. 'I he state operated what there was of it until 1850, but not very satisfactorily. The ehnnnel was much impeded by moss, and the 1)1(1 plan was to turn off the water to clean it ^y>i\ 1 1 ' ir : , I L — IIJ — I LUJL — i 1 \* •■ itj £.:^/^-. OF THE town: ;^A^^tf hlM&U- ».^k" ''•''"< l.y H.Tl.n.Col'" 3 •»^'^v < tiTTie tha^fi yaanf Ai ' i :. " arf Ttnrvtd JiS rriifitm< jnrjm. J Sqaawj t.S. t^S.'3. TO, aj|_ nrJ J iffliXft, "ileMtRerr SftanV ' ' '^ H''. //. ■ift'^'i Photo Compan}!.) THE RALSTON PLAT OF 1821. 11 IS TORY OF GREATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. 31 plc'tu ."-urvey ol' the doiiatiuii was ordered, with two maps, which Avere to be filed as "otlieial records". This survey and these maps were made bv Bet Intel F. Morris, aud in them North Carolina, South Carolina and Short streets were dropped; the north and south streets — Pennsylvania, Delaware, Xew Jersey and Ala- bama — were extended across I'ogue's Hun ; and blocks 80, 84 and 8o. thus cut up, were added to former fractional squares. In the orifiina! plat this Pogue's Run tract had made a break in the square numbers, whicli bejran with NO. 1, in the northeast corner of the phit and num- bered to the left to 10; then drop])ed a tier and numbered back to the right to 20, and so on. until Xorth Carolina street was struck: anreciate his bargain, for he assigned his certilicate, which finally came to Nicholas ^[ct'arty, who forfeited the lot and applied the money already paid to payment on other lots. After this one trans- action the sale was adjourned to the following morning when it was resumed in earnest, with Maj. Thos. Carter as auctioneer, and James M. Ray as clerk. The bulk of the selling was from the 9th to the 12th. and there were four- teen sales on Saturday, the l.'ith, when the sale closed. The highest price received was for lot 12 in square 57 — the northwest corner of Delaware and Washington streets — which brought $5fAPOLIS. 33 same block, the northeast corner of Pennsyl- vania and Washington is now taxed for $330,- 000 on the land, and it brought only $300 at the sale. All the lots fronting on Washington street between the State House and Court House Squares sold at from $200 to $300. Lot 6 in square 66, the southeast corner of Hlinois and Washington, brought $325, while the one diag- onally opposite, where the Claypool Hotel stands, sold for $243.7.5. The latter is now assessed for taxation at more than ten times that amount per front foot for land value. The second highest in the sale — lot 6 in square 52 — is now assessed on the land for onlv $61,630. In all, 314 lots were sold, at a total price of $3.5,596.25, of which $7,119.25 was paid in cash. But of the total, 161 lots were after- wards forfeited, or relinquished under the re- lief act of January 20, 1826, which permitted this, with the application of the payments al- ready made on other lots, provided that these lots to which such payments were applied should then at once be paid for in full. As specula- tive investments for immediate returns the Indianapolis lots were not successes. The town grew slowly for several years, business was comparatively small in extent, and sickness was prevalent long enough to give the place a bad name: besides all which the actual transfer of the capital did not take place until 1825. Con- sequently few lots advanced in value, and many declined. The total cash receipts from sales up to 1831 were less than $35,000. In 1831 an effort was made to close out all of the dona- tion lands, the sale of outlots being authorized at a minimum price of $10 per acre, and the receipts for the next five years aggregated nearly $40,000. The total receipts, up to and including 1S44, when the agency business was wound up and turned over to the auditor of state, were less than $100,000. There were a number of transactions after that date, mostly with forfeitures and delinquencies, the last recorded receipts being in 1871. The entire receipts for the donation lands were less than $125,000. But the money that was received came op[ioi-tunely. and served to construct the court house, the "executive mansion" in the Gover- nor's Circle, the clerk's oflice, which stood on the west side of the Court House Square, and the house and office of the treasurer of state, which were opposite the State House Square on Vol. 1—3 Washington street, and finally the first state house. Part of it was also applied to the con- •struction of the state prison at Jetfersonville. General Carr had been appointed at a salary of $600, but it was reduced the next year to $300, and in September, 1822, he resigned. He was followed in the office successively by James Milroy, Bethuol F. Morris (December 24, 1822)", Benjamin I. Blythe (February 1, 1825), Ebenezer Sharpe (April 8, 1828), John G. Brown (September, 1833), Thomas II. Sharpe (January, 1835), and John Cook (1843). There is a difference in the two plats of 1821 and 1831 in the "public squares" des- ignated. On the former three full squares are set apart for "religious purposes." They are the ones adjoining, diagonally, the corner squares at the northeast, northwest and south- west corners of the plat, i. e., square 12, bounded by Senate avenue, Missouri, Michigan and Ver- mont streets; square 19, bounded by Alabama, N"ew Jersey, ^Michigan and Vermont streets; and square 90, bounded by Senate avenue, Mis- souri, Georgia and Louisiana streets. Exactly what was contemplated in this reservation is not known. Possibly it was meant for a com- pliance with the indefinite provision of the law directing the survey which requires the commissioners to designate on the plat each square intended "as public ground, and for what intended, whether for civil or religious purposes." Wliatever the original purpose, they were dropped in 1831, and no peculiarly re- ligious character has attached to tlicni since then. Their disappearance was doulitlcss acceler- ated by a petition from the Baptists of Indian- apolis for a donation of part of one of them, commenting on the church record of which, Sulgrove says: "The church petitioned the leg- islature in November, 1824, for a lot to build a house of worship upon, but failed. The order says: On motion, agreed that the church petition the present General Assembly for a site to build a meeting-house upon, and that the southeast half of the shaded block 90 be se- lected, and that Brothers J. Hobarl, H. Brad- ley and the clerk (J. W. Reding), be ap- pointed a committee to bear the jjctition Sat- urday in February. What is meant by a 'sliaded block' can only be conjectured, but it probably referred to a grove that made a pleasant shel- 34 HlS'l'oltV Of GlIEATEK J XDJAXAPOLIS. tcr/"" The real n'fcreiRi- is to tlif faft that the ■"rt'ligimis jmrpost'"" lilofks were shaded on Ralston's phit, and they were at the time eoiiimonly called "the shad- ed hk)eks." The petition was presented by Senator Milton Stajjp, on January 17, 1825, and a bill granting the petition passed the Sen- ate, with the amendment : "Provided that the ground donated under this act shall never be converted to any other use or purpose than that of erecting Iniildings for religious worship and education ; nor shall any jKirtion of it Ije used or appropriated for a burying ground under and pretext whatever.'"'" The house committee to which it was referred reported it with "sun- dry amendments,*' not set out, and on January "1, the following amendment was offered, and defeated: "Provided, nevertheless, that noth- ing herein c(Uitained shall be construed to ])re- vent any regular preacher of the gospel, in good standing in his own society, from preaching in such houses, when the society' to which they belong are not using them for that purpose. "'' The legislators now began to realize that they were confronting a large problem, and on the next day the ])iil was indefinitely postponed. Thus ended the nearest approach to a connec- tion of church and state ever known, in Indiana. On the plat of 1831 there were two public squares that did not appear on the plat of 1821, and which were reserved by the act of Janu- ary 26, 182T. The.se wvvv the University Square, No. 2.5 — now commonly known as Uni- versity Park — and Hospital Square, Xo. 22, bounded by Alabanui. New Jersey, Vermont and Xew York streets. The latter was set apart for a state hospital and insane asylum, and a row of log cabins located there was used for that purpose until the building of the central part of the present Insane Hospital in 1846-7. After th(! removal of the insane the cabins were rented for a few months to some German families, and on July 12, 1849, the whole prop- erty was sold in lots by the state.'- On both the plats of 1821 and 1831 are two half-.squares reserved for markets, one at the present market .«ite. and one on the north side of Market street, between ^lissouri and West streets — the south half of S(juarc 50. This was held by the city until the era of internal improvement arriveil, when the state wanted it for "watcr-])ower" in connection with the canal, and proposed by act of l-"el)ruary, 1837, to exchange for it the north half of Square 48, i. e., the north quarter of the present state capitol grounds. To this the city assented and made a deed for the land on Jan- uary 24, 1838. •■ The new site was u.sed for a- market until 1872, commonly known as "the West Market'", when the ground was wanted for the new capitol, and on Xoveniber 25. 1872, the City Council adopted a resolu- tion relinquishing all claim to Square 48 to the state, and consenting to the vacation of Market and Wabash streets, between Tennes- see and ilississippi streets.'* After extended consideration the attorney-general decided that this w^as not a sutHcient transfer, and on August 6. 18' 7, the state house commissioners asked the city government for deeds to the property, which request was promptly complied with.''^ It is the uniform tradition, with all known facts tending to support it, that Indianapolis owes its distinctive plan, its radiating avenues and broad streets, to Alexander Ralston, and there has always been a sentiment that he should be publicly cDUimemorated. In 1827, shortly after his death Samuel Jlerrill called attention to the fact that Kalston had advocated the early establishment of a city park, and urged the citizens to follow his advice. There was no general interot taken in this at the time, but in 1879, Rev. J. C. Fletcher recalled the fact and proposed that University Square be called Ralston Park."' but no action was taken. In 1890 a movement was started for a sul)scription fund for a monument to Ralston, and $325 was collected, which was deposited in Fletcher's bank, and still re- mains there in trust. In 1907, E. B. ilartin- dale and E. F. Claypool. two of the contributors and representing all. offered to turn this over to the Park Board if the city would add $675 to it and erect a statue. They had a model for a statue prepared by Rudolph Schwartz, who agreed to execute the work for $1,000. The model met general criticism on account of the "//I'.S/. IlKlitllKI/KlUs. p. .390. ^"Senafr Journal. ]>. 73. ^^Ifoiixp JoiiniaJ. p. 140. '=.A>;rs. Julv 25. 1908. *^See Record Board nf Int. Imps., pp. 65. 95. '*Counril Frocrrdini/.i, ]>. 746. '■•Cnuitril Prorceiliiif/s. pp. 311. 554. '"Netvs, August 2, 1879. iiis-i'()i;v ()|- (;i;i-;a'I'Ki: i xiuanai'oi.is. 35 ilrc.-s, anil till' I'ai'k Roiird (leolincd i(j MccL'pt on (i recti lawn Ci'iiielerv, and ivr^ted there for the gnjuntl that Ilie faee did not jxirporl to be nearly half a century. On Seiiternlier "^l. a likeness of KaUton, but sugirested future ac- ]8'4. Calvin Darnell made a motion in tion in the line of a memorial fountain, with the City Couneil for a committee to remove a tablet of bronze acknowledging Kalstou's the remains of Alexander Kalston to Crown service.'' Jialston"s renuiins were liuried in Hill. It carried, and Messrs. Darnell, Gimber and Ballman were named as the committee. On September 30, the remains were escorted to ".Vcic.s. June H. 1!I(I7 ; Slur, November 2'i, Crown Hill bv half a dozen old citizens, and 23, 24, IDOT: X'-irs. November 22, 2(i, 30, De- buried in the' "Teacher's Lot" by the side of ceinber i:!. lim:. John B. Dillon. CHAPTER V. THE FIRST SETTLEES. Although Tipton mentions no settler near the mouth of Fall Creek, when the commissioners came to make the location, except John McCor- mick, there were some fifteen families here, including those of James McCormick (John's brother); George Pogue; John Maxwell and John Cowan, who came early in March, 1820, and located near the present city hospital ; Isaac \Yilson who came on April 6 and located on what is now the State House Square, build- ing the first house on the town plat; Henry and Samuel Davis, chair-makers, who located in the Fall Creek bottom near where Walnut street crosses; the widow Harding and her married son, Robert Harding, both of whom located near John McCormick's; Robert Barnhill and his son-in-law, Jeremiah Corbaley, who came on March 6, and located on Fall Creek, above In- diana avenue; and probably two or three others whose names are not preserved. Richard Cor- baley, born August 7, 1820, was the first white child born in the county; and Mordecai Hard- ing, second son of Robert, was the first child born on the donation. James ilorrow, son of Samuel Morrow, was the first child born oi^ the original town site.' For many years there has been a controversy as to whether the first of these settlers was John McCormick or George Pogue — or rather a difference of opinion, for, curiously enough, it never took the form of a direct controversy, as such things usually do. The most notable champion of Pogue was Ignatius Brown, while McCormick's most stalwart defender was John H. B. Nowland, and these two were the most careful of the early historians, though both trusted too much to unverified tradition. Mr. Brown declared Pogue's priority in his origi- nal history of the city, published in the city directory of 1857, and reiterated it in his re- vised history, published in the city directory of 1S68. On February 25, 1870, in the Sentinel. Mr. Nowland proposed a celebration of the semi- centennial of the coming of John McCormick, whom he asserted to be the first settler. In his "Early Reminiscences," published in the same year, he renews his statement that John iEcCormick was the first settler. In his "Prom- inent Citizens/' published in 1884, he refers to liis statement of 1870, and says: "This fact had been patent up to that time, and had never been denied, biit I was surprised that some person had informed one of the city editors that I was in error, and that George Pogue was the first settler, and had come here in March, 1819." = On August 17, 1898, after it had been pro- posed to demolish the old National Road bridge, a sort of old settlers' indignation meeting was held on the bridge, and here, for the first time, the McCormicks got their story before the public in such a way that its essential features went into print. On September 9, 1899, ^Ir. Brown printed in the News a review of the wliole matter, in w-hich he said that for "more than fifty years" after Pogue's arrival "the tradition in his favor was universal and un- questioned, not only by those who had come liere shortly after him, but all their descend- ants ; and all the later comers had heard and believed the story." To this he made but one exception, which he had himself discovered, that in 1822, Dr. S. G. Mitchell, the first physi- cian at Indianapolis, had published an article in the Gazette — the one Indianapolis paper at that time — in which he denied the Pojnie storv. 'News, March 22, 1879. -'p. 14. 36 lllSrOKY OF GREATER IXDIAXAi'UJ.l.S. aud stated tliat John MeCormick was the first settler. He found the copj' of this number of the Gazette in the possession of Calvin Fletcher, but it has now disappeared, ilr. Fletcher's bound files of newspapers were presented to the City Library, but the Gazette goes back only to June 1, 1824, though an earlier volume of this paper was evidently in existence.-' However, ^[r. Brown's statement as to this, or any other matter of fact in his knowledge, is entirely reliable. In the light of all the evidence, the statements rc('oriiiiik. and tlicso liavo liecn duly noticed in the citv |)ii])ei's.'' After gcttinj; John McCorniifk settled James and Samuel returned to (^'oniiersvilie, James came back with his family on March T, and Samuel with his family on October 4. They located northwest of Military Park, Samuel's cabin standinfi about wliere the ilaus brewery is located. In liS"^:> they moved farther north, .fohn built a sawmill on the ea.st side of White River at the upper end of Riverside Park, op- posite "Sycamore Island", where the remains of the dam are to be seen at low water to this day. Samuel located just below Emmerichs- ville, on what was later known as the Garner farm, and in 188~ erected the brick lunise which still stands Just west of the Riverside dam. The brick for it were made on the place, and it is now the oldest brick building standing iu In- dianapolis. At this point he operated a ferry for a number of years, and his account book, in which he entered the names of all who crossed and the toll paid, is still preserved by his grand- son, Louis ilcCormick, of Cartersburg. In tliis ])eculiar conflict of the two families for precedence there have been occasional charges of misrepresentation and bad faith, but none of the members of either family that I have met have shown any inclination to mis- represent the facts as they understand them, and all declare that the statements above given are as told to them by their parents and grand- )iarents. Of necessity one of the traditions has become distorted — possibly both to some e.xtent — and as a preliminary to their consideration it will be well to take a glance at the condition of the region at the time. It was well known to the Indians, and fairly well known to the whites, (^onner had been at his trading-post sinci' 18()'2. and a number of white men had ])assed through the region at intervals. Tipton and Bartholomew identified several ])laces where they had stopped on an ex])edition against the Indians in 1813. Among other white visitors are recorded Dr. Douglass, who came up the river as far as the Blutfs in the fall of 1818; Isaac JlcCoy, the missionary, who went ut) the river and visited Thief .Vnderson in 1818, and again in hSllt; and James Pa.\ton, who came down the river from the head-waters in the winter of 1819-21). To the whites the place was known as "the mouth of Fall Creek", which was virtually the Indian name, for they designated it simply by the name of the creek. Chamberlain gives the Delaware name of the creek as "Soo-sooc-pa-hal-loc", and says it means "S])ilt Water." This is fanciful. "Sook-pe- liel-luk", or "Sokpehellak" is the Delaware word for a waterfall, and the name refers to the falls at Pendleton. The Miami name is Chank-tun-oon-gi, or "Makes a Noise Place", which also refers to the falls; but they also applied this name to the site of Indianapolis, and to the town itself in its earlier years. There was no Indian village at this point. The nearest one. some twelve miles north, was what Tipton calls "the Lower Delaware Town", but it was not inuih of a town. On the east side of the river, a Delaware known as "The Owl" had a clearing of about \'i acres, whicli hi' cultivated ill a way, and he also raised souie pigs and chickens. On the west side was a l-'rench half-breed doctor, named Brouett ( yBrouillette)— often called Pruitt — who had a white wife that had been captured and brought up by the Indians.' He practiced medicine after the Indian fashion, and had considerable l)atronage. Both of these were just north of the Hamilton County line, and they constituted the "town". Just south of the line, on an ele- vation on the east side, were ti'aces of Indian occupancy, and the old settlers called that i)oint "the old Indian town". The place was com- mon! v called "Brouettstown". and was some- what noti'd for the wild ])lnni thicket there.'' The Delaware's had a sugar camp within the present confiiu's of the city where they com- nionlv made sugar in the spring, and sometimes eamjK'd when hunting. It was not far from the end of Virginia avenue, on what was know n a> the Sander's place, later the Birkenniayer |jlace, and still later the Weghorst ])lace.'' The whole county at that time was covered with a dense forest, with more or less under- growth, and the few ojien spaces were .still more "See also Strir. August 2(i, li)0-i and Deeeni- her 31. 1!)0.-): Sun. ?ilay M. li)()(i; Xms. Jan- uarv 27. IDoc. Aui;ust is. 1 !)()(;, August li). ]S9!1. "Broirii's llisl., p. 1. "Xnirlniid's Eurlij Urntiiilsccnces, ji. loT. •' The northeast quarter of section 13 : i. e., east of East street and south of Morris street. See Xoirland's Bcininixrrnrrx. pp. Tt'l. 4(11. 40.5. iii.sToKY UK (;i;i;atku i.xdiaxai'uljs. ;?!) (leiiisely oovt-rod with undercrowtli. It was im- [Mifsible t(i taki' a waf;on aiiywluTO without euttiiifT a road, but there were several Indiau trails that eould he followed on horseback. The i)rinei]ial trail from Coiiuer's to the Bluffs crossed to the east side of the river at Brouetts- town, and from Indianapolis down the river followed quite closely the line of the Blutf road. In the summer of liSlS Jncoij Wlu-tzell visited Chief Anilerson. and obtained |)ermission to out a road from Connersville to the Bhitfs on White Hiver. He was the eelel)rated Indian fighter— brother of Lewis Whetzell. the still more celebrated Indian fi^diter. Tlieir father, John Whetzell, a "Pennsylvania Dutchman", settled near Wheeling. West Virginia, in KliSl, and in KTi liis house was attacked by Indians. John Whetzell was killed, and his two sons, Lewis, aged Hi, and Jacob, aged 11, were taken captive. Young as they were, the boys made their eseajK' on the fir.st night out, evaded pur- suit, and returned to the settlements, where they vowed eternal vengeance against the red man : and most fearfully they ke()t their vnw. But the Delawares had long been friendly, and Whetzell who had been living on the White- water since l.sil, desired to ))ush farther into the wilds — in fact it is said that he urged the commissioners to locate the capital at the mouth of Fall Creek, rather than at the Bluffs, as he did not desire to he crowded by a town. Hav- ing obtained Chief Anderson's consent, he be gan cutting iiis trace in July, ISIS, aideil by his son Cyrus and four men. Its general course was slightly south of west. ])assing aliout si.\ miles south of l{ushvillc, and about four miles north of Shelhyvillc. In Man-h. ISli), the Wliotzells moved to the Bluffs over this trail,' and located aiiout a quarter of a mile below Waverlv, arriving llicrr nn March !!•. This trace was mucli used by early immigrauls.'" \t practically the -auv time the fii'st wagon road was o]iened to the Delaware towns. It ran west of north from Connersville to Bucktown. a few miles above Anderson, where it crossed the river and went down it to .\nder- son, Strawtown and Conner's. .\ number of settlers went in over that road in March and Ajiril, 1S1!I. including George Shirts. Charles Lacey, George Bush, Solomon Finch (uncle of Judge Fal>ius .M. Finch) and Israel Finch." These located northeast of Conner's Prairie, and the settlers there rai.sed an abundant corn crop in 1820, which was a godsend to the people at Indianapolis and the scattered settlers else- where. In fact, Conner's Prairie was a granary for the whole region for several years. In IS'^'i Benjamin Thornburgh of Morgan County, bought a boat load of corn there and floated it down White River to a ])oint near Mooresville.'" In IS'M and 1S25 c-orn was brought from Con- ner's to Johnson County when squirrels and raccoons had destroyed the crops there.''' If Pogue came to Indianajwlis on March 2, 1819, he started from Connersville only a few days before the Whetzells started to the Bluffs, and the other families to C'onner's Prairie, from the same point : and in that case they would certainly have known of it. But the Finches and their associates claimed to be tlu' first fanulies that located in the New Purchase ex- cept the Whetzells.'* and it seems improbable that they would have gone by their cir- cuitous route, which took them two weeks, if Pogue had o])ened an almost direct road to the mouth of Fall Creek. The Whetzells were in e(|ual ignorance, for on March Id, 1870, Cyrus Whetzell wrote to Xowland: "T'lie sub- ject to which you call my attention I thought was settled many years since, i. e., that John McCormick built the first house in Indianapolis in February, 1820, and that George Pogue set- tled on the bank of the creek that takes its luune from liim the following ^larcb. 1 am con- fident that there was not a whiti' man living in Marion County in 1S19. My father and self settled where I now live in the spring of 181S), when I was in my nineteenth year, and at an age calculated to retain any impression niailc iin my iiiiiul." '' -Vt first blush this would seem to bear as strongly against the Perkins story as against the Pogue story, but it does not. .V solitary man might have come into this region, and have '"Judge I ». I), r.aiita. ill llisl. ./iilnisiiii Co. tip. •.'!i:i-(;. "Sliirt.s' Hist, (if Ildiiiillijii ('('.. p. !>. '-Hist. Morgan Co.. pp. 101-'.'. "'Johnson Co.. pp. 331-2, 3 11. '*Sul!/rorc's I ndiannpolis jip. -.'1. "-Ml I); 1 ii- diamipolis papers, Mai-cli I'.'. llHio -death n|' Judge Finch. ^^Nowldnil's I'rdnniiriit ('ili;rns. p. II. 40 HISTOKV OF GREATEll IXDIAXAI'OLIS. built a cabin in llie dense forest, more thau a mile from any known trail, without even the Indians knowing it. But it is not possible that the Pognes could have cut a wagon road branch- ing off from Whetzell's trace, without the knowledge of the Whetzells, when they moved in over the trace two weeks later. The Ute Perkins story has very strong contirmation out- side of the McCormick family. His grand- daughter, ]ilrs. Laura A'ewman, and his great- grandson, Mr. Orville Bartlett, both of Eush- ville, inform me that it has always been the Perkins family tradition that Ute Perkins came to the site of Indianapolis in 1819 and built a cabin, but became dissatisfied and re- turned to Rushville. Ellsbury Perkins, a well- known old-time printer of Indianapolis, and a grand-nephew of Ute Perkins, says he has al- ways heard the story in the several branches of the Perkins family. Hon. John F. Moses, the historian of Kush County, furnishes me the following statement from Jefferson Carr, 75 years of age, a native of Rushville. and a son of one of the first settlers there : "He knew the Ute Perkins in question well, is familiar with the tradition of his having built a cabin on the site of Indianapolis, and says that in early days it was a matter of common report locally, and generally accepted as true. After quitting his cabin, Ute Perkins came back here and spent the remainder of his life in this neighbor- hood. His home was a cabin on the Brookville road, about one mile southeast of Rushville. He supported himself and family by making hickory baskets. Ho was a large man, five feet ten inches or more in height, and quite corpu- lent. He had keen, black eyes and even when well advanced in years his jet black hair was almost unmixed with gray. He possessed pe- culiarities which made him a well-known char- acter in his lifetime."" Perkins was a native of Xorth Carolina. His descendants do not know why he was called "Ute", but say that was his proper name. He died at Rushville in ^larch, 1S.")S, aged 75 years. Of equal, if not higher rank as evidence than these traditions is the recorded statement of Dr. S. G. Mitchell, which is presented by Brown as follows: "Pogue's claim as the first settler has been contested, and in a published article by Dr. S. d. ;Mitchell, in the Indian- apolis Gazette, in the summer of 1822, it is stated that the ^rcCormicks were the first emi- grants in February, 18:20, and that Pogue ar- rived with others in March, 1820, a month later. It is singular that this statement, if ill founded, should not have been contradicted publicly in the paper at the time, but the weight of tra- dition is against it and concurs in fixing Pogue's arrival in 1819.'"' This is all that is now known concerning Dr. Mitchell's article, for the paper containing it has disappeared, but so far as it goes Mr. Brown's statement may be accepted without question. It is much to be regretted that the article itself is not pre- served, for it would probably give some clue as to why it was published. And why was it pub- lished? If the Pogue tradition were correct it is not only singular that this article was not denied, but it is at least equally singular that it should be published at all. Dr. Mitchell had no conceivable personal interest in the matter, and was an intelligent and reliable ■ man. He got his information on the subject from others. The Pogues, McCormicks and others familiar with the facts were here at the time. No possible explanation can be given for such a publication if it were not true. But, on the other hand, if the McCormick story be true the cause of the publication is i[uite obvious. Pogue had disappeared in the spring of 1821. The little stream, formerly kno\\Ti as Perkins Creek, was beginning to be known as Pogue's Run. It would be natural for newcomers to inquire the reason of the name, and for the information to be given that it was named for the first settler on that stream. Like- wise, if a newcomer should inquire whose was the first cabin built here, the answer would be ■"Pogue's"; because both traditions agree on that point. From these conditions the impres- sion would naturally develop among the later arrivals that Pogue was the first settler and Dr. Mitchell, meeting this growing error in his pro- fessional rounds, was moved to correct it, in the village newspaper, and settle it permanently. It is hardly possible that such a publication would be made at that early day unless there was some difference of opinion to call for it. .\.fter it had been made, those who had taken up the Pogue theory, and might he disposed to question the article, found on investigation no basis for questioning it among the then living witnesses. On this basis the incident is nat- ural enoujrh. but on the thoorv that the Posiie HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 41 irailitiou is correct it is wholly incoinprehen- >ible from begiuuing to end. One other item that might be classed as primary evidence is Mr. Brown's quotation of Gen. John Colmrn as saying that "iiis father- in-law, Judge Charles H. Test, was a chairman in the surveying jjarty under Judge Laughliu ; that the party camped for a long time in 1819 on the river l)ank where Kingan's packing-house now stands" ; and that Judge Test spoke fre- quently of repeated visits to Pogue's cabin while there. This is clearly erroneous, for Laughlin did not do any surveying here in 1819. The township lines were run in 1819, those for Township 15 being completed on August 10, but that would not have called for any lengthy stay, and, as shown by the field notes on file in the office of the Auditor of State, that work was done by John McDonald. Tlie subdivisions, or section lines, were run by Judge Wm. B. Laughlin's ])arty in the summer of 1820, as shown by Ti]iton's Journal and by the field notes. This Coburn statement, which Mr. Brown treats as conclusive, is simply an error of one year. Passing to what may be called secondary evi- dence, Mr. Brown states that, when he was preparing his original publication of 1857, he found so much of coiillict in the statements of old-timers on various points that he called a meeting of a number of old settlers at his office, and those wlio attended w^ere "Sidney D. Max- well (son of John), James Vanblaricum, An- drew Wilson, Calvin Fletcher, James M. Ray, George Norwood, James Blake, Douglas Ma- guire, and Daniel Yandes." As 'Sir. Brown justly observes, "their united testimony would settle questions of property or life in any court in the country"', and yet he furnishes conchi- sive evidence of their united fallibility in tra- ditional matters by the statement that when he mentioned Dr. Mit^^hell's article to them, they unanimously denied that any such publication had ever been made. On being convinced that it had been, thoy explained the fact that it had never been denied on the inferential basis that "it was so generally known to be untrue tliat nil one ihouglit it necessary to denv it". But they all agreed that the common tradition was that Pogue was the first settlor. Maxwell, who was the first to come of those ])resent, having arrived with his father earlv in ^rarch. 1S-3II. .aid tlint ■■he iiersonallv knew MilcheH's story to be false, for Pogue's cabin had evi- dently been built for a considerable time, prob- ably a year, while the McCormick cabins were not then completed.'" '" Vanblaricum aiul Wil- son confirmed this; and, according to J[r. Brown, they came "about two months after the McCormicks"', which is probably correct, al- though Nowland places both of them in 1821.^' This argumentative conclusion, however, is not well founded, for the facts would apply quite as w'ell to a cabin built by Ute Perkins as to one built by George Pogue. But evi- dently none of those present had heard of Ute Perkins ; and, indeed, it is singular how little had been heard of him generally. It is certain that Mr. Brown never heard the Perkins story until the old bridge meeting in 1898, and Mr. Xowland's daughter, who did all of his writing in his later years, informs me that her father had never heard it until then. Nevertheless this idea that a cabin was built here in 1819, and tenii)orarily abandonded, crops out repeat- edly in the confused traditions of the early settlers. At the semi-centennial celebration which was held at "the Crown Hill picnic ground" on Jime 7, 1870, this story was told, i)ut the builder was said to be "Samuel Hard- ing, of Connersville,"' and some denied this story and ascribed ]n-iority to the ^[cCormicks.'*' On "May IC, 1870. ^Irs. Beriah King, widow of, John ^rcCorniick, was reported by tiie Journal as saying in an interview that Pogue, the Mc- Cormicks. and others, twelve in all, came here in 1S19 and built a cabin into which her hus- band witli herself and family moved in the fol- lowing spring. In this interview. iMrs. King, M'ho was tlien seventy-five years of age, was either woefully confused or sadly misrepresent- ed by the reporter: and the latter is not im- probable, for he calls her "Xlrs. Bethiar King'", and avers that she said she was "the first ])erson that ever wore a bonnet in this neck of woods". While Mr. Brown's assembly of old settlers agreed in the tradition that Pogue was the first comer, there were others who did not. The Nowland family held to tlie ^IcCormick tradition, and ^fattjiias R. Nowland and his brother-in-law. .\nilrew Bvrne, were hen> with '"See al-ii sanif statenieiit in uliiniiii'v sketch of Saniuei 1). ^laxwell, Xrirs. Jiih "i. Is;:!. '' l-!iirh/ Ii'riiiiinsrcnrcx. p]i. 80. 1 1 1. ^''.Jiiiiniiil. June 8. 1870. 42 HISTORY OF GHEATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. a J CQ < z o H H Q < H H O z H Q _! O o o s I I I } HISTORY OF GREATER IXDIAXAl'OIJS. 43 the commissioners in 1820. Xowiand returned with his family on Xovember 4. 1820, and Byrne in Mareli, 1821. Lsaac Wilson arrived on April 6. 1820, and ilrs. Frank Riley, who is a jrranddaughter, lioth of Isaac Wilson and of Robert Patterson, who came in 1821, informs iiie that her family always put the McCormicks lirst, and that her mother, Mrs. Patsy Patter- son, and her aunt. ilrs. Betsy Harris, both daujrhters of Isaac Wilson would wax indignant if anyone claimed that the Pogues were the first settlers. It must he l)orne in mind, however, that tradition is an uncertain guide — more un- certain than is commonly realized. To ilhis- trate. Sarah T. Bolton would naturally he sup- posed to be informed on this subject, as her hus- band's family were among the earliest settlers, and she had live(l here from the vear 1831 ; and yet in her poem "The Last Adventure and Death of (Jeorge Pogue." written for the meet-, ing of llie Pioneer Association, on October 2, 1878, .she says: "It chanced one year in autumn, that a liardy pioneer. From bis Iiome in obi Kentucky, came and made his cam]i fire here ; Witli Ills wealth on two stout horses, he had threaded the pathless woods. One bearing his wife and children, the otlier bis JiouseJiold goods. * * ;(c While the wild birds sang aliovc him. and the free waves sang below. He built the first log cabin six and lifty years ilf-'o. It was built of Inickeye sa]dings, with mmlar and chunks between. But it led the van of our city, the beautiful Railroa. 22. -"Locomotive, June 18, 1859. -'' The best reports are JounuiJ. June 12, 1854; June 7, 1855; June 10, 1857; Locomo- tive. June 11, 1856: June 13, 1857: June 26, 18.58. age. ]\[r. Hiser-^ and wife brought her in"". And again he mentions, "Old Father Mat- thews, 84, and Mrs. Pogue, 90, the old- est present." In his account of the meeting of 1854, Mr. Fletcher says: "The 55 present registered their names and the time of arrival in Indianapolis from its settlement in 1820 till 1825". This registration was continued at the later meetings, and in 1855 !Mr. Fletcher again speaks of "the first settlement in 1820". But on this day Mrs. Pogue was his guest, and attracting his especial notice, and if she had registered as coming in 1819 he would hardly have made this error. Further, in the Journal's account of the meeting of 185G, at James Blake's, Berry Sulgrove, the editor, .says: "Be- fore the meeting was called to order, we spent some time in looking over the register of names, which contains the date of arrival of each Old Settler and his place of birth. The earliest arrival that wc noticed, was that of Fabius M. Finch, who came (to Conner's Station) in Sep- tember, 1819"".-" Mr. Fletcher includes this in liis diary, and it is very conclusive proof that ^Irs. Pogue did not register as of ilanli 2, 1819. at the meeting of 1855. Probably 1855 is the meeting to which Mr. Duncan referred, for ]\Ir. Fletcher would have been apt to mention Mrs. Pogue if she had been at the meeting of 1854, and he did not. Considering Mrs. Rogue's advanced age, a divergence of one year in her story of this and later years woiild not be at all sur- prising. W In 1884 Elijah Hackleman published a series of "Reminiscences" in the RushviJle Republi- can, in one of which was the following sketch of George Pogue, apparently obtained chiefly from his oldest .son. William Pogue :-^ "George Pogue cuiigrated fmni South Caro- lina in the year 1841. and settled at tlie 'Block-house' at William Wilson's, on the west fork of Whitewater, six miles above the town of Brookville, Franklin County. At that time it was necessary for all immigrants to settle near some military post, for protection against Indian invasions. In the spring of 1816 he -^Samuel IToizor, a neighbor and friend of ^[rs. Pogue. -'■Journal. June 11. 1856. -" Republislicd in Ilisl. Fai/i'th' Citiiiil i/. jip. 19J-5. IIISTOT^V OF GIIKATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. 45 moved to Fayette County, about live miles >outliwest of Conuertville, and in 1818 he moved to the town of Counersville, remaining there until 1S20, when he fitted up a team, and with two or three of his sons started to locate a home on White River. Mr. Pogue was ac- loiiipauicd by John McCormack and family (a wife and two children) wlio had resided for many years in the vicinity of Conuersville. Mr. McCormack went out with the douljle pur- pose, hrst of boarding Mr. Pogue's hands while engaged in building a cabin and clearing a few acres of ground; and secondly of locating a home for himself. * * * (His (Pogue's) famil_v, after the cabin was built, immediately moved from Counersville to their new home. The next year (1821) Mr. Pogue's ncigiibors were John Willson, Thomas Chinn and Harris Tyner. * * * The land on which the cabin stood was bought by Governor Noble, and the only time I ever visited the site was on the occa- sion when the Great Commoner from Kentucky, Jlenry Clay, made his first and only visit to the capital of our state, in October, 1842, and made his celebrated speech to 30,000 persons assembled in tlie beautiful grove near the resi- dence of Governor Noble. » * * After the speech, William Pogue invited me to take a walk with him, a few rods north from the speak- er's stand, and visit the site where he. twenty- two years before, had helped his father erect the first cabin in all that country, on the banks of a beautiful little creek that still bears the name of Pogue's Run. * * * After the erection of Pogue's cabin, ^Ir. McCormack located and built up a home somewhere in the vicinity, probably on what was aflcrwards the 'Donation', but of the e.\act site neither history nor tradi- tion affords any satisfactory information at this late day. Mr. McCormack died a little over fifty years ago, and part of his large family found homes in Rush County. * * * ]y{j.g_ McCormack always claimed to be the first white woman that lived within the limits of Indian- apolis, and her claim was probably correct. She died, abo\it the year 1878, having lived a num- ber of vcars with a second husband, a Mr. King, near tlie Ttlufi's of White River." -^ It will be noted that this version of the Pogue story varies in several respects from that given by the Pogue's of Marion County, as is very commonly the case with family traditions when the branches of the family are separated. But they agree in several respects, and one note- worthy point of agreement is that Harris Tyner came "the next year" after the Pogues. This was impressed on the Marion County branch of the family because two of the boys went back to move him out, and because he was here when Pogue disappeared, in the spring of 1821. They preserve a story of Mrs. Pogue going to Tyner's house for aid and counsel after Pogue's dog came back alone. But Hackleman states that Tyner came in 1821, and this is confirmed by Tyner himself, for he went on record to that effect at the old settlers' meeting in 1857. ^'■' On the whole evidence, the conclusion seems irresistible that Ute Perkins came here in 1819, and built the first cabin ; that Johir McCor- inick was the first permanent settler; and that George Pogue came on March 2, 1820, and oc- cupied the Perkins cabin. The JlcCormick and Perkins traditions, with their coufinnatory evi- dence, cann. In ccality the two counties were divided by the Second Prin- cipal .Meridian, all the region east of it being Delaware County, and all west Wa- bash County. To insure immediate govern- ment, the circuit courts of all the counties bor- dering on The N'ew Purchase were given con- current jurisdiction in it in civil cases; that is to say, the courts of V'igo, Owen and Monroe were given concurrent jurisdiction in Wahasli Countv. and those of Jackson, .Jennings, Ripley, Franklin, Fayette, Wayne and Randoljih were given concurrent jurisdiction in Delaware County. But these counties of Wabash and Delawai'c were never organized, an. I K - His grandson. S. II. Mcllvain, informs me that it was at the southwest corner of Ohio and Meridian, where the City Library stands: and this is confirmed bv Rev. J. C. Fletcher. .Yews, May 31, 1879. 47 48 lIlsroKY OF GREATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. whisky. The alarm was spread, and citizens gathered at the scene. When asked to desist the Kentuckians showed fight. But Indian- apolis did not lack nerve. A consultation was held, and James Blake offered to grapple the leader if the rest of the citizens would take the other three, and this program was speedily exe- cuted. The prisoners were taken before Mcll- vain who bound them over to the Fayette cir- cuit court, and, in default of bail committed them to jail at Connersville. But getting the prisoners to Connersville would have been a greater hardship on the community than the punishment would have been to the prisoners, so while ostentatious preparations were made by a posse for the journey on the following day, the guard was cautioned not to be too watchful that night, and under cover of darkness the broilers softly and silently vanished away, to the great relief of the settlement. But the sitiuition involvi?d more serious con- siderations than mere inconvenience. The legal power of a justice was to bind an offender over to the circuit court of his county, but there was no county in fact and no court. The courts of the bordering counties had been given con- current jurisdiction in civil cases, but the law said nothing about criminal cases, and in gen- eral a criminal case had to be heard in the county where the offense was committed. More- over the constitution provided that "justices shall be elected in each township in the several counties", and said nothing about their ap- pointment, even where there were townships for them to serve in. In the fall of 1821 a meet- ing was held at Hawkins' Tavern to consider the situation, and it was decided to ask the legislat\iro for the organization of a new county. James Blake and Dr. S. G. Mitchell were se- lected to go to Corydon to secure the passage of the law. They were successful in their mission, and on December 31, 1821, the law creating Marion County was approved. The county was unique in two respects. It was surrounded entirely by unorganized territory — not touching any other organized county, although cut out of what had been set off as Delaware County ;, but it was touched at the southwest by Morgan County, and at the southeast by Shelby County, both of which were created at the same session. It was made twenty miles square, with its present boundaries, but for the time being there was added to it, for governmental purposes, a tract of land larger than itself lying to the northeast. This tract began at the first section corner east of White River on the north line of the county, the boundary running thence north 20 miles to the present north line of Hamilton County ; thence east 24 miles to a point two miles west of the present east boundary of Madison County; thence south 18 miles to the present south line of Madison County; thence west 21 miles; thence south 2 miles; thence west 3 miles to the place of beginning. The object of this addition was to provide government for the settlements forming at Anderson, Pendle- ton, Strawtown, and near Xoblesville and Con- ner's Station ; and tlie law provided that '"the inhabitants of the said district of coimtry shall i)e entitled to all the privileges of citizens of said county of Marion, and shall be subject to ilie same taxation and other regulations and re- strictions". The "privileges" were construed to include office-holding, and one of the first county commissioners of Clarion County was Wm. McCartney, who lived at Pendleton. For judicial purposes the new county was added to the Fifth Judicial Circuit, including also the coimties of Lawrence, Monroe, Morgan. Green, Owen, Henry, Rush, Decatur, Bartholo- mew, Shelby and Jennings. The court was to sit "in the county of Morgan on the fourth ^londays in March and September, and shall sit three days if the business require it; in the county of Marion on the Thursdays succeeding the rising of the courts in Morgan, and shall sit three days if the business require it". At that time the circuit court consisted of a "presi- dent judge" who was appointed by the Governor for the whole circuit, and two "associate judges" Avho were elected by the people in each county. On January 3, Governor Jennings appointed William Watson Wick president judge of the Fifth Jtidicial Circuit. He was a young Pennsylvanian who had settled at Con- nersville in 1810, and had for some time served as a clerk in the State Senate. He was after- wards prominent at Indianapolis, and in the state. The act creating the county established square 58 as "the seat of justice", and provided that the courts should be held at the house of John Carr "until a court house or other house more suitable can be had". It gave to the new cciunty $8,000 from the proceeds of the sale of isToin' OK (;i;i;ati XDI.WArol.lS. 49 lots to build a court liou.su, wIulIi w;i- to be "in eizo at least lil'ty feet squaiv. to lie Iniilt of brick of the bust <[uality and two stories hiuli, to be completed in a workmanlike manni'r, which shall be coniiiunced within one year from the taking eti'ect of this act, and be completed within tlireo years thercal'tcr, and when the said court house shall be completed it shall be lor the use of the CJeneral Assembly, the Supreme and federal court, until a state house shall lie completed at the seat of Government"". The act furtlier reserved 'i per cent of the receipts from the sale of lots for a county library; and pro- vided that "the .said new county of ilarion siiall form and after the first day of April next, en- joy all the rights, privileges and jurisdictions which to separate counties do. or may properly appertain and belong'". The manner in which a new county should organize "as prescribed by the general law of January '2. 1818, which directed the Governor to issue a writ of election to some resident of the county whom lie should appoint as sheritf, until a sheriff should be elected at the next general election. This appointed sheriff was to call a special election, on the day set in the writ, at sucli ]daces as he misjlit designate, for choos- ing two associate circuit judges, a clerk of the circuit court, a recorder, and throe county com- missioners. The election was by ballot, and was managed wholly by the sherifC, who gave 10 days notice by posting three notices in each election district or precinct. He a])pointed the elect inn ollicers, administered the necessary natlis, received the returns, canvassed the vote, issut'd certilicates to the successful candidates, and Sent co])ies to the Secretary cd' Slate, who issued their commissions. On January 1, 1822, Harvey Bates was com- missioned sheriff — an excellent man for tiu' place, though not a resident of the county at the time. He was born in ^7^5 at Fort Wash- ington (later Ciiuiiuiati). his father being a master of transportation during the Indian wars that ended in that year. He haJoble. Soon afterward he moved to Connersville, where he lived until after his ap- pointment, and then came to Tndianajiolis, ar- riving here on February 22. On the same day he issued his proi-lainalion foi- the I'lrelioii In be Vol. 1—4 held on A]iril 1, fixing the \oting places at (icneral John Carrs house in Indianapolis, at John FiuclTs above Conner's Station, John l*aige"s at Strawtown, John Berry's at Ander- son, and W'm. AicCartney's at Pendleton. The campaign hail l)egun in fact before the law for the creation of tlie county was passed; and Galvin Fletcher notes in his diary that on Christmas, 1821, he found the candidates a.s- sembled at ^IcGeorge's store, treating promiscu- ously. Mctieorge had the oidy barrel of cider in town, and it had frozen on to[); so a hole was bored through the ice with a red hot poker and the concentrated Huid was disilt out to the crowd, after which, says ^Ir. Fletcher, ■"they took brandy, which soon produced intoxica- tion"". At least it did with some, for ]Mr. Fletcher thought it best to guide one of his overloaded friends home, leaving the crowd, as to which he adds: "The candidates led the con- course from one place to another until sun- down"".'' He also mentions a [lart of the can- didates, as follows: "For associate judges James JIcMllvain and .\lr. I'atti'rson; county clerk James M. Ray, ^lorri> Morris, .Milo K'. Davis, J. Hawkins, et al.; for inunty coinini>- sioners Messrs. Hogdeii, (Jsborii and .Morrow". l>ut, as the campaign warmed up, more candi- ilates came out, there being a total of li.'i an- nounced in the Gazelle, and Mr. Fletcher men- tions several others, making in all lU'ar -40. Theoretically there were no parties, no con- ventions, no caucuses, but the election was a free fight for all comers. Yet Rev. J. C. Fletcher writes: ".Vlthough caucuses we're not known in the first political canvass in Indian- apolis, yet there was a great deal of free inde- l>endent campaigning and there were cliques and inner circles. The divisions were not ac- cording to the political ]iarties of the day. They •\vere local, or rather geographical divi- sions. My father informed me that the combat- ants Were ranged under the titles of 'White- water' and 'Kentucky". The emigration from these two sections was simultaneous. The peo- ple fnuii Whitewater were as clannish as those from Kentucky. Each wished to have the dis- tribution of the ])ublic loaves and fishes. The Whitewater paity had some advantages over Kentucky in that it had received some acces- sions from people from Ohio and Pennsvlvania, Sews. A|n-il i:. is: It. 50 HISTORY OF (IIJKATKR I XDIAXAP* )LIS. who had re^idi'il \in\g enou-inners'' iiiul mi i-eniameil till the creation of Uoone County iiy the act of January 2!), 18;i(i. Xext came provision for the election of justices of the ])eace for the townships, of which two were assigneil to each of tlie eombiuation townships exce)it Centre-Warren, which was to have three. For the outside district one justice was assigned to each township. The election was set for May 11, and the voting-places and the election ins])ectors were specified as follows: Washington-Lawrence, house of Klijah Fox, with Joel Wright as inspector; Centre- Warren, house of John Carr, with Thomas Carter as in- spector ; J)ecatur-l'erry-Franklin, house of Peter Harmonson, with Peter llarmonson as in- spector ; Pike-Wayne, house of Mrs. Barnhill, with Jeremiah J. Corbaley as inspector; Fall Creek, house of Wm. ilcCartney, with Adam Winsell (Wincbell) as inspector; Anderson, bouse of John Berry, with John Berry as in- spector; Wliite Kiver, house of John Paige, with John Paige as inspector; and Delaware, house of John Finch, with Solomon Finch as inspector. On Ai)ril IT, the c(unmissioners adopted a comity seal, desci-ilied as follows: ".V star in til. centre, with the letters 'M. C. C." around the same, with inverted carved stripes tending to the centre of the star and "Marion County Seal" written thereon". This si'al did not come inlo actual use, for on May 1 I the commission- ers adopted another described thus: "The words '.Marion County Seal, Indiana" around the out- side, with a pair of scales in the centre emblem- atical of justice, under which is a |)loiigli anil sheaf (d' wheat in representation of agricul- lure"". This seal was continued in use until Dec. 8, 1811, when the commissioners adopted the one now in use, described as follows: "On the margin of the eirch' the woi'ds ■Commis- sioners Seal of Marion County" and inside of this marginal engraving the engraving of a P.asket of fruit and likewise the representation (d' a Berkshire pig"".' 'I'radition ascribes this ch.-uige to the intluence (d' John W. Hamilton, who was llien county auditor. It doubth'ss ri'presenti'd an advancing] senti- ment in farming, for Henry Ward Beecher and his allies were jusi then preaching fruit culture and the improvement in stock in In- diaiia])olis, and llie "l!erk-liii-e pig" deliniMled, ''•Pifvord. p. l!i;. '•Record, p. Kii. 53 MISTOKV OF (iltHA'I'Kli IXDIAXAPOUS. 13 o < z < Q Z c a. CO Z HISTOEY OF GKEATEl!. I M )1 AX APOLIS. 53 was a maniic'st iinprovenient on the "razor- back", which had hekl exclusive possession in this region, both in quality and in disposition. On September '27, 1832, the Circuit Court adopted the same seal as tlie commissioners — the scales, sheaf and plough — but at a later date the sheaf and plough were dropped, and the seal now appears with the scales only. When the court adopted the seal it also entered an order to "ratify, confirm and approve all legal \ises of the same by tiie Clerk since the organization of this county of JIarion, as the seal of this court". Inasmuch as the clerk originally pro- cured ibe seal for the commissioners, under their direction to get a differing one, it is ob- vious tluit the responsibility for the first seal devolves on James .M. Eay. Following the adoption of the seal came two ri'gulations of rates that seem odd now, but M liich were reasonable enough then : when many persons were forced to travel, and when fer- ries and taverns along the roads were in the nature of monojiolies. Many things were left to local control tlicn that are not now, and often the powers of control in one county differed from those in others, for it was an era of spe- cial legislation — the special laws of a legisla- ture being usually more voluminous than the general laws. The first of these regulations was of the rates of ferriage over White l{iver at Washington street, which were fi.xed as follows: For each wagon and four horses or o.\en.$.C3i4 For each wagon and two horses or oxen. . .37V-> For each wagon (small) and one horse or ox 311/4 For each extra horse or ox l^^^ For each man or woman and horse f2i/o For each head of neat cattle 03 For each head of swine 02 For each head of slieep 03 For each footman 0(ji/4 The "tavern rates" were lixcd as I'dllnus: Fncb half-pint of whiskey $.l'2i'o iviih hair-]iiiit of imported rum. brandy gin. or wine 25 Kach ([uart of cider or beer 12i/> Kaeb i|uart of porter, cider wine or cider oil 25 Each half-pint of ])eaeh brandy, cordial, country gin, or apple brandy 18% l']acli nu'al 25 Ka.-h iiiglit's bidixing ^•>^U Each gallon of corn or oats 12V^ liach horse to hay per niglit 25 These tavern rates were revised on February 11, 1S23, 'but the only change made was to in- crease the price of a half-pint of imported goods from 25 to 50 cents. Possibly this may have been because somebody had actually made an importation, or was thinking of it. llaving now disposed of the most pressing affairs of government, the commissioners adjourned for that session. The people now proceeded to the election of justices of the peace, which resulted in the se- lection of Wm. D. liooker and Joel Wright for Washington-Lawrence; Abraham Hendricks and Isaac Stephens for Pike- Wayne ; Peter Harmonson for Decattir-Perry-Franklin — there was no other chosen then, or, at least, none commissioned; and Wilkes Reagan, Lismund Basye and Obed Foote for Centre-Warren. For the district outside the county proper, Wm. C. Blackmore and Wm. Bush were chosen for White Kiver and Delaware townships ; and Judah Learning and Abel Ginney for Ander- son and Fall Creek. This election was not so exciting as tlie former, but the result in Cen- tre-Warren was contested by Moses Cox. His objeeUoiis are not set out specifically in the record, but the decision of the commissioners is to the effect that votes had been received that were "evidently and constitutionally il- legal, although received unintentionally", and therefore they held the election "null and void"", and ordered another on May 25." At this election tlie same justices were again chosen, and on Juiu' G and 7 all of the justices elected were commissioned by the Governor. Aside from the county oilicials, the justices were the only local officials for the next ten years, and therefore filled important places in the commtinity. Keagan was the village butcher with a .shoj) at (he northwest corner of Dela- ware and Washington strec^ts, and a little slaughter-bouse on Pogue"s Run, between New Jersey and East streets. His supplies of jus- tice and meat were both very satisfactory. Basye was a Swede, who was not very learned in the law, but is credited with having usually decided for the plaintiff, wliich secured him business, and was quite as apt to be right as ^Urronl. pp. ;')0-3-.'. iiisToKv OF <;i;eater Indianapolis. wrong, if mil inni-c sci; inr. as one of tlie old- tiiiu' jii:.()() For every ferry . 00 For every $100 of appraised valuation of town lots .50 For each and every pleasure carriage of two wheels . 1 . 0( t For each pleasure carriage of four wheels \ .'ir, For every silver watch 2.") l"or every gold watch .jO For every head of work-oxen over three years old, and upwards, per head 2.J On each male person over the age of twenty-one years .50 Provided that persons over the age of fifty years and not free holders, and such as are not able from bodily disability to follow any useful occupation, and all idiots and paupers shall be exempt from said last naiutvl tax. '"Order Bool-. Mav 9, 1823. ''Order linnl- 1. p" 12(5. mSTOEY OF OKKATKR TXHIAXAPOLTS. These taxes were for eouuty purjxises oiiJy, and in reality were nearly all fixed by law, the diseretionary powers of the commissioners ex- tending only to ferries, which were "not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars"', and taverns, which were "not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars'", as the commis- sioners might determine. There was no such thing as a general ])roperty tax in Indiana, un- til established by the act of February ",. ISlio, but the property subject to taxation, and the rates, were specified by the legislature. At this time the state was experimenting with the principle of the separation of the sources of state and nuinici|>al revenue, a ])i'inciple that might be adoj)ted now with manifest ad- vantages. Hy the acts of January '^1, 1820,'- and .lannai-y 8, 18".il,''' the state tax was levied exclusively on lands, not including town lots, at rates from $1 to $1.50 per 100 acres, ac- cording to quality fixed in three grades, to- gether with 'io cents on each $100 of bank stock-, and these Avere not taxable for county jmrposes; while the objects above named as taxed for county purposes were not taxable for state purposes. The "tavern license" was practically a retail licjuor license, for at that time, in order to get a retailer's license, it was necessary to give l)oncatur-Perry-Franklin. The large number appointed for Centre- Warren may have been in view of probable calls on them for police duty in the town. The preponderating element in the settlement was determined to preserve order, and indictments for "assault and Ijattery" and "affray" were quite common in the early days. On May 15 the commissioners made np their lists of petit and grand jnrurs — 72 of the for- mer and 54 of the latter — from which the sheriff was to take his venires. As the treas- urer. Daniel Yandcs, declined to take cliarge of the tax duplii-atr. Harris Tyner was a])p(>inted collector of taxes, as provided by law. At that time there was no treasurer's office, and the collector usually gave public notice "to all who have any taxes to pay" to call on the collector at some specified place and pay. And this they were in no greater hurry to do in those days than at present, as appears from the first an- nual report of the treasurer, which was made on Xovember 13, 1822, as follows: DANIia YAXDES, COIM'V TltKASLlilCll. Uli. To amount of receipts up to this date, for store licenses, tavern licenses, and taxes on certificates and sales and writs $169.93% To certified amount of county revenue assessed for 1822 726. TO To the balance in vour favor on set- tlement this day 79 . 11^4 $975.81 TREASURER CR. By payment to grand jurors to this "date" '. 2.25 By payment to county commission- ers ' ." 36.00 Bv pavment to listing, appraisers, "etc. ". 70.50 By payment to prosecuting attorney 15.25 By payment to expenses of the courts and juries 40 .30 By payment to returning judges of of elections 9 . 50 By payment to building county jail ^ account 140 . 50 By payment to Mork on court house "square 59.00 Bv pavment to viewers and survevors of roads ."... S.lSi/o P.y payment on poor account 5.00 By payment on school section ac- count 1 . 50 By payment for printing 32.871/^ $421.00 To treasurers per cent, on $421.00 at 5 i)er cent 21 .00 By amount of county revenue yet due from Harris Tvner, collector, for the year 1822 490.841/2 Bv amount deducted from revenue 'by delinquents 42 . 871/2 $975.84 insTORV OF (; AT IXDl.WAI'OI.IS. The "county jail"' iiiuutioiiud in tliis state- ment was ordered ou ilay 15. IS'i'i. when Har- vey Bates, sheriff was directed to take bids for a log structure, fourteen feet cquare inside, and two stories higli. The lower story, or dungeon, was to be of hewed logs at least 12 inches square, with two rounds of oak or walnut logs under- ground. The sides and second floor were of logs of the same size, '"of walnut, oak, ash, beech or sugar tree"". The third floor, or more properly the ceiling of the second story, was of logs six inches thick and at least one foot wide, .\bove this was a roof covered witli jointed shingles. There was no door in the lower story, and but one window, which was one foot square and furnished with grate liars of iron 11^4 inches thick, let 3 inches into the logs. There was a similar window, two feet b}' six inches in the second story, and also a door four feet by two, by which the jai! was en- tered. This door was reached by "a carpenter's ladder" on tlie outside, and the prisoners were put into the dungeon over another ladder from a traj) two feet .square in the center of the second floor. Both doors were of double thick- ness of two-inch oak iilank and furnished with heavy strap hinges and locks. The contract was awarded to Xoah Leverton. on a bid of $312, and the jail was built on the northwest corner of tlie Court House Square, and accepted liy the commissioners on August 12. But liie grand jury was more critical than the commissioners, and six wi^eks later, on Se]i- tember 28, it reported that it found "the lower room in the jail of said county insuflicient to hold criminals for want of sealing the inside and boxing the corner.s". and further "the said lower room in said jail at this time needs cleansing" ; from which it would appear that Jeremiah Jolinson, the first jailor, set the pace for his successors in oflice, for there have been few jail examinations since that time that did not result in some criticism. The Grand Jury was quite right as to the insecurity of the jail, for though such a structure might seem impreg- nable to the uninitiated it was far from secure to people wiio were aeeuslonied to jirying up a log in a cal)in wall and throwing out the cross log under it for an entrance when they did not want to take time to cut a door. .Vnd experi- ence convinced tlie commissioners of this, for in July, 1825, they ordered the jail rebuilt, or rather reinforced by building a second log struc- ture around it, leaving nine inches between the two all around, which space was filled by logs set on end. This looked safe, but they had over- looked the to]), and the prisoners did not. On January 19, 1831, the aroused commissioners ordered the sheriff "to have a new log put in the upper loft of the jail, and have the said loft of logs closely spiked over with two-inch plank, and all other necessary repairs requisite to make the jail secure for prisoners, as well debt- ors as criminals" ; also to "have chains and bars to secure any prisoner safel}' in the criminal room, so as to render confinement entirely se- cure therein, and also to employ a sutlicient guard", if deemed necessary. This brought peace to the commissioners for a few months, but on September 24, 1831, the Journal contained this discouraging item: "The fall term of the Marion Circuit Court com- mences on ]\Ionday next. Those persons who were confined in jail on suspicion of criminal offences have made their escape." After ma- ture deliberation, on Xovember 9, 1831, the commissioners ordered "the upper log to be spiked up, and the jail made as secure as it was before the late General Jail Delivery". These precautions sufliced for a time, presum- ably because the county had a less ingenious class of prisoners, but in the summer of 1833 a new nightmare arose before the commissioners. The original "Buffalo J^ill"' came to town — a strolling negro, wearing a black cap with a red leather band, and leading or riding at jileasure a ijuffalo, from the exhibition of which he eked out a precarious existence. For offense against the peace and dignity of the state he was locked up in the dungeon, and, whether inspired by the spirit of the youth "who fired the Ephesian dome", or that of Samson in the tenqile of the Philistines, he set fire to the building. He did it so efi'ectually that he narrowly escaped death, and left nothing of the jail but the Imle- where the underground logs had lain, which re- mained many years to mark the spot. The commissioners took some time to devise a system of imprisonment that would imprison, and on January (i, 1834. ordered a new jail "built of brick principally", that was at least ingenious. It was 4fix20 feet and two- stories high, with a hall G feet wide across the middle, making two rooms 20 feet square on each side, on both floors. One side was occupied by the jailor, and on the (itliev I he upstairs room was 58 HISTORY OF HEATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. THE FIRST JAIL. (From a sketch by James B. Dunlap.) ]I1ST()|;V OF (iREATEi; IXDIANAI'Ol.lS. .".!» for ili'blur.- anil thai iluwn.-tairs i'or (jrunioals. Tlie walls of the criminal room rested on a brick foundation 32 inches thick, and were made with it inches of brick outside, then 10 in- ches of log, and inside 1.'5 inches of brick. He- tween each two layers of logs there were three courses of brick the width of the wall. On the inside, at intervals of 3 feet, were scantling, ''ironed into the timber between the two walls", and over these a sheath of two-inch oak plank, fastened with (j-inch spikes. The floor was on a base of 8-inch timliers laid close together, above which were two courses of brick laiil in mortar; then scantling l(i inches apart and "levelled u|i between with bricks and mortar", to which was spikeil the floor proper of "-i-inch oak plank. The ceiling was of brick, set on edge and archeil, with a spring of 18 inches. And finally, the walls and floors were covered with "thick sheet iron'', nailed on with 8-penny nails which were not more than 4 inches apart in any direc- tion. The contract for this jail was let to Jacob Turner, for $2,500, and it served to hold the prisoners thereafter. The only reinforce- ment it received was a cover of weather-board- ing which was put on in IS-H).'" Sulgrove states that "a hewed-log addition" was ' made on the north side of the jail in !m4.") "fni- the confinement of the \\ih>\ [irisoners", but there is no mention of this in the commissioners' records. .\ singular fatality j occurred in this jail on .\ngnst .'!, lS5;i. (ieorge Lingcnfelter was arrested and confined in the u])per room for into.xication. He fell through the hatchway to the lower room, and as he fell caught the open trap door with his hand, pulling it to on his head. Jt wa.< of honvy onk, cased with iron, and crushed his skull, killing him instantly. By 18.);} this jail bad liccmiie ant iipuitrd. It was too small, and there was no provision for separation of prisoners. It was decided to build an up-to-date jail, and on February 12 of that year a new jail was ordered, with walls of <-ut stone, 18 inches thick. It was 24 feet high, including 2 feet of hard limestone underground, and till' floors were of flagstones .'! inches thick, laid on 2 feet (d' concrete. Within were twd rows of cut-stone cells, set back to back, if, in all, se])arated by walls of cast or hoiler iron. For the building of this jail $10,000 of ccnnity '"/.Vc. .">, pp. i; I. 111.",. bonds wci-e issued, and a spi'cial tax of 15 cents on each $100 of jjroperty, and 25 cents poll, was levied to meet the bonds and jiay interest. Jnchuled with the jail was a jailor's house of brick, 45x20 and two stories high. There were rooms in this that were used by some jailors for the confinement of favori'd prisoners, who were willing to pay for .separation from the common run. These buildings stood at the northeast corner of the square, and were fairly serviceable, though there were occasional es- cajH's, one ])ai-ty resorting to the ungentlemanly mode of pulling up a flagstone in the floor and crawling out through the sewer. The citv out- grew the jail and the additions that were made to it, and when the Hoard of State Charities was organized in 1889, the jail fell under its condemnation. It had been overcrowded for several years, and the ventilation and sewerage were wholly inadecpiate. There was no suHi- cient provision for (deanliness of either the prisoners or their clothing. In 1891 a new jail was decided on, and $15(1,000 of bonds were issued for its construction. Over consid- erable protest it was located half-a-scpiare south of the Court IIou,se Square, and, on its com- pletion the old jail was removed and the Court lIou.se alone left on the s([uare. In taking leave of the old jail it is worthy of note that it was the scene of the only judicial executions that ever occurred in Marion ('(uinty. Marion County had hecm singularly free from cold-blooded homicide, until, on Se|)tember 13, 18()8, the community was startled and shocked by "the Cold Spring murder", the most cele- brated in its annals. The dead bodies of Jacob 'I'oung and his wife were found in a chun]) of willows on a gravel-bar, now in Riverside Park, just above "the Cold S])ring", which is at the west cml of the foot bridge over White I{iver just at the north of Emmerich's (irove. The ease was puzzling at first, but investigation soon wove a web of circumstantial evidence about Xancv E. Clem, her brother Silas W. Hartman, and \Vm. J. .\brams, who was proved to have bought the gun found on the ground. They were indicted on October 20, and on the elec- tion of the defense to try Mrs. Clem first slu- was brought to trial on Decend)er 21. (ien. !'>' nj. Harrison, W'ni. P. Fishhack and John T. ! )ye were employetl to assist in the prosecu- tion of the case. The prosecutor, John S. Dun- can, was the voungest that I'ver hrld the office — CO ISToi;^- OF GREATER IXDIAXAl'OMS. not yet 22 — but he won his spurs in the trial. The defense was ecjndiicted by John Hanna, (ien. Fred Knefler, and W. W. Leathers — Jon- atlian W. Gordon was added at the second trial. The evidence was wholly circumstantial. On the night that the State finished its case the defense held a consultation and Leathers, who was i^erhaps the best criminal lawyer at the bar, desired to i;o to tlie jury on the State's case, as the defense had nothing to otfer but a weak alibi ; but he was overruled. The jury dis- agreed, eleven for acquittal and one for con- viction, and that one, Anton Wiese, stood on the gi'ound that if Jlrs. Clem was not at the scene of the murder she could prove where she was, and she had tried it and failed. A second trial soon followed, and in it the State had some additional evidence in the statements of two witnesses who had seen Mrs. Clem and Hartnum driving in a buggy from the direction of the tragedy on the afternoon when it occurred. On iMareh 2, the jury returned a verdict of murder in the second degree — prob- ably a compromise verdict. A few days later Hnrtman made a confession, which nobody be- lieved, intended to exculpate his sister, but merely establishing his own guilt. It was pub- lished with critical comment on March 10, and that night Hartman committed suicide by cut- ting his throat, or, as some believed, was killed by Abrams, who was his cell-mate. ]\Irs. Clem's case went to the Supreme Covirt and was re- versed.^" It then went to Boone County on cliange of venue, and the trial resulted in an- other conviction of murder in the second de- gree; but it was likewise reversed by the Su- preme Court.-" Following this the case was dismissed by Prosecutor Wall, of Boone County. There was much jiublic dissatisfaction at the result, and some urging of a now indictment, l)ut some important, witnesses had left the state, and it was thought impossible to make a case. On :\rarch IS, 1874. the Board of County Com- missioners recorded a declaration that they "would incur no further expense in the prose- cution of Nancy E. Clem".-' IMeanwliile Ab- rams was convicted and sentenced to life ini- ]irisonment, but he was pardoned by Governor AVilliams, on .Tulv -T. 1878. There was evidence "33 Ind., 418. ="42 Ind.. 420. -']'rrnr/l 12. p. ().")•"). adduced in the cases tending to show that Mrs. Clem was operating a system of inter- changeable loans, like the more recent Cassie Chadwick system, and at a certain point fright- ening her duped creditors into silence by threats of exposure of participation in the profits of counterfeiting, or some other illegal business. It was commonly believed that the Youngs were involved with her in the business, and that they were killed to get possession of a large sum of money that was in their possession. The theory of the character of the business was .-trengthened a few years later by the disclos- ures in a case where Mrs. Clem was convicted of perjury, for which she served a term of four years in tlie Women's Prison. The next shocking crime after the Cold Spring murder was Wm. Cluck's murder of his wife, on April 2.'), 1872. He was a natural brute, made unnatural by liquor, in which he indulged freely. He habitually mistreated his wife, and one day, after snapping a gun at her, informed her that he would pour coal oil on her and her child while they slept, and burn them up. The terrified woman left him at the first opportunity and took refuge with a friendly family. On the day mentioned, Cluck came there and undertook to drag her to his house. She broke away from him and he shot her — shot her a second and a third time as she was on her knees begging for life. He w-as con- victed and sentenced to be hanged on December 20, 1872. His case was taken to the Supreme Court and aflirmed.^^ Some well-meaning ]ieo- ple became active in his l)e]iall', jn-obably influenced most by tlie idea that an execu- tion would be a disgrace to the county. Governor Baker declined to commute the sen- tence, hut gave the man a respite to January 3. to make preparation for death. He prepared by issuing a letter in which he denounced his lawyers, the press, and the ]nibiic in genci-al,-''' and securing a sufficient amount of morphine which he took on the night of December 31, lie ended his existence. On December 24, 1877, William Greenley, a negro, killed Ida Kersey, a married woman with whom he was maintaining illicit relations. He was indicted at the January term, 1878, con- victed and sentenced to death. The case was "40 Ind.. 2r>3. -•'Jnunifil. Deceinber 30. 1872. IIISTOKY OF CltEATKIJ IXDI ANArOT.IS. 61 appealed to the Supreme Cuurt and allinuod,-' but Governor Williams commuted the sen- tence to imprisonment for life on May 15, 1S78. On July 3, came the pardon of Abranis, and following it came a carnival of blood. On July 16, John Achey, a gambler, killed (Jeorge Leggett, a supposed partner whom he charged with robbing him, and who probably did. On September 16, Wra. Merrick, a livery-stable keeper, killed his wife under peculiarly atrocious circumstances — a woman whom he had seduced, robbed, and married to secure the dismissal of bastardy pro- ceedings ; and who sued for divorce before her child was born on account of bad treat- ment. On Se])tomber 19, Louis Guetig killed Mary Mc(ilrw. a waitress at his uncle's hotel. who had declined to accept his attentions. Achey might have escaped the death penalty but for the state of public mind caused by the combination. He was convicted on Xovember 7 and sentenced to death. Guetig was con- victed on Xovember 28 and sentenced to death. Merrick was convicted on December 13 and sen- tenced to death, the jury being out only eleven minutes. They were all sentenced to be hanged on January 29, 18T9, but Guetig's case was appealed to the Supreme Court which reversed it on a small technicality in an instruction. Achey and Merrick were hanged at the same time, on one scaffold, in the jail yard, on Jan- uary 29. Guetig was tried again, convicted, and sentenced to death. The Supreme Court af- firmed this decision-"' and he was hanged on September 29, 18'<9, at the same place. After these executions there was a lull in capital offenses until 1885. On June 24 of that year Kobert Phillips, a negro, killed his wife, in a fit of insane jealousy, and cut his own throat. Tlie doctors patched him up sufli- ciently to allow of his conviction on December 14, and his execution on April 8, 1886. These four cases were the only executions that ever occurred within the county limits, and as on March 6, 1889, an act was passed requiring all future executions to be made at the state pris- ons,-" it is probable that they will be the last. But the death penalty has been pronounced sev- eral times. On .Vugust 24, 1889, Edward Az- nian murdered Bertha Eltf and then cut Iiis (jwn throat. He was rescued by the surgeon, convicted, and sentenced to death; but the Su- preme Court reversed the case-^ and on change of venue to Johnson County he was allowed to plead giiilty to murder in the sec- ond degree and take a life sentence. On April 14, 1893, Parker and McAfee, two young negro toughs, murdered Chas. Eyster, a druggist on North Senate avenue. They were convicted and sentenced to death, but the Supreme Court reversed the decision-'' and on change of venue to Johnson County they received life sentences. On September 9, 1902, Orie Coppenhaver mur- dered his wife, and his sentence to death was affirmed bv the Supreme Court-" and he was hanged at":Michigan City. On May 12, 1903. Edward Hoover murdered his father-in-law. Frank Sutton. Hoover's wife had left him, and he sent word to her father to come and get her things or he would sell them; when he came Hoover shot him. The Supreme Court affirnicil the death sentence^'' and he was hanged at :\Iichigan City. On January 26, 1905. Bei'kely Smith was convicted and sentenced to death for murdering his wife; and he was executed at ilichigan Citv on June 3(1. On September 30, 1906, Patrolman Chas. J. Russell and I'>dward J. Petticord were killed by Jesse Coe and George Williams, two negro desperadoes, while resisting arrest. Williams was captured, convicted and sentenced to death on Octol)cr 12, and banged at .Michigan City. Coe escaped, and liafllcd pui-suit for nearly two years, but was betrayed by a cousin, lured into a trap and killed by officers on August 25, 1908, in Kentucky. The act of December 31, 1821, cstablisiiing the co\inty as mentioned, bad donated $8,000 for a court bouse, suitalile for use as a state house until a state bouse should be built, wjiich was to be commenced within one year after the taking effect of the act, and to.be completed within three years thereafter. This matter was given prompt attention, and by August 15, 1822, satisfactory plans luid been prepared by Jolni E. Bak(>r and James Paxton, which were adopted by tlie commissioners, and on that ='60 Ind.. 1 11. "' 66 Ind., 94. -\icix ISSO, p. 192. " 123 Ind., 3-11. "136 Ind., 284. =M60 Ind., .540. ■"•161 Ind., 318. (;•> IIISTOIJV (»!•' (IKKATEU IXDIAXAI'OI.IS. date the clerk was iiistriiuted to advertise for bids for the erection of the building. It was to be forty-live feet front, facing Washington street, by sixty feet deep, and '•ninety-four feet high", but of this last dimension forty-nine feet six inches was cupola, dome, belfry, spire and vane. The building was two stories liigh, the first story "K; feet between joists"' and the second lo. It stood on a foundation 3 feet thick and j feet high, of which 1.S inches was under ground. The walls were of brick, "-iT inches thick in the lower story, and 'i'i inches in the second. The specifications called for a roof of jjoplar shingles, five inches to the wea- ther, and "a Doric cornice gutter on the roof, and four tin conductors with capitals". The entrance from the front was into a hall 13 14 feet wide running across the building, east and west, except that a room I0I4 feet square was cut oflE the west end. Back of these was the main court room, or house of representatives, which was 40^/0 feet square. From the hall a stairway led to the second story, to a similar hall with a similar room cut oil' the west end. Back of these, on each side, was a room 1(> feet square, and lietween them a hall led to the second court room, or senate chamber, which was 411/4 feet by 'i'>. At a special meeting on September 3, the commissioners awarded the contract to the architects John E. Baker and James Paxton, for $13,990. This was a stiff advance on the legislative appropriation of $8,000, but by act of January -i. 1824, the legislature appropriated the additional $.5,991). This was with a jiroviso that the commissioners should provide a gallery across the south end of the representative hall, ■"surticient and suitable for the accommodation of spectators and others, with at least two rows of seats therein"' ; and should furnish the two legislative chambers with "good, suitable, suthcient and complete seats, with good, substantial, sufficient and complete tables in front of the same, for the accom- modation of one hundred persons: ami the said tables sliall have in them one hundred drawers, of a large and convenient size, with good locks and keys thereto for the use of sena- tors and representatives, and the said seats and tables shall he made substantial, firm, sulfi- eient and suitable and be finished in good and complete, plain, workmanlike manner"", other- wise the agent of state >lioul(l "pay over none of the a])pro|)riation." The conditions were jironiptly accepted; in fact the commissioners Went beyond them, and on February 11, 1824, called for a contract to furnish "eighty Windsor chairs of a plain, substantial kind, to be suit- ably painted and finished.""-" But, to return to 1822, the commissioners proceeded on their march of improvement <<[ the Court House Square by providing, on No- vember 13, for a public well, "to be dug so deep that there will be at least three feet of water therein"", to be curbed with a good, strong and sufficient frame, as customary, with fit boards"", and also with "a strong and suitable sweep". On February 11, 1823, they provided further for a pound, at the northeast corner of the square, to be made 50 feet square and se- curely fenced — the posts to be made of walnut and the rails of oak — and with a strong gate, fastened by a heavy lock. These were the only additional structures on the square for some years. The court house was completed and accepted on January T, 1825, by the com- missioners, although they were not then in office for other purposes. By the act of Jan- uary 31, 1824. boards of county commissioners were discontinued in Indiana, and the county business was transacted by boards coni])osed of the justices of the peace of the county. Part of the counties were put hack under the old system by special acts — Clarion County by act of January 19, 1831 — and the commissioner system was restored. By special act of Feb- ruary 7, 1835. Marion County again went back to the Board of Justices. This act was re- pealed on February 7, 1837, and the Commis- sioners were permanently restored. The court house was tlie only public building in Indianapolis for some years, and the only one suitable for public meetings. In addi- tion to its use as a state house and a court house for federal, supreme and local courts, the Board of Justices on March ',, 1825, provided that "the Representative Hall shall be appro- priated for religious worshij) on particular occasions"", and put the buihling in charge of the sheriff with an evident understanding that others might use it. for they "provided, that each society or other person using any of the rooms shall leave such room in as clean and >rood order a> tlir >.-nrii' mav lii' in when rc- ■■'L'rronl. p. 12!. HISTUIJV OF Clv'KATKi; 1 XDIAXAI'OLIS. ti;! ceivi'd by tliclii""."- Tlu' public, liowcvur, did not cxiTfisr as jtrcat can' of tbe i)uibling as Ava? aiiticipatfd. Toi- on September 4, IS'.i'i, as the eierk bad ottered to provide rooms for bis and the recorders" oHices "in a good brick buihl- ing, in a ])ublic |iart of Indianapolis, at his own expense, it i.- m-dci-ed that the said ((uii't house be kept closed bv the sheriff of the county excej)! at courts or sessions of the Hoard or Legislature, after the clerk's otlice is rc- niove no i-ci-di-d of tlie building being opened to the public till September 8. 184"^, when it was ordered that it might be used by "any iteligious society, or any Horticultural or Agricultui-al society, or the Washington or other temj)erance society", the occupants to be res])onsible for any damages and to ])ay the sherilf foi- extra work occa- sioned. From that time on it was the chief assembling ]ilace for all sorts of meetings and entertainments until private halls wcie built. On January 'iii. lS-.'7, the legislalure appro- priated !f;.")()0 to build an ollice for tbe (dcrk of the Supreme Court, on the Court House Sipuirc. This wa.s a one-story brick building, l!(ixl8, and stood next to Delaware street, opposite Court street. It stood until 1855, when it was tmii down, and the otlice moved to the state house. On June 7, 1844, the commissioners ordered a building for the county ollicers, which was built on the west side of the square, east of the little otlice of the clerk of the Supreme Court. It was a onc-.story brick (il '/-.'x;?!. di- vided int« three offices, each of which hail a fire-proof vault. .\ second story was ;idded to it in 1805, and it was used unlil tlu^ prcs- ^^Record, p. 182. "■'■Rcronl. p. -'I!). cut court house was completed. In preparation for tile building of the present court house. a temporary court house was constructed in 18U8 north of the county oflices. It was at first intended to rent quarters for the courts, but the lawyers were of opinion that the courts were legally l)ound to sit on the Court House Sipiare, and so it was built there. It was a two-story brick, 'i'he contract was let to ^lil- liT \' Schaaf on .May .">. for •$()..■>■; t. The contract for this was let to George I'arkci- for $;!,lll(l. These were the only offi- cial buildings erected on the Court Honso Square. in 18G4 the rcjiublicans put up a rough Iranic structure, HOxlO on the south side of the sijuare, for political meetings. It was "dedicated" Septendjcr 21 by Senator Henry S. Lane, and the Journal tried to chris- ten it "the Union Tabernacle", but everybody i-alled it "The Wigwam". It stood for a year' or so and was ust'd for other meetings after tbe campaign. In 18t)7 a temporary building was ])ut uj) in the southeast corner of the square for the saengerfest. This closed on September (J, and the Y. M. ('. A., with com- mendable enterprise secured the building for "big meetings" on September 7 and 8 ; after which it was also used for a short time for other meetings. In 187'^ another "Wigwam"' was built by the republicans on the northwest corner of the square. It was here that Henry Wilson, candidate for Vice President, spoke on .Vugust 5, but that is not so well remembered as the speech by Hen Hntler at the same place, in which, incensed by some s\iggestion of "spoons" in tbe Scniuii'l. he paid his respects to J. .1. Hiiigham ami also lt> Thos. A. llen- di'icks in his most caustic style. CHAPTER VII. Till-; IMJLMORDIAL LIFE. On Decembur 1, 1823, Calvin Fletcher wrote: "Seven Indians in with venison and bear's meat. Vouison hams arc I2V2 t-ents a piece, Captain John, a Wyandotte chief, is among the number."" Tliis serves to introihiee tliree not- able classes of denizens of this region when the settlement began, the Indians, the deer, and the bears. Altliough one occasionally finds a statement from some old settler that "the Indians were very bad"" in the early times, it is unquestionable that they were not. The Del- awares, under their treaty of 1818. were al- lowed to occupy their lands for three years, and after their removal the Indians of the north- ern part of the state occupied part of their villages, and hunted throughout the region for several years. As a rule they were very well behaved, but they were fond of the white man's firewater, and occasionally made some small disturbance under its intiueuce. The Wyan- dotte Jolin mentioned above was considered a dangerous man because he had left his tribe on account of some oJl'ense ; but no charges of any kind are recorded against him, although he lived about the settlement for some time, oc- cupying a liollow sycamore log on the east bank of the river, just above' Washington street. It was quite commonly believed that George I'ogue was killed Ijy Indians, but there were many who did not believe it. The only real Indian tragedy anywhere near Indianapolis was the brutal murder by white men of an inoffensive party of Indians, east of Pendleton in 1824. This caused some alarm lest the Indians should retaliate, but they were entirely satisfied bv the prompt execution of the chief offenders, Hiul- son. Bridges and Sawvi'r.' \Siiiit]i'K Indiana Trinja. pp. .SI-' ; Diuin' True Indian Stories, p. 1!)7. Uut there were many people who were afraid of Indians, and sensible people took some pre- cautions to prevent pilfering by them. Con- sequently an occasional Indian, with an ab- original development of the bump of humor, would undertake to scare somebody. Xowland records a case of a drianken Delaware, called Big Bottle, who started to chop down John McCormick"s door, in 1821, because Mrs. ilcCormick had refused to ferry him over the river; but he promptly tiesisted when her cries brouglit several white men to the scene, and explained that he merely wished to "scare white squaw". He was put across the river with the admonition that any further jesting would probably result in his being shot by her hus- band. Complaint was also made to Chief Anderson \\ho took measures to prevent any similar annoyance thereafter. In 1822, a small party of Indians passing Samuel McCornuck"s house, about where the ^laus brewery st^inds, picked up Amos ilcCormick. aged three years, and started off with him. His mother's cries brought some men who were working in "the deadening", and the Indians dropped him wWen they saw that the joke was getting serious. Some wliite men were similarly facetious. Nat Cox iunl an Indian costume, and it was a favorite diversion of his to dress in it, and sit scowling on a log, to see people shy away from him. These were as near Indian hostilities as ever occurred at tins ]ioint. Berry Sulgi-ove re- lates an incident of his grandfather being alarmed by an Indian following him in the woods where West Indianapolis is. He was on a horse, with a child before him. and whipped up to avoid his pursuer, but t]u> Indian in- creased his speed also. Seeing that ho would be overtaken, Mr. Sulgrove stopped, and when the Indian came up he held out a shoe which (U HISTORY OF GKEATEK lM>iA.\ Ai'ULlS. 05 the child had lost aud which he desired to return. - So far as the abundance of game was con- cerned, this might be called a hunter's para- dise. There were plenty of bears and wolves, and an occasional panther, or catamount as they were commonly called, but the chief trouble the settlers had with them was in pro- tecting their stock from them. Probably Elisha Reddick, the first settler in Lawrence Township, had the most varied experience in this line. He was the first settler there, and brought in with him twenty-five hogs and a dozen sheep. Soon after his arrival he had a lively fight with a predacious panther that weighed about a hun- dred pounds, and finally succeeded in killing it with an ax. He also killed three bears and fifty wild cats before he got peaceably settled.'' The venerable Dr. AVm. H. Wishard had an un- pleasant experience with wolves, in 1826, when a boy of twelve. His parents lived at the edge of Morgan County and ho had come up to get some meal ground at the old bayou mill. It was nearly dark when he got started home, and in the darkness of night, in the dense forest, he found his path obstructed by a pack of wolves that had pulled down a deer on the trail. But he was "nervy"', aud with considerable effort he succeeded in making his way around them, through the thick underbrush, and got safely home. Amos Hanway aud Cloudsberrj' Jones (older brother of Wm. Jones, of Cobum & Jones) when boys, saw a black bear on Gov- ernor's Island, which was opposite Greenlawn Cemetery before the river shifted its channel ; and some years later a large bear was chased out of the corn fields near Xorth street. Row- land mentions a bear being killed near where Morton place now is, about 1846.'' Deer were very abundant, and not very shy. Robert Duncan said he had killed many of them, but never shot at one running, because powder and lead were expensive and he could get all he wanted standing. Owing to the dense underbrush, the larger part of the deer- liunting was done on the river. Says Mr. Duncan : "As an evidence of the great abund- ance of wild game in this section of the coun- try at that early day, and the easy manner of 'Hist. Iiidianapolis. p. G9. 'Sulr/rnve Hist., p. .537. *Rem{niscences, p. 42. Vol. 1—5 capturing the same, it is only necessary for lue to state that Robert Harding, one of the very early settlers named in my former sketch, during the summer of the year 1820, on one occasion pushed his canoe containing his hunt- ing material from the mouth of Fall Creek (near which he was living) up the river to a jioint about the fourth of a mile below where the bridge across While Eiver on the Michigan road is situated, being about five miles north of Fall Creek, from which point he started home- ward about 10 o'clock p. m., and on his way home killed nine deer, all bucks, having de- termined that night to kill nothing but bucks. On another occasion, during the fall of the same year, he and his brother Eliakim, who had by this time joined him, at a point near where the pork-houses of Kingan and Ferguson now stand, killed thirty-seven turkeys out of one dock, Robert killing twenty-five and Eliakim twelve. Tills kind of slaughter was not fre- quent but the killing of three or four deer, a half dozen to a dozen turkeys, and fifteen or twenty pheasants by a single person in a single day or night hunt (deer being mostly killed in the night time) was not unfrequent." ■' Rev. J. C. Fletcher bears testimony to the abundance of game at a later date. He says that one day, in 1834, when walking with lus father, he saw a flock of turkeys light in a tree in what is now Military Park. Soon ;Mr. Pulliam, partner of Samuel, Henderson in the tavern, and Jacob Cox, the early artist, who were pursuing them, came up, and Pulliam killed nine and Cox three out of the flock. Mr. Fletclier also makes the following statement: "In the first week of January, 1831, I was with my uncles James and John Hill, who were on their way to the farm of the former (which was very near where Brightwood is now) and I saw a large herd of deer bound across the road into the woods not far from the present locality of Fletcher & Thomas's brick yard. Wild 'turkeys in 1821 were \-2\'.> cents apiece, but if several were bought there was a large discount. In the spring of 1822, wild pigeons were sold at 25 cents by the bushel. In marked contrast to this were the prices of all manufactured or imported ar- ticles. There were two stores, if sucli little two- penny shops could be dignified by that name. '"hid. Hist. Soc. Pubs.. Vol. ].. 387. (Hi HISTOEY OF GlJEATErw INDIANAPOLIS. Thesi' wcro kc[)t liy .1. iS; J. (iivan ami by •!. '1". Of^ljonu-. The lattur alturwards weut to Nuw Orleans. The roads rroui this place ti) the Ohio Were almost impassable, and most of the importation came from the Whitewater coun- trv. I'oor coffee was 50 cents per pound, tea $1.50 ditto, while coarse, thin, shabby muslin for shirting was from 43% to io cents per yard. 1 do not find the price of flour in my mother's journal in 18-.il, but 1 learn that, in 1822, good flour, brought from 'Goodlander's mill, in yonder on Whitewater" was from $7 to $8 per Ijarrel : a coarser flour brought $3 per hundred pounds. Corn meal was 75 cents per bushel and corn was 50 cents per bushel; jiork was from $2 to $2.50 per hundred, and beef \v:is from $2.50 to $3 per hundred"." Turkeys often came into the town. Xow- land mentions one being killed at the corner of Washington and Missouri streets on Decem- ber 24, 1820, that weighed twenty-three pounds, and was so fat that it burst open when it fell from the tree ; also one being shot from the top of Hawkins" tavern in 1825, during the session of the legislature; and adds that "it was no uncommon thing, about the years 184(i- T for turkeys to be killed on the northern ])art of the Donation"".' .\aron D. Olir caught one in the (i()\i'rnor"s Circle in 1841. it bad been frightened by hunters from the woods about the present Blind Asylum and on being pursued took refuge in the base- ment of the old mansion house. Waterfowl of all kinds were abundant, especially ducks and geese, in the fall and s])ring. Swans were rare. Amos Ilanway saw Hocks on the river at three times, but the only one killed, of which there is any record, was bagged by George Smith, the pioneer ]iublisher, in the spring of 1822. The smaller fur-bearing animals were very numerous, especially raccoons and squir- rels, which occasionally did very serious dam- age to the crops. At the same time many a settler was enabled to hold out while he cloareil his farm, and got a start by the sale of 'coon skins, which always had a cash value. In fact this advantage of the abundance of game ranks next in importance to its increase of the supply of food, and that was almost vital to some. Robert Brown wlio li\cd for eiijht vears cm ^Xrirs. :Marcli 2!i. 18:!). ''Remniisii'iii-i's. pp. Ki. 42. the site of the Blind Asylum, would kill enough game to last his family for a week or two, and then go out and work on his farm, south of Irvington, until he got it cleared, and a house built. The last Indianapolis man who made any business of hunting was George W. Pitts, who said of his experience: "I commenced trapping about this town with my father in 1838. as a boy only fourteen years old, and made a business until 1849 of hunting and trapping. 1 u.sed to take my traps and float down White I\iver, staying out until the stream froze up. I knew all the hollow sycamores along the river, and many a night have I slept in them with a big fire blazing out in front. I trapped muskrat, mink, "coon, otter and fox. "Coon skins paid the best. I gave a cow and a calf to old Josh. Hinesly for a "coon dog. He was a good "un. Many a time in one night I got enough "coons with him to pay for that cow and calf. * * * j always went alone * * * and nuide my living trapping. ^Yhen 1 was going to school to the old Clarion County .seminary I kept up my treil, young Hanway pro- cured a good-sized seine, with which he used to take fish by wholesale. He says that once in Morgan County, above the Cox dam, when the fish were running, he and his brother Sam "at one haul seined twelve barrels of fish, and thei-c were thirty fish that averaged, undressed, ten ])ounds each. They were mostly bass and salmon, but there were also large redhorse. white i)erch, (piillbacks and ordinary suckers". Koberl Duncan tells of seeing a haul with a seine at "(!onner"s Hole", near ('onner's Sla- tinn at which a large wagon-load of lish was taken, and the fishermen threw away a ])ile of gars as large as a haycock.' ' It i> a pity thai tlif '-Xnrs. .\ugus( !l, IS^!). '■'./(iiinnil . Septelliber ".'."). 1S^ 68 HISTORY OP GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. HISTOEY OF GKEA'IEU i.NDlAXAPOLIS. C9 gars were not cxtenninatod, but tlicre are still a few in the river. On a bright day they may often be seen in Riverside Pari<, liasking at the top of the water below the bluU' ;it Eniniericlrs grove. Some of the other varieties that were common in the river then are seldom taken at Indianapolis or higher up the river now, and have not been for thirty years or more, prob- ably on aceount of the pollution of the river by sewage at this point. One of these is the white perch — commonly known as the sheeps- head or fresh-water drum on the great lakes, and as the croaker, or crocus in northern In- diana — but it is still common below Waverly. Another is the pike-perch, or wall-eyed pike, which is found in the river below, and in the Wabash and its other tributaries. In 190-4, there were 900,000 of the fry of this fish placed in the river at Riverside Park, in the hope that this would permanently stock the stream, at least from that point up. The expense of manufactured goods had a marked effect on the clothing of the early set- tlers. In summer, home-made tow-linen was widely worn, and in winter, home-made linsey- woolsey by the women and jeans by the older and more sedentary men. But, says Mr. Dun- can. "The outer apparel of the male population, particularly the younger and more active, soon became buckskin. This material was fre- quently procured already tanned by purchase from the Indians, but more frequently by tlie party killing the deer, dressing and tanning the skin himself, and thus making it ready for the tailor. Usually the only articles of cloth- ing made of this material were pantaloons and coats, called in these times 'hunting-shirts', be- ing much in the shape and style, barring the neat fit, of the sack coat so much in use among the gentlemen of the present time". The owner was usually his own tailor, "the thread used in the manufacture being the sinews taken from the legs -of the deer, or a thread called 'wliang', ])repared by cutting a long strip, as small as possible so as not to make it too weak for the purpose intended ; a large needle and a shoemaker's awl being used in the sew- ing process. * * * jj. ^j,g gQQjj found that tliis l)uckskin apparel was the very best that could have been devised for the country and times. It resisted the sting of the nettles, the scratch of the briers, the bite of the rattlesnake, and the pcnetratiou of the cold, lileak winds of winter, and at that time was cheap and within leaeh of all. * * * Indian-made moc- casins, which were abundant and cheap, were much worn by both sexes (particularly the younger and more active classes) in dry weather both winter and summer, being very comfortable and pleasant to the feet, and pre- senting a rather neat appearance. For wet weather strong, well made leather shoes were used. Bare feet were quite as seldom seen then as now. The head dress for the male population for winter use consisted mostly of a strong, well made wool hat with a low, broad brim something in the style of the hat in use by the elder of the Quakers at this time. A rather unsightly but very warm kind of fur cap was used by some, made out of a well- preserved 'coon skin. For summer wear, a rather rough home made straw hat was made out of the straw of rye, which was consider- ably grown for that purpose — the hat being very much in appearance and style of similar hats now in use. The female head-dress con- sisted in part of a straw bonnet made of the .same kind of straw, and in part of a sunbonnet generally made out of some kind of fancy colored calico worked over a stiff pasteboard; both straw and sunbonnets being of a style then in use, and of such shape and construc- tion as to protect both the face and neck from the hot rays of the summer sun and the cold blasts of the winter winds".'* The mention by Mr. Duncan of "the bite of the rattlesnake", is a reminder of this the one venomous reptile found in this region. It was not uncommon in the very early days, one species in stony places, and another in swampy or prairie lands. The most notable "den" of them was discovered in the winter of 1835-6 on the farm of Isaac Hawkins, about half a mile east of Valley Mills Station, and in the spring a number of the neighbors assembled and dug them out. There were 120 snakes of various kinds, over 100 of them rattlesnakes, that were coiled u|) togi'tlier in a ball, and all were killed. Dcmas McFarland gave a vera- cious account of this to the Gazette, but Mr. Bolton improved the story by making it "150 snakes from 10 to 3 feet long", and in reply to McFarland's protest blandly desired to Icnow '*r>i,l. Hist. Soc. I'lilis., \'(,1 •.'. pp. ;590-393. ro HISTORY OF (iUHATEU mDIAN^APOl.IS. wliMt Uii< the ditt'creiu-t' in a snake .-torv.'' TIh' stoiy IS antlicntic-, howuxur."' ami rat- tlesnakes were at least eoniniun enough to call for the following advertisement in July anil Augu>t. lS->: : •■ RATTLE SN'AKE OIL.'' "The suhseriher is authorized to purchase a quantity of pure RATTLE !5^XAKE OIL at his store in Indianapolis. The mode of saving it is, after taking off the pieces of fat, put them into a ghiss, pewter or tin vessel, and expose it to the heat of the sun one day, then pour it into a glass bottle and cork it tight — if any pieces of the fat are not melted squeeze them through a rag. JEg'^lf the snake bites itself the oil must not be saved. John Givan". But rattlesnakes, and all other kinds of sn;d\es. disaiqieared very rapidly as hogs, tame and wild, multiplied in the woods. They were fond of snakes, and an old-fashioned razor- hack could and would kill any snake, and eat it. ilany years have ])assed since a rattlesnake was heard of in Clarion County. Buckskin continued to be more or less worn for a number of years, and in evidence of its recognized cheapness and durability may be iu)ted the fact that on June 8, 1843, the County Commis.sioners allowed Hervey Hindman "$'l, for making buckskin pants for pau]>ers"".'' ( )f ciiurse the clothing here described means that of the masses. There wa,< always a class that used manufactured textile fabrics, as is evident from the advertisements of such goods. (4ivan and Oshoi'iie did not hold the monopoly of "stores" very long. Luke Waljxjle arrived in tlie summer of IS'i'i. coming uj) the river in a keel boat, in wliich, in addition to his family of thirteen and a coloreil servant girl, with their baggage and household furniture, he lirought a general stock of goods, a large part of which he sold at airction in the fall of 1S23. In .March, 1823, Robert Siddill advertised "a neat assortment of dry-goods, queensware, hardware and groceries, consisting of calicoes, ])laids, '"GilzHtr. April 1 . lS-.'( IS.-).-). "''Su1,l:i'ii\c . ///.-•/.. p. .Mi: ^'('oiiirx. 1 •>;:. 1. , 1. 132. Irish linen, steam loom and power shirtings, Hag handkerchiefs, etc., knives, spoons, Ijutts, hinges, screws, nails, etc., tea, coffee, loaf sugar, tobacco, scgars, pejjper, allspice, nutmegs, etc.", at his store on Washington street. In June John Hawkins advertised "an assortment of llisl.. p. (I. -'J'lKI-Udl. .luilc 111. IS.-)'. get back to the subject, these logs that were Imrned up, and thousands of others not cut in other streets, could have been used at the Vandes & Wilson mill just as well as those ten miles up the river. Even in the absence of heavy wagons, they could easily have been sledded to the river while the snow was on the ground. . Notwithstanding the improvement of local conditions of living, the growth of the town was not as rapid as had been expected by some. There was no advance in real estate as had been anticipated. The capital did not come in fact. More or less people were coming in, but others were moving to the country. Why invest in a town lot when you could get a farm for the same money? Others sought more rapidly developing localities. On Sep- tember 22, i823, the Censor declared that the ])lace contained between 600 and TOO souls, and the estimate was probably liberal. A cen- sus in April, 1824, by the Sunday school visi- tors showed 100 families, with 172 voters and 45 unmarried women between the ages of fif- teen and forty-five years. The number of chil- dren is not stated but it was presumably not far from the number of voters, for a census in February, 1826, showed a loin I nf 730 souls, 209 of whom were children of school age. Aloney was not very plentiful, but that did not cause much inconvenience, except in the pay- ments for lots and lands, as business was al- most universally conducted on a basis of barter, with money prices as the measure of value. Hides and furs were always practical legal tenders. The newspapers advertised from time to time that they would accept "country sxigar", "corn", "poultry", "clean linen and cotton rags", "furs and tallow-", and other commodi- ties. Tn April, 1824, James Givan advertised that for general merchandise he would accept "ginseng, beeswax, honey, sugar, deer and fur skins, or almost anything else in preference to ]iromises", but cash only would be taken for "powder, shot, whisky and salt". The prices of agricultural iiroducts decreased somewhat as farms were cleared. On January 12. 1824, Amos Grilfith. cabinet maker, advertised that he would accept corn at 37i/> cents per liushel, ]iotatoes at the same price, and pork at $2. .'50 ])er hnndicd. On Pecember 2(i. 1820, the Jouninl staled lliat one could purchase here "corn at l-"i lo 20 cents a bu-lu'l and ])ork and bee!' ill $!..■>(• iier hundred". CHAPTER Vlll. TIIK l()MlXIarion. John Hryson of Decatur, and Wni. B. i>aughlin of Hush. The votes received bv them were Uregorv. I'^M; :Mitchel!, 291 ; Bryson, 299 ; Laughlin, 2S9. A bill was introduced at the next session, mak- ing Indianapolis "the ))erniancnt seat of gov- ernment of this state upon. from, and after the second .Monday in January (January 10) in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five", and recpiiring all state officials to be established there at that time. The bill was warmly contested, and would have been lost but that "Whitewater" stood loyally by the New Purchase. It was passed by the House, but was amended in the Senate and then ])assed only by the narrow margin of 9 to 8. H came back to the House and on Janu- ary 1. Dennis Pennington, of Harrison, moved to amend by striking out the words ""second Monday in January in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five", and inserting "first ^londay in Decendwr one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five": luit the jirevious ipicstion was demanded, and the amended bill par-scd by a vote of 2.") to \',.- On January 23, Pennington introduced a bill to suspend the operation of this act until 182G, but it was laid on the table until the following Tuesday, and remained there ])ermanently. The act was approved on January 20.-' It was hailed with joy by Hulianapolis, and on February 2lt a sn|)per was given in honor of Paxton and Greg- ory at Washington Hall, at which some thirty gentlemen were present. After the edibles were disposed of Dr. S. G. ^[itchell was chostMi presi- dent, and Judge Wick vice-president, and "nu- merous toasts and sentiments were proposed and dnmk", beginning with one by the presi- dent: "The Representation from the Xew Pur- chase — Our thanks are due to them for their industry and .zeal in jiromoting our welfare and prosperity". This was drunk standing, and "Colonel Gregory in behalf of Colonel Paxton An. II. Sei (inn I 1. -Si'll. ■Jiiiinifll, ]l. 188; House .Iniininl, |i. 1 ".';!. ■■Hvr. L'liry IS'J,. i). 3:0. IIISTOKV OF CKKA'I'Hi: IXDIAXAPOLIS. 75 and himsolf. n-tunicd thanks in :i very ^lll)I•t, but feeling and appropriate manner". \\'e are told that '"Great Iiarniony and good feeling prevailed during the festivities of the evening". The act for removal provided: "And Samuel Merrill esqr. is iu'rel)y apixiinted on lielialf of the state, to superintend, generally, the re- moval of the reeords. dociuuenis and ]>uldi(: projjerty of every description, as well those above referred to as all and e\eiy other article or species of ))roperty, which now is or here- after may be ri-maining at ('(u-ydiin. the picsciit temporary seat of government, which may be- long to the state, U) Indiamipolis, aforesaid. previous to tiie said second ilonday in .lanu- ary, in the said year one thousand eight hun- dred and t wenty-fivi' : and he is i^ecpiired to keep a fair and exact a<-connt of the expenses neces- sarilv iticurri'(l in the said transportation and renu)val. to be submitted to the gi'iu'ral as- sembly at their ne.xt regular session". This was modified by a joint resolution of January 30, which authorized Mr. Merrill "to sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, all the chairs, tables and other fnrnitui'e lielonging to the state, which, in his opinion, cannot be ad- vantageously removed to lndiana|)olis", giving twenty days notice of the lime ami place of sale in the Indiana Giizrllc, a))proi)riating the proceeds to the expense of the removal, and rendering "a just account" to the next general assembly.* Samuel Merrill was an ideal man for such a task, thoughtful and jiainstaking. lie made a two weeks' trip to Indianajiolis in Septendter, 1824, to arrange for ])laces for his fandly and the state property,'' and in Ndvcndier disposed of the state's surplus funiilni'i' at auction, and started for Indiana|iolis. aciiiin|)( the TiM\i\. Four four-horse wagons and one or two saddle horses fornu'd the means of conveyance for the two families, consisting of about a dozen persons, and for a printing press and 'Sl,frl,ll Arts. IS-.M. p. 1 i:l. "Jldllsr ■hiiinidl. IS'.'C. p. IS I. the state treasury of silver in .strong wooden boxes. The gentlemen slept in the wagons or im the ground to protect the silver, the families found shelter at night in log cabins which stood along the road at rare though not incon- venient intervals. The country people were, nnuiy of them, as rutani-c was only l"^.") ndles, such was the stall' wf the roads that it rc- i(\dred about ten days Id pcrroiin the journey in a wagon. Specimens of bad roads that it is thought cannot well 'be beat", nuiy still be found ai some season- of the year: but the xctcran- of those days, unless their memories deceive them, have seen ami experienced of the depth and width of iniul-h(des that cannot wcdl be coiu-eivcd in this 'degenerale age.' " The writer of this article, on two dccasions. after bmii-s of weary travel, fiuind bimsclf. vcrv unwill- ingly, at his starting place in llic moi-ning. ami his good friends the jn-escnt Postmaster al Indianapolis and I be .\iiditoi- id' States, after a day's travel, as they thought, towards Cin- cinnati. ])aused in wonder at evening, at their own town, which al lird re HISTOKY OF GREATER IXDIAIiAPOLlS. this state about that time, was asked, on his return home, about his travels, and whether he had been pretty much tlirough the state. He said he could not tell with certainty, but lie thought he had been pretty nearly through, in some places." The closing jest was ilr. Merrill's favorite story in later life. The get- ting lost did not occur on the journey to In- dianapolis, but is illustrative of another fea- ture of the difficulties of early travel. The Indianapolis trip was made at the best season, for if an Indiana mud road is ever dry, it should be so in Xovember. What it must have been in the spring can be left only to the im- agination, with no danger tliat any imagina- tion will picture the road worse than it actually was. Of course this tedious removal of all the state's belongings over these appalling roads was an expensive aifair. Here is the bill that Samuel Merrill rendered to the next legisla- ture for the cxjiense of it:' To Messrs. Posey and Wilson for boxes $ 7.56 To Mr. Lefler for one box .50 To Seybert & Likens for transporta- tion of 3,945 lbs. at $1.90 per hun- dred 74.95 To Jacob & Samuel Kenoyer for trans- portation of one load 35.06 Deduct for proceeds of sale of fur- niture at Corvdon, Xovember 23nd, 1824 ■. ' $118.07 52.53 $65.55 One is moved to wonder if there is not a typo- graphical error in the specific appropriation act of February 12, 1825, which allowed to Samuel Merrill, "sixty dollars and fiftj'-five cents for cash advanced by him for expenses incurred in removing the property of the state from Corydon to Indianapolis". There is surely a need for some explanation of that cut of five dollars. However, the legislature was generous, and allowed Mr. Merrill ''also one hundred dollars for his personal trouble and expendi- ture in packing and moving the property of the "Chnmhfirlniit's Gazetteer, p. 'Sen. Jonrnal, 1825. p. 7. 125. state". And all future generations must acknowledge that this was not a case of "graft", for evidently he must have done most of the work himself or have exercised an ability in getting it done that could hardly be measured in mone}^ And this covered also a two-weeks' trip to Indianapolis to prepare there for the re- moval ! Yerily, we shall not soon see his like again. Arrived at Indianapolis, the clerk of the Su- preme Court was installed temporarily in the 13x13 room in the southwest corner of the sec- ond floor of the court house, and the Secretary of State in the similar room immediately below it. The Auditor and Treasurer went into rented rooms until the state provided a building for them, and rents were not exorbitant at that time, for they were each allowed $20 a year for office rent— the Agent of State had only $16. The Governor was the only official who was allowed house rent, and the appropriation for that purpose was $200 annually. ^Ir. Mer- rill's family moved into James Ijlake's pala- tial tenement with Calvin Fletcher, evidently displacing Mr. Blake, who had been boarding there. Mrs. Ketcham recalls the residence thus : "It was on Washington street, south side, half way between Tennessee and Illinois streets, — a small one-story, red frame ; two rooms, two doors in front and two windows ; occupied by two families. Calvin Fletcher had the west side. I cannot remember how thev managed, except in each room was a big bedstead and a trundle one that wheeled out at night and under in the daytime. A door opened into Mrs. Fletcher's apartment from our room, and from hers out on to a rough porch or covered space that led to a large log kitchen. I suppose tjoth cooked by the same large fireplace and prob- ably ate on this porch, and I remember the wind taking our dining-table over clear to the fence — a half square." Even these restricted quarters were diminished later, for the log kitch- en burned down during the joint tenancy. But people in those days had not acquired the delusion that thev needed residences so large that all their time and strength would be ex- pended in caring for them — a condition to which, in our higher civilization, the flat-dwell- ers are rapidly returning. Bad roads were not a matter of concern to Samuel IMerrill alone. They weighed on every- body. The necessity of roads to the capital mSTORV OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. (M'. ;/. «.!»» rhol'i Compan:/.) "8 iiis'|-()i;v OK (;i;i:.vi"i;i; indiaxaj'oi.is. had boeii ivalizi'd Irimi tlif lir>t and tht- legis- lature of 1821 hail ordcTt'd t^tate road^ to lii- iliaiuipolis, and made appropriations for thcni. as follows : From the Hi-h Bank- of White RivLT '. $7,U2-2.UU From the Horse Shoe Bend, via Pa- oli, Palestine and Bloomington. . S,4"?().00 From Mauk's Ferrv, via Salem and Brownstown . . .' 8/J8S.0()' From Bethlehem, Clark County, via Xew Washington and Lexington o.O.'kxOO From Madison, via Vernon and Co- lumbus (i.:{.-):.(H) From liawrenceburgh (i, :!:>;). 00 From Ohio line, via Brookville. . . . 4,:i()"2.4-t From Ohio line, via Connersville. . 4,-.'4!).Oi) From Ohio line, via Sali^l)urv. . . 4.1S-^.00 From Ohio line, via Winchester... ■.',tM'2..J(l Total $.5r),(;-M.!14 It also ordered a state road from Indian- apolis to Terre Haute, hut made no api>ro)iria- tion for it. The road from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne was ordered by act of February 10. 1825 ; the road to Crawfordsville by act of January 23, 1828 ; the ^lichigan Road by act of January 24, 1828; and the road to Lafayette by act of January !), 1829. For the improve- ment of all these roads additional a])pri)pria- tions were made from time to time. The Mich- igan Road was a special undertaking, and was cut 100 feet wide. All the others were 48 feet wide. The "cutting"' of a road meant the re- moval of the timber, the law requiring that the smaller trees should bo cut even with the ground, while "such as are eighteen inches and upwards shall be cut at the usual height of twelve inches,"' Supervisors were appointed for each five miles of state road to be cut, in the several counties, and after they were cut they were cared for as county roads, with the addition of an occasional state appropriation for improvement. .\t the same time that these state roads were under construction, the county authorities were jnisliing the work on local roads. At their first session, as mentioned, the county commissioners ordered roads to Con- ner's Station ; to the western county line on about the line of the National Road ; to ifc- Oormick's mill, just above the Country Club: anr of from 40 to 80 acres of land was required to do one day's work addi- tional; the owner of 80 to KiO acres two days' additional; and one day additional for each IGO acres above that, up to ten days, whieh was the maximum tax. Owners of town lots were required to do one day's work additional for each lot owned, up to a maximum of six days. The ''owner of a wagon and team of two or more horses or oxen used as a road wagon" was required to do two days" work additional. .\ licensed tavern keeper, store keeper or gro- cery keeper was reipiired to do a total of six days' work, if not an owner of real estate. If the work and money thus siijiplied were not sutlicient to ]uit the roads in re]iair, it was the duty of the supervisor to call out the hands assigned to liini and ])ut them in repair. In all this work the supervisors were author- ized to go upon any adjoining land, cut any ditches that might be necessary to drain a rojul, take any sand, gravel or stone needed, and eu( timber adjacent or near to the road. In addi- tion to all this there was a s])ecial ])rovision that road supervisors in the New I'urchase "shall ha\e a right to call out the hands, allottt'i! to them severally, six days in each year, in order to put and keep the roads assigned to them respectively in re|)air." .Vnv unexpended bal- ance of the road tax could be used for bridges, for which the county commissioners were also auliiorized to acce|it donations or order a tax, or, if a tax were considered linrdensotne, they might authorize loll bridges. This was the road law of 1824. By the law of 1831 the universal tax was reduced to two days' work, the tax on nonresidents was made one-half of the state tax on their lauds, and the tax on owners of town lots was made one- half of the county tax on their lots; this to he applied to work on the streets, and with the privilege of paying the tax in work at 50 cents a day. A person furnishing a plough or wagon with team and driver, at the request of the supervisor, received credit for three days' work for each day of the team's use. There was also a provision for "'cart ways'' from "a plan- tation or dwelling-house to a public highway''. These were made on special petition, and were made 18 feet wide. If one that was ordered crossed the unimproved land of anyone who objected to it, the land was vahied by ap|)rais- ers and paid for, after which the road was pn.i- ceeded with. Koads made as these were necessarily went out of repair cjuickly. Every stum[) at the surface, and every root, made a jolt which sank the opposite wheel into the ground and started a chuck-hole which was helped on by standing water, more jolts, and occasional wal- lowing hogs. The more the road was traveled the worse it hei-ame. The roads in the central part of the state were usually worse, so far as mud was concerned, than those in the south part, for the surface soil here was conuuonly a .soft loam with a coating of mold and dead leaves. Almost the only improvement at- tem[)ted to the natural surface was coriluroy- ing, or as it was more commonly called "cross- laying'' or ''cross-waying" in s|)ecially swampy places. 'I'liis was done by laying small logs, close togethei', ci'osswis(> the road, and cover- ing them with dirt. II' badly laid, or out of repair, this const I'Uction was sometimes worse than nothing, for a horse was liable lo break his leg in it. Mven where there were t'ewfr chuck-holes the roads were very bail. ('apt. Basil Hall, who crossed the southern part of the state in 182T-8, savs: "The country is hilly nearly all the way, the roads execrable, and the carriages maile as rigid as if they had been cast in one piece of metal. This is (piite necessary, 1 admit, considering the duty thev have to go through. Oni' other refiueniciii in these ve- hicles 1 must mention. In ex'cry othei- part of tlie Union we found at least one door, tliougb there were I'arely tun. in any stage coach. But upon this occasion, wlieie so large an o|)ening 80 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. was a weakness that could not be afforded, the passengers had nothing left for it — females as well as males — but literally to mount the coach- man's seat by aid of -the wheel, and then scram- ble in at the front as well as they might." * As soon as the capital was moved, the south- ern part of the state began to experience the disadvantages of the bad roads leading to it and the poor mail service ; and their woes found expression.. On Friday, January 14, 18'<25, the Lawrenceburgh Palladium said: "On Monday last the legislature met at Indianapolis, but owing to the present arrangement of the mail to that place, it will be impossible to have any information from the legislature before the middle of next week, nine days from the com- mencement of the session! (We can have in- formation from the City of Washington in 11 days, which is more than five times the dis- tance to Indianapolis.) But this isn't all — it will be (after the mail arrives next Wednes- day) the 2nd of February before we have an- other return of the mail, nearly the close of the session, should it not continue longer than 4 or 5 weeks, as is expected. It is an old adage, and may be a true one, that 'every evil has its good', but we can't see this connexion here, unless the legislature was wanting to have a place unconnected with the stir and bustle of the world, where they might digest and make laws and regulations for the 'good of their constituents, in peace and quietness; where they might vote as they pleased, and no person know anything about it — just abridge the Journals a little. They have found just such a place we guess as Cowper was wishing for, when he said — 'Oh, for a lodge in some vast wilderness ! Some boundless contiguity of shade.'" And yet Lawrenceburgh was an early bird as compared with Vincennes, for the account of the opening of the session did not get into print there until January 29. But the condi- tions gradually improved, and communication with the outside world became comparatively rapid. On September 8, 1833, the Journal published the advertisements of four lines of stages then in operation from the capital: that of A. L. & W. L. Ross to Brookville, leaving and returning twice a week ; Johnson's two lines of "mail stages" to Lawrenceburgh and Madi- ^Travds in North America, Vol. 3, p. 38(). son, each three times a week; and the line of P. Beers to Dayton, also three times a week. In those days of rapid transit one could go from the capital to the Ohio River, or return, in two days, and there was little improvement on that until the railroad came. Judge C. P. Ferguson, as a small boy, made the trip up from Madison in 1836. His father had been elected to the legislature, and arranged for the boy to go with Judge Dewey from Cliarles- town, by way of JIadison, while he rode through horseback. Says Judge Ferguson: "The pro- gramme was carried out, and the judge and myself took passage on the steamboat Roches- ter, at the Charlestown landing. * * * q^ the boat the judge met several friends, among whom was Randall Crawford, a great lawyer and father of the now distinguished Harr}', who was also on his way to Indianapolis. At ]\radison we three took lodgings at Pugh's Hotel and occupied the same room. Next morn- ing, before it was light, the stage drove up to the door agd we got in, after which the driver picked up a few passengers at private residences, one of whom, upon entering was addressed as judge, and I got to learn that he was Stephen C. Stevens, who had been a sii- jireme judge, and, having resigned. Judge Dewey had been appointed to fill his place. "From Madison to Columbus made one day's journey, and there we expected to meet an Indianapolis stage, that would take us on. We passed the night at the Jones hotel, and the Indianapolis stage failing to meet us, a pri- vate conveyance was provided— a common farm wagon — and in that way we were sent on to Franklin. At Franklin, late in the next morn- ing, the stage was on hand ready to take us im. It was not a coach, but a large, covered spring wagon, drawn by four horses. Getting so late a start, we trudged the balance of the day and into the night through mud and chuck-holes and over corduroy roads. * * * A little after dark on this last day's journey, while perched upon my seat, drowsy and worn- out, Mr. Crawford aroused me and said, in his ]ieculiar tone of voice, which those who knew liirn will recollect, "Now you can see the lights of Injprtnapolis'', and shortly afterward?; we were in the town. What a contrast with the present! There were no brilliant lights, no jingling of bells and shrieking of whistles; no yelling of the names of different hotels, but in darkness and quiet the stage drew up in HISTORY OF GREATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. 81 front of tlie ilansion lloust', kopt by Bai^il ]5ro\vn, and there emerged therefrom and en- tered the hotel, eohl and tired — a supreme judge, an ex-supreme judge, a great lawyer, anil a little countrv boy.'" " 'J'he coniiiifT of the capital did not have any immediate and marked effect on the fortunes of the town. There was no boom in town lots, and no rapid increase of population, though there was a general stiffening of prices and a feeling of stal)ility that had formerly been wanting. The condition was cjuite similar to that of a college town. The sessions, which were then annual, brought a nundjer of people to town, and business of all kinds livened up. Considerable money was put in circulation, and very soon the session marked the common fiscal year. People made bills payable when the legislature was in session, and there was a general settlement of accounts at that time. But the most notable effect was social. There were usually a number of persons of more or less prominence here besides the legislators, and a great many families took one or more boarders in their liomes. In anticipation of the coming, a number of young men of the place met at the Land Office one evening in the Tall of 1824 and organized the Indianapolis Legislature, with jurisdiction over all known subjects, and especially over such as came be- fore the real legislature. Among the early members were William Quarles, Dr. K. A. Scudder, Austin W. Morris, John Frazee, Is- rael Griffith, Alexander W. Russell, William Xew, Joseph K. Fvooney, Douglass ^laguire, John Cain, Jose|)h M. Moore, Thomas H. Sharpe, Thomas A. ^[orris, William 1'. Br\ant, Xewton S. Ileylin, Andrew W. Ingram. Hugh CXeal, George W. Kindierly, r.enjamin S. Xoble, Fahiu.s ^1. Finch, Simon ^'an(les. and Xathaniel P. Bolton. Benjamin I. Blythe, who had been a mend)er of the legislature from Dearborn County, was chosen the first speaker, and the organization was launched. It was popular from the lirst. and soon many other young men joined, and also a num- ber of the older citizens, including Judge Wick, Tliram Brown, Morris ^Forris, Calvin Fletcher, and later Governor Xoble and General Hanna. It held its sessions in the senate chamber of the old court house, on Salurdav ni"lits. ami during the sessions was very generally attended l)y the members of the state legislature. Much interest was taken in the discussions, and it is said that many of the ]n-oblenis of the real leg- islature were settled by its debates. The ladies of the town were quite regular attendants, and were always welcomed. This organization met weekly, winter and summer, for over ten years, and was a source of both amusement and education to the community. It elected a governor at intervals, and his "message" was always an elaborate, and often humorous docu- ment, which was generally printed by the local jiapers. But according to ^Ir. Bolton the legislative inffuence was still more extensive, for he says: "After the removal of the seat of government to Indianapolis, the social intercourse of the ))eople seemed to partake more or less of a legislative character, particularly amongst the young of both sexes. At a wedding party a society was instituted, consisting of young la- dies and gentlemen, on the legislative prin- ciple ; yet not quite so democratic, in one of its departments, as that of our state government. The aristocratic branch consisted of four young ladies, who constituted a council, or board of directors, having a strong veto power on all matters brought before the society. The other branch was purely democratic, and consisted of ladies and gentlemen. The subjects brought before the society were generally such as tended to matrimony. There was a marshal or sergeant-at-arms ap- i)ointed, whose special business it was to carry out the decrees of the council or board of di- rectors. James Blake, the Indianapidis mar- shal of thirty years standing, was first elected. Moonlight excursions on a large ferry boat on the river were projected; and the society, on fine evenings, would proceed to the boat, where, l)y the light of the soft silver moon, as nur bark floated over the waters, to the sound nf sweet music, many a tale of love was told. .V grave charge was made against several of the lirst directory of ladies, who instead of atteml- ing to the interests of the society at large, were file first to form matrimonial alliances for themselves. When their wedding jiarties cauK! on, these charges were a source nl' much amusc- nienf'.'" "hid. lllsl. Snr. I'lihs.. \n\. Vol. 1—6 1' "•/■«(/. Hist. Sor. Pi(h.<.. Vdl. 1, |i. 1 CHAPTER IX. Till-: MolIAh FOUXDATION". In its beginnings Indianiipolis had most of the characteristics of an American frontier settlement, varied by the fact that it was not on any line of travel. They were not so marked as usual in the matter of lawlessness, as has been noted, and they were more marked than usual in the physical conditions and the social relations because the place was isolated — set down in the primeval forest, with almost no roads, and very limited waterways. The settlers were thrown on their own resources for almost everything, and there was a very slow advance towards those social distinctions that are found in older communities. There was practically no help to hire — the only way to get it was to get into troul:)le and trust to sympathy. People did their own work when jjossible, and helped each other when necessary or mutually desirable. The following entries from the diary of Mrs. Calvin Fletcher in 1821, will illustrate the condition: "November 5, 1821. Mr. Fletcher has been helping ]\Ir. Blake husk corn." (Mr. Blake — James — (jwned the house in which the Fletchers lived, and boarded with them.) '•December T. We killed a l)eef. Mr. Paxton and Mr. Blake hei])ed to butcher it." "November 22, 1821, 1 spun some candle wicking." "November 24, 1821, Mrs. Nowland was making a bonnet. She came to me to know whether I could make it. I did not understand it, but gave her all tlie instruction I possibly could.'" There are nu- merous references in this journal to visits, small dinner parties, teas, quiltings, etc., and evidence that general fellowship and good feel- ing pervaded the community. And the first settlers evidently nuide the most of their lim- ited opportunities for amusement. On Decem- ber 2?, 1821, Mrs. Fletcher notes the return of Mr. P)lakc fi'iim ('(irvdoii, and sa\s. "Mr. F. has gone to see him, and when 1 write a few more lines I will go also, although 1 feel very much fatigued, for it is a long time since I have heard the fiddle played. (Mr. Blake was a performer.) I thiidv it will seem very melodious, and I am just about to start to hear it"". A few days later she writes: "I visited ilrs. Nowland, and Mr. Russell played a few tunes on the fiddle, and we also danced a few reels'". The crowning dissipation of the sec- ond year was the New Years ball at Wyant's tavern, which may be regarded as the opening of "society" in Indianapolis. They had writ- ten invitations, the following one being pre- served : "The company of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher is requested to a party at J. Wyant's, Tuesday the 1st of January, 1822, at 3 o'clock p. m. Indianapolis, December 28th, 1821. Managers, A. W. Russell, K. A. 8cudder.'" Calvin Fletcher records in his diarv for New Years 1822, "About 3 of the clock, "Mr. Hog- den called with a carriage and carried Mrs. F. and myself to Mr. Wyant's, on the river, where we met about twenty couple. We enjoyed our- selves very much and returned about twelve, and not fatigued"".' ilrs. Martin — daughter nf (ieorge Smith, the first iniblisher — then thirteen vears of age, also went to this iiall in Ilogdcn's "carriage"", which she describes as "a great lumbering thing" similar to the "mud wagons"' that were used iii stage-coach days \\hen an or- dinary stage could not navigate the flooded roads. The refreshments were elaborate. Rev. J. C. Fletcher records Mrs. Martin's account Wars. April 12. is:!l. 82 TFISTOKY OF GHKATKr! TXDTAXAPOLTS. 83 a w oo \=> 1-^ o ^ X = -^ H S " < "" K -^ fc c5 H cc "^ Ed C Q c OJ O 1 O 1 d w <»: Q a ; c^ o X c y. — o 2 ^ rt pi Cd "a* H H X < rt Cl, S 84 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. of them tliiiii: "Aofording to Mrs. Martin there was in the great open fire place an im- mense kettle or cauldron, which contained no less than sixteen gallons of coffee; and there were pans, skillets and other cooking and bak- ing vessels, in which were biscuits, sweet bread, ginger bread, and that best of all cakes which is a lost art among the modems. I refer to the real, old-fashioned pound cake, which has given way to a lot of insipid and indigestible sweetnesses under the names of marble, cocoa- nut, chocolate, mountain and icing cakes, to say nothing of ribbon, fig and I do not loiow how many other combinations of cakes. That Xew Year's party was composed of every grade in society, so that the candidates had an ex- cellent opportunity to see the people, for mv father told me that invitations were extended to everybodv. froni the Helvey neighborhood on the school section down to the humblest in- habitant of the meanest log cabin nn the dona- tion."" - There was dancing as well as eating. The music was furnished by Col. Alexander W. Russell, who enjoyed the distinction of coming to Indianapolis on the first keel boat that came up this far, in May. 1821. He was also a brother of John W. Russell, the steam- boat ca]itain. celebrated in Western annals for an achievement at Xatchez. One of his passengers had been robbed in one of the gam- bling dens that lined the river. Russell de- manded the return of the money: and when re- fused had a gang of hands fasten a hawser around the house, and started the boat. The ganil)lers tossed the poeket-book out of tl^o win- dow, and cried "enough". Alexander W. was a TCentuckian. notable later as county sheriff, militia officer, merchant and postmaster. He was a "fiddler"" of note, and was in demand at all of the early entertainments. On this oc- casion, under his inspiring strains 'Mattbias R. Xowland invited ^frs. Wyant to open the dance with him. Others followed, and all was goins merry as a wedding bell when Mr. Wyant en- tered and ordered the music to stop. Accord- ing to J. H. B. Rowland: "Mr. Wyant said that 'as far as himself and his wife were con- cerned, they were capable of and able to do their own dancing, and that he thought it would look better for every man to dance with his own wife; those that had no wife could dance with the gals'". This order, as far as Mr. and ilrs. Wyant were concerned, was strictly adhered to and faithfully carried out the bal- ance of the night. ■■ •' Tliis numifestation of re- ligious or moral scruples on the ]>art of the tav- ern keeper was characteristic of the time. ^Ir. Fletcher records: "On December ;?!, 1823, visit- ed, or rather attended, a theatrical performance at Thomas Carter"s tavern. The jierformers were Jfr. and ilrs. Smith purporting to be directly from the Xew York theaters. They both were not less than 50 years of age, representing the ■Jealous Lovers' and 'Lord What a Snow Storm in May and June". Admittance 2.5 cents. No music at first; fiddle strings broke. Russell and Bolton were requested by our host. Thomas Carter, to play nothing but 'note tunes or ]>salms" as he called them." Carter, who was a strict Baptist, always insisted on this form of ])ropriety in his house, and Xowland records a similar instance in the winter of 1825-(3. in which a ilr. Crampton was the trou]je and Bill Bagwell was the orchestra.* Just who "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"", the first players, were, is not known. Their entertain- ment was exactly like those given by "Old Sol Smith"" — uncle of Sol Smith Russell, and a theatrical pioneer of the Ohio valley — and liis wife, when "touring the provinces", and they were at a Cincinnati theater that winter, but they were much under fifty years of age then, and Smith makes no mention of any visit to Indianapolis in his reminiscences. Crampton was a well-known player in the west, and Smith mentions playing with him elsewhere.' Whoever they were, they seem to have done well, for they came back the following sum- mer, when they made the awful mistake of ad- vertising in the Gazette, and not in the Censor, and on June 22, the Censor observed: "Mr. and Mrs. Smith whose performances were treated with so much contempt and ridicule last winter, arrived in town a few days ago, and c(mimenced their performance last night, with what cjicouragement we have not yet been informed. We have not the same objection which exists in the minds of many people -Neirs. A]iril 2n. 1S?0. ^liniiiitiscenci'x. p. 12S. 'nrmiilisci'iicrs. p. Gfi. ''7'lii'iilrirnl 'Mannfjcmnit in Soiilli fur Thirl 1/ Yrar^. N". Y., ////' Wi'sl iind.i 1 SiiS. ', IsroiiV OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 85 ngaiii?t the ])frlormaiiLe, by regular and re- speetaljle companies, ol' tragedies and eoniedies; but the eneouragenuMit of thin conipanij, whose exhibitions we understand (for we have never witnesseil them ) alt'ord neither instruction nor rational entertainment, would be a reproach upon our understandings, and would evince a want of taste and discrimination in our citizens, which we are proud to believe does not exist." This seems to have reached the public con- science, for, on June 29, the Censor said: '"Mr. Smith and his cotnitamj, we understand, have absconded, without taking from us any of our cash." Bolton also attended the first Smith entertainment, and says "a musical so- ciety had just been established, of which I was a member, whicli was invited to be pres- ent", lie puts Smith's age at 55, and Mrs. Smith's at (iO, and states that the latter, in addition to the plays, sang the Star Spangled Banner, and danced "a Imrnpipe, Ijlindfolded, amongst eggs"." Indianapolis was unquestionably more moral and religious than the average frontier town, and presumably so because it was out of the line of travel, and because there was nothing here for some years to attract the vicious or even the speculative element. There was quite an influx of si)eculators at the sale of lots in October, 1821, but that was of short duration, and as the town gave no evidence of becoming a "boom town", and had nothing to make it such, the speculative element sought other fielils. and the town was left to those who had come to make homes. These were naturally sober-minded, and mostly religious people: and there were religious meetings held in the cabins of the settlers by representatives of all the leading sects long before any of them could afford a meeting-house. There is some ques- tion as to who ])reached the fir.«t sermon here, .some claiming the record for Rev. Resin Ham- mond, of Charlestown, a ^lethodist. who preached at Isaac Wilson's cabin in the spring of 1K21. and some for Rev. John ^IcClung, a "New Light"' who addresseil an open-air mecl- ■/»-'/. Il'isl. Soc. Fub.i., Vol. 1. p. 107. ' '•N'l'W light" is a rather indefinite term. At ill'' time of the founding of Indianapolis it was nifpsl commonly applied in the West to the fol- lowers of Barton W. Stone, of Kentuckv. Their tcMcIs wei-e almost the same as those of llu' fol- ing about the same time, with the probabilities favoring JlcClung. He was at least the first preacher who settled liere, locating on Fall Creek, not far from the present State Fair Grounds, where he died on August 18, 1823. He was originally a Presbyterian, but joined the re- form movement, and for seventeen years was one of their most active preachers in the Ohio Val- ley. His obituary sketch says: "About two years ago he moved to this, then commencing .settle- ment, and continued to preach to verv general acceptance until about the 1st of April last, when he called together the church he had formed, and informed them that having, after careful and prayerful examination, become sat- isfied that the distinguishing doctrines of the society were not scriptural, it became liis duty as an honest man to withdraw his member- ship from the church. * * * por his labors in our infancy as a settlement, and be- fore any other regular preaching was estab- lished in this place, we are under much obli- gation." » Some doubts as to points of doctrine prevented his joining any other church until a short time before his death, when he returned to the Presbyterian fold. Rev. Resin Hammond was only a visitor, but in the summer of 1821 the :\Iet'hodists formed a class which met at Isaac Wilson's, and which was the nucleus of the first church. In the fall of 1821 Rev. Wm. (.'ravens was sent here by the i\Iissouri Conference, in which Indiana was then located, to organize a circuit, and In- dianapolis was made a station in his circuit for the year following. Ci'avens was a forcible speaker, with special antiiiathy to slavery and to the sale or use of intoxicating liquors, and he preached at them straiglit and hard." \Wv. James Scott, a Methodist minister, located here on November 28, 1822, being in charge of a cir- cuit that included the northern part of ^Marion, with Hamilton and Madison counties; though he was in charge of tlie camp-meeting held here in September, 1822, and performed various lowers of Alexander Campbell, but udl (piite sd damp — they did not consider innuersion es.sen- tial. ]\[ost of the two sects united in IS.IS, and "New Light" and "Campbellife" came In he nearly synonymous. 'Wexterii Censor. .Vugust 2.'), 1823. '•'nollidui/s Indiana ^fefhodlsm. p. 58; Smith's Indiana Miscelianif. p. 1(10. 86 11IST(»1;V OF (iHEATEE INDIAXAPOLIS. iiiinistfi-ial fuiittious; at a latiT date."' The Jlctliodists did not iindei'tako to maintain a meeting-house until ISS."), when they located in a log building on the south side of ilarvland street, west of Meridian, which they occupied for four years. The McCormicks, the first permanent set- tlers, were Baptists, and others soon followed. There were some religious meetings at private houses and in 18"22 the Baptists formed the first church organization at this point. The original minutes of the church, which are pre- served, show that a preliminary meeting was held at the school house, at the point between Kentucky avenue and Illinois street in August, and it was decided to organize on September 22. Samuel McC'ormick was directed to write to Lick Creek and Franklin churches, and John W. Reding to Little Flat Rock and Little Cedar Grove churches for "helj)s"" in organiza- tion. On the appointed day Elder Tyner from Little Cedar Grove appeared as a help, and, letters having been presented by Benjamin Barnes, Jeremiah Johnson, Thomas Carter, Otis Hobart, John Hobart, Theodore Y. Denny, John McCormick. Samuel McCormick, John Thompson, William Dodd, Jane Johnson, Xancy Carter, Nancy Thompson, Elizabeth McCormick and Polly Carter, it was decided to adjourn to October 10. On that day the parties assembled, with John W. Reding and Hannah Skinner added, and Benjamin Barnes was selected to speak for the members. "Brother Tyner went into an examination, and finding the members sound in the faith, pro- nounced them a regular Baptist church, and directed them to go into business"'. In Janu- ary, 1823, arrangements were made to secure the school house for meetings, and in June an agreement was made with Benjamin Barnes to preach once a month for the remainder of the year. In the spring of 1825 ^lajor Chinn invited the church to \ise his house, on the north side of Maryland, between Meridian and Illinois, for regular meetings, which was ac- cepted. In June. 1825, the church purchased of William Wilmuth lot 2 in square 60. where the Hebrew Synagogue on East Market street now stands, and meetings were held in a log house that stood on it, whicli was rented for a school house on week days. In 1829 the church purchased a lot on the southwest corner of ^[eridian and Maryland streets, and erected its first regular meeting-house there. The first Presbyterian who preached here was Rev. Ludwell G. Gaines, of Ohio, a mis- sionary of the General Assembly who held an open air meeting in August, 1821. Rev. David C. Proctor, under the direction of the Connec- ticut Missionary Society, visited Indianapolis for about a week in May, 1822. In February, 1822, Dr. Isaac Coe organized a bible class, and in the fall of that year arrangements were made with ]\[r. Proctor to preach three-fourths of his time at Indianapolis for the year begin- "See Gazette. June 15, 1824; Western Cen- sor. March 15. :\ray 24. September 14. 1824. FIRST PRESBYTERI.A.X CHURCH AND SCHOOL ERECTED. (From an olc! cut.) ning October 1, 1822. the other one-fourth be- ing given to the church at Bloomington. In the spring of 182:5 a subscription was made for a meeting-house, the first in Indianapolis, which was begim in May and completed in Julv. A formal church ortranization was made on July 5. 1823. at Caleb Scudder"s caiiinet shop. Rev. Isaac Reed, who preached at Xew Albany, and made occasional missionary tours into the back settlements, writes: "My first visit to Indianapolis was through many perils of waters by the way, in company with ilr. Proctor, the 3rd of .July. On the afternoon of the 4th. 1 ]ireached to the Presbyterian friends at ;i cal)in('t maker's sliop : and at the lllsroK'Y OF CliKATKi;, I M )1.\ \ Al'Ol.lS. same place, on iliu morning of thu .Jtli, I preached as moderator in the formation of the cliun-li of Indianapolis. The same day two other ministers arrived. The next day was the Sabbath, and there were four ministers with this new formed cluireh. The chureh was or- ganized with fifteen members. Dr. Isaac Coe and t'aleb Seudder were elected elders. A church edifice had been begun in ^lay before the organization of the church, and was so far completed that it was occupied at the sacra- ment of the I.i()rd"s Supper on the Sal)bath, the next day after the organization of the church." The early religious meetings, especially where there was preaching, were generally at- tended, without regard to denomination. Among the notes in Mrs. Fletclier's diary for her first year here are the following: "Sun- day, November 18, 1821. 1 attended prayer meeting at Mr. Ste])hens"." "Sunday. Novem- ber 2'}, 1821, 1 attended in'caching at Mr. Haw- kins' when! 1 heard a very good sermon by a Newlight minister."' "Sunday, December 30, 1821, 1 heard a sermon delivered by a Newlight minister which I did not think commendable, but w^e must allow for it as it has not been but about three months since he began to speak in public." ■^'Sunday, jWay 12, 1822, I attended jireaching at tiie (Jovernor's circle, it was the first sermon ever delivered at that |dace. Kev. ^^r. Proctor took his text from the :iOth chap- ter of Proverbs and 17tli verse. * * * '['],g preacher is a Presbyterian and a very good orator. He will speak again on Tuesday p. ni." "Tuesday, 14th. In the morning it rained, and in the afternoon was clear b\it muddy. Mr. F. attended preaching at the school house." "Sunday, !lth .luiie. Mrs. Wick and I attended Jfethodist preaching.'" "Sunday, l()th June, 1822. Mr. lUake went to Sabbath School." •'Sunday, 12th duly. This day attended Bap- tist preaching at the school house." In Se\> lemlier, 1822, is the note: "Camp meeting com- menced the l.'itb of Septendier and lield four days." The Sabbath school to which Mi-. Pilake went nn dune lO, 1822, was presumably Dr. Coe's bible class, for there is no record of any Sab- bath sdiool here until the union school was organized the next spring at Caleb Scudder's cabinet shop. Mrs. Fletcher w-rites of it: "April (i. 182.'i. Our school commenced, which I hope will be (d" .i;n'Mt benefit to the children of our town." This school organization was named the Indianapolis Sabbath School Union, and included all denominations as well as non- church members. James .\1. Kay, the first su- perintendent, and James Blake, orre of the active workers, were not then church members. Among the ,teachers were Caleb Seudder, Doug- lass JIaguire, Henry Bradley, B. F. Morris, Dr. Dunlap, the Mis.«es Coe, Mrs. Morris, Miss .McDougall, Mrs. Seudder, and ^Irs. Paxton. It followed the general plan of the American Sabbath School I'nion, and served a valuable educational purpose aside from the religious instruction. The school was divided into four "classes", or as they would now be called "grades", and each class was divided into "sections"' corresponding to modern "classes"'. Those of the first class studied the scriptures direct; the second memorized hymns, cate- chisms, etc.; the third included "those who spell in two or more syllables, and the fourth those who are learning tlie aljihabct anil mono- syllables"'. In August, 1826, the Indiana Sab- bath School Union was organized at Indian- apolis, and at its first annual meeting, August 3-6, 1827, elaborate directions for Sabbath School organization were issued, based on the work of the Indianapolis school, of which the following extract will give a comprehensive idea: "The first class should memorize Mat- thew, begiiining at the 2d chapter, John, Acts and Eomans. A selection, as given in the ap- pendix, from Genesis, Ivxodus and Deuteron- omy, with such other parts of scripture or cate- chisms as may be thought advisable. The sec- ond class should memorize catechisms and liymns — those published by the .\merican Sun- day School Fnion are prepari'd by a committee consisting of the principal religious denomina- tions in the I'nited States, and contain no doctrines in which all do not unite. In the Indianapolis school, Watts' First Catechism, Milk for Babes, Watts' Divine and Moral Songs. Doddi'idges P(x>tical Lessons, and Tav- lor's Original Hynms are learned in course, before commencing the Testament. The third class should use some spelling book. And the fourth class some spelling book or primer con- taining the alphabet and words of one syllable; and both classes should memorize their spelling lessons, 'i'hc Sunday School Spelling Rook and I'liion Primer were designed for these classes, but inii,dit, the (■iiMiniitt<'e believe, be S8 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. still better titled for the object they are in- tended to accomplish, particularly the last, — the vocabulary of monosyllables in Webster's spelling book appears better calculated, they believe, to advance the young beginner." The memorizing was the chief feature of the worlc, and to encourage it the distribution of liooks from the Sunday School library was made dependent on it. The library was com- l)osed chiefly of publications of the national Union, and of these three depositories were established in the state, at Madison, New Albany and Indianapolis. Any school joining the Union, and paying one dollar, could obtain these books at cost ; to others an advance of fifteen per cent, was charged. The books were classified by price, and the pupil could "draw a book from the library of the value of four times as many cents as the average lesson as- signed by the religious instructor to the class consists of verses, or their equivalents, which book may be kept one week and no longer". For "every dirt or grease spot, turned down or torn leaf, or week over-kept" there was a fine of from one to seven cents, according to the value of the book, which was to be paid in money or memorizing. The class record was devoted to this matter of memorizing, as ap- pears from the following model prepared and circulated bv the Union: "TEACHER'S CLASS BOOK Male. — Peter Punctual, Teacher. 1st Class. 1st Section. Ma.v B. 13. C V M C V M Israel Industry 23 SO .iO 24 41 50 Solomon Steady 20 1 50 21 17 40 Simon Sober 19 1 50 20 21 50 Abraham Active 10 23 40 11 21 45 Charles Careless 4 1 20 4 21 15 O stands for chapter. V, verse, where lesson begins. M number of versos memorized." The Sunday School was a success from the start, there being 70 in attendance on the third Sunday. On April 23, the Censor said: "It is highly flattering to witness the success that has attended the formation of the Sunday School in this town. The exertions of the Directory and Superintendent have produced the most flattering prospects. The school on the two last Sabbaths was numerously at- tended, and the order and harmony that pre- vailed, considering the inexperience of those engaged in teaching, furnish the strongest proof of the practicability of rendering such establishments emiiK'ntly useful in improving tile condition of the rising generation."' The chief promoter of the union Sunday School was Dr. Isaac Coe, who became its "clerk"; but he was warmly seconded by the press" and all public-spirited citizens. The school was dis- continued in the winter months of 1823-4, but was renewed on April 24, 182-1:, and was con- tinuous thereafter, meeting in the Presbyterian church when it was completed. It was the only Sunday School until the spring of 1828, when the ^Methodists organized a separate school, and the Baptists did likewise in 1832. An interesting feature of the early Sunday schools was their participation in the celebra- tion of the Fourth of July, which began in 1828. The glorious Fourth had not been over- looked before that time. Even in 1821 the young people of the place had celebrated by obtaining a keel-boat that had recently come up the river, aud going up to Anderson's spring for a picnic. Anderson's spring is still the finest spring in this vicinity, though it is little known because of its out-of-the-way location. It is at the foot of the bluft' south of Emmer- icli's grove, on the west side of the river, about half way between the Cold Spring and the Emmerichsville bridge. At present it is partly harnessed to a hydraulic ram. and pumps water to a tank in the garden farm of Mrs. Denke just above. It took its name from Thomas Anderson, one of the earliest settlers, who lo- cated at that point. In 1822 the citizens met at Hawkins' tavern on June 17, and made arrangements for a public celebration on the Military Reserve, which then extended south to Washington street as well as including the present Military Park. The celebration opened with a sermon from Rev. John McClung. from the text, '"Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people" ; which was followed by a brief speech and the reading of the Declaration of Independence by Judge Wick, Washington's Inaugural Address by Squire Obed Foote. Washington's Farewell Ad- dress, by John Hawkins, and a prayer and benediction by Rev. Robert Brenton. Then followed a dinner, the central feature of which was a barbecued buck that had been killed the day before by Robert Harding, with patriotic toasts, and an ample supply of the spirit of the maize. The toasts, fourteen in number, were ^Censor, ^lanh l!l and 26. HISTORY OF GEEATKR IXDIAXAPOLIS. 89 written by Calvin Fletcher, the last one being, "Indianapolis, ilay it not prove itself un- worthy the honor the state has conferred upon it by making- it her .-cat of wovcrnnK'nf.'-' .\t night there was a ball at C'nuiibaugbV immtii and justice Aw\>. at the corner of Market and .Mis.-ouri streets.''- In 18-.?3, tbe Cmisur says: "The day was ushered in by the firing of mus- kets and rifles. About ten o'clock, agreeably to a previous notice, the citizens of the town and vicinity assembled in a handsome shade on the town plat, where, after an appropriate prayer by the I?ev. Mr. Proctor, and the read- ing of the Declaration of Independence by D. B. Wick. Esq., an oration was delivered by Jlorris ilorris, Esq., and the services of the occasion -were closed by prayer from the Rev. Jlr. Reid." The dinner was at Wilkes Rca- gans with the customary toasts, and the festivi- ties closed with a ball at the same place. These celebrations increased in splendor as the militarv and civic organizations developed. In 1827 the Journal says: "The day was an- nounced by the discharge of 2-1 rounds of can- non, amid tbe cheers of the citizens. At an early hour, the artillery, commanded by Captain Morris, and the rifle company, commanded by « 'aptain Reding, paraded and placed in front of ilie procession formed by Captain ^IcFarland, who acted as marshal of the day. Then fol- lowed the committee of arrangements, the President and Vice-president, Chaplain and leader of vocal music. Orator and Reader of the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary -oldiers and citizens." This imposing body moved to the court house where a large con- lourse, with many ladies, was waiting. The dinner, at the tavern of Mr. Hays was made memorable by 2-i regular toasts and 18 volun- teers. But in 1828 the procession was more impressive, for "the scholars of our two Sab- bath schools, attended by their superintendents and instructors, together with a large number of ladies from town and country took a con- spicuous part". The services were at the court hou.'^e, and tliere was "music from a select choir of singers, aecompanied by instrumental music from the members of the Indianapolis Han- dolian Society"''. After the services two pro- cessions were formed ; one of the niale patriots to repair to the dinner at the Sugar Grove, '"■Ncirs, June 7, 1879. '■"'See alsi) X(Jirlitiiirs }?cmiiilsrniirs, p. 131. cast of the town, and the otlier of the Sabbath .-cnoot scholars, and ladies "to return to the schools". This innovation gave such general satisfaction that the Sunday schools thence- forward became star attractions, as may be seen from the order of formation in 1829, w-hich the Gazelle gives as follows: 1. Artillery. 2. Ladies and I'emale Teaciiers. o. Four Female Teachers and Bannei' ■1, Female scholars, smallest in front 5. Music. U, Eour Male Teachers and Banner. 7. Male scholars, smallest in front. 8. Two Clergymen, Reader and Orator, 9. Superintendents, Teachers, Etc. 10. Citizens, four abreast. On this occasion the adtlress was liy J udge James Morrison, who gave a history of the Sabbath school movement. At that time he saitl there were 190 on the rolls of the Lnion school, with an average attendance of 110 scholars and 30 teachers; while the Methodist sciiool had 98 scholars and 19 teachers. The work had been prosecuted outside of town till 18 schools had been formed, and the attendance at all the schools in the county was between 1,100 and 1,200. As illustrating their bene- lit he mentioned one locality where there were only 30 children in the day schools, but 90 attended the Sunday school. The jjarticipation of the Sunday schools in the Fourth of July celebrations continued un- til 1857, and as they were shut out of the dinners it became the custom to stay the juve- nile stomachs by a distribution of rusk and water, until home and something more sub- stantial could be reached. And as tiie various denominations formed independent Sunday schools it became the custom for each school to join the procession as a separate organiza- tion. All of the schools joined, with two ex- ceptions. The Episcopalians did not join in this diversion, but just why is not recorded. The Universalists, after a brief and unsuccess- ful ell'ort at organization in the 'iOs, reorgan- ized in 18.53, and maintained a Sunday school, but it always llocked by itself on tlu' Fourth, usually holding a picnic in the woods north of the University, on College avenue, wliich Ovid Butler furnished for tlie occasion. The picnic was the microbe that destroyed the old-time celebration. In early days the tendency of the seeker for recreation was to get out of the !10 IIISTOKV OF (IliKATEU JXDIAXAPOLIS. woods and into town, but as physical conditions clianged this tendency was reversed. Occasion- ally even a Sunday school cut the parade and went to the woods for a picnic. And so it came to pass that the celebration in 1857 was a fizzle. The National Guards had gone to Lexington, Ky., to the laying of the cornerstone of the Henry Clay monument, and had taken the city band with them. The firemen had gone to a picnic near Franklin. Several of the Sunday schools had taken to the woods. The Journal lugubriously observed: "The Sun- day school children made the only display that was made, and even they fell short of their dropped entirely, and the timc-lionored jiaradc, with "Uncle Jmnny" Blakc as marshal, ha.- be- come only a fond memory of the older citizens. Although the Sunday school was organized in large part to supjjly the deficiency of day schools, the early settlers were not unmindful of the latter. In 1821 they got together and ])ut up a log school house on the edge of a large pond that was located at the corner of Kentucky avenue and Washington street, and here Joseph C. Reed was installed as the first riacher.'° Its construction was voluntary, and the school was a "pay school", for there was no otficial school organization as vet. A descHp- THB FIRST SCHOOL HOUSE. KENTUCKY A\^. AND ILLINOIS ST. (From a pencil sketch by James B. Dunlap.) usual numbers and spirit. There was no music in the city, no firemen's parade, no mili- tary displa}", no movement of any kind after an early hour in the morning. The tlnnidering of the cannon, rapidly fired by the Artillery boys, opened the day well, but the promise of a 'good time' was illy fulfilled. The remark was uni- versal that 'so dull a Fourth was never seen'. At night tliere was some compensation for the sleepiness of the day in a profusion of fire- works and bonfires, but that was all."''' In lS.-)8, tlie Fourth came on Sunday, and |)art of the communitv celebrated on Saturday. ]iir1 on Mondav. Thereafter tlie ancient cnstini was *-l()nni(il. .)iil\ is.-,r. tion of this school lio\ise is given in tlie notes left by :Mrs. ^Martin, who, as Miss Betty Smith, (hiughter of George Smith, the pioneer pub- lisher, went to school there at the ago of thir- teen. She says: "The first school house was a cabin with rough-bewinl floor and benches, and a slab of the same kind was fastened to the wall to write on; and back of tliat a log was sawed out, and sticks put in to paste paper on, and the paper was greased to make it light, so we were pretty well fi.xed. We nsed to have sing- ing school of evenings, and prayer meetings, and on Saturday and Sunday the sheep used to occupy our school room in our absence. .\nd ''Bn I iiiliii nil ji ,lis. lllsrolJV t>K (illKA'lEi; IXDI.WAI'OI.IS. 91 how do vou su]ipos(' tlicy got iu? W'ull, Hr'V got in by tliu cliiniiiov. 1 ^^iippor^e you think the fliiiniu'v \va^ not very higli — it was about four feet high, and six feet wide, so you see we could have a good tire." The occupancy by the slieep was not regular, liowever, for the school house was often used for preaching and otlicr meetings. The state law, which was very rudimentary, provided for putting the "school sections" under tlic care of superintendents, leasing them, and applying the returns to the use of schools; but no appointments could be made until after the county commissioners were elected in the following spring; and even then the j)rofits from the school lands were only nominal for several years. Tlie law also provided for the election of school tiustees l)y the ))eople, and gave these trustees power to do almost anything "not inconsistent uiih tlic constitution and the law"" for the "encourage- ment of schools."' Mr. Keed's service was evi- dently acceptable, for he was elected County Recorder the next spring, but that left the school witliout a teacher. A meeting was hehl on June '^0, 1822, and trustees were elected, but the scliool was very irreguhir, on account of the difliculty of getting a teacher. Several are said to have been tried but with -o little satisfaction that not even their names aiv pre- served. But relief was coming from another source. 8avs Kev. J. C. Fletcher: ''Jt is a noted fact that from 1822 to 1S3!> the .Methodists had the liest preaeiiers in Indianapolis and the Presby- terians the best schools.""'" It certainly was a blessing to the community that the first Presby- terian Board of Trustees included those two energetic educational cranks Dr. Isaac Coe as chairman and James Blake as secretary. The new churcli for which subscriptions were taken ill May. lS2.'i, was eom])leted that snniiiier, and it included a school room arranged for use on week days as well as Sundays. On March 1). 1S24, the trustees announced that school woiilil be opened on the first Monday in Ajn-il liy .\li-. and ifrs. Lawrence, who were certified to be f[ualified instructors in "Eeading, Writing, .Vritlimelic. I'jiglish Grammar and Geography"', in addition to which Mrs. T>awrence taught nc'cdlc-work. The tuition was $2 per quarter. and realizing that even this seeming small "'•Xcw.i. .lune 2S, IKTi). charge would be a burden, the trustees sav "It has been a matter of serious solicitude with the Trustees that the school should be of the greatest advantage to tin- public; and believ- ing that many from the largeness of their families, and the difficulties attending a re- moval to a new settlement, are but ill prepared to pay for that schooling they would wish their children to have, and which it is of high im- portance they should enjoy, the board have re- served the privilege of sending six children gratis, and provision will be made by a num- ber of young men and others to pay for the instruction of several more." They also pro- posed to "give one scholar his tuition for giv- ing the signal for school, and making the fire each morning one hour before its opening"'. The Lawrences — Kiee B. and Ann — were very competent teachers, from Xew York origi- nally, but direct from Troy, Ohio. Mr. Brown says they tauglit for a time in the log school house, but if so it was a short time, for they came here in the last of October, 1823. They were Presbyterians, and active workers in the Sunday school as well as the day school. The second cpiarter of this school was an- nounced to open on July 2(5, but Mr. Law- rence fell ill, and died on July 31; and the school, which was continued by Mrs. Lawrence,, ojicned on August 9. The third term opened Xovember 15, and this was the last one adver- tised, but Mrs. Lawrence evidently continued to teach in 182.'j, for a time, for Mrs. Ketcbam describes her attendance there in summer, and her family did not come to Indianapolis until -Xovember, 182-1. There was an interim, how- I'vcr, between her school and that of Ebenc/.i'r Sharpe, her successor, in which Samuel Merrill,. Rev. George Bush, and Mrs. Bush made rec- ords as volunteer teaehei's. On November 7, 1S2G, the trustees announced that Ebenezer Sharpe had begun school, or rather had "opened the Indianapolis .\cademy"', for it was low on a more pretentious basis. There were two assistants. Miss Isabella Sharpe and Thomas H. Sharpe, the latter "then a blonde- haired young gentleman of eighteen", and s(unething of an athlete, for he soon established a reputation as the fastest sprinter in this lo- cality. P^benezer Sharpe was a Marylander, of classical education, who was one of the earlv professors at Transylvania University, at Lex- iiij;ton, Kentucky. He remained tiiere until Ih-. Holly, of Boston, was elected president, when, on account of Dr. Hollv being a I'ni- '.)2 HISTORY OF GllEATER INDIANAPOLIS. tarian, several proiessors, including Mr. Sharpe, resigned. iMr. Sliarpe then established an academy at Paris, Kentucky, from wliich place lie came here. He raised the standard of the school and giaded the rates — •"For spelling and reading per qr., $i.UO. Writing and arithmetic, $2.50. Geography, English grammar, mathematics, the languages and philosophy, $3.00."'" This school gave the first public exhibition at the court house, on October 6, 1827, and so successfully that tlie Journal was moved to re- mark: "The original pieces that were spoken on the occasion were of a charcter well deserv- ing commendation."' And so were those not original, for tradition records that T^om Morris (later General) enacted the part of a miser so well, in his recitation, that old farmer Mc- Dowell, who had the reputation of being "a little near", took offense, and left the room with audible denunciations of the whole per- formance. In fact this may almost be called the beginning of amateur theatricals, for Thomas appeared in costume, with knee- breeches and a wig which he had himself con- structed from cows tails. About 1830 Mr. .Sharpe removed his school to a frame building at the corner of Ohio and Meridian streets, and continued it there until a short time before his death in 1835. The opening of the "old seminary"" in 1834 marked a new epoch in In- dianapolis schools, to be considered later. There were several other private schools in the early period, but little is recorded concerning them. Among the teachers were Messrs. Lambert, Fleming, Bryan, Tufts, Austin W. Morris, Wm. Daily (later president of the state uni- versity), MePherson (who was drowned by Vanblarieum), and •'Seotch'"'" Mayne. The last- named was an eccentric Scotchman, with an un- tiring devotion to snuff and the ferule, both of which went chiefly to the head. As illustrative of the homogeneous character of the settlement prior to the actual coming of the capital, may be mentioned one other dance that occurred towards the close of that period, and which was as celebrated in tradi- tion as the opening ball at Wyant's. In the summer and fall of 1823 James Blake and Samuel Henderson erected a new frame tavern on Washington street where the New York store now stands, and started out as tavern- keepers — just imagine "Uncle Jimmy" Blake taking out a retail liquor license. The new house was christened Washington Hall, and was opened with a ball on Christmas eve, con- cerning which Calvin Fletcher recorded: "De- cember 24. "We this day have had a ball at Keepers Henderson & Blake's. Mr. Foote, Mr. liaiston, Mr. Culbertson, Douglass Maguire and myself were the managers. The day was clear and cold. Our fiarty was attended by about 30 couple. Supper splendid — and every- thing surpassingly agreeable." This ball was fruitful of reminiscences in the old settlers' meetings, and Douglass Jilaguire is authority for the statement that "Mr. Blake did some very good dancing and Mr. Fletcher was the best manager in a ball room that he ever saw.""^ Of course it will be remembered that at this time these gentlemen had not become church members, and it must not be understood that there was no objection to dancing in the com- munity. The Methodists prohibited it at that time, and so did some of the other sects. On January 2(5, 1827, the Presbyterian minutes say : "It having been ascertained that the chil- dren of one of the members of this church have in two cases recently attended a dancing party in this place, resolved thereupon that Jlr. Bush lie requested to visit and converse with, and if necessary admonish that member in the name of the session on the impropriety of her con- duct." On the whole Indianapolis at the time was quite deserving of the following editorial puff which appeared in the Weittcrn Censor of October 10, 1821: "Our town is well supplied with schools and they are beginning to be estab- lished in different parts of the country; we have jDreaching in town every Sabbath, and our society is excellent. The moral and correct de- portment of our citizens is a subject of remark to every observing and intelligent traveler. And here we cannot avoid mentioning as one among the most important of the moral engines in operation for the restraint of vice and the pro- motion of virtue and religion, and as being an ornament to the town, the existence of the In- dianapolis Sabbath School, an institution in the encouragement and support of which all denominations tmite, which is attended by chil- dren of both sexes and all conditions of life, and on the rolls of which there are nearly one liundred scholars." ^'Locomotive, June 14, 1856. CHAPTER X. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOWN. There wns never any approach to general pri- vation and hardship in Indianapolis after the iirst two vears, though there was some incon- venience for a time on account of the isolation of the jilace. The difficulty and expense of transporting goods from the outside operated somewliat like a tariil" tax to stimulate domestic manufacture, but even that condition was im- proved by the gradual improvement of wagon roads. As early as ]\Iay 15, 1839, the editor of the Democrat (Xathaniel Bolton) was in- dulging in reminiscent articles on "Indian- apolis — the past and the present" ; and on that date he said : "We have been assured by several old settlers that our ]iei-sonal friend, the ven- erable Mr. .John ITager. now clerk of the court in Hancock County, frequently brought the latest intelligence from Cincinnati by his ox cart. Mr. Hager is well known here to our old citizens as among the most enterprising, active and industrious of the old pioneers. When an immense and almost trackless forest stretclied over the now Ijcautiful and improved country, Isir. Ilager was busy in the wilderness. It is even now a joli of some diffioilty to haul from Cincinnati with o.xen. even if the road is fine; anyone acquainted with a western wilder- ness can form some faint idea of the task of driving through a roadless, trackless, unin- habited forest, and run the risks necessarily incident to such an undertaking. Old Johnny Hager, who first by his team brought the neees- .sarics of life to the first settlers, is still alive, and long may he live to see the improvements of the country in which he spent the vigor of his life. Yes; seventeen years ago, the inhabi- tants of this part of the country anxiously flocked around the ox-cart of ;Mr. Hager to hear the latest eastern news !" As has been mentioned, the speculative class of the earliest comers did not remain here, there being so little prospect of any speedy ad- vance in real estate that they let their first ]iayments go.* On December 6, 182G, Benjamin I. Blythe, the State Agent, reported that under the relief act of January "^(i of that year, there had been transfers of payments on 25 lots, amounting to $1,857.52, but there had been relinquishments of 99 lots on which $2,619.00 had been paid. But meanwhile the country was steadily settling and improving. On Feb- ruary 20, 1827, comparing the situation with that at the sale of lots in October, 1821, the Journal said : "At that time the whole popu- lation in what was called the Xcw Purchase, embracing all the territory williin 50 miles of this place, was returned Ijy the Marshal at about 1,300. The population within the same bounds must now amount to upwards of 55,- 000 and that of this town to abotit 1,000 souls. There are now 25 brick, GO frame, and about 80 hewn log houses and cabins in town. The ptiljlie liuildings are a Court House GO feet by 45, a .lail, and Meeting Houses, belonging to the Presbyterian. Baptist and ^lethodist so- cieties. The former have a settled preacher and upwards of 30 members in their church. The Baptist church has 3G and the Methodist 93 menii)crs. .\ Sunday school, which all de- nominations join in supporting, has existed without interruption foi- more than five years. The present number of teachers is about 20 and the scholars from HH) to 200. There are weekly schools in which some of the teachers would not disoedit their calling in any part of the Union, and the same niav be said of some of the members of each of the U-arned ]irofes- sion?." These estimates were conservative. The re- [xut of the Sunday School, on .\pril 10, showed 93 D4 IIIS'IOKV OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 4 superintendents, 8 religious instructors, 31 teachers and 188 scholars on the books, with an average attendance of 150. The census taken by the Sunday School visitors on Xovem- ber 27 and .28, showed a total population of 1,0(56, composed of white males, 529; white females, 479; colored males, 34; colored fe- males, 24.' The Sunday School work gave espe- cial cause for satisfaction. The Indiana Sab- bath School I'nion had established one of its de- positories of books at this point, and the local school had put in circulation a library of 152 volumes. The children seem to have been quite as well behaved as their elders. One of the teachers testified to the Journal : "I have had under my care for the last six months an aver- age number of between 70 and 80 scholars; in atl that time there has been but one complaint (and that was in the case of a new comer) against any of those children for profanity or ([uarreling. Not even a pane of glass has been Ijroken in the school room, though frequently a large part of the scholars spend their inter- mission time there.""- The women had organ- ized a Female Bilde Society on April 18, 1825, and in its second year they distributed gratui- Kmsly 50 testaments and 7 bibles, besides sell- ing 69 testaments and li bibles. The men fol- lowed by organizing the Clarion County Bil)ic Society on November 13, 1825. They did not a])]iarentlv secure so great results, but they were xcrv strong on reports and resolutions.'' Tiie Imiianapolis Tract Society was also organized in the spring of 1825, and maintained a useful existence for many years. But while moral conditions were excellent, the Journal, which already leaned to ''the .Vmerican system" of tariff, lamented the large importation of merchandise. On October 2, 1827, it stated that it had been making inves- tigations of the imports for consumption for the past year, and that, ''witliin the time men- tioned, twelve of our merchants and inn-kec])- ers have purchased f(U' home consumption from manufacturers without the coimty, 76 kegs of tobacco, 213 barrels of whisky. 200 barrels of flour, 100 kegs of powder, and 4,500 lbs. of spun cotton. The first cost of tliese articles must somewhat exceed $5,000, and wlien we ^Journal. Dccemlier 11, 1827. -Jotirnal. April 10. 1827. ■'See Jiiiiriiiil. Novcnilier 21. 1820. add what has been purchased from other sources by individuals for their private use, and what has been paid for cigars, cordage, linseed oil and hats, it is believed that the first cost of the whole will fall but little short of $10,000. Another year will no doubt lessen the importation of some of the articles men- tioned. The wheat crop was good, and it is thought to be nearly sufficient for home con- sumption. At any rate we have been supplied witli flour, with but slight exception, of our own manitfacture, in plenty and of good qual- ity since harvest. The hatting business it is expected will be carried on in future as ex- tensively as our wants require. In this article and that of flour there will be a saving of at, least $3,000. We do not learn that the manu- facture of whisky is increasing. It does not appear that more than 71 barrels of whisky, distilled in this county, have been purchased by our merchants within the year. No attempts have yet been made to manufacture tobacco, powder, linseed oil, cordage or cotton yarn."' Unquestionably this })ublieation was in aid of the steam mill project, the stock for which was being sold at this time, for on November 20 the Journal recapitulated its facts and added: "Some of the articles mentioned, it is believed, will hereafter be furnished by our own workmen, but we can hardly expect in the present age of improvement to be able to com- pete with others without the aid of steam. If no individual has the capital necessary for the purpose, let the united efforts of our citizens provide for the erection of machinery, which would not only relieve us from excessive drains of money, bvit afford employment to the indus- trious of almost every age and capacity." As mentioned elsewhere, the steam mill was duly built, and duly demonstrated that there is no advantage in doing things yourself if you can get someone else to do them cheaper for you — also that cheapness of manufacture depends largely on the anKumt produced and sold, and that involves a market for your surplus, which Indianapolis did not then have. In reality manufactures had been coming about as rapidly as they were profitable. As has been seen, saw and grist mills were early in demand, and were started as soon as possi- ble. Yandes and \\'ilkins o]x'ned their tan- nery in 1823. Israel Phillins and Isaac Lynch Were rival shoemakers in the earlv settlement. IIIS'I'OI.'Y ol' ClIKA'I'F.i; IXDI.WAI'OI.IS. !!.") but LviK-li iiiovfd til ( 'rawl'onlsville in Aiii;u>t, l.s-^i, iiiul lul'I the field to J'liillips for the tune being. Aiidi-e\v Byrne, tlie pioneer tailor, found a eonipetitor in John K. Looney in No- vember, 1853. Caleb Scudder, the first eabinet maker, seems to liave been rivalled only by Fleming T. Ln.se till April, 1824, when Amos Griffith opened a shop ; and in June, 1824, Andrew W. Eeed started another just north of Vandi's and W'ilkins" tannery. John Sliunk the first hatter eanie in 1821, and the ne.xt was Henry Knutt, who opened a shop on West Washington street in the summer of 1824. His coming and advertisement brought Sluink into the ](apers with a statement that he was en- larging his business, and desired those who had owed him "for 1, 2 or 3 years" to pay np. Cliarles J. Hand established his "hat manu- factory" on .Market street in Xovember, 182."). George Jlyers, potter, came in 1821. and opened a pottery, which apparently descended, for in 1824 Abraham Myers advertised that he "continues to carry on the potting business in all its variety on the Kentucky avenue, corner of ^[aryland and Tennessee streets". J. K. Crumbaugh also started a pottery at the ])oint between Kentucky avenue and Hlinois -treet at a very early date, but dropped out of the business, perhaps when he was appointed jus- tice of the peace. On June 1, 1821, Margaret Gibson, who seems to have been the first bii>i- ness wo7nan, outside of the hotel antl boarding- house business, advertised a new pottery at the corner of Ohio and Tennessee streets, stating that she has in her em|)loy J. R. Crumbaugli "who is perfectly master of the business". Mr. Crumbaugli resumed the pottery business nii his own account at the corner of Washington and Kentucky avenue, in .lime, 182(1. William Holmes, who came in tlu' >pring of 1822, is accounteil the first tinner, bill on July 20. 1821, "Abraham Beasly, Tinker", advertised that be had "returne(l from Cincinnati with Ihe neces- sary molds for casting ]iewt('r |ilates jind spoons according to the latest fashions", and that he Would ••attend trt mending old vessels in its varioii- branches" at hi.- .-hop on Wnshingtoii street ■"iicarlv opposite the state biiuse sciiun'e". Gi-orge Pogue. the first blacksmith, had hardly disappeared when John Vanblariciiin took his place, and was the local ^'ulcan for a year or two. when t'apt. Klani S. I'^recman opened a shop. In the fall of 1824 Tetir Har- miinson announced that he woubl serve as t)lacksmitli in Freeman's old shop, •"on Wash- ington street opposite the mouth of Kentucky avenue". There appears to have been no per- manent gunsmith here until Samuel Beck came in 1833. He was emphatically llie gunsmith of the place, for the next half century, though his brother Christian divided the business with him part of the time, and there were occasional lesser rivals. On March 22, 1825, John Van- blarieum advertised that he had "employed a first rate gunsmith for a few days"' and advised those who wanted guns mended to hasten in. The Davis brothers were very early chair- makers, and Samuel S. Hooker, the first house and sign jjainter also manufactured "Windsor chairs". On September 27, 1825, J. W. Davis announced the opening of his saddle shop ; and on the same date John Foster, blacksmith, announced that he would "make first rate Cas- teel Axes for $2.50" and edged tools of every description, ploughs, hoes, etc., to order, at his shop on Pennsylvania street, south of Wash- ington. It is sometimes said that Humphrey (Jriffith was the first clockmaker, but his first advertisement appeared on January 20. 1836, reading, "having opened a shop in the al)ove line on Washington street, opposite the Wash- ington Hall''. This was preceded nearly a year by the advertisement of John Ambrozene, on February 15, 1825, announcing his location at the northeast corner of Washington and .Meridian, in the business of watch and clock repairing. Mr. Brown says that i[rs. Matilda Sharpe, who came in October, 1827, and opened a millinery establishment at "^[r. E. Sharpe's, Meridian street, north of the Governor's Cir- rh'". was the ])ioneer in that line.'' but four iniinlhs earlier Miss Marietta Cobb (late of N'ew York) milliner and inantiia maker. aniKiuiucd her loiation '•at the I'i'sidciu-e of .Samiii'l (InhK- hiTi-\ (in I'ennsyh aiiia street nearly uppn-iir the Presbyterian church", where she pm- po.^ed to '•make and n pair I'onnel- and Dresses", and attend in ■■mn-t other drsciip- tions of neeiUe work".' Licpiid inanul'actui'es uii-c not overlooked. A distillery was erected on tlu' bayou west of the river soon after Yaiides and Wilson's «aw mill, and it furnisheil the communitv with a ■•//('.v/. (if I iiJdnii /lulls, p. III. '■(luzcllr. .luiir r.i. 1S2:. 96 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. whisky commonly known as "Bayou Blue", of whose strength no complaint is handed down. This institution furnished the "71 barrels" mentioned by the Journal. There was no brewery here until 1834, when John L. Young and William Wernwag, contractor for the Xa- tional Road Iiridge opened a small one on the south side of Maryland street between Mis- souri and West. Strange as it may seem, it was preceded by the first soda fountain, which was opened on July 2, 1831, at Dunlap & Mc- Dougal's drug store, and was largely patron- ized. In fact Indianapolis was getting into the dissipation belt. ^lacomber's animal show reached the place in July, 1830, and another in August, the latter having a "real Bactrian or two-humped camel" and a "rompo, an an- imal similar to the hj^ena". The second show was a dangerous approach to a circus, for it announced that "Captain Dick and his Shetland pony will perform many pleasing feats of horsemanship." A cow and calf elephant were with us at Henderson's tavern on August 12, 1831. But the genuine circus did not come until August, 1833, and then it stayed three days. It was Brown & Bailey's and in addi- tion to the circus it had an extensive menagerie, including the first kangaroo that ever invaded the Xew Purchase. From the earliest settlement there was an effort to put agriculture not only on a paving basis but on a pleasing basis, so far as prod- ucts were concerned, by improving qualitv and seeking variety. Dr. Coe was one of the prac- tical leaders. He had a garden-patch in Fall Creek bottom near Patterson's mill, and in 1821 he raised there, on one acre of ground, 12.") bushels of sweet potatoes.'' He also gave attention to the cultivation of Irish potatoes, and on ^^larch 22, 1824, he advertised "several choice kinds of Irish potatoes for sale, consist- ing of Earlv AMiites, Large Red, Long Pole Red, and the Large Early Blue, a verv superior kind. Also a quantity of sweet ])otatoes". Fruit was introduced early. On September 22, 1823. it was announced that "there are upwards of 1,000 thrifty young apple trees at the nurserv on the donation" which could be bousrht at ("ii/. cents each. On February 28, 182(5, .\aron All- dredge, who had a nursery two miles southeast of town, on thi^ Lawrenceburgh road, adver- tised "cultivated"' apple trees at 10 cents ; ■"iial- ural" apple trees at 4 cents, and "cultivated" pears at 121/4 cents, together with quinces, etc. On February 27, 1827, James Givan adver- tised "peach trees for sale at three cents, for Cash, Country Produce, or Labour". Xearlv everybody had a garden, and care was given to the planting, as may be judged from Isaac X. Phipps's advertisement, on March 22, 1825, of "garden seed of various kinds from the Shakers". On September 3, 1825, the Marion County Agricultural Society was organized for the special purpose of encouraging the cultivation of tobacco.^ The members ))ledged themselves each to raise 1,000 potmds of tobacco, cultivate one acre of it, or pay one dollar to the society. The money paid or subscribed was to be divided in premiums, one-half to the person who raised the most merchantable tobacco, one-fourth to the person who raised the most on one acre, and one-fourth to the person who raised the best hogshead. A number of leading citizens took part in the organization, the object being to turn attention to a crop that always had a money value, but the enterprise did not take with the farmers, and practically nothing re- sulted from it. The problem of finding some product besides furs to export was one that at- tracted no little thought, and one of the most in- teresting developments of it was the trade in ginseng. In August, 1825, Henderson and Blake advertised that they would pav (> cents a pound for all the fresh ginseng brought to them. James Blake was the inspirer of the enterjiriso, for be had come here with a suggestion from Philadel- phia friends to look after ginseng for the Clii- nesft trade. It was very common in the woods, and the business developed into one of consid- erable extent, Xicholas ^IcCartv aL^o taking an interest in it. They had a little estaljlishment for cleaning and drying the roots on Delaware street south (if Pogue's Run. A little hoe, com- monly called a "'sang-hoe'', was specially made for digging it and many a farmer's family helped out the familv income by digging gin- seng. The product plaved an important part in the winter of 1828-9. ^Ir. :McCartv had n larsc purchase of goods which he shipped from Phila- delphia to Pittsburg by wagon, expecting to "New ft. ^,\■Au■]\ 29. 1879. '■■Toiirnril. Septcriiber fi. 1825: Gnzette, Sep- tember 13. 1825. HISTORY 01' GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 97 «=1 o s w k ^-. o t-^ cq i oo as o C u o ^ J m H 2 S ^ ca < Q Kl a> •o w to S 0) o > X >*-< w o o ■a c S o C3 ■I-) w E- 1) cc ^ M Q J O W I H Vol. 1—7 98 HISTOKY OF GREATEU IXDIAXAPOLIS. take tlu'iii In- boat from there to Jladisou. Arrived at I'ittsburg they found the Ohio frozen aud navigation closed. It was important that the goods should be in Indianapolis promptly, and Mr. ilcCarty took the alternative of send- ing sixteen loaded Oonestoga wagons through from Pittsburg to Indianapolis, the first and only time such a thing was ever done. The expense would have caused a heavy loss but for one thing, — there was a return load of gin- seng for the wagons, and that made their trip a jirofitable one. The original tobacco agricultural association did not last long, and was criticised while it did last for its restriction to one kind of prod- uct. Xothing further was done until after the state created the State Board of Agriculture by act of February 7, 1835. The first members of the Board were James Blake, John Owens, Larkin Sims and Moses M. Henkle, and on May 22 tliey issued a circular urging the forma- tion of county agricultural societies and the holding of county fairs. Under this law an organization was effected on June 27, with Xa- than B. Palmer as president, Seton W. Norris, vice-president, Douglass ilagiiire, secretary, and Calvin Fletcher, treasurer. There were also two "curators"' appointed for each townshi]). The first fair was held on October 30 and 31, and curiously enough there was not a premium given for any direct agricultural product, though a total of $184 in premiums was paid, of wliicii ^'lO was contributed by the county board. Domestic animals took $13!) of the money, and the rest went to the best pieces of jeans, domestic fiannel. domestic carpeting, and domestic linen, the best ]iair of woolen socks, best home made cheese, best 10 pounds of but- ter, and best gallon of domestic wine. In addi- tion to money premiums a volume of Indiana Aurora was given for the best essay on grasses, and the best essay on the culture of the mul- berry and the production of silk. In 1S3(), agriculture was given more recognition, but on the basis of "tjie best five acres" of corn, wheat, oats and rye, while John Johnson car- ried off prizes for "tlie best cultivated farm"' and as victor in a "i)longhing match". The judges also gave prizes from "the discretionary fund" to ''M. il. Ilcnkle, for beets and car- rots: A. W. ^^orris for vegetable eggs; Rich- ard Williams for mammoth pumpkin, and Hol)- ert ^ritchell for l)eets"". Tlie mulberrv and silkworm seem to have made some progress for three ladies were awarded prizes for "do mestie sewing silk''. These fairs were held for a number of years, and very successfully, but finally succumbed to the competition of the state fair. After the first few years the Indianaiiolis people lived better, so far as eating went, than most of their successors now; or at least had the opportunity to, for choice edibles had no foreign market, and hence were cheap — in fact were home products of most families. Says ilrs. Ketcham : "ililk was plenty : every lady had her own cow or cows, and they were even milked in Washington street. Butter G cts. a pound; eggs 2 cts a dozen. So we had grid- dle cakes taken from the great round griddle before the great fire. There was no soda ; eggs made them light and the baking speedy. Bis- cuit was kneaded a great deal and baked in a hot skillet C|uickly. Waffles ! I can see the long-handled irons thrown into the blazing fire and whirled over so quickly, and out in the same way. Maple syrup was plenty and wild honey. We had good light bread made of hop yeast. Chickens were almost always broiled. It was considered a great thing to have chick- ens and new potatoes on the Fourth of July. Currants and cherries grew speedily till then. We had wild strawberries, raspberries and black- berries. In the fall wild grapes for preserves and jelly, and also wild plums. WTien out in the woods looking for these things, I have been led on by the fragrance of the plum, till walk- ing on the trunk of a huge fallen tree, I put aside with my hands the thicket, and the ground was covered with plums of large size and that peculiar beauty of color they have. White sugar w-as only in the loaf and was 25 cts. a pottnd, so our preserving was done with Xew Orleans sugar. We took extra care and they were real good. ^laple sugar w'as also plenty. * * * Wild turkey and game of all kinds abounded. Fish from White River and Fall Creek. I have never tasted such fried potatoes as my mother's. * * * These good housekeepers talked of the better ways of do- ing things and encouraged one another, and thus learned and taught. I remember how good tlip last roasting ear? tasted just before the frost, and as soon as the corn was at all hard it was grated and made rare mush. The great kettle of Ive hominv looked so good on the trreat KISTOltY OF OliEATER IXDIAXArOIJS. !)!> kitclifii ciane and siiielluil t-o api)elizing as we caiiiL' lioine from .-t-hool. It took tlie best of white Hint corn ; then boiling water was poured over the nicest ashes, and when this was set- tled clear, it was poured on the corn and stood in the isomer of the great fire place till the skin was loosened ; then it was taken to the well, in a tub. was washed with buckets of water till it was white, and then boiled slowly all day; then eaten in milk or fried, as one wished. * * * ''Our smoke-house. P^verybody had one. They were full of ham, pickled pork, bacon, dried beef, corned beef, backbones, spareribs, that were always boiled, unless in pot-pie. Bones, sausage, head-cheese. How handsome the baked pork looked. We had never heard of its not being healthy nor looked out for a head- ache after eating it. Our cellars were full of polatoes, turnips, ca))bage, cucumber pickles, and great jars of preserved fruit. Soon dried fruit grew to be plenty. * * * Deer were plenty. Their steaks were broiled and relieved of dryness by Ix'ing well buttered. .\lso wild turkeys were so aljiindant that William Ander- son l)rought down tiiree at one time with his shot-gun. The breasts of these were fried." Of course it will be remembered that Mrs. Ketcham's father, Samuel Merrill, was fairly well to do, and. what is more important, that her mother was a good housekeeper. She tells of commencement of the jiublic buildings will afford a very strong inducement to the eom|)letion of payments, the jirevention of forfeitures, ami the increase of the means to finish the work." The legis- latcn's, bv meeting here. ac(|uired a personal knowledge of the situation that could not have been gained fniin an\ number of reports, and prom]itly manifested a disposition to ])roniote till' interests of the i-iipital, in a rational way. 101 Their first step was to increase the funds l>y ordering the Agent of State to sell all the re- served lots on Washington street between Merid- ian and New Jersey streets, and a number of others, together with two additional tiers of outlots, one north and one south of the town. He was also instructed to lease the ferry at Washington street for five years, with two acres of land on the east side of the river and one (Ui the west, the lessee to be bound to keep a ferry boat sufficient to carry "a loaded wagon and four horses", and also "a good canoe or skitf. By way of appropriati(Mis, the Agent was directed "to cause to bo cleared out the timber and obstructions in Pogue's IJun, so far as the same is included in the original plat of Indian- apolis,"' at an expense of not over $50. All of our local historians have made this an order to cut the timber in the valley of the run, but it was very i)lainly only a ])lan to promote the How of the stream. The legislature also appro- priated $1,000 "to build on lot number one in square number sixty-eight in Indianapolis, a substantial brick house for the residence of the ti'easurer of state, to contain the offices of the treasurer and auditor, and a (ire-proof vault for the better security of llic funds and rec- ords of the state." This house, the first state building erected in Indianapolis, stood on the southwest comer of Washington street and (Japitol avenue, with the offices on the west side, and the residence on the east and at the rear. ]\Irs. Ketcham says of it : "The house was a two-story brick, two rooms below and two al)ove, with the dining room hack of the office, and kitchen south of it. The front was set square on Washington street, as the houses were then. On Tennessee street (Ca|iitany was formed, which shot as many arms ami legs off the members of the company and innocent tiystanders as any company in the countrv. \MK'n the icijislature convened for the session of 1820, local conditions had not improved much, and the purchasers of lots were in sore straits. Many had purchased more than they were able to pay for, expecting an advance in values that would make the profits on j)art pay for the remainder. Others iiad bougiit at high prices near the State House Square, expecting the new capitol to make their property advance in value, and it had not been built, and was not in immediate prospect. At the time of the sale in 1821 payments could be made in depreciated treasury paper, Ijut now they must be made in specie or its equivalent. In view of the whole situation the legislature adopted the law for the relief of ]nircliasers allowing them to forfeit one lot and apply what had been paid on it to the payment for an- other, provided the other was paid for in full. This proved beneficial both to purchasers and to the state. The only improvement ordered by the legislature of 182() was a contract for a ferry-house with the ferry lessee, Asahel Dunning. It was to Ite a brick building. 18 x3t), and two stories high, the cost not to ex- ceed the rents under the existing lease. It was built that summer, and though partially destroyed l)y fire on November 27, 18-5.5. was repaired, and occupied for some twenty years longer. In 182T the financial conditions were some- what improved, and the legislature was more liberal. It appropriated $,500 for building an office for the Clerk of the Supreme Court on the Court House Square, which was duly erected as heretofore mentioned. It also ap- ]iropriated $4,000 for a mansion for the gov- ernor, on Governor's ('ircle, which was ordered to be enclosed by a rail fence. The contract for this building was let on March IT. to Wm. Smith, Robert Culbertson, Austin Bishop and Wm. Speaks, and it was completed at a cost of $6, .500. It was a large, square, brick building, about 50 feet each way, with two full stories, a basement and an attic The main flixn- was alxiut six feet above the ground, with steps com- ing up to a hall door in the center of each side. From these doors two halls, ten feet wide crossed the floor at right angles, dividing it into four large rooms. The rooms on the sec- ond floor were smaller. It had a pavilion, terrace roof, with a dormer window in the center of each side, and a deck or look-out al)out twel\c feet square. >urr(iuniled l>y a bahistrade. IIISTOIJV OF CKKATKIJ IXDTAVAPOT.TS. 1 o:? The barieiucnt iwims lunc a traditional n'|)ma- tion of bcinj; dark and damp, but tiiat couu's from the memory of boys wlio pliiviMl there after the rooms were iui(H(U|>ied. 'i'luy were apparently eoml'ortaljle enou^li in ordinary use. and were occupied I'or pur]ioses not con- sonant witli dai-i\iu's.s and dampness, such as the Union Literary Society, and Miss 8ar- geantV infant scIukiI. The jiartitions on tlie main fioor were made with slidin"- panels, so that the whole Hoor could he tiirown into one room if desired, and tiiis was doni' for l)alls on a few occasions. It was early seen that the situation was too exjiosed for ordinary resi- dence pur])oses. and the li'.aislaturc of 1828 THE GOVERNORS .MANSION IN THE CIRCLE. (From an oltl cu\.) undertook to rectify this iiy resei-\inj;' lols ', and 8 of scpiare 4G — now covered hy the Hotid Enjr- lisli — for "a garden and stable-lot for the gov- ernor". But none of the governors had any desire to occupy this overgrown structure, anil indeed it was never finished for a i-esidence. iait only for oiricc pur|)oses. .\t the session of IS'.^!) a |)i'o]iiisal \\as nuid' to add wings to tliis building and make it the state house, but this met no favor. This pro- posal is referred to, in a vision of the future. in the "carrier's address" of the diizrllc for •Tanuarv 1, IS'.'i). in these words: "Tlieii I turned nie around, to see what else i could ; .\t the Governor's mansion a crowd met niy eye, < )n ihe lop was ei'ected a .-leepli' of wood. And two wings at the sides, that the (xov'nor might Hy. ■"Hut a wag at my side said Ibis bouse was design'd For the wisdom of state to asscndile to rule; That for flying the (iov'nor was nevci- iiicliiie(l ; 'Twas the State-House, ami I but a pour silly fool." The ■■mansion" wa> uirne(l o\cr titol. The others are all occupied by the ])ublic servants, and the rotunda is the one place where the citizen can feel at home, and glory in the fact that he is one of the masters of all the.se hirelings, and of the building. M such a time a free-born .\.merican must have room to swell, and a dome becomes no less than a necessity. But the building was not so fine as it looked. The foundation was of soft, blue, Bhiff limestone, and the superstructure was partly of brick and partly of lath covered wood- work, all of which was coated with a bastard stucco plaster, and neither plaster nor stone would stand the weather in tiiis climate, or the friendly hammering of admiring visitors. In consequence it did not age well, and before it was replaced it acquired the appearance of a genuine Grecian ruin. In fact it was a judilic di.sgrace for fifteen or twenty years. In 18GT the ceiling of the Heprcsentative hall fell in and made a niagnilicent wreck. The writer, as a juvenile explorer, climbed over the debris and rescued the hands of the clock, which bad l)een smashed in the catastroi)he. They made ideal arrow-heads, in a])[)earance, but they were slioddy, too, and bent uji when they struck anything hard. But with all its dilapidation there was a charm about the old state house that can never be found about its more business-like successor. Indeed there was no suggestion of business about the old state house unless the legislature was in session or a crowd was assembled by some other special event. The State lloitsc Square was originally (piite low. and when the building was erected it was filled to the e.xtent of nine feet, making the central part three or four feet above the street. The newly graded grounds were planted with forest trees wdiieh in due time developed into a pleasant grove, lialf secluded in which was the capitol, quiet and restful. It was a genuine pleasure to stroll in on a warm summer day, up the woi'n steps, past the battered columns of the porticos, into the cool, musty corridor, and then nose around in the State Library and Museum, which was tbe chief attraction of tlie building, and ri- valed the asylums as the chief show place of the city. The first suggestion of a state library was made by the Constitutional Convention of f81(). which recommended the General .Vssem- bly "to appropriate the money voluntarily given by the citizens of Harrison County to the State to the jjurchase of books for a library for the use of the legislature and other officers of the government".- But unfortunately the citizens of Harrison County did not give any money. What they gave was a bond for $1,000 to be paid to the stale when the constitution was adopted — the constitution providing that Corydon, the county seat of Harrison County, should be the seat of government until 1825, and until re- moved by law. But the legislature of 1817 found it necessary to pass a joint resolution that whereas this bond had been "lost or mis- laid", demand should be made on the makers, and uidess thev ])aid suit should be brought.' The report of the Treasurer for 1817 stated that suit had l)een brought and that "when the money was ])aid it would be $1,000".'' and the same in. ISIS,"* but the money lU'ver np]K'arcd in the state's receipts. In his message of 1817 Governor Jennings said: "The commencement of a state library forms a subject of too much interest not to meet your attention", and then h(> dropped the 'Coiiiili/ ('miirs. Uiinnl. .lanuai'V .">. 1S:!2. -Journal ('(iiisl. Coiir., p. (>8. '■Ads of 1S17, p. 252. *nousr Jnitniril. 1817. ]). 28. ■'Ifiinsc ■loiiniiil . p. 7 1. ll)(i HISTORY OF OI.'KA'I'KU INDIAXAPOLIS. uii[)k'as:iiit subjft-t. 'I'lif next iiiontioii was in the message of Uoveriior Hendric-ks, of Janu- ary 10, 1825 : "Among the improvements be- fore alluded to, there is none more deserving of attention than a state library. Many valu- able books already belong to the state, and if some regulations for their use and preservation should be made with only a moderate annual allowance for their increase, they would soon eonstitute a respectable eolleetion." 'J'lie leg- islature was of like mind, and by aet of Felj- ruary 11, 1825, made the Secretary of State the State Librarian and appropriated $50 for the purchase of books, with a continuing ap- propriation dH $30 a year thereafter. 'I'he first librarian's rejiort, made by Secretary \Vm. \\"]ik the year following, stated that he had e.\- ))eii(k'd the $50 for Hume's England, witli Smollet's continuation, Johnson's Lives of tin' rods, and Mavor's Universal Histori/. but some days later he filed a supplemental report saying that he had forgotten to mention that he also purchased The Federalist.'^ The Secivtary of State continued to be ex-officio Librarian until 1841, the library being kept in his of- fice in the Governor's Circle. In that year Sulgrove says: "John Cook, a bustling, log- rolling, pushing little fellow, recently from Ohio, got himself made librarian, and the library was put in the south rooms, west side, of the State House."' There is reason to suspect that Mr. Sulgrove did 7iot admire Librarian Cook. He alluded to him elsewhere as "a recent comer here, a little, conceited, mud-headed, arrogant English- man, who made himself conspicuous as a leader of the Whig singing clubs, and thus commended himself to an office that he was about as well ([ualified for as he was for Mayor of the Xew .lerusaleiu"." Mr. Cook may have got the ap- pointment tlirougli his political vocalization, but he was not responsible for the library legisla- tion of 1841. The man that effected that was Dr. Philip Mason of Fayette County." the most enthusiastic reformer of his day, and lie wa- imi so much interested in the library as he was in the regulation of ]nil)lie busiiu'ss. At that time Tfouse JonriKil. Is2i;. pj). 22, 25.'?. 'Hist. Indianujiolis. p. 5!). "Sentinel. January K!. 1SS7. "Mason's Anlohinfiriijihii. y. Uil : llnnsc .lour val. 1840-1. p. 2;u! the Secretary of State was not oidy keeper of the state library and the legislative jjapers, l)Ut also (d' the furniture not in other state otlic-es, and he was requiri'd to keep "a liranding iron, on which shall be engraved the lioman capital letters P. S. I. (meaning the property of the State of Indiana)'' and with it to lu-and "'all movable wooden furniture". The >tate house was in the custody of the Treasurer of State. Dr. Mason's law provided for a State Librarian, elected by the legislature for three years, at a salary of $300 a year, who should be keeper of the state library, the state house, thf State House Square, and all the furniture of said house which is not in the care or keejiing of any of the public officers of the state ; he was to keep up the fence around the State Hou.se S(piare, and by way of recompense was ■•per- mitted to mow the grass plat and apply the grass to his own tise"; and he was i-eipiired to take over all the business of the .\gent of State for the sale of lots at Indianapolis, and attend to that. In 1843 the care of "the Governors Circle and public buildings thereon" was added to his sinecure.'" Dr. ilason's law made one great advance by making the annual appropriation for books and l)inding $4n(i, but unfortunately that was what it remaineil foi- nearly fifty years. It also .ut there were one or two even worse ones issued in the succeeding decade, and then they stopped. It was more than a relief when Mrs. Oren came into office; it w-as a revolution. She was probably elected because she was a soldier's widow, but she had other qualifica- tions. She had been a successful teacher in the high school, and in addition to educa- tion she had common sense and a good business head that fitted her peculiarly for the some- what complex position. There is no exaggera- tion in the following tribute paid to lier in the Democratic organ fifteen years latn-: "There are many persons living in Indian- apolis who remember the n^forins instituted by Mrs. Oren, the first woman who served as Librarian, not only in the library proper but in the entire state building, of which the Li- brarian has been for many years the legal cus- todian. The whole building was cleaned and disinfected ; chimneys, ventilators and flues which had become stopped up were opened and cleaned; the grimy walls were papered: the steps and pavements of the porches were re- paired to an extent which would permit one to walk over them without becoming seasick; the dilapidated soft-coal stoves were replaced by base-burners ; water pipes were put in : the regimental colors were carefully dusted and bound up; the legislative papers that had not yet been eaten by mice were taken from the musty cupboards and packed in tin boxes. In the library the books were examined volume by volume, and it was ascertained that several hundred listed in the catalogue of 1872 were not in the library. The old records were searched, and a number of these jiiissing vol- umes were recovered from people who had bor- rowed them under the old law and never re- turned them. The duplicates, which had been scattered haphazard through the shelves, were sorted out and placed in a separate room ; ex- changes were made wdtli other libraries by which the collection was increased and many broken sets were filled. The librar)- was re- arranged on the plan of the Boston Public Library, in departments by subjects, and al- phabetically by authors' names. Labels were pasted on the books designating their places in the shelves and ranges. In the purchase of books, which has been the best test of any Librarian's merit, Mrs. Oren displaj'ed the soundest judgment. An examination of her list of purchases will show this, and will show the truth of her statement that 'in the pur- chase of books a careful eye has been had to the needs of the laboring people, who cannot afford to jnirchase costly reference books'. '"- As before mentioned, the "Governor's Man- sion" was never occupied as a residence by any Governor. James Brown Ray, who succeeded when Gov. William Hendricks was elected to the Senate in 1825, and was twice thereafter elected Governor, serving till 1831, lived in his own house. He was at first allowed house rent, but as some criticism was made of it, the salary was increased and declared to cover '-SnilliirJ. .liuiuarv (5. 1887. iiis'i'dK'v ()|- (;i;i:.\rKi; ixdiaxapoijs. 10!> house rt'ut. (iovcnior Xolilo. wlio served I'roui 1831 to IS'M had a farm l.vi)ig east of Xoble street and north of Market, with a luie resi- dence on a knoll near the present corner of Market and Pine streets, where he resided. Followiug him came Governor Wallace, a non- resident, who found a tenement near the corner of Washington and ilissouri streets until the legislature was convinced that it should pro- vide a gubernatorial residence, ami on Feb- ruary IJJ, 1839, ordered the purchase of the residence of Dr. John H. Sanders, at the north- west corner of Illinois and Market streets. It was then considered the finest residence in the city, but for some reason, probaJjly a low site made worse by street grading, it was al- ways unhealthy. Governor Bigger was suj)- posed to have contracted there the fatal ill- ness from which he died soon after leaving office. The young wife of Governor \Miit-i comb died there, and so did Governor Wright's first wife. Governor Willard's wife was ill nearly all the time they occupied the house. Governor ilorton abandoned it in the fall of 1863 on account of the ill health of iiimsclf and family, and after boarding for a time pur- chased the house at the southeast corner of Pennsylvania and Jsew York streets, where he died in 1877. The residence of the governors for nearly a quarter of a century was sold in 1865, and some years later was torn down to give place to the Cyclorama Building, which in turn was succeeded by the present Union Terminal and Traction Station. By the time Indiana had completed its re((- uisite governmental buildings, the public con- science of the state was becoming aroused to the duty of care for the blind, deaf and dumb and insane, which. had been attracting atten- tion in the older states in the past decade. The proceeds of the donation tract had been exhausted, and the three per cent fund had been used up in internal improvements, but somebody was struck by a happy thought, and in January, 1839, the legislature memorialized Congress asking a further grant for these pur- poses. Having thus made a tentative jirovision of means, on February 13, 1839, it directed the assessors to ascertain and report tlie num- ber of deaf mutes in each county. But Con- gress had troubles of its own, and did not re- spond. Meanwhile members of the medical profession became interested in the treatment of the insane, which had the medical as well as the merely philanthropic side, and a special champion of state action arose in the person of Dr. John Evans of Fountain County, after- wards Governor of Colorado. On January 31, 1842, the Governor was directed to corresjwnd with the governors of other states as to the cost, construction and management of insane hospitals — or as they were then called ''lunatic asylums" — and report to the ne.xt session. This was the result of a very forcible letter from Dr. Evans and Dr. Isaac Fisher of Fountain County, pointing out the evils of the exist- ing treatment of the insane and the progress of other states, on which a favorable report had been made on January 2().''' On Decem- ber 2."). 184'2, Dr. Evans delivered a lecture be- fore the legislature on the treatment of insani- ty, and on February 13, 1843, the Governor was directed to correspond with the superintendents of hospitals and procure plans, and submit them with his suggestions at the next session. On his report, the legislature, on January 1.5, 1844, levied a tax of one cent on the hundred dol- hirs for the hospital buildings and site. On January 13, ISl."), Dr. Evans, Dr. Livingston Dunlap and James Blake were appointed com- missioners to select a site of not over 200 acres. In the spring they selected the site of the present Central Hospital for the In- sane, then known as Mount Jackson. It had beeii the pro])erty of George Smith, the founder id' the Gazette, and had been named by him in honor of "Old Hickory"'. For some years it liail been occupied by Nathaniel Bolton and his gifted wife Sarah T. Bolton, who main- tained a tavern there. At the n.ext session they reported the site and a plan for the building, and on January 19, 1846, they were directed to |)r()ceed with the building. An appropriation of $15,000 was made, and they were also in- structed to Sell "the Hospital Square"' (square .\o. 22) and appropriate the proceeds to the work. The main building was begun in the summer of 1846, and completed the year fol- lowing at a cost of about $75,000. The south wing was added in 1853-6, and the north wing in lS(i6-9. This completed the main building, and later additions will be mentioned here- after. Before the hospital for the insane got to ''Ifiiil.ie JiiiiriKil. p. 591. 110 iiis'roi.'v or (;i;k.\'1'i:i,' ixdianai'oi.is. the appropriation stagi: the luKiicati's of the t'diR-ation of the deaf aiul diunh had secured the passage of an act on February 13, 1843, levying a tax of two mill? on one hundred dollars for an asylum for the deaf and'duudi. In the spring following tliry lirought \\rvr William Willard. a teacher in the Ohu) insti- tute for the deaf and dumb and he opened a private school, in which there were sixteen pu- pils the first year. On January 15, 1844, the legislature established the institute for the deaf and dumb, and made trustees for it the Ctov- ernor. Secretary and Treasurer of State, Henr\ and thirty acres of land uei'e jiurchased. The : ame year the school was removed to the Kin- der block, a three-story brick building on the south side of Washington near Delaware. Here it remained until the completion of the new state building in 1850, at a cost of $30,000, anrt it is still being occupied while a new iiwtitution is being constructed north of the eity. ^[r. Willard was superintendent until 1S45, when James S. Brown succeeded him and M'rved until 1853. Thomas Mclntvre was then appointed and served until 1879. He was a trained instructor, and made the value of the OLD SUPREME COURT AND STATE OFFICES. (From a cut.) Ward Beecher, IMiiueas D. Gurley, Love 11. Jameson, Livingston Dunlap, and James Mor- rison, of Marion County, and ^[atthew Simp- son of Putnam County. The trustees prac- tically adopted the Willard school, under their directions to rent a room and em])loy teachers, first locating it in a large frame residence on the southeast corner of Mai-yland aiul Illinois streets. The act pi'ovided tliat nothing in it should be "construed to make any permanent location of the asylum for the deaf and dumb at Indianapolis", but in is HI a site was selected at the eorni"r of WashiiiLrtun and State streets institution ]ilain to everyone. His successor, l>r. Wm. Cilenn, served till 1885, when Eli P. Baker succeeded, and served till 1889. Mr. Richard (). Johnson, the jtresent efficient su- |ierintendent, has been in charge siiu-c 1889. Extensive additions were made to the build- ings at various dates, and the grounds were iu- creased to 105 acres. Kentucky served as an example and a spur to Indiana in the nmtter of benevolent institu- tions. Its deaf and duml) asylum was adver- tised here, ten years before we had one, as edu- (atiuii- the indigent deaf and dumb of Ken- ins'i'()i;v OF cuKATKi; indi.wai'ous. 11 1 tuckv free of charge, and outsiders at $80 per rear.'* In 18-i."i, during the session of tlie h'gi>- hituie. pupils from tlie Kentuekv Blind Asylum were hronght here and gave e.\Iiii)itions of tlieir attainnii'nts in the Seeond Presbyterian Cluiiili. of wliieh Henry Ward Beeeher was then pas- tor. Many legislators attended, and on one occasion Senator Dirk Rousseau, of (ireene County, convulsed the audience by writing out a jiroblem and holding it before the sightless pupils while lie tried to help them comprehend bv tracing the figures with his fingers. The legislature wa.s convinced and on January V-). 184."), levied a tax of two mills on $l(Hi to build an asylum for the blind, which was in- creased to one cent on January 27, 184T. On January 19, ]84(), the Secietary, Auditor ami Treasurer of State, with James il. Kay and Dr. George W. Clears, were made commissioners to provide for temporary schooling of the blind of the stale. Win. II. riiurchman, who had l)een in charge of the e.xhiliition of the Kentucky pupils the year before, was appointed to ad- dress the ])eople of the state on the subject of educating the blind, and to ascertain the num- ber of the blind in the state. On Januarv 27. lS4r. Dr. George W. Mears. Calvin Fletcher :ind James M. Kay were appointed comniis- -ioners to provide the buildings for the school, and $.'),()()(l was approiiriated for the site. ^[r. Fletcher declined to serve, and Seton W. iforris was api)oiiited in his place. The present site tiien known as '"Pratt's Walnut Grove" — be- tween North and St. Clair, Pennsylvania and Aferidian streets — was selected, and the work- shop — the three story brick building at Walnut and Pennsylvania streets which was torn away in i;iOO to niake place (in- a new wing — was lirsl erected, ^reanwhile the school was opened in the liuilding formerly occupied by the deaf and dunili at ^faryland and Illinois streets, on October 1, 1847. In September, 1S4S, it was removed to the workshop, then conii)leted, and remained there till the main building was fiu- islied in February. 1S."):i. TIk/ buildings and '*.lniiriiiil. Si.pleinljer 1 1. ls:i."). grounds cost $11U,UI)U, and the asylum proper was the most imposing state building, e.\cept- ing possibly the state house, that had been erected up to that time. It still stands, sub- stantially as built, except that large additions have been made at the rear. This was the last of the state buildings erected at Indianapolis prior to the Civil War. The old building for the State Treasurer, at the southwest corner of Capitol avenue and Washington street, was abandoned by that of- ficial in ISoT. and was rented and used for various pur])oses until ISG.j, when it was torn down. By this time the capitol was so dilapi- dated and overcrowded that an additional build- ing was needed, and in IStiT one was erected on the site of the old Treasurer's house — a two- story brick building with a l)asement reaching some five feet above ground — into wdiich the Supreme Court, with its library, and all the state officers except the Governor and the State Libi-arian removed. This arrangement con- tinued until 1877. Everyiiody realized the need of a new capitol, but neither party .would take the responsibility for the expense of erecting one. In that year the control of the houses beinw divided, the act of ilarch 4 was passed, providing for the apjiointment of four com- missioners to build a capitol costing not over $";;.0()i.),0()(i. and levying a tax of one cent on $100 to meet the expense, (ien. Jolm Love, (Jen. Thos. .\. ^lorris. Col. I. 1). G. Xelson anil John M. Collett were ap])ointed. Collctt re- signed May 3. is;!), when he was appointed State Geologist, and (Jeneral Love was later succeeded by II. Mursinna. The first jilans submitted weic all rejected as too expensive: and from a second submission of 24 plans, one by P'dwin ^lay, of Indianapolis, was chosen. The general contract was taken by the lirm of Kanmacher & Denig, and the building was com- pleted in 18SS within the cost limit fixed by the law. While it was l)eing erected, the Stale TJbrarv was housed in the (iallu|) Idock. at the southeast conu'r of Cap'tnl avenue and Market street. CHAPTER Xll. THE TOWN GOVERNMENTS. Until the year 1832 there was no municipal organization at Indianapolis, the only local government being through the state laws, en- forced by the courts and the county and town- ship officers. But town organization was wholly dependent on the will of the people, and in the fall of 1832 a movement was inau- gurated for that purpose. An act had been adopted on February 2, 1832, which changed the system of town incorporation that had been in vogue since the admission of the state. Under the new law it was necessary for two-thirds of the legal voters of the town to sign a peti- tion to the county board asking for incorpora- tion, the signatures being proved "by the oath of any reputable person", and the board was thereupon to order an election to be held within one month from that time for the election of trustees for the incorporation, of which ten days notice was to be given by written notices posted in three public places. At the meeting for the election, the voters were first to elect as president and clerk who should ''without de- lay lay off said incorporation into five dis- tricts and forthwith present the same to said voters, who shall proceed to elect one trustee for each district". In other respects the old law was to be followed. The old law provided for a public meeting on the first Monday in March or September, at which a president and secretary were to be chosen, who were to di- vide the town into five districts and hold an election for trustees on the following ilonday, certifying the result to the trustees elected, who filed their certificates with the county clerk, and then organized by electing a president. Under the old law the county board had noth- ing to do with the incorporation, but under the new law. which has since been followed, it became the authority in control of the process. On September 1, a call was published for a meeting to consider incorporation, to be held at the court house on September 3. This meet- ing prepared a petition to the Board of County Commissioners for incorporation, which was ])resented on the following day, and this record was made : "Glidden True and others presented a petition praying that the Town of Indian- apolis be incorporated, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Board by said petition that two-thirds of the legal voters of said town are favorable to said incorporation, and have signed said petition, the signatures of whom are proved by the oath of Glidden True — "Ecsolved that said town be and the same is hereby incorporated according to law, and further ordered that an election be held at tlie Court House in Indianapolis on the twenty- ninth day of September, 1832, for the election of trustees of said incorporation, of which no- tice is ordered to be given according to law." On September 29, the voters assembled at the court house, and then elected Obed Foote. president and Josiah W. Davis, clerk, who were duly sworn in by Bethuel F. ^lorris, the Presi- dent Judge of the Fifth Circuit. The presi- dent and clerk forthwith divided the town into five districts as follows: 1st, from the eastern boundary of town to Alabama street ; 2nd, from Alabama to Pennsylvania ; 3rd. from Pennsyl- vania to ileridian ; 4th, from ileridian to Tennessee : .5th. from Tennessee to the western boundary. The election was then held, and "John Wilkins received fifty-four votes, Henry P. Coburn fifty-five votes, John G. Brown fifty- four votes, Samuel Henderson forty-one votes, Samuel Merrill fifty-one votes", and these five were elected for the five districts, in the order named. They organized by electing Samuel Henderson president, and their fir.st work was 112 iiisi()i;i ()|- (;i;i;.\i'KU iNDlAXAroiJS. the passii<;e of a geiiL-nil ordinance whicli srrvcd in part the ])urposcs of a city eliarter. It provided for tlio appointment of a clerk, an assessor, a treasurer and a marshal, who also served as tax-collector. All of these officers were appointed for one year and j;ave bond. In addition to |)rescribin taken up by the marshal and sold to the highest bidder. At the same time the trustees adopted an ordinance for the control of the market, pro- viding for a market nuister at a salary of $;iO a year. The market was to be o]iened on Wed- nesday and Saturdays at daylight, and anyone who sold at or adjacent to it before daylight was subject to a fine of $1 ; the market was to remain open two hours and no goods brought to town for sale could be sold elsewhere during market hours. Fceiling horses, hogs or other animals in the juarket-bouso was finable, not over $3: hitching an animal to the market- house or putting a vehicle where it woidd ob- struct passage to the market-bouse was tinaiile $1 ; buying goods in market for re-sale $.'3 ; huckster occupying ])lace in llu> niarket-hou.se $3. The market master «as required to sei/.c and destroy any unwholesome food offered for sale: to inspect weights and measures: and to confiscate any l)uttcM' or other articles id" b'ss Vol. 1—8 weight than represented. When meal was sold by measure, it was required to be ■iu'a])ed" to the satisfaction of the market master, on ]ienalty of confiscation. The market-house had been provided during the ])reccding summer by the voluntary action of the citizens. There had Ijccn a general desire for one foi- some time, but a difference of opinion as to where it should !)(' located; but on :March 38, 1832, a |inblic meeting was held at the court bouse, and it was decided to ])ut it "on tbi' market scpuire, immediately north of the court house, and })ursuant to the original design". .\c- cordingly Thmnas AfcOuat, Josiah W. Davis and John Watton, as commissioners for the erection of the market-house, were directed to take sub.scriptions and build it there, all of which was certified by C. 1. Hand, chairman, and John Givan. secretary of the meeting. On .Vugust 11. 1832. the Journal announi'cd the market-house finished and ready for occupati(ui. .\s an inducement to sellers it stated the nding priees to be, flour $<;..")(» (« $3 per cwt. : corn meal $.75 per busliel; bacon 8 cents per lb.; i)utter 10 to 12 cents per lb. ; beef cattle $2.50 ]>er cwt. on the hoof. In 1848 the experiment was tried of opening the market at noon, in- stead of at daylight, Imt it was abandoned after a iirief trial. ^ It is very evident that politics got into the town government at the start, for the Journal recommended the winning ticket for trustees, and also the division into districts as adopted, though it also published a note from "many voters"' suggesting for trustees the names of William Ilaiinaman. .1. L. ^lothershead. Jacob l.andis and William Wernwag. in aildition to •lobn Wilkins who appears to have been on bofli slates. After the (U'gauization. the or- dinances adopted were published in the Jour- nal, but not in the Democrat, whereupon the latter on November 24, 1S32, in large type, ad- vised "the very liberal, impartial and honor- able Board of Trustees of the ('or|ioration of Indiaiia))olis"' that it would pulilisb "all laws, orders and ordinances which your honorable body may pass and tliink necessary to |iublish for the good government of the town, without charge and without pay"". The editor, A. F. Morrison, added the ])ostscript : "I have been requested to inquire of your honorable body ' f.ocouiolirc. Xovcnilier I. IS I.' 114 :iS'|-()i;V OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. whether Jackson muii arc chargeable witli Cor- ])oration taxes." But the trustees "just laughed"" and went ahead. The appointive otfi- ces were not in great demand. Samuel ilerrill acted as clerk till November 27, 1832, when Isaac N. Heylin took charge. He resigned March 22, 1833, and was followed by Israel P. Griffith, who resigned December 6, 1833. Then Hugh O'Neal took it and served out a year, coming back for two years more in 1836- 38. John Wilkins served as Treasurer to No- vember 2T, 1832. when Obed Foote took the office till his death, and Harvey Bates followed him from 1833 to 1835. Josiah W. Davis served as Assessor to November 27, and re- signed. He was followed by Butler K. Smith for one year, and George Lockerbie for two. . Glidden True was marshal and collector till Februarv 8. 1833, when Edward ^IcGuire came in and lasted till :May 10, 1833. He was fol- lowed by Samuel Jennison, who resigned in 1834, and was succeeded by Dennis I. Wliite, who stuck for a year. Then came John C. Busie, who resigned October 7, 1835 i John A. Boyer, who resigned December 19, 1835, and Richard D. Mattingly who served his year. In fact the marshal's life was not a hapj)y one, especially in the later years, owing to an increase of "undesirable citizens'". In the sum- mer of 1827 Commissioner Knight passed through the state locating the National Road, arriving in Indianapolis early in July, and re- turning in September from the western end.-' The next fall the c-nntracts were let and work was soon begun. The contract for the ))ridt;e over the river was let July 2(!. IS.'M. to AYilliam Wernwag and Walter Blake for $18,000, and it was completed in 1834. This work brought a large number of hands from the outside, many of whom were of a somewhat reckless character, and the canal work, which soon followed, brought many more. Among these were many Irish immigrants, among whom there soon arose factional differences that occasioned resorts to "shillelah law"; for in addition to fighting the battles of the nations, "Kelly and Burke and Shea" are wont to take up private cau.ses, just for practice. There were other nationalities to help on, and the native American did his share as usual. There grew up two distinctively "tough" neighbor- KJounwl. Julv :!. 10, Sejitenilier -I, 1S2:. hoods, one south of town near the river, known as "Waterloo"", and the other in the northwest part. The leading spirit in the latter section was David Burkhart, more commonly called "Old Buckhart'". He came here about 1824, and seemed to have developed in depravity under the influence of whisky. In the zenith of his greatness he kept a groggery grocery at the southwest corner of New York street and Tennessee, which was headquarters for a col- lection of rough characters known as "the chain gang"". Burkhart was a square-built, red- lieaded, muscular fellow, who prided himself on his fighting abilities, and when drinking was usually hunting trouble, his pet aversions being negroes and preachers. This brought about his downfall, for in 1836, he undertook to disturb a camp-meeting that was being con- ducted by Rev. James Havens on the military reservation, after having made threats to whip "old Sorrel Top"' as Father Havens was ir- reverently termed. There are various accounts of this affair, the most plausible by Rev. J. C. Smith, wlio says he saw it. According to him Mr. Havens was notified of Burkhart"s presence In a lady who complained of his profane and obscene talk near her tent. He at once went to the place. Smith, George Norwood and sev- eral others following. After a few words Ha- vens said: "Burkhart, I wish you to walk with me a short distance", his object being to get him to a justice's office. Burkhart as- sented, and Smith says: "Having proceeded about one hundred yards Burkhart suddenly halted and said, with a l)itter oath, 'I w-ill go no further", and quickly gave three loud, shrill whistles, and cried aloud, three times, 'David Leach I' the name of one of his most desperate followers; but David not responding. Burkhart said with another bitter oath, 'The coward has forsaken me'. He then made a sudden turn on his captor and tried to throw him on the ground. In this he failed. After much struggling we all at length reached the magistrate's office, which was the objective point. The office stood at the crossing of Dela- ware street on Washington. Squire Jennison (not Scudder) soon appeared and began to fix up the papers for the trial of the case. While this was doing, Burkhart, witli quick and nerv- ous steps, continued to pace round the room, and coming in front of the chair in which Elder Havens sat, he suddenly stopped and TTTST0T7T OF GRKATEK TXDTAXAPOLIS. 11. "> pulled from his pockot a large knife with a spring back, wliich, with a sudden jerk, he threw open with a snap. This Brother Havens mistook for a pistol and in a moment, with the furv of a chafed lion, he. sprang to his feet, and catching the hand that held the knife he planted a terrible blow with his clenched list on the proboscis of his dangerous enemy. The scene that followed this beggars description. They fought desperately several times around the room, planting terrible blows on each other, till they were parted by the assembled crowd, and order was restored. The result was that Burkhart was heavily fined for breach of the peace and for carrying concealed weapons, and failing to give bond, he was committed that night to the county jail. Jiist as he entered the jail door his courage gave way, and he said with trembling voice, 'Has it come to this, that David Burkhart has been whipped bv a ^fetbodist preacher !"'^ A few days later. when doing some swaggering down town. Burk- hart met a challenge from Samuel ^Ferrill. who told him he believed he could throw him, al- though he was a smaller man ; and to Burk- hart'? astonishment and humiliation he did it. These events had a salutarv efPeet, but there were more potent agencies of reform at work. i The police powers of the trustees under the I general incor])oration law were not sunicicnt. and on February .■"), 1830, the people obtained a spct-ial charter from the legislature. The I general law gave authoritv to adopt such ordi- I nances "not inconsistent with the laws and con- stitution of this state, as they shall deem neces- sary for the good government of such corpora- tion : and to prevent and remove nuisances, to restrain and prohibit gambling or other dis- orderly conduct, to provide for licensing, regu- lating or restraining theatrical and other pub- lie shows and amusements within the corpora- tion, to regulate and establish markets, to sink and keep in repair public v>-ells. and shall have the sole and exclusive power and authority to keep in repair all necessarv streets, allevs and drains, ami to pass regulations necessarv foi- the same".'' The new charter empowered the trus- tees "'to adopt aTid jint in force such laws, or- dinances and. regulations as thev shall deem iirc- ossary for the police and good governnieni nl' ^F.nrhi Mrllmdi^m In huluina . ]\. 10. '/?')■.' I.inrs, 1S:!1. p. .".-.'I. the town", not inconsistent with the constitu- tion and laws of the state, and such laws "as may be necessary to guard against damage by fire: to organize fire companies and to govern the same; to regulate the duty and conduct of the citizens of the town in relation thereto; to regulate and govern the markets; to prevent the erection of public nuisances, and remove the same ; to declare what shall be a public nuisance, and generally to enforce, by proper l)enalties, the observance of all laws and ordi- nances relative to the police and government of the said incorporated town"."' The charter also gave authority to make the retail liquor license Jii-'ifl and made the first provision for street im- ])rovement':. On jietition of two-thirds of the owners of lots on any street or section thereof for "graduating, graveling or paving said streets or sidewalks thereof", the petition speci- fying "the improvement wanted or contem- ])lated to be made"', it was the duty of the trustees to cause it to be done as economi- cally as possible, and asses,*- the cost ratably by the front foot, the assessment being a lien upon the lots. The maintenance of order, however, was the chief thing in mind, and that the people were determined on. Notice was given of a meeting at the court house on March 19 "for the pur- pose of consulting on measures connected with the peace and safety of the town", and it was well attended. George Lockerbie was made chairman and Charles I. Hand secretary. .\ committee was appointed to select ten persons "whose duty it shall be to assist the civil officers in bringing to justice all offenders against the law", and the ten selected were Butler Smith, William Oampbell, .\ndrew Smith, John Wil- kins, John ^fcMahan. John Woollen, Samuel ^ferrill, James Kittleman. AVilliam H. Wern- wag and Daniel Yandcs. Spirited speeches were made by Herod Newland, a revolutionary soldier, and Calvin Fletcher: and. on motion of John Cain the following was adopted : "Re- solved, that this meeting will use their ende.iv- ors to have such men elected to the next board of trustees as will command the respect and confidence of the citizens of our town, and who sb:i1l appoint such town officers as will do their duty without favor or afTection. .\\\i\ this meeting ])ledges itself td aid and sii|ii)i>rt llieiii '•T.nral Liiirx. ]i>:M'<. \-i. iii; HISTORY OF CHEATER INDIANAPOLIS. ill all lawful ciulfaxors to ]jrL'.~ervc tlio [xjat-e and good order of the town, and the ]jri;scrva- tion of the persons and property of the citizens thereof.'" It was then decided to sign the re^o- lution as a jiledge, and 1'21 men came for\v-u'd and signed their names. The election was held on ilonday, April i, with a polling place in each ward, and George Loekerliie, John Foster, Samuel Merrill, Humphrey Griffith and John L. Young were chosen trustees, all law and or- der men. At the same time four constahles were chosen — J. B. Ferguson, J. P. Duvall, Daniel Baker, and K. D. ^lattingly — every one of whouT was a signer of the resolutions above.'' Another pacificatory event at this time was an opinion rendered by Judge Wick. Among the negroes who were annoyed by "the chain gang" was James Overall, a quiet but resolute man with a number of white friends. He had defended his house from an attack by several of these roughs by the free iise of a shot-gun, and on this account became involved in trouble with David Leach, one of the worst of the gang, and swore out a peace warrant. The Justice put Leach under bond, and he appealed on the ground that a negro was not a competent wit- ness. Judge Wick, in a long and elaborate opinion, held that while the statute prohibited a negro's being a witness against a white man, it did not prevent his taking legal steps for his own protection, and the altidavit for the war- rant was not evidence heard on trial, but only a step in bringing on the trial. He therefore held !>each, and both the negroes and their tor- mentors were made to know that there was some protection for the negro in the law.^ The new board of trustees ])roceeded in line with the will of the law and order ])eo])le. George Locke rljie was elected president, and William Camjjbell was made marshal for three successive years. On June 8 the trustees passed an ordinance imposing a fine of $3 on anvone who "shall be guilty of any assault, assault and battery, aiTray, rout, riot, or unlawful assem- blage within the town of Indiana])olis, or shall provoke or encourage any other person oi' per- sons to commit either of said otfen.'^es." Thev also provided a fine of $3 for anyone who "shall he guilty of using publicly any indecent oi- blas])hemous language, or who shall appear in '.lonniiil. March -.T,. April '.), ls;!(i. 'Joiiniiil. Mav 7, 183(J. the streets intoxicated, or who shall sell or gi\e any siiiritiidiis liquors to any person intoxi- cated''. 'J'liey showed a spirit of progress that was really remarkable for the time and the con- ditions by declaring all'"horse racks'" on Wash- ington street to be nuisances, and ordering their removal.'' Tlie more stringent law and its more vigorous enforcement lessened the disorders, and Ijegot favor for a stronger local government in all respects; and more power was needed, e>pi- cially as to street improvements, for these wi ic almost at the will of the property owner aside from regular road work, and he got no credit on that for any special ctfort befori' his own premises. After two years" experience under this char- ter the people wanted one granting more power, and on February 17, 1838, the town was reiu- eor])orated by the legislature. Under the new charter the council consisted of a i^resident elected by general vote, and six trustees, eacii elected by the voters of his ward, all of whom were required to be freeholders of the town. The charter fixed the wards as follows: 1st, all east of Alabama street ; 2nd, Alabama to Penn- sylvania ; 3rd, Pennsylvania to Meridian : -ith. Meridian to Illinois; .5th, Illinois to ilissis- sippi ; fith, all west of Mississippi. The act is indefinite in that it incorporates all the land "included in the bounds of the donation'", but general taxation was limited to the mile square, and the council was required to open and keep in repair "the border streets of said town, be- ing North, South, East, and West streets", or "forfeit all rights and privileges of Jurisdiction beyond the said streets which are conferj'ed on said counc-il by the 23d section of this act", which powers were licensing and regulating "taverns, groceries, tippling houses, shows, theaters and stores, within the limits of the donation". The council decided that the ])eoplc on the donation outside of the mile scpiare were entitled to vote in town elections. The presi- dent of the council was given the powers of a Justice of the peace witliin the donation, and the marshal the ])owers of a constable. The council could appoint a secretary, marshal, treasurer, asses.«or, collector, supervisor of high- ways, clerk of the market, and other subordi- nates deemed necessary, and impose a fine not exceeding $•") for refusal to aeeept an olliee. "Jotiniii! . .1 une 1 1 . 1S3(). JllSTOilY Ui" (JiJEATEU IXLHAXAi'Ul.lS. TliL' tnistcvs wiMv allowed $1 each for each regular inoiithly iiu'ctiiig, not exceeding twelve. The limit ot the retail liciiior licent^e was raiseil to $100. The trustees were empowered to adopt "siieh laws and ordinances as to them shall seem necessary relative to the regulations of streets, alleys, sidewalks and highways; to cleaning, raising, draining, turnpiking. mac- adamizing or otherwise making and keeping the same in repair : to making, causing, and re- quiring owners of in-lots to pave or gravel tiie sidewalks in front of their respective in-lots". The realty ta.\ was limited to one-half of one per cent of the valuation, and the poll tax to $1. In addition each able-bodied man be- tween 21 and 50 years of age was required to do two days' work on the streets each year, or pay $1 in lieu thereof. The town was allowed to tax dogs, and all property subject to county taxation, and also to require licenses of '"shows, exhii)itions, auctions, peddlers and amuse- ments". This charter, with its anu'ndments, coutiinied in force until the adoption of city government in 18 IT. ISy act of February 1."), IS.'U). the council was directed to open and keep in rejiair all streets and alleys running through the donation, and could tax for this purpose, and this only, outside of the mile square. By act (if Fel)ruary 22, 1840, the councilmeu or trustees were divided into two classes, those of the 1st, .'ird and -jth wards, and those of the 2nd, 4th and (Jth wards, to be elected in alter- nate years; and the qualification for member- ship was changed from freeholder to house- holder. The law as to licensing auctioneers was also changed hut the change is not very important, for all of the early laws on that suli- jecf were in violation of the United States con- stitution in that they imposed greater burdens on citizens of other states than on citizens of In- diana. Tlie act of February 13. 1841, repealed the incor]ioration law, so far as it applied to the donation hinds west of White River. By act of Kebruary 1:5, 1841, the marshal was made elective by the people; an(l the same change was made as to the assessor, collector, street supervisor, and secretary by the act of January 1">, 1844, but this latter act was repealed on January 10. ISIO. By another act of Januan' 1">. Is 11. the town was req\iired to keep the state ditch ill rc]iiiir and I'l'inoxc olist I'uctions from it. There was piactically no effort at street ini- ])rovenu'nt until 1S;](), beyond cutting out tim- ber, and a little corduroying in very wet places, and making an occasional ditch. In that year the town began the good work by filling a pond in Meridian street in front of Wesley Chapel, just south of the Circle. The council also adopted an ordinance for a "town surveyor and engineer". His principal duty was to estab- lish corners and boundaries, which he was re- quired to do on re(iuest of a citizen; but be- sides this he was to "take the proper level and grade of any of the streets, sidewalks, drains and alleys of said town, as may from time to time be deemed necessary"; and also to "make estimates of any proposed improvements in said town, and perform such other professional services as may be required by the comnuin council". For compensation he received -$3 a day for actual service ; and for part of a day $2 for not more than four hours, if called hy a jirivate individual, and $1..")0 for not more than half a day if working for the city. To this othce was called William Sullivan, a very com- petent man. He was a ilarylander, of Eng- lish descent, who came here in 1834. He was well educated, and had taught school in Ohio, and at Hanover. At Indianapolis he first o])ened a private school, and later taught at the Seminary, of which he was principal when ap- ])ointed surveyor. One of his first steps was to prepare a map of the town which was published in October of that year. Luke Munsell had also copyrighted a city map on ^lay 30, 183C; Dr. ilunsell was a man of notable attainments, but ratlier impractical, who came here from Ken- tucky, where he had been State Engineer, and had jjublished a map of Kentucky. He estab- lished one of the first Daguerrean galleries at Indianapolis. There seemed no cause for the people not knowing "where they were at", but a careful resurvey by Mr. Sullivan in 1839 re- vealed tlio fact that, in the survey and sale of out-lots in 1831, eight acres had been laid off and sold that were not in the donation. This was set out in a memorial to Congress by the legislature in 1840. and Congress corrected the error by donating the eight acres. In 1837 the macadamizing of Washington street as a part of the Xational Eoad awoke aspirations for a higher life, and there was a demand for sidewalks. \n ordinance was adopted providing tliat when ])ro])erty owners on that street, for no( less than one s(iuaiT. 118 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. HISTORY OF GREATER INDIAXAPOLIS. 119 •'shall be desirous of paving the gutters and grading and gravelling tlie street between the same and the ilcAdamizing as made by the United States, and shall petition for the same", it should be the duty of the council to have the work done, and assess the cost by the front foot. But for the amount assessed and paid, the lot-owner was to receive an e(iual amount of town scrip, which was receivable for any street improvement tax afterwards levied on that lot, so far as the owner could make change with it, for "the collector shall in no case be required to pay in money any overplus wheie a larger amount of scrip shall be offered than will meet the amount of street tax due". Originally the sidewalks on Washington street jiad been laid oif fifteen feet wide, and those on other streets ten, but they were now made twenty feet on Washington and twelve feet on other streets. There was vigorous protest against this by lot owners, but the trustees stood firm, and also prohibited extending cellar doors more than five feet from the property line, and railings more than four feet. Con- siderable improvement was done under this ordinance, and in the year ending .March 2T, 1839, the town itself expended $1-15 for street improvements and gravel for crossings. This was not a bad start, especially in consideration of the fact that the town that year paid .t^.S.^d I'lir building a west market on Ohio street be- tween Tennessee and Mississippi — the present north end of the Capitol ground.* — and $143 for clearing and fencing the old graveyard. while the total receipts were only $7,01'^. In 1840 the town expenditure for streets and bridges was -Sl.-S.^O. and in l.S4'2 the street im- provements cost $1,138. Political lines were nui well deliiieil locally al the beginning of inuniei])al government in Indianapolis. The state was growing away from the old territorial alignments, and taking up luitional divisions, but there was no jiublie demonstration of this until the Whigs fornu-d a local organization on May 17, 1834. Although the Democrats were in the majority in the .-fate, the Whigs were a little more numi'rous in the town, for, in November, 1S32, Center Town- ship gave .")40 votes for Clay and 4(13 for Jack- son, and, as has been mentioned, the trustees elected that year showed their Whig leaning.- by giving all the town printing to the Journal. In 1836 Center Township gave the Whig na- tional ticket a majority of 920 to 634, and in 1840, one of 872 to 540. Xevertheless lU: Brown says that in 1840 '"the Whigs carried the municipal election for the first time"', and he ought to have known for his father was one of the active local organizers of the Whig party. But there were some local officials who were reputed anti-Jackson men before then, and at any rate the Whigs did not hold on from 1840, for the Democrats carried the next mu- nicipal election. Possibly ^Ir. Brown refers to this as the first victory on a recognized party basis, for it was not the custom then to non.ii- nate municipal tickets by party convention, and the elections had at least the appearance of personal contests. Tlie presidents of the Board of Trustees, while elected by the Board, were Samuel Hen- derson, October 12, 1832, to September 30, 1833; James Edgar, September 30 to DecTuber 9, 1833; Benjamin 1. BIythe, March 7, 1834, to February 14, 1835 ; Alexander F. Morri- son, February 14 to October 2, 183."); Nathan B. Palmer, October 2, 1835, to April 13. 1836; (Jeorge Lockerbie, .\pril 13, 1836, to April 4, 1837 ; Joshua Soule Jr., April 4, 1837, to April 2, 1838. In the period wlien elected by the people they were James ^lorrison, 1838-9; .Vathan B. Palmer, 1839-40; Henry P. Coburn, 1840-1; William Sullivan (resigned Xovember 12), 1841; David V. Culley, 1841-1 and 1850- 3; Lazarus B. Wilson, 1844-5; Jose))li A. fiCvy, 1845-7; Saml. S. Rooker (resigned November 1), 1847; Charles W. Cadv, 1847-8; George A. Chapman, 1848-9; Wm. Kckert, 1849-50; An- drew A. Loudon, 1850. The office of president of the council was continued under the city charter of 1847, independent of the mayor, but in March, 1853, the council adopted the gen- eral city incorporation law in place of the char- ter, and it nuide the mayor president of the council. The town treasurers were John Wil- kins (acting) and Obed Foote, in 1832; Har- vey Bates, 1833-5; Thos. H. Sharjie, 1S3.-,-<): Chas. B. Davis, 1839-40 and 1841-4; Hum- phrey Griffith, 1840-1; John L. Welshans, 1814-6; George Norwood, 184G-7. The town marshals, following William Campbell, as be- fore mentioned, were James Vanblaricum, 1839-42 and 1S44-5; Robert C. Allison. 1842- 3; Benjamin Ream, 1843-4; Xewton N. Nor- wood, 1845-6; Jacob B. Fitler, 1846-7, The as- sessors were Josiah W. Davi.s (resigned), 1832; -iW HISTORY OF GHEATER IXDIAXAPOLIS. Butler K. Smith, 1833-4; George Lockerbie, lS3-L-(): John Ehler, 1836-7; Thos. :Me()vi;it, 1837-8; Albert G. Willard, 1838-40; Henry Bradley. 18-10-1; Thos. Donelhiii. 1841-2 and 1843-G; James H. Kennedy, 1842-3; John Coen, 1846-7. The office of town attorney was not formally created until September 5, 1846, when John L. Ketcham was elected for one vear; but James Morrison served as attorney for the town in 1837-8; Hngli O'Xeal, 1838- 40; and Hiram Brown, 1840-6. William Sul- livan, town surveyor from September 27, 1833, to June 18, 1838, was succeeded bv Liike Mun- sell, 1838-9, 183!i-41, 1843-4; Robert B. Hanna (resigned August 17), 1839; and James Wood Sr., 1841-3, 1844-7. The position of town supervisor of streets was held bv Thomas Lup- tou, 1838-9; James Vanblari'cum. 1839-42; Robert C. Allison. 1842-3; Thos. M. Weaver, 1843-4; William Wilkinson, 1845-6; Jacob B. Fitler, 1846-7. The clerks of the market were Thomas Chinn (resigned), November 27, 1832 to February 21, 1835 ; Fleming T. Luse (re- signed July 29), 1835; Andrew Smith, 1835- 6; Jacob Roop (died), 1836-7; James Gore (resiarned Februarv 6). 1837; Jeremiah Wor- mcgan. 1837-40. ' In 1841 'the office was cliaiigcd to market-mastei' and Wormegau was continued in it until 1845, and then as ni.irket- master of the east market until 1846. Jacob Miller was master of the west market from 1845 to 1848. The town weighmasters were Jacob J. Wiseman, October 27 to December 12, 1835; Edward Davis, 1835-6; John F. Ramsey, January 30 to April 18, 1836 ; James Edgar, 1836-7; James Gore, January 10 to Februarv 6. 1837 ; Jeremiah Wormegan, Feb- ruarv 6'to Mav 17. 1837; Isaac Harris, 1837- 8; Adam Haugh. 1838-9, 1840-7; Charles Will- iams, 1839-40. Tlic town sextons were James Cox, 1842-3; John Musgrove. 1843-4 and 1845- 7 ; Jolm O'Connor, 1844-5 ; Benjamin Lobaugh. 1847. The town also maintained a messenger of the fire department, James Yanblaricum. 1840-2, and David Cox. 1842-5. In 1845 David Cox was made messenger for the Minion Company only, and Jacob Fitler for the Good Intents, and thc-y were continued in these po- sitions until 1848. In 1847 James H. Ken- nedy was added as messenger of the hook and ladder company. As the couneilmen were elected from the wards their service can be better shown by table, the years iised indicating the ones in which their terms beerau. TRTSTEES ASD TOWN COrXCILMEN BY WWRDS. 1S.';2-1S4; 1st Ward. 2i (1 \\'ard. 3rd Ward. 4th Ward. 5th Ward. Cth Ward. 1832 John Wilkins H P. foburn John G. Brown S. Henderson Saml. Merrill 1S3S Benj. I. Blythe S. Goldsberry James Edgar J. Vanblaricum Nath. Cox 1834 Alex Morrison L. IDunlap Jos. Lefevre J. Vanblaricum Nath. Cox 1835 Jas. M. Smith Jos. Lefevre Chas. Campbell H. Griffith N. B. Palmer 1S36 Geo. Lockerbie Jc hii Foster Saml. Merrill H. Griffith J. L. Young 1837 Geo. Lockerbie Jc hn Foster Geo. W. Stipp Henry Porter Joshua Soule New Charter 1838 Geo. Lockerbie J. hn Elder John AV. Foudray John F. Ramsey Wm. J. Brown S. s. Rooker 1839 Geo. Lockerbie W m. Sullivan John E. McCluer P. W Seibert Geo. Norwood S. s. Rooker 1840 Matthew Little S. Goldsberry Jacob Cox P. W. .Seibert (ien. Norwood A. .\ Ijouden 1841 Matthew Little S. Goldsberry Jacob Cox A. A Louden (Jul. Norwood ('. H Bo.atriglit 1S42 Joshua Black s. Goldsberry Jas. R. Nowland P. W. Seibtrt T. Rickards A. .\ Louden 1843 Joshua Black s. Goldsberr.v Jas. R. Nowland A. A. L'tuden T Rickards S. S. Rooker 1844 V\'m. Montague s. Goldsberry Jas. R. Nowland A. A. Louden H. Griffith S. s. Rooker 1845 ■\Vm. Montague .s. Goldsberry Jas. R. Nowland A. .A.. Louden H. Griffith AA m. C. Vanblaricum 1S46 ■V^'m. Montague s. Goldsberr.v .\. W. Harrison A. A. Louden Chas. W. Cady W m. C. Vanblaricum CHAPTER Xlll. TiiK i:ai;ia' schools. One wlio rcadr^ the t'arly school legislation of Imliana is liable to get an exaggoratcd idea of the extent of tlie public schools. The provision for them was very full, on paper, but it did not amount to a great deal in money. The rents of the scliool lands were small. The fines were neither niunerous nor closely collected. The effort for public schools was largely cen- tered on tlie county seminary, to which was de- voted, by the constitutiou of ISIG. tlie fines for penal ofl'enses, and the money paid for ex- emption from militia duty by jieople con- scientiously opposed to war, wliicli was ]x)pu- larly known as "conscience nujney". By the law of 1824, reenacted in 1831, the seminary funds were kept by a trustee until they amounted to $400, and then the people were authorized to elect a board of trustees, one irom each county commissioner's district, who slionld erect a school building. This jjei-iiui did not arrive in Marion County until IS'S'i, and at the general election in .Viigust, of that year, Samuel Merrill, John S. Hall and William Gladden were elected trustees of the Marion County Seminary. On January 8, 183."], they reported to the county commissioners that they had settled with Dr. Tjivingston Dunlap, who liad been the trustee of the funds, and had re- ceived from liim $47.5.75; since which they had collected $4{i..")0 additional. By act of Janu- ary 26, 1832, the legislature authorized the agent of state to lease to the trustees of Marion ('"unty Seminary the University Square — No. 2.") — for a period of thirty years with iierniis- sion to erect a school building on either tlu,' southeast or southwest corner. At the expira- lion of the term the state could take the build- ing at its ajipraised value; and if it wished to use tlie sfpiare l)efore the cxi)iratiou of the term it (Miuld either sell one half acre to the countv. ineluiling the building, or permit the continued use of one half acre for the remainder of the term. On Xovember 4, 1833, the tru.stees re- ported that they had leased the square and asked tlie commissioners to approve their action which was done. On January 7, 1834, they re- ported the total receipts to date, $1,3.53.21, of which $632 was subscription, and that from this they had paid $783.44 on the building. The scliool was opened on September 1, 1834. It was obviously fortunate for the youth of Indianapolis that there were other provisions for education. Most of the schools of the earlier period have been mentioned, but there were others, of a more transient character, that gave opportunities for instruction to adults as well as the young. John E. Baker o])ened a school at his residence on December 2i), 1823, to teach "architectural draughting and draw- ing", and Major Sullinger followed close after, on January 1.3, 1,S2I, with a military school for the instruction of militia officers and men. On October 1, 1827, J. H. Ilalston ojicned a series of lectures on grammar, announcing that, "He ])ledges himself to enable those who Ijeeonie his ]ui])ils (however in commencing unac(|uaintod with the science) to advance so far in twenty- four days four hours each day as to be enabletl to parse common language", and this for oidy $3. The first school distinctively for young ladies was the "Indianapolis Female School" of Mrs. Tichenor. o])ened in ^Farch, 1830, and was not of long duration. She taught "s])elling, reading, writing, Hiiglish grammar, greogra])liy with the use of ma|)S, astroiuiniy and needle- work". On the same day that the seminary openecl "Miss Hooker's Female School"" also o])eiie(l. It olfered everything taught liy Mrs. Tithenor, and also composition, history, nat- ui'al ]ihilosoi)liy. di'auing and painting. This 121 1 •.'•.' HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. sfhool was '■limited to 30 scholars, and no in- cidi'utal expenses". At this time George H. Quigg was teaching a day school in Indian- apolis and also opened a night school for spe- cial instruction in "Penmanship, the Art of Penmaking, Arithmetic, and Bookkeeping, al- though b)' request any branch taught at the day school may be acquired". This may be con- sidered the pioneer business college. Jlr. Quigg was of a philanthropic turn of mind, and an- nounced, "Ap]M-entice Boys taught at half price, and Orphans gratis".' The Baptists had a school in their chiircli building most of the time from the start. In 1834 they put up a little frame building back of the church, abutting the alley east of the Grand Hotel, for a school building. At this time Miss Clara EUick was teaching there, and had been for two years. She continued for a j-ear longer, when a Methodist preacher per- suaded her to change her name to Smith, which happened to be his, and the school passed into the charge of iliss Laura Kise. There was a frame work bell tower built against this school house, which presented great attractions to en- terprising boy:i. One night two youths, one said to be Lew Wallace, fastened a string to the clapper and carried it across to a room in a block on Washington street, from which they sounded the alarm, to the mystification of the neighbors. It was about this time also that Miss Sargeant opened her school for small children in the basement of the Governor's Mansion, in the Circle, which has a traditional reputation for being damp and disagi'eeablc that is unjust, or that she managed to counter- act. This was the first school in the nature of a kindergarten, and the first in which object lessons were iised. She had pictures of ani- mals of various kinds, and also an orrery to illustrate the motions of the earth and the heavenly bodies. She also used the "singing method" of imparting instruction, which was popularized here some ten years later by Mr. Tibbctts for teaching geography. They used to sing the capitals of the states in the Misses McFarland"s school as late as the sixties. The Marion County Seminary ojiened under charge of Ebenezer Dumont. later known as Colonel and General Dnmont. of tlic talented Vevay family. He remained but one term, be- ing succeeded in January, 1835, by W. J. Hill, who was in charge for a year. In ilay, 1836, Thomas D. Gregg took charge of the school. He had previously been teaching school in a large frame building on Washington street, just east of the present Park Theater, known as "the Linton house", and in which Rev. Geo. Busli had lived, and where Mrs. Bush died. There are somewhat conflicting traditions as to Gregg, some holding him a severe, almost cruel, man. He was m charge of the semi- nary only one term, being succeeded in Decem- ber, 1836, by William Sullivan, the surveyor. Mr. Gregg is kept in memory by the bequest he left for the benefit of teachers in the public schools, known as the (iregg Fund. After Mr. Sullivan, Rev. Wm. A. Holliday took charge of the school in August, 1837, for one year, and he was followed in October, 1838, by James Sprigg Kemper, who was principal for seven years. In 1845. Rev. .1. I'. Satt'ord became principal for one year; and he was followed by B. L. Lang, who was principal until 1852.- This was the leading school in central Indiana at the time, and furnished education to a great many men who were later well known in In- dianapolis life. The organization of "Old Seminary Boys" continued for many years, and tliey used to hold their anniial meetings, talk, eat, and play shinny with vast enthusiasm. In fact shinny seemed to be the chief memory, and there was some cause for it as may be seen fi'oni this reminiscence of Berv}' Sulgi'(i\ i'"s : "Shinny was the great game, however, and it was no fool of a game either. It was neither easy nor harmless. At first we played with wooden balls, and we might almost as safely have played with musket balls. Then we took India-rubber balls. Sometimes we nmde bails, but they were used up nearly as fast as glass balls under Mr. Carvei-'s rifle. The wooden balls, shot out by such a blow as Mr. Kemper could give, were bad things to get in the way of. Marcus C. Smith was a terrible fellow with a club, and never would 'shinny on his own side'. Henry I. Coe was a dangerous player, too, for he was so short-sighted he could not see anybody else's club, and ran right in regardless of the chances of <;ett.ing ' Journal . 1834. October 26, 1833; August 20, - Journal, Julv tember 21. 1852.' 18. 18,8: Locomotive, Sep- iiis-|(m;v of i;i!i:atki: iMMA.NAruiJ.s. }■>■■ his head broken, and once he did get ins nose broken. General John Cobiirn onee ran into Jlr. Kemjx-r and broke the hitter's wateli. Judge Charh';^ A. Ray had liis forehead hiid open with a eluli and Ijears the scar to this day. Garriek .MaUory, who never would use anything but a straight stick, had himself laid up for several days with a blow on the head. Osborn. the -\\w Orleans baby, had some of his teeth smashed in his mouth by a IjIow from Mark Smitli that slipped up the other's c-lub and laudetl un])leasantly. 'Stars' Coburn laid the speaker low with a liek on the knee that lamed him for three weeks. Austin Kallis was knocked as flat as a flounder by a wooden ball that hit him squarely in the forehead." And yet these bald-beaded old sports talked about football being a dangerous game, and not altogether without reason. It will be noted that the seiniiuiry was not a free school. The public furnished the buiUl- ing, and the patrons of the school kept it up by tuition, and in the earlier days by con- tributions. By a special act of February T. IS.'JS, the number of trustees of this seminary was increased to ten, of whom one-hall' wore to be appointed by the circuit court, and the others elected by donors to the institution, it being provided that the giver of $20 should have one vote; $.'>0, two votes; and $100, three votes. Previous donors were allowed one vote for each $40 given, and those who had given less than $40 were allowed a credit of one-half the amount on the purchase of a vote. Even this ingenious device did not result in any ma- terial endowment of the institution, and it was kept on a tuition basis during its existence. It is also to be observed that it was strictly a boy's school. On what principle the girls should be shut out from an institution, sup- ported even in part by public funds, does not at this day seem clear. But at that time co- education was not tolerated outside of the pri- mary schools. .'Vnd there was a generally prev- alent imjiression that girls had no need for higher education, which was miiib better founded then, when the field of occupation for women was so rmich more restricted, than it is at present. In consequence the instruc- tion in the higher schools for girls was almost wholly in the line of "accomplishments'", and was the occasion of more or less jest by in- dividuals who imajrined tluit tbev took a thor- oughly practical view ol life and its reiiuire- mcuts. The distriit schools were iiitermitlenl. and held in rented rooms, at first, for short sessions. In 1842, Alexander Jameson, brother of Rev. Love Jameson, became teacher of the south district school. At that time the part of town south of Washington street was one district, and the part north was divided into two dis- tricts by Meridian street. Later the south. >\de was also divided in the same way. The trustees for the south district were James Sul- grove, Nathan B. Palmer and Isaac Roll; and .(ameson had an arrangement, as was common, to take what public funds were available, and get the balance of his pay from tuition pay- ments. His school prospered so well that he could not attend to all his pupils, and he sent i'or his brother Patrick II. to come and help him. This assistant, now our venerable citizen Di-. P. H. Jameson, recalls his experience thus: "1 was a boy of nineteen when 1 came to help my brother Alexander with his school. 1 was raised on a farm in .Jefferson County, north of Madison, and had begun reading medicine at the time. He offered me $10 a mouth and my board, and I accepted. The district had no schoolhouse, and the school was held in the old Campbellite eliurch on the south side of Kentucky avenue, just above Georgia street. It was a one-room, one-story building about 55 feet long and 35 feet wide. There were no desks, but we had boards fastened temporarily to the backs of the seats to serve as desks. I taught there one year, and then decided to (irganize a school of my own in the northwest d strict, which had none. "In the spring of 1844 1 got tlie trusiees to- gether and submitted the matter. They were !'",zekiel Boyd, Carey Boatwright and Benja- min McClure. Boyd was the only one that I ad any education. We talked the matter over a id Boatwright proposed that they build a schoolhouse. To the question, 'how ? ', he an- swered 'Call a school meeting, and levy a tax". We looked into the law and found that this Kiuld be done by giving three weeks' notice. Boyd, who wrote a beautiful hand, made out the notices, and I ]nit them up in the most pub- le phiees. Very little attention was paid to ibeni, and on the appointed day only about twenty voters appeared. They organized and levied' a tax of $(;oo. n( which" $100 was {ov a 12 + HISTOKY OF GKEATER IXDlANAroLlS. lot and $500 fur a lioiisu. It wa^ certified to the auditor and put on the tax-duplieato. Wlien tax-paying time came, there was an awful row. A number of people refused to pay and the treasurer refused to reeeive any of their taxes unless they paid the sehool tax. The matter drifted along until the legislature met, and some of the influential people of the district induced it to adopt a resolution for another election. Notice of this was given, and we had one of the warmest elections ever known in Indianapolis. People were almost fiuhting-mad. About 200 votes were cast, and the school tax won by just one vote. "The schoolhouse was then built, on the east side of West street, south of ;^[ichigan. I was teacher, and as there was not money enough to furnish desks I put them in myself. There was about $100 of public money for each district, and the balance was made up by subscription, for which I circulated a paper. It was on the basis of $3 a pupil for 13 weeks of .3 days each. Exact account of the attend- ance was kept on blanks furnished by the County Auditor, and the subscribers were cred- ited for actual attendance, but it need not be by the same pupil. At the end of the term the accounts were footed up and the balances due were collected. As the public funds were used, anybody who desired could come to school, no matter whether there had been any subscrip- tion for them or not. and I had a number of pupils that paid nothing. I furnished the fuel, cut the wood, swept the room, made the fires, and ran the school just as I pleased. "I had scholars all the way from a-b-cs up to nearly as far as T could teach, but my worst trouble was with the a-b-cs. 1 worked out a plan of putting the letters on the black board, and having my 'abecedalians', as I called them, stand in front of it for ten or fifteen minutes, four or five times a day, while I pointed out the letters and they repeated the names; and in that way made some progress. For school books I had Webster's Elementary S])elling- l)ook, ^[cGufl'cy's First, Second and Third read- ers, Ray's Practical aiul ^[ental arithmetics, and .\lonzo C. Smith's Granunar and Geog- raphy. The last two were arranged with ques- tions and answers, wiiicli made must less work for the teacher. Xol all the pupils had the same books, however, and they studied and re- cited from wbatcvci- thcv had. Therr was verv little grading or classification, and each pupil was advanced in his work according to his individual progress. I taught a few algebra and geometry, but there was very little call for anything above the common studies. Music was taught by rote. I used to have a pretty fair voice, and I would sing a song and they would join in as they learned it. I had a book of songs called The Odeon, published by ilason & Webb, that was a very good collec- tion. I taught them America, Hail Columbia, Star Spangled Banner, Bonnie Doon, Ship Ahoy, The Barcarole and, in all, probably 40 or 50 airs. I gave them a few hymns, but there was a good deal, of prejudice about teaching religion in the schools, and I was pretty care- ful about that. '•We put in the day, then. I called school at 8 o'clock in the morning, and before that I came around, swept out, and fired up. I gave them 15 minutes recess at 10 o'clock and an hour at noon, and kept them till sundown in winter, and pretty near it in stimmer. I used to send the younger children home earlier. The older pupils studied United States history. I used Grimshaw's history, which was a good text book. The boys did not care much for anything but the battles, and I had them write descriptions of all the battles of the Revolu- tionary war, from Lexington to Yorktown. 1 could not begin to recall all who went to school to me, but among them were Samuel, James and George Douglass, Alonzo Atkinson — after- wards Captain Atkinson, Samuel Xorman — whose brother was a newspaper man at Xew Albany, the Pitts boys, and the Perhams, who afterwards went to Oregon. In addition to teaching school I read medicine at night, and on Saturdays was County Librarian. The county library was not used a great deal at that time. ' It had about 200 books. Dick Fletcher, a nephew of Calvin Fletcher, was the chief patron. Teachers complain now that they do not get enough pay to live on, but they get much better pay than I did. I paid my board and other expenses out of my wages, and at the end of four years of teaching I had $600 saved up. It all depends on how you use your money. I do not recall now who taught in the other schools, excepting Levi Reynolds, the brother of Governor Whitcomb's .\djutant Gen- eral. He came here and tried to get my school, but when he found he nndd not he took the HISTORY OF (JKEATEH INDIANAPOLIS. 12.-) X < z s T. O o z o 5 •^(; HISTOKV OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. school in the northeast distriet. It was hehl in a rented room, as they had no sc-hoolhouse at that time."' The seminar}- had rivals from the start, in addition to Ebenezer Sharpe's school. On June 22, 1835, Mr. Drapier opened his "Inductive School" in "the class room north of the ^leth- odist church'"'". This was undoubtedly an in- stitution of higher learning for Mr. Drapiei' said : "The design of this institution is to ac- commodate instruction, as well as may be, to the circumstances in which the people of this country are placed, with regard both to the ac- quisition and the application of knowledge. Arithmetic and algebra will be taught with clear views of their importance to the purposes of common life, and the ready comprehension of scientific theorems and formulEE. The gen- eral topics of geometry, trigonometry, conic sections, curves, mensuration, and the doctrines of mechanics, will be exhibited in a brief series, with perspicuous illustrations of their ))racti- eal utility"'. On Julv 21, IS:!.-), il. B\itter- fiehl announced his "Fundamental School"" to commence on the 27 th "a few doors west of the seminary where the subscriber will receive pupils, and bestow on them his undivided at- tention in imparting to them a critical knowl- edge of the fundamental branches of science". On September 25, 1835, E. M. Travis an- nounced that he would "commence teaching 'an English school, on reasonable terms, the 19th day of October next, in his new schoolhouse iu the eastern part of Indianapolis on Market street". One of the most celebrated teachers of this period was Josephus Cicero Worrall, who be- gan teaching here in 183(5, on Delaware street opposite the market hause. He had an ingen- ious system of putting a boy i?i chancerv bv laying him over his right leg and hodking his left leg over the otfender"s neck, while be ap- plied his ferule to the seat of educational dis- cipline. The only recorded escape from tliis hold was by Robert McOuat. wbi) fixed hi< teeth in the teacher's thigli ami (uusi'd an autd- matic opening of the human \ ise and thr re- lease of the young scajjcgrac e. But thi' chirr distinction of .Tiise])bus was in the higb-fiown circulars with which he used to startle the com- munity. In one of these, preserved in the Journal of March 11, 183;. he waiiis parents of the dangers of incompetent teachers by say- ing: "When the time comes that the infant in- stitutions which are springing up in our state, as nurseries of the future poets, philosophers and statesmen of Indiana, begin to decline, their downfall may probably be traced to an improper selection of individuals to conduct their concerns, who are not sufficiently im- pressed with the necessity of accommodating their usages to the increasing light of ages." At the same time he ingeniously appealed to the consciousness of the suffering pupils by the statement that, "They are driven into studies to which they have no attraction, but regard them as objects of mental agony, instead of in- tellectual recreations : decorated with the vari- egated hues of a glowing genius, sensible of the capacity of those unfledged eaglets, that, though they may- be destined to tower in sub- lime flight, are now restricted in taste and ability, by dispositions and powers peculiar to infantile weakness." It is not surprising that Berry Sulgrove, who was one of his pupils, and who had a tendency to air his classic ac- quirements, dubbed him '"Polyphlos-bois" (the far-resounding sea), with the approval of the generation that remembered him. The jesting at Josephus Cicero was not with- held till later days, but was indulged in by his contemporaries. Rev. J. C. Fletcher gives one of the circulars of W'orrall's "Select Academv" which his father had tiled away with the in- dorsement, "pragmatical bombast"'. The one above quoted was assailed in the Journal of March 18, 1837, by an unfeeling critic who hurled sarcasm at all of the educator's ideas. He disapproved the academy as a mixed school, saying, "By what rule or rules 'the intercourse of the sexes' in his Academy is to produce 'a thoughtful deportment" is a secret worth know- ing. In Dilworth"s days'we did not expect the ))roduction of much thoughtfulness by turning a Wvy of wild boys and girls together in the school-room, or on the common". But espe- cially severe were his reflections on the Academy oi-thography, for Josephus had gone in for re- formed spelling, and according to this critic, wrote tongue, tung ; sovereign, suvcran ; stead, sted : porpoise. ])orpess ; picturesque, picturesk ; acre, aker; cloak, cloke. etc. There is reason to rejoice that this feature of "the increasing light of ages"' was not adopted by the coinmun- |s-|()i;v OF clJKA'I'Ki; I XDI.WAI'ol.IS. 12T however, that W'oriall •rood teaclier of inathc- ity. 'I'raditioii says, wa* an exceptionally luatii!?. Worrall hail .suiue pu|iils. but a nuire .sub- stantial rival to the seminary appeared in the "Indiana]iolis High School" which was opened on October ■2.'). 18.')7. in ''school rooms on Wash- ington street opjiosite Browning's TTolel" by Oilman ^larston. This was a I'eally high gi-ade school, ilarston had graduated from Dart- mouth that spring, and in addition to all the usual English branches gave "a course of ex- perimental lectures in natural philosophy and chemistry", and taught Latin, Greek, and French. He refers in his advertisement ''to the Hon. David Wallace, Hon. Isaac Black- ford. Dr. L. Dunhi]). Eev. J. B. Britton, A. St. Clair. Esq." This school was contiiiued after- ward as the Franklin Institute, and Rev. J. C. Fletcher says of it : "About 1837 Messrs. Sweet- zer and Quarles, Lawyers, Col. A. W. Russell, Dr. G. W. Stipp. and' some others felt that all the liigher educational institutions were run by the Presbyterians, therefore Ihey formed a new school and duljbed it the 'Franklin Institute'. Their first teacher was a ^Ir. Chester, the sec- ond was Gilman Alarston, a graduate of Dart- mouth College. In 18.38 a frame sehoolhouse was erected on Circle street, occujiying a j)o- sition between ^fr. (^uarles's house and the porner of Circle and ^laikct streets (now the English Hotel). Tiiis building was removed a few years ago to the east side of Pennsylvania street. It is the third house on Pennsylvania street north of ^Massachusetts avenue. Mr. Marston was from Xew IIa!ii|)sbire, and re- turned in 18.'?9-40 to that state to jjraetiee law. He once told me at Exeter, New Hamp.shire, that he had an educational debt to pay, and a limited time to pay it in. therefore he catue to Indianapolis to teach. 1 lielieve that he had letters to Mr. Sweetser. lie afterwards be- eanie eminent as a lawye New Hampshire, district. and Portmouth. In the He reiiresenteil the southern district of Hampshire in Congress, and it max lie in the Rockingham, which includes Mxtcr war he lost an arm. N'ew -aid that no one of the many iipolis ha> lieen more succes succeeded by ;Mr. \\'heelfr. the eldest daughter of t'lc 1 do n'lt recall ubi'U tb( teachers in Indiaii- jful in life. He was who married Mary, late Dan'el Vandes. l-'ranklin liislil\ite became extinct."' (iilman ^larston went into the (^ivil War as colonel of the Second Xew iram])shire regiment, and was made a Briga- dier (ieneral in J8()"2. He was in Congress both before and after the wai-. and became gover- nor of Idaho in ISTO. Hev. Wm. Holliday taught sebnol up to 18.")(). after his service in the seminary, first in a log building where Rol)erts Park church now stands, then in the ba.sement of the Asso- ciate Reformed Presbyterian Church, which stood on the north side of Ohio street midway between Pennsylvania and Delaware, and then at his residence on North Pennsylvania street, o|)posite tTniversity Square. Rev. J. C. Fletcher says that prior to his teaching at the seminary he taught at the northeast corner of Pennsylvania and New York.* Air. Holliday was a ripe scholar and his .schools were well patronized. Mr. Brown states that Eliza Rich- mond assisted Marston in his school,'' and this was no doubt in the primary work. She kept a school for many years afterwards on New- York street between .\labama and New Jer- sey, which was jiopularly known as ''Sister Richmond's school" — she being a prominent "sister" in Roberts Chapel, and her ])atrons chierty Methodists. T'here was not a little sectarian jealousy and rivalry in early times that was notably displayed in the field of edu- cation, and that lived long in the memory of its chief actors. Rev. F. ('. Hollidav, wi-it- ing in 1873, says: "The state funds for edu- cational pur])oses in Indiana as in most of the Western States, were for nuiny years under the almost exclusive control of Presbyterians, who assumed to be the especial guardians and pa- trons of education. It is impossible, at this ilay. to comprehend the self-complacency with which their leading men in the West assumed to be the only competent e(lucators of the |)eo- ple. and the quiet unscrupulousness with which they si'ized -upon the triisl-funds of the states for school purposes, and made those schools as strictly denominational as though the funds had been exclusively contribute(l by niend)ers of their own conununion. .V young man wlio, in either the Miami I'liiversitv at Oxford, Ohio, or Lexington. Kentu(k\', oi- Piliininini.'i"n, In- •'AVm-.v. .luly 19. 18Tfi. *Xi'in'. June '28, 18:9. ■'Ilisl. flKlilllllllKllls, ]l. 10. 128 HISTORY OF (iUEATER INDIAXAPOLIS. iliana. wmikl have q\iestioned the correctness of any of the dogmas of Calvinism, woukl have been an object of unmitigated ridicule and persecution. * * * When, in 1834 and 1S35, efforts were made iu Indiana so to change the management of the State University, by amending its charter, that the trustees should be elected by the State Legislature, instead of being a self-jjerpetuating corjioration, a storm of indignation was raised among those who con- trolled the State L'niversity; and it was made the occasion of heaping all sorts of opprobrium on the Methodist church. The movement was said to be an effort on the part of the Meth- odists to get a Methodist professor in the Uni- versity : and it was tauntingly said, in the halls of the legislature, tliat 'there was not a .Methodist in America with sufficient learn- ing to fill a professor's chair, if it were ten- dered to him". Such taunts proved a whole- some stimulus to ilethodist enterprise and in- dependent church action in the department of education""." Of course this is the reminiscence of one who was in the fight, and the Presbyterians might have answered, and probably did, that the .Methodi-:ts needed ''a wholesome stimulus'" ; and also have pointed to the fact that they had established their separate collegiate institutions in order to avoid proselyting influences of other denominations. But the extract shows the feeling from which arose the fact that, when the constitutional convention of 1851 met, there were eight independent collegiate insti- tutions in the state, each controlled by a re- ligious sect. It explains the fact that the con- stitution of 1851 provides only for "a general and uniform system of public schools"", and does not mention a university. It ex]ilains the effort made in the convention for the ex- press prohibition of support by the state of a higher institution of learning.' It explains also the school conditions of Indianajwlis. The several churches had concentrated their efforts on collegiate institutions on a state basis, the Presbyterians on Hanover and Wabash, the Methodists on Asbury (now De Patiw), and the Ba]jtists on Franklin, none of them located here. It is probable that this division of en- ergy prevented, or retarded, the building up of a great central institntiou with the highest advantages for education, and caused numbers of Indiana boys to be sent to the larger institu- tions of the east; but it did what was probably better for the state by putting the opportunity for really good education within reach of hun- dreds who could not afford to go far from home. But none of these institutions were co- educational, and indeed at that time coeduca- tion inspired almost as much horror as woman's suffrage. The question arose "What siiall we do with our girls ?" The Presbyterians led olV In 183(j James Blake, Isaac Ray, and others obtained a Indianapolis Female opened in June, 1837 ill the solution. Coe, James M. charter for the Institute, which was under the management ^'Inilitiiin Mrtliodisiii. pp. 317-8. See also Ivlson's Enrhj Jndmna Prathi/tcrianisiii , p. 229. ''Boone's Histori/ of Education in Indiana. pp. 135-6. of Misses Mary J. and Harriet Axtell, of Courtlandville, Xew York, who had been teach- ers at the Geneva Female Seminary. At this school were taught "tlie mathematical and nat- ural Sciences, with history, and every branch of a thorough English education, and also music, drawing and the languages as desired."" It was at tirst held in the second story of what was known as the Sanders" building, on Washing- ton street near Meridian, and later removed to a frame building adjoining the old Presby- terian chttrch on Pennsylvania street. There were arrangements for jirivate boarding in connection with the school. It attained quite a high reputation for excellence, and was con- tinued until 1849, when the liealth of the elder Miss Axtell failed and the school was discontinited. It is said that she became de- ranged on the subject of predestination, ac- qtiiring the delusion that sbe was doomed to be lost. She died a short time afterwards wliiic on a trip to the West Indies for her healtli, Tiie blisses .Vxtell were excellent teachers, and were held in high esteem by their ])upils. After this there was an interval with no Presbyterian school for young ladies, but in 1852, Rev. C. G. McLean was induced to come here and open one. He was well educated and talented. He was prejjared by his step-father, Rev. James Gray, I). D., for many years |ias- tor of the Spruce Street Church, Philadelphia, for admission to the University of Pennsyl- vania, of which he was a graduate. He pur- sued his theological studies under tlie i-elc- HISTOifV OF (IKKATKR l.XDIAXArOIJS. 129 liratLil l)r. Johii il. ^lason, and was for twen- ty-seven years pastor of the Associate liefDrnied Church of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, anil eight years of the Dutch Eeformed Chixreh at Fort Plain, New York. He was a fine pi'eacher, liut left pastoral work on account of his health just before coming here. The school was op- ened as the Indiana Female Seminary, and was very successful for some years, the first cata- logue showing 151 pupils, nearly all from In- dianapolis. It was a boarding school and day school occupying a three-story lirick building which was erected for it, at the southwest cor- ner of New York and Meridian streets. The faculty and course of instruction were of high grade. Day scholars ])aid from $4 a quarter in the preparatory department to $8 as seniors, antl there were numerous extras, im-luding vocal music, instruction on the piano, guitar and harp, drawing and painting. The pupils were also assessed $1 per year for "'support of the gospel". Dr. McLean continued the school till his death, in I860, after which it was con- tinued 1)V his son-in-law, Charles N. Todd and Rev. Charles Sturdevant, until 1865. This school was commonly known as McLean Sem- inary. The Episcopalians were second on the iield. In 1830 Mrs. Britton, wife of the rector of Christ Church, opened a school for girls on Pennsylvania street above Michigan, which was later removed to the site of the When build- ing, and in the fall of 1843 to a frame liuild- iiig across the alley, to the north, from Christ Church, then owned by ;\Ir. Reck, the Lutheran pastor. Steps were then taken for the erection of a building especially for the school, back of Christ Church, and it was completed and occupied in 1845, the Reck property being pur- chased and used as a boarding-house for the school. On January 15, 1844, this school was chartered by the legislature as St. Clary's Seminary, with James Morrison and George 11. Dunn, wardens, and Geo. W. ilears, Cliarles Co.x, Jeremiah Foote, Wm. R. Morrison and Jose])h M. Moore, vestrymen of Christ Church, a.s directors ; the wardens and vestrymen of the church to be directors thereafter ex officio. Rev. Samuel Johnson, successor of ^Ir. Britton as rector of Ciirist (Miurch, ami his wife now took charge of the seiiool, whicli liad a very success- ful career for five years. -Vfter the discontinuance of the Axtell school, \'ol. 1—9 the Presbyterians attempted another, and a charter was obtained .January 19, 1850, for the Indiamipolis Collegiate Institute, with James Blake, James M. Ray, Wm. Sheets, Thos. H. Sharpe and Isaac Coc as trustees, their suc- cessors to be elected by the First Presbyterian Church. This movement came to nothing and the Methodists decided that this was their time to get busy. They accordingly formed a voluntary association known as the Indiana- Fe- male College, and began operations in the base- ment, or Sunday School room.s, of old Wesley Chapel in 1850, with Rev. Thos. H. Lynch as principal. This was of course temporary. The same year the Episcopalian property, where the Board of Trade building stands was purchased, and an additional Iniilding was erected next to Ohio street. Mr. Lynch himself took an active part in the erection of this building, which was intended for the school proper, a two-story frame with four rooms upstairs and four down. The south building — the old Epis- copalian school boarding house — was used as a boarding house for the school, ami in the numbering system of that time was Xo. 14 X. Meridian, while the school was Xo. 16. The school was chartered February 13, 1851, with provision that three-fourths of the directors should always be members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Lynch conducted the school till 1854, when he was called to New Albany, where the ilethodists had made the mistake of start- ing Asbury Female College in 1852, instead of centering on one institution. In 1854-5 the school here was in charge of Rev. Charles .\dams, and in 1855-(>, of G. W. Moss, who was followed in turn by Benjamin T. Hoyt. In 1859 the school suspended, but was resumed in 1860 under Rev. Oliver 'SI. Spencer. By this time competition of the McLean Seminary and Baptist Seminary were making the female col- lege business somewhat precarious, and in 1862, Rev. Thos. H. Lynch was recalled to help the in- stitution out. In 1865 the school was put in charge of W. H. DeMotte, w-ho had been a teacher at the Deaf and Dumb Asylum from 1850 to 1864, when he became for a year ^lili- tary and Sanitary Agent of the Stale at Wash- ington, D. C. And now a change was made. The McLean Seminary property had been sold to John Pyle, who wanted to open a hotel there, but concluded that it was too far out, and traded it for the Methodist school prop- 130 HISTOKV OF GItEATER INDIAjSTAPOLIS. erty. Mv put up a brick buildiiij;' butWL-on the two fraiue ones, uniting all in the Pyle House, which continued so long that everybody got tired of it. The Indiana Female College was removed to the old McLean Seminary, and Avas continued there until 1868, iu charge of Professor DeMotte. It was then determined to consolidate it with Asbury, which till then had not been coeducational, and this was done. The property was sold to the Wesley Chapel congregation, which built there, changing their church name to ileridian Street Church. This in turn gave place to the Central Telephone Ijuilding. The Baptists got along without a separate female institute until 18-58. when they organ- ized a stock company and bought the old resi- dence of Robert I'nderhill. at the northeast corner of Michigan and Pennsylvania streets. He was a j^ioneer in iron work, and had his foundry one square below, where the Second Presbyterian Church now stands. In 1859 the school was opened by Rev. Gibbon Williams, who continued iu charge imtil 1863, when he was succeeded by C. W. Hewes. He remained until 1870, and was followed liy Rev. T.ucian Hayden, the last ])rincipal. The Indianapolis Female Institute, as it was called, closed in 1872, not being able to compete with the free schools. The property was exchanged for other real estate, and passed into the hands of the City School Board. It was at that time quite an e.xtensive building, having been much enlarged while occuiiied by the school. This seminary had good standing as an educational institution. Among its teachers were Miss A. R. Boise (later Mrs. Dr. Wood), daughter of Professor Boise, of the University of ^lichigan, and Miss Rebecca J. Thompson, who was after- wards Professor of iratlicnintics at Franklin for thirty years. There were several other schools for young ladies at later dates that have since gone out of existence, in additicm to the mixed school of Mrs. Price. Mrs. A. Ashby had an excel- lent school at 78 East Xorth street (old num- ber), from 1872 to 1878. Mrs. E. R. Colwell taught at 956 K,„.tii T),,lnware from 1876 to 1880. .Teiiiiie L. Burr had a school for voungor girls at Broadwav and Cherry from 1879 to 1888. .1. H. Kaiipcs and wife conducted their Young Ladies' Institute from 1879 to 1883. Rev. .Tames Lvons liad an Institute for Younsr Ladies on Xorth Pennsylvania street in 18SS and 1889. The most notable, however, was the Girls" Classical School. T. L. Sewall started a classical school for boys, in 1879, at Home and College avenues, which was removed in 1881 to Xorth and Alabama streets, and con- tinued there till 1887. In 1882 Mrs. :May Wright Sewall opened a classical school for girls at the southeast corner of Pennsylvania and St. Joseph streets, where the Eiiiscopalians had been holding St. Anna's school for girls, under charge of Rev. J. B. Clarke. In 1885 a special building was erected for the girls' school at 821: Xorth Pennsylvania, and the school was continued there till 1907. Both the boys' and the girls" classical schools were pri- marily designed to prepare for college, and the graduates usually took Harvard. Smith. Bryn Mawr. or other examinations, whether they went to these schools or not, but the Girls' Classical covered practically all the ground of the earlier female colleges and seminaries, and did a most satisfactory educational work throughout its long existence. The Quakers were always zealous promoters of education, but they were not strong enough to do much in Indianapolis in the early years. Early in the fifties Sarah A. Smith, wifi' of Hugh Smith, opened a private school at the southeast corner of Alabama and Market streets, whicli was continued for nearly thirty years. In 1856, her daughter. .Vnna ^Fary, then fifteen years of age, became an assistant in the school, and continued till its close. This was a pri- mary, neighliorhood school, and a good one of its class. When the Friends built their meet- ing-house at the southeast corner of Delaware and St. Clair streets, in 1856. they made it two stories so that a scliool might be held in the lower room, and a very excellent graded school was maintained there for a number of years. It was attended both by Friends chil- dren and outsiders, l)nt they were all marched upstairs to Wednesday morninjr meeting. Thouias Charles, assisted liy William ^len- dcnball. both mendtcrs of the Society of Friends, opened a school called the City .\cad- emy, in 1867, on Xew York street opposite T''niversity Square. This was an excellent school, and well attended. It continued three years, after which ^[r. Charles became joint editor with G. W. Hoss of the Indiana Schnnl Journal, for a sburt time, and later removed HISTORY OF GRKATKi; I XDl.WAi'OlJS. i;ii to t'liii-ajjo. llinim llaillcy. aimtliLT pi'cniiiiKMil FrieiiJ educatur, latur ])iVf;iutler University was originally begun, anil for twenty odd years continued, as Xorthwestorn Cliristian University. It owes its existence chiefly to Ovid Butler, wlio was at the head of a committee originally appointed at the state meeting of the ciiurch at Greensburg, in 1847. He designed and formulated its plan, drafted its charter, donated tiie site and a large jiart of tlie endowment, and gave it his ijersonal at- tention through life. The Xorthwestern Chris- tian University was chartered by act of Janu- ary lo. 1850. The charter created a stock com- panv of $100 shares, the total not less than $T">;000 nor more than $.500,000, of which one-third might be used for site and l)uilding, but at least two-thirds must bo held for en- dowment. In loaning the endowment fund, ! the shareholders were to be preferred borrowers. When $T.5.000 was subscribed the directors were to be elected and proceed with the building. The charter voiced the features of ('am)ibell"s teaching that appealed most powerfully to Jlr. Butler, and the directors were to provide for "an institution of learning of the highest class. for the education of the youth of all parts of the United States, and especially of the states of the Northwest; to establish in said insti- tution ilejiartments or colleges for the instruc- tion of the students in every branch o! liberal and iirol'essional education : to educate and pre- l)are suitable teachers for the common schools of the country; to teach and ininlcate the Christian faith and Christian morality as taught in the sacred Scriptures, discarding as uninspired and without authority all writings, fornuilas, creeds, and articles of faith subse- quent thereto; and for the formaticui (pro- motion) of the sciences and arts." The charter pro\i(leil tbnl llic property should be exempt from taxation. Rev. John O'Kanc was appointed soliciting agent for the enter])rise, and by June 22, 18.52, the retpiired $75,000 was reported subscribed. On July 14, twenty-one directors were eleeti'd, with Ovid Butler as president. .Mr. Butler donated twi'iitx acres of fine woodland for the institution (at College and Home avenues) ; plans by Wm. Tiiislcy, a Cincinnati architect, wri'c ailopted. and contracts were let in Jtdy, ]8.");i, for the west wing of the building, which was designed for addition as needed. The building was erected in 1854-5, at a cost of $27,000, and was opened on Xovember 1, 1855, with services including addresses by Elder O'Kane, Prof. Renton and Elder IToshour at the college ehajjel during the day, and by Prof. Young at Masonic Hall at night.* The university opened with John Young, president and professor of natural sciences: A. K. Ben- ton, ])rofessor of ancient languages, and James R. CJhalleii, late of Somer.set Pennsylva- nia Academy, principal of the ]ire|)aratory de- partment. In 1858, Prof. Young having re- signed, Prof. S. K. Hoshour, a noted teacher of eastern Indiana, succeeded to the presidency ; 0. W. IIoss took the chair of mathetnatics ; R. T. Brown that of natural sciences, and Prof. Challen that of English. Prof. Ho.«hour ta\ight modern languages. The war caused a great falling off in students, and called for a reduction of ex])enses, so the faculty was re- organized ill isi;i uiiji A. It. Benton as presi- dent, who lii'ld the |)any on A|)ril 10, 1828 ; and on June i;!. 1828 a cavalry com- ])any was organized with David Buchanan as captain, Edward Jleizer, first lieutenant, John .Sayior, second lieutenant, and Jacob L. Payne, cornet. The special compaiiio, particiihirly tlie ar- till<'ry ami the ritiemen, usually took part in the Fourtli of July parades, and appeared on other gala occasions. The regular militia did nothing but af)pcar on muster days and ]icrf(irin legal "•militia duty", or get fined fen' neglect, 'i'iiey were not uniformed, and were armed with anything they might fancy that Would serve the pur])osc of going through the manual of arms. .Muster day was a sort of picnic, characterized by perhaps an hour of drilling and laige quantities of frontier recre- ation, from eating and drinking to racing and fiffhting. They were very convenvnt for re- newing iihl actpiaiiitaucc and political cam- paigning. There was no appearance of actual service for the militia until the Black Hawk War, news of which reached here on June 3, 1832. On tlie ne.Nt day Colonel Russell called for 150 mounted voluntec'i'S from the Fortieth, and an equal iiuinber frour adjoining counties, which promptly appeared at the ai)pointed ren- dezvous at Indianapolis, armed with rifles, tomahawks, knives, a pound of powder each and ball in proportion, on June I). They were organized in three com])anies under captains James P. Drake. J. W. Reding, and Henry Brenton. Captain Drake had not appeared on the militia rolls before this time. He came to Posey County in 181(i, a youth of nineteen, and was soon prominent as a holder of both civil and military offices, being chosen first as colonel and in 1818 as brigadier general. In 1829 President Jackson apjiointed him re- ceiver of public moneys at Indianapolis, and he removed here. His com)iany for the Black Hawk War was organized as "rangers"' and I Make received a captain's commission on June s, with Geo. W. S. White as first lieutenant, liobert ifcHatton as second lieutenant and Douglass Maguire as ensign. The most san- guinary part of the campaign was the rendez- vous, at which, by a iiremature discharge of the cannon, William Warren lost both his arms, and qualiticd himself as the only pensioner of the war at this jioint, a special act of Con- gress for that purpose being secured by Geo. I J. Kinnard. On the day of the rendezvous, the three companies marched for Chicago, under command of Colonel Russell, with Wm. Conner fcu' a guide. At Chicago they learned that the war was over, and marching around file south end of Lake iFichigan they returned borne by way of South Bend. Here they en- countered the facile ])en of John 1). Defrees, more deadly than Indian tomahawk, for he christened them "the Bloody Three Hundred", anil tlicy never heard the last of it. Possibly the fun ])oked at them fell on the militia serv- ice for it gradually went almost out of use. Put civilized young men c-annot live with- out uniforms, and on February 22, 1S37. a meeting of the young men of the city decided to organize a military company. .\t later meet- ings constitution and by-laws were adopted, and officers elected, and on March 2* com- 13G HISTOID Y UF GlIEATEK IMJlAXAl'ULlS. mi.ssioiii< were issued to Alexander W. Rus- sell, captain; P. W. Seibert, first lieutenant; Win. Uannamau, second lieutenant; Charles Cox, third lieutenant ; and Wm. H. Morrison, ensign. They had a showy uniform of gray with black velvet facings, tall bell-crowned leather caps with brass trimmings and black pompons, and were armed with muskets. Col- onel Eussell did not have time enough to de- vote to the company to satisfy the uniform en- thusiasm of the members, and in the following year he gave way to Thomas A. Morris, a West Point graduate, who was commissioned captain of the Marion Guards on June 30, 1838 — recommissioned April 27, 1842. On September 1-3, 1S38, commissions were issued to Philip K. Landis, first lieutenant: John Mc- Dougall, second lieutenant ; Thos. Doncllan, third lieutenant, and Milton Foudray, fourth lieutenant. The company, which had been incorporated by special act on February 14, 1838, was assigned to the Fortieth regiment. Captain (later General) Morris was a fine drill master, and l)rought his company to a high state of efficiency, it being the crack com- pany of the state. Its imposing appearance on parade awakened other military ardor. A cavalry company was organized, and on No- vember 4, 1840, its officers were commissioned, Samuel Ross, captain ; Thos. A. Thomas, first lieutenant; Ephraim Law, second lieutenant; Samuel Vandaman, ensign. It did not last long. Horse soldiering involves too much trouble for popularity in times of peace. In 1842 the Marion Riflemen were organized, with Thomas MacBaker as captain; George Robinson, first lieutenant, and Reuben P. Adams, second lieutenant, the commissions is- suing April 30. This company, i)0])ularly known as the "Arabs", w-hile the Guards were called the "Grays'", or the "Graybacks", was uniformed in fringed blue hunting shirts, and armed with primitive and awkward breech - loading rifles. In August, 1842, the indepen- dent companies formed a battalion, and elected Harvey Brown lieutenant-colonel and George W. Drum, major. They had several parades and one or two encampments, but military dutv grew monotonous, and by 184.3 the companies were practically abandoned. When the call for troops for the Mexican war came, Lew Wallace was theoretically studying law in Indianapolis. The call came to him like a release to a prisoner. For years he had dreamed of military glory and es- jjecially in connection with Mexico. The romance of "The Man at Arms", unpublished to which he had devoted his juvenile talent, had been laid aside under the charm of Pres- cott, and that romantic tale "The Fair God" — the most artistic of all his stories — was now well-nigh finished. He had been a militianuin a sergeant in MacBaker's Rifles, and he gives this account of the militia conditions in In- dianapolis: "The differences between the com- panies were not of a kind to foster what the French call camaraderie. The Greys were solid men, verging, many of them, upon middle life; the enlisted of the Rifles were mostly incap- able of mustaches. The uniform of the Greys was of rich cloth ; that of the Rifles consisted of a cap, a cotton hunting-shirt, blue and yellow" fringed, and fashioned after the style bequeathed to the American people by General Daniel Morgan of Revolutionary renown. The Greys carried muskets with bayonets; the Rifles, Hall's patent breech-loaders. The Greys timed their steps to the sonorous music of a brass band ; the Rifles were contented with the fife and drum. The Rifles despised the aristocratic airs of the Greys ; the Greys laughed at the Rifles, and the good-natured contempt could have been endured had they stopped with it. Their last insult was the nickname 'Arabs'. We waited a long time for a chance to i)unish the Greys. At last a sham battle betwirn the comj)anies was hippodromed in celebration of January 8th, with Washington street for scene of action. We were posted at the intersection of Meridian street, facing eastward ; while, turning from Delaware up by the court-house, the enemy moved to the attack in column of .sections, their band plaving vociferously. Their appearance was beautiful : and it was then I first knew w-hat inspiration there is in white handkerchiefs shaken out by fair hands from overlooking windows. The Greys opened with volleys; we replied, lying down and firing at will. All went well until in the crisis of the engagement our captain forgot to order the re- treat provided for in the schedule of manoeu- vres. The melee that ensued was tremendous. Wads flew like bullets. We shot one man, took several prisoners, and were left masters of the field. At sight of the haughty foe in flisht I veiled mv throat into tatters. Tlie llisioin OK (iKEATER INDIANArOLIS. 1:5: incident is, of coiirx', trivial: 3ct it was of eonbequciicL' to me. It ])iit a final finish upon the taste for military life by turning it into u genuine passion. It was my initiation into the Ancient and Honorable Order of Sol- diers."' Wallace longed for !Me.\ico, and war. He hastened to the office of the Adjutant Gen- eral before the call was issued, seeking an interview. He says: ''David Reynolds, the incumbent, was a good-looking person, stout, rubicund, afl'able, who had not yet appeared in uniform. He knew nothing military, and, to his credit, he made no pretension to such knowledge. His appreciation of the title even needed cultivation. He was intelligent anooks. His fine liijrary was useful as well as orna- mental. It was a certificate that his re])utation for learning and scholarly altaiiuncnts was de- served. * * * i[is picture in the state librar)' is a better likeness of the war governor than the statue under the monument. If in speaking of him one confines remarks to his abilities as a statesman, the choicest terms of eulogy may be used with pniprictv : but he was not a soldier. ""- .Vnd yet these were tiie men that made In- diana's fine recoril for ])romptness in this emer- gency, (iovernor WJiitcoinb did not wait for appro))riations. He liorrowed the needed funds from the banks that were willing to loan on his ))ersonal and official 7'cs]ionsibility. One has but to glance over the coiitcni|iorary accounts cojleeted in that most ahi H CO fl < c Cd 0) a d. E- w D O ■^' OJ 1 1 ^v irs 30 a- C a- 73 u J ;_' o 0; C u < O z (J *^ 4-> 3 a z a? Ci ^ ^ o H ^— ' > -^ H t> a >- 63 M a K 5 ca HISTOHV OK (iliKA ri:if, IXDIAXAI'OI.IS. 13!) were issuoil (III llic 1st; the Putnam IJIuo ami Cass County \'ohinteers ou the '-iud ; the Mont- gomery Volunteers and Johnson Guards on the 3d. The Clarion Volunteers went into camp near the city, and after two weeks of drill they were started on the 17th on their march, or rather on their ride, for enthusiastic farm- ers had volunteered their wagons to take them to Kdinhurg. to which point the .Madison rail- road was then opened. They marched to the door of Drake's Hotel (west of the Lombard building) and there were presented a flag by the ladies of the city. Sarah T. Bolton made the presentation address, and responses were made by Cajitain Drake for the company, John II. Bradley for the citizens, and (rovernor \\'hitcond) for the state. Then they started with the godspeeds of the multitude, for all of Marion County seemed to have gathered for the departure. To Madison by rail, and New Albany by boat, then to camp for two weeks on tlir old estate of (ieorge Rogers Clark, then called Camp Whitcomb. and be mustered in. On July ,5, the Marion Volunteeis, now Company II, of the First Regiment, marched on board the steamer (irace Darling, and started for New Orleans. The company had reorganized at New Albany. Captain Drake having been elected colonel of the regiment. John McDougall was chosen captain, and Noah Noble Campbell, first lieutenant in ]ilacc oC McDougall. If ever a military organization was I'ntitlcd to ]iromulgate a hard-luck story it was the Marion volunteers — or rather the whole First Indiana regiment. They got their first taste of real soldiering at New Orleans in their camp on (ienci-al Jackson's battlefield, wbirli was romantic but very damp. The regiment crossed the Oulf in two ships, the Flavio, of fi-10 tons, taking five comiianies, and the Sophia Walker, of ;i.")0 tons, taking thive, including the In- diana)Kilis company. Two comjianies were left behind temporarily. The voyage was fairly pleasant for those who were not seasick, and could keep out of range of those who were.'' Arrived at Point Isabel, the regiment was marched ten miles u|) llie R'io Grande and eani]ieil in a mcscpiili' chap- arral, about a mile fi-oin I be rivci-. separated by a low. wet bottom, through which all the water for the camp had to be carried. Here they began to experience the ills common to all soldiers who do not know how to take care of themselves, and whose officers do not know how to care for them. Measles and diarrluea broke out in the camp. .Many died and most of those who did not were greatly enfeelded. They were learning the lesson that with unsanitary living, disease always causes more deaths than the arms of the enemy. In the Civil War the deaths from disease were 249,23.5, while only 110,070 were killed in battle." In the Spanish War the pro- |)ortion was far greater, 4,015 by disease to 208 killed in battle, because there was so little fighting." The great stress of militia train- ing now is on the preservation of health, and every commissioned ofiicer has to pass an ex- amination in sanitation. It is as important, if not more so, to know where to place a camp as to know where to place a battery. Fortunately the supply of medicine, wlii^-h consisted in those days of opium pills and calomel, gave out about the time the sickly season ended in the fall, and the health of the troops began to improve. But there were no indications of an order to move towards the front. It became evident that the First Indiana was to be left in tliat wretched hole to guard communications. I{e(|uests to move had no effect. But finally, after weary weeks of waiting Gen. Robert Patterson came along and ordereil an advance to Walnut Springs. Then there was joy. The regiment was to get some share of the glory others were ac- quiring. It marched with alacrity. On De- cember 24, it had reached Corristos, only six miles from Walnut Springs, when it received orders fnmi (Jen. Taylor to march back. There had been a mistake. The communica- tions must be guarded. Back they must go into the pacific and jirosaic nnid-hole. .\nd that was iioi all. .Along the line of mai-ch they had been passing s of sh(n't lines, chiefly in coiniection with mines, created an enthusiasm for railroads throughout the coun- try, and on Fi'liruary 2 and 3, 1832, the legis- lature of Indiana chartered eight companies. five of which were to connect Indianapolis with the Ohio l{iver. They were the T.iawrenceburg and Indianajjolis. \ia .\a|>oleon and Greens- burg: the Harrison and Indianapolis, from Harrison, Dearborn County, via Brookville and Hushville: the ^ladison and La- fayette, via Indianapolis; the Xew Al- bany, Salem and indianajiolis, via Co- lumbus; and the Ohio and Indianapolis, from Jeffersonville via Columbus. The other three were the Ohio and Lafayette, from the Falls to Lafayette; the Wabash and ]\Iichigan, fi-om Lafayette to "the mouth of Dishman,' or Trail Creek, ill Laporte County'"; and the Richmond, Eaton and Jlianii, from Richmond to Hamil- ton, Ohio. The ln(liana])olis people inter- ested in these ventures at the start were, in the Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis, Nicholas McCarty. Heiijaniin 1. I'.lvthi' and James niake; in the Harrison and Indianapolis, Isaac X. Phipi)s. llervey Bates and Alfred Harrison; in the Xew .\lbany, Salem and Indianapolis, A. C. Reid ; in the Ohio and Indianapolis, James >rorrison and James Blake. None of these roads were Imilt under their original charters, tliongh roads were later eonstnietecl on nearly all the lines selected. Surveys were made on several, but tlie only constriietion by any was a mile and a c|uarter of road at Shelbyvillc, made by the Lawrence- burg and liidianajiolis Company, which, as tile first in Indiana, is of ])assing interest. James Hlake, as president, i)ro tem, of the coniiiany, made a report on December 5, 1834, of the work aeconiplisbed and of the lio|ies based on it. M that time railroad-building was so much in its infanev that most of the work was ex])erimental. The most common Du Clicniin — site (d' ^MieliiLi'an Citv. mode of conslniction was lu lay cross-ties on stone at either end, and on these place heavy wooden rails, which were capped with bar- iron. This mode was not altogether satisfac- tory, as there was no stone along part of the line. The following extracts from Mr. Blake"s rej)ort will give an idea of the work: "With a view to ascertain whether long pieces of timber laid lengthwise the road, one on each side for the cro-ss ties to rest upon, might not answer in the place of broken stone foundation, the one mile and a (piarter of the road at Shelbyvillc was laid in that manner. Tindier of various kinds, si.x liy eight inches, and twenty feet long, and completely covered with earth, have been used for this purpose. * * * After the road is laid, the stone for the horse path (should one be thought neces- sary) can be readily brought upon the road from the extensive (piarries on Flat Rock, at a very litile expense. * * * There are, however, tuo alterations in the |)lan of con- struction which the Board is desirous of mak- ing. The road in every respect is calculated for the use of locomotive power — and the speed and cheapness of that power over every other, will no doubt occasion it to be adopted on this road as it has been on almost every other of any extent in the L'nited States and in Kuro])c. It would, therefore, be pro]ier at once to save the ex])ense of a horse path. This is estimated to cost three hundred dollars per mile, and supposing the road to be ninety miles long, twenty-seven thousand dollars may be saved. A sum sufficient to procure all the locomotive power necessary for a long time. And it will likewise su))ercede the outlay of capital that would otherwise be necessarily in- vested in horses. In additiim to these advan- tages, if steam alone should be used, the in- termediate space between the rails need not be so entirely filled with earth as is required by the horse path, and thus the rails, at least, mav he tnade to last many years longer than lbc\- would do were they brought into immedi- ate contact with the earth. * * * "Having foi'med and ex])ressed the intention of completing this ])iece of road by the 4th of .Inly last, umh'r the expectation of having Mr. Van De GralT to sui)erintend it, the Board found it necessary to comply with the expecta- tions of the pidilic on the subject, notwith- standing Ibev were d isa ppoii\ted in procuring 14 + HISTORY OF OKPLVTER INDIANAPOLIS. an engineer as early as was expected. This piece of road was accordingly let out in quarter- mile sections, and completed in about two months by its enterprising contractors. And when it is considered that it was built with- out tlie aid of competent engineers, — by men without experience in such works, and with the ordinary labour of the country, it is not only highly creditable to those concerned, but is also calculated to give great confidence in the ability of the country to construct the work throughout the whole route, and at a cost far below the engineer's estimate. In the course of the day (July -1) between six and eight hundred persons were passed upon tlie road by one car, a distance out and in of two and a half miles. One horse was found able to draw from forty to fifty per- sons at the rate of nineteen miles per hour, and this when all the work, both of car and road, was new and rough. Owing to the dif- ficulty of procuring an engineer, the directors superintending the work did not deem it proper to carry it into Shelbyvillc, as they could not tell where the engineer might choose to cross the river. The work was, therefore, stopped three-quarters of a mile from town. Yet it is believed that it affords a fair specimen of the cost of construction through the line of level country already spoken of. Upon it there is one cut of five feet ; one embankment of five feet, and one of ten — two curves and two bridges, already mentioned,— all in the dis- tance of one and a quarter miles, and the whole cost was one thousand five hundred dollars per mile.'' Mr. Blake states that all expenses to date, including surveys, have been $3,524.- 471/^, and the only receipts have been from passengers at Shelbyville, from which "there has been received eighty-three dollars, of which sixtv dollars was taken on the 4th of Julv last!" Under the agreement with the company which undertook to complete the iladison rail- road, in accordance with the act for the sur- render of any of the internal improvement projects,'- the company was to pay the state a rental of $1,152 per year for three years. This was later extended to ten years on condition that the road be completed to Edinburgh be- fore July, 1846, and to Indianapolis within -General Laws ISJiJ, p. 3. two years afterward. After the ten years the profits of the road were to be divided between the state and the company in proportion to the amount constructed by each, giving the state about one-third. The company com- [ilied with the construction requirements by October 1, 184'i', and entered on a career of apparent prosperity. It had a monopoly of transportation between the river and the cen- tral part of the state. Population and busi- ness were steadily increasing and the receipts of the road grew accordingly. The receipts from transportation, which had been $22,110 in 1843, with 33 miles of track, and $60,053 in 1845, with 50 miles of track, rose in 1848 (11 months, owing to a change in the fiscal year) to $212,090; in 1850 to $272,308: in 1853 to $516,414. The financial success of the road seemed assured from this point of \'iew, and yet in 1852 it was practically bank- rupt. The road had scarcely begun operation be- fore the defects of inexperience began to ap- peal'. The portion constructed by the state had been laid with light T rail, and the rest with bar plate on wooden rails. Bj' 1848, ]n-actically all of this had to be replaced. The ditching, and indeed almost every feature of tlie original work had been inadequate, and liad to be done over. In Februar_y, 1846, Pres- ident Samuel Merrill said: ''']\Iore water sta- tions must be made, and they must be better adapted to the business of the road. The turn-outs at Dupont's, Butlers, Yernon. and Scipio must be extended, so. that long trains can pass, and new ones must be made at Mid- dle Fork and Tannehill's Depot. More tracks are required at the Hill Depot, and more room for the deposit of freight. The depot in Madison must also be enlarged to double its present size. A new locomotive will be re- quired in the fall, and the mmiber of cars must be considerably increased." There were all sorts of trouble, some of which seem hardly sufficient now to seriously affect the business of a railroad, but they did then. In the fall of 1855 there was a prolonged drought, fol- lowed by extreme cold and much snow in De- cember, and President Merrill thus depicts the effects: "When frequently not less than 200 barrels of water a day were to be dipped in buckets, or hauled in wagons : when, until ap- paratus could be made for throwing steam into ( HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 14') the tank, one of the liose was usually beforu the furnace to melt the ice in it, while the other was in use; when more car wheels hroke in a month than had previously in two years: wluii the trips rcquiretl from IS to 20 hours instead of 10, the usual time, it is a matter of sur- prise that so much was done. Wells could not be dug in the region south of Rock Creek, nor suitable hands found to attend the pumps north, and it was only by great exertions of all who were cm|>loyed that no trips were lost. When one set of hands was worn down with fatigue, another took their places, and all thai could be dnnc under the circumstances was effected." The inclined plane at ifadison was a source of heavy expense from the start. On ilarch 28, 1844, when the track was wet and slippery. a loaded freight car escaped control and sped down the plane colliding with a ])assenger train, and killing live ])ersons and maiming as many more. The company undertook to escape the ditliculties and dangers of the plane hv a cog track, known as the Cathcart patent, for which it paid Cathcart $0,000. About $2,000 more was spent in defending the patent and $T."),000 for installing it. But this did not secure either safety or convenience, and when the state sold its interest to the road in 18.")2. it stipulated for a new terminus. On A|)ril 10, IM.")."). I'res- ident Ellis said: "That work was immediately connncnced. over three hundred thousand dollars expended thereon, and was fin- \ ally abandoned"'. But all these things were ' of minor importance as compared with an- other element of disaster. Tlie company ap- plied to the legislature of 18.31-2 for the pur- chase of the state's interest in the road, and by the act of ^February 28, 18.")2, the state sold, agreeing to take $600,000 in state stock. or $.300,000 in money, payable in four an- nual installments, beginning in 18.")l. Ip lo this time the state had avoided giving any opening to competing lines, but by the gen- eral law of May 11, 18.J2, it threw the door wide open to construction of railroads anv- where, by anybody. The results most barnirul to the Madison road were the construction of the JelTersonvillc road, giving direct competi- tion to Indianapolis, and a change in the line of the Eawrenceburgh and l'))])er ^Iississip])i road, giving more direct comniunicalion with Cincinnati. Says President Fllis: "The Imsiness Vol. I— 10 of the Madison road began at once to decline, at the most rapid rate, and the line, instead of being the great thoroughfare for trade and travel, became a local road, shorn of its busi- ness and profits". It made an effort to re- cover by investing half a million dollars in the Columbus and Shelby road, and buying the controlling interest in a line of steamers, but in vain. It was doomed. The gross earnings of the Madison road, which had reached $47(5,892 in 1852, dropped to $2T.5,55T in 18.54. Its stock, which sold for $l.(iO in 18o2 had dro])ped to $(l.02ii; in Jau- uar}-, 18.56. On ifarcli 1, 18.5.5, a law was passed appointing Governor Wright, Judge Thos. S. Stanfield and Elijah Newlaud com- missioners to investigate the affairs of the Madison road and comj)romise to the best ad- vantage the debt to the state. The commis- sioners reported at the next session of the legis- lature, and on its report the i-oad was a hope- less wreck. On May 1, 18G1, to raise the money needed for its terminal and other work, the company had placed a mortgage of $600,- 000 on the entire property, due in 10 years, and on this there was $46,310 of interest in arrears. The state had taken a second mort- gage for its $300,000 on August 12, 18.53. On October 1, 18.53, a third mortgage had l)een executed to secure $(iO().000 of additional bonds, and of these $261,000 had been dis- posed of. There was a domestic debt, unse- cured, of $287,286 for repair work, material, damages, etc., and in addition to this $1,647,- SOO of outstanding stock, making total liabili- ties of $3,132,396. The commissioners said: "The pecuniary condition of this company is a hopeless insolvency, and to some extent has been rendered so by the legislative policy of the state, in granting (-barters to other rail- road companies, who have made more fortu- nate locations in securing the trade and travel of the country. To maintain a successful com- jjctition with these rival roads, the company has ex])ended large amounts of money — more than the entire road is now worth, which ex- |iendilure has become almost an entire loss. Most of this money has been lost in an unsuc- cessful effort to avoid the inclined plane at ^[adison, and the building of branch roads. -And after all these prodigal ex]icnditurcs W(>re made, and business connections formed with other companies, it was still dnonied to fall 14G IIISTOKV OF (iUKATEi; IXDIAXAPOLTS. fnun its position of a trreat leading thorough- fare to a mere local road. The ex])ense and hazard in transporting over the inclined plane at Madison, and the increased distance by this route over others to the principal cities on the river, will forever prevent it from doing any considerable business, other than that in its own neig'hljorhood. "The present prospects of this road indicate the entire loss of its capital stock, one mil- lion six hundred and fortv-seven thousand and eight hundred dollars, and also the $■.'(;!. 000 of Ijonds issued under the third mortgage. and, indeed, it seems quite evident from what has already been shown, that when the first mortgage bonds become due, viz.: May 1, ISlJl, the road must from necessity fall into the hands of tlie bondliolders under that mortgage. That there is not money enough in it to justify the state or anyone else to take the road by pay- ing that debt and the other necessary o\itUtys that will be added to it by the time the bonds become due." On this situation the commis- sioners agreed to accept $75,000 in 5 per cent state bonds in full of the claim, which was dulv paid, and the mortgage released. The state also liad $31,450 of" stock of the road, which had been issued as earnings dividends. when the road was sold in 1852, and this was then exchanged to Winslow, Lanier & Co. for $59,300 of state Si/o per cent stock. These represent the state's returns from the ven- ture; and the settlement was a good one. In January, 1854, the road was consolidated with and operated with the Peru for a few moiitiis. and then this relation was dissolved. On J[arch 27, 18G2, the iladison road was sold on foreclosure by the Ignited States Marshal, for $325,000. A new company was organized and operated the road for a year of two wlien it was bought by and consolidated with the Jef- fersonville road, which later passed into tlu' Pennsylvania Pailroad system. In reality the loss to the state was not so serious as the lo.'is to the stockholders and bondholders. The state got all the advantage, of opening up the part of the country at its center, in the beginning; and by its course in 1852. although it destroved its ])rospects of getting its $300,000 from the Madison road. it produced a development that was of much greater value in income from taxation. No doubt it niiiiht iiave worked out a svstem of state-owned railroads by different management from the start ; but it is not given to mankind to use the knowledge gained by exi^erience and retrospection in the exercise of foresight as to the same affairs. The great point at the time was to get the road built at all, and the bene- fit of that was felt imnu'diately, es[iecially at Indianapolis. The jieriod of isolation of the capital was ended. A new era was opened. For the first time manufacture for other than domestic consumption became a possii)ility, and the agricultural products of the region be- came sensitive to the movement of outside markets. In a few wc^ks wheat advanced fi-om 4(1 cents a bushel to 90 cents. Tudoulitedly the railroad investment was more than re- turned to the state; and undoubtedly Indian- apolis and Marion County had value received for all they paid ; and they paid a goodly share in the subsequent extinction of the state debt by taxation. There was naturally a brisk competition for the location of the new Madison depot at Indianapolis, various parties offering liberal donations, but it was finally located on South street between Pennsylvania and Delaware, which was then a quarter of a mile outside of the Settled district, there having been no ex- tension of the town south of Pogue"s Kun. The depot, or "depot house" as it was tlun called, was built in 1846-T, and though the location caused a great deal of criticism on account of its "distance from business", Mo- hanimeil concluded to go to the mountain, and soon an embryo town sprang u]) about the depot. On September 9, 1848, the Loruniofii:e gave the following description of the progress in that vicinity : ""Tlie Depot house is brick, substantially built ; the first building is 50 feet square and two stories high. This is oc- cupied as offices, rooms for clerks, board of directors, ladies sitting room, &c. It is finely linishcd and is a handsome looking house. The ware-house extends 350 feet from the front l)uilding, and is 50 feet wide; this building is l)riek, with a covered roof — the eaves ex- tending about ten feet beyond the walls on each side, affording protection from the sun and rain. The cars run through the centre of the entire building, and in the ware-house, on either side of the cars, is amide room for storage. "On the east of the railroad, and within two •:*j HISTORY OF (MtKATER I N'I>IAXAPOLTS. 147 148 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. squares of it, there has been, and is now be- ing built, 19 liouscs this spring and summer, among which are two brick M-are-hou?e^, both two stories high, and one of which is 13(1 by 25 feet, and a large Hotel. To show the dis- patch with which business is done here, we will state that the design of the latter excellent and valuable improvement was drawn in February ; on the 15th of August the house was finished, furnished and occupied; even to the sign, on which is displaved in large gilt letters, 'THE DEPOT HOUSE By Banner LAWHE.vn.' — The hotel is of brick, 3 stories high, the front fiOxSO feet, with a wing 160 by "20 feet. — The balance of the houses erected east of the Depot are mostly one story frame dwellings. West of the Depot, and immedi- ately adjoining the railroad track, there was built this summer 13 houses, including 5 two- storv ware-houses, two brick, one of which is 25 by 136 feet."' Of course the railroad increased in useful- ness to the town as it approached, but this only whetted the public desire to have it com- pleted, ^lien it was assured that it would be opened on October 1, 1847. a citizens" meet- ing — ajiparently predigested by the officials of the road — was held on September 3.") ; and resolutions were adopted for a celebration, with a committee of seven to prepare for it. and also "that the Railroad Company ought to permit passengers, for a week at least, to travel on the road at reduced prices"'. In re- sponse to this last. Samuel ^[errill, as Presi- dent and Superintendent of the road, gra- ciously announced that, "The M. & I. R. R. Co. will on the clay the Road is completed take passengers along tlie whole or any part of the route for one-third +he usual rates, and they will continue to take families, or parts of families at the same rates for the ensuing week, with the understanding that ladies alone, if their number be sufficient for the purpose, shall occupy the covei'ed cars. If any person shall wish to take a ride on the afternoon of the day of the celebration, they may ride to Franklin and back at 25 cts. each". The regular rate to Franklin was 75 cents Diie wav. This was eminently satisfac- tory. The celebration was helped out bv the .nrrival of S|)alding's Xortli .Vmerican Circus, declared to embrace 200 people, including "35 widelv celebrated ladv and gentlemen artistes. at the acme of their profession", and Xed Kendall's brass band of "15 picked musicians in lustrious uniforms". The importance of the latter may be judged from this statement of the circus advertisement: "Led bv the ni- ^lORTAL EDWARD KENDALL whose fame as the MAGIC BUGLER has penetrated ever> circle to which music has access, (it) at once gives tone to the pure and admirable amuse ments of the ilonster Circus, whether in lead ing the immensely extended procession in the Gorgeous Colossal Music Car or awakening the echoes of the streets while ^iounted on 16 UTCTriiY ro:\rrARisoNED steeds, or metamortilio^; ing the performance into a Soiree }[w^iralr! not the least attractive feature of which will bt the never to be forgotten Solo upon his ^Tagic Silver Biigle." -Mtogether it was a red letter day. The town was thronged with people from the vi- cinity. The last rail was laid at o'clock in the morning. At 10 the circus entered the town from the ea«t and Captain Evans' com- ]iany of mounted volunteers from the west Citptain Chapman"s artillery company was al ready on hand. At 1 all moved out to the d(')iot. The Jniinifil developed so much local enter)irise on the occasion that its account is worthy of preservation. It said: "Friday, sure enough was all that was anticipated and more too. Spalding's North .\merican Circus came rolling along about 10 o'clock A. ^f.. at tended by an old-fashioned North American crowd that would have done honor to any jniblic occasion. .Vt about 3 o'clock in tht afternoon, the liclching forth of the loud- mouthed cannon announced the time for the a]iproach of the cars from Madison. Such ? collection of people as thronged the grounds adjacent to the depot has not been witnessed in these parts since Tippecanoe times. They were there by acres, stretching far out along the railroad, some upon trees, stumps, fences moiinds. and everything which tended to raise one sqxiad above another. Soon a dark spot in the distance was descried by those picketed upon the furtherest outposts; then was heard the shrill whistle of the locomotive, echoing thriuiii'h boai'v forests aiul o"er verdant fields and shout answering to shout as the two iron steeds puffing and snorting majestically turned the curve in the road a short distance from town, followed by two long trains of passen- HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. U!) gov and freifrht cars, completely lillcil witli human beings, tlio ladies wavinf; their white Iiandkerchiefs anti tlie men and hoys using their lungs in answering baek the long, loud huzzas from the people awaiting their ap- proach. "Well, they came to a halt, as all things in this world must, sooner or later. Then there was such a getting out. and such a tumbling in, and such a calling for a speecJi fn)m the Governor, such a squeaking from a short sprinkling of young 'uns, then a sjirinkling of rain, which caused such another running to and fro as we never saw before. Then the Governor mounted the top of one of the cars, as did the men. women and children the long platform which flanks either side, outside and in, of the depot, for the purpose of nuiking a spi'cch to them. But the Governor couldn't govern there. Confusion was rendered worse confounded by a snort from a locomotive, and the chime of its bell, which signified a pleas- ure ride to Greenwood and back for ^r, cents a head. La me I what a scampering among the novices of railroad riding. It couldn't have , been worse if the ride was to have lieen per- j formed by steam, with the 'road' part left out, only as in that case instead of scampering \ away, they scampered right up to the convey- ance, jiell mell. as if tlio\v wasn't afraid (if the /•((i7 cars, 'bull-gine' and all. But hark I A tap of the bell — are you ready? A loud un- earthly if not unsteamly whistle — clear the track — and away went about five hundred as happy, uproarous fellows as was ever 'mixed up' — yelling like so many Indians at every thing they saw from the scampering of a pig to the wonder-struck gaze of the young hoosiers as they peered out from behind some huge forest tree or some humble cabin by the wayside. That much we will say about the ride. But we won't say anything about a sup- posed crack in one of the a.xletrees — how the train was stoppeut ill tiiai 'pass' as the conclusion of the whole rail road scene. "Friday was ended — and a "good Friday' it was witliout any accident to nuir the pleasure of the people — by an exhibition of fire-works after dark, the illumination of many buildings, and the performance of Spalding's equestrian troop — the latter of which, though exaggerated as all such exhibitions are upon paper, was a little superior to anything we have ever seen in these parts. And thus the day ended, at 10 o'clock P. j\I., with the public appetite for amusement and excitement satiated." Amid the enthusiasm of the day Henry Ward Beecher left Indianapolis in response to his call from Plymouth Church. Thirty years later he wrote: "I left Indianapolis for Brooklyn on the very day upon which the cars on the Madison Railroad for the first time entered the town ; and I departed on the first train that ever left the place. On a wood- car, rigged up with boards across from side to side, went I forth. * * * rpjjg ^gj. ^^^g j^^ car at all. a mere extempore wood-box, used sometimes without seats for hogs, but with seats for men, of wdiich class I (ah me miser- able!) happened to be one. And so at eleven at night I arrived in iladison, uot overproud in the glory of riding on the first train that ever went from Indianapolis to Madison."'' And yet Jlr. Beecher overlooked the fact tliat he was escaping all the dangers of the "locked - in" system of the English railroads, of which Rev. Sydney Smith's ])en ])ictures of the more or less certain horrors had caused the hair of the English public to stand on end in 1S1-.'.* And this illustrates the fact that a really great clergyman can find something to com- plain of in almost any condition. The completion of the JIadisoii road made possible the building of roads from Indian- apolis, and numerous plans for this were projected, though they were rather slow of execution. The first company to accomplish anything material was the Bellefontaine, whose ])resident, Oliver II. Smith, set a livelier pace for older companies. The company was char- tered in 1848, secured stock subscriptions and right of way in the year following, let con- ^Beecher and Scouille's Bior/. of II. TV. Beecher, pp. 207. 2ir>. *Wit and Wiadoni of Syiliiey Smith, p. ;!44. 150 HISTOKY OF GKEATEK INDIANAPOLIS. tracts for grailiiig in tlir fall ol' KS4!>, vnm- inencL'd track-laying in April, 1850, and on December 19 of that year announced daily trains to Pendleton (28 miles) from which stage lines furnished connection with the iip- ])er White Eiver valley and the Wabash. In December, 1852, it was completed to [Tnion City, at the state line, 84 miles, where it con- nected with an Ohio road to Bellefontaine. The two were consolidated in 1855, under the name of Indianapolis, Pittsburg & Cleveland Hail- road ; and in 18{j8 this became part of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indian- apolis. Originally this road was known as the "Bee Line", later as the Cleveland Division of the "Big Four", and now as the Cleveland Division of the New York Central Lines. The Bellefontaine Company built a brick depot and shops in 1851, at irassachusetts avenue, then in the extreme northeastern jiart of the city, which were used till the T'nion Depot and tracks M-ere finished, in Xovendier, 1853, a frame de))ot, and l)rick engine house and shops were l)uilt at the \'irginia avenue crossing of Pogue's Run; these were abandoned in 1864, and new ones constructed near the east ilichi- gan street crossing. The first depot and shops, with 1,100 feet of tracks and five aci'es of ground were sold for $17,500 in July, 1853, and were converted into the Indianapolis Car Shops, which were ojierated l)y Farnsworth & Barnard from 1853 to 1859. They were then vacant for three years till 1862, when the Government took the buildings for a stable and used them till they burned down in 1865. The Peru & Indianapolis Railroad was char- tered January 19, 1846. Tlie company was organized in July, 1S4T, the road surveyed and located in 1847-8, and work begun in 1849. On March 11, 1851, its completion to Xobles- ville was celebrated by an excursion to that j)oint, where there were speeches by ex-Gover- nor Wallace and others, and music by the Noblesville Brass Band. The announcement states that, "The cars will leave Indianapolis at 8 o'clock in the morning, stopping in their passage at James' contemplated warehouse. Wilson's :Mill, Castleton, Holl & Teal's ^Mill, and Big Branch. Will leave Noblesville re- turning, at half past 10, stopping only at the water station east of Allisonville. The trains, with the passenger cars, from Madison and I'rndlrtoii will leave 1 ndinii:i|i()l is at two o'clock precisely, stopping only at the water station. Returning, will leave Noblesville at 4 o'clock, the two forward trains stopping only at the water station, the others stopping at the intermediate stations." Round trip 50 cents. The Peru seemed destined to hard luck. It was compl(>ted to Peru, 73 miles, on A]>ril 3, 1854, at a total cost of $760,000. It operated at first without a regular depot at this ])oint but in August, 1856, began a frame depot at New Jersey street and Rogue's Run. After the frame work was up, the whole structure blow down on September 18, fatally injuring ^Ir. Hill, one of the contractors, and wounding Sev- eral others. It was originally laid with fiat bar. but T rail was substituted in 1855-(i. The country through which the road ran was new, and its business small until connections were made to the north. It went into the hands of a receiver in 1857 and was operated for the benefit of the bondholders for a numl>er of years. It passed into the control of the Lake Erie & Western in 1887, whose lines are now operated in the name of that company, thougli jiractically owned by the New York Central. For several years the Madison dejiot was "the depot", — unrivalled. It stood on the south side of South street, between Pennsyl- vania and Delaware, on ground now occupied by open tracks. The office building, fronting north on South street, was about 50 feet s(|uare. two stories high, with a single trackway through the center. On either side were of- fices, waiting room, etc. Back of this was the long freight depot, of brick, with a projecting roof that reached over the outside ]ilatfonns. The freight depot was about thirty feet wide, with a track through the center and raised nhitforms on both sides. The east line of the front building, and the east platform of the freight building, were the same as the east line of the present little frame office of the South street yards. The passenger trains did not run into the depot, but came u]i on the west side. Here they were met by the run- ners for the three u)itown hotels, prominent among whom were Taylor Elliott (late I're-i- dent of the Board of Public Works) for the Wright House, and Wash Little for Little's Hotel, discoursing v(dulily on the merits of t'u'ir various busses, 'i'ben came the drive through the Pogtu>'s Run bottom, where in wet weather a wauon with ni' Four system; which in turn has been absorbed bv the Xew York ('en- tral. In 1852-3 the Lafayette road built a frame freight depot at Xorth street and the ■ niiai. which buriu'd down in 1864, and was rebuilt of brick in 1S6(). As the city devel- oped the line of this road through it became a source of much danger to life and limb, as well as loss of time to the road in what re- duction of speed was made. In 100.'?-4 it shortened its liiu\ and secured greater speed possibilities, by throwing its line to the west of the city, and coining in over the Belt to the line of Louisiana street. It did not get the change made quite soon enough, however, to escape the horribk' Purdue wreck of October 31, 1!)03, in which 16 lives were lost, and some forty of the young ))eople from Ijafayette who were cfimiTig here for a footliall game were maimed and injured. The Jefferson vi lie mad was cumpictiMl to Ivliiibunrli in lS."i'.' and stoppeil tluM-c. leasing the Madison line for Indianapolis connection in August, 1853, and purchasing it in 1863. They were consolidated as the J. M. & I. but the road was popularly known as "The Jeff."' This completes the list of roads that were con- structed prior to the Civil War. Several others were projected but these seven lines — eight, counting the Jellersonville and JIadison sepa- rate, all finished by 1853, were the only ones then built. And in addition to them was The Union connecting them. The desirability of this was realized before there was very much connecting to be done, for the company was organized in August, 1849, or at least a'^ joint meeting of committees from the Madison, Terre Haute, Peru and Bellefontaine roads met on August 15, and recommended the action to their companies.* The plan was indorsed, and on December 29, the Locomotive announced that the joint committee had purchased the north half of Block 96 from James Blake, for $7,000, and would erect a depot there. The tracks were laid in 1850, and the depot erected in 1852-3, being opened for use on Septem- ber 28, 1853. The depot was planned bv Gen. (then Capt.) Thos. A. Morris and was 120 .\420 feet, with live tracks, assigned respec- tively to the Madison, Terre Haute, Lawrence- burgh, Central and Bellefontaine and Peru roads, the last two using a joint line from Mas- sachusetts avenue in. William N. Jackson, fa- miliarly known to two or three generations as '■Ilncle Billy"', was made general ticket agent, and held the position for 3-ears. In 1866 the building was widened to 200 feet, the offices removed to the south side, and an eating-house added. The latter was first known as the Union Depot Dining Hall, with John W. Ilenrie as superintendent. Later it came in charge of the Ohmers, who brought Thos. Taggart here, and gave him the chance to feed his way to the hearts of the traveling epicures of South jMcridian street, and elsewhere. The old Union Depot was used till ISST, when it was torn down to make way fur the ])r('si'nt Union Pas- senger Station. ^Locotnotivc. .\ugusf 25, IS 19. CHAPTER XVI. BECOinXG A CITY. Jnst why Indianapolis passed from town to city iioveriiiiieut in 1847 is stxiiethin^- that will have to be jjuessed at from the surroiind- insjs. The legislative journals show that petv- tions for and asrainst the change were pre- sented to the legislature, but the newspapers at the time presented no argument on either side, either editorially or as communications, and did not even mention that any such change was contemplated. The petitions are not preserved. On February VA. 1847. the Sentinel printed the charter law and noted that the people would have to decide on its acceptance or rejection, adding: "But how can they decide a.s to the comparative merits of the two ? Who knows anything about the provisions of the old charter.'" Apparently somebody made some explanations to the ed- itor, for on ;\Iarch 13, publishing the call for the election on the 27th to decide between the old and the new charter, he said: "Both are bad enough no doubt, and provide for a great deal too much qovernment. But there is this merit in the new charter: It propo.ses to tax all property holders upon the basis of eiiuaUti) according to their wealth. The old charter is a perfect th urine) concern in this respect and allows some of the richest men in the comnmnity to escape from all taxa- tion whatever to support the corporation au- thorities, and at the same time to a consid- erable t'xtent to avoid county taxation. This old ordei- (if things has existed long enough, and a little too long, and if it were (mly to aid in breaking it U|>. every honest man should vote against the old charter, and in favor of the new one. It is Hobson's choice, to be sure, in some respects, but it is better than no choice at all: and we nuiy be thank- ful for it, mean as it is." The apparent source of enlightenment is a comnuniicated article in the Journal of March 1, setting forth the advantages of the new charter, under four heads. The tirst is the division of power by having a mayor to perform executive functions and have a restraining veto power on ha.sty legislation. The second was the limitation of taxes to 15 cents on -1=100, while the old charter limit wa.s 50 cents. The third was a nu)re suitable arrangement of wards than the former shoe- string type running across the city from north to south. The new charter divided the city by Washington street, and made four wards north of it divided north and south by Alabama street. ^Meridian street and Mis- sissippi sti-eet, while there wei-e three wards south, divided by Illinois street and Dela- ware street. It wa.s urged that this could give no advantage to the north side, as there were annual elections in Avhich any atiuses could be corrected by the people. The fourth argument— the one that called for capital letters and more space than all the rest com- bined was JrsT .\ND EyrAi, t.vx.vtion ! which was to l)e attained because the new charter took in all of the donation east of the river, with equal taxation on all i)arts of it. It will be remembered that the charters of 1836 and 1838 limited taxation for town purjiosi^ to the mile square, although the incorpora- tion included the donation. The opjiesitiou to the new charter was declared to come from certain rich citizens "who own large tracts of land situated out of the central part of the town, but near enough to be aft'ected in value by its proximity and fitness for resi- dence". The exemption from taxation in the old charter was by virtue of section 23, and the eonuMuniciition savs: "It wmild be ].)4 HISTORY oi'' (;i?E.\ ri;i; indi.wai'oi.is. 155 an iiiterestinti; ([uestion— if time admitted — to inoration for thr puqiose of raisinjr a revenue shall extend from North to South streets, and from East to West .streets, and embracin fourth. Samuel Henderson Wius elected nuiyor, i'eceivin<,' 241) of the .50(1 votes cast: afrainst 195 for David V. Cullev. 54 for Nathan B. T'almer, and 2 blank. The school tax vote was 406 for and 28 against. The council organized on ^May 1, electing Samuel S. Rooker president. Mi: Roolui- i-esigned on November 1. 1847, and Charles W. Cady was elected in his jilace. The coun- cil opened its legislative career liy a salai\ ordinance on May 6, fixing annual compensa- tions as follows: Seci'etai'y, !i!l75: nun'sliai. .'t;280 and fees; trea.surer, 5 per cent on col- lections; ass(«iSor, $125; street comnnssionei'. $200; clerk East :\Iarket and West Market, each $50; messengers of Marion and (iood Intent engine companies, $20 each ; messen- ger hook and ladder com])any. $10. On .June 7, Councilman Harrison resigned, alleging that "an alliance of a most luijust and unholy character has been entered into between four of the newly-elected members rd' the council for the pui'pose of thwarting and defeating every mea.sure of imi)ortance or not, which may be introduced for the benefit of the ward I have had the honor to represent". The resignation was accepted, and ordered pub- lished, and on motion of Mr. Tutewiler, a committee of three was a])pointed to i>ro- cure from Mi-. Harrison "a report of the road moneys received and expended by him during the past year, and al.so to i-eceive from him such sum or sums of road money as is in his hands unexpended". On this .same June 7, 1847, the council adopted the city seal, which is still in use — "An eagle I)erched upon the globe, witii a pair of scales suspende(l from his beak, and surrounded by the words, 'Seal of the City of Indianap- olis' ". It was readopted under the new charter May 4, 1891, by council resolution; but this fact was lo,st sight of, and it was again adopted on November 20, 189.'5. There was little money in the treasury, but the council entered (|uite actively on the work of street improvement with what means it had. On June 21 an oi'dinance for street improvement, on petition of a majority of adjoining property owners, was adopted; and, at the same meeting, signs and sheds erected across sidewalks, or streets, were de- clared nuisances, and oi'dei-ed removed with- in three days. Improvcni(>nts were jiushcd from the central pai-t of the town outwai-d. and they went so fast that they outstripped the revenues, and by 1849 a debt o\' about $6,000 had been created. A special election Wii-s held on June 9, 1849, to vote a tax of 10 cents on $100 to pay it. Thei'e were only 258 votes cast at the election and the tax 158 HISTOKY OF GEEATER INDIANAPOLIS. iiis'i'oi.'V OF (iUKATKi; ixnrANAroLis. l.-)9 carrii'il by 11 iiuijurity. 'I'liis hnuitrht the citA- tax. incliidiiiii' si-hooi tax. uj) to -43 cents, and there wa.s no little o-runihlinii': but the march of iiiipi'ovciiieiit was on and tlierc was no stoppinu: it. The coinin).r "t the railroads put a new iiii|)i'tus in the place, and with the i;TO\\th of busines.s there came a deiuaiid for public improvements and moi-e revenues. And yet the improvement was only compara- tive. The only street improvement was g:rad- injr and gravelinu;. and that was not very well done aud was jxiorly kept up. There was not even any bowlderin lilici-al Ihan the charter, pai-ticularly in the nuittei- of taxa- tion, as it iiuide the iiuixinuuii limit 75 cents on ifilflO in place of the 15 cents pi-cscribed by tile charter.' T'ndei- this law. any existing city miirht adopt it as a cliai'tcr. by vote of the council, and this action was taken on March 7, 18.5:1. councilmen Oreer, Buchanan, Fitter and Culley voting- for it, and council- nicii Pitts, i.oudcn and Dcl/.cll against. This law made elections annua!, fixing thciri in May, and the term of office was made our year. This year was the first in which nom- inations by convention foi' city offices oc- curred, and that only 1),\- tin- Dei I'ats. On April 2:5 a citizens' nK'etin<;- was held for the purpose of nominatiuu' "candidates frii-ndly to temivcrance and jrood order", but owinti' to the sh(u-t time to the election it was de- cided not to name a ticket. Nevertheless the election did not by default, and on April 29 the .JiiiiriKil announced tiuit "candidates are becominii' i)lerity as blackl)ei-r-ies": ami added: "The Democrats have seen proper \f> nonn'nate a party ticljet. but. for tlie life of us. v.e can't inuiirine what national ipies- tions of policy have to do with the jroveru- iiient of a city." The eleetion occurred on Jfay :?. thei-e bi'ini: l.retentious voluiiu> of "Charter and Ordi- nances" than anything previously attempted After 1867 the general incorporation law. wiiich served as a charter, was amended at evei-y session of the legislatui'e until 1891. without any general I'evision. Most of these amenduH'nfs were comparatively unimport- ant, regulating the moiles of doing business, ami extending powers in some cases. In 1877 the legislature adopted a law providing for a boai'd of aldei'men, or upper house, in the eit.v council. This wa.s considerwl an ad- vaiu'c in city goverinuent, but it was fouml more cumbersome than useful, and in 1891 the provision was droi)]ied. In 1881 occurred by far the most import- ant legislation foi* years, afi'ecting the city government: not as an amendment to the city law. but as an amendment to the state constitution. Old Article 1:? of the consti- tution was pi'actically ignori'd and of no i-f- fect— it was an article pi'ohibiting the inuiii- gi'ation of negroes to the state, and making contracts with them void. Hon. W. II. Eng- lish desired an anu'iulment to the constitu- tion restricting mutiicipal debt, and adopted the ingenious mode of substituting it for 160 HISTOKY OF (IHKATER INDIANAPOLIS. this provision, wliifli was iiuiversally re- garded as needing removal. He and the othere he enlisted in the cause succeeded in their eflt'ort, and on March 14. 1881. the fol- lowinfj- became Article 13 of the constitu- tion: "No political or municipal corpora- tion in this state shall ever become indebted, in any manner or for any puq^ose. to an ajnount in the a^irreiiate exceeding;' two per centum of the value of the taxable property within such corporation, to be ascertained by the last assessment for state and county taxes previous to the incurring- of such in- debtedness; and all bonds or obligations in excess of such amoinit, given by such cor- poration, shall be void : Provided, that in time of war, foreign invasion, or other great public calamity, on petition of a majority of the property owners in number and value, within the limits of such coiporation, the public authorities, in their discretion, may incur obligations riecessaiy for the public protection and defense to such an amount as may be requested in such petition." This provision has been of inestimable value to Indiana cities and towns, and there was need for it at the time it was adopted. In 1873 the legislature had given cities power to borrow to the extent of not over 2 per cent., but there was soon a desire to exceed this amount, and the act of Februaiy 13, 1877, authorized exceeding it by temporary loans. It is well that the debt movement was cheeked when it was. for nothing is more demoralizing than piling up a heavy city debt, the interest on which absorbs a large part of the current city revenues. If a loan is desired for docks, water-works, or some- thing that produces a revenue that will cover the interest on the debt created, there is some excuse for it. Hut for streets, parks, and other investments that are not only non- productive, but soui-ces of additional expense, there is no .iu.stification for piling debt on future generations. It is much safer and wiser to pay as you go. It is to this pro- vision that Indiana cities and towns owe their excellent financial condition and their splen- did credit. In 1885 the offices of cit\- treasni-ei- and city assessor were abolished, and the county treasurer and assessor were required to per- form the duties of those offices. On ]\farch 8, 1889, was adopted the Bari-ett Improvement law, which has been of greater value in pro- moting public improvements in Indiana cities than any other one agency. It is simply a provision under which a city pays for street and sewer improvements by issuing Iwnds that are liens on the adjoining property. These are met bj' payments by the property owners in ten equal installments with (i per cent, interest. By means of this, thousands of property owners have been enabled to pay for improvements, who could not have Iwrne the expense if it had come in one demand. In Indianapolis, under this law, there had been, up to January 1. 1909. $5,546,061.89 of these bonds issued and .$3,696,916.86 re- deemed, leaving an outstanding balance of $1,849,145.03. This does not represent the total of public iuiprovenients in the 20 yeare, for anyone is privileged to pay his a&sess- ment in cash, and many property owners prefer this course. It will be of interest to notice here the mayors who presided over the alfairs of In- dianapolis during this period of city develop- ment. Samuel Henderson, the first mayor, was a local Wa.shington in his quality of being fii-st, for he was also the first post- master and the firet president of the firet board of town trustees. He was an old-time tavern-keeper, having joined with James Blake in building the original Washington Hall (site of the New York .store) in 1S24, and conducted the tavern after Blake dropi>o(l out. He also had an extensive farm uorfli of the town, and south of Fall Creek. When the California gold excitement came on, he sold out here and moved to California, where he died in 1883. He was a Kentuckian by birth, and an ardent Whig in polities. He was popular, and universally respected. His successor, Horatio C. Newcomb, was also a Whig, a Pennsylvanian by birth, who located in Jennings County, Indiana, in 1836, and learned the saddler's trade there. Ill health caused him to leave this, and he studied law. In 1846 he came to Indianapolis and formed a partnership with Ovid Butler. On April 28, 1849, when only 28 yeaj-s old. he was elected mayor of Indianapolis, receiving 612 out of the 775 votes cast. On April 26, 1851. he was re-elected, defeating John T. Jlorri- son by 502 to 441. The Sniliiid. in coinpli- HISTORY OF CUJEATER INDIANAPOLIS. 161 mentintill later to the next block west, wliere Was- son"s store is 7iow located. In 1S52 he was I'lected justice of the peace, and was called from this to the office of mayor. He was the popular taihu- of the day, and was notable as the player of the bass tr<)nd)one in the first Indianapolis baiul, as well as one of the star performei-s of the Indianapolis Thes- pian Corps. In 1855 he was I'e-eleeted, de- feating Lawrence 'SI. Vance, the Knownoth- ing candidate, 1,469 to 1,221. :Mr. .McCready removed, in 1903, to ('alifornia and remainetl there for six years. He then returned to In- dianapolis, and made his home with his son Frank (Beiijaiiiin Franklini. where he died Vol. I— 11 on October 9, 1909, at the advanced age of 93 years. The Democrats won again at the election on ^[ay 6, 1856, their candidate, Heiu-y F. West, defeating Sims A. Colley, Republican, 1,515 to 1,183, which was practically the vote all down the ticket. Mr. ^Vest was a very interesting character, ami it is astonishing how little has been preserved concerning him llliMlY K. WEST. (Fifth Mayor of Indianapolis.) in local histories, lie was liorn at I'iltslield. .Massachusetts, ;\Iarch 14, 179t). On January 6, 1820, he married Betsey ^litchell, of South- berry. Connecticut, and .soon after removed to Maneliester. Clinton County, New York. A few- years later he went to Pulatki. Oneida County, New York, then to Kochester, New York, then to Circleville, Ohio, and then to Dayton, where the first Mi-s. West died in 1842. He came to Indianapolis about 1845. He engaged in vai'ious lines of business. He ic-,' HISTORY OF GI!KATER IXDIANAPOLIS. had conducted a newspaper for a time in Ohio, and here lie started an edneational, semi-monthly, paper called the Conuiioii School Advocate, the first of the kind in Indiana, preceding; the Indiana School Jour- nal by a decade. It was devoted to the advo- cacy of free schools, and furnished the sub- stantial aruinnents that made the Indianapo- lis school tax election of 1847 almost unani- mous for free schools.'' It must also have had great weight in the campaign for free schools, which culminated in the constitutional pro- visions of 1851, and the school law of 1852; and in pa.ssing it may be added that more exclusive credit is conunonly given to Caleb ]Mills for that result than is .just ; he did a great work, but there were others. What is preserved of ;\tr. West's writing shows him to have mastered the sub.jeet of free schools. and his heart was in. the work." He- later ren- dered great service as a member of the local school board. Mr. West also wrote for news- papers and magazines over the name "Viator'". In company with his brother, George B. West, he started the book-selling firm of Henry F. AVest & Co., at what whs then 18 W. Washington .street. Wm. Stew- art .joined the firm, which was then known as West & Stewart. In 1854 the firm dissolved, and Stewart succeeded to the business, form- ing the partnership of Stewart & Bowen. After various changes, this firm consolidated in 1S85 with the older but smaller house of Jlerrill & .Meigs, as the Bowen-AIerrill Co. ]\rr. West died in office, November 8, 1856, and was buried by the ^Masons, of whom he was a member of high standing; with a full turn-out of the firemen, militia, and civic organizations; lamented on every hand as a good man. Following the death of Alayin- West there was an interim until the special election of his successor, when the city council unani- mou.sly selected Charles Coulon as mayor. He was at the tiiiio a justice of the peace. ''Soitind, January 12, 1847. " The only copy of the Common School Ad- vocate I have foiuid is No. 2. of Vol. 1. which is bound in the i)ack of a volume of Beecher's Westirn Farmer and Gardener. originally belongiuii to Judge H. P. Biddle. and now in the Indianajxtlis Public Lil)i-ary. and an excellent one. He came of an old Huguenot family, his father being an army officer, and later a lawer at (ioettingen. Left an orphan at 14. he first ac(|uired a liberal education and then learned the trade of mak- ing mathematical instruments. In 1847 he emigrated to America, and in 1852 settled at Indianapolis. Here his health became im- paired, ami he read law with Robert L. Wal- pole, and opened a real estate and law otfice. In 1856 he was elected a justice of the peace for a term of four years. In a political way his election as mayor was a break of Demo- cratic rule. He was oi-iginally a Democrat, and having the usual liberal views of foreign- ers, he and Adolpli Seidensticker were in- dulging in a game of billiards one Sunday when the minions of the law swooped down upon them, and haled them before Alayor McCready. It was a plain ease, and the mayor imposed the statutory fine. Coulon was so angered over the aft'air that he swore he would never vote the Democratic ticket again, and he kept his vow. After his two weeks as nuiyor he resumed his service as .justice of the peace, and then resumed the law. In 1863-4 he was .school couuuissiouer from the Seventh ward; and from 1864 to 1868 he ser\ed another term as justice of the peace. The city clerk. Alfred Stephens, had died on October 14. and on November 22 a special election was held to fill the two vacancies. The Democi-ats nominated Nathaniel West for mayor, and Captain AI. North for clerk. The Republicans nominated Frederick Stein for clerk and William John Wallace for mayor. The campaign was warmer than anything preceding, and became quite personal. Wal- lace was denounced as too ignorant for the office, and West as a member of the "Codfish aristocrac.v"', who jierformeil no labor but hunting and fishing, and who had taken the l>enefit of the banki-upfey law. In reality both were verv excellent men. Wallace was the older brother of Andi-ew Wallace, and while not highly educated, was an intelligent and capable man. of many admirable qual- ities. The Wi sts were aristocratic — of one of the best families of New England, whose an- cestors came over in the Mayflower. The head of the family established the old cotton mill whei'c Sixteenth street crosses the canal HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 163 — better known to later generations as the coffin factory — and owned a faiMii runnin to l..")8.5. In .Xovembc-r he tendered his resignation to the council. but was pei-suaded to defer its taking effect to the next city election. May 3. 18o8." He served as sheriff to June 27. lSrt9. and was appointed to the ollice again on June H, 1860, in place of John F. riuliclc. I'csigned. He remained in the otTice till l)eccmi)ei- il. 1862. when he resigned, and resinned the grocery business on Washington street, west of Noble. He also engaged in bi-ick-making. and managed his farm. He died on Janu- ary 9. 1894. Mr. Wallace was a very active Union man, and served on several missions to soldiers in the field for (iovernor iIort(ui. He also .served as draft commissioner. '-' The election of 18.)8 was warmly contested. both parties niakini;- s|)ecial etl'oi-ts to secure '"Silitiiifl. NoveiMber 17; Jnii null . Xovem- ber 10. 22, 18afi. "Journal, May 3. 1808. '-See ohituai'v notici's and .hninud. ^Fav 3. IS.-.S. the German vote. The Republicans nom- inated Samuel D. Ma.\well, and the Demo- crats N. B. Palmer, both old citizens and highly respecte the I'cgimrnt left For the field. With- in a year he was a ma.ior: in Scpti'mbi'i'. 18()2. lieutenant-colonel; in .March. 1863. eolonil. He was twice t)ri'vcftcd biigadiiT general for sei-vice in battle, and comnKUuled a brigade for a yeai-. For five years he inis,sed only 30 days of service, and in them lie saw nuu'li li.nd lighting. A bullet went through his leg at Viclcsburg, and an- other lodged in his hip at Cedar Creek, Vir- ginia, on the day of "Sheridan's Ride". After the war he engaged in the book-bind- ing business in Indianapolis until elected mayor. After liis service as mayor he was for a time superintendent of the city water company, and foi' several years manager of the Academy of Music. He left Indianapolis in 1880. He held a position in the treasury depai'tment under President Harrison, and later became connected with the Maritime Canal Company, operating in Nicaragiui. He died in Nicaragua in April. 1894: and his I'emains were brought to Washington and buried at Arlington on June 22. 1899. near the graves of two otliei' Indiana soJdiei-s, Walter Q. Gresham and lleiu-y W. Lawton. (In ]May 30 his old comrades dedicated a modest monument, at that place, to liis memory. The spring of 1873 saw the tii-st Democrat for a generation in the mayor's otifice, in tiie pei-son of ^la.i. James L. Mitchell. The campaign and election were very quiet. There was a great deal of dissatisfaction among Republicans, and he made his cam- l)aign on a nonpartisan basis. He had been nominated by the Democrats when he was absent from the city, but consented to ae- ee])t and nuike the race, 'i'he Kepublieans nominated Capt. William D. Wiles, and :\Iitchell defeateil him 5.878 to 5,100. The rest of the Republican ticket were elected. The Sentinel said of the result: "In the selection of Ma.ior IMitchell there is nothing savoring of a partisan triumph. It is not, beyond all else, a Democratic triumph. Liberalized Rej)ublicans made his calling cer- tain and his election sure." Major Mifclicll was born in Shelby Counts-. Kentucky. Sep- tember 29, 1834. His i)arents moved to .Monroe County, Indiana, when he was eight years old. He woi-ked on the farm, and at nineteen entered the State Fnivei-sity. grad- uating in 1858. He tlien read law witli his uricie, John L. Ketchaiii. with whom be later formed a pai'tnership. lie entered the army July 16, 18()2. iieing conuuissioned adjutant in the Seventieth Indiana, Cen. Henjamin Harrison's regiment: and served through the war. From November, 1W()4. lie was on the stall' of (ieii. Lovell lb liiiusseau. He re- Kifi HlSTOin' OF nHKATEll IXDIAXAl'OLIS. sullied the practice of tlie law after the war, and in 18S6 was nominated by the Democrats for proseeutiny; attorney of Marion and Hendricks Counties. He was elected, and re-elected in 18SS. After ciunpletiiis- his term he resumed the practice of law. which he continued till his death on February 21, 1894. At the close of .Mayor Caven's loui;- jieriod of service in 1881 the Republicans nomi- nated Daniel W. Grubbs for mayor, ilr. Grubbs was a native of Henry County, In- diana, and in his youth served an apprentice- ship in the office of the Xeircastle Courier. He came to Indianapolis in 1807, and took up the study of law in the ofiHce of William Henderson. After admission to the bar he was associated for a time in practice with E. B. Martindale. He went out as a private in Co. B, 132d Indiana Volunteer Infantry, in the one hundred day service. He did not appear in i)olitics until 1877 when he was elected to the I^oard of Aldenueii, and there served as president of the Police Board until 1880. The Democrats nominated Prof. J. H. Smart, who had .just finished his term as Superintendent of Public Instruction. This clever political move was probably in- spired by (iovernor Hendricks, who presided at the Democratic city convention. Profes- sor Smart was a man of hijjh character and attainments and was in jreneral esteem. However, Mr. Grubbs won out by a vote of 7,182 to 6,6ti5. After the close of his term, in 188-1, ]\Ir. Grubbs went to Parral, ilexico, where he enii .January 20, 18.'^8. this company' was incorporated undei' the name of the Marion l-'ire Engine CoMii)any by "Caleb Scuddci-, Xiehola.s .McCai-ty. Hen.). I. BIythe, Cal- \in l-'letchei'. and not more than :iOO others." Hy the incorporation act. the membei's wi're "exemjit from militia duties except in case \(;i 168 IIISTOKY OF GlIEATER IXDIAXArOLlS. ( ir. //. Bdss I'hoto Company.) OUTLINE MAP, 1857. (Showing populated districts at various periods.) lU.SToliY OF (iUKATER IxXDJAXAPULLS. 169 III' iiisiii-i'ec'tion or invasion, and from service on juries in .instiees courts, and from the payment of poll tax for county purposes, and road tax for jx'i'sonal j)rivile<;e, and they shall, after ten years' service in said com- pany, be forever thereafter exempt from the [lerforuiance of militia duties except in case of insurrection or invasion". For five years this company and its ensrine constituted the fire department. Caleb Sciidder was the first cai)tain. and he was followed by James Hlake, Dr. John L. Mothersheacl and others. The company occupied the hou.se on the Circle until it was burned down in 18.51, some people believiriE: it was fired by some incndjer of the company, which was demand- ing better (juarters. ^lost of the early town records were lost in the fire. A new and sub.stantial brick house was then built for the comiyany at the corner of Massachusetts avenue anil New York street, where the fire headquarters is now located, and the com- pany occupied this till it disbanded in 1859. It used the old ]\Iarion luitil 1858. when a fine side-brake euuine was purchased for it by the city: which, having: been little u-sed. was sold in 1800 to the town of Peru for $2.1.30. In 1840 a second engine was added to the Mai-ions' equipment. It was also a second- hand end-brake engine, but in good condi- tion, called the Good Intent. It run with the JIarion until arrangements could be made for a division of the company. An act was jia.ssed by the legislatui-e on Febi-uary 4, 1S41, extending all the i-iglits and privileges of the I\Iarion company to ''forty or more of the citizens of Indianapolis" who should fonn an additional fire company, selecting sucii name as they might desire. Under this act a part of the .Marions, under the lead of John II. "\Vi-ight. one of the leading iner- eluuits and ]iioneer pork-packers of the city, organized the Independent Relief Company, and went into business with tiie (iood In- tent. Dui'ing most of its existence this com- I)any was housed in a two-story building south of Wa.shington on Meridian street, now covered l)y the establishment of L. S. Ayres & Co. It. used the (UhuI Intent until 1849. when it was fui-nislunl witli a "i-ow-boat" engine, on wliieh the men wei'c seated, aiul worki'd the lirakes iKH'izonlallv. 'I'liis was used until 1S5S, when by tlie aid of the coun- cil and subscriptions of citizens a powerful end-brake engine was purchased and ])ut iu use. The company was chartered by special act of January 21, 1850. which gave addi- tional powers for holding property. When the company disbanded in 1859, there was difficulty with the city authorities over the ownership of the engines, but in February, 1860, the company compromised by sur- rendering everything to the city but the old "I'ow-boat", which was broken up and sold a few weeks later. There were no separate hose companies in the days of the volunteers, though there were hose reels for the several companies, but the companies divided themselves into hose men and engine men. In 1843 a hook and ladder company was organized and the neccssaiy hooks, ladders, axes, buckets and wagon were procured for it. It disbanded with the rest of the volunteer department in 1859, but was reorganized in 1860, and located in the house formerly occupied by the Invincibles on North New Jersey street. In 1849 the Western Liberties Company was organized iu the wcstei'n part of the city, taking the (iood Intent when the Keliefs got their '"row- boat." They occupied a house in the i)oint between Washington street and the National Road until 1857, when a brick house was built for them on the south side of Wash- ington, east of California street, now occu- ]>ied by engine No. G. At their fii-st loca- tion, the Westerns, as they were commonly called, were the only company that did not have a bell, but used for alarm purpo.ses a large triangle which was (piite as alarming. In April, 1857, a new hand-brake engine called the Indiana was bought for them, and used until they disbanded. In ]\Iay, 1852, the Invincible Company was organized, chief- ly by (iernuins. and a rather snudl hiuid- brake engine called the Victory was bought for them. They had a brick house on the east side of New Jersey street, half a s(|uare north of Washington, on the site made no- torious later by the establishment of "Queen Mabb". The Victory was a light and service- able engine, and was used until 1857, when the Con(|ui roi', a fin(> hand-bi"ake engine, was pui'chased for tli(> company and us(>d \uitil .Vugust, 1859. The i'iiiiii)Mn\' then disbanded. 170 HISTOKY. OF (iliKATKR IXDIANAPOLIS. but ivor^'iinizod sis yiavt of the paid de|)9. and after some unsuccessful elfort to reoriranize it un- der the paid department, the eu^trine was given in part pay, at -$600, to the Seneca Falls Company for steam engine No. 3, which was afterwards located at the I'nion 's house. The last volunteer comi)any organized was the Northwestern Fire Company, commonly known a.s The Rovers, It had a house on Indiana avenue, and was usins- ( ne of the old enorines, after its oro-anization in Mai-ch, 1858, until a new one could be purchased, when the evidences of pending- rui)tiiie l)e- eame so stronir that the pnrcha.se pi-ocretl- inss were stopped, and the conii)auy dis- banded with the otliers in 1859. There ^hiuld be mentioned, however, two additional or- •ranizations which do not seem to have luid etpial official standino-. In December, lS41t, a number of boys, who could not uet into tiic regular companies on account of youth, oi-- •ranized tlie "(), K. Bucket Comi)any", and uot ])osse.ssion of the old buckets, ladders and wat;-on of the o!-i^inal Indianapolis P'ire Coni- I)any. What they lacked in etpiipnu'nt thi'y made up in enthusiasm, and were successful in reaching so many tires first, and puttinu out so many "inci])ient conflagrations" tliat the council bnuyht them a new wairon aiul Imcket.s ami fiu-nished them a house, which was located on .Mei-idian street above .Mary- lanil. about where Kip's notion store now is. They disbanded in 1854. reor£;anized in 1855. disbanded ajrain in 1851) to reoriranize as an eri«;ine company, takinsr the old Victory when the Invincibles jiot the Coiu|uei-or. In Jlay, 1858, the Youuaiiy was fonned, and was su])- plied with ajipai'atus in .Jinie, which it used until it disbanded in Xnvember, 1859, The tire companies were triven powers connnensnrate with tiie duties they were ex- pected to perform. I'y the elaborate fire ordinance of April 24, 184(1, the coiUK-il was to apjioint annually a "chief fireward", and each ortranized eomjiany an "assistant fire- ward", who were recpiired to appear prompt- ly at any fire, when alarm had been oiven, with their "badire of office, which shall be a pole five feet in len«rth, painted red." The tii-ewards and officeis of the eiiirine and hose companies were sriven authority to "com- mand all resident citizens to form into line for the purpose of con\eyin<;' water to the enirines, or to render any aid that may be deemed necessary", A citizen who refused was subject to fine of $1 to $20. They also had power to order a building pulled down, blown up, or otherwise I'emoved dui'inir the profjress of a fire if deemed necessai-y. The owners of buJldins'S haviiii;- fireplaces or stoves were reipiired to have laitdcM's reaeh- im;' to the ridse, and ti)'<' buck(4s. one to every three fireplaces or stoves. The Hrewar'ls could also reiiuire buildinijs to be re]iaired if dauoerous, seize sjunjiow 'cr if Icept in (luantities ovei' 25 pounds, and cause fires made in sti'i^ets oi- alleys to be- extin- iruished, if considered dangerous. In the early times membersbin in n tire company was almost a bad>je of tiood citizen- ship for the able-bodied. Fvei-ybody wanted to help. Ministers were i'xemi>t from duty iin call, but they oft(>n waived their priv- ilege. Henry Wai-d Beeeher was noted for fiffbtinjr tenu^oral fii'cs with as much viiror as he did the eternal kind. Theie was a spirit of fellowship in the companies that made them vers- potent political and social influences: in fact they became ultimately, as in nuiny other cities, almost dictatiu'ial in their political power. Anion<_' the members of the companies whose names are bi'st re- membered were John Coliurn. Joseph K. English. Berry Sulyreve and Thomas Bu- chanan, who Avere all captains of the Clarions; Col. N. R. Ruckle, the last ruiuiintr officer, and (ieu. Fred TCneflei-, the pipemau of the Marions, with Henry Coburu, John 1>. ^lor- ri*;. Hiram Seibert. James Feriruson. Samuel Wallace, ,\ar'-n Clem. Milton Sulgn ve and (ieorue H. West, of the same comnany: B\'roii K. Elliott. (Icoi-ge W. Sloan. James HISTORY OF (;i;i;.\- XDIAXATOLIS. in McCread.T. William Mansur, Alex (iraydon, E. S. Tyler. Paul Sherman. Taylor Elliott and Johu C. New of the Iiidepeiideiit Ke- liefs; Charles Richmaiin. Eniaimei Ilauirh and .Joseph \V. Davis of the Iiiviiieihles ; John Mai-see. Tlumias (!. Cottreli, Fi-aiik and Dan Glazier of tlie Unions; W. (). ("Deek"') Sherwood. Michael (i. Fitehey and Isaac Thalnian of the Westerns. The couiieil elected Thomas .M. Smith "chief fire warden" on S('i)tember a, 184t). and. for some unknown ivason. there was no subsequent annual election of a "chief fire- ward" as i>i'oviiled l)y tlie ordinance. On March 7. 1853. the council ahandoncd the special city chartei', anil adopted the j;en- eral city ineorporatic ii act of June 18. ISii'I. as the city charter. This provided for a chief fire enji:ineer and two assistants, and Joseph Ijittle was elected chief, with Beri'v Sulgrove and William Kintr as assistants. By this time the companies were l)ecomin; in the tipper room of the Relief eomi)any on Meridian sti-eet. Rcri\v R. Sulgrove was the first i)rtsident of this, and it was at onei! rwoijnized as the representative of the whole bod,v of firemen. From the first each com- pan.v had elected its own officers — a captain (also (ircsidcnt), seeretar.v, treasurer, enjiine directors ami hose dii-ectoi-s. the "messen- ger" beinfi fonnali.x' i-husen by the council, and paid $.")(> a year for keei)in^ the api)a- ratns in m-der. iiut icall.v beins' named by the companies. The Fire Association also came to a tacit powei- to name the elei'k of the council, and |)r;ictically to dictate the fire appropriations, and the erowth of their demands ma,v be .iudthcr when the,v scenteil common pre,v. and one of their diversion.s was "washing out" houses of ill fame. This was lu^t altogether pure deviltry-, for. after the railroads were opened, the 172 mSTOHV OF GItEATElf IXDIANArOLIS. river towns, ospofially Cineiiinati. used to furnish us with some very imdesirable citi- zens; and, sometimes on coniphiints of neigh- bors, and sometimes on a tip from the police tliat a resort was becomiuEr obnoxious, the department would so through it. It is won- derful that no serious affrays resulted from these affairs, but none did. A male attache of one place on Washington street once un- dertook to use a shot-gun, but he was promptly hustled out of the way before do- ing any damage. The nearest serious results \\as at a place on North New Jersey street where a Cincinnati outfit had located, much to the disgust of the neighbors. The com- l>anies decided +0 act. and had their hose laid, when the proprietress appeared at the door with a big six-barreled pepper-box and opened fire. All of the pipemen vamoosed Imt one plucky fellow who danced around to dodge bullets and yelled lustil.v for "watei'". Finall.v the water came, and when a solid stream struck the defender in the pit of the stomach she keeled over and went into the wash. They say the like of that wetting was never seen. They washed out closets, bureau drawers, everything: and when they got through there was not a dry hook and eye in the house. In Jidy, 1857. there was some resistance to visitations to a couple of places in the western part of the city which led to the arrest and fining of several firemen for riot, but this had no notable restraining ef- fect. On the contrary the Locomotive, which was the conscience-keeper of the community at the time, .iustified the oiTense, and it was followed within a month by several other af- fairs of the same kind. Rut all of this sort of reform work begot a disregard of property rights, and when, one year, some injudicious insurance men offererl two prizes, a silver trumpet and a silver pitcher, to the companies making the be.st rec- ords for getting first and second water on fires during the year, it was not surprising that there were numei-ous cli.-irges of incen- diarism. There were astduiidingly numei-ous alarms from fins in old and isolated build- iugs, to which some 'company responded with strange rapidit>'. One old timer says that whenever he saw a fii-e ca])tain step out of the house with his trumi)et he knew thei'C would be an alarm \ei-y <|uicline had been built in the United States in 1853, but they were rapidly gaining favor not only on account of efficiency bi;t also because, as ]\riles Greenwood said, they "neither draiilc whisky nor threw brickbats"". The com- panies were alarmed, and with cause. At that tinu^ Joseph K. English, of the ^larion.s, was president of tbe Fire As.sociation and also councilman from the first ward. On August 27 he introduced a resolution that "in the opinion of this council it is inex- pedient at this time to attempt any I'eoiiiani- zation of the Fire Department of this city"", which wa,s laid on the table. On August 30 it was taken up. discussed, and lost, the vote standinir. Ayes: English, Ilaughey, Kidilman, McXabb, Pratt and Wallace; Noes: Cottrell, GeiseiuloriT, Locke, Metzger, Richmann, Sei- bert, Tilley and Vandegrift. A resolution that it was expedient to reorganize the fire department, and that a connnittee of five be appointed to prepare a plan, was then inti'oduced and passed by a vote of 10 to 4, Ilaughey and Wallace joining the reorgan- izers. For this connnittee Mayor ^laxwell named Richnuinn, Geisendorff, ]\IeNabb, Van- degrift and Wallace. On motion Locke and English were added. On Septembei- 4 the ma.jority of the com- mittee repoitetl a plan to continue the pres- ent companies in active service, to purcha.se at once a third-class steam engine with hose reel and e(|nipment, and to issue bonds in payment. The minority, English and Mc.Vabb, recoMunended indefinite pestpone- nu^nt : they urged that "whilst we admit the superiority of a paid fire department in some respects, over the present volunteer system, and while we ai-e willing to admit that the present dei)artment is not a.s active in some of it.s branches as it might he", the expense was too gi'cat 1o lie luidertaken. and "wc also believe that the pi-esenf depai'tment can be made efficient and even respectable if the propel' course be taken by the citv council"". They also ofVe)-ent all trood citizen.s be requested to rebuke persons who have either wilfidly or iunorantiv abused and slandenvl the members of the fire department, by joining some of the fire companies now existing'". The nu- nority report was quickly i)ut to rest, and the majority report, after being amended to provide for a connnittee to inquire at what price an engine could be bought, and whether it could be paid for in bonds, wa.s adopted. The connnittee appointed was composed of Locke, Cottrell and Richmann. At the same meeting a connnittee composed of Vande- grift, Richnuiini and Metzger, which had been appointed to investigate the demands of the companies for new hose, reported that there was plenty of hose which needed only to be oiled and put in repair, and that they had taken the liberty of Ordering this to be done. (The couneilmen were fire wardens under the charter law.) This report was accepted, and the committee was directed to see that its orders were carried into efi'ect. The committee of inquiry proceeded to busines.s by solicitinu' both bids aiul exhibi- tions from the engine manufactui'ei-s. which met favorable responses. On September 23 and 24 a Latta engine was exhibited here at the county fair, and tried before the com- mittee at the Palmer House cistern — corner of Illinois and Washington streets. On Oc- tober 15, and again on the 22d, a Lee & Lar- ned ensrine was tried at the canal. On Oc- tober 22 the connnittee reported that city bonds could be sobl at 93 cent.s or could be u.sed at that fiirure in the purchase of an engine ; that the Latta and Lee & Earned conipanie.s had both made offers which were submitted; and recommended that a commit- tee of three be appointed with discretionaiy power to purchase an engine as socm as pos- sible. The Latta company offered to furnish an engine for .$5,500 in bonds, and the Lee & Lamed company made an oft'er for •$4.()00. On October 29 the Lee & Lai'ned offei- was accepted, and al.so a motion, offered by Coun- cilman Wallace, was adopted that the insur- ance company givins" the lamest amount, .$500 or upwards, and paying for the letter- ing on the engine, miiiht name it. It is not reeoided that this chance for advertisement was utilized. Tlu> relations of the companies and the council now became tense. On November 12 a resolution was ottered in council that "wh(>i'(>as it is repoj-fed that the volunteer TTTSToijY OF (;i!i:.\'ri;i; ixdi.wai-oi.is. 175 fire cdiiipMuii'S ai'P in a state of rebellion and refuse to render strviee at tires,'" tlie eoiuicil buy two engines and hose wagons, buy four horses, hire six men to take eharge of tlie equipment, and employ 40 men to \v742.1o, which was still due on the engine. This was at once accepted. On Jan- uary 14, 1860, the ^Marions submitted a prop- osition to sui'i'cnder all of their property if the city would pay the amounts still iliie on the same. This was referred to a committee, which found the amount due to be $9(1. :?n, and the otfei- was accepted. With these trans- a<'tions the relations of the city and the vol- unteer companies closed, and an cixieh in the city's history ended. It is gratifying that the ending was sueli as to leave no bit- terness. There has always lieen a warm feel- inc for the men who fei- miu'c than a (luarter of a century foiiuht the city's battles against fii'c. and there have been no bettei- friends of the i)aid depai'tment than the old-time tire laddies who had learned from ex])erieiu>e what fire service meant. During the time of the volunteer depart- ment, fires were neithei- numerous nm- exten- sive as mea'jured bv the standards of today. Coal oil and gas( line were not in use, and Hues wei-(> not of intrieate construction. The framework of buildiii'.'s was heavier, and iiine was not in use. so that smne of the features nc. HISTOEY OF GIJEATER IXDIANAPOLIS. of modem "slow-burning- eonstnietion" were iu ueneral use. And people were more care- ful, p(ssibly because more of them in pro- portion occupied their own homes and did not feel the tenant's lack of responsibility. The first recorded fire was Carter's tavern in 1825, as noted, and the second is said to have been the residence of Nicholas MeCarty about 1827. Henry Brady's residence was de- stroyed by fire July 15, 1832. The next of im- portance recorded was Scudder & Ilannaman's tobacco factory on Kentucky avenue in 1838, which is said to have caused a loss of $10,000, uninsured. On February 4, 1843, Wa-shing- ton Hall was damaged to the extent of $3,000, and only saved from destruction by hard work of the eni^ine companies and hundreds of citizens who formed bucket lines. The weather was very cold, the water freezing whenever it fell away from the fire. This was the great Whig hotel, and possibly for that reason efforts were made to burn it in May, 1848.' A fire on Washington street on May 14, 1848, burned out two or three stores, and threatened others, but was finally extineuished by the combined eft'orts of the engines and tlic citizens, women aiding in the bucket lines.- Another on December 27, ^Locomotive, May 27, June 3, 1848, -Locomotive, May 20, 1848. 1848, burned Stretcher's furniture store, Cox's warehouse and Xoel «& Co. 's warehouse.' The old Hannaman mill burned in January, 1851, while occupied by ]Merritt & Coughlen. in 1853 there were some trying fires. The first was the large stables back of the Wright House, on August 10. Sevei'al other build- ings took fire from this, but by great elforts of citizens and firemen the destruction was confined to the stables. On November 16, 1853, the old Steam iMill burned, and gave most of the community an exhausting task. The bad year closed with the burning of Kel- shaw & Sinker's foundry in December. The old ferry-house was damaged by fire on No- vember 27, 1855, and Carlisle's mill was l)urned on January 18, 1856. In 1857 the foundry of Ira Davis & Co. at Delaware and Pogne's Run was destroyed by fire. The year 1858 was another bad one. witnessing the burning of Ferguson's pork house, Allen May's pork house, and the old city foundry, which was then occupied by E. C. Atkins with an inc'pient saw works. Atkins then built and occupied a small shop near the same place, which burned in June, 1859. The burning of Hill's saw mill on East street, in October, 1859, closed the era of the volun- teer companies. ''Locomoiivc. December 30, 1848, CHAPTER XVII SOMK ti|,|)/n.MH KELIGION. (By Mks. Anx.v C. Baggs.)' I cannot fcnu'inin'i- wlun I was not re- ligiously inilini'd. The bible I have read and stiulieil from childhood. I enjoyed the iarg:e family bible that lay on the stand in my mother's n oin when I was not tall enoiig:h to read it with ease. It was what we called a candle-stanil. There was always a white cover, with netted frinjie around it, on that stand, and on top the bible. I had a little green wooden stool upon which 1 stood to make me hi^h enouuh to look at the pictures. and read in the ^food book. '!"he schools were very diti'ei-ent then and now. What dititicnlt text books we had I No simplified work for us ! At eight years of age I was in the large- dictionary spelling class, where we were com- pelled to conunit a cohuiui of words with their definitions daily. .Joscpbus Cicero Worrall was our teacher; woe be unto us if we did not have our lessons. In this same school were the Wallace, Cobni'u and Dunlaji boys. I next attended a ^fethodist school for two years, taught by a ^fiss Leseur. She was not nnieh of a teacher— at least she did not a|)peal to me. She was a cranky maiden lady. When I was eleven years old. my ' Mi's. Anna ('. Haggs, who has kindly furnished this chapter, is a daughter of Obed Foote, mentioned elsewliere as one of the earliest settlers of Indianapolis, and the most prominent of its early .justices of the peace. As a luitive, and life-long resi- dent of Indianaiiolis. educated at St. .Mary's Seminary, and always in close touch with the religious lif(> of the place, her conti-ibu- tion has an cs| ial value as histoiy at first hand. Vol. 1—12 1 bi'other arrived at tin- age of twenty-one, and I chose him for my personal guai-dian, and Mr. Sanuicl Heck (an old friend of the familj^j for my property guai'dian. .My brother sent nic to St. Clary's Seminary, an Kpiseopalian school. Dr. Samuel Johason was rector of the church and also principal of the school. His wife, Julia (aftei'wards .Mrs. Stoughton A. Fletchei-i, was his a.ssist- ant. Dr. Johnson, both as rector and as teacher, was true to his pujjils. He helped us both intellectually and spiritually. I think he was disappointed that I did not choose the Episcopalian church, but I told him I could not be a true church woman, be- cau.se I believed in other denominations, and that there were other churches as good as the Kpiscopalian. In the fall of LS4« l)i-. (lillette was sent to Roberts Chapel. He was one of nature's noblemen, a thoroughly consecrated Christian uiinister, so graceful and courteous in man- ner. Having been educated in the navy, he renuiiued in the navy for two or thi-ee years after his conversion: then he felt the call to i)reach, and entered the ^lethodist itiner- acy. His sermons abounded in nautical ex|)re.s- sions. He seemed to know the bible fi'om the first verse of Genesis to the la.st verse of Revelation. His charming mannei's first at- tracted me; he was so gentle in his bearing to everyone. I was the first yoiuig person he spoke to on the sub.iect of religion, in Iinlian- apolis. He was especially interested in me liecause I was an oi'|ilian. He began pro- tracted meetings about the firsf of Jaiuiary, 1S47. It was my last year at school. I could not attend the meetings regularly. Init on the 178 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. 28th (if •Tiiiiuai-\-. iii>' t'onrtrentli liirllidjiy, I went to the Thursday night nieetinu. I went to the allar, cave myself to tlie Loid; eom- mitted my way unto Him. I think it was really the beaiitifiil man- ners of Dr. and Mrs. Gillette that just at that time won me to IMethodism, for I am the only member on either my mother's or my father's side that is a ^Methodist. ^Fy mother had been a charter member of Roberts Chapel, but she died the ijth of January. 184:1 I attended the Rolieits Chajiel Sunday-sehool in the afternoon, but the Episeoi)alian Sun- day-sehool in the mornins, often staying to church with my sister, who was a couununi- cant of Christ Church. For two years be- fore I joined the church I was a member of Brothel- Tutewiler's class, and a rejrular at- tendant. I did not speak, but I attended. And whil(> I was not an acknowleds'ed mem- ber of the church until I was fourteen years old, I always received a little pink ticket for the quarterly love feast, for in those days you could not enter the love feast meetinjr with- out a ticket— otherwise the members would have been crowded out, so general was the desire to hear the experiences of these Christians. Seventy yeai's aso the (|uarterly meeting was an important event to the little connnun- ity that worshipped in the ^Methodist chni-eh at the southwest corner of ^leridian and Circle streets (now ^rouument Place). For weeks the "apiiroaching quarterly meeting'' had been a subject of prayer, not only in the congregation on Sabbath, but at the weekly prayer meeting, the family altar, and at secret prayer; "that there might be a refreshinu- from the pi'esence of the Lord, sinners convicted and converted, backslidei's reclaimed, and believers built up in theii' most holy faith". In the homes they were bu.sy making |)repai-ations to entertain the presiding elder, the district stewards, ami all visiting brethi-en. The members of the church po.ssessed the old-fa.shioned idea of hospitality and the.v deemed it a pleasure to entertain not only the elder and stewards, but other friends that came in from the surrounding' country to enjoy the ])rivileges of the meet- ings. The simple muslin curtains were freshly laundered and rehung, the andinms given an extra polish, the brick heai-tbs a fi-esh contei-. in a very stately, dignified uiaiuu'r. were Morris Morris, wit'e. boys anun, the.v heartil.v .joined in sing- ing some familiar hymn: "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing", "Jesiis "Sly All to Heaven has (ione", or "Oh, Hapi\v Day that Fixed My Choice". The morning lessons woidd be read, one fi-om the Old, the other from the New Te.stament. The inevitable col- lection would be taken, with an exhortation to give liberally to the support of the chiu'ch. .Another h.ymn lined and sunu'. and then would conu' the sei-mon. In those da.vs the jiresidimj: elders were the strong men of the confei'cnce and invai'iabl.v go'd sermonizers. The ])cople were willing to listen to a sermon an hour and fifteen or an hour aud twenty minutes long. I believe, a.s a rule, their senuons were on God's plan of saving the woi-ld. the iilau of salvation from the .\i-iiiiiiiMii pnint of view. The text would be from the Old Testa- ment, some lu'oplieey nf the coming of the .Messiah, the eflect of His coming and the results. The fii-st of th(> sermon was argu- mentative, the secoiul fulfilled pi'0])liec.v, and lastl.v the efl'ect on the wiu-ld of the coming of Christ, the api)lication to dui' own souls — the consciousness of ;i personal Savi(U'. T (d'fen wondered wli\' the Hist of the sermon 180 HISTORY OF GEEATEK INDIANAPOLIS. was not as enthusiastically delivered as the suniniint;- up at the close. ^\fter the sermon "the doors of the church were opened", an invitation given to join the church, either on probation or by letter, the long meter doxology was sung, the con- gregation was dismissed with the apostolic benediction. They slowly and reverently filed out of the church, but when out on the lawn began the buzz of the greetings of the breth- ren and sisters of the chiu'ch. The out-of- town visitoi-s were invited to the homes of the members. The sernum and church affaire were the topics of conversation ; all worldli- ness was avoided. Arriving at the homes, the dinner was soon in readiness. No expanse of fine table linen was visible, for every avail- able inch was covered. Either turkey or chiclicn (according to the season), vegetables, jellies, pickles, preserves, bread, butter, pie and cake. The viands were all placed before you. You could make your choice of the various eatables. How heartily they did eat! After dinner there was a little rest for the older people. The children went to the Sab- bath school. At 3 o'clock the members gath- ered at the cliurch to celebrate the holy com- munion. After entering the house of God there was no recognition of friends, no bow- ing and smiling, but everyone seemed engaged in silent prayer. The services were intro- duced by singing that grand old hymn: ' ' When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, ]My richest gain I count but loss. And ]>our contempt on all my pride." The ordained ministers and local preachci-s were invited to come to the altar and join in the consecration of the bread and wine. After the simy)]e ritual of the church was concluded, and the ministers had partaken of the holy emblems, all the members of the IMethodist church, and the members of any sister church that might be present, were invited to come to the table of the Lord. Brother Drum was requested to lead in singing a vei-se, while conniiunicants were coming and going, but not during the administering of the sacra- ment. He began \\ itli : ■'lb' dies, the friend of sinners dies. Lci, Sjili'in's daughters weep around; A sudden darkness veils the skies, A sudden trembling shakes the ground. Come saints and drop a tear or two For him who groaned beneath your load ; He shed a thousand drops for you— A thousand drops of riclier blood." Or- "Alas, and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I?" The beginnings of the hymns were sad, but they ended with the triumph of the risen Christ. As the meeting progressed the hymns became more joyous. After all the white folks had communed, the ci)lored friends from the gallery were invited to come and i)artake of the holy conmuinion. With suppressed emotion they came down the gallery steps and down the aisle to the table, i'rostrating theiii- selves, with most reverent humility, they re- ceived the emblems of Christ's broken body and shed blood. Their joy was too great to be further restrained ; they went back to theii- seats shouting hallelujahs to God. IMonday night the love feast was held. As mentioned, no one could be admitted witiioiit a ticket. The members received their tickets when they paid their quai-terage. Outsiders could procure tickets from the pastor or some one of the class leaders, but they nuist prom- ise to conduct themselves propei-ly while pres- ent. On a table in front of the pulpit were four plates of very small squares of lijzlit- bread, and as many pitchers of water with glasses. After the singing of a hynni and prayer came the peculiar ceremony of pa.ssing this bread and water, each pei*son taking a liiece of bread and a sip of water in token of the love and fellowship existing among the members. Then the ((uarterly report was pre- sented by the pastor, telling of the niuiiber who had died, who had removed, the nuinher of probationers, the number of convei-sioiis, the present number of members in full stand- ing, and the moneys received and disbursed. The pastor would give his persoiud experi- ence, then turn the meeting over to the mem- bers to conduct according to tlieir pleasure. Father Foudray, a sweet singer in Israel, was generallv the first to speak, lie liked, he lllsroKV OK (MiKATKi; I N DlAXAl'Ol.lS. ISI Siiiil. ti> "sti'ii out from tlic h\i.sy tln-imj;- and sit ilowii by the wayside to meditate on and talk aliont the Chi-ist", who had done so niueh foi- liim. Christ had always been a present help in every time of trouble. "He walks by my side and helps me over the roush places. lie is the ( )ne in whom my soul takes delitrht.'" Sittinii- down he sintrs: "Oh. 'I'hon in whose ])resence my snul takes delight, On whom in affliction I call: My comfort by day and my song- in the night : My hope, my salvation, my all." A strange brother arises and says: ''Ten years ago at a eamp-meeting across the Ohio river, in the woods in Kanetucky. I was con- victed of sin. I went to the mourner's bench. sought forgiveness, was pardoned, and, thank the Lord, I have never backslid. Pray for me, friends, that I may always be faithful, outride the storms of life and get home to glory." Mother Little would speak. She al- ways held her hantlkei'chief over her face, and with a sobbing, muffled voice gave her experi- ence. Those near her could understand, hut I could not catch her words. There was al- ways a peculiar interest in listening to her, hecause, in the old country, she had seen and heard .lolui Wesley, and was one of his eon- verts. Brothel- l'lii|)ps was a very proud young iiiiin and ahhoi-i'ed the mourner's bench, but when ho was convicted of sin and felt the need of a Savioui-, he found him.self on his knees at the mourner's bench praying aloud for mercy. The Lord heard his prayer, and forgave his sins. .Vow he could sing: "My God is reconciled, I liis pardoning voice I hear, lie owns me for His child, I can no longer fear, (ilory to His name." A dear old lady arcse and said: "When a little girl I attended a revival meeting at old St. CJeorge's church. Philadelphia. After a stirring exhortation by the pastor, he said, 'Now, everybody tluit wants to lead a new life, that would like to be a follower of Christ, hold up your right hand'. I saw the hands going up. I felt I wanted to hold up mine. but T was sue]] a little girl no one would n< tice me. I had on a little red cloak. I held up my hand under my cloak, and made my pledge to my heavenly Father. I knew He could see me, if no one else could. I am thankful for that decisive moment, for Jesus has been my friend all my life. Amidst all its vicissitudes He has been with me to com- fort and sustain me. Thank the Lord that even a little child nuiy know Him." A brother said: "I came here this evening with a heavy heart, the cry of which is, ' Where is the blessedness I knew when firet T saw the Lord? Where is the soul-refresh- ing view of Jesus and His word?' Friends, pray for me that the clouds may be removed from my mind-sky, and that I may once moi-e be blessed with the witness of the Holy Spirit of my acceptance with Cod." A brother sings: "Oh do not be discouraged. For Jesus is your friend. And if you lack for knowledge, H(>'11 not refuse to lend: Wither will He upbraid you, Thouah ofttimes you request; He'll give you grace to conquer And take you home to rest." A sister said: '1 :ini glad salvation is free: that whosoevei- will may partake of the water of life freely." Then with a voice that iilled the house with its melody, she sang: "Long as I live I'll still be crying, Mercy's free! ]\Iercy's free! And this shall be my theme when dying, Mercy's free! ?»Iercy's free! And when the vale of death I've passed. And lodged above the stormy blast, I'll sing while endless iiges last, M erey 's f i-ee ! iMei'cy "s free. ' ' The song and the singer awakened the greatest enthusiasm. An old man. trembling with age. arose and said : "My life is nearly spent. It will not be long luitil I shall come face to face with death. He that has been with me, will still be with me, and bring me off more than conqueror. T do not doubt my admittance into the New Jerusalem. Then I shall walk its gold-iiaved streets. The soft iiand of Jesus shall \\\]io every tear from my eye. I will meet the loved ones gone before, and we shall he forevei- with the Ijord. 183 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. " 'AdcI wheu to Joi-dau's flood we are come. We are come; And when to Jordan's flood we are come: Jehovah rules the tide. And the waters he'll divide. And the ransomed host shall shout, We le ! W e are eonie And so with song and testimony no time went to waste. One would infer from the experiences given that the Christian life was a warfare: that we oould not expect to go to lieaven on flowei'v licds of ea.se. but — ■ ■']"() watch, and ti'jlit, and pray, The battle ne'er give o'er, Renew it boldly day by day. And help divine implore." The i>astor said : ■"My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this. And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss." "But it is time now to dismiss our meeting. We are grateful for the refreshment we have had from the Lord. Good has been done; the church has been strengthened. Now let us all sing : " 'Together let us sweetly live. Together let us die. And each a starry crown receive. And reign above the sky.' " The benediction was pronounced, and the quarterly meeting was something of the past. It was gone, leaving only pleasant memories. But not all the experiences of my childhood were so happy. I was brought up under the old-fashioned regime that children should be seen, and not heard. Being a delicate child. I was constantly thrown in contact with older people, heard much of their conversations, and drew my own conclusions. A few months of my childhood were terrorized by what was called "Millerism". I heard the people talk of the second coming of Christ. The day was set. and rapidly approaching. INIy imag- ination ran riot, depicting to my.self the hor- rors (sf what should be— the loud thunder; the lightning flashes; the rolling together of the heavens as a scroll ; the cries of the wicked as they would call upon the mountains and rocks to fall upon them, to hide them froiii the presence of the mighty God. They were not Millerites in our family, but the "ism" was discussed. I hoped they were right, yet feared they might not be. ily mother did not know the agony I suffered or she would have soothed and comforted me. Across the alley from our house, on the rear of the lot, lived Dicky Weeks and his family. There was a little girl of my age, and I used to play with this little girl. This family were ^liller- ites. They had their white robes made, ready at the second coming to fly up and meet the Lord in the air. To me that was a wonderful thing. Dicky Weeks had laid aside his daily labor, and .spent his time in prayer, praise and reading the bible. He believed God would care for his own, even with all temporal bless- ings, as he did for the widow of Zarephath. f^very village had its yoimg wags : so. here, were the Wallaces, the Dunlaps and the Co- burns. They clubbed touether and decided that they would confirm Dicky Wells in his faith. As locks to doore and windows were superfiuous— really unknown— these young fellows could easily have access to the Weeks kitchen; so every night when the family would be sleeping, some one of the boys wnnUI place there supplies for the next day. At last the morning of the great dny ar- rived. Up from the countiy came an old lady, very tall, very angular. As she and her family drove into the village, she stood up in the wagon ; she had donned her white robe; she drove through the one principal street, ringing a bell, and exhorting the look- ers-on to make ready for the coming. Hav- ing gathered the faithful together, they started toward the highest point east of the village— I think where Hilton U. Brown's house now stands f Xo. 5087 E. Washington) ; and there they spent the day in prayer, praise and exhortation. The sun kept on his liright way, and Anally went down behind the iii'eat forest trees. The stars came out one by one; the bii'ds had gone to rest, and the tjuiet niyht was settling down sweetly and peace- fully over the earth. There had been no con- vulsion of nature. The old world seemed to be going on in the even tenor of its way. The poor deluded souls took off their white robes, folded them up cai-efullv and sori-owfnlly. HISTORY OF (.'ItKATEK INDIAXArOLlS. 183 z o X m < X H a o z s o fe Z 9 < 5 Z H Z -^ 184 HISTORY OF GKEATER INDIANAPOLIS. and wcndid tlu'ir way back to the village a disappointed, unhappy band.- Tliis incident introduces one of the unique characters of our church, known in his hiter years as Father Weeks. At this time there was but the one ^Methodist church, Wesley Chapel, in the vdlage. Father Foudray was my mother's class leader. He was mucli be- loved in our family. My mother was anxious for the conversion of a young lady cousin and my sister, who was about fifteen years old. She thought if they would attend the class-meeting, Father Foudray 's persuasive powers and sweet singing would influence them to the better life. They led class dif- ferently then ; members did not speak volun- tarily, but the leader called on every one in- dividually to testify. Father Foudray would not comjiel a timid sister to speak, but with a word of advice, a text of Scripture and an appropriate hymn, would pass on. Unfor- tunately for my cousin, Dicky Weeks, then a zealous young Methodist, was leading a portion of the class that morning. AVhen he came to this young lady, in a very loud, em- phatic way, he asked her to speak a word for the Lord— "Tell your brothers and sisters what the Lord has done for you the past week." My cousin smiled and shook her head. He said: "What! Not a word for the -Miller's jtrediction, based on an extremely plausible interpretation of Scripture, was that time would end in the vear. Jlareh 21. 1843, to March 21. 184-i. After the latter date had passed, some of his followers con- cluded that the error had been made in not using the Jewish year, which extended the peridd seven months; and fixed the last day on (Jetober 22. which was generally acceiited. The boy.s mentioned as supplying Weeks were probably the victims of reputation. Weeks worked at Yandes & Wilkins" tan-yard, and his hopes and aspii-ations were fully known to Uncle John AVilkius. who was a member of the Methodist Chaiiel. and possessed of a marked vein of luuimr. Brother Henry Tutewiler. of the same church, likewise ap- preciative of a .ioke. and chunnny with Wil- kins, always said tliat Wilkins was the aiigcl that replenished tlie Weeks' meal-jar. which was set on the back porch for the conveni- ence of his siipei'iiaturnl fi-iends. Lord.'" As she did not respond, he said: "Brethren and sistei-s, let us kneel and pray that the dumb devil may be east out of this young woman'': and. fallinu' on his knees be- fore her, he prayed most vehemently that she might be released from the power of the evil spirit, and that thereafter she might be free to testify for the God that was so good to her. ]\Iy cousin, chagrined and humiliated, left the class-room never to return, but soon after, under the more gentle instruction of Henry Ward Beecher, became a good Pres- byterian: and my sister entered the Episco- palian Church. As the years passed, the old IMethodist hive became too full. The conference felt that there nnist be provision made for the increas- ing population, so. in 1842. from the little church at the southwest corner of ^leridian and Circle streets, there was an eastern charge set off, with ^Meridian street as the dividim;- line. Never was a church organized with a more devoted, self-sacrificing, practical, lov- ing, tender-hearted niembership than this "eastern charge", afterwards named Roberts Ciiapel— now Roberts Park. The motto adopted by this zealous people was, "Roberts Chapel, ail toaether". They knew that in uuion there is strength, and while there were differences of opinion, each party would yield a little to the other and thus all friction was avoided. "See how these brethren dwell to- gether in unity", was the one pride of the church. They were strongly intrenched in the old customs of men and women sitting apart : of no music but the human voice ; of plain dress — no putting on of gold and costly apparel : so it was possible in 1846 to pass the following preamble and resolutions: "Whereas, we, the uudersiirned members of the :\rethodist E. Church. Roberts Chapel (Quarterly Conference, and trustees of said Roberts Chapel, believe that instrumental music and choir singing in public worship are prejudicial to the w(u-ship of the Lord our (iod: "And whereas, we believe the Scriptures retpiii'e sacred music to be made with the human voice by sin'.;ing with the spirit and with the understanding also: therefore, "Resolved: That instrumental nnisic and choir singing in public worship shall never lIls'l'ol.'V OK CRKA'I'I be introduced into the eongregatiou attending said Chapel with our consent, while we are permitted to be members of said Chapel coii- grreijation. ■■2nd. Resolved: That we most sincerely request all our sueeessors to the offices we now occupy to adhere strictly to the prin- ciples contained in the above preambk' and resolutiou so lon<;' as it may please a kind Providence to let said Roberts Chapel stand. ■■3d. Resolved: That each of the members of the (Quarterly ileetinii' Conference, to- sietlier with tlic ti'ustees. suliscribc lii'r<'witli their names officially. ■■4th. Resolved: That the above be I'ccordcd in the church book, and a copy be foi-wardetl to the Western Cliristian Advocate for publi- cation. ■ 'Signed - "Is.\.vc Piiipps, Sec. J. ]\Iarsee, P. E. John Wilkiks Johx Louis Smith, S. P. Joiix I). TnoRi-H Abraham Koontz SaMUICI. (ioI.DSBEKRVSAilUEL BeCK Henry Tutewiler Jas. W. Hii.l William Smith Sims Colley Joiix F. II ILL \V. R. Strange .\ndre\v Brouse •■Au-ust ■_'4tli. lS4(i."" In those days Bi-ntiuy Kai-ns and lirotlier Bristor sat in the center of tiie ehui'ch. and led the singinir. The young people, both girls and yoimg men, sat near them to assist in the imisie. This lasted until about ISoO, when Brother Thomas (!. Alfoi-d was transferred from Wesley Chapel to Roberts Chapel, and became the leader. Me was most faitliful — never jiitched a hymn toct high or too low. He coidd sing thi-iPUL;h a thi'ce months' revival I and be as fresh at the close as at the begin- ning. He was most aeconnnodating, never so happy as when singing, in the gi'cat congre- gation, at the social meetings, at the funerals, and at the bedside of the sick and d\iiii;. But as the years rolled on there was an unrest among the younycr people — the same old ex- cuse— we wanted to be moi-e like other people and other churches. The organ was first brought into the Sabbath school. :uid finally. on feast days, when the children took pai-t in •the service, up into the church. Families be- ■,'an sittini: together. There were some cross Xni \\ AI'OI.I.S. 1S.^ looks from the older brethren and sisters, but we had been warned by our leaders never to discu.ss the (luestions. but to be very gentle and respectful to our elders; and so these great changes gradually came about. As we left old Roberts Chapel I noi'theast corner of i\larket and Peiuisylvauia streets) to go into our new home, we left some of the old-fash- ioned customs, but not the spirit of the old- fashioned religion. A choir was organized, with Dr. Heiskell as leader. It was a volun- teer choir: no one was paid but the organist: This faithful leader aiul choir sei-ved over twenty years, when they were e.xeu.sed. and the new order of things was inti-oduccd. In relating these incidents of the long ago, I do not mean to .speak lightly, nor to find fault with the fathers and mothers of the old- time church. They had the peculiar ideas of their time concerning chui-ch government, the form of service and the style of dress: but they were honest in their belief and fully convinced in their own minds that they were right. I give them only to present an idea of the customs of other days, veiy different from the present. For change is written everywhere. '"AVhatever lies in earth, or flits in air, or tills the skies: all suffer change, and we that air of soul and Itody mi.xed are members of the whole:" and so our program of public woi'sliip has changed — just enough of ritual to add dignity and make the service impressive. As at the Easter time I listened to Hiss Hyatt play the March to Calvary. I heard the solenni tread of the soldiers as they led the ^Messiah from Pilate's .iudgment hall, on througli the streets of the city, out through the western gate, up the Mount of Calvai-y. and there the consununation of the gi-eat tragedy. The body, by loving hands, is conveyed to the new sepulchre, laid away, guarded by Roman soldiers. Then came the sweet strains of Mendelssohn's Spring Song. Early in the soft gray of the morning, that first day of the week, I hear the birds sing- ing: the grass is green: the crocuses, the daf- fodils, the tuli])s. the hyacinths are blooming; the brown buds are opening, clothing the fruit trees in their beautiful pink and white blos- soms; ;iiiil 1li;it sr|iiilclii-c has given up it.s occui)ant; and lie. the Christ, is risen. CHAPTER XIX. AS OTIIEKS SAW US. The reader will be aided in t-ettiiig a com- prehensive view of Indianai)olis as it was by a glance at the impressions it made on some of its visitors. Among- these was Mine. The- resa Pulszky, who was here iu 18.52, in Kos- suth's party, and who published an account of their visit to the United States under the title. "White, Red. Black". She opens the second vohune with the arrival of a deputa- tion from Indianapolis, at Cincinnati, to es- cort them to the capital, in accordance with the invitation of the legislature. They all started down the rivei', on a steamboat, for Madison : but Kossuth, who was extremely I)laiu-spoken, and who apparently discom- moded himself for no one. shut himself up in his cabin 1o lest, and left his party to entertain the committee. In her diary ;\[rs. I'nlszky says : "We found most amiable persons amongst them; Senator Mitchell and his lady, plain, unassuming and kind-hearted people, inter- ested themselves wannly about our children, and when they understood that we had four, they offered us to adopt one boy, as they were childless. I took the proposal fm- a .jest, but they told me that such adoptions were not unusual here, and the,v reiterated their kind- ness, sa.ying that by trusting the child to them we should not lose him. When his edu- cation would lie completed they would send him back to us. and if we did not return to Hungary, we should all come to them : though they were not rich, they had enough likewise for our wants. "Mr. Robert Dale Owen, also a Seiuitor of Indiana, is the son of the well-known philos- opher, Robert Owen, with whom he had man- aged the large conuiiunistical establishment of 'New llariiHinv' on tiie Wabash, which has [>roved unsuccessful. We spoke about it with him, and he remarked that nothing cmdd re- place the stiuuilus of individual proprietor- ship. His brother has since become a cele- brated geologist, and has made the geological survey of the north-western country for the general government. He, himself, is a wealthy farmer in Indiana, of great influ- ence in the legislature. Some of the ideas of his father he introduced into the laws of Indiana. By his efforts the women have here more legal rights in respect to the manage- ment of their own propei'ty than in the other States where the English common law pre- vails, which considers the wives as miiuii-s, and deprives them of the control of theii- property. Accustomotl to see in Hunuai'y the \v(]men managing their own inheritance, the connnon law always appeared to me very bar- barous, and I was glad to understand that Indiana set an example, in this respect, to the other States of the Union. Mr. Owen spoke much about the new Constitution of his State. He had taken great part in fram- ing it last year, and explained to us that such a refonn was easily carried in America. When the General Assembly of a State finds it nec- essary to alter the Constitution, it submits the (|uestion to universal suff'rage, whether the jH'ople wish to elect a convention or not. If the ma.iority requires a new Constitution, the membei's of the convention are elected by the counties; a Con.stitution is drawn up. a short report marks the different i-ef(n-ms and inno- vations introduced, and the plan is submitted to the acceptance or re.iection of the people. The principal change suggested in the Consti- tution of 1851, was, that the General Assem-' bly shall not grant to any citizen privileges (ir' inmuuiities which shall nut e(|ually belong l«(i lllSI'ol.'V OF CKKATKR 1 X Dl A \ Al'OLIS. 187 to all the citizens. Tliis tendency to diseou- tiuue jirivate bills, and to establish general laws for tlie public at lartre, is a remarkable feature of the di-aft. The Seci-etai-y. Auditor and Treasurer of State, and the Su|)renie and Circuit Judiies, foi-nierly eh( sen by the Leyis- lature, are now selected by tb.e people and the Judges are appointed only for a definite term, not for life. The Lciiislatnre is pro- hibited from incurring any debt, and resti-ic- tioiis are estal)lished for Banks. These re- forms j)rove that the Democrats had the ma- jority in the Conventimi. Provisions were likewise made for a uniform system of com- mon sehiiols. where tuition sliall be free; the Institutions for the blind, tlie deaf and dumb, and the insane, ami a House of Refuge for the reformation of Juvenile offenders, have become State Institutit ns. ilost of these in- novations liad been |)i-eviously accepted In- other States. The election of the Judges b.v the pc(iple. for instance, and foi- a limited term, luis been introduceit in Xew York. Ohio, and other States. "But the most striking featuie of the Xew Constitution was, to me, that whilst it begins with tlie declaration tliat all men are created e(|ual. it contiiins an article forbidiling any ni'gro or mulatto to come into the State nf Indiana after the adoption of the Xew Con- stitution, and rccomiuends that future legis- lation should provide for the future trans- portation of the free colored inhabitants of the State to the black republic of Liberia. Of course I did not dissuise m.v surprise at this inconsistenc.v, and ^Ir. Owen remarked, that as the negro cannot obtain c(|ual social and |)olitical rights amongst whites, owing to the anli|)athy of the two races, it is greatly to be desired that the black should find a free home in other lands, whci-c |)ublic opinion imposes u|)on color no social disabilities, oi' political disfranchisement. 'Oui- children shall not have helots bcfoic tliiir eyes', said he. 'l^ut why are the.v to be helots.'' asked I. 'In Ma.ssachuselts. as far as I know, in Vei'mont and in Xew Yoi-k, they are free citi- zens of the I'nited States, if they po,ss(>ss landed f)ropert.v.' The answer was that piili lie opinion disa|)proved this in Indiana. "Another most interesting acfiuaintance for nie was Mrs. Bolton, the poetess of Indiana, distinguished bv lirr talent and her iiccom- I)lishments. \Vc spent most i)leasant hours with lier. and as her name is not yet known in Europe. I insert here one of her poems, connrnmicatcd to mc by .Mi-. Owen: 'Fi-om its home on high to a gentle flower. That bloomed in a lonel.v grove. The starlight came, at the twilight liour. And whisi)ered a tale of love. 'Then the blossom's heart, so stiff and cold, (!rew warm to its silent core, And gave out perfume, from its inmost fold. It never exhaled before. 'A.iul the blossom slept, tlil'o' the suiiuiiel' night. In tile smile of the aneel i'a,v. Hut the morn arose with its garish liijht .\nd the soft one stole awa.v. "Tlu'n the zephyr wooed, as ho wandered by Where the gentle How 'ret gi-ew. But she gave no heed to his ])laintive sigh, Her heart to its love was ti'ue. 'Ajid the sunbeam came, with a lover's art. To cai-ess the flower in vain : She folded her sweets in her thrilling lu'ai-t Till th(> starlight came again.' "It is a sweet flower of the West. "Witli the other ladies 1 spoke much of their household concerns. The.v almost all lived on fai'ins or in small country towns. where their husbands, the Senators and Rep- resentatives, were law.vers. |)liysiciaiis oi- mer- chants, and come only to Indianapi lis fni' the session. All complained ol' the great dil'li- <'ult.v to get servants: colni-ed peeple are scarce, whites work on their own account, ;ind even the blacks say often, when askeil to come as a liel]), 'l)o your business yourself. The feeling of e(|ualit.v pei'vades this State so much that people do not like to work for wages. Towards evening we ari-ived at .Madi- son. The fashionaljle pe()t)lc had as-sembled in the church, and paid for their seats, in- tending the result to be given to the Ilun- e-arian funds: but Kossuth thought that in the countr.v of e(|ualit.v such ])roceedings were too exclusive, and he addressi^d the citizens of .Mailison from the baleon.v of the hotel. ■'Todav \\r left this small citv on the rail- ]S8 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. way. It is carried over a steep aseeiit from tlu- banks of the Ohio to the high plain of Indiana. Formerly this inclined plane wa.s worked by stationary engines, but a workman, Mr. Cathcart, overcame the difficulty by plac- ing between the two rails a third rail, with cogs corresponding to a wheel in the center of the wagons. One day. rolling a heavy barrel to the railway, he iiiis.sed the train, and had to roll the cask up the hill. He repeatedly stopped to rest, patting a stone under the barrel that it might not slip down, and was suddenly struck by the idea that cogs would alleviate the a.scent, and diminish the danger of the descent. He suljmitted his i)lan to the Railway Company, they advanced him the money for the experiment, and as it succeeded they built the present line, and gave him ;t;fci,000 for his patent. With this capital he established himself as an engine builder in Indianapolis, and" is getting a wealthy man. ■'In the afternoon we reached the capital of Indiana, a very small place, whose re- sources are not yet sufficient to ]irovide for drainage and ]iavement. The aboriginal mud of the rich soil reminded me here of the streets of Debreczin. We proceeded to the hotel, whilst the gentlemen were paraded through the sti-eets, and were introduced to the Legislature. The hotel is very far from nice, and the attendants seem to be fully aware that everybody here is to do his own business. For example, when I was in a hurry to dress for the levee of Governor Wright, and asked for a light, the waiter brought two tallow candles, put them in my hands, and pointing to the mantel-piece, he said, 'There are the candle-sticks,' and left the room. "We went to the house of the Governor; it is small, and I soon perceived why it is not so comfortable as it could be. In thronged the society and people of Indianapolis, ladies and gentlemen of every description. ]\[uddy boots and torn clothes, and again desperate attemi)ts at finery: iilass jewels and French silk dresses, which, after having found no jjurchasers in .\ew York, have been sent to the West. Some of llie mothers had their babies in their arms: workmen appeared in their blouses oi' dusty coats, just as they came from the workshoii : fai-mers stepped in high boots. Once iri(U-e we saw tliat tlir house of the ( overnor is the property of the people. And yet this incongruous mass did not behave unbecomingly to a drawing-room. There was no rude elbowing, no unpleasant noise, or dis- turbing laughter. Had they but shaken hands less violently ! I yet feel Western cordiality in my stiff arm. ■■^ladame Kossuth found the heat so op- I>ressive that, accompanied by Mv. Pulszky, s!ie went to the adjoining room. A waiter was there arranging the table for supper. He looked so different from the society in the drawing-room that ^Ir. Pulszky asked him whether he did not come from the old country. "Yes, sir,' said the waiter, 'I came from Wor- cestershire.' 'Do you like this country?' 'Sir,' was the answer, 'how could I like it? 1 lived in the old country and have there served Lords. As soon as I have made here so much money that I can iive ([uietly in Worcestershire, I shall return." "ilarch 2nd. — Now we are really in the West. It rained for one day and we are confined to our room : even clogs are of no avail in the street, they stick in the mud. The wind enters our room through a crevice in the wall, large enough to pass through my hand; and the fai-e! The bell was rung, we went down to the dark dinner-room. The table was covered with pies, celeiy, mashed potatoes, sour wheat-bi-ead, tough cow-meat, and cold pork. In the bottles nuiddy water. The bell rung again, and the gentlemen burst boisterously into the rooms, rushed to the table, and pushing aside the chairs, stormed the places which were left unoccupied b.y the ladies. When the soup was handed round — I think it was an infusion of hay — soleiim silence ensued; I almost fancied we were under the rule of the Auburn system; not a single word was spoken, but foi-ks and knives worked steadily. Eating, as it seems, is here likewise a business, which unist be dispatched as quickly as possible. "Governor Wright is ;i type of the Hoosiers. and justly prtnul to be one of them. I a.sked him wherefrom his people had got this name. He told me that 'Hoosa' is the Indian name for maize ; the principal produce of the State.' The Governor is plain, eor- ' As to this eiTor. see Ind. l/ist. Soc. f'ubs.. Vol. 4. Xo. -'. p. 17. HISTORY OF r; HEATER INDIAXArOLIS. IS!) dial and practical, like a farmer, with a deep religious tinge. Yesterday we went with him to the Methodist church, and I saw that Methodism is the form of Protestantism that best suits the people of the West. No glit- tering formalities, no -working on the imagi- nation, not much of reasoning; but powerful accents and appeals to the conscience, with continuous references to the Scriptures; in- terwoven with frequent warnings, pointings to heaven and hell. The audience seemed deeply moved; they sang unmusically, but praj^ed eai-nestly. I could not doubt the deep religious conviction of the people. "After dinner the Govenior went with ^Iv. Pulszky to visit the Sunday schools, which he very often attends. They found there all ages assembled; children and old men in- structed by the clergyman and regular and voluntaiy teachers. They read the Scriptures in diti'erent groups, and the teachers took oc- casion to explain history, ancient and modern geography, and to give other useful informa- tion, but always in connection with the Bible. Mr. Pulszky had to make a speech in each of the .schools, and (iovernor Wright atl- dressed them also, explaining to them that religion was the basis of social order, and instruction the only way to preserve freedom. He illustrated the obligation to submit to tlie law of the country by several happy examples from I'eccnt events in America. Such con- stant and pers(mal intercou7-se between the Chief .Magistrate of the State and the people he governs is really patriarchal, and is in har- mony with the intellectual standard of an agriculturid population. "Mrs. Wright (she died sbortlx' after this was wi-itten) has a strongly-marked, pui'i- tanical eountenance. It seems as if a smile had hai-dly ever moved her lips, and yet there is such placid scrcnit.v in her features as only the consciousness of well-performed duty can impart. The sister of (Jovernoi- Wright, a highly accomplished lady, gave me a lively pictvire of Western life, ever busy and weary- ing for tlie ladies: she keejis a school." - Another foreiirn visitor to Tndiana])i-e which limits Sunday-school attendance to one hour, and leaves the place and period of Divnne worship to be regidated by the parents. If the teaching at school is not such as to induce the children to go willingly to church, a forced going will not benefit their relig-ious feelings: and too often the fatieiied. bored appearance of Sabbatb-sehoiil ebildi'cn in our churches, is a sad comirientai'v upon the want of judgment evinced by the British public in this mattei-. The Sunday is kept at In- dianapolis with Presbyterian sti'ictness. Xo trains start, letters do not go, nor are they received, so that a father, mother, hu.sband. or wife, may be in extremity, and have no means of communicating their farewells oi- la.st wishes if Sunday intervenes. Surely this is making man suboi-diiiate to the Sabbath — not the Sabbath to man. 1 have been annised at a story tokl me of an iidiabitant of this place. The Millenarian doctrine has been rife here; all throtigh Amc-ica faimtics have lately spread an idea that sublunai-y nuitters w'ere to close yesterday, ^lay lit. .\ man not usu- ally inclined to int.emi)era1e habits called at a store as the day waned, and i'C(|uested a nuig of porter to sujiport his spirits throuiib the expected catastrophe. Time wore on — still the elements looked calm. 'It won't be over yet aw'hile ; I must have another glass. 'Tis very depressing to have to wait so long: give me some drink.' This continued till 190 ll!S'|(ii;V OK (iUKATKi; I X i )I AXAI'OLIS. the poor frightened soul became dead druuk ; and he was much surprised next morning to find the world going on nnich as usual — with the exception of his aching liead. "^lay 21. — Governor Wi-ight invited me to accompany him in a morning walk at sunrise — foiir o'clock. I had some letters to write previously, lint by five we perambulated parts of the town, which is peculiarly laid out; the Court, or rather Oovernment-hoase. being in the centre (and it is said also the centre of the Union ; but that can only be a tempo- rary centre, for this place lies eastward of the middle of the continent) : and all the streets converging towards it. I occupied this moi'ning in arranging my dried speci- mens of plants, which occasionally require attention. W-e dined at one o'clock, and Mrs. Wright, at present an invalid, was sufficiently recovered to .ioin ns at table. After dinner I was happy to see Judge ]\[aclean,-' whom I knew at Wa.shington; he is come to hold a court : and Governor Powell, of Kentucln-. is also expected tomorrow. The Governor took ^Ir. ^faclean and me for a drive to see the Asylums for the Deaf and Dumb, and for the Blind of this State. They are both fine institutions, paid for by the people through special taxes, im- posed for the purpose, and paid ungrudg- ingly. They have sufficient ground attached for out-of-door occupations and exercise. The deaf and dumb make shoes and bonnets, farm. &c.. so as to acquire a knowledge which en- ables them to gain their future livelihood: and the girls are tauaht to be sempstresses, washerwomen, cooks, &e. Such charities should always ))e situated in the country : town life cuts off the most necessary and ad- vantageous means of training the inmates to healthful and useful pursuits. "From the cupola of the Asylum for the Blind the view is wide. These extensive plains of the West extend one thousand miles in the direction of Canada, and as far towards the Rocla' ^Mountains. There is one height or bluff about fifteen miles off, which I must go and look at. Indiana i)rodnces freestone, coal and iron. The AVabash. about sixty miles from hence, is the most eonsidei-able river. ■'Judge Joiui ;\IacLi':in. then Judge of the U. S. Sujireme Court. Before we left the asylum, some of the blind pupils sang quartettes and duets, accoinpanie 1 by one of their ninnber on the piano. They sang in tune and with good taste. ''I have heard nnich of Democracy and Equality since I came to the Ignited States, and 1 have seen more evidences of Aristoc- racy and Despotism than it has before been my fortune to meet with. The 'Knownoth- ings', and the 'Abolitionists', and the 'Alor- monites', are, in my opinion, consequent upon the mammonite, extravagant pretensions and habits which are really fashionable among Pseudo-Republicans. Two hundred thousand starving Irish have come to this countrj-, and in their ignorance they assume the airs of that equality which they have been induced to believe is really belonging to American society. They endeavor to reduce to practice the sentiment so popTdai- here— but no— that will never do. Ladies don't like their helps to say they 'choose to sit in the parlour, or they won't help them at all, for equality is the rule here'. Jlrs. So-and-So of the 'Cod- fish' aristocracy doesn't like to have Lady Anything to take precedence of her; but Betty choosing to ]ilay at equality is quite another thing! Xow at Indianapolis I have found something like consistency, for the first time since I came this side the Atlantic. I do not assert there is equality, for the simple reason that it is not in nature; and (as Lord Tavi.stock once .so well said") 'the love of lib- ei'fy is virtue, but the love of equality is pride'; but here, the (iovernoi' of the State is a man of small income; his salary is only fifteen hundred dollars: he has really put aside money-making, and his son, an amiable young man, instead of wasting his time in rioting and drunkenness (which, alas! is too nnich the case with the sons of the 'Aristoc- racy' in the Ignited States), keeps a store to make his own fortune, and. as he nobly said yesterday, to i)i-ovide for that fathei- who has tlistlained to sacrifice his country to himself. (Jovernor Wright did not think it a degrada- tion to carry a basket when I accompanied him to the market this morning, and his whole demeanour is that of a consistent Re]>ublican. I do not care what a man's ])olifie;d creed may be (thouuh I much jirefer the monarch- ical in-inci})les of old Englijnd). but I do admire consistciicv : ;ni(l 1 consider the HISTORY OF GEEATKK IXDI.WAI'OI.IS. \9] .a P J >< CO < a z a fc ^^ o ^ p- C o 2: b- o C3 X C !i. rt H *tM CO H S ^ a CA H . D o o CO 1 -M 1 ^ ■* 0/ la oo c »— ( 0- CJ CO . J 0^ O c Ph o < c; Z HtaJ ^ 0* Si 5 z CO 4) 1^ ^ H i H H >< B to Q 192 HISTORY OF UUEATER INDIANAPOLIS. 'Kiiow-nothingr' movement as a eousequence of Tiiieertain principles. "^lay 22.- This day Governor Powell of Kentucky came on a visit here. He was in Canada two years since, and he spoke with admiration of Lord Elgin, and of his man- ner of eonduetinff the affairs of that Colony. The heat has siidilenly become intense ; to my feelings as hot as any day we had in Cuba. At last I conclude that winter has really given up our company, after returning to it so frequently, that I feel as if I had pas.sed three winters and three summers in America. "May 2.3. — I went at five o'clock this morn- ing to the Eastern market-place, where I first saw squirrels sold like rabbits for the table ready skinned. When dressed they are ex- actly like young chickens. I believe it is the grey squirrel. This evening the Governor had what is now in the States universally called a levee after the same fashion as the President's receptions. Governors of individ- ual States occasionally open their doors to all the citizens who choose to attend, and it is considered a compliment to stranger guests, like the Governor of Kentucky and myself, that the attendance should be good : so the rooms were filled. The Governor and his lady do not reeeive their visitors, but we all went into the room after they had assembled. No refreshments are expected on these occasions, but everyone shakes hands upon being intro- duced. The assemblage was very respectable and orderly; it concluded about eleven o'clock, having begun at nine. "May 24. — I went to see a Devonshire man and his wife, who have a vineyard; they have been settled here twenty years and are natives of Dartmouth: they look back to the old country with regret, and think they might have done as well there as here; though they have a cottage with an acre of ground their own property, and a married son and daugh- ter doing well, but poor people. Their young- est boy is an inmate of the Indiana Lunatic Asylum. ]\trs. N was brouiiht uji in the family of the lady who nursed the Duchess of (Jlducester, and remembers helping to make a cradle for the Princess Amelia. She was much delighted to find that I knew ^liss A . We spoke nnieh of England: I told her she was now adopted by this country, and that with her familv here, it was wronu' to hanker so much after that of her birth. ^Ir. N buries his vines in the ground, as soon as the wood has hardened, during the cold months of the year. I wonder whether this plan would make the vine more prolific in the open air with us. "!^Irs. Wright gave an evening partj- of in- vited acquaintances: a great many agreeable people from this and the adjoining State. One lady sang some of ^loore's ^Melodies very sweetly ; but, as yet, music is not much cul- tivated in America : either the ladies do not devote sufficient attention to it, or there are not good masters. This is almost the first time I have heard an American sing with taste and expression. This party did not con- clude before midnight. * » * x am told the thermometer stood at ninety-two degrees in the shade the day before yesterday, and the weather continues very hot, but there is now rather more air. Last night a naval gentleman told me that part of an iron fast- ening belonging to a ship had been found lialf embedded in a mass of iron, which had been supposed an aerolite, lying on a prairie in this country. From this fact a very mod- ern origin for the locality is deduced, because it is concluded that a mass of the kind in question must originally have been left by an iceberg. I mention this as it was named to me without pretending to decide upon the truth of the matter. "Thursday ^Irs. Wright gave an invited reception, with a standing supper. All went oft' well, and I saw the principal people of Indianapolis. Next morning I drove with a young lady to see what are called the Bluffs of the AVhite River, sixteen miles distance. I was suiprised to find that the road there was l)y no means what we should call a plain, it was rather a series of continued low eleva- tions, and many shoi't but steep hills mark the road. It pa.sses through a pretty country, bordered by farms, and watered by small streams, making their way to the White River, which attended our drive within a short dis- tance. 'The Bluff' in'oved to l)c a rather highei- hill than others, overlooking the river, and thickly timbered, but without a I'oek of any kind. I found the large leaved blwd- wort, theMay-apple. and a pretty red colum- bine growing plentifTilly in .soil formed by the (lead leaves of a tliousaiid autumns. The in- HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. lo.-; mates of a im'tty farm near at hand gave us hospitality and a sliai-i' of their dinner, while our eoaelniian aeted as guide and entered into my botanical researches with gi'eat interest. We made our way over the hill down to the river hank, where we saw the laborious but useless work for the formation of a canal, en- tered into by the State at an outlay of hun- dreds of thousands of dollars just before rail- roads were put into action, anil abandoned in con.se(iuence. The small town of Waverly is situated a mile beyond the hill we came to visit. Our drive home wa.s a chilly one. The thermometer has again descended below 50°. These sudden changes from intense heat to cold are nuich greater than those we have in England."* Froiii these views of passing strangers let us tui-n to those of one who came earlier and remained long enough to really know the place— to become a feature of it. Those whose memories reach back as far as 1877 are im- pressed by the great change that has come since tlien ; hut here is what Henry Ward Beecher wrote in 1877 of the changes that had occurred since he first came : "I went to Indianapolis in the fall of 1839 with a sick babe in niy arms, who showed the first signs of recovery after eating blackberries whieli I gathei-ed bj^ the way. The city had then a population of four thousand. At no time during my residence did it outreach five thousand. Heboid it today with one hun- dred and ten thousand inhabitants! The Great National Koad, which at that time was of great importance, since sunk into forget- fulness, ran through the city and constituted the main street. With the exception of two or three street,s, there were no ways along which could not be seen the original stumps of the forest. 1 bumped against them iu a buggj- too often not to be assured of the fact. "Here I preached my first real sermon; here, for the first time, I strove against death in behalf of a child, and was defeated; here I built a house and jiiiinted it with my own hands; here I had my first garden, and be- came the bishop of tlowers for this diocese; 'Letters from the I'nited States. Cuba and Canada, pp. :?28-3:U. Vol. 1—13 here I first .ioined the editorial fraternity and edited the Fanner and Gardener; hei'^ I had my first full taste of chills and fever; here for the fii-st and last time I waded to chui-cii ankle-deep in mud, and preached with panta- loons tucked into my boot-tops. All is changed now. "In searching for my obscure little ten- foot cottage I got lost. So changed was everything that I groped over familiar ter- ritory like a blind man in a strange city. It is no louger mtj Indianapolis, witli the abo- riginal forest fi'inging the town, with pasture- fields lying right across from my house; with- out coal, without railroads, without a stone big enough to throw at a cat. It was a .joyful day and a precious gift when Calvin Fletcher allowed me to take from the fragments of stone used to make the foundations for the State Bank a piece large enough to put iu my pork-barrel. I left Indianapolis for Brooklyn on the very day upon which the cars on the Madison Railroad for the first time entered the town ; and I departed on the first train that ever left the place. On a wood-('ar, rigged up with boards acro.ss fi-om side to side, went I forth. It is now a mighty city, full of foundries, manufactories, whole- sale stores, a magnificent court-house, beauti- ful dwellings, noble churches, wide and fine streets, and railroads more than I ran name radiating to eveiy jioint of the compass. "The old academy where I preached for a few months is gone, but the church into which the congregation soon entered still is standing on the Governor's Circle. No one can look upon that building as I do. A father goes back to his fii-st house, though it be but a cal)in, where liis children were bcu'n, with feel- ings which can never be ti'ansfei'red to any other [ilace. As I looked long and yearningly upon that homely building the old time came back again. I .stood in the crowded lecture- room as on the night when the curi-ent of re- ligious feeling first was begiiniing to fiow. Talk of a young mother's feelings over her first babe— what is that compared with the solemnity, the enthusiasm, the imix'tuosity of gratitude, of luunility, of singing gladness, with whicli a young pastor greets the incom- ing of his first revival? He stands upon the shore to see the tide come in ! It is the move- 194 HISTORY OF GKEATEK IXDIAXAPOLIS. iiient of the infinite, ethereal tide I It is from the ether world ! There is no color like •heart color. The homeliest thinjrs dipped in that forever after glow with celestial hues. The hymns that we sang in sorrow or in joy and triuniiih in that humhle basement have nevei- lost a feather, but tiy back and forth beiweeu the soul and heaven, plumed as never was any bird-of-paradise. "I stood and looked at the homely old build- ing, and saw a procession of forms going in and out that the outward eye will never see again — Judge ]\lorr;.s. J>amuel ]\Iei'rill. Oliver H. Smith. D. V. Cully. John L. Keteham. Coburn. Fletcher. Bates, Bullard. ^lunsei, Ackley. O'Xeil. and many, many morel There have lieen hours when there was not a hand-breadth between us and the saintly host of the invisible church ! In the heat and pressure of later years the memories of those early days have been laid aside but not ef- faced. They rise as I stand, and move in a gentle procession before me. No outward his- tory is comparable to the soul's inward life-, of the souFs inward life no part is so sub- lime as its eminent religious developments. And the pastoi'. who walks with men, deliver- ing them from the thrnll. aspersing their sor- row with ti>ars, kindling his own heart as a torch to light the way for those who wouhl see the invisible, ha.s. of all men. the most tran.scendent heart-histories, I have seen nnich of life since I trod that threshold for the last time: but imthinu' has dimmed my love, noi' has any later nr riper experience taken away the bloom and sanctity of my early love. And I can ti'uly say of hun- dreds: 'For though yi' have ten thousand instructors in riii'ist. yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Oospel," "But othei- incidents arise— the days of sickness, chills and fever, the gardening days, my first editorial experience, my luck in horses, and i)igs. my house-building; and not a few scrapes — being stalled in mud. half- drowned in crossing rivers, long, lonely forest rides, camp-meetiu'js. preachings in cabins, sleepings in the open air. I was reminded of one comical exjvM-ience as I was seeking im Market street In (ind tlir old swale or shallow I'.'iviiii' xvhicli r.in lirtween mv cottage and -Mr. Bates's dwelling.' It had formerly been a kind of bayou in spring when the stream above town overflowed, but dried oft" in summer. To redeem it from unhealth a dike had been built to restrain the river and turn th(> superfluous freshets the other way. But one year the levee gave way in the night" and when the morning rose, behold a flood between me and my neighbor! There was sport on hand ! It wa.s too deej) for wading, but I could extemporize a boat. I brought down to the edge my wife's large washing-tub. and intended with a bit of board to paddle about. No sooner was I in than I was out. The tub refused to stand on its own bottom. Well, well, said I. two tubs are better than one. So I got its mate, and. nailing two strips across to hold thera fast together, I was sure that they were too long now to upset. So they were in the long line: but sideways they went over, carrying me with them with inci'cdible celerit.v. Tulx wei'e one thing, boats another— that I saw- plainly, "I would not be baffled. I proposed a raft. Getting rails from the fence. I scon had tacked boards across— enough of them to carry my weight. Then, with a long pole. I began my voyage, Alasl it came to a ludi- crous end. A rail fence ran across this ra\ine in the held, .just above the sti-eet. One end of the fence had loosened, and the water had floated it round enough to break its connec- tion with its hither side. A large but young dog belonging to a friend had walked along the fence, hoping to ci'oss dry-fouted. till he came to the abrupt tei'mination. and his cour- age failinij- him. he had crouched down and lay trembling and whining, afraid to go back or to venture the water. I poled my raft up to the rescue: and, getting alongside, coaxed him to .iiunp aboard, but his courage was all gone. lie looked nyi wistfidly but ■' His cottage was where the synagogue now stands, and the house of ^Ir, Bates was at the northwest corner of ^Market and New Jersey streets. The "swale" was the east ravine or bayou that cro.ssed the cit.v from the northeast. It cro.ssed Wa.shington street .just west of \ew Jei'sey, '■ He means the bi'cakitig of the State Ditch in 1S47, ■oiiv oi- (;i;i;.\TKi; iNni-WAroi.is. 195 196 HISTOKY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. stirred not. 'Well, you coward, j'ou sliall eoiue aboard.' Seiziug' liiiii by the skin of the neck, I hauled hiui onto the raft, which instantly began to sink. It was buoyant enough for a man, but not for a man and a lubberly dog. There was nothing for it— as the stupid thing would not stir, I had to; and with a spring I reached the fence just abdicated by tlie dog, while he. the raft now coming to the surface again, went sailing down the pond and was safely landed be- low, while I wa.s left in the crotch of the fence. One such experiment ought to serve for a life-time, but alas ! There is no end of things gone by. They rise at every point; and one walks encompassed with memories which accompany him through the living streets like invisible spirits.'"^ And now, to the statements of casual visi- tors and the ministerial so.iourner, let us add the view of one who grew up in these sur- roundings. Mr. John H. Holliday says: "It has always been my regret that I was not born three or four years sooiiei- in order that I might have entered more fully into the life and actions of each period and have arrived at an age where greater knowledge and ex- perience would have brought clearer insight. I would then have been better qualified to paint a picture of the life of the town during the 50 's, but as it is I must give the impres- sions of a boy, modified or confirmed to some extent by the recollections of others. Let it be understood that I write as an artist nuist paint — as I saw it. It was a great place to be born in and a good place to live in, after thirty years or more had passed over its head. It seems now almost ideal. Its people were homogeneous, holding and striving for high standards and exhibiting the best traits engendered in a simple democracy. It was a place that encouraged the virtues of faith, hope, courage, kindliness and patriotism ; that brought up boys and girls to real manhood and womanhood. The fiery ordeal of the war and the terrible sacrifices the people were called upon to make, demonstrated the power of its environment and many lives of fullness and goodness have borne testimony to the ' Biography of Henry Ward Beeeher, by Beccher and" Seoville. pp. 206-209. value of the examples and ti-aining of their youth. "To begin with, life was simple as com- pared with what we now have. The com- munity was small, but while the rule in small places is still towards simplicity, it is in- fluenced by the thoughts and customs of large cities, which did not obtain fifty years ago, for there were but few such cities. The great increase of wealth, fashion and luxury af- fects even our villages now, while in that day New York and Boston seemed as far apart from Indiana as London or 8t. Petersburgh. Here the life was simple because it was the life of a new cmnitry in which wealth was small, and the opportunities for its acquisi- tion limited. Simplicity was a necessity. Thi- comnuinity was largely self-de)H'ndent still, although it had developed fi'om the pioneer stage in which it had to produce everything for itself, except a few unusual articles. Thirty years had improved conditions very much, houses were better, more comforts wei-i' olitainable. markets had been opened and there was more money to buy with. But the spirit and habits of the early days remained in great measure, unaffected by improved conditions. The population was not so large as to crush the neighborly feeling, the demo- cratic idea that one man was as good as an- other provided he behaved himself. Thei-e was little dispasition to Haunt wealth when it existed, biit people clung to the old stan- dards, the old manners and the old friends. Wealth had nothiiig to do with social posi- tion. It was an accident, the worth of the man and the woman was the best of merit. The woman who kept a girl, in the phrase of the day, had no call to look down upon her neighboi's who did not, foi' these were in the great majority. The ta.stes of the conununity frowned down any attempt at ostentation and even the family which first ventured u|ion the iise of a two-horse carriage or bai'ouche gained nothing in the esteem of their frieiuls from that apiiendage. "Almcst every one owned their own houses with more or less ground in which thei-e was usually a garden and fruit trees that con- ti-ibuted to the family living, assisted often by the ownership of a cow, a pig and chickens. .\ thousand dollars a year was a large salai'y or income. One of our )irominent citizens nTSTOTIY OF (iltKATKR IXDIANAPOLIS. 197 tells how he ovei-lioard some wdl-to-do busi- ness men talking about the salary of the I)iesiclent of the State Bank, $l,oOO, and ehar- aeterizing it as i)rineely. and one of the boys of his class, sixteen or seventeen years old, said 'no wondei- his boys can have their l)oots blacked for them.' Hundreds of fam- ilies lived well and educated their children, sometimes sending them to college, where the income was not nearly $1,000. In 1861 the bookkeeper of the Journal, a thoroughly com- petent man, had a salary of $.")00 a year and supported a family of five or six persons and maintained a respectable position. This was true of many families and can l)i' (>xplained in comparison with our ideas by the fact that their extraneous wants were few. Food, shel- ter, clothing, taxes, something for the church and sometimes for the doctor, being pi-ovided, there was little else to call for money. People (lid not travel except in i-are emergencies, many never. Such things as vacations were unknciwn. There were no sti-eet cars or daily sddas. no niatinees. indited few amusements of any kind, no lunching down town, no clubs and dues, no secret societies except the Ma- sons and Odd Fellows, no array of charities with their insistent needs, no costly enter- taining, no many things we have now clamor- ously callintr foi- the dimes and dollai-s. Then, too, the necessities of life were cheap as a i-ule, meat, bread, vegetables, fuel. Wood was universally used except in stores and school houses where coal from Clay County was generally burned after 1853 or 1854. Clothing was probably not so cheap, but near- ly all clothes wei-e made at home or by women and the chief cost wa.s for tlie material. "The houses were well furnished with sub- stantial things, hut thei'e was a notable lack' of ornaments and bric-a-brac. A whatnot with some seashells and dagueri-eotypes on it, a center table with a family Bible and a lamp on it, an occasional candelabrum with plass pendants, some ar'tificial flowei-s and a plaster east, a vas(> oi- two perhaps, a half- dozen haircloth chairs, a sofa and an occa- sional piano, constituted the array of a well furnished parlor, which was a sacred place not to be opened every day or t^ ordinary pei-sons. People did not live in their par- loi's, but in the sitting room, which sometimes was the dining room as well and (let it be whispered low) there were some ostensibly reputable people who even ate in the kitchen. There were no bath rooms or toilet facilities. The first plumber came here in 1853 to work on the Bates House, but it was not till five or six years later that a bath room was in- stalled in a residence, that of ^Mr. Vajen on South ^leridian street. There were no water- works, \\ater had to be jjumped for such use and heated on a stove. Daily baths were un- known in practice and in theory regarded as the luxury of an eflfete people, while cleanli- ness was preserved by a weekly ablution in a wash-tub. Only the houses of the very richest were lighted by gas. which was also used in the larger churches and stores. The ordinary light was from candles and lard oil lamps, followed by camphene, an explosive distillation from turpentine that made a beautiful light but was dangei-ous to use. This was succeeded about 1856 or 57 by coal oil, not petroleum but an oil distilled from coal, which was driven out by the discovery and utilization of petroleum in the early 3'ears of the war. The houses were poorly warmed as a rule. Furnaces were known but were not common. Despite the abundance of wood, most people heated only the living rooms, fires being made in bed rooms only for visitoi-s, sick or old peo[)le, while the halls were always left in riatui-al fi'igidity. Car- riages, buggies and spring wagons were not uncommon, but the man of the house or his boys took care of the horse. A hired man was a curiosity. "Xecessarilj- the making of the living was the chief thing. There wei'e not many who could live on aeeunuilated wealth. It was a woi'king community and the work was often hard and the hours long. Stores were openeV(>n and quit at six. with an hour's int(M'mission at noon. Doc- tors, lawyers and public officials were at work early and the banks ran from eight to foui'. Everybody ate dinner at noon and shuddered at the idea of kings and imblemen eating din- ner after dark. Dinner as a function was unknown. Supper was the gi-eat social mani- festation of liospiliility. Dinner was just foi' 198 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIAXAPOLIS. the family eating', exei'iit soiiietiuifs on a Sunday when there was leisure to entertain a i)assinjz' si'Pst. But supper was the meal to invite one's friends to. It was then that the tables jii'oaned with the "rood thini^s the housewife eould i)rovide. Fried ehieken, (|uaiis, oystei's. dueks, ham, elieese. tongue, jellies, preserves, piekles, custards, eakes and even pies enriched the larder, wath tea and eotfee. " Ice cream was unknown except as bought and eaten in the ice cream saloons or ])ar!ois, and at chui-ch festivals, and its ])ui-c'hase was a sort of a wild (lissi])ation on siuimier nights to be eagerly anticipated and joyful l.v rememherctl. "The church social w;is a gi'eat event. Sometime-; the gatherings trok place at the church, but usually at a private house. It wa.s inuler the auspices of the Sewing So- ciety. The ladies met in the afteraoon and .sewed for some worthy cause. In the evening the men came and the young people, and a substantial .supper, not mere refreshments, was served, provided liy the hostess. Every two or three weeks in the winter season was the rule in some churches. Init it was not con- fined to that season, though not held so often. The church festival was more unconnnon and entirely different. That was a commercial enterprise for the benefit of the church itself. The I'efreshments were partly contributed. ])artly bought, as when the entertainment was called an oyster supper and an admission fer charged. Sometimes this was large enough to include the supper and sometimes it did not, which was not favorably regarded by some of the attendants. Sometimes articles of fancy work were for sale, and always there was ice cream as an extra at 'ten cents a sauc.ei-. ' In some churches there were 'dona- tion parties' where a body of friends wouhi swoop down upon the home of the pastor and present gifts, and eat the supper they had brought with I hem. This f miction was the source of mirth to the humorist of the day, as well as church festivals and oyster sup- ])ei-s. It was said that the guests freipiently ale ui) the presents of food they brought, that the minister was always the poorer, and that a donation party was as bad as a fire. This was an exatrgeration. for usually the oc- casion abounded in ecmd fellowsliii). kindiv rcmendjrance and real benefit, and enriched the social life of the organization. ■'Next to making- a living the two most engrossing and vital things were religion and l)olitics. It was a day of serious things. The light and trifiing manner in which many people view the affairs and influences of life now was not in favor then. The town had been under the influence of earnest people from its start, peojjle who worked and suf- fered and to whom life was no merry jest. To them religion was a solemn matter and even those who cared little for it or made no professions, were bound to respect it. The whole tone of the place was religious. There were numerous churches of various sects, hut I)robably no ]ilace in the country ever had less of the bitter, sectarian feeling that ex- isted widely and that we wonder at now. The churches here, with few exceptions, were friendly, the ministers and members fellow- shipped, and united in movements for the common good, just as they do now. The Sab- bath School parade on the fourth of July, the event of that day for over thirty years, was evidence of this, possibly a contributing cause. The Episcopalians and Catholics were the exceptions, the latter naturally enough, for the bitterness of the reformation was still in evidence against Papacy and almost every preacher felt bound to launch a thunderbolt against Rome 'that terrible menace to the Republic' at least once a year. It was nat- ural then that the Catholics should assume the historic attitude of the church aaainst 'heretics', but the Episcopalians had no such reason for exelusiveness. In the famous cele- brations of the Fourth the Catholic children actually joined once or twice, but the Epis- copalians never, and thereby their childi'en missed a lot of fun and a good lesson in toleration. "The thought of the day was altogether orthodox, and orthodox on the lines laid doxM' two hundred years before. The preaching to a considerable degree was still dixHrinal if not dogmatic. There was a fixity of opinion. Thei-e were no doubts of the fundamental truths of Christianity, no suspicion even that the Bible as a whole was not inspired in the fnllc-t sense. Moreovei-. ci'iticism was un- dreaiiii'd of in the church, though, of coui'se, the I pinions of Veltaire and Paine and Vol- lilSTOHY (IF GKliATEU I.NDIA.N Al'OLlS. 1!)9 ney were known, and these were resrai'ded as fearful examples of depravity whose punish- ment there eonld be no doubt of. Few dis- believed ill iii'll. as an aetual place of un- speakalih' and ineoneeivable tortni-e of lost souls and a depiction of its awfnl realities and the dan^'cr of the sinner who neglected or refiLsed to lie reconciled to God was a fruit- ful theme for many asonizing- sermons es- pecially at times of revival. There has been a.s great a change in the past forty years in the attitiide of jieople towards religion as in any other line of tlioiight, and while the old truths may be as true as ever, they are viewed from another point and often present a dif- ferent appearance and are better understood. The pendulum has swung away and diffei-ent doctrines or different aspects of doctrines arf eiii|)hasi/ed now. Keligioii has lost much of its somherncss. its harshness has been smoothed down, its more i)leasiug features are accentuated and it makes its most power- ful plea for the Christian life through love and aspiration for the good and not by words of fear or the hope of reward. It no longer diffei-cntiates or intimates a severance of this life fi-om the life to come. It is one in- divisible whole. "Keligi(m was. as said heretofore, a main factor in the life of Indianapolis and that not only as governing the eond\ict of the people, hut in their social relations. Church •.'(ling was piojier. rey)utahle and fashionable, whether j)co|ile wei-e members oi- not. It was a cusloui that must be ob.served by all who wished to stand well with their neighbors. One's chief friends and associates were usual- ly in the church attended and almost the first (luesfion about newcomers was 'what church will they go to?' Particular churches were often cho.sen becau.se of their attract iv(Miess in this respect. Of eoni'se the swial life was not confined to any one church for most people. There was another and jiossibly a larger circle outside, made up from other chuivhes. but om's own was the center of the whole fabric. "The ministers, too. wei'c more influential then than now, but no ablei- or wi.ser, though Indianapolis had some preachers of marked ability in that period. The church was more of an intellectual foi'ce then. Books and periodicals wen' comparatively fi'w. the min- ister was usually better educated than his dock aJid he spoke with more intellectual au- thority. Today his beai-ers are more nearly on a plane with him and his utterances are .judged more freely. The democratic spirit, tending often towards lack of reverence, is nowhere more apparent than in this. From this and other causes is due the passing of church discipline. It is obsolete. There is a looseness in the ties, a feeling of inde- l)endenee that will not brook admonition and is indiffei-ent to the bell, book and candle. In that day discipline was a powerful thing, linsiness differences wei-e brought before church tribunals. Membei-s were dealt with for breaches of rules anolis. but none bel- fei'. The town was large enough to have iul- vantaires over small ones or villages, but not large enousrh to foi-bid contact with the coun- try and rural life. There were plenty of uood swinnning holes in the riv(>r and canal, in Fall Ci-eek and Pogue's ]i\iu. TIkm-c were e(|uaily yood places for fishing. The town was surroiuided by words that affordiMl i)lcnty of (inpoi tunities for linntinLi rabbits, squirrels 200 HISTORY OF GREATER INDIANAPOLIS. and birds. There were visits of wild pigeons, nialring sport ea.sy and deliiihtful. The woods, too, were full of niit-bearing- trees, from which a winter's supply could be had, pawpaws, berries, liaws, etc. In the winter there was ice on the streams and as few streets were improved there were many ponds all over the town where the boys could slide and skate. It was not until durino: the war that the "iris took to skatincj. Tnere were so many vacant lots and commons that there never was a loss for a playsround at the proper seasons. Nowadays one must so for miles to meet most of these things and some are impossible to get at all. As fond memory recalls those events and scenes of boyhood's days it seems to have been '.just the best place' to have grown up in. "Probably there was as much regard pro- portionately for fashion in those days as there is now, but boys are not expected to notice such things. The headgear aud dresses of the day look very queerly now in old pic- tures, though well enough then, crinoline or hoops, for instance, arraying the form divine until it looked like a balloon. It seems to me that colors were worn more and were more striking, but that may be a fancy, or a difference in fabrics. Then calicoes, de- laines, nnislins, prints of various sorts were in great favor, with leghorn straw hats gaily beribboned. Thei'e were no uniforms except that of the military companies, which nnist seem sti-ange to this generation accustomed to the liveries of policemen, railway em- ployees, letter carriers, coaehmeu and porters. Some of the old fashions prevailed with both sexes. Some oldish men clung to the blue- swallow tail coat with brass buttons and butf vests, usually accompanied by a gold or silver headed cane. Tall silk hats or plugs were in every day use, no derby or other stiff one was known. The only alternative was a soft hat or a straw in sunnner. A few ruffled shirts survived and the gentleman done up in this fashion was a pretty sight. In win- ter men wore shawls almost altogether, though oecasionally an old-fashioned cloak appeared. Some more disposed tn be stylish wore a. fur collar and the furs of the women were long, reaching around the shoulders and to within eighteen inches of tlie ground. There was a coat in occasional use, called the surtout. The Century Dictionary says it was an overcoat. Every boy and man wore boots in the win- ter. I mean what are called long boots now and w-hich passed out of use hei-e over thirty years ago w'hen the streets had been paved and cleaned, so that there was no use for them. In the earlier times, however, there was deep snow sometimes and almost always depths of mud to be waded through so that their use was necessary. Consequent upon them was the boot.jack, an implement as necessary to a house as a frying pan, but whose use none of the moderns coiild guess now. Shawls, too, were worn almost uni- versally by the women. They were of all grades and price from the serviceable woolens to the costly crepes and Indias. "]\Ianners were more formal in those days. This was reflected among tlie young people. Unless they were cousins, boys of twelve oi- over always addressed the girls as ^liss and in reply were called ]\ristei'. There w'as no such familiarity as today when young people of all ages call each other by their first name, after they have been acquainted a month or even less. Neither did the young fellows take the girl's arm when walking. The young lady was set upon a pedestal, now she is on a level. "The second great interest in Indianapolis life was politics and to many it was the ab- sorbing one. Public life oft'ered prizes in that day of limited opportunity and scai-ce money, and beyond the pecuniary reward was the distinction achieved. Candidates were perhaps more numerous then than now. The community was pretty equally divided. The majority of the leading people were Whigs and Republicans, but a very consider- alile minority were Democrats, and the con- tests were .sharp and close with varying re- sults. Politics was the great subject for talk and was broached on all occasions. There was intense partisan feeling and much bitter- ness evolved. ]Men of one stripe would be- lieve anything of men on the other side. The Democrats having opposed prohibition— old Sumptuary even then was a household term — were denounced by their advei'saries as a party of whisky drinkers and the eliarge was lii'lieved by the makers. When the slavery i|uestion became prominent the Democrats denounced the opposition as 'nigger lovers' HISTORY OF GKEATER INDIANAPOLIS. 201 and 'Black Rt'piihlicaiis", a name eliiii^ to until iifter till' wai'. Everytliinu- of a ]io- litioal iiatni-f was foiifjlit for and over. A raci' for constable or councilman was con- tested as if it were the presidency itself. Wherever a chance for spoils came it was seized frrcedily. The Democrats were in pow- er at the time of the ^Mexican war and aj)- parcntly used all their power for party bene- fit, keepiny the AVhiirs out as nmcli as pos- sible. When the Republicans got on top they played much the same game. Party advan- lage was always looked after and party dis- cipline was very strict and well enforced. This led to a faith in parties that was al- most absolute and blinded men's eyes to the truth. It created such a conceit that men considered their pai-ties infallible, their wel- fare more impurtant than that of the govei'n- nient itself. Indeed myriads of Democrats believed that their party alone was fit to manage the government, and this partisan belief later led them into opposition to the war and .sympathy with the South. There was more or less corruption in the ele<'tions, chictly in crude methods of repeating and cheating in the vi'turns. l)ut this was done in party enthusiasm with the muttn "tiizlit the devil with fire' and whether lietter or worse was not on the sordid basis of buying and selling votes. 'Anything to best the enemy' was another motto, and all sorts of trickery, cheap debate and withering denunciation was indulged in on any and every oeeasion. ■'There was, however, one good thing in the politics then. ]\Ien hated to be taxed, iloney came hardly, and representatives and officials were held to strict accountability for expenditures. Economy was universally de- manded and the tax-payers were a force to be reckoned with. Once in a long while, even now, you see a card in the paper signed Tax- payer, condemning extravagance somewhei'e or .somehow. This belated wanderer crying to a generation of which two-thirds are not tax-payers and gladly vote other people's money away, is a survival of that period and does not know that he is as extinct as the Great Auk. But once he was a live wire and the politicians feared and courted him and his words had weight. Possibly in some far distant future when taxation has ground the people down and their eyes are opened, the tax-payer again may have something to sav." CHAPTER XX. THE (iERJIA.XS I.\ INDIANAPOLIS. The Germans have had a lai-irer iiitiuenee in the development of Indianapolis than any other foreisii nationality, as a nationality; but the nature and extent of this intiuenee is not jienerally undei'stood by American citizens, chietly, no douht, on account of the wall the Germans have kept about them by the maintenance of their native lanjfuage. The early settlement of Indianapolis, like that of the rest of Indiana, was chietiy of native-born Americans. At the census of 18r)0 there were only ■28.r>84 (iermans in the state, out of a total population of 988,416; and the (ierman born were over one-half of the total forei1. with the fouiidintr of the Indiana])olis TuiMiiiemeinde, ri'oiii which, in the course of years, through ■A chain of cii'cumstances. develo|)e(l the pres- ent Social Turnverein of Indianapolis. The most zealous agitator for the foundintr of the Turngemeinde wa.s August Tloffmeister. an active, energetic young man who had the talent of finding the rijiht word at the i-ight liirie. He has been a Turnei- in (iernuiny, and, befoi-e he came to Indianapolis, be- loniicd to the Gincinnati Turnverein founded in 1849. On Monday. July 28. 18r)l. the In- diana]>olis Turngemeindi> was established HISTORY OF (IREATKU IXDI.WAPOLIS. 2on with appropriate solciimities. The founders. in addition to the above named Auoiist Hotl'- lueister, were Jaeoh Metzfjfer. Alex. ^letzjier. Clemens Vonncirnt. John Ott and Karl Hill. The furniture store of John Ott. a one-story frame huildinjr opposite the State ilouse. servetl as a inectinjj- ])lace, and the yard in front of it as a j)laee for <:ymnastie prHctice. The gymnasium outfit eonsisted of a hori- zojital bar, and later money wa.s eolleeted from the members to buy parallel bars. After the course of half a yeai-. the elub rented a hotel building' on East Washintiton street- partiall>' destroyed by five, through the damaged I'oof of whieh tlie pleasjmt sun and heaven's blue peei-eil in inquisitively. In rain or sutiw. therefore, stay in the Tnrnhall was little ajjreeable. A single room in the first story wa.s spared liy fire, and remained in j)assably jjood condition for lioldinji' the weekly liieetilifis, in \vhi<'h. with iiiisto. the refoi'in of the woild was f(n-w;ir(led. "Entirely in accord with the Oernuiii n;i- tiouMl character there spi-anp' up an opposi- sitioii club — the Socialistic Turnverein com- posed chiefly of older men. Dr. Ilomhury, who had been an established jihysieian here since the close of the SiVs called the club in- to existence. Dr. Ilomburu- had. at the time, taken part in the u|)risint;- of the students. and. like many others, was obliged to Hi'e from (ici-many. He was a man of great learning, welcomed to every home, and not- withstanding his brus(|ueness he acquired a wide circle of friends in this city. An event of historical significance to Indianapolis gave incentive to the union of the two Turuvei-- eins. The then sitting legislature had in- vited Louis Kossuth to visit oui- city. .\t the close of Eebi'uaiw. 1S,")"J. the distinguislu^il Magyar cauu- hci-e from Cinciinuiti. wai-mly welcomed by the city authorities and the people. Kossuth was escorted to the ca])i- tol, and our Turners, as the only existing (ier- Jnan organization, were not a little ])roud to serve its iruards for the guest of the city, in f\dl unifonn, i. e.. in white drilling suits, red cravats, and black felt hats. As the Oerman poet, (iottfi'ied Kinkel. (m behalf of a revolutionai'y coiiimitlcc in London, had undertaken a tour lliriiiii;li .\merica in I lie =225 East Wasliinutdu. hope of obtaining a loan for the expected re- vival of the (iei-man revolution, so labored Louis Kossuth for the Hungarian cause. Two days after his ai-rival he gave, in Ma- sonic Hall, an exposition of the Hungai'ian war of revolution. The great role which the f(n-mer dictator of Hungary had played for several years in the tight against Aus- ti'ian rule, his passionate nature, his radical ideas to which he gave utterance with all the tire of his eloquence, his living picture of the existing .struggle, secured for him a sympathetic audience, and reminded oiu" Tui'ners of the old truth, 'In union there is strength". In a short time thereafter the two Turnvereins united under the name of the Socialistic Turngemeiude. "iythouirh the Turners, like most of the Gei'man innnigrants of that time, were with their thoughts and feelings in the old fathei-- land, awaiting a call for assistance from the revolutionary pal'ty there, they nevertheless gave their attention to the political move- ments of their adopted fatherland. The I'hiladelphia convention of the North Ameri- can Turnerbuiul. of which this club was a mendier. in 18.")1 ado|)ted this resolution : The Turnerbuiul fav(U's in sicneral the plat- form of the radical l-'reesoil Party, and pledges itself to support it with all its |)ower. Scarcely were 'the (ireenies' — as the new immigi-ants were called — warm in their nest, when they dai-ed tn preach emancipation from both of the existing tireat parties, to the horror and' astonishment of the earlier settled Oermans. to whom the then Demo- cratic ]>ai-ty was the aljdia aiul omega of their political faith. For .-i numb(>r of years both the Democrats and the Whius cai-efully avoided the sci'c spot of the natiotud oi-gan- ism. the slavery (|uestion. Both sides wei-e always striving to britlge over by compromises the whirl|)ools that showed themselves, often in thi'eatening nuunier. through the conflicts of the interests of the fi-ee states and the slave states. Fillecl with rid'orm ideas of all kinds, for whicii the revoln1iod is given into voui' hands: ( ir. //, lldds I'holo (11.) MAENNERCHOR HALL HISTORY OF (;i;i:a'I'Ki; ixdi.wai-ot.is. 2or preserve it.' On the next day was a ureal parade; the pi'dccssion halteil at the C'irele and the unitetl siii>;ers saui;' several (ieriiiaii sonf.'.s amid a stoi-iii of apjilause from a thickly |)aeked crowd. In the afternoon the fest-participants aninsed themselves on the sumptuoasly ai'rani;ed Fail- Ground (Mili- tary Park), and in the evenintr thei-e was a fri-ciil hall at Washinjrton Hall. ■"Of the g'reatest InHiience on the (ipiiiimi of the immiirrants of "4S who had made their homes in Indianapolis, was, and remained, the radical oiator and writer Karl Ilein/.en. He was a man ')f iron logic. His whole life was an unending battle for freedom and trutli. Kevolutionist from ci-own to sole, he lashetl unmercifidly with tongue and pen the faults of liis enemies ;ind the wi-aknesses of his friends. lie luid. as Wendell Phillins said of him, 'the coui-age to dare to be wholly consistejit.' The (Jermaiis of In- dianapolis of tliat time found tlicmselves in the happy stage of develo[)ment : business caivs. social duties, conventional C(!n.sidera- tions and aristocratic iiai'oxysms were then unknown bacilli: the word 'soople of this re|)ublic to supi)oi't tlie people of Eui'ope in their sti'usigle foi' free govei'innent. "Ijatei' through the active agitation of the editor of the Ciiu-innati fToiInrai i/itrr. Fi'ed- erick Ilassaurek. the I''reeineirs League was organized. This organization had foi- its aim "to oppose In- toniiue and iien all pi'e.ju- dices iif political, social and relitiious Lrovern- nient. and llu'outrh schools. i)ublic addi-r^sses and debates Id be active for the iMlucation of free men." .Mex. Met/wer. John V. Mayer. George Fehrlinir. Th. 1 liilsehei'. Jos. Lanir- hein and others were amoUL;- the most zeal- ous meudiers of thi' lea-jue. In ls.">4 \ho first state convention of the Freemen was held in this city. The frankness with which this convention spoke out on the subject of slav- ery wa.s indeed refreshing when compared with the caution with which statesmen ami politicians avoided it. To the Fivemen's League is credited the service of founding the first (lernian school in this city. Karl Beysehla^, editor of the Firir Prrssr, was the teacher. Moreover fortnightly plays were given in the league hall (south- ea.st corner of Washington and Alabama). The ilramatic section of the Freemen reached the climax in the production of Schiller's "Robbei's". A further undertaking was the Tract Society of the ^len of Progress, the soul of which was the then editor of the Frer Press, Th. Ilielsehei-. The literatui'e which the society circulated in tract form was di- voted to religious freedom and was directed chiefly against Puritanism and its cherished sister-. Prohibition. The idea of diffusing s[)iritual noui-isbment among the masses was in fact borrowed from the Bible societies and Methodist organizations of the East, which were pledged to welcome each innnigrant with numberless soul-saving tracts. '"The Turngcmeinde took great care for the intellectual uplift of (!ei-man life through the arrangement of lectures which accoi-diug to newspaper i-epoi-ts were enjoyed by vei-y large audiences. Frederick ^fuench, known under the name of 'l-'ar West'. Samuel Ludvigh — the ' Fackel Ludvigh', Schuenemann-Pott, Richard Solger, Judge Stallo aiul others gave addresses in the Tui-n- hall. With great satisfaction. Schuem'mann- Pott sjxike of the activity of the lii)eral minded (iermans here, in a letter by the Kx- ecutive Conuinttee of the Turnerbnnd, id' which the following- is an extract: 'in In- dianapolis there is a livini; intei-est, a.s I have found for m>'self. Hoth a.s.sociations wei-e visited, and if I ni:iy judge from lunMci-ous assurances, uttei'anccs, hand-claspings and serenades, the reception of it was as sin- cere and heai-ty as I could have wished." Historic memorial da,\'s like the Four-th of July, Washington's birthday, the aniuver- sary of the ileath of Kobei-t Blum, (>tc., were always fittingly celebratepy youth. Turner exhibitions, dramatic presentations, concerts, dances, balls, and patriotic celebrations, with hair- raising fireworks, alternated in brilliant ar- ray. But also niaiiy a serious word was ut- tered there, for the Turnhall was the head- quarters of the anti-slavery agitation, and the political barometci' indicated a storm. ■'The most meritorious work that the cn- tei-prising energy of our liberal minded Ger- mans brought to consununation, and which proved to be of lasting benefit thereafter, was the founding of the German-Enulish school. AVe cannot today judge what fdrin the development of the German life of our city would have taken without this influence, but we know that the first German-American generation has taken up the ideal efforts of the older ones with zeal and intelligence, and has contributed much to their accomplish- ment. If it be a fact, as is often told us by outside acquaintances, that Indianapolis, in comparison with other cities of the country, has excellent material in its Gennan- Ameri- can citizens, then we will make no mistake in seeking the reason in the beneficial influence of the German-English school. It took to itself, in large part, the difficult task of keep- ing the growing youth (icrman in thought and sympathy, a ta.sk which today falls al- most wholly on the parents, and to which, if it be successful, constant perseverance, steady attention, and indefatigable effort are essential. "The public schools in Indianapolis in the fifties were in poor condition ; the entire tuition extended only over three or four months in -the year, and had in consequence to be restricted to instruction in the more essential rudiments. In addition there were Gei-raan private schools, for example in the Scotch church, corner of Delaware and Ohio streets, in Zion's church, in the so-called Second Ward school on Delaware street be- tween Vermont and Alichigan streets, like- wise the Freemen's verein had a school, and also Theodore Hielscher. the place of instruc- tion being on Washington street opposite the Court House. Praiseworthy as these were, there was still need for a school in which the instruction should be in English as well as in German. The practicability of this idea was often considered, especially by the members of a secret society which bore the oracular name of 'B. d. T.'.^ and defincd the German-English School Society h.v the election of V. Butsch as i>resident and Hermann Lieber as secre- tary. The meeting deci-eed the founding of a school which 'independent of all sectarian influences should secure the education of free, moral men, in tlie principles of human- ity.' At the same time $000 was appro()riated to a fund for building a seliool house. The pro,jeet met such universal favor that within the course of three months a site was bouglit and a two stor.v building was begun. To- ward the end of 1859 the school was opened, under the management of the teachers Th. Hielscher and Julius Schunun with a moder- ate number of pupils at the start. Soon such favorable results appeared that with each tei-m uinrc pupils were enrollrd. Addi ''•Zelt-Tlau|itiiianu— 'r<'ut captain. Vol. 1—14 tional teachers were engaged aiul the c(mrse of stud.v broadened. Thereliy the cost of management increa.sed. The unavoidable deficit was nuide up by voluntary contribu- tions and by entertainments, picnics, fairs, theatricals, concerts and balls, in which the whole German population took part, filled with couuiiendable enthusiasm. "The AVbig parl.v had in the course of .vi>ars surrendei-ed one position after an- other, but the palliative of compromise failed of effect and the presidential election of 1852 bi"oke the decadent jiart.v to pieces. New parties appeared. The universal clamor over the political distress raised, among others, a secret organization, which for its jilatform adopted the restriction of immigi'a- tion, the i)urification of the ballot, and the inti-oduction and maintenance of Ibe bible in the publif schools. The aim of this agitation was directed espeeiall.v against the Germans, nuui.v of whom had .ioined the Democratic |)art.v, attracted perhaps more by predilec- tion for the name than for the principal ten- dencies of the partv. This secret organiza- tion called itself the American Party, and the .iokers gave it the name Know-Nothing I'ai'Vy because its mendiers to all questions as to tlu>ir allegiance answered with a stereo- typed 'T don't know.' After a short period of existence the American Part.v had attained success in manj^ states of the TTnion, .vet its methods of agitation ripened characteristic fruit; the native and foreign 'Kowdies' clasped hands, and under the firm name of .\merican Party, these dirty confederates committed outrages. On election days it often came to euttine and stabbing afl'i-ays between the Know-Nothings and the Ger- mans. In neighboring Cincinnati there raged a .street fight for several da.ys in the be- uinning of April, 1855, in which Turners and Singers had opportiinit.y to show their readiness in barricade building. "The German societ.v halls bad to be guai'ded with saber and jiistol ; even at the peaceful beer-table our coiuitr,vnien were constantl.v expecting the signal 'to arms', and the skatplayers looked uji man,v times from their cards to inquii-e with a|)prehension whetbei- th(\v might pla,v another roun>rl ill action. 'I'liere was a skirmish now and then with some son of the Einerald Isle, especially as introduction to or wind-up of a picnic, and the votinir in elections was often associated with dano:er, but in comparison with Cincinnati. Louisville. Columbus and others. Little ]\Iadam Iiidiana]iolis beliaved hei-self very well. The entire Know-Xotliing movement wrecked finally on the sound sense of the Anglo-American. "A new party had for some time been groping into life, the Republican Party. Under its banner collected all those who had realized the danger of the supremacy of the Democratic Party. A motley assembly in- deed found itself gathered together at the beginnino- of this new party. The Demo- cratic Indiana Volksblaft described a con- vention of the Republican Party held in In- dianapolis as follows: 'This motliest of all motley conventions of fusionists was com- posed of Know-Xothiiigs, Americans, patented progressionists and aliolitionists, noi'thern secessionists and renegade Democrats, of Catholic-eaters and Temperance hypocrites, of Mainiacs' and political priests.' Out of the conglomerate of political reform ideas and opinions crystallized the firm i-esoliition. regardless of the threats of the 'fire-eaters' of the South, to call a halt on the further spread of slavery. The day for decision ap- proached. The most exciting campaign in the history of the republic raged through the countiy. Mass meetings, parades, torch-light processions and demonstrations of all kinds increased the deep stirring-up; all other in- terests disappeared under the weight of the event. The (Jth of Xovember, 1860, holds a world 's-historic significance through the elec- tion of the candidate of the young Republi- can Party, Abraham Lincoln. "With the vietoiy of the Republican Party the conflict was here; the slave states made good their threat and seceded from the Union before Lincoln entered his office. With apprehensive anxiety all eyes turned to Fort Sumter. On the morning of April 12, 18(11, the hot-blooded Virginian, Edward Rutliii, fired the first shot at the T^nion fort ; the garrison returned the early morning greet- ing, and the bloody drama of the Civil War "Play on the .Maine lii|U(ir law. had begun. On the 15tli President Lincoln issued the first call for 75,000 volunteers; on the 18th the Inrlianapolis Journal con- tained the following: 'The Turners marched to Camp Morton yesterday morning, accom- panied by their own band, and .joined the several companies with which they have iden- tified themselves. Passing up Delaware street they stopped in front of the residence of Hon. A. G. Porter and gave him three hearty cheers, and then passed on to the resi- dence of William Wallace, where Adjutant General Wallace is temporarily residing, and cheered the general with loud hurrah. The Turners are aroused and ready for action. All unmarried Turnei-s answered the first call of Lincoln. The Turngemeinde was broken up. The Turnhall on Xoble street was turned over to one of the creditoi-s for the settlement of the more impoi"tant debts of the society. The remaining ett'ects of the Turners, consisting of banner, gymna.stic apparatus and library were turned over to Hermann Lieber for pi'eservation. "The ^laenuerchor. which under the di- rection of E. Despa had made rapid prog- ress, also went down from the beginning of the Civil War. Several of the active mem- bers had gone into the army, and moreover the harmony among the membei-s had been tottering for some time. The interests of the whole country concentrated on the battle field. The cheerfulness of the German club life was silenced. Times had come that tried men's souls. That the Germans brilliantJy stood the test is written in the book of his- tory in indelible letters. In unmeasurable higher percentage than others the German immigrants fought under the starry banner for the preservation of the Union. Of the self-sacrificing devotion to the new home, and the patriotic inspiration of the Germans of Indianapolis, the following extract from the Journal of April KJ. 1861. gives informa- tion : 'Our (Jerman fellow citizens held a meeting yesterday morning for the purpose of considering the jiropriety of offering their services to the (lovernor during the f)rescnt emergency. They announced their firm and undying devotion to the land of their adop- tion and resolved to offer their services to the Governor with the understanding that thev will not all be coiitinued in the same KISTOin nV (IKEATKR TXDT.WAPOTJS. •211 company, as they eonsiiU'i- that all nation- ality should be sunk now. save that of the American. Long live our brave axlopted citizens! They have felt and known the oppression of an aristocracy, and will never consent to ayain how theii' necks to the yoke. nor sacrifice tlieir love of liberty to save thcii- lives. ■ ■"As the 'i'ui'Hi'i's rrtiiriii'd at the close of their thi-ee months' service, a desire was urgent among them to organize a whollj' German regiment. They were inspired to this l>y the service of the (Jerman regiment from thi' East under Ludwig Blenker. and the (iermans of St.. Louis under Franz Sigel. The ulea was tiiutlly taken up actively at a roundtable which met every morning at 11 o'clock at Washington Hall, composed of Val Butsch. Dr. lIond)urg. Adolph Seidensticker, Th. Ilielscher, and August Ritzinger, and with the approval of (lovernor Morton was brought to accomplisbiiH'iit. The first com- paii\' was fi'om Indianapolis. The I'emainiiig 9 com|)anics wei'i' I'ccruited at .Madison, Auroi-a. La\vii'nc(»bui-g. 'I'erre Haute, Cincin- nati. Lafayette. Laporte and Evansvillc. The command of the regiment was given to Au- gust Willich. then :\rajor of the 9th Ohio regiment. His staff officers were, Lieut(>nant Col. IL von Trebra. .Ma.j. Wm. Hchnacken- burir. Adjutiint Karl Schmitt aiul (Quarter .Masti'r Edward .Mueller. The n'giin<'iit was enrolled as th(" ■■{2nd Lidiana Regiment, and fh parted on September (i, IStJl, for Louis- ville, whei'c the regimental colors were pre- sented to it by Jlrs. Seidensticker in the name of the German ladies. After a short stay in L(uiisville. the :V2nd mai'chcil to \cw- havcn. Ky.. and from there into the field at 'Camp Nevin'." The further history of llh' 32nd is thus continued by the ('a|)taiti of the first company, and later Lieutenant Colonel, Frank Erdelmeyer: "Under the command of AVillieh. tiie regi- ment became one of the best di-illed bodies of soldiers. We drilled undei' (Jerman eom- ina)id and Germ.in siu'uals. and thi'i'c devel- oped a spirit of fellowship, a genuine soldier spii'il. that biouiiht us victory in many a hitter fiL'liI, Durinir the latter i)art of the year our regiment was added to General R. W. .(ohnsiiti's (Ith Hi-ii;ade, of McCook's Di- vision. < )ii the advanee I here a()peared need for forming a pioneer division, which Colonel Willich forthwith organized carefully, and it w-as put xnider the capable command of Lieutenant Joseph Peitzuch. These wise pre- cautions pi'oved their benefit in a short time. On the 12th of December (1861) Johnson's Brigade advanced to the village' of .Munfordsville on (ireen River. The only bridge over the river was partially de- stroyed, and to cover its repair Willich thi-ew two companies as pickets on the south side of the river, and our pioneers worked night antl day to repair the structure. On the 17th the bi-idge was ready. It was high time, for shortly after noon the enemy's cavalry and infanti-y appeared. Our pickets gave the alarm: our com[)anics f(U'med (juiekly and went over the bridge at double (juick. Colonel Willich was absent at the tinu% and the conunand devolved on von Trebra. With a precision as on parade our companies fell into line of battle. The rebel infantiy could not withstand our well-directed fin', aiul were hurled back in wild confusion. Then the enemy advanced his cavali'y, the dreaded Te.xas l?angers. With a wild cheer they rushed from behind a hill on our extended firing line, and individual fighting com- I)anies. But we received the impact steadily; the companies formed scpiares. and let the Texas Rangei's come within a short distance; then sounded one volley after aru)ther; the wild riders were thrown back and numy a one renuuned on the field. Hut again and again they retui'ued I On the left wing Lieutenant INIax Sachs, with a i)art of the Third Company, on the open field, groui>ed about two haystacks, was suri'ounded. He i-efused to surrender-, and fought bravely till a bulli't brought his end. llel|i came (juiekly, but uiduil)l)ily too late for Sachs. The Texas Rangers now formed feu- a final charge, and oui- men hekl tlieir position. Meanwhile 1 had taken possession of a little hill on our left flank to bar the way of the cavalrj-. Coming then we saw thick before us the enemy's infantry and artillery. 1 waited now till the infantry advaneed to attack our right wing, and then advanced slowly with my com|)aiiy. Tiie enemy imagined the whole division behind us, and. fearini: