A^tsimisssjisis^^!^^. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES iiJL 5. 1^''-^ ' \ <^ f^' i f . 5^. fcc^':^,^^. (o\(^_ R) X XXJCa HISTORY OF ^ ^ WINGANTON 1 SOMERSET, "prcni the earliest times lo the year -{903. B^ GEOROE SWBETMAN. 6" author of "The French in Wincanton," "Stavordale Priory and Pen Pits," "Wincanton Fires from 1707," " Wincanton Memorials," " History of the Congregational Church," " Wincanton Sixty Years Ago," "Glossary of Wincanton Dialect," "Guide to Stourhead," " A Soldier's Letters," "A West Country Potter," &c., &c. PRICE FIVE SHILLINGS NETT. Published by Henry Williams, London. ). ,) George Sweetman, Wincanton. JUNE, 1903. ■g)1£) ^ SHEPHERD'S ^ ^ PRINTING WORKS. ^ ^ WINCANTON. ^ DA Pt^EFACE. "m^i ^YN the folIo7timg pages zmll be found a very large number of facts concerning those who have lived in Wincanton, or been in some way connected with it, during many centuries. Most of the principal characters have lived humdrum lives, apart from the great tiwrld of thought and action. Wincanton has been, and is, no doubt, a place typical of thousands of other places in the kingdom of King Edward the Seventh ; but the writer remembers that of the history of such places the greater history of the United Kingdom is made up. No doubt that there are here inclegancies of expression, and, what is worse, inaccuracies as to the facts. As it is, however, being the writer's best effort, it must abide the verdict of public opinion, in common with much greater attempts. It has one negative virtue at least, '^Naught is set down in malice." 545228 , « r^ a" o\ r~. te; 7, V V 7. -C^ O H a^ Z =^ < •o u z & > a b & O ^ a > g ^\^\or( oj Y[\ticaxv\otv. ^^ mTO@py€TD@i. ^ *' * M * AVE I read Sweetman's local histories ? No ! he ■'^m has never written any ! He has simply used 4 \J scissors and paste ! " Such was the expressed estimate of my work some years ago, and I will not deny that it was fair, if blunt. Scissors and paste have their uses ; by their aid accuracy is secured. They are even useful in works of romance, as I know to my surprise, inasmuch as an eminent writer of fiction recently cribbed freely from one of my former pamphlets for use in one of his novels, and never had the courtesy to acknowledge his indebtedness. Yes, they are useful. For thirty years I have been using scissors and paste, but in the main I have copied what I thought worth preserving. To those who have many years before them I commend this pracflice. It is as pleasant as it is useful. To transcribe an old, badly written, time-worn document, overcoming one diffi- culty after another, is as pleasant and exhilarating as climbing a mountain of snow, and not half so dangerous. The genesis of this book is as follows : — In the year 1871, the Somerset Archaeological Society held its annual meetings in Wincanton. One of the speakers at one of the meetings said, "Wincanton has no history." Since then, the speaker has shown in a piece of good work that a much less populous Introduction. place than Wincanton has a history, and one worth writing and pubUshing. At the time, I said to myself, " Is that true ? " I had read Collinson and Phelps and a few fragments besides, and those were all. I had heard of a mysterious Charter belonging to the town ; what it was, I could not find any to tell me, but I determined to find out, if possible. I believed, though I had never seen the couplet, that — "Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt, Nothing's so hard, but search will find it out." I got many rebuffs, but that kind-hearted young gentleman, the late Mr. Herbert Messiter, placed the documents belonging to the Town Charities at my disposal, which enabled me to bring out " Fires in Wincanton." The church-wardens, Messrs. Fowler and Langhorne, lent me the old parish books. The present and past rectors have given me many extracts from the Registers. I desire also to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Revs. E. H. Bates, F. W. Weaver, W. E. Daniel, Canon Mayo, Messrs. T. H. Baker, E. Green, W. Macmillan, J. H. Moule, C. Tite, Harold Gray, and many others, to whom I have often applied and never in vain. To all these resources, I may add without boasting that I have always had an insatiable desire to know all that could be known of the past history of my native parish and of the people, rich and poor alike, who have spent their days here. With their habits, pursuits, sorrows and joys, I have sought to become acquainted. Though my eyes saw them not, nor my ears heard them, I have loved them. The very stones in the walls are dear to me. These pursuits and enquiries have helped to fill my life, and it is my desire by writing of them to fill the lives of others. Life never need be dull in the most out of the way place in the kingdom. It is as true of happiness as of religion — " He who seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Our Oldest Inhabitant. HISTORY OF OUlHCflHTOH. ©MP @UiBs.t ^4^kh'Mn^. Y ■ ^HIS is not the place, nor is the writer the person, to ill discuss whether the very earliest men found their J ^ I way here, and lived and died in " The great Ice Age." Nor will any attempt be made to reconcile the theories of the scientists and the theologians as to the entry of man upon the earth, be it a million years or six thousand. There is more to be learned yet by both parties ; meanwhile, they may be left to discuss it amongst themselves. One thing is certain, and that is, that the less they know of the matter the stronger will be their opinions, and they will state them with the greater heat. Wincanton, however, had an early inhabitant, and, as far as we have any evidence, he was our oldest inhabitant. Why he hid himself so long, or why he revealed him- self when he did, is not for me to say. He returned to earth in fine sunshiny weather, and introduced himself to the writer in or about the year 1870. Some men were quarrying in Great Windmill for building stones. They had taken off the turf and were throwing back the soil. The section they were on would have to be quarried from 12 to 20 feet below the surface. On one side of this section and about 7 feet below the turf level an objecfl was seen glinting in the sun. The writer went to it and found by scraping away the sand with his fingers that the object was globular ; moreover, he saw that it was a human skull. He set the men to work down to the obje(fl, giving them most particular instrucftions to use every care. After working for several hours through ordinary Our Oldest Inhabitant. soil, and then through about four feet of loose stones, they came to the skull and fragments of human bones. There was no cist, and apparently there never had been, or if there had it was of the most primitive and rudest character. Careful examination led to the finding of a flint chip or two, (there are none to be found in any natural formation within 2 or 3 miles of the quarry, unless carried there,) a piece of stag's horn, and small pieces of a rude drinking vessel about 9 inches high, reddish-brown outside and black inside, the material about i-yth of an inch thick, with a zigzag pattern upon it. The skull and the pottery were preserved, and a year or two later on they were sent to the County Museum at Taunton where they still are. An outcry was made at the time that these were the remains of a man who 20 or 30 years before had mysteriously left the town and never come back. This theory would not be admitted by the merest tyro in antiquarian pursuits. It was palpable that England was but young at least when the owner of the bones and pottery was buried there. The writer thought they were the remains of a neolithic man, but having great respect for his pastors and masters, he submits his judgment to theirs and admits that they may belong to the bronze age. He takes comfort, however, in the fact that one overlapped the other, in much the same way as in a war between Europeans and Africans, the latter would be furnished, some with guns and 'villainous salt-petre,' and others with such rude weapons as they could lay hands on. If this man fell fighting on the height of the little town or village, he had those who cared for him to bury his bones, and with them such requisites for the future life or other country as they could spare him, namely, some weapons with w^hich to contend against his future foes, and a vessel to hold his drink. He was probably a warrior, pure and simple. If he had been a chief, he would probably have had a more elaborate funeral. He was, one thinks, such a man as Caesar would have found the country inhabited by when first he came to make his onslaughts on the people of these isles. One other remark only. Many bodies buried during the last 20 years have only left in the ground a thick black streak to show the burial, but here, under favourable conditions, for many hundreds of years, the skull remained almost as perfect as it would have been a few months after having been deposited there. Since writing the foregoing, I have received the following- report from Mr. Harold Gray, curator of the Taunton Our Oldest Inhabitant. Museum, who is an expert in such matters. It gives me great pleasure to reproduce his opinion. "This skull is a typical specimen of the Bronze Age, and is of pronounced brachycephalic or long-headed type. I am unable to give you the cephalic index, not having the necessary instruments here. The skulls of the neo- lithic period were dolicocephalic or hyperdolicocephalic, that is, long-headed or very long-headed, and the heads were, moreover, very narrow in proportion to the length. The pot found with the interment is in quality and orna- mentation what is most frequently found with interments by inhumation of the Bronze Age. Pottery was very scarce in Neolithic times, and of far rougher and coarser quality." The flint scraper found with it had very fine secondary chipping on the almost semi-circular cutting edge. The horn, he said, belonged to a deer. Mr. Tite, in sending Mr. Gray's report, adds, presumably Mr. Gray's words — "General Pitt Rivers had four of these interesting drinking vessels, but had the Wincanton specimen been perfect it would have surpassed any that I have ever seen. Our museum contains a large portion of another from Bromley, Kent." Origin of the Name. 4 i*^S ^(gd^Q^OQ^fo The origin of the name is lost in obscurity. He would be a bold man who would dogmatise upon the subje(5t. The safer plan is to give the opinions of various writers, and allow the right of private judgment. The following are the chief authorities. It will be seen that they by no means agree. Camden, who gives emphasis to the second syllable of the word, traces the name to the Cangi, and says, without appar- ently any confirmation by anyone else, that the place is some- times called Cangton. The Magna Britannia says that " Cannington, Wincanton and Canesham (Keynsham) seem fully to prove that this county is the seat of the Cangi." " Cwynn-Caunton, Wincanton, Armorice and Britannice, that is, the bright or pleasant town of the Cangi." Thomas Hear tie. Stukeley calls it "The Mansion of the Cangi." Skinner derives the name from Wine which might formerly have been made here, and from Canute who was defeated in the neighbourhood. Here we have the suggestion of the town of the vineyard where Canute was defeated. Two writers, however, attach importance to the first syllable Wyn, but singularly, they differ as to the meaning of it. They think it refers to a winding river, but, whilst Professor Wilkins says Wyn means beautiful, and Cal winding, and Ton enclosure or village, a Welsh name for enclosure on winding river — Flavel Williams in " Traces of History in the names of places " comes to the conclusion that it means a town on the winding of the river Cale. The late Rev. Hill Wickham slightly differs from the two last-named. He deduces the name from Win — height, Cale the river, and ton the town, the town on the height above the .8 Origin of the Name. river Cale. Unfortunately for this theory, the old town was mainly on the same level as the river, as was usual with old dwelling-places beside rivers or streams. * Then we have two writers in harmony — Collinson, who says it means Win — pleasant, Cale the name of the river, and ton the town, — and G. P. R. Pulman, in *A Lecture on the Names of Places,' " The pleasant town upon the river Cale," And finally, a writer signing himself H. in "Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, Vol. III., page 273, gives a very reasonable solution of the difficulty. He says, under the heading of Wincale — " The stream which gave name to Wincanton, formerly spelt Wincalton and VVincaunton, see charter in Kemble's Codex Diplomaticus, Vol. III., page 445, describing bounds of an estate granted in 956 to Shaftesbury Abbey. Two streams are mentioned, the Wincawel and the Cawel, but from the uncertainty of the descriptions, especially of the starting point, it is impossible to lay down their respective courses. The presumption is that the Cale was the Western branch contributed from Holton, the Wincale that which has been called the Cale since the distindlive name was dropped." The farther one goes, however, in this subjecft the more perplexing it becomes, for it is easy to see that speculations may arise as to " Haultone" and " Chaweltone" — present form, Holton and Charlton, — in both of which parishes one or other portion of the river rises or passes through. It appears, however, that the town derives its name from the Cale, but whether Win means ' the beautiful ' as applied to the river I confess I cannot believe, or the neighbourhood, which is possible, or whether it means ' winding ' I will not pretend to decide. " When docflors differ," we are told that the right of private judgment is restored. Here, at any rate, I leave it. Variants of the Name. There are as many variations in the spelling of the name as there would be if one sat down to see how many he could make, and yet all the following names appear to be given bona fide. The earliest date at which I find the present form is that of 1 65 1, and that in a deed between one of the Churchey and one of the Baker families. Domesday book A.D. 1085 gives — Wincaleton. Hwinca — Birch's Domesday Book. Vuelcantone — Exon Domesday. Welcantone — Eyton's Domesday Studies. Wincannetone — „ „ ,, Wyncaulton — Exchequer Lay Subsidie, A.D. 1327. Weaver's incumbents, page 215 ; 1374. Wynalton — Somerset Record. Wincainietone — Exeter Domesday. Winecaulton — Magna Britannia. Wincaulton — ,, ,, Winkehaultone — Kirbys Quest, A.D. 1285. [Pedes Finium. Wynkaulton — Forest Pleas of Penselwood. A.D. 1475. Wincalletona — Exeter Domesday Book. Wyncaunton — A.D. 1349. Weaver's Incumbents, page 54. » 1559- ,. „ tt 1593- A Wincanton Deed. „ Colby's Visitation of Somerset. Wynecaunton — 1540. Richard Bekyn's will. Old Map at Binghams Melcombe. Robert Hine's will. Old local deed. Highway rate. Charter to Wincanton. Borough Rate, Wincanton. And in several other books and documents. Wyncalton — 1540. In Richard Bekyn's will. „ 1541- In Robert Hine's will. Wynegaunton — 1676. Speed's Theatre of the Empire. 10 11 1520. Wincalton — 1541- 1647. n 1703. >l 1705. 1678. Variants of the Name. Winecaunton — 1693. Conveyance of Bell Inn. ,, 1719- Deed, Bennett and Farewell. „ 1724. Feoffees' Account Book. Wykalton — Somerset Records. Wyncanton — 1541. Robert Hine's will. ,, Colby's Visitation of Somerset. Wykauleton — Somerset Records. Wynd cale-town— Flavel Williams in " Traces of History in Names of Places." Winkington — 1688. Burnett's Own Time. Waincaunton — Colby's Visitation. Winchaulton — Bruton Charters, No. 29. Wincaneton — Bruton Charter, No. 83. Wincaunton — 1578. Croydon Tablet in Oxford Cathedral. „ Camden's Britannia. „ 1685. History Monmouth Rebellion. „ 1735' Faculty for enlarging Church. „ 1803. Calamy's None. Memorials. And very many other places. In the account book of the Feoffees of the Fairs and Markets, from 1707 to 1724, the name is spelt Winecaunton, but from the latter date onward, the present form Wincanton is used. It must not be supposed, however, that this form did not come into use till then. It may be seen as early as 1651 in a local deed, Churchey to Baker ; in 1665 in another deed, Farewell to Churchey ; in 1710, in a Wincanton Rate ; in 1728, in Feoffees' Accounts ; in 1748, in "Molls' Atlas." It is only since the beginning of the last century that the present spelling came into universal use. I pass by the name Cangton, which Stukeley following Camden gives it, as being a manifest blunder. Without this name, however, we have here, all of them supported by docu- ments, no less than 29 variations of the name ; enough, surely, to satisfy the most fastidious taste. It is not surprising, how- ever, that there are so many variations, inasmuch, as sometimes in deeds, people formerly spelt their own names in several ways. II Place Names in and around Wincanton. Without going so far as to say that the changing of place names ought to be made penal, every antiquary must regret that names are so often changed. Much is lost in every way by such senseless changes as are continually taking place. It makes identification all but impossible. In some cases a variety of names for the same place overlap each other, as one example, the field abutting on Common Lane and Bayford Hill has within the last century been called " The Park," " Town Close," " Quarry Ground," " Town End Close," and " Ways Garden." The names of some places are, indeed, changed every time the tenant is changed. Let it be under- stood that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list of names of places by any means. It may serve, however, as a beginning. In many instances, I can make no suggestion as to the origin of the name. " Akers, Aucres or Hawkers Bridge." First mention of the name is Aucres, A.D. 1654. Probably from Awgar, Adelgar or Athelgar, an early Bishop of Crediton. At Maiden Bradley is another bridge, dedicated to S. Algar. See Jackson's " Selwood Forest." "Abergany," a mile on the Castle Cary road. First mention, 174.5, as John Pike's. Probably named after George Lord Abergavenny, who married into the Zouch family when they were owners of the Manor of Wincanton. "Abbott's Brains," or " Liver Croft " in Common. In 1736, Mr. William Craddocks. Probably, Abbott was an early owner or occupier. "Aldermead." There are several fields of this name in the parish. Churchey's property in A.D. 1665. "Allotment" at Battispool. Because allotted at enclosure of the Common in 1771 to Charity Feoffees. "Angel Lane" in Wincanton. Because it abutted on the Angel Inn. Earliest reference A.D. 1678. 12 Place Names in and around Wincanton. "Anchor Hill," on the road to Holton. Because a public-house called " The Anchor " stood at its foot till some time in igth century. "Ash Field," Verrington. " The Acre " at Horwood. " Not any certain number of acres." — G. P. R. Pulman. "Andrew's Well " or " St. Andrew's Well." Formerly a public well near the mill. "Andrew's Strap" on Hook Farm. " Batch," at the foot of West Hill. A rising ground. "A rough copse on a hillside." G. P. R. Pulman. "Balsam," Balsham or Balsome. References, 1651, 1658. A horse leaze, or pasture, or perhaps the name of an early family. " Brain's Farm " — " Braynes." Spurious name Bryants. Richard Braynes in 1668. " Brook Close," Brain's Farm. The name is obvious. " Bennett's Mead " in Tything. The property of Burlton Bennett in 1806. Probably that of Philip Bennett, at end of 17th century. "Brock's Hole" in Hook Field. After brock— badger, or perhaps Anselm Brocks, churchwarden in 1645 — 7. " Bayford," as the name implies, the stream at the foot of the hill had to be forded before the hill was lowered about 1820. " Ball Common," a common land for horses, hence Pie- ball or Skewball. " Woa Ball, or rather, wull zull thee." " Folk Lore " in Somerset Dialecfl. Buck Mill, Cucklington. Boc. A.S. Book — By Royal Grant. " Broadmead." There are several fields of this name in the parish from 1593 onwards. The name explains itself. " Bitwood," or " Brickhouse." Churchey's in 1651. " Burgess Close," a field recently purchased with Ireson House by Mr. John Wadman. A portion of " Eastfield " in 1615. Dr. Burgess had a quarry there in 1756, hence, perhaps, the name. It may be, however, because a portion of it was the property of the Burgesses of Wincanton. 13 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Bifleet's Mead " on Moorhays farm. Bifleet was a Bratton gentleman and owner of property sometime before 1594. It was tithed to Wincanton in 1770. "Black Close" in Hook Farm. " Barn Close," Suddon, adjoining the Barn. "Bell Plot" or "Bell Close" in Tything, now called ♦* Bellfield." Legend has it that some bells for Wincanton Church were cast there. " Bean Close " or " Beam Close " at Verrington. " Brickkiln Ground " in West Hill, at Sunny Hill, and Lawrence Hill. All, no doubt, the sites of Brickyards. " Barnetts," Great and Little, on West Hill. Since called " Old Barn," now " New Barn." Probably long ago owned by a Barnett or Barnard. " Biddlecombe's Orchard " on Bayford Hill. Formerly owned by Wm. Biddlecombe, and was an orchard till about i860. " Bristowes Hayes." In 1580, owned by Jerom Gylman. "Brewerne" on S. side of High Street in 1580. A Brewery or Brewhouse at this early date. " Benchwalls," A.D. 1745. Now called "The Elms," Charlton Musgrove. " Burton's Mill." So called, probably, to distinguish it from the King's Mill. Mentioned in 171 7. " Beacon Ash, above Suddon." Stukeley 1724. No doubt an ash tree, used as beacon or landmark. " Battispool." Mentioned in 1593. Probably a man by the name of Batt was drowned there. "Battispool Drove." Referred to in Common Award, 1818. "Barrow Lane." Probably there was once a barrow there. H Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Barnard's Combe," now " New Park," Stavordale. "A manor or reputed manor, near or in the Ancient Forest of Selwood." — Sir R. C. Hoare's will. "Conigar" or "Conigore," at back of Mr, Cash's residence. Also at Stoke Trister. — In 1756, Tomas Clark's of Brewton. Y. Cyn, Gaer, — an advanced outpost. In the latter case, probably it was a fortification. In the former, very likely it meant rabbit warren. " Compton Pauncefote." The village in the Combe belonging to the Pauncefotes. "Cadbury." « Cad,' Brit, for battle. 'Bury,' A.S. for fortified place. G. P. R. Pulman. " Camelot." — Cair Celemion (one of the 33 cities enumer- ated by Nennius). " Coach Road," cor. of Cock Road. In 1805 so spelled. 152 acres. From Coch i.e. Red ? " Cale," the river at the bottom of the town. (See origin of Dame of Wincanton.) " Culverhaies." A.D. 1580, from Culver or pigeon, and hayes — hedge — enclosure. Now called " Devonshire House." "Coldbath Orchard" on West Hill, formerly called " Hindleys." Early in the igth century it contained a Cold Bath, reached by steps. " Croft," corrupted to Crate or Craat, in Wincanton Common. A.S. — a small enclosed field. " Crowpit Lane " on Moorhays Farm. " Cutts Close," Verrington. A.S. Cote or Cottage ; or belonging to Cutts ? " Cuddlesome," " Cuttlesham," " Churchlesham." The first a corruption. The home of the Cults, Cuttles, or Churcheys ? "Churchlesham" in 1263. Purchased by Prior of Stavordale of Nicholas de Stanhuse. "Church House." In 1558, described as "Lying in the middle of the town, occupied by John Evans." " Cock House," a house on the " Batch " with a small orchard, demolished about 1850. 15 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Conways," a field and probably a tenement adjoining Balsam in A.D. 1651. " Coylton Terrace." Built and named by Mr. Linton, a Scotchman, about 1830. "Conduit Hill," so called because the old conduit stood there. Now Bayford Hill. •' Carter's Plot." Probably the allotment to one Carter when the common was enclosed. " Clewett's Yard." So called because a Mr. Clewett kept the shop where Mr. Carrington now lives. " Ceadda or Chad Well." St. Chad was Bishop of Lichfield in A.D. 673. " Christichens." Described as meadow (5-2-16) in Tithe Book, 1840, belonging to Uriah Messiter. " Dunfords " or " Durnfords Close." Glebe land between Common Lane and Bayford Hill. ** Duke's Close" in Common. " Dancing Lane," connecfting West Hill with Verrington. " Devilish Lane " in Stoke Trister parish, probably cor. of Dewlish or Dulish. It is called Dulish in Edward Shepard's will, A.D. 1725. " The Dogs," (now changed to " The Old House.") So called because a dog in stone stood on each of the two pillars at the entrance. The first mention of " The Dogs" I find is in 1805. The dogs were put up in Churchey's time, no doubt. "Dyer's Leaze," at Marsh, Wincanton. Before 1639, held by John Harbin of the King. Probably belonged to and named after one of the Dyer family. "Dove House," on Hook Farm in 1651. At that time this was manorial property, and was, no doubt, the pigeon house of the manor. "Dove's Close," 1741, since called "Webb's Ground,' Bayford Hill, now Mr. Langhorne's. The pond in this field was made in 1741. The field probably belonged to Peter Dove, who was churchwarden of the parish in 1676 — 7 and died in 1682. 16 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Elm Close," at Brain's Farm. "East Field," — "Burgess' Close." In 1615 belonging to Jerome Vining, in 1648 — Edward Vining, in 1736 — Nathaniel Ireson. " The Elms," Charlton Musgrove, so named, on the house being built, by Mr. B. Bracher in 1880. Called "Benchwalls" in 1745. " Earl's Copse " or " Ivy's Mead," on Hook Farm in 1805. Since then the farm dismembered. " Elbow Ground," on Hook Farm in 1805. " Fox," a field of 15 acres on Brain's Farm. " Flowers Close " on Bayford Hill. " Fiddlers Hays," adjoining on the North of " First Balsam." In 1589, owned by Alexander Dyer and held by Wm. Churchey, Surgeon. In 1500 called " Vedelers Hey." When matters in dispute were settled by the rule of fist, this was the Wincanton Law Court. " Flinger's Lane." In the High Street, leading to " Burgess' Close." In 1736, Mr. Flinger was Highway Sur- veyor, and for many years was owner or occupier of " Durn- ford's," and in 1749 was a clothier in Wincanton. " Franck's Mead," in 1580, held by James Dier, L.C.J., occupied by John Ivy. (See list of Burgesses.) " Fudges," on West Hill. Dorothy Churchey's property in 1748. " Great Hutchings" in the Common. In 1805, owned by Silas Blandford and Samuel Richards. i8-a. 3-r. 21 -p. pasture. "Great Orchard," West Hill. In 1805, owned by Dorothy Hurd, occupied by Mr. Chester. "Great Windmill," 9-0-31. In 1803, owned by Chr. Morrish in descent from Ireson. " Glynns," 8-2-26, and " Inner Glynns," 8-0-6, adjoining Hook. Sometimes in error called "Glens." In 1648, Henry Glynn, senr., and Henry Glynn, junr., were living here. They belonged to the Royalist party and were fined heavily by "The Committee." 17 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Great West Leaze " — Leas — Leighs — Leys. Beyond Sudden, 12-2-22 in 1805. The meaning is obscure, authorities differ as to origin, from — " Wooded Land " — " Grass or Sward," Water from A.S. Lagu, or from ' lah,' a distridt governed by a particular law. On Suddon Grange is another of the same name, 14-3-7 meadow in 1805. "Grove," Shadwell House, 1-0-34 pasture in 1805. "Grants Lane," — Grange? Leading to Ireson House. "Grange, a place for grain." — Skeat. " Groves End," or " Vennislo." Where ? Referred to in an ancient Bruton Cartulary. " Greenhill," Horwood. Pasture, 27-2-24. Robert Gapper's in 1805, occupied by James Hayter. " Gallys," Sunnyhill. 3-0-12 pasture in 1805. John Galley lived in Wincanton in 1703 and in 1745. " Greenhayes," on Suddon Farm. 8-2-7 ^^ 1805. Re- ferred to in 1703. " Gerard's Plot," or " Paddock." Robert Perrior's in 1 801. Gerard — Jerrard — Jarrett is an old Wincanton name. " God's Well," at West Leas. " Great Piece," at Carter's Plot. A long-used field for military manoeuvres. " Gooselands," Charlton Musgrove. 58 acres, purchased in July, 1899. The name appears to have been given it before the lands were enclosed. " Great Swifts." 24-3-38. George Messiter's in 1805. " Goldesborough's," or "Row-thorn" — Rough thorn. Captain Goldesborough lived here early in 19th century. There are many other fields called " Great Ground." " Home Ground," " Home Orchard," " Home Land," " Ham Mead," &c., are of frequent occurrence. " Hawkers Bridge." (See "Aucres Bridge.") It was built in 1833. On the South wall is a tablet inscribed — "Richard Stone, builder, Yarcombe, 1833." 18 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Hurd's Mead," or "Moor Lane Mead." In 1593, church property occupied by Hugh Ivie. " Hambridge," Burton's Mill. In 1648, Andrew Ivie's, late Thomas Gapper. " Hockey." Manorial land in 1580, held by John Evans. " Hook Farm." From the name of two fields thereon. A.S. Hoc — the bends or hooks in the river or connecfting fields. First reference found 1651. Also in Stoke Trister and Hoi ton are Hook Farms. " Horwood " — The boundary wood, from Latin * ora ' ? The white wood from Hoar. *' Heale," Cucklington. Hele — Hell — a descent. "Hatchet Mead," cor. "Hatches Mead." In 1801, 'Hatchhouse Mead' is mentioned as being opposite Prancefield. " Hurle Corner," on Laurence Farm. Burlton Bennett's in 1805. In 1833 called Hurdle Corner. Robert Herle of Suddon Manor, 1366 ? " Hop Garden," in Flinger's Lane in 1805. Called "Hop Yard," i acre, in 1806. " Hounds Close," in Tything. " Hole Hill," on Bruton road. " Hi Pi Corner," near the old Poorhouse. " Hatherleigh." Churchey's in i6g8. (Hither Lea ?) — near the town. " Infield," and " Little Infield." Probably formerly en- closed from the Common before the other portions. " Island," on Laurence Farm. Surrounded by water in 1805, then a garden, since then thrown into " Bennetts." " Ivy's Meads." No doubt formerly owned by the Ivy family. "Jerratt's Lains." An enclosure inserted between other property, cor. of line — e.g., a mason's axe is lained when a piece of steel is inserted. In this case, Jarrett's land between that of another. 19 Place Names in and around Wincanton. "Jewells." Mr. Stagg's property in Mill Street. In 1793 called "Jewells." Philip Jewell died in 1676. " Ivy Cottage," at Gooselands, because erecfted in a field known as " Ivy's Bars." " Ireson House," because built and owned by Ireson. " Kingwell Barn," near to Carter's Plot. " Knowl Park " and " Knowl Rock," in Shepton Montague. 'A manor or reputed manor,' formerly belonging to Sir Stephen Fox. A.S. cnol, Welsh cnol — a rounded hillock. " Knap." A rising ground, e.g., Verrington Knap. " King's Mill," or " King Alfred's Mill," at the bottom of Mill Street. Referred to in Domesday Book. " Little Bridge," a Bridge between Cucklington and Stoke Trister. "Lady Crate" or "Lady Croft," on Horwood estate. In 1703, Elizabeth Coope's. In 1805, Robert Capper's. Probably church property formerly dedicated to the Virgin Mary. " Laurence Brook," three fields lying by the river. In 1736, Biddlecombe's. " Lull Mead," in the Common. In 1801, Philip Pitman's. In 1893, Robert Green's. " Long Mead," 18 acres in Wincanton Marsh. At an in- quisition in 1 62 1, Robert Harbin of Yeovil held it in socage of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. "Lambert's" Field and Well. Part of Snag Farm, Wincanton. Awarded to Snag Farm in 181 8. " Leirs Hatches," a field referred to in a rate in 1703. " Malkin Hill," North Cheriton, cor. of Maltkin, Malting having been formerly carried on there. As to the hill, deponent saith not. " Moggs Copse." Named after the owner, being Churchold's or Churchey's wood during its ownership by the Churchey family. " Moorhays." Owned by Jerome Dibben in the i6th century and onward. In 181 2, 184 acres. 20 Place Names in and around Wincanton. >" Maggots Leaze." Cor. of Margaret's, on Laurence Farm. " Marsh Court." Several farms in Wincanton Marsh claim this title. There was a moated house of the Zouch family here in the 15th century and later, the ruined moat still remains. Several of the noble family of the Zouches died here. " Mill Street." The name is obvious. There is no mention of it by any other name. " Moggs Close," in Dancing Lane. Dorothy Kurd's in 1805. " Moor Close." Dorothy Hurd's in 1801. "Mill Hams." An orchard by the Mill, called "Mill Orchard " in 1805. " Mundy's Close," on Balsam Farm. Philip Pitman's in 1805. " Motions Orchard," i rood, abutting on Conigar Lane at the back of Ceaddawell House. " Mount Pleasant," above Burton's Mill. Robert Capper's in 1801. "Make House," in High Street, Wincanton, in 1558. " Merry Down." Cor. of " Mary Down," in Devenish or Dulish Lane. Apparently church property once on a time. " North Street." The name explains itself. " Norn " — " Norden " — " North Down." Apparently, all that part was once a down, and was divided in Nordon and Suddon, i.e., North Down and South Down. A very old rhyme says — " Narn barn, where the devil blows his harn." The prospect from here is very fine. " The Nursery." 1805 — Mr. George Messiter's. Still a nursery — 1902 — Mr. C. Pocock's. " New Park," at Stavordale. (See Barnard's Combe.) In 1793 — ' Late the residence of Lord Clifford.' * Another of the same name at Yarlington.' " New Barn." A barn on West Hill, so called to dis- tinguish from "Old Barn" higher up the hill. Formerly, both belonged to James Churchey, merchant. 21 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Old Barn," Now called " New Barn," owned and occupied by Mr. Dyke. "Orchard." In the tithe book in 1805, there were 20 fields so called ; there are many less now. "Oxen Leaze," at West Leaze. ii-a o-r. 2g-p. in 1805, owned by Richard Messiter. "Oathills" or " Outhills," at Sunnyhill Farm. " Oswestry." House and land at Ball Common. Reference in Wincanton Tithe book. Also in Kelly's Directory, 1861. " Poplar Ground." Mr. Burlton Bennett's in 1805. Formerly there were many poplars at various parts of the town, probably planted when the French captives were here. Now there are none. " Park," at the East end of the town, called at different times, " Ways Garden," " Town Close," " Town End Close," " Quarry Ground." For a long period Gapper property, now Mr. Langhorne's. " Prancefield," Horwood. At least two of this name, a very old name. " Plantation." One rood in Conigar, 1805. The legend is that after quarrying on the spot, trees were planted to improve the view. " Pitman's Orchard," at Whitehall. About half an acre in 1 801. Over 20 cottages and gardens now cover the spot. " Pointings," at Battispool. " Perhams," part of Horwood. 1801 — Robert Capper's, 1742 — called Periame. " Pikes Orchard." See Nursery. " Priors House," 1558. See Burgage List. " Pear Tree Close," 1558. Henry Glynne's. *' Petteshaies," 1558. See Burgage List. " Parsonage," 1703. Now called " Devonshire House." " Quarry Close," at Sunny Hill. " Quarry Ground." See Park. "Queen Anne's Augmentation Glebe." 1742 — Rev. C. Plucknett, namely, ' Broadmoor ' or ' Cooper's Close,' 9 acres, • Broadfield,' part of, 5 acres, ' Hurst Close,' 5 acres. In 1801, let at a rental of ^25. 22 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Roundhill Grange." The birthplace of Sir James Dier. In 1327 spelt ' Roenhull.' The present name seerns unfortunate. I venture upon its earlier name as A.S. Rond — border, el — land. It is the borderland of Wincanton and Charlton Musgrove. See " Wincanton Mansions." " Rosemary Mead," West Leas. Rosemary grows wild there, even now. " Reckless." Variously spelt, — R^ckhayes, R^ckhayes, and Rackhayes, in West Hill. Two fields, 9-a. i-r. 28-p. A.S. Rec — ruler, hence rector, reck. Hayes plural for hedge — enclosure. Belonging to the Lord of the Manor. See Bosworth's A.S. Dictionary. " Rings drinking place," at the foot of Lawrence Hill, owned, probably, by one of the Ring family, solicitors at Wincanton. " Rodber House," 1745. Rodbard — Rodborough. Rod — road, Borough — the boundary of the Borough. See "Wincanton Mansions." " Rousewell House," 1558, owned by Lawrence Dier. " Rockhill House," now Shadwell Lane. Built between 1725 and 1742 by Bartholomew Day. '*" Rodgrove." 1774 — Henry Dyke. 1786 — John Perry. " Row Thorn," or " Rough Thome." See Goldesboroughs. "Row Crate,"— Croft. 7-3-8. •' Somerset." Gwlad yr havren. 'The land on the shores of the Severn.' — Rev. W. A. Jones. " Suddon," — Sud din. South Down. See " Wincanton Mansions." " Stoke Trister," Truster. Stockade and tristrie, a hunting meet. Some derive Trister from the del Estree family. " Summerleaze Moor," on Brain's Farm. " Stall Mead," on Horwood Farm. " Spring Close," 9-3-36. Robert Gapper's in 1745. ,, ,, on Cuttlesham Farm, 1 1-0-33. William Webb's in 1805. ,, ,, West Leaze, 1-3-23. ,, ,, Brain's Farm, 5-3-8. ,, ,, Hook Farm, Wincanton, 7-3-17. 23 Place Names in and around Wincanton, "Sunny Hill Farm." In 1805, iii-a. i-r. g-p. Thomas Leir's. Shadricks or Shitterocks, 2 fields at Sunnyhill. ** Spitternhead," Shepton Montague. " Suddon Elm," abutting on Dancing Lane. Name appears in 1593 and again in 1651. No doubt, at one time a landmark. •• Shawford," or " Shalford." Probably short for Shallow- ford. " Stavordale." The dale of the Stour. "Searts Farm, Bratton." Probably from Steort, A.S., a point or promontory. "Shanks House." 1622, Hugh Watts' will, " My house called Shankes." (Johanne Larcyo's in 1327 ?) " Shatterwell." See Ceaddawell. "Tyte's Brains," Brain's Farm. First reference, 1703. "Town Close," Brain's Farm. " Twelve Acres." There are several fields of this name. " Tompkins" or "Chafifeys," on West Hill. The hill was until the last few years known as " Tompkins' Hill." George Tompkins was overseer in 1795. Wm. Chaffey was overseer in 1784. West Hill house is said to have been built and in- habited by Mr. Tompkins early in last century. " Tidewells," on Lawrence Farm. Two closes of meadow in 1 65 1, owned by James and occupied by Thomas Churchey. "Tidewells" Little, at Moore Gate in 1708. " Tanners Corner," connecting Bayford Hill with Common Lane, 25-a. 2-r. 31-p. pasture. Formerly called 'Abbotts' and ' Bennetts.' "Tout Hill House," in South Street, referred to in 1651, then James Churchey's, afterwards Capper's. The latter family had another Tout Hill at Shaftesbury in 1643. No doubt meaning Outlook, hence ' tout ' one who goes before. "Thornwell Lane," at foot of Tout Hill, referred to in 1558. A public dipping place for generations. Late in last century an iron pump was placed there, replacing a lead or wood pump. 24 Place Names in and around Wincanton. " Tethern " — Tything. Houses and lands outside the Borough, formerly under the jurisdiction of Tything men who reported to the Court Leet. Later, the Tything, at least in this parish, was controlled by a constable appointed annually, separate from the constable for the borough. Both now out of date. Called " Tethynge of Wyncaulton " in 1549. The dis- tinction of Tything and Borough still affects the Land Tax. " Tinderbox." A house and garden at Bratton. " Vining's Living," in Dancing Lane. " Vinney Hayes," meadow. " Verrington " Orchard, Knap Lane. Probably owned by Veryng family. "Verrington Corner." In 1664 belonged to John Hill. " Verrington Lodge Farm." " Vennislo," or " Grovesend." Probably near Marsh Court. " Wincanton Allotment." See Allotment. " Withy Bed." One rood on Laurence Farm. Pasture in 1805. " Webbs Orchard." Now Churchfield, Board Schools, and Market. " Ways Garden." See Park, &c. "Ways Close." 13 acres arable. Now Garden Allot- ments. The property of Poors' Land Trustees. " Webbs Ground," adjoining the latter on the W^est. "Whitehall." Origin of name unknown. At foot of Hole Hill. 6 cottages in 1840, 21 in 1902. " West Leas." Beyond Suddon. House built 1766. On Stone — i— E.P. "Windmill Farm." 81 acres in 1801, then let to Mr. Phillips. In 1796, let to Wm. Neal. " Wadhams," at West Leaze. Said to have belonged to the founder of Wadham's College. " Watkens," on East side of High Street in 1580. At present unknown. 25 WiNCANTON Charter. Many a time has the Charter been a subjecfl of convers- ation, but what it precisely was, was a mystery ; when granted, by whom, and for what, nobody appeared to know. These points will now be cleared up, the mystery solved. It will be necessary to state that in the year 1544 Stavordale Priory was dissolved, it is probable that Stavordale Fair then received a great blow, or ceased altogether for a time, though it continued, in name at least, centuries after. Be that as it may, the people of VVincanton made complaint of great poverty and asked (probably through their great towns- man, James Dier, afterwards Lord Chief Justice) for a charter granting two fairs annually and a market on every Wednesday. This was granted by Philip and Mary from their Court at Greenwich, on 17th March, 1556. This charter conferred certain rights, tolls, piccages and stallages to certain Trustees, which, now of little value, were then of considerable importance, and gave also a prestige to the town, which, sentimentally at least, was of advantage to the inhabitants. From that time till now the charter has been kept alive, with an occasional break, in consequence of falling into bad hands. I will give the dates of the renewals, with the names of each set of Trustees, or Feoffees as they are called. The first grant was made in the 2nd and 3rd Philip and Mary, to— John Vynynge, William Churchey, George Churchey, William Churchey, junr., Thomas White, Richard Vyneing, George Banwell, John Glynn, Richard Young, Robert Saunders, inhabitants of the town, their heirs, &c. In reciting this grant, in later grants, the name of William Vyninge is also given, but in the Record Office copy of the original there is no mention of the name of William Vyning, moreover, the number ' tenne ' to whom the grant was made is complete without the said William Vynying. The next grant was made in the 20th Elizabeth, 19th April, 1579, to— William Churchey the elder, William Churchey the younger, (only two survivors of the first charter,) John Ewens, Alexander Ewens, 26 WiNCANTON Charter. Mathewe Ewens and Jerome Debien, gentlemen, William Smith, John Vyneinge, John Plympton, Richard Banwell, Edward Hinde, Robert Huson. After a few years, when only two of the Trustees were living, namely, Alexander Ewens and Edward Hinde, these two conveyed the right to their own heirs at law instead of appointing ' ten other good and lawfal men, inhabitants of the town.' Accordingly on the nth July, 1635, Humfry Newman, Esq., James Churchey, merchant, Thomas Churchey the younger, mercer, Benjamin Lewis, gentleman, Henry Glynn, gentleman, Francis Plympton, John Vyneinge, Henry Glynn, infant, Richard Newman, infant, Richard Churchey, infant, by Nicholas Plymton their guardian, took the matter into the High Court of Chancery, Barnabie Lewis the younger and William Swanton being the defendants. Lord Coventry was the judge, Sergeant Turner represented the complainants, and Sergeant Clarke the defendants. On the 20th 0(5lober, 1638, the case was heard and decided in favor of the plaintiffs, and the re-grant was made to them in accordance with their prayer. The first of these to die was Henry Glynn who died in July, 1642 ; the last, Richard Churchey who lived till 1697. The next appointment was on the 20th February, 1667. These were then the members of the trust — Richard Newman, Richard Churchey, Abraham Gapper, John Keene, William Lewis, John King, Benjamin Lewis, Robert King, James Churchey, Humphrey Newman, John Keene, junr., William Ivy, junr. These remamed in office until 1705, when a renewal took place at a cost of ^150. It is in Latin and bears date 12th December, 1705. Mr. William Day died between the date of application for, and the execution of, the deed. Of those who had served 42 years were — Robert King, William Lewis, John King, William Ivie. To them were now added — Christopher Farewell, Esq., Philip Bennett the elder, Thomas Hussey, James Lawrence Churchey, Esq., Philip Bennett the younger, James Churchey, gentleman, Thomas Churchey, gentleman, Thomas Gapper, gentleman, Abraham Gapper, gentleman, Richard Shepherd the elder, George Vining the younger, Francis Swanton, William Day, gentleman. 27 WiNCANTON Charter. This brought the number up to 17, but Mr. Day's death reduced the number to 16. Mr. Farewell was appointed Chairman ; Mr. Bennett, Registrar ; Mr. William Ivey and Captain Churchey, Surveyors ' immediate.' As soon as they were in working order, the disastrous fire of 1707 occurred, which kept their hands full and their coffers empty for about two years. On the 1 2th Ocf^ober, 1725, there being but five of them left, namely, Christopher Farewell of Holbrook, Esq., Abraham Gapper of Balsome, Esq., William Ivey of Wincanton, mercec, William Moore of Wincanton, clothier, George Vining of Wincanton, mercer, there were added to them — Charles Gapper, John Glisson, John Gapper, William Moore, junr., William Clement, John Galley, Bartholomew Day, William Plucknett, Bernard King, Benjamin Combes. Charles Lewys. In 17 years only 5 of these were left. On 0{5^ober i8th, 1742, another appointment took place. The five old members were — Abraham Gapper, Esq., of Balsome, Sergeant-at-law, W^illiam Clement, John Glisson, Charles Lewis, William Moore. The new men were — Henry Gapper, Esq., Charles Ivie, Robert Gapper, Samuel Glisson, Thomas Gapper, Robert Combe, Benjamin Day, Simon Webb, John Brickenden, apothecary, John King, William Way, John Cross. Another re-grant was made on December 28th, 1765. The survivors at that period were — William Clement, who had served 40 years, Henry Gapper, William Way, John Brickenden, Simon Webb. To whom were added — Nathaniel Webb, Thomas Brickenden, John Dalton, Richard Lewis, Samuel Farewell, John Deane, Nathaniel Ireson, Robert Gapper of Balsome, Moulton Messiter, William Chafifey, Robert Perfecft, John Barrett. 28 WiNCANTON Charter. Twenty-four years now passed before another set of Trustees were required. On September 19th, 1789, there were of the last set four remaining, namely — John Dalton, clerk, William Chaffey, gent, Robert Gapper, Esq., John Barrett, gent. The new men were — Nathaniel Dalton, Esq., William Webb, gentleman, Nathaniel Webb, Esq., Philip Pittman, gentleman, Robert Gapper, Esq., Robert Gapper, junr., gentleman, Samuel Farewell, clerk, Philip Hurd, gentleman, Richard Ring, gentleman, Robert Perfedl, surgeon, Richard Messiter, gentleman, Gerard Ellis, linen draper. It is, perhaps, worthy of notice that several of these gentlemen's whereabouts may be identified at present in the names of places which are also their surnames ; for instance, • Chafies,' ' Barrett's hangings,' ' Webb's Orchard,' 'Ring's drinking place,' ' Hurd's Mead,' whilst Mr. Pittman's name is on the only altar tomb in the church-yard. Thirty-four years passed, at which time the Trustees of Fairs and Markets, Poors' Lands, and Church Lands were united, on the ground of the interests of each being better served in this way. On 30th September, 1823, there were living of the last appointment — • Nathaniel Dalton, Esq., Robert Gapper, gentleman, Richard Messiter, gentleman, Robert Perfecft, gentleman. To these were added — Uriah Messiter, gentleman, George Messiter, gentleman, Rev. Paul Leir, clerk, Richard Ring, gentleman, John Radford, clerk, James Fendall Hawkins, D.D. Thomas Lyddon Surrage, gentleman, Silas Blandford, gentleman, Richard Messiter, clerk, Thomas Aubrey Gapper, gentleman, George Messiter the younger, gentleman, Henry Messiter, gentleman, Robert Combe, gentleman, George Baker, gentleman. 29 WiNCANTON Charter. Fifty-four years elapsed before another change was made. The number had been for several years reduced to three, and two of those were non-resident, and all were old men. The Charity Commissioners were applied to and new names sub- mitted. On the 19th July, 187S, to the survivors — Richard Messiter, clerk, Stourton Caundle, Thomas Aubrey Gapper, Esq., Tout Hill House, Wincanton, Henry Messiter, solicitor, Wincanton, were added — Matthew Shackleton, Vicar of Wincanton, Herbert Messiter, Solicitor, James Bunter Colthurst, Surgeon, Edward Penny Trenchard, Gentleman, Robert Bath Wybrants, M.D., Thomas Richards, Ironmonger, James Richards, Au(5lioneer, Samuel Deane Sly, Wine Merchant, Charles John Shaw, Gentleman, Samuel Hine Longman, Draper, Albert George Perman, School-master, George Sweetman, Bookseller, all of Wincanton. Only 13 years passed before the above number was so reduced that it became necessary to fill up the numbers once more. Nine had died and three had gone away so that it was difficult to form a quorum. Application was again made to the Charity Commissioners, to whom the whole of the accounts of the charities have to be rendered annually. The following names were submitted to the Commissioners, and they were approved of on the 22nd July, 1890. (Of this number, two only have since died.) Matthew Shackleton, Recflor of Beachingstoke, Edward Penny Trenchard, Forest Hill, Gentleman, R. B. Wybrants, M.D., Wincanton, Samuel Deanesly, Gentleman, Albert George Perman, School-master, George Sweetman, Bookseller, To whom were added — Philip Henry Bracher, Machinist, Alfred Edwards, Pamter, Thomas Green, Builder, William T. Goodfellow, Coach-builder, William Hannam, Grocer, George Lock, Butcher, 30 WiNCANTON Charter. Charles Pocock, Seedsman, Henry Snook, Linen Draper, of whom 2 are dead, 3 are non-resident, 9 are still resident. The accounts of the Feoflfees of the Fairs and Markets, from 1705 to the present time, have been carefully preserved. The}' show a variety of fortune and misfortune, and a gradually lessening income, and the whole of the accounts from 1789 are preserved also. What the sources of revenue are will be shown under the heading of 'The Local Charities.' 31 The Borough of Wincanton. Cfie iSoroujSft of OTlmranton m tje ^tisn of (Quern (Slnntttb. In the reign of George the First there must have been a document in existence, showing who were the Burgesses of Wincanton in the reign of ' Good Queen Bess,' but what has gone with it I am unable to say. Ransacking the box of the papers and books of the Feoffees, a few years ago, I found one of the most interesting pieces of history it has been my jot to discover. It is written on Foolscap paper, bearing the watermark of George I. It bears no date, but I believe it to be a copy of a document made in 1558, the first year of Elizabeth's reign, two years later than the charter to which I refer elsewhere. At that time. Sir James Dier was in the prime of life, he and his relatives being amongst the burgesses. I give the exacft wording and spelling. The word • roueles ' is often used ; I take this to mean a house in ruins, or a piece of ground on which a house had stood. It is of great interest as showing the family names of that period, many of which remain to this day. There are also many place names which still remain, but there are very few places which can be clearly identified. Those having old deeds in their possession may be able to identify more of them than I have yet been able to do. Some future historian with the help here given may be able to delineate the old town better than I can. "WINCANTON BOROUGH. The Rents of all the burgages, lands holden by inherit- ance within the same borough in the year of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth Queen &c. James Brice and William Williams, a close within the Yaett. The heirs oi Henry Williams holdeth to them and their heirs on burgage i8d now deceased lying in the East end of the Borough and one other burgage i2d in the South side of the High Street, and one half burgage called The Hart, and three quarters of a burgage gd in the North part of the High Street now occupied by Htigh Davage and his assigns. Total 3.9 Also they pay more at Michaelmas yearly, for a corner stone lying near unto the Hart above said id 32 The Borough of Wincanton. Walter Gane, Richard Bamvell, holdeth in fee half a burgage called Watkens lying in the East side of the South Street, now occupied by the said Hugh Davage and payeth yearly 6d Philip Strode, J. Petvine and N. Brown the heirs of John Marshall holdeth in fee one burgage i8d now decaied, lying at the East end of the borough, and one burgage I2d builded, now occupied by John Vyning in the North side of the High Street 2s. 6d John Evans, gent, holdeth freely, one burgage lad. in the South side of the High Street now occupied by John, and one burgage called Priors house in the North side of the High Street now occupied as a brewhouse by John Vyning 2.s The same John Evans holdeth freely one burgage i2d. in the North side of the High Street now occupied by John Haggett. and one little house 2d in the North side of the same High Street, now occupied hy Henry Wood, and one burgage in the North side of the same High Street now occupied as a stable by Hugh Shudall, another half burgage in the South side of the High Street, now occupied by Margaret Young, widow. 2S 8d The same John Evans holdeth freely, one half burgage 6d. in the North side of the High Street, wherein he now inhab- iteth ; and one burgage 12'd. roueles, called Orchard lying in Hockey, now in his own occupation ; and one burgage i2d in the North side of the Church Street now occupied by Henry Keane, otherwise Mogg ; and one burgage i2d. in the South side of the Church street now occupied by William Thomas, joiner 3s, 6d. Walter Tyte holdeth freely one burgage I2d newly builded in the South side of the High Street now in his own hands ; and one half burgage 6d roueles lying in the South side of the same High Street, now occupied by John Vyning. i8d The Queens' Majesty holdeth freely one burgage i8d in the North side of the Mill Street now occupied by Wtalter Tyte, and one burgage i2d on the North side of the High Street, now occupied by Dorothy White widow, all which premises were found for the Queene as cancelled land, and therefore the said Tyte withholdeth the rent. 2s. 6.d. Paul Checke holdeth freely one half burgage roueles, lying near unto the rnill, called the Rackhaies, whereof he withholdeth the rent supposing the same to ly out of the compass of the borough. 6d 33- The Borough of Wincanton. John Htllard holdeth freely one tenement containing half a burgage and more in the South side of the High Street wherem he now inhabiteth and payeth yearly 8d Francis Phichnett holdeth freely as in the right of Joan his wife one burgage i2d in the North side of the High Street wherein he now inhabiteth, and one half burgage 6d in the same North side of the High Street, now occupied by William Hilling e i8.d John Dynning (Vyning ?) holdeth freely one burgage i2d wherein he now inhabiteth in the North side of the High Street and one burgage i2d roueles, called the Brewerne lying in the South side of the High Street, now in his own possession, and one little house 2d in the same South side of the High Street, now occupied by Henry Orchard, and one burgage called Makehouse in the South side of the High Street now occupied by John Gylman. 3s. 2d. Thomas Cheeke holdeth freely one little house in the South side of the High Street, now occupied by James Oliver 4d Jerom Gylman holdeth freely one tenement, roueles called Bristowes hayes, containing and (?) more, now im his own occupation 20.d Thomasine Chancelere, widow, holdeth freely, one burgage, in the South side of the High Street now occupied by ^ohn Stone 1 2d Alexander Dyer, holdeth freely one burgage i2d in the South side of the High Street, now occupied by William Churchey surgeon, and two other burgages 2s to the same annexed roueles called Fidlers Hay, one house called ye mantle or bakehouse, to the same annexed, all which premises are now occupied by William Churchey 3s 4d. Edward Botwell holdeth freely in the right of Elizabeth his wife one burgage i2d in the North side of the High Street now in the occupation of the said Edward i2d Henry Glynne holdeth in the right of Alice his wife, daughter of George Banwell, one burgage and half lying in the North side of the High Street now occupied by Hugh Davage in the right of Margot, his wife i8d Christian Gane, widow, late the wife of Walter Gane, holdeth freely, one half burgage roueles lying in the North part of the High Street now occupied by John Magges, Smith 6d 34 The Borough of Wincanton. Christian Player, widow, hoJdeth freely one burgage in the North side of the High Street now occupied by Thomasine Ivey 1 2d. Javus Dyer, holdeth freely one messuage gd. containing three quarters of a burgage in the North side of the High Street, and one parcel of meadow ground called Francks Mead, i8d lying in Wincanton Moore, containing one acre or thereabout, all which premises be now occupied by John Ivey 28. 8d John Vyning, the elder son of Robert Vyning deceased, holdeth freely one half burgage in the South side of the High Street wherein Hugh Shudall now inhabiteth 6.d. Henry Glynne holdeth freely one burgage I2d. wherein he now inhabiteth in the North side of the High Street and one burgage i2d roueles called the Pear Tree Close, to the said burgage adjoining and now in his occupation, 2.s Ambrose H annum, holdeth freely one burgage i2d. in the South side now occupied by William Tewkesbury i2d John Jenkins Junr son of William Jenkins holdeth freely one half burgage in the South side of the High Street, wherein William Jenkins his father now inhabiteth 6d Thomas Vyning, holdeth freely one burgage in the North side of the Mill Street wherein Joannah Vyning his mother now inhabiteth i2d. The Churchwardens of the parish of Wincanton holdeth freely to them and their successors two burgages 2/- called the Churchhouse now occupied by John Evans gent and his assigns lying in the middle of the town there, and also a corner of the same house set out upon the Street there 2s. 2d William Churchey holdeth freely two burgages lying together in Shatterwell Lane and now occupied by Robert Ludwell 2.S Jerome Dibhen holdeth freely one burgage in the South side of Mill Street, now occupied by Elizabeth James, widow I2.d Simon Vyning holdeth freely one burgage wherein he now inhabiteth in the South side of the Mill Street I2d The Churchwardens of the parish of Wincanton holdeth freely to them and their successors to the use and reparition of the said church, one half burgage in the West side of the Mill Street wherein William Oldbcre now inhabiteth by the assignment oi Jerom Dibben tenant thereof 6d 35 The Borough of Wincanton. John Hardymane holdeth freely one little house in the South side of the Mill Street now occupied by Robert Crockett 2d Lawrence Dyer gent holdeth freely two burgages 2/- annexed together in the South side of the Church Street wherein he now inhabiteth, one little house called Rousewell house in the North side of the Church Street in his own occupation one burgage 6d to the said little house adjoining being also as a yard, and one burgage and half iSd. in the North side of the Mill Street now occupied by Thomas Bourton 4s 4d The same Lawrence Dyer holdeth freely one burgage I2d in the North side of the Church Street called Culverhaies now roueles and now occupied by JoJm Persons, and one other burgage i2d in the same North side of the Church Street now occupied by Thomas Noble 2,s Estow holdeth freely one burgage in the North side of the High Street now occupied by William Farley I2d Edi^'ard Wyneyarde, holdeth freely one burgage in the. North side of the Mill Street, wherein he now mhabiteth i2d Richard Hinde holdeth freely one burgage in the North side of the Mill Street now occupied by Richard Robines otherwise Syms I2d. William Dibben, holdeth freely, one burgage lying in the West side of Mill Street now occupied by John Hardyman Sold to Agnes Vyning, widow. i2d John Vyning, the younger son of Robert Vyning deceased holdeth freely one half burgage lying in the West side of the South Street now occupied by Philip Read. 6d John Vyning, the younger son of Alexander Vining, holdeth freely one messuage in the West side of the South Street, now occupied by John Mitchell 4d George Churchey, holdeth freely one messuage lod containing three quarters of a burgage and now occupied by John Davis in the West side of the South Street and one half burgage in the East side of the South Street now occupied by Ralph Laijrence all which premises William Chaffin gent holdeth in tlie right of his wife, during her life 16. d [The latter was the site where Stuckey's Bank now stands. — G.S.] The heirs of John Hoiichines, holdeth freely one burgage in the West side of the South Street now occupied by Thomas Marsh i2.d 36 The Borough of Wincanton. ^John Plimpton holdeth freely two burgages 2S annexed in the West side of the South Street wherein he now inhabiteth, and also paieth for a yate, going into the street, yearly at Michaelmas /t\t r- -lj /- » \ 2s. id (Mr. G. H. Cooper s.) Lewes Plimpton holdeth freely one burgage lying in the West side of the South Street now occupied by Nicholas Swanton (Mrs. Gurney's.) '^^ Alexander Vyning, holdeth freely one burgage and half, roueles, called ' Stoke's Close ' lying in the North side of Mill Street, now occupied by Nicholas Swanton i8d William Churchey the elder, holdeth freely one messuage 2od in the East side of the South Street, wherein he now inhabiteth, and one burgage i2d roueles lying in the North side of the Mill Street, now occupied as an orchard by the same William and paieth yearly at Michaelmas for a yate into the street id 2.g (The South Street messuage is now Tout Hill House, and the Mill Street burgage part of the Congregational Church property.) Edward Vyning holdeth freely a quarter of a burgage, lying at Thornwell Lane in the East side of the South Street now occupied by Henry Vyning gd. (Here is an instance of the retention of a place name for three and half centuries. It was in the same family until a few years ago. It shows, too, that this property was within the bounds of the borough, which reached as far as Thornwell Lane.) Charles Zouche Esq and Robert Kemys holdeth freely one burgage i2d. roueles lying in the North side of the High Street now occupied as an orchard by John Hillard and one burgage I2d in the South side of the High Street, wherein John Orpitt now inhabiteth, and one half burgage roueles in the North side of the High Street now occupied by William Hilling 2S. 6d The same Charles Zouch Esq and Robert Keni/s, holdeth freely one burgage I2d lying adjoyning to Pctteshaies in the East side of the South Street, and one close of land 2s. 8d and pasture to the same adjoyning called Petteshaies, con- taining three yards, all which premises Robert Ludwell now occupieth 3^' ^'^' (Now the Carmelite Monastery ?) 37 The Borough of Wincanton. The same Charles Zouch and Robert Keniys, holdeth freely one burgage and half, whereupon a barn and a stable is now builded, lying in the West side of the South Street which Robert Plimpton, now holdeth by copy i.s. 8d Nicholas Swanton and Walter Tyte, do pay yearly in the name of the Borough for ye shambles in the Market Place 1 2d." (For further particulars of Robert Kemys and Nicholas Swanton, see renewal of charter in 1638.) 38 St. Eligius and the Parish Church. )t. WiU^in^ um t%$ 8Panrl0|) Cifi)iiiirr|)< In the new porch on the North side of the church is an oohtic stone, probably from Douhing quarries, on which is some very workmanlike carving, representing a medieval legend, which possesses considerable interest, and gives room for no end of speculation. When the old church was being taken down, this stone was found lying on its face m the wall of the South aisle, where it had lain from the time of the rebuilding of that aisle in 1735. It had been defaced, either at the building of the aisle or perhaps in the days of the Puritans, but where it had been until that time there is nothing to inform us. It represents a blacksmith's forge and water trough, with a chimney tapering to the top, on which is carved a pair of tongs and what has been called a chalice, but in appearance is more like a beer glass or a mason's lewis. On the left side is a mitred bishop standing with a horse's leg in his hands with the foot resting on an anvil. At the foot of the bishop kneels a man evidently entreating the bishop to do something for him. On the right hand is a horse or ass, minus one leg, which leg presumably the bishop is holding. Behind the animal is an attendant. There is a rope by which the animal is fastened to the forge. At some time it had some colored wash over it, and in portions it had been blackened to make it more realistic. It measures about two feet each way. There was very little of the old church worthy of preservation ; happily, however, this was preserved, and put in its present position when the porch was completed. A picture of this carvmg with notes thereon appears in one of the volumes of the " Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries." As was natural, at first it was thought to be a memorial to our Somerset Saint par excellence, Dunstan, and some people still cling to that opinion. Without doubt, however, it refers to St. Eligius, St. Eloy or St. Loyes as he is variously des- ignated. For the sake of the uninitiated I will give a very abridged account of this P>ench Saint from a very elaborate corres- pondence with the Rev. Ignatius Grant, a well-known Jesuit father, who was at the end of the year 1888, at Trenchard Street, Bristol. He took great pains to authenticate his 39 St, Eligius and the Parish Church. statements by visits to Edinburgh, Noyon and elsewhere. Writing of EHgius, he says — "He is supposed to have worked in iron, silver and gold, before his elevation to the see of Noyon, in the time of Clovis II., A,D. 605, of Pepin and Charles Martel. He is univers- ally represented with the attributes and emblems mentioned. The incident of the horseshoe fastened to the foot of the horse whose leg has been severed from his body is a popular legend all through France and Germany. The rood screen^ Potter Heigham Church, has the same. The rood screen Hemel Hempstead, Herts, has a bishop with hammer in one hand and hoof of horse in the other." He then refers to a similar relic at St. Giles, Edinburgh, and he enquires if there is not another example at Durweston Church ? I there- upon went to Durweston and found the same legend picftured on a tablet there, but it is not so good a piece of work as that in our parish church. Father Grant then set himself to discover what connexion there was between St. Eloy and Wincanton, and on this point he gives testimony from Devonshire, Leicestershire, Rutlandshire, Lancashire, and several other counties to show that probably we are indebted to the Ferrars family for the carving. Norton Ferris, to which hundred Wincanton belongs, derived its name from this family. The first of the family was Ferrieres, Lord Marshal of England, who came with the Conqueror. He and his descendants have always borne the same insignia and device on their arms — a horse- shoe. The family ot the Ferrars were great possessors of lands which were all lost by the revolt of Robert Ferrars, earl of Derby, in the time of Henry the third. He ends by sa3'ing — " I have only to add that the dead and forgotten Bishop of Noyon, whom nobody knows at Wincanton, is still a living power and patron in his own diocese at Noyon,. and that I, who write this letter, made a pilgrimage thither on the 2nd of July, this year 1888, and found that the great cathedral was full of goldsmiths and blacksmiths who hear mass, by obligation and the rules of the guild, on his feast day, vespers on the vigil, high mass on the feast day, and mass for the repose of the dead on the following day at ten o'clock. I have no doubt but that in the olden time and in the 'Ages of Faith,' his feast was kept in the same way by the antique family of the Ferrars of Wincanton." There does not appear to be any doubt that the carving is to the memory of Eligms, but its connedlion with Wincanton is not so clear. If to be traced to the Ferrars 40 St. Eligius and the Parish Church. family there is every probability that it was put in the church or on the premises before 1541, when the estates in this neighbourhood passed from the Ferrars to the Stourton family. I venture to suggest that its original position was in an old chapel belonging to the church, and which, we learn incidentally from the will of John Dyer of Roundhill, 1597, once stood there, and which was probably dedicated to St. Eligius. This, of course, is only ' drawing a bow at a venture.' That this Saint was not the patron Saint of the church itself is shown in the will of another John Dyer, a century before, who expressly refers to the church of the blessed Peter and Paul. In the large East window of the church which represents the ' Te Deum,' the figure cf Eligius is brought in. Just one other suggestion. From early times, workers in the precious metals have lived here : it may be, therefore, one of them who had the carvmg done to perpetuate the memory of the patron saint of his craft. " After that he was born, this child grew in virtue : and his father set him to goldsmith's craft : and when he knew well the craft and art of goldsmithery, he came into France and dwelt with a goldsmith that made work for the king." Caxton — Golden Legend. 41 WiNCANTON Parish Church. Notwithstanding the violent opposition shown to the Christian religion on one side and the careless indifference or bare profession on the other, from its institution by its Divine founder until now it has never died out. In Britain, the fragments of Saxon and Norman, and the grand examples of medieval churches bear strong testimony to its vitality. Regarded from an architectural point of view alone, how much poorer we should be if there were no cathedrals or parish churches. Frequently even now in thousands of villages there are no buildings of interest save the parish church, and often the only history of the parish is that of the church. There, have the inhabitants received their names in baptism : there, have been celebrated the beginnings of new family life in marriage : and there, the last rites have been solemnized. There, too, are the only records of those who have here fulfilled their social and religious duties and passed away. In the building of these thousands of churches it may be said, at least in some cases, that ' The people gave willingly.' More often, perhaps, the rich gave of their wealth to build or endow a church, where daily prayers might be said ' for the good of their souls,' or to show their gratitude for blessings received or dangers averted. Previous to 1735 our parish church was undoubtedly small, but when the first church was built there is nothing to show. In the year 1278 there is a record amongst the Patent Rolls, of the * appointment of Walter de Wimborne and Thomas de S. Vigon to take the jury arraigned by Hugh Luvel against William de Bath, parson of the chapel of St. Andrew of Marsh, touching a messuage and land at Wincanton. In 1328, Lord Richard Lovel presented Robert de Cranthorne to the chapel of Marsh Lovel Court. There was also after 1263, no doubt, provision for public worship at Stavordale. It may be inferred that if the spiritual welfare of those who lived on the borders of the parish was cared for, those who lived at the centre were not neglect- ed. Probably there was a Saxon church on or near the site of the present one. The stone carving in the South porch indicates an early period, and experts, when examining 42 WiNCANTON Parish Church. the church in 1871, said that there were traces of 13th century work in the tower. In rebuilding the church, there were signs of an old roof against the tower, indicating quite a small building. The old font found in the base ot one of the columns was probably 13th century also. But to leave conjecfture and come to fadts. There is a distin(5\ allusion to the church of S.S. Peter and Paul in an inquisition taken m 1344. In the year 1500, on January 26, John Vyning, otherwise Dyer of Wyncalton, made his will, m which he bequeathed his body to be buried in the church of the blessed Peter and Paul of Wyncalton, and he gave £10 towards the shegyng (seating ?) the church of Wyncalton. He also gives 60s. to the edifying of the North yle of the same church. The allusion here is brief but very suggestive. On the 15th September, 1523, Richard Dyer, the father of James Dyer the Lord Chief Justice, made his will, in which he expresses his wish to be buried in Wyncaulton church by his wife, that is his first wife Johane, his second wife Elizabeth survived him. He also orders that there be •penny dole at his burying,' and every priest to have 8d. In 1552, legend tells us that the sweating sickness carried off so many by death that they were buried wholesale with their clothes on ; and when the wall on the West side was built in 1818, fragments of the clothing were found with other evidence of disorderly burial. In 1559, John Dyer, elder brother of the Judge, made his will, in which he orders that his body be 'buried in Wincalton church before the quyer door, near the grave of my father and mother, and if I die in this parish, that the poorest householders have £1 - 6 - 8.' In 1594, Jane Dyer, widow of John Dyer of Roundhill, made her will. She was then living at Bratton St. Maur, but willed to be buried at Wincanton near her last husband, John Dier, her former husband being a Mr. Byfleet. No doubt that on her death about two years later she was buried there, inasmuch as her son, John Dyer, who succeeded his father at Roundhill, in making his will which was proved in 1597, after saying — 'I bequeathe my poor sillye (innocent) soul to the Lorde Jhesus Christe, my redeemer,' goes on to ex- press the wish that his body ' be buried in the chnrchyavd of Wincanton, in rhe same place where my own mother was buried, being near unto an old chapel which did once stand there.' Here we have an allusion to an old building which fell into ruin over 300 years ago. These are not the only instances of pre-register burials, 43 WiNCANTON Parish Church. for in T540, Richard Beky (modern Bacon) of Wyncalton, in his will, directs that his hody be buryed in the churchyearde of Wynecanton. He appointed "John Dyer, alias Vining," his executor, and it is shown incidentally that the curate at that date was Sir Richard Smith. Two years later, Robert Hine of Wyncaunton gave by his will 20/- to the church of Wyncalton, and directs that his body be buried in the churchyeard, John Dyer was his executor, and Sir Richard Smith a witness to his will. In 1647, we find in the will of Mr. Barnabie Lewis, a well known townsman of that time, a reference to a pre-Ireson chancel. He directs that his body be buried in the S.E. end of the chancel. Although I can find allusions to this gentle- man in 1623 and 1639, I believe he is not alluded to in the P.R. as having been buried either in the church or churchyard. In October, 1700, Abraham Gapper gave instruction in his will that his body should be buried in the church, in a vault. Three months later he was so buried. This vault, belonging to the family, was filled in when the new church was built. This reminds me that one of the old sextons told me of a funeral of one of the Gapper family, who died in London, whose coffin many years after was found to contain bricks and shavings instead of a skeleton. One wonders how many " mute inglorious Miltons " lie buried in the 3170 yards of land in the churchyard ! Taking the average burials per annum as 25, from 13 13 to 1886, when the graveyard was closed, we have 14,325. We have at least six burials in every grave. Their only record is in the parish register, and those only since 1636. What a blow to the vanity of those who would lord it over the soil and over their fellows, during their short period here ! Before the year 1735, the main entrance appears to have been at the West end through the tower. There was, judging by the size of the arch, a choir of considerable dimensions, reached by several steps. There were neither rood loft door, hagioscope nor piscina. No trace of the old chancel itself was left after its rebuilding in 1748, and it is difficult to realize what it was like. There was a small crypt underneath. A North yle was mentioned in 1500, the presumption, therefore, is that there was a South aisle as well. They were both narrow, however, inasmuch as after enlargement they were not wide. There was no clerestory till 1748. Over a porch on the North was a small gallery, which was taken down to make a larger one. Another gallery called the " Gapper gallery" on the South, which was reached by stone steps on 44 WiNCANTON Parish Church. the outside. The tower has been evidently re-built, as the mixture of the stone therein shows, part being of local stone and part of green sandstone, the mixture of the latter indicating the same period as the building of the arcades in the church, and which before the re-building were aiso of green stone. In 1735, the South aisle was re-built, as the tablet outside that porch shows. Before that time there were 4 bells only, and a clock. One of the bells, being ' craizd,' was recast, and a fifth bell added. In 1748, the clerestory was added, the chancel builded and given by Nathaniel Ireson, and the church through- out decorated. In 1 791, Collinson, referring to the church as restored by Ireson, said, " It is plain without, but very handsome within ; the chancel having been re-built and the church new roofed and windowed in the year 1748. It is 92 feet in length and 52 in breadth, consisting of a nave, chancel. North and South aisles, all except the chancel covered with lead. At the West end is a plain square tower containing a clock and five bells." For a fuller account of the church the reader is referred to " Wincanton Memorials." In 1793, the tower was raised 12 feet, making it 50 feet high. At that time the five bells were re-cast and a sixth added. The sixth bell weighs 17 cwt. They are all inscribed, " Robert and James Wells, Aldbourne fecit ; John Carpenter and James Lintorn, Churchwardens." In 1810, there were other alterations effected which were paid for by a special rate. Amongst other payments in that year was ^29 for velvet pulpit cloth and cushion. A new surplice cost ^■4-7-2. In 1812, ^15 was paid to Admiral Goldesborough for his pew, which projected on the North side into the churchyard, and 'caused much damage to the church." I may explain that to raise money for improvements pews were sold for a term of years. This fifteen pounds was for unex- hausted rights. The churchyard required enlargement and enclosure, and this work was begun in 1818. The churchyard wall was built ; the bill for freestone was over ;^ioo. The iron gates, palings, and lamp cost another £126- 17, the total outlay being over ;^500, the balance against the church being ;^23i -9-2I, the interest on this borrowed sum being ;^9-i8-5. By heavy rates the balance had been reduced in 1825 to ^81-14-3. In the same year an organ was purchased, costing 400 guineas, the money was raised by subscriptions. The organist was paid by being allowed to live in a house, the property of the church Trustees, rent free. Until this time the churchyard 45 WiNCANTON Parish Church. was practically unenclosed. The game of fives was played against the walls, and when the balls lodged on the leads the players climbed to get them down, and their footmarks are to be seen on the stonework of the South porch to this day. In 1828, the South gallery was again enlarged, Mr. Uriah Pond being the workman. The pulpit was also removed and "new seats were erected on the scite thereof." The work was continued in 1829 ; the new North gallery was erected and the South gallery re-arranged. The cost was heavy. Amongst other items were the faculty which cost 12 guineas, and crimson curtains for the singing gallery ^20-16. Pews were again sold to the highest bidder. Notwithstanding this novel way of raising the wind, at the Easter vestry in 1830 there was a deficiency of /i 89-0-7. In 1835, a special effort was made to put the finances on a right footing. A rate was levied, and with the addition of £60 from the church Trustees the balance was reduced to £ii.d>. The church was still in bad repair, and at a vestry held on May 7th. it was proposed, with the strong support of the Rev. Wm. tarpendale, to raise a rate for the purpose. On this, Mr. Edwin Deane, who for three years had been church- warden, resigned. Another vestry was held on May 23rd, when the proposed rate was abandoned in favour of voluntary subscriptions. Little or nothing was done, and in 1837, on October 26th, a vestry was called ; 150 people were present. It was resolved to have a rate of 6d. in the £. 22 voted against it, at least 100 for it. The rate was enforced ; several dissenters had their goods seized and sold in the market place. The whole affair, however, was obnoxious to many churchpeople as well as to dissenters. Mr. Carpendale died and Rev. H. Collins became incumbent, and gradually the commotion ceased. The new churchwardens were men of peace. In 1840, Mr. James Baker became churchwarden and he disliked to enforce a rate on unwilling people. He continued in office till 1869, having served 29 years. Mr. Baker considered the church unsafe, the columns were giving way. He had a new one erected at his own expense. They were all in bad condition, but the money could not then be raised to build new ones. The chancel arch was removed but remained in ruin for a long time, as no agreement could be arrived at as to what to do with it. The galleries were but a makeshift ; they were inconvenient, and sometimes there were unseemly contests as to who should sit in the best seats. The church was draughty, cold and ugly ; the choir was at the 46 WiNCANTON Parish Church. tower end ; the vestry, such as it was, beneath the choir. Finally, every one was out of heart with the whole business, when, as with the wand of an enchanter, a complete change came. Some account of this must be given. In 1884, the Rev. Richard Nicholson became vicar, and immediately set himself to improve the fabric of the church, as well as the services and the parish work. On the 5th Feb., 1885, he called a vestry at the church. So many attended that an adjournment to the Foresters' Hall was necessary. He presented a report which had been prepared by Mr. Ponting, architect for the Salisbury diocese. The estimate for the proposed'alterations was ^4,300, but he himself favoured a plan proposed by Mr. Sedding, the Bath and Wells diocesan architect. Mr. Nicholson said, " The church is capable of being restored so as to be a thing of beauty, instead of being, as it is, the ugliest church in the diocese." He moved the following resolution — " That the condition of the church, both as regards beauty and convenience and its suitability for its sacred purpose as the temple of God, calls for a thorough and immediate restoration." Mr. Langhorne, who was then as he is at the time of writing, one of the churchwardens, seconded ; the resolution was then put and carried. A large and influential committee was appointed, and subscription lists opened at the Somersetshire and Wilts & Dorset banks. Mr. Nicholson was an enthusiastic reformer, and he was courageously supported by the churchwardens, Messrs. Langhorne and Fowler. Alas ! however, for the uncertainty of human life. Mr. Nicholson was taken ill, and died on September 30th, 1885, ^^ the comparatively early age of 58. His memorial is in the churchyard, placed there by the '* district visitors and other parishioners," but he still lives in the memories of those who knew him best. At this point I may be allowed, perhaps, to make a personal allusion. In January, 1885, Mr. Nicholson inaugur- ated a Parish Magazine which, happily, has been continued until now. In the introduction, he said, *' Should this Magazine meet with the support which it merits, I hope in future issues to put on record other matters of interest to the parishioners of Wincanton, such as an account of the charities, and, perhaps, if I can find a local historian, a history of the church and parish." What Mr. Nicholson desired is here attempted. There will be no reader more conscious of the defects of this attempt than the writer himself. On the 17th January, 1886, the Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton, 47 WiNCANTON Parish Church. M.A., having been presented to the living, read himself in. Apparently, everything was in his favour : youth and christian zeal, family position, and an income greatly augmented through the restoration of the tithes, by the beneficence of the late Miss Chafyn Grove. The committee at that time were — Rev. Canon Yeatman (the Joint Patron, now Bishop of Southwark), Rev. Colin Grant- Dalton, Messrs.W.B. Langhorne, F.T. Fowler, churchwardens, A. J. Bennett, Robert Green, Thomas Green, R. R. Hutchings, Alfred Edwards,, Wm. Newman, J. B. Amor, George Stagg, Wm. Galpin, S. Bamford, James Richards, E. P. Trenchard, W. T. Goodfellow, Henry Snook, A. G. Knight, George Lock, R. B. Wybrants, G. H. Cooper, Dr. Howard, Dr. Roe, Dr. Scallon, and R. H. Hoyle. Of these, eleven are either dead or have left the neighbourhood. The following was Mr. Sedding's report as to the church before the " Restoration," although, with the exception of the tower, every part has been re-built. "The building has nave, chancel, north and south aisles to the nave and western tower. The nave arcades are of two periods of the 14th century. The west tower is also of this date ; so, too, are the responds of the chancel arch, although the arch itself is of 15th century date. The west window and the angle buttresses of the tower are of early perpendicular character. Up to the eighteenth century, the church seems to have retained its old proportions. Owing to the growth and increased proportions of the place the building was, however, enlarged by the substitution of very wide aisles, in place of the narrow aisles which previously existed. The south aisle was added in 1735, and the north aisle in 1838. At the first named date the old nave roof was removed, and the roof was lifted up several feet, and the present flat ceiling and clerestory windows were introduced. The old chancel was re-built by Ireson in 1748. While giving all praise to those who carried out the extensions of the church, I am bound to say that the excellence of their intentions did not ensure excellent results. In fact, I suppose, that nothing more ugly, more ill judged, or disastrous to the appearance and convenience of the church could well be conceived than that which was then accom- plished. Here is a nave less than fifty feet long, stretched across by aisles, which are each actually wider than the nave itself, until the church is ten feet more in width than in length, and to make, matters worse these aisles have galleries holding six rows deep, while the school children are stowed away in the remotest recesses in the galleries, far from sight and sound of 48 WiNCANTON Parish Church. the ministers. In order to illustrate the practical objections to these galleries it may be noted that the floor of the front rows is only six feet ten inches from the highest point of the nave arches. The church has the credit of being capable of accommodating over a thousand worshippers, but this state- ment I venture to say is a mere figure of speech, for not half that number can see and hear what is going on. To sit down in pews, many of which are only two feet three inches from centre to centre, is highly inconvenient, and to kneel down in such pews is a physical impossibility. Nay, if attending divine service could ever be accounted a meritorious act, I know of no building where the powers of human endurance are put to more strain than in the pews of Wincanton church. The church is suffering much from damp, and the floors are in a very wet state. This is caused by the injudicious raising of the soil at the east end of the building in order to suit the level of the drive into the churchyard. The nave arcades were evidently re-built when the church was altered, and they are in a good state. The construction of the nave roof is very faulty, and it has been found necessary to add iron cradles to support the roof. The west tower, which is only ten feet square, internal measurement, is naturally altogether swamped and disfigured by the bulky modern aisles ; nor, under the present condition of things, does the additional belfry stage, built a few years past, do anything to redeem the defect, the added height only exaggerates the ill proportions, and gives the look of a turret rather than a tower." Such was the indictment to which it was impossible to plead 'not guilty.' On Tuesday, 24th February, Mr. Sedding met the committee, submitted his plans, and stated that to carry out these plans /^5,ooo would be required. In the Parish Magazine for March, 1885, are these words of the Editor — ■ " May God speed the work and grant the willing mind to prepare to build an house for His holy name.' " By the first of June, subscriptions had been promised of over ^1400, including ^500 from Miss Chafyn Grove, Mr. T. A. Gapper ^^250, four sums of ^50, four of £'^0, five of £2^, and others ranging from ^20 to £10. Thus encouraged, the com- mittee set to work in earnest. In the same month a bazaar was held, from the profits of which over ^250 was added to the Restoration Fund, and Mrs. Sowlcr had contributed ^500, The corner stone was laid by Miss Chafyn Grove on August nth, 18S7. The consecration of the church by Bishop Ilervey took 49 WiNCANToN Parish Church. place on Thursday, August 15th, 1889. I prefer, before any words of mine, the account given by our late beloved rector in the Parish Magazine for the following September, especially as his voice, once so familiar and so welcome, has long been hushed. Let this be, at least, one of his memorials. " WiNCANTON. — The consecration of the new church took place on August 15th. The building which it succeeds belonged to the 1 2th or 13th century, but had been added to, altered, galleried, and plastered, till it was said to be one of the ugliest churches in the Diocese. The last service in the old church was held June 14th, 1887, and the corner-stone of the new building was laid by Miss Chafyn Grove, on August nth, and it has now been completed at a cost of ;^6,5oo, towards which Miss Grove and Mrs. Sowler each gave ;^i,ooo and other subsequent gifts ; the Rev. C. Grant-Dalton and the late Mr. Gapper ;^25o each, a bazaar realized ;^25o ; and the Diocesan Societies gave /"200 ; and there were many other smaller amounts. Miss Grove also gave the chalice and paten, and half the cost of the choir stalls, £i'js ', and Mrs. Sowler the organ. The Rector gave the altar, and Mrs. Dalton the altar cross. Other gifts include a fine linen altar cloth from Mrs. Langhorne ; altar service books. Miss Masters and servants at South Bank ; lectern, Mrs. Selwyn ; mat for altar rails, Miss Barry ; prayer books, Mr. Amor ; book markers, Mrs. Wybrants ; flag-staflf, Messrs. T. Green, W. Goodfellow, and A. Edwards, &c. The bells have been thoroughly re-hung by Messrs. Llewellin & James, of Bristol, and a coloured window placed in the tower by Mrs. Shaw as a memorial to her husband. The new church is said to be the largest and handsomest built in the diocese since the Restoration, and the services have been in keeping with the occasion. These commenced with a celebration in the temporary church, and shortly before 11 a very large number of the neighbouring clergy, with the choir, building committee. Archdeacon, Chancellor, and Bishop formed a procession and entered the church to the hymn " Saviour, blessed Saviour," then followed Psalm xxiv., and the consecration service, the deed being read by the Chancellor and signed by the Bishop. Matins and celebration followed, and the Bishop preached on Luke xix., 46 : " My house shall be called a house of prayer." The church was crowded to its utmost capacity. After the service a public luncheon was held in the Town-hall, Chancellor Rogers being in the chair. The Bishop was unfortunately obliged to leave. There was a numer- ously attended garden party given by the Rector in the after- noon, and in the evening the preacher was the Dean of Wells. 50 a 1^ < ^ U X ■& w '•^ hH *> M Dh ^ r^ C^ 00 f/1 QO >-^ \u „ o oc I ?* ( 1 '^ ^ ^ X *2 o >-H K c '5^ eu o ^. O o H . x: oo < on u ■*^ ?', *w WiNCANTON Parish Church. Other preachers during the octave were : i6th, Rev. E. H. Jones (Stogumber) ; i8th, Rev. Charles Gore (Pusey House) ; and Canon Inman (GilHngham) ; igth, Preb. Gibson (Wells) ; 2oth, Rev. H. Hanbury-Tracy (Frome) ; 21st, Rev. T. B. Dover (St. Agnes, Kennington) ; 22nd, (Sunday school treat), Preb. Roe (Yeovilton)." The contractor was Mr. Vallis of Frome, the amount ;^4,307 ; the whole cost, however, was £"5,658 for the building alone, of which sum £^^,150 was promised by the day of opening. The balance sheet issued in October, iSgo, showed that ;^6o76-8-5 had been expended. The Balance Sheet gave details as to the whole of the subscriptions. Amongst the sums of ^20 and over were — ;^ s. d. £ s. d. Mr. Bailward ... 70 o o Messrs. Hutchings Bazaar 252 o 11 & Son 55 5 o Mr. Wm. Bennett 21 11 o In Memoriam ... 50 o o Mr. E. Y. Cooper 52 2 o Interest on Bank Kgg J2 o Mr. W. E. Cooper 26 i o Balances ... J Rev. S. Dendy ... 27 o o Mr. Langhorne ..105 o o Mr. Digby 25 o o Mr. John Messiter 26 i o Diocesan Church | Offertories 224 o 7 57 9 4 Diocesan Church ) Offertories Building Fund J ^ Proceeds of ) Mr. T. M. Dodington 25 o o Concerts] Miss Doel 20 o o Sale of old I 2^ 11 Mr, F. T. Fowler 42 2 o material j ^ Mr. T. A. Gapper 500 o o Mrs. Sowler ...looo o o Rev. Colin Grant- ) Col. Sowler ... 20 o o Dalton ... / 355 o o ^^^^^.^y^ , Mr. D. F. Grant- ) ^ ^ ^ Banking Co. J Dalton ... ; 30 o o ^r. E. P. Tren- ) ;r. Robert Green 21 i o chard ... J 25 o o 25 o o Miss Green 2100 Dr. Wybrants ... 25 o o Miss Chafyn Grove 1475 o o Canon Yeatman ... 50 o o The dimensions of the new church are East to West, 96 feet ; North to South, 62 feet ; and sitting room for 699 persons. It is so arranged that every one can see the preacher, and therefore totally unlike the old church. The following are the chief points of interest. The beau- tifully carved North porch, with statues of S.S. Peter and Paul, to which saints the church was centuries ago dedicated. The central figure represents our Lord. There are emblems of the Passion, Fall, and Redemption. There are also the mono- gram and arms of the late Miss Chafyn Grove. Within the same porch is the medieval carving represent- 51 WiNCANTON Parish Church. ing St. Eligius or Eloy, happily rescued from oblivion when the south aisle was taken down, having been used as a building stone in 1735, but probably defaced a century before. It represents a smith's shop ; a mitred figure, namely, Eligius, the patron of smiths, Bishop of Noyon early in the 9th century ; the suppliant, a gentleman whose favorite horse had lost a leg, and who had come to the bishop to perform a miracle by putting it on again, The bishop holds in his hands the leg, or another which he had forged on the anvil before him ; and an attendant looking on. Who was the carver, or the donor, or what its age, must be a matter of conjecture. The handsome window in the chancel represents the Te Deum, Si. Eligius appears amongst the saints. It was the work of Messrs. Clayton and Bell, the latter being a native of Silton, where he took his first lessons in drawing. The window was the gift of Mrs. Sowler. The East window in the morning chapel, representing the Resurrection, was also given by Mrs. Sowler. The South window of the morning chapel is a memorial to the late Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton, given by the parishioners. Another window in the South aisle commemorates Mr. John Goodfellow, for many years organist of the church. This was the gift of his son, Mr. Tewkesbury Goodfellow, of Gloucester. The window in the tower was the first colored glass in the church, at any rate since 1735, and is to the memory of Mr C. J. Shaw, who was churchwarden of the parish for several years, and superintendent of the sunday school. The font was the gift of Mr. C. R. Shepherd, a few years before the re-building of the church. The former one was simply a basin on an insignificant wood column. The organ was the gift of Mrs. Sowler, the mother-in-law of the Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton. The lectern was given by Mrs. Selwyn as a memorial of her husband, Vice-Admiral Selwyn. The chalice, paten, candlesticks, and half the choir stalls, were given by Miss Chafyn Grove. The altar was the gift of Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton. The ahar cross, curtains, and altar desk, by Mrs. Colin Grant-Dalton. The embroidered altar cloth by Mrs. Langhorne. The oak faldstool by Mrs. A. J. Bennett. The memorial tablets have all been reinstated as near as convenient to their original places. The accounts of the charities belonging to the church are 52 WiNCANTON Parish Church. set forth on boards on the walls of the tower. The church is always open by day, and daily services are held. The churchyard is free to pedestrians, and very seldom has there been occasion given to the churchwardens to regret the liberty thus allowed. Many generations probably will pass away before the church requires so much done as has been done since 1887. 53 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. tDincanton Cl^urcl^ Clergy. " Weaver's Somerset Incumbents," that all but inexhaust- ible mine of parish church history, is almost blank as to this parish ; elsewhere it is only a few scraps one is able to discover. Necessarily, therefore, this section will be " a thing of shreds and patches." One must piece out the pattern as well as one can. The early ecclesiastical history of the parish is very obscure. Bishop Hobhouse says, " The church may be assumed to have existed from Saxon times, though not men- tioned in any extant document till 1291-2, viz., in the valuation of Pope Nicholas. The benefice was then classed as a rectory worth £d>. It was doubtless in the patronage of the Lovels. At some time before 1263, and probably in the previous century, the Lovels founded at Stavordale, within their manor, a small brotherhood of black canons of the order of St. Augustine and of the rule of St. Victor." The incumbents appointed by the Priory of Stavordale are given in Somerset Incumbents as William de Essex. In 1330, John Bryan, who was still living in 1374. In 1449, William Edward, Stephen Ysaac, Richard Heyne. In A.D. 1500, John Vining, alias Dyer, appears to have been the patron of the living, and in his will of that date refers to Sir John Aynell as his curate. In 1532, Stavordale Priory, being too poor to stand alone, was annexed to that of Taunton. In 1539, the name of Sir John Divale appears as curate. The affairs of the church seem to have reached its lowest level in his time. He appears to have been soon removed, inasmuch as Sir Richard Smith was here in 1541. His name is signed as curate, and witness, to Robert Hine's will. Divale was buried at Bruton in A.D. 1559. In 1 58 1, John Ewens of Suddon was rector, but who was curate does not transpire. In 1598, Rev. Nicholas Watts was curate. Some one of that name became incumbent of North Barrow. (See Weaver's Incumbents.) In 1635, I find the name of Nicholas Garvin on an old deed, he signs himself as curate. This year the Parish Register begins, and he signs at the beginning, " Nichol Garvin Curat." 54 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. In 1640, Rev. Roger Nichols was curate. This may not have been the year of his institution, the register having a gap from February, 1637, to March, 1639. In February, 1640, his daughter Jane was buried, and in the January following, his wife Christian. In 1643, Roger his son, and in 1647, Agatha, another daughter. He re-married on 5th September, 1642. He was rector of Maperton in 1654. ^^ ^'^^ succeeded in 1650 by Rev. Henry Shepard, "Clarke of Wincalton." He did not live very long, as he was buried here on May 7th, 1655. The year 1654 '^^^^ one of great fatality, the number of burials being 46, whereas in 1652 the number was 17, and in 1653 only 16. I presume that he was followed by John Sacheverell, of whom I have given an extended account in another chapter. We now come to a remarkable man, namely. Rev. Elias Bulgin. It is not clear as to the year he began his minis- trations. He married Mary, his only wife, here on 27th Oct., 1662, and she lived with him till the opening of the year 1704. During his curacy he had many troubles. Amongst the rest the destruction of his household effects by the great fire of 1707, which involved him in a loss of ^147-0-11, rendering him completely destitute. His living at that time was estimated at £;^o per annum. He was present at the skirmish between the Royal and the Orange troops. He saw the rising into local fame of the Churchey, Gapper, Glyn, Newman, Bennett, and Lewis families. He baptised, married, and lived almost long enough to see the end of. Jack White the fratricide. He buried his children here, and here on the 14th of February, 1726, his own body was buried. Now, again, many changes occurred. In 1726, Rev. Robert Edgar's name appears in the parish register as curate. In 1727, that of Rev. Davys Colmer. During his tenure the church was enlarged, as the stone over the south porch shows. There is every appearance of his having a tolerably quiet time of it. The same churchwardens, George Deane and John Pike, held office nearly all the time of his incumbency. In 1737, Rev. Thomas Farewell, one of the Holbrook family, was curate, but for a short time only, inasmuch as in July, 1740, Rev. Richard Gapper enters, and signs the register as 'minister.' He remained four years only. He was probably one of the Gapper family of Bayford. He was curate of Stoke Trister in 1753, and went from there to Yarlington on Jan. ist, 1754, where he died, and was buried on August loth, 1782. At the entrance to that parish church, an inscription to his memory is still to be seen. Whilst in charge of Stoke Trister 55 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. he was married to " Isabella Gapper, spinster," in Horsington Church. She died at Wincanton in June, 1784. In 1744, Rev. Andrewes Overton was curate. I find this name in a deed, in 1720, concerning property in Bratton St. Maur, and in 1729 as patron of the living at Keinton Man- deville. In 1747, Rev. David Hopkins became curate, and I believe continued for nearly 20 years. It was during his time that John Wesley came here, (to which I have referred in another place.) He was supported by several good men as churchwardens, including John Brickenden, Nathaniel Ireson, and Richard Lewis. From 1766 to 1772, Rev. William Plucknett, presumably the son of Charles Plucknett the rector, was curate. In 1772, Rev. Samuel Gatehouse succeeded, and remained till 1777, apparently acting as "warming pan" for the next comer — Rev. James Plucknett, A.B. By 1783, he had gained an L.L.B. On 29th September in that year he married Miss Eliza Cross of Yeovil, and occupied the " Parsonage House," near the church. He appears to have held the curacy of Holton at the same time, giving up Wincanton in 1786, retaining the Holton incumbency. In 1786, or about, Rev. Samuel Farewell, A.B,, left Holbrook, and became incumbent, living at the "Parsonage." During his term there was great distress in the parish, in 1789, no less than 474 persons depending on charity for bread. He took an active part in relieving the distress. He died on 30th January, 1797. In 1798, Rev. John Radford, A.B., signed his name in the parish register. He attended a vestry meeting in April, 1801, but his name does not appear as a resident in the census of that year. Ten years later he had taken up his residence at a new house, built for himself in the High Street, now called " Pine House." Whether he came from Buckhorn Weston or not I cannot discover, but he did duty there on Sundays as well as at Wincanton, the former having to do with one service only. During his curacy, the vestry meetings were held on Sundays, so as to secure a better attendance. He appears to have been a parson of the "Rev. Jack Russell" type, as he was known as "Parson Jack." He remained till 1829. During his incumbency great efforts were made to in- crease the material prosperity of the town, and not without success. An Act of Parliament was passed to secure better 56 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. local government. Horwood House was built and a Spa es- tablished. The churchyard was enclosed, and many other things done of which we, living here to-day, enjoy the benefit. Charles Radford, (the son of the "parson,"') was born herein 1823, and died in Exmouth in March of this year. In 1828, the Rev. David Meade, a young man, was locum tenens, but only for a few months, during which time he was much beloved, and is still remembered with affection, by one at least, who knew him. He was followed in 1829 or 1830 by Rev. William Carpendale, a young man only 29, rector of Silton and curate of Wincanton, of delicate health, consumed with zeal, de- sirous of materially and spiritually being a blessing to the parish, a zealous churchman, impatient with dissenters, and lacking in that tact which is even more necessary in a clergy- man than zeal. He urged many reforms which ran the parish into great debt, and gave himself and others much trouble to clear. I am told that he lived, for a time at least, at Horwood Well House, and afterwards at West Hill House where he died. His memorial stone in the churchyard gives the date of his death as August 30th, 1838. The tablet in the church, as well as a note in the first sermon of his successor after his presentation, give the date as August 73th, 1838. An obituary notice states that " Emma, widow of Rev. W^m. Carpendale, incumbent of Wincanton and rector of Silton, died at Weymouth in January, igoi, aged gi years. She was a Miss Colson, and sister of Mrs. Henry Messiter. Not only was the church enlarged during his incumbency, but owing to his efforts the National School, now used as parish room, was built. Rev. Henry Collins, M.A., came here before the death of the late incumbent, and when that event took place an appli- cation was made to the patrons, the Messrs. Messiter, " by all the parishioners," to appoint him to the curacy. To this they consented. I have before me, in print, undated, his first sermon after his appointment, which struck the key-note of his ministry. His text was — " Who is sufficient for these things ? " — n. Cor., ch. 2, v. 16. His opening words were — " I appear before you to-day in a situation of the very deepest responsibility — a minister accountable to God for upwards of two thousand precious, never dying souls. This responsibility 1 feel more deeply to-day than I have since my coming among you, because I am now the minister and the sole minister of this parish." He took great interest in the young, as his words to them in this sermon and his life alike showed. Re- 57 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. ferring to his predecessor, he said — "Children, can you forget him ? Must not his name be engraven on your memories whilst you live ? You were the objects of his dearest regard. He longed, he laboured for your good. Did not your little hearts throb with sorrow as you followed him, in mournful procession, to the grave ? Had you not a strong feeling that you had lost a friend indeed ? " Mr. Collins had several sons and daughters who survived him. The calls on his purse were out of proportion to the pittance derived from the curacy. He was promoted when 71 years of age to the rectory of West Camel, where he lived till October 28th, 1881, aged 80. His wife, Dorothea Rebecca, survived him till April 3rd, 1888, when she died at the age of 75, so that she was only 24 when he commenced his regular ministry here. During his 35 years' residence here, it may be safely and truthfully said, that he endeared himself to all the parishioners of all sects and parties. The bodies of himself and wife lie in Wincanton churchyard, where some of his old parishioners erected a stone to their memory. Rev. Matthew Shackleton, M.A., was appointed in July, 1872, and remained until 1884, when he resigned and accepted the living at Beechingstoke, Chippenham. During his time no events of special importance occurred in regard to church matters, excepting the destruction of the church property by fire, which I have referred to in another place. In December, 1884, Rev. Richard Nicholson, M.A., was appointed. He set to work at once to effect a reform in all church matters, including the restoration of the parish church which had been contemplated before, but for which the time was not ripe. To the sorrow of all, he was taken ill and died on September 30th, 1885, aged ^8. The Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton, M.A., on the 17th January, 1886, took up the work which his predecessor laid down by " Reading himself in." He came with the highest possible recommendation of the present Bishop of Southwark, whose curate he had been at Sydenham. His Lenten address for that year, which was printed and circulated in the parish, showed him to be an earnest devoted servant of the church and of its Head. After showing the necessity of self examination and the duty of not devoting Sundays only to public worship, but some portion of week days also, he wrote — " The result of a Lent so spent should be a clearer knowledge of ourselves as God sees us, a deeper gratitude for the love which ' while we were yet sinners ' caused Christ to die for us, a keener desire for communion with our risen Lord, and some humble reso- 58 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. lution against a besetting sin. May we all so use this solemn season that we may in future be able to look back and recognise as its result, a distinct step upwards towards the holiness we are seeking." He instituted Daily Services at 9.30 a.m., and Evensong at 7.30 p.m. The subjects of the sermons were Repentance, Faith, Baptism, Laying on of Hands, Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment. On Fridays he took the sub- jects of Prayerfulness, Benevolence, Self Sacrifice, Patience, Humility, and Courage. Themes simple, but all important. In the spirit of these initial virtues he went on, through times of arduous labour, anxiety, sickness, personal and rel- ative, until he was physically unable to fulfil those duties and obligations on which his heart had been set, and to which his talents had been consecrated. Perhaps it is no exagger- ation to say that during his ministry the Augustan period of the church of England here was reached, materially and spiritually. As men view this portion of parish history, it appears a deplorable circumstance that he should have been physically disqualified so soon, and that finally he had to relinquish his work, but we remember that we "know only in part." To those who knew him well, his last address speaks volumes. His character was so transparent that none could question the sincerity of these closing words. — " Churchfield, Wincanton, Nov. 19, i8g6. My dear Parishioners — (To address you once more by that familiar title) — After deep consideration, I have placed my resignation in the hands of our Bishop. As you all know, it pleased God in his wisdom to lay me by about fifteen months ago. For a long time I had hopes of a speedy restoration to health, but as I can no longer look for that, I have after much thought, and with the full consent of the Bishop of the diocese, come to the conclusion that it is not good for the parish that I should continue to hold the post of rector, of which I can no longer discharge the duties. I do most sincerely thank you all for the great kindness I have received from you during the past eleven years, and most especially for the kindly and loyal manner in which I have been treated, both in my absence and presence, during my illness. I should like to take this opportunity of placing on record the deep sense of my obligation to the Rev. W. Farrer for the loyal and earnest way in which he has cared for the parish while I have been laid aside. The patron of the living, the Bishop of Southwark, will, I know, send you the best successor he can find, and I would 59 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. most earnestly ask for him, when he comes, a continuation of that hearty support which you have always given to me ; and I do sincerely hope that the church workers will still carry on, under their new rector, those branches of work which they have undertaken, not for me, but for God. Of course, I cannot tell what arrangements the new rector may make, but I think you should know that the income has, in the last eleven years, so seriously diminished that it very little exceeds ;^300 a year, and as there is no rectory house, this certainly will not provide the stipends of two clergy : indeed, but for my failing health, I must by this time have tried to work the parish single-handed. I shall not feel that my labours have here been useless, if some among you have learned that the church exists for the good of the souls for whom Christ died, and that the work of the clergy is, above everything, to bring home to all hearts the great benefits which He has won for men. And now my last word shall be (and it is the hardest of all to say) Good-bye, in its true sense of " God be with you," so I subscribe myself for the last time, — Your affect- ionate rector, — Colin Grant-Dalton." He lingered on for over a year after his resignation, passing to his rest on the 31st January, 1898, at the early age of 39. His remains were buried in the family churchyard, Cucklington, on the 3rd of February following. The Rev. Walter Farrer, M.A. Two years after the resignation of the late rector, namely, on the 20th Nov., 1896, the whole of the parishioners were gratified on having the following letter addressed to them. "Wincanton, November 30th, 1896. My dear friends, — As I announced in church last night, the Bishop of South- wark has offered me the living of Wincanton, and after much prayer and thought I have accepted it. During the seven years that I have been working here I have always met with the greatest kindness and sympathy, and I want, in taking up my new position as rector, to thank you all most heartily for your goodness to me in the past. I had some doubt, as I said last night, whether an entire change might not be good for the parish, for a stranger might be able to put forward the old truths in a fresher and more convincing way, though he could not hold them more strongly or desire to impress them more earnestly than 1 do ; but the offer of the living from the Bishop of Southwark, after careful enquiry (as I knew) as to my fitness for the post, the advice of persons on whose judgment I could rely, and the many expressions of goodwill towards me which I have heard 60 WiNCANTON Church Clergy. during the last week, all seem to show me that I might truth- fully regard the offer as a real call from Almighty God to the work. As such I look upon it, and I pray that my first thought in all I do here may be the care of the souls of those thus entrusted to my charge, that God in all things may be glorified. The late rector, as you will remember, in his farewell 'letter, begged for his successor a continuation of that hearty support which you have always given to him.' I would repeat that prayer most earnestly. The church does not consist of the clergy alone, but of clergy and laity alike, and the efforts of your rector, however earnest he may be, cannot meet with success unless he has the sympathy and active assistance of his parishioners, and no earnestness and activity on the part of rector and people can be of any use unless they have the blessing of God. That we together may look, in all that we do, for that blessing, and be content to leave the results of our work in His hands is my earnest prayer. I remain, yours very sin- cerely, — Walter Farrer. P.S. — You will understand that I am not actually rector of Wincanton until I have been * instituted ' by the Bishop of the diocese." The work begun by Mr. Grant-Dalton has been carried in the same spirit by his successor. More than this I think it unnecessary to say. The following summary may, however, be of service. Mr. Farrer became curate in October, 1889. He accepted the incumbency in November, 1896. Formally inducted in January, 1897. Rev. G. H. Wilson became curate in Feb- ruary, 1897. During Mr. Farrer's incumbency a memorial window has been put in to the memory of the late Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton by Mrs. Sowler, Mrs. Grant-Dalton's mother ; another to his memory by the parish ; and one to the memory of Mr. John Goodfellow, formerly organist of the church, by his son, Mr Tewkesbury Goodfellow of Gloucester. The seating of the church has been completed ; the tower re- pointed, and the pinnacles and battlements made secure, and the whole rendered free from debt. 61 John Sacheverell. 3>obu ^arficbntlL John Sacheverell came here in very troublous times, probably about the year 1655, for on the 7th May in that year Henry Shepard was buried. In 1654, ^ Y^^r of extreme heat, the ordinary death rate in the parish had gone up from less than 20 to 46. As if to compensate, the year following was frosty and cold ; on May-day the hills were white with snow. In 1657, there was great sickness in the country, and one writer said of 1658 that it was "the severest winter any man alive could remember." Of 1661, Evelyn said that " such a time of the year was never known in this world before." 1662 was characterised by " very great winds," and " a year of famine and tempest." Money was scarce. Trade tokens were used to facilitate business. Wincanton speci- mens are extant of one dated 1652 — of "John Rogers, mercer," 1659 — " William Ivy of the Seven Stars," 1667 — " Ben. Lewes of the Black Lyon," and another, undated, about the same time, of John Keves with the picture of a squirrel. Ignorance, poverty, and discontent appear to have abounded. Inreligious matters, party spirit ran much higher than is possible now ; each party claimed to possess all the virtues, and were utterly intolerant of others. They strove after the things of this life much more ardently than for heavenly riches. They may have had faith of a sort, but of charity, alas ! there was next to none. The name' of Sacheverell was not new to the county, in- asmuch as one Richard Sacheverell, connected in some way with the Hungerford family, had the patronage of the livings of Aller, North Cadbury, Martock, Newton St. Loe, and Holton, from 1521 to 1530, as may be seen by reference to " Weaver's Incumbents of Somerset." The Rev. John Sach- everell, the father of the Wincanton incumbent, is said by Calamy to have been the rector of Stoke in the Isle of Purbeck. In " The History of the Congregational Churches of Dorset," it is stated, on the authority of Hutchins, that he was minister of Stoke-under-Ham. Of course he might have been minister at both places ; he was at East Stoke at any rate in 1641. John was the eldest son. His brother Philologus was rector of Eastwood, Essex, and another brother, Timothy, was rector of Farrant Hinton. John him- 62 John Sacheverell. self, before coming to Wincanton, was curate or rector of Rimpton, where probably his son Joshua was born, about 1642, the child of John's first wife. In the year 1661, a child of John and Jane Sacheverell was baptised under the name of Joseph, bat there is some difficulty in discovering who was his mother. Was it the same mother as that of Joshua ? was it the second wife, of whom it is said she had no child ? Unless wrongly entered in the register it could not be the -third wife ; her maiden name was Mary Hussey, who was the wife and widow of Henry Derbie of Shaftesbury before being married to John Sacheverell. Now although the local sources of knowledge respecting Sacheverell are so scanty, there is more information respecting him than perhaps any other vicar during the past four cent- uries. I will, therefore, give the accounts in full. They will be seen to be ex parte, bnt that the present writer is not responsible for. It will be necessary to read the story in the light of the general history of the country covering the same period. The first is from "Calamy's Nonconformist's Memorial," 2 vol. ed., 1775, vol. II., page 386. WiNCAUNToN C. or D. — (Curacy or Donative.) " Mr. John Sacheverell of St. John's College, Oxford. He was the eldest son of Mr. Sacheverell, minister of Stoke, in the isle of Purbeck in Dorsetshire, who was a man of great reputation, and had many children, two of whom were ministers. Mr. Timothy Sacheverell of Dorsetshire was one of them. This Mr. John Sacheverell had first the living of Rimpton, which he quitted before the king was restored. His labours in this place, in the service of the souls committed to his care, was very great ; and he had considerable success in recovering many that were dissolute, and in the conversion of several to a love of God and true goodness. His conversation was unblamable and exemplary. He constantly rose early, and spent the morning in his study, and the afternoon in visiting his flock, and discoursing with them about religious matters, till the Saturday, which was entirely spent in pre- paring for his Lord's Day's work, which was as follows. — He began public worship in the morning with a short prayer, then read a psalm and a chapter, briefly expounding them. After singing a psalm, he prayed and preached for an hour and a quarter. In the afternoon he began at one, repeating his morning sermon, and examining young people as to what they had remembered ; then he prayed and preached for about an hour and a half, and afterwards the repetition of the afternoon sermon, and the examination of young persons 63 John Sacheverell. about it, concluded the public service. On the day of King Charles the Second's Coronation, he preached a sermon on i Samuel, xii., 24, 25. — " But if ye shall do wickedly ye shall be consumed, both you and your king." The observation which he chiefly insisted on was this, " That wicked men continuing in their wicked actions are the greatest traytors to the king and state wherein they live." Several went out of church in the midst of the sermon, and the rabble got together and in the market-house impanelled a jury from amongst themselves, and represented a formal trial of the preacher. They afterwards drew him in effigy through the town upon a hurdle, with a book in his hand which they called his catechism, to the top of an hill where a great bonfire was prepared. The effigy was hung upon a pole, and was first shot at by several with a great deal of fury and at length burnt. A little after, Mr. Sacheverell was indicted at the Assizes for continuing the exercise of his ministry without reading the Common Prayer. When he was allowed to speak for himself he declared that if he had been required by authority to have read the Common Prayer, he either would have done it or have immediately quitted the living. He behaved himself so well that the Judge asked those that were about him, " Have you no other man than this in your county to single out for a pattern of your severity." Upon hearing all matters the jury brought him in " Not Guilty," and he was acquitted. After being silenced in 1662, he retired to Stalbridge, where he had an estate in the right of his wife. Being afterwards taken at a meeting at Shaftesbury, together with Mr. Bampfield (of Sherborne), Mr. Hallett (of Shaftesbury), Mr. Ince (of Don- head), he and they were sent to Dorchester jail, where he remained three years. In this imprisonment he and the rest of them took it by turns to preach out of a window to a con- siderable number of people on the other side of the river. In this confinement he contracted such an indisposition, that of a very cheerful active person he became very melancholy, and soon after ended his days. He died in his chair, speaking to those about him, with great vehemence and affection, of the great work of the redemption of sinners. He wrote in the title page of all his books, "To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain," which was therefore engraven on his tombstone. Mr. Banger, (Josiah, son of Bernard of Yarlington,) who was a sufferer with him, preached his funeral sermon upon Romans viii,, 22, 23. This was the grandfather of the celebrated Dr. Henry Sacheverell." 64 John Sacheverell. The other account is from " Mirabilis Annus," 1661. It has a picture of a crowd surrounding a fire in which the effigy appears. There are beside, two spirited figures, one of them with a gun firing at the dummy. It says — " We are from very good hands assured of a very strange providence of God that lately happened at Wincaunton, in the county of Sommerset, on the 29 of May, 1661, the relation whereof as it was received from honest and faithful persons, eyewitnesses, taketh as foUoweth — Upon the said 29 of May, (being his Majesties birthday, and appointed as a day of thanksgiving for his Majesties resti- tution to the exercise of his regall power over these nations,) Mr. Sacheveril, the minister of the town of Wincanton afore- said, did in the celebrating the memorial of that day, or on the Lord's Day foregoing, preach to the people from that portion of Scripture — i Saml., xii., 25. — " But if ye shall do wickedly ye shall be consumed, both ye and your king," from which words he raised very clearly this observation, namely, — That wicked and prophane men are the worst subjects, which he demonstrated and confirmed by severall arguments ; and in his application did endeavour to convince that part of his auditory which his text was most applicable to of the inconsistency of their present course ot prophaneness, drunkenness, whoredom, scoffing at religion, swearing, blaspheming, &c., with that which is loyalty indeed, and wherewith any prince can be either advantaged or honoured. The rude debauched multitude of the town (who judged themselves the best subjects because most obnoxious to the preacher's reproofs) were extreamly scandalised and enraged at this doctrine, and resolved to be avenged on the minister for so open detecting their disloyalty to their Soveraign ; to which purpose they prepare an effigies made of straw and clothed in black, which might represent Mr. Sacheveral, and put into its hand the Catechism compiled by the late reverend Assembly of Divines, and with a horse or horses drew it through the town upon a sled, and at several honest sober men's doors as they passed along they made a stand, demanding of it whether it would read the common prayer or No, to which some were appointed still to make answer in the negative, whereupon they draw it away to the place where they had set in order above an hundred fagots of furzes and other such like combustible matter, in the midst of which pile they place the aforesaid effigies upon a short pole, and then kindled their bonfire ; and though the effigies was in the midst of a very quick and fierce flame which ascended above it, yet the fire 65 John Sacheverell. had no power at all over it, but it remained after a good part of the materials were consumed altogether untouched ; at which the multitude were so enraged that one of them dis- charged a gun at it, which as he shot it off brake in pieces and hurt himself, with some others who stood near him. Then another of the company struck at it with a hanger, which also by the force of the blow brake in two. Then they took it down and held it in the fire, and the wind blew the flame from it so that they could not make it burn. Then they held it on the fire the contrary side, and the wind immediately turned and kept the flame again from seizing upon it. After all, they were forced to pull it to pieces, and so, piece by piecemeal at last consumed it in the fire. This relation, with the several cir- cumstances of it as we have here inserted them, will be attested by divers inhabitants of the said town of Wincanton, and the truth of the story is so notoriously known there that the actors themselves have not the face to deny it or any part of it, and we cannot but hope that it hath left some conviction upon them, seeing the Lord by this strange and miraculous provi- dence hath so publiquely and manifestly disowned and rebuked their barbarous and inhuman usage (and that only for telling them the truth) of their faithful minister, in their attempts (though in vain) against that man of straw which they made to represent him. And let it also be an encouragement to him and all the rest of the Lord's faithful messengers in this day of great apostacy, to hold fast the truth, and to cleave to that God who stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people." This last account appears to have been written by Mr. Sacheverell himself at the time of its happening, hence the dramatic style and the force of the writing. It is quite likely that this early account was before Calamy, when he wrote the later and soberer article. It is, perhaps, worthy of note that during the period from 1653 to 1663, there were no churchwardens appointed. That it was a time of dense ignorance and superstition, when these events occurred, will be shown when we relate the story of the •' Wincanton Witches." 66 Nonconformists in Wincanton. i^ouconformfet)^ (n tmincmton. The Congregationalists. Every thing in nature and in human life tends towards variety. In Elijah's time, there were many who did not bow the knee to the acknowledged deity of the multitude. In Babylon, also, there were at any rate four who did not "worship the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up." Such is the perversity of human nature that some prefer being in a minority ; others, who are possessed of a sensitive conscience, of necessity must differ from the majority. Others again who, in the main, agree with the dominant party, will not be forced into conformity. Of the latter class were, in the year 1592, John Evans, senr., of Suddon, and Elizabeth his wife, and John Evans, junr., and Elizabeth his wife. When the law was passed in Queen Elizabeth's reign, which compelled people to attend the parish church, these four were " recusants," and were fined ;^2o per month each. I presume that they were Roman Catholics by conviction, at any rate the two John Evans were scholars, and of good position, the former being lord of the manor, and patron of the living. The word nonconformist is wide enough to include these worthies. Passing on to 1685, we find others who were nonconformists, and who favoured the Duke of Monmouth's claim. Again, Suddon was represented in Richard Harvey, who, with John Howell, John Tucker, Hugh Holland, William Holland, Thomas Bowden, and Maurice Frith, were condemned to death by that incarnate fiend, Judge Jeffreys. Frith was reprieved, but the other six were beheaded. Legend says that at the East gate of the church, in which some of them at least had received the sign of the cross in baptism, their bloody heads were exhibited. Two years later, namely, in 1687, it appears from Mr. Green's " The march of William of Orange," that there was a congregation of Presbyterians in Wincanton who presented a loyal address to King James II., thanking him for his " Majestie's favour and gracious promises." In the " History of the Congregational Church," I have given a full account of that body of Nonconformists in the parish, but the following account may be here given as a supplement, inasmuch as the history of the town would not be complete if it were omitted. I quote from the official docu- ments. ^7 Nonconformists in Wincanton. " Whereas by certain indentures of lease and release, bearing date respectively the fourth and fifth days of February, which was in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty five, and made or mentioned to be made between Thomas Collins of Temple Combe, in the said county of Somerset, gentleman, and James Garrett of the same place, linen weaver, of the one part, and Nicholas Brown, Farnham Haskole, Barnard Banger, John Pierce, John Perry the elder, Thomas Targett, William Ivie, William Moore the elder, Samuel Moore, Richard Mead, John Glisson, Peter Dove the elder, John Vining, John King, Thomas Perry, linen weaver, Richard Horler, Josiah Biggs, William Hill, Peter Dove the younger, and Thomas Perry, yeoman, on the other part, they, the said Thomas Collins and James Garrett, sold to the said Barnard Banger, &c., 'All that messuage or tenement thereto- fore a malthouse, but then converted into a meeting house, together with a little house at the east end thereof, situate lying and being on Rockhill in Shatterwell Lane, in the parish of Wincanton,' upon trust, that they, behaving themselves in an orderly and decent manner, on the Lord's day and at all other times, may assemble together to join in religious worship." By the year 1771, there were only Nicholas Brown and Farnham Haskole surviving, when, on the 2nd of April, these two regranted the premises to a new set of trustees, namely, David Hughes, John Guyer, Nicholas Keates, John Hurd, William Hurd, Philip Hurd, Andrew Little, John Littlejohn, Joseph Parsons, John Parsons, Benjamin Parsons the younger, Samuel Dove, Nicholas Brown the younger, John Brown, linen weaver, Joseph Brown, John Brown Baker, and John Dove. In the year 1800, the only survivors of these trustees were John Keates, William Hurd, John Brown, Joseph Brown, and John Dove. A new deed was made, in which it was said that this meeting house of Protestant Dissenters was ' grown old, ruinous, and in decay, and not sufficiently large for holding the congregation of dissenters frequenting the same, who were of late years much increased.' The surviving trustees and others, at considerable expense, purchased a piece of ground, much more commodious and better situated, on which at that time a new building was being erected and nearly completed ; and to assist in defraying the cost, it became necessary to sell the old building and land. It was therefore absolutely sold to Richard Messiter for the sum of fifty-two pounds ten shillings. For some time after this these premises were used as a school by a Mr. Robert 68 Nonconformists in Wincanton. Gutch. It was for many years after this used as a cooper's workshop by Mr. James Horsey, then as a mason's storehouse by Mr. James Sweetman. It was then sold to Mr. Edwin Crouch, who took down the building and erected the cottages now standing on the site. Four hundred pounds were advanced by a Mr. Timothy Wallington, of Basinghall Street, and other sums of money were raised to build the present church in Mill Street, of which the full detail is given in the " History of the Congre- gational Church," and therefore unnecessary to be repeated here. The next trust deed was enrolled in the high Court of Chancery on the 30th October, 1804, when the following gentlemen were the new trustees — John Brown of Wincanton, gentleman, Joseph Brown, linen manufacturer, Nicholas Brown, gentleman, Thomas Garrett, mercer, John Randall, druggist, James Thorn, brewer, Malachi Mead, farmer, Thomas Francis, plumber, William Hunt, shopkeeper, James King, of Knowl Park, Shepton Montague, farmer, Benjamin Gray the younger, of Henstridge, farmer, James Garrett, of Templecombe, farmer, John Garrett, of the same place, farmer, John Gray, of Sherborne, surgeon, and John Bussell, of Bayford, linman. Of the above, Joseph Brown died before the completion of the deed. In 1835, Timothy Wallington and Nicholas Brown becoming bankrupt, the premises were re-conveyed to the remaining trustees. In March, 1852, when Thomas Francis and Benjamin Gray only were left alive, a new Trust deed was made, con- sisting of the survivors of the old deed, and — John Mead, farmer of Horsington, Thomas Mead, farmer of Horsington, William Francis, plumber, Wincanton, William Sims, master of the Gas Works, Wincanton, George Royce, currier, Wincanton, John Parsons, boot and shoe maker, Wincanton, Elijah Pitman, boot and shoe maker, Wincanton, Samuel H. Longman, draper, Wincanton, 69 Nonconformists in Wincanton. Samuel Newton Parsons, surgeon, Wincanton, James Amor, draper, Bruton, Charles Jupe, silk throwster. Mere, James Hamilton, draper, Wincanton, Joseph Pitman, box manufacturer, Milborne Port. On September 7th, 1867, when there were 9 survivors but only four of them resident in the parish, another change was made by the admission of Mr. Henry Penny and others. At the time of writing not one of the 13 is living. On the gth January, 1888, another set of 16 was appointed. Of these, 5 are dead and 5 are non-resident in the parish. It will be necessary now to go back a century or so, because the Independents were not the only nonconformists in the town. In 1762, on the 25th October, John Wesley came here as his Journal shows. He says — " I rode to Wincanton," (from Shepton Mallet.) '*The rain prevented my preaching abroad, so I willingly accepted the offer of a large meeting house, where I preached to a crowded audience with much satisfaction, and again at seven in the morning. Abundance of rain fell in the night, so that in the morning we were blocked up. The river which runs by the side of the town not being fordable, we at length made a shift to lead our horses over the foot-bridge. I preached at Coleford about nine, and Bristol in the evening. 1763. September 7. About six (I preached) in a meadow at Wincanton. I suppose this was the first field preaching which had been there. However, the people were all quiet and the greater part deeply attentive. Thursday the 8th, at nine, I preached in the same place to a far more serious audience." He incidentally refers to another visit he made on October 14, 1765. In 1766, on August 29th, he preached at one o'clock, as he was on his way from Shepton Mallet to Shaftesbury. Again in 1768, Wesley preached at Wincanton in the evening. He says he spoke "with greater freedom than I used to find among that dead people." In 1770, apparently his last visit here, he makes these remarks under date October 8th and gth. — " Wincanton, one of the dullest places in all the county, I preached on Death in the morning and Hell in the evening. It seemed these were the very subjects they wanted. I never saw this careless people so much affected before." Apparently, Wesley's estimate was not far wrong. Religion was dead in clergy and laity. Solifidianism flourished 70 Nonconformists in Wincanton. amongst the dissenters ; drunkenness, poverty, lawlessness, ignorance, immorality, and hardness of heart amongst the people generally. The early followers of Wesley and Whitefield came here also, as the following extraordinary statement shows. The date of the incident I cannot fix. Of Furtz, it is said that he was born at Wilton in 171 7, but that does not help us much. Robert Brockway was market lessee from 28th Dec, 1764, to 1784 ; here, too, is a wide margin. As to the Brewham minister, William Hall was incumbent from 1764 to 1768, and he was followed by John Goldesborough. I give Furtz's story for what it is worth. He says, in an account of his own life in " Early Methodist Preachers," — " I was invited to preach at Wincanton, Robert Brockway informing me that the dissenting minister was a pious man, and had promised me the use of his pulpit ; and notice was given on the market day that a Methodist was to preach there on Sunday, but when Robert Brockway reminded the minister of his promise, he said, " My congregation is not willing." I asked, " Is there any among you that has courage to go through the town and tell the people there will be preaching on the Common ? " One answered, " I will for one." When we were there, a man brought me a table to stand on. After singing a hymn and spending a little time in prayer, I gave out these words — " Seeing that all these things slaall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness ? " The people were as still as night, and gave good heed to what was spoken, till the minister of Brewham, with an attorney and Mr. Ring, the town clerk, came to the outside of the congregation. Some then cried out, " Make way ! make way 1 " but the people stood closer and closer together, till I desired them to open to the right and left, and let the gentlemen come forward. Mr. Ring then read the " Riot Act." I said, '* Sir ! was there any appearance of a riot here till you came." He looked me in the face and said with the utmost vehemence, " Thou rascal ! " Then the blood spouted out in a stream from both his nostrils. He dropped to the earth, crying aloud, " They will say this is a judgment ; " no wonder if they did. All possible means were used to stop the bleeding, but in vain. From that time he was a lunatic. He was carried to Bath and died soon after. In about a fortnight, I was informed, the minister of Brewham died also. Some time after this, one of Mr. Whitefield's preachers preached at Wincanton. While he was preaching, a carrier came with a string of packhorses. The fore horse 71 Nonconformists in Wincanton. had a strap of bells about his neck. The carrier took them off and put them about his own neck. He then ran in among the people, jumping and dancing with all his might. While he was thus employed, the horse he took the bells from dropped down. They went to him but he was stone dead. So God, in judgment, mixed with mercy, took the horse but spared the man." In 1775, Mr. Ring was solicitor here, for he was on 24th October of that year paid 2 guineas for drawing and engrossing a deed for the Market Trustees, in which for £165, that body granted Miss Ring, spinster of Shaftesbury, aged about 50 years, an annuity of £1^ per annum. This Miss Ring was apparently Mr. R. Ring's sister. She enjoyed the legacy till her death, November i8th, 1788. The Society of Friends. Next in chronological order comes the " Society of Friends." I am indebted to one of its members for the following account, written in 1890, I make only such slight alterations as are rendered necessary by the changes which have inevitably occurred in the twelve years. " About the year 1772, a meeting was held in the street, near the market place, which was addressed by a minister of the Society. Among the audience was Thomas Bracher, the grandfather of Mr. Edwin Bracher of Mere, and Mr. P. H. Bracher of Wincanton. From what Mr. Bracher then heard, he was convinced of the truth of the doctrines and practices of the Friends. A society was formed here consisting of the one family. One of his sons, a well known and very success- ful farmer and cheese dealer, Mr. William Bracher, died without issue in 1861. His brother James was a grocer and chandler, and the first secretary of our Gas and Water companies in 1837, which he continued to his death. His wife, who was much beloved for her christian philanthropy, survived him 28 years, and was the leader of the little society. Soon after James Bracher became successor of his father in business, he built a small meeting house in the High Street, where they worshipped for many years, and where, as even to this day, they buried their dead. When their children grew up and were scattered abroad, the meetings were regularly carried on, even when there were literally but two or three met together. About the year 1876, the number had again increased, so that a larger room was required ; the present meeting-house was built, a small but convenient and comfortable place of 72 Nonconformists in Wincanton. worship. Representatives of several families are now in connexion with the society. The meetings are still regularly held, twice on the first day of the week and once on the fifth day in the forenoon, and they always welcome with pleasure any who may wish to come in and sit with them, to wait upon the Lord in sincerity and truth, only asking the same rules to be observed as they them- selves would observe did they attend any other place of worship, viz., that if the stranger has anything to offer it should be after the close of the meeting, and thus good order would be observed." In addition to the other meetings for worship, the Adult School meets every Sunday afternoon in the chapel. The Wesleyans. There is a legend that Wesley said when here that Wesley- anism would never flourish here, and this appeared to be the only words of his retained. This statement is scarcely credible, not only because Wesley had too much common sense to pretend to tell the future, but because also the statement is not borne out in his journal. He appears to have hoped to the end that the Church of England itself would adopt his methods. Be that as it may, ^A^esleyans appear to have met for worship (at some place which cannot be located) in 1812. From 1 81 5, when the French Prisoners had left the town, they met more or less regularly at a room which had been either built expressly for, or used by, the French officers as billiard room, in what is now called Lock's Lane, until some time in 1826. I beheve they ceased meeting about that time. By 1838, or a year later at the outside, they had fitted up a little chapel in the Post Office lane, where Mr. Mead now has a cottage built. It was approached from the lane by several steps, and was calculated to hold about 30 people at most. Mr. George Crocker, an ironmonger here, and who died a few years since at Dorchester, was one of the main supporters. The pulpit was supplied by local preachers, and here were the sacraments administered. On Mr. Crocker leaving for Yeovil, I believe the society languished and died out. After a while, the chapel in Lock's Lane was again opened and carried on vigorously ; a strong choir with violins and 'cellos was started. At times the little place was crowded. Alas ! to die out again. The Primitive Methodists then had a trial, and only failed. Being vacant, the Mormonites then had the chapel, their leader being a Mr. Barnett Giles, a converted Jew, who lived in the High Street. This was about 1848. Giles was still living here in 1861. At last it became so rowdy that 73 Nonconformists in Wincanton. Giles was in danger of his life ; windows were smashed ; Giles himself was chased through the streets followed by a howling mob. At last Dr. Surrage, to whom the building belonged, had it taken down. Some of the Mormonites followed their convictions, and went with their families to Utah, others withdrew from the connection. Meanwhile the " Methodists " had no place of meeting. Those who still were Wesleyans in principle met with other churches, biding their time. Within living memory there were five malthouses in the parish. All were closed before 1873. In that year "The New Malt- house" in Rockhill was for sale. The Wesleyans of the Sherborne District and the Good Templars bought part of the premises, and divided it between them ; the Wesleyans, however, worshipped in the Good Templars' Lodge Room till May, 1877, when they purchased the front part and fitted it up as a chapel at a cost of ^430. The founders have gone into the other life but their works do follow them. Wesleyanism now appears to be locally on a firm basis, and the Society is on the lookout for a more central position on which to build a new chapel. The Baptists. A brief history of the early years of the Baptist Church is still in existence. It is ex parte, but inasmuch as no one living can from memory give, perhaps, a better account, and there is a certain vigour in this one, it is now adopted almost in its entirety. *' In the year 1826, the Rev. Wm. Skinner (for many years minister of the Union Chapel, Bruton) supplied at the Independent chapel in this town with a view to the pastoral office. At the close of his probation, the church and congre- gation gave him an invitation to become their pastor. The government of the church had long been in other hands. A committee, composed of persons, the greater part of whom were destitute of piety but men of influence and money, decided that Mr. Skinner should leave, and they called in four neighbouring ministers who confirmed their decision. Many of Mr. Skinner's friends, among whom was Mr. George Day» who had been a deacon for twelve years, satisfied that such government was unscriptural, and influenced by concern for the purity of the church of Christ, separated from them and rented a small chapel which had been relinquished by the Wesleyan Methodists. This place was opened for Divine worship on September 3rd, 1826. By the united efforts of the people, neighbouring ministers were obtained to supply for 74 Nonconformists in Wincanton. about sixteen months. At that time a young man was recom- mended as a candidate for the pastoral office over them. The pious part of the congregation could not hear him with profit. Mr. Day, taking part with them, opposed his coming ; the result was that several families who had left the Independents returned thither again, and left Mr. Day and a few others to maintain the worship of God (in this little chapel). Having taken the most prominent and active part in the separation, and since that time, Mr. Day was looked up to by the people to carry on the interest, as being chiefly poor they were unable to pay the expense of supplies. Mr. Day had been accustomed to preach in the villages and for ministers who had come here, and the people urged him to preach to them also "all the words of this life." This was in February, 1828. Considering that there was no alternative but to preach or close the doors, Mr. Day accepted the invitation and occupied the pulpit to the satisfaction of the people, and with an evident Divine blessing resting upon his labours, inasmuch as the congregation increased in numbers rapidly, and many began to enquire " What must I do to be saved ? " Still there was no church formed, and the attention of the people began to be directed towards that object. Meanwhile a woman of the congregation brought her infant to Mr. Day and requested him to baptise it. This circumstance led him to think on the subject, and to examine the New Testament for proof of the scriptural ground of infant baptism, and from want of any such evidence he was constrained to make an open acknowledgment before the people of the change in his views, and of his intention to attend to the ordinance of believers' baptism by immersion. Seven others declared their willingness to accom- pany him ; accordingly they were baptised at Yeovil, and on the 19th July, 1829, Mr. Chapman of Yeovil attended, when the church was formed. In October, Mr. Day was called to the pastorate, and he was ordained in April, 1830." On the 26th April, 1832, the first stone of the present chapel was laid ; the corner stone was laid on the 30th of the same month, and the chapel was completed and opened for worship on June 20th, 1833. There were two rooms at the back which served for Sunday School until 1887, and for British Schools for several years between 1833 ^^^ 1840. Mr. Day, in consequence of blindness and other infirmities, resigned in 1857, after 29 years' service, 16 of them without any reward but in his work. He died on loth March, 1858, aged 71 years. Rev. James Hannam, who for many years was minister of the Baptist Church, Bourton, Dorset, succeeded Mr. Day here 75 Nonconformists in Wincanton. in February, 1858, and continued until his death on February gth, 1872, aged 63 years. There are marble tablets to the memory of these worthies in the chapel they loved so well. Rev. George Charlesworth became pastor in September, 1872, and closed his ministry in August, 1878. Rev. George Hider succeeded in March, 1879, and remained till June, 1886. Rev. John Brown followed in June, 1887. During his pastorate, very great changes were effected in the buildings ; the new school rooms in the front were erected at a cost of about ^600, and the chapel renovated, which involved an out- lay of about ;^4oo. He left in consequence of broken health, in igoo, to the regret, not only of the church where he laboured, but of the whole neighborhood. Rev. Joseph Beaupr6 succeeded, commencing his pastorate on June 23rd, igoi. He is the present minister. All the institutions of the Society are maintained by him and a staff of lay workers. 76 Inns of the Parish. The Inns of the Parlsti. It is obvious that a history of Wincanton would be very incomplete if all reference to its public-houses was omitted. "Wincanton has been noted for several years as having a large number of places of worship, but it will be seen that the number of public -houses has by far exceeded the churches and chapels. It may even be true, that — *' Where God erects a house of prayer, The devil builds a chapel there ; It will be found, upon examination, That the devil has the larger congregation." Be that as it may, let us tell our story. In the years 1574-7 there were but 100 Inns in the County of Somerset. Besides these were 16 taverns and 215 tippling houses or ale-houses. The latter were for the most part kept by women, who kept open during the greater part of the night. The proprietors were required by law to have a lantern hanging at the door until 9 o'clock in the evening, at which time they were expected to close. At these houses home-brewed ale was retailed at a half-penny per gallon ! Inns were for the use of travellers, who required beds for themselves and stabling for their horses. At these Inns, doctors met their patients and lawyers their clients. At some of these Inns the signs were of a gorgeous description and very costly. In 1558, there was in this parish only one Inn mentioned by name and that was " The Hart." It was a corner house situated on the South side of the High Street, and at that time held by the heirs of Henry Williams. On the opposite side of the said High Street there was a brewhouse called " Prior's House," probably beforetime the property of the Prior of Stavordale, but at the time in question held by one John Vining, a name of which there was an unconscionable number at that time and after. It may be that where " The Hart " stood became the site of " The White Horse," it being a common occurrence to change the name. "The Angel.'* In High Street. The site now occupied by one shop of Mr.G.F.Benjafield. Kept in or about 1678 by Jasper Stacey. 1774 — Andrew Ivy. 1 7g2 — Angel Lane is mentioned in the accounts of the FeofTees. 77 Inns of the Parish. 1797 — ^James Thorn. 1801 — Joseph Hutchings. Census of that year. 181 1 — John Way. Census of that year. Apparently Way was the last tenant who held a license in this house, for people to be " drunk on the premises." Mr. Melhuish, after this, kept a wine and spirit store here. He was followed by Mrs. John Goodfellow, who had a ladies' school. Some time in the thirties, Mr. George Russell, senr., opened a drapery shop, and called it " London House." After several other changes of tenants it still bears this name. "The Bear Inn," Market Place. 1720 is the date on the sundial on the front, bearing the initials P.R.D. (Roger and Diana Perrior.) 1745 — John Webb's name for Poor rate stands for the Bear. 1767 — His name is still found against it. A Feoffees' meeting held, here in that year. 1770 — Mr. and Mrs. Leach were here, and in that year both appear to have died. Then Mr. James Bacon, late butler to the Rev. Mr. Sandford, near Taunton, entered, and was here in 1774. In 1784, Mr. Oliver, who succeeded Mr. Bacon, was then quitting. In 1 79 1, Mr. James Lintern, afterwards landlord of the Greyhound Hotel, was in possession. He held it till 1801, when John Perrior entered. His name again appears as land- lord in 181 1. In 1820, Diana Perrior, widow, entered on a new lease of 7 years. In 1824, Daniel English married the widow. Three years later the name of Mrs. English occurs. In 1830, the name of Daniel English again appears. It is said that he came from the Ship of East Stower to the Bear, and when he left went to the Half Moon at Horsington. The same is said of Thomas Grist, who followed him here. During Mr. Grist's occupation the house was flourishing ; the coaches stopped here, a dozen or so every day, but the Railways made great havoc with the trade. In 1861, Mr. William Newman was here. During his time, an old quaint part of the house was taken down and modernised. After Mr. Newman's death and that of Mrs. Newman, there were several changes ; first Mr. Miller, then Mr. Yells in May, 1879 5 Mr. Ford, now of Sturminster, came in 1884 and left in 1886. Mr, Henry William Andrews came on 19th April, 1886, and died on April 5th, 1887. Mrs. Andrews, his widow, carried on the business till her death on June ist, 1902. The license is now held by the husband of one of her sisters, namely, Mr. W. J. Dyke. 78 Inns of the Parish. The name Perrior was a well known one in the parish, and Roger was a frequent christian name in the family. The last of the name lived in Church Street. Until the last few years a headstone marked his grave. It bore the following inscription : " To the memory of Roger Perrior, who died June loth, 1825, aged 73 years. " Here lies a Man who kept his Word As far as Mortal could, To greive for him would be absurd, Because his Life was good ; He liv'd and Dy'd an honest Man, Go thou and do the same ; 'Twill recommend the Gospel plan, And yield thee endless Fame." "The Bell." In South Street, where Stuckey's bank stands. 1608. Left by will of Thomas Ewens, of Kingston, Yeovil, in trust for the poor of Wincanton. 1693. Conveyed by Robert Freke to Richard Churchey and others. i6gg. Granted by Philip Bennett and others for lives to Thomas Beacon. 1 72 1. In possession of Mr. Wm. Plucknett, who held it for lives. 1752. Mr. Henry Plucknett, jeweller, took a 99 years' lease of it, depending on the lives of his wife and Dr. Roseamzer for ^30 in hand and 10/- per annum. 1774. Mr. Hindley was the holder of the lease. Land Tax Return. 1823. Richard Ring is mentioned as having held it on the life of Mrs. Hindley, but who had recently died. About this date a new house was erected by a Mr. Barrett, to whom it was granted for three lives. The house cost Mr. Barrett ;^5oo to build, and he paid a ground rent of £-2. per annum. Stuckey's Banking Company purchased the interest of the lessees, and a few years since bought the freehold, when they greatly enlarged the house. "The Black Lyon" or "Lyon." Stood in the market place where Mr. J. C. Hinks' shop now stands. With the exception of the shop windows it looks very much as when built. " Benjamin Lewys," or as the token issued in 1667 calls him " Ben Lewes," was living there when the token was made. There were three of the same name 79 Inns of the Parish. living in the parish at that time. Ben died in 1679. He belonged to a family of some position, himself being churchwarden in 1667. In 1 710, a " Mr. Smith " was landlord there. In 1736, Bernard James occupied the house, and was there in 1745. In 1774, Mr. William Day paid Land Tax on the house. By 1 806, it had been transformed into a bank, and was occupied by Mr. Thomas Garrett. In 1822, James Longman married Mary Hine, and carried on the business of a draper. He died in 1844 when his widow succeeded him. She gave up to her son, S. H. Longman, who carried on the business for many years. He died in 1886, when his widow succeeded. She retired, and disposed of the business in 1 891 to Mr, J. C. Hinks, who is now in possession. "The Britannia" on Rock Hill. 1827. Opened by Robert Gutch, continued by his widow, and by Mary Gutch his daughter till 1862, when it was closed by Mr. E. Crouch, who went there to live. "The Crown. '» Now No. 14, Market Place — Shewen's Ironmongery. Although ttais has not been used as a public-house for many years, it was formerly one of the most flourishing in the town. If it does not date back as far as the White Horse, (which it probably does,) it had existed long enough by 1662 to have changed its name. It can be clearly traced back to the date mentioned as "The Crown," and some time previous to that date as " The King's Arms." It was a place of some importance, inasmuch as it covered a considerable portion of ground, including the whole of Mr, Shewen's present premises, from the High Street back to the end of the garden ; Mr. Blake's, if not Mr. Knight's house ; and Mr. Eden's stores, in the White Horse Lane. There were several stables in connection with it, known as " The long stable," " The shelf stable," and "The hackney stable." In 1662, the occupier was " Gartrude Baunton." The surname is that of the owners of Roundhill, who succeeded the Dyers, to whom they were related. It is probable that this Gartrude was the widow of Henry Bayntun, who died in 1641 ; several of that surname are mentioned in the parish register as " gent." Her name does not appear in the parish register, unless she married again, in which case the entry would be made under her new name. In 1678, it was occupied by Petev Stone, who at that time 80 Inns of the Parish. had several licensed houses, as this list shows. Here he died in 1695. One wife died before him, but he appears to have married another, who outlived him. Peter does not appear to have been the owner, the property apparently having passed in 1662 to John Vining, the owner of the White Horse, who at that time divided the buildings, granting the upper part to Walter Henderson, shoemaker, for 99 years. In 1707, the lower and larger premises, namely, "The Crown," were owned by Samuel Cross, but they were in that year transferred to Thomas Gapper, of Suddon. Margaret Way was the tenant. For a long period I find no trace of the owners or occupiers, nor any mkling as to when it ceased to be a licensed house. In 1736, Samuel Cross was carrying on the trade of a turner on the premises. In 1745, his son John had succeeded him. It appears as if the last named Cross was followed by a Mr. Harry Cooper, upholsterer, who was an elderly man. On the first Sunday in August, 1794, he had been to Redlynch in a "one-horse shay" and was returning, when he was thrown out, one of his legs broken, and he was otherwise injured. He died soon after, leaving his widow in the business, which she carried on " With an assistant until she can get a purchaser." In the following year. Angel Cooper, the widow, disposed of her business to a Mr. Robert Dowding. In the census of 1801, Robert Dowding is described as a joiner. In 181 1, Harry Cooper, auctioneer, was living in the house. He was Secretary of the French Masonic Lodge, " Le paix desiree." Mrs. Cooper appears to have been in business in the house in 1830. She must have been followed shortly after by Mr. George Crocker, who removed to Yeovil about 1840, when Mr. Thomas Richards entered and remained till his death in February, 1889. In the next month the business was divided ; Mr. J. W. Eden purchasing the grocery, which had been for a few years carried on in the house below, and Messrs. Wm. and George Gilbert taking the ironmongery. They remained till February, 1895, when they dissolved partnership ; Mr. John Shewen then entered and is still in possession. "The Dolphin Inn." This house was in 1774 called the Rainbow Inn, and was kept by William Harvey. In 1794, it was occupied by Robert Bessant under the name of " Daulphin." He remained till 1817, in which year he died. 81 Inns of the Parish, In 1826, George Lapham was living there. 1830 — John Lapham's name appears in a County Direct- ory. Query should he not have been described as George ? 1840 — George Forward was in possession. 1841 — Thomas Nimrod White went there and remained till March, 1861, when he drowned himself in a water-tank ! 1861 — Charles Hunt, who left the Swan Inn, now entered, and carried on baking business as well. He died on his 51st birthday, February 2nd, 1875. The house and business were then sold. A Mr. Palmer occupied the premises for three years, when 1878 — Mr. Charles Howes migrated from the New Inn to the Dolphin, and for many years carried on the dual businesses. Some years ago he declined the baking Id favour of farming. "The Five Bells." Now Mr. Hutchings' Tailoring Establishment in Market Place. In 1774, kept under this name by Rachel, widow of William Jones. It had formerly been known as the " Hare and Hounds," and was afterwards again changed to " The Trooper." "The Fountain." 1678 — Owned by Peter Stone. Authority, Borough Rents. "The George." Now owned and occupied by Mr. George Lock. In 1 67 1, Mr. William Swanton lived there. Hence the orchard at the back was until recent years known as "Swanton's Orchard." "Spring Close" was also called " Swanton's." In 1678, it was kept by "Swanton's heirs," Mr. Swanton having died in 1671. At another time "George de Forweille" lived there. In 1792, Thomas Yeo kept the house, as an advertisement in the " Salisbury and Winchester Journal" for October 15th of that year shows. The advertisement runs, viz. — " Andrew Ivey, Wincanton, deceased. To be perempt- orily sold by auction by J. Hoddinott, auctioneer, at the White Horse Inn. The fee simple and inheritance of the following lands situate in Wincanton, late the lands of Mr. Andrew Ivey, deceased. The George Inn, situate near the market place, now rented by Thomas Yeo, &c." A different advertisement appeared a week later with the following 82 Inns of the Parish. description : — " The George Inn being a stone built roomj' house, with outhouses, large stable, garden, &c. Situate neaf to and very convenient for the market, now rented by Thomas Yeo as tenant at will." From that time it has been used for the business of butcher. For many years, embracing three generations, the Oborn family lived there, but from 1877 it has been occupied by Mr. Lock. The house was greatly enlarged about the year 1848. "The George Inn," At the foot of Mill Street. In 1836-7, it was opened by William Lindsey, carrier, (who had vacated the White Hart previous to its demolition.) He carried it on till his death. He was succeeded by his widow. Henry Vining followed, and he was succeeded by his widow. In i86t, William Hale was in occupation, and was followed by his widow. She was successively followed by Messrs. Foot, Hole, Warren, and William Rex. On October i6th, 1897, Robert George Henning entered and still occupies the premises. "The Golden Lion." 1736. William Day. 1745. — Harebottle. "The Greyhound " Has been for many years one of the principal Inns of the town ; probably so named in honour of the Churchey family. It formerly bore the royal arms because the body of the Duke of Sussex once lay there, and Queen Victoria as a child spent a night there. On the front, too, was painted " Inland Revenue Office." 1743 is the year in which I find the first reference to it in the parish books. In 1760, a Mr. Wm. Way advertised it to be let as "A new built house." In 1780, John Thorne kept it. In 1783, "Assembly held there every Thursday nearest the full moon." In 1797, James Thorne advertised it as " Built within a few years." (37 years is a trifle !) In 1801, Thomas Moore was living there. In 1803, James Lintern died there, (see his epitaph under the yew tree in the churchyard.) His wife Elizabeth after- wards carried on the business, at least till 1808. She died in 1812. 83 Inns of the Parish. In 1810, John Horwood was there. His widow succeeded him. In 1820, it was offered to let or for sale. In 1824, John Albin Baily was in possession and remained until May 8th, 1872, when Mr. Thomas Sherring entered. He dying there, Mrs. Sherring carried on the business for some years till 24th January, i88g, when Mr. W. T. Goodfellow look on. 31st May, 1894, Mr. W. A. Woolfrey entered. 14th June, 1897, Mr. W. H. Dudderidge succeeded. 20th July, 1898, Mrs. Hunter followed and is in possession. "The Greyhound Tap," At the top of Rockhill, North Street. 1 861. — Opened for Railway men at the making of the Railway, and kept by John Dowding as an adjunct to the Greyhound. Mr. John Baily retired there in 1872, and died there on Aug. loth, 1882, aged 81 ; buried at Cricklade. " Half Moon." 1792. — "To be sold by auction by Mr. J. Hoddinott, Auctioneer. A dwelling house and garden near the Upper Turnpike gate, now occupied by George Hutchings, some time since a public-house called the Half Moon. To view apply to Mr. Perrior at the White Horse." Salisbury Journal, Oct. 15th, 1792. " Hare and Hounds." See also " Five Bells " and *' Trooper." 1710. — Thomas Andrews was the occupier, and after his decease Ann his widow. "The Hart." 1558. — On the South side of the High Street, occupied by the heirs of Henry Williams. See Burgage List. "Hit or Miss." No. 27, Mill Street. 1830 or about, kept by one Stone. "The Hog in Armour." The house at Shatterwell Shoots. The only account of this is a tradition. Within living memory there was a hole in the wall outside, where it was said the topers rested their cups. There were also steps leading to a footpath to Dancing Lane. Alas ! this path has gone out of use. 84 Inns of the Parish. "The King's Arms." In Market Place some time before 1662. See *' The Crown." "The King's Arms." High Street, where Mr. Maddocks lives. 1830. — Opened by William Loxton, baker, and continued till some time in the forties, when he left for Sherborne. It was a celebrated place for the baking of Sunday dinners. Continued till about 1861 by one Pedwell, publican and baker. "The King's Head." In 1768, standing on part of the ground on which the Town Hall now stands, being held for a long period for the benefit of the church, but at the date mentioned said to have "fallen into a ruinous condition." In 1705 rented by Jerom Hill, later by William Hill and Edward Matthews. In 1768, it was granted at ;^5 per annum to the Feoffees of the Fairs and Markets, when new buildings were erected thereon. It has borne the same ground rent of £5 per annum from that time to this day. •'The Lamb." Site unknown. 1736 to 1745 — Robert Pearce, occupier. (Old rate books.) "The London Inn." Position not known. Query what had been called the "Angel Inn" and afterwards "London House"? In 1816, advertised to be Let, apply to Mr. Blandford. (See Salisbury Journal of that year.) "The New Inn." 1793 — Kept by Charles Thick. 1797 — Charles Thick. 1801 — William Stacey. 181 1 — ,, ,, (census) 1822— Mr. MuUett. 1830 — Samuel Stacey. 1 861 — Elizabeth Stacey. 1880 — Charles Howes. 1882 — John Parsons. 1900, 30th April — Joseph Brooks. " Prince of Wales." On Bayford Hill or Conduit Hill. 85 Inns of the Parish. 1848, or near that time, opened by George Green, a carpenter, by the name of " The Rising Sun," and kept by him until his death, continued by his widow. The present house was built by Isaac March. It has had many tenants, and is now kept by G. R. Sweetman. "The Queen." 1678. Owned by Peter Stone. (Authority— Borough Rents.) "The Railway Inn" In Tything. 1861, or about, by Giles Stacey. Continued by Charles Howes, and since then by several tenants. The new house, built by Mr. Clementina in 1897, is now kept by Mr. Atkins Hill. " Railway Refreshment Rooms." About 1861. Since occupied by Charles Cross Henry Hunt James Mead — Martin Thomas Johnston 1897 — Frank Henry Francis. "The Rainbow."— 5w ''Dolphin." 1774 — William Harvey. (Wincanton Land Tax.) "The Red Lion," in the Market Place. lyg^ — Occupied by Elizabeth Winter. 1801 — „ „ Elizabeth Edwards. 1807 — Henry Cox gave up possession. 181 1 — Joseph Hutchings. Died 1843, aged 79. 1843 — Alice Lapham. Died 3rd September, 1S73. Gideon Gale. 1861 — Thomas Sherring. Samson Fry. Walter Godwin. Henry Lewis. John Thomas. 86 Inns of the Parish. 1880 — John Parsons. 1883, April 30th — Joseph Brooks. i88g, Feb. 25th — John Burt. 1892, Feb. 29th — Sarah Ann Burt. Sarah Ann Stephens. 1902, April 28th — Charles Cowdrey. "The Rising Sun." Opened about 1848 in that name by George Green, con- tinued after his death by his widow, afterwards changed to the " Prince of Wales." "The Seven Stars." Kept by William Ivy in 1659, as his tokens (still to be sometimes seen) show. Situation unknown. William Ivy was churchwarden of the parish in 1668, and in 1687. He probably died between the last named year and 1693, during which period the parish register is lost. "The Sun." 1730 — " Kept by one Gilbert." Castle Cary Visitor, April, 1898.) "The Swan Inn." Where Mr. Woodcock's coachbuilding is now carried on. 1678 — Mr. Tucker. Query Robert who was buried on January i8th, 1683. 1 71 2, Aug. 4th — Referred to as Feoffees' meeting held there. Name not given. 1725, Oct. i8th — Feoffees' meeting held there. 1751 — Mr. Dove. (Feoffees' accounts, 1763.) 1752— „ ( » M ^75€>, I759-) 1774 — William Harvey. 1790 — Sold by William Andrews, cooper, to Silas Blandford, senr. 1791 — George Deane, jun., owner, John Coward, occupier. 181 1— Mrs. Elizabeth Way. 1813 — John Perrott. 181 7 — Silas Blandford, surgeon, sold it for £1,100 to William Thorn of Compton Pauncefote. 1820 — Benjamin Maggs, owner. „ Thomas Hill took it for 7 years' lease at ;^30 per annum. 1827 — Thomas Hill was still there. 1829 — William Luxton. 87 Inns of the Parish. 1830 — William Lapham. 1840 — — Forward. Thomas Green. Eneas Reakes. 1878 — C. H. Woodcock purchased the property. " Trooper Inn." Now Mr. R. R. Hutchings' establishment. Formerly named at different times the "Five Bells" and "Hare and Hounds." 1723— Occupied by Samuel White. Used as a butcher's shop and slaughter house. i774_Widow Mitchell. " Five Bells." iyg6 — WiUiam Jones. Rebuilt about this date. 1801 — Rachel Jones, widow. 181 1 — Thomas Slade. Died in 1834. 1840 — Catherine Slade. Died in 1855. 1841— Thomas Nimrod White. 4 cottages were taken down to build stables, when a garden was made into a stable yard and a bowling alley erected. 1841 — James Stay. 1861 — Richard Jenkins Bedford. 1872 — Thomas Sherring left for the Greyhound, when it was closed as a licensed house and sold 1873 — to Mr. JamesSweetman, who opened a Temperance Hotel there. 1878 — Messrs. Hutchings purchased it and removed into it soon after. Mr. R. R. Hutchings, who remains. "Uncle Tom's Cabin.*' May, 1861 — Thomas Green opened it. Since by George Ingram Green, who is in possession. "The Victoria Inn.'* In Tything. Now Perrett's smithy. About 1840 onwards kept by James Cousins. "The White Hart." This is the most perplexing of all the public-houses to deal with, for the reason that there have been several of the same name. The one first in point of time was situated where Mr. J. W. Eden's shop now is. The first reference I can find to it is in 1678, when it was owned, I believe, by Robert Ivy, and tenanted by Peter Stone. The said Peter was, as far as 88 Inns of the Parish. holding many licenses in the town, the Messrs. Matthews of that day. Peter died here in 1695. Probably, at Peter's death the license dropped. The ownership soon after changed into the Gapper family, and from Edmund Gapper of Charlton Adam, and Thomas Gapper of Bayford, on the 13th Nov., 1 71 8, it passed to Edward Tatum of Wincanton, apothecary. The deed of conveyance says — "All that messuage, &c., formerly called by the name of ' The White Hart,' adjoining the Crown Inn, now the house of Samuel Cross, on the East, the house of John Galley on the West." It is probable that Mr. Tatum had occupied the house for some years, even in the time of Thomas Gapper, who died at Suddon in 1710. In 1758, Richard Lewis, silversmith, owned the property, the occupier being Thomas Harris. In 1799, John Carpenter purchased it with the house adjoining on the West. He kept both houses in his own hands. The upper shop he lived in and carried on the business of cutler, in i8oi and 181 1, as the census of each of these years proves. Mary Carpenter at both these periods is described as shopkeeper, and living where Mrs. Buck's shop now is. In 1812, John Carpenter died intestate, when the property came to his only daughter, Mary, the wife of Richard Ring, solicitor. In 1830, Mr. Henry Goodfellow lived there. In 1835, Edward Richards. After him, George Bond, shoemaker, lived there for many years. In 1835, Mr. Edwin Deane bought both houses of Richard Ring, senr., and Richard Ring, junr., for the sum of ;^590, when he rebuilt the lower house to correspond with his other buildings adjoining. In 1878, Mr. Thomas Richards' new shop was built on the site. On Mr. Richards' death, Mr. Eden entered, and is now both owner and occupier, "The White Hart." Another " White Hart " stood where Messrs. John Walton's shop now is. In 1754, I find a reference to it as a meeting place for the Feoffees. No landlord's name is given in the Feoffees accounts till 1764, when the name of Mr. Robert Carryer is mentioned. It may be interesting to show how necessary the Feoffees of that day found it to " moisten their clay." Here are copies of two bills incurred by them whilst attending to their public functions. — 89 Inns of the Parish. "1780, 20 Aprill- — Suppers Punch 4 3 Beer Tobacco and fire Servant 3 I I 4 12 4" On the back of the bill is the name of Mr. Carryer. Another bill of an earlier date is still more interesting. "19th Oct., 778. Expenses at the White Hart, Wincanton. Suppers 3 o Punch 5 o Beer, &c., Brandy 4 o Firing, &c. i o Maid 10 14 o ig Oct., 1778 — Received of Mr. Messiter. Robt. Carryer." The Feoffees of these degenerate days find their business much more dry than did their predecessors of 120 years ago. This, however, is a digression. In 1 801, the census shows George Way to be in possession. In 181 1, Joseph Lemon. In 1830, James Dyer, who some now living remember. In 1836-7, Mr. William Lindsey lived there, when the house was rebuilt but not re-licensed. Mr. Chick, hairdresser, occupied, and kept a bear in the window, from which he was said to manufacture " Bear's Grease " as his customers required it. After that, for many years, Mr. Uriah Jacobs kept a china shop there, in which he was succeeded by Mr. George Gilbert. Messrs. Walton are now in occupation. "The White Hart" in Church Street. 1840, or about, kept by Amor, butcher and publican. "The White Horse." The name of " White Horse" first appears in 1655, when John Vining was in possession, having succeeded his father^ Robert Vining. He was in his turn succeeded by " Widdow Dickory " in 1678, she being some connection, apparently, of the said John, inasmuch as two years previously, when her son died, he was called John Vining Dickory. She died in 1682. In 1684, another John Vining died, and he is described as "son of John Vining of 'The White Horse.'" This John, senr., died in 1703, when yet another John Vining carried on the business till his death in 1720. I think it probable that James Vining came next, who became one of the Feoffees in 90 Inns of the Parish. 1725, but who did not live till the next appointment in 1742. George Deane was in occupation in 1736. How long he had been in possession, and whether as owner or tenant, I have no information. I find his name as churchwarden in 1735, continuing till 1739. He was still there in 1745. John Deane succeeded in 1746, I believe, and remained many years. In 1765, he became one of the Feoffees. He died in 1785. The date 1733, cut in the keystone of the arch over the door, is probably correct, or nearly so, as the time when the house was rebuilt by Ireson for George Deane. Probably also, the carved stone horse was then erected for the first time. There is every appearance of it having been put in blocks and sculptured after being in situ. This carving remained till 1872, when it was taken down. Its erection, obviously, was not the origin of the name of the Inn. Roger Perrior became the landlord after John Deane's death in 1785, and he was there in 1792. In 1 801, when the census was taken, the name of Thomas Deane appears as the occupier. In 181 1, in the next census returns, William Card was in occupation. In 1819, Robert Tite was owner and occupier. In 1829-32, 1 find the name of Thomas Dring as occupier 1832 — Elisha Acourt. 1834 — Mary Acourt. 1838 — John Smith. 1840 — George Major. 1842 — Mr. Samuel Sly opened the house as a wine and spirit merchant. 1864 — Mr. Samuel Deanesly took the business, and his father retired. 1887 — Mr. Richard Deanesly succeeded his father, and continues the business. "The White Lyon." 1774 — Charles Edwards. (Wincanton Land Tax.) Position not known. 91 WiNCANTON Town Clocks. Wincanton Town Clocks. In Collinson's History of Somerset, published in 1791, when referring to the parish church of Wincanton, the writer says — " At the West end is a plain square tower, containing a clock and five bells." As there are no marks, externally or internally, in the masonry of the present church tower of any arrangements for a clock, it may be questioned if the reference to a clock was correct. There are, however, to this day, lying about in the tower, several clock wheels, which presumably belonged to the clock mentioned by Collinson. In 1793, the top of the tower was taken off, and a new story added. In the year 1732, there were but four bells in the tower, and one of those was "cracked" or "craized." On the 8th day of August in that year, the churchwardens of that day, namely, Benjamin Combe and Thomas Harris, agreed with William Cockey of Frome, bell-founder, to re-cast the fourth or tenor bell, and add a fifth, to make the whole tunable, and keep them so for a twelve-month. No mention is made in the agreement of any clock, though it was no doubt there. Perhaps it was in a turret at the top of the tower ; if so, it remained until the new story was added to the tower and the present six bells were cast and hung in the year 1793. Having no money value, it is not strange that the iron wheels were left about. Had they been of brass, or even lead, they would have been probably transmuted into beer by the workmen long ago. What went with the clock bell, there is nothing to show. It is evident, however, that there was no new clock added in 1793. These scraps are all I can trace of the Church clock. But this was not the only Town clock. There is every probability that the old town of Wincanton was a collection of houses at the bottom of the town. Here the roads from Exeter, Bristol, and the West generally con- verged. Here the church was built ; here were the poor- houses and stocks ; here the mill, and such water supply as there was. In the upper part of the town, the houses instead of facing the street had gables projecting ; even within living memory there were gabled houses at the Bear Hotel, at the East Gate, and the house of Mr. Joseph Osmond's, the latter 92 WiNCANTON Town Clocks. still remaining. Only as communication was opened by constant road waggons and coaches did the houses form regular streets, and then were builded low, two-storied houses, such as those just above Mr. Alfred Edwards', of which sort were nearly all the houses in High Street only a century ago. The town appears to have been growing into importance in the latter days of the reign of Queen Elizabeth and onwards. We are indebted to weaving and spinning for the extension of the town, and of course with these industries the growth of population. Where our Town buildings now stand there was in the year 1616, and how long before I will not attempt to define, two or three unimportant cottages, one of them a public-house called "The King's Head" ; whether by that is meant the head of the King, or the head, — that is, principal, leading, or King's Inn, — in the same way as the principal mill was the " King's Mill," or the best road the " King's highway," I am not sure. Here, however, was the " King's Head " Inn, and near by was the " Prior's House," no doubt the property of the Prior of Stavordale. This cottage property belonged to the churchwardens, in trust for the church. In the said year, 1616, the churchwardens leased this property for 99 years to one Barnabie Lewis. No mention in the deed of that year is made of any town clock, but in the year 1644, a portion of this property was granted by Walter Tyte of Wincanton, gent, and Lewis Ludwell of Bruton, mercer, to John Dyttye and Walter Ivaye in the following terms. — "All that dwelling house, wherein the said John Dyttye now dwelleth, conteyning three rooms, viz., a haule, a shoppe, and a chamber over them." In this deed there was a reservation unto the grantors, that there should be " Sufficient roome and authority for the letting, placing, mayntayning and keeping of the clock, in, upon and against several of the premises, at, in, and upon the place where the same clock now standeth." Apparently, therefore, the clock had been recently placed there for the con- venience of those who lived East of the church, and for the market people generally. The Barnabie Lewis referred to was at that time patron of the living of Wincanton ; from him, I believe, the present Bishop of Southwark is lineally descended. From 1688 to 1701, the premises on which the clock stood were in the possession of a William Biddlecombe, whose name is still retained in " Biddlecombe's Orchard " (not now an orchard, however) on Bayford Hill, adjoining "Town Close" or " Ways Gardens." Now a clock not only requires a 93 WiNCANTON Town Clocks. maker, but some one to look after it, to wind, clean and repair it, and I am happily able to say by whom these duties were performed for a long period. John Beacon had the care of it till the year of his death, 1700. He carried on the business of a blacksmith. Alice Beacon, widow of John, carried on his business until 171 1, when she died. During this period she had the town clock under her care ; no doubt she did it by proxy, probably by her son, — Thomas Beacon, who, taking on in 171 1, continued at any rate until 1732. The Beacons, however, who enjoyed the salary of 24/- per annum, were not competent to repair the said clock. William Cockey, before mentioned, attended to this department. He was a skilled workman, and probably migrated to Frome, and perhaps founded the business still carried on by a firm of the same name to this day. Cockey was churchwarden here in 1692, 1693, ai^d 1703." In 171 1, he repaired the clock at a cost of 29/-. 1719, he re-cast the bell for 7/-. 1 72 1, he again repaired the clock for 7/6. This clock, having been in use for about a century, was either worn out or was not considered good enough for the people of that day, was superseded in 1741, when not only was a new clock made but a new clock-maker comes on the scene. John Andrews (pronounced Andress) made the new clock at a cost of ;^i2-i2s. Next year he made a new vane costing 23/6. People not only wanted to know the time, but how the wind blew. He also put a new lead ball, weighing 30-lbs., for which he charged 9/6, and for two bookes of leafe gold he was paid 7/-. It looks as if at this early date the appearance of the clock was approximating to that of the clock of 1877. Osmond Cross, in 1746 a well-known Wincanton clock-maker, had charge of the clock. It would not do to leave a twelve guinea clock to the care of an ordinary blacksmith. In 1755, O.C. put a new clapper to the " Ting Tang," so we see from this that the " Ting Tang " was quite an ancient institution. This bell was used for calling the people together. It was also used as a fire bell, for fires were frequent in the days of, all but, universal thatched houses, (the present bell can be used in this way) but it was chiefly used for calling the people to church, the lad who rang it receiving 3d. each time for his services. He had to use some judgment in this. He generally began ten minutes before 1 1 and 6 on Sundays, and to stop so as to allow the clock to strike the hour properly. I am not 94 WiNGANTON Town Clocks, quite sure, but I think the " Ting Tang " was used till the destruction of the hall by fire. In 1756, William Mitchell put a new line to the clock at a cost of 5/1. Mr. Richard Lewis, clockmaker, attended to the clock at the extravagant salary of 21/- per annum, in 1760. In 1761, he supplied a new "Ting Tang" at a cost of ;^7"^7'3- This must have involved the re-casting, and probably enlarging, the bell, or else why such a large outlay ? In 1771, Mr. Oatley's bill for painting the vanes amounted to 25/-. At the same time he painted and gilded the clock at a cost of £2-6-g. Now we come to an astounding piece of business. In 1768, some lawless people destroyed the old Market house, which till then stood in the Shambles. This involved the building of a new market house and town hall in that year. Now whether the clock was injured by taking down the cottages, does not appear, but the painting of the vanes above referred to, seems to show that the expense had been just incurred. I doubt if it had ; I rather incline to believe that the work had been done before the new buildings were erected. Anyhow, the twelve guinea clock had to be repaired. George Way, another clock-maker, repaired it, but when- ever done it was not paid for until 1796, his bill being ^^ig-ig-g ! Mr. E. Hussey at the same time did the necessary wood- work, which cost ^21-17-2, and which was not paid for till 1797. I doubt if our fore-fathers did not do without a town clock for some years ; if they did not, the clock-makers and clock-framers were very long-suffering people a hundred years ago. At any rate, George Way did not receive his salary for attending to the clock till 1797, when the arrears amounted to ^11 -8-0. John Way, in 1805, became caretaker at a guinea a year. Edward Cross took on in i8og, and in 181 1 repaired it at a cost of /"1-15S. R. Bush followed, and continued until 1821. In X823, John Way put new work on the West side, (probably up till then it had but one face.) His bill therefor was £s-'^A-9- John Perrctt painted and gilded both faces for which he received ^5-13-9. John Way, in 1823, took charge of the clock, hut did not send in his bill for 11 years. He was paid for his services during this long period ;^ig-9-o. He continued his office two years longer at £1 per annum. Thomas H/oy succeeded in 1837, and kept on till Midsummer, 1845. 95 WiNCANToN Town Clocks. Joseph Weave then entered upon the duties, and he with his son Josiah between them continued till the Hall fire in August, 1877, a period of 32 years, which beat the record. Before passing on to the present clock it is necessary to say a little on the previous one. It stood in a turret, at the apex of the roof, at the extreme North end. There were four wooden pillars supporting a dome, which was covered with copper. In the month of May, 1877, it required repairing. Mr. Wm. Newman repaired the turret at a cost of £^-2-6. Mr. George Stagg cleaned and gilded the clock at a charge of ^8-ios. Mr. Newman was paid in July, but before the next quarterly meeting of the Feoffees in October, when Mr. Stagg's was settled, the clock and all its belongings were destroyed by fire. With hundreds of other people, I stood in the market place and saw the clock melt away, and heard the "ting tang" crash into the premises below. This was in August, 1877. So far then, we have seen that the church clock terminated in 1793, at what age we know not. One town clock lasted from 1644 to 1741, that is about a century ; the next from 1741 to 1877, that is 136 years. The new or fourth Town clock was erected at the end of 1878 by Messrs. Gillet & Brand, of Croydon, for which they were paid in January, 1879, ;^72-3-5. This was for two faces only, the North face was added later on. The clock, clock tower, and furniture of the Town Hall, cost ;^404-4-8. The money was given by 153 subscribers, of whom only 28 are living here now. Mv. William Weave took charge of the new clock, directly it was fixed, and except for an interruption of about two years, he has had the care of it from that time, which at the end of this year will be 23 years. For lighting, winding and regu- lating, he receives a salary of £6 per annum. ^?.^v^e^^ 96 WiNCANTON ClOCKMAKERS. WINCANTON CLOCKMAKERS. One of our poets has said — " We take no note of time but by its loss, To give it then a tongue were wise in man, As if an angel spoke, I hear its solemn sound." There have been many methods of measuring time, and it is considered a very low state of intellect where time is not measured. Many clocks and watches of the present day are marvels of skill, and very costly ; but it was not always the case that a clock or watch could be purchased for a few shillings, nor could time always be as accurately kept as now. Many have been the devices for measuring time in years long since past. Perhaps some of the earliest time keepers were thefiowevs which mark the time by their opening and closing, by which every hour of the day, if not of the night, is indicated. It is said that Julius Caesar kept time by a water clock as long ago as the commencement of the christian era, and the Bible tells of a sundial several hundred years before Caesar's time. It is not long since that sundials were abolished. I learnt myself to tell the time by lessons given me by my father on the sundial at Charlton Musgrove church, over 60 years ago, and there are fragments of other dials at some of the old churches and houses in the neighborhood. I recall now those of the house on the Batch, Balsam House, Mr. Cooper's, Roundhill, Temple Combe, and elsewhere. The oldest 8-day and 30-hour clocks have but one hand, the minutes have to be guessed at. The clock at the dame's school I went to, had but one hand, and this was, to me, as difficult as the sundial. Amongst the old clockmakers of this immediate neighborhood was a Noah Pridham, of Sherborne, many of whose clocks are to be found all round the neighbor- hood. They must have been comparatively modern, as I do not remember seeing a clock of his with one hand only. William Cockey is the first Wincanton clockmaker, whose name I have found on the clocks themselves. I have not found a date on either of them, but they may have been made at least as early as 1692, when he became churchwarden, or a few years before, or as late as 1721 or later. Of his make, there are those of Mr. Phelips, of Montacute House ; Mr. John Alford, of Bayford Hill ; Mr. Marriott, late of Roundhill Grange, now of Curry Rivel ; the late William Tuftin, of 97 WlKCANTON CloCKMAKERS. Bayford ; Mr. F. Salt, of High Street. Osmond Cross, 1746- 1760. Of his clocks, there are those of Mr. Charles MuUins, of Silton, dated 1746. Mr. James Portnell, sold by auction, 16/3/1897. Mr. E. Spencer Weare. John Andrews, 1741. I have not seen any house clock of his, but, as I said before, he supplied a new Town clock in the year just mentioned. Richard Lewis, 1760. I have seen him described as a goldsmith. Of his clocks I have seen those of the late Mr. Aaron Bell, Church Street ; Mr. Henry Stacey, Mill Street ; Mr. Harvey Blake, High Street. Mr. E. Spencer Weare has also a watch, engraved, " Richard Lewis," the silver mark being 1765. Charles Lewis, 1774. Mr. E. Spencer Weare has one of his make at the present time. George Way, 1796 and in 1805. He attended to the Town clock. In 1 801, he supplied the Dial at the Congregational Church, where at this day it remains to speak for itself. He charged £5-5-0 for it, as the church accounts show. In the census for 1801, George Way is described as an Innkeeper, but there is no account of a clockmaker of that name. There can be but little affinity in the two trades, but I have no explan- ation to give. John Olding, i8oi. In the census of that year he is des- cribed as a shopkeeper, but Mr. E. Spencer Weare has a clock bearing the name of John Olding on its face. William Doney, in the census of 1801, is described as a watchmaker, and as living where Mr. Robert Bassett now lives in the High Street. In 181 1, when the next census was taken, he had removed to South Street, where Messrs. New & Morgan's drapery establishment now is, and there he is described as a shopkeeper. Mr. E. Biggin, who recently resided in the Tything, has a 30-hour clock with mahogany case, with the name of Wm. Doney, Wincanton, thereon. Edward Cross, in the 181 1 census, is mentioned as a clock- maker ; probably he had no shop. It is said of him by old people that he went to Penselwood to clean a clock, and was never seen after. He had a brother, Martin Cross, who was also a travelling clockmaker. I remember him as a very quaint sort of man ; he died, I believe, sometime in the forties. Robert Bush, 1813-1821, looked after the town clock, and I believe that I have seen his name on case clocks, but I know of no example at present. , Harry Bush was a clockmaker here about this time. Mr. 98 WiNCANTON ClOCKMAKERS. John Macmillan, of Edgbaston, Birmingham, who was a Wincanton boy, said in the Castle Cavy Visitor for August, 1897, that he had a clock bearing the inscription, "Harry Bush, Wincanton." Nathaniel Olding, as near as I can get to it, was in business here about 1830. Several good clocks bear his name. Mr. W. T. Goodfellow has one of them in handsome rosewood case ; and I have another, much plainer. John Way, 1809- 1836. I can only repeat here what I have said before, that he was connected with the town clock from 1805 to 1836. Thomas Way is mentioned in the directory of Somerset for 1830. He then lived, I believe, in High Street. He was caretaker of the town clock from 1837 to 1845. To the best of my recollection, he afterwards lived in Church Street, in the house between the Coffee Tavern and Mr. Bottle's. I have some slight remembrance of seeing enamelled face Dutch clocks in his shop. Albert or Alberto Bioletti was, I believe, an Italian, who came here as an officer's servant during the French captivity, 1805-1815. If in 1805, he was then about 28 years of age. In 1830, he lived in South Street as a hair-dresser, selling clocks and watches also. He removed to the house, now the printing office of Mrs. Fred Shepherd, in High Street. He removed again, this time to the brick house next to Mr. Latcham's printing office. He was living there in 1861, but removed soon afterwards to Portsea. He had a son who was one of the chief hair-dressers and perfumers in " The Hove," Brighton. He was twice married. Mary, his first wife, died in 1834. Martha, his second wife, died in 1858. By his second wife he had two sons, Louis and George. One was apprenticed to the late Mr. George Royce, currier, in Church Street, afterwards in Mill Street ; the other was a tinman, apprenticed to the late Mr. Thomas Richards. When they grew up to manhood, the old man left the town. His gravestone in the churchyard tells us that he died in 1869 at the age of 92. There are, I know, two of his clocks in the town at this time : one at Miss Green's at the top of High Street, the other at Mr. Knighton's in Church Street. WilUam Tower is another whose name appears in the Directory of 1830. My memory does not take me back to his time, but I remember his son Thomas, who was working as a coachbuilder about 1843 and after, at Mr. Meaden's, when he carried on business at Balsam House, the workshops being where Mr. Snook's stables and coachhouse now are. I do not remember having seen any clock bearing Mr. Tower's name. 99 WiNCANTON ClOCKMAKERS. Gosue Soldini, a short stout Italian, is also described in the oft-mentioned Directory of 1830. I believe that on the late Mr. John Blake coming from Sherborne in 1843, and setting up business as a confectioner where Mr. Harvey Blake now lives, that Mr. Chick, hair-dresser, went out of the upper part of the house, and Mr. Soldini moved in. I remember him as an ardent Roman Catholic, and that he went pretty regularly to his parish church at Bonham. He afterwards removed to the house where Mr. Bassett now lives. He left after living there a short time. It was reported at the time that he had gone back to Italy. His clocks and weather glasses may be seen all round the neighborhood. He did but very little in his shop, it being generally closed, whilst he, with his box of watches and jewellery, was tramping the country around. Joseph Weave, born in 1796, came to Wincanton about 1 814. He appears in Directory, 1830, as clock and watch maker. The timepiece in the Baptist church bears his name, with the date 1833, and is noticeable as having been presented by the " Children and Teachers of the Sunday School," the children being the larger contributors. About 1840, he had a shop in South Street, where the County Court office now is. He removed to Church Street, where Mr. Bottle, tailor, now lives. The Directory shows him to be there in 1859, his son Josiah being with him. On his son's marriage, he retired to a house in Mill Street. He died on 15th July, 1886, aged 90. Many a thousand miles has he walked in the exercise of his business. He was but a little man, but of as sturdy health as of ingenuity. At one time, it is said, he employed 7 men. He not only made clocks, but clockmaker's tools, some of them being yet in the possession of his grandson, Mr. E. Spencer Weare. His clocks are to be found in all parts of the district. Josiah Weare, son of Joseph Weare, appears to have been born in Wincanton in 1821. He was early trained to the business by his father, but acquired greater proficiency at Southampton. He set up in business at Stalbridge, but returned home in 1856 and acquired his father's business. He was an exceedingly clever workman and as honest as the day. All who did business with him were able to put the most implicit confidence in him. At one time he had a very heavy stock of clocks and watches, many of them of great value. He died on 27th July, igoo, aged 79. William Weare, son of Joseph and younger brother of Josiah Weare, was also brought up to his father's trade. Quite young in life, he started business on his own account in the house the town side of Tout Hill House, where he remained 1 00 WliNCANTON CloCKMAKERS. about, 8 years and then removed to his present shop, where for 40 years he has remained, and now is the oldest tradesman in the town. He has a considerable connexion in the country round, especially at Bruton. To him, for some years, the town clock has been entrusted. For many years he has been the Secretary of the Wincanton Friendly Society, in which he takes great interest. He bids fair to enjoy as long a period of life as his father. E. spencer Wean, son of Josiah, was brought up in his father's business, and at the latter's death in 1900 succeeded him. In 1895, he made and fixed the clock in the church tower at Stoke Trister. I regret that about 40 years ago so many good old clocks were broken up to give place to gingerbread American clocks, which after a few short years have found their way to the rubbish heap. This is but an imperfect sketch, but it may serve to remind us of those who, through several generations, did their best to keep our forefathers " up to time." Many villages around us have had their clockmakers, or at any rate, there are many clocks still in existence bearing the names of clockmakers so called ; amongst these villages are Stoke Trister and Cucklington. lOI Local Governmekt in Wincanton. LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN WINCANTON. In early times, Wincanton was called a Borough. What powers were possessed by its officers there are not, as far as 1 have yet ascertained, any documents to show. That the Lord of the manor had the right to demand certain payments from the burgesses I have shown under another heading, and that he had power to enforce his claim is evident. To all appearance the Lord of the manor, whoever he happened to be, screwed all the money he could (it was not very much) out of the burgesses, and did as little as possible for it. The inefficiency of the manorial courts was made more apparent as time went on, in consequence of which other bodies and institutions rose to do what the old court failed in doing. Court Leets were held periodically, at which certain officers had to report. Hence I find in the accounts of the Feoffees of the Fairs and Markets such entries as that under date October 17th, 1712. "Francis Creed's accounts produced at the Borough Court Leet." Creed being at that time the Market Lessee. There were two constables appointed for the borough, and one Tithing man, whose duty lay in the parish but out- side the borough. It was the duty of the officers duly to maintain the peace to the satisfaction of the magistrates. The trustees of the church managed the charities of the church, the churchwardens co-operating. The poor's charities were under another set of trustees appointed for hfe ; the Fairs and Markets affairs were managed by another set of 12 or more, varying in number from time to time ; they, too, were appointed for life. They were nominated from time to time by the survivors of one group, and appointed by one of the High Courts. The duties of the latter included— the regulations of the fairs and markets ; providing against out- breaks of fires ; supplying public conduits, pumps, &c. ; cleansing the streets ; weighing and measuring articles of sale ; providing a bell-man in uniform to cry articles for sale ; sustaining a public clock. They had one officer or more as the occasion demanded, and within very narrow hmits they had power to levy tolls and charges. They were, in brief, the handy men of the time, their duties being to do what others neglected to do. There being so many authorities without any central one 102 Local Government in Wincanton. to keep the others up to their work, and so much poverty in the parish, it is no wonder that public matters were very unsatisfactory, or that would-be reformers were anxious to do something towards betterment It happened a century ago that there was one clever man in the town who had enough brains for fifty men, and who, under more favorable circum- stances, would have made a Rhodes or a Chamberlain, That man was Richard Messiter, the son of Moulton, and brother of George and Uriah Messiter. I shall refer to him in another place : it will be enough here to say that he was the moving spirit in a great work of local reform. All other efforts failing, he promoted a bill which was passed in Parlia- ment. That bill is now before me, and from it I cull the more important items. It is headed — " Anno Tricesimo Octavo." Georgii III. Regis. Cap. 46. *' An Act for paving the Footways, and for cleansing, lighting, and regulating the streets, lanes, and other publick passages and places, within the Town of Wincanton, in the County of Somerset, and for removing and preventing Nuisances, Annoyances, and Obstructions therein. ist June, 1798." It is a bill of no less than 61 sections, of which section i contains the preamble, which shows not only what was required, but how and by whom it should be done. It says — " Whereas the footways in the several streets, lanes, and other publick passages and places, within the town of Wincanton, in the county of Somerset, are not properly paved, cleansed, and lighted, and are subject to various encroachments, obstructions, nuisances, and annoy- ances, and are in some places very incommodious and unsafe for travellers and passengers. And whereas it would be of great benefit, advantage, and convenience to the inhabitants of the said town, as well as to all peisons resorting thereto and passing through the same, if the said footways were properly paved, and the said several streets, lanes, and other publick passages and places were well and sufficiently cleansed, lighted, and regulated, and all encroachments, ob- structions, nuisances and annoyances were removed, and in future prevented. May it therefore please your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords, spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present Parha- 103 Local Government in Wincanton. ment assembled, and by the authority of the same ; that Nathaniel Webb, Samuel Bailward, William Phelips, Nathaniel Dalton, Robert Gapper, Richard Messiter, John Dalton, Charles Phelips, John Messiter, Robert Gapper the younger, Uriah Messiter, William Webb, Robert Perfect, John Field, Philip Hurd, George Messiter, Robert Combe, John Brown, Richard Ring, William Andrew Westcote, Charles Philip Luft", Gerard Ellis, John Randall, Charles Caspar Clutterbuck, Christopher Morrish, Philip Pittman, William Knight, John Carpenter, Thomas Bracher, James Thorne, John Dove, Roger Perrior, and their several and respective successors, to be elected as hereafter mentioned, shall be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners for putting this Act in execution." The bill goes on to state in detail what the powers of the Commissioners were to be. They were to have control, not only in the borough but half-a-mile in each direction outside, over pavements, roads, lamps, water courses, quarries, shop and other signs, Bow windows, trees, drains, and all sorts of encroachments. We have, no doubt, made progress during the past century, but we have not travelled fast, for to this day we have not such good sanitary arrangements as were provided for in the Bill, as the following quotations will show. Section 20 says — " And be it further enacted, that the scavengers, or person or persons employed in or contracting for cleaning the said streets, lanes, passages and places, shall twice in every week or oftener, as the said commissioners shall direct, and on such days as they shall appoint, bring or cause to be brought some proper carriage into the said streets, lanes, passages or places, for the purpose of carrying away and removing the dirt, dust, ashes and filth, from the several houses in the said streets, lanes, passages or places, and shall also sweep, cleanse, and carry away the dirt and soil arising in the said several streets, lanes, passages and places, to such place within or near the said town as shall be by the said Commissioners appointed, and be deemed proper for the reception and depositing the same, upon pain of forfeiting any sum not exceeding forty shillings nor less than ten shillings for every offence or neglect of duty therein." Section XXI. shows what were the duties of the inhabi- tants themselves. " And be it further enacted. That from, and after the passing of this Act, all persons occupying houses, tenements, outhouses, stables, building ^, or gardens, in or against any of 104 Local Government in Wincanton. the streets, lanes, passages and places within the said town or not exceeding half-a-mile from the said town, shall cause to be swept and cleansed, the footways, paths, and pavements in the whole length of the front of, and extending at least fifteen feet from their respective houses, tenements, out- houses, stables, buildings or gardens, between the hours of seven and nine of the clock in the forenoon, twice or oftener, as the said commissioners shall require, in every week, and also, cause the dirt and soil arising from such sweeping and cleansing to be collected and put together (without obstru(5l- ing the way or road) that the same may be removed and carried away by the scavenger, or person employed in cleansing the said streets, lanes, passages, and places, or otherwise to be carried away by such persons respectively as the said Commissioners, or any five or more of them, shall from time to time direct, upon pain of forfeiting and paying any sum of money, not exceeding forty shillings, for every neglect therein." Section XXIX. made stringent provision against hog styes, mixens, and such like nuisances, five shillings a day being inflicted upon all defaulters. Section XXX. enacted that in future no houses should be covered with thatch ; lead, slate, or tile only were to be used, under a penalty of ten shillings a day. Section XXXI. provided that all houses already thatched should be re-covered, with lead, slate or tile, within seven years. Section XXXI 11. gave power to the Commissioners to purchase buildings for the purpose of widening the streets. Section XXXV. gave power to demand tolls on Sundays at any turnpike gate within two miles of the town, 3d. for horse and carriage, id. for every horse, ass, or any other beast, and if such toll was refused, power was given to sell the horses or other beasts, and out of the proceeds of such sale to pay the toll and expenses therewith connected. Section XLV. gave power to levy a rate every year, not exceeding one shilling in the pound to cover the outlay of the Commissioners on the foregoing improvements. The Quarter Sessions of the County of Somerset was to be the Court of Appeal. It was not to be supposed that such a drastic measure of reform as this would be put into operation without much friction, and, indeed, so strong was the opposition, that the Act was never put into force. Many years passed before any radical improvements 105 Local Government in Wincanton. were made. Even then, in consequence of vexations and obstructive action on the parts of bodies, who unfortunately had the power to hinder and obstruct, and who used their power without rhyme or reason, we are now only approximating to these wholesome measures, which the clear-headed men of a hundred years ago saw were for the benefit of the people. To this day, nearly all suggestions for improvement have to pass through Parish, District, and County Councils, all desperately slow to move, and, in addition, frequently have to receive the sanction, at great expense and long delay, of the Local Government Board. To return, however, from this digression. A century ago, the churchwardens and overseers had many, and more arduous, duties to perform than now. The poverty of those days taxed their energies, at times, to the utmost. Under the direction of the vestry, (which occasionally woke to life and carried every- thing before it, and then hibernated for many months until stirred up again,) they had control of the workhouse and the poorhouses ; strangers, then called rogues, now tramps, to relieve ; illegitimate children to provide for ; apprentices to put out and look after ; and a host of other duties, such as special distress in times of flood and tempest, and epidemics of smallpox and other foul diseases. It may be worth while to give an indication of such work. I select the year 1742, when there were 64 people in the workhouse belonging to this one parish. This was not a year • of exceptional poverty. The age of the inmates was nothing like so high an average as in the Union Workhouse to-day. It is worthy of note that such a large proportion of them bore Puritan christian names. " A list of the persons now in ye workhouse, taken April ye 22d, 1742, viz. Age. Name. Age. Name. 75 Hen. Read 37 Patience Ivie 80 Eliz. Pauley 7 Sarah Ivie 61 Mary Mogg 4 Abraham Ivie 62 Repentance Parsons John Ivie (infant) 54 Jane Newman 16 George Stone 15 John Newman 13 Ann Willis 12 Stephen Newman 8 William Willis 40 Ann Brine 2 Sarah Willis 7 Robert Brine 8 Elizabeth Oatley 50 John Edgell 6 Sarah Day 28 Ann Watts 42 Christopher Wimbolt — Ann Watts (infant) 33 Tabitha White 106 Local Government in Wincanton. 9 7 7 6 56 40 3 9 8 7 33 9 7 6 2 10 9 5 3 8 Daniel White 9 Elizabeth White 38 Elizabeth Parsons 37 Ann Parsons 7 Jane Hine 4 Mary Parker 2 Benjamin Clement 10 John Goddard 7 Mary Goddard 4 Edward Goddard 13 Kath. Lumber 10 Mary Lumber 9 Judith Lumber 45 Anne Lumber 57 Richard Lumber 7 Love Vining 5 William Vining 2 Sam Vining 7 Elisha Vining 10 John Manning Sam Bratcher Judith Bratcher John Bratcher Kate Bratcher Sam Bratcher Abraham Munday John Munday Hannah Munday John Humphreys Samuel Humphreys Timothy Wimbolt William Stone Sarah Stone Mary White Ben White William White Mary Thick Edith Thick." Elizabeth Hurman The authorities of that time did not consider it necessary to give each one a bed to himself. The library was not extensive, as is shown by the " Inventory of the goods in Wincanton Workhouse, taken April ye 22d, 1742, viz. — 28 Bedsteads I Quarter Barrel! 26 Ruggs 2 Colders 25 Blankets 5 Tubbs 28 Beds and Bolsters 3 Trendies 33 Sheets I Shoot 13 Pillows 18 Bolster Cloaths I Clock and Case 3 Pails 26 Turns 2 Hair Lines II Forms I Garden Rake 3 Table Boards 1 Pair Scales 23 Chairs I Lanthorn 23 Boxes and Trunks I Marking Iron I Bacon Rack 3 Iron Potts 6 Candlesticks I Brass Pott 3 Furnaces 2 Pairs Tongs I Fryingpan I Fire Pan 4 Knives 1 Poker I Pair ballance I Bible 4to I Pump I Whole duty of man 4 Hogsheads 4 Ranges I Half Hogshead 4 Baggs 107 Local Government in Wincanton. 3 Bellows I Ladder 4 Wood Horses I Ducking Stool with 2 wheels I Wash Tubb 2 Spades I Hook I Peck Axe I Hatchett I Spinning Reel I Stone Cistern 2 Piggs." It is sometimes, very erroneously, supposed that there is as much poverty now as there was a century ago. It is worth while, I think, to dissipate that idea. Formerly, the rate collector was on his travels all his time. Take a sample or two. A rate, so called, appears to have meant a certain sum. In 1739 and 1740, 120 rates produced £312-1-;^ each time ; in T747, there were 160 rates which produced ;^36o odd. By 1775, they had gone up to ^654 odd ; In 1795, ^1206-5-2 ; in 1800, ;^i9o8-i5-o ; in 1812, £"2915-16-0. In 1886, the Poor rate and the Highway rate together (of which the latter was ^304) were only ;^ioio for the half year, the paying power having greatly increased. By the year 1834, the whole poorhouse system was doomed ; it fell to pieces by its own weight. It was not only costly but totally inefficient. At the opening of the year 1836, it was clearly seen that the new Poor law system was coming into operation at once. The parish met in the vestry, and agreed to offer the old workhouse premises to the Wincanton Union for the modest sum of ;!f 200. They set forth the advan- tages of the site, the nearness to the parish church, facilities for medical officers, &c., &c., Mr. James Bracher being the only dissentient. They considered the property worth ^500, but they meant for once to be liberal. When the new guardians met on 20th Jan., they declined the handsome offer with the advantages of salubrious site and all. On 31st March, Uriah Messiter, Esq., and Mr. Wm. Sly, were declared elected as representatives of the parish on the new Board. Very soon the new Board sold the premises, and put the money into the general fund. We now come to the advent of our new Local Government. The Board of Guardians. On 31st December, 1835, there was a meeting at the Town Hall, Wincanton, when Robert Neale, Esq., attended as an assistant Poor Law Commissioner. All the Ex-officio and elected Guardians were present. (The following week the first meeting was held.) Right Hon. Henry Hobhouse having declined chairmanship, Rev. H. J. Wyndham was elected chairman ; Uriah Messiter, Esq., vice-chairman. The Board 108 Local Government in Wincanton. decided to hold a meeting every Wednesdaj' at the Town Hall, Wincanton. Robert Clarke was elected clerk at ^loo per annum, and ;^io for an office until one was built for him. He was to follow no other occupation. This restriction, however, was afterwards removed. Mr. Uriah Messiter was elected treasurer, he giving a bond for ^1500. A committee was appointed to inspect the workhouses in the district. Those of VVincanton and Henstridge were utilised until the new house was ready. The site of the present buildings was inspected on March 23rd, 1836. (It had formerly been a yarn barton.) It was purchased of the representatives of the late Mr. John Brown for ;^300, and the purchase money paid on the 15th June. The property was conveyed by Mr. Henry Messiter, his charges being ;^ 14- 19-4. The work was begun on 24th August. The foundation stone laid on 2gth March, 1837. The first meeting held in the new building about a year later. The contract was taken by Mr. Davis, of Langport, at ^3550. The bricks were made and burnt on the spot, the number being 200,000. The first master and matron were Mr. & Mrs. Sealy. The first relieving officers — Wincanton, Henry Legg ; Bruton, Uriah Phillips ; Castle Cary, J. S. Bord ; Milborne Port, Joseph Cox. There have not been many chairmen of the Board. It was intended to elect a new chairman every year, but this was found unworkable. I regret that I am uncertain as to the exact order in which the chairmen served, but, in 1837, John Rogers, Esq., followed the Rev. H. J. Wyndham, serving one year only. During that year a baby girl was found in a basket at South Gate, where she had been left by her mother or some one else. She was taken to the workhouse, and when baptised the chairman became her sponsor. She was named Annie Southgate. She was adopted by Mr. & Mrs. Sealy, the master and matron, grew up to womanhood, and became schoolmistress to the girls in the house. Mr. Foord, a school- master there, married her, and on leaving, they became master and matron of the Union Workhouse at Andover. To the best of my knowledge, the Rev. Henry Ludwell Dampier, of Collins Hayes, followed Mr. Rogers in the chair, and continued till 1847. In 1848, Rev. Henry Bennett, of Sparkford Hall, became chairman, and remained till 1855, when Henry Hobhouse, Esq., father of the present M.P., took office, and served two years. In 1857, Charles Barton, Esq., was elected, and con- tinued till 1897, when he resigned and was succeeded by log Local Government in Wincanton, T. H. M. Bailward, Esq., who still remains. Amongst the Vice-chairmen was T. E. Rogers, Esq., who became an ex-officio guardian in 1861, the same year as he was made J. P. of the county, and who was from first to last one of the most regular attendants. It would occupy too much space, if I had a complete list, to give the names of all who have served as elected guardians. I will, however, give their names, and the places they represented, when the Board was first formed, from Dec. 31st, 1835, to March 29th, 1837, when a new election took place. John Davis Samuel Worthy George Augustus Woodforde Rev. George Gooden Alford Abbas & Temple Combe Ansford ... Barrow North Barrow South ... Blackford Bratton ... Brewham North Brewham South Bruton ... yy •«• ••• ••• Buckhorn Weston Cadbury North... Cadbury South... Castle Gary >» ••• •• Charlton Horethorne ... Charlton Musgrove Cheriton North ... Compton Pauncefote ... Corton Denham Cucklington Henstridge Holton ... Horsington Kington Magna Lovington Maperton Milborne Port i» >i ••• ••• Penselwood Pitcombe Queen Camel ... Shepton Montague Sparkford Wm. G. Phillips Thomas Gifford George Cross Isaac Martin Rev. John Dampier William Dampier Thos. Oatley Bennett William Raymond Thomas Gifford Rev. Henry Bennett — Coombes Harry Russ George Parsons James Richards Rev. Thomas Gatehouse Rev. Thomas Marriott Caleb Bartlett John Knight Rev. F. Glossop Rev. C. Plucknett T. S. Bailward George Howe Joseph Hussey William Swanton Richard Highmore John Sherrin Err Ings Edward Burge Thomas Caines John Herridge Job Cox no Local Government in Wincanton. Stoke Trister Thomas Dowding Stowell ... ... ... Rev. Thomas Marriott Sutton Montis Robert Leach, junr. Weston Bampfylde ... Henry Weare Blandford Wheathill William Hallett Wincanton Uriah Messiter ,, ... ... William Sly Yarlington William Young, Important functions are performed by this body, who, although they meet once a week all the year round, find enough to engage their attention. There are 37 parishes, and 43 members, who do assessment work on the first Wednesday in the month, highway business on the second, school attendance on the third, and sanitary work on the fourth. Only those who knew the building as it was when first erected can realize what a series of improvements has since been made. It has been more than doubled in size, though happily not doubled its inmates. It has become more home- like ; the classification is better ; the food and clothing are better ; the children do not wear the pauper's badge as formerly ; they go to the Board School with other children, and their moral tone is altogether raised. In a word, instead of resembling a jail, it partakes more of the character of a hospital. There has been more liberty allowed during the past years, and with it far less insubordination. I write with a knowledge of the facts when I say that every one having a complaint to make has the opportunity of domg so, either to the house committee or lady visitors, or to come before the Board. When first built, the floors everywhere were of brick ; the rooms were heated with a brick flue raised above the floor ; the walls were bare ; the windows high and barred, all of them looking upon one of the yards. The dietary was coarse and only of a few kinds, large quantities finding its way into the hogs' trough ; but now the Board insist on having it of the best, and the L.G.B. regulate the dietary tables. The general content in the house is more prevalent. It is, however, less a harbour for loafers and women of light character. Each half yearly statement more and more shows that it is the aged of both sexes who go there to rest to the end of their days. It is not 'the place where, nor are the inmates for the most part the people with whom, the well brought up would elect to associate, as the following letter will sufficiently show. Of the writer of the letter more will be said under another heading. He was a native of Wincanton, and died in tlie Kcvcjlution in Paris in the year 1848. The letter was written to one of his III Local Government in Wincanton. old friends in the town, a Mr. Wm. Winter, one of Mr, Gibbs' predecessors in the baking business in South Street.. " November 22nd, 1847. My dear Sir, — I write to you from this monastery to employ time, and give a current to thought, which else would become like an Irish bog, stagnant and reeking as a rotten fen. The monkish race in this locale are neither learned nor witty. ' Each one's brains at most Would scarcely keep him from a post.' They are the veriest ignorant clowns that ever walked cloisters, the most miserable apologies for humanity that ever ate ' Peas porridge in the pot nine days old.' I have seen much of man and his fantastic tricks, but this specimen of pauper friars is the ne plus ultra of stolidity and low cunning. The most abominably rough hewed sand stone statues Jove has sent from his probationary quarry. But my dear friend, the worst part of the morale is, they are malig- nant, envious and slanderous as incarnate fiends, so that one may say — ' Lord, what are such men that thou art mindful of them, or the sons of such slaves that thou visitest them ? ' Now, poverty, it is said, sharpens our faculties, and is often the hot-bed of genius, curiosity and learning ; but these underlings have no curiosity, no ideality. They are in the scale of creation behind ' The poor Indian, whose untutored mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind.' They could never fancy ' Moses on the mount,' nor ' The Transfiguration,' which the immortal Raphael did at Rome, whilst painting the glorious picture in the Vatican of the eternal city of pageantry and popedom. Thanks to Mrs. Winter for soap and huckaback, that I may keep the film from my eyes which blinds these barbarians. The plum pudding also deserves praise. May God keep her and you Sir from affliction, for relieving the woes of J. Walter." For many years, almost the same body of men have had the control of the highways as well as poor law administration. At present the offtcers are — Chairman— T. H. M. Bail ward. Vice-chairmen — J. H. Thring and James Mackie. Surveyors — E. H. Knapman and E. J. H. Padfield. Clerk — F. W. Lancaster. On June 23rd, 1897, Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Rogers were 112 Local Government in Wincanton. the recipients of massive silver salvers, and to Mrs. Barton was presented a purse of gold, and on July 21st following, illuminated addresses were given to the same ladies, 85 sub- scribers affixing their names to the addresses, these ladies having long been visitors to the inmates of the workhouse. Our Petty Sessions. At present we have a bench of magistrates, 17 in number, ' who hold a court at the Town Hall on the last Monday in each month. How long Wincanton has been the centre of a Petty Sessional Division, I have not been able to ascertain ; certainly not prior to 1769, when the Town Hall was built, but earlier than 1806, as the following minute from the books of the Market Feoffees testifies. — "Town Hall, 7th March, 1806. — 'That the large room in the hall (?) shall continue to be used for meeting of the Justices of Peace, Deputy Lieutenants, Commissioners of Taxes, Vestries of the parish, Military and other public meetings as at present, &c.' " In the year 1737, there were two J.P.'s resident in the town, namely, Abraham Gapper and William Churchey, but as a rule we have been dependent on residents outside the town for the administration of justice, the nearest magistrates living at Holbrook, Roundhill, and Shanks. I find the following names, as those whose owners have exercised judicial functions here. 1703 — John Hunt and Christopher Farewell. 1737 — Abraham Gapper and William Churchey. 1738 — John Bailey. 1739 — George Dodington. 1 74 1 — Samuel Hill. 1743 — Thomas Coward. 1744 — James Chaffey Cowper. 1749 — ^J. C. Cowper and John Maddox. 1750 — John Maddox. 1756 — George Dodington and John Maddox. 1757 — Thomas Coward, junr. 1776 — George Hutchings and William Baily. 1777 — John Hunt and George Hutchings. 1778 — William Baily and Gerard Martin. 1779 — William Baily. 1780 — Samuel Dodington and W'illiam Baily. 1781 — John Hunt and Samuel Dodington. 1782 — William Baily and James MelJiar. 1783 — George Hutchings and William Phelips. 113 Local Government in Wincanton. [785- -George Hutchings and James Melliar. [786 — Samuel Farewell and Nathaniel Webb. :787 — William Phelips and George Hutchings. [788 — William Phelips and George Hutchings. [789 — Edward Phelips and William Phelips. [790 — George Hutchings and T. Jackson. 791 — George Hutchings and Samuel Farewell. 1792 — William Phelips and Samuel Farewell. :793 — George Hutchings and Richard Colt Hoare. :794 — Samuel Farewell. [795 — Richard Colt Hoare. [796 — R. C. Hoare and Samuel Farewell. [797 — C. Phelips and J. B. Burland. 798— W. C. Medlycott and C. Phelips. :799 — C. Phelips. [800 — C. Phelips. [801— Wm. Phelips. [802— W. C. Medlycott. :8o9— W. H. Colston. [810 — R. Frankland. 1811— t8l2— [813 — R. C. Hoare. [814 — C. Digby. [815— J. Dalton. [816— [817 — Thomas S. Bailward. [818— J. Jekyll. t8i9— [831 — William Phelips. [832 — John Gale D. Thring. [845 — H. Bennett and J. Gale D. Thring. [846 — H. L. Dampier and Henry Bennett. [847 — Henry Bennett and H. L. Dampier. At the time of writing, Mr. T. E. Rogers, of Yarlington, has just resigned the chairmanship which he has held for many years, and his connection with the bench of which he has been a distinguished member for 42 years ; Mr. W. B. Langhorne resigned at the same time, having served 15 years. Mr. Wm. Bennett is the clerk, an office he has held for 15 years. 114 H W J t/l (d O Z <: O (b o w o z s u a: H a: ^ w X !5 z o H Z < o z o X o z Q O u s H o K| =:> •si 5, g s WiNCANTON DURING THE CiVIL WaRS. WlncantDii flurlii ttie Divll Wars, It is evident that in the 17th century the opinions of our forefathers were, as to-day, of a very mixed character. ' Roughly speaking, the landed gentry and the farmers were for keeping things as they were, the traders desirous of a change of some sort or other. There are many side lights on the times which indicate this. Political feeling in those days ran much higher than now, and apparently one party kept the other pretty much in check. Several writers refer to the condition of the parish at different times, their accounts varying according to the information they possessed, or as their prejudices led them. Some of the accounts are confusing. I confess that, with every desire to make the various items clear, some of the points are too obscure for me, I give the statements, corrobor- ative or conflicting, as they happen to be. From " Hopton's Narrative of his Campaign in the West, 1642-1644." Somerset Record Society, Vol. 18. — " At Wells they consulted of their business, and the Marquesse directed his order to the Colonell of the next traind- band (being Sir Edward Rodney) to drawe in his regiment. But that which conduced most to give the Marquesse some beginning of force was, that Lieut. Colonell Henry Lunsford was come to him with officers for a foote regiment, and commission from the King to raise for his brother Sir Thomas Lunsford a regiment of foote in that county, in hope that hee should there recover the most part of his old regiment, which he had raysed for his Majesty's service in the north, two years before, towards the arming of whom a party was sent to Wincanton, with caryages that fetched from thence a magazeene of armes that had been deposited there a yeare or two before. There were likewise three troopes of horse then levyed in the country whereof two (by commission from his Majestie to bee of the Lord Grandesons regiment) commanded by Mr. John Digby and Sir Francis Hawley, the other was a troope intirely raysed by Sir Ralph Hopton at his own private charge, for his Majesties service. These leavyes did furnishe the Lord Marquesse within foure or five dayes with ... hundred armed foote and about ... horse. The county Magazeene then in the towne furnished him with ammunition. Besides these appeared of Sir Edward Rodney's regiment neare about ... hundred men 115 WiNCANTON DURING THE CiVIL WaRS. well armed but not so well resolved for they stood not by him when there was occasion." The following is in the " Mercurius Aidicus" in the British Museum. — "On ist April, 1645, as Lord Goring, the King's Com- mander in Somerset was marching from Yeovil to Bruton, he was told that some Parliamentary horse and foot were at Wincanton about five miles from him. Being but little out of his road he sent there Major General John Digby with 1200 horse and dragoons, but they found only one officer and twelve men who were taken prisoners. Digby then hearing that others were quartered in some three or four villages near about two miles off, fell in upon them and took altogether about 100 prisoners, 300 horse, and 300 arms, chiefly of Colonel Popham's and Colonel Morley's regiments, and with them two colours or cornets of horse, one being Master Wansey's, which had on it for a motto — ' For lawful laws and liberties.' The royalist party returned to Bruton that night." Wincanton and the Prince of Orange in 1688. There are many accounts by a variety of authors respecting the troops of King James and the Prince of Orange, of which I select two as being the most circumstantial, and from which most of the others are derived. In Macaulay's History of England, Vol. II., the following account is given, (from the Diary of the March of the Prince of Orange. — " The first of these encounters took place at Wincanton. Mackay's regiment, composed of British Soldiers, lay near a body of the King's Irish troops, commanded by their country- man the gallant Sarsfield. Mackay sent out a small party, under a lieutenant named Campbell, to procure horses for the baggage. Campbell found what he wanted at Wincanton, and was just leaving the town on his return, when a strong detachment of Sarsfield's troops approached. The Irish were four to one, but Campbell resolved to fight it out to the last. With a handful of his men, he took his stand in the road, the rest of his soldiers lining the hedges which overhung the high- way on the right and on the left. The enemy came up. 'Stand,' cried Campbell, ' For whom are you ? ' 'I am for King James,' answered the leader of the other party. ' And I for the Prince of Orange,' cried Campbell. ' We will Prince you,' answered the Irishman with a curse. ' Fire ! ' exclaimed Campbell. A sharp fire was instantly poured in from the hedges ; the King's troops received three well-aimed volleys before they could make any return. At length they succeeded 116 WlNCANTON DURING THE CiVIL WaRS. in carrying one of the hedges, and would have overpowered the Httle band who was opposed to them, had not the country people, who mortally hated the Irish, given a false alarm that more of the Prince's troops were coming up. Sarsfield recalled his men and fell back, and Campbell proceeded on his march unmolested with the baggage horses. This affair, creditable undoubtedly to the valour and discipline of the Prince's army, was magnified by report into a victory, won against great "odds, by British Protestants over Popish barbarians, who had been brought from Connaught to oppress our island." A more circumstantial account of the foregoing occurr- ence is given in Mr. E. Green's William of Orange through Somerset. On page 62 et seq. of that interesting little book of Somerset history, it is said — " It being reported that some of the Prince's party had advanced into Somerset as far as Bruton, thither went Col. Sarsfield from Salisbury with some royal troopers. The Colonel, however, missed his intention, as on his arrival at Bruton the others had marched to Wincanton, whither he followed on November 20th. Lieutenant Campbell at Wincanton, in command of about twenty-five men, hearing of Sarsfield's approach, resolved to fight him. First he posted the majority of his men in a small enclosure at the ' East end of the town on the left side,' a good hedge being between them and the road by which the enemy must come. Just opposite this spot, in a little garden also covered by a thick hedge, he placed six men ; and then, with four or five others, he took the road, determined to be cautious and not to fire too hastily, as there was the possibility that Sarsfield's men would desert and join him. Presently, Sarsfield and his men were seen approaching. Waiting until they were quite near, Campbell then challenged with — 'Stand ! stand ! for whom are ye ? ' To this the other replied, ' I am for King James ; who art thou for?' Campbell replied, 'For the Prince of Orange.' ' God damn me ! ' returned the other, * I'll Prince thee.' Hearing this, Campbell ordered his men to fire, and, himself going up to this ' popish officer,' shot him in at the mouth and through the brains, so he dropped down dead. Firing now commenced on both sides, but the royalists, a hundred and fifty strong — the Gazette says a hundred and twenty, seventy horse and fifty dragoons— got into the field, some through a dead hedge, some at the lower corner, others by a little gate, said to have been opened by a countryman who was looking on ; and so they quickly surrounded their opponents, who could do nothing more than 117 WiNCANTON DURING THE CiVIL WaRS. fire as fast as possible. Defending themselves thus stubbornly, they were joined by their companions from the other side of the road, but at last were overpowered by numbers. The wounded, some of them shot in five or six places, being offered quarter for their bravery, ' would not accept it from the hands of papists,' but chose rather to die. Every man would have been killed, had not a miller riding into the town proclaimed to the townspeople, who, in alarm and terror had thronged into the streets, that a strong party of Orange horsemen was just entering on the other side. The miller further called out to the king's men, ' Away ! away for your lives! Save yourselves ! The enemies are at hand !' On hearing this, and seeing the great confusion in the streets, the troopers judged it was true and galloped away. The result of all this was that on the Orange side, Lieutenant Campbell and eight or nine others were killed, and six prisoners were taken, of whom, however, three got away. Of the king's side, four were reported killed and two wounded. If the two wounded died, the general account may be considered correct, as in the end fifteen dead were tumbled into one grave. This narrative was taken from Mr. Bulgin, the minister ; and from Cornet Webb, of the king's force, as he lay wounded, shot through the back and reins." I confess to realizing great difficulty in locating the site where the battle took place. The last account says distinctly the East end of the town, and in that direction Campbell might well have expected the enemy to have come from Salisbury. There, too, was a garden, and the high hedges where shelter could have been taken. In that case, what is now Coylton Terrace would be the spot ; but Sarsfield's party coming from Bruton would have had to come through the town to meet the Prince's soldiers, unless they had come by way of Hunter's Lodge from Bruton. Legend gives us no help, inasmuch as Lawrence Hill, Whitehall, The Croft in Common Lane, are mentioned in this connection, and the field in front of Cutt's Close is said to have been the burial place of the dead soldiers. On the whole, I incline to the belief that it was at the East end of the town, and that the King's forces retreated to Salisbury. The parish register gives us no assistance. Mr, Bulgin was the curate from 1664-1726, but if there was any register kept at that time, there is none existing at present from March, 1687-1693. There is another account given of this skirmish, which, although it might have been mainly taken from the " Diary," differs as to the scene of action, for which reason I give it. 118 WiNCANTON DURING THE CiVIL WaRS. If this account be correct, Lawrence Hill is the spot where the fight took place. The article is called "A Jacobite Rapparee," written by Frederick Dixon in Temple Bar Mag- azine, May, 1891. It says that — " Early in November, William was keeping court at Exeter. The head-quarters of the King were at Salisbury. It was evident that the rival outposts may at any moment come in contact. About the middle of the month, Mackay, who commanded the Prince's advanced guard, being in want of transport, sent out a detachment under a lieutenant named Campbell to endeavour to procure it. Sarsfield and his Irish were known to be in the vicinity. Campbell felt his way cautiously. He passed through the sleepy village (!) of Sherborne, with its noble Gothic minster and battered Norman keep, and coming to Wincanton found what he wanted, and turned to go. Scarcely, however, had he cleared the houses when Sarsfield was upon him. The Irish numbered one hundred and twenty sabres. Campbell's force was only fifty strong, but he was a Scotch Presbyterian, who would as soon thought of uncovering to the ' host ' as of surrendering to a papist. He blocked the road with a handful of his men, massed the remainder in an adjoining enclosure, and prepared to sell his life as dearly as possible. Sarsfield sent his men straight at the enemy. ' Stand ! ' shouted Campbell, as they approached, ' For w^hom are you ? ' ' For King James,' was the reply. ' I am for the Prince of Orange,' returned Campbell. ' VVe'll Prince you,' roared the other, with a laugh and a curse, and gave the word to charge. Three times before the enemy could close, Campbell's men poured in their fire ; one of the Royal officers was killed, a second had his jaw smashed, many of the troopers' saddles were emptied, but the odds were too heavy. The dragoons burst through the hedge-row. In another moment its defenders would have been cut down where they stood, had not a passing miller, who shared to the full the popular antipathy to James and his Irish soldiers, hurried up with the lying information that the Prince's troops were entering Wincanton in force. Sarsfield had no intention of being caught between two fires, so he called off his men and galloped away, leaving Campbell to continue his retreat unopposed." The singular part of the business is that both leaders went on their way after they were killed. Burnet, in the history of his own time, refers to this event but l)riefly. He, however, considered it as being of considerable importance, and of advantage to the cause of IKJ WiNCANTON DURING THE ClVIL WaRS. the Prince of Orange. He says — " Hitherto the expedition had been prosperous, beyond all that could be expected. There had been but two small engagements during this unseasonable campaign. One was at Winkington in Dorsetshire, where an advanced party of the Prince's met one of the King's that was thrice their number, yet they drove them before them into a much greater body, where they were overpowered with numbers. Some were killed on both sides, but there were more prisoners taken of the Prince's men. Yet though the loss was of his side, the courage that his men showed in so great an inequality as to number made us reckon that we gained more than we lost on that occasion. Another action happened at Reading, where the King had a considerable body, who, as some of the Prince's men advanced, fell into a great disorder and ran away." In this connection it must be mentioned, that in the Sutherland collection of pictures in the Bodleian at Oxford, illustrating " Clarendon's History of the Rebellion " and " Burnet's History," is a picture by Gendall, in colours, of Wincanton church and part of the town. Gendall was sent to Wincanton, late in the i8th or early in the igth century, on purpose to take this picture. I saw the picture there in May, 1898. I give for what it is worth, a letter, written to and published in The Gentleman s Magazine for December, 1813. It was written by Thomas Richards, who died at Roundhill Farm in 1815. Accompanying the letter is a wood-cut, rep- resenting the brass plate referred to. "Mr. Urban, — As any circumstance connected with the Orange family is, at this time, peculiarly interesting, I send you a brass plate with a figure coarsely engraved, which is evidently designed for William, Prince of Orange, afterwards King William III. The inscription, «Syr Konink Licke Hoog Heyt,' etc., from the information of a Dutch officer, ought to be ' Syn Koninglyke Hoog Heyt,' etc., and signifies ' His Royal Highness,' &c. The plate, with another with several whole figures (now lost), was dug up in rooting an ancient tree near the churchyard at Charlton Musgrove, near Wincanton, in the county of Somerset, and was probably a badge worn by one of the adherents of King William, during his progress from Torbay through the western counties. From the place and manner in which it was found, one might indeed be led to conclude that it belonged to a fugitive from the battle of Sedgmoor, after the Duke of 120 WiNCANTON DURING THE CiVIL WaRS. Monmouth's defeat ; but I do not recollect that the avowed partisans of William appeared publicly in Monmouth's enterprise. — T.R." It has been said that some of the partisans of King William were here in 1688, but that William himself came here is a matter of doubt, and that the " Orange room " at " The Dogs " derived its name from the colour of its decor- ation. Let us examine the evidence. In Mr. E. Green's book before referred to, page 60, we read — • " At Crookhorn, he remained Sunday, November 25th. Here, besides many gentlemen of the West, a regiment of Royal infantry and the officers of a dragoon regiment joined him. The first line now marched to Wincanton, the second following to Sherborne, whither went also the Prince, and lodged at the castle, being thus advanced directly upon the King's troops." (Page 64.) — " From Sherborne the Prince, with now Prince George of Denmark, and many others who had left the King, marched to Wincanton. When leaving here, a royal trumpeter arrived, asking a pass for messengers to treat. So the prince. Sir Wm. Portman being with him, advanced by Mere to Salisbury." Another account is given in The Havleian Miscellany, vol. I., page 453.— Extract of a letter sent by one of the followers of the Prince of Orange, the writer signing himself N.N., to a person of distinction in London. Dated Wincanton, ist December, 1688. — " I shall return again to the prince. When his Highness left Exeter, Wednesday, Nov. 21st, he marched with his own guards, attended by a great many of the gentry, both of Somerset and Dorset (Devon ?), to St. Mary Ottery, where he dined, after which he marched to Crookhorn, where he tarried only one night. From thence to Sherborne, where his Highness was splendidly entertained by Lord D. From thence to Wincanton, where he lodged at the house of Mr. Churchill (Churchey), and is credibly reported designs for Oxford." The foregoing account appears to have been copied from a pamphlet, now rare, dated from Wincanton, ist December, 1688, entitled— "The expedition of his Highness the Prince of Orange for England. Being an account of the most remarkable passages thereof ; from the day of his setting sail from Holland to the first day of this instant December, 1688." ** In a letter to a person of quality." 121 WiNCANTON DURING THE CiVIL WaRS. " On Wednesday, November 24th, he marched with his own guards, attended by a great many of the gentry, both of Somersetshire and Devon, to St. Mary Ottery, wliere he dined ; after which he marched to Axminster, where he continued four days. From thence to Sherborne, where his Highness was splendidly entertained by Lord D. (Digby). From thence he went to Wincanton, where he lodged at the house of one Mr. Churchill, a merchant, and it is credibly reported designs for Oxford, Your most obedient servant, — N.N. Wincanton, ist December, 1688." These accounts vary somewhat, as the story of any event told by two or more persons would, but it is clear enough that the Prince, with George of Denmark and Sir Wm. Portman, marched here, and that he lodged at the house of Mr, Churchey, a merchant. In 1688, Richard Churchey, a merchant, hved at "The Dogs," a house which he had recently built. For more than a century before his birth, his ancestors were established here as merchants. He was Lord of the manor, and the owner of about 500 acres of land, with many houses on them. He is described as "an infant" in 1638. He died here, and was buried on August 7th, 1697. Standing by itself, the legend that the Prince slept in the Orange Room, which derived its name from this circum- stance, would not count for much ; but taken with the other facts, this is as well established as we can expect any event to be which happened over two centuries ago. 122 WiNCANTON IN I327. WINCANTON IN 1327, We have a little insight into the condition of the parish 'in the first year of the reign of King Edward III. To that valuable book " Kirby's Quest," one of the early volumes of *' The Somerset Record Society," I am indebted for the following return for Wincanton of the Exchequer Lay Subsidies for 1327. The list is very interesting as showing not only who were the owners of property in Wincanton at that time, but because some of the names are shown to be still in existence in the parish, probably having been continued from that time to this. When it is remembered that in the year 1327, wheat was only 3/1 1 per quarter, it gives us an idea of the purchasing power of the £/[-g-df contributed by this parish to the cost of the King's wars. The Lord of the manor, Richard Lovel, who probably lived at Castle Gary, and Thomas de Insula, the then patron of the living of Bratton St. Maur, were two of the chief contributors, 58 being the total number. It is a list of all persons whose goods were estimated of the value of ten shillings or more. De Richardo Lovel, Dim Mark, (6/8). Walter le Niweman. iijs. Waltero Weryng, iijs. Johanne Peny, xviijd. Willelmo Peny, xijd. Nicholo Cone, xijd. Rogero Proceman, ijs. Johanne at Barwe (Barrow Lane ?), xijd. Johanne Pour, vjd. Willelmo Herward (Horwood ?), xijd. Andreae Mey, ijs. Hugone Lovecok, xijd. Thoma le Vous, iijs. Waltero Roenhull (Roundhill ?), xijd. Johann Coby, ijs. Roberto Presthaghe, iijs. Roberto Jokhe, ijs. Radulpho Axcil, xijd. Editha Weybole, xijd. Johanne Everard, ijs. 123 WiNCANTON IN I327. Johanne Bosse, xijd. Johanne le Yonge, vjd. Richardo Bosse, xijd. Rogero le Rol, ixd. Johanne Keche (Keach ?), xijd. Johanne Codwarthe (Cudworth ?), ijs. Rogero le Hen, vid. Johanne Ballyry, ixd. Edmundo Clerico, iijs. Johanne Swyft, ijs. De Johanne Seger, ixd. Johanne le Frye, ixd. Johanne le Grether, xid. Christiana le Grether, xid. Johanne Page, vid. Willelmo Chepman, iijs. Godefrido Golofre (Gulliver ?), ijs. Johanne Priour (John Brian ?, Prior of Stavordale), xiid. Waltero Bromfield (Bruham Field ?), xiid. Nicholo Thursteyn, xviijd. Edward Cosyn (Cousin ?), ijs. Johanne Baroun (Barnes ?), xijd. Roberto Paynel, ixd. Willelmo Fabro, xijd. Golfrido Cornmanger, vjd. Johanne Prest, vjd. Radulpho Austayse, ixd. Rogero Gilbert, xijd. Johanne Churson, vjd. Johanne Clerico, junior, vjd. Johanne Tarbot (Talbot ?), iijs. Godwyna Strenger, xijd. Waltero Barnwell (Banwell in 1558 ?), vjd. Isabella Chiel, xijd. Thoma de Insula, Dim. Mark. Johanne Champflower (Wyke ?), ijs. Willemo de Godmanston (Godminster ?), ijs. Johanne Clerico, senior, xijd. Summa 22me villatte predicta, iiij li. ixs. iiijd. {£^-g-^.) Collecta XXme domino. Edwardo tercio post conquest- um. Regi Anglie concesse facto per Johannum de Clyvedon et Johannum de Earle Anno Domini Regis primo." 124 The Borough in 1678. Cl^e BotouQii in ^678. Having seen the number of householders in 1327 and 1558, it will be interesting in several ways to see the number in 1678, which happily can be done, from the fact that there is still in existence an original document, now in the possession of Mr, John Feltham, of Bayford, showing who were the burgesses at the later period, and what their interest was. It is interesting also to observe the change of names from time to time. It is noteworthy, too, that of the names of owners in 1678, there are very few in the voting lists of to-day. It is objected to now that nearly all the public-houses are what are called " Tied houses." It will be seen, however, that over two centuries ago, practically the same state of things prevailed. The only omission I have made in the list is that of reducing the number of figures to represent the amount payable in each case. I have not thought it necessary, for instance, to put for iohn Creed 0-3-3 to represent threepence three farthings. I ave modernised all the amounts, but I have retained every name as then spelled, the quaintness of the old words being more to the taste of the antiquary than the modern rendering. The words within brackets are added to throw light on the several items. " BURROUGH OF WiNCALTON. The Burrough rents of the Burrough aforesaid to bee collected from the Inhabitants of Wincalton aforesaid, whose names are underwritten as followeth. Hugh White Anselme Bishop Thomas Vyneing Richard Mitchell Henry Vyneing... Matthew Stone, for a Barkin (Barton) Richard Mitchell Widdowe Pittman (Elizabeth) Matthew Stone... Widdowe Vining (Grace) Robert Keniston Richard Garrett D. 4 2 a I 3 o 4 4 8 4 o o F. 125 The Borough in 1678. s. D. F. Mr. Swanton's heirs for the '^George" ... i o (This is where Mr. Lock, butcher, now lives. Mr. William Swanton died in 1671.) Roger Swetman ... ... ... ... i o John Vyneing ... ... ... ... ... 3 (This was "John of Batch," who died in 1684. The Vining family was so numerous that 162 of them were buried in the churchyard from 1636 to 1721.) Robert Ivy for the " H^A^V^ Ha^r' i i o Thomas Gentle... ... ... ... ... 6 John Addams ... ... ... ... ... 2 Robert Ivy for his house ... ... ... 10 ,, „ for Ditties... ... ... ... i o John Clement (Mr. Cash's premises) ... 20 John Keene ... ... ... ... ... i o Matthew Stone ... ... ... ... ... 9 John Rogers ... ... ... ... ... 6 Ben. Lewys for the Lyon (Mr. Hinks' house) 6 Nicholas Rogers ... ... ... ... 2 o Widow ,, (Joan, who died in 1699) ... i o Charles Matthewe ... ... ... ... i o Robert King ... ... ... ... ... 6 John Biggin ... ... ... ... ... 4 Henry Stone ... ■.. ... ... ... 4 Richard Parsons, Senr., for Styles, 4 Andrew Ivy, Junr., for Ditties ... ... i o Thomas Slade ... ... ... ... ... 8 Richard Walter ... 4 William Harding ... ... ... .. 4 Thomas Ivy, Senr. ... ... ... ... 6 Grace Dickery (Dicker) for Tomson's ... 6 Robert King ... ... ... ... ... 10 Owen Tomson ... ... ... ... ... i o Richard Paul, Junr 3 Richard Parsons .. ... ... ... 3 Thomas Besant... ... ... ... ... 3 John Clement ... ... ... ... ... 9 John King for Tanswell's ... ... ... 10 Hugh White for part of Thomas Slade's ... 4 John King, Senr. ... ... ... ... 4 John King, Junr. ... ... ■•. ... 8 William Creed for part of Burbidge's ... 4 Richard Sherrand for part of same 2 Robert Keniston for church lands 6 126 The Borough in 1678. s. D. F. William Clarke (Coneygore) I Mr. Churchey for Hooke I Robert Lewys Robert Pollett (Pawlett ?) I Widow Vyning for — land I Richard Benjefield for Lewys H. Way I _ udit. Dittey. R. Benjafield 3 3 _ ohn Creed (The Registrar) 3 3 Thomas Coles 6 Edward Addams 3 ohn Jerratt 2 ■ Robert Pollett (Pawlett) 4 Philip Bennett (see black tablet in church)... I 4 Henry Dyer I Hugh Watts (of Shanks), Peter Stone 2 I Mr, Richard Churchey I 8 Widdowe Browne ... 4 Thomas Sweatman ... 4 Phill. Bennett for cottage and hayes 3 8 Mr. Churchey for Tout Hill I Mr. William Tallet ... 3 Mr. Gapper (Thomas) for Town End Close I Peter Stone for " The White Hart " • • • 6 ,, ,, " The Crowne " ... • • • 6 „ ,, " The Queene" ... ■ ■ • 6 ,, ,, " The Fountain" • • • 6 Widdow Dickery for " The White Horse ») 6 Mr. Tucker for " The Swan " • • • 6 Widow Dickery for Hurman's ... • ■ • I Mary Jewell (Mr. Stagg's house in Mill Street) 2 Jasper Stacey for " The Angel "... • • • 4 Mr. Tucker for Dowding's • ■ • 2 Widdow Stone .. • Thomas Hurman • • • Jerome Conway • • • Henry Hurman • • * Roger Pounsett • • • Henry Vyneing, Junr. ... 9 William Coles • • • Widdow Pike • • • John Coombes • • • The whole of the Manor rents ... £s 8 3 The whole of the Borrough rents 3 10 I The whole of all the rents , 8 18 4 I do authorise John King to demand, collect and receive 127 The Borough in 1678. to the order of mee, Richard Churchey, of all and every the tenants and inhabitants of the manno and burrough of Wincalton aforesaid, the several rents or sumes of money by whom and every of them for to be paid as aforesaid. And in case they, or any of them, shall refuse to pay their rents or sumes of money by them owing as aforesaid, that then he distrain the goods and chattels of such p'son and persons that shall refuse, or fail to pay the same, and the same goods and chattels he shall take into his hands and custody, until the said rents and sumes of money bee fully satisfied and paid, and until the said goods and chattels be taken out of his hands and custody by due course of law. And for the doing thereof, this shall be unto him my sufficient warrant in that behalf. Given under my hand and seal the day of Anno. D.m 1678." 128 Rate in 1703 for Repairs to the Highways. .*;^/ 2 I The following list of Ratepayers in the parish, 200 years ago, is interesting from several points of view, namely, as showing who Hved here two years before the great fire, and the small sums which were considered worthy of being collected. I copy from an original document in the possession of the churchwardens. As in the previous list, I reduce greatly the number of figures representing the different sums. "A rate made the fourth day of June, 1703, for raising of money for ye repairing and amending the highways within the p'ish of Wincanton by us whose hands are under written. s. D. Mr. Churchey (James), Trustees or occupiers Mr. James Lawrence Churchey... Wm. Lewis, Esq., part of Braynes Occupiers of Parsonage Christopher Farewell, Esq. Mrs. Grace Gapper, widd. Mr. Abraham Gapper Mr. Philip Bennett .. Mrs. Hannah Swanton, widd. Mr. Richard Nicholas The occupiers of Greenhayes Mr. Field, or occupier of Broadmead Mrs. Elizabeth Coope, for Lady Croft Mr. Robert Randall... Mr. Benjamin Randall Mr. Thomas Gapper for part of Churchey's Mr. Edward Tatum ... Mr. Walter Henderson Mr. John Galley Mr, James Day Susannah Mansfield... Mr. William Lewis... ... «. 4 Mrs. Mary Vining, widd. ... ... 11 Mr. Jolin Clement ... ... ... 4 Mr. Nicliolas Clement ... ... 4 Mrs. Maggs, widd. ... ... ... 3 II 4 I 7 3 8 4 4 5 T 6 I 10 I F. 2 2 I I 2 I I 2 3 3 I 2 I 3 3 2 129 Rate in 1703 for Repairs to the Highways. s. D. F Mr. William Cockey ... ... i Mr. William Ivey for Watses ... ... 51 Elizabeth Hockey ... ... ... i i Morgan Keene ... ... ... I Mr. John Glisson ... ... .. 2 Richard Ivye ... ... ... 2 Mr. Robert Kinge ... ... ... 2 i Mr. Wm. Day for Rosses ... ... 62 Dinah Webb, widd.... ... ... 2 Mr. Thomas Knight ... ... 5 Occupiers of Robert Knight's ... ... 31 Occupiers of Mr. Hussey's ... ... 3 i Mr. John Rogers ... ... ... i i Mr. Wm. Moore ... ... ... i 2 John Vining for part of Talbot's ... i John Stone ... ... ... i Owen Hill ... ... ... 4 3 Peter Dove ... ... ... i Richard Shepherd, Senr. ... ... 62 John Vining, Sherman or occupiers ... 22 Richard Edwards ... ... ... 2 Mr. Martin or occupiers ... ... i i Henry Parker ... ... ... 2 Stephen Jewell ... ... ... 3 Abraham Peace (Pearce) ... ... 4 John Coombes ... ... ... 2 3 Mr. Wm. Hurman or occupiers John Vyning, mercer John Horler Jeremiah Pitman John Vining's wid. ... James Hillard .. ... ... 2 Thomas Hermon ... . . ... 1 Thomas Sweatman ... ... ... 3 Robert White ... . . ... 3 John Hockey ... ... ... 2 Widow Paule ... ... ••• 2 Mr. Elias Bulgin (Rev.) _ ... ... 3 Richard Sheane, or occupier ... ... 2 Thomas White, of Bay ford ... ... i Joseph Bidlecombe (Biddlecombe) ... 2 Scebel (Sybil) Little, widow ... ... i Jeane Parker ... ... .•• i Mr. Andruas' widow ... ... 3 John Mitchell ... ... ... 3 130 I I Rate in 1703 for Repairs to the Highways. s. D. F. John Philip and Henry Bracey ... ... I John Perrin, or occupiers ... ... 2 John Wilton ... ... ... 2 Occupiers of Sam. Hockey's ... ... 2 William Picke (Pike) ... ... i Jasper Stacey ... ... ... 1 VVilliain Clarke or occupiers ... ... 2 Thomas Slade ... ... ... 2 Richard Mitchell ... ... " ... i Henry Vining ... ... ... 3 Matthew Stone or occupiers ... ... i William Creed ,, ... ... i Frank Baulster ... ... ... l Will. Stone, of London, or occupiers ... 2 Timothy Wimbolt ... ... ... 1 Edward Dowding, for Lears (H)atches ... 2 Richard Parsons ... .. ... i William Parsons, or occupiers ... ... 2 James Thick ... ... ... i Widd. Andruas ... ... ... I Gerarde Newman or occupier ... ... 2 William Hockey ... ... ... l John Adams ... ... ... 2 Widd. Gentle ... ... ... i Edward Thomas or occupiers ... ... 1 Widd. Wilton ... ... ... i John Daye ... ... ... I John Beacon ... ... ... i Richd. & Thomas White or occupiers ... i Thomas White for Kelways ... ... i Francis Parsons ... ... ... 2 Richard Vining for part of Ivyes ... i Thomas Shepard ... ... ... 2 Christopher Gillingham or occupiers ... i William Gredock (Craddock ?) or occupiers... 1 3 The occupiers of Tyte's Brains... ... 5 James Abbott, or occupiers ... ... 3 Daniel Durnford ... ... ... i William Waye ... ... ... i Joseph Bidlecombe (Biddlecombe) ... 2 Mr. Thomas Jeanes, or occupiers ... 10 Richard Shepard, Junr. ... ... 2 Roger Curtis, or occupiers ... ... i John Picke (Pike) for part of Vining's ... i Mr. Daniel Durnford and Robert Parsons ... i 131 Rate in 1703 for Repairs to the Highways. Jane Flower John Jerratt s. D. F. I 2 The rate on stock in trade and money at interest. — s. d. f. Mr. James Lawrence Churchey for Mr. Robert King for Elizabeth Ivye, widow Mrs. Ann Harvey, widow ... John Hockey, senr. Ann Harvey, spinster John Combes ... Frances Vyning or occupiers Peter Dove Daniel Durnford Mr. Bernard Kinge Mr. William Moore Owen Hill Elizabeth Hockey Mr. William Lewis Thomas Little or occupier ... Mrs. Jeane Flower Mr. John Glisson Mr. Walter Henderson Widow Webb ... Jerom Hill John Vining, weaver William Cockey John Galley Richard Shepard William Lewis John Clement Robert Kinge ) /^, , , . Will. Cockey | (Churchwardens) Jasper Stacey (Parish Constable ?) ist October, 1703. Confirmed by us John Hunt I ri P 'sV Christopher Farewell / ^^ ' ' ;^IOO I ... 300 3 ,.. 50 2 • • • 300 3 • •• 75 3 • •• 75 3 • • • 50 2 • « • 50 2 • • « 50 2 * • • 50 2 • • • 50 2 • • • 50 2 ... 50 2 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 • • • 25 • • • 25 25 • • • 25 . . • 25 • a • 25 ... 25 (Overseers ?) 132 Poor Rate in 1736. POOI^ HRTB IN 1736, From Overseer's Book 1736 — 1758-g. " A rate made the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord 1736 by George Deane and John Pike, church- wardens, John Clewett and Michael Vining, overseers, and other parishioners, for raising of money for the reHef of the Poor of the parish of Wincanton." There were 140 rates made in this year for the reUef of the poor, amounting in the whole to ;^364-i-5|. s. D. F. "Andress Thos. for part of Gappers ... i Adams John ... ... ... i „ for Jerrard's house... ... i Lains ... ... i Andress Thos. Dover or occupiers ... i For his church land ... i Andrews John ... ... ... I Adams Abraham for his house in Mill Street 2 Bennett Philip, Esq. ... ..- 9 Mrs. ... ... ... II I Brickenden John, for part of Vining's ... i Burnett Thomas ... ... ... i Biggs Josiah for his house ... ... i Bulgin Benjamin and John ... ... 2 Biddlecombe for the Town end Field ... i Burnett Thos. for Wm. Pike's ... ... i Beacon Thomas ... ..» ••- i Brittain Edith for Owen Hill's ... ... 3 Bulgin Hannah ... ... ... i Bracey and Gilbert ... ... ... i Benchwalls, or occupier ... ... 2 Barrett Mr., for part of Mr. Churchey's ... 4 for Tatum's Harvey's wood ... I for Biddlecombe's Aldermead... 2 Brine Mrs., for her house Church Land ... I for Wyett's . ... i Brown Nico. for Pike's and Read's ... i Bernard James for the Black Lyon ... 3 133 Poor Rate, in 1736. s. D. F. Churchey Mary for Brain's farm ... 14 5 ,, for Church Land ... 1 „ for James Hillard's ... 2 ,, for the house at Shatterwell 2 „ for part of John Vining's ... 2 Churchey Dorothy ... ... ... 192 „ for Cozenses ... ... 12 Combe Robert ... ... ... 2 „ for Churchey's ... ... 2 ,, for Dicker's ... ... 2 „ for Stone's ... ... i Occupiers of Thos. Andress, part of Stone's 2 Combe John .., ... ... 2 Colley Robert for Pittman's ... ... 1 ,, for Biddlecombe's Lawrence Brook i Curtis Ann for her house ... ... I Craddock Wm. for Abbotts Brains ... 13 Clement EHzabeth ... ... ... i Cockey William ... ... ... I Cross Samuel ... ... ... i i for a house in High Street ... i Cooth for part of the Parsonage ... 3 Clement John ... ... ... I Clewett Saml. ... ... ... i Clewett John for part of Mr. Ivie's ... i ,, for house at Town's End ... 2 Day Thomas ... ... ... 2 Day John ... ... ... i Tripp Mr. for ye Wid Days ... ... i 2 (This was the Mr. Tripp, probably, whose arms, with scaling ladder, were formerly on a black and white tablet on the left of the chancel arch in the church, before the restoration). Day Nicolas ... ... ... i Dove Peter ... ... ... i Day Wm. for part of Jerrard's ... ... i „ ior the Golden Lyon ... ... 12 ,, for a house in Church Street ... i Deane George for the White Horse ... 2 Dolen Thomas for his house ... ... i Dawe Mrs. for Mr. Moore's ... ... 3 Edwards Richard ... ... ... 2 Edwards Robert ... ... ... 2 Farewell Nath. Esq. ... ... 5 134 Poor Rate in 1736. s. D. F. (Farewell Nath., Esq.) ... .. 11 ,, for part of Mr. Ivie's ... i Forward Wm. for his house ... ... 2 Flinger John for Dunford's ... ... 2 for Thos. Johnson's ... 3 Gapper Abraham, Esq. ... ... i ,, for Balsoms ... 2 „ for part of Lewis's ... 32 „ for Munday's Close ... 2 ,t for Prancefield ... 22 „ for Plucknett's Gapper Abraham, Gent. ... ... 10 ,, or occupier for Swift's 6 „ for Hockey's ... i Gapper Widow for Bennetts ... ... i „ for part of Stone's „ for Abbotts ... ... 2 ,, for Littles Gapper Robert, a house and orchard adjoin- \ ing to the Common, late Pomroys J „ for part of Swan tons ... 5 „ for Spring Close ... 2 „ for Clement's Aldermead ... 23 „ for Wm. Pike's ... i ,, for part of Thomas Churchey's 2 Gifford Mr. for Rosses ... ... 5 Glisson John ... ... ... i Galley John for his house, Church Land ... 2 „ ... ... ... I I ,, for Thomas Pitman's ... 2 Hussey Thos. for part of Rendalls ... 2 Hussey Edmund for Batchpool ... ... 2 ,, for Grove Close and Ivie's Mead 4 3 Henderson Mary ... ... ... i ,, for Jerrards ... ... 2 Horler John ... ... ... i i Hockey John, Junr. ... ... ... 2 ,, for part of Moore's Hurd Philip, for part of Bolsters Harris Thomas Hurman John for Widow Andress's Hockey John, Senr. ... Hill Widow, for her house and Bulgins Ireson Nath. for Windmills ... ... 4 ,, for part of Vinings 135 Poor Rate in 1736. S. D. F. (Ireson Nath.) for James Day's... I Ivie VVm. 3 „ for Thomas Pitmans ... 2 ,, for Wimbolts I „ for Pitman's I ,, for Vinneyhayes „ Richard, Senr., or occupier „ Richard, for Gillinghams I I I Jewell Widow Ivie Andrew for Staceys Johnston Thomas ... King Jane, widow, for New Close for Farewells ... I 6 2 3 I 3 for house in Church Street I >> for her house ... I 3 for Vinings Reckhayes for Sellars 2 I King John for Marchess I I Kelloways, paid by Edwd. Matthews Kinaston George Knight Mr. John for Batchpool ... King Robt. for a house in Mill Street 3 2 I I I 2 2 „ Wm. for Bolster's I Lewis Charles I I for part of Clements I for his house in South St., Church Lands I Lewis Thomas «• . . 2 Moore Wm. for West Lease ... 4 for Harding's House Mervin Mr. for Grinhill ... ... 5 Cozenes, Widow Vining ... ... 3 Martin or occupiers for Long Cross ... i Mitchell Richard, Senr. ... ... 3 ,, ,, Junr. ... ... I ,, John ... ... ... I Manning Henry for part of Ways ... 1 Mogg Jos. for a house joyning to the Common i Daubeny Mr. for Mr. Nicholls ... .. 4 Newman George ... ... ... 2 Nation Robt. for Rockhill ... ... i for Rendalls Vox ... 2 Paul William ... ... ... i Plucknett Mr. for his house ... ... 3 136 Poor Rate in 1736. S. D. F. (Plucknett Mr.) for the "Bell Inn;' South Street I „ for Ivie's • • • I ,, for the Parsonage ... I 3 ,, for Widow Jerrards, Bushes . . • I Pecock John for part of Mr. Ivies • • ■ I Perfect Caleb • • ■ 3 2 Perham John for Rogers' • • • I • • OcXlI • ••• ••• • • • 2 I Pike John for Abergany • •• I Parsons Wm. • • • 2 ,, John • « • 2 ,, ,, for house by the Shambles - • • I ,, Richard, paid by Mr. Seymour fc ■ • I Pearce Abraham or Cowper • * • 4 I Robert for The Lamb ... • • « 2 ,, for Lewis's • • • 3 Pomroy Wm. for his house • • • 2 Parsons Richard • •• I ,, Francis for Rosses • ■• I Paul George . •• I Rendall Benjamin or occupiers ... • • • 4 3 ,, ,, for part of Vining's • • • 3 Read Richard • •• I Richard Wm. or Mary Andress... ■ • • I Read Philip, or James Curtis • ■ ■ I Reeves Sarah • • • I Sheppard Edmund for Saunder's • • • 2 „ Richard for Wm. Sheppard's * • • I I ,, Richard ... • • • I ,, Edmund for Flowers... • • • I ,, for Hills « •• 2 „ Richard for Widow Craddocks • « • I ,, ,, for Cozens' or Peter Davis I I ,, ,, for Richard and Wm. • ■ ■ I Swetman Thomas ... • • • 3 Shean Rebecca . , I Stephens Wm., Senr. • • • 2 Suter Benjamin • . • 10 „ for Aldermeads « • • 2 2 for Hurden Corner ... I 2 for Moor Close • • • I for Mr. James Churcheys 1 . . • 4 Slade Elizabeth • > • 2 3 Smith Stephen for part of Clements • • • 2 Spencer, or occupier for a house in Church St. I 137 Poor Rate in 1736. S. D. F. Sheppard Thomas ... ... ... 2 Tyte Ambrose for Tytes Brains... ... 5 Thick Thomas or occupiers ... ... i Tatum Mrs. or Mrs. Harris ... ... 3 Thomas Sarah ... ... ..' i The occupiers of Markets and Fairs ... 3 Thick John, Junr., for Belch (Bell ?) Close and Little Moor ... ... i Vining John, weaver, for a house near the church i J) ••• ••• •>• I „ Richard, shoemaker, for his house ... i ,, for a house near the church i ,, for Clarks ... ... 2 ,, John, Batch... ... ... i ,, Mary ... ... ... 3 2 ,, Joane for Hurraans ... ... i „ ,, for her house and Nobles ... 2 ,, Edward for his house ... ... i „ Michael for Joseph Coombes ... 3 „ „ for part of Vinings ... 2 „ „ for Stone's ... ... i „ Isaac for part of Mr. Churcheys ... 2 ,, Joseph for part of Jerrards ... 2 Webb John for Bear Inn, Long Close and Masters' 2 for Windmill Close ... i Wilton Mary ... ... ... 2 Willis Mrs. for a field by Long Cross ..: 2 White John and Thomas ... ... i ,, Samuel, or Mr. Day ... ... 2 Wickham Mr. for part of the Parsonage ... 32 Wilton Widow ... ... ... i Way Mr. Wm. ... ... ... 2 ,, for Lewis's ... ... 2. ,, for Bushes ... ... 2 Watts Nico., Esq., or Mr. GifFord ... 23 Webb Mrs., widow ... ... ... 2 „ for part of the Parsonage ... 2 Watson Dr. for Broadmead ... ... i WHiite Robert for Moggs ... ... i Way Wm. Carpenter for his house .. i The occupiers of Burtons Mill ... ... 3 Wadman Richd. for his house ... ... i Walter, Widow, for a house in High Street i Webb Simon for Rodber ... ... i 138 Poor Rate in 1736. s. D. F, Marsh, viz. — Gifford John, Esq. ... ... ... 4 5 3 „ for part of Mr. Sansoms... 5 2 Lisle Mr. for Lodmoor and White Pit ... 21 Wickham Mr. James ... ... 132 White John ... ... ... i Bingham Mr. or occupier ... ... 4 Dirdoe Mr, and Collet John ... ... i 3 3 Oxen Leaze, occupiers of ... ... 32 Sansom Mr. or occupiers of Hannam's Leaze 11 3 Gapper Mr. Robert ... ... ... 5 Knight Mr. John ... ... ... 5 Bennett Philip, Esq. ... ... 11 Newman Mr. ... ... ... g Hembrey John ... ... ... 3 Cooth Mr. or occupier ... ... 2 Davidge Henry ... ... ... 5 Young John ... ... ... 4 Coles John ... ... ... 2 2 Parsons Wm. ... ... ... 3 Biggen Mr. Wm. ... ... ... 4 3 „ for Leazehold ... 4 Stavordale, Roundhill, Bitwood and Barrow Lane rate. — Webb Mrs. (Roundhill) ... ... 1 4 2 Bernard David for part of Webbs ... 3 Paget Mr. for part of the same ... ... 14 Leir Mr. for part of the same ... ... 12 Leir Thomas for part of Mr. Churcheys ... i 3 Hansford Henry for part of Mr. Nicholls ... i „ for Edwards' ... ... 2 Harvey Mr. or occupiers ... ... 6 Leir Mr. for part of the same ... ... 22 King Mrs. Jane, widow ... ... 6 Clement Mr. John or occupier ... ... 4 Penny Mr. or occupier ... ... 8 2 Leir Mr. Thomas ... ... ... 4 Naish Robert for Thicks ... ... 13 Galley Mr. or occupier ... ... 3 Cobb Mr. or occupier ... ... 1 3 Coles Mr. or occupier ... ... 140 Shoot Mr. ... ... ... I Penriy Wm. ... ... ... i Willis Mr. James or occupier ... ... i i Chinnock Wm. ... ... ... j 139 Poor Rate in 1736. Napper James, Bitwood Ball Penny Wm., House and Orchard, Bitwood Rate on stock in trade and money at interest.- Ivie Mr. Wm. Sheppard Edmund Coombe Mr. Robert ... Vining Mrs. Joane Dove Mr. Peter Galley Mr. ... Cockey Mr. Wm. Plucknett Mr. Glisson Mr. John Perry Mr. Thomas King Mr. John Brown Nico. Vining Michael Brickenden Mr. Vining Mr. James Little Mrs., widow Brine Mrs. Henderson Mrs. Mary s. D. 4 ^100 25 50 50 50 25 25 25 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 2 2 2 I I I 2 2 2 140 Poor Rate in 1745. POOR RAT^ IN 1745. .iiah> Having given the details of a Poor Rate levied in 1736, 'it may appear to some a "work of supererogation" to produce another only nine years later. Its uses, however, are to show the changes which occurred in the nine years, and that the earlier one is the basis of the later. The sums mentioned are so small that they do not appear to be worth the trouble of collection. The explanation, however, is, that the smaller owners of property had to contribute in the same proportion as the larger, the farthing being the lowest sum as a basis of rating. What seems to have been the practice, was to estimate the sum required for a given time, six or twelve months, and then to decide on the number of collections during that period. Some years there were four collections only, as in the year 1778, when ;^687-4-4 was reahzed. In the year 1812, there were 29 collections. The rates varied in number greatly, as for example, in the year 1741 there were 240. In 1750-1-2-3-4, there were 100 each year. The lowest sum collected in a year was ;^257-i7-8^, when in the years 1753-4-5 the amount was exactly the same. The highest amount was raised in 1812, when it reached the enormous sum 01^2915-16-10^ ; of course, the war with France accounts for these heavy levies. My authority is the overseers' books of that time. "A rate made the 6th day of May in the year of our Lord 1745, by Simon Webb and Abraham Mathew, church- wardens, Joseph Vining and John Parsons, overseers, for collecting of money for the relief of the poor of the Parish of Wincanton. s. d. f. Andress Thomas for part of Gappers ... i for part of Vinings ... I for his Church Land ... I Adams John or occupier ... ... I Andress John, glazier, for house late Sheans i ,, ,, for Dovers ... i ,, Taylor ... ... i Bracher Wm. for Jerrards Lains ... 2 for Jerrards house ... 2 Bennett Philip, Esq. ... ... 9 .• ••• ••• XXI 141 Poor Rate in 1745. Brickenden John for part of Vinings Biggs Josiahs widow for her house Burnett Thomas Bulgin Benjamin and John. Excused Burnett Thomas for Wm. Pikes ... Beacon Thomas Brittain Edith for Owen Hill Bulgin Hannah or occupier Bracey and Gilbert Barrett Mrs. for part of Mr. Churcheys ,, for Tatums Harveys Wood Brown Nicholas ,, for Hockeys Bernard James for the Black Lyon... Churchey Dorothy for Cozense's ... Combe Robert for Churcheys for Stones for John Combes ... for Dickers Cheek Mr. Robt. part of Stone's ... Colley Robert for Pitmans for Biddlecombes, Lawrence Brook Curtis Ann for her house Craddock Wm. for Abbotts Brains Clement Elizabeth, paid by Mr. Cockey Cockey William Cross John, Staymaker, for Bolsters late Hurds Cross John, turner, for his house ... ,, for a house in High Street Clement John Clewett John, or occupier ,, for Peacocks Chamberlain Thomas for Hillards Chubb Mr. Daubney Mr. for Mr. Nicholls Day Thomas, or occupier „ Widow, for Mr. Tripp ,, Widow of Nicholas, for her house Doves, Benjamin Sweetman for part of Dove John Deane George for the White Horse Dolen Edward, for his house, or occupier Dawe Mrs. for Mrs. Moores D. F. I I I 2 I I 3 I I 4 I 9 I I 4 I 2 3 I 2 2 3 2 2 2 I I I 3 I I I I I I I 2 I 2 2 I I 3 2 I 3 142 Poor Rate in 1745. s. D. F. Edwards Richard ... ... ... 2 ,, Robert for his house ... ... 2 Farewell Nathaniel, Esq., Suddon ... 5 for Little Norden ... i i for part of Ivie's ... i Forward Wm. for his house ... ,. 3" „ for Dolens ... ... 2 Flinger John for Dunfords ... ... 2 for Thos. Johnsons ... ... 11 Gapper Abraham, Esq. ... ... i for Balsom's ... ... 2 for part of Lewis's ... 32 for Mundays Close ... 2 for Prancefield ... ... 22 for Plucknetts ... ... i for Abbotts ... ... 2 for Vinings Prancefield ... 22 for Bennetts ... ... 11 Gapper Abraham, gent, or occupier ... 10 i „ for Swifts ... ... 6 for Hockeys ... ... i for part of Pearce's ... 2 Gapper Charles, widow of for Stones ... i for Littles ... ... 2 Gapper Robert for Biddlecombes ... ... i „ House and Orchard late Pomroys i „ House at Towns End ... 2 ,, for Sam. White's house ... 2 „ for part of Swantons ... 51 „ for Spring Close ... ... 42 ,, for Clements Aldermead ... 2 3 „ for Wm. Pikes ... ... i „ for part of Mr. Churcheys ... 2 „ for Grove ... ... i ,, for Lane Close late Ed. Shepards i Glisson John, or occupier ... ... i Galley John for his Church Lands ... 2 for part of Pitmans or Whites ... 2 of Gappers ... ... i Mathew Ann, widow, for Vinings... ... i Goldsborough Mr. for Rowthorn and Libits ) Crate, late Mary Vining's ... J ^ Gapper Thomas or occupier of Church lands... i for Wyetts ... ... i Mathew Edward for his house, Church land ... i Hi Poor Rate in 1745. s. D. F. Husey Thomas, gent, for part of Randalls ... 2 „ Edmund, gent, Batchpool... ... 2 „ ,, for grove close and Ivies Mead 4 3 ,, ,, for Clarks ... ... 2 Henderson Mary ... ... ... t The Workhouse ... ... ... 2 Horler John ... ... ... i i for Pitmans ... ... 2 for part of Ivies ... ... i Hockey, widow, for part of Mr. Moores ... i Hurman John, for Widow Andross ... i Hill Owen ... ... ... ... 3 for Saunders ... ... 2 Harebottle for Roses (Ross's) ... ... 5 „ for the Golden Lion ... ... 12 for a house in Church Street ... i for Jerrards close ... ... i Ireson Nathaniel for Windmills ... ... 4 for part of Vining's ... i for John Days ... ... i for James Days ... ... i Jewell, widow, Excuse ... ... 2 Ivie Charles ... ... ... 3 ,, for Vinney Hays ... ... i Ivie Richard, Senr., or occupier ... ... i Ivie Bartholomew for Gillinghams ■ ... i Ivie Andrew for Staceys . . ... i Jewell William for Thomas Pitmans ... 2 Johnson Widow ... ... ••• 3 King Robert, Esq., for a house in Church Street i ,, „ High Street i „ Mill Street... 2 King Mary for Rickhays ... ... 2 King John for Marches ... ... 11 ,, for John Vinings ... ... i i Kellaways, paid per Edward Mathews ... i Kinaston George ... ... ... i Knight Mr. John ... ... ... 31 for Batchpool ... ... 2 2 King William for Farewells ... ... 63 for Bolsters ... ... i Kittle Mr. for Pauls ... ... ... i Kittle John, or occupier for Parsons' ... i Lewis Charles ... ... ... i i for part of Clements ... ... i 144 Poor Rate in 1745. (Lewis Charles) House in South St., Church Lands Lewis Thomas Light Judith Moore William for West Leaze ... D. for Hardings house Widow Vining Mervin Mr. for Greenhills Cozens' Mitchell Richard John Mathews Edward for Clewetts Mogg Richard for part of Churcheys ,, for house adjoining Common .. Manning Mary for part of Ways ... ,, Edward for Wiltons Nation Robert for Rockhill for Randalls Vox ... Plucknett Mr. for his house or occupier for a house in South St. for Ivies, or occupier for the Parsonage ... Pitman John for his house Pitman Philip for his house for Long Cross Perfect Caleb Perham John for Rogers Perham John, Senr. Pike John for Abergaveny Parsons John, Senr. ... for a house by the Shambles Pearce Abraham for the Mill Pearce Robert for The Lamb ,, for Lewis' Parsons Francis or Robt. for Ross'es Pomroy W^m. for his house Rendall Ben. or occupier for part of Vining's ... Parsons John, Junr. Read Richard Richards Wm. or Mary Andress ... Read Philip or James Curtis Reeves Sarah Edwards Batt. (Bartholomew) Chandler Gartery Seymour Francis, Esq., for Brains Farm 3 I 2 F. I 2 2 3 z I I 2 I 2 2 3 I I 2 2 I I I I 2 3 I 2 3 3 2 4 5 145 Poor Rate in 1745. D. (Seymour Francis, Esq.) For his church lands for Tytes Brains for Slades Close Shepherd Edmund for Mitchells Bean Close for Flowers for Hill's Shepard Thomas „ for Craddocks „ for Cozens ,, Swetman Thomas or occupier Stephens Mr. ,, for Rd. Parsons strap Suter Benjamin, Gent;... for Aldermeads... Hurden Corner... Moor Close Pauls James Churcheys Slade Elizabeth or occupier Smith Stephen, for part of Clements' Sansom Mr. for part of the parsonage Thick Thomas, or occupiers Tatum Mrs. Occupiers of Fairs and Markets ... Thick John, Junr., for Bell Close and Little Moor for Wimbolts ... for part of Perficts Vining Richard, Shoemaker, for his house for a house near the church Vining Dorothy and Eliza for Suddon and ] Windmill and the house ... J Vining Joan for Hurmans for her house and Nobles Vining Edward for his house Vining Michael for Joseph Coombs for part of Vinings for Stone's Vining Isaac for part of Churcheys Vining Joseph for part of Jerratts .. Varding Thomas for his house "Webb John for the Bear (Inn) and Long close for Doves close for Winemill (Windmill) Close for Bench walls 10 2 I I 4 2 3 I F. I 2 3 I I I I I 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 I 3 I I I I 2 I 3 2 I 2 2 I 2 2 146 Poor Rate in 1745. S. D. F. Willis Mrs. for a field p Long Close • • • 2 White Thomas • • • I Wickham for part of the Parsonage «• • 3 2 Wilton Wm. or occupier • •• 1 Way Mr. Wm. ■ • • 2 for part of Lewises • • • 2 for Bushes • •• I for Jerratts Bushes • • • 2 Watts Nicholas, Esq., or Mr. GifFord ■ • • 2 3 Webb Esq., part of the parsonage • •• 2 Watson Doctor, for Broadmead ... ■ • • I White Robert for Moggs • •• I Wadman Wm. for part of Mannings • • • 2 Way Wm., Carpenter, for his house • • . 2 Occupiers of Burtons Mill • • • 3 Walter Moses for a house in High Street • • • 1 Webb Simon for Rodber • • • I „ for New Close • • • 1 „ for Sellars • • ■ 3 I ,, Part of Ivies • • • I Wyattjohn • • • I Wadman Richard for his house ... • • • I Marsh District. — Gifford John, Esq. • • • 4 5 3 ,, for part of Mr. Sansoms .. • • • 5 2 Lisle Mr. for Ludmoor and White Pit ... 2 I Wickham Mr. James ... ... I 3 2 White John •« . I Bingham Mr. or occupier ... 4 Dirdoe Mr. and John Collett • . • I 3 3 Oxen Leaze occupiers... •»• 3 2 Sansom Mr. for Hannams Leaze ... ... II 2 Gapper Mr. Robert ... 5 Knight Mr. John • a » 5 Bennett Philip, Esq, ... ... I I Newman Mr. ... 9 Hembry Mr. John ... 3 Lisle Mr. or occupier ... • •• 6 Davidge Henry . . . 5 Gifford John, Esq., for Mullings ... ■ . . 4 Coles Mr. John .*• 2 2 Parsons Wm. ... 3 Biggin Mr. Wm. or occupier . • . 4 3 „ for Leazehold ... ... 4 147 Poor Rate in 1745. Siavordale, Roundhill, Bitwood and Barrow Lane Rate. — s. D. F. Webb Mr. or occupier ... ... 142 Barnard Mr. David for part of Webbs ... 3 Padgett (Paget) for part of Webbs ... 14 Leir Mr. ... ... ... 12 ,, Mr. Thomas for part of Mr. Churcheys i 3 Hansford Henry for part of Mr. NichoUs ... i Penny Wm. for the other part ... ... 2 for Edwards' ... ... 2 Harvey Mr. or occupier ... ... 6 Leir Mr. for part of the same ... ... 22 Penny Mr. or occupier ... ... 82 King Robert, Esq. ... ... ... 6 Clement John or occupier ... ... 4 Leir Mr. Thomas ... ... ... 4 Naish Robert for Thicks ... ... 13 Galley Mrs. or occupier ... ... 3 Cobb Mr. „ „ ... ... 13 Shoot Mrs. ... ... ... I Penny Wm. ... ... ... i WiUis James or occupier ... ... i i Chinnock Wm. ... ... ... i Napper James, Bitwood Ball ... ... 4 Coles Mrs. ... ... ... i 4 Penny Wm., house, orchard and mead at Bitwood 2 " A farthing rate on the whole parish at that time, when the parish was much larger than at present, produced about ;^2-io-o ; the money spent on the poor in 1745 amounted to /'330-14-0. There were 140 rates collected, which produced ;^36o-i4-4|. These figures prove Q.E.D., as I said at the beginning of this article, that the farthing was the basis of the rate. 148 Witchcraft in Wincanton. WITDHCBflFT IN WINCflNTDN IN 1B64. " For when in earlier years, the dismal power , Of superstition o'er the nations spread Her fearful banner, every lonely tower, And glade that human footsteps seldom tread. And pathless heath, and storm-beat mountain's head, Became the imagined haunt of witch or sprite, Or peopled by the spectres of the dead Who walked the melancholy round of night, Till to their graves dispersed by the fresh morning's light." Scott. Dr. Jessop in his thoughtful and suggestive book, " The trials of a country parson," says, — " If, indeed, the history of England of the future will be the outcome of what may be called the experimental and departmental method of research, it is obvious that the examination of the enormous body of evidence now at our command must be carried on by local enquiries. Only so can slight hints and faint clues be appre- hended, the local customs and dialects understood, and the very names of places and persons detected in their various dis- guises." To this may be added on the other hand that the local historian is handicapped unless he makes himself acquainted with the history of the country, covering the period which he locally investigates and describes. The local historian is apt to think that he is dealing with people totally different from those who lived, and with events which occurred, elsewhere. Fuller investigation generally informs him that the people in his circumscribed locality were much the same — no better and no worse — than those who lived in counties remote from his own. It is even so in regard to the subject of witchcraft as it prevailed in the seventeenth century. This is brought into vividness by a consideration of the details of those cases which have occurred in this neigh- borhood. One is disposed, at times, to be out of heart with the mental and moral condition of society at the present day, and to enquire, — " Is not the world ripening for destruction ? " At such times, a good wholesome tonic is a dose of 17th century history. If that does not effect a cure, or at any rate 149 Witchcraft in Wincanton. palliate the malady, the patient may be given up as hopeless. With this preface, I will now give as clearly as I know how, a picture of this neighborhood as it appeared soon after the opening of the second half of the 17th century. The Rev. John Sacheverell, to whom I have referred else- where, appears to have been an " unco guid " man. He was, however, by no means a good tactician. He overdosed his parishioners with a medicine which did not agree with them. He was not the husband of one wife, for he had three. Because his son conformed to the church of England he disinherited him. He left here, apparently in 1662, for Shaftesbury. Elias Bulgin had come in his place, had married in October, 1662, and was living in luxury on £2,0 per annum. There was commotion all around. Peace had no room to expand her wings. Ignorance and superstition were rampant. Nature was in sympathy with the world of spirit, for Evelyn says, — " Such a time of the year was never known in this world before." Famine, tempest, frost, plague and earthquake all prevailed, and almost all of these came together. Such were the times of our fore-fathers at this period. Even marriage was simply a civil contract. John Cary, J. P., performed the ceremony, sometimes in the church, at other times in the market place. Probably Elias Bulgin him- self was married to Mary Ellen or Elyne by the said J. P., on Oct. 27th, 1662. The public-houses flourished, as the Tokens of Ben Lewis of the Black Lyon, dated 1667, and William Ivy of the Seven Stars, dated 1659, show. Belief in the eternal world must have been reduced to the lowest possible level, when it was considered necessary to endeavour to uproot Saduceeism by showing that the proofs of the christian religion were in any sense derivable from the belief in the devil appearing as a dog or a moth, and that bodily disease was produced by the use of cabalistic words by some cracked old woman. It is difficult to imagine now that the people of Wincanton and Stoke Trister to the number of forty, could, 238 years ago, have been in such a state of besotted ignorance as to be either considered witches or engaged in hunting them, and yet we should remember that half a century has not passed since it was verily believed all round this neighborhood that if one would but sell himself to the devil, His Majesty would for value received give so many years of self-indulgence to the poor fools who wished to have the best of this world, regardless of the next. Some even go so far as to say that such insane belief, or rather credulity, lurks in dark corners of this 150 Witchcraft in Wincanton. neighborhood even now. In the following account, it will be found that no one seems to have doubted the power of witches to inflict such punishments on their victims as they desired. Judges, magis- trates, clergy, gentry, farmers, and ordinary people alike were bitten by the madness. The witches, so called, themselves believed that they possessed such power. Men, women, children, and even poor cattle were "possessed." Lookers on •were afraid to laugh, and no one seemed to have reason or religion enough to doubt the reality of the possession. Another set of rogues made a market of the fears of their fellows. It was very hard, however, on poor old women who had lost their good looks, if they ever had any, to be persecuted and hunted, as foxes are hunted now, not, however, for sport, but for fear or malice. Amongst the witches were an old woman named Elizabeth Style of Stoke Trister, Ann Bishop, Mary Penny, and Alice Duke, alias Manning, of Wincanton, and several others who were their confederates. The justices of the peace were Robert Hunt, Esq., of Compton Pauncefote ; Mr. Bull, of Shepton Montague ; and Mr. Court, residence not known. Amongst the witnesses were the Rev. Wm. Parsons, A.B., of Stoke Trister, who became incumbent there on Sept. nth, 1662, (succeeding the Puritan minister, Rev. John Batt,) and remaining to i68g, when he died ; Mr. Thomas Gapper, parish constable, of Bayford, who was buried at Wincanton on August loth, 1697 '■> Francis Swanton, gent, of Wincanton, who was buried at Wincanton on June 17th, 1668. The bewitched were Elizabeth Hill, aged 13, and Agnes Vining, of Stoke Trister ; Peter Newman and John Newman, of Wincanton, who were both dead at the time of the trial of the witches ; Thomas Conway ; Dorothy Vining, who died in June, 1668 ; Rose, the first wife of Mr. Swanton, who died in March, 1663 ; and Mr. Thomas Garrett's cows. Now we have the parties all before us, let us see what their heinous crimes were, and how the charges were sustained. On being brought before Robert Hunt, Esq., on the 23rd January, 1664, at Wincanton, Richard Hill, of Stoke Trister, yeoman, said that his daughter Elizabeth, 13 years of age, had been for about two months past taken with very strange fits, lasting one hour, two, or three ; that the child told her father and others that Elizabeth Style of the same parish appeared to her, and is the person who torments her. She also in her fits usually tells what clothes Elizabeth Style hath on at the 151 XVlTCHCRAFT IN WiNCANTON. lime, which the informant and others have seen and found true. He said, further, that about a fortnight before Christmas last, he told Style that his daughter spoke much of her in her fits, and he did believe that she was bewitched by her, where- upon Francis White and Walter and Robert Thick willed her to complain to the Justice against him for accusing her, but she, having used several put-offs, said that she would do worse than fetch a warrant. After this, the girl grew worse than before, and at the end of a fit she tells her father when she shall have another fit, which happens accordingly, and she affirms that Style tells her when the next fit will come. He said, further, that on Monday night after Christmas Day, about nine o'clock, and four or five times since about the same hour of the night, bis daughter hath been more tormented than formerly, and that though held in a chair by four or five people, sometimes six, by the arms, legs and shoulders, she would rise out of her chair and raise her body about three or four foot high, and that after in her fits she would have holes made in her handwrists, face, neck, and other parts of her body, which the informant and others that saw them conceived to be with thorns, for they saw thorns in her flesh, and some they hooked out. That upon the child's pointing with her finger from place to place, the thorns and holes immediately appeared to the informant and others looking on ; and as soon as the child can speak after a fit, she saith that Widow Style did prick her with thorns in those several places, which was horrible torment, and she seemed to the informant and others standing by to be in extreme pain and torture. The child hath been so tormented and pricked with thorns for several nights, at which times the informant and many other people have seen the flesh rise up in little bunches, in which holes did appear. The pricking held about a quarter of an hour at a time during each of the four fits, and the informant hath seen the child take out some of the thorns. Three days after these depositions had been taken by Mr. Hunt, the Widow Elizabeth Style was brought on a warrant to Wincanton, before the same J. P., when Richard Hill again gave evidence, giving the following precious testimony. He had gone from the justice's house with a warrant to bring Style before him, when of a sudden his horse sat down on his breech and he could not after ride him, but as soon as he attempted to get up, " his horse would sit down and paw with his feet before." Of course, this was in consequence of the horse, poor brute, being also bewitched by this wicked old woman. 152 Witchcraft in Wincanton. Hill went on to say that since Style had made her confession before this Justice, she had made confession to him that she had hurt his daughter, and that Alice Duke and Anne Bishop did join her in bewitching the child. This witness was followed by the Rev. William Parsons, rector of Stoke Trister. After confirming what the last witness had testified as to what took place at his house on the Monday after Christmas, added, that at that time the -girl's stomach seemed to swell, and her head where she seemed to be pricked very much. She sat foaming much of the time, and the next day after her fit she shewed the examinant the places where the thorns were stuck in, and he saw the thorns in those places. On the 30th January, four days after the previous exam- ination, Nicholas Lambert, of Bayford, confirmed what Hill and Mr. Parsons had said. He said that six men could not hold the child down in a chair in which she sat, that red spots with little black ones in them suddenly appeared on the child's flesh. Can one wonder that the girl had spots on her with six men mauling her as they appear to have done ? We have not yet done with Elizabeth Style, for on the 26th January, Richard Vining of Stoke Trister, butcher, gave evidence against her for bewitching his wife three years before. He said that his wife Agnes, about three years ago, fell out with Elizabeth Style, and that within two or three days after she was taken with a grievous pricking in her thigh, which continued for a long time, till after some physic taken from one Hallet, (Elizabeth Hallet, widow, the only Hallet who died in Wincanton from 1636 to 1720, died Oct. 14th, 1674) she was at ease for three or four weeks. About the Christmas Day three years ago, Style went to his house and gave Agnes, his wife, two apples, one of them a very fair red apple which Style desired her to eat, which she did, and in a few hours was taken ill and worse than she had ever been before. He went to Ditcheat to see one Mr. Compton (a wise man), to obtain physic for his wife. Compton told him that he could do her no good, for she was hurt by a near neighbour, who would come into his house and up in the chamber where his wife was, but would go out again without speaking. After Vining came home, being in the chamber with his wife. Style came up to them, but went out again without saying a word. Agnes continued in great pain till Easter eve following, and then she died. Before her death, her hip rotted and one of her eyes swelled out. She declared to him, and at several times before, that she believed Elizabeth 153 Witchcraft in Wincanton. Style had bewitched her, and that she was the cause of her death. For some reason or other, whether because pressure was put on her and she thought that Hke Topsy she must " fess" something, or because she beUeved that she possessed the power, everyone, clergy, justices, and laity , ascribed to her, or whether proud of her achievement, or, likeliest of all, that she was a lunatic, Elizabeth Style made to that profound lawyer, Robert Hunt, an extraordinary confession, which I will compress as much as possible. She said that about ten years ago, the devil appeared to her in the shape of a hand- some man, and after of a black dog. He promised her money and the pleasure of the world for twelve years if she would with her blood sign his paper, which was to give her soul to him, and observe his laws, and that he might suck her blood. This she did, upon which he pricked the fourth finger of her right hand, between the middle and upper joints. She signed with her blood with an O. The devil gave her sixpence and vanished with the paper. He had appeared to her since as a man, a dog, a cat, and a fly like a miliar, in which last form he usually sucks in her pole at about 4 o'clock in the morning. (That she was so sucked on the 27th Jan.,) and that it usually gave her pain. She went on to say, that when she had a desire she calls him by the name of Robin, when he appears, and she then says to him, — "O, Satan, give me my purpose." About a month ago, she desired him to torment Elizabeth Hill and to thrust thorns into her, which he did. That about a month ago, Alice Duke, Ann Bishop, and Mary Penny, met about g o'clock at night in the Common, near Trister Gate. They met a man in black clothes to whom they curtsied, and she believed it was the devil. At that time Alice Duke brought a picture in wax, which was for Elizabeth Hill. The man in black took it in his arms, anointed its forehead, and said, — " I baptise thee with this oil." He was godfather, and she and Ann Bishop godmothers. They all stuck thorns in this image, after which they had wine, cakes, and roast meat, which the man in black brought. They danced and made merry. They again met and went through a similar performance with another wax figure, which they called John. This time it was for Robert Newman's child. She further related that Anne Bishop, Alice Duke and herself, met on another night in a field near Marnhull, where the devil again met them and baptised a picture by the name of Ann Hatcher. Then they made merry with wine and cakes. She said that before 154 Witchcraft in Wincanton. attending their meetings they anoint their foreheads and wrists, and then they are soon carvied, using the words as they pass— " Thout, tout a tout, a tout, tout, throughout and about," and when they go from their meetings they say — " Rentum Tormentum." After giving more details, she said that "they are sometimes in their bodies and clothes, sometimes their bodies are left behind, yet they know one another." When they would bewitch, they have an apple, dish or spoon, or other things, which must be duly baptised by the evil one before they can do harm. Sometimes they did it by a touch or a curse, but nothing without the devil's leave. She had been at several meetings in the night at Lye Common, on a common near Motcombe, and at Marnhull. Next she gave the names of her companions in these evil practices. Most of the names were at that time common in the neighborhood. John Combes, John Vining, Richard Dickes, Thomas Bolster, Thomas Dunning, James Bush, Rachel King, Rachel Lannen, a woman named Durnford, Alice Duke, Anne Bishop, Mary Penny, and Christopher Ellen, all of whom did obeisance to the devil, who was at all their meetings. The man in black sometimes plays on a pipe or cittern, and they danced. At last the devil vanisheth, and all are soon carried to their homes. At their parting, they say — " A boy, merry meet, merry part." She tormented Elizabeth Hill because her father had said that she was a witch. She had seen the familiar of Alice Duke suck her in the shape of a cat, and that of Anne Bishop suck her in the shape of a rat. That 5^ years ago, Anne Bishop had brought a wax picture to one of their meetings. It was baptised by a man in black by the name of Peter. It was for Robert Newman's child, of Wincanton. The depositions were taken down day after day. For instance, Alice Duke, or Manning, was examined by Robert Hunt, Esq., J. P., for five days in January and February, 1664. She confirmed what had been said before, and further said that eleven or twelve years before that she had gone into Wincanton churchyard in the night time, when they met a gentleman in black, who successively changed into a toad and a rat. For all this, Elizabeth Style, of Stoke Trister, was sent for trial by a jury at Taunton. The poor wretch was found guilty, and was to have been executed, but she died before the day fixed therefor, on such evidence as no reasonable 155 Witchcraft in Wincanton. creature would hang a dog in these days. It is very notice- able that the "Father of hes " kept his character in this instance, for he cut oflf about two years of the life he had promised Elizabeth Style, and her share of the pleasures of the world appears to have been very scanty. The plain lesson of all this is — That deeply imbedded in human nature is the idea of a spiritual world. That going from the Father of Spirits, men seek unto " witches that peep and mutter," and in consequence give themselves oyer to a reprobate mind. A mind stayed on God fears nothing physical or spiritual, for "the spirit of love casteth out fear." The testimony of the old and new testaments agree. " Seek ye out the book of the Lord and read, no one of these shall fail." "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe though one rose from the dead." 156 Window Taxes in Wincanton. Yyixvdov? iaxe^ \u SN\xvcaxv\otv. A few years ago it was by no means an uncommon thing to see many windows, especially those of bedrooms, blocked up, and even to this day there are sham windows in compar- atively new houses, some of them simply put in for appearance sake. Within the last half century, many of them have been re-opened. The wretched tax was not abolished until 1851. Young people may perhaps wonder why they were blocked, after having been opened ; elderly people, however, remember that all householders had to pay a tax on every window above two. In consequence, to save themselves from this obnoxious and wicked tax, they stopped up some of those windows, perhaps having just one brick loose which they could remove when they particularly wanted a little light for some special purpose. It is obvious that not only was the blessed light excluded, but the air also ; the latter, however, was not con- sidered so great a deprivation. This abominable tax was not a light one either, as the following list of tax-payers shows. The list in MS. has been preserved for 128 years, and from it I copy verbatim. " Wincanton Town. Quarter Tax on Houses, Windows and Lights for the year 1774. Windows. £ s. d. Andrews, Hannah Widow „ John, barber „ Richard ... Bennett Mrs. Bracher Wm. Blewett John Brickenden Thomas... Brown Nicholas Barrett John Brockway Robert Brooks Thomas Bull William Bowles James Bracher Samuel Beacon James, (Bear Inn) 157 6 9 7 I o\ 7 I o\ 3 9 ID 2 10 20 8 8 7 iS I 7 ok 6 13 6 5 I 9 7 I oi 12 4 3 7 6 6 I oi 9 9 24 12 3 Window Taxes in Wincanton. Combes Robert Cooper Mary Colley Mary Carpenter Mrs. Clewett Richard Carryer Robert (White Hart) ... Clement Stephen Curtis Edward Cross John, gardener Clewett John, void this year Day James Day Mrs. Dove Mrs. Deane John (White Horse) Deane George Dove Samuebfor Gappers Daw Thomas Davis John, collar maker Davis John Blacksmith Day William, for part of Black Lyon Ellis Thomas Edwards Bartholomew Charles John Benjamin ... Farrington Isaiah ... Fry John Guyer John Gapper Robert, (probably shut up) Gawler Abraham Goodfellow Thomas... Green George Senr — Goodwin Unity Gloyn Joseph Hussey Mrs. widow... Harvey Wm. Hussey Thomas Harris John Hurd John Hughes Mr. (Unitarian Minister) Hussey Edmund Hellier Thomas James Henry Ireson Martha (Ireson House) ... 158 Windows. £ s. d. 8 I 9 7 I 0^ 5 9 8 I 9 6 9 17 7 15 5 9 9 2 3 6 9 6 9 7 I o| 10 2 10 II 3 6 18 7 ^ 7 I 0^ 8 I 9 4 9 7 I o\ 7 I oi ' 13 5 I 17 7 li 7 I oi 7 I o\ 7 I ot 6 9 15 6 4l 7 I o\ 14 6 7 I o\ 7 I o\ 6 9 7 I o\ 6 9 6 9 14 6 7 I o\ 7 I o| 8 I 9 8 I 9 10 2 10 3 9 6 9 19 7 loi Window Taxes in Wincanton. Windows. i s. d. ewell Jane 'vie Andrew • • • • ■ • 7 5 I 9 Kiddle Mary King William • •• 14 6 6 9 Keates John Little David • • • • • • 10 12 2 4 10 3 Lewis Richard • • • 7 I oi Lewis Miss (Dressmaker) Littlejohn John Lush Israel • • • 15 7 16 6 I 6 4l 9 Lovell Charles • • • 13 5 I Mitchell Widow • « • 6 9 Matthews Abraham ... • • • 6 9 Messiter Mr. (Moulton) Mitchell Jos.(eph) ... Manning Sol(omon) ... Mitchell Mr. ... • • •• • • • 19 6 6 10 7 2 io| 9" 9 10 Newman Robert • •• 7 I o| Oborn Thomas • • • 7 I oi Oatley Wm. Pearce Edward • • • a • • 7 II I 3 6 Perfect Robert »• • H 6 Parsons Robert • •• 6 9 Pitman Henry Pomroy Widow Pitman John Philip Parsons Widow • • • • • • a • • • •• • • • 6 4 9 7 6 2 I 9 9 3 o| 9 Joseph William • • • • •• 9 6 2 3 9 Perratt John Parsons John Pitman Stephen Pearce Sarah • •• • « • • • • 7 7 7 6 I I I oh oi 9 Paul Samuel , , , 7 I oi ,, George Ring Mr. Richard ... Slade Thomas • * • • • a 6 19 18 7 7 9 10^ 6 Sweetman William ... • •• 7 1 0^ „ Roger Snook Robert ... 7 6 I 0^ 9 Sweatman Elizabeth • ■ a 6 9 Thick George's Widow Thorn John Senr. ... ... 7 7 I I 159 Window Taxes in Wincanton. Windows. £ s. d. Tewkesbury Mr. Thorn John Junr. ... Vining Isaac n 19 3 3 ^ 7 io| 9 White James 5 9 Way Thomas „ Mr. Webb John Way James Wilkinson 7 18 7 5 9 I oi 7 6 1 o\ 9 2 3 White John Winter Wm. senior 10 6 2 10 9 Whereat Robert 6 9 Wadman John 6 9 160 Overseers of the Parish of Wincanton. OVERSEERS of the PARISH of WINCANTON. 1736 — Clewett John and Vining Michael. 7 — Combe Robert and King John. 8 — Webb Simon and Brown Nicholas. 9 — Ivie Charles and Flinger John. 1740 — Simpson Richard. I — Cross John and Webb John. 2 — Shepard Edmund and Vining Joseph. 3 — Mitchell John and Horler John. 4 — Horler John and Hurd John. 5 — Vining Joseph and Parsons John, junr. 6 — Guyer John, junr., and Mitchell John. 7 — Dove John and Feltham Henry, 8 — Smith Philip and Matthews Edward. 9 — Parsons Joseph and Andress John. 1750 — Slade Thomas and Webb Simon. 1 — „ ,, Ireson Nathaniel. 2 — „ „ Plucknett Henry. 3 — „ „ Dove Peter. 4 — „ „ Webb John. 5 — „ ,, Pitman Philip. 6 — „ ,, Pearce Thomas. 7 — „ „ Deane John. 8 — „ ,, Farrington Isaiah. 1 771 — Deane John and Lewis Richard. 5 — Benjafield John and Edwards Bartholomew. 6 — Goodfellow Thomas and White John. 7 — Hurd Philip and Pearce Edward. 8 — Day William and Paul Samuel. 9 — Hussey Edmund and Deane George. 1780 — Thorn John, junr., and Carpenter John. I — Harris John and Lush Israel. 2 — Coward Richard and Davis John. 3 — Dove John and Pitman Philip. 4 — Chaffey Wm. and Winter Wm., senr. 5 — Brown John and Craddock William. [overseer. 6 — Thorn Charles, Lintorn James. Thick Charles, acting 7 — Coward John and Brown Nicholas. „ 8— Bracher Thomas and Edwards Charles. „ 9 — Cooper Harry and Davis John. „ i6i Overseers of the Parish of Wincanton. 1790— White John and Ciewett Charles. | '^^?^^ Charles, '^ J I acting overseer. I — Gatehouse Charles and Thick Charles. 2 — Dove John and Brown John. 3 — Perrior Roger and Bessant Robert. 4 — Deane George and Oborn Benjamin. 5 — Combes Robert and Tomkins George. 6--Melliar Robert and Dyke Robert. 7 — Brown Joseph and Dyke Henry. 8 — Morrish Christopher and Richards Thomas. 9 — Davis Robert and Randall John. 1800 — Randall John. I — Mitchell Benjamin and Lane William. 2 — Pitman Philip and Benjafield Samuel. 9 — Webb William and Melhuish William. 1810 — Stokes Francis and Andrews William. I — Horwood John and Biggin William. 2 — Arnold Richard and Percy William. 3 — Doney William and Morrish Nathaniel. 4 — Garrett Thomas and Richards John. 5 — White George and Bracher Thomas, junr. 6 — Herridge William and Slade Thomas. 7 — Davis John and Mitchell James. 1818-20 — Baker George and King George. 1821 — Messiter George and Richards James. 3 — Bracher George and Bracher William. 1827-31 — Thorn John and King George. 1832 — Hansford Benjamin and Creed John. 3 — Wyndham George. 4 — Bracher James and Dyke Charles. 5 — Curtis Edward and Moger Anthony. 6 — Sly Samuel and Dyke John. 7-^Hannam James and Gray Joseph. 8 — Davis Thomas and Perrett John. 9 — Russell George and Linton William. 1840 — Gatehouse John and Macmillan John. I — Arnold Richard Mogg and Dyke John. 2-3 — Richards Thomas and Wm. Hutchings. 4 — Phillips Thomas and Crew James. 5 — Goodfellow John and Meaden Edward. 6 — Winter William and Biggin Robert. 7 — Dowding Charles and Hayter John. 8 — Goodfellow John and Herridge William. 9 — Feltham Charles and Bond George. 1850 — Day Ira and Dyke George T. 162 Overseers of the Parish of Wincanton. 185I: — Vining C. M. and Biggin William. 2 — Jacobs Uriah and Dauncey John. 3 — Davis John and Reakes George. 4 — Matthews William and Hannen William. 5 — Deane George and Moody Thomas. 6 — Snook Henry and Parsons Charles. 7 — Benj afield George and Cross Charles. 8 — George James and Biggin George. 9 — Edwards John and Wyndham Henry. i860 — Green Elias and Deane Charles. I — Down Jonas and White George. 2 — Green Robert and Ashford William. 3 — Newman William and White Stephen. 4 — Fry William and Feltham George. 5 — Blake John and Parsons John. 6 — Oborn Henry and Perrett George. 7 — Vining Peter and Dyke Nathaniel. 8 — Bracher W^illiam and Perrett John. 9 — Bracher Benjamin and Roberts Thomas. 1870 — Longman Samuel Hine and Feltham Charles. I — Hunt Charles and Roberts Stephen. 2 — King Arthur and Parsons John. 3 — ,, ,, Watling Edmund. 4 — Sweetman George and Perrett George. 5 — Richards Jam.es and Bush Joseph. 6 — Bracher Philip Henry and Ashford Thomas. 7 — Weare Josiah and Dyke Nathaniel. 8 — Deanesly Samuel and Horsey Charles. 9 — Dyke Thomas and Dowding Edwin Henry. i88o — Mead Isaac and Perry William. I — Clementina Thomas and Reakes Alpheus. 2 — Hannam John and Feltham Charles. 3 — Hutchings Reginald R. and Raymond Wm. 4 — Newman William, junr., and Herridge John. 5 — Gibbs John and Shaw Charles J. 6 — Snook Henry and Martin Sidney. 7 — Green Ambrose Wm. and Loader John R. 8— Goodfellow William T. and Lippiatt J. H. H. 9 — Knight Alfred G. and Francis Eli. 1890 — Lock George and Dowding Herbert. I — Shepherd Frederick and Roberts Walter. 2 — Broadway Edmund and Blake Harvey. 3 — Pocock Charles and Portnell James. 4 — Woodcock C. H. and Pitman Walter C. 5 — Howes Charles, Weare William, and Blake C. F. 163 Overseers of the Parish of Wincanton. 1896 — Eden J. W., New E. J., and Shewen John. 7 — Maddocks James, Harris Edwin, and Deanesly Richard. 8 — Hutchings R. R., Amor J. B., and Hinks J. C. g — Fudge J., Budgen T., and Lippiatt J. H. 1900 — Bracher Wm. Herridge, Buck Frank, and Dyke E. H. I — Bracher Wm. Herridge, Hannam John, and Emmerson Robt. 2 — Bracher W. H., Portnell J., and Feltham C. 164 WiNCANTON People as Coloni2ers. WINCANTON PEOPLE AS COLONIZERS. This is not the place to tell the oft-told tale of the " Pilgrim Fathers." Many able writers on both sides of the Atlantic have given the general history of the emigration of the people of England to the United States during the 17th century, but in so far as can be ascertained here will be set down what this neighborhood, and especially this parish, con- tributed to the early peopling of America. As is but natural, our cousins in America are more keen on these matters than we are. The interest they take in pedigrees is most praise- worthy, for of all the perplexing subjects in which we can engage, I know of none so perplexing as Genealogy. The most patient investigators have always, not only something to learn, but much to unlearn. True it is that the elucidation of obscure subjects gives most thorough pleasure, but to rack one's brains almost to madness to complete a pedigree, and then to find that a link or links are missing, and that one has to go over the whole thing again and again, and at last to find that some one or other can upset all your careful calculations, is aggravating in the extreme ; and yet, in spite of all this, some attempt must be made to connect the past with the present. With this preliminary statement, I will here present such facts as I think can be fairly proven. Amongst the early emigrants from this parish were repre- sentatives of the Ewens, Dyer, Vining, Meade, Gutch, Freke, and Sweetman famihes. Of these, there were Puritans, mainly perhaps Nonconformists ; and Royalists, for the most part Episcopalians. Some of them, again, went to enjoy in a new country liberties denied them in their own ; others, who were broken down in fortune, left to gain in America what they despaired of regaining at home. In these days, there is much mixture of politics and religious profession in families, and this mixture prevailed in the 17th century and after. This is one of the chief difficulties, at least so I find it, in discovering to which party particular individuals at that time belonged. Even specialists on this subject differ, then " v/ho shall decide when doctors disagree ? " By this, happily, " the right of private judgment is esiablished." In 1 63 1, Mathew Ewens, of North Cadbury, in making his will, said, that he intended " by God's grace to take a long journey." One is at first disposed to think that what he 165 WiNXANTON People as Colonizers. meant was to go into the next life, but, apparently, this was not what he meant, but that his intention was to cross the sea. He appears, as I am informed by a descendant of his, Major Clarence Ewen, of New York, to have gone to Boston, accom- panied by his relatives, Edward Ewens, of Suddon, Wincanton, and Robert Freke, of Dorset. Mathew died, and his will was proved in 1633. If he had been buried at North Cadbury, his burial would be found recorded in the Register of Burials in that church, but apparently it is not found there. Edward Ewens, born at Suddon in 1607, died near Exeter, in what is now called New Hampshire, then called New Somerset, on the gth November, 1667. In the year following, Edward's son, Edward, removed to Boston to join the Frekes. John Freke, a son of Robert Freke, who married Katherine Ewens, was buried at Boston in 1674, and there Edward Ewens married a Miss Clarke, on a tombstone there the arms of the Ewens and Clarkes being united. These early settlers from Somerset were no doubt attracted to New Somerset, not only by sentiment, but because Sir Ferdinando Gorges, who was a Somerset man, had a Royal patent to hold a large tract of land there. They were mostly Royalist families, of which the members increased much too fast for their fortunes. The port of embarkation was Bristol, their vessel "The Angel Gabriel," 240 tons, and 16 guns, which traded between Bristol and Pemaquid, New Somerset. She was wrecked at Pemaquid in a great gale in the harbour in 1635. We next come to William Dyer, who, with 18 others, on the 7th of March, 1638, founded the town of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, U.S.A., when the said William was about 40 years of age. Mr. Louis Dyer, a few months ago, furnished a long and interesting account of his ancestor to the 5. S^ D. Notes and Queries, to which those who require greater detail are referred. Briefly stated, however, it may be said that William was a son of George Dyer, of Bratton St. Maur. His grandmother, who lived there, was a rich woman, but, in making her will, she distributed her fortune amongst about forty relatives. William's share was only ten pounds, and his father, in 1623, is described as " pore." It is little wonder that he wished to emigrate to better his fortune ; (of the 18 others I can find no Wincanton name.) He married Mary Longe, who was probably a Wincanton woman. Jerom Longe died here in 164T. This party of emigrants did not agree long together at Portsmouth, accordingly, he and seven others separated, and 166 WiNCANTON People as Colonizers. on the 28th April, 1639, founded Newport, Rhode Island. Mary Dyer was a most uncompromising Quaker. She gave her family no end of trouble. Saved from jail several times, and once from death, she was finally accused of witch- craft, and according to the pious and enlightened laws of those times, and that country, she was hanged on a tree at Boston in 1660. The Longes were a strange family. Herodias Longe, a sister of Mary Dyer, at the age of 14, was married at St. Faith's Church, London, in 1637, to a John Hicks, who took her to New England, robbed and deserted her. In 1648, she was married to George Gardiner. (Gardiner was a Wincanton name at that time.) They lived together until 1665, when they were divorced. When she was between 40 and 50 years of age she again married, this time to John Porter, probably related to Deliverance Porter, to whom we shall refer later on. William Dyer, the son of William and Mary, died in Sussex Co., Pennsylvania, in 1690. Meade. One of this family, now or late of Rochester, N.Y., claims relationship to a David Meade, who is said to have been a native of Wincanton, and a captain of cavalry in the army of Cromwell. The parish register records that a Richard Meade was buried in the churchyard on July nth, 1670. A group of Wincanton Emigrants, about 1652. The following account is taken from " New England Historical Registers." "These presents are to certifie unto whom it may concerne, that wee Thomas Cromwell and John Cromwell whoe have beene long inhabitants here in ye towne of Salem in the county of Essex in New England, doe testifie that wee have known Hugh Joanes as one coming from England in the same ship with us into the country above thirty years agoe, and we understand in Mr. Strattons ship, that he came from Wincanton, and was servant to Mr. Robert Gutch and his sister, and Elizabeth Due, and Margaret White and James Abbott, and John Vining as we understood came from the same place, and the said Hugh Joanes that came along with us into the country is now living. Taken upon the corporall oathes of the saide Thomas and John Cromwell in Court at Salem the 27th June 1682 and alsoe the saide Hugh Joanes then psonally appeered in court being in health. Hugh Joanes married ist Hannah Tompkins, June 26 167 WiNCANTON People as Colonizers. 1660. She died May 10, 1672. He married 2nd Mary Foster 31-io-mo 1672." It is quite possible that most of these people were connected with Wincanton parish. Due or Dew is not I believe a common name. I find in the parish register that Christian Dew was buried at Wincanton on Sept. i6th, 1645, and it is only about 50 years since that Nancy Dew, the last of the family here, died. Margaret, the wife of Henry Jones, was buried here on Sept. 30th, 1652. Anchoret Abbott, widow, was buried here in August, 1645. White was a well-known family here, and the christian name, Margaret, is frequent from the year 1645. Robert Gutch, referred to above, bore a well known Wincanton name. Elderly people remember two of both the christian and surnames. I have also heard of another Robert Gutch here, who wrote a religious book, entitled — " The sure foundation," The depositions of the Cromwells are not the only evidences we have of an early Robert Gutch going out to America. In the month of August, 1885, a clergyman of the city of Bath, Maine, U.S.A., then an old man, since deceased, wrote a letter to a brother clergyman in this neighborhood, in which he said — " I have learned that the Rev. Robert Gutch, the first settler in our city of Bath, in 1665 came from Wincanton, England,^ previous to his departure for America. He came to the wild woods of Maine, and settled on the banks of Kennebee. My residence is on a portion of land owned by his grand-daughter. The front part consists of 35 acres. I have mentioned the above to ask if you think anything can now be learned of the said Rev. Robert Gutch. W^ould records be likely to be in existence in Wincanton concerning him or the family ? If so, I should be very glad to have copies. We have never, so far, been able to learn any particulars of him previous to his coming to America. It was only a short time since I learned that he came from Wincanton. If this information is correct, and if it is not too much trouble for you to make the enquiry and learn any facts, I should be greatly obliged. Yours truly, F. S. Dike. It is a strange thing that the name of Gutch does not appear in the list of burials from 1636 to 1720, nor do I find the name in any local document till 1801. The Vining Family. It is impossible to feel any surprise that some of this 168 WiNCANTON People as Colonizers. family, tried to find a home across the seas. Here they simply swarmed. From April 17th, 1636, to 1721, no less than 162 of them were buried in the churchyard. In the i6th century, the Vining family and that of the Dyers were closely connected, and on the other side of the water they kept up the connection. Mr, Mark Vining, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, claims to be a descendant of the Wincanton Vinings. He says — " In the town records of Weymouth, Massachusetts, it says that John Vining came from Wincanton, England, in Mr. Stratton's ship. He was a cooper, and about 16 years old. He settled in Weymouth, U.S., and was a 'select man,' and held other public offices for many years, and amassed a fortune. He left in his will large property to his wife and eight children. One of the overseers of his will was his kinsman Joseph Dyer." Mr. Louis Dyer says that the Dyers were Royalists. Mr. Vining says that the Vinings were Puritans in America, and that the Dyers there, their most intimate friends, presumably were Puritans also. " Mr. Stratton's ship" left Weymouth, England, in 1652. I have, however, failed so far to discover any particulars respecting her passengers. Amongst the sub- scribers to this book are several of the families most interested. I can but hope they, being so keen on matters of this sort, will trace out on the other side what I have failed in tracing on this side. The young cooper may have been a son of John Vining, landlord of the White Horse referred to on page 90, and the Feoffee who took office in 1635, (see page 27). This young emigrant, in the year 1676, testified that he was then 40 years of age. He took to wife a Mary Reed. His will was witnessed by Deliverance Porter, James Lovel and Thomas Dyer. It is noticeable that the port of embarkation and dis- embarkation is Weymouth. Probably the name was given on the other side in honour of the port on this. Apparently, John Vining above referred to was not the first of that name in America, inasmuch as in Vol. 47 of the " New England Historical Registers " it is said that John Vyninge was made overseer of the will of Bennett Swayne, the elder of New Sarum, dated 3rd December, 1630. The will of William Dyer, whose mother was hanged, was proved on 4th September, 1690. He is described as " William Dyer of Sussex County, Pennsylvania." i6g Churchwardens of Wincanton. CHURCHWARDENS OF WINCANTON. This is a very imperfect list, but, fragment as it is, it may answer a useful purpose. A.D. No. of Burials. 1637— Moger Hugh and Wills George. 15 8- 13 1640 — Bunter Richard and Dicker Francis. 15 I — Rideat William and Hill John. 47 2— 15 3— 19 4 — Picke John and Brock Anselm. 13 5 »j >> »» 32 6— „ „ ,, 13 7 — Plympton Francis and King John. 10 8— 16 9— . 33 1650 — II I — Creed John and Beacon William. 24 2 — ,, Watts Edmund. 17 3 — Paul Richard and Ivy Andrew. 16 4 — (A summer of extreme heat.) 46 5— 19 6 — (Rev. Henry Shepard buried here on May 7th.) 16 7— 24 8 — ( A year of very severe weather.) 22 9 — Register evidently neglected. i 1660 — 12 f " Such a time of the year was never known ) ^ I in this world before." — Evelyn. J 2 — 15 3— ... 27 4 — Rogers John and Lewis William. 25 5 — Tucker Robert and Hill Owen. 32 '^~~~ >j J) j> 27 7 — Gapper Abraham and Lewis Benjamin. 16 8 — Ivy William and Paul Richard. 32 9 — Clark Wilham and Jerratt John. 30 1670 — King John and Stone Matthew. 39 I — Vining George and Shepherd Robert. 13 2 — King John and Ivy Andrew. 17 3 — Addams Edward and Pond Hugh. 18 170 Churchwardens of Wincanton. A.D. No. of Burials. 1674 — Clement John and Pike John. 25 5 — Jerratt John and Combe John. 34 . 6 — Dove Peter and Sweatman Roger. 68 7 — Lewis "William and Hill Owen. 26 — t, j> n 24 9 — Clement Nicholas and Ivey Richard. 20 1680 — Vining George and Pawlett Robert. 18 1 — Gapper Abraham and Keene John. 34 2 — King Robert and Stone Matthew. 39 3 — Bennett Philip and Hill Owen. 47 (Longest frost on record.) 4 — Wilton Jerome and Clarke William. 60 (91 days of frost.) 5 — Tatum Edward and Flower Benjamin. 27 6 — Flower Benjamin and Tatum Edward. 52 (Exceedingly hot season.)' 7 — Ivye William and Harvey Thomas. 8 — Pierce Abraham and Horler John. 9 — Mitchell John and Jewell Stephen. 1690 — „ „ „ I —Edwards Richard and Vining John. 2 — Stacey Jasper and Cockey William. 3 >> " " ^7 4 — Bennett Philip and Hill Owen. 31 5 >> >' " 25 6 — Keene Morgan and Dove Peter. 25 7 — Shepherd Richard and Clement John. 37 8 — Lewis William and Dove Peter. 36 9 — Gapper Thomas and Galley John. 31 1700 — Swanton William and Vining John. 27 1 — >> >> >> 4^ 2 — King Robert and Parker Henry. 35 3 — ,, Cockey William. 47 (Great tempest, 1500 seamen perished.) 4 — Bennett Philip and Hill Owen. 55 5 — Churchey James Laurence and Day James 26 6 — Gapper Thomas and Churchey James. 23 7 — King Robert and Jewell Stephen. 23 8 — Bennett Philip and Hill Owen. 23 9 — Churchey Thomas and Cross Samuel. 31 1710 — King Bernard and Pounsett Richard. 32 I — Bennett Philip and Hill Owen. 8g 2 — Churchey Thomas and White Robert. 36 3 — Churchey James ,, ,, 14 171 Churchwardens of Wincanton. A.D, No. of Burials. 1 714 — Churchey Thomas. 25 5 — ,, and Combe Benjamin. i8 6 — Combe Benjamin and Day James. 44 (The Thames dried up.) 7 — Pearce Thomas and Feltham David. 27 " >> j> »> 21 9 — » J. „ 30 1720— „ „ „ 26 I — (To June) — 10 3— 34 4— 45 5— 38 6 — (Rev. Elias Bulgin buried Feb. 14th.) 77 7— 37 8 — Gapper Abraham. 51 9— 51 1730— 33 1— 57 2— 48 3— 29 4 — Pike John, 30 5 — Deane George and Pike John. 29 6 — „ ,, „ 31 7 — » »> » 67 8 — n ,, n 35 9— ». », M 51 1740 — CoUey Robert and Clewett John. 55 ^ >> >> >j 5^ 2 — „ „ Sympson Robert. 41 3 — Webb Simon and Combe Robert. 35 4 — ,, ,, Mathew Abraham. 30 5 — Webb John and Slade Thomas. 30 6 — White Robert and Mathew Abraham. 24 7 — Cross John and Burnett Thomas. 51 8 — Mitchell John and Ivie Andrew. 33 9 — Ireson Nathaniel and Brickenden John. 41 1750 — White Thomas and Vining Joseph. 41 I >> )> )> 43 2 — King John and Andrews John. 33 3 " >' >> 33 {New style begins this year. Hitherto the year commenced on March 15th.) 4/ — King John and Andrews John. 40 5 — Plucknett Henry and Pitman Philip. 20 172 Churchwardens of Wincanton. A.D. No. of Burials. 1766 — Lewis Richard and Pittman Stephen. 33 7 ■ '» " " 56 8 — Mathew Edward and Thick John. 36 9— 37 1760 — 40 I — 52 2 — 47 3 — 20 4 — 10 5 33 6— 70 7— 55 8— 32 9— 71 1770 37 I — 31 2 — 31 3 59 4— 45 5 — Ellis Thomas and Bacon James. 41 6 — II II II 44 7 >» »» »» 55 8 — II II 1) 43 9— 39 1780— 31 I — 36 2 — 45 3 — 45 4— 56 5— 63 6— 46 7 — Deane George and Deane Thomas. 45 8 42 9— 39 1790 31 I — 38 2 — 34 3 Carpenter John and Lintorn James. 40 4 59 5 53 6— 17 7 34 8— 44 9 — Lintorn James and Carpenter John. 34 173 Churchwardens of Wincanton. A.D. No. of Burials. 1800 — Combe Robert and Morrish Christopher. 44 ^ >> »» i» 3^ 2 >> It tt 21 3 >> i» ^ »> 33 4 — „ ,, Pitman P. K. 35 5 _>' n )i 2o 6 — Melhuish Henry, and Mitchell Benjamin, 34 (mercer) (yeoman) 7 >j u If 37 8 — ji II If 48 9 — >> II 11 36 j8io— „ „ „ 35 I — Howes John and Stokes Francis. 45 2 — Messiter George and Ring Richard. 32 3 >i 11 II 33 4 11 II II 42 5 >> II II 34 6— „ „ „ 35 7 n II II 37 8 — >> II II 30 9 >> ♦> 11 44 1820 — Ring Richard and Messiter George. 32 I- 2- 11 II II 4^ II 11 33 3 >> II II 32 4 — » II II 33 5 — » 11 II 38 6 — » II 11 4^ 7 — II II II 36 ° II II II 52 9 — i» II II 40 1830— „ „ „ 49 I — >. >i n 36 2 — Messiter George and Deane Edwin. 53 3 " " i» 39 4—^ »' 11 }> 35 5 — Wyndham George and Messiter George. 40 6 — Eastment J. W. and Hansford Benjamin. 30 7 — Bruorton William and Arnold Richard. 68 8 — Messiter Henry and Richards John. 68 9 — Arnold Richard and Bruorton William. 48 1840 — Baker James Jonathan. 79 I— Baker J. J. and Dyke George. 45 2— Baker J. J. 34 174 Churchwardens of Wincanton. No. of and Purchase J. B. and Down Jonas. A.D, 1843— Baker J. J. 4— 5— 6— 7— 8— 9— 1850— 1 — 2 — 3— 4— 5— 6— 7— 8— 9— i860— I — 2 — ■ 3— 4— 5— 6— 7— 8— and Richards Thomas. 1870 — Cooper E. Y. and ,, I — „ ,, Messiter Herbert. 2 >) >) >} 3 — Messiter John and Surrage James. 4 — ,, Colthurst James Banter. 5 — Messiter Herbert and Shaw C. J. o >> »» j> 7""" " " " 8 — Shaw C. J. and Dyke Nathaniel, junr. 9 >> J) >> 1880 — ,, ,, ,, I — Fowler Fredk. Thirlwall and Dyke N., junr 2 >j }> )> 3 »» >» >» 4 — »> » » 5 '> " »» 6 — ,, and Shaw C. J. Burials. 76 59 49 50 59 43 53 50 30 37 42 25 31 41 37 46 35 34 35 49 70 43 37 44 29 44 43 69 37 34 38 47 SI 37 33 36 48 33 • 45 33 39 39 30 41 175 Churchwardens of Wincanton. A.D. No. of Burials. 1887 — ^Fowler F. T. and Langhorne Wm. Bailey. 40 8 — ,, ,, ,, 56 (Cemetery opened June 30th.) 9 — Fowler F. T. Including 16 in workhouse 57 1890— „ „ 18 „ 55 I— » » 13 .. 41 „ 12 „ 46 Exclusive of workhouse aS >> >> 24 Including 8 in workhouse 34 37 28 34 22 40 48 Hospital 4 57 2 — )j 3 i« 4 >> 5 6— u >> 7— 8— 9— »l 1900 — n I — 1) 2 — 1) )> » 12 >f 5 }) 10 t> 17 M 23 » 176 Longevity in the Parish. LONGEVITY IN THE PAHISH. I have often regretted that the custodians of Parish Registers did not enter the ages of those buried, We could, -if they had so done, have come to more certain conclusions as to the comparative longevity of our predecessors and our- selves. There is no doubt in my mind that not only is the AVERAGE of human life in the igth century much higher, but that there are more octogenarians and nonogenarians now than in the centuries that have passed. This is undoubtedly true of this parish. It is also true that this is a healthy parish, especially since the new system of drainage was brought into operation, and the supply of water plentiful. At Mid- summer, 1898, there were 169 inmates of the Union Workhouse reported upon. 82 of them were above 60 years of age, and the average age of the whole number was 72 years and five months ; there was one at 90, and 15 of 80 years and more. The oldest man in this district I have heard of was Joseph Melhuish, of Pitcombe, who died on 23rd February, 1838, at the age of 108. The oldest in the following list is Mrs. Isabella Sly, who died on loth December, 1875, when she had reached 102. Mrs. Thring, of Alford, who was born on 12th Sept., 1790, lived till Sept. 26th, 1891, and she was buried on the 80th anniversary of her wedding day on Oct. 1st following. A large proportion of those whose names follow were born, lived, and died in the parish. The remainder were all more or less intimately connected with the parish. P'rom the parish register, only nonogenarians have been taken, other- wise the list would have assumed undue proportions. Andrews George Sept. 17, 1823 ... 92 A'Barrow Miss Christian ... Sept. 26, 1875 ••• 94 Andrews Sarah . ... Nov. 7, 1813 ... 90 Andrews William (barber) ... Sept. 17, 1853 ... 92 Andrews John July 14, 1831 ... 92 Atkins or Extence Noah (laborer) Dec. 18, 1881 ... 100 ,, Dorothy. . Feb. 17, 1842 ... 97 Baily John, Hotel Proprietor Aug. 10, 1882 .. 81 Baily Maria;, widow Sept. 8, igoi ... 84 Baker James Jonathan, gent Feb. 21, 1890 ... 82 Baker John Webb, gent ... Sept. 30, 1895 ... 88 177 Longevity in the Parish. Bamford Sampson, gent March 29, 1901 ... 82 Benjafield Mary, widow of Abednego March 31, 1896 ... 83 Bessant Mary... Dec. 2, 1822 82 Beveridge Sarah, widow July II, 1892 81 Biggin Wm., farmer March 21, 1853 ... 80 Bioletti Alberto, hairdresser March 14, 1840 ... 92 Bond John, brickmaker Nov. 3, 1895 83 Bracher Margaret Eliza Dec. 23, 1899 80 Bracher Susan, widow Jan. 31, 1890 93 Bnckenden Elizabeth Dec. 23, 1869 98 Brickenden Thomas, Dr. Sept. 4, 1857 ... 86 Brown John, gent Jan. 12, 1850 85 Brown John, gent Nov. 4, 1819 82 Brown Matilda, widow March 29, 1856 ... 84 Brown Priscilla, wife of John May 3, 1831 84 Brown Rose ... Jan. 18, 1902 80 Bye William, supervisor June 14, 1840 85 Bond Elizabeth Nov. ig, 1868 ... 92 Burton Harry \ , . (workhouse)^ ^ I king of the gipsies |julyi4, 1847 ... 94 Burton Dove ... Feb. 27, 1846 ... 95 Barrett John Jan. 13, 1821 95 Chant Philip April 13, 1901 .. 90 Churchey William ... Jan. 14, 1897 87 Clewett William Feb. 13, 1900 89 Collins Rev. Henry Oct. 28, 1881 ... 80 Coombes Jane March 7, 1900 ... 82 Cooper Edward Yalden, gent Dec. 15, 1897 ... 89 Cox Elizabeth 1893 .•• 81 Craddock Charles, farmer ... Feb. 14, 18915 89 Craddock Mary, widow of Arthur June 9, 1899 87 Crew Mary, widow ... July 24, 1891 91 Cross Elizabeth, widow of Wm. May 18, 1902 ... 87 Cross Margaret, wife of Thomas July I, 1876 80 Cross Thomas, farmer Aug. 17, 1884 ... 85 Crouch Edwin July 13, 1902 85 Churchey James June 16, 1826 91 Chaple Harriet Nov. 29, 1855 ... 96 Clewett John April 14, 1870 ... 90 Davidge Ann ... Dec. 29, 1891 83 Davidge Charles March 6, 1902 ... 87 Dauncey Harriett Sept. 12, 1891 81 Davis John, printer ... Jan. 14, 1897 84 Davis John Sept. 2, 1805 97 Davis Judith Sept. 22, 1826 ... 80 178 Longevity in the Parish. Davis Mary Dec. 13, 1888 ... 85 Davis Robert ... June 24, 1851 ... 97 Davis Thomas, saddler ... Feb. 16, 1873 ... go Day Rebecca ... March 11, 1833 ... 91 Deane Mrs. Charles Nov. 10, 1896 ... 83 Dove Eliza, widow May 20, igoo ... 80 Dowding Charlotte, widow ... Sept. 3, i8gg ... 83 Drover Mr. John Nov. 26, 1867 •• ^o Dyke Elizabeth ... ... Jan. 7, 1843 ••• 9° Dyke Elizabeth, widow of Henry Nov. 18, i8gi ... 83 Dyke Henry, retired farmer... Dec. 11, i88g ... 87 Dyke Nathaniel, retired farmer July 2, i88g ... 80 Foot Joseph Jan. 27, 1851 ... g2 Francis Thomas, plumber ... Nov. 16, 1850 ... 84 Gapper Thomas Aubrey, gent Dec. 15, 1886 ... g2 Godwin Mary April 13, igo2 .. 86 Goodfellow Henry June 17, i8go ... 80 Goodfellow John, organist ... March 27, 1868 ... 81 Green George Jan. 3, i7g8 ... 102 Green Harriett, widow of Chas. Nov. 15, i8go ... 82 Green Robert, parish clerk ... April 2, i8g5 ... 80 GreenSusannah, widow of Thomas Aug. 5, 1874 ••• 9^ Gregory John Oct. 14, i8g7 ... 80 Gutch Robert, attorney ... Aug. 30, 1828 ... 82 Guyer John Oct. 23, 1846 ... 83 Guyer Charlotte, daughter of John April ig, 1880 ... 83 Hallet Mary Jan. 3, 1842 ... gi Hannam Mrs., widow, I ^°y^^^°M i8g2 ... 82 Hannam Uriah Feb. 24, igo2 ... 81 Hansford Betty March 10, 1862 ... g3 Hansford Robt., pensioner ... June 2g, 1887 ... 80 Hayter James, Horwood ... Jan. 23, i84g ... 85 Herridge Charles, retired farmer Dec. 11, i8g6 ... 85 Hoskins Mrs. Alfred Jan. g, i88g ... 84 Howes John, draper .. . ... April 3, 1857 ... 82 Hunt Jane, widow of Henry Jan. 30, 1873 ••• ^o Huss Thomas June 21, 1845 ... g3 Hutchings Edwin, tailor ... Oct. 24, 1887 ••• 81 Hutchings Richard March 21, igoi ... 87 Hutchings Susannah... .. Sept. 26, 1868 ... 84 Ings Ann, widow of Edwin... June (Sth, i8g3 ... 82 Jacobs Uriah, china dealer ... Aug. 13, 1876 ... 84 James Jonathan, schoolmaster July 18, 1881 ... g3 Jeans Betty June 15, 1847 ,.. 94 179 Longevity in the Parish. Jeanes Susan, spinster Jeanes Susanna, widow Kevin William Kimber James King Dorcas, widow -. King Richard, tailor... Knight Wm, ... Knighton Ann Knighton John, currier Lapham Alice, widow Lear Daniel ... Lydford John, wheelwright ... Marsh Elizabeth Mead Hannah Mead Jane Mary, widow of Isaac Messiter Catherine Elizabeth Messiter Letitia Messiter S. E., widow of Henry Milborne John . . Mitchell Elizabeth Miles Christian Messiter Rev. Richard Musgrave Mrs. Maria Olding Henry, Horwood Osmond Anna Osmond Joseph Paddock Mary Parfitt George Parsons Elizabeth Parsons Dr. S. N. ,, William Perry Wm., Verrington Phillips Charles, Burton's Mill Pitman Elijah, bootmaker ... Pitman Eliza, widow of Elijah Pitman Elizabeth Pond Uriah Radford John, son of Rev. John Randall Mary, widow Read Richard... Read William... Rendall Samuel Richards Charlotte, Suddon Rogers Elizabeth, widow ,, Martha July 28, 1882 ... 80 July 1874 ... 96 July 24, 1902 ... 85 Feb. 10, i8go ... 83 July 7, 1902 ... 82 April 28, 1892 .., 82 March 27, 1902 ... 82 Jan. 16, 1880 ... 82 Feb. 4, 1874 ... 86 Sept. 3, 1873 ... 81 Feb. 7, 1830 ... 92 Nov. 19, 1872 ... 80 June 7, 1900 ... 95 April 6, 1834 ... 80 March 9, 1894 ... 87 Feb. 7, 1894 ... 82 Dec. 8, 1841 ... 83 Nov. 21, igoo ... 82 Aug. 3, 1825 ... 92 Jan. 12, 1900 ... 83 March 20, 1869 ... 92 May 15, 1885 ... 84 Dec. 4, 1875 ••• 88 Nov. I, 1870 ... 80 May 8, 1902 ... 86 Aug. 2, 1858 ... 92 Feb. 1877 ... 84 Jan. 18, 1902 ... 85 May 3, 1856 ... 86 Jan. 14, 1881 ... 81 Feb. 16, 1837 ... 92 Dec. 16, 1895 ••• 89 Dec. 17, 1873 ... 83 Aug. 18, 1895 ... 86 June 18, 1896 ... 84 April 15, 1826 ... 80 Nov. II, 1891 ... 80 Dec. 2, 1899 ... 86 Feb. 16, 1880 ... 81 June 19, 1883 ... 92 Nov. 20, 1876 ... 91 April 10, 1900 ... 82 Oct. 12, 1881 ... 81 Jan. II, 1893 ••• 81 March 16, 1853 ... 92 180 Longevity in the Parish. Rgwden John ... Saunt Eleonar, | wrongly dated ' ( on tombstone Sherring James, cooper Sherring Sarah, widow Sims Jane Sims Wm., gas manager Slade Catherine Sly Isabella ... Sly Saml., wine merchant ... Sly Selina Deane Stacey Elizabeth Stanger Elizabeth Stokes Mary ... Stone Thomas Surrage Dr. Thomas Lyddon Sweetman Sarah, widow Taverner Martha, spinster ... Tayleur Henrietta, widow ... Taylor Ann ... Templeman Nancy ... Thick George... Thorn Charles Tottle John Tozer John, schoolmaster ... Trenchard George Vallis Mary Ann Vallis William Vincent John ... Vining Sarah, widow Vining William, Whitehall ... ,, Susan ... Wadman Henry Warren Elizabeth, widow ... Weare Joseph... Weare Sarah Weston Eleanor White Ann, widow ... White James ... White Mary, widow ... White Thomas Williams Sarah, Dial House Wills EHzabeth Woodcock Thomas ... Yeo Mary i8i Jan. 5, 1900 i June 18, 1867 July 20, 1878 Feb. 19, 1879 Jan. 15, 1847 . Dec. I, igoi Jan. 27, 1855 Dec. 9, 1873 June 10, 1890 March 26, 1879 .. Sept. 6, 1842 Aug. 20, 1897 Oct. 29, 1857 Sept. I, 1827 March 31, 1863 •• May i8, 1891 .. 1901 Sept. 25, 1892 .. Oct. 29, 1896 Feb. 22, 1855 April 10, 1895 •• March 22, 1893 •• Sept. 13, 1844 .. Feb. 28, 1804 Nov, 7, 1885 May 9, igo2 Dec. 17, 1902 Sept. 7, 1876 Jan. I, 1863 Jan. 23, 1891 Jan. 9, 1863 Nov. 21, igo2 Jan. 14, 1893 July 15, 1886 .. Feb. 13, 1873 Jan. 30, 1837 .. Aug. 12, 1897 .. Feb. 8, 1893 Sept. 3, 1886 March 18, 1843 .. Dec. II, 1850 Feb. II, 1873 March 5, 1902 .. May I, 1845 86^ 93 80 85 90 96 92 I02 87 82 86 82 94 93 83 91 94 84 87 84 88 86 92 86 81 81 80 86 91 80 91 84 87 qo 86 91 84 81 81 91 87 86 82 94 Local Buildings of Interest. Cfee 33tultiing2; of IPnlfrcs^t in tin Coiuu anti l^cigijljoiljooti, -^^t^^^m"^ — In the reports of the Wincanton Field Club, I have given the best accounts I could find of " The Dogs," " Balsam House," and " Suddon House," which I need not repeat here, except in the very briefest manner, but there are many others in the town and neighborhood wdiich deserve attention, and with w^hich the interests of this parish have been bound up. Most of them have a living interest to the antiquary, and they appeal to all persons of cultivated taste, who, passing them, pause to admire. There are few strangers who visit the neigh- borhood who do not carry with them pleasant remembrances of these houses and their settings. To say nothing of that delightful house, its gardens and lakes, at Stourhead, to which I have devoted an illustrated book, Compton Castle, Hadspen House, Redlynch House, Yarlington House, and several others, never fail to interest the cultivated eye, and appeal to the artistic sense of the visitor. To anyone visiting the town and enquiring, " What is there to be seen here?" this section is intended to be an answer. To the antiquary it may be an incentive to push his enquiries farther, and so satisfy his longing for information of which this description will stand for his ABC. It will, perhaps, be most convenient to refer first to those nearest home, not that they are the more important but because they are more easily reached. "The Dogs'' on Tout Hill. This was undoubtedly the Manor House in the time of Richard Churchey, in 1678. It is probable that he had it built when he was a young man. In it he received the Prince of Orange, when on his march from Torbay to London in 1688. The Orange room window may be seen from the street. It faces the east, and is on the second floor of the left wing. The oak timber on the stairs is very fine. The house was restored by Ireson, probably between 1740-50. In the Orange room are some paintings by the hands of some of the French captives of war, 1805-15. The gardens formerly were evidently very large. The owners of the house have been — Churcheys, Moggs, Biggin, Deanesly, and lastly the Rev. Walter Farrer, who now resides there. 182 Local Buildings ok Interest. It is uncertain when it was first named "The Dogs." It was so called in 1805. For many years a dog, carved in stone, stood on each pillar at the entrance gate. A greyhound's head erased sable holding a trefoil or was the crest of the Churchey family. For a fuller 'account of the Churchey family the reader is referred to the Reports of the Wincanton Field Club, " Tout Hill Housed The residence of Mr. W. E. Cooper. This house has every appearance of having been built in the latter half of the i8th century, probably after 1793 but before 1797, as it is shown in Robert Newman's picture of Wincanton, which is dated i8th May, 1797. It stands on or near the site of a former " Mancon Howse," which was con- veyed on the 25th of February, 1651, with over 400 acres of land in Wincanton and Maperton, from James Churchey of Wincanton, merchant, to Barnabie Baker, of the close in the citty of New Sarum, and George Churchey of Weimouth. In 1726, "The mansion house, formerly two burgages, were conveyed to Samuel Barrett," whose son, " Samuel Barrett of Wincanton, malster," conveyed it in 1752, with several fields adjoining, to Thomas Gapper. In that family it remained until the death of Thomas Aubrey Gapper in 1886. At the sale of Mr. Capper's estate, the mansion was purchased by Mrs. Charles Tayleur, by wdiose trustees it was offered by auction again on June 25th, igoo, when it was purchased by its present owner. Part of the coach-house and stables date further back than the mansion. I am disposed to think that the former mansion stood on the site of the present coach- house, and that the mansion stands where two burgages formerly stood, and that it was built by Robert Gapper, junior, .whose father, Robert, died in 1799, aged 79, and who himself died in 1828, aged 67 years. '^ Balsome House.'" The residence of Mr. Henry Snook. I have given all the information I can obtain about this house in a Report of the Wincanton Field Club. I iind no allusion to it in the enumeration of the burgages in Queen Elizabeth's reign. This may, however, be accounted for by its not being in the borough proper. About the middle of the 17th century it appears to have been owned by Mr. Barnabie Lewis, and at the bej^inning of the next century to have passed to the Cappers, and in that family it remained until Mr. T. A. Capper's death in 1886. The house itself appears to be 183 Local Buildings of Interest. Jacobean ; very much altered in Ireson's time, whose hand is clearly traceable on it. It is without doubt one of the most desirable residences in the town, and is kept in good order. During the absence of the Gappers in London, which often happened, several of the family being eminent lawyers, it was let with the farm, and consequently was not kept so well as it otherwise would have been. There is one fine elm, 17 feet in girth, in front of the house, being the sole representative of a large number of contemporaneous elms of the same importance. A picture of the house appeared in an old illustrated magazine about a century ago, in which the elm appears, but which is lacking in the dignity it now possesses. " Ireson House," The residence of Mr. John Wadman, Stands about 400 feet above sea level, and over 100 feet higher than the church tower. The land on which it is built formed until recently a part of Windmill farm. Farther back in history it was a portion of unfenced land known as " East- field." It is named after its owner and builder, who, leaving Stourton about 1726, purchased the farm and erected the house, and carried on the business of master builder and potter. Ireson lived here till his death in 1769. He amassed consider- able wealth, which he left for the most part to his wife, who died there in 1772, when she was succeeded by her maiden daughter, Martha, who remained there till her death in 1797. In 1780, Mr. Christopher Morrish married Nancy Ketter- masters, a grand-daughter of Ireson, and on the death of Martha Ireson went there to live. His wife died in 181 1, and he followed her in 1835. Mr. Wm. George purchased the estate and for a time had a kind of model farm. The house had several tenants since 1830 : the late Mr. E. Y. Cooper from 1834 to 1839, Mr. Lorimore, supervisor, after him. In 1851, Mr. Thomas Moody purchased the estate and completely metamorphosed it. Indeed, he left but little of the old mansion standing. Till his time the house was approached by a flight of steps immediately facing the front door. Mr. Moody put up walls to enclose the whole premises, and made the new road by way of Flinger's Lane. He also brought the fine coat of arms in stone now at the top of the garden. Mr. Trenchard made very little change of any sort there during his ownership. On its being offered by auction in September, 1902, Mr. Wadman bought it and went there to reside immedi- ately. From the front of the house may be had a fine view of the Vale of Blackmore and the hills beyond. 184 Local Buildings of Interest. Mr. Cash's Residence, Though one of the best houses in the town, is without any distinguishing name, probably because it has grown piece by piece to its present dimensions. The property is inseparably connected with the Messiter family, who owned it for nearly a century and a half. Mr. Moulton Messiter, in 1762, purchased several messuages of Mr. William Clement ; Mr. John Brickenden, an eminent doctor, being one of the tenants. He rented Coneygore of " Tomas Clarke of Brewton " in 1756, and purchased it in 1773. In 1786, he willed it to his wife, and after her decease, or marriage, to his son Richard, who after- wards lived at Bayford Lodge. Mr. George Messiter resided here till his death in 1834, when he was succeeded by Mr. Henry Messiter, who died in 1879. Mr. Arnold J. Bennett next purchased the premises and occupied them till he left in 1895, when Mr. Cash became the owner and is still in possession. The Messiters carried on banking, in what is now Mr. Cash's office, till 1844, when Stuckey's Banking Co. took over that part of their business. Until recently there were some mul- berry trees in the grounds, said to have been planted by some of the French prisoners at the beginning of the 19th century. The grounds are the favorite resort of pleasure parties, who are fortunate enough to be invited there for school festivals and other similar gatherings. '' Rodber House:' The first distinct allusion I can find to this house is in connection with Simon Webb, who lived here in 1736. The early references to the Webb's in the parish register are very curt. It tells us simply that Laurence Webb died on Dec. 2gth, 1702 ; Thomas Webb died on July 5th, 1704 ; Dinah Webb died on March 26th, 1711. Simon married Martha King, who belonged to an older Wincanton family, some of whom at least were engaged in the law. John King died on Jan. i6th, 1773 ; Mary, his wife, on Nov. 25tii, 1794. Simon was a linen weaver, a trade " which brought much gain " to the W^incantonians for at least a couple of centuries. The house was built anew, or much re-built, since about 1730, and bears marks of the handiwork of Nathaniel Ireson, externally and internally. Simon Webb lived to a good old age as is evident from local documents. Apparently he had the house built about the time of his marriage, Elsewhere it will be seen that Simon was churchwarden in 1743 and 1744, and 185 Local Buildings of Interest. overseer in 1750. He died on March 6th, 1775, and his wife Martha on Nov. 8th, 1776. His son WilHam succeeded, and died on April 28th, i8ig, aged 69. Martha, daughter of Simon and Martha, died on i6th Jan., 1811, aged 67. After this, Mr. George Baker Hved here. His w^ife died in July, 1830, and he died here at the end of 1839. Soon after this the house was restored, and the road in front removed to a greater distance from the house, and the wall built enclosing the premises. Mr. King then occupied it till his removal to Castle Gary. After this, Mr. Gharles Deane married and went there to reside till his death in 1865. M^- James Jonathan Baker then entered, and lived there till his death in 1890. Mr. Henry Gulley followed. Mrs. Gharles Deane purchased it, and went there to live until her death in 1896. For a short time Dr. Edwin Deane lived there ; then at Michaelmas, 1897, Mr. T. J. George entered, and left after five years' occupation at Michaelmas, 1902. At the time of writing it is vacant. " South Bank House,'" Recently purchased by Mr. Henry Ghichester, stands on one of the highest points in the parish, being about 395 feet above sea level, and has an uninterrupted view of many miles of Somerset and Dorset, including the Vale of Blackmore. It has grown very much during the last century. It is to be regretted that the names of places around this house have been changed so often. It has led to confusion without any corresponding advantage. For instance, the hill was formerly called "Sunnyhill," then " Gonduit Hill," and since " Bayford Hill." The field at the east of the house was in 1741 called ♦' Dove's Glose," then " Webb's Ground." The house itself was " Hill House," but Admiral Selwyn called it " South Bank," which is a misdescription. " South View" would not be amiss, but it is on the North bank. The name " Dove's Glose " appears to indicate that Mr, Dove had a house of some sort there before 1741. Mr. John Webb lived there in that year, when he made the pond in " Dove's Glose," to the detri- ment of the town's water supply. Before the hill was lowered it ran up to the same level as the house, which was much smaller than now. In 1789, on being offered for sale, it was described as " a genteel newbuilt dwelling house." The Rev. John Messiter was living there from 1801 to 181 1. In 1836, Mr. George Messiter appears to have been residing there. During his occupation, it was greatly enlarged (about the year 1848) by the addition of attics and extensions on the North side. Admiral Selwyn purchased the estate in 1871, and 186 z < u y. < H •£ Local Buildings of Interest. again enlarged it and opened it out. He died in 1882. Mrs. Selwyn lived there for a few years, when it was sold to Mr. W. B. Langhorne, who occupied it for 15 years, and in Feb., 1903, sold it to Mr. Henry Chichester. "Devonshire House," near the Church. This house may be reckoned amongst the most historical houses in the town. It has borne its present name onl}' a dozen years ; previously it was known as " The Parsonage." How long it was so called is uncertain, but in 1786, when purchased by the Rev. Samuel Farewell, who left Holbrook to live here, it bore the name. Amongst its previous owners and occupiers were : — Early in the 17th century, Abraham Pearce ; next, Abraham Vining, who died an old man in 1686. He was followed by Samuel Vining ; then by Abraham Bulgin, who died in 1699 ; Rev. Charles Plucknett, 1745 to 1777 ; James Plucknett, 1777 to 1786 ; Rev. Samuel Farewell, 1786 to 1797 ; Rev. James Fendall Hawkins, D.D., 1797, and who was living there in 1830, but who died at Laverstock, Wilts, in 1836 ; Mr. John Messiter, till his death in 1891, when Miss Carter purchased and entered upon it, and still remains. It appears to have been in 1558 the property of Mr. Lawrence Dyer, and to have been called " Rousew^ell House." This Lawrence Dyer was the brother of Sir James Dyer, the eminent Judge. The house was much enlarged about the year 1855. Mr. George Cooper's in South Street, On the site of " Temple Court." The present house is modern, having been built by its late owner and occupier, Mr. Edward Yalden Cooper, in 1836. When Mr. Cooper purchased it in 1833, it consisted of several tenements, occupied by Miss Jane Gatehouse, Mrs. Ring, Mrs. Harvvood, Mr. Charles ^Nlelhuish, Mr. James Horton, Mr. John Marsh Long, and Mrs. Yeo. In the time of Queen Elizabeth, the property belonged to the Plympton family, afterwards to the Churcheys, who owned so much properly in the parish. In 1652, Anne, daughter of Thomas Churchey, was united in marriage with Thomas Strode, of Maperton House. They had a daughter, Anne, who was married to Philip Bennett, solicitor ot Wincanton, at the end of 1677, and in the mansion where the present house stands they lived. Mr. Bennett, for many years, was clerk of the peace for the county of Somerset. He lived 187 Local Buildings of Interest. to a fj^ood old age, dying in 1725, and his wife died in 1735, as the tablet in the parish church shows. On a large slab in one of the aisles the names of Churchey, Strode, and Bennett appear. Sarah Bennett, their daughter, was a spinster. She succeeded her mother, and in making her will in 1775, gave "All that her capital messuage or Mansion House, &c., &c.," to her cousin, Anthony Burlton, a condition being that he assume the name of Bennett, to which he did not object. Part of the Churchey property came to Mr. Bennett, including the late Mr. Crew's farm ; a large field adjoining the farm house still bears his name. There are some interesting fragments of the old mansion still in existence, an old sundial and a shield carved in oak, dated 1682. After the house had been built ready for occupation, it was burnt to the ground, nothing being left but the cellar stairs. Meantime, Mr. Cooper remained at Ireson House, where he had been for some time residing. After his father's death the present owner bought it. The Town Hall and Market House. The Town Hall and its accessories have not, like Tennyson's brook, flowed "on and on for ever." The hall did not come till it was called for, and that was not until about 130 years ago. Previously, such public meetings as were held took place at one or other of the hotels, taking them in turn. There were "Assembly Rooms" at the Greyhound, Swan, and White Horse. Magisterial work was done either at Bruton or at the houses of the magistrates, and in those days several miles' journey had to be made before a J. P. could be found. Vestry meetings were either held at the long room of the workhouse in Silver Street, at other times in the church, sometimes on working days, at others on Sundays. There was at an earlier date a market house of some sort, the position of which I cannot fix with any exactitude, certainly not where the present one is. I am told that it was not in the " Shambells," but above, near to the present public buildings. This oldbuilding was, in 1748, in a dilapidated state, and was then put in repair. In 1767, it was in "a ruinous condition," when, with the idea of " making work," a mob collected and dragged it down. It was not re-erected, as there was no money to be had to build another anywhere else. Light- hearted a business as this was for the mob, it was a serious matter for the trustees of those days. The following notice was issued, of which the original draft is still in existence. — " Whereas some malicious person or persons did on Wednesday the fourth day of November last, some time in the 188 Local Buildings of Interest. night time, wilfully and maliciously pull down and destroy part of the Markett House, situate in and belonging to the town of Wincanton in the county of Somerset. Now we whose names are hereunto subscribed, being the major part of the Feoffees of and belonging to the Markett, do hereby resolve and agree to punish with the utmost vigour, the person or persons concerned in pulling down the said Markett House. As witness our hands this igth December, 1767. John Brickenden. Wm. Way. Moulton Messiter. Natl. Webb. Robert Perfect. Richard Lewis. Simon Webb. T. Brickenden." John Deane. For two years there was no Market House. Where the present buildings are were some old tenements almost, if not quite, untenantable. They belonged to the Trustees of the church charities. An arrangement was made between the different sets of Trustees by which £^ per annum could be secured in perpetuity for the church. In consequence of this these cottages were taken down, and the new market house, with the town hall over it, erected in 1769, at a cost of ^400. The accounts show us who the parties were who did the work. Amongst the items are — William Godfrey, for the freestone and the ) working thereof ... .. ... / Edward Walter, tiler Edward and Moses Walter, plasterers Mr. Goodfellow, oak for roof, laths and nails Mr. Deane, for carriage... Mr. Ivie, carpenter James Andrews, plumber Thomas Pomroy, mason William Helliar, for bricks Mr Ivie, sashes, sash frames, and other work Mr. Goodfellow, for boards and nails, &c. Mr. Harvey, for damage in " Fidlers Hays" ) by forming roof ... . ... J Mr. Oatley, for painting vanes Ditto, for gilding and painting the market ) house clock ... .. ... ... / Mr. Gapper, for bricks ... Jerome Sloe, for quarrying in Mr. Gapper's ) quarry the stone for the market house J Mr. Deane, for carriage of stone from Keinton \ for the market house ... ... ) 189 £ s. d. 28 4 \o\ 6 7 12 18 I 46 18 6 21 19 2i 31 10 9 20 10 29 8 3 8 8 12 6 2 ^5 I 10 5 1 5 2 6 9 3 17 19 6 Local Buildings of Interest. That hall when first built was practically as some of us remember it 50 years ago, but it was different from what it was at the time of the fire, for in 1867 it had been greatly enlarged at a cost of /TSoo- For the sake of the younger readers I will tell how the premises appeared before this enlargement. The hall was about half its present size. The head was on the South, towards Mr. Hannam's, and the entrance at the North end. To enter it, it was necessary to go into the market house, turn to the right and go up the stairs. There was no other entrance or exit, and was therefore a " parlous " place if a fire had broken out. There was a small ante-room on the West side. There was a fireplace at the South end, over which hung the oil painting of Judge Dier. There were two sets of rails across the head of the hall ; the inner division being for the magistrates, the outer for prisoners and witnesses. Outside was the division for the public. The ceiling was flat, and about 10 feet from the floor. Underneath was the market house with three open arcades, in which there were four standings for butchers, with scales and beams for their joint use, and for outsiders also on payment of a small fee. On the West side, down a step or two, was a miserable room about 7 or 8 feet square, used as a lock-up, and incongruously called " Roundhouse," or more fittingly " blind-house," as its only light was through a grill in the door about 6 or 7 inches square. There was no attempt made to keep it wholesome, and the only bedding was a heap of straw. Into this hole two or more prisoners were put and kept day after day, with rats for company. More than one poor wretch has died there. I remember two such cases. This state of things continued until the police station was built in the year i860. What was done with the prisoners during temporary incarceration before 1791, I cannot say. In that year the blind-house and stair- case were built at a cost of ^137-18-7. Outside by the hall door was a conduit, the reservoir being under the floor. The supply was from " Conduit Hill," but it was very intermittent. When the water was scarce, fighting for preference was often resorted to. A more unsafe place, when the footway was one block of ice, it is difficult to imagine. This lasted till 1848, when a new stone pump and lamp post were erected in the Shambles at a cost of /56-8-4, of which sum the Feoffees paid ;^40, the Water Co. the remainder. This pump was taken away at the end of 1879. To return to the hall. In 1867, the town hall was enlarged at a cost of ;^8oo. The whole of this was never paid off. About midnight on the 9th August, 1877, the whole was destroyed by fire. The damage to the 190 Local Buildings of Interest. property was estimated at ;^i6oo. The New Hall was opened in October, 1878. At this time the road was widened about 8 feet, and the new tower erected. Concerts were held on two nights, when £2']-6-?i was cleared. What with ^800 insurance, ^400 subscriptions, and in other ways, the whole sum was paid off. (Since then, in 1893, ^he market hall has been made and the whole enclosed.) Here the Petty Sessions and County Courts are held, and the whole is available to all comers at moderate rates. It would be much better if the building could be lenghtened about ten feet either way, but this cannot be done, and, if it could, there are no funds to do it. The Carmelite Friary. (Specially contributed.) " The Order of Our Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel, which first settled in England about Christmas, 1241, remained practically unknown in Somerset until the time of Charles I. On the 14th of June, 1341, Edward III. granted a licence for mortmain to W'alter de Meriet, to hand over to the Provincial of the Carmelites (John Polested) nine acres of meadow at Taunton to build thereon a church in honour of the Virgin Mary, as well as houses for the habitation of a prior and some friars of the said Order. For some reason which has not come down to us this foundation did not take place, or, if it did, it disappeared in a short time. The bishops of Bath and V\ ells ordained from time to time members of the Order, but these belonged mostly to the convent at Bristol, though some of them may have been natives of the county of Somerset. Early in the seventeenth century the Discalced Carmelites, a branch of the same Order, founded by S. Teresa, made their way to England, to minister the consolations of religion to the Catholics scattered up and down the country. One of them, John Rudgeley, better known as Father John Baptist of Mount Carmel (1587- 1669), lived for .'-everal years before and during the Civil war, at Wells, where he was assisted by Fr. Eliseus of S. Michael (William Pendryck), and since it is recorded that they did not restrict their labours to the town of Wells, but went about from place to place, it is not improbable that they also frequently visited Wincanton. Be that as it may, the time had not yet come when they could think of a permanent residence. 1 he foundation of the stately Carmelite priory belongs to a more recent period. One of the residents of Wincanton, 191 Local Buildings of Interest, Mr. Thomas Clementina, who, being an ItaHan by birth, was of course a Roman Catholic by baptism, placed a room of his house in Nt>rth Street at the disposal of Father Cotham, the then priest of Bonham. For a time the few Catholics of the neighbourhood assembled there for worship on Sundays. In due course Fr. Cotham called a meeting of the principal members of his small congregation, namely, Mr. Clementina, and Mr. John Bradney of Bayford, and the resolution was passed that Acorn House in South Street, then for sale, should be acquired and transformed into a chapel and presby- tery. Mr. Clementina contributed no less than five hundred pounds to this end, while Mr. Bradney and Father Cotham subscribed one hundred pounds each. The purchase was negotiated through the manager of Stuckey's Bank, Mr. F. T. Fowler, and its object, hitherto kept secret, having become public property, a perfect storm of indignation burst over the heads of the Committee, which found a safety-valve in letters to a local newspaper. The Committee were able to proceed to the solemn inauguration of the new mission which took place on the i8th of October, 1881, the feast of St. Luke, who is still con- sidered the patron saint of the chapel. The Right Rev. Abbot F. A. Gasquet, then Prior of Downside, sang the Mass ; Rev. Father (now Rt. Rev. Abbot) Ford presided at the organ ; some members of the Benedictine monastery of Downside formed the choir ; and among the congregation were many neighbouring priests and laymen. Fr. Cotham having been obliged by ill -health to resign his chaplaincy at Bonham, the bishop of Clifton appointed Rev. Father Walsh to the mission at Wincanton. At first he had to cope with considerable difficulty, as a number of residents continued to resent the establishment of a Roman Catholic place of worship, so much so that Fox's Book of Martyrs was distrib- uted at the Protestant Church Sunday School as an antidote against " Popery." After his departure in the following summer, the Benedictines of Downside and the Franciscans of Clevedon undertook the pastorate, until, towards the end of 1882, the Discalced Carmelites of Kensington took charge of it. They added to the chapel and built a new wing in connection with Acorn House, so that early in 1885, a Priory with the full observance of the monastic Rule could be inaugurated. It soon became obvious that the old house was both unhealthy and inconvenient, and in 1888 the present stately building was erected by the Rev. Father (now Verj' Rev. 192 Local Buildings of Interest. Canon) Scoles of Bridgwater, the builder being Mr. Kitch of Bridgwater. The work was begun on the 7th of May, 1888. The foundation stone was laid on the i6th of July, and on the i8th of August, 1889, after having been thrown open to the public for some days, the new monastery was solemnly blessed by His Lordship the Hon. and Rt. Rev. Bishop Clifford. Unfortunately the funds in hand did not allow the simultaneous construction of a new church which is urgently needed. The following is the list of the Priors : — 1885-1888.— Very Rev. Fr. M. E. Badger. 1888-1891.— Very Rev. Fr. J. D. Ostendi. 1891-1894. — Very Rev. Fr. Sebastian Colin. 1 894- 1 897. — Very Rev. Fr. M. E. Badger. 1897- 1900. — Very Rev. Fr. Augustine Fatcher. 1900-1903. — Very Rev. Fr. M. E. Badger. In connection with the mission a small school was opened in Commerce House, Market Place, in 1884, and transferred in the following year to Rock Hill. In August, 1891, it was handed over to the Ursuline nuns from Swansea, who arrived on the nth of August. From November, 1897, till March, 1900, it occupied Tout Hill House, but finally returned to North Street." (Rev.) B. Zimmerman. On December 29th, 1902, this establishment was ordered to be made a training place for Novitiates. ''Lattifovd House." One and a half miles from Wincanton, between the roads leading to Holton on the right and Cheriton on the left. The name Lotterford is very ancient. The manor with other manors belonged in 1327 to De Hammindo filio Richardi. The Lotter feeds the ancient mill, at which point probably, when the name was given, the stream had to be forded. The manor house is now occupied by Mrs. Warren. Formerly, the ruins of an old chapel were pointed out to the visitor. The present mansion has, with the lands belonging thereto, been acquired by purchase by Captain Hardy from the executors of the late Rev. Samuel Dendy. The nucleus of the present building was erected in the year 1800, but it was a modest dwelling compared with the present mansion. The stables and garden were near the mill, where also the coachroad was entered, and the house was approached between rows of elms. 193 Local Buildings of Interest. About the year 1850, Mr. George Singer effected great changes by enlarging the house, taking down the old stables and erecting new ones where they now are. He made a new coachroad and put up the lodge. He had a beautiful oak gate made, costing 100 guineas, on the centre of which his arms were carved, afterwards erected at W3'ke House, Gillingham. Mr. Singer left after only a few years of occupation. The late Rev. S. Dendy purchased the estate and again enlarged the house, built a new mill house and cottages, and a new farmhouse at Old Barn farm and made a new road to it. Since Mr. Dendy's death the mansion has been destroyed by fire, and now Captain Hardy has built a more commodious house, which in an ordinary way may be expected to last for many generations. " Suddon Grange.'" This old manor house, some portion of which has probably stood for three centuries, has more history connected with It than any other in the parish. I can give only a brief description of its occupiers here, having more fully dealt with it in the Eleventh Annual Report of the Wincanton Field Club. The name is an old one. In 1227, it was held by Richard de Mucegros. In 1345, Richard Chambernoun was born there, and baptised in the parish church of St. Peter and Paul, Wincanton. In 1570, it passed by sale and purchase from the Zouch to the Dibben family. At or soon after that time, John Ewens, who was granted arms in 1578, lived here, and in 1585 died here. In 1592, another John Ewens, son of the before mentioned, occupied the house. In 1623, John Ewens was still there. He had four sons, John aged 18, Edward — 14, Morrice (or Maurice) — 12, and Matthew — 9. This John, in 1653, was described as a " Convict Papist," and was sequestered by the Parliamentary party, and went to Stavordale to live. In 1672, he is described on the register of the College of Heralds as of Suddon, and 67 years of age. His brother Maurice was a notable character, and will be referred to again. It may be well to remark here that the name of Evans and Ewens appear to have been used interchangeably. In 1652, John Harvey was living there, as an old deed in existence shows. He died there in 1685, the same year in which his son Richard had the honour of martyrdom by Jefferies. Thomas Harvey, presumably brother of Richard, died at Suddon in 1698. In 1700, Tliomas Gapper was living there. He dignified the house by calling it " Suddon Court." He died in 1710, aged 45. Mr. VVm. Chaffey lived 194 Local Buildings of Interest. there in 1765, and was followed by his son William in 1789. Robert Day, tenant farmer, entered about 1799, and re- mained till the end of 1804, when John Melhuish became tenant and left at Lady-Day, 181 2. Thomas Morrish followed and remained till 1818, when Wm. Dyke entered, and in 1843 was succeeded by George Dyke, and in 1850 by Charles Dyke. In 1855, Daniel Orchard came and made many alterations in the house and outside. He left in 1859. George Benjafield was the next tenant ; he kept possession until 1874. Walter Benjafield next entered and remained until 1880. From that date, S. U. Martin has been the tenant. "Holbrook House," i^ miles from Wincanton. Although in the parish of Charlton Musgrove, it has been intimately connected with Wincanton for a very long period. As a rule the occupier has been a magistrate, and within reasonable distance of the town. The house as it is at present has but little to remind us of what it has been, not that any of the building has been demolished, but because it is now swollen out of its former proportions and its surroundmgs so changed. There is next to nothing of what may be called old in the house. The pigeon house gives an archaic and interesting appearance to the place. When we come, however, to the history of the families who have lived there, there is much more to be said. Here, however, the story must be brief, otherwise more space would be taken up than can be afforded, and the genealogy might to some readers prove rather dry. The Farewell Family held possession longer than any other. About 1530, Simon, son of Simon Farewell of Hill Bishop, appears to have married Dorothy Dyer of Roundhill, daughter of Richard Dyer, and sister of James Dyer, after- wards Lord Chief Justice of England. It is said that they came there to live so that the young wife might be near her home. In 1582, Judge Dyer refers in his will to his sister Dorothy's children, mentioning Mr. John Farewell, her eldest son, who married Ursula Phelips of Montacute, and who became eminent in the law. John died in 1616, and was succeeded by James, his eldest son, who married Elizabeth Johnson of South Petherton. In 1623, Mv. James Farewell and Nicholas Watts are 195 Local Buildings of Interest. mentioned in connection with Holbrook. Probably Mr. Farewell was following his profession in London, and Mr. Watts was at that time his tenant. The former died in 1636. In 1665, Mr. Thomas Farewell had been here for a considerable time, but he had died before 1687, and James his son was " reigning in his stead." In 1 701, Mr. Christopher Farewell was here. His name is frequently met with in Wincanton parish documents. I incline to the belief that he built the house as it stood before Mr. Barton entered. He was followed by Mr. Nathaniel Farewell, and he in his turn by Kev. Samuel Farewell, incumbent of Wincanton, who in 1785 left Holbrook to live in Wincanton Parsonage, where he died in 1797. With him terminated the Farewell occupation, after 255 years without a break. Edward Phelips succeeded Mr. Farewell, remaining but a very short time. William Fookes, Admiral of the Blue, was next here, where he died " after a long illness " in 1798. Mr. R. Frankland came next. He was an active J. P. during the time of the French occupation of the town. One of his children died here and was buried in Charlton Musgrove churchyard, as a tombstone still shows. In 1808, a violent hailstorm occurred here, when some of the hailstones were found to be gf inches in circumference. In 1824, Mrs. Mansel Pleydell was married from here to the Rev. Paul Leir of Charlton Musgrove. By 1830, it appears as if the whole of the property had passed from the Farewell family to Mr. Edward Page, inasmuch as in a directory of that year the names of Edward Page and General Shrapnell, of " Shrapnell shell" fame, appear under the heading of Holbrook. In 1834, ^^' Henry Hall was in residence here. He was master of a pack of hounds. He left, I believe, in 1840 for Oxford. In iS^^, John Eveleigh Wyndham, who had married Eliza- beth Fitzgerald of Maperton House, came here to live. Here were born Thomas Heathcote Gerald Wyndham in October, 1842, and Elizabeth Geraldine Wyndham in 1844. In 1846, Mr. Charles Barton bought the estate of Robert Page, He greatly enlarged the house, built new stables, erected the lodge, and made many other structural alterations, coming here to live in 1848. At that time one of the work- men contributed to the history of the place by writing on a piece of board, recently found, the following interesting memorandum. — 196 Local Buildings of Interest. " Wee are 7 Carpen-ters, about this house all from Cornwall and the builder and the architect from London. Plumber from Wincanton, his name is Francis, and Good- fellow the painter from Wincanton. Wee have had a verry dry job. No drink aloud, humbug and pirished. Vellenowett carpenter. This house was builded by Thomas Way and the Archicker, J. P. St Amys (Anns or Agnes ?). Febuary 2ist, 1848." After 55 years of active and useful life as a magistrate, guardian of the poor, and a country gentleman, Mr. Barton, in February, igoi, sold the estate, including house and 340 acres of land, to Mr John R. J. Anger stein, who has practically re-built the house, is now living there, and taking an interest in the institutions of the neighborhood. Mr. Angerstein, who was educated at Christchurch, Oxford, is a magistrate for the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and is the second son of Mr. William Angerstein, of Weeting Hall, Norfolk, and Woodlands, Blackheath, who was the grandson of Mr. John Julius Angerstein, the famous collector and connoisseur, whose collection of paintings the government acquired as a nucleus for the formation of the National Gallery in 1824, and m whose house in Pall Mall they were first open to the public. '^ Hadspen House.'* The seat of the Right Honorable Henry Hobhouse, M.P. for East Somerset. Four miles from Wincanton and two miles from Castle Cary, in the parish of Pitcombe. This mansion is one of the most interesting in appearance in this neighborhood, and which, with its well kept gardens and grounds, is on certain days in the summer kindly thrown open to visitors by ticket. In addition to this, tea is provided at a nominal charge at one of the cottages. Sunday schools and other institutions avail themselves of the privilege. Till the attainder of Edward Duke of Somerset in 1554, the estate belonged to the noble family of Somerset. At that time it was confiscated, but was afterwards restored. In 1676, it was conveyed to Trustees for sale, and in the year 1684 it was sold to Mr. Wm. Ettrick of the Middle Temple, and Mr. Wm. Player of Gray's Inn, London. In 1705, on the partition of the estates of these two gentlemen, lots were cast, when Hadspen fell to Mr. Player, who went there to reside. In 1749, the estate was bought by Vickriss Dickenson of 197 Local Buildings of Interest. Bristol, who was a Quaker, and whose name is perpetuated at King Weston in this county. This Mr. Dickenson built the greater part of the mansion, including West, South, and East fronts. Some of the iron work still there was erected by him, and it bears the initials V.D. on it. The plate of the Sun Fire Office is dated 1749 ; Mr. Dickenson effected an insurance of the premises with that long established company. In 1778, Mr. Henry Hobhouse and Sarah his wife, then of Clifton, purchased the estate of Mr. Ford, of Bath, and went there to live. The Right Hon. Henry Hobhouse, who was under secretary of state in the Wellington administration, was born at Clifton, but went to Hadspen with his father and mother when two years of age. He became a privy counsellor in 1828, and was keeper of the state papers. He was chairman of Quarter Sessions for the county of Somerset, and an active magistrate. He died on April 13th, 1854, and was buried in the parish church of Pitcombe. On July 13th, 181 1, Mr. Henry Hobhouse, who became the chairman of the Wincanton bench of magistrates, was born here, as were also Edmund, Bishop Hobhouse, now living at Wells, and Arthur Lord Hobhouse, living in London, Reginald and two sisters deceased. Mr. Henry died on Feb. nth, 1862, and was buried at Pitcombe. The present owner, the Right Hon. Henry Hobhouse, succeeded his father, and though actively engaged in parlia- mentary life and county business, finds time to attend to local matters. It is a pleasant drive to Hadspen by way of Bratton, returning by the Shepton Montague road, or perhaps pleasanter still to return to Green Lane and drive home over Cattle Hill, via Shepton Montague. " Yavlington House.'' 4 miles from Wincanton. The seat of T. E. Rogers, Esq., J. P. Is the chief residence in a quaint little village of about 1200 acres, having a population of about 180 persons. It has the advantage of having had its history written (and two editions published in about 10 years) by its squire. The mansion was built by the grandfather of the present owner, after purchasing the estate in 1782, and has been retained in the same family ever since. It is now one of the prettiest villages in the neighborhood, and to be appreciated should be approached by way of Bratton, the return journey being by way of Maperton or vice versa. This will make a nice drive of about 9 miles. 198 Local Buildings of Interest. The laying out of the house and grounds must have made a very great change, for Mr. Rogers says in his book : — •' The site (of the mansion) was a treeless plain or common of forty or fifty acres, on a high plateau, open to every blast, and quite unsheltered from the north-west winds which are most prevalent here." The church should be visited, if only for the sake of seeing how well an old church can be restored, for a sight of a fragment of apparently Saxon work in the interior of the tower, the ancient stone coffin in the church- yard wall, the remains of the old manor house, the old moat, and to hear the three sweet-toned bells. The rectory is a well built house in charming grounds. " Ronndhtll Grange." Two and a half miles from Wincanton on the road to Bruton, but nearer to the new road from Stony Stoke to Ball Common. It is now owned by Major General Ducat, Captain Yates being tenant. There is every probability that this is the place which was occupied by Waltero Roenhull in 1327, and from whom it derived its name, or he his name from the place. Phelps says, in his History of Somerset, that Sir James Dier built the old mansion " about the times of James I." If this is to be taken as correct, considerable latitude must be given to the "about," inasmuch as Sir James died 21 years before King James came to the throne. He also says that "A very small portion of this building was remaining in 1832," when it was removed in order to make considerable alterations. This house and the manors of Roundhill and Barrow are associated with the family of- the Diers, of which Sir James was the most distinguished member, of whom more will be said when we deal with the notable men of the parish. There is some difficulty in determining when the Diers first came here. It is said that Sir James was born here in 1511-13, but if the word burgage is to be strictly limited to a holding in a borough, it looks doubtful, as Richard Dier, his father, in making his will in 1523, refers to "the burgage I dwell in" as being left to James. Phelps makes it still more confusing by saying that in 1544 it was in the possession of John Dier, but afterwards the residence and estate of Richard Dier, whose younger son James was born there. Collinson says that it was in 1557 that the crown sold the manor to John Dier at 30 years purchase, so that in 1523 it was not the property of Richard 199 Local Buildwcs of Interest. Dier to give. In 1559, it was the property of John Dier, the elder brother of James, as the said John's will evidences ; but I confess I see no proof that the family of the Diers were there, either as owners or tenants, before 1557, nor do I find any proof of its being owned by Sir James, much less built by him. Some years ago, some workmen showed me a place, nearer by many yards to the Bruton road than the present house, where they said that the cellars of the old mansion had been found. Richard Dier was buried at Wincanton in 1523. John lived there in 1559, Laurence in 1578, John 1597, Henry Baynton 161 5, and probably till his death in 1643, Francis Baynton till 1647, Elizabeth, widow of Francis, 1651, and James 1682. James Laurence Churchey, who was born in 1668, appears to have been in possession in 1701. Phelps says that he built the present mansion in that year. How he came into possess- ibn I cannot ascertain. At any rate, here he lived till his death in 1716. It appears that he was unmarried. His will was not proved till 1725. Nathaniel Webb of Bristol was his heir. He appears to have died between 1725, (when he was church- warden,) and 1735, when his widow was in possession at Roundhill. Another Nathaniel Wetb was living there in 1765. He died in 1782, aged 60. Jane, his widow, died in 1792, aged 66. Still another Nathaniel succeeded. He, in 1894, married Mary Dalton, daughter of the Rev. John Dalton of Pitcombe, not of Shanks, as Phelps says. She died in September, 1804, aged 49. He died on July 20th, 181 3, aged 66, without issue. His sister's eldest son, John Jekyll, Captain R.N., succeeded, Phelps says in 1820. It was immediately after his uncle's death, at any rate, inasmuch as in the Common Enclosure Act, 1813-14, John Jekyll is described as lord of the manor. In 1830, Captain Jekyll sold the property to George Wyndham, who went there ai once to live. His wife died there in 1845, and himself in 1846, aged 81. He had three sons, George Dominicus, Henry and Charles, (the latter was slain at Afghanistan in 1841, aged 34) and one daughter, Lucy Eliza, married to the Rev. Frederick Gray of Castle Cary. George and Henry lived there for some years, George first leaving, and then Henry, the latter making considerable alter- ations in laying out the grounds and building new stables. Since then there have been in succession — Mr. G. A. Brittain, in 1861 or 1862 to 1873 ! '" June, 1873, Mr. Henry XVyndham returned but did not long remain ; Mrs. Kenworthy Brown ; Mrs. Breeds, 1880-2 ; Col. Hadow Jenkins, 1883 ; .:ioo Local Buildings of Interest. T. M. Marriott, 1885-go ; H. B. Festing ; Major General Ducat ; Mr. E. P. Conant ; Captain Yates, October, 1902. " Charlton Rectory." i\ miles from Wincanton. J Rector — Rev. L. R. M. Leir since 1886. The Rectory has been held by the same family consecutively from 161 7. The house stands in its own grounds and is a well-built mansion, erected, as the present rector, the Rev. L. R. M. Leir, informs us, by the Rev. Paul Leir at his own cost in 1805, about 300 yards from the old parsonage, which was then taken down. The best view of it is from the footpath from " Bayford White Horse" to Charlton Musgrove. To obtain a nearer view, it should be approached from " Hunter's Lodge." Near by is a fine row of oaks, which were planted to replace another row destroyed by the tempest of 1703. There are two churches in the parish ; one, anew memorial church, built at the cost of Mrs. Davies, in memory of her husband, who was rector of the parish from 1864 to 1876. This is nearer the centre of the parish than the old parish church, which was built 1420-60. One of the bells is nearly 500 years cjd. The registers date from 1534. '* Redly nch House" Four miles from Wincanton, one and a half from Bruton. A mansion in three parts. Built in 1672 on the site of an old chapel by Sir Stephen Fox. Now held by the fifth Earl of Ilchester. The estate has a wall round it 7 miles long. It is richly wooded, and includes a lake of 12 acres. There is a good view of it from Bratton Hill, a nearer one from the road at Cuttlesham. Within the domain is a chapel built by Nathaniel Ireson in 1750, and not far from it the manor house of Discove, in which Mr. Clarke at present resides. " Bayford Lodge." I mile from Wincanton. Built about the year 1764 (by Mr. James Burnett ?). For many years in the Messiter family. Has the reputation of being on the site of a Roman villa. Since the death of Uriah Messiter in 1848 has been occupied by Captain Phelips, R.N., Mr. J. P. Hayward, Mr. John Bradney, who purchased the estate in 1871 and much enlarged it, and several other families. Now occupied by Colonel Mansel. Beautifully wooded on the South side, and with Charlton church in the background looks very picturesque. 201 Local Buildings of Interest. ♦' Comptou Castle." Five miles from Wincanton. One of the prettiest drives in the district. On the Sparkford road to Compton Bridge. Pause at Compton Church, which is well worthy of inspection. Note its graceful spire, its yew trees and stone coffins. The coachroad to the castle leads between the castellated house and one of the finest lakes in the district, second only to that of Stourhead. The castle was built by Mr. Hussey Hunt about the year 1824. The drive back should be through Blackford, alighting at the church to see the Norman doorway and the medieval glass in the windows, through Maperton and Holton, where the main highway is reached, and so back to Wincanton, The castle has had many occupants. Those longest in residence have been Sir Alexander Hood and Col. Wills-Sandford. It is now occupied by Captain M. S. Dawson. " Maperton House." 3I miles from Wincanton. Occupied since 1899 by Col. Ridley, J. P. Occupies no doubt the site of an ancient manor house from the 13th century. Gerald, writing about 1630, says of Maperton — *'A little obscure village, yet heretofore the capital or cheife manor of the Barony de Moels, more anciently Newmarch or Novo- mercato." About 1500, it belonged to John Lord Zouch, to whom so many manors in Somerset belonged. In 1626, Thomas Strode was born there. He was a student of the Inner Temple in 1647. In 1652, he married Anne Churchey of Wincanton. He was buried at Maperton in 1697. His youngest child, Anne, was married in 1677 to Philip Bennett of Wincanton, who was an eminent lawyer, whose son, Philip Bennett, and his wife both lived and died at Maperton. Collinson says that there was a memorial stone in the floor of the chancel when he saw it, inscribed — " Underneath lie Philip Bennett, Esq., and Jane his wife. As he was universally esteemed for his friendship, good nature, and honesty, she was no less remark- able for her beauty, virtue, good sense and piety. He died March 15th, 1722, aged 44. She died May 2nd, 1722, aged 50." The stone referred to, a few years ago, with the inscription quite plain on it, paved the stokehole of the heating apparatus. Such is human greatness 1 A Philip Bennett was M.P. for Shaftesbury in 1738. Mr. D. Leigh was living here in 1797, when he quitted to live at New Park, Stavordale. In 1803, Mr. Thomas Southwood was owner, and Mr. Benjamin Woodward resided here. About this time, Colonel 202 Local Buildings of Interest. Fitzgerald bought the estate and re-built the mansion. He died in Wales on 5th June, 1850, and was succeeded by Major Fitzgerald his son, a gentleman universally beloved. He died at Richmond on 25th May, 1890, aged 70. Mrs. Fitzgerald pre-deceased him in November, 1884. Major Fitzgerald sold the estate to Mr. Todd-Walton in October, 1874, when great additions were made and alterations effected. Several deaths in the family occurred, and the family left. Since then several gentlemen have occupied the house, and the several farms have been let. There is but little of the house to be seen, as the front faces its own grounds, which are picturesque with fine cedar and other trees. The entrance gate of iron is remarkable as being the work of an ordinary country blacksmith. " Moor hay es Manor House " Is situated a mile and a half from Wincanton, on the right on the way to Shepton Montague. When first built, it was more picturesque than at present, the more modern building in the front having detracted much from its appearance. The house stands in the parish of Charlton Musgrove, to which parish also 120 acres of land belong, and about 60 acres are in the parish of Wincanton. About the middle of the 1 6th century the estate was owned by Jerome — or Jherom, Dibben — or Debien, who was a man of considerable import- ance. I find him here as early as II. Edward VI., 1549. He was a Roman Catholic, who refused to change his religion to adapt himself to the circumstances of the changing times, and for which he consequently suffered monetary loss. He had, in 1558, a small property in the borough of Wincanton. In 1579, he became one of the Trustees of the Fairs and Markets, he being one of the grantees of the charter granted in that year for the first time. There appears to have been several of the name, inasmuch as in 1570, a Jerome Dibben purchased Suddon farm and part of the manor of Bratton Lynes adjoining. In 1583, 25th Elizabeth, he was prosecuted at the Wilts assizes for being in possession of papistical books in his house at Charlton Musgrove, for which he had to become bail, in himself for ^100 and two others of £^0 each. About 1578, he granted his interest in Bratton Lines to another Jerome Dibben of Wells, gentleman, presumably his son, from whom it passed to Jerome Abbott, and from him to John King of Pitcombe. Jerome was dead in 1623. Probably the manor house was built by Jerome the elder, 203 Local Buildings of Interest. some time before 1600. The turret staircase in the house is interesting. There was at one time a similar one at Suddon Grange, but of the latter there is at present but little trace. In 1764, it appears to have been occupied by James Sl'y. In 1805, George Lapham was the occupier, the owner being one of the Medlycott family. The Lapham family were a long time in possession. After them followed Mr. Burbidge Sharp^ Mr. Hooper, Mr. Lemon, Mr. Brown, Mr. R. Sweetman, the present tenant being Mr. Bridle. It has been owned for many years by the Brine family, formerly of Wincanton, now o£ Wimborne. " H or wood Well House." A mile from Wincanton, on the road to Cucklington, is a farm house which attracts the attention of strangers, especially by a large ecclesiastical window in a building now used as a stable, or for one of the purposes to which farm buildings are put. The buildings one can see at a glance are modern, by their having modern windows and doors and slated roofs. This is none other than the house formerly known as " Horvvood Spa." It had its origin about a century ago, at a time when " every disease to which flesh is heir " was supposed to have its cure by the use of medicinal water, taken internally and applied externally. There were at that time two wells : one in a field, the other at Horwood Well House. In the latter were baths and other necessary arrangements for the water cure. Good rooms were there for visitors desirous of being cured of their maladies, and there was a chapel where the diseases of the soul received attention as well. It was the intention of the founders to make this Spa a rival of the celebrated and long standing Siloams of Bath and Cheltenham. For the accommodation of the patients a Banking House was built in a field a short distance away. Indeed, it was expected that there would be such a boom in medicine that Wincanton would be celebrated throughout the kingdom. The water was analysed and found to contain similar constituents to those of Cheltenham ; and to use the words of Phelps, one of the county historians, "this place acquired a considerable celeb- rity." Phelps is wrong, however, in saying that the wells were discovered about 1810. They were in full use in 1805 ; for in a pamphlet issued in 1806 in London, respecting the benefits of the waters, several testimonials are quoted, dated 1805 ; and at that time they were to be bought at the High Road, Knightsbridge, at 30/- per dozen, also at Mr. Ford's, 204 Local Buildings of Interest. Sackville Street, Piccadilly. The Bank, too, was open in April, i8q8. Note No. 1933 was issued on the 19th of that month. It bears a picture of the bank house. An antiquarian friend some years ago informed me that " Mrs. Clarke, too well known as connected with the Duke of York, was concerned with the late Richard Messiter in a great speculation in attempting to establish this Spa. The property was pur- chased of a family named Faugoin, the last of whom died at Wolverton, Zeals." In 1806, General Boye and General Rochambeau were on parole in Wincanton ; both of these men of valour testified to the benefits they derived from drinking these waters. The Rev. John Radford and many others testified to the excellent qualities of these waters ; but, alas ! the Salisbury Journal of 5th February, 1810, tells us that "The Horwood Well Bank, opened about two years ago by Mr. Griffiths and the celebrated Mr. Donovan, has stopped pay- ment ; an event of no great importance, as there are few of their notes in circulation," &c., &c. The same Journal in 1819 advertises " Horwood Spa to be sold, Richard Messiter a bankrupt, application to be made to Felix Faugoin," so that it seems to have reverted to its former owners. Probably Mr. Faugoin held the mortgage upon it. Phelps, about 1839, says, "A pump-room, lodging house, and suitable accommodation for visitors were built at considerable expense. Its Spa was for a time frequented ; it, however, lost its attraction", and the spec- ulation wholly failed. The buildings remain, converted into a farmhouse and offices. The pumproom, pump and apparatus still remain, and the water is occasionally made use of medicinally." The occupiers of the house since have included Mr. Wm. Linton, Mr. Davis, Mr. Goddard, Mr. MuUins, Mr. Sadler, Mr. Wm. George, Mr. Dowding, Mr. Longman, Mrs. Hutton, and is at present owned and occupied by Mr. Forshaw. The use of the waters has, however, practically gone out for half a century. " Shanks House,'' Cucklingion. Cucklington, of which Shanks is one of the manors, from the year 1304 had a licensed market on every Tuesday, and a nine days fair commencing every All Saints day. It formed a part of the barony of Henry L'Orti. Phelps said of it — "The mansion stands at the foot of the slope of a hill, surrounded by grounds well studded with timber, having a park-like appearance." The house is of very irregular shape, some portions being medieval, the front apparently of about the ao5 Local Buildings of Interest. i8th century. There are some excellent rooms in it, and it was put well in order during the residence of the late Dalton Francis Grant Dalton, J. P., and has been well kept since its occupation by Mr. A. E. Sutton. In 1577, it appears to have been owned or occupied by Mr. William Dirdoe. In 1622, Hugh Watts in his will mentions " My house called Shanks." It remained in the possession of the Watts family for a long time. In 1682, Hugh Watts, gent, was fined £"5 for burying his wife in linen instead of woollen as the law then demanded. In 1728, a Mr. Hugh Watts was also buried in linen, for which offence Mrs. Grace Watts, his widow, was fined fifty shillings, which was paid towards the assistance of the poor of the parish. Nicholas Watts succeeded his father Hugh. In 1716, his wife Ruth died, and he followed her on November 14th, 1729, aged 51. In the year 1674, Nathaniel Dalton was presented by Sir Hugh Wyndham to the rectory of Cucklington, and married Mary, daughter of Hugh Watts, by whom in course of time the property came into the Dalton family. The Rev. John Dalton and John Dalton, Esq., appear to have together held the property for many years. In 1789, another Nathaniel Dalton was in possession. He died in 1825. In 1810, Mary Slade Dalton, married Robert Foster Grant, Esq., of Ingolds- thorpe Hall, Norfolk, and came into possession at Nathaniel's death. An elaborate pedigree of the Dalton family was erected in Cucklington church in 1 819 by Elizabeth Dalton of Lattiford House at a cost of ;^20o. This is now in the vestry. For some time Lord Weymouth was tenant of the mansion about 1839. The late Dalton Foster Grant Dalton, J. P., came into residence about i860, where he died on April 15th, 1890, aged 78. There are some very fine oaks near the house, and a fine lake formed about the year 1838. This is not a show place, but it is one of the mansions every one wishing for a knowledge of the neighborhood ought to know. 206 WiNCANTON Banks. IMTil The first reference I can find to a bank in Wincanton is in 1801. It was kept by a Mr. D. Paine where Mr. Cash's office now is. By April, 1808, there had arisen another, called Horwood Well Bank, the banking house being in a field now belonging, I believe, to Snag Farm. Many years ago, the house was taken down and removed to build part of the house where Mr. Clementina now lives, during Mr. Wm. Sly's residence there. The bankers were Messrs. Edmund Griffith, Donovan & Co. They became bankrupt in 1810. Apparently the same company had another branch in the town at the same time, called the Wincanton bank. In the year 1810, Whitmarsh & Co. had a bank here. In that year it was said that the bank was robbed of ;^i88i in notes of that bank. In 181 1, Messrs. Garrett & Musgrave had a bank where Mr. Clifford Hinks' outfitting shop now is. In 1823, Messrs. Musgrave & Garrett carried on the Wincanton and Somerset bank, which became bankrupt in 1827. In 1830, there were two banks here, namely, those of Messrs. Uriah & George Messiter, and Messrs. Whitmarsh & White. In addition to which was a Savings Bank, of which John Randall was actuary. Stuckey's Banking Company was founded in 1826, and they opened a branch here on ist September, 1835. At this time, Musgrave & Garrett's bank was closed, |only Messiters' and Stuckey's banks survived. Stuckey's took a lease for three lives on the new house which had been built in 1824 at a cost of ;^500 by Mr. Barrett, and in 1844, Messiters' bank business was transferred to Stuckey's. Mr. Fowler has been manager since 31st August, 1872. The Wilts and Dorset Bank, which was founded in 1835, for many years had a flourishing branch at Gillingham. On the nth January, 1865, this Company opened an agency here under the branch at Gillingham, and in 1877, it assumed the dignity of a branch. It has had several managers. The present manager, Mr. Spencer, has held his office since January, 1897. 207 Notable Men of the Parish, *3s[o\a\)\e TCVett oj \\ve ^avUVv. It would be unreasonable to expect that so small a town, with so insignificant a population, should produce a large number of men and women distinguished in the ranks of art, literature, or science. Wincanton need not, however, be ashamed of its sons, for many of them have filled useful positions and obtained notice in that noble work, the "Dictionary of National Biography." It has been found necessary, after writing at some length on several natives of the town, to condense to a very great extent what has been written, and even to entirely exclude others from notice. With this apology, the following sketches are given to the reader. Maurice Ewens, alias Newport. Biographies of him appear in the Bibliographical Diction- ary of the English Catholics, Vol. II., 1885, and in the Dictionary of National Biography. In the former, he is said to have been born in Dorsetshire in 161 1 ; and in the latter, his birthplace is given as in Somerset in the same year. Mr. Jewers, in Vol. 36 of the Somerset Archaeological Society Proceedings, shows that Maurice was the son of John Ewens of Suddon, Wincanton, and of Elizabeth his wife, formerly Elizabeth Keynes of Compton Pauncefote ; but he evidently errs in saying that he was married, and the father of Richard Ewens, saddler, of Wincanton. It was the third John Ewens at Suddon who married Miss Keynes. It is well known that the Ewens family were staunch Roman Catholics. This third John in 1631 was fined ^10 in default of attending the coronation of Charles I. I quote from the Dictionary of English Catholics, omitting only the long titles of his books. — " Ewens, Maurice, Father S.J., alias Keynes and Newport, born in Dorsetshire in 161 1, was son of John Ewens and his wife Elizabeth, a member of the old Catholic family of Keynes of Somersetshire, where he was brought up. After making his humanity studies at St. Omer's College, he entered the English College, Rome, October i8th, 1628, and was ordained priest there Nov. 30th, 1634. He left the college for Belgium in the following April in order to join the Society of 208 Notable Men of the Parish. Jesus, which he did at Watten, when he assumed the name of Newport, by which he was afterwards known. After a course of teaching in all the classes at St. Omer's College, he was sent in 1644 to the English mission in the Hampshire district. In 1648, he removed to the Devonshire district, and in 1651-2 to the Oxford district. In 1653, he went to the London district, of which he was made rector in 1666. Here he remained until the outbreak of Oates' plot in 1678-9. In this persecution he was hotly pursued, and only succeeded in effecting his escape to Belgium with great difficulty. In 1679-80, he was in the college of Ghent, and from 1683-5, at Liege College as spiritual Father. After the fury of the storm had subsided he returned to London, where he died Dec. 4th, 1687, aged 76." After giving the authorities for the above, the article states that a book of Latin poems, dedicated to King Charles II., was published by him in London. 3 vols., 1665 ; 2nd ed., 1669 ; 3rd ed,, 1676. An interesting note is added, showing that in the possession of Lord Arundell, of Wardour, is a M.S. signed Maurice Newport, 1671. He published another book in 1677. A third he published in Paris in 1654. " A golden censer full with the precious incense of the prayers of the saints" is also ascribed to him. It is dedicated " To the High and Mighty Princesse Henrietta Maria, Daughter of England." It may be worth consideration whether there was or not any connection between Maurice Ewens and John Gawen, who was a Jesuit, and who was hanged at Tyburn in 1679 at the age of 39. Nicholas Gawen was curate here 1635 to 1640, but was not buried here. John Gawen went to St. Omer's and after- wards to Watten, as did Ewens, and his after life was of the same pattern as that of Ewens. He came of a Wiltshire family, and quite possibly the families were acquainted. But this is only a suggestion. Salts cum grano. Nathaniel Ireson Has been called an architect, but we look for more culture in that class of men than the composition of his will betokens. He called himself a master mason, and no doubt that is the better description. He worked in stone of various sorts, and in plaster, as will be noticed later on. There are many incidents in his life left on record, showing the activity of the man, far more, indeed, than that of any local man of his day ; but unless they are summarised they will occupy 209 Notable Men of the Parish. more space than can be used, unless the account of him be out of all proportion with other Wincanton worthies we shall notice. I find documentary evidence of the following events in his life, but I can give only the barest outlines of them which will no doubt be sufficient for the general reader. He was born in 1686, probably in the neighborhood of Nuneaton, but I cannot trace his baptism, his marriage, nor his wife's maiden name. That he married early is certain, inasmuch as in the parish church at Stourton is this inscription on a marble tablet — " Near this place is interred Mary, eldest daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Ireson, born at Ladbrook in the county of Warwick, died November 29th, in the 13th year of her age, A.D. 1723, who erected this in memory of their child, A.D. 1724." This makes him 24 at her birth. He appears to have settled in Stourton in 1720 or 1721, when he built the mansion from the designs of Colin Campbell. He was churchwarden there soon after his arrival, as the tablet on the north clerestory wall shows. The inscription thereon reads — "This church was newly paved and seated and beautified i72f. Nathl. Ireson, John Butcher, Churchwardens." In 1724, Martha, his daughter and heiress, was born, apparently at Wincanton. After enjoying her property for many years, she died unmarried in 1797, aged 73 years. In 1725, he had his portrait painted in oils. This is still in the family, as is that of Mary his wife. The latter was painted in 1745. There are three tablets in Gillingham church, which appear to be his work, dated respectively 1728, 1733, and 1735. He had opened a quarry on his estate in 1733, there being an item of £^ odd for stones from this quarry in the Feoffees' accounts. In 1735, he joined in an application to the Bishop of the diocese to grant a faculty to enable the parishioners to restore the parish church. In 1737, he had commenced work as a potter ; pieces of his work still exist, bearing dates 1737, 1738, 1739, and 1740. In 1736, his name appears on the parish rate books for Windmill estate. In 1744, he drew plans for the restoration of Frome church. His plan was not accepted, but the churchwardens paid him for it as the account books of that church show. In 1745, his name appears again as a ratepayer. In 1748, he built the new chancel of the church at his own expense. In 1749, he was churchwarden, which office he retained one year only. In the same year he was a member of a local association for prosecution in cases of felony. In 1750, he appears to have erected the Goddard tablet in Gillingham 210 Portrait of Sir James Dier. Born at Roundhill Grange, Wincanton, in 1512. (From an Oil Painting in the possession. 0/ Camn C. H. Mayo, of Long-Burton.) Notable Men of the Parish. church. In i75i,he was overseer of the parish of Wincanton. In 1757, his grand-daughter, Nancy Kettermaster, was born. In 1765, he was made a Feoffee of the Fairs and Markets Trust. In the same year he made his will. It could have been nothing but a compliment to put him into office as he was then 79 years of age. He died on April i8th, 1769, at the ripe age of 83. His wife survived him three years, dying in 1772 at the still more mature age of 85. As a builder and sculptor he left many specimens of his work behind him. Amongst them — Stourhead Mansion ; Blandford S. Mary church ; Wincanton church and chancel ; the White Horse ; Rodber House, ; Hillside House ; Ireson House ; Redlynch Chapel ; the chancel of Bruton church ; his own statue ; tablets in Gillingham, Wincanton, Stourton, Brewham, Hornblotton, and other churches ; alterations at the old portions of the Monastic buildings, Balsam House, The Dogs, and many other houses in the town and neighborhood. It is probable, however, that he will be best remembered as a potter. For many years he carried on a pottery at Ireson House. Specimens are to be found all round this district and beyond it, some of them in the British and other museums. One elaborate jug, kept in the family until recently, bearing his name, has fetched a high price, and others, also dated, are in the hands of local collectors. Connoisseurs are keen on this ware, especially the named and dated pieces. It is a delft with many colors, the pre- vailing color being a blue. On the back are wire marks and pin holes. Many of the smaller pieces are of a pink color. The exact spot where the clay was dug cannot now be identified. He made a considerable amount of money which he lent to his neighbors at good interest, for it is evident that he knew how to look after his own profit ; indeed, he had to be checked by his brother trustees here, having tried to retain the holding of some property after the term of lives for which the said property was granted. He was a Freemason, as the emblems on his statue demonstrate. His name is still retained in Ireson House and Ireson monument. Sir James Diev of Roundhill. I, several years ago, in a pamphlet entitled " Wincanton's greatest son," told all I had then learnt of the biography of this eminent man. Since then, Sir James has had much attention paid him, so that it is only necessary for me to write 211 Notable Men ok the Parish. of his connection with Wincanton. For fuller accounts of his life as a Judge, Speaker of the House of Commons, and as an eminent jurist, the reader is referred to " The Records of the Dyer Family," by Thomas Whittaker, New York, 1884, "The Dictionary of National Biography," the Reports of the "Somerset Archaeological Society," and Campbell's " Lives of the Judges." Besides these, are many interesting notices and portraits, and there are pedigrees of the family more or less perfect. The Rev. Canon Mayo is, I believe, the authority on the genealogy of the family, and the owner of probably the best existing painting of hmi. The name of Dyer is a very old one in the county, as " Weaver's Somerset Incumbents" shows. The Rev. John Dyer, B.A., Oxford, 1457, v^ras instituted to the rectory of High Ham on June 12th, 1459. He remained there till his death in 1499. During his residence there the church was built at the cost of Abbott Selwood, Lord Poulett and himself. In the church, which is well worth a visit, is a record in stone, of the decease of this said John. When "Master John Dier " made his will, a short time before his death, he makes reference to incidents which throw light on the history of the family. He shows that his brother John was living at Wincanton, that Richard was a son of his brother John, that he himself had lands and tenements in the borough of Wyncaunton, and that he left them to his nephew Richard. He appointed his brother John and his son Richard his executors. A few months later, namely, on 26th January, 1500, the Wincanton John made his will. No doubt it was necessary so to do, in consequence of coming into his brother's property here. This will is very interesting from the names of places mentioned and for other reasons. Amongst other things he says — " I John Vyning, alias Dyer, of the parish of Vyncalton make my will in this manner. I bequeath my body to be buried in the churchyard of the church of the Blessed Peter and Paul of Wyncalton. I bequeath to the mother church of Wells 6/s. 8d. To Alexander my son all my tenement in which I now dwell with the courtyard (curtilagio) adjacent in the town of Vylcalton between the tenement of John Petwyn on the east and the tenement or horse mill or ground (fundum) called " Vedelers Hey" on the west, to hold to him and his heirs ; and if he die without issue, the said tenement shall always remam to the next of blood, to wit, from the blood of the Vyning. 1 bequeath to Alexander my son, a 2ia Notable Men of the Parish. messuage in the borough of Wyncalton called lee Yerne house, situated between the burgage of Knoyle gentleman on the east and the tenement of Edward Hobbys on the west." ** I bequeath to the shegyng (seating) of the church of Wyncalton lo.li" "To the church stokke of Vyncalton 3li" "To the edifying of the North yle of the same church 6o/s " " These being witnesses Sir John Aynell my curate, John Abraham and William Webbe " &c. " To Richard my son 40 li " " To John son of the same Richard 20 li and one silver cup and a piesse." This Richard was the father, and John was the elder brother of Sir James, who, however, was not born till twelve years later. I mention these matters, however, in detail, to show that at James' birth in 151 2 the family had long been settled here. It is noticeable that John Dier of High Ham refers to his brother John, which John in 1500 calls himself "John Vyning alias Dyer." In 1540, in Richard Bekyns will, there is a reference to John Vyning alias Dyer. What is the meaning of this ? I venture on a solution which I hope is not all romance, and on which I invite discussion. My suggestion is, that — John Vyning of Wincanton, a man of respectable family, probably engaged in the law, married a daughter of Alexander Dyer of Bruton, and sister of John of High Ham, and that he took the name of his wife's father — id est, John Dier. Richard Dyer was their son. Richard took a lease of Roundhill manor farm and went there to live. Several years after the birth of John Dyer, Sir James was born there, namely, in 1512. Richard Dyer died in 1523. In his will, dated just before his death, he wishes to be buried in Wincanton church by, that is near, his wife. He bequeaths 20/- to Wincanton church for his body "to lie in hit." He says, " I woll that the will of my wife Johane be performed. My burgage that I dwell in to my son James and his heirs, my burgages in Wincanton to my eldest son John." He appoints his eldest sons John and John his executors ; Lord Chief Justice, John Fitzjames, and Lord Zouch overseers to his will. He says, " I will that I have penny dole at my burying." Judging by his will he was by no means a wealthy man. There is every probability that the future Sir James Dyer received his earlj' education at Bruton, in the school founded m 1519-20 by his father's friends, the brothers Fitz- james. It is admitted that he afterwards went to Broadgates, Oxford, to New Inn, and then to the Middle Temple, London. At the age of 25, he is mentioned in his own " Reports" as 213 Notable Men of the Parish. an advocate. In 1552, he became King's Sergeant. In the following year he was elected M.P. for Cambridgeshire, and in the last year of Edward VI., speaker of the house of Commons. He next became Recorder of Cambiidge, and was knighted. In 1557, he was appointed Judge of Common Pleas, and in the next year to the King's Bench. He held his important position as Judge during the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth. In 1559, he was made Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, where he remained till the end of his life. tie married the widow of Sir Thomas Elyot and became a rich man. He died on 25th March, 1582, aged 71 years, and was buried in Great Staughton church. The monument in that church is a double one. There are two kneeling figures, namely, of Sir James and his wife, in one compartment. Sir James having on his robes ; in the other compartment are two other kneeling figures, namely, those of Sir Richard Dyer, Sir James' heir, and his wife. Every reference to him by his friends and relatives in this neighborhood shows that he was held in high esteem. There was an oil painting of him in the Town Hall till the fire in 1877. By whom painted, who gave it to the town, or when, nobody knows. It could not have been there before 1769, because the hall was not built till that year, and it had no predecessor. I venture to suggest that it was at Roundhill or Holbrook till that time, when it was considered fitting to place the portrait of so eminent a lawyer, as an example (of one who ably and honestly administered the law) to those who later had to dispense justice there. If I am right in my guess, it would have been given by Nathaniel Webb of Roundhill, or one of the Farewells of Holbrook. Happily, a photograph of this painting had been taken, of which an enlargement was made at the cost of, and placed by, Mr. Rufus A'Barrow, in the present hall, that gentleman being of the same family as the wife of Sir James by her marriage with Sir Thomas Elyot. I am not aware if there are any of the present name in this county who claim descent from the family. There are those who put m the claim from other counties, but none who are so keen on this matter as our brethren across the Atlantic. There is nothing left of the mansion at Roundhill to remind us of Sir James or his family ; but the portrait in oils at Long- burton, and the statuary at Great Staughton, bring vividly before us, once again, the once familiar features of '* Wincanton's Greatest Son." 214 Notable Men of the Parish. Richard Messiter. To write a history of the family to which he belonged would require a book as large as this one if no other subject was mentioned. It will be necessary, notwithstanding, to refer to other members of the family to account for his position here and elsewhere. What has surprised me is the fact that so much has been said about his brother George and so little about him, inasmuch as at one time he must have completely overshadowed his younger and more fortunate brother. Before 1640, the family was at Christian Malford, but in or near that year they migrated to Maiden Bradley. In the churchyard of that village there are tombs to the memory of some of them. Uriah was a favourite christian name, there being several in the family. One of them married, first — Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Lambert, M.A., who died in 1719, aged 23 ; secondly — Ann Husband, who was the mother of Moulton Messiter, the first of the family in Wincanton. Moulton the younger was a solicitor, and apparently settled here after his marriage on June 27th, 1754. He married Mary, daughter of Richard Ring, solicitor, when he was 25 years of age, and his wife 18, The parish register informs us that they were married by license, by Rev. David Hopkins, "with the consent of her parents." Her father's practice was a good one, and to it on their marriage Mr. Messiter succeeded. They had 14 children, the two elder were girls, Richard being the eldest son. Moulton Messiter soon began to take a thorough interest in the town of his adoption. On Dec. 20th, 1756, he rented Coneygore of Mr. Tomas Clarke, surgeon, of Brewton ; and in 1762, he purchased several messuages in the High Street of William Clement and his wife, John Brickenden being the tenant. He purchased Coneygore in 1773, and probably " Mill Hams," two orchards, at the same time, the main road only dividing the property. There is a tradition that on obtaining possession of the property in High Street, Mr. Messiter built (I prefer saying ;'f-built) his mansion and lived there, having as tenant of the house adjoining, a Captain Burford. The latter was afterwards re-built as a bank, and is now Mr. Cash's office. In his will, dated 21st January, 1786, he leaves all his real and personal estate to his wife for her life, or as long as she remained unmarried, but his son Richard was to have residence in the house with his mother. At her decease, Richard was to have the whole of the property, excepting ;^iooo which he was to pay to his brothers and sisters. Moulton Messiter had prospered in business, 215 Notable Men of the Parish. and become under sheriflf of the eounty of Somerset. He died on 5th July, 1786, at the age of 57. His widow outlived him many years, dying on the 19th May, 1803, aged 67 years. Richard Messiter was born on the 24th September, 1759, and was brought up to the law. On the 20th February, 1794, he married Mary Brickell of Shaftesbury, and went there to live about three years later. He had three sons, all of whom died young in the lifetime of their mother, who died in June, 1812. At his father's death, when 27 years of age, he was left with a family of 13 brothers and sisters, to whom he fulfilled the duties of a father. He had many talents, was an excellent scholar, took high rank in his profession, and was universally beloved and respected. He succeeded to his father's office as under sheriff, an office which they held for more than 30 years. He subsequently became Treasurer of the county of Somerset, which office was retained in the family until the death of Henry Messiter in 1879. He was conspic- uous for his loyalty. In the time of the war with America, he raised, clothed and armed, at his own expense, a company of Volunteer Infantry ; and later, during the French war, he organised and was captain of a troop of the East Somerset Yeomanry, until the peace of Amiens in 1802. It would be a long story to tell of the numerous schemes he promoted at home for the good of the neighborhood. The Act of Parlia- ment before referred to, was evidently the product of his vigorous mind ; the making of good roads, all through the district of the Commissioners of Highways ; the establishment of Horwood Spa ; the formation of " An association for pre- serving liberty, property, and the constitution of Great Britain, against republicans and levellers" ; and the making of a navigable canal from Bath to Poole, by way of Frome, Wincanton and Wareham. Possessing an ardent mind he was of too speculative a disposition, which led him into diffi- culties. Having experienced a reverse of fortune, chiefly by electioneering at Shaftesbury, he became bankrupt and quitted England for America, settling down about 150 miles from New York. His brothers Uriah and George made him an allowance. He was in New York in 1830. He was ill whilst there. On his way home he became worse and put in at Newbury, 65 miles from New York, where he died on the loth May, and there he was buried in the 71st year of his age. It was a common thing half a century ago to hear adverse criticism of his conduct from those who, if he had succeeded in all his undertakings, would have abjectly crouched to him, but who fled when trouble came on him. This comes out 216 Notable Men of the Parish. clear, on a careful consideration of the man's career, that he was a man of rare ability, a most earnest worker for the good of his native parish, a loyal citizen, and a thoroughly good son and brother. " Let him who would assail thee," Messiter, " in thy grave, pause." James Walters (or Walter) Was born in Mill Street, Wincanton, in the year 1797. He belonged to an old Wincanton family. Moses and Edward, probably his grandfather and uncle respectively, tiled and plastered the Town Hall in 1769 ; and John his father, whose name is mentioned as living in Mill Street in 1801, built and owned the two tenements east of Mr. George Stagg's. There James was born, and went to school two or three doors below to a simple-minded unlearned schoolmaster, named Nehemiah Thomas. He learnt his father's trade, and went to London to exercise it. In the year 1834, he returned to Wmcanton to superintend the building of the houses in High Street now occupied by Mr. E. Miller and Mr. E. J. New. In the year 1838, he was librarian to the Episcopal bishop attached to the British Embassy at Paris. In that year he published a little volume of poems in English, which he dedicated to Lady Fullerton. It is evident that he was stricken very badly with revolutionary ideas of that country and period. The poem " Benhadad " proclaims this. The dedication is in these Imes — " Accept, fair noble lady, of the land Where I was born, and hope in fame to stand. These prolix lines, from holy writ drawn fortli, That read a lesson to the guilty North : — Where the rude tyrant, throned in polar snows. The scourge of Poland, works Circassia's woes ; As cool as Caucasus in planning crimes — The fierce Benhadad of our modern times ; W^hose brutal serfs affright the Southern day, Alarm the West, and think the East their prey. Despoiling nations and destroying right. Expelling order and creating night — Night, black and horrid, such as veiled the sphere. Ere Godhead deigned the sleeping mass to cheer." His rhetoric is passionate, as evidently his nature was impetuous. He said that "The 20th chapter of I. Kings should be translated into every language and dialect, the dramatic story is a flower of loveliness. Those who have 217 Notable Men of the Parish. imagination may sit down and feast their mind's eye with one of the most magnificent martial processions ideality or reality can furnish forth." His poem on Benhadad ends — *' Rejoice with Samaria ! This lesson divine Is a legacy left for the last of our line. Can you read it, earth's children, and not understand That your God fights for freedom in every land." He wrote, also, a set of poems on the months of the year, in which it is clearly shown that he possessed to a large extent the poetic faculty. At 50 years of age he returned to his native town, a broken down man in health and finances. He gave Shakesperian Readings on "The grave, the gay, the lively and severe." His friends eked out a few shillings to him, and in November, 1847, he went into the Workhouse, where he remained ten weeks. His friends then found him money enough to return to Paris, where it is supposed that in the revolution of 1848 he perished. Though it is evident that he lacked perseverance, and apparently lived too fast, yet he made such proficience in literature as to cause us to regret that he did not live up to the full extent of his powers. George Deane, D.Sc. Came of an old and respected family in Wincanton. His uncle Edwin was the founder of the very successful drapery business now represented by Messrs. New and Morgan. His father was in business in the city of Wells, but left there when his distinguished son was young, to join his brothers Edwin and Charles in the South Street business. Edwin died in 1852, when the business was sold. George continued to live lower down in South Street, and died there in 1859, aged 59. Young George was educated at Mr. Alfred Day's school in High Street, a tutor to whom many elderly men in various parts of the world look back in memory with esteem. He then went for three years in the office of a civil engineer. Exhibiting tendencies towards theology, he entered as a student in Lady Huntingdon's College at Cheshunt. When about 23 years of age, he became minister of a Congregational church in Bedfordshire. In 1863, he attained to a brilliant B.A. of the London University. In 1864, he took the degree of B.S., and in 1869 he became Doctor of Science. In the same year he was appointed professor of mathematics at Spring Hill College, and after that he moved to the chair of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis. In 1877, he became resident tutor of Spring Hill College. He was by no means a man of one idea or of one pursuit. From 1870 to 1874, he 218 Notable Men of the Parish. was teacher of geology at the Birmingham and Midland Institute, and some of us remember his lecture on " Water and Waterspouts," given for the Wincanton Field Club at the end of 1889. Geology was his special science, and he greatly desired to see its study in all the public and private schools of the country. Nor was he a student merely ; he was a member and elected chairman of Moseley and Balsall Heath school board in 1875. He was also a frequent contributor to "The British Quarterly," "The Homilist," " Evangelical Magazine," and he wrote for "Cassell's Biblical Educator." He continued to work during a long period of ill-health, and died at Edgbaston, Birmingham, on July 6th, 1891, at the compar- atively early age of 53. Although a strong liberal in politics, and a member of the Somerset Association, he joined the Liberal- Unionist section when the great division was caused in the liberal party by the introduction of Home Rule. He was a considerable land-owner at Wincanton, Charlton Musgrove, and North Cadbury. Philip Bennett. At the west end, on the south side of the parish church, is the oldest memorial tablet. In the old church it occupied a position very near to that of the present. It now requires such restoration as could be accomplished at but little cost. It is a black monument bearing arms in colours and the following inscription. — " In memoriam. Phi. Bennett. Ar. qui officii clici pacis com Somersett, per multos annos, diligent et studiose perigit. Obiit 7** Aprilis 1725 ^Etat suae 87° Per mortem direm dolore quisque perit Perfidem verum gaudio quisque sperat Post mortem coela semper habitare Cum Sanctis Deo laudem ibidare. In memoriam. Anne uxor Phillippi Bennett armig. quce obiit 12^0 die Decembris Anno Dom 1730 ^tat suae 78° " The epitaph has been translated, viz. — " Each one must pass through death's dark door Through faith to joy for evermore Death past, in heaven to ever live There with the saints God praise to give." Mrs. Bennett, his wife, was daughter and heiress to one of the wealthy Churchey family, and brought considerable property to her husband when he married her in 1677. He owned about 170 acres of land in Wincanton, 70 acres in 219 Notable Men of the Parish. Cucklington, and 76 acres at Motcombe. He was a man who took great interest in the town, and in the year 1707, when the great fire caused so much disaster, was treasurer of the relief fund, when ^636 was raised by subscription towards the loss of ;^2,goo which that fire occasioned. He was the means of a Royal Commission being held at Ilminster in the year 1704, by which some abuses which had crept into the local government of the town were removed ; to his personal supervision improvement was mainly due. His mansion was where Mr. George Cooper's house now stands. None of his descendants have at present any interest in the parish. His name, however, is retained in a field name at the south-west end of the town on Mr. Collard's farm. Thomas Richards, The son of James and Maria Richards, was like his more distinguished fellow townsman Sir James Dier, born at Roundhill in this parish ; not at Roundhill Grange, however, but at Roundhill farm-house, of which at present not a vestige remains. The date of his birth was October 26th, 1812. The rudiments of his education were acquired at a school kept by a Mr. Galliene, where Mrs. Shepherd's printing office now stands. From there he went to a school at Milborne Port, kept by a Mr. Shapcott. At that time he grew so tall, and his health was so delicate, that his life was despaired of. It was a wonder that he did not die, for before he was 15 years of age he had been bled twenty times. Whilst on a visit to some friends at Bridghampton, he was running across a field when he fell, and, spraining one of his ankles, had for several years to use a crutch and a stick. On being taken to a London physician he strongly advised ampu- tation, but this neither his parents or family doctor would agree to. Becoming stronger he went into the field to work. One day he was loading a cart with manure, when he threw away the shovel and declared he would never use it again, and to this resolution he adhered. He was then apprenticed for three years to Mr. Stokes, grocer, of Salisbury. In his 25th year he married his first cousin. Miss Jane Gifford of Butleigh, and although it was a marriage of affection on both sides lasting till death, yet he urged on his young friends with great earnestness never to marry such close relatives, as being perilous to their offspring if it was their misfortune to have any. Mr. Richards ought to have been an architect ; for that he was well adapted, and in the preparation of plans he took the greatest delight of his life. At his marriage in 1837, he 220 Notable Men of the Parish. commenced business as a grocer where Mr. Harvey Blake lives.' After a while Mr. George Crocker, who had an iron- mongery business where Mr. Shewen's shop is, changed shops with Mr. Richards, each one's stock being removed. Later on, Mr. Crocker left the town, when Mr. Richards purchased Mr. Crocker's stock of ironmongery, which hereafter was sold from one counter, and grocery from another. Dual businesses were common in country towns at that time. In 1841, he attended the parish vestry meeting for the first time. Thence- forward for 50 years he took an active part in the public business of the parish. In 1842 he became overseer, and served for two years. In 1869 he became churchwarden, which office he also held for two years. He was elected guardian of the poor in 1866, remaining in that office till 1887. In 1874, some of the ratepayers, thinking that he befriended the poor more than he studied the interests of the ratepayers, put forward some one in opposition. At the poll he polled 267 votes to his opponent's 181, the latter being mainly cumulative votes, many of the voters having five votes. To his influence and constant labours we owe our drainage system and water supply. He took exceeding interest in elementary education, and ought to have been on the first school board in 1871, and would have been but for an arrangement made to prevent " the expense of an election." Mr. Richards keenly felt this slight, and never again offered himself for the office. He became one of the Feoffees of the Town Charities in July, 1878, and continued till his death, becoming chairman on the death of Mr. Herbert Messiter in At his golden wedding, April 3rd, 1887, a dinner was held to his honour at the Greyhound Hotel, when his 18 workmen presented him and Mrs. Richards with a handsome album containing all their portraits. Many public and other buildings in this neighborhood were designed by him and built under his direction. He designed a circular cooking range, of which many hundreds were sold during his life time. He was a liberal in politics, broad church in religion. His portrait has been placed by his admiring townsmen in the Town Hall, the only other reaching to that dignity being Sir James Dier. " He was a good man," and as long as remembered will be fragrant to the memory of those who knew him. George Cvoyden. On a column, separating the North aisle of the choir from 221 Notable Men of the Parish. the Lady chapel in the cathedral church of Oxford, is the following inscription : — " Sapientia Donum Dei H. s. J Georgius. Croyden LL.D. apud Wincaunton in agro Somersetensi natus in schola Wesmonasteriensi Institutus Alumnus Postea hujus -lEdis et censor tandem canonicus et Thesaurius vir (si qui salius) humanitate, modestia Et erga pauperes beneficiantia, Insignis Qui obiit Oxonii Junii xiiii A.O. Dni MDLXXVIII ^T. Suae LXIV. S.C.M.P." Wisdom is the gift of God. H(ic) S(epultus) J(acet) or Here lies buried George Croyden LL.D. born at Wincaunton in the county of Somerset, educated in Westminster school. Afterwards student and censor of this college, lastly canon and treasurer. A man singularly distinguished for kindliness, moderation, and liberality to the poor, who died at Oxford on the 14th of June in the year of our Lord 1578, and the 64th of his age. " S.C.M.P." is supposed to mean Sarah or Susanna Croyden ; Monumentum Posuite — caused this monument to be erected ? Another suggestion is that " S.C.M.P." meant Sui Curaveaunt Marmer Ponendum — His friends caused the monument to be erected. I have only to add that I have not met with the name of Croyden in Wincanton, but the Rev. L. R. Leir informs me that George Croyden, D.L., London, had in 1660 32 acres of land in the manor of Charlton Musgrove, and that " Croyden Parks " are mentioned in old deeds of that parish. John King, Who has found a place in the " Dictionary of National Biography," was born in Wincanton, and there he was baptised on 21st August, 1752. I first find the name of Richard Ring described as attorney, Wincanton, in the year 1739. As I write, I have his signature and seal before me on a document drawn up in 1749. He was then well established as a solicitor, and from that date onward the name is frequently met with. There were at least three Richard Rings : one buried in 1794, another in 1838, and a third only a few years since. The one in practice in 1739 was probably a still earlier one than he 222 Notable Men of the Parish. who died in 1794. I cannot connect the early members of the family here with any residence, excepting where the Roman Catholic church now is, and from there Richard was buried in 1838. The last of the Richards left Wincanton about the year 1861. John Ring was, I presume, the son of Richard who died in 1794, and brother of Richard who died in 1838. The name Ring still lingers here in •' Ring's drinking place." The Rings here intermarried with the Messiters and Carpenters, and with Birds of Sturminster, Everetts and Gatehouses. John Ring, Junr., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., died as recently as 28th November, 1890, at Kilburn. The article in the National Biography was contributed by D'Arcy Power, F.R.C.S., from which I have extracted the following : — John Ring of Wincanton, surgeon, 1 752-1 821. Born at Wincanton. Entered Winchester College in 1765, and left it in 1767-8 for London, where he attended the lectures of Perceval Pott and the two Hunters. Received diploma of Surgeons' Company on ist September, 1774, and in the same year began practice in London. He became about this time a member of the Medical Society of London, afterwards a member of the Medical Society of Paris. In August, 1799, he became acquainted with Dr. Edward Jenner. From this time he devoted the greater part of his professional life to the cause of vaccination. In 1808, he went to Ringwood at the head of a deputation to investigate some supposed failures of vaccination. Party feeling at that time ran so high that the deputies carried pistols to defend themselves in case of need. The British Vaccine Establishment was founded in 1809, Dr. Jenner being the first director. He nominated Ring as his principal vaccinator and inspector of stations. On being set aside from this, he opened a vaccination station on his own account. He vaccinated so many that Jenner, speaking of a lady who had vaccinated as many as ten thousand persons, said that it was nothing compared with the labours of honest John Ring. He was also a poet and an elegant classical scholar. He died of apoplexy at his house in New Street, Hanover Square, London, on 7th December, 1821. Besides tracts on vaccination, he wrote — The commemor- ation of Handel, 1786 ; 2nd ed. in 1819 ; Reflections on the Surgeons' Bill, 1798 ; A Treatise on Cow Pox, i8oi ; The beauties of the Edinburgh Review, 1807 ; A Treatise on Gout, 181 1 ; A caution against vaccine swindlers, 1816. He translated Gedde's Ode to Peace, 1802. 223 Notable Men of the Parish. In 1820, he published the works of Virgil, partly original and partly altered from Dryden and Pitt ; 2 vols. This latter was published by subscription. Amongst the subscribers it is pleasant to note the names of several of his Wincanton friends, such as Robert Combe, Esq., Uriah Messiter, T. L. Surrage, Robert Combe, junr., George Messiter, Philip Hurd, Dr. John and Dr, Wm. Perfect, who had removed from Wincanton to Bath. The article informs us that a portrait of the subject appeared in the New European Magazine, 1824, and that additional information had been contributed by the late Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton. George Day Claims notice from the fact that he was the founder of the Baptist church in this town. He was born in Wincanton in the year 1787, and received an elementary education at the school of Nehemiah Thomas. He became a plasterer and tiler, and worked at Fonthill Abbey when Mr. Beckford lived there. Later, he kept a drapery establishment where Mr. E. Weare now lives, which he resigned in favor of his son about the year 1844. After this, however, he took an interest in his old trade, and there are specimens of his skill in ceilings at Mr. John Gibbs', Mr. Chichester's, the Baptist chapel and elsewhere. For 16 years from 1829 he was the unpaid minister of the Baptist church. In his latter days he became blind, when he was compelled to resign his pastoral duties. He died on March loth, 1858, in his 71st year. In the year 1855, at the strongly expressed desire of his flock, he published in twelve numbers "The Wincanton Monthly Messenger." Amongst the latest of his efforts was one entitled — " Set thy house in order," in which he showed that his " ruling love" was connected with the Sunday school for which he had for many years shewn a great affection. In contemplating his own end, he wrote — "This closing scene, dear teachers of the school, I now present to you, beseeching you To make your calling and election sure ; And from the love of Christ constraining you, Be steadfast, constant, and immovable. The honour of your Lord be your first aim. The children's present and eternal weal Keep constantly in view, and at the throne Of heavenly grace go on to intercede For Jesus' sake, for blessings on your charge ; 224 Notable Men of the Parish. That when God's voice shall say — ' Thou too shalt die,' It may be your delight the voice to hear, And cheerfully reply — " Lord, here am I, And all the children thou hast given me." John Langley. In the early part of 1874, some correspondent sent me the following excerpt. Since then I have had it sent me several times. It may be worth a place in this history, if only as a curiosity. So far I have not found in any local document the name of either Langley or Kendrick. Every place has its odd characters, and if this be veritable history, it is clear that Wincanton has had at least one. Mr. John Langley, born an Englishman who settled in Ireland, where he died, left the following will. " I John Langley, born at Wincanton, in Somerset, and settled in Ireland, in the year 1651 now in my right mind and wits, do make my will, in my own hand writing. I do leave all my house, goods and farm of Black Kittle of 253 acres to my son, commonly called Stubborn Jack to him and his heirs for ever, provided he marries a Protestant woman, but not Alice Kendrick, who called me Oliver's whelp. My new buckskin breeches, and my silver tobacco stopper with J.L. on the top, I give to Richard Richards, my comrade, who helped me off at the storming of Clonmell, ■when I was shot through the leg. My son John shall keep my body above ground six days and six nights after I am dead, and Grace Kendrick shall lay me out, who shall have for doing so five shillings. My body shall be put upon the oak table in the brown room, and fifty Irishmen shall be invited to my wake, and every one shall have two quarts of the best aqua vite, and each one a skereen dish and knife laid before him and when the liquor is out, nail up my coffin and commit me to the earth whence I came. This is my will. Witness my hand this third day of March, 1674. John Langley." Some of Mr. Langley's friends asked him why he would be at such expense in treating the Irishmen whom he hated ; he replied that if they got drunk at his wake, they would probably get to fighting and kill one another, which would do something towards lessening the breed. John Rosknigc Wood, President of the Baptist Union of England and Wales, 225 Notable Men of the Parish. 1902-3, is a native of Wincanton. His father, F. R. Wood, was master of the British school here in the late years of 1830, and the early years of 1840 onwards. The school was held in the school-rooms at the Baptist chapel. John was born in 1838 in the old turnpike house, High Street, where Mr. Tanswell now lives. In or about 1843 the school was given up, the National school having been recently built, and the fees fixed as low as a penny per week. Mr. Wood removed with his father and mother to Ridge, Wiltshire, where this family started and sustained a Nonconformist place of worship. Mr. F. R. Wood died at Ridge at the age of 84. Young John helped his father in the Sunday school at Ridge, and early developed a taste for preaching. He learnt, however, the drapery business, and followed it till 1859, in which year he entered as a student for the ministry at Regent's Park College. In March, 1863, he was ordained minister of a Baptist church at Barnstaple. In 1867, on the death of the Rev. Evan Probert, a man well remembered as "the children's preacher," Mr. Wood became pastor of the City Road Baptist Church, Bristol, and remained there seven years. In 1874, the Baptist church of Upper Holloway, London, was without a minister. Mr. Wood was invited, and he accepted the invitation to become the pastor. On his entry there, there were 217 members, the congregation about 500. In 1881, the church was enlarged so as to accommodate about 1300 persons, and there are nearly 900 members. Very recently he gave an account of his year's presidency, and this showed a year's useful work in the pulpit and elsewhere. Over three thousand members have been admitted to the church at Upper Holloway during Mr. Wood's 29 years pastorate. Mr. Wood is a methodical and healthy man, and it may be hoped has many years of active service before him. Edward Deanesly. Son of Samuel Deanesly. Born at Wincanton on Jan. 23rd, 1866. Pupil at Mr. Perman's school at Pine House, Wincanton. Entered Bruton Grammar School in 1878, left in 1881. Obtained M.B. in 1887 with first class honours ; M.R.C.S. and M.D., London, in 1888 ; F.R.C.S. in 1890. Gold medallist at University College and Apothecaries* Hall, London. Honorary Surgeon to the General Hospital, Wolverhampton . 226 Notable Men of the Parish. Charles Fletcher. The following sketch is taken from " Bournemouth and Boscombe Amusements" of March 25th, 1895. The article has been much shortened. No alterations are made excepting to remark that £50 per annum was a large salary for the organist to receive at Shepton Montague church, where, in 1861, the vicar's income was only ^62 per annum without a residence, and where even now its gross value is but ;^98. The sketch in the paper referred to was accompanied by a portrait. *'Mr. Fletcher was born at Wincanton, in Somersetshire, in 1846, his father being a schoolmaster and a musical enthusiast. His mother also came of a musical family, being a cousin of the late Charles Lucas, who for many years was the leading violoncellist in London, and director of the Royal Academy of Music, so that from both his parents he has inherited musical talent of a high order. At the early age of five years he was a member of his father's singing classes, and became thoroughly grounded in the rudiments and theory of music and singing by Wilhelm, introduced from Germany into this country by Hullah. Before he was seven years of age, scarcely any passage of music seemed too difficult for him to vocalize at first sight, and he was often called upon to illustrate alone, by vocalizing and beating the time, any passage which presented exceptional difficulties. At the age of seven he came out as a solo singer and flautist at a concert given by his father in his native town, and when only nine years old was engaged to play the harmonium, and to take the soprano solos at the parish Church of Shepton Montague, at a salary of ^50 per annum, which appointment he held for about eighteen months. The violin, which he had also been studying since he was seven years of age, now came to the fore. Wherever he played, the greatest surprise and enthusiasm were evoked, and his father decided to give up his school, in order to devote his life to the development of his son's musical talent and general education. The young musician's violin playing was only equalled, and perhaps excelled, by his wonderful voice and singing. The late Lord Arundel, of Wardour Castle (himself a remark- ably clever and devoted amateur musician), hearing of the boy's fame, engaged him as solo vocalist and violinist for his private chapel and chamber music. Here ' Master Charlie,' as he was familiarly called, became a great favorite and 227 Notable Men of the Parish. gained much notoriety among the nobility and gentry, who from time to time were visitors at W ardour Castle. This appointment he held for about three years, when his beautiful voice showing signs of change, he temporarily relinquished singing and settled in Southampton. Here, after some uphill struggles, he became the leading violinist. He has performed on various occasions at the St. James' Hall and most of the principal public rooms in London, and has also had the honour of playing before the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Connaught, the late Prince Leopold, and other members of the Royal Family, both at public and private concerts. In 1869 he married a talented German pianiste, whom he often met at the house of one of his greatest patronesses (the late Countess of Ranfurly), where she was professionally engaged. Bournemouth, his favourite town, has long been the most absorbing field for his untiring energies in teaching and performing. We congratulate Bournemouth and neighbour- hood on having such a talented musician in their midst. Notwithstanding incessant teaching and numerous en- gagements, Mr. Fletcher is ever ready to give his valued services in aid of the many local institutions and charities." W/NCANTON TOKENS. The late Mr. Wm. Bidgood, of Taunton, published a book on the tokens of Somerset. Amongst them were four of Wincanton. They were about the size of a groat. Of those issued in the last century, (of which there were many,) no account is taken. O. William Ivy of Seven Stars. R. Wincalton, 1659. \at '-p E probably his wife. O. John Keves, in centre a squirrel. R. Of Wincanton. I.K. 161 1. O. Ben Lewes at ye Black Lion, y R. In Wincanton. 1667. •□ ^ O. John Rogers mercer. R. In Wincvlton. 1652. William Ivy was churchwarden in 1668. Ben Lewes ,, ,, 1667. John Rogers ,, ,, 1664. 228 Association for Protection against Felony. ASSOCIATION FOR PROTECTION AGAINST FELONY. e 9 It seems difficult to realize in these days of protection of life and property afforded by an efficient county police, that within comparatively few years, if property was stolen or cattle injured, it paid better to let the criminal go free than to prosecute him ; yet so it was. The remedy was often worse than the disease. As some sort of protection in bygone days, associations were formed by which, on payment of a certain sum per annum, in cases where members were robbed or otherwise injured, a solicitor prosecuted such offenders as could be detected ; but then many escaped detection. I purpose giving accounts of two such societies ; one in 1749, the other in 1768. The original documents are before me. In nearly every instance the signature is in the handwriting of the member, and in the first of the documents the name was not only written but the seal affixed. *' Whereas several fruit trees and other trees likely to become timber, and garden fruits have lately been secretly damaged and spoyled, digged up and carried away, from many the possessors and owners of lands and tenements in the parish of Wincanton in the county of Somerset. And whereas several larcenys and felonious acts have been lately done and committed within the said parish, and the cattle within the said parish have been injured by cutting their manes and tails or such like offences have been often committed to the great damage of many the inhabitants, of the which crimes and offences have been so cunningly and secretly contrived, and acted, and managed in so clandestine a manner that the offenders, notwithstanding great diligence have not been discovered, and others have secretly com- pounded larcenys and felonys to save the expense of prose- cution. Now to the end that all such offenders as are guilty, or shall hereafter become guilty of such or like offences (within the said parish) may be discovered, apprehended and brought to justice. It is by these presents witnessed, that we whose names, marks and seals are hereunto sett and subscribed do for our- selves our several and respective heirs executors and adminis- 229 Association for Protection against Felony, trators mutually covenant, promise grant and agree to and with each other, by these presents, to pay, bear and discharge our respective and proportionable shares of all manner of costs charges and disbursements whatsoever, which shall be ex- pended or laid out by us, any or either of us, in discovering, apprehending bringing to justice, committing prosecuting and punishing any such offender or offenders aforesaid against any or either of us, in such manner as the law permits and directs, (share and share alike.) And for the better enforcing and carrying this agreement into execution. We do for that purpose constitute ordain and appoint Mr. Richard Ring of Wincanton aforesaid, our attorney from time to time for and during the space of seven years next ensuing to prosecute such offenders against us, or either of us as often as there shall be occasion. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this thirteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty nine. William Jewell Wm. Winter John Rogers Thomas Perry Andrew Ivie Joseph Vining Richard Edwards Timothy Taylor Nath. Ireson Jno. Webb William Oatley John King John Guyer Richard Andrews Robert Gapper John Mansfield Tho. Harris Moses Walter John Pike John Cross William Hussey Geo. Deane Robt. Wadman Wm. Way John Brickenden Charles Ivie Wm. Mogg Josh. Vining John Hurd Robt. Pearce John Richardson Jno. Dove Robt. Perfect Cha. Lewis Richd. Ring P. Smith Tho. Slade Richard Sympson John Norman Simon Webb Thomas White John Andrews Joseph Parsons John Parsons Edward Matthews John Horler Robt. Combe Mary Kite John Mitchell Philip Pitman Peter Dove Henry Plucknett Richd, Lewis John Pitman John Hurman Samuel Horler 230 Association for Protection against Felony. Joseph Clewett Charles Creed Tho. Goodfellow Thomas Coombes Nich. Brown Stephen Pitman." Apparently nineteen years passed away before another form was drawn up and signed for the same purpose. Some of the same names re-appear, several of them being the same persons who signed the earlier document. Several new names also appear, but there is a great falling off the total number, there being 62 signatures in 1749, but 40 only in 1768. The document, too, is less stately and formidable than the earlier one. It says — " Whereas divers Robberys, Burglary's Felonys and other misdemeanors and offences have been lately done and committed in and near the town of Wincanton in tlie county of Somersett. And whereas some of the oflfenders have been discovered and committed to prison and others are fled from justice but prosecutions are commenced against them. Now we whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby mutually promise and agree to and with each other that we and each and every of us shall and will pay, bear and discharge an equal proportion of all such sum or sums of money, costs, charges and expences which already have been or which shall or may be paid, laid out or expended by us or any or either of us in the apprehending prosecuting or con- victing such offender or offenders from the first day of January one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight to the first day of January one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine. Joseph Clewett John Mitchell Stephen Pittman Richd. Andrews Robt. Gapper Robt. Wadman Robt. Perfect Richd. Lewis Isaiah Farrington Jane Lewis John Mitchell John Harris Jno. Pitman William Harvey John Parsons Thos. Slade Joseph Parsons John Deane Nat. Webb Wm. Way Edward Goddard John Leach Philip Pittman Thos. Hussey Robt. Combe James Kiddle John Hurd Wm. Winter John Guyer Nich. Brown Thos. Brickenden John Brown Moulton Messiter W. Bracher, junr. Thomas Goodfellow Andrew Ivie Elizth. Dove Mar. Burges Edward Pearce Willm. Chaffey." 231 WiNCANTON Town Properties. Wincanton Town Properties. These are three in number. First — the property held in trust for the reparation of the church ; second — that held in trust for the poor ; third — a piece of land acquired and certain dues conferred by Royal Charter, held for the town and managed by a set of Trustees, first appointed by the Crown in 1579, and renewed from time to time since. These three properties, small as they are, were formerly managed by three sets of Trustees. In the year 1823, on the re-appointment of the Trustees, the control of the three properties was held by one set of Trustees, sixteen in number. It was then entered on the journal that " All the three properties being now vested in the same Trustees, it is recommended in future appointments to follow the same plan, as more likely to engage the attention of one set of Trustees than of more, but the accounts are to be kept distinct and monies appropriated accordingly." This plan has from that time been followed. I have never seen any accounts of the church property or the poor's charity before that time, but those of the Fairs and Markets are complete back to the year 1705, when a new book was begun, in which to enter the subscriptions towards the Fire fund which the Trustees of the Fairs and Markets administered. It has often been said that the charities of the town have been impoverished by the loss of houses and lands, but I can find no proof of this. It is true there were houses and lands held by former Trustees which are not now held, but in each case the houses have fallen into ruin for lack of funds to keep them in repair, and the pieces of land have been sold to purchase others. At the present day the property held by the Trustees is of more value than at any previous time of which we have any record. The Fairs and Markets Trust is the only one impoverished, and that has arisen from the diversion of these institutions in the streets to fields elsewhere, and by the inevitable freedom of commerce brought about by railways and other intercommunication. To expect a return to the old regime is as hopeless as flogging a dead horse into activity, or of mopping back the incoming tide. It may be desirable to state just what the properties and charities comprised on 13th November, 1823. 232 WiNCANTON Town Properties. " Fairs and Markets, viz. — The tolls of the markets and two Fairs now let to Francis Parsons at the (annual) rent of /'20. The Town Hall, blind-house, &c,, subject to the annual rent of ^5 to the Trustees of the Church Lands. An allotment at Batchpool now let to John Bewsey at a rent of £8. Of the above, the rents have been hitherto received by Messrs. Messiter, and applied in repairs of the Town Hall, Blind-house, Market Shambles and standings, Town Clock, Conduits, reservoirs and lead pipes, fire engine and lamps, Insurance of buildings, &c., as per account on which there is due to them ^26-9-1 if to Sep. 30th, 1823. Church Lands, comprising — A house held by T. Bracher for two lives, Mrs. Goldes- borough and Richard Lewis. Ditto held by R. Combe, occupied by S. Carter, for two lives, R. Combe and R. Perfect. Rent of /"5 (per annum) issuing out of Town Hall. A paddock held by C. Thorn, late T, Parfet, for two lives, John and Robert White. A parcel of land containing 104 perches in Burgesses Close, in hand rented by James George at 15/- per annum. The like also containing 104 perches in Hurd Mead, rented by C. Thorn at 15/- per annum. A parcel of land containing 33 perches at Batchpool held by Mr. Plucknett's family, til) lately in Common, with land of George Messiter, junr., and now rented by him at 5/- per annum. One acre in Grove Farm, rented by William Bracher at 10/6 per annum. Of the above, the rents have been hitherto received by the churchwardens and entered in their annual accounts. Poors Lands, comprising — A house in South Street, formerly the Bell Inn, held by Carpenter, since by Mr. Ring, for life of Mrs. Hindley, lately fallen into hand at her death. A house in Horwood, formerly purchased of George Vining, now called, and used as, the Poorhouse. A house and garden adjoining, and formerly part of the sarhe, fallen into hand on death of Edward Day. Of the above, no rents received. A house in South Street unoccupied, since fallen into hand, and the others used by the parish. 233 WiNCANTON Town Properties. Chanties — A bequest of £50 by John Thick, citizen of Bristol in 1670, laid out with other money 30th January, 1694, i" purchase of the Poorhouse, and charged with an annual pay- ment, to be distributed on St. Thomas' Day, of ;^3-o-o A bequest of ;^30 by John Green about the same year, 1693, not known how disposed of ; but as late Mr. Messiter used to pay a sum corresponding with the interest of such a sum, the present Messrs. Messiter are desirous to make it good, and have now invested the said ;^30 in the savings bank of Wincanton in names of the minister and churchwardens, one half of the interest thereof to be distributed on St. Thomas' Day 12.0 A bequest of ;^32 by Charles Brooke in 1693, P^^^ to the parish officers, producing 32/- per annum, one half to be divided also on St. Thomas' Day 16.0 Making the whole distribution on St. Thomas' Day ;^4-8-o Remaining moiety of interest of Brooks donation payable by parish officers ... ... ... 16-0 Ditto of Green's from Savings Bank ... ... 12-0 ;^I-8-0 N.B. — Instead of the above half yearly sums of 12/-, the usual payments were 15/-, being at 5 per cent ; now the savings bank interest is only 4 per cent." At an appointment of new Trustees on the igth July, 1878, a schedule, issued by the Charity Commissioners, gave details of the property held in Trust as follows : — " /. — Church Lands Chanty. 1. A rentcharge of 5/. per annum, charged on and issuing out of the Town Hall at Wincanton. 2. Two houses in South Street, Wincanton, now or lately held by the Representatives of the late Mr. James Hannam and Mr. Edward Gilbert respectively, upon leases for 99 years determinable upon certain lives, at annual reserved rents amounting together to 3/. 25. 6d. 3. A close of land called " Church Close," containing 3 roods or thereabouts, situate in Wincanton, now or lately held by the Representatives of the late Mr. James Crew on lease for lives, at an annual reserved rent of i5. 4. A piece of land containing 2 roods and 24 poles or thereabouts, situate in Burgess Close, in Wincanton, now or lately let to Mr. Edward Penny Trenchard as yearly tenant,. 234 WiNCANTON Town Properties. at an annual rent of iL 8s. 5. A piece of land containing 2 roods and 24 poles, situate in Hurd Mead, in Wincanton, now or lately let to the Representatives of the late Mr. James Crew as yearly tenant, at an annual rent of 15s. 6. A piece of land, being part of the Wincanton Common, containing 33 perches, now or lately let to Mr. Robert Green as yearly tenant, at an annual rent of los. 7. A piece of land situate at Batchpool, in Wincanton, containing 33 perches, now or lately let to Thomas M. Dodington, Esquire, as yearly tenant, at an annual rent of 55. 8. A piece of land situate in Grove Farm, in the Parish of Wincanton, containing i acre, now or lately let to the Reverend H. Boucher as yearly tenant, at an annual rent of ll. IS. 8. A house in Church Street, Wincanton, occupied rent free by the Organist of the Parish Church of Wincanton. //. — Poor's Lands Charity. 1. A house in South Street, W^incanton, now held on lease by Stuckey's Banking Company for certain lives, at an annual reserved rent of 2/. 2. A piece of garden ground situate at Horwood, in the Parish of Wincanton, now let to Widow Humphries as yearly tenant, at an annual rent of 2/. los. 3. A house in two tenements with garden ground, adjoining the last-mentioned piece of ground, now let to Widow Humphries as yearly tenant, at an annual rent of 4/." In consequence of destruction by fire at that time of the church property, several important changes took place. I will take them in detail. No. I remained as before. No. 2. Mr. Hannam's house was destroyed, and re-built by Mr. John Hannam at his own cost, greatly enhancing the value of the property. Mr. Gilbert's lease was bought out, the house taken down, the road widened, and the remainder thrown into the house in which Miss Hoskins now resides. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, were sold, and the proceeds spent on the new premises. No. 9 was re-built, and is now let to Messrs. Rutter. The yearly revenue of this property is now larger than it ever was, and the property is in excellent condition. The Poor's Lands, too, have undergone a change. No. I. The house held for lives, by the consent of the charity commissioners, has been sold in fee to Messrs. Stuckey's 235 WiNCANTON Town Properties, Banking Company, and the money, with another sum, spent in the purchase of Ways Close, about 13 acres, the whole of which is available for letting out in garden allotments, and a considerable portion of it is to let at a rental of 4d. per perch. No. 2 is also let for gardens. No. 3. The house fell into ruins, and the stones were used in putting up a wall to enclose the land which also is let as gardens. The charities distributed by the churchwardens at present are — Thorn's, Green's and Dodington's charities, which amount to ^5-11-8 per annum. This is given away to the ''second poor " of the parish on St. Thomas' Day. To the organist of the parish church 1-0-6. There is another sum of 9/2 given away at Easter, left by the late T. M. Dodington, Esq., of Horsington, to a parishioner having not less than four legitimate children dependent on him, not having received parish relief for past three years. The following copy of an old document will show the origin of the property now held as Garden allotments. The name of the donor, Thomas Ewens, will be recognised as that of an old Wincanton man. "To all christian people to whom these presents shall come. Robert Freke, of Upwey, in the county of Dorset, Esq., lawfuil and rightfuU heire of Andrew Ewens, late of Penzellwood, in the county of Somerset, Esq., deceased, sendeth greetinge in the Lord God everlasting. Whereas Thomas Ewens, Esq., late of Kingston, in the parish of Yeovil, in the said county of Somerset, deceased, by his deed bearing date the fourteenth day of April in the fifth year of King James the first (1608) over England &c. did grant and convey unto fifteen persons in the same deed named, and to their heirs and assigns. All that burgage, messuage or tenement, scituate lying and being in the towne or Burrough of Winecaunton, in the said county of Somsett in the South-street on the east side of the same streete and then in the tenure use or occupation of one George Burrough, since deceased and now in the tenure use or occupation of Joane Rogers, widow of the assignee or assignees for a term of years to come, and determinable on her death. Under the yearely rent of Tenne Shillings unto severall trustees therein menconed. And, whereas the trustees aforesaid are all long since deceased of whom the afore named Andrew Ewens was the survivor and the said Robert Freke is his lawful and rightful heire as aforesaid and now by force and virtue of the said deeds standeth in mtrusted and interested of 236 WiNCANTON Town Properties. and in the revercon of the inheritance of the said conveyed premisses with the appurtenances, and of and in the rents issues and profits thereof and towards the relief maintenance and sustenance of the poore people from time to time inhabet- inge within the said parish of Winecaunton where, how and when itt shall bee by the said Robert Freke adjudged or thought most needful or necessary and in his forbearance, then by the discrecon of the two constables of the burrough afore- said, and the curate there for the time being, or of any two of them as by the said deed relacon thereto had, more fully appears. Now know all men by these presents That the said Robert Freke for and in consideracon of the sum of Five Shillings current money of England unto him in hand paid at and before the ensealinge and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof from the inhabitants and parishioners of the said parish of Winecaunton aforesaid is by him hereby con- fessed and acknowledged, and for and to the intent the trust aforesaid for the poore people aforesaid may bee the better for ever managed and continued, and for divers other good and valuable consideracons. He the said Robert Freke at the special instance and request of the inhabitants and parishioners aforesaid. Hath granted, bargained, sold, demised, released, aliened, and confirmed. And by these presents for himself his heires and assigns. Doth grant bargaine sell, demise release aliene and confirme unto Richard Churchey gent, Philipp Bennett the elder gent. Abraham Gapper the elder gent, William Swanton gent. Thomas Harvey gent. Thomas Gapper gent., John Vining gent., WiUiam Lewis goldsmith, John Clement the elder woolen draper, Robert Kinge the elder Linen weaver, Morgan Keene mercer, Owen Hill malster, William Ivey mercer, and Richard Sheppard Malster, all of the said parish of Winecaunton aforesaid in the said County Somsett. All that the aforesaid burgage messuage or tenement situate lying and beinge in the Town or burrough of Wine- canton aforesaid in the South Streete there on the east side of the same streete and now in the tenure use or occupacon of the saide Joane Rogers widow together with the backside and garden there unto adjoyning upon the east side thereof. And all the houses barns and buildings thereupon builded or being, with all land singlar the appurtenance. And all otiier lands tenements, and heriditaments whatsoever within the parish of Winecanton aforesaid to the said burgage, messuage or tene- ment belonginge or appertaininge, as part or parcel thereof beinge with all and singlar the appurtenances. And the revercon and revercons remainders rent and services of all and 237 WiNCANTON Town Properties. singlar the said burgage messuage or tenement and premises above menconed and intended to be conveyed and every part and parcel thereof. And all the estate right title and interest which he the said Robert Freke hath of, in, or to the same burgage messuage or tenement and premises or of in or to every or any part or parcel thereof. All which premises were by a deed of bargain and sale bearing date and executed the day before the date hereof bargained and sold unto them the said Richard Churchey, Philip Bennett, James Lawrence Churchey, Abraham Gapper, William Swanton, Thomas Harvey, Thomas Gapper, John Vining, William Lewis, John Clement, Robert King, Morgan Keene, Owen Hill, William Ivye and Richard Sheppard, for the whole terme of six months to enable them to accept the grant and release thereof hereby intended to be made unto them. To have and to hold the said burgage messuage, tenement and all and singlar other the premises above menconed and intended to be conveyed and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto them the said Richard Churchey, Philip Bennett, James Lawrence Churchey, Abraham Gapper, William Swanton, Thomas Harvey, Thomas Gapper, John Vining, William Lewis, John Clement, Robert King, Morgan Keene, Owen Hill, William Ivye, and Richard Sheppard, their heires and assigns for ever. Nevertheless upon special Trust and con- fidence that they the said Richard Churchey (and others) their heires and assigns, and the survivors and survivor of them and his and their heires shall and will from time to time and at all times for ever, imploy distribute and bestow the fines incomes rents and profits of the said burgage messuage or tenement and premises before menconed and intended to be conveyed and every part and parcel thereof upon, for and towards the reliefe sustenance and maintenance of the poore people from time to time inhabitinge within the said parish of Winecaunton where how and when it shall be adjudged or thought most needfuU or necessary by the discrecon of the Feoffees of the premises for the time beinge, or the more part of them, and in their forbearance or default or negligence then by the discrecon of the two constables of the borrough of Winecaunton aforesaid and the curate there for the time being or any two of them. In witness whereof the said Robert Freke hath hereunto sett his hand and seale the two and twentieth day of March in the yeare of the reigne of our Souveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary, by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c the sixth Annoq. Dm. One thousand 238 WiNCANTON Town Properties. sixe hundred ninety three. Robert Freke, Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us, Will : Freke. Rt Cambridge, Harry Freke, Elizabeth Perkins, Sam : Rake." It is not so easy to give the origin of the Church property. In the list of burgages of Wincanton in 1558, it will be seen that the churchwardens held two burgages called the Church House, probably, I think, where the Town Hall now stands, since then called the King's Head, and half a burgage in Mill Street. The other portions of land were, I think, conveyed to Trustees for the town in 1593 by William Tipper and Robert Dawe of the city of London ; but the changes have been so kaleidoscopic that it is all but impossible to give the story a shape. It was, however, all scheduled by the year 171 7. The pieces of land do not appear to have had a strict geographic position, but rather a certain measurement in a specified field. The Fairs and Markets property only remains to be noticed. The small piece of ground in the Market place probably existed in the middle ages. A market cross may have stood there, in time superseded by shambles partly roofed in, as at Shepton Mallet, then enclosed by oak posts and chains as some of us remember, and then covered on market and fair days only with temporary pig pens, and finally thrown open that it may be used by the public. The piece of ground at Batchpool, belonging to the Fairs and Markets Trust, was conveyed to the Trustees as their allotment when some hundreds of acres of common were enclosed about the end of the i8th century. 239 Our Parish Registers. By the courtesy of the vicar, the Rev. Walter Farrer, I am enabled to give an account of the Parish Registers now in existence, beginning with 1636, the date of the oldest. No. I. contains — Baptisms from 1636 — 1721. Marriages 1636 — 7. 1640 — 1720. Burials 1636 — 1721. No. II. contains — Baptisms 1722 — 1734. Marriages 1721 — 1731. Burials 1721 — 1733. No. III. contains — Baptisms 1733 — 1762. Marriages 1731 — 1754. Burials 1733 — 1762. No. IV, contains — Baptisms 1762 — 1788. Burials 1762 — 1788. No. V. contains — Marriages I754 — 1785. No. VI. contains — Marriages 1785 — 1812. No. VII. contains — Baptisms 1789 — 1812. Burials 1789 — 1812. From the latter date all the entries are perfect. For the most part, the registers are a record of those baptised, married and buried, during the past 266 years ; a dreary story, excepting to those who have ability to connect the names with events which have transpired during these years. The following extracts, however, appeal to a larger number, but even these will fail to awaken any interest in those who are so absorbed by the business and pleasures of the present day, as to be as careless of the past as they are of the future. To the wise, however, the past, present and future are one and indivisible. " November 6th, 1664. Collected by the brief for Henry Lisle of Gisbrough in the North Riding of York, the sum of four shillings and fourpence. January 6th, 1665. Collected for Thomas Sloper of Harlpury, Gloucester, six shillings and fourpence, April gth, 1665. Collected for Mr. Arundell and Mr. Price, captives in Turkey. Four shillings. September loth, 1665. Collected for James Nicholas of the parish of Berkeley, Gloucestershire, three shillings. September 24th, 1665. Collected for William Butt of King Weston, Somersetshire. Two shillings and eight pence. 240 Our Parish Registers. September 30th, 1665. Collected for John Osborne Russian merchant three shillings and eight pence. December 1665. Collected in the parish of Wincanton, by the minister, constables and churchwardens, for the relief of the poor of Sherborne, in the time of the plague, the sum of eight pounds and ten shillings." The minister was Rev. Elias Bulgin ; the churchwardens, Robt. Tucker and Owen Hill. " October 31st, 1669. Collected for captives in Algiers. Four shillings and fourpence. September 19th, 1670. Collected for Michael Flower of Chart in Kent Three shillings and sevenpence. November 6th, 1670. Collected for the redemption of captives in Turkey, from house to house by the minister and churchwardens, the sum of four pounds and three shillings." The minister was Rev. Elias Bulgin ; the churchwardens, John King and Matthew Stone. "September 22, 1672. Collected for John Cox of Ham, parish of Kingston upon Thames in Surrey. Two shillings and threepence. September 29th, 1672. Collected for Mary Pierson, widow of Nettlestead in Kent. Two shillings and sixpence. October 15th, 1673. Collected for Thomas Hewitt the sum of one shilling and elevenpence. October 26th, 1673. The brief for St Katherines was published, Collected from house to house the sum of seven shillings and sixpence. November 23, 1674. Collected for Edward Sengar of Littleton county of Middlesex One shilling and livepence." 241 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. yV BRIEF jHISTORY OF THE IDincanton Ccmpcrancc Society* Written for the Jubilee, November 11th to 16th, 1893. " A few years since, a popular song was written with this chorus — * Give to me the good old times Of fifty years ago.' There is in the minds of the aged a tendency to think more highly of the past than of the present, but it requires considerable courage, notwithstanding this, to maintain, with any seriousness, that the days of 1843 were better than those of 1893. Let us glance back. Fifty years ago, Wincanton was just awaking out of a heavy sleep, and showing some signs of activity. The miser- able Poor Law system had just come to an end, and the new Union Workhouse had recently been built. That wretched remnant of the dark ages, the stocks, with the old parish workhouse, had been just swept away. The window tax, that most odious of all taxes, had been abolished ; many obnoxious imposts, however, still remained, such as the taxes on bricks, salt, and newspapers. The vitality occasioned by the residence of the French officers and by the weaving trade had come to an end, and nothing, as yet, had brought compensation. The material condition of the town was by no means hopeful, except as I shall indicate further on. In the Market Place, between the Bear and the Greyhound, a rough shoddy wall stood, from 20 to 30 feet high, under which all the idlers of the town resorted. The Town Hall buildings stood into the road at the north end, a dozen feet or more than it now does. Oak posts stood at intervals along the kerb and they were connected with chains. The water supply was intermittent, and in many places very impure. The public supply consisted of a pump with chain in the Market Place, a 'conduit at Pine House, a pump on Bayford Hill, another in Tything, a dipping hole at Thornwell Lane, and at Shatterwell, the shoots ; not infrequently, all but the latter were dry. There was no proper system of drainage, either private or public, and as to traps, for such drains as there were, they were not known. The 24a WiNCANTON Temperance Society. pavements were not what they are now, and the droppings from the eaves of the roofs of the thatched houses drenched people as they walked along. Mill Street was so deserted that the grass grew in the street almost as if it were a field. The new buildings in the town since 1843 are too numerous to describe. The squalor of some of the cottages at the time in question cannot be imagined. The public houses, however, flourished, and they were more numerous than now. Let me recall them. I will include those at Bayford because they were supported by the townspeople, more than by the people of the hamlet. The "White Horse" at the top of the village street, "The Crown" in the centre, and " The Unicorn " at this end. Coming across the parish border-line were " The Rising Sun " near where " The Prince of Wales " now stands, " The King's Arms " where Mr. Maddocks now lives, "The Dolphin," ("Uncle Tom's Cabin" had not been opened). Next came "The Swan," where Mr. Woodcock lives, then the " White Horse," now Mr. Deanesly's, " The Bear Inn," where at the door the portly form of Host Grist could constantly be seen. " The Greyhound " kept by Mr. John Bayly, " The Trooper " where Mrs. Slade lived, *' The Red Lion," occupied by Mr. Joseph Hutchings, " The White Hart" in Church Street, "The George" in Mill Street, "The Britannia" in North Street, "The Victoria" inTything, " The New Inn " in South Street. The others we have now have been opened since that time. Malthouses and breweries too flourished. Of the former there was one each at the "Dolphin," "White Horse," and "Trooper," two in North Street, and one by Waterside. One of these was burnt down, one is a Good Templars* Hall, another a Convent School, another a store, and another a Currier's shop. All the latter are abolished. There was one each at Bayford "White Horse" and " Unicom." In Wincanton, at " Dolphin," " White Horse," "Bear," "Greyhound," "Trooper," "George," " New Inn," and " Red Lion." No marvel therefore that so many homes were wretched, and that the true welfare of the people was neglected. Sunday trade flourished, and in the villages around, at the public houses on the Lord's Day " a roaring business" was done. It need scarcely be said that Education amongst the poor was almost nil. I think it was about 1840 that the National School was built, but it took a long while to get into working order, and it was continually in financial and other troubles for many years. It must be said, however, that in Mr. Fletcher's time the good old rule of " whackem " was well 243 Wincanton Temperance Society. kept up. The British School was kept in the Baptist School- room, but it was not heartily supported. Of that generation, many neither knew nor learnt the mystery of the RRR. It would be interesting to see our dear old grandfathers and grandmothers, once more in our streets, as they then appeared. The former with large beaver hats, "cutaway" blue coats, with gilt buttons before and behind, white waist- coats, breeches and gaiters, and buckled shoes, with heavy watch chains and watches, and massive keys suspended from the chains. The dandies of the day with tight fitting trousers fastened down under their feet with leather straps so tight that they were in constant peril of collapsing. Our dear old grand- mothers with their coal scuttle bonnets, crimson cloth cloaks, with hoods of the same material, their feet girt with shoes and sandals, and their foreheads compassed with velvet bands. The laboring man's wardrobe was not very costly : corduroy trousers, a smock frock, reaching nearly to his feet, a coarse felt hat on his head, and heavy hobnailed " Kitty boots" on his feet — not "rights and lefts" as we wear, but straights, which for economy's sake he exchanged from one foot to another every day. Wages of laborers were from i/- to i/6 per day, and very long days too ; mechanics' wages varied from lo/- to 15/- per week, each day of the six being of ten and a half hours. In winter great numbers had parish relief, the labor test being used, working very hard with a heavy iron mallet to crack gravel, earning perhaps 2d. per day. Bread was sometimes as much as lod. or even i/- per quartern loaf. Beer was the dearest of all, 5d. per quart, and was considered one of the chief necessaries of life. A new era, however, was dawning. Once again, a voice was heard in the desert ; a voice not heard by the rulers or the priests. The common people heard — listened — obeyed. About 1 84 1, Jonathan Pardy, a cobbler, and William Hart, a working currier, practised total abstinence. Strange beings ! what business had they to be a living reproach to their fellow^ workmen ? This could not be tolerated. They were reviled, insulted, and even assaulted. But they had "lit a candle never to be put out." Every missile thrown against the door of these men was a call to arms against drink. Others were watching these men, and wonderingly enquired, " Can I live without drink ? " and enquiring, dared also to try the experiment. The venerated James Teare, I believe, came here in 1841, and held a meeting at Dr. Nathaniel Parsons' in IMill Street. Isaac Phelps and Mr. Stockman, of Castle Cary, 244 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. also came over in the same year, and held several meetings in the Chapel, in " Oborn's Yard." (This building had been erected, as I have been told, as a recreation room for the French Prisoners, and was afterwards used by the Baptists ; but the new Baptist Chapel having been built in 1833, this old chapel at the time in question was in the hands of the Wesleyans.) These men extracted the spirit from beer, &c., and burnt it before their audiences. Some signed the pledge, amongst the rest Jonathan Pardy and William Hart. Others of the " baser sort," however, opposed these early advocates, and the " new lights " and their friends were pelted with rotten eggs. Richard Cooper, Silas Hoskins, and Elias Barber, of Castle Cary, had joined the new crusade, and so the leaven was working in the three measures of meal ; mysteriously, silently, but surely was it operating, " we know not how," but its results I now will briefly trace. On the 2nd of September, 1843, Benjamin Benjafield, James Sweetman, and, I believe, Samuel Frost, made a pledge book and signed their names for one month, and liking the new practice so well, at the end of the term resolved to go on. On the gth October, these young men met at my father's house at Shatterwell Shoots to sign the pledge for an indefinite period. They entered their names, left the book on the table, and went away to David Kiddle's " Temperarice Coffee House " in Mill Street, to get some ginger beer to wet the contract. During their absence I wrote my name in their book, a piece of presumption for which I was chided on their return. They were annoyed that a boy under nine years of age should spoil their pledge book by putting in a name so soon, as they then thought, to be erased. To induce me to keep the pledge, Benjafield promised me a shilling on Xmas day if I remained true. He kept his promise, as I kept mine, and with the first shilling I ever had, I purchased a "Universal Spelling Book," and so laid the foundation of whatever education 1 have since had. Benjafield afterwards went to London, kept the tap at Charing Cross Hotel, and died there. The first organised attempt to found a Temperance Society was made on the 27th November of the same year. In answer, I believe, to an application from some local friends, " The West of England Temperance Association " deputed Mr. William Crawford, of London, to give a lecture at the Town Hall. So powerful was the appeal of the lecturer that 30 took the pledge. Mr. James Hannam was asked to procure a copy of the rules of the Gillingham Temperance Society, and these rules with slight modifications were adopted. 245 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. Dr. Eastment encouraged the young society by presiding at its public meetings, and to the end of his life naanifested a warm interest in its operations. On 5th January, 1844, the Society was well organized, the Committee being as follows : — James Hannam, Secretary, Henry French, Treasurer, E. Walker, Registrar, Henry Legg, Chairman of Committee, Thomas Giles. Alfred Collins, James Sweetman, John Lucas, Alfred Lacey, William Hart, the other members of the Committee. The lectures were at this time given in the Town Hall, and the Committee and Members' Meetings held in the Baptist School-room, and thoroughly earnest meetings they were. Stirring speeches were delivered, and extraordinary experiences related. One said, " Before I signed the pledge my face was like a farthing candle, now it is becoming like a full moon." Another declared that he was so convinced of the evil of drink, that he would pull the taps out of the casks in his cellar and let the drink into the gutter ! And he did. I regret to say, that both of these men soon after broke their pledges. Let me here say a word for the earnest women of that day, who helped the Society. Mrs. Wm. Sims, Mrs. Kiddle, Mrs. Horsey, Mrs. Uriah Pond, Frances Hill, Betsy Kiddle, Susan Crouch, Emmaline Crouch, Jane Frost, Louisa Frost, and others, all gone into the other life. On the 23rd January, 1844, the first tea meeting was held. It was free, the money to pay for it having been collected. In addition to the members of the Society, 27 members of other societies were present. On the 6th June of that year, one of the most extraordinary meetings ever held in the town took place. A large demon- stration was organized, a band engaged, a procession formed, the town perambulated. The Publicans got up a counter procession, headed by a drunken chimney sweep on horseback, who on a black ground had the words " Beef and Beer for ever " painted on his back. The procession returned to "Brown's Yard," on the west of the churchyard ; 300 took tea together, and a most enthusiastic meeting was held. Edward Neave, of Gillingham, presided, the chief speakers being William Gawthorp, of Manchester, and Thomas Hudson, of London ; the latter is, I believe, still living. There were interruptions enough to give a fillip to the whole proceedings. Gawthorp was one of the readiest men at repartee I ever knew. Sixty people signed the pledge that -day. On the last day in that year, the first Temperance Brass 246 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. Band enlivened the town with strains of sweet music. As near as I remember, the bandsmen were : Charles Matthews, George Shapcott, William Edwards, John Gilbert, Benjamin Benjafield, Ephraim Hobbs, Richard King, Francis Kiddle, John Horsey, Uriah Pond, and Aaron Bell. Two of them at least are now living. It is pleasant to remember with what heartiness the new converts entered upon mission work. How cheery they were, how little cared they for the jests they were subjected to, abuse clung not to them, persecution left no smell of fire on their garments, nor was their hair even singed. They went in those days many miles to encourage and help others ; Gillingham, Mere, Castle Cary, Bruton, Yeovil, and many a village round were visited to help " the cause speed on its way." Sunny memories of these early days may be recalled in connection with Kington Magna, Zeals, Bourton, Brewham, Penselwood, Cucklington, and other places. It must not be supposed, however, that there were no reverses ; they were many, sudden, fierce, and almost overwhelming. At times it seemed as if life were all but extinct. " Dead," one said. " Yes," was replied, " but not past resurrection." So it proved. In August, 1846, Mr. George Royce having come out of Rutlandshire to reside here, he and his good wife resolved to revive the Society. A meeting was held at the '* Old Presby- terian Meeting House," then a cooper's shop. After tea, the Society was re-organized : Mr. James Hannam became Presi- dent, Mr. Richard King, Treasurer, Mr. Royce, Secretary. On 19th January, 1847, a meeting was held in the " Swan " Club Room, (now Mr. Woodcock's workshop), 100 people were present. Mr. Robert Goldsbrough, and Peter Howell, of Mere, addressed the meeting, and life was renewed. I regret to say that in consequence of the loss of records, I am unable to fix dates of many important events which took place about this time and for several years later on. This is my excuse for giving so full detail of some years, and so little of others. One of the best works ever done by the Society was that of opening a free night school at the National School. A committee undertook the work, and three teachers attended each evening to give instructions in Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Miss S. Crouch worked well in this department, and very manifest at the time was the good accomplished, and 1 am glad to find some now living who were scholars, and who are thankful for what they then learnt. In 1850, a Temperance Coffee House and News Room 247 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. was opened in Clewett's Yard by Andrew King. Here discussions were held and essays read, and from here local missionaries went out to do village work. In 1 85 1, some members of the Society determined to go to the " Great Exhibition " together for a week. They went in vans to Frome, thence by rail. They were distinguished by a local wit as " Royce's Menagerie of tame beasts." I remember a few of the collection, they were : — Dr. Henry Gale, Dr. F. Gale, Mr. Royce, R. King, Mr. John Dowding, Mr. John Gilbert, Mr. Edward Gilbert, Mr. John Drover, Mr. James Hill, Cornelius White, dear old Charles Day, William Hutchings, William Sims, and others, myself among the number. The National Temperance Society having organized a great Festival at the Royal Surrey Gardens in the first week of August, was the chief attraction. The Band of Hope was organized in 1852 by Mr. Royce, the meetings being at first held in the Congregational Chapel. But in 1855, I believe it was, Mr. Royce found it desirable to employ the young more fully. Thirteen of them were appointed a Committee. I was the first Secretary, and I can testify to the zeal with which they worked. Our head quarters were the National School, which was freely placed at our disposal ; we washed, colored, and painted the whole building, and felt it to be our home. There we held weekly meetings, and purchased and opened a library of 300 vols., Mr. W. C. Pitman being the Librarian for a long time. I think it must have been in 1855, the first summer Festival was held under Shepton Montague club tent, in " Rick Hayes." This was a grand and unexpected success. 700 persons took tea together and £'] profit was cleared. A year later a still more succesful Fete was held at " Carter's Plot ;" 800 partook, and in 1857, "Rick Hayes" was again used, Mr. F. Shepherd then being Secretary. The processions at these festivals were very attractive. " The Stour Band," and the Drum and Fife Band organized by Mr. F. Shepherd, gave great assistance at some of them later on. In this connection it will not be amiss to refer to the second Brass Band, led by Mr. Wm. Pitman, 1861-63, in which the following took part ; Wm. Pitman, Leader, Silas Kiddle, Cornet, Henry Meatyard, Cornet, Charles Shawe, Saxhorn, John Hannam, Saxhorn, Aaron Bell, Trombone, F. Shepherd, Piccolo, Alfred King, Richard King, Ophicleide, James Hill, Drum. Messrs, Perrett and Son, of East Stour, gave assistance when required. It was in i860, or the following year, I believe, the 248 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. Railway was being made here, when some of the finest meetings we ever had were held in the Mill Street Schools, for the navvies ; Mr. Fred Atkin coming on Saturday nights to the Town Hall, and giving addresses in the School-room on Sunday Afternoons. A friend recalls to my mind, and wishes me to note, a grand picnic we held at King Alfred's Tower at about this time. We went through the woods in wagons, attended, I believe, by our own band. Arrived there, we walked about, banners flying, hundreds of voices singing, and warm-hearted speakers rousing us to action. Rev. H. Gale was the chief speaker, and friends from Mere and Gillingham joined us. Two or three times afterwards we met at the same place, and once we had a grand gathering at Redlynch. These were the days before Railways offered so many attractions farther away from home. One of the results of these festivals was the purchase of the Town Tent. Feeling the want of a Town Tent, and having some money in hand, the Band of Hope agitated the question. Mr. Hannam took it up warmly, mentioned it to Mr. T. Richards, who brought it forward on Trinity Monday, 185S, at the dinner of the Friendly Society. The club gave ^10, the temperance party another £10. Private individuals also gave, and a sum was raised, the tent bought, and the hire of it paid the balance. On Sunday, the i8th July, 1858, Mr. James Hannam preached the first Band of Hope Sermon, in the Baptist Chapel, to a crowded congregation ; and since then this has become an annual event, the services alternating between the Congregational and Baptist Chapels, and the Parish Church, in which latter edifice the Rev. Thomas Richardson, of London, preached, in 1864, followed by Rev. H. Gale, of Treborough, Rev. \V. C. Baker, of Batcombe, Rev. Abel Phillips, of Yeovil, and Rev. C. W. Bennett, of Sparkford. In November, 1871, the Good Templar Movement was originated, and from that time till now, with an occasional break, weekly meetings have been held. Several of those who helped to found, still live to carry on that branch of temperance work, including as it does, the maintenance of a Juvenile branch with its weekly meetings. It began its operations in the Congregational School, from thence it removed to the Foresters' Hall. It returned to the Congre- gational School ; but on January 3rd, 1873, the Good Templars' Hall was opened, which continues to be its home to this day. More than 500 persons above 16 years of age 249 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. have become members. A full history of this Society would require all the space given to the whole of this report. The C.E.T.S. with its dual basis for Adults and with its Juvenile Society, was started during the Rev. M. Shackleton's residence here. It was re-organised on March 17th, 1886, by Rev. Dixon Spain. Mr. F. Francis has been the Secretary from the first, and the present President, the Rector, is a stalwart total abstainer. On February aist, 1887, the Bishop of the diocese gave an excellent address. Rev. W. J. Birkbeck, of Milborne Port, has helped the Society from the first. It is pleasant to acknowledge that each of these organiz- ations has done good and successful work on its own lines in furtherance of the common cause, but as many of the promoters were previously members of the old Society, it will be self-evident that their attachment to their newly formed bodies, to some extent lessened the working power of the pioneer institution. Of course this is equally true in regard to the organization of village temperance societies, of which there are several within a radius of four or five miles. The " Sons of Temperance " had a lodge here a few years since, but it did not have a very long life. Some years ago a petition in favour of the Permissive Bill, the result of a house to house canvass, was sent to the House of Commons, containing 460 names. The Blue Ribbon Movement affected us during the year 1882, and led to a large number of pledges being taken. Mr. Duxbury and Miss Wingfield-Digby were prominent advocates in this new departure. More than 20 years ago there had been entered on the pledge book of the Society, more names than the whole of the population at that time. I find it difficult to select from the mass of material memory brings forward, but which for want of records, precision cannot be ensured ; but I will mention some of the names of the noble workers, in the cause in the past most of whom have passed away. Dr. F. R. Lees, the champion of many a well-fought field. Dr. Henry Gale, Dr. Frederick Gale, his twin brother, Jabez Inwards, John Addleshaw, Thomas Hudson, John Andrew, T. B. Thompson, Robert Gray Mason, John Hilton, Wm. Mottram, G. W. McCree, George M. Murphy, Evan Edwards, J. G. Thornton, Richard Home, Fred Atkin, J. C. Booth, Wm. Gregson, J. P. Uran, John Sergeant, J. S. Balmer, John Ripley, Wm. Dunn, Simeon Smithard, John 250 WiNCANTON Temperance Society. de Fraine, John W. Kirton, George Lomax, W. B. Harvey, Joseph Chapman, John Farley Rutter, Mr. Wilson, and many other good men and true, and noble women not a few, including, Mrs. Balfour, Mrs. Theobald, Mrs. Jasper, Jessie Craigen, Mrs. Potton, Mrs. Ripley, and many others "whose record is in heaven." But of local workers I fain would mention, as true men and women, strong in their zeal for the principles and practice so dear to them ; the sisters E. and S. Crouch, the sisters E. and K. Clewett, the sisters A. and W. Shepherd, Mrs. Drover, the sisters A. and M. Hannam, Miss Vining, Mrs. Dyke, Mrs. P. H. Bracher, Miss Wilson, R. Martin, and others, all of whom have been ever ready for work. John and William Hannam, F. Shepherd, Wm. Churchey, Charles Day, E. H. Dowding, C. Shawe, James Sweetman, Edwin Crouch, Sidney Day, W. C. Pitman, P. H. Bracher, T. C. Parsons, C. Pocock, John Steele, George Gilbert, Charles Woodcock, Rev. John Brown, George Ball, J. W. Eden, E. & F. Francis, and many others, who by speech, song, and example, have never hid their light under a bushel. To record the work of recent years would require space far beyond that at my disposal, and is the less needful, as those to whom this sketch will be the most welcome will be able to recall the principal events in which they have been themselves associated. What the result of all this work none can say. But this it is safe to say, that blessing without alloy has always followed the practice of true teetotalism. Financial and moral prosperity has ever been promoted, and it is only when we have been unfaithful that we have had reason for regret. Standing on the borderland of the past, and looking back, we may reverently say " What hath God wrought ? *' and looking forward let us gird up our loins afresh, ready for the work lying before us, and notwithstanding fear and trembling lest we should be unequal to the demands upon us, let us say, ♦' I will trust and not be afraid." Wincanton, September 5th, 1893. GEORGE SWEETMAN." At these meetings, 120 attended who had been total abstainers for 20 years or more. The aggregate years of their lives numbered 4872 years, of which 3870 years had been spent in the practice of total abstinence. Several who were alive when the above was written have since entered into rest. 251 Chronology of Events. GUionologu or EYBDts Id wmcantoii and NelgtiDoiIiooil from tHe eaiUest times. This is not offered as by any means a list of the more important events which have occurred during the past centuries, but such data as is available to the Editor. It is thought by him to be, in brief, a record which will be of use to the ordinary reader. Necessarily, many of these dates are given under other headings in this book. For an account of our earliest known inhabitant, see page 5. A.D. 272. Roman Coins of Tetricus, of about this date, found at Sutton, Wincanton. Stukeley's Itinevavium Cuviosum. Roman coins and horse shoes have been often found. A.D. 658. Cenwallas fought against the Britons at Peonne (Penselwood). See Saxon Chronicle. A.D. 849-901. King Alfred fought some of his battles in this neighborhood. Alfred's Mill (the Town mill) bears the name of this one of our greatest Kings. The Saxon period is also commemorated in the North porch of the church by the legend of Eloy, Bishop of Noyon. It is supposed that a Saxon church stood on the same site as the present parish church. There appear to be fragments of Saxon work also at Yarlington church. The names of many places all around us indicate a Saxon origin. A.D. 1085. From Domesday Book. — " Reneware holds of Walter (de Dowai) Wincaletone. Elsi held it in the time of King Edward, and gelded for three hides and a half. The arable is seven carucates, in demesne is one carucate, and two servants and sixteen villanes, and six bordars, and five cottagers with seven ploughs. There are fifty acres of meadow and as many of wood. It was, and is, worth seventy shillings. To this manor is added, half a hide which Brismar held for a manor in the time of King Edward and gelded for half a hide. The arable is five carucates. Reneware has there one carucate and two servants and seven villanes, and nine bordars and two cottagers with three ploughs. There is a mill of thirty pence rent, and sixty acres 252 Chronology of Events. of meadow and thirty acres of pasture, and one hundred acres of wood. It was and is, worth forty shillings." Twelfth century. — " It was to the same family (the Lovels) also that the foundation of Stavordale Priory in the early part of the 12th century, must be ascribed. Not that there is any absolute documentary evidence on this point, but the conclusion may none the less be arrived at with tolerable certainty." Bishop Hobhouse in First Report of Wincanton Field Club. A.D. 1 147. Lord Level's Castle at Castle Cary destroyed. 1227. Sir Richard St. Maur, Lord of the Manor. Phelps. 1263. Robert Prior of Stavordale. Collinson. Stavordale endowed with lands at Cuttlesham. M.S., Wells Cathedral. 1278. William de Bath. Parson of the chapel of St. Andrew, at Marsh, Wincanton. Patent Rolls. 1283. Nicholas de St. Maur held manor and borough. Phelps. 1285. Hugo Lovel tenet Winkehaultone, per baronium suam per idem servicium. Kirhfs Quest. 1291. The tithes of Wincanton bestowed on Stavordale Priory about this time. Bishop Hobhouse, 1300. To about this date is the earliest masonry in present church attributed. 1309. Robert de Cherleton, Prior of Stavordale, died. Phelps. 131 1. Rob. de Sarr. Incumbent of Bratton St. Maur. Weaver's Somerset Incumbents. 1316. John de Weston. Rector of Stourton. Brass in Stourton church. 1322. Walter de Etone, Stavordale, resigned on August 13th. Phelps. Wm. de Nimesfield confirmed Prior of Stavordale on August 29th. Phelps. 1327. Richard Lovel, Lord of the Manor. Exchequer Lay Subsidies. 1328. Lord Richard Lovel presented Robt. de Cran- thorne to the chapel of Marsh Lovel Court. Drokensford Register. 1330. John Brian, Incumbent Wincanton. 1333. Wm. de Nimesfield, Prior of Stavordale, died. Phelps. 1333 — July 2 1 St. Henry de Nimesfield became Prior of Stavordale. Phelps. 1345. Richard Chambermound baptised, church S.S. 253 Chronology of Events. Peter and Paul, Wincanton. 1349. John de Wyncanton, Incumbent of South Cheriton. iVeaver. 1350. John Mere de Wyncaltone, Incumbent of South Cheriton. Weaver. 1362. Nicholas de St. Maur died in possession of manor and borough of Wincanton. Phelps. 1373. Nunney Castle fortified. Somt. Arch. Proceedings. 1374. Wincanton Rectory united with Stavordale Priory. Wells Cathedral M.S.S. 1400. Date of bell at Charlton Church. Report Wincanton Field Club. 1403. Walter of Wincaulton, incumbent of Claverton. Weaver. 1406. Walter of Wyncaulton presented ;^ioo "and other things" to Wells Cathedral, for which he was allowed to erect an altar on the N. of the great tower. Wells Cathedral M.S.S. 1409. Walter of Wyncaulton's will made. He was prebendary of Warminster, 1 383-1408. Desires prayers for himself and Alice Strode. 1443— June 4th. Stavordale Priory re-built by John Stourton, dedicated to St. James. Phelps. 1444. Will of John Lydford, Wincanton, proved. S.R. Society. 1448. John de Stourton created a baron. Hoare's Wiltshire. 1449. Alexander Dyer, Incumbent of Bruton. Weaver. Wm. Edward, Incumbent of Wincanton. Weaver. 1450. Nunney Castle re-built. 1459. John Dier instituted Vicar of High Ham. 1468. William Lord Zouche died possessed of Marsh Court. Phelps. 1472. Katherine Zouch died. Phelps. 1475. Wincanton Mill and other property conveyed by High Court to Henry Belknap and William Knoyle, gentlemen, having been unlawfully held by Richard Petyn, of Bruton, and his wife. 1485. Battle of Bosworth Field. John Lord Zouch, being on the losing side, was attainted, and lands confiscated. i486. Giles Daubeney, Lord of the Manor. Phelps. 1488. John Lord Zouch re-instated as far as Marsh was concerned. 1500. John Vining, alias Dyer, died here. 254 Chronology of Events. 1512. 1523- 1533- 1535- 1537- James Dier born. Richard Dier died. Stavordale Priory annexed to Taunton. Richard Zouch's appeal to Thomas Cromwell. Wincanton's fighting parson, Sir John Divale. Froude's England. 1540. Richard Bekyn's will. Somerset Wills. Leland's description of Stourton. 1541. Sir Richard Smith, curate. Date of Robert Hine's will. Lord Wm. Stourton purchased Kilmington manor. 1544. Stavordale Priory dissolved. Phelps. 1548. William Lord Stourton died. 1549. Wincanton Tethinge mentioned in Subsidy Roll, 1552. Great Plague in Wincanton. John Lord Zouch died. 1^26 — March 17th. Charter granted to Wincanton. 1557 — January 12th. The Hartgill murder. John Dier, Rector of Wincanton. Phelps. Lord Charles Stourton arraigned for murder. 1558. James Dier, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas. Burgage List of parish this year. 1559. Wm. Hannam of Wilkin Throop died, 1566. Roger Manners, lay rector of Wincanton. Phelps. 1570. Final sale of the Zouch property here by Charles Zouch to Jerome Dibben. 1577. Dirdoe Wm. at Cucklington. 1578. George Croyden, L.L.D., died. 1579. Renewal of Charter. Farewell of Holbrook first mentioned. 1 581 — March 24th. Lord Chief Justice Dier died. 1582. Date of Stalbridge Market Cross. 1583. Roger Sweetman, re Spanish Armada. 1584. Date of Bell at Penselwood Church. Date of Epitaph at South Barrow. 1587. Robert Kemys of Cucklington died, 1592. Several Wincanton recusants fined. 1593. Wincanton Lanshard referred to. Grant of church lands in Wincanton. Suddon elm mentioned. 1595 — June 23rd. Matthew Ewens purchased Mere Park. Sept. 24th. Matthew Ewens and John Stroud conveyed Mere Park to Sir Matthew Arundell and his heirs for ever. i;'598. Nicholas Watts, curate. 255 Chronology of Events. 1598 — June 13th. Matthew Ewens, baron of Exchequer, buried at N. Cadbury. 1602. East Field referred to. Walter Tite referred to. 1607. William Swanton mentioned. 1608. Farewell and Churchey exchange lands. Origin of Poors' Lands Charity. 1615. Date on Clapton Manor House. Late Prior of Stavordale mentioned. 1616. Lease for lives of Church Lands granted. 161 7. Richard Ivy of Charlton died. 1623. In Visitation of Somerset for this year are the following names. — John Ewens of Suddon. John Ewens, aged 18. James Farewell of Holbrook. Lawrence Glyn, Wincanton. Robert Huson, „ William Swanton. Barnabie Lewis. William Stroud. Humphrey Newman. William Plympton. Roger Newman, Charlton Musgrove. John Glyn of Wincanton. 1626. Hugh Watts of Shanks mentioned. 1 63 1. Edward Zouch died. Gerard. A group of Wincanton people who compounded for not attending the Coronation of the King. — Barnabie Lewis paid ^10 10. James Farewell, Holbrook 25 o. John Ewens, Suddon 10 o. Humphrey Newman 14 o. William Swanton 10 o. Andrew Ewens of Penselwood 10 o. 1636. Parish Registers begin. First burial recorded that of Constance Levels. 1637. Gertrude Baunton died. Charter renewed October 24th. 1638. Rhode Island founded by Wincanton people. 1639. Barnabie Lewis=Roberta Webb. Newport, Rhode Island, founded by Wm. Dyer, of Bratton, and others. 1640. Messiter family came to Maiden Bradley. 356 Chronology of Events. 1641. Henry Glyn, Wincanton, gent, died. Plague raged in Wincanton. 1645 — I St April. 1200 horse and dragoons here under General Digby. E. Green. 1648. James Churchey sequestered. 1650. Dorothy Mogg died. 1652. Date of Wincanton Trade Tokens. Aucres Bridge mentioned. John Vining lived at White Horse. Wincanton people left for America in " Mr. Stratton's ship." 1653. John Creed, parish registrar. Society of "The Church of Christ" in Wincanton. 1655. Rev. Henry Shepard, curate, died. 1656 — Feb. igth. Thomas Churchey, Roundhill, died. 1657. Jane Ewens buried at Penselvs^ood. Date in jamb of Church Tower door. Thomas Churchey buried. William Mogg died. 1660. George Croyden died. May 29th. Effigy of Rev. John Sacheverill burnt on Bay ford Hill. 1662. Richard Benjafield of Wincanton, linen weaver, on refusing to swear and to attend church, was fined ; and on non-payment his goods were seized, value ^3-12-1. 1664. Trials for witchcraft. Humphrey Newman granted arms. 1665. William Strode of Wincanton, gent, was one of 136 prisoners tried at Exeter after the Royalist rising. 1666. Date of Royal Arms in church. 1668. John Cary Dimmer died. Mary Churchey's will proved. 1670. John Thick's Charity. 1672. Redlynch House built. Temple Combe Congregational Church organised. 1673. Wincanton gentry named in Blome's Britannia, viz. Abraham Gapper. Thomas Farewell. * Richard Churchey. Thomas Farewell, Horsington. Thomas Nicholls, Clapton. Thomas Stroud of Maperton. 257 Chronology of Events. Hugh Watts of Cucklington. Maurice Berkeley, Yarlington. Thomas Rolt, Abbas Combe. Sir Hugh Wyndham, Silton. 1674. John Langley's will. 1678. Richard Churchey, Lord of the Manor. 1 681. George Newman, Charlton Musgrove. 1682. Wincanton people at Salem, U.S.A. 1682. Elizabeth Watts, Shanks House, buried in linen. Tablet, Mr. George Cooper's. 1683. Date on trunk at Sundial House. 1685. Jefferies and Wincanton Martyrs. 1688 — Dec. I St. Prince of Orange at Wincanton. 1690. Wm. Dyer at Sussex, U.S.A. 1691. Date on dial at Batch. 1692. Date on house at Bratton. 1693. Date on Wm. Cockey's Brass at Brewham Church. 1694 — ]^^' John Thick's Legacy of ;^50 to second poor. 1698. Richard Churchey 's will. 1699. Bell Inn referred to. 1700. Abraham Gapper died. 1703. Date on Cucklington Church Tower. Destructive storm here, November 26th and 27th. 1704. Inquisition at Ilminster re Fairs and Markets trust. 1705. Great Fire at Wincanton. Mr. Wm. Lewis of Verrington died. 1707. Renewal of Charter, December 12th. 1709. Thomas Gapper, Balsome, died. Thomas Gapper, senr., Suddon, died. 1710 — February. Henry Sacheverill's trial. 17H. Small pox prevailed, 88 died. 1712. Borough Court Leet. 1 71 6. James Laurence Churchey died at Roundhill, aged 48. 1720. Bear Inn built. 1721. Capt. Thomas Churchey died Feb. 27th, aged 39. 1722. Philip Bennett died at Maperton, March 15th, aged 50. 1722 — April loth. Great fire in South Street. 1724. Stukeley at Wincanton. Ireson House built. 1 725. Philip Bennett, Wincanton, died 7th April, aged 87. Independent Chapel at bottom of " Rock Hill " adapted, being formerly a malthouse. 1725. " Dulish Lane " mentioned. 258 / Chronology of Events. 1726. Richard Andrews, of Wincanton, married Hannah Gaylard at Long Sutton Church, 22nd Nov. 1735. Peter Mathew, clockmaker, Wincanton. Enlargement of Parish Church. 1737. Prevalence of small pox in the parish. 1739. Richard Ring in practice here as attorney. Ireson's pottery in operation. 1740. Proclamation of war celebrated at Wincanton. 1 741 — August 13th. John Hacker killed in Ireson's quarry by a stone falling from a wagon. Parish Register. 1744. Wincanton Stocks renewed. 1745. Abergavenny mentioned. Sir Richard Hoare, Lord Mayor of London. 1748. Chancel to church built. 1749. Wm. Dupe, centenarian of Stoney Stoke, born. Association against felony. 1750. Hadspen House sold. 1752. Dr. John Ring born. 1754. Moulton Messiter married Mary Ring. 1759. Richard Messiter born. 1762. John Wesley first preached here. 1764. Bayford Lodge built. 1765. Lord Charles Berkeley drowned at Bruton. 1766. Baptist Chapel, Horsington, built. 1768 — March 25th. Old market house destroyed. 1769. Association against felony. April 1 8th. Ireson died, aged 83. 1 77 1. Vestry notes commenced, perfect from that date. Batchpool enclosed. 1772. Shatterwell Bridge built. First Quaker's meeting held in Wincanton. 1774. See Window Tax, page 157. 1783. Fatal accident, Yarlington Fair. Rev. James Plucknett=Miss Cross, Yeovil. 1784. Silas Blandford commenced practice as surgeon in Wincanton. Mr. Gaisford, attorney, Wincanton, died in Ilchester jail of a malignant fever. Miss Ring of Wincanton=Rev. J. Everett of Shaftesbury. 1785. Mr. Henry Mogg, silversmith of Wincanton, married to Miss Pamela Spink of Ditcheat. May 1 6th and 17th. Backsword playing in Win- canton for a prize of 3 guineas. John Deane died. 259 Chronology of Events. 1786. Moulton Messiter died 5th July, aged 57. 1788. Date on stable of Parsonage. Dr. Perfect died. Mr. Dyne of London — Miss Lucy Messiter of Wincanton. 1789. Hill House, Wincanton, for sale. A year of great d^^stitution. Mr. White, attorney, Yeovil=Miss Ann Messiter of Wincanton. Mr. Samuel Smith, attorney of Wincanton, died of dropsy. —September 19th. New Feoffees appointed. 1790 — September. Backsword played at W^incanton, Prizes — Ten guineas and five guineas. 1 791. Turnpike Tolls realized above the cost of collection : Willoughby Hedge Gate ;^2oo 2 i| East Gate, Wincanton 131 3 io| Abergavenny 45 ig 2^ South Gate 146 9 2^ Rev. James Edwards of Wilton=Miss Priscilla Brown of Wincanton. August 4th. Sacred Concert of Handel's Music in Wincanton church. Admission by ticket, 2/- each. 1793 — January 13th. A mad dog bit several people in Wincanton. Meeting at Wincanton to promote a navigable canal from Bath to Poole. Decided in vestry to have new bells for the church tower, and to raise the tower 15 feet. July ist. Captain Goldesborough, R.N., married Mrs. Horlock. August 5th. Stavordale Fair held in Wincanton Common. 1794. Mr. Guyer, malster, died ; a man who lent much money to people he could trust, free of interest. October 27th. Henry Parsons, Esq., West Camel, buried at his request in a cedar plantation. A pyramid erected there to commemorate the burial. Mr. R. Ring, attorney, died. Eight houses destroyed by fire in High Street. Richard Messiter = Miss Brickell. 1795. Rev. Wm. Warlow became minister of Congre- gational church. Uriah Messiter married to Miss Martin of Silton, 1797. Rev. S. Farewell died. 260 Chronology of Events. 1797. Newman's engraving of Wincanton published, 1 8th May. 1798 — January 15th. George Deane, tallow chandler of Wincanton, died suddenly. Mr. Dyne, Bruton, solicitor = Miss F. Messiter, daughter of Moulton Messiter of Wincanton. Wm. Fookes, Rear Admiral of the Blue, died at Holbrook House. An Act of Parliament passed for Local Govern- ment of Wincanton. 1799 — Dec. 23rd. Joseph Williams, Esq., of Finsbury Square = to Mrs. Webb of Wincanton. Uriah Messiter died at Maiden Bradley. Gerard Ellis of Wincanton buried at Cucklington. Independent Chapel built. 1800. Lattiford House built. May 22nd. Great distress in Wincanton— gardens undigged and no seed potatoes for planting. September i8th. The new Congregational Chapel opened, the cost having been ;^837-3-6. 1801. Census of parish first taken — total 1772. 1 802. Thomas Green appointed parish clerk. Vestries held on Sundays. John Deane, gent, died. 1803. Joseph Brown buried in Congregational Burying Ground. 1804. John Tozer, schoolmaster, died February 20th. Nov. gth. Fire in South Street (Mrs. Gurney's). 1805. Hatchings and Son's business began. 1806. Horwood Waters discovered. French prisoners arrived. Charlton Rectory built. 1808. John Peter Pichou = Dinah Edwards. A French prisoner married at Stoke Church. St. Swithin's Day. Great hailstorm at Holbrook. March i6th. Mr. John Eden, now living, born at Hadspen. 1810. Alleged robbery of ;^i88i in notes, Whitmarsh Bank, Wincanton. French Masonic Lodge in Wincanton. 181 1. Census taken. Population 1850, besides 306 French prisoners — total 2156. August. George CuUiford, a smuggler, sent to Ilchester Jail for helping off French captives from Wincanton. 261 Chronology of Events. 1811, Poorhouse at Bayford built. 1812 — March 12th. Grant Foster Grant-Dalton born. Mr. Jukes, Hatherleigh, killed by a bull. 1813. Lawrence Hill lowered, vestry voted £^0 towards the cost. 1814. Commons at Kilmington, Charlton Musgrove, and Wincanton enclosed. 1815. Francis Rogers^Miss Beckley. 1 816. Tinderbox cottage built. 1817— May 24th. Mr. T. E. Rogers born at the Old Parsonage, Yarlington. 1818. Churchyard enclosed. i8ig. Richard Messiter bankrupt. John Brown, gent, died. Dalton monument erected in Cucklington church. 1821 — March 17th. Mr. Boyce, West Pennard, resigned Bristol and Yeovil Waggon trade to Brown and Brice of Wincanton. March 22nd. Samuel Light, Stoke Trister, aged 32, married Miss Susan Ellis of Wincanton, aged 60. March 22nd. Alfred Hoskins = Miss Jane Thorn. July 5th. N. Dalton, Shanks, gave a hogshead of cider, 100 loaves, and 100 lbs. cheese to the poor of Cucklington, to celebrate the Coronation of George IV. September 13th. Joseph Brown, Esq., of Win- canton, married to Miss Baker of Wincanton. Aug. 2gth. Mr. Frank King, shoemaker, married to Miss Charlotte Davis. Aug. 31st. Mr. Robert Way, farmer, Wincanton, married to Miss Elizabeth Parrott ; Mr. Wm. Herridge, of W^incanton, married Miss Toogood of Kington Magna ; Mr. Thomas Pitman to Miss Prudence Herridge, both of Wincanton. 1822 — January 17th. Sale of Mrs. Sly's effects at Malkin Hill Farm on retiring from business. She died in 1875, aged 102. May 1st. Ben Day of Wincanton hanged at Ilchester for burglary, buried at Wincanton on 4th May, without a funeral service. 1823 — September 5th. New Feoffees appointed. 1824 — Apiil i6th. Daniel English of Maperton married to Mrs. Perrior, Bear Inn, Wincanton. May 27th. Robert Thorn of Wincanton married Elizabeth Hannam at Wincanton. 262 Chronology of Events. Dec. gth. Edward Prentice, Esq., of London, married Miss Sarah Combe at Wincanton. December. Mr. Hillyar, druggist, of Warminster, to Miss M. George of Wincanton. 1828. Robert Giitch, attorney, died. Rev. John Messiter died. Robert Capper died. John Goodfellow became organist. 1829 — July 19th. Baptist Church formed at Wincanton. Rev. John Radford buried. Rev. Wm. Carpendale became curate. 1833. Mrs. Uriah Messiter died. Mr. John Howe died. Hawkers or Aucres Bridge built. George Lapham, innkeeper, died. June 2oth. New Baptist Chapel opened. 1834. Malthouse, Waterside, destroyed by fire July 3rd. George Messiter died November 21st, aged 58. John Templeman died. 1835. Thomas Knighton killed by a horse. Poor Law Guardians elected December 30th. 1836. Uriah Coombes killed by a cart. John Gawler burnt to death. Dr. Hawkins died at Laverstock. Nicholas Brown died February 23rd, aged 56. Sept. 17th. Mr. Cooper's new house burnt down. Musgrave and Garrett's Bank closed. December i6th. Town first lit by coal gas. 1837 — January 9th. Great snow storm, roads blocked. Lord Weymouth died at Shanks. George Deane (Dr.) born. Lord Stavordale died at Cowes. Miss Mundy, Lattiford House, died. 1838. Thomas Goodfellow died. Joseph Melhuish of Pitcombe died February 23rd, aged 108. Church property sold for lives for ^360. June 28th. Immense Parish Festival in Balsam, Coronation of Queen Victoria. Elizabeth Fitzgerald of Maperton House died. 1839. Henry Goodfellow, ironmonger, died. 1840. Reservoir on Bayford Hill built. 1843. Wincanton Temperance Society founded Nov. 27. 1844. Wm. Macmillan born at Wincanton. Messiter's Bank closed. 263 Chronology of Events. 1847 — November 8th. Rev. J. E. Drover ordained, Con- gregational Church. 1852— March gth. Band of Hope formed, Mr. Edwin Deane died. 1856 — January 14th. First poUceman arrived. 1858. Rev. George Day died March loth, aged 71. Town tent purchased. 1859. Congregational School finished October iith^ cost ;^6oo. 1 861. Railway opened. 1862. Dr. Eastment died October 30th, aged 65. Dr. Bruorton died October 30th, aged 61. Dec. I St. Mr. Albin Rawlings, Canada, to Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. N. Dyke, Brain's Farm, Wincanton. Oct. 26th. At Baptist chapel, Mr. A. G. Perman, to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. James Hannam of Wincanton. 1863. At Fifehead Magdalen, Robert Linton, Esq., solicitor, Plymouth, to Catherine Jane, only child of Mr. E. J. Meaden of Fifehead. 1864 — June 28th. James Wm. Prowse, Esq., married to Emmaline Lucy, only daughter of Thomas Messiter of Berwick. 1865 — June 1 8th. Special vestry to consider improving Moor Lane. Decided by a large majority not to do it. The last Wincanton Cattle Show Market. January nth. Wilts and Dorset Bank opened. James Crew died November 25th, aged 64. " Shatterwell shoots" rebuilt. 1866, November 17th. Great meteoric showers, 1265 counted in four hours. 1870. George Messiter died March 2nd, aged 68. June 6th. Very heavy hailstorm. Somerset Archaeological meetings held here in August. 1871 — January ist. Sweetman's Journal first published. Mr. Bradney bought Bayford Lodge. Church rates abolished. Tom Rogers' Dramatic Company here. Infirmary at Workhouse built. Bronze Age man found in Windmill quarry. March 1 6th. First School Board appointed. Board Schools opened July 31st. 264 Chronology of Events. 1 871 — November 7th. Good Templar Lodge formed. 1872 — February 9th. James Hannam died, aged 63, Dr. Colthurst died at Pine House in May. Mr. Lock's house, opposite Coylton Terrace, built. Masonic Hall opened June 13th. 1873. Wesleyan Chape) opened. Trooper Inn closed. 1874. Turnpikes abolished, houses sold. Coylton Villas built. Maperton House bought by Thomas Todd-Walton. V Wincanton New Water supply. November i6th. Arthur Messiter died, aged 35. 1875. Rev. J. P. Chown in Wincanton. 1876. Twenty cottages taken down in Grant's Lane. Cremona Musical Union, May. August. R. H. Hoyle came as schoolmaster to Board Schools. August. Surrage family left Wincanton. Uriah Jacobs died. 1877. Bedford Villas erected. Dr. Bayley lectured here April 10, 11, 12. Town Hall burnt down August gth. Great Hailstorm October 14th. 1878. Coffee Tavern built. " The Dogs " sold to Mr. Herridge. Hospital first proposed. New clock built. Feoffees re-appointed July 19th. Town Hall opened October 23rd. Mr. Eden's shop built. Mr. Hannam's shop built. Miss Hoskins' shop built. Mr. Rutter's offices built. 1879. Mr. Henry Messiter died October gth, aged 76. Mr. Herbert Messiter died October 31st, aged 38. Shambles removed November 27th. Baptist Jubilee celebrated. 1881 — Heaviest snowstorm of the century, January i8th. October 28th. Rev. Henry Collins died, aged 80. 1882. John Albin Baily died August loth. Swedenborgian church formed in Wincanton, November 19th. 1883. Mr. Wm. Bennett's offices built. 1884. Rev. R. Nicholson inducted December 7th. 1885 — January ist. Parish Magazine commenced. 265 Chronology of Events. 1885 — March 15th. Miss Chafyn-Grove of Zeals restored the Great Tithes to the church. Churchyard open to pubUc May ist. Rev. Richard Nicholson died Sept. 30th, aged 58. Cricket Pavilion erected May 8th. 1886. Houses first numbered. Church restoration bazaar, June 23rd and 24th. ^270-9-9 realised. 1887. Charles John Shaw died February loth, aged 54. February 21st. Bishop Hervey presided at a lecture by Rev. J. B. Wilkinson at Town Hall. Victoria Jubilee rejoicings, 25th June, in Balsam Paddock. Foundation stone of church laid August nth. 1888. Cemetery opened 25th June by Bishop Hervey. i88g — January 22nd. Mr. Bailward elected C.C. Thomas Richards died February 5th, aged 77. Nine cottages burnt down at Mill Head Feb. 24th. Election of Guardians April 9th — Hutchings 328, Herridge 305. Field Club organised April 30th. Aug. 15th. Consecration of the church by Bishop Hervey. Preachers on the occasion — Canon Gore and Dean Plimpton. August 1 8th. Consecration of the Carmelite Monastery by Bishop Clifford. 1890. Arthur Mursell lectured at Town Hall Jan. 29th. Mrs. James Bracher died January 31st, aged 93. James Baker died February 21st, aged 82. Dalton Foster Grant-Dalton died Apr. 15th, aged 78. Ireson Pottery Exhibition, June loth. Samuel Sly died June loth, aged 88. Henry Goodfellow died June 17th, aged 80. James Lancaster died July 27th, aged 65. Mrs. Elias Green died October 15th, aged 82. She left her fortune to hospitals in the county of Somerset. 1891. John Boyd died January 9th. Charles Thorn died January 9th. John Messiter died April 17th, aged 78. Dr. George Deane died July 7th, aged 53. October 2nd. Cattle show ; 1330 came by train, weather rough, balloon would not rise. Miss Chafyn-grove died November 27th. 1892. Charles Goodfellow died February ist, aged 76. 266 Chronology of Events. 1892. Benjamin Bracher died April 7th, aged 66. Great fire at Handley on May 20th ; ^10,000 damage, 52 houses destroyed — same number as at Wincanton in 1705. 1893. Charles Dowding, saddler, died Jan. 13th, aged 78. Garden Allotments apportioned. Bridge at Railway Station built. 1895. Robert Green, parish clerk, died April 3rd, aged 79. Rev. John Edwin Drover died Sept. 26th, aged 78. John Webb Baker died September 30th, aged 88. 1896. Henry Bottle died March i6th, aged 76. John Barnes died September 20th, aged 70. Charles Herridge died December nth, aged 85. Board Schools opened on Friday, 17th December ; H . Hobhouse presided ; addresses given by Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice, Mr. Bailward, Rev. W. Farrer, Rev. Fr. Badger, Mr. Gordon, H.M. Inspector of Schools, Revs. John Brown and James Houston ; the cost of premises ;^46oo, payment to be extended over 50 years ; Architect, Mr. Thomas Hudson. 1897. William Churchey, the last of an old and respected family, died January 14th, aged 87. John Davis, printer, died at Bournemouth on January 14th, aged 84. Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations, June 28th ; ^146 raised. December 15th. Mr. Edward Yalden Cooper died, aged 89. 1898 — Jan. 31st. Rev. Colin Grant-Dalton died, aged 39. igoo. Susan Ellen, widow of Henry Messiter, died at Kensington, November i8th, aged 82. 12th December. Hospital inaugurated, trustees and officers appointed. 1901. Tradesmen's Social Club opened in March. March, Mr. Angerstein purchased Holbrook Estate. March nth. School Board Election — Farrer 391, Eden 361, Houston 262, Dabinett 193, Wood- cock 192. Richard Hutchings died March 21st, aged 87. Sampson Bamford died March 29th, aged 82. Report of the census, issued April 26th, showed that the population of Wincanton had decreased in 10 years from 2109 to 1889. June 24th. Rev. Joseph Beaupre commenced his 267 Chronology of Events. ministry at Baptist Chapel. Premises of the New Market Co. in Tything laid out in August ; first Market held October 2nd. Walter Dyke died October 21st, aged 60. William Sims died December ist, aged 96. IQ02 — June 5th. Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons held at Wincanton. Edwin Crouch died July 13th, aged 85. August 9th. Coronation of King Edward VII. Raised for Festivities, ;^94-i-4 ; for Hospital, ;^86-3-iii. George Stagg died November i6th, aged 64. 1903. At the Petty Sessions in January, T. E. Rogers, J. P., retired from the bench after 42 years' service. At the same time W. B. Langhorne, J. P., retired after 15 years' service. April 27th. William Weare, oldest tradesman in Wincanton, died April 2y\.h, aged 74. **SaKiii 268 Societies and Institutions. WINCANTON SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. The Hospital. 1 8, High Street, Wincanton. This is one of our newest and most beneficent institutions. It originated in a meeting held at the Town Hall, on December I2th, 1900, Mr. Bailward. J. P., C.C., in the chair. Dr. Edwards, who had taken very great interest in promoting it, gave an outline of what was required, with the result that it was at once started. Drs. Edwards, McReddie, and Gardiner, have rendered excellent and voluntary service until now ; Miss Laura Dumbleton also has been matron from its inception. It is open to the whole district. Many cases have been most successively treated. Foresters Court. " Stavordale Priory," No. 4815. The court was opened in 1866. This has been a success- ful society, and a boon to hundreds of members in sickness, and to their friends when death has overtaken them. The sick and funeral pay last year amounted to £^2^. The present number of members is 400, and the amount invested ;^4,30o. Mr. C. H. Woodcock has been the only Secretary to this court, his long experience being of great advantage to this flourishing society. Juvenile Foresters. *' The Hope of Wincanton." Founded in 1882. As with the adult court, there has been but one Secretary, in this case Mr. J. W. Eden. The two trustees, Mr. George Stagg and Mr. Wm. Weare, have both died within the last year. Present number of members, 70 ; funds invested, ^180. This branch is a great source of strength to the parent society, from 6 to 10 members being transferred every year. Wincanton Steeplechases. Held every Easter Monday at Hatherleigh Farm. These steeplechases originated in 1893, ^^id have been continued every year. The committee is a strong one and is 269 Societies and Institutions. being added to from time to time, Mr. W. T. Goodfellow has been Secretary and Treasurer from its origin. It is in a flourishing financial condition, and has recently contributed £io^ to the Daily Telegraph fund for widows and orphans of those killed in the late war. It has also contributed £21 to the local hospital and £1 5 to the Coronation fund. Masonic Lodges. There have been three at least. In 1793, the " Lodge of Urbanity," No. 524, was held at the Bear Inn, but it was erased in i8og. In 1 810, another was opened under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of France. It was in the main composed of French officers. I have given particulars in my " French in Wincanton." The present " Lodge of Science," No. 437, was at first established at Bourton, Dorset, and was in operation in 1836, but was transplanted here about 1870. In January, 1872, a large and important meeting was held here in the Town Hall, which gave an impetus to the Lodge. At that time the present hall was fitted up as a lodge room, and has been kept for the same purpose from that time till now. Like all other things human, it has had its lights and shadows, but it appears to be at present on a good found- ation and doing a useful work. Provincial Grand Lodge was held here for the first time in 1902, under the presidency of Lord Dungarvan. There are now 27 members. Yeomanry Cavalry. In the year 1804, there were three corps of Infantry Volunteers in Wincanton. I. Corps. Captain — Uriah Messiter Lieut, and Adjt. — Richard Ring. Officers and men, 51. II. Corps. Captain — Robert Gapper. Officers and men, 68. III. Corps. Captain — William Webb. Officers and men, 61. As I write, I have a copy of the muster roll of these three corps before me. The enrolment appears to have been first made in August, 1803. On page 216, I have referred to a troop of Yeomanry in 1802, of which Richard Messiter was captain. In the year 1821, a Captain Messiter held a field day at 270 Societies and Institutions. King George IV. 's coronation. This, I presume, was George Messiter, who I find gazetted as lieutenant of the Mells troop on 23rd June, 1817, in the North Somerset Yeomanry, and as captain November ist, 1821. It appears to me that this George Messiter was one of the Messiters of Frome. The history of the North Somerset regiment states that in Nov., 1830, the magistrates of Wincanton appHed to the Lord Lieutenant, Lord Bath, at Longleat, for protection ; that the N.S.C. were called out to protect Bruton, Wincanton, and Shepton Mallet ; and that in consequence of the Bath troop having been sent here, a troop was raised here with J. Bailward as captain and Henry Messiter as lieutenant, the date of their commissions being January igth, 1831. H. T. G. Fitzgerald had taken the place of Mr. Bailward on 17th December, 1841, to be in his turn superseded by B. H. St. John Mildmay on 24th August, 1848. Mr. Henry Messiter was still lieutenant in 1850. From that time the troop has been kept up. The present style of the regiment is the " North Somerset Imperial Yeomanry " ; Major McLean of Sherborne being captain, J. J. Glyn ist, and Lord Wolverton 2nd lieutenants. The present number of the troop is 43. For many years past, Sergeant Major Clarke has kept the men up to their drill, but has just been replaced by Sergeant Major Hollinger. Oddfellows. The Oddfellows here are like " Ships that pass in the night." Some time about the year 1850 there was a lodge here, the members of which presented a testimonial to Mr. Richard Hutchings, who was one of their number. The folding case is still preserved by Mr. R. R. Hutchings. It bore the name of the " Royal Kale " Lodge, No. 3330. It tells us that the " Past Grands " of the lodge have been — James Vincent, shoemaker Elijah Pitman, shoemaker Richard Hutchings, tailor Thomas Green, gardener Thomas Francis, tailor Henry Leach, publican John Card, currier Jesse Geard, tailor Charles Dunn, waiter at Bear Hotel John Edwards, painter. Of these, Mr. Richard Hutchings was the last survivor, who died in March, 1901, aged 87 years. 271 SocifiTiEs AND Institutions. The Good Templars' Lodge, No. 415, Was organised here in November, 1871. During that time, about 400 members have been initiated. About 50 of these have departed this hfe, and a large number have gone the wide world over, many of whom to this day are filling positions of great trust. The lodge is now weak in numbers, but the members meet weekly on Monday evenings at 8 o'clock. They are amongst the most advanced temperance workers. Mr. Sydney Day — Secretary. The Juvenile Temple in connection with the Lodge, No. 411, meets weekly on Thursdays. Mr. William Pitman — Superintendent. The Fire Brigade Was established in February, 1886, when the present engine and appliances were purchased. There had been three engines before, for particulars of which see " Fires in Wincanton," but the only surviving one was practically useless. In nine years, to 1895, the expenses had been ^251-17-11. Mr. W. T. Goodfellow is the captain, as he has been from the formation of the brigade. Happily, the services of the brigade have not been much in demand for several years. A more systematic trial of the engine, appliances and men, from time to time, to keep them fully up to readiness for work, is much to be desired. The Wincanton Field Club Was organised on the 6th June, 1889. The first president was the Rev. James Bennett of South Cadbury, one of the Secretaries of the Somerset Archaeological Society. Other presidents have been^Revs. F. W. Weaver, W. E. Daniel, E. H. Bates, W. Farrer, and Messrs. T. H. M. Bailward and T. H. Baker. As a rule, three excursions have been held during each summer, and the transactions of the society have been printed in annual reports, making a book of about 300 pages. The Secretary from the first has been Mr. George Sweetman. Wincanton Friendly Society. This is the present representative of " The Trooper Club," for the origin of which we must go back at least to 1842. For many years its annual festival was held on Easter Monday, but for a long period it has been held on Trinity Monday, when a procession, a sermon in the parish church, and a dinner in a tent in the cricket field, form an important 272 Societies and Institutions. part of the proceedings. It breaks up every ten years, when the savings are divided. It is now in its eighth year. There are at present 90 members. Mr. Bernard Weare has just been appointed Secretary in place of his father, deceased, who was Secretary for 28 years. WiNCANTON Cricket Club. Formed — 1883. Ground— On Hole Hill. Pavilion— Erected in 1885. President — Mr. G. H. Cooper. Captain — Mr. W. T. Goodfellow. Vice-Captain — Rev. G. H. Wilson. Treasurer — Mr. F. T. Fowler. Secretary — Mr. G. M. Ingram. WiNCANTON Football Club. Formed — About 1890. Ground — In Dancing Lane. President— Dr. P. G. McReddie. Captain— Mr. W. S. Matthews. Secretary and Treasurer — Mr. R. Bassett. -.-fs*-"* 273 Charitable Institutions. «JoVvar\\a\)\e q;xvs\\\u\\oxvs. Names and Addresses of Public Officials in Wincanton at the time of publication of this book. The Parish Church of S.S. Peter and Paul. Rector — Rev. W. Farrer, The Old House. Curate — Rev. G. H. Wilson, Laburnum Villas. Sexton — Mr. Frederick Tucker. Organist— Mr. W. E. Smith, Roman Catholic Church. Parish Priest — Father Francis. Baptist Church, Pastor — Rev. Joseph Beaupre, Mill Street. Caretaker — Mrs. E. Hannam. Congregational Church. Pastor— Rev. James Houston. Caretaker — Mrs. H. Day. Wesleyan Chapel, North Street. Society Steward — Mr. G. F. Benjafield, High Street. Brethren's Meeting House, 47 High Street. Friends' Meeting House, High Street. Church of England Sunday Schools. Secretary — Mr. Fred Francis, Station Road. Baptist Sunday School. Superintendent — Mr. F. W. Lancaster, West Hill. Congregational Sunday School. Superintendent — Mr. W. C. Pitman, High Street. Wesleyan Sunday School, North Street. Superintendent — Mr. Richard Chiplen. Roman Catholic Sunday School, North Street. The Ursuline Sisters. 274 Local Institutions. Wincanton Sunday School Union. * Secretary — Mr. T. C. Parsons, Castle Gary. Wincanton School Board. Chairman — Mr. C. H. Woodcock. Clerk— Mr. F. W. Lancaster, West Hill. Attendance Officer— Mr. F. Francis. Master— Mr. R. H. Hoyle. Girls' Mistress — Miss Hacker, Infants' Mistress — Miss Richardson. Wincanton Burial Board. Clerk — Mr. George Richards. Wincanton Coal Charity, founded November 17th, 1836. Secretary — Mr. J. W. Eden from i8go still holds the office. Between 60 and 70 tons distributed every year to more than 100 families, the general price to the recipients being 5d. per cwt. Wincanton Social Club, founded 1901. Secretary — Mr. A. E. Goodfellow. Wincanton Constitutional Club, founded 1884. Secretary — Mr. Henry P. Green. Wincanton Liberal Association. Secretary — Mr. C. E. Rutter. Wincanton Clothing Club. Secretary and Treasurer — Mrs. F. T. Fowler. Wincanton Market Company. Secretary— Mr. J. O. Cash. Volunteers, 3rd Battalion Prince Albert's Somersetshire Light Infantry. Armoury — Town Hall Buildings. Officers — Capt. J. O. Cash ; Lieut. W. S. Donne. The Headquarters of the Volunteer Corps for this district, originally at Wincanton, were afterwards removed to Castle Cary. There were no Wincanton members of the Corps for a great many years. In the year 1899, however, a section of the F Company 3rd Vol. Batt. Somerset L.I., (the present designation of the Battalion) with over 20 members, was established at Wincanton ; officers at that time — Major A. J. Goodford, and Lieuts. Cash and Donne. 275 Local Institutions. Registrars of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Superintendent Registrar — Mr, F. W. Lancaster. Registrar of Births and Deaths — Mr. Ernest Field. Deputy Registrar — Mr. George Richards. Registrar of Marriages — Mr. John Hannam. Deputy Registrar — Mr, WilHam Hannam. Magistrates. Chairman — Mr. J. Huntley Thring. Clerk— Mr. William Bennett. Commissioners of Taxes. Clerk — Mr. William Bennett. Officers of County Court. Judge— F. A. Philbrick, K.C., B.A., Yeovil, Registrar and High Bailiff — Mr. William Bennett. Town Hall Property. Held in trust by Trustees of Fairs and Markets. Chairman — Mr. George Sweetman. Secretary — Mr, J, O, Cash, Hall-keeper — Mr. William Evans, Church Lands Charity. Chairman — Mr, George Sweetman. Secretary — Mr. J. O. Cash. Garden Allotments. Property of Trustees' Poor's Lands. Chairman — Mr. George Sweetman. Secretary — Mr. J. O. Cash. Manager — Mr. George Richards. Church of England Temperance Society. President — Rev. Walter Farrer. Secretary — Mr. Fred Francis. Superintendent of Band of Hope — Mr. Fred Francis. 276 Local Institutions. Wincanton Temperance Society. President — Rev. Joseph Beaupre. c„ , 4. • f Mr. Georee T. Hillier. Secretaries | ^^_ ^.^£^ ^ p.^^^^_ Wincanton Band of Hope. Superintendent — Mr. C. E. Rutter. Secretary — Mr. F. W. Lancaster. Good Templar Lodge, No, 4/5. Lodge Deputy — Mr. Sydney Day. Wincanton Juvenile Temple, No. 411 . Superintendent — Mr. William H. Pitman. Postmaster— Mr. C. W. Tolley. Wincanton Rural District Council. Chairman — Mr. T. H. M. Bailward. Clerk— Mr. F. W. Lancaster. Treasurer — Mr. F. T. Fowler. Surveyors and Sanitary ( Mr. E. H. Knapman, Wincanton. Inspectors. ( Mr. E. J. H. Padfield, Cole. Master of Workhouse — Mr. R, W. Copeman. Matron „ — Mrs. Copeman. Parish Council. Chairman — Mr. Thomas Budgen. Clerk — Mr. George Richards. Police Officers. Superintendent — Mr. John Williams. Sergeant — Mr. Alfred Stewart. Police Constable— Mr. Albert Bond. Somerset and Dorset Railway. Station Master — Mr. Nathaniel Meech, Station Road. Town Tents. Caretaker — Mr. Thomas Green, High Street. 277 Local Folk Lore. LOCAL FOLK LOBE (just a few as a sample.) ^ ^ ^ Jack White's Gibbet. Our chief legend for many years was that of "Jack White's Gibbet." A highly coloured story was written in 1841, giving a description of a fratricide, said to have taken place in 1727. It had its foundation in fact, as Mr. William Macmillan of Castle Gary has shown in the Castle Cary Visitor. Jack White was a Wincanton man, who, in a drunken row over a woman, murdered a man named Gilbert, for which he was hanged in chains at Bratton cross roads on 19th of August, 1730. The reader is referred for the details to the Cary Visitor for 1898, and for the original story to the publishing house of this history. The Little Cup Maker. I have no idea of the age of the legend of "The little cup maker," but I believe it is very old. The story goes that once on a time a traveller was going along a high road in this neighborhood, when he heard a loud cry from a ditch by the roadside of " Help, help, please pull me out." The traveller stopped and asked, " Who are you ? " when he received the reply, "The little cup maker of Wincanton." "Then stay where you are ; if you had been a big cup maker I would have helped you, but a little cup maker, never ! " From that time, Wincanton men became known as Little Cup Makers. Twelve Celebrated Market Towns. " Hadspen, Honeyweek, Pitcombe and Cole, Higher Shepton, Lower Shepton, Stoke and Knowl, Higher Zeals, Lower Zeals, Wolverton and Penn, There are not twelve such market towns in England again." The whole of these places make only four parishes, namely, Pitcombe, Shepton Montague, Zeals, and Pensel- wood ; the remaining eight are hamlets. 278 Local Folk Lore. Biirfitfs Commandements. "John, what are you up to, to-day ?" "I be keeping Burfitt's commandements, to do no manner of work." Query — Who was Burfitt ? George Turk's Larks. Half a century ago in Wincanton were two brothers, William and George Tulk, commonly called Turk. They were both droll fellows, George very much so. It is said that on one occasion George said, " I've had such a spree this morning ! " " What was that, George ? " "I emptied a kiddle o' bwiling water over brother Bill's legs." " Why did you do that, George ? " " Oh ! only for a lark," Any practical joke came to be called a George Turk's lark. Tantry Boamer. " I know how long I shall live." " How long will that be ? " " As long as Tantry Boamer, who lived till he died," The Mason's Petition, Masons were always thirsty souls. When Lattiford stables were erected, there might have been seen this poem chalked on a board, to draw the sympathy and coins of visitors. " All you gentlemen that comes in here, W^e hope that you will give us a little drop of beer , The weather's very hot, and the workmen's very dry So you that's got a plenty we hope you wont deny." Tom Gotigh. A thing of little value is described as "zummat o' nothin', like what Tom Gough zeed at the show," The Gookoo. *' Let the weather be ever zoo, The gookoo will come before March do goo." Nonsense, " Dost thee know what nonsense is ? No ! then I'll tell thee, 'Tis eatin' firmity (frumenty) with a stockin' needle." 279 Local Folk Lore. The Tooad, " Thee bist as scram as a tooad in hedgin' gloves." "Thee'st puff and blow like a tooad a hedgin'." " Thee'st got as much use for thic thing as a tooad for zide pockets." Bedlam, South Buwham, Has the reputation of being a bleak place. It was said that John Chamberlain, a bellows maker of 60 years ago, was in the habit of going there to get the wind to put in his bellows, hence their good quality. By the way, this Chamber- lain may have been a descendant of the Suddon Chambermoun of A.D. 1345. Yellow Whitewash. It was formerly said of a local plasterer, by the name of Blandford, that he undertook to whitewash the church ' Yaller.' Patty Hodges' Chair, Anything irremediably broken was said to be like Patty Hodges' chair — broken in three halves. A Child's Prayer. Very commonly repeated by children in this neighborhood a century ago. — " Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Bless the bed that I lie on ; Four corners to my bed. Six angels round my head, Two at head and two at feet, And two to keep my soul asleep." A Catch on Ireson's Monument. Our forefathers formerly told the children that when Ireson heard the clock strike twelve at midnight, he came down from his pedestal to drink, and then went back again. Of course this was true. Old Local Nursery Lullabies. " Poppety croust, poppety croust. We'll have a feast in Oliver's house ; You find figs and I'll find flour, And we'll have a pudding in half an hour," 280 Local Folk Lore. " Cry baby bunting, Father's gone a hunting, Mother's gone to Gillingham To buy the baby a plaything." " Billy, Billy Button, Stole a leg of mutton, He lied it on the horse's tail, And took it up to Sutton." " Charley likes good ale and wine, Charley likes good brandy, Charley likes to kiss the girls, As sweet as sugary-candy." " Tommy, Tommy tit-a-mouse Had a black beard. He kissed the pretty maidens. And made them all afeared." " Zoo Zaa Zacky, All the bells shall waggy ; One vor you and one vor I, And one for Cousin Jacky." " Batty caeke, batty caeke, baker's man, Baeke mother a caeke as vast as you can ; Prick en and daeke en and mark en with B, And put en in open vor Billy and me." The Bird Keeper's Song. — " Little bird eat enough, leave enough, My master's rich enough ; Chee Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, Hoy." Man a Lost ! The story runs, that a solicitor's clerk in Wincanton had been to Stourton on his employer's business, and returning late, lost himself in the woods. In the dark he cried aloud, " Man a lost." The owls asked " Who ! " when the man replied, " Mr. Messiter's clerk, Harry Dando." 281 Index. -OS^ INDEX. KS)-^ Act for paving ... 56, 103 Allotments Ground ... 236 Andrews 94, 98 Angel Inn 77 Angerstein ig6 Assembly Rooms ... 188 Associations for protection against felony in 1749 and 1768 229 Aynell, Sir John 54 B Badge • • • 120 Baker family ... 183, 186 Balsome House... . • « 183 Band of Hope ... • • • 248 Banks ... 207 Baptists, Origin ... 74 Foundation of Church, (1829) 75 Chapel built 75 Renovated 76 Sunday School ... 75 New Schools ... 76 Barrett 183 Barton 196 Bath, William de ... 42 Bayford Lodge 201 Beacon family 94 Bear Inn 78 Beaupre, Joseph 76 Beky (Bacon) Richard 44 Bell Inn 79 Bennett, Philip 187,202,219 Bioletti, Albert 99 Black Lyon Inn 79 Blue Ribbon movement 250 Board of Guardians... 108 Board Schools opened 267 Borough and Burgesses, (1558 and 1678) 32, 125 Bradney 201 Brickenden 185 Britannia Inn 80 Bronze Age, Skull and Pottery of 5 Brown, John 76 Bryan, John 54 Buildings 182 Buildings, Ireson's .. 211 Bulgin, Elias...55, 118, 150 Burlton-Bennett 187 Bush family 95> 98 Carmelite Friary ... 191 Carpendale, William 57, 46 C.ET.S 250 Chambermoun 194 Charities 234 Charlesworth, G. ... 76 Charlton Musgrove Churches 201 Charlton Rectory ... 201 Charter of Fairs and Markets 26 Church — The Parish 42 In 1735 44 Alterations in 1748 44, 55 In 1 79 1 — Collinson's description 45 Tower raised and bells re-cast, 1793 ... 45, 92 Alterations in 1 810... 45 Purchase of Organ, 1818 45 Becomes unsafe ... 46 282 Index. Church — South gallery enlarged, 1828 46 North gallery erected, 1829 46 Mr. Sedding's report on the Old Church ... 48 Restoration of — see Restoration. Church-bells 45, 92 Churchey family .. 182, 183, 200, 202, 219. Church-lands 233. 234, 235, 239 Church-rates 45, 46 Churchwardens ... 106, 170 Churchyard — Interments in 44 Enlargement and en- closure, 1 81 8... 45, 47 Clement 185 Clergy — see Incumbents. Clock — see Town Clock. Clockmakers 97 Cockey 94, 97 Collins, Henry 57 First sermon ... 57 Colmer, Davys 55 Colonists from Wincanton 165 Compton Castle ... 202 Conduit Hill ... 186, 190 CONGREGATIONALISTS... 67 Their Trust Deeds 68-70 The Old Chapel ... 68 Present Chapel built 69 Constables 102 Cooper 183, 187 Coronation of Charles I. 256 Court Leets 102 Cranthorne, de 42 Cricket Club 273 Cross family ... 94, 95, 98 Crown Inn 80 Croyden, George ... 221 Cucklington 205 Daily Services at Church 59 Dalton 206 Day, George ... 74, 75, 224 Deane 186 Deane, George 218 Deanesly, Edward ... 226 Dendy 194 Devonshire House ... 187 Dibben 194, 203 Dickenson 197 Dier family — see Dyer. Dier, Sir James 211 Dirdoe 206 Discove manor 201 Distress in 1789 56 Dogs, The 182 William of Orange at, 121-122 Dolphin Inn 81 Doney 98 Dress in 1843 244 Dyer family ... 187, 199, 212 Wills of ... 43, 212, 213 See Vyning. Dyer, William i65 „ Mary 167 Edgar, Robert 55 Edward, William ... 54 Eligius, St. 39, 40, 42, 52 Essex, William de ... 54 Ewens family 165, 194, 236 Ewens, John 54 Ewens, Maurice ... 208 Exchequer Lay Subsidies 123 Fairs 26, 233, 239 I-'arewell family ... 195, 196 Farewell, Saml. 56, 187, 196 „ Thomas ... 55 283 Index. Farrer Walter 60 Letter on acceptance of living 60 Faugoin 205 Feoffees 31, 8g Field Club 272 Fire Brigade 272 Fire in 1707 55 ,, 1877 190 Five Bells Inn 12 Fitzgerald .. 202 Fletcher, Charles ... 227 Football Club 273 Foresters' Court 269 Fountain Inn 82 Fox, Sir Stephen ... 201 Frankland 196 Freemasons 270 Freke, John 166 French Prisoners 182, 185 Friendly Society 272 Friends, Society of ... 72 Furniture of Town Hall 96 ,, of Workhouse 107 Furtz preaching at Wincanton 71 Gapper ... 44, 183, 194 Gapper, Richard 55 Garrett & Musgrave's Bank 207 Garvin, Nicholas (Gawen) 54, 209 Gatehouse, Samuel ... 56 Gentry in 1673 257 George Inn, High St. 82 George Inn, Mill St. ... 83 Golden Lion Inn . . 83 Goldesborough, The Admiral's pew 45 Good Templars ... 249, 272 Grant-Dalton, C. 47, 50, 58 Restoration of Church 50 Lenten Address ... 58 Farewell Letter ... 59 Greyhound Inn 83 Greyhound Tap 84 Guardians, Board of ... 108 Chairman 109 First Board no Gutch 168 H Hadspen House ... 197 Half Moon Inn 84 Hall 196 Hannam, James 75 Hare and Hounds Inn 84 Hart Inn 77, 84 Harvey 194 Hider, George 76 Highway Rate, 1703 129 Hine, Robert 44 Hit or Miss Inn 84 Hobhouse 198 Hog in Armour Inn ... 84 Holbrook House ... 195 Hopkins, David 56 Horwood Well Bank... 207 Horwood Well House 57, 204 Hospital 269 House, Mr. Cash's ... 185 ,, Mr. G. Cooper's 187 Hunt 202 Hussey, E 95 I Incumbents of Wincanton 54 Inns ... 77, 243 Ireson House 184 Ireson, Nathaniel ... i82„ 184, 185, 2og. Jekyll 200 Joanes, Hugh 167 Justices of the Peace ... 113 Juvenile Foresters ... 269 284 Index. K King ... 185 King's Arms Inn — High Street ... 85 Market Place ... ... 85 King's Head Inn ... 85 L Lamb Inn ... 85 Langley, John ... ... 225 Lattiford House ... ... 193 Leir ... 201 Lewis 95. 98 Lewis, Barnabie ... 44> 183 Lists of Inhabitants ; and Owners in Domes- day Book, 1085 . .. 252 In 1327 .. 123 In 1558 .. 32 In 1678 .. 125 In 1703 .. 129 In 1736 >•• 133 In 1745 ... 141 In 1774 •• 157 London Inn .. 85 Longe, Herodias .. 167 Longevity .. 177 L'Orti, Henry ... ... 205 Lovel ••• 253 Lyon Inn ... 79 M Malthouses ... 68, 74, 243 Maperton House ... 202 Market 26, 233, 239 Market Hall 191 Market House ... 95, 188 Market House & Town Hall, costof erection in 1769 189 Marriages by Justice of Peace 150 Marsh Court 42 Masonic Lodges 270 Meade, David 57 Meade family 167 Medlycott Messiter family ... 185, 204 186, 187, 201, 205, 215. Messiter, Richard 215 Messiters' Bank 207 Mitchell 95 Moels, Barony de Monmouth's Rebellion 202 67 Moody Moorhayes Manor Hous€ Mormonites 184 5203 73 Morrish 184, 195 Mucegros, de 194 N Name of Wincanton 8-10 Names of Places near Wincanton 12 National School built 57, 243 New Inn 85 Newport, Maurice, see Ewens Nichols, Roger ... ... 55 Nicholson Richard 47, 58 Nonconformists in Wincanton 67 Notable Men 208 Oddfellows 271 Olding 98, 99 Orange, Prince of 116, 182 Overseers, 1736- 1902 161 Overton Andrewes ... 56 Page 196 Paine's Bank 207 Parish Magazine ... 47 Parish Registers 240 Pauper's Letter (1847) 112 285 Index. Petty Sessions 113 Phelips 196 Player 197 Plucknett 187 Plucknett, John 56 Plucknett, William ... 56 Plympton family 187 Police Station 190 Poor Rate, 1736 133 „ 1745 141 Poor's Lands 233, 235, 236 Pottery, Ireson's 211 Pridham 97 Prince of Wales Inn ... 85 Prior's House 77 Queen Inn 86 R Radford, John ... 56, 205 Railway Inn 86 Railway Refreshment Rooms 86 Rainbow Inn 86 Recusants in 1592 ... 67 Red Lion Inn 86 Redlynch House & Chapel 201 Restoration of Parish Church 47 Proposed by Rev. R. Nicholson, 1885 ... 47 Names of Committee 48 The work begun ... 49 Consecration, 1 88g ... 50 Cost of work 51 Principal Subscribers 51 Description with list of donors ... 51-52 Richards, Thomas .. 220 Ring, John 222 Ring, Richard ... 71, 222 Rising Sun Inn 87 Rodber House 189 Roenhull, Waltero ... 199 Rogers 198 Roman Catholics — Inauguration of Mission 192 Coming of Carmelites 192 Erection of Friary... 192 List of Priors 193 School 193 Roundhill Grange ... igg Roundhouse 190 Sacheverill John, 55, 62, 150 His Ancestors 62 And the Restoration Extract from Calamy's Nonconformist's Mem- orial 63 Extract from Annus Mirabilis 65 Selwyn 186 Seven Stars Inn 87 Shackleton, Matthew... 58 Shambles 188, 190 Shank's House, Cucklington 205 Shepard, Henry 55 Shrapnell 196 Singer 194 Skinner, William ... 74 Skirmish in 1688 55, 116 ,, Its site 118 Smith, Sir Richard 44, 54 Soldini, Gosue 100 Somerset, Dukes of ... 197 Sons of Temperance... 250 South Bank House ... 186 Southwood 202 Stavordale Priory ... 54, 253 Steeplechases 269 Strode 187 Stuckey's Banking Co. 207 Suddon Grange = 194 286 Index. Sun Inn 87 Sundials 97 Sunnyhill 186 Swan Inn 87 Sweating Sickness, 1552 43 Temperance — First Pledges 244 Society founded .. 246 First Demonstration 246 Brass Bands .. 247, 248 Night School 247 Coffee House 247 Excursion to London 248 Ting tang 94, 95 Tithes 48 Tithing men 102 Todd- Walton 202 Tokens 62, 150, 228 Tout Hill House 183 Tower, William 99 Town, The, in early times 92 Town in 1843 242 Town Buildings 93 Town Clocks ... 92, 93, 94 Town Hall 113, 188 Town Hall Furniture... 96 Town Properties 232 Trenchard 184 Trooper Inn 88 Trustees 103 Turnpike Tolls 260 Tything 25 u Uncle Tom's Cabin 88 Victoria Inn 88 Vinings in New England 168 Visitation of Somerset ... 256 Vyning ... 43, 126, 212 w Wages in 1843 244 Walter of Wyncaulton 254 Walters, James 217 Water supply 242 Watts 206 Watts, Nicholas 54 Way family ... 95, 98, 99 Weare 96, 100, loi Webb ... 185, 186, 200 Wesley John at Wincanton 70 Wesleyans 73> 74 White, Jack 55 W^hite Hart Inn 88, Church Street 90 Market Place 89 White Horse Inn ... 90 White Lyon Inn ... 91 Whitmarsh & Co. ... 207 William of Orange 67, 116 Wilson, G. H 61 Wilts & Dorset Bank 207 Wincale, (VVincawel) River 9 Wincanton — (Wincalton, Wincaunton) — Its Name — Origin and Meaning 8 Variations in spelling 10 Alphabetical List of Place-names near ... 12 Charter of Fairs and Markets, and its renewals 26 The Borough in Queen Elizabeth's time ... 32 The Parish Church ... 42 Incumbents 54 Nonconformists 67 Inns 77 Town Clocks 92 Clockmakers 97 Local Government ... 102 In the Civil War ... 115 And the Pr. of Orange 116 287 Index. WiNCANTON — In time of Edward III. 123 The Borough in 1678 125 Highway Rate in 1703 129 Poor Rate in 1736 .. 133 „ „ 1745... 141 Window Tax in 1774 157 Overseers 1 736-1902 161 Witchcraft in 1664 ••• ^49 People as Colonizers 165 Churchwardens — 1637-1902 170 Longevity in 177 Buildings of Interest 182 Banks 207 Notable Men 208 Tokens 228 Associations for protection against felony ... 229 Town Properties ... 232 Parish Registers ... 240 Temperance in ... 242 WiNCANTON — Chronology of Events 252 Societies & Institutions 269 Public Bodies & Officers 274 Local Folk Lore ... 278 Wincanton & Somerset Bank 207 Window Tax (1774) ... 157 Witchcraft in 1664 ... 149 Wood, John R 225 Workhouse in 1742 ... 106 In 1837 108, 109 At present day ... m Wyndham 196, 200 Yarlington House ... 198 Yeomanry Cavalry ... 270 Zouch 194, 202 Note. — The Names giTen in the Index entries — Lists of Inhabitants, Longevity, Names of Places, Overseers, Churchwardens, — are not indexed. 288 List of Subscribers. ^ |:iipT op ^UB^CI^IBERg. -^^ ■ ? ' I Q- 4 ■ i • A'Barrow, Mr. Rufus, Putney, London Angerstein, Mr. John R. J., Holbrook House Austen, Miss, Hazeldene, Berrow, Burnham Austen, Rev. E. G., Berrow Vicarage, Burnham Bacon, Mr. W. J., Poole, Dorset Badger, Rev. Edward, The Priory, Wincanton Bailward, Mr. T. H. M., J. P., Horsington Manor Baker, Mr. T. H., Salisbury Bates, Rev. E. H., Puckington Rectory Benjafield, Mr. G. P., Wincanton Benj afield, Mr. Harold, Wincanton Benjafield, Mr. S. H., North Cheriton Blake, Mr. Harvey, Wincanton Blyth, Mr. C, Richmond, Surrey (2 copies) Boodle, Mr. R. W., Birmingham Bottle, Miss, Mill Street, Wincanton Bottle, Mrs., Mill Street, Wincanton. Bracher, Mr. Edwin, Mere, Wilts Bracher, Mrs. E., High Street, W'incanton Bracher, Mr. W^ H., Tout Hill, Wincanton Bradney, Mr. John, J. P., Eastleigh, Southampton Bramble, Colonel, F.S.A., Weston-super-Mare Brice, Mrs. R., Burnham, Somerset Buck, Mr. P., Wincanton Budgen, Mr. James, Wincanton Bush, Mr. Thomas, Camden Crescent, Bath Cardell, Dr. E., Tonbridge, Kent Carter, Miss, Devonshire House, Wincanton Cash, Mr. J. O., Wincanton Chafyn-Grove, Mr. G. T., J. P., West Coker Chichester, Mr. Henry, Hill House, Wincanton Clark, Mr. W. S., J. P., Street, Somerset Clarke, Mr. Cecil, Discove House, Bruton Collard, Mr. Henry, Lawrence House, Wincanton Collis, Miss, Grove Lodge, North Cheriton Conolly, Miss, Grafton Street, Dublin 289 List of Subscribers. Cooper, Mr. G. H., Wincanton Cooper, Mr. W. E., Tout Hill House, Wincanton Crespi, Dr., Wimborne, Dorset Crews, Miss, Wincanton Daniel, Rev. Preb. W. E., Horsington Rectory Davies, Mr. J. Trevor, Yeovil Deanesly, Mr. Richard, Wincanton Dix, Mr. Mark, Wincanton Donne, Mr. J. S., J. P., Castle Cary Dove, Mr. W. T., Clapham Common, London Ducat, Major General, Newbury, Berks Dunn, Mr. Hammond, Bournemouth Dyke, Mr. E. E., New Barn, Wincanton Dyke, Mr. W. J., Wincanton Dyne, Miss, Rogate, Petersfield Dyne, Rev. W. T., Rectory, Evercreech Eden, Mr. J. W., Hillside, Wincanton Edwards, Dr. C. W., Wincanton Edwards, Mr. E., Wincanton Elworthy, Mr. F. T., F.S.A., Foxdown, Wellington English, Mr. T. R., South Africa Ewen, Major Clarence, New York (2 copies) Farrer, Mr. Oliver, Binnegar Hall, Wareham Farrer, Rev. Walter, Old Manor House, Wincanton (2 copies) Farwell, Hon, Sir George, London Feltham, Mr. C, Rodgrove, Wincanton Feltham, Mr. John, Bayford, Wincanton Ford, Mr. F. O., Sturminster Newton Forshaw, Mr., Horwood Well House, W^incanton Fowler, Mr. F. T., Bank House, Wincanton Freame, Mr. B. E., Gillingham, Dorset Fulford, Mr. T. H., F.H.S., Clifton, Bristol Galpin, Mr. Wm., Horwood, Wincanton George, Mr. James, Gillingham, Dorset George, Mr. T. G., Wandsworth Common, London Gibbs, Mr. John, Wincanton Glastonbury Antiquarian Society, Glastonbury Goodfellow, Mr. Tewkesbury, Gloucester Goodfellow, Mr. W. T., Wincanton Green, Mr. E., F.S.A., Devonshire Club, London 290 List of Subscribers. Green, Mr. Thomas, Wincanton Green, Mr. H. P., Coylton Terrace, Wincanton Gurney, Mrs., St. Audrey's, Wincanton Hannam, Mr. Wm., Wincanton Hawkins, Mrs., Pine House, Wincanton Hayward, Rev. D. L., The Vicarage, Bruton HilHer, Mr. G. T., Wincanton. Hinks, Mr. J. C, Wincanton Hiscock, Mrs. S., Mill Street, Wincanton Hobbs, Mr. Edward, Ireson Villas, Wincanton Hobhouse, Rt. Hon. Lord Arthur, Bruton St., London Hobhouse, Bishop Edmund, Wells Hobhouse, Rt. Hon. Henry, M.P., Hadspen House, Horsey, Mrs., V.'eymouth [Castle Gary Houston, Rev. James, Wincanton Hoyle, Mr. R. H., Wincanton Hudson, Mr. Thomas, Gillingham, Dorset Hunt, Mr. A., Salisbury Road, Harrow Hunt, Mr. M. H., Manchester Hutchings, Mr. R. R., Wincanton Illingworth, Mr. S. E., Isle of Wight Jillard, Mr. Peard, J. P., Bournemouth Keating, Rev. J. Lloyd, Maperton Rectory Keefe, Mr. Wm. E., Norwich Knapman, Mr. E. H., Wincanton Knight, Mr. W. A., Sexey's Trade School, Bruton Lancaster, Mr. H. J. H., Barton Regis Langhorne, Mr. W. B., J. P., Starcross, Devon Leir, Rev. L. R. M., Charlton Rectory, Wincanton Lloyd, Rev. John A., Mere, Wilts Long, Mr. Harry, Birmingham McKay, Mrs., Westhury-on-Trym, Bristol Macmillan, Mr. A., Yeovil Macmillan, Mr. William, Castle Gary Maggs, Mr. E. E. H., Birstall, Leeds Mansel, Colonel, Bayford Lcjdge, Wincanton Mayo, Rev. Canon, Long Burton, Sherborne Mead, Mr. Isaac, Wincanton Meehan, Mr. J. F., Gay Street, Bath 291 List of Subscribers. Miller, Mr. E., Wincanton (2 copies) Morland, Mr. J. C, Glastonbury Newcombe, Mrs., Market Harborough Newman, Mrs. F., Purse Caundle Newman, Mr. Wm., Junior, Wincanton Paget, Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Homer, Cranmore Hall Parsons, Mr. Robert, Kenilworth, South Africa Perrett, Mr. J. G., Colston, Westbury, Wilts Pither, Mr. John, Castle Cary Pitman, Mr. W. C, Wincanton Pocock, Mr. Charles, Wincanton Rogers, Rev. A. J., Yarlington Rectory Rogers, Chancellor T. E., D.L., Yarlington House, Rowden, Mr. Wm., Holton [Wincanton Rutter, Mr. C. E., Wincanton Shaw, Mrs., West Hill House, Wincanton Shaw, Rev. Preb. Wm. Stakes, Twerton, Bath Sly, Mr. E. B., Sutton, Surrey Sly, Mr. Wm., Deputy Surgeon General, Brockley Smith, Mr. W. E., Wincanton Smith, Prebendary G. E., Brent Knoll Somerset Archaeological Society, Taunton Spencer, Mr. J. A., W. & D. Bank House, Wincanton Stacey, Mr. J. H., Lavender Hill, London (2 copies) Still, Mr. J. W., Emwell School, Warminster Sloper, Mr. Edwin, F.G.S., Crouch End, London Stoate, Mr. Wm., Belmont, Burnham Stutfield, Mr. H. W. B., Parliament Street, London Surrage, Mrs., Regents Park, London Swanton, Mr. E. W., Haslemere, Surrey Sweetman, Miss A., Wincanton Sweetman, Mr. E. A., Tunbridge Wells Sweetman, Mr. H. W., Paris Terry, Rev. G. T. M. Messiter, Payhembury, Devon Thatcher, Mr. Thomas, College Green, Bristol Thompson, Mr. J. W., Hyde Park, London Tite, Mr. Charles, Rosemount, Taunton (4 copies) Tolley, Mr. C. W., Wincanton 292 List of Subscribers. Trenchard, Mr. Arthur, Honor Oak, London Trowbridcje, Mr. Robert, Long Sutton, Langport Tucker, Mrs. F., South Street, Wincanton Union Assurance Company, London and Bristol Vining, Mr. Jared, Dundas Street, London, Canada Vining, Mr. Mark L., Ypsilanti, Michigan, U.S.A. Vining, Mr. W. E., Colwyn, Delaware, U.S.A. Wadman, Mr. John, Ireson House, Wincanton Weare, Mr. Bernard, Wincanton Wea\er, Mr. Charles, Clifton, Bristol Weaver, Rev, F. W., Milton Clevedon, Evercreech Witte, Mr. Henry, Willesden Green, London W^illiams, Mr. John, Wincanton Wilson, Rev. G. H., Wincanton (2 copies) Woodward, Colonel, Shatterwell House, Wincanton Woolfrey, Mr. Alfred, Chelsea, London "*•*■ 293 s"vvrEET:M:.A.Dsr's ^OOKS OF LOCAL HISTORY. "Memorials of Wincanton People." Price One Shilling ; post free, 1/2. "We have had evidence in several previous publications of the zealous work done by Mr. Sweetman in recording and preserving the antiquities of Wincanton, and in the volume before us, he has given us another proof of his useful industry." — Bristol Mercury. *' Fires in Wincanton." Price One Shilling ; post fyee, 1 j?. " A good deal of labour must have been devoted by Mr. Sweetman to the compilation of this little book, which contains an account of the chief fires that have taken place in Wincanton during the past two centuries, beginning with the great fire of 1707, the total loss by which amounted to ;f3,ooo, a heavy loss in those days for a small country town to suffer." &c., &c. — O'alisburt/ Jnunial. " 'Fires at Wincanton' is an interesting account of the appliances for the extinction of fire which have been in use for 185 years, with a record of the mischief wrought by the fires of 1707 and 1878. These contributions to local history are most commendable." — Bristol Mirniry. *'The French in Wincanton." Price One Shilling ; post free, 1 {2. "An interesting monograph on "The French in Wincanton " which has just been published by Mr. George Sweetman of that town. Mr. Sweetman, and others like him, who compile their modest records, do valuable work with much more than a local significance, for the histories of our little Wincantons go to make the warp and woof of the history of England." — Leading article. Daily Chronicle. " Mr. Sweetman deserves the gratitude of Somerset people, and indeed of all who value the preservation of those local records which are often of so much value to historians by the good work he has done in this and other historical pamphleta dealing with Wincanton and the neighborhood." — Salisbury and Winche&ter Journal. 294 "Stavordale Priory" and "Pen Pits.*' In one hook, price One Shilling ; post free, 1/2. " There has been a good deal of wild discussion about the Pen Pits. The only satisfactory theory, and the one accepted by all the best authorities, is that these pits are the remains of quarries made for the purpose of obtaining stones for querns. Mr. Sweetman has called in photography to his aid, and given us two excellent illustrations of the Priory as it was in 1839, one of the outside of the church ; the other of the fan-tracery of the chapel. He has contributed a useful little guide-book to one of the many interesting relics of the middle ages in Somerset." — Bristol Times and Mirror, "In Stavordale Priory, Wincanton, and Pen Pits, Penselwood, we have a record of two places possessing much archaeological interest. Stavordale Priory was at one time the dwelling of an important community. Pen Pits, about four miles from the little market town of Wincanton, is a series of holes in the earth, whose meaning has been long a subject of dispute amongst the learned, some, such as Mr. Kerslake, maintaining that they are the ruins of a British primeval metropolis, while General Pitt-Rivers insisted that they were merely quarries for mill-stones or querns. Mr. G. Sweetman gives the arguments on both sides, and much curious and interesting information concerning both the subjects of his pamphlet." — The Guardian, Jan. 30th, 1901. "Mr. Sweetman shows his customary zeal and industry in collecting facts bearing on his subject, and has produced a valuable and instructive record. The short chapter on Pen Pits is chiefly interesting as containing Mr. Sweetman s declaration that careful consideration has led him to reject Mr. Kerslake's ' British Metropolis ' theory, and accept the conclusions arrived at by General Pitt-Rivers as the result of his excavations 17 years ago. General Pitt-Rivers pronounced that those were right who regarded the ancient pits as the remains of quarries made for the purpose of obtaining querns, and other purposes. We agree with Mr. Sweetman that it is impossible to resist the evidence for the General's conclusions." — balisbury Journal^ Aug. 11, igoo. " Dear Sir, I am sending you 1/2 for your very interesting pamphlet. I am glad you fall in with General Pitt-Rivers' views about the Pen Pits. I was with him during the period of his excavations, and felt then, as I do now, that no other opinion than his can be arrived at. Rejected querns were all over the place. Yours truly, J. C. Mansell-Plevdell." "Dear Mr. .Sweetman, Hadspen House, Sept. 8th, igoo. 1 have read your book on Stavordale with great interest. Yours truly, H. HoBHOUSE." 295 *' History of the Congregational Church, Wincanton." Price One Shilling ; post free, 1/2. [This is more than the history of a local denomination. It is to some extent a history of religion in Wincanton for over 200 years.] "History of thk Congregational Church, Wincanton, Somerset. George Sweetman, ii, Market Place, Wincanton. — This addition to the series of books written and pubHshed by Mr. Sweetman has been called forth by the centenary of the Congregational Church at Wincanton. In the spring of 1799, a piece of ground was purchased as a site for a chapel, and the building was opened for worship on September iSth, 1800. As in his previous works dealing with the history and archaeology of Wincanton and the neighbouring district, Mr. Sweetman has evidently been at considerable pains to compile the records contained in this unpretending, but useful and instructive volume. The book, which is illustrated with a frontispiece plate, ' Congregational Church, Wincanton, Centenary, 1900,' is published at One Shilling." — Salisbury and Winchester Journal. "Guide to Stourhead," 1 1- ; post free, 112. BOOKS? SOMERSET HISTORY ON SALE AT GEOt^GE SOJEEXmAH'S, 11, MARKET PLACE, WIMCA.XTOM. "- POST FREE AT PRICES AFFIXED. Jennings' Zummerzet Rhymes Agrikler, Rhymes by, 2 vols, at Slow's West Country Tales, in Wiltshire dialect Barnes, Rev. Wm., Poems in Dorset Dialect „ „ Poems of Rural Life, pub. 6/- „ ' „ Life of, by his daughter, 7/6 Weaver's Somerset Incumbents, each Church, Mrs., Old Wells Fair Bernard's Thesaurus Biblicus, 1644 Fisher's Forest of Essex, new, pub. 35/- Mtirray's Magazine, 10 vols., complete set, original binding i Simpson's Old St. Paul's. A valuable history ... Any Somerset book extant procured at the lowest possible price 296 £ s. d. I I I 6 6 3 6 4 6 I 6 10 6 8 6 g I 5 5 6 PUBLISHING OFFICE — OF- THE HISTORY OF WINCANTON, SOMERSET. THE FRENCH IN WINCANTON. WINCANTON MEMORIALS. FIRES IN WINCANTON. HISTORY OF STAVORDALE PRIORY, AND THE PITS AT PENSELWOOD. HISTORY OF CONORKflATIONAL CHURCH, WINCANTON. HISTORY OF .STOURHEAD. GLOSSARY OF WORDS USED IN WINCANTON. LIFE OK SIR JAMES DIER. WINCANTON SIXTY YEARS AGO. A WEST COUNTRY POTTER :—N. IRESON. JACK WHITE'S GIBBET, REPRINT OF 1841 EDITION. &c., &c., &c. 11, Market Place, Wincanton. UNIVERSITY OF " ^NIA LIBRARY ■y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NO PHONE JUL19t988 RENEWALS THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNU LOS ANGELES iJHin?^^^^'^^ REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 395 648 3 1158 01205 9720 r \ ^