hivj iiPPiPiilPliv i^ 1 l^.-'\'' THE TEMPLE PRIMERS A HISTORY OF POLITICS By EDWARD JENKS, M.A. Reader in Law to the University of Oxford &c., &c. HISTORYPF POLITICS BY- EDWARD JEnKSmA i^OO^ Z^i^^Q t,L^^UBS> STREET 'JjOI^DOr^ All rights reservft/ THE I.IRRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA PREFACE Some ten years ago, Sir Frederick Pollock published a valuable and interesting little book on the history of political speculation.! But the author is not aware that any one has yet attempted to summarize, in a brief, popular form, the record of political action. It has occurred, therefore, to the promoters of this Series, that such a summary might prove interesting, if only by way of comparison. These pages profess to give, then, a brief account of what men have done, not of what they have thought^ in that im- portant branch of human activity which we call Politics, or the Art of Government. But if it should be objected, that what men do is really always the outcome, more or less perfect, of what they think, the answer is, that we recognize, for practical purposes, a distinction between what the world, in theory at least, believes to be best, and that which it actually succeeds in achieving. And a comparison of the two objects can hardly fail to be instructive. ^ An Introduction to the History of the Science of Politics. By (Sir) Frederick Pollock. London, 1890. A new edition has recently been published. vi PREFACE To the other, and inevitable objection, tliat it is impossible, within the narrow limits of a popular sketch, to deal with such a subject as the History of Politics, the author will reply with the doctrine which, paradoxical as it may sound, is yet maintained by very able writers, that the greater the subject, the smaller the space in which it can be treated. Readers who care to see parts of the subject worked out in greater detail, may be referred to the author's Laau and Politics in the Middle Jges (Murray, 1898). Oxford, Januarij 1900 CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY CHAP. I. TYPES OF SOCIETY PAGE I TYPE I.— SAVAGE SOCIETY II. SAVAGE ORGANIZATION TYPE II.— PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY III. PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY IN GENERAL . IV. THE DOMESTICATION OF ANIMALS V. TRIBAL ORGANIZATION .... VI. AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN VII. INDUSTRY AND THE GILD 15 22 43 60 TYPE III.— MODERN (POLITICAL) SOCIETY VIII. THE STATE AND FEUDALISM IX. EARLY POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS X. THE STATE AND PROPERTY 71 81 93 viii CONTENTS CHAP. XI. THE STATE AND JUSTICE XII. THE STATE AND LEGISLATION XIII. THE STATE AND ADMINISTRATION . XIV. VARIETIES OF POLITICAL SOCIETY LIST OF AUTHORITIES . . . . INDEX ...... GLOSSARY . .... A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER I Types of Society Politics, By Pol'Utcs we mean the business of Govern- mentj that is to say, the control and management of people living together in a society. A society, again, is a group or mass of people, bound together by a certain common principle or object, A mere chance crowd is not a society ; it has no definite object, it collects and disperses at the whim of the moment, its members recognize no duties towards one another. It has no history, no organization. Society. Societies are of many kinds. They may exist for purposes of religion, commercial profit, amusement, educa- tion, or a host of other objects. A good specimen of a religious society is, of course, an ordinary church congrega- tion, or a missionary society ; of a commercial society, an ordinary trading company ; of an amusement society, a West- end club ; of an educational society, an university or a college. And the management and organization of any such society may in strictness be considered a branch of Politics, But it is convenient to reserve the term politics for matters concern- ing one particular and very important class of societies, those communities, namely, which are not formed for any special or //WW objects, but which have grown up, almost spontaneously, as part of the general history of mankind, and which are con- cerned with its general interests. Men as a rule, live in these B 2 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS communities, not because they choose to do so, but because they are born into them ; and, until quite recently, they were not allowed to change them at their pleasure. In their most advanced forms, we call these communities States ; Great Britain, France, Holland, Germany, Spain, Russia, etc., are undoubtedly States. And these States are the proper subject matter of Politics, in the modern sense of the term. But, as we study their history, we become aware that these com- munities have gradually developed out of societies of quite another type, organized on different principles. Modern social groups. Now-a-days, the principle which binds together these communities of the modern type, is the tie of military allegiance. In the States which practise conscription, or universal military service, this is very obvious. The most heinous political offence which a Frenchman or a German can commit, is attempting to evade military service ; or, possibly worse, taking part in military service against his own country. But even in Great Britain, where conscription is not practised, the tie is really the same. It is unquestion- able that the Queen, through her Ministers, has the right, in case of necessity, to call upon every one of her male subjects to render personal military service ; and any British subject captured fighting against his country, would be liable to suffer death as a traitor. In the older conditions of society, however, to which allusion has been made, the tie was not that of military allegiance, but kinship, which was at first, no doubt, based on actual blood relationship, but was afterwards extended by fictitious methods. To men living in such a community, the inclusion of strangers in blood would have appeared a monstrosity. The mere facts that these strangers were settled in the same neighbourhood, or carried on trade with the community in question, or even were willing to fight its battles, would have seemed to such a community no argu- ments at all for admitting them to membership. The most conspicuous example in the world of a community organized on such principles is, of course, the Jews, who, in spite of their world-wide dispersal, still maintain intact their tribal TYPES OF SOCIETY 3 organization, at least in theory. The same ideas were at the bottom of the famous struggle in early Roman history between the patricians ^ and the plebeians ; and it is possible that some- thing of the same kind may be unconsciously at the root of the trouble between the Boers and the Uitlanders in the Transvaal. The Welsh and the Irish before the Norman Conquest, the Scottish Highlanders two or three centuries ago, undoubtedly lived in communities of this type, which we may call patriarchal, or tribal. Still older groups. Until quite recently it was be- lieved that this patriarchal type was the oldest type of human community. Speculators on the history of society started from the patriarchal household^ and worked down- wards to the modern State. But the brilliant discoveries of the last half century have revealed to us a still more primitive type of society which, so far as the writer knows, has never been described in a popular book, and which it takes some considerable effort to realize, even when it is stated in the simplest language. It is intensely interesting, both as adding another whole province to the domain of scientific history, and as revealing another step in the path by which man has moved onward and upward. At present, too little is known of its details to warrant more than a brief description ; but, thanks to the labours of devoted students, who have faced discomfort and hardship in order to examine this type of society in its few surviving examples, the outlines are now fairly clear. Unfortunately, it is hard to find a good name, by which it may be distinguished. Its scientific name of Totemistic is too elaborate and technical for popular use. Perhaps it will be best to call it the savage type ; though it must be clearly understood that the term implies neither con- tempt nor blame. It merely signifies that the type in question is Yery primitive or rudimentary. Here then we have our three historical types of human society — the savage , the patriarchal, and the military (or "political" in the modern sense). And it will be the ^ A " patrician " is one who has a " pater," or chief of kindred. 4 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS business of A Short History of Politics to describe each of them in turn, beginning with the oldest, and, if possible, to point out the causes which led societies to abandon the older for the newer types. To do this, we shall not require to describe the histories of particular societies ; that will be the task of other writers in the Series. But we shall endeavour to trace a normal course for the development of societies, a course which every community tends to follow, unless deflected from its natural path by special circumstances. It is the fashion to scoff at such attempts, and, doubtless, there is a danger in ** general views." But there is, likewise, a danger in special- ization ; and a man who uses the microscope only, loses the treasures revealed by the telescope. It is a wise ideal of study : to know something of everything, and everything of something. Our plan. But, if we start on a story of this kind, it is quite evident that we must have something in the nature of a plan. To plunge recklessly into the facts of universal history would be to invite failure. To what pathway shall we trust to bring us safely out of the forest ? Institutions. There is a large part of the history of every community which seems to leave no permanent traces upon it. No doubt the results are there ; but they are too vague and too subtle to be easily described. On the other hand, the effects of other parts of the community's history are plainly discernible, in the permanent and visible results which they leave on the community itself. These results we call institutions J i. e. the machinery by which the business of the community is carried on. Perhaps it would be better to call them limbs or organs of the community, for they resemble natural growths far more than artificial creations. They correspond in the body social with the limbs or organs of the body natural, i. e. with those instruments by which the business of the body — its absorption, digestion, defence, attack, etc., are carried on. And so we use the metaphor organization, to describe the development of institutions in the body social, or community. TYPES OF SOCIETY 5 Their relative importance. These institutions may not really be the most important part of the body social, any more than the limbs and organs are the most important part of the body natural. The really important thing in each is that indefinable existence which we call life. But as no one has yet succeeded in explaining what life is, even in the natural body, still less in the social body, we shall be wiser to describe the institutions of society, to show, if we can, how they appeared, grew, and gradually changed, till they assumed the shape in which we know them now. Only, as every fully developed society has many kinds of institutions, political, industrial, religious, educational, and so on, with all of which it would be impossible to deal, we must remember that this is a book on politics, and deals only, or chiefly, with those institutions which are concerned directly with the business of government. This, then, will be the plan of our work : to describe, as briefly and clearly as possible, the origin and development of the institutions of government. Type I. — Savage Society CHAPTER II Savage Organization Savages* In spite of the constantly increasing intercourse between the most remote parts of the world, and the civilizing influences of commerce, there remain quite a considerable number of peoples who still live under primitive or savage conditions. Among them may be reckoned, the Andamanese of the Bay of Bengal, the hill tribes of Madras, the Juangs of Orissa, the Veddahs of Ceylon, the Bushmen and Akkas of Africa, the Colorado Indians of North America, the Caribs of the centre and the Brazilians of the south, the Dyaks of Borneo, and the Eskimos of Greenland and Labrador. The Tasmanians of Van Diemen's Land were, until their recent extinction, perfect specimens of unadulterated savagery. But by far the most important examples, because the most remote from admixture and the most scientifically and recently studied, are the aborigines ^ of Australia, who, in the centre and north of that vast continent, still roam untouched and unreclaimed. Their numbers are considerable, and, though they are probably destined to disappear at no distant date, they are at present in full possession of their primitive organization. Owing to the praiseworthy efforts of a gener- ation of students, prominent among them being Mr. A. W. Howitt, the Rev. Lorimer Fison, Professor Baldwin Spencer, 1 The reader is cautioned that the term "Australian Native" is by local custom reserved for the descendants of the white colonists, and is rarely extended to the " blackfellow." 6 SAVAGE ORGANIZATION 7 and Mr. Gillen, who have braved the hardships of the Australian desert, and won their way into the confidence of the savages by consistent kindness, we are now able to form some tolerably correct ideas of savage life. Their accounts may be profitably supplemented by the studies of the late Mr. Lewis Morgan, who, in the Red Indians of America, found a~people just emerging from savagery into the patriarchal stage of society, and whose book on Ancient Society will ultimately be recognized as one of the great scientific products of the nineteenth century. Savage life' The material side of Australian existence may be best described in a series of negatives. The savages understand neither the cultivation of the land nor the rearing of sheep and cattle. Their only domestic animal (if "domestic" it can be called) is the dog. They have no idea of dwellings more advanced than a rude bough hut ; for the most part they take shelter in caves, and behind pieces of bark propped up against trees or rocks. They have no food but the scanty game of the " bush " or forest, such as the wallaby and the opossum, and the natural products of the earth. The art ot fire-making, in a very primitive form, is known to them ; but their notions of cooking are of the crudest. Still less have they the knowledge of working in metals, either by hammer- ing or by melting. The recently adopted iron tomahawk is an article of barter, obtained from the enterprising traveller, in exchange for natural products. The indigenous weapons are the flint-headed spear and axe, and the wooden boomerang or throwing-stick. Australian legends go back to a time when even the use of stone knives was unknown, and opera- tions, even on the human body, were performed with a charred stick. The " pitchi " or bark-basket, and the digging-stick of the women, appear to be almost the only articles which can be classed as "tools." The clothing of the Australians may be described as purely ornamental. It consists, in fact, of certain decorations used in religious ceremonies ; in ordinary life they are stark naked. The appalling feature of this miserable existence, always bordering on starvation, is, that it 8 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS seems to have gone on during countless ages. The fauna and flora of Australia are, it is well known, of a thoroughly archaic type ; the naturalist discovers in its forests and rivers forms which have long since been extinct in other parts of the world. And as there is no evidence whatever of any inter- course between Australia and other lands during the period of recorded history, as, in fact, Australia was, until three cen- turies ago, an Unknown Land, we can only suppose that the Australian has led his present life during thousands of years. His isolation has been, no doubt, the chief cause of his stagnation. Savage Institutions. This view is entirely confirmed by a study of the non-material side of Australian life. Crude and primitive as it seems to us, its elaborateness of detail and complexity of ceremonial point to a history of great, but un- recorded, antiquity. When we consider the terror which all novelty has for the savage, especially in religious matters, we are bound to think that the elaborate ceremonies described in Messrs. Spencer's and Gillen*s valuable book ^ must have taken centuries, perhaps even thousands of years, to work out. We may be very sure that no sudden change was made ; but that only little by little was the elaborate ceremonial introduced. We cannot here do more than describe its leading features. "Tribe'* or ** paclc,** It is the custom to speak of the Australians and other savages as living in "tribes." But the term is most misleading ; for the word " tribe " always suggests to us the notion of descent from a common ancestor, or, at any rate, of close blood relationship. Now there Is, as we shall see, a most important stage in human progress, in which descent from a common ancestor plays a vital part in social organization. But the Australian " tribe " does not really play a very important part in savage life, at least on its social side. It appears to be mainly a group of people engaged in hunting together, a co-operative or com- munal society for the acquisition of food supply. It would ^ The Native Trites of Central Australia. London, 1 899. SAVAGE ORGANIZATION 9 really be better to call it the " pack ; " for it far more resembles a hunting than a social organization. All its members are entitled to a share in the proceeds of the day*s chase, and, quite naturally, they camp and live together. But they are not sharply divided, for other purposes, from other "packs" living in the neighbourhood. On the con- trary, they frequently mingle with them ; and a social free- masonry extends over vast areas of the continent. Totem group. The real social unit of the Australians is not the " tribe,'* but the tolem group. The word " totem ** is not, of course, Australian ; ^ but it is generally accepted as the name of an institution which is found almost universally among savages. The totem group is, primarily, a body of persons, distinguished by the sign of some natural object, such as an animal or tree, who may not intermarry with one another. In many cases, membership of the totem group is settled by certain rules of inheritance, generally through females. But among the Australians, new-born or (in some cases) unborn infants are allotted by the wise men to par- ticular totems ; and this arrangement has all the appearance of extreme antiquity, for the savage has no idea of principles, he requires hard and fast rules. No marriage within the totem. The Australian may not marry within his totem. " Snake may not marry snake. Emu may not marry emu." That is the first rule of savage social organization. Of its origin we have no knowledge ; but there can be little doubt that its object was to prevent the marriage of near relations. Though the savage cannot argue on principles, he is capable of observing facts. And the evils of close inbreeding must, one would think, have ultimately forced themselves upon his notice. If so, we can understand the rule, " Snake may not marry snake." But this is conjecture. Marriage with another totem. The other side of the rule is equally startling. The savage may not marry 1 It seems to have been first used, in a slightly different form, by the Ojibway Indians of North America. lo A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS within his totem, but he must marry into another totem specially fixed for him. More than this, he not only marries into the specified totem, but he marries the whole of the women of that totem in his own generation. Thus, all the men of the Snake totem are husbands of all the women of the Emu totem in the same generation; and, as a natural con- sequence, all the women of Snake totem are wives of all the men of Emu totem. Of course, it must not be supposed, that this condition of marital community really exists in practice. As a matter of fact, each Australian contents himself with one or two women from his marriage totem. But it is a fact, that an Australian would see nothing wrong in a man living as the husband of any woman of his marriage totem, provided she were of his own generation. And if an Australian is travelling from " tribe " to " tribe," he will, as a matter of course, find a wife waiting for him in every " tribe " which contains women of his marriage totem. It is facts such as these which scandalized early missionaries, and often caused them to shut their eyes to what was really a most valuable object-lesson in social history. No unmarried people. It will be obvious that, under these arrangements, there are no bachelors or spinsters among the Australian savages; but that, as Mr. Fison has well observed, marriage is, among them, "a natural state into which both parties are born.'* Different generations. It has been hinted before, that some classification is necessary to distinguish the different degrees or generations within the totem group ; and this is one of the objects of the mysterious corrohorees^ or ceremonial gatherings, which play so large a part in the life of the savage. Though it is extremely difficult, owing to the un- willingness of savages to reveal the secrets of their rites, to ascertain precisely the details of these ceremonies, it is fairly clear that they serve more than one object. In the first place, as was frankly admitted by an Australian mystery man of repute, they effect the useful result of impressing the ordinary members of the totem group with a sense of the SAVAGE ORGANIZATION n importance and power of the "Birraark" or sorcerers, usually old men, who conduct them. In the second, they un- doubtedly seem to keep alive the legendary history of the totem group, and thus to bind its members closer together. The songs and dances of the ceremonies in many cases are supposed to represent great events which have occurred in the " Al- cheringa," or distant past. Finally, at the ceremonies, often lasting for several days, the youths and maidens who have attained to maturity are initiated into some of the mysteries of the totem, often to the accompaniment of painful rites, such as circumcision and other laceration. It is possible that, on such occasions, the initiated are subjected to tattooing, with a view of establishing their identity, and of allotting them to a certain totem, and to a certain generation within that totem. System of relationship. By this, or some other artificial means, the curiously simple system of Australian relationship is constructed. AH the women of his marriage totem in his generation are a man's wives ; all their children are his children ; all the members of his totem in the same generation are his brothers and sisters (whom he may not marry) ; all the members of his mother's totem are his parents (for descent is nearly always reckoned through females). Parent, child, brother, and sister are thus the only relationships recognized. Rudimentary as this system appears to be, it is widely spread throughout the Malay archipelago, and Mr. Fison tells an amusing story of a missionary who, to increase his familiarity with his native converts, was made by the pro- cess of adoption the brother of his man-servant. Happening to meet the man's wife, the missionary pleasantly explained that he was now her brother. Whereupon the lady instantly corrected him by saying — " Oh no, you are not my brother, you are my husband." Mr. Morgan, indeed, who has studied the natives of Hawaii and Honolulu, as well as his own Red Indians, thinks that there are traces of still older systems, in which marriage between brothers and sisters, and even between lineal relations, was practised. Be this as it may, the Australian system prevails widely among savages, and even, with certain 12 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS modifications, among some highly civilized people, e. g, the Chinese. Totem questions. Whether the totem serves any other purpose than that of prohibiting intermarriage of near relations, and what is the precise connection which the savages believe to exist between themselves and their totems, are much disputed questions. With regard to the latter, it has been suggested by recent observers, that the Australian believes himself to be, in some mysterious way, the offspring of his totem. There can also be little doubt that, in some cases at least, the totem is an object of worship, a fetich which will deal destruction if the rule of the intermarriage is not rigidly observed. And, if this be so, we get an interesting glimpse at the rudiments of two of the most powerful factors in human progress — Religion and Lav/. It has been said that the progress of religious ideas follows three stages. In the first, Man worships some object entirely external to himself, a stone or an animal. In the second, he worships a human being like himself, usually one of his own ancestors. In the third, he has risen to the idea of a God who is both divine and human, unlike and distinct from himself, and yet like to and connected with himself. The Australian totem would answer to the first of these three stages. But it is somewhat significant to notice, that the savage's view of his deity is usually that of a malevolent Power, dealing disease and death, and thirsting for human blood. It is to be feared that this view is largely the reflection of the savage's only means of reasoning, viz. by experience. He sees that any one of his fellows, who happens to be exceptionally strong and clever, is apt to show his power by the exercise of cruelty. He transfers this character to his Savage Law. Closely connected with this viewt isThe savage's rudimentary notion of Law. With him it is a purely negative idea, a list of things which are prohibited, or taboo. The origin of these prohibitions is often ludicrous, but they are generally found to be connected with the apprehension of danger. A man is walking along a path, and is struck by a SAVAGE ORGANIZATION 13 falling branch. Instead of attributing the blow to natural causes, he assumes it to be the result of the anger of the Tree- Spirit, offended by his action in using the path. In the future, that path is taboo^ or forbidden. A rude log bridge is made over a stream. It gives way beneath a passenger, and the man is drowned. That (the savage thinks) is the vengeance of the Water- Spirit, incensed at the insult offered by the exist- ence of the bridge, which deprives him of his due number of victims. But the convenience of the bridge is so great, that men are tempted to build it again. And then a cunning man suggests that, if a victim be sacrificed before the bridge is used, the Water-Spirit will be satisfied. And so some poor wretch is bound hand and foot and thrown into the torrent. Probably the bridge is better built this time, and does not break. The charm has worked. In such a way arises the notion of sacrifice y which has played such a ghastly part in history. Jacob Grimm, the great German scholar, found the practice of bridge sacrifices in use in north-eastern Germany, happily only in a mock form, as late as the beginning of the present century. The practice of burying alive a victim in the found- ations of a house, as a sacrifice to the Earth-Spirit, whose domain is being invaded, is widely spread in savage countries. Doubtless it had a similar origin. Whether the totem bond also serves the purpose of uniting its members together for offence and defence, is also a disputed question. There are traces of such a state of things, and its existence would certainly explain the development of a con- spicuous feature of the second or patriarchal stage of society, the blood-feud gxovL"^. But the relations of one group of savages to another are obscure and uncertain. Doubtless the members of a eroup, whether it be the " tribe " or hunting unit, or the totemistic marriage group, do not recognize any duties towards strangers. But their actual attitude is probably determined by the state of the food supply, and the amount of elbow-room. If game is abundant, and hunting-grounds large in proportion to the population, distinct groups of savages may exist side by side in a given area without conflict. But if game is 14 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS scarce, and the land thickly peopled (in the savage state the two things would probably go together), wars and murders are, probably, frequent. Even the revolting practice of cannibalism probably originated in hunger ; though there are some races which seem unable to abandon it, even in times of plenty, and plausible reasons are invented for its continuance. But it is one of the surest laws of progress, that, with each forward step, the same area is able to maintain an ever-increas- ing number of people. And so, the temptations for war, or at least the excuses for war, are happily ever diminishing. Summary. It is a somewhat dark picture that we have had to draw of the life of primitive man. And indeed the noble savage, who passed his days in a sort of perpetual picnic, surrounded by his family, who sported in the flowery meads while he discoursed sweet music, was a last century fiction which did more credit to the hearts than to the heads of an unhistorical generation. The actual savage is usually a miser- able, underfed, and undersized creature, naked and shivering, houseless, in constant terror of dangers seen and unseen, with no family ties as we understand them, with no certain food supply, and no settled abode. And yet, even the savage life contributes something to the total of civilization. The savage hunter, dependent for his very existence on success in the chase, learns to endure hardships without murmuring, in the pursuit of his prey. Constantly on the look-out for danger, he developes powers of observation which are the admiration of his more civilized brother. He can trace the footsteps of an enemy in a thicket, where a modern detective would declare it impossible to read any sign. He can foretell the approach of a storm from warnings which would escape a scientific weather-prophet. He can hear sounds which to a civilized man are simply inaudible. He has infinite patience, provided only that the prospect of reward is palpable and immediate. These are no mean contributions to the store of civilization. Type II. — Patriarchal Society CHAPTER III Patriarchal Society in General Distinguishing features. We now approach the consideration of the second stage of social development, in which the binding ties are more distinctly marked, and the organization more perfect, than in the preceding stage. All patriarchal society is characterized by certain well- marked features, which distinguish it from earlier as well as from later types of society. These features are : — 1. Male Idnstllp, We saw that, in the savage type of community, while something that might be called kinship prevailed, it was so arbitrary and artificial, that it might be regarded as a superstition rather than a fact. So far as there was any recognition of blood relationship at all, it was relation- ship through women, not through men. But, in the patriarchal stage, paternity is the leading fact. Men are counted of kin because they are descended from the same male ancestor. Sometimes, no doubt, the relationship is fictitious rather than real ; as when deficiencies in a family are made up by adoption QV fosterage. But the very existence of such devices shows the importance attached to descent through males. Leaving for the present the question of how this important change came about, we notice another feature of patriarchal society closely connected with it. 2. Permanent marriage. Without such an addition, i6 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS the first feature could hardly develop. In a state of society such as that of the Australians {^ante, p. lo), no one could be certain who his father was. It is not until a woman becomes the wife of one man only, that anything like cer- tainty of fatherhood appears. But it must not be assumed that marriage, as we understand it, /. e. permanent union of one man with one woman, is a feature of all patriarchal society. On the other hand, polygamy, i. e. the marriage of one man to several women, is very characteristic of patriarchal society in its earlier stages. Only in its later developments, does it approach to the modern system of marriage. But the existence oi polygamy is no bar to the recognition of kin- ship through males ; on the contrary, it renders it increasingly certain, by providing against a superfluity of unmarried women. Finally, a third essential feature of patriarchal society must be mentioned. 3. Paternal authority. The principles upon which patriarchal society is conducted require, as we shall see, the existence of groups presided over and controlled by the well-nigh despotic ^authority of a male ancestor. This ancestor controls, not only the business affairs of the group, but its religion, and its conduct. He alone is responsible for it, to the larger group of which it forms a part. The precise limits of this authority differ in different stages. In early Rome, as is well known, the patria potestas extended to all the descendants of a living ancestor, no matter how old they were, and even survived, in a modified form, over the female descendants after his death. Moreover, it comprised even the power of life and death, to say nothing of control and chastisement. In later forms of the patriarchal system, this power becomes greatly modified, but an interesting record of Welsh society at the end of the patriarchal stage says of the Mab, or youth under fourteen: (He is) "at his father's platter, and his father lord over him, and he is to receive no punishment but that of his father, and he is not to possess a penny of his property during that time, only in common with PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY IN GENERAL 17 his father." In fact, for legal purposes, he has no separate existence. Actual examples. These are the universal features of society in the patriarchal stage, whether we look at it among Jewish tribes, or the early Greeks {e.g. the Homeric heroes) or Romans, or among the Arabs of the desert, or the Hindus and Mahommedans of Northern India, or the Afghans of the frontier, or, better still, among our Teutonic forefathers in their German homes, or, perhaps best of all, among the branches of the Keltic race, the Welsh, the Irish, and the Highland Scotch, with whom it lingered until a comparatively late period. Two stages of patriarchal society. But the study of patriarchal society has, until quite lately, been rendered very difficult by the practice, adopted by writers and speakers, of treating all patriarchal society as though it were of one kind. As a consequence, the picture has been con- fused, inconsistencies and difficulties have arisen, and impatient critics have been tempted to regard the patriarchal stage of society as an ingenious fiction. Tribal. As a matter of fact, a patient study of the evidence soon reveals the truth, that patriarchal society falls into two subordinate stages, represented by two different groups or social units. The first of these may properly be called the tribes the second the clan (or sept). The former (the tribe) is a large group, consisting of several hundred individuals, the fully qualified among whom certainly believe themselves to be descended from a common male ancestor, and are certainly bound together by the ties of kinship through males. But, in most cases, if not all, the common ancestor of the tribe is a fictitious person, invented to satisfy the etiquette which has now come to regard descent from a :ommon male ancestor as the only true basis of society ; and, IS a matter of fact, the lawfully born children of all male Tiembers of the tribe are entitled to be classed as tribesmen. Clannish. The c/an, on the other hand, is a much i smaller body, consisting of some three or four generations only, c i8 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS in descent from a perfectly well-known male ancestor, and breaking up, automatically, into new clans or septs, when the proper limits have been reached. Mistaken {older) theory. This distinction has been perceived by many writers, who, however, have failed to understand its true significance, and, consequently, its value as a help to the study of patriarchal society. They have been misled by the old theory, now definitely exploded, that the beginnings of society are to be found in the single house- hold^ or group of descendants of a living man. When such a house-father died, they say, his sons would set up households of similar pattern for themselves, and these households, remembering their relationship, would form a clan ; when the clan grew so big that its actual relationships became obscure, it would become a tr'ile. To the Scottish historian, Mr. W. F. Skene, may be attributed the merit of having shown, by actual demonstration, that this account really reverses the historical order of things. The tr'ihe, or larger unit, is the oldest ; as it breaks up, clans are formed ; and the break up of the clan-system leaves as independent units the households formerly comprised within it. Finally, but not till long after patriarchal society has passed away, the household is dissolved, and the indhidual becomes the unit of society. Supported by evidence of savage society. This view, put forward by Mr. Skene in his Celtic Scotland (vol. iii.) has been strengthened, in the most remarkable way, by the discoveries concerning the nature of savage society described in the preceding chapter. By these discoveries it has been proved, that the earliest social group, so far from being a small household of a single man and his wives, is a large and loosely connected group or "pack," organized for matrimonial purposes on a very artificial plan, which altogether precludes the existence of the " single family." If it were necessary, it could easily be shown that the origin of society in " single families " is inherently impossible ; but it is sufficient to point out that the evidence is against it. Origin of ttie distinction. Although, however, the PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY IN GENERAL 19 author acknowledges his debt to Mr. Skene for the estaWish- ment of the true relationship between the tribe and the clan, he is not aware that the causes of the appearance of either have been stated anywhere in brief form. He thinks it better, therefore, even at the risk of anticipating matters a little, to state clearly his own view, which is this : t/jai the domestication of animdls converted the savage pack into the patriarchal tribe ; and that the adoption of agriculture broke up the tribe into clans. Distinguishing marlcs of patriarctial society. If this view be correct, obviously the first thing to do in attempting the story of patriarchal society is to consider the domestication of animals and its immediate results. But, as this will require a chapter to itself, it will be well once more to emphasize the distinction between patriarchal society and modern or political society, in the strict sense, in order that the reader may realize that he is going to deal with ideas completely foreign to his own. Patriarchal society, then, is distinguished from modern society by four leading qualities. Personal union. i. It is personal^ not territorial. Although, as has been said, the basis of modern society is military allegiance, the great factor which determines that allegiance is residence in a fixed area. Doubtless, for certain purposes, a citizen of State A may reside in the territory of State B ; yet he is looked upon as an alien^ and he takes no part in the political life of State B. On the other hand, if a man qualifies as a citizen of a State by residence, we ask no questions about his blood or race. " Every one born in France is a Frenchman," says the Code Napoleon ; and, broadly speaking, that is the rule in civilized countries at the present day. But patriarchal society cares nothing for resid- ence or locality. To be a member of a particular group, a man must be of the blood of that group. If he is not, he may pass his whole life in its service, but he will not be a member. In fact, the whole group itself may move its quarters at any time, without affecting its constitution in any 20 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS way. At least, this is so in the earlier stages of patriarchal society. Bxclusiveness. 2. It is exclusive. Modern society believes in large numbers. In spite of certain grumblings about ** immigrant aliens,'* modern States are really anxious to increase their numbers as much as possible, because they know that an increase of numbers means an increase of ivealth and oi Jighting-poiuer. To a community in the patriarchal stage, an Immigration Bureau would appear to be a monstrosity. To its members the immigrant is simply a thief, who comes to stint the pasture and the corn land ; a heathen, who will introduce strange customs and worships. If he is admitted, he is admitted only as a serf or slave. Communal character. 3. It is communal. In a modern State, the supreme authority deals directly with each individual. Of course there are intermediate authorities, but they act only as subordinates or delegates of the supreme power, which can set them aside. But, in patriarchal society, each man is a member of a small group, which is itself a member of a larger group, and so on. And each man is responsible only to the head of his immediate group — the son, wife, or slave to the housefather, the housefather to the head of his clan, the head of the clan to the tribal chief. The practical results of this principle are vitally important, as we shall see later on. No competition. 4. It is non-competitive. We are accustomed to a state of society in which each man works at what he thinks best, and in the way he thinks best. Subject to certain laws, mostly of a police character, each man "does as he likes." If a farmer thinks he can get a better crop by sowing earlier than his neighbours, he does so. If a carpenter thinks he can make a better box by using nails where screws have hitherto been employed, he does so. If a draper thinks he can attract customers by selling tea, he does so. But patriarchal society would have looked on such practices with horror. Its life was regulated by fixed custom, to deviate from which was impiety. How this idea arose, and how it PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY IN GENERAL 21 gradually disappeared, we must inquire hereafter. At present, we must simply bear it in mind in thinking of patriarchal society. In patriarchal society, every one found his duties in life prescribed for him ; and not only his duties, but the way in which he should perform them. Any deviation from customary rules was looked upon with disfavour. We now come to deal with the great discovery which made patriarchal society possible and inevitable. CHAPTER IV The Domestication of Animals The art of taming wild animals and making them serve the purposes of man, is one of the great discoveries of the world. Just as it is quite certain that there are some races, e.g. the Australians, who have never acquired it, so it is equally certain that many other races have learnt it, with results of the greatest importance. But as to the man or men who introduced it, we have no knowledge, except through vague and obviously untrustworthy tradition. Like many of the greatest benefactors of the human race, they remain anonymous. In all probability, the discovery was made independently by many different races, under combina- tions of favourable circumstances. Origin of domestication. But, if we cannot speak with confidence of names and dates in the matter, we can make certain tolerably shrewd guesses as to the way in which domestication of animals came about. We start with the fact, that the most valuable of the world's domestic animals, the sheep, horse, ox, goat, etc., are known to exist, or to have existed, in a wild state. It is, practically, impossible to suppose that these wild animals are (except in rare cases) the result of the escape from captivity of tame animals. It follows, therefore, that the start which a pack of savages could obtain in the matter of domestication would depend upon the character of the wild animals in its neighbourhood. For it is fairly obvious by this time, that many wild animals are not suitable for taming. Thus, it is hardly possible that the lion, tiger, or bear will ever really become domestic THE DOMESTICATION OF ANIMALS 23 animals, in spite of the fact that their strength and endurance would prove valuable qualities if they could be used. And so some peoples may have remained utterly savage, because of the fact that their country does not produce animals capable of domestication. Again, some races, like the Eskimos, appear to have had only the wild ancestors of the dog and the reindeer, and thus to have been very limited in their oppor- tunities. Other races have been able to tame the sheep, one of the most valuable aids to civilization ; others, again, have had the still more valuable ox. Superfluity of game. But still the question remains — How was the process of domestication discovered ? Here, again, we can only proceed by speculation ; but a most valu- able account of his experiences in Southern Africa (Damara Land), published by the late Sir Francis Galton in the middle of the century, affords us most suggestive hints.i Two of the most striking features of the savage character are recklessness and greed. Being quite unable to make pro- vision for the future, or even to realize the wants of the future, the savage consumes in disgusting orgies the produce of a successful hunt. A stroke of luck, such as the capture of a big herd of game, simply means an opportunity for gorging. But even the savage capacity for food has its limits ; and, in exceptionally good seasons, there is a super- fluity of game. A civilized man would strain every nerve to store the surplus away against future wants. The savage simply wastes it ; partly because he knows that meat will not keep, partly because he cannot realize the needs of the future. The " pemmican " or sun-dried meat of the Red Indian, and his " caches," or buried hoards, are the limits of the savage capacity for storing up against a rainy day. Pets, But, if the savage is reckless and greedy, he is often affectionate and playful. If he has had as much food as he can eat, he will amuse himself by playing with his captives, instead of killing them. At first, no doubt, there is a good deal of the cat and the mouse in the relationship ; ^ Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa. London, 1853. 24 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS but, in time, the savage comes positively to love his captives, and even to resist the pangs of hunger rather than kill them. In other words, the earliest domestic animals were pets ; pre- served, not with a view of profit, but for sport, or amusement. And it is most important to observe, that animals so selected would naturally be the handomest and finest of the catch, whose appearance would delight the eye. The history of the process is neatly summed up in the two meanings of the English verb "to hke." In the primitive sense, "to like'' means, " to like to eat " ; later on, it means " to like to keep," or have by one. " I like mutton," or, " I like my dog." ^ Food supply. But, of course, feelings of affection would be bound to give way in the long run to feelings of hunger. And then the tame animals would be slaughtered for food. And so it would ultimately dawn on the savage, that the keeping of pets was really a profitable business, because it afforded some protection against y^w/W. Gradually it would become more and more common. Finally, the savage would learn by experience that, even without destroy- ing them, his pets could be put to valuable use. Thus the wool of sheep, the hair of goats, the milk of cows, would be to a savage like a gift from an unknown Power. Still more, the young of his captives would add to his delight in his possessions ; and his forest lore, his keen observation of the habits of animals in their wild condition, would come in most usefully for his new occupation as a breeder and keeper of flocks and herds. But, when he had got thus far, the savage would have ceased to be a savage ; he would have become a pastoralist. Results of change. We must now notice the chief effects upon social arrangements produced by the adoption of pastoral pursuits. Kinship through males. In the first place, it is not very difficult to see how it would lead to the establishment of ^ It has been suggested that the reverence of the savage for his totem may also have had something to do with the preservation of animals. THE DOMESTICATION OF ANIMALS 25 kinship through males. In the savage, or hunting stage, the hunting was chiefly done by the men ; the women, though in many cases they took part in the chase, being employed chiefly in carrying weapons, setting traps, and other sub- ordinate offices. Their real tasks were to mind camp, dress the food, and, what has always and inevitably been woman's work, to look after the children. Quite naturally, though not, perhaps, very justly, the superfluous animals which were left over after the hunger of the camp had been satisfied, were looked upon as connected in some special way with the man who had captured them. And he, therefore, would have the training and management of them ; and, in course of time, they would come to be looked upon as his property. In speculations as to the origin of the important institution of property^ it is often said, that capture is the first title to owner- ship. This is hardly true ; for accounts of savage societies generally show that the captured animals, so far as they are required for foody are treated as the common stock of the camp. But, when the claims of hunger have been satisfied, the actual captors are allowed to retain the remainder as pets ; and, as they become fonder and fonder of them, they resent more and more any interference with them by other people. It is just what happens with children ; who are, in many respects, very like savages. What a child thinks of is not, hoiv the toys came there ^ but who uses them. " I always play with this doll, so it is mine.'* That is the feeling of the savage for his ox or sheep. Pastoral pursuits. And then, as all the advantages of the rearing of animals come to be realized, the savage " pack " gradually changes into a society of shepherds or herdsmen, in which the men are engaged in tending cattle, sheep, or goats, while to the women fall the subordinate offices of spinning the wool, milking the cows and goats, and making the butter and cheese. The men drive the flocks to pasture and water, regulate the breeding, guard the folds against enemies, decide which of the animals shall be killed for food, and break in the beasts of burden. 26 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS Value of labour. But in these tasks it gradually becomes apparent to the men that labour is a valuable thing. A man who has been very successful in cattle-rearing requires a number of " hands " to keep his herds in order. Besides the domestic labour performed by women, he requires the outdoor labour of men, to prevent the cattle from straying or being stolen, to drive them to pasture in the morning and bring them back at night. To this demand for labour we probably owe two of the great institutions of the pastoral age ; permanent marriage and slavery. There is really, as we shall see, nothing out of place in taking these two together, odd as the connection may sound to modern ears. Permanent marriage has been alluded to before as one of the essential features of patriarchal society. By superficial writers, its appearance is often attributed to some vague improvement in morality or taste. Unhappily, the facts point to a much less exalted origin, viz. the desire of the man to secure for himself exclus'i'vely the labour of the ivoman and her offspring. If the change had come about from exalted ideas of morality, we should probably have found two features in the new system — (i) equality of numbers between the man and the woman ; ( 2 ) free consent to the marriage on both sides. It is notorious that just the opposite are the facts of the patriarchal system, at any rate at its earlier stages. Polygamy, or plurality of wives, is the rule ; and, while the husband is not at all particular about the conduct of his wife with other men, he is intensely strict about appropriating the whole of her labour ; and all her offspring, no matter who is the real father, belong to him. Again, the ancient forms of marriage, viz. marriage by capture and marriage by pur- chase, point irresistibly to the conclusion that the woman had little or no voice in the matter. In the case of marriage by capture, the husband carried off his wife by force from a neighbouring tribe; and, long after the reality of this practice has disappeared, it survives, as is well known, in a fictitious form all over the world. It is considered barely decent for the girl to come to the marriage without a show of force. THE DOMESTICATION OF ANIMALS 27 Even in polite modern society the " best man " is said to be a survival of the friends who went with the bridegroom in ancient days to help him to carry off his bride, while the bridesmaids are the lady's companions, who attempted to defend her from the audacious robber, and the wedding tour is a survival of the flight from the angry relatives of the bride. In the more peaceful form of marriage hj purchase, the lady has become an article of marketable value, whose price is paid, usually in cattle or sheep, to her relatives or owners. It is a refinement of modern days that the " bride- price'^ should be settled on the lady herself, or contributed, in the form of marriage gifts, to stock the future home. In ancient times it was paid, if not in hard cash, at any rate in solid cattle, to the damsel's relatives, who, by the marriage, lost the value of her services. Jacob, we know, paid for his wives by labour ; but this was probably an exception. In patriarchal society, the father of a round dozen of strong and well-favoured daughters is a rich man. Slavery arises from the practice of keeping alive captives taken in war, instead of putting them to death. In savage days, wars are usually the result of scarcity of food, and, as was pointed out previously (p. 14), result in the killing and eating of members of a stranger "pack." But, with the increasing certainty of food supply, resulting among other benefits from pastoral pursuits, cannibalism becomes unneces- sary, and captives are carefully kept alive, in order that they may labour for their captors. It may sound odd to speak of slavery as a beneficent institution, but one of the first lessons which the student of history has to learn is, that things which to us noiv seem very wicked, may have really been at one time improvements on something much worse. Slavery is an ugly thing, but it is better than cannibalism. Again, however, we notice that the upward step was due, not to exalted morality, but to practical convenience. Morality is the result, not the ■ cause, of social amelioration. The pastoral tribe. Thus we have seen that pastoral pursuits have converted the savage "pack," with its loose 28 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS system of association and marriage, into the pastoral tribe, with its fixed marriages and its relationship based strictly on kinship through males. The woman leaves her own tribe or household, and becomes a member of that of her husband. The clumsy expedients of capture and purchase are resorted to, in order to continue the instinct, developed (as we have seen) in the savage period, which forbids intermarriage between near relations. The precise distance of relationship required probably settles whether the woman is to be captured from a neighbouring tribe, or bought from another household of the same tribe. And this rule probably varies according to cir- cumstances. But in either case the husband is the sole authority in the household. His wives, children, slaves, and animals are under his absolute control, and all stand pretty much on the same footing. Mode of transition. The precise steps in the moment- ous change from the loose marital relationship of savages to the definite (if somewhat brutal) institution of the pastoral household, are very hard to trace. The process has been very ingeniously suggested by the late Mr. Robertson Smith in his Kinship and Alarriage in Early Arabia, where the author points out the clear traces among the patriarchal Arabs of the former existence of a savage state of society. It is there suggested, that the existence of a long condition of war and disturbance would have had a similar result ; by drawing together the fighting males into groups for military purposes, each male jealously guarding his own women and children. But there are inseparable difficulties in the way of such an explanation. The patriarchal household would have been the last thing that a warrior would have cared to encumber himself with ; and times of military licence are hardly times in which the permanence of the marriage tie is developed. On the whole, it seems tolerably certain, that the budding institution o{ property has been the main factor in creating the patriarchal tribe and family. Our very word " family " is said to be derived from an old Italian V40xdi famel, meaning " slave." THE DOMESTICATION OF ANIMALS 29 Other results of pastoral pursuits. To conclude this chapter, we may just hastily mention one or two other important contributions made to the progress of civilization by the domestication of animals. Obviously it would tend largely to increase numbers and to improve physique^ by the greater abundance and regularity of food supply, and the increase of clothing and shelter. But also it would have the important effect of d'lfferentiating in strength and importance one tribe from another, and one family from another. Savages are, in the main, very much alike ; one savage tribe is a good deal like another. But circumstances of climate, and skill in breeding and rearing animals, would soon produce differ- ences in the pastoral age. One tribe would become wealthy, while another would remain poor. Even in the same tribe some households would become richer than others, according as, by superior strength or skill, one housefather acquired more cattle than another. Early Irish society was elaborately organized into classes, which distinguished between the ordinary freemen [Neme) and the rich cattle owners [Boaire)^ and between the various degrees of wealth among the latter. And the primitive uniformity of membership ultimately became quite broken up by the practice, adopted by the rich Boaire, of lending their superfluous cattle to the poorer tribesmen in return for rents or regular payments, as well as feasthigs or occasional entertainments of the cattle-owner, who visited his borrower from time to time, no doubt under the pretence of seeing how his cattle were getting on. New ideas. Once more, the domestication of animals is responsible for two very important ideas, without which civilized society could not hold together in its present form. These are the ideas of profit and capital. The former is now looked upon as the net gain in any commercial trans- action. Originally it was the offspring of domestic animals. The household which had a dozen goats in one year, might find itself, without any further captures, in possession of twenty in the following. The idea gradually spread, and all modern industry is based on it. Again, even if there were 30 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS no births in his flock, the pastoralist would find that, at any rate for a time, he could go on living on the produce of his animals, the milk of goats and cows, the wool of sheep, without reducing his numbers. This discovery would tend very powerfully to induce him to save his animals, /*. e. not to slaughter them, in order that they might produce constant income. That is precisely what we mean by the term capital. It is wealth saved to produce future wealth. But there was no room for these great ideas in savage society. They are the direct outcome of pastoral pursuits. So we see that the lazy and overfed savage, who amused himself by taming and petting his superfluous captive animals, was really beginning a revolution in the world's history. It is rather curious that the power of taming new animals seems to be almost extinct among civilized men. Is this because all the tamable animals have been tamed, or because civilized man has become so unlike wild animals, that he has lost the art of understanding them ? CHAPTER V Tribal Organization We now come to deal with the way in which society organ- izes itself to satisfy the requirements of this pastoral existence which we have tried to describe. And, in dealing with this subject, by preference we will borrow our illustrations from the Keltic peoples of the British Islands, who, until compara- tively recent times, occupied the patriarchal stage, and from those subjects of our Indian Empire, such as the natives of the Panjab, who, even at the present day, afford most valuable opportunities for the study of patriarchal institutions. Occa- sionally we may refer to other examples, such as the Homeric Greeks, the ancient Romans, the Maoris of New Zealand, and the Arabs, in order to broaden our horizon, and to realize how widely spread is this phase of development. But we shall gain in vividness by keeping close to one model. The tribe. In society of the patriarchal type the im- portant group is, as we have said, the tribe, or body of people believing themselves to be descended strictly in the male line from some far-off ancestor. We say " believing themselves,'* advisedly ; for if our account of the origin of the tribe be correct, the rule of male succession only developed after the group had been in existence, perhaps for thousands of years. But the intense belief in the existence from the beginning of the so-called agnatic i rule of succession, is evidenced by the amusing attempts of the tribesmen themselves to discover a 1 The term is derived from Roman Law, which contrasted agnatioy or connection through male ancestors, with cognatio or ordinary blood relationship. 31 32 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS single male ancestor, or, as he is called by scientific writers, an eponynii for their tribe. Thus, we find the chroniclers of British history deriving the descent of their tribe from Brutus of Troy, the grandson of ^neas ; the Cymry of Strathclyde are, in an early document, said to be all descended from one Coel Hen, whose name is supposed to survive in various place names in Ayrshire ; each of the Teutonic tribes which settled in Britain alleged its descent from the Scandinavian hero Odin ; the Beluchis of the Panjab profess to be the offspring of Mir Hamzah, an uncle of the prophet Mahomet ; while the Pathans of the same neighbourhood claim descent from Saul, the first king of Israel ! Membership of the tribe. Such being the importance attached to male kinship, it is not surprising to discover that, in tribal society, no one can be regarded as a full member of the tribe, unless he is the lawful child of a full tribesman. Such a person is alone entitled, as of right, to a share in the tribal possessions ; he alone can take part in the re- ligious ceremonies of the tribe. But, as a matter of fact, all patriarchal tribes are found to have living among them, considerable numbers of strangers, who, though separated by a great gulf from the full tribesmen, yet rank in various degrees of social importance. There are, for example, the mere "strangers,'* the Fu'idh'ir (as the Irish called them), the Alltuds (as they are called by the Welsh Laws), who appear to be broken men from other tribes, adopted or pro- tected on more or less hospitable terms. Along with these, probably, go the offspring of the tribeswomen through marriages with such resident strangers. Occasionally, in return for very great services, or after a residence of many generations, such persons are fully adopted into the tribe. Serfs. Then there were the various degrees of serfs or bondmen ; for, as we have said, pastoral society was anxious to secure cheap labour. These were, probably, the results of forays upon neighbouring tribes, or people whom we should call "convicts," who had become such through failure to pay compensation for injuries committed by them, according to TRIBAL ORGANIZATION 33 the system to be afterwards explained. These servile persons were either employed as herdsmen or (somewhat later) as farm-labourers, such as the Sencleithe of Ireland, or the Taogs of Wales ; or they were treated as domestic slaves {^Bothachs or Caeths). Ranks within tlie tribe. But it must not be supposed that, even among the full tribesmen, equality of ranks was the rule. True it is that every free tribesman was entitled to his share of the grazing land, to his hunting in the waste, to his oath of kindred (/. e. the protection of his immediate relatives), and to his armour. But it is probable, as we have said (p. 25), that, from the very first, the chief wealth of the tribe, viz. its cattle and sheep, its camels and goats, were looked upon as individual property ; and the tribesman who was not fortunate enough to inherit or to capture a stock of these was in a somewhat unenviable position. As the Irish Laws put it, he was only a Fer Midba^ or "inferior man," not a Boaire, or " lord of cattle." In fact, he was very much in the position of the modern "free" workman, who often finds that his boasted freedom means freedom to starve. Tile nobles. In this state of things, he very frequently resorted to an expedient which is intensely interesting, as being the earliest development of an institution which was destined to play such a large part in the world's history : the institution o£ landlordism. Only, it was not, in these early days, applied to landy which was not regarded as capable of appropriation by individuals, but to cattle. The rich Boaire loaned some of his cattle to the poor Fer M'ldha^ who agreed to take some of them for a certain period, and to pay an annual Bestigi or food rent, being part of the produce, and to feast the Boatre and his friends a certain number of times in the year. Having the right to feed a certain number of cattle on the tribal land, the borrower of cattle (or Ceile^ as he was called) could probably make enough to live on out of the transaction. If he had some cattle of his own, he was called a Saer Cede, or free tenant ; but, if his whole herd was borrowed, he became 34 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS the Daer Ce'ile of the owner ; not, technically, an unfree man, but a man in a very inferior position. Degrees of nobility. Among the rich men, or nobles, of the tribe, there were also many social degrees, according to their wealth ; these, however, are not of great importance, except in relation to the system of blood fines, of which we shall say something later. Officials of ttte tribe. But, besides these divisions into free and unfree, nobles and ordinary freemen, the tribe had a very important official organization. I . Ttie Ctlief, who was understood to represent the founder of the tribe, and who was usually the oldest male in a particular branch. Messrs. Spencer and Gillen have pointed out that among the Australians, whom we have taken as our types of savage society, there is nothing that can be called a chieftain- ship, though there are, doubtless, often certain individuals who, from their physical strength or supposed wisdom, have great influence. But in patriarchal society, there is always a representative of the tribe. The Irish called him a Ri\ the Welsh a Perif the Scotch a Monnaer^ the Teutonic tribes a Cyning (whence our " king "), the Biluches a Tumandar^ the Pathans a Khan. He was hereditary, not in our sense, but in the sense that the eldest male in the privileged line was entitled to the office, unless disqualified by feebleness or disease. The Welsh Laws picturesquely describe him as "the oldest efficient man in the kindred to the ninth descent, and a chief of household ; '' and they go on to enumerate his duties thus : — (^3[) He must speak on behalf of his kin, and be listened to; (Z-) He must fight on behalf of his kin, and be feared ; (f) He must give security on behalf of his kin and be accepted. In other words, he must be eloquent, brave, and honest ; and if a candidate for the position did not manifest these qualities, he might be set aside. This is probably all that is meant by certain writers, when they say that the tribal chief is "elective." TRIBAL ORGANIZATION 35 Of course he was long before the days of votes and ballot- boxes. But, by an arrangement which shows a good deal of wisdom, some patriarchal tribes do not wait until the death of a chief before accepting his successor. Amongst many of them there is — 2. An Heir" Apparent, called by the Irish the Tanist^ by the Welsh the Teishanteuleu, who is the person who will next succeed to the chieftainship, in the ordinary way, after the death of the existing chief. After the break-up of the tribes into clans or septs in Ireland, this practice continued in the smaller bodies ; and it was its existence which did more than anything else to scandalize the Elizabethan statesmen who tried to bring the Irish to English notions. In Russia, the institution lingered for a long while in the person of the Veliki Knia%, or Grand Prince, the eldest male of the house of Rurik, the chief of the Varangian or Norman tribe which conquered Russia in the ninth century. Still longer it con- tinued to be a feature of the Holy Roman Empire, which, in addition to its head, or Emperor, had of right also his destined successor, the " King of the Romans." During the life-time of the chief, the heir-apparent acted as his deputy, and was, so to speak, "learning the business." 3. The Champion. This person, called among the Irish and Scotch a Toisech, among the Welsh a Dialtvr (or " avenger "), among the Teutonic tribes a Heretoch (or " host- leader"), is very interesting, both on account of his ultimate destiny, as well as because he is an early instance of what is called "specialization of functions." Originally, as we have seen, the hereditary chief was also the head warrior of the tribe. But, as the chief was hereditary, it would often happen, in spite of the power of rejection claimed by the tribe, that the chief was unsuccessful as an actual warrior. He might be wise and venerable, much respected and loved, but no soldier. In times of stress, the tribe would naturally turn to 1 one of its members who had shown great bravery and skill in fighting, and, by a sort of informal election, appoint him to 36 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS lead them in battle, much as the Romans did, at a much later stage, with their Dictator. Apparently, after this event had occurred two or three times, the champion or head warrior became a recognized institution. All these three officials, the Chief, the Heir- Apparent, and the Champion, seem to have been provided for by the endow- ment of special rights in the tribal land, by an extra share of the booty captured by the tribe on its plundering expedi- tions, and by customary presents made on certain days of the year by the members of their tribes. The first of these three privileges is of special importance in the History of Politics. 4. The Councilf or group of seniors, called by the Irish Brehons, by the Welsh Henadivr^ by the Teutons RachimbiirgSy by the Mahommedan tribes Jirgah, and by the Hindus Panchayat. This seems to have been a body of persons gradually formed from the heads of the subordinate groups in the tribe, by a process which we shall have to explain in dealing with the formation of clans. Its great function was to record the custom of the tribe, and regulate its ceremonies and religion. It was, obviously, a most necessary institution after the tribe had become numerous, and in days which could boast no written records. It is most interesting as the germ of future constitutional government, and may be regarded, historically, as the mother of Law' Courts, Cabinets, and even of Parliaments. Sometimes, as amongst the Welsh, and some of the Teutonic tribes, it seems to have consisted of a small number (seven); at others it was obviously larger, and may have consisted of all the heads of households within the tribe. Later on, its members appear to have developed individual functions, as pedigree-keepers (called by the Irish and Scotch Synnachies), priests (possibly, among the Welsh, Druids) y medicine men, and so on. But it is with the elders as a body or council, that we are most concerned : and the mention of it brings us to the consideration of two closely connected topics, viz. Tribal Religion and Tribal Law, with an account of which this chapter may fitly end. Tribal Religion is a striking testimony to the truth of TRIBAL ORGANIZATION 37 the view previously quoted (p. 12), that the second stage of religious thought is that in which Man worships as his gods beings who are, or have been, men like himself, who are, in fact, his deceased ancestors. Ancestor ivorship, which, even at the present day, is the religion of multitudes of the human race, especially in the East, seems to arise from two sources. The one is a profound belief in the existence of the spirit-world, in which the dead live and move as in life ; and which may, therefore, be fairly claimed as a crude form of belief in the immortality of the soul. The second is the profound deference to parental authority rendered during life to the head of the patriarchal household, and which, after his death, takes the form of ceremonial worship. In its more cruel shape, this worship is celebrated with sacrifices, either by way of vengeance upon the men who have caused, or are supposed to have caused, the death of the ancestor, or by way of providing him with comforts in the spirit-land. In its more refined form, it is a continuance oi domestic tvorskipfSLS exhibited, for example, in the picturesque ceremonial of the offerings of cake and water, the sacrificial meal and the commemoration hymns, of the Code of Manu and other Hindu rituals. The centre of ancestor worship is the family hearth, with its sacred fire and solemn festivities ; and its continued practice is thus calculated to keep alive, in the most vivid way, that spirit of kinship which is the very essence of patriarchal society. It may, perhaps, be doubted whether ancestor-worship plays quite such an important part in the daily life of the Hindu as the Sacred Books would lead us to believe ; but it is un- il i[ doubted that its existence accounts for much that is otherwise h I obscui-e, not only in Oriental Society, but in the history of the early Greeks and Romans. Readers who are interested in pursuing this line of thought, may be advised to consult the late Mr. Fustel de Coulanges' famous book La Cite Antique ; here it will be sufficient to state, by way of contrast, two or three of the leading features in which the ancestor worship of patriarchal society differs from religion as understood by the modern world. 38 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS 1 . It is not proselytizing. The great religions of the modern world — Christianity, Mahommedanism, even Bud- dhism — profess to be of universal application, and their mis- sionaries seek to make converts in all lands. To an ancestor worshipper, such a course would appear, not merely ridiculous, but positively treacherous. His gods are for him and his kindred alone ; he looks to them for favour and protection, as one of their devout descendants. How could strangers possibly have any share in their worship ? As a consequence, the patriarchal man, who wandered away from his kindred, found himself not only among strange people, but among strange gods. To him, expulsion from the tribe meant the break up of religious as well as social ties. An Englishman of the present day who settles in France, Germany, Italy, or Spain, enters a place of worship, and finds the same God worshi])ped, under slightly different forms and in a different tongue (unless he be a Catholic), but by worshippers of the same faith. To an ancestor worshipper, such an experience would seem incredible. 2. It is not theological. That is to say, it does not profess to account for the origin and constitution of the universe. No doubt the patriarchal man had certain crude ways of explaining the existence of the world and its contents. But these were not part of his religion. It was not until the later speculative spirit, introduced into Europe by the Greeks, attempted to link intellectual belief with religious duty, that the modern kind of religion began. Even then, as we learn from more than one passage in the New Testament,^ concern- ing " meats offered to idols,'* some of the early Christian converts considered it quite possible to combine an intellectual acceptance of Christianity with a continuance of their ancestral rites. Ancestor worship, in fact, was a purely practical religion, imposing a code of duties on its followers, but making no demands upon their belief. 3. It is secret. The view that their ancestors belonged to them alone, naturally made the tribesmen very jealous of ^ £. g. Acts XV. zj. TRIBAL ORGANIZATION 39 strangers acquiring any knowledge of their forms of worship. Consequently, the most rigid care was taken by each tribe, and, after the tribe spHt up into sections, by each section, to prevent a knowledge of these ceremonies leaking out ; and many of the most dramatic stories of ancient history turn upon the vengeance taken upon interlopers who had succeeded in penetrating the mysteries of religious celebrations. In each household, the particulars of its sacred rites were passed on from father to son in the greatest secrecy. The secrets of the tribe were in the custody of the elders or wise men, who, in somewhat more advanced times, formed themselves into hereditary bodies, or colleges^ for their preservation and practice. The very existence of the tribe was believed to depend upon the safeguarding of these mysteries; and, if a disaster happened, one of the readiest suggestions to account for the mishap was, that the ancestors were offended, because " strange fire " had been offered on their altar. Tribal Law, Closely connected with Tribal Religion, in fact originally part of it, was Tribal Law. One of the direct results of ancestor worship was a religious adherence to ancestral custom, that is, to the practices observed in life by the revered ancestors. And this was the main idea of LatUf as conceived by patriarchal society. The notion of Law as the command of an absolute ruler, whether an individual or a body, was yet far in the future. Law was not a thing to be made, but a thing to be discovered. The old savage notion of taboo, which, as we saw, was purely negative, had been largely super- seded by the positive notion of custom. What was customary was right, what was uncustomary was wrong. The desperate tenacity with which patriarchal society clung to a practice, merely because it was a practice, is illustrated, among hundreds of other examples, by the well-known Roman custom of ex- amining the entrails of victims to ascertain the prospects of an expedition. Originally, no doubt, it was a practical expedient adopted by the nomad tribes from which the Romans were descended, in their wanderings through unknown country. To test the fitness for food of the new herbs with which they 40 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS came into contact, they caused a few of their cattle and sheep to eat them, and then, by a sort of rude post-mortem, judged of the result. The real origin of customs is often very hard, however, to discover. Sometimes it seems to have been mere accident. The ingenious account of the origin of roast sucking pig, given by Charles Lamb in his well-known Essay, though intended by him as a joke, may really be a brilliant guess at the truth. In other cases, no doubt, an exceptionally able man deliberately made an innovation, which was after- wards copied by others, as it was found to be useful. But such enterprise must have been very dangerous. The first man who drank the milk of his cow probably paid for his luxury with his life. In patriarchal society, innovation and crime are almost co-incident. So little, indeed, is deliberate departure from custom anticipated, that there seems to be no regular punishment for it. The chief or elders will declare the custom ; that is, or ought to be, sufficient. But if an offender persists in his impiety, the outraged community will banish him from its ranks. In the expressive language of the Welsh Laws, he will be a " kin-shattered man," an outlaw, in fact. If the tribe lives near the sea, he will probably be set adrift on an open raft; this was the method with the South Welsh. Other codes speak of turning the offender " into the forest.'' In either case, the result would be much the same. The blood feud. For injuries to individual fellow- tribesmen, the universal remedy was the lex talionis, adminis- tered by the blood feud. Barbarous as such an institution seems to us, it is probably one of the most important steps ever taken towards civilization. A man is killed. Instead of the murder producing indiscriminate slaughter, it gives rise to an ordered scheme of vengeance, conducted by the imme- diate relatives of the slain man against the murderer and his immediate relatives. If there be any doubt about the facts, certain rough tests are applied, which to us would appear very unsatisfactory. The accused brings a certain number of his relatives to swear to his innocence, or some rude sort of ordeal TRIBAL ORGANIZATION 4^ is used.i If the accused is deemed guilty, the feud goes on, unhappily for a very long time. Blood fines. A great step further is taken, when, for the right of vengeance, is substituted the payment of compen- sation. The circumstances of pastoral society permit of this. The existence of cattle and sheep form a standard! of value, by which the life of a man can be measured. Starting with the simple idea that a man is worth what he owns, and taking the ordinary free tribesman as the unit, the tribe sets up an elaborate scale of money Jines (the eric of the Irish, the galanas of the Welsh, the<:ro of the Scotch, the nver of the Teutons) carefully graduated according to ( i ) the importance of the injured party, ( 2 ) the extent of the damage. Apparently, the proceedings begin as before. The marks on the dead man's body are examined, the bloody weapon is traced, the trail of the stolen cattle is followed until it leads to the thiePs hut ; and then, just as t\iQ feud is going to begin, the elders intervene, and urge the acceptance of a Jine. At first, it would seem, the ac- quiescence of the injured party is voluntary. Until quite late in history, the ultimate right to battle cannot be denied. But every effort is made by the elders to induce the parties to " swear the peace." In the world-wide habit of shaking hands, we probably have a dim survival of a practice insisted upon by the early peace-makers, as a guarantee that the parties would not use weapons against one another, at least till all other remedies had been tried. For if the hand is clasped in another's, it can hardly strike a blow. No general rules of Tribal Law. It is obvious from what has been said, that, while we may describe the general character of Tribal Law, no enumeration of its rules can be made. Each tribe has its own Law, binding only upon members of its own tribe. General principles will, no doubt, be found running through it all ; inheritance in the 1 One of these probably survives, in backward countries, to the present day. Each of the mourners touches the body at a funeral. The ancient belief was, that, if the touch was that of the murderer, the corpse would bleed afresh. 42 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS male line, prohibition of marriage outside the tribe (or inside, as the case may be), relationship of classes, rights in pasture land, and so on. But in details these will differ from tribe to tribe, and even in branches of the same tribe. The investiga- tions of the British Settlement Officers show, for example, that there are at least several hundred different systems in force in the British Panjab alone, though the population of that country is a little less than the population of England. Long before there is a Law of the Land, there is a Law of the Tribe; and by his own Law alone will a tribesman consent to rule his actions. CHAPTER VI Agriculture and the Clan Origin of Agriculture. As In the case of the taming of wild animals, so in the case of tilling the ground, we are left in the dark as to the benefactor who first made the price- less discovery. Such scanty legends as exist on the subject, are evidently the work of later times ; or refer to an importation rather than to a discovery of the secret. But, if we have no evidence on the subject, it is one on which we may fairly indulge in scientific speculation. Although the Australian aboriginals know nothing of agriculture, they gather the seeds of a wild plant known as nardoo^ and, after bruising them in a rude mortar, make them into cakes. Let us suppose, in some country endowed with greater natural wealth than Central Australia, that a pack of savages, having gathered a greater store of wild seeds than it could possibly consume, buried the surplus in some earth-heap or mound, and left it in the summer camp till the return of spring. Suppose an unusually wet winter, or an exceptionally early spring. Returning to its summer quarters, the pack might well discover that the stored-up grains had sprouted, and assumed something like the shape in which they had known the ears when they had gathered them in the forest the previous autumn. Such an object-lesson would hardly be lost, even on the savage mind. The same thing might well happen to the wild yams or other edible roots which are some of the earliest food of man. Character of Agriculture. Whenever the savage had begun to act upon the idea this suggested, agriculture, in 43 44 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS its most primitive form, would have come into existence. The rest was only a question of time. And it is quite possible that agriculture, in a very imperfect form, was practised as early as pastoral pursuits, at least in the majority of cases. But it is not difficult to see why agriculture takes rank as a development of human industry distinctly later than the tend- ing of cattle and sheep. It is very much more laborious ; and man, especially primitive man, has no love of work for its own sake. Compared with the hard toil of the husbandman, the life of the shepherd is easy and enjoyable. The capture and breaking-in of wild animals is, to the savage nature, a fascinating task ; the one gratifies his love of excitement, the other amuses his hours of idleness. Even the driving abroad of flocks and herds to daily pasture is no exacting task. The milking, the dressing of skins, and the spinning and weaving of the pastorahst's life are chiefly done by the women and children. But the primitive curse is upon the tiller of the soil ; " in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.*' Reasons for its adoption. Agriculture, therefore, remains for ages, even after its rudiments are known, a mere supplementary pursuit, practised for the purpose of providing ai few luxuries, rather than the substantial occupation of Man. It is not adopted on a large scale till the increase of population (always the result of a step forward in civilization) begins to press upon the means of subsistence. One of the most striking facts about agriculture is that, though its service is. hard, its produce is infinitely greater than that of pasturage. A learned German writer. Dr. August Meitzen, who ha» devoted his life to the study of questions connected with land settlement, calculates that an area which, used as a cattle-run^ will maintain one hundred people, will, if brought under the plough, feed three or four times that number, and leave a substantial margin over. Probably the practice of agriculture,. on a large scale, began in the Delta of the Nile and the Mesopotamian countries, where the barren desert affbrdedi little pasturage for cattle, but the rich alluvial valleys of the great rivers rendered agriculture easy and profitable. From AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 45 thence it spread through Asia Minor, northwards and west- wards, till it became known throughout Europe, and was gradually adopted as the needs of the population demanded it. When Cassar says of the Germans that they do not " study " agriculture,^ he probably does not mean that they had never heard of it, but that they found it easier to satisfy themselves with milk, cheese, and flesh, the produce of pastoral pursuits. There is a very interesting passage in the Book of the Ahhey of Clonmacnohe, which tells of Ireland that " there was not ditch nor fence nor stone wall round land till came the period of the sons of Aed Slane (seventh century a.d.), but smooth fields. Because of the abundance of the households in their period, there-- fore it is that they introduced boundaries in IrelandJ*^ Some writers [e.g. Mr. Seebohm) take this passage to refer to the breaking-up of open arable fields into small enclosed holdings. But there seems little doubt that what the chronicler is really referring to is, the general adoption of agriculture in the place of pasturage, because of the abundance of the households. There is, in fact, plenty of evidence to prove that Ireland was once a purely pastoral country. Early methods of Agriculture. But we must not suppose that the adoption of agriculture meant the adoption, all at once, of farming as we understand it. Perhaps it will be interesting to give a hasty sketch of the different stages through which the cultivation of the ground has passed. Afterwards we may pass to the still more important subject of the results of the adoption of agriculture. I. Forest clearings. The beginnings of agriculture nearly always involved clearing the ground, for the simple reason that the most fertile land is sure to be covered with the rank growth of ages. Doubtless, much land had already been cleared for pasture ; but people are unwilling to sacrifice this for the apparently uncertain prospects of harvest. Sometimes the forest is cleared by burning, the ashes being used as a sort of primitive manure, and the seed being simply thrown in and left to come up with the forest weeds. In other places, the ^ Agriculture nan student. (^De Bella Gallico, vi. 21.) 45 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS axe is used, and the ground, when cleared, broken up with the mattock, or primitive hoe, which seems to have been an early modification of the savage's digging-stick. Extensive Cultivation. The ground thus cleared is cropped year after year, until one of the fundamental laws of nature begins to assert itself, viz. that a repetition of the same crop on the same land tends to produce barrenness. The returns are less and less each year, till the ground is abandoned in despair (probably being deemed accursed), and a new patch is taken into cultivation. This agriculture is technically called extensive^ and is, of course, very extravagant, both in labour and land. 2. Field=grass system. Although the clearings are thus abandoned for purposes of sowing, they act as a sort of rough pasture, or fal/o'w, for the cattle of the community, who pick up a scanty subsistence from the shoots and weeds remaining after the reaping of the last crop. In tropical countries, such as India, and even in sub-tropical lands, such as the fertile districts of southern Australia, abandoned patches speedily become again converted into " jungle " or " bush," and ex- plorers of later generations are startled to find, in the depths of the forest, traces which point indisputably to the existence of former cultivation. ^ Alterations of crop and fallow. But, in temperate zones, the land is not covered again with trees, and, after the newly reclaimed patches have been themselves exhausted, the tribesmen return to their old patches and plough these again, to save themselves the trouble of further clearing. Then is discovered another great secret of Nature, viz. that, though successive crops of the same kind will exhaust a piece of land, yet, if that same piece is left to lie falloiv for a time^ it tuill recover its fertility. This discovery leads directly to — 3. The two-field system, in which the community keeps two distinct patches of land at work, sowing one in each alternate year, and leaving the other to lie fallow. This system 1 No doubt this fact accounts for a good many of the so-called " discoveries of pre-historic races." AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 47 of agriculture is widely prevalent in backward countries at the present day. 4. The three-field system. This, which is really an improved variety of the last system, is due to the still further discovery that, although a continuation of the saine crop on the same piece of land exhausts it very quickly, an alternation of crops will not exhaust it so quickly. The plan is, therefore, to have three Jields and two different crops going on at once, the third Jield lying fallozu once in every three years, instead of once in every tavo. Thus in a course of three years — I St year — Field A = oats B = beans C = fallow 2nd ,, — ,, B = oats C = beans A = fallow 3rd „ — ,, C = oats A = beans B = fallow and so on for each triennial period. Question between the two-field and the three- field system. The advantages of this plan, in the increased variety of crops, was early perceived ; but, for a long time, people preferred to work it with the two-field system, by dividing the ploughed field each year into two parts. In fact, they were afraid that the other system would require too much ploughing. During the later Middle Ages this was a " burning question " in Western Europe. But the three-field people won the day, as they were bound to do ; and their argument is so triumphant and so neat, that it is worth while to set it out. We take first an imaginary area of 1 80 acres, divided into two fields, one of which lies fallow every year, while the other is partly under oats and partly under beans or pease. Thus — A (90 acres). B (90 acres). A I. (45 acres). B I. (45 acres). A 2. (45 acres). B2. (45 acres). 48 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS Now take an imaginary course during any one year. September. Plough A i, and sow oats... = March. Plough A 2, and sow beans ... = June. Plough B (whole) tivice ^ and leave fallow ... ... = 45 acres 45 acres = ISO acres Total 270 acres ploughinj Now take the same area divided into three Jields. A (60 acres) B (60 acres) C (60 acres) Again a year's ploughing : — September. Plough A and sow oats March. Plough B and sow beans... June. Plough C tzvice, and leave fallow = 60 acres = 60 acres = 120 acres 240 acres i.e. actually 30 acres /ess of ploughing. But that is not all. For, if we look back we see that, if we have worked our lands on the two-field system, we have only harvested the crops of 90 acres ; but, if we have used the three-field system, we have taken the produce of 120 acres. Thus, the three- field system beats the two-field, hands down ; and it is not surprising to find that, in medieval Europe, it became the rule in the most progressive countries, and developed a regular 1 This is necessary after the crop, to get rid of stubble. AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 49 set of names. Thus, in England, the autumn-sowing was called the tilth grain, the spring-sowing the etch grain, and the idle field t\\2 fallow; and there are corresponding terms in many other countries. 5. Convertible husbandry. The three-field system reigned supreme in Western Europe, until, at a comparatively recent date, it was abandoned in favour of a still more economi- cal plan, by which fallows are practically abolished, and, by a great increase in the number and variety of crops, and the tise of artificial manures, the land is never (in good hands) allowed to get exhausted. This change, which came about in England in the i8th century, and which was greatly due to special circumstances, such as the Dutch connection and war prices, is, however, closely connected with an important change, not merely in the methods, but in the organization of agriculture, that is to say, in the institutions by means of which agriculture is worked.^ To this we must now turn our attention. Organization of agriculture. At the end of the Middle Ages (as we call them), that is to say, when the revival of learning in Europe and the Reformation began to break up the old order of things, the typical agricultural unit, not only throughout Europe, but among the vast populations of India, Egypt, and Persia, was the village or township* At first sight, a village appears to be merely a collection of farmers and labourers, cultivating pieces of land which happen to be near together. And such, in fact, the modern village of Western Europe generally is. The inhabitants are, in fact, merely neighbours, nothing more. But the medieval village was a great deal more ; and the difference is usually expressed by describing it as a village community. There has been a good deal of nonsense talked about the village community, as if it necessarily meant a socialistic group of people, who do their work and hold the proceeds in common. Such an asser- tion cannot possibly be made of historical times. Whatever may be our view of the origin of the medieval village, it is ^ All these five stages of agricultural method may be observed at work in Svireden at the present day. B so A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS quite clear that, in historical times, we have practically no evidence of an agricultural group (larger than a single house- hold) cultivating its field in common and dividing the pro- ceeds. So far as our evidence goes, each farmer has his own land, and reaps and stores his own harvest. Nevertheless, there is a real meaning in the phrase 'village community, and we shall best bring out that meaning by enumerating half-a-dozen points in which the average village of the sixteenth century differed from the average English (or French or German) village of the nineteenth century. 1. Open fields. In the first place, we notice a purely physical difference. There 'were practically no hedges in the medieval village. The arable land of the village lay in great open Jields, many hundreds of acres in extent, separated from one another and from the meadow and ivaste only by balks, or banks of unploughed turf, on which grew trees here and there. The beautiful hedges of the modern English country- side are the result of the great enclosure movement, of which we shall have to speak later on. This difference, of course, need not have been connected with a difference in the methods of agriculture. As a matter of fact it was so connected. 2. Equality of holdings. In a modern village, the farms will be of all sorts of sizes, determined by the circumstances of the case. But if we examine the terrier, or ground-plan, of a medieval village, in which the lands worked by each farmer are distinguished, we shall notice a curious thing. We shall see that there is a tendency towards equality of holdings. There will be a great many farmers with about 30 acres of plough-land each. There will probably also be one or two much larger holdings, e.g. 120 acres, also more or less equal among themselves, and, what is still more curious, bearing a fixed proportion to the smaller holdings, usually of 4 to i . There will also be a number of people, obviously in an inferior position, holding little plots or patches cleared from the waste. Finally, there will probably be a great man, who has a big house and park (or enclosure), as well as a great deal of land in the openjields. AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 51 3. Forced labour. Corresponding with this strongly marked division of classes, there will be found, if the affairs of the medieval village be further investigated, a curious system, by which the two poorer classes in the village render labour services to the richer, not, as agricultural labourers do now, for wages, but as part of the terms on which they hold their lands. The poorer class, or cottagers, will, practically, be working almost entirely for the lord, as he would be called in Europe, for the agha in Persia, for the zamindar in India, possibly also for the few rich farmers, if such existed. But the ordinary small farmer, the yardling, as the English called him, will also have to work for the lord, though, probably, only a comparatively small part of his time. Indeed, in many cases, he will probably have compounded for his labour dues by payment of a fixed money rent, and so will be what we should call an ordinary tenant farmer. Nevertheless he will clearly at one time have been a serf ; i. e. a man who has to work for another, whether he likes it or not. 4. Intermixed plots. Now-a-days, the land of each farmer in a village lies in a more or less compact mass. The farmer would consider it a great hardship and waste of time if it did not. But the farmer in a medieval village not only had his holding divided amongst the two (or three) great fields into which the arable land of the village was marked off (for cultivation according to the rotation of crops previously de- scribed), but, even in each of these three fields, his holding was not compact, it was split up into a large number of small strips (usually about half an acre each) scattered all over the field. Besides his 30 acres or so of arable, he would also have the right to turn so many cattle and sheep into the meadow of the village, except at the time of hay growth, when the meadow would be temporarily enclosed with hurdles, and then he would get the hay of a small plot. Finally, he would have the right to turn so many inferior beasts — donkeys, geese, swine — on to the waste, or uncultivated land of the village, and also to cut turf and wood therefrom for fuel and repairs. Thus we see that his holding, which always included 52 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS a house in the village, was a complete outfit, so far as land was concerned. Closely connected with the " intermixed " character of the farms, was the practice of shifting, or redistributing, the plots held by a farmer at stated intervals. This practice had ceased in the more progressive parts of Europe, long before the end of the Middle Ages ; but in Sweden and Denmark there were clear traces of its existence ; in India, under the name of vesh, it was well known, and, in Persia, even at the present day, it frequently takes place under the management of the headman of the village. 5. Customary management. This feature which, perhaps, distinguishes the medieval village more clearly than any other from the modern village, was a necessary result of the system of intermixed holdings. All the work of the village was settled by a rigid system of rules, handed down from remote ages, which prescribed exactly when and how each operation should be begun, done, and ended. Now-a-days, each farmer manages his lands as he thinks best, subject to the terms of his agreement with his landlord. If farmer Jones thinks it wise to cut his hay on Monday, he is not obliged to wait for farmer Smith, who thinks that Thursday will be better. Each farmer cuts his hay when he thinks best. But this sort of independence would have been impossible when the lands of all the different farmers were mixed up together. The village was fixed in the grip of custom, and one of the chief reasons why agriculture was for so many centuries unprogres- sivc, was just because the enterprising farmer could not act without convincing the nvhole of his fellow-villagers. 6. Officials, Now-a-days, the ordinary village perhaps has its policeman, and, maybe, its ma'tre or chairman of parish council ; but the policeman is probably appointed and paid by a distant authority, and the maire or chairman has very little real power. In the Middle Ages, each village had an elaborate staff of officials, whose duty it was to work for the whole village. First, there was the headman or reeve, chosen from or, it may even be, by the villagers, who repre- AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 53 scnted the villagers as a whole, was responsible to the lord for their labour dues, enforced the customs, and was the mouthpiece of the village in its dealings with the outside world. The position, though it doubtless carried (as it still does in India and Persia) certain privileges, was not without its drawbacks ; and there are some traces of a rule that its acceptance was compulsory. Then, too, there was a constable or beadle, whose duty it was to carry messages round the village, to summon the villagers to meet under the sacred tree, and generally to enforce the orders of the reeve and mooty or meeting of the villagers. Then there was the pound-keeper, who seized straying beasts and kept them in custody till their owners made fine to the village chest ; the parker, or com- mon-keeper, whose duty it was to tend the cattle and sheep in the meadow, and to see that no one put in more than his proper share or stint ; the stvine-herd, who led the swine of the village daily to the wood to grub for acorns ; the goose-herd, and so on. In many villages, all over the world, it was the duty of the village to provide ivatchmen, at least during certain times of the year, to guard the flocks at night. We find our English Edward I. in his great Statute of Winchester, insisting that the custom should be kept up; and the "Watch** were a standing joke in Shakespeare's time. In India and other Oriental countries, even at the present day, the village carpenter, potter, blacksmith, cobbler, etc., are real ojicials, provided for, like the other officials, by an allowance of land, which is ploughed and sown for them by the farmers, while they, in return, must give their labour to any villager who may require it. Doubtless it was so at one time in Europe. Origin of ttie village. This description will have been sufficient to show that the medieval village, though not that socialistic community which platform orators have delighted to describe it, was a very highly organized and closely compacted body, something utterly different from the mere groups of independent farmers in modern Europe, usually held together, if at all, only by the fact that they are tenants of the same landlord. 54 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS Two views. Now, concerning the origin of this village community y a conflict fierce, and, it is to be feared, somewhat acrimonious, has raged. For, whilst we have had great con- troversiaHsts, such as Mr. Seebohm, Professor VinogradofF, Professor Maitland (who can hardly be called a controver- sialist at all), and M. Fustel de Coulanges, who have all combined great learning with perfect courtesy, we have also, unhappily, had inferior controversy from apologists of par- ticular theories, who have not always observed the courtesies of scholarship. Briefly speaking, and putting aside minor details, the rival views are ( i ) that the typical village was originally a band o^ kinsmen working for themselves; (2) that it was originally a group of serfs (or slaves) working for a master. Mr. Seebohm and M. Fustel de Coulanges take the latter view; Professor VinogradofF and (with reservations) Professor Maitland take the former. It is so extremely un- likely that the views of any of these eminent and learned men are totally baseless, that it is a pleasing task to the author to suggest a solution of the difficulty which shall combine the views of both sides. Glancing back for a moment at our account of Tribal Organization, wc shall remember, in the first place, that, though what may be called the average tribesmen were free- born kinsmen of each other, there was also attached to each tribe a body of strangers , in a more or less inferior and servile position. Furthermore, we shall remember that, among the Irish and kindred races, the rich tribesman frequently loaned out part of his cattle to poorer freemen, in return for an annual payment or rent, and /eastings or entertainments. Finally, we shall remember, that each tribe had its chief or head, who was endowed with special privileges, and who received various gifts and offerings from the tribesmen. Here at once we have a division of patriarchal society into ranks, which correspond in a most curious way with the divisions in an ordinary village community, as described in this chapter. The tribal chief corresponds with the village lord or agha, the rich tribesmen with the holders of large farms, the poor tribes- AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 55 men with the yardlingsy or thirty-acre men, the " strangers '* with the cottagers or serfs of the village. Similarity between tribal and village organiz- ation. But, after all, such a coincidence may be merely casual. We have no right to say that it proves the connec- tion between the tribe and the village. As a matter of fact, there are substantial differences to be accounted for ; and it is by the neglect to explain such differences that historians claiming to be scientific incur ridicule. For example, in the tribe, the poor Cei/e, or holders of stock, pay their rents, not to the chief, but to their individual cattle-owners, while, in the village, the labour services of the yardltngs are rendered almost wholly to the lord. As a matter of fact, there is an important transition step between the tribe and the village^ namely, the clan ; and it is for evidence of the nature and origin of this body that we must look. The Flaith. Fortunately, it is not very hard to find. If we look once more at our ^Indent Laivs of Ireland, we shall find an important person known as the Flaithy who is permanently connected with a definite territory upon which are settled — [a) His Ciniud, or agnatic kinsmen, grouped together in an apparently artificial way, known as Fine ; [b) His Ceile, or, as we should call them, tenants, who, though tribesmen, have accepted stock from him in manner before described; [c) His Futdhtr, or strangers, who, apparently, have become his peculiar charge, either by some kind of distri- bution within the tribe, or by voluntary arrangement. Apparently, in order to attain this position of Flaith, or land' lord, the ordinary Boaire, or rich cattle-owner, must have held his position for three generations. The third in descent from the Boaire, if he is still rich and has maintained his position on the same land, becomes a Flaith, But how did he come to be settled permanently on this land ? No sub'divisions of land in the pastoral period. It is fairly clear that, during the purely pastoral epoch, there 56 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS were no permanent divisions of the land within the tribe. Each man's share of the tribal land was reckoned, not in acres or other land measurement, but in cattle and sheep. It was, obviously, much easier to reckon this way, than to go to the trouble of measuring out the land and allotting a portion to each man. The cattle wandered about, according to the season of the year, followed by the tribesmen with their tents and scanty goods ; and it is probable that this is all that a good deal of the so-called nomadism amounted to. But now we have to suppose the practice of agriculture slowly adopted, " because of the abundance of the households." Gradually, this wandering existence became more and more impossible. Granted that, at first, the cultivators of the soil cleared and broke up any part of the forest land not actually occupied by their fellow-tribesmen. Sooner or later, the improve- ments in agriculture described at the beginning of this chapter rendered people unwilling to abandon their land. But who were the earliest cultivators of the soil ? Obviously, the strangers attached to the tribe, upon whom the rough work of the community fell, and who would be the first to suffer from scarcity of food. Gradually, the tribal territory thus got broken up among the rich tribesmen, each with his Ce'ile or dependents and his Fuidhir or strangers ; and, after three generations of holding, he could not be dispossessed. This view is strikingly suggested for Ireland by the famous poem of Finntann on the battle of Magh Lena. He tells us that of old Ireland was divided into one hundred and eighty-four Tr'tcha Cedsy i. e. tribal territories, that each of them was sub- divided into thirty Ballys, or clan lands, each maintaining three hundred c^\.\\q, and having twelve setsrtghsy or ploughlands^ each of one hundred and twenty acres. We are not bound to suppose that the poet was entirely accurate in his figures ; but he was not likely to have made a glaring misstatement of obvious facts. We may accept his general description as true, the more so as it is substantially supported by the evidence of the Welsh Laws. The Welsh evidence. For, in the Welsh Laws, we AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 57 have not only the i/«, or tribe, settled in its cantred, but we have a subdivision known as the gnuely, under a hreyr, or uchelwr, who is a sort of minor patriarch, at the head of a Hving family of three generations. The term gively, which, literally, means a bed or couch, is strongly suggestive of family ties; and, as a matter of fact, we have in the Welsh Laws a very interesting description of the ancient Welsh patriarchal house, which seems to have been much of the same type as the ordinary Gothic Church. Behind the pillars (gavels) which supported the roof and formed the nave, were what we should call, in modern architecture, the "transepts,'' but which the Laws call the givelys, or couches ; and the Tir Gwelyaiug, or ancestral land, is, like the Irish Orba, the land of a family which has remained in possession of the same district for three generations, and has tenants and serfs under it. In the Welsh evidence too, it is also worth noting, that, primarily, the agri- culture is supposed to be done by the Alltuds, or strangers; the free tribesmen occupying themselves principally with cattle-rearing. The Scottish evidence. Lastly, in the Scottish evi- dence, especially that part of it which relates to the High- lands, we find the clan, or section of the tribe, permanently settled as a land-occupying unit engaged in agriculture. Thus, even after the feudalizing process, which began in the four- teenth century, had made some little way, the davoch is found to consist normally of four parts, viz. the thaneston, or lord's demesne, the tenandries, or holdings of the superior class, significantly known as " kindly tenants," usually on very pro- fitable terms, the steelbotv lands, occupied (usually in holdings of two oxgangs, or a husbandland of about twenty-six acres), by small farmers who receive their stock from the thane, or lord, and the servile lands, occupied in small patches by cottagers who spend most of their time in working on the lord's demesne. This looks extremely like the Orba of the Irish Laws, and the Tir Givelyaivg of Wales. Kinship in the village. Thus, we have seen, if our account be correct, that those writers who contend for the 58 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS origin of the village in a group of kinsmen, have a good deal of truth on their side. And their contention is indirectly supported by many significant, if indirect, survivals. One of these is the widespread practice of fosterage in early agricultural society, /'. e» the practice of the richer members of the community putting out their children to be brought up by the poorer. As is well kTio^fJJ^, fosterage ties were looked upon in early times as almost equivalent to kinship ; and it would seem that by this practice the community wished at least to pretend that all its members were of kin. Then, too, there is the equally widespread practice of the " maiden fee " (Mercket as the Saxons called it, ylmobyr as it was known to the Welsh). This consisted of a payment made to the chief or lord on marriage of a villager's daughter, and represents, no doubt, the ancient " bride-price " received by the wife's kindred. Finally, expressions such as the " brotherhood," to signify the village in certain parts of India, and the known unwillingness in primitive countries at the present day to permit a stranger to acquire lands in a village, all point to the same conclusion. Lordship in the village. On the other hand, the writers who assert the origin of the village to be in lordship rather than in kinships have much on their side. To say nothing of the important part which, as we have seen, was played by the subject stranger in the clan, we must not forget that, wherever we find primitive agricultural society, we always find something in the nature of dues or rents paid by the farmer. Even if we put aside such obviously later intro- ductions as the Danegelt in England, and the Khiraj of the Mahommedan conquests, about which we must speak at a later stage, we have still t\it food- rents and f eastings (see p. 33) due from the receiver of stock to his lord, and from the latter to his chief; while from all lands something in the nature of tribute is paid to the tribal chief. The latter also, as well as the heads of clans, has his special allotment of land for his support, and this he frequently loans out to people who pay him part of the produce in return, just as, in the earlier AGRICULTURE AND THE CLAN 59 pastoral days, the rich cattle-owner took food-rents and feast- ings from his Ce'iley or receivers of stock. Once more, there can be little doubt that, whilst land was still plentiful, any enterprising clansman might colonize the tuaste lands of the :lan, and found a new village with a band of followers whom he collected round him ; and, in such a case, he would, doubtless, become the lord of the new village. The fact is, that in kinship and lordship we have two very :'arly and very powerful principles of association. The former appeals more to sentiment, and tends to produce harmony ; ;he latter is founded upon respect for superior strength and nasterful qualities, and tends to produce obedience. Both larmony and obedience are essential to the successful ordering 3f a social unit, such as the agricultural village. CHAPTER VII Industry and the Gild Metal -working. By a somewhat unfair use of the term, the word " industry '* is usually applied only to pursuits other than hunting, cattle-tending, and agriculture. In a sense, therefore, there is "industry" even in the savage epoch, when the women of the pack skin and dress the captured animals in the cave or bark hut ; still more so, in the pastoral epoch, when the wife and daughters of the shepherd weave the wool of the flocks into garments, and make the milk of the herds into butter and cheese. But the great spur to industry comes with the development of agriculture, when there is a demand for ploughshares, reaping-hooks, spades, mattocks, and hoes ; and this is itself connected with one of the most important subjects in the history of civilization, viz. the art of ivorking in metals. The primitive implements of husbandry are, no doubt, made of wood and stone ; but no great progress in agriculture can be made until metal tools are employed. Use of Iron. Now it is tolerably clear, that even pastoral races have some knowledge of working in metals. The brazen helmets and corselets of the Homeric heroes, their swords and spears, the uncoined money (reckoned by weight) of the Jewish patriarchs, the gold and silver orna- ments of the African tribes, and the numerous bronze relics of great antiquity constantly dug up, all point to the fact that the art of working in metals is very ancient. But it is to be noticed that all these are soft metals, which can be worked with the stone hammer, and beaten out, whilst cold, into the 60 INDUSTRY AND THE GILD 6i ; required shape. The real revolution comes when men learn ! to work in />(3J-/ or present. Vested in human beings. Again, we have said that property is a right vested in a human being or human beings, 93 94 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS Many of the instincts and desires which have led to the appearance of property among mankind are obviously present in the brute creation. No one who has watched a dog bury a bone, or has seen a monkey pilfer nuts, will for a moment doubt this fact. But, nevertheless, we do not speak of animals having property. Why ? Simply because public sentiment does not support them in the exercise of their desires. We recognize, perhaps, very faintly, the moral right of the domesticated animal to a bare maintenance out of the pro- duce of his labours — "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn." But we do not hesitate, if need be, to withhold the corn, or to slaughter the ox. In limited numbers. Again, property is a right vested in a human being or a limited number of human beings. The essence of it, as its name implies, is the appropriation^ the making special to an individual or a small group of indi- viduals, of a part of the common stock of things. Some- times, it is true, we speak of public property ; but this is really a contradiction in terms. We signify, in fact, that the thing to which we allude is not any one's property at all, and, therefore, that any one may use it. When we really mean that the thing in question is claimed by a very large but definite body, we do not use the word property, but some word which conveys a different idea. Thus we say, that England is the territory of the English people. If we called it their property, we should at once have to admit that no individual Englishmen could have any part of it as his property ; which is notoriously untrue. Exercised over subject matter. Once more, these rights must be exercised over physical subject matter, for that alone is really capable of appropriation. In a figurative way we can, of course, speak o^ property in ideas ; but the extreme difficulty which we find in protecting such property, shows that it differs entirely from property in the correct sense of the term. Ideas are spontaneous, the same ideas may spring up independently in thousands of minds, they have no definite beginning or ending, they are intangible. How can they be THE STATE AND PROPERTY 95 protected by agencies similar to those which we employ for the protection of physical subject matter ? For general purposes. Finally, the right of property is a right to absorb the various advantages (known and un- known) which are derivable from a thing. Here is the real difficulty of the subject, and the key to its history. As the jurists say, property is a genera/ right. If I have borrowed a horse simply to ride from London to Putney, I do not speak of him as my property. Even if I have jobbed him for a whole season, I do not speak of him as mine. It is only when I am related to the horse in such a way that I may, if I please, ride him or drive him, or put him to plough or to work in a milk-cart, may kill him or sell him, give him away or turn him out to grass, in fact do anything with him I please which does not conflict with the public sentiment of the community, that I am entitled to speak of him as my property. With the abolition of slavery, there ceased to be property in human beings. Yet we all know that one man may have special rights over another, e. g. a master over his servant, a husband over his wife, and so on. But these are limited and definite rights. A modem idea. Therefore, we make a great mistake if we take our very modern idea of property, and, looking back into the early history of mankind, expect to find it realized by people in those days. We start with the wrong question. We should not ask — In whom was property vested in those days ? but. Was there any property at all ? If this sounds to modern ears an absurd question, it may become less absurd when we consider a modern illustration. Broadly speaking, the high seas are not, at the present day, the ^ro/>^r/y of any one. Why? For the simple reason that, at present y the only advantage to be derived from them is the convenience of traffic. And as there is room enough and to spare for all the ships in the world to pass over them, the question of property in them does not arise. But we can very easily foresee that it might arise ; in fact, we can guess pretty shrewdly the lines 011 which it will arise some day. If the 96 A SHORT HISTORY OF POLITICS practice of laying ocean cables extends very much, or if coastal waters no longer supply sufficient fish for the world's consumption, we shall soon have the high seas eagerly claimed as territory by different States. And, if this occurs, we shall uhimately go a step furtlier, and see the territory of each State divided up as property among its members, as the advantages to be derived from it increase. We have reached the first stage already, in what are called territorial waters ; where the advantages to be derived from fishing, shipping, and gunning, are sufficient to induce States to appropriate. This then is the key to the history of property as an institution — the groivth of kuo^ 73 socialism, 136 the territorial, 75 7I States, classification of, 144, sqq. common law ajid preroga tive, 153 composite, 148 federal, 149 organization of, 81 Statute of Winchester, 53 Succession, agnatic, 36 Taxation, 127 Taxes, 101 Territorial States, 75 71, etc.; [44 Sovereignty, 144, 146 Specialisation, 62, 73 Standards of measure and vahu 136 State administration, 140-143 union, 19 waters, 96 Theft, 108 Theology, 38 Three-field system, 47 Tithings, 136 Tokens, 63 Totem, the, 12 group, the, 9 Totemistic societies, 3, 9-12 Townsmen, representation oi, 1 Trade Unions, 138 Traditions, 86 Treason, 111 Trial by battle, 109, 116 by jury, 117 Tribal chief, the, 70 land, 36 law, 39, 41 organization, 31, etc., 54 ^. INDEX 163 Tribal religion, 36 Tribe, the, 8, 17, 31, 69 Tribes, consolidation of, 74 differentiation of, 29 membership of, 32 officials of, 34 pastoral, 27 Tribunals, 118 Tribute, forms of, 90 Two-field system, 46 Unearned increment, 102 Union and unity, 149 Unions, classification of, 150, etc, real, 150 User of land, limited, 99 the germ of property, 96 Value, standards of, 63, 136 Vassals, 78 Village, the, 49, etc. agricultural, the, 99, etc. communities, 49, etc. dissolution of, 103 Village craftsmen, 64 custom, 105 lordship, 58 officials, 52 organization, 55 origin of, 53, 54 Villagers, the, become tenants, 106 Violence, no War, 71, 77, 89 bands, German, 73 Waste, 50, 51 Wealth, 72 of nations, 139 Weapons, 72, 96 Welsh chief, the, 34 laws, 56 societies, 16 Witnesses, 116 Worship, 37, 38, 66, 76 Wrongs, bootless, 109 ZoUverein, 150 GLOSSARY kglia, 51, 54 Icheringa, the, Alltud, 32, 57 Balks, 50 Ballys, 56 Birraark, the, 11 Boaire, the, 29, 33, 55 Bothach, 33 Brehons, 36 Taetli, 33 Jantred, 57 j -eile, 55, 59 Ciniud, 55 Corroboree, 10 Cro, 41 Cyning, 34 Davoch, 57 Dialwr, 35 Etch grain, 49 Engrossing, 69 Eric, 41 Feastings, 54, 58 Fer Midba, 33 i64 GLOSSARY Fine, 55 Flaith, the, 55 Forestalling, 69 Frith-gild, 66 Fuidhir, 32, 55 Galanas, 41 Gesith, 73 Gwely, 57 Heretoch, 35, 73 Henadwr, 36 Husbandland, 57 Jirgah, 36 Khan, 34 Khiraj, 58 Mab, the, 16 Maiden fee, 58 Moot, 53 Mormaer, 34 Nardoo, 43 Neme, 29 Panchayat, 36 Parker, 53 Pen, 34 Pound, 53 Princeps, 73 Rachimburg, 36 Reeve, 52, 53 Ri, 34 Seisrigh, 56 Sencleithe, the, 33 Steelbow lands, 57 Synnachies, 36 Taboo, 12 Txog, 33 Tanist, 35 Teisbanteuleu, 35 Tenandrie, 57 Thane, 73 Thaneston, 57 Tilth grain, 49 Tir Gwelyawg, 57 Toisech, 35 Tricha Ceds, 56 Tumandar, 34 Uchelwr, 57 Veliki Kniaz, 35 Vesh, 52 Wer, 41 Yardling, 51, 55 Zamindar, 51 Richard Clay Csf Sons, Limited, London Gf Bungay. i >!p^ THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara t THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 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