o — — - — 1 ° -£ _ — , .. 1 GIO 7 - > ■ 1 6 LIB ii 2 ARY III 3 _ 3> I s THE SPEECH OF W ILL I AM WILBERFORCE, LFQ *t&C THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE SPEECH O F VILLIAM WILBERFORCE, Efq. REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE C If N T Y OF T O R K, O N WEDNESDAY THE i 3 th OF MAY, 1789, ' CN THE QUESTION OF THE ABOLITION OF THE SX-AVE TRADE. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, THE RESOLUTIONS THEN MOYED, AND A SHORT SKETCH OF THE \ SPEECHES OF THE OTHER MEMBERS, LONDON: printed at the EogogtnuTjic IPrcfstf, AND SOLD BY j. Walter, No 169, Piccadilly ; C. Stalked, Stationers-Court, Ludgate-Stbeet ; and W. Richardson, under the Royal- E::cnANCE. '4.1 c, THE E E C ^ O F WILLIAM WILBERFQUCE, Efq Sir William Dolben * T ^THEN I confider the magnitude of the fubject which I am to bring before the Houfe — a fubjecl, in which the inte- refrs, not of this country, nor of Europe alone, but of the whole world, and of pof- terity, are involved; and when I think, at the lame time, on the wcaknefs of the ad- vocate who has undertaken this great caufe — when thefe reflections prefs upon my mind, it is impoffible for me not to feel both terrified and concerned at my own inadequacy to fuch atafk. But when I reflect, however, on the encouragement which I have had, * Chairman of the Committee. A 2 through 1227101 ( 4 ) through the whole courfe of a long and k? borious examination of this qucftion, how muchj -candour I have experienced, and how conviction has increafed within my own mind, in proportion as I have advanced in my labours ; — when I reflect, efpecially, that, however adverfe any Gentlemen may now be, yet we fhall all, moft affuredly, be of one opinion in the end. When I turn myfelf to thefe thoughts, I take courage — I determine to forget all my ether fears, and I march forward with a firmer ftep, in the full aflu ranee that my caufe will bear me out, and that I {hall be able to juitify, upon the cleareft principles, every refolutiqn in my hand— the avowed end of which, Sir, is, — the total Abolition of the Slave Trade. I wifh exceedingly, in the outfet, to guard both myieif and the Houie from en- tering into the fubjeel with any fort of paf- fion. It is not their pafiions I mall appeal to — I afk. only for their ccol and impartial reafon ; and I wifh not to take them by fur- prize, but to deliberate,' point by point, upon every part of this qucflion. I mean not ( 5 ) not to accufe any one, but to take the fhame upon myfeif, in common, indeed, with the whole Parliament of Great Britain, for hav- ing fuffered this horrid trade to be carried on, under their authority. We are all guilty — we ought all to plead guilty, and hot to exculpate ourfelves, by throwing the blame on others ; and I therefore deprecate every kind of reflection, againft the various descriptions of people who are more imme- diately involved in this wretched bufmefs. In opening the nature of the Slave Trade, t need only obferve, that it is found, by ex- perience, to be j uft fuch as every man, who ufes his reafon, would infallibly conclude it to be. For my own part, fo clearly am I convinced of the mifchiefs infeparable from it, that I mould hardly want any fur- ther evidence than my own mind w r ould fur- nifh, by the moft fimple deductions. Facts, however, are now laid before the Houfe. A report has been made by his Majefty's Privy Council, which, I truft, every Gentleman has read, and which afcertains the Slave Trade to be juft fuch in practice as we know, A 3 from ( 6 ) from theory, that it muft be. What mould we fuppofe muft naturally be the confe- quence of our carrying on a Slave Trade with Africa ? With a country, vaft in its extent, not utterly barbarous, but civilized in a very fmall degree ? Does any one fup- pofe a Slave Trade would help their civili- zation ? That Africa would profit by fuch an intercourfe ? Is it not plain, that me muft fiffcr from it ? That civilization muft be checked ; that her barbarous manners muft be made more barbarous ; and that the hap- pinefs of her millions of inhabitants muft be prejudiced by her intercourfe with Bri- tain r Does not every one fee, that a Slave Trade, carried on around her coafts, muft carry violence and defolation to her very centre ? That, in a Continent, juft emer- ging from barbarifm, if a Trade in Men is eftabliihed— if her men are all converted into goods, and become commodities that can be bartered, it follows, they muft be fubje£t to ravage juft as goods are; and this too, at a period of civilization, when there is no protecting Legiilature to defend this their only fort of property, in the fame i manner ( 7 ) manner as the rights of property are main- tained by the legiflature of every civilized country. We fee then, in the nature of things, how eafily all the practices of Africa are to be accounted for. Her kings are never com- pelled to war, that we can hear of, by pub- lic principles, — by national glory frill lefs by the love of their people. In Europe it is the exteniion of commerce, the main- tenance of national honor, or fome great public object, that is ever the motive to war with every monarch ; but, in Africa, it is the perfonal avarice and fenfuality of their kings : thefe two vices of avarice and fenfuality, (the molt powerful and predo- minant in natures thus corrupt) we tempt, we ftimulate in all thefe African Princes, and we depend upon the,fe vices for the very maintenance of the Slave Trade. Does the king of Barbeilin want brandy * ? He has only to fend his troops, in the night-time, to burn and defolate a village ; the captives will ferve as commodities, that may be bar- tered with the Britifh trader. What a * Vide Dr. Spaarman's evidence before the Privy Council. A 4 finking ( & ^ ftriking view of the wretched ftate of Af- rica does the tragedy of Calabar furnim ! Two towns, formerly hoftile, had fettled their differences, and by an inter- marriage among their chiefs, had each pledged them- felves to peace ; but the Trade in Slaves was prejudiced by fuch pacifications, and it be- came, therefore, the policy of our traders to renew the hofrilities. This, their policy, was foon put in practice, and the fcene of carnage which followed was fuch, that it is better, perhaps, to refer Gentlemen to the Privy Council's Report, than to agitate their -minds by dwelling on it. The Slave Trade, in its very nature, is the fource of fuch kind of tragedies, nor has there been a fingle perfon, almofr, be- fore the Privy Council, who does not add fome thing, by his tefHmony, to the mafs of evidence upon this point. Some, indeed, of thefe Gentlemen, and particularly the Delegates from Liverpool, have endeavour- ed to reafon down this plain principle ; fome have palliated it, but there is not one, I be- lieve, who does not^ more or lefs, admit it. Some t 9 ) Sonif, nay moft, I believe, have admitted the Slave Trade to be the chief caufe of wars in' Africa. Mr. Penny * has called it the concurrent caufe — fome confefs it to be fotnetimes the caufe ; but argue, that it can- not often be fo. Here 1 mufl make one obfervation, which, I hope, may be done, without offence to any one, and which I do, once for all, though it applies equally to many other evidences upon this fubjecl. I mean to lay it down, as my principle, that evidences, and efpecially tnterejfed. evidences^ are not to be the judges of the argument. In matters of facf, of which they fpeakj I admit their competency ; I mean not to fuipeel their credibility, with -refpect to any thing they fee or hear, or themfelves perfonally know ; but, in reafoning about caufes and e(fecis i I hold them them to be to- tally incompetent. So far, therefore, from fubmitting to their conciufions, in this re- fpecl:, I utter] v difcard them. 1 take their preraifes readily and fairly ; but, uponthefe premifes, I muft judge fjr myfelf: .and the Liverpool Delegate. Houfe, ( ta ) Houfe, I truft nay, I perfectly well know, will, in like manner judge for itfelf, Confident afTertions, therefore, not of facts, but of the fuppcfed confequences of facts, how- ever prefled by the Liverpool Delegates, or any other interested perfons, go for nothing in my estimation ; and it is neceflary that Par- liament mould proceed upon this principle; as well in this as every other public ques- tion, in which interefted evidences muft be examined. Thus the African Committee have reported, that very few enormities, in their opinion, can have been practifed in Afri- ca ; becaufe, in forty years, only two com- plaints have been made to them. I admit the fact to them undoubtedly ; but, I truft, Gentlemen will judge for themfelves, whe- ther Parliament is to reft fatisfied that there are no abufes in Africa, in fpite of all the pofitive proofs of fo many witneffes on the fpot to the contrary. Whether, for in- ftance, Mr. Wadftrom's evidence, Dn Spaarman's, Captain Hill's, are to go for nothing, many of whom, either faw the battles, were told by the kings themfelves, that it was for the fake of flaves they went to ( tl ) to battle, or converfed with a variety of prifoners taken by thefe very means. In truth, an enquiry from the African Com- mittee whether any foul play prevails in Africa, is fomewhat like an application to the CufTom-houfe officers, to know whe- ther any fmuggling is going on ; the officer may t--ll you, that very few feizures are made, and very few frauds come to his knowledge ; but does it follow, that Par- liament mufr. agree to all the reafonings of the officer; and, though fmugoling be ever fo notorious throughout the land, muft agree there is no fmuggling, becaufe the of- ficer reports that he makes very Few fei- Zures, and feldom hears of it ? I w T ill not believe, therefore, the mere opinions of Afri- can traders, concerning the nature and con- sequences of the flave trade. It is a trade in its principle mofr. inevitably calculated to fpread difunion among the African princes, to fow the feeds of every mifchief, to in- fpire enmity, to deftroy humanity ; and it is found in praclice, by the moil abundant teftimony, to have had the effect in Africa of carrying mifery, devaluation, and ruin wherever ( 12 ) wherever its baneful influence has ex- tended. Having now difpofed of the fir ft part of ' this fubject, I muft fpeak of the tranfii of tkejlaves in the Weft Indies, This, I confefs, in my own opinion, is the moil wretched part of the whole fubject. So much mifery condenfed in fo little room, is more than the human imagination had ever before conceived. I will not accufe the Li- verpool merchants : I will allow them — nay, I will believe them to be men of humanity ; and i will therefore believe, if it were not for the multitude of thefe wretched objects, if it were not for the enormous magnitude and extent of the evil which diffracts their attention from individual cafes, and makes them think generally, and therefore lefs feelingly on the fubjecl:, they never would have perfifted in the trade. I verily believe, therefore, if the wretchednefs of any one of the many hundred negroes flowed in each fhip could be brought before their view, and remain within the fight of the African mer- chant, ( I? ) chant, that thereisnoone among them, whole heart would bear it ? — Let any one imagine to himfelf, 6 or 700 of thefe wretches chain- ed two and two, furrounded with every ob- ject that is nauieous and difgufling, dif- eafed, and ftruggling under every kind of wretchedneis ! — How can we bear to think of inch a fcene as this ? One would think it had been determined to heap upon them all the varieties of bodily pain, for the pur- pofe of blunting the feelings of their mind ; and yet, in this very point (to fhew the power of human prejudice), the fituation of the (laves has been defcribed by Mr. Norris, one of the Liverpool delegates, in a manner which, 1 am fure, will convince the Houfe how intered: can draw a film over the eyes, io thick, that total blindnefs could do no more, and how it is our duty, therefore, to truft not to the reafonings of intereitedmei:, or to their way of colouring a tranfaclion. " Their apartments" fays Mr. Norris, 46 are fitted up as much for their advantage as circumflances will admit." The right ancle of one indeed is connected with the left ancle of another by a final I iron fetter, and, if they ( H ) they are turbulent, by another on their wrifts. " They have feveral meals a- clay ; fome," as he tells you, «« of their own coun- try provifionSy with the beft fauces (f African cookery ; and, by way of variety, another meal of Diilfe, &c. according to European tafte. After breakfaft they have water to wafh themfelves, while their apartments are perfumed with frarikincenfe and lime- juice. Before dinner, they are amufed after the manner of their country. The fong and the dance are promoted'" and, as if the whole was really a fcene of pleafure and dif- fipation, it is added, that games of chance are furnifhed. " The men play and fing, while the women and girls make fanciful ornaments with beads, which they are plen- tifully fupplied with.'* Such is the fort of ft rain in which the Liverpool Delegates, and particularly Mr. Norris, gave evidence before the Privv Council. What will the Houfe think, when, by the concurring teftimony of other witneffes, the true hiftory is laid open. The flaves, who are fometimes defcribed as rejoicing at their captivity, are io wrung with miiery at I '5 ) at leaving their country, that it is the con- stant practice to fet fail in the flight, left they mould be fenfible of their departure. The pulfe which Mr. Norris talks of are horfe beans ; and the fcantinefs, both of water and provifion, was fuggefted by the very legislature of Jamaica, in the report of their Committee, to be a fubjecl that called for the interference of Parliament. Mr. Nor- ris talks of frankincenfe and lime-juice ; when all the furgeons tell you, the (laves are flowed fo clofe, that there is not room to tread among them : and when you have it in evidence from Sir George Yonge, that even in a fhip which wanted 200 of her com- plement, the fetich was intolerable. The fong and the dance, fays Mr. Norris, are promoted. It had been more fair, perhaps, if he had explained that word promoted. The truth is, that, for the fake of exercife, thele mi- ierable wretches, loaded with chains, op- preffed with difeafe and wretchednefs, are forced to dance by the terror of the lam, and fometimes by the actual ufe of it. " I," fays one of the other evidences, " was em- ployed to dance the men, while another perfon ( '6 ) perfon danced the women." Such then is, the meaning of the .won} promoted ; and it may be obftrvcd too, with refpecl to food, that an inftrumcnt is. fonietimes earriedout, in order to force them to eat, which is the fame fort of proof how much they enjoy themfelves in that infW.ee alfo. As to their finging ; what fhall we fay, when we are told, that their fongs, are longs, of lamenta- tion upon their departure, which, while they fing, they are always in tears, info- much that one Captain (more humane, as I fhould conceive him, therefore, than the reft) threatened one of the women with a flogging* becaufe the mournfulnefs of her foiig was too pajnful for his feelings. In order, however, not to trull too much to any fort of defcription, I will call the at- tention of the Houie to one fpecics of evi- dence, which is abfolutely infallible. Death at lead, is a Hire ground of evidence,- and the proportion of deaths will not only con- firm, but, if pofHble, will even aggravate qur-fufpicion of their mifery in the tranfit. ltwill.be found, upon. an average of all the (hips of which evidence has been given at ( '7 ) the Privy Council, that exclufive of thofe who perifh before they fail, not lefs than 12! per cent, perifh in the paiTage. Befides thefe, the Jamaica report tells you, that not lefs than 4I per cent, die 611 more before the day of fale, which is only a week or two from the time of landing. One third more die in the feafoning, and this in a country exactly like their own, where they are healthy and happy, as fome of the evidences would pretend. The difeafes, however* which they contract on fhipboard, the aftrin- gent wafhes which are to hide their wounds, and the mifchievous tricks ufed to make make them up for fale, are, as the Jamaica report fays, (a moft precious and valuable re- , port, which I (hall often have to advert to) one principal caufe of this mortality. Upon the whole, however, here is a mortality of about 50 per cent, and this among negroes who are not bought unlefs quite healthy at firft, and unlefs (as the phrafe is with cat- tle), they are found in wind and limb. How then can the Houfe refufe its belief to the multiplied teftimpnies, before the B Privy ( i« ) privy Council, of the favage treatment of the Negroes in the middle paffage ? — • Nay, indeed, what need is there of any evidence ? The number of deaths fpeaks for itfelf, and makes, all fuch enquiry fuperfluous. As fbon as ever I had arrived- thus far in my investigation of the Slave Trade, I con- fefs to you, Sir, fo enormous, fo dreadful, fo irremediable did its wickednefs appear, that my own mind was completely made up for the abolition. A Trade founded in ini- quity, and carried on as this was, rauft be abolifhed, let the Policy be what it might,— let the confequences be what they would, I from, this time determined that I would never reft till I had effected its abolition. — - Such enormities as thefe having once come ■within my knowledge, I mould not have been faithful to the fight of my eyes, to the ufe of my fenfes and my reafon, if I had fhrunk from attempting the abolition : It is true, indeed, my mind was harraffed beyond meafure ; for when Weft India Planters and Merchants retorted it upon me, that it w.as the*Britiih Parliament had authorized this Trade ; ( 19 ) Trade ; when they faid to me, " It is your Acts of Parliament* — It is your encourage- ment,— it is faith in your laws , in your pro- tection, that has tempted us into this Trade, and has now made it necefTary to us :" It became difficult, indeed, what to anfwer ; if the ruin of the Weft Indies threatened us on the one hand, while this load of wickednefs prened upon us on the other, the alternative, indeed, was awful. It naturally fuggefted itfelf to me, how ftrange it was that providence, however myfterious in its ways, mould fo have con- ftituted the world, as to make one part of it depend for its exiftence on the depopulation and devaluation of another. I could not, therefore, help diftrufting the arguments of- thofe, who infilled that the plundering of Africa, was necefTary for the cultivation of the Weft Indies. I could not believe that the fame Being who forbid rapine and bloob'med, had made rapine and bloodfhed necefTary to the well-being of any B 2, part ( *° ) fart of his univerfe, I felt a confidence in this principle, and took the refolution to act upon it : foon indeed the light broke in upon me ; the fufpicion of my mind was every day confirmed by encreafing in- for mation, the truth became clear, the evidence I have to offer upon this point, is now decifive and compleat ; and I wifh to obferve, with fubmiffion, but with perfect conviction of heart, what an inftance is this how fafely we may trufl the rules of juftice, the dictates of confcience, and the laws of God, in oppofition even to the feeming im- policy of thefe eternal principles. I hope now to prove, by authentic evi- dence, that in truth the Well: Indies have nothing to fear from the total and immedi- ate abolition of the Slave Trade : I will enter minutely into this point, and, I do intreatthe moft exact attention of gentlemen molt inte- refted in this part of the queftion ; the refo- lutions I have to offer are many and par- ticular, for the purpofe of bringing each point under a feparate difcuffion ; and thus I hope ( 3! ) I hope it will be fliewn, that Parliament is v not difpofed to overlook the interefls of the Weft Indies. The principle, however, upon which I found the neceffity of abolition is not Policy but Juftice,-*-but though juftice be the principle of the meafure, yet, I truft, I (hall diftincHy prove it to be reconeileable with our trued political intereft, In entering, therefore, into the next branch of my fubjecl, namely, the ftate of Jlaves in- the Weft Indies, I would obferve, that here, as in many other cafes, it happens that the owner or principal, generally fends out the beft orders imaginable, which the manager upon the fpot may purfue or not, as he pleafes. I do not accufe even the manager of any native cruelty, he is a perfon made like ourfelves (for nature is much the fame in all perfons) but it is habit that generates cruelty -.—This man looking down upon his Slaves as a fet of Beings of another nature from himfelf, can have no fympathy for them, and it is fympathy, and nothing elfe 3 3 than ( 22 ) , than fyrnpathy, which according to the beft writers and judges of the -fubject, is the true fpring of humanity. Let us afk then what are the caufes of the mortality in the Weil Indies : — - ... In the fir ft place, the dij proportion of /exes; an evil, which, when the Slave Trade is abolifhed, muft in the courie of nature cure itfelf. In the fecond place, the diforders con-; trabted in the middle parage : and here let me touch upon an argument for ever ufed by the advocates for the blave Trade, the fallacy of which is no where more notorious than in this place. - It is faid to be the intewjl of the trader^ to ufe their flaves well : the aftringen$ wafhes, efcarotics, and mercurial ointments by which they are made up for fale, is one anfwer to this argument. In this inftance it is not their interefl: to ufethem well ; and although in fome refpt&s felf-intereft and humanity will go together, yet unhappily through (*3 ) : through the. whole progrefs of the Slave Trade, the very converfe of this principle is continually occuring. A third caufe of deaths in the Weft Indies is excejjive , labour joined rwiih impro- per food, I mean not to blame the Weft Indians, for this evil fprings from the very nature of things ; — in this country the work is fairly paid for, and diftributed among our labourers, according to the reafonablenefsL of things ; and if a trader or manufacturer finds his profits dec.reafe, he retrenches his own expences, he lefTeus the number of his hands, and every branch of trade finds its proper level. In the Weft Indies the. whole number of Slaves remains with the- fame mafter,— is ,the mafter pinched in his pro- fits .? The flave allowance is pinched in con- sequence; for as charity begins at home, the; ufual gratification of the mafter will never be given up, fp long as there is a poffibility of making the retrenchment -from the al* lowance of the (laves* There is, therefore, a con Iran t tendency to the very minimum with refpecl: to flaves allowance ; and if in any one hard year the Haves get through upon a reduced allowance, from the B 4 very ( »4 ) very nature of manitmuft happen, that thif becomes a precedent upon other occafions $ nor is the gradual deftru&ion of the {lave a, confederation fufficient to counteract the im- mediate advantage and profit that is got by their hard ufage. Here then we perceive- again, how the argument of inter-eft fails, alfo with refpe£t to the treatment of {laves- in the Weft Indies. Intereft is undoubtedly the great fpring of adYion in the affairs of mankind ; but it is immediate and prefent^ not future and dijtant intereft, however real, that is apt to actuate us. We may fcruft that men will follow their intereft when prefent impulfe and intereft correfpond^ but not otherwife. That this is a true obfer- vation may be proved by every thing in life.— Why do we make laws to punifh men ? It is their intereft to be upright and virtuous, without thefe laws : but there h a prefent impulfe continually breaking in upon their better judgment; an impulfe contrary to their permanent and known intereft, which it is not even in the power of all our laws fufficiently to refrain. It is ridiculous to fay, therefore, that men will be bound by their mtereft, when prefent gain C 2S ) gain or when the farce of paflion is urging them : It is no lefs ridiculous than if we were to fay that a ftone cannot be thrown into the air, nor any body move along the earth, becaufe the great principle of gravi- tation muft keep them for ever faft. The principle of gravitation is true ; and yet in: fpite of it there are a thoufand motions. whtch bodies may be driven into continu- ally, and upon which we ought as much to. reckon as on gravitation itfelf. This prin- ciple, therefore, of felf-intereft, which is brought in to anfwer every charge of cru- elty throughout the Slave Trade, is not to be thus generally admitted. That the al^ lowance is too fhort in the Weft Indies appears very plain alfo from the evidence ; the allowance in the prifons I conceive.. muft be an under allowance, and yet I find it to be fomewhat'lefs than this : Dr. Adair (who is not very favourable to my propo-* fitions, and who by way of evidence wrote a fort of pamphlet againft me to the Privy Council) has faid that even he thinks their food at crop- time too little ; and I obferve from Governor Qrd's ftajement that he ac T counts counts for their being more healthy at a lefs favourable feafon of the year, from: their being better fed at the unfavourable feafon. Another caufe of the mortality of flaves is, the dreadful diffolutenefs of their man- ners. Here it might be faid, that felf-inte- reft muft induce the planters to wifh for fome order and decency around their fami- lies ; but in this cafe alfo, it is flavery it- felf that is the mifchief. Slaves, confides ed as cattle, left without inftrudtion, with- out any inftitution of marriage, fo depreffed as to have no means almoft of civilization, will undoubtedly be difTolute ; and, until attempts are made to raife them a little above their prefent fituation, this fource of mor- tality will remain. Some evidences indeed have endeavoured to difprove that there is any particular wretchednefs among the flaves in the. Weft Indies. Admiral Barrington tells you, he has feen them look fo happy, that he has iometimes wifhed himfelf one of them. I conceive that, in a cafe like this, an Admi- ral's ( *7 ) ral's evidence is perhaps the very worfl that can be taken. It is as if a King were to judge of the private happinefs of his fol«> diers by feeing them on a review day. The light of the Admiral would no doubt exhi- lerate their faces ; he would fee them in their Deft clothes, and they, perhaps, might hope for a few of the crumbs which fell from the Admiral's table ; but does it fol- low that there is no hard treatment of flaves in the Weft Indies ? The Admiral's wifh to be one of thefe Haves hi mfelf, proves perhaps that he was in an odd humour at the moment, or perhaps it might mean (for all the world lpiows his humanity), that he could wifh to alleviate their fufferings, by taking a fliare upon himfelf ; but at leaft it proves nothing of their general treatment ; and, at any rate, it is but a negative proof which affec"ls not the other evidences to the contrary,, It is now to be remarked, that all thefe caufes of mortality among the flaves do un- doubtedly admit of a remedy, and it is the abolition ( *« ) abolition of the flave trade that will ferve as this remedy. When the manager mail know, that a frefh importation is not to be had from Africa, arid that he cannot re- trieve the deaths he occafions by any new purchafes, humanity mud: be introduced ; an improvement in the fyftem of treating them will thus infallibly be effected, an affiduous care of their health and of their morals, marriage institutions, and many other things, as yet little thought of, will take place ; becaufe they will be abfolutely necenary. Births will thus enereafe naturally ; in- flead of frefh acceffions of the fame negroes from Africa, each generation will then im- prove upon the former, and thus will the Weft Indies themfelves eventually profit by the abolition of the Slave Trade. But, Sir, I will fhew by experience al- ready had, how the multiplication of flaves depends upon their good treatment. All (ides agree, that flaves are much better treat- c4 ( *9 ) cd now than they were thirty years ago In the Weft Indies, and that there is every day a growing improvement. I will (hew, therefore, by authentic do- cuments, how their numbers have encreaied (or rather how the decreafe has leflened), in the fame proportion as the treatment has improved. • There were in Jamaica, in the year 1761, 147,000 Haves; in the year 1787, there were 256,000 ; in all this period of 26 years, 165,000 were imported, which would be upon an average 2150 per annum, there being, on an average of the whole 26 years, 1 i-i5th per cent, yearly diminution of the number of flaves on the ifland. ' In fa£l, however, I find that the diminu- tion in the firft period, when they were the worft ufed, was 2| per cent, in the next 7 years it was 1 per cent, and the average of the laft period is 3"5ths per cent. It fhould alfo be obferved, that there has lately been, on account of the war, a much more than ( 3* ) than ordinary diminution, which was the cafe alfo in the former war, befides that 15,000 have been deflroyed by the late fa- mine and hurricanes. Upon thefe premifes I ground a conclufion, that in Jamaica there is at this time an actual encreafe of popu- lation among the flaves begun. It may fairly be prefumed, that fince the year 1782 this has been the cafe, and that the births by this time exceed the deaths by about 1000 or 1100 per annum. It is true, the fexes are not altogether equal ; but this difference is fo fmall, that if the proper number of women were added, the births to be expected in confequence would be no more than 300 per annum, which fhews this to be a matter of little confequence. In the ifland of Barbadoes the cafe i yearly the fame as at Jamaica. In St. Chriftophers, there are 9600 fe- males, and 10,300 males ; fo that an in- creafe by birth, if the treatment is tolerable, may fairly be expected. In ( 3* ) In Dominica, Governor Ord writes, that there is a natural increafe, though it is yet inconfiderable, and though the fmuggling in that ifland makes it not appear fo favour- ably. In Nevis there are abfolutely five women to four men. « In Antigua, the epidemical diforders have lately cut off i-4th or i-5th of the negroes ; but this cannot be expected to return, efpe- cially when the grand caufe of epidemical diforders is removed. In Bermudas and the Bahamas there is ari actual increafe. In Montferrat there is much the fame de- creafe as there has been in Jamaica, whicli is to be accounted for by the emigrations from that ifland. Such, Sir, is the ftate of the negroes la our Weft India ifland s ; and it is not only founded upon authentic documents from 2 thence,-. ( 3* ) thence, but it is alfo confirmed by a variety of other proofs. Mr. Long, whofe works are looked up to in the iflands as a fort of Weft India Gofpel upon thefe fubjetts, lays it down as a principle, that when there are two negroes upon an iiland to three hogf- heads of fugar, the work for them will be fo moderate, as to enfure a natural increafe ; and there is now much more than this pro- portion. It can be proved too, that a va- riety of individuals, by good ufage, have more than kept up their ftock. But, allowing even the number of negroes to be deficient, frill there are many other refources to be had — the wafte of labour which now prevails — the introduction of the plough and other machinery— the diviiion of work, which in free and civilized coun- tries, is the grand fource of wealth — the re- duction of the number of negro fervants, of whom not lefs than from 20 to 40 are kept in ordinary families. — All thele I touch up- on merely as hints, to fhew that the Weft Indies are not bereaved of all the means of cultivating their eftates, as fome perfons •have \ ( 33 ) have feared. But, Sir, even if thefe fuppo- iitions are all falfe and idle, if every one of thefe fuccedania fhould fail, Iftill do main- tain, that the Weft India planters can and will indemnify themfelves by the increafed price of their produce in our market ; a prin- ciple which is fo clear, that in queftions of taxation, or any other queftion of policy, this fort of argument would undoubtedly be admitted. I fay, therefore, that the Weft Indians, who contend againft the abolition, are non- fuited in every part of the argument. Do they fay that importations are necef-' fary ? I have {hewn that the very numbers in the gang may be kept up by procreation. Is this denied ? I fay, the plough, horfes, machinery, domeftic {laves, and all the other fuccedania will fupply the deficiency. Is it perfifted that the deficiency can in no way be fupplied, and that the quantity of produce muft diminifh? I then revert to that irrefragable argument, that the increafe of price will make up their lofs, and is a clear ultimate fecurity. C I have ■ ( 34 ) I have in my hand the Extract from a pamphlet, which {rates, in very dreadful colours, what thoufands and tens of thou- fands will be ruined ; how our wealth will be impaired ; one third of our commerce cut off* for ever ; how our manufactures will droop in confequence, our land-tax be raifed, our marine deftroyed, while France, our na- tural enemy, and rival, will ftrengthen her- felf by our weaknefs. [A cry of affent be- ing heard from feveral parts of the Houfe, Mr. Wilberforce added,) I beg, Sir, that Gentlemen will not miftake me. The pam- phlet, from which this prophecy is taken, was written by Mr. Glover in 1774, on a very different occafion — and I would there- fore afk Gentlemen, whether it is indeed fulfilled ? Is our wealth decayed ? our com- merce cut off? our manufactures and our marine deftroyed ? Is France raifed up- on our ruins r On the contrary, do we not fee, by the inftance of this pamphlet, how men in a defponding moment will pic- ture to themfelves the moft gloomy confe- rences, from caufes by no means to be apprehended. We are all, perhaps, in this refpect, apt iometimes to be carried away by (. 35 ) by a frightened imagination— Like the poor negroes, we are all, in our turn, fubjecl: to Obiha ; and when we have an intereft to bias us, we are carried away ten thoufand times the more. The African merchants told us lafr. year, that if lefs than two men to a ton were to be allowed, the trade could not continue. Mr. Tarleton, intruded by the whole trade of Liverpool, declared the fame ; told us that commerce would be ruined, and our manufactures would migrate to France. — We have petitions on the table from the manufacturers, but, I believe, they are not dated at Havre, or any port in France ; and yet it is certain, that, out of twenty mips laft year from Liverpool, not lefs than thir- teen carried this ruinous proportion of lefs than two to a ton. It is faid that Liverpool will be undone — ■ the trade, fays Mr. Dalziel, at this time hangs upon a thread, and the fmaliefi mat- ter will overthrow it. C 2 I be- ( 3* } I believe, indeed, the trade hangs upon" a thread ; for it is a lofing trade to Liverpool at this time. It is a lottery, in which fome' men have made large fortunes, chiefly by being their own infurers, while others fol- low the example of a few lucky adventu- rers, and lofe money by it. It is abfurd to fay, therefore, that Liverpool will be ruin- ed by the abolition, or that it will feel the difference very fenfibly, fince the whole outward-bound tonnage of the Slave Trade amounts only to i -fifteenth of the outward bound tonnage of Liverpool. — We ought to remember alfo, that the Slave Trade actual- ly was fufpended during fome years of the war ; nor did any calamity follow from it. As to fhipping, our fifheries and other trades will furniih fo many innocent and bloodlefs ways of employing veffels, that no milchief need be dreaded from this quarter. The next fubjecl: which I mall touch up- on, is, the influence of the Slave Trade on our marine % and, inftead of being a benefit to our iaiiors, as fome have ignorantly ar- gued, I do afTert it is their . The grave 3 evidence ( 37 ) evidence upon the point is clear ; for, by the indefatigable induftry, and public fpi- rit of Mr. Clarkfon, the mufter rolls of all the flave mips have been collected and com- pared with thofe of other trades ; and it appears, in the refult, that more failors die in one year in the Slave Trade, than die In two years in all our other trades put to* gether. It appears, 'by the mufter rolls, to 88 flave mips which failed from Liverpool in 1787, that the original crews confifted of 3170 failors — of thefe only 1428 returned : 642 died, or were loft, and 11 00 were dis- charged on the voyage, or deferted, either in Africa, or the Weft-Indies. It appeared to me for a long time unaccountable, how fo vaft a proportion of thefe failors mould leave their mips in the Weft Indies ; but I mail quote here a letter, from Governor Parry at Barbadoes, which explains this dif- ficulty ; C 3 Extratt ( 38 ) Extrafl of a letter from Governor Parry ; to Lord Sydney, dated May 13, 1788, tranf- mltting two Petitions. " To the African trade on the coaft I cannot venture to fpeak, not being fuffici- ently acquainted with it ; but am fearful fuch monflrous abufes have crept into it, as to make the interference of the Britifh Legis- lature abfolutely necefTary ; and have to la- ment, that it falls to my lot to poflefs your Lordfhip with the unpleafing information contained in the enclofed petitions, which is fully demonftrative of the mameful practices carried on in that unnatural com- merce." He then fpeaks of having feen Captain Bibby, who is the perfon mentioned in the following petitions, though the other Cap- tain had endeavoured to prevent it ; and, he fays, he has fent back the pawns (mention- ed alfo in the petitions) to their enraged pa- rents — adding, " That 1 cannot help hiv- ing my fufpicions ; and I was yefterday told, that he had private inftruclions from the petitioners not to prefent the petitions to ( 39 ) to me, if Bibby would quietly refign. the Pawns ; which leads me to believe there was a general combination in thefe unwar- rantable practices, among all the matters of the veffels then in Cameroons river.'* He then comes to the fubject of the Bri- tifh failors — " Your Lordfhip (fays he) is perfectly informed of the nefarious prac- tices of the African trade, and the cruel manner in which the greater number of the m afters treat their feamen. There is fcarce- ly a vehel in that trade that calls at Barba- does, from which I have not a complaint made to me, either by the matter or the feamen ; but more frequently the latter, who are often mamefully ufed ; for the Af- rican traders at home, being obliged to fend out their mips very ttrong handed, as well from the unhealthinefs of the climate, as the neceffity of guarding the Slaves, foon feel the expence of feamen's wages; and as foon as they come amongft thefe iflands, and all danger of in fur reel: ion is removed, the matters quarrel with their feamen, up- on the mott frivolous pretences, and turn them on fhore on the fir ft ill and they flop C 4 at, ( 4° ) at, fometimes with, and fometimes with- out paying them their wages ; and Barba- does being the windward ftation, has gene- rally a large proportion of thefe men thrown in upon her ; and lorry am I to fay, that many of thefe valuable fubjects are, from ficknefs, and the dire neceffity of entering into foreign employ for maintenance, loft to the Britifh nation.'* Thus do we fee how Mr. Clarkfon's ac- count of the mutter-rolls is verified, and why it is that fo vaft a proportion of failors in the flave mips is loft to this country. — But let us touch alfo on the petitions which Governor Parry fpeaks of. It feems that the Captain Bibby before mentioned had carried off from Africa thirty of the King's children and relations, left in pawn with him, who retaliated by feizing five Englifh Captains. Thefe Captains difpatch a veflel with peti- tions to Governor Parry, to fend back the King's fons, in order to their own releafe. — Now, Sir, let us mark the ftile of thefe pe- titions — " I James M'Gauty, — I William Willoughby, &c. being on more on the execution of our bufinefs, were feized by a body ( *' ) body of armed natives, who lay in ambufh in order to take us." — What villains muit thefe Africans be, to feize fo defignedly fuch friends as the Britifh fubjects, and this merely with a view to get back their own children ! " This," fays the petition, * 6 they effected, and dragged us to their town, where they treated us in a molt fa-< vage and barbarous manner, and loaded us with irons." — Obferve, Sir, the indignant (pint of thefe Captains — Britifh freemen to be loaded with irons ! White men in cufto- dy to thefe barbarous Negroes ! — But what was the caufe of this abominable outrage ? " On account," fay they, " of the imprw dent behaviour of Captain Robert Bibby" — But what was the imprudence? — " who carried off thirty pawns, who were the King and traders' fons, daughters, and relations." Here, then, we have a picture of the equitable fpirit in which this trade is carried on. — Thefe Princes and Chiefs, who, by Captain Bibbj's imprudence y had loft all their families and children, propofe, how- ever, to fatisfy every demand, and to give thefe Captains their liberty, provided only they may have their children back again.— But ( 4* ) But, fay two of the Captains, " We, find- ing that we could not comply with their extravagant conditions, did endeavour to re- gain our liberty, which we effected. But we verily believe, that our refpective voya- ges are entirely ruined, the natives being determined to make no further trade with either of us, nor pay the above debts, un- til their fons, daughters, &c. are return- ed, and debarring us of wood, water, or any country proviiions ; therefore we mali be forced to leave the river immediately, and, on that account, we think our voyages ruined, as before. " It has been urged by fome perfons, in proof of the wicked barbarity of thefe Kings and Chiefs, that they pawn their own chil- dren ; from which it is concluded, that they feel no fort of affection for them, and therefore deferve all the evils which we in^ flict upon them. The contrary is in truth the cafe ; for the Captains, knowing the affection they have for their relations, are willing to take them as hofrages for very considerable debts, and are ( 43 ) are fenfible of their idea! value, though the real value is trifling ; and the fcene which I have juft laid before you very fairly mews both the general fpirit of our Captains, and the wretched fituation to which our com- merce has reduced thefe African Princes :-— And if, Sir, at the very moment when Par- liament was known to be enquiring into this trade, thefe abufes are thus boldly per- illed in, how can we fuppofe that any re- gulations, or any palliatives, can overcome thefe enormities, and juflify our continu- ance of the trade ? — It is true, the African Committee hear little of the matter : — for we find, that even thefe Captains, who were in prifon, inftrucled the bearer of their petition, not to apply to Governor Parry, except in the laft neceffity, but merely to get back the King's fons, meaning quietly to compromife matters with Captain Bib- by ; and if it were not for the vigilance of Governor Parry, the truth would never have come out. In like manner, we find, that although ver)^ few failors, when they come to Liverpool, go into an expend ve profecution of their Captains, yet Governor Parry hears of complaints againft them eve- ry ( 44 > ry clay ; and we find, that Jullice Otley, in the iiland of St. Vincent's, where law is cheap, both hears their grievances, and re- drefles them, There is one other argument, in my opi* nion a very weak and abfurd one, which many perfons, however, have much dwelt upon— I mean, that, if we relinquish the ilave trade^ France will take it up. — If the •flave trade be fuch as I have defcribed it, and if the Houfe is alio convinced of this— ^ if it be in truth both wicked and impolitic, •we cannot wifh a greater mifchief to France than that Hie mould adopt it. — For the fake of France, however, and for the fake of humanity, I trufc. — nay, I am furc— {"he will not. France is too enlightened a na- tion, to begin puming a icandalous as well as ruinous traffic, at the very time when England fees her folly, and refolves to give it up. It is clearly no argument whatever againfi the 'wickedncfs of the trade, that France will adopt it : — For thofe who arr gue thus may argue equally, that we may rob, murder, and commit any crime, which anyone elfe would have committed, if we did ( 45 ) did not.— The truth is, that, by our ex- ample, we fhall produce the contrary effect. If we refufe the abolition, we fhall lie, therefore, under the twofold guilt, of know- ingly perfifting in this wicked trade our- fclves,and,asfaras wecan,ofinducingFrance to do the fame. — Let us, therefore, lead the way — let this enlightened country take precedence in this noble caufe, and we fhall foon find that France is not backward to follow, nay, perhaps, to accompany our fteps. — If they fhould be mad enough to adopt it, they will have every difadvantage to contend with — They mull; buy the ne- oroes much dearer than we ; the manufac- tures they fell muft probably be ours ; an expenflve floating factory, ruinous to the health of failors, which we have hitherto maintained mil ft be fet up ; and, after all, the trade can ferve only as a fort of Gib- raltar, upon which they may fpend their ftrength, while the productive branches of their commerce muft in proportion be neg- lected and ftarved. But I have every ground for believing that the French will not be thus wicked and abiurd ; ( 4« ) abfurd ; Mr. Neckar, the enlightened mi- nifter of that country, a man who has in- troduced moral and religious principles into Government, more than has been common with many minifters, has actually recorded his abhorrence of the Slave Trade ; he has under his own hand in his publication on the finances* pledged himfelf, as it were, to the * Extract from Mr. Necker's Tieatife on the Adminilbra- tionof the Finances of France. Vol. i. ch. 13. The Colonies of France contain as we have feen, near five hundred thoufand Slaves, and it is from the number of thofe wretches, that the inhabitants fet a value on their Plantations* What a fatal profpeift ! and how profound a fubjec~t for re. flection ! — Alas ! how inconfequent we are both in our mo- rality, and our principles. We preach up humanity, and yet go every Year to bind in chains twenty thoufand natives of Africa! We call the Moors barbarians and ruffians, becaufe they attack the liberty of Europeans, at the rifk of their own ; yet thefe Europeans go, without danger, and as mere fpecu- lators to purchafe flavcs, by gratifying the cupidity of their matters, and excite all thofe bloody fcenes which are the ufual preliminaries of this traffick ! In fltort, we pride our- felves on the fuperiority of man, and it is with reafon we difcover the fuperiority in the wonderful and myfterious unfolding of the intellectual faculties ; and yet a trifling dif- ference in the hair of the head, or in the colour of the epi- dermis, is fuffkicnt to change our refpeft into contempt, and to engn.ge us to place Beings, like ourfelves, in the rank of thofe animals, devoid of realbn, whom we fubject to the yoke, that we may make ufc of their ftrength and of their inftinS at command. abolition C 47 ) abolition, and it is impoflible that a man can be fo loft to all fenfe of decency, and com- mon confiftency of character, as not to for- ward by every influence in his power, a caufe in which he has fo publicly declared himfelf. There is another anecdote which I mention here with pleafure, which is, that the King of France very lately being re- quested to diffolve a fociety fet up in France, for the abolition of the Slave Trade, made anfwer, " that he certainly mould not, for that he was very glad it exifted." I believe, Sir, I have now touched upon all the objections of any confequence, which are made to the abolition of this Trade. — When we confider the vaftnefs of the Conti- nent of Africa ; when we reflect how all other countries have for fome centuries paft, been advancing in happinefs and civilization; when we think how in this fame period all improvement in Africa has been defeated by her intercourfe with Britain ; when we reflect how it is we ourfelves that have de- graded them to that wretched brutimnefs and barbarity which we now plead as the justification of our guilt ; how the S lav Trade < 48 ) Trade has enjlaved their minds, blackened their character and funk them fo low in the fcale of animal beings, that fome think the very apes are of a higher clafs, and fancy the Ourang Outcrng has given them the go-by.— What a mortification mull we feel at having fo long neglected to think of our guilt, or to attempt any reparation : It feems, indeed, as if we had determined to forbear from all interference until the meafure of our folly and wickednefs was fo full and complete; un- til the impolicy which eventually belongs to vice, was become fo plain and glaring, that not an individual in the country mould refufe to join in the abolition : It feems as if we had waited until the perfons moft iiite- refted mould be tired out with the folly and nefariou fuels of the trade, and mould unite in petitioning againlt it. Let us then make fuch amends as we can for the mifchiefs we have done to that un- happy Continent : Let us recollect what Europe itfelf was no longer ago than three or four centuries. What if I lhould be able to mew this Houfe that in a civilized part of Europe, in the time of our Henry II. there were ( 49 ) .were people who actually fold their own children ? what, if I mould tell them, that England itfelf was that country ? what if I mould point out to them that the very place where this inhuman traffic was carried on was the City ofBriftol? Ireland at that time ufed to drive a considerable trade in (laves, with thefe neighbouring barbarians ; but a great plague having in felted the country, the Irifh w r ere flruck with a panic, fufpedted (I am fure very properly) that the plague was a punifhment fent from Heaven, for the fin of the Slave Trade, and therefore abolifhed it. All I ask, therefore, of the people of Briftol, is, that they would become as civi- lized now, as Irifhmen were four hundred years ago. Let us put an end at once to this inhuman traffic, — -let us ftop this efFu- fion of human blood. The true way to virtue is by withdrawing from temptations- let us then withdraw from thefe wretched Africans, thofe temptations to fraudj vio- lence, cruelty, and injuftice, which the Slave Trade furnifhes. Wherever the fun mines, let us go round the world with him diffuung our beneficence ; but let us not traffic, only that we may fet Kings againfl D their ( 5° ) their Subjects, Subjects againft their Kings,, fowing difcord in every village, fear and terror in every family, fetting millions of our fellow creatures a hunting each other for {laves, creating fairs and markets for human flefh, through one whole continent of the world, and under the name of policy, concealing from ourfelves all the bafenefs and iniquity of fuch a traffic. Why may we not hope, ere long, to fee Hans-towns eftablifhed on the coaft of Africa, as they were on the Baltic ? It is faid the Africans are idle, but they are not too idle at leafl to catch one another : feven hundred to one thoufand tons of rice are annually bought of them ; by the fame rule, why mould we not buy more : at Gambia one thoufand of them are feen continually at work: Whv mould not fome more thoufands be fet to work in the fame manner ? It is the Slave Trade that caufes their idlenefs,. and every other mifchief. We are told by one witneft, " they fell one another as they can ;" and while they can get brandy by catching one another, no wonder they are too idle for any regular work. I have ( 5« ) I have one word more to add upon a mofl material point ; but it is a point fo felf evi- dent, that I mall be extremely (hort. It will appear^ from every thing which I have faid, that it is not regulation, it is not mere palliatives, that can cure this enormous evil :— ^Total abolition is the only poffible cure for it. — The Jamaica report, indeed, admits much of the evil, but recommends it to u?, fo to regulate the trade, that no per- fons mould be kidnapped or made flaves contrary to the cuftom of Africa. But may they not be made (laves unjufkly, and yet by no means contrary to the cuftom of Africa ? I have mewn they may; for all the cuftoms of Africa are rendered lavage and unjuft through the influence of this trade : befides how can we difcriminate between the flaves juftly and unjuftly made ? Can we know them by phyfiognomy ? or, if we could, does any man believe that the Britifh Cap- tains can, by any regulation in this country* be prevailed upon to refufe all luch flaves as have not been fairly, honeftly, and up- rightly enflaved ? But granting even that they mould do this, yet how would the D z re- ( 5* ) rejected flaves be recompenfed ? They are brought, as we are told, from three or four thoufand miles off, and exchanged like cattle from one hand to another, until they reach the coaft. We fee then that it is the exigence of the Slave Trade that is the fpring of all this internal traffic, and that the remedy cannot be applied without abo- lition. Again, as to the middle paffage, the evil is radical there alio ; the Mer- chants profit depends upon the number that can be crouded together, and upon the (hortnefs of their allowance : Aftrin- gents, efcaroticks, and all the other arts of making them up forfale, are of the very eflence of the trade ; thefe arts will be con- cealed both from the purchafer and the le- giflature ; they are neceflary to the owner's profit, and they will be praclifed. Again, chains and arbitrary treatment muft be ufed in transporting them ; our feamen muft be taught to play the tyrant, and that depra- vation of manners among them ( which fome very judicious perfons have treated of, as the very worft part of this bufmefs) can- not be hindered while the trade itfelf con- tinues. As ( si ) As to the (lave merchants, they have al- ready told you, that if two flaves to a to a are not permitted, the trade cannot continue; fo that the objections are done away by themfelves on this quarter ; and in the Wed: Indies, I have (hewn that the abolition is tiie only poflible ilimuhis whereby a regard to population, and confequently to the bap- pinefs of the negroes, can be efFe dually ex- cited in thofe illands. I truft, therefore, I have fhewn, that upon every ground, the total abolition ought to take place. I have urged many things which are not my own leading motives for propo- sing it, fince I have wifhed to mew every defcription of Gentlemen, and particularly the Weft India planters, who deferve every attention, that the abolition is politic upon their own principles alfo. Policy, however, Sir, is not my princi- ple, and I am not amamed to fay it. There is a principle above every thing that is po- litical ; and when I reflect on the command which fays, " Thoufoalt do no murder" be- lieving the authority to be divine, how pan D 3 I dare ( 54 ) I dare to fet up any reafonings of my own againfr. it ? And, Sir, when we think of eternity, and of the future confequences of all human conduct, what is there in this life that mould make any man contradict the dictates of his confcience, the principles of juftice, the laws of religion, and of God. Sir, the nature and all the circumftances of this trade are now laid open to us ; we can no longer plead ignorance, — we cannot evade it, — it is now an obje6l placed before us, — we cannot pafs it ; we may fpurn it, we may kick it out of our way, but we can- not turn afide fo as to avoid feeing it ; for it is brought now fo directly before our eyes, that this Houfe muil decide, and muft juftify to all the world, and to their own confciences, the rectitude of the grounds and principles of their decifion. A Society has been eflablifhed for the abo- • lition of this trade, in which DiiTenters, Quakers, Churchmen — in which the mofl confcientious of all perfuaiions have all uni- ted, and made a common caufe in this great queftion. ( 55 ) queftion. Let not Parliament be the only body that is infenfible to the principles of national ju (lice. Let us make reparation to Africa, : fo far as we can, by eftabliihing a trade upon true commercial principles, and we mall foon find the rectitude of our con- duct rewarded, by the benefits -of a regular and a growing commerce, I (hall now move thefeveral Refolutions, upon which I do not aik the Houfe to de- cide to-night, but mail confider the debate as adjourned to any day next week that ixiay be thought moil convenient. RESOLUTIONS. I. npHAT the number of Haves annually * carried from the coaft of Africa, in Britifh veifels, is fuppofed to be about 38,000 That the number annually carried to the Britifh Weft India Iflands, has (on an average of four years, to the year 1787 inclufive) amounted to about -**- 52,500 D 4 That ( 56 ) That the number annually retained in the faid Iflands, as far as appears by the Cuftom Houfe accounts, has amounted, on the fame average, to about, — — 17,500 II. THAT much the greater number of the negroes, carried away by European veflels, are brought from the interior parts of the continent of Africa, and many of them from a very great diftance. That no precife information appears to have been obtained of the manner in which thefe per- fbns have been made flaves. But that from the accounts, as far as any have been procuied on this fubjecl, with refpedt to the flaves brought from the interior parts of Africa, and from the information which has been received refpecliing the countries nearer to the coafl, the ilaves may in general be clafied under fome of the following defcripcions : ift. Prifoners taken in war. 2d. Free perfons fold for debt, or on account of real or imputed crimes, particularly adultery and witchcraft ; in which cafes they are frequently fold with their whole families, and fometimes for the profit of thofe by whom they are condemned. 3d. T>o* ( 57 ) 3d. Domeflic (laves fold for the profit of their matters ; in fome places at the will of the matters, and in fome p ! aces, on being condemned for real or imputed crimes. 4th. Perfons made (laves by various acts of op- preflion, violence, or fraud, committed either by the Princes and Chiefs, of thofe countries on their fubjects, or by private individuals on each other; or, laftly, by Europeans engaged in this traffic. III. THAT the trade carried on by European na- tions on the coaft of Africa, for the purchafe of flaves, has neceffarily a tendency to occafion ■ fre- quent and cruel wars among the natives, to pro- duce unjuft convictions and punifhments for pre- tended or aggravated crimes, to encourage acts of opprefiion, violence and fraud, and to obilruct the natural courfe of civilization and improvements in thofe countries. IV, THAT the continent of Africa, in its prefent ftate, furni flies fcveral valuable articles of com- merce highly important to the trade and manu- factures of this kingdom, and Which are in a great rrieafure peculiar to that quarter of the globe j and that ( 5* ) that the loil and climate have been found, by -ex- perience, well adapted to the production of other articles, with which we are now either wholly, or in great part, fupplied by foreign nations. That an extenfive commerce with Africa in thefe commodities, might probably be fubftituted in the place of that which is now carried on in flaves, fo as at leaft to afford a return for the fame quantity of goods as has annually been carried thither in Britifh vefiels. And, lailly, That fuch a commerce might rea- fonably be expefted to increafe in proportion to the progrefs of civilization anql improvement on that continent. V. THAT the Slave Trade has been found, by ex- perience, to be peculiarly injurious and deftruclive to the Britifh feamen who have been employed therein ; and that the mortality among them has been much greater than in his Majefty's {hips itationed on the coaft of Africa, or than has been vifual in Britiih velTels employed*in any other trade. VI. THAT the mode of tranfporting the ilaves from Africa to the Welt Indies neceffarily expofes them to ( 59 ) to many and grievous fufferings, for which no re- gulation can provide an adequate remedy; and that, in confequence thereof, a large proportion of them has annually perifhed during the voyage. VII. THAT a large proportion of the (laves fo trans- ported, has alfo perifhed in the harbours in the Weft Indies previous to their being fold. That this lofs is dated by the affembly of the Illand of Ja- maica at about four and a half per cent, of the number imported ; and is, by medical perfons of experience in that I (land, afcribed, in great mea- fure, to difeafes contracted during the voyage, and to the mode of treatment on board the fhips, by which thofe difeafes have been fuppreffed for a time, in order to render the (laves fit for immedi- ate fale. VIII. THAT the lofs of newly imported Negroes, with- in the firft three years after their importation, bears a large proportion to the whole number imported. IX. THAT the natural increafe of population, among the Slaves in the iflands, appear to have been impeded principally by the following caufes : i ft. ( fa ) i ft. The inequality of the number of the fexcs, in the importations from Africa. ?d. The genera] dilTolutenefs of manners amonrr the Slaves, and the want of proper regulations for the encouragement of marriages, and of rearing children. 3d. Particular difeafes which are prevalent a- mong them, and which are in fome inftances attri- buted to too fevere labour or rigorous treatment - 3 and in others to infufficient or improper food. 4th. Thofe difeafes which affect a large propor- tion of Negro children in their infancy, and thofe to which the Negroes newly imported from Africa have been found to be particularly liable. X. THAT the whole number of Slaves in the ifland of Jamaica, in 176 3, was about — — — — i67 ? coo; THAT the number in 1774, was fta- ted by Governor Keith, about — 193,000; And, that the number in December 1787, as ftated by Lieutenant Governor Clarke, was about — — . 256,000. That, ( 61 ) That, by comparing thefe number with the numbers imported into and retained in the ifland, in thefeveral, years from 1768 to 1774 incluiive, as appearing from the accounts delivered to the committee of trade by Mr. Fuller ; and in the feveral years from 1 775 incluiive, to 1787 alfo inclufive, as appearing by the accounts delivered in by the Inipee~tor General j and allowing for a lofs of about one twenty fecond part by deaths on ihip- board after entry, as flated in the Report of the AfTembly of the laid 1 11 and of Jamaica, it appears, That the annual excefs of deaths above births in the I (land in the whole period of nineteen years, has been in the proportion of about feven eighths per cent, computing on the medium number of Slaves in the Ifland during that period. That in the firft fix years of the faid nineteen, the excefs of deaths was in the proportion or ra- ther more than one on every hundred on the medium number. That in the laffc thirteen years of the faid nine- teen, the excefs of deaths was in the proportion of about three-fifths on every hundred on the medium number; and that a number of Slaves, amounting: to 15,000, is dated by the report of the ifland of Jamaica to have perifhed, during the latter period in confequence of repeated hurricanes, and of the want of foreign fupplies of provifions. XL ( 6z ) XL That the whole number of Slaves in the ifland of Barbadoes was, in the year 1764, according to the account given in to the Committee of Trade by Mr. Braithwaite, — — — 70,706 That in 1774, the number was, by the fame account — -^ 74,874 In 1780, by ditto — — 68,270, In 178 1, after the hurricane, according to the fame account — — — 63,248 In 1786, by ditto — — 62,115 That by comparing thefe numbers with the num- ber imported into this idand, according to the fame account, (not allowing for any re exportation) the annual excefs of deaths, above births, in the ten years from 1764 to 1774, was in the proportion of about five on every hundred, computing on the me- dium number of Slaves in the ifland during that period. That in the feven years from 1 774 to 1780, both inclufive, the excefs of deaths was in the proportion of about one and one-third on every hundred, on the medium number. That between the year 1 7 80 and 1 7 8 1 , there ap- pears to have been a decreafe in the number of Slaves of about 5,000. ! That That in the fix years from 17 8 1 to 1786, both inclufive, the excefs of deaths was in the propor- tion of rather lefs than feven-cighths in every hun- dred, on the medium number. And that in the four years from 1783 to 17 36, both incluiive, the excefs of deaths was in the propor- tion of rather lefs than one-third in every hundred, on the medium number. And that during the whole period, there is no doubt that fome were exported from theifland, but confiderably more in the firft part of this period than in the laft. XII. THAT the accounts from the Leeward Iflands, and from Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Vin- cent's ; do not furnim fufficient grounds for com- paring the flare of population in the faid Iflands at different periods, with the number of Slaves which have been from time to time imported into the faid Iflands, and exported therefrom. But that, from the evidence which has been re- ceived refpecling the prefent Hate of thefe Iflands, as well as of Jamaica and Barbadoes ; and from a conlideration of the means obviating the caufes which have hitherto operated to impede the natural increafe ( 6+ ) increafe of the Slaves, and of leffening the demand for manual labour, without diminishing the profit of the planter, it appears that no confiderable or permanent inconvenience would refultfrom difcon- tinuing the farther importation of African Slaves. Ni B. It is the intention after pafling thefe refo- lutions, to move for leave to bring in a bill for the total abolition of the Slave Trade. LORD PENRHYN, After a tribute of approbation to the beauty, force, and eloquence of what Mr* Wilberforce had juft delivered, faid, he ihould indeed appear but with an ill grace ; yet was he fo firmly fixed in his opinion of the mifchiefs which an unqualified abolition of the Have trade muir. occaiion, that he found it his duty to oppofe the main point of the Honourable Gentleman's argument. He did fo from a pre-conviclion — he did fo from the errors — palpable errors to be found in the reports, fpeeches, and quotations al- luded ( «5 ) luded to, moft of which were either mig- rated or mifapplied. A regulation might be requifite ; but a total abolition was go- ing a ftep beyond the bounds of prudence or rectitude. Mr. BAMBER GASCOYNE, On the fame fide of the argument, contend- ed, that a total unqualified abolition would do aa injury to private property and to public intereft. The Honourable Gentle- man, who had his plan fo near at heart, gave the Committee a very fine fyftem of agriculture, which country gentlemen, who underftood the plough, might conceive well adapted to this country ; but how it applied to the burning regions of the weft, was yet to be proved. He then entered into a de- fence of what he faid laft year on the fub- jecl: of tonnage, which he contended was now mis-ftated by the Honourable Gentle- man ; and, as to the lofs of feamen, he would take upon him to aver, that, inftead of a check to the African {lave trade fervingj our marine, it did them the moft effentia^ E ini" ( 66 ) injury, numbers being at this moment in want of bread, on account of the bill pafled in the laft Seffion of Parliament, for the re- gulation of tonnage. He did not wim to give a hafty opinion on the bufinefs, and therefore requested, that time might be al- lowed for consideration of the fubjedt, on the calculations made in the Honourable Gentleman's fpeech ; and he trufted, when this fairnefs was adopted, and the warmth of prejudice removed, that the African flave trade would be found productive of a coniiderable revenue to this country. Mr. WILBERFORCE Aflured the Houfe, that he had not wil- fully mis-ftated the matter. He might err, but it was not with the confent of his mind ; for he really believed every fyllable he had uttered to be ftri&ly founded on truth. He begged it might be fo under- stood, that he did not mean to bring the fubjed into debate on its broad bafis at pre- fe n t. — He wifhed to give time for a due con- fideration of the fubjeft ; and therefore, if it ( *7 ) it was agreeable to the Committee, mould mention Monday as a proper day to go into the difcuffion of the feveral motions which were offered to the Committee. Mr. BURKE Gave his opinion on the fubjetT:. — It was> that the (lave trade mould be totally abolifh- ed. — It was a difgrace to human nature — it began in murderous war — it ended in perpe- tual exile ; and what aggravated the fcene of horror was, that the unhappy fufFerers were not known to be guilty of any crime what- soever. He was againft going at all into thofe merits contained in the papers which the Honourable Gentleman had laid upon the table. His idea was, that the motion mould now be made for a total abolition of this inhuman traffic ; fo that, in procefs of time, commerce might extend itfelf over the ▼aft continent of Africa, as well as in the more narrowed and civilized parts of Europe. But however he coincided in the general idea with the Honourable Gentleman, yet he could not heartily E 2 agree < 68 ) agree in the mode by which the purport of that idea was to be fulfilled. He wiflied for no abftra&ed questions, but to come at once to the point ; for each motion, as now read to theHoufe, might occafion debate, and that debate produce, poJJibly y he would not fay probably, a caufe to fight a word out ; and if it mould, by any misfortune, be the means of putting a negative upon the whole, the matter would appear as a difgrace upon the journals of Parliament. Hence he recom- mended brevity, and advifed that the motion ihould contain no more than a refolution of the Committee, that the flave trade mould be totally abolifhed ; to which motion he mould give his mofl hearty affirmative, on account of the purity of its principles ; for, if the bill was thrown out in the Lords, the refolutions, flanding on the Journals, would become a recorded cenfure on the Commons. Inflead of feeing the unhappy Africans thus treated by the Sons of Freedom, he trufted, we mould inftantly put a ftop to this evil, and, inftead of counte- nancing the fale of our fellow creatures, beg-in ( «9 ) begin a new kind of tram;, and barter illi- cit profit for glorious humanity. His rea- fon for troubling the Houfe at prefent, was, that his duty in another place, might, in all probability, make it impomble for him to attend on Monday next, and, therefore, what fentiments he had to offer, he then wifhed to deliver. He paid many compli- ments to Mr. Wilberforce for what he laid, and declared, that it might be truly called one of the beft fpeeches ever delivered in Parliament, in favour of a race of beings who had this fole comfort, that the Slave was only compenfated by not being a Man. Mr. PITT Could not permit fo important a matter to pafs without faying a few words. He gave his moil hearty concurrence to all that had been fo eloquently fpoken by his Ho- nourable Friend, and was fully convinced in his own mind, that there mould be a total and unqualified repeal of the Slave 'Trade Law, He differed with Mr. Eurke as to his idea refpecYing the motion ; becaufe he thought that nothing mort of uncondition- ally ( 7° ; , ally abolifhing the whole of this traffic, could be of fervice to the caufe of humani- ty. The Houfe, he therefore trufted, would cordially concur in one opinion, and he wifhed, for the honour of Britain, it might be an unanimous vote on the occafion. As to France, he trufted, from every matter he could learn, that fhe would be content to follow our plan of emancipation, when fhe found fhe could not take the lead in fo glo- rious a bufinefs. He faid it was, indeed, a momentous queftion, and that nothing but its not be- ing truly underftood, could ever have pre- vented its being hitherto adopted. How- ever, he had no doubt of this great quef- tion being at laft decided by the immutable law of juftice, for it was a fubjedfc on which truth muft and would be invincible. Some- thing had been thrown out refpe&ing the advantage foreign countries might take of our giving up this traffic — but that was idle fpeculation. Great Britain was always able to prevent an illicit trade of negroes by any other power to the Weft Indies ; but of that 2 there ( 7' ) there was no great apprehenfion ; the French were probably following up our idea, and, perhaps, meaning to enter into a negocia- tion with us on the fubje£t. Mr. FOX Said, he never had heard a debate with more fatisfattion than the prefent. With regard to the plan of laying the proportions before the Houfe, where he was agreed as to the fubftance of a meafure, he did not like to differ as to the form of it. If, how- ever, he differed in any thing, it was rather with a view to forward the bufinefs than to injure it, or to throw any thing like an ob- ftacle or impediment in its way. Nothing like either mould come from him. What he thought was, that all the proportions were not necefl'ary to be voted, previous to the ultimate vote, though fome of them un- doubtedly were. In order to explain this, he reminded the Honourable Gentleman, that the propofitions were of two forts ; one fort ( 7* ) fort alleged the fit grounds on which the Houfe ought to proceed to abolifh the Slave Trade, viz. that it was a difgrace to huma- nity, that it was attended with the lofs of lives to our feamen, as well as the Afri- cans, &c. &c. Another fort contained af- fertions in anfwer, as it were, to the objec- tions that had been ftated, or were fuppofed likely to be ftated. The putting fuch refo- lutions on their Journals might create a dif- ficulty to foreign powers; becaufe what might be a matter of objection to Great Bri- tain, might not be fo to any other country. Mr. Fox applauded Mr. Wilberforce, and gave him his thanks for profeffing to do what he thought it their duty to do, viz. to completely abolifh the traffic in Slaves ; a traffic, for continuing which, on no ground, either a plea of policy or neceffity could be urged. Wherever an effectual remedy could not be had, Mr. Fox faid, he approved a palliative, becaufe fomething like a reme- dy was better than no remedy at ajll ; in the prefent cafe, an effectual remedy was not only more defirable, but it was much lefs difficult to be obtained that a palliative. He ( 73 ) He was glad that the Proportions were to be put upon the Journals ; becaufe if from any misfortune, the buiinefs mould fail, while it flood upon the Journals, it might fucceed another year; certain it was, it could not fail to fucceed fooner or later. Foreign countries, when they heard that the matter had been difcuifed in that Houfe, might follow the example, or they might go before us, and fet one themfelves. If this were to happen, though we might be the lofers, humanity would be the gainer. Mr. Fox reminded the Houfe that he had always been particularly fanguine that whenever they examined the Slave Trade thoroughly, they would find it not only inhuman but impolitic ; from what the Honourable Gentleman, who had fubmit- ted the Proportions to their coniideration, had faid, it was clear there was as little po- licy as humanity in the Trade. But what he rofe chiefly for, Mr. Fox faid, was to notice what had fallen from the Right Honourable Gentleman refpecting the pro- bability of foreign nations affnming the Slave Trade on our abandoning it, and, F in ( 74 ) in an illicit manner, fupplying our Weft- India Iflands with Slaves. He had intended to have rifen to have faid the very fame thing, becaufe he was convinced that it was the fit tone to be held on fuch a fubjecl:, and that foreign nations might be given to underftand, that when this country thought proper to abolifh the Slave trade, we had refources among us to prevent that Trade being carried on in any manner with our Colonies. — With regard to what the Honourable Gentleman who fpoke lafr. had faid, in declaring that a clandeftine trade in Slaves was'worfe than a legal one, he differed entirely. He thought fuch a trade, if it exifted at all, mould be only clandefr tine. A trade in human flefh was fo fcan- dalous, that it was to the lafr. degree infa- mous to let it be openly carried on by the authority of the Government of any country. Mr. Fox faid, he had fometimes been thought to ufe too harm expreffions of France, in treating her as the rival of this country. — Politically fpeaking, France cer- tainly was our rival ; but he well knew the difVm&ion between political enmity and illiberal prejudice.— If there was any great o. and ( 75 ) and enlightened nation now exifting in Eu- rope, it was France, which was as likely as any nation on the face of the globe, to a£t, on the prefent fubjec"t, with warmth and with cnthufiafm ; to catch a fpark from the light of our fire, and to run a race with us in promoting the ends of humanity. If France mould decline to join with us, the honour, indeed would then be all our own — but he thought, however, we ought not to refufe them a participation of this honour, if we could thereby forward the great ends of humanity, and unite them immediately in the fame caufe. The SPEAKER Paid a high compliment to Mr. Wilber- forpe,|and warmly approved of the Abolition. ALDERMAN NEWNHAM Was agajnft any Bill of the kind, Mr. ( 7* ) Mr. DEMPSTER * Enquired whether there was to be a com- penfation to mortgagees and planters. , Mr. PITT Said that he did not wifh to be under- flood as pledged for any compenfation. LORD PENRHYN Accufed Mr. Wilberforce of mifquoting Mr. Long, and fpoke warmly againfl the Abolition, obferving that Seventy Millions of property were involved in this queftion. Mr. S M I T H. Said a few words in favour of the Abo- lition, and the Houfe adjourned. F I N I S. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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