M.^, ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT OP ALL THE WESLEYAN METHODIST MINISTERS AND PREACHERS ON TRIAL. ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT OF ALL THE WESLEYAN METHODIST fllMnfsters anb preachers on IN CONNEXION WITH THE BRITISH AND IRISH CONFERENCES; SHOWING THE CIRCUITS AND STATIONS TO WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN APPOINTED FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THEIR ITINERANCY TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1896; ALSO A LIST OF THE PEESIDENTS OP THE CONFERENCE FROM 1791 TO 1896 ; AND AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MINISTERS WHO HAVE DIED IN THE WORK ; TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF MINISTERS IN CONNEXION WITH THE FRENCH, THE AUSTRALASIAN, THE SOUTH AFRICAN, AND THE WEST INDIAN CONFERENCES, WHO ENTERED THE MINISTRY PREVIOUS TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THESE AFFILIATED CONFERENCES. EIGHTEENTH EDITION CORRECTED AND REVISED TO DATE BY DAVID J. WALLER, D.D. WESLEYAN METHODIST BOOK ROOM, 2, CASTLE STREET, CITY ROAD, E.G.; AND 66, PATERNOSTER ROW, B.C. 1896. fff- Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylessbury. PKEFACE. THE Eiyhteenth Edition of the " Alphabetical Arrangement " which is now presented brings down the appointments of the Conference to 1896. In the preface to the last Edition there was an account of the previous Editions. The first list was prepared by John Pawson, the third president after the death of Wesley. Mr. Pawson was elected president in 1793, and in 1795 he published, in a 12mo book of twenty-four pages, " A Chronological Catalogue of all the Travelling Preachers in the Methodist Connexion ; with an Address by Dr. Coke." Since the publication of the last Edition Mr. George Stampe, of Grimsby, has sent, for my perusal, from his remarkable collection of Methodist antiquities, a copy of this rare document. It is an alpha- betical list of the itinerant preachers, with the date when each Avas called into the work; and in this list of ancient worthies there are many historic names. The document is so very rare that it ought to be reproduced in a permanent form, and, the necessary consent having been obtained, it is reprinted below. It cannot fail to be read with considerable interest. To make the history complete the substance of the preface to the last Edition is here repeated : In 1813 William Myles published his "Chronological History of the People called Methodists." This valuable book contains a com- plete list of the chapels. The "Rounds," as the circuits were then called, extended over immense tracts of country, so the chapels are arranged in the oreler of the several counties. The total VI PREFACE. number in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands was 1,574, of which 145 were in Ireland, 26 in Scotland, and 23 in the Isle of Man. The "First Race of Methodist Preachers," as he calls them, takes in the period from 1739, when the itinerancy began, to 1765. The list includes 220 names. The "Second Race of Preachers" includes 470 who entered the itinerant ranks from 1766 to 1790. The name of Francis Asbury is the second on this list, but those Preachers who had been "raised up" in the United States of America are not included. The " Third Race " includes the names of 866 Preachers who were called out to supply the wants of the Connexion in twenty-one years, from 1791 to 1812. Mr. Myles observes that " their being so often absent from their families, together with their incessant labours, occasioned many of them to desist from travelling." The volume concludes with an account of Kingswood School, and the names of all the masters. The Rev. William Hill published, in 1819, his first " Alphabetical Arrangement of the Wesleyan Methodist Preachers in Great Britain, and in the Distant Parts of the Globe, with a View of all the Circuits and Stations from the Commencement of their itinerancy." It was printed in Bradford by T. Inkersley, and the profits were to be given to the " Kingswood and Woodhouse Grove Schools." There were then 765 names of preachers in the itinerant work. At the end is a separate list of the Supernumeraries, the number being fifty-three. The majority of the Preachers stayed only one year in their circuits ; but in some instances the term was extended to two, and in special cases to three years. The original purpose was evidently to show where each Minister 1 had been stationed, rather than the length of time he had remained in each circuit. The Second Edition was published in 1824. The work was com- menced in the first instance, Mr. Hill says, with a sincere design to gratify his brethren the Preachers, and that, to serve them more extensively, he has transferred the copyright to the Book Com- mittee. In this Edition the list of Supernumeraries disappears, and in its place is given the record of 432 " Ministers who had died PREFACE. Vll in the work." It may be mentioned in this connexion that the death roll now contains 3,013 names, of which 187 have been added since the publication of the last Edition. Mr. Hill published five editions of his " Alphabetical Arrangement " ; the fifth appeared in 1841. His name has thus become so associated with the work that it was then known, and it has continued to be known, as " Hill's Arrangement." The work of revision was then undertaken by the Rev. John P. Haswell. The Sixth Edition, which was the first Mr. Haswell edited, appeared in 1847, and the Tenth in 1866. The work was next undertaken by the Rev. Marmaduke C. Osborn, who conducted four Editions through the press. The respon- sibility of the last four Editions has been with the present Editor. Great care has been taken to guard against inaccuracy or omission ; but in a work in which there are so many figures and so much detail it is nearly impossible to discover every error. I shall be glad to be informed of mistakes or omissions, so that they may be corrected in the next Edition. DAVID J. WALLER, Editor, LONDON, December, 1896. Chronological Catalogue, OF ALL THE TRAVELLING PREACHERS, NOW IN THE METHODIST CONNEXION, S r JOHN PA fTS O 2f, F. D. M. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED AN ADDRESS TO THE PREACHERS, BT THOMAS COKE, L.L.D. tl 'The Lord gave the word, great was the company of thofe who QubTifhed it." PSALM Ixviii. LIVERPOOL, PRINTED BY J. M*CREERY '795- AN ADDRESS TO THE PREACHERS, &c. THE committee for the regulation of our literary affairs, appointed by the laft London Confe- rence, were of opinion, that a volume containing the whole of the minutes of our conferences, from the firfl meeting to the laft, would be very acceptable to the Preachers and People. When they delivered in their general report to the Conference, and this particular was mentioned, univerfal approbation was manifefted. But nothing of the kind has yet been printed. I therefore beg leave to prefent to the preachers and members of our fociery, this little tract ; for to fuch only it will be entertaining and profitable. For we love each other : and every thing which tends to bring to our remembrance the faithful labours of thofe [ 4 ] thofe men, who have been made by divine grace a blefling to us, has at the fame time a tendency toin- creafe our mutual love. The following Chronological Catalogue will, I truft, be attended with various ufes. Firft, It will be exceedingly helpful for the delegates of the dif- tri&s to draw up the rough plan for the Stations of the preachers. Secondly, It will be equally fo for the whole Conference, in enabling them to correct and complete that plan. Thirdly, As I before intimated, it will ferve to keep up the remembrance and affec- tion of the people towards their beloved paftors. An account is given of the fupernumerary and fuperannuated preachers, which will ferve as a direc- tion in the management of the preacher's fund. For the fame reafbn, the names of fome deceafed preachers are preferved, for the fake of their widows. They are arranged alphabetically, and proper inter- vals allowed at the end of each letter, in order that the purchafers may from year to year infert all the new preachers that (hall be received upon trial. By this means, this little treatife may ferve as a complete direc- tory for a great many years to come, in refpecl: of the objects it has in view. For the fame purpofe it is printed on letter-paper, which will indeed advance the price, as will alfo the new tax upon paper, the advance in piintrng, carriage, Sec. However, my very [ 5 ] very refpe&ed freind Mr. Pawfon, who drew up this Chronological Catalogue, advifes, that if any pecuniary advantage be drawn from the fale of this tradr., it may be added to the fubfcription for the foreign miflions among the heathen : and I have en- gaged facredly to apply it for that purpofe. In fhort, I truft this little publication may prove a mite thrown into the facred treafury, to in- creafe the love of preachers and people towards each other. O why fhould we divide ! Have we not enemies enow without being enemies to each other? Let us meet in love. Let us lie at each other's feet, fenfible of the honour which the Lord has conferred upon us, by ufmg us as principal inftru- ments in the great revival which he has begun, and carried on upon the earth. To him be afcribed the glory ! O brethren, (hall our bright candle be extinguished, and leave a noifome fmell behind it ? Shall we fet dif- tric"lagainftdiftrit,circuitagainfr.circuit,focietyagain{t fociety, hufbands againft their wives, children againft their parents, and be the authors of innumerable other evils, which would neceflarily follow a divifton? God forbid! Come then, let us join our hands and hearts together in the great caufe of the converfion of a world. Let us agree to difagree in every immaterial circumftance, [ 6 ] circumftancc, and lend our whole ftrength to bring immortal fouls to our adorable Redeemer. Then fliall we be the people whom he will delight to honour. He will dwell in us and among us ; he will make us terrible like an army with banners; and jointly with his people who ferve him zealoufly under other denominations, and perhaps more extenfively than them all, will make us chief inftruments in haftening and completing his univerfal reign. Even fo, Lord Jefus, Amen. T. COKE, Liverpool, $Qth March. Chronological Catalogue, ASHMAN, William Allen, John Allam, Me Duncan Atmore, Charles Armftrong, Guftavus Algar, Jofeph Armftrong, Jofeph Atkins, John Armftrong, Francis Anderfon, Jofeph Alexander, James Afhall, John 1765 1766 1775 1781 1782 1782 I7 ^l 1786 1787 1794 1794 1794 [ 8 1 B Brown, Ifaac . . ! ?6o Bardefley, Samuel *7 68 Benfon, Jofeph I?? 1 Boon, Charles I?? 1 Broadhent, John . . *77 2 Bradford, Jofeph '773 Bradburn, Samuel . *774 Brittle, Jeremiah 1774 Beanland, John . *775 Blair, Andrew - l?7 8 Brown, Jonathan *77 8 Barbor, Thomas . . *779 Booth, John Button, George Bogie, James - 7 a Bolts, Samuel Brown, George Bartholomew, Thomas Barber, John '7J3 Butterneld, William . 7J4 Bland, Charles . 'S Blagbourne, William . 1 1*S Broadbent, Thomas Baldwin, George Bramwell, William Barret, John Bates, Samuel Baradough, David Beaumont, John . 1 79 Braithwaite, John Burgefs, Jofeph J7g BoyTe, John ^ Bowes, Jofeph J/9^ Balliau, Francis J79^ Barker, Jonathan 793 'Brownhill, John J 794 9 ] Carlill, Thomas . . 1762 Cofterdine, Robert . . ! 7^3 Collins, William . . 1767 Crook, John . 1775 Coke, Thomas Coufcns, Jonathan Cole, Jofeph Cricket, John Clarke, Adam Crofby, John Cundy, Richard Crowther, Timothy Crowther, Jonathan Crofs, Jofeph Cox, William Cooper, Thomas Crofs, John Crowther, Robert Caley, Patrick Clarke, John Crofcier, Robert Cook, John Crabb, James 1776 1780 1780 1782 1782 1783 1785 1785. 1787 1789 1789 1789 1789 '793 '793- '793 '794 '794 Dixon, Thoinas Dufton, William Davis, Thomas Day, Simon D 1769 '773 1779 1780 Donald, Me James . . Dinnon, John . . i?82 Emperingham, Robert . . Evans, James . . Edmondfon, Jonathan . Entwiftle, Jofeph Ellis, Richard Emmet, Michael Ellis, James 1787 1790 1791 '793 Furz, John Fifh, William Furnefs, John Farland, John Fearnley, Thomas Furnace, John Filzhenry, John 1758 178$ 1788 1790 1790 J794 Greenwood, Parfon Goodwin, John Gibbon, George Griffiths Walter 1763 1768 1781 1784 Gaulter, John Gill, Thomas Gordon, David Grace, John Gates, Samuel Graham, Daniel Gibbons, Edward Graves, Thomas Graham, Charles Graham, John Grant, John Gower, Richard Green, Robert Gloyne, Charles 1785 1786 1786 1786 1787 1788 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1792 '793 '793 Hopper, Chriftopher Hanby, Thomas Harrifon, Launcelot Hunter, William Harper, Jofeph Horner. William Howard, Robert H '749 1754 1706 1767 1767 1770 ^774 C 14 ] Hall, James , 1776 Hodgfon, Samuel . ^780 Hopkins, Robert . . 1780 Holder, George . . 1782 Hunter, William v . 1785 Heath, William .* , 1786 Highfield, George . 1786 Harrifon, Robert . . 1787 Hewitt, Thomas . , 1787 Hick ling, John . . 1788 Hamilton, William . . 1788 Hamilton, Andrew . . 1788 Hatton, Thomas . . 1789 Harrifon, Thomas . . 1790 Hartley, John . . 1792 Hartley, James . . 1792 Harrifon, William . . 1793 Hudfon, John . . 2793 Hicks, William . . 1794 Howarth, William . . 1794 Hutchinfon, Arthur . . 1794 Hamilton, John . . 1794 Hemmings, Thomas . 1794 s Johnfon, Thomas . . 1752 Jackfon, Edward . . 1777 Jackfon, Daniel . . 1778 Johnfon, Robert . 1783 Jerom, Jofeph . . 1783 Joyce, Matthias . . 1784 ["ones, Thomas . . 1785 Johnfon, William . . 1787 Irwin, James . . 1789 Jenkins, William . . 1789 jay, James . . 1791 Ingham, Thomas . . 1793 Ifham, Thomas . . 1794 King, John Kane, Lawrence Kyte, Charles Kilham, Alexander Key, Duncan Ken, Thomas Kelk, Thomas Kerfhaw, John Kerfey, Me John Kyte, Jofeph Kirkpatrick, Cleland Kee, Me James Keown, Me James i6 K 1783 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1789 1792 1792 '793 '794 Leech, John Longley, Thomas Leffey, Theophilus Lowe, George Legget, Benjamin Lomas, Robert Lilley, Ifaac Lawton, James Ledbrook, Leonard Lyons, James '773 1780 1786 1788 1788 1789 1790 '793 793 Murlin, John Mather, Alexander Mafon, John Mowatt, George Moon, John Mill, Peter Myles, William Mitchel, Samuel M '754 B 1764 1770 J 774 '774 1778 1779 Moore, Henry . *779 Milner, John . 1781 Mofeley, Abraham . 1786 Moorhead, Samuel . 1786 Marfhall, Michael . 1787 Melcomfon, John . 1787 Moor, Alexander . 1788 Mullen, Me James . 1788 Miller, Robert . 1788 Martmdale, Miles . 1789 Mahy, William . 1791 Mahy, Henry . 1791 Martin,. William . 1792 Marfdcn, George . 1793 Mort, James . 1793 Moulton, William . 1794 Mayor, Andrew . 1794 Montgomery, Archibald . 1794 N Nelfon, John . . 1789 Newton, Booth . . 1790 o Ogylvie, John . . 1782 Pavvfon, John . . 1762 Peacock, John . . 1767 Pritchard, John . . 1 77 1 Percival, William . . 1770 Pefcod, John . . 1 7?6 Parkin, Jonathan . . 1782 Palmer, William . . 17 84 Patterlon, Thomas . . 1780 Pipe, John . . Penman, James . . Phillips, John . . Patron, William . . 1 7 94 Parfon, Thomas . . *794 Pearfon, William . . 1794 Peaifon, William, junior . . Queteville, John . . Quigg, Me James . 1789 Roberts, Robert Rankin, Thomas Rhodes, Benjamin Rodda, Richard Ruther-ford, Thomas Rogers, James Robinfon, Jafper Rennick, James Rydell, James Roberts, Thomas Reynolds, John Reeee, Richard Rogerfon, Thomas Ryle, John Robinfon, Thomas Ramfhaw, John Robins, Jofeph Ruflell, Francis '759 1762 1766 1770 1772 '774 ! 774 1785 1786 1786 1787 178^ 1789 1790 1789 1792 J 794 [ 21 ] S Shaw, John . . 1762 Story, George . . 1763 Shadford, George . . 1768 Swan. Robert . . 1770 Snowden, George . . 1772 Saunderfon, Jofeph . *775 Saunders, William . . 1777 Suter, Alexander . . *779 Stmpfon, William . . *779 Smith, John . . 1785 Stevens, William . . 1786 Stamp, John . 1787 Sandoe, John . . 1 7$7 Seed, Richard . 1788 Stephenfon, William . . 1788 Stephenfon, John . . 1788 Stuart, Matthew . . 1788 Smith, Robert . . 1788 Sutcliffe, Jofeph . . 1788 Sanderfon, William . . 1788 Saundeis, Henry . . '789 Sargeant, George . . J 79 Simeonite, Thomas . . 1790 Sykcs, George . . *79O Shelmerdine, William . . 1790 Saunderfon, John . . 1790 Simpfon, John . . *79O Stephens, John . . ^792 Scholefield, James . . J 793 Shaw, Edward . . J 793 Sirnmonds, Caleb . . *794 Stanton, Thomas . . ! 794 Seckerfon, Anthony . J794 Stuart, John , . J 794 T Thompfon, William . 1757 Taylor, Thomas . . 1761 Thompfon, Jofeph . 1763 Tennant, Thomas . J 77 Thorn, William . . 1774 Taylor, Jofeph 1777 Tatterfliall, Thomas . . 1781 Thorn, James . . 1782 Thorfby, William 1786 Townfend, John . 1786 Tufcott, Francis 178.7 Taylor, Henry J 7^8 TunneyclifF, Clwrles . 1788 Trethewey, Thomas ; 1 19 Taylor, Samuel 17 9 Thorfby, Francis . . 170,1 Towler, Edward . . '794 Timperley, William . . '794 Thompfon, Richard . . *794 Turner, Edward . . 1794 Vafey, Thomas . . 1775 W Wittam, John . 1767 Watkins, Chriftopher . . 1768 Wrigley, Francis . . 1769 Wadfworth, George . . 1770 Watfon, James . . '77 Wood, James . . *773 Watkinfon, Richard . . 1776 Warrick, Thomas . 1778 Well, William Wood, Thomas Willis, Mark WiHbn, William Wittfhirc, John Wade, John Weft, Francis Waddy, Richard Yewdall, Zechariah Yates, Thomas 1779 LIST OF THE PBESIDENTS OF THE CONFEBENCE, SINCE THE DEATH OF THE REV. JOHN WESLEY, M. A. Conference. Manchester London Leeds Bristol - Manchester London Leeds - Bristol - Manchester London Leeds - Bristol - Manchester London Sheffield Leeds - Liverpool Bristol - Manchester London Sheffield Leeds - Liverpool Bristol - Manchester London Sheffield Leeds - Bristol - Year. 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797- 1798- 1799- 1800- 1801 1802 - 1803- 1804- 1805- 1806 - 1807- 1808- 1809- 1810- 1811 - 1812 - 1813- 1814- 1815 - 1816- 1817- 1818 - 1819 - Name. WILLIAM THOMPSON - ALEXANDEK MATHER - JOHN PAWSON THOMAS HANBY - JOSEPH BRADFORD THOMAS TAYLOR - - - THOMAS COKE, LL.D. JOSEPH BENSON - SAMUEL BRADBURN JAMES WOOD JOHN PAWSON, 2nd time JOSEPH TAYLOR - JOSEPH BRADFORD, 2nd time HENRY MOORE THOMAS COKE, LL.D., 2nd time ADAM CLARKE, M.A. - JOHN BARBER JAMES WOOD, 2nd time THOMAS TAYLOR, 2nd time JOSEPH BENSON, 2nd time CHARLES ATMORE JOSEPH ENTWISLE WALTER GRIFFITH ADAM CLARKE, LL.D., 2nd time JOHN BARBER, 2nd time EICHARD REECE - JOHN GAULTER JONATHAN EDMONDSON JONATHAN CROWTHER - Circuit. - Wakefield -Hull - Liverpool - Leeds - Bristol - Oldham - Hull - Manchester - London - Birstall - Burslem - Plymouth Dock - Birmingham - London . Sheffield - Bristol . Wakefield - London Hull Bristol . Rochester London, City-road Bristol Manchester Rochester Birmingham Burslem C XXXIV PBESIDENTS OF THE CONFERENCE. Conference. Year. Name. Liverpool - 1820 - JABEZ BUNTING, A.M. Manchester - 1821 - GEORGE MARSDBN London - 1822 - ADAM CLARKE, LL.D., 3rd time Sheffield - 1823 HENRY MOORE, 2nd time Leeds - - 1824 - ROBERT NEWTON - Bristol - 1825 - JOSEPH BNTWISLE, 2nd time Liverpool - 1826 - RICHARD WATSON Manchester - 1827 - JOHN STEPHENS - London - 1828 - JABEZ BUNTING, A.M., 2nd time Sheffield - 1829 - JAMES TOWNLEY, D.D. Leeds - - 1830 - GEORGE MORLEY - Bristol - - 1831 - GEORGE MARSDEN, 2nd time - Liverpool - 1832 - ROBERT NEWTON, 2nd time - Manchester - 1833 - RICHARD TREPFRY London - 1834 - JOSEPH TAYLOR - Sheffield - 1835 - RICHARD REECE, 2nd time Birmingham 1836 - JABEZ BUNTING, D.D.. 3rd time Leeds - - 1837 - EDMUND GRINDROD Bristol - - 1838 - THOMAS JACKSON Liverpool - 1839 - THEOPHILUS LESSEY - Newcastle - 1840 - ROBERT NEWTON, 3rd time - Manchester - 1841 - JAMES DIXON, D.D. London - 1842 - JOHN HANNAH, D.D.- Sheffield - 1843 - JOHN SCOTT .... Birmingham 1844 - JABEZ BUNTING, D.D., 1th time Leeds - - 1845 - JACOB STANLEY - Bristol - 1846 - WILLIAM ATHERTON - Liverpool - 1847 - SAMUEL JACKSON - Hull - - 1848 - ROBERT NEWTON, D.D., ith time Manchester - 1849 - THOMAS JACKSON, 2nd time - London - 1850 JOHN BEECHAM, D.D. - Newcastle - 1851 - JOHN HANNAH, D.D., 2nd time Sheffield - 1852 - JOHN SCOTT, 2nd time - Bradford - 1853 JOHN LOMAS Birmingham 1854 - JOHN FARRAR Leeds - - 1855 - ISAAC KEELING - Bristol - 1856 - ROBERT YOUNG Liverpool - 1857 - FRANCIS A. WEST - Hull - - 1858 - JOHN BOWERS Manchester - 1859 - SAMUEL D. WADDY Circuit. - London, City-road - Leeds - Salford - London, City -road - Salford - Birmingham - London, City-road - London, City-road - Manchester, Irmell-street - London - Deptf ord - London, Great Queen-st. - Manchester, Gh-osvenor-st. - Bristol, Lang ton-street - London, City-road - London, Spitalfields - London - London, City-road - London - London, Hinde-street - Leeds, Oxford-place - Manchester, Grosvenor-st. - Didsbury - London, City-road - London - London, Southn-ark - London, Hinde-street - London, Islington - Stockport, Tiviot-dale - Richmond - London - Didsbury - London - Manchester, 0,rford-road - Richmond - London, Islington - London, City -road - London, Hackney - Didsbury - Sheffield PRESIDENTS OE THE CONFERENCE. XXXV Conference. London Newcastle - Camborne - Sheffield Bradford Birmingham Leeds - Bristol - Liverpool Hull - Burslem Manchester - London Newcastle - Camborne - Sheffield Nottingham - Bristol - Bradford Birmingham London Liverpool Leeds Hull - Burslem Newcastle - London Manchester - Camborne - Year. I860- 1861 - 1862- 1863 1864- 1865. 1866. 1867 1868- 1869- 1870 1871 1872. 1873 1874. 1875 1876 1877 1878. 1879 1880 1881 1882. 1883. 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 Sheffield - 1889 Bristol - 1890 Nottingham. 1891 Bradford - 1892 . Cardiff - 1893 Birmingham 1894 Plymouth - 1895 Liverpool - 1896 - Name. WILLIAM W. STAMP JOHN EATTENBURY CHARLES PREST - GEORGE OSBORN, D.D. - WILLIAM L. THORNTON, M.A. WILLIAM SHAW (A) WILLIAM ARTHUR, M.A. JOHN BEDFORD - SAMUEL EOMILLY HALL FREDERICK J. JOBSON, D.D. - JOHN FARRAR, 2nd time JOHN H. JAMES, D.D. - LUKE H. WISEMAN, M.A. GEORGE T. PERKS, M.A. W. MORLEY PUNSHON, LL.D. GERVISE SMITH, D.D. - ALEXANDER M'AULAY - WILLIAM BURT POPE, D.D.- JAMES H. EIGG, D.D. - BENJAMIN GREGORY, D.D. - EBENEZER E. JENKINS, M.A. GEORGE OSBORN, D.D., 2nd time CHARLES GARRETT THOMAS M'CULLAGH - FREDERIC GREEVES, D. D. - EICHARD EGBERTS EGBERT N. YOUNG, D.D. JOHN WALTON, M.A. - JOSEPH BUSH CHARLES H. KELLY WILLIAM F. MOULTON, M.A.,D.D. T. BOWMAN STEPHENSON, D.D, LL.D. - JAMES H. EIGG, D.D., 2nd time HENRY J. POPE, D.D. - WALFORD GREEN . - - - DAVID J. WALLER, D.D. MARSHALL EANDLES, D.D. - Circuit. London, Hinde-street London, Baysmater London London London London, Chelsea London Manchester Manchester, Irnell-street London Headingley London, Islington London London London London London Didsbury London London London Eichmond Liverpool Liverpool,"; Wesley Bromley London, Lambeth Handsworth London, Mostyn-road Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick London Cambridge > London London Manchester London London Didsbury ABBEEVIATIONS. Ag. TV,. Assistant Tutor. Aust Australia. JBaha. . . . Bahamas. Bav Bavaria. Br. Gu. . . . British Guiana. Br. Hon. . . . British Honduras. Cey Ceylon. C.I. orlC. Ind. . . Continental India. Clas. TV,. . . . Classical Tutor. Com Commenced the Itinerancy. Conn. Evan. . . Connexional Evangelist. Dis. Evan. . . . District Evangelist. Dig. Mis. . . . District Missionary. E. East. Edu. Dept. . . Educational Department. Edu. Inst. . . . Educational Institution. Eng English. F.I. .... Friendly Islands. Gen. Mis. . . . General Missionary. Ger. .... Germany. Gov. # Chap, of Col. . Governor and Chaplain of the College. Gov. fy Chap, of Soli. . Governor and Chaplain of the School. H.B Hudson's Bay Territory. Home Mis. Sec. . . Secretary of Home Mission Committee. Hon. Mis. Sec. . . Honorary Missionary Secretary. Hunts. . . . Huntingdonshire. I. of M. . . . Isle of Man. I.ofW.. . . Isle of Wight. Jam Jamaica. Mis. Com. . . . Under the direction of the Missionary Committee. Mis. Sec. . . . Missionary Secretary. Man Monmouthshire. IT. . North. Pres. As. . . . President's Assistant. S. South. 8. A South Africa. Sea. Mis. . . . Seamen's Mission. Sec. Chap. Com. . Secretary of Chapel Committee. Sec. Edu. Com. . . Secretary of Education Committee. Sec. Ext. Meth. Com. Secretary of Extension of Methodism Committee. Sec. Metr. Chap. Com. Secretary of Metropolitan Chapel Building Committee. Sec. S. Sch. U. . . Secretary of Connexional Sunday-school Union. Sec. Temp. Com. . Secretary of Temperance Committee. Sup Supernumerary. Theo. Tu. . . . Theological Tutor. Tr. In. . . Training Institution. W. W. A. or W. Afr. . Western Africa. W. I. or W Wiirt. Zet. West. Inds. . West Indies. Wiirttemberg. Zetland. AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT OP THE WESLEYAN METHODIST MINISTERS AND PREACHERS ON TRIAL IN GREAT BRITAIN AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. ABEYESEKERA, JNO. H. 1868 Wellewatte,ay. 1 1878 New Providence,rf0. 3 1881 Demerara, Trinity, British Guiana 4 1885 Port of Spain, do. 4 1889 New Barnet 3 1892 Midsomer-Norton 3 1895 Rugby ADAMS, HERBERT H. 1884 Institution 1 1885 Supply 1 1886 Ramsey, Hunts. 2 1888 Market Harboro' 2 1890 Jersey, Eng. 3 1893 Basingstoke 3 1896 Penzance ADCOCK, E. WEIGHT. 1884 Free Town, First, W. Africa 1 1885 Fouricarriah, Lim- bah Mission, do. 1 1886 Holsworthy ' 2 1888 Oldbury ' 2 1890 Willenhall 2 1892 Folkestone 3 1895 Watford, &c. ADCOCK, GEOEGE. 1872 Institution 1 1873 Gambia Mission, W. Africa 6 1879 Devonport 3 1882 Birmingham, Smethwick 3 1885 Portsmouth, Wesley 3 1888 Birstal 3 1891 Glasgow, St. Tlwmaifis 3 1894 London, Stoke Newington 3 ADCOCK, SAMUEL. 1869 Supply 1 1870 Wimborne 1871 Winchester MINISTERS, ETC., IN GEEAT BRITAIN 1872 Wigton, &c. 3 1875 Hexham 3 1878 Alnwick 2 1880 Wolsingham 3 1883 Crook 3 1886 Durham 3 1889 Dunstable 3 1892 Faversham 3 1895 Kirkoswald ADDO, JAS. P. 1896 Accra, W. A. ADLAED, J. CART- WRIGHT. Institution. 1894 Supply 2 1896 Nottingham Tennyson-st. AHAMPARAM, PAUL. 1 880 Kattavelly, Ceylon 5 1885 Amirthagelly, do. 1 1886 Trincomalee,N.,<0. 2 1888 Manchantuduvy,d0.1 1889 Porativue, do. 3 1892 Manchantuduvy,do.l 1893 Kaluthavelly, do. 2 1895 Eraur, do. AINSWOETH, P. C. Institution. 1896 Supply AINSWOETH, WALTEE. 1878 Institution 1 1879 Williton 3 1882 Bridport 1 1883 Newton- Abbot 1 1884 Lincoln, Hig fi-st. 2 1886 New Barnet 3 1889 Sunderland, Fawcett-gt. 3 1892 Kingston 3 1895 Sheffield, Ebenezer AINSWOETH, WM. 1863 Glasgow, John-gt. 2 1865 Brighton 1 1866 London, Sea. Mis. 3 1869 Morley 1 1870 Manningtree 2 1872 Ipswich 2 1874 Pontypool 3 1877 Northampton 3 1880 Buxton 3 1883 Southampton 3 1886 Batley 3 1889 Lincoln, High-st. 3 1892 Boston 3 1895 MarketHarborough, Svp. ALDINGTON, J. AETHTTE. 1876 Canterbury 2 1878 Deal 2 1880 Sittingbourne 1 1881 Madeley 3 1884 Redditch 1 1885 Stroud, &c. 3 1888 Llanelly 3 1891 Ashford 3 1894 Cinderford 3 ALDRED, JOHN. 1867 Institution 1 1868 Knighton 1 1869 Barrowford, &c. 3 1872 Derby, King-gtreet 3 1875 Whitchurch,SaZitish-tn.c 1875 London, Highbury 2 1878 Bradford, fiVeewAi^ 3 1841 Returning to Eng. ] 1842 London, City-rd. 1 1843 London, Mis. Com. 3 1864 Montego-Bay, do. 1 1865 Clarendon, do. 3 1868 Duncan's, do. 2 1881 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1884 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1887 London, Stoke 1846 Boulogne, France 1 1847 Paris, do. 2 1849 London, Hinde-st. ] 1870 Spanish-Town, do. 1 1871 Wallacestone 1 1872 Alderney, Eng. 2 Newington 3 1850 London, <9. Qn.-st. 1 1874 Wainfleet 1 1890 Scarborough 3 1893 Scarborough,^. 1851 London, Mis. See. 17 1868 Belfast, Principal of Meth. Col. 3 1875 Dawley 3 1878 Dorchester 1 1879 Dumfries 3 ARMSTRONG, JOS. H. 1871 London, Hon. Miss, 1882 Edinburgh, Sup. 1 Institution. Sec. 17 1883 Falmouth 3 1890 Supply 1 1891 Bolton, Bridrje-st. 2 1888 London, Clapham, Sup. 5 1886 Cowbridge 3 1889 Ca.rdiB,Loudoun-sq. 1893 Nelson 3 1893 London, Mis. Com., Sup. 2 1896 Blackburn do. 1891 Gloucester, Sup. 1 ARMSTRONG, JOS. W. (President in 1866.) 1892 Birmingham, 7" * * -1 4- * Aston Pk., do. 2 institution. 1892 Supply 1 1893 Withernsea 3 1896 Walls ARUMEINAYAGAM, A. 1894 Madras West, Chulai, C. Ind. 2 1894 Birmingham, Bel- mont-row, do. 2 1896 St. Helen's, &c., do. ARNOLD, SAMUEL. 1896 Tiruvallur, do. ATKINSON, HENRY J. 1878 Institution 1 1877 Supply 1 1879 Rungpore, C. Ind. 4 ASEERVATHAM, 1878 Bungay 3 1883 Weston-sup.-Mare 1 RAYANA. 1881 Clitheroe 1 1884 Sittingbourne 3 1884 Uppidamangalam, 1882 Alnwick 2 1887 Mansfield 3 Central India 1 1884 Ketley Bank 2 1890 York, Wesley 3 L885 Aruvakurchi, do. 1 1886 Rotherham 1 1893 Great Yarmouth 3 1886 Trichinopoly, 1887 Shepton-Mallet 1 1896 Loughborough Cantonment, do. 3 1888 Stokesley 1 1889 Melnattam, do. 2 1889 Middleham 3 ARROWSMITH, THOS. .891 Manargudi, do. 1 1892 Pickering 3 1877 Thornley 1 1892 Peria Darapuram, 1895 Selby 1878 Institution do. 3 1880 Institution 1 1895 Negapatam, do. ATKINSON, SAM., M.A. 1881 Supply 1 1850 Institution 1 1882 Ulverston 2 1884 Cockermouth 3 ASHBY, DAVID. 851 Lancaster 2 1853 Wrcxham 3 1887 Peterborough 3 Institution. 856 Merthyr-Tydvil 2 1890 Sunderland, 890 Supply 1 858 Dumfries 2 Fawoett-st. 3 891 Reeth 2 860 Brampton 3 1893 Carlisle 3 893 Crook 3 863 Kendal 3 1896 Penrith 896 Hebden Bridge 866 Castle- Donington 3 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1869 Newport, I. of W. 3 AYETON, THOMAS. 1876 Armadale 2 1872 Abingdon 3 1862 Institution 1 1878 Greenock 3 1875 Winchester 8 1863 Leeds, Wesley 2 1881 Wigan 3 1878 Peterborough 3 1865 Bramley 3 1884 Hey wood 3 1881 Worksop 3 1884 Great Bentley 3 1868 StockpOTt,HiUqate 3 1871 St. Just 2 1887 Bishop Auckland 3 1890 Wath-upon-Dearne 3 1887 Tredegar 3 1873 Ormskirk 3 1893 Nantwich 3 1890 Portland 3 1876 North Shields 3 1896 Shotley Bridge, &c 1893 Portland, Sup. 1879 Carlisle 2 ATTWATEE, HAEEY G. 1881 Ramsey, I. of Man 3 1884 Todmorden 3 BAIDEN, JOHN B. 1892 Anamabu, Institution. 1887 Barton-on-Humber 1 W. Africa 1 1889 Supply 1 1888 Wellingborough 3 1893 Aburi, do. 3 1890 Chertsey 2 1891 Oswestry 3 1896 Ashanti Mission, do. 1892 Onndle 2 1894 Spilsby 1 1894 Downham Market 3 1895 Brigg BAILEY, JOSEPH. ATUNDAOLTJ, BABE, HENRY. 1857 Oundle 2 1859 Coningsby 2 HEZEKIAH. 1878 Institution 1 1861 Birmingham, 1892 Supply, W.A. 1 1879 Carnarvon, &c. 3 Belmont-roro 3 1893 Ijebu, do. 1 1882 More ton Hampstd 2 1864 Stockton 2 1894 Ogbomosho, do. 1884 Dartmouth 3 1866 Lynn 2 AUSTIN, G. BEESLEY. 1887 Bridgend 3 1890 Tenbv 3 1868 Hinckley 3 1871 Stourport 3 1881 Institution 2 1893 Oldham. Wesley 3 1874 Madeley, Salop 3 1883 Supply 1 1896 Tenby 1877 Bilston 3 1884 Manchester, Oxford-road 3 1887 Bromley 3 BACK, CHARLES J. 1873 Middlesborough 3 1880 Pontypool 3 1883 Wellingborough 3 1886 Epworth 1 1890 Stratford 3 1876 Congleton 1 1887 Stourbridge 3 1893 Croydon 3 1877 Dunstable 2 1890 Peterborough 3 1896 Birkenhead 1879 Manchester, 1893 Ramsay. I. of Man 3 Oldham-street 3 1896 Hols worthy AUSTIN, THOMAS. 1882 Manchester, 1866 Institution 1 1867 Stockton 2 1869 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 Longsigkt 3 1885 Cardiff, Wesley 1 1886 Redruth 3 1 QQQ Tloal 3 BAILEY, THOMAS H. 1876 St. Bartholomew's, West Indies 3 1872 Redditch 3 1875 Whitby 3 1878 Darlington 2 loO7 JJcdl O 1892 Sheerness 3 1895 Jarrow-on-Tyne 1879 St. Kitt's, do. 4 1883 Montserrat, do. 4 1887 Bodmin 3 1880 South Shields 3 BACKHOUSE, WM., M.A. 1890 Melton Mowbray 3 1883 Boston 3 1886 Luton, Chapel-st. 3 1889 Lynn 3 1874 Market Harboro' 1 1875 Institution 1893 Derby, King-street 3 1896 Boston 1892 Hartlepool 3 1895 Gateshead-on- Tyne, Bensham-rd. 1877 Institution 1 1878 Saddleworth 2 1880 Halifax, St. John's 1 1881 Peterhead 2 BAILY, JOSEPH H. 1876 Institution 1 1877 Grantham 2 1883 Middleham 3 1879 Lincoln 2 AYRE, GEORGE J., B.A. 1886 Ulverston 3 1881 Retford 3 1879 Institution 1 1889 Radcliffe 3 1884 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1880 Supply 1 1892 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1887 Sheffield, Ebenezer 3 1881 She&eld,Nrfolk-st.l 1895 Leigh, Lane. 1890 Barnsley 3 1882 Ripley 2 1893 Keighley 3 1884 Dorchester 1 BACON, JOSEPH. 1896 Bradford, Gt. Hrtn. 1885 Peel, I. of Man 1 1866 Chipping-Norton 2 1386 Deal 3 1868 Swindon 2 BAINBEIDGE, GEO. HY. 1889 Wellingborough 3 1870 North-Mavin, &c., Institution. 1892 Douglas, I. of M. 3 Zetland r : 1895 Supply 1 1895 Scarborough 1873 Dumbarton 3 1896 Attleborough AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. BAINE, THOMAS. BAKEE, WOODTHOEPE. 1878 Manchester, 1860 Demerara, George- town,J3r. Guiana 3 1863 Anna Regina, do. 1 1864 Victoria, do. 1865 Mahaica, do. 1 1866 Demerara, George- town, do. 1867 Berbice, do. 2 1869 St. Vincent, W.L 1 1870 St. Neots 1881 Institution 1. 1882 Supply 2 1884 Reading 3 1887 Edinburgh 1889 Houghton-le-Spring3 1892 Sunderland, ^ Bans-street 1 1893 Sunderland, j St. John's } 1895 Wednesbury Irwell-street 1 1879 Birmingham, Islington, Sup. 2 1881 Waterloo, do. 2 1883 Blackheath, do. 8 1891 London, Brixton- hill, do. 1 1892 London, Mostyn- road, do. BALL, WILLIAM. 1873 Birstall 3 1876 Horncastle 3 BALCH, ALFRED E., B.A. 1878 Moreton-Hampstd. 1 1879 Wednesbury, 188S Institution 1 1879 Marazion 2 Springhead 3 1889 Ashford 1 1881 St. Austell 2 1882 South Shields 3 1890 Maidstone 2 1883 Hertford, &c. 1 1885 St. Helens 3 1892 Whitstable 1884 Helston 2 1888 Chorley 1 1894 Sevenoaks 3 1886 Newlyn East 3 1889 Tunstall 3 1889 St. Mawes 3 1892 North wich 3 BALCH, FEEDEEICK. 1892 Looe 1 1895 Withernsea 1 Institution. 1893 Liskeard, Sup. 1 1896 Cadishead 1896 Supply 1894 Brynmawr 3 BAKEE, JOHN (B), M.A. BALCH, SAMUEL F. 1863 Kingston 2 BALLS, HENEY. 1875 Kirkoswald 3 1865 Marazion 1 1844 Holt 2 1878 Carlisle 2 1866 Tavistock 2 1846 Lowestoft 1 1880 Arbroath 3 1868 Plymouth 3 1847 Bungay 2 1883 Durham 3 1871 London, Wood-Gr. 2 1849 Airdrie 1 1886 Manchester, 1873 Liskeard 2 1850 Ilkeston 1 Regent-road 3 1875 Sherborne 2 1851 Walsall 3 1889 Bolton, Park-st. 3 1877 Christchurch, &c. 2 1854 Dudley 3 1892 Edinburgh, Nicolson-sq. 3 1879 Guisborough, &c. 2 1881 Airdrie 2 1857 North-Shields 3 1860 Longton 3 1895 Southport, 1883 Kirkoswald 1 1863 Pontefract 3 Mornington-road BAKEE, WALTER T. 1876 Tortola, W. Indies 1 1877 St. Kitt's, do. 1 1884 Mildenhall 2 1886 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1887 Clapham, Sup. 1 1888 Finsbury-Park,wp.l 1889 Ipswich 3 1892 Sherburn, Yorks. 3 1866 Wakefield 3 1869 Bradford, Eastlrlt. 3 1872 Haslingden 3 1875 Mansfield 3 1878 Ripley 3 1881 Wednesbury, 1878 Dominica, do. 1 1879 Cockermouth, &c. 3 1895 Easingwold 1 1896 Portessie Springhead 3 1884 Redditch 2 1882 Ulverston 3 1886 Madeley 3 1885 Selby 3 BALL, J. LANCASTEE. 1889 Bournemouth, Sup. 1888 Tadcaster 3 1891 Northampton, Queen 1 g-road 3 1894 Bacup 3 1847 Monmouth 1 1848 Hereford 2 1850 Diss 1 BAMBEOUGH, ET. E. 1869 Supply 1 1851 Malton 1 1870 St. Neots 3 1852 Stroud 2 1873 Swindon 3 BAKEE, WILLIAM J. 1854 Uttoxeter 1 1876 Chester-le-Street 3 1874 South-Petherton 3 1855 Macclesfield 3 1879 Lynn 3 1877 Taunton, &c. 2 1858 Louth 3 1882 Newark 3 1879 Ledbury 3 1861 Seacombe 3 1885 Barnsley 1 1882 Swindon 3 1864 Bolton, Bridge-it. 3 1886 Wellington, Som. 3 1885 Airdrie 3 1867 Derby 3 1889 Petersfield 1 1888 Keighley 3 1870 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1890 Banwell 3 1891 Highgate 3 1873 Torquay 2 1893 Haverfordwest 3 1894 Preston, >Lune-st. 3 1875 Leamington 3 1896 St. Just 8 MINISTEES, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN BAMFORD, JOHN M. 1857 Holy head 3 1860 Seacombe 3 1863 Bradford, Eastbrk. 3 1866 Dewsbury 3 1869 Burnley 3 1872 Seacombe, Sup. 2 1874 Rhyl & Llandudno 3 1877 Wrexham 3 1880 Frodsham 3 1883 Chester 3 1886 Llandudno, Sup. 1 1887 Colwyn Bay, 6V- * 1891 Seacombe, do. 3 1894 Ulverston, do. BANK AM. EDWAED S. 1866 Institution 1 1867 Launceston 1868 North-Hill 1870 Woolwich 1 1871 Portsmouth 3 1874 Plymouth, Men. 3 1877 ~Bristol,Langton-st. 3 1880 Birmingham, Belmont-row 3 1883 Hanley 3 1886 London, Bow 3 1889 London, Canning Town 3 1892 Barnsley 3 1895 Workington BANHAM. JOSIAH. 1862 Richmond 3 1865 London, Stoke Newington 3 1868 Scarborough 3 1871 Altrincham 3 1874 Manchester, ClieetJiam Hill 3 1877 London, Srxtn.-hl. 3 1880 London, Westmxtr. 3 1883 Bristol, King-st. 3 1886 Bristol, Portland 3 1889 London,Saygwater3 1892 Highgate 3 1895 London, Great Queen-st. BANKS, HENRY. 1840 Institution 2 1842 Hastings 1 1843 Tenterden 2 1845 Thetford 3 1848 Leighton-Buzzard 3 1851 Kettering 3 1854 Chatteris 3 1857 Sleaford 3 1860 Howden 3 1863 St. Neots 2 1865 Barton-on-Humber3 1868 Gainsborough 3 1871 Grimsby, Caistor and Laoeby 3 1874 Stroud 3 1877 North wich 3 1880 Wednesbury, Springhead 3 1883 Liskeard 3 1886 Bradford, 2 Manningliam, Sup. 1888 Wednesbury, do. 1 1889 Liskeard, do. BANES, J. DINSDALE. 1883 Institution 2 1885 Dunster 3 1888 St. Ives and Hunt- ingdon 1 1889 Kettering 3 1892 Kington 3 1895 Birmingham, Aston-park BANKS, JOHN SHAW. 1856 Bangalore, C. 2nd. 1 1857 Mysore, do. 4 1861 Bangalore, do. 1 1862 Shemoga, do. 1 1863 Ootacamnnd, do. 1 1864 Shemoga, do. 1 1865 Plymouth 3 1868 Dewsbury 3 1871 London, fiayswater 2 1873 Manchester, Oxford-road 3 1876 Manchester, Radnor-street 3 1879 Glasgow, John-st. 1 1880 Headingley, Theo. Tutor BANKS, THOS. HARDY, B.A. 1883 Institution 2 1885 Headingley,^*. Tu. 2 1887 Porthleven 3 1890 Cambridge 3 1893 Baling and Acton 3 1896 Bolton, Park-st. BANNEEJI, A. T. 1885 Barrackpur,<7.//i^. 1 1886 Bankura, do. 6 1892 Raniganj, do. BARBER, ALFRED. 1859 Lowestoft 2 1861 Swaffham 1 1862 Higham-Ferrera 1 1863 Newport, 1. of W. 1 1864 St. Agnes 3 1867 Brixham, &c. 3 1870 Williton 3 1873 St. Ives, Cornwall 3 1876 Ilkeston 3 1879 Woodville, &c. 3 1882 Holbeach 1 1883 Shrewsbury 3 1886 Otley 3 1889 Easingwold 3 1892 Filey 3 1895 Dunstable 1 1896 Leighton Buzzard BARBER, CHARLES W. Institution. 1889 Supply 2 1891 Shotley-Bridge, &c.2 1893 London, Canning Town 3 1896 London Mis., East BARBER, FREDERICK. 1860 Hammersmith 1 1861 Daventry 1 1862 Aylesbury 1 1863 St. Mawes 1 1864 Bodmin 2 1866 Helston 3 1869 Ashburton 1 1870 Poole ? 9 1871 Swanage 5 1872 Leith 3 1875 Gainsborough 3 1878 Whitchurch 3 1881 Preston, Wesley 3 1884 Darlington 1 1885 St. Just 3 1888 Gwennap 1 1889 Salisbury 2 1891 Caistor & Laceby 2 1893 Portland 2 1895 Diss BARBER, WILLIAM. 1852 Mi*. Com. 1 1853 Jaffna, &c., Ceylon, Educ. Dept. 6 1859 Wjnberg, S.Africa 3 1862 Swellendam, do. 3 1865 Stellenbosch, do. 6 1871 Brynmawr 2 1873 Edinburgh 2 1875 Redditch 3 1878 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1881 Newtown 3 1884 Gainsborough 3 1887 Blackburn,.amYm3 1890 Barnoldswick 1 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 9 1891 North-west Essex Mission 1 1892 North-west Essex Mission, Sup. 2 1894 St. Leonards, do. 1 1895 Hastings, do, BAEBEE, WM. T. A., M.A., B.D. 1882 Richmond, As. Tu. 2 1884 Wuchang, China, Educ. Dept. 9 1893 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1896 London, Mis. Sec. BAEKELL, WM. J. J. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Supply 1 1885 Marlborough 1 1886 Ashford 2 1888 Boulogne, Eng. 3 1891 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1894 Crewe 3 BARKER, BENJAMIN C. 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 2 1884 Mildenhall 1 1885 Bungay 3 1888 Midsomer-Norton 3 1891 Ilkeston 3 1894 Blackburn, \ Darwen >- 3 1896 Darwen BAEKEE G.HEATHCOTE. 1875 Institution 1 1876 Douglas, I. of M. 1 1877 Wrexham 2 1879 Mold 1 1880 Newport-Pagnell 1 1881 Wigan 3 1884 Clitheroe 3 1887 Bilston 3 1890 Ealing and Acton 3 1893 Grimsby } 1894 Grimsby, Pun-V 3 combe-st. 1896 Sunderland, St. John's BAELEY, ALEX. F. 1867 Manargudi, C.Ind. 2 1869 Negapatam, do. 3 1872 Manargudi, do. 1 1873 Negapatam, do. 9 1882 Returning Home 1 1883 Mis. Com. 1 1884 Deal 1 1885 London, 6ft. Queen-st.,Sup. 2 1887 Falmouth 3 1890 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1893 Leeds, Woodhouse Moor 3 1896 Cardiff, Wesley BAELEY, A. LEPPING- TON. 1871 St. Kitt's, W. Inds. 1 1872 Antigua, First, do. 1 1873 Antigua, Second,do.\ 1874 St. Kitt's, do. ' 1 1875 St. Eustatius, do. 1 1876 Barrowford I 1877 Nelson } 1879 Sunderland, Sans-street 3 1882 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1885 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1888 Hanley 3 1891 Walsall, Centenary 3 1894 Colne 3 BAELEY, DAVIDX 1844 Institution 1 1845 St. Vincent, Kings- town, W. Indies 3 1848 Demerara, George- town, Br. Guiana 1 1849 Tobago, W. Indies 1 1850 Uxbridge 1 1851 Newport, I. of W. 1 1852 Tobago, W. Indies 3 1855 Demerara, George- town, Br. Gu. 6 1861 St. Vincent, Kings- town, W. Indies 2 1863 St. Kitt's, do. 2 1865 Exeter ' 3 1868 Bradford, Gt.Hrtn. 3 1871 H\ill,Gcorge-yd. 3 1874 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1877 Sunderland, Sans-street 3 1880 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1883 Birmingham, Wes. 3 1886 Longton 3 1889 Pembroke 2 1891 Birmingham, Islington, Sup. BAELEY, HY. A. H. Institution. 1896 Supply BARLOW, GEOEGE. 1860 Airdrie 2 1862 Aberdeen 2 1864 Dundee 2 1866 Peel, I. of Man 3 1869 Hartlepo'ol 3 1872 Bacup 3 1875 Dudley 3 1878 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 1881 Darlington 3 1884 Hexham 3 1887 Sheffield, Eben. 3 1890 Kendal 3 1893 Newark 3 1896 Northampton, Gold-street BAELOW, JOHN. Institution. 1894 Supply 1 1895 Ulverston BAENES, J. ANT., B.A. Institution. 1887Headingley,X. Tu.B 1890 Longton 3 1893 Lancaster 3 1896 Cambridge BAENES, EOBEET A. 1877 Kattavelly, Ceylon 1 1878 Karrunkoddativu, do. 3 1881 Kalaar, do. 5 1886 Karrunkoddativu, do. 7 1893 Karrunkoddative, do., Sup. 2 1895 Batticaloa, do., do. BAENES, THOMAS D. 1882 Institution 1 1883 Malta Garrison 2 1885 Cairo, Egypt 2 1887 London, Mis. Com. 2 1889 London, Westminster 3 1892 Sheffield, Norfolk- 1895 Hull, Gt. Thornton- street. BAENES, WILLIAM, 1868 Institution 1 1869 Callington 3 1872 Sheffield, Thornclf. 2 1874 Ripon 3 1877 Thirsk 3 1880 Pickering 3 1883 St. Neots 3 1886 Hyde 3 1889 Bedale 3 1892 Kirby-Moorside 2 1894 Barnoldswick 2 1896 Morecambc, Sup, 10 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GEEAT BBITJLDT BABNLEY, GEOBGE. 1875 Middleham 3 BAEEETT, ALFBED. 1839 Hinckley 1 1878 Morley 3 Institution. 1840 Moose &ctj.,H.S. 8 1848 Teignmouth 3 1851 Plymouth 2 1881 Pontefract 3 1884 Castleford 3 1887 Chesterfield 3 1894 Supply 2 1896 Hull Mission, Old Town. 1853 Lynn 3 1890 Biggleswade 3 1856 Grantham 3 1893 Doncaster, BABBITT, BOBEET N. 1859 Dunstable 3 Oxford-place 3 1859 Portland 1 1862 Biggleswade 3 1896 Tamworth, &c. 1860 Knaresborough 2 1865 Yarmouth 3 1862 Aberdeen 1 1868 Swansea 2 BARRACLOUGH, 1863 Banff 1 1870 Middlesborough 2 ALFBED, 1864 Leith 2 1872 Gateshead 3 Institution. 1866 Longton 2 1875 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1892 Supply 2 1868 Workington 3 1878 Keighley 3 1894 Portessie 1 1871 Penzance 3 1881 Dundee, Ward-rd. 3 1895 Bury St. Edmund's 1874 Grantham 3 1884 Ambleside 2 1877 Crewe 2 1886 Leicester, BARRACLOUGH, HY. 1879 Louth 3 Bishop-st., Sup. 4 1879 Institution 1 1882 Horncastle 3 1890 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1880 Supply 1 1885 Rotherham 3 do. 1 1881 Sleaford 1 1888 Sheffield, Norfolk- 1891 Leicester,.Si^0p-*. 1882 Kent, Dig. Mis. 1 street 3 do. 1883 Margate 2 1891 Bolton, Farn-\ BABNS, JOHN. Institution. 1887 Supply ) o 1888 Helston ( 1885 Bristol, Di*. Mis. 2 1887 Whitehurch 3 1890 Chesterfield 3 1893 Perth Mission 3 worth j- 3 1893 Farnworth 1894 Manchester, Oldham-road 3 1890 St. Columb 2 1896 Grimsby BARRON. THOMAS. 1892 Redruth 3 1895 Weston-super-Mare BABBATT, BOBEBT C. 1856 Poole 2 1878 Institution 1 1879 Wolsingham 3 1882 Weardale 2 BABON, THOMAS. 1858 South Petherton 2 1884 Blyth 3 1875 Diss 2 1877 Brynmawr 3 1860 St. Agnes 2 1862 Falmouth 3 1887 Newport & Cowes 3 1890 Fareham 3 1880 Chepstow 2 1865 St. Ives 3 1893 Louth 3 1882 Bourne 3 1868 St. AusteH 3 1896 Market Rasen 1885 Reeth 3 1871 Taunton, &c. 3 1888 Peterhead 1 1874 Sevenoaks 3 BAREOWCLOUGH, 1889 Kirby-Moorside 3 1877 Doncaster 3 JOHN A., B.D. 1892 Clitheroe 3 1880 Leek 3 1864 St. Helen's, &c. 3 1895 Peel 1883 Camborne 3 1867 Spalding 3 BABE, D. WILLIAM. 1886 Ipswich 3 1889 Crewe 3 1870 Halifax, Wesley 3 1873 Sowerby-Bridge 3 1881 Institution 1 1892 Cheadle 3 1876 Manchester, 1882 Supply 2 1884 Tunbridge Wells 2 1895 Uttoxeter Oldham-street 3 1879 Manchester, 1886 Camelford 2 BAEBATT, THOS. HUGH, Longsight ' 3 1888 Hunstanton 3 B.A. , 1882 Bedford, St. Mary's 1 1891 Wanstead & Wood- Institution. \ 1883 Louth 3 ford 3 1894 Supply 2 1886 Swansea 3 1894 Lynn 3 1896 Kendall 1889 Aberdeen 1892 Gateshead, High BABE, THOMAS. BAEEATT, WILLIAM 0. West-street 3 1869 Woodhouse-Grove, Institution. 1895 Lynn Asst.-Master 1 1890 Stuttgart & Cann- ") 1870 Worthing 1 statt / BAEBOWCLOUGH, 1871 Burton-on-Trent 1 1894 Canstatt & Stutt- f WILLIAM. 1872 Castle-Donington 1 gart, Tutor Theol. \ 1852 Institution 1 1873 Louth 2 Student's Deyt. J 1853 Leigh, Lane. 2 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 11 1855 Hornsea 1857 Airdrie 1859 Banff 1862 Epworth 1865 Bishop- Auckland 3 1868 Boston 1871 Crewe 1874 Glasgow, Cathcart-road 1876 Wednesbury, Wes. 1 1877 Dawley 1878 Carnarvon, Sup. 1880 Cross Hills, do. 1882 Portessie 1885 Dumbarton 1888 Stirling 1891 Berwick-on-Tweed 3 1894 Cowbridge BARTLEY, JOHN (B). 1878 Institution 1879 Evesham 1880 Bury St. Edmunds 1 1881 St. Columb 1882 Marlborough 1884 Chertsey 1885 London, Kensngtn. 3 1888 Windsor 1891 Hartlepool, &c. 1894 St. Helen's & Pres- cot BARTON, CHARLES J. 1863 Swaffham 1864 Bury St. Edmunds 1 1865 Lisburn Mines 1866 Tredegar 1867 Wellingborough 1868 Ely 1869 Wigton&Maryport3 1872 Appleby, &c. 1874 Dumfries 1875 Daventry 1878 Spalding 1879 Gravesend, Sup. 1881 Netley Hospital, do. BARTON, HENRY S. 1860 Wellingborough 1863 Colchester 1864 Verulam, S. Africa 3 1867 Edendale, do. 1871 D'Urban, do. 1873 Healdtown, do., V.P. Tr. Inst. 1877 Grahamstown, do. 3 1880 Kimberley, do. 1883 Bloemfontein. do. 1 1884 Tenby 9 1887 Pontefract 3 BATE, JOHN.* 2 1890 Carmarthen 3 1849 Supply 1 s 1893 Brynmawr 3 1850 Ely 1 3 1896 Fareham 1851 Appleby 1 8 3 3 BABTON, WILLIAM D. 1859 Barton-on-Humber2 1861 Lynn 2 1852 Okehampton 1 1853 Wellingborough 1 1854 Newport-Pagnell 1 1855 In America 5 2 1 1863 Christchurch 2 1865 Holmfirth 3 1860 Epworth 2 1862 Dunstable 2 1 2 1868 Huddersfield, Buxton-road 3 1864 Dorking 2 1866 Lewes 2 2 1871 Glasgow, 1868 Ely 3 3 3 3 Cathcart-road 3 1874 Howden 2 1876 Birmingham, 1871 Aylesbury 2 1873 Canterbury 1 1874 Lowestoft, Sup. 1 L3 3 Belmont-rcm 1 1877 Guernsey, Sup. 1 1878 Guernsey, Eng. 2 1880 Hayle 2 1875 Ketley Bank, &c. 3 1878 Ashby-Zouch 3 1881 Madeley 2 1883 St. Neots 1 1 1 1882 Salisbury 3 1885 Salisbury, Sup. 1 1884 St. Albans, Sup. 3 1887 Kilburn, do. 1 , 1 1 1886 Eomsey 3 1889 Melksham 2 1888 Bedford, St. Paul's, do. 4 2 1 1891 Melksham, Sup, 4 1895 Wiltshire Mission,. 1 1894 Eleuthera, Governor's Har- bour, do. BIRKBECZ, JOSEPH. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 South Molton 2 1892 Daventry 1 1893 Chipping-Norton 3 1896 Looe BIRTWISTLE, JOHN. Institution. 1892 Supply 1 1893 Oldbury 3 1896 Bridport BISCOMBE. ENOCH. 1870 Institution 1 1871 Demerara, George- town, \$t, Br. Gu. 4 1875 Calais, English 1 1876 Gower 1 1877 Llanelly 3 1880 Weston-sup-Mare 3 1883 Bradford- Avon I 1884 Trowbridge & \ 3 Bradford 1886 Launceston 3 1889 Alford 3 1892 Lincoln, High-st. 3 1895 Edinburgh, Nicolson-sq uare BISHOP, ALBERT. 1864 Newbury 1 1865 Shepton-Mallet 1 1866 Douglas, I. of M. 2 1868 Sunderland, Fawcett-street 2 1870 Taunton, &c. 3 1873 Frome 3 1876 Exeter 3 1879 Redhill 3 1882 Huddersfield, Buxton-road 3 1885 Newcastle-Tyne, Brunswick 3 1888 York, Centenary 3 1891 Liverpool, Brunswick 3 1894 Birmingham, Moseley-road 3 16 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GEEAT BEITAIN BISHOP, CHARLES H. BLACKALL. EDWARD. 1863 Malvern 2 1850 Jeremie, Hayti 4 1854 Cape-Haitien, do. 4 1858 Port-au-Prince, do. 4 1862 Cape-Haitien, Hayti 2 1864 Doncaster 2 1875 Institution 1 1876 Ulverston 2 1878 Barrow-in-Furness 2 1880 Sowerby-Bridge 3 1883 Preston, Lune-gt. 3 1886 Manchester, 1865 Newport, Mon. 3 1868 North-Hill 3 1871 Plymouth, Eben. 3 1874 Bristol, Kinq-st. 3 1877 Bristol, Clifton 2 1879 Bristol, Clifton, 1866 Pocklington 3 Radnor -street 3 Sup. 1 1869 Wolsingham 3 1889 Manchester, 1880 Launceston, do. 3 1872 Woodville, &c. 2 1874 Lynn 3 1877 Newport, Mon. 3 Regent-road 3 1892 Stockport, Tiviot-Dale 3 1883 Teignmouth 3 1886 Barton-on-H umber 1 1887 West Bromwich, 1880 Faversham 3 1883 Barton-on-Humber 3 1895 Stockport, Trinity Hill-top 2 1889 Belper, Sup. 4 1886 Guernsey & Sark, BLACKBURN, . PERCY. 1893 Cardiff, Penarth, French 4 Institution. do. 2 1890 Bury St. Edmunds 2 1885 Manargudi, C.I. 1 1895 Cardiff, Loudouii- 1892 Jersey, French 3 1886 Trichinopoly, gq. Miss., do. 1895 Channel Islands District 1 Cantonment, do. 3 1889 St. Neots 3 BLASDALE, HENRY J. 1896 Thetford 1892 Aylesbury 3 Institution. 1895 Manningtree 1889 Supply BISHOP, JOSEPHUS. BLACXETT, JOHN W. 1891 Bromsgrove 3 1894 Calne 1 1870 Tortola, W. Indies 1 1867 Institution 1 1895 Wiltshire Mission 1871 Nevis, do. 1 1872 St. Kitt's, do. 2 1874 Nevis, do. 1 1875 Dorchester 1 1876 Midsomer-Norton 2 1878 Petersfield 3 1868 St. Ives and Hunt. 1 1869 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1872 Todmorden 3 1875 Longton 3 1878 Derby, King-st. 3 BLEBY, HENEY M., B.A. Institution. 1895 Benares, C. Ind. 1 1896 Bankura, do. 1881 Fareham 3 1884 diristchurch, &c. 1 1885 Barnsley 3 1888 Bishop- Auckland 3 1891 Selby 3 1894 Ilkeston 3 1881 Bacup 3 1884 Haslingden 3 1887 Burnley 3 1890 Bolton, Wesley 3 1893 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 BLEBY, WM. H. F. 1876 Harbour Island, Baha,. 2 1878 Kingston, Coke, Jam., W.I. 3 1896 Chester 1881 Manchester, do., do. 6 1887 Kingston, Barbi- BISHOP, THEODORE. BLAIR-ALLEN, . can High School, 1868 Institution 1 1877 Bradford-on-Avon 1 Governor, do., do. 6 1869 Andover 2 1878 Swansea, Dig. Mis. 1 1893 Colchester 3 1871 Poole 3 1879 Institution 1896 Stratford, &c. 1874 North Walsham 1 1881 Institution 1 1875 Tenby 3 1882 Supply 1 BLOYE, G. HERBERT. 1878 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1883 Wolsingham 3 Institution. 1881 Stourbridge 3 1884 Tewkesbury 3 1887 Leeds, Armley 3 1886 Budleigh-Saltertonl 1887 Cheltenham 3 1890 Birmingham, 1894 Supply 1 1895 South Petherton 1890 Bishop- Auckland 3 Islington 3 BOBBY, FRANK H. 1893 Whitby 3 1896 West Bromwich, Wesley 1893 Birmingham, Aston-park 3 1896 Croydon 1878 Institution 1 1879 Mildenhall 1 1880 Ely 1 BLAKE, FRANKLIN J. 1881 Kilkhampton 1 BISWAS, NIPAL C. Institution. 1882 Okehampton 3 1884 Bankura, C. India 2 1894 Nassau, Baha. 1885 Hawes 3 1886 Barrackpur, Tr. In., do. 1 BLANCH, JOSEPH B. 1888 Pontypool 1 1889 Kington 3 1887 Dum Dum, do. 9 1859 Peterborough 2 1892 Kirby-Moorside 3 1896 Chitpur, do. 1861 Belper 2 1895 Coningsby AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 17 BODEN, FREDERICK. 1890 Manchester. Institution. Irioell-street 1 1884 Hankow, China 1 1885 Kwangchi, do. 1 1891 Buxton 3 1894 Lowestoft 3 1892 Visiting England 1 1893 Porthleven 3 1896 Dudley BOLTON, THOMAS (A). 1877 Institution 1 1878 Reading 2 BODY, SAMUEL. 1880Bradford,TFwwZ-AZ. 2 1882 Kendal 1 Institution. 1883 Grantham 3 1889 Supply 1 1886 Malton 3 1890 North-west Essex 1889 Hull, Great Mission 1 Thornton-street 3 1891 Walsall, Wesley 3 1892 Harrogate 3 1894 Kilkhampton 1 1895 South Shields 1895 Camborne BOND, JOHN. BOGGIS, GEORGE. 1852 Brecon 2 1866 Norwich 3 1854 Cardiff 3 1869 Sheffield, Nrfk.-st. 3 1857 Cheltenham 2 1872 Runcorn 3 1859 Witney 2 1875 Hammersmith 3 1861 Bath 3 1878 London, Peekham 3 1864 London, Stoke- 1881 Blackheath 3 Nemington 3 1884 Deptford 3 1867 Wandsworth 3 1887 London, Stoke 1870 Birmingham, Newington 3 Cherry-street 3 1 890 London, Highbury 3 1873 London, Gt.Qn.-st. 3 1893 St. Just 3 1876 London, Islington 3 1896 Watford, &c. 1879 Wandsworth 2 1881 London. Sec. Met. BOHR, STEPHAN VON. Chapel B da. Com. 5 1888 Nuremberg, Oer. 2 1890 Ulm-on-Danube,do.2 1892 Nuremberg, do.\ 1886 Sec. Met. Chapel Building Com. $' Ext. ofMeth. Com. 1893 Hof, do. f BOND, ROBERT (B). BOLDERSTON, GEORGE. Institution. 1894 Supply 2 1877 Helston 1 1896 Brighton, 1878 St. Austell 3 1881 Dartmouth 1 Dorset-gardens 1882 St. Columb 2 BOND, WILLIAM. 1884 Gwennap 3 1834 Aberdeen 1 1887 Callington 3 1835 Dunbar 3 1890 Saltash, Dis. Mis. 1 1838 Gateshead 2 1891 North-Hill 3 1840 Newark 2 1894 Bodmin 3 1842 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 2 1844 Whitby 3 BOLTON, JAMES. 1847 Bury 3 1869 Institution 1 1850 Louth 1 1870 Castletown,/. of M. 1 1851 Huddersfield, 1871 Aberdeen 3 Buxton-road 2 1874 Dunrossness, Zet. 1 1853 York 3 1875 Greenock 3 1856 Bolton, Wesley 3 1878 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1859 Burnley 2 1881 Harwich 3 1861 Derby 3 1884 Derby, King -street 3 1864 Carlisle 3 1887 Blackheath 3 1867 South-Shield 3 1870 Stockton 3 1873 Chester 3 1876 Maidstone 3 1879 Sittingbourne 3 1882 Ashford 3 1885 Dover, Sup. BONE, CHARLES. 1879 Institution 1 1880 Canton, E., China 3 1883 Canton, W., do. 1 1884 Canton, E., do. 3 1887 Canton, W., do. 1 1888 Shiukwan, do. 1 1889 Canton, W., do. 1 1890 Visiting England 1 1891 Fatshan, China 1 1892 Canton, Theo. ^j In., do. V 4 1893 Canton Miss., do.} 1896 Visiting England BONE, HENEY. 1866 Institution 1 1867 Bacup 2 1869 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 2 1871 Birstall 2 1873 Liverpool, Cranmer 3 1876 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 1879 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 1882 Manchester, Oxford-road 3 1885 York, New-street 3 1888 Manchester, Long tight 3 1891 London, Hackney 3 1894 Liverpool, Sootle 3 BONIFAZI, GIOVANNI. 1874 Italian Work 1 1875 Padua, Italy 1 1876 Asola, do. 1 1877 Reggio, do. 3 1880 Vico-Bellignano, A Wesley BOTJENE, WILLIAM C. do. 4 b.A. 1877 Supply 1 1884 Gmiind, do. 1 1885 Adelsheim, do. 2 BOULTER, JOHN. 1878 Institution 1880 Institution 1 1887 Wurzburg, do. 2 1866 Evesham 3 1881 Supply 1 1889 Cannstatt, do. 3 1869 Pontypool 3 1882 Manchester, 1892 Winnenden, do. 1872 Melton- Mowbray 3 OldJiam-street 1 1875 Crewe 3 1883 New Barnet 3 BORROWMAN, ALEX. 1878 Gloucester 3 1886 London, Highbury 3 1873 Aberdeen 3 1881 Ventnor, I. of W. 3 1889 Tunbridge Wells 3 1876 Airdrie 2 1884 Sherborne 3 1892 Ramsgate 3 1878 Arbroath&Mntrse.2 1887 Tunbridge Wells 3 1895 Lincoln, High-st. AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 19 BOWDEN, GEORGE. D.D. 1851 Barnsley 1 1852 Hornsea 1 1853 Reading 2 1855 Newcastle-Tyne 3 1858 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 3 1861 Liverpool, Pitt-st. Sup. 1 1862 Waterloo 3 1865 Manchester, 'j Oxford-road I 1867 Manchester, / ' Radnor-street } 1868 Blackheath 3 1871 London, City-road 3 1874 London, Chelsea 3 1877 Llandudno & Rhyl 3 1880 Bristol, Portland 3 1883 Clevedon 1 1884 Bristol, Clifton 1 1885 Kingswood School, Gov. 4' Chaplain 7 1892 Wilts & Somerset Mission 3 1895 Bristol, Bedminster, Sup. BOWEN, MICHAEL. 1893 Supply 1 1894 Pochefstroom, Native, S. Africa BOYNS, NICHOLAS. 1856 Holsworthy 2 1858 Bideford " 2 1860 Helston 3 1863 Teignmouth 3 1866 Devonport 3 1869 Plymouth 3 1872 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1875 Nottingham, Was. 3 1878 Scarborough 3 1881 Bradford, Green-hl.3 1884 Leamington 3 1887 Sale 3 1890 Lincoln, Wesley 3 1893 Grimsby } 1894 Grimsby, I 2 George-street J 1895 Finsbury Park, Sup. BBACKENBUBY, THOS. 1852 Institution 1 1853 London, Southwarkl 1854 Sevenoaks 2 1856 Croydon 2 1858 Yarmouth 3 1861 Nantwich 3 1864 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 1867 Liverpool, Brnswk. 3 1870 Hull, George-yard 3 1873 York, New-street 3 1876 Birmingham, Cherry-street 3 1879 London, Hackney 3 1882 London, Gt.Qn.-st.Z 1885 Portsmouth, Wes. 3 1888 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1891 Huddersfield, Queen- street. 3 1894 Runcorn 3 BBADFIELD, ALFBED. 1890 Institution 1 1891 Barrow-in-Furness 3 1894 Peel 3 BBADFIELD, WM., B.A. 1884 Institution 2 1886 Sunderland, Vawcett-street 2 1888 York, Wesley 3 1891 Leicester, Bishop- street 3 1894 Leicester, Hum- berstone-road 3 BBADLEY, CHABLES. 1861 Institution 1 1862 Manchester, Oxford-road 1 1863 Seacombe 1 1864 Newport, I. of W. 1 1865 Winchester 3 1868 Wisbech 1 1869 Castle Gary 3 1872 Ticehurst 1 1873 Haverfordwest 3 1876 Swindon 1 1877 Marlborough 3 1880 St. Ives & Hunt. 2 1882 Danby 1 1883 Buckingham 2 1885 Spalding 2 1887 Bungay 3 1890 Rye ' 1 1891 Exeter, Sup. 1 1892 Shaf tesbury and Gillingham 2 1894 London, Mostyn- road, Sup. BBADLEY, BALPH. Institution. 1885 Malta, Garriscn,$cA 1889 Tamworth and Lichfield 1 1890 Yeovil 3 1893 Caistor & Laceby 2 1895 Snaith. BRAILSFORD, ED. J. 1863 Carnarvon, &c. 1 1864 Seacombe 2 1866 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 1 1867 Bolton, ParJc-st. 3 1870 Morley 3 1873 Dewsbury 3 1876 Ilkley ' 3 1879 ~Lond.(m,Kensington2 1881 Edinburgh 3 1884 Greenock 1 1885 Blairgowrie 6 1891 Glasgow, Claremont- street 3 1894 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 BBAITHWAITE.CHAS. F. 1877 South Molton 3 1880 Barnstaple 3 1883 Sleaford 3 1886 St. Austell 3 1889 Camborne 3 1892 Leeds, Oxford-pl. 1894 Leeds, Holbeek 1895 Plymouth, King-st. BBAMFITT, THOMAS. 1874 Institution 1 1875 Wuchang, China 1 1876 Kwangchi, do. 4 1880 Hankow, do. 1 1881 Kwangchi, do. 5 1886 Visiting England 2 1888 London, Mis. Com. 1 1889 Kwangchi, China 1 1890 Hankow and -j Hanyang, do. 1895 Hankow West, f Hanyang J BBANSOM, BENJAMIN. 1876 Grenada, W. Inds. 1 1877 Barbados, Beth. do.l 1878 Tobago, do. 3 1881 St. Vincent, Georgetown, do. 1 1882 Trinidad, Port of Spain, do. 2 1884 Demerara, George- town, Br. Guiana 2 1886 St. Ives and Hunt. 3 1889 Aylesbury 3 1892 Cannock 3 1895 Coventry BBANSOM, JAMES. 1865 Manchester, (Jldham-street 2 1867 Hertford, &c. 1 20 ETC., IN GBEAT BRITAIN 1868 London, St. Qeo. 3 1866 Qower 3 BREW, ABRAHAM E 1871 London, 1869 Gwennap 3 1893 Dix Cove, W.A. Old Kent-road 3 1872 Bodmin 3 1896 Chama, do. 1874 Manchester, 1875 StColumb 3 Irwell-street 3 1878 Dartmouth, &c. 3 BREWER. JAMES C. 1877 Hull, 6ft. Thornton-si. 3 1880 Dundee, Ward-rd. 1 1881 Leamington 3 1884 Nottingham, 1881 Blackburn, Hanvood-street 3 1884 Horncastle 3 1887 Rotherham 3 1890 Beverley 3 1868 Antigua, First,W.I. 1870 St. Kitt's, do. 1871 Antigua, "2nd, do. 1873 Demerara, Golden- Gro've Br. Gu. Halifax-place 3 1887 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 2 1889 Canterbury 3 1892 Margate 3 1895 Cardiff, Canton BRASH. JOHN. 1857 Ramsey ,&c., I.ofM. 2 1859 Ormskirk 3 1862 Wigan 1 1893 Bishop Auckland 3 1896 Durham BBAY, THOMAS W. Institution. 1892 Colombo, N.,Pettah, Ceylon 2 1894 Negombo, do. 1 1895 Bodulla, do. 1876 Demerara, George- town, Second, do. 1879 Helston 1882 Wath-on-Dearne 1885 Llanelly 1888 Houghton-le-Sprino 1889 St. Ives and Huntingdon 1892 Dawley 1863 Keighley 3 BEEALY, E. STAFFORD. 1895 Darlington, 1866 Hammersmith 3 Institution. North-road 1869 Birstall 3 1891 Supply 1 1872 Manchester, 1892 Marazion 1 BBEWEE, JOHN W. CheetJiam-hill 3 1893 Sandhurst 2 1871 Institution 1875 Halifax, Wesley 2 1895 Whitstable 1872 Wuchang, China 1877 Reading 3 1878 Hankow, do. 1880 Manchester, BEENTNALL, EDWAED, 1880 Kwangchi, do. Gravel-lane 3 M.A. 1881 Hanyang, do. 1883 Bristol, Clifton 3 1879 Supply 1 1882 Visiting England 1886 Blackheath 3 1880 Institution 1883 Wuchang, China 1889 Manchester, 1882 Institution 1 1887 Ljskeard Longsight 2 1883 Cambridge, 1890 Alford 1891 Liverpool, Orove- Leys School 3 1893 Chesterfield street, Sup. 1 1886 Lincoln, High-st. 2 1896 Grantham 1 892 Liverpool Mission, 1888 Bradford, Pitt-street, do. 3 Manninghain 3 BEEWINS, WILLIAM 1895 Liverpool Mission, 1891 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1860 Pembroke Central Hall, do. Brunswick 3 1863 Chatteris BRASH, J. DENHOLM. 1894 Bristol, Redland 3 1864 Market-Rasen 1864 Northmavin, &c., Zetland 3 BRETHERTON, FRANCIS F. B.A. 1867 Worksop 1869 Sheffield, Nrfllc.-st. 1867 Aberdeen 1 Institution. 1872 Aberdeen 1868 Manchester, Irwell-gtreet 3 1891 Supply 1 1892 Blackheath 2 1873 Louth 1876 Barnsley 1871 Nottingham, Halifax-place 3 1874 Stoc\apoTt,Hillffate 3 1877 Leeds, Bramley 3 1880 Bacup 3 1883 Torquay, Wesley 3 1886 Bolton, Wesley 3 1889 Sutherland Grdns. 3 1894 St. Leonards 3 BEETT, GEORGE J. 1873 Wantage 3 1876 Reading 1 1877 Aberdare 1 1878 Neath 3 1881 Basingstoke 3 1879 St. Austell 1881 Wednesbury, Wesley 1883 West Bromwich, Hill Top 1884 Chesterfield 1887 Doncaster, Oxford-place 1892 BirminghamMis..N.3 1895 Liverpool, Great Homer-street 1884 Woking & Cobham 1 1885 Woking, Sup. 3 1888 North-west Essex 1890 Hitchin 1891 Sleaford 1894 Howden Mission 1 BEAT, RICHARD . 1889 Manningtree 3 BEIGE, ALFRED. 1862 Kilkhampton 2 1892 Easingwold 3 1868 Institution 1864 Camelford 2 1895 Ripon 1869 Ross AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 21 1870 Dursley 2 BBIGGS, W. MILBURN. 1888 North-Hill 3 1872 Tavistock 2 1871 Institution 1 1891 Brynmawr 3 1874 Helston 1 1872 Richmond, Surrey 1 1894 Workington 3 1875 Blandford, &c. 3 1878 Weymouth 3 1873 London, Kensingtn. 3 1876 Birmingham, BBIMMELL, W. L. 1881 Frome 3 Islington 3 1878 Supply 1 1884 Penzance 3 1879 Brighton 3 1879 Institution 1887 Harwich 1 1882 Nottingham, 1881 Institution 1 1888 Plymouth, Eben., Halifax-place 3 1882 Supply 1 Sup. 1 1885 Sheffield, Carver-st.3 1883 Hull, Dis. Mis. 1 1889 Swindon 3 1888 Manchester, 1884 St. Albans ) 1892 Derby, Green-hill 3 Radnor-street 3 1886 Kernel Hempstd. ) 1895 Margate 1891 Manchester, 1887 Watford 2 Oxford-road 3 1889 Ramsgate 3 BBIDGE, JABEZ. 1894 Macclesfield 3 1892 Canterbury 3 1879 Institution 1 1895 Shorncliffe Camp 1880 HarbourIsland,.B0.1 1881 N. Providence, do. 1 BRIGHOUSE, CHARLES. 1861 Institution 1 BBISCOE, FREDERICK J. 1882 Harbour Island, do. I 1883 Abaco, do. 1 1884 Jersey, Eng. 3 1887 Birmingham, Bclmont-row 3 1890 Hull, George-yd.\ 9 1891 Hull, Kingston J 1892 Freetown, W.A. 4 1896 Hull Mission, Old-town 1862 Madras, C. India 4 1866 Returning Home 1 1867 Bridgend 1 1868 Hereford 2 1870 Thirsk 3 1873 Whitby 2 1875 Bishop- Auckland 3 1878 Hebden-Bridge 3 1881 Rochdale, Union-it .3 1884 Gainsborough 3 1887 Newark 3 Institution. 1887 Johannesberg,6L4.. 1 1888 Uitkyk, do. 2 1890 Witwatersrand Gold Fields, do. 5 1895 Zoutpansberg, Good Hope, do. BBISCOMBE, WALTEB. 1861 Sheffield, Carver-st.2 1863 Grimsby BBIDIE, WILLIAM. 1890 Ventnor, I. of W. 3 1867 Ulverston 3 Institution. 1882 Fatshan, China 6 1893 Bridg water 3 1896 Crowland 1870 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1873 Rawtenstall 3 1888 Canton, W., do. 3 1876 Barrow-in-Furness 3 1891 Visiting England 2 BRIGHOUSE, THOMAS. 1879 Glasgow, Cathct-rd3 1893 Canton, 1858 Arbroath 2 1882 Manchester, TJieol. Institution 1860 Aberdeen 2 Irmell-street 1 1862 Hawes & Sedbergh 2 1883 Manchester, BBIGDEN, THOMAS E. 1864 Darlington 3 1867 Cockermouth, &c. 3 Imell-street,Sup. 1 1884 Liverpool, Cranmer 3 1878 Attleborough, &c. 1 1870 Horncastle 3 1887 Burnley 3 1879 Institution 1873 Sheffield, Norfk-st. 3 1890 Preston, Wesley 3 1881 Institution 1 1876 York, New-street 3 1893 Llandudno 3 1882 Supply 1 1879 Manchester, 1896 Reading 1883 South Molton 3 Oldham-street 3 1886 London, 1882 Bolton, BBITTEN, JOHN I. Westminster 3 1889 London, ffinde-st. 3 1892 Leamington 3 Varnworth 3 1885 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1888 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1859 Huntingdon 1 1860 Higham- Ferrers 2 1862 Stamford 1 1895 Leek 1891 J$Tadfovl,J{irkgate 3 1863 Ayr 1 BBIGGS, FREDERICK J. 1894 Glasgow, Claremont-street 3 1864 Hawes & Sedbergh 1 1865 Grimsby 3 Institution. 1868 Bacup 2 1887 Supply 1 BBIGHT, WILLIAM H. 1870 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1888 Cleckheaton 3 1881 Institution 1 1873 Llandudno 1 1891 Ledbury 2 1882 Supply 2 1874 Thirsk 3 1893 Sheffield, 1884 South Petherton 1 1877 Burslem 3 Carver- street 3 1885 Camelford 1 1880 Doncaster 3 1896 Plymouth, Ebenczer 1886 Moreton Hampstd. 2 1883 Haworth&0akwrth2 22 MDOSTEBS, ETC., TS GREAT BRITAIN 1885 Sowerby Bridge 1888 Ilkley 1891 Bradford,Z Moor 1894 Whitstable 1896 Southport, Morn- ington-road, Sup. BBITTON, JOSEPH. 1892 Institution 1893 Supply 1894 Alston BEITTON, J. WILLIS. 1871 Institution 1872 Deal J 1874 Maidstone 1875 Windsor 1 1877 Wednesbury, Springhead \ 1880 Bury J 1883 York, New-street 3 1886 Stockton 1889 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1892 New Barnet 3 1895 Clapton BBITTON, WILLIAM J. 1876 Institution 1 1877 Sherburn 3 1880 Huddersfield, Buxton-road 2 1882 Goole 2 1884 Driffield 3 1887 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1890 Ulverston 3 1893 Pontefract 3 1896 Garstang BBOAD, JOHN N. 1877 Institution 2 1879 Blackburn, Harnood-street 3 1882 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 1 1883 Manchester, Oldham- street 1 1884 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1887 Shepton-Mallet 3 1890 Dartmouth and Brixham 3 1893 Bodmin 3 1896 Looe, Sup. BROADBENT,JAS.H.,B.A. 1860 Institution 1 1861 Calcutta, C. India 8 1869 Melnattam, do. 1 1870 Chatteris 3 1873 Manchester, City-road 3 1876 Bedford, St. Paul's B 1879 Margate 3 1882 Alnwick 3 1885 South-Shields 3 1888 Pontefract 3 1891 Bury 3 1894 Saddleworth 3 BBOADHEAD, JOSEPH B. 1875 Institution 1 1876 Lucknow, C. India 1 1877 Bissenpore, do. 1 1878 Barrackpur, do. 1 1879 Bankura, do. 8 1887 Visiting England 3 1890 Dum Dum, C. Ind. 5 1895 Visiting England 1 1896 Calcutta, Eng., C. India BBOADLEY, BENJAMIN. 1857 Institution 1 1858 Colombo, Ceylon 1 1859 Bombay, C. India 1 1860 Kurrachee, do. 5 1865 Portsmouth Garr. 1 1866 London, Army-wk. 1 1867 Chatham Garrison 3 1870 Shorncliffe Camp 2 1872 Malta Garrison 4 1876 Altrincham 3 1879 Glasgow, Claremont-street 3 1882 Macclesfield 3 1885 London, Westminster 3 1888 She&elA,Norfolk-st.3 1891 Hull,Gt.Thornton- street 3 1894 Nottingham, Wesley 3 BROOKES, ARTHUR. Institution. .896 Supply BBOOKES, THOMAS. 838 Gateshead 2 840 Arbroath, &c. 1 841 Aberdeen 2 843 Dunbar 1 844 Banff 3 847 Congleton 3 850 Keighley 3 853 Selby ' 3 856 Chester 3 859 Bolton, Wesley 3 862 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 3 1865 Bath 3 1868 Scarborough 3 1871 Sunderland,is-s.3 1874 Leeds, Wesley 3 1877 Wakefield 3 1880 Accrington 3 1883 West Bromwich 1 1884 London, Lewisham, Sup. 4 1888 Hitchin, do. BBOOKES, WILLIAM. 1867 Institution 1 1868 Welshpool 1 1869 Seacombe 3 1872 Oxford 1 1873 Bridlington 2 1875 Newcastle-Lyme ) ., 1876 Audley ) 1878 Longton 3 1881 Mansfield 3 1884 Stockport, Trinity 3 1887 Warrington 3 1890 SheKeld,?-unxwk. 3 1893 Burnley 1 1894 Baling & Acton 3 BBOOKFIELD, HENBY J. 1865 Buncorn 1 1866 Mildenhall 2 1868 North- Walsham 2 1870 Market-Harboro' 1 1871 Aylesbury 1 1872 Sleaford 3 1875 Peterborough 3 1878 Crewe 1 1879 Haverfordwest 3 1882 Bradford-on-Avon 1 1883 Melksham, Sup. 1 1884 Ulverston, Sup. 1 1885 Ross 1 1886 Withernsea 3 1889 Tadcaster 3 1892 Leighton Buzzard 3 1895 High Wycombe 1 1896 Kipley BROOKS, T. GBEENEB. 1876 Middlesbrough 1 1877 Buxton 2 1879 Woolwich 2 1881 Aldershot 2 1883 Diss 3 1886 Otley 3 1889 St. Ives and Hunt. 2 1891 Hitchin 3 1894 Tunstall 2 1896 Sowerby Bridge AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 23 BROOKS, WILLIAM. BROWN, HENRY. BROWN, JOHN J. 1871 Institution 1 1863 Supply ) o 1873 Institute. & Supply 1 1872 Welshpool 2 1864 Attleborough,&c. J 1874 Pateley-Bridge 1 1874 Bishop- Auckland 1 1866 Sandhurst 1 1875 Highgate 3 1875 Bacup 2 1867 Ticehurst | 1878 ~London,Kentish-tn.Z 1877 Clitheroe 1 1869 Downham 3 1881 Manchester, Viet. 3 1878 Colne 3 1872 Bungay 2 1884 London, CJielsea 3 1881 Bolton, Wesley 3 1874 Melton-Mowbray 3 1887 Croydon 3 1884 Burnley 3 1877 Houghton-]e-Spr. 3 1890 Sheffield, Ebenezer 3 1887 Wakefield 3 1880 Durham 3 1893 Bournemouth 3 1890 Penzance 3 1883 Otley 3 1896 Birmingham, Aston- 1893 Wakefield 3 1886 Walsall, Wesley 3 park 1896 Manchester, Victoria 1889 Woodhouse Grove 3 BROOMFIELD, RICH. F. 1892 Aylesbury 1 1893 North Walsham,&c. 1 1894 Cannock 3 BROWN, J. REEVES. 1869 Institution 1 1873 Supply 1 1870 Brackley 1 187t Wath-on-Dearne 2 BROWN, JOHN (D). 1871 Market-Harboro' 2 1876 Chertsey 1 1865 Institution 1 1873 Ulverston 3 1877 Barnsley 2 1879 Chesterfield 2 1881 Market Drayton 3 1866 Trincomalee, Cey. 4 1870 Batticaloa, do. 8 1878 Jaffna, do. 3 1876 Halifax, Wesley 3 1879 Birmingham, Cherry-street 3 1884 Guisborough, &c. 1 1885 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1881 Batticaloa, do. 2 1883 Calcutta, 1882 Bath " 3 1885 Huddersfield, 1888 South Petherton 3 Taltollah, C. Ind. 2 Buxton-t oad 3 1891 Poole 3 1894 Leighton Buzzard 2 1885 Barrackpur, do. 1 1886 Calcutta, 1888 Bradford, Kirkgate 3 1891 London, Gt. Qn.-st. 3 1896 Longton Sudder-strect, do. 5 1894 'Bedford,St.Mary's 3 1891 Visiting England 1 BROWELL, ROBERT. 1892 Calcutta, Sudder- BROWN, RICHARD E., 1886 York, Dis. Mis. 3 street, C. India B.A. 1889 Bolton, Dis. Mis. 1 1890 Bolton, Park-st. 3 1893 Leeds Miss., Cent. 3 1896 Under direction of BROWN, J. DAVISON. Institution. 1895 Supply Institution. 1892 Supply 1 1893 N.-W. Essex Mis. 1 1894 Preston, Wesley 3 Leeds Mis. Coin. BROWN, J. G. WHEAT- CROFT. BROWN, ROBERT. BROWN, BRAMWELL. 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 2 1882 Institution 1 1883 Barcelona, Spain 3 1886 Madrid, do. 4 1845 Supply 1 1846 Denby-Dale 2 1848 Stamford 2 1884 Bungay 1 1890 Barcelona, do. 6 1850 Dunbar 1 1885 Wisbech 3 1888 Lincoln. Hiqh-st. 2 1890 Lincoln', Wesley 3 1893 Bolton, Park-xt. 3 1896 Bradford, Gt. Horton 1896 Bodmin BROWN, J. HOLLAND. 1866 Supply 1 1867 Hereford 1 1851 Edinburgh 1 1852 Cockermouth, &c. 3 1855 Hey wood 2 1857 Longton 3 1860 Uttoxeter 3 1868 Cambridge 3 1863 Castle- Donington 3 BROWN, G. GERMAN. 1871 Southend & Leigh 3 1866 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1879 Supply 1 1874 Ashford 3 1869 Stafford 3 1880 Institution 1877 Dunstable 3 1872 Hyde 3 1882 Institution 1 1880 Plymouth, Men. 3 1875 Ripley 3 1883 Supply 1 1883 Portsmouth, 1878 Shrewsbury 2 1884 Porthleven 3 Southsea 3 1880 Sowerby-Bridge 3 1887 St. Helens, &c. 1 1886 Mansfield 3 1883 Stroud, Suj). 5 1888 Chelmsford 3 1889 Banbury 3 1888 Birmingham, 1891 Congleton 3 1892 Blackpool 3 Islington, do. 1 1894 Ashbourne 2 1895 Guildford 1 1889 Knighton, do. 4 1896 Castle Donington 1896 Holmfirth 1893 Uttoxeter, do. 24 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN BROWN, ROBERT A. BROWN, W. BARLOW. MITCHESON. 1879 Supply 3 Institution. 1882 Aberdare 1 1884 Supply 1 1883 Brecon 8 1885 Buckingham 1 1886 Redruth 3 1886 Sherburn 2 1889 Dewsbury 3 1888 Leicester, Humber- 1892 Bolton, Wesley 3 stone-road 3 1895 Manchester, 1891 St.Helens & Prescot2 Regent-road 1893 Manchester, Oxford- road 3 BROWN, WILLIAM J. 1896 Lincoln, Wesley 1861 Halifax 1 1862 Gateshead 1 BROWN, SAMUEL (B). 1863 Castle- Donington 2 1845 St. Vincent, 1865 Malvern 1 Biabou, W. Inds. 1 1866 Stockton 3 1846 Barbados, do. 1 1869 Keighley ) 1847 Tobago, do. 1 1870 Haworth, &c. ) ' 1848 St. Vincent, 1872 Bolton, Park-st. 3 Kingstown, do. 1 1875 Sunderland, 1849 Trinidad, do. 1 Sans street 3 1850 St. Vincent, 1878 London, Peckliam 3 Kingstown, do. 1 1881 Wandsworth 3 1851 Grenada, do. 2 1884 ~London,Kensingtonl 1853 Demerara, 1885 London, Hinde-st. 3 Victoria, Br. Cki. 1 1888 Manchester, Oxford- 1854 Demerara, road 3 Georgetown, do. 1 1891 Bradford, 1855 Demerara, Manningham 3 Essequibo, do. 1 1894 London, Wesley's 1856 Demerara, Ch., City-road 3 Mahaica, do, 2 1858 Demerara, BROWN, WILLIAM T. Georgetown, do. 1 1879 Balearic Isles 9 1859 St. Vincent, 1888 London, City -road, Kingstown, W.I. 2 Sup. 2 1861 Returning Home 1 1890 Brighton, 1862 Bodmin 2 Dorset-grdns.,do. 4 1864 Gwennap 3 1894 Brighton, 1867 Redruth 3 Norfolk-road, do. 1870 Devonport 3 1873 Rotherham 3 BROWNE, BENJAMIN. 1876 Runcorn 3 1850 Tewkesbury 1 1879 Dunstable 3 1851 Gwennap 1 1882 Mold 3 1852 Marazion 2 1885 Stourport 2 1854 St. Austell 3 1887 Dudley 3 1857 Liskeard 3 1890 Kingswood 3 1860 St. Ives, Cornwall 3 1893 Kingswood, Sup. 1863 Helston 3 1866 Teignmouth, &c. 3 BROWN, WILLIAM. 1869 Ryde, /. of W. 2 1874 Banff 1 1871 Barnstaple 3 1875 Ayr 2 1874 Lond.on,So'uth'rvark3 1877Houghton-le-Spring 3 1877 Tunbridge Wells 3 1880 Malton 3 1880 Margate 3 1883 Thirsk 3 1883 Canterbury 3 1886 Chorley 3 1886 Kingston 3 1889 Holmfirth 3 1889 Romford 2 1892 Witney 3 1891 Clapton, Sup. 1 1895 Radcliffe 1892 Dewsbury, do.- 2 1894 Andover, do. 2 1896 Accrington, do. BROWNE, JOSEPH M. 1863 Colne 2 186o Bishop-Auckland 2 1867 Alston 1 1868 Hawes & Sedbergh 3 1871 Bridgend 1873 Grimsby, Caistor 3 1876 High Wycombe 3 1879 Watford, &c. 2 1881 Wath-on-Dearne 1 1882 Nuneaton, &c. 3 1885 Wareham 2 1887 Castletown,7.0/J/".3 1890 Goole 3 1893 Lydd 1 1894 Kirby Moorside 3 BROWNE, W. ARTHUR, B.A. 1883 Institution 2 1885 Deal 1 1886 Bury 3 1889 Clitheroe 3 1892 Dewsbury 2 1894 Andover 2 1896 Accrington BRUCE, ERNEST. 1888 Accra, W. Africa BRUCE, WILLIAM. Institution 1892 Lerwick, &c., Zet. 3 1895 Glasgow, St. John's BRUMWELL, HENRY T. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Gainsborough 2 1874 Tunstall 2 1876 Melksham 3 1X79 Market-Rasen 3 1882 Northwich 3 1885 Margate 3 1888 Liverpool, St. John's 3 1891 Aldershotand Farnham 3 1894 York, Centenary 3 BRUNYATE, WESLEY. 1858 London, Spitalfds. 1 1859 Leigh, Essex 1 1860 Taunton 1 1861 Stockton 1 1862 Shorncliffe Camp 1 1863 Nantwich ' 3 1866 Barton-on-Humber3 1869 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 25 1872 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1875 Accringtun 3 1878 Wakefield 3 1881 Halifax, St. John's 3 1884 London, Chelsea 3 1887 Wandsworth 3 1890 Edinburgh 2 1892 Kingswood School, Gov. $ Chaplain BEYANT, CHARLES. 1875 Spennymoor 2 1877 Reeth 1 1878 Hexham 1 1879 Gateshead, High West-street 3 1882 Colne 1 1883 Leighton Buzzard 3 1886 Ipswich 3 1889 Watford and Rickmansworth 3 1892 Deptford 3 1895 West Bromwich, Hill-top BEYANT, JAMES. 1878 Supply 1 1879 Coningsby 3 1882 PlymonibfJKwff-ft' 3 1885 Chorley 1 1886 Widnes 3 1889 London, Oakley -pi. 3 1892 South Shields 1894 Jarrow-on-Tyne 1895 Wednesbury BEYANT, EOBEET W. 1877 Bethlehem, Orange Free State, S. Afr. 2 1879 Maritzburg, do. 5 1884 Edendale, Native Tr. In., do. 1 1885 Maritzburg, do. 2 1887 Port Elizabeth, do. 3 1890 Pembroke 3 1893 Brighton, Dorset-garden* 3 189P> Baling and Acton BEYANT, T. FULLEE. 1875 Wisbech 1 1876 Marlborough 1 1877 Higham -Ferrers 2 1879 Guildford* 1880 Swindon 3 1882 St. Just 3 1885 Gower 3 1888 Ferndale 2 1890 Liskeard 3 1893 Penrith 3 1896 Alford BUCHANAN, EDGAE A. Institution. 1887 Maidstone 3 1890 Portsmouth, Wes. 3 1893 Or ewe 3 1896 Macclesfield BUDDEN, JOHN M. 1836 Andover 1 1837 Brixham 1 1838 Bodmin 1 1839 St. Columb 1 1840 Helston 1 1841 Poole, Sup. 1 1842 Gosport 1 1843 Ringwood 3 1846 Bourne 2 1848 Holt 2 1 850 Budleigh- Salterton 1 1851 Andover 1 1852 Barnard- Castle 1 1853 Ludlow 3 1856 Ledbury 2 1858 Pateley-Bridge 3 1861 Settle 2 1863 Wimborne 2 1865 Uttoxeter 3 1868 North wich 3 1871 New-Mills 3 1874 Ormskirk 2 1876 Ormskirk, Sup. 1 1877 Chester, do. 9 1886 Southport, Trinity, do. BULMEE, EBENEZEE. Institution. 1893 Supply 1 1894 Leeds, Rothwell 2 1896 Yeadon BUNNETT, AETHUE W., M.A. Institution. 1891 Supply 1 1892 Bridport 2 1894 Devon and Dorset Mission 1 1895 Croydon BUNTING, HENEY. 1863 Montego-Bay, Jam. I 1864 Spanish-Tn., do. 2 1866 Ocho-Rios, do. 2 1868 Kingston, do. 4 1872 Mt.-Fletcher, do. 1 1873 Returning Home 1 1874 Retford 3 1877 Cross Hills 2 1879 Peel, I. of Man 1 1880 Alston 3 1883 Durham 3 1886 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Ryton 3 1889 Todmorden 3 1892 Chorley 3 1895 Cleckheaton BUNTING, JAMES. 1860 Cheltenham 1 1861 Oldham 1 1862 Cromford 3 1865 Ripley 1 1866 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1869 Melton- Mo wbr ay 3 1872 Hitchin 3 1875 Burton-on-Trent 3 1878 Audley 1 1879 Nuneaton, &c. 3 1882 Maryport 3 1885 Market-Rasen 3 1888 Brigg 3 1891 Ashbourne 3 1894 Leeds, Uramley 3 BUEBEIDGE, AETHUE T., B.A. Institution. 1895 Supply 1 1896 Daventry BUEBEIDGE, CHAELES. 1858 Institution 1 1859 Stamford 3 1862 Newark 2 1864 Diss 3 1867 Kettering 1 1868 Lynn 3 1871 Hayle 3 1874 Penzance 3 1877 Bromley 3 1880 Hanley 3 1883 Dewsbury 3 1886 Boston 3 1889 Tunbridge Wells 3 1892 Leigh, Lane. 3 1895 Seacombe BUECHELL, WILLIAM. 1863 Marazion 2 1865 Camborne 2 1867 Dunstable 3 1870 Redhill 3 1873 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1876 Bury 3 1879 Manchester, Oldham-street 3 1882 Sheffield, Norfk-st. 3 1885 Bolton, Farnworth 3 1888 Bath 3 1891 Liverpool, Bootle 3 1894 York, New-street 3 * Sent by the President to Swindon. 26 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN BURDON, ROBERT. 1862 Institution 1863 N.-Providence, Ba. 1 1864 St. Vincent's, W. L 2 1866 Barbados, do. 1867 Trinidad, do. 1873 St. Ives, Cornwall 1 1874 St. Agnes 1876 Yoxford 1879 Denby-Dale 1882 Cleckheaton 1885 Widnes 1888 Pocklington 1891 Denby-Dale 1894 Cullingworth BURGESS, ABEL. 1844 Institution 1845 Higham-Ferrers 1846 Mildenhall 1847 Bury St. Edmunds 1 1848 Ely 1849 Framlingham 1850 Bourne 1851 Wainfleet 1853 Burton-on- Trent 1855 Brigg 1858 Hinckley 1861 Congleton 1864 Ashton-Lyne 1867 Barrowford, &c. 1870 Pocklington 1872 Bromsgrove 1874 Northwich 1877 Stroud 1880 Pateley-Bridge : 1883 New-MiUs 1885 Bury St. Edmunds, Sup. BURGESS, ARMINIUS. 1852 Institution 1853 Madras, C. India 5 1858 Coningsby 1859 Madras, S., C. Ind. 1 1860 Madras, do.,Ed.De. 4 1864 Madras, S., do. Taw. 6 1870 London, Islington 3 1873 Leicester, Humberstone-rd. 3 1876 Grantham 1879 Stockton 1882 Barnard-Castle 1885 Darlington, North-road 1888 Oldbam, Manchester-st. 1891 Haworth & Oak- worth 1894 Frome BUEGESS, WILLIAM. BURRELL, SAMUEL J. 1866 Manargudi, C. IndJ> 1873 Dawley 2 1871 Madras, South, do. 4 1875 Coventry 3 1875 Visiting England 1 1878 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1876 Madras,S.,C'./.,6 ( fly. 1881 Cardiff, Wesley 3 4' Tu. of Tr. In. 3 1884 Gravesend 3 1879 Hyderabad, do. 4 1887 Great Yarmouth 3 1883 Secunderabad, do. 4 1890 Horncastle 1887 Visiting England 1 1893 Loughborough 3 1888 Secunderabad, 1896 Nottingham, Telegu 8 Arkwright-street 1896 Sheffield, Brunswick BURROUGHS, CHAS. R. 1881 Institution 1 BURNET, AMOS. 1882 Supply 3 1880 Institution 1 1885 Isle of Man, Dig. 1881 Bangalore, C. Ind.ll Mis. 1 1892 Returning to Eng. 1 1886 Oxford 3 1893 Nottingham, 1889 Holt 1 Arkwright-street 3 1896 Nottingham, Wesley 1890 Ely 3 1893 Castle-Donington 3 1896 Sleaford BURNETT, EDWARD S. BURROUGHS, JOHN W. 1879 Institution 1 1880 Colombo, Ceylon 1 1881 Kandy, do. 1 1882 Colombo, do. 2 1884 Negombo, do. 2 1880 Institution 1 1881 Supply 1883 Budleigh Salterton 3 1886 Teignmouth 1 1887 Downham Market 3 1886 Worcester 2 1888 Ashton-Lyne 3 1890 Sittingbourne 3 1893 Boston 3 1891 Stockport, Trinity 3 1894 Derby, Green-hill 3 1896 Witney BURROW, STEPHEN. BURNETT, JOHN. 1882 Institution 2 1870 Institution 1 1884 Supply 1 1871 Chipping-Norton 1 1885 Nottingham, 1872 Bungay 3 Arkwright-street 3 1875 Bodmin 3 1888 Hampton-Court 2 1878 Falmouth 3 1890 Nottingham, Wes. 3 1881 Buckfastleigh .3 1893 Highgate 3 1884 Newark 3 1896 Sheffield, 1887 Whitby 3 Brunswick 1890 North Shields 3 1893 Bolton, Wesley 3 BURROW, WILLIAM J. 1896 Haworth, &c. 1873 Oakham 2 1875 Gunnislake BURRELL, ALFRED 0. 1878 Camelford 1878 Mildenhall 1 1880 Camborne 1879 Thetford 3 1883 Penzance 1882 Diss 2 1886 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1884 Ely 1 1889 Scarborough 1885 Swaffham 3 1892 Shef&el^Brwiswk. 3 1888 Manningtree 1 1895 Bolton, Park-street 1889 St. Neots 2 1891 Wetton&Longnor3 BURROWS, BAMFORD. 1894 Devizes 1 1863 Redditch 3 1895 Manningtree, Sup. 1 1866 Dudley 1 1896 Holt 1867 Dunrossness, Zet. 2 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 27 1869 Walsall, Centenary 3 1872 Burton-on- Trent 1875 Bradford, Great-Horton 1878 Manchester, Irtvell-street 1881 London, St. Geo. 3 1884 Brentford 1887 Lincoln, Wesley 1890 W. Bromwich, Wes. 3 1893 Burnley 1896 Carlisle BTTKROWS, JOSEPH. 1875 Institution 1876 Shrewsbury 1878 Stourbridge 1880 Dudley 1883 South Petherton 1886 Ormskirk 1889 Lancaster 1890 Carlisle 1893 Hoylake, &c. 1896 Biggleswade BURSON, HERBERT. 1860 Bury St. Edmunds 1 1861 Mildenhall 1863 Reading 1864 Midsomer-Norton 3 1867 Stroud 1870 Gloucester 1873 Yarmouth 1876 Bristol,Langton-st. 3 1879 Newcastle-Tyne, Brunswick 1882 Bradford, Eastbrk. 3 1885 Sheffield, Norfk-st. 3 1888 Runcorn 1891 Newbury 1894 Cardiff, Canton 1895 Reading, Sup. 1896 Belper, do. BURTON, CHARLES 1866 Institution 1867 Neath 1868 Addingham 1869 South- Petherton 1870 Tiverton 1871 Clitheroe 1872 Allendale-Town 1874 Sedbergh 1876 Ledbury 1879 Northallerton 1882 Ilkeston 1885 Stokesley 1887 Sherburn 1888 Holbeach ry3 1890 Teesdale 3 1886 Gosport 3 y 3 1893 Kirkoswald 2 1889 Dunstable 3 1895 Middleham 1892 Bridlington 3 3 1895 Epworth 1 CO CO CO CO CO ( c BURTON, EZEKIEL. 1861 Wednesbury 1 1862 Haslingden 1 1863 St. Neots 1 1864 Reading 1 1865 Colchester BURTON, JOHN. 1825 St. Kitt's, W. Inds. 1 1826 Dominica, do. 2 1828 Tortola, do. 1 1829 St. Bartholmw. do. 2 1831 Nevis, do. 1 a 1867 Mold 2 1869 Ormskirk 2 1832 Retford, Sup. 1 1 833 TlAnl 1 I. 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 r. 1871 Stafford 3 1874 Whaley-Bridge 2 1876 Burton-on-Trent 3 1879 Clitheroe 2 1881 Watlington 1 1882 Oundle 1 1883 Ludlow 3 1886 Tenterden 1 1887 Ashburton 2 1889 Holsworthy 1 1890 Pickering 1 1891 Worcester & Here- ford Mission, Sup. 2 1893 Finsbury Park, do. XOOO l/< i! 1 A 1834 Maidstone 2 1836 Yarmouth 3 1839 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1842 Sheffield, Norfolk-street 2 1844 Birmingham, Cherry-street 3 1847 Yarmouth 2 1849 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1852 Halifax 3 1855 Cheltenham 3 1858 Edinburgh 3 1861 Perth 3 1864 Birmingham, Wes. 1 3s 1 2 1 BURTON, HENRY, M.A. 1865 Supply ? o 1866 Chatteris } 1865 Swansea 3 1868 Leeds, Headingley 3 1871 Leeds, He&dingley, L 3 1867 Newcastle-Tyne, Sup. 3 Blenheim-street 3 BUSH, JOSEPH. 3 1870 London, Gt.Qn.-st. 3 1852 Institution 1 3 1873 Bolton, Farnworth 3 1853 Leeds, Brunswick 1 t. 3 1876 Bradford, Manhin. 3 1854 London, Hinde-st. 3 1879 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1857 London, Islington 3 3 7 o 1882 Baling and Acton 3 1860 York 3 . 3 1885 Manchester, 1863 Bolton, Wesley 3 . 3 Oxford-road 3 1866 Manchester, 3 1888 Manchester, Oxford-road 3 3 Radnor-street 3 1869 London, 1 1891 Seacombe 1 Brixton-liill 3 1 1892 Seacombe, Sup. 3 1872 Newcastle-Tyne, 1895 Seacombe Brunswick 3 H. BURTON, HENRY R. 1875 Edinburgh 3 1878 Bradford, Manlim. 3 1 1855 Institution 1 1881 Altrincham 3 1 1856 Sevenoaks 2 1884 London, Highbury 3 1 1858 Reeth 1 1887 North-west Essex 1 1859 Addingham 2 Mission 1 1 1 1861 Ashburton 2 1863 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1888 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 2 1866 Warrington 3 1891 Derby, King-street 3 2 1869 Lincoln 3 1894 Nottingham, Tenny- 3 1872 Bir stall 1 son-street 3 3 3 1873 London, Sea. Mis. 2 1875 Portsmouth, Wes. 3 [President in 1888.] 2 1878 Louth 2 BUTCHER, CH. R. 1 1880 Ipswich 3 Institution. 2 1883 South Shields 3 1896 Supply 28 MINSTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN BUTCHER, J.WILLIAMS. 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 1 1883 Supply U 1884 London, Hackney) 1885 Liverpool, Brunswick 1888 Liverpool, Qrove-st. 3 1891 Birkenhead 1894 Southport, Trinity 3 BUTLER, ALBERT E. Institution. 1890 Supply 2 1892 Swansea 2 1894 Ely 1 1895 Eastleigh BUTLER, ELLAS. 1896 Appam, W.A. BUTTERS, STAN. M., B.A. Institution. 1895 Supply BUTTERS, URIAH. 1836 Patrington 1 1837 Wolsingham 1 1838 Hexham 1 1839 BakeweU 1 1840 Yell, Zetland 2 1842 Kendal 1 1843 Southport 1 1844 Newport- Pagnell 1 1845 St. Columb 1847 Andover 1849 Hungerford 1852 Bourne 1853 Inverness 1854 Arbroath, &c. 1855 Alnwick 1857 Bedale 1859 Walsingham 1860 New-Buckenham 2 1862 Towcester 1864 Middleham 1867 Guisborough 1868 Swaffham 1870 Mildenhall 1871 Kilkhampton 1874 Okehampton 1877 South Molton 1879 Crook 1881 Hull, Gt. Tftornton-gt., Slip. 1884 Beverley, do. BUTTERS, WESLEY. 1866 Institution 1867 Norwich 870 Carlisle 872 Bedford, &c. 3 875 Banbury 3 878 Clapton ) 879 Wanstead, &c. J 881 Bromley 884 Bournemouth 3 887 Wolverhampton 3 890 London, Peckham 3 893 Halifax, St. John's 3 896 Halifax, St. John's, Sup. BUTTERS, W. BRITTEN. 1873 Supply 1 1874 St. Austell 2 1876 Bodmin 3 1879 North Hill 3 1882 Chorley 2 1884 Pontypridd ) q 1886 Rhondda j ' 1887 New-Mills 3 1890 Garstang 3 1893 Tarporley 3 1896 Ashby-de-la-Zouch BUTTERS, W. MIDDLE- TON, B.A. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Guernsey, French 2 1886 Oxford 3 1889 Southport, Mornington-rd. 3 1892 Birmingham, We*. 3 1895 Tooting BUTTERWORTH, RICH. 1861 Carlisle 1 1862 Knaresborough 1 1863 Bradford, Gt.Hrtn.2 1865 Shipley 1868 Penzance 1869 Filey 1872 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 1875 Stockton 1878 Matlock 1879 North Shields 1882 Barnsley 1885 Whitehaven 1888 Filey 1891 Sherborne 1894 Trowbridge, &c. BUTTERWORTH, R. W 1862 Ripley 1863 Lowestoft 1864 Worcester 1867 Bilston 1868 Shrewsbury 1869 Sleaford 872 Boston 3 875 Stokesley 3 878 Whaley-Bridge 3 881 Sleaford 884 Guisborough, &c. 3 887 Selby 3 890 Durham 3 893 Shotley-Bridge,&c. 3 896 Cockermouth, &c. BUXI, PRANA KUMAR. 1887 Nawabganj.C'.lad^ 889 Bishenpur, do. 7 896 Madhupur, do. BUZZA, CHARLES. 1 866 Barbados, 1st, W. 1. 3 1869 Barbados, 2nd, do. 4 1873 Tobago, do. 2 1875 Returning Home 1 1876 St. Austell 3 1879 Crewe 3 1882 Louth 3 1885 Bacup 3 1888 Dewsbury 3 1891 Grimsby 3 1894 Huddersfield, Gledholt 3 BYLES, GEO. VIPOND. 1882 Institution 1 1883 Zetland, Dis. Mis. 2 1885 First London, Dis. Mis. 2 1887 Great Bentley 3 1890 Tunstall 3 1893 West Bromwich, Wesley 3 1896 Barnstaple BYRON, GEORGE 1876 Supply 1 1877 Institution 1879 Institution 1 1880 Macclesfield, Dis. M/s. 2 1882 Liverpool. Pitt-i>t. 3 1885 Leicester, Bishop-street 3 1888 London, Bethnal Green 1 1889 Douglas, 7. of M. 3 1892 Preston, Wesley 3 1895 Bolton, Wesley CADE, JOSEPH. 1869 Supply 1 1870 Wantage 2 1872 Uttoxeter 1 1873 Aberdeen 1 AND ON THE FOBEIQN STATIONS. 29 1874 Wimborne 1 1885 St. Neots 1 1875 Banwell 3 1886 Wolsingham 1 1878 Stroud 3 1887 Tredegar 3 1881 Pontypridd 3 1890 Melton- Mo wbray 2 1884 Kingswood 3 1892 Wolverhampton, 1887 South- Petherton 3 Trinity, Sup. 1 1890 Tiverton 3 1893 Leek, do. 1893 Guisborough and 1894 Swansea, do. 1 Redcar 3 1895 Wolverhampton, 1896 Ormskirk Trinity, do. CABMAN, JOSEPH H. CALEY, JOSEPH. 1869 Institution 1 1863 Knighton 1 1870 Hornsea 1 1864 Oldbury 2 1871 Worthing 3 1866 Ludlow 1 1874 Poole 1 1867 Lerwick, Zetland 3 1875 Settle 3 1870 Bakewell 1 1878 Shotley-Bridge 2 1871 Madeley 3 1880 South Shields 3 1874 Stourport 3 1883 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1877 Wednesbury, 1886 Wednesbury 3 Wesley 3 1889 Walsall, Wesley 3 1880 Cheadle 3 1892 Tunbridge Wells 3 1895 London, 1883 Colchester 3 1886 Lincoln, High-st. 3 Bnxton-Mll,Sup. 1 1889 Louth 3 1896 Woolwich 1892 Worksop 1 1893 Brighouse 3 CAINE, CJESAR. 1896 Goole 1876 Bradford-on-Avon 1 1877 Institution CALLIEE, PHILIP. 1879 Institution 1 1868 Institution 1 1880 Crewe 3 1869 Demerara, George- 1883 First London, town, 2nd, Br. Gu. 2 Dis. Mis. 2 .1871 Berbice, do. 2 1885 London, 1873 Demerara, George- JBethnal Green 3 town, 2nd, do. 1 1888 York, Centenary 3 1874 Essequibo, do. 2 1891 Hammersmith 3 1876 St. Agnes 1 1894 Clapton 3 1877 Gwennap 1 CAINE, JOHN E. 1878 Attleborough, &c. 2 1880 Carmarthen 2 1874 Institution 1 1882 Tredegar 3 1875 Hayle 1 1885 Chepstow 3 1876 Pocklington 3 1888 Lerwick, &c., Zi-.t. 3 1879 Wallacestone 3 1891 Tipton 3 1882 Bradford. Avon ) 1894 Paulton 2 1884 Trowbridge & V 3 1896 Daventry Bradford ) 1885 Downham 1 CALVEET, WILLIAM. 1886 Hull, Queen' s-road 3 1866 Clitheroe 1 1889 Manchester, 1867 Oakham. 2 Gravel-lane 3 1869 Belpcr 2 1892 Manchester, 1871 Castle- Donington 1 Regent-road 3 1872 Falmouth 3 1895 Liverpool, 1875 Hebden-Bridge 3 Great Homer -st. 1878 Southwell 3 1881 Alford 3 CALDEEBANE, RALPH. 1884 Coningsby 2 1882 Institution 2 1886 Grimsby, Caistor, 1884 Supply 1 &c. 3 1889 Northwich 3 1892 Pateley-Bridge 3 1895 Wainfleet, &c. CAMBTJEN, GEOEGE HAWTEEY. 1868 Institution 1 1869 London, City-rd. 3 1872 London, Milc-End-road 3 1875 Sutton 3 1878 Leeds, Headingley 3 1881 Carnarvon, &c. 3 1884 Tunbridge Wells 3 1887 Tenby 3 1890 Croydon 3 1893 Redhill 3 1896 Tonbridge CAMBTJEN, M. LUTHER. 1877 St. Albans 1 1878 Institution 1880 Institution 1 1881 Supply 2 1883 Saddleworth 3 1886 Inverness 3 1889 Alexandria 3 1892 Sunderland, Fawcett-street 3 1895 Durham CANNELL, THOMAS. 1850 Montserrat, W.I. 1 1851 N. Providence, Ba. 1 1852 Eleuthera, 2nd, do. 2 1854 Abaco, do. 1 1855 Eleuthera, 1st, do. 3 1858 Harbour-Isld., do. 3 1861 N. Providence, do. 4 1865 Abaco, do. 1 1866 Returning Home 1 1867 Whitehaven 3 1870 Alston 3 1873 Danby 3 1876 Goole 3 1879 Knaresborough 3 1882 Stirling 3 1885 Bardney 2 1887 Clevedon, Sup. CANNELL, WM. M., B.A. 1882 Cape Coast, W.A., Educ. Dept. I! 1888 Middlesbrough 1 1889 Hexham 3 1892 Derby, King-st. 3 1895 Guisborough, &c. CAPE, EOBEET F. 1860 Swansea 1 1861 Merthyr-Tydvil 3 30 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1864 Stonehouse 2 CAREIEB, E. THEODORE. CAETWEIGHT, JOSEPH. 1866 St. Austell 3 1871 Peterborough 1 1884 Institution 1 1869 Doncaster 3 1872 Gunnislake 2 1885 Supply 1 1872 Barton-on-Humber3 1874 St. Albans 3 1886 Ely ' 1 1875 Wakefield 3 1877 Leighton-Buzzard 3 1887 Reeth 2 1878 Preston, Wesley 3 1880 Matlock 3 1889 Madeley 2 1881 Keighley 3 1883 Gateshead, 1891 Andover 3 1884 Cardiff, Wesley 3 High West-street 3 1894 Leeds, Huntslet 3 1887 Stratford 3 1886 Wandsworth 3 1890 Bradford, Green-hl 3 1889 Torquay, Wesley 3 CASINADER, CHARLES 8. 1893 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1892 Waterloo 3 1879 Kaluthavelly, Cey. 2 1896 Blackburn 1895 Sutton 1881 Porativoe, do. 6 CAPELLINI, LTIIGI CAV. CAETEE, JOHN. 1887 Kallaar, do. 5 1892 Kalmunai, do. 4 1873 Italian Work 4 1877 Rome, Italy 1884 Institution 1 1885 Lerwick, &c., Zet. 1 1896 Karrunkoddative 1886 Ripley 3 CASTELL, JUAN. CAPELLO, GUISEPPE. 1889 Longton 1 1880 Balearic Isles 1896 Syracuse, Italy 1890 Retford 3 1893 Wakefield 3 CASTLE, T. BSAIN. CABESSA, VINCENZO. 1896 Glasgow, Claremont- Institution. 1883 Aquila, Italy street. 1886 Supply 1 CABLYON, WILLIAM E. 1869 Supply 1 CAETWEIGHT, GEOEGE. 1858 Merthyr-Tydvil 3 1861 Wimborne 1 1887 Edinburgh and Aberdeen,Z>w.Jfi.?. 1 1888 Manchester and 1870 Newtown 2 1862 Christchurch, &c. 1 Salford Mission 3 1872 Thetford 1 1863 Ashburton 2 1891 Bradford, 1873 Lowestoft 3 1865 St. Neots 3 Manningham 3 1876 Pontypool 3 1868 Wainfleet 3 1894 Glasgw.,St.Tkomas' 3 1879 Wellington, Salop 3 1882 Ilfracombe 3 1871 Helston 2 1873 Easing wold 3 CATTLE, HENEY. 1885 Crewe 3 1876 Market-Rasen 3 1849 Institution 1 1888 Newark 3 1879 Nantwich 3 1850 Bradwell 3 1891 Worcester and 1882 Cannock 3 1853 Settle 1 Hereford Mission 3 1894 Walsall, Centenary 3 1885 Manningtree 3 1888 Raunds 3 1854 New-Mills 3 1857 Colchester 1 1891 Ely 2 1858 Gainsborough 3 CABNSON, GEORGE H. 1893 Evesham 3 1861 Bingley 1 1875 Institution 1 1896 Madeley 1862 Mai ton 2 1876 Richmond, Surrey 3 1879 Buxton 2 CAETWEIGHT, JOHN. 1864 Worksop 3 1867 Patrington 2 1881 Birmingham, Islington 3 1884 Batley 3 1887 Bradford 1880 Institution 1 1881 Supply 2 1883 Oakham 1 1884 Cinderford 2 1869 Ripley 3 1872 Bardney 3 1875 Pontypridd 2 1877 Wantage 3 Great Horton 3 1886 Attleborough 1 1880 Midsomer-Norton 3 1 Vli) M-m 1893 Bristol, Langton-st. JHi>8$ioii 3 1890 Newport & Cowes 3 1893 Newport & Cowes, 1886 Nottingham, Halifax-pi., Sup. 8 1896 Bolton, Wesley Sup. 1 1894 Deal 3 1894 Nottingham, Tenny- son-st., do. CASE, DANIEL H. CAETWEIGHT, J. CATTON, HENEY W. 1879 Institution 2 HENEY. 1869 Institution 1 1881 Dursley 1 1887 Saddleworth 3 1870 Kilkhampton 1 1882 Hammersmith 3 L890 Bristol, King-st. 2 1871 Uxbridge 1 1885 Chertsey, &c. 3 1892 Kingsbridge and 1872 Salisbury 1 1888 Rochester 3 Salcombe 2 1873 Swindon 2 1891 Ilkley 3 1894 Bradford, Manning- 1875 St. Kevern 2 1894 New Barnet 3 ham 3 1877 Tenterden 2 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 31 1879 North Walsham 3 CHADWICK. SAMUEL. 1884 Hebden-Bridge 2 1882 Mildenhall 2 Institution. 1886 Middleham 3 1884 Gunnislake 2 1886 Edinburgh 1 1889 Grantham 3 1886 St. Ives, Cornwall 1 1887 Glasgow, 1892 Louth 3 1887 Watlington 3 Claremont-street 3 1895 Driffield 1890 Ludlow 2 1892 Sleaford 2 1890 Leeds Mission, Central 3 CHAMINGS, W. nrA-RTiT'N'G 1894 Grantham, Sup. 2 1893 London, Shoreditch Jl fljMUJLM Vt . 1880 Institution 1 1896 Trowbridge, &c., do. M.is.,Hackney-rd. 1 1894 Leeds, Oxford-place 3 1881 Supply 2 1883 Melton Mowbray 1 CAVAZZTJTTI, GASPARE. CHAMBERLAIN, 1884 Sheffield, Carver-st.3 1883 Spezia, Italy 1 JAMES. 1887 Filey 3 1884 Viareggio, do. 1 Institution. 1890 Wolverhampton, 1885 Rome, do. 1 1895 Mafeking,i?w^.,jS-4.1 Trinity, Sup. 2 1886 Piacenza, do. 3 1 896 Pietersberg, Eng. do. 1892 Launceston 3 1889 Vico-Bellignano, 3 1876 Stewarto J 1877 Institution 1879 Portessie 3 1885 Wanstead, &c. do. 2 1887 Kingston, do. 6 1893 Nottingham, COOPER, STEPHEN. 1883 Institution 1 1884 Supply 1 1885 Evesham 1 1886 Ludlow 3 1882 Northallerton 3 1885 Pocklington 3 1888 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1891 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1894 Rochester 3 Wesley, do. CORSON, JOHN H. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Penrith 2 1871 Easingwold 1 1889 St. Ives & Hunt. 1 CORIN, W. WAKEM. 1872 Huddersneld,0/i.-3 1890 Builth 3 Institution. 1875 Lincoln 2 1893 Weardale 3 1889 Supply 1 1877 Inverness 3 1896 Settle 1890 Pontypridd 2 1880 Halifax, Wesley 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 39 1883 Rugby 2 1885 Manchester, 1886 Leeds, Chapel Allerton 1 1887 Leeds, Wesley \ , 1888 Leeds, Hunslet j Irwell-street 3 1887 Clevedon 1890 Longton 3 1888 Stockport, 1890 Bournemouth 1893 Barnstaple 3 Tiviot-dale 3 1893 Highgate 3 1896 Bridgwater 1891 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1894 Bolton, Park-st. 3 1896 Bournemouth COWLES, FEEDEEICK. COX, WM. ROWLAND. Institution. COTTON, HENEY (A). Institution. 1888 Supply 1 1894 Supply 2 1896 Marazion 1871 Supply 1 1889 Hereford 2 1872 Shepton-Mallet 1 1873 Blandford, &c. 2 1891 Chipping-Norton 1 1892 Reading 1 CEABTEEE, JAMES. 1864 Lancaster 1 1875 Cobham 1 1893 Hungerford 1 1865 Kendal 3 1876 Stroud 3 1894 Cross-Hills 3 1868 Croydon 1 1879 Castle-Gary 1869 Redruth 3 1882 Midsomer-Norton 3 COWLING, B. J. K. 1872 Sheffield, Norfk-st. 3 1885 Manningtree 3 Institution. 1875 London, St. Geo. 3 1888 Ledbury 3 1894 Supply 2 1878 Shef&eld,runswk. 3 1891 Wellingborough 3 1896 Tredegar 1881 Bolton, Park-st. 3 1894 South-Molton 3 COX, FRANK. 1884 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 3 COWDELL, WILLIAM. 1876 Alston 1 1877 Institution Institution. 1892 Supply 1 1893 Birmingham, A J. 7 O 1887 Finsbury Park 3 1890 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1879 Marlborough 1 1880 Belper 2 1882 Buckingham 3 1885 Southend & Leigh 1 1886 Bury St. Edmunds 3 1889 Ipswich 3 Aston-park o 1896 London, Canning-town COX, JOSIAH. 1852 Canton, China 11 1863 Hankow, do. 2 1893 Finsbury Park 3 1896 Leeds, Headingley CEAGGS, CH. G. Institution. 1895 Supply 1892 Newbury 3 1865 Wuchang, do. 2 CEAKE, JOHN W. 1895 Ramsgate 1867 Hankow, do. 6 1863 Patrington 1 COWELL, E. COELETT 1868 Institution 1 1869 Bideford 1 1873 Wuchang, do. 2 1875 Returning Home 1 1876 Jersey, Sup. 2 1878 Tenby 3 1864 Arbroath 1865 Aberdeen 1 1866 Welshpool 2 1868 Ormskirk 3 1870 Bridport 1 1881 Peterborough 1 1871 Goole 3 1871 Tavistock 1 1872 Stonehouse, &c. 1 1873 Helston 1 1874 Pontypridd 1 1882 Ulverston 2 1884 Jersey, Eng., Sup. COX, STEPHEN. 1874 Bishop- Auckland \ ^ 1875 Spennymoor j 1877 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1880 Holmfirth 3 1875 Kingswood 3 1878 Holmfirth 3 1853 Institution 1 1854 Scarborough 1 1883 Huddersfield, Suxton-road 3 1881 Darlington 3 1884 Ilkley 1 1885 Williton 3 1888 Hornsea 1 1855 Richmond, Yorks 1 1856 London, Southwk., A*. Sec. H. Mis. 1 1857 Woolwich 1 1886 Hull, George-yd. 3 1889 Liverpool, Grovc-st.3 1892 Liverpool, GvcQ/t Ho^ncT-st* 3 1889 Plymouth, Eben. 2 1891 Leigh, Lane. 1 1858 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 18G1 Sunderland 2 1895 Bolton, Wesley 1892 St. Columb 3 1863 Burnley 3 CEANSWICK, JOSEPH. 1895 Colchester 1866 iiOudoTLjIiayswatr. 3 1861 Reeth 3 1869 London, 1864 Hartlepool 2 COWL, FEEDEEICK B. Canning-town 3 1866 Dundee 3 1877 Institution 1 1872 Filey 3 1869 Greenock 3 1878 Patrington 1 1875 Stratford 3 1872 Sheffield, Brunswk. 3 1879 Brigg 1 1878 Deptford 3 1875 Scarborough 3 1880 Harrogate 2 1881 Bristol, Langton-xt.3 1878 TLiondon,Mldmy-pk.3 1882 Newbury 1 1884 Portsmouth, 1881 Tuon 2 CBOUCH, WINTEBLY. 1892 Crewe 3 1887 Hampton Court ) 1863 Haverfordwest 1 1895 Melton-Mowbray 1888 Christchurch, &c. 3 1864 Carnarvon 2 CBAWSHAW, ARNOLD. 1891 Hertford 3 1894 Nottingham, Ark- 1866 Castletown, I.of M. 1 1867 Greenock 2 Institution. wright-st. 1 1869 Burton-on-Trent 3 1889 Supply 1 1895 Glossop 1872 Stockton 2 1890 Bangalore, C. India, 1874 Colchester 2 Eng. 4 CBEWDSON, M. 1876 Chelmsford 3 1894 Wantage 3 FEBDINAND. 1879 Hertford, &c. 3 CBAWSHAW, CHARLES. 1858 Blackburn 3 1883 Institution 1 1884 Secunderabad, 1882 Diss 3 1885 Ashbourne 3 1861 Chorley 3 1864 St. Helens, &c. 3 1867 Nantwich 3 Telequ, C. India 2 1886 Medduck, do. 1 1887 Yelgundel, do. 2 1888 Bromsgrove 3 1891 Bridgend 3 1894 Stroud 3 1870 London, ] 1889 Kureem Nuggur,.l Sri.cton-hill I <> 1890 London, Mis. Com. 1 CBOWTHEE, JOSEPH. 1871 London, f ' 1891 Aldershot, &c. 2 1870 Institution 1 Mostyn-road } 1873 London, St. Geo. 3 1893 London, Bayswater 3 189G Johannesberg, ZiT CT 4 1871 Andover 1 1872 Swaffham 2 1876 Leeds, Wesley 3 -ting., is. A. 1874 Bir stall 2 1879 Bradford, Manlim. 3 1876 Cockermouth, &c. 2 1882 Newark 3 CBITCHISON, JAMES. 1878 Hexham 3 1885 Falmouth 3 1870 Institution 1 1881 Great Bentley 3 1888 Bradford, Shipley 3 1871 Lancaster 1 1884 Ipswich 2 1891 Guisboro'. &c. 1 1872 Reeth 3 1886 Romford 3 1892 Guisboro', &c., Sup. 1875 Darlington 3 1889 Aldershot, &c. 2 CBAWSHAW, JAMES E. 1878 Haslingden 3 1881 Burnley 3 1891 Cullingworth 3 1894 Settle 3 Institution. 1884 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1886 Evesham 2 1888 Bungay 2 1890 Wisbech 1 1891 Boulogne, Enq. 3 1887 Halifax, St. John's 3 1890 Wanstead, &c. 3 1893 Croydon 3 1896 London, Kentish CBOZIEB, FOBSTER. 1865 Wigan 3 1868 South-Shields 3 1894 Biggleswade ' 1 Town 1871 Glasgow, 1895 Jersey, French Cathcart-road 3 CBAWSHAW, JOHN (B). CROSBY, BENJAMIN. 1874 Newcastle-Tyne, Blenheim-street 3 1869 Grenada, W. Inds. 3 Institution. 1877 New-Barnet 3 1872 Trinidad, do. 2 1890 Supply 2 1880 London, Southwk. 3 1874 St. Vincent, 1892 Leeds, Richmd.-hl. 2 1883 Nottingham, Cliateaubellair, do. 3 1894 Pembroke 3 Halifax-place 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS 41 1886 Liverpool, 1864 Rochdale 3 1883 Cinderford 3 Great Homer-st. 3 1867 Scarborough 1 1886 Audley 3 1889 Bristol, Portland 3 1868 London, Lambeth 3 1889 Sandbach 3 1892 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1871 Manchester, 1892 Whaley-Bridge 3 1895 Finchley, &c. 1 Gravel-lane 3 1895 Market-Dray ton 1896 Filey 1874 Bolton, Bridge-st. 2 1876 ~Bia&toT&,Kirkgate 3 CUMMINGS, JAMES H. CROZIER, RICHARD. 1879 Bradford, Manhm. 3 1857 Institution 1 1868 Alston 1 1882 Leeds, St. Peter's 1 1858 Bangalore, C. India 3 1869 Hexbam 2 1883 Burnley 3 1861 Gubbi, do. 2 1871 Crook 2 1886 Kidderminster 3 1863 Mysore, do. 3 1873 Bervdck-on-Tweed 3 1889 Llandudno 1 1866 Bangalore, do. 1 1876 Weardale 3 1890 Bradford, 1867 Mysore, do. 2 1879 St. Helen's, &c. 3 Shipley, Sup. 2 1869 Biggleswade 3 1882 Hampstead 3 1892 Clapton, do. 2 1872 Afford 3 1885 Worcester 3 1894 Ilkley, do. 1875 Oldham, Wesley 3 1888 Rochester 3 1878 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1891 Oldham, CULLEY, ROBERT. 1881 Widnes 1 Manchester-street 3 1867 Institution 1 1882 Glasgow, St. John's 3 1894 Bury 3 1868 Bramley 3 1885 Deal 2 CRUMP, EDWARD. 1871 London, Spitalfds. 3 1874 Pontefract 3 1887 Hitchin 3 1890 Castleford 3 1858 Ormskirk 1 1859 Carnarvon, &c. 3 1862 Llandudno, &c. 1 1863 London, Hinde-st. 2 1865 Cheltenham 3 1877 London, Gt. Qn.-st. 3 1880 London, Bow 3 1883 Scarborough 3 1886 Clapham 3 1889 London, 1893 Gainsborough 1 1894 London, Lambeth, Sup. 1 1895 London, Kentish -town, do. 1868 Kingswood 3 1871 Falmouth 1 Sec. of S. S. Union CUNDY, HENRY J. 1872 Padiham 3 Institution. 1875 Lynn 1 CULLUM, WILLIAM. 1892 Supply 2 1876 Salisbury 1 1862 Whitehaven 2 1894 London Garrison 2 1877 Tipton 3 1864 Penrith 2 1896 London, 1880 Stourport 2 1866 Dumbarton 1 Westminster 1882 Ilkley, Sup. 1 1867 Grimsby ) 1883 Todmorden 1 1868 Grimsby, Caistor] CUNNINGHAM, FREDK. 1884 Padiham 3 1870 Rawtenstall 3 1878 Woking, &c. 3 1887 Barnoldswick 3 1873 Rochdale, Union-st. 3 1881 Sevenoaks 3 1890 Clayton-le-Moors 3 1876 Hull, George-yd. 3 1884 Kendal 1 1893 Ambleside 2 1879 Nottingham, Wes. 3 1885 Second London, 1895 Alston 1882 Bradford, Kirhgate 3 Dis. Mis. 3 1885 Plymouth. Kinq-st. 3 1888 Huddersfield, CRUMP, JOHN. 1888 Portsmouth, Wes. 3 Gledholt 3 1867 Institution 1 1891 Bristol, "| 1891 Ripon 3 1868 Launceston 3 Langton-street \ 1894 Maidstone 3 1871 Plymouth, Eben. 3 1892 Bristol, j" ' J 1874 Blackburn 3 ! Bedminster j CURNOCK, NEH. (B). 1877 Pontefract 3 1894 Oldham, 1860 Huddersfield,w.Jfe. 3 1888 North-Hill 3 1891 Callington 3 1894 Jersey, English 3 DAVID, ABEAHAM. 1888 Madras, West, C. India. 2 1890 Madras, St. Thomas' sMt,,do.\ 1891 Madras, Eng., do. 1 1892 Madras, St.Thomas'sMt.jdo. 3 1895 Madras, North, do. 1 1896 St. Thomas' Mt., do. DAVID, ABRAHAM C. 1895 Bangalore, Tamil, C. India DAVID, NELLORE. 1891 Secunderabad, Telegu, C. India 2 1893 Kundi, do. 2 1895 Secunderabad, Telegu, do. DAVID, SOLOMON. 1892 Timval\ui;CJndial 1893 Karur, do. DAVIDSON, EDWARD. Institution. 1886 London,IfomeMis. Com., Conn.Evan. DAVIDSON, ROBT., M.A. 1856 Bideford 2 1858 Newport, Man. 2 1860 Edinburgh 3 44 MINISTEES, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1863 Sunderland 3 1876 Llangollen, Welsh 2 1870 Llanfyllin, Welsh 3 1866 Keighley 3 1878 Ruthin, do. 2 1873 Abergele, do. 3 1869 Oldham, Wesley 3 1880 Mold, do. 2 1876 Liverpool, 1872 Holmfirth 3 1882 Dolgelly, do. 3 Chester-street, do. 3 1875 Rawtenstall 3 1885 Holyhead, do. 3 1879 Holywell, do. 2 1878 Tunstall 2 1888 Llanasa, do. 1 1881 Liverpool, 1880 Guernsey, English 3 1889 Liverpool, Shaio-street, do. 3 1883 Boston 3 Shaw-street, do. 3 1884 Liverpool, 1886 Canterbury 3 1892 Towyn, do. 3 Mount Zion, do. 3 1889 Ramsey 3 1895 Beaumaris, do. 1887 Carnarvon, do. 3 1892 Ossett, &c. 2 1890 Liverpool, 1894 Ramsey, /. of M., DAVIES, JOHANNES L. Shaw-street, do. 3 Sup. 1893 Freetown First, 1893 Liverpool, Zion, W. Afr. 3 Shaw-st.,do. Sup. DAVIES. A. W. Institution. 1896 Freetown, Wes.,do. DAVIES, THOMAS. 1896 Pwllheli, Welsh DAVIES, JOHN (B). Institution. DAVIES, D. CORRIS. 1896 Swansea, Welih 1876 Tredegar, Welsh 2 1877 Merthyr-Tydvil,fo. 1 1878 Swansea, do. 3 1894 Llanrhaiadr, Welsh 2 1896 Tregarth, do. DAVIES, TREVOR H. DAVIES, D. DAELEY. 1881 Aberystwith, do. 1 Institution. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Ystumtuen 3 1882 Llanidloes, do. 3 1885 Carmarthen 3 1888 Brecon 1 1895 Supply 1 1896 Didsbury, Theol. Inst., Asst. Tu. 1893 Tredegar, Welsh 1 1889 Swansea 3 1894 Ferndale, do. 1 1892 Preston, Lune-st. 3 DAVIES, T. SEATON. 1895 Llanidloes, do. 1895 Chorley 1894 Supply 2 1896 Blackburn DAVIES, EDWARD. 1895 Treorky, Welsh 1 1896 Institution DAVIES, J. WESLEY. 1885 Barrackpore,C'./wrf.l 1886 Calcutta, do. 1 1887 Attleborough 1 DAVIES, WM. LLOYD. 1895 Swansea. Welsh 1 1896 Institution DAVIES, EVAN. 1888 Thetford 2 DAVIES, W. RHODE. 1878 Treherbert,TFefe/i, 3 1890 Boroughbridge 3 1868 Institution 1 1881 Merthyr-Tydvil,n. 1857 Institution 1 1892 Spezia, do. 1896 Supply 1858 Barmouth, Welsh 2 1860 Tregarth,*). 1 DAVISON,W.THEO.,M.A., DAVIES, J. CADVAN. 1861 Abergele, do. 1 D.D. 1871 Conway, Welsh 1 1862 Denbigh, do. 2 1868 Supply 2 1872 Coedpoeth, do. 2 1864 Dolgelly,^. 3 1870 Castle- Donington 1 1874 Birmingham, do. 2 1867 Ruthin, do, 3 1871 Wandsworth 2 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 45 1873 Nottingham, Halifax-place 3 1876 Bradford, Manhm, 3 1879 Birmingham, Islington 2 1881 Eichmond, Clas. Tutor 10 1891 Handsworth, TJtcol. Inst., Theol. Tutor *DAW, EGBERT. 1860 St. Mary's Island, Gambia, W. Afr. 3 1863 Mildenhall 1 1864 Dunrossness, Zet. 3 1867 North-Mavin, do. 1 1868 Stroud 3 1871 Risca 3 1874 Redhill 1 1875 Kingswood 2 1877 Spilsby 1 1878 Romsey 2 1880 St. Agnes 3 1883 Bodmin 3 1886 Coventry 3 1889 Melton- Mo wbray 3 1892 Driffield. 3 1895 Otley 1 1896 Newport, Man., Slip. DAWE, CHARLES. 1866 Barnstaple 3 1869 Torquay 1 1870 Birstall 3 1873 Huddersneld,0tt.-s3 1876 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1879 Birmingham, Islington 3 1882 Ilkley 3 1885 BTadfoTd,EastbrJt. 3 1888 London, Ot. Qn.-st. 3 1891 Birmingham, Bristol-road 3 1894 Birmingham, Aston-park 2 1896 Birmingham, Islington DAWSON, JOSEPH. 1865 Bishop- Auckland 1 1866 Gateshead 3 1869 Sunderland,w-,tf.3 1872 Haworth&0akwrth.3 1875 Chester 3 1878 Accrington 3 1881 Sheffield, Brunswk. 3 1884 Dundee, Ward-rd.3 1887 Newcastle-Tyne, Clarence-street 3 1890 Halifax, St. John's 3 DAY, JOHN. 1893 Bradford, 1882 Institution 2 Wanning ham 3 1884 Supply 1 1896 Ilkley 1885 Daventry 1 DAWSON, JOS. B., M.D. 1886 Chatteris 3 1889 Stainland 3 1844 Howden 1 1892 Louth 3 1845 Wolsingham 2 1895 Bolton, Park-street 1847 Bishop-Auckland 3 1850 Southport 3 DEAN, HARRY E. 1853 Edinburgh 3 1882 Institution 2 1856 Woodhouse Grove 2 1884 Edinburgh & Aber- 1858 Bingley 3 deen, Dig. Mis. 2 1861 Louth 2 1886 Newcastle-Tyne, 1863 Longton 2 Brunswick 1 1865 Middleham 3 1887 Torquay, Union-st. 3 1868 Darlington 3 1890 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1871 Thirsk 1 1893 Woodville. &c. 2 1872 Sleaford 3 1895 Douglas, I. of M. 1875 Peterborough 3 1878 Gloucester 2 DE LA MARE, SEBAS- 1880 Lowestoft 3 TIAN T. A. 1883 Ipswich 3 1886 Faversham 3 1889 Deal 2 1891 Sutherland Gardens, Sup. 3 1894 Worthing, do. 1875 Cinderford 3 1878 Danby 1 1879 Walsingham 1 1880 Thirsk 3 1883 Otley 3 1886 Woodhouse Grove 3 DAWSON, RICHARD G. 1889 Whitehaven 3 1872 Supply 1 1873 Holsworthy 1 1874 Ryde, I. of W. 1 1892 Whit by 1 1893 Liskeard 2 1895 Northallerton 1875 Chichester 3 DE MOUILPIED, 1878 Diss 1 DANIEL A. 1879 Maidstone 3 1882 Margate 3 1865 St. Martin's, W.I. 9 1886 Keighley 3 1888 Hammersmith 3 1874 Jersey, French 3 1877 Alderney, English 2 1891 Burton-on-Trent 2 1879 Paris, France 9 1893 Birmingham, 1888 Nottingham, Wesley 3 Halifax-place 3 1896 Wellington, Salop 1891 Leeds, Chapel Allerton 3 DAWSON, W. GOOD- 1894 Altrincham 3 HUGH. 1871 Supply 1 DENHAM, CHARLES. 1872 Woodhouse Gr. 1880 Institution 1 Second Master . 1881 St. Vincent, Cha- 1875 Woodhouse Gr. ' teaubellair, W.I. 1 First Master 1882 Barbados, 1876 Wakefield 2 James-street, do. 3 1878 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 1885 Visiting England 1 1881 Ampthill 3 1886 St. Martin's, W.I. 1 1884 Filey 3 1887 Leighton-Buzzard 2 1887 Yeadon 1 1889 Pateley-Bridge 3 1888 Barnard Castle 3 1892 Snaith 3 1891 Welsh pool 3 1895 Stainland 1 1894 Malton 3 1896 Hebden-Bridge * Died November 24tb, 1896. 46 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN DENHAM, JOHN W. 1861 Gravesend 3 DICKINSON, THOMAS M. 1874 Ross 1 1864 Oxford 2 1883 Institution 1 1875 Belper 3 1866 Gloucester 3 1884 Supply I o 1878 Ilkeston 1 1869 St. Helens, &c. 3 1885 Teignmouth $ 1879 Bingham 3 1872 Padiham 3 1886 Kirkoswald 3 1882 Ripley 3 1875 Driffield 2 1889 Walls, Zetland 1 1885 Grimsby, Caistor 1877 Falmouth 2 1890 Worksop 3 and Laceby. 3 1879 Castleford 3 1893 Rotherham 3 1888 Uttoxeter ' 3 1882 Cullingworth 3 1896 Carlisle 1891 Richmond, Yorkg. 3 1885 Cadishead 1 1894 Sherborne 3 1886 Blackheath, Sup. 2 1888 Mold, do. 3 DIETEELE, CHRISTIAN. DENT, FBEDEEIC G. T. 1891 Bradford, 1862 Waiblingen, Ger. 2 Institution, 1887 Rhondda 1 1888 Chipping-Norton 1 1889 Castletown 2 1891 North-Mavin, &c., Manningliam, do. DEREY, W. THOMPSON. 1884 Institution 1 1885 Supply 1 1886 Mold 2 1864 Hall, do. 4 1868 Waiblingen, do. 1 1869 Vienna, do. 7 1876 Backnang, do. 3 1879 Stuttgart, do. 1 1880 Cannstatt, do. 9 Zetland 3 i Q(\A i 'i.; .-,,- i 1888 Builth 2 1889 Wurzburg, do. 5 Iby4 Bngg 1 1895 Pateley-Bridge 1890 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1893 Barton-on-Humber 3 1894 Cannstatt, &c., do. DENT, WILLIAM E. 1896 Chesterfield DILKS, THOMAS T. 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 2 1884 Birmingham, DHAEMIAH, ALLADA S. 1891 Kurreem Nuggur, C. India 2 1847 Lerwick, Zet. 3 1850 Aberdeen 2 1852 Greenock 3 Islington 3 1887 WiUenhall 3 1890 Birmingham, 1893 Secunderabad, Telegu, do. 2 1895 Kundi do. 1 1855 Dumfries 3 1858 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 1861 Douglas, do. 3 Aston-park 3 1893 Stockton 3 1896 Highgate 1896 Hyderabad, Chudder 'ghaut, do. 1864 Penrith 3 1867 Ashton-Lyne 3 1870 Leek 3 DENTON, GEORGE. DICKIN, THOMAS. 1859 Newtown 1 1873 Plymouth, King-gt. 3 1876 London, St. Geo. 3 1866 Supply 1 1860 Holyhead 2 1879 London, Hinde-st. 3 1867 Peel, /. of Man 2 1862 Birkenhead 2 1882 Norwich 3 1869 Dunbar 1 1864 Tadcaster 3 1885 Manchester, 1870 Marlborough 1 1867 Addingham | Qrosvenor-gtreet 3 1871 Kington 1 1869 Cross-Hills f ' 1888 Bridg water 3 1873 Leominster ) ' 1870 Newport, /. of W. 3 1891 Clapham, Sup. 3 1874 Wednesbwry, We*. 3 1873 Richmond, Surrey 1 1894 Taunton, da. 1877 Woodhouse Grove 3 1880 Oldham, 1874 Doncaster, Sup. 3 1877 Goole 3 DILLON, ROBEET. Manchester-st. 3 1883 Manchester, 1880 Workington 3 1883 Penrith 3 1854 Freetown, W. Afr. 2 1856 Wilberforce, do. 2 Gt.Bridgewater-st3> 1886 Hull, 1886 Shrewsbury 3 1889 Thirsk 3 1858 York, &c., do. 1 1859 Kingsbridge 3 6ft. Tliornto-n-tt. 3 1892 Bridport 3 1862 Devonport 3 1889 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1892 Sutherland Grdns. 3 1895 London, Highbury 1895 Watlington 1 1896 Tadcaster, Sup. 1865 St. Austell 3 1868 Bridgend 3 1871 Dursley 2 DICKINSON, ALBERT. 1873 Glastonbury 3 DEERY, THOMAS. 1884 Institution 1 1876 Hayle 3 1848 Peterborough 2 1885 Supply 1 1879 St. Just 3 1850 Bake well 1 1886 Clitheroe 2 1882 Cadishead 3 1851 Tunbridge-Wells 2 1888 Aberdeen 2 1885 Dorchester 3 1853 Rye 1 1890 Weardale 3 1888 Sleaford 3 1854 Settle 1 1893 Stockton 2 1891 Ossett & Horbury 1 1855 Pembroke 3 1895 Glasgow, 1892 Cowbridge 2 1858 Canterbury 3 Paisley-road 1894 Whaley-Bridge, Sup. AND ON THE FOEEIQN STATIONS. 47 DIXON, EDWIN. 1863 Guildford 3 1876 Ulverston 3 1864 Todmorden 1 1865 Grimsby 2 1867 Hitchin 2 1866 Bideford 3 1869 Castle- Donington 3 1872 Leighton-Buzzard 3 1879 Newark 3 1882 Hartlepool 3 1885 Walsall, Centenary 1 1869 Retford 3 1875 Chatteris 3 1886 London, Poplar 3 1872 Doncaster 3 1878 Hitchin 3 1889 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1875 Todmorden 2 1881 Ripon 3 1892 Morley 3 1877 Wainfleet 3 1884 Alford 3 1895 Deal 1880 Pocklington 3 1883 Grimsby, Caistor^c 3 1886 Northwich 3 1889 Shrewsbury 2 1891 Spilsby 3 1887 Northampton, Gold-street 3 1890 Neath 3 1893 Pembroke 3 1896 Swansea, Sup. DIXON, WILLIAM G. 1878 Supply 1 1879 Institution 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 2 1894 Matlock 3 DIXON, JOHN ALBERT. 1884 Ulverston 2 DIXON, GEORGE T. Institution. 1886 Daventry 1 1890 Supply 1 1887 Nortli Isles. ZctT&nd 3 1860 Reeth 1 1861 Alston 1 1862 Hartlepool 2 1891 Glasgow, St. John's 2 1893 Truro 2 1895 Tarn worth, &c. 1 1890 Dumbarton 3 1893 Buckingham and Brackley 3 1864 Thirsk 2 1866 Pickering 2 1896 Shotley-Bridge, &c. 1896 Leamington 1868 New-Mills 3 DIXON, JOSEPH. DODD, BENJAMIN. 1871 Ashton-Lyne 3 1865 Institution 1 1867 Ormskirk 2 1874 Kendal " 3 1866 Runcorn 1 1869 Garstang 2 1877 Richmond, Surrey 3 1867 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 2 1871 Widnes 2 1880 Poole 3 1869 London, S.E. \. 1873 Holyhead, Eng. 3 1883 Launceston 3 1871 London, New-Crss] 1876 Chorley 3 1886 Nelson 3 1873 Filey 3 1879 Bolton, Farnworth 3 1889 Radcliffe 3 1876 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1882 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1892 Sussex Mission 3 1879 Hampstead 3 1885 Glasgow, Cathct.-rd.S 1895 Gosport 1882 London, 1888 Glasgow, St. John's Wood 3 Claremont -street 3 DIXON, JAMES. 1885 Highgate 3 1891 York, New-street 3 1874 Institution 1 1888 Clapton 3 1894 Manchester, 1875 Saddleworth 3 1891 London, Brix.-hl. 3 Victoria 3 1878 Bolton, Farnworth 3 1881 Hyde 3 1884 Nottingham, 1894 London, Mildmay- j)arh 3 DODD, THOMAS. 1869 Institution 1 Arhwriqht-st. 3 1887 Bolton, Sridge-st. 3 1890 Burnley 3 DIXON, RALPH. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1870 Dudley 2 1872 Hinckley 2 1874 Allendale-Town 3 1893 Accrington 3 1890 Saddleworth 3 1877 Bacup 3 1896 Blackburn 1893 North Walsham,&c.l 1880 Nelson 3 1894 Newport, Hon. 3 1883 Leigh, Lane. 3 DIXON, JAMES E. 1886 Chertsey, &c. 3 Institution. 1892 Supply 1 1893 Aberdeen 2 DIXON, ROBERT. 1879 St. Mary's Island, Gambia, W. Afr., 1889 Guildford 3 1892 Wellington, Som. 3 1895 Hey wood 1895 Edinburgh, Nicolson-square 1882 Watlington 1 1883 Wantage 3 DODDRELL, JOHN H. Institution. DIXON, JOHN (A). 1886 Pocklington 3 1889 Northallerton 3 1887 Belper 3 1890 Woodville, &c. 3 1850 Institution 1 1892 Bingley 3 1893 Alford 3 1851 St. Neots 1 1895 Thirsk 1896 St. Helen's, &c. 1852 Stamford 2 1854 Diss 2 DIXON, THOMAS. DODDS, EDWARD. 1856 Leigh, Essex 1 1871 Institution 1 1860 Okehampton 2 1857 Manningtree 3 1872 Tunstall 2 1862 Dunster 2 1860 St. Ives and Hunt. 3 1874 Swansea 2 1864 St. Just 2 48 MESTISTEBS, ETC., TS GEEA.T BBITADT 1866 Camborne 3 1876 Manchester, 1869 Devonport 3 Grosvenor-street 3 1872 Blackheath 3 1879 London, Sea. Mis. 3 1875 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1882 Devonport 3 1878 Helston ) 1885 Haworth&0akwrth.3 1879 Porthleven } ' 1888 Leeds, Bramley 3 1881 Keighley 3 1891 Padiham 3 1884 Mansfield 3 1894 Ripley 3 1887 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1890 Stratford 3 DOUBLEDAY, JOHN E. 1893 London, Stoke Newington 3 1896 Burslem 1860 Barnard-Castle 1 1861 Hinckley 1 1862 Kington 1 1863 Camelford 1 DODSWOBTH, JEB. 1874 ~Leicester,Bishj>-st. 3 1864 Liskeard 1 1865 Kilkhampton 1 1866 Bradwell 2 1877 Bingham 2 1868 Ledbury 2 1879 Bradford, Great Norton 3 1882 Macclesfield 3 1885 Hull, George-yard 3 1888 London, Bayswtr. 3 1891 Bradford, EastorTt. 1 1870 Stokesley 3 1873 Salisbury 3 1876 Aylesbury 1 1877 Reading, Sup. 1 1878 Scilly Islands 1 1879 Hayle 3 1892 Bristol, Portland 3 1882 Carmarthen 3 1895 Stockport, Tiviot- J 7 1885 Marlborough 3 dale 1888 Devizes 3 DONE, WILLIAM. 1891 Abergavenny 3 1894 Haltwhistle 3 1873 Canterbury 1 1874 Institution DOTTTHWAITE, HENBY. 1876 Institution 2 1859 Wisbech 1 1878 Clapton 1 1860 Lynn 1 1879 Liverpool, Cranmerl 1880 Edinburgh 1 1861 Kendal 2 1863 Warminster 3 1881 Cheltenham 1 1866 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1882 Beverley 3 1869 Hyde 2 1885 Ulverston 2 1871 Boston 3 1887 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1874 Oldham, 1890 Barnstaple 3 1893 Guernsey, English 3 1896 Buxton Manchester-st. 3 1877 Manchester, Gt. Bridge water -st. 3 1880 Douglas, I. of M. 3 DOBEY, GIFFABD. 1846 Montreal, E. Can. 1 1847 Quebec, do. 1 1848 Sherbrooke, do. 1 1849 Odell-Town, do. 1 1850 Leeds, do. 3 1853 Visiting England 1 1883 Leicester, Bishop-street 3 1886 London, SydenhamS 1889 London, City-road 2 1891 Jersey, Eng. 3 1894 Worthing 1 1895 Worthing, Sup. 1854 ShefEord, E. Canada 3 DOVE, CHABLES . 1857 Newburgh, W. Can. 3 1878 Oundle 1 1860 Toronto, do. 3 1879 Reeth 2 1863 Bradford-on-Avon 2 1881 Spennymoor 3 1865 Truro 3 1884 Wisbech 1 ! 1868 Glasgow, 1885 Hkley 3 Claremont-street 2 1888 Burtou-on- Trent 3 1870 Addingham, &c. 3 1891 Crewe 3 1873 Manchester, 1894 Liverpool, Oldham-street 3 Grove-street 3 DOVE, C. NELSON. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Bedford, Dig. Mis. 1 1885 Exeter, Dis. Mis. 1 1886 Aldershot, Town 3 1889 Barnard-Castle 3 1892 Stockport, Trinity 3 1895 Manchester, Gravel-lane DOWNES, BOBEBT P., LL.D. 1865 Shrewsbury 2 1867 Birmingham, Wes. 3 1870 Rochdale, Union-st. 3 1873 Bolton, Wesley 2 1875 Brighton 3 1878 Kilburn 1 1879 Hastings 3 1882 London,Mldmy-pk.S 1885 London, Islington 2 1887 London, Sydenham, Sup. 1 1888 London, Sydenham, without pastoral charge DBAPEB, H. MUDIE. Institution. 1896 Supply DBTJMMOND, JAMES. 1867 Supply 1 1868 Ayr 2 1870 Lerwick, &c., Zet. 3 1873 Carnarvon, &c. 2 1875 Matlock ' 3 1878 Hebden-Bridge 3 1881 Wetton & Longnor3 1884 Pateley-Bridge 3 1887 Cleckheaton 3 1890 Louth 3 1893 Alford 3 1896 Kendall DTI FEU, JOHN. Institution. 1896 Jersey, French DUFF, JAMES. 1873 Buckingham 2 1875 Dumfries 2 1877 Appleby, &c. 1 1878 Maryport 3 1881 Gateshead, Bensham-road 2 1883 Chester-le-Street 3 1886 Wolsingham 1 1887 Kirkoswald 3 1890 Rotherham 3 1893 Barnsley 3 1896 Maryport AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 49 DUFFILL, FEEDK. E. 1882 Twillingate, Newfoundland 2 1884 Bonavista, do. 2 1886 Musgrave, do. 1 1887 Greenspond, do. 2 1889 St. John's, do. 3 1892 Kamsey, Hunts 1 1893 Crowland 3 1896 Derby. King -street DUGDALE, FEEDK. C. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Knighton 1 1870 Ross 1 1871 Bridgend 1 1872 Camelford 2 1874 Lyme-Regis 2 1876 Shepton-Mallet 1 1877 Brigg 3 1880 Bedale 3 1883 Ripon 2 1885 Alnwick 3 1888 Belper 1 1889 Southwell 3 1892 Northallerton 3 1895 Buckingham, &c. DUGDALE, JOHN. 1884 Reeth 3 1887 Oundle 3 1890 Wigan 3 1893 Bishop- Auckland 3 1896 Barnard-Castle DUMBAETON, ALFEED. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Shimoga, C. India DUNCAN, JOHN T.* 1849 Institution 1 1850 Airdrie 3 1853 Arbroath, &c. 1 1854 North- Mavin, Zet. 2 1856 Dunrossness, do. 3 1859 Walls, do. ' 1 1860 Lerwick, do. 2 1862 Berwick-on-Tweed 2 1864 Andover 2 1866 Marazion 2 1868 Helston 3 1871 Middlcham 3 1874 Richmond, Yorks 3 1877 Retford 3 1880 Gainsborough 3 1883 Sevenoaks 3 1886 Salisbury 3 1889 Sheerncss 3 1892 Maldon 3 1895 Wanstead, &c., Sup. DUNK, JAMES. 1879 Institution 1 1880 Penzance 1 1881 Hereford 1 1882 Woking & Cobham 2 1884 Newcastle-Tyne, Brunswick 2 1886 Maidstone 1 1887 St. Columb 3 1890 Retford 3 1893 Birmingham, Belmont-row 3 1896 VVolverhampton, Darlington-street DUNMAN, SIDNEY J. P. 1866 Institution 1 1867 Macclesfield 1 1868 Wandsworth 3 1871 Cheltenham 3 1874 London, Gt.Qn.-st. 3 1877 London, Lambeth 3 1880 Stockfort,Tiv.-dale3 1883 Truro 3 1886 Plymouth, Men. 3 1889 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1892 Bristol, Portland 3 1895 Darlington, Bondgate DUNSTAN, EDWARD. Institution. 1896 Potchefstroom, .4. DUNSTAN, SAMUEL H. Institution. 1892 Supply 2 1894 Gunnislake 2 1896 Lincoln, High-street DUNSTAN, WILLIAM. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Bridport 1 1870 Bideford 2 1872 Swindon 1 1873 Dorchester 1 1874 High-Wycombe 3 1877 St. Mawes 3 1880 Lewes 3 1883 Aylesbury 3 1886 Kendal 1 1887 Warminster 2 1889 Ipswich 3 1892 London, Poplar 3 1895 Brigg DUTHIE, CHAELES A. Institution, 1890 Supply 1 1891 Marazion 1 1892 Bath 2 1894 Okehampton 3 * Died Oct. 20t)i, 1896. DUTHIE, JAMES. 1873 Institution 1 1874 South Molton 1 1875 Watlington 2 1877 Buckingham 1 1878 Warminster 3 1881 Holt 1 1882 Blandford, &c. 3 1885 Glastonbury 3 1888 Banwell 3 1891 Ledbury 3 1894 Wetton & Longnor 2 1896 Gwennap DUTHIE, JAMES W. Institution 1890 Calcutta, Sudder-st., C.Ind. 1 1891 Bankura, do. 1 1892 Chitpur, do. 1 1893 Barrackpur, Eng. Train. Inst., do. 3 1896 Bankura, <&>. DUVAL, GEOEGES. 1879 French Conference 7 1886 Jersey, French 3 1889 Guernsey, &c., do. 3 1892 Jersey, do. 3 1895 Jersey, Under direction of chairman DYEE, GEOEGE. 1875 Cape Coast, W.Afr.l 1876 Kumasi, do. 2 1878 St. Vincent, George- town, W. Indies 2 1880 Brynmawr 3 1883 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1886 Settle 2 1888 Arbroath, &c. ) 1889 Montrose \ 1891 Lerwick, &c., Zvt. 1 1892 Dunstable 3 1895 Witney DYEE, W. HAWES. Institution. 1896 Supply DYMOND, JOHN. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Ossett & Horbury 2 1871 Keighley 3 1874 London, Stoke Newington 3 1877 Kilburn 3 1880 London. Wstmmtr. 3 1883 Harrogate 3 1886 Penzance 1 50 MDTISTEBS, ETC., IS GREAT BEITAIN 1887 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 1890 Halifax, King-cross 3 1803 Bath 3 1896 London, Chelsea DYSON, AMOS. 1866 Institution 1 1867 Aberdeen 1 1868 Wath-on-Dearne 2 1870 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 1873 Bristol, Clifton 3 1876 West Bromwich 3 1879 Huddersfield, Svxton-road 3 1882 York, New-street 3 1885 Liverpool,.Z?r7WMj&. 3 1888 London, Islington 3 1891 Stratford 3 1894 Birmingham, Islington 2 1896 Manchester, Pendleton DYSON, JOHN B. 1839 Bradwell 1 1840 Bakewell 1841 Lancaster 1 1842 Ilkeston 2 1844 Oakham 1 1845 Peterborough 2 1847 Burton-on- Trent 3 1850 Leek 3 1853 Congleton 1856 Northampton 3 1859- Carmarthen 3 1862 Newport, I. of W. 3 1865 Tiverton 1 1866 Colchester 3 1869 Nantwich 2 1871 Torquay 2 1873 Llanelly 3 1876 Jersey, Eng. 3 1879 Poole 1 1880 Poole, Sup. 8 1888 Bournemouth, do. DYSON, JOSEPH. 1852 Higham- Ferrers 3 1855 Oundle 2 1857 Inverness 1 1858 Thirsk 3 1861 Blackpool 3 1864 Canterbury 3 1867 Rotherham 3 1870 Malton 3 1873 Selby 3 1876 Bradford, Gt.HortnZ 1879 Hebden-Bridge 3 1882 Market-Rasen 3 EARNSHAW, RD. F. 1885 North-Shields 2 1872 Institution 1 1887 Sheffield, Eben. 3 1873 Whitehaven 1 1890 Cradley 3 1874 Kendal 2 1893 Sheffield, Carver-tt., 1876 Newtown 2 Sup. 1878 Ludlow 2 1880 Masham 1 EACOTT, JAMES W. 1881 Bridlington 3 1862 Bacup 2 1884 Leicester, 1864 Shipley 1 Humber stone -rd. 3 1865 Todmorden 1 1887 Northampton, 1866 Allendale-Town 2 Gold-street 3 1868 Durham 3 1890 Nelson 2 1871 Penrith 3 1892 Manningtree 3 1874 Biggleswade 2 1895 Barton-on- Humber 1876 Hungerford 3 1879 Bradford-on-Avon 3 EAST, JAMES T. 1882 Stainland 3 1886 Danby 3 1885 Wrexham 3 1889 Spennymoor 1 1888 Ulverston 3 1890 Glasgow, N.W. 1891 Gateshead, Mission 3 Bensliam-road 3 1893 Daventry 3 1894 Barnard- Castle 3 1896 Peterborough EARDLEY, ALLWORTH. Institution. EASTON, WM. ERNEST. Institution. 1896 Supply 1895 Supply 1 1896 Lei-wick, &c. EARDLEY, EOBT., B.A. EATON, JOHN.* 1857 Buxton 1 1841 Institution 2 1858 Uttoxeter 2 1843 Banbury 1 1860 Plymouth 3 1844 Brackley 1 1863 Rochdale 3 1845 Deal 2 1866 Bolton, Wesley 3 1847 Holt 1 1869 Manchester, 1848 Wrexham 2 Irwell-street 3 1850 Colne 3 1872 Sheffield, Thornclff 3 1853 Wainfleet 3 1875 Newcastle-Tyne, 1856 Wisbech 3 Blenheim-street 2 1859 Saddle worth 2 1877 Retired 3 1861 Whitehaven 3 1880 Falmouth 3 1864 Stamford 2 1883 Rawtenstall 3 1866 Coningsby 3 1886 Glossop 3 1869 Snaith 3 1889 Wigan 3 1892 Clapton, Sup 2 1872 Hartlepool 1875 Epworth 3 1894 London, Stoke Newington, do. 1878 Sittingbourne 1 1879 Monmouth 1881 Kingswood 3 EAEL, WILLIAM. 1884 Welshpool 3 1877 Ashford 2 1887 Seacombe, Su}>. 1879 London, Stoke Newington 2 EATON, JOHN F. 1881 Hertford, &c. 2 Institution. 1883 Arbroath, &c. 3 1890 Supply 1 1886 Kilsyth 3 1891 Attleborough 2 1889 Ketley Bank, &c. 3 1893 Castletown 1 1892 Wellington, Salop 2 1894 Rhondda 2 1894 Hinckley 3 1896 Ramsev, /. of M. Died Oct. 1st, 1896. AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS, 51 EDDY, GEORGE. 1889 Kidderminster 3 1882 Deptford 1 1874 Bodmin 2 1892 Rugby 3 1883 St. Albans 1 1876 Bedford & North- 1895 Birmingham, Wesley 1884 Clacton-on-Sea 1 ampton, Dig. Mis. 3 1879 Second London,^. 3 1882 Nottingham,&c.,d.3 1885 Newcastle-Tyne, 1896 Redruth 1891 Deal 3 1895 Wigan 1894 Southend, &c. 3 EKERT, E. GOTTLIEB. EDMAN AARON. 1850 Guy's-Hill, Jam. 1 EDWARDS, EDWD. R. 1873 Prevorst, Germany 3 L876 Neusalz-on-the- 1851 St. Kitt's, W. Inds. 1 1865 Exeter 1 Oder. do. 3 1852 Dominica, do. 2 1854 Mis. Com. 1 1866 Pembroke 2 1868 Wrexham 2 1879 Kirch be rg-on-the- Ja cp st. do, 3 1855 Grateful-Hill, Jam.3 1858 Morant-Bay, do. 2 1870 Accrington 2 1872 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1882 Augsburg, do. 1 1883 Backnang, do. 3 1860 Spanish-Tn., do. 1 1875 Sheffield, Ebmezer 3 1886 Nordlingen, do. 2 1861 Yallahs,^. 1 1878 Wolverhampton 3 .888 Gorlitz, do. 2 1862 Kingston, do. 1 1881 Bradford, rmt-7*Z. 3 890 Backnang, do. 1863 Returning Home 1 1884 Bradford, Manhm. 3 1864 Horncastle 3 1887 London, PecMam 3 EKERT, FRIEDRICH 1867 St. Agnes 3 1890 Plymouth. Men. 3 WILHELM. 1870 Congleton 3 1893 Brentford 3 876 Ulm, &c., Germany 2 1873 Shotley-Bridge 3 1896 Wolverhampton, 878 Kirchberg-on-the- 1876 Houghton-le-Spr. 3 Darlington-street Jngst, do. 1 1879 Malton 3 879 Siegen, do. 3 1882 Barrow-in-Furness 3 EDWARDS, E. STANLEY. 882 Sulzbach, do. 2 1885 Castleford 3 Institution. 884 Prevorst, do. 4 1888 New-Mills 3 1895 Supply 1 888 Sehonidorf, (Jo. 2 1891 Market-Rasen 2 1896 Tumkur, C. India 890 Nuremberg, (Jo. 3 1893 Birmingham, Islington, Sup. \ 1894 Wolverhampton, Trinity, do. EDWARDS, FRANK. Institution. 1895 Supply 893 Siegen, do. EKERT, G. JAKOB. 880 Stuttgart, Ger. j 1883 CannstattAc I 4 EDMAN, J. SCOLEY. 1875 Supply 1 1S76 Institution 1878 'Institution 1 EDWARDS, J. BICKNOR- Institution. 1893 Manchester, Central Hall, Oldham-strect Stuttgart, do. } 1884 Nuremberg, do. 6 1890 Magdeburg, do. 2 1892 Nuremberg, do. \ ., 1893 Fiirth. do. ( 1879 Daventry 1 1880 Stamford 2 EDWARDS, JOHN (c). 1895 Nuremberg, do. 1882 St. Neots 1 1878 Institution 1 ELAND, RICHARD J. 1883 Matlock 3 1879 Aberdeen 2 1874 Institution 1 1886 Douglas, I. of M. 3 1881 Marlborough 1 1875 Bideford 2 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1877 London, Stoke ELLIOTT, MICHAEL J. 1876 Blandford, &c. 1 Newington 2 , 1879 Lagos, W. Africa, 1877 Shepton-Mallet 2 1879 Pontefract 1 ; Theo. Stud. Dept. 2 1879 Devizes 2 1880 Knaresborough 1 1881 Wunaga & Bida, j 1881 Bridgwater 2 1881 Perth 3 do. > 5 1883 Daventry 3 1884 Whitehaven 1 1882 Bida, do. } 1886 Dunstable 3 1885 Salisbury 1 1886 London, Mis. Com. 1 1889 Brisg 3 1886 Leominster 2 1887 Bromsgrove 1 1892 St. Ives, Cornwall 3 1888 Lynton 3 1888 Scilly Isles 2 1895 Wisbech 1891 Gainsborough 2 1890 Walsall, Wes., Stijt. 1 1893 Beccles 3 1891 Hovlake, &c., do. 1 ELLIS, WILLIAM P. 1896 Dartmouth, &c. 1892 Alexandria, 1870 Supply ) 9 Egypt, do. 4 1871 St. Columb \ * ELDEBZIN, HENBY. 1896 Hovlake. &c., do. 1872 Basingstoke 4 1876 Oundle 1 1877 Institution 1879 Institution 1 1880 Birmingham, Wes. 3 1883 Buxton 2 ELLIS, EBN. SAYEB. Institution. 1895 Supply 1 1896 Wallacestone, &c. 1876 Haverfordwest 3 1879 Gower 3 1882 Hayle 1 1883 Wantage 3 1886 Melksham 3 1885 Birmingham, Smethwick 3 ELLIS, HENBY J. Institution. 1889 Horsham 2 1891 Glastonbury 3 1888 Manchester, 1892 Mis. Com. 1 1894 Shaftesbury, &c. 3 C/iectham-hill 3 1891 Manchester, 1893 Ijebu, West Africa 1 1894 Shagamu, do. ELLIS, WM. T. Institution. Long sight - 3 1894 London, Mostyn-rd .3 ELLIS, JAMES. 1878 Institution 1 1894 Swansea, Welsh 1 1895 Methyr-Tydvil, do. 1 ELDBLDGE, C. 0., B.A. 1879 Watlington 2 1 896 Brynmawr, do. 1865 Kingston&Cobham 2 1867 Redbill 2 1881 Ventnor, I. of W. 2 1883 Attleborough 3 ELSWOBTH, JOHN. 1869 Dewsbury 1 1886 Sleaford 3 Institution. 1870 North Walsham 3 1889 Tavistock 3 1885 Supply 1 1873 Hastings 3 1892 Driffield 3 1886 Peel, /. of Man 1 1876 Ticehurst 3 1895 Otley 1887 Stamford 2 1879 Maidstone 3 1882 Horsham 3 ELLIS, J. BOBEBT. 1883 Institution 1 1889 Scarborough 3 1892 Hull, Kingston 3 1885 Ramsgate 3 1884 Barrackpur.tf.Jwrf. 1 18% Shffi 1 1 P 1- t* ( 1888 Leicester, 1885 Madras, Enq., do. 2 , x at. J Humberstone-rd. 3 1891 Glasgow, Paisley-road 3 1894 Peterborough 3 ELLENBEBGEB, JOHN 8. 1887 Trivellore, do. 1 1 888 St. Thomas' Mt., do. 5 1893 Liverpool, Shaw-st., Welsh 3 1896 Coedpoeth, do. ELLIS, PAUL. ELTON, FREDERICK. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Khamiesberg, S.A. 1 1873 Cape Town, do. 2 1875 Bloemfontein, do. 1 1876 Diamond Fields,d0. 1 1881 Institution 1 1877 Rheims, English 2 1895 Aburi, West Africa 1882 Nevis, W. Indies 1 1879 Shcf&eld,A'orflk-st.S 1883 St. Martin's, do. 3 1882 Leith 3 ELLIOTT, JOSEPH A. 1876 Lucknow, C. India 3 1886 Antigua, do. 1 18.- 7 Georgetown, Dem., Brit. Guiana 2 1885 Burton-on-Trent > 1886 Tarn worth, &c. J 1888 Derby, Green-hill 3 1879 Benares, do. 1 1889 Mahaica, do. 1 1891 Macclesfield 3 1880 Institution 1882 Lucknow, Hindus- 1890 Toledo, Brit. Hon. 1 18(1 rinrrv/inl /J.n 1894 Hasliugden 3 tani, C. India 1 i ~~'j~ " i ooo TI j i iovb Ueiixc, HO. 18S3 Benares, do. 1 ELTON, JOHN P. 1866 Supply 1 1884 Fyzabad, do. 7 ELLIS, WILLIAM. 1867 Shrewsbury 1 1891 Visiting England 2 1873 Walsingham 1 1868 Hebden- Bridge 3 1893 Benares, C. India 1 1874 Mildenhall 1 1871 Sowerby-Bridge 2 1394 Fyzabad, do. 1876 Barrowford, &c. 1 1873 Malton" 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 53 1876 Hastings 3 1882 Chepstow 3 1861 Diss 3 1879 Bedford, St. Paul's 3 1885 Ripley 3 1864 York 3 1882 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1888 Richmond 3 1867 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1885 Newport, Mon. 3 1891 Mold 2 1870 Bradford, Manhm. 3 1888 Wellington, Salop 3 1893 Spennymoor 3 1873 Altrincham 3 1891 Falmouth 3 1896 Chepstow 1876 Leek 1 1894 Stockton 3 ETJBA, WILLIAM B. 1877 Bradford, Shipley 3 1880 Wrexham 3 ELVIDGE, ALFRED. 1868 Institution 1 1886 Lagos, W. Africa, Educ. Dept. 1 1883 Sowerby-Bridge 1 1884 Wrexham, Sup. 1869 Ripon 3 1887 Abeokuta, do. 1 ' L 1872 Easingwold 3 1888 Lagos, High-xchool, EVANS, EVAN (A). 1875 Ossett & Horbury 3 do. 8 1859 Llangollen,TFefo& 2 1878 Bridlington 3 1896 Klein Popo, do. 1861 Holy head, do. 1 1881 Pocklington 3 1884 Penrith 3 1887 Keighley 3 1890 Wakefield 3 1893 Ormskirk 3 1896 Sheffield, Tlwrncliffe ELVY, WALTEK J. 1879 Institution 1 1880 Supply 2 1882 Tunstall 2 1884 Stratford 3 1887 London, Brixton-hill 3 1890 Woolwich 3 EVA, DANIEL. 1860 Verulam, S. Afr. 2 1862 Emfundisweni.do. 10 1 872Pietermaritzberg,i.-st3 1892 Ipswich 3 1874 Bradford, Shipley 3 1895 Hayle FAULKNER, JAMES. 1877 Sheffield, Ebcnczer 3 1845 Garstang 3 1880 Derby, King-st. 3 FARMER, WILLIAM. 1848 Lancaster 2 1883 Accrington 3 1873 Rye 1 1850 Mold, &c. 2 1886 Tunstall 3 1874 Sittingbourne 2 1852 Skipton 2 1889 Longton \ 1876 Ashford 1 1854 Bedale 3 1890 Burslem, Suv, 56 MINISTEBS, ETC., IN GREAT BEITADT FEATHERSTONE- HAUGH. THOMAS. 1868 Institution 1869 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 2 1871 Wood-Green, &c. 2 1873 Chertsey, &c. 3 1876 London, Lambeth 3 1879 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1882 Dover 3 1885 Wanstead, &c. 3 1888 Poole 3 1891 Plymouth, Eben. 3 1894 Exeter 3 FELIX, JOHN. Institution. 1886 Abergele, Welsh 2 1888 Towyn, do. 2 1890 Holy well, do. 3 1893 Ruthin, do. 3 1896 Llanrhaiadr, do. FELLMANN, HEINRICH 1892 Winnenden, Gcr. 3 1895 Siegen, do. FELVTJS, JOSIAH. 1862 Hayle 1 1863 Bideford 2 1865 Barnard-Castle 1 1866 Richmond, Torks 3 1869 Snaith 3 1872 Pontefract 3 1875 Birstall 3 1878 Alford 3 1881 Doncaster 3 1884 Whitby 3 1887 Hexham 3 1890 Hampton-Court 1892 Devonport 1893 Devonport, Gloucester-tit. 1895 Hebden-Bridge uourt 1 1 t, er-xt. ] 1 1879 Lucknow, C. 2nd. 1 1880 Benares, do. 11 1891 London, Mis. Com. 1 1892 Launceston, Sup. 1 1893 Oundle 3 1896 Castletown FENWICK, HARBISON. 1863 Wolsingham 2 1865 Hexham 1 1866 Whitehaven 3 1869 Douglas, I. of M. 3 1872 Darlington 3 1875 York, Wesley 3 1878 York, Wes., Sup. 1 1879 Darlington, Bondgate, do, FERDINANDO, DON I. 1888 Badulla, Ceylon 4 1892 Hewaheta, do. 1 1893 Amblamgoda, do. FERDINANDO, DON JOSEPH. 1876 Kandaboda Pat- tuwa, Ceylon 1 1877 Wattalpola, do. 3 1880 Kandy, do. 1 1881 Maggona, do. 2 1883 Pantura, do. 6 1889 Moratuwa-Mulla, do. 2 1891 Colombo, Dis. Com.. do. I 1892 Kalutara, do. 1 1893 Hewaheta, do. \ 1894 Kandy. do. J 1896 Dikwella, do. FENELEY, CHARLES. 1886 St. Mary's Island, FERDINANDO, DON P. G. 3 1867 Colombo,North,Cfey.2 1869 Colombo, South.rfo. 1 1870 Amblamgoda, do. 1 1871 Morowa-Korle, do. '& 1874 Morotto-Mulla,do.lO Gambia, W. Afr. 6 1892 St. Austell 3 1895 Devonport, Gloucester-street FENN, TOM HY. Institution. 1895 Supply FENTIMAN, ALBERT. 1864 Bangalore, C.Ind. 9 1873 Lucknow, do. 2 1875 Calcutta, do. 2 1877 Mis. Com. 1 1878 Lyme-Kegis 1 1884 Kurana, do. 6 1890 Seeduwa, do. 6 1896 Minuangoda, do. FERN, WILLIAM. 1849 Ripon 1 1850 North Isles, Zet. 1 1851 Lerwick, do. 2 1853 Reeth 3 1856 Hawes& Sedbergh 3 1859 Holmfirth 1862 Stokesley 1863 Guisborough f 1865 Boston 3 1868 Barnard-Castle 3 1871 Cullingworth 3 1874 Houghton-le-Spr. 3 1877 Ripon 3 1880 Sedbergh 3 1883 Helmsley 3 1886 Alston 3 1889 Crook 3 1892 Middlesbrough, South-bank 3 1895 Bedale FERNANDO, HENDH. 1869 Wattalpola, Cey. 3 1872 Metaremba, do. 1 1873 Pololypitiya, do. 3 1876 Metaremba, do. "J 1877 Katana, do. 1 1878 Goddapitiya, do. 2 1880 Wattalpola, do. 2 1882 Wellebada- Pattuwa, do. 4 1886 Wellewatte,do.,Sup.l 1887 Kotugoda, do., do. 3 1890 Andiambalam, do. 2 1892 Wellewatte,.,do.3 1895 Kollupitiya, &c., do., do. FERNANDO, JOSEPH. 1852 Goddapitiya, Cey. I 1853 Pantura, do. 1 1854 Seedua, &c., do. 10 1864 Angulana, do. 3 1867 Pantura, do. 2 1869 Morotto, do. 4 1873 Wellewatte, do. 2 1875 Pantura, do. 3 1878 Seedua, do. 4 1882 Wattalpola,^. 2 1884 Koralawella, do. 2 1886 Angulana, do. 1 1887 Moratuwa-Mulla,do.2 1889 Wattalpola, do. 1 1890 Koralawella, do. 1 1891 Angulana, do. 2 1893 Panadura, &c., do. 1 1894 Panadura, &c., do., Sup. 1 1895 Kehelwatte,d0.,rfo. 1 1896 Panadura, do., do. FIELD, HARVEY. 1878 Supply ) 1 879 Cape Town, S. A., V 3 English 1881 Malta, Garrison,&.c. 1 1882 Bungay 2 1884 London, Southwk. 1 1885 Ilkeston 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 57 1888 Barnsley 3 1891 Tadcaster 3 1894 Hartlepool, &c. 3 FIELDEN, JOSHUA. 1865 Marlborough 2 1867 Swindon 1 1868 Swaffham 1 1869 Hitchin 2 1871 Airdrie 1 1872 Wigton, &c. 3 1875 Morpeth 3 1878 Shotley-Bridge 3 1881 Kirby-Moorside 2 1883 Peel, 1. of Man 3 1886 Crook 3 1889 Saddleworth 3 1892 Haverfordwest 3 1895 Liskeard FIELDHOUSE, JAMES. 1874 Institution 1 1875 St. Mary's Island, Gambia, W.Afr., Educ. Dept. 4 1879 Ryde, I. of W. 3 1882 Portsmouth, Wesley 3 1885 Devonport 3 1888 Burslem 3 1891 Macclesfield 3 1894 Portsmouth, Wes. 3 FIELDING, BENJ. F. 1873 Institution 1 1874 Guildford 1 1875 London, St. John's Wood 3 1878 IjondoTifBrixtn.-lil 1 1879 Looe 3 1882 Exeter 3 1885 Sherborne 3 1888 Blackpool 3 1891 Waterloo 3 1894 Doncaster, Priory-place 3 FIELDING, JAMES. Institution. 1895 Supply FILIPPINI, EEN., Ph.D. 1877 Vicenza, Italy 1 1878 Milan, do. 1 1879 Padua, do. 3 1882 Spezia, &c., do. 5 1887 Withdrew I 1888 Pavia, Italy 3 1891 Withdrew 3 1894 Rome, do., Without pastoral charge FILLINGHAM, ALBERT L. Institution. 1893 Supply 1 1894 Oundle 2 1896 Higham-Ferrers FINCH, JAMES. 1858 Whitchurch, Salopl 1859 Dunster 3 1862 Derby 3 1865 Leeds, Oxford-pi 3 1868 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 3 1871 Birmingham, Wes. 8 1874 Sheffield, ^VorA.-^. 3 1877 Bristol, King-street 3 1880 London, Lambeth 3 1883 London, Bow 3 1886 Stockport,Tiv.-dale3 1889 St. Leonards 3 1892 Huddersfield, Gledholt 3 1895 Barnsley FINDLAY, GEO. G., B.A. 1870 Headingley,^s.rw.4 1874 Richmond, As. Tu. 1 1875 Richmond, Clas.Tu.b 1881 Headingley, Cl. Tu. FINDLAY, WM. H., M.A. 1880 Richmond, As. Tu. 2 1 882 Negapatam, C. Ind. , Educ. Dept. 7 1889 Negapatam, do. 3 1892 Karur, do. 1 1893 Visiting England 1 1894 Karur, C. Ind. FINNEMORE, JOSEPH, M.A., Ph.D. 1864 Sandhurst 1 1865 Sevenoaks 1 1866 Uxbridge 1 1867 Ludlow 1 1868 Falmouth 2 1870 Malton 3 1873 Howden 1 1874 Walsall, Centenary 3 1877 Truro 2 1879 Bury 3 1882 Blackburn,2?arwe3 1885 Manchester, Oldham-road 3 1888 Birmingham, Aston-park 3 1891 Brighton \ 1892 Brighton, V3 Dorset-gardens } 1894 Hastings 3 * Pied Oct, 4th, 1896, FISH, GEORGE M. C. Institution. 1886 Supply 1 1887 Poole 1 1888 Daventry 2 1890 Tamworth, &c. 1 1891 Devon and Dorset Mission 3 1894 Bideford 3 FISON, EDWARD.* 1844 Institution 1 1845 Croydon 2 1847 Rye 1 1848 Holt 2 1850 Canterbury 2 1852 Faversham 3 1855 Dover 2 1857 Wantage 3 1860 Tavistock 1 1861 Launceston 3 1864 Sherborne 3 1867 Salisbury 3 1870 Northwich 3 1873 So werby- Bridge 2 1875 Castletovm, I.o/M.3 1878 Patrington 2 1880 Cinderford 3 1883 Kilkhampton 1 1884 Kingsbridge 1 1885 Croydon, Sup. 2 1887 Castle- Donington, do. 2 1889 Maidstone, do. FITZ-GERALD, W. B. 1877 Institution 2 1879 Keighley 3 1882 Scarborough 1 1883 Hull. 6ft. Thornton-st. 3 1886 Manchester. Gravel-lane 3 1889 Bolton, Wesley 3 1892 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1895 Harrogate FLEMINGTON, WM. FRED. Institution. 1895 Supply FLETCHER, GEORGE. 1859 Andover 1 1860 Bridport 1 1861 Didsbury, As. Tu. 2 1863 London, Baysivatr. 1 1864 Bury 3 1867 Manchester, Irwell-street 3 58 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1870 Manchester, Gt. 1882 Karrunkoddativu, 1890 Cambridge 3 Bridgewatei'-st. Ceylon 1 1893 Portsmouth, 1872 Manchester, 1883 Trincomalee, do. 1 Southsea 3 City-road 1884 Kalmunai,rfo. 2 1896 Newcastle-Lyme 1873 Seacombe 1886 Manaar, do. 2 1876 Woodhouse Grove, 1888 Jaffna, Dis. Evan., FLOYD, HEEBEET C. Gov. % Chaplain do. 1 1892 Institution 1 1883 Preston, Lune-st. i 1889 Trincomalee, do. 1 1893 Supply 1 1886 Bristol, Clifton 1890 Eraur, do. 3 1894 Welshpool 1 1889 Bristol, King-st. 1893 Karrunkoddative, 1895 Preston, Lune-st. 1891 Richmond, Gov. do. 3 ^' Tu. Pas. Theo. 1896 Trincomalee, S., do. FOGG, SAMUEL. 1868 Institution 1 FLETCHER, JAMES. FLETCHEE, EICHAED. 1869 Peel, I. of Man 1 1866 Mis. Com. 1850 Freetown, W.Afr. 4 1870 Saddleworth 1 1867 Wilberforce, W.A. 3 1854 Mis. Com. 1 1871 Guildford 2 1870 Aberdeen 1 1855 Belize, Hon.-Bay 5 1873 Jersey, English 3 1871 Edinburgh l . 1860 Corosal, do. 20 1876 London, St. Geo. 3 1874 Armadale j 1880 Brecon 3 1879 London,Spitalflds.2 1875 Dundee, Vict.-rd. 2 1883 Clitheroe 3 1881 Accrington 3 1877 Todmorden 1 1886 Bridport 3 1884 Leigh, Lane. 3 1878 Bourne 1 1889 Alton 3 1887 Lewes 2 1879 Cape-Coast, W.Afr.2 1892 Withernsea 3 1889 Preston, Wesley 3 1881 Ripley 1 1895 Hull, Waltham-st., 1892 Walsall, Wesley 3 1882 Uxbridge 3 Sup. 1895 Truro 1885 Sheerness c 1888 Rochester, FLETCHEE, WALTEE E. FOGWELL, ALEX. F. Chatham Garrison Institution. 1867 Institution 1 1887 Alston 2 1868 Lancaster 2 FLETCHEB, JOHN. 1889 South-Shields 3 1870 Ulverston 2 1840 Tewkesbury 1 1841 Stroud 2 1892 Hexham 3 1895 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1872 London, Hoxton 1 1873 London, Sea. Mis. 2 1843 Cardiff 1 Dllston-road 1875 Redruth 3 1844 Windsor 2 1878 Bodmin 3 1846 Gravesend 1 1847 Portsmouth 2 1849 Wimborne 3 1852 Frome 3 1855 Otley 3 1858 Shipley 2 1860 Dewsbury 3 FLEW, JOSIAH. 1879 Institution 1 1880 Supply 1 1881 Cinderford 3 1884 Hols worthy 2 1886 Kingsbridge 3 889 Wilts & Som. Mis. 3 1881 Witney 3 1884 Ventnor, I. of W. 3 1887 Porthleven 3 1890 Whitby 3 1893 Middlesbrough Wesley 3 1896 Hexham 1863 Bridlington 3 1866 Heywood 3 1869 Newcastle-Tyne, Blenheim-street 3 1872 Middlesbrough 3 1875 Sowerby- Bridge 3 1878 Todmorden 3 1881 Dawley 3 1884 Deptford, Sup. 8 1892 London Mis., S., do. 892 Stratford-on-Avon 3 895 Leamington FLOYD, CHAELES H. 859 ~BTadoT&.Jirkgate 1 860 Oxford ' 1 861 Hull, Waltham-st. 2 863 Manchester, Oxford-road 3 866 Tunbridge-Wells 3 FONSEKA, DAVID. 1870 Kandy, Ceylon 2 1872 Wattapola, do. 2 1874 Madam pitiya, do. 1 1875 Welle watte, do. 1 1876 Godapitiya, do. 2 1878 Katana, do. 3 1881 Kandy, do. 1 1882 Minuangoda, do. 4 1886 Katana, do. 5 FLETCHEE, JOHN C. 869 Leeds, Headingley 3 872 Bath 3 1891 Dikwella, do. 5 1896 Seeduwa, do, 1872 Porativoe, Ceylon 2 875 Birmingham, 1874 Amirthagelly, do. 1 Belmont-row 3 FONSEKA, ELIAS F 1875 Eraur, do. 1 878 Oxford 3 1873 Kandy, Ceylon 4 1876 Vathery, do. 1 381 Penzance 3 1877 Pattuwa, do. 1 1877 Puttoor, do. 1 884 Swansea 3 1878 Laggala, do. 1 1878 Eraur, do. 4 887 Bradford, Oreen-lil. 3 1879 Palolpitiya. do. ] AXD ON THE FOHEIQN BTATIOXS. 59 1880 Hambantota, do. 3 1883 Godapitiya, do. 2 1885 Palolpitiya, do. 2 1887 Hambantota, do. 1 1888 Akmeemena, do. 2 1890 Metaremba, do. 5 1895 Angulana, do. 1 1896 Kollupitiya, &c., do. FORDE, GEORGE R, Institution. 1894 Heidelberg, Eng., 8. A. 1 1895 Pietersburg, do., do. I 1896 Supply. FORDHAM, JOHN S. (A) 1852 Institution 1 1853 Viwa, Fiji 1 1854 Nandi, do. 3 1857 Bau, do. 5 1862 Returning Home 1 1863 Mis. Com. 1 1864 Retford 3 1867 Otley 3 1870 Derby ) 1871 Derby, Green-hl. ] 1873 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1876 Cross-Hills 3 1879 Stainland 3 1882 Ossett & Horbury 3 1885 Market- Weighton 3 1888 Cullingvvorth 2 1890 Sheffield, Brunswick, Sup. FORDHAM, JOHN S. (B) 1877 Institution 1 1878 Hankow, China 4 1882 Kwangchi, do. 1 1883 Castletown, I. of M.I 1884 Ramsey, do. 3 1887 Penrith 3 1890 Hebden-Bridge 3 1893 Chesterfield 3 1896 Pontefract FOEREST, STEPHEN. 1863 Norwich 1 1864 Nottingham, Halifax-place 1 1865 Birmingham, Wcs. 2 1867 Accrington 3 1870 Hebden-Bridge 3 1873 West Bromwich ? 1876 Bolton, Farnworth 3 1879 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1882 Halifax, Wesley 3 1885 Manchester, Longsight 3 1888 Bury 3 1888 Stratford-on-Avon 3 1891 Manchester, 1891 Haltwhistle 3 Radnor-street 1 1894 Wigton 2 1892 Bradford, Shipley 3 1896 Allendale 1895 Huddersfield, Gledholt FOSTER, ROBERT. 1875 Institution 2 FORRINGTON,CHARLES. 1877 Home, Italy 3 1879 Institution 1 1880 Florence, do. 2 1880 Newbury 2 1882 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1882 Chertsey, &c. 2 1885 London, Bayswatr. 3 1884 Ripley 2 1888 Stratford ' 3 1886 Easingwold 3 1891 Norwich 3 1889 Selby 3 1894 London, 1892 Colne 3 1895 Liverpool, Bootle Mildmay-parlt 3 FOSTER, WILLIAM. FORSON, WM. S. 1847 Lerwick, Zetland 2 1894 Cape Coast, W. Afr. 1849 Appleby 2 1851 Kendal 2 FOSTER, CALEB. 1853 Walls, Zetland 2 1857 Dursley 3 1855 Glossop 2 1860 Newport, 7. of W. 3 1857 Great- Horton 2 1863 Bideford 3 1859 Todmorden 2 1866 Mansfield 3 1861 Wisbech 3 1869 Witney 3 1864 Peterborough 3 1872 Southampton 3 1867 Congleton 3 1875 Holmfirth 3 1870 Selby 3 1878 Dudley 3 1873 Malton 3 1881 Wednesbury, Wes. } 1876 Guisborough. &c. 3 1883 West Bromwich, \ 3 1879 Hough ton-lei Spr. 3 mil-top \ 1882 Walsall, Centenary 3 1884 Whitehaven 3 1885 Richmond, Yorkx. 3 1887 Wigan 3 1888 Howden 3 1890 Guisborough, &c. 3 1891 Market- Weighton 2 1893 Altrincham, Sup. 1898 Norwich, Sup. 1 1894 Selby, do. FOSTER, HENRY J. 1871 Nottingham, Halifax-place 2 1873 London, Gt.Qn.-st. 1 1874 London, Wstmnstr. 3 1877 Sheffield, Carver -st. 3 1880 Altrincham 3 1883 Leeds, Headingley 3 1886 Liverpool, Grove-street 3 FOSTER, WILLIAM, B.A. 1878 Institution 2 1880 Headingley, As.Tu.l 1881 Handsworth, do. 2 1883 Llandudno & Rhyl 2 1885 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 3 1888 Southport, Trinity 3 1891 London, Mostyn- road 3 1889 Waterloo 3 1892 Bristol, Clifton 3 1894 London, Sydenhain 3 1895 Bristol, King-street FOWELL, WILLIAM J. 1871 Institution 1 FOSTER, JAMES. 1872 Altrincham 1 1878 Supply 1 1873 Margate 3 1879 Institution 1876 St. Helens, &c. 3 1881 Institution 1 1879 Manchester, 1882 Supply 2 Oxford-road 3 1884 Lyme-Regis ) 9 1882 Burnley 3 1885 Chard \ * 1885 Rcdhill 3 1886 Mildenhall 1 1888 Tunbridgc-Wells, 1887 Stroud & Stonehse, 1 Sup. 1 60 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1889 Blackpool 3 1874 Rotherham, Siq). 1 1884 Worksop H 1892 Lytham 3 1875 Morley 3 1887 Carlisle 3 1895 Liverpool, Wesley 1878 Blackburn 3 1890 Woodhouse Grove 3 FRANKLIN, AARON E. 1881 Sheffield, Ebenczer 3 1893 Cockermouth, &c. 3 1884 Sheffield,runsiuk. 3 1896 West Bromwich. 1876 Abbeokuta.TF.4/7-. 1 1877 Ibadau, do. 3 1880 Little Popo, do. 4 1887 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1890 Warrington 3 1893 Ilkley 3 Hill-top FRYAR, GEORGE. 1884 Ahgwey, do. 3 1887 Lagos, do. 4 1891 Little Popo, do. ) . 1895 Klein Popo, do. \ 1896 Shagamu, do. 1896 Harrogate, Sup. FRENCH, ALF. J., B.A. 1856 Penzance 2 1858 Oxford 2 1860 Trichinopoly, C.I. 1 1861 Trivellore, do. 2 1863 Manargudi, do. 1 1864 Negapatam, do. 2 1866 Manargudi, do. 13 FRATER, WM. DYSON. 1860 Macclesfield 3 1863 Southport, Sup. 1 1879 Madras, South, Train. Inst., do. 2 Institution. 1886 Lucknow, C. India 5 1891 Benares, do. 2 1893 Fyzabad,^*. 1 1894 Jabalpur, do. 2 1896 Visiting England 1864 Llandudno, Sup. 1 1865 Llandudno and I Rhyl j. 3 1867 Rhyl ) 1868 South- Shields 3 1 87 1 Didsbury, Clas. Tu.ll 1881 Knaresborough 2 1883 Dursley 2 1885 St. Just 3 1888 Hungerford 3 1891 Salisbury 3 1894 Downham-Market 3 1888 Seacombe 3 FRAYN, GEORGE. 1873 Aberdare 2 1875 Tredegar 2 1891 Leeds, Sramley 3 1894 Liverpool, Great Homer-st., Sup. FULLER, WALTER. 1866 Attleborough 2 1868 Mildenhall 1 1877 Builth 1 1878 Pontypridd 3 1881 Gloucester 3 FRENCH ERNEST A. Institution. 1869 Peterborough 3 1872 Shotley-Bridge 3 1875 Sleaford 3 1884 Ossett & Horbury 3 1893 Edinburgh Mission 1878 Alford 3 1887 Colchester 3 1890 Southend, &c. 3 1893 Horncastle 3 1896 Barrow-in-Furness FRENCH, MICHAEL C. 1889 Freetown, Second, West Africa 1 1881 Spilsby 3 1884 Melton-Mowbray 3 1887 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1890 Watford, &c. 3 FREEMAN, ALFRED (A). 1858 Buxton 1 1890 Freetown, First, do. 6 1896 Bonthe, do. 1893 Ryde 3 1896 Bishop- Auckland 1859 Wrexham 1 1860 Whitchurch, Salop 1 1861 Altrincham 3 FRIEND, FREDERICK. 1859 Institution 1 FtiNCK, G. HEINRICH. 1867 Waiblingen, Ger. 2 1869 Prevorst, do. 1 1864 Manchester, Oldliam-street 3 1867 Durham 1 1860 Bolton, Wesley 1 1861 Bridport 2 1863 Tavistock 2 1870 Kirchberg, do. 3 1873 Waiblingen, do. 2 1875 Cannstatt do. 2 1868 Gateshead 3 1865 Cheadle 3 1877 Hall, do. 1 1871 Dewsbury 3 1868 Holmfirth 3 1878 Winnenden, do. 4 1874 Hanley 3 1877 ~London,J3i'iztn-hl. 3 1880 Plymouth, JSben. 2 1882 Truro 2 1871 Armley 3 1874 Birstall 3 1877 Ashton-Lyne 3 1880 Patrington ) 1882 Schorndorf,' do. 6 1888 Waiblingen, do. 4 1892 Ulm-on-the-Dan- uljG do 1884 Chipping-Norton 3 1881 Withernsea j ; 1887 Garstang 3 1883 Lancaster 3 FYTCHE, HENRY. 1890 Barrow-in-Furness 3 1886 Brampton 2 Institution. 1893 Barton-on-Humber3 1888 Blyth 3 1893 Snnnlv 2 1896 Caistor 1891 South-Shields 3 ; 1395 p ntynridd 1894 Wolsingham 3 yp FREEMAN, ALFRED (B). GALLIENNE, MATT. 1862 Liskeard 2 FRIEND, HILDERIC. 1835 LaVaunage,J^Vaw3 1864 Callington 2 1876 Canton, W., China 3 1838 La Drome, do. 4 1866 Falmouth 2 1879 Fatshan, do. 1 1842 Nlmes, do. 5 1868 Pontefract 3 1880 Newton-Abbot 2 1847 Lausanne, Switz. 5 1871 Rotherham 3 1882 Brackley 2 1852 Ganges, France 4 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 61 1856 Ntmes, do. 3 1856 Returning Home 1 1859 Guernsey. Freneli 3 1857 Mix. Com. 1 1862 Jersey, do. 3 1858 Bishop-Auckland 1 1865 Guernsey &Sark, do3 1859 Whitehaven 2 1868 Jersey, do. 3 1861 Canterbury 3 1871 Bath 1 1864 Wellington, Salop 3 1872 Liskeard 3 1867 Madeley 2 1875 Bridport 3 1869 Beverley 3 1878 Guernsey, Sup. 4 1872 Falmouth 2 1882 Alderney, Sup. 2 1874 Malton 3 1884 Guerusey,^'/t(7.,A). 1877 Gainsborough 3 \_Pr.ofFrenchConf. 1859.] 1880 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1883 Woodhouse Grove 3 GALLIENNE, MATT., 1886 Hebden-Bridge 3 B.A. 1889 Bodmin 2 1860 Guernsey, French 2 1891 Nottingham, 1862 Jersey, do. 2 Wesley, Sup. 1864 Va,l[era,g\ies,Francc3 1867 Le Vigan, do. 3 1870 Bordeaux, do. 4 1874 Nimes, Institn., dr. 3 1877 Calais, French 3 1880 Lausanne, Maison d'Etudes, Stoltz. 5 1885 Nimes, France 5 1890 Guernsey, &c., Fr. 5 1895 Rouen, France [Pr.of French CW/.1896.] GABDNEB, WILLIAM E. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Kirby-Moorside 2 1871 Oldham, Manchester -st. 2 1873 Thornley 3 1876 Sunderland, Fawcett-street 1 1877 Midsomer-Norton 3 1880 Birmingham, Newtown-roio 3 OABBEB, MOSES E. 1883 Southampton 3 1895 Freetown First, 1886 Lynn 3 Zion, W. Afr. 1889 Middlesbrough, South-bank 3 GABBETT, BICHABD. 1892 West Bromwich, 1884 Supply 2 Hill-top 3 1886 Buckingham 3 1895 Crewe 18!) 9 Wolsingham 2 GAEL AND, ALFBED. 1891 Hornsea 3 Institution. 1894 Tadcaster 3 1891 Supply 1 GABDINEB, AGUB B. 1892 Hull Mission, Old-town 1 1863 Cape Coast, W.A. 2 1893 Driffield 3 1865 Bradford, (jt.IIortnZ 1868 Bradford. Shipley 3 1896 Cardiff, Canton 1871 Gateshead 3 GABBETT, CHABLES. 1874 Stockton 3 1849 Institution 1 1877 Leeds, Armley 3 1850 Mildenhall 2 1880 Leeds, Wesley 3 1852 Ely 1 1883 Wakeficld 3 1853 Louth 1 1886 Hartlcpool 3 ; 1854 Malton 3 1889 Manchester, 1857 Rochdale 3 Regent-road 3 1860 Preston 3 1892 Bolton, Wesley 3 1863 Hull, Geor^e-i/ard 3 ; 1895 Oldham, Wesley 1866 Manchester, Grarcl-lane 3 , GABDINEB, EBEN. A. 1869 Manchester, 1850 Anamabu, W.Afr. 1 Cheetham-liill 3 1851 Domonasi, do. 1 1872 Liverpool, Cra inner 3 1852 James Town, do. 2 1875 Liverpool Mission 1854 Lagos, &c., do. 2 [President in 1882.]' GABBETT, WM. T., B.A. Institution 1890 Jaffna, Pettah,Cey. 4 1894 Trincomalee, South 2 1896 Jaffna, Central College, do. GAUTBEY, E. MOFFATT. Institution. 1895 Mis. Com. 1 1896 Epworth, Native, S. A. GASKIN, JOSEPH. 1850 Pietermaritzberg, South Africa 2 1852 Indaleni, <20. 1 1853 D'Urban, do. 1 1854 Indaleni, do. 4 1858 D'Urban, do. 3 1861 Edendale. do. 1 1862 Verulam, do. 1 1863 Leave of absence 1 1864 Boulogne, France 15 1879 Rheims, do. 10 1889 Boulogne, Sup. 6 1895 Boulogne, Eng. GAWTHBOP, JOHN. 1886 Halifax & Bradford, Dis. Mis. 3 1889 Bedford and Northampton, Zo, 3 1892 Coventry 3 1895 Louth GEDEN, ALFBED S., M.A. 1881 Supply 2 1883 Didsbury, As. Tu. 1 1884 Edinburgh 2 1886 Madras, South, C.I., Educ. Dept. 1 1887 Madras, C.India Royapettah Coll. 2 1889 Leeds, Headingley 2 1891 Richmond, Clas. Tu. GEDYE.EENESTF., M.A. Institution. 1893 Wuchang. Educ. Dep., China, GEDYE, JOHN B. 1873 Institution 1 IS7-1 Ocho Rios,Jamaica 2 1S76 Grateful-Hill, do. 1 1877 Bath, do. 3 1880 Turk'slsland,//yj!j 7 1887 Blandford, &c. 1 1888 Stonehouse, &c. 1 62 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GBEAT BBITAIN 1889 Pontypool 3 1884 Witney 3 GIBSON, JOHN (A). 1892 Helston 3 1887 Gloucester 3 1865 Hertford, &c. 2 1895 Wcllingborough 1890 Gravesend 3 1867 Peterborough 2 1893 Northampton, 1869 Castle- Donington 1 GELDER, EDWIN. v Gold-street 3 1870 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1874 Tredegar 1 1896 Eastbourne 1873 Leeds, Wesley 3 1875 Aberdare 2 1876 York, New-street 3 1877 Guildford 2 GIBBS, WILLIAM H. 1879 Wolverhampton 3 1879 Ilkeston 3 1882 Institution 2 1882 Exeter 3 1882 Dereham 2 1884 Gainsborough, Slip, 2 1886 Cross-Hills, do. 1 1887 Melton-Mowbray 3 1890 Sowerby-Bridge 3 1893 Worksop 3 1896 Holbeach 1884 Supply 1 1885 Bristol, Clifton 3 1888 Liverpool, Gt. Homer-street 3 1891 York, Wesley 3 1894 Manchester, OldJiam-road 3 1885 Brighton 3 1888 Kilburn, &c. 3 1891 Birmingham, Wes. 2 1893 Redrutti 3 1896 Batley GIBSON, JOHN (B). 1868 Institution 1 GENGE, J. WESLEY. 1872 Institution 1 GIBSON, GEORGE (A). 1869 Uxbridge, &c. 2 1871 St. Albans 2 1873 Barbados, W.Indies, 1860 Eewa, Fiji 2 1873 Chelmsford 2 James-st. 4 1862 Holt 3 1875 Chelmsford, Sup. 1 1877 Nottingham, 1865 Swaffham 3 1876 Cambridge 3 Arkwright-street 1 1878 Hull, 1868 Bungay 3 1871 Yoxford 3 1879 Taunton, &c. 3 1882 Bideford 3 6ft. TJwrnton-st. 3 1874 Kingston 3 1885 Barnstaple 3 1881 W. Bromwich, Wes. 3 1877 Fareham 3 1888 Newport, Mm. 3 1884 Accrington 3 1880 Peel, I. of Man 3 1891 Devonport 1 1887 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1883 Llanelly 3 1892 Huddersfield, 1890 Sunderland, 1886 Eisca 3 Buxton-road 3 Sans-street 3 1889 Diss 3 1895 Accrington 1893 Leamington 3 1896 Penzance 1892 Ohatteris 3 1895 Dawley GIBSON, JOSEPH. 1864 Institution 1 GEOKGE, WILLIAM. 1875 Institution&Supply 2 1877 Tredegar 2 GIBSON, GEORGE .(B). 1877 Institution 1 1878 Clitheroe 3 1865Canton,East,67?wja 9 1874 Visiting England 2 1876 Canton',East, CMnaS 1879 Fatshan, do. 1 1879 Lancaster 3 1 SS9 T oot '} 1881 Melton-Mowbray 2 1880 Retford 3 loo^ IjeeK o 1885 Stockport, Trinity 3 1888 Grimsby, George-st. 3 1883 Ilkeston 2 1885 Wrexham 3 1888 Leith 3 1883 Southwell 3 1886 Brigg 2 1888 Settle 3 1891 Lancaster 3 1894 Runcorn 3 1891 Bacup 3 1894 Edinburgh, Leith 3 1891 Weardale 2 1893 Barnwell 3 GEORGE, WILLIAM B. 1896 Wetton, &c. 1876 Abbeokuta,W.4/h 1 GIBSON, HENRY. GIBSON, WILLIAM. 1877 Lagos, do. 6 1861 Cleckheaton 1 1863 Hexham 1 1883 Yaba,-m wlar*4-^ O 1892 Birmingham, Aston-park 3 1895 Sheffield, 1887 Bath, Sup. looo -ttamsgate o 1888 Bolton, Farnworth 3 Thorncliffe HAIME, FREDERICK C. 1849 Institution 1 1891 Finsbury Park 3 1894 Kilburn, &c. 3 HALL, SIMON C. 1887 Institution 1 1850 Bideford 3 1853 Barnstaple 1 HALL, FREDERICK W. Institution. 1 888 Cape- Coast, W. Afr. 1 1889 Anamabu, do. 2 1854 St. Agnes 2 1856 Alderney, English 3 1893 Supply 2 1895 Lydd 1891 Clitheroe 3 1894 Rawtenstall 3 1859 Guernsey, do. 2 HALL, WALTER G. 1861 Bury 3 HALL, JOHN. 1864 Supply 1 1864 London, Hackney 3 1880 Institution 1 1865 Institution 1 1867 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 2 1881 Supply } 1866 Bradford, Manhm. 1 1869 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1883 Glasgow, I 3 1867 Lincoln 2 1872 Warrington 3 Paisley-road j 1869 Penzance 2 1875 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1878 West Bromwich 3 1881 Bamsley 3 1884 Sheffield, Thornclff.3 1887 Barnsley, Sup. 6 1893 Teignmouth, do. 3 1884 Manchester, Oldliam-street 1 1885 Buxton 1 1886 Lutterworth 1 1887 Sittingbourne 3 1890 Horncastle 3 1871 Leeds, Wesley 3 1874 Bradford, Shipley 3 1877 Wolverhampton 2 1879 "Leeds, Brunswick 3 1882 Bradford, Gt.Hrtn. 3 1885 Rugby 1 1896 Bristol, King-st., do. 1893 West Bromwich, 1886 Barnsley 3 Hill-top 3 1889 Hornsea 3 HAINES, FREDERICK. 1896 Stockton 1892 Otley 3 1861 Retford 1 1862 Wisbech 3 HALL, JOSEPH. 1895 Manningtree 1865 Colne 1 1862 Mix. Com. 1 HALLAM, SAMUEL H. 1866 Folkestone 2 1863 Wilberforce,7F.4/y.:5 1878 Institution 1 1868 Bingham 3 1866 Bungay 1 1879 York, New-street 2 1871 New-Mills 3 1867 Brampton 3 1881 Lincoln, Wesley 1 1874 Belby 3 1870 Allendale-Town 1 1882 Bradford, Manhm. 2 70 MINISTEBS, ETC., IN GBEAT BBITilN 1884 London, 1893 London, 1865 St. Kitt's, do. 5 St. John's Wood 3 Victoria-park 3 1870 Wigan 2 1887 Nottingham, Wes. 3 1896 West Bromwich, 1872 Bradford, Ot.-HrtnS 1890 Bradford, Kirkgate 3 Wesley 1875 Keighley 3 1893 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 1896 Liverpool, Brunswick HAMAE, WILLIAM. 1851 Mansfield 1 1852 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1853 Kilkhampton 1878 Birstall 1 1879 Taunton, &c. 3 1882 Manchester, Irrvell-street 3 1885 Manchester, HALIIDAY, FEEDK. 1874 Goalinda, C.India 2 1856 Kington 2 1858 Wellington, Salop 3 City-road 3 1888 Luton, Chapel-st. 3 1876 Barrackpur, do. 1 1877 Lucknow, do. 4 1861 Madeley 3 1864 Yarmouth 3 1891 Bradford, Shipley 3 1894 Padiham 1 1881 Alford 2 1867 Newark 3 1895 Hyde 1883 Wellingborough 3 1870 Frome 1886 St. Columb 3 1873 Salisbury 3 HANBY, JAMES. 1889 St. Austell 1876 Malton 3 1880 Institution 1 1892 Southampton 3 1895 Ramsey, I. of M. 1879 Barnard- Castle 3 1882 Sittingbourne 3 1881 Supply 2 1883 Knighton 1885 Chichester 3 1886 Brecon 2 HALLIDAY, JAMES. 1888 Manningtree 1 1888 Worcester 3 1874 Institution 1 1889 Hereford, Sup. 3 1891 Runcorn 3 1875 Sleaford 3 1878 Alford 3 1892 Ramsey, Hunts 3 1895 Cheltenham, Sup. 1894 Blackpool 3 1881 Boston 3 HAMLY, JOHN T. HANN, ADAM. 1884 Guernsey, Eng. 2 1876 Dorchester 2 1870 Institution 1 1886 Louth 3 1878 Melksham 2 1871 Reading 2 1889 Banbury 3 1880 Evesham 1 1873 Dover 1 1892 Bradford, Eastbrk. 3 1881 Bideford 1 1874 Canterbury 2 1895 Hull, Waltham-gt. 1882 Ledbury 3 1876 Looe 3 1885 Banwell 3 1879 North-Hill 3 HALLIGEY, JOHN T. F. 1888 Banwell, Sup 1 1882 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1869 Institution 1 1889 Castle- Cary 3 1885 Rochester, Garr. 3 1870 Freetown, W.Afr. 3 1892 St. Ives and Hun- 1888 Exeter 3 1873 Ledbury 3 tingdon 3 1891 Birmingham, Wes. 3 1876 Taunton 3 1895 Ramsey, Hunts 1894 Whitchurch 1 1879 Exeter 3 1895 Stockton 1882 York, Nero-street 3 HAMMOND, GEOEGE. 1885 Lagos, W.Africa 3 1880 Belfast, Mich. Coll. 1 HANNAH, JOHN. 1888 Cape Coast, do. 3 1891 York, Centenary 3 1894 Bradford, 1881 Bray 1 1882 Carlow 1 1883 Sligo 2 Institution. 1895 Supply 1 1896 Cinderford JCirltgatc 3 1885 Belfast, Ballymacarrett 1 HAEBOED, JOSIAH W. HALSTEAD, 1886 Rathd'rum 1 1878 Freetown, W.Afr. 1 FRED. MILTON. 1887 Gwennap 1 1879 Grantham 1 Institution. 1888 St. Helens, &c. 3 1880 Dunster 2 1894 Supply 2 1891 Liverpool, 1882 Marazion 1 1896 Ep worth Gt. Homer-street 3 1883 Hayle 2 1894 Manchester, 1885 Scilly Isles 3 HAM, T. EDWAED. Pendleton 3 1888 St. Just 1877 Institution 1 HAMMOND, JOHN 0. 1891 Mevagissey 3 1878 Leeds, Bramley 2 1886 Axim, W.Africa 1 1894 Glastonbury 3 1880 Bath 1 1887 Salt Pond, do. 1 1881 Midsomer-Norton 1 1888 Anamabu, do. 5 HAEBOTTLE, GEOEGE. 1882 Dursley 2 1884 Birmingham, 1893 Elmina, do. 1871 Supply 1 1872 Institution Belmont-row 3 HAMMOND, JOSEPH. 1874 Institution 1 1887 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1863 St.KM's,W.Indies 1 1875 Newton-Abbot 2 1890 Leeds, Hunslet 3 1864 Antigua, do. 1 1877 Cheltenham 1 AND ON THE FOEEIGN STATIONS. 71 1878 Swansea 3 1881 London, St. John's Wood 3 1884 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1887 Sheffield,.8rw?m0&.3 1890 Liverpool, Bootle 3 1893 Blackpool 3 1896 Warrington HARDCASTLE, J. WM. Institution. 1889 Supply 2 1891 Beccles 2 1893 Ely 1 1894 St. Just 3 HARDING, RICH. (B). 1858 Blackpool 2 1860 Newtown 3 1863 Wigan 3 1866 Ashbourne 1 1867 Newport, I. of W. 3 1870 Sherborne 3 1873 Tarporley 3 1876 Huddersfield, Buxton-road 3 1879 Birmingham, Newtown-row 3 1882 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1885 Bury 3 1888 Newbury 3 1891 Exeter 3 1894 Falmouth 3 HARDWICK, E. FARRAR. 1857 Clitheroe 1 1858 Redditch 2 1860 Worcester 1 1861 Keighley 2 1863 Wakefleld 2 1865 Luton 3 1868 Goole 2 1870 Skipton 3 1873 Otley 2 1875 Devonport 3 1878 Redruth 3 1881 St. Austell 3 1884 Stourbridge 3 1887 Tadcaster 3 1890 Retford 3 1893 Wath-upon-Dearne3 1896 Chesterfield HARDY, ALFRED. Institution. 1889 Georgetown, Br. Ou. 4 1893 Chichester 2 1895 Poole HARDY, SAM. HANKIN. Institution. 1896 Supply HARDY, W. KIMBER. 1866 Supply 1 1867 Chatteris 1 1868 Bury St. Edmunds 2 1870 Diss 2 1872 Downham 3 1875 Melton-Mowbray 3 1878 Yarmouth 3 1881 Luton, Waller-st. 3 1884 Portsmouth, Pemb. 1 1885 Doncaster, Pri.-pl. 3 1888 Barton-on-Humber3 1891 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1894 Rye 3 HARE, WILLIAM. 1864 Reeth 1 1865 Oakham 2 1867 Matlock-Bath 2 1869 Kington 2 1871 Brampton 2 1873 Tadcaster 3 1876 Market-Weighton 3 1879 Ramsey 3 1882 Shotley-Bridge 3 1885 Allendale 3 1888 Yeadon 3 1891 Sleaford 2 1893 Knaresborough 3 1896 Dunstable HARGREAVES, CRAW- SHAW. 1871 Supply 1 1872 Marlborough 1 1873 Lancaster 1 1874 Cockermouth, &c. 2 1876 Burton-on-Trent 1 1877 Salisbury 3 1880 Inverness 3 1883 Arbroath&Montrse.S 1886 Wigton 3 1889 Worksop 3 1892 Woodhouse Grove 3 1895 Cadishcad 1 1896 Leeds, Riolvmond-hill HARGREAVES, GRAIN- GER. 1878 Canton, North River Mission, China 5 1883 Shiukwan, do. 1 1884 Canton, West, do. 4 1888 Visiting England 1 188!) Fatshan, China 1 1890 Canton, East, Theo. Inst., do. 2 1892 Visiting England 1 1893 Sunderland, St. John's 3 1896 Manchester, Grosvenor-st reet HARGREAVES, JAS. E. 1864 Carlisle 3 1867 Sunderland 1 1868 London, Bow 1 1869 Charlestown 2 1871 Derby, Green-hill 2 1873 Hartlepool 3 1876 Dunstable 3 1879 Salisbury 2 1881 Newport, &c., I. W. 3 1884 Porthleven 3 1887 Helston 3 1890 St. Ives, Cornwall 2 1892 Lerwick, &c., Zet. 3 1895 Douglas, I. of M. 1 1896 Teignmouth, Sup. HARGREAVES, J. RICH. 1860 Ipswich 2 1862 Shipley 2 1864 Uxbridge 1 1865 Southampton 2 1867 Birmingham. Belmont-rom 3 1870 Margate 3 1873 London, ) St. John'sWood \ 3 1875 London, Kilburn } 1876 Kingston, Jamaica 1 1877 YorkCastle,do., Theo. Inst. $ High Sch. 3 1880 Truro 2 1882 Jersey, EnglM 3 1885 Keighley 3 1888 Bradford, EastWt. 3 1891 Bath 3 1894 London, Mostyn-rd.l 1895 Highgate, Sup. 1 1896 Frodsham HARLOW, J. EDWARD. Institution. 1886 Supply 1 1887 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 1890 Cheltenham 3 1893 Horncastle 1 1894 Ross 3 HARPER, RICHARD. 1858 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 2 1860 Rochdale 1 1861 North Walsham 3 72 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GEBAT BEITAUT 1864 Poole 1867 Midsomer-Norton 1870 Oswestry 1873 Wednesbury, Wes. 1876 Rochester 1879 Howden 1882 Widnes 1885 Ossett & Horbury 1888 Rotherham 1891 Swindon } 1892 Swindon, Bath-road J 1894 High Wycombe HARPER, STEPHEN. 1878 Institution 1879 Nelson 1880 Plymouth, King-st. 2 1882 Builth 1883 Market-Harboro' 1885 Ulverston 1886 Leighton-Buzzard 3 1889 St. Leonards 1892 Liverpool, 6ft. Homer-street I 1895 Liverpool, Grove-st. HARRIES, JOHN. 1876 Institution 1877 Patrington 1878 Kington 1879 Lutterworth 1880 Dursley 1881 Pontypool 1882 Bodmin 1884 Brynmawr 1887 Kirkby-Stephen 1890 Newtown, Man. 1892 Chipping-Norton 1895 Dundee, Victorm-rd. HAEEIS, EDWAED. 1874 Institution 1875 Port Elizabeth.&Al 1876 Thaba-'Nchu, do. 1 1877 Molopo, do. 1880 Colesberg, do. 1883 Jagersfontein, do. 1 1884 Brackley 1886 Mildenhall 1887 Wareham 1888 Gwennap 1889 Ashburton 1892 Rye 1894 St. Agnes 1895 St. Mawes 1896 Towcester HAEEIS, EENEST C. Institution. 1889 Supply 1891 North-west Essex 1891 Dursley 2 I Mission 2 1893 Romsey 3 1893 Builth 1 1896 Attleborough t. 1894 Bridport 1 1895 Brynmawr 1 HAEEIS, JOSIAH 8. 1896 Porthleven 1874 Institution 1 1875 Ashton-Lyne 2 HARRIS, JAMES, 1877 Manchester, 1836 Cromford 1 Radnor-street 2 1837 Orkney 2 1879 Barnsley 3 -3 1839 Arbroath 1 1882 Derby, Green-hill 3 1840 Walsingham 1 1885 Rochdale, Union-it. 3 1841 Kendal 1 1888 Leek 3 1842 Wigton 1891 Manchester, . 1843 Penruddock Irwell-street 3 ; 1845 Middleham 1894 Under direction of j f 9 1847 Ripon Irwell-street. Miss. . 1850 Oldham Com. 1 ] 1853 Otley 1895 Manchester, 1 1855 Sowerby-Bridge Irwell-st. Mission J 1858 Wath-on-Dearne t 1860 Denby-Dale 1863 Uttoxeter HAEEIS, SIDNEY. 1895 Supply 1 r . 1865 Ilkeston 1896 Mildenhall a. 1868 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1871 Ormskirk 3 HAEEIS, WILLIAM G. 1874 Mold 2 Institution. 1 1 ] 1876 Whaley-Bridge 2 1878 Ormskirk, Sup. 2 1880 Wandsworth, do. 10 1889 Supply 1 1890 St. Just 2 1892 Holsworthy 2 i 1890 Tooting, do. 1894 Buckfastleigh 1 i 1895 Bridgwater i 2 3 3 2 HAEEIS, JOHN (A). 1859 Colchester 2 1861 Leigh, Essex 2 1863 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1866 Banwell 1 HAEEISON, CHAELES. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Williton 3 1875 Sandhurst 3 1878 Button 3 3 'd. ] .1 1 3 1867 South Molton 3 1870 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1871 Dunster 2 1873 Brynmawr 2 1875 Pembroke 3 1878 Middleham 3 1881 Ketley Bank, &c. 3 1881 Cambridge 3 1884 Sandhurst 3 1887 Second London District, Acting under Chairman 1 1888 Devon and Dorset Mission 3 3 1 2 1884 Settle 2 1886 Newport-Pagnell 3 1889 Northallerton 3 1891 Camborne 3 1894 Worcester 3 1 1 1892 Thornley 3 1895 Weardale HAEEISON, F. WESLEY. Institution. 1 3 HAEEIS, JOHN (B). 1889 Lerwick,&c.,^^. 3 1892 Clitheroe 3 2 875 Institution 1 1895 Bolton, Wesley 1 876 Barnstaple 2 1 878 Lyme-Regis 2 HAEEISON, J. CANNELL. 880 St. Ives 1 Institution. 881 South Molton 3 1890 Supply 1 884 Kingswood 3 1891 Halifax & Bradford. 887 Marazion 1 Dig. Mis. 3 2 888 Thornbury 3 1894 Whitehaven 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 73 HARRISON, JOHN T. 1873 Ross 1874 Hereford 1876 Oxford 1878 Pateley-Bridge 1881 Swindon 1884 Yeadon 1887 Castle Donington, Sup. HARRISON, JOHN WM. Institution. 1895 Supply 1896 Evesham HARRISON, W. ALFRED. Institution. 1893 Supply 1895 Clitheroe HARROP, J.CHALLONER. 1868 Institution 1869 Newport-Pagnell 1870 Guildford 1871 Leighton-Buzzard 1 1872 Ramsey, I. of M. 1 1873 AddinghamIlkley2 1875 Clacton-on-Sea 1878 Gravesend 1881 Stockton 1884 Southend & Leigh 3 1887 St. Austell 1889 Chatteris 1890 Luton, Waller-st. 3 1893 Tunstall 1896 Sedbergh HARROWELL, THOS. B. 1866 Supply 1868 Deal 1870 Rochester 1871 Launceston 1874 Boston 1875 Portsmouth, Garr. 3 1878 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1881 Chelmsford, &c. 1882 Bristol,Langton-st. 3 1885 Bradford, JK/%ffte 3 1888 Nottingham, Wen. 3 1891 Leeds. Oxford-pi. 3 1894 Bradford, Shipley 3 HARRY, FREDK. H. Institution. 1892 Supply 1893 Dursley 1895 Seacombe HARRY, JOHN A. B.* 1857 Camelford 1859 Manchester, Irmell-street 1 1860 Lewes&Eastbourne 1 1852 Huntingdon 1 1861 Bury 3 1853 Kingsbridge 2 1864 Wellington, Salop 3 1855 Ashburton 3 1867 Wolverhampton 1 1858 Uxbridge 3 1868 Falmouth 3 1861 Coningsby 3 1871 Redditch 1 1864 Midsomer-Norton 3 1872 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1867 Haverfordwest 1 1875 Newton- Abbot 3 1868 Swindon 2 1878 St. Helen's, &c. 3 1870 Oakham 2 1881 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1872 Oundle 3 1884 Reading 3 1875 Ely 3 1887 Grimsby, Geo.-st, 3 1878 Shepton-Mallet 2 1890 Penzance 3 1880 Dorchester 3 1893 Doncaster, 1883 Newlyn-East 3 0-rford-place 3 1886 Aberdare 3 1896 Doncaster, 1889 Hinckley, Sup. Oxford-pi., Sitj). HARTLEY, HORATIUS. HART, FREDERICK. Institution. 1848 Institution 1 1892 Colombo, North, 1849 Brit. Akrah, W.A. 1 JPettah, Ceylon 1 1850 Cape-Coast, do. 1 1893 Galle, Riclimond- 1851 Swaffham 1 kill, do. 3 1852 Maidstone 2 1896 Galle, Fort, do. 1854 Ledbury 3 1857 Shepton-Mallet 2 HARTLEY, JOHN W. 1859 Melton-Mowbray 3 1876 Institution 1 1862 Newbury 1 1877 Malta, Garr., etc. 2 1863 Richmond, Yorks. 3 1879 Newbury 1 1866 Snaith 3 1880 Buckingham 2 1869 Pickering 3 1872 Sherborne 3 1882 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1883 Stroud 3 1875 Wisbech 3 1886 Arbroath&Montrse.2 1878 Yeadon 3 1888 Grassington 3 1881 Settle 3 ] 884 Settle, Sup. 1891 Knaresborough 3 1894 Castleford ' 3 HART, H. BRAMLEY. 1883 Boulogne, France 4 HARTLEY, MARSHALL. 1887 Paris, do. 8 1868 Richmond, As. Tu. 4 1895 Paris, Eng., do. 1872 Bromley 3 1875 8he8Lel&,Norfk.~8t. 3 HART, JOHN WESLEY. 1878 Bradford, Kirkqato 3 Institution. 1881 Halifax, St. John's 3 1895 Supply 1 1884 London, Hackney 3 1896 Liverpool, Bootlc 1887 Bolton, Park-st. 1 HART, WILLIAM H. Institution. 1886 Calcutta, 1888 London, Mis. Sec. [Secretary of the Con- ference 1895-1896.] Sudder-st., C.lnd. 4 1890 Barrackpur, do. 1 1891 Calcutta, Sudder-st.o 1896 Visiting England HARTLEY, T. GALLAND. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Ripley 2 1871 Cardiff, Wesley 2 HARTLE, JAMES. 1873 Armley 1 1844 Institution 1 1874 Nottingham, Wet. 2 1845 Ludlow 1 1876 Sowerby-Bridge 3 1846 Hinckley 2 1879 Manchester, 1848 Wellingborough 1 Radnor-street 3 1849 Newport-Pagnell 3 1882 Keighley 3 * Died Sept. 5th, 1896. 74 MINTSTEBS, ETC., IN GEEAT BRITAIN 1885 Cross Hills 3 1879 Southport, Morn- 1 1888 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 ington-rd., Sup. 2 1 1891 Stockport, 1881 Ormskirk 3 1 Tiviot-dale 3 1884 Ormskirk, Sup. 4 1894 Macclesfield 3 1888 Southport, Morn- ington-road, do. HARTWELL, JAMES T. 1840 Port-au-Prince, HARVEY, FREDK. J. Institution. Hayti 3 1843 Port-au-Plaat, do. 2 1887 ~London,Mostyn-rd., Prcs As. 1 1845 Cape Haitien, do. 7 1852 Harbour I., Baha. 3 1855 Turk's Island, do. 6 1861 Antigua, W.Indies 4 1865 Nevis, do. 1 1866 Antigua, 1st, do. 3 1888 Carlisle ' 3 1891 Birmingham, Moseley-road 3 1894 London, Knsngtn., Warwick-gardens 3 1869 Antigua, 2nd, do. 2 HARVEY, THOMAS. 1871 Nevis, do. 1 1864 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1872 Demerara, Golden 1867 Holyhead 2 6frove, Br. Gu. 1 1869 Market-Dray ton 1 1873 Berbice, do. 1 1870 Sleaford 2 1874 Returning Home 1 1872 Southend. Sup. 3 1875 Gloucester 3 1875 Weymout'h ' 2 1878 Rawtenstall 3 1877 Folkestone 3 1881 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1880 Faversham 3 1884 Merthyr Tydvil 3 1883 Leicester, 1887 Gloucester, Sup. Suniberstone-rd. 1 1884 Leicester, Hmnber- HARVARD, JOHN C. stone-road, Sup. 1871 Institution 1 1 879 "Pilot? 1 HARWOOD, JOHN T. 18 /Z J-/1SS 1 1873 Wednesbury, Springhead 1 1874 Wolverhampton 2 1876 London, BaysmatrS 1879 Devonport 3 1882 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 3 1885 Altrincham ) 1859 Grimsby 1 1860 Stamford 2 1862 Castle- Donington 1 1863 Allendale-Town 3 1866 Bishop- Auckland 3 1869 Sherburn 3 1872 Driffield 2 1874 Driffield, Sup. 1886 Sale } HASLAM. HERBERT J. 1888 Aldershot 1 Institution. Trowbridge i 1885 Supply 1 892 Launceston 3 188 6 Poole 1 1895 Hull, Queens-road 1887 Bideford 1 HARVARD STFPH p 1888 Rock - Ferr y HAHVAKD, STEPHEN P. 1891 Lytham 3 1845 Holderness 1 1894 Durham 3 1846 Penrith 2 1848 New-Mills 3 HASLAM, THOMAS. 1851 Buxton 1 1850 Ely 1 1852 Carmarthen 3 1851 Diss 1 1855 Exeter 3 1852 New-Buckenham 2 1858 Newport, Mon. 3 1854 Allendale-Town 1 1861 Selby 3 1855 Airdrie 2 1864 Gravesend 3 1857 New-Mills 3 1867 Bradford, KirkgateZ 1860 Leigh, Lane. 3 1870 Leeds, Brunswick 2 1863 Preston 3 1873 Liverpool,-Z?r?i*MJ&. 3 1866 Rawtenstall 3 1876 Manchester, City-rd3 1869 Gateshead 1872 St. Helens, &c. 3 1875 Boston 3 1878 Birmingham, Belmont-row 3 881 Wolverhampton 3 884 Bath 2 886 Louth 3 889 Barnsley 3 1892 Doncaster, Priory-place 3 895 Doncaster, Priory- place, Sup. HASTLING, HENRY. 1838 Institution 1 1839 Glasgow 2 1841 Edinburgh 1 1842 Ayr 3 [845 Inverness 2 1847 North-Shields 3 1850 Grimsby 3 1853 Newark 3 1856 Pontefract 3 1859 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1862 Manchester, Oldham-street 3 1865 Hammersmith 3 1868 Burslem 3 1871 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1874 Rochdale, Union-st.3 1877 Burnley 3 1880 Sheffield,.#rwt.wJt. 3 1883 Sheffield, Ebenezer 1 1884 Doncaster, Priory-pl., Sup. HATJGHTON, ALFRED G. 1877 Institution 1 1878 Sevenoaks 2 1880 Deptford 1 1881 St. Ives and Hunt. 2 1883 Newport- Pagnell 1 1884 Barnard-Castle 2 1886 Bath, Dis. Mis. 3 1889 Wilts & Somerset Mission 5 1894 Wiltshire Mission, Melksham 1 1895 Alnwick HAUGHTON, THOS. J. 1873 Bishop- Auckland 3 1876 Hornsea 1 1877 Hull, 6ft. Thornton-it. 3 1880 Middlesbrough 3 1883 Stockton 3 1886 Doncaster, Priory-place 3 1889 Preston, Lune-st. 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 75 1892 Wolverhampton, Darlington-street 3 1895 Scarborough HATJGHTON.W.WTGLEY. 1884 Institution 1 1885 Supply 1 1886 Hungerford 1 1887 Cockermouth, &c. 3 1890 Yarmouth 3 1893 Kingston 3 1896 York, Centenary HAWZEN, WILLIAM. 1863 Supply 1 1864 Norwich 1 1865 Bingley 2 1867 Sowerby-Bridge 2 1869 Ashford 2 1871 Rugby 3 1874 ~LeicesteT,Sighop-st.3 1877 Highgate 3 1880 ~Bristol,Portland 3 1883 London,_eratfw-AZ. 3 1886 Bromley 3 1889 Harrogatc 3 1892 Southport, Morn- ington-road 3 1895 Clapham HAWZES, PHILIP. 1876 Institution 1 1877 Crewe 2 1879 Bristol, Dis. Mis. 1 1880 Clcvedon 3 1883 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1886 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1889 London, Bow 2 1891 Paulton 3 1894 Wiltshire Mission, Melksham 3 HAWZIN, EDWARD. 1864 Manchester, Orosvenor-street 2 1866 EristoljKing -street 1 1867 Manchester, Pr. As. 1 1868 London, Stoke Newington 3 1871 Tenby 3 1874 Banbury 3 1877 London, Chelsea 3 1880 Richmond, Surrey 3 1883 Hastings 3 1886 Luton, Chapel-fit. 2 1888 London Mission, East, Sup. 2 1890 London, Bayswatcr, do. HAWZINS, BENJ. E. 1872 Institution 1 1873 Sittingbourne 1 1874 Swaffham 1 1875 Edinburgh 2 1877 Liverpool, 6frove-st.l 1878 Middleham 1 1879 Weardale 1 1880 Arbroath&Montrose3 1883 Inverness 3 1886 Holmfirth 3 1889 Folkestone 3 1892 Matlock 3 1895 Kingswood HAWZINS, WALTER. 1877 Stamford 3 1880 Lowestoft 2 1882 Peterborough 3 1885 Huddersneld,.-sit.3 1888 London, Mostyn-rd3 1891 Liverpool, Grove-st. 3 1894 Liverpool, Great Homer-st. 3 HAWORTH, J. SEWELL. 1872 Institution 1 1873 ~LondorL,Bria;tn.-hl.I 1874 Stockport,Hillgate 2 1876 Margate 3 1879 Liverpool, Cranmer 3 1882 Richmond, Surrey 3 1885 Seacombe 3 1888 Wrexham 3 1891 London, Sydenliam, Sup. 1 1892 St. Leonards ' 2 1894 Wrexham, Sup. HAY, D. ARTINDEL. 1872 Supply 1 1873 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 1 1874 Chatteris 1 1875 Leamington 1 1876 Stourbridge 2 1878 Epworth 3 1881 Gainsborough^wp. 1 1882 Hayle* 1883 Gower 3 1885 Northallerton 3 1888 Ilkeston 3 1891 Alnwick 3 1894 Market Rasen HAYDON, WILLIAM T. Institution. 1891 Supply 1892 Lydd ! 1894 Tredegar ' 1896 Marl borough * Bent by the President to Gower. HAYES, GEORGE H. 1877 Supply 1 .878 Institution 1 1879 Institution 1882 Belper 1884 Ludlow 1886 Masham 1889 Coningsby 1892 Knighton 1894 St. Ives and Hunt- ingdon 3 HAYFORD, IBINIJAH H. 1886 Narkwa, W. Africa 1 1887 Axim, do. 1 1888 Cape Coast, do. 2 1890 Aburi, do. 3 1893 Winnebah, do. HAYFORD, MARZ C. 1893 Supply 1 1894 Prestea and Tarkwa Mis., W. Afr. HAYWARD, EDWIN. 1863 Birstall 3 1866 Pocklington 1 1867 Ayr 1 1868 Malton 3 1871 Barton-on-Humber3 1874 Leeds, Armley 3 1877 Selby 3 1880 BTadford,Low-nwor3 1883 Pontefract 3 1886 Leeds, Bramley 3 1889 Nelson 3 1892 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1895 Morley HAZELEY, PETER P. 1887 Fouricarriah,i/?&fl/t Mission, W. Afr. 5 1892 Freetown, Second, Ebenczer, do. 3 1895 Fouricarriah, do, HEALING, CHARLES A. Institution. 1892 Blandford, fcc. 2 1894 Lydd 1 1895 M"aidstone HEAP, WILLIAM H. Institution. 1891 Supply 1 1892 Rock Ferry 3 1895 Manchester, Central Hall, Oldham-strcet 76 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN HEABNSHAW, JOHN. 1873 Newcastle-Tyne, 1861 Birkenhead 3 1840 Uttoxeter 1 Blenheim-st.,Sup. 3 1864 Perth 1 1841 Wainfleet 1 1876 Berwick-on-Tweed 1 1865 Burslem 3 1842 Spalding 2 1877 Leominster 1 1868 8he&eld,Norflk-st.B 1844 Hornsea 2 1878 Stourbridge 3 1871 Cambridge 2 1846 Nottingham, Wes. 2 1881 Malvern 1 1873 Cambridge, Sup. 1 1848 Haslingden 3 1882 Cottenham 2 1874 Bingley 3 1851 Portsmouth 3 1884 Colchester 3 1877 Huddersfield, Qn.-st3 1854 Gravesend 3 1887 Barking 2 1880 Macclesfield, Sup. 1 1857 Dover 1 1889 Whitstable 3 1881 Redruth 3 1858 Brighton 3 1892 MarketHarborough 3 1884 Chorley 3 1861 Lynn 3 1895 Castle Gary 1 1887 Macclesfield, Sup. 5 1864 Maidstone 3 1896 Hertford 1892 Nottingham, 1867 Birmingham, Newtorcn-row 3 HELLIWELL, J. UTTLEY. Halifax-pi., do. 1 1893 Whaleybridge, do. 1 1870 West-Bromwich 3 1885 Birmingham, &c., 1894 Macclesfield, do. 1873 Banbury 3 Dis. Mis. 2 1876 Walsall, Wesley 3 1887 Wolverhampton 2 KENWOOD, THOMAS. 1879 Walsall, Centenary 3 1882 Oldham, 1889 Birmingham, Agton-parTt 3 1861 Alnwick 2 1863 Houghton-le-Spr. 1 Mancliester-st. 1 1892 Glasgow, 1864 Hexham 1 1883 Southport, Morn- ington-rd., Sup. Paisley-road 3 1895 Stockton 1865 Blackpool 1 1866 Wigton 3 1869 Appleby, &c. 3 HEATON, DANIEL. 1879 Supply 1 HENDERSON, JOHN W. 1862 Leeds, Wesley 1 1863 Oldham 3 1872 Wainfleet 3 1875 Shotley-Bridge 3 1878 Morpeth 1 1880 Guildford 1 1866 Bristol, Langton-st. 2 1881 Knighton 2 1883 Walsall, Wesley 3 1886 London, Children's Home 1 1868 Hexham 3 1871 Crook 3 1877 Cullingworth '3 1882 Market Weighton 3 1885 Spennymoor 1 1886 Abergavenny 3 1889 Market Harboro' 3 1887 London, Hoxton 3 1890 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 1880 Castleford 3 1883 Padiham 1 1884 Tadcaster 3 1892 Coningsby 3 1895 Thornley 1893 Rochdale, Union-street 3 1887 Bridlington 3 1890 Cockermouth, &c. 3 HEPPLEWHITE, GEO. 1868 Institution 1 1896 Leeds, 1893 Durham 3 1869 Alston 2 Richmond-hill 1896 Bridlington, Sup. 1871 Pontypridd 3 HEATON, WILLIAM J. HENDEESON.WILLIAM. 1874 St. Neots 3 1877 Hyde 3 1869 Institution 1 1873 Barrowford, &c. 2 1880 Stafford 3 1870 Canterbury 3 1875 West-Bromwich 2 1883 Oldham 1873 London, Lambeth 3 1876 Woolwich Garr. 3 1877 Horncastle 1 1878 Chatteris 2 Manchester-st. 3 1886 Cheadle 3 1879 Margate 3 1882 Lynn 3 1885 Portsmouth, Pembroke-road 3 1880 Ipswich 3 1883 Wolsingham 3 1886 Barnard-Castle 3 1889 Lowestoft 1 1889 Derby, Green-hill 3 1892 Stamford 3 1895 Jarrovv-on-Tyne 1888 Weston-sup.-Mare 2 1890 St. Just 3 HEPTON, THOMAS. 1890 Frome 3 1893 Cottenbam 3 1893 Wevmouth 3 1896 Ventnor, I. of W. 1859 Colombo, Ceylon 2 1861 Houghton-le-Spr. 2 1896 Bilston HENRY, GABRIEL 0. 1863 Alnwick 3 HEDLEY, WILLIAM J. 1894 Porto Novo, W. Afr. 1866 Durham 2 1868 Bishop-Auckland 3 1865 Padiham 1 HENSHALL.JONATHAN. 1871 Guisborough 3 1866 Mansfield 2 1853 Institution 1 1874 Crook 3 1868 Barnard-Castle 3 1854 Hungerford 1 1877 Cheadle 3 1871 Bardney 1 1855 Lancaster 3 1880 Barton-on-Humber3 1872 Wolaingham 1 1858 Chester 3 1883 Leeds, Armley 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 77 1886 Accrington 3 1890 Newcastle, 1880 Gloucester 3 1889 Birstall 3 Clarence-street 3 1883 Burton-on-Trent 2 1892 Bradford, Wind-hl. 3 1893 Burslem 3 1885 Farnham 3 1895 Bingley 1896 Eedruth 1888 Trowbridge, &c. 3 1891 Workington 3 HESLAM, BOBEBT. HICKS, JOHN S. 1894 Burslem 3 1878 St. Mary's Island, 1878 Supply 1 Gambia, Joloff 1879 St. Albans 3 HILL, JOSEPH K. Mission, W. Afr. 1 1882 Windsor 3 Institution. 1879 Holsworthy 2 1885 Portsmouth, 1890 Wuchang, China 4 1881 Tirerton 2 Pembroke-road 3 1894 Kwangchi, do. 1883 Lyme-Eegis 2 1888 Portsmouth, Wes. 3 1885 Hornsea 3 1891 Kilburn, &c. 3 HILL, BICHABD. 1888 Portsmouth, 1894 London, Islington 1 1877 St. Vincent, Cha- Southsea 3 1895 Clacton-on-Sea teanbellair, W.I. 1 1891 Birmingham, Smethwick 3 HIGHAM, JOSEPH. 1878 Barbados.JFfore. do. 1 1879 Trinidad, 1894 Birmingham, Wes. 3 1863 West-Bromwich 2 San Fernando, doA 1865 Kington 1 1883 North Walsham 1 HEWITSON, JONATHAN. 1866 Carmarthen 1 1884 Alnwick 1 1874 Institution 1 1867 Dunbar 1 1885 Hayle 3 1875 Danby 2 1868 Ledbury 2 1888 St. Ives, Cornwall 1 1877 Lofthouse, &c. 2 1870 Kingsbridge 2 1889 St. Columb 3 1879 Bradford-on-Avon 3 1872 St. Austell 3 1892 Callington 3 1882 Airdrie 3 1875 Padiham 3 1895 Ashburton 1885 Nantwich 3 1878 Saddleworth 3 1888 Crewe 3 1881 New-Mills 1 HILL, THOMAS H. 1891 Wednesbury 3 1894 Burton-on-Trent 3 1882 Matlock 3 1885 Denby-Dale 3 1842 Institution 2 1844 Bradwell 1 1888 Glastonbury 3 1845 Edinburgh 1 HEWITSON, JOSEPH B. 1891 Market Easen 3 1846 Aberdeen 1 1862 Lerwick, Zetland 3 1894 Sleaford 3 1847 Banff 1 1848 Airdrie 1 1865 Airdrie 3 1868 Glasgow, Cathct.-rd2 1870 Dumbarton 3 1873 Chester-le- Street 3 1876 Selby 3 HIGHFIELD, HY., M.A. Institution, 1895 Colombo, Wesley Coll., Cey. 1849 Wigton 2 1851 Brampton 2 1853 Holyhead 1 1854 Longton 2 1856 Ilkeston 2 1879 Birstall 3 1882 Dewsbury 3 HIGHFIELD, HY. G., B.A. 1860 Institution 1 1858 Spalding 2 1860 Poole 1 1885 Woolwich 3 1888 Redhill 3 1891 Woolwich 3 1861 Calcutta, C. India 3 1864 Barrackpur, do. 2 1866 Lucknow, do. 2 1861 Eugby 2 1863 Ripon 3 1866 Richmond, Yorfa 3 1894 Dover 3 1868 Madras, Eng., do. 4 1869 Worksop 1 HEWITT, FBANCIS. 1872 Leicester ' 1 1873 Buxton 3 1870 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1873 Stirling 3 1858 Allendale-Tovra 1 1876 Castleford 1 1876 Alnwick 2 1859 Cockermouth, &c. 1 1877 Woodhouse-Grove 3 1878 Weardale 1 1860 Maryport 1 1880 Otley 3 1879 Brampton 3 1861 Eamsey, I. of M, 1 1883 Bradford,Z0MJ-m00;-3 1882 Stirling, Sup. 1862 Ormskirk 2 1886 Saddleworth 3 1864 Houghton-le-Spr. 3 1889 Clitheroe 3 HILL, WILLIAM (B). 1867 Darlington 2 1892 Alford 3 1860 Manchester, 1869 Wisbech 3 1895 Southampton Cfrosvenor-ttreet 1 1872 Bedford 3 1861 Salisbury 1 1875 Walsall, Wesley 3 HIGSON, BICHABD H. 1862 Holsworthy 2 1878 Rawtenstall 3 1876 Institution 1 1864 Peterborough 1 1881 Blackburn, Barmen 3 1876 Horncastle 1 1865 Stroud 3 1884 Grimsby, Geo.-xt. 3 1877 Bristol, Vis. Mis. 1 1868 Bodmin 3 1887 Wolverhampton 3 1878 Weston-sup.-Mare 2 1871 Kingsbridge 2 78 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1873 Northwich 3 1876 Rawtenstall 1 1877 Wetton, Sup. 1 1878 Wetton &Longnor 3 1881 Southwell 2 1883 Northwich 3 1886 Pateley Bridge 3 1889 Driffield 3 1892 Hornsea 3 1895 Bridlington HILL, WM. HENRY. 1876 Poole 1 1877 Institution 1879 Institution 2 1881 Tredegar 2 1883 Crewe 1 1884 Lutterworth 2 1886 Kington 3 1889 Bradwell 3 1892 Pateley Bridge 3 1895 Bedale HILLARD. THOMAS COKE, B.A. Institution. 1888 Colombo, Ceylon 5 1893 Colombo, Welle- watte Industrial Home, do. 2 1895 Diss HILLARY, THOS. J. Institution. 1890 Supply 3 1893 Glasgow, St. John's 2 1895 Aberdeen HILTON, FREDERICK. 1872 Institution 1 1873 Barnsley 2 1875 Longton 1 1876 Manchester, Regent-road 3 1879 Ashton-Lyne 3 1882 Sheffield,Abr/7/fe.-*.3 1885 Haslingden 3 1888 Lincoln, Wesley 3 1891 Newark 3 1894 Glasgow, Cathcart-rd. 3 HINCHCLIFF, DAVID. Institution. 1896 Accra, W. Africa HIND, JAMES. 1864 Oakham 1 1865 Portland 1 1866 Runcorn 3 1869 Mold 3 1872 Mansfield 3 1875 Derby, Green-hill 3 1878 Walsall, Wesley 3 1881 Wakefield 3 1884 Keighley 3 1887 Nottingham, Arkmright-street 3 1890 Bolton, Wesley 3 1893 Batley 3 1896 Bacup HIND, THOMAS. 1865 Alnwick 3 1868 Dunbar 1 1869 Shotley-Bridge 3 1872 Gateshead 3 1875 Bradford, Shipley 3 1878 Wakefield 3 1881 Haslingden 3 1884 Lincoln, Wesley 3 1887 London, Chelsea 2 1889 Lancaster 3 1892 Birkenhead 3 1895 Rhyl HIND, WM. ARTHUR. Institution. 1896 Supply HINDES, WILLIAM. Institution. 1886 St. Austell 2 1888 Truro 2 1890 Lincoln, High-st. 3 1893 Grantham 3 1896 Bolton, Bridge-st. HINDSLEY, THOMAS BEYERS. Institution. 1894 Supply 2 1896 Edinburgh, Nicolson-sq. HINE, HENRY. 1835 Wolsingham 2 1837 Aberdeen 2 1839 HolyweU 2 1841 Durham 3 1844 Gateshead 3 1847 Belper 3 1850 Barnard-Castle 3 1853 Selby 3 1856 Doncaster 2 1858 Birstall 3 1861 North-Shields 3 1864 Stockton 3 1867 Tadcaster 2 1869 Mansfield 3 1872 Witney 3 1875 Newport, I. of W. 3 1878 Barnard-Castle,S?^.4 1882 Oxford, do. 1 1883 Witney, do. 2 1885 Alderney,Ihig.,do. 1 1886 Tadcaster, do. 1 1887 Witney, do. 1 1888 Tadcaster, do. HINES, HERBERT. Institution. 1893 Supply 1 1894 Birmingham, Islington 1 1895 Reading HIRST, JOSEPH. 1846 Wigton 1 1847 Wolsingham 1 1848 Allendale-Town 2 1850 Douglas, /. of Man 1 1851 Newtown 1 1852 Wrexham 1 1853 Lancaster 2 1855 Hinckley 3 1858 Yeadon 2 1860 Richmond, Yorks 3 1863 Berwick-on-Tweed 1 1864 Durham 3 1867 Houghton-le-Spr. 3 1870 Peel, I. of M. 1 1871 Wainfleet 1 1872 Pickering 3 1875 Bradwell 2 1877 Douglas, I.M.,Sup.\ 1878 Bedale 2 1880 Douglas, I.M.,Sup. 1 1881 Ashton-Lyne, 3 1879 Institution 1 1869 Darlington 3 1872 Holmfirth 3 1875 Hebden-Bridge 3 1878 Tunstall 1 1879 Stafford ) 1880 Cannock \ 1868 Market-Draytn. ) 1869 Tarporley ' 1 1870 Manchester, Oxford-rA., Sup. 2 1872 Pontypridd 3 1875 Liskeard 1 1880 Ayr 3 1883 Andover 1 1884 Hungerford 1 1885 Stow-on-the-Wold 1 1886 Salisbury 2 1888 Yoxford 1 1882 Hornsea 3 1885 Howden 3 1876 Devonport 3 1879 Grantham 3 1889 Banff 3 1892 Barnard Castle 1 1888 Boroughbridge 3 1882 G&T(L\f.Loudoun-fl.'3 1893 Ely 2 1891 Woodville, &c. 3 1885 Tredegar 2 1895 St. Columb 1 1894 Ilkeston 3 1887 Morpeth 3 1896 Kilkhampton HOLLAND, ARTHUR. 1890 Spennymoor 3 1893 Pickering 3 HOOPEB, HENBY T. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Supply 1 1896 Market Weighton 1878 St. Ives & Hunt. 1 1879 Institution 1885 Dursley 3 HOLMES, JOHN. 1881 Institution 1 1888 South Petherton 3 1854 Institution 1 1882 Supply 2 1891 Dereham 3 1855 Louth 2 1884 'BTomley,Pres.As.\., 1894 Alnwick 1 1857 Cardiff 3 1885 Bromley / 1895 Sleaford 1860 Walsall 3 1887 Wolverhampton ,3 AKD OK THE FOEEIGK STATIONS, 81 1890 Manchester, Oxf.-rd.3 HOPPEE, EICHAED. HOEEELL, THOMAS H. 1893 Penzance 3 1873 Institution 2 1865 Woolwich 2 1896 Sheffield, Carver-st. 1875 Abergavenny 2 1867 Higham-Ferrers 3 1877 Wigan 3 1870 Walls, Zetland 3 HOOPEE, JOHN H. 1880 Easingwold 3 1873 Lerwick, do. 3 1871 Institution 1 1883 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1876 Aberdeen 3 1872 Kington 2 Blenheim-street 3 1879 Tadcaster 3 1874 Hinckley \ 1886 Rugby 3 1882 Manchester, 1875 Nuneaton, &c. j ' 1889 Liverpool, ~\ Oldham-road 3 1876 Dumbarton 3 1879 Stirling 3 Cranmer j-3 1890 Liverpool, Bootle) 1885 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1888 Buxton " 3 1882 Lerwick, &c., Zet. 3 1892 Bolton, Park-st. 3 1891 Birstall 3 1885 Manchester, 1895 Bristol, Wesley 1894 Bolton, Bridtjc-st. 3 Gt.Bridgewater-st . 3 1888 Bacup 3 HOPWOOD, EICHAED. HOETON, THOMAS. 1891 Huddersfield, 1874 Llanrwst, Welsh 2 1863 Rheims, France 1 Buxton-road 3 1876 Holywell, do. 2 1864 Mildenhall 1 1894 Sbemeld,N7-flk.-st. 3 1878 Birmingham, do. 2 1865 Belper 2 1880 Liverpool, 1867 Sheffield, Men. 2 HOPEWELL, EOBEET W. CJiester-st., do. 1 1869 Bridlington 3 1877 Marlborough 2 1881 Towyn, do. 2 1872 Yeovil 3 1879 Bedford, Dis. Mis. 2 1883 Ystumtuen, do. 1 1875 Manningtree 3 1881 Woolwich 3 1884 Aberayron, do. 3 1878 Whitby 3 1884 Alford 3 1887 Port Madoc, do. 3 1881 Longton 1 1887 Bacup 3 1890 Ruthin, do. 3 1882 Chelmsford 3 1890 Wolverhampton, 1893 Coedpoeth, do. 3 1885 Glossop 3 Trinity 3 1896 Carnarvon, do. 1888 Ashton-Lyne 3 1893 Bradford, Kirkgate 3 1891 Tunstall 3 1896 Croydon HOEN, JOHN. 1894 Pontypridd 3 HOPKINS, JOSEPH H. 1886 South Molton 1 HOSKIN, CHAS. JAS. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Crewe 3 1875 Rochdale, Union-st. 3 1878 ~Bra.Atord,astbrk. 3 1887 Boroughbridge 3 1890 Aberdeen, Crown-terrace 3 1893 Whitby 3 1893 Supply 3 1896 Grimsby, Duncombt'-street. 1881 York, New-street 3 1896 Sunderland, HOSKING, THOMAS. 1884 Manchester, Fatvcett-street 1870 Institution 1 Gravel-lane 3 1871 Kingston, Jam. 1 1887 London, Mostyn-rd.2 1889 London Mission, S. HOENABEOOK, JOHN. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Manchioneal, do. 1 1873 Yallahs, do. 2 HOPKINSON, HAEEY. Institution. 1888 Supply 1 1889 North Walsham 3 1872 Sheffield, Brnswlt. 2 1874 Wandsworth 3 1877 Southport ) 1878 Southport, Trin. } 1875 Spanish-Town, do. 1 1876 Mount-Ward, do. 3 1879 Knighton 3 1882 St. Keverne 3 1885 Looe 3 1892 Woking & Cobham 2 1894 Windsor 3 HOPPEE, ALFEED H. 1880 Waterloo 3 1883 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1886 Liverpool, Groce-st.% 1889 Rock Ferry 3 1888 Woodville, to. 3 1891 Riplcy 3 1894 Shrewsbury 3 1878 Institution 1 1892 Bristol, Kituj-st. 3 HOSKINGS, ALEX. 1879 North Walsham 1 1895 Leeds, Brunswick 1860 Longton 3 1880 Chatteria 2 1863 Tunstall 1 1882 Kilkhampton 2 HOENE, CHAELES T. 1864 Bramlcy 1 1884 Morcton-Hampstd. 1 1880 Institution 1 1865 Sheffield, Norfh.-st 3 1885 North Shields 3 1881 Supply 2 1868 Risca 3 1888 Blackburn, 1883 Bromley 2 1871 North-Hill 2 Clayton-la- Moors 2 1885 Tipton 3 1873 Guildford 3 1890 Goole 3 1888 Maidstone 3 1876 Lynn 3 1893 Gainsborough 3 1891 Portsmouth, Wcs. 3 1879 Leek 3 1896 Ashbourne 1894 Swansea 3 1882 Market- Rasen 8 82 ETC., IN GEEAT BBITADT 1885 Barton-on-Humber 3 1888 Newport & Cowes 3 1891 Ross 3 1894 Tenderden 3 HOTHEBSALL, JAMES. 1866 St. Kitt's, W.Inds. 3 1869 Nevis, do. 1 1870 Bungay 1 1871 St. Vincent's, Kingstown, W.I. 1 1872 Tobago, do. 1 1873 St. Vincent's, Ckateaubellair,do. 1 1874 Ear\)ad.os,Eben.,do. 2 1876 Yeadon 2 1878 Pembroke 3 1881 Whitchurch 2 1883 Widnes 3 1886 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 1 1887 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 1890 Chatteris 1 1891 Padiham 3 1894 Denby Dale 1 1895 Holmtirth, Sup 1 1896 Ulverston HOTHEBSALL, WM. 1877 Institution 1 1878 Ripley 3 1881 Glasgow, Claremont-street 3 1884 Hey wood 3 1887 Barnstaple 3 1890 Accrington 3 1893 Hebden-Bridge 3 1896 Farnworth HOUGHTON, JOHN W. Institution. 1890 Supply 2 1892 Loftus-in- Cleve- land 3 1895 Wolsingham HOUSE, SAMUEL T. 1866 Northallerton 2 1868 Sunderland, Whitburn-itreet 1 1869 Windsor 2 1871 Easingwold 1 1872 Darlington 3 1875 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1878 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1881 Newcastle-on-Tyne, UrunsH'ick 3 1884 London. PccJtham 3 1887 Liverpool,-&7vm0A. 3 1890 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1893 Leeds, Ileadingley 3 1896 Leamington HOWABD, JOHN. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 London Mission.E. 3 1893 London Mission 1 1894 London Mis., East 3 HOWARD, JOHN E. 1875 Lucca, W. Indies 2 1877 Kingston, Coke, do. 1 1878 Mount- Fletcher ,do. 3 1881 Manchioneal, do. 3 1884 In England 1 1885 Grateful Hill, W.I. 1 188S Beechamville, do. 3 1889 Kingston, de. 1 1890 New Mills 3 1893 Woodhouse- Grove 3 1896 Hexham HOWABD, JOSEPH (A). 1862 Dursley 2 1864 Hale, Aldershot 2 1866 London, City-road 1 1867 Bakewell 3 1870 Worksop 2 1872 Inverness 3 1875 Saddleworth 3 1878 New-Mills 2 1880 St. Ives, Cornwall 2 1882 St. Ives & Hunt. 3 1885 Raunds 3 1888 Holsworthy 1 1889 Brackley 3 1892 Towcester 3 1895 Newlyn East HOWABD, JOSEPH (B). 1866 Supply 1 1867 Institution 1 1868 Okehampton 2 1870 Ryde, I. of W. 1 1871 London, St. Geo. 1 1872 Burnley 1 1873 Bradford-on-Avon 3 1876 Sherborne 1 1877 Reading 3 1880 Gloucester 3 1883 Gosport 3 1886 Maidstone 3 1889 Lewes 1 ., 1890 Sussex Mission J ' 1892 Deptford 2 1894 Wednesbury, 1 1895 Kidderminster HOWABTH, WILLIAM. Institution. 1891 Supply 1 1892 Leeds, Brunswick 2 1894 Grimsby, Duncombe Street 2 1896 Birmingham, Aston-park HOWLAND, FBED. GEO. Institution. 1895 Supply 1 1896 Hereford HOWSON, GEOBGE H. 1875 Institution 1 1876 Uttoxeter 2 1878 Ulverston 2 1880 Builth 1 1881 Stourbridge 1 1882 Dawley 2 1884 Madeley 3 1887 Hunstanton 1 1888 Sleaford 3 1891 Bourne 3 1894 Shepton Mallet 2 1896 Retford HOYLE, ABTHUB. 1883 Institution 1 1884 Supply 1 1885 Bedford, Dis. Mis. 1 1886 Kettering 3 1889 Edinburgh 3 1892 Inverness 3 1895 Inverness, Under direction of ehrmn. of Distr. 1 1896 Leeds, Woodhouse-moor HUDDLESTON, DAVID. 1875 Wilberforce,ir.4/: 3 1878 Free Town, Educ. Ucp., Tr. Inst.,do. 2 1880 Wantage 1 1881 Hungerford, Sup. 1 1882 North-Hill 3 1885 Holt 3 1888 Clitheroe 3 1891 Tipton 3 1894 Wellington, Salop 3 HUDSON, HENBY, M.B.C.S., L.B.C.P. Institution. 1888 Supply 1 1889 Tiruvalur, C.India 4 1893 Manargudi, Medical Work, do. AND ON THE POBEIGN STATIONS. 83 HUDSON, WALTEE. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Bolton, Dis. Mix. 1 1891 Birmingham, Wes. 1 1892 Cockermouth, &c. 3 1895 Padiham HUDSON, WILLIAM. 1858 Durham 3 1861 Rotherham 2 1863 Worksop 3 1866 Sheffield, Carver-st.3 1869 London, Chelsea 3 1872 Lincoln 3 1875 London, Hackney 3 1878 Finsbury-Park 3 1881 London, Stoke Newington 3 1884 London, City 2 1886 Sheffield, Eben. 1 1887 Eastbourne 3 1890 Clacton-on-Sea 3 1893 Permitted to reside in S. Afr., Sup. 1 1894 Maf eking, Eng., S. A., do. 1 1895 Johannesberg, Eng., do. HUGGINS, WM. HY. Institution. 1894 Supply 2 1896 Southport HUGHES, A. LLOYD. 1878 Supply 1 1879 Institution 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 1 1883 Llanrhaiadr, Welsh 2 1885 Stockton-ori-Tees, do. 1 1886 Tregarth, da. 1 1887 Dolgelly, do. 2 1889 Mold, do. 3 1892 Holyhead, do. 3 1895 Beaumaris, do. HUGHES, FBEDEEICK. 1872 Institution 1 1873 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 1876 Redhill 1 1877 Seacombe 2 1879 Liverpool, Grove-st.'A 1 882 Leice8tT.,ishop-gt.3 1885 Derby, Green-hill 3 1888 Macclesfield 3 1891 Haslingden 3 1894 Sheffield, Aorf oik-street J-3 1896 Sheffield, Park HUGHES, HENEY. HUGHES, JOHN (c). 1865 Tregarth, Welsh 1 1868 Aberdare, Welsh 1 1867 Holyhead, do. 1 1869 Cardiff, do. 3 1868 Conway, do. 3 1872 Aberystwith, do. 1 1871 Amlwch, do. 2 1873 Llanidloes, do. 3 1873 Hanley, do. 2 1876 Machynlleth, do. 2 1875 Mold, do. 2 1878 Coedpoeth, do. 3 1877 Holyhead, do. 2 1881 Carnarvon, do. 3 1879 Llanfyllin, do. 2 1884 Llanrhaiadr, do. 2 1881 Ferndale, do. 3 1886 London, do. 3 1884 Machynlleth, do. 2 1889 Rhyl, do. 2 1886 Llanrwst, do. 3 1891 Manchester, do. 3 1889 Port Madoc, do. 3 1894 Liverpool, 1892 Beaumaris, do. 3 Mount Zion, do. 3 1895 Bagillt, do. HUGHES, JOHN HUGHES, HUGH. WESLEY. 1866 Bagillt, Welsh 1 1867 Conway, do. 1 1868 Llangollen, do. '2 1870 Llanrhaiadr, do. 2 Institution. 1892 Supply 1 1893 Stockton-on-Tees, Trr 7 7 f\ 1872 Blaenau-Ffestiniog, do. 2 Welsh 2 1895 Abergele, do. 1874 Holyhead, do. 3 1877 Mold, do. 2 HUGHES, OWEN. 1879 Liverpool, 1872 Llangollen, Welsh 1 Chester-it., do. 3 1873 Amlwch, do. 2 1882 Bangor, do. 1 1875 Holywell, do. 1 1883 Llangollen, do. 2 1876 Abergele, do. 1 1885 Conway, do. 3 1877 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1888 Liverpool, Mount 1880 Llanfair, do. 3 Zion, do. 3 1883 Llanrwst, do 3 1891 Rhyl, do. 1 1886 Mold, do. 3 1892 London, do. 3 1889 Liverpool, 1895 Carnarvon, <&/. Mount Zi/in, do. 3 1892 Welsh Mission, do. HUGHES, H. OWEN. 1876 Wrexham, Welsh 1 HUGHES, RICHAED (A). 1877 Holyhead, A>. 2 1879 Liverpool, Chexter-xt. do. 1 Institution. 1884 Supply, Jam. W.I. 1 1880 Stockton-Tees, ko. 3 1883 Coedpoeth, do. 1 1884 Holy well, do. 2 1886 Machynlleth, rfo. 3 1889 Llanidloes, do. 3 1892 Aberdare, do. 3 1895 Cardiff, do. 1885 Ocho Rios. dn. do. 3 1 888 Black River, do. do. 3 1891 Invalided Home 1 1892 Turks Islands, W.I. 1 1893 Kingston, Coke, Jam., W.I. 2 1895 Returning Home 1 1 896 Newport and HUGHES, HUGH P., M.A. Cowes, Siijj. 1867 Institution 2 1869 Dover 3 HUGHES, EICHAED 1872 Brighton 3 M6N. 1875 London, Stoke Institution. Newington 3 1888 Supply 1 1878 London, Mostijn-rd 3 1889 Llanfair, Welsh 2 1881 Oxford 3 1891 Stockton-Tees, do. I 1884 Londoner ixtn.-hl 3 1892 Towyn, do. 1 1887 London Mission, 1893 St. David's, do. 1 Wett Central 1891 Port Madoc, do. 3 84 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GBEAT BRITAIN HUGHES, EOBEET. 1861 Llanfair, Welsh 2 1863 Amlwch, do. 1 1864 Llangollen, do. 2 1866 Dolgelly, do. 2 1868 Llanrhaiadr, do. 2 1870 Holywell, do. 2 1872 Barmouth, do. 2 1874 Beaumaris, do. 2 1876 Amlwch, do. 1 1877 Mold, do. 3 1880 Hanley, do. 2 1882 Pwllheli, do. 2 1884 Coedpocth, do. 3 1887 Carnarvon, do. 2 1889 Llanrwst, do. 2 1891 Lampeter, do. 3 1894 Machynlleth, do. 3 HUGHES, THOMAS (B). 1879 Institution ' 2 1881 Liverpool, Mt. Zion, Welsh 1 1882 Carnarvon, do. 1 1883 Liverpool, Sliaw-street, do. 1 1884 Birmingham, do. 2 1886 Llanfair, do. 1 1887 Bangor, do. 3 1890 Coedpoeth, do. 3 1893 Tregarth, do. I 1896 Liverpool, Shaw-st., do. HUGHES, THOMAS (c). Institution. 1890 Abergele, Welsh 1 1891 Llanfair, do. 1893 Rhyl;ed,S.Afr. 2 1876 Launceston 3 Clayton-street 3 1879 Cradock, do. 1 1879 Graveserid 3 1886 Stockport, Trinity 3 1880 Returning Home 1 1882 Rochester 3 1889 Hanley 3 1881 Croydon, Sup. 2 1885 Folkestone 3 1892 Oldham, Wesley 3 1883 Rheims, do. 1 1888 Peterborough 3 1895 Dudley 1884 Rheims 3 1891 Tamworth, &c. 2 HUNT, W. STANLEY. 1887 Holsworthy 1 1888 Winchester 3 1893 Watlington, Sup. Institution. 1888 Supply 1 1889 Stamford 3 1891 Newport, I. of W. 3 1894 Llanelly 3 HUTTON, WILLIAM J. 1860 Bradford, Kirltgate 1 1861 Hammersmith 3 1892 Jersey, French 3 1895 Derby, King-street HUTCHEON, JOHN, M.A. 1856 Tumkur, C. India 1 1864 Deptford 1 1866 Blackheath ) ' HUNTER, CHARLES F., p A 1857 Bangalore, do. 4 1861 Mysore, do. 11 1867 London, Islington 3 1870 Bristol, Clifton 2 B.A: Institution. 1896 Richmond, Theo. List., Asst. Tu. 1872 Hassan, &c.,do. 1 1873 Leave of absence 1 1874 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1872 Oldham, Wesley 3 1875 Bolton, Park-st. 3 1878 Leamington 3 1881 London, Hackney 3 HUNTER, FREDERICK. 1863 Taunton, &c. 1 1864 Barnstaple 2 1866 Tiverton 1 1867 Bideford 1 1868 St. Agnes 2 1877 London,Mildmy.-pk2 1879 Falmouth 3 1882 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1885 Aldershot, Camp 3 1888 Cross Hills 2 1890 Weymouth 3 1884 Finsbury Park 3 1887 Wanstead and Woodford 3 1890 Grimsby 3 1893 Cross-Hills 3 1896 Oxford 1870 Pateley-Bridge 3 1873 Driffield 2 1893 Tonbridge 3 1896 Manchester, HUTTON, W. PERCY, B.A. 1875 Newport, I. of W. 3 Grosvenor-street Institution. 1878 Newton- Abbot 2 1880 Goole 3 1883 Pocklington 3 1886 Matlock 3 HUTCHINSON, ARTH. E. 1877 Nuneaton, &c. 2 1879 Bridport 3 1882 Hereford 1 1889 Supply 1 1890 Walsall, Wesley 1 1891 Richmond, Theo. Inat. 2 1889 Bingley 3 1892 Newtown, Mon. 3 1883 Easingwold 3 1 QQ. r PV>i-nc. B.A. 1880 Pontefract 2 JACKSON, WILLIAM (c). Institu tion. 1894 Didsbury, Theol. 1882 Blackburn, Harivood-strcet 3 1861 St. Mawes 2 1863 Monmouth 2 Inst. Assist. Tu. 3 1885 Beverley 3 1865 Otley 2 JACKSON, EDWARD H. 1888 Horncastle 2 1867 Leek 3 1876 Supply 1 1890 Chesterfield 3 1870 Tunstall 3 1877 Institution 1893 Luton, Waller -st. 3 1873 Congleton 3 1879 Institution 1 1896 8hefitel&,Meneser. 1876 Cleckheaton 3 1880 Peel. I. of Man 1 1881 Chipping-Norton 3 1884 Newtown 3 JACKSON, JOSEPH. 1882 Institution 2 1879 Walsall,Centenary 3 1882 Wolverhampton 3 1885 Mold 3 1887 Warrington 3 1884 Supply 1 1888 Macclesfield 3 1885 Worthing 3 1891 Hastings 3 1893 Chislehurst 2 1888 Ijondon,Southivark 1 1894 Brighton, Dorset- 1895 Aberystwyth, Sup. 1 1896 Sheffield, Carver-st. 1889 Hull, Gt. Thornton-iit. 3 1892 London Mission, E.3 gardens 3 JACKSON, WILLIAM(D). JACKSON, GEORGE, B.A. 1895 London Mission 1 1870 Institution 1 Institution. 1896 St. Albans 1871 N. Providence, Ba. 1 1887 Supply 1 1872 Eleuthera, 1st, do. 3 1888 Edinburgh Mission JACKSON, THOMAS. 1875 Abaco, do. 3 Institution. 1878 N. Providence, do. 2 JACKSON, HY. W., B.A. 1849 Chester 1 1850 Chelmsford 3 1882 Supply 2 1884 Welshpool 3 1887 St. Helens, &c. 3 1880 Eleuthera, 2nd, do. 3 1883 Ilcturninq Home 1 1884 Walsingham 1 1853 Brighton 3 1890 Whitchurch 1 1885 Malta, Garrison 1 1856 Hammersmith 3 1859 Tunbridge- Wells 3 1891 Windsor 3 1894 Aberystwyth 3 1886 Cairo, Eyi/pt, Army Work. 1862 Darlington 3 1865 Manchester, JACKSON, THOMAS R. JACKSON, WILLIAM(E). Oldham-street 3 1875 Supply 1 1877 Institution 1 1868 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1876 Institution 1 1878 Wimborne 1 1871 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1877 Oakham 1 1879 Buckingham 1 1874 Sunderland, 1878 Brigg 1 1880 Marlborough 1 Fatvcctt-street 3 1879 Shepton-Mallet 2 1881 Ly me- Regis 2 1877 London, Bow 3 1881 Whitehaven 3 1883 Stone 2 88 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1885 Swansea, Dis. Mis. 3 1888 Sunderland, Sans-st. Mission 1 1889 London, Poplar 3 1892 Brighouse 1 1893 Retford 3 1896 Leeds, Hunslet JAMES, JOHN B. 1863 Hinckley 2 1865 Evesham 1 1866 Oldbury 1 1867 Knighton 3 1870 Pateley-Bridge 3 1873 Coventry 3 1876 Hereford 3 1879 Worcester 3 1882 Swindon 3 1885 Congleton 3 1888 Tarporley 3 1891 Rhondda 3 1894 Pocklington 3 JAMES, J. COUETENAY. Institution. 1885 Maf eking, Molopo Mis., S. Africa 1 1886 Pretoria, Eng., do. 2 1888 Johannesberg, do. 2 1890 Stilly Islands 1 1891 Hayl'e 3 1894 Cardiff, Penarth 3 JAMES, LEVI. 1876 Coningsby 1 1877 Heywood 2 1879 Dursley 1 1880 Dunbar 1 1881 Walls, Zetland 3 1884 Kirkby-Stephen 3 1887 Ulverston 3 1890 Bridgend 3 1893 Pateley Bridge 3 1896 Cleckheaton JAMES, THOMAS E. Institution. 1892 Supply 2 1H94 Aberdare 1 1895 Thetford 1 1896 Hull, (ft. Thornton- street JAMES, WILLIAM. Institution. 1886 Supply 1 1887 Truro 1 1888 Diss 1 1889 Ely 2 1891 Risca 1 1892 Easingwold 3 1895 Pocklington JAMIESON, T. WM. Institution. 1896 Supply JEFFEEIES, CAMPBELL. 1873 Brecon 1 1874 Bridport 2 1876 Jersey, English 3 1879 Edinbuigb,Dunlar 1 1880 Calais, fiance 4 1884 Stourbridge 2 1886 Gateshead, Bcnsham-road 3 1889 Darlington, Sondgate 3 1892 Scarborough 3 1895 Bradford, Eastbrook 1 1896 Oxford JEFFEEIES, T. BEALEY. 1871 Windsor 1 1872 Hertford, &c. 1 1873 Attleborough, &c. 1 1874 Taunton, &c. 1 1875 Bromyard 2 1877 Eastbourne, Sup. 1 1878 Buckingham 1 1879 Spennymoor 1 1880 North Walsham 3 1883 Ramsey, Hunts. 1 1884 Bournemouth,^/;. 1 1885 Preston, Wes.,Sup. 1 1886 Preston, Wesley 3 1889 Gateshead, Bensham-road 3 1892 Kingswood 3 1895 Bristol, Bedminster JEFFOED, HENEY. 1873 Midsomer-Norton 3 1876 Derby, Green-kill 3 1879 West-Bromwich 2 1881 Chesterfield 3 1884 Wakefield 3 1887 Oxford 3 1890 Luton, Waller-st. 3 1893 Birmingham, Belmont-row 3 1896 Weymouth JEFFEEYS, JOHN. 1849 Institution 1 1850 Settle 2 1852 Ware & Bishop Stortford 1853 St. Agnes 1854 Colchester 1857 Cambridge 1860 Rochdale 1863 London, City-rd. \ 3 1865 London, Hoxton } 1866 Bplton, Wesley 1 1867 Birmingham, Cherry-street 3 1870 Manchester, Radnor-street 3 1873 Manchester, Ollh.-stZ 1876 Bristol, Clifton 3 1879 Birkenhead 3 1882 Huddersfield,0w,.-,sO 1885 Nottingham, Wes. 3 1888 Bolton, Famwcrth 3 1891 Gravesend 3 1894 Ramsgate 3 JEFFEIES, ENOCH. Methodist Episcopal Church. 1891 Mhow,J3ombay,C.I.l 1892 Umballa, Army Work, do. JEFFEIES, PETEE WILLIAMS. Institution, 1885 Zetland, Dig. Mis. 2 1887 Welshpool 3 1890 Newton Abbot 3 1893 Yeovil 3 1896 Bishop Auckland JENEIN, JAMES. 1877 Gold Coast, W. Afr.l 1878 Cape-Coast, do. 2 1880 NewProvidence,J!/a.2 1882 Abaco, do. 3 1885 Harbour- Island,3 1893 Cardiff, Canton j 1894 Newport, Man. 3 JENKIN, THOMAS. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Yeovil 1 1870 Newbury 2 1872 Bideford 2 1874 Gunnislake 1 1875 Snaith 3 1878 Bradford,/MZ I 1880 Bradford, Windhl f 6 1881 Ossett & Horbury 3 1884 Norwich 3 1887 West Bromwich, Wesley 3 1890 Leamington 3 1893 Bradford, Green-hill 3 1896 Middlesborough, Wesley JENKINS, EB. E., LL.D. 1845 Madras, C.India 2 1847 Negapatam, do. 1 1848 Madras, do. 15 1863 Returning Home 1 1864 London, Hackney 3 1867 London, Brixton 3 1870 Southport 3 1873 London, Highbury 2 1875 Visiting China 1 1876 London, Wentmnstr.l 1877 London, Miss. Sec. 11 1888 London, Hon. Miss. Sec. [President in, 1880.] JESSOP, WILLIAM. 1836 Louth 1 1837 Reading 1 1838 Out of health 1 1839 Barnard-Castle 1 1840 Dumfries 1 1841 Bingley 3 1844 Bacup 3 1847 Doncaster 3 1850 Scarborough 3 1853 Chester 3 1856 Huddersfield, Buxton-road 3 1859 Tadcaster 3 1862 Redruth 3 1865 York 7 , 1867 York, Nerv-st. \ ' 1868 Stockport,Tiv.-dale 3 1871 Sheffield, Norfk. st. 1 1872 Sheffield, Gov. of Wesley College 8 1880 Bradford, Shipley 3 1883 Woodhouse Gr., Sup. JOHNS, JOSEPH. Institution. 1890 Supply 1 1891 Tiverton 2 1893 Minehead, &c. 3 1896 St. Ives, Cornwall JOHNSON, ALFRED. 1875 Supply 1 1876 Supply ) 1877 Keighley \ 1879 Wrexham 3 1882 Seacombe 3 1885 Taunton and j Wellington [ 3 1886 Taunton j 1888 Bideford 3 1891 Maidstone 3 1894 Margate 3 JOHNSON, ARTHUR J. Institution. 1893 Supply 2 1895 Tiverton JOHNSON, CHARLES R. Institution. 1891 Supply, W. Africa 1 1892 Oyo, do. 3 1895 Dursley 1 1896 Abeokuta, W. Afr. JOHNSON, FESTUS H. 1887 Free-Town, W. Afr. High School, Second Master 4 1891 St. Mary's Island, do. JOHNSON, PHILIP. 1887 Fouricarriah, Limbah Mis., W.A.1 1888 Limbah Mis., do. 6 1894 Kateri, do, JOHNSON, SAM. J. 1882 Institution 1 1883 St. Kitt's, W.I. 2 1885 Antigua, do. 2 1887 St. Martin, Dutch, do. 3 1890 St. Kitt's, do. 4 1894 Banwell JOHNSON, SIMEON P. 1879 Yaba, W. Africa i 1883 Lagos, do. 4 1887 Itesi, do. 1 1888 Abeokuta, W. Afr. 2 1890 Little Popo, do. 1 1891 Lagos, do. 3 1894 Lagos, do., Sup. 1 1895 Ibadan, do., do. JOHNSON, SIMPSON. 1873 Peel, I. of Man 2 1875 Guisborough, &c. 3 1878 Bishop-Auckland 3 1881 Hull, George-yard 3 1884 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1887 Manchester, Viet. 3 1890 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1893 London, Hackney 3 1896 Manchester, Cheetham-hill JOHNSON, WILLIAM. 1877 Supply 1 1878 Institution 1880 Institution 1 1881 Supply 1882 Brighton 1884 Great Bentley 1 1885 London, Spitalflds. 2 1887 Batley 3 1890 Northampton, Gold-street 3 1893 Peterborough 3 1896 Whitby JOHNSON, WILLIAM D. 1861 Tenterden 1 1802 Diss 1 1863 Barnard- Castle 2 1865 Reeth 1 1866 Hawes & Sedbergh 2 1868 Epworth 3 1871 Allendale-Town 1 1872 WoLsingham 3 1875 Kirby-Moorside 3 1878 Sherburn 3 1881 St. Neots 2 1883 Snaith 3 1886 Todmorden 3 1889 Chester-le-Street 2 90 MOnSTEHS, ETC., IN GBEAT BBITAIff 1891 Binghara 1 1882 North-Shields 3 1881 Tregarth, do. 1 1892 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1885 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1882 Conway, do. 3 1895 Belper Blenheim-street 3 1885 Llanasa, do. 3 JOHNSTON, WILLIAM H. 1860 Kingswood School, Second Master 1 1861 Southampton 1 1862 Brighton 3 1865 London Sow 3 1888 Glasgow, Cat heart-road 3 1891 Manchester, Oxford-road 3 1894 Manchester, City-road 3 1888 Amlwch, do. 2 1890 Carnarvon, do. 3 1893 Llanfair, do. 3 1896 Port Madoc, do. JONES, E. ASHTON. 1868 London, Ger.Miss. 6 1874 Waiblingen, Gcr.\<> 1875 Stuttgart, do. j 6 1877 Cannstatt, do., Educ. Dept. 3 1880 New-Mills 3 1883 Peterhead 2 1885 Dumbarton 1 JONES, DAVID (B). 1861 Tregarth, Welsh 2 1863 Llanfair, do. 2 1865 Conway, do. 1 1866 Holyhead, do. 1 1867 Carnarvon, do. 2 1869 Barmouth, do. 3 1872 Pwllheli, Welsh 3 1862 Weston-sup.-Mare 2 1864 Hungerford 1 1865 Reading 3 1868 Bromley 3 1871 Aberystwith 3 1874 Ashton-Lyne 3 1877 Dundee, Ward-rd. 3 1880 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1886 Ayr 3 1889 Boston 3 1892 Kilsyth 3 1895 Leeds, Armley 1875 Coedpoeth, do. 3 1878 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1881 Abergele, do. 3 1884 Llanfyllin, do. 3 1883 Bacup 3 1886 Dewsbury 3 1889 Torquay, Union-it. 3 1892 Darlington, fi^OVtll'TOCid $ JOHNSTONE, THOS. W. 1866 Supply 1 1867 Halifax 1 1868 Birstall 2 1887 Bagillt, do. 3 1890 Holywell, do. 3 1893 Coedpoeth, do. 3 1896 Llandudno, do. 1895 Ludlow JONES, EDWD. LLOYD. 1871 Stockton 1 1870 Sunderland, JONES, DAVID (D). 1872 Rochdale, Union-st. 3 Whitburn-street 1 1881 Coedpoeth, Welsh 1 1875 Warrington 2 1871 Banbury 3 1882 Llanfair, do. 2 1877 Preston, Lune st. 1 1874 Portsmouth, 1884 Institution 1878 Llandudno,&c.,/Sw2?.l Green-row 3 1886 Institution 1 1879 Llandudno, &c. 3 1877 Mansfield 3 1887 Ehyl, Welsh 3 1882 LJandudno,&c.. 1 1893 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1883 Tregarth, do. 2 1880 Bangor, do. 1 1896 London, Tottenham 1885 Liverpool, 1881 Carnarvon, do. 3 Mount Zion, do. 3 1884 Liverpool, JONES, DAVID (A). IQ/J-I *_ j.v i 1888 Manchester, do. 3 Shaw-street, do. 3 1861 Morpeth 1 1891 Liverpool, 1887 Abergele, do. 3 1862 Alston 3 1865 Wolsingham 2 1867 Pocklington 3 Mount Zion, do. 3 1894 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1890 Conway, do. 2 1892 Denbigh, do. 3 1895 London, Welsh 1870 Gainsborough 3 JONES, EDWAED (o). 1873 TunstaU 3 1877 Llanfyllin, Welsh 1 JONES, FEANCIS, E. 1876 Newark 3 1878 Holywell, do. 1 Institution. 1879 Hartlepool 3 1879 Abergele, do. 2 1896 Llanrwst, Welsh AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 91 JONES, FRANK. Institution. 1888 Supply 1 1889 Alston 3 1892 South Shields \ 1894 Jarrow-on-Tyne J 1895 Malton JONES, GRIFFITH. 1857 Tregarth, Welsh 1 1858 Dolgelly, do. 3 1861 Llanrhaiadr, do. 2 1863 Bangor, do. 2 1865 Pwllheli, do. 3 1868 Llanfair, do. 3 1871 Holyhead, do. 3 1874 Llanrwst, do. 3 1877 Barmouth, do. 3 1880 Ruthin, do. 2 1882 Bagillt, do. 3 1885 Llangollen, do. 1 1886 Towyn, do. 3 1889 Pwllheli, do. 2 1891 Port, l/La.doc,do., Sup. JONES, HUGH (B). 1859 Bangor, Welsh 1 1860 Liverpool, do. 1 1861 Llanfyllin, do. 2 1863 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1866 Tregarth, do. 3 1869 Liverpool, do. 3 1872 Denbigh, do. 3 1875 Carnarvon, do. 3 1878 Bagillt, do. 2 1880 Rhyl, do. 3 1883 Liverpool, Shan; -street, do. 3 1886 Tregarth, do. 1 1887 Liverpool, Mount Zion, do. 3 1890 Liverpool, Shaw-street, do. 3 1893 Tregarth, do. 3 1896 Liverpool, Mount-Man, do. JONES, ISAIAH. 1877 Institution 1 1878 Tregarth, Welsh 3 1881 Port-Madoc, do. 3 1884 Liverpool, Sham-street, Welsh 2 1886 Rhyl, do. 3 1889 Sunderland, Sam-street 3 1892 Darlington, Bondgate 3 1895 Bradford, Shipley JONES, J. AUGUSTUS. 1846 Aberystwith, IFeM'l 1847 Swansea, <&?. 1 1848 Cardiff, . 2 1850 Carmarthen, ., do. JONES, J. BOURNE. 1870 Supply 1 1871 Dunster 2 1873 Shrewsbury 2 1875 Birmingham, Nervtorvn-rom 2 1877 Tipton 3 1880 Newport, Mm. 3 1883 Launceston 3 1886 Blackburn, Clayton-street 3 1889 Workington 3 1892 Accrington 8 1895 Stockport, Trinity JONES, J. D. BRYNFORD. Institution. 1893 Supply 2 1895 Devon and Dorset Mis. 1 1896 Sherburn JONES, JOHN (P). 1867 Supply 1 1868 Coedpoeth, Welsh 2 1870 Holyhead, do. 1 1871 Llanfyllin, do. 1 1872 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1875 Pwllheli, do. 3 1878 Cefn, do. 2 1880 Dolgelly, do. 3 1883 Llanfair, do. 3 1886 Beaumaris, do. 3 1889 Llanasa, do. 1 1890 Llanfyllin, do. 3 1893 Llanfyllin, do., Svp. JONES, JOHN (G). 1869 Aberdare, Welsh 2 1871 Swansea, do. 2 1873 Aberystwith, do. 2 1875 Brynmawr, do. 2 1877 Llanidloes, do. 3 1880 Lampeter, do. 1 1881 Swansea, rfo. 3 1884 Aberdare, do. 3 1887 Llandilo, do. 3 1890 Aberystwith, do. 3 1893 Llanelly, do. 3 1896 Treorky, ato. JONES, JOHN D. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Tredegar, Welsh 3 1893 Ferndale, ort 94 MINISTEBS, ETC., IN GEEAT BEITAIN JUDGE, JOHN. 1881 London, Hoxton 3 1866 Institution 1 1884 Birmingham, 1867 Huddersfield, Qn.-st.2 Belmont-row 3 1869 Bristol, King-street 2 1887 Redruth 3 1871 Manchester, 1890 Dudley 3 Chcetham-hill 3 1893 Burton-on-Trent 1 1874 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1894 Great Bentley 3 1877 Stockport, ??!,'. -rfaZc 3 1880 Scarborough 3 KADARI. GEOBGE H. 1883 Aberdeen 3 1884 Secunderabad, C.I. 2 1886 Gloucester 3 1886 Hyderabad, do. 1 1889 Rhyl 3 1887 Medduck, do. 8 1892 Lancaster 3 1895 Siddipett, do. 1895 Mansfield KAY, JOS. HUDSON. JUDSON, JOHN. Institution. 1873 Institution 1 1895 Supply 1874 Kirby-Moorside 1 1875 Denby-Dale 3 KEATING, WIL. 1878 Northwich 1 Institution. 1879 Wareham 3 1888 Supply 1 1882 Wednesbury 3 1889 Peel, I. of Man 2 1885 Barrow-in-Furness 2 1891 Kirkoswald 3 1887 Padiham 1 1894 Brampton 3 1888 Runcorn 3 1891 South Shields 3 KEDDIE, JOHN. 1894 Birstall 3 Institution. 1890 Supply 1 JUTSUM, HUMPHBEY. 1891 New Providence, 1858 Andover 1 Bahamas 2 1859 Newport, I. of W. 1 1893 Eleuthera, 1860 Portland 2 Hock Sound, do. 2 1862 Portsmouth, Garr. 3 1895 Abaco, do. 2 1865 Cardiff 3 1868 Falmouth 3 KEEBLE, SAMUEL E. 1871 Manchester, 1878 Institution 1 Gt.Bridgemater-st 3 1879 Ripley 3 1874 Stockport,2 r "w.-rfaZe3 1882 Reading 2 1877 Oldham, 1884 Nottingham, Wes. 3 Manchester-st. 3 1887 Leeds, 1 880 StockpoTt,Hillgate 3 Chapul Allerton 3 1883 Sunderland, 1890 Chester 3 Faivcett-street 3 1893 Sheffield, 1886 Hanlcy 3 Brunswick 3 1889 Cheadle 3 1896 Bristol, King-st. 1892 Douglas, I. of M. 3 1895 London, KEELING, E. BLANSH. St. John's- wood 1870 Institution 1 1871 Birmingham, JUTSUM, JOSIAH. Cherry-street 2 1857 Hungerford 1 1873 Leamington 2 1858 Wimborne 2 1875 Bridlington 3 1860 Southampton 1 1878 Halifa,x.,South-par. 3 1861 Biggleswade 2 1881 Birstall 3 1863 Higham-Ferrers 3 1884 Morley 3 1866 Colchester 3 1887 Abingdon 2 1869 Portsmouth 3 1889 Margate, Sup. 1 1872 Wednesbury, Wes. 3 1890 Alderley Edge, &c. 3 1875 Blackburn 3 1893 Newcastle-Lyne 3 1878 London,Bethnal-gr. 3 1896 Longtoa KEELING, THOMAS G. 1857 Maidstone 1 1858 Sandhurst 1 1859 Deal 1 1860 Berwick-on-Tweed 2 1862 Morpeth 2 1864 Wigton 2 1866 Worksop 1 1867 Bourne 2 1869 Attleborough, &c. 3 1872 Wisbech 3 1875 Bedford, A.JKry'* 3 1878 Wednesbury, Wes. 2 1880 Sheffield, .Brunswick, Sup. 4 1884 Newcastle-Lyme,.3 1893 Newcastle-on- f 1889 Southport, 1 891 Harbour Island, 1866 Brighton 1 LEWIS, WILLIAM J. LE GROS, ARMAND J. T. 1867 Guildford 2 1866 Beechamville, Jam. I 1878 St. Malo, France 2 1869 Hyde 2 1867 Mt. -Fletcher, do. 4 1880 Boulogne, do. 1 1871 Abergavenny 1 1871 Falmouth, do. 1 1881 St. Malo, do. 3 1872 Brecon 1 1872 St. Anne's Bay, do. 3 1884 Brussels, Belgium 6 1873 Brackley 3 1875 Grateful-Hill, do. 1 1890 Guernsey & Sark, 1876 Allendale 3 1876 St. Anne's Bay, do. 1 French 4 1879 Holbeach 3 1877 Grateful-Hill, do. 2 1894 Jersey, French 1882 High- Wy combe 3 1879 Clarendon, do. 1 1885 Hornsey 3 1880 Tavistock 3 LEONG-ON-TONG. 1888 Congleton 3 1883 Kettering 3 1882 Australasian Conf. 4 1891 Northwich 3 1886 Otley 3 1886 Hong-Kong, China 3 1894 Audley 3 1889 Leeds, Armley 3 1889 Hong-Kong, Sup. 1892 Whitstable 2 LEWIS, JAMES (A). 1894 Bury 3 LESTER, GEORGE. 1871 Institution 1 1865 Hastings 3 1872 Nottingham, Wes. 2 LICKES, ROBERT. 1868 Tarporley 2 1874 Hull, 1864 Kilkhampton 1 1870 Blackpool 3 Gt. Tliornton-st. 3 1865 Higham-Ferrers 2 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 101 1867 North-Walsham 1 LITTLE, JOSEPH (A). LITTLE, STEPHEN J. 1868 Attleborough 1 1843 Manargudi, C. India?, 1879 Supply 1 1869 Ely 1 1846 Negapatam, do. 1 1880 Christchurch, &c. 3 1870 Guernsey, English 1 1847 Madras, do. 1 1883 Wimborne 3 1871 Monmouth 3 1848 Negapatam, do. 1 1886 Swanage 3 1874 Pickering 3 1849 Manargudi, do. 1889 Swanage, Sup. 1 1877 Masham 3 1852 Negapatam, do. 1890 Lowestoft 2 1880 Oakham 1 1854 Bangalore, do. 1892 Alderney, Una. 3 1881 Portland 2 1858 Returning Home 1895 Swanage, Sup. 1 1883 Towcester 3 1859 Southampton 1896 Castle Caryj 1886 Bromsgrove 2 1861 Todmorden > 1888 Shepton Mallet 2 1862 Hebden-Bridge J LITTLE, THOMAS. 1890 Epworth 2 1892 Wigton 2 1894 Spennymoor 3 LIDGETT, J. SCOTT, M.A. 1876 Tunstall 2 1864 Stourport 1867 Margate 1870 Gravesend 1873 Devonport 1876 Callington 1879 Horsham 1878 Institution 1 1879 Batticaloa, Ceylon 3 1882 Trincomalee,., rt iV, 1868 Hols worthy 2 1867 Supply 1 1894 Hath 2 1870 Fareham 3 1868 Ludlow 2 1896 Hartlepool, &c. 1873 Portland 3 1870 Coventry 1 MACKAE, DAVID G. 1876 Congleton 3 1871 Bridgwater 1 Institution. 1879 Cleckheaton 3 1872 Unst, Zetland 3 1891 Supply 1 1882 Sowcrby-Bridge 3 1875 Kirby-Moorside 1 1892 St. Leonards 1 1885 Colne 3 1876 Banff 3 1893 Towcester 1 1888 Ossett & Horbury 3 1879 Spalding 3 1894 Ramsey, Hunts. 3 1891 Lowestoft, Sup. 1882 Spilsby 3 1885 Banwell 2 M'TIER, ALBEKT H. MAGGS, EDW. H. 1887 New Mills, Sup. 2 1851 Kington 2 Institution. 1889 St. Ives, Cornwall 1 1853 Bungay 2 1892 Supply 1 1890 Thame 3 1855 Lowestoft 1 1893 London Garrison 1 1893 Maiibo rough 3 1856 Holt 3 1894 Bromsgrove 3 1896 Minehcad, &c. 106 MINTSTEBS, ETC., IN GEEAT BBITAHT MALE, ARTHUR H. 1888 Leeds, Wesley ) 9 MANDALE, ROBERT. 1874 Institution 1 1889 Leeds Mis., Cen. \ ' 1873 Ludlow 2 1875 Calcutta, C.India 2 1890 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 1875 Chesterfield 3 1877 Lucknow, 1893 Falmouth 3 1878 Coningsby 1 Hindustani, do. 4 1896 Leeds, Rothwell 1879 Pocklington 3 1881 Lucknow, JVng., do. 1 1882 Beverley 3 1882 Malta Garrison 1 MALTBY, WILLIAM. 1885 Newark 3 1883 Bury-St.-Edmunds 1 1857 Alston 3 1888 Ripon 3 1884 Bolton, Park-st. 2 1860 Dunbar 2 1891 Doncaster, 1886 Manchester, Gt.Bridyewater-st.2 1862 Glasgow, Cathct.-rd3 1865 Selby 3 Priory-place 3 1894 Penrith 3 1888 Birmingham, Bristol-road 3 1868 Glasgow, Catlict.-rd3 1871 Sunderland, MANGLES, JOHN M. 1891 Trowbridge, &c. 3 Whitburn-street 3 1868 Institution 1 1894 Brentford 3 1874 Haworth&0akworth3 1869 Banff 2 MALLINSON. JOEL. 1872 Institution 1 1877 Scarborough 3 1880 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 3 1871 Cross-Hills 1 1872 Carlisle 2 1874 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1873 Chesterfield 2 1875 Grimsby, Geo. -st. 1 1883 London, Southn-rk. 3 1886 London, Brunswick 1 1875 Eastbourne 3 1876 Wednesbury, Springhead 2 1878 Kedditch 3 1881 Hebden-Bridge 3 1884 Stratford 1 1885 Harrogate, Sup. 1 1886 Huddersfield, Canning-town 3 1889 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1892 Plymouth, King-stS 1895 Grimsby, George-street MALTBY, WM. RUSSELL. 1878 Filey 3 1881 Carlisle 3 1884 W.-Bromwich,IF1r3 MALPAS, WILLIAM. 1855 Bau, do. 2 loyo .Deccics 1857 Okehampton 1 1858 Chichester 3 1861 Brackley 2 1863 Market-Harboro' 3 1857 Viwa, do. 1 1858 Visiting Australia 1 1859 Cheltenham 1 1860 London, Mis. Com. 1 MANOCCHI, GIACOMO. 1877 Cosenza, Italy 1 1878 Catanzaro, do. 1 1879 Cosenza, do. 14 1866 Melton-Mowbray 3 1861 Woodbridge, do. 1 1893 Casserta, &c., do. 1869 Hitchin 3 1862 Spalding 2 1872 Ipswich 3 1864 Pickering 2 MANTLE, J. GREGORY. 1875 Bilston 2 1866 Ripon 1 1877 Bridport 2 1877 Northampton 3 1880 Lynn 3 1867 Morpeth 2 1869 Middleham 2 1879 Hereford 2 1881 Peel, I. of Man 2 1883 Buxton 3 1871 Shepton-Mallet 1 1883 Leominster 3 1886 Southampton 3 1889 Rugby 3 1872 Weston-Mare, Sup. 2 1874 Liverpool, Gr.-gt., do. 1886 Birmingham, "\ ffewtown-row \ 9 1892 Southampton 3 1895 Boston MALVERN, JOHN A. B. 1888 Birmingham [ Mission, North J 1878 Dewsbury 2 1889 BirminghamMissionl MALTBY, J. BAMPTON. 1880 Douglas, I. of M. 3 1890 Birmingham 1872 Institution 1 1883 Aberdare 1 Mission, North 2 1873 Seacombe 3 1884 Wigan 3 1892 London, 1876 Liverpool, Cranmer 3 1887 Sowerby Bridge 3 Hinde-st., Sup. 1 1879 Rochdale, Union-it. 3 1890 Bilston 3 1893 Bristol, King-st. 3 1882 Macclesfield 3 1893 Rotherham 3 1896 Brighton, 1885 Burelem 3 1896 Inverness Norfolk-road AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 107 MANUEL, R. DANIEL. 1885 Alderley-Edge,&c. 3 1874 Mysore, City, &c., 1888 Newcastle-Lyme 3 C. India 6 1891 Newport, Mon. 3 1880 Tumkur, do. 2 1894 Bacup 3 1882 Bangalore, do. 3 1885 Madgiri, do. 3 MAREIN, JOSEPH A. 1888 Chikmagalur, do. 6 1886 Assin, W. Africa 3 1894 Gubbi, do. I 1889 Aburah, do. 4 1895 Doddaballapur, do. 1893 Aburi, do. MANUEL, THOMAS. 1878 Tredegar, Welsh 1 MARQUAND, JAMES H. 1879 Carmarthen, do. 3 1870 Institution 1 1882 Merthyr-Tydvil,^.! 1883 Pontycymmer, do. 3 1886 Swansea, do. 3 1871 Brackley 1 1872 Out of health 1 1873 Saddleworth 2 1889 Machynlleth, do. 3 1892 Treorky, do. 3 1895 Aberdare, do. 1875 Aylesbury 2 1877 Cheadle 3 1880 Leigh, Lane. 3 1883 Cheltenham 3 MARCHBANE, HENRY. 1886 Cardiff, Loudoun-sq. 3 1862 Kendal 3 1889 Bridgwater 1 1865 Cockermouth, &c. 1 1890 Teignmouth 3 1866 Wolsingham 3 1893 Sherborne 3 1869 Chesterfield 3 1896 Merthyr-Tydvil 1872 Saddleworth 3 1875 Boston 3 MARQUAND, JOHN T. 1878 Hyde 3 1865 Poole 3 1881 West Bromwich 2 1868 Ryde, I. of W. 2 1883 Middlesbrough 3 1870 Ross 3 1886 Birstall 3 1873 Blackpool 3 1889 Bradford, Wind-hl. 3 1876 Ormskirk 3 1892 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1879 St. Austell 3 1895 Cheltenham 1882 Burton-on-Trent 3 1885 North- Shields 2 MARE, JOHN. 1887 Guisborough, &c. 3 1885 Gubbi, Mysore, 1890 Reading 3 C. India 1 1893 Settle 3 1886 Mysore, City, &c.,A>.9 1896 Spalding 1895 Hassan, do. MAREE, CHARLES. MARRAT, JABEZ. 1858 Freetown. W. Afr. 4 1855 St. Vincent, 1862 Wellington, do. 9 Biabmt, W. Indies 1 1871 York, do. 5 1856 Demerara, 1876 Hastings, &c., do. 3 1879 Freetown, 2nd,do. 11 Mahaica, Br. Gu. 2 1858 Tobago, W. Indies 2 1890 Freetown, 1st, do. 1860 Barbados, do. 1 1861 Demerara, George- MAREE, WM. B. town, Br. Guiana 1 1894 Mig. Com. 1 1862 Barking&Romford3 1895 Freetown Second, 1865 Leigh, Lane. 3 Ebenezer, W. Aft: I 1868 Runcorn 3 1896 Songo Town, Tinnl fin 9 1869 Bacup 2 1871 ' Bristol, King-st. 3 1874 Birmingham, Newtown-row 3 1877 Scarborough 3 1880 Birkenhead 3 OC/tl/l/fc, UjV. j 1877 Kalmunai, do. 1 1878 Trincomalee, S.,do. 1 1879 Dover 3 1883 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1886 Stockport, Tiv.-daleS 1889 Sheffield, Brunswk. 3 1882 Croydon 3 1885 Baling & Acton 3 1892 Halifax, Wesley 3 1895 Dewsbury 1888 London, Mildmay-park 3 MARTIN, JOSEPH. Institution. 1891 Leek 3 1894 Manchester, Oxford-road 3 1894 Supply 2 1896 Holsworthy MARTIN, FREDERICK J. 1 884 Little Popo, W. Afr.3 1887 Aghwey, do. 1 1888 Little Popo, do. 2 1890 Porto Novo, do. 1 MARTIN, RICHARD. 1846 Stokesley 3 1849 Aberdeen 3 1852 Shotley-Bridge 3 1855 Penrith 1 1891 Lagos, do. 1856 oDGniclclj.A 0?y A?."#t , 3 1859 Grimsby 3 MARTIN, HENRY, M.A. Institution. 1862 York 3 1865 ~London,Brixtn-hl. 3 1892 Supply 2 1868 Chester 3 1894 Lancaster 3 1871 Huddersfield, Buxton-road 3 MARTIN, JOHN (A). 1874 Manchester, 1843 Cape-Coast-Town, Grosvenor-street 3 &c., W. Africa 2 1877 Halifax, Wesley 3 1845 Domonasi, do. 1 1880 Tunbridge- Wells 3 1883 Manchester, Radnor-street 3 1886 Guernsey, English 2 1888 Manchester and Salford Mission, Oldham-st., Sup. MARTIN, WILLIAM. 1868 Institution I 1869 Blandford, &c. 1 1870 Tarporley 2 1872 Shrewsbury 1 1873 Windsor 2 1875 Hyde 2 1877 Ramsey, I. of M. 1 1878 Ramsey, do.'. Sup. 1 1879 Southport, Trin.,do.l 1880 Teignmouth 3 1883 Bridgwater 3 1886 Lowestoft 3 1889 Bridport 3 1892 Newport- Pagnell and Wolverton 1 1893 Lowestoft, Sup. MARTYN, ALFRED. 1867 Institution 1 1868 Southampton 2 1870 Redhill 1 1871 Paddington 1 1872 London, Bayswaterl 1874 Swansea 3 1877 Birmingham, Newt own-row 3 1880 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1883 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1886 Clapham 3 1889 Lytham 3 1892 London, Bow 3 1895 London, Chelsea MASHABA, ROBERT. 1893 Delagoa Bay, S.A. MASON, GEORGE D. 1879 Freetown,!^, W.A. 1 1880 Returning Home 1 1881 Loftus- Cleveland 3 1884 Middlesbrough 3 1887 Boston 3 1890 Gloucester 3 1893 Warrington 3 1896 Rotherham MASON, JOSHUA. 1849 Institution 1 [850 Richmond, forks. 2 1852 Aberdeen 3 .855 Glasgow, John-st. 3 1858 Altrincham 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 109 1861 Burnley 3 1864 Bradford ,KirUe.\ 1866 Bradford, 3/flw. 4 1882 Eleuthera, 1st, do. 1 1883 N.-Providence, do. 6 1889 N.-Providence, do., Sup. 1894 Nassau, do., do. MOON, FRANCIS W. 1879 N.-Providence,a. 2 1881 Harbour-Island,rf0. 1 1882 N.-Providence, do. 1 1883 Eleuthera, 2nd, do. 3 1886 Eleuthera, 1st, do. 1 1887 Eleuthera, 2nd, do A 1891 Abaco, do. 1894 Nassau, do. MOORHOUSE, ARTHUR, H.A., B.D. Institution. 1890 Headingley, As. Tu.3 1893 Lincoln, High-st., 1 1894 l>onor?i-e7i3 1886 Colombo, Nth., do., Institution. 1888 Wrexham 3 Prin.qfWes.Coll.2 1894 Accra, W. Afr. 2 1891 Margate 3 1888 Kandy, Ceylon 5 1896 Ashanti Mis., do. 1894 Newark 3 1893 Visiting England 1 MORRISON, HUMPHREY 1870 Institution 1 1871 Wisbech 1 MORTIMER, EPHRAIM. 1883 Institution 1 1884 Fyzabad, C. India 1 1894 Colombo, South,\ Ceylon, 1896 Colombo, Central, j do. 1872 Workington 2 1885 Benares, do. 1 J 1874 Newbury 2 1886 Lucknow, do. 1 MOSELEY, FREDK. C. 1876 Maidstone 3 1879 Chatham-Garrison 3 1882 Middleham 1 1887 Jabalpur, do. 5 1892 Bombay, do. 2 1894 Vhitinq Enqland 2 1873 Institution 1 1874 Welshpool 1 1875 Deal 2 1883 Glossop 3 1886 Rawtenstall 3 1889 Leigh, Lane. 3 1892 Tewkesbury 3 1896 Rawal Pindi, C. Ind. MORTON, HAROLD C., B.A. 1877 Abergavenny 2 1879 Stonehouse, &c. 1 1880 Methwold 3 1883 Middleham 3 1895 St. Ives, Cornwall 1 Institution. 1886 Thirsk 3 1896 Hebden-Bridge 1893 Richmond, Theol. 1889 Durham 3 MORRISON, JAMES. Inst., Asst. Tu. 3 1892 Filey 3 1867 Supply 1 1896 Helston 1895 Northallerton 1868 Kendal 2 MORTON, JOHN. MOSELEY, WILLIAM H. 1870 Carlisle 2 1872 London, Westmnstr.2 1874 Manchester, Gt.Sridf/ewater-st.S 1877 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1880 Sheffield,!??-?/?*^*. 3 Institution. 1889 Supply 2 1891 Bristol, Wesley 3 1894 Westori-super-Mare 2 1896 Perth Mission 1867 Institution 1 1868 Carlisle 1 1869 Whitehaven 2 1871 Brighton 1 1872 Manningtree 3 1875 Lancaster 3 1883 London, Gt. Qn.-st. 3 1886 Harrogate 3 1889 Colchester 3 MORTON, ROBERT. 1862 Cobham 1 1863 Ipswich 2 1878 Croydon 3 1881 Sunderland,,Sans-si;.3 1884 Bradford, Green-Id. 3 1892 Ipswich 3 1865 Burslem 3 1887 Hull, 1895 Chester 1868 Blackburn 1 Gt. Thornton-st. 2 MORROW, JOHN G. 1869 Bradford, Kastbrk. 3 1889 Kingston 3 1859 Institution 1 1872 Halifax, Wesley 3 1892 Finchley& Hendon 3 1860 Tambookie, S.Afr. 1 1875 Leeds, O^ford-pl. 3 1895 Leeds, Holbeck 1861 Bloem-Fontein, do. 1 1878 London, Stoke 1868 Colesberg, do. 1 Newington 3 MOSS, R. WADDY. 1869 Fort-Beaufort, do. 3 1881 London, Bctthnal-gr.^ 1869 Supply 1 1872 Gwennap 1 1884 Liverpool, Brnuvk. 3 1870 Midsomer-Norton 1 1873 St. Just 2 1887 Sunderland,iS#?w-s.3 1871 Didsbury, ^1*. Tu. 2 1875 Bridgwater 3 1890 London, Poplar 3 1873 Oxford 2 1878 Rye 3 1893 Watford, &c. 3 1875 Bromley 3 1881 Hitchin 3 1896 Brentford 1878 Burnley 3 1884 Chelmsford and ) 1881 Nottingham, Mai don [ 3 MORTON, ROBERT H. A. Halifax-place 3 1885 Chelmsford ) Institution. 1884 Bradford, Kirkgate 3 1887 Southend & Leigh 3 1888 Supply 1 1887 Bradford, Mankm.l 1890 Great Bentley 3 1889 Woodville, &c. 1 1888 Didsbury, Clas. Tu. 1893 Harwich 3 1890 Trcdegar 1 1896 Tadcaster 1891 Haverfordwest 2 MOSSCROP, EDWIN. 1893 Evesham 2 1866 Institution 1 MORT, SAMUEL. 1895 Loftus-in-Clevelnd.l 1867 Manchester, 1873 Institution 1 1826 Weardale ' Cheetham-hitt 2 1874 Alton 2 1869 Haslingden 3 1876 Sevenoaks 2 MOSCROP, THOMAS. 1872 Newark 3 1878 Reeth 1 1882 Institution 1 1875 Gateshead, 1879 Stroud 3 1883 G6\ombo,Sth.,Cey. 1 licnsham-road 3 1882 Hastings 3 1884 Colombo, Nth., do, 2 1878 Pontofract 8 8 114 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GBEAT BRITAIN 1881 Bridlington 3 MOULTON, WM. F., M.A., 1884 Frodsham 3 D.D. 1887 North-Shields 3 1858 Richmond,^!*. TV. 10 1890 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1868 Richmond, ClasTu. 6 1893 Teignmouth 3 1874 Cambridge, 1896 Southend, &c. The Leys School MOSSCROP, ENEAS. [President in 1890.] 1881 Institution 2 MOUNTFORD, JOSIAH M. 1883 Supply 1 ! 1884 Loftus-Cleveland 3 1887 Spennymoor 2 1838 Arbroath, &c. 1 1839 Cape-Coast, W.Afr.2 1841 Deal 2 1889 Pocklington 3 1843 Thetford 2 1892 Ormskirk 3 1845 Bury St. Edmunds 1 1895 Clitheroe 1846 Ashburton 2 MOSSCROP. THOMAS G, 1848 Kingsbridge 2 1850 St. Columb 1 1872 Supply 1 1873 Mildenhall 2 1875 Attleborough, &c. 2 1851 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1852 Shepton-Mallet 1 1853 Londn., City-rd., 1877 Ely 1 Snp. 1 1878 Settle 3 1854 Tenterden 3 1881 Hexham 3 1884 Crook 3 1887 Teesdale 3 1890 Kirkoswald 3 1893 Sedbergh 3 1896 Epworth 1857 Attleborough 2 1859 Wellingborough 3 1862 Marlborough 3 1865 Buckingham 3 1868 Pontypridd 3 1871 Durham 3 MOULTON, EBENEZ. (B). 1859 Diss 1 1860 Woolwich 2 1862 Colchester 1 1874 St. Just 2 1876 Dawley 1 1877 Holsworthy 3 1880 Okehampton 2 1882 Christchurch, &c. 2 1863 Sleaford 3 1866 Leighton-Buzzard 1 1884 Christchurch, &c., Sup. 1 1867 Chatteris, Sup. 2 1869 Manningtree 3 1872 Longton 3 1875 Tunbridge Wells 3 1885 Pontefract, do. 3 1888 Carnarvon, do. 2 1890 Dursley, do. 1 1891 Cheltenham, do. 3 1878 Luton \ q 1880 Luton, TFaZZer-^.J ^ 1894 Stonehouse, &c., do. 1881 Preston, Wesley 3 1884 W. Bromwich, Wes. 3 MOUNTFORD, M. W., B.A. 1887 Swansea 3 1880 Cape Coast, W.Afr., 1890 Northampton, Gold-street 3 Theo. and Ed. De. 3 1883 Christchurch, &c. 3 1893 Blackburn,Z)a7-u>m 3 1886 Bournemouth 2 1896 Rotherham 1888 Dursley 3 1891 Cheltenham 3 MOULTON, JAS. HOPE, 1894 Stonehouse, &c. 3 M.A. 1886 Cambridge, MOWSON. CHARLES W. The Leys School Institution. 1889 Supply 1 MOULTON. WILFRED ,1 . 1890 Klerksdorp, S. Afr. 2 B.A. 1892 Barberton, do. 2 Institution. 1894 Potchefstroom, 1893 Headingley.TAeoZ. Eng., d~ 2 Inst. t As*t, Tn. 3 1896 Potchefstroom, 1896 Birmingham, Wesley Native, dok MPHATLELA, JOHAN. 1894 Makapanstad, S.A. 'MSIMANG, DANIEL. 1881 Mahamba, Swaziland Mis., S. A. 'MSIMANG, JOEL. Institution. 1889 Emakosini, S. Afr. MUIE, G. GILBERT. Institution. 1891 Supply 1 1892 Manchester, City-rd. 3 1895 Oldham, Manchester-st. MURGATROYD, JOSHUA, B.A. 1875 Institution 1 1876 Luton 3 1879 ~LondoTi,Ken#ington3 1882 London, Bayswater 3 1885 Bedford, St. Paul's 3 1888 Manchester, Oldham-road 3 1891 Newcastle, Clarence-street 3 1894 Birmingham, Moseley-rd. 3 MURPHY, EDWARD. 1875 Institution 1 1876 Tarporley 2 1878 Peel, I. of Man 2 1880 Cannock 3 1883 Northwich 3 1886 Newport, Mon. 3 1889 Walsall, Wesley 2 1891 Taunton 3 1894 Northwich 3 MURRELL, FRED. J. 1877 Castletwn., l.of M. 1 1878 Swaffham 1 1879 Wisbech 1 1880 Walsingham 1 1881 Holsworthy 3 .884 Hertford, &c. ) o 1885 Bishop Stortford [ 1887 N.W. Essex Missionl 1888 London, City-road^ 1891 Nottingham, Halifax-place 3 1894 Grimsby,George'St.2 1896 Falmouth MUSHI. PHILIP 1894 Olverton, S. Afr. 2 1896 Waterberg Mis., do. AND ON THE FOEEIGN STATIONS. 115 MUSMECI, GIUSEPPE. 1880 Matara, kc.,do. 2 1850 Wellington, Salop 1 1873 Syracuse, Sicily 2 1882 Negombo, do. 2 1851 Shrewsbury 1 1875 Kossan, Italy 2 1884 MoratuwaMulla,<&>.] 1852 Whitchurch, Salop 2 1877 Catanzaro, do. 1 1885 Colombo,Forth,do. 1 1854 Holyhead 2 1878 Catania, Sicily 4 1886 Galle, Fort, do. 10 1856 Dorking, &c. 2 1882 Syracuse, do. S 1896 Colombo, Cent., do. 1858 Madelev 3 1885 Catania, do. NATTEASS, J. CONDEE, 1861 Wellington, Salop 3 1864 Hebden-Bridge 3 MUSSON, WILLIAM. B.A. 1867 Bradford, Gt.Hortn.2 Institution. 1878 Institution 1 1869 Torquay 3 1892 Mis. Com. 1 1879 Newtown 3 1872 Shrewsbury 3 1893 Hong Kong, Garsn. and JVaval Station, China, 1882 Ormskirk 1 1883 Worcester 3 1886 Hanley 2 1875 Welshpool 3 1878 Kirkby-Stephen 2 1880 Hinckley 3 1888 Wolverhampton, 1883 Saddleworth 3 MYEES, AKTHUE. Trinity, Sup. 1 1886 Barnoldswick 1 Institution. 1889 West Bromwich, 1887 Grassington 1 1893 Supply 1 Hill-top 3 1888 Manchester. 1894 Radcliffe 3 1892 Doncaster, Cheeiham-lil., Si/p. 1 NANCAEEOW, JOHN. Priory-st. 3 1895 Aberdeen 1 889 Manchester, Gravel- lane do. 1 1868 Bridgend 3 1890 Oldham, Man- 1871 Newport, Mon. 3 1874 Launceston 3 1877 Camborne 3 NAYLEE, JOHN. 1877 Institution 1 1878 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 2 chester-street, do. 2 1892 New Zealand, do. 1880 Newport. &c., I. IF. 3 1880 Leeds, Bramley 2 NETTLETON, JOSEPH. 1883 Mansfield 3 1882 Hornsea 1 1860 Kandavu, Fiji 5 1886 Derby, Green-liill 3 1883 Nelson 3 1865 Kandavu, Tkeo. 1889 Stockport, Trinity 3 1886 Bingley 3 Institution, do. 4 1892 Halifax, Wesley 3 1889 Bacup 3 1869 Ovalau, do. 4 1895 Huddersfield, 1892 Stockport, Trinity 3 1873 Liverpool, Wesley 3 Buxton-rd. 1895 Eochdale, Wesley 1876 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 NATH, PEEM CHAND. 1883 Calcutta, Talt.,C.I. 2 1885 Chitpore, do. 1 1886 Calcutta, Talt., do. NATHANIEL, EBENEZ. ISSlBangalorej-ffiitt.^./.a NAYLOE.FEEDEEICK H. 1872 Kendal 2 1874 Chatteris 1 1875 Oldbury 2 1877 Workington 2 1879 Ramsey, I. of M. 2 1881 Dumbarton 3 1879 Altrincham 3 1882 York, New-street 3 1885 Bradford, Manhm. 3 1888 London, Mostyn-road 3 1891 London, Lambeth 3 1894 London, Hackney 3 1884 Shimoga, do. 3 1887 Bangalore,yaw./7o. 4 1884 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1887 Whitchurch, Sup. 1 NEVILLE, WM. C. J. 1891 Shulei, ~lT-irv* 1 OLVEE, GEO. W., B.A. 1851 Didsbury, As. Tu. 2 1853 Douglas, I.of M. 3 1856 Huddersfield, Qn.-xt.3 1859 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1862 Scarborough 3 Oxford-road 3 1865 ~LiveTpool,Brnswk. 2 1867 Southampton, Sup. 1 1868 Chichester 1 1869 London, City-rd., Sup. 1 loo* Helper i 1885 Oundle 2 1887 Crewe 3 1890 Market-Drayton 3 1893 Retford 3 1896 Basingstoke 1865 Lincoln 1 1866 London, Sec. ofEduc. Com. 5 1871 London, Prin. of Batt. Train. Col. W 1881 London, Mis. Sec. OLVEE, GEOEGE W. Institution. 1887 Santhali Mission, Bankura, C. Ind. 5 1892 Bankura, do. 4 1896 Visiting England 1870 Richmond, do. 2 1872 Rhyl 2 1874 Malvern 2 1876 Calais, France 2 1878 London, Gt.Queen-st.,Sup. 3 1881 Baling & Acton 3 1884 Cambridge 3 1887 Portsmouth, Sovthsea 3 1890 Wandsworth 3 1893 Ventnor 3 1896 Finch ley, &c. OVEETON, THOMAS. 1859 Supply 1 1860 Brecon 2 1862 Swindon 1 1863 Uxbridge 1 1864 Stourbridge 3 1867 Gloucester 3 1870 ~H.a\ifax.,South-par. 3 1873 West-Bromwich 3 1876 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Blenheim-street 3 1879 London, Islington 3 1882 North Shields 3 OEMISTON, EENEST E. 1888 Institution 1 OSBOEN, JAMES M. 1885 Stockton 3 1888 Huddersfield, 1889 Bridport 1 1870 Batticaloa,2d,6fcy. 2 Queen-street 3 1890 Oundle 2 1872 Jaffna, do. 2 1891 Folkestone 3 1892 Chertsey, &c. 3 1874 Trincomalee, do. 4 1894 Haslingden 3 1895 Bury 1878 Jaffna, do. 2 1880 Manaar, do. 3 OWEN, HUGH. OETON, THOMAS. 1883 Batticaloa, do. 3 1874 Liverpool, 1869 Supply 1 1886 Point Pedro, do. 1 Shaw-st., Welsh 2 1870 Ely * 1 1887 Batticaloa, do. 1 1876 Con way, do. 2 1871 Bungay 1 1888 Jaffna, Pettah, do. 4 1878 Llanfyllin, do. 3 1872 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1892 Point Pedro, do. 4 1881 Coedpoeth, do. 2 1875 Whitstable 3 1896 Kalmunai do. 1883 Towyn, do. 3 120 MINISTERS, ETC., TS GREAT BRITAIN 1886 Liverpool, OYSTON, GEORGE, B.A. 1878 Blackheath 2 Mount Zion, do. 3 1866 Institution 1 1880 Ormskirk 3 1889 Denbigh, do. 3 1867 Didsbury, As. TV. 4 1883 Bolton, Wesley 3 1892 Port Madoc, do. 3 1871 Congleton 2 1886 Chester 3 1895 Bangor, do. 1873 Wolsingham 3 1889 Halifax, Wesley 3 1876 Tadcaster 3 1892 Alston 3 OWEN, JOHN M. 1879 Rotherham 3 1895 Hexham 1872 Supply 1 1873 Treherbert, Welsh 3 1876 Swansea, do. 1 1877 Brynmawr, do. 1 1878 Ferndale, do. 3 1882 Filey 3 1885 Taunton 3 1888 Hebden Bridge 3 1891 Colne 3 1894 Pontefract 3 PAGE, W. SCOTT. 1874 Institution 1 1875 Nottingham, Halifax -place 2 1877 Dunbar 1 1881 Aberdare, do. 3 1884 Swansea, do. 2 1886 Merthyr-Tydvil,rftf. 3 1889 Brynmawr, do. 3 1892 Merthyr-Tydvil,d<>.2 1894 Ferndale, do. 3 OYSTON, HENRY. 1873 Chatteris 1 1874 Higham-Ferrers 3 1877 Deptford 1 1878 Birkenhead 3 1881 Manchester, 1878 Peterhead 3 1881 Bishop- Auckland 3 1884 Glasgow, fiaglan-st. 3 1887 Bradford, Gt.Hortn.3 1890 Birstall 3 ] 893 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 OWEN, JOSEPH. Oxford-road 3 1896 Bradford, Kirkgate 1871 Supply 1 1^72 Llanrwst, Welsh 1 18V3 Holyhead, do. 2 187 ; . Hanley, do. 3 1878 Blaenau-Ffes- ] 1884 Birmingham, Bristol-road 3 1887 Liverpool, Grove-st.3 1890 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1893 Liverpool, Bootle 3 PALLISTER, WILLIAM. 1875 Institution 1 1876 Appleby 2 1878 Alston 2 1880 Weardale 1 tiniog, do. > 3 1896 Sale 1881 Melksham 3 1879 '.'ort-Madoc, do. ) PADFIELD, ERN. JAS. 1884 Kilkhampton 3 1881 3angor, do. 1 Institution. 1887 Todmorden 3 1882 Ruthin, do. 3 1895 Supply 1 1890 Maryport 3 1885 Dolgelly, do. 2 1896 Knighton 1893 Meltou-Mowbray 3 1887 Llanfair, do. 3 1896 Louth 1890 Abergele, do. 3 1893 Llanfylin, do. 3 PAGE, GREGORY A. 1840 Institution 1 PALMER, ANDREW. 1896 Holywell, do. 1841 Tunstall 1 1866 Institution 1 1842 Stafford 2 1867 Knighton 1 OWEN, LEWIS. 1873 Bangor, Welsh 1 1844 Stockpovt,Ifillgate 1 1845 Airdrie 3 1868 Hinckley 1 1869 Stourbridge 3 1874 Abergele, do. 2 1876 Llanberis, do. 2 1848 Canterbury 2 1850 Douglas, I. of M. 3 1872 Wolsingham 1 1873 Allendale-Town 3 1878 Hanley, do. 2 1853 Tunstall 3 1876 Grimsby, C'aistor,$'c.3 1880 Birmingham,^. 3, 1856 Dewsbury 3 1879 Market- Rasen 3 1883 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1886 Mold, do. 3 1859 Chorley 3 1862 Woodhouse-Grove 3 1882 Leek 3 1885 Preston, Lunc-st. 3 1889 Dolgelly, do. 3 1865 Tunstall 3 1888 Tunstall 3 1892 Holyhead, do. 3 1868 Louth 2 1891 Audley 3 1895 Coedpoeth, do. 1870 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1894 Grassington 3 1873 Pontefract ' 3 PALMER, EDGAR OWEN, RICE. 1868 Treherbert, Welsh 2 1876 Leeds, Bromley 3 1879 Selby 2 COLEMAN. 1870 Merthyr-Tydvil,rfo. 1 1871 Ebbw-Vale, do. 1 1881 Pontefract, Sup. 1895 Supply 1872 Aberdare, do. 3 PAGE, ISAAC E. PALMER, JOHN. 1875 Llandilo, do. 3 1859 Watlington 1 1862 Okehampton 1 1878 Machynlleth, do. 3 1860 Kington 2 1863 South- Mol ton 2 1881 Tredegar, do. 3 1862 Brecon 2 1865 Tiverton 1 1884 Llandilo, do. 3 1864 Kingswood 2 1866 Axminster 1 1887 Aberdare, do. 3 1866 Rochester 3 1867 Loughborough 3 1890 Tredegar, do. 3 1869 Mansfield 3 1870 Market-Rasen 3 1893 Treorky, do. 3 1872 Wakefield 3 1873 Stainland 3 1896 Aberdare, do 1 1875 Wolverhampton 3 1876 Birstall 3 AND ON THE FOKEIGN STATIONS. 121 1879 Tunstall 1 PARKER, GEORGE (B). 1880 Guildford 3 1871 Dorchester 1 1883 Lynn 3 1872 Alnwick 1 1886 Sevenoaks 3 1873 Cockermouth, &c. 1 1889 Faversham 3 1892 Liskeard 3 1874 Appleby, &c. 2 1876 North Mavin, Zet. 2 1895 Hemel Hempstead 1878 Kilsyth 2 PARINBANAYAGAR, CHRISTIAN. 1871 Puttoor, Ceylon 1 1872 Jaffna, Petiah, do., Prin. Native Sch. 1 1873 Eraur, do. 1 1880 Thornley 3 1883 HoHghton-le-Spr. 3 1886 Snaith 3 1889 Ormskirk 3 1892 Selby 3 1895 Malton 1874 Ploly, do. 1 1875 Jaffna, Pettah, do. 2 PARKER, HENRY J. 1877 Kalmunai, do. 3 1883 Institution 1 1880 Jaffna, Wesley, do. 4 1884 Shiukwan, China 3 1884 Puttoor, do. 3 1887 Canton, East, do. 4 1887 Jaffna, Pettah, do. 1 1891 Canton, West, do. 1 1888 Ploly, do. 2 1892 Visiting England 1 1890 Jn&na,,Chetty-st.,doA 1894 Trincomalee, S., do. 1 1893 Mis. Coin. 1 1894 Chertsey, &c. 3 1895 Puttoor. do. 1 1896 Kalmunai, do. PARKER, ISAIAH. 1870 Institution 1 PARINBANAYAGAR, 1871 Kilkhampton 1 JOHN P. 1872 Chertsey, &c. 1 1878 Ploly, Ceylon 3 1873 Hertford, &c. 1 1881 Tirukovil, do. 1 1882 Trincomaiee,N.,^>. 3 1885 Karunkoddativu/Zo.l 1874 Houghton-le-Spr. 2 1876 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 1886 Amirthagelly, do. 1 1879 Huddersfield,0ra.-*tf,3 1887 Porativue, do. 1 1882 Nottingham, Wes. 3 1888 Puttoor, do. 4 1885 Leeds, 1892 Porativue, do. 1 Chapel Allerton 3 1893 Manchentuduvay,fl?0. 1 888 Sheffield, Carrer-xt. 3 PARKER, ANDREW W. 1891 Glasgow, St. John'sZ 1894 Stratford 3 1873 Cape-Coast, W. AfrA 1877 Elmina, do. 3 PARKER, THOMAS I. 1880 Anamabu, do. 4 1884 Cape Coast, do. 2 1886 Accra, do. 4 1852 Institution 1 1853 Aberdeen 2 1890 Cape Coast, do. 1855 Grecnock 3 1858 Inverness 3 PARKER, GEORGE (A). 1861 Stirling 2 1866 Southampton 1 1863 Aberdeen 3 1867 Northampton 1 1866 Pontefract 3 1868 Poole 3 1869 Dundee, Wdltn.-st. 3 1871 North-Shields 3 1872 Tadcaster 3 1874 Woolwich 3 1875 Birstall 3 1877 Sherborne 3 1878 Morley 3 1880 Gosport 3 1881 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1883 West Bromwich, 1884 Banbury 3 am- Top 3 1887 Bristol'Lang ton-st. 3 1886 Penrith 3 1890 Bristol, 1889 Portsmouth, Langton-st., Sup. 2 Pembroke-road 3 1892 Bristol, 1892 Dudley 3 Bedminster, do. 3 1895 Walsall, Wesley 1895 Pontefract, do. PARKES, HENRY. 1862 Institution 1 1863 Fatshan, China 2 1865 Canton, West, do. 6 1871 Canton, East, do. 3 1874 Stroud 1 1875 Canton, West,China\ 1876 Fatshan, do. 3 1879 Canton, East, do. 3 1882 Haworth&Oakwrth3 1885 Shotley-Bridge 3 1888 Folkestone 3 1891 Raunds 1 1892 Ep worth 3 1895 Midsomer Norton PARKES, JAMES. 1841 Institution 1 1842 Ringwood 1 1843 Southampton 1 1844 Ludlow 1 1845 Madeley 3 1848 Stem-bridge 1 1849 Walsall 2 1851 London, Gt.Qn.-st. 3 1854 Nottingham, Halifax-place 2 1856 York 3 1859 Darlington 3 1862 Blackpool 3 1865 Stockport, Hilly at e3 1868 North-Shields ' 1 1869 Banbury 2 1871 Lynn 3 1874 Hayle 2 1876 Camborne 3 1879 Dover 3 1882 Stourport 3 1885 Malvern 2 1887 Berwick-on-Tweed 3 1890 Ketley Bank, &c., 8up. 3 1893 Madeley, do. PARKES, STEPHEN. 1867 Institution 1 1868 Downham 1 1869 Chatteris 2 1871 London, Islington 2 1873 Reading 2 1875 Builth 1 1876 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 1879 Wa1h-on-Dearne 1 1880 Gainsborough 3 1883 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 1 1884 Yarmouth 3 1887 Wey mouth 3 1890 Frome 3 1893 Clevedon 3 1896 Birmingham, Islington, ihip. 122 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN PARKIN, W. HERBERT. 1877 Aberdare 2 1883 St. Ives & Hunt. 2 Institution. 1879 Tadcaster 3 1885 Dorchester 2 1892 Supply 1 1882 Howden 1 1887 Gloucester 2 1893 Saddleworth 1 1883 Cowbridge 3 1889 Aberdare 3 1894 London, 1886 Monmouth 3 1892 Pontypool 3 Kentish Town 3 1889 Stourport 3 1895 Leigh, Lane. 1892 Sandbach 3 PARSONS, J. ASH. PARKINSON, FREDK. M. 1895 Newtown, Mon. Institution. 1877 Institution 2 1879 Peterborough 1 1880 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1883 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1886 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1889 Leeds, Brunmick 3 1892 Hull,6ft.Thrnt>i.-st.2 1894 St. Leonards 3 PARKYN, JABEZ. PARRY, HENRY. 1850 Institution 1 1851 Aberystwith, Welsh2 1853 Cardiff, do. 1 1854 Lampeter, do. 2 1856 lAa.nidloes,Bk.-Std.2 1858 Aberystwith, WeUhS 1861 Brecon, do. 1 1862 Ebbw-Vale, &x.,do. 2 1864 Machynlleth, do. 3 1891 Supply 1 1892 Mildenhall 3 1895 Clayton-le-Moors PARSONS, JOHN. 1845 Edinburgh 2 1847 Workington 1 1848 Appleby 1 1849 Ledbury 2 1851 Dudley, Sup. 1 1852 Andover 1 1875 Bedale 3 1867 Llanidloes, do. 3 1853 Wareham 1 1878 Barnard-Castle 1 1879 Aldershot, Camp 3 1882 Egypt,With Army 1 1883 Manchester, 1870 Aberdare, do. 3 1873 Machynlleth, do. 1 1874 Carmarthen, do. 2 1876 St. David's, do. 2 1854 Yarmouth 1 1855 Kingsbridge 2 1857 Camelford 2 1859 South Molton 3 Grosvenor -street 3 1886 Macclesfield 3 1889 Seacombe 3 1878 Ystumtuen, do. 2 1880 Cardiff, do. 2 1882 Dumfries, Sup. 3 1862 Budleigh-Salterton 3 1865 Okehampton 3 1868 Tiverton 3 1892 London, Highbury 3 1895 Dewsbury 1885 Builth, do. 6 1891 Swansea, do. 1871 Abergavenny 3 1874 Buckingham 3 PARRY, JOHN OWEN. 1877 Bungay 2 PARR, SMITH THOMAS. Institution. 1879 Sherborne, Sup. 1 Institution. 1890 Supply 1 1880 Swanage 3 1889 Supply 1 1891 Llanrhaiadr, Welsh 1 1883 Highgate, Sup. 1890 Beccles 1 1891 Castletown,/. of M.2 1892 Liverpool, Mount Zion, do. 1 PARSONSON, WILLIAM. 1847 North-Isles, Zet. 3 1893 Eastleigh 2 1893 Llanfair, do. 2 1850 Lerwick, do. 1 1895 Kirby Moorside 1895 Llanrwst, do. 1851 North-Mavin, do. 3 PARR, WILLIAM H. PARRY, W. E. OSWALD. 1854 Lerwick, do. 3 1878 Budleigh-Salterton 3 1881 South Petherton 3 1884 Crewe 3 1887 Pembroke 3 1890 Birmingham, Belmont-row 3 Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 CaTdiS,Loudoun-sq.l 1891 Danby 3 1894 Hols worthy 2 1896 Bridlington 1857 Bideford 3 1860 Bridport 3 1863 Tavistock 3 1866 Mansfield 3 1869 Barton-on-Humber3 1872 Alford 3 1893 Liverpool, PARSON, JOSEPH. 1875 Widnes 3 1878 Barnsley 3 1896 Cardiff, Wesley 1880 Institution 1 1881 Lucknow, C. India 4 1881 Tadcaster 3 1884 Doncaster, PARRY, EDWARD LIDDON. 1885 Jabalpur, do. 2 1887 Lucknow, do. 3 Oxford-place 3 1887 Bilston 3 1859 Mold 2 1890 Visiting England 1 1890 Oldbury 3 1861 Dolgelly 2 1863 Crickhowell 2 1865 Watlington 3 1868 Blandford, &c. 2 1891 Fyzabad, C. India 1 1892 Lucknow, do. 3 1895 Lucknow, Eng. , do. 1 1896 Jabalpur, do. 1893 Maldon, Sup. PASCOE, J. MONT- GOMERY. Institution. 1870 Bodmin 2 PARSONS, FREDERICK. 1890 Supply 1 1872 Brixham, &c. 3 1879 Institution 1 1891 Bolton, Dis. Mis. 1 1875 Ealing&Acton,Si/p. 1 1880 Longton 1 1892 Stamford 3 1876 Guildford 1 1881 Newport-Pagnell 2 ' 1895 Swindon, Bath-rd. AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 123 PASLEY, THOMAS. PATES, HEBBEBT W. 1886 Plymouth, King-st.Z Institution. Institution. 1889 Brighton 2 1896 Supply 1889 Supply 2 1891 Baling and Acton 3 1891 Evesham 2 1894 London, Lambeth 3 PASSMOBE, JOSEPH. 1893 Walls 3 1896 Widnes PAWSON, D. LEDGES. Institution. Institution 1890 Supply 1 1891 Negombo, Ceylon 2 1893 Colombo, N., Pettah, $c., Prin. Wesley Coll., do. 2 1895 Kalutara, do. PATTERSON, GEORGE 1875 Madras, South, Educ. Dept., C.I. 2 1877 Madras, Christian College, do. 10 1887 Madras, United 1889 Manchester and Sal ford Mission, Oldham-street 3 1892 Manchester and Salford Mission 3 1895 Bristol, Portland PASSMOEE, PHILIP E. 1876 Institution 1 1877 Knighton 1 1878 Coventry 1 Christian Coll.,doA 1891 Bristol, King-st. 2 1893 London, Mildmay- parli, Sup. 2 1895 London, Christinn PAYN, H. GBAHAM. Institution. 1886 Supply 1 1887 Birmingham, 1879 Nuneaton, &c. 2 Lit. Soc. Dis. Mist. 1 1881 Moreton-Hampstd. 1 1888 Bristol, Wesley 3 1882 Denby-Dale 3 1885 Ashton-Lyne 3 1888 Beverley 3 PAUL, JAMES. 1892 Benares, C. India 1891 Cardiff, ) Loudoun-square > 3 1893 Cardiff, Penarth] 1891 Derby, Green-hill 3 1894 Manchester, PAULL, JOSIAH D. Institution. 1894 Gateshead-on-Tyne, High West-street 3 City-road 3 1889 Supply 1 PEABCE, ABBAHAM. PASSMOBE, BOBEBT. 1890 Torquay, Union-st. 3 1893 Maidstone 2 1861 Antigua, First, W.I.I 1862 St. Eustatius, do. 1 1868 Institution 1 1895 Clapton 1863 Antigua, First, do. 1 1869 Cross-Hills 2 1864 Dominica, do. 1 1871 Tiverton 1 PAWLYN, J. HAWKINS 1865 St. Eustatius, do. 4 1872 Hayle 3 1867 Institution 1 1869 Antigua. First, do. 4 1875 Ashton-Lyne 3 1868 St. Austell 3 1873 Returning Home 1 1878 Gatesbead, 1871 Stratford 1 1874 Snaith " 3 Bensham-road 3 1872 Norwich 1 1877 Grantham 3 1881 Oldham, Wesley 3 1873 Glasgow, John-st. 1 1880 Leeds, Armley 3 1884 Rochdale, Union-st. 3 1874 Sheffield,#rw/iwA. 3 1883 Nelson 3 1887 Haworth&Oakwrth.S 1877 Cam borne 3 1886 Bingley 3 1890 Bradford, #ra;-M. 3 1880 Abingdon 1 1889 Whitchurch 3 1893 Blackburn, 1881 Otley 2 1892 Wigan 3 Clayton-st. 3 1883 Sheffield, TJirnclf. 3 1895 Rawtenstall 1896 Scarborough, Sup. 1886 Lynn 3 1889 Ampthill 3 PEABCE, ALFRED C. PATEB, JOHN E. 1892 Macclesfield 2 Institution. 1861 Peel, /. of Man 1 1894 Yeadon 3 1886 Supply 1 1887 Tralugar, Welsh 3 1862 Castletown, do. 1 1863 Douglas, do. 1 PAWLYN, JOHN S. 1890 Treorky, do. 2 1892 Llanidloes, do. 3 1864 Padiham 1 1861 Bristol, Lang ton-st. 2 1895 Ferndale, do. 1865 Settle 3 1863 London, 1868 Gateshead 3 Hackney-road 9 PEABCE, WILLIAM J. 1871 Leigh, Lane. 3 1864 London, Stoke 1878 Supply 1 1874 Newark 3 Ncwington 1879 Lyme-Regis 2 1877 Stockport,Tiv.-dale 3 1865 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1881 Wantage 2 1880 Wellington, Salop 3 1868 Huddersneld,#.-**!3 1883 Daventry 2 1883 Middlesbrough 3 1871 Sheffield, Nrflh.-st. 3 1885 Devizes 3 1886 Aberdeen 3 1874 Birmingham, Wes. 3 1888 Yeovil 2 1889 Gloucester 3 1877 Truro 3 1890 Swaffham 3 1892 Wakefield 3 1880 Sutherland-Grdns. 3 1893 Jersey, Emj. 3 1895 Leeds, Hunslet 1883 Liverpool,6'.t/0/m'3 1896 Tredegar 124 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN PEARSE, MARK GUY. PEARSON, VALENTINE 1880 Lucknow, 1863 Leeds, St. Peter's 1 1864 London,rixtn.-hl.3 1867 Ipswich 2 1869 Bedford, &c. 1872 London, Highbury 3 1875 London, Westmnstr.\ 1876 Kilkhampton, Sup. 1 1877 Launceston 3 WARD, B.A. 1879 Institution 2 1881 Tunbridge-Wells 3 1884 Southport, Mornington-road 3 1887 Bromley 1 1888 Sheffield, Wes. Coll., Chaplain Hindustani, do. 3 1883 Lucknow, Eng., do. 4 1887 Chesterfield 1 1888 Diss 1 1889 Stroud 3 1892 St. Mawes 3 1895 Faversham 1 1896 Wallington 1880 Bristol, Clifton 3 PEEL, JOHN E. 1883 Bristol, Portland 3 PEART, RICHARD. 1888 Institution 1 1886 London Mission, 1856 Lough borough 1 1889 Georgetown, Dem. 3 West Central 1857 Stamford 2 1892 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1859 Newark 3 1862 Brighton 3 1895 Hartlepool, &c. 1 1896 Ossett, &c. PEARSON, DANIEL. 1865 Bristol, Clifton 3 1858 Institution 1 1868 Woodhouse-Grove 3 PEELING, T. W. 1859 Barrackpur. C. Ind. 5 1871 Waterloo 3 Institution. 1864 Lucknow, do. 3 1874 Bromley 3 1888 Manchester, 1867 Dover 2 1877 Cambridge 3 Jam., W. I. 2 1869 Todmorden 3 1880 Leic68ter,.5'i*A0p-i.8 1890 Kingston, Coke, 1872 Penrith 3 1883 Llandudno, &c. 3 do., do. 2 1875 Deptford 3 1886 Seacombe 3 1892 Bath, do., do. 3 1878 Middlesbrough 3 1881 Barking 3 1884 Yarmouth 3 1887 Watford, &c. 3 1890 Doncaster, 1889 Chester 3 1892 Bristol, Redland, Sup. 3 1895 Weston-super-Mare, do. 1895 Wiltshire Mis. PEERS, THOMAS. 1862 Karur, C. India 4 1866 Negapatam, do. 1 1867 St. Thomas-Mt, do. 3 Oxford-place 3 1893 Windsor 3 1896 Guildford PECK, W. PRIEST. 1840 Institution 2 1842 Framlingham 1 1870 Stroud 1 1871 Wednesbury, Spring liead, Sup. 1 1843 Kington 1 1872 Alnwic'k 1 PEARSON, E. OMAR. 1844 Newtown 1 1873 Alston 1 1878 Lerwick, &c., Zet. 2 1845 Stourbridge 1 1874 Hinckley 2 1880 Institution 1846 Holt 1 1876 Yeovil 1 1882 Institution 1 1847 Nantwich 1 1877 Andover 2 1883 Supply 1 1848 Runcorn 2 1879 Christchurch, &c. 3 1884 Woking & Cobham 3 1887 Dartmouth, &c. 3 1890 Stockton 3 1850 Pickering 2 1852 Wellington, Salop 2 1854 Todmorden 3 1882 Knighton 1 1883 Madeley 3 1886 Stow-on-the-Wold 1 1893 Birmingham, Islington 3 1896 Liverpool, Bootle 1857 Ashton-Lyne 2 1859 Bradford-on-Avon 2 1861 Poole 3 1864 Alton 3 1887 Bromyard 1 1888 Reeth 3 1891 Bedale 1 1892 West Bromwich, PEARSON, JOHN G. 1867 Manningtree 1 1868 Settle 2 Hill-top, Sup, 2 1894 Newcastle,Stajr,do. 2 1871 Institution 1 1870 Diss 3 1896 Birmingham, Wes., 1872 Batticaloa, Edvc. 1873 Chatteris 2 do. Dept., Ceylon 2 1875 Biggleswade 3 PEET, MAJOR F. 1874 Trincomalee, S., do. 4 1878 Chelmsford, &c. 3 1859 Aberdeen 1 1878 Batticaloa, do. 3 1881 Watford, &c. 3 1860 Arbroath, &c. 2 1881 Trincomalee, do. 1 1884 Finsbury Park, Sup. 1862 Dunbar, &c. 2 1882 Returning Home 1 1864 Banff 2 1883 Folkestone 3 PEEL, BRIGNAL. 1866 Stirling 3 1886 Bakewell 3 1877 Barrackpur and 1869 Barton-on-Humber3 1889 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 E. Bengal, C. Ind. 1 1872 Castletown,J.o/JbT.3 1892 Plymouth, King-st. 3 1878 Lucknow, 1875 Blyth 3 1895 Middlesboro', Wesley Fyzabad, do. 2 1878 Chesterfield 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 125 1881 Castle-Donington 3 1876 Doncaster 3 PEREIRA, M. HENRY. 1884 Goole 3 1879 West Bromwich 2 1878 Pololypitiya,C!sy. 1 1887 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1881 Leigh, Lane. 3 1879 Belligam, 'do. 4 1890 Tadcaster 3 1884 Preston, Wesley 3 1883 Welligama, rt/t- 1864 Hastings 1 1865 Woodhouse Grove 3 1868 Chatham Garrison 1 1869 Warminster 3 1872 Bolton, Wesley 2 PEREIRA, PETER BAR. 1864 Matara, Ceylon 4 1868 Negombo. do. 7 1875 Morotto-Rawata- watta 1 I'QCLCv 3 1874 Ramsey I. of M. 3 1876 Belligam, do. 1 FELLOW, JOHN. 1874 Institution 2 1876 Worcester 3 1879 Birmingham, Sniethwi-olt 3 1877 Ludlow 3 1880 Shrewsbury 3 1883 Hyde 3 1886 Oldham, Manchester-st. 3 1877 Matara, do. 3 1880 Wellewatte, do. 2 1882 Colombo, N., do. ' 3 1885 Welligama, do. 2 1887 Dondra, do. 4 1882 Taunton, &c. 3 1CQX T.ppV 3 1889 Camborne 2 1891 Haverfordwest 1 1891 Kalutara, do. 3 1894 Madampitiya, do. 1 l_O. 3 1896 Hanley, do. PIERCY, GEORGE. 1851 China 1 1852 Canton, E.,China 19 1871 Canton, W.. do. 2 1873 Visiting England 1 1874 Canton, W., China 6 1880 Fatshan, do. 2 1882 Returning Home 1 1883 London, Chinese Mission 1 1890 London, Mis. Com. 1 1891 London, Chinese Mission PIGGOTT, HY. J., B.A. 1852 Newbury 2 1854 Oxford 2 1856 London, City-rd., Pres. As. 1 1857 Hastings 2 1859 Hammersmith 2 1861 Milan, Italy 6 1867 Padua, do. 6 1873 Rome, do. PILTEE, JOHN M. 1856 Bacup 1 1857 Wrexham 2 1859 Christchurch, &c. 3 1862 Sowerby-Bridge 3 1865 Huddersfield, Buxton-road 3 1868 Derby 3 1871 Armley 3 1874 Dewsbury 3 1877 Buxton 3 1880 Blackpool 3 1883 Doncaster ) 1884 Doncaster, V 3 Priory-place } 1886 Llandudno 3 1889 Newton Abbot 3 1892 Banbury 2 1894 Malvern, Svj), PINFIELD, THOMAS. 1877 Institution 1 1878 Dunster 2 1880 Brecon 3 1883 Tredegar 1 1884 Coventry 2 1886 Dudley 3 1889 Hinckley 2 1891 Shepton Mallet 3 1894 Shaftesbury, &c. 3 PINKNEY, JOHN. 1843 Negapatam, C.Ind. 3 1846 Manargudi, do. 3 1849 Negapatam, do. 3 1852 Trichinopoly, do. 5 1857 Leave of absence 2 1859 Bangalore, C. Ind. 4 1863 St. Ives and Hunt. 1 1864 Bath, Sup. 1 1865 Portsmouth 1 1866 Newport, I. of W. 1 1867 Gwennap 2 1869 Kington 2 1871 Evesham 1 1872 Stourport 2 1874 Bridlington, Sup. 2 1876 Faversham, do. 4 1880 Stratford, do. 2 1882 Doncaster, do. 5 1887 Ripley, do. PINNEGAR, ARTHUR B. 1873 Institution 1 1874 Ely 2 1876 Chipping-Norton 3 1879 Workington 3 1882 Leigh ton-Buzzard 3 1885 High-Wycombe 3 1888 Biggleswade 3 1891 Hinckley 3 1894 Nuneaton, &c. 3 PITT, SIDNEY. 1874 Institution 2 1876 Bradford, Eastbrh.2 1878 Batley 3 1881 Morley 3 1884 Wakefield 3 1887 Leicester, Humberstone-rd. 3 1890 Glasgow, Claremont-ntreet 3 1893 Bradford, Great Norton 3 1896 Keighley PIZEY, PATRICK. 1866 Institution 1 1867 Cockermouth, &c, 3 1870 Ludlow 1 1871 Redditch 1 1872 Stourbridge 3 1875 Barton-on-Humber3 1878 Guisborough, &c. 3 1881 Horncastle 3 1884 South Petherton 3 1887 Ormskirk 3 1890 Frodsham 3 1893 Sheffield, Thorncliffe 3 1896 Castleford PLANGE, JOHN. 1856 James'-Town, Accra, W. Africa 4 1860 Domonasi, do. 2 1862 Cape-Coast, do. 1 1863 James- Town, do. 8 1871 Anamabu, do. 4 1875 Accra, do. 3 1878 Accra, do., Sup. 1 1879 Accra, do. 1 1880 Elmina, do. 2 1882 Dix Cove, do. 2 1884 Winnebah, do. 2 1886 Accra, do. 4 1890 Accra, do.. Sup. PLATT, FREDERIC, B.A., B.D. 1882 Institution 1 1883 Supply 2 1885 Mold 1 1886 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1889 Derby, King-street 3 1892 Durham 3 1895 Gateshead-on-Tyne, High Wvst-st. PLATT, WALTER. Institution. 1894 Supply 2 1896 Chipping-Norton POLES, W. CHARLES. Institution. 1887 Sevenoaks 2 1889 Kirkoswald 2 1891 Cross Hills 3 1894 Chipping-Norton 3 POLKINGHORNE.GEO.E. 1864 Supply 1 1865 Melksham 1 1866 Market-Harboro' 1 1867 Leamington 2 1869 Market-Rasen 1 1870 Falmouth 2 1872 Dudley J87"> Pontypool A 128 MINISTEHS, ETC., IN GBEAT BEITAIN 1876 Cadishead PONNUSAWMY, JOHN. 1867 Torquay ) 1879 Stourport 1886 Manargudi, C.Ind.l 1869 Teignmouth j A 1882 Rochester 1887 Negapatam, do. ] 1870 Belper 1 1885 Hungerford 1888 Melnattam, do. 1 1871 Ilfracombe 3 1886 Liskeard 1889 Negapatam, do. 2 1874 Biggleswade 1 1889 Yeovil 1891 Karur, do. 2 1875 Leighton-Buzzard 1 1891 Hayle 1893 Trichinopoly, 1876 Bradford-on-Avon 3 1894 Bideford Warriore, do. 2 1879 Chichester 3 POLKINGBORNE, G. 1895 Peria Darapuram,rfo 1882 Llanelly 1 1883 Lewes 1 WADDY. Institution. 1896 Supply PONS, PEDRO. 1878 Balearic Isles 1884 Folkestone, Sup. 1 1885 Bromsgrove 1 1886 St. Leonards, Sup. POLLARD, CHARLES A. POPE, HENRY J., D.D. 1858 Aberdeen 2 POSNETT, CHAS. W. 1888 Supply 1 1 860 Sheffield, Carver-st. 1 Institution. 1889 Dereham 3 1892 Yoxford 3 1895 Falmouth 1861 Shipley 1 1862 London, Bow 3 1865 Glasgow, Cathct.-rd.Z 1868 Dundee ] 1895 Siddipett, C. Ind. I 1896 Secunderabad, Telegu, do. POLLITT, ISAAC. 1869 Dundee, [ 3 1868 Durham 1 Ward-road } POSNETT, JAMES L. 1869 Alnwick 1 1870 Knaresborough 3 1873 Skipton 3 1871 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 1874 Birkenhead 2 1850 Macclesfield 1 1851 Uttoxeter 2 1853 Mildenhall 1 1876 Ripon 3 1876 Manchester, Sec. of 1854 Ludlow 2 1879 Tarporley 3 1882 Oldbury 3 1885 Padiham 3 Chapel Comin. [President in 1893.] 1856 Redditch 2 1858 Rochdale 1 1859 Ashton-Lyne 3 1888 Colne 3 POPE, R. MARTIN, M.A. 1862 Filey 2 1891 Diversion 3 Institution. 1864 Bradford, Gt-Hrtn.3 1894 Hungerford 3 1888 Birmingham, Theo. 1867 Dudley 3 Inst., As. Tu. 3 1870 Middlesbrough 2 POLLITT, JOHN. 1891 Carlisle 3 1872 Louth 3 1860 Houghton-le-Spr. 1 1894 Blackheath 3 1875 Selby 1 1861 Appleby 3 1876 Devonport 3 1864 Ulverston 3 POPE, WM. BURT, D.D. 1879 Crewe 1 1867 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1841 Institution 1 1880 Llandudno, Sup. 2 1870 Wednesbury, 1842 Kingsbridge 2 1882 Matlock, do. ' 1 Sprinq/tead 3 1844 Liskeard 1 1883 Waterloo, u O 1894 Leicester, Humberstone-rd. 3 1853 Melksham 2 1855 Devizes 2 1857 Warminster 1 POSNETT, EGBERT. 1858 Longton 2 1855 Institution 1 1860 Newtown 3 1856 Patrington 3 1863 Rochester 3 1859 Edinburgh 1 1866 Gravesend 3 1860 Burnley 3 1869 Deptford 3 1863 Barnsley 3 1872 London, City -road 3 1866 Wakefield 3 1875 London, Sea. Mis. 3 1869 Sheffield, Ebenezer 3 1878 Wigan 3 1872 Bradford, Eastbrk. 3 1881 Hartlepool 2 1875 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 1883 Chertsey, &c. 3 1878 Wednesbury, Wes. 2 1886 South Petherton 1 1880 Ilkley, Sup. 5 1887 London, 1885 Stainland 1 Gt. Qn.-st., Sup. 1886 Chorley 2 1888 Chorley, Sup. 1 1889 Lincoln, High-st., do. 4 POWELL, WILLIAM (c). 1879 Institution 1 1880 Grenada, W.Indies 1 1893 Runcorn, do. 1 1894 Harrogate, do. 1881 St. Vincent, Calliaqua,, do. 2 1883 Grenada, do. 1 POTTS, EDMUND. 1874 Supply 1 1875 Goginan, &c. 1 1876 St. Columb 3 1879 Scilly Islands 1 1880 Devonport,Ife..fl/w.3 1883 Bedford, &.G., do. 1 1884 Portsmouth, do. 3 1884 St. Vincent, Mount Coke, do. 3 1887 Boulogne, France 1 1888 Swindon 2 1890 High-Wvcombe 2 1892 Chepstow 1 1893 Shepton-Mallet 3 1896 Alford 1887 Witney 3 PRATT, BENJAMIN. 1890 Nottingham, 1879 Institution 1 Arkwright-st. 3 1880 Secunderabad, C.I. 2 1893 Chester 3 1882 Eilgundel, do. 1 1896 Ledbury 1883 Hyderabad, Chudder ghaut, do, 1 POTTS, WILLIAM. 1884 Eilgundel', Kureem- 1861 Supply 1 Nuggur, do. 3 1862 St. Ives fe Hunt. 1 1887 Secunderabad, 1863 Newport- Pagnell 3 Telcgu, do. 2 1866 Peasenhall, &c. 2 1889 Medak, do. 1 1868 Downham 1 1890 Kurreem-Nuggur 1 1869 West Bromwich 3 1891 Visiting England 2 1872 Widnes 3 1893 Kurreem-Nuggur, 1875 Newtown 3 C. I. 2 1878 Carnarvon, &c. 3 1895 Secunderabad, 1881 Gravesend 3 Teleyu, do. PRATT, JAMES. 1862 Sherborne 2 1864 Weymouth 2 1866 Deal 2 1868 Kingsbridge 3 1871 Nottingham, Halifax-place 3 1874 Richmond, Surrey 3 1877 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Elswick-road 3 1880 Leeds, Headingley 3 1883 Sheffield, Carver -st. 3 1886 Manchester, Cheethatn-hill 3 1889 Preston, Lime-st. 3 1892 Southport, Trinity 3 1895 Sheffield, Carxer-st. PEATT, JAS. H., B.A. 1896 Freetown, Ebenezer, W.A. PEEMAKA, HENEY. 1881 Gubbi, C. India 1 1882 Tumkur, do. 4 1886 Chitaldrug, do. 3 1889 Hassan, do. 6 1895 Mysore, City, do. PEESCOTT, JAMES J. 1852 Sherborne 1 1853 Dorchester 2 1855 Bridport 2 1857 St. Austell 3 1860 Redruth 3 1863 Exeter 3 1866 Portsmouth 3 1869 Southampton 3 1872 Accrington 3 1875 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1878 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1881 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 1884 Bedford, St. Paul's 3 1887 London, Poplar 3 1890 Swansea 3 1893 Wolverhampton, Darlington-street 3 1896 Weduesbury PEEST, CHARLES W. 1858 Sevenoaks 1 185!) Cheltenham 1 1860 Dover 2 1862 Exeter 1 1863 Macclesfield ) 1864 Aldeiiey-Edge J 1866 Oldham 3 1869 Burnley 3 1872 Sheffield, Ebenezer 3 1875 Lincoln 3 1878 London, Ifoxton 3 130 MINISTEBS, ETC., IN GREAT BEITAIN 1881 London, Spitalfds. 1 1882 Malvern 3 1885 Birmingham, Newtown-row 3 1888 Tipton 3 1891 Wellington, Salop 3 1894 Shepton- Mallet 3 PRESTON. CHARLES J. 1861 Bridgwater 1 1862 Tiverton 2 1864 Budleigh-Saltertn. 2 1866 Merthyr-TydYil 3 1869 St. Austell 3 1872 Camelford 3 1875 Dartmouth, &c. 3 1878 Frome 3 1881 Greenock 3 1884 Ormskirk 3 1887 Whitby 3 1890 Manchester, Cheetham-hUl 3 1893 Widnes 3 1896 Wigton PEESTON, JOHN. 1853 Institution 1 1854 Canton, China 12 1866 Visiting England 1 1867 Canton, W., China 4 1871 Fatshan, do. 2 1873 Canton, W., do. 2 1875 Stockport, Tiv.-dale, Sup. 1 1876 Hinckley 3 1879 Easingwold 2 1881 Bury St. Edmunds 3 1884 Stow-on-the-Wold 1 1885 Diss 3 1888 North Walsham 1 1889 Oakham 2 1891 St. Agnes 3 1894 Bury St. Edmunds, Sup. 1 1895 Stockport, Trinity, do. PEETOEO, MICHELE di. 1872 Naples, Italy 2 1874 Capua Vetere, do. 1 1875 Santa Maria, do. 14 1889 Naples, do. PEICE, PHILIP. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Towyn, Welsh 2 1892 Llanrhaiadr, do. 1 1893 Holy well, do. 3 1896 Bangor, do. PEICE, THOMAS J. Institution. 1889 Accra, W. Africa 4 1893 Wolverton 2 1895 Kilsyth PEICE, WALTEE H. 1870 Bandon 1 1871 Clonakilty 1 1872 Castlederg 1 1873 Dublin, Blackhall-place 2 1875 Graham's-Tn...A. 4 1879 Uitenhage, do. 3 1882 Cradock, E>ig., do. 1 1883 Port Elizabeth, do. 2 1885 Paris,-E^., France 2 1887 Croydon 3 1890 Witney 3 1893 Beading 3 1896 Preston, Wesley PEIESTLEY, JOHN. 1855 Cape-Town, S.Afr. 1 1856 Simon's-Tn., do. 3 1859 Nisbett-Bath, do. 5 1864 Stellenbosch, do. 1 1865 Returning Home 1 1866 New-Mills 2 1868 Spilsby 2 1870 Bedale 1 1871Diamond-Flds., S.A.2 1873 Thaba-'Nchu, do. 3 1876 Peddie, &c., do. 3 1879 Port- Alfred, do. 1 1880 Neath 3 1883 Pickering 2 1885 Lerwick, &c., Zet. 3 1888 Whitehaven 2 1890 Woking & Cobham 2 1892 Swindon, Bath-rd., Sup. 2 1894 Midsomer-Norton,ondon,Sydenham 2 1894 Norwich 3 RANDALL, MOSES W. 1885 St. Mary's Island, Gambia, High, School, IK Afr. 3 132 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GEEAT BKITAT1T 1888 Freetown, 1st, do. 2 1890 Sherboro' Mission, Bonthe, do. 6 1896 Freetown, Zion, do. HANDLES, MARSHALL, D.D. 1852 Institution 1 1853 Grimsby 1 1854 Arbroath, &c. 2 1866 Clitheroe 1 1857 Boston 3 1860 Grimsby 3 1863 Nottingham, Wes. 3 1866 Lincoln 3 1869 Halifax, Wesley 3 1872 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 3 1875 Altrincham 3 1878 Bolton, Wesley 3 1881 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1884 Leeds, Brunswick 2 1886 Didsbury, Theo. Tu. [President in 1896.] EAPSON, WILLIAM. 1874 Institution 1 1875 Rye 1 1876 Sittingbourne 2 1878 Mold 3 1881 Neath 1 1882 Farnham 3 1885 Woking & Cobham 3 1888 Uxbridge 3 1891 Brentford 3 1894 Teddington 3 EASPASS, THOMAS. 1855 Ocho-Rios, Jam. 1 1856 Port-Antonio, do. 1 1857 Manchioneal, do. 1 1858 Mount- Ward, do. 3 1861 Savanna-Mar, do. 1 1862 Mount- Ward, do. 5 1867 Spanish-Town, do. 4 1871 Beecham-Ville, do. 4 1875 Stonehouse, &c. 3 1878 Kingswood 3 1881 Bilston 3 1884 Barnsley 3 1887 Yeovil 2 1889 New Providence, Bahamas 2 1891 N. Providence, do, Sup. 1 1892 Madeley, do. 2 1894J Leeds, Richmond-hill, do. 1 1895 Colwyn Bay, do. 1 1896 Bhyl, do. EATCLIFFE, THOMAS. 1855 Hinckley 1 1856 Reading 2 1858 Leamington 1 1859 Ayr 2 1861 Dumfries 3 1864 Penrith 3 1867 Canterbury 1 1868 Northampton 3 1871 Lynn 2 1873 Wimborne 3 1876 Neath 2 1878 Wellingborough 2 1880 Melton- Mowbray 1 1881 Blandford, &c. 1 1882 Ramsey, Hunts. 3 1885 Staplecross 3 1888 Bourne 3 1891 Reading, Sup. EATHMELL, SAMUEL. Institution. 1887 Newport- Pagnell 3 1890 Market-Harboro' 2 1892 St. Neots 3 1895 Beverley EATHMELL, THOMAS. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Wisbech 3 1875 Wigan 3 1878 Melton-Mowbray 3 1881 Barton-on-Humber3 1884 Wakefield 3 1887 Bolton, Wesley 3 1890 Bacup 3 1893 Glasgow, Claremont-st. 3 1896 Dundee, Ward-road EATTENBTJEY,H.OWEN. 1863 Swindon 3 1866 Banbury 2 1868 Bramley 3 1871 StockpoTt,Th:-dale3 1874 Newbury 3 1877 Witney 3 1880 Reading 3 1883 Workington 3 1886 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Elswicli-road 3 1889 Wakefield 3 1892 Sheffield, Carcer-st. 3 1895 Nelson EATTENBUEY, J. ERNEST. Institution. 1893 Supply 1 1894 Leicester, Humberstone-rd 3 SAW, ALBEET E. Institution. 1886 Williton 3 1889 Wisbech 1 1890 Bury St. Edmunds 2 1892 Tunbridge WeUs 3 1895 Aylesbury EAW, HAEWOOD W. Institution. 1896 Tiruvallur, C.Ind. EAW, JOHN FEANZ. 1 860 Northmavin ,&c.,Zet. 1 1861 Wisbech 1 1862 Hungerford 2 1864 High- Wy combe 3 1867 Skipton 3 1870 Otley 3 1873 Tadcaster 3 1876 Tunstall 3 1879 North-Shields 3 1882 Malton 3 1885 Leeds, Bramley 3 1888 Sowerby Bridge 3 1891 Yeadon 3 1894 Redditch 3 EAWLINGS, CHAS. W. 1865 Merthyr-Tydvil 1 1866 Oundle 1 1867 Dorchester 1 1868 Melksham 2 1870 South Petherton 2 1872 South Molton 2 1874 Holsworthy 2 1876 Kington 1 1877 Buckingham 3 1880 Stow-on-the-Wold 3 1883 Castle Gary 3 1886 Oundle 3 1889 Daventry 3 1892 Ketley Bank, -.s-O 1880 Hanley 3 1883 Hull, 1 WaWiam-st. \ 3 1885 Hull, Queen 1 s-rd. } 1886 London, Bow 3 1889 York, New-street 3 1892 Bristol, Clifton 3 1895 Rock Ferry 1 1896 Swansea, Svj>. AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 133 EEACHER, JOHN. EEES, ALLEN. 1878 Manchester, 1849 Institution '. 1867 Institution 1 Cheetham-hill 2 1850 Maldon 1868 Jersey, English 2 1880 Blackpool 3 1852 Evesham : 1870 Withdrawn 1 1883 Newport, Mon. 3 1853 Alston ! 1871 London, Bow 3 1886 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1854 Banff 3 1874 Northampton 3 1889 1,eicester,I}ishop-st.3 1857 Dundee j 1877London, Canninff-tn.3 1892 Oxford 1 1860 Aberdeen 3 1880 London, Chelsea, 3 1893 Plymouth, 1863 Bacup 3 1883 Altrincham 3 Ebeneier 3 1866 Rotherham 1886 Sutton 2 1896 Holmfirth 1867 Tunstall 1888 Haworth, &c. 3 1870 Walsall, Centenary 1873 Leeds, St. Peter's 1891 London, City-road 3 1894 London, Kensing- EEES, E. WILKINS. 1883 Institution 1 1876 Croydon ton, Warwick- 1884 Supply 1 1879 Seacombe gardens 3 1885 Yarmouth 1 1882 Hastings 1885 London Kcji/xiticittt I EEES, DAVID A. 1886 Southend & Leigh 2 1888 Gravesend 2 1888 Hampton Court 1890 Kingston, Sup. 1875 Institution 1 1876 Bangalore, C. 2nd. 3 1879 Chitaldrug, do. 1 1890 Porthleven 3 1893 Woolwich 3 1896 Cardiff, Wesley EEADEE, CLEMENT S. 1875 Hexham 3 1880 Gubbi, do. 1 1881 Shimoga, do. 1 EEES, SYDNEY E. 1 Q 7Q A A 1882 Hassan,^. 6 Institution. 1878 Ayr 2 1880 North vvich 3 1883 High-Wycombe 2 1885 Tunstall 3 1888 Worcester & Here- ford Mission 2 1888 Visiting England 2 1890 Hassan, C.India 4 1894 Tumkur, do. 1 1895 Visiting England 1 1896 Tumkur, C.Ind. 1894 Supply 1 1895 Ashford EEES, WALTEE EEN. 1895 Supply 1 1<896 Torquay, Union-st. 1890 Spilsby 3 EEES, JOHN. 1893 Chelmsford 3 1896 Nantwich 1834 Merthyr-Tydvil, Welsh 1 EEEVE, AETHUE. 1876 Institution 1 1835 Cardigan, do. 3 1877 Douglas, 1. of M. 3 EEALE, FEEDINANDO. L838 Swansea, do. 1 1880 Melton- Mowbray 1 1878 Naples, Italy 2 1839 Cardiff, do. 2 1881 Chelmsford, &c. 3 1880 Potenza, do. 2 1841 Crickhowell, do. 2 1884 North-Hill 1 1882 Messina, do. 3 :843 London, do. 2 1885 Portessie 3 1885 Syracuse, do. 1 .845 Llanidloes, do. 2 1888 Wallacestone, &c. 3 1886 Messina, do. 7 1847 Brecon, do. 2 1891 Arbroath, &c. 3 1893 Cosenza, do. 1 1849 Cowbridge, do. 3 1894 Airdrie 3 1894 Messina, do. EEDFEAEN, JAMES. 852 Machynlleth, do. 3 855 Llandilo, do. 2 857 Aberdare, do. 2 EEID, GEORGE. 1865 Lerwick, Zetland 2 1890 Institution 1 859 St. David's, do. 1 1867 Banff 2 1891 Supply 1 1892 Bristol, King -st. 2 1894 Huddersfield, Oledholt 3 860 Swansea, do. 3 863 Merthyr-Tydvil,^. 2 865 Llanidloes, do. 3 868 Aberdare, do. 2 1869 Newtown 1 1870 Hexham 3 1873 Settle 3 1876 Brynmawr 1 870 Llandilo, do. 3 1877 Wallacestone 2 EEDFEEN, EENE8T W Institution. 1892 Mysore City, C.Ind. 3 1895 Tumkur, do. 1 1896 Hassan, do. 873 Llandilo, da., Sup. 2 875 Merthyr-Tydvil, Wi-lxh, Hup. 7 882 Cardiff, do., do. 4 886 Ferndalc, do., do. 6 1879 Bourne 3 1882 Congleton 3 1885 Kidderminster 1 1886 Portland 3 1889 Wimborne 3 1 ftQO All f\n O EEED, JOSEPH. 892 Cilfynydd, do., do. 3 895 South Wales Mis., lovjz Alton ,-> 1895 Portland Institution. do., do. EENNAED, ANDEEW. 1893 Rawal Pindi, EEES,E.MONTGOM.,M.A. 1847 Settle 2 C.lnd. 1 875 Institution 1 1849 Oakham 2 1894 Poona, &c., do. 876 Didsbury, As. Tu. 2 1851 Dunbar, &c. 1 134 MINISTEBS, ETC., IN QEEAT BBITAIN 1852 Banff 2 1854 Wolsingham 2 1856 Shaftesbury 2 1858 Taunton, &c. 3 1861 Gwennap 3 1864 Brixham, &c. 3 1867 Yeovil 2 1869 Marazion 2 1871 Bideford 3 1874 Lyme-Regis 3 1877 Kingsbridge 3 1880 Shepton-Mallet 3 1883 CaUington 3 1886 Ross 2 1888 Bristol, Clifton, Sup. 1 1889 Bristol, Redland, do. 7 1896 Shepton-Mallet, do. EENTON, GEEGOEY. 1871 Helston 2 1873 Crook 3 1876 Cockermouth, &c. 1 1877 AUendale 1 1878 Wakefield 3 1881 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1884 W.Bromwich.TF^.3 1887 Accrington 3 1890 Haworth&Oakwth.3 1893 Leeds, Richmond-hill 3 1896 Morley EENTON, EOBEKT. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Supply 1 1870 'Ashby-de-la-Zouch 2 1872 Matlock-Bath 3 1875 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1878 Sleaford 3 1881 Hebden-Bridge 3 1884 Guisborough, &c. 3 1887 Castleford 3 1890 Ormskirk 3 1893 Frodsham 3 1896 Clayton-le-Moors EESTAEICZ, AETHUE E., B.A. 1884 3aftna,Pettah,Educ. Dept., Ceylon 3 1887 Trincomalee, S., do. 2 1889 Point Pedro, do. 3 1892 Batticaloa, Puliyantivue, do. 2 1894 Visiting England 1 1895 Batticaloa, Puliyantivue, Cey. 1 1896 Point Pedro, do. EEYNOLDS, JAMES. 1890 Dix Cove, W. Afr. 1 1891 Winnebah, do. 1 1892 Salt Pond, do. 4 1896 Dix Cove, do. EEYNOLDS, JOSEPH. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Supply 1 1885 Liverpool, Wes. 3 1888 Waterloo 3 1891 Plymouth, King-st. 3 1894 Alderley Edge, &c. 3 EEYNOIDS, WILLIAM. 1872 Windsor 1 1873 Brigg 3 1876 Holbeach 3 1879 Stamford 3 1882 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Ryton 2 1884 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Ryton, Sup. 1 1885 North-Shields, do. 4 1889 Arbroath 2 1891 Perth 2 1893 Dursley 2 1895 Trowbridge, &c. ERODES, CHAELES W. 1872 Supply 1 1873 Watlington 1 1874 Chipping-Norton 2 1876 Cobham 2 1878 Builth 2 1880 Tredegar 2 1882 North Walsham 3 1885 Thornbury 3 1888 Stone 2 1890 Mildenhall 3 1893 Swaffham 3 1896 St. Mawes EHODES, ERNEST. Institution. 1890 Supply 1 1891 Devonport 1 1892 Helston 2 1894 Builth 2 1896 Kirkby Stephen, &c. EHODES, JOHN (B). 1857 Ipswich 2 1859 Manchester, Irwell-street 3 1862 Camborne 3 1865 Keighley 3 1868 StockpoTt,Tiv.-dale 3 1871 London, Lambeth 3 1874 Bolton, Wesley 3 1877 York, Wesley 3 1880 Plymout^King-st. 3 1883 Bristol, Portland 3 1886 Truro 3 1889 London, Sydenham 3 1892 Clapham 3 1895 Cardiff, Wesley EHODES, JOSEPH (A). 1863 Uttoxeter 2 1865 Bramley 3 1868 Selby 3 1871 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1874 Camborne " 3 1877 Plymouth, King-st. 3 1880 London, Lambeth 3 1883 London, Baysvcater 3 1886 Bristol, Portland 3 1889 Bristol, King-st. 3 1892 Ijondon,Sydenkam 3 1895 Newcastle-on-Tyne, JElswick-road. EHODES, JOSEPH (B). 1868 Supply 1 1869 Lagos, &c., W.Afr.3 1872 Ripley 2 1874 Bingham 3 1877 Grassington 2 1879 Biggleswade 3 1882 Lagos, W. Africa 1 1883 Liskeard 3 1886 Tavistock 3 1889 Faversham 3 1892 Chorley 3 1895 Walsall, Wesley EICE, WILLIAM E. institution. 1892 Supply 1 1893 Birmingham, Moseley-road 2 1895 Hammersmith EICHAEDS, D. ANGEL. 1879 Supply 1 1880 Ruthin, Welsh 2 1882 Liverpool, Mount Zion, do. 2 1884 Coedpoeth, do. 2 1886Stockton-on-Tees,n-xt. 3 1883 Stockport/J'iv.-dalri 1886 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1889 Colwyn Bay 3 1892 Rhyl 3 1895 Preston, Lune-st. RICKARD, CHARLES. Institution. 1885 St. Vincent, W.I. 2 1887 Trinidad, do. 2 1889 St. Kitt's, do. 2 1891 Barbados, Ebenezer, do. 4 1895 Leicester, Number stone-rd. RIDDETT, ALFRED P. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Mysore, City, Educ. Dept., C. Ind. 4 1876 Hassan, do. 6 1882 Returning Home 1 1883 Aldershot, Camp 3 1886 Folkestone 3 1889 Abingdon 3 1892 Deal 3 1895 Sowerby Bridge RIDER, J. HERBERT. 1892 Institution 1 1893 Supply 1 1894 Okehampton 3 RIGBY, WILLIAM H. 1884 Kandy, Ceylon 1 1885 CentralProvince,<#o.l 1886 Negombo, do. 1 1887 Matara, do. 6 1893 Colombo, S., Col- petty, do. 1 1894 Visiting England 1 1895 Galle, Fort, ' Ceylon 1 1896 Haputale, do. RIGG, EDMUND. 1865 Batticaloa, Ceylon 5 1870 Trincomalee, do. 1 1871 Jaffna, Pettaf/,do. 14 1885 Visiting England 1 1886 JaSn&,Pettah,Cey.4: 1890 Returning Home 1 1891 Rotherham 2 1893 Cannstatt, &c,, Ger. RIGG, JAMES H., D.D. 1H45 Sheffield,^?;/'*.-^. 1 1846 Woodhouse-Grove 1 1847 Stroud 2 1849 Worcester 1 1850 London, Southward, Sup. 1 1851 Guernsey, E-nylixIt, 2 1853 Hammersmith 3 1856 8 1859 Manchester, Irwcll-street 3 1862 Manchester, Gt.Bridgewater-st.2 1864 Folkestone 3 1867 London, Stoke Newington 1 1868 ~London,Principal of Wstmnstr.Tr. Col. [President in 1878 # 1892.] RIGGALL, MARMADKE. 1872 Institution 1 1873 Malta Garrison 1 1874 Bradford-on-Avon 2 1876 London, Pres. As. 1 1877 Warrington 3 1880 London, Hinde-st. 3 1883 Poole ' 3 1886 Didsbury, Sup. 1 1887 Frome 3 1890 Blackheath 1 1891 Devon and Dorset Mission 3 1894 Exeter District, Under the direc- tion of the Ch. of the District 1895 Alford RILEY, THOMAS. 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 1 1883 Manchester, Dis. Mis. 3 1886 Tamworth, &c. 2 1888 Devon and Dorset Mission 3 1891 Redhill 1 1892 Ludlow 3 1895 Wath-upon-Dearne RIPPON, JOSEPH. 1849 Institution 1 1850 Galle, Ceylon 11 1861 Bedford 2 1863 Barton-on-Humber3 1866 Burnley 3 1869 Grantham 1 1870 Tarporley 3 1873 Chorlcy 3 1876 Newcastlc-Lyme 2 1878 Portsmouth, Wet. 1 1879 Holyhead 3 1882 Blackpool 1 1883 Congleton, Sup. RIPPON, THOMAS. 1870 Supply 1 1871 Settle 1 1872 Tarporley 1 1873 Haworth&0akwrth.3 1876 Birkenhead 2 136 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1878 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1881 Warrington 3 1884 Preston, Wesley 2 1886 Khyl 3 1889 Wandsworth 3 1892 Douglas, I. of M. 3 1895 Lytham EISING, TILNEY. 1852 Barbados, W. Inds.'S 1855 St. Vincent, Kingstown, do. 2 1 85 7 Barbados, 2nd, do. 2 1859 Essequibo, Br. Gu. 3 1862 South Molton 3 1865 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1866 St. Mawes 3 1869 Kendal 3 1872 Manningtree 3 1875 Middleham 3 1878 Kineton 1 1879 Stratford-on-Avon 3 1882 Wimborne 3 1885 Ramsey, Hunts. 1 1886 Liskeard 1 1887 Tenterden 3 1890 Exeter, Sup. BITSON, JOHN H., M.A. Institution. 1891 Didsbury, As. Tu. 3 1894 Eccles 3 EITSON, T. NICHOLSON. Institution. 1890 Supply 1 1891 Cinderford 1 1892 Dursley 1 1893 Newport, Man. 1 1894 Hungerford 3 EOBB, ANDEEW FLETCHEE. Institution. 1895 Supply EGBERT, THOMAS N. 1882 Belize, Br. Bond. 3 1885 Toledo. 1st, do. 1 1886 Stann Creek, do. 2 1888 London, Mis. Com. 1 1889 Knighton 1 1890 Downham Market 3 1893 Helmsley 1 1894 Knaresborough 3 EOBEETS, AETHTJE. 1865 Downham 1 1866 Hereford 1 1867 Market-Harboro' 1 1868 St. Neots 1 1869 Tenterden 2 1879 Holy head, <20. 2 1871 Whitstable 2 1881 Brynmawr, do. 3 1873 Walls, Zetland 3 1884 Machynlleth, do. 2 1876 Brampton 3 1886 Llanidloes, do. 3 1879 Ulverston 3 1889 Ystumtuen, do. 1 1882 Stokesley 3 1890 Cardiff, do. 2 1885 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1892 Machynlleth, d. 3 1888 Malton 3 1895 Swansea, do. 1891 Barton-on-Humber2 1893 Whaleybridge,5wp. 1 1894 North Hill 3 EOBEETS, J. EVAN. 1878 Merthyr-Tydvil, Welsh 3 EOBEETS, CHAELES. 1881 Treorky, do. 3 1860 Faku's lTibe,S.Afr.2 1884 Aberdare, do. 3 1862 Pietermaritzbg.,^o.3 1887 Llanelly, do. 3 1865 Verulam, do. 1 1890 Llandilo, da. 3 1866 Edendale, do. 2 1893 Aberystwyth, do. 3 1868 Inanda, do. 3 1896 Tredegar, do. 1871 Umhlali, do. 1 1872 Zwartkop, do. 5 1877 Returning Home 1 1878 Mis. Com. 2 EOBEETS, JOHN P. 1877 Liverpool, Shaw-st., Welsh 2 1880 Retford 1 1879 Bangor, do. 1 1881 Salisbury 2 1883 Tenterden 3 1880 Llanberis. do. 1 1881 Con way, do. 1 1886 Ely 2 1882 Mold, do. 1 1888 Looe 1 1883 Port Madoc, do. 3 1889 St. Agnes 1 1890 Knighton 2 1892 Brackley 1 1893 Watlington 2 1886 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1889 Towyn, do. 3 1892 Bangor, do. 3 1895 Llanrwst, do. 1895 Teesdale EOBEETS, MOSES. EOBEETS, DAVID. 1869 Abergele, Welsh, 2 Institu tion. 1871 Holyhead, do. 2 1896 Lampeter, Welsh 1873 Llanrwst, do. 1 1874 Blaenau-Ffestiniog, EOBEETS, EMMANUEL. do. 1 Institution. 1875 Llanrhaiadr. do. 2 1895 Brynmawr, Welsh 1 1877 Tregarth, do. 3 1896 Merthyr-Tydvil, do. 1880 Bagillt, do. 2 1882 Corwen, do. 3 1885 Amlwch, do. 3 EOBEETS, GE. OWEN. 1888 Holyhead, do. 1 Institution. 1889 Holy well, do. 1 1894 Lampeter, Welsh 2 1890 Llanfyllin, do. 3 1896 Treorky, do. 1893 Llanasa, do. 3 1896 Cefn, do. EOBEETS, HY. G., M.A. Institution. EOBEETS, OWEN M. 1888 Supply 1 Institution. 1889 Kilkhampton 3 1891 Abergele, Welsh 2 1892 Birmingham, 1893 Tregarth, do. 3 Belmont-row 3 1896 Carnarvon, do. 1895 Rockferry EOBEETS, PETEE. EOBEETS, JOHN (c). 1870 Institution 1 1873 Llanrhaiadr, Welsh 2 1871 Treherbert, &c., 1875 Bangor, do. 1 Welsh 2 1876 Stocktn.-on-Tees,. 1 1844 Bangalore, C. Ind. 1 1845 Gubbi, do. 1 1846 Mysore, do. 5 1851 Bangalore, do. 9 1860 Tumkur, do. 5 1865 Bangalore, do. 1 1866 Mis. Com. 1 1867 Bangalore, C. Ind. 1 1868 Richmond, House Governor 23 1891 Manchester, Long sight, Sup. 1 1892 Birmingham, Wesley, do. 2 1894 Birmingham Mis., Central, do. 1 1895 Birmingham, Wesley, do. 1 1896 Richmond, do. SANDERSON, GEORGE. 1867 Institution 1 1868 Walsingham 1 1869 Mildenhall 2 1871 St. Ives& Hunt. \ ^ 1873 Ramsey, Hunts. / 1874 Workington 3 1877 Wolsingham 3 1880 Sheffield, Thornclf. 3 1883 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1886 Halifax, Wesley 3 1889 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1892 Clapham 3 1895 Paddington, Su tlierland-av. SANDERSON, THOMAS. 1872 Institution 1 1873 North Walsham 1 1874 Bury St. Edmunds 3 1877 Ipswich 3 1880 Launceston 3 142 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GEEAT BEITAIN 1883 Leeds, Srnswclc. ) 1890 St. Kitts, W.I. 1 1885 Leeds, \ 3 1891 Antigua, Coke Chapel- Allrtn, } College, do. 3 1886 Bristol, King-it. 3 1894 Northwich 1 1889 LonAon,rixtn-hl. 3 1895 Cannock 1892 Bromley 3 1895 New Barnet SARCHET, WILLIAM H. 1887 Institution 1 SANDFORD, H. STNLEY. 1888 St. Malo, France 3 1891 Rouen, do 2 Institution. 1893 Neath 3 1885 Kandy, Ceylon 2 1887 Negombo, do. 3 1896 Gibraltar, Spain 1890 Haputale, do. 1 SARGEANT, GEORGE. 1891 Chelmsford 3 1847 St. Kitts, W. Indies 1 1894 St. Helen's, &c. 3 1848 Antigua, do. 2 1850 St. Kitts, do. 3 SANFORD, ELIAS T. 1853 St. Martin's, do. 3 1873 Okehampton 1 1874 Abergavenny 1 1875 Oundle 1 1856 Yallahs, Jamaica 1 1857 Falmouth, do. 2 1859 Montego-Bay, do. 1 1876 Biggleswade 1 1860 Ipswich 3 1877 Clitheroe 2 1863 Southampton 3 1879 Diss 1 1866 Sunderland, 1880 Attleborough 3 1883 Chipping Norton 1 1884 Stonehouse, &c. 1 1885 Oundle, Sup. 1 Fatcct'tt-street 3 1869 Kingston, Jamaica 3 1872 London, Hinde-st. 1 1873 Kingston, Jamaica 8 1886 Market-Harboro' 3 1881 Bedford, St. Paul's 3 1889 Kingsbridge, &c. 3 1884 Barbados, 1892 Grantham 3 Providence, W.I. 7 1895 Bingham 1891 Visiting England 1 1892 Chelmsford, Sup. SANGER, JOSEPH. [President of the West In- 1874 Brecon 1 dian Conferences 1885-91.] 1875 Hungerford 1 SARGENT, ALFRED. 1876 Thetford 2 1878 Bradford-on-Avon 1 1879 Christchurch, &c. 1 1868 Institution 1 1869 Bradford, Manhm. 1 1870 Windsor 2 1880 Sleaford 3 1883 Newport- Pagnell 1 1884 Hitchin 2 1886 Chatteris 3 1872 Wallacestone 3 1875 Euncorn 3 1878 York, Wesley 3 1881 Chester 3 1889 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Pyton 3 1892 Leicester, Humber- 1884 Leeds, Headinqley 3 1887 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 stone-road 3 1895 Ripley 1 1896 Horncastle 1890 Wolverhampton, Trinity 3 1893 ~London,Kentish-tn.3 SANSOM, JEREMIAH. 1896 Croydon 1870 Institution 1 SARGINSON. WILLIAM. 1871 Tobago, W.I. 5 Institution. 1876 St. Vincent, 1889 Supply 1 George-town, do. 3 1890 Devon & Dorset 1879 Barbadoes, Mission 1 Speightstown, do. 3 1891 Huddersfield,(M.-sU 1882 Skipton 3 1894 Halifax, Wesley } 1885 Denby Dale 3 1895 Halifax, Rhodes- } 3 1888 Cottenham 2 * J SARGISSON, CONRAD 3. 1874 Institution 1 1875 Kilkhampton 1 1876 Newbury 3 1879 Bedford,^. Mary's 3 1882 Bedford, St. Paul's 3 1885 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Clarence-street 3 1888 Brighton 3 1891 Burslem 3 1894 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Clarence-st. 3 SARJEANT, W. DARLOW. 1866 Institution 1 1867 York, New-street 2 1869 London, Hoxton 3 1872 London, Chelsea 3 1875 Blackheath 1878 London, Hackney 3 1881 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 3 1884 Blackheath 3 1887 Croydon 3 1890 London Mission, West Central 2 1892 London, Hinde-st., Sup. 1 1893 London, Hinde-st. 3 1896 ~London,under direc- tion of Ch. of Dt. SAUL, Cr. BEAMISH. 1877 Christchurch, &c. 1 1878 Halifax, Sth.-par. 2 1880 Burnley 1 1881 Worcester 2 1883 Wigan 3 1886 Sunderland, Sans-street 3 1889 Nelson 1 1890 Castle Donington 3 1893 Bilston 3 1896 Retford SAUL, ROBERT B. 1877 Supply 1 1878 Hartlepool 2 1880 Selby 1 1881 Guildford 1 1882 Castletown,J. of M.I 1883 Hexham 3 1886 Pontefract 3 1889 Ulverston 2 1891 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Blenheim-st. 1 1892 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1895 Stratford-on-Avon AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 143 SAUL, W. BEAMISH, M.A. 1868 Wimborne 1 1879Huddersneld,0. st.3 1867 Sligo 1 1869 Newport, I. of W. 3 1882 Bacup 3 1868 Roscrea 1 1872 Chesterfield 3 1885 Manchester, Viet. 3 1869 Sherburn 3 1875 Driffield 3 1888 Liverpool, Cranmr. 2 1872 Berwick-on Tweed 1 1878 Walsall, Centenary 3 1890 Liverpool, Bootle, 1873 Alston 3 1881 Dudley 3 Sup. 1 1876 Wigton 1 1884 Blackburn,-Dartfe?t3 1891 Tarporley 3 1877 Swaffham 1 1887 Rochdale, Union-st. 3 1894 Ulverston 3 1878 Newport, I. of W. 3 1881 Castletown,Z0/J/: 3 1890 Willenhall 3 1893 Luton, Waller -st. 3 SCOTT, GEORGE E. 1884 Easingwold ' 2 1896 Burton-on-Humber Institution. 1886 Cheltenham 1 1890 Supply 1 1887 Lynton 1 1888 Hawes 2 SCHOLES, ERN. F. PUGH. Institution. 1891 Towcester 1 1892 Market Harborough2 1890 Portessie 3 1895 Supply 1 1894 N. Mavin, &c. 3 1893 Kirkby Stephen,&c.3 1896 Neath 1896 Ta-ye, China SCOTT, HENRI A. SCHWEIKHER, GOT. S. P. 1879 Institution 1 SAWDAY, GEORGE W. 1871 Waiblingen, Ger. 3 1880 London, City-road 3 1875 Institution 1 1874 London, Ger. Mis. 8 1883 Finsbury Park 3 1876 Shimoga, C. India 1 1882 Munich, Bavaria 1886 Hull, 1877 Coonghul, do. 1 1878 Mysore, do. 1 SCIARELLI.FRANCESCO Gt. Thornton-st. 3 1889 Luton, Chapel-st. 3 1879 Gubbi, do. 1 1866 Italian Work 4 1892 Scarborough 3 1880 Tumkur, do. 1 1870 Naples, Italy 1 1895 Torquay, Wesley 1887 Visiting England 1 1888 Tumkur, C. India 6 1894 "London,Brixton-hl.3 1871 Rome, do. 4 1875 Padua, do. 2 1877 Rome, do. 5 1882 Naples, do. 5 SCOTT, SAMUEL OWEN. 1870 Institution 1 1871 Manchester, SCANES, HENRY. 1887 Pozzuoli, do. 6 Radnor-street 2 1872 Supply 1 1893 Messina, Sicily 1 1873 Birmingham, 1873 Salisbury 2 1875 Poole 1 1894 Salerno, Italy Islington 3 1876 Birmingham, 1876 Reading 2 SCOTT, BENJAMIN, B.A. Cherry-street 3 1878 Norwich 3 1879 Institution 3 1879 Burnley 3 1881 Colchester 3 1882 Aberdeen 3 1882 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1884 Canterbury 3 1885 Brentford 3 1885 Birmingham, 1887 Dover 3 1888 Sutherland-Gdns. 3 Cherry-street 3 1890 Blackburn, 1891 Manchester, 1888 Bolton, Park-st. 3 Clayton-street 3 Cheetham-hill 3 1891 Liverpool,. John's 3 1893 Dudley 3 1894 London, Bayswater3 1894 Sheffield, 1896 Widnes Carver-street 3 SCOTT, EDWARD H. SCHNEIDER, GUSTAV A 1877 Esslingen, Wurt. 2 1879 Augsburg, Bavaria 3 1882 Nuremberg, do. 2 1884 Wurzburg, do. 1 1885 Nordlingen, do. 1 1886 Kirchberg-on-the Jagst, do. 1 1887 Cannstatt, do. 3 1890 Hall, Wurtemberg 3 1893 Backnang, German 1875 Georgetown, Trin., Demerara,Br. Gu. 3 1878 Mahaica, do. 1 1879 Kingstown, do. 3 1882 Georgetown, do. 5 1887 St. Kitts, do. 3 1890 Staplecross 3 1893 Holsworthy 3 1896 Tiverton SCOTT, GEORGE (c). 1861 Rochdale 3 SCOTT, STEPHEN G. 1865 Doncaster 1 1866 Daventry 1 1867 Oundle 2 1869 Bungay 1 1870 Walsingham 1 1871 Dunrossness, Zet. 3 1874 Banff 1 1875 Stokeslev 2 1877 Pickering 3 1880 Newport-Pagnell 1 1881 Slcaford 3 SCHOLEFIELD, HENRY 1864 Accrington 3 1867 St. Helens, Sec. 3 1884 Weardale 1 1885 Maryport 2 1864 Supply 1 1870 Nantwich 3 1887 Stokesley 3 1865 Mansfield 1 1873 Manchester, 1890 Cleckheaton 3 1866 Matlock-Bath 1 Grosvenoi--st. 3 1893 Sowerby Bridge 3 1867 Daventry 1 1876 Li\erpool,rnswk. 3 1896 Knaresborough 144 MINISTERS, ETC., IS QEEAT BRITAIN SCUTT, GEORGE E. 1876 Institution 1 1877 ~Londion,Brixtn-hl. 3 1880 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1883 London, Wcstmnstr.2 1885 Waterloo 3 1888 London, Bayswtr. 3 1891 Kilburn, &c. 3 189-1 Hanley 3 SEARLE, GEORGE. 1876 Tenterden 2 1878 Rye 2 1880 Scilly Islands 2 1882 Cheltenham 1 1883 Dunstable 3 1886 Bridlinglon 3 1889 Southampton 3 1892 Lynn 3 1895 Launceston SEED, T. ALEXANDER. 1871 Wigton. &c. 1 1872 Leighton-Buzzard 1 1873 Barrow-in-Furness 1 1874 Kirkoswald 1 1875 Kilsyth 3 1878 Snaith 2 1880 Kirkby-Stephen 3 1883 Alston 3 1886 Castle-Donington 3 1889 Kettering 3 1892 Chertsey, &c. 3 1895 ' Tunbridge Wells SEED, WALTER. Institution. 1896 Lucknow, Eng., C. Ind. SELBY, THOMAS G. 1867 Institution 1 1868 Fatshan, China 8 1876 Leave of absence 1 1877 North River Mis- sion, China, 5 1882 Mis. Com. 1 1883 Liverpool, Cranmer 3 1886 ~Hu.ll,Waltham-*t. 3 1889 Greenock 3 1892 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1895 London, Mostyn-road SELLER, EDWIN. 1876 Dordrecht,&c.,&^l. 4 1880 Mildenhall 1 1881 Builth 1 1882 Pickering 3 1885 Malton 3 1888 Castleford 3 1891 Otley 3 1894 Scarborough, Sup. 1 1895 Filey SELLER, JOHN W. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Loftus-Cleveland 2 1892 Alston 2 1894 Bristol, Wesley 2 1896 Portsmouth, Wesley SELLERS, WILLIAM E. 1878 Supply 1 1879 London, Canning-tn.Z 1882 Bristol, Dis. Mis. 3 1885 Richmond, -j Surrey > 3 1887 Hampton Court ) 1888 Kilburn, &c. 3 1891 Plymouth, King-st. 1 1892 Newport, &c., I. of W., Sup. 1 1893 Ventnor, do., do. 1 1894 Richmond 3 SETHTJKAVALAR, ROBT. NEWTON, M.A. 1875 Batticaloa, Native Ministers' Train. Itist., Ceylon 14 1889 Colombo, Jampettah-st., do- 3 1892 Colombo, do., do., Sup. 1 1893 Eraur, do. 2 1895 Batticaloa, Puliyantivve, do. SHAFTO, GEORGE H. 1868 Saddleworth 2 1870 Appleby, &c. 2 1872 Carlisle 3 1875 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 3 1878 Haworth&OakwrthS 1881 Filey , 3 1884 Hull, 6ft. Thornton-st. 3 1887 Leamington 3 1890 Birmingham, Belmont-row 3 1893 Lincoln, Wesley 3 1896 Camborne SHAFTO, GEO. R. H. Institution. 1896 Supply SHARP, ALF. SPRING. Institution. 1884 Bloemhof,^^.,-S.^.2 1886 Vryburg, Eng., do. 2 1888 Pretoria, Eng., do. 2 1890 M.aleking,Nat.do. 5 1895 Visiting England 1 1896 Maf eking, Native, S.A. SHARP, JAMES. 1876 Port-au-Prince, Hayti 2 1878 Cape Haytien, do. 1 1879 Boulogne, France 1 1880 Downham 2 1882 Ely 2 1884 Watlington 3 1887 Mildenhall 3 1890 Beccles 3 1893 Boroughbridge 3 1896 Howden SHARP, J. ALFRED. 1879 Supply 1 1880 Institution 1882 Institution 1 1883 Supply 1 1884 Maiiborough 1 1885 Chipping-Norton 3 1888 Northampton, Queen's-road 3 1891 Bedford, St. Paul's 3 1894 Birmingham, Wes. 3 SHARPLEY, AR.E.,B.A., B.D. 1881 Institution 2 1883 Handsworth, Jx:7k3 1886 Great Yarmouth 3 1889 Portsmouth, ^ Pembrolte-rd. I 1891 Portsmouth, j Garrison ) SHARPLEY, JAMES R. 1874 Institution 1 1875 Pateley-Bridge 1 1876 Knaresborough 2 1878 Ayr 3 1881 G\asgow, 1884 Glasgow, Claremont-street 3 1887 Nottingham, Arktv right-street 3 1890 Wakefield 3 1893 Reading 3 1896 Halifax, King't-crott AND ON THE FOEEIGN STATIONS. 145 SHARPLEY, WILLIAM. 1870 8befBdA,Nbtflk, st.B 1875 Institution 1 1873 Huddersfield, 1876 Nuneaton, &c. 1 Bu.rton-road 3 1877 Welshpool 1 1876 Haslingden 3 1878 Windsor 1 1879 Camborne 1 1879 Ely 3 1880 Blackheath 1 1882 Grimsby, Caistor 1881 Newcastle-Lyme 1 and Laceby 3 1882 Aberdeen 1 1885 Rotherham 1 1883 Durham 3 1886 Hitchin 2 1886 Driffield 3 1888 Halt whistle 3 1889 Hyde 3 1891 Chester-le-Street 3 1892 Todmorden 3 1894 Bakewell 3 1895 Denby Dale SHAW, WILLIAM (B). 1847 Institution&;Supply2 1849 Alston 2 SHEARMAN, JAMES. 1860 Wednesbury 2 1862 Halifax 2 1851 Monmouth 2 1864 Cardiff 1 1853 Sleaford 3 1865 Wainfleet 3 1856 Melksham 3 1859 Wigan 3 1868 Buckingham 3 1871 St. Ives & Hunt. 3 1862 Dewsbury 3 1865 Wednesbury, Wes. 3 1874 Gainsborough 3 1877 Ross 2 1868 Tunstall 3 1871 Chorley 2 1879 Shotley-Bridc:e 3 1882 Chester-le-Street 1 1873 Wrexham 3 1876 Padiham 2 1878 Leeds, Armlcy 3 1881 Keighley 3 1883 Blyth, Sup. 1 1884 Sedbergh 1 1885 Newport & Cowes 3 1888 Bidet'ord 3 1884 Sowerbv-Bridge 3 1887 Staniland 2 1891 Llanelly 3 1894 Sittingbourne 3 1889 Grimsby, ] Geonje-xt., Sup. ( 1894 Grimsby, Dun- j co>nbc-,st., do. SHEARN, ELISHA M. 1862 Winchester 1 1863 Hereford 2 SHAW, W.HEMINGWAY. 1865 Hungerford 1 1877 Institution 1 1866 Castle Gary 3 1878 Derby, Green-hill 2 1880 Teignmouth 3 1883 Scarborough 1 1884 Walsall, Centenary 3 1887 Hull, Georqe-yard 3 1890 Leeds, St. Peter's} 1892 Leeds, U 1869 Thorn bury 2 1871 Ban well 3 1874 Staplecross 3 1877 Ashford 2 1879 Tenterden 3 1882 Downham 2 1884 Wisbech 3 Richmond-hill J 1887 Thetford 3 1893 West Bromwkh, 1890 Merthyr-Tydvil 3 Wfsley 3 1893 Wolverton 3 1896 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1896 St. Neot's Clarence-street SHEERS, GEO. E., B.A. SHEARD, SAMUEL. 1867 Institution 1 1857 Mix. Com. 1 1868 Sevenoaks 1 1858 Tenterden 1 1869 Guildford 1 1859 Mildenhall 1 1870 Arbroath, &c. 1 1860 Belper 1 1871 Bilston 1 1861 Blackburn 1 1872 Helston 1 1862 Rochdale 2 1873 Stroud 3 1864 Altrincham 3 1876 Howden 3 1867 York, New-street 3 1879 Northwich 3 1882 Doncaster ] 1884 Doncaster, V 3 Priory-place } 1885 Tadcaster 3 1888 Manchester Lonqnight 3 1891 Burnley 3 1894 Morecambe 3 SHELTON, E. STANLEY. 1869 Institution 1 1870 Helston 1 1871 Gloucester 3 1874 Burton-on-Trent 1 1875 Southampton 2 1877 Weston-sup.-Mare 3 1880 Cheltenham 3 1883 Blackburn, Clayton-street 3 1886 Nelson 3 1889 Launceston 3 1892 Banbury 3 1895 Chislehurst SHEPHERD, R. BEVAN, M.A. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Supply ) 1885 Bromley \ 1887 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 2 1889 Durham 2 1891 London, Ch. Home, Pres. As. 1 1892 Sunderland, Suns-street 3 1895 Sunderland, Under direction of Sans-st. MLs. Com. 1 1896 London, Bayswater SHERWELL, GEO. F. N. 1886 Institution 1 1887 Supply 1 1888 Evesham 3 1891 Kingsbridge 1 1892 Ashburton 3 1895 Northwich SHIMMIN, ISAAC. Institution. 1885 Mahamba, Swazi- land Mis., S. Afr. 1 1886 Waterberg Mission, do. 2 1888 Klerksdorp, do. 3 1891 Mashonaland 1 Mission, do. I , 1893 Salisbury, Eng., do. 1895 Buluwayo, Eiig., do. 10 146 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN SHIPHAM, ARTHUR. SHOLL, JOHN H. 1875 Colombo, Wesley 1866 Camelford 1 College, Ceylon 7 1867 Wath-on-Dearne 1 1882 Colombo, North, 1868 Birkenhead 3 Princ. of Wes. 1871 Manchester, Coll., do. 2 Grosvenor-street 3 1884 Matara, do. 3 1887 Visiting England 1 1874 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1888 Taunton 3 1877 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1891 Helston 3 1894 Newbury 3 1880 London, Sydenham 3 1883 Highgate 3 SHIPHAM. JOHN. 1886 London, 6tf. Qn.-st.3 1846 Supply 1 1889 Manchester, 1847 Kilkhampton 2 Radnor-street 3 1849 Holsworthy 2 1892 Manchester, 1851 St. Columb 1 Long sight 3 1852 Tewkesbury 1 1895 Sheffield, 1853 Retford 3 Brunswick 1 1856 Spilsby 3 1896 Finsbury Park 1859 Lynn 1 1860 Newport, I.ofW.\ 1861 Ryde, do. j 8 1863 Chesterfield 3 SHORT, JOSEPH. Institution. 1895 Supply 1866 Howden 3 1869 Bridlington 3 1872 Longton 3 SHOVELTON, WEIGHT. 1876 Liverpool Mission 1 1877 Institution 1875 Barrowford, &c. ) 1879 Institution 1 1877 Nelson j" 1880 Alston 3 1878 Preston, Wesley 3 1883 Kendal 1 1881 StockpoTt,I/illgate 3 1884 St. Helens, &c. 3 1887 Frodsham 3 1884 Pateley Bridge 3 1887 Hebden Bridge 3 1890 Penrith 3 1890 Castle Donington 2 1892 Manchester, Cheetham-hl., Sup. 1893 Garstang 3 1896 Tarporley SHIRLEY, FRANCIS W. SHREWSBURY, HY. W. 1878 Oakham 2 1879 Supply 2 1880 Rye 3 1 88 1 Liverpool, Brnswk. 2 1883 Lyme-Regis 1 1883 Hornsea 2 1884 Gloucester 3 1885 Hungerford 1 1887 Dundee, Viet. -r -d. 3 1886 Stainland 3 1890 Whitby 3 1889 Rawtenstall 3 1893 Sunderland, 1892 Radcliffe 3 Fawcett-street 3 1895 Leeds, Holbeck 1896 Lancaster SHOLL, ELIJAH. 1870 Supply 1 SHREWSBURY, J. S. WESLEY, B.A. Institution. 1871 Ely ' 1 1872 Clitheroe 1 1891 Trichinopoly, C. Ind. 2 1873 Birstall 1 1874 Out of health 3 1893 Negapatam, 'L'ct/'wil do, 3 1877 Edinburgh 3 1880 Liverpool, Cranmer 3 1896 Trichinopoly, do. 1883 Dewsbury 3 SHREWSBURY, JNO.V. B. 1886 Grantham 3 1849 Supply 1 1889 EiadfoiA,Windkill3 1850 Bath 2 1892 Bridlington 3 1852 Shrewsbury 3 1895 Rochdale, 1855 Sheffield, Carver-stS Littlcborovgh 1858 Leeds, Orford-pL 3 1861 Manchester, Oldham-strcet 3 1864 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 1867 Altrincham 3 1870 London, Hackney 3 1873 Croydon 3 1876 Glasgow, Claremont-street 3 1879 Birmingham, Islington 3 1882 Hull, 'Waltham-st. 3 1885 Filey 3 1888 Rawtenstall 3 1891 Nottingham, Halifax-place 3 1894 Nottingham, Ten- nyson-street, Sup. SHRIMPTON, JOSEPH. 1867 Institution 1 1868 York, New-street 1 1869 Builth 3 1872 Llanelly 3 1875 Gravesend 3 1878 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1881 Pembroke 3 1884 Middlesbrough 3 1887 Dundee, Ward-rd. 3 1890 Burslem 3 1893 West Bromwich, Wesley 3 1896 Lincoln, Wesley SHRIMPTON, SAMUEL. 1870 Institution 1 1871 Edinburgh 1 1872 Weston-sup.-Mare 1 1873 Barnstaple 2 1875 St. Austell 1 1876 St. Ives, Cornwall 3 1879 Ipswich 2 1881 Shepton-Mallet 3 1884 Retford 3 1887 Buckfastleigh 3 1890 Petersfield 3 1893 Stourbridge 3 1896 Haverfordwcst SHUTE, J. BUCKLEY. Institution. 1886 Supply 1 1887 Diss 1 1888 Sandhurst 2 1890 Lytham 1 1891 Carnarvon, &c. 3 1894 Tarporley 3 SIDNELL, HY. W. J. 1881 N.W. Iowa Coiif., U.S.A. 4 1885 London, Sea. C'fia. 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 147 1888 Hartlepool,&c. 3 1891 Alderley Edge, &c. 3 1894 Manchester, Cheetham-hill 3 SILCOX, ALFEED J. 1869 Demerara, Mafia., Br. Gu. 1 1870 Demerara, Georgetown, do. 1 1871 Essequibo, do. 3 1874 Dursley 1 1875 Alderney, Eng. 2 1877 Shepton-Mallet 1 1878 Daventry 2 1880 Merthyr-Tydvil 1 1881 Callington 3 1884 Monmouth 2 1886 Durham 3 1889 Mat-lock 3 1892 Brigg 1 1893 Spennymoor 1 1894 Danby 3 SILCOX, JOHN W. 1857 Hinckley 1 1858 Chatteris 2 1860 Cardiff 1 1861 Warminster 2 1863 Boston 3 1866 Hull, George-yd. 3 1869 London, i Brijcton-hill 1871 London, f Monty n-road 1872 Leeds, Oaford-pl. 3 1875 Bradford, Eaztlrlt. 3 1878 London, Chelsea 3 1881 Cambridge 3 1884 Scarborough 3 1887 llkley 3 1890 Llandudno 3 1893 Widnes 3 18% Hoylake, &c. SILCOX, JOSEPH S. 1864 Bridgend 1 1865 Abergavenny 2 1867 Bridport 1 1868 Bideford :$ 1871 Bromsgrove 1 1872 Walsall, Crntenary'2 1875 Portland 1 1876 Portsmouth, Wes. 3 1879 Bristol, Zkwwtott-**. 3 1882 Newport, Mon. 3 1885 Haverfordwest 3 1888 Falmouth 3 1891 Eochdale,Union-et. 3 1894 Gravesem* 3 SILVA, ALFKED H. DA. 1894 Mis. Com. 1 1895 Oporto, Portugal SILVA, CHAKLES W. DE. 1875 Metaremba, Cey. 1 1876 Colombo, S., do. 1 1877 Seedua.do. 1 1878 Kandy, do. 2 1880 Colombo, S., do. 2 1882 Moratuwa-Rawata- watta, do. 7 1889 Colombo, S., do. 1 1890 Panadura, do. 4 1894 Moratuwa-Rawata- watta, do. SILVA, COVIS A. DE. 1889 Kyaukse, Surma, 5 1894 Mandalay, Educ. Sep., do. SILVA, DON THOS. DE. 1877 Kandy, Ceylon 1 1878 Kandaboda, do. 3 1881 Katana, do. 5 1886 Metaremba, do. 4 1890 Palopitiya, do. 3 1893 Angulana, do. 1 1894 Panadura, do. SILVA, JOHN S. DE, B.A. 1892 Madampitiya, C'ey.2 1894 Badulla, do. 2 1896 Haputale, do. SILVA, SAMUEL DE. 1875 Wattalpola, Cey. 2 1877 Minuangoda, do. 5 1882 Seedua, do. 5 1887 Weligama, do. 4 1891 Katana, do. SIMISTEE, J. WAL- THEW. 1879 Institution 1 1880 Liverpool Mission 3 1883 Dcptford 3 1S86 Leeds, O.rforil-pl. 3 1889 Harrogate 3 1892 Scarborough 3 1895 Bristol, Clifton SIMON, JOHN S. 1863 Supply 1 1864 London, City-road, 1 1865 Lancaster 1 1866 Dorchester 1 1867 Weymouth 3 1870 Wrexham 1 1871 Welshpool 3 1874 Doncastor 3 1877 Birmingham, Wes. 3 1880 Wandsworth 3 1 883 Bristol, King-st. 3 1886 Scarborough 3 1889 Bromley 3 1892 Blackheath 3 1895 Bristol, Redland SIMONS, EDWAED J. Institution. 1888 Supply 1 1889 Portsmouth, Wes 1 1890 Reading 2 1892 Hawes 3 1895 Hull, Gt. Thorn- ton-st. SIMONS, REUBEN E. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Bridport 1 1891 Newbury 2 1893 Brecon 1 1894 Blandford, &c. 1 1895 Llanelly SIMPSON, EDWAED H. 1865 Uttoxeter 1 1866 Leigh, Lanes. 1 1867 Malton 1 1868 St. Mawes 1 1869 Retired 5 1874 Glossop 3 1877 Manchester, Groaccnor-ntreet 3 1880 Aberystwith 3 1883 Banbuiy 3 1886 South-Shields 3 1889 Pcnrith 2 1891 North-Shields 3 1894 Exeter 3 SIMPSON, EDWIN THOMAS, B A. Institution, 1894 Supply 2 1896 Devonport, Jielmont SIMPSON, JOHN W. 1876 Supply 2 1878 Christohurch, &c. 1 1879 Chatteris 1 1880 Diss 3 1883 Watlington 1 1884 St. Ives and Hunt 2 1886 Teesdale 1 1887 Lancaster, Sup. 1 1888 Methwold 3 1891 Rye 1 1892 Camclford .'5 1895 TaVistock 148 MIN1STEIIS, ETC., TN GEEAT BRITAIN SIMPSON, ROBERT (A) 1874 Institution 1875 Demerara, George- town, Br. Guiana 1 1876 Essequibo, do. 1877 Mahaica, do. 1878 Whitehaven 1879 Kingsbridge 1880 Kilkhampton 1883 Welshpool 1887 North-west Essex Mission 1888 Brigg 1891 Uttoxeter 1894 Congleton SIMPSON, ROBERT (B). 1876 Barcelona, Spain 14 1890 London, Mis. Com., Sup. 1891 Bristol, Redland, do. 1893 Clevedon, do. 1896 Clevedon SIMPSON, SAMUEL (B). 1865 Peterborough 1866 Leamington 1867 Castletown, I. of M.I 1868 Penrith 1869 Hinckley 1870 Bury St. Edmunds 2 1872 Walsingham 1873 Ely 1874 Attleborough, &c. 1 1875 North-Walsham 1876 Kirby-Moorside 1878 Pickering 1880 Brynmawr 1883 Aberdare 1886 Bedale 1888 Oswestry 1889 Rawtenstall, Sup. 2 1891 Calais, France, do. 1 1892 Calais, do., Eng. 1893 Calais, do., Slip. SIMPSON, WM. B., B.A. 1883 Institution 1885 Madras, South, Educ. Dept., C.I. 1886 Madras, North, do. 1 1887 Madras, South, do. 1888 Mathranticum, do. 2 1890 Madurantakum,r70. SINZININEX, EDWARD. 1872 Institution 1873 Fatshan, China, 1876 Returning Home 1877 In England 1878 Folkestone 3 1874 Lancaster 3 1 1879 Goole 1877 Bolton, Wesley 3 . 1882 Tadcaster 1880 Rochdale. Wesley 3 tl 1885 Leeds, Wesley 1883 Luton, Chapel-st. 3 1 1888 Birmingham, 1886 Lytham 3 I Smetfuuick .' 1889 Blackburn, 1 1891 Exeter Clayton-st. 3 1 1894 Devonport, 1892 Radcliffe 3 3 Belnuint < 1895 Manchester, 1 3 SIRCAR, CHANDRA K. Regent-road 1 3 1891 Bankura, C. India, 1 1892 Santal Mission, do. 1 1893 Bankura, Girls' Train. $c/t> t do* SLADER, THOMAS. 1876 Institution 1 1877 Chatteris 1 1878 Daventry 1 SLACK, JOSEPH H. 1879 Alderley-Edge, &c. 3 0. 1863 Supply ) 1882 North wich 3 14 1864 Guernsey, Eng. \ * 1885 Hartlepool 3 1865 Jersey, French 2 1888 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1 1867 Newcastle-on-Tyne, Brunswick 1 Elswick-road 3 1891 Dewsbury 1 2 1868 Douglas, 1. of M. 1 1892 Blackpool, Sup. 1 3 1869 Liskeard 2 1893 Ramsgate, do. 1871 Bishop Auckland 3 N 1874 Wantage 3 SLATER, WM. F., M.A. 1 1 1 1877 Taunton, &c. 2 1879 Ketley Bank, &c. 3 1882 Banwell 3 1885 Pontypridd 3 1888 Hastings 3 1854 Institution 1 1855 Allendale-Town 3 1858 Newcastle-on-Tyne2 1860 Glossop 3 1 2 1 1891 Alnwick 3 1894 Richmond, Yorlts 3 1863 Sunderland 3 1866 Harrogate 3 1869 Barnsley 3 1 SLACK, WILLIAM. 1872 Cambridge 3 1 1858 Airdrie 3 1875 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1 1861 Aberdeen 1 1878 Edinburgh 3 2 1862 Banff 1 1881 Liverpool. Brnxtok. 3 2 1863 Allendalc-Town 2 1884 Ijondon,Mildmy-pk.3 > 1865 Easingwold 3 1887 Didsbury, Tutor in 3 1868 Pateley-Bridge 2 Bibl. Literature 1870 Yeadon 3 1 1873 Morley 3 SLATER, WILLIAM P. 1 1 2 1876 North-Shields 3 1879 Hull, George-yard 3 1882 Manchester, Oldham-road 3 1885 Baling and Acton 3 1888 Hammersmith 3 1891 Sunderland, "j 1843 Stokesley 1 1844 Plymouth 1 1845 Portsmouth 2 1847 Manchester, Oldham-street 1 1848 Blackburn 1 1849 Teignmouth 3 1 1893 Sunderland, St. John's 1852 Cheltenham 2 1854 Pontypool 2 2 1894 Luton, C'hapel-sf. 3 1856 Plymouth 3 1859 Swansea 2 SLACK, WILLIAM D. L. 1861 Frome 3 ). 1864 Driffield 2 1864 Taunton 2 1 1866 Manchester, 1866 Taunton, Wes. Col., 3 Gravel-lane 2 Gov. and Chap., 19 ] 1868 Leek 3 1885 Wanstead,&c.,S/?. 1 1 1871 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1886 Highgate, do. AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 149 SLUGG, JOSIAH T. 1867 Bury 3 1874 Institution 1 1870 Macclesfield 3 1875 Evesham 2 1873 Manchester, 1877 Oldbury 2 Grosvenor-street 3 1879 Worthing 3 1876 Chester 3 1882 Stratford-on-Avon 3 1879 Manchester, City-rd3 1885 Liverpool, Grove-St.3 1882 Manchester, 1888 London, Canning-tn3 Grosvenor-street 3 1891 Huddersfield, 1885 Macclesfield 3 Gledholt 3 1888 Stockport,7Hrc.,SM/>. 1894 Haworth, &c. 3 SMITH, CH. RIDER, B.A. SMALLWOOD, HY. (B). Institution. 1868 Institution 1 1895 Supply 1 1869 Williton 3 1896 Headingley, Thcol. 1872 Brecon 3 Iiust., Aast. Tu. 1875 Dudley 3 1878 Padiham 3 SMITH, EDWARD (A). 1881 Leeds, Armley 3 1871 Cheadle 3 1884 Pontefract 3 1874 Lincoln, Di#. Mis. 1 1887 Doncaster, 1875 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 Oxford-place 3 1878 Macclesfield, 1890 Oldham, Wesley 3 D'is. Mix. 2 1893 Wigan 3 1880 Manchester, 1896 Wath-upon-Dearne Cheetha/m-hill 2 SMART, A. DWERRY- 1882 Manchester, Lonysic/lbt ' 3 HOUSE. 1885 London Mission, Institution. South 1 1896 Supply 1886 London Mission, SMART, HENRY T. 1871 Supply 1 1872 Dudley 3 1875 London, Mostyn-rd.S 1878 Bradford, Gt.Hortn. 3 1881 Hull, Geon/e-yard 3 1884 Manchester, Viet. 3 1887 Manchester, Central 3 1889 London Mission 1 1890 Bradford, EasibrTt. 2 1892 Manchester, ^| Irwl.-st. (_ o 1893 Manchester, j Pendleton J 1895 Clapham G ravel-lane 3 1890 London, Stoke Newinqton 3 1893 York, Wesley 3 1896 Stratford SMITH, EDWARD J. 1860 Wednesbury 1 1861 Andover 1 1862 Hinckley 1 1863 Oldbury 1 SMETHAM, TOM. 1864 Otley 2 Institution. 1866 Glossop 3 1889 Supply 1 1869 Blackburn 3 1890 Daveritry 1 1872 Arbroath, &c. 3 1891 Tamworth, &c. 3 1875 Airdiie 3 1894 Whitstablc 1 1878 Leigh, Lane. 3 1895 Mansfield 1881 Whitehaven 3 SMITH, BENJAMIN (A). 1848 Institution ' 1 1884 Newcastle-Lyme 3 1887 Sheffield, Tkornclff. 3 1890 Hexham 3 1849 Whitchurch, Salop 3 1852 Wellington, Salop 3 1893 Willenhall 2 1895 Woodhousc Grove 1855 Howden 3 1858 Bridlington 3 SMITH, E. LIGHTWOOD. 1861 Cheltenham 3 1876 Institution 1 1864 iRotherham 3 1877 Doncaster 1 1878 Penzance 1880 Savenoaks 1881 Hitchin 1884 Swansea 1887 Sheffield, Brnsmk. % 1890 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1893 Manchester, Oxford-road 1896 Tooting SMITH, E. THORNTON. 1878 Institution 1 1879 Barnard- Castle 3 1882 Lowestoft 3 1885 Sunderland,&iws-.3 1888 London, Brixton-Tiill 3 1891 London, SydenhamS 1894 Finsbury-park 3 SMITH, FRANKLYN G. 1885 Barcelona, Spain 3 1888 Balearic Isles 8 1896 Barcelona, Spain SMITH, FREDERICK A. 1883 Institution 1 1884 Harbourlsld.^a/wz 1 1885 N. Providence, do. 1 1886 Abaco, do. 2 1888 Eleuthera, do. 1891 NewProvidence,rfo.3 1894 Pembroke 3 SMITH, F. HOLMES. 1865 Uxbridge 1 1866 Bromley 1 1867 Kington 2 1869 Downham 3 1872 Worksop 3 1875 Wetton, &c. 3 1878 Whitstable 3 1881 Frome 3 1884 Watford, &c. 3 1887 Ampthill 2 1889 Louth 3 1892 Trowbridge, &c. 3 1895 Tewkcsbuiy SMITH, FREDERICK R. 1878 Institution 1 1879 Castletown.Zfl/JO 1882 Worthing 3 1885 Bolton, Fammorth 3 1888 Sheffield, Nrfk-st. 1 1889 Shotley-Bdge., &c. 2 1891 Manchester, ^ Irwl.-st. I 1893 Manchester, j A Ptndleton 1894 Lytham 3 150 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN SMITH, F. W. AMBREY 1877 Leigh, Lane. 3 SMITH, THEO. A. Institution. 1880 Plymouth, Eben. 3 1889 Freetown, First, 1886 Barrackpur, Tlieo.Inst.,C.Ind. 2 1883 Manchester, Regent-road 3 W. Africa 5 1894 Waterloo, do. 1888 Raniganj, do. 1886 York, New-street 3 1889 Oldham, SMITH, W. HODSON. SMITH, GEORGE (E). Manchester-street 3 1880 Institution 2 1871 Institution ] 1892 ~Bo\ton,Park-stree.t 3 1882 Supply 1 1872 Sheffield,.M>r//fe.-*<. 1 1895 Gateshead-on-Tyne, 1883 Barrovv-in-Furness 3 1873 Chester 2 High West-street 1886 Whitchaven 2 1875 Horncastle 1 1876 Manchester, SMITH, JAMES LEWIS. 1888 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 3 1891 Liverpool Mission Grosrenor-street 3 Institution. 1879 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 1882 St. Helens, &c. 3 1887 Supply 1 1888 Mildenhall 3 SMITH, W. WHEATLEY. iccx Ri T7 tu i 1885 Lancaster 3 1888 Preston, Lime-st. 3 1891 Penrith 3 1894 Glasgow, Paisley- VOQid 3 1891 Newmarket, Dist. Mis. Work 1 1892 Hunstanton 3 1895 Ipswich looo -DlyLll J. 1866 Barnsley 1 1867 Bardney 1 1868 Alnwick 1 1869 Edinburgh 2 1871 Hampstead 1 SMITH, HENRY. SMITH, JOHN (B). 1872 Retford 2 1869 Institution 1 1866 Glasgovf,Cathct.-rd.2 1874 Perth 2 1870 Knighton 1 1S6S Cleckheaton 2 1876 Leighton-Buzzard 1 1871 Marlborough 1 1870 Goginan, 3 1888 Colombo, N.,do. } Gt.Thornton-st. ) 1874 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 1 1875 Inverness 2 1895 Colombo, N., j-8 Portuguese, do. J 1896 Galle, Fort, do. 1877 Burslem 1 SPECK, CHARLES. 1878 Ludlow, Sup. 2 Institution. 1880 Tavistock 2 1891 Supply 1 1882 Biggleswade 3 1892 Devonport 1 1885 Ryde, I. of W. 3 1893 Torquay, Union-st. 8 1888 Harwich 3 1896 Tamworth, &c. 1891 Dover 3 1894 Gravesend 3 SPENCER, ALLAN. Institution. SOUTHERNS, ARTHUR A. 1891 Supply 1 1862 St. Mary's Island, 1892 Dereham 3 Gambia, W. Afr. 3 1895 Manchester, City- 1865 Maidstone 2 road. 1867 West-Bromwich 2 1869 Richmond, Yorks 3 SPENCER, B. CARVOSSO. 1872 Snaith 2 1877 Institution 1 1874 Hornsea 3 1878 Hull, Waltham-st. 1 1877 Barton-on-Humber3 1879 Chelmsford, &c. 2 1880 Driffield 3 1881 Deptford ' 1 1883 Faversham 3 1882 Redhill 1 1886 Wednesbury 3 1889 Wolverhampton, Darlngtn.-st., Sup. 1 1890 Heme'l Hempstead 3 1893 Swindon, Wesley 3 1883 Kingsbridge 3 1886 Bedford, St.Mary'sS 1889 Blackburn, Clayton-street 1 1890 Brighton, Dorset- 1896 Chipping-Norton gardens 3 1893 Redruth 3 SOUTHOUSE, ALBERT J. 1896 Mansfield Institution. 1891 Supply 1 SPENCER, J. SMITH. 1892 Hammersmith 3 1863 Falmouth 1 1895 Birmingham, 1864 Cardiff 1 Moseley-road 1865 Guernsey, Eng. 3 1868 Charlestown SOWERBUTTS, J. C. (bhipley) 1 1871 Institution 1 1869 Leighton- Buzzard 3 1872 Tumkur, C. India 2 1872 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1874 Gubbi, do. 1 1875 London, Jewin-st. 3 1875 Shimoga, do. 1 1878 Cape-Town, S.Afr. 8 1876 Returning Home 1 1886 Queenstown, do. 2 1877 Castleford 3 1888 Beaconsfield, Dia- 1880 Pontefract 3 mond Fields, do. 1 1883 London, Sow 3 1889 Missionary Society, 1886 Birkenhead 3 Graham stoum,do. 1 152 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1890 Sale 3 1893 London, Pechham 3 1896 Wanstead, &c. [Secretary of the South African Conference, 1887-8 ; President of the S. A. Con- ference, 1889.J SPENCEE, J. VYTILINGAM. 1896 Colombo, Jampet- tah-st., Ceylon SPENCEE, THOMAS P. 1869 Lagos, W. Africa 2 1871 Newport- Pagnell 3 1874 Hayle 3 1877 Glossop 3 1880 New-Mills 1 1881 Melton-Mowbray 3 1884 Barton-on HumberS 1887 Aocrington 1890 Nantwich 1893 Bacup 3 1896 Barnoldswich SPENCEE, W. MAESHMAN. 1879 Institution 1880 Ranigunge, C. Ind. I ] 881 Barrackpur, do. 1884 Ranigunge, do. 1886 Barrackpur, do. 1888 Barrackpur, Theo. Inst., do. 1891 Bankura, do. 1892 Guisboro' & Redcar 3 1895 Hull, Kingston SPENSLEY, JAMES. 1861 Leicester 1862 Oldham 1863 Padiham 1864 Horncastle 1865 Sowerby-Bridge 1867 Brigg 1870 Bristol, Clifton, Svp.\ 1871 Newport, Mon. 1874 Cheltenham 1877 Swansea 1880 ~Bristo\,Langton-xt. 1883 Newport, /. of W. 1886 Launceston 1889 Bridlington 1892 Maidstone 1895 Chertsey, &c. SPIEES, WILLIAM, M.A 1873 Institution 1874 Manchester, Grosvenor-street I 877 London, Westmnstr.3 885 ~Lon(lon,Sydenham 3 880 Manchester, 888 Manchester, Radnor-street 3 Grosvenor-street 3 1883 Lincoln, Hiqh-st. 3 891 London, Baysivater3 1886 Wandsworth 3 894 Beptford \ 3 1889 Hull, Qveen's-rd. 3 895 Tuond.on,rocMey)' 892 Leeds, Brunswick 1 1893 Ramsey, I. of M. 2 SPEAGG, THOMAS J. 1895 Cheadle 1879 Supply 1 880 Higham-Ferrers 3 SPILSBUEY, WILLIAM. 883 Kettering 3 860 Bursley 2 886 Kirby-Moorside 3 1862 Newport, Mon. 2 1864 Alderney, English 2 1866 Abingdon 2 1889 Briffield 3 .892 Gainsborough 3 1895 Gloucester 1868 Swansea 3 1871 Cheltenham 3 SQUIEE, THOMAS G. 1874 Ilfracombe 3 1877 Bristol, King st. 3 1880 Cambridge 1 .881 'London,Urixtn-Jil. 3 1889 Supply 2 1891 Bridport 1 1892 Kilkhampton 2 1894 Helston 2 884 Baling and Acton 1 1885 Exeter 3 1896 Buckingham, &c. 1888 Taunton 3 STAFFOED, J. T. 1891 Taunton, Sup. 3 WAEDLE. 1894 Chepstow, do. Institution. SPINK, WILLIAM. 1886 Spcnnymoor 1 1887 Stockton 3 1884 Bum Bum, C. Ind. 1 1890 St. Helens, &c. 3 1885 Bankura, do. 1 1893 York, Wesley 3 1886 Ranigunge, do. 2 1888 Bankura, do. 3 1896 Birmingham, Islington 1891 Barrackpur, Theo. Inst., do. 2 STANDFAST, FEANCIS. 1893 Visiting England. 1 1862 Birstall 1 1894 Camborne 3 1863 Oundle 1 1864 Tenterden 1 SPOONEE, EUTLAND. 1865 Sandhurst 1 1870 Institution 1 1866 Cardiff 1 1871 Budleieh-Saltertonl 1867 Midsomer-Norton 3 1872 St. Austell 2 1870 Manchester, 1874 Aberdeen 2 Oldhatn-street 3 1876 Arbroath, &c. 1 1873 Manchester, 1877 Aylesbury 3 Radnor-street 3 1880 Leighton-Buzzard 3 1876 Northwich 3 1883 Woolwich 3 1879 Haslingden 1886 Aldershot, Camp 3 1882 Grantham 2 1889 Windsor 1884 Redruth 2 1892 Manningtree I 1886 Gunnislake 3 1895 Kettering 1889 Perth 2 1891 Harwich 2 SPOOE, EALPH M. 1893 Allendale 3 1865 Institution ] 1896 Kington 1866 Ulverston 3 1869 Merthyr-Tydvil 1 STANFIELD, J. CHAS. 1870 Briffield ' 3 1877 Institution 1 1873 Alford 3 1878 Huddersfield, 1876 Bath Buxtun-road 2 1879 London, City-road o 1880 Bradford, Manhm. 2 1882 Aldershot " 3 1882 Bristol, Wesley 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 153 1885 Hammersmith 3 1888 Plymouth, King-st. 3 1891 Hanley 3 1894 Stockport, Trinity 3 STANLAZE, JOHN W. Institution. 1895 Buluwayo, Jfnt/., S.A. 1 1896 Salisbury, Eng. t do. STANLEY, BENJAMIN. Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Newport, Jdon. 3 1893 North Isles 3 1896 Barton-on-Humber STARKIE, STARKIE. 1870 Institution 1 1871 Addmgham&Ilkley2 1873 Knaresborough 3 1876 Romsey 2 1878 Pocklington 3 1881 Yarmouth 3 1884 Loughborough 3 1887 Gravesend 3 1890 Bolton, Farnworth 3 1893 Skipton 3 1896 Batley STARTUP, GEORGE E.(A). 1859 St. Helens, &c. 2 1861 London, How 1 1862 Ipswich 1 1863 Houghton-le-Spr. 1 1864 ShotJey-Bridge 2 1866 Alderuey, English 3 1869 Abingdon 2 1871 Andover 3 1874 Liskeard 3 1877 Drilfield 3 1880 Hichmond, Yorfa. 3 1883 Tiplou 3 1886 Midsomer-Norton 3 1889 Pontypool 3 1892 Faversham 3 1895 Mold STARTUP, GEO. E. (B). Institution. 1889 Supply 1 1890 Ashford 1 1891 Barcelona 2 1893 Wolsingham 2 1895 N.W. Essex Mis. STARTUP, H. NORMAN. Institution. 1891 Supply 1 1892 Buckingham 3 1895 London Mission, Central STEAD, ERNEST A. Institution. 1887 Teigmnouth 1 1888 Minehead 3 1891 Midsomer Norton 3 1894 Brentford 3 STECK, MARTIN. 1896 Backnang, Germany STEMBRIDGE, JOHN. 1861 Kington 1 1862 Worcester 1 1863 Ludlow 1 1864 Shcpton-Mallet 1 1865 Arbroath, &c. 1 1866 North Walsham 2 1868 Stow-on-the-Wold 1 1869 Wolsingham 3 1872 Knighton 1 1873 Wednesbury, Springhead 3 1876 Ipswich 3 1879 Callington 1 1880 Grimsby, Caistor and Laceby 3 1883 Bingham 3 1886 Retford 1 1887 Andover 2 1889 Ramsey, Hunts 3 1892 Raunds 3 1 895 St. Ives and Huntingdon STEPHENSON, HERMANN. Institution. 1895 Supply 1 1896 Miuehead, &c. STEPHENSON, JOHN(A) 1861 St. Helens, &c. 3 1864 Chester 1 1865 Liverpool, St'a.Mis. 1 1866 Birkenhead 2 1868 Redruth 1 1869 St. Mawes 2 1871 Charlestown 3 1874 Drifficld 1 1875 Bath, JJis. Mix. 3 1878 Norwich &; Lynn, Dis. Mix. 3 1881 Portsmouth, Qreen-roiv 3 1884 Petersfield 3 1887 Basingstoke 3 1890 Buckfastleigh 3 1893 Great Bcntley 1 1894 Yeovil 3 STEPHENSON, THOMAS. 1860 Rotherham 1 1861 London, Hackney 1 1862 St.Albans 1 1863 Clithcroe 1 1864 Ayr 1 1865 Brackley 2 1867 Daventry 2 1869 Kilkhampton 2 1871 Tenterden 3 1874 Hexham 1 1875 Wigton, &c. 1 1876 Danby 3 1879 Aberdare 2 1881 Banwell 1 1882 Spalding 3 1885 St. Ives & Hunt. 1 1886 Haltwhistle 2 1888 Blandford 3 1891 Komsey 2 1893 Teesdale 2 1895 Alderney, Eng. STEPHENSON, T., B.A. Institution. 1891 Richmond, As. Tu. 3 1894 Buxton 2 1896 Weston-super-Mare STEPHENSON, T. BOWMAN, D.D., LL.D. 1860 Norwich 2 1862 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 1865 Bolton, Uridge-st. 3 1868 London, Lambeth 3 1873 London, Principal Children 's Home [President in 1891.] STEVENS, JOHN D. 1865 Luton 3 1868 Manchester, Gt.Bridgeivater-st. 3 1871 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1874 Bromley 3 1877 JjondaUfSayswaterS 1880 Sheffield, Carver-st. 3 1883 Stock port. Tiv.-dale 3 1886 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1889 Birkenhead ' 3 1892 Cardiff, \ Lotidiiun-sq. v 3 1893 Cardiff, Penarth) 1895 Ipswich STEVENS, NATHANIEL 1862 Wolverhampton 2 18(54 Bradford,JKr/hyae 2 1866 Nottingham, Halifax-place 2 154 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1868 Mansfield 3 1871 Cambridge 3 STOCKER, SAMUEL W. 1871 Helper 2 1874 Glasgow, St. John's 1 Institution. 1873 Jersey, Enq., Sup. I 1875 Wednesbury, Wes. 2 1890 Supply 1 1874 Budleigh-Salterton 3 1877 Birstall 3 1891 Melksham 3 1877 Swindon. 1 1880 Stockport, Tiv.-dale 3 1894 Barrow-in-Furness 3 1878 Storehouse, &c. 2 1883 Manchester, 1880 Llanelly 2 Gt.Bridgewater-st3 STOVES, ANTHONY. 1882 Tenterden 1 1886 Nottingham, 1873 Patrington 3 1883 Bungay 2 Halifax-place 3 1876 Longton 3 1885 North- \Valsham 3 1889 Alder'ley Edge, &c. 1 1879 Clitheroe 2 1888 London, Stoke \ 1890 Bradford, 1881 Wath-on-Dearne 3 Newin(itn.,Stip. | Manningham 3 1884 Doncaster, 1896 London, 1893 London, Oxford-place 3 Tottenham, do. } Srixton-hill 3 1887 Goole 3 1896 London, Pecltham 1890 Barton-on-Humber3 STEVENS, RICHARD. 1893 Cleokheaton 3 1867 Institution 1 1868 Chatteris 1 1869 Manchester, Radnor-street 2 STEVINSON, WM., B.A. 1867 Institution 1 1868 Headingley,^*.y. 2 1896 Doncaster, Oxford-place STREAT, CALEB. 1871 Hyde 1 1870 Aberdeen 1 1876 Walsingham 1 1872 Worcester 1 1871 Sunderland, 1877 Institution 1873 Castleford 3 Whitburn-street 1 1879 Institution 1 1876 Stainland 3 1879 Beverley 3 1872 Durham 1 1873 Weston-sup.-Mare 2 1880 Lyme-Regis 3 1883 Tiverton 3 1882 Bradford, OtHortn. 2 1884 Ramsey, I. of M. 3 1887 Birstall 3 1890 Whitehaven 3 1875 Barnstaple 3 1878 Gainsborough 3 1881 Tunbridge-Wells 3 1884 Cannstatt, &c., 1886 Bridgwater 3 1889 Sherburn 3 1892 Torrington 3 1895 Newton Abbot 1893 Oldbury 3 1896 Houghton-le-Spring Eng., Wurt. 7 1891 Leeds, Ileadingley 3 1894 Burnley 3 STRINGER, JOSEPH. 1876 Institution 1 STEVENSON, ROBERT. 1877 Kington 1 1879 Institution 1 STEWART, WILLIAM. 1878 Blackburn, Darwen 3 1880 Ventnor, I. of W. 1 1877 Supply 1 1881 Hey wood 3 1881 Ramsey, Z of M. 3 1878 Institution 1884 Cardiff, Wesley 3 1884 Congleton 1 1880 Institution 1 1887 Bolton, Farnworth 3 1885 Stamford 1 1881 Supply 1 1890 Derby, King -street 3 1886 Saddleworth 1 1882 Sittingbourne 2 1893 Mansfield 3 1887 Stockport, Trinity 2 1884 Stockton 3 1896 Newark 1889 Malton 3 1892 Leigh 3 1895 Whitchurch, Salop 1887 Whitby 3 1890 Waketield ) 1892 Leeds, Rothwell \ 1893 Leeds, Ilunslet 3 STRTJTT, ALFRED C. 1878 Cinderford 1 1879 Institution 1881 Institution 1 STEVENSON, WILLIAM. 1896 Barnsley 1882 Supply 1 1874 Institution 1 1883 Marazion 1 1875 Woodhouse Grove 2 STEWART, WILLIAM R. 1884 St. Columb 3 1877 Ormskirk 3 1880 Welshpool 3 1866 Eedditch 2 1868 Bilston 3 1887 Birmingham, ] Newtown-row { , 1883 Ashton-Lyne 3 1886 Blackpool 3 1889 Stockton 3 1871 Burslem 3 1874 Rotherham 3 1877 Liverpool, BrnswTt. 3 1888 Birmingham, j ' Aston-park } 1890 Bromley ) 1892 Middlesbrough, Wen. 3 1880 York, New-street 3 1883 Leeds, Hrwnswwk 3 1892 Chiselhurst } ' 1893 Petersfield 1 1895 Bradford, Eastbrook 1886 ~London,SouthwarkS 1889 Hull, 1894 Barking 3 STEVINSON, JOHN. Gt. Thornton-st. 3 STRUTT, EDWARD. 1865 Castle- Donington 1 1892 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1876 Jaffna, Ceylon 2 1866 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1895 Manchester, 1878 Kalmunai, do. 1 1869 Alderley-Edge, &c. 2 Gravel-lane 1879 Trincomalee, do. 2 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 155 1881 Colombo, Tamil 1881 Pateley-Bridge 3 SUNDERLAND, SLATER. Work, West. Pro., 1884 Burnley 3 1861 Mis. Com. 1 Cey. 6 1887 Rochdale, Union-it . 3 1862 Demerara, George- 1887 Birkenhead 3 1890 Leeds, town,Br. Guiana 1 1890 Manchester, Chapel Allerton 3 1863 St. Vincent, W.I. 3 Oxford-road 3 1893 Dundee, Ward-rd. 3 1866 Tobago, do. 7 1893 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1896 North-Shields 1873 Returning Home 1 1896 London, Lewisham 1874 Alderney, English 1 STUART, F. CHARLES. 1879 Institution 1 1 ^ ^ i i TJ -.11 SUGDEN, HERBERT J. 1879 Supply 1 1880 Institution 1875 Holt 3 1878 Brynmawr 2 1880 Bungay 3 1880 Hull, Gt. Thornton-st. 3 1883 Manchester, Oxford-road 1 1884 London, Spitalfds. 1 1885 Liaadaa.,Westmnttr.l 1882 Institution 1 1883 Supply 1 1884 Alston 3 1887 Wolsingham 2 1889 Beverley 3 1883 Holbeach 2 1885 Kineton 3 1888 Kilkhampton 3 1891 Howden 3 1894 Brecon 3 1886 London, Southwark 3 1889 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1892 Bury 3 1895 Greenock SUNDRAVELU, R. THEOPHILUS. Blenheim-street 2 1 891 Tiruvallur, C. India 2 1891 London, SUMMERHAYS, GEO. P. 1893 Karanguli, do. 2 Mildmay-pk.,Sup. 1 1892 London, 1873 Castle-Donington 2 1875 Burton-on-Trent 1 1895 Madurantakam,lo 1 North, do. 3 1882 Institution 1 1883 St. Vincent, Mt. -tool i ooie x 1862 Newport, I. of W. 2 THIES, ERNEST S. Cope, W.I. 1 1864 Taunton, &c. 3 1872 Institution 1 1873 Swansea 1 1884 Grenada, do. 1 1885 Barbados, 1867 Risca 1 1868 Yarmouth 3 1874 Dorchester 1 James-street, do. 2 1871 Gosport 2 1875 Beeth 2 1877 Bardney 1 1878 Holt 3 1887 Grenada, do. 3 1890 St.Martin's,Z?M^,7i, do. 4 1873 Leek 3 1876 Biggleswade 3 1879 Market-Rasen 3 1881 Settle 3 1884 New-Mills 3 1894 Dewsbury 2 1896 Corozal, Br. Hon. 1882 Margate 3 1885 Hastings 3 1887 Newtown 2 1888 Ilfracombe 3 1889 Holyhead 3 1892 Kettering 3 1895 Masham THOMAS, FREDERIC H. 1871 Institution 1 1872 Hungerford 1 1873 Helston 1 1891 Ycovil 3 1894 Rochester 3 THOMAS, JOSEPH C. THISTLETHWAITE, ED. 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 2 1874 Bidcford 1 1875 Kingsbridge 3 1878 Shepton- Mallet 3 1880 Sherbro' Mission, J1onthe,W. Afr. 10 1890 Freetown, 2nd, do. 1884 Newport-Pagnell 2 1886 Wantage 2 1888 Chesterfield 2 1890 Shepton- Mallet 1 1891 Biggleswade 3 1894 Callington 3 THOMAS, A. ATJBKEY, 1881 Bodmin 2 1883 Chatteris 3 1886 Castle Gary 3 1889 Stourbridge 1 1890 Bideford, Sup. 1 1891 Hunstanton 1 1892 Shaftesbury, &c. 2 1894 Helston 3 THOMAS, LEWIS. 1880 Institution 1 1881 Tredegar, Welsh 1 1882 Ystumtuen, do. 2 1884 Treorky, do. 1 885 Llaiiidloes, do. 3 888 Abcrdare, do. 1 B.A. 889 Cardiff, do. 1 1885 Negapatam,(7.7^. 2 1887 Manargudi, do. 5 THOMAS, GEORGE G. S. 1860 Wrexham ] 890 St. Ives, Cornwall 2 892 Pontypool 3 1892 Trichinopoly, do. 3 1895 Visiting England 1861 Penrith 3 1864 Whitehaven 1 865 Dumfries 1 895 Aberdare THOMAS, ROBERT J. THOMAS, CHARLES. 1866 Holt 1 866 Institution 1 1872 Institution 1 1867 Penrith, Sup. 1 867 Holsworthy 1 1873 Hornsea 1 868 Easingwold 3 868 Kilkhampton 2 1874 Sherburn 3 871 Knaresborough 3 1870 Bridgwater 1 1877 Uxbridge, &c. 2 874 Ossett & Horbury 3 1871 Wainfleet 3 1879 Leigh ton- Buzzard 3 877 Sunderland, 1874 Spilsby 3 1882 Bingham 3 \Vliitbmn-street 3 1877 St. Ives, Cornwall 3 1885 Pocklington 3 880 Batley 3 1880 Camborne 3 1888 High-Wycombe 2 883 Stafford 3 1883 Louth 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 161 1886 Cadishead 1889 Belper 1892 Bingham 1895 Spilsby THOMAS, THOMAS (B). 1865 Bagillt, Welsh 1866 Llangollen, do. 1868 Tregarth, do. 1869 Llanfyllin, do. 1871 Coedpoeth, do. 1872 Holywell. do. 1873 Llanasa, do. 1874 Swansea, do. 1875 Tredegar, do. 1878 Merthyr-Tydvil,do.I 1879 Aberayron, do. 1881 Port-Madoc, Welsh 2 1883 Mold, do. 1886 Holywell, do. 1888 Holyhead, do., Sup.2 1890 Amlvvch, do., do. 3 1893 Mold, do., do. 1896 Dolgelly, &c., do. THOMAS, THOMAS W. Institution. 1889 Supply 1890 Mandalay, Burma 1 1891 Pakokku, do. 1892 Mandalay, do. 1893 Monywa.do. 1894 Mandalay, do. THOMAS, WILLIAM. 1859 Tregarth, Welsh 1860 Carnarvon, do. 1862 Barmouth, do. 1865 Coedpoeth, do. 1868 Dolgelly, do. 1871 Liverpool, Shaw-street, do. 3 1874 Llanfair, do. 1877 Bagillt, do. 1880 Llangollen, do. 1883 Mold, do. 1886 Llanrhaiadr, do. 3 1889 Beaumaris, do. 1892 Bagillt, do. 1895 Port-Madoc, do. THOMLINSON, NICH. W. 1878 Institution 1879 Harrogate 1880 Dewsbury 1883 Woodhouse Grove 3 1886 Burnley 1889 Sunderland, Sans-xtrcet 1892 Coventry 1895 Torquay, Union-st. THOMPSON, EDGAR W., THOMPSON, MICHAEL. M.A. 1869 Supply 2 Institution. 1871 Biggleswade 1 1 894 Ba,nga,]oTe,Janarcse, 1872 Bungay 3 JEdu. Dept., C. Ind. 1875 Wainfleet 3 THOMPSON, EDWARD. 1868 Institution 1 1869 Supply 1 1870 Durham 1 1878 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 3 1881 Coningsby 3 1884 Shrewsbury 1 1885 Woodville, &c. 3 1888 Sandhurst 3 1871 Hexham 2 1873 Stafford (Cannocli) 3 1876 Leek 3 1891 Pocklington 3 1894 Walsall, Wesley 3 1879 Sowerby-Bridge 3 THOMPSON, PETER. 1882 Selby 3 1871 Institution 2 1885 Tarporley 3 1873 Ulverston 3 1888 Cannock 3 1876 Huddersfield,#.-.5.3 1891 Boroughbridge 3 1894 New Mills 3 1879 Finsbury-Park 3 1882 Eedhill 3 THOMPSON, GEO. WM. 1885 London Mission, E. 3 Institution. 1888 London Mis., Com,. 1896 Supply of 4 1892 London Mission 1 THOMPSON.H. EPWRTH. 1893 London Mission, E. 3 1869 Institution 1 1896 London Mission 1870 Aldershot, Camp 3 1873 Woolwich, Garr. 3 THOMPSON, THOMAS. 1876 Shorncliffe, Camp 2 1856 Wigton, &c. 1 1878 Portsmouth, Garr.3 1857 Arbroath, &c. 1 1881 Abingdon 3 1858 Clitheroe 1 1884 Harwich 3 1859 Ludlow 1 1887 Derby, Kinq-st. 3 1860 Hinckley 1 1890 Brentford ' 3 1861 Bramley 1 1893 London, Islington 3 1862 Andover 2 1896 Bedford, St. Paul 's 1864 Salisbury 2 THOMPSON, JOHN (A). 1870 Institution 1 1871 Bridport 3 1874 Teignmouth ) 1866 Shaftesbury 2 1868 Glastonbury 3 1871 Helmsley 2 1873 Callington 3 1876 Colchester 1 1875 Exeter J 1877 Gloucester 3 1877 Staplecross 3 1880 Alton 3 1880 Liskeard 3 1883 Dunster 2 1883 Leamington 3 1886 Oxford 1 1887 Longton 3 1890 Stone 3 1885 Shepton-Mallet 3 1888 Bridgend 3 1891 Wantage 3 1894 Bourne 3 1893 Thetford 3 1896 Cottenham THOMPSON, TH. EDW. THOMPSON, J. HAVELK. 1877 Supply 1 1896 Supply 1878 Institution THOMPSON, WILLIAM. 1880 Institution 1 1878 Institution 1 1881 Supply 1 1879 Windsor 3 1882 Deal 2 1882 Dartmouth 1 1884 Withernsea 1 1883 Tenterden 2 1885 Pontypridd 3 1885 Maidstone 3 1888 Alnwick 3 1888 Hitchin 3 1891 Pocklington 3 1891 Bideford 3 1894 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1894 Conglcton 3 11 162 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN THOMPSON, W. HENRY. 1875 Liverpool, Wesley 3 1870 Dawley 3 1859 Wantage 2 1878 Liverpool,TFi?*.,(S 1868 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1871 Morley 2 2 1883 Maidstone 3 1873 Graham's-Town, 2 1 1886 Glasgow, Paisley -road 3 Eng., S. Africa 4 1877 King William's-Tn., 3 1889 Hnll,George-yd. 1 Eng., do. 6 1891 Hull, Kingston J ' 1883 East London, 1892 Sunderland, Eng., do. 1 Fawcett-st. 3 1895 Halifax, Wesley 1884 Vising England 1 1885 Belize, Brit. Hon. 5 1 3 1 3 TYAS, VETRANIO. 1864 St. Mary's Island, Gambia, W.Afr. 5 1890 London, Mi*. Com. 1 1891 Lancaster, Sup. 1 1892 South Africa, do. 1 1869 Neath 1 ULRICH, KARL. 1 1 1870 Ledbury 2 1872 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1894 Klein Popo, W. Afr. 2 1875 Holmfirth 3 UNDERWOOD, WM. J. 2 2 1878 Blyth 3 1881 Shotley-Bridge 2 1884 Pretoria, Eng., South Africa 2 1! 1883 Colne \ o 1886 Mahamba, 2 1884 Barnoldswick J A iSirazilandATis.,do. 1 1886 Bury 3 1887 Barberton, 1889 Stamford 3 Gold fields, do. 3 1892 Whitchurch 3 1895 Wellingborough 1890 Pretoria, Eng., do. 5 1895 Salisbury 1 TYLER, GEORGE S. il 1862 Blackburn 2 UNSWORTH, WILLIAM. 1864 Dover 2 1852 Abergavenny 1 ' 1866 Swansea 2 1853 Lerwick, Zetland 1 J. 1868 Manchester, Grosvenor-street 3 1854 Dunbar 2 1856 Cockermouth. &c. 2 1 1871 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 1 1858 Alford 3 3 1872 Dover. Svp. 1 1861 Beverley 3 3 1873 Maidstone 3 1864 Pontefract 3 3 1876 Abingdon 3 1867 Derby 3 3 1879 Redruth 1 1870 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 3 1880 Rochester 2 1873 Bradford, Manhm. 3 .8 1882 Dover 3 1876 Manchester, 8 1885 Bedford,SO/a;y* 3 18S8 Exeter 3. Oxford-road 3 1879 Macclesfield 3 3 1891 Kilburn. &c. 3 1882 London, ffinde-st. 3 3 1894 Derby, King-street 3 1885 Cheltenham 3 1888 Derby, King-st. .Sup. :; TYREMAN, JOHN T. 3 Institution. URECH, JAKOB. 1890 Supply 1 1874 Waiblingen, Ger. 4 3 1891 Buckingham 1 1878 Stuttgart, do. 1 1892 Harrogate 2 1879 Backnang. do. 3 ^., 1894 Lincoln. Siqh-xt. 2 1882 Siegen, Germany 3 1896 Leeds, Rothwell 1885 London, German 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 165 1888 London, 1858 Haabai, do. 3 Bloomsbury, do. 3 1861 Returning Home 1 1891 London, 1862 Tunbridge- Wells 2 Commercial-rd., 1864 Margate, Sup. 9 do. 1 1873 Ticehurst ' 3 1892 Waiblingen, Ger- 1876 Dover 3 many. 1879 Abingdon 1 TJTTLEY, FRANK. 1880 Supernumerary. Institution. VERCOE, WALTER. 1891 Supply 1 1845 Bodmin 1 1892 Bedford & North- 1846 Poole 1 ampton, Dis. Mis. 1 1847 Sherborne 2 1 893 Rhondda, Dis. Mis. 1 1849 Melksham 3 1894 Ripley 3 1852 Devizes 2 VALENTINE, HENRY. 1854 Hayle 3 1857 St. Ives 3 1862 Driffield 2 1860 Cardiff 3 1864 Newtown 2 1863 Runcorn 3 1866 Doncaster 3 1869 Alford 3 1872 Preston, Wesley 3 1875 Bacup 3 1878 Runcorn 3 1866 St. Helens, &c. 3 1869 Haslingden 3 1872 Bolton, Wesley 3 1875 Manchester, Irw.ell-street 3 1881 Manchester, Irwell-street 3 1878 Stockport,//j%^'. 3 1881 Rochdale, Wesley 3 1887 Wakefield ' 3 1890 Nottingham, 1884 Rochdale, Union-tit. 3 1887 Oldham, Wesley 3 1890 Morley 2 A rTtwright-st. 3 1893 Preston, 'Wes. 3 1896 Cross Hills 1892 St. Helens,&c.,AS^. 3 1895 Manchester, City-road, d/>. VANES, J. ALFRED, B.A. 1874 Didsbury, As. Tu. 2 VINCENT, SAMUEL. 1863 Poole 3 1876 Bangalore, Canarese, Edu. Dept., C.I. 14 1890 Bangalore, Tamil, 1866 Ryde 1 1867 Salisbury 3 1870 Midsomer-Norton 3 do. 2 1892* Visiting England 1 1893 Karur,'6 Y . /. 1 1873 Kingswood 2 1875 Tewkesbury 3 1878 Lonton * 3 1894 Visiting England 1 1895 Hassan, C. /. 1 1896 Bangalore, Theol. 1881 Chesterfield 3 1884 Luton, Waller-st. 3 1887 Gt. Yarmouth 3 Inst., C. Ind. 1890 Blaekburn,Ztawvre3 VENKATASAWMY, 1893 Leeds, Richmond-' PASUPALATE. hill 3 1885 Bolarum, C. India 2 1896 Sheffield, Ebenezer 1887 Hyderabad, do. 2 VINE, ALFRED H. 1889 Siddipett, do. 1 1867 Cleckheaton 1 1890 Kureem-Nuggurrfo.l 1868 Windsor 1 1891 Nemalikonda, do. 1 1892 Kothapalli, do. 2 1869 Brighton 1 1870 Stonehouse, &c. 1 1894 Siddipett, do. 1 1871 Stamford 2 1895 Kothapalli, do. 1873 Loughborough 2 VERCOE, JOHN. 1875 Middlesbrough 3 1852 Vavau, Friendly 1878 Banbury 3 Isles 3 1881 Bradford, Eastbrk. 3 1855 Tongatabu, do. 3 1884 Chester 3 1887 Leeds, Ileadinglc-y 3 1890 London, Hackney 3 1893 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1896 Aldeiiey Edge, &c. VIN ON, THOMAS. 1819 Merthyr-Tydvil 2 1851 Gnildford 3 1854 Leigh, Essex 2 1856 Thame 3 1859 Hungerford 3 1862 Shepton-Mallet 3 1865 Ripon 1 1866 Kingswood 2 1868 Aylesbury 3 1871 Buckingham 3 1871 St. Ives & Hunt. 3 1877 Castle-Donington 1 1878 Castle-Don., Sup. 1 1879 Ticehurst 3 1882 Ticehurst, Sup. 2 1884 Tasmania, do. VINT, JOHN S. 1852 Deal 3 1855 Newport, /. of W. 2 1857 Southampton 3 1860 Wey mouth 2 1862 London, City -road 3 1865 London, St. Geo. 3 1868 Canterbury 2 1870 Durham 1 1871 Liverpool, Pitt-st. 3 1874 iiondon,Sovtkwark3 1877 Wednesbury, We*. \ 1878 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1881 Leeds, Headingley 3 1884 Sheffield, Ebenezer 3 1887 Leigh, Lane. 3 1890 Shepton-Mallet 1 1891 Leeds, Headingley, Sup. VIVIAN, ALBERT E.* Institution, 1892 Fyzabad, C. India 1 1893 Benares, do. 2 18i)5 Hereford 1 1896 Out of Jwalth VOWLES, HENRY H. 1867 Supply 1 1868 Faversham 2 1870 Barnsley 3 1873 Hexham 1 1874 Gateshead 3 1877 London, Southwrk. 3 1880 Stockton 3 1883 Pembroke 3 * Died Oct. 29th, 1896. 166 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GREAT BRITAIN 1886 Birmingham, 1886 Leeds, Armley 3 1888 Didsbury, As. Tu. 3 Selmont-row 3 1889 Midsomer- Norton 3 1891 Huddersfield, 1889 Blackpool 3 1892 Helper 3 Gledholt 3 1892 Nelson 3 1895 Todmorden 1894 Bristol, King-st. 3 1895 Gloucester WAINMAN, THOMAS H. WALKER, CALEB A. WADDY, JOHN T. 1882 Institution 1 1879 Institution 1 1859 Manning tree 1 1883 Port Alfred, S.Afr. 1 1880 Supply 2 1860 Louth 2 1884 Grahams-Town, 1882 Bland'ford, &c. 3 1862 Hastings 1 Dis. Mis., do. 1 1885 Builth 2 1863 Worcester 1 1885 Bechuanaland, 1887 Neath 3 1864 Dunstable 3 1867 Gainsborough 3 Army Chap., do. 1 1886 Potchefstroom, 1890 Holt 3 1893 Wisbech 2 1870 Accrington 2 Eng., do. 5 1895 Yoxford 1872 Lincoln 3 1875 Teignmouth 3 1891 Zoutpansberg, Goodhope, do. 4 WALKER, FRANK V. Institution. 1878 Winchester 1 1895 Johannesberg, 1896 Supply 1879 Cardiff , Loud oun-sg.'H Eng., do. 1 1882 Glossop 3 1896 Visiting England WALKER, GEO. C., B.A. 1885 Rawtenstall 3 1894 Eombay,Eng.,C.Ind. 1888 Lancaster 3 1891 Bodmin 3 WAINWRIGHT,ALBERT. Institution. WALKER, SAMUEL. 1894 Porthleven 2 1896 Dorchester 1888 Supply 1 1889 Chatteris 2 1838 Biggleswade 1 1839 Kettering 1 1840 Stamford 3 WADDY, JOHN T., B.A. lo7 1 liGrcrord 1 QOQ TTnlf 3 1843 Bradford, Eaatbrk. 3 Institution. 1886 Supply 1 1O*7O XT.U1U O 1896 Great Yarmouth 1846 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1849 Nottingham, 1887 Dorchester 3 1890 Walls, Zetland 3 WAKELY, JAMES. 1882 Institution 2 Halifax-place 3 1852 Macclesfield 3 1893 St. Helen's, &c. 3 1896 Luton, Waller-st. 1884 Kilkhampton 3 1887 Colne 2 1855 Cheltenham 3 1858 Glasgow, St. Thos. 1 WADSWORTH, HENRY. 1881 Institution 1 1882 Supply 1889 Easing wold 3 1892 Otley 3 1895 Leeds, Armley 1859 London. Spitalflds. 3 1862 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1865 Leamington 1 1884 Bromsgrove 3 1887 Uttoxeter 2 1889 Cheadle 3 1892 Bingham 3 1895 Southwell WAKERLEY, JOHN E. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Supply 1 1885 Nottingham, Wes. 2 1887 Highgate 3 1869 Bradford' Manhm. 3 1872 ~LiveTpoo\,Brnswk. 3 1875 Baling & Acton 3 1878 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1881 Scarborough " 3 WAGSTAFFE, JOHN. 1890 London Mission, 1884 Scarborough, Sup. 1885 Institution&Supply2 1887 Castletown,/.o/J/.2 1889 Uttoxeter 3 1892 Northwich 3 Central 3 1893 London Mission 1 1894 London Mission, Central 3 WALKER, S. GAMBLE. Institution. 1890 Supply 1 1891 Chester 3 1895 Hawes WAKINSHAW, 1894 Manchester, WILLIAM. Victoria 3 WAIN, EDWARD A. 1883 Institution 1 1861 lAverpocUfSmnok.! 1884 Supply 1 WALKER, WILLIAM H. 1862 Whitchurch, Salop 2 1885 Bel per 2 1865 Institution 1 1864 Merthyr-Tydvil 1 1887 Hebden Bridge 3 1866 Horncastle 1 1865 Hinckley 1 1890 Boston 3 1867 Barnsley 2 1866 Inverness 3 1869 Wath-on-Dearne 3 1872 Retford 3 1893 Accrington 3 1896 Cardiff, Wesley 1869 Doncaster 2 1871 Workington 3 1874 South-Shields 3 1875 Bingley 2 WALKER, ALBERT H., 1877 Penrith 3 1877 Bakewetl 3 B.A. 1880 Bacup 3 1880 Worthing 3 1886 Institution 1 1883 Witney 3 1883 Cleckheaton 3 1887 Supply 1 1886 Holmfirth 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 167 1889 Ripon 3 1882 Bradford- Avon ) WALTON, WILLIAM M. 1892 Stockton-on-Tees 3 1884 Trowbridge and V 3 1869 Trincomalee, Cey. 2 1895 Wednesbury 1 Bradford ) 1871 Jaffna, do. 1 1896 Witney, Sup. 1885 Whitstable 3 1872 Kalmunai, do. 3 1888 Stamford 1 1875 Manaar, do. 5 WALL, JOHN J. 1889 Chertsey 3 1880 Jaffna, do. 4 1883 Institution 1 1892 Teddington 2 1884 Coloml)o,JampettaJi- 1884 Supply 1 1894 Exeter, Sup. st.. Tamil, do. 5 1885 Towcester 3 ' J 1889 Point Pedro, do. 3 1888 Nottingham, Arkwriyht-street 3 1891 Keighley 3 WALTEES, CH. ENSOB. Institution 1892 Batticaloa, do. 4 1896 Point Pedro, do. 1894 Birkenhead 3 1895 Supply 1 1896 London Mis., WALTON, W. WALTEE. WALLACE, WILLIAM. West Central 18T3 Institution 1 Institution. 1874 Macclesfield 2 1889 Supply 1 1890 Truro 3 WALTEES, WILLIAM D. 1876 Bury 1 1877 Burnley 3 1893 Cardiff, Penarth 2 1865 Brecon 2 1880 Mansfield 3 1895 Peterhead 1867 Haverfordwest 3 1883 Sunderland, 1870 Sher borne 3 Faweett-street 3 WALLEE, DAVID J., D.D. 1873 London, Islington 3 1886 Gateshead, institution. 1876 London, Hackney 3 High West-street 3 1857 Supply 1 1879 Bradford, Eastlrk. 3 1889 Darlington, 1858 Maidstone 3 1882 Leeds, Brunswick 3 North-road 3 1861 Dover 3 1885 London, Hackney 3 1892 Camborne 3 1864 York 3 1888 Highgate 1 1895 London, 1867 Hull, Waltham-st. 3 1889 London Mission, Canning-town 1870 Manchester, Secretary Grosvenor-street 3 WAMSLEY, J. MAYDEW. 1873 Liverpool,-Br?mt>&. 3 WALTON, JOHN, M.A. 1858 Bradford, Kirkgate 1 1876 Southport ) q 1878 Southport, Trin. ) ' 1879 Bolton, Park-st. 2 1846 Ceylon, Mis. Com. 1 1847 Trincomalee, Cey. 3 1850 Batticaloa, 1st, do. 1 1859 Derby 3 1862 Wakefield 1 1863 Oldham 3 1881 London, Sec. Educ. Com. [Secretary of tJie Confer ence 1886 to 1894. 1851 Jaffna, styn-rd.B 1892 London, Sydenliam 3 1895 Leeds, Woodhouse Moor WAED, ANTHONY. 1842 Institution 2 1844 Bishop- Stortford 1 1845 Canterbury 1 1846 Bingham 2 1848 Bristol, King-street 1 1849 Shrewsbury 2 1851 Lincoln 3 1854 Derby 3 1857 Bradford.JTzVifya^ 3 1860 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 1863 Macclesfield 3 1866 Birmingham, CJierry-street 3 1869 Sheffield, Ebenezer 3 1872 Manchester, Gravel-lane 3 1875 Leeds, Oxford-pi. 3 1878 Leeds, Brunswick 3 1881 London, Chelsea 3 1884 London, Peckham 3 1887 Brentford 3 1890 London, Sydenliam, Sup. WAED, ANTHONY G. 1859 Barbados, lst,W.I. 1 1860 Demerara, George- town, Br. Guiana 1 1861 Barbados, 1st, W.I. 2 1863 St. Vincent, 1st, do. 1 1864 Lincoln 3 1867 London, Gt.Qn.-st. 3 1870 Filey 3 1873 Bradford, Gt.HortnS 1876 Tunstall 2 1878 Stourbridge 3 1881 Redditch 3 1884 Weymouth 3 1887 Dartmouth, .2 WATTS, JOHN T. Institution. 1893 Staplecross 3 1896 Gunnislake 1889 Supply 2 1891 Buxton 3 WEAVER, BENJAMIN. 0- 1894 Towcester 2 1881 Institution 1 1 1896 Colne 1882 Supply 2 It ; 3 3 3 9 WATTGH, THOMAS. 1882 Institution 1 1883 London, Home Mis. Com., Conn.Evan. 1884 Third London, Dis. Mis. 1 1885 "London,SouthwrJt. 3 1888 Leicester, Bishop-street 3 9 WEARE, WILLIAM J. 1891 Grimsby 3 o Q 1877 St. Neots 2 1894 Huddersfield, & 3 1879 Kington 1 Buxton-road 3 1880 Towcester 2 3 1882 Walsingham 1 WEAVER, EDWIN M. 3 1883 Salisbury 3 Institution. 3 1886 Newbury 3 1889 Jaffna, Petta k, Cey. 1 3 1889 Stourbridge 3 1890 Trincomalee, S..do. 4 1892 Peel, /. of Man 3 1894 Kalmunai, do. 1895 Biggies wade N. 1 WEATHERILL, JOHN. WEAVER, SAMPSON. 2 1847 Allendale-Town 1 1866 Institution 1 1 1848 Houghton-le-Spr. 3 1867 Padiham 1 1 1851 Bodmin 1 1868 Blackburn 3 3 1852 Coventry 2 1871 Bolton, Bridge-st. 3 3 1854 Worcester 3 1874 Stockport, Tiv.-dale 3 3 1857 South-Shields 3 1877 Bacup 3 1860 Howden 3 1880 London, Gt.Qn.-st. 3 1863 Barton-on-Humber3 1883 Manchester, 1866 Alford 3 Gravel-lane 3 1869 Bilston 3 1886 Sutherland-Gardns.3 H 1872 Wednesbury, 1889 London, Bow 3 1 Springhead 3 1892 Tooting 3 1 1875 Whitby 3 1895 Liverpool, Grove-st. * Died Oct. 21st, 1896. AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 171 WEAVIND, GEORGE. WEBSTER, EBEN., M.A. 1877 Rawtenstall 1 1871 Institution 1 Institution. 1878 Nelson 2 1872 Potchefstroom,A2 887 Managurdi, Educ. 1880 Wednesbury, Wes. 3 1874 Lydenburg, do. 2 Dept., C. Ind. 1 1883 Folkestone 3 1876 Potchefstroom, do. 1 888 Peria Durapuram, 1886 Swindon 3 1877 Kimberlev, do. I do. 1 1889 Lowestoft 3 1878 Pretoria, do. 3 .889 Negapatam, 1892London, Bethnal-gn.\ 1881 Mahamba, Educ. Dept., do. 1893 London, Lambeth 3 SwazilandMis.,do.2 1896 Bristol, 1883 Potchefstroom, WEBSTER, JOSEPH. Langton-st. Mis. -Eng., do. 3 1847 Belize, Brit. Hon. 4 1886 Pretoria, Eng., do. 2 1888 Johannesberg, Eng., do. 4 [851 Falmouth, Jam. 1 L852 Duncan's, do. 1 1853 Kingston, do. 2 WELLS, JOSEPH. Institution. 1892 Pretoria, Train. Inst. 1855 Guy's-Hill, do. 1 1889 Supply 1 WEBB, EDWARD D. 1853 Institution 1 1856 Spanish-Town, do. 1 1857 Puerto-Plata,//ay^l 1858 Gibraltar 5 1890 Brynmawr 3 1893 Brynmawr Mis. 1 1894 Swansea 1 1854 Ruatan, Br. Hon. 8 1863 Shorncliffe, Camp 3 1895 Risca 1862 Belize, do. 3 1866 Aldershot, Camp 3 1865 Ruatan, do. 2 1869 Portsmouth, Garr.3 WENN, THOMAS. 1867 Returning Home 1 1868 Alderley-Edge 2 1870 Uttoxeter 3 1872 Burnley 3 1875 Leigh ton- Buzzard 1 1876 Malta. Garrison 4 1857 Callington 3 1860 Devonport 1 1861 St. Austell 3 1873 Ilkeston 3 1876 Ramsey, I. of N. 3 1880 Fareham 1 1881 Liskeard, Sup. 1 1864 Launceston 1 1865 Falmouth 3 1879 Hinckley 1 1880 Abergavenny 3 1883 Ledbury 3 1886 Ketley Bank, &c. 3 1889 Portland 1 1890 Marl borough 3 1893 Oakham 2 1895 Ilkeston, Sup. 1882 Dartmouth, do. 1 1883 Cairo, Egypt, do. 1 1884 Portsmouth, Wes.,do. WEISS, KARL C. 1892 Backnang, Oer. 1 1893 Magdeburg, do. 2 1895 Waiblingen, do. 1868 Doncaster 3 1871 Ryde, /. of W. 1 1872 Devonport, Sup. 1 1873 Tiverton 3 1876 North Hill 1879 Launceston 3 1882 Gravesend 1885 Launceston, Sup. 3 WEBB, RICHARD. WELCH, OSWALD. 1888 St. Keverne 3 1861 Clitheroe 1 1874 Belize, Brit. lion. 2 1891 North Hill 3 1862 Hereford 1 1876 Ruatan, do. 2 1894 Launceston, Sup. 1 1863 Andover 1 1878 Belize, do. 1 1895 Gunnislake 1 1864 Downham 1 1879 Port Antonio, W.I. 5 1896 Launceston, Sup. 1865 Liskeard 1 1884 Duncans, do. 3 1866 North-Isles, Zet. 3 1887 Montego Bay, do. 4 WENYON, CHAS., M.D., 1869 Banff 3 1891 Wath-upon-Dearnc3 M.Ch., L.R.C.P. 1872 Helston 3 1894 Horncastle 2 1871 Institution 1 1875 Scilly Islands 1 1876 Kilkhampton 3 1879 Yoxford 1 1880 Daventry 3 1883 St. Agnes 3 1896 Chesterfield WELLER, GOTTFRIED. 1874 Adelsheim, Oer. 2 1876 Winnenden, do. 1 1872 Bishop Auckland 1 1873 Wrexham 2 1875 Liverpool, Grove-st.3 1878 Preston, Lune-st. 2 1880 Fatshan, China 13 1886 Towcester 1 1887 Chard 1 1888 Rhondda 3 1877 Glogau, do. 5 1882 Kirchberg-on-the- Jagst, do. 4 1893 Visiting England 1 1894 Fatshan Hospital, &c. CJJiinct 1891 Tredegar 2 1886 Glogau, do. 5 1893 Weardale 2 1891 Welzheim, do. 5 WESLEY, BENJAMIN P. 1895 Snaith 1896 Schorndorf. do. 1882 YAlgimde}, C.India 1 WEBBER, JAS. WELLS, ALFRED. 1883 Secunderabad, do. 1 LEONARD. 1868 Supply 2 1884 Hyderabad, do. 2 Institution. 1870 Ashton-Lyne 1 1886 Siddipett, do. 3 1893 Supply 2 1871 Sunderland,iswk. 3 1883 Sunderland,w*-,s;.3 1886 New Barnet 3 1889 Bristol, Redland 3 1892 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1895 Blackpool WESTON, HENRY G. W. 1883 Institution 1 1884 Supply 1 1885 Bridport 1 1886 Tivcrton 3 1889 Ayr . 3 1892 Alexandria " 1 1893 Guisborough, &.c. 3 1896 Crook WHARTON, ANDREW I. 1864 Cambridge 1 1865 Manchester, Gravel-lane 1 1866 Padiham 1 1867 Colne 2 1869 Glossop 3 1872 Ashton-Lyne 3 1875 Haslingden 3 1878 Neath 2 1880 Kendal 3 1883 Retford 3 AND ON THE FOREIGN STATIONS. 173 1886 Alford 3 WHITBREAD, GEORGE. 1891 Danby 3 1889 Dewsbury 3 1883 Institution 1 1894 Brynmawr 1 1892 Cleckheaton 3 1884 Supply 1 1895 Kettering 1895 Canterbury WHEATLEY, TIMOTHY. 1873 Institution 1 1874 Torquay 3 1877 Leamington 3 1885 Havre, France 2 1887 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1888 Ashford 1 1889 Gwennap 3 1892 Tavistock 3 1895 Boston WHITE, J. LEONARD. 1882 Institution 2 1884 Supply 1 1885 Great-Bentley 2 1887 Stratford 3 1890 Grantham 3 1880 Banbury 3 1883 Beading 3 1886 Sunderland, WHITE, ABRAHAM S. 1854 Institution 1 1893 Nottingham, Wes. 3 1896 Kingston Fawcett-street 3 1855 Gibraltar 1 WHITE, JOHN. 1889 London, Highbury 3 1856 Wellingborough 1 Institution. 1892 London, Baysivater 3 1857 Newbury 1 1892 Klerksdorp, S. Afr. 1 1895 Cardiff, Penarth 1858 Mis. Com. 1 1893 Victoria, JEny., do. 2 1859 Trichinopoly,C".7?wU 1895 Salisbury, Eng.,do. 1 WHELPTON, GEO., M.A. 1880 Havre, France 15 1895 Paris, do. 1860 Marargudi, do. 1 1861 Trichinopoly, do. 2 1863 St. Thomas'-Mt.,do. 2 1865 Returning Home 1 1896 Hartleyton, Nat., do. WHITE, JOHN P. 1865 South Molton 2 WHETNALL, ARTHUR. Institution. 1866 Portsmouth, 6arr. 3 1869 Shorncliffe, Camp 1 1870 Bradford-on-Avon 3 1867 Bridgwater 1 1868 Tiverton 2 1870 Axminster 1 1888 Supply 1 1889 Blandford 2 1891 Nelson 3 1894 Farn worth 3 1873 Watford 3 .1876 Leighton-Buzzard 3 1879 Stokesley 3 1882 Staplecross 3 1871 Stroud 1 1872 Daventry 3 1875 Kineton 3 1878 Gunnislake 3 WHINCUP, JOSEPH. Institution, 1885 St. Columb 1 1886 Shaftesbury 3 1889 Stonehouse 2 1881 Loiighborough 3 1884 Sleaford 3 1887 Market Drayton 3 1889 Supply 2 1891 Secunderabad, C.I. 1 1892 Siddipett, do. 1 1891 Okehampton 3 1894 Torquay, Union-st., iSup. 1 1890 Cinderford 3 1893 Caistor, &c. \ 1895 Caistor j ^ 1893 Daventry 3 1896 Northampton, (raid-street 1895 Exeter, do. 1 1896 Okehampton, do. 1896 Spennymoor WHITE, W. J. PEN- WHITE, A. DENBIGH. BERTHY. WHITAKER, SAMITEL. 1860 Hornsea 2 Institution. Institution. 1862 Doncaster 2 1895 Dis. Missionary, 1890 Supply 1 1864 Bake well 3 JBaJta. 1891 Tredegar 3 1867 Bury 3 WHITE, WILLIAM G. 1894 CastJetown 1 1870 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 3 1872 Aylesbury 3 1895 Aberdare 1 1873 Haverfordwest 3 1875 Hitchin 3 1896 Midsomer-Xorton 1876 Skiptori 3 1878 Blackburn, 1879 Barrow-in-Furness 3 11 aricood '-street 3 WHITAMORE, THOS. H. 1882 Woolwich 3 1881 Todmorden 3 1872 Institution 1 1885 Swindon 3 1884 Beverley 3 1873 Wakefield 3 1888 Padiham 3 1887 Horncastle 3 1876 Batley 2 1891 Devonport "] 1890 Holm firth 3 1878 Chesterfield 1 1893 Devonport, V 3 1893 Whitehaven 3 1879 Ashton-Lyne 1 Helmont j 1896 Pickering 1880 Calcutta, Eng., C.I. 5 1894 Winchester 3 1885 Returning Home 1 WHITEHEAD, JAMES. 1886 Leeds, St. Peter's 1 WHITE, G. KIRBY. 1868 Supply 2 1887 Madras, Eng., C.I.5 Institution, 1870 Evesham 1 1892 Visiting England 1 1887 Norwich and Lynn, 1871 Alderley-Edge 2 1893 Wolverhampton, Din. Mis. 2 1873 Cardiff, Loudoun-sgt.3 Darlington-street 3 18*9 N.-W. Essex Mis. 1 1876 Birstall 1 1896 Bromley 1890 Ramsey, Hunts. 1 1877 Cheltenham 3 174 MINISTERS, ETC., IN GBEAT BEITAIN 1880 Ilfracombe 2 WHITMORE, J.WESLEY. WICZRAMASINGHA.CH' 1882 Taunton 3 1876 Wisbech 1 1874 Hambantota, Cey. 3 1885 Croydon 2 1887 Budleigh-Salterton 1 1877 Coningsby 1 1878 Sittingbourne 1 1877 Metaremba, do. 5 1882 Matara, do. 9 1888 Ramsgate 1 1879 Bury St. Edmunds 1 1891 Moratuwa Rawata- 1889 Castle Donington 1 1880 Spennymoor 1 watta, do. 3 1890 Retired 2 1881 Andover 3 1894 Kalutara, do. 1892 North wich, Sup. 1884 Melton-Mowbray 3 1887 Barton-on-Humber3 WIESENAUER, J. WHITEHEAD, JOSEPH. 1890 Spalding 3 AUGUST. 1886 Carnarvon&Bangor3 1893 Hexham 3 1886 Cannstatt, Wiirt. 2 1889 Preston, Lune-st. 3 1896 Accrington 1888 London, Commer- 1892 Bacup 3 cial-road, Ger. 3 1895 Preston, Lune-st. WHITNEY, JOSEPH. 1891 London, Blooms-} bnn/, Ger. j-3 WHITEHEAD, ROBERT. 1876 Lucknow, Eng., C.I. 1 1892 London, Ger. } Institution. 1 8 7 7Calcu.tta,,engal i,doA 1894 Magdeburg, Ger. 1890 Supply 2 1881 Barrackpur, do. 4 1892 Pontypridd 2 1894 Christ church, &c. 2 1885 Visiting England 1 1886 Mis. Com., Sup. 1 WIESENAUER, J. CHR. 1881 Welzheim, Ger. \ ., 1896 Wiltshire Mis. 1887 Rheims, France 6 1883 Gmund,rfo. \ c 1893 Dartmouth. &c. 3 1884 Cannstatt, Wiirt. 2 WHITEHEAD, SILVEST. 1896 Teignmouth 1886 Ulm-on-Danube,^0.3 1865 Institution 1 1889 Siegen, do. 4 1866 Canton, W., China 1 WHITTLETON, ROBERT. 1893 Hall, Suabian, do. 3 1867 Fatshan, do. 4 1896 Schorndorf, do. 1871 Canton West do. 3 1872 Institution 1 1874 Canton East 'do. 2 1873 Ne\vProvidence,J5a.2 WIESENAUER, J. 1876 Returning Home 1 1877 Darlington 3 1880 Scarborough 3 1883 Manchester, Cheet ham-hill 3 1875 Harbour Island,<&>. 1 1876 New Providence, do. 2 1878 Eleuthera, 1st, do. 4 1882 N. Providence, do. 3 1885 Abaco, do. 2 FRIEDRICH. 1886 Nuremberg, Bav. 3 1889 Augsburg, do. 4 1893 Gmiind, Suabian, Wiirt. 1 1886 Southport, Trinity 3 1889 Southport, Mornington-road 3 1892 Eccles 3 1887 Harbour Island,. 4 1891 Eleuthera, 2nd, do. 3 1894 South Petherton 3 1894 Halle, Ger. WIJISINGHE, C. E. P. 1894 Giruwa Pattua, Cey. 1895 Bristol, Clifton WHYDALE, JOSIAH E. WIJISINGHE, DON. T. T. WHITFIELD, CHRIS. 1879 Institution 1 1880 Wisbech 3 1872 Institution 1 1873 Grimsby, Geo.-st. 2 1875 Norwich 3 1878 Whitby 3 1893 Badulla, Cey. 1 1894 Angulana, do. 1 1895 Alutgama, do. 1883 Kent, Dis. Mis. 1 1884 Weardale 3 1881 Leeds, St. Peter's 3 1884 Halifax, St. John's 3 WILDBLOOD, CHARLES. 1877 Supply 1 1887 Epworth 3 1890 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 2 1887 Manchester, Groxvenor-street 3 1878 Institution 1880 Institution 1 1892 Pocklington 3 1895 Pickering 1890 London, Bethnal-qreen 3 1881 Supply 2 1883 Malmesbury 3 WHITING, HENRY H. 1893 Hull Mission, Old Town 3 1886 Bridport ' 3 1889 St. John's Wood institution, 1 ftQ9 CJiirAT^lir 1 1896 Birmingham, Mission 3 io.'4 ouppiy j. 1893 Nottingham, Tennynon-st. 3 Selmont-row 1892 Lowestoft 2 1894 Worcester 3 1896 Stamford WICKRAMARATNA, H. DE SILVA. WILDE, THOMAS. 1850 Institution 1 WHITING, J. CLAUDE. 1889 Madampitiya, Cey. 3 1851 Norwich 1 Institution. 1892 Colombo, N.,Pettah. 1852 Lowestoft 2 1894 Barbcrton, Gold do. 3 1854 Peterborough 2 .Field*, Eng., S.A, 1895 Metaremba, do. 1856 Walls, Zetland 3 AND ON THE FOBEIGN STATIONS. 175 1859 Tipton 3 WILKIN, SAMUEL R. WILKINSON, J. 1862 Keading 2 1872 Institution 1 STAINER. 1864 Pembroke 3 1873 Jaffna, Educ. Institution. 1867 Manchester, Dept., Ceylon 1 1890 Supply 1 Radnor-street 3 1874 Colombo, Prin. 1891 Ramsey, Hunts 1 1870 Bury 3 Wes. Coll., do. 8 1892 Clay ton-le- Moors 3 1873Manchester, Oty-rdS 1882 Galle, Richmond-hL, 1895 Stamford 1 1876 Seacombe 3 Prin. of Coll., do. 6 1896 ~London,Srixton-hill 1879 Southport, Morning ton-road 3 1882 Llandudno & Rhyl 3 1888 Visiting England 1 1889 Newbury 3 1892 Hayle 3 WILKINSON, THOS. H. 1892 Institution 1 1885 Sheffield,J\ 7 ublin,laclchl-pl.3 1882 Carrickfergus 3 MINISTEKS, ETC., IN IRELAND. 183 1885 Eelfa,st,Ballyma(;rt.3 1874 Fermoy 3 BOYD, ROBERT, M.A. 1888 Portadown 3 1877 Aughnacloy 2 1863 Cootehill 1 1891 Belfast, Fredk.-st. 3 1879 Ballycastle 3 1864 Boyle 1 1894 Limerick, 1882 Trim 3 1865 Kilkenny 1 Geoi-ge-street 3 1885 Magherafelt 3 1866 Roscrea 2 1888 Pettigo 2 1868 Ballymena 1 BALL, HENRY. 1890 Downpatrick 1 1869 Clonmel, Sup. 1 1866 Ballymena 1 1891 Belfast, Donegal- 1870 Dublin, Centny. ,do. 2 1867 Omagh 2 square, Sup. 1872 Dublin, Cork-st. 3 1869 Tandragee 2 1875 Trim 3 1871 Dublin, Abbey-st. 1 BASKIN, CHARLES. 1878 Parsonstown 3 1872 Portadown 3 1864 Sligo 1 1881 Dungannon 2 1875 Cootehill 3 1865 Carlow 1 1883 Banbridge 3 1878 Donegal 3 1866 Lucan & Trim 2 1886 Wicklow 3 1881 Youghal 3 1868 Tandragee 1 1889 Mullingar 1 1884 Armagh 3 1869 Ballymena 3 1890 Parsonstown 3 1887 Newtownards 3 1872 Newry 1893 Galway, &c. 3 1890 Lisburn 2 1875 Portadown 3 1896 Dundalk 1892 Belfast, General 1878 Armagh 3 Mission 1881 Ballynahinch 3 BOYD, SAMUEL T., B.A. 1884 Newtownards 3 1874 Cootehill 1 BALLARD, J. WOODS. 1887 Sligo 3 1875 Dungannon 3 1851 Wexford 2 1890 Castlederg 3 1878 Belfast, Knock 1 1853 Armagh 2 1893 Dungannon 3 1855 Roscrea 2 1896 Dundrum, &c. 1882 Stewartstown 3 1857 Dublin, Centenary 2 1885 Dublin, Abbey -st. 3 1859 Ballymena 2 BLACK, JAMES. 1888 Limerick, 1861 Coleraine 2 1837 Brookborough 2 Bedford-row 3 1863 Strabane 1 1839 Irvinestown 1 1891 Cork, Patrick-st. 3 1864 Moira 1 1840 Clones 2 1894 Tralee 3 1865 Dungannon 3 1842 Cavan 1 1868 Tandragee 2 Ig70 Carrickfergus 3 1873 Belfast, Ligoniel 3 1876 Queenstown 3 1879 Bandon 3 1882 Tralee 3 1885 Waterford 3 1888 Belfast, Crumlin-road 3 1891 Limerick, Georgc-st.3 1894 Dublin, Sandymount 3 1843 Magherafelt 1 1844 Castleblaney 2 1846 Lowtherstown 3 1849 Clones 2 1851 Newtownbarry 3 1854 Tandragee 3 1857 Longford 2 1859 Moira 3 1862 Strabane 1 1863 Dromore 3 1866 Ballyclare 3 1869 Cavan 3 BRACKEN, WILLIAM A. 1876 Brookborough 2 1878 Skibbereen 2 1880 Abbeyleix 2 1882 Kingstown 3 1885 Lame 2 1887 Dublin, Stephen's Green 3 1890 Sligo 3 1893 Car^Patriek-st.} 1894 Cork j [Delegate and Vice-Pre- 1872 Lurgan 3 1896 Sligo sident, 1891.] BARNES, GEORGE. 1875 Banbridge 1 1876 Belfast, Cfnivemity- road Sun. 2 BRADSHAW, JAMES. 1 863 Primith-e IF. J/. C. 15 1857 Wexford 1 1858 Newtownbarry 1 1878 Holywood, do. 2 1880 Belfast, 1878 Nevvtownstewart 1 1879 Swanlinbar 1 1859 Maryborough 1 Ormeau-road, do. 1 1880 Springfield, &c. 3 1860 Carlow 1 1861 Lowtherstown 1 1881 Dromore, do. 1 1882 Belfast 1883 Strabane 1 1884 Downpatrick 2 1862 Belmullet 1 Ormeau-road, do. 2 1886 Maguiresbridge 3 1863 Manorhamilton 1 1864 Magherafelt 1 1884 Holywood, do. 1 1891 Dromore, do. 1889 Clifden 3 1892 Belturbet 2 1865 Clonakilty 2 1894 Bailiebo rough 3 1867 Oughterard 2 BOVENIZER, M. 1869 Westport 1 FITZELL. BRYANS, WILLIAM. 1870 Brookborough 1 1893 Armagh 2 1895 Swanlinbar 1 1871 Berehaven-Mines 3 1895 Enniskillen 1896 Fivemilctown 184 MINISTERS, ETC., IN IRELAND. BUDD, WILLIAM R. 1874 Supply 1 1875 Wexford 2 1877 Rathdrura 3 1880 Tullamore 3 1883 Maryborough 3 1886 Wexford 3 1889 Holy wood 3 1892 Roscrea 2 1894 Arklow, &c. 1 1895 Londonderry BTTTLEE, RICHARD. 1865 Primitive W.M.C.18 1878 Enniskillen 1 1879 Kelfast,Falls-road 3 1882 Charlemont 3 1885 Dundrum 3 1888 Belfast, Falls-road 3 1891 Antrim, &c. 3 1894 Dundrum, &c. 2 1896 Lurgan, tyieen-sst. BYERS, ROBERT. 1889 Drumshambo, &c. 3 1892 Fivemiletown 1 1893 Wexford 1 1894 Cootehill 3 CAIRNS, WILLIAM T 1891 Newry 2 1893 Charlemont 2 1895 Maryborough CALDWELL, WILLIAM. 1887 Kilkenny 1 1888 Roscrea 1 1889 Manorhamilton 2 1891 Wicklow 2 1893 Coleraine 1 1894 Bally shannon 3 CAMPBELL, JOS. W. R., M.A. 1876 Rathdrum 1 1877 Dublin, Stephen'* Green 3 1880 Dublin, Rathmines 3 1883 Athlone 3 1886 Limerick, Bedford-row 2 1888 Cor\s.,Patrick-st. 3 1891 Tralee 3 1894 Kingstown 3 CAREY, WM. S., B.A. 1879 Lisburn 1 1880 Roscrea 3 1883 Wexford 3 1886 Maryborough 3 1889 Kilkenny 2 1891 Ballinasloe 3 1894 Belfast, Agnes-st, 3 CARROTHERS, JOHN W. 1852 Athlone 2 1896 Dungannon 1854 Maryborough 1 1855 Manorhamilton 1 CARSON, JAMES. 1856 Rathdrum 1 1858 PrimitiveW.M.C.20 1857 Roscrea 2 1878 Omagh 1 1879 Carrickfergus 3 1859 Longford 3 1862 Ballina 2 1882 Ligoniel 2 1864 Cootehill 3 1884 Ballynahinch 2 1867 Lucan & Trim 3 1886 Ban bridge 2 1870 Longford 3 1888 Clones 3 1873 Wicklow 3 1891 Arklow 3 1876 Car low 3 1894 Limavady 2 1897 Newtownbutler 1879 Longford 3 1882 Lucan 3 CARSON, JOHN. 1885 Longford, Svp. 1860 Donegal 1 CHRISTIE, WILLIAM J. 1861 Cootehill 1 1877 Sligo 1 1862 Newry 2 1878 Fivemiletown 2 1864 Kilkenny 1 1880 Clones 1 1865 Irvinestown 2 1867 Maryborough 2 1869 Berehaven-Mines 1 1870 Munster and Con- 1881 Tandragee 1 1882 Omagh 2 1884 Dub\in,StpJien'ft. Gn.3 1887 Larne 1 naught, Gen. Mis. I 1888 Blackhon 3 1871 Newtownbarry 3 1891 Antrim 3 1874 Kilkenny 2 1894 Belfast, Falls-rd. 3 1876 Ballinasloe 3 1879 Clonakilty 3 CLARKE, GABRIEL M. 1882 Tullamore 3 1864 Bally shannon 1 1885 Galway 2 1865 Sligo 1 1887 Clonmel 3 1866 Manorhamilton 1 1890 Mullingar 3 1867 Dungannon 2 1893 Cranagill 2 1869 Omagh 2 1895 Duumanway 1871 Drumshambo, &c. 3 CARSON, WILLIAM R. 1874 Newtownbarry 3 1877 Brookborough 3 1865 Newry 1 1880 Cavan 3 1866 Castlederg 1 1867 Belfast, Fredck.-st. 1 1883 Dunkineely 3 1886 Bally clare 3 1868 Portadown 1 1889 Roscrea 3 1869 Tralee 1 1892 Skibbereen 3 1870 Newtownlimavady 1 1871 Ennisklln.,rf.J/?'#.l 1895 Ballyclare 1872 Cork&Limerick,^. 1 CLARKE, WILLIAM. 1873 Longford 1 1877 Maguiresbridge 1 1874 Berehaven-Mines 3 1878 Clones 1 1877 Castlebar 3 1879 Ballynahinch 3 1880 Innishowen 2 1882 Maguiresbridge 1 1882 Tandragee 1 1883 Rathdrum 3 1883 Ardara 2 1886 Skibbereen 2 1885 Newtownbarry 3 1888 M.E.Church,U.S.A.6 1888 Ballymote 3 1894 Moira 3 1891 Glastry 2 1893 Clonmel 2 CLAYTON, WILLIAM J. 1895 Adare, &c. 1876 Primitive W.M.C. 2 1878 Maguiresbridge 1 CHRISTIE, WILLIAM. 1879 Clones 1 1848 Newtownbarry 1 1880 Longford 1 1849 Cootehill 1 1881 Manorhamilton 2 1850 Strabane 2 1883 Dungannon 3 MINISTERS, ETC., IN IRELAND. 185 1886 Tullamore 3 1866 Donaghadee 2 COWDY, SAMUEL. 1889 Cloughjordan 3 1868 Clonmel 1861 Belfast, Donegal-sq.l 1892 Kilkenny 3 1870 Dungannon 3 1862 Boyle 2 1895 Clonmel 1873 Donegal 2 1864 Roscrea 2 1875 Dunkineely 3 1866 Ballyclare 1 COADE, CHAS. E., LL.D. 1878 Irvinestown 1 1867 Ballymena 1 1883 Roscrea 1 1879 Ballinamallard 2 1868 Cavan 1 1884 Tullamore 2 1881 Fintona 3 1869 Downpatrick 3 1886 Dublin, Abbey-st. 1 1884 Mullingar 3 1872 Cootehill 3 1887 Belfast, Collet] e 8 1887 Abbeyleix 2 1875 Abbeyleix 3 1895 Dublin, 1889 Dunkineely 3 1878 Wexford 3 Rathmines, $c. 1892 Killeshandra, Sup. 3 1881 Maryborough 2 1895 Cavan, do. 1883 Dungannon 3 COADE, WM. LOFTUS. 1886 Dundalk 1 1886 Fivemiletown 2 CORNISH, HERBERT H. 1887 Ligoniel 3 1888 Charlemont 3 1891 Wexford 2 1896 Kilkenny 1890 Fintona 3 1893 Bally nahinch 3 1893 Youghal,&c. 2 1895 Curragh Camp CORRIGAN, WILLIAM. 1896 Donegal 1888 Arklow 3 CRAWFORD, ARTHUR CODY, ROBERT, D. 1891 Charlemont 2 A., B.A. 1895 Moville, &c. 1 1896 Drumshambo, &c. 1893 Maryborough 2 1895 Skibbereen 1887 Moira (Supply) 1 1888 Dungannon 3 COLE, RICHARD. 1870 Newry 2 1872 Armagh 2 1874 Londonderry 2 1876 Lurgan 3 1879 Ballymena 3 1882 Larne 3 1885 Antrim 3 1888 Banbridge 3 1891 Belfast, Falh-rd. 3 1894 Armagh 3 COULSON, JOHN. 1871 Primitire W.M.C. 7 1878 Ballyjamesduff 1 1879 Castlederg 2 1881 Maguiresbridge 1 1882 Ballyshannon 3 1885 Killeshandra 3 1888 Ardara 2 1890 Swanlinbar 3 1893 Stcwartstown 3 1896 Tandra^ee &c. 1891 Omagh 1 1892 Youghal 1 1893 Ballyjamesduff 1 1894 Cloughjordan 3 CRAWFORD, WM., M.A. 1869 Manorhamilton 2 1871 Belfast, Z7tttffy.-Z.3 1874 Dublin,Rathmines 3 1877 Coleraine 3 1880 Kingstown 2 1882 Belfast, Carlixle-eir.3 1885 Belfast, Knock 3 COLLIER, HORATIO G. 1888 Dublin, 1892 Longford 2 1894 Irvinestown 1 COULTER, GABRIEL. 1870 Primitive W.M.C. 8 Stephen? s-qreen 3 1891 Cork, Patrick-st. 2 1895 Dublin Garrison 1878 Cavan 1 1893 Dublin, CONLIN, WILLIAM. 1879 Fivemiletown 1 1880 Swanlinbar 3 Central Mission 1 857 Primitive W. M. C.21 1878 Waterford 1 1883 Springfield 3 1886 Belturbet 3 CRONHELM, CHARLES A., B.A. 1879 Mullingar 3 1882 Clonakilty 3 1885 Ballinasloe 3 1889 Ballyshannon 3 1892 Maguiresbridge 3 1895 Ballinamallard 1887 Carlo w 1 1888 Kilkenny 1 1889 Irvinestown 2 1888 Charlemont 2 1891 Cootehill 2 1890 Trim 3 1893 Ballymoney, &c. 3 COULTER, JOHN. 1893 Wicklow, &c. 1 1894 Clare Mission 3 1896 Belturbet 1877 Irvinestown 2 1879 Cootehill 1 CROOK, GEORGE N. COOKE, THOMAS. 1880 Maryborough 1 1895 Irvinestown 1 1853 Manorhamilton 2 1881 Newtownbarry 2 1896 Longford 1855 Boyle 1 1883 Manorhamilton 2 1856 Newtownbarry 1 1885 Castlederg 1 CROOK, WILLIAM, D.D. 1857 Strabane 1 1886 Swanlinbar 1 1848 Maryborough 1 1858 Clones 1 1887 Springfield 3 1849 Roscrea 3 1859 Monaghan 2 1890 Pettigo 3 1852 Dublin, Abbey-st. 2 1861 Manorhamilton 2 1893 Drumshambo, &C. 3 1854 Berehaven-Mines 1 1863 Magherafelt 3 1896 Glastry, &c. 1855 Nenagh 3 186 MINISTERS, ETC., IN IRELAND. 1858 Coleraine 3 1884 Fintona 3 1889 Tandragee 1 1861 Drogheda 3 1887 Cookstown 3 1890 Springfield and 1864 Sligo 3 1890 Fivemiletown 3 Churchill 3 1867 Bandon 1 1893 Mohill 3 1893 Ardara 2 1868 Waterford 3 1896 Drumshambo, &c. 1895 Dunkinecly 1871 Belfast, Univsty.-rd3 1874 Drogheda 3 DALY, WILLIAM E., B.A. DONALD, JOHN, D.D. 1877 Kingstown 3 1882 Eeltast.Ballymacrt.S 1838 Donegal 1 1880 Bray 3 1885 Fivemiletown 1 1839 Clones 1 1883 Limerick, 1886 Omagh 2 1840 Castlebar 2 Bedford-row 3 1888 Cootehill 1 1842 Dublin 1 1886 Newry 3 1889 Carlow 3 1843 Sligo 2 1889 Coleraine 1 1892 Youghal 3 1845 Maryborough 2 1890 Wicklow 3 1895 Belfast, 1847 Cloughjordan 2 1893 Dundalk 3 Ballymacarrett 1849 Limerick 3 1896 Galway, &c. 1852 Kerry 1 [Delegate and Vice-Presi- DAVIDSON, THOMAS W. 1853 Tralee 2 dent 1883 & 1886.] 1889 Longford 2 1855 Drogheda 3 1891 Lisburn 3 1858 Sligo 3 CROOZSHANZ, C. H..M.A. 1894 Sligo 2 1861 Portadown 3 1859 Roscrea 2 1836 Dublin, Abbey-st. 1864 Lurgan 3 1861 Dublin, Abbey-st. 2 1867 Clonakilty 3 1863 Skibbereen ' 2 DAVIS, THOMAS. 1870 Skibbereen 1 1865 Passage West 3 1868 Enniskillen 3 1873 Supply 1 1874 Rathkeale 2 1871 Waterford 2 1873 Omagh 1 1871 Sligo 3 1876 Durrow 1 1874 Belfast,7tf;wy-mw.2 1874 Coleraine 3 1877 Newry 1 1876 Holy wood ' 3 1877 Kingstown 3 1878 Moy 1 1879 Banbridge 1 1880 Dromore 3 1879 Rathdrum 3 1880 Belfast, 1883 Antrim 2 1882 Drumshambo 3 Carlisle-cir., Sup. 1885 Bandon 3 1885 Tullamore 3 1888 Belfast, Frcdk.-st. 3 1888 Carlow 1 DONOVAN, P. ERNEST. 1891 Carrickfergus 3 1889 Killarney 3 1888 Swanlinbar 2 1894 Kingstown 3 1892 Cavan " 2 1890 Portadown 2 1894 Coleraine 3 1892 Coleraine 1 CULLEN, EDWARD B. 1893 Londonderry 2 1889 Fivemiletown 3 DEALE, HERBERT. 1895 Holywood 1892 Omagh 3 1895 Londonderry, City Mission 1895 Charlemont 1 1896 Tullamore DOUGLAS, JOHN H. 1896 Wexford CULLEN, JOHN. 1878 Castlederg 1 1879 Swanlinbar 1 1880 Drumshambo 2 1882 Boyle 1 1883 Kilkenny 2 1885 Omagh 1 1886 CastJebar 3 1889 Brookborough 2 1891 Newtownbarry 3 1894 Clones 3 DE COURCY, EDWARD. 1868 Drogheda 1 1869 Skibbereen 2 1871 Armagh 1 1872 Stewartstown 2 1874 Ballyclare 2 1876 Lame 3 1879 Glastry, &c. 3 1882 Antrim 3 1885 Charlemont 3 1888 Lurgan, High-st. 3 1891 Dundrum 3 DOUGLAS, MOSES. 1 860 Primitive W. M. C. 1 8 1878 Longford 1 1879 Manorhamilton 3 1882 Limavady 3 1885 Clones ' 3 1888 Cootehill 3 1891 Stewartstown 1 1892 Ballyshannon 2 1894 Cootehill 3 DOUGLASS, FRANCIS. CULLEN, LINDSAY H. 1894 Banbridge 3 1854 Ballyshannon 1 1895 Belfast, 1855 Cootehill 1 Ballymacarrett DICZSON, JAMES. 1883 Kinsale 1 1856 Armagh 1 1857 Rathdrum, &c. 1 DALY, JAMES. 1884 Pettigo 1 1858 Omagh 2 1871 Primitive W.M.C. 7 1885 Swanlinbar 1 1860 Athlone 1 1878 Irvinestown 3 1886 Maguiresbridge 2 1861 Brookborough 1 1881 Lurgan, Queen-st. 3 ! 1888 Tullamore 1 1862 Limerick 1 MINISTEBS, ETC., IN IBELAND. 187 1863 Monaghan 1 1864 Downpatrick 2 1866 Dunkineely 1 1867 Rathmelton and Strabane 3 1870 Innishowen 3 1873 Lisburn 1 1874 Bally castle 2 1876 Manorhamilton 3 1879 Westport 3 1882 Bantry 3 1885 Glastry 1 1886 Mallow 3 1889 Cork, French Church, Sup. 5 1894 Queenstown, do. DOWLING, EGBERT. 1893 Irvinestown 1 1894 Clones 1 1895 Portadown DTTNLOP, SAMUEL. 1858 Dungannon 2 1860 Skibbereen 2 1862 Wexford 1 1863 Bray 1 1864 Belfast, Fredck.-st.3 1867 Portadown 3 1870 Abbeyleix 3 1873 Bray 3 1876 Wicklow 3 1879 Dungannon 2 1881 Cookstown 3 1884 Lurgan, Hlgh-st. 3 1887 Bray 3 1890 Queenstown 3 1893 Donaghadee 3 1896 Stewartstown EDWARDS, JAMES. 1852 Cavan 1 1853 Bally shannon 1 1854 Strabane 1 1855 Newtownbarry 1 1856 Donegal 1 1857 Rathmelton 3 1860 Newtownlimavady 2 1862 Irvinestown 3 1865 Brookborough 3 1868 Clones 3 1871 'Manorhamilton 1 1872 Irvinestown 3 1875 Donegal 3 1878 Castlederg 3 1881 Magherafelt 3 1884 Newtownstewart 3 1887 Aughnacloy 3 1890 Ballinamallard 2 1892 Belfast, Unwerxity-rd.,Sur. EGAN, ALEXANDER. 1878 Blacklion 1 1879 Maguiresbridge 2 1881 Enniskillen 2 1883 Lisburn 2 1885 Youghal 3 1888 Kingstown 3 1891 Drogheda 3 1894 Larne 3 ELLIOTT, ALEXANDER. 1854 Primitive W.M.C. 24 1878 Lisbum 1 1879 Tandragee 3 1882 Newtownbutler 3 1885 Bailieborough 3 1888 Killeshandra 3 1891 Magherafelt 3 1894 Belturbet 2 1896 Maguiresbridge,iSVj?. ELLIOTT, FREDERICK. 1843 Killaloe 1 1844 Skibbereen 1 1845 Clones 1 1846 Kerry 1 1847 Berehaven-Mines 1 1848 Kinsale 2 1850 Manorhamilton 3 1853 Lowtherstown 2 1855 Ballinasloe 3 1858 Westport 2 1860 Lurgan 3 1863 Donaghadee 3 1866 Armagh 3 1869 Tullamore 3 1872 Rathdrum 1 1873 Ballinasloe 3 1876 Galway 3 1879 Kinsale 3 1882 Adare, &c. 3 1885 Kilrush, Sup. 3 1888 Belfast, Vniversity-rd., do. ELLIOTT, JAMES. 1855 Primitive W.M. C. 23 1878 Sligo 2 1880 Ballyclare 3 1883 Pettigo 3 1886 Ballyshannon 3 1889 Maguiresbridge 3 1892 Ballinamallard 3 1895 Springfield, &c. ELLIOTT, JOHN. 1876 Primitive W.M.C. 2 1878 Mohill 1 1879 Portadown 3 1882 Irvinestown 3 1885 Tandragee 3 1888 Stewartstown 3 1891 Moira 3 1894 Magherafelt 3 EVANS, HENRY, D.D. 1859 Armagh 2 1861 SHgo 2 1863 Belfast, Fredck.-st.l 1864 Enniskillen 3 1867 Cork 3 1870 Bandon 3 1873 Waterford 3 1876 Vnb}m,macMl-pl.3 l&79T>viblin,Ki>t(jslnd-j}k. 3 1882 Belfast, Fredck.-st. 3 1885 Belfast, Unvrsty.-rd.Z 1888 Waterford 3 1891 Dublin, Abbcy-st. 3 1894 Howth 3 FORDE, THOMAS. 1871 Supply 1 1872 Brookborough 1 1873 Newtownbarry 3 1876 Tullamore 1 1877 Skibbereen 3 1880 Springfield, &c. 2 1882 Newtownbarry 3 1885 Moville 3 1888 Manorhamilton 3 1891 Carlow 1 1892 Cloughjordan 2 1894 Cavan 2 1896 Ballymena FOSTER, JAMES D., M.A. 1883 Skibbereen 2 1885 Armagh 3 1888 Tandragee 1 1889 Newtownbarry 3 1892 Dunmanway 3 1895 Ballymote FOSTER, THOMAS. 1843 Killeshandra 2 1845 Strabane 1 1846 Tipperary 2 1848 Donegal 1 1849 Cavan 3 1852 Ballyshannon, &c. 2 1854 Ballyclare 3 1857 Clones 1 1858 Cootehill 3 18(51 Ballyshannon 3 1864 Cloughjordan 3 18(J7 Innishowen 3 1870 Ballinasloe 3 1873 Manorhamilton 3 1876 Castlederg 2 1878 Magherafelt 3 1881 Downpatrick 1 188 MINISTEES, ETC., IN IEELAND. 1882 Killarney 3 GIBSON, THOMAS E. 1885 Trim, &c., Su_p. 1 1877 Newtownbarry 2 1886 Dublin, 1879 Wexford 1 Blaekhall-pl., do. 1880 Rathdrum 3 1883 Tullamore 3 FRACKELTON, HENRY. 1886 Glastry, &c. 2 1886 Supply 1 1887 Drumshambo 1 1888 Lame 3 1891 Banbridge 3 1888 Manorhamilton 1 1894 Portadown 3 1889 Maguiresbridge 3 1892 Castlederg 1 GILCRIEST, JOHN (A). 1893 Skibbereen 2 1895 Killarney, &c. 1850 Brookborough 2 1852 Cootehill 2 1854 Bandon 1 FRAZER, JAMES. 1855 Lisburn 1 1865 Primitive W.M. C. 13 1856 Cavan 3 1878 Newtownbutler 1 1859 Rathdrum 3 1879 Aughnacloy 3 1862 Newry 2 1882 Bailieborough 3 1864 Portadown 3 1885 Manorhamilton 3 1888 Moville 3 1867 Carrickfergus 3 1870 Lurgan 2 1891 Killeshandra 3 1872 Newtownards 3 1894 Irvinestown 3 1875 Ballymena 1 1876 Rathdrum 3 FULLERTON, ALEXAND. 1879 Cloughjordan 3 1860 Brookborough 1 1882 Ballinasloe 1 1861 Manorhamilton 1 1883 Skibbereen 3 1862 Coleraine 1 1886 Dungannon 3 1863 Wexford 1 1889 Mallow 1 1864 Dunkineely 1 1890 Newry, Svp. 1865 Maryborough 2 1867 Cavan 2 GILCRIEST, JOHN (B). 1869 Castlederg 3 1889 Moville 1 1872 Manorhamilton 1 1890 Swanlinbar 2 1873 Strabane 2 1892 Newtownbutler 2 1875 Cookstown 3 1894 Pett'go 1 1878 Newtownards 3 1881 Lurgan, High-st. 3 1895 Maguiresbridge 1884 Ligoniel 2 GILES, HENRY J. 1886 Coleraine 3 1834 Mountrath 1 1889 Dungannon 1 1835 EnniskiUen 1 1890 Dublin, 1836 Lisburn 2 Stephen's Green 3 1838 Coleraine 1 1893 Omagh 3 1839 Londonderry 1 1896 Dungannon 1840 Carlow 2 1842 Newtownbarry 2 GENTL EM AN , BEN SON E. 1844 Tandragee 3 1875 Supply 1 1847 Wexford 3 1876 Brookborough 1 1850 Wicklow 2 1877 Omagh 2 1852 Kilkenny 3 1879 Londonderry 3 1855 Maryborough 2 1882 Youghal 3 1857 Waterford 3 1885 Bantry 3 1860 Limerick 2 1888 Cork, French Ch. 3 1862 Wexford 3 1891 Athlone 3 1865 Dublin, Sup. 1 1894 EnniskiUen 3 1866 Wexford, d0. 4 1870 Newtownbarry, 1860 Dublin, Abbey-st. 1 1873 Carlow 1 1891 Be]i&at,Doneaal-gq. 3 1861 Belfast, Doncgal-sq.\ 1874 Omagh 3 1894 Dublin, 1862 Kingstown 1 1877 Antrim 3 Stephen' s-green 3 1863 Sligo 1 1880 Donaghadee 3 [Delegate and Vice- 1864 Passage West 1 1883 Monaghan 2 President 1893.] 1865 Tralee 1 1885 Belfast, Carlisle HADDEN, JOHN. 1866 Carlo w 2 1868 Tullamore 1 drew, Sup. 1869 Strabane, &c. 1 1869 Kilkenny 2 HEWITT, DANIEL B. 1870 Castlederg 2 1871 Belfast, Agncs-st. 2 1878 Portadown 1 1872 Newtownbarry 1 1873 Cork 3 1 879 Belfast, Meth. Col. 2 1873 Manorhamilton 1 1876 Portadown 3 1881 Supply 1 1874 Parsonstown 1 1879 Dublin, Rathmines 3 1882 Dungannon 1 190 MINISTERS , ETC., IN 1KELAND. 1883 Maguiresbridge 2 1877 Longford 2 JOHNSON.R.CRAWFORD, 1885 Pettigo 1 1879 Newtownbutler 3 D.D. 1886 Moville 1 1882 Clones 3 1865 Institution & Sup. 2 1887 Longford 1 1885 Stewartstown 3 1867 Bandon 1 1888 Ballycastle 2 1888 Ballinasloe 3 1868 Dublin, Abbey-st. 3 1890 Ardara 3 1891 Adare 3 1871 Dromore 2 1893 Trim 2 1894 Manorhamilton 3 1895 Swanlinbar INWOOD, CHARLES. 1876 Belfast, Agnes-st. 3 1872 Wexford 1 1879 Cork, Patrick-st. 3 HOLLINGSWORTH, SAMUEL, B.A., D.D. 1873 Dublin, Abbey-st. 3 1876 Belfast, 1882 Dublin, Abbey-st. 3 1885 Enniskillen 3 1870 Bray 2 Carlislc-cir. &c. 1 1888 Belfast, Gen. Mis. 1 1872 Ballymena 3 1877 Tuilamore 3 1889 Belfast, City Mis. 1875 Newtownards 3 1878 Sligo 3 1881 Belfast, Ormeau-rdS 1880 Dublin, Centenary 2 1882 Drogheda 3 1885 Dublin, Gen. Mis. 3 [Secretary of Irish Con/., 1893- .] 1884 Lisburn 3 1888 Dublin, Ratlimines 3 JOHNSTON, ARTHUR J. 1887 Holywood 2 1889 Belfast, Donegal-sq.2 1891 Kingstown 2 1893 Armagh 1 1895 Pettigo 1 1896 Moville, &c. 1891 Dublin, Principal, Wesley College 1894 Belfast, Knock 1 1895 Belfast, JOHNSTON, IRVINE. HULL, THOMAS T. N. University-rd. 1856 Brookborough 2 1826 Carlow 1 JAMISON, ROBERT. 1858 Lowtherstown 1 1827 Wexford 2 1871 Brookborough 1 1859 Rathdrum 2 1829 Sligo 3 1832 Dublin 3 1872 Glastry, &c. 3 1861 Cavan 3 1864 Ballyshannon 3 1835 Belfast 2 1877 Donaghadee 3 1867 Lurgan 3 1837 Malta 5 1880 Limerick Bedfd.-rn^ 1870 Wicklow 3 1842 Gibraltar 5 1883 Dublin, Ratlimines 3 1873 Rathdrum 3 1847 Mis. Com. 2 1886 Portadown 3 1876 Kilkenny 3 1849 Adelaide, Aust. 5 1889 Wexford 3 1879 Ballina 2 1854 Sydney, York-st.,do.l 1855 Dublin, Centenary 3 1858 Cork 3 1861 Belfast, Frcdck.-st3 1864 Dublin. Rathmines 3 1867 Dalkey, Sup. 1892 Holywood 3 1895 Newry JOHNSON, ROBERT. 1849 Strabane 1 1850 Ballina 1 1851 Dungannon 1 1881 Sligo 3 1884 Youghal 3 1887 Ballynahinch 3 1890 Donaghadee 3 1893 Castlederg 3 1896 Wicklow, &c. HUTCHINSON, JOHN J. 1878 Bailieboro' 1 1852 Omagh 1 1853 Lisburn 1 1854 Cavan 1 JOHNSTON, JOHN (B). 1863 Primitive W.M. C. 1 5 1879 Irvinestown 2 1855 Manorhamilton 1 1878 Springfield, &c. 2 1881 Fivemiletown 1 1882 Tullamore 2 1884 Charlemont 2 1856 Downpatrick 2 1858 Tandragee 1 1859 Clones 2 1880 Pettigo 3 1883 Belturbet 3 1886 Downpatrick 3 1886 Bally shannon 3 1861 Killala 3 1889 Ballyclare 3 1889 Castlebar 3 1892 Killarney 3 1895 Maguiresbridge 1864 Newtownlimavady 2 1866 Downpatrick 3 1869 Dunkineely 3 1892 Stewartstown 1 1893 Ligoniel, &c. 3 1896 Aughnacloy 1872 Magherafelt 2 HYNES, MARTIN. 1874 Castlebar 3 JOHNSTON, JOHN W. 1865 Manorhamilton 1 1877 Ballyclare 1 1886 Roscrea 1 1866 Rathdrum 1 1878 Dunkineely 3 1887 Moville, &c. 2 1867 Longford 1 1881 Ballynahinch.,%7.11 1889 ~Belfa,st,Ballymacrt.l 1868 Clonakilty 2 1892 Castlederg, do. 1 1890 Newry 1 1870 Newtownbarry 1 1893 Belfast, 1891 Donaghadee, Sup. 1 1871 Carlow 1 Crundin-road,do. 1 1892 Moville, &.c. 3 1872 Clonmel 3 1894 Belfast, 1895 Castle ierg 1 1875 Roscrea 2 Univ.~road, do. 1896 Kingstown MINISTERS, ETC., IN IllELATSD. 191 JOHNSTON, ROBERT. KIRKWOOD, JAMES. 1865 Lisburn 2 1851 Primitive W.M. C. 27 1873 Irvinestown 1 1867 Maryborough 3 1878 Portadown 1 1874 Manorhamilton 1 1870 Monaghan 3 1879 Castleblaney 3 1875 Clones 2 1873 Castlederg 3 1882 Ballycastle 3 l817'Enmskmen,Gn.Mis.l 1876 Enniskillen 1 1885 Ballyshannon 1 1878 Dublin, Rathmines 2 1877 Dromore 3 1886 BallyshannonjSw^. 1 1880 Newry 2 1880 Roscrea 3 1887 Castlederg, do. 1882 Downpatrick ) ., 1883 Moira 3 1884 Dundrum f " 1886 Skibbereen 3 JONES, JOHN W. 1885 Eelfast,Sandy-row 3 1889 Kilkenny 3 Institution. 1888 Dublin, Gen. Mis. 6 1892 Maryborough 3 1864 Londonderry 1 1894 Belfast, 1895 Dromore 1865 Portadown 3 Ormcau-road 3 1868 Dungannon 1 LAIRD, CALEB S., M.A 1869 Belfast, Fredclt.-stA KNOWLES, ROBERT. 1874 Omagh 2 1872 Armagh 3 1864 Monaghan 1 1876 Londonderry 3 1875 Lurgan 3 1865 Dungannon 2 1879 Kingstown 3 1878 Lisburn 3 1867 Newtownbarry 1 1882 Dublin. Stephn's.-gn. 2 1881 Coleraine 1 1868 Wexford 1 1884 Sligo 3 1882 Enniskillen 3 1869 Dunkineely 1 1887 Youghal 2 1885 Drogheda 3 1870 Berehaven- Mines 1 1889 Portadown 3 1888 Dublin, Wcs. Col. 3 1871 Kinsale 3 1892 Dublin, RatkminesZ 1891 Belfast, Sandy-row3 1874 Lisburn 3 1895 Lisburn 1894 Carrickfergus 3 1877 Clones 1 KENNEDY, HENRY. 1869 Primitive W.M.C. 9 1878 Cookstown, Second 1 1878 Killeshandra 3 1881 Newtownstewart 3 1884 Omagk 3 1887 Kilkenny 2 LAMONT, JAMES D. 1873 Dungannon 2 1875 Portaferry 1 1876 Skibbereen 3 1879 Carlow 3 1889 Belfast, 1879 Lurgan, Hlgli-st. 3 1882 Kilkenny 2 Carlisle-cir., Slip. 1 1882 Cork,f 7 renchChurch3 1884 Wicklow 2 1890 Ballymoney, &c. 3 1885 Cork, Patriclt-st. 3 1886 Pettigo 2 1893 Fivemiletown 3 1888 Belfast. Knock 3 1888 Clifden 1 1889 Limavady 3 1896 Queenstown 1891 Kingstown 3 1894 Belfast, 1892 Ballina 2 KNOX, ANDREW. Carlisle Circus 3 1894 Antrim, &c. 3 1874 Brookborough 2 KER, ROBERT. 1 858 Primitive ^ V. M. C. 20 1878 Charlemont 1 1879 Newtownstewart 2 1881 Castlederg 3 1884 Strabane 3 1887 Ballinamallard 3 1890 Newtownstewart 3 1893 Swanlinbar 2 1895 Newtownstewart, 1876 Cootehill 2 1878 Eglish \ . 1880 Cranagill j 1882 Belturbet 1 1883 Brookborough 3 1886 Cavan 2 1888 Newtownbutler 1 1889 Ballina 3 1892 Ballyclare 3 1895 Carlow LAWSON, W. ELS- WORTH. 1895 Newtownbutler 1 1896 Irvinestown LE BERT, WILLIAM B 1844 Clones 1 1845 Newtownbarry 1 1846 Wexford 1 1847 Pettigo 2 Sup. KNOX, ROBERT. 1849 Donegal 2 1884 Swanlinbar 1 1 85 1 Cavan 3 KER, ROBERT M. 1885 Manorhamilton 2 1854 Connemara 4 18% Moira 1887 Castlederg 1 1858 Newtownbarry 3 KEVIN, HENRY N. 1877 Skibbereen 1 1878 Drumshambo 2 1888 Newtownbutler 3 1891 Ballyjaraesduff 2 1893 Springfield, &c. 3 1896 Arklow . 1860 Dungannon 2 1862 Omagh 2 1864 Dublin, Cork-street 3 1867 Rathdrum 1 1868 Banbridge 3 1871 Antrim, &c. 3 1874 Brookborough 3 1877 Omagh 3 1880 Skibbereen 3 1883 Wexford 3 NICHOLAS, WILLIAM, 1886 Ballina 3 MORRIS, WILLIAM 8. M.A., D.D. 1889 Youghal 3 1893 Arklow, &c. 3 1861 Portadown 2 1892 Coleraine 2 1896 Clonakilty 1863 Dublin, Abbey-sd 2 1894 Lurgan, HigH-ft. 3 MINISTERS, ETC., IN IRELAND. 195 OLIVEE, JOHN. 1841 Lowtherstown 1 1842 Portadown 1 1843 Omagh 2 1845 Tandragee 2 1847 Bally shannon 3 1850 ~Belfa.st.Donegal-s 1853 Wexford 3 1856 Dublin, Centenary 3 1859 Waterford 2 1861 Omagh 2 1863 Londonderry 2 1865 Belfast, Falls-road 3 1868 Dromore 3 1871 Lisburn 2 1873 Carrickfergus 3 1876 Bandon 3 1879 Holywood 3 1882 Coleraine 1 1883 Donaghadee 1 1884 Belfast, Unicersity-rd.,Sup. OEB, FLEMING. 1880 Wexford 1 1881 Irvinestown 1 1882 Pettigo 2 1884 Londonderry 2 1886 Carlow 1 1887 Cloughjordan 2 1889 Cavan 3 1892 Castlebar 2 1894 Abbeyleix 3 OEB, JAMES. 1869 Pirmitiee W.M.C. 9 1878 Athlone 1 1879 Longford 1 1880 Ballyshannon 3 1883 Fermoy 1 1884 Mohill 3 1887 Cranagill 3 1890 Formoy 3 1893 Aughnacloy 3 1896 Limavady OEE, EOBEET. 1861 Primitive W.M.C. 17 1878 Clones 1 1879 Rathdrum 3 1882 Dublin, King sland- park 3 1885 Clonakilty 3 1888 Antrim " 3 1891 Monaghan 3 1894 Castleblayney 3 OEE, THOMAS. 1870 Primitive W.M.C, 8 1878 Manorhamilton 1 1979 Strabane 1 1880 Cootehill 2 1882 Swanlinbar 2 1884 Ballymote 1 1885 Ballyjamesduff 3 1888 Maguiresbridge 1 1889 Glastry 2 1891 Maguiresbridge, Sup. 1 1892 Swanlinbar 2 1894 Ballyjamesduff 2 1896 Killeshandra PARK, JOHN 0., B.A. 1868 Dublin, Abbey -st. 1 1869 Rathdrum 1 1870 Sligo 3 1873 Bandon 3 1876 Cloughjordan 3 1879 Kilkenny 3 1882 Portadown 3 1885 Belfast, University -road 3 1888 Tralee 3 1891 Cork, French CTi. 3 1894 Bandon 3 PAEKHILL, JAMES W. 1885 Clones 1 1886 Charlemont 2 1888 Clonakilty 2 1890 Wicklow 1 1891 Skibbereen 2 1893 Wexford 3 1896 Lurgan, High-st. PHILLIPS, EANDALL C. 1887 Portadown 3 1890 Maryborough 3 1893 Newry 1 1894 Tandragee, &c. 1 1895 Carlow PEICE, HENEY G., B.A. 1891 Castlederg 1 1892 Enniskillen 2 1894 Wexford 1 1 895 Karur, C. Ind. 1 1896 Trichinopoly, Warriure, do. PEICE, JOHN OLIFFE. 1868 Clones 2 1870 Dungannon 1 1871 Dublin, Abbey-st. 3 1874 Kingstown " 3 1877 Dundalk 3 1880 Newry 3 1883 Roscrea 3 1886 Athlone 3 1889 Londonderry b 1892 Lisburn & PEICE, WM. GUAED. 1851 Newry 1 1852 Londonderry 2 1854 Dublin, Centenary 3 1857 Belfast, Fredck. -st. 3 1860 Portadown 1 1861 Cork 3 1864 Bandon 3 1867 Kingstown 3 1870 Dublin, Abbey-st. 3 1873 Cork 3 1876 Waterford 1 1877 Dublin, Centenary 3 1880 Belfast^m^a^M.a 1883 Waterford * 2 1885 Limerick, George-street 3 1888 Cork, Patrick-st. 3 1891 Belfast, Knock 3 1894 Belfast, Knock,Sup. 2 1896 Bangor, do. [Delegate and Vice-Presi- dent, 1879 and 1889.] QUAILE, WILLIAM. 1850 Cavan Mission 1 1851 Ballyshannon, &c. 1 1852 Lowtherstown 1 1853 Portadown 1 1854 Belmullet 2 1856 Manorhamilton 1 1857 Cavan 3 1860 Westport 2 1862 Rathdrum 3 1865 Adare 3 1868 Drogheda 3 1871 Banbridge 1 1872 Castlebar 2 1874 Clones 1 1875 Athlone 3 1878 Cookstown 3 1881 Cootehill 3 1884 Parsonstown 3 1887 Limavady 2 1889 Westport 2 1891 Parsonstown, Sup. 2 1893 Waterford, do. ftUAEEY, WILLIAM H. 1857 Donegal 2 1859 Connemara 1 1860 Newry 1 1861 Kingstown 1 1862 Ballycastle 2 1864 Tralee J 1866 Coleraine 3 1869 Belfast, Eliza-st* 3 1872 Veltatt,&'eetok.'tt, 2 1874 Belfast, ffen, Mis. 6 196 MINISTERS, ETC., IN ISELAND. 1885 Dublin, Blackhall-place 3 1888 Belfast, Sandy -row 2 1890 Coleraine 1892 Londonderry 3 1895 Strabane RANSON, HENRY J. F. 1891 Dungannon 2 1893 Tullamore 3 1896 Coleraine REA, GEORGE W. 1886 Castlederg 1 1887 Irvinestown 1 1888 Abbeyleix 1 1889 Pettigo 1 1890 Clonakilty 1 1891 Newtownbutler 1 1892 Ballyshannon 2 1894 Longford 3 RITCHIE, JOSEPH D. 1889 Tullamore 2 1891 Irvinestown 1 1892 Clonakilty 1 1893 Castlederg 1 1894 Kilkenny 1 1895 Tandragee, &c. ROBERTSON, JAMES. 1863 Skibbereen i 1864 Dublin, Centenary 1 1865 Dublin, Abbey -at. 3 1868 Londonderry 3 1871 Dublin, Centenary 3 1874 Belfast, Falls-road S 1877 Belfast, 1880 Dublin, Centenary 3 1883 Dublin, Sandy -mt. 2 1885 Cork, Patrick-st. 3 1888 Belfast, Agnes-st. 3 1891 Belfast, Carlisle-cir.3 1894 Cork ! ROBERTSON, JOHN C., B.A. 1895 Belfast, Methodist College ROBINSON, GEORGE. 1866 Primitive W.M.C. I 1878 Lurgan. Queen-st. 1881 Armagh 1884 Cookstown 1887 Dublin, South 6ft. George's-st. 1890 Strabane 1893 Bray 1896 Parsonstown ROBINSON, WM. A. H. 871 Primitive W.M.C. 7 878 Roscrea 1 879 Belturbet 3 882 Blacklion 885 Drumshambo 3 888 Tandragee 2 890 CranagiU 3 893 Strabane 2 895 Clonakilty ROTHWELL, THOMAS. 873 Tullamore 2 875 Brookborough 1 1876 Armagh 1 877 Eglish 1 1878 Newry 2 1880 Dundalk 3 1883 Ballymote 1 1884 Clonmel 3 ^887 Queenstown 3 1890 Belfast, Jftt00,&