; IMi w, BLAKEMAN TAYLOR & Co BIW YOEK and CHICAGO. Vi - Education Library c * 9 -A PROGRESSIVE [INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC; ON THE INDUCTIVE PLAN. BEING A SEQUEL TO THE PROGRESSIVE PRIMARY ARITHMETIC, CONTAINING MANY ORIGINAL FORMS OF ANALYSIS APPLICABLE TO A GREAT VARIETY OF PRACTICAL QUESTIONS, AND DESIGNED FOR THE MORE ADVANCED CLASSES IN COMMON SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. EDITED BY DANIEL W. FISH, A.M. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK' AND CHICAGO. 1878. Q ROBINSON'S M a t h e matic al S erie s . Graded to the wants of Primary, Intermediate, Grammar, Normal, and High Schools, Academies, and Colleges, Progressive Table Book. Progressive Primary Arithmetic. Progressive Intellectual Arithmetic. Rudiment* of Written Arithmetic. JUNIOK-CLASS ARITHMKT1C, Oral and Written. NEW. Progressive Practical Arithmetic. Key to Practical Arithmetic. Progressive Higher Arithmetic. Key to Higher Arithmetic. New Klemeutary Algebra. Key to New Momentary Algebra. New University Algebra. Key to New University Algebra. New Geometry and Trigonometry. In one vol. Geometry, Plane and Solid. In separate vol. Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical. In separate vol. New Analytical Geometry and Conic Sectio New Surveying and Navigation. ^ New Differential and Integral Calculus. University Astronomy Descriptive and Phys'cal. Key to Geometry and Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry and Conic Sec- tions, Surveying and Navigation. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, and again in the year 1863, by DANIEL W. FISH, A.M., In tne Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of New York. '' Q A i * RSI PREFACE. THE importance, and the practical benefit to be derived from the study of Intellectual Arithmetic, not only as a preparation for busi- ness life, but as a means of developing and strengthening the thinking and reasoning powers, and of thorough mental culture, can not be over-estimated. Not only is it a necessary- study for young pupils, but indispensable to the more advanced student, as a preparation for the prompt and accurate business man. And it is believed that, as a general rule, the most critical, correct, and ready students of mathematics are those who have been most thoroughly drilled in intellectual arithmetic. This work has been prepared more especially for advanced classes, and is designed for those who have first been well taught in the primary book, and for such as are pursuing the study of written arithmetic, or algebra, and who have never been thoroughly exer- cised in this branch of study. Only a few of the many points of difference between this and other similar works, and which, it is believed, renders this superior to them, will be referred to. It is more complete, comprehensive, and progressive In its char- acter. The arrangement and classification are more strictly sys- tematic, and in accordance with the natural order of mathematical science. The development of principles, and their applications, are shown by a more numerous selection, and greater variety of appropriate examples, progressively arranged, commencing with those that are simple and easy, and advancing to those more com- plex and difficult. At intervals, and especially in the closing sections of each chap- ter, examples are given containing such a combination of principles, and forms of analysis, as to require a knowledge of almost every principle previously taught, thus affording the pupil a thorough review, as well as requiring him to classify his knowledge of what he has been over. One of the most important, and, it is thought, one of the most original and useful features of this work, is the full, concise, and uniform system of ANALYSIS it contains, the result of long expe- rience in the school-room. Particular attention is invited to the subjects of Fractions, Per- centage, and Interest ; their treatment is peculiar, and adapted to obviate many of the difficulties, and greatly abbreviate most of the operations in them. M289985 4 PREFACE. The chapter of Miscellaneous Examples will afford a valuable and thorough drill to the advanced student of arithmetic or alge- bra. They contain a great variety of principles, and while they may be considered difficult, yet the full analysis given of every principle, and the selection of numbers so adapted to the conditions of the question as to produce results free from large and difficult fractions, will render a mental solution of them comparatively easy. In conclusion, we may be allowed to express the belie'f, that in this work the thorough teacher will find a desideratum long sought in this department of science, the means of mental dis- cipline and development such as has been furnished by uo similar treatise. THE AUTHOR. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. Pupils of nearly the same degree of advancement should be classed together. Regular exercises should be assigned to the class, and sufficient time allowed them to thoroughly examine their lesson before being called upon to recite. The use of the book at the time of recitation should be strictly prohibited, except, perhaps, in some of the more difficult lessons in the latter part of the work. Each example should be read but once, slowly and distinctly, the pupils called upon promiscuously, who should arise, stand erect, repeat the example, and then give the analysis. This will secure close attention. Every question should be clearly and thoroughly analyzed, and the pupil required to adhere strictly to the forms of solution given, unless better ones can be substituted ; and in no case should he be allowed to omit the conclusion, commencing with " Therefore." The class should be encouraged to detect and correct errors in /statement or analysis, to criticise and make proper inquiries, all of which should be signaled by the uplifted hand. It is suggested that the class be occasionally exercised upon "Ringing the Changes," as explained in the Appendix, and which may be applied to a great number and variety of examples. It will not only afford a valuable drill, but a pleasant and enlivening exercise. INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. CHAPTER I. ADDITION. 1. 1. JAMES had 1 cent, and his father gave him 1 more ; how many had he then ? 2. If a slate pencil cost 2 cents, and a steel pen 1 cent, how many cents will both cost ? 3. George spent 2 cents for candy, and had 2 cents left ; how many cents had he at first ? 4. A farmer sold a calf for 3 dollars, and a pig for 2 dollars ; how many dollars did he receive for both ? 5. Mary gave 2 cents for some tape, and 5 cents for a thimble ; how many cents did she give for both ? 6. Martin gave John 3 apples, and kept 4 for him- self; how many apples had he at first ? 7. There are 4 books on one desk, and 2 books on another ; how many books on both desks ? 8. If a lemon cost 3 cents, and an orange 5 cents, how many cents do both cost ? 9. In a Certain class there are 5 girls and 4 boys ; how many pupils in the class ? 10. Samuel had 3 marbles, and his brother gave him B more ; how many did he then have ? 11. Bought a barrel of apples for 2 dollars, and a cord of wood for 4 dollars ; how many dollars did both cost *f 1* () INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [2. 1. !j^4im^ JL ^re how many ? 2. 1 jjucU JU acejiow many ? 3. 2 and '1 -are how many ? 4. 2 and :) arejiow many:' 5. 2 and i^arejiow many?//* 6. 2 and ,"> are how many ? 7. -J aint ~J]ljirjiow many ? 8. 2 ]an^ < J..^areJy>w many ? 9. 2. 'and JLajj*ow many? 10. 2 ami 9-. jM-'-C. how many ? 11. 3__and 3 .qre how many ? 12. 13. gu3ir^I r ow many ? 14. 3 ^njLjS-^ are how many ? 15. 3^and X ___ are how many? 16. 3 ancr~8 _ are how many ? 17. 3 and are how many ? 18. 3 and 10 are how many? 19. 4 anjL-2 are how many ? 20. 4 and j^are how many ? 21. r aiiEIJ: are how many ? 22. 4_ and L are how many ? 23. 4__and _6 are how many ? 24. 4 ajiJ^n nrp how many? 25. 4 ^Hji j^ are how many ? 26. 4^jind 9 are how many ? 27. 4L3!ii^r^are how many? 28. &^nd^L- are how many ? 29. joT^ni^^ _ are how many? 30. v/jT and t 3^ are how many ? 31. ^ and _jL are how many? 32. ^^ jiudr 5 __ are how many ? 33. _5^ ^and 6 are how many ? 34. JL ^and ^^1-are how many ? 35. ^^JBa.jS^are how many ? 36. ^C^nji_^2---a?e how many ? 3.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 7 3. 1. A man bought a calf for 7 dollars, and sold it for 3 dollars more than he gave for it ; how much did he sell it for ? 2. Bought a barrel of cider for 2 dollars, and 20 bushels of apples for 8 dollars ; how many dollars did the whole cost ? 3. If a coat cost 10 dollars, and a pair of panta- loons 5 dollars, what will be the cost of both ? 4. A merchant bought 4 boxes of black tea, and 7 boxes of green tea ; how many boxes did he buy of both kinds ? 5. A farmer sold 5 sheep to one man, and 9 to another ; how many did he sell to both ? 6. Ralph walked 4 miles and rode 10 miles ; how many miles did he go ? 7. Philip answered 8 questions in geography, and Oliver 5 ; how many questions did both answer ? 8. If a quart of chestnuts cost 10 cents, and a quart of walnuts 4 cents, what will be the cost pf one quart of both ? 9. 6 and 3 are how many ? 10. 6 and 4 are how many ? 11. 6 and 5 are how many ? 12. G and 6 are how many ? 13. 6 and 7 are how many ? 14. 6 and 8 are how many ? 15. 6 and 9 are how many ? 16. 6 and 10 are how many ? 17. 7 and 4 are how many ? 18. 7 and 5 are how many ? 19. 7 and 6 are how many ? 20. 7 and 7 are how many ? 21. 7 and 8 are how many ? 22. 7 and 9 are how many ? 23. rr 1 and 10 are how many ? 24. 8 and 3 arc how many ? INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [4. 25. 8 and 4 are how many ? 26. 8 and 5 are how many ? 27. 8 and 6 are how many ? 28. 8 and 7 are how many ? 29. 8 and 8 are how many ? 30. 8 and 9 are how many ? 31. 8 and 10 are how many ? 32. 9 and 4 are how many ? 33. 9 and 5 are how many ? 34. 9 and 6 are how many? 35. 9 and 7 are how many ? 36. 9 and 8 are how many ? 37. 9 and 9 are how many ? 88. 9 and 10 are how many ? 39. 10 and 4 are how many ? 40. 10 and 5 are how many ? 41. 10 and 6 are how many ? 4. 1. Eli paid 9 shillings for a pair of skates, and 6 shillings for a cap ; how many shillings did he pay for both ? ANALYSIS. Since Eli paid 9 shillings for a pair of skates, and 6 shillings for a cap, he paid for both, the sum of 9 shillings -and 6 shillings. The sum of 9 shil- lings and 6 shillings is 15 shillings. Therefore, he paid J 5 shillings for both. 2. A farmer sold some oats for 7 dollars, and a ton of hay for 9 dollars ; how many dollars did ho receive for both ? 3. Paid 8 cents for some raisins, and 6 cents for some cloves ; how many cents did both cost ? 4. Nancy is 10 years old;, how old will she be 5 years from this time ? 5. A lady paid 7 dollars for a shawl, and 6 dol- lars for a dress : what was the cost of both ? S.j INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 9 6. There are 9 boys in one class, and 7 in anoth- er ; how many in both classes ? 7. Margaret has 8 flower pots in one room, and 5 in another ; how many has she in the two rooms ? 8. If you read 10 pages to-day, and 7 pages to- morrow, how many will you read in both days ? 9. If a firkin of butter is worth 9 dollars, and two cords of wood are worth 8 dollars, what are both worth ? 10. Myron has 6 young rabbits and 4 old ones ; how many rabbits has he ? 11. There are 10 biids sitting on one limb, and 9 on another ; how many birds on both limbs ? 12. A boy, having some peaches given him, put 8 into his hat, and 7 into his pockets ; how many peaches were given him ? 13. Edwin found 6 ripe pears under one tree, and 8 under another ; how many pears did he find under both trees ? 14. In one yard are 5 cows, and in another 7 ; liow many cows in both yards ? 15. If you work 8 examples in arithmetic to-day, and 8 more to-morrow, how many will you work in both days ? 16. Robert gave 8 nuts to Henry, and kept 9 ; how many nuts had he at first ? 1. 7 and 4 are how many ? 2. 9 and 7 are how many ? 3. 6 and 7 are how many ? 4. 5 and 9 are how many ? 5. 8 and 7 are how many ? 6. 10 and 6 are how many ? 7. 9 and 6 are how many ? 8. 8 and 8 are how many ? 10 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [5. 9. 6 and 8 are how many ? 10. 7 and 9 are how many ? 11. 8 and 10 are how many ? 12. 11 and 5 are how many ? 13. 13 and 7 are how many? 14. 14 and 6 are how many? 15. 12 and 4 are how many? 16. 15 and 8 are how many? 17. 9 and 12 are how many ? 18. 16 and 8 are how many? 19. 17 and 10 are how many? V 20. 15 and 11 are how many ? 21. 13 and 12 are how many? t ^22. 22. How many are 2 and 2 ? 12 and 2 ? 22 and 2 ? 32 and 2 ? 42 and 2 ? 52 and 2 ? 62 and 2 ? 72 and 2 ? 82 and 2 ? 92 and 2 ? 23. How many are 3 and 3 ? 13 and 3 ? 23 and 3 ? 33 and 3 ? 43 and 3 ? 53 and 3 ? 63 and 3 ? 73 and 3 ? 83 and 3 ? 93 and 3 ? 24. How many arc 4 and 4 ? 14 and 4? 24 and 4 ? 34 and 4 ? 44 and 4 ? 54 and 4 ? 64 and 4 ? 74 and 4? 84 and 4? 94 and 4? 25. How many are 5 and 5 ? 15 and 5 ? 25 and 5 ? 35 and 5 ? * 45 and 5 ? 55 and 5 ? 65 and 5 ? 75 and 5 ? 85 and 5 ? 95 and 5 ? 26. How many are 6 and 6 ? 16 and 6 ? 26 and 6 ? 36 and 6 ? 46 and 6 ? 56 and 6 ? 66 and 6 ? 76 and 6 ? 86 and 6 ? 96 and 6 ? 27. How many are 7 and 7 ? 17 and 7 ? 27 and 7? 37 and 7? 47 and 7 ? 57 and 7 ? 67 and 7? 77 and 7 ? 87 and 7 ? 97 and 7 ? 28. How many are 8 and 8 ? 18 and 8 ? 28 and 8 ? 38 and 8 ? " 48 and 8 ? 58 and 8 ? 68 and 8 ? 78 and 8 ? 88 and 8 ? 98 and 8 ? 29. How many are 9 and 9 ? 19 and 9 ? 29 and O.] INTP:LLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. H 30. How many are 8 and 7 ? 18 and 7 ? 28 and 7 ? 38 and 7 ? 48 and 7 ? 58 and 7 ? 68 and 7 ? 78 and 7 ? 88 and 7 ? 98 and 7 ? 31. How many are 10 and 10 ? 20 and 10 ? 30 and 10 ? 40 and 10 ? 50 and 10 ? 60 and 10 ? 70 and 10 ? 80 and 10 ? 90 and 10 ? 32. How many are 4 and 8 ? 14 and 8 ? 24 and 8 ? 34 and 8 ? 44 and 8 ? 54 and 8 ? 64 and 8 ? 74 and 8 ? 84 and 8 ? 94 and 8 ? 33. How many are 6 and 5 ? 16 and 5 ? 26 and 5 ? 36 and 5 ? 46 and 5 ? 56 and 5 ? 66 and 5 ? 76 and 5 ? 86 and 5 ? 96 and 5 ? 34. How many are 11 and 9 ? 21 and 9 ? 31 and 9 ? 41 and 9 ? 51 arid 9 ? 61 and 9 ? 71 and 9 ? 81 and 9 ? 91 and 9 ? 35. How many are 9 and 7 ? 19 and 7 ? 29 and 7 ? 39 and 7 ? 49 and 7 ? 59 and 7 ? 69 and 7 ? 79 and 7 ? 89 and 7 ? 99 and 7 ? 36. How many are 4 and 8 ? 14 and 8 ? 24 and 8 ? 34 and 8 ? 44 and 8 ? 54 and 8 ? 64 and 8 ? 74 and 8 ? 84 and 8 ? 94 and 8 ? 37. How many are 3 and 10 ? 13 and 10 ? 23 and 10 ? 33 and 10 ? 43 and 10 ? 53 and 10 ? 63 and 10 ? 73 and 10 ? 83 and 10 ? 93 and 10 ? 6. Addition is the process of uniting several numbers of the same kind into one equivalent number. The result is called the Sam or Amount. The sign of addition is written thus, +, and is called plus. When placed between two numbers or quantities, it shows that they are to be added together. Thus, 5 + 3 + 2 signifies that 5 and 3 and 2 are to be added together, and is read five, plus three, plus two. The sign of equality is written thus, :=. When placed between two numbers or quantities, it signifies that the latter is equal to the former. 12 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [6. 1. 6 + 4 + 5 are how many? 2. 9 + 7 + 3 are how many? 3. 10 + 6 4- 4 are how many? 4. 13 -f- 8 + 6 are how many? 5. 12 + 10 + 9 are llow many? 6. 11 4" 6' 4" -7 are how many? 7. 8 -f 10 + 7 + 6 are now many? 8. 34 -jr ~ >} are uow man y ? ANALYSIS. As many as the sum of 34 and 25 ; 34 is composed of 3 tens and 4 units, and 25 0/* 2 tens and 5 units ; 3 te?is and 2 fc>*s are 5 tos, or 50, arca 7 4 w and 5 im/te are 9 units, which added to 50 makes Therefore 34 + 25 are 59. 9. 46 10. 35 11. 40 31 are how many? 52 are how many ? JLI. are how many times 8 ? 6 ? 12 ? 4 ? 17. 44 are how many times 11 ? 4 ? 2 ? 18. 24 are how many times 2 ? 8 ? 4 ? 6 ? 12 ? 19. 60 are how many times 6 ? 5 ? 10 ? 12 ? 20. 63 are how many times 9 ? 3 ? 7 ? 21. 84 are how many times 7 ? 12 ? 4 ? 6 ? 22. 90 are how many times 9 ? 6 ? 10 ? 23. 108 are how many times 12 ? 9 ? 6 ? 24. 100 are how many times 10 ? 20 ? 5 ? 25. 99 are how many times 9 ? 11 ? 3 ? 26. 81 are how many times 9 ? 27. 66 are how many times 11 ? 6 ? 3 ? 28. 75 are how many times 15 ? 5 ? 25 ? 29. 88 are how many times 4 ? 11 ? 8 ? 30. 120 are how many times 12 ? 10 ? 8 ? 31. 140 are how many times 7 ? 10 ? 20 ? 82. 200 axe how many times 20 ? 40 ? 50 ? 31.] INTELLECTUAL VRITHMETIC. 39 31. 1. If 6 men receive 72 dollars for building a barn, how many dollars will each man receive ? NOTE. If the pupil is sufficiently acquainted with Fractions, the following Analysis is often preferred.* ANALYSIS. If 6 men receive 72 dollars, 1 man, which is ^ of Q men, will receive \ of 72 dollars ^ of 72 dol- lars is 12 dollars. Therefore if 6 men receive 72 dol- lars for building a barn, each man will receive 12 dollars. 2. If 81 cents be paid for 9 dozen of eggs, what will be the cost of 1 dozen ? 3. A mechanic sold a wagon for 77 dollars, and took his pay in hay, at 11 dollars a ton ; how many tons did he receive ? 4. How long will it take 12 men to perform a piece of work that 1 man can do in 48 days ? 5. Paid 108 dollars for 9 thousand feet of lum- ber ; what was the COSY of a thousand feet ? 6. How many barrels of flour can be bought for 56 dollars, at 7 dollars a barrel ? at 8 dollars ? 7. How many cows, at 12 dollars a head, can be bought for 60 dollars? for 9n dollars? for 120 dollars? 8. When steak is 10 cents a pound, how many pounds can be bought for 50 cents ? for 80 cents ? for 100 cents ? 9. At 11 cents a pound, ho\v many pounds of sugar can be bought for 88 cents ? for 99 cents ? * When it is necessary to express a quantity less than a unit, we may regard the unit as divided iiito some number of equal parts, and use cue of these parts as a new unit of less value thau the unit divided. Thus, if a yard be divided into two equal parts, each of the parts is called one half; when into three equal parts, each of tue parts is called one third wuen into four equal parts, each of the j>arts is called one fourth ; when into Jive equal parts, each of the parts is called one-fifth ; two of the parts, two fifths, &c. ; when into six equal parts, each of the parts is called one sixth ; two of the parts, two sixths, three of the parts, three sixths } &c. 40 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [91. 10. A man planted an orchard of 132 trees, and put 11 trees in a row ; how many rows in the orchard ? 11. A farmer sold a horse for 120 dollars; how many cows at 12 dollars each would pay for the horse ? How many young cattle at 8 dollars each ? How many sheep at 5 dollars each ? 12. If 25 sheep cost 75 dollars, what will 1 sheep cost? 13. If a boy read 7 pages a day, how long will it take him to read 56 pages? to read 84 pages? 98 pages ? 14. At 15 cents a pound, how many pounds of coffee can be bought for 45 cents ? for 60 cents ? for 90 cents ? 15. If 1 man can do a piece of work in 72 days, in what time can 6 men do it ? 8 men ? 9 men ? 12 men? 16. If a certain quantity of provision will last 1 man 36 days, how many days will it last 4 men ? 9 men ? 12 men ? 17. A man earns 66 dollars in 11 weeks ; how ttmfch does he earn in 1 week ? how much in 1 day ? 18. If a painter receive 100 dollars for painting 5 carriages, how much does he receive apiece ? 19. How many lots containing 12 acres each can be sold from a farm of 120 acres ? how many lots of 20 acres each ? 20. If a steamboat run 11 miles an hour, how long will she be in running 44 miles ? 88 miles ? 110 miles ? 21. How many men, at 8 dollars a month, can be hired one month for 96 dollars? how many at 12 dollars ? how many at 16 dollars ? 22. If I travel 120 miles in 6 days, how many miles do I travel in 1 day ? INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 41 1. If 3 pounds of coffee cost 27 cents, what will 6 pounds cost ? ANALYSIS. If 3 pounds of coffee cost 27 cents, 1 pound, which is 1 third of 3 pounds, will cost 1 third of 27 cents, or 9 cents. If 1 pound cost 9 cercto, 6 pounds, which are 6 times 1 pound, will cost 6 ft'mes 9 cento, or 54 cents. Therefore, if 3 pounds of coffee cost 27 cento, 6 pounds will cost 54 cents. Or thus : C pounds will cost 6 ta'wes 1 third of 27 ce??to; 1 " INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [3O, 31. 3O. TABLE OF CLOTH MEASURE. 2 inches (in.) make 1 nail, na. 4 nails 1 quarter of a yard, qr. 4 quarters 1 yard, yd. 1. How many nails in 3 qrs. ? in 5 qrs. ? 2. How many nails in 2 yds. 2 qrs. ? 3. How many quarters in 5 yds. ? in 6 yds. 3 qrs.? 4. How many yards in 16 qrs. ? in 56 qrs. ? 5. How many qrs. in 36 nails ? in 64 na. ? 6. How many qrs. in 5 yds. ? in 6 yds. ? in 7 yds. ? 7. In 4 yards, how many nails ? 8. In 6 yards, how many qrs. ? 9. In 123 nails, how many yards ? 31. TABLE OF LAND OR SQUARE MEASURE. 144 square inches (sq. in.) make 1 square foot, sq. ft. 9 square feet " 1 square yard, sq. yd. 30 square yards " 1 square rod, P. 40 square rods " 1 rood, R. 4 roods " 1 acre, A. 640 acres " 1 square mile, Sq. M. 1. How many square feet in 5 square yards ? in 10 square yards ? in 20 square yards ? 2. How many square yards in 36 sq. ft. ? in 72 sq. ft. ? in 108 sq. ft. ? 3. How many square rods in 3 roods ? in 5 roods ? in 7 roods ? 4. How many acres in 20 roods ? in 80 roods ? 5. At 4 dollars a square rod, what would 2 roods 10 rods of land cost ? 32. 33.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 3 32. TABLE OP CUBIC MEASURE. 1728 cubic inches (cu. in.) make 1 cubic foot, cu. ft. 27 " feet " 1 cubic y ard, cu. yd. 24f " feet " 1 perch of stone,Pch. 16 " feet " 1 cord foot, c. ft. 8 cord feet or j u l * d f d 128 cubic feet \ 1. How many cubic feet in 2 cubic yards? in 3 cubic yards ? 2. How many cubic feet in 2 perch of stone ? in 4 perch ? in 6 perch ? 3. How many cord feet in 3 cords of wood ? in 7 cords ? in 9 cords ? 4. How many cord feet in 120 cubic feet of wood ? in 200 cubic feet ? 5. How many cords in 24 cord feet? in 56 cord feet? 33. TABLE OF LIQUID MEASURE. 4 gills (gi.) make 1 pint, pt. 2 pints " 1 quart, qt. 4 quarts " 1 gallon, gal. 311- gallons " 1 barrel, bar. 2 barrels, or 63 gallons " 1 hogshead, hhd. 1. How many gills in 4 pints ? in 6 pints ? in 10 pints ? 2. How many pints in 3 quarts ? in 8 quarts ? in 1 gallon ? in 3 gallons ? 3. How many gills in 4 quarts ? in 6 quarts ? in 8 quarts ? 4. How many quarts in 3 gallons? how many pints ? how many gills in 3 quarts ? in 1 gallon and 2 quarts ? 5* 54 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [84. 5. How many gills in 2 gallons 2 qts. ? 6. How many quart cups could be filled from a 10 gallon keg of wine ? how many pint bottles ? 7. In 48 gills, how many pints ? quarts ? 8. How many gallons in 64 gills ? in 96 gills ? 9. How many^quarts in 56 pints ? gallons ? 10. In 10 gallons, how many quarts? pints? gills? 11. What will be the cost of 6 gallons of burning fluid, at 15 cents a quart ? 12. If a pint of molasses cost 7 cents, what will a gallon cost ? 13. If one gallon of oil cost 90 cents, what will 3 gallons and 2 quarts cost ? 14. If you should draw 10 gallons and 8 quarts from a hogshead of molasses, how much would re- main ? 34. TABLE OF DRY MEASURE. 2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart, qt. 8 quarts " 1 peck, pk. 4 pecks " 1 bushel bu. 1. How many pints in 1 peck ? in 2 pks. 4 qts. ? 2. How many quarts in 1 bu. 2 pks. ? 3. In 2 bu. 1 pk. 6 qts. how many quarts ? 4. In 64 quarts how many pecks ? bushels ? 5. In 80 pints how many pecks ? 6. At 3 cents a pint, what will be the cost of one peck of chestnuts ? 7. If one bushel of hickory nuts cost 160 cents, what will be the cost of 6 quarts ? 8. Bought 2 pecks of cranberries for 96 cents, and Bold them for 5 cents a pint; how much was the gain ? INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 55 35. TABLE OF TIME. 60 seconds (sec.) 60 minutes 24 hours 7 days 12 calendar months 365 days 366 days 100 years make 1 minute, m. " 1 hour, hr. " 1 day, d. " 1 week, w. " 1 year, yr. " 1 common year, yr. " 1 leap year, yr. " 1 century, C. The divisions of the year, the names of the months, and the number in each, are shown in the following table : Winter. ( 1st month 2d , January February has 44 31 28* days. u (3d 44 March 44 31 u Spring. {4th 44 April 44 30 u (5th 44 May 44 31 M (6th 44 June 44 30 a Summer. {7th 44 July 44 31 a (8th 44 August 44 31 u (9th 44 September 44 30 a Autumn. { 10th 44 October 44 31 a ( llth 44 November 44 30 u Winter. 12th 44 December 44 31 u The following lines will help to remember the number of days in each month : Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; AIL the rest have thirty-one, Save February, which alone Hath twenty-eight; and one day more We add to "it, one year in four. * In leap-year, 29, 66 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [36. 1. How many seconds in 2 minutes ? in 5 minutes ? 2. How many seconds in 10 minutes ? in 20 minutes ? 3. How many seconds in 1 hour ? in 2 hours ? 4. How many minutes in 3 hours ? in 5 hours ? 5. How many hours in 2 days ? in 3 days ? 6. In 2 days and 12 hours how many hours ? 7. In 6 weeks how many days ? in 9 weeks ? 8. How many weeks in 49 days ? in 84 days ? 9. How many weeks and days in 75 days ? in 90 days? 10. How many hours in 3 days 10 hours ? 11. In 36 months how many years ? in 84 months? 12. How many days from January 1st to March 10th, inclusive ? 13. How many days from April 10th to the 15th of June ? 36. MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units make 1 dozen. 12 dozen " 1 gross. 12 gross " 1 great gross. 20 units " 1 score. 24 sheets of paper " 1 quire. 20 quires " 1 ream. 56 pounds . " 1 bushel of corn. 60 pounds " 1 bushel of wheat. 196 pounds " 1 barrel of flour. 200 pounds u ( 1 barrel of beef, p 1 or fish. 1. What cost 1 ream of paper, at 20 cents a quire ? 2. What cost 3 dozen lemons, at 3 cents apiece ? 3. What cost 2 gross of pens, at 5 cents a dozen ? 4. At 7 dollars a hundred pounds, what will 2 barrels of pork cost ? 37.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 57 CHAPTER VI. FRACTIONS. 37. 1. WHAT is understood by one half, one third, one fourth, one fifth, &c. ? ANS. When a number or thing, as a unit or an apple, is divided into two equal parts, fc each of the parts is called one half; when into three equal parts, each of the parts is called one third ; two of the parts are called two thirds, &c. 2. How many halves in 1 ? 3. How many thirds in 1 ? 4. If a peach be divided into 2 equal parts, what is each part called ? 5. If an orange be divided into 3 equal parts, what are the parts called ? 6. How many halves in 4? ANALYSIS. Since in 1 there are 2 halves, in 4 there are 4 times 2 halves, or 8 halves. Therefore there are 8 halves in 4. 7. How many halves in 5 ? in 6 ? 8. How many halves in 7 ? in 7 and 1 half? 9. How many thirds in 3 ? in 4 ? in 5 ? 10. How many thirds in 7 ? in 8 ? in 9 ? 11. How many thirds in 6 and 1 third? in 6 and 2 thirds ? 12. How many halves in 5 ? how many thirds ? 13. How many halves in 10 and 1 half? 14. How many thirds in 9 and 2 thirds ? 15. In 8 halves how many whole things ? ANALYSIS. Since in 2 halves there is one ivhole thing, in 8 halves there are as many whole things as 2, the num- ber of halves in \, is contained times in 8, which is 4 times. Therefore, in 8 haloes there, are 4 whole things. 58 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [37. 16. How many whole things in 12 halves ? in 16 halves ? in 24 halves ? 17. How many whole things in 9 thirds? in 18 thirds ? 18. How many whole things in 10 halves? in 12 thirds ? in 21 thirds ? in 20 halves ? 19. How many half bushels in 3 bushels and 1 half? 20. John gave 6 peaches to his 2 brothers ; what part of them did each have ? 21. What is 1 half of 6 ? ANALYSIS. It is that number which taken 2 times loill make G ; 2 times 3 is G. Therefore 3 is 1 half 0/6. 22. What is 1 third of 9 ? of 18 ? of 27 ? of 36 ? 23. What is 1 half of 8 ? of 12 ? of 18 ? of 22 ? 24. How can you take 1 half of an orange ? 1 third ? 25. How can you take 2 thirds of an apple ? 26. Will|am had 30 new pennies, and John had 1 half as many ; how many had John ? 27. If a pound of candles cost 15 cents, what will 1 third of a pound cost ? 2 thirds ? 28. George is 12 years old, and Mary is 2 thirds as old as he ; how old is Mary ? 29. If a barrel of flour cost 10 dollars, and a barrel of cider 1 half as much, what is the cost of the cider ? 30. If 3 tons of hay cost 27 dollars, what part of 27 dollars will 1 ton cost ? 2 tons ? 31. A boy, having 33 cents, spent 2 thirds of them ; how many had he left ? 32. Edwin gave 2 peaches and 1 half to his sister, and 1 peach and 1 half to his brother ; how many peaches did he give to both ? 33. A farmer, having 44 sheep, sold 1 half of them ; how many had he left ? 38.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 59 38. 1. What do you understand by 1 fourth? 3 fourths ? 2. What do you understand by 1 fifth ? 2 fifths ? 3 fifths? 4 fifths? 3. What do you understand by 1 sixth ? 3 sixths? 5 sixths ? 4. How can you take 1 fourth of any thing ? 1 sixth ? 5. How can you take 3 fourths of any thing ? 3 fifths ? 6. How many fifths in 1 ? in 4 ? in 6 ? 7. How many fourths in 1 ? in 2 and 3 fourths ? 8. How many sixths in 2 ? in 3 and 4 sixths ? . 9. In 4 and 5 sixths how many sixths ? 10. In 8 and 3 fourths how many fourths ? 11. In 7 and 4 fifths how many fifths ? 12. Which is greater, 1 fourth or 1 fifth ? 1 fifth or 1 sixth ? 13. How many times 1 in 8 fourths ? in 16 fourths ? 14. How many times 1 in 15 fifths ? in 25 fifths ? 15. How many times 1 in 24 sixths ? in 36 sixths? 16. What is 1 fourth of 12 ? of 20 ? of 28 ? 17. What is 1 sixth of 18 ? of 30 ? of 42 ? 18. What is 1 fourth of 32 ? of 40 ? of 48 ? 19. What is 1 fifth of 10 ? of 20 ? of 50 ? 20. What is 1 sixth of 36 ? 2 sixths ? 5 sixths ? 21. What is 1 fifth of 40 ? 3 fifths ? 4 fifths ? 22. What is 3 fourths of 16 ? of 24 ? 23. What is 2 fifths of 10 ? of 25 ? 24. What is 3 sixths of 30 ? 5 sixths of 42 ? 25. If a ton of hay cost 12 dollars, what will 1 fourth of a ton cost ? 2 fourths ? 3 fourths ? 26. If 5 bushels of apples cost 90 cents, what part of 90 cents will 1 bushel cost ? 2 bushels ? 3 bushels ? 27. When coal is 6 dollars a ton, what part of a ton can be bought for 1 dollar ? for 2 dollars ? for 5 dollars ? GO INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [38, 28. Bought a piece of land for 45 dollars ; what is 1 fifth of it worth ? 2 fifths ? 3 fifths ? 29. If you pay 30 dollars for one month's labor, what do you pay for 1 fifth of a month ? for 1 sixth ? t>r 5 sixths ? for 4 fifths V 30. A man divided 48 cents equally among 6 beggars ; what part of the whole did each beggar receive ? what part did 2 receive ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 31. If in a basket of 54 eggs 1 sixth are bad, how many are good ? 32. If a man earn 15 dollars a week, and spend 2 fifths of it, how much does he save ? 33. A drover, having GO sheep, sold 1 fourth of them at one time, and 1 fifth at another ; how many had he left ? 34. Rollin had 18 marbles, and gave 2 sixths of them to Martin ; how many did he give Martin, and how many did he keep for himself? 35. If Harry bought 6 pounds of coffee for 1 dol- lar, what part of 1 dollar did 1 pound cost ? 2 pounds ? 3 pounds ? 4 pounds ? 36. When tea is 5 shillings a pound, what part of a pound can be bought for 1 shilling ? 2 shillings ? 3 shillings ? 4 shillings ? 87. If a barrel of pork cost 15 dollars, what will 2 thirds of it cost ? 3 fifths ? 38. A gentleman is 60 years old, and his wife is 4 fifths as old ; how old is she ? 39. Andrew is 18 years old, and his sister, Jane, is 5 sixths as old ; how old is Jane ? 40. Paid 36 dollars for 1 acre of land ; what is 1 sixth of it worth ? 3 sixths ? 1 fourth ? 3 fourths ? 41. If you divide a barrel of flour equally among 5 poor families, what part of the barrel will 1 family receive ? 2 -families ? 3 families ? 4 families ? 5 fam- ilies ? 39. J INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 61 39. 1, What do you understand by 1 seventh ? 3 sevenths ? 4 sevenths ? 5 sevenths ? 2. What is meant by 1 eighth? 5 eighths? 1 ninth ? 3 ninths ? 5 ninths ? 7 ninths ? 3. What is meant by 3 tenths? 9 tenths? 5 twelfths ? 11 twentieths ? 4. How many ninths in a unit, or whole thing ? how many tenths ? how many elevenths ? how many twelfths ? how many twentieths ? 5. How many times 1 in 14 sevenths ? in 32 eighths ? in 45 ninths ? 6. How many times 1 in 70 tenths ? in 44 elevenths ? in 30 fifteenths ? in 80 twentieths ? 7. What is 1 seventh of 42 ? of 63 ? of 84 ? 8. What is 1 eighth of 24 ? of 56 ? of 64 ? 9. What is 1 ninth of 36 ? 3 ninths ? 7 ninths ? 10. What are 3 tenths of 50 ? of 60 ? of 90 ? 11. What is 1 twelfth of 72 ? 5 twelfths ? 7 twelfths ? 12. What is 1 twentieth of 60 ? 14 twentieths ? 13. How many times 1 in 19 eighths ? in 40 ninths ? in 65 twelfths ? 14. How many times 1 in 28 sevenths ? in 56 tenths ? in 52 elevenths ? 15. In 3 and 5 sevenths how many sevenths ? 16. In 6 and 3 eighths how many eighths ? 17. In 8 and 7 ninths how many ninths ? 18. In 9" and 3 twelfths how many twelfths ? 19. In 7 and 9 tenths how many tenths ? 20. If 10 pounds of sugar cost 80 cents, what part of 80 cents will 3 pounds cost ? 5 pounds ? 21. If a man earn 72 dollars in 1 month, how much will he earn in 1 fourth of a month ? 5 sixths ? 4 ninths ? 7 eighths ? 5 twelfths ? 22. What is the difference between 7 eighths of 64 and 5 ninths of 81 ? 6 62 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [39. 23. What will 5 eighths of a bushel of chestnuts cost at 10 cents a quart ? 24. What will be the cost of 4 sevenths of 14 dozen of eggs at 11 cents a dozen ? 25. If James has 108 cents, and Henry has 7 twelfths as many and 20 cents more, how many cents has Henry V 26. What will be the cost of 1 ninth of a hogs- head of molasses at 12 cents a quart ? 27. Meiizo, having 48 dollars, gave 1 sixteenth of his money for a hat, 3 eighths for a coat, and 3 twelfths for some books and a quarter's tuition ; how many dollars had he left ? 28. A man bought a horse for 120 dollars; he gave 7 tenths as much for a carriage as he paid for the horse, and 3 sevenths as much for a harness as he paid for the carriage ; how much did the whole cost him ? 29. If a man put 200 dollars at interest, and receive 3 twentieths of it annually for its use, how many dollars does he receive ? 30. If a vessel sail 12 miles an hour, how many times 9 miles will she sail in 3 eighths of a day ? 31. Abel has 49 marbles, and Alonzo has 6 sevenths as many wanting 10 ; how many has Alonzo ? 32. A man, having 300 cedar posts, sold 2 fifths of them to A, 1 sixth to B, 3 tenths to G, and 40 posts to D ; how many had he left ? 33. What will be the cost of a gold watch weigh- ing 1 third of a pound at 1 dollar a pennyweight ? 34. What will be the cost of 3 eighths of 2 gallons of wine at 40 cents a pint ? 35. A grocer bought 27 dozen of eggs for 240 cents, and sold 5 ninths of them for 12 cents a dozen, and the remainder for 10 cents a dozen ; how much did he gain by the operation ? 4O.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 65 4O. 1. 9 is 1 fourth of what number ? ANALYSIS. 9 is 1 fourth of 4 times 9 ; 4 times 9 is 36. Therefore 9 is 1 fourth of 36. 2. 7 is 1 fifth of what number ? 3. 10 is 1 eighth of what number ? 4. 12 is 1 tenth of what number ? 5. 20 is 1 half of what number ? 6. 15 is 1 fourth of what number ? 7. 30 is 1 sixth of what number ? 8. 9 is 1 twelfth of what number ? 9. 5 is 1 twentieth of what number ? 10. 11 is 1 seventh of what number ? 11. 9 times 4, and 3 fourths of 4 are how many ? 12. 6 times 9, and 7 ninths of 9 are how many ? 13. 10 times 12,and 5 twelfths of 12 are how many ? 14. 14 times 2, and 1 half of 2 are how many ? 15. 8 times ll,and 7 elevenths of 11 are how many ? 16. 5 times 20, and 13 twentieths of 20 are how many ? 17. 64 are how many times 8 ? 5 ? 12 ? 18. 47 are how many times 9 ? 10 ? 8 ? 6 ? 19. 81 are how many times 8 ? 9 ? 11 ? 12 ? 20. 35 are how many times 7 ? 6 ? 8 ? 9 ? 21. 75 are how many times 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 9 ? 25 ? 22. 3 fourths of 16 are how many times 6 ? ANALYSIS. 3 fourths of 16 are as many times 6 as 6 is contained times in 3 times \ of 16 ; 1 fourth of 16 is 4, and 3 times 4 is 12 ; 6 is contained in 12, 2 times. Therefore 3 fourths oflQ are 2 times 6. 23. 6 tenths of 100 are how many times 5 ? 24. 5 twelfths of 72 are how many times 3 ? 4 ? 6? 8? 25. 7 ninths of 63 3 eighths of 24 are how many times 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? 8 ? 26. 11 twentieths of 80 + 7 fifteenths of 45 are how many times 6 ? 7 ? 9 ? 12 ? 13 ? 64 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [41. 41. 1. If 1 fourth of a yard of cloth cost 12 cents, what will 1 yard cost ? ANALYSIS. Tf I fourth of a yard cost 12 cents, 4 fourths, or 1 yard, will cost 4 times 12 cents ; 4 times 12 cents are 48 cents. Therefore, if 1 fourth of a yard cost 12 cents, 1 yard will cost 48 cents. 2. If 1 fifth of a pound of tea cost 10 cents, what will 1 pound cost ? 3. If 1 third of a gallon of molasses cost 20 cents, what will 1 gallon cost ? 4. 20 is 1 third of what numher ? 5. 10 is 1 fifth of what number ? G. If 1 half of a cord of wood cost 2 dollars, what will 1 cord cost ? what will 2 cords cost ? 7. A man gave 2 shillings for his dinner, which was 1 twelfth of all the money he had ; how much money had he ? 8. A drover sold some sheep, and gained by the sale 15 dollars, which was 1 fourth of what the sheep cost him : what was the cost of the sheep ? 9. If I sixth of a ton of hay cost 3 dollars, what will 3 rixths cost ? 5 sixths ? 1 ton ? 10. If a man can walk 6 miles in 1 eighth of a day, how far can he walk in 1 day ? in 2 days ? in 3 days ? 11. James had 40 plums, and divided 1 fourth of them equally among 5 of his companions ; how many did he give to each ? 12. 6 is 1 eighth of what number ? 13. 15 is 1 fifth of what number ? 14. 40 is 1 third of what number ? 15. 1 fourth of 40 is how many times 5 ? 7 ? 16. 1 sixth of 90 is how many times 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 17. I have 16 dollars, which is 1 third of what I paid for 12 sheep ; how much did I pay a head ? INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 65 18. A man plowed 36 acres of his farm; 3 fourths of this was just equal to 1 third of the whole number of acres in his farm ; how many acres in his farm ? 19. A pole stands 12 feet in the water, which is 1 fifth of the length of the pole ; how long is the pole ? 20. Bought a watch and chain ; for the chain I gave 15 dollars, which was 1 fourth of what I paid for the watch ; what did they both cost me ? 21. If 1 twelfth of an acre of land cost 5 dollars, what will 2 acres cost ? 42. 1. If 3 fourths of a barrel of flour cost 6 dollars, what will one barrel cost ? ANALYSIS. If 3 fourths of a barrel of flour cost 6 dollars, 1 barrel will cost 4 times 1 third of 6 dollars ; \ third of 6 dollars are 2 dollars, and 4 times 2 dollars are 8 dollars. Therefore, <&c. 2. If 4 fifths of a barrel of ale cost 8 dollars, what will 1 barrel cost? 3. If 5 ninths of a month's wages amount to 25 dollars, what will a month's wages amount to ? 2 months' ? 4. What will 1 barrel of flour cost, if 5 sevenths of a barrel cost 10 dollars ? 5. Sold a cow for 25 dollars, which was 5 fourths of what she cost me ; what did she cost me ? 6. Bought 4 barrels of vinegar at 6 dollars a barrel, which was but 3 ninths of its real value ; what was its real /alue per barrel ? 7. A speculator bought some pork for 90 dollars, which was 9 elevenths of what he sold it for ; how much did he gain ? 5 66 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 8. A tailor bought two pieces of cloth, the shorter piece containing 24 yards ; 5 eighths the numoer of yards in the shorter piece is 20 yards less than the number of yards in the longer piece ; how many yards in both pieces ? 9. If 7 tenths of an acre of land yield 28 bush- els of wheat, what will 1 acre yield ? what will 3 acres yield ? 10. 16 is 4 fifths of what number ? ANALYSIS. 1C is 4 ffths of 5 times I fourth of 16 ; 1 fourth of 16 is 4, and 5 times 4 is 20. Therefore, 16 is 4 fifths o/20. 11. 25 is 5 eighths of what number ? 12. 14 is 7 twelfths of what number ? 13. 9 is 3 tenths of what number ? 14. 12 is 4 fifteenths of what number ? 15. 20 is 2 sevenths of what number ? 16. 18 is 6 elevenths of what number 2 17. 21 is 3 halves of what number ? 18. 72 is 9 eighths of what number ? 19. 40 is 10 elevenths of what number ? 20. 36 is 12 twentieths of what number ? 21. 42 is 7 fifths of what number ? 22. 5 sixths of 24 is 2 thirds of what number ? ANALYSIS. 5 sixths of 24 is 2 thirds of 3 times I half of 5 times 1 sixth of 24 ; 1 sixth of 24 is 4, and 5 times 4 is 20; 1 half of 20 is 10, and 3 times 10 is 30. Therefore, I sixths of 24 is 2 thirds of 30. 23. 3 fourths of 16 is 6 sevenths of what number ? 24. 4 fifths of 30 is 8 elevenths of what number ? 25. 6 fourths of 28 is 7 ninths of what number ? 26. 9 twelfths of 60 is 5 thirds of what number ? 27. 8 ninths of 18 is 1 fourth of what number ? 28. 11 fifteenths of 45 is 3 halves of what num. her. 43.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 67 29. 6 tenths of 100 is 5 twelfths of what number ? 30. 3 twentieths of 80 is 2 sixteenths of what ; number ? 31. 9 eighths of 64 is 8 fifths of what number ? 32. Of a certain farm, 36 acres are woodland, and 5 sixths of the woodland is 3 fifths of the number of acres of cleared land ; how many acres of cleared land, and how many acres does the farm contain ? 33. Mr. Smith gave 5 sevenths of all the money lie had for a horse ; he then paid 12 dollars for a saddle and bridle, which was 3 fourths of all tho money he had left ; how much money had he at first ? 34. A person, being asked his age, answered that if he were twice as old, 1 third of his age would be 20 years ; how old was he ? 43. A FRACTION is one or more of the equal parts of a unit. Fractions are expressed by figures in the following manner, viz. : l, one naif. f , two thirds. 1, one third. f , three fourths, ^, one fourth. |, seven eighths. 1, one fifth. -j^, nine tenths. 1, one sixth. -J, eleven twelfths. ^, one seventh. J-jJ, thirteen twentieths. |, one eighth. 4|, four and 1 seventh. ^, one tenth. 9f , nine and 5 eighths, &c. 1. The number below the short horizontal line is called the denominator. 2. The number above the line is called the numer- ator. 3. The denominator shows into how many parts the whole thing is divided. 68 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [43. 4. The numerator shows how many of these parts are taken or used. 5. A proper fraction is one whose numerator is less than the denominator ; its value is less than a unit. G. An impi'oper fraction is one whose numerator is equal to, or greater, than the denominator ; its value is equal to, or greater, than a unit. 7. A mixed number is a whole number joined with a fraction. 8. What kind of a fraction is | ? What is the 4 called ? What does it show ? 9. In the fraction -f , what is the 3 called ? What does it show ? 10. Into how many equal parts must a thing be divided to produce the fraction | ? how many of these parts must be taken ? 11. What kind of a fraction is | ? Why ? 12. What kind of a number is 6f ? Why ? 13. How would you obtain of any thing ? 14. How would you obtain | of any thing ? 15. How many times | in 6 ? ANALYSIS. Since in 1 there are 4 times J, or J, in 6 there are 6 times f , or 2. Therefore there are 24 times til 6. 16. How many times J in 4 ? in 8 ? in 9 ? in 12 ? 17. How many times in 3 ? in 5 ? in 7 ? in 8 ? 18. How many times j in 2 ? in 4 ? in 5 ? in 7 ? 19. How many times ^ in 5 ? in 6 ? in 7 ? in 9 ? 20. How many times ^ in 3 ? in 4 ? in 6 ? in 7 ? 21. How many times | in 3| ? in 4| ? in 7| ? 22. How many times | in 2$ ? in 5f ? in 6f ? 23. How many times -^ in 5^ ? in 7 T V ? in 44.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 69 24. In 12J how many thirds ? 25. In 7| how many fifths ? 26. In 10f how many eighths ? 27. In 9 ^ how many twelfths ? 28. In 15| how many fourths ? 29. Reduce 20 1 to an improper fraction. 30. Reduce 8| to an improper fraction. 31. Reduce 7-J-J to an improper fraction. 32. Reduce 8| to an improper fraction. 33. Reduce 25f to an improper fraction. 34. How do you reduce a whole number to a fraction having a required denominator ? 35. How do you change a mixed number to an improper fraction ? 44. 1. In ^ how many times 1 ? ANALYSIS. Since | equal 1, ^ are as many times 1 as | are contained times in J ? 6 -; | are contained in -^ * times. Therefore l f are 4 ta'mes 1, or 4. 2. In %- how many times 1 ? 3. In 42- how many times 1 ? 4. In -^ how many times 1 ? 5. In -L2A how many times 1 ? 6. In II how many times 1 ? 7. In -Mp how many times 1 ? 8. How many times 1 in f | ? i n |. ? in f| ? 9. How many times 1 in -^ ? in 4^ ? in ^ ? 10. How many times 1 in -^ ? in - 4 ^-? in \\ ? 11. How many times 1 in \^- ? in J^- ? in 12. How many times 1 in -i^ ? in ^L ? in IS. How many times 1 in ty ? in ^-^ ? in 14. How many times 1 in $|- ? in ^ ? in 70 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [4*5. 15. How many times 1 in - ? in f f ? in 16. How do you reduce an improper fraction to a whole or mixed number ? 17. Reduce f to an equivalent whole number. 18. Reduce * to an equivalent mixed number. 19. Reduce & to an equivalent mixed number. 20. Reduce ^ to an equivalent mixed number. 21. Express tiie value of *ffi in a whole number. 22. Express the value of f-|-g- in a mixed number. 23. Express the value of -^ in a mixed number. 45. 1. In f of 1, how many sixths ? ANALYSIS. Since in I there are g, in of 1, there are 2 times \ of g ; \ of is f , and 2 times are }. Therefore, e( l ua ^ to -* 5 - dollars, equal to 2 dollars. Therefore, fyc. 2. Jane had $ of a dollar and her father gave her ^ of a dollar more ; how much had she then ? 3. Austin buys a pair of skates for of a dollar, a pair of mittens for f of a dollar, and a slate for of a dollar ; what is the cost of all ? 4. A grocer sold dozen eggs to one man, of a dozen to another, and | of a dozen to another ; how many dozen did he sell to all ? NOTE. Fractions having different denominators must be reduced to a common denominator before adding or subtracting. 5. Mary paid -| of a dollar for some ribbon, | of a dollar for a pair of gloves and of a dollar for a pair of hose ; what was the cost of the whole ? 6. Sold | of an acre of land to one man, f to another and -J? to another ; how much was sold to all? 7. A laborer dug a rod of ditch the first hour, | of a rod the seconcf, | the third and -^ the fourth ; how many rods did he dig in 4 hours ? 8. A farmer sold ^ of his grain to one man, to another, ana ^ to another ; what part of his grain did he sell ? 9. Henry paid of a dollar for a sled, J a dollar for a kite and of a dollar for a string ; what was the cost of the whole ? 10. Emma paid 2^ dollars for a dress, If dollars for a pair of shoes and ^ of a dollar for some ribbon ; what was the cost of the whole ? NOTE. Add the whole numbers and the fractions separately, and then unite their sums. 48.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 75 11. Milton saved -| of a dollar one week, f of a dollar the next, 1|- the next and 2^ the next ; how much did he save in 4 weeks ? 12. Albert picked 2^ bushels of apples from one tree, 3f from another and 8 from another ; how many bushels did he pick from the 8 trees ? 18. If it take 4 J yards of cloth for a coat, 2- yards for a pair of pantaloons, and |- of a yard for a vest, how many yards of cloth will it take for the whole ? 14. If a man walk 12 1 miles in the forenoon and 10 i miles in the afternoon, how many miles does he walk during the day ? 15. Harvey bought a sled for 62i cents and sold it for 12^ cents more than he gave lor it ; how much did he receive for it ? 16. Three men bought a horse. A paid 25^ dollars, B paid 30|- dollars and C paid 35| dollars"; what was the cost of the horse ? 17. If coal is worth 5A dollars a ton, and wood is worth 3 T 6 2- dollars a cord, what will be the cost of one ton of coal and two cords of wood ? 18. Find the sum of ^ and -^. 19. Find the sum of fa -f and fa 20. Find the sum of fa | and -f$. 21. Find the sum of ^, -^ and f . 22. Find the sum of fa | and . 23. Add together fa ^ and -f-%. 24. Add together -^, T ^ and ^. 25. Add together ^, fa -^ and fa 26. Add together -^ , |- and |. 27. Add together |, fa -fo and fa 28. Add together fa fa fa 1 and 29. What is the sum of 2^ and s| ? 30. What is the sum of 8| and 76 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [49. 31. What is the sum of 14, 10 , and 5J ? 32. What is the sum of 7-^ + 15| + 10J ? 33. What is the sum of 25-| + 13| + 5^ ? 34. What is the sum of 6$ + 7 j + 4f ? 35. What is the sum of A + 11 + 14| + 36. What is the sum of 3^ + 6J + | + 37. What is the sum of 6 + 14& + 5^ + 38. What is the sum of 20 + 7^ T + 49. 1. Amos having f of a dollar, gave f of a dollar to a beggar ; how much had he left ? ANALYSIS. He liad left the difference between % and f of a dollar ; = f of a dollar. Therefore, $c. 2. Norman had | of a bushel of peaches ; he sold | of a bushel ; what part of a bushel had he left ? 3. Nancy paid | of a dollar for a geography and | of a dollar for a philosophy ; for which did she pay the more, and how much ? 4. Two men own a piece of property together; one owns ^ of it ; how much does the other own ? 5. When rye is worth ^ of a dollar per bushel and corn is worth | of a dollar, what is the differ- ence in the price ? 6. A grocer sells ^ of a box of tea from a box full ; what part of the whole box is left ? 7. Henry can run of a mile in the same time that John can run |^ ; which runs the farther, and how much ? 8. Parley gave of a dollar for a vest and f of a dollar for a pair of shoes ; what was the difference in the cost ? 9. A gentleman, owning a boat, sold -^ of it; how much of it did he still own ? 49.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 77 10. If Robert earn 7f dollars a week and Her- man earn 6^ dollars a week, how much more than Herman does Robert earn ? 11. Arthur gathered 10 quarts of chestnuts and sold 7^ quarts ; how many quarts had he left ? 12. From a piece of cloth containing 12| yard?, 5| yards were cut ; how many yards remained ? 13. If I put 15| dollars in the bank at one time, how much must I afterwards put in to make the sum 20 dollars ? 14. From a hogshead of molasses, 9 f gallons were drawn ; how many gallons remained ? 15. Edgar will be 14 years old 3 ^ years hence ; how old is he now ? 16. From a jug of molasses containing 1 gallon, of a quart was used ; how much was left ? 17. If I buy a book for f of a dollar, how much change must be returned to me for a 3 dollar bill ? 18. A lady, having 18 1 dollars, bought a bonnet for 5f dollars ; how much money had she left ? 19. What is the difference between I- and f ? I O 20. What is the difference between ^ and I ? 21. What is the difference between A and | ? o 22. What is the difference between 1J and f ? 23. What is the difference between 3f and 1| ? 24. What is the difference between 16f and 9J? 25. What is the difference between 20 and 12| ? 26. How many are |- | ? 27. How many are 4|- ^ ? 28. How many are 12 6 T 9 ? ? 29. How many are 36 J 24f ? 30. How many are 25} 31. How many are 16 9| ? 32. .How many are 28 17| ? 78 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [5O. 5O. 1. Mr. Smith sold of his estate to A, of it to B and | to C ; what part remained unsold ? 2. A gambler lost in play and of his money ; what part had he left ? 3. A lady paid of her money for a bonnet, J for a shawl and |- for a pair of gaiters ; what part had she left ? 4. A laborer worked 3 days for 1 J, |, and 1| dol- lars ; had he received 2 dollars a day, how much more would he have received ? 5. From a piece of calico containing 32| yards, two dress patterns were cut, one containing 10 yards and the other 12 1 yards ; how many yards remained in the piece ? 6. I deposited in the bank at one time $20^, at another $15| ; how much more must I deposit to make the amount $50 ? 7. Paid $i)| for a barrel of flour, $5f for a ton of coal, and gave in payment a 10 dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill ; how much change must be returned to me? 8. A merchant bought 5 barrels of flour, at $15 a barrel, and paid $45-^- in goods and the remainder in cash ; how much cash did he pay ? 9. If you divide $80 among three men, giving the first J of it, and the second $35 1, what will the third receive ? 10. A farmer, having 120 bushels of oats to sell, sold 15J bushels more than i of them at one time, and 20 bushels less than J ot them at another time ; how many bushels had he left ? 11. Asaph gave ^ of his money for a sled, ^ for a cap, and had 39 cents left ; how much had he at first ? 12. Morgan is lOf years old, Myron is 9| years old, and the sum of their ages is 5| years more than Martin's age ; how old is Martin ? 5O.] INTELLECTUAL AEITHMETIC. 79 13. James is 9J years old, and Lewis is 5^ years less than twice as old as James ; what is the differ- ence in their ages ? 14. A man, having $64, bought 3 cows ; for the first -cow he gave ^ of it, for the second | of it, and the remainder for the third ; what was the cost of the third cow ? 15. A grocer drew from a hogshead 20f gallons of molasses at one time, and 25|- gallons at another ; how many gallons remained ? 16. What number must be taken from 36 that the remainder may be 7f- ? 17. From what number must 9i be taken to leave 12* ? 18. What number must be added to 16^ that the sum may be 25 J ? 19. A person being asked his age, replied that if 4| years were added to 12| years, the sum would be | his age ; what was his age ? 20. A person, undertaking a journey of 60 miles, traveled ^ of the distance the first day, of the remainder the second day, and f of the remainder the third day ; how far from his place of destination was he at the close of the third day ? 21. What is. the difference between 17| and 5| + 6? 22. What is the difference between 25^ and 11| + 7|? 23. What is the difference between 9 + 12| and 8f +41? 24. From 301 take 201 + 3^. 25. From 40 lOf take 7 + 5J. 26. From 281 take 211 _ 54.. 27. From f + \ + f take 28. From 3 + | + f take 80 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [51. 51. 1. What will 5 pounds of tea cost at ^ of a dollar a pound ? ANALYSIS. Since 1 pound cost J of a dollar, 5 pounds, which are 5 times 1 pound, will cost 5 times , or *, of a dollar, equal to $3 J. Therefore 5 pounds of tea, at of a dollar a pound, will cost 2. What cost 4 yards of linen at f of a dollar a yard? 3. When sugar is \ of a dollar a pound, what will 25 pounds cost ? 4. If I of a pound of butter last a family 1 day, how many pounds will last them one week ? 5. What will be the cost of 10 peaches at J of a cent apiece ? 6. If a man earn ^ of a dollar a day, how much will he earn in 12 days ? 7. If 1 peck of pears cost of a dollar, what will 2 bushels cost ? 8. How many loaves of bread must you give to 8 beggars, if you give them | of a loaf apiece ? 9. At I of a dime a pound, what will 15 pounds of nails cost ? 10. What will 9 yards of silk cost at f of a dollar a yard ? 11. George had $ of a dollar, and William had 8 times as much ; how much had William ? 12. If 1 horse eat ^ of a ton of hay in a month, how much will 10 horses eat ? 13. How many are 9 times | ? 12 times | ? 14 times ^ ? 20 times -fa ? 14. If 1 man can reap ^ of an acre of rye in a day, how much can 11 men reap ? 15. How many barrels of flour will be given to 9 poor families, if each receive ^ of a barrel ? 16. How many are 12 times ^ ? 16 times | ? 09.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 81 17. Bought 6 bushels of corn at $| a bushel, and had $4 left ; how much money had I at first ? 18. If 1 quart of molasses cost $^ 3 g, what will 4 gallons cost at the same rate ? 19. If a boy give each of his 4 companions f of a quart of chestnuts, and have 4|- quarts left, how many quarts had he at first ? 20. How do you multiply a fraction by a whole number ? 1. If 1 box of raisins cost $2f , what will 5 boxes co^t ? ANALYSIS. If 1 box of raisins cost $2 j, 5 boxes, which are 5 times 1 box, will cost 5 times $2 ; 5 times f are J^-, or $3; 5 ft'wes $2 are $10; $3f added to $10 are $13|. Therefore, if 1 fo# #/* raisins cost $2f, 5 fo#es will cost $13f. 2. At 12 J cents a pound, what will 9 pounds of butter cost f 3. At $6f a barrel, what will 7 barrels of flour cost? 4. How many bushels of grain will 15 bags hold, if they hold 2-J- bushels apiece ? 5. What will be the cost of 12 pounds of rice, afc 6^ cents a pound ? 6. What will 9 dozen of eggs cost at 11 J cents a dozen ? 7. What will 7 yards of cloth cost at $5 A a yard ? 8. If 1 barrel of fish cost $14f , what will 6 barrels cost ? 9. If 1 horse eat 3^ tons of hay in 5 months, how many tons will 20 horses eat in the same time ? 10. If 1 pint of wine cost $1|, what will 1 gallon cost ? 6 82 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [53. 11. If 5 men can do a piece of work in lOf days> how long will it take 1 man to do the same ? * 12. If a grain of gold is worth 4* cents, what is 1 pennyweight worth V 13. A grocer sold 9 pounds of coffee at 12 cents a pound, and 7 pounds of sugar at 8| cents a pound ; 1 ow much did he receive for both ? 14. If it take 34 yards of cloth for a coat, and 24 yards for a pair of pantaloons, how many yards will be required to make 3 of each ? 53. 1. If 1 pound of cheese cost 10 cents, what will 5|- pounds cost ? ANALYSIS. Since 1 pound cost 10 cents, 5g pounds, which are 5 times 1 pound, will cost 5 times 10 cents ; 5 times 10 cents are 50 cents, f of 10 cents are 3 tines % of 10 cents ; of 10 cents is If cents, and g of 10 cents are 3 times 1% cents, or 3 cents, which added to 50 cents make 53 J cents. Therefore, fyc. 2. If a horse travel 6 miles an hour, how far will he travel in 7| hours ? 3. If a person's expenses be $12 a week, what will they be for 9| weeks ? 4. What will 4| barrels of cider cost at $3 a barrel ? 5. What will lOf pounds of honey cost at 12 cents a pound ? 6. What will 15f bushels of potatoes cost at 6 shillings a bushel ? 7. If a pint of wine is worth 40 cents, what are 3f pints worth ? 8. If a man can build 4 rods of wall in a day, how many rods can he build in 7| days ? 9. If a barrel of flour last a family 6 weeks, how long will 4-J barrels last them ? INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 83 10. If stage fare is 4 cents a mile, what will it cost to ride 20f miles. 11. If a merchant pay 12 shillings for 3 caps, and sell them for 6| shillings apiece, what is his gain ? 12. Bought 9 yards of silk at 12 shillings a yard, and 12f pounds of tea at 7 shillings a pound ; how much more did the silk cost than the tea ? 13. If I buy 8| tons of coal, at $5 a ton, how much less than $50 will it cost ? 14. A woman took 6| dozen eggs to market, which she sold for 12 cents a dozen ; she received in payment 4| yards of calico at 10 cents a yard, 3^ yards of ribbon at 8 cents a yard ; how much was still her due ? 15. If | of a barrel of flour last a family 1 month, how many barrels will last 8 such families 6| months ? 16. What is the product of 4^ times 9 multiplied by 3? 17. What is the product of 5 times 3| multi- plied by 2 ? 18. Multiply 4|- times 10 by | of 15. 19. Multiply 3| times 6 by | of 24. 20. Multiply 4-f by f of 16. 21. Multiply 2 times 9 by 2^ times 4. 22. Multiply 5 times 3 by -f of 15. 23. What is the sum of 8 times 7 T % and 4| times 12 ? 24. What is the sum of 6| times 11 and 12 times 5f ? 25. What is the difference between 4f times 10 and 3 times 9| ? 26. What is the difference between 7 times 8J and 101 times 5 ? 27. How many are 12| times 7 ? 9f times 10 ? 28. How many are 5f times 15 ? 3^ times 40 ? 84 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 54. 1. A man, owning of a store, sold 4 of his share ; what part of the whole store dia he sell? ANALYSIS. He sold \ of \ of the store. Since $ is equal to J, | of \ is equal to \ of |, or . Therefore, he sold ^ of the store. 2. James had | of a dollar, and gave -J- of it to a beggar ; what part of a dollar did he give away ? 3. A boy, having J of a watermelon, gave away * of what he had ; what part of the whole melon did he give away ? 4. If a yard of crape cost | of a dollar, what will J of a yard cost ? 5. If I own of an acre of land, and sell of it, what part of an acre do 1 sell ? 6. If a bushel of apples be worth % of a dollar, what is J of a bushel worth ? 7. John is as old as his father, and Henry is as old as John ? what part of his father's age is Henry's age ? 8. A merchant, having | of a hogshead of molas- ses, sold of what he had ; what part of the whole hogshead did he sell, and what part had he left ? 9. Homer bought a box of figs, and Robert \ as many ; what part of a box did both buy ? 10. C owned 1 of a steamboat, and sold | of his snare ; what part of the whole did'he sell ? 11. Mr. Jones, owning of a cotton mill, sold J of his share to B, and B sold l of his share to C ; what part of the whole did each have after the di- vision ? 12. A cistern, being full of water, sprang a leak, and before it could be stopped J of the water ran out, but ^ as much ran in at the same time ; what part of the cistern was emptied ? 13. A poor man, having 1 of a barrel of flour. 54.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 85 gave I of- it to a poor neighbor, who gave ^ of hi? share to a poor woman ; what part of a barrel had each then ? 14. Andrew, having $|, gave | of it for a knife ; what part of a dollar did he pay for his knife ? ANALYSIS. He paid f of of a dollar. 3 fifths of are 3 times 1 fifth of . of & ^, cmd f o/ are 3 times & or ^. Therefore, $c. 15. If a yard of cloth is worth $|, what fs \ of a yard worth ? 16. Harriet, having |- of a yard of silk, gave f of it to her sister ; what part of a yard did she give away, and what part of a yard had she left ? 17. A man, owning | of a farm, sold | of his share to his brother ; what part of the farm did each own ? 18. Hannah picked -f$ of a pailful of strawberries, and on her way home spilled | of them ; what part of a pailful had she left ? 19. What will be the cost of f of a bushel of beans at $f a bushel ? 20. Jacob, having -| of a pound of candy, gave \ of it to Mary, and \ of it to Jane ; what part of a pound had he left ? 21. A keeper of a saloon bought a cask of ale ; \ of it leaked out, f of the remainder he sold, and what was left he kept for his own use ; what part of the cask did he keep ? 22. How do you multiply one fraction by another ? 23. What is i of 1? 29. What is \ of \ ? 24. What is |- of \ ? 30. What is \ of \ ? 25. What is ^ of I ? 31. What is l of 1 ? 26. What are 4 of \ ? 32. What is J of f ? 2T. What are f of f ? 33. What are J- of f ? 28. What are A of -- ? 34. 86 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [55. 55. 1. At $8| a barrel, what will | of a barrel of flour cost ? ANALYSIS. Since 1 barrel cost $8|, | of a barrel, which is 3 times , will cost 3 times of $8|. of $8 ?'s (2, and i o/$| 2*5 $, which added to $2 w/r/to 2-J. 3 ft'ww $2 are $6, and 3 times -J are , wfo'c^ aeWeo 1 to $G make $6g. Therefore, fyc. Or, $8 are e^*aZ to \ 4 -, awe? %of* = ^, or $6f. 2. At $6 a bushel, what will f of a bushel of clover seed cost ? 3. At $12f a ton, what will g- of a ton of hay cost ? 4. If a man travel 24} miles in 1 day, how far will he travel in of a "day ? 5. What will | of a barrel of beef cost, at $15 1 a barrel ? 6. What will be the cost of \ of a cord of wood, if 1 cord cost $5-t ? 7. At lOi shillings a day, how much can a man earn in | of a day ? 8. If a man can cut 3i acres of rye in 1 day, how much can he cut in | of a day ? 9. If I pay $6 1 for ajar of butter, what is of it worth ? 10. Bought a horse for $75J, and sold him for | of what he cost ; what was the loss ? 11. What is | of 14? of 20| ? of 13|? of 181? 12. What are f of 9| ? of 12$ ? of 16* ? of 214 ? 13. What are | of 21f ? | of 32J ? f of 23 J ? 14. At $| a yard, what will 6 yards of flannel cost ? ANALYSIS. Since 1 yard costs $, 6 yards will cost G times $|. 6 times $f are -^ or $4, arco 7 % of % is -%, or $, which added to $4 makes $4 . Therefore, $c. Or, 6 are ^wa/ to ^, awe? ^- o/ f are ^J, or $4J. Therefore, $c. 15. At $| a bushel, what will 8|- bushels of peaches cost? INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 87 16. If a man hoe of an acre of corn in 1 day, how many acres can he hoe in 5| days ? 17. If a vessel sail 12-| miles in 1 hour, how far does she sail in | of an hour ? 18. If a man has 22J- bushels of clover seed, and he sell I of it, how much has he left ? 19. What will J of of 12 gallons of oil cost, at a gallon ? 20. At $| a rod, what will it cost to dig |- of f of 28 rods of ditch ? 21. What will 4* yards of cloth cost at $2| a yard ? NOTE. Reduce the mixed numbers to improper fractions, and then proceed as in multiplying one fraction by another. 22. If you earn 8|- shillings in 1 day, how much can you earn in 2| days ? 23. What cost 2| dozen of eggs at 10|- cents a dozen ? 24. What will 3f yards of shalloon cost at $1^ a yard ? 25. If a man can do a job of work in 5| days, in what time can he do a job If times as large ? 26. Clorinda is 7| years old, and Augusta is as old ; how old is she V 27. A man paid $16f for a cow, and 2J times as much for a colt ; how much did he pay for" both? 28. What is the product of 3| times 9-| ? 29. What is the product of 81 times 10| ? 30. What is the product of % of f of 16 multi- plied by 5f ? 31. What is the value of f of | of 6f ? 32. What is the value of | of |- of 30 ? 33. What is the value of f of | of | ? 34. What is 9 T ^ times f ? 41 times - ? 35. What is 10^ times 2| ? 2^ times 25J ? 88 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [456. 1. If 3 pounds of raisins cost f f-, what will 1 pound cost ? ANALYSIS. If 3 pounds cost $f , 1 pound, which is $ of 3 pounds, will cost of $, or $f . Therefore, fyc. 2. If 4 slates cost $|, what will 1 slate cost ? 8. If 5 pounds of sugar cost $-|, what will 1 pound ost? 4. If 3 oranges are worth | of a melon, what part of the melon is 1 orange worth ? NOTE. It will be remembered that a fraction may be divided by a whole number either by dividing the numerator or multiplying the denom- inator by it. (See pages 72 and 73, notes.) 5. If 6 pounds of coffee cost $|, what will 1 pound cost ? 6. If 4 apples cost |- of a shilling, what will 1 apple cost ? 7. If 5 yards of sheeting cost f f , what will 1 yard cost? 8. If 4 figs cost | of a dime, what will 1 fig cost ? 9. What will 1 yard of linen cost, if 4 yards cost $| ? 10. Marcus had f of a melon, which he wished to divide equally between his 2 sisters ; what part must he give to each ? 11. Oliver, having 12 quarts of blueberries, sold | of them for $ |- ; what was that a quart ? 12. If 6 persons agree to share equally | of a bushel of grapes, what part of a bushel will each have ? 13. If you divide f of a barrel of flour among 3 poor families, what part of a barrel will you give to each ? 14. How many times is 7 contained in f ? 5 in if? 8inf ? lOin-^? 15. What is the quotient of || divided by 5 ? by 7 ? 16. What is the quotient of f divided by 3 ? by 4 ? 57.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 89 57. 1. At $| a yard, how many yards of silk can be bought for $6 ? ANALYSIS. As many yards as $, the price of 1 yard, is contained times in $6 ; $6 is equal to $- 2 /, and $| is con- tained in $- 2 / 8 times. Therefore, at $J a yard, 8 yards of silk can be bought for $6 2. If a boy can earn $f a day, how long will it /take him to earn $5 ? 3. How long will it take a man to spend $10 for cigars, if he spend $ J- a day ? 4. When potatoes are $f per bushel, how many bushels can be bought for $8 ? 5. At $| a pair, how many pairs of shoes can be bought for $7 ? 6. How much butter can be bought for $3, at f j- a pound ? 7. How many times is 4 contained in 4 ? in 7 ? in 8? 8. If the cars run f of a mile a minute, how long will they be in running 25 miles ? 9. If a horse eat | of a bushel of oats a day, how long will 9 bushels last him ? 10. If a man walk |- of a mile in J of an hour, how long will it take him to walk 12 miles ? 11. How many bushels of oats, worth $| a bushel, will pay for -| of a barrel of flour, worth $9 a barrel ? 12. A farmer sold a grocer 1 ton of hay for $12, and received -|- the amount in sugar at $| a pound, -J in money, and the remainder in molasses at $f a gallon ; how many pounds of sugar, and how many gallons of molasses, did he receive ? 13. If | of a barrel of trout cost $12, what will 1 barrel cost ? 14. If | of a ton of hay cost $7, what will 1 ton cost ? 90 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [58. 15. When potatoes are worth $*- a bushel, and corn $| a bushel, how many bushels of potatoes are equal in value to 16 bushels of corn ? 16. How many yards of ribbon, at $ o f a shilling a yard, can be bought for 7 shillings ? 17. If 1 man consume of a pound of meat in a day, how many men would 6 pounds supply ? 18. If f of a hogshead of molasses cost $36, what will one hogshead cost ? 19. If | of an acre of land sell for $21, what will an acre sell for at the same rate ? 20. How many pounds of tea, worth $^ a pound, must be given for 9 bushels of apples, worth $J a bushel ? 21. How many times is | contained in 5 ? in 7 ? in 9 ? in 11 ? in 15 ? 22. How many times is | contained in 12 ? in 18 ? in 20 ? in 15 ? 23. How many times is contained in | ? in |-| ? in ft? in I? 24. How many times is % contained in of 16 ? in | of 27 ? 25. How is a whole number divided by a fraction ? 58. 1. At $2 a bushel, how many bushels of wheat can be bought for ANALYSIS. As many bushels as $2, the price of I bushel, is contained times in $11. 11 are equal to A, and 2 is contained in Aj*> - 1 /-, or 5 times. Tfierefore, fyc. Or, 2 is contained in 11 J, 5 times, and 1^ or ^over ; and 2 is contained in |, f times, which added to 5 makes 5| times. Therefore, fyc. 2. If 6 pounds of coffee cost $lf , what is the cost of 1 pound ? 59.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 91 3. If a man walk 18 1 miles in 4 hours, how many miles does he walk in 1 hour ? 4. How many times will 16| gallons of cider fill a vessel that holds 3 gallons ? 5. How many oranges, at 3 cents ap.,ce, caij. be bought for I of of 60 cents ? 6. At $4 a yard, how many yards of cloth can be bought for $21f ? 7. If a turkey cost 7 shillings, how many turkeys can be bought for 38^- shillings ? 8. At 5 shillings a gallon, how many gallons of molasses can be bought for 24|- shillings ? 9. If a day laborer earn $8f in 10 days, how much does he earn in 1 day ? 10. If a locomotive run 4| miles in 6 minutes, how far does she run in 1 minute ? 11. If 12 bushels of oats cost $4|, what part of a dollar will 1 bushel cost ? 12. If 7 pounds of coffee cost 8| dimes, What will 1 pound cost ? 13. Divide 8| by 5 ; lOf by 7 ; 15J by 15. 14. Divide 9f by 7; 18|- by 12; 20 by ! of 16. 15. Divide f of 21 by f of 10. f of 29 by of 63. 59. 1. At $f a pound, how many pounds of tea can be bought for $ f ? ANALYSIS. As many pounds as $, the price of 1 pound, is contained times in $. f equal $< f ef apiece ? 8. If 1 man can do a piece of work in 6| days, in what time can 4 men do the same ? 9. If a man chop l cords of wood in a day, how long will it take him to chop 10J cords ? NOTE. Reduce the mixed numbers to improper fractions, and then divide the same as you divide one traction by another. 10. If 41 baskets of peaches are worth $3f , what is 1 basket worth ? 11. If 51 bushels of apples cost $1*, what is the cost of 1 bushel ? 12. If a man spend $lf a month for tobacco, in what time will he spend $101 for the same purpose ? 13. At 4^ shillings a gallon, how many gallons of molasses can be bought for 9| shillings ? 14. If a stage run 24| miles in 3^ hours, how far does it run in 1 hour ? 15. Mr. B. distributed 16^ bushels of corn equally 6O.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 95 among some poor persons, giving them 1-J- bushels each ; among how many persons did he divide it ? 16. Bought 1 of 7-J cords of wood for * of $32 ; what did 1 cord cost ? 17. A father divided 11 3 1 acres of land among his 3 sons ; to the first he gave f of it, and the remainder he divided equally between the other 2 ; how many acrea f\ir\ oarVi vonoivo ? cuviueu equally did each receive ? id each receive ? 18. Divide 9J by 6 ; 10J by 7 ; 12| by 31. 19. Divide 10J- by f ; 14 by f ; 20| by |. 20. Divide 7J by 3| ; 15 by 2| ; 8| by 5f 21. Divide 16J by 3J ; 20 J- by 1^ ; 11$ by 4| 22.. Divide | of $ of 14 by f of 3-J-. 23. - are how many times 6 ? 24. T 8_ are now many times 4 ? 25. -|{r are how many times 15 ? 26. J^ are how many times 6^ ? 27. 12 are how many times f ? 28. 16 are how many times | ? 29. 25 are how many times | ? 30. 14 are how many times -^ ? 31. 14f are how many times | ? 32. 6| are how many times |- ? 33. 21^ are how many times 5 ? 34. 32| are how many times 7 ? 35. 17| are how many times 8 ? 36. 15 are how many times 7J ? 37. 18^ are how many times 2J ? 38. 22|- are how many times 3f ? 39. 4 T 9 7 are how many times 6| ? 40. 7f are how many times 4J ? 41. 8| are how many times 3| ? 96 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [61. 61. 1. What is of 3 ? ANALYSIS. That number which, taken 4 times, will make 3. Since 1 fourth of 1 is ^ 1 fourth of 3 is 3 times | of 1, w | o/ 1. Therefore \ of 3 s f 0/ 1, or f; 2. What is i of 3 ? of 4 ? of 6 ? of 7 ? 3. What is -J- of 7 ? of 3 ? of 9 ? of 15 ? 4. What is of 2 ? of 4 ? of 5 ? of 11 ? 5. What is \ of 3 ? of 5 ? of 7 ? of 13 ? 6. What is i of 2 ? of 3 ? of 5 ? of 7 ? 7. What is of 3 ? of 5 ? of 9 ? of 14 ? 8. What is j of 4 ? of 6 ? of 12 ? of 18 ? 9. What is -i of 5 ? of 3 ? of 20 ? of 30 ? 10. What is T V of 7 ? of 9 ? of 16 ? of 47 ? 11. What is ^ of 4 ? of 7 ? of 11 ? of 63 ? 12. What is ^ of 2? of 7? of 11? of 34? of 75? 13. What is ^ of 13? of 9? of 17? of50? of 91? 14. If 5 bushels of wheat cost $9, what will 1 bushel cost : ANALYSIS. If 5 bushels cost $9, 1 bushel^ which is ^ of 5 bushels, will cost I of $9 ; I of $9 i* $li. There- fore, if 5 bushels cost $9, 1 bushel will cost $l. 15. If 6 turkeys are worth $5, what are they worth apiece ? 16. If you divide 6 oranges equally among 7 boys, what part of an orange will each receive ? 17. If a man travel 29 miles in 9 hours, how far does he travel in 1 hour ? 18. If 1 man can build a barn in 20 days, in what time can 3 men build it ? 19. If a horse eat 5 bushels of oats in 8 days, what part of a bushel does he eat in 1 day ? 20. What will 1 hat cost, if 4 hats cost $17 ? INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 97 62. 1. What are f of 3 ? ANALYSIS. of 1, and 3 | of 3 are 3 times | are f times j or 2|. 3;i*/ lerejore, * \ of I are 2| 2. What are 1 of 5? of 4? of 7? 3. What are f of 4? of 5? of 8? 4. What are 1 of 2? of 3? of 9? 5. What are 1- of 3? of 5? of 10? of 12? 6. What are I 8 o" of 4? of 7? of 15? of 18? 7. What are 1 of 2? of 3? of 14? of 20? 8. What are 1 of 5? of 8? of 19? of 28? 9. What are JL 11 of 7? of 13? of 21? of 30? 10. What are f of 2? of 6? of 15? of 24? 11. What are A of 7? of 36? of 50? of 63? 12. What are 1. Xi of 40 is how many ninths of 72 ? 69.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 10? 69. 1. of 24 is I of what number ? ANALYSIS. of 24 & | o/*3 ^'raes i o/ 5 ft'me* J of 24 ; I of 24 ?',9 4, *5 times 4 i's 20 ; i o/ 20 *a 10, and 3 tfmes 10 & 30. Therefore | o/ 24 is f o/ 30. 2. |- of 56 is T 7 Q- of what number ? 3. _4_ O f 88 is ^ of what number ? 4. f of 36 is T 3 5 - of what number ? 5. | of 27 is f of what number ? 6. _7_ O f go is T 4 3- of what number? 7. f of 52 is | of what number ? 8. I of 81 is T 9 o of what number ? 9. f of 63 is I of what number ? 10. | of 100 is If of what number ? 11. T Y g of 96 is y\ of what number ? 12. | of f of 64 is | of what number? 13. | of |- of 75 is {f of what number ? 14. | of | of 56 is ^ of f of what number ? 15. 4 of * of 72 is i of 4 of what number ? -J O 16. I- of f of 36 is -I of A of what number ? 25 . u O ^j 17. | of 35 is -| of how many times 7 ? ANALYSIS. | o/* 35 is ^ of as many times 7 as 7 e^ contained times in 8 times \ of 3 times % of 35 ; ^. q/' 3o & 5, cm<7 3 i5/mes 5 s 15 ; 4 o/ 15 fs 3, a/^/8 times 3 ?'s 24 ; 7 is contained in 24 3 1 fo'mes. Therefore, f o/ 35 7. 18. -^ of 54 is | of how many times 5 ? 19. f of 24 is -^ of how many times 12 ? 20. f of 75 is T 9 of how many times 8 ? 21. i of 56 is ^ of how many times 20 ? 22. f of 108 is f of how many times 9 ? 108 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [7O. of 121 are f of how many times 7 ? of 33 are | of how many times 6? of 34 are f of how many times 14 ? | of 30 are ff of how many times 20 ? |- of ^ of 63 are ^ of | of how many times 11 ? I of I of 50 are | of f of how many times 8 t 7O. 1. f of 56 are | of 3 times what number ? * ANALYSIS. $ of 56 are - q/* 3 rime* o/ 9 riwe* o/ 4 rimes 4 o/ 50 ; j o/ 56 is 8, cwd 4 times 8 t* 32 ; o/ 32 a* 4, and 9 times 4 -w 36 ; ^ o/36 ^ 12. Tftere- fore, 4 <^/ 5 6 are f o/ 3 rimes 12. 2. | of 45 are f of 6 times what number ? 3. | of 64 are | of 9 times what number ? 4. |- of 63 are -^ of 4 times what number ? 5. of 36 are ^ of 5 times what number ? 6. ^ 4 T of 110 arc f of 8 times what number ? 7. -j of 80 are % of 11 times what number ? 8. | of 72 are ^ of 5 times what number ? 9. | of 81 are || of 10 times what number ? 10. I of 21 are | of 8 times what number ? 11. 4 of 14 are i of 3 times what number ? o I 12. | of | of 70 are ^ of 4 times what number ? 13. A man, being asked his age, answered that if he were 3 times as old, \ of his age would be. 24 years ; how old was he ? 14. A gentleman divided his farm between his 2 sons, giving the elder 10 acres more than | of the whole, and the younger the remainder, which was 22 acres more than \ of the whole ; how many acres in the farm ? * See 70 in the Appendix, page 170. 7O.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 109 15. A coal merchant sold | of what coal he had on hand for $90, at the rate of $6 a ton ; how many tons had he ? 16. Bought a piano for $300, and f of the cost of the instrument was | of what I received of 9 young ladies for its use one year; how much did each young lady pay for its use ? 17. The tools in a shop are w^orth $80 ; f of this is f of of 2 times the value of the stock ; what is the v^lue of the stock ? 18. A peddler, after selling $200 worth of his stock in trade, finds that | of the remainder is equal to | of 3 times the amount sold ; what amount of stock had he at first ? 19. A merchant, after selling from a cask of wine 15 gallons more than | of the whole, found that the number of gallons left was just 3 times the number of gallons sold ; how many gallons did the cask con- tain at first ? 20. If a store be worth $1000, and -f of the value of the store be equal to -f of 2 J times the value of the goods it contains, what is the value of the goods ? 21. Two boys, comparing their money, one said he had 50 cents ; the other said, " -$ of your money is just -f% of 6 times my money ; " how many cents had the latter boy ? 22. The distance from Boston to Albany is 200 miles, and |- of this distance is | times J the distance from Albany to Niagara Falls, lacking 5 miles ; wha* is the distance from Boston to Niagara Falls ? 23. The distance from Chicago to Alton is 268 miles, and -| of this distance plus 15 miles, is 4^ times | of the distance from Alton to St. Louis ; what is the distance from Chicago to St. Louis ? 24. 40 is | of f of of 8 times what number ? 110 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 71. 1. | of 35 is I of how many thirds of 18 ? * ANALYSIS. Of as many thirds of 18 as of 18 is contained times in 9 times i of 4 times 4 of 35 ; 4 ^/' 35 s 5, and 4 fa'mes 5 is 20 ; of 20 s 4, and 9 fames 4 *'s 36 ; \ of 18 is 6, twd 6 /s contained in 36, 6 fa'mes* Therefore, $ of 35 z's f o/ 6 tfwVds o/ 18. 2. | of 42 is * of how many fifths of 35 ? 3. | of 96 is | of how many eighths of 24 ? 4. | of 180 is of how many tenths of 50 ? 5. |- of 84 is | of how many sixths of 48 ? 6. -fa of 100 is -^Q of how many ninths of 45 ? 7. ^ of 45 is ^.j f now many halves of 48 ? 8. ^ T of 77 is - of how many twelfths of 72 ? 9. -\l of 30 is f of how many thirds of 21 ? 10. -& of 28 is 2% of how many fourths of 24 ? 11. | of 18 is -/ T of how many twelfths of 60 ? 12. I of 80 is of how many fourths of 40 ? 13. | of 42 is T 9 T of how many eighths of 72 ? 14. ^ of 39 is 2 3 ^ of how many ninths of 180 ? 15. f of | of 18 is 4 times what part of 35 ? ANALYSIS.. Such a part o/* 35, as 35 as contained times in \ of 5 times ^ of 6 times 4 of 18 ; \ of 18 is 6, and 6 times 6, zs 36 ; ^ of 36 ^s 4, and 5 ft'mes 4 ^s 20 ; | of 20 i's 5, and 35 es contained in 5, g 5 ^ or ^ times. Therefore | o/* | o/ 1 18 is 4 times %> or %, of 35. 16. | of | of 40 is 3 times what part of 24 ? 17. | of f of 49 is 2 times what part of 28 ? 18. -i- of T 9 ^- of 100 is 9 times what part of 25 ? 19. f of I of 48 is 7 times what part of 35 ? 20. $ of | of 60 is 7 times what part of 64 ? 21. f of | of 80 is 3 times what part of 96 ? * Observe the " changes " in the Appendix, 71 9 page 171. 7.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. Ill 72. 1. I of 36 is 4 of how many times f of 42 ?* ANALYSIS. Of as many times f of 42 as 2 ^'raes | o/* 42 ?s contained times in 9 ft'mes | of 4 w?es ^ q/ 36 ; -J o/" 36 is 12, >?<# 4 ^'mes 12 is 48 ; j of 48 w 12, ??r? 9 times 12 *s 108 ; 4 of 42 ?'. pensation does he receive ? ANALYSIS. Since the commission is 5 per cent., or y^^ equal to $, of the sum collected, he receives ^ of $240, which is $12. Therefore, fyc. 2. What will be the expense of collecting a note of $800, at 10 per cent, commission ? 3. What must be paid for collecting a tax of $300, allowing 12| per cent, commission ? 4. An agent sells $1200 worth of merchandise, at 25 per cent, commission ; how much will he receive for his services ? 5. An auctioneer sold goods to the amount of $500 ; what will his commission amount to, at 2^- per cent. ? 6. Paid an attorney 3|- per cent, to collect a debt of $640 ; how much did he receive for his services ? 7. If a man fail in business, and can pay but 40 per cent, of his debts, how much will a creditor receive on a debt of $175 ? 8. Bought $1000 worth of books, receiving a com- mission of 3| per cent. ; how much did I receive for my services ? 9. If a broker sell $600 worth of New York Cen- tral Railroad stock, and charge | per cent, for selL ing, how much will he receive ? 10. At | of 1 per cent., what will be the expense of negotiating a bill of exchange of $625 ? 11. A broker in Chicago exchanged $1200 on the Chemical Bank of New York,* at f per cent. ; what amount of brokerage did he receive ? 12. A real estate agent sells a house and lot for $2000, and charges 1J per cent, commission for sell- ing ; how much does he receive ? 122 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [8O. 8O. 1. A merchant sends his agent $780 to ex- pend for merchandise, after deducting his commis- sion of 4 per cent. ; what sum will he expend ? ANALYSIS. The money to be expended is -f gg of itself, and the commission T Jjj, or ^, of this sum; hence the whole amount sent to the agent is |JJ $, or ff. Since $780 * 5 M' 2T ^ 2*5 / & 7 8^ or $^> ^ commission; and f g- /s 25 feme* 30, or $750, ^e sz/w to fo expended. 2. I gave a broker $810 to invest in bank stock, after deducting his commission of 1| per cent. ; what was his commission, and how much did he invest ? 3. A distiller sent Mr. B. $1550, with which to buy corn, after deducting his commission of 3^ per cent. ; how much did he expend, and how much did his commission amount to ? 4. How many bushels of wheat, at $1 a bushel, can an agent buy for $1230, and retain 2| per cent, commission for his trouble ? 5. A farmer employed a man to thresh his wheat, agreeing to give him 12 per cent, of all he threshed ; how many bushels must he thresh that the farmer niay retain 68 bushels? ANALYSIS. Since the thresher received T \j 2 jy, or -/$ of all he threshed, the farmer received the difference between -{%$, or J| and 2 \, which is f f . Then 66 bushels is f of the whole number of bushels threshed ; since 66 bushels is , 2*5 * 5 sV f 66, or 3 bushels, and f | is 25 times 3 bushels, or 75 bushels. Therefore, fyc. 6. What amount must be collected on a rate bill, that the collector may retain his fee of 5 per cent., and pay over $228 ? * 7. What amount of accounts must an individual collect in order to pay over $1100, and retain 8^ per cent, for collecting ? 81.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 123 81. 1. What must be paid for insuring a house and furniture for $1000, at 1J per cent, premium V * ANALYSIS. Since the premium is 1^ per cent., or ^^, equal to -- ff of the amount insured, the premium on $1000 will be J s of $1000, or $12. Therefore, $c. 2. What will be the premium for insuring 200 barrels of flour, valued at $1200, at 4 per cent. ? 3. What must I pay annually for an insurance of $900 upon my life, at 2| per cent. ? 4. What must be paid for insuring a case of cloths, valued at $600, at 1| per cent, premium ? 5. What is the annual premium of insurance, at | per cent., 011 a building valued at $4000 ? 6. If a merchant has his stock of goods insured for $2500, at | of 1 per cent., what is the premium ? 7. A man owns | of a boat load of grain, valued at $1600, and insures his interest at 1| per cent ; what premium does he pay ? 8. At 2 per cent., what amount of insurance can I obtain for $18 premium ? ANALYSIS. Since 2 per cent, premium is T -f 50 times $18, equal to $900. Therefore, $c. 9. At 3 per cent., what amount of insurance can be obtained on a house for $75 ? 10. At -| per cent., what amount of insurance can be obtained on a boat load of flour, for $24 ? 11. What amount of insurance can be had for $45, upon a car load of horses, at 44- per cent. ? 12. If the rate is If per cent., and the premium paid is $91, what will be the amount of insurance obtained on a store and its contents ? * The sum paid for insurance is called the premium. 124 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 82. 1. If a man buy a horse for $90, for how much must he sell him to gain 20 per cent. ? ANALYSIS. Since he gains 20 per cent., or -^ (7 , equal to \ of what the horse cost him, he must sell him for & of what he cost ; of S'JO is $18, and g- (88 ? Ex. 12 ;) of $50 is $2, and ^ of $50 is 9 times $2, equal to Therefore, $c. 12. What is the interest of $75.60 for 4 years 5 months and 10 days, at 9 per cent. ? 13. What is the interest of $50 for 6 years 4 months and 24 days, at 5 per cent. ? 14. What is the interest of $300 for 4 years 7 months and 15 days, at 8 per cent. ? 15. What is the interest of $288 for 8 months 10 days, at 7- per cent. ? 16. What is the interest of $1200 for 20 days, at 6 per cent. ? 17. What is the interest of $40 for 9 months 5 days, at 4^- per cent. ? 18. What is the interest of $36.72 for 5 years 6 months and 20 days, at 7 per cent. ? 19. What is the interest of $120 for 2 years 1 month and 6 days, at 12 J per cent. ? 20. What is the interest of $24 for 11 months and 20 days, at 15 per cent. ? 21. What is the interest of $2000 for 18 days, at 5 per cent. ? 22. What is the interest of $1500 for 2 months and 24 days, at 6 per cent. ? 9Oo] INTELLECTUAL AEITHMETIC. 135 90. 1. What will be the amount of $60 for 2 years 6 months, at 6 per cent. ? ANALYSIS. Since the interest is equal to $ of the prin- cipal, (88 5 ) and the amount is equal to the principal and interest, it follows that f g-, the principal, added to -$, the interest, equals f , the amount. -^ of $60 is $3, and f $ of $60 is 23 times $3, or $69, the amount. Therefore, fyc. NOTE, "When more convenient, the interest may first be found, to which add the principal, and the result will be the amount. 2. What is the amount of $36 for 4 years 2 months, at 7 per cent. ? 3. What will $120 amount to in 2 years 11 months, at 8 per cent. ? 4. What will $96.48 amount to in 3 years 4 months, at 6^ per cent. ? 5. What will $80.50 amount to in 6 years 8 months, at 4-J- per cent. ? 6. What will $20.25 amount to in 12 years, at 5 per cent. ? 7. What will $1500 amount to in 10 months, at 10 per cent. ? 8. What will $150 amount to in 6 months and 20 days, at 6 per cent. ? 9. What will $250 amount to in 9 months and 18 days, at 7 J per cent. ? 10. What is the amount of $480 for 1 year 10 months and 25 days, at 5 per cent. ? 11. What is the amount of $500 for 3 years 4 months and 24 days, at 6 per cent. ? 12. What is the amount of $240 for 2 years 7 months and 6 days, at 7 per cent. ? 13. What is the amount of $1000 for 5 years 1 month and 6 days, at 4 per cent. ? 14. What is the amount of $120 for 10 years 6 months and 20 days, at 3 per cent, ? 136 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [91. 91. 1. What principal in 3 years 9 months, at 8 per cent., will give $90 interest ? ANALYSIS. Since the interest for 3 years 9 months, at 8 per cent., is ^ of the principal, (88, j $90 must be -fa of the required principal Since $90 is T V yV is $ of $90, or $30, and $30 is -^ of 10 times $30, or $300, the principal. Therefore, $c. 2. What principal, in 1 year 8 months, at 9 per cent., will give $8t> interest? 3. What principal in 11 months, at 6 per cent., will give $22 interest ? 4. What principal in 7 months 15 days, at 8 per cent., will give $40 interest? 5. A rents a store to B for the yearly rent of $300, which is 12 per cent, of its cost ; what did it cost ? 6. A gentleman bought 6 horses, for which he paid a sum of money which in 2 years 6 months, at 4 per cent., would have given him $90 interest; what did he pay apiece for the horses ? 7. A person deposits | of his money in the bank, which brings him an animal income of $1500, at 10 per cent. ; the remaining | he invests in business which yields him 20 per cent, profit ; what are his entire capital and his yearly income ? 8. Two persons engaged in trade ; A furnished 4 of the capital, and B f ; at the end of 3 years and 4 months they found that they had made a clear profit of $5000, which is 121 per cent, per annum on the money invested ; how much capital did each furnish ? 9. A capitalist invested -f of his money in railroad stock, which depreciated 5 per cent, in value ; the remaining -f he invested in bank stock, which at the end of 1 year had gained $1200, which was 12 per cent, of the investment ; what was the whole amount of his capital, and what was his entire loss or gain ? 92.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 137 92. 1. What principal will, in 3 years 4 months, at 5 per cent, amount to $700. ANALYSIS. Since the interest for 3 years 4 months, at 5 per cent, is ^ of the principal, (88,) the principal |, added to the interest , equals the amount % ; hence $700 is % of the principal Since $700 is , % is | of $700, or $100, and $100 w o/ 6 times $100, or $600. * Therefore, $c. 2. What principal in 5 years, at 6 per cent., will amount to $1300 ? 3. What principal in 1 year 6 months, at 8 per cent., will amount to $280 ? 4. What principal in 4 years 2 months, at 3 per cent., will amount to $630 ? 5. What principal in 10 years, at 7 per cent., will amount to $340 ? 6. What principal in 9 months, at 10 per cent., will amount to $172 ? 7. What principal. in 18 months, at 4 per cent., will amount to $530 ? 8. The amount due on a bond and mortgage is $2900, it having been on interest 7 years 6 months, at 6 per cent. ; what was the principal ? 9. Two men bought 200 acres of land, and at the end of 2 years sold it for $1500, which was an ad- vance of 12|- per cent, per annum on its cost ; what did it cost an acre ? 10. A man invested f of all he was worth in the lumber trade, and at the end of 2 years 8 months sold out his entire interest for $3100, which was a yearly gain of 9 per cent, on the money invested ; how much was he worth when he commenced trade ? 11. A's money is to B's as 2 to 3 ; if of A's money be put at interest for 3 years 9 months, at 10 per cent., it will amount to $550 ; how much money has each ? 138 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [93. 93. 1. In what time, at 5 per cent., will $60 gain $15 interest ? ANALYSIS. The gain, or interest, is , or % of the prin- cipal, equal to 25 per cent, of the principal. (77 ? Ex. 7.) Jf a given principal gain 5 per cent, in 1 year, it will re- quire as many years to gain 25 per cent, as 5 per cent, is contained times in 25 per cent., or 5 years. Therefore, c. Or thus : Since $60 in 1 year, at 5 per cent., will gain $3 interest, it will require as many years for $GO to gain $15 interest, as $3 is contained times in $15, which is 5 times. 2. How long will it take $120 to gain $24 interest, at 6 per cent. ? 3. In what time will $500 gain $35, at 7 per cent. ? 4. In what time will $120 gain $40, at 10 pe* cent. ? 5. In what time will $80 gain $6, at 3 per cent. ? 6. In what time will $300 gain $84, at 7 per cent, ? 7. In what time will $160 gain $20, at 6 per cent. ? 8. In what time will $49 gain $12.25, at 5 per cent. ? 9. In what time will any given principal double itself at 4 per cent. ? ANALYSIS. Since, to double itself, any sum of money must gain 100 per cent., at 1 per cent., it will require 100 years, at 4 per cent., ^ of 100 years, or 25 years. There- fore, fyc. 10. In what time will a given principal double it- self at 5 per cent. ? 11. In what time will a given principal double it- self at 7 per cent, ? 94.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 139 12. In what time will a given principal double it- self at 6 per cent. ? 13. In what time will a given principal double it- self at 10 per cent. ? 14. -In what time will $500 double itself, at 12J per cent. ? 15. In what time will $175 double itself at 20 per cent. ? 16. In what time will a given principal treble it- self at 5 per cent. ? ANALYSIS. A given principal will treble itself at 1 per cent, in 200 years ; at 5 per cent, in \ of 200 years, or 40 years. 17.* In what time will $100 treble itself at 6 per cent. ? at 7 per cent. ? at 8 per cent. ? at 10 per cent. ? 94. 1. A man loaned $75 for 4 years, and re- ceived $18 interest ; what was the rate per cent. ? ANALYSIS. Since the gain, or interest, for 4 years, is |, or -/-$ of the principal, for 1 year it is J- of -$, or T {fo of the principal, equal to G per cent. Therefore, fyc. Or, thus : At 1 per cent., the interest of $1 for 4 years is 4 cents, and of $75 it is 75 times 4 cents, which are 300 cents, equal to $3. Since $3 interest is 1 per cent, of $75 for 4 years, $18 interest is as many per cent, as $3 is contained times in $18, which is 6 times, equal to 6 per cent. 2. At what per cent, will $200 gain $49 interest in 3J years ? 3. At what per cent, will $60 gain $25 interest in 4^ years ? 4. At what per cent, will $90 gain $27 in 6 years ? 140 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [94. 5. At what per cent, will $12 gain $5 in Ifr years ? 6. At what per cent, will $400 gain $55 interest in 2 years ? 7. At what per cent, will $150 gain $44 interest in 8| years ? 8. At wiiat per cent, will $125 gain $37.50 interest in 5 years ? 9. At what per cent, will $800 gain $75 interest in 1 year and 3 months ? 10. At what per cent, will $180 gain $45 interest in 8 years and 9 months ? 11. At what per cent, will $1250 gain $312.50 interest in 2 years 6 months ? 12. At what per cent, will $2500 gain $200 in- terest in 1 year and 4 months ? 13. At what per cent, will a given principal double itself in 5 years ? ANALYSIS. Since a given principal must gain 100 per cent, to double itself in 1 year, to double itself in 5 years will require ^ of 100 per cent., or 20 per cent. Therefore, fyc. 14. At what per cent, will a given principal double itself in 10 years ? 15. At what per cent, will a given principal double itself in 12 years 6 months ? 16. At what per cent, will $200 double itself in 4 years ? 17. At what per cent, will $100 double itself in 8 years ? 18. At what per cent, will $150 double itself in 15 years ? 19. At what per cent, will $500 double itself in 16 years 8 months ? 20. At what per cent, will $175 double itself in 2 years 6 months ? 95.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 141 95. The present worth of a note payable at a future time is such a sum as, put at interest at the given rate per cent, until it becomes due, will amount to the face of the note. Discount is an allowance made for the payment of money before it becomes due, and is obtained by subtracting the present worth from the given sum or face of the note. 1. What is the present worth of $180 payable in 3 years 4 months at 6 per cent. ? ANALYSIS. Since the interest for 3 years 4 months at 6 per cent, is of the principal, (88 5 ) the amount, $180, is equal to the principal, -|, added to the interest, -J, equal to f of the principal. Since $180 is f of the principal, ^ oj $180, or $30, is i, and $30 is -i of 5 times $30, or $150. Therefore, fyc. NOTE. The discount is the difference between $180 and $150, which is $30. 2. What is the present worth of a note for 836.90, payable in 2 years 6 months, at 5 per cent. ? 3. What is the present value of a note for $54, due in 5 years, and bearing interest at 7 per cent. ? 4. What is the present value of a debt of $124.40, due in 4 years 2 months, at 8 per cent, interest ? 5. What is the discount of 2100, due in 1 year 3 months, at 4 per cent. ? 6. What is the discount on a note of $560, paya- ble in 2 years, at 6 per cent, interest ? 7. What is the difference between the interest and the discount of $130, due 10 months hence, at 10 per cent. ? 8. A man, having a span of horses for sale, offered them for $480 cash in hand, or a note of $550 due in 1 year 8 months without interest. The buyer accepted the latter offer ? did the seller gain or lose by his offer, and how much, allowing the money to be worth 6 per cent. ? 142 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [96. 96. 1. B sold a horse for | of 1| times the cost ; what was the gain per cent. ? 2. A cow purchased for $28 in the spring was sold for $21 in autumn ; what was the loss per cent. ? 8. An old lady bought 80 apples of John at the lute of 2 for a cent, as many more of William at the rate of 3 for a cent, and sold the whole at the rate of 5 for 2 cents ; did she gain or lose, and at what rate per cent. ? 4. Did she gain or lose on the purchase made of John or William, and at what rate per cent, on the amount of the purchase ? 5. A hogshead of molasses was bought for $20 ; 11^ per cent, of it leaked out ; how must the re- mainder be sold per gallon to gain 40 per cent, on the cost ? 6. A manufacturer sold 2 machines for $391 each ; on one he gained 15 per cent., on the other he lost 15 per cent. ; did he gain or lose on the sale of both, and how much ? 7. How much wheat must be taken to mill, that 6 bushels may be retained after riving toll of 6 pounds per bushel, or 10 per cent, for grinding ? 8. A man brought home 1500 feet of lumber after giving 37|- per cent, of the whole for sawing ; how much lumber did he have sawed ? 9. A farmer sold 2 horses for $150 apiece ; on one he gained 25 per cent., on the other he lost 25 per cent. ; did he gain or lose on both, and how much ? 10. For hulling barley, 36 per cent, is taken for pay ; at this rate, how many bushels must be taken that 32 bushels be returned after hulling ? 11. In a school district $57 was to be collected for teacher's wages ; the collector was to have 5 per cent, on all moneys collected ; how much must he collect to pay his fee and the teacher ? 96.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 143 12. Hovi much plaster must A have ground, to bring home 14 tons, after the miller has taken 12|- per cent, of all he has ground ? 13. In how many years, at 5 per cent., will a given principal amount to the same as it would at 7 per cent, in 3 years ? 14. At what rate per cent, in 12 years will a given principal amount to the same as at 7 per cent, for 8 years ? 15. A farm rents for $500 a year, which is 6{ per cent, on the purchase money, at $40 per acre ; how many acres in the farm ? 16. Mr. Jones paid $44 interest on a note running 4 years 4 months and 24 days, at 5 per cent. ; what was the face of the note ? 17. A's note of $200 was given for a carriage ; 5 years 7 months and 6 days afterwards, $256 was given for the note ; what rate per cent, was paid ? 18. A note of $300 on interest at 6 per cent, was given for a span of horses ; when the note was taken up, $330 was paid for it ; how long did it run ? 19. B, on being asked how much he owed for his farm, replied, " I pay 9 per cent, on the debt ; if I paid but 7 per cent., it would be $60 in my favor yearly.'' What did he owe ? 20. If Aaron had purchased his horses for 5 per cent, less than he did, they would have cost him $190 ; how much did he pay for them ? 21. If I had purchased my farm for 6 per cent, less than I paid for it, it would have made a differ- ence in the purchase money of $120 ; what did the farm cost me ? 22. A speculator sold wheat for 90 cents a bushel, and in so doing lost 10 per cent. ; what should he have sold it for, to have gained 15 per cent. ? 23. A nurseiynian sold apple trees at $15 per 144 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [96. thousand, and cleared | of his receipts ; what per cent, profit did he make ? 24. B pays $400 a year for the use of 100 acres of land, giving 8 per cent, of its value ; what is it worth per acre ? 25. I bought a stock of goods for $800, and paid #15 for store rent, $85 for clerk hire, and sold them at the end of 6 months ; what per cent, must be made on the goods to cover expenses ? 26. In how many years will a man, paying inter- est at 7 per cent, on a debt for land, pay the amount of the debt in interest ? 27. A. bought a form for $3000 ; he realized $700 from the sale of wheat, $200 from corn and barley, and $100 from fruit, and then sold the farm at a dis- count of 25 per cent. ; did he gain or lose, and how much ? 28. B bought a horse for $60, then sold him for $100, and repurchased him for $80 ; what was the gain per cent, on the original investment ? 29. A milkman sold milk for 4 cents a quart, by which he cleared J of the receipts ; but milk becoming scarce, he sold for 5 cents ; what per cent, did he make at the latter price ? 30. A walked 5 per cent, of a journey of 300 ^ miles ; 20 per cent, of the remainder he rode in the stage, and the rest of the way in the cars ; how far did he ride in the cars ? 31. A mechanic sold a buggy for $54, and gained 20 per cent. ; he then sold another for $54, and losit 10 per cent. ; did he gain or lose, and how much ? 32. A dealer sold a melodeon for $190, and lost 5 per cent, on it ; he then sold another for the same money, but made enough to balance the loss on the first ; what per cent, did he make on the second ? 97.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 145 CHAPTER IX. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 97. 1. A gentleman, owning | of a vessel, sold I of his share ; what part of the vessel does he still own? ANALYSIS. Since he sold of his share, he would have | lefty and of ^ is -J. Therefore, fyc, 2. A man, owning ^ of a share in the Central Rail- road, sold f of it ; what part of a share has he left ? 8. A man, having | of a barrel of flour, gave of it to a poor neighbor ; what part of a barrel has he left ? 4. Harry, having f of a dollar, gave | of it for a knife ; what part of a dollar has he left ? 5. A man sold a watch for $18, which was | of what it cost him ; how much did he lose ? 6. A grocer sold a quantity of cheese for $45, which was | of what it cost him ; how much did he gain ? 7. A threshing machine was sold for $120, at a sacrifice of f of the cost ; what was the loss on it ? 8. Henry having lost -| of his money playing cards, lent ^ of the remainder, when he found he had $22 left ; how much had he at first ? 9. A horse was sold for $80, which was of f of twice the cost ; what was lost on the horse ?~ 10. A man bought a wagon for $54, which was $ of twice as much as he sold it for ; what did he gain? 11. Homer had 15 marbles, which was f of 3 times as many as Henry had ; how many had Henry ? 12. Thomas gave 4 cents for a top, which was f times J of what money he had ; how many marbles, at 2 for a cent, could he buy with what he had left ? 10 146 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC'. [97. 13. A farmer, after selling I of his flock of sheep, had 20 left ; how many had lie at first ? 14. A pole was standing | of its length in the air, | of the remainder in the water, and 3 feet in the mud ; how many feet in the air ? 15. If from my age you take \ and f of my age, the remainder will be 4 years ; how old am I ? 16. If to f of the cost of A's coat you add $12, the sum will be $20 ; what was the cost of the coat V 17. A drover, being asked how many sheep he had, replied, " If to J my number you add 80 sheep, the sum will be 5 more than 3 times my number ; " how many had he ? 18. John and James play at marbles ; John wins 16, which is f of twice as many as James now has ; when they began, | of John's equaled | of James's ; how many had each when they began ? 19. J- of Herbert's age, increased by 10 years, equals 1| times his age ; how old is he ? 20. A cow. cost $40 ; f of this sum was -^ of 2f times \ of the cost of a horse ; what was the cost of the horse ? 21. A. was 25 years of age when he was married, and his age was |- times | of his wife's age ; how old was she ? 22. A post-office was robbed by a clerk, who took -| of the money in the drawer ; when he was arrested, he had made away with f of it, and had $10 left ; how much was in the drawer at first ? 23. A's farm cost $1500 ; f of this is f of 4 times the cost of the barn ; what did the barn cost ? 24. At the battle of Long Island, the Americans lost 500 men ; | of this number was | of J^-Q of their force ; how many men had they in the field ? 25. At Ridge field, 100 Americans were killed ; -f of the slain was 7J- times y^ of the men on duty; how many on duty ? 98.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 147 26. The American loss at the battle of Trenton, in killed, frozen, and wounded, was 60 men ; | of this number was 2| times T ^ of the number en- gaged ; how many men in the engagement ? 27. At the assault on Quebec,, the Americans had 100 killed; f of this number was 6 more than If times ^ of the men sent; how many men were in the detach- ment ? 28. The American loss in the battle of Port Royal Island was 30 men ; 2^ times this number was 3|- times yV of the number in the field ; how many in the field ? 29. At Germantown, the American loss, in slain, wounded, and prisoners, was 1200 ; f of this num- ber was 8|- times T |Q- of | of the army, lacking 1000 men ; how many in the army ? 98. 1. Divide 28 into two numbers that' shall be to each other as 5 to 2. ANALYSIS. Since the numbers are to each other as 5 to 2, the given sum must be divided into 7 equal parts, and 5 of those parts will equal one of the numbers, and 2 of them the other ; the numbers will be % of 28 and of 28, equal to 20 and 8. Therefore, fyc. 2. Two men bought 40 bushels of potatoes ; one paid $6, and the other $4 ; how many bushels should each have ? 3. Two travelers, 49 miles apart, approach each other ; one travels 4 miles an hour, the other 3 miles an hour ; how many miles will each travel ? 4. A and B hired a horse and buggy for $25 ; A used it 3 weeks, B 2 weeks ; what should each pay ? 5. Two men hired a pasture for $24 ; one put in 5 cows ? the other put in 3 cows ; what should each pay? 148 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [98. 6. Two men hired a field for $12 ; one put in 2 horses for 2 weeks, the other two horses for 4 weeks ; what should each pay ? 7. John had 9 cents, and Jay had 7 ; they gave them all for 32 figs ; how many hhould each of them have ? 8. A and B enter into partnership ; A invests $10 for 5 months, B invests $5 for 8 months ; they gain $45 ; what is each man's bhare of the gain ? 9. A, B, and C bought a horse ; A paid $5 as often as B $4 and C $3 ; they gained $24 in selling him ; what is each man's share of the gain ? 10. Three men agree to mow a field for $40 ; A sends 2 men three days, B sends 3 men three days, C sends 2 men two and a half days ; what should each receive ? 11. A, B, and C traded in company; A put in $30, B $50, and C such a sum that he took $10 of the $42 gained during the year ; what was the gain of A and B, and what C's stock ? 12. An ignorant partner, who furnished $500 of a capital of $800, on which $240 had been gained, took $145 for his share of the profits ; did he gain or lose, and how much ? 13. Tw r o men paid $11 for the use of a pasture; the first put in 5 calves, the second 4 colts ; what should each pay, provided 2 colts consume as much as 3 calves ? 14. A, B, and C hire a field for $42 ; A puts in 5 cows, B 3 cows, and C pays J of the rent ; how much must A and B pay, and how many cows does C put in ? 15. Three men paid $56 for a pasture ; the first put in 9 oxen, the second 8 cows, and the third 10 calves ; what should each pay, if 4 cows eat as much as 3 oxen, and 5 calves as much as 4 cows ? 99.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 149 16. Mary and Melissa wrote 60 lines in a copy book ; Mary wrote as many lines as Melissa ; how many lines did each write ? 17. A gardener gave 24 pears to some school children, giving each girl 4 pears, and each boy 3 ; the boys received as many pears as the girls ; how many children were there ? 18. A father divided $96 among his two sons and 3 daughters, giving each son as much as each daughter ; how much did each receive ? 99. 1. Three boys have 76 marbles; the second has 2 more than the first, and the third has 6 more than the second ; how many has each ? 2. James, Henry, and Joseph, together, have 72 apples ; Henry has 2 more than James, and Joseph 2 more than Henry ; if each had 110 more than James, how many would all have ? 3. If eacli had as many as Joseph, how many would all have ? 4. How many must Joseph give James that each may have the same number ? How many has each ? *5. A, B, and C built a warehouse for $600; B paid $100 more than A, and C paid as much as A and B ; how much did each pay ? 6. William bought a rifle, a watch, and a drum, for $42 ; for the rifle he gave twice as much as for the drum, and for the watch twice as much as for the rifle ; what did he give for each ? 7. A span of horses, wagon, and harness cost $225 ; the difference between the cost of the horses and wagon was 1^ times the cost of the harness, and the cost of the liorses was 4 times the cost of the harness ; what was the cost of each ? 8. B traveled 114 miles in 3 days ; the first day 150 . INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [99. he traveled | as far as on the last 2 days, and the last clay as far as on the iirst two days ; how far did he travel each day '! 9. A laborer in one week dug 5 rods more than | the length of a ditch, and the next week he dug the remaining 20 rods ; how long was the ditch ? ANALYSIS. Since he dug 5 rods more than of the ditch the Jirst week, the remainder, 20 rods, increased by 5 rods, must equal the ditch ; '20 rods -j- 5 rods =. 25 rods 9 which is of twice 25, or 50 rods. Therefore, fyc. 10. A farmer, owing a store debt, paid at 0110 time $10 more than . l , <>!' it, at another $20 more than of the remainder, and gave a note of $20 for the balance of the debt ; what was the amount of the debt ? 11. Arthur gave 2 more than -*- of his pennies for a top, 1 more than of the remainder for a whip, and had 4 left ; how many pennies had he at first ? 12. A grocer, selling beer, drew -|- a gallon more than -| the contents of a keg one day, the next day he drew J a gallon more than |- of the remainder, and the third day, when he went to draw, he found the keg was empty ; how many gallons in the keg at first ? 13. A and B have $55 ; of A's money equals f of B's ; how many dollars has each ? ANALYSIS. Since % of As money equals of B's, 2 halves, or all of A's, will equal 2 times -f, or of It's ; then A has 6, and S 5 equal parts of the money, and both hai9 11 parts ; T ] T of $55 is $5, or\ part; 6 times $5 are $30, or As share ; and 5 times $5 are $25, or B's share. Ttiere- fore, fyc. 14. If 34 apples he divided between John and Mary, so that f of John's may equal | of Mary's, how many will each have ? 1OO.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 151 15. A and B have together 83 sheep ; f of A's flock, increased by 8 sheep, is equal to B's flock ; how many sheep has each ? 16. If 10 cents be taken from of Mary's money, the remainder will be equal to Susan's ; the girls, together, have 39 cents ; how many cents has each ? 17. Homer has 3 marbles more than Silas, and -| of Homer's marbles equal f of Silas's ; how many has each ? IOO. 1. One man will drink a gallon of beer in 3 days ; another will drink a gallon in 4 days ; how long will a gallon last both of them ? 2. Julia can do the washing in 7 hours ; with Jane's assistance she can do it in 4 hours ; in what time can Jane do it ? 3. Two boys can pitch a quantity of hay in 5 hours ; the first can do it in 9 hours ; in what time can the second do it ? 4. A cistern can be emptied by 2 pipes in 3| hours, but 1 pipe will empty it in 7^ hours ; in how many hours will the other empty it V 5. A can make a vest in | of a day, B in |, and in of a day ; how many more vests can A and B make in a day than C can ? 6. Susan can knit a pair of mittens in f of a day, and Sarah can knit a pair in | of a day ; how many pairs can both knit in a day ? 7. What part of a day must Sarah assist Susan that Susan may complete 2 pairs ? 8. What part of a day must Susan assist Sarah that Sarah may complete 3 pairs ? 9. Jason can hoe 10 rows of corn in | of an hour, and Jesse can hoe them in f of an hour ; in what time can both together hoe them ? 152 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [1OO. 10. In what time can Jason hoe what remains after Jesse has hoed | an hour ? 11. In what time can Jesse hoe what remains after Jason has hoed ^ of an hour ? 12. How many rows can both hoe in 1 hour ? 13. A and B can clear a field in 15 days ; with the help of C they can do it in 9 days ; in how many days can C do it ? 14. A and B can dig a well in 6 days, A and C in 8 days, and B and C in 9 days ; in how fhany days can each dig it, working alone ? 15. In how many days can they do it working together ? 16. Patrick, Peter, and Philo can dig 40 rods of ditch in 10 days ; Patrick and Peter can do it in 15 days ; Peter and Philo can do it in 13 J days ; in how many days can Patrick and Philo dig 28 rods ? 17. How long will it take each man to dig 30 rods ? 18. Henry and Harlan can cut a field of corn in 6f days ; Harlan's day's work exceeds Henry's by ^ of Henry's ; in how many days can each cut the field ? 19. Three men can do a piece of work in 10 days ; the first does f as much as the second, the third does I as much as the first and second ; in how many days will each do it ? 20. In how many days will the first and second doit? 21. In how many days will the first and third do it ? 22. In how many days will the second and third doit? 23. A, B, and C can do a piece of work in 8 days ; B and C can do it in 12 days, and A and B in 10 days ; in how many days can each, working separately, doit? 24. A cistern can be discharged by 3 pipes in 4 hours ; the first and second pipes will discharge it in 101.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 153 8 hours ; the first and third in 6 hours ; in what time will each pipe discharge it ? 25. Three men can trench a field in 10 days ; A and B can do it in 20 days ; B and C can do it in 15 days ; in how many days can A and C trench the same field ? 26. A barrel of flour would last a brother, sister, and servant 30 days ; when the brother was absent it would last 60 days ; when the sister was absent it would last 45 days ; how long would it last the sister after all had used from it 20 days ? 1O1. 1. Benjamin, meeting some beggars, gave each of them 5 cents ; had he given them 7 cents apiece, it would have taken 8 cents more ; how many beggars were there ? ANALYSIS. Since 2 cents was the increase paid to I beggar, and 8 cents the increase paid to all, there were as many beggars as 2 is contained times in 8, which is 4 times. TJierefore, fyc. 2. Edward gave 6 plums to each of his playmates, and had 9 remaining ; had he given each of them 8, he would have had but 1 left ; how many playmates had he ? 3. Three times a certain number is 15 less than 6 times the same number ? what is the number ? 4. Susan, purchasing calico, found that if she took that at 8 cents a yard she would have 11 cents left ; but if she took that at 12 cents a yard she would need 17 cents to pay for it ; how many yards did she want ? 5. 4 times a number is 15 less than 6|- times the same number ; what is the number ? 6. John, being asked how many marbles he had, replied, " f of them exceed i of them by 4." How many had he ? 154 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [1 2 boys received j3 chestnuts', there were as many times 2 boys as 6 is contained times in 24, which is 4 times, and 4 times 2 boys are 8 boys. Therefore, fyc. 9. Mary gave her chickens 26 grains of corn ; f of them had 5 grains each, the others but 3 each ; how many chickens had she ? NOTE. The above gives the following question : 10. 5 times f of a certain number, plus 3 times J of the same number, is 26 ; what is the number ? 11. A class received 29 merit marks; ^ of them received 5 apiece, |- of the remainder 3 apiece, f of the remainder 2 apiece, and the rest 1 apiece ; how many scholars in the class ? 12. 26 melons were stolen, of the party getting 4 each, the rest 3 apiece, except 2, who obtained but 2 apiece ; how many were there in the party ? ANALYSIS. Had the last 2 obtained 3 each, there would have been 28 melons ; then 4 times of a number, plus 3 times of the same number, or J, icould equal 28. Since 28 is of a number, $ of 28, or 4, is , and 4 i s of 2 times 4, or 8. Therefore, fyc. 13. 4 times |- of a number, plus 3J times the same number, is equal to 28 plus 5 ; what is the number ? 14. Henry said that 4 years more than J of his age, increased by 5 times ^ of it, and that sum by 4 times ^ of his age less 4, would make the sum 50 years ; how old was he ? 1O1.J INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC.. 155 15. A drover paid $5 a head for J of his flock, $4 a head for as many more, $3 a head for | of the remainder, and $2 a head for the rest ; the flock cost |115 ; how many sheep had he ? 16. A grocer received $10 for a lot of baskets ; for J of them he had 6 dimes each, for -| of the re- mainder plus 3, 4 dimes each, for J of the rest plus 2, 3 dimes each, and for the rest 2 dimes each ; how many baskets did he sell ? 17. 5 times Henry's age is 3 more than 4 times | of it increased by 6 times *- of it ; how old is he ? ANALYSIS. 5 times Henry's age equals f, 4 times of it, plus 6 times ^ of it, equals - 1 /-, and if- less * equals of it, which, according to the conditions of the question, is 3 ; and 3 is ^ of 3 times 3, or 9. Therefore, fyc. 18. 6 times a number is 4 less than 7 times | of it, plus 5 times ^ of the same number ; what is the number ? 19. Bridget, wishing to get a certain number of pounds of meat, found, if she took beef at 5 cents, she would have 4 cents left ; if pork at 7 cents, she had not money enough to pay for it ; and therefore she took | of the quantity in beef, the rest in pork, and paid for it ; how many pounds did she get ? 20. Pour times a number is 6 greater than 5 times |- of the same number ; what is the number ? 21. A farmer, wishing to buy a flock of sheep, found, if he paid $2 a head, he would have $60 left ; if he paid $5 a head, he had not enough to pay for* them ; if he took |- the number at each price, he could just pay for them ; how many sheep would his money buy ? 22. Twice f of a number equals the number plus 8 : what is the number ? 156 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [1O3. 1. The sum of two numbers is 27 ; their difference 5 ; what are tiie numbers ? ANALYSIS. Since 27 is the sum of two numbers whose difference is 5, 27 less o, or 22, would be twice the less num- ber ; of 22 is 11, // 1. Two pieces of cloth contain 38 yards; | of the first piece equals -f of the second, plus 4 yards ; how many yards in each piece ? ANALYSIS. If equal f -f- 4, ^ wz7/ e^waZ o/ 1 -j- 4, wAicA is -i + 2, Jfo's zs of 3 times - + 2, or f -|- 6 ; tf^ew we Aaz?e 1 piece equal to f ^e other plus 6 yards, or 1 pzece divided into 5 parts, and 3 of these parts plus 6 yards equal the other piece ; hence 5 parts plus 3 j0ar& plus 6 yards equal 38 yards, or 8 /?ars ano? 6 yards, equal 38 yards ; 38 yards minus 6 yards equal 32 yards, or 8 parts, fyc. 2. A lad inquiring his mother's age, his father replied, u f of my age is 9 years more than |- of your mother's, and the sum. of our ages is 72 years." How old was his mother ? 8. Two men built 38 rods of wall ; | of what one built, plus 4 rods, is equal to | of what the other built ; how many rods did each build ? 4. Hiram and Richard sheared 67 sheep ; | of the number Hiram sheared was 4 more than -| of the number Richard sheared ; how many did each shear ? 5. What is the time, providing | of the time past midnight, plus 1-^ hours, equals | of the time to midnight ? 6. A, being asked his age, replied, " 1|- times what I lack of being a hundred years old is 9 years more than 1|- times what my ago exceeds 64." What was his age ? 7. A rope was cut into 3 pieces; the first piece was 5 feet long, the second was as long as the first plus I of the third, and the third was as long as the other two ; what was the length of the rope* ? ANALYSIS. Since the third piece is as long as the other two, it must be ^ of the rope ; the second piece, being as long, is ^ ; and the 5 feet which the second exceeds J, with the 5 feet of the first piece, make 10 feet, which must be the other fourth ; 4 times 10 is 40. Therefore, fyc. 164 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 8. The head of a fish is 7 inches long, the tail is as long as the head and i of the body, and the body is as long as the head and tail ; what is the length of the fish ? 9. A piece of steel was broken into 3 pieces; the first piece was j- of the whole, the second weighed 3 pounds, and the third weighed as much as the other two ; what was the weight of the whole ? 10. Three men dig potatoes ; the first digs ^ of the whole, lacking 2 bushels, the second digs 5 bush- els, and the third digs as many as the other two ; how many bushels did all dig ? 11. From Batavia to Avon is 24 miles ; this dis- tance, plus the distance from Bath to Corning, and 12 miles more, equals the distance from Avon to Bath ; from Bath to Corning is \- of the whole dis- tance ; how far from Batavia to Corning ? 12. A farmer took money for stock, as follows : $18 for swine, $6 more than of the whole for sheep, and for cattle $7 less than f as much as for sheep and swine ; how many dollars did he receive ? 13. A third and * a third of 12 is f of twice what number ? 14. Stephen spent ^ of his money, and afterward earned as much as he had spent, when he had $16.50 less than at first ; how much had he at first ? 15. If | of a ton of hay cost f of an eagle, how many dollars will of a ton cost ? 16. A is 6 years more than -|- as old as B, C is | as old as A, and B's age is equal to the sum of A's and CV; what is the age of each ? 17. A owns 12 more than f as many acres as B, C owns as many as A, and B owns 24 acres than A and C ; how many acres has each. 1OO.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 1G5 1O6. 1. Malcom is 8 years old, and Martin 25 ; in how many years will Malcom be -| as old as Martin ? ANALYSIS. 8 years since, Martin was 17 years of age; in 17 years from that time, or, since Malcom is 8 years old, in 17 less 8, or 9 years from this time, Malcom will be 17 years old, and Martin will be twice 17, or 34 years old. Therefore, fyc. 2. A father is 22 years older than his son, and the son's age is f of the father's ; how many years since the son's age was J the father's ? 3. Helen is 9 years old, her sister is 22 ; in now many years will Helen be - as old as her sister ? 4. Henry played at marbles with Charles, who had 45 ; Henry won as many as he had to commence with ; when they quit, each had the same number ; how many had both ? ANALYSIS. Since Henry won as many as he had, he left off playing with twice as many as he began with ; and Charles, now having the same number, must have had 3 times as many as Henry when they commenced playiny. 45 is 3 times -J of 45, or 15, and 45 -\- 15 is 60. Therefore, fyc. 5. A farmer, having 60 sheep in one field, took as many from them as he had in another field, and put them with the others, when the flocks were equal ; how many sheep had he ? 6. From a bin containing 52 bushels, 2 more than as many bushels as were in another bin were taken and put in the other bin, when both contained the same quantity ; how many bushels in both bins ? 7. Uncle Simon's age, increased by the difference between -| and % of his age, is 6 more than ^ times his age ; how old is he ? 8. Henry earned 20 dollars in the spring ; in the fall he earned as much as in the spring and as 10(3 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [1O6. much as in the summer, and in the summer as much as in the spring and fall ; how much did he earn in all? 9. A has 10 sheep, C has as many as A and | as many as B, and B has as many as A and C ; how many sheep have they all ? ANALYSIS. Since B has as many as A and C he muit have of the ivltole ; then 10 sheep, plus 10 -f~ % f i phis , equals % -\- 20, or the whole number of sheep ; hence 20 equals the number, and 20 is \ of 6 times 20, or 120 sheep. Therefore, fyc. 10. A, owning 74 acres of land, sold B | as much as B owned ; then B's farm was f as large as A's ; how many acres in each farm ? 11. Mary has 10 more chickens than turkeys, yet | of the turkeys equal \ the chickens ; how many chickens has she ? 12. Hainan's coat cost $15 less than his whole suit ; ^ of the price of the suit equaled | of the price of the coat ; what did the suit cost ? 13. Daniel caught 14 pigeons more than his brother, and 2f times his brother's equaled | of his ; how many did each catch ? 14. One number is 31 times another ; if 15 be added to each, one is just ^ of the other; what are the numbers ? 15. The difference between the cost of a horse and a buggy is $40 ; | of the cost of the buggy equal -^5 of the cost of the horse ; what is the value of each ? 16. Alice is l as old as her mother ; 5 years since she was but ^ as old ; in how many years will she be J as old ? IT. Hobart, having 20 marbles more than Dwight, plays with him ; Dwight w r ins |- as many as he had 1O7.] INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 16T at first, when Hobart lias |- as many left as he com- menced with ; how many had each at first ? 18. The difference between two numbers is 16 ; if 4 be taken from the larger and added to the less, 2 1 times the larger will equal 3J times the smaller; what are the numbers ? 19. Jason bought a watch, and had 820 remain- ing ; he then gave 2 times the cost of the watch for a rifle, and had -^ of his money left ; what did the rifle cost ? 20. Find the ages of A, B, and C, by knowing that C's age at A's birth was 5J times B's, and now is equal to the sum of A's and B's ; also that if A were now 3 years younger, or B 4 years older, A's age would be equal to | of B's. 1O7. 1. Two boys are running in the same direction ; one is 27 rods in advance of the other in pursuit, who gains upon the foremost 3 rods in a minute ; in how many minutes will he be overtaken ? ANALYSIS. In as many minutes as 3, the number of rods gained in one minute, is contained times in 27, the number of rods to be gained. 2. A, after traveling 2 hours, at the rate of 5 miles an hour, was followed by B, at the rate of 7 miles an hour ; in how many hours would B over- take A ? 3. A dog in pursuit of a hare which has 28 rods the start, runs 9 rods while the hare runs 7 ; how far will the dog run to catch the hare ? 4. Henry saves $5 while John saves $ 7 ; how much will each have when the difference between what each has saved is $30 ? 5. A and B started from the same point to run a race ; A ran 84 rods and gave out, when ^ of the 168 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. [1O7, distance B had run equaled the distance he was ahead of A ; how far did B run ? G. Three men bought a horse ; A paid $25, which was ^ of what B and C paid ; B paid | as much a& A and C ; what did B and C pay ? 7. The hour and minute hands of a watch aro together at 12 o'clock ; when will they next be to- gether ? ANALYSIS. Since the minute hand passes the hour hand 11 times in 12 hours, if both are at 12, the minute hand will pass the hour hand the jirst time in -J f of 1 2 hours, or in l^Y hours, equal to 5^ minutes past 1 o'clock. There- fore, $c. 8. A gentleman, being asked the time, replied, " It is between 3 and 4 o'clock, and the hands are directly opposite." What was the time ? 9. A fox is 40 leaps ahead of a hound, and takes 7 leaps to the hound's 4 ; but 3 of the hound's leaps equal 6 of the fox's ; how many leaps will the fox take before being caught ? 10. A wolf ran 80 rods to catch a sheep ; f of the distance the sheep ran was equal to the distance be- tween them when the chase commenced ; what was the distance ? 11. The sum of f of A's and f of B's money, being on interest 2 years 7 months and 6 days, at 5 per cent., amounted to $2260 ; f of B's money was \\ times f of A's ; how much had each ? 12. B's fortune is 1J times A's ; the interest of \ of A's fortune and \ of B's for 5 years, at 6 per cent., is $600 ; what is the fortune of each ? 13. A drover paid $76 for calves and sheep, pay- ing $3 apiece for calves and $2 for sheep ; he sold \ of his calves and f of his sheep for $23, and in so doing lost 8 per cent, on their cost ; how many of each did he purchase ? APPENDIX. THE author desires to call the attention of teachers to the numbered Tariety of changes that may be wrought upon the examples of the Sec. tions from which the following have been selected, as well as upon many otheis of the same class, and which may appropriately be termed " Ring- ing the Changes." It is not recommended that these changes be ap- plied to ail the examples, but used as an occasional exercise, and limited according to the time and convenience of the teacher. It is recommended to teachers to exercise their classes in these * changes," not so much for the novelty of them, as for the enlivening effect produced upon the class, and especially for the peculiar facilities they afford for thorough mental discipline ; and while, at first, to some they may appear severe and too mathematical, they will very soon become easy and comprehensible. To aid beginners, the blackboard may be used to advantage ; and to illustrate, take the example which has been written out in full in Section 71 5 page 171-3: 4- of 35 is I of how many thirds of 18 ? which may be written on the board thus : f x 35 = f X 7 X 18? Call upon seme pupil to read the question according to thejfost form, and to solve the question according to the form of analysis given ; and the answer, if correct, placed over the 3, will fulfill the conditions of th question; substitute this number, and erase another, thus : which is read 4. of 35 is f of f of what number ? Solve this as before, and so continue until all the numbers have been erased, and replaced by solution. AVhen the class have become familiar with the exercise, the use of the blackboard should be dispensed with, and the pupil be required to " ring the changes " by simply hearing the first form of the question read. Each question, and its form of solution, should be given by the pupil, but he may be allowed to give results in the solution that have been previously determined by analysis, in order to shorten the work and avoid monotonous repetition. Members of the class should be called upon promiscuously, and en- couraged to ask questions, and to detect errors either in the statement or solution of questions. The teacher should read an example once, slowly and distinctly, then call upon some one of the class who shall commence operations, and continue to give questions, forms, solutions, and conclu- sions, until signaled to sit, or another pupil detecting an error, raises the hand, when some other one should be called upon, who should re- sume where the last one left off; and so on. A teacher who has not practiced a class upon these changes, cannot conceive of the interest, close attention, and perfect enthusiasm that may be created, as well as the thorough mental discipline attained, by this exercise ; and it is firmly believed that, upon trial, it will commend itself to the judgment and approval of every live teacher. 12 (169) 170 APPENDIX. 67. 1. 24 is of how many times 10 ? 24 is | of as many times 10 as 10 is contained times in 5 times : } of 24 ; J of 24 is 6, and 5 times 6 is 30; 10 is contained in 30, 3 times. Therefore 24 is i of 3 times 10. 2. 24 is f of 3 times what number ? 24 is 1 of -3 times .'. of 5 times \ of 24 ; \ of 24 is 6, and 5 times G is 30 ; ] of 30 is 10. Therefore 24 is / of 3 times 10. 3. 24 is how many fifths of 3 times 10 ? 24 is as many fifths of 3 times 10 as of 3 times 10 is contained limes in L>4. 3 times 10 is 30, and -J- of 30 is 0, and (') is contained in 24, 4 times. Therefore 24 is A of 3 times 10. 4. 24 is 4 times what part of 3 times 10 ? 24 is 4 times such a part of 3 times 10 as 3 times 10 is contained times in -J of 24. 3 times 10 is 30. and \ of 24 is 6 ; 30 is contained in C, / or 1 times. There- fore 24 is 4 times i, or |, of 3 times 10. 5. What number is f of 3 times 10 ? 4 times i of 3 times 10. 3 times 10 is 30, l of 30 is C, and 4 times 6 is 24. Therefore 24 is 4 of 3 times 10. 7O. 1. 4 of 56 is -J- of 3 times what number ? 4 of 56 is | of 3 times -J- of 9 times of 4 times -\ of 56 ; i of 56 is 8, and 4 times 8 is 32 ; of 32 is 4, and 9 times 4 is 36 ; -J of 36 is 12. Therefore, -$ of 56 is | of 3 times 12. 2. 4 of 56 is of how many times 12 ? | of 56 is of as many times 12 as 12 is contained times in 9 times J- of 4 times of 56 ; 4 f 56 is 8 ? an ^ 4 times 8 is 32 ; i of 32 is 4, and 9 times 4 is 36 ; 12 is contained in 36, 3 times. Therefore ^ of 56 is | of 3 times 12. 3. 4 of 56 is how many ninths of 3 times 12 ? 4 of 56 is as many ninths of 3 times 12 as ^ of 3 thru."? APPENDIX. 171 12 is contained times in 4 times * of 50. ^ of 56 is 8, and 4 of 56 is 4 times 8 ; 4 times 8 is 32 ; 3 times 12 is 36, ^ of 36 is 4, and 4 i-? contained in 32, 8 times. Therefore | of 56 is f of 3 times 12. 4. 4 f 5(> is 8 times what part of 3 times 12 ? Such a part of 3 times 12 as 3 times 12 is contained times in | of 4 times % of 56. ^ f 56 is 8, and 4 times 8 is 32 ; of 32 is 4 ; 3 times 12 is 36, and 36 is con- tained in 4, ^j or ^ times. Therefore ^ of 56 is 8 times ^, or |, of 3 times 12. 5. f of 3 times 12 is -f of what number ? | of 3 times 12 is ^ of 7 times j of 8 times -g o. 3 times 12 ; of 36 is 4, and 8 times 4 is 32 ; | of 32 is 8, and 7 times 8 is 56. Therefore f of 3 times 12 is of 56. 6. f of 3 times 12 is how many sevenths of 56 ? As many sevenths of 56 as % of 56 is contained times in 8 times i of 3 times 12. 3 times 12 is 36, i of 36 is 4, and 8 times 4 is 32 ; ^ of 5G is 8, and 8 is contained in 32, 4 times. Therefore f of 3 times 12 is 4 of 56. 7. | of 3 times 12 is 4 times what part of 56 ? Such a part of 56 as 56 is contained times in \ of 8 times l of 3 times 12 ; 3 times 12 is 36 ; of 36 is 4, and 8 times 4 is 32 ; \ of 32 is 8, and 56 is contained in 8, -% or \ times. Therefore | of 3 times 12 is 4 times 4, or 4, of 56. 71. 1. -f of 35 is f of how many thirds of 18 ? Expressed by signs on the blackboard thus : 4x35 = X3 x!8? Of as many thirds of 1 8 as ^ of 1 8 is contained times in 9 times i of 4 times 4 of 35 ; i of 35 is 5, and 4 times 5 is 20 ; | of 20 is 4, and 9 times 4 is 36 ; | of 18 is 6, and 6 is contained in 36, 6 times. Therefore -$ of 35 is | of 6 thirds of 18. 2. 4 of 35 is f of f of what number ? 4 of 35 is 4 of TJ of 3 times A of 9 times ?- of 4 times I J O U U 172 APPENDIX. 4 of 35 ; 4 of 35 is 5, and 4 times 5 is 20 ; of 20 is 4, and 9 times 4 is 3G ; of 30 is 6, and 3 times 6 is 18. Therefore } of 35 is $ of | of 18. 3. A of 35 is f of 6 times what part of 18 ? fx35=f x*xl8'? | of 35 is | of 6 times such a part of 18 as 18 is con- tained times in J of 9 times -I of 4 times 4 of 35. 4 * 35 is 5, and 4 times 5 is 20 ; -!- of 20 is 4, and 9 times 4 is 36 ; J of 36 is 6, and 1 8 is comaim-d in 6, 7 fi g or -^ times. Therefore $ of 35 is of 6 times ?, or , of 18. 4. A of 35 is how many ninths of f of 18 ? 4 x35 -gx g x 18? ;* of 35 is as many ninths of {j of 18 as -J of 6 times ^ of 18 is contained times in 4 times 4 f 35. 4 f 35 ^ s 5, and 4 times 5 is 20 ; J of 18 is 6, and 6 times 6 is 36 ; i of 36 is 4, and 4 is contained in 20, 5 times. There- fore 4 of 35 is of | of 18. 5. 4 of 35 is 5 times what part of f of 18 ? f*35=*xf Xl8? % of 35 is 5 times such a part of | of 18 as 6 times J of 18 is contained times in of 4 times 4 of 35. 4 ^ 35 is 5, and 4 times 5 is 20 ; 'i of 20 is 4 ; -J of 18 is 6, and 6 times 6, is 36 ; 36 is contained in 4, ^ or times. Therefore | of 35 is 5 times ^, or f, of | of 18. 6. f of f of 18 is 4 of what number ? $ of | of 18 is 4 O f 7 times \ of 5 times of 6 times ^ of 18 ; I of 18 is 6, and 6 times 6 is 36 ; l of 36 is c ; and 5 times 4 is 20 ; \ of 20 is 5, and 7 times 5 is 3&, Therefore f of | of 18 is | of 35. 7. | of f of 18 is how many sevenths of 35 ? x| x!8=: 7 x35 ? f of | of 18 is as many sevenths of 35 as 4 of 35 is contained times in 5 times ^ of 6 times \ of 18 ; \ of 18 is 6, and 6 times 6 is 36 ; ^ of 36 is 4, and 5 times 4 APPENDIX. 173 is 20 ; 4 of 35 is 5, and 5 is contained in 20, 4 times. Therefore f of | of 18 is | of 35. 8. f of f of 18 is 4 times what part of 35 ? x | x 18=A x 35? | of | of 18 is 4 times such a part of 35 as 35 is con- tained times in ] of 5 times i of 6 times j of 18. -J of 18 is 6, and 6 times 6 is 36 ; ^ of 36 is 4, and 5 times 4 is 20 ; -j of 20 is 5, and 35 is contained in 5, -/- or 4 times. Therefore f of 1 1 of 4 8 is 4 times 4, or $, of 35. 72. 1. | of 36 is A of how many times f of 42 ? Of as many times f of 42 as 2 times 4 of 42 is con- tained tinier in 9 times \ of 4 times ] of 36 ; -J f 36 is !? and 4 times 32 is 48 ; j of 48 is 12, and 9 times 12 is 108 ; 4 of 42 is 6, and 2 times 6 is 12, and 12 is con- tained in 108, 9 times. Therefore | Of 36 is | of 9 times of 42. 2. f of 36 is f of 9 times f of what number ? -| of 36 is 4 of 9 times f of 7 times of of 9 times | of 4 times \ of 36 ; -J- of 36 is 12, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; \ of 48 is 12, and 9 times 12 is 108 ; lot* 108 is 12, ^ of 12 is 6, and 7 times 6 is 42. Therefore | of 36 is | of 9 times $ of 42. 3. f of 36 is f of 9 times how many sevenths of 42 ? | of 36 is ^ of 9 times as many sevenths of 42 as 4 of 42 is contained times in -J of 9 times | of 4 times J- of 36 ; \ of 36 is 12, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; | of 48 is 12, 9 times 12 is 108 ; 1 of 108 is 12 ; 4 of 42 is 6, and 6 is con- tained in 12, 2 times. Therefore - of 36 is 4 of 9 times f of 42. 4. | of 36 is | of 9 times 2 times what part of 42 ? | of 36 is | of 9 times 2 times such a part of 42 as 42 is contained times in \ of \ of 9 times | of 4 times | of 36 ; \ of 36 is 12, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; \ of 48 is 12, and 9 times 12 is 108 ; of 108 is 12, and -A of 12 is 6 ; 42 is 174 APPENDIX. contained in 6, {\ 2 or I times. Therefore -j of 36 is of 9 tunes 2 times ,1, or r, of 42. 5. f of 36 is how many ninths of 9 times f of 42 ? J of 3G is :is many ttint/ts of 9 times -ij of 42, ns -I of 9 times 2 times j of 42 is contained times in 4 times -* of 36 ; * of 36 is 12, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; -\ of 42 is 6, and 2 times r> is 12 ; 9 times 12 is 108, and ^ of 108 is 12 ; 12 is contained in 48, 4 times. Therefore J of 30 is $ of 9 times of 42. 6. | of 36 is 4 times what part of 9 times f of 42 ? >j of 36 is 4 times such a part of 9 times ~ of 42, as 9 times 2 times 1 of 42 is contained times in | of 4 times .', of 30 ; J of 36 is J2, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; : J of 48 is 12 ; 4 of 42 is 6, 2 times (> is 12, and 9 times 12 is 108; 108 is contained in 12, / r\ or .', times. Therefore -3 of 36 is 4 times, J or , of 9 times -5j of 42. 7. | of 9 times f of 42 is -J- of what number ? 4 of 9 times ~ of 42 is -jj of 3 times | of 4 times J rf 9 times 2 times ,} of 42. 4 of 42 is 6, 2 times 6 is 12, and <) times 12 is 108 ; ^ of 108 is 12, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; ] of 48 is 12, and 3 times 12 is 36. Therefore of 9 times of 42 is :j of 36. 8. A of 9 times f of 42 is how many thirds of 36 ? 4 of 9 times f of 42 is as many thirds of 36, as { of 36 is contained times in 4 times J of 9 times 2 times ^ of 42; * of 42 is 6, 2 times 6 is 12, and 9 times 12 is 108 ; l of 108 is 12, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; | of 36 is 12, and 12 is contained in 48, 4 times. Therefore | of 9 times f of 42 is -J of 36. 9. f of 9 times f of 42 is 4 times what part of 36 ? ^ of 9 times i of 42 is 4 times such part of 36 as 36 is contained times in | of 4 times ^ of 9 times 2 times 4 of 42 ; 4 of 42 is 6, 2 times 6 is 12, and 9 times 12 is 108 ; l of 108 is 12, and 4 times 12 is 48 ; \ of 48 is 12, and 36 is contained in 12, || or ^ times. Therefore ^ of 9 times of 42 is 4 times, ^ or |, of 36. INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 175 MULTIPLICATION TABLE. Once 1 2 3 4 5 Twice are 2 are 4 are 6 are A 8 are 10 are 12 Jptimes are 3 are 6 are 9 are 12 are 15 are 18 ^tinies are 4 are 8 are 12 are . 16 are 20 are 24 5 times are 5 are 10 are 15 are 20 are 25 are 30 6 times are 6 are 12 are 18 are 24 are 30 are 36 7 times are 7 are 14 are 21 are 23 are 35 are 42 8 times are 8 are 16 are 24 are 32 are 40 are 48 9 times are 9 are 18 are 27 are 36 are 45 are 54 10 times are 10 are 20 are 2-f are 30 are 40 are 50 are 60 11 times are 11 are 33 "are 3lT are 44 are 55 are 66 12 times are 1-2 are 24 are 48 are 60 are 72 Once 7 8 9 10 11 12 Twice are 14 are 16 are 18 are 20 are 22 are 24 3 times are 21 are 24 are 27 are 30 are 33 are 36 4 times are 28 are 32 are 36 are 40 are 44 are 48 5 times are 35 are 40 are 48 are 45 are 50 are 55 are CO 6 times are 42 are 54 are 60 are 66 are 72 7 times are 49 are 5o are 63 are 70 are 77 are 84 8 times are 56 are 64 are 72 are 80 are 88 are i)6 9 times are 63 are 72 are 81 are 90 are 99 are 108 10 times are 70 are 80 are 90 are 100 are 110 are 120 11 times are 77 are 88 are 99 are 110 ai-e 121 are 132 .1:3 times are 84 are 96 are 108 are 120 are 132 are 144 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 times are 13 are 26 are 39 are 52 are 66 are 78 14 times are 14 are 28 are 42 are 56 are 70 are 84 15 times are 15 are 30 are 45 are 60 are 75 are 90 16 times are 16 are 32 are 48 are 64 are 80 are 96 17 times are 17 are 34 are 51 are 68 are 85 are 102 18 times are 16 are 36 are 54 are 72 are 90 are 108 19 times are 19 are 38 are 57 are 76 are 95 are 114 20 times are 20 are 40 \ are 60 are 80 are 100 are 12J 21 times are 21 are 42 i are 63 are 84 are 105 are Iv'J 22 times arc 22 are 44 are 66 are 88 are 110 are 132 23 times are 23 are 46 are 69 are 92 are 115 are 138 24 times are 24 ! are 48 are 72 are 96 1 are 120 are 144 25 times are 25 , are 50 , are 75 j are 100 j are 125 , are 150 176 INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. 7 8 10 11 12 13 times are 91 are 104 are 117 are 130 are 143 are 156 14 times are 98 are 112 are 126 are 140 are 154 are 168 15 times are 105 are 120 are 135 are 150 are 165 are 180 16 times are 112 are 12d are 144 are 160 are 176 are 192 17 times are 119 are 136 are 153 are 17J are 187 are 204 18 times are 126 are 144 are 162 are 180 are 198 are 216 19 times are 133 are 152 are 171 are 190 are 209 are 228 20 times are 140 are 160 are 180 are 200 are 220 are 240 21 times are 147 are 168 are 189 are 210 are 231 are 252 22 times are 154 are 176 are 198 are 220 are 242 are 264 23 times are 161 are 184 are 207 are 230 are 253 are 276 24 times are 168 are 192 are 216 are 240 are 264 are 288 25 times are 17o are 200 are 225 are 250 are 275 are 300 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 times are 169 are 182 are 195 are 208 are 22J are 234 14 times are 182 are 196 are 210 are 224 aie 238 are 252 15 times are 195 are 210 are 225 are 240 are 255 are 270 16 times are 208 are 224 are 240 are 256 are 272 are 288 17 times are 221 are 238 are 255 are 272 are 289 are 306 18 times are 234 are 252 are 270 are 288 are 306 are 324 19 times are 247 are 266 are 285 are 304 are 323 are 342 20 times are 260 are 280 are 300 are 320 are 340 are 360 21 times are 273 are 294 are 315 are 336 are 357 are 378 22 times are 286 are 308 are 330 are 352 are 374 are 396 23 times are 299 are 322 are 345 are 368 are 391 are 414 24 times are 312 are 336 are 360 are 384 are 408 are 432 25 tunes are 325 are 350 are 375 are 400 are 425 are 450 19 20 21 22 23 24 13 times are 247 are 260 are 273 are 286 are 299 are 312 14 times are 266 are 280 are 294 are 308 are 322 are 336 15 times are 285 are 30) are 315 are 330 are 345 are 360 16 tunes are 304 are 320 are 336 are 352 are 368 are 384 17 times are 323 are 340 are 357 are 374 are 391 are 408 18 times are 342 are 360 are 378 are 396 are 414 are 432 19 times are 361 are 380 are 399 are 418 are 437 are 456 20 times are 380 are 400 are 420 are 440 are 460 are 480 21 times are 399 are 420 are 441 are 462 are 483 are 504 22 times are 418 are 440 are 462 are 484 are 506 are 528 23 times are 437 are 4 are 483 are 506 are 529 are 552 24 times are 456 are 480 are 504 are 528 are 552 are 576 25 times are 475 are 500 are 525 are 550 are 575 are 600 / ^. r- -HX: ? > h * l! rn n- fs li O P 3 -H o m IJ dba 8- " n n *> o H m Q. > "n < <^ J^ w rr^ L L C " CO 773 /s J M m c ^ 0. YA 04354 * 102, RSI THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY The. ^mrritan (!;bucationaf .Series. ROBINSON PROGRESSIVE COURSE OF MATHEMATICS This S ' complete and scientific Sta1 any CO .. First, to should be sufficient which the mere ao, All the im; rporateil into the vpcnse has been spare- with un improvements of a j This . - series. 1 i err- J to the laiL> cfusage\f\. \ the use l\\jM In n i : In/!-///, logical* ^nd r - In ;:-.'-.u, origina In adaptation to : all our j Schools. In unity of plan, an Blakeman, Taylor & Co., EDUCATI ') V A L PUBLISH EK ~ , 133 & 140 GRAND ST., N: 135 STATE ST., CHICAGO.