$B saa i^'S TAMFORi BARRISTER-A" 5/" N^i; DOOUMENTS ilT^^^^'^^^'^ ^^^""^^^^^""^^'^^ niocrslt^ of d ^ 4. 4(i^alifornia d Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.arcliive.org/details/companiesacts18600grearich THE COMPANIES ACTS 1862-1900 THE COMPANIES ACTS 1862-1900 THE ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS LIMITED. f' THE COMPANIES ACTS 1863-1900 W^ITH CROSS REFERENCES AND K FULL, ANALYTICAL. INDEX Comprising the Full Text op all the Statutes with all Amendments and Repeals down to 1900, and the Forms and Fees Prescribed by the Board OP Trade under the Act of 1900 BY WILLIAM GODDEN LL.B., B.A. * SOLICITOR AND STAMFOED HUTTON OF THE INNER TEMPLE AND THE OXFORD CIRCUIT, BARRI8TER-AT-LAW LONDON EFFINGHAM WILSON ROYAL EXCHANGE 1901 SPRECKELS PREFACE. This book contains all the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1900, applicable to England and Wales, together with the Forged Transfer Acts and the Forms and Fees prescribed by the Board of Trade for use under the Companies Act, 1900, and is intended to supply for ready reference the full text of the Statutes in a small compass together with a full index. Sections which have been repealed or amended are distinguished accordingly, and where sections refer to or are affected by other sections cross references are added to facilitate reference to such other sections. No other comment, annotation, or reference to judicial decisions Jias been added, as the object of the book is to reproduce all the existing Statute law on the subject in the most portable and handy form for use in the office and at meetings of directors or shareholders. The analytical index has been made very full, and care has been taken to arrange the subject- matter under every heading under which search 113641 VI PREFACE. appears likely to be made, in order that any par- ticular portion of the Acts may be found as quickly and easily as possible. The text of the Acts follows the Queen's Printers' copies, but the authorised marginal notes of the Revised Edition of the Statutes have been sub- stituted for the original marginal notes, which in many cases were misleading. W. G. S. H. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Preface v The Companies Act, 1862 1 Table A (being the First Schedule to the Companies Act, 1862) 93 The Companies Seals Act, 1864 126 The Companies Act, 1867 129 The Joint Stock Companies Arrangement Act, 1870 . 145 The Companies Act, 1877 146 The Companies Act, 1879 149 The Companies Act, 1880 ....... 154 The Companies (Colonial Registers) Act, 1883 . . 158 The Companies (Memorandum of Association) Act, 1890 161 The Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890 .... 164 The Directors Liability Act, 1890 .... 190 The Forged Transfers Act, 1891 194 The Forged Transfers Act, 1892 197 The Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1893 .... 199 The Companies Act, 1898 200 The Companies Act, 1900 202 Forms Prescribed by Board of Trade for Use under the Companies Act, 1900, with Fees Payable on Filing Thereof 226 Index 237 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862, (25 & 26 Victoria, Chapter 89). An Act for the Incorporation, Eegulation, and Wind- ing up of Trading Companies and other Associa- tions. Preliminary. 1. This Act may be cited for all Purposes as ** The short Title Companies Act, 1862." 2. Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1893. 3. For the Purposes of this Act a Company that Definition carries on the Business of Insurance in common with company!*'* any other Business or Businesses shall be deemed to be an Insurance Company. 4. No Company, Association, or Partnership con- Prohibition sisting of more than Ten Persons shall be formed, ships ex-*'^ after the Commencement of this Act, for the Purpose H^^^ of carrying on the Business of Banking, unless it is Number, registered as a Company under this Act, or is formed in pursuance of some other Act of Parliament, or of Letters Patent : and no Company, Association, or Partnership consisting of more than Twenty Persons shall be formed, after the Commencement of this Act, for the Purpose of carrying on any other Business that has for its Object the Acquisition of Gain^ by the Company, Association, or Partnership, or by the individual Members thereof, unless it is registered as a Company under this Act, or is formed in pursuance of some other Act of Parliament, or of Letters Patent, 1 Act 2 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. or is a Company engaged in working Mines within and subject to the Jurisdiction of the Stannaries. ^As to Associations not for profit, see Companies Act, 1867^ Sect. 23, post p. 137. Divisions of 5, This Act is divided into Nine Parts, relating to the following Subject Matters : The First Part, — to the Constitution and Incorpora- tion of Companies and Associations under this Act: The Second Part, — to the Distribution of the Capital and Liability of Members of Companies and Asso- ciations under this Act : The Third Part, — to the Management and Adminis- tration of Companies and Associations under this Act: The Fourth Part, — to the winding up of Companies and Associations under this Act : The Fifth Part, — to the Eegistration Office : The Sixth Part, — to Apphcation of this Act to Com- panies registered under the Joint Stock Companies Acts : The Seventh Part, — to Companies authorized to register under this Act : The Eighth Part, — to Apphcation of this Act to unregistered Companies : The Ninth Part, — to repeal of Acts, and temporary Provisions. PART I. Constitution and Incobporation of Companies and Associations under this Act. Memorandum of Association. Mode of 6. Any Seven or more Persons associated for any Company, lawful Purpose may, by subscribing their Names to a Memorandum of Association, and otherwise complying with the Eequisitions of this Act in respect of Kegis- THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 3 tratioD,^ form an incorporated Company,- with or without hmited Liability. ^ As to Registration, see Sect. 17, post p. 8. 2 As to Incorporation, see Sect. 18, ^os^ p. 8. 7. The Liabihty of the Members of a Company Mode of formed under this Act may, according to the Memor- ^J^jj^^fy ^f andum of Association, be hmited either to the Amount, Members, if any, unpaid on the Shares respectively held by them, or to such Amount as the Members may respectively undertake by the Memorandum of Association to con- tribute to the Assets of the Company in the event of its being wound up. 8. Where a Company is formed on the Principle of Memo- having the Liabihty of its Members limited to the ^aStfin Amount unpaid on their Shares, herein-after referred ^^ » Com- to as a Company limited by Shares, the Memorandum liSited by of Association shall contain the following Things ; (that ^^^^i*®*- is to say,) (1.) The Name of the proposed Company, with the Addition of the Word " Limited " ^ as the last Word in such Name : (2.) The Part of the United Kingdom, whether England, Scotland, or Ireland, in which the Eegistered Ofi&ce^ of the Company is proposed to be situate : (3.) The Objects for which the proposed Company is to be established : (4.) A Declaration that the Liability of the Members is limited : (5.) The AmougJuil-CapitaLLBdth:v^hicli.the Company proposes to be registered divided into Shares. of a certain fixed Amount: Subject to the following Eegulations : (1.) That no Subscriber shall take less than One Share : (2.) That each Subscriber of the Memorandum of x\ssociation shall write opposite to his Name the Number of Shares he takes. ^ Except in the case of Associations not for profit, Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 23, post p. 137. 2 As to Registered Office, see Sect. 39, post p. 18. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Memo- randum of Association of a Com- EEiny mited by Guarantee. Memo- randum of Association of an Unlimited JDompany. 9. Where a Company is formed on the Principle of having the Liability of its Members limited to such Amount as the Members respectively undertake to contribute to the Assets of the Company in the event of the same being wound up, herein-after referred to as a Company limited by Guarantee, the Memorandum of Association shall contain the following Things ; (that is to say,) (i.) The Name of the proposed Company, with the Addition of the Word " Limited " ^ as the last Word in such Name : (2.) The part of the United Kingdom, whether England, Scotland, or Ireland, in which the Eegistered Office ^ of the Company is proposed to be situate : (3.) The Objects for which the proposed Company is to be established : (4.) A Declaration that each Member undertakes to contribute to the Assets of the Company, in the event of the same being wound up, during the Time that he is a Member, or within One Year afterwards, for Payment of the Debts and Liabilities of the Company contracted before the Time at which he ceases to be a Member, and of the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of winding up the Company, and for the Adjust- ment of the Rights of the Contributories amongst themselves, such Amount as may be required, not exceeding a specified Amount. 1 Except in the case of Associations not for profit, Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 23, yost p. 137. 2 As to Registered Office, see Sect. 39, post p. 18. 10. Where a Company is formed on the Principle of having no Limit placed on the Liability of its Members, herein- after referred to as an Unlimited Company, the Memorandum of Association shall contain the follow- ing Things ; (that is to say,) (1.) The Name of the proposed Company : (2.) The Part of the United Kingdom, whether England, Scotland, or Ireland, in which the THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 5 Eegistered Office ^ of the Company is proposed to be situate : (3.) The Objects for which the proposed Company is to be established. ^ As to Eegistered Office, see Sect. 39, post p. 18. 11. The Memorandum of Association shall bear the stamp, same Stamp as if it were a Deed, and shall be signed aMEffect by each Subscriber in the Presence of, and be attested of Memo- by, One Witness at the least, and that Attestation Sociation. shall be sufficient Attestation in Scotland as well as in England and Ireland : It shall, when registered,^ bind the Company and the Members thereof to the same Extent as if each Member had subscribed his Name and affixed his Seal thereto, and there were in the Memorandum contained, on the Part of himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, a Covenant to observe all the Conditions of such Memorandum, subject to the Provisions of this Act. ^ As to Registration, see Sects. 17 and 18, post p. 8. 12. Any Company limited by Shares may so far Power of modify the Conditions contained in its Memorandum cv)mpanies of Association, if authorized to do so by its Eegulations to alter as originally framed, or as altered by special Eesolution dum of*"' in manner herein-after mentioned,^ as to increase its Association. Capital by the Issue of new Shares of such Amount as it thinks expedient, or to consolidate and divide its Capital into Shares of larger Amount than its existing Shares, or to convert its paid-up Shares ^ into Stock,^ but, save as aforesaid, and save as is herein-after provided* in the Case of a Change of Name, no Altera- No Altera- tion shall be made by any Company in the Conditions fj,"sav?ar" contained in its Memorandum of Association.^ herein mentioned. 1 Sects. 50 and bl,post pp. 22, 23. 2 As to effect of such Conversion, see Sect. 29, post p. 13. ^ Or to re-convert Stock into paid-up shares, the Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 29, post p. 224. 4 I.e., in Sects. 13 and 20, post pp. 6 and 9. ^ See, however, the Companies (Memorandum of Association) Act, 1890, ^jos^ p. 161. b THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Power of 13, Any Company under this Act, with the Sanction to^nge* of a special Eesolution of the Company passed in Name. manner herein-after mentioned, ^ and with the Approval of the Board of Trade testified in Writing under the Hand of One of its Secretaries or Assistant Secretaries, may change its Name, and upon such Change being made the Registrar shall enter the new Name on the Register in the Place of the former Name, and shall issue a Certificate of Incorporation^ altered to meet the Circumstances of the Case ; but no such Alteration of Name shall affect any Rights or Obligations of the Company, or render defective any legal Proceedings instituted or to be instituted by or against the Com- pany, and any legal Proceedings may be continued or commenced against the Company by its- new Name that might have been continued or commenced against the Company by its former Name. 1 Sect. 51, post p. 23. 2 Sect. 18, jpos^ p. 8. Articles of Association, Regulations 14. The Memorandum of Association may, in the scribedTy Case of a Company limited by Shares, and shall, in AssfSiion *^® Case of a Company limited by Guarantee ^ or un- ' limited, be accompanied, when registered by Articles of Association signed by the Subscribers to the Memo- randum of Association, and prescribing such Regula- tions for the Company as the Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association deem expedient : The Articles shall be expressed in separate Paragraphs, numbered arithmetically : They may adopt all or any of the Provisions contained in the Table marked A. in the First Schedule hereto : They shall, in the Case of a Company, whether limited by Guarantee or un- limited, that has a Capital divided into Shares, state the Amount of Capital with which the Company proposes to be registered ; and in the Case of a Company, whether limited by Guarantee or unlimited, that has not a Capital divided into Shares, state the THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 7 Number of Members with which the Company pro- poses to be registered, for the Purpose of enabling the Registrar to determine the Fees payable on Registra- tion : In a Company limited by Guarantee or unlimited, and having a Capital divided into Shares, each Sub- scriber shall take One Share at the least, and shall write opposite to his Name in the Memorandum of Association the Number of Shares he takes. 1 See also the Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 27, post p. 223. 15. In the Case of a Company limited by Shares, Application if the Memorandum of Association is not accompanied ^^ ^^^^** ^' by Articles of Association, or in so far as the Articles do not exclude or modify the Regulations contained in the Table marked A. in the First Schedule hereto, the last-mentioned Regulations shall, so far as the same are applicable, be deemed to be the Regulations of the Company in the same Manner and to the same Extent as if they had been inserted in Articles of Association, and the Articles had been duly registered. 16. The Articles of Association shall be printed, they stamp, sig- shall bear the same Stamp as if they were contained Effec?of "** in a Deed, and shall be signed by each Subscriber in Articles of the Presence of, and be attested by. One Witness at ^^^^^^ ^^^' the least, and such Attestation shall be a sufficient Attestation in Scotland as well as in England and Ireland : When registered, they shall bind the Com- pany and the Members thereof to the same Extent as if each Member had subscribed his Name and affixed his Seal thereto, and there were in such Articles contained a Covenant on the Part of himself, his Heii'S, Executors, and Administrators to conform to all the Regulations contained in such Articles, subject to the provisions of this Act ; and all Monies payable by any Member to the Company, in Pursuance of the Conditions and Regulations of the Company, or any of such Conditions or Regulations, shall be deemed to be a Debt due from such Member to the Company, and in England and Ireland to be in the Nature of a Specialty Debt. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. General Provisions. Registra,- 17. The Memorandum of Association afid the Articles Memomn- ^^ Association, if any, shall be delivered to the Kegistrar dum of As- of Joint Stock Companies herein-after mentioned, who and Articles shall retain and register the same : There shall be paid t/on^^th *° *^® Eegistrar by a Company having a Capital divided Fees as in into Shares, in respect of the several Matters mentioned tSIc:''" in tlie Table marked B. in the First Schedule hereto, the several Fees therein specified or such smaller Fees as the Board of Trade may from Time to Time direct ; and by a Company not having a Capital divided into Shares, in respect of the several Matters mentioned in the Table marked C. in the First Schedule hereto, the Several Fees therein specified or such smaller Fees as the Board of Trade may from Time to Time direct : All Fees paid to the said Eegistrar in pursuance of this Act shall be paid into the Eeceipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer, and be carried to the Account of the Con- solidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Effect of 18. Upon the Eegistration of the Memorandum of B«gistra- Association, and of the Articles of Association in cases where Articles of Association are required by this Act or by the Desire of the Parties to be registered, the Eegistrar shall certify under his Hand that the Company is incorporated, and in the Case of a Limited Company that the Company is limited : The Sub- scribers of the Memorandum of Association, together with such other Persons as may from Time to Time become Members of the Company, shall thereupon be a Body Corporate by the Name contained in the Memor- andum of Association, capable forthwith of exercising all the Functions of an Incorporated Company, and having perpetual Succession and a Common Seal ^ with Power to hold Lands,^ but with such Liability on the Part of the Members to contribute to the Assets of the Company in the event of the same being wound up as is herein-after mentioned : ^ [A Certificate of the In- corporation of any Company given by the Eegistrar THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. » shall be conclusive Evidence that all the Eequisitions of this Act in respect of Eegistration have been com- plied with. 4] ^As to Seal for use in foreign countries, see the Companies Seals Act, 1864, post p. 126. 2 Unless Company be one not formed for acquisition of gain, as to which see Sect. 21, post p. 10. 3 Sect. 38, post p. 17. * Repealed and re-enacted by the Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 1 (1), post p. 202. 19. A Copy of the Memorandum of Association, copies of having annexed thereto the Articles of Association, 5^^^™^^^^" if any, shall be forwarded to every Member, at his Articles to Eequest, on Payment of the Sum of One Shilling or Members!^ such less Sum as may be prescribed by the Company for each Copy ; and if any Company makes Default in forwarding a Copy of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, if any, to a Member, in pursuance of this Section, the Company so making Default shall for each Offence incur a Penalty not exceeding One Pound. 20. No Company shall be registered under a Name Prohibition identical with that by which a subsisting Company is Jfen°fjy„f already registered, or so nearly resembling the same Names in as to be calculated to deceive, except in a case where "™p*"'®^- such subsisting Company is in the course of being dissolved and testifies its Consent in such Manner as the Eegistrar requires ; and if any Company, through Inadvertence or otherwise, is, without such Consent as aforesaid, registered by a Name identical with that by which a subsisting Company is registered, or so nearly resembling the same as to be calculated to deceive, such first-mentioned Company may, with the Sanction of the Eegistrar, change its Name, and upon such Change being made the Eegistrar shall enter the new Name on the Eegister in the Place of the former Name, and shall issue a Certificate of Incorporation altered to meet the Circumstances of the Case ; but no such Alteration of Name shall affect any Eights or Obligations of the Company, or render defective any legal Proceedings instituted or to be instituted by or against the Com- 10 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. pany, and any legal Proceedings may be continued or commenced against the Company by its new Name that might have been continued or commenced against the Company by its former Name. Prohibition 21. No Company formed for the Purpose of promot- S"com-'^' iJig Art, Science, Eeligion, Charity, or any other like pani^esh^id- Object, not involving the Acquisition of Gain by the Company or by the individual Members thereof, shall, without the Sanction of the Board of Trade, hold more than Two Acres of Land ; but the Board of Trade may, by License under the Hand of One of their Principal Secretaries or Assistant Secretaries, empower any such Company to hold Lands in such Quantity and subject to such Conditions as they think fit. ing Land. PAKT II. Distribution of Capital and Liability op Mem- bers OF Companies and Associations under THIS Act. Distribution of Capital. Nature of 22. The Shares or other Interest of any Member in Comifany" a Company under this Act shall be Personal Estate, capable of being transferred ^ in manner provided by the Eegulations of the Company, and shall not be of Shares to be the Natuie of Eeal Estate, and each Share shall, in Numbered, ^j^^ Case of a Company having a Capital divided into Shares, be distinguished by its appropriate Number.^ ^ As to Registration of Transfer, see Sect. 35, post p. 15, and Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 26, post p. 139. ^I.e., in the Register, Sect. 25 {I), post p. 11. Deflni- 23. The Subscribers of the Memorandum of Associa- "Member." tiou of any Company under this Act shall be deemed to have agreed to become Members of the Company whose Memorandum they have subscribed, and upon the Ee- gistration of the Company shall be entered as Members THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 11 on the Register of Members herein-after mentioned ; ^ and every other Person who has agreed to become a Member of a Company under this Act, and whose Name is entered on the Register of Members, shall be deemed to be a Member of the Company. ^ Sect, 25, infra. 24. Any Transfer of the Share or other Interest of Transfer by a deceased Member of a Company under this Act,i R^Sresen- made by his Personal Representative, shall, notwith- tative. standing such Personal Representative may not himself be a Member, be of the same Validity as if he had been a Member at the Time of the Execution of the Instru- ment of Transfer. 1 Sect, 22, ante p. 10. 25. Every Company under this Act shall cause to Register of be kept in One or more Books a Register of its Members, ®™ ®^" and there shall be entered therein the following Par- ticulars : (1.) The Names and Addresses, and the Occupations, if any, of the Members of the Company, with the Addition, in the Case of a Company having a Capital divided into Shares, of a Statement of the Shares 1 held by each Member, distin- guishing each Share by its Number; And of the Amount paid or agreed to be considered as paid on the Shares of each Member : (2.) The Date at which the Name of any Person was entered in the Register as a Member : (3.) The date at which any Person ceased to be a Member : And any Company acting in contravention of this Section shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for every Day during which its Default in complying with the Provisions of this Section continues, and every Director or Manager of the Company who shall know- ingly and wilfully authorize or permit such Contraven- tion shall incur the like Penalty. ^ Where Shares have been converted into Stock, see Sect. 29, 2X)st p. 13. Where Share Warrants have been issued, see the Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 31, post p. 140. 12 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Annual List'''^ 26. Every Company under this Act, and having a of Members. Capital^ divided into Shares, shall make, once at least in every Year, a List of all Persons who, on the Fourteenth Day succeeding the Day on v^hich the Ordinary General Meeting,^ or if there is more than One Ordinary Meeting in each Year, the First of such Ordinary General Meetings is held, are Members of the Company ; and such List shall state the Names, Addresses, and Occupations of all the Members therein mentioned, and the Number of Shares held by each of them, and shall contain a Summary^ specifying the following Particulars : * (1.) The Amount of the Capital of the Company, and the Number of Shares into which it is divided : (2.) The Number of Shares taken from the Com- mencement of the Company up to the date of the Summary : (3,) The Amount of Calls made on each Share : (4.) The total Amount of Calls received : (5.) The total Amount of Calls unpaid : (6.) The total Amount of Shares forfeited : (7.) The Names, Addresses, and Occupations of the Persons who have ceased to be Members since the last List was made, and the Number of Shares held by each of them. The above List and Summary shall be contained in a separate Part of the Eegister, and shall be completed within Seven Days after such Fourteenth Day as is mentioned in this Section, and a Copy shall forth- with be forwarded to the Eegistrar of Joint Stock Companies. 1 As to Companies not having a Capital divided into Shares, see Sect. 45, post p. 21. 2 Sect. 49, post p. 22. 3 Schedule 2, Form E, post p. 119. ^ Where Shares have been converted into Stock, see Sect. 29, post p. 13. Where Share Warrants have been issued, see the Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 32, ^os< p. 141. Where a reduction of Capital has talcen place, see the Companies Act, 1880, Sect. 6, post p. 155., and for furoher requirements, see the Companies Act,. 1900, Sect. 19, post p. 220. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 13 27. If any Company under this Act, and having a Penalty on Capital divided into Shares, makes default in com- etc™Sot^' plying v^ith the Provisions of this Act with respect to forwarding forwarding such List of Members or Summary as is Members, herein-before mentioned ^ to the Eegistrar, such Com- gM^^.^^ pany shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for every Day during which such Default continues, and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit such Default shall incur the like Penalty. 1 In the previous Sect. u ^ 28. Every Company under this Act, having a Company to Capital divided into Shares, that has consolidated i ff^con-^*^^^ and divided its Capital into Shares of larger Amount ^J^^^^^^on" than its existing Shares, or converted any Portion version of of its Capital into Stock, shall give Notice to the §f pJ^^^ i"*« Eegistrar of Joint Stock Companies, of such Con- solidation, Division, or Conversion, specifying the Shares so consolidated, divided, or converted. 1 As empowered to do by Sect. 12, ante p. 5. r y 29. Where any Company under this Act, and having Effect of ^ a Capital divided into shares, has converted ^ any of^shlres"*" Portion of its Capital into Stock, and given Notice ^ into stock. of such Conversion to the Registrar, all the Provisions of this Act which are applicable to Shares only shall cease as to so much of the Capital as is converted into Stock ; and the Register of Members hereby required ^ to be kept by the Company, and the List of Members * to be forwarded to the Registrar, shall show the Amount of Stock held by each Member in the List instead of the Amount of Shares and the Particulars relating to Shares herein-before required. 1 As empowered to do by Sect. 12, ante p. 5. 2 As required in preceding Section. ^ Sect. 25, ante p. 11. 4 Sect. 26, ante p. 12. 30. No Notice of any Trust, expressed, implied. No Entry of or constructive, shall be entered on the Register, or Register" be receivable by the Registrar, in the Case of Com- 14 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862, panies under this Act and registered in England or Ireland. Certificate 31, A Certificate, under the Common Seal of the orstocr Company, specifying any Share or Shares or Stock TRtie*"*'^ ^^ ^^^^ ^y ^"y Member of a Company, shall be prima facie Evidence of the Title of the Member to the Share or Shares or Stock therein specified. Inaction 32. The Eegister of Members, commencing from egis r. ^j^^ Date of the Eegistration of the Company, shall be kept at the Eegistered Office of the Company herein- after mentioned : ^ Except when closed as herein-after mentioned,^ it shall during Business Hours, but subject to such reasonable Eestrictions as the Company in General Meeting may impose, so that not less than Two Hours in each Day be appointed for Inspection, be open to the Inspection of any Member gratis, and to the Inspection of any other Person on the Payment of One Shilling, or such less Sum as the Company may prescribe, for each Inspection ; and every such Member or other Person may require a Copy of such Eegister, or of any Part thereof, or of such List or Summary of Members as is herein-before mentioned, on Payment of Sixpence for every Hundred Words required to be copied : If such Inspection or Copy is refused, the Company shall incur for each Eefusal a Penalty not exceeding Two Pounds, and a further Penalty not exceeding Two Pounds for every Day during which such Eefusal continues, and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowingly authorize or permit such Eefusal shall incur the like Penalty ; and in addition to the above Penalty, as respects Companies registered in England and Ireland, any Judge sitting in Chambers, or the Vice Warden of the Stannaries, in the Case of Com- panies subject to his Jurisdiction, may by Order compel an immediate Inspection of the Eegister. 1 Sect. 39, post p. 18. 2 Sect. 33, infra. Power 33, Any Company under this Act may, upon giving Register. Notice by Advertisement in some Newspaper circu- THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 15 lating in the District in which the Eegistered Office of the Company is situated, close the Eegister of Members for any Time or Times not exceeding in the whole Thirty Days in each Year. L/ 34. Where a Company has a Capital divided into Notice of Shares, whether such Shares may or may not have capS and ^ been converted into Stock, Notice of any Increase in J^ b^gJln such Capital beyond the registered Capital, and where to Regis- a Company has not a Capital divided into Shares, ^^^' Notice of any Increase in the Number of Members beyond the registered Number, shall be given to the Eegistrar in the Case of an Increase of Capital, within Fifteen Days from the Date of the passing of the Ee- solution by which such Increase has been authorized, and in the Case of an Increase of Members within Fifteen Days from the Time at which such Increase of Members has been resolved on or has taken place, and the Eegistrar shall forthwith record the Amount of such Increase of Capital or Members : If such Notice is not given within the Period aforesaid the Company in default shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for every Day during which such Neglect to give Notice continues, and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowiugly and wilfully authorize or permit such Default shall incur the like Penalty. 35. If the Name of any Person is, without sufficient jRemedyfor Cause, entered in or omitted from the Eegister of ^^^JJ^o/ Members of any Company under this Act, or if Default g™/^^^''" ^* is made or unnecessary Delay takes place in entering Register, on the Eegister the Fact of any Person having ceased to be a Member of the Company, the Person or Member aggrieved, or any Member of the Company, or the Company itself, may, as respects Companies registered in England or Ireland, by Motion in any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Law or Equity, or by Application to a Judge sitting in Chambers, or to the Vice Warden of the Stannaries in the Case of Com- panies subject to his Jurisdiction, and as respects Companies registered in Scotland by summary Petition 16 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. to the Court of Sessions, or in such other Manner as the said Courts may direct, apply for an Order of the Court that the Eegister may be rectified ; and the Court ^ may either refuse such AppHcation, with or without Costs, to be paid by the Applicant, or it may, if satisfied of the Justice of the Case, make an Order for the Recti- fication of the Register, and may direct the Company to pay all the Costs of such Motion, Application, or Petition, and any Damages the Party aggrieved may have sustained : The Court may in any Proceeding under this Section decide on any Question relating to the Title of any Person who is a Party to such Proceeding to have his Name entered in or omitted from the Register, whether such Question arises be- tween Two or more Members or alleged Members, or between any Members or alleged Members, and the Company, and generally the Court may in any such Proceeding decide any Question that it may be necessary or expedient to decide for the Rectification of the Register ; provided that the Court, [if a Court of Common Law,^] may direct an Issue to be tried, in which any Question of Law may be raised, [and a Writ of Error or Appeal, in the Manner directed by " The Common Law Procedure Act, 1854," shall lie 2]. 1 This jurisdiction is specially preserved by the Companies Act, 1898, Sect. 2, post p. 201. 2 Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1881. Notice to 36. Whenever any Order has been made rectifying RiSifica- ^^ *^® Register, in the Case of a Company hereby required tion of to send a List of its Members to the Registrar, the Court Register. ^^^^^^ ^^ .^^ Order, direct that due Notice of such Rec- tification be given to the Registrar. Register to 37. The Register of Members shall be primd facie be Evidence. j,^.^gj^gg of any Matters by this Acti directed or authorized to be inserted therein. 1 Sect. 25, ante p. 11. ^ THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 17 Liability of Members. 38.^ In the event of a Company formed under this Liability Act being wound up, every present and past Member anS^pasf ' of such Company shall be liable to contribute to the Members of Assets of the Company to an Amount sufficient for **™P*^y" Payment of the Debts and Liabilities of the Company, and the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of the Winding up, and for the Payment of such Sums as may be required for the Adjustment of the Eights of the Con- tributories amongst themselves, with the Qualifications following ; (that is to say,) (1.) No past Member shall be liable to contribute to the Assets of the Company if he has ceased to be a Member for a Period of One Year or upwards prior to the Commencement of the Winding up : ^ (2.) No past Member shall be liable to contribute in respect of any Debt or Liability of the Com- pany contracted after the Time at which he ceased to be a Member : (3.) No past Meniber shall be liable to contribute to the Assets of the Company unless it appears to the Court that the existing Members are unable to satisfy the Contributions required to be made by them in pursuance of this Act : (4.) In the Case of a Company limited by Shares, no Contribution shall be required from any Member exceeding the Amount, if any, unpaid on the Shares in respect of which he is liable as a present or past Member : (5.) In the Case of a Company limited by Guarantee, no Contribution shall be required from any Member exceeding the Amount of the Under- taking entered into on his Behalf by the Memorandum of Association: (6.) Nothing in this Act contained shall invalidate any Provision contained in any Policy of In- surance or other Contract whereby the Liability of Individual Members upon any such Policy 2 18 JHE COMPANIES ACT, 1862, or Contract is restricted, or whereby the Funds of the Company are alone made liable in respect of such Policy or Contract : (7.) No Sum due to any Member of a Company, in his Character of a Member, by way of Divi- dends, Profits, or otherwise, shall be deemed to be a Debt of the Company, payable to such Member in a Case of Competition between himself and any other Creditor not being a Member of the Company ; but any such Sum may be taken into account, for the Purposes of the final Adjustment ^ of the Eights of the Contributories amongst themselves. ^ Modified as to Directors or Managers with Unlimited Lia- bility by the Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 5, post p. 130. 2 As to Commencement of Winding-up, if by the Court, see Sect. 84, post p. 37 ; if voluntary, see Sect. 130, post p. 64. 3 Sect. 109, post p. 46. PAKT III. Management and Administbation of Companies and- Associations under this Act. Provisions for Protection of Creditors. R^stered 39. Every Company under this Act shall have a Company Begistered Office to which all Communications and Notices may be addressed : If any Company under this Act carries on Business without having such an Office, it shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for every Day during which Business is so carried on. Notice of 40. Notice of the Situation of such Registered Office, StS^d^and of any Change therein, shall be given to the Office. Registrar, and recorded by him : Until such Notice is given the Company shall not be deemed to have com- plied with the Provisions of this Act with respect to having a Registered Office. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 19 41. Every Limited Company under this Act, whether Publication limited by Shares or by Guarantee, shall paint or affix, a^j^mited*^ and shall keep painted or affixed, its Name on the Out- Company, side of every Office or Place in which the Business of the Company is carried on, in a conspicuous Position, in Letters easily legible, and shall have its Name en- graven in legible Characters on its Seal, and shall have its Name mentioned in legible Characters in all Notices, Advertisements, and other official Publications of such Company, and in all Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Endorsements, Cheques, and Orders for Money or Goods purporting to be signed by or on behalf of such Company, and in all Bills of Parcels, Invoices, Receipts, and Letters of Credit of the Company. 42. If any Limited Company under this Act does Penalties not paint or affix, and keep painted or affixed, its Name publication in manner directed by this Act, it shall be liable to a of Name. Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for not so painting or affixing its Name, and for every Day during which such Name is not so kept painted or affixed, and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit such De- fault shall be liable to the like Penalty ; and if any Director, Manager, or Officer of such Company, or any Person on its Behalf, uses or authorizes the use of any Seal purporting to be a Seal of the Company whereon its Name is not so engraven as aforesaid, or issues or authorizes the Issue of any Notice, Advertisement, or other official Publication of such Company, or signs or authorizes to be signed on behalf of such Company any Bill of Exchange, Promissory Note, Endorsement, Cheque, Order for Money or Goods, or issues or author- izes to be issued any Bill of Parcels, Invoice, Receipt, or Letter of Credit of the Company, wherein its Name is not mentioned in Manner aforesaid, he shall be liable to a Penalty of Fifty Pounds, and shall further be per- sonally liable to the Holder of any such Bill of Ex- change, Promissory Note, Cheque, or Order for Money or Goods, for the Amount thereof, unless the same ia duly paid by the Company. 20 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Register of Mortgages. Inspection of Register. 43.^ Every Limited Company under this Act shall keep a Eegister of all Mortgages and Charges specifi- cally affecting Property of the Company, and shall enter in such Eegister in respect of each Mortgage or Charge a short Description of the Property mortgaged or charged, the Amount of Charge created, and the Names of the Mortgagees or Persons entitled to such Charge : If any Property of the Company is mortgaged or charged without such Entry as aforesaid being made, every Director, Manager, or other Officer of the Com- pany who knowingly and wilfully authorizes or permits the Omission of such Entry shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Fifty Pounds : The Eegister of Mort- gages required by this Section shall be open to Inspec- tion by any Creditor or Member of the Company at all reasonable Times ; and if such Inspection is refused, any Officer of the Company refusing the same, and every Director and Manager of the Company authoriz- ing or knowingly and wilfully permitting such Eefusal, shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds, and a further Penalty not exceeding Two Pounds for every Day during which such Eefusal continues; and in addition to the above Penalty, as respects Companies registered in England and Ireland^ any Judge sitting in Chambers, or the Vice Warden of the Stannaries in the Case of Companies subject to his Jurisdiction, may by Order compel an immediate Inspection of the Eegister. 1 The Companies Act, 1900, Sects. 14 to 18, post pp. 216 to 219. Certain 44, Every Limited Banking Company and every t?pXi?sr Insurance Company, and Deposit, Provident, or Benefit st^ement Society under this Act shall, before it commences iH Schedule. Business, and also on the First Monday in February and the First Monday in August in every Year during which it carries on Business, make a Statement in the Form marked D. in the First Schedule hereto, or as near thereto as Circumstances will admit, and a Copy of such Statement shall be put up in a conspicuous Place in the Eegistered Office of the Company, and in THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 21 every Branch Office or Place where the Business of the Company is carried on, and if Default is made in compliance with the Provisions of this Section the Company shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for every Day during which such Default continues, and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit such Default shall incur the like Penalty. Every Member and every Creditor of any Company mentioned in this Section shall be entitled to a Copy of the above-mentioned Statement on Payment of a sum not exceeding Sixpence. 45. Every Company under this Act,^ [and not List of having a Capital divided into Shares 2], shall keep at its fj'keptliS Registered Office a Register containing the Names and sent to Addresses and the Occupations of its Directors or ^^'^ ™^" Managers, and shall send to the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies a Copy of such Register, and shall from Time to Time notify to the Registrar any Change that takes place in such Directors or Managers. ^Except those Registered under The Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 23, post p. 137. ■^ Repealed by the Companies Act, 1900, post p. 226. 46. If any Company under this Act, [and not hav- Penalty on ing a Capital divided into Shares i], makes Default in UotTSng keeping a Register of its Directors or Managers, or in or sending sending a Copy of such Register to the Registrar in Sfrectors?* compliance with the foregoing Rules, or in notifying '^^■ to the Registrar any Change that takes place in such Directors or Managers, such delinquent Company shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds for every Day during which such Default continues, and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit such De- fault shall incur the like Penalty. 1 Repealed by the Companies Act, 1900, post p. 226. 47. A Promissory Note or Bill of Exchange shall Promissory be deemed to have been made, accepted, or endorsed buis of "^ on behalf of any Company under this Act, if made. Exchange. 22 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. accepted, or endorsed in the Name of the Company by any Person acting under the Authority of the Company, or if made, accepted, or endorsed by or on behalf or on account of the Company by any Person acting under the Authority of the Company. Liability of 48. If any Company under this Act carries on Busi- a^cSSpSiy^ ness when the Number of its Members is less than Bills "'^ Seven 1 for a Period of Six Months after the Number with less has been so reduced, every Person who is a Member Membei^^" °^ ^^Gh Company during the Time that it so carries on Business after such Period of Six Months, and is cog- nizant of the Fact that it is so carrying on Business with fewer than Seven Members, shall be severally liable for the Payment of the whole Debts of the Company contracted during such Time, and may be sued for the same, without the Joinder in the Action or Suit of any other Member. ^ And the Company may then be wound up by the Court, Sect. 79 (3), post p. 34. General Meeting of Company. ■ V Power to alter Regu- lations by Special Resolution. Provisions for Protection of Members. 49. A General Meeting ^ of every Company under this Act shall be held once at the least in every Year.^ 1 See the Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 12, post p. 213 as to the "Statutory Meeting," which must be held between one and three months from the date at which the company is entitled to commence business in the case of every company limited by shares. 2 At which Auditors must be appointed. The Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 21, _pos^p. 220. 50. Subject to the Provisions of this Act, and to the Conditions contained in the Memorandum of As- sociation, any Company formed under this Act may, in General Meeting from Time to Time, by passing a Special Eesolution in manner herein-after mentioned,^ alter all or any of the Eegulations of the Company contained in the Articles of Association ^ or in the Table marked A. in the First Schedule, where such Table is applicable to the Company, or make new Eegulations THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 23 to the Exclusion of or in addition to all or any of the Regulations of the Company ; and any Regulations so made by Special Resolution shall be deemed to be Regulations of the Company of the same Validity as if they had been originally contained in the Articles of Association, and shall be subject in like manner to be altered or modified by any subsequent Special Resolu- tion. ^ Sect. 51, infra. 2 Sects. 14, 15 and 16, ante pp. 6, 7. 51. A Resolution passed by a Company under this Definition Act shall be deemed to be special whenever a Resolution Resoiutkm. has been passed by a Majority ^oLflat less thaTi^^hree Fourths of such Memb ers„of the Company for the Time being entitled, according to the Regulations of the Company, to vote as may be present, in Person or by Proxy (in Cases where by the Regulations of the Company Proxies are allowed), at any General Meeting of which Notice specifying the Intention to propose such Resolution has been duly given, and such Reso- lution has been confirmed by a Majority of such Members for the Time being entitled, according to the Regulations of the Company, to vote as may be present, in Person or by Proxy, at a subsequent General Meet- ing, of which Notice has been duly given, and held at an interval of not less than Fourteen Days, nor more than One Month from the Date of the Meeting at which such Resolution was first passed : At any Meeting mentioned in this Section, unless a Poll is demanded by at least Five Members, a Declaration of the Chairman that the Resolution has been carried shall be deemed conclusive Evidence of the Fact, without Proof of the Number or Proportion of the Votes recorded in favour of or against the same : Notice of any Meeting shall, for the Purposes of this Section, be deemed to be duly given and the Meeting to be duly held, whenever such Notice is given and Meeting held in manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Company : In computing the Majority under this Section, when a Poll is de- 24 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. manded, Eeference shall be had to the Number of Votes • to which each Member is entitled by the Kegulations of the Company. Provision 52. In Default of any Eegulations as to voting every ReguiaSons Member shall have One Vote, and in default of any as to Meet- Eegulations as to summoning General Meetings a Meeting shall be held to be duly summoned of which Seven Days' Notice in Writing has been served on every Member in manner in which Notices are required to be served by the Table marked A.i in the First Schedule hereto, and in Default of any Regulations as to the Persons to summon Meetings Five Members shall be competent to summon the same, and in Default of any Regulations as to who is to be Chairman of such Meet- ing, it shall be competent for any Person elected by the Members present to preside. 1 Post pp. 105, 107, clauses 95, 96 and 97. Also Sects. 62 and 63, post p. 27. Registra- 53. A Copy of any Special Resolution that is passed Spec^iRe- by any Company under this Act shall be printed and solutions, forwarded to the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, and be recorded by him : If such Copy is not so for- warded within Fifteen Days from the Date of the Confirmation of the Resolution, the Company shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Two Pounds for every Day after the Expiration of such Fifteen Days during which such Copy is omitted to be forwarded, and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall know- ingly and wilfuUy authorize or permit such Default shall incur the like Penalty. Copies of 54. Where Articles of Association have been regis- SSons!* tered, a Copy of every Special Resolution for the time being in force shall be annexed to or embodied in every Copy of the Articles of Association that may be issued after the passing of such Resolution : Where no Articles of Association have been registered, a Copy of any Special Resolution shall be forwarded in Print to any Member requesting the same on Payment of One Shil- ling, or such less Sum as the Company may direct : THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 25 And if any Company makes Default in complying with the Provisions of this Section it shall incur a Penalty not exceeding One Pound for each Copy in respect of which such Default is made ; and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit such Default shall incur the Uke Penalty. 55.^ Any Company under this Act may, by Instru- Execution ment in Writing under its Common Seal, empower any abroad.^ Person, either generally or in respect of any specified Matters, as its Attorney, to execute Deeds on its Behalf in any Place not situate in the United Kingdom ; and every Deed signed by such Attorney, on behalf of the Company, and under his Seal, shall be binding on the Company, and have the same Effect as if it were under the Common Seal of the Company. 1 See also the Companies Seals Act, 1864, post p. 126. 56. The Board of Trade may appoint One or more Examina- competent Inspectors to examine into the Affairs of ^^"iri of any Company under this Act, and to report thereon, Company in such Manner as the Board may direct, upon the tJrs'ap-^*' Apphcations following; (that is to say,) T^Bo^rd^ (1.) In the Case of a Banking Company that has a of Trade. Capital divided into shares, upon the Applica- tion of Members holding not less than One Third Part of the whole Shares of the Com- pany for the Time being issued : (2.) In the Case of any other Company that has a Capital divided into Shares, upon the Appli- cation of Members holding not less than One Fifth Part of the whole Shares of the Company for the Time being issued : (3.) In the Case of any Company not having a Capital divided into Shares, upon the Applica- tion of Members being in number not less than One Fifth of the whole Number of Persons for the Time being entered on the Register of the Company as Members. 26 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Application for Inspec- tion to be supported by Evi- dence. Inspection of Books and Ex- amination of Officers. Result of Examina- tion how dealt with. Power of Company to appoint Inspectors. 57. The Application shall be supported by such Evidence as the Board of Trade may require for the Purpose of showing that the Applicants have good Reason for requiring such Investigation to be made, and that they are not actuated by malicious Motives in instituting the same ; the Board of Trade may also require the Applicants to give Security for Payment of the Costs of the Inquiry before appointing any Inspec- tor or Inspectors. 58. It shall be the Duty of all Officers and Agents of the Company to produce for the Examination of the Inspectors all Books and Documents in their Custody or Power : Any Inspector may examine upon Oath the Officers and Agents of the Company in relation to its Business, and may administer such Oath accordingly : If any Officer or Agent refuses to produce any Book or Document hereby directed to be produced, or to answer any Question relating to the Affairs of the Company, he shall incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds in respect of each Offence. 59- Upon the Conclusion of the Examination the Inspectors shall report their Opinion to the Board of Trade : Such Report shall be written or printed, as the Board of Trade directs : A Copy shall be forwarded by the Board of Trade to the Registered Office of the Com- pany, and a further Copy shall, at the Request of the Members upon whose Application the Inspection was made, be delivered to them or to any One or more of them : All Expenses of and incidental to any such Examination as aforesaid shall be defrayed by the Members upon whose Application the Inspectors were appointed, unless the Board of Trade shall direct the same to be paid out of the Assets of the Company, which it is hereby authorized to do. 60. Any Company under this Act may by Special Resolution appoint Inspectors for the Purpose of ex- amining into the Affairs of the Company : The Inspec- tors so appointed shall have the same Powers and perform the same Duties as Inspectors appointed by the Board of Trade, with this Exception, that, instead THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 27 of making their Eeport to the Board of Trade, they shall make the same in such Manner and to such Persons as the Company in General Meeting directs ; and the Officers and Agents of the Company shall incur the same Penalties, in case of any Refusal to produce any Book or Document hereby required to be produced to such Inspectors, or to answer any question, as they would have incurred if such Inspector had been ap- pointed by the Board of Trade. 61. A Copy of the Eeport of any Inspectors ap- Report of pointed under this Act, authenticated by the Seal of Jo^^e^E?r the Company into whose Affairs they have made In- dence. spection, shall be admissible in any Legal Proceeding, as Evidence of the Opinion of the Inspectors in relation to any Matter contained in such Report. Notices. 62. Any Summons, Notice, Order, or other Docu- Service of ment required to be served upon the Company may be Sc!i^oif' served by leaving the same, or sending it through the company. Post in a prepaid Letter addressed to the Company, at their Registered Office. ^ 1 As to Registered Office of Company, see Sect. 39, ante p. 18. 63. Any Document to be served by Post on the service of Company shall be posted in such Time as to admit of ^t^f'bT' its being delivered in the due Course of Delivery within Post, the Period (if any) prescribed for the Service thereof ; and in proving Service of such Document it shall be sufficient to prove that such Document was properly directed, and that it was put as a prepaid Letter into the Post Office. 64. Any Summons, Notice, Order, or Proceeding Authenti- requiring Authentication by the Company may be Notices of signed by any Director, Secretary, or other authorized Company, Officer of the Company, and need not be under the Common Seal of the Company, and the same may be in Writing or in Print, or partly in Writing and partly in Print. 28 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Legal Proceedings. Recovery of 65. All Offences under this Act made punishable Penalties, j^y ^^^ Penalty may be prosecuted summarily before Two or more Justices, as to England, in manner directed by an Act passed in the Session holden in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria^ Chapter Forty-three, intituled An Act to facilitate the Performance of the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary Convictions and Orders, or any Act amending the same ; and as to Scotland, before Two or more Justices or the Sheriff of the County, in manner directed by the Act passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Chapter One hundred and four, in- tituled An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts re- lating to Merchant Shipping, or any Act amending the same, as regards Offences in Scotland against that Act, not being Offences by that Act described as Felonies or Misdemeanors ; and as to Ireland, in manner directed by the Act passed in the Session holden in the Four- teenth and Fifteenth Years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Chapter Ninety-three, intituled An Act to consolidate and amend the Acts regulating the Proceedings of Petty Sessions and the Duties of Justices of the Peace out of Quarter Sessions in Ireland, or any Act amending the same. Application 66. The Justices or Sheriff imposing any Penalty of Penalties, ^j^jgj. ^j^jg ^^^ ^^^ direct the whole or any Part thereof to be applied in or towards Payment of the Costs of the Proceedings, or in or towards the reward- ing the Person upon whose Information or at whose Suit such Penalty has been recovered ; and subject to such Direction, all Penalties shall be paid into the Receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer in such Manner as the Treasury may direct, and shall be carried to and form Part of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. ay 67. Every Company under this Act shall cause Evidence of Minutes of all Eesolutions and Proceedings of General Itut^^. Meetings of the Company, and of the Directors or Managers of the Company in Cases where there are Directors or Managers, to be duly entered in Books to be from Time to Time provided for the Purpose ; and any such Minute as aforesaid, if purporting to be signed by the Chairman of the Meeting at which such Resolutions were passed or Proceedings had, or by the Chairman of the next succeeding Meeting shall be received as Evidence in all Legal Proceedings ; and until the contrary is proved, every General Meeting of the Company or Meeting of Directors or Managers in respect of the Proceedings of which Minutes have been so made shall be deemed to have been duly held and convened, and all Resolutions passed thereat or Pro- ceedings had, to have been duly passed and had, and all Appointments of Directors, Managers, or Liquidators shall be deemed to be valid, and all Acts done by such Directors, Managers, or Liquidators shall be valid, notwithstanding any Defect that may afterwards be discovered in their Appointments or Qualifications. 68. In the Case of Companies under this Act, and ^"ijf^j*'****" engaged in working Mines within and subject to the warden of Jurisdiction of the Stannaries, the Court of the Vice s^a^^aries. Warden of the Stannaries shall have and exercise the like Jurisdiction and Powers, as well on the Common Law as on the Equity Side thereof, which it now possesses by Custom, Usage, or Statute in the Case of unincorporated Companies, but only so far as such Jurisdiction or Powers are consistent with the Pro- visions of this Act and with the Constitution of Com- panies, as prescribed or required by this Act ; and for the Purpose of giving fuller Effect to such Jurisdiction in all Actions, Suits, or Legal Proceedings instituted in the said Court, in Causes or Matters whereof the Court has Cognizance, all Process issuing out of the same and all Orders, Rules, Demands, Notices, Warrants, and Summonses required or authorized by the Practice of the Court to be served on any Company whether ,.«»•< nV o,V >^ 30 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Power to order Se- curity for Costs in Actions brought by Limited Companies. Allegations in Action against Members. registered or not registered, or any Member or Con- tributory thereof, or any Officer, Agent, Director,, Manager, or Servant thereof, may be served in any Part of England without any Special Order of the Vice Warden for that Purpose, or by such special Order may be served in any Part of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, or in the adjacent Islands, Parcel of the Dominions of the Crown, on such Terms and Conditions as the Court shall think fit ; and all Decrees, Orders, and Judgments of the said Court made or pronounced in such Causes or Matters may be enforced in the same Manner in which Decrees, Orders, and Judgments of the Court may now by Law be enforced, whether within or beyond the Local Limits of the Stannaries ; and the Seal of the said Court, and the Signature of the Registrar thereof, shall be judicially noticed by all other Courts and Judges in England, and shall require no other Proof than the Production thereof : The Registrar of the said Court, or the Assistant Registrar, in making Sales under any Decree or Order of the Court shall be entitled to the same Privilege of selling by Auction or Competition without a License, and without being liable to Duty, as a Judge of the Court of Chancery is entitled to in pursuance of the Acts in that Behalf. 69. Where a limited Company is Plaintiff or Pursuer in any Action, Suit, or other Legal Proceeding, any Judge having Jurisdiction in the Matter may, if it appears by any credible Testimony that there is Reason to believe that if the Defendant be successful in his Defence the Assets of the Company will be insufficient to pay his Costs, require sufficient Security to be given for such Costs, and may stay all Proceedings until such Security is given. 70. In any Action or Suit brought by the Company against any Member to recover any CalP or other Monies due from such Member in his Character of Member, it shall not be necessary to set forth the special Matter, but it shall be sufficient to allege that the Defendant is a Member of the Company, and is THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 31 indebted to the Company in respect of a Call made or other Monies due whereby an Action or Suit hath accrued to the Company. 1 As to Calls on Shares, see Table A, 4 to 7, post pp. 93, 94. Alteration of Forms. 71. The Forms set forth in the Second Schedule Forms in hereto, or Forms as near thereto as Circumstances uie t?bl^" admit, shall be used in all Matters to which such «sed.^ ^^ Forms refer : the Board of Trade may from Time to Trade may Time make such Alterations in the Tables and Forms fi^^l^^eS" contained in the First Schedule hereto, so that it does not increase the Amount of Fees payable to the Ee- gistrar in the said Schedule mentioned, ^ and in the Forms in the Second Schedule, or make such Additions to the last-mentioned Forms as it deems requisite : '^ Any such Table or Form, when altered, shall be pub- lished in the London Gazette, and upon such PubUcation being made such Table or Form shall have the same Force as if it were included in the Schedule to this Act, but no Alteration made by the Board of Trade in the Table marked A. contained in the First Schedule shall affect any Company registered prior to the Date of such Alteration, or repeal, as respects such Company, any Portion of such Table. 1 In Tables B or C, post pp. 107, 108. 2 For forms under the Companies Act, 1900, see post p. 226 et seq. Arbitrations. 72. Any Company under this Act may from Time Power for to Time, by Writing under its Common Seal, agree to ^ SfeT'^* refer and may refer to Arbitration, in accordance with ^Sf^/atfon *' The Eailway Companies Arbitration Act, 1859," any in accord- existing or future Difference, Question, or other Matter I2&23 vict. whatsoever in dispute between itself and any other c. 59. Company or Person, and the Companies Parties to the Arbitration may delegate to the Person or Persons to whom the Eeference is made Power to settle any Terms 32 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. or to determine any Matter capable of being lawfully settled or determined by the Companies themselves, or by the Directors or other managing Body of such Companies. Provisions 73, All the Provisions of *' The Eailway Companies v^ict.*59, Arbitration Act, 1859," shall be deemed to apply to to apply. Arbitrations between Companies and Persons in pur- suance of this Act ; and in the Construction of such Provisions "the Companies " shall be deemed to include Companies authorized by this Act to refer Disputes to Arbitration. PAKT IV. Winding up of Companies and Associations under THIS Act. Preliminary. Meaning of 74. The Term " Contributory " shall mean every Per- Contribu- ^^^ i i[^\y\Q ^q contribute to the Assets of a Company under this Act, in the event of the same being wound up : It shall also, in all Proceedings for determining the Persons who are to be deemed Contributories, and in all Proceedings prior to the final Determination of such Persons, include any Person alleged to be a Contributory. 1 As to who these are, see Sect. 38, ante p. 17, and also Sects. 76, 77 and 78, post p. 33 ; as to Companies Registered but not formed under this Act, Sect. 196 (5), post p. 83, and as to un- registered Companies, Sect. 200, post p. 88. Nature of 75. The Liability of any Person to contribute to the CoSribu-''^ Assets of a Company under this Act, in the event of tory. the same being wound up, shall be deemed to create a Debt (in England and Ireland of the Nature of a Specialty) accruing due from such Person at the Time when his Liability commenced, but payable at the Time or respective Times when Calls are made as THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 33 herein-after mentioned ^ for enforcing such LiabiUty ; and it shall be lawful in the Case of the Bankruptcy of any Contributory to prove against his Estate the estimated Value of his Liability to future Calls as well as Calls already made. 1 Sect. 102, p. 43, Sect. 133 (9), p. 56, and Sect. 151, p. 62. 76. If any Contributory dies either before or after Contribu- he has been placed On the List of Contributories herein- case^of " after mentioned,^ his Personal Eepresentatives, Heirs, Death, and Devisees shall be liable in a due Course of Ad- ministration to contribute to the Assets of the Company in discharge of the Liability of such deceased Contri- butory and such Personal Eepresentatives, Heirs, and Devisees shall be deemed to be Contributories accordingly. 1 Sect. 98, post p. 42. 77. If any Contributory becomes bankrupt, either Contribu- before or after he has been placed on the List of Con- ^"g^of" tributories, his Assignees shall be deemed to represent Bank- such Bankrupt for all the Purposes of the Winding up, ™^ *^^" and shall be deemed to be Contributories accordingly, and may be called upon to admit to Proof against the Estate of such Bankrupt, or otherwise to allow to be paid out of his Assets in due Course of Law, any Monies due from such Bankrupt in Eespect of his Liability ^ to contribute to the Assets of the Company being wound up ; and for the purposes of this Section any Person who may have taken the Benefit of any Act for the Belief of Insolvent Debtors before the Eleventh Day of October One thousand eight hundred and sixty-one shall be deemed to have become bankrupt. ^ Sect. 75, ante p. 32. 78. If any Female Contributory marries, either Contnbu- before or after she has been placed on the List of callfof " Contributories, her Husband ^ shall during the Con- Marriage, tinuance of the Marriage be liable to contribute to the Assets of the Company the same Sum as she 3 34 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. ■would have been liable to contribute if she had not married, and he shall be deemed to be a Contributory accordingly. ^ But see now Sects. 6, 7, and 14 of the Married Women's Property Act, 1882 (33 & 34 Vict., cap. 75). Winding up by Court. may be wound up by Court. Circum- 79. A Company under this Act may be wound up uifdefwhicii ^y *^® Court as herein-after defined, ^ under the fol- Corapany lowing Circumstances ; (that is to say,) (1.) Whenever the Company has passed a Special Kesolution 2 requiring the Company to be wound up by the Court : (2.) Whenever the Company does not commence its Business within a Year from its Incorporation, or suspends its Business for the Space of a whole Year : (3.) Whenever the Members are reduced in Number to less than Seven : ^ (4.) Whenever the Company is unable to pay its Debts : ^ (5.) Whenever the Court is of opinion that it is just and equitable that the Company should be wound up.^ ^ Sect. 1 of the Companies Winding-up Act, 1890, post p. 164. 2 As to what is a Special Resolution, see Sect. 51, ante p. 23. ^ As to this, see also Sect. 48, ante p. 22, and the Companies Act, 1867, Sect. ^0, post p. 143. ^ See next Sect. *And see also the Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 12 (8), post p. 215. 80. A Company! under this Act shall be deemed to be unable to pay its Debts : (1.) Whenever a Creditor, by Assignment or other- wise, to whom the Company is indebted, at Law or in Equity, in a Sum exceeding Fifty Pounds then due, has served on the Company, by leaving the same at their Eegistered Office^ Company when to be deemed un- able to pay its Debts. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 35 a Demand under his Hand requiring the Com- pany to pay the Sum so due, and the Company has for the Space of Three Weeks succeeding the Service of such Demand neglected to pay such Sum, or to secure or compound for the same to the reasonable Satisfaction of the Creditor : (2.) Whenever, in England and Ireland, Execution or other Process issued on a Judgment, Decree, or Order obtained in any Court in favour of any Creditor, at Law or in Equity in any Pro- ceeding instituted by such Creditor against the Company, is returned unsatisfied in v^hole or in part : (3.) Whenever, in Scotland, the Induciae of a Charge for payment on an Extract Decree, or an Ex- tract registered Bond, or an Extract registered Protest have expired without Payment being made : ' (4.) Whenever it is proved to the Satisfaction of the Court that the Company is unable to pay its Debts. ^ If Company be unregistered, see Sect, 199 (4), post p. 86. 81/ The Expression "the Court," as used in this Part of this Definition Act, shall mean the following Authorities ; (that is to say,) of " the In the Case of a Company engaged in working any Mine ^«"rt." within and subject to the Jurisdiction of the Stannaries, the Court of the Vice Warden of the Stannaries, unless the Vice Warden certifies that in his Opinion the Com- pany would be more advantageously wound up in the High Court of Chancery, in which Case "the Court" shall mean the High Court of Chancery; In the Case of a Company registered in England that is not engaged in working any such Mine as aforesaid, the High Court of Chancery : In the Case of a Company registered in Ireland, the Court of Chancery in Ireland : In all Cases of Companies registered in Scotland, the Court of Session in either Division thereof : Provided that where the Court of Chancery in England or Ire- land makes an Order for winding up a Company under this Act, it may, if it thinks fit, direct all subsequent Proceedings for winding up the same to be had in the Court of Bankruptcy 36 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. having Jurisdiction in the Place in which the Registered Office of the Company is situate ; and thereupon such last-mentioned Court of Bankruptcy shall, for the Purposes of winding up the Company, be deemed to be "the Court" within the Meaning of the Act, and shall have for the Purposes of such winding up all the Powers of the High Court of Chancery, or of the Court of Chancery in Ireland, as the Case may require. '^Repealed by the Companies {Winding-up) Act, 1890, Sect. 1, wliereof {post p. 164) is substituted for this Section. Application 82. Any Application to the Court for the winding up to be^"^ up 1 of a Company under this Act shall be by Petition ; made by it may be presented by the Company, or by any One or more Creditor or Creditors, Contributory or Con- tributories^ of the Company, or by all or any of the above Parties, together or separately ; and every Order which may be made on any such Petition shall operate in favour of all the Creditors and all the Contributories of the Company in the same Manner as if it had been made upon the joint Petition of a Creditor and a Con- tributory. 1 See also as to the machinery for winding up Companies, the Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890, post p. 164. ^ Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1867, Sect. 40, 2^ost p. 143. Power of 83. Any Judge of the High Court of Chancery may Court. ^Q |j^ Chambers any Act which the Court is hereby authorized to do ; and the Vice Warden of the Stan- naries may direct that a Petition for winding up a Company be heard by him at such Time and at such Place within the Jurisdiction of the Stannaries, or within or near to the Place where the Eegistered Office of the Company is situated, as he may deem to be convenient to the Parties concerned, or (with the Con- sent of the Parties concerned) at any Place in England ; and all Orders made thereupon shall have the same Force and Effect as if they had been made by the Vice Warden sitting at Truro or elsewhere within the Jurisdiction of the Court, and all Parties and Persons summoned to attend at the Hearing of any such Peti- tion shall be compellable to give their Attendance before the Vice Warden by like Process and in like THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 37 Manner as at the Hearing of any Cause or Matter at the usual Sitting of the said Court ; and the Eegistrar of the Court may, subject to Exception or Appeal to the Vice Warden as heretofore used, do and exercise such and the like Acts and Powers in the Matter of winding up ^ as he is now used to do and exercise in a Suit on the Equity Side of the said Court. ^ " Winding up " here includes proceedings under the Com- panies Act, 1867, Sect. 12 of that Act, post p. 133. 84. A Winding up of a Company by the Court shall commence- be deemed to commence at the Time of the Presentation ^Siing up of the Petition for the Winding up. »^y ^"o«rt,. 85.^ The Court may, at any Time after the Presen- court may tation of a Petition for winding up a Company under ^ncfijjj'to this Act, and before making an Order for winding up restrain the Company, upon the Application of the Company, andfappSS or of any Creditor or Contributory of the Company, PfJ'^^n*'"' restrain further Proceedings in any Action, Suit or official Proceeding against the Company, upon such Terms as I'^q"!**^'***^- the Court thinks fit ; the Court may also at any Time after the Presentation of such Petition, and before the First Appointment of Liquidators, appoint pro- visionally '-' an Official Liquidator ^ of the Estate and Effects of the Company. ^ Where Company is registered but not formed under this Act, see Sect. 197, post p. 84; where Company is unregistered, see Sect. 201, post p. 88. 2 The Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890, Sect. 4 (5), post p. 167. ^ As to Official Liquidators, see Sects. 92 to 96, post p. 39 et seq. SQ- Upon hearing the Petition the Court may dis- Course to be miss the same with or without Costs, may adjourn the court^on'^^ Hearing conditionally or unconditionally, and may p|^?j"gj make any Interim Order, or any other Order that it deems just. 87.^ When an Order has been made for winding up Actions and a Company under this Act no Suit, Action, or other stayld^aJter Proceeding shall be proceeded with or commenced Order for against the Company except with the Leave of the ^""*"^"p- 38 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Copy of Order to be forwarded to Registrar. Power of Court to stay Pro- Court, and subject to such Terms as the Court may impose. 1 Where Company is registered but not formed under this Act, see Sect. 198, post p. 84; where Company is unregistered, see Sect. 202, post p. 88. 88. When an Order has been made for winding up a Company under this Act, a Copy of such Order shall forthwith be forwarded by the Company to the Eegistrar of Joint Stock Companies, who shall make a Minute thereof in his Books relating to the Company. 89. The Court may at any Time after an Order has been made for winding up a Company, upon the Ap- plication by Motion of any Creditor or Contributory of the Company, and upon Proof to the Satisfaction of the Court that all Proceedings in relation to such Winding- up ought to be stayed, make an Order staying the same, either altogether or for a limited Time, on such Terms and subject to such Conditions as it deems fit. 90- When an Order has been made for winding up a Company limited by Guarantee ^ and having a Capital divided into Shares, any Share Capital that may not have been called up shall be deemed to be Assets of the Company, and to be a Debt (in England and Ire- land of the Nature of a Specialty) due to the Company from each Member to the Extent of any Sums that may be unpaid on any Shares held by him, and pay- able at such time as may be appointed by the Court. 1 But see now the Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 27, post p. 223. Courtmay 91,1 rjij^g Court may, as to all Matters relating to to'wisE^ the Winding up, have regard to the Wishes of the OT Contri^^** Creditors or Contributories, as proved to it by any butories. Sufficient Evidence, and may, if it thinks it expedient, direct Meetings of the Creditors or Contributories to be summoned, held, and conducted in such Manner as the Court directs, for the Purpose of ascertaining their Wishes, and may appoint a Person to act as Chairman of any such Meeting, and to report the Eesult of such Meeting to the Court : In the case of Creditors, regard is to be had to the Value of the Debts due to each Ore- Effect of Order on Share Capital of Company limited by Guarantee. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 39 ditor, and in the Case of Contributories to the Number of Votes conferred on each Contributory by the Regu- lations of the Company. iThe Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890, Sect. 18, post p. 175. Official Liquidators. 92, For the Purpose of conducting the Proceedings Appoint- in winding up a Company, and assisting the Court omd?3 therein, there may be appointed a Person or Persons i'iqu»u^t not to^ Banking Companies to be formed on the Principle of svict.ciio 74 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Limited Liability," or any One or more of such Acts,, as the Case may require ; but shall not include the Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter One hundred and ten, and intituled An Act for the Registration, Incorporation, and Regulation of Joint Stock Companies. Application 176. Subject as herein-after mentioned, this Act, Companies with the Exception of Table A. in the First Schedule, under*Joint ^^^^^ ^PP^Y *o Companies formed and registered under stock Com- the said Joint Stock Companies Acts,^ or any of them, panies Acts, ^j^ ^j^g same Manner in the Case of a Limited Company as if such Company had been formed and registered under this Act as a Company Limited by Shares, and in the Case of a Company other than a Limited Com- pany as if such Company had been formed and regis- tered as an Unlimited Company under this Act, with this Qualification, that wherever Reference is made expressly or impliedly to the Date of Registration, such Date shall be deemed to refer to the Date at which such Companies were respectively registered under the said Joint Stock Companies Acts or any of them, and the Power of altering Regulations by Special Resolution given by this Act ^ shall, in the Case of any Company formed and Registered under the said Joint Stock Companies Acts or any of them, extend to alter- ing any provisions contained in the Table marked B. annexed to "The Joint Stock Companies Act, 1856," and shall also in the Case of an Unlimited Company formed and registered as last aforesaid extend to alter- ing any Regulations relating to the Amount of Capital or its Distribution into Shares, notwithstanding such Regulations are contained in the Memorandum of Association. 1 Preceding Section. ^Sect. 50, ante ^. 22. of^lcuo'^" 177. This Act shall apply to Companies registered Ste?ed^ but not formed under the said Joint Stock Companies under Joint Acts ^ or any of them, in the same Manner as it is here- pan^esA^ts. in -after declared to apply to Companies registered but THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 75 not formed under this Act,^ with this Quahfication, that wherever Eeference is made expressly or imphedly to the Date of Eegistration, such Date shall be deemed to refer to the Date at which such Companies were respectively registered under the said Joint Stock Com- panies Acts or any of them. 1 Sect. 175, ante p. 73. 2 Sect. 196, i)os^ p. 82. 178. Any Company registered under the said Joint Mode of Stock Companies Acts or any of them may cause its share?""^ Shares to be transferred in Manner hitherto in use, or in such other Manner as the Company may direct. PAET VII. Companies authorized to register under this Act. 179. The following Eegulations shall be observed Regulations with respect to the Eegistration of Companies under tration of ^ this Part of this Act ; (that is to say,) existing (1.) No Company having the Liabihty of its Mem- c«°»p*"««' hers limited by Act of Parliament or Letters Patent, and not being a Joint Stock Company as herein-after defined, shall register under this Act in pursuance of this Part thereof : (2.) No Company havmg the Liability of its Members limited by Act of Parliament or by Letters Patent shall register under this Act in pursuance of this Part thereof as an Unlimited Company, or as a Company limited by Guarantee. (3.) No Company that is not a Joint Stock Company as herein -after defined shall in pursuance of this Part of this Act register under this Act as a Company limited by Shares : (4.) No Company shall register under this Act in 76 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. pursuance of this Part thereof unless an Assent to its so registering is given by a Majority of such of its Members as may be present, person- ally or by Proxy, in Cases where Proxies are allowed by the Regulations of the Company, at some General Meeting summoned for the Purpose : (5.) When a Company not having the Liability of its Members limited by Act of Parliament or Letters Patent is about to register as a Limited Company, the Majority required to assent as aforesaid shall consist of not less than Three Fourths of the Members present, personally or by Proxy, at such last-mentioned General Meeting : (6.) Where a Company is about to register as a Company limited by Guarantee, the Assent to its being so registered shall be accompanied by a Eesolution declaring that each Member undertakes to contribute to the Assets of the Company, in the event of the same being wound up, during the Time that he is a Mem- ber, or within One Year afterwards, for Pay- ment of the Debts and Liabilities of the Company contracted before the Time at which he ceased to be a Member, and of the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of winding up the Company, and for the Adjustment of the Rights of the Contributories amongst themselves, such Amount as may be required, not exceeding a specified Amount : In computing any Majority under this Section when a Poll is demanded regard shall be had to the Number of Votes to which each Member is entitled according to the Regulations of the Company of which he is a Member. 180. With the above Exceptions, and subject to the foregoing Regulations, ^ every Company existing at the Time of the Commencement of this Act, includ- ing any Company registered under the said Joint Stock THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 77 Companies Acts,^ consisting of Seven or more Members, and any Company hereafter formed in pursuance of any Act of Parliament other than this Act, or of Letters Patent, or being a Company engaged in working Mines within and subject to the Jurisdiction of the Stannaries, or being otherwise duly constituted by Law, and con- sisting of Seven or more Members, may at any Time hereafter register itself under this Act as an Unlimited Company, or a Company limited by Shares, or a Com- pany limited by Guarantee ; and no such Eegistration shall be invalid by reason that it has taken place with a view to the Company being wound up. ^ Preceding Section. 2 Sect. 175, ante p. 73. 181. For the Purposes of this Part of this Act, so Definition far as the same relates to the Description of Companies stock^om- empowered to register as Companies limited by Shares, P^ny. a Joint Stock Company shall be deemed to be a Com- pany having a permanent paid-up or nominal Capital of fixed amount dividedinto Shares, also of fixed Amount, or held and transferable as-Stock, or divided and held partly^ in one way and partly in the other, and formed on the Principle of having for its Members the Holders of Shares in such Capital, or the Holders of such Stock, and no other Persons ; and such Company when re- gistered with Limited Liability under this Act shall be deemed to be a Company limited by Shares. 182.^ No Banking Company claiming to issue Notes in the Proviso as United Kingdom shall be entitled to Limited Liability in re- tp Banking spect of such Issue, but shall continue subject to Unlimited Company. Liability in respect thereof, and, if necessary, the Assets shall be marshalled for the Benefit of the general Creditors, and the Members shall be liable for the whole Amount of the Issue, in Addition to the Sum for which they would be liable as Members of a Limited Company. ^ Repealed by the Companies Act, 1879, and replaced by Sect. 6 of that Act, post p. 150. Requisi- tions for 183. Previously to the Eegistration in pursuance of ^^J^Jf""^" this Part of this Act of any Joint Stock Company ^ there companies. 78 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. shall be delivered to the Eegistrar the following Docu- ments ; (that is to say,) (1.) A List showing the Names, Addresses, and Occupations of all Persons who on a Day named in such List, and not being more than Six clear Days before the Day of Eegistration were Members of such Company, with the Additioji^of the Shares held by such Persons respectively, distinguishing, in Cases where such Shares are numbered, each Share by its Number : (2.) A Copy of any Act of Parliament, Eoyal Charter, Letters Patent, Deed of Settlement, Contract of Co-partnery, Cost Book Eegulations, or other Instrument constituting or regulating the Com- / pany : v/ (3.) If any such Joint Stock Company is intended to be registered as a Limited Company, the above List and Copy shall be accompanied by a Statement specifying the following Particu- lars ; that is to say, The nominal Capital of the Company and the Number of Shares into which it is divided : The Number of Shares taken and the Amount paid on each Share : The name of the Company, with the Ad- dition of the Word " Limited," ^ as the last Word thereof : With the Addition, in the Case of a Com- pany intended to be registered as a Com- pany limited by Guarantee, of the Eesolution declaring the Amount of the Guarantee. ^ As defined in Sect. 181, ante p. 77. Requisi- 2 g^^ gect. 190, post p. 80. tions for tion by 184. Previously to the Eegistration in pursuance of CompaSies ^^^^ ^^rt of this Act of any Company not being a not being Joint Stock Company ^ there shall be delivered to the Companies. Eegistrar a List showing the Names, Addresses, and THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 79 Occupations of the Directors or other Managers (if uny) of the Company, also a Copy of any Act of Parlia- ment, Letters Patent, Deed of Settlement, Contract of Co-partnery, Cost Book Eegulations, or other Instru- ment constituting or regulating the Company, with the Addition, in the Case of a Company intended to be registered as a Company limited by Guarantee, of ■the Eesolution declaring the Amount of Guarantee. lAs defined in Sect. 181, ante p. 77. 185. Where a Joint Stock Company^ authorized Power for to register under this Act has had the whole or any to^™g?ster Portion of its Capital converted into Stock, such Com- ^1^^^^^^ ^^ pany shall, as to the Capital so converted, instead of stead of •delivering to the Eegistrar a Statement of Shares, •^^*^^«- deliver to the Eegistrar a Statement of the Amount of Stock belonging to the Company, and the Names of the Persons who were Holders of such Stock, on some Day to be named on the Statement, not more than 'Six clear Days before the Day of Eegistration. 1 Sect. 180, ante p. 76. 186. The Lists of Members and Directors and any Authentica- •other Particulars relating to the Company hereby ISements. required to be delivered to the Eegistrars shall be verified by a Declaration of the Directors of the Com- pany delivering the same, or any Two of them, or of any Two other principal Officers of the Company, made in pursuance of the Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Eeign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, Chapter Sixty-two. 187. The Eegistrar may require such Evidence as Registrar he thinks necessary for the Purpose of satisfying him- E?Men2e as self whether an existing Company is or not a Joint Jj,^^^ 'JJ'® ^^ Stock Company as herein-before defined. ^ orRTgis- 1 a 4. -I o-i ^ rrrr tratioii of 1 Sect. 181, ante p. 77. Banking Company 188. Every Banking Company existing at the Date ^g'j^^^™' of the passing of this Act which registers itself as a biuty Limited Company shall, at least Thirty Days previous ^e^^ven^to Customers. 80 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. to obtaining a Certificate of Eegistration with Limited Liability, give Notice that it is intended so to register the same to every Person and Partnership Firm who« have a Banking Account with the Company, and such Notice shall be given either by delivering the same to such Person or Firm, or leaving the same or putting the same into the Post addressed to him or them at such Address as shall have been last communicated or otherwise become known as his or their Address to or by the Company ; and in case the Company omits to give any such Notice as is herein-before required to be given, then as between the Company and the Person or Persons only who are for the Time being interested in the Account in respect of which such Notice ought to have been given, and so far as respects such Account and all Variations thereof down to the Time at which such Notice shall be given, but not further or other- wise, the Certificate of Eegistration with Limited Liability shall have no Operation. Exemption 189. No Fees shall be charged in respect of the Compantes Registration in pursuance of this Part of this Act of from Pay- any Company in Cases where such Company is not Fees. ^ registered as a Limited Company, or where previously to its being registered as a Limited Company the Liability of the Shareholders was limited by some other Act of Parliament or by Letters Patent. Power to 190. Any Company authorized by this Part of this Sr^^'^Act to register with Limited Liability shall, for the Name. purpose of obtaining Registration with Limited Lia- bility,^ change its Name by adding thereto the Word "Limited". iSect. 183 (3), ante ip, 18. Certificate 191. Upon compliance with the Requisitions in this t/o?lndin- ^^^* o^ *^^s ^^* contained with respect to Registration, corporation and on Payment of such Fees, if any, as are payable plSe?' under the Tables marked B. and C. in the First Schedule hereto, the Registrar shall certify under his Hand that the Company so applying for Registration is incorporated as a Company under this Act, and in THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 81 the Case of a Limited Company, that it is hmited, and thereupon such Company shall be incorporated, and shall have perpetual Succession and a Common Seal, with Power to hold Lands ; and any Banking Company in Scotland so incorporated shall be deemed and taken to be a Bank incorporated, constituted, or established by or under Act of Parliament. 192.^ A Certificate of Incorporation given at any Time to any Certificate Company registered in pursuance of this Part of this Act shall ^ ^^ ^^'" be conclusive Evidence that all the Requisitions herein contained cmnpliance in respect of Registration under this Act have been complied with Act. with, and that the Company is authorized to be registered under this Act as a Limited or Unlimited Company, as the Case may be, and the Date of Incorporation mentioned in such Certificate shall be deemed to be the Date at which the Com- pany is incorporated under this Act. ^ Repealed by the Companies Act, 1900, and virtually re-enacted by Sect. 1 of that Act, post p. 202. 193. All such Property, Eeal and Personal, includ- vesting of ing all Interests and Eights in, to, and out of Property, Somp^V" Eeal and Personal, and including Obligations and Things in Action, as may belong to or be vested in the Company at the Date of its Eegistration under this Act, shall on Eegistration pass to and vest in the Company as incorporated under this Act, for all the Estate and Interest of the Company therein. 194. The Eegistration in pursuance of this Part of Registra- this Act of any Company shall not affect or prejudice tJTaffect the Liability of such Company to have enforced against obligations it, or its Eight to enforce, any Debt or Obligation previously incurred, or any Contract entered into, by, to, with, tbereto. " or on behalf of such Company previously to such Eegistration. 195. All such Actions, Suits, and other Legal continua- Proceedmgs as may at the Time of the Eegistration e^gtTng of any Company registered in pursuance of this Part Actions of this Act 1 have been commenced by or against such ^" Company, or the Public Officer or any Member thereof, may be continued in the same Manner as if such Eegistration had not taken place ; nevertheless Exe- 6 82 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. cution shall not issue against the Effects of any in- dividual-Member of such Company upon any Judgment, Degree, or Order obtained in any Action, Suit, or Proceeding so commenced as aforesaid ; but in the event of the Property and Effects of the Company being insufficient to satisfy such Judgment, Decree, or Order, an Order may be obtained for winding up the Company. ^ Or of the Goinpanies Act, 1879, see Sect. 4, thereof, ^os^ p. 149. 196. When a Company is registered under this Act in pursuance of this Part thereof, all Provisions contained in any Act of Parliament, Deed of Settle- ment, Contract of Co-partnery, Cost Book Eegula- tions. Letters Patent, or other Instrument constituting or regulating the Company, including, in the Case of a Company registered as a Company Limited by Guar- antee the Eesolution declaring the Amount of the Guarantee, shall be deemed to be Conditions and Regulations of the Company, in the same Manner and with the same Incidents as if they were contained in a registered Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association ; and all the Provisions of this Act shall apply to such Company, and the Members, Contribu- tories, and Creditors thereof, in the same Manner in all respects as if it had been formed under this Act, subject to the Provisions following ; (that is to say,) (1.) That Table A. in the First Schedule to this Act shall not, unless adopted by Special Resolution,^ apply to any Company registered under this Act in pursuance of this Part thereof : (2.) That the Provisions ^ of this Act relating to the numbering of Shares shall not apply to any Joint Stock Company whose Shares are not numbered. (3.)^ That no Company shall have Power to alter any Provision contained in any Act of Parlia- ment relating to the Company : (4.) 3 That no Company shall have Power, without the Sanction of the Board of Trade, to alter THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 83 any Provision contained in any Letters Patent relating to the Company : (5.) That in the event of the Company being wound up, every Person shall be a Contributory, in respect of the Debts and Liabilities of the Com- pany contracted prior to Eegistration, who is liable, at Law or in Equity, to pay or contribute to the Payment of any Debt or Liability of the Company contracted prior to Eegistration, or to pay or contribute to the Payment of any Sum for the Adjustment of the Eights of the Members amongst themselves in respect of any such Debt or Liability, or to pay or contribute to the Payment of the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of winding up the Company so far as relates to such Debts or Liabilities as afore- said ; and every such Contributory shall be liable to contribute to the Assets of the Com- pany, in the Course of the Winding up, all Sums due from him in respect of any such Liability as aforesaid; and in the event of the Death, Bankruptcy, or Insolvency of any such Con- tributory as last aforesaid, or Marriage of any such Contributory being a Female, the Pro- visions* herein-before contained with respect to the Eepresentatives, Heirs, and Devisees of deceased Contributories, and with Eeference to the Assignees of bankrupt or insolvent Con- tributories, and to the Husbands of married Contributories, shall apply : (6.) That nothing herein contained shall authorize any Company to alter any such Provisions^ contained in any Deed of Settlement, Contract of Co-partnery, Cost Book Eegulations, Letters Patent, or other Instrument constituting or regulating the Company, as would, if such Company had originally been formed under this Act, have been contained in the Memor- andum of Association,^ and are not authorized to be altered by this Act : 84 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. But nothing herein contained shall derogate from any Power of altering its Constitution or Eegulations which may be vested in any Company registering under this Act in pursuance of this Part thereof by virtue of any Act of Parliament, Deed of Settlement, Contract of Go-partnery, Letters Patent, or other Instrument con- stituting or regulating the Company. 1 Sect. 51, ante p. 23. 2 Sect. 25, ante p. 11. ^ See Sect. 47 of the Companies Act, 1867 {post p. 144), which was probably also intended to apply to sub-Sect. 4 of this Sect, instead of to sub-Sect. 2. 4 Sects. 76, 77, 78, ante p. 33. ^ See, however, the Companies (Memorandum of Association) Act, 1890, post p. 161. ^ As required by Sects. 8, 9, 10, ante p. 3 et seq. Power of 197. The Court may, at any Time after the Presen- Sbrain* tation of a Petition for winding up a Company registered further Pro- j^ pursuance of this Part of this Act, and before making Actions!*" an Order for winding up the Company, upon the Ap- ***• plication by Motion of any Creditor of the Company, restrain further Proceedings in any Action, Suit, or legal Proceeding against any Contributory of the Com- pany as well as against the Company as herein-before provided,^ upon such Terms as the Court thinks fit. 1 Sect. 85, ante p. 37. After Order 198. Where an Order has been made for winding upcompani ^P ^ Company registered in pursuance of this Part of no legal the Act, in addition to the Provisions herein-before to^be^taken^ contained, 1 it is hereby further provided that no Suit, ieave^of Action, or other legal Proceeding shall be commenced Court. or proceeded with against any Contributory of the Company in respect of any Debt of the Company, except with the Leave of the Court, and subject to such Terms as the Court may impose. ^ Sect. 87, ante p. 37. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 85 PAET VIII. Application of Act to unregistered Companies. 199. Subject as herein-after mentioned, any Partner- winding ship, Association, or Company, except Eailway Com- ?4?sUred panies incorporated by Act of Parliament, consisting Companies, of more than Seven Members, and not registered under this Act, and herein-after included under the Term unregistered Company, may be wound up under this Act, and all the Provisions of this Act with respect to winding up shall apply to such Company, with the following Exceptions and Additions : (1.) An unregistered Company shall, for the Purpose of determining the Court having Jurisdiction in the Matter of the Winding up, be deemed to be registered in that Part of the United Kingdom where its principal Place of Business is situate ; or if it has a principal place of Business situate in more than One Part of the United Kingdom, then in each Part of the United Kingdom where it has a principal Place of Business; moreover the principal Place of Business of an unregistered Company, or (where it has a principal Place of Business situate in more than One Part of the United Kingdom) such One of its principal Places of Business as is situate in that Part of the United Kingdom in which Proceedings are being in- stituted, shall for all the Purposes of the winding up of such Company be deemed to be the Registered Office of the Company : i (2.) No unregistered Company shall be wound up under this Act voluntarily or subject to the Supervision of the Court : (3.) The Circumstances under which an unregistered Company may be wound up are as follows ; (that is to say,) (a.) Whenever the Company is dissolved, or has ceased to carry on Business, or is carrying 86 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. on Business only for the Purpose of wind- ing up its Affairs ; (b.) Whenever the Company is unable to pay its Debts ; (c.) Whenever the Court is of opinion that it is just and equitable that the Company should be wound up : (4.) An unregistered Company shall, for the Pur- poses of this Act, be deemed to be unable to pay its Debts, (a.) Whenever a Creditor to whom the Company is indebted at Law or in Equity, by Assignment or otherwise, in a Sum ex- ceeding Fifty Pounds then due, has served on the Company, by leaving the same at the principal Place of Business of the Company, or by delivering to the Secre- tary or some Director or principal Officer of the Company, or by otherwise serving the same in such Manner as the Court may approve or direct, a Demand under his Hand requiring the Company to pay the Sum so due, and the Company has for the Space of Three Weeks succeeding the Service of such Demand neglected to pay such Sum, or to secure or compound for the same to the Satisfaction of the Creditor : (b.) Whenever any Action, Suit, or other Pro- ceeding has been instituted against any Member of the Company for any Debt or Demand due, or claimed to be due, from the Company, or from him in his Character of Member of the Company, and Notice in Writing of the Institution of such Action, Suit, or other legal Proceeding having been served upon the Company by leaving the same at the principal Place of Business of the Company, or by delivering it to the Secretary, or some Director, Manager, or THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 87 principal Officer of the Company, or by otherwise serving the same in such Manner as the Court may approve or direct, the Company has not within Ten Days after Service of such Notice paid, secured, or compounded for such Debt or Demand, or procured such Action, Suit, or other legal Proceeding to be stayed, or indemnified the Defendant to his reasonable Satisfac- tion against such Action, Suit, or other legal Proceeding, and against all Costs, Damages, and Expenses to be incurred by him by reason of the same : (c.) Whenever, in England or Irelaiid, Execution or other Process issued on a Judgment, Decree, or Order obtained in any Court in favour of any Creditor in any Proceeding at Law or in Equity instituted by such Creditor against the Company, or any Member thereof as such, or against any Person authorized to be sued as nominal Defendant on behalf of the Company, is returned unsatisfied : (d.) Whenever, in the Case of an unregistered Company engaged in working Mines within and subject to the Jurisdiction of the Stannaries, a Customary Decree or Order Absolute for the Sale of the Machinery, Materials, and Effects of such Mine has been made in a Creditor's Suit in the Court of the Vice Warden : (e.) Whenever, in Scotland, the Induciae of a Charge for Payment on an Extract Decree, or an Extract registered Bond, or an Extract registered Protest, have expired without Payment being made : (/.) Whenever it is otherwise proved to the Satisfaction of the Court that the Com- pany is unable to pay its Debts. ^Required by Sect. 39, ante p. 18, and see the Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890, Sect. 32 (3), post p. 185. 88 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Who to be deemed Contribu- tories in the event of Com- pany being wound np. 200. In the event of an unregistered Company being wound up every Person shall be deemed to be a Contributory who is liable, at Law or in Equity, to pay or contribute to the Payment of any Debt or Liability of the Company, or to pay or contribute to the Pay- ment of any Sum for the Adjustment of the Eights of the Members amongst themselves, or to pay or contri- bute to the Payment of the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of winding up the Company, and every such Contri- butory shall be liable to contribute to the Assets of the Company in the Course of the Winding up all Sums due from him in respect of any such Liability as aforesaid ; but in the event of the Death, Bankruptcy, or Insolvency of any Contributory, or Marriage of any Female Contributory, the Provisions herein- before contained with respect to the Personal Kepresentatives, Heirs, and Divisees of a deceased Contributory, ^ and to the Assignees of a bankrupt or insolvent Contri- butory, ^ and to the Husband of married Contributories ^ shall supply. ^Sect. 16, ante ip.SS. 2 Sect. 77, ante p. 33. "Sect. 78, ante p. 33. Power of 201. The Court may, at any Time after the Pre- restrain* sentation of a Petition for winding up an unregistered further Pro- Company, and before making an Order for winding Sbtonl! *" np the Company, upon the Application of any Creditor etc. of the Company, restrain further Proceedings in any Action, Suit, or Proceeding against any Contributory of the Company, or against the Company as herein- before provided, 1 upon such Terras as the Court thinks fit. EfiEect of Order for winding up Company. ^ Sect. 85, ante p. 37. 202. Where an Order has been made for winding up an unregistered Company in addition to the Pro- visions 1 herein-before contained in the Case of Com- panies formed under this Act, it is hereby further provided that no Suit, Action, or other legal Proceeding THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 89 •shall be commenced or proceeded with against any Contributory of the Company in respect of any Debt of the Company, except with the Leave of the Court, and subject to such Terms as the Court may impose. 1 Sect. 87, ante p. 37. 203. If any unregistered Company has no Power Property to sue and be sued in a common Name, or if for any ^gted^in reason it appears expedient, the Court may by the ^f^^\f Order made for winding up such Company, or by any to?s%tc. subsequent Order, direct that all such Property, Eeal and Personal, including all Interest, Claims, and Eights into and out of Property, Eeal and Personal, and including Things in Action as may belong to or be vested in the Company, or to or in any Person or Persons on trust for or on behalf of the Company or any Part of such Property, is to vest in the Official Liquidator or Official Liquidators by his or their official Name or Names, and thereupon the same or such Part thereof as may be specified in the Order shall vest -accordingly, and the Official Liquidator or Official Liquidators may, in his or their Official Name or Names, or in such Name or Names and after giving such Indemnity as the Court directs, bring or defend any Actions, Suits, or other legal Proceeding relating to any Property vested in him or them, or any Actions, Suits, or other legal Proceedings necessary to be brought or defended for the Purposes of effectually winding up the Company and recovering the Property thereof. 204. The Provisions made by this Part of the Act Provisions with respect to unregistered Companies shall be deemed JJ ^cf ^^^^ to be made in addition to and not in restriction of any cumulative. Provisions^ herein-before contained with respect to winding up Companies by the Court, and the Court or Official Liquidator may, in addition to anything contained in this Part of the Act, exercise any Powers or do any Act in the Case of unregistered Companies which might be exercised or done by it or him in winding up Companies formed under the Act ; but an unregistered Company shall not, except in the event 90 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. of its being wound up, be deemed to be a Company under this Act, and then only to the Extent provided by this Part of this Act. 1 Sects. 74 to 128, and Sects. 153 to 173 ante. PAKT IX. Eepeal of Acts and temporary Provisions. Repeal of 205. After the Commencement of this Act there ^*^ shall be repealed the several Acts specified in the First Part of the Third Schedule hereto, with this Qualifica- tion, that so much of the said Acts as is set forth in the Second Part of the said Third Schedule shall be hereby re-enacted and continue in force as if unrepealed. Saving 206- No Eepeal hereby enacted shall affect, SnalpeTi. (!•) Anything duly done under any Acts hereby repealed : (2.) The Incorporation of any Company registered under any Act hereby repealed : (3.) Any Eight or Privilege acquired or Liability incurred under any Act hereby repealed : (4.) Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875. (5.) Table B. in the Schedule annexed to the Joint Stock Companies Act, 1856, or any Part there- of, so far as the same applies to any Company existing at the Time of the Commencement of this Act. 207- Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875. Saving of 208. Where previously to the Commencement of ances^tc ^^^^ ^ct any Conveyance, Mortgage, or other Deed has madepursu- been made in pursuance of any Act hereby repealed, repeaied^^ such Deed shall be of the same Force as if this Act ^^^- had not passed, and for the Purposes of such Deed such repealed Act shall be deemed to remain in full Force. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 91 209. Every Insurance Company completely regis- compulsory tered under the Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Son of"*" Eeign of Her present Majesty, Chapter One hundred ^^^^^ j^^ and ten, intituled An Act for the Begistration, Incor- ""p***^®^* poration, and Begulation of Joint Stock Companies, shall on or before the Second Day of November One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and every other Company required by any Act hereby repealed to register under the said Joint Stock Companies Acts, or one of such Acts, and which has not so registered, shall, on or before the Expiration of the Thirty-first Day from the Commencement of this Act, register itself as a Company under this Act, in manner and subject to the Eegulations herein-before contained,^ with this Exception, that no Company completely registered under the said Act of the Eighth Year of the Eeign of Her present Majesty shall be required to deliver to the Eegistrar a Copy of its Deed of Settlement; and for the Purpose of enabling such Insurance Companies as are mentioned in this Section to register under this Act, this Act shall be deemed to come into operation immediately on the passing there- of; nevertheless the Eegistration of such Companies shall not have any Effect until the Time of the Com- mencement of this Act. No Fees shall be charged in respect of the Eegistration of any Company required to register by this Section. ^ Sect. 179, ante p. 75, and following Sects. 210. If any Company required by the last Section Penalty on to register under this Act makes Default in complying company with the Provisions thereof, then from and after the no^regis- Day upon which such Company is required to register 21 vict. c. under this Act, until the Day on which such Company ^*- ^- ^^ is registered under this Act (which it is empowered to do at any Time), the following Consequences shall ensue ; (that is to say,) (1.) The Company shall be incapable of suing either at Law or in Equity, but shall not be incap- able of being made a Defendant to a Suit either at Law^ or in Equity : '92 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. (2.) No Dividend shall be payable to any Shareholder in such Company : (3.) Each Director or Manager of the Company shall for each Day during which the Company so being in Default carries on Business incur a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds, and such Penalty may be recovered by any Person, whether a Shareholder or not in the Company, and be applied by him to his own Use : Nevertheless, such Default shall not render the Com- pany so being in Default illegal, nor subject it to any Penalty or Disability, other than as specified in this Section ; and Eegistration under this Act shall cancel any Penalty or Forfeiture, and put an end to any Dis- ability which any Company may have incurred under any Act hereby repealed by reason of its not having registered under the said Joint Stock Companies Acts, 1856, 1857, or One of them. 211 and 212- Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875. FIKST SCHEDULE. TABLE A. Regulations for Management of a Company Limithd- BY Shares. Shares. (1.) If several Persons are registered as joint Holders of a,ny Share, any One of such Persons may give effectual Receipts- for any Dividend payable in respect of such Share, (2.) Every Member shall, on payment of One Shilling, or such less Sum as the Company in General Meeting may pre- scribe, be entitled to a Certificate,^ under the Common' Seal of the Company, specifying the Share or Shares held by him, and the Amount paid up thereon, 1 Sect, 31, ante p, 14, (3.) If such Certificate is worn out or lost, it may be renewed, on Payment of One Shilling, or such less Sum as the Com- pany in General Meeting may prescribe. Galls on Shares. (4.) The Directors may from Time to Time make such Calls uponi the Members in respect of all Monies unpaid on their Shares as they think fit, provided that Twenty-one Days' Notice at least is given of each Call, and each Member shall be liable to pay the Amount of Calls so made to the Persons and at the Times and Places appointed by the Directors. (5.) A Call shall be deemed to have been made at the Time when the Resolution of the Directors authorizing such Call wa& (6.) If the Call payable in respect of any Share is not paid before or on the Day appointed for Payment thereof, the Holder for the Time being of such Share shall be liable to pay 94 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Interest for the same at the Rate of Five Pounds per Cent, per Annum from the Day appointed for the Payment thereof to the Time of the actual Payment. ^7.) The Directors may, if they think fit, receive from any Mem- ber willing to advance the same all or any Part of the Monies due upon the Shares held by him beyond the Sums actually called for ; and upon the Monies so paid in ad- vance, or so much thereof as from Time to Time exceeds the Amount of the Calls then made upon the Shares in respect of which such Advance has been made, the Com- pany may pay Interest at such Rate as the Member paying such Sum in advance and the Directors agree upon. Transfers of Shares.^ 1 Sect. 22, ante p. 10. (8.) The Instrument of Transfer of any Share in the Company shall be executed both by the Transferor and Transferee, and the Transferor shall be deemed to remain a Holder of such Share until the Name of the Transferee is entered in the Register Book in respect thereof. (9.) Shares in the Company shall be transferred in the following Form : — I, ^.JB., of , in consideration of the Sum of Pounds paid to me by CD., of , do hereby transfer to the said C.D. the Share [or Shares] num- bered standing in my Name in the Books of the Company, to hold unto the said CD., his Executors, Adminis- trators, and Assigns, subject to the several Conditions on which I held the same at the Time of the Execu- tion hereof ; and I the said C.D. do hereby agree to take the said Share [or Shares] subject to the same Conditions. As witness our Hands, the Day of (10.) The Company may decline to register any Transfer of Shares made by a Member who is indebted to them. (11.) The Transfer Books shall be closed during the Fourteen Days immediately preceding the Ordinary General Meet- ing ^ in each Year. 1 See Sect. 49, ante p. 22. Transmission of Shares. (12.) The Executors or Administrators of a deceased Member shall be the only Persons recognized by the Company as having any Title to his Share. (13.) Any Person becoming entitled to a Share in consequence of the Death, Bankruptcy, or Insolvency of any Member, or THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 95 in consequence of the Marriage of any Female Member, may be registered as a Member upon such Evidence being produced as may from Time to Time be required by the Company. <{14:.) Any Person who has become entitled to a Share in conse- quence of the Death, Bankruptcy, or Insolvency of any Member, or in consequence of the Marriage of any Female Member, may, instead of being registered himself, elect to have some Person to be named by him registered as a Transferee of such Share. ^15.) The Person so becoming entitled shall testify such Election by executing to his Nominee an Instrument of Transfer of such Share. (16.) The Instrument of Transfer shall be presented to the Com- pany, accompanied with such Evidence as the Directors may require to prove the Title of the Transferor, and thereupon the Company shall register the Transferee as a Member. Forfeiture of Shares. .(17.) If any Member fails to pay any Call on the Day appointed for Payment thereof, the Directors may at any Time there- after, during such Time as the Call remains unpaid, serve a Notice on him, requiring him to pay such Call, together with Interest and any Expenses that may have accrued by reason of such Non-payment. (18.) The Notice shall name a further Day on or before which such Call, and all Interest and Expenses that have accrued by reason of such Non-payment, are to be paid. It shall also name the Place where Payment is to be made (the Place so named being either the Registered Office of the Company or some other Place at which Calls of the Com- pany are usually made payable). The Notice shall also state that in the event of Non-payment at or before the Time and at the Place appointed the Shares in respect of which such Call was made will be liable to be forfeited. (19.) If the Requisitions of any such Notice as aforesaid are not complied with, any Share in respect of which such Notice has been given may at any Time thereafter, before payment of all Calls, Interest, and Expenses due in respect thereof, has been made, be forfeited, by a Resolution of the Directors to that Effect. •(20.) Any Share so forfeited shaU be deemed to be the property of the Company, and may be disposed of in such Manner as the Company in General Meeting thinks fit. ^21.) Any Member whose Shares have been forfeited shall not- withstanding be liable to pay to the Company all Calls owing upon such Shares at the Time of the Forfeiture. 96 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. (22.) A statutory Declaration in Writing, that the Call in respect of a Share was made and Notice thereof given, and that Default in Payment of the Call was made and that the Forfeiture of the Share was made by a Resolution of the Directors to that effect, shall be sufficient Evidence of the Facts therein stated, as against all Persons entitled to such Share, and such Declaration and the Receipt of the Company for the Price of such Share, shall constitute a good Title to such Share, and a Certificate of Proprietor- ship shall be delivered to a Purchaser, and thereupon he shall be deemed the Holder of such Share discharged from, all Calls due prior to such Purchase, and he shall not be bound to see to the Application of the Purchase Money, nor shall his Title to such Share be affected by any Irregu- larity in the Proceedings in reference to such Sale, Conversion of Shares into Stock. (23.) The Directors may, with the Sanction of the Company previously given in General Meeting, convert any paid-up Shares into Stock. (24.) When any Shares have been converted into Stock, the several Holders of such Stock may thenceforth transfer their respective Interests therein, or any part of such Interests, in the same Manner and Subject to the same Regulations as and subject to which any Shares in the Capital of the Company may be transferred, or as near thereto as Circumstances admit. 25.) The several Holders of Stock shall be entitled to participate in the Dividends and Profits of the Company according to the Amount of their respective Interests in such Stock ; and such Interests shall, in proportion to the Amount thereof, confer on the Holders thereof respectively the same Privileges and Advantages for the Purpose of voting at Meetings of the Company, and for other Purposes, as would have been conferred by Shares of equal Amount in the Capital of the Company ; but so that none of such Privileges or Advantages, except the Participation in the Dividends and Profits of the Company, shall be conferred by any such aliquot Part of Consolidated Stock as would not, if existing in Shares, have conferred such Privileges or Advantages. Increase in Capital. ^ (26.) The Directors may, with the Sanction of a Special Resolu- tion 2 of the Company previously given in General Meeting,, increase its Capital by the Issue of New Shares, such aggregate Increase to be of such Amount and to be divided THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 97 into Shares of such respective Amounts, as the Company in General Meeting direct, or, if no Direction is given, as the Directors think expedient. 1 Sect. 34, ante p. 15. 2 Sect. 51, ante p. 23. (27.) Subject to any Direction to the contrary that may be given by the Meeting that sanctions the Increase of Capital, all new Shares shall be offered to the Members in proportion to the existing^ Sh_aresjielii)y -them, and such offer shall be"ma3in^ Notice specifying the Number of Shares to which the Member is entitled, and limiting a Time within which the OfEer, if not accepted, will be deemed to be de- clined, and after the Expiration of such Time, or on the Receipt of an Intimation from the Member to whom such Notice is given that he declines to accept the Shares offered, the Directors maxJls£ose^ the same in such Manner as they think most beneficiarto the Company. (28.) Any Capital raised by the Creation of new Shares shall be considered as ^Part o f_th&^original Capital, and shall be subject to tEFsame Provisions with reference to the Pay- ment of Calls, and the Forfeiture of Shares on Non-payment of Calls, or otherwise, as if it had been Part of the original Capital. General Meetings. ^ {29.) The First General Meeting ^ shall be held at such Time, not being more than Six Months after the Registration of the Company, and at such Place, as the Directors may deter- mine. 1 Sect. 49, ante p. 22, and Sect. 52, ante p. 24. 2 Now called " Statutory Meeting " and regulated by the Com- panies Act, 1900, Sect. 12, post p. 213. (30.) Subsequent General Meetings shall be held at such Time and Place as may be prescribed by the Company in General Meeting ; and if no other Time or Place is prescribed, a General Meeting shall be held on the First Monday in February in every Year, at such Place as may be deter- mined by the Directors. (31.) The above-mentioned General Meetings shall be called Ordinary Meetings ; all other General Meetings shall be called Extraordinary. (32.) The Directors may, whenever they think fit, and they shall upon a Requisition made in Writing by not less than One Fifth in Number of the Members of the Company, con- vene an Extraordinary General Meeting. (33.) Any Requisition made by the Members shall express the 7 98 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Object of the Meeting proposed to be called, and shall be left at the Registered Office of the Company. (34.) Upon the Receipt of such Requisition the Directors shall forthwith proceed to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. If they do not proceed to convene the same within Twenty-one Days from the Date of the Requisi- tion, the Requisitionists, or any other Members amount- ing to the required Number, may themselves convene an Extraordinary General Meeting. Proceedings at General Meetings. (35.) Seven Days' Notice at the least, specifying the Place, the Day, and the Hour of Meeting, and in case of special Business, the general Nature of such Business shall be given to the Members in manner hereinafter mentioned, or in such other Manner, if any, as may be prescribed by the Company in General Meeting ; but the Non-receipt of such Notice by any Member shall not invalidate the Pro- ceedings at any General Meeting. (36.) All Business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Extraordinary Meeting, and all that is transacted at an Ordinary Meeting, with the Exception of sanctioning a Dividend and the Consideration of the Accounts, Balance Sheets, and the ordinary Report of the Directors. (37.) No Business shall be transacted at any General Meeting, except the Declaration of a Dividend, unless a Quorum of Members is present at the Time when the Meeting pro- ceeds to Business : and such Quorum shall be ascertained as follows ; that is to say, if the Persons who have taken Shares in the Company at the Time of the Meeting do not exceed Ten in Number, the Quorum shall be Five ; if they exceed Ten there shall be added to the above Quorum One for every Five additional Members up to Fifty, and One for every Ten additional Members after Fifty, with this Limitation, that no Quorum shall in any Case exceed Twenty. (38.) If within One Hour from the Time appointed for the Meet- ing a Quorum is not present, the Meeting, if convened upon the Requisition of Members, shall be dissolved : In any other Case it shall stand adjourned to the same Day in the next Week, at the same Time and Place ; and if at such adjourned Meeting a Quorum is not present it shall be adjourned sine die. (39.) The Chairman (if any) of the Board of Directors shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting of the Company. (40.) If there is so such Chairman, or if at any Meeting he is not present within Fifteen Minutes after the Time appointed THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 99 for holding the Meeting, the Members present shall choose some one of their Number to be Chairman. (41.) The Chairman may, with the Consent of the Meeting, ad- journ any Meeting from Time to Time and from Place to Place, but no Business shall be transacted at any adjourned Meeting other than the Business left unfinished at the Meeting from which the Adjournment took place. (42.) At any General Meeting, unless a Poll is demanded by at least Five Members, a Declaration by the Chairman that a Resolution has been carried, and an Entry to that Effect in the Book of Proceedings ^ of the Company, shall be sufficient Evidence of the Fact, without Proof of the Number or Proportion of the Votes recorded in favour of or against such Resolution. 1 Required to be kept by Sect. 67, ante p. 29. (43.) If a Poll is demanded by Five or more Members it shall be taken in such Manner as the Chairman directs, and the Result of such Poll shall be deemed to be the Resolution of the Company in General Meeting. In the Case of an Equality of Votes at any General Meeting, the Chairman shall be entitled to a Second or Casting Vote. Votes of Members. (44.) Every Member shall have One Vote for every Share up to Ten: He shall have an additional Vote for every Five Shares beyond the First Ten Shares up to One Hundred, and an additional Vote for every Ten Shares beyond the First Hundred Shares. (46.) If any Member is a Lunatic or Idiot, he may vote by his Committee, Curator bonis, or other legal Curator. (46.) If One or more Persons are jointly entitled to a Share or Shares, the Member whose Name stands first in the Register of Members as One of the Holders of such Share or Shares, and no other, shall be entitled to vote in respect of the same. (47.) No Member shall be entitled to vote at any General Meet- ing unless all Calls due from him have been paid, and no Member shall be entitled to vote in respect of any Share that he has acquired by Transfer at any Meeting held after the Expiration of Three Months from the Regis- tration of the Company, unless he has been possessed of the Share in respect of which he claims to vote for at least Three Months previously to the Time of holding the Meeting at which he proposes to vote. (48.) Votes may be given either personally or by proxy. (49.) The Instrument appointing a Proxy shall be in Writing, under the Hand of the Appointor, or if such Appointor is. a Corporation, under their Common Seal, and shall be 100 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. attested by One or more Witness or Witnesses : No Person shall be appointed a Proxy who is not a Member of the Company. (50.) The Instrument appointing a Proxy shall be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than Seventy- two Hours before the Time for holding the Meeting at which the Person named in such Instrument proposes to vote, but no Instrument appointing a Proxy shall be valid after the Expiration of Twelve Months from the Date of its Execution. (51.) Any Instrument appointing a Proxy shall be in the follow- ing Form : — Company Limited. I, , of , in the County of , being a Member of the Company Limited, and entitled to Vote [or Votes], hereby appoint , of , as my Proxy, to vote for me and on my Behalf at the [Ordinary or Extra- ordinary, as the case may be] General Meeting of the Company to be held on the Day of , and at any Adjournment thereof [or, at any Meeting of the Company that may be held in the Year ]. As witness my Hand, this Day of Signed by the said in the Presence of Directors. Directors. 52.) The Number of Directors, and the Names of the First Directors, shall be determined by the Subscribers of the Memorandum of Association. (53). Until Directors are appointed the Subscribers of the Memorandum of Association shall be deemed to be Directors. (54.) The future Remuneration of the Directors, and their Remuneration for Services performed previously to the First General Meeting, shall be determined by the Com- pany in General Meeting. Powers of Directors. (55.) The Business of the Company shall be managed by the Directors, who may pay all Expenses incurred in getting up and registering the Company, and may exercise all such Powers of the Company as are not by the foregoing Act, or by these Articles, required to be exercised by the Company in General Meeting, subject nevertheless to any Regulations of these Articles, to the Provisions of the foregoing Act, and to such Regulations, being not incon- THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 101 sistent with the aforesaid Regulations or Provisions, as may be prescribed by the Company in General Meeting ; but no Regulation made by the Company in General Meeting shall invalidate any prior Act of the Directors which would have been valid if such Regulation had not been made. (56.) The Continuing Directors may act notwithstanding any Vacancy in their Body. Disqualification of Directors. (57.) The Office of Director shall be vacated, — If he holds any other Office or Place of Profit under the Company : If he becomes bankrupt or insolvent : If he is concerned in or participates in the Profits of any Contract with the Company : But the above Rules shall be subject to the following Exceptions : That no Director shall vacate his Office by reason of his being a Member of any Company which has entered into Contracts with or done any Work for the Company of which he is Director ; nevertheless he shall not vote in respect of such Contract or Work ; and if he does so vote his Vote shall not be counted. Botatimi of Directors. (58.) At the First Ordinary Meeting after the Registration of the Company the whole of the Directors shall retire from Office ; and at the First Ordinary Meeting in every sub- sequent Year One Third of the Directors for the Time being, or if their Number is not a Multiple of Three, then the Number nearest to One Third, shall retire from Office. (59.) The One Third or other nearest Number to retire during the First and Second Years ensuing the First Ordinary Meeting of the Company shall, unless the Directors agree among themselves, be determined by Ballot : In every subsequent Year the One Third or other nearest Number who have been longest in Office shall retire. (60.) A retiring Director shall be re-eligible. (61.) The Company at the General Meeting at which any Directors retire in manner aforesaid shall fill up the vacated Ofi&ces by electing a like Number of Persons. (62.) If at any Meeting at which an Election of Directors ought to take place the Places of the vacating Directors are not filled up, the Meeting shall stand adjourned till the same Day in the next Week, at the same Time and Place ; and if at such adjourned Meeting the Places of the vacating Directors are not filled up, the vacating Directors, or such of them as have not had their Places filled up, 102 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. shall continue in Oflfice until the Ordinary Meeting in the next Year, and so on from Time to Time until their Places are filled up. (63.) The Company may from Time to Time, in General Meeting, increase or reduce the Number of Directors, and may also determine in what Rotation such increased or reduced Number is to go out of Office. (64.) Any casual Vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors may be filled up by the Directors, but any Person so chosen shall retain his Office so long only as the vacating Director would have retained the same if no Vacancy had occurred. (66.) The Company, in General Meeting, may, by a Special Resolution,^ remove any Director before the Expiration of his Period of Office, and may by an ordinary Resolu- tion appoint another Person in his Stead : The Person so appointed shall hold Office during such Time only as the Director in whose Place he is appointed would have held the same if he had not been removed. ^ Sect. 51, ante p. 23. Proceedings of Directors. (66.) The Directors may meet together for the Despatch of Business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their Meetings as they think fit, and determine the Quorum necessary for the Transaction of Business : Questions arising at any Meeting shall be decided by a Majority of Votes : In case of an Equality of Votes the Chairman shall have a Second or Casting Vote : A Director may at any Time summon a Meeting of the Directors. (67.) The Directors may elect a Chairman of their Meetings, and determine the Period for which he is to hold Office ; but if no such Chairman is elected, or if at any Meeting the Chairman is not present at the Time appointed for holding the same, the Directors present shall choose some One of their Number to be Chairman of such Meeting. (68.) The Directors may delegate any of their Powers to Com- mittees consisting of such Member or Members of their Body as they think fit : Any Committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the Powers so delegated, conform to any Regulations that may be imposed on them by the Directors. (69.) A Committee may elect a Chairman of their Meetings : If no such Chairman is elected, or if he is not present at the Time appointed for holding the same, the Members present shall choose One of their Number to be Chairman of such Meeting. (70.) A Committee may meet and adjourn as they think proper: Questions arising at any Meeting shall be determined by a Majority of Votes of the Members present ; and in case of THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 103 an Equality of Votes the Chairman shall have a Second or Casting Vote. (71.) All Acts done by any Meeting of the Directors, or of a Com- mittee of Directors, or by any Person acting as a Director, shall, notwithstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there was some Defect in the Appointment of any such Directors of Persons acting as aforesaid, or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such Person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a Director. Dividends. (72.) The Directors may, with the Sanction of the Company in General Meeting, declare a Dividend to be paid to the Members in proportion to their Shares. (73.) No Dividend shall be payable except out of the Profits arising from the Business of the Company. (74.) The Directors may, before recommending any Dividend, set aside out of the Profits of the Company such Sum as they think proper as a reserved Fund to meet Contin- gencies, or for equalising Dividends, or for repairing or maintaining the Works connected with the Business of the Company, or any Part thereof ; and the Directors may invest the Sum so set apart as a reserved Fund upon such Securities as they may select. (75.) The Directors may deduct from the Dividends payable to any Member all such Sums of Money as may be due from him to the Company on account of Calls or otherwise. (76.) Notice of any Dividend that may have been declared shall be given to each Member in manner herein-after men- tioned ; and all Dividends unclaimed for Three Years after having been declared may be forfeited by the Directors for the Benefit of the Company. (77.) No Dividend shall bear Interest as against the Company. Accounts. (78.) The Directors shall cause true Accounts to be kept, — Of the Stock in Trade of the Company ; Of the Sums of Money received and expended by the Company, and the Matter in respect of which such Receipt and Expenditure takes place ; and. Of the Credits and Liabilities of the Company : "The Books of Account shall be kept at the Registered Office of the Company, and, subject to any reasonable Restric- tions as to the Time and Manner of inspecting the same that may be imposed by the Company in General Meeting, shall be open to the Inspection of the Members during the Hours of Business. 104 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. (79.) Once at least in every Year the Directors shall lay before the Company in General Meeting a Statement of the Income and Expenditure for the past Year, made up to a date not more than Three Months before such Meeting. (80.) The Statement so made shall show, arranged under the most convenient Heads, the Amount of gross Income, distinguishing the several Sources from which it has been derived, and the Amount of gross Expenditure, dis- tinguishing the Expense of the Estabhshment, Salaries and other like Matters : Every Item of Expenditure fairly chargeable against the Year's Income shall be brought into Account so that a just Balance of Profit and Loss may be laid before the Meeting ; and in Cases where any Item of Expenditure which may in fairness be distributed over several Years has been incurred in any One Year the whole Amount of such Item shall be stated, with the Addition of the Reasons why only a Portion of such Ex- penditure is charged against the Income of the Year. (81.) A Balance Sheet shall be made out in every Year, and laid before the Company in General Meeting, and such Balance Sheet shall contain a Summary of the Property and Liabilities of the Company arranged under the Heads appearing in the form annexed to this Table, or as near thereto as Circumstances admit. (82.) A printed Copy of such Balance Sheet shall. Seven Days previously to such Meeting, be served on every Member in the Manner in which Notices are herein-after directed to be served. (83.) Once at the least in every Year the Accounts of the Com- pany shall be examined, and the Correctness of the Balance Sheet ascertained, by One or more Auditor or Auditors. (84.) The First Auditors shall be appointed by the Directors: Subsequent Auditors shall be appointed by the Company in General Meeting. (86.) If one Auditor only is appointed, all the Provisions herein contained relating to Auditors shall apply to him. (86.) The Auditors may be Members of the Company ; but no Person is eligible as an Auditor who is interested other- wise than as a Member in any Transaction of the Com- pany ; and no Director or other Of&cer of the Company is eligible during his Continuance in Office. (87.) The Election of Auditors shall be made by the Company at their Ordinary Meeting in each Year. ^ As to Banking Companies, see the Companies Act, 1879, Sect. 7, post p. 151 ; and generally, see the Companies Act, 1900, Sects. 21, 22, 23, post p. 220 et seq. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 105 (88.) The Remuneration of the First Auditors shall be fixed by the Directors ; that of subsequent Auditors shall be fixed by the Company in General Meeting. (89.) Any Auditor shall be re-eligible on his quitting Office. (90.) If any casual Vacancy occurs in the Office of any Auditor appointed by the Company, the Directors shall forthwith call an Extraordinary General Meeting for the Purpose of supplying the same. (91.) If no Election of Auditors is made in manner aforesaid the Board of Trade may, on the Application of not less than Five Members of the Company, appoint an Auditor for the current Year, and fix the Remuneration to be paid to him by the Company for his Services. (92.) Every Auditor shall be supplied with a Copy of the Balance Sheet and it shall be his duty to examine the same, with the Accounts and Vouchers relating thereto. (93.) Every Auditor shall have a List delivered to him of all Books kept by the Company, and shall at all reasonable Times have Access to the Books and Accounts of the Company : He may, at the Expense of the Company, employ Accountants or other Persons to assist him in investigating such Accounts, and he may in relation to such Accounts examine the Directors or any other Officer of the Company. (94.) The Auditors shall make a Report to the Members upon the Balance Sheet and Accounts, and in every such Report they shall state whether, in their Opinion, the Balance Sheet is a full and fair Balance Sheet containing the Particulars required by these Regulations, and pro- perly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct View of the State of the Company's Affairs, and in case they have called for Explanations or Information from the Directors, whether such Explanations or Information have been given by the Directors, and whether they have been satisfactory ; and such Report shall be read, together with the Report of the Directors, at the Ordinary Meeting. Notices. (95.) A Notice may be served by the Company upon any Member either personally or by sending it through the Post in a prepaid Letter addressed to such Member at his registered Place of Abode. (96.) All Notices directed to be given to the Members shall, with respect to any Share to which Persons are jointly entitled, be given to whichever of such Persons is named first in the Register of Members ; and Notice so given shall be sufficient Notice to all the Holders of such Share. 106 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. •13 1^ . 2^ e "* sL 2 ^ o5 rfS 00 11 1^ et;^ II I 1l1 2^ o2s >- i »i ,1 £ II II II II £. §Total amount of Calls received, including payments on appli- ) « cation and allotment > * Total amount (if any) agreed to be considered as paid on ] Shares which have been issued as fully paid (otherwise \ £ than in cash) I Total amount (if any) agreed to be considered as paid on ^ Shares which have been issued as partly paid up to the >£ extent of per Share J Total amount of Calls unpaid £ Total amount (if any) paid on|| ^Shares forfeited . . . £ Total amount of debt due from the Company in respect of \ mortgages and charges which require registration under \n the Companies' Act, 1900, at the date to which this f * Summary is made up J *^^* The following Items are only to be filled up by Companies that have issued Share Warrants. Total amount of Shares for which Share Warrants, comprising ) « Shares each, are outstanding i" * Total amount of Stock for which Share Warrants, comprising \ « £ Stock each, are outstanding J * Total amount of Share Warrants, comprising Shares or] « £ Stock issued since the last Summary -' * Total amount of Share Warrants, comprising Shares or | o £ . — Stock surrendered since the last Summary ' * NOTE.— A list of the names and addresses of the Directors must follow the list of Members. Banking Companies must also add a list of all their places of business. * Where there are Shares qf different kinds or amounts (e.g., Pr^erence and Ordinary, or £10 and £5) state the numbers and nominal values separately. X Where various amounts have been called, or there are Shares of different kinds, state them separately. § Include what has been received on forfeited, as well as on existing, Shares. II State the Aggregate nmnber of Shares forfeited {if any). IS" The return must be signed, at the End, by the Manager or Secretary of the Company. Presented for filing by THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 121 List of Persons holding Shares in the. Company, Limited, on the__ day of_ 190- and of Persons who have held Shares therein at any time since the date of the last Return, showing their Names and Addresses, and an Account of the Shares so held. Folio in Register NAMES, ADDRESSES, AND OCCUPATIONS Ledger containing Particulars Surname Christian Name Address Occupation ACCOUNT OF SHARES * Number of Shares held by existing Members at date of Return t t Particulars of Shares Transferred since the date of the last Return by persons who are still Members Number + Date of Registration of Transfer t Particulars of Shares Transferred since the date of the last Return by persons who have ceased to be Members Number + Date of Registration of Transfer REMARKS (Signature). (Officer). * The aggregate Number of Shares held and not the Distinctive Numbers is to be stated, and the column must be added up throughout, so as to make one total to agree with that stated in the Summary to have been taken up. ^ + When the Shares are of different classes these columns may be sub- divided so that the number of each class held, or transferred, may be shewn separately. t The date of Registration of each Transfer should be given as well as the Number of Shares transferred on each date. The Particulars should be placed opposite the name of the Transferor, and not opposite that of the Transferee, but the name of the Transferee may be inserted in the " Remarks" column, immediately opposite the particulars of each Transfer. 122 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. FOEM F. Licence to hold Lands. ^ The Lords of the Committee of Privy Council appointed for the consideration of Matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations hereby license the Association, Limited, to hold the Lands hereunder described [insert Description of Lands]. The Conditions of this License are [insert Conditions, if any]. 1 Sect. 21, ante p. 10. THIED SCHEDULE. FIRST PART. Date and Chapter of Act. 21 & 22 Geo. 3. c. 46 . (Parliament of Ireland.) 7 & 8 Vict. c. 110. - 7&8 Vict. c. 111. - 7 & 8 Vict. c. 113. - 8 & 9 Vict. c. 98. 9 & 10 Vict. c. 28. - 9 & 10 Vict. c. 75. - 10 & 11 Vict. c. 78. - 11 & 12 Vict. c. 45. - 12 & 13 Vict. c. 108. 19 & 20 Vict. c. 47. 20 & 21 Vict. c. 14. 20&21 Vict. c. 49. Title of Act. An Act to promote Trade and Manufactures by- regulating and encouraging Partnerships. An Act for the Registration, Incorporation, and Regulation of Joint Stock Companies. An Act for facilitating the winding up the AflFairs of Joint Stock Companies unable to meet their pecuniary Engagements. An Act to regulate Joint Stock Banks in England. An Act for facilitating the winding up the Affairs of Joint Stock Companies in Ireland unable to meet their pecuniary Engagements. An Act to facilitate the Dissolution of certain Railway Companies. An Act to regulate Joint Stock Banks in Scot- land and Ireland. An Act to amend an Act for the Registra- tion, Incorporation, and Regulation of Joint Stock Companies. An Act to amend the Acts for facilitating the winding up the Affairs of Joint Stock Companies unable to meet their pecuniary Engagements, and also to facilitate the Dis- solution and winding up of Joint Stock Companies and other Partnerships. An Act to amend the Joint Stock Companies Winding-up Act, 1848. An Act for the Incorporation and Regulation of Joint Stock Companies and other Associa- tions. An Act to amend the Joint Stock Companies Act, 1856. An Act to amend the Law relating to Banking 1 Companies. 124 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. Date and Chapter of Act. Title of Act. 20 & 21 Vict. c. 78. 20 & 21 Vict. c. 80. 21 & 22 Vict. c. 60. 21 & 22 Vict. c. 91. An Act to amend the Act Seven and Eight Victoria, Chapter One hundred and eleven, for facilitating the winding up the Affairs of Joint Stock Companies unable to meet their pecuniary Engagements, and also the Joint Stock Companies Winding-up Acts, 1848 and 1849. An Act to amend the Joint Stock Companies Act, 1856. An Act to amend the Joint Stock Companies Acts, 1856 and 1857, and the Joint Stock Banking Companies Act, 1857. An Act to enable Joint Stock Banking Com- panies to be formed on the Principle of Limited Liability. SECOND PART. Existing Companies to have the Powers of suing and being sued. 7 & 8 Vict. c. 113. s. 47. Every Company of more than Six Persons established on the Sixth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty-four,, for the Purpose of carrying on the Trade or Business of Bankers within the Distance of Sixty-five Miles from London, and not within the Provisions of the Act passed in the Session holden in the Seventh and Eighth Years of the Reign of Her present Ma- jesty, Chapter One hundred and thirteen, shall have the same Powers and Privileges of suing and being sued in the Name of any One of the Public Officers of such Co-partnership as the Nominal Plaintiff, Petitioner, or Defendant on behalf of such Co-partnership ; and all Judgments, Decrees, and Orders, made and obtained in any such Suit may be enforced in like Manner as is provided with respect to such Companies carrying on the said Trade or Business at any Place in England exceeding the Distance of Sixty-five Miles from London, under the Provisions of an Act passed in the Seventh year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, Chapter Forty-six, intituled "An Act for the better " regulating Co-partnerships of Certain Bankers in England, and '• for amending so much of an Act of the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth " Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, '* intituled ' An Act for establishing an Agreement with the " ' Governor and Company of the Bank of England for advancing " ' the Sum of Three Millions towards the Supply for the Service " ' of the Year One thousand eight hundred,' as relates to the THE COMPANIES ACT, 1862. 125 same," provided that such first-mentioned Company shall make out and deliver from Time to Time to the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes the several Accounts or Returns required by the last-mentioned Act, and all the provisions of the last-re- cited Act as to such Accounts or Returns shall be taken to apply to the Accounts or Returns so made out and delivered by such first-mentioned Companies as if they had been originally included in the Provisions of the last-recited Act. 20 & 21 Vict. c. 49, Part of Section XII. Notwithstanding anything contained in any Act passed in the Power to Session holden in the Seventh and Eighth Years of the Reign form Bank- of Her present Majesty, Chapter One hundred and thirteen, and ghf^^Jf Ten intituled "An Act to regulate Joint Stock Banks in England," Persons, or in any other Act, it shall be lawful for any Number of Persons, not exceeding Ten, to carry on in Partnership the Business of Banking, in the same Manner and upon the same Conditions in all respects as any Company of not more than Six Persons could before the passing of this Act have carried on such Business. THE COMPANIES SEALS ACT, 1864. (27 Victoria, Chapter 19). An Act to enable Joint Stock Companies carrying on Business in Foreign Countries to have Official Seals to be used in such Countries. Short Title. Power to Companies under Com- panies Act, 1862, trans- acting busi- ness in foreign countries to have OflBcial Seals for use in such countries. Power to Companies to appoint Agents abroad to affix Seals. 1. This Act may be cited for all Purposes as " The Companies Seals Act, 1864." 2. Any Company, under "The Companies Act, 1862," whose Objects require or comprise the Transaction of Business, as herein-before mentioned, in Foreign Coun- tries, may cause to be prepared an Official Seal for and to be used in any Place, District, or Territory situate out of the United Kingdom in which the Business of the Company shall be carried on, and every such Official Seal may and shall be a Fac-simile of or as nearly as practicable a Fac-simile of the Common Seal of the Company, with the Exception that on the Face thereof shall be inscribed the Name of each and every Place, District, or Territory in and for which it is to be used : Provided that it shall be lawful for any such Company as aforesaid from Time to Time to break up and renew any Official Seal or Seals, and to vary the Limits within which it is intended to be used. 3. Every Company having or using any such Official Seal as is authorized by this Act may from Time to Time, by any Instrument or Instruments in Writing under the Common Seal of the Company, empower any Agent, or Agents specially appointed for the Pur- pose, or any local Agent, Board, Committee, Manager, or Commissioner appointed under the Provisions of the THE COMPANIES SEALS ACT, 1864. 127 Articles of Association of such Company, in any Place, District, or Territory situate out of the United Kingdom where the Business of the Company shall for the Time being be carried on, to affix such Official Seal to any Deed, Contract, or other Instrument to which the Company is or shall be made a Party in such Place, District, or Territory, and no other Order of the Company or the Board of Directors thereof shall be necessary to authorize any such Seal to be affixed to any Deed, Contract, or other Instrument. 4. Every Power granted under the last preceding Duration of Section shall, as between the Company, their Succes- granted sors and Assigns, on the one hand, and the Person ""fier Sect 3 of or Persons dealing with the Agent or Agents, Board, this Act. Committee, Manager, or Commissioner named in the Instrument conferring the Power, and all Parties claiming through or under such Person or Persons, on the other hand, continue in force during the Period, if any, mentioned in the Instrument conferring the Power, or if no Power be there mentioned then until Notice of the Eevocation or Determination of the Power shall have been given to such Person or Persons as aforesaid. 5. Whenever any such Official Seal as aforesaid shall Person be affixed to any Document, the Person affixing the seaTtIf same shall, by Writing under his Hand, and written Document on the Document to which the Seal may have been the Date affixed, certify the Date when and the Place where affiled*^ the same was affixed ; and any Document to which any such Seal shall have been duly affixed within the Effect of District or Territory or Place the Name whereof is in- to*^which* scribed on such Seal shall bind the Company in the I'^l^l ^ same Way and to the same Extent and have the same Force and Effect as jf it had been duly sealed with the g^^Ke Common Seal of the Company. Powers of 6. The Powers given by this Act shall be exercised only if^ by such Companies only as are or shall be expressly J" a^jJJ[^^^** authorized to exercise the same by their Articles of under Re- Association, or a Special Eesolution passed according AjJicJe^of^ to the Provisions of "The Companies Act, 1862," and Association shall be exercised by such Companies subject to any Resolution. 128 THE COMPANIES SEALS ACT, 1864. Section 55 ' of 25 & 26 Vict. c. 89. not re- pealed. Directions or Eestrictions in their Articles of Association or the Special Eesolutions contained. 7. Nothing in this Act contained shall operate to repeal the Provisions of the Fifty-fifth Section of ''The Companies Act, 1862," but such Section shall continue in force, and all Acts done or to be done thereunder shall be as valid and effectual as if this Act had not been passed. Ante, p. 25. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. (30 & 31 ViCTOBiA, Chapter 131.) An Act to amend " The Companies Act, 1862." Preliminary. 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The short TiUe. Companies Act, 1867." 2. The Companies Act, 1862, is herein-after referred Act to be to as " the Principal Act " ; and the Principal Act and ^"on'^^^th this Act are herein-after distinguished as and may be 25&26Vict. cited for all Purposes as " The Companies Acts, 1862 ^" *^' and 1867 " ; and this Act shall, so far as is consistent with the Tenor thereof, be construed as One with the Principal Act; and the Expression "this Act" in the Principal Act, and any Expression referring to the Principal Act which occurs in any Act or other Docu- ment, shall be construed to mean the Principal Act as amended by this Act. 3. This Act shall come into force on the First Day commence- of September One thousand eight hundred and sixty- "™e"<^f»f Act. seven, which Date is herein-after referred to as the Commencement of this Act. Unlimited Liability of Directors. 4. Where after the Commencement of this Act a company Company is formed as a Limited Company under the Skectors Principal Act, the Liability of the Directors or Managers with of such Company, or the Managing Director, may, if uabfiity^ so provided by the Memorandum of Association, be unlimited. 130 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. Liability of Directors past and present to Contribute in winding up where Liability is unlimited. Director with unlim- ited Lia- bility may have Set-off as under Sect. 101 * of 25 & 26 Vict, c. 89. 5. The following Modifications shall be made in the Thirty-eighth Section of the Principal Act, with respect to the Contributions to be required in the event of the Winding up of a Limited Company under the Principal Act, from any Director or Manager whose Liability is, in pursuance of this Act, unlimited : (1.) Subject to the Provisions herein-after contained, any such Director or Manager, whether past or present, shall, in addition to his Liability (if any) to contribute as an ordinary Member, be liable to contribute as if he were at the Date of the Commencement of such Winding up a Member of an unlimited Company : (2.) No Contribution required from any past Director or Manager who has ceased to hold such Office for a Period of One Year or upwards prior to the Commencement of the Winding up shall exceed the Amount (if any) which he is liable to contribute as an ordinary Member of the Company : (3.) No Contribution required from any past Director or Manager in respect of any Debt or Liability of the Company contracted after the Time at which he ceased to hold such Office shall ex- ceed the Amount (if any) which he is liable to contribute as an ordinary Member of the Company : (4.) Subject to the Provisions contained in the Eegula- tions of the Company no Contribution required from any Director or Manager shall exceed the Amount (if any) which he is liable to contribute as an ordinary Member, unless the Court deems it necessary to require such Contribution in order to satisfy the Debts and Liabilities of the Company, and the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of the Winding up. 6. In the event of the Winding up of any Limited Company, the Court, if it think fit, may make to any Director or Manager of such Company whose Liability is unUmited the same Allowance by way of Set-off as THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. 131 under the One hundred and first Section of the Principal Act it may make to a Contributory where the Company is not Hmited. * Ante, p. 43. 7. In any Limited Company in which, in pursuance Notice to of this Act, the Liabihty of a Director or Manager is olrfSon unUmited, the Directors or Managers of the Company his Election (if any), and the Member who proposes any Person for Liability Election or Appointment to such Ofi&ce, shall add to ^^j^g^""' such Proposal a Statement that the Liability of the Person holding such Office will be unlimited, and the Promoters, Directors, Managers, and Secretary (if any) of such Company, or One of them, shall, before such Person accepts such Office or acts therein, give him Notice in Writing that his Liability will be unlimited. ' If any Director, Manager, or Proposer make Default Penalty for in adding such Statement, or if any Promoter, Director, gfv^J Notice. Manager, or Secretary make Default in giving such Notice, he shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeding One hundred Pounds, and shall also be liable for any Damage which the Person so elected or appointed may sustain from such Default, but the Liability of the LiabUity Person elected or appointed shall not be affected by by^ilgfect^ such Default. 8. Any Limited Company under the Principal Act, Existing whether formed before or after the Commencement of companies this Act, may, by a Special Eesolution, if authorized ^^^'-Yr so to do by its Regulations, as originally framed or solutions, as altered by Special Resolution, from Time to Time JJ^^y Jj*" modify ^ the Conditions contained in its Memorandum Directors of Association so far as to render unUmited the Liability ""^^™^*^®*^- of its Directors or Managers, or of the Managing Director ; and such Special Eesolution shall be of the same Validity as if it had been originally contained in the Memorandum of Association, and a Copy thereof shall be embodied in or annexed to every Copy of the Memorandum of Association which is issued after the passing of the Resolution, and any Default in this respect shall be deemed to be a Default in complying 132 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. with the Provisions of the Fifty-fourth Section ^ of the Principal Act, and shall be punished accordingly. ^ Sect. 12 of the Companies Act, 1862, ante p. 5. Mwfep. 24. Power to / Company to reduce Capital by Special Re- solution and Order of Court regis- tered by Registrar. Company to add "and Reduced " to its Name for a limited Period. Company to apply to the Court for an Order con- firming Re- duction which may be made as herein provided. Beduction of Capital and Shares.^ 9. Any Company limited by Shares may, by Special Resolution, so far modify the Conditions contained in its Memorandum of Association, if authorized so to do by its Regulations as originally framed or as altered by Special Resolution, as to reduce "its Capital ; but no such Resolution for reducing the Capital of any Com- pany shall come into operation until an Order of the Court is registered by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, as is herein-after mentioned.^ ^ Sects. 9 to 20 are altered and extended by the Companies Act, 1877, Sects. 3, 4, 5, post p. 146 et seq. ; see also the Companies Act, 1880, Sects. 3 and A, post p. 154. 2 Sect. 15, post p. 134. 10. The Company shall, after the Date of the pass- ing of any Special Resolution for reducing its Capital, add to its Name, until such Date as the Court may fix, the Words " and Reduced," as the last Words in its Name, and those Words shall, until such Date, be deemed to be Part of the Name of the Company within the Meaning of the Principal Act.^ 1 The Companies Act, 1862, Sects. 41 and 42, ante p. 19. 11. A Company which has passed a Special Resolu- tion for reducing its Capital, may apply to the Court by Petition for an Order confirming the Reduction, and on the Hearing of the Petition the Court, if satis- fied that with respect to every Creditor of the Company who under the Provisions of this Act is entitled to object to the Reduction, either his Consent to the Reduction has been obtained, or his Debt or Claim has been discharged or has determined, or has been secured as herein-after provided,^ may make an Order confirming the Reduction on such Terms and subject to such Conditions as it deems fit. 1 Sect. 14, post p. 133. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. 133 12. The Expression "the Court" shall in this Act Definition mean the Court which has Jurisdiction to make an cour?\ Order for Winding up the petitioning Company, and the Eighty-first ^ and Eighty-third Sections of the Principal Act shall be construed as if the Term ' * Wind- Application ing up" in those Sections included Proceedings under vict.c.S. this Act, and the Court may in any Proceedings under sects. 8i, 83. this Act make such Order as to Costs as it deems fit. ^ Kepealed and replaced by the Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890, Sect. 1, post p. 164. 13. Where a Company proposes to reduce its Capi-*Greditors tal, every Creditor of the Company who at the Date p"ov?iIi*" fixed by the Court is entitled to any Debt or Claim winding up which, if that Debt were the Commencement of the to^Reduc- Winding up of the Company, would be admissible in <^^**"- Proof against the Company, shall be entitled to object to the proposed Eeduction, and to be entered in the Lists of Creditors who are so entitled to object. The Court shall settle a List of such Creditors, and List of such for that Purpose shall ascertain as far as possible besettied^ without requiring an Application from any Creditor ^^^^ court, the Names of such Creditors and the Nature and Amount of their Debts or Claims, and may publish Notices fixing a certain Day or Days within which Creditors of the Company who are not entered on the List are to claim to be so entered or to be excluded from the Right of objecting to the proposed Reduc- tion. V 14. Where a Creditor whose Name is entered on the Court may List of Creditors, and whose Debt or Claim is not Scon- discharged or determined, does not consent to the !!?"* P.^ proposed Reduction, the Court may (if it think fit) security^" dispense with such Consent on the Company securing ^or Ms^^bt the Payment of the Debt or Claim of such Creditor by . setting apart and appropriating in such Manner as the ' Court may direct, a Sum of such Amount as is herein- after mentioned ; (that is to say,) (1.) If the full Amount of the Debt or Claim of the Creditor is admitted by the Company, or, though 134 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. not admitted, is such as the Company are will- ing to set apart and appropriate, then the full Amount of the Debt or Claim shall be set apart and appropriated. (2.) If the full Amount of the Debt or Claim of the Creditor is not admitted by the Company, and is not such as the Company are willing to set apart and appropriate, or if the Amount is con- tingent or not ascertained, then the Court may, if it think fit, inquire into and adjudicate upon the Validity of such Debt or Claim, and the Amount for which the Company may be liable in respect thereof, in the same Manner as if the Company were being wound up by the Court, and the Amount fixed by the Court on such Inquiry and Adjudication shall be set apart and appropriated. Order con- V 15, The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies upon R^tStion the Production to him of an Order of the Court con- showTn""*^ firming the Reduction of the Capital of a Company, certain par- and the Delivery to him of a Copy of the Order and ti^cap?ti\s o^ ^ Minute ^ (approved by the Court), showing with altered to be respect to the Capital of the Company, as altered by Registered. ^^^ Qrder, the Amount of such Capital, the Number of Shares in which it is to be divided, and the Amount of each Share, shall register the Order and Minute, and on the Registr ation the Special Resolution con- firmed by the Order so registered shall take effect. Notice of such Registration shall be published in such Manner as the Court may direct. The Registrar shall certify under his Hand the Registration of the Order and Minute, and his Certi- ficate shall be conclusive Evidence that all the Re- quisitions of this Act with respect to the Reduction of Capital have been complied with, and that the Capital • of the Company is such as is stated in the Minute. 1 And see also the Companies Act, 1877, Sect. 4, post p. 147. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. 135 16. The Minute when registered shall be deemeoMinute to to be substituted for the corresponding Part of the Mem(mm-°^ Memorandum of Association of the Company, and dum of shall be of the same Validity and subject to the same tion and Alterations as if it had been originally contained in JJ^^e^abie the Memorandum of Association ; and, subject as in only for this Act mentioned, no Member of the Company, betwJen'^ whether past or present, shall be liable in respect of ^^^""*^ any Share to any Call or Contribution exceeding in shareTand Amount the Difference (if any) between the Amount 8^?"g"as ^^ which has been paid on such Share and the Amount fixed by of the Share as fixed by the Minute. ^'^^""*^' 17. If any Creditor who is entitled in respect of Saving of any Debt or Claim to object to the Reduction of the credito?s Capital of a Company under this Act is, in consequence S^^o^^®^ ^f of his Ignorance of the Proceedings taken with a View Proceed- to such Reduction, or of their Nature and Effect with ^"^^• respect to his Claim, not entered on the List of Credi- tors, and after such Reduction the Company is unable, within the Meaning of the Eightieth Section ^ of the Principal Act, to pay to the Creditor the Amount of such Debt or Claim, every Person who was a Member Liability of of the Company at the Date of the Registration of the contritmte' Order and Minute relating to the Reduction of the ^^/^^^^^^^ Capital of the Company, shall be liable to contribute of such for the Payment of such Debt or Claim an amount not ^'■®<^i<^rs. exceeding the Amount which he would have been liable to contribute if the Company had commenced to be wound up on the Day prior to such Registration, and on the Company being wound up, the Court on the Application of such Creditor, and on Proof that he was ignorant of the Proceedings taken with a view to the Reduction, or of their Nature and Effect with respect to his Claim, may, if it think tit, settle a List of such Contributories accordingly, and make and en- force Calls and Orders on the Contributories settled on such List in the same Manner in all respects as if they were ordinary Contributories in a Winding up ; but the Provisions of this Section shall not affect the Rights of the Contributories of the Company among themselves. 1 Ante p. 34. 136 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. Copy of \J 18. A Minute when registered shall be embodied in iSlJeto every Copy of the Memorandum of Association issued be embodied after its Eegistratiou ; and if any Company makes Memoran- Default in complying with the Provisions of this Section Sodation ^* shall incur a Penalty not exceeding One Pound for subse- each Copy in respect of which such Default is made, Ssued.^ and every Director and Manager of the Company who shall knowingly and wilfully authorize or permit such 1/ Default shall incur the like Penalty. Penalty for 19. If any Director, Manager, or Officer of the mrafoi Company wilfully conceals the Name of any Creditor Name of of the Company who is entitled to object to the pro- SSsrepre-"* posed Eeduction, or wilfully misrepresents the Nature sentaWon ^ or Amount of the Debt or Claim of any Creditor of the etc. ' Company, or if any Director or Manager of the Com- pany aids or abets in or is privy to any such Conceal- ment or Misrepresentation as aforesaid, every such Director, Manager, or Officer shall be guilty of a Mis- demeanor. Power to V 20. The Powers of making Rules concerning Wind- ^tenS^ ing up conferred by the [One hundred and seven- to making tieth,! ] One hundred and seventy-first, One hundred cernkig*" and Seventy- second, and One hundred and seventy- Matterein^ third Sections of the Principal Act shall respectively diction is extend to making Rules concerning Matters in which this Act Jurisdiction is by this Act given to the Court which has the Power of making an Order to wind up a Com- pany, and until such Rules are made the Practice of the Court in Matters of the same Nature shall, so far as the same is applicable, be followed. 1 The nOth Section of the Principal Act ivas Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1881. Sub-division of Shares. Y Shares may 21. Any Company limited by Shares may by Special into Shares Resolution so far modify the Conditions ^ contained in of smaller i^s Memorandum of Association, if authorized so to do by its Regulations as originally framed or as altered by Special Resolution, as by Sub-division of its existing THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. 137 Shares or any of them, to divide its Capital, or any Part thereof, into Shares of smaller Amount than is fixed by its Memorandum of Association. Provided, that in the Sub-division of the existing Proportions Shares the Proportion between the Amount v^hich is Amounts paid and the Amount (if any) v^hich is unpaid on each paid and Share of reduced Amount shall be the same as it was shares S^be in the Case of the existing Share or Shares from which Preserved, the Share of reduced Amount is derived. ' The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 12, ante p. 5. 22. The Statement of the Number and Amount of statement the Shares into which the Capital of the Company is andASoSnt divided contained in every Copy of the Memorandum of shares as £ . • i.- • T p- i.1 • £ 1 altered to be or Association issued alter the passing oi any such embodied Special Eesolution, shall be in accordance with such*"^®™^J" fC !• T/^ ^ • ^ 1-r-vci anuum of Resolution ; and any Company which makes Default Association in complying with the Provisions of this Section shall quentiy incur a Penalty not exceeding One Pound for each issued. Copy in respect of which such Default is made ; and every Director and Manager of the Company who knowingly or wilfully authorizes or permits such Default shall incur the like penalty. Associations not for Profit. 23. Where any Association is about to be formed Special under the Principal Act as a Limited Company, if it Ts to^Asso- proves to the Board of Trade that it is formed for the J^^^^^J^f^j^ Purpose of promoting Commerce, Art, Science, Re- purposes iigion. Charity, or any other useful Object, and that it "otofGain. is the Intention of such Association to apply the Profits, if any, or other Income of the Association, in promot- ing its Objects, and to prohibit the Payment of any Dividend to the Members of the Association, the Board of Trade may by Licence, under the Hand of One of the Secretaries or Assistant Secretaries, direct such Association to be registered with Limited Lia- bility,! without the Addition of the Word "Limited" to its Name, and such Association may be registered 138 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. accordingly, and upon Registration shall enjoy all the Privileges and be subject to the Obligations by this Act imposed on Limited Companies, with the Excep- tions that none of the Provisions of this Act that require a Limited Company to use the Word " Limited" as any Part of its Name, or to publish its Name, or to send a List of its Members, Directors, or Managers to the Registrar, shall apply to an Association so registered. The Licence by the Board of Trade may be granted upon such Conditions and subject to such Regulations as the Board thinks fit to impose, and such Conditions and Regulations shall be binding on the Association, and may, at the Option of the said Board, be inserted in the Memorandum and Articles of Association, or in both or One of such Documents. 1 The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 18, ante p. 8. Calls upon Shares. Company 24. Nothing contained in the Principal Act shall someShTres ^® deemed to prevent any Company under that Act, fiUypaid if authorized by its Regulations as originally framed not. ^™ or as altered by Special Resolution, from doing any One or more of the following Things; namely, — ^ (1.) Making Arrangements on the Issue of Shares for a Difference between the Holders of such Shares in the Amount of Calls to be paid, and in the Time of Payment of such Calls : (2.) Accepting from any Member of the Company who assents thereto the whole or a Part of the Amount remaining unpaid on any Share or Shares held by him, either in discharge of the Amount of a Call payable in respect of any other Share or Shares held by him or without any Call having been made : (3.) Paying Dividend in proportion to the Amount paid up on each Share in Cases where a larger Amount is paid up on some Shares than on others. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. 139 25.^ Every Share in any Company shall be deemed and taken Manner in to have been issued and to be held subject to the Payment of ^"^^ch the whole Amount thereof in Cash, unless the same shall have ^^ be^fstued been otherwise determined by a Contract duly made in Writing, and held, and filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies at or before the Issue of such Shares. 1 Repealed by tJw Companies Act, 1900, and replaced by Sect. 4 {2), post p. 204, and Sect. 7 (1), post p. 207, of that Act. Transfer of Shares.^ 26. A Company shall on the Application of the Transfer Transferor of any Share or Interest in the Company JJ^stered enter in its Eegister of Members the Name of the at Request Transferee of such Share or Interest, in the same feror!*"^ Manner^ and subject to the same Conditions as if the Apphcation for such Entry were made by the Trans- feree. 1 The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 22, ante p. 10. ^The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 35, ante p. 11. Share Warrants to Bearer. 27. Ill the Case of a Company limited by Shares the Warrants Company, if authorized so to do by its Eegulations as paw^p originally framed or as altered by Special Eesolution, shares or and subject to the Provisions of such Eegulations, be**issued*u» may, with respect to any Share which is fully paid up, JJ^™!^"^ or with respect to Stock, issue under their Common Seal a Warrant stating that the Bearer of the Warrant is entitled to the Share or Shares or Stock therein speci- fied, and may provide, by Coupons or otherwise, for the Payment of the future Dividends on the Share or Shares or Stock included in such Warrant, herein-after referred to as a Share Warrant. 28. A Share Warrant shall entitle the Bearer of Effect of such Warrant to the Shares or Stock specified in it, warrant: and such Shares or Stock may be transferred by the Transfer of Delivery of the Share Warrant. leiwlrj^ 140 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. Tiie Bearer 29. The Bearer of a Share Warrant shall, subject Warrant^ to the Eegulations of the Company, be entitled, on eSeredin surrendering such Warrant for Cancellation, to have the Register his Name entered as a Member in the Eegister of on^eiTve?-^ Members, and the Company shall be responsible for mgupthe any Loss incurred by any Person by reason of the fofcan- Company entering in its Register of Members the ceiiation. Name of any Bearer of a Share Warrant in respect of the Shares or Stock specified therein without the Share Warrant being surrendered and cancelled, lieguiations 30. The Bearer of a Share Warrant may, if the panymay Regulations of the Company so provide, be deemed to Bearer of ^^ ^ Member of the Company within the Meaning of a Share the Principal Act,i either to the full Extent or for such Kibei% ^ Purposes as may be prescribed by the Regulations : but not so Provided that the Bearer of a Share W^ arrant shall him s?s"a ^ Qot be qualified in respect of the Shares or Stock respectof" specified in such Warrant for being a Director or such Shares. Manager of the Company in Cases where such a Qualification is prescribed by the Regulations of the Company. 1 The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 23, ante p. 10. Entries in 31. On the Issue of a Share Warrant in respect of whereShare ^^J Share or Stock the Company shall strike out of Warrant its Register of Members the Name of the Member issue . ^j^^^ entered therein as holding such Share or Stock as if he had ceased to be a Member, and shall enter in the Register the following Particulars : (1.) The fact of the Issue of the Warrant : (2.) A Statement of the Shares or Stock included in the Warrant, distinguishing each Share by its Number : (3.) The Date of the Issue of the Warrant : And until the Warrant is surrendered the above Par- ticulars shall be deemed to be the Particulars which are required by the Twenty-fifth Section of the Principal Act to be entered in the Register of Members of a Company ; and on the Surrender of a Warrant the Date of such Surrender shall be entered as if it were the Date at which a Person ceased to be a Member. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. 141 32. After the Issue by the Company of a Share Particulars Warrant the annual Summary required by the Twenty- warranS^^ sixth Section of the Principal Act shall contain the to be con- following Particulars, — the total Amount of Shares or Annual Stock for which Share Warrants are outstanding at the s»i^™ai'y- Date of the Summary, and the total Amount of Share Warrants which have been issued and surrendered respectively since the last Summary was made, and the Number of Shares or Amount of Stock comprised in each Warrant. 33. There shall be charged on every Share Warrant stamps on a Stamp Duty of an Amount equal to Three Times the warrants. Amount of the ad valorem Stamp Duty which would be chargeable on a Deed transferring the Share or Shares or Stock specified in the Warrant, if -the Con- sideration for the Transfer were the nominal Value of such Share or Shares or Stock. 34. Whosoever forges or alters, or offers, utters, dis- Penalties poses of, or puts off, knowing the same to be forged or committiri altered, any Share Warrant or Coupon, or any Document Forgery, purporting to be a Share Warrant or Coupon, issued in pursuance of this Act, or demands or endeavours to obtain or receive any Share or Interest of or in any Company under the Principal Act, or to receive any Dividend or Money payable in respect thereof, by virtue of any such forged or altered Share Warrant, Coupon, or Document, purporting as aforesaid, knowing the same to be forged or altered, with Intent in any of the Cases aforesaid to defraud, shall be guilty of Felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable to be kept in Penal Servitude for Life. 35. Whosoever falsely and deceitfully personates Penalties any Owner of any Share or Interest of or in any gjgefy^per- Company, or of any Share Warrant or Coupon issued in sonatmg pursuance of this Act, and thereby obtain or endeavours shares^on^ to obtain any such Share or Interest, or Share Warrant ^^^^ ^^^^ or Coupon, or receives or endeavours to receive any Money due to any such Owner, as if such Offender were the true and lawful Owner, shall be guilty of Felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable to be kept in Penal Servitude for Life. 142 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. Penalties 36. Whosoever, without lawful Authority or Excuse, engraving^ the Proof whereof shall be on the Party accused, en- piates, etc. graves or makes upon any Plate, Wood, Stone, or other Material any Share Warrant or Coupon purporting to be a Share Warrant or Coupon issued or made by any particular Company under and in pursuance of this Act, or to be a blank Share Warrant or Coupon issued or made as aforesaid, or to be a Part of such a Share Warrant or Coupon, or uses any such Plate, Wood, Stone, or other Material for the making or print- ing any such Share Warrant or Coupon, or any such blank Share Warrant or Coupon, or any Part thereof respectively, or knowingly has in his Custody or Pos- session any such Plate, Wood, Stone, or other Material, shall be guilty of Felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable to be kept in Penal Servitude for any Term not exceeding Fourteen Years. Contracts. Contracts 37« Contracts on behalf of any Company under the Companies^ Principal Act may be made as follows ; (that is to say,) how to be (1.) Any Contract which if made between private " ^' Persons would be by Law required to be in Writing, and if made according to English Law to be under Seal, may be made on behalf of the Company in Writing under the Common Seal of the Company, and such Contract may be in the same Manner varied or discharged : (2.) Any Contract which if made between private Persons would be by Law required to be in Writing, and signed by the Parties to be charged therewith, may be made on behalf of the Com- pany in Writing signed by any Person acting under the express or implied Authority of the Company, and such Contract may in the same Manner be varied or discharged : (3.) Any Contract which if made between private Persons would by Law be valid although made by Parol only, and not reduced into Writing, THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. 143 may be made by Parol on behalf of the Com- pany by any Person acting under the express or implied Authority of the Company, and such Contract may in the same Way be varied or discharged : And all Contracts made according to the Provisions herein contained shall be effectual in Law, and shall be binding upon the Company and their Successors and all other Parties thereto, their Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, as the Case may be. 38.^ Every Prospectus of a Company, and every Notice inviting Prospectus, Persons to subscribe for Shares in any Joint Stock Company, etc., tospe- shall specify the Dates and the Names of the Parties to any ^^^ Names Contract entered into by the Company, or the Promoters, Direc- of Parties tors, or Trustees thereof, before the Issue of such Prospectus or to any Con- Notice, w^hether subject to Adoption by the Directors or the J^^^^^J™*^® Company, or otherwise; and any Prospectus or Notice not issue of such specifying the same shall be deemed fraudulent on the Part of Prospectus, the Promoters, Directors, and Officers of the Company knowingly ®*^- issuing the same, as regards any Person taking Shares in the Company on the Faith of such Prospectus, unless he shall have had Notice of such Contract. 1 Repealed by the Companies Act, 1900, and replaced by Sect. 10 of that Act, post p. 209. Meetings. 39.^ Every Company formed under the Principal Act after the Company to Commencement of this Act shall hold a General Meeting within iJJg*^^hfn" Four Months after its Memorandum of Association is registered ; pour and if such Meeting is not held the Company shall be liable to Months a Penalty not exceeding Five Pounds a Day for every Day after ^Pf^ ^ the Expiration of such Four Months until the Meeting is held ; ^«^^»*i^"- and every Director or Manager of the Company, and every Subscriber of the Memorandum of Association, who knowingly authorizes or permits such Default, shall be liable to the same Penalty. 1 Repealed by the Compa^iies Act, 1900, and replaced by Sect. 12 of that Act, post p. 213. Winding up. contnbu- ^ ^ tory when 40. No Contributory of a Company under the Prin- fied?r"' cipal Act shall be capable of presenting a Petition present for winding up such Company i unless the Members of Petition '^^ 144 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1867. Companies not ex- empted from the Second or Third Pro- visions of 25 & 26 Vict. c. 89. sect. 196. the Company are reduced in Number to less than Seven,2 or unless the Shares in respect of which he is a Contributory, or some of them, either were originally allotted to him or have been held by him, and re- gistered in his Name, for a Period of at least Six Months during the Eighteen Months previously to the Commencement of the Winding up, or have devolved upon him through the Death of a former Holder : Provided that where a Share has during the whole or any Part of the Six Months been held by or re- gistered in the Name of the Wife of a Contributory either before or after her Marriage, or by or in the Name of any Trustee or Trustees for such Wife or for the Contributory, such Share shall for the Purposes of this Section be deemed to have been held by and registered in the Name of the Contributory. 1 The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 82, ante p. 36. 2 The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 79 (3), ante p. 34. 41 to 46. These Sections, which only deal with the Adminis- trative Machinery for winding up Companies are repealed by the Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890, Sects. 1, 2, 3 {post p 164) whereof replace these repealed Sections. Saving. 47- Nothing in this Act contained shall exempt any Company from the Second or Third Provisions ^ of the One hundred and ninety-sixth Section of the Principal Act, restraining the Alteration of any Pro- vision in any Act of Parliament or Charter. 1 Apparently a mistake for " third or fourth," ante p. 82. THE JOINT STOCK COMPANIES ARRANGEMENT ACT, 1870. (33 & 34 Victoria, Chapter 104.) 1. This Act may be cited as "The Joint Stock short title. Companies Arrangement Act, 1870." 2. Where any compromise or arrangement shall be where com- proposed between a company which is, in the course proJoUd of being wound up, either voluntarily ^ or by or under court of the supervision of the Court,^ under the Companies may"ordera Acts, 1862 and 1867, or either of them, and the credi- ™|^fi;;^^^ tors of such company,^ or any class of such creditors,^ etc., to de- it shall be lawful for the Court, in addition to any sJjJh^om- other of its powers, on the application in a summary promise, way of any creditor or the liquidator, to order that a meeting of such creditors or class of creditors shall be summoned in such manner as the Court shall direct, and if a majority in number representing three-fourths in value of such creditors or class of creditors present either in person or by proxy at such meeting shall agree to any arrangement or compromise, such ar- rangement or compromise shall, if sanctioned by an order of the Court, be binding on all such creditors or class of creditors, as the case may be, and also on the liquidator and contributories of the said company. 1 The Companies Act, 1862, Sects. 136, 137, ante pp. 57, 68. 2 The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 159, ante p. 64. •^ Extended to members of the company or any class thereof by the Companies Act, 1900, Sect. 24:, post p. 222. 3. The word " Company " in this Act shall mean interpreta- any company hable to be wound up under " The *^**"' Companies Act, 1862." ^«»»^i,, 4. This Act shall be read and construed as part of Act to be '' The Companies Act, 1862." gSheV*" 10 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1877. (40 & 41 Victoria, Chaptee 26.) Whereas doubts have been entertained whether the power given by the Companies Act, 1867, to a 30 & 31 Vict. company of reducing its capital extends to paid-up ^' ^^^' capital, and it is expedient to remove such doubts : Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Short title. 1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Companies Act, 1877. Construe- 2. This Act shall, so far as is consistent with the 25*&26 Vict, tenor thereof, be construed as one with the Companies 3b&31 Vict ^^^^' ^^^'^ ^^^ ^^^'^' ^^^ ^^® ®^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ *^^^ ^^^ c. 131. "may be referred to as " The Companies Acts, 1862, 1867, and 1877." Construc-y 3. The word "capital" as used in the Companies "^capital" Act, 1867, shall include paid-up capital ; and the power and powers to reduce Capital conferred by that Act i shall include capital in a power to cancel any lo^ cap ital, or any capital c!^m ^ ^^^^' nm^epresented by^available assets, or to pay off any capital which may be in excess of the^wants of the company; 2 and paid-up capi^ may be reduced either with or without extinguishing or reducing the liability \ (if any) remaining on the shares of the company, and^ to the extent to which such liabiUty is not extinguished or reduced it shall be deemed to be preserved, notwith- standing anything contained in the Companies Act, 1867. 1 Sects. 9 to 20 thereof, ante p. 132 et seq. 2 Or to return accumulated profits, by the Companies Act, 1880, Sect. 3, post p. 154. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1877. 147 4. The provisions of the Companies Act, 1867/ as Application amended by this Act, shall apply to any company sk)?^^/ reducing its capital in pursuance of this Act and of the 30&3ivict. Companies Act, 1867, as amended by this Act : Provided that where the reduction of the capital of a company does not involve either the diminution of any liability in respect of unpaid capital or the payment to any shareholder of any paid-up capital. (1.) The creditors of the company shall not, unless the Court otherwise direct, be entitled to object or required to consent to the reduction ; and (2.) It shall not be necessary before the presentation of the petition for confirming the reduction to add, and the Court may, if it thinks it expedient so to do, dispense altogether with the addition of the words '*and reduced" as mentioned in the Companies Act, 1867.^ so & 31 vict. In any case that the Court thinks fit so to do, it may ^- 1^^-* require the company to publish in such manner as it thinks fit the reasons for the reduction of its capital or such other information in regard to the reduction of its capital as the Court may think expedient with a view to give proper information to the public in re- lation to the reduction of its capital by a company, and, if the Court thinks fit, the causes which led to such reduction. The minute required to be registered in the case of reduction of capital shall show, in addition to the other particulars required by law, the amount (if any) at the date of the registration of the minute proposed to be deemed to have been paid up on each share. 1 Sects. 9 to 20 thereof, ante p. 132 et seq. 2 In Sect. 10 thereof, ante p. 132. 1 / 5. Any company limited by shares may so far modify Power to the conditions contained in its memorandum of associa- ''educe tion, if authorised so to do by its regulations as origin- the can- ally framed or as altered by special resolution, as to of "n^i^sued reduce its capital by cancelling any shares which, at the shares. date of the passing of such resolution, have not been 148 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1877. taken or agreed to be taken by any person ; and tbe provisions 1 of "The Companies Act, 1867," shall not apply to any reduction of capital made in pursuance of this section. 1 Sects. 9 to 20 thereof, ante p. 132. Certified 6. And whereas it is expedient to make provision documents ^^r the reception as legal evidence of certificates of evidence incorporation other than the original certificates, and 25vict. panics Act, 1862,^ in the case of a company registering ^- ^^• in pursuance of that Part. iThe Companies Act, 1862, Sects. 195 and 196 (5), ante pp. 82, 83. 150 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1879. Reserve Y 5. An unlimited company may, by the resolution ^ com^ny^ passcd by the members when assenting to registration ^idecf'^^ as a limited company under the Companies Acts, 1862 25 & 26 Vict, to 1879, and for the purpose of such registration, or 30 & 31 Vict, ottie^^wise, increase the nominal amount of its capital c. 131. by increasing the nominal amount of each of its shares, c. 26. ^^ ' Provided always, that no part of such increased J2&43Vict. capital shall be capable of being called up, except in the event of and for the purposes of the company being wound up. And, in cases where no such increase of nominal capital may be resolved upon, an unlimited company may, by such resolution as aforesaid, provide that a portion of its uncalled capital shall not be capable of being called up, except in the event of and for the pur- poses of the company being wound up. A limited company may by a special resolution declare that any portion of its capital which has not been already called up shall not be capable of being called up, except in the event of and for the purpose of the company being wound up ; and thereupon such portion of capital shall not be capable of being called up, except in the event of and for the purposes of the company being wound up. ^ The Companies Act, 1862, Sect. 179 (5), ante p. 76. 6. A bank of issue registered as a limited company,, either before or after the passing of this x\ct, shall not be entitled to limited liability in respect of its notes ; and the members thereof shall continue liable in re- spect of its notes in the same manner as if it had been registered as an unlimited company ; but in case the general assets of the company are, in the event of the company being wound up, insufficient to satisfy the claims of both the note-holders and the general creditors, then the members, after satisfying the remaining de- mands of the note-holders, shall be liable to contribute towards payment of the debts of the general creditors a sum equal to the amount received by the note-holders out of the general assets of the company. Liability of bank of issue un- limited in respect of THE COMPANIES ACT, 1879. 151 For the purposes of this section the expression " the general assets of the company " means the funds avail- able for payment of the general creditor as well as the note-holder. It shall be lawful for any bank of issue registered as a limited company to make a statement on its notes to the effect that the limited liability does not extend to its notes, and that the members of the company continue liable in respect of its notes in the same manner as if it had been registered as an unlimited company. 7.^ (1.) Once at the least in every year the accounts Audit of of every banking company registered after the passing banking °^.' of this Act as a limited company shall be examined by companies.' an auditor or auditors, who shall be elected annually by the company in general meeting. (2.) A director or officer of the company shall not be capable of being elected auditor of such company. (3.) An auditor on quitting office shall be re-eligible. (4.) If any casual vacancy occurs in the office of any auditor the surviving auditor or auditors (if any) may act, but if there is no surviving auditor, the directors shall forthwith call an extraordinary general meeting for the purpose of supplying the vacancy or vacancies in the auditorship. (5.) Every auditor shall have a list delivered to him of all books kept by the company, and shall at all reasonable times have access to the books and accounts of the company ; and any auditor may, in relation to such books and accounts, examine the directors or any other officer of the company : Provided that if a bank- ing company has branch banks beyond the limits of Europe, it shall be sufficient if the auditor is allowed access to such copies of and extracts from the books and accounts of any such branch as may have been transmitted to the head office of the banking company in the United Kingdom. (6.) The auditor or auditors shall make a report to the members on the accounts examined by him or them, and on every balance sheet laid before the 152 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1879. company in general meeting during his or their tenure of office ; and in every such report shall state whether, in his or their opinion, the balance sheet referred to in the report is a full and fair balance sheet properly drawn up, so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the company's affairs, as shown by the books of the company ; and such report shall be read before the company in general meeting. (7.) The remuneration of the auditor or auditors shall be fixed by the general meeting appointing such auditor or auditors, and shall be paid by the company. iThe Companies Act, 1900, Sects. 21, 22, 23, post pp. 220, 221. Signature 8. Every balance sheet submitted to the annual or sheet.^"*'^ other meeting of the members of every banking com- pany registered after the passing of this Act as a limited company shall be signed by the auditor or auditors, and by the secretary or manager (if any), and by the directors of the company, or three of such directors at the least. Appiica- 9. On the registration, in pursuance of this Act, of 25*&26Vict ^ company which has been already registered, the c. 89., registrar shall make provision for closing the former c!^m.l and^' registration of the company, and may dispense with *o&4ivict. the delivery to him of copies of any documents with 25 & 26 Vict, copies of which he was furnished on the occasion of 30* 31 Vict. *^® original registration of the company ; i but, save c. 131., as aforesaid, the registration of such a company shall c. 26.! and *^^^ place in the same manner and have the same *2&43Vict. effect as if it were the first registration of that com- pany under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1879, and as if the provisions of the Acts under which the com- pany was previously registered and regulated had been contained in different Acts of Parliament from those under which the company is registered as a limited company. ^The Companies Act, 1862, Sects. 183 to 185, ante p. 77 et THE COMPANIES ACT, 1879. 153 10. A company authorised to register under this Privileges Act may register thereunder and avail itself of the available privileges conferred by this Act, notwithstanding any "j*^^^jj' . provisions ^ contained in any Act of Parliament, royal constitution charter, deed of settlement, contract of co-partnery, '^^ t^ompany- > >> >> j» • • • Nominal amount of the Shares so allotted >> >> >> >> Amount paid or due and payable on each such Share >> >> »> »> Number of Shares allotted for a consideration other than cash Nominal amount of the Shares so allotted ... Amount to be treated as paid on each such Share . . . The consideration for which such Shares have been allotted is as follows : — Presented for filing by ^ Distinguish between Preference, Ordinary, etc. Names, Addresses, and Descriptions of the Allottees. Surname. Christian Name. Address. Description. Number of Shares allotted. Fee on presentation for filing, 5s. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1900. 231 No. of Certificate POBM No. 46. COMPANIES ACTS, 1862 to 1900. Ebport pursuant to Sect. 12 of the Companies Act, 1900 (63 and 64 Vict. c. 48) of the Limited, to be certified by not less than two Directors, or by- one Director or Manager whenever there is only one, and for- warded at least seven days before the Statutory Meeting to every Member of the Company ; and to be filed with the Registrar forthwith after the sending thereof to the Members of the Com- pany (Sect. 12 (4)). Note. — This form has been provided for the purpose of indi- cating the nature of the information that is required ; but as the report to be filed must be a copy of that sent to the share- holders, all that is contained in that report must appear in this. (a) The total number of shares allotted is of which are allotted ^ in consideration of and upon each of the remaining shares the sum of has been paid in cash. (b) The total amount of cash received by the Company in respect of the shares issued wholly for cash is £ and on the shares issued partly for cash is £ (c) The receipts and payments of the Company on capital account to the date of this report are as follows : — ^Here state as " fully paid up " or •' paid up otherv^se than in cash to the extent of per share ". Particulars of Receipts. Particulars of Payments. Presented for filing by The following is an account (or estimate) of the preliminary expenses of the Company. 232 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1900. {d) Names, addresses, and descriptions of the Directors^ Auditors (if any), Manager (if any), and Secretary of the Com- pany. DIRECTORS. Surname. Christian Name. Address. Description. AUDITORS. MANAGER. SECRETARY. (e) Particulars of any contract the modification of which is to be submitted to the Meeting for its approval, together with the particulars of the modification or proposed modification. We hereby certify this report. ) Two ) Directors. We hereby certify that so much of this report as relates to the shares allotted by the Company and to the cash received in respect of such shares and to the receipts and payments of the Company on capital account is correct. > Auditors. Fee on presentation for filing, 5s. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1900. 233 No. of Certificate . FORM No. 47. COMPANIES ACTS, 1862 to 1900. Particulars to be supplied to the Registrar pursuant to Sect. 14 (7) of the Companies Act, 1900 (63 and 64 Vict., c. 48), of a mortgage or charge created by the Limited, and being : — ^ (a) a mortgage or charge for the purpose of securing any issue of debentures ; or (6) a mortgage or charge on uncalled capital of the Company ; or (c) a mortgage or charge created or evidenced by an instru- ment, which, if executed by an individual, would require registration as a bill of sale ; or {d) a floating charge on the Undertaking or property of the Company. ^ Strike out the sub-heads (a), (b), (c) or (d) which do not «.pply. i(NoTE. — The original instrument evidencing the mortgage or charge must be presented with this Return within twenty- one days after the date of its creation (Sect. 14 (1)), accom- panied by the particulars set out on this form.) Presented for filing by 234 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1900. Si Itl «»- is "l* s il si H .2 'I i| s 2^ 1 c2 ^- '■ INDEX. 299^ STAY OF PROCEEDINGS, Court may order after petition to wind up granted, 37, 88. creditor or contributory may apply for, in winding up, 38. order for winding up by or under supervision of Court, to- operate as, 37, 62. STOCK, conversion of shares of limited company into, 6. provisions in Table A as to, 96. notice of conversion to be given to Registrar, 13. effect of conversion, 13. reconversion of, into shares, 224. particulars as to, required from company registering under Part VII., 79. warrants for, may be issued to bearer, 139. included in warrants, dividends on, may be paid by coupon^ or otherwise, 139. bearer of warrant entitled to, 139. transferable by delivery, 139. statement as to, to be registered, 140. SUB-DIVISION OF SHARES into shares of smaller amount, 136. statement as to, in subsequent memorandum of association to be altered accordingly, 137. SUBSCRIBER OF MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION to take at least one share in company limited by shares, 3. must append to his name number of shares taken, 3. agrees to become member of company by subscrilaing, 10. how to execute memorandum of association, 5. SUBSCRIPTION, commission for procuring, when lawful, 207. minimum, definition of, 204. subscription of amount of, condition precedent to- allotment, 204.. to be fixed and named exclusively of payments other than cash, 204. allotment of fully-paid shares equal to, may entitle com- pany to commence business, etc., 206. simultaneous offer of shares and debentures for, lawful, 206.. SUCCESSION, company to have perpetual, when registered, 8. SUMMARY IN ANNUAL LIST, what to contain, 12, 220. particulars as to share warrants, to be contained in, 141.. to be signed by manager or secretary of company, 220. copy of, to be forwarded to Registrar on completion, 12. 300 INDEX. SUPERVISION OF COURT, winding up under, 60, 61, 62. SURPLUS, distribution of, after adjustment of rights of contributories, 46. funds, investment of, in winding up, 177. SURRENDER OF SHARE WARRANT may be necessary before holder can be registered as member, 140. date of, to be entered on register, 140. SUSPENSION OF BUSINESS for one year, ground for winding up company, 34. renders company liable to be treated as defunct, 156. T. TABLE A, contents of, accounts, keeping and inspection of, 103, 104. to be accessible to auditors, 105. auditors, appointment, etc., and duties of, 104, 105. balance sheet, 104, 106. calls on shares, 93, 94. capital, increase of, 96, 97. certificate, right to, and to renewal of, 93. chairman, who to act as, 98, 102. powers of adjourning meeting, 99. declarations and entries by, 99. powers of, as to voting and poll, 102. closing of transfer books, 94. committee of directors, 102, 103. conversion of shares into stock, 96. directors, appointment and remuneration of, 100. powers of, 100, 101. disqualification of, 101. rotation of, 101, 102. proceedings of, 102, 103. dividends, payment, etc., of, 103. •election of auditors, 104, 105. of directors, 100, 101, 102. general meeting, ordinary, time and place of, 97. extraordinary, time and convention of, 97, 98. proceedings at, 98, 99. members, transmission of shares of, 94, 95. votes of, 99, 100. notices, how to be given and served, 105, 107. proxy, regulations as to voting by, 99, 100. INDEX. 301 TABLE A (continued), contents of (continued), quorum, rules for ascertaining, 98. shares, calls on, 93, 94. conversion of, into stock, 96. forfeiture of, 95, 96. transfer of, 94. transmission of, 94, 95. statement of accounts, 104. stock, conversion of shares into, 96. votes of members, regulations as to, 99, 100. voting by proxy, regulations as to, 99, 100. provisions of, may be adopted in articles of association, 6. apply only so far as not affected by articles of association, 7.. may be altered by special resolution of company, 22. may be altered generally by Board of Trade, 31. as to meetings, apply where company has no regula- tions, 24. not to apply to companies formed and registered under Joint Stock Companies Acts, 74. or to companies not formed under Companies Acts unless specially adopted, 82. TABLE B, contents of, 107. fees in, payable to Registrar, where capital is divided into shares, 8. amount of, not to be increased by Board of Trade, 31. TABLE C, contents of, 108. fees in, payable to Registrar, where capital is not divided into shares, 8. amount of, not to be increased by Board of Trade, 31.. TITLE TO SHARES OR STOCK, certificate to be evidence of, 14. (where consideration for allotment not wholly cash) written contract constituting, to be filed, 207. TRANSFER, forged, company may pay compensation for loss owing to, v^ 194. company may make reasonable rules to guard against, 194. company compensating for, to stand in place of person compensated, 195. of all effects of company to trustees for benefit of creditors, void, 68. of business of company to another company, shares may be consideration for, 65. 302 INDEX. TRANSFER (continued), of proceedings in winding up to another Court, 165. of shares, mode of, to be regulated by company, 10. regulations in Table A as to, 94. of deceased member by personal representatives, 11. to be registered at request of transferor, 139. or transferee, 15. after commencement of winding up, void, 55, 63. where company registered under Joint Stock Com- panies Acts, 75. TRANSMISSION OF SHARES, regulations in Table A as to, 94, 95. TRUSTS, notice of, not to be entered on register, 13. u. UNCALLED CAPITAL OF COMPANY, charge on, to be registered, 216. may be created as reserve capital, 150. UNDERTAKING TO CONTRIBUTE by members of company limited by guarantee, 5. UNDERWRITING SHARES, when lawful, 207. when unlawful, 208. amount paid for to be stated in prospectus, 208, 210. UNDIVIDED PROFITS, when, may be returned in reduction of paid-up capital, 154. UNISSUED CAPITAL may be cancelled so as to reduce capital, 147. UNLIMITED COMPANY, what is, 4. what memorandum of association of, must contain, 4. must have articles of association, 6. form of memorandum and articles of association, 118. UNLIMITED COMPANY may re-register as limited company, 149. re-registration not to affect prior liabilities, etc., of, 150. on re-registration may increase nominal or provide reserve capital, 150. UNLIMITED LIABILITY of directors in limited company, 129, 130, 131. of limited banking company in respect of notes issued, 150. of members, 4. UNQUALIFIED PERSON acting as director, penalty on, 204. INDEX. 303 V. VACANCY among auditors, provisions as to filling up, 221. in banking company, 151. among liquidators, provisions as to filling up, 57, 59. VALIDITY of acts, appointments, etc., of directors, etc., though irregu- larity be subsequently discovered, 29. provisions in Table A as to, 103. VARIANCE of contract referred to in prospectus, restrictions on, 213, 214. VENDORS OF PROPERTY PURCHASED, Etc., BY COM- PANY, definition of, 211. names, etc., of, to appear in prospectus, 210. VENDORS' SHARES, amount of, to be stated in prospectus, 210. VOTING, company may make regulations as to, 23. in default of regulations as to, each member has one vote, 24. may be by proxy, if regulations of company permit, 23. regulations as to, in Table A, 99, 100. VOUCHERS OF COMPANY, auditors to have right of access to, 221. w. WAIVER OF REQUIREMENTS as to allotment, condition requiring, to be void, 215. as to prospectus, condition requiring, to be void, 212. WARRANT FOR SHARES, bearer of, entitled to shares specified therein, 139. and may transfer them by delivery, 139. may be registered as member on giving up warrant, 140. not to be thereby qualified as director, etc., 140. fraudulent personation of, to be felony, 141. forgery of, to be felony, 141, 142. particulars as to, to be stated in annual summary, 141. stamp on, 141. 304 INDEX. WINDING UP OF COMPANY, liability of past members to contribute to, 17. of directors, where liability is unlimited, 130. Courts having jurisdiction in, 164. conduct of business of, in High Court, 165. transfer of proceedings in, from one Court to another, 165.. by Court, in what circumstances, 34, application for, who may make, 36. commencement of, to be presentation of petition, 37. statement of company's affairs within fourteen days of order for, 168, 169. report on, of official receiver, 169. proceedings consequent on such report, 170. wishes of creditors and contributories to be considered in, 38, 61. liquidators to be appointed for conduct of, 39, 166. powers of liquidators in, 40, 41, 180, 181. ordinary powers of Court in, 42 — 46. extraordinary powers of Court in, 47, 48. costs of, 17, 43, 46. appeals from order made by Court in, 50. voluntary, in what circumstances, 54. effect of, on status of company, 55. consequences of, 55, 56. commencement of, to be passing of resolution for, 54. notice of resolution for, to be advertised, 55. liquidators to be appointed for, 55. power to apply to Court for directions in, 58, 222. creditor or official receiver may have winding up by Court substituted for, 60, 176. proceedings in, may be adopted by Court, 60. Court may order continuance of, subject to its super- vision, 60. under supervision of Court, 60, 61, 62. power to make compromises with creditors in, 64, 145. with members in, 145, 222. with debtors or contributories in, 65. claims of all kinds may be proved against company in, 64. prosecution of delinquent directors, etc., in, 69. when registered but not formed under Companies Acts, 82, 83, 84. when unregistered, provisions as to, 85 — 89. WISHES OF CREDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORIES to be regarded by Court in winding up, 38, 61. WITNESS, Court in winding up may summon persons before it as, 46. County Court judges may examine in winding up, 52. ■ OF THE ^ UNtVE4^SiTY APRIL, 1901, CATALOGUE OF £egat Ccmmercmt an6 otfter "BDor^s PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY EFFINGHAM WILSON, 11 ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. TO WHICH IS ADDED A LIST OF TELEGRAPH CODES. EFFINGHAM WILSON undertakes the printing nd publishing of Pamphlets and Books of every ascription upon Commission. 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Price 12.. 6f. 1 4 Effingham Wilson, CUMMINS, CHARLES. 2f per cent. Interest Tables on £1 to £20,000 for 1 to 365 days. Price 5s. net. Formation of the Accounts of Limited Liability Com- panies, Price 5s. net. CUTHBERTSON, CLIYE, B.A. A Sketch of the Currency Question. Price 2.s\ net. "An admirable resume of the controversy between monometallists and bimetal- lists." — Times. DEL MAR, ALEX. History of the Monetary Systems in the various States. Price 155. net. List of Chapters. — I. India from the Earliest Times. II. Ancient Persia. III. Hebrew Moneys. IV. Ancient Greece. V. Rome B.C. 369 to a.d. 1204. VI. The Sacred Character of Gold. VII. Pounds, Shillings and Pence. VIII. Gothic Moneys. IX. Moslem Moneys a.d. 622-1492. X. Early English Moneys. XI. Moneys of the Heptarchy, XII. Anglo-Norman Moneys. XIII. Early Plantagenet Moneys. XIV. Later Plantagenet Moneys. XV. The Coining Prerogative. XVI. Saxony and Scandinavia to D^te. XVII. The Netherlands to Date. XVIII. Germany to Date. 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Pood and Drugs Adulteration : A Manual for Traders and others. Being a Consolidation of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875, Sale of Food and Drugs Amendment Act, 1879, Margarine Act, 1887, Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1899. Price 2s. 6^. net. HOWARTH, WM. Our Banking Clearing System and Clearing Houses. Third and Enlarged Edition. Price 35. 6d. HUGHES, T. M. P. Investors' Tables for ascertaining the true return of Interest on Investments in either Permanent or Redeem- able Stocks or Bonds, at any rate per cent., and Prices from 75 to 140. Price 6s. 6d. net. HUTCHISON, JOHN. Practice of Banking ; embracing the Cases at Law and in Equity bearing upon all Branches of the Subject. Volumes II. and III. Price 21s. each. Vol. IV. Price 15s. INGRAM. Improved Calculator, showing instantly the Value of any Quantity from One-sixteenth of a Yard or Pound to Five Hundred Yards or Pounds, at from One Farthing to Twenty Shillings per Yard or Pound. Price 7s. 6d. JACKSON, GEORGE. Book-keeping. 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