TUB CONSTITUTION OF ENGLAND. THE CONSTITUTION OF ENGLAND; OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT ; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT, ANP THE OTHER MONARCHIES IN EUROPE BY JOHN LOUIS DE LOLME, L.L.D., ADVOCATE, CITIZEN OF GENEVA. & *NTfo lEHhion, SclucatcD to tfte iUitg, WITH PREFACE, SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES, AND INDEX, BY WILLIAM HUGHES HUGHES, ESQ. M.P. F.S.A. F.L.S. BARRISTER AT LAW, OF THE HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN'S INN ; ONE OF HIS MAJESTY'S JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, AND CITIES OF WESTMINSTER AND OXFOHDJ A VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY OF ARTS ; &C. &C. Pomleribuslibrata suis Ovio. Met. Lib. i. v. l.'j. LONDON : J. HATCHARD AND SON, 187, PICCADILLY; H. SLATTER; I.VINCENT; OXFORD. 1834. [ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL.] LONDON: inOTSON AND PALMER, PRINTERS, SAVOY STREET, STRAND. \n TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. SIRE, I am emboldened to inscribe to your Majesty a new and extended edition of the most approved Treatise which has yet appeared on the Constitu- tion of England, by the circumstance, that its Author, most appropriately, dedicated to your Majesty's illustrious Father the Edition of his work which had received his last corrections in the year 1784. That the mild and paternal sway of your Ma- jesty may be long- and prosperously continued over a loyal and grateful people, is the sincere and ardent prayer of, Sire, YOUR MAJESTY'S Most humble and devoted Subject, \V. HUGHES HUGHES. Rydc, Isle of Wight, Jan. 1, 1834. THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. THE circumstance which suggested to the Editor his present undertaking was the presentation of a copy of this work, by one of his friends,* to the youthful queen of Portugal, on the eve of her embarkation for Lisbon, in Sep- tember last. The gift was accompanied by an address, in which her majesty was reminded that. " De Lolme on the " Constitution of England deserved to be written in letters " of gold, and was worthy the consideration of every " crowned head in Europe. 1 ' It occurred to the Editor, that no edition of the work, extant, conveyed an adequate idea of the present state of the English constitution ; and that a new and extended edition would be considered a desideratum by all classes of the public. Editions of the work, since that published in 1784 which received the last corrections of the Author, have from time to time appeared, but the present is the only instance, it is believed, in which an editor has thought fit to attach to his supplemental notes the responsibility of his name. This may account for the many imperfections of those editions, not to insist on the glaring inaccuracies which abound in the notes to some of them. Of these inaccuracies it has * I. I. Briscoe, Ksq. M. P. for the eastern division of the county of Surrev. viii THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. been considered right to expose an instance in a note attached to page 76 of this volume. No new edition, moreover, has been published for twelve years, during which period many most essential alterations have taken place. The design of the Editor is simply to lay before the reader, in the shape of notes, as occasion is presented throughout the work, the most important changes effected in our institutions in the course of the last fifty years, especially by the union with Ireland in 1801 ; those alterations of the civil, and ameliorations of thecriminal code, which have been made in the last, and in the present reign ; and the several acts for the amendment of the representation of the people in parliament passed in 1832. The notes of the Editor are distinguished from those of the Author, by numerical refer- ences, and the word " Editor" attached to them. Were he to follow the example of some of his predecessors, the Editor would attempt to gratify the curiosity of the pub- lic, frequently at the expense of truth, and occasionally at a sacrifice of delicacy, by affecting to give particulars of the life and character of the Author, of which, it is confessed, few are known with any certainty. Considering, however, how greatly mankind are indebted to the writer, whatever may have been his faults, and that the Editor's concern is with the work, and not the life of him who wrote it; anxious, moreover, that the present edition should be pub- lishe*d, as nearly as possible, at the same price as that which received the Author's last corrections, he has determined not to attempt anything in the way of biography. The frontispiece is a faithful copy of the engraving prefixed to the first edition of the work, published by the Author in 1775, and which he " respectfully inscribed to the right " honourable Willoughby Bertie, earl of Abingdon, Baron " Norreys of Rycote, Sic." Of his qualifications for the task, the Editor would briefly observe that, having been engaged in the diligent study of the law, as a profession, for upwards of twenty-five years ; and having by favour of the independent constituency, of the THE EDITORS PREFACE. IX city of Oxford, occupied the honorable station he now fills, as one of the representatives of that ancient and loyal city, in three successive parliaments, he may be presumed not entirely unqualified for the undertaking, on which he has bestowed considerable labour and research. Aware that of late years such works as the present have been much read by those who have not had the ad- vantage of a classical education, the Editor has annexed a translation to every Latin quotation which occurs in the work, and some account of the principal persons, and insti- tutions, of antiquity, to which the Author has made refer- ence. The Editor's anxiety has been to facilitate the perusal of the work, and to promote, on the part of all his fellow- countrymen, the study of a constitution which may well be their pride, as it is the admiration of the civilized world. W. HUGHES HUGHES. Ryde> Isle of Wight, Jan. 1, 1834. TO THE KING. SIRE, THE approbation with which the public have been pleased to favour this Work, together with the nature of the subject, embolden me to lay the present fourth and enlarged edition of the same at your Majesty's feet, both as an homage and an expression of the desire I entertain, that the book may for a few minutes engage the attention of a person of your deep and extensive knowledge. Your Majesty's reign has, for many years past, afforded proofs, in more respects than one, that, though human wisdom may not always be able to anticipate difficulties, yet, assisted by fortitude, it can succeed in terminating them in a more favour- able manner than it seemed at first possible to be expected, or even in bringing them to a happy issue. According to the common course of nature, your Majesty has only yet seen the less consider- able part of the years of which your reign is to be Xll DEDICATION. composed i 1 that the part which now opens before your Majesty may be attended with a degree of satisfaction proportionate to your Majesty's public and private virtues, to your disinterested govern- ment, and religious regard for your royal engage- ments, is the fond hope of YOUR MAJESTY'S Most humble and most devoted Servant, And, these many Years, Subject by Choice, J. L. DE LOLME. May, 1784. 1 This anticipation was fully realized. George the Third, who was in the forty-sixth year of his age, and the twenty-fourth of his reign, at this time, reigned upwards of fifty-nine years. EDITOR. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Book on the English Constitution, of which a new edition is here offered to the public, was first written in French, and published in Holland. 2 Several persons have asked me the question, How I came to think of treating of such a subject ? One of the first things in this country, that engages the attention of a stranger who is in the habit of observing the objects before him, is the pecu- liarity of its government : I had moreover been lately a witness of the broils which had for some time prevailed in the republic in which I was born, and of the revolution by which they were terminated. Scenes of that kind, in a state which, though small, is independent, and contains within itself the principles of its motions, had naturally given me some competent insight into the first real prin- ciples of governments : owing to this circumstance, and perhaps also to some moderate share of natural abilities, 9 ' This book was first published in France," are the only words of the note annexed by our author to the first sentence of his " Introduction," which arc not found in the first edition of the work published in this country in 1775. In a note on p. 460, he moreover speaks of " the general observations on the right of granting subsidies, which were formerly in the French irork." There can be little doubt, therefore, that the statement here is inaccurate. EDITOR. XIV ADVERTISEMENT. I was enabled to perform the task I had undertaken with tolerable success. I was twenty-seven years old when I came to this country : after having been in it only a year, I began to write my work, which I published about nine months afterwards ; and have since been surprised to find that I had committed so few errors of a certain kind : I certainly was fortunate in avoiding to enter deeply into those articles with which I was not sufficiently acquainted. The book met with rather a favourable reception on the Continent ; several successive editions having been made of it. And it also met here with approbation, even from men of opposite parties : which, in this country, was no small luck for a book on systematical politics. Allowing that the arguments had some connexion and clearness, as well as novelty, I think the work was of peculiar utility, if the epoch at which it was published is consi- dered ; which was, though without any design from me, at the time when the disputes with the colonies were beginning to take a serious turn, both here and in America. A work which contained a specious, if not thoroughly true, confutation of those political notions, by the help of which a disunion of the empire was endeavoured to be promoted (which confutation was moreover noticed by men in the highest places), should have procured to the author some sort of real encouragement ; at least the publication of it should not have drawn him into any in- convenient situation. When my enlarged English edition was ready for the press, had I acquainted ministers that I was preparing to boil my tea-kettle with it, for want of being able conveniently to afford the expense of printing it, I do not pretend to say what their answer would have- been ; but I am firmly of opinion, that, had the like argu- ments in favour of the existing government of this coun- try, against republican principles, been shown to Charles the First, or his ministers, at a certain period of his reign, they would have very willingly defrayed the expenses of ADVERT1SMENT. XV the publication. In defect of encouragement from great men (and even from booksellers) I had recourse to a sul>- scription ; and my having expected any success from such a plan, shows that my knowledge of this country was at that time very incomplete.* * In regard to two subscribers in particular, I was, I confess, sadly disap- pointed. Though all the booksellers in London had at first refused to have any thing to do with my English edition (notwithstanding the French work was extremely well known), yet soon after I had thought of the expedient of a subscription, I found that two of them, who are both living, had begun a translation, on the recommendation, as they told me, of a noble lord, whom they named, who had, till a few years before, filled one of tLe highest offices under the crown. . I paid them ten pounds, in order to engage them to drop their undertaking, about which I understood they already had been at some expense. Had the noble lord in question favoured me with his subscription, I would have celebrated the generosity and munificence of my patron ; but as he did not think proper so to do, I shall only observe that his recommend- ing my work to a bookseller cost me ten pounds. At the time the above subscription for my English edition was advertising, a copy of the French work was asked of me for a noble earl, 3 then invested with a high office in the state ; none being at that time to be found at any bookseller's in London. I gave the only copy Ihad (the consequence was, that I was obliged to borrow one, to make my English edition from): and I added, that I hoped his lordship would honour me with his subscription. However, my hopes were here again confounded. Asa gentleman who con- tinues to fill an important office under the crown, accidentally informed me, about a year afterwards, that the noble lord here alluded (o had lent him my French work, I had no doubt left that the copy I had delivered had reached his lordship's hand ; I therefore presumed to remind him, by a letter, that the book in question had never been paid for ; at the same time apologizing for such liberty from the circumstances in which my late English edition had been published, which did not allow me to lose one copy. I must do his lord- ship (who is moreover a knight of the garter) the justice to acknowledge, that, no later than a week afterwards, he sent two half-crowns for me to a bookseller's in Fleet-street. A lady brought them in a coach, who took a receipt. As she was, by the bookseller's account, a fine lady, though not a peeress, it gave me much concern that I was not present to deliver the re- ceipt to her myself. At the same tune I mention the noble earl's great punctuality, I think I may be allowed to say a word of my own merits. I waited, before I pre- sumed to trouble his lordship, till I was informed that a pension of four thou- sand pounds was settled upon him (I could have wished much my own cre- ditors had, about that time, shown the like tenderness to me) ; and I more- over gave him time to receive the first quarter. 3 The allusion is understood to be to the earl of Rochford. EDITOR. XVI ADVERTISEMENT. After mentioning the advantages with which my work has not been favoured, it is, however, just that I should give an account of those by which it has been attended. In the first place, as is above said, men of high rank have condescended to give their approbation to it ; and I take this opportunity of returning them my most humble ac- knowledgments. In the second place, after the difficul- ties, by which the publication of the book had been attended and followed, were overcome, I began to share with booksellers in the profit arising from the sale of it. These profits I indeed thought to be but scanty and slow : but then I considered this was no more than the com- mon complaint made by every trader in regard to his gain, as well as by every great man in regard to his emolu- ments and his pensions. After a course of some years, the net balance, formed by the profits in question, amounted to a certain sum, proportioned to the size of the perform- ance. And, in fine, I must add to the account of the many favours I have received, that I was allowed to carry on the above business of selling my book, without any objection being formed against me from my not having served a regular apprenticeship, and without being molested by the inquisition. Several authors have chosen to relate, in writings published after death, the personal advantages by which their performances had been followed : as for me, I have thought otherwise ; and, fearing that during the latter part of my life I may be otherwise engaged, I have pre- ferred to write now the account of my successes in this country, and to see it printed while I am yet living. I shall add to the above narrative (whatever the reader may be pleased to think of it) a few observations of rather a more serious kind, for the sake of those persons who, judging themselves to be possessed of abilities, find they are neglected by such as have it in their power to do them occasional services, and suffer themselves to be mortified by it. To hope that men will in earnest assist in setting forth the mental qualifications of others, is an expectation ADVERTISEMENT. XV11 which, generally speaking, must needs be disappointed. To procure one's notions and opinions to be attended to, and approved by the circles of one's acquaintance, is the universal wish of mankind. To diffuse these notions far- ther, to numerous parts of the public, by means of the press or by others, becomes an object of real ambition ; nor is this ambition always proportioned to the real abilities of those who feel it : very far from it. When the appro- bation of mankind is in question, all persons, whatever their different ranks may be, consider themselves as being engaged in the same career ; they look upon themselves as being candidates for the very same kind of advantage : high and low, all are in that respect in a state of primeval equality ; nor are those who are likely to obtain some prize, to expect much favour from the others. This desire of having their ideas communicated to, and approved by, the public, was very prevalent among the great men of the Roman commonwealth, and afterwards with the Roman emperors ; however imperfect the means of obtaining those ends might be in those days compared with those which are used in ours. The same desire has been equally remarkable among modern European kings, not to speak of other parts of the world ; and a long cata- logue of royal authors may be produced. Ministers, espe- cially after having lost their places, have shown no less inclination than their masters, to convince mankind of the reality of their knowledge. Noble persons, of all denomi- nations, have increased the catalogue. And, to speak of the country in which we are, there is, it seems, no good reason to make any exception in regard to it ; and great men in it, or in general those who are at the head of the people, are, we find, sufficiently anxious about the success of their speeches, or of -the printed performances which they sometimes condescend to lay before the public : nor has it been every great man, wishing that a compliment may be paid to his personal knowledge, that has ventured to give such lasting specimens. b XV11L ADVERTISEMENT. Several additions were made to this work at the time I gave the first English edition of it. Besides a more accu- rate division of the chapters, several new notes and para- graphs were inserted in it ; for instance, in the llth chapter of the 2d book : and three new chapters, the 15th, 16th, and 17th, amounting to about ninety pages, were added to the same book. These three additional chapters, never having been written by me in French, were inserted in the third edition made at Amsterdam, translated by a person whom the Dutch bookseller employed for that purpose : as I never had an opportunity to peruse a copy of that edition, I cannot say how well the translator performed his task. Having now parted with the copy-right of the book, I have farther added four new chapters to it (10, 11, B. I. 19, 20, B. II.) by way of taking a final leave of it ; and in order the more completely to effect this, I may perhaps give, in a few months, a French edition of the same (which I cannot tell why I have not done sooner), in which all the above-mentioned additions, translated by myself, shall be inserted. In one of the former additional chapters (the 17th, B. II.) mention is made of a peculiar circumstance attending the English government, considered as a monarchy, which is the solidity of the power of the crown. As one proof of this peculiar solidity, it is remarked, in that chapter, that all the monarchs who ever existed, in any part of the world, were never able to maintain their ground against certain powerful subjects (or a combination of them) without the assistance of regular forces at their constant command ; whereas it is evident that the power of the crown, in Eng- land, is not at this day supported by such means ; nor even had the English kings a guard of more than a few scores of men, when their power, and the exertions they at times made of it, were equal to what has ever been related of the most absolute Roman emperors. The cause of this peculiarity in the English government, is said, in the same chapter, to lie in the circumstance of ADVERTISEMENT. the great or powerful men, in England, being divided into two distinct assemblies, and, at the same time, in the prin- ciples on which such a division is formed. To attempt to give a demonstration of this assertion otherwise than by facts (as is done in the chapter here alluded to) would lead into* difficulties which the reader is little aware of. In general, the science of politics, considered as an exact science, that is to say, as a science capable of actual de- monstration, is infinitely deeper than the reader suspects. The knowledge of man, on which such a science, with its preliminary axioms and definitions is to be grounded, has hitherto remained surprisingly imperfect : as one instance how little man is known to himself, it might be men- tioned that no tolerable explanation of that continual human phenomenon, laughter, has been yet given ; and the powerful complicate sensation which each sex pro- duces in the other, still remains an equally inexplicable mystery. To conclude the above digression (which may do very well for a preface), I shall only add, that those speculators who will amuse themselves in seeking for the demonstra- tion of the political theorem above expressed, will thereby be led through a field of observations, which they will at first little expect ; and in their way towards attaining such demonstration, will find the science, commonly called me- taphysics, to be at best but a very superficial one, and that the mathematics, or at least the mathematical reason- ings hitherto used by men, are not so completely free from error as has been thought.* Out of the four chapters added to the present edition, * Certain errors that are not discovered, are, in several cases, compensated by others, which are equally unperceived. Continuing to avail myself of the indulgence an author has a right to claim in a preface, I shall mention, as a farther explanation of the peculiarity in the English government above alluded to, and which is again touched upon in the postscript to this advertisement, that a government may be considered as a great ballet or dance, in which, as in other ballets, every thing depends on the disposition of the figures. XX ADVERTISEMENT. two (the 10th, and llth, B. I.) contain, among other things, a few strictures on the Courts of Equity,; in which I wish it may be found I have not been mistaken ; of the two others, one (19th, B. II ) contains a few observations on the attempts that may, in different circumstances, be made, to set new limits to the authority of the crown ; and, in the 20th a few general thoughts are introduced on the right of taxation, and on the claim of the American colonies in that respect. Any farther observations I may make on the English government, such as comparing it with the other governments of Europe, and examining what difference in the manners of the inhabitants of this country may have re- sulted from it, must come in a new work, if I ever under- take to treat these subjects. In regard to the American disputes, what I may hereafter write on that account will be introduced in a work which I may at some future time publish, under the title of Histoire de George 'Trois, Roi d* Angleterre, or, perhaps, of Histoire ff Angleterre^ depuis CAnnte 176*5 (that in which the American stamp-duty was laid) jusques a V Annte 178 , meaning that in which an end shall be put to the present contest.* * A certain book, written in French, on the subject of the American dis- pute was, I have been told, lately attributed to me, in which I had no share. Nov. 1781. ADVERTISEMENT. XXI POSTSCRIPT. Notwithstanding the intention above expressed, of making no additions to the present work, I have found it necessary, in this new edition, to render somewhat more complete the 17th chapter, Book II. On the peculiar foundations of the English monarchy as a monarchy ; as I found its ten- dency not to be very well understood ; and, in fact, that chapter contained little more than hints on the subject men- tioned in it: the task, in the course of writing, has in- creased beyond my expectation, and has swelled the chapter to about sixty pages above what it was in the former edition, so as almost to make it a kind of separate book of itself. The reader will now find, that, in several remark- able new instances, it proves the fact of the peculiar stability of the executive power of the British crown, and exhibits a much more complete delineation of the advantages that result from that stability in favour of public liberty. These advantages may be enumerated in the following order: I. The numerous restraints the governing authority is able to bear, and the extensive freedom it can afford to allow the subject, at its own expense: II. The liberty of speaking and writing, carried to the great extent it is in England : III. The unbounded freedom of the debates in the legislature : IV. The power to bear the constant union of all orders of subjects against its prerogatives : V. The freedom allowed to all individuals to take an active part in government concerns: VI. The strict impartiality with which justice is dealt to all subjects, without any respect whatever of persons : VII. The lenity of the criminal law, both in regard to the mildness of punishments, and the frequent remission of them: VIII. The strict compliance XXII ADVERTISEMENT. of the governing authority with the letter of the law : IX. The needlessness of an armed force to support itself by, and, as a consequence, the singular subjection of the military to the civil power. The above-mentioned advantages are peculiar to the English government. To attempt to imitate them, or transfer them to other countries, with that degree of extent to which they are carried in England, without at the same time transferring the whole order and conjunction of cir- cumstances in the English government, would prove unsuc- cessful attempts. Several articles of English liberty already appear impracticable to be preserved in the new American commonwealths. The Irish nation have of late succeeded in imitating several very important regulations in the English government, and are very desirous to render the assimilation complete ; yet, it is possible, they will find many inconveniences arise from their endeavours, which do not take place in England, notwithstanding the very great general similarity of circumstances in the two kingdoms in many respects ; and even also, we might add, notwithstand- ing the respectable power and weight the crown derives from its British dominions, both for defending its prero- gative in Ireland, and preventing anarchy : I say, the simi- larity in many respects between the two kingdoms ; for this resemblance may perhaps fail in regard to some important points : however, this is a subject about which I shall not attempt to say any thing, not having the necessary in- formation. The last chapter in the work, concerning the nature of the divisions that take place in this country, I have left in every English edition as I wrote it at first in French. With respect to the exact manner of the debates in parlia- ment, mentioned in that chapter, I cannot well say more at present than I did at that time, as I never had an oppor- tunity to hear the debates in either house. In regard to the divisions in general to which the spirit of party gives rise, I did perhaps the bulk of the people somewhat more ADVERTISEMENT. XX111 honour than they really deserve, when I represented them as being free from any violent dispositions in that respect : I have since found, that, like the bulk of mankind in all countries, they suffer themselves to be influenced by vehe- ment prepossessions for this or that side of public questions, commonly in proportion as their knowledge of the subject is imperfect. It is, however, a fact, that political prepos- sessions and party spirit are not productive, in this country, of those dangerous consequences which might be feared from the warmth with which they are sometimes manifested. But this subject, or in general the subjects of the political quarrels and divisions in this country, is not an article one may venture to meddle with in a single chapter; I have therefore let this subsist, without touching it. I shall however observe, before I conclude, that an acci- dental circumstance in the English government prevents the party spirit, by which the public are usually influenced, from producing those lasting and rancorous divisions in the community which have pestered so many other free states, making of the same nation, as it were, two distinct people, in a kind of constant warfare with each other. The cir- cumstance I mean is, the frequent reconciliations (com- monly to quarrel again afterward) that take place between the leaders of parties, by which the most violent and igno- rant class of their partisans are bewildered, and made to lose the scent. By the frequent coalitions between whig and tory leaders, even that party distinction, the most famous in the English history, has now become useless : the meaning of the words has thereby been rendered so per- plexed that nobody can any longer give a tolerable definition of them ; and those persons who now and then aim at gain- ing popularity by claiming the merit of belonging to either party, are scarcely understood. The late coalition between two certain leaders has done away, and prevented from settling, that violent party spirit to which the administration of Lord Bute had given rise, and which the American dis- XXIV ADVERTISEMENT. putes had carried still farther. Though this coalition has met with much obloquy, I take the liberty to rank myself in the number of its advocates, so far as the circumstance here mentioned. May, 1784. CONTENTS. Page INTRODUCTION - - - - 1 BOOK I. A Survey of the various Powers included in the English Constitu- tion, and of the Laws both in Civil and Criminal cases. CHAP. I. Causes of the Liberty of the English Nation. Reasons of the Difference hetween the Government of England and that of France. In England, the great Power of the Crown, under the Norman Kings, created an Union hetween the Nobility and the People - 5 II. A second Advantage England had over France : it formed one undivided State - jg III. The Subject continued 33 IV. Of the Legislative Power 49 V. Of the Executive Power 62 VI. The Boundaries which the Constitution has set to the Royal Prerogative 65 VII. The Same Subject continued 68 VIII. New Restrictions 73 IX. Of private Liberty, or the Liberty of Individuals - 87 X. On the Law that is observed in England, in regard to Civil Matters 96 XI. The Subject continued. The Courts of Equity - 120 XII. Of Criminal Justice .... 135 XXVI CONTENTS. CHAP. Page XIII. The Subject continued - - 147 XIV. The Subject concluded. Laws relative to Imprison- ment. - 165 BOOK II. A View of the Advantages of the English Government, and of the Rights and Liberties of the People ; and a Confirmation, by reference to facts, of the Principles stated in fhe Work. CHAP. I. Some Advantages peculiar to the English Constitution. The Unity of the Executive Power 171 II. The Subject concluded. The Executive Power is more easily confined when it is ONE 187 III. A Second Peculiarity. The Division of the Legislative Power 190 IV. A Third Advantage peculiar to the English Govern- ment. The Business of proposing Laws, lodged in the hands of the People 198 V. In which an Inquiry is made, whether it would be an Advantage to public liberty, that the Laws should be enacted by the Votes of the People at large 208 VI. Advantages that accrue to the People from appointing Representatives - 220 VII. The Subject continued. The Advantages that accrue to the People from their appointing Representatives are very inconsiderable, unless they also entirely trust their Legislative Authority to them - 223 VIII. The Subject concluded. Effects that have resulted in the English Government, from the People's Power being completely delegated to their Represen- tatives - 229 IX. A farther Disadvantage of Republican Governments. The People are necessarily betrayed by those in whom they trust 234 X. Fundamental Difference between the English Govern- ment and the Governments just described. In CONTENTS. XXVII CHAP. Page England, all Executive Authority is placed out of the Hands of those in whom the People trust. Usefulness of the power of the Crown 242 XI. The Power which the People themselves exercise. The Election of Members of Parliament 248 XTI. The same Subject continued. Liberty of the Press 250 XIII. The Subject continued 262 XIV. Right of Resistance . 269 XV. Proofs, drawn from Facts, of the Truth of the Princi- ples laid down in the present Work. 1. The peculiar Manner in which Revolutions have always been concluded in England 282 XVI. Second Difference. The Manner after which the Laws for the Liberty of the Subject are executed in Eng- land 297 XVII. A moi - e inward View of the English Government than has hitherto been offered to the Reader in the Course of this Work. Very essential Differences between the English Monarchy, as a Monarchy, and all those with which we are acquainted 335 Second Part of the same Chapter 370 XVIII. How far the Examples of Nations who have lost their Liberty are applicable to England - 415 XIX. A few Additional Thoughts on the Attempts that at particular Times may be made to abridge the Power of the Crown, and some of the Dangers by which such Attempts may be attended 439 XX. A few additional Observations on the Right of Taxa- tion, which is lodged in the Hands of the Represen- tatives of the People. What kind of Danger this Right may be exposed to 450 XXI. Conclusion. A few words on the Nature of the Divi- sions that take place in England - 462 THE CONSTITUTION OF ENGLAND, INTRODUCTION. THE spirit of philosophy which peculiarly distin- guishes the present age, after having corrected a number of errors fatal to society, seems now to be directed towards the principles of society itself; and we see prejudices vanish which are difficult to overcome, in proportion as it is dangerous to at- tack them.* This rising freedom of sentiment, the necessary fore-runner of political freedom, led me to imagine that it would not be unacceptable to the public to be made acquainted with the principles of a constitution on which the eye of curiosity seems now to be universally turned, and which, though celebrated as a model of perfection, is yet but little known to its admirers. I am aware that it will be deemed presumptuous * As every popular notion which may contribute to the support of an arbitrary government is at all times vigilantly protected by the whole strength of it, political prejudices are last of all, if ever, shaken off by a nation subjected to such a government. A great change in this respect, however, has of late taken place in France, where this book was first published ; and opinions are now discussed there, and tenets avowed, which, in the time of Louis the Four- B <2 THE CONSTITUTION in a man, who has passed the greatest part of his life out of England, to attempt a delineation of the English government ; a system which is supposed to be so complicated as not to be understood or de- veloped, but by those who have been initiated in the mysteries of it from their infancy. But, though a foreigner in England, yet, as a na- tive of a free country, I am no stranger to those circumstances which constitute or characterise li- berty. Even the great disproportion between the republic of which I am a member (and in which I formed my principles) and the British empire, has perhaps only contributed to facilitate my political inquiries. As the mathematician, the better to discover the proportions he investigates, begins with freeing his equation from coefficients, or such other quanti- ties as only perplex without properly constituting it ; so it may be advantageous, to the inquirer after the causes that produce the equilibrium of a govern- ment, to have previously studied them, disengaged from the apparatus of fleets, armies, foreign trade, distant and extensive dominions ; in a word, from all those brilliant circumstances which so greatly affect the external appearance of a powerful society, but have no essential connexion with the real prin- ciples of it. It is upon the passions of mankind, that is, upon teenth, would have appeared downright blasphemy ; it is to this an allusion is made above. 4 4 This note appears in the first Edition of the work, published in this country in 1775, and was written by the Author as if in an- ticipation of the French revolution of the year 1789. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 3 causes which are unalterable, that the action of the various parts of a state depends. The machine may vary as to its dimensions ; but its movement and acting 1 springs still remain intrinsically the same ; and that time cannot be considered as lost which has been spent in seeing them act and move in a narrower circle. One other consideration I will suggest, which is, that the very circumstance of being a foreigner may of itself be attended, in this case, with a degree of advantage. The English themselves (the observa- tion cannot give them any offence) having their eyes open, as I may say, upon their liberty, from their first entrance into life, are perhaps too much familiarised with its enjoyment, to inquire, with real concern, into its causes. Having acquired practical notions of their government long before they have meditated on it, and these notions being slowly and gradually imbibed, they at length behold it without any high degree of sensibility ; and they seem to me, in this respect, to be like the recluse inhabitant of a palace, who is perhaps in the worst situation for attaining a complete idea of the whole, and never experienced the striking effect of its ex- ternal structure and elevation ; or, if you please, like a man who, having always had a beautiful and extensive scene before his eyes, continues for ever to view it with indifference. But a stranger, beholding at once the various parts of a constitution displayed before him, which, at the same time that it carries liberty to its height, has guarded against inconveniences seemingly in- evitable ; beholding in short those things carried B 2 4 THE CONSTITUTION into execution which he had ever regarded as more desirable than possible, is struck with a kind of ad- miration ; and it is necessary to be thus strongly af- fected by objects, to be enabled to reach the general principle which governs them. Not that I mean to insinuate that I have pene- trated with more acuteness into the constitution of England than others ; my only design, in the above observations, was to obviate an unfavourable, though natural prepossession ; and if, either in treating of the causes which originally produced the English liberty, or of those by which it continues to be maintained, my observations should be found new or singular, I hope the English reader will not con- demn them, but where they shall be found inconsis- tent with history, or with daily experience. Of readers in general I also request, that they will not judge of the principles I shall lay down, but from their relation to those of human nature ; a conside- ration which is almost the only one essential, and has been hitherto too much neglected by the writers on the subject of government. OF ENGLAND. BOOK I. A SURVEY OF THE VARIOUS POWERS INCLUDED IN THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION, AND OF THE LAWS BOTH IN CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES. CHAPTER I. Causes of the Liberty of the English Natio7i t Reasons of the Difference between the Govern- ment of England and that of France. In Eng- land, the great Power of the Crown, under the Norman Kings, created an Union between the Nobility and the People. WHEN the Romans, attacked on all sides by the barbarians, were reduced to the necessity of defend- ing the centre of their empire, they abandoned Great Britain, as well as several other of their distant provinces. The island, thus left to itself, became a prey to the nations inhabiting- the shores of the Baltic ; who, having first destroyed the an- cient inhabitants, and for a long time reciprocally annoyed each other, established several sovereignties in the southern part of the island, afterwards called 6 THE CONSTITUTION England, which at length were united, under Egbert, into one kingdom. The successors of this prince, denominated the Anglo-Saxon princes, among whom Alfred the Great and Edward the Confessor are particularly celebrated, reigned for about two hundred years : but, though our knowledge of the principal events of this early period of the English history is in some degree exact, yet we have but vague and uncertain accounts of the nature of the govern- ment which those nations introduced. It appears to have had little more affinity with the present constitution, than the general relation, common indeed to all the governments established by the northern nations, that of having a king and a body of nobility ; and the ancient Saxon government is " left us in story" (to use the ex- pressions of Sir William Temple on the subject) " but like so many antique, broken, or defaced " pictures, which may still represent something of " the customs and fashions of those ages, though " little of the true lines, proportions, or resem- " blance."* It is at the aera of the conquest that we are to look for the real foundation of the English con- stitution. From that period, says Spelman, 5 no- vus seclorum nascitur ordo.^ William of Nor- * See his Introduction to the History of England. f See Spehnan, Of Parliaments. It has been a favourite thesis with many writers, to pretend that the Saxon government was, at the time of the conquest, by no means subverted; that William ' 5 A new series of ages arises. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. mandy, having- defeated Harold, and made him- self master of the crown, subverted the ancient of Normandy legally acceded to the throne, and, consequently, to the engagements of the Saxon kings : and much argument has in particular been employed with regard to the word conquest, which, it hasheen said, in the feudal sense, only meant acquisition. These opinions have been particularly insisted upon in times of popular opposition : and, indeed, there was a far greater probability of success, in raising among the people the notions (familiar to them) of legal claim sand long-established customs, than in arguing with them from the no less rational, but less determinate, and somewhat dangerous doctrines, concerning the original rights of mankind, and the lawfulness of at all times opposing force to an oppressive government. But if we consider that the manner in which the public power is formed in a state is so very essential a part of its government, and that a thorough change in this respect was introduced into England by the conquest, we shall not scruple to allow that a new government was established. Nay, as almost the whole landed property in the kingdom was at that time transferred to other hands, a new system of criminal justice introduced, and the language of the law moreover altered, the revolution may be said to have been such as is not perhaps to be paralleled in the history of any other country. Some Saxon laws, favourable to the liberty of the people, were indeed again established under the successors of William : but the introduction of some new modes of proceeding in the courts of justice, and of a few particular laws, cannot, so long as the ruling power in the state remains the same, be said to be the introduction of a new government ; and as, when the laws in question were again established, the public power in England continued in the same channel where the conquest had placed it, they were more properly new modifications of the Anglo-Norman constitution than they were the abolition of it ; or, since they were again adopted from the Saxon legislation, they were rather imitations of that legisla- tion, than the restoration of the Saxon government. Contented, however, with the two authorities I have above quoted, I shall dwell no louger on a discussion of the precise identity, or 8 THE CONSTITUTION fabric of the Saxon legislation : he exterminated, or expelled, the former occupiers of lands, in or- der to distribute their possessions among his fol- lowers ; and established the feudal system of go- vernment, as better adapted to his situation, and indeed the only one of which he possessed a com- petent idea. This sort of government prevailed also in almost all the other parts of Europe. But, instead of being established by dint of arms, and all at once, as in England, it had only been established on the con- tinent, and particularly in France, through a long series of slow successive events : a difference of circumstances this, from which consequences were in time to arise as important as they were at first difficult to be foreseen. The German nations who passed the Rhine to conquer Gaul were in a great degree independent ; their princes had no other title to their power, but their own valour and the free election of the people ; and, as the latter had acquired in their forests but contracted notions of sovereign autho- rity, they followed a chief less in quality of subjects, than as companions in conquest. difference, of two governments ; that is, of two ideal systems, which only exist in the conceptions of men. Nor do I wish to ex- plode a doctrine, which, in the opinion of some persons, giving an additional sanction and dignity to the English government, con- tributes to increase their love and respect for it. It will be suf- ficient for my pin pose, if the reader shall be pleased to grant that a material change was, at the time of the conquest, effected in the government then existing, and is accordingly disposed to admit the proofs that will presently be laid before him, of such change having prepared the establishment of the present English constitution. OK ENGLAND. 9 Besides, this conquest was not the irruption of a foreign army, which only takes possession of fortified towns ; it was the general invasion of a whole people in search of new habitations ; and, as the number of the conquerors bore a great pro- portion to that of the conquered, who were at the same time enervated by long peace, the expedition was no sooner completed than all danger was at an end, and of course their union also. After di- viding among themselves what lands they thought proper to occupy, they separated ; and though their tenure was at first only precarious, yet, in this par- ticular, they depended not on the king, but on the general assembly of the nation.* Under the kings of the first race, the fiefs, by the mutual connivance of the leaders, at first became annual ; afterwards, held for life. Under the de- scendants of Charlemagne, they became heredi- tary, -f And when at length Hugh Capet effected his own election, to the prejudice of Charles of Lorrain, intending to render the crown, which in fact was a fief, hereditary in his own family, he * The fiefs wei'e originally called terra jure beneficii concessce; 6 and it was not till under Charles le Gros that the term ^/"began to be in use. See BENEFICIUM, Gloss. Du fange. f Apud Francos vero, sensim pedetentimque, jure htereditario ad htf redes subinde transierunt feuda ; quod labente seculo nono incepit.i See FEUDUM, Du Gauge. j Hotoinan has proved beyond a doubt, in his Franco-Gallia, 6 Lands granted by right (vested in the ci'own) of gratuitous dona, tion. EDITOR. " The custom slowly and progressively prevailed among the Franks, that the fiefs passed by hereditary right directly to the heirs. This commenced in the course of the ninth century. EDITOR. 10 THE CONSTITUTION established the hereditaryship of fiefs as a general principle ; and from this epoch authors date the complete establishment of the feudal system in France. On the other hand, the lords who gave their suffrages to Hugh Capet forgot not the interest of their own ambition. They completed the breach of those feeble ties which subjected them to the royal authority, and became every where indepen- dent. They left the king no jurisdiction, either over themselves, or their vassals ; they reserved the right of waging war with each other ; they even assumed the same privilege, in certain cases, with regard to the king himself;* so that if Hugh Capet, by rendering the crown hereditary, laid the founda- tion of the greatness of his family, and of the crown itself, yet he added little to his own authority, and acquired scarcely any thing more than a nominal superiority over the number of sovereigns who then swarmed in France, t that, under the two first races of kings, the crown of France was elective. The princes of the reigning family had nothing more in their favour than the custom of choosing one of that house. * The principal of these cases was, when the king refused to appoint judges to decide a difference between himself and one of his first harons; the latter had then a right to take up arms against the king ; and the subordinate vassals were so dependent on their immediate lords, that they were obliged to follow them against the lord paramount. St. Louis, though the power of the crown was in his time much increased, was obliged to confirm both this privilege of the' first barons, and this obligation of their vassals. f " The grandees of the kingdom," says Mezeray, " thought " that Hugh Capet ought to put up with all their insults, because " they had placed the crown on his head : nay, so great was their " licentiousness, that, on his writing to Audebert, viscount of Peri- OF ENGLAND. 11 But the establishment of the feudal system in England was an immediate and sudden consequence of that conquest which introduced it. Besides, this conquest was made by a prince who kept the greater part of his army in his own pay, and who was placed at the head of a people over whom he was an hereditary sovereign, circumstances which gave a totally different turn to the government of that kingdom. Surrounded by a warlike, though a conquered nation, William kept on foot part of his army. The English, and after them the Normans themselves, having revolted, he crushed both; and the new king of England, at the head of victorious troops, having to do with two nations lying under a reci- procal check from the enmity they bore to each other, and, moreover, equally subdued by a sense of their unfortunate attempts of resistance, found himself in the most favourable circumstances for becoming an absolute monarch ; and his laws, thus promulgated in the midst, as it were, of thunder and lightning, imposed the yoke of despotism both on the victors and the vanquished. He divided England into sixty thousand two hundred and fifteen military fiefs, all held of the crown ; the possessors of which were, on pain of forfeiture, to take up arms, and repair to his standard on the first signal : he subjected not only " gueux, ordering him to raise the siege he had laid to Tours, and " asking him, by way of reproach, who had made him a viscount ? " that nobleman haughtily answered, not you, but those who made " you a king, [Ce n'est pas vous, niais ceux qui vous out fait " roi.]" 12 THE CONSTITUTION the common people, but even the barons, to all the rigours of the feudal government : he even im- posed on them his tyrannical forest laws.* He assumed the prerogative of imposing taxes. He invested himself with the whole executive power of government. But what was of the greatest consequence, he arrogated to himself the most extensive judicial power by the establishment of the court which was called Aula Regis, a for- midable tribunal, which received appeals from all the courts of the barons, and decided, in the last resort, on the estates, honour, and lives of the barons themselves ; and which, being wholly com- posed of the great officers of the crown, removable at the king's pleasure, and having the king himself for president, kept the first noblemen in the king- dom under the same controul as the meanest sub- ject. Thus, while the kingdom of France, in conse- quence of the slow and gradual formation of the feudal government, found itself, in the issue, com- posed of a number of parts simply placed by each other, and without any reciprocal adherence, the kingdom of England on the contrary, from the * He reserved to himself an exclusive privilege of killing game throughout England, and enacted the severest penalties on all who should attempt it without his permission. The suppression, or rather mitigation of these penalties, was one of the articles of the Charta de Foresta, which the barons afterwards obtained by force of arms. Nullus de ccetero amittat viiam, vel membra, pro vena- Hone nostrd. 8 Ch. de Forest. Art. 10. 8 No man from henceforth shall lose either life or member for killing of our deer. Translation given in RufFlietul's Statutes at large. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 13 sudden and violent introduction of the same sys- tem, became a compound of parts united by the strongest ties ; and the regal authority, by the pressure of its immense weight, consolidated the whole into one compact indissoluble body. To this difference in the original constitution of France and England, that is, in the original power of their kings, we are to attribute the difference, so little analogous to its original cause, of their present constitutions. This furnishes the solution of a problem which, I must confess, for a long time perplexed me, and explains the reason why, of two neighbouring nations, situated almost under the same climate, and having one common origin, the one has attained the summit of liberty, the other has gradually sunk under an absolute mo- narchy. In France, the royal authority was indeed in- considerable ; but this circumstance was by no means favourable to the general liberty. The lords were every thing ; and the bulk of the nation were accounted nothing. All those wars which were made on the king had not liberty for their object ; for of this the chiefs already enjoyed too great a share : they were the mere effect of private ambition or caprice. The people did not engage in them as associates in the support of a cause common to all ; they were dragged, blindfold, and like slaves, to the standard of their leaders. In the mean time, as the laws, by virtue of which their masters were considered as vassals, had no relation to those by which they were themselves bound as subjects, the resistance, of which they THE CONSTITUTION were made the instruments, never produced any advantageous consequence in their favour, nor did it establish any principle of freedom that was ap- plicable to them. The inferior nobles, who shared in the inde- pendence of the superior nobility, added the effects of their own insolence to the despotism of so many sovereigns ; and the people, wearied out by suffer- ings, and rendered desperate by oppression, at times attempted to revolt. But, being parcelled out into so many different states, they could never perfectly agree either in the nature or the times of their complaints. The insurrections, which ought to have been general, were only successive and particular. In the mean time, the lords, ever uniting to avenge their common cause as masters, fell with irresistible advantage on men who were divided : the people were thus separately, and by force, brought back to their former yoke ; and liberty, that precious offspring, which requires so many favourable circumstances to foster it, was everywhere stifled in its birth.* At length, when by -conquests, by escheats, or by treaties, the several provinces came to be re- united^ to the extensive and continually increasing * It may be seen in Mezeray, how the Flemings, at the time of the great revolt which was caused, as he says, " by the inveterate " hatred of the nobles (les gentils-hommes) against the people of " Ghent," were crushed by the union of almost all the nobility of France. See Mezeray, Reign of Charles VI. t The word re-union expresses in the French law, or history, the reduction of a province to an immediate dependence on the crown. OF ENGLAND. 15 dominions of the monarch, they became subject to their new master, already trained to obedience. The few privileges which the cities had been able to preserve were little respected by a sovereign who had himself entered into no engagement for that purpose ; and, .is the re-unions were made at different times, the king was always in a condition to overwhelm every new province that accrued to him, with the weight of all those he already pos- sessed. As a farther consequence of these differences between the times of the re-unions, the several parts of the kingdom entertained no views of as- sisting each other. When some reclaimed their privileges, the others, long since reduced to sub- jection, had already forgotten theirs. Besides, these privileges, by reason of the differences of the governments under which the provinces had for- merly been held, were also almost everywhere dif- ferent : the circumstances which happened in one place thus bore little affinity to those which fell out in another ; the spirit of union was lost, or rather had never existed ; each province, restrained within its particular bounds, only served to ensure the general submission ; and the same causes which had reduced that spirited nation to a yoke of sub- jection, concurred also to keep them under it. Thus liberty perished in France, because it wanted a favourable culture and proper situation. Planted, if I may so express myself, but just be- neath the surface, it presently expanded, and sent forth some large shoots ; but, having taken no root, it was soon plucked up. In England, on 10 THE CONSTITUTION the contrary, the seed, lying at a great depth, and being covered with an enormous weight, seemed at first to be smothered ; but it vegetated with the greater force ; it imbibed a more rich and abundant nourishment ; its sap and juice became better assimilated, and it penetrated and filled up with its roots the whole body of the soil. It was the excessive power of the king which made England free, because it was this very excess that gave rise to the spirit of union, and of concerted resistance. Possessed of extensive demesnes, the king found himself independent : invested with the most for- midable prerogatives, he crushed at pleasure the most powerful barons in the realm. It was only by close and numerous confederacies, therefore, that these could resist his tyranny ; they even were compelled to associate the people in them, and make them partners of public liberty. Assembled with their vassals in their great halls, where they dispensed their hospitality, deprived of the amusements of more polished nations ; na- turally inclined, besides, freely to expatiate on objects of which their hearts were full ; their conversation naturally turned on the injustice of the public impositions, on the tyranny of the ju- dicial proceedings, and, above all, on the detested forest laws. Destitute of an opportunity of cavilling about the meaning of laws, the terms of which were precise, or rather disdaining the resource of so- phistry, they were naturally led to examine the first principles of society ; they inquired into the foundations of human authority, and became con- OF ENGLAND. 17 vinced, that power, when its object is not the good of those who are subject to it, is nothing- more than the right of the strongest, and may be repressed by the exertion of a similar right. The different orders of the feudal government, as established in England, being connected by tenures exactly similar, the same maxims which were laid down as true against the lord para- mount, in behalf of the lord of an upper fief, were likewise to be admitted against the latter, in behalf of the owner of an inferior fief. The same maxims were also to be applied to the possessor of a still lower fief : they farther descended to the freeman, and to the peasant : and the spirit of liberty, after having circulated through the dif- ferent branches of the feudal subordination, thus continued to flow through successive homogeneous channels ; it forced a passage into the remotest ramifications ; and the principle of primeval equality became every where diffused arid esta- blished: a sacred principle, which neither injustice nor ambition can erase ; which exists in every breast, and, to exert itself, requires only to be awakened among the numerous and oppressed classes of mankind ! But when the barons, whom their personal con- sequence had at first caused to be treated with caution and regard by the sovereign, began to be no longer so, when the tyrannical laws of the Conqueror became still more tyrannically executed, the confederacy, for which the general oppres- sion had paved the way, instantly took place. The lord, the vassal, the inferior vassal, all united. 18 THE CONSTITUTION They even implored the assistance of the peasants and cottagers ; and the haughty aversion with which on the continent the nobility repaid the in- dustrious hands that fed them, was, in England, compelled to yield to the pressing necessity of setting bounds to the royal authority. The people, on the other hand, knew that the cause they were called upon to defend was a cause common to all ; and they were sensible, besides, that they were the necessary supporters of it. In- structed by the example of their leaders, they spoke and stipulated conditions for themselves : they insisted that, for the future, every individual should be entitled to the protection of the law ; and thus did those rights with which the lords had strengthened themselves, in order to oppose the tyranny of the crown, become a bulwark which was in time to restrain their own. CHAPTER II. A second Advantage England had over France : it formed one undivided State. IT was in the reign of Henry the First, about forty years after the conquest, that we see the above causes begin to operate. This prince, hav- ing ascended the throne to the exclusion of his elder brother, was sensible that he had no other OF ENGLAND. 19 means to maintain his power than by gaining the affection of his subjects ; but at the same time he perceived that it must be the affection of the whole nation : he, therefore, not only mitigated the rigour of the feudal laws in favour of the lords, but also annexed as a condition to the charter he granted, that the lords should allow the same free- dom to their respective vassals. Care was even taken to abolish those laws of the Conqueror which lay heaviest on the lower classes of the people.* Under Henry the Second, liberty took a farther stride ; and the ancient trial by jury, a mode of procedure which is at present one of the most va- luable parts of the English law, made again, though imperfectly, its appearance. But these causes, which had worked but silently and slowly under the two Henries, who were princes in some degree just, and of great capacity, manifested themselves at once under the despotic reign of king John. The royal prerogative, and the forest laws, having been exerted by this prince * Amongst others, the law of the Curfeu. It might be matter of curious discussion to enquire what the Anglo-Saxon govern- ment would in process of time have become, and of course the government of England be at the present time, if the event of the conquest had never taken place ; which, by conferring an immense as well as unusual power on the head of the feudal system, com- pelled the nobility to contract a lasting and sincere union with the people. It is very probable that the English government would at this day be the same as that which long prevailed in Scotland (where the king and nobles engrossed, jointly or by turns, the whole power of the state) ; the same as in Sweden, the same as in Denmark, countries whence the Anglo-Saxons came. C 2 20 THE CONSTITUTION to a degree of excessive severity, he soon beheld a general confederacy formed against him : and here we must observe another circumstance, highly advantageous, as well as peculiar, to England. England was not, like France, an aggregation of a number of different sovereignties : it formed but one state, and acknowledged but one master, one general title. The same laws, the same kind of dependence, consequently the same notions, the same interests, prevailed throughout the whole. The extremities of the kingdom could, at all times, unite to give a check to the exertions of an unjust power. From the river Tweed to Portsmouth, from Yarmouth to the Land's End, all was in motion : the agitation increased from the distance, like the rolling waves of an extensive sea ; and the monarch, left to himself, and destitute of re- sources, saw himself attacked on all sides by an universal combination of his subjects. No sooner was the standard set up against John, than his very courtiers forsook him. In this situation, finding no part of his kingdom less irritated against him than another, having no de- tached province which he could engage in his defence by promises of pardon or of peculiar con- cessions, the trivial though never-failing resources of government, he was compelled, with seven of his attendants, all that remained with him, to sub- mit himself to the disposal of his subjects, and he signed at Runirig-Mead* the charter of the Forest, together with that famous charter, which, from its * Anno 121o. OF ENGLAND. 21 superior and extensive importance, is denominated Magna Charta. By the former the most tyrannical parts of the forest laws were abolished; and by the latter, the rigour of the feudal laws was greatly mitigated in favour of the lords. But this charter did riot stop there ; conditions were also stipulated in favour of the numerous body of the people who had con- curred to obtain it, and who claimed, with sword in hand, a share in that security it was meant to esta- blish. It was hence instituted by the Great Charter, that the same services which were remitted in favour of the barons should be in like manner remitted in favour of their vassals. This charter moreover established an equality of weights and measures throughout England; it exempted the mer- chants from arbitrary imposts, and gave them liberty to enter and depart the kingdom at pleasure : it even extended to the lowest orders of the state, since it enacted, that the villain, or bondman, should not be subject to the forfeiture of his imple- ments of tillage. Lastly, by the thirty-ninth article of the same charter, it was enacted, that no subject should be exiled, or in any shape what- ever molested, either in his person or effects, other- wise than by judgment of his peers, and according to the law of the land ;* an article so important, * " Nullus liber homo capiatur, vel hnprisonetur, vel dissesiatur " de libero tenemento suo, vel libertatibus, vel liberis consuetudi- " nibus suis ; aut utlagetur, aut exuletur, aut aliquo modo destru- " atur ; nee super eum ibimus, nee super euro niittemus, nisi per " legale judicium pariuin suoruin, vel per legem terrse. Nulli 22 THE CONSTITUTION that it may be said to comprehend the whole end and design of political societies : and from that moment the English would have been a free people, if there were not an immense distance between the making of laws, and the observing of them. But though this charter wanted most of those supports which were necessary to ensure respect to it, though it did not secure to the poor and friend- less any certain and legal methods of obtaining the execution of it (provisions which numberless trans- gressions alone could, in process of time, point out); yet it w r as a prodigious advance towards the establishment of public liberty. Instead of the ge- neral maxims respecting the rights of the people and the duties of the prince (maxims against which " vendemus, nulli negabimus, aut differemus, justitiam vel rectum." 9 Magna Chart, cap. xxix. 9 No freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned, or be disseised of his freehold, or liberties, or free customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any otherwise destroyed ; nor will we pass upon him, nor con- demn him, but by lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man, either justice or right To this translation, given in Ruff- head's Statutes at Large, the following note is annexed. " The " words above, marked in italics, do by no means express the sense " of the original. The two verbs, ibimusttad miff emus, evidently " stand in contradistinction to each other, and are indeed much " easier expounded than translated ; therefore we cannot do better " than recur to Lord Coke's Exposition, which is as follows : ' No " ' man shall be condemned at the king's suit, either before the " ' king in his bench, where the pleas are cor am. rege, (and so are " ' the words nee super eum ibimus, to be understood), nor before " ' any other commissioner or Judge whatever (and so are the " ' words nee super eum mittemus, to be understood).'" EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 23 ambition perpetually contends, and which it some- times even openly and absolutely denies), here was substituted a written law, that is, a truth admitted by all parties, which no longer required the support of argument. The rights and privileges of the individual, as well in his person as in his property, became settled axioms. The Great Charter, at first enacted with so much solemnity, and after- wards confirmed at the beginning of every succeed- ing reign, became like a general banner perpetually set up for the union of all classes of the people ; and the foundation was laid on which those equita- ble laws were to rise, which offer the same assis- tance to the poor and weak, as to the rich and powerful.* Under the long reign of Henry the Third, the differences which arose between the king and the nobles rendered England a scene of confusion. Amidst the vicissitudes which the fortune of war produced in their mutual conflicts, the people be- came still more and more sensible of their impor- * The reader, to be more fully convinced of the reality of the causes to which the liberty of England has been here asciibed, as well as of the truth of the observations made at the same time on the situation of the people of France, needs only to compare the Great Charter, so extensive in its provisions, and in which the barons stipulated in favour even of the bondman, with the treaty concluded at St. Maur, October 29, 1465, between Louis XI. and several of the princes and peers of France. In this treaty, which was made in order to terminate a war that was called the war for the public good (pro bono publico), no provision was made but concerning the particular power of a few lords : not a word was in- serted in favour of the people. It may be seen at large in the pieces justijicalives annexed to the Mt moires de Philippe de Co- mines. 24 THE CONSTITUTION tance, and so did, in consequence, both the king and the barons also. Alternately courted by both parties, they obtained a confirmation of the Great Charter, and even the addition of new privileges, by the statutes of Merton and of Marlebridge. But I hasten to reach the grand epoch of the reign of Edward the First, a prince who, from his nu- merous and prudent laws, has been denominated the English Justinian. Possessed of great natural talents, and succeed- ing a prince whose weakness and injustice had ren- dered his reign unhappy, Edward was sensible that nothing but a strict administration of justice could, on the one side, curb a nobility whom the troubles of the preceding reign had rendered turbulent, and, on the other, appease and conciliate the people, by securing the property of individuals. To this end, he made jurisprudence the principal object of his attention ; and so much did it improve under his care, that the mode of process became fixed and settled ; Judge Hale going even so far as to affirm, that the English laws arrived at once, et quasi per saltum, 10 at perfection, and that there was more im- provement made in them during the first thirteen years of the reign of Edward, than in all the ages since his time. But what renders this sera particularly interesting, is, that it affords the first instance of the admission of the deputies of towns and boroughs into parlia- ment,* * I mean their legal origin ; for the earl of Leicester, who had 10 And as though hy a leap. EDJTOR. OF ENGLAND. 25 Edward, continually engaged in wars, either against Scotland or on the continent, seeing more- over his demesnes considerably diminished, was fre- quently reduced to the most pressing necessities. But, though, in consequence of the spirit of the times, he frequently indulged himself in particular acts of injustice, yet he perceived that it was impos- sible to extend a general oppression over a body of nobles, and a people, who so well knew how to unite in a common cause. In order to raise subsi- dies, therefore, he was obliged to employ a new method, and to endeavour to obtain, through the consent of the people, what his predecessors had hitherto expected from their own power. The sheriffs were ordered * to invite the towns and bo- roughs of the different counties to send deputies to parliament ; and it is from this sera that we are to date the origin of the house of commons. 11 It must be confessed, however, that these depu- usurped the power during part of the preceding reign, had called such deputies up to parliament before. * Anno 1295. 11 Although the first writ of summons of knights of shires to parliament, extant on record, which comes near to the fonn now so long in use, is in the 49lh year of Henry III., and the first regular summons we meet with, directed to the sheriff for the election of citizens and burgesses, is in the 23rd of Edward I., there is the strongest presumptive evidence that the commons were a part of the parliament soon after the conquest, or at least very early in the reign of Henry III. The 25th of Edward I., which confirms Magna Charta and the Charter of the Forest, recites, that they " were ' made by common assent of all the realm,'' and a statute of the 15th of Edward III., found in the appendix, " consisting of obso- " lete and curious acts,'* annexed to vol. ix. of Ruffhead's Statutes at Large, speaks yet more strongly, that Magna Charta and former 26 THE CONSTITUTION ties of the people were not, at first, possessed of any considerable authority. They were far from enjoying those extensive privileges which, in these days, constitute the house of commons a collateral part of the government : they were in those times called up only to provide for the wants of the king, and approve the resolutions taken by him and the assembly of the lords.* But it was nevertheless a * The end mentioned in the summons sent to the lords, was de arduis negotiis regni tractaturi, et consilium impensuri : 12 the requi- sition sent to the commons was, ad faciendum et consentien- dum. 13 The power enjoyed by the latter was even inferior to what they might have expected from the summons sent to them. " In " most of the ancient statutes they are not so much as named ; and " in several, even when they are mentioned, they are distinguished " as petitioners merely, the assent of the lords being expressed in " contradistinction to the request of the commons. 1 ' See on this subject the preface 14 to the Collection of the Statutes at large, by Ruffhekd, and the authorities quoted therein. statutes, which it confirms in all points, were made " par le roy, ses piers, et la communalte de la terre pur commun profit de poeple" (by the king, his peers, and the commonalty, or commons, of the land, for the general advantage of the people.) Testimony so derived is surely more to be regarded than the partial construction of modern writers. EDITOR. 12 Concerning weighty affairs of the kingdom to deliberate and afford counsel. EDITOR. 13 To do and consent. EDITOR. 14 The following are among the interesting notes attached to this preface, to the whole of which, though long, the editor concurs in directing the attention of the reader. " Throughout the reign of Ed. " I. the assent of the commons is not once expressed in any of the " enacting clauses ; nor in the reigns ensuing, till the 9th of Ed. " III., nor in any of the enacting clauses of 16 R. II. Nay, " even so low as H. VI., from the beginning till the 8th " year of his reign, the assent of the commons is not once ex- OF ENGLAND. 27 great point gained, to have obtained the right of littering their complaints, assembled in a body and in a legal way to have acquired, instead of a dan- gerous resource of insurrections, a lawful and re- gular mean of influencing the motions of the go- vernment, and thenceforth to have become a part of it. Whatever disadvantage might attend the station at first allotted to the representatives of the people, it was soon to be compensated by the preponde- rance the people necessarily acquire, when they are enabled to act and move with method, and espe- cially with concert.* And indeed this privilege of naming representa- tives, insignificant as it might then appear, pre- sently manifested itself by the most considerable ef- fects. In spite of his reluctance, and after many * France had indeed also her assemblies of the general estates of the kingdom, in the same manner as England had her parliament > but then it was only the deputies of the towns within the particular domain of the crown, that is, for a very small part of the' nation, who, under the name of the third estate, were admitted in those estates ; and it is easy to conceive that they acquire no great influ- ence in an assembly of sovereigns who gave the law to their lord paramount. Hence, when these disappeared, the maxim became immediately established, The will of the king is the will of the law: in old French, Que veut le roy, ce veut la lay. " pressed in any enacting clause.'' " See also Hen. VII., where " many statutes are said to be made by the advice antiasseni of the " lords spiritual and temporal, and at the supplication of the " commons ; at other times, at the request, sometimes the prayer, " of the commons.'' " Some of our ancient statutes run in the form " of petition and answer, such as Articuli Cleri, 9 Ed. II. Stat. " 1." EDITOR. 23 THE CONSTITUTION evasions unworthy of so great a king-, Edward was obliged to confirm the Great Charter ; he even confirmed it eleven times in the course of his reign. It was moreover enacted, that whaterer should be done contrary to it, should be null and void ; that it should be read twice a year in all cathedrals ; and that the penalty of excommunication should be de- nounced against any one who should presume to violate it.* At length he converted into an established law a privilege of which the English had hitherto had only a precarious enjoyment ; and, in the statute de tallagio non concedendo, he decreed, that no tax should be laid, nor impost levied, without the joint consent of the lords and commons.t A most important statute this, which, in conjunction with Magna Charta, forms the basis of the English constitution. If from the latter the English are to date the origin of their liberty, from the former they are to date the establishment of it : and as the Great Charter was the bulwark that protected the freedom of individuals, so was the statute in question the engine which protected the charter * Confirmationes Chartarum, cap. 2, 3,4. f " Nullum tallagium vel auxilium, per nos, vel haeredes " nostros, in regno nostro ponatur sen levetur, sine voluntate et " assensu archiepiscopovum, episcoporum, comitum, baronum, " militum, burgensium, et aliorum liberorum hominum de regno " nostro." 15 Stat. an. 34 Ed. I. 15 No tallage or aid shall be taken or levied by us or our heirs in our realm, without the good will and assent of archbishops, bishops, earls, barons, knights, burgesses, and other freemen of the land. Translation given in Ruffhead's statutes at large. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 29 itself, and by the help of which the people were thenceforth to make legal conquests over the au- thority of the crown. This is the period at which we must stop, in order to take a distant view, and contemplate the different prospect which the rest of Europe then presented. The efficient causes of slavery were daily ope- rating-, and gaining- strength. The independence of the nobles on the one hand, the ignorance and weakness of the people on the other, continued to be extreme : the feudal government still continued to diffuse oppression and misery ; and such was the confusion of it, that it even took away all hopes of amendment. France, still bleeding from the extravagance of a nobility incessantly engaged in groundless wars, either with each other, or with the king, was again desolated by the tyranny of that same nobi- lity, haughtily jealous of their liberty, or rather of their anarchy.* The people, oppressed by those who ought to have guided and protected them, loaded with insults by those who existed by their labour, revolted on all sides. But their tumultuous insurrections had scarcely any other object than * Not contented with oppression, they added insult. " When ' the gentry/' says Mezeray, " pillaged and committed exactions ' on the peasantry, they called the poor sufferer, in derision, ' Jaqites bonhomme (goodman James). This gave rise to a furious ' sedition, which was called the Jaquerie. It began at Beauvais in ' the year 1357, extending itself into most of the provinces of ' France, and was not appeased hut by the destruction of part of ' those unhappy victims, thousands of whom were slaughtered." 30 THE CONSTITUTION that of giving vent to the anguish with which their hearts were filled. They had no thoughts of enter- ing into a general combination ; still less of chang- ing the form of the government, and laying a re- gular plan of public liberty. Having never extended their views beyond the fields they cultivated, they had no conception of those different ranks and orders of men, of those distinct and opposite privileges and prerogatives, which are all necessary ingredients of a free consti- tution. Hitherto confined to the same round of rustic employments they little thought of that com- plicated fabric, which the more informed themselves cannot but with difficulty comprehend, when, by a concurrence of favourable circumstances, the struc- ture has at length been reared, and stands displayed to their view. In their simplicity they saw no other remedy for the national evils than the general establishment of the regal power, that is, of the authority of one common uncontrolled master, and only longed for that time, which, while it gratified their revenge, would mitigate their sufferings, and re- duce to the same level both the oppressors and the oppressed. The nobility, on the other hand, bent solely on the enjoyment of a momentary independence, irre- coverably lost the affection of the only men who might in time support them ; and, equally regard- less of the dictates of humanity and of prudence, they did not perceive the gradual and continual advances of the royal authority, which was soon to overwhelm them all. Already were Normandy, OF ENGLAND. 31 Anjou, Languedoc, and Touraine, re-united to the crown : Dauphin^, Champagne, and part of Gui- enne, were soon to follow : France was doomed at length to see the reign of Louis the Eleventh ; to see her general estates first become useless, and be afterwards abolished. It was the destiny of Spain also to behold her several kingdoms united under one head ; she was fated to be in time ruled by Ferdinand and Charles the Fifth.* And Germany, where an elective crown prevented the re-unions,^ was indeed to * Spain was originally divided into twelve kingdoms, besides principalities, which, by treaties, and especially by conquests, were collected into three kingdoms; those of Castile, Aragon, and Granada. Ferdinand the Fifth, king of Aragon, married Isabella, queen of Castile ; they made a joint conquest of the kingdom of Granada ; and these three kingdoms, thus united, descended, in 1516, to their grandson Charles V. and formed the Spanish monar- chy. At this sera, the kings of Spain began to be absolute ; and the states of the kingdoms of Castile and Leon, " assembled at " Toledo, in the month of November, 1539, were the last in which " the three orders met ; that is, the grandees, the ecclesiastics, and " the deputies of the towns." See the History of Spain, by Fer- reras. f The kingdom of France, as it stood under Hugh Capet and his next successors, may, with a great degree of exactness, be com- pared with the German empire : but the imperial crown of Germany having, through a conjunction of circumstances, continued elective, the emperors, though vested with more high-sounding prerogatives than even the kings of France, laboured under very essential dis- advantages : they could not pursue a plan of aggrandisement with the same steadiness as a line of hereditary sovereigns usually do ; and the right to elect them, enjoyed by the greater princes of Germany, procured a sufficient power to these, to protect them- selves, as well as the inferior lords, against the power of the crown. 32 THE CONSTITUTION acquire a few free cities ; but her people, parcelled into so many different dominions, were destined to remain subject to the arbitrary yoke of such of her different sovereigns as should be able to maintain their power and independence. In a word, the feudal tyranny which overspread the continent did not compensate, by any preparation of distant ad- vantages, the present calamities it caused ; nor was it to leave behind it, as it disappeared, any thing but a more regular kind of despotism. But in England, the same feudal system, after having suddenly broken in like a flood, had de- posited, and still continued to deposit, the noble seeds of the spirit of liberty, union, and sober re- sistance. So early as the time of Edward the tide was seen gradually to subside : the laws which protect the person and property of the individual began to make their appearance ; that admirable constitution, the result of a threefold power, insen- sibly arose ;* and the eye might even then discover the verdant summits of that fortunate region that was destined to be the seat of philosophy and li- berty, which are inseparable companions. * " Now, in my opinion/' says Philippe cle Comines, in times not much posterior to those of Edward the First, and with the simplicity of the language of his times," among all the sovereign- " ties I know in the world, that in which the puhlic good is hest " attended to, and the least violence exercised on the people, is " that of England." Me moires de Comities, livre v. chap- xviii. OF ENGLAND. ,'i'3 CHAPTER III. The Subject continued. THE representatives of the nation, and of the whole nation, were now admitted into parlia- ment : the great point therefore was gained, that was one day to procure them the great influence which they at present possess ; and the subsequent reigns afford continual instances of its successive growth. Under Edward the Second, the commons be- gan to annex petitions to the bills by which they granted subsidies: this was the dawn of their le- gislative authority. Under Edward the Third, they declared they would not in future acknowledge any law to which they had not expressly assented. Soon after this, they exerted a privilege, in which consists, at this time, one of the great balances of the constitution : they impeached, and procured to be condemned, some of the first ministers of state. 16 Under Henry 16 Of the exercise, by the democratic branch of our constitution, of the inquisitorial power of impeachment, which so eminently con- tributes to the preservation of public liberty, we have no formal record in the rolls of parliament prior to the 50th year of the reign of Edward 111., when Lord Latimer was impeached by the commons, and, being, after regular process in the house of peers, convicted of mal- administration, dismissed by the king from all ministerial employment. Lord Neville was also accused by the Commons, and banished from court. A persuasion of the increas- ing influence of the lower house (for it was about this time that tilt- peel's and the commons began to deliberate in different halls or D 34 THE CONSTITUTION p the Fourtli, they refused to grant subsidies before an answer had been given to their petitions. In a word, every event of any consequence was at- tended with an increase of the power of the com- mons ; increases indeed but slow and gradual, but which were peaceably and legally effected, and were the more fit to engage the attention of the people, and coalesce with the ancient principles of the constitution. Under Henry the Fifth, the nation was entirely taken up with its wars against France ; and in the reign of Henry the Sixth began the fatal con- tests between the houses of York and Lancaster. The noise of arms alone was now to be heard ; during the silence of the laws already in being, no thought was had of enacting new ones : and for thirty years together England presents a wide scene of slaughter and desolation. At length, under Henry the Seventh, who, by his intermarriage with the house of York, united the pretensions of the two families, a general peace was re-established, and the prospect of hap- pier days seemed to open on the nation. But the long and violent agitation under which it had la- boured was to be followed by a long and painful recovery. Henry, mounting the throne with sword in hand, and in great measure as a con- queror, had promises to fulfil, as well as injuries to avenge. In the mean time, the people, wearied apartments) was manifested in the following reign, by the uncon- stitutional attempts of Richard II. and his ministers to influence the elections. EDITO R. OF ENGLAND. . 33 out by the calamities they had undergone, anjl longing only for repose, abhorred even the idea of resistance ; so that the remains of an almost exter- minated nobility beheld themselves left defenceless, and abandoned to the mercy of the sovereign. The commons, on the other hand, accustomed to act only a second part in public affairs, and finding themselves bereft of those who had hither- to been their leaders, were ..more than ever afraid to form, of themselves, an opposition. Placed immediately, as well as the lords, under the eye of the king, they beheld themselves exposed to * the same dangers. Like them, therefore, they purchase^! their personal security at the expense of^mblic liberty ; and in reading the history of the first two kings of the house of Tudor, we imagine ourselves reading the relation given by Tacitus of Tiberius and the Roman senate.* The time, therefore, seemed to be arrived, at which England must submit, in its turn, to the fate of the other Nations of Europe. All those barriers which it had raised for the defence of its liberty seemed to have only been able to postpone the inevitable effects of power. But the remembrance of their ancient laws, of that great charter so often and so solemnly con- firmed, was too deeply impressed on the minds of the English to be effaced by transitory evils. Like * Quanta quis illuslrior, tanto magis falsi ac festinantes. 1 " 1 17 The higher each person's rank, the greater deception he prac- tised, and the more he struggled for the foremost place in bondage. EDITOR. D <2 35 THE CONSTITUTION a deep and extensive ocean, which preserves an equability of temperature amidst all the vicissi- tudes of seasons, England still retained those prin- ciples of liberty which were so universally diffused through all orders of the people ; and they re- quired only a proper opportunity to manifest them- selves. England, besides, still continued to possess the immense advantage of being one undivided state. Had it been, like France, divided into several distinct dominions, it would also have had several national assemblies. These assemblies, being con- vened at different times and places, for this and other reasons, never could have acted in concert ; and the power of withholding subsidies, a power so important when it is that of disabling the sove- reign, and binding him down to inaction, would then have only been the destructive privilege of irritating a master who would have easily found means to obtain supplies from other quarters. The different parliaments, or assemblies of these several states, having thenceforth no means of re- commending themselves to their sovereign, but their forwardness in complying with his demands, would have vied with each other in granting what it would not only have been fruitless, but even highly dangerous, to refuse. The king would not have failed soon to demand, as a tribute, a gift he must have been confident to obtain ; and the outward forms of consent would have been left to the people only as additional means of oppressing them without danger. But the king of England continued, even in the OF ENGLAND. 37 time of the Tudors, to have but one assembly before which he could lay his wants and apply for relief. How great soever the increase of his power was, a single parliament alone could furnish him with the means of exercising it ; and whether it was that the members of this parliament enter- tained a deep sense of their advantages, or whether private interest exerted itself in aid of patriotism, they at all times vindicated the right of granting, or rather refusing, subsidies ; and amidst the gene- ral wreck of every thing they ought to have held dear, they at least clung obstinately to the plank which was destined to prove the instrument of their preservation. Under Edward the Sixth, the absurd tyrannical laws against high-treason (instituted under Henry the Eighth) were abolished. But this young and virtuous prince having soon passed away, the blood-thirsty Mary astonished the world with cruel- ties, which nothing but the fanaticism of a part of her subjects could have enabled her to execute. Under the long and brilliant reign of Elizabeth, England began to breathe anew : and the protes- tant religion, being seated once more on the throne, brought with it some more freedom and toleration. The Star-chamber, that effectual instrument of the tyranny of the two Henries, yet continued to subsist : the inquisitorial tribunal of the high commission was even instituted ; and the yoke of arbitrary power lay still heavy on the subject. But the general affection of the people for a queen, whose former misfortunes had created such a ge- 38 THE CONSTITUTION neral concern, the imminent dangers which Eng- land escaped, and the extreme glory attending that reign, lessened the sense of such exertions of authority as would, in these days, appear the height of tyranny, and served at that time to justify, as they still do to excuse, a princess whose great talents, though not her principles of govern- ment, render her worthy of being ranked among the greatest sovereigns. Under the sway of the Stuarts, the nation be- gan to recover from its long lethargy. James the First, a prince rather imprudent than tyrannical, drew back the veil which had hitherto disguised so many usurpations, and made an ostentatious display of what his predecessors had been contented to enjoy. He was incessantly asserting, that the autho- rity of kings was not to be controlled any more than that of God himself. Like Him, they were omnipotent; and those privileges to which the peo- ple so clamorously laid claim as their inheritance and birthright, were no more than an effect of the grace and toleration of his royal ancestors.* Those principles, hitherto only silently adopted in the cabinet, and in the courts of justice, had maintained their ground in consequence of this very obscurity. Being now announced from the throne, and resounded from the pulpit, they spread an universal alarm. Commerce, besides, with its attendant arts, and, above all, that of * See his declarations made in parliament, in the years 1610 and 1G21. OF ENGLAND. 39 printing-, diffused more salutary notions through- out all orders of the people ; a new light began to rise upon the nation ; and the spirit of opposition frequently displayed itself in this reign, to which the English monarchs had not, for a long time past, been accustomed. But the storm, which was only gathering in clouds during the reign of James, began to mutter under Charles the First ; and the scene which opened to view, on the accession of that prince, presented the most formidable aspect. The notions of religion, by a singular concur- rence, united with the love of liberty : the same spirit which had made an attack on the established faith, now directed itself to politics : the royal prerogatives were brought under the same exami- nation as the doctrines of the church of Rome had been submitted to ; and as a superstitious religion had proved unable to support the test, so neither could an authority, pretended to be unlimited, be expected to bear it. The commons, on the other hand, were reco- vering from the astonishment into which the ex- tinction of the power of the nobles had, at first, thrown them. Taking a view of the state of the nation, and of their own, they became sensible of their whole strength : they determined to make use of it, and to repress a power which seemed, for so long a time, to have levelled every barrier. Finding among themselves men of the greatest capacity, they undertook that important task with method and by constitutional means; and thus 40 THE CONSTITUTION had Charles to cope with a whole nation put in motion and directed by an assembly of statesmen. And here we must observe how different were the effects produced in England, by the annihi- lation of the power of the nobility, from those which the same event had produced in France. In France, where, in consequence of the divi- sion of the people, and of the exorbitant power of the nobles, the people were accounted nothing- when the nobles themselves were suppressed, the work was completed. In England, on the contrary, where the nobles had ever vindicated the rights of the people equally with their own, in England, where the people had successively acquired most effectual means of influencing the motions of the government, and above all were undivided, when the nobles them- selves were cast to the ground, the body of the people stood firm, and maintained the public liberty. The unfortunate Charles, however, was totally ignorant of the dangers which surrounded him. Seduced by the example of the other sovereigns of Europe, he was not aware how different, in reality, his situation was from theirs : he had the imprudence to exert with rigour an authority which he had no ultimate resources to support : an union was at last effected in the nation ; and he saw his enervated prerogatives dissipated with a breath.* By the famous act, called the Petition * It might here be objected, that when, under Charles the First, I he regal power wus obliged to submit to the power of the OF ENGLAND. 41 of Right, and a posterior act, to both which he assented, the compulsory loans and taxes, dis- guised under the name of benevolences, were de- clared to be contrary to law ; arbitrary imprison- ments, and the exercise of martial law, were abolished ; the court of high commission, and the star-chamber, were suppressed ;* and the constitu- tion, freed from the apparatus of despotic powers with which the Tudors had obscured it, was re- stored to its ancient lustre. Happy had been the people, if their leaders, after having executed so people, the king possessed other dominions besides England, viz. Scotland and Ireland, and therefore, seemed to enjoy the same advantage as the kings of France, that of reigning over a divided empire or nation. But, to this it is to be answered, that, at the time we mention, Ireland, scarcely civilized, only increased the ne- cessities, and consequently the dependence, of the kirg; while Scotland, through the conjunction of peculiar circumstances, had thrown off her obedience. And though those two states, even at present, bear no proportion to the compact body of the kingdom of England, and seem never to have been able, by their union with it, to procure to the king any dangerous resources, yet the cir- cumstances which took place in both at the time of the Revolu- tion, or since, sufficiently prove that it was no unfavourable circum- stance to English liberty, that the great crisis of the reign of Charles the First, and the advance which the constitution was to make at that time, should precede the period at which the king of England might have been able to call in the assistance of two other kingdoms. * The star-chamber differed from all the other courts of law in this : the latter were governed only by the common law, or im- memorial customs, and acts of parliament ; whereas the former often admitted for law the proclamations of the king and council, and grounded its judgments upon them. The abolition of this tribunal, therefore, was justly looked upon as a great victory over regal authority. 4<2 THE CONSTITUTION noble a work, had contented themselves with the glory of being- the benefactors of their country. Happy had been the king, if, obliged at last to submit, his submission had been sincere, and if he had become sufficiently sensible that the only resource he had left was the affection of his sub- jects. But Charles knew not how to survive the loss of a power he had conceived to be indisputable : he could not reconcile himself to limitations and re- straints so injurious, according to his notions, to sovereign authority. His discourse and conduct betrayed his secret designs ; distrust took posses- sion of the nation j certain ambitious persons availed themselves of it to promote their own views ; and the storm, which seemed to have blown over, burst forth anew. The contending fanati- cism of persecuting sects joined in the conflict between regal haughtiness and the ambition of individuals ; the tempest blew from every point of the compass ; the constitution was rent asunder ; and Charles exhibited in his fall an awful example to the universe. The royal power being thus annihilated, the English made fruitless attempts to substitute a republican government in its stead. " It was a " curious spectacle," says Montesquieu, " to be- " hold the vain efforts of the English to establish " among themselves a democracy." Subjected, at first, to the power of the principal leaders in the long parliament, they saw that power expire, only to pass without bounds into the hands of a pro- tector. They saw it afterwards parcelled out OF ENGLAND. 43 among the chiefs of different bodies of soldiers ; and thus shifting without end from one kind of subjection to another, they were at length con- vinced, that an attempt to establish liberty in a great nation, by making the people interfere in the common business of government, is, of all at- tempts, the most chimerical ; that the authority of all, with which men are amused, is in reality no more than the authority of a few powerful in- dividuals, who divide the republic among them- selves ; and they at last rested in the bosom of the only constitution which is fit for a great state and a free people ; I mean that in which a chosen number deliberate, and a single hand executes ; but in which, at the same time, the public satisfaction is rendered, by the general relation and arrangement of things, a necessary condition of the duration of government. Charles the Second, therefore, was called over ; and he experienced on the part of the people that enthusiasm of affection which usually attends the return from a long alienation. He could not, however, bring himself to forgive them the inex- piable crime of which he looked upon them to have been guilty. He saw with the deepest concern that they still entertained their former notions with regard to the nature of the royal prerogative ; and, bent upon the recovery of the ancient powers of the crown, he only waited for an opportunity to break those promises which had procured his restoration. But the very eagerness of his measures frustrated their success. His dangerous alliances on the 44 THE CONSTITUTION continent, and the extravagant wars in which he involved England, joined to the frequent abuse he made of his authority, betrayed his designs. The eyes of the nation were soon opened, and saw into his projects ; when, convinced, at length, that no- thing but fixed and irresistible bounds can be an effectual check on the views and efforts of power, they resolved finally to take away those remnants of despotism which still made a part of the regal prerogative. The military services due to the crown, the re- mains of the ancient feudal tenures, had been al- ready abolished : the laws against heretics were now repealed ; the statute for holding parliaments once at least in three years was enacted ; the Habeas Corpus act, that barrier of the subject's personal safety, was established ; and such was the patriotism of the parliaments, that it was under a king the most destitute of principle that liberty received its most efficacious supports. At length, on the death of Charles, began a reicm which affords a most exemplary lesson both to kings and people. James the Second, a prince of a more rigid disposition, though of a less com- prehensive understanding, than his late brother, pursued still more openly the project which had already proved so fatal to his family. He would not see that the great alterations which had suc- cessively been effected in the constitution rendered the execution of it daily more and more impracti- cable : he imprudently suffered himself to be ex- asperated at a resistance he was in no condition to overcome ; and, hurried away by a spirit of despot- OF ENGLAND. 45 ism and a monkish zeal, he ran headlong against the rock which was to wreck his authority. He not only used in his declarations the alarming expressions of absolute power and unlimited obedi- encehe not only usurped to himself a right to dispense with the laws ; but moreover sought to convert that destructive pretension to the destruc- tion of those very laws which were held most dear by the nation, by endeavouring to abolish a religion for which they had suffered the greatest calamities, in order to establish on its ruins a mode of faith which repeated acts of the legislature had pro- scribed, and proscribed, not because it tended to establish in England the doctrines of transubstanti- ation and purgatory, doctrines in themselves of no political moment, but because the unlimited power of the sovereign had always been made one of its principal tenets. To endeavour therefore to revive such a religion, was not only a violation of the laws, but was, by one enormous violation, to pave the way for others of a still more alarming nature. Hence the Eng- lish, seeing that their liberty was attacked even in its first principles, had recourse to that remedy which reason and nature point out to the people, when he who ought to be the guardian of the laws becomes their destroyer ; they withdrew the alle- giance which they had sworn to James, and thought themselves absolved from their oath to a king who himself disregarded the oath he had made to his people. But, instead of a revolution like that which de- throned Charles the First, which was effected by 46 THE CONSTITUTION a great effusion of blood, and threw the state into a general and terrible convulsion, the dethronement of James proved a matter of short and easy opera- tion. In consequence of the progressive information of the people, and the certainty of the principles which now directed the nation, the whole were unani- mous. All the ties by which the people were bound to the throne were broken, as it were, by one single shock ; and James, who, the moment before, was a monarch surrounded by subjects, became at once a simple individual in the midst of the nation. That which contributes, above all, to distinguish this event as singular in the annals of mankind, is the moderation, I may even say, the legality, which accompanied it. As if to dethrone a king, who sought to set himself above the laws, had been a natural consequence of, and provided for by, the principles of government, every thing remained in its place ; the throne was declared vacant, and a new line of succession was established. 18 18 One cannot but be struck with the delicacy of manner with which our author (a foreigner be it recollected) alludes to this most memorable event in the annals of this country. He says, " A new line of succession was established," and such, and no more, was literally the case. James's attachment to the Romish religion, and love of arbitrary power, caused the nation entirely to abandon him ; whereupon, he abdicated the throne, and quitted the country. The nation, passing over Edward, the only son of James, as being a Papist, and therefore disqualified from governing a Protestant empire, invited William, Prince of Orange, who had married Mary, the eldest daughter of James, and was a firm Pro- testant and a friend of civil and religious liberty, to be their sove- reign ; and, at the death of William and Mary without issue, Anne, the second daughter of James, succeeded to the throne. How dif- OF ENGLAND. 47 Nor was this all ; care was had to repair the breaches that had been made in the constitution, as well as to prevent new ones ; and advantage was taken of the rare opportunity of entering into an original and express compact between king and people. An oath was required of the new king, more precise than had been taken by his predecessors : and it was consecrated as a perpetual formula of such oaths. It was determined, that to impose taxes without the consent of parliament, as well as to keep up a standing army in time of peace, are contrary to law. The power, which the crown had constantly claimed, of dispensing with the laws, was abolished. It was enacted, that the subject, of whatever rank or degree, had a right to present petitions to the king.* Lastly, the key-stone was * The lords and commons, previous to the coronation of king William and queen Mary, had framed a bill which contained a de- claration of the rights which they claimed in behalf of the people, and was in consequence called the Bill of Rights. This bill con- tained the articles above, as well as some others ; and, having re- ceived afterwards the royal assent, became an act of parliament, under the title of An Act declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, and settling the Succession of the Crown. A. 1 William and Mary, sess. 2. cap. 2. ferent is this transaction, dispassionately considered, to an absolute act of election by the people, for which the propagators of revolu- tionary doctrines assert that it forms a precedent. We see in the revolution, as this event is designated, merely such a departure from the strict principles of hereditary succession as the exigency of the crisis not only justified but imperatively required, or, as has been well observed, " A deviation from one of the articles of the " constitution, requisite to prevent the subversion of the whole." EDITOR. 48 TllK CONSTITUTION put to the .arch, by the final establishment of the liberty of the press.* The revolution of 1689 is therefore the third grand aera in the history of the constitution of Eng- land. The Great Charter had marked out the limits within which the royal authority ought to be confined ; some outworks were raised in the reign of Edward the First ; but it was at the revo- lution that the circumvallation was completed. It was at this sera that the true principles of civil society were fully established. By the expulsion of a king who had violated his oath, the doctrine of resistance, that ultimate resource of an oppressed people, was confirmed beyond a doubt. By the exclusion given to a family hereditarily despotic, it was finally determined that nations are not the property of kings. The principles of passive obe- dience, the divine and indefeasible right of kings in a word, the whole scaffolding of false and super- stitious notions, by which the royal authority had till then been supported, fell to the ground ; and in the room of it were substituted the more solid and durable foundations of the love of order, and a sense of the necessity of civil government among mankind. * The liberty of the press was, properly speaking, established only lour years afterwards, in consequence of the refusal which the parliament made at that time to continue any longer the restric- tions which had before been set uuon it. OF ENGLAND. 49 CHAPTER IV. Of the Legislative Power. IN almost all the states of Europe, the will of the prince holds the place of law ; and custom has so confounded the matter of right with the matter of fact, that their lawyers generally represent the legislative authority as essentially attached to the character of king ; and the plenitude of his power seems to them necessarily to flow from the very definition of his title. The English, placed in more favourable circum- stances, have judged differently : they could not believe that the destiny of mankind ought to depend on a play of words, and on scholastic subtilties ; they have therefore annexed no other idea to the word king, or roy> a word known also to their laws, than that which the Latins annexed to the word rex, and the northern nations to cyning. In limiting therefore the power of their king, they have acted more consistently with the etymo- logy of the word ; they have acted also more con- sistently with reason, in not leaving the laws to the disposal of the person who is already invested with the public power of the state, that is, of the person who lies under the greatest and most important temptations to set himself above them. The basis of the English constitution, the capital principle on which all others depend, is, that the legislative power belongs to parliament alone : that 50 THE CONSTITUTION is to say, the power of establishing- laws, and of abrogating 1 , changing, or explaining them. The constituent parts of parliament are, the king, the house of lords, and the house of commons. The house of commons, otherwise the assembly of the representatives of the nation, is composed of the deputies of the different counties, each of which sends two ; 19 of the deputies of certain towns, of which London (including Westminster and South- wark) sends eight 20 other towns, two or one ; C1 and 19 By 2 Will. IV. cap. 45, (A.D. 1832,) intituled, " An act to amend the representation of the people in England and Wales," it was enacted, that in all future parliaments there should be six knights of the shire, instead of four, for Yorkshire (two for each of the three Ridings), and four for Lincolnshire (two for the parts of Lindsey, and two for those of Kesteven and Holland) ; that twenty- five English counties therein named should be divided into two divisions, and return two knights of the shire for each division ; that there should he three knights of the shire for each of seven English counties therein named, and two knights of the shire, instead of one, for each of the counties of Carmarthen, Denbigh, and Glamorgan ; and that the Isle of Wight should, for the purposes of that act, be a county of itself, and return one knight of the shire. EDITOR. 20 By the act referred to in the last note, Greenwich, Tower Hamlets, Finsbury, Marylebone, and Lambeth, are, for the pur- poses of that act, constituted boroughs to return two members each. Therefore the number of metropolitan members, which was eight when De Lolme wrote this treatise, has been augmented to eigh- teen. EDITOR. 21 Of the towns thus entitled, previously to the passing of the act referred to in the last two notes, fifty-six were entirely disfran- chised, and thirty deprived of one of their two members by that act ; which, at the same time, created forty-three new boroughs, twenty-two of them to return two members, and twenty-one, one member, each ; the act also deprived the borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis of two of its four members. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 51 of the deputies of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, each of which sends two. Lastly, since the act of union, Scotland sends forty five deputies ; 22 who, added to those just men- tioned, make up the whole number five hundred and fifty-eight. 23 Those deputies, though separately elected, do not solely represent the town or county that sends them, as is the case with the deputies of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, or 22 By sec. 1, of 2 & 3 Will. IV. cap. 65, (A.D. 1832,) inti- tuled, " An act to amend the representation of the people of Scot- land," it was enacted, that, from and after the end of the then present parliament, and in all future parliaments to be assembled, there should be fifty-three representatives returned for Scotland to the commons house of parliament. EDITOR. 3 By 39 & 40 Geo. III. cap. 67, (A.D. 1800,) intituled, " An act for the union of Great Britain and Ireland," it was enacted, as part of the fourth article of union, that one hundred commons, (two for each county of Ireland, two for the city of Dublin, two for the city of Cork, one for the university of Trinity College, and one for each of the thirty-one most considerable cities, towns, and bo- roughs,) be the number to sit and vote on the part of Ireland in the house of commons of the parliament of the United Kingdom. From that time, therefore, the lower house has consisted of six hundred and fifty-eight members. By sec. 1 1, of 2 & 3 Will. IV. cap. 88, (A.D. 1832,) intituled, " An act to amend the repre- sentation of the people of Ireland," it was enacted, that the city of Limerick, the city of Waterford, the borough of Belfast, the county of the town of Galway, and the university of Dublin, should each respectively return one member to serve in each future parliament, in addition to the member which each of the said places was then by law entitled to return. Notwithstanding this addition of five members to serve for Ireland, and the addition of eight for Scotland, (as re- ferred to in the last note,) the total number of the house remains the same, England and Wales returning thirteen fewer members than they did previously to the passing of the English Refonn Act. EDITOR. E 2 52 THE CONSTITUTION of the Swiss Cantons ; but, when they are once admitted, they represent the whole body of the nation. The qualifications required for being- a member of the house of commons are, for representing a county, 24 to be born a subject of Great-Britain, and to be possessed of a landed estate of six hundred pounds a-year ; and of three hundred, for repre- senting- a town or borough. The qualifications required for being an elector in a county are to be possessed, in that county, of a freehold of forty shillings a year. * With * This freehold must have heen possessed by the elector one whole year at least before the time of election, except it has devolved to him by inheritance, by marriage, by a last will, or by promotion to an office. 25 24 This qualification, not having been altered by the English Reform Act, is considered equally to be required, for representing a division, or riding, of a county. EDITOR. 25 This qualification for a county voter in England and Wales is not altered by the Reform Act, which, however, makes the follow- ing very important alterations. It takes away the right of voting for counties, and for cities being counties of themselves, in respect of freeholds for life, from all persons except those in actual and bona fide occupation ; or except the same shall have come by mar- riage, marriage-settlement, devise, or promotion to any benefice or office ; or be of the clear yearly value of not less than 10, above charges, reserving however any such right of voting then existing. It extends the right to every person seised of property of copyhold, or any other tenure, except freehold, for his own life, or the life of another, or any larger estate, of the clear yearly value of not less than 10, above charges : also, to every person entitled, as lessee or assignee, to any lands or tenements for the unexpired residue of any term originally created for a period of not less than sixty years, (whether determinable on a life or lives or not) of the clear yearly OF ENGLAND. ,53 regard to electors in towns and boroughs, they must be freemen of them ; a word which now signifies certain qualifications expressed in the par- ticular charters. 26 value of not less than 10, above charges, or of any term originally created for a period of not less than twenty years, (whether so de- terminahle or not,) of the clear yearly value of not less than 50, above charges ; or who shall occupy, as tenant, any lands or tene- ments, for which he shall be bona fide liable to a yearly rent of not less than 50 ; but no sub-lessee or assignee of any underlease is to have such right unless in the actual occupation of the premises. No person whatever is to vote for a county, in respect of any free- hold house, &c., occupied by himself, which would confer on him the right to vote fora city or borough, or in respect of copyholds or leaseholds, which would confer on him, or any oilier person, such right to vote. No person, moreover, is to be entitled to vote unless duly registered according to the provisions therein contained, and no person to be registered in any year, as a freeholder, copyholder, customary tenant, or tenant in ancient demesne, unless he shall have been in actual possession, or receipt of rents and profits for his own use, for six calendar mouths, or, as such lessee or assignee, or occupier and tenant as aforesaid, for twelve calendar months ; with a reservation in favour of property coming by descent, suc- cession, marriage settlement, devise, or promotion to any benefice in a church, or by promotion to any office. The qualifications of county voters hi Scotland and Ireland is also essentially altered by the respective acts for amending the representation of the people in those parts of the United Kingdom, but being made similar, as far as circumstances would permit, to those already detailed with respect to England and Wales, it is considered unnecessary to state them. EDITOR. 26 The right of voting in cities and boroughs is, by the English Reform Act, extended to every male person, of full age and not sub- ject to any legal incapacity, who shall occupy, within any city or borough, or within any place sharing in the election for the same, as owner or tenant, any house, warehouse, countinghouse, shop, or other building, being, either separately, or jointly with any land within such city, borough, or place occupied therewith, by 54 THE CONSTITUTION When the king- has determined to assemble a parliament, he sends an order for that purpose to the lord-chancellor ; who, after receiving the same, sends a writ, under the great seal of England, to him as owner, or as tenant under the same landlord, of the clear yearly value of not less than 10, if duly registered according to the provisions therein contained ; but no person is to be registered in any year unless he should have occupied the premises for twelve calendar months, nor unless rated in respect of such premises to all rates for the relief of the poor made during the time of such his occupation, nor unless he should have paid, on or be. fore the 20th July in such year, all the poor's rates and as- sessed taxes which should have become payable from him in respect of such premises previously to the 6th April then next preceding, nor unless he should have resided for six calendar months next previous to the last day of July, in such year, within the city or borough, or the place sharing in the election, or within seven statute miles thereof, or of any part thereof. The act makes provision in favour of persons occupying different premises in imme- diate succession ; and of joint occupiers of premises, in case the clear yearly value shall be of an amount which, when divided by the number of such occupiers, shall give a sum of not less than 10 for each. The act also provides, that every person who would have been entitled to vote either as a burgess or freeman, or in the city of Lon- don as a freeman and liveryman, if the act had not been passed, should be entitled lo vote, provided he should be duly registered ; but that no such person should be so registered in any year, unless he should, on the last day of July, in such year, be qualified in such manner as would entitle him then to vote if such day were the day of election, and that act had not been passed ; nor unless, where he should be a burgess or freeman, or freeman and liveryman, of any city or borough, he should have resided for six calendar months next previous to the last day of July in such year, within such city or borough, or within seven statute miles from the place where the poll for the same should theretofore have been taken ; nor unless, where he should be a burgess or freeman of any place sharing in the election for any city or borough, he should have resided, for six calendar months next previous to the last day of July in such OF ENGLAND. ,55 the sheriff of every county, directing him to take the necessary steps for the election of members for the county, and the towns and boroughs con- tained in it. Three days after the reception of the writ, the sheriff must, in his turn, send his pre- cept to the magistrates of the towns and boroughs, to order them to make their election within eight days after the receipt of the precept, giving four year, within such respective place so sharing as aforesaid, or within seven statute miles of the place in conjunction therewith. The act moreover provides, that no person, since the 1st March, 1831, or thereafter to be, elected, made or admitted, a burgess or freeman, otherwise than in respect of birth or servitude, should be entitled to vote as such in any such election, or to be registered ; and that no person should be so entitled, as a burgess or freeman in respect of birth, unless his right were originally derived from or through some person who was a burgess or freeman, or entitled to be admitted such, previously to the 1st March, 1831, or from or through some person who since that time should have become, or should there- after become, a burgess or freeman in respect of servitude. The act also reserves to every person, then having a right to vote in the election for any city or borough in virtue of any other qualifi- cation, such right, as long as he should be qualified as an elector, ac- cording to the usages and customs of such city or borough, or any law then in force, if duly registered, and resident, as required in the case of burgesses and freemen ; with a provision that every such person should for ever cease to enjoy such right if his name should have been omitted for two successive years from the register of voters, unless he should have been so omitted in consequence of his having received parochial relief within twelve calendar months next pre- vious to the last day of July in any year, or in consequence of his absence on the naval or military service of his majesty. The qualification to vote for cities and boroughs in Scotland and Ire- land is also entirely altered by the Scotch and Irish Reform Acts respectively, but, for the reason already assigned for not stating the alterations with regard to the county constituency of Scotland and Ireland, they are here omitted. EDITOR. 56 THE CONSTITUTION days' notice of the same. And the sheriff himself must proceed to the election for the county, not sooner than ten days after the receipt of the writ, nor later than sixteen. The principal precautions, 27 taken by the law, to ensure the freedom of elections, are, that any candi- date, who, after the date of the writ, or even after the vacancy, shall have given entertainments to the electors of a place, or to any of them, in order to his being* elected, shall be incapable of serving for that place in parliament j 28 and that if any person gives or promises to give, any money, employment, or reward, to a voter, in order to influence his vote, he, as well as the voter himself, shall be con- demned to pay a fine of five hundred pounds, and for ever disqualified to vote, and hold any office in a corporation, the faculty, however, being re- 27 The several reform acts, before alluded to, add most materially to these precautions, by removing the pretence for the allowance of large sums to voters, for the expense of their conveyance to the poll, arid sustenance while there. In addition to the requirement, that the voters for cities and boroughs shall reside within seven miles, and other provisions already cited, they limit the continuance of polls for counties, cities, and boroughs, to two days, besides the day of nomination ; and enact, that counties shall be divided into districts for polling (no county to have more than fifteen); and that the polls for cities and boroughs shall be at different booths, not more than six hundred voting atone compartment of a booth. EDITOR. ss By 7 Will. & Mary, cap. 4, (A. D 1696,) intituled, "An act for preventing charge and expense in elections of members to serve in parliament," such person is not only declared disabled and incapacitated upon such election to serve in parliament for that place, but " shall not act, sit, or have any vote or place, in parlia- " merit." EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 57 served to both, of procuring- indemnity for their own offence, by discovering some other offender of the same kind. It has been moreover established, that no lord of parliament, or lord-lieutenant of a county, has any right to interfere in the elections of members ; that any officer of the excise, customs, &c. who shall presume to intermeddle in elections, by influ- encing any voter to give or withhold his vote, shall forfeit one hundred pounds, and be disabled to hold any office. Lastly, all soldiers quartered in a place where an election is to be made must move from it, at least one day before the election, to the distance of two miles or more, and return not till one day after the election is finished. The house of peers, or lords, is composed of the lords spiritual, who are the archbishops of Canter- bury and of York, and the twenty-four bishops ; and of the lords temporal, whatever may be their respective titles, such as dukes, marquises, earls, &c. 29 Lastly, the king is the third constitutive part of parliament : it is even he alone who can convoke it ; and he alone can dissolve or prorogue it. The effect of a dissolution is, that from that moment the *9 All the peers of England sit in their own right; those of Scotland, agreeably to Article 22 of the act of union of 1706, are represented in the house of lords by sixteen, whom they elect from among their number at the commencement of every parlia- ment ; and those of Ireland, agreeably to Article 4 of the act of union of 1800, are represented by " four lords spiritual of Ireland " by rotation of sessions, and twenty-eight lords temporal of Ireland " elected for life of the peers of Ireland." EDITOR. 58 THE CONSTITUTION parliament completely ceases to exist ; the commis- sion, given to the members by their constituents, is at an end ; and, whenever a new meeting 1 of parlia- ment shall happen, they must be elected anew. A prorogation is an adjournment to a term appointed by the king ; till which the existence of parliament is simply interrupted, and the function of the de- puties suspended. When the parliament meets, whether it be by virtue of new summons, or whether, being com- posed of members formerly elected, it meets again at the expiration of the term for which it had been prorogued, the king either goes to it in person, invested with the insignia of his dignity, or ap- points proper persons to represent him on that occasion, and opens the session by laying before the parliament the state of the public affairs, and inviting it to take them into consideration. The; presence of the king, either real or represented, is absolutely requisite at the first meeting ; it is that which gives life to the legislative bodies, and puts them in action. The king, having concluded his declaration, withdraws. The parliament, which is then legally intrusted with the care of the national concerns, enters upon its functions, and continues to exist till it is prorogued, or dissolved. The house of commons, and that of peers, assemble separately ; the latter, under the presidence of the lord-chan- cellor ; the former, under that of their speaker ; and both separately adjourn to such days as they respectively think proper to appoint. OF ENGLAND. 59 As each of the two houses has a negative on the propositions made by the other, and there is, conse- quently, no danger of their encroaching- on each other's rights, or on those of the king, who has likewise his negative upon them both, any question, judged by them conducive to the public good, with- out exception, may be made the subject of their respective deliberations. Such are, for instance, new limitations, or extensions, to be given to the authority of the king ; the establishing of new laws, or making changes in those already in being. Lastly, the different kinds of public provisions, or establishments, the various abuses of administra- tion, and their remedies, become, in every session, the objects of the attention of parliament. Here, however, an important observation must be made. All bills for granting money must have their beginning in the house of commons : the lords cannot take this object into their considera- tion but in consequence of a bill presented to them by the latter ; and the commons have at all times been so anxiously tenacious of this privilege, that they have never suffered the lords even to make any change in the money-bills which they have sent to them ; and the lords are expected simply and solely either to accept or reject them. This excepted, every member, in each house, may propose whatever question he thinks proper. If, after being considered, the matter is found to deserve attention, the person who made the propo- sition, usually with some others adjoined to him, is desired to set it down in writing. If, after more complete discussions of the subject, the proposition 60 THE CONSTITUTION is carried in the affirmative, it is sent to the other house, that they may, in their turn, take it into con- sideration. If the other house reject the bill, it re- mains without any effect : if they agree to it, no- thing remains wanting 1 to its complete establishment but the royal assent. When there is no business that requires imme- diate dispatch, the king usually waits till the end of the session, or at least till a certain number of bills are ready for him, before he declares his royal pleasure. 30 When the time is come, the king goes to parliament in the same state with which he opened it ; and while he is seated on the throne, a clerk, who has a list of the bills, gives, or refuses, as he reads, the royal assent. When the royal assent is given to a public bill, the clerk says, Le roy le veut. 31 If the bill be a private bill, he says, Soitfait comme il est desire 3 " If the bill has subsidies for its object, he says, Le roy remercie ses loyaux sujets, accepte leur benevo- lence, et aussi le veut 33 Lastly, if the king does not think proper to assent to the bill, the clerk says, Le roy s'avisera ; 34 which is a mild way of giving a refusal. It is, however, pretty singular, that the king of England should make use of the French language 30 Commissions for giving the royal assent to bills are now of frequent occurrence in every session of Parliament. EDITOR. 31 The king wills it. EDITOR. 32 Let it be as it is desired. EDITOR. 33 The king thanks his loyal subjects, accepts their benevolence, and also wills it. EDITOR. 34 The king will consider of it. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 6l to declare his intentions to his parliament. This custom was introduced at the Conquest,* and has been continued, like other matters of form, which sometimes subsist for ages after the real substance of things has been altered : and Judge Blackstone expresses himself on this subject in the following words : " A badge, it must be owned (now the " only one remaining), of conquest ; and which " one would wish to see fall into total oblivion, " unless it be reserved as a solemn memento to " remind us that our liberties are mortal, having " once been destroyed by a foreign force." When the king has declared his different inten- tions, he prorogues the parliament. Those bills which he has rejected remain without force : those to which he has assented become the expression of the will of the highest power acknowledged in England : they have the same binding force as the edits enregistres have in France, and as the populiscita had in ancient Rome : in a word, they are laws. And though each of the constituent parts of the parliament might, at first, have prevented the existence of those laws, the united will of all the three is now necessary to repeal them. * William the Conqueror added, to the other changes he intro- duced, the abolition of the English language in all public as well as judicial transactions, and substituted for.it the French that was spoken in his time : hence the number of old French words that are met with in the style of the English laws. It was only under Edward III. that the English language began to be re-established in the courts of justice. 62 THE CONSTITUTION CHAPTER V. Of the Executive Power. WHEN the parliament is prorogued or dissolved, it ceases to exist ; but its laws still continue to be in force: the king- remains charged with the execution of them, and is supplied with the necessary power for that purpose. It is, however, to be observed, that though, in his political capacity of one of the constituent parts of the parliament (that is, with regard to the share allotted to him in the legislative authority), the king is undoubtedly sovereign, and only needs allege his will when he gives or refuses his assent to the bills presented to him ; yet, in the exercise of his powers of government, he is no more than a magistrate ; and the laws, whether those that ex- isted before him, or those to which, by his assent, he has given being, must direct his conduct, and bind him equally with his subjects. I. The first prerogative of the king, in his capa- city of supreme magistrate, has for its object the administration of justice. 1. He is the source of all judicial power in the state ; he is the chief of all the courts of law, and the judges are only his substitutes : every thing is transacted in his name ; the judgments must be with his seal, and are executed by his officers. 2. By a fiction of the law, he is looked upon as the universal proprietor of the kingdom : he is in consequence deemed directly concerned in all of- OF ENGLAND. OS fences ; and, for that reason, prosecutions are to be carried on in his name in the courts of law. 3. He can pardon offences, that is, remit the punishment that has been awarded in consequence of his prosecution. II. The second prerogative of the king- is, to be the fountain of honour, that is, the distributor of titles and dignities : he creates the peers of the realm, as well as bestows the different degrees of inferior nobility. He moreover disposes of the different offices, either in the courts of law, or elsewhere. III. The king is the superintendent of commerce ; he has the prerogative of regulating weights and measures; he alone can coin money, and can give a currency to foreign coin. IV. He is the supreme head of the church. In this capacity he appoints the bishops, and the two archbishops ; 35 and he alone can convene the assem- bly of the clergy. This assembly is formed in England, on the model of the parliament j the bishops form the upper house : deputies from the dioceses, and from the several chapters, form the lower house : the assent of the king is likewise necessary to the validity of their acts, or canons ; and the king can prorogue, or dissolve, the convo- cation. V. He is, in right of his crown, the general- issimo of all sea or land forces whatever ; he alone 35 Since the union with Ireland in 1801, the king has also the appointment of the archbishops and bishops of the church of that part of the United Kingdom. EDITOR. 64* THE CONSTITUTION can levy troops, equip fleets, build fortresses, and fill all the posts in them. VI. He is, with regard to foreign nations, the representative and the depository of all the power and collective majesty of the nation ; he sends and receives ambassadors ; he contracts alliances ; and has the prerogative of declaring war, and of making peace, on whatever conditions he thinks proper. VII. In fine, what seems to carry so many powers to the height, is, its being a fundamental maxim, that THE KING CAN DO NO WRONG : 36 which does not signify, however, that the king has not the power of doing ill, or, as it was pretended by cer- tain persons in former times, that every thing he did was lawful ; but only that he is above the reach of all courts of law whatever, and that his person is sacred and inviolable. 36 A maxim quite consistent with the doctrine of divine right by which kings reign, and essential to secure such a profound respect to the royal person and dignity as may most effectually promote ohedience to the laws of which the king is administrator, while the full responsibility attached to the cabinet ministers of the sovereign prevents the possibility of danger resulting to the subject from the maintenance of a principle not strictly applicable to hu- manity. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 65 CHAPTER VI. The Boundaries which the Constitution has set to the Royal Prerogative. IN reading the foregoing- enumeration of the powers with which the laws of England have in- trusted the king, we are at a loss to reconcile them with the idea of a monarchy, which, we are told, is limited. The king not only unites in himself all the branches of the executive power ; he not only disposes without controul, of the whole military power in the state ; but he is, moreover, it seems, master of the law itself, since he calls up and dis- misses, at his will, the legislative bodies. We find him, therefore, at first sight, invested with all the prerogatives that ever were claimed by the most absolute monarchs ; and we are at a loss to find that liberty which the English seem so confi- dent they possess. But the representatives of the people still have, and that is saying enough, they still have in their hands, now that the constitution is fully established, the same powerful weapon which en- abled their ancestors to establish it. It is still from their liberality alone that the king can obtain sub- sidies ; and in these days, when every thing is rated by pecuniary estimation, when gold is be- come the great moving spring of affairs, it may be safely affirmed, that he who depends on the will of other men, with regard to so important an F 66 THE CONSTITUTION article, is (whatever his power may be in other respects) in a state of real dependence. This is the case of the king of England. He has, in that capacity, and without the grant of his people, scarcely any revenue. A few here- ditary duties on the exportation of wool, which (since the establishment of manufactures) are be- come tacitly extinguished j a branch of the excise, which, under Charles the Second, was annexed to the crown as an indemnification for the military services it gave up, and which, under George the First, 37 was fixed at seven thousand pounds ; a duty of two shillings on every ton of wine im- ported ; the wrecks of ships of which the owners remain unknown ; whales and sturgeons thrown on the coast ; swans swimming on public rivers; and a few other feudal relics, now compose the whole appropriated revenue of the king, and are all that remain of the ancient inheritance of the crown. The king of England, therefore, has the pre- rogative of commanding armies, and equipping- fleets ; but without the concurrence of his par- liament he cannot maintain them. He can bestow places and employments ; but without his parlia- ment he cannot pay the salaries attending on them. He can declare war ; but without his parliament it is impossible for him to carry it on. In a word, the royal prerogative, destitute as it is of the power of imposing taxes, is like a vast body, which cannot of itself accomplish its motions ; or, if you please, 3 7 It was in the reign of George the Second that this arrange- ment was made. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 6j it is like a ship completely equipped, but from which the parliament can at pleasure draw off the water, and leave it aground, and also set it afloat again, by granting subsidies. And indeed we see, that, since the establish- ment of this right of the representatives of the people, to grant or refuse subsidies to the crown, their other privileges have been continually in- creasing. Though these representatives were not, in the beginning, admitted into parliament but upon the most disadvantageous terms, yet they soon found means, by joining petitions to their money-bills, to have a share in framing those laws by which they were in future to be governed ; and this method of proceeding, which at first was only tolerated by the king, they afterwards converted into an express right, by declaring, under Henry the Fourth, that they would not, thenceforward, come to any resolutions with regard to subsidies, before the king had given a precise answer to their petitions. In subsequent times we see the commons con- stantly successful, by their exertions of the same privilege, in their endeavours to lop off the de- spotic powers which still made a part of the regal prerogative. Whenever abuses of power had taken place, which they were seriously determined to correct, they made grievances and supplies (to use the expression of Sir Thomas Wentworth) go hand in hand together ; which always produced the redress of them. And in general, when a bill, in consequence of its being judged by the commons essential to the public welfare, has been joined by F 2 68 THE CONSTITUTION them to a money-bill, it has seldom failed to pass in that agreeable company * CHAPTER VII. The same Subject continued. BUT this force of the prerogative of the commons, and the facility with which it may be exerted, how- ever necessary for the first establishment of the constitution, might prove too considerable at present, when it is requisite only to support it. There might be the danger, that, if the parliament should ever exert their privilege to its full extent, the prince, reduced to despair, might resort to fatal extremities ; or that the constitution, which subsists only by virtue of its equilibrium, might in the end be subverted. Indeed, this is a case which the prudence of parliament has foreseen. They have, in this re- * In mentioning the forcible use which the commons have at times made of their power of granting subsidies, by joining provi- sions of a different nature to bills that had grants for their object, I only mean to show the great efficiency of that power, which was the subject of this chapter, without pretending to say any thing as to the propriety of the measure. The house of lords have even found it necessary (which confirms what is said here) to form, as it were, a confederacy among themselves, for the security of their legislative authority against the unbounded use which the commons might make of their power of taxation ; and it has been made a standing order of their house, to reject any bill whatsoever to which a money- bill has been tacked. OF ENGLAND. (')[) spect, imposed laws upon themselves: and, with- out touching the prerogative itself, they have mo- derated the exercise of it. A custom has for a long time prevailed, at the beginning of every reign, and in the kind of overflowing of affection which takes place between a king and his first parliament, to grant the king a revenue for his life ; a provision which, with respect to the great exertions of his power, does not abridge the in- fluence of the commons, but yet puts him in a condition to support the dignity of the crown, and affords him, who is the first magistrate in the na- tion, that independence which the laws ensure also to those magistrates who are particularly in- trusted with the administration of justice.* * The twelve judges. 38 Their commissions, which in former times were often given them durante bene placito, 3 now must always " he made quamdiu se bene gesserint, 40 and their salaries " ascertained ; but, upon an address of both houses, it may be " lawful to remove them." Stat. 13 Will. III. c. 2. In the first year of the reign of his present majesty, 41 it was moreover en- acted, that the commissions of the judges should continue in force notwithstanding the demise of the king ; which has prevented their being dependent, with regard to their continuation iu office, on the heir-apparent. 38 By act of 11 Geo. IV. and 1 Will. 4. cap. 70, (A.D. 1830,) intituled, " An act for the more effectual administration of justice in England and Wales," his majesty was empowered to appoint an additional puisne judge to each of the superior courts of common law ; and the separate jurisdiction for the County Palatine of Chester and the principality of Wales was put an end to. The number of judges is therefore now fifteen. EDITOR. 39 For the continuance of our good pleasure (i. e. of the crown). EDITOR. 40 For so long as they shall well conduct themselves. EDITOR. 41 His majesty king George the Third. EDITOR. 70 THE CONSTITUTION This conduct of the parliament provides an ad- mirable remedy for the accidental disorders of the state. For though, by the wise distribution of the powers of government, great usurpations are become in a manner impracticable, nevertheless it is impossible but that, in consequence of the con- tinual (though silent) efforts of the executive power to extend itself, abuses will at length slide in. But here the powers, wisely kept in reserve by the parliament, afford the means of remedying them. At the end of each reign, the civil list, and con- sequently that kind of independence which it pro- cured, are at an end. The successor finds a throne, a sceptre, and a crown ; but he finds neither power, nor even dignity ; and before a real possession of all these things be given him, the parliament have it in their power to take a thorough review of the state, as well as correct the several abuses that may have crept in during the preceding reign ; and thus the constitution may be brought back to its first principles. England, therefore, by this mean, enjoys one very great advantage, one that all free states have sought to procure for themselves; I mean that of a periodical reformation. But the ex- pedients which legislators have contrived for this purpose^ in other countries, have always, when attempted to be carried into practice, been found to be productive of very disadvantageous con- sequences. Those laws which were made in Rome, to restore that equality which is the essence of a democratical government, were always found impracticable : the attempt alone endangered the OF ENGLAND. 71 overthrow of the republic ; and the expedient which the Florentines called ripigliar il st The 59 Geo. III. cap. 46, (A. D. 1819,) abolished appeals of murder, treason, felony or other offences, and wager of battel, or joining issue and trial by battel, in writs of right. EDITOR. 50 The number of the navy for which the estimates were voted in 1833 was 27,000 men, including marines. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 79 In these times, however, when it is become a custom with princes to keep those numerous ar- mies, which serve as a pretext and means of op- pressing- the people, a state that would maintain its independence is obliged, in a great measure, to do the same. The parliament has therefore thought proper to establish a standing body of troops (amounting to about thirty thousand men 51 ), of which the king has the command. But this army is only established for one year ; at the end of that term, it is (unless re-established) to be ipso facto disbanded ; and as the question, which then lies before parliament, is not, whether the army shall be dissolved, but whether it shall be established anew, as if it had never existed, any one of the three branches of the legislature may, by its dissent, hinder its continuance. Besides, the funds for the payment of these troops are to be paid by taxes that are not esta- blished for more than one year :* and it becomes likewise necessary, at the end of this term, again article of the Bill of Rights : " A standing army, without the " consent of parliament, is against law." * The land-tax 52 and malt-tax. 53 51 The effective force of the army provided for by the estimates voted in 1833 was 89,419 men. EDITOR. 52 By 38 Geo. III. cap. 60, (A D. 1798,) the several sums of money then charged in Great Britain as a land-tax for one year from the 25th day of March 1798, were made perpetual, subject to redemption and purchase in the manner therein stated. EDITOR. 53 The malt-tax has also some years ceased to be an annnal tax, that now in collection having been imposed by 6 Geo. IV. cap. 58. (A. D. 1825.) EDITOR. F 8 80 THE CONSTITUTION to establish them.* In a word, this instrument of defence, which the circumstances of modern times have caused to be judged necessary, being- capable, on the other hand, of being- applied to the most dangerous purposes, has been joined to the state by only a slender thread, the knot of which may be slipped, on the first appearance of danger.! * It is also necessary that the parliament, when it renews the act against mutiny, should authorise the different courts-martial to punish military offences and desertion. It can therefore refuse the king even the necessary power of military discipline. f To these laws, or rather conventions, between king and people, I will add the oath which the king takes at his coronation ; a compact which, if it cannot have the same precision as the laws above-mentioned, yet, in a manner, conprehends them all, and has the farther advantage of being declared with more solem- nity. The archbishop or bishop shall say, " Will you solemnly .pro- " mise and swear to govern the people of this kingdom of England, " and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the statutes " of parliament agreed on, and the laws and customs of the " same ?" The king or queen shall say, " I solemnly promise so " to do." Archbishop or bishop. " Will you, to your power, cause law " and justice, in mercy, to be executed in all your judgments ?" King or queen. " I will." Archbishop or bishop. " Will you, to the utmost of your " power, maintain the laws of God, the true profession of the gospel, " and the protestant reformed religion established by the law ? " And will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this " realm, and to the churches committed to their charge, all " such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto " them, or any of them ?" King or queen. " All this I promise " to do." After this, the king or queen, laying his or her hand upon the holy gospels, shall say, "The things which I have here before pro- OF ENGLAND. 81 But these laws, which limit the king's authority, would not, of themselves, have been sufficient. As they are, after all, only intellectual barriers, which the king- might not at all times respect ; as the check which the commons have on his proceed- ings, by a refusal of subsidies, affects too much the whole state to be exerted on every particular abuse of his power ; and lastly, as even this check might in some degree be eluded, either by breaking the promises which have procured subsidies, or by applying them to uses different from those for which they were appointed ; the constitution has besides supplied the commons with the means of immediate opposition to the misconduct of govern- ment, by giving them a right to impeach the ministers. It is true, the king himself cannot be arraigned before judges ; because if there were any that could pass sentence upon him, it would be they, and not he, who must finally possess the executive power ; but, on the other hand, the king cannot act without ministers ; it is therefore those minis- ters, that is, those indispensable instruments, whom they attack. If, for example, the public money has been em- ployed in a manner contrary to the declared in- tentiori of those who granted it, an impeachment may be brought against those who had the manage- ment of it. If any abuse of power is committed, or in general any thing done contrary to the public weal, they prosecute those who have been " raised I will perform and keep : So help me God !" and then shall kiss (hi; book. 82 THE CONSTITUTION either the instruments or the advisers of the mea- sure.* But who shall be the judges to decide in such a cause ? What tribunal will flatter itself that it can give an impartial decision, when it shall see, ap- pearing at its bar, the government itself as the ac- cused, and the representatives of the people as the accusers ? It is before the house of peers that the law has directed the commons to carry their accusation ; that is, before judges, whose dignity, on the one hand, renders them independent, and who, on the other, have a great honour to support in that awful func- tion, where they have all the nation for spectators of their conduct. When the impeachment is brought to the lords, they commonly order the person accused to be imprisoned. On the day appointed, the deputies of the house of commons, with the person im- peached, make their appearance : the impeachment is read in his presence ; counsel are allowed him, as well as time to prepare for his defence ; and, at the expiration of this term, the trial goes on from day to day, with open doors, and every thing is communicated in print to the public. But whatever advantage the law grants to the person impeached for his justification, it is from the intrinsic merits of his conduct that he must draw his arguments and proofs. It would be of * It was upon these principles that the commons, in the begin- ning of the eighteenth century, impeached the earl of Orford, who had advised the treaty of pai titiou, and the lord chancellor Somers, who had affixed the great seal to it. OF ENGLAND. 83 no service to him, in order to justify a criminal conduct, to allege the commands of the sovereign ; or, pleading guilty with respect to the measures imputed to him, to produce the royal pardon.* It is against the administration itself that the im- peachment is carried on ; it should therefore by no means interfere : the king can neither stop nor suspend its course, but is forced to behold, as an * This point, in ancient times, was far from being clearly settled. In the year 1678, the commons having impeached the earl of Danby, he pleaded the king's pardon in bar to that impeachment : great altercations ensued, which were terminated by the dissolution of that parliament. It was afterwards enacted (Stat. 12 & 13 W. III. c. 2.), "that no pardon under the great seal should be pleaded in " bar to an impeachment by the house of commons." I once asked a gentleman, very learned in the laws of this country, if the king could remit the punishment of a man condemned in consequence of an impeachment of the house of commons : he answered me, The tones will tell you the king can, and the whigs, he cannot. 51 But it is not perhaps very material that the question should be decided : the great public ends are attained when a corrupt minister is removed with disgrace, and the whole system of his pro- ceedings unveiled to the public eye. M The king's power in this respect is indisputable ; but the policy of its exercise might well be disputed. Until the celebrated case of Warren Hastings, it remained in doubt whether the dis- solution of parliainent pending an impeachment made it necessary that the inquiry should be commenced afresh ; but, after much able argument on both sides, the commons, on the 23rd December, 1790, unanimously decided, not as an innovation, but as a point of ancient constitutional practice necessary to prevent the undue interference of the crown in favour of a guilty minister or other individual accused, that the proceedings of an impeachment were not abated by a dissolution, but continued from one parliament to another. See House of Commons' Journals, and Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. EDITOR. G 2 84) THE CONSTITUTION inactive spectator, the discovery of the share which he may himself have had in the illegal proceedings of his servants, and to hear his own sentence in the condemnation of his ministers. An admirable expedient ! which, by removing and punishing corrupt ministers, affords an imme- diate remedy for the evils of the state, and strongly marks out the bounds within which power ought to be confined : which takes away the scandal of guilt and authority united, and calms the people by a great and awful act of justice : an expedient, in this respect especially, so highly useful, that it is to the want of the like that Machiavel attributes the ruin of his republic. But all these general precautions to secure the rights of the parliament, that is, those of the na- tion itself, against the efforts of the executive power, would be vain, if the members themselves remained personally exposed to them. Being un- able openly to attack, with any safety to itself, the two legislative bodies, and by a forcible exer- tion of its prerogatives, to make, as it were, a gene- ral assault, the executive power might, by subdi- viding the same prerogatives, gain an entrance, and, sometimes, by interest, and at others by fear, guide the general will, by influencing that of indi- viduals. But the laws which so effectually provide for the safety of the people, provide no less for that of the members, whether of the house of peers, or that of the commons. There are not known in England either commissaries who are always ready to find those guilty whom the wantonness OF ENGLAND. 85 of ambition points out, or those secret imprison- ments which are, in other countries, the usual expedients of government. As the forms and maxims of the courts of justice are strictly pre- scribed, and every individual has an invariable right to be judged according- to law, he may obey with- out fear the dictates of public virtue. Lastly, what crowns all these precautions, is, its being- a funda- mental maxim, " That the freedom of speech, and " debates and proceedings in parliament, ought not " to be impeached or questioned in any court or " place out of parliament."* The legislators, on the other hand, have not for- gotten that interest, as well as fear, may impose silence on duty. To prevent its effects, it has been enacted, that all persons concerned in the management of any taxes created since 1692, com- missioners of prize, navy, victualling-office, &c., comptrollers of the army accounts, agents for regi- ments, the clerks in the different offices of the revenue, persons holding any new office under the crown (created since 1705), or having a pension under the crown during pleasure, or for any term of years, are incapable of being elected members. Besides, if any member accepts an office under the crown, except it be an officer in the army or navy accepting a new commission, his seat becomes void, though such member is capable of being re-elected. Such are the precautions hitherto taken by the legislators, for preventing the undue influence of the great prerogative of disposing of rewards and * Bill of Rights, Art. 9. 86 THE CONSTITUTION places ; precautions which have been successively taken, according as circumstances have shown them to be necessary ; and which, we may thence sup- pose, are owing to causes powerful enough to produce the establishment of new ones, whenever circumstances shall point out the necessity of them.* * Nothing can be a better proof of the efficacy of the causes that produce the liberty of the English, than those victories which the parliament from time to time gains over itself, and in which the members, forgetting all views of private ambition, only think of their interest as subjects. Since this was first written, an excellent regulation has been made for the decision of controverted elections. Formerly the house decided them in a very summary manner, and the witnesses were not examined upon oath. But by an act passed a few years ago, 55 the decision is left to a jury, or committee, of fifteen members, formed in the following manner : Out of the members present, who must not be less than one hundred, forty-nine are drawn by lots : out of these, each candidate strikes off one alternately, till there remain only thirteen, who, with two others, named out of the whole house (one by each candidate), are to form the committee. In order to secure the necessary number of a hundred members, all other business in the house is to be suspended, till the above opera- tions are completed. 55 The statute alluded to, and which our author considered " an " excellent regulation," was the temporary act 10 Geo. III. cap. 16, (A.D. 1770,) explained and amended in the following year by 11 Geo. III. cap. 42, both of which acts were made perpetual by 14 Geo. III. cap. 15. (A.D. 1774.) The law, however, has been re- peatedly altered since that period, and was finally placed upon a new and greatly improved system by the 9 Geo. IV. cap. 22, (A.D. 1828,) intituled, " An act to consolidate and amend the laws re- lating to the trial of controverted elections or returns of members to serve in parliament," whereby' the decision is left to a select committee of eleven members, thus formed ; out of the mem- OF ENGLAND. 8? CHAPTER IX. Of private Liberty, or the Liberty of Individuals. WE have hitherto treated only of general liberty, that is, of the rights of the nation as a nation, and of its share in the government. It now remains that we should treat particularly of a thing without which this general liberty, being absolutely frus- trated in its object, would be only a matter of os- tentation, and even could not long subsist, I mean, the liberty of individuals. Private liberty, according to the division of the English lawyers, consists, first, of the right of property, that is, of the right of enjoying exclu- sively the gifts of fortune, and all the various fruits of one's industry ; secondly, of the right of personal security ; thirdly, of the locomotive faculty, taking the word liberty in its more confined sense. Each of these rights, say again the English law- yers, is inherent in the person of every Englishman ; they are to him as an inheritance, and he cannot be deprived of them, but by virtue of a sentence passed according to the laws of the land. And, bers present, who must not be fewer than one hundred if one committee is to be formed, one hundred and twenty if more than one committee, one hundred and eighty if more than two com- mittees, and two hundred and forty if more than three committees, thirty-three are drawn by lots ; the parties then alternately strike oft' one of the thirty-three until the number is reduced to eleven, who constitute the committee, and are sworn at the table of the house. EDITOR. 88 THE CONSTITUTION indeed, as this right of inheritance is expressed in English by one word (birth -right), the same as that which expresses the king's title to the crown, it has, in times of oppression, been often opposed to him as a right, doubtless of less extent, but of a sanction equal to that of his own. One of the principal effects of the right of pro- perty is, that the king can take from his subjects no part of what they possess ; he must wait till they themselves grant it to him : and this right, which, as we have seen before, is, by its conse- quences, the bulwark that protects all the others, has moreover the immediate effect of preventing one of the chief causes of oppression. In regard to the attempts to which the right of property might be exposed from one individual to another, I believe I shall have said every thing, when I have observed, that there is no man in England who can oppose the irresistible power of the laws ; that, as the judges cannot be deprived of their employments but on an accusation by par- liament, the effect of interest with the sovereign, or with those who approach his person, can scarcely influence their decisions ; that, as the judges them- selves have no power to pass sentence till the matter of fact has been settled by men nominated, we may almost say, at the common choice of the parties,* all private views, and consequently all * From the extensive right of challenging jurymen, which is allowed to every person brought to his trial, though not very fre- quently used. 56 56 This right has been in much more frequent use of late years. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 89 respect of persons, are banished from the courts of justice. However, that nothing may be wanting which may help to throw light on the subject I have undertaken to treat, I shall relate, in general, what is the law in civil matters, that has taken place in England. When the Pandects were found at Amalphi, the clergy, who were then the only men that were able to understand them, did not neglect that op- portunity of increasing the influence they had al- ready obtained, and caused them to be received in the greater part of Europe, England, which was destined to have a constitution so different from that of other states, was to be farther distinguished by its rejecting the Roman laws. Under William the Conqueror, and his imme- diate successors, a multitude of foreign ecclesiastics flocked to the court of England. Their influence over the mind of the sovereign, which, in the other states of Europe, as they were then constituted, might be considered as matter of little importance, was not so in a country where, the sovereign being all-powerful, to obtain influence over him was to obtain power itself. The English nobility saw, with the greatest jealousy, men of a condition so different from their own, vested with a power, to the attacks of which they were immediately ex- posed ; and thought that they would carry that power to the height, if they should ever adopt a system of laws which those same men sought to in- troduce, and of which they would necessarily be- come both the depositories and the interpreters. It happened, therefore, by a somewhat singular 90 THE CONSTITUTION conjunction of circumstances, that, to the Roman laws, brought over to England by monks, the idea of ecclesiastical power became associated, in the same manner as the idea of regal despotism was afterwards annexed to the religion of the same monks, when favoured by kings who endeavoured to establish an arbitrary government. The nobility at all times rejected these laws, even with a degree of ill-humour ;* and the usurper Stephen, whose interest it was to conciliate their affections, went so far as to prohibit the study of them. As the general disposition of things brought about a sufficient degree of intercourse between the nobility or gentry, and the people, the aversion to the Roman laws gradually spread itself far and wide ; and those laws, to which their wisdom in many cases, and particularly their extensiveness, ought naturally to have procured admittance when the English laws themselves were yet but in their infancy, experienced the most steady opposition * The nobility, under the reign of Richai'd II., declared in the French language of those times, " Puree que le roialme d'Engle- " terre n'etoit devant ces heures, ne a Pentent clu roy notre seignior, " et seigniors du parlement, unques ne sera, rule ne governe par la " loy civil ;" viz. Inasmuch as the kingdom of England was not before this time, nor, according to the intent of the king our lord, and lords of parliament, ever shall be, ruled or governed by the civil \avf.V-Parl. Westmonast. Feb. 3, 1379. fi 7 This short, but decided, reply of the barons to another of our kings, on occasion of an attempt to legalize children born before marriage, provided the parents married afterwards, (a proposition borrowed from the Roman civil law) " Nolumus leges Angiice " mutari," It is not our will that the laws of England should be changed, is another instance of a similar kind. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. Ql from the lawyers ; and as those persons, who sought to introduce them, frequently renewed their attempts, there at length arose a kind of general combination among the laity, to confine them to universities and monasteries.* This opposition was carried so far, that For- tescue, chief justice of the King's Bench, and afterwards chancellor, under Henry VI., wrote a book entitled De Laudibus Legum Anglice^ in which he proposes to demonstrate the superiority of the English laws over the civil ; and, that nothing might be wanting in his arguments on that subject, he gives them the advantage of superior antiquity, and traces their origin to a period much anterior to the foundation of Rome. This spirit has been preserved even to much more modern times ; and when we peruse the * It might perhaps be shown, if it belonged to the subject, that the liberty of thinking in religious matters, which has at all times remarkably prevailed in England, is derived from nearly the same causes as its political liberty : both perhaps are owing to this, that the same men, whose interest it is in other countries that the people should be influenced by prejudices of a political or religious kind, have been in England forced to inform and unite with them I shall here take occasion to observe, in answer to the reproach made to the English, by president Henault, in his much-esteemed Chro- nological History of France, that the frequent changes of religion which have taken place in England do not argue any servile disposi- tion in the people ; they only prove the equilibrium between the then existing sects : there was none but what might become the prevailing one, whenever the sovei-eign thought proper to declare for it : and it was not England, as people may think at first sight it was only its government which changed its religion. 58 Concerning the praises of the laws of England. EDITOR. 9*2 THE CONSTITUTION many paragraphs which judge Hale has written in his History of the Common Law, to prove, that, in the few cases in which the civil law is admitted in England, it can have no power by virtue of any deference due to the orders of Justinian (a truth which certainly had no need of proof), we plainly see that this chief justice, who was also a very great lawyer, had, in this respect, retained some- what of the heat of party. Even at present the English lawyers attribute the liberty they enjoy, and of which other nations are deprived, to their having rejected, while those nations have admitted, the Roman law ; which is mistaking the effect for the cause. It is not be- cause the English have rejected the Roman laws that they are free ; but it is because they were free (or at least because there existed, among them, causes which were, in process of time, to make them so,) that they have been able to reject the Roman laws. But even though they had admitted those laws, these same circumstances, that have enabled them to reject the whole, would have likewise enabled them to reject those parts which might not have suited them ; and they would have seen, that it is very possible to receive the decisions of the civil law on the subject of the servitudes urbantB et rusticce^ without adopting its principles with respect to the power of the emperors.* * What particularly frightens the English lawyers, is L. i. Lib. I. Tit. 4. Dig. Quod principi placuerit hgis habet vigorem. 60 5 9 Civic and rustic bondage. EDITOR. 60 That which is pleasing to the prince hath the force of law. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 93 Of this the republic of Holland, where the civil law is adopted, would afford a proof, if there were not the still more striking one of the emperor of Germany, who, though, in the opinion of his people, he is the successor to the very throne of the C&sars, has not, by a great deal, so much power as a king of England ; and the reading of the several treaties which deprive him of the power of nominating the principal officers of the empire, sufficiently shows that a spirit of unli- mited submission to monarchical power is no ne- cessary consequence of the admission of the Roman civil law. The laws therefore that have taken place in England are what they call the unwritten law (also termed the common law], and the statute law. The unwritten law is thus called, not because it is only transmitted by tradition from generation to generation, but because it is not founded on any known act of the legislature. It receives its force from immemorial custom, and, for the most part, derives its origin from acts of parliament enacted in the times which immediately followed the Con- quest (particularly those anterior to the time of Richard the First), the originals of which are lost. The principal objects settled by the common law, are the rules of descent, the different methods of acquiring property, the various forms required for rendering contracts valid ; in all which points it differs, more or less, from the civil law. Thus, by the common law, lands descend to the eldest son, to the exclusion of all his brothers and sisters ; 94 THE CONSTITUTION whereas, by the civil law, they are equally divided among 1 the children : by the common law, property is transferred by writing ; but by the civil law, tradition (or actual delivery) is moreover re- quisite, &c. The source, from which the decisions of the common law are drawn, is what is called prcete- ritorum memoria eventorum, 61 and is found in the collection of judgments that have been passed from time immemorial, and which, as well as the proceedings relative to them, are carefully pre- served under the title of records. In order that the principles established by such a series of judg- ments may be known, extracts from them are, from time to time, published under the name of reports ; and these reports reach, by a regular series, so far back as the reign of Edward the Second inclusively. Besides this collection, which is pretty volu- minous, there are also some ancient writers of great authority among lawyers ; such as Glanvil, who flourished in the reign of Henry the Second Bracton, who wrote under Henry the Third Fletaf- and Lyttelton. Among more modern authors, is Sir Edward Coke, lord chief justice of the King's Bench, under James the First, who has written four books of Institutes, and is at present the oracle of the common law. 63 The common law moreover comprehends some fil The record of past events. EDITOR. 62 Not the name of an author; but a hook so entitled because it was written in the Fleet Prison. EDITOR. 6:5 And is so still. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 95 particular customs, which are fragments of the ancient Saxon laws, escaped from the disaster of the Conquest ; such as that called Gavel-kind, in the county of Kent, by which lands are divided equally between or among- the sons ; and that called Borough-English, by which, in some dis- tricts, lands descend to the youngest son. The civil law, in the few instances where it is admitted, is likewise comprehended under the un- written law, because it is of force only so far as it has been authorised by immemorial custom. Some of its principles are followed in the ecclesiastical courts, in the courts of admiralty, and in the courts of the two universities ; but it is there nothing more than lex sub lege graviori y 64 and these dif- ferent courts must conform to acts of parliament, and to the sense given to them by the courts of common law ; being moreover subjected to the controul of the latter. Lastly, the written law is the collection of the various acts of parliament, the originals of which are carefully preserved, especially since the reign of Edward the Third. Without entering into the distinctions made by lawyers with respect to them such as public and private acts, declaratory acts, or such as are made to extend or restrain the common law, &c. it will be sufficient to observe, that being the result of the united wills of the three constituent parts of the legislature, they, in all cases, supersede both the common law and all former statutes ; and the judges must take cogni- sance of them, and decide in conformity to them, 64 A law derived from higher law. EDITOR. yO THE CONSTITUTION even though they had not been alleged by the par- ties.* The different courts for the administration of justice, in England, are, I. The Court of Common Pleas. It formerly made a part of the aula regis (the king's hall or court) ; but as the latter was bound by its institu- tion always to follow the person of the king, and private individuals experienced great difficulties in obtaining relief from a court that was ambulatory, and always in motion, it was made one of the ar- ticles of the Great Charter, that the Court of Common Pleas should thenceforward be holden in a fixed place ;^ and since that time it has been seated at Westminster. It is composed of a lord chief justice, and three other judges ; 66 and appeals from its judgments, usually called writs of error, are brought before the Court of King's Bench. II. The Court of Exchequer. It was originally established to determine those causes in which the king, or his servants, or accomptants, were con- * Unless they be private acts. j- Communia placita non sequantur curiam nostram, sed te- neantur in aliquo loco certo.^ 5 Magna Charta, cap. 1 1. 65 Common Pleas shall not follow our court, but shall be holden in some place certain. Translation given in Ruffhead's Statutes at Large. EDITOR. 66 The number was increased to four, under the provisions of the act alluded to in note 38, page 69; but, by sec. 1 of that act, it is enacted, that the puisne judges shall sit by rotation in each term, or otherwise, as they shall agree amongst themselves, so that no greater number than three of them shall sit at the same time in Bane for the transaction of the business in term, unless in the absence of the lord chief justice. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 97 cerned, and has gradually become open to all per- sons. The confining- the power of this court to the above class of persons is therefore now a mere fiction ; only a man must, for form's sake, set forth in his declaration that he is debtor to the king, whether he be so or no. This court is composed of the chief baron of the Exchequer, and three other judges. 67 III. The Court of King's Bench forms that part of the Aula Regis which continued to sub- sist after the dismembering of the Common Pleas. This court enjoys the most extensive authority of all other courts : it has the superintendence over all corporations, and keeps the various jurisdic- tions in the kingdom within their respective bounds. It takes cognisance, according to the end of its original institution, of all criminal causes, and even of many causes merely civil. It is composed of the lord chief justice and three other judges. 68 Writs of error against the judgments passed in this court in civil matters are brought before the Court of the Exchequer Chamber j or, in most cases, before the House of Peers. IV. The Court of the Exchequer Chamber. When this court is formed by the four barons, or judges of the Exchequer, together with the chan- cellor and treasurer of the same, it sits as a court of equity. When it is formed by the twelve ^ judges, 67 The last note equally applies to this court, only substituting the lord chief baron for the lord chief justice. EDITOR. 68 Note 66 equally applies to this court and the court of common pleas. EDITOR. 69 Now fifteen. See note 38, page 69. EDITOR. H 98 THE CONSTITUTION to whom sometimes the lord chancellor is joined, its office is to deliberate, when properly referred and applied to, and give an opinion on important and difficult causes, before judgments are passed upon them in those courts where the causes are depending. CHAPTER X. On the Law that is observed in England, in re- gard to Civil Matters. CONCERNING the manner in which justice is admi- nistered in England, in civil matters, and the kind of law that obtains in that respect, the following observations may be made. 70 The beginning of a civil process in England, or the first step usually taken in bringing an ac- tion, is the seizing, by public authority, the per- son against whom that action is brought. This is done with a view to secure such person's appear- ance before a judge, or at least make him give sureties for that purpose. In most of the countries of Europe, where the forms, introduced into the Roman civil law in the reigns of the later em- 7 Although it would not be difficult to point out various inac- curacies in this chapter, the author's strictures are in general so apposite and deserving of admiration, that it is thought unnecessary to direct attention to errors which would be understood only by the lawyer, to whom they will be sufficiently obvious without such notice. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 99 perors, have been imitated, a different method has been adopted to procure a man's appearance before a court of justice. The usual practice is to have the person sued, summoned to appear before the court, by a public officer belonging- to it, a week before-hand : if no regard is paid to such summons twice repeated, the plaintiff (or his at- torney) is admitted to make before the court a formal reading of his demand, which is then granted to him, and he may proceed to execution.* In this mode of proceeding, it is taken for granted, that a person who declines to appear be- fore a judge, to answer the demand of another, after being properly summoned, acknowledges the justice of such demand ; and this supposition is very just and rational. However, the above- mentioned practice of securing before-hand the body of a person sued, though not so mild in its execution as that just now described, nor even more effectual, appears more obvious, and is more readily adopted, in those times when courts of law begin to be formed in a nation, and rules of dis- tributive justice to be established ; and it is, very likely, followed in England as a continuation of the methods that were adopted when the English laws were yet in their infancy. In the times we mention, when laws begin to * A person against whom a judgment of this kind has been passed (which they call in France un jugement par default 1 } may easily obtain relief; but as he now in his turn becomes in a manner the plaintiff, his deserting the cause, in this second stage of it, would leave him without remedy. 7 1 A judgment by default. EDITOR. H 2 100 THE CONSTITUTION be formed in a country, the administration of jus- tice between individuals is commonly lodged in the same hands which are intrusted with the public and military authority of the state. Judges, in- vested with a power of this kind, like to carry on their operations with a high hand : they consider the refusal of a man to appear before them, not as being barely an expedient to avoid doing that which is just, but as a contempt of their authority : they of course look upon themselves as being bound to vindicate it ; and a writ of capias is speedily issued to apprehend the refractory defen- dant. A preliminary writ or order of this kind becomes in time the first regular step of a law-suit; and hence it seems to have happened, that, in the English courts of law, if I am rightly informed, a writ of capias is either issued before the original writ itself (which contains the summons of the plaintiff, and a formal delineation of his case), or is joined to such writ, by means of an ac etiam capias, and is served along with it. In Rome, where the distribution of civil justice was at first lodged in the hands of the kings, and afterwards of the consuls, the method of seizing the person of a man against whom a demand of any kind was preferred, previously to any judg- ment being passed against him, was likewise adopted, and continued to be followed after the institution of the praetor's court, to whom the civil branch of the power of the consuls was afterwards delegated ; and it lasted to very late times ; that is, to the times when those capital alterations were made in the Roman civil law, during the reigns of OF ENGLAND. 101 the later emperors, which gave it the form it now has in those codes or collections of which we are in possession. A very singular degree of violence even took place in Rome, in the method used to secure the persons of those against whom a legal demand was preferred. In England, the way to seize a man under such circumstances, is by means of a public officer, supplied with a writ or order for that pur- pose, supposed to be directed to him (or to the sheriff his employer) from the king himself. But, in Rome, every one became a kind of public officer in his own cause, to assert the praetor's prerogative ; and, without any ostensible legal licence or badge of public authority, had a right to seize by force the person of his opponent, wherever he met him. The practice was, that the plaintiff first summoned the person sued with a loud voice, to follow him before the court of the praetor.* When the de- fendant refused to obey such summons, the plaintiff, by means of the words licet antestari ? 73 requested the by-standers to be witnesses of the fact ; as a remembrance of which, he touched the ears of each of them : T4 and then proceeded to seize his opponent, by throwing his arms round his neck (obtorto collo), thus endeavouring to drag him before the praetor. When the person sued was, through age or sickness, * Ad tribunal sequere, in jus 72 Follow to the judgment-seat, walk into court. EDITOR. 73 Are you willing to witness the arrest ? EDITOR. 7* Pliny gives as a reason for this custom, " Est in aure imd, memories locus" in the innermost ear is the seat of memory. Conf. Hor. Sat. 1, 9, 76. EDITOR. 102 THE CONSTITUTION disabled from following the plaintiff, the latter was directed by the law of the Twelve Tables to supply him with a horse (jumentum*dato). The above method of proceeding- was however in after-times mitigated, though very late and slowly. In the first place, it became unlawful to seize a man in his own house, as it was the abode of his domestic gods. Women of good family were in time protected from the severity of the^above custom, and they could no longer be dragged by force before the tribunal of the praetor. The me- thod of placing a sick or aged person by force upon a horse seems to have been abolished during the later times of the republic. Emancipated sons, and freed slaves, were afterwards restrained from sum- moning their parents, or late masters, without having expressly obtained the praetor's leave, under the penalty of fifty pieces of gold. However, so late as the time of Pliny, the old mode of summon- ing, or carrying by force, before a judge, continued in general to subsist ; though, in the time of Ulpian, the necessity of expressly obtaining the praetor's leave was extended to all cases and persons ; and, in Constantine's reign, the method began to be established of having the legal summons served only by means of a public officer appointed for that purpose. After that time, other changes in the former law were introduced, from which the mode of proceeding now used on the continent of Europe has been borrowed. In England likewise, some changes, we may ob- serve, have been wrought in the law and practice concerning the arrests of sued persons, though as OF ENGLAND. 103 slowly and late as those effected in the Roman re- public or empire, if not more so ; which evinces the great impediments of various kinds that ob- struct the improvement of laws in every nation. So late as the reign of king George the First, an act was passed 73 to prohibit the practice of previous personal arrest, in cases of demands under two pounds sterling ; and, since that time, those courts, justly called of Conscience, have been established, in which such demands are to be summarily decided, and simple summons, without arrest, can only be used. 76 A bill was afterwards enacted* (on the motion of Lord Beauchamp, whose name deserves * In 1779.77 "> 5 12Geo. I. cap. 29, (A.D. 1725,) intituled, " An act to prevent frivolous and vexatious arrests ;" explained, amended, and rendered more effectual by : 5 Geo. II. cap. 27 (A.D. 1732) ; and revived and made perpetual by 21 Geo. II. cap. 3 (A.D. 1748). EDITOR. 7(5 These local courts of requests, or conscience, have, generally, jurisdiction of cases not exceeding 2, to be decided by at least three commissioners, and from 2 to 5, to be decided by at least five commissioners. And bv sec. 17 of act 3 and 4 Will. IV. cap. 42, (A.D. 1833,) intituled, "An act for the further amend- ment of the law, and the better advancement of justice," it is enacted, That, in any action depending in any of the superior courts for any debt or demand not exceeding 20, the court in which such suit shall be depending, or any judge thereof, if satisfied that the trial will not involve any difficult question of fact or law, may order and direct that the issue or issues joined shall be tried before the sheriff of the county where the action is brought, or any judge of any court of record for the recovery of debt in such county. EDITOR. 77 19 Geo. III. cap. 70 j which was rendered more effectual by 43 Geo. III. cap. 46 (A.D. 1803). EDITOR. 104 THE CONSTITUTION to be recorded), by which the prohibition of arrest was extended to all cases of debt under ten pounds sterling ; a bill, the passing of which was of twenty, or even a hundred times more real importance than the rise or fall of a favourite, or a minister, though it has, perhaps, been honoured with a less degree of attention by the public. 78 Other peculiarities of the English civil law, are the great refinements, formalities, and strictness, that prevail in it. Concerning such refinements, which are rather imperfections, the same observa- tion may be made that has been introduced above, in regard to the mode and frequency of civil arrest in England ; which is, that they are continuations of methods adopted when the English law began to be formed, and are the consequences of the situ- ation in which the English placed themselves when they rejected the ready-made code of the Roman civil law, and rather chose to become their own law-makers, and raise from the ground the struc- ture of their own national civil code ; which code, it may be observed, is as yet in the first stage of its formation, as the Roman law itself was during the times of the republic, and in the reigns of the first emperors. The time at which the power of administering justice to individuals becomes separated from the 78 By 51 Geo. III. cap. 124, (A. D. 1811,) continued by 57 Geo. III. cap. 101, (A. D. 1817,) the prohibition of arrest upon inesne process was exttnded to all cases where the cause of action was under \5, except on bills of exchange and promissory notes ; and by 7 and 8 Geo. IV. cap. 71, (A. D. 1827,) it was further ex- tended to all cases, without any exception, where the debt or cause of action was under 20. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 105 military power (an event which happens sooner or later in different countries), is the real sera of the origin of a regular system of laws in a nation. Judges being now deprived of the power of the sword, or (which amounts to the same) being obliged to borrow that power from other persons, endeavour to find their resources within their own courts, and, if possible, to obtain submission to their decrees from the great regularity of their pro- ceedings, and the reputation of the impartiality of their decisions. At the same time also lawyers begin to crowd in numbers to courts, which it is no longer dangerous to approach, and add their refinements to the rules already set down either by the legislature or the judges. As the employing of them, especially in the beginning, is matter of choice, and they fear, that, if bare common-sense were thought sufficient to conduct a law-suit, every body might imagine he knows as much as they do, they contrive difficulties to make their assistance needful. As the true science of the law, which is no other than the knowledge of a long series of former rules and precedents, cannot as yet exist, they endeavour to create an artificial one to re- commend themselves by. Formal distinctions and definitions are invented to express the different kinds of claims that men may set up against one another ; in which almost the same nicety is dis- played as that used by philosophers in classing the different subjects, or kingdoms, of natural history. Settled forms of words, under the name of ivrits, or the like, are devised to set forth those claims ; and, like introductory passes, serve to usher claim- 106 THE CONSTITUTION ants into the temple of justice. For fear their clients should desert them after their first intro- duction, like a sick man who rests contented with a single visit of the physician, lawyers contrive other ceremonies and technical forms for the far- ther conduct of the process and the pleadings ; and, in order still more safely to bind their clients to their dominion, they at length make every error relating to their professional regulations, whether it be a misnomer, a mispleading, or the like trans- gression, to be of as fatal a consequence as a failure against the laws of strict justice. Upon the foundation of the above-mentioned definitions and metaphysical distinctions of cases and actions, a number of strict rules of law are moreover raised, with which none can be acquainted but such as are complete masters of those distinctions and defi- nitions. To a person who in a posterior age observes for the first time such refinements in the distribution of justice, they appear very strange, and even ridiculous. Yet, it must be confessed, that during the times of the first institution of magistracies and courts of a civil nature, ceremonies and for- malities of different kinds are very useful to pro- cure to such courts both the confidence of those persons who are brought before them, and the re- spect of the public at large ; and they thereby be- come actual substitutes for military force, which, till then, had been the chief support of judges. Those same forms and professional regulations are moreover useful to give uniformity to the proceed- ings of the lawyers and of the courts of law, and OF ENGLAND. 107 to ensure constancy and steadiness to the rules which they set down among- themselves. And if the whole system of the refinements we mention continue to subsist in very remote ages, it is in a great measure owing- (not to mention other causes) to their having so coalesced with the essential parts of the law as to make danger, or at least great difficulties, be apprehended from a separa- tion ; and they may, in that respect, be compared with a scaffolding used in the raising of a house, which, though only intended to set the materials and support the builders, happens to be suffered for a long time afterwards to stand, because it is thought the removal of it might endanger the building. 79 79 The important statute, passed in the last session of parliament, to which reference is made in note 75, page 103, will, it is hoped, supply the means of remedying the evils of which our author here so justly complains. It hegins by enacting, " That the judges of " the superior courts of common law at Westminster, or any eight " or more of them, of whom the chiefs of each of the said courts " shall he three, should and might, by any rule or order to be from " time to time by them made, in term or vacation, at any time " within five years from the time when that act should take effect, " make such alterations in the mode of pleading in the said courts, " and in the mode of entering and transcribing pleadings, judg- " ments and other proceedings in actions at law, and such regula- " tions as to the payment of costs, and otherwise for carrying into " effect the said alterations, as to them might seem expedient; and " all such rules, orders, or regulations should be laid before both " houses of parliament, if parliament were then sitting, immediately " upon the making of the same, or if parliament were not then sitting, " then within five days after the next meeting thereof, and no such " rule, order, or regulation, should have effect until six weeks after " the same should have been so laid before both houses of parlia- " inent ; and any rule or order so made, should, from and after such " time aforesaid, be binding and obligatory on all the said courts, 108 THE CONSTITUTION Very singular law formalities and refined prac- tices, of the kind here alluded to, had been con- trived by the first jurisconsults in Rome, with a view to amplify the rules set down in the laws of the Twelve Tables ; which being- few, and engraven on brass, every body could know as well as they ; it even was a general custom to give those laws to children to learn, as we are informed by Cicero. Very accurate definitions, as well as distinct branches of cases and actions, were contrived by the first Roman jurisconsults ; and when a man had once made his election of that peculiar kind of action by which he chose to pursue his claim, it became out of his power to alter it. Settled forms of words, called actiones legis were more- over contrived, which men must absolutely use to set forth their demands. The party himself was to recite the appointed words before the praetor ; and should he unfortunately happen to miss or add a single word, so as to seem to alter his real case or demand, he lost his suit thereby. To this an al- lusion is made by Cicero, when he says, " We " have a civil law so constituted, that a man be- " and all other courts of common law, and on all courts of error " into which the judgments of the said courts or any of them should " be carried by any writ of error, and be of the like force and effect " as if the provisions contained therein had been expressly enacted " by parliament : Provided always, that no such rule or order should " have the effect of depriving any person of the power of pleading " the general issue, and giving the special matter in evidence, in " any case wherein he was then or thereafter should be entitled to " do so by virtue of any act of parliament then or thereafter to be in " force.'' EDITOR. 80 Processes of law. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 109 " comes non-suited, who has not proceeded in the " manner he should have done."* An observa- tion of the like nature is also to be found in Quin- tilian, whose expressions on the subject are as fol- low : " There is besides another danger ; for if " but one word has been mistaken, we are to be " considered as having failed in every point of our " suit."!" Similar solemnities and appropriated forms of words were moreover necessary to intro- duce the reciprocal answers and replies of the parties, to require and accept sureties, to produce witnesses, &c. Of the above actiones legis, the Roman juris- consults and pontiffs had carefully kept the ex- clusive knowledge to themselves, as well as of those days on which religion did not allow courts of law to sit.^ Cn. Flavius, secretary to Appius Claudius, having happened to divulge the secret of those momentous forms (an act for which he was afterwards preferred by the people) juriscon- sults contrived fresh ones, which they began to * Ita jus civile habemus constitulum, tit causa cadat is qui non quemadmodum oportet agerit. De Invent. IT. 19. f- Est etiam periculosum, quum, si uno verbo sit erratum, lota causa cecidisse videamur. Inst. Ch - at. VII. 3. 1 Dies fasti et nefasti. 81 81 Adams, in his Roman Antiquities, says, "The days on which " the praetor administered justice were called dies fasti. Those days " on which it was unlawful to administer justice were called dies " nefasti" Ainsworth's Dictionary interprets, dies fasti, "pleading days :" dies nefasti, " certain days accounted inauspicious, wherein no law matters were heard, or any assemblies of the people holden." EDITOR. 110 THE CONSTITUTION keep written with secret ciphers : but a member of their own body again betrayed them, and the new collection which he published was called Jus jjElianum, from his name (Sex. j3lius), in the same manner as the former collection had been called Jus Flamanwn. However, it does not seem that the influence of lawyers became much abridged by those two collections : besides written information of that sort, practice is also necessary : and the public collections we mention, like the many books that have been published on the English law, could hardly enable a man to become a lawyer, at least sufficiently so to conduct a law-suit.* Modern civilians have been at uncommon pains to find out and produce the ancient formula we men- tion, in which they really have had great success. Old comic writers, such as Plautus and Terence, have supplied them with several ; the settled words, for instance, used to claim the property of a slave, frequently occur in their works, f * The Roman jurisconsults had extended their skill to objects of voluntary jurisdiction as well as to those of contentious jurisdic- tion, and had devised peculiar formalities, forms of words, distinc- tions, and definitions, in regard to obligations between man and man, stipulations, donations, spousals, and especially last wills, in all which they had displayed surprising nicety, refinement, accu- racy, and strictness. The English lawyers have not bestowed so much pains on the objects of voluntary jurisdiction, nor any thing like it. f The words addressed to the plaintiff, by the person sued, when the latter made his appearance on the day for which he had been compelled to give sureties, were as follow, and are alluded to by Plant. Curcul. I. 3. v. 5. " "Where art thou who hast obliged " me to give sureties P Where art thou who summonedst me P " Here I stand before thee : do thyself stand before me." To OF ENGLAND. Ill Extremely like the above actiones legis are the writs used in the English courts of law. Those which the plaintiff made answer, " Here I am." The defendant replied, " What dost thou say ?" The plaintiff answered, " I " say (Aio)" and then followed the form of words by which he chose to express his action : Ubi tu es, qui me vadaius esP Ubi tu es, qui me citdsti P Ecce ego me tibi sisto ; tu contra et te mihi siste, fyc. If the action, for instance, was brought on account of goods stolen, the settled penalty (or damages) for which was the restitution twice the value, the words to be used were, AIO decem aureos mihi fur to tuo abesse, teque eo nomine viginti aureos mihi dare oportcre. BZ For work done, such as cleaning of clothes, &c. Aio te mihi tritici modium, de quo inter nos convenit ob polita vesti- menta tua, dare oportere. 33 For recovering the value of a slave killed by another citizen : Aio te hominem meum occidisse, teque mihi quantum Hie hoc anno plurimifuit dare oportere. 84 For damages done by a vicious animal, Aio bovem Mcevii servum meum Stichum, cornu petiisse et occidisse, eoque nomine Mavium, ant serviasitimationemprtestare, aut bovem mihi noxce dare oportere ; or, Aio ursum Mcevii mihi vulnus intulisse, et Mcevium quantum tequius rnelius mihi dare oportere^ fyc. It may be observed, that the particular kind of remedy which was provided by the law for the case before the court was expressly 82 I say that through your theft I am minus ten aurei, and that on that account you ought to pay me twenty aurei. [Aureus was a piece of coin, current among the Romans, of gold of the value of about four pounds eight shillings an ounce. The aureus of the higher empire weighed nearly five pennyweights ; but that of the lower empire little more than half as much.] EDITOR. 83 I say that you ought to pay me a bushel of wheat as fullage according to agreement between us, for the cleaning of your clothes EDITOR. 84 I say that you killed my slave, and that you ought to pay me what his highest value amounts to this year. EDITOR. 85 I say that Msevius's ox gored and killed my slave Stichus, and that on that account Maevius ought either to pay the estimated 11<2 THE CONSTITUTION writs are framed for, and adapted to, every branch or denomination of actions, such as detinue, tres- pass, action upon the case, accompt, and covenant, &c. ; the same strictness obtains in regard to them as did in regard to the Roman formulae above-men- tioned : there is the same danger in misapplying them, or in failing in any part of them : and, to use the words of an English law-writer on the sub- ject, " Writs must be rightly directed, or they will " be nought : In all writs, care must be had that fl they be laid and formed according to their case, " and so pursued in the process thereof."* The same formality likewise prevails in the English pleadings and conduct of the process as obtained in the old Roman law proceedings ; and in the same manner as the Roman jurisconsults had their actionis postulationes et editiones, their infi- pointed out in the formula used by a plaintiff; and in regard to this no mistake was to be made. Thus, in the last-quoted formula, the words quantum aquius melius, 8 ^ show that the praetor was to appoint inferior judges both to ascertain the damage done, and de- termine finally upon the case, according to the direction he pre- viously gave them ; these words being exclusively appropriated to the kindof actions called arbitrarice, from the above-mentioned judges or arbitrators. In actions brought to require the execution of con- ventions that had no name, the convention itself was expressed in the formula ; such is that which is recited above, relating to work done by the plaintiff, &c. * Jacob's Law Dictionary. See Writ. value of the slave, or else to surrender to me the ox, as an equiva- lent for the injury; or, I say that Msevius's bear has wounded me, and that Maevius ought to make me the most ample equitable com- pensation. EDITOR. 86 The most ample equitable compensation. EDITOR. OF F.NGLAND. 113 ciationes, exceptiones, sponsiones, replicationes, du- plicationes, tyc.** so the English lawyers have their counts, bars, replications, rejoinders, sur-rejoin- ders, rebutters, sur-rebutters, &c. A scrupulous accuracy, in observing certain rules, is moreover necessary in the management of those pleadings : the following are the words of an English law- writer on the subject : " Though the art of plead- " ing was in its nature and design only to render the " fact plain and intelligible, and to bring the mat- " ter to judgment with convenient certainty, it be- " gan to degenerate from its primitive simplicity. " Pleaders, yea and judges, having become too cu- " rious in that respect, pleadings at length ended " in a piece of nicety and curiosity, by which the " miscarriage of many a cause, upon small trivial " objections, has been occasioned.''* There is, however, a difference between the Ro- man actiones legis, and the English writs, which is, that the former might be framed when new ones were necessary, by the preetor or judge of the court, or, in some cases, by the body of the juris- consults themselves, whereas writs, when wanted for such new cases as may offer, can only be de- vised by a distinct judge or court, exclusively in- vested with such powers, viz. the High Court of * Cunningham's Law Dictionary. See Pleadings. 87 Petitions and publications of action, pleadings, exceptions' wagers at law (when the parties by consent laid down each a sum of money to engage their standing to trial, the issue whereof was, that he who was cast in his suit lost his money too), replications, rejoinders, &c. EDITOR. I 114 THE CONSTITUTION Chancery. The issuing- of writs already existing, for the different cases to which they belong, is also expressly reserved to this court ; and so important has its office on those two points been deemed by lawyers, that it has been called, by way of emi- nence, the manufactory of justice (officina jus- titice). Original writs, besides, when once framed, are not at any time to be altered, except by parlia- mentary authority.* Of so much weight in the English law are these original delineations of cases, that no cause is suf- fered to be proceeded upon, unless they first appear as legal introductors to it. However important or interesting the case, the judge, till he sees the writ he is used to, or at least a writ issued from the right manufactory, is both deaf and dumb. He is * Writs, legally issued, are also necessary for executing the dif- ferent incidental proceedings that may take place in the course of a law-suit, such as producing witnesses, &c. The names given to the different kinds of writs are usually derived from the first Latin words by which they began when they were written in Latin, or at least from some remarkable word in them, which gives rise to ex- pressions sufficiently uncouth and unintelligible. Thus a pone is a writ issued to oblige a person in certain cases to give sureties (pone per vadium, and salvos plegios 88 ). A writ of subpoena is to oblige witnesses, and sometimes other classes of persons, to appear before a court. An action of qui tarn, is that which is brought to sue for a proportional share of a fine established by some penal statute, by the person who laid an information ; the words in the writ being, Qui tarn pro domino rege, quam pro seipso in hoc parte sequi- tur, &c. 8 9 88 Take bail for the appearance (of the defendant in a court of justice) and safe sureties. EDITOR. 8 ? Who sues in this behalf as well for our lord the king, as for himself, &c. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 115 without eyes to see, or ears to hear. And, when a case of a new kind offers, for which there is yet no writ in being-, should the lord chancellor and masters in chancery disagree in creating- one, or prove unequal to the arduous task, the great na- tional council, that is, parliament itself, is, in such emergency, expressly applied to : by means of its col- lected wisdom, the right mystical words are brought together ; the judge is restored to the free use of his organs of hearing and of speech ; and, by the crea- tion of a new writ, a new province is added to the empire of the courts of law. In fine, those precious writs, those valuable briefs (brevia) as they are also called by way of emi- nence, which are the elixir and quintessence of the law, have been committed to the special care of officers appointed for that purpose, whose offices derive their names from the peculiar instruments they respectively use for the preservation of the de- posit with which they are intrusted ; the one being called the office of the Hanaper, and the other of the Small Bag* To say the truth, however, the creating of a new writ, upon any new given case, is matter of greater difficulty than the generality of readers are aware of. The very importance which is thought to be in those professional forms of words, renders them * Hanaperium et Parva Baga, the Hanaper Office, and the Petty-Bag Office. The first and last of these Latin words, it may be observed, do not occur in Tully's works. To the care of the Petty-Bag Office those writs are trusted in which the king's busi- ness is concemed ; and to the Hanaper Office those which relate to the subject. I 2 116 THE CONSTITUTION really important. As every thing, without them, is illegal in a court of common law, so with them every thing becomes legal ; that is to say, they empower the court legally to determine upon every kind of suit to which they are made to serve as introductors. The creating of a new writ, therefore, amounts, in its consequences, to the framing of a new law, and a law of a general nature too : now the creating of such a law, on the first appearance of a new case, which law is afterwards to be applied to all such cases as may be similar to the first, is really matter of difficulty : especially, when men are yet in the dark as to the best kind of provision to be made for the case in question, or even when it is not, perhaps, yet known whether it be proper to make any provision at all. The framing of a new writ, under such circumstances, is a measure on which lawyers or judges will not very willingly either venture of themselves, or ap- ply to the legislature for that purpose. From the above-mentioned real difficulty in creating new writs on one hand, and the absolute necessity of such writs in the courts of common law on the other, many new species of claims and cases (the arising of which is, from time to time, the unavoidable consequence of the progress of trade and civilization) are left unprovided for, and remain like so many vacant spaces in the law, or ra- ther like so many inaccessible spots, which the laws in being cannot reach : now this is a great imper- fection in the distribution of justice, which should be open to every individual, and provide remedies for every kind of claim which men may set up against each other. OF ENGLAND. 117 To remedy the above inconvenience, or rather in some degree to palliate it, law fictions have been resorted to, in the English law, by which writs, being warped from their actual meaning, are made to extend to cases to which they in no shape be- long. Law fictions of the kind we mention were not unknown to the old Roman jurisconsults ; and, as an instance of their ingenuity in that respect, may be mentioned that kind of action, in which a daughter was called a son.* Several instances * From the above instance it might be concluded that the Ro- man jurisconsults possessed still greater power than the English parliament ; for it is a fundamental principle with the English lawyers, that parliament can do every thing, except making a wo- man a man, or a man a worn an .9 9 Judge Blackstone alludes to this maxim as " a figure rather " too bold," towards the end of the following striking passage on the omnipotence of parliament; his position in the passage has been attacked, but, it is apprehended, not overturned, by several eminent writers. "The power and jurisdiction of parliament, says " Sir Edward Coke, (4 Inst. 36,) is so transcendent and -absolute, " that it cannot be confined, either for causes or persons, within " any bounds. And of this high court, he adds, it may be truly " said, ' Si antiquitatem spectes, est vetustissima ; si dignitatem, " est honoratissima ; si jurisdictionem, est capacissima.' " [If you regard its antiquity, it is most ancient ; if its dignity, it is most honorable ; if its jurisdiction, it is most comprehensive. EDITOR.] " It hath sovereign and uncontrollable authority in the making, " confirming, enlarging, restraining, abrogating, repealing, reviving, " and expounding of laws, concerning matters of all possible deuo- " minations, ecclesiastical or temporal, civil, military, maritime, or " criminal : this being the place where that absolute despotic power, " which must in all governments reside somewhere, is intrusted by " the constitution of these kingdoms. All mischiefs and grievances, " operations and remedies, that transcend the ordinary course of 118 THE CONSTITUTION might also be quoted of the fictitious use of writs in the English courts of common law. A very re- markable expedient of that sort occurs in the me- thod generally used to sue for the payment of certain kinds of debt, before the Court of Common Pleas ; such (if I mistake not) as a salary for work done, indemnity for fulfilling orders received, &c. The writ issued in these cases is grounded on the supposition, that the person sued has trespassed on the ground of the plaintiff, and broken, by force of arms, through his fences and inclosures ; and, under this predicament, the defendant is brought before the court : this species of writ, which lawyers have found of most convenient use, to introduce before a court of common law the kinds of claim we mention, is called in technical language a clausum Jregit. 91 In order to bring a person before the Court of King's Bench, to answer demands of much the same nature with those above, a writ, called a latitat?" is issued, in which it is " the laws, are within the reach of this extraordinary tribunal. It " can regulate or new-model the succession to the crown ; as was " done in the reign of Henry VIII. and William III. It can alter " the established religion of the land ; as was done in a variety of " instances, in the reigns of king Henry VIII. and his three chil- " dren. It can change and create afresh even the constitution of " the kingdom and of parliaments themselves ; as was done by the " Act of Union, and the several statutes for triennial and septennial " elections. It can, in short, do any thing that is not naturally " impossible ; and therefore some have not scrupled to call its " power, by a figure rather too bold, the omnipotence of parlia- " inent. True it is, that what the parliament doth, no authority " upon earth can undo." Blackstone's Commentaries, Vol. 1. pp. 160 & 161. EDITOR. 9 l Broke a close. EDITOR. 9 C Conceals himself. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 119 taken for grunted that the defendant insidiously conceals himself, and is lurking in some county, dif- ferent from that in which the court is sitting ; the expressions used in the writ being, that " he runs up and down and secretes himself:" though no such fact is seriously meant to be advanced either by the attorney or the party. The same principle of strict adherence to certain forms long since established, has also caused lawyers to introduce into their proceedings fictitious names of persons, who are supposed to discharge the office of sureties ; and in certain cases, it seems, the name of a fictitious person is introduced in a writ with that of the principal defendant, as being joined in a common cause with him. Another in- stance of the same high regard of lawyers, and judges too, for certain old forms, which makes them more unwilling to depart from such forms than from the truth itself of facts, occurs in the above-mentioned expedient used to bring ordinary causes before the Court of Exchequer, in order to be tried there at common law ; which is, by making a declaration that the plaintiff is a king's debtor, though neither the court, nor the plaintiff's attorney, lay any serious stress on the assertion.* * Another instance of the strict adherence of the English lawyers to their old established forms, in preference even to the truth of facts, occurs in the manner of executing the very act mentioned in this chapter, passed in the reign of George I. for preventing personal arrest for debts under forty shillings.9 3 If the defendant, after being personally served with a copy of the process, does not See note 75, page 103. EDITOR. 120 THE CONSTITUTION CHAPTER XL The Subject continued. The Courts of Equity. HOWEVER, there are limits to these fictions and subtilties ; and the remedies of the law cannot by their means be extended to all cases that may arise, unless too many absurdities are suffered to be ac- cumulated ; nay, there have been instances in which the improper application of writs, in the courts of law, has been checked by authority. In order therefore to remedy the inconveniences we mention that is, in order to extend the adminis- tration of distributive justice to all possible cases, by freeing it from the professional difficulties that have gradually grown up in its way a new kind of courts has been instituted in England, called Courts of Equity. The generality of people, misled by the word equity, have conceived false notions of the office of these courts ; and it seems to be generally thought, that the judges who sit in them are only to follow the rules of natural equity j by which people seem to understand, that, in a court of equity, the judge may follow the dictates of his own private feelings, and ground his decisions, as he thinks proper, on the peculiar circumstances and situation of those persons who make their appearance before him. appear on the appointed days, the method is to suppose that he has actually made his appearance, and the cause is proceeded upon according to this supposition : fictitious names of bails are also, resorted to. OF ENGLAND. 121 Nay, doctor Johnson (in his abridged dictionary) gives the following definition of the power of the Court of Chancery, considered as a court of equity ; " The chancellor hath power to moderate and " temper the written law, and subjecteth himself " only to the law of nature and conscience :" for which definition, dean Swift, and Cowell, who was a lawyer, are quoted as authorities. Other in- stances might be produced of lawyers who have been inaccurate in their definitions of the true offices of the judges of equity. And the above-named doc- tor himself is on no subject a despicable authority. Certainly the power of the judges of equity can- not be to alter, by their own private power, the written law, that is, acts of parliament, and thus to controul the legislature. Their office only consists, as will be proved in the sequel, in providing reme- dies for those cases for which the public good re- quires that remedies should be provided, and in regard to which the courts of common law, shackled by their original forms and institutions, cannot pro- cure any : or, in other words, the courts of equity have a power to administer justice to individuals, unrestrained (not by the law, but) by the profes- sional law difficulties which lawyers have from time to time contrived in the courts of common law, and to which the judges of those courts have given their sanction. 94 An office of the kind here mentioned was soon found necessary in Rome, for reasons of the same nature with those above delineated. For it is re- 9* A proper distinction, but not, in former times, always observed, which gave rise to the remark of Selden that " Equity is according to the conscience of him that is chancellor." EDITOR. THE CONSTITUTION markable enough, that the body of English lawyers, by refusing admittance to the code of Roman laws, as it existed in the later times of the empire, have only subjected themselves to the same difficulties under which the old Roman jurisconsults laboured, during the time they were raising the structure of those same laws. And it may also be observed, that the English lawyers, or judges, have fallen upon much the same expedients as those which the Roman jurisconsults and praetors had adopted. This office of a judge of equity, was, in time, assumed by the praetor in Rome, in addition to the judicial power he before possessed.* At the begin- ning of the year for which he had been elected, the praetor made a declaration of those remedies for new difficult cases, which he had determined to afford during the time of his magistracy ; in the choice of which he was no doubt directed, either by his own observations (while out of office) on the propriety of such remedies, or by the suggestions of experi- enced lawyers on the subject. This declaration (edictwn) the praetor produced in albo, as the ex- pression was. Modern civilians have made many conjectures on the real meaning of the above words ; one of their suppositions, which is as likely to be true as any other, is, that the heads of new law remedies devised by the praetor, were written on a whitened wall 95 by the side of his tribunal. * The praetor thus possessed two distinct branches of judicial authority, in the same manner as the Court of Exchequer does in England, which occasionally sits as a court of common law, and a court of equity. Or rather, on a white tablet. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 123 Among the provisions made by the Roman prae- tors in their capacity of judges of equity, may be mentioned those which they introduced in favour of emancipated sons, and of relatives by the wo- men's side (cognati), in regard to the right of in- heriting. Emancipated sons were supposed, by the laws of the Twelve Tables, to have ceased to be the children of their father, and, as a consequence, a legal claim was denied them on the paternal in- heritance : of the relatives by the women's side no notice was taken, in that article of the same laws which treated of the right of succession, mention being only made of relatives by the men's side (ognati). The former the praetor admitted, by the edict unde liberi, to share their father's (or grand- father's) inheritance with their brothers ; and the latter he put in possession of the patrimony of a kinsman deceased, by means of the edict unde cog- nati, when there were no relatives by the men's side. These two kinds of inheritance were not, however, called hcereditas^ but only bonorum pos- sessio ; 96 these words being very accurately distin- guished, though the effect was in the issue exactly the same.* * As the power of fathers, at Rome, was unbounded, and lasted as long as their life, the emancipating of sons was a case that oc- curred frequently enough, either for the security or satisfaction of those who engaged in any undertaking with them. The power of fathers had been earned so far by the laws of Romulus, confirmed afterwards by those of the Twelve Tables, that they might sell their sons for slaves as often as three times, if, after the first or second sale, they happened to acquire their liberty : it was only after 9" Not an inheritance, but only a possession of goods. EDITOR. THE CONSTITUTION In the same manner, the laws of the Twelve Tables had provided relief only for cases of theft ; and no mention was made, in them, of cases of goods taken away by force (a deed which was not looked upon in so odious a light at Rome as theft, which was considered as the peculiar guilt of slaves). In process of time the praetor promised relief to such persons as might have their goods taken from them by open force, and gave them an action for the re- covery of four times the value, against those who had committed the fact with an evil intention. Si cui dolo malo bona rapta esse dicentur, ei in qua- druplum JUDICIUM DABO. OT Again, neither the laws of the Twelve Tables, nor the laws made afterwards in the assemblies of the people, had provided remedies except for very few cases of fraud. Here the praetor likewise in- terfered in his capacity of judge of equity, though so very late as the time of Cicero ; and promised relief to defrauded persons, in those cases in which being sold for the third time, and then becoming again free, that sons could be entirely released from the paternal authority. On this law-doctrine was founded the peculiar formality of emancipating sons. A pair of scales, and some copper coin, were first brought ; without the presence of these ingredients, the whole business would have been void ; and the father then made a formal sale of his son to a person appointed to buy him, who was immediately to manu- mit or free him; these sales and manumissions were repeated three times. Five witnesses were to be present, besides a man to hold the scales (libripens), and another (antestatus) occasionally to remind the witnesses to be attentive to the business before them. 97 If it shall be shown that goods have been forcibly taken from any one with an evil intention, I will grant him a trial at law, with power to sue for fourfold damages. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. \25 the laws in being- afforded no action. Quce dolo malofacta esse dicentur, si de his rebus alia actio non erit, et justa causa esse videbitur, JUDICIUM DABO.* 98 By edicts of the same nature, praetors in process of time gave relief in certain cases to mar- ried women, and likewise to minors (minoribus xxv annis succurrit prcetor, &c. ro ).t * At the same time that the praetor proffered a new edict, he also made public those peculiar formulae by which the execution of the same was afterwards to be required from him. The name of that praetor who first produced the edict above mentioned was Aquilius, as we are informed by Cicero, in that elegant story well known to scholars, in which he relates the kind of fraud that was put upon Canius, a Roman knight, when he purchased a pleasure- house and gardens, near Syracuse in Sicily. This account Cicero concludes, with observing, that Canius was left without remedy, " as Aquilius, his colleague and friend, had not yel published his formulae concerning fraud." Quid enim faceret P nondum enim Aquilius, collega et familiaris metis, protulerat de dolo malo for- mulas. Off III. 14. f The law collection, or system that was formed by the series of edicts published at different times by praetors, was called jus prce- torium, and also jus honorarium (not strictly binding). The laws of the Twelve Tables, together with all such other laws as had at any time been passed in the assembly of the people, were called, by way of eminence, jus civile. The distinction was exactly of the same nature as that which takes place in England between the common and statute laws, and the law or practice of the courts of equity. The two branches of the praetor's judicial office were very accurately distinguished ; and there was, besides, tins capital diffe- rence between the remedies or actions which he gave in his capacity 9 s Whatever shall be shown to have been done with an evil in- tention, I will grant a trial at law to the party injured, provided there be no other legal process applicable to such matters, and the cause shall appear to be just EDITOR. 99 The praetor grants relief to minors under the age of twenty- five years, &c. EDITOR. 126 THE CONSTITUTION The courts of equity established in England have in like manner provided remedies for a very great number of cases, or species of demand, for which the courts of common law, cramped by their forms and peculiar law tenets, can afford none. Thus, the courts of equity may, in certain cases, give actions for and against infants notwithstand- ing their minority, and for and against married women, notwithstanding their coverture. Mar- ried women may even, in certain cases, sue their husbands before a court of equity. Executors may be made to pay interest for money that lies long in their hands. Courts of equity may appoint com- missioners to hear the evidence of absent witnesses. When other proofs fail, they may impose an oath on either of the parties ; or, in the like case of a failure of proofs, they may compel a trader to produce his books of trade. They may also con- firm a title to land, though one has lost his writ- ings, &c. The power of the courts of equity in England, of which the Court of Chancery is the principal one, no doubt owes its origin to the power possessed by the latter, both of creating and issuing writs. When new complicated cases offered, for which a new kind of writ was wanted, the judges of Chan- cery, finding that it was necessary that justice should be done, and at the same time being unwil- ling to make general and perpetual provisions on of judge of civil law, and those in his capacity of judge of equity, that the former, being grounded on thejws civile, were perpetual, and were called actiones civiles, or actiones perpetuce ; the latter were obliged to be preferred within the year, and were accordingly called actiones annucv or actiones preetorite. OF ENGLAND. 127 the cases before them by creating new writs, com- manded the appearance of both parties, in order to procure as complete information as possible in regard to the circumstances attending the case ; and then they gave a decree upon the same by way of experiment. To beginnings and circumstances like these, the English courts of equity, it is not to be doubted, owe their present existence. In our days, when such strict notions are entertained concerning the power of magistrates and judges, it can scarcely be supposed that those courts, however useful, could gain admittance. Nor indeed, even in the times when they were instituted, were their proceedings free from opposition ; and afterwards so late as the reign of queen Elizabeth, it was adjudged, in the case of Colleston and Gardner, that the killing a sequestrator from the Court of Chancery, in the discharge of his business, was no murder ; which judgment could only be awarded on the ground that the sequestrator's commission, and consequently the power of his employers, were illegal.* How- ever, the authority of the courts of equity has in process of time become settled ; one of the con- stituent branches of the legislature even receives at present appeals from the decrees passed in those courts ; and I have no doubt that several acts of * When sir Edward Coke was lord chief justice of the King's Bench, and lord Ellesmere lord chancellor, during the reign of James I., a very serious quarrel also to.ok place between the courts of law, and those of equity, which is mentioned in the fourth chapter of the third hook of judge Blackstone's Commentaries: a work in which more might reasonably have been said on the subject of the courts of equity. 128 THE CONSTITUTION the whole legislature might be produced, in which the office of the courts of equity is openly acknow- ledged. The kind of process that has in time been esta- blished in the Court of Chancery is as follows. After a petition is received by the court, the per- son sued is served with a writ of subpoena, to com- mand his appearance. If he does not appear, an attachment is issued against him ; if a non-inventus is returned, that is, if he is not to be found, a pro- clamation goes forth against him ; then a com- mission of rebellion is issued for apprehending him, and bringing him to the Fleet prison. If the person sued stands farther in contempt, a Serjeant at arms is to be sent out to take him ; and, if he cannot be taken, a sequestration of his land may be obtained till he appears. Such is the power which the Court of Chancery, as a court of equity, hath gradually acquired to compel appearance before it. In regard to the execution of the decrees it gives, it seems that court has not been quite so successful; at least, those law-writers whose works I have had an opportunity of seeing, hold it as a maxim, that the Court of Chancery cannot bind the estate, but only the person ; and as a consequence, a person who refuses to submit to its decree is only to be confined in the Fleet prison.* * The Court of Chancery was, very likely, the first instituted of the two courts of equity : as it was the highest court in the kingdom, it was best able to begin the establishment of an office or power, which naturally gave rise at first to so many objections. The Court of Exchequer, we may suppose, only followed the ex- ample of the Court of Chancery : in order the better to .secure the OF ENGLAND. On this occasion I shall observe, that the au- thority of the lord chancellor in England, in his capacity of a judge of equity, is much more nar- rowly limited than that which the praetors in Rome had been able to assume. The Roman praetors, we are to remark, united in themselves the double office of deciding cases according to the civil law (jus civile), and to the praetorian law, or law of equity ; nor did there exist any other courts be- sides their own, that might serve as a check upon them : hence it happened that their proceedings in the career of equity were very arbitrary. In the first place, they did not use to make it any very strict rule to adhere to the tenor of their own edicts, during the whole year which their office lasted ; and they assumed a power of altering them as they thought proper. To remedy so capital a defect in the distribution of justice, a law was passed so late as the year of Rome 687 (not long before Tully's time) which was called Lex Cor- nelia, from the name of C. Cornelius, a tribune of the people, who propounded it under the con- sulship of C. Piso and Man. Glabrio. By this law it was enacted, that praetors should in future constantly decree according to their own edicts, without altering any thing in them during the whole year of their praetorship. Some modern civilians produce a certain senatus-consult to the new power it assumed, it even found it necessary to bring out tlie whole strength it could muster ; and both the treasurer and the chancellor of the Exchequer sit (or are supposed to sit) in the Court of Exchequer, wher. it is formed as a court of equity. K 130 THE CONSTITUTION same effect, which, they say, had been passed a hun- dred years before ; while others are of opinion that the same is not genuine: however, supposing it to be really so, the passing of the law we mention shows that it had not been so well attended to as it ougrht to have been. o Though the above-mentioned arbitrary proceed- ings of praetors were thus repressed, they retained another privilege, equally hurtful ; which was, that every new praetor, on his coming into office, had it in his power to retain only what part he pleased of the edicts of his predecessors, and to re- ject the remainder : from which it followed that the praetorian laws or edicts, though they provided for so great a number of important cases, were really in force for only one year, the time of the duration of a praetor's office. Nor was a regulation made to remedy this capital defect in the Roman juris- prudence before the time of the emperor Adrian, which is another remarkable proof of the very great slowness with which useful public regulations take place in any nation. Under the reign of the emperor we mention, the most useful edicts of former praetors were by his order collected, or rather compiled, into one general edict, which was thenceforward to be observed by all civil judges in their decisions, and was accordingly called the per- petual edict (perpetuum edictum). This edict, though now lost, soon grew into great repute ; all the jurisconsults of those days vied with each other in writing commentaries upon it j and the emperor himself thought it so glorious an act of his reign, to OF ENGLAND. 131 have caused the same to be framed, that he con- sidered himself on that account as being another Numa.* But the courts of equity in England, notwith- standing the extensive jurisdiction they have been able, in process of time, to assume, never super- seded the other courts of law. These courts still continue to exist in the same manner as formerly, and have proved a lasting check on the innovations, and in general the proceedings, of the courts of equity. And here we may remark the singular, and at the same time effectual, means of balancing each other's influence, reciprocally possessed by the courts of the two different species. By means of its exclusive privilege both of creating and issuing writs, the Court of Chancery has been able to hinder the courts of common law from arrogating to them- selves the cognisance of those new cases which were not provided for by any law in being, and thus dangerously uniting in themselves the power * Several other more extensive law compilations were framed after the perpetual edict we mention ; there having heen a kind of emulation among the Roman emperors, in regard to the improve- ment of the law. At last, under the reign of Justinian, that cele- brated compilation was published, called the code of Justinian, which, under different titles, comprises the Roman laws and the edicts of the praetors, together with the rescripts of the emperors ; and an equal sanction 'was given to the whole. This was an event of much the same nature as that which will take place in England, whenever a coalition shall be effected between the courts of common law and those of equity, and both shall thenceforward be bound alike to frame their judgments from the whole mass of decided cases and precedents then existing, at least such of it as may be con- sistently brought together into one compilation. K 2 THE CONSTITUTION of judges of equity with that of judges of common law. On the other hand, the courts of common law are alone invested with the power of punish- ing (or allowing damages for) those cases of violence by which the proceedings of the courts of equity might be opposed ; and thus they have been enabled to obstruct the enterprises of the latter, and prevent their effecting in themselves the like dangerous union of the two offices of judges of common law and of equity. From the situation of the English courts of equity, with respect to the courts of common law, those courts have really been kept within limits that may be said to be exactly defined, if the nature of their functions be considered. In the first place, they can neither touch acts of parliament, nor the established practice of the other courts, much less reverse the judgments already passed in these latter, as the Roman praetors sometimes used to do in regard to the decisions of their predecessors in of- fice, and sometimes also in regard to their own. The courts of equity are even restrained from taking cognisance of any case for which the other courts can possibly afford remedies. Nay, so strenuously have the courts of common law defended the verge of their frontier, that they have prevented the courts of equity from using in their proceedings the mode of trial by a jury ; so that, when, in a case of which the Court of Chancery has already begun to take cognisance, the parties happen to join issue on any particular fact (the truth or false- hood of which a jury is to determine), the Court of Chancery is obliged to deliver up the cause to the OF ENGLAND. 133 Court of King's Bench, there to be finally decided. In fine, the example of the regularity of the pro- ceedings, practised in the courts of common law, has been communicated to the courts of equity; and rolls or records are carefully kept of the pleadings, determinations, and acts of these courts, to serve as rules for future decisions.* So far, therefore, from having it in his power " to temper and moderate" (that is, to alter) the written law or statutes, a judge of equity, we find, cannot alter the unwritten law, that is to say, the established practice of the other courts, and the judgments grounded thereupon ; nor can he even meddle with those cases for which either the writ- ten or unwritten law has already made general provisions, and of which there is a possibility for the ordinary courts of law to take cognisance. From all the above observations it follows, that, * The master of ihe rolls is the keeper of these records, as the title of the office expresses. His employment in the Court of Chancery is of great importance, as he can hear and determine causes in the absence of the lord chancellor. 10 100 There is now another judge in equity, who has also this power. By 53 Geo. III. cap. 24, ( A.D. 1813.) intituled, " An act to facilitate the administration of justice," his majesty was em- powered to appoint an additional judge assistant to the lord high chancellor in the discharge of the judicial functions of bis office, to be called vice-chancellor of England, and to hold such office during good behaviour ; and it was enacted, that all decrees, orders, and acts of such vice-chancellor should have force and validity, and be ex- ecuted, subject nevertheless in every case to be reveised, discharged, or altered, by the lord chancellor; and that such vice-chancellor should have rank and precedence next to the master of the rolls. EDITOR. 134 THE CONSTITUTION of the courts of equity, as established in England, the following- definition may be given, which is, that they are a kind of inferior experimental legis- lature, continually employed in finding out and providing law remedies for those new species of cases for which neither the courts of common law, nor the legislature, have yet found it convenient or practicable to establish any ; in doing which, they are to forbear to interfere with such cases as they find already in general provided for. A judge of equity is also to adhere, in his decisions, to the system of decrees formerly passed in his own court, regular records of which are kept for that purpose. From this latter circumstance it again follows, that a judge of equity, by the very exercise he makes of his power, is continually abridging the arbitrary part of it ; as every new case he deter- mines, every precedent he establishes, becomes a land-mark or boundary which both he and his suc- cessors in office are afterwards expected to regard. 101 Here it may be added as a conclusion, that ap- peals from the decrees passed in the courts of equity are carried to the house of peers ; which circum- stance alone might suggest that a judge of equity 101 Hence," says Professor Millar, " law is constantly gaining " ground upon equity. Every new and extraordinary interposition " is, by length of time, converted into an old rule. A great part of " what is now strict law, was formerly considered as equity ; and " the equitable decisions of this age will unavoidably be ranked " under the strict law of the next." This consequence must be considered desirable ; fundamental principles of equity ought to be as well understood as those of law. New cases will, nevertheless, be of constant occurrence, requiring the decision of a court of equity. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 135 is subjected to certain positive rules, besides those " of nature and conscience only /" an appeal being naturally grounded on a supposition that some rules of that kind were neglected. The above discussion on the English law has proved much longer than I intended at first ; so much as to have swelled, I find, into two additional chapters. However, I confess I have been under the greater temptation to treat at some length the subjects of the courts of equity, as I have found the error (which may be called a constitutional one) concern- ing the arbitrary office of those courts, to be coun- tenanced by the apparent authority of lawyers, and of men of abilities, at the same time that I have not seen in any book an attempt made professedly to confute the same, or indeed to point out the nature^and true office of the courts of equity. CHAPTER XII. Of Criminal Justice. WE are now to treat of an article, which, though it does not in England, and indeed should not in any state, make part of the powers which are pro- perly constitutional, that is, of the reciprocal rights by means of which the powers that concur to form the government constantly balance each other, yet essentially interests the security of individuals, and, 136 THE CONSTITUTION in the issue, the constitution itself ; I mean to speak of criminal justice. But, previous to an ex- position of the laws of England on this head, it is necessary to desire the reader's attention to certain considerations. When a nation intrusts the power of the state to a certain number of persons, or to one, it is with a view to two points : one, to repel more effectually foreign attacks j the other, to maintain domestic tranquillity. To accomplish the former point, each individual surrenders a share of his property, and sometimes, to a certain degree, even of his liberty. But though the power of those who are the heads of the state may thereby be rendered very consider- able, yet it cannot be said, that liberty is, after all, in any high degree endangered; because, should ever the executive power turn against the nation a strength which ought to be employed solely for its defence, this nation, if it were really free (by which I mean, unrestrained by political prejudices), would be at no loss for providing the means of its security. In regard to the latter object, that is, the main- tenance of domestic tranquillity, every individual must, exclusive of new renunciations of his natural liberty, moreover surrender (which is a matter of far more dangerous consequence) a part of bis personal security. The legislative power being, from the nature of human affairs, placed in the alternative, either of exposing individuals to dangers which it is at the same time able extremely to diminish, or of deli- vering up the state to the boundless calamities of OF ENGLAND. 137 violence and anarchy, finds itself compelled to re- duce all its members within reach of the arm of the public power, and, by withdrawing- in such cases the benefit of the social strength, to leave them exposed, bare, and defenceless, to the exer- tion of the comparatively immense power of the executors of the laws. Nor is this all ; for, instead of that powerful re-action which the public authority ought in the former case to experience, here it must find none ; and the law is obliged to proscribe even the attempt of resistance. It is therefore in re- gulating so dangerous a power, and in guarding lest it should deviate from the real end of its in- stitution, that legislation ought to exert all its ef- forts. But here it is of great importance to observe, that the more powers a nation has reserved to it- self, and the more it limits the authority of the executors of the laws, the more industriously ought its precautions to be multiplied. In a state where, from a series of events, the will of the prince has at length attained to hold the place of law, he spreads an universal oppression, arbitrary and unresisted j even complaint is dumb : and the individual, undistinguishable by him, finds a kind of safety in his own insignificance. With respect to the few who surround him, as they are at the same time the instruments of his greatness, they have nothing to dread but momentary caprices ; a danger, against which, if there prevails a certain general mildness of manners, they are in a great measure secured. 138 THE CONSTITUTION But in a state where the ministers of the laws meet with obstacles at every step, even their strongest passions are continually put in motion ; and that portion of public authority, deposited with them as the instrument of national tranquil- lity, easily becomes a most formidable weapon. Let us begin with the most favourable suppo- sition, and imagine a prince whose intentions are in every case thoroughly upright ; let us even sup- pose that he never lends an ear to the suggestions of those whose interest it is to deceive him : ne- vertheless, he will be subject to error ; and this error, which, I will farther allow, solely proceeds from his attachment to the public welfare, yet may happen to prompt him to act as if his views were directly opposite. When opportunities shall offer (and many such will occur) of procuring a public advantage by overleaping restraints, confident in the uprightness of his intentions, and being naturally not very earnest to discover the distant evil consequences of actions in which, from his very virtue, he feels a kind of complacency, he will not perceive, that, in aiming at a momentary advantage, he strikes on the laws themselves on which the safety of the na- tion rests, and that those acts, so laudable when we only consider the motive of them, make a breach at which tyranny will one day enter. Yet farther, he will not even understand the complaints that will be made against him. To insist upon them will appear to him to the last degree injurious : pride, when perhaps he is least aware of it, will enter the lists ; what he began OF ENGLAND. 139 with calmness, he will prosecute with warmth ; and if the laws shall not have taken every possible precaution, he may think he is acting- a very honest part, while he treats, as enemies of the state, men whose only crime will be that of being more saga- cious than himself, or of being in a better situation for judging of the results of measures. But it were to exalt human nature extravagantly, to think that this case of a prince, who never aims at augmenting his power, may, in any shape, be ex- pected frequently to occur. Experience evinces that the happiest dispositions are not proof against the allurements of power, which has no charms but as it leads on to new advances ; authority endures not the very idea of restraint ; nor does it cease to struggle till it has beaten down every boundary. Openly to level every barrier, and at once to assume the absolute master, as we said before, would be a fruitless attempt. But it is here to be remembered, that those powers of the people which are reserved as a check upon the sovereign, can only be effectual so far as they are brought into action by private individuals. Sometimes a citizen, by the force and perseverance of his complaints, opens the eyes of the nation ; 102 at other times, son>e member of the legislature proposes a law for the removal of some public abuse : these, therefore, 102 Allusion is probably here made to tbe celebrated John Wilkes, who, however far from being animated by a genuine spirit of patriotism or purity of motive, was, nevertheless, the means of removing many grievances and effecting great reforms. EDITOR. 140 THE CONSTITUTION will be the persons against whom the prince will direct all his efforts.* And he will the more assuredly do so, as, from the error so usual among- men in power, he will think that the opposition he meets with, however general, wholly depends on the activity of one or two leaders j and amidst the calculations he will make, both of the supposed smallness of the ob- stacle which offers to his view, and of the decisive consequence of the single blow he thinks necessary to strike, he will be urged on by the despair of ambition on the point of being baffled, and by the most violent of all hatreds, that which is preceded by contempt. In that case which I am still considering, of a really free nation, the sovereign must be very care- ful that military violence do not make the smallest part of his plan : a breach of the social compact like this, added to the horror of the expedient, would infallibly endanger his whole authority. But, on the other hand, if he be resolved to succeed, he will, in defect of other resources, try the utmost extent of the legal powers which the constitution has intrusted with him ; and if the laws have not in a manner provided for every possible case, he will avail himself of the imperfect precautions themselves that have been taken, as a cover to his tyrannical proceedings ; he will pursue steadily his particular object, while his professions breathe no- * By the word prince, I mean those who, under whatever appel- lation, and in whatever government it may be, are at the head of public affairs. OF ENGLAND. 141 thing- but the general welfare, and destroy the assertors of the laws, under the very shelter of the forms contrived for their security.* This is not all : independently of the immediate mischief he may do, if the legislature interpose not in time, the blows will reach the constitution itself; and, the consternation becoming general among the people, each individual will find himself enslaved, in a state which yet may exhibit all the common appearances of liberty. Not only, therefore, the safety of the individual, but that of the nation itself, requires the utmost precautions in the establishment of that necessary but formidable prerogative of dispensing punish- ments. The first to be taken, even without which it is impossible to avoid the dangers above suggested, is, that it never be left at the disposal, nor, if it be possible, exposed to the influence, of the man who is the depository of the public power. The next indispensable precaution is, that this power shall not be vested in the legislative body ; and this precaution, so necessary alike under every mode of government, becomes doubly so, when only a small part of the nation has a share in the legislative power. If the judicial authority were lodged in the legislative part of the people, not only the great inconvenience must ensue of its thus becoming * If any person should charge me with calumniating human nature (for it is her alone I am accusing here), I would desire him to cast his eyes on the history of Louis XI. of a Richelieu, and, above all, on that of England before the Revolution : he would see the arts and activity of government increase, in proportion as it gradually lost its means of oppression. THE CONSTITUTION independent, but also that worst of evils, the sup- position of the sole circumstance that can well identify this part of the nation with the whole, which is, a common subjection to the rules which they themselves prescribe. The legislative body, which could not, without ruin to itself, establish, openly and by direct laws, distinctions in favour of its members, would introduce them by its judg- ments : and the people, in electing- representatives, would give themselves masters. The judicial power ought therefore absolutely to reside in a subordinate and dependent body, de- pendent, not in its particular acts, with regard to which it ought to be a sanctuary, but in its rules and in its forms, which the legislative authority must prescribe. How is this body to be com- posed ? In this respect farther precautions must be taken. In a state where the prince is absolute master, numerous bodies of judges are most convenient, inasmuch as they restrain, in a considerable de- gree, that respect of persons which is one inevitable attendant on that mode of government. Besides, those bodies, whatever their outward privileges may be, being at bottom in a state of great weak- ness, have no other means of acquiring the respect of the people than their integrity, and their con- stancy in observing certain rules and forms : nay, these circumstances, united, in some degree overawe the sovereign himself, and discourage the thoughts he might entertain of making them the tools of his caprice.* * The above observations are in a great measure meant to allude OF ENGLAND. 14-3 But in a strictly limited monarchy, that is, where the prince is understood to be, and in fact is, subject to the laws, numerous bodies of judicature would be repugnant to the spirit of the constitution, which requires that all powers in the state should be as much confined as the end of their institution can allow ; not to add, that, in the vicissitudes incident to such a state, they might exert a very dangerous influence. Besides, that awe which is naturally inspired by such bodies, and is so useful when it is necessary to strengthen the feebleness of the laws, would not only be superfluous in a state where the whole power of the nation is on their side, but would moreover have the mischievous tendency to intro- duce another sort of fear than that which men must be taught to entertain. Those mighty tri- to the French parlemens, and particularly that of Paris, whicli formed such a considerable body as to be once summoned as a fourth order to the general estates of the kingdom. The weight of that body, increased by the circumstance of the members holding their places for life, was in general attended with the advantage of placing them above being overawed by private individuals in the administra- tion either of civil or criminal justice; it even rendered them so difficult to be managed by the court, that the ministers were at times obliged to appoint particular judges, or commissaries, to try such men as they resolved to ruin. These, however, were only local advantages, connected with the nature of the French government, which was an uncontrolled monarchy, with considerable remains of aristocracy. Bui, in a free state, such a powerful body of men, invested with the power of deciding on the life, honour, and property of the citizens, would be productive of very dangerous political consequences ; and the more so, if such judges had, as is the case all over the world except here, the power of deciding upon the matter of law and the matter of fact. 144 THE CONSTITUTION bunals, I am willing to suppose, would preserve, in all situations of affairs, that integrity which distinguishes them in states of a different constitu- tion ; they would never inquire after the influence, still less the political sentiments, of those whose fate they were called to decide ; but these advan- tages not being founded in the necessity of things, and the power of such judges seeming to exempt them from being so very virtuous, men would be in danger of taking up the fatal opinion, that the simple exact observance of the laws is not the only task of prudence : the citizen called upon to defend, in the sphere where fortune has placed him, his own rights, and those of the nation itself, would dread the consequence of even a lawful conduct, and, though encouraged by the law, might desert himself when he came to behold its ministers. In the assembly of those who sit as his judges, the citizen might possibly descry no enemies : but neither would he see any man whom a similarity of circumstances might engage to take a concern in his fate : and their rank, especially when joined with their numbers, would appear to him to lift them above that which overawes injustice, where the law has been unable to secure any other check, I mean the reproaches of the public. And these his fears would be considerably heightened, if, by the admission of the jurisprudence, received among certain nations, he beheld those tribunals, already so formidable, wrap themselves up in a mystery, and be made, as it were, inac- cessible.* * An allusion is made here to the secrecy with which the pro- OF ENGLAND. He could not think, without dismay, of those vast prisons within which he is one day perhaps to be immured of those proceedings, unknown to him, through which he is to pass of that total seclusion from the society of other men or of those long ceediugs, in the administration of criminal justice, are to be earned on, according to the rules of the civil law, which in that respect are adopted over all Europe. As soon as the prisoner is committed, he is debarred of the sight of every body, till he has gone through his several examinations. One or two judges are appointed to ex- amine him, with a clerk to take his answers in writing : and he stands alone before them in some private room in the prison. The witnesses are to be examined apart, and he is not admitted to see them till their evidence is closed ; they are then confronted toge- ther before all the judges, to the end that the witnesses may see if the prisoner is really the man they meant in giving their respective evidences, and that the prisoner may object to such of them as he shall think proper. This done, the depositions of those witnesses who are adjudged upon trial to be exceptionable, are set aside : the depositions of the others are to be laid before the judges, as well as the answers of the prisoner, who has been previously called upon to confirm or deny them in their presence ; and a copy of the whole is delivered to him, that he may, with the assistance of a counsel, which is now granted him, prepare for his justification. The judges are, as has been said before, to decide both upon the mat- ter of law and the matter of fact, as well as upon all incidents that may arise during the course of the proceedings, such as admitting wit- nesses to be heard in behalf of the prisoner, &c. This mode of criminal judicature may be useful as to the bare discovery of truth, a point which I do not propose to discuss here ; but, at the same time, a prisoner is so completely delivered up into the hands of the judges, who even can detain him almost at plea- sure by multiplying or delaying his examinations, that, whenever it is adopted, men are almost as much afraid of being accused, as of being guilty, and especially grow very cautious how they interfere in public, matters. We shall see presently how the trial by j'iry, peculiar to the English nation, is admirably adapted to the nature of a free state. 146 THE CONSTITUTION and secret examinations, in which, abandoned wholly to himself, he will have nothing but a pas- sive defence to oppose to the artfully varied ques- tions of men, whose intentions he shall at least mistrust ; and in which his spirits, broken down by solitude, shall receive no support", either from the counsels of his friends, or the looks of those who may offer up vows for his deliverance. The security of the individual, and the conscious- ness of that security, being then equally essential to the enjoyment of liberty, and necessary for the pre- servation of it, these two points must never be left out of sight, in the establishment of a judicial power ; and I conceive that they necessarily lead to the following maxims. In the first place, I shall remind the reader of what has been laid down above, that the judicial authority ought never to reside in an independent body ; still less in him who is already the trustee of the executive power. Secondly, the party accused ought to be provided with all possible means of defence. Above all things the whole proceedings ought to be public. The courts, and their different forms, must be such as to inspire respect, but never terror : and the cases ought to be so accurately ascertained, the limits so clearly marked, that neither the executive power, nor the judges, may ever hope to transgress them with impunity. In fine, since we must absolutely pay a price for the advantage of living in society, not only by re- linquishing some share of our natural liberty (a surrender which, in a wisely framed government, OF ENGLAND. 147 a wise man will make without reluctance), but even also by resigning part of our personal secu- rity, in a word, since all judicial power is an evil, though a necessary one, no care should be omitted to reduce as far as possible the dangers of it. As there is, however, a period at which the pru- dence of man must stop, at which the safety of the individual must be given up, and the law is to resign him to the judgment of a few persons, that is (to speak plainly), to a decision in some sense ar- bitrary, it is necessary that the law should narrow as far as possible this sphere of peril, and so order matters, that when the subject shall happen to be summoned to the decision of his fate by the fallible conscience of a few of his fellow-creatures, he may always find in them advocates, and never ad- versaries, CHAPTER XIII. The Subject continued. AFTER having offered to the reader, in the pre- ceding chapter, such general considerations as I thought necessary, in order to convey a more just idea of the spirit of the criminal judicature in England, and of the advantages peculiar to it, I now proceed to exhibit the particulars. When a person is charged with a crime, the magistrate, who is called in England a justice of the peacey issues a warrant to apprehend him ; but L 2 148 THE CONSTITUTION this warrant can be no more than an order for bringing the party before him : he must then hear him, and take down in writing his answers, toge- ther with the different informations. If it appears, on this examination, either that the crime laid to the charge of the person who is brought before the justice was not committed, or that there is no just ground to suspect him of it, he must be set abso- lutely at liberty ; if the contrary results from the examination, the party accused must give bail for his appearance to answer to the charge, unless in capital cases j for then he must, for safer cus- tody, be really committed to prison, in order to take his trial at the next sessions. But this precaution, of requiring the examination of an accused person, previous to his imprisonment, is not the only care which the law has taken in his behalf; it has further ordained, that the accu- sation against him should be again discussed, before he can be exposed to the danger of a trial. At every session the sheriff appoints what is called the grand jury. This assembly must be composed of more than twelve men, and less than twenty- four ; and is always formed out of the most consi- derable persons in the county. Its function is to examine the evidence that has been given in support of every charge : if twelve of those persons do not concur in the opinion that an accusation is well grounded, the party is immediately discharged ; if, on the contrary, twelve of the grand jury find the proofs sufficient, the prisoner is said to be indicted, and is detained in order to go through the remaining process. OF ENGLAND. 149 On the day appointed for his trial, the prisoner is brought to the bar of the court, where the judge, after causing the bill of indictment to be read in his presence, must ask him how he would be tried ; to which the prisoner answers, By God and my country ; by which he is under- stood to claim to be tried by a jury, and to have all the judicial means of defence to which the law entitles him. The sheriff then appoints what is called the petit jury : this must be composed of twelve men chosen out of the county where the crime was committed, and possessed of a landed income of ten pounds a year ; 103 their declaration 103 This qualification has been greatly extended. By 6 Geo. IV. cap. 50, (A.D. 1825,) intituled, " An act for consolidating and amending the laws relative to jurors and juries," after reciting that, " the laws relative to the qualifications and summoning of "jurors, and the formation of juries in England and Wales, were " very numerous and complicated, and it was expedient to consoli- " date and simplify the same, and to increase the number of persons " qualified to serve on juries, and to alter the mode of striking " specjal juries, and in some other respects to amend the said laws ;" it is enacted, that every man, except as therein excepted, between the ages of twenty-one years and sixty years, residing in any county in England, who should have in his own name, or in trust for him, within the same county, 10 by the year, above reprizes, in lands or tenements, whether of freehold, copyhold, or custom iry tenure, or of ancient demesne, or in rents issuing out of any such lands or tenements, or in such lands, tenements, and rents taken together, in fee simple, fee tail, or for the life of himself or some other person, or who should have within the same county 20 by the year, above reprizes, in lands or tenements, held by lease or leases for the abso- lute term of twenty -one years, or some longer term, or for any term of years determinable on any life or lives, or who being a house- holder, should be rated or assessed to the poor rate, or to the inhabited house duty in the county of Middlesex, on a value of not 150 THE CONSTITUTION finally decides on the truth or falsehood of the ac- cusation. As the fate of the prisoner thus entirely depends on the men who compose this jury, justice requires that he should have a share in the choice of them ; and this he has through the extensive right which the law has granted him, of challenging, or ob- jecting to, such of them as he may think excep- tionable. These challenges are of two kinds. One, which is called the challenge to the array, has for its ob- ject to have the whole pannel set aside ; it is pro- posed by the prisoner when he thinks that the she- riff who formed the pannel is not indifferent in the cause ; for instance, if he thinks he has an interest in the prosecution, that he is related to the prose- cutor, or in general to the party who pretends to be injured. The other challenges are called, to the polls (in capita) : they are exceptions proposed against the jurors, severally, and are reduced to four heads by sir Edward Coke. That which he calls propter honoris respectum* may be proposed against a lord less than 30, or iu any other county on a value of not less than 20, or who should occupy a house containing not less than fifteen windows ; and every man (except as aforesaid) heing between the aforesaid ages, residing in any county in Wales, and being there qualified to the extent of three-fifths of any of the foregoing qualifi- cations ; should be qualified and should be liable to serve on all petty juries in the courts of record at Westminster, courts of assize, &c., and on grand juries and petty juries in courts of sessions of the peace, in the county, riding, or division in which he should re- side. EDITOR. 104 From respect to his dignity. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 151 empannelled on a jury ; or he might challenge him- self. That propter defectum 105 takes place when a juror is legally incapable of serving that office, as, if he is an alien ; if he has not an estate sufficient to qualify him, &c. Thai propter delictum 106 has for its object to set aside any juror convicted of such crime or misdemeanor as renders him infamous, as felony, perjury, &c. That propter offectum^ is proposed against a juror who has an interest in the conviction of the prisoner : one, for instance, who has an ac- tion depending between him and the prisoner ; one who is of kin to the prosecutor, or his counsel, at- torney, or of the same society or corporation with him, &c.* In fine, in order to relieve even the imagination of the prisoner, the law allows him, independently of the several challenges above-mentioned, to chal- lenge peremptorily, that is to say, without showing any cause, twenty jurors successively.! When at length the jury is formed, and they * When a prisoner is an alien, one half of the jurors must also be aliens; a jury thus formed is called a jury de medietate lingua. 108 f When these several challenges reduce too much the number of the jurors on the pannel, which is forty-eight, new ones are named on a writ of the judge, who are named the tales, from those words of the writ, decent or octo tales. 1 * 105 Because of incapacity. EDITOR. 1 06 Because of delinquency. EDITOR. 10 7 Because of interest. EDITOR. i8 Of mixed language (being half natives and half foreigners). EDITOR. i9 Ten or eight such like. EDITOR. 152 THE CONSTITUTION have taken their oath, the indictment is opened, and the prosecutor produces the proofs of his accusation. But, unlike to the rules of the civil law, the wit- nesses deliver their evidence in the presence of the prisoner : the latter may put questions to them ; he may also produce witnesses in his behalf, and have them examined upon oath. Lastly, he is al- lowed to have a counsel to assist him, not only in the discussion of any point of law which may be complicated with the fact, but also in the investiga- tion of the fact itself, and who points out to him the questions he ought to ask, or even asks them for him.* Such are the precautions which the law has de- vised for cases of common prosecutions; but in those for high treason, and for misprision of treason, that is to say, for a conspiracy against the life of the king, or against the state, and for a concealment of it,| accusations which suppose a heat of party and powerful accusers, the law has provided for the accused party farther safeguards. First, no person can be questioned for any trea- son, except a direct attempt on the life of the king, after three years elapsed since the offence. 2. The accused party may, independently of his other legal grounds of challenging peremptorily, challenge thirty-five jurors. 3. He may have two counsel to assist him through the whole course of the proceed- * This last article, however, is not established by law, except in cases of treason ; it is done only through custom and the indulgence of the judges. f The penalty of a misprision of treason is the forfeiture of all goods, and imprisonment for life. OF ENGLAND. 153 ings. 4. That his witnesses may not be kept away, the judges must grant him the same compulsive process to bring them in, which they issue to com- pel the evidences against him. 5. A copy of his indictment must be delivered to him ten days at least before the trial, in presence of two witnesses, and at the expense of five shillings ; which copy must contain all the facts laid to his charge, the names, professions, and abodes, of the jurors who are to be on the pannel, and of all the witnesses who are intended to be produced against him.* When, either in cases of high treason, or of inferior crimes, the prosecutor and the prisoner have closed their evidence, and the witnesses have answered to the respective questions both of the bench and of jurors, one of the judges makes a speech, in which he sums up the facts which have been advanced on both sides. He points out to the jury what more precisely constitutes the hinge of the question before them ; and he gives them his opinion both with regard to the evidences that have been given, and to the point of law which is to guide them in their decision. This done, the jury withdraw into an adjoining room, where they must remain without eating and drinking, and without fire, till they have agreed unanimously among themselves, unless the court give a permission to the con- trary. Their declaration or verdict (veredictum) must (unless they choose to give a special verdict) * Stat. 7 Will. III. c. 3, and 7 Anne, c. 21. The latter was to be iu force only after the death of the late Pretender. 154 THE CONSTITUTION pronounce expressly, either that the prisoner is guilty, or that he is not guilty, of the fact laid to his charge. Lastly, the fundamental maxim of this mode of proceeding is, that the jury must be unani- mous. And as the main object of the institution, of the trial by jury is to guard accused persons against all decisions whatsoever from men invested with any permanent official authority,* it is not only a set- tled principle that the opinion which the judge de- livers has no weight but such as the jury choose to give it ; but their verdict must besides comprehend the whole matter in trial, and decide as well upon the fact, as upon the point of law that may arise out of it : in other words, they must pronounce both on the commission of a certain fact, and on the reason which makes such fact to be contrary to law. f This is even so essential a point, that a bill of * " Laws," as Junius says extremely well, " are intended, not " to trust to what men will do, but, to guard against what they " may do.'' f Unless they choose to give a special verdict. " When the " jury," says Coke, " doubt of the law, and intend to do that " which is just, they find the special matter ; and the entry is, " Et super tola materid peiunt discretionem jusficiorum." 110 Inst. iv. These words of Coke, we may observe, confirm, beyond a doubt, the power of the jury to determine on the whole matter in trial ; a power which in all constitutional views is necessary ; and the more so, since a prisoner cannot in England challenge the judge, as he can under the civil law, and for the same causes as he can a witness. 110 And on the whole matter they desire the opinion of the judges. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 155 indictment must expressly be grounded upon those two objects. Thus an indictment for treason must charge, that the alleged facts were committed with a treasonable intent (proditorie). An indictment for murder must express that the fact has been committed with malice prepense, or afore-thought. An indictment for robbery must charge, that the things were taken with an intention to rob (animo furandi), Sec.* Juries are even so uncontrollable in their ver- dict, so apprehensive has the constitution been * The principle that a jury is to decide both on the fact and the criminality of it, is so well understood, that, if a verdict were so framed as only to have for its object the bare existence of the fact laid to the charge of the prisoner, no punishment could be awarded by the judge in consequence of it. Thus, in the prosecution of Woodfall, for printing Junius's Letter to the King (a supposed libel) ; the jury brought in the following verdict, guilty of print- ing and publishing only ; the consequence of which was the dis- charge of the prisoner. 111 111 Some of the judges having shown an unwillingness to allow to defendants the benefit of this principle, the statute 32 Geo. 3. cap. 60, (A.D. 1792,) intituled, " au Act to remove doubts re- specting the functions of juries in cases of libel," (known as Fox's act), was passed, whereby, after reciting that doubts had arisen whether on the trial of an indictment or information for the making or publishing any libel, where an issue or issues are joined between the king and the defendant or defendants, on the plea of not guilty pleaded, it be competent to the jury iinpannelled to try the same to give their verdict upon the whole matter in issue, it is enacted, that on every such trial the jury may give a general verdict upon the whole matter hi issue ; and should not be required, or directed, by the court or judge, to find guilty merely on the proof of the publication, and of the sense ascribed to the same in the record ; with liberty to the court, however, to give its opinion and directions to the jury on the matter in issue, as in other criminal cases. EDITOR. 156 THE CONSTITUTION lest precautions to restrain them in the exercise of their functions, however specious in the begin- ning, might in the issue be converted to the very destruction of the ends of that institution, that it is a repeated principle that a juror, in delivering his opinion, is to have no other rule than his opi- nion itself, that is to say, no other rule than the belief which results to his mind from the facts alleged on both sides, from their probability, from the credibility of the witnesses, and even from all such circumstances as he may have a private know- ledge of. Lord chief-justice Hale expresses him- self on this subject, in the following terms : " In this recess of the jury, they are to consider " the evidence, to weigh the credibility of the wit- " nesses, and the force and efficacy of their testi- " monies ; wherein (as I have before said) they are " not precisely bound by the rules of the civil law, " viz. to have two witnesses to prove every fact, *' unless it be in cases of treason, nor to reject one " witness because he is single, or always to believe " two witnesses, if the probability of the fact does " upon other circumstances reasonably encounter " them ; for the trial is not here simply by witnesses, " but by jury : nay, it may so fall out, that a jury " upon their own knowledge may know a thing " to be false, that a witness swore to be true, or " may know a witness to be incompetent or incre- " dible, though nothing be objected against him " and may give their verdict accordingly."* * History of the Common Law of England, chap. 12, sect. 11. The same principles and forms are observed in civil matters ; only peremptory challenges are not allowed. OF ENGLAND. 157 If the verdict pronounces not guilty, the pri- soner is set at liberty, and cannot, on any pretence, be tried again for the same offence. If the verdict declares him guilty, then, and not till then, the judge enters upon his function as a judge, and pro- nounces the punishment which the law appoints.* But, even in this case, he is not to judge according to his own discretion only ; he must strictly adhere to the letter of the law ; no constructive extension can be admitted ; and, however criminal a fact might in itself be, it would pass unpunished if it were found not to be positively comprehended in some one of the cases provided for by the law. The evil that may arise from the impunity of a crime, that is, an evil which a new law may instantly stop, has not by the English laws been considered as of magnitude sufficient to be put in comparison with the danger of breaking through a barrier on which so materially depends the safety of the individual. f * When the party accused is one of the lords temporal, he likewise enjoys the universal privilege of being judged hy his peers; though the trial then differs in several respects. In the first place, as to the number of the jurors : all the peers are to perform the function of such, and they must be summoned at least twenty days beforehand. 2. When the trial takes place during the session, it is said to be in the high court of parliament ; and the peers officiate at once as jurors and judges : when the parliament is not sitting, the trial is said to be in the court of the high steward of England ; an office, which is not usually in being, but is revived on those occasions ; and the high steward performs the office of judge. 3. In either of these cases, unanimity is not required : and the majority, which must consist of twelve persons at least, is to decide. f I shall here give an instance of the scruple with which the English judges proceed upon occasions of this kind. Sir Henry Ferrers having beeen arrested by virtue of a warrant, in which he 158 THE CONSTITUTION To all these precautions taken by the law for the safety of the subject, one circumstance must be added, which indeed would alone justify the par- tiality of the English lawyers to their laws in*pre- ference to the civil law ; I mean the absolute* re- jection they have made of torture.* Without re- peating here what has been said on the subject by the admirable author of the treatise on Crimes and Punishments, f I shall only observe, that the torture, in itself so horrible an expedient, would, more especially in a free state, be attended with the most fatal consequences. It was absolutely necessary to preclude, by rejecting it, all attempts to make the pursuit of guilt an instrument of vengeance against the innocent. Even the convicted criminal must be spared, and a practice at all rates exploded, which might so easily be made an instrument of endless vexation and persecution^ For the farther prevention of abuses, it is an in- variable usage that the trial be public. The prisoner neither makes his appearance, nor pleads, but in was termed a knight, though he was a baronet, Nightingale, his servant, took his part, and killed the officer; but it was decided, that, as the warrant " was an ill warrant, the killing of an officer in exe- " cuting that warrant could not be murder, because no good warrant : " wherefore he was found not guilty of the murder and man- " slaughter." See Croke's Rep. P. III. p, 371. * Coke says (Inst. III. p. 35.), that when John Holland, duke of Exeter, and William de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, renewed under Henry VI. the attempts made to introduce the civil law, they ex- hibited the torture as a beginning thereof. The instrument was called the duke of Exeter's daughter. j- Beccaria. \ Judge Foster relates, from Whitelocke, that the bishop of London having said to Felton, who had assassinated the duke of OF ENGLAND. 159 places where every body may have free entrance ; and the witnesses when they give their evidence, the judge when he delivers his opinion, the jury when they give their verdict, are all under the public eye. Lastly, the judge cannot change either the place, or the kind of punishment ordered by the law ; and a sheriff who should take away the life of a man in a manner different from that which the law prescribes, would be prosecuted as guilty of murder.* In a word, the constitution of England, being a free constitution, demanded from that circumstance alone (as I should already have but too often re- peated, if so fundamental a truth could be too often urged) extraordinary precautions to guard against the dangers which unavoidably ] attend the power of inflicting punishments ; and it is particularly when considered in this light, that the trial by jury proves an admirable institution. By means of it, the judicial authority is not only placed out of the hands of the man who is invested with the executive authority it is even out of the Buckingham, " If you will not confess, you must go to the rack; " the man replied, " If it must be so, I know not whom I may accuse " in the extremity of the torture ; bishop Laud, perhaps, or any " lord at this board." " Sound sense (adds Foster) in the mouth of an enthusiast and " a ruffian." Laud having proposed the rack, the matter was shortly debated at the board, and it ended in a reference to the judges, who unani- mously resolved that the rack could not be legally used. * And if any other person but the sheriff, even the judge him- self, were to cause death to be inflicted upon a man, though con- victed, it would be deemed homicide. See Blackstone, book iv. chap. 14. 160 THE CONSTITUTION hands of the judge himself. Not only the person who is trusted with the public power cannot exert it, till he has, as it were, received the permission to that purpose, of those who are set apart to ad- minister the laws ; but these latter are also re- strained in a manner exactly alike, and cannot make the law speak, but when, in their turn, they have likewise received permission. And those persons to whom the law has thus exclusively delegated the prerogative of deciding that a punishment is to be inflicted, those men without whose declaration the executive and the judicial powers are both thus bound down to in- action, do not form among themselves a permanent body, who may have had time to study how their power can serve to promote their private views or interest : they are men selected at once from among the people, who perhaps never were before called to the exercise of such a function, nor foresee that they ever shall be called to it again. As the extensive right of challenging effectually baffles, on one hand, the secret practices of such as, in the face of so many discouragements, might still endeavour to make the judicial power subservient to their own views, and on the other excludes all personal resentments, the sole affection which re- mains to influence the integrity of those who alone are entitled to put the public power into action, during the short period of their authority, is, that their own fate as subjects is essentially connected with that of the man whose doom they are going to decide. In fine, such is the happy nature of this institu- OF ENGLAND. 1()1 tion, that the judicial power, a power so formida- ble in itself, which is to dispose, without finding any resistance, of the property, honour, and life of individuals, and which, whatever precautions may be taken to restrain it, must in a great degree remain arbitrary, may be said, in England, to exist, to accomplish every intended purpose, and to be in the hands of nobody.* In all these observations on the advantages of the English criminal law, I have only considered it as connected with the constitution, which is a free one ; and it is in this view alone that I have compared it with the jurisprudence received in other states. Yet, abstractedly from the weighty- constitutional considerations which I have sug- gested, I think there are still other interesting- grounds of pre-eminence on the side of the laws of England. In the first place, they do not permit that a man should be made to run the risque of a trial, but upon the declaration of twelve persons at least (the grand jury'). Whether he be in prison, or on his trial, they never for an instant refuse free access to those who have either advice or comfort to give him ; they even allow him to summon all who may have any thing to say in his favour. And lastly, what is of very great importance, the witnesses against him must deliver their testimony in his presence ; * The consequence of this institution is, that no man in England ever meets the man of whom he may say, " That man has a power to decide on my death or life." If we could for a moment forget the advantages of that institution, we ought at least to admire the ingenuity of it. M 162 THE CONSTITUTION he may cross-examine them, and, by one unexpected question, confound a whole system of calumny : indulgences these, all denied by the laws of other countries. Hence, though an accused person may be ex- posed to have his fate decided by persons (the petty /wn/) who possess not, perhaps, all that sagacity which in some delicate cases it is particularly advantage- ous to meet with in a judge, yet this inconvenience is amply compensated by the extensive means of defence with which the law, as we have seen, has provided him. If a juryman does not possess that expertness which is the result of long practice, yet neither does he bring to judgment that hardness of heart which is, more or less, also the consequence of it : and bearing about him the principles (let me say, the unimpaired instinct) of humanity, he trem- bles while he exercises the awful office to which he finds himself called, and in doubtful cases always decides for mercy. It is to be farther observed, that, in the usual course of things, juries pay great regard to the opinions delivered by the judges ; that, in those cases where they are clear as to the fact, yet find themselves perplexed with regard to the degree of guilt connected with it, they leave it, as has been said before, to be ascertained by the discretion of the judge, by returning what is called a special verdict ; that, whenever circumstances seem to alleviate the guilt of a person, against whom nevertheless the proof has been positive, they temper their verdict by recommending him to the mercy of the king (which seldom fails to produce OF ENGLAND. 163 at least a mitigation of the punishment) : that, though a man once acquitted can never, under any pretence whatsoever, be again brought into peril for the same offence, yet a new trial would be granted if he had been found guilty upon evi- dence strongly suspected of being false. Lastly, what distinguishes the laws of England from those of other countries in a very honourable manner, is, that as the torture is unknown to them, so neither do they know any more grievous punish- ment than the simple deprivation of life. 112 112 Our author does not make this statement with his usual accu- racy ; one illustration will justify this comment. By 54 Geo. III. cap. 146, (A. D. 1814,) intituled, "An act to alter the punishment in certain cases of high treason," after reciting that in certain cases of high treason, as the law then stood, the sentence or judgment required by law to be pronounced or awarded against persons con- victed or adjudged guilty of the said crime, in such cases, was, that they should be drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, and there be hanged by the neck, but not until they were dead, but that they should be taken down again, and that when they were yet alive their bowels should be taken out and burnt before their faces, and that afterwards their heads should be severed from their bodies, and their bodies be divided into four quarters, and their heads and quarters to be at the king's disposal ; and that it was expedient, in the said cases of high treason, to alter the sentence or judgment then required by law; it was enacted, that, in all cases of high treason in which, as the law then stood, the sentence or judgment ordained bv law was as aforesaid, the sentence or judgment to be pronounced or awarded, from and after the passing of that act, against any per- son convicted or adjudged guilty should be, that such person should be drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, and be there hanged by the neck until such person were dead ; and that afterwards the head should be severed from the body of such person, and the body, divided into four quarters, should be disposed of as his majesty and his successors should think fit, with power to the king to order and direct that such person as aforesaid should not be drawn, but M 2 164 THE CONSTITUTION All these circumstances have combined to intro- duce such a mildness into the exercise of criminal justice, that the trial by jury is that point of their liberty to which the people of England are most thoroughly and universally wedded ; and the only complaint I have ever heard uttered against it, has been by men who, more sensible of the necessity of public order than alive to the feelings of hu- manity, think that too many offenders escape with impunity. 113 should be taken in such manner as in the wan-ant should be ex- pressed, to the place of execution, and that such person should not be there hanged by the neck, but that, instead thereof, the head should be there severed from the body of such person whilst alive, and how, and in what manner, the body, head and quarters, of such person should be disposed of. The division of the body into four parts is in practice usually dispensed with, but it might be well to repeal an enactment too revolting to be put in execution. EDITOR. 113 The complaint mentioned by our author is not the only one which has been heard of late years, during which it has been too much the fashion to call in question the wisdom, or utility, of exist- ing institutions. It is not many years since a writer in the Edinburgh Review spoke disparagingly of the trial by jury, and thought we paid too dearly for its boasted advantages, " in the " number of unjust verdicts which are given by ignorant, perverse, " or corrupted juries ;" adding, that " this form of trial has been " rendered subservient to arbitrary power, at several periods of our " history." Now, without contending for, or against these asser- tions, or that, in times of public excitement, it has been equally subservient to popular opinion, and while it is admitted that this institution, like every other which is human, occasionally exhibits the defects incident to man and to all his works, we maintain that the advantages so very far overbalance the inconveniences of the insti- tution, that it must be regarded as the greatbulwark of our liberties, and a national blessing we cannot too highly prize. The amend- ments in the laws relative to jurors and juries, effected by the act OF ENGLAND. CHAPTER XIV. The Subject concluded. Laws relative to Im- prisonment. BUT what completes that sense of independence which the laws of England procure to every in- dividual (a sense which is the noblest advantage attending liberty), is the greatness of their precau- tions upon the delicate point of imprisonment. In the first place, by allowing, in most cases, en- largement upon bail, and by prescribing, on that article, express rules for the judges to follow, they have removed all pretexts, which circumstances might afford, for depriving a man of his liberty. But it is against the executive power that the legislature has, above all, directed its efforts : nor has it been but by slow degrees that it has been successful in wresting from it a branch of power which enabled it to deprive the people of their leaders, as well as to intimidate those who might be tempted to assume the function ; and which, having thus all the efficacy of more odious means without the dangers of them, was perhaps the most formidable weapon with which it might attack public liberty. The methods originally pointed out by the laws 6 Geo. IV. cap. 50, of which aw abstract is given in note 103, page 149, have removed many objections previously urged against the system ; and must be ranked among the most important reforms in jurisprudence of the present day. EDITOR. 166 THE CONSTITUTION of England for the enlargement of a person un- justly imprisoned, were the writs of mainprize, de odio et otfa, 114 and de komine repleg-iando. 113 Those writs, which could not be denied, were an order to the sheriff of the county in which a person was confined, to inquire into the causes of his confine- ment ; and, according to the circumstances of his case, either to discharge him completely, or upon bail. But the most useful method, and which even, by being most general and certain, has tacitly abolished all the others, is the writ of Habeas Corpus, so called, because it begins with the words Habeas Corpus ad subjicienditm.^ This writ being a writ of high prerogative, must issue from the Court of King's Bench : its effects extend equally to every county ; and the king by it requires, or is under- stood to require, the person who holds one of his subjects in custody, to carry him before the judge, with the date of the confinement, and the cause of ft, in order to discharge him, or continue to detain him, according as the judge shall decree. But this writ, which might be a resource in cases of violent imprisonment effected by indi- viduals, or granted at their request, was but a feeble one, or rather was no resource at all against the prerogative of the prince, especially under the sway of the Tudors, and in the beginning of that of the Stuarts. And even in the first years of Charles the First, the judges of the King's Bench, "* Of hatred and ffl wiD. EDITOR, "* Of redemption of the man. EDITOR. ij* You shall cause the body to be bfooght before. EDITOR. OF ENGLJLKD. . * who, in consequence of the spirit of the times, and of their holding their places durante bene plac*fo, m were constantly deToted to the court, declared, " that the j could not, upon a Habeas Corpus, " either bail or deliver a prisoner, though committed " without any cause assigned, in case he was com- " mitted by the special command of the king-, or by " the lords of the privy councfl.* 1 Those principles, and the mode of procedure which resulted from them, drew the attention of parliament ; and in the bill called the Petition of Right, passed in the third year of the reign of Charles the First, it was enacted, that no person should be kept in custody, in consequence of such imprisonments. Bat the judges knew how to evade the intention of this act : they indeed did not refuse to discharge a man imprisoned without a cause 9 but they used so much delay in the examination of the causes, that they obtained the full effect of an open denial of justice. The legislature again interposed, and in the act passed in the sixteenth year of the reign of Charles the First, the same in which the Star-chamber was suppressed, it was enacted, that " if any person be *' committed by the king himself in person, or by his privy council, or by any of the members " thereof, he shall have granted unto him, without " delay upon any pretence whatsoever, a writ of " Habeas Corpus ; and that the judge shall there- " upon, within three court-days after the return is See WMC 39, p*pe j ew man. EDITOR. 184 THE CONSTITUTION throw itself into a vast reservoir, where it mingles and loses its force and direction. 124 I know it may be said, that, in order to avoid the fatal step which is to deprive him of so many advantages, the favourite of the people ought to refuse the new dignity which is offered to him, and wait for more important successes, from his elo- quence in the house of commons, and his influence over the people. But those who give him this counsel have not sufficiently examined it. Without doubt there are men in England, who, in their present pursuit of a project which they think essential to the public good, would be capable of refusing for a while a dignity which would deprive their virtue of oppor- tunities of exerting itself, or might more or less endanger it : but woe to him who should persist in such a refusal, with any pernicious design ! and who, in a government where liberty is established on so solid and extensive a basis, should endeavour to make the people believe that their fate depends on the persevering virtue of a single citizen. His 124 The striking picture here presented to the reader of the pro- gress of a popular statesman in England has been appropriately re- ferred to Mr. Pulteney, who became earl of Bath ; William Pitt, the first earl of Chatham ; and the second William Pitt, his son ; all of them men of extraordinary talent, commanding influence, and aspiring minds. The reader will probably be as forcibly reminded of one, at least, of whom the time has not arrived for speaking .with the impartiality of history. Happily, however, for this country, the well-balanced frame of our constitution, the energy of the govern- ment, and the loyalty of the people, will ever discountenance all presumptuous views, and ideas of encroaching on the royal power, or rising above the level of the laws. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 185 ambitious views being- at last discovered (nor could it be long before they were so), his obstinate reso- lution to move out of the ordinary course of things would indicate aims, on his part, of such an extra- ordinary nature, that all men whatever, who have any regard for their country, would instantly rise up from all parts to oppose him, and he must fall overwhelmed with so much ridicule, 125 that it would be better for him to fall from the Tarpeian rock.* In fine, even though we were to suppose that the new lord might, after his exaltation, have pre- served all his interest with the people, or, what would be no less difficult, that any lord whatever could, by dint of his wealth and high birth, rival the splendour of the crown itself, all these advan- tages, how great soever we may suppose them, as they would not of themselves be able to confer on him the least executive authority, must for ever re- main mere showy unsubstantial advantages. Find- ing all the active powers of the state concentred in that very seat of power which we suppose him * The reader will, perhaps, object, that no man in England can entertain such views as those I have suggested here : this is pre- cisely what I intended to prove. The essential advantage of the English government above all those that have been called free, and which in many respects were but apparently so, is, that no person in England can entertain so much as a thought of ever rising to the level of the power charged with the execution of the laws. All men in the state, whatever may be their rank, wealth, or influence, are thoroughly convinced that they must, in reality as well as in name, continue to be subjects ; and are thus compelled really to love, defend, and promote, those laws which secure liberty to the subject. 125 Or rather, execration. EDITOR. THE CONSTITUTION inclined to attack, and there secured by formidable provisions, his influence must always evaporate in ineffectual words ; and after having- advanced him- self, as we suppose, to the very foot of the throne, finding no branch of independent power which he might so far appropriate to himself, as at last to give a reality to his political importance, he would soon see it, however great it might have at first appeared, decline and die away. God forbid, however, that I should mean that the people of England are so fatally tied down to inaction, by the nature of their government, that they cannot, in times of oppression, find means of appointing a leader ! No ; I only meant to say that the laws of England open no door to those accu- mulations of power, which have been the ruin of so many republics ; that they offer to the ambitious no means of taking advantage of the inadvertence or even the gratitude of the people, to make them- selves their tyrants ; and that the public power, of which the king has been made the exclusive depo- sitory, must remain unshaken in his hands, so long as things continue in the legal order ; which, it may be observed, is a strong inducement to him constantly to endeavour to maintain them in it. * Several events, in the English history, put in a very strong light this idea of the stahility which the power of the crown gives to the state. One is, the facility with which the great duke of Marlborough, and his party at home, were removed from their employments. Hannibal, in circumstances nearly similar, had continued the war against the will of the senate of Carthage : Caesar had done the same in Gaul : and when at last he was expressly required to deliver up his commission, he marched his army to Rome, and OF ENGLAND. 187 CHAPTER II. The Subject concluded. The Executive Power is more easily confined when it is ONE. ANOTHER great advantage, and which one would not at first expect, in this unity of the public power in England, in this union, and if I may so express myself, in this coacervation, of all the branches of the executive authority, is the greater facility it affords of restraining it. In those states where the execution of the laws is intrusted to several hands, and to each with different titles and prerogatives, such division, and the changeableness of measures which must be the established a military despotism. But the duke, though sur- rounded, as well as the above-named generals, by a victorious army, and by allies, in conjunction with whom he had earned on such a successful war, did not even hesitate to surrender his commission. He knew that all his soldiers were inflexibly prepossessed in favour of that power against which he must have revolted : he knew that the same prepossessions were deeply rooted in the minds of the whole nation, and that every thing among them concurred to sup- port the same power : he knew that the very nature of the claims he must have set up would instantly have made all his officers and captains turn themselves against him, and, in short, that, in an enterprise of this nature, the arm of the sea he had to repass was the smallest of the obstacles he would have to encounter. The other event I shall mention here, is that of the revolution of 1689. If the long-established power of the crown had not before- hand prevented the people from accustoming themselves to fix then- eyes on some particular citizens, and in general had not prevented all men in the state from attaining too considerable a degree of power and greatness, the expulsion of James II. might have been followed by events similar to those which took place at Rome after the death of Caesar. 188 THE CONSTITUTION consequence of it, constantly hide the true cause of the evils of the state : in the endless fluctuation of things, no political principles have time to fix among the people : and public misfortunes happen, without ever leaving behind them any useful lesson. At some times military tribunes, and at others consuls, bear an absolute sway : sometimes patri- cians usurp every thing, and at other times those who are called nobles : * at one time the people are oppressed by decemvirs, and at another by dictators. Tyranny, in such states, does not always beat down the fences that are set around it ; but it leaps over them. When men think it confined to one place, it starts up again in another; it mocks the efforts of the people, not because it is invincible, but because it is unknown ; seized by the arm of a Hercules, it escapes with the changes of a Proteus. But the indivisibility of the public power in Eng- land has constantly kept the views and efforts of the people directed to one and the same object j and the permanence of that power has also given a per- manence and a regularity to the precautions they have taken to restrain it. Constantly turned towards that ancient fortress, the royal power, they have made it for seven cen- turies the object of their fear ; with a watchful jealousy they have considered all its parts; they * The capacity of being admitted to all places of public trust (at length gained by the plebeians) having rendered useless the old distinction between them and the patricians, a coalition was then effected between the great plebeians, or commoners, who got into these places, and the ancient patricians. Hence a new class of men arose, who were called nobiles and nobilitas. These are the words by which Livy, after that period, constantly distinguishes those men and families who were at the head of the slate. OF ENGLAND. 189 have observed all its outlets ; they have even pierced the earth to explore its secret avenues and subterraneous works. United in their views by the greatness of the danger, they regularly formed their attacks. They established their works, first at a distance ; then brought them successively nearer ; and, in short, raised none but what served afterwards as a founda- tion or defence to others. After the Great Charter was established, forty successive confirmations strengthened it. The act called the Petition of Right, and that passed in the sixteenth year of Charles the First, then fol- lowed : some years after, the Habeas Corpus act was established ; and the Bill of Rights at length made its appearance. In fine, whatever the cir- cumstances may have been, the people always had, in their efforts, that inestimable advantage of know- ing with certainty the general seat of the evils they had to defend themselves against; and each cala- mity, each particular eruption, by pointing out some weak place, served to procure a new bulwark for public liberty. To conclude in a few words; the executive power in England is formidable, but then it is for ever the same ; its resources are vast, but their nature is at length known ; it has been made the indivisible and inalienable attribute of one person alone, but then all other persons, of whatever rank or degree, become really interested to restrain it within its proper bounds.* * This last advantage of the greatness and indivisibility of the executive power, viz. the obligation it lays upon the greatest men 190 THE CONSTITUTION CHAPTER III. A second Peculiarity. The Division of the Legis- lative Power. THE second peculiarity which England, as an in- dividual state and a free state, exhibits in its con- stitution, is the division of its legislature. That the reader may be more sensible of the advantages of this division, he is desired to attend to the fol- lowing considerations. It is, without doubt, absolutely necessary, for securing the constitution of a state, to restrain the executive power : but it is still more necessary to restrain the legislative. What the former can only do by successive steps (I mean subvert the laws), and through a longer or shorter train of enterprises, the latter can do in a moment. As its bare will can give being to the laws, so its bare will can also annihilate them ; and, if I may be permitted the expression, the legislative power can change the constitution, as God created the light. In order, therefore, to ensure stability to the constitution of a state, it is indispensably necessary to restrain the legislative authority. But here we must observe a difference between the legislative, and the executive powers. The latter may be confined, and even is the more easily so, when in the state, sincerely to unite in a common cause with the people, will be more amply discussed hereafter, when a more particular comparison between the English government and the republican form shall be offered to the reader. OF ENGLAND. undivided : the legislature, on the contrary, in order to its being restrained, should absolutely be divided. For, whatever laws it may make to re- strain itself, they never can be, relatively to it, any thing more than simple resolutions : as those bars which it might erect to stop its own motions must then be within it, and rest upon it, they can be no bars. In a word, the same kind of impossibility is found, to fix the legislative power when it is one, which Archimedes objected against his moving the earth.* Nor does such a division of the legislature only render it possible for it to be restrained, since each of those parts into which it is divided can then serve as a bar to the motions of the others, but it even makes it to be actually so restrained. If it has been divided into only two parts, it is probable that they will not in all cases unite, either for doing or undoing : if it has been divided into three parts, the chance that no changes will be made is greatly increased. Nay more; as a kind of point of honour will naturally take place between these different parts of the legislature, they will therefore be led to offer to each other only such propositions as will at least be plausible ; and all very prejudi- cial changes will thus be prevented, as it were, before their birth. If the legislative and executive powers differ so greatly with regard to the necessity of their being divided, in order to their being restrained, they differ no less with regard to the other consequences arising from such division. * He wanted a spot whereupon to fix his instruments. 19^ THE CONSTITUTION The division of the executive power necessarily introduces actual oppositions, even violent ones, between the different parts into which it has been divided ; and that part which in the issue succeeds so far as to absorb, and unite in itself, all the others, immediately sets itself above the laws. But those oppositions which take place, and which the public good requires should take place, between the dif- ferent parts of the legislature, are never any thing- more than oppositions between contrary opinions and intentions; all is transacted in the regions of the understanding ; and the only contention that arises is wholly carried on with those inoffensive weapons, assents and dissents, ayes and noes. Besides, when one of these parts of the legis- lature is so successful as to engage the others to adopt its proposition, the result is, that a law takes place which has in it a great probability of being good : when it happens to be defeated, and sees its propositions rejected, the worst that can result from it is, that a law is not made at that time ; and the loss which the state suffers thereby, reaches no farther than the temporary setting aside of some more or less useful speculation. In a word, the result of a division of the execu- tive power is either a more or less speedy establish- ment of the right of the strongest, or a continued state of war :* that of a division of the legislative power, is either truth, or general tranquillity. * Every one knows the frequent hostilities that took place be- tween the Roman senate and the tribunes. In Sweden there have been continual contentions betwen the king and the senate, in which they have overpowered each other by turns. And in Eng- OF ENGLAND. 193 The following maxims will therefore be ad- mitted. That the laws of a state may be perma- nent, it is requisite that the legislative power should be divided; that they may have weight, and continue in force, it is necessary that the executive power should be one. If the reader should conceive any doubt as to the truth of the above observations, let him cast his eyes on the history of the proceedings of the English legislature down to our times, and he will readily find a proof of them. He would be sur- prised to see how little variation there has been in the political laws of this country, especially dur- ing the last hundred years : 126 though, it is most im- portant to observe, the legislature has been as it were in a continual state of action, and (no dis- passionate man will deny) has generally promoted the public good. Nay, if we except the act passed under William III., by which it had been enacted, that parliaments should sit no longer than three years, and which was repealed by a subsequent act, under George I. which allowed them to sit for seven years, we shall not find that any law, which may really be called constitutional, and which has been enacted since the Restoration, has been changed afterwards. Now, if we compare this steadiness of the English land, when the executive power became double, by the king allow- ing the parliament to have a perpetual and independent existence, a civil war almost immediately followed. 26 It is now fifty years since our author wrote ; and his remarks were equally applicable up to the time of the passing of the several reform acts in 1832. EDITOR. 194 THE CONSTITUTION government with the continual subversions of the constitutional laws of some ancient republics, with the imprudence of some of the laws passed in their assemblies,* and with the still greater inconsi- derateness with which they sometimes repealed the most salutary regulations, as it were, the day after they had been enacted, if we call to mind the ex- traordinary means to which the legislature of those republics, at times sensible how its very power was prejudicial to itself and to the state, was obliged to have recourse, in order, if possible, to tie its own hands,f we shall remain convinced of the great advantages which attend the constitution of the English legislature.^ Nor is this division of the English legislature accompanied (which is indeed a very fortunate cir- cumstance) by any actual division of the nation ; each constituent part of it possesses strength suf- * The Athenians, among other laws, had enacted one to forbid the application of a certain part of the puhlic revenues to any other use than the expenses of the theatres and public shows. f In some ancient republics, when the legislature wished to render a certain law permanent, and at the same time mistrusted their own future wisdom, they added a clause to it, which made it death to propose the revocation of it. Those who afterwards thought such revocation necessary to the public welfare, relying on the mercy of the people, appeared in the public assembly with a halter about their necks. J We shall perhaps have occasion to observe hereafter, that the true .cause of the equability of the operations cf the English legis- lature is the opposition that happily takes place between the dif- ferent views and interests of the several bodies that compose it ; a consideration this, without which all political inquiries are no more than airy speculations, and the only one that can lead to useful practical conclusions. OF ENGLAND. 195 9 ficient to ensure respect to its resolutions ; yet no real division has been made of the forces of the state. Only a greater proportional share of all those distinctions which are calculated to gain the reverence of the people, has been allotted to those parts of the legislature which could not possess their confidence in so high a degree as the others ; and the inequalities in point of real strength be- tween them have been made up by the magic of dignity. Thus, the king, who alone forms one part of the legislature, has on his side the majesty of the kingly title : the two houses are, in appearance, no more than councils entirely dependent on him ; they are bound to follow his person ; they only meet, as it seems, to advise him ; and never address him but in the most solemn and respectful manner. As the nobles, who form the second order of the legislature, bear, in point both of real weight and numbers, no proportion to the body of the people,* they have received, as a compensation, the advan- tage of personal honours, and of an hereditary title. Besides, the established ceremonial gives to their * It is for want of having duly considered this subject, that M. Rousseau exclaims somewhere against those who, when they speak of the general estates of France, " dare to call the people the " third estate." At Rome, where all the order we mention was in- verted, where the fasces were laid at the feet of the people, and where the tribunes, whose function, like that of the king of England, was to oppose the establishment of new laws, were only a subordi- nate kind of magistracy, many disorders followed. In Sweden, and in Scotland (before the union), faults of another kind prevailed : in the former kingdom, for instance, an overgrown body of two thou- sand nobles frequently overruled both king and people. o 2 196 THE CONSTITUTION assembly a great pre-eminence over that of the re- presentatives of the people. They are the upper house, and the others are the lower house. They are in a more special manner considered as the king's council ; and it is in the place where they assemble that his throne is placed. When the king comes to the parliament, the commons are sent for, and make their appearance at the bar of the house of lords. It is moreover be- fore the lords, as before their judges, that the com- mons bring their impeachments. When, after passing a bill in their own house, they send it to the lords to desire their concurrence, they always order a number of their own members to accom- pany it :* whereas the lords send down their bills to them, only by some of the assistants of their house.f When the nature of the alterations which one of the two houses may wish to make in a bill sent to it by the other, renders a conference be- tween them necessary, the deputies of the commons to the committee, which is then formed of members of both houses, are to remain uncovered. Lastly, those bills which (in whichever of the two houses they have originated) have been agreed to by both, * The speaker of the house of lords must come down from the woolpack to receive the bills which the members of the commons bring to their house. t The twelve judges 12 7 and the masters in chancery. There is also a ceremonial established with regard to the manner and marks of respect, with which those two of them, who are sent with a bill to the commons, are to deliver it. Now fifteen. See note 38, page 69. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 197 must be deposited in the house of lords, there to remain till the royal pleasure is signified. Besides, the lords are members of the legislature by virtue of a right inherent in their persons ; and they are supposed to sit in parliament on their own account, and for the support of their own interests. 128 In consequence of this they have the privilege of giving their votes by proxy ;* and, when any of them dissent from the resolutions of their house, they may enter a protest against them, containing the reasons of their particular opinion. In a word, as this part of the legislature is destined frequently to balance the power of the people, what it could not receive in real strength it has re- ceived in outward splendour and greatness ; so that, when it cannot resist by its weight, it overawes by its apparent magnitude. In fine, as these various prerogatives, by which the component parts of the legislature are thus made to balance each other, are all intimately connected with the fortune of the state, and flourish and decay according to the vicissitudes of public pros- perity or adversity, it thence follows, that, though differences of opinion may sometimes take place between those parts, there can scarcely arise any when the general welfare is really in question. And when, to resolve the doubts that may arise on political speculations of this kind, we cast our eyes * The commons have not that privilege, because they are them- selves proxies for the people. See Coke's Inst. 4. p. 41. 128 This remark is applicable to the English peers, but not to the representative peers of Scotland and Ireland. EDITOR. 198 THE CONSTITUTION on the debates of the two houses for a long suc- cession of years, and see the nature of the laws which have been proposed, of those which have passed, and of those which have been rejected, as well as of the arguments that have been urged on both sides, we shall remain convinced of the good- ness of the principles on which the English legisla- ture is formed. CHAPTER IV. A third Advantage peculiar to the English Go- vernment. The Business of proposing Laws, lodged in the Hands of the People. A THIRD circumstance, which I propose to show to be peculiar to the English government, is the man- ner in which the respective offices of the three component parts of the legislature have been di- vided, and allotted to each of them. In most of the ancient free states, the share of the people in the business of legislation was to approve or reject the propositions which were made to them, and to give the final sanction to the laws. The function of those persons (or in general those bodies), who were intrusted with the ex- ecutive power, was to prepare and frame the laws, and then to propose them to the people : and, in a word, they possessed that branch of the le- gislative power which may be called the initiative, OF ENGLAND. 199 that is, the prerogative of putting that power in action.* This initiative, or exclusive right of proposing in legislative assemblies, attributed to the magistrates, is indeed very useful, and perhaps even necessary, in states of a republican form, for giving a perma- nence to the laws, as well as for preventing the disorders and struggles for power which have been mentioned before ; but, upon examination, we shall find that this expedient is attended with inconve- niences of little less magnitude than the evils it is meant to remedy. These magistrates, or bodies, at first indeed ap- ply frequently to the legislature for a grant of such branches of power as they dare not of themselves assume, or for the removal of such obstacles to their * This power of previously considering and approving such laws as were afterwards to be propounded to the people, was, in the first times of the Roman republic, constantly exercised by the senate : laws were made, populi jussu, ex auctoritate senatus. 1 ^ Even in cases of elections, the previous approbation and auctoritas of the senate, with regard to those persons who were offered to the suffrages of the people, were required. Turn enim non gerebat is magisfratum qui ceperat si patres auctores non erant facti. 130 Cic. pro Plancio, 3. At Venice the senate also exercises powers of the same kind, with regard to the grand council or assembly of the nobles. 131 In the 121) By command of the people, with the authority of the senate. EDITOR. 130 jr or then even the man who had been elected to a magisterial office did not administer it, unless sanctioned by the previous autho- rity of the senate. EDITOR. 131 At the time our author wrote, Venice was an independent republic ; it is now united to Austria. EDITOR. 200 THE CONSTITUTION growing authority as they do not yet think it safe for them peremptorily to set aside. But when their authority has at length gained a sufficient de- gree of extent and stability, as farther manifesta- tions of the will of the legislature could then only create obstructions to the exercise of their power, they begin to consider the legislature as an enemy whom they must take great care never to rouse. They consequently convene the assembly of the people as seldom as they can. When they do it, they carefully avoid proposing any thing favourable to public liberty. They soon even entirely cease to convene the assembly at all ; and the people, after thus losing the power of legally asserting their rights, are exposed to that which is the highest de- gree of political ruin, the loss of even the remem- brance of them, unless some direct means are found, by which they may from time to time give life to their dormant privileges j means which may canton of Bern, all propositions must be discussed in the little council, which is composed of twenty-seven members, before they are laid before the council of the two hundred, in whom resides the sovereignty of the whole canton. And, in Geneva, the law is, " that " nothing shall be treated in the general council or assembly of the " citizens, which has not been previously treated and approved in " the council of the two hundred : and that nothing shall be treated " in the two hundred which has not been previously treated and " approved in the council of the twenty-jive. 13 " 132 Geneva has since lost her independence and ancient govern- ment; for many years, to the time of the expulsion of Buonaparte in 1814, it formed a department of France; on the 12th Septem- ber in that year, it was admitted a member of the Swiss con- federation. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 201 be found, and succeed pretty well in small states, where provisions can more easily be made to answer their intended ends ; but, in states of con- siderable extent, have always been found, in the event, to give rise to disorders of the same kind with those which were at first intended to be pre- vented. But as the capital principle of the English con- stitution totally differs from that which forms the basis of republican governments, so it is capable of procuring to the people advantages that are to be found unattainable in the latter. It is the people in England, or at least those who represent them, who possess the initiative in legislation, that is to say, who perform the office of framing laws and proposing them. And among the many circum- stances in the English government, which would appear entirely new to the politicians of antiquity, that of seeing the person intrusted with the execu- tive power bear that share in legislation which they looked upon as being necessarily the lot of the people, and the people enjoy that which they thought the indispensable office of its magistrates, would not certainly be the least occasion of their surprise. I foresee that it will be objected, that, as the king of England has the power of dissolving, and even of not calling parliaments, he is hereby pos- sessed of a prerogative, which, in fact, is the same with that which I have just now. represented as being so dangerous. To this I answer, that all circumstances ought to be combined. Doubtless, if the crown had 202 been under no kind of dependence whatever on the people, it would long- since have freed itself from the obligation of calling their representatives together ; and the British parliament, like the na- tional assemblies of several other kingdoms, would most likely have no existence now, except in his- tory. But, as we have above seen, the necessities of the state, and the wants of the sovereign himself, put him under a necessity of having frequent re- course to his parliament ; and then the difference may be seen between the prerogative of not calling an assembly, when powerful causes nevertheless render such a measure necessary, and the exclusive right, when an assembly is convened, of proposing laws to it. In the latter case, though a prince, let us even suppose, in order to save appearances, might conde- scend to mention any thing besides his own wants, it would be at most to propose the giving up of some branch of his prerogative upon which he set no value, or to reform such abuses as his inclination does not lead him to imitate ; but he would be very careful not to touch any points which might mate- rially affect his authority. Besides, as all his concessions would be made, or appear to be made, of his own motion, and would in some measure seem to spring from the activity of his zeal for the public welfare, all that he might offer, though in fact ever so inconsiderable, would be represented by him as grants of the most impor- tant nature, and for which he expects the highest gratitude. Lastly, it would also be his province OF ENGLAND. 203 to make restrictions and exceptions to laws thus proposed by himself; he would also be the person who would choose the words to express them, and it would not be reasonable to expect that he would give himself any great trouble to avoid all am- biguity.* But the parliament of England is not, as we said before, bound down to wait passively and in silence for such laws as the executive power may condescend to propose to them. At the opening of every session, they of themselves take into their hands the great book of the state ; they open all the pages, and examine every article. When they have discovered abuses, they proceed to inquire into their causes : when these abuses arise from an open disregard of the laws, they en- deavour to strengthen them ; when they proceed from their insufficiency, they remedy the evil by additional provisions.^ 4 In the beginning of the existence of the house of commons, bills were presented to the king under the form of petitions. Those to which the king assented were registered among the rolls of par- liament, with his answers to them ; and at the end of each parlia- ment the judges formed them into statutes. Several abuses hav- ing crept into that method of proceeding, it was ordained that the judges should in future make the statute before the end of every session. Lastly, as even that became, in process of time, insuffi- cient, the present method of framing bills was established : that is to say, both houses now frame the statutes in the very form and words in which they are to stand when they have received the royal assent. -{ No popular assembly ever enjoyed the privilege of starting, canvassing, and proposing new matter, to such a degree as the English commons. In France, when their General Estates were allowed to sit, their remonstrances were little regarded ; and still 204 THE CONSTITUTION Nor do they proceed with less regularity and freedom, in regard to that important object, sub- sidies. They are to be the sole judges of the quantity of them, as well as of the ways and means of raising them ; and they need not come to any resolution with regard to them till they see the safety of the subject completely provided for. In a word, the making of laws is not, in such an arrangement of things, a gratuitous contract, in which the people are to take just what is given them, and as it is given them : it is a contract, in which they buy and pay, and in which they them- less regard could the particular Estates of the provinces expect. In Sweden, the power of proposing new subjects was lodged in an assembly called the secret committee, composed of nobles, and a few of the clergy ; and is now possessed by the king. In Scotland, until the Union, all propositions to be laid before the parliament were to be framed by the persons called the lords of the articles. In regard to Ireland, 133 all bills must be prepared by the king in his privy council, and are to be laid before the parliament by the lord- lieutenant, for their assent or dissent : only they are allowed to discuss, among them, what they call heads of a bill, which the lord-lieutenant is desired afterwards to transmit to the king, who selects out of them what clauses he thinks proper, or sets the whole aside ; and is not expected to give, at any time, a precise answer to them. And, in republican governments, magistrates are never at rest till they have entirely secured to themselves the important privilege of proposing : nor does this follow merely from their am- bition ; it is also the consequence of the situation they are in, from the principles of that mode of government. 133 Ireland, by an exertion of energy during the heat of the American war, recovered her freedom from the dominion of Great Britain, and became a separate state, though under the same monarch. From that time until the union of the two kingdoms in 1801, her parliament was as free as that of Great Britain, and exer- cised similar functions and powers. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 205 selves settle the different conditions, and furnish the words to express them. The English parliament have given a still greater extent to their advantages on so important a sub- ject. They have not only secured to themselves a right of proposing laws and remedies, but they have also prevailed on the executive power to re- nounce all claim to do the same. It is even a constant rule, that neither the king nor his privy council can make any amendments in the bills preferred by the two houses j but the king is merely to accept or reject them ; a provision this, which, if we pay a little attention to the subject, we shall find to have been also necessary for completely se- curing the freedom and regularity of the parlia- mentary deliberations.* I indeed confess, that it seems very natural, in the modelling of a state, to intrust this very im- portant office of framing laws to those persons who may be supposed to have before acquired experi- * The king, indeed, at times, sends messages to either house ; and nobody, I think, can wish that no means of intercourse should exist between him and his parliament. But these messages are always expressed in very general words : they are only made to desire the house to take certain subjects into their consideration : no particular articles or clauses are expressed ; the commons are not to declare, at any settled time, a solemn acceptance or rejection of the proposition made by the king ; and, in short, the house follow the same mode of proceeding, with respect to such mes- sages, as they usually do in regard to petitions presented by private individuals. Some member makes a motion upon the subject ex- pressed in the king's message : a bill is framed in the usual way : it may be dropped at every stage of it ; and it is never the pro- posal of the crown, but the motions of some of their own members, which the house discuss, and finally accept or reject. 206 THE CONSTITUTION ence and wisdom in the management of public affairs. But events have unfortunately demon- strated, that public employments and power im- prove the understanding of men in a less degree than they pervert their views ; and it has been found in the issue, that the effect of a regulation which, at first sight, seems so perfectly consonant with prudence, is to confine the people to a mere passive and defensive share in the legislation, and to deliver them up to the continual enterprises of those who, at the same time that they are under the greatest temptations to deceive them, possess the most powerful means of effecting it. If we cast our eyes on the history of the ancient governments, in those times when the persons in- trusted with the executive power were still in a state of dependence on the legislature, and conse- quently were frequently obliged to have recourse to it, we shall see almost continual instances of selfish and insidious laws proposed by them to the assemblies of the people. And those men, in whose wisdom the law had at first placed so much confidence, became, in the issue, so lost to all sense of shame and duty, that when arguments were found to be no longer suffi- cient, they had recourse to force ; the legislative assemblies became so many fields of battle, and their power a real calamity. I know very well, however, that there are other important circumstances besides those I have just mentioned, which would prevent disorders of this kind from taking place in England.* But, on the * I particularly mean here the circumstance of the people OF ENGLAND. 207 other hand, let us call to mind that the person who, in England, is invested with the executive authority, unites in himself the whole public power and majesty. Let us represent to ourselves the great and sole magistrate of the nation pressing the ac- ceptance of those laws which he had proposed, with a vehemence suited to the usual importance of his designs, with the warmth of monarchical pride, which must meet with no refusal, and exerting for that purpose all his immense resources. It was therefore a matter of indispensable ne- cessity, that things should be settled in England in the manner they are. As the moving springs of the executive power are, in the hands of the king, a kind of sacred depositum, so are those of the legislative power in the hands of the two houses. The king must abstain from touching them, in the same manner as all the subjects of the kingdom are bound to submit to his prerogatives. When he sits in parliament, he has left, we may say, his executive power without doors, and can only assent or dissent. If the crown had been allowed to take an active part in the business of making laws, it would soon have rendered useless the other branches of the legislature. having entirely delegated their power to their representatives ; the consequences of which institution will be discussed in the next chapter. 208 THE CONSTITUTION CHAPTER V. In which an Inquiry is made, whether it would be an Advantage to public Liberty, that the Laws should be enacted by the Votes of the People at large. BUT it will be said, whatever may be the wisdom of the English laws, how great soever their pre- cautions may be with regard to the safety of the individual j the people, as they do not themselves expressly enact them, cannot be looked upon as a free people. The author of the Social Contract carries this opinion even farther : he says, that, " though the people of England think they are free, " they are much mistaken ; they are so only during " the election of members for parliament : as soon " as these are elected, the people are slaves they " are nothing."* Before I answer this objection, I shall observe that the word liberty is one of those which have been most misunderstood or misapplied. Thus, at Rome, where that class of citizens who were really masters of the state, were sensible that a lawful regular authority, once trusted to a single ruler, would put an end to their tyranny, they taught the people to believe, that, provided those who exercised a military power over them, and overwhelmed them with insults, went by the names of consules, dictatores, patricii, nobiles, 13 * in a * See M. Rousseau's Social Contract, chap. xv. 134 Consuls, dictators, patricians, nobles. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 209 word, by any other appellation than that horrid one of rex, they were free, and that such a valuable situation must be preferred at the price of every calamity. In the same manner, certain writers of the pre- sent age, misled by their inconsiderate admiration of the governments of ancient times, and perhaps also by a desire of presenting lively contrasts to what they call the degenerate manners of our mo- dern times, have cried up the governments of Sparta and Rome, as the only ones fit for us to imitate. In their opinions, the only proper employment of a free citizen is, to be either incessantly assembled in the forum, or preparing for war. Being valiant, inured to hardships, inflamed with an ardent love of one's country, which is, after all, nothing more than an ardent desire of injuring all mankind for the sake of that society of which we are members, and with an ardent love of glory, which is like- wise nothing more than an ardent desire of com- mitting slaughter, in order to make afterwards a boast of it, have appeared to these writers to be the only social qualifications worthy of our esteem, and of the encouragement of lawgivers.* And while, in order to support such opinions, they have used a profusion of exaggerated expressions with- out any distinct meaning, and perpetually repeated, though without defining them, the words dastardli- ness, corruption, greatness of soul, and virtue, they have not once thought of telling us the only thing * I have used all the above expressions in the same sense in which they were used iu the ancient comuum wealths, and still are by most of the writers who describe their governments. P 210 THE CONSTITUTION that was worth our knowing 1 , which is, whether men were happy under those governments which they have so much exhorted us to imitate. Nor, while they have thus misapprehended the only rational design of civil societies^ have they better understood the true end of the particular institutions by which they were to be regulated. They were satisfied when they saw the few, who really governed every thing in the state, at times perform the illusory ceremony of assembling the body of the people, that they might appear to con- sult them ; and the mere giving of votes, under any disadvantage in the manner of giving them, and how much soever the law might afterwards be neglected that was thus pretended to have been made in common, has appeared to them to be liberty. But those writers are seemingly in the right : a man who contributes by his vote to the passing of a law, has himself made the law ; in obeying it, he obeys himself; he therefore is free. A play on words, and nothing more. The individual who has voted in a popular legislative assembly has not made the law that has passed in it ; he has only contributed, or seemed to contribute, towards en- acting it, for his thousandth, or even ten thou- sandth, share ; he has had no opportunity of making his objections to the proposed law, or of canvass- ing it or of proposing restrictions to it ; and he has only been allowed to express his assent or dissent. When a law has passed agreeably to his vote, it is not as a consequence of this his vote that his will happens to take place ; it is because a number of OF ENGLAND. other men have accidentally thrown themselves on the same side with him : when a law contrary to his intentions is enacted, he must nevertheless sub- mit to it. This is not all ; for though we should suppose that to give a vote is the essential constituent of liberty, yet such liberty could only be said to last for a single moment, after which it becomes neces- sary to trust entirely to the discretion of Bother persons ; that is, according to this doctrine, to be no longer free. It becomes necessary, for instance, for the citizen who has given his vote, to rely on the honesty of those who collect the suffrages ; and more than once have false declarations been made of them. The citizen must also trust to other persons for the execution of those things which have been re- solved upon in common : and when the assembly shall have separated, and he shall find himself alone, in the presence of the men who are invested with the public power, of the consuls for instance, or of the dictator, he will have but little security for the continuance of his liberty, if he has only that of having contributed by his suffrage towards enacting a law which they are determined to neglect. What then is liberty ? Liberty, I would answer, so far as it is possible for it to exist in a society of beings whose interests are almost perpetually op- posed to each other, consists in this, that every man, while he respects the persons of others, and allows them quietly to enjoy the produce of their industry, be certain himself likewise to enjoy the produce of p 2 THE CONSTITUTION his own industry, and that his person be also secure. But to contribute by one's suffrage to procure these advantages to the community, to have a share in establishing- that order, that general ar- rangement of things by means of which an indi- vidual, lost as it were in the crowd, is effectually protected ; to lay down the rules to be observed by those who, being invested with a considerable power, are charged with the defence of individuals, and provide that they should never transgress them ; these are functions, are acts of government, but not constituent parts of liberty. In a word : To concur by one's suffrage in enacting laws, is to enjoy a share, whatever it may be, of power : to live in a state where the laws are equal for all, and sure to be executed (whatever may be the means by which these advantages are attained), is to be free. Be it so : we grant that to give one's suffrage is not liberty itself, but only a mean of procuring it, and a mean too which may degenerate to mere form ; we grant also, that other expedients might be found for that purpose ; and that for a man to decide that a state with whose government and in- terior administation he is unacquainted, is a state in which the people are slaves, are nothing, merely because the comitia of ancient Rome are no longer to be met with in it, is a somewhat precipitate de- cision. Yet many, perhaps, will continue to think that liberty would be much more complete, if the people at large were expressly called upon to give their opinion concerning the particular provisions by which it is to be secured, and that the English OF ENGLAND. 213 laws, for instance, if they were made by the suf- frages of all, would be wiser, more equitable, and, above all, more likely to be executed. To this objection, which is certainly specious, I shall endea- vour to give an answer. If, in the first formation of a civil society, the only care to be taken was that of establishing, once for all, the several duties which every indi- vidual owes to others and to the state ; if those who are intrusted with the care of procuring the performance of these duties, had neither any am- bition, nor any other private passions, which such employment might put in motion, and furnish the means of gratifying: in a word, if, looking upon their function as a mere task of duty, they were never tempted to deviate from the intentions of those who had appointed them : I confess that, in such a case, there might be no inconvenience in allowing every individual to have a share in the government of the community of which he is a member ; or rather, I ought to say, in such a society, and among such beings, there would be no occasion for any government. But experience teaches us that many more pre- cautions, indeed, are necessary to oblige men to be just towards each other ; nay, the very first ex- pedients that may be expected to conduce to such an end, supply the most fruitful source of the evils which are proposed to be prevented. Those laws which were intended to be equal for all, are soon warped to the private convenience of those who have been made the administrators of them: in- stituted at first for the protection of all, they soon THE CONSTITUTION are made only to defend the usurpations of a few ; and, as the people continue to respect them, while those to whose guardianship they were intrusted make little account of them, they at length have no other effect than that of supplying the want of real strength in those few who have contrived to place themselves at the head of the community, and of rendering regular and free from danger the tyranny of the smaller number over the greater. To remedy, therefore, evils which thus have a tendency to result from the very nature of things, to oblige those who are in a manner masters of the law, to conform themselves to it, to render in- effectual the silent, powerful, and ever-active con- spiracy of those who govern, requires a degree of knowledge, and a spirit of perseverance, which are not to be expected from the multitude. The greater part of those who compose this multitude, taken up with the care of providing for their subsistence, have neither sufficient leisure, nor even, in consequence of their more imperfect education, the degree of information requisite for functions of this kind. Nature, besides, who is sparing of her gifts, has bestowed upon only a few men an understanding capable of the complicated researches of legislation : and, as a sick man trusts to his physician, a client to his lawyer, so the greater number of the citizens must trust to those who have more abilities than themselves for the ex- ecution of things, which, at the same time that they so materially concern them, require so many qualifi- cations to perform them with any degree of suffi- ciency. OF ENGLAND. 21,5 To these considerations, of themselves so ma- terial, another must be added, which is, if possible, of still greater weight. This is, that the multitude, in consequence of their being a multitude, are in- capable of corning to any mature resolution. Those who compose a popular assembly are not actuated, in the course of their deliberations, by any clear and precise views of present or positive per- sonal interest. As they see themselves lost, as it were, in the crowd of those who are called upon to exercise the same function with themselves as they know that their individual votes will make no change in the public resolutions, and that, to what- ever side they may incline, the general result will ne- vertheless be the same; they do not undertake to inquire how far the things proposed to them agree with the whole of the laws already in being, or with the present circumstances of the state, because men will not enter upon a laborious task, when they know that it can scarcely answer any purpose. It is, however, with dispositions of this kind, and each relying on all, that the assembly of the people meet. But, as very few among them have previously considered the subjects on which they are called upon to determine, very few carry along with them any opinion or inclination, or at least any inclination of their own, and to which they are resolved to adhere. As, however, it is necessary at last to come to some resolution, the major part of them are determined by reasons which they would blush to pay any regard to on much less serious occasions. An unusual sight, a change of the ordinary place of the assembly, a sudden dis- 216 THE CONSTITUTION turbance, a rumour, are, amidst the general want of a spirit of decision, the sujficiens ratio 135 of the determination of the greatest part ;* and from this assemblage of separate wills, thus formed hastily, and without reflection, a general will results, which is also void of reflection. If, amidst these disadvantages, the assembly were left to themselves, and nobody had an interest to lead them into error, the evil, though very great, would not, however, be extreme, because such an assembly never being called upon but to determine upon an affirmative or negative (that is, only having two cases to choose between), there would be an equal chance of their choosing either ; and it might be hoped that at every other turn they would take the right side. But the combination of those who share either in the actual exercise of the public power, or in its advantages, do not thus allow themselves to sit down in inaction. They wake, while the people sleep. Entirely taken up with the thoughts of their own power, they live but to increase it. Deeply versed in the management of public busi- ness, they see at once all the possible consequences of measures. And, as they have the exclusive direc- tion of the springs of government, they give rise, at * Every one knows of how much importance it was, in the Roman commonwealth, to assemble the people in one place rather than another. In order to change entirely the nature of their re- solutions, it was often sufficient to hide from them, or let them see, the Capitol. 135 Sufficient reason. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 127 their pleasure, to every incident that may influence the minds of a multitude who are not on their guard, and who wait for some event or other that may finally determine them. It is they who convene the assembly, and dis- solve it: it is they who offer propositions, and make speeches to it. Ever active in turning- to their advantage every circumstance that happens, they equally avail themselves of the tractableness of the people during public calamities, and its heedlessness in times of prosperity. When things take a different turn from what they expected, they dismiss the assembly. By presenting to it many propositions at once, and which are to be voted upon in the lump, they hide what is destined to promote their own private views, or give a co- lour to it, by joining it with things which they know will take hold of the mind of the people.* By presenting, in their speeches, arguments and facts which men have no time to examine, they lead the people into gross, and yet decisive errors : and the common-places of rhetoric, supported by their personal influence, ever enabled them to draw to their side the majority of votes. * It was thus the senate at Rome assumed to itself the power of laying taxes. They promised, in the time of the war against the Veientes, to give pay to such citizens as would enlist ; and to that end they established a tribute. The people, solely taken up with the idea of not going to war at their own expense, were transported with so much joy, that they crowded at the door of the senate, and laying hold of the hands of the senators, called them their fathers Nihil unquam, acceptum a pit-be lanlo gaudio traditur : concur- sum itaque ad curiam esse, prehensatasque exeuntium manus, patres vere appellatos, Sfc. See Tit. Liv. book iv. 218 THE CONSTITUTION On the other hand, the few (for there are, after all, some) who, having meditated on the proposed question, see the consequences of the decisive step which is just going to be taken, being lost in the crowd, cannot make their feeble voices to be heard amidst the universal noise and confusion. They have it no more in their power to stop the general motion, than a man in the midst of an army, on a march, has it in his power to avoid inarching. In the mean time, the people are giving the suffrages ; a majority appears in favour of the proposal ; it is finally proclaimed as the general will of all ; and it is at bottom nothing more than the effect of the artifices of a few designing men, who are exulting among themselves.* * I might confirm all these things by numberless instances from ancient history ; but if I may be allowed, in this case, to draw examples from my own country, et celebrare domestica facia, 135 I shall relate facts which will be no less to the purpose. In Ge- neva, in the year 1707, a law was enacted, that a general assembly of the people should be held every five years, to treat of the affairs of the republic : but the magistrates, who dreaded those assemblies, soon obtained from the citizens themselves the repeal of the law ; and the first resolution of the people, in the first of those periodical assemblies (in the year 1712), was to abolish them for ever. The profound secrecy with which the magistrates prepared their proposal to the citizens on that subject, and the sudden manner in which the latter, when assembled, were acquainted with it, and made to give their votes upon it, have indeed accounted but imperfectly for this strange determination of the people; and the consternation which seized the whole assembly when the result of the suffrages was proclaimed, has confirmed many in the opinion that some unfair means had been used. The whole transaction has been kept secret to this day ; but the common opinion on this subject, 136 And to record events familiar to me. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 219 In a word, those who are acquainted with re- publican governments, and, in general, who know the manner in which business is transacted in nu- merous assemblies, will not scruple to affirm that the few who are united, who take an active part which has heen adopted by M. Rousseau, in his Lettres de la Mon- tague, is this : The magistrates, it is said, had privately instructed the secretaries in whose ears the citizens were to whisper the suf- frages : when a citizen said approbation, he was understood to approve the proposal of the magistrates : when he said rejection, he was understood to reject the periodical assemblies. In the year 1738, the citizens enacted at once into laws a small code of forty-four articles, by one single line of which they bound themselves for ever to elect the four syndics (the chiefs of the coun- cil of the twenty-five) out of the members of the same council; whereas they were before free in their choice. They at that time suffered also the word approved to be slipped into the law men- tioned in the note, p. 200, which was transcribed from a former code ; the consequence of which was to render the magistrates absolute masters of the legislature. The citizens had thus been successively stripped of all their political rights, and had little more left to them than the pleasure of being called a sovereign assembly, when they met (which idea, it must be confessed, preserved among them a spirit of resistance which it would have been dangerous for the magistrates to have provoked too far), and the power of at least refusing to elect the four syndics. Upon this privilege the citizens, a few years ago (A.D. 1765 to 1768), made their last stand: and a singular con- junction of circumstances having happened at the same time, to raise and preserve among them, during three years, an uncommon spirit of union and perseverance, they in the issue succeeded, in a great measure, to repair the injuries which they had been made to do to themselves for two hundred years and more. (A total change has since that time been effected by foreign forces, in the govern- ment of the republic (A.D. 1782), upon which this is not a proper place to make any observation.) 137 "7 See note 132, page. 200. EDITOR. THE CONSTITUTION in public affairs, and whose station makes them conspicuous, have such an advantage over the many who turn their eyes towards them, and are without union among- themselves, that, even with a mid- dling degree of skill, they can at all times direct, at their pleasure, the general resolutions ; that, as a consequence of the very nature of things, there is 110 proposal, however absurd, to which a numerous assembly of men may not, at one time or other, be brought to assent, and that laws would be wiser, and more likely to procure the advantage of all, if they were to be made by drawing lots, or casting dice, than by the suffrages of a multitude. CHAPTER VI. Advantages that accrue to the People from ap- pointing Representatives. How then shall the people remedy the disad- vantages that necessarily attend their situation ? How shall they resist the phalanx of those who have engrossed to themselves all the honours, dig- nities, and power in the state ? It will be by employing for their defence the same means by which their adversaries carry on their attack : it will be by using the same wea- pons as they do, the same order, the same kind of discipline. They are a small number, and consequently easily united ; a small number must therefore be OF ENGLAND. opposed to them, that a like union may also be ob- tained. It is because they are a small number, that they can deliberate on every occurrence, and never come to any resolutions but such as are maturely weighed ; it is because they are few, that they can have forms which continually serve them for general standards to resort to, approved maxims to which they invariably adhere, and plans which they never lose sight of: here, therefore, I repeat it, oppose to them a small number, and you will obtain the like advantages. Besides, those who govern, as a farther conse- quence of their being few, have a more considerable share, consequently feel a deeper concern in the success, whatever it may be, of their enterprises. As they usually profess a contempt for their ad- versaries, and are at all times acting an offensive part against them, they impose on themselves an obligation of conquering. They, in short, who are all alive from the most powerful incentives, and aim at gaining new advantages, have to do with a multitude, who, wanting only to preserve what they already possess, are unavoidably liable to long in- tervals of inactivity and supineness. But the people, by appointing representatives, immediately gain to their cause that advantageous activity which they before stood in need of, to put them on a par with their adversaries ; and those passions become ex- cited in their defenders, by which they themselves cannot be actuated. Exclusively charged with the care of public liberty, the representatives of the people will be animated by a sense of the greatness of the concerns THE CONSTITUTION with which they are intrusted. Distinguished from the bulk of the nation, and forming among them- selves a separate assembly, they will assert the rights of which they have been made the guardians, with all that warmth which the esprit de corps is used to inspire.* Placed on an elevated theatre, they will endeavour to render themselves still more conspicuous ; and the arts and ambitious activity of those who govern will now be encountered by the vivacity and perseverance of opponents actuated by the love of glory. Lastly, as the representatives of the people will naturally be selected from among those citizens who are most favoured by fortune, and will have consequently much to preserve, they will, even in the midst of quiet times, keep a watchful eye on the motions of power. As the advantages they possess will naturally create a kind of rivalship be- tween them and those who govern, the jealousy which they will conceive against the latter will give them an exquisite degree of sensibility on every increase of their authority. Like those de- licate instruments which discover the operations of nature, while they are yet imperceptible to our senses, they will warn the people of those things which of themselves they never see but when it is too late j and their greater proportional share, whether of real riches, or of those which lie in the opinions of men, will make them, if I may so ex- * If it had not been for an incentive of this kind, the English commons would not have vindicated their right of taxation with so much vigilance as they have done, against all enterprises (often perhaps involuntary) of the lords. OF ENGLAND. press myself, the barometers that will discover in its first beginning, every tendency to a change in the constitution.* CHAPTER VII. The Subject continued. The Advantages that ac- crue to the People from their appointing Re- presentatives are very inconsiderable, unless they also entirely trust their Legislative Authority to them. THE observations made in the preceding chapter are so obvious, that the people themselves, in popular governments, have always been sensible of the truth of them, and never thought it possible to remedy, by themselves alone, the disadvantages necessarily attending their situation. Whenever the oppressions of their rulers have forced them to resort to some uncommon exertion of their legal powers, they have immediately put themselves under the direction of those few men who had been instrumental in informing and encouraging them : and when the nature of the circumstances has required any degree of firmness and persever- ance in their conduct, they have never been able to attain the ends they proposed to themselves, except * All the above reasoning essentially requires that the repre- sentatives of the people should be united in interests with the people. We shall soon see that this union really prevails in the English constitution, and may be called the masterpiece of it. 224- THE CONSTITUTION by means of the most explicit deference to those leaders whom they had thus appointed. But, as these leaders, thus hastily chosen, are easily intimidated by the continual display which is made before them of the terrors of power ; as that unlimited confidence which the people now repose in them only takes place when public liberty is in the utmost danger, and cannot be kept up otherwise than by an extraordinary conjunction of circumstances, in which those who govern sel- dom suffer themselves to be caught more than once ; the people have constantly sought to avail themselves of the short intervals of superiority which the chance of events had given them, for rendering durable those advantages which they knew would, of themselves, be but transitory, and for getting some persons appointed, whose peculiar office it may be to protect them, and whom the constitution shall thenceforward recog- nise. Thus it was that the people of Lacedeemon obtained their ephori, 136 and the people of Rome their tribunes. 138 The Ephori were powerful magistrates at Sparta, who were first created by Lycurgus, or, according to some, by Theopompns, B.C. 760. They were five in number. Like censors in the state, they could check and restrain the authority of the kings, and eveii imprison them, if guilty of irregularities. They fined Archidamus for marrying a wife of small stature, and imprisoned Agis for his unconstitutional behaviour. They were much the same as the tribunes of the people at Rome (whom our author mentions in the same connexion), created to watch with a jealous eye over the liberties and rights of the populace. They had the management of the public money, and were the arbiters of peace and war. Their office was annual, and they bad the privilege of convening, pro- OP ENGLAND. 225 We grant this, will it be said ; but the Roman people never allowed their tribunes to conclude any thing definitively ; they, on the contrary, reserved to themselves the right of ratifying * any resolu- tions the latter should take. This, I answer, was the very circumstance that rendered the institution of tribunes totally ineffectual in the event. The people thus wanting- to interfere, with their own opinions, in the resolutions of those on whom they had, in their wisdom, determined entirely to rely and endeavouring 1 to settle with a hundred thou- sand votes things which would have been settled equally well by the votes of their advisers, de- feated in the issue every beneficial end of their former provisions : and while they meant to pre- serve an appearance of their sovereignty (a chime- rical appearance, since it was under the direction of others that they intended to vote), they fell back into all those inconveniences which we have before mentioned. The senators, the consuls, the dictators, and the other great men of the republic, whom the people were prudent enough to fear, and simple enough to believe, continued still to mix with them, and play off their political artifices. They continued to make speeches to them,f and still availed them- * See Rousseau's Social Contract. -j- Valerius Maximus relates, that the tribunes of the people hav- ing offered to propose some regulations in regard to the price of roguing, and dissolving, the greater and less assemblies of the people, the former composed of nine thousand Spartans, all inhabitants of the city ; the latter of thirty thousand Lacedaemonians, inhabitants of the inferior towns and villages EDITOR. Q 226 selves of their privilege of changing at their plea- sure the place and form of the public meetings. When they did not find it, possible by such means to direct the resolutions of the assemblies, they pretended that the omens were not favourable, and under this pretext, or others of the same kind, they dissolved them.* And the tribunes, when they had succeeded so far as to effect an union among themselves, thus were obliged to submit to the pungent mortification of seeing those projects which they had pursued with infinite la- bour, and even through the greatest dangers, irre- coverably defeated by the most despicable artifices. corn, in a time of great scarcity, Scipio Nasica overruled the as- sembly merely by saying, " Silence, Romans ! I know better than you what is expedient for the republic." " Which words were no " sooner heard by the people, than they showed by a silence full " of veneration, that they were more affected by his authority, than " by the necessity of providing for their own subsistence." Tacete, qufBSO, Quirites ! Plus enim ego quam vos quid reipublicce expe- dial intelligo, Qua voce auditd, omnes, plena venerationis si- lenlio, majorem ejus auctoritalis quam alimentorum suorum curam egerunt. * Quid enim majus est, si de jure augurum quferimus, (says Tully, who was himself an augur, and a senator also,) quam posse a summis imperils et summis potestatibus commitiatus et concilia ml instituta dimittere vel habita rescindere ? Quidgravius quam rem susceptam dirimi, si unus augur ALIUM (id est, alium diem). g ee De Legib. lib. ii. 12. 139 For what, if we are discussing the privileges of the augurs, is greater, than to be able either to dismiss meetings and assemblies which have been instituted by the highest authority and highest powers, or to annul them after they have been held ? What more imposing, than that an undertaking should be broken off, if one augur should have said " alium " (that is, " alium diem," or, " another day"). EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. When, at other times, they saw that a confede- racy was carrying on with uncommon warmth against them, and despaired of succeeding by employing expedients of the above kind, or were afraid of diminishing their efficacy by a too frequent use of them, they betook themselves to other stra- tagems. They then conferred on the consuls, by the means of a short form of words for the occa- sion,* an absolute power over the lives of the citi- zens, or even appointed a dictator. The people, at the sight of the state masquerade which was dis- played before them, were sure to sink into a state of consternation : and the tribunes, however clearly they might see through the artifice, also trembled in their turn, when they thus beheld themselves left without defenders, f At other times, they brought false accusations against the tribunes before the assembly itself; or, by privately slandering them with the people, totally deprived them of their confidence. It was through artifices of this kind, that the people were brought to behold, without concern, the murder of Tiberius Gracchus, the only Roman that was really virtuous the only one who truly loved the people. * Videat consul ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat. 1 * f " The tribunes of the people," says Livy, who was a great ad- mirer of the aristocratical power, " and the people themselves, durst " neither lift up their eyes, nor even mutter, in the presence of the " dictator.'' JVtance, together with the ceremony with which thoie remonstrances or representations were de- livered, rendered them a great check on the conduct of the magis- trates : they were even still more useful to the citizens of Geneva, as preventives than as remedies ; and nothing was more likely to deter the magistrates from taking a step of any kind than the thought that it might give rise to a representation. OF ENGLAND. 265 multuary resolutions of a people whom their orators take pains to agitate, yet, on the other hand, when this same people, left to itself, perseveres in opi- nions which have for a long time been discussed in public writings, and from which (it is essential to add) all errors concerning facts have been re- moved, such perseverance is certainly a very re- spectable decision ; and then it is, though only then, that we may with safety say, " the voice of the people is the voice of God." How therefore can the people of England act, when, having formed opinions which may really be called their own, they think they have just cause to complain of the administration ? It is, as has been said above, by means of the right they have of electing their representatives ; and the same method of general intercourse that has informed them with regard to the objects of their complaints, will likewise enable them to apply the remedy to them. Through this medium they are acquainted with the nature of the subjects that have been deliber- ated upon in the assembly of their representatives j they are informed by whom the different motions were made, by whom they were supported ; and the manner in which the suffrages are delivered, is such, that they always can know the names of those who have voted constantly for the advancement of pernicious measures. And the people not only know the particular dispositions of every member of the house of com- mons, but, from the general notoriety of affairs, have also a knowledge of the political sentiments 266 THE CONSTITUTION of a great number of those whom their situation in life renders fit to fill a place in that house. And availing themselves of the several vacancies that happen, and still more of the opportunity of a general election, they purify, either successively or at once, the legislative assembly ; and thus, with- out any commotion or danger to the state, they effect a material reformation in the views of the government. I am aware that some persons will doubt these patriotic and systematic views, which I am here attributing to the people of England, and will object to me the disorders that sometimes happen at elections. But this reproach, which, by the way, comes with little propriety, from writers who would have the people transact every thing in their own persons, this reproach, I say, though true to a certain degree, is not, however, so much so, as it is thought by certain persons who have taken only a superficial survey of the state of things. Without doubt, in a constitution in which all important causes of uneasiness are so effectually prevented, it is impossible but that the people will have long intervals of inattention. Being then sud- denly called, from this state of inactivity, to elect representatives, they have not examined before-hand the merits of those who solicit their votes ; and the latter have not had, amidst the general tranquillity, any opportunity of making themselves known to them. The elector, persuaded, at the same time, that the person whom he will elect will be equally in- terested with himself in the support of public liberty, OF ENGLAND. does not enter into laborious disquisitions, and from which he sees he may exempt himself. Obliged, however, to give the preference to somebody, he forms his choice on motives which would not be ex- cusable, if it were not that some motives are neces- sary to make a choice, and that, at this instant, he is not influenced by any other ; and indeed it must be confessed, that, in the ordinary course of things, and with electors of a certain rank in life, that can- didate who gives the best entertainment has a great chance to get the better of his competitors. But if the measures of government, and the re- ception of these measures in parliament, by means of a too complying house of commons, should ever be such as to spread a serious alarm among the people, the same causes which have concurred to establish public liberty would, no doubt, operate again, and likewise concur in its support. A general combination would then be formed, both of those members of parliament who have remained true to the public cause, and of persons of every order among the people. Public meetings, in such cir- cumstances, would be appointed ; general subscrip- tions would be entered into, to support the ex- penses, whatever they might be, of such a necessary opposition ; and all private and unworthy purposes being suppressed by the sense of the national danger, the choice of the electors would then be wholly determined by the consideration of the public spirit of the candidates, and the tokens given by them of such spirit. Thus were those parliaments formed, which sup- pressed arbitrary taxes and imprisonments. Thus 268 THE CONSTITUTION was it, that, under Charles the Second, the people, when recovered from that enthusiasm of affection with which they received a king so long 1 persecuted, at last returned to him no parliaments but such as were composed of a majority of men attached to public liberty. Thus it was, that, persevering- in a conduct which the circumstances of the times ren- dered necessary, the people baffled the arts of the government; and Charles dissolved three successive parliaments, without any other effect than that of having those same men re-chosen, and set again in opposition to him, of whom he hoped he had rid himself for ever. Nor was James the Second happier in his at- tempts than Charles had been. This prince soon experienced that his parliament was actuated by the same spirit as those which had opposed the de- signs of his late brother ; and having suffered him- self to be led into measures of violence, instead of being better taught by the discovery he made of the real sentiments of the people, his reign was termi- nated by that catastrophe with which every one is acquainted. Indeed, if we combine the right enjoyed by the people of England, of electing their representatives, with the whole of the English government, we shall become continually more and more sensible of the excellent effects that may result from that right. All men in the state are, as has been be- fore observed, really interested in the support of public liberty. Nothing but temporary motives, and such as are quite peculiar to themselves, can induce the members of anv house of commons to OF ENGLAND. 269 connive at measures destructive of this liberty. The people, therefore, under such circumstances, need only change these members, in order effec- tually to reform the conduct of that house ; and it may fairly be pronounced beforehand, that a house of commons, composed of a new set of persons, will, from this bare circumstance, be in the interests of the people. 159 Hence, though the complaints of the people do not always meet with a speedy and immediate re- dress (a celerity which would be the symptom of a fatal unsteadiness in the constitution, and would sooner or later bring on its ruin) ; yet, when we attentively consider the nature and the resources of this constitution, we shall not think it too bold an assertion to say, that it is impossible but that complaints in which the people persevere (that is, well-grounded complaints) will sooner or later be redressed. CHAPTER XIV. Right of Resistance. BUT all those privileges of the people, considered in themselves, are but feeble defences against the real strength of those who govern. All those pro- visions, all those reciprocal rights necessarily sup- 15 9 If this might be correctly asserted previously to the passing of the several reform acts in 1832, how much more so since, the re- presentation being now of so much more popular a character ! EDITOR. 270 THE CONSTITUTION pose that things remain in their legal and settled course: what would then be the resource of the people, if ever the prince, suddenly freeing him- self from all restraint, and throwing himself as it were out of the constitution, should no longer re- spect either the person or the property of the subject, and either should make no account of his conventions with the parliament, or attempt to force it implicitly to submit to his will ? It would be resistance. Without entering here into the discussion of a doctrine which would lead us to inquire into the first principles of civil government, consequently engage us in a long disquisition, and with regard to which, besides, persons free from prejudices agree pretty much in their opinions, I shall only observe here (and it will be sufficient for my pur- pose) that the question has been decided in favour of this doctrine by the laws of England, and that resistance is looked upon by them as the ulti- mate and lawful resource against the violences of power. It was resistance that gave birth to the Great Charter, that lasting foundation of English liberty, and the excesses of a power established by force were also restrained by force.* It has been by * Lord Lyttelton says, extremely well, in his Persian Letters, " If the privileges of the people of England be concessions from " the crown, is not the power of the crown itself a concession from " the people?" It might be said with equal truth, and somewhat more in point to the subject of this chapter, If the privileges of the people be an encroachment on the power of kings, the power itself of kings was at first an encroachment (no matter whether ef- fected by surprise) on the natural liberty of the people. OF ENGLAND. 271 the same means that, at different times, the people have procured the confirmation of the same charter. Lastly, it has also been the resistance to a king who made no account of his own engagements, that has, in the issue, placed on the throne the family which is now in possession of it. This is not all ; this resource, which till then had only been an act of force opposed to other acts of force, was, at that sera, expressly recognized by the law itself. The lords and commons, solemnly assembled, declared, that " king James the Second, " having endeavoured to subvert the constitution " of the kingdom, by breaking the original con- " tract between king and people, and having vio- " lated the fundamental laws, and withdrawn him- " self, had abdicated the government ; and that the " throne was thereby vacant.' * * The Bill of Rights has since given a new sanction to all these principles. 160 160 It will probably be expected of the Editor, that he should state his views of the interesting and deeply-important question treated of in this chapter, respecting which the most learned and intelligent men differ widely in their opinions, and acknowledge many practical difficulties. He feels impelled by a sacred sense of duty humbly to state his decided conviction, that all the different forms of government subsisting in the world are to be regarded as the effect of the Almighty's permissive superintending providence that all persons raised to and exercising authority therein (" THE " POWERS THAT BE") are God's deputies and representatives that it is an indispensable duty incumbent on all Christians of every age, and nation, and grade in society, to render prompt and quiet obedience to the governors under whom their lot is providen- tially cast, patiently submitting to tbe hardships, and thankfully receiving the benefits, thence accruing and that no objection should THE CONSTITUTION And lest those principles, to which the revolution thus gave a sanction, should, in process of time, be- come mere arcana^ of state, exclusively appro- be made by Christians to the vices of any form of government under which the providence of God hath placed them, or to the personal defects of any rulers administering the same, as an excuse for denial of subjection, for resistance, for rebellion, unless when the subordinate commands of earthly rulers are in manifest contrariety to the supreme will and unerring mandates of the great Sovereign of the universe. As a believer in revelation, he turns to the inspired volume, and there finds it written (Romans xiii. 1, 2; 1 Peter ii. 13, 14), " Let every soul be subject unto the higher " powers. For there is no power but of God : the powers that be " are ordained (or ordered) of God. Whosoever therefore re- " sisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God : and they that " resist shall receive to themselves damnation" (or judgment). " Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake' : " whether it be to the king as supreme, or unto governors," &c. &c. The Editor's interpretation of these passages receives no small countenance from the admission of the celebrated Locke, the in- trepid advocate of liberty and toleration ; and from the following statements of archbishop Leighton, bishop Beveridge, bishop Jeremy Taylor, Dr. Whitby, Pascal, Beausobre and Lenfant, Quesnel, and the pious and learned reformer John Calvin. " St. Paul, in this direction to the Romans, does not so much " describe the magistrates that then were in Rome, as tells whence " they, and all magistrates everywhere, have their authority, and " for what end they have it, and should use it. ... All other govern- " ments derived the power they had from God, as well as that of " the Jews, though they had not the whole frame of their govern- " ment immediately from Him as the Jews had. . . . Whether " we take powers here in the abstract for political authority, or in " the concrete, for the persons de facto, exercising political power " and jurisdiction, the sense will be the same, (viz.) that Christians, " by virtue of being Christians, are not any way exempt from obe- " dience to the civil magistrates, nor ought by any means to resist " them." Locke s Works, London, 1727, vol. iii. p. 328. 161 Secrets, or hidden mysteries. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 273 printed, and only known to a certain class of sub- jects ; the same act, we have just mentioned, ex- pressly ensured to individuals the right of publicly " Nor is it a question so to be moved as to suspend, or at all " abate, our obedience to that which possesses in the present where " we live, what form of government is most just and commodious. "... Though they (governors) were not fully true to that end " (' the punishment of evil-doers and the praise of them that do " well') in their deportment, but possibly did many things un- " justly, yet as God hath ordained authority for this end, there " is always so much justice in the most depraved government, as " renders it a public good, and therefore puts upon inferiors an " obligation to obedience." Archbishop Leightori's Works, Lon- don, 1825, vol. i. p. 290, 291. " I cannot but look upon a lawful King as truly a Representative " of the most high God, as a Parliament is of the People ; and am, " therefore, persuaded, that whosoever rebells against him, rebells " against God Himself; not only in that he rebells against the Or- " dinance of God, and so against the God of that Ordinance ; but " because he rebells against him, whom God hath set up as His " Vicegerent, to represent His Person and execute His Law, in such " a part of His Dominions. . . . He that honours not the King, " that represents God, cannot be said to fear God, who is repre- " sented by him. . . . The wrath of God shall as certainly fall " upon those that rise up against the King, as upon those that fight " against God. And no wonder that the punishment should be the " same, when the fault is the same : for he that fights against his " King, fights against God Himself, who hath invested him with that " power and authority to govern his people, representing His own " Glorious Majesty before them. Upon this ground it is, that 1 " believe the wickedness of a Prince cannot be a sufficient plea " for the disobedience of his subjects; for it is not the HOLINESS, " but the AUTHORITY of God that he represents, which the most " WICKED, as well as the most HOLY, person may be endowed with. "... Insomuch that did I live amongst the Turks, I should look " upon it as my duty to obey the Grand Seignior, in all his lawful " edicts, as well as the most Christian and pious King in the world. " For, suppose a Prince be never so WICKED and never so NE'GLI- " GENT in his duty of PROTECTING me, it doth not follow that I must T 274 THE CONSTITUTION preferring- complaints against the abuses of govern- ment, and, moreover, of being provided with arms for their own defence. Judge Blackstone expresses " neglect mine of OBEYING him. ... If I am thus strictly obliged " to honour, obey, and pray for, a bad Prince, how much more " should I pay those duties to one who represents God, not only in " his AUTHORITY, but in his HOLINESS too !" Bishop Beveridge's Private Thoughts. London, 1713. Vol. i. pp. 249252. " We must not be too busy in examining the prudence and un- " reasonableness of human laws : for although we are not bound " to believe them all to be the wisest ; yet if by inquiring into the " lawfulness of them, or by any other instrument we find them to " fail of that wisdom with which some others are ordained, yet we " must never make use of it to disparage the person of the lawgiver, " or to countenance any man's disobedience, much less our own." Bishop Jeremy Taylor s Rules of Holy Living. London, 1817, pp. 147, 148 " The resistance, which consists in non-subjection, or a refusal " to yield actual obedience to the law of the superior, can only be " allowed, when the matter of the law is sinful, and so forbidden " by the higher Power ; not when it is judged inexpedient or un- " profitable only : for of this, subjects are not to judge, but the law- " giver only No resistance of the higher Powers by force can " be allowed to any who have not the power of the sword .... For " he that thus uses it, takes the sword without authority from ' Him " to whom belongeth vengeance ' . . . . and so, without authority " from Him to whom this power of the sword originally belongs." Whitby's Commentary on the 13th chapter of Romans. " II est dangereux de dire aux peuple que les loix ne sont pas "justes; car il n'obeit qu'a cause qu'il les croit justes. C'est " pourquoi il faut lui dire en meme temps qu'il doit obeir, parce " qu'elles sont loix, comme il faut obeir aux superieurs, non parce " qu'ils sont justes, mais parce qu'ils sont superieurs. Par la, toute " sedition est prevenue, si on peut faire entendre cela II seroit " bon qu'on obeit aux loix et coutumes, parce qu'elles sont loix." Pense.es de Pascal, a Paris, 1803, tome i. p. 166. " Le caractere de la Religion Chretienne est d'inspirer la sou- " mission et 1'obeissance aux Superieurs, dans tout ce qui n'est pas " contraire a la Loi de Dieu." Le Nouveau Testament, par Beau- sobre et Lenfant, a Amsterdam, 1741, tome i. p. 91. OF ENGLAND. himself in the following- terms, in his Commentaries on the Laws of England. " To vindicate these rights, when actually vio- " Le 2 devoir des sujets envers les puissances, qui est un litre " que PApotre donne aux rois comme aux anges, est de ne pas " regarder leurs defauts personnels, qui viennent d'eux-uieuaes ; " mais leur puissance qui vient de Dieu, et qui est toujours bonne. " L'Apotre ajoute la qualite de superieures a celles de puissances ; " parce que les rois n'ont personue au dessus d'eux pour le lein- " porel, que Dieuseul : omnibus major, solo Deo minor, Tertullian. " (greater than all, inferior to God alone). . . . Un 4 devoir " des sujets est de ne s'elever jamais centre les rois, quels qu'ils " soient, puisque c'est s'attaquer a Dieu. ... II n'y a point de " vraie piete, ni de vraie religion, ou il n'y a point de soumission " ni d'obeissance envers les souverains. Ce n'est ni leurs qualites " personuelles, ni leur vie, ni leur religion, qui doit regler 1'obe- " issance des sujets ; mais 1'ordre et la volonte de Dieu qui les a " etablis, et son autorite dout il les a revetus." Le Nouveau Testa- ment, par Quesnel, a Amsterdam, 1736, tome vi. pp. 155,156, tome viii. p. 217. " II nous faut plustost insister a prouver et monstrer ce qui ne " peut pas si aisement entrer en 1'esprit des hommes : c'est qu'en " un homme pervers (in the Latin, deterrimo, the vilest of men) " et indigne de tout honneur, lequel obtient la superiorite publique, " reside neantmoins la mesme dignite et puissance (in the Latin, *' praeclaram ilium et divinam potestatem, that eminent and di- " vine power) laquelle nostre Seigneur par sa parole a donnee aux " ministres de sa justice : et que les sujets, quant a ce qui appar- " tient a 1'obeissance deiie a sa superiorite, lu y doivent porter aussi " grande reverence qu'ils feroyent a un bon Roy, s'ils en avoyent " un." Institution de la Religion Chrestienne, par Jean Calvin, a Geneve, 1564, livreiv. chap. xx. section xxv. p. 900. For further confirmation the reader is referred to the tenth homily of the church of England ; to bishop Horsley's sermon preached before^ the house of lords January 30, 1 793, see Horsley's Sermons, Dundee, 1813, vol. iii. pp. 286334 ; to Robinson's Christian System, London, 1805, vol. iii. pp. 162 167 ; to the commen- taries of Calvin and Scott on the 10th chapter of the Epistle to the Romans ; and to the irrefragable testimony of judge Black- T 2 276 THE CONSTITUTION " lated or attacked, the subjects of England are " entitled, In the first place, to the regular admi- " nistration and free course of justice in the courts " of law ; next, to the right of petitioning the " king and parliament for redress of grievances ; " and, lastly, to the right of having and using arms " for self-preservation and defence." Lastly, this right of opposing violence, in what- stone, that " the absolute sovereignty and transcendent dominion " of the crown are laid down most strongly and emphatically in our " law-books, as well as our Homilies." See Blackstones Com- mentaries, Oxford, 1775, vol. i. p. 251. Moreover, the above apostolic injunctions demand submission to governments de facto, and not merely to governments dejnre. " How men come to a rightful Title to this power, or who has rt that Title, he is wholly silent, and says nothing of it. To have " meddled with that would have been to decide of civil rights, con- " trary to the design and business of the gospel, and the example " of our Saviour, who refused meddling in such cases with this de- " cisive question : Who made me a Judge or Divider over you P " Locke's Works, London, 1727, vol. iii. p. 328. " He tells them that ' the powers that be (ai ovcrcu eoi; at times made for- midable examples of the citizens. Of this we have an instance in the three hundred soldiers who had pillaged the town of Rhegium. The senate of its own authority ordered them all to be put to death. In vain did the tribune Flaccus remonstrate against so severe an exertion of public justice on Roman citizens : the senate, says Valerius Maximus, ne- vertheless persisted in its resolution, f * Tumultuantem deinde mullitudinem, incerta existiinatione facti, ad concionem vorari jussit, et Mcelium jure ccesum pronun- ciavit, eliamsi regni crimine insons fuerit, qui vocatus a magistro equilum, ad dictatorem non venisnet.^ 2 Tit. Liv. lib. iv. 15. f Val. Max. book ii. ch. 7. This author does not mention the 1 '? 2 The text approximates so nearly to a literal translation of this passage that it seems unnecessary to supply one. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 301 All these laws for securing- the lives of the citi- zens had hitherto been enacted without any men- tion of a punishment against those who should violate them. At last the celebrated Lex Portia was passed, which subjected to banishment those who should cause a Roman citizen to be scourged and put to death. From a number of instances posterior to this law, it appears that it was not better observed than those before it had been ; Caius Gracchus, therefore, caused the Lex Sem- pronia^* to be enacted, by which a new sanction was given to it. But this second law did not se- cure his own life, and that of his friends, better than the Lex Portia had done that of his bro- ther, and those who had supported him ; indeed all the events which took place about those times rendered it manifest that the evil was such as was beyond the power of any laws to cure. I shall here mention a fact, which affords a remarkable instance of the wantonness with which the Roman precise number of those who were put to death on this occasion : he only says that they were executed fifty at a time, on different successive days ; but other authors make the number of them amount to four thousand. Livy speaks of a whole legion Legio Campana, qua Rhegium occupaverat obsessa, deditione facta, se- curi percussa est.W Tit. Liv. lib. xv. Epit. I have here followed Polybius, who says that only three hundred were taken and brought to Rome. 173 The Canipanian legion, which had forcibly taken possession of Rhegium, besieged there ; lay down their arms, and are punished with death. Translation by Baker. EDITOR. 174 By this law, besides some other regulations, it was ordained that no capital punishment should be executed upon a Roman citizen, without the concurrence and authority of the senate. EDITOR. 302 THE CONSTITUTION magistrates had accustomed themselves to take away the lives of the citizens. A citizen, named Memmius, having put up for the consulship, and publicly canvassing for the same, in opposition to a man whom the tribune Saturninus supported, the latter caused him to be apprehended, and made him expire under blows in the public forum. The tribune even carried his insolence so far (as Cicero informs us) as to give to this act of cruelty, trans- acted in the presence of the whole people assem- bled, the outward form of a lawful act of public justice.*' Nor were the Roman magistrates satisfied with committing acts of injustice in their political capa- city, and for the support of the power of that body of which they made a part. Avarice and private rapine were at last added to political ambition. The provinces were first oppressed and plundered. The calamity, in process of time, reached Italy it- * The fatal form of words (cruciatus carmi'na) used by the Roman magistrates when they ordered a man to be put to death, resounded (says Tully in his speech for Rabirius) in the assembly of the people, in which the censors had forbidden the common executioner even to appear, /, lictor, colliga manus. Caput obnu- bito. Arbori infelici suspendito. 1 ^ 6 Memmius being a consi- derable citizen, as we may conclude from his canvassing with success for the consulship, all the great men in the republic took the alarm at the atrocious action of the tribune ; the senate, the next day, issued out its solemn mandate, or form of words, to the consuls, to provide that the republic should receive no detriment ; snd the tribune was killed in a pitched battle that was fought at the foot of the Capitol. 175 Go, lictor, and bind his hands. Cover his head. Hang him on the accursed tree. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 303 self, and the centre of the republic ; till at last the Lex Calpurnia de repetundis 176 was enacted to put a stop to it. By this law an action was given to the citizens and allies for the recovery of the money extorted from them by magistrates, or men in power : and the Lex Junia afterwards added the penalty of banishment to the obligation of making restitution. But here another kind of disorder arose. The judges proved as corrupt, as the magistrates had been oppressive. They equally betrayed, in their own province, the cause of the republic with which they had been entrusted ; and rather chose to share in the plunder of the consuls, the praetors, and the proconsuls, than put the laws in force against them. New expedients were therefore resorted to, in order to remedy this new evil. Laws were made for judging and punishing the judges themselves; and, above all, continual changes were made in the manner of composing their assemblies. But the malady lay too deep for common legal provisions to remedy. The guilty judges employed the same resources, in order to avoid conviction, as the guilty magistrates had done ; and those continual changes, at which we are amazed, that were made in the constitution of the judiciary bodies,* instead of * The judges (over the assembly of whom the praetor usually presided) were taken from the body of the senate, till some years a ? 6 The word repetundis, signifying bribery, extortion, money unjustly taken in time of one's office, the Lex Calpurnia de repe- tundis was a law enacted severely to punish such as were guiltv of using bribes, &c. EDITOR. S04 THE CONSTITUTION obviating the corruption of the judges, only trans- ferred to other men the profit arising from be- coming guilty of it. It became a general com- plaint, so early as the times of the Gracchi, that no man, who had money to give, could be brought to punishment.* Cicero says, that, in his time, the same opinion was universally received ; f and his speeches are full of his lamentations on what he calls the levity, and the infamy, of the public judg- ments. Nor was the impunity of corrupt judges the only evil under which the republic laboured. Commo- tions of the whole empire at last took place. The horrid vexations, and afterwards the acquittal, of Aquilius, proconsul of Syria, and of some others who had been guilty of the same crimes, drove the provinces of Asia to desperation : and then it was that the terrible war of Mithridates arose, which after the last Punic war ; when the Lex Sempronia, proposed by Caius S. Gracchus, enacted that they should in future be taken from tbe equestrian order. The consul Csepio procured afterwards a law to be enacted, by which the judges were to he taken from both orders, equally. The Lex Servilia soon after put the eques- trian order again in possession of the judgments ; and, after some years, the Lex Lima restored them entirely to the senate. The Lex Plautia enacted afterwards, that the judges should he taken from the three orders, the senatorial!, equestrian, and plebeian. The Lex Cornelia, framed by the dictator Sylla, enacted again, that the judges should be entirely taken from the body of the se- nate. The Lex Aurelia ordered anew, that they should be taken from the three orders. Pompey made afterwards a change in their number (which he fixed at seventy-five), and in the manner of electing them. And lastly, Caesar restored the judgments to the order of the senate. * App. de Bell. Civ. f Act. in Verr. i. 1. OF ENGLAND. 305 was ushered in by the death of eighty thousand Romans, massacred in one day, in various cities of Asia.* The laws and public judgments not only thus failed of the end for which they had been established : they even became, at length, new means of oppres- sion added to those which already existed. Citizens possessed of wealth, persons obnoxious to particular bodies, or the few magistrates who attempted to stem the torrent of the general corruption, were accused and condemned ; while Piso, 177 of whom Cicero, in his speech against him, relates facts which make the reader shudder with horror, and Verres, who had been guilty of enormities of the same kind, escaped unpunished. 178 * Appiati. 177 Pi.so, who was a Roman consul under Augustus, was his own executioner. He was one of the favorites of Tiberius, by whom he was appointed governor of Syria, where he rendered him- self odious by his cruelty. He was accused of having poisoned Gennanicus ; and when he saw that he was shunned and despised by his friends, he destroyed himself, A.D. 20. EDITOR. 178 Verres can hardly be said to have " escaped unpunished." He was a Roman who governed the province of Sicily as praetor. The oppression and rapine of which he was guilty while in office so offended the Sicilians, that they brought an accusation against him before the Roman senate. Cicero undertook the cause of ihe Sicilians, and pronounced tho.e celebrated orations which are still extant. Verres was defended by Hortensius, but as he despaired of the success of his defence, he left Rome without waiting for his sentence, of which banishment would doubtless have formed a part. He lived in great affluence in one of the provinces: but, about twenty-six years after his exile from the capital, was killed by the soldiers of Antony the triumvir, who is said to have had a private pique against him. EDITOR. X 306 THE CONSTITUTION Hence a war arose, still more formidable than the former, and the dangers of which we wonder that Rome was able to surmount. The greatest part of the Italians revolted at once, exasperated by the tyranny of the public judgments ; and we find in Cicero, who informs us of the cause of this revolt, which was called the Social JVar, a very expressive account both of the unfortunate condi- tion of the republic, and of the perversion that had been made of the methods taken to remedy it. * A hundred and ten years have not yet elapsed 4 (says he) since the law for the recovery of money ' extorted by magistrates was first propounded by * the tribune Calpurnius Piso. A number of other ' laws to the same effect, continually more and * more severe, have followed : but so many persons * have been accused, so many condemned, so for- * midable a war has been excited in Italy by the ' terror of the public judgments, and, when the * laws and judgments have been suspended, such an ' oppression and plunder of our allies have prevailed, ' that we may truly say, it is not by our own * strength, but by the weakness of others, that we ' continue to exist.'* I have entered into these particulars with regard to the Roman commonwealth, because the facts on which they are grounded are remarkable of them- selves, and yet no just conclusion can be drawn from them, unless a series of them were presented to the reader. Nor are we to account for these facts by the luxury which prevailed in the latter ages of the republic, by the corruption of the * See Cic. cle Off. lib. ii. 75. OF ENGLAND. 307 manners of the citizens, their degeneracy, from their ancient principles, and such loose general phrases, which may perhaps be useful to express the manner itself in which the evil became manifested, but by no means set forth the causes of it. The above disorders arose from the very nature of the government of the republic, of a govern- ment in which the executive and supreme power being made to centre in the body of those in whom the people had once placed their confidence, there remained no other effectual power in the state that might render it necessary for them to keep Vvithin the bounds of justice and decency. And in the mean time, as the people, who were intended as a check over that body, contimicilly gave a share in this executive authority to those whom they in- trusted with the care of their interests, they in- creased the evils they complained of, as it were, at every attempt they made to remedy them ; and in- stead of raising up opponents to those who were become the enemies of their liberty, as it was their intention to do, they continually supplied them with new associates. From this situation of affairs, flowed, as an un- avoidable consequence, that continual desertion of the cause of the people, which, even in times of revolutions, when the passions of the people themselves were roused, and they were in a great degree united, manifested itself in so remarkable a manner. We may trace the symptoms of the great political defect here mentioned, in the earli- est ages of the commonwealth, as well as in the last stage of its duration. In Rome, while small 308 THE CONSTITUTION and poor, it rendered vain whatever rights or power the people possessed, and blasted all their endeavours to defend their liberty, in the same manner, as in the more splendid ages of the com- monwealth, it rendered the most salutary regula- tions utterly fruitless, and even instrumental to the ambition and avarice of a few. The prodigi- ous fortune of the republic, in short, did not create the disorder ; it only gave full scope to it. But if we turn our view towards the history of the English nation, we shall see how, from a government in which the above defects did not exist, different consequences have followed; how cordially all ranks of men have always united together, to lay under proper restraints this ex- ecutive power, which they knew could never be their own. In times of public revolutions, the greatest care, as we have before observed, was taken to ascertain the limits of that power ; and after peace had been restored to the state, those who remained at the head of the nation continued to manifest an unwearied jealousy in maintaining those advantages which the united efforts of all had obtained. Thus it was made one of the articles of Magna Charta, that the executive power should not touch the person of the subject, but in consequence of a judgment passed upon him by his peers ; and so great was afterwards the general union in main- taining this law, that the trial by jury, that admirable mode of proceeding, which so effectually secures the subject against all the attempts of power, even (which seemed so difficult to obtain) OF ENGLAND. 309 against such as mi^ht be made under the sanction O D of the judicial authority hath been preserved to this day. It has even been preserved in all its original purity, though the same has been succes- sively suffered to decay, and then to be lost, in the other countries of Europe, where it had been for- merly known.* Nay, though this privilege of * The trial by jury was in use among the Normans long before they came over into England ; but, even among them, it soon de- generated from its first institution ; we see in Hale's History of the Common Law of England, that the unanimity among jurymen was not required in Normandy for making a good verdict ; but, when jurymen dissented, some were taken nut, and others added in their stead, till an unanimity was procured. In Sweden, where, according to the opinion of the learned in that country, the trial by Jury had its origin, only some forms of that institution are now preserved in the lower courts in the country, where sets of jurymen are established for life, and have a salary accordingly. And in Scotland, the vicinity of England has not been able to preserve to the trial by jury its genuine ancient form : the unanimity among jurymen is not required (as I have been told) to form a verdict ; but the majority is decisive. 1 ^ ] 79 An agreement of two-thirds of the jury (which in Scotland is composed of fifteen) in a verdict of conviction in criminal cases is sufficient. A great improvement in this mode of trial was made by Act 3 Geo. IV. cap. 85, (A. D. 1822,) intituled, " An act to allow peremptory challenge of jurors in criminal trials in Scot- land/' which enacts, That, from and after the passing of that act, in all criminal trials by jury in Scotland, (for the crime of high treason, or misprision of treason, being afterwards excepted,) it should be lawful for the prosecutor, and for each pannel respectively, when the whole jury of fifteen should have been chosen, and before they should have been sworn, to challenge five of the jurors, with- out being obliged to assign any reason therefor ; and this chal- lenge should of itself disqualify the person challenged from serving as a juror on the trial in respect of which he was so chosen and ,310 THE CONSTITUTION being tried by one's peers was at first a privilege of conquerors and masters, exclusively appropri- ated to those parts of nations which had originally invaded and reduced the rest by arms, it has in England been successively extended to every order of the people. And not only the person, but also the property of the individual, has been secured against all arbitrary attempts from the executive power ; and the latter has been successively restrained from touching any part of the property of the subject, even under pretence of the necessities of the state, any otherwise than by the free grant of the repre- challenged : Provided always, that after each challenge made by any of the said parties respectively, it should be incumbent upon the judge to choose another juror, so as again to complete the number of fifteen, before the party challenging should be obliged to make any second or subsequent challenge ; and the juror or jurors to be chosen to supply the place or places of the juror or jurors challenged should be equally liable to be challenged as the jurors originally chosen. The act also makes provision for sum- moning in certain cases an additional number of jurors on such trials. Except in cases of revenue, the Scotch had not the benefit of trial by jury in civil actions until the year 1815, when by Act 55 Geo. III. cap. 42, intituled, " An act to facilitate the ad- ministration of justice in that part of the United Kingdom called Scotland, by the extending trial by jury to civil causes," after reciting, That " trial by jury in civil causes would be attended with " beneficial effects to the administration of justice in that part of " the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Scot- " land ; but it was expedient that such trials, for a time to. be " limited, should in the first instance be confined to issues directed " by either division of the court of session ;" certain commis- sioners were appointed for the trial of such causes, and certain re- gulations made in regard to such trials. This act was made. for OF ENGLAND. 311 sentatives of the people. Nay, so true and per- severing- has been the zeal of these representatives, in asserting on that account the interests of the nation, from which they could not separate their own, that this privilege of taxing themselves, which was in the beginning grounded on a most precarious tenure, and only a mode of governing adopted by the sovereign for the sake of his own convenience, has become, in time, a settled right of the people, which the sovereign has found it necessary solemnly and repeatedly to acknow- ledge. Nay more, the representatives of the people have applied this right of taxation to a still nobler seveny ears. The act 59 Geo. III. cap. 353, (A. D. 1819), intituled. An act to amend the said act, after reciting, that the same " liad " been attended with beneficial effects to the administration of " justice :" and that it was " expedient, that farther provision should " be made, to extend and regulate trial by jury in civil causes, " and that the said act should be in part altered and amended, and " the court thereby created be made a permanent part of the ju- " dicial establishment of Scotland :" continues the said act, and makes many other important enactments. By Act 6 Geo. IV. cap. 120, (A. D. 1825), intituled, " An act for the better regulating of the forms of process in the courts of law in Scotland," certain provisions were made relative to the constitution of the jury court, and which provisions are declared to continue and be in force until the 30th June, 1830, and from thence to the end of the next ses- sion of parliament. By act 1 1 Geo. 4. and 1 Will. 4 cap. 69, (A. D. 1830), intituled, " An act for uniting the benefits of jury trial in civil causes with the ordinary jurisdiction of the court of session, and for making certain other alterations and reductions in the judicial establishments of Scotland," the great work was perfected; and, since, the 5th October, 1830, the day that act took effect, Scotland has enjoyed the full benefits of trial by jury in civil causes. EDITOR. THE CONSTITUTION use than the mere preservation of property : they have, in process of time, succeeded in converting it into a regular and constitutional mean of in- fluencing the motions of the executive power. By means of this right, they have gained the advantage of being constantly called to concur in the measures of the sovereign, of having the greatest attention shown hy him to their requests, as well as the highest regard paid to any engagements that he enters into with them. Thus has it become at last the peculiar happiness of English subjects, to what- ever other people, either ancient or modern, we compare them, to enjoy a share in the government of their country, by electing representatives, who, by reason of the peculiar circumstances in which they are placed, and of the extensive rights they possess, are both willing faithfully to serve those who have appointed them, and able to do so. And indeed the commons have not rested satis- fied with establishing, once for all, the provisions for the liberty of the people which have been just mentioned ; they have afterwards made the preser- vation of them the first object of their care,* and * The first operation of the commons, at the beginning of a session, is to appoint four grand committees. One is a committee of religion, another of courts of justice, another of trade, and ano- ther of grievances ; they are to be standing committees during the whole session. 180 380 The four grand committees mentioned by our author were committees of the whole house, only meeting in the long gallery, and were appointed at the opening of every session of Parliament till the last, when, after considerable discussion on two different days, Jthe order for their appointment was, on the 13lh February, OF ENGLAND. 313 taken every opportunity of giving them new vigour and life. Thus, under Charles the First, when attacks of a most alarming nature were made on the privilege of the people, to grant free supplies to the crown, the commons vindicated, without loss of time, that great right of the nation, which is the consti- tutional bulwark of all others, and hastened to oppugn, in the beginning, every precedent of a practice that must in the end have produced the ruin of public liberty. They even extended their care to abuses of every kind. The judicial authority, for instance, which the executive power had imperceptibly assumed to itself, both with respect to the person and property of the individual, was abrogated by the act which abolished the court of Star-chamber : and the crown was thus brought back to its true constitu- tional office, viz. the countenancing, and supporting with its strength, the execution of the laws. 1833, negatived without a division. In the course of the debates, it was stated by a right honorable gentleman extremely conversant with the journals of the house (Mr. Secretary Littleton) that there was only one instance of the committee of religion having been resorted to since the Long Parliament ; and only a solitary instance, during a long course of time, of a reference to the com- mittee of justice, which was the creation of violent times, when the house of commons aimed at usurping all the powers of the state ; that this committee obtained petitions, from all parts of the country, setting forth grievances of all descriptions, and by this means succeded in exciting a hostile feeling against the government, " which," (he added, but the statement may fairly be questioned,) " led to the revolution ;" and that the time was past in which such dangerous machinery was necessary. See Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, vol. Ixxxi. page 627. EDITOR. 314 THE CONSTITUTION The subsequent endeavours of the legislature have carried to a still greater extent the above privileges of the people. They have, moreover, succeeded in restraining the crown from any at- tempt to seize and confine, even for the shortest time, the person of the subject, unless it be in the cases ascertained by the law, of which the judges of it are to decide. Nor has this extensive unexampled freedom at the expense of the executive power been made, as we might be inclined to think, the exclusive ap- propriated privilege of the great and powerful. It is to be enjoyed alike by all ranks of subjects. Nay, it was the injury done to a common citizen that gave existence to the act which has completed the security of this interesting branch of public liberty. The oppression of an obscure individual, says Judge Blackstone, gave rise to the famous Habeas Corpus Act. Junius has quoted this ob- servation of the judge ; and the same is well worth repeating a third time, for the just idea it conveys of that readiness of all orders of men to unite in defence of common liberty, which is a characteristic circumstance in the English government.* And this general union in favour of public liberty has not been confined to the framing of * The individual here alluded to was one Francis Jenks, who having made a motion at Guildhall, in the year 1676, to petition the king for a new parliament, was examined before the privy- council, and afterwards committed to the Gatehouse, where he was kept ahout two months, through the delays made by the several judges to whom he applied, in granting him a Habeas Corpus. See the State Trials, vol. vii. anno 1676. OF ENGLAND. 315 laws for its security : it has operated with no less vigour in bringing to punishment such as have ventured to infringe them ; and the sovereign has constantly found it necessary to give up the viola- tors of those laws, even when his own servants, to the justice of their country. Thus we find, so early as the reign of Edward the First, judges who were convicted of having committed exactions in the exercise of their offices, to have been condemned by a sentence of parlia- ment.* From the immense fines which were laid upon them, and which it seems they were in a condition to pay, we may indeed conclude that, in those early^ages of the constitution, the remedy was applied rather late to the disorder ; but yet it was at last applied. Under Richard the Second, examples of the same kind were renewed. Michael de la Pole, earl of Suffolk (who had been lord chancellor of the kingdom), the duke of Ireland, and the arch- bishop of York, having abused their power by carrying on designs that were subversive of public liberty, were declared guilty of high-treason ; and a number of judges, who, in their judicial capacity, had acted as their instruments, were involved in the same condemnation.'}" * Sir Ralph de Hengham, chief justice of the King's Bench, was fined 7000 marks ; sir Thomas Wayland, chief justice of the Common Pleas, had his whole estate forfeited ; and sir Adam de Stratton, chief baron of the Exchequer, was fined 3400 marks. f The most conspicuous among these judges were sir Robert Belknap, and sir Robert Tresilian, chief justice of the King's Bench. The latter had drawn up a string of questions calculated 316 THE CONSTITUTION In the reign of Henry the Eighth, sir Richard Empson, and Edmund Dudley, who had been the promoters of the exactions committed under the preceding reign, fell victims to the zeal of the commons for vindicating the cause of the people. Under king James the First, the lord-chancellor Bacon experienced that neither his high dignity, nor great personal qualifications, could screen him from having the severest censure passed upon him, for the corrupt practices of which he had suffered himself to become guilty. And in the reign of Charles the First, the judges having attempted to imitate the example of the judges under Richard the Second, by delivering opinions sub- versive of the rights of the people, found the same spirit of watchfulness in the commons, as had proved the ruin of the former. Lord Finch, keeper of the great seal, was obliged to fly be- yond sea. The judges Davenport and Crawley to confer a despotic authority on the crown, or rather on the ministers above named, who had found means to render themselves entire masters of the person of the king. These questions sir Robert Tresilian proposed to the judges, who had been sum- moned for that purpose, and they gave their opinions in favour of them. One of these opinions of the judges, among others, tended to annihilate, at one stroke, all the rights of the commons, by taking from them that important privilege mentioned before, of starting and freely discussing whatever subjects of debate they think proper: the commons were to be restrained, under pain of being punished as traitors, from proceeding upon any articles besides those limited to them by the king. All those who had had a share in the above declarations of the judges were at- tainted of high treason. Tresilian, and Brembre, who had been mayor of London, were hanged ; the others were only banished, at the intercession of the bishops. See the Pad. History of Eng- land, vol. i. OF ENGLAND. 317 were imprisoned : and judge Berkeley was seized while sitting upon the bench, as we are informed by Rushworth. In the reign of Charles the Second, we find fresh instances of the vigilance of the commons. Sir William Scroggs, lord chief justice of the King's Bench, sir Francis North, chief justice of the Com- mon Pleas, sir Thomas Jones, one of the judges of the King's Bench, and sir Richard West, one of the barons of the Exchequer, were impeached by the commons, for partialities shown by them in the administration of justice ; and the chief justice Scroggs, against whom some positive charges were well proved, was removed from his employments. The several examples offered here to the reader have been taken from different periods of the English history, in order to show that neither the in- fluence, nor the dignity of the infractors of the laws, even when they have been the nearest servants of the crown, have ever been able to check the zeal of the commons in asserting the rights of the people. Other examples might perhaps be related to the same purpose ; though the whole number of those to be met with, will, upon inquiry, be found the smaller, in proportion as the danger of infringing the laws has always been indubitable. So much regularity has even (from all the circum- stances above mentioned) been introduced into the operations of the executive power in England, such an exact justice have the people been accus- tomed, as a consequence, to expect from that quarter, that even the sovereign, for his having once suffered himself personally to violate the safety S18 THE CONSTITUTION of the subject, did not escape severe censure. The attack made, by order of Charles the Second, on the person of sir John Coventry, filled the nation with astonishment ; and this violent gratification of private passion, on the part of the sovereign, (a piece of self-indulgence with regard to inferiors, to which whole classes of individuals in certain coun- tries almost think that they have a right,) excited a general ferment. " This event," says Bishop Burnet, " put the house of commons in a furious " uproar. It gave great advantages to all those " who opposed the court ; and the names of the " court and country party, which till now had " seemed to be forgotten, were revived.'* * These are the limitations that have been set, in the English government, on the operations of the executive power : limitations to which we find nothing comparable in any other free states, an- cient or modern ; and which are owing, as we have seen, to that very circumstance which seemed at first sight to prevent the possibility of them, I mean the greatness and unity of that power ; the effect of which has been, in the event, to unite, upon the same object, the views and efforts of all orders of the people. From this circumstance, that is, the unity and peculiar stability of the executive power in Eng- land, another most advantageous consequence has followed, that has been before noticed, and which * See Burnet's History, vol. i. anno 1669. An act of parlia- ment was made on this occasion, for giving a farther extent to the provisions before made for the personal security of the subject ; which is still called the Coventry act. OF ENGLAND. 31 9 it is not improper to mention again here, as this chapter is intended to confirm the principles laid down in the former ones ; I mean the unremitted continuance of the same general union among all ranks of men, and the spirit of mutual justice which thereby continues to be diffused through all orders of subjects. . Though surrounded by the many boundaries that have just now been described, the crown, we must observe, has preserved its prerogative undivided : it still possesses its whole effective strength, and is only tied by its own engagements, and the conside- ration of what it owes to its dearest interests. The great, or wealthy men in the nation, who, assisted by the body of the people, have succeeded in reducing the exercise of its authority within such well-defined limits, can have no expectation that it will continue to confine itself to them any longer than they themselves continue, by the justice of their own conduct, to deserve that support of the people, which alone can make them appear of consequence in the eye of the sovereign, no pro- bable hopes that the crown will continue to observe those laws by which their wealth, dignity, liberty, are protected, any longer than they themselves also continue to observe them. Nay more, all those claims of their rights which they continue to make against the crown, are en- couragements which they give to the rest of the people to assert their own rights against them. Their constant opposition to all arbitrary proceed- ings of that power, is a continual declaration they make against any acts of oppression which the 320 THE CONSTITUTION superior advantages they enjoy might entice theni to commit on their inferior fellow-subjects. Nor was that severe censure, for instance, which they concurred in passing on an unguarded violent action of their sovereign, only a restraint put upon the personal actions of future English kings ; no, it was a much more extensive provision for the securing of public liberty ; it was a solemn engagement en- tered into by all the powerful men in the state to the whole body of the people, scrupulously to re- spect the person of the lowest among them. And indeed the constant tenor of the conduct, even of the two houses of parliament, shows us that the above observations are not matters of mere speculation. From the earliest times we see the members of the house of commons to have been very cautious not to assume any distinction that might alienate from them the affections of the rest of the people.* Whenever those privileges which * In all cases of public offences, down to a simple breach of the peace, the members of the house of commons have no privileges whatever above the rest of the people : they may be committed to prison by any justice of the peace; and are dealt with afterwards in the same manner as any other subjects. With regard to civil matters, their only privilege is to be free from arrests during the time of a session, and forty days before, and forty days after : 181 but they may be sued, by process against their goods, for any just debt during that time. 181 This is not quite correctly stated. By the law and custom of Parliament, (stat. 10 Geo. III. cap. 50,2 Str. 985, Fort. 159, Com. Rep. 444. S. C, 1 Kenyon, 125.) members of the house of commons are privileged from arrest, not only during the actual sitting of parliament, but for a convenient time, sufficient to enable OF ENGLAND. were necessary to them for the discharge of their trust have proved burdensome to the community, they have retrenched them. And those of their members who have applied either these privileges, or in general that influence which they derived from their situation, to any oppressive purposes, they themselves have endeavoured to bring to pu- nishment. Thus, we see that, in the reign of James the First, sir Giles Montpesson, a member of the house of commons, having been guilty of monopolies, and other acts of great oppression on the people, was not only expelled, but impeached and prosecuted with the greatest warmth by the house, and finally condemned by the lords to be publicly degraded from his rank of a knight, held for ever an infamous person, and imprisoned during life. In the same reign, sir John Benet, who was also them to come from and return to any part of the kingdom, heforc the first meeting and after the final dissolution of it. And also for forty days (2 Lev. 72, 1 Chan. Cases, 221, S. C. but see 1 Sid. 29.) after every prorogation, and before the next appointed meeting ; which is now in effect as long as the Parliament exists, it being seldom prorogued for more than fourscore days at a time. (1 Blac. Com. 165, edited by Chitty, with practical notes.) And the courts will not grant an attachment against a member of the house of commons, for non-payment of money pursuant to an award. (7 Duvnf. and East, 448.) Mr. Christian has observed, that it does not appear that the privilege from arrest is limited to any precise time after a dissolution ; but it has been determined by all the judges that it extends to a convenient time- (Col. Pitt's case, 2 Str. 988.) Prynne is of opinion that it continued for the number of days the member received wages after a dissolution, which was in proportion to the distance between his home and the place where the parlia- ment was held. 4 Parl. Writs, 68. EDITOR. THE CONSTITUTION a member of the house of commons, having- been found to have been guilty of corrupt practices, in his capacity of judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, (such as taking exorbitant fees, and the like,) was expelled the house, and prosecuted for those offences. In the year 1641, Mr. Henry Benson, member for Knaresborough, having been detected in sell- ing protections, experienced likewise the indigna- tion of the house, and was expelled. In fine, in order, as it were, to make it com- pletely notorious, that neither the condition of re- presentative of the people, nor even any degree of influence in their house, could excuse any one of them from strictly observing the rules of justice, the commons did on one occasion pass the most severe censure they had power to inflict, upon their speaker himself, for having, in a single instance, attempted to convert the discharge of his duty, as speaker, into the means of private emolument. Sir John Trevor, speaker of the house of commons, having, in the sixth year of the reign of king William, received a thousand guineas from the city of London, " as a gratuity for the trouble he had taken with re- " gard to the passing of the Orphan Bill,'" 1 was voted guilty of a high crime and misdemeanor, and ex- pelled the house. Even the inconsiderable sum of twenty guineas which Mr. Hungerford, another member, had been weak enough to accept on the same score, was looked upon as deserving the no- tice of the house j and he was likewise expelled.* * Other examples, of the attention of the house of commons to the conduct of their members, might be produced, either before or OF ENGLAND. 323 If we turn our view towards the house of lords, we shall find that they have also constantly taken care that their peculiar privileges should not prove impediments to the common justice which is due to the rest of the people.* They have constantly agreed to every just proposal that has been made to them on that subject by the commons : and indeed, if we consider the numerous and oppressive privi- leges claimed by the nobles in most other countries, and the vehement spirit with which they are corn- after that which is mentioned here. The reader may, for instance, see the relation of their proceedings in the affair of the South-Sea- Company scheme ; and a few years after, in that of the Charitable Corporation, a fraudulent scheme, particularly oppressive to tlie poor, for which several members were expelled. i82 * In case of a public offence, or even a simple breach of the peace, a peer may be committed till he finds bail, by any justice of the peace : and peers are to be tried by the common course of law, for all offences under felony. With regard to civil matters, they are at all times free from arrests : but execution may be had against their effects, in the same manner as against those of other subjects. 182 Our author has travelled far back for his illustrations, the South Sea Company having been formed in the year 1719, and the Charitable Corporation in 1707. The Editor wishes it were not in his power to cite, from the journals of the house of commons, in- stances in which the power of expulsion has been exercised since the commencement of the present century, but there are several. Joseph Hunt, Esq. on May 23rd, 1810; Benjamin Walsh, Esq. on March 5th, 1812 ; and Lord Viscount Cochrane and the Honor- able Andrew Cochrane Johnstone on July 5th, 1814, (the last occasion of the kind,) were expelled the house on accounts which, for obvious reasons, will not here be detailed, but may be learned from the Journals alluded to, or from Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. EDITOR. 324 THE CONSTITUTION monly asserted, we shall think it no small praise to the body of the nobility in England (and also to the nature of that government of which they make a part), that it has been by their free consent that their privileges have been confined to what they now are : that is to say, to no more, in general, than what is necessary to the accomplishment of the end and constitutional design of that house. In the exercise of their judicial authority with regard to civil matters, the lords have manifested a spirit of equity nowise inferior to that which they have shown in their legislative capacity. They have, in the discharge of that function (which of all others is so liable to create temptations), shown an incorruptness really superior to what any judi- cial assembly in any other nation can boast. Nor do I think that I run any risk of being contra- dicted, when I say, that the conduct of the house of lords, in their civil judicial capacity, has con- stantly been such as has kept them above the reach of even suspicion or slander. Even that privilege which they enjoy, of exclu- sively trying their own members, in case of any accusation that may affect their lives (a privilege which we might at first sight think repugnant to the idea of a regular government, and even alarm- ing to the rest of the people), has constantly been rendered, by the lords, subservient to the purpose of doing justice to their fellow-subjects ; and if we cast our eyes either on the collection of the State Trials, or on the History of England, we shall find very few examples, if any, of a peer, really OF ENGLAND. 325 guilty of the offence laid to his charge, that has derived any advantage from his not being tried by a jury of commoners. Nor has this just and moderate conduct of the two houses of parliament, in the exercise of their powers (a moderation so unlike what has been re- lated of the conduct of the powerful men in the Roman republic), been the only happy consequence of that salutary jealousy which those two bodies entertain of the power of the crown. The same motive has also engaged them to exert their utmost endeavours to put the courts of justice under proper restraints ; a point of the highest importance to public liberty. They have, from the earliest times, preferred complaints against the influence of the crown over these courts, and at last procured laws to be en- acted by which such influence has been entirely prevented ; all which measures, we must observe, were at the same time strong declarations that no subjects, however exalted their rank might be, were to think themselves exempt from submitting to the uniform course of the law, or hope to influ- ence or over-awe it. The severe examples which they have united to make on those judges who have rendered themselves the instruments of the passions of the sovereign, or of the designs of the ministers of the crown, are also awful warnings to the judges who have succeeded them, never to at- tempt to deviate in favour of any, the most power- ful individuals, from that straight line of justice which the joint wisdom of the legislature has once marked out to them. 326 THE CONSTITUTION This singular situation of the English judges, relatively to the three constituent powers of the state (and also the formidable support which they are certain to receive from them as long as they continue to be the faithful ministers of justice,) has at last created such an impartiality in the distri- bution of public justice in England, has introduced into the courts of law the practice of such a thorough disregard to either the influence or wealth of the contending parties, and procured to every indivi- dual, both such an easy access to these courts, and such a certainty of redress, as are not to be paral- leled in any other government. Philip de Co- mines, so long as three hundred years ago, com- mended in strong terms the exactness with which justice was done in England to all ranks of sub- jects ;* and the impartiality with which the same is administered in these days, will, with still more reason, excite the surprise of every stranger who has an opportunity of observing the customs of this country.']' * See page 32 of this work. f Soon after I came to England for the first time, 183 (if the reader will give me leave to make mention of myself in this case,) an action was brought in a court of justice against a prince very nearly related to the crown ; and a noble lord was also, much about that time, engaged in a law-suit for the property of some valuable lead-mines in Yorkshire. I could not but observe that in both these cases a decision was given against the two most powerful parties ; though I wondered but little at this, because I had before heard much of the impartiality of the law proceedings in England, and was prepared to see instances of that kind. But what I was much surprised at was, that nobody appeared to be in Understood to have been about the year 1768. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 327 Indeed to snch a degree of impartiality has the administration of public justice been brought in England, that it is saying nothing beyond the ex- act truth, to affirm that any violation of the laws, though perpetrated by men of the most extensive influence nay, though committed by the special direction of the very first servants of the crown will be publicly and completely redressed. And the very lowest of subjects will obtain such redress, if he has but spirit enough to stand forth, and ap- peal to the laws of his country. Most extraordi- nary circumstances these ! which those who know the difficulty of establishing just laws among man- kind, and of providing afterwards for their due exe- cution, only find credible because they are matters of fact, and can begin to account for, only when they look up to the constitution of the government itself; that is to say, when they consider the cir- cumstances in which the executive power, or the crown, is placed in relation to the two bodies that concur with it to form the legislature, the circum- stances in which those two assemblies are placed in relation to the crown, and to each other, and the least so, even at the strictness with which the ordinary course of the law had, particularly in the former case, been adhered to, and that those proceedings which I was disposed to consider as great instances of justice, to the production of which some circum- stances peculiar to the times, at least some uncommon virtue or spirit on the part of the judges, must have more or less co-operated, were looked upon by all those whom I heard speak about it, as nothing more than the common and expected course of things. This circumstance became a strong inducement to me to in- (juire into the nature of a government by which such effects were produced. THE CONSTITUTION the situation in which all the three find themselves with respect to the whole body of the people.* * The assertion above made, with respect to the impartiality with which j ustice is, in all cases, administered in England, not being of a nature to be proved by alleging single facts, I have en- tered into no particulars on that account. However, I will subjoin two cases, which, I think, cannot but appear remarkable to the reader. The first is the case of the prosecution commenced in the year 1763, by some journeymen printers, against the king's messengers, for apprehending and imprisoning them for a short time, by virtue of a general warrant from the secretary of state ; and that which was afterwards carried on by another private individual against one of the secretaries themselves. In these actions, all the ordinary forms of proceedings used in cases of actions, between private sub- jects, were strictly adhered to ; and both the secretary of state, and the messengers, were, in the end, condemned. Yet, which it is proper the reader should observe, from all the circumstances that accompanied this affair, it is difficult to propose a case in which ministers could, of themselves, be under greater temptations to exert an undue influence to hinder the ordinary course of justice. Nor were the acts for which those ministers were condemned acts of evident oppression, which nobody could be found to justify. They had done nothing but follow a practice, of which they found S3veral precedents, established in their offices : and their case, if I am well informed, was such that most individuals, under similar circumstances, would have thought themselves authorised to have acted as they had done. The second case I propose to relate, affords a singular instance of the confidence with which all subjects in England claim what they think their just rights, and of the certainty with which the remedies of the law are in all cases open to them. The fact I mean, is the arrest executed in the reign of Queen Anne, in the year 1708, on the person of the Russian ambassador, by taking him out of his coach for the sum of fifty pounds. And the conse- quences that followed this fact are still more remarkable. The czar highly resented the affront, and demanded that the sheriff of Middlesex, and all others concerned in the arrest,' should be pu- nished with instant death. "But the queen" (to the amazement OF ENGLAND 329 In fine, a very remarkable circumstance in the English government (and which alone evinces some- thing peculiar and excellent in its nature), is that spirit of extreme mildness with which justice, in criminal cases, is administered in England ; a point with regard to which England differs from all other countries in the world. When we consider the punishments in use in the of that despotic court, says judge Blackstone, from whom I borrow this fact) " directed the secretary of state to inform him that she " could inflict no punishment upon any, the meanest of her sub- " jects, unless warranted by the law of the land." An act was afterwards passed to free from arrest the persons of foreign ministers, and such of their servants as they have delivered a list of to the secretary of state. A copy of this act, elegantly engrossed and illuminated, continues judge Blackstone, was sent to Moscow, and an ambassador extraordinary commissioned to deliver it. 184 184 The act alluded to is 7 Anne, cap. 12, (A. D. 1708,) intituled, " An Act for preserving the privileges of ambassadors and other " public ministers of foreign princes and states." Its preamble is curious, and was doubtless drawn up with the object of assuaging the wrath of the czar and his representative. " Whereas several " turbulent and disorderly persons having in a most outrageous " manner insulted the person of his excellency Andrew Artemono- " witz Mattueof, ambassador extraordinary of his czarish majesty, " emperor of Great Russia, her majesty's good friend and ally, by " arresting him and taking him by violence out of his coach in the " public street, and detaining him in custody for several hours, in " contempt of the protection granted by her majesty, contrary to " the law of nations, and in prejudice of the rights and privileges " which ambassadors and other public ministers, authorised and " received as such, have at all times been thereby possessed of, and " ought to be kept sacred and inviolable." It then enacts, that all actions " against the said ambassador should be void, and all " proceedings against him or his bail vacated," and makes provi- sions " to prevent the like insolences for the future." EDITOR. 330 THE CONSTITUTION other states of Europe, we wonder how men can be brought to treat their fellow-creatures with so much cruelty ; and the bare consideration of those punish- ments would sufficiently convince us (if we did not know the fact from other circumstances) that the men in those states who frame the laws, and preside over their execution, have little apprehension that either they, or their friends, will ever fall victims to those laws which they thus rashly establish. In the Roman republic circumstances of the same nature with those just mentioned were also produc- tive of the greatest defects in the kind of criminal justice which took place in it. That class of citi- zens who were at the head of the republic, and who knew how mutually to exempt each other from the operation of any too severe laws or practice, not only allowed themselves great liberties, as we have seen, in disposing of the lives of the inferior citizens, but had also introduced, into the exercise of the illegal powers they assumed to themselves in that respect, a great degree of cruelty.* Nor were things more happily conducted in the Grecian republics. From their democratical nature, and the frequent involutions to which they were * The common manner in which the senate ordered citizens to be put to death, was by throwing them headlong from the top of the Tai'peian rock. The consuls or other particular magistrates, some- times caused citizens to expire upon a cross ; or, which was a much more common case, ordered them to be beaten to death, with their heads fastened between the branches of a fork ; which they called cervicem f arete inserere. lss 185 To put the neck upon a fork. Eorroit. OF ENGLAND. 331 subject, we naturally expect to find that authority used with mildness, which those who enjoy it must have known to have been precarious ; yet such were the effects of the violence attending those very revolutions, that a spirit both of great irregularity and cruelty had taken place among the Greeks in the exercise of the power of inflicting punish- ments. The very harsh laws of Draco 186 are well known, of which it was said that they were not written with ink, but with blood. The severe laws of the Twelve Tables among the Romans were in great part brought over from Greece. And it was an opinion commonly received in Rome, that the cruelties practised by the magistrates on the citizens 186 Draco was a celebrated lawgiver of Athens. When he ex- ercised the office of archon, he made a code of laws, B. c. 623, for the use of the citizens, which, on account of their severity, were said, as our author observes, to be written in letters of blood. By them, idleness was punished with as much severity as murder, and death was denounced against the one as well as the other. Such a code of rigorous laws gave occasion to a certain Athenian to ask of the legislator, why he was so severe in his punishments, and Draco gave for answer, that as the smallest transgression had ap- peared to him deserving death, he could not find any punishment more rigorous for more atrocious crimes. These laws were at first enforced, but they were often neglected on account of their extreme severity, and Solon totally abolished them, except that one which punished a murderer with death. The popularity of Draco was uncommon, but the gratitude of his admirers proved fatal to him. When on one occasion he appeared in the theatre, he was received with repeated applause, and the people, according to the custom of the Athenians, showed their respect to their lawgiver, by throwing garments upon him. This was done in such profusion, that Draco was soon hid under them, and thus literally smothered by the too great veneration of his citizens. EDITOR. 332 THE CONSTITUTION were only imitations of the examples which the Greeks had given them.* In fine, the use of torture, that method of admi- nistering justice, in which folly may be said to be added to cruelty, had been adopted by the Greeks in consequence of the same causes which had concurred to produce the irregularity of their cri- minal justice. And the same practice continues, in these days, to prevail on the continent of Europe, in consequence of that general arrangement of things which creates there such a carelessness about remedying the abuses of public authority. But the nature of that same government which has procured to the people of England all the advantages we have before described, has, with still more reason, freed them from the most oppressive abuses which prevail in other countries. That wantonness in disposing of the dearest rights of mankind, those insults upon human nature, of which the frame of the governments established in other states unavoidably becomes more or less productive, are entirely banished from a nation which has the happiness of having its interest guarded by * Ca3sar expressly reproaches the Greeks with this fact in his speech in favour of the accomplices of Catiline, which Sallust has transmitted to us Eodem illo tempore, Gr applied to the building, rebuilding, " and repairing of churches and other such like ecclesiastical pur- " poses, and to the augmentation of small livings, and to such other " purposes as might conduce to the advancement of religion, and the " efficiency, permanence, and stability of the united church of " England and Ireland : and that the tenure by which church lands " were held in Ireland was inconvenient, and it was expedient to alter " the same in such manner as might tend to the ease and security of " the church, and the advantage of the persons holding thereunder." It then proceeds to make enactments for effectuating all the purposes named in the preamble : among other things, empower- ing certain ecclesiastical commissioners to make a valuation of all the revenues, &c., of all benefices, dignities and other spiritual promotions; and to levy a yearly assessment therefrom, allowance being made for the deductions therein mentioned ; such assessment to commence from their next avoidance, and to be payable half yearly, viz., upon all benefices, dignities, and other spiritual pro- motions under the rank of bishopricks, where the value exceeds 300, and does not exceed 305, a charge of 2. 10s. per cent. ; and so, upon a slowly-graduated scale, up to a value exceeding 1,185, and not exceeding 1,195, a charge of 14. 17s. 6d. per cent. ; and exceeding 1,195, 15 per cent. ; and upon all arch- bishopricks and bishopricks, where the yearly value shall not exceed 4,000, 5 per centum; shall exceed 4,000, and not exceed 6,000, 7 per centum; above 6,000, and not above 8,000, 10 per centum ; above 8,000, and not above 10,000, 12 per cen- tum ; and above 1 0,000, 15 per centum. It then enacts, that the bishoprick of Waterford and Lismore, then void, should, from and after the passing of the act, be united to the bishoprick of Cashel and Emly ; and the nine following bishopricks, when and as the same might severally become void, be thenceforth united to archbishopricks OF ENGLAND. 365 The same objection might be expressed in a more general manner, and with strict truth, by saying, and bishopricks as follows; viz., Dromore to Down and Connor; Raphoe to Deny ; Clogher to Armagh ; Elphin to Kilmore ; Killala and Achonry to Tuam ; Clonfert and Kilinacduagh to Killaloe and Kilfenora ; Kildare to Dublin and Glandelagh ; Ossory to Ferns and Leighlin; and Cork and Ossory to Cloyne. It empowers the archbishops of Armagh and Dublin to select from the benefices belonging to each of the ten bishopricks to be united with others as aforesaid, one benefice not exceeding the annual value of 1,000, to be approved by the lord lieutenant and council ; and upon each avoidance of the said benefices, happening after the bishopricks to which the same may respectively belong shall have become united to any others, the said archbishops to present one of the fellows or ex-fellows of Trinity College, Dublin. It reduces the revenues of the archbishop of Armagh, from next avoidance, 4,500 per annum : and of the bishoprick of Derry to " the now bishop, he having freely assented thereunto," 4,160 per annum, and from next avoidance 6,160 per annum It enacts that the com- missioners may suspend the appointment of any clerk to any benefice (not being private property) wherein divine worship shall not have been celebrated for the three years next preceding 1st February 1833, and vests the tithes, profits, and emoluments of such benefice in the commissioners. It enacts that the lord lieutenant, with consent of any archbishop, bishop, dean, &c., may disunite rectory, &c., from archbishoprick, bishoprick, deanery, &c. ; and in case any bishoprick should, by such means, be reduced below the annual value of 4,000, the commissioners shall make up deficiency. Such are the heads of a few of the one hundred and sixty-seven clauses of this most important statute, known as " the Irish Church Temporalities Act." The other statute, to which the editor thinks it right to refer, is, the 3 and 4 Will. IV. cap. 73, (which received the royal assent on the 28th August 1833,) intituled, " An act for the abolition of slavery throughout the British colonies ; for promoting the industry of the manumitted slaves ; and for compensating the persons hitherto entitled to the services of such slaves." It recites, that " divers persons were holden in slavery within divers of his " majesty's colonies, and it was just and expedient that all such THE CONSTITUTION that no war has been waged, in England, against the governing authority, except upon national " persons should be manumitted and set free, and that a reasonable " compensation should be made to the persons hitherto entitled " to the services of such slaves for the loss which they would incur " by being deprived of their right to such services : and also that " provision should be made for promoting the industry and securing " the good conduct of the persons so to be manumitted, for a " limited period after such their manumission : and that it was " necessary that the laws then in force in the said several colonies " should forthwith be adapted to the new state and relations of " society therein which would follow upon such general manumis- " sion as aforesaid of the said slaves ; and that, in order to afford " the necessary time for such adaptation of the said laws, a short " interval should elapse before such manumission should take effect :" and then enacts, that all persons who, on the 1st August 1834, should have been registered as slaves, and should appear on the registry to be six yeai's old or upwards, should, from that day, be- come apprenticed labourers ; and such persons be entitled to their services as would have been if this act had not been made. That all slaves brought into the United Kingdom, with consent of their possessors, should be free. That apprenticed labourers should be divided into three classes, viz. praedial attached, prsedial unattached, and non-predial. That the apprenticeship of the praedial la- bourers should not continue beyond the 1st August 1840; and of the non-predial labourers not beyond the 1st August 1838. That, before the apprenticeship was expired, the labourer might be dis- charged by the voluntary act of his employer : but in case of the voluntary discharge of aged or infirm apprenticed labourers, the em- ployer should continue liable for their support during the remaining term of original apprenticeship. That apprenticed labourer might purchase his discharge, against the will of his employer, on an ap- praisement ; and how the same might be effected. That no ap- prenticed labourer should be removeable from the colony, nor praedial apprenticed labourer from the plantation, to which he or she should belong, except by consent of two special justices, which consent should not be given till the justices had ascertained that the removal would not separate the members of families. That the right to the services of apprenticed labourers should be transferable OF ENGLAND. 36? grounds ; that is to say, either when the title to the crown has been doubtful, or when general com- propertv ; but none should be separated from wife or husband, pa- rent or child, &c. That employer should supply the labourer with such food, &c. as the law at present required in case of slaves ; that, where the predial labourer should be maintained by the culti- vation o/ provision-grounds, a proper quantity of ground, with lei- sure time, should be set apart by the employer; and how the ex- tent nnd locality of the pro vision -grounds and the quantity of time are to be regulated. That, subject to the obligations thereby im- posed, all slaves in the British colonies should be emancipated from the 1st August 1834 ; from which day slavery should be utterly and for ever abolished and declared unlawful throughout the Bri- tish colonies, plantations, and possessions abroad. That children below the age of six years on the 1st August 1834, or born after that time to any female apprentice, if destitute, might be bound out by any special magistrate as an apprentice to the person entitled to the services of the mother ; but at the date of such indentures the apprentice must be under twelve years of age ; and that the indentures should continue in force until the child had completed his or her twenty-first year, and no longer. That his majesty, or the governor of any colony by his authority, might appoint justices of the peace by special commission to give effect to this act and to all colonial laws to be made in pursuance thereof; and might grant salaries to such justices (not above one hundred in the whole) not exceeding in any case 300 sterling per annum. That apprenticed labourers should not be compelled, with certain exceptions, to work on Sundavs, nor prevented from attending any- where on Sundays for religious worship. That, " towards compen- " satiny the persons at present entitled to the services of the slaves " to be manumitted and set free by virtue of this act for the loss " of such services" the lords of the treasury might raise loans, not exceeding twenty millions pounds sterling, the interest and charges for management whereof should be charged upon the consolidated fund. That his majesty should appoint commissioners, not being less than five, for the distribution of the said fund. That no part of the compensation should be applicable to any colony unless his majesty by order in council should have first declared that adequate provision had been made by the legislature thereof for giving effect S68 THE CONSTITUTION plaints, either .of a political or religious kind, have arisen from every part of the nation. As instances of such complaints, may be mentioned those that gave rise to the war against king John, which ended in the passing of the Great Charter ; the civil wars in the reign of Charles the First ; and to this act. That the commissioners should apportion the com- pensation fund into nineteen shares, being one share for each colony, having regard, in making such apportionment, to the numher of registered slaves, &c. That no compensation should he allowed in respect of persons illegally held in slavery. That com- missioners should institute inquiries to ascertain the facts to be taken into account in effecting the apportionment of the compen- sation fund between the proprietors in each colony ; and, having made such inquiries, should frame general rules for the equitable distribution of the fund assigned to each colony ; and such rules should be laid before his majesty in council, and might be appealed against. Such are the leading clauses of " The Slavery Abolition Act," enacted twenty-seven years after that great statute, the 46 Geo. III. cap. 52, (A. D. 1806,) which abolished the slave-trade, as far as this country was concerned. It is an interesting fact, that the immortal WILLIAM WILBER- FORCE, the "greater part of whose long and active life was spent in the endeavour to attain this object, lived to see this measure proposed to parliament by the government, with every prospect of becoming a law; but died on the 29th July 1833, just a month before the bill received the royal assent, not, however, without gratefully expressing his wonder and delight that he should have lived to see the day when his fellow-countrymen were willing to pay twenty millions sterling for the abolition of slavery ! Another singular circumstance in connexion with this measure should be mentioned. The same cabinet minister and distinguished statesman (the Rt. Hon. E. G. S. Stanley) proposed to parliament this bill and the Irish coercion and Irish church temporalities bills holding, in succession, the offices of principal secretary for Ire- land, and secretary of state for the colonies during the same session of parliament. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 3f>9 the Revolution of the year 1 689. From the facts just mentioned it may also be observed as a con- clusion, that the crown cannot depend on the great security we have been describing any longer than it continues to fulfil its engagements to the nation, and to respect those laws which form the compact between it and the people. And the imminent dangers, or at least the alarms and perplexities, in which the kings of England have constantly in- volved themselves, whenever they have attempted to struggle against the general sense of the nation, manifestly show that all that has been above observed, concerning the security and the remarkable stabi- lity somehow annexed to their office, is to be under- stood, not of the capricious power of the man, but of the lawful authority of the head of the state.* * One more observation uiay be made ou the subject ; which is, that when the kingly dignity has happened in England to be wrested from the possessor, through some revolution, it has been recovered, or struggled for, with more difficulty than in other countries : in all the other countries upon earth, a king de jurf (by claim) possesses advantages in regard to the king in being, much superior to those of which the same circumstance may be productive in England. The power of the other sovereigns in the world is not so securely established as that of an English king ; but then their character is more indelible ; that is to say, till their antagonists have succeeded in cutting off them and their families, they possess, in a high degree, a power to renew those claims and disturb the state. Those family pleas or claims of pri- ority, and, in general, those arguments to which the bulk of mankind have agreed to allow so much weight, cease almost entirely to be of any effect in England, against the person actually invested with the kingly office, as soon as the constitutional parts and springs have begun to move, and, in short, as soon as the machine of the government has once begun to be in full play. An universal ge- B B 370 THE CONSTITUTION Second Part of the Chapter. THERE is certainly a very great degree of singu- larity in all the circumstances we have been de- scribing here : those persons who are acquainted with the history of other countries cannot but re- mark with surprise that stability of the power of the English crown, that mysterious solidity, that inward binding strength with which it is able to carry on with certainty its legal operations, amidst the clamorous struggle and uproar with which it is commonly surrounded, and without the medium of any armed threatening force. To give a demon- stration of the manner in which all these things are brought to bear and operate, it is not, as I said before, my design to attempt here ; the princi- ples from which such demonstration is to be derived suppose an inquiry into the nature of man, and of human affairs, which rather belongs to philosophy (though to a branch hitherto unexplored) than to politics ; at least such an inquiry certainly lies out of the sphere of the common science of politics.* neral ferment, similar to that which produced the former disturb- ances, is the only time of real danger. The remarkable degree of internal national quiet, which, for very near a century past, 1 ^ 8 has followed the Revolution of the year 1689, is a strong proof of the truth of the observations above made ; nor do I think that, all circumstances being considered, any other country can produce the like instance. * It may, if the reader pleases, belong to the science of meta- politics ; in the same sense as we say metaphysics ; that is, the Now nearly a century and a half. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 371 However, I had a very material reason for intro- ducing 1 all the above-mentioned facts concerning the peculiar stability of the governing authority of England, inasmuch as they lead to an observation of a most important political nature ; which is, that this stability allows several essential branches of English liberty to take place, which, without it, could not exist. For there is a very essential con- sideration to be made in every science, though speculators are sometimes apt to lose sight of it, which is this in order that things may have exist- ence, they must be possible ; in order that political regulations of any kind may obtain their effect, they must imply no direct contradiction, either open or hidden, to the nature of things, or to the other circumstances of the government. In reasoning from this principle, we shall find that the stability of the governing executive authority in England, and the weight it gives to the whole machine of the state, have actually enabled the English nation, considered as a free nation, to enjoy several advan- tages which would really have been totally unat- tainable in the other states we have mentioned in former chapters, whatever degree of public virtue we might even suppose to have belonged to the men who acted in those states as the advisers of the people, or, in general, who were intrusted with the business of framing the laws. One of these advantages resulting from the soli- dity of the government, is the extraordinary per- science of those things which lie beyond physical or substantial things. A few more words ai'e bestowed upon the same subject in the advertisement, or preface, at the head of this work. BB 2 THE CONSTITUTION sonal freedom which all ranks of individuals in England enjoy at the expense of the governing au- thority. In the Roman commonwealth, for in- stance, we behold the senate invested with a number of powers totally destructive of the liberty of the citizens : and the continuance of these powers was, no doubt, in a great measure, owing to the treacherous remissness of those men to whom the people trusted for repressing them, or even to their determined resolution not to abridge those pre- rogatives. Yet, if we attentively consider the constant situation of affairs in that republic, we shall find, that, though we should suppose those persons to have been ever so truly attached to the cause of the people, it would not really have been possible for them to procure to the people an entire security. The right enjoyed by the senate, of suddenly naming a dictator with a power unre- strained by any law, or of investing the consuls with an authority of much the same kind, and the power it at times assumed of making formidable examples of arbitrary justice, were resources of which the republic could not, perhaps, with safety have been totally deprived ; and though these ex- pedients frequently were used to destroy the just liberty of the people, yet they were also very often the means of preserving the commonwealth. Upon the same principle we should possibly find that the ostracism^ that arbitrary method of 19 9 A second reference to this practice (see page 183) induces some explanation of it. Ostracism, in Grecian antiquity, denotes the banishment of such persons as, possessing merit and influence, gave umbrage to the people of Athens, lest they should attempt OF ENGLAND. banishing citizens, was a necessary resource, in the republic of Athens. A Venetian noble would any thing against the public liberty. This punishment was called ostracism, from the Greek word oarpa.Kov, which properly signifies " a shell ;" but, when applied to this object, it is used for the billet (a " piece of baked earth, in the form of a shell,") on which the Athenians wrote the names of the citizens whom they wished to banish. The learned are divided with regard to the time when os- tracism was instituted, many being of opinion that it owes its origiu to a very remote period ; though, however, they differ extremely as to the name of its patron, and the time of its establishment, they all agree that the person who proposed the law was its first victim. This punishment was inflicted by the Athenians when iheir liberty was in danger. If, for instance, jealousy or ambition had sowed discord among the chiefs of the republic ; and if different parties were formed, which threatened some revolution in the state; the people assembled to propose measures proper to be taken in order to prevent the consequences of a division which in the end might be fatal to freedom. Ostracism was the remedy to which they usually had recourse on these occasions ; and the consultations of the people generally terminated with a decree, in which a day was fixed for a particular assembly, when they were to proceed to the sentence of ostracism. Then they who were threatened with banishment, omitted no assiduity or art which might gain them the favour of the people. They made harangues to evince their inno- cence, and the great injustice that would be done them if they were banished. They solicited, in person, the interest of every citizen ; all their party exerted themselves in their behalf: they procured informers to vilify the chiefs of the opposite faction. Some time before the meeting of the assembly, a wooden inclosure was raised in the forum, with ten doors, i. e. with as many as there were tribes in the republic ; and when the appointed day was come, the citizens of each tribe entered at their respective door, and threw into the middle of the iuclosure the billet on which the citizen's name was written whose banishment they voted. The archons and the senate presided at this assembly, and counted the billets. He who was condemned by six thousand of his fellow citizens, was obliged to quit the city within ten days ; the voices of that number, at least, THE CONSTITUTION perhaps also "confess, that however terrible the state inquisition, established in his republic, may be even to the nobles themselves, yet it would not be prudent entirely to abolish it. And we do not know but a minister of state in France, though ever so virtuous and moderate a man, would say the same with regard to secret imprisonments, the lettres de cachet and other arbitrary deviations from the settled course of law, which often take place in that kingdom, and in the other monar- chies of Europe. No doubt, if he was the man we suppose, he would confess that the expedients mentioned have in numberless instances been basely prostituted to gratify the wantonness and private revenge of ministers, or of those who had any interest with them ; but still perhaps he would con- tinue to give it as his opinion, that the crown, not- withstanding its apparently immense strength, could not avoid recurring at times to expedients of this kind ; much less could it publicly and absolutely renounce them for ever. It is therefore a most advantageous circumstance in the English government, that its security renders all such expedients unnecessary, and that the repre- sentatives of the people have not only been con- stantly willing to promote the public liberty, but were requisite. Ostracism condemned to an exile of ten years, without confiscation of goods ; and, far from conveying the idea of infamy, became, at Athens, a proof of merit, from the objects on which it was inflicted. EDITOR. 200 \ lettre de cachet is, an arbitrary order of the king of France, (or of the French, as Louis Philip is styled,) in the form of a letter, addressed to a person, for his exile, or even for his imprisonment. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 375 that the general situation of affairs has also enabled them to carry their precautions so far as they have done. And indeed, when we consider what prero- gatives the crown, in England, has implicitly renounced ; that, in consequence of the indepen- dence conferred on the judges, and of the method of trial by jury ) it is deprived of all means of influ- encing the settled course of the law both in civil and criminal matters : that it has renounced all power of seizing the property of individuals, and even of restraining in any manner whatsoever, and for the shortest time, the liberty of their persons : we do not know which we ought most to admire ; whether the public virtue of those who have de- prived the supreme executive power of all those dangerous prerogatives, or the nature of that same power, which has enabled it to give them up without ruin to itself, whether the happy frame of the English government, which makes those in whom the people trust, continue so faithful to the discharge of their duty, or the solidity of that same govern- ment, which can afford to leave to the people so extensive a degree of freedom.* * At the times of the invasions of the Pretender, assisted by the forces of hostile nations, the Habeas Corpus Act was indeed sus- pended (which by the by may serve as one proof, that, in pro- portion as a government is in danger, it becomes necessary to abridge the liberty of the subject) ; but the executive power did not thus of itself stretch its own authority ; the precaution was deliberated upon and taken by the representatives of the people ; and the detaining of individuals in consequence of the suspension of the act was limited to a certain fixed time. Notwithstanding the just fears of internal and hidden enemies which the circumstances 376 THE CONSTITUTION Again, the liberty of the press, that great advan- tage enjoyed by the English nation, does not exist in any of the other monarchies of Europe, however well established their power may at first seem to be ; and it might even be demonstrated that it can- not exist in them. The most watchful eye, we see, is constantly kept in those monarchies upon every kind of publication ; and a jealous attention is paid even to the loose and idle speeches of individuals. Much unnecessary trouble (we may be apt at first to think) is taken upon this subject ; but yet if we consider how uniform is the conduct of all those governments, how constant and unremitted are their cares in those respects, we shall become con- vinced, without looking farther, that there must be some sort of necessity for their precautions. In republican states, for reasons which are at bottom the same as in the before-mentioned govern- ments, the people are also kept under the greatest restraints by those who are at the head of the state. In the Roman commonwealth, for instance, the liberty of writing was curbed by the severest laws : * of the times might raise, the deviation from the former course of the law was carried no farther than the single point we have men- tioned. Persons detained by order of the government were to be dealt with in the same manner as those arrested at the suit of pri- vate individuals ; the proceedings against them were to be carried on no otherwise than in a public place : they were to be tried by their peers, and have all the usual legal means of defence allowed to them ; such as calling of witnessess, peremptory challenge of juries, &c. * The law of the Twelve Tables had established the punishment of death against the author of a libel : nor was it by a trial by jury OF ENGLAND. with regard to the freedom of speech, things were but little better, as we may conclude from several facts ; and many instances may even be produced of the dread with which the private citizens, upon certain occasions, communicated their political opi- nions to the consuls, or to the senate. In the Venetian republic, the press is most strictly watched ; nay, to forbear to speak in any matter whatsoever of the conduct of the government is the fundamental maxim which they inculcate on the minds of the people throughout their dominions.* that they determined what was to be called a libel. Si QUIS CARMEN OCCENTASSIT, ACTITASSIT, COND1DISSIT, QUOD ALTERI FLAGITIUM FAXIT, CAPITAL ESTO. 201 * Of this I have myself seen a proof somewhat singular, which I beg leave of the reader to relate. Being, in the year 1 768, at Bergamo, the first town of the Venetian state as you come into it from the state of Milan, about a hundred and twenty miles distant from Venice, I took a walk in the evening in the neighbourhood of the town ; and wanting to know the names of several places which I saw at a distance, I stopped a young countryman to ask for in- formation. Finding him to be a sensible young man, I entered into some farther conversation with him ; and as he had himself a great inclination to see Venice, he asked me, whether I proposed to go there ? I answered that 1 did : on which he immediately warned me, when I was at Venice, not to speak of the prince (del principe) ; an appellation assumed by the Venetian government, in order, as I suppose, to convey to the people a greater idea of their union among themselves. As I wanted to hear him talk farther on the subject, I pretended to be entirely ignorant in that respect, and asked for what reason I must not speak of the prince. But he (after the manner of the common people in Italy, who, when strongly affected by any thing, rather choose to express Cl)1 If any one should sing, act, or compose a song, which shall cause reproach lo another, it shall be a capital ollcncu. EDITOR. THE CONSTITUTION With respect therefore to this point, it may again be looked upon as a most advantageous circumstance in the English government, that those who have been at the head of the people have not only been constantly disposed to procure the public liberty, but also that they have found it possible for them to do so ; and that the remarkable strength and steadiness of the government have admitted of that extensive freedom of speaking and writing which the people of England enjoy. 202 A most advan- themselves by some vehement gesture than by words) ran the edge of his hand, with great quickness, along his neck, meaning thereby to express, that being strangled, or having one's throat cut, was the instant consequence of taking such liberty. 202 It has been found necessary, at different periods, to restrain this freedom. This was done under the administration of Mr. Pitt by the acts 36 Geo. III. cap. 7 and 8, (A. D. 1795,) the one intituled, " an act for the safety and preservation of his majesty's person and govern- ment against treasonable and seditious practices and attempts ;" the other, " an act for the more effectually preventing seditious meetings and assemblies ;" but both these acts were passed for a limited time, and were suffered to expire. Under the administration of the earl of Liverpool certain acts were passed, known as " The Six Acts," and, it is somewhat singular, were six, of only nine, acts passed in the last year of the long reign of king George the Third. They were the 60 Geo. III. cap. 1 , 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9, (A. D. 1819,) and are intituled as follow: Cap. 1, " an act to prevent the training of persons to the use of arms, and to the practice of military evolutions and exercises." Cap. 2, " an act to authorize justices of the peace, in certain disturbed counties to seize and detain arms collected or kept for purposes dangerous to the public peace ; to continue in force until the 25th day of March 1822." Cap. 4, " an act to prevent delay in the admi- nistration of justice in cases of misdemeanour." Cap. 6, " an act for more effectually preventing seditious meetings and assem- OF ENGLAND. 379 tageous privilege this ! which affording to every man a mean of laying his complaints before the blies ; to continue in force until the end of the session of parlia- ment next after five years from the passing of the act." Cap. 8, " an act for the more effectual prevention and punishment of blasphemous and seditious libels." Cap. 9, " an act to subject certain publications to the duties of stamps upon newspapers, and to make other regulations for restraining the abuses arising from the publication of blasphemous and seditious libels." Such of these acts as were temporary were not renewed ; and parts of the others have been repealed ; the rest remain in force. But a far more severe statute than any above referred to, as applied to Ireland, remains to be noticed. The following are the leading heads of act 3 Will. IV. cap. 4, (A. D. 1833,) intituled, " an act for the more effectual suppression of local disturbances and dangerous associations in Ireland," proposed by the adminis- tration of earl Grey, and commonly called " The Irish Coercion " Act.'' The lord lieutenant may, by order, prohibit or suppress any meeting deemed by him to be dangerous to the public safety. Meetings so prohibited shall be unlawful, and, after notice given, every person present guilty of misdemeanour. Two justices may enter by force any place where a prohibited assembly is held, and read a notice to the persons to disperse. Persons not dispersing within a quarter of an hour, deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and may be apprehended then or afterwards. Persons prosecuted by indictment to plead forthwith. The lord lieutenant may issue his proclamation declaring any county, &c., to be so disturbed as to re- quire the application of this law ; and such county shall be deemed a proclaimed district. Such proclamation shall warn the inhabitants to abstain from unlawful assemblies, &c. All justices, constables, &c., and all commissioned officers in Ireland, required to suppress disturbances in proclaimed districts ; and to search for and bring to trial offenders. Tenants of houses in proclaimed districts to deliver to the chief constable, &c., correct lists of all males, distinguishing those of the age of fourteen from those under. One of such lists, counter- signed by the constable, to be posted on the door or kept by the te- nant ; the other to be kept by the constable. No meeting allowed in a proclaimed district for petitioning parliament, &c., without pre- vious notice given to the lord lieutenant, and his consent obtained. 380 THE CONSTITUTION public, procures him almost a certainty of redress against any act of oppression that he may have been exposed to ; and which leaving-, moreover, to every subject a right to give his opinion on all public matters, and, by thus influencing the senti- ments of the nation, to influence those of the legis- lature itself (which is sooner or later obliged to pay a deference to them), procures to him a sort of Meetinsrs held without such notice and consent declared illegal. O O Not to extend to meetings convened by high sheriff, &c. In proclaimed districts any person not being resident or a registered freeholder of 20 taking part at meetings, guilty of a misde- meanour. Lord lieutenant, and any officer commanding the dis- trict, authorized by him, may commission officers of the regular forces to hold courts-martial for trial of offences within this act. Courts-martial so constituted to consist of not less than five nor more than nine, and to have all the powers of courts-martial and of courts of oyer and terminer. Number of members necessary to con- cur in decisions in such courts at least seven, if court consist of nine members, and at least five if less than nine. Courts-martial may try capital offences, and sentence to transportation; but not impose the penalty of whipping. Persons found out of their houses under suspicious circumstances in a proclaimed district after sunset, may be committed, and if convicted deemed guilty of a misdemeanour. Justices, &c., may, after sunset, require the male inhabitants of any house in a proclaimed district to show themselves. Persons absent deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, unless they prove some lawful occasion. Justice may accept excuse for an absentee, if satisfied of the truth thereof. If arms are found in the possession of any person not authorized to keep the same, he shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanour. Nothing done in pursuance of this act in any pro- claimed district to be questionable in any court, except that officers, &c., acting in pursuance of such power or authority, shall be re- sponsible to courts-martial. Nothing herein to take away the pre- rogative of the crown to appoint courts-martial, or to resort to the exercise of martial law or any powers given by law for suppression of insurrection. This act to continue in force till 1st. August 1834. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 381 legislative authority of a much more efficacious and beneficial nature than any formal right he might enjoy of voting by a mere yea or nay, upon general propositions suddenly offered to him, and which he could have neither a share in framing, nor any opportunity of objecting to and modifying. Such a privilege, by supporting in the people a continual sense of their security, and affording them undoubted proofs that the government, whatever may be its form, is ultimately designed to ensure the happiness of those who live under it, is both one of the greatest advantages of freedom, and its surest characteristic. The kind of security, as to their persons arid possessions, which subjects, who are totally deprived of that privilege, enjoy at par- ticular times under other governments, perhaps may entitle them to look upon themselves as the well administered property of masters who rightly under- stand their own interests ; but it is the right of canvassing without fear the conduct of those who are placed at their head, which constitutes a free nation.* The unbounded freedom of debate, possessed by the English parliament, is also a consequence of the peculiar stability of the government. All sovereigns have agreed in their jealousy of assemblies of this kind, in their dread of the privileges of assemblies who attract in so high a degree the attention of the * If we consider the great advantages to public liberty which re- sult from the institution of the trial by jury, and from the liberty of the press, we shall find England to be in reality a more democra- tical state than any other we are acquainted with. The judicial power, and the censorial power, are vested in the people. 382 THE CONSTITUTION rest of the people, who in a course of time become connected by so many essential ties with the bulk of the nation, and acquire so much real influence by the essential share they must needs have in the management of public affairs, and by the eminent services, in short, which they are able to perform to the community.* Hence it has happened that monarchs, or single rulers, in all countries, have endeavoured to dispense with the assistance of assemblies like those we mention, notwithstanding the capital advantages they might have derived from their services towards the good government of the state ; or, if the circumstances of the times have rendered it expedient for them to call such assemblies together, they have used the utmost en- deavours in abridging those privileges and legis- lative claims which they soon found to prove so hostile to their security : in short, they have ever found it impracticable to place an unreserved trust in public meetings of this kind. We may here name Cromwell, as he was sup- ported by a numerous army, and possessed more power than any foreign monarch who has not been secured by an armed force. Even after he had purged, by the agency of colonel Pride and two regiments, the parliament that was sitting when his power became settled, thereby thrusting out all his opponents, to the amount of about two hundred, * And which they do actually perform, till they are able to throw off the restraints of impartiality and moderation, a thing which, being men, they never fail to do when their influence is generally established, and proper opportunities offer. Sovereigns know these things, and dread them. OF ENGLAND. 383 he soon found his whole authority endangered by the proceedings of those who remained, and was under a necessity of turning them out in the mili- tary manner with which every one is acquainted. Finding still a meeting of this kind highly expe- dient to legalize his military authority, he called together that assembly which was called Barebones* parliament. He had himself chosen the members of this parliament, to the number of about a hun- dred and twenty, and they had severally received the summons from him ; yet, notwithstanding this circumstance, and the total want of personal weight in most of the members, he began in a very few months, and in the midst of his powerful victorious army, to feel a serious alarm at their proceedings ; he soon heard them talk of their own divine com- mission, and of the authority they had received from the Lord ; and, in short, finding he could not trust them, he employed the offices of a second colonel, to effect their dismission. Being now dig- nified with the legal appellation of Protector, he ventured to call a parliament elected by considerable parts of the people ; but though the existence of this parliament was grounded, we might say grafted, upon his own, and though bands of soldiers were even posted in the avenues to keep out all such members as refused to take certain personal engage- ments to him, he made such haste in the issue, to rid himself of their presence, as to contrive a mean quibble or device to shorten the time of their sitting by ten or twelve days.* To a fourth assembly he * They were to have sittenfive months; but Cromwell pretended that the months were to consist of only twenty -eight days ; as this 384- THE CONSTITUTION again applied ; but though the elections had been so managed as to procure him a formal tender of the crown during the first sitting, he put an end to the second with resentment and precipitation.* The example of the Roman emperors, whose power was outwardly so prodigious, may also be introduced here. They used to show the utmost jealousy in their conduct with respect to the Roman senate ; and that assembly, which the prepossession of the people, who looked upon it as the ancient remains of the republic, had made it expedient to continue, were not suffered to assemble but under the drawn scimitars of the praetorian guards. Even the kings of France, though their authority is so unquestioned, so universally respected, as well as strongly supported, have felt frequent"anxiety from the claims and proceedings of the parliament of Paris, an assembly of much less weight than the English parliament. The alarm has been mentioned' which Louis XV. at last expressed concerning their measures, as well as the expedient to which he re- sorted, to free himself from their presence. And when his successor thought proper to call again this parliament together, a measure highly prudent in the beginning of his reign, every jealous precaution was at the same time taken to abridge those privi- was the way of reckoning time used in paying the army and the fleet. * The history of the conduct of the deliberating and debating assemblies we are alluding to, in regard to the momxrchs, or single rulers of any denomination, who summon them together, may be expressed in very few words. If the monarch is unarmed, they overrule him so as almost entirely to set him aside : if his power is of a military kind, they form connexions with the army. OF ENGLAND. 385 leges of deliberating and remonstrating, upon which any distant claim to, or struggle for, a share of the supreme authority, might be grounded. It may be objected that the pride of kings or single rulers makes them averse to the existence of assemblies like those we mention, and despise the capital services which they might derive from them for the good government of their kingdoms. I grant it may in some measure be so. But if we inquire into the general situation of affairs in different states, and into the examples with which their his- tory supplies us, we shall also find that the pride of those kings agrees in the main with the interest and quiet of their subjects, and that their preventing the assemblies we speak of from meeting, or, when met, from assuming too large a share in the ma- nagement of public affairs, is, in a great measure, matter of necessity. We may therefore reckon it as a very great ad- vantage, that, in England, no such necessity exists. Such is the frame of the government, that the su- preme executive authority can both give leave to assemble, and show the most unreserved trust, when assembled, to those two houses which concur together to form the legislature. These two houses, we see, enjoy the most com- plete freedom in their debates, whether the subject be grievances, or regulations concerning govern- ment matters of any kind ; no restriction whatever is laid upon them ; they may start any subject they please. The crown is not to take any notice of their deliberations : its wishes, or even its name, are not to be introduced in the debates. And, in c c 386 THE CONSTITUTION short, what makes the freedom of deliberating, ex- ercised by the two houses, really unlimited, is the privilege, or sovereignty we may say, enjoyed by each within its own walls, in consequence of which, nothing done or said in parliament is to be ques- tioned in any place out of parliament. Nor will it be pretended by those persons who are acquainted with the English history, that these privileges of parliament we mention are nominal privileges, only privileges upon paper, which the crown has disre- garded whenever it has thought proper, and to the violations of which the parliament have used very tamely to submit. That these remarkable advan- tages, this total freedom from any compulsion or even fear, and, in. short, this unlimited liberty of debate, so strictly claimed by the parliament, and so scrupulously allowed by the crown, should be ex- ercised year after year, during a long course of time, without producing the least relaxation in the execution of the laws, the smallest degree of anarchy, are certainly very singular political phsenomena. It may be said, that the remarkable solidity of the governing executive authority, in England, ope- rates to the advantage of the people with respect to the objects we mention, in a twofold manner. In the first place, it so far takes from the great men in the nation all serious ambition to invade this authority, that their debates do not produce such anarchical and more or less bloody struggles as have very frequently disturbed other countries. In the second place, it inspires those great men with that salutary jealousy of the same authority which OF ENGLAND. 387 leads them to frame such effectual provisions for laying- it under proper restraints. On which I shall observe, by way of a short digression, that this distinguished stability of the executive autho- rity of the English crown affords an explanation of the peculiar manner in which public commotions have constantly been terminated in England, com- pared with the manner in which the same events have been concluded in other kingdoms. When I mentioned, in a former chapter, this peculiarity in the English government, I mean the accuracy, im- partiality, and universality of the provisions by which peace, after internal disturbances, has been restored to the nation, I confined my comparisons to instances drawn from republican governments, purposely postponing to say any thing of govern- ments of a monarchical form, till I had introduced the very essential observation contained in this chapter, which is, that the power of crowns, in other monarchies, has not been able, by itself, to produce the same effects it has in England, that is, has not been able to inspire the great men in the state with any thing like that salutary jealousy we mention, nor of course to induce them to unite in a real common cause with the rest of the people. In other monarchies,* those men who, during the continuance of the public disturbances, were at the head of the people, finding it in their power in the issue, to parcel out, more or less, the supreme go- * I mean before the introduction of those numerous standing o armies which are now kept by all the crowns of Europe : since that epoch, which is of no very ancient date, no treaty has been en- tered into by those crowns with any subjects. c c 2 388 THE CONSTITUTION verning authority (or even the state itself), and to transfer the same to themselves, constantly did so, in the same manner, and for the very same reasons, as it happened in the ancient commonwealths ; those monarchical governments being in reality, so far as that, of a republican nature : and the govern- ing authority was left, at the conclusion, in the same undefined extent it had before.* But, in Eng- land, the great men in the nation finding themselves in a situation essentially different, lost no time in pursuits like those in which the great men of other countries used to indulge themselves on the occa- sion we mention. Every member of the legislature plainly perceived, from the general aspect of affairs, and his feelings, that the supreme executive autho- rity in the state must in the issue fall somewhere undivided, and continue so ; and being moreover sensible, that neither personal advantages of any kind, nor the power of any faction, but the law alone, could afterwards be an effectual restraint upon its motions, they had no thought or aim left, except to frame with care those laws on which their own liberty was to continue to depend, and to restrain a power which they judged it so imprac- ticable to transfer to themselves or their party, or to render themselves independent of. These ob- servations I thought necessary to be added to those in the fifteenth chapter, to which I now refer the reader. Nor has the great freedom of canvassing political * As a remarkable instance of such a treaty, may be mentioned that by which the war for the public good was terminated in France. See the note in page 23 of this work. OF ENGLAND. 389 subjects we have described, been limited to the members of the legislature, or confined to the walls of Westminster, that is, to the exclusive spot on which the two houses meet : the like privilege is allowed to the other orders of the people : and a full scope is given to that spirit of party, and a complete security ensured to those numerous and irregular meetings, which, especially when directed to matters of government, create so much uneasi- ness in the sovereigns of other countries. Indivi- duals even may, in such meetings, take an active part for procuring the success of those public steps which they wish to see pursued ; they may frame petitions to be delivered to the crown, or to both houses, either to procure the repeal of measures already entered upon by government, or to prevent the passing of such as are under consideration, or to obtain the enacting of new regulations of any kind ; they may severally subscribe their names to such petitions : the law sets no restriction on their numbers ; nor has it, we may say, taken any pre- caution to prevent even the abuse that might be made of such freedom. 203 That mighty political engine, the press, is also at their service ; they may avail themselves of it to advertise the time and place, as well as the intent, of the meetings, and moreover to set off and in- culcate the advantages of those notions which they wish to see adopted. Such meetings may be repeated ; and every in- 203 Not strictly correct, since the passing of the several acts men- tioned in note 202, page 378. EDITOR. 390 THE CONSTITUTION dividual may deliver what opinion he pleases on the proposed subjects, though ever so directly op- posite to the views or avowed designs of the go- vernment. The member of the legislature may, if he chooses, have admittance among them, and again enforce those topics which have not obtained the success he expected, in that house to which he belongs. The disappointed statesman, the mi- nister turned out, also find the door open to them : they may bring in the whole weight of their in- fluence and of their connexions : they may exert every nerve to enlist the assembly in the number of their supporters ; they are bidden to do their worst : they fly through the country from one place of meeting to another : the clamour increases : the constitution, one may think, is going to be shaken to its very foundations : but these mighty strug- gles, by some means or other, always find a pro- portionate degree of reaction ; new difficulties, and at last insuperable impediments, grow up in the way of those who would take advantage of the general ferment to raise themselves on the wreck of the governing authority : a secret force exerts itself, which gradually brings things back to a state of moderation and calm : and that sea so stormy, to appearance so deeply agitated, constantly stops at certain limits which it seems as if it wanted the power to pass. The impartiality with which justice is dealt to all orders of men in England, is also in great mea- sure owing to the peculiar stability of the govern- ment : the very remarkable, high degree, to which this impartiality is carried, is one of those things, OF ENGLAND. 391 which, being impossible in other countries, is pos- sible under the government of this country. In the ancient commonwealths, from the instances that have been introduced in a former place, and from others that might be quoted, it is evident that no redress was to be obtained, for the acts of injustice or oppression committed by the men pos- sessed of influence or wealth, upon the inferior citizens. In the monarchies of Europe, in former times, abuses of a like kind prevailed to a most enormous degree. In our days, notwithstanding the great degrees of strength acquired by the dif- ferent governments, it is matter of the utmost dif- ficulty for subjects of the inferior classes to obtain the remedies of the law against certain indivi- duals : in some countries it is impossible, let the abuse be ever so flagrant ; an open attempt to pur- sue such remedies being moreover attended with danger. Even in those monarchies of Europe in which the government is supported both by real strength, and by civil institutions of a very advan- tageous nature, great differences prevail between individuals in regard to the facility of obtaining the remedies of the law : and to seek for redress, is at best, in many cases, so arduous and precari- ous an attempt, as to take from injured individuals all thoughts of encountering the difficulty. Nor are these abuses we mention, in the former or pre- sent governments of Europe, to be attributed only to the want of resolution in the heads of those go- vernments. In some countries, the sovereign, by an open design to suppress these abuses, would have endangered at once his whole authority : and 392 THE CONSTITUTION in others, he would find obstructions multiply so in his way as to compel him, perhaps very quickly, to drop the undertaking 1 . How can a monarch, alone, make a persevering stand against the avowed expectations of all the great men by whom he is surrounded, and against the loud claims of power- ful classes of individuals? In a commonwealth, what can the senate do when they find that their refusing to protect a powerful offender of their own class, or to indulge some great citizen with the im- punity of his friends, is likely to be productive of serious divisions among themselves, or perhaps of disturbances among the people ? If we cast our eyes on the strict and universal impartiality with which justice is administered in England, we shall soon become convinced that some inward essential difference exists between the English government and those of other countries, and that its power is founded on causes of a dis- tinct nature. Individuals of the most exalted rank do not entertain so much as the thought to raise the smallest direct opposition to the operation of the law. The complaint of the meanest subject, if preferred and supported in the usual way, imme- diately meets with a serious regard. The op- pressor, of the most extensive influence, though in the midst of a train of retainers, nay, though in the fullest flight of his career and pride, and surrounded by thousands of applauders and partisans, is stopped short at the sight of the legal paper which is de- livered into his hands j and a tipstaff is sufficient to bring him away, and produce him before the bench. OF ENGLAND. 393 Such is the greatness, and such is the uninter- rupted prevalence of the law ; * such is, in short, the continuity of omnipotence, of resistless supe- riority, it exhibits, that the extent of its effects at length ceases to be a subject of observation to the public. Nor are great or wealthy men to seek for re- dress or satisfaction of any kind, by any other means than such as are open to all ; even the sove- reign has bound himself to resort to no other ; and experience has shown that he may without danger trust the protection of his person, and of the places of his residence, to the slow and litigious assistance of the law.f Another very great advantage attending the re- markable stability of the English government, is, that the same is effected without the assistance of an armed standing force : the constant expedient this of all other governments. On this occasion I shall introduce a passage of Doctor Adam Smith, J in a work published since the present chapter was first written, in which passage an opinion certainly erroneous is contained j the mistakes of persons of his very great abilities deserve attention. This * Lex magna est, et pravalebit." * f I remember soon after my first coming to this country, 205 1 took notice of the boards set up from place to place behind the enclosure of Richmond Park. " Whoever tresspasses upon this ground will " be prosecuted,'' | An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Book v. chap. i. 204 The law is great, and will prevail. EDITOR. co5 Understood to have been about the year 1768. EDITOR. 394 THE CONSTITUTION gentleman, struck with the necessity of a sufficient power of reaction, of a sufficient strength, on the side of government, to resist the agitations attend- ant on liberty, has looked round, and judged that the English government derived the singular stabi- lity it manifests from the standing force it has at its disposal : the following are his expressions : " To " a sovereign who feels himself supported, not only " by tho natural aristocracy of the country, but by " a well-regulated standing army, the rudest, the " most groundless, and the most licentious remon- " strances can give little disturbance. He can " safely pardon or neglect them, and his conscious- " ness of his superiority naturally disposes him to " do so. That degree of liberty ivhich approaches " to licentiousness, can be tolerated only in coun- " tries where the sovereign is secured by a well-re- " gulated standing army."* The above positions are grounded on the notion, that an army places in the hands of the sovereign a united irresistible strength, a strength liable to no accidents, difficulties, or exceptions ; a suppo- sition this, which is not conformable to experience. If a sovereign was endued with a kind of extra- ordinary power attending on his person, at once to lay tinder water whole legions of insurgents, or to repulse and sweep them away by flashes and shocks of the electrical fluid, then indeed he might * The author's design, in the whole passage, is to show that standing armies, under proper restrictions, cannot be hurtful to public liberty : and may in some cases be useful to it, by freeing the sovereign from any troublesome jealousy in regard to this li- berty. OF ENGLAND. 395 use the great forbearance above described : though it is not perhaps very likely he would put up with the rude and groundless remonstrances of his subjects, and with their licentious freedom, yet he might, with safety, do or not do so, at his own choice. But an army is not that simple weapon which is here supposed. It is formed of officers and soldiers who feel the same passions with the rest of the people, the same disposition to pro- mote their own interest and importance, when they find out their strength, and proper opportunities offer. What will therefore be the resource of the sovereign, if into that army, on the assistance of which he relies, the same party spirit creeps, by which his other subjects are actuated ? Where will he take refuge, if the same political caprices, abetted by the serious ambition of a few leading men, the same restlessness, and at last perhaps the same dis- affection, begin to pervade the smaller kingdom of the army, by which the main kingdom or nation is agitated ? The prevention of dangers like those just men- tioned constitutes the most essential part of the precautions and state-craft of rulers, in those go- vernments which are secured by standing armed forces. Mixing the troops formed of natives with foreign auxiliaries, dispersing them in numerous bodies over the country, and continually shifting their quarters, are among the methods that are used ; which it does not belong to our subject to enumerate, any more than the extraordinary ex- pedients employed by the eastern monarchs for the same purposes. But one caution, very essential to 390 THE CONSTITUTION be mentioned here, and which the governments we allude to never fail to take before every other, is to retrench from their unarmed subjects a freedom, which, transmitted to the soldiery, would be at- tended with such fatal consequences ; hindering such bad examples from being communicated to those in whose hands their power and life are trusted, is what every notion of self-preservation suggests to them ; every weapon is accordingly ex- erted to suppress the rising and spreading of so awful a contagion. In general, it may be laid down as a maxim, that, where the sovereign looks to his army for the security of his person and authority, the same military laws by which this army is kept together, must be extended over the whole nation ; not in regard to military duties and exercises, but cer- tainly in regard to all that relates to the respect due to the sovereign and to his orders. The mar- tial law, concerning these tender points, must be universal. The jealous regulations concerning mutiny and contempt of orders cannot be severely enforced on that part of the nation which secures the subjection of the rest, and enforced too through the whole scale of military subordination, from the soldier to the officer, up to the very head of the military system, while the more numerous and inferior part of the people are left to enjoy an un- restrained freedom : that secret disposition which prompts mankind to resist and counteract their superiors cannot be surrounded by such formidable checks on one side, and be left to be indulged to a degree of licentiousness and wantonness on the other. OF ENGLAND. 397 In a country where an army is kept, capable of commanding the obedience of the nation, this army will both imitate the licentiousness above men- tioned, and check it in the people. Every officer and soldier, in such a country, claim a superiority in regard to other individuals ; and, in proportion as their assistance is relied upon by the government, expect a greater or less degree of submission from the rest of the people.* * In the beginning of the passage which is here examined, the author says, " Where the sovereign is himself the general, and the " principal nohility and gentry of the country are the chief officers " of the army, where the military force is placed under the com- " mand of those who have the greatest interest in the support of the " civil authority, because they have the greatest share of that au- " thority, a standing army can never be dangerous to liberty. " On the contrary, it may in some cases be favourable to liberty," &c. In a country so circumstanced, a standing army can never be dangerous to liberty ; no, not the liberty of those principal no- bility and gentry, especially if they have wit enough to form com- binations among themselves against the sovereign. Such a union as is here mentioned, of the civil and military powers, in the aristo- cratical body of the nation, leaves both the sovereign and the people without resource. If the former kings of Scotland had adopted the expedient of a standing army, and had trusted this army, thus defrayed by them, to those noblemen and gentlemen who had ren- dered themselves hereditary admirals, hereditary high-stewards, hereditary high constables, hereditary great chamberlains, heredi- tary justices-general, hereditary sheriffs of counties, &c. they would have ill repaired the disorders under which the government of their country laboured ; they would only have supplied these nobles with fresh weapons against each other, against the sovereign, and against the people. If those members of the British parliament, who sometimes make the whole nation resound with the clamour of their dissensions, had an army under their command which they might engage in the support of iheir pretensions, the rest of the people would not THE CONSTITUTION The same author concludes his above quoted observations concerning the security of the power of an armed sovereign, by immediately adding : " It is in such countries only that it is unnecessary " that the sovereign should be trusted with any " discretionary power for suppressing even the " wantonness of this licentious liberty." The idea here expressed coinciding with those already dis- cussed, I shall say nothing farther on the subject. My reason for introducing the above expressions, has been, that they lead me to take notice of a remarkable circumstance in the English govern- ment. From the expression, it is unnecessary that the sovereign should be trusted with any discretionary power, the author appears to think that a sovereign at the head of an army, and whose power is secured by this army, usually waits to set himself in motion, till he has received leave for that purpose ; that is, till he has been trusted with a power for so doing. This notion in the author we quote, is borrowed from the steady and thoroughly legal government of this country ; but the like law-doctrine, or principle, obtains under no other government. In all monarchies (and it is the same in republics), the executive power in the state is supposed to possess, originally and by be the better for it. Happily the swords are secured, and force is removed from their debates. The author whom we are quoting has deemed a government to he a more simple machine, and an army a more simple instrument, than they in reality are. Like many other persons of great abili- ties, while struck with a certain peculiar consideration, he has overlooked others no less important. OF ENGLAND. 399 itself, all manner of lawful authority : every one of its exertions is deemed to be legal : and they do not cease to be so, till they are stopped by some express and positive regulation. The sovereign, and also the civil magistrate, till so stopped by some positive law, may come upon the subject when they choose : they may question any of his actions ; they may construe them into unlawful acts ; and inflict a penalty, as they please : in these respects they may be thought to abuse, but not to exceed, their power. The authority of the govern- ment, in short, is supposed to be unlimited so far as there are no visible boundaries set up against it ; within which boundaries lies whatever degree of liberty the subject may possess. In England, the very reverse obtains. It is not the authority of the government, it is the liberty of the subject which is supposed to be unbounded. All the actions of an individual are supposed to be lawful, till that law is pointed out which makes them to be otherwise. The onus probandi' 06 is here transferred from the subject to the prince. The subject is not at any time to show the ground of his conduct. When the sovereign or magistrate think proper to exert themselves, it is their business to find out and produce the law in their own favour, and the prohibition against the subject. * * I shall take the liberty to mention another fact respecting myself, as it may serve to elucidate the above observations, or at least my manner of expressing them. 1 remember, when I was beginning to pay attention to the operations of the English govem- 206 Burden of proof. EDITOR. 400 THE CONSTITUTION This kind of law principle, owing to the general spirit by which all parts of the government are in- fluenced, is even carried so far that any quibble, or trifling circumstance, by which an offender may be enabled to step aside and escape, though ever so narrowly, the reach of the law, will screen him from punishment, let the immorality or intrinsic guilt of his conduct be ever so openly admitted.* ment, I was under a prepossession of quite a contrary nature to that of the gentleman whose opinions have been discussed : I used to take it for granted that every article of liberty the subject enjoys in this country was grounded upon some positive law by which this liberty was ensured to him. In regard to the freedom of the press, I had no doubt that it was so, and that there existed some particular law, or rather series of laws or legislative para- graphs, by which this freedom was defined and carefully secured : and as the liberty of writing happened at that time to be carried very far, and to excite a great deal of attention (the noise about the Middlesex election had not yet subsided), I particularly wished to see those laws I supposed, not doubting that there must be some- thing remarkable in the wording of them. I looked into those law books which I could meet with ; such as Jacob's and Cunningham's Law Dictionaries, Wood's Institutes and Judge Blackstone's Commentaries, I also found means to have a sight of Comyn's Digest of the Laws of England, and. I was again disappointed; this author, though the work consists of five folio volumes, had not had, any more than the authors just mentioned, room to spare for the interesting law I was in search of. At length it occurred to me, that this liberty of the press was grounded upon its not being prohibited ; that this want of prohibition was the sole, and at the same time solid, foundation of it. This led me, when I afterwards thought of writing upon the government of this country, to give that definition of the freedom of the press which is contained in p. 244, 255 ; adding to it the important consideration, that all actions respecting publications are to be decided by a jury. * A number of instances, some even of a ludicrous kind, might be quoted in support of the above observation. Even a trifling OF ENGLAND. 4-01 Such a narrow circumscription of the exertions of the government is very extraordinary : it does not exist in any country but this ; nor could it. The situation of other governments is such, that they cannot thus allow themselves to be shut out of the unbounded space unoccupied by any law, in order to have their motions confined to that spot which express and previously-declared provisions have chalked out. The power of these govern- ments being constantly attended with more or less precariousness, there must be a degree of discretion answerable to it.* The foundation of that law- principle, or doctrine, which confines the exertion of the power of the government to such cases only as are expressed by a law in being, was laid when the Great Charter was passed : this restriction was implied in one of those general impartial articles which the barons flaw in the mere words of an indictment is enough to make it void. I do not remember the name of that political author, who, having published a treasonable writing for which he escaped punishment, used afterwards to answer to his friends, when they reproached him with his rashness, I knew 1 ivas writing within an inch of the gallows. The law being both ascertained and strictly adhered to, he had been enabled to bring his words and positions so nicely within compass. * It might perhaps also be proved, that the great lenity used in England in the administration of criminal justice, both in regard to the mildness, and to the frequent remission of punishments, is essentially connected with the same circumstance of the stability of the government. Experience indicates that it is needless to use any great degree of harshness and severity in regard to offenders ; and the supreme governing authority is under no necessity of showing the subordinate magistracies any bad example in that respect. D D 402 THE CONSTITUTION united with the people to obtain from the sovereign. The crown, at that time, derived from its foreign dominions that stability and inward strength (in re- gard to the English nation), which are now in a secret hidden manner annexed to the civil branch of its office, and which, though operating by dif- ferent means, continue to maintain that kind of confederacy against it, and union between the dif- ferent orders of the people. By the article in Magna Charta here alluded to, the sovereign bound himself neither to go, nor send, upon the subject, otherwise than by the trial of peers, and the law of the land.* This article was, however, afterwards disregarded in practice, in consequence of the law- ful efficiency which the king claimed for his pro- clamations, and especially by the institution of the court of Star-chamber, which grounded its proceed- ings not only upon these proclamations, but also upon the particular rules it chose to frame within itself. By the abolition of this court (and also of the court of High Commission) in the reign of Charles the First, the above provision of the Great Charter was put in actual force j and it has ap- peared by the event, that the very extraordinary re- striction upon the governing authority we are al- luding to, and its execution, are no more than what the intrinsic situation of things, and the strength of the constitution, can bear.']' * See pages 21 and 22 of this work. t The court of Star-chamber was like a court of equity in re- gard to criminal matters ; it took upon itself to decide, upon those cases of offence upon which the usual courts of law, when unin- fluenced by the crown, refused to decide, either on account of the OF ENGLAND. 403 The law-doctrine we have above described, and its being 1 strictly regarded by the high governing authority, I take to be the most characteristic cir- cumstance in the English government, and the most pointed proof that can be given of the true freedom which is the consequence of its frame. The practice of the executive authority thus to square its motions upon such laws, and such only as are ascertained and declared beforehand, can- not be the result of that kind of stability which the crown might derive from being supported by an armed force, or, as the above-mentioned author has expressed it, from the sovereign being the gene- ral of an army ; such a rule of acting is even con- tradictory to the office of a general : the operations of a general eminently depend for their success, on their being sudden, unforeseen, attended by surprise. In general, the stability of the power of the English crown cannot be the result of that kind of strength which arises from an armed force : the kind of strength which is conferred by such a weapon as an army, is too uncertain, too compli- cated, too liable to accidents : in a word, it falls infinitely short of the degree of steadiness neces- silence of the laws in being, en- of the particular rules they had established within themselves; which is exactly the office of the court of Chancery (and of the Exchequer) in regard to matters of property. The great usefulness of courts of this kind has caused the courts of equity, in regard to civil matters, to be supported and continued; but experience has shown, that no essential inconvenience can arise from the subject being indulged with the very great free- dom he has acquired by the total abolition of all arbitrary or pro- visional courts in regard to criminal matters. D D 2 404> THE CONSTITUTION sary to counterbalance, and at last quiet, those extensive agitations in the people which some- times seem to threaten the destruction of order and government. An army, if its support be well directed, may be useful to prevent this restlessness in the people from beginning to exist : but it can- not keep it within bounds, when it has once taken place. If, from general arguments and considerations, we pass to particular facts, we shall actually find that the crown, in England, does not rely for its support, nor ever has relied, upon the army of which it has the command. From the earliest times, that is, long before the invention of stand- ing armies among European princes, the kings of England possessed an authority certainly as full and extensive as that which they now enjoy. After the weight they derived from their possessions beyond sea had been lost, a certain arrangement of things began to be formed at home, which sup- plied them with a strength of another kind, though not less solid ; and they began to derive from the civil branch of their regal office that secure power which no other monarchs had ever possessed, except through the assistance of legions and prae- torian guards, of armies of Janissaries, or of Strelitzes. The princes of the house of Tudor, to speak of a very remarkable period in the English history, though they had no other visible present force than inconsiderable retinues of servants, were able to exert a power equal to that of the most absolute monarchs that ever reigned, equal to that of a OF ENGLANP. 405 Domitian or a Commodus, an Amurath or a Ba- jazet : nay, it even was superior, if we consider the steadiness and outward show of legality with which it was attended throughout. The stand which the kings of the house of Stuart were able to make, though unarmed, and only supported by the civil authority of their office, during a long course of years, against the restless spirit which began to actuate the nation, and the vehement political and religious notions that broke out in their time, is still more remarkable than even the exorbitant power of the princes of the house of Tudor, during whose reign prepossessions of quite a contrary nature were universal. The struggle opened with the reign of James the First ; yet he peaceably weathered the begin- ning storm, and transmitted his authority undi- minished to his son. Charles the First, indeed, was at last crushed under the ruins of the consti- tution : but if we consider that, after making the important national concessions contained in the Petition of Right, he was able, single and un- armed, to maintain his ground without loss or real danger, during the space of eleven years (that is, till the year 1640), we shall be inclined to think that, had he been better advised, he might have avoided the misfortunes that at length befell him. Even the events of the reign of James the Se- cond afford a proof of that solidity which is an- nexed to the authority of the English crown. Although the whole nation, not excepting the army, were in a manner unanimous against him, he was able to reign four years, standing single 406 THE CONSTITUTION against all, without meeting with any open resist- ance. Nor was such justifiable and necessary re- sistance easily brought about at length.* Though it is not to be doubted that the dethroning of James the Second would have been effected in the issue, and perhaps in a very tragical manner ; yet, if it had not been for the assistance of the prince of Orange, the event would certainly have been postponed for a few years. That authority on which James relied with so much confidence, was not annihilated at the time it was, otherwise than by a ready and considerable armed force being brought against it from the other side of the sea, like a solid fortress, which, though, without any visible outworks, requires, in order to be compelled to surrender, to be battered with cannon. If we look into the manner in which this country has been governed since the Revolution, we shall evidently see that it has not been by means of the army that the crown has been able to pre- serve and exert its authority. It is not by means * Mr. Hume is rather too anxious in his wish to exculpate James the Second. He begins the conclusive character he gives of him, with representing him as a prince whom we may safely pronounce more unfortunate than criminal. If we consider the solemn engagements entered into, not by his predecessors only, but by himself, which this prince endeavoured to break, how cool and deliberate was his attack on the liberties and religion of the people, how unprovoked the attempt, and, in short, how totally destitute he was of any plea of self-defence or necessity, a plea to which most of the princes who have been at variance with their subjects have had a more or less distant claim, we shall look upon him as being perhaps the most guilty monarch that ever existed. OF ENGLAND. 407 of their soldiers that the kings of Great Britain prevent the manner in which elections are carried on, from being 1 hurtful to them ; for these soldiers must move from the places of election one day before such elections are begun, and not return till one day after they are finished. It is not by means of their military force that they prevent the several kinds of civil magistracies in the kingdom from in- vading and lessening their prerogative ; for this military force is not to act till called for by these latter, and under their direction. It is not by means of their army that they lead the two branches of the legislature into that respect to their regal authority which we have before described ; since each of these two branches, severally, is possessed of an annual power of disbanding this army.* There is another circumstance, which, abstract- edly from all others, makes it evident that the ex- ecutive authority of the crown is not supported by the army : I mean the very singular subjection in which the military is kept in regard to the civil power in this country. In a country where the governing authority in the state is supported by the army, the military profession, who, in regard to the other professions, * The generality of the people have from early times been so little accustomed to see any display of force used to influence the debates of the parliament, that the attempt made by Charles the First to seize the Jive members, attended by a retinue of about two hundred servants, was the actual spark that set in a blaze the heap of combustibles which the preceding contests had ac- cumulated. The parliament, from that fact, took a pretence to make military preparations in their turn ; and then the civil war began. 408 THE CONSTITUTION have on their side the advantage of present force, being now moreover countenanced by the law, immediately acquire, or rather assume, a general ascendancy ; and the sovereign, far from wishing to discourage their claims, feels an inward happiness in seeing that instrument on which he rests his authority, additionally strengthened by the respect of the people, and receiving a kind of legal sanction from the general outward consent. And not only the military profession at large, but the individuals belonging to it, also claim per- sonally a pre-eminence : chief commanders, officers, soldiers, or janissaries, all claim, in their own spheres, some sort of exclusive privilege : and these privileges, whether of an honorary, or of a more substantial kind, are violently asserted, and rendered grievous to the rest of the community, in proportion as the assistance of the military force is more evidently necessary to, and more frequently employed by, the government. These things can- not be otherwise. Now, if we look into the facts that take place in England, we shall find that a quite different order prevails from what is above described. All courts of a military kind are under a constant sub- ordination to the ordinary courts of law. Officers who have abused their private power, though only in regard to their own soldiers, may be called to account before a court of common law, and com- pelled to make proper satisfaction. Even any flagrant abuse of authority committed by members of courts-martial, when sitting to judge their own people, and determine upon cases entirely of a mi- OF ENGLAND. 409 litary kind, makes them liable to the animadversion of the civil judge.* * A great number of instances might be adduced to prove the above-mentioned subjection of the military to the civil power. I shall introduce one which is particularly remarkable : I met with it in the periodical publications of the year 1746. A lieutenant of marines, whose name was Frye, had been charged, while in the West Indies, with contempt of orders, for having refused, when ordered by the captain, to assist another lieutenant in carrying another officer prisoner on board the ship : the two lieutenants wished to have the order given in writing. For this, lieutenant Frye was tried at Jamaica by a court-martial, and sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment, besides being de- clared incapable of serving the king. He was brought home : and his case (after being laid before the privy -council) appearing in a justifiable light, he was released. Some time after, he brought an action against sir Chaloner Ogle, who had been president of the above court-martial, and had a verdict in his favour for one thou- sand pounds damages, as it was also proved that he had been kept fourteen months in the most severe confinement before he was brought to his trial. The judge moreover informed him, that he was at liberty to bring his action against any of the members of the said court-martial he could meet with. The following part of the affair is still more remarkable. Upon application made by lieutenant Frye, sir John Willes, lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, issued his writ against admiral Mayne, and captain Rsntone, two of the persons who had composed the above court-martial, who happened to be at that time in England, and were members of the court-martial that was then sitting at Deptford, to determine on the affair between ad- mirals Matthews and Lestock, of which admiral Mayne was also president ; and they were arrested immediately after the breaking- up of the court. The other members resented highly what they thought an insult ; they met twice on the subject, and came to certain resolutions, which the judge-advocate was directed to deliver to the Board of Admiralty, in order to their being laid before the king. In these resolutions they demarded " satisfac- " lion for the high insult on their president, from all persons, how " high soever in office, who have set on foot this arrest, or in any 410 THE CONSTITUTION To the above facts concerning the pre-eminence of the civil over the military power at large, it is needless to add that all offences committed by per- sons of the military profession, in regard to indi- viduals belonging to the other classes of the peo- ple, are to be determined upon by the civil judge. Any use they may make of their force, unless ex- pressly authorized and directed by the civil magis- trate, let the occasion be what it may, makes them liable to be convicted of murder for any life that may have been lost. To allege the duties or customs of their profession, in extenuation of any offence, is a plea which the Judge will not so much as understand. Whenever claimed by the civil power, they must be delivered up immediately. Nor can it, in general, be said that the counte- nance shown to the military profession by the ruling " degree advised or promoted it :" moreover complaining, that, by the said arrest, " the order, discipline, and government of his " majesty's armies by sea were dissolved, and the statute 13 Car. II. " made null and void." The altercations on that account lasted some months. At length the court-martial thought it necessary to submit ; and they sent to lord chief justice Willes a letter signed by the seventeen officers, admirals and commanders, who composed it, in which they ac- knowledged that " the resolutions of the IGth and 21st of May, " ivere unjust and unwarrantable, and to ask pardon of his " lordship, and the whole court of Common Pleas, for the indig- " n ity offered to him and the court" This letter judge Willes read in the open court, and directed the same to be registered in the Remembrance Office, as a " memorial " to the present and future ages, that ivhoever set themselves " above the law, will, in the end, find themselves mistaken" The letter from the court-martial, and judge Willes's acceptation, were inserted in the next Gazette, 15th November, 1746. OF ENGLAND. 411 power in the state has constantly been such as to inspire the bulk of the people with a disposition tamely to bear their acts of oppression, or to raise in magistrates and juries any degree of preposses- sion sufficient to lead them always to determine with partiality in their favour.* The subjection of the military to the civil power, carried to that extent it is in England, is another characteristic and distinctive circumstance in the English government. It is sufficiently evident that a king does not look to his army for his support, who takes so little pains to bribe and unite it to his interest. In general, if we consider all the different cir- cumstances in the English government, we shall find that the army cannot procure to the sovereign any permanent strength, any strength upon which he can rely, and from it expect the success of any future and distant measures. The public notoriety of the debates in parliament induces all individuals, soldiers as well as others, to pay some attention to political subjects; and the * The reader may see, in the publications of the year 1770, the clamour that was raised on account of a general in the army (Gen. Gansell) having availed himself of the vicinity of his soldiers to prevent certain sheriff's officers from executing an arrest upon his person, at Whitehall. It however appeared that the general had done nothing more than put forth a few of his men, in order to perplex and astonish the sheriff's officers ; and in the mean time he took an opportunity for himself to slip out of the way. The violent clamour we mention was no doubt owing to the party spirit of the time ; but it nevertheless shows what the notions of the bulk of the people were on the subject. THE CONSTITUTION liberty of speaking-, printing, and intriguing-, being extended to every order of the nation by whom they are surrounded, makes them liable to imbibe every notion that may be directly contrary to the views of that power which maintains them. The case would be still worse if the sovereign should engage in a contest with a very numerous part of the nation. The general concern would increase in proportion to the vehemence of the parliamentary debates : individuals, in all the dif- ferent classes of the public, would try their elo- quence on the same subjects ; and this eloquence would be in great measure exerted, during such interesting times, in making converts of the sol- diery : these evils the sovereign could not obviate, nor even know, till it should be in every respect too late. A prince, engaged in the contest we suppose, would scarcely have completed his first preparations, his project would scarcely be half ripe for execution, before his army would be taken from him. And the more powerful this army might be, the more adequate, seemingly, from its numbers, to the task it is intended for, the more open it would be to the danger we mention. Of this, James the Second made a very remark- able experiment. He had augmented his army to the number of thirty thousand. But when the day came in which their support was to have been use- ful to him, some deserted to the enemy ; others threw down their arms ; and those who continued to stand together, showed more inclination to be spectators of, than agents in, the contest. In short, OF ENGLAND. 413 he gave all over for lost, without making any trial of their assistance.* * The army made loud rejoicings on the day of the acquittal of the bishops, even, in the presence of the king, who had pur- posely repaired to Hounslow Heath on that day. He had not been able to bring a single regiment to declare an approbation of his measures in regard to the test and penal statutes. The cele- brated ballad lero lero lillibulero, which is reported to have had such an influence on the minds of the people at that time, and of which bishop Burnet says, " Never perhaps so slight a thing had " so great an effect" originated in the army : " the ivhole army, " and at last people both in city and country, were per pet u- " ally singing it." To a king of England, engaged in a project against public liberty, a numerous army, ready formed before-hand, must, in the present situation of things, prove a very great impediment ; he cannot give his attention to the proper management of it : the less so, as his measures for that purpose must often be contradictory to those he is to pursue with the rest of the people. If a king of England, wishing to set aside the present constitu- tion, and to assimilate his power to that of the other sovereigns of Europe, should do me the honour to consult me as to the means of obtaining success, I would recommend to him, as his first pre- paratory step, and before his real project is even suspected, to disband his army, keeping only a strong guard, not exceeding twelve hundred men. This done, he might, by means of the weight and advantages of his place, set himself about undermining Biich constitutional laws as he dislikes ; using as much temper as he can, that he may have the more time to proceed. And when at length things should be brought to a crisis, then I would advise him to fonn another army, out of those friends or class of the peo- ple whom the turn and incidents of the preceding contests would have linked and rivetted to his interest ; with this army he might now take his chance : the rest would depend on his general- ship, and even in a great measure on his bare reputation in that respect. In offering my advice to the king of England, I would, how- ever, conclude with observing to him, that his situation is as ad van* tageous to the full as that of any king upon earth, and, upon the 414 THE CONSTITUTION From all the facts before mentioned, it is evident that the power of the crown, in England, rests upon foundations quite peculiar to itself, and that its se- curity and strength are obtained by means totally different from those by which the same advantages are so incompletely procured, and so dearly paid for, in other countries. It is without the assistance of an armed force that the crown, in England, is able to manifest that dauntless independence on particular individuals, or whole classes of them, with which it discharges its legal functions and duties. Without the assistance of an armed force, it is able to counterbalance the extensive and unrestrained freedom of the people, and to exert that resisting strength which con- stantly keeps increasing in a superior proportion to the force by which it is opposed, that ballasting power by which, in the midst of boisterous winds and gales, it recovers and rights again the vessel of the state.* It is from the civil branch of its office the crown derives that strength by which it subdues even the whole, that all the advantages which can arise from the success of his plan cannot make it worth his while to undertake it. * There are many circumstances in the English government, which those persons who wish for speculative meliorations, such as parliamentary reform, or other changes of a like kind, do not per- haps think of taking into consideration. If so, they are, in their proceedings, in danger of meddling with a number of strings, the existence of which they do not suspect. While they only mean reformation and improvement, they are in danger of removing the talisman on which the existence of the fabric depends ; or, like the daughter of king Nisus, of cutting off the fatal hair with which the fate of the city is connected. OF ENGLAND. 415 military power, and keeps it in a state of subjection to the laws, unexampled in any other country. It is from a happy arrangement of things it derives that uninterrupted steadiness, that invisible so- lidity, which procure to the subject both so certain a protection, and so extensive a freedom. It is from the nation it receives the force with which it go- verns the nation. Its resources are official energy, and not compulsion, free action, and not fear ; and it continues to reign through the political drama, the struggle of the voluntary passions of those who pay obedience to it.* CHAPTER XVIII. How far the Examples of Nations who have lost their Liberty are applicable to England. EVERY government (those writers observe, who have treated on these subjects) containing within * Many persons, satisfied with seeing the elevation and upper parts of a building, think it immaterial to give a look under ground and notice the foundation. Those readers, therefore, who choose, may consider the long chapter that has just been concluded, as a kind of foreign digression, or parenthesis, in the course of the work. 80 ? W The editor feels assured that every intelligent and reflecting reader, so far from considering this apology necessary, will have 416 THE CONSTITUTION itself the efficient cause of its ruin, a cause which is essentially connected with those very circum- stances that had produced its prosperity ; the ad- vantages attending- the English government cannot therefore, according to these writers, exempt it from that latent defect which is secretly working its ruin ; and M. de Montesquieu, giving his opinion both of the cause and the effect, says, that the English con- stitution will lose its liberty, will perish : " Have " not Rome, Lacedsemon, and Carthage, perished ? " It will perish when the legislative power shall " have become more corrupt than the executive." Though I do by no means pretend that any human establishment can escape the fate to which we see every thing in nature is subject, nor am so far prejudiced by the sense I entertain of the great advantages of the English government as to reckon among them that of eternity, I will, however, observe in general, that as it differs by its struc- ture and resources from all those with which his- tory makes us acquainted, so it cannot be said to be liable to the same dangers. To judge of one from the other, is to judge by analogy where no ana- logy is to be found : and my respect for the author 1 have quoted will not preclude me from saying that his opinion has not the same weight with me on this occasion that it has on many others. been deeply interested in the subject which our author has so ela- borately presented to his attention. He will not, therefore, after the example of the anonymous editors of this work, whose produc- tions are before him, affect to explain our author's sentiments, ex- pressed, as he thinks, with sufficient clearness and perspicuity, as well as consummate ability. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 417 Having 1 neglected, as indeed all systematic writers upon politics have done, to inquire atten- tively into the real foundations of power and of government among mankind, the principles he lays down are not always so clear, or even so just, as we might have expected from a man of so acute a genius. When he speaks of England, for instance, his observations are much too general : and though he had frequent opportunities of conversing with men who had been personally concerned in the public affairs of this country, and he had been him- self an eyewitness of the operations of the English government, yet, when he attempts to describe it, he rather tells us what he conjectured than what he saw. The examples he quotes, and the causes of dis- solution which he assigns, particularly confirm tbis observation. The government of Rome, to speak of the one which having gradually, and as it were of itself, fallen to ruin, may afford matter for exact reasoning, had no relation to that of England. The Roman people were not, in the later ages of the commonwealth, a people of citizens but of con- querors. Rome was not a state, but the head of a state. By the immensity of its conquests, it came in time to be in a manner only an accessory part of its own empire. Its power became so great, that, after having conferred it, it was at length no longer able to resume it : and from that moment it became itself subjected to it, for the same reason that the provinces were so. The fall of Rome, therefore, was an event pecu- liar to its situation ; and the change of manners E E 418 THE CONSTITUTION which accelerated this fall, had also an effect which it could not have had but in that same situation. Men who had drawn to themselves all the riches of the world, could no longer be content with the supper of Fabricius, 208 or with the cottage of Cin- cinnatus. 209 The people who were masters of all sos Fabricius was a celebrated Roman, who, in bis first consul- ship, obtained several victories over the Samnites and Lucanians, and was honoured with a triumph. The riches which were ac- quired in those battles were immense, the soldiers were liberally rewarded by the consul, and the treasury was enriched with four hundred talents. Two years after, Fabricius went as ambassador to Pyrrhus, and refused, with contempt, the presents, and heard, with indignation, the offers, which might have corrupted the fidelity of a less virtuous citizen. Pyrrhus had occasion to admire the magnanimity of Fabricius ; but his astonishment was more power- fully awakened when Fabricius, opposed to him in the field of battle, disclosed the perfidious offer of his physician, who had pledged himself to the Roman general for a sum of money to poison his royal master. To this greatness of soul were added, the most consummate knowledge of military affairs, and the greatest simplicity of manners. Fabricius never used rich plate at his table : a small saltcellar, ivhose feet were of horn, was the only silver vessel which appeared in his house. This contempt of luxury and useless ornaments Fabricius wished to instil into the people ; and during his censorship he banished from the senate Cornelius Rufinus, who had been twice consul and dictator, because he kept in his house more than lOlbs. weight of silver plate. Such were the manners of the conqueror of Pyrrhus, who observed, that be wished rather to command those that had money than possess it himself. Fabricius lived and died in the greatest poverty. His body was buried at the public charge, and the Roman people were obliged to give a dowry to his two daughters, when they had ar- rived at marriageable years. -EDITOR. 2 9 Cincinnatus nourished B. c. about four hundred and sixty years. He was a celebrated Roman, who was informed, as he ploughed his field, that the senate had chosen him dictator. Upon this, he left his ploughed land with regret, and repaired to the field OF ENGLAND. 419 the corn of Sicily and Africa, were no longer obliged to plunder their neighbours. All possible enemies, besides, being exterminated, Rome, whose power was military, ceased to be an army j and that was the sera of her corruption : if, indeed, we ought to give that name to what was the inevitable conse- quence of the nature of things. In a word, Rome was destined to lose her li- berty when she lost her empire j and she was des- tined to lose her empire, whenever she should be- gin to enjoy it. But England forms a society founded upon principles entirely different. Here, all liberty and power are not accumulated as it were in one point, so as to leave, every where else, only slavery and misery, consequently only seeds of division and secret animosity. From one end of the island to the other, the same laws take place, and the same interests prevail : the whole nation, besides, equally concurs in the framing of the government ; no one part, therefore, has cause to fear that the other parts will suddenly supply the necessary forces to destroy its liberty : and the whole have, of course, no oc- casion for those ferocious kinds of virtue which are indispensably necessary to those who, from the situation to which they have brought themselves, of battle, where his countrymen were closely besieged by the Volsci and ^Equi. He conquered the enemy, and returned to Rome in triumph ; and sixteen days after his appointment, he laid down his office, and retired to plough his fields. In his eightieth year, he was again summoned against Praeneste as dictator ; and after a suc- cessful campaign, he resigned the absolute power he had enjoyed only twenty -one days, nobly disregarding the rewards that were of- fered him by the senate. EDITOR. E E2 420 THE CONSTITUTION are continually exposed to dangers, and, after hav- ing invaded every thing, must abstain from every thing. The situation of the people of England, there- fore, essentially differs from that of the people of Rome. The form of the English government does not differ less from that of the Roman republic : and the great advantages it has over the latter, for preserving the liberty of the people from ruin, have been described at length in the course of this work, Thus, for instance, the ruin of the Roman re- public was principally brought about by the exorbi- tant power to which several of its citizens were successfully enabled to rise. In the latter times of the commonwealth, those citizens went so far as to divide among themselves the dominions of the republic in much the same manner as they might have done lands of their own. And to them others in a short time succeeded, who not only did the same, but even proceeded to such a degree of tyrannical insolence, as to make cessions to each other, by express and formal compacts, of the lives of thousands of their fellow-citizens. 210 But the great and constant authority and weight of the crown, in England, prevent, in their very beginning (as we have seen), all misfortunes of this kind : and the reader may recollect what has been said before on that subject. 210 Allusion is supposed to be here particularly made to the members of the second triumvirate Augustus, Antony, and Le- pidus but cruel public proscriptions occurred more than once in Rome. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 421 At last the ruin of the republic, as every one knows, was completed. One of those powerful citizens to whom we alluded, in process of time, found means to exterminate all his competitors ; he immediately assumed the whole power of the state, and erected an arbitrary monarchy. But such a sudden and violent establishment of a mo- narchical power, and all the fatal consequences that would result from such an event, are calami- ties which cannot take place in England. That kind of power has here existed for ages : it is cir- cumscribed by fixed laws, and established upon re- gular and well-known foundations. Nor is there any great danger that this power may, by means of those legal prerogatives it already possesses, suddenly assume others, and at last openly make itself absolute. The important pri- vilege of granting to the crown its necessary sup- plies, we have before observed, is vested in the na- tion : and how extensive soever the prerogatives of a king of England may be, it constantly lies in the power of his people either to grant or deny him the means of exercising them. This right, possessed by the people of England, constitutes the great difference between them and all the other nations that live under monarchical governments. It likewise gives them a great ad- vantage over such as are formed into republican states, and confers on them a mean of influencing the conduct of the government, not only more effectual, but also (which is more in point to the subject of this chapter) incomparably more lasting THE CONSTITUTION arid secure than those reserved to the people, in the states we mention. In those states, the political rights which usually fall to the share of the people are those of voting in general assemblies, either when laws are to be enacted, or magistrates to be elected. But as the advantages arising from these general rights of giv- ing votes are never very clearly ascertained by the generality of the people, so neither are the conse- quences attending particular forms or modes of giving these votes generally and completely under- stood. They accordingly never entertain any strong and constant preference for one method rather than another ; and hence it always proves too easy a thing in republican states, either by insi- dious proposals made at particular times to the people, or by well-contrived precedents, or other means, first to reduce their political privileges to mere ceremonies and forms, and, at last, entirely to abolish them. Thus, in the Roman republic, the mode which was constantly in use for about one hundred and fifty years, of dividing the citizens into centuries 211 211 Centuria was a division of the people among the Romans, consisting of a hundred, The Roman people were originally divided into three tribes, and each tribe into ten curise, or courts. Servius Tullius made a census ; and when he had the place of habitation, name, and profession of every citizen, which amounted to eighty thousand men, all able to bear arms, he divided them into six classes, and each class into several centuries, or companies of a hundred men. The first class of eighty centuries, forty of which were composed of men from the age of forty-five and upwards, ap- pointed to guard the city. The forty others were young men from seventeen to forty-five years of age, appointed to go to war, and OF ENGLAND. 423 when they gave their votes, reduced the rig-lit of the greater part of them, during- that time, to little more than a shadow. After the mode of dividing fight the enemies of Rome. Their arras were all the same ; they were of the most illustrious citizens, and were to be worth a sum equivalent to about 1,800 English money. The second, third, and fourth classes, consisted each of twenty centuries, ten of which were composed of the more aged, and the others of the younger sort of people. Their arms were alike; and they were to be worth, in the second class, about 121 ; in the third, about 80 ; and in the fourth, about 40. The fifth class consisted of thirty centuries, three of which were carpenters by trade, and the others of different professions, such as were necessary in a camp. They were all armed with slings and stones; and were to be worth about 18. The sixth class contained only one centuria, comprising the whole body of the poorest citizens ; they were not armed, but were to re- main at home. In the public assemblies in the Campus Martius, at the election of public magistrates, or at the trial of capital crimes, the people gave their vote by centuries, whence the assembly was called comitia centuriata. (See note 168, page 289.) In these pub- lic assemblies, which were never convened except by the consuls at the permission of the senate, or by the dictator, in the absence of the consuls, some of the people appeared under arms, for fear of an attack from some foreign enemy. When a law was proposed in the public assemblies, its necessity was explained, and the advantages it would produce to the state were enlarged upon in an harangue ; after which it was exposed in the most conspicuous parts of the city three market days, that the people might see and consider it. When the assembly was to be held, the auguries were consulted by the consul, who, after haranguing the people, and reminding them to have in view the good of the republic, dismissed them to their re- spective centuries, that their votes might be gathered. They gave their votes vivd-voce, (by word of mouth,) till the year of Rome A.U.C. 615, when they changed the custom, and signified their approbation or disapprobation by ballots thrown into an uni. If the first class was unanimous, the others were not consulted, as the first was superior to all the others in number ; but if they were not unanimous, they proceeded to consult the rest, and the majority decided the question. This advantage of the first class gave offence to the rest; and it was afterwards settled, that one class of the six 424 THE CONSTITUTION them by tribes had been introduced by the tribunes, the bulk of the citizens indeed were not, when it was used, under so great a disadvantage as before ; but yet the great privileges exercised by the magis- trates in all the public assemblies, the power they assumed of moving the citizens out of one tribe into another, and a number of other circumstances, con- tinued to render the rights of the citizens more and more inefficient : and in fact we do not find that when those rights were at last entirely taken from them, they expressed any very great degree of dis- content. In Sweden (the former government of which partook much of the republican form) the right allotted to the people in the government was that of sending deputies to the general states of the kingdom, who were to give their votes on the reso- lutions that were to be taken in that assembly. But the privilege of the people of sending such deputies was, in the first place, greatly diminished by some essential disadvantages under which these deputies were placed with respect to the body, or order, of the nobles. The same privilege of the people was farther lessened by their deputies being deprived of the right of freely laying their different proposals before the states, for their assent or dis- sent ; and by vesting the exclusive right of framing such proposals in a private assembly, which was called the secret committee. Again, the right should be drawn by lot, to give its votes first, without regard to rank or priority. After all the votes had been gathered, the consul de- clared aloud, whether or not the law which had been proposed was duly and constitutionally approved. The same ceremonies were observed in the election of consuls, praetors, &c. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. allowed to the order of the nobles, of having- a number of members in this secret committee, double to that of all the other orders taken together, ren- dered the rights of the people still more ineffectual. At the last revolution, the rights we mention were in a manner taken from the people ; and they do not seem to have made any great efforts to preserve them.* But the situation of affairs in England is totally different from that which we have just described. The political rights of the people are inseparably connected with the right of property with a right which it is as difficult to invalidate by artifice, as it is dangerous to attack by force, and which we see that the most arbitrary kings, in the full career of their power, have never offered to violate without the greatest precautions. A king of England who would enslave his people, must begin with doing, for his first act, what all other kings reserve for the last ; and he cannot attempt to deprive his subjects of their political privileges, without declaring war against the whole nation at the same time, and attacking every individual at once in his most per- manent and his best-understood interest. The mean possessed by the people of England, of influencing the conduct of the government, is not only in a manner secure against any danger of * I might have produced examples of a number of republican states, in which the people have been brought, at one time or other, to submit to the loss of their political privileges. In the Venetian republic, for instance, the right, long vested exclusively in a certain number of families, of enacting laws, and electing the doge and other magistrates, was originally enjoyed by the whole people. 426 THE CONSTITUTION being taken from them : it is moreover attended with another advantage of the greatest importance ; which is that of conferring naturally, and as it were necessarily, on those to whom they intrust the care of their interests, the great privilege we have be- fore described, of debating among themselves what- ever questions they deem conducive to the good of their constituents, and of framing whatever questions they think proper, and in what terms they choose. This privilege of starting new subjects of delibe- ration, and, in short, of propounding in the business of legislation, which, in England, is allotted to the representatives of the people, forms another capital difference between the English constitution, and the government of other free states, whether limited monarchies or commonwealths, and prevents that which, in those states, proves a most effectual mean of subverting the laws favourable to public liberty, namely, the undermining of these laws by the precedents and artful practices of those who are in- vested with the executive power in the government. In the states we mention, the active share, or the business of propounding, in legislation, being ever allotted to those persons who are invested with the executive authority, they not only possess a general power, by means of insidious and well- timed proposals made to the people, of getting those laws repealed which set bounds to their authority ; but when they do not choose openly to discover their wishes in that respect, or perhaps are even afraid of failing in the attempt, they have another resource, which, though slower in its ope- OF ENGLAND. ration, is no less effectual in the issue. They neg- lect to execute those laws which they dislike, or deny the benefit of them to the separate straggling individuals who claim it, and, in short, introduce practices that are directly repugnant to them. These practices in a course of time become respect- able usages, and at length obtain the force of laws. The people, even where they are allowed a share in legislation, being ever passive in the exercise of it, have no opportunities of framing new provi- sions by which to remove the spurious practices or regulations, and declare what the law in reality is. The only resource of the citizens, in such a state of things, is either to be perpetually cavilling, or openly to oppose : and, always exerting themselves either too soon or too late, they cannot come forth to defend their liberty, without incurring the charge, either of disaffection, or of rebellion. And while the whole class of politicians, who are constantly alluding to the usual forms of limited governments, agree in deciding- that freedom, when once lost, cannot be recovered,* it happens that the maxim principiis obsta^" which they look upon as the safeguard of liberty, and which they accordingly never cease to recommend, besides its requiring a degree of watchfulness incompatible with the situa- tion of the people, is in a manner impracticable. But the operation of preferring grievances, which * " Yc free nations, remember this maxim : Freedom may be acquired, but it cannot be recovered." Rousseau's Social Con- tract, chap. viii. '-'12 Resist the first innovations. E 428 THE CONSTITUTION in other governments is a constant forerunner of public commotions, and that of framing new law- remedies, which is so jealously secured to the ruling powers of the state, are, in England, the constitu- tional and appropriated offices of the representatives of the people. How long soever the people may have remained in a state of supineness, as to their most valuable interests, whatever may have been the neglect and even the errors of their representatives, the instant the latter come either to see these errors, or to have a sense of their duty, they proceed, by means of the privilege we mention, to abolish those abuses or practices which, during the preceding years, had taken place of the laws. To how low soever a state public liberty may happen to be reduced, they take it where they find it, lead it back through the same path, and to the same point, from which it had been compelled to retreat ; and the ruling power, whatever its usurpations may have been, how far soever it may have overflowed its banks, is ever brought back to its old limits. To the exertions of the privilege we mention, were owing the frequent confirmations and eluci- dations of the Great Charter that took place in different reigns. By means of the same privilege the act was repealed, without public commotion, which had enacted that the king's proclamation should have the force of law : by this act public liberty seemed to be irretrievably lost ; and the parliament which passed it, seemed to have done what the Danish nation did about a century after- wards. The same privilege procured the peace- OF ENGLAND. 429 able abolition of the Court of star-chamber, a court which, though in itself illegal, had grown to be so respected through the length of time it had been suffered to exist, that it seemed to have for ever fixed and rivetted the unlawful authority it conferred on the crown. By the same means was set aside the power which the privy council had assumed of imprisoning the subject without admit- ting to bail, or even mentioning any cause. This power was, in the first instance, declared illegal by the Petition of Right ; and the attempts of both the crown and the judges to invalidate this declara- tion, by introducing or maintaining practices that were derogatory to it, were as often obviated, in a peaceable manner, by fresh declarations, and, in the end, by the celebrated Habeas Corpus act.* I shall take this opportunity of observing, in general, how the different parts of the English government mutually assist and support each other. It is because the whole executive authority of the * The case of general warrants may also be mentioned as an instance. The issuing of such warrants, with the name of the person to be arrested left blank, was a practice that had been fol- lowed by the secretaries of state for above sixty years. In a govern- ment differently constituted, that is, in a government in which the magistrates, or executive power, should have been possessed of the key of legislation, it is difficult to say how the contest might have been terminated ; these magistrates would have been but indiffer- ently inclined to frame and bring forth a declaration which would abridge their assumed authority. In the republic of Geneva, the ma- gistracy, instead of rescinding the judgment against M. Rousseau, of which the citizens complained, chose rather openly to avow the maxim, that standing uses were valid derogations from the written law, and ought to supersede it. This rendered the clamour more violent than before. 430 THE CONSTITUTION state is vested in the crown, that the people may without danger delegate the care of their liberty to representatives : it is because they share in the government only through these representatives, that they are enabled to possess the great advantage arising from framing and proposing new laws : but for this purpose it is again absolutely necessary that a correspondent prerogative of the crown, that is to say, a veto of extraordinary power, should exist in the state. It is, on the other hand, because the balance of the people is placed in the right of granting to the crown its necessary supplies, that the latter may, without danger, be intrusted with the great authority we mention : and that the right, for instance, which is vested in it, of judging- of the proper time for calling and dissolving parliaments (a right abso- lutely necessary to its preservation)* may exist with- out producing, ipso facto, the ruin of public liberty. The most singular government upon earth, and which has carried farthest the liberty of the indivi- dual, was in danger of total destruction, when Bartholomew Columbus was on his passage to England, to teach Henry the Seventh the way to Mexico and Peru. As a conclusion of this subject (which might open a field for speculation without end) I shall take notice of an advantage peculiar to the English government, and which, more than any other we could mention, must contribute to its duration. * As affairs are situated in England, the dissolution of a parlia- ment on the part of the crown is no more than an appeal either to the people themselves, or to another parliament. OF ENGLAND. 431 All the political passions of mankind, if we attend to it, are satisfied and provided for in the English government ; and whether we look at the monar- chical, the aristocratical, or the democratical part of it, we find all those powers already settled in it in a regular manner, which have an unavoidable tendency to arise, at one time or other, in all human societies. If we could for an instant suppose that the English form of government, instead of having been the effect of a concurrence of fortunate circum- stances, had been established from a settled plan by a man who had discovered, before-hand and by rea- soning, all those advantages resulting from it which we now perceive from experience, and had under- taken to point them out to other men capable of judging of what he said to them, the following is, most likely, the manner in which he would have expressed himself. ' Nothing is more chimerical (he might have said) c than a state either of total equality, or total liberty, * amongst mankind. In all societies of men, some ' power will necessarily arise. This power, after * gradually becoming confined to a smaller number * of persons, will, by a like necessity, at last fall into * the hands of a single leader ; and these two effects ' (of which you may see constant examples in ' history) arising from the ambition of one part * of mankind, and from the various affections and * passions of the other, are absolutely unavoidable. ' Let us, therefore, admit this evil at once, since ' it is impossible to avoid it. Let us, of ourselves, * establish a chief among us, since we must, some 432 THE CONSTITUTION 1 time or other, submit to one ; we shall, by this step, * effectually prevent the conflicts that would arise * among the competitors for that situation. But * let us, above all, avoid plurality ; lest one of the * chiefs, after successively raising himself on the ' ruin of his rivals, should, in the end, establish * despotism, and that through a train of incidents ' the most pernicious to the nation. 1 Let us even give him every thing we can con- * fer without endangering our security. Let us * call him our sovereign ; let us make him con- ' sider the state as being his own patrimony ; let * us grant him, in short, such personal privileges * as none of us can ever hope to rival him in j and * we shall find that those things which we were at * first inclined to consider as a great evil, will be in ' reality a source of advantage to the community. ' We shall be the better able to set bounds to that * power which we shall have thus ascertained and ' fixed in one place. We shall thus render more ' interested the man whom we shall have put in ' possession of so many advantages, in the faithful ' discharge of his duty ; and we shall procure, for ' each of us, a powerful protector at home, and * for the whole community, a defender against ' foreign enemies, superior to all possible tempta- < tion of betraying his country. * You may also have observed (he might con- * tinue) that in all states there naturally arise ' around the person or persons who are invested * with the public power, a class of men, who, with- * out having any actual share in that power, yet * partake of its lustre, who, pretending to be dis- OF ENGLAND. 433 ' tinguished from the rest of the community, do ' from that very circumstance become distinguished * from it ; and this distinction, though only matter * of opinion, and at first thus surreptitiously ob- ' tained, yet may become in time the source of very ' grievous effects. * Let us therefore regulate this evil, which we * cannot entirely prevent. Let us establish this ' class of men, who would otherwise grow up * among us without our knowledge, and gradually * acquire the most pernicious privileges. Let us ' grant them distinctions that are visible and ' clearly ascertained : their nature will thus be the * better understood, and they will of course be * much less likely to become dangerous. By the * same means also, we shall preclude all other per- ' sons from the hopes of usurping them. As to * pretend to distinctions can thenceforward be no * longer a title to obtain them, every one who ' shall not be expressly included in their number ' must continue to confess himself one of the * people ; and, just as we said before, " Let us * " choose ourselves one master that we may not ' " have fifty," we may now say, " Let us establish * " three hundred lords, that we may not have ten ' " thousand nobles." * Besides, our pride will better reconcile itself ' to a superiority which it will no longer think of * disputing. Nay, as they will themselves see ' that we are before-hand in acknowledging it, ' they will think themselves under no necessity of ' being insolent to furnish us a proof of it. Secure * as to their privileges, all violent measures on their F F 4-34. THE CONSTITUTION * part for maintaining-, and at last perhaps extend- * ing them, will be prevented : they will never com- * bine with any degree of vehemence, but when * they really have cause to think themselves in dan- * ger ; and by having made them indisputably great * men, we shall have a chance of often seeing them ' behave like modest and virtuous citizens. ' In fine, by being united in a regular assembly, * they will form an intermediate body in the state, * that is to say, a very useful part of the govern- ' ment. * It is also necessary (our reasoning lawgiver * might add) that we, the people, should have an 'influence upon government: it is necessary for ' our own security ; it is no less necessary for the ' security of the government itself. But expe- ' rience must have taught you, at the same time, * that a great body of men cannot act, without * being, though they are nor aware of it, the instru- * ments of the designs of a small number of per- 1 sons ; and that the power of the people is never ' any thing but the power of a few leaders, who ' (though it may be impossible to tell when or * how) have found means to secure to themselves * the direction of its exercise. * Let us, therefore, be also before-hand with * this other inconvenience. Let us effect openly * what would, otherwise, take place in secret. ' Let us intrust our power, before it be taken from * us by address. , Those whom we shall have ex- * pressly made the depositories of it, being freed * from any anxious care about supporting them- ' selves, will have no object but to render it useful. OF ENGLAND. 4,35 They will stand in awe of us the more, because * they well know that they have not imposed upon * us ; and instead of a small number of leaders, * who would imagine they derive their whole im- * portance from their own dexterity, we shall have * express and acknowledged representatives, who * will be accountable to us for the evils of the * state. * But above all, by forming our government ' with a small number of persons, we shall prevent * any disorder that may take place in it from ever * becoming dangerously extensive. Nay more, ' we shall render it capable of such inestimable ' combinations and resources, as would be utterly * impossible in the government of all, which never * can be any thing but uproar and confusion. ' In short, by expressly divesting ourselves of a ' power, of which we should, at best, have only an ' apparent enjoyment, we shall be entitled to make ' conditions for ourselves : we will insist that our * liberty be augmented j we will, above all, reserve * to ourselves the right of watching and censuring ' that administration which will have been esta- * blished by our own consent. We shall the better * see its faults, because we shall be only spectators ' of it : we shall correct them the better, because * we shall not have personally concurred in its opera- * tions.'* * He might have added, " As we will not seek to counteract " nature, but rather to follow it, we shall be able to procure otir- " selves a mild legislation. Let us not be without cause afraid " of the power of one man ; we shall have no need either of a F F 2 436 THE CONSTITUTION The English constitution being founded upon such principles as those we have just described, no true comparison can be made between it and the go- vernment of any other state ; and since it evi- dently secures, not only the liberty, but the general satisfaction, in all respects, of those who are subject to it, in a much greater degree than any other government ever did, this consideration alone affords sufficient ground to conclude, without looking far- ther, that it is also more likely to be preserved from ruin. And indeed we may observe the remarkable manner in which it has been maintained in the midst of such general commotions as seemed to lead to its unavoidable destruction. It rose again, " Tarpeian rock, 213 or of a council of ten. Having expressly " allowed to the people a liberty to inquire into the conduct of " government, and to endeavour to correct it, we shall need neither " state prisons, nor secret informers." \ 213 Our author's repeated reference to this figure (see pages 185, 236 and 330,) may make some readers anxious to know its mean- ing. The Tarpeian Hill, or rock, was at Rome, and is the same with the Capitoline Hill. It was eighty feet in perpendicular height, and from it the Romans threw their condemned criminals down the deep precipice beneath. It was named after Tarpeia, the daughter of Tarpeius, the governor of the citadel of Rome, who promised to open the gates of the city to the Sabines, pro- vided they gave her their gold bracelets, or, as she expressed it, " what they carried on their left hands." Tatius, the king of the Sabines, consented, and as he entered the gates, to punish her perfidy, he threw not only his bracelet but his shield upon Tarpeia. His followers imitated his example ; and Tarpeia, being crushed to death under the weight of the bracelets and shields of the .^abi army, was buried in the capitol. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 437 we see, after the wars between Henry the Third and his barons, after the usurpation of Henry the Fourth, and after the long and bloody con- tentions between the houses of York and Lancas- ter. Nay, though totally destroyed in appearance after the fall of Charles the First, and though the greatest efforts had been made to establish another form of government in its stead, yet no sooner was Charles the Second called over, than the con- stitution was re-established upon all its ancient foundations. However, as what has not happened at one time may happen at another, future revolutions (events which no form of government can totally prevent) may perhaps end in a different manner from that in which past ones have terminated. New com- binations may possibly take place among the then ruling powers of the state, of such a nature as to prevent the constitution, when peace shall be restored to the nation, from settling again upon its ancient and genuine foundations : and it would cer- tainly be a very bold assertion to affirm, that both the outward form, and the true spirit of the Eng- lish government, would again be preserved from destruction, if the same dangers to which they have in former times been exposed should again happen to take place. Nay, such fatal changes as those we mention may be introduced even in quiet times, or, at least, by means in appearance peaceable and con- stitutional. Advantages, for instance, may be taken by particular factions, either of the feeble capacity, or of the misconduct of some future king. 438 THE CONSTITUTION Temporary prepossessions of the people may be so artfully managed as to make them concur in doing what will prove afterwards the ruin of their own liberty. Plans of apparent improvement in the constitution, forwarded by men who, though with good intentions, shall proceed without a due know- ledge of the true principles and foundations of government, may produce effects quite contrary to those which were intended, and in reality pave the way to its ruin.* The crown, on the other hand, may, by the acquisition of foreign dominions, * Instead of looking for the principles of politics in tlieir true sources, that is to say, in the nature of the affections of mankind, and of those sacred ties by which they are united in a state of society, men have treated that science in the same manner as they did natural philosophy in the time of Aristotle, continually recurring to occult causes and principles, from which no useful consequence could be drawn. Thus, in order to ground particular assertions, they have much used the word constitution in a per- sonal sense, the constitution loves, the constitution forbids, and the like. At other times they have had recourse to luxury, in order to explain certain events ; and, at others, to a still more occult cause, which they have called corruption ; and abundance of comparisons drawn from the human body have been also used for the same purposes : continued instances of such defective arguments and considerations occur in the works of M . de Montes- quieu, though a man of so much genius, and from whose writings so much information is nevertheless to be derived. Nor is it only the obscurity of the writings of politicians, and the impossibility of applying their speculative doctrines to practical uses, which prove that some peculiar and uncommon difficulties lie in the way of the investigation of political truths; but the remarkable per- plexity which men in general, even the ablest, labour under, when they attempt to descant and argue upon abstract questions in poli- tics, also justifies this observation, and proves that the true first principles of this science, whatever they are, lie deep both in the human feelings and understanding. OF ENGLAND. 439 acquire a fatal independency on the people : and if, without entering into any farther particulars on this subject, I were required to point out the prin- cipal events which would, if they were ever to happen, prove immediately the ruin of the English government, I would say, the English govern- ment will be no more, either when the crown shall become independent on the nation for its supplies, or when the representatives of the people shall begin to share in the executive authority.* CHAPTER XIX. A few additional Thoughts on the Attempts that at particular Times may be made to abridge the Power of the Crown, and some of the Dangers by which such Attempts may be attended. THE power of the crown is supported by deeper and more numerous roots thffn the generality of people are aware of, as has been observed in a former chapter ; and there is no cause to fear that the wresting any capital branch of its prerogative may be effected, in common peaceable times, by the mere theoretical speculations of politicians. * And if at any time dangerous changes were to take place in the English constitution, the pernicious tendency of which the people were not able at first to discover, restrictions on the liberty of the press, and on the power of juries, will give them the first information. 440 THE CONSTITUTION However, it is not equally impracticable that some event of the kind we mention may be brought about through a conjunction of several circum- stances. Advantage may, in the first place, be taken of the minority, and even of the inexperience or the errors of the person invested with the kingly authority. Of this a remarkable instance happened in the reign of George the First, while that bill, by which the order of peers was in future to be limited to a certain number, was under considera- tion in the house of commons, to whom it had been sent by the lords. So unacquainted was the king at that time with his own interest, and with the constitution of the English government, that, having been persuaded by the party who wished success to the bill, that the commons only objected to it from an opinion of its being disagreeable to him, he was prevailed upon to send a message to them, to let them know that such an opinion was ill-grounded, and that, should the bill pass in their house, it would meet with his assent. Con- sidering the prodigious importance of the conse- quences of such a "bill, the fact is certainly very remarkable. With those personal disadvantages under which the sovereign may lie for defending his authority, other causes of difficulty may concur, such as popular discontents of long continuance in regard to certain particular abuses of influence or autho- rity. The generality of the public, bent, at that time, both upon remedying the abuses complained of, and preventing the like from taking place in future, will perhaps wish to see that branch of the OF ENGLAND. 441 prerogative which gave rise to them taken from the crown : a general disposition to applaud such a measure, if effected, will be manifested from all quarters ; and at the same time men may not be aware, that the only material consequence that may arise from depriving the crown of that branch of power which has caused the public complaints, will perhaps be the having transferred that branch of power from its former seat to another, and hav- ing intrusted it to new hands, which will be still more likely to abuse it than those in which it was formerly lodged. In general, it may be laid down as a maxim, that power under any form of government must exist, and be intrusted somewhere. If the consti- tution does not admit of a king, the governing authority is lodged in the hands of magistrates. If the government, at the same time that it is a limited one, bears a monarchical form, those por- tions of power that are retrenched from the king's prerogative will most probably continue to subsist, and be vested in a senate or assembly of great men, under some other name of the like kind. Thus, in the kingdom of Sweden, which, having been a limited monarchy, may supply examples very applicable to the government of this country, we find that the power of convoking the general states (or parliament) of that kingdom had been taken from the crown ; but at the same time we also find that the Swedish senators had invested themselves with that essential branch of power which the crown had lost : I mean here the 442 THE CONSTITUTION government of Sweden as it stood before the last revolution. The power of the Swedish king 1 to confer offices and employments had been also very much abridged. But what was wanting to the power of the king, the senate enjoyed : it had the nomination of three persons for every vacant office, out of whom the king was to choose one. The king had but a limited power in regard to pardoning offenders ; but the senate likewise pos- sessed what was wanting to that branch of his pre- rogative, and it appointed two persons, without the consent of whom the king could not remit the pu- nishment of any offence. The king of England has an exclusive power in regard to foreign affairs, war, peace, treaties ; in all that relates to military affairs, he has the disposal of the existing army, of the fleet, &c. The king of Sweden had no such extensive powers ; but they nevertheless existed : every thing relating to the above-mentioned objects was transacted in the assembly of the senate ; the majority decided ; the king was obliged to submit to it ; and his only privilege consisted in his vote being accounted two.* * The Swedish senate was fully composed of sixteen members. In regard to affairs of smaller moment they formed themselves into two divisions, in either of these, when they did sit, the presence of seven members was required for the effectual transacting of busi- ness: in affairs of importance, the assembly was formed of the whole senate; and the presence of ten members was required to give force to the resolutions. When the king could not or would OF ENGLAND. 443 If we pursue farther our inquiry on the subject, we shall find that the king- of Sweden could not raise whom he pleased to the office of senator, as the king of England can in regard to the office of member of the privy council ; but the Swedish states, in the assembly of whom the nobility en- joyed most capital advantages, possessed a share of the power we mention, in conjunction with the king; and in cases of vacancies in the senate, they elected three persons, out of whom the king was to return one. The king of England may, at all times, deprive the ministers of their employments. The king of Sweden could remove no man from his office ; but the states enjoyed the power that had been denied to the king; and they might deprive of their places both the senators, and those persons in general who had share in the administration. The king of England has the power of dissolving, or keeping assembled, his parliament. The king of Sweden had not that power ; but the states might of themselves prolong their duration as they thought proper. not take his seat, the senate proceeded .nevertheless, aud the ma- jority continued to be equally decisive. As the royal seal was necessary for putting in execution the re- solutions of the senate, king Adolphus Frederic Iried, by refusing to lend the same, to procure that power which he had not by his suf- frage, aud to stop the proceedings of the senate. Great debates in consequence of that pretension arose, and continued for a while ; but at last, in the year 1756, the king was over-ruled by the senate* who ordered a seal to be made, that was named the kitty's seal' which they affixed to their official resolutions, when the king re" fused to lend his own. 444 THE CONSTITUTION Those who think that the prerogative of a king cannot be too much abridged, and that power loses all its influence on the dispositions and views of those who possess it, according to the kind of name used to express the offices by which it is con- ferred, may be satisfied, no doubt, to behold those branches of power that were taken from a king distributed to several bodies, and shared by the re- presentatives of the people ; but those who think that power, when parcelled and diffused, is never so well repressed and regulated as when it is confined to a sole indivisible seat, which keeps the nation united and awake, those who know, that, names by no means altering the intrinsic nature of things, the representatives of the people, as soon as they are invested with independent authority, become, ipso facto, its masters, those persons, I say, will not think it a very happy regulation in the former constitution of Sweden to have deprived the king of prerogatives formerly attached to his office, in order to vest the same either in a senate, or in the deputies of the people, and thus to have intrusted with a share in the exercise of the public power those very men whose constitutional office should have been to watch and restrain it. From the indivisibility of the governing autho- rity in England, a community of interest takes place among all orders of men ; and hence arises, as a necessary consequence, the liberty enjoyed by all ranks of subjects. This observation has been insisted upon at length in the course of the present work. The shortest reflection on the frame of the human heart suffices to convince us of its truth, OF ENGLAND. 44.5 and at the same time manifests the danger that would result from making any changes in the form of the existing government, by which this general community of interest might be lessened, unless we are at the same time also determined to believe, that partial nature forms men in this island with sentiments very different from the selfish and ambi- tious dispositions which have ever been found in other countries.* * Such regulations as may essentially affect, through their con- sequences, the equipoise of a government, may be brought about, even though the promoters themselves of those regulations are not aware of their tendency. When the bill passed in the seventeenth century, by which it was enacted that the crown should give up its prerogative of dissolving the parliament then sitting, the gene- rality of people had no thought of the calamitous consequences that were to follow : very lar from it. The king himself certainly felt no very great apprehension on that account; else he would not have given his assent ; and the commons themselves, it appears, had very faint notions of the capital changes which the bill would speedily effect in their political situation. When the crown of Sweden was, in the first instance, stripped of all the different prerogatives we have mentioned, it does not appear that those measures were effected by sudden open provisions for that purpose : it is very probable that the way had been paved for them by indirect regulations formerly made, the whole tendency of which scarcely any one perhaps could foresee at the time they were framed. When the bill was in agitation, for limiting the house of peers to a certain number, its great constitutional consequences were scarcely attended to by any body. The king himself certainly saw no harm in it, since he sent an open message to promote the pass- ing of it : a measure which was not, perhaps, strictly regular. The bill was, it appears, generally approved out of doors. Its fate was for a long time doubtful in the bouse of commons ; nor did they acquire any favour with the bulk of the people by finally rejecting it : and judge Blackstone, as I find in his Commentaries, does not 446 THE CNOSTITUTION But experience does not by any means allow us to entertain so pleasing an opinion. The pe- rusal of the history of this country will show us, that the care of its legislators, for the welfare of the subject, always kept pace with the exigencies of their own situation. When, through the mi- nority, or easy temper of the reigning prince, or other circumstances, the dread of a superior power began to be overlooked, the public cause was im- mediately deserted in a greater or less degree, and pursuit after private influence and lucrative offices took the place of patriotism. When, in the reign of Charles the First, the authority of the crown was for a while annihilated, those very men, who till then had talked of nothing but Magna Charta and liberty, instantly endeavoured openly to tram- ple both under foot. seem to have thought much of the hill, and its being rejected, as he only observes that the commons " wished to keep the door of " the house of lords as open as possible." Yet, no bill of greater constitutional importance was ever agitated in parliament ; since the consequences of its being passed would have been the freeing the house of lords, both in their judicial and legislative capacities, from all constitutional check whatever, either from the crown or the nation. Nay, it is not to he doubted, that they would have ac- quired, in time, the right of electing their own members : though it would be useless to point out here by what series of intermediate events the measure might have been brought about. Whether there existed any actual project of this kind among the first framers of the bill, does not appear ; but a certain number of the members of the house we mention would have thought of it soon enough, if the bill in question had been enacted into a law ; and they would certainly have met with success, had they been con- tented to wait, and had they taken time. Other equally important changes in the substance, and perhaps the outward form, of the go- vernment would have followed. OF ENGLAND. 44-7 Since the time we mention, the former constitu- tion of the government having been restored, the great outlines of public liberty have indeed been warmly and seriously defended ; but if any partial unjust laws or regulations have been made, espe- cially since the revolution of the year 1689, if any abuses injurious to particular classes of indi- viduals have been suffered to continue, it will cer- tainly be found upon inquiry, that those laws and those abuses were of such a complexion, that from them, the members of the legislature well knew> neither they nor their friends would ever be likely to suffer. If, through the unforeseen operation of some new regulation made to restrain the royal prerogative, or through some sudden public revolution, any par- ticular bodies or classes of individuals were ever to acquire a personal independent share in the ex- ercise of the governing authority, we should behold the public virtue and patriotism of the legislators and great men immediately cease with its cause, and aristocracy, as it were, watchful of the oppor- tunity, burst out at once, and spread itself over the kingdom. The men who are now the ministers, but then the partners of the crown, would instantly set them- selves above the reach of the law, and soon after ensure the same privilege to their several supporters or dependents. Personal and independent power becoming the only kind of security of which men would now show themselves ambitious, the Habeas Corpus act, and in general all those laws which subjects of 448 THE CONSTITUTION every rank regard with veneration, and to which they look up for protection and safety, would be spoken of with contempt, and mentioned as re- medies fit only for peasants and cits : it even would not be long before they would be set aside, as obstructing the wise and salutary steps of the senate. The pretensions of an equality of right in all subjects of whatever rank and order, to their pro- perty and to personal safety, would soon be looked upon as an old-fashioned doctrine, which the judge himself would ridicule from the bench. And the liberty of the press, now so universally and warmly vindicated, would, without loss of time, be cried down and suppressed, as only serving to keep up the insolence and pride of a refractory people. And let us not believe, that the mistaken people, whose representatives we now behold making such a firm stand against the indivisible power of the crown, would, amidst the general de- vastation of every thing they hold dear, easily find men equally disposed to repress the encroaching, while attainable, power of a senate and body of nobles. The time would be no more when the people, upon whatever men they should fix their choice, would be sure to find them ready sincerely to join in the support of every important branch of public liberty. Present or expected personal power, and inde- pendence on the laws, 'being now the consequence of the trust of the people, wherever they should apply for servants, they would only meet with be- OF ENGLAND. trayers. Corrupting, as it were, every thing- they should touch, they could confer no favour upon an individual but to destroy his public virtue ; and (to repeat the words used in a former chapter) " their raising- a man would only be immediately " inspiring- him with views directly opposite to their " own, and sending 1 him to increase the number of " their enemies." All these considerations strongly point out the very great caution which is necessary to be used in the difficult business of laying new restraints on the governing authority. Let therefore the less informed part of the people, whose zeal requires to be kept up by visible objects, look (if they choose) upon the crown as the only seat of the evils they are exposed to ; mistaken notions on their part are less dangerous than political indifference ; and they are more easily directed than roused ; but, at the same time, let the more enlightened part of the nation constantly remember, that the constitution only subsists by virtue of a proper equilibrium, by a discriminating line being drawn between power and liberty. Made wise by the examples of several other na- tions, by those which the history of this very country affords, let the people, in the heat of their struggles in the defence of liberty, always take heed, only to reach, never to overshoot the mark, only to re- press, never to transfer and diffuse power. Amidst the alarms that may at particular times arise from the really awful authority of the crown, let it, on one hand, be remembered, that even the power of the Tudors was opposed and subdued, G G 450 THE CONSTITUTION and, on the other, let it be looked upon as a funda- mental maxim, that, whenever the prospect of per- sonal power and independence on the governing authority shall offer to the view of the members of the legislature, or in general of those men to whom the people must trust, even hope itself is destroyed. The Hollander, in the midst of a storm, though trusting to the experienced strength of the mounds that protect him, shudders, no doubt, at the sight of the foaming element that surrounds him ; but they all gave themselves over for lost, when they thought the worm had penetrated into their dykes.* CHAPTER XX. A few additional Observations on the Right of Taxation, which is lodged in the Hands of the Representatives of the People. WTiat kind of Danger this Right may be exposed to. THE generality of men, or at least of politicians, seem to consider the right of taxing themselves, enjoyed by the English nation, as being no more than the means of securing their property against the attempts of the crown; while they overlook the nobler and more extensive efficiency of that privilege. * Such new forms as may prove destructive of the real sub- stance of a government may he unwaiily adopted, in the same manner as the superstitious notions and practices described in my work, entitled Memorials of Human Superstition, may be intro- duced into a religion, so as entirely to subvert the true spirit of it. OF ENGLAND. 451 The right to grant subsidies to the crown, pos- sessed by the people of England, is the safeguard of all their other liberties, religious and civil ; it is a regular mean conferred on them by the consti- tution, of influencing the motion of the executive power ; and it forms the tie by which the latter is bound to them. In short, this privilege is a sure pledge in their hands, that their sovereign, who can dismiss their representatives at his pleasure, will never entertain thoughts of ruling without the assistance of these. If, through unforeseen events, the crown could attain to be independent on the people in regard to its supplies, such is the extent of its preroga- tive, that, from that moment, all the means the people possess to vindicate their liberty would be annihilated. They would have no resource left, except indeed that uncertain and calamitous one, of an appeal to the sword ; which is no more, after all, than what the most enslaved nations enjoy. Let us suppose, for instance, that abuses of power should be committed, which, either by their imme- diate operation, or by the precedent they might establish, should undermine the liberty of the subject. The people, it will be said, would then have their remedy in the legislative power possessed by their representatives. The latter would, at the first op- portunity, interfere, and frame such bills as would prevent the like abuses for the future. But here we must observe, that the assent of the sovereign is ne- cessary to make those bills become laws : and if, as we have just now supposed, he had no need of the G G 2 4,52 THE CONSTITUTION support of the commons, how could they obtain his assent to laws thus purposely framed to abridge his authority ? Again, let us suppose that, instead of contenting itself with making slow advances to despotism, the executive power, or its minister, should at once openly invade the liberty of the subject. Obnoxious men, printers for instance, or political writers, might be persecuted by military violence, or, to do things with more security, with the forms of law. Then, it will be said, the representatives of the people would impeach the persons concerned in those measures. Though unable to reach a king who personally can do no wrong, they at least would attack those men who were the immediate instruments of his tyrannical proceedings, and en- deavour, by bringing them to condign punishment, to deter future judges or ministers from imitating their conduct. All this I grant ; and I will even add, that, circumstanced as the representatives of the people now are, and having to do with a sove- reign who can enjoy no dignity without their assist- ance, it is most likely that their endeavours in the pursuit of such laudable objects would prove suc- cessful. But if, on the contrary, the king, as we have supposed, stood in no need of their assistance, and moreover knew that he should never want it, it is impossible to think that he would then suffer himself to remain a tame spectator of their pro- ceedings. The impeachments thus brought by them would immediately prove the signal of their dis- mission ; and the king would make haste, by dis- solving them, both to revenge what would then be OF ENGLAND. 453 called the insolence of the commons, and to secure his ministers. But even those are vain suppositions ; the evil would reach much farther ; and we may be as- sured that, if ever the crown should be in a con- dition to govern without the assistance of the representatives of the people, it would dismiss them for ever, and thus rid itself of an assembly which, continuing- to be a clog- on its power, would no longer be of any service to it. This Charles the First attempted to do when he found his parlia- ments refractory, and the kings of France really have done, with respect to the general estates of their kingdom, Indeed if we consider the extent of the prero- gative of the king of England, and especially the circumstance of his completely uniting in himself all the executive and active powers of the state, we shall find that it is no exaggeration to say that he has power sufficient to be as arbitrary as the kinjs of France, were it not for the right of taxation, which, in England, is possessed by the people ; and the only constitutional difference between the French and English nations is, that the former can neither confer benefits on their sovereign, nor ob- struct his measures ; while the latter, how exten- sive soever the prerogative of their king may be, can deny him the means of exerting it. But here a most important observation is to be made ; and I entreat the reader's attention to the subject. This right of granting subsidies to the crown can only be effectual when it is exercised by one assembly alone. When several distinct asseni- 454 THE CONSTITUTION blies have it equally in their power to supply the wants of the prince, the case becomes totally al- tered. The competition which so easily takes place between those different bodies, and even the bare consciousness which each entertains of its in- ability to obstruct the measures of the sovereign, render it impossible for them to make any effec- tual constitutional use of their privilege. " Those " different parliaments or estates (to repeat the " observation introduced in the former part of this " work) having no means of recommending them- " selves to their sovereign, but their superior readi- " ness in complying with his demands, vie with " each other in granting what it would not only *' be fruitless but even dangerous to refuse. And " the king, in the mean time, soon comes to de- " mand, as a tribute, a gift which he is confident " to obtain." In short, it may be laid down as a maxim, that when a sovereign is made to de- pend, in regard to his supplies, on more assem- blies than one, he in fact depends upon none. And indeed the king of France is not independent of his people for his necessary supplies, any other- wise than by drawing the same from several dif- ferent assemblies of their representatives : the latter have in appearance a right to refuse all his de- mands : and as the English call the grants they make to their kings, aids or subsidies, the estates of the French provinces call theirs dons gratuits, or free gifts. What is it, therefore, that constitutes the differ- ence between the political situation of the French and English nations, since their rights thus seem OF ENGLAND. 455 outwardly to be the same? The difference lies in this, that there has never been in England more than one assembly that could supply the wants of the sovereign. This has always kept him in a state, not of a seeming, but of a real dependence on the representatives of the people for his neces- sary supplies ; and how low soever the liberty of the subject may, at particular times, have sunk, they have always found themselves possessed of the most effectual means of restoring it, whenever they thought proper so to do. Under Henry the Eighth, for instance, we find the despotism of the crown to have been carried to an astonishing height : it was even enacted that the proclamations of the king should have the force of law : a thing which, even in France, never was so expressly declared : yet, no sooner did the nation recover from its long state of supineness, than the exorbitant power of the crown was reduced within its constitutional bounds. To no other cause than the disadvantage of their situation, are we to ascribe the low condition in which the deputies of the people in the assembly called the general estates of France, were always forced to remain. Surrounded as they were by the particular estates of those provinces into which the kingdom had been formerly divided, they never were able to stipulate conditions with their sovereign : and in- stead of making their right of granting subsidies to the crown serve to gain them in the end a share in the legislation, they ever remained confined to 4,56 THE CONSTITUTION the unassuming- privilege of " humble supplication and remonstrance,"* Those estates, however, as all the great lords in France were admitted into them, began at length to appear dangerous ; and as the king could in the mean time do without their assistance, they were set aside. But several of the particular states of * An idea of the manner in which the business of granting sup- plies to the crown was conducted by the states of the province of Bretagne in the reign of Louis the Fourteenth, may be formed from several lively strokes to be met with in the Letters of Madame de Sevigne, whose estate lay in that province, and who had often assisted at the holding of those states. The granting of supplies was not, it seems, looked upon as any serious kind of business. The whole time the states were sitting, was a continued scene of festi- vity and entertainment ; the canvassing of the demands of the crown was chiefly carried on at the table of the nobleman who had been deputed from court to hold the states ; and the different points were usually decided by a kind of acclamation. In a certain assembly of those states, the duke of Chaulnes, the lord deputy, had a pre- sent of fifty thousand crowns made to him, as well as a considerable one for his duchess, besides obtaining the demand of the court: and the lady we quote here, commenting somewhat jocularly on these grants, says, Ce n'est pas que nous soyons riches: mais nous sommes honnetes, nous avons du courage, et entre midi et une heure nous ne savons rien refuser a nos amis. " It is not " that we are rich ; but we are civil, we are full of courage, and " between twelve and one o'clock we are unable to deny any thing " to our friends." The different provinces of Fi'ance, it may be observed, are liable to pay several taxes besides those imposed on them by their own states. Dean Tucker, in one of his tracts, in which he has thought proper to quote this work, has added to the above instance of the French provinces that of the states of the Austrian Netherlands, which is very conclusive. And examples to the same purpose might be supplied by all those kingdoms of Europe in which pro- vincial states are holden. OF ENGLAND. 4,t>7 the provinces are preserved to this day :* some, which for temporary reasons had been abolished, have been restored : nay, so manageable have po- pular assemblies been found by the crown, when it has to do with many, that the kind of government we mention is that which it has been found most convenient to assign to Corsica : and Corsica has been made un pays d'etats." 1 * That the crown in England should, on a sudden, render itself independent on the commons for its supplies, that is, should on a sudden successfully assume to itself a right to lay taxes on the subject, by its own authority, is not certainly an event likely to take place, nor indeed is it one that should, at the present time, raise any kind of po- litical apprehension. But it is not equally imprac- ticable that the right of the representatives of the people might become invalidated, by being divided in the manner that has been just described. Such a division of the right of the people might be effected in various ways. National calamities, for instance, unfortunate foreign wars attended with loss of public credit, might suggest methods for raising the necessary supplies, different from those which have hitherto been used. Dividing * The year 1784. ~ 14 Aided by the good-will and submission of the inhabitants, the English, with an armed force, took possession of Corsica in the year 1794, and granted to the island a constitution and a parlia- ment similar to their own. The people, however, were not long pleased with their protestant rulers : the island was evacuated in 1796, and again possessed by France, of which kingdom it has ever since formed an integral part. EDITOR. 4-58 THE CONSTITUTION the kingdom into a certain number of parts, which should severally vote subsidies to the crown, or even distinct assessments to be made by the dif- ferent counties into which England is now divided, might, in the circumstances we suppose, be looked upon as advisable expedients ; and these being once introduced, might be continued. Another division of the right of the people, much more likely to take place than those just men- tioned, might be such as might arise from acqui- sitions of foreign dominions, the inhabitants of which should in time claim and obtain a right to treat directly with the crown, and grant supplies to it, without the interference of the British legis- lature. Should any colonies acquire the right we men- tion, should, for instance, the American colonies have acquired, as they claimed it, it is not to be doubted that the consequences which have resulted from a division like that we mention in most of the kingdoms of Europe, would also have taken place in the British dominions, and that the spirit of competition, above described, would in time have manifested itself between the different colo- nies. This desire of ingratiating themselves with the crown, by means of the privilege of granting supplies to it, was even openly confessed by an agent of the American provinces,* when, on his being examined by the house of commons, in the year 1?66, he said, " the granting aids to the crown " is the only means the Americans have qfrecom- *' mending themselves to their sovereign." And * Dr. Franklin. OF ENGLAND. 459 the events that have of late years 215 taken place in America, render it evident that the colonies would not have scrupled going any lengths to obtain fa- vourable conditions at the expense of Britain and the British legislature. That a similar spirit of competition might be raised in Ireland, is also sufficiently plain from certain late events. 216 And should the American colonies have obtained their demands, and at the same time should Ireland and America have in- creased in wealth to a certain degree, the time might have come at which the crown might have governed England with the supplies of Ireland and America Ireland with the supplies of England and of the American colonies and the American colonies with the money of each other, and of England and Ireland. To this it may be objected, that the supplies granted by the colonies, even though joined with those of Ireland, never could have risen to such a height as to have counterbalanced the importance of the English commons. I answer, in the first place, that there would have been no necessity that the aids granted by Ireland and America should have risen to an equality with those granted by the British parliament : it would have been sufficient to produce the effects we mention, that they had only borne a certain proportion to the latter, so far as to have conferred on the crown a certain degree of independence, and at the same time have raised 215 Antecedently to 1784, when our author wrote. EDITOR. 216 Events which occurred previously to 1784, and consequently before the union. EDITOR. 460 THE CONSTITUTION in the English commons a correspondent sense of self-diffidence in the exercise of their undoubted privilege of granting, or rather refusing, subsidies to the crown. Here it must be remembered, that the right of granting or refusing supplies to the crown is the only ultimate forcible privilege pos- sessed by the British parliament : by the constitu- tion it has no other, as has been observed in the beginning of this chapter. This circumstance ought to be combined with the exclusive possession of the executive powers lodged in the crown with its prerogative of dissenting from the bills framed by parliament, and even of dissolving it.* * Being with Doctor Franklin at his house in Craven-street, some months before he went back to America, I mentioned to him a few of the remarks contained in this chapter, and, in general, that the claim of the American colonies directly clashed with one of the vital principles of the English constitution. The observation, I re- member, struck him very much : it led him afterwards to speak to me of the examination he had undergone in the house of commons ; and he concluded with lending me that volume of the Collection of Parliamentary Debates, in which an account of it is contained. Finding the constitutional tendency of the claim of the Americans to be a subject not very generally understood, I added a few para- graphs concerning it in the English edition I some time after gave of this work ; and on publishing a third edition of the same, I thought it might not be amiss to write something more compact on the subject, and accordingly added the present new chapter, into which I transferred the few additional paragraphs I mention, leav- ing in the place where they stood (page 37), only the general ob- servations on the right of granting subsidies, which were formerly in the French work. Several of the ideas, and even expressions contained in this chapter, made their appearance in the Public Advertiser, about the time I was preparing the first edition : 21 ? I sen 1 "em myself to that newspaper, under the signature of^dvena. Published in 1775. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 40 1 I shall mention, in the second place, a remark- able fact in regard to this subject (which may serve to show that politicians are not always consistent, or even sagacious in their arguments) ; which is, that the same persons who were the most strenu- ous advoca'tes for granting to the American colo- nies their demands, were likewise the most san- guine in their predictions of the future wealth and greatness of America ; and at the same time also used to make frequent complaints of the undue in- fluence which the crown derives from the scanty supplies granted to it by the kingdom of Ireland.* Had the American colonies fully obtained their demands, both the essence of the present English government, and the condition of the English peo- ple, would certainly have been altered thereby : nor would such a change have been inconsiderable, but in proportion as the colonies should have re- mained in a state of national poverty. "f * For instance, the complaints made in regard to the pensions on the Irish establishment. f When I observe that no man who wished for the preservation of the fonn and spirit of the English constitution ought to have desired that the claim of the American colonies might be granted to them, I mean not to say that the American colonies should have given up their claim. The wisdom of ministers, in regard to American affairs, ought to have been constantly employed in mak- ing the colonies useful to this country, and at the same time in hiding their subjection from them (a caution, which is, after all, more or less used iu every government upon earth); it ought to have been exerted in preventing the opposite interests of Britain, and of America from being brought to an issue, to any such clashing dilemma as would render disobedience on the one hand, and the resort to force on the other, almost unavoidable. The generality of the people fancy that ministers use a great depth of 462 THE CONSTITUTION CHAPTER XXI. Conclusion. A few Words on the Nature of the Divisions that take place in England. I SHALL conclude this work with a few observations on the total freedom from violence with which the political disputes and contentions in England are conducted and terminated, in order both to give a thought and much forecast in their operations ; whereas the truth is, that ministers, in all countries, never think but of providing for present, immediate contingencies ; in doing which they constantly follow the open track before them. This method does very well for the common course of human affairs, and even is the safest ; but whenever cases and circumstances of a new and unknown nature occur, sad blunders and uproar are the consequences. The cele- brated count Oxenstiern, chancellor of Sweden, one day when his son was expressing to him his diffidence of his own abilities, and the dread with which he thought of ever engaging in the manage- ment of public affairs, made the following Latin answer to him ; Nescis, mi fill, quam parvd cum sapientid regitur mundus " You do not know, my son, with what little wisdom the world is go- verned." Matters having come to an eruption, it was no longer to be ex- pected they could be composed by the palliative offers sent at dif- ferent times from this country to America. When the earl of Carlisle solicited to be at the head of the solemn commission that sailed for the purpose we mention, he did not certainly show modesty equal to that of the son of chancellor Oxenstiern. It has been said, in that stage of the contest, the Americans could not think that the proposals thus sent to them wei'e seriously meant : however, this cannot have been the principal cause of the miscarriage of the commission. The fact is, that after the Ameri- cans had been induced to open their eyes on their political situation. OF ENGLAND. 463 farther proof of the soundness of the principles on which the English government is founded, and to confute in general the opinion of foreign writers or politicians, who, misled by the apparent heat with which these disputes are sometimes carried on, and the clamour to which they give occasion, look upon England as a perpetual scene of civil broils and dissensions. In fact, if we consider, in the first place, the constant tenour of the conduct of the parliament, we shall see that whatever different views the several branches that compose it may at times pursue, and whatever use they may accordingly make of their privileges, they never go, in regard to each other, beyond the terms of decency, or even of that general good understanding which ought to pre- vail among them. Thus the king, though he preserves the style of his dignity, never addresses the two houses but in terms of regard and affection ; and if at any time he chooses to refuse their bills, he only says that he will consider of them (le roy s'avisera) ; which is certainly a gentler expression than the word veto." 19 and rendered sensible of the local advantages of their country, it became in a manner impossible to strike with them any bargain at which either nation would afterwards have cause to rejoice, or even to make any bargain at all. It would be needless to say any thing more, in this place, on the subject of the American contest. The motto of one of the English nobility should have been that of ministers, in their regulations for rendering the colonies useful to the mother country, Faire sans dire. zw 218 Actions rather than words. r EDITOR. 219 I forbid it. EDITOR. 464 THE CONSTITUTION The two houses, on their part, though very jea- lous, each within their own walls, of the freedom of speech, are, on the other hand, careful that this liberty shall never break out into unguarded ex- pressions with regard to the person of the king. It is even a constant rule amongst them never to mention him, when they mean to blame the admi- nistration ; and those things which they may choose to censure, even in the speeches made by the king in person, and which are apparently his own acts, are never considered but as the deeds of his minis- ters, or, in general, of those who have advised him. The two houses are also equally attentive to prevent every step that may be inconsistent with that respect which they owe to one another. The examples of their differences with each other are very rare, and have been, for the most part, mere misunderstandings. Nay, in order to prevent all subject of altercation, the custom is, that, when one house refuses to assent to a bill presented by the other, no formal declaration is made of such re- fusal ; and that house whose bill is rejected, learns its fate only from hearing no more of it, or by what the members may be told as private persons. In each house, the members take care, even in the heat of debate, never to go beyond certain bounds in their manner of speaking of each other : 220 220 It were to be wished that such was still the case ; but of late years the interference of the speaker, and of the house gene- rally, has been necessarily, and frequently, interposed to avert the consequences of personal reflections and intemperate remarks, into which members have been betrayed in the warmth of dis- cussion : and such interference has not always proved effectual, for several duels, because of expressions used within the walls of OF ENGLAND. 4(5.5 if they were to offend in that respect, they would certainly incur the censure of the house. And as J reason has taught mankind to refrain, in their wars, from all injuries to each other that have no ten- dency to promote the main object of their conten- tions, so a kind of law of nations (if I may so ex- press myself) has been introduced among the per- sons who form the parliament and take a part in the debates : they have discovered that they may very well be of opposite parties, and yet not hate and persecute one another. Coming fresh from de- bates carried on even with considerable warmth, they meet without reluctance in the ordinary inter- course of life ; and, suspending all hostilities, they hold every place out of parliament to be neutral ground. In regard to the generality of the people, as they never are called upon to come to a final decision with respect to any public measures, or expressly to concur in supporting them, they preserve them- selves still more free from party spirit than their representatives themselves sometimes are. Consi- dering, as we have observed, the affairs of govern- ment as only matter of speculation, they never have occasion to engage in any vehement contests among themselves on that account : much less do they think of taking an active and violent part in the differences of particular factions or the quarrels of private individuals. And those family feuds, those party animosities, those victories and consequent parliament, have taken place between distinguished members of either house, whose sense of the laws of imaginary honour was stronger than that of patriotism or religion. EDITOR. H H 466 THE CONSTITUTION outrages of factions alternately successful ; in short, all those inconveniences which in so many other states have constantly been the attendants of liberty, and which authors tell us we must submit to, as the price of it, are things in very great measure un- known in England. But are not the English perpetually making com- plaints against the administration ? and do they not speak and write as if they were continually exposed to grievances of every kind ? Undoubtedly, I shall answer, in a society of beings subject to error, dissatisfactions will neces- sarily arise from some quarter or other ; and, in a free society, they will be openly manifested by com- plaints. Besides, as every man in England is per- mitted to give his opinion upon all subjects, and as, to watch over the administration, and complain of grievances, is the proper duty of the represen- tatives of the people, complaints must necessarily be heard in such a government, and even more frequently, and upon more subjects, than in any other. But those complaints, it should be remembered, are not, in England, the cries of oppression forced at last to break its silence. They do not suppose hearts deeply wounded. Nay, I will go farther, they do not even suppose very determinate senti- ments ; and they are often nothing more than the first vent which men give to their new and yet un- settled conceptions. The agitation of the popular mind, therefore, is not in England what it would be in other states ; it is not the symptom of a profound and general OF ENGLAND. 467 discontent, and the forerunner of violent commo- tions. Foreseen, regulated, even hoped for by the constitution, this agitation animates all parts of the state, and is to be considered only as the beneficial vicissitude of the seasons. The governing power, being dependent on the nation, is often thwarted ; but, so long as it continues to deserve the affection of the people, it can never be endangered. Like a vigorous tree which stretches its branches far and wide, the slightest breath can put it in motion ; but it acquires and exerts at every moment a new degree of force, and resists the winds, by the strength and elasticity of its fibres, and the depth of its roots. In a word, whatever revolutions may at times happen among the persons who conduct the public affairs in England, they never occasion the shortest interruption of the power of the laws, or the small- est diminution of the security of individuals. A man who should have incurred the enmity of the most powerful men in the state what do I say ? though he had, like another Vatinius^ drawn upon himself the united detestation of all parties, might, under the protection of the laws, and by keeping within the bounds required by them, con- tinue to set both his enemies and the whole nation at defiance. The limits prescribed to this book do not admit 221 Vatinius became an intimate friend of Cicero, after having been distinguished for his enmity to the orator. He so hated the people of Rome for their great vices and corruption, that excessive hatred became proverbial, in the words Valinianum odium, or Va- tinian hatred. EDITOR. 468 THE CONSTITUTION of entering into any farther particulars on the sub- ject we are treating- here ; but if we were to pursue this inquiry, and investigate the influence which the English government has on the manners and cus- toms of the people, perhaps we should find that, instead of inspiring them with any disposition to disorder or anarchy, it produces in them a quite contrary effect. As they see the highest powers in the state constantly submit to the laws, and they receive, themselves, such a certain protection from those laws whenever they appeal to them, it is im- possible but they must insensibly contract a deep- rooted reverence for them, which can at no time cease to have some influence on their actions. And, in fact, we see that even the lower classes of the people, in England, notwithstanding the apparent excesses into which they are sometimes hurried, possess a spirit of justice and order superior to what is to be observed in the same rank of men in other countries. The extraordinary indulgence which is shown to accused persons of every degree, is not attended with any of those pernicious conse- quences which we might at first be apt to fear from it. And it is, perhaps, to the nature of the English constitution itself (however remote the cause may seem) and to the spirit of justice which it conti- nually and insensibly diffuses through all orders of the people, that we are to ascribe the singular ad- vantage possessed by the English nation, of employ- ing an incomparably milder mode of administering justice in criminal matters than any other nation," 2 822 If our author's tribute of admiration, so frequently repeated in the course of the work, of the extreme mildness with which OF ENGLAND. 469 and at the same time of affording, perhaps, fewer instances of violence or cruelty. justice in criminal cases is administered in England, as compared with every other country in the world, were merited at the time he wrote, how much more applicable would it have been at the present day ! The ameliorations which have taken place in the system, in almost every year of the last, and of the present, reign, have shed a more real and valuable lustre upon this period of our history than did our unequalled, but dearly-bought, suc- cesses in arms upon that which immediately preceded it. The revision of our criminal jurisprudence has been separately extended to the different parts of the United Kingdom ; and also, to the East Indies. It would occupy more space than can here be al- lotted to the subject to give more than the dates and titles of the several statutes, a table of which, however, may properly be in troduced, and will assist the inquiring reader in his researches. 1 GEO. IV. (A. D. 1820.) Cap. 57, intituled, " An act to repeal an act passed in the fifty-seventh year of the reign of his late majesty king George the Third, intituled, An act to abolish the punishment of public whipping on female offenders, and to make further provisions in lieu thereof." Cap. 90, intituled, "An act to remove doubts, and to remedy defects, in the law, with respect to certain offences committed upon the sea, or within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty." Cap. 115, intituled, " An act to repeal so much of the several acts passed in the thirty-ninth year of the reign of Elizabeth, the fourth of George the First, the fifth and eighth of George the Second, as inflicts capital punishment on certain* offences therein specified, and to provide more suitable and effectual pu- nishment for such offences." Cap. 116, intituled, " An act to repeal so much of the several acts passed in the first and second years of the reign of Philip and Mary, the eighteenth of Charles the Second, the ninth of George the First, and the twelfth of George the Second, as inflicts capital punishment on certain offences therein specified." Cap. 117, intituled, "An act to repeal so much of an act passed in the tenth and eleventh years of king William the Third, 4-70 THE CONSTITUTION Another consequence which we might observe here, as flowing also from the principles of the intituled An act for the better" apprehending, prosecuting and punishing of felons that commit burglary, house-breaking or robbery, in shops, warehouses, coachhouses or stables, or that steal horses, as takes away the benefit of clergy from persons pri- vately stealing in any shop, warehouse, coachhouse or stable, any goods, wares or merchandizes of the value of five shillings; and for more effectually preventing the crime of stealing privately in shops, warehouses, coachhouses or stables." 1 &2GEO.IV. (A. D. 1821.) Cap. 18, intituled, " An act to repeal an act, made in the par- liament of Ireland in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of queen Elizabeth, against witchcraft and sorcery." Cap. 24, intituled, " An act to extend certain provisions of an act of king William the Third, intituled An act for regulating of trials in cases of treason and misprision of treason, to that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland" Cap. 34, intituled, " An act to repeal so much of two acts, made in the parliament of Ireland, in the ninth year of queen Anne, and in the seventeenth year of king George the Second, as inflicts capital punishment on persons guilty of stealing to t amount of five shillings, out of or from shops, warehouses, and other outbuildings and places, and to provide more suitable and effectual punishment for such offences." Cap. 40, intituled, "An act to repeal so much of an act, made in the parliament of Ireland in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of king George the Third, for preventing frauds committed by bankrupts, as inflicts capital punishment on certain offences therein specified ; and to provide more suitable and effectual punishment for such offences." 4 GEO. IV. (A. D. 1823.) Cap. 46, intituled, " An act for repealing the capital punishments inflicted by several acts of the sixth, and twenty-seventh, years of king George the Second, and of the third, fourth and twenty-second years of king George the Third ; and for providing other punish- ments in lieu thereof, and in lieu of the punishment of frame break- ing under an act of the twenty-eighth year of the same reign." , OF ENGLAND. 47.1 English government, is the moderate behaviour of those who are invested with any branch of public Cap. 48, intituled, " An act for enabling courts to abstain from pronouncing sentence of death in certain capital felonies/' Cap. 53, intituled, " An act for extending the benefit of clergy to several larcenies therein mentioned." Cap. 54, intituled, " An act for allowing the benefit of clergy to persons convicted of certain felonies under two acts, of the ninth year of king George the First and of the twenty-seventh year of king George the Second; for making better provision for the punishment of persons guilty of sending or delivering threatening letters, and of assaults with intent to commit robbery." 5 GEO. IV. (A. D. 1824.) Cap. 84, intituled, " An act for the transportation of offenders from Great Britain." Cap. 95, intituled, " An act to repeal the laws relative to the combination of workmen ; and for other purposes therein men- tioned." 6 GEO. IV". (A. D. 1825.) Cap. 25, intituled, " A.n act for defining the rights of capital convicts who receive pardon, and of convicts after having been punished for clergyable felonies ; for placing clerks in orders on tbe same footing with other persons, as to felonies ; and for limiting the effect of the benefit of clergy." Cap. 47, intituled, " An act for restricting the punishment of leasiug-niaking, sedition and blasphemy, in Scotland." Cap. 129, intituled, "An act to repeal the laws relating to the combination of workmen, and to make other provisions in lieu thereof." 7 GEO. IV. (A. D. 1826.) Cap. 19, intituled, " An act to repeal two acts of the parliament of Scotland, relative to assault and battery pendente lite'' Cap. 64, intituled, " An act for improving the administration of criminal justice in England.'' 7 and 8 GEO. IV. (A. D. 1827.) Cap. 27, intituled, " An act for repealing various statutes in England relative to the benefit of clergy, and to larceny and other THE CONSTITUTION authority. If we look at the conduct of public officers, from the minister of state, or the judge, offences connected therewith, and to malicious injuries to property, and to remedies against the hundred." Cap. 28, intituled, " An act for further improving the adminis- tration of justice in criminal cases in England.'' Cap. 29, intituled, " An act for consolidating and amending the laws in England relative to larceny and other offences connected therewith." Cap. 30, intituled, " An act for consolidating and amending the laws in England relative to malicious injuries to property." 9 GEO. IV. (A. D. 1828.) Cap. 31, intituled, "An act for consolidating and amending the statutes in England relative to offences against the person." Cap. 53, intituled, " An act to repeal several acts and parts of acts in force in Ireland, relating to bail in cases of felony, and to certain proceedings in criminal cases, and to the benefit of clergy, and to larceny and other offences connected therewith, and to ma- licious injuries to property/' Cap. 54, intituled, " An act for improving the administration of justice in criminal cases in Ireland." Cap. 55, intituled, " An act for consolidating and amending the laws in Ireland relative to larceny, and other offences connected therewith." Cap. 56, intituled, " An act for consolidating and amending the laws in Ireland relative to malicious injuries to property." Cap. 74, intituled, " An act for improving the administration of criminal justice in the East Indies." 10 GEO. IV. (A. D. 1829.) Cap. 34, intituled, "An act for consolidating and amending the statutes in Ireland relating to offences against the person." 10 GEO IV. & 1 WILL IV. (A. D. 18,30.) Cap. 66, intituled, " An act for reducing into one act all such forgeries as shall henceforth be punished with death, and for otherwise amending the laws relative to forgery." Cap. 73, intituled, " An act to repeal so much of an act of the sixtieth year of his late majesty lung George the Third, for the OF ENGLAND. 47-3 down to the lowest officer of justice, we find a spirit of forbearance and lenity prevailing- in Eng- land, among- the persons in power, which cannot but create surprise in those who have visited other countries. Two circumstances more I shall mention here, as peculiar to England ; namely, the constant attention of the legislature in providing for the in- terests and welfare of the people, and the indul- gence shown by them to their very prejudices ; advantages these, which are, no doubt, the con- sequence of the general spirit that animates the whole English government, but are also particu- uiore effectual prevention and punishment of blasphemous and seditious libels, as relates to the sentence of banishment for the second offence ; and to provide some further remedy against the abuse of publishing libels." 2 WILL. IV. (A. D. 1832.) Cap. 34, intituled, " An act for consolidating and amending the laws against offences relating to the coin." 2 & 3 WILL. IV. (A. D. 1832.) Cap. 62, intituled, " An act for abolishing the punishment of death in certain cases, and substituting a lesser punishment in lieu thereof." Cap. 123, intituled, "An act for abolishing the punishment of death in certain cases of forgery." 3 & 4 WILL. IV. (A. D. 1833.) Cap. 44, intituled, " An act to repeal so much of two acts of the seventh and eighth years and the ninth year of king George the Fourth as inflicts the punishment of death upon persons breaking, entering, and stealing in a dwelling-house ; also for giving power to the judges to add to the punishment of transportation for life in certain cases of forgery, and in certain other cases." It is not pretended that these are all, but only the leading statutes enacting ameliorations in our criminal code, which have been passed during the period referred to. EDITOR. 474 THE CONSTITUTION larly owing- to the circumstance peculiar to it, of having- lodged the active part of legislation in the hands of the representatives of the nation, and committed the care of alleviating the grievances of the people to persons who either feel them, or see them nearly, 223 and whose surest path to advance- ment and fame is to be active in finding remedies for them. I mean not, however, to affirm, that the English government is free from abuses, or that all possible good laws are enacted, but that there is a constant tendency in it, both to correct the one, and improve the other. And that all the laws which are in 223 A most striking and disinterested proof of this has lately been afforded in the passing of the act 3 and 4 Will. IV. cap. 104, (A. D. 1833,) intituled, " An act to render freehold and copyhold estates assets for the payment of simple and contract debts." Previous to the 29th August 1833, when this act came into opera- tion, neither freehold nor copyhold lands were liable for the simple contract debts of a person who died without specifically charging his landed estates with their payment ; his personal property was in this case alone responsible to his creditors, unless the deceased hap- pened to have been a trader within the true meaning of the bank- rupt laws, or unless the creditors had obtained some special security for their debts, such as a bond or a judgment entered upon the re- cords of the court. But under no circumstances could even a specialty creditor make any claim upon the copyhold estates which had not been specifically charged with their payment by the de- ceased debtor copyholds never having been considered assets like freehold estates for the payment of specialty debts. By this act, however, the freehold and copyhold estates are to be assets in all cases for the payment both of the simple contract and specialty debts of a deceased debtor. Specialty creditors are, however, as a matter of justice, to have the preference, so that their claims are to be settled before any simple contract creditor shall be entitled to the liquidation of his demand. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 4<75 being are strictly executed, whenever appealed to, is what I look upon as the characteristic and undis- puted advantage of the English constitution, a constitution the more likely to produce all the ef- fects we have mentioned, and to procure in general the happiness of the people, since it has taken man- kind as they are, and has not endeavoured to pre- vent every thing, but to regulate every thing ; I shall add, the more difficult to discover, because its form is complicated, while its principles are natural and simple. Hence it is that the politicians of an- tiquity, sensible of the inconveniences of the go- vernments they had opportunities of knowing, wished for the establishment of such a government, without much hope of ever seeing it realized : * even Tacitus, an excellent judge of political sub- jects, considered it as a project entirely chimerical. f * " Statuo esse optime constitutam rempublicam quae ex tribus " generibus illis, regali, optimo, et popular!, modice confusa." 224 Cic. Frag. f " Cunctas nationes et urbes, populus, priores, aut singuli, " regunt. Delecta ex his et constituta reipublicse forma, laudari " facilius quam evenire ; vel si evenit, baud diutuma esse po- " test." 225 Tac. Ann. lib. iv. 224 In my judgment, tbat is the best constituted form of govern- ment, which, in moderation, is compounded of these three constitu- ent parts the royal, the aristocratical, and the popular. EDITOR. 3 In all nations [and cities, if we consider the nature of civil government, we shall find, that EDITOR.] the supreme authority is vested either in the people, or the nobles, or a single ruler. A constitution compounded of these three simple forms, may in theory be beautiful, but can never exist in fact ; or if it should, it will be but of short duration. Translation given by Murphy. EDITOR. 476 THE CONSTITUTION Nor was it because he had not thought of it, had not reflected on it, that he was of this opinion : he had sought for such a government, had had a glimpse of it, and yet continued to pronounce it impracticable. Let us not, therefore, ascribe to the confined views of man, to his imperfect sagacity, the dis- covery of this important secret. The world might have grown old, generations might have succeeded generations, still seeking it in vain. It has been by a fortunate conjunction of circumstances, I shall add, by the assistance of a favourable situation, that Liberty has at last been able to erect herself a temple. 226 Invoked by every nation, but of too delicate a nature, as it should seem, to subsist in societies formed of such imperfect beings as mankind, she showed, and merely showed herself, to the inge- nious nations of antiquity who inhabited the south of Europe. They were constantly mistaken in the form of the worship they paid to her. As they 2e6 It is clear that our author believed in a God of creation and of providence, from the following passages which will be found in pp. 190 and 265 of this work ; " If I may he permitted the ex- pression, the legislative power can change the constitution, as God created the light :" " then it is, though only then, that we may with safety say, ' the voice of the people is the voice of God.' " It is difficult, therefore, to account for his total omission of mention of the supreme Disposer of events in this place, where an ascrip- tion of praise to Him, from whom all blessings flow to nations as well as individuals, would have been so very appropriate ; instead of this reference to " a fortunate conjunction of circumstances," and " the assistance of a favourable situation," together with the un- meaning invocation of " the unknown goddess" of Liberty by which it is followed. EDITOR. OF ENGLAND. 477 continually aimed at extending- dominion and conquest over other nations, they were no less mis- taken in the spirit of that worship ; and though they continued for ages to pay their devotions to this divinity, she still continued, with regard to them, to be the unknown goddess. Excluded, since that time, from those places to which she had seemed to give a preference, driven to the extremity of the Western World, banished even out of the Continent, she has taken refuge in the Atlantic Ocean. There it is, that, freed from the dangers of external disturbance, and assisted by a happy pre-arrangement of things, she has been able to display the form that suited her ; and she has found six centuries to have been necessarv for 9 the completion of her work. Being sheltered, as it were, within a citadel, she there reigns over a nation which is the better enti- tled to her favours, as it endeavours to extend her empire, and carries with it, to every part of its do- minions, the blessings of industry and equality. Fenced in on every side (to use the expression of Chamberlayne) with a wide and deep ditch, the sea, guarded with strong out-works, its ships of war, and defended by the courage of her seamen, she preserves that mysterious essence, that sacred fire so difficult to be kindled, and which, if it were once extinguished, would, perhaps, never be lighted again. When the world shall have been again laid waste by conquerors, she will still continue to show mankind, not only the principle that ought to unite them, but, what is of no less importance, the form under which they ought to be united. And the 478 THE CONSTITUTION philosopher, when he considers the constant fate of civil societies amongst men, and observes the nu- merous and powerful causes which seem, as it were, unavoidably to conduct them all to a state of poli- tical slavery, will take comfort in seeing- that Li- berty has at length disclosed her nature and ge- nuine principles, and secured to herself an asylum against despotism on the one hand, and popular licentiousness on the other. 227 227 Having arrived at the end of his task, he is sensible how very imperfectly executed, the editor feels abundantly repaid for his labours and research, by the farther and more accurate insight he has acquired into the extensive and important subject of this admirable treatise ; for such he considers it, notwithstanding, in two or three instances, he has seen it right conscientiously to express sentiments at variance with some that it contains. Well indeed might the author select the motto of his title-page. " Tellus ponderibus librata suis" a country poised by its own weights could not, with the same propriety, be applied to any other nation under heaven, as to this united kingdom. How fully does this treatise justify the observation of a learned French author, who indeed generally both thought and wrote in the spirit of genuine freedom ; (Moutesq. Sp. L. xi. 5.) and who hath rot scrupled to profess, even in the very bosom of his native country, that " the English is the only nation in the world where political or civil liberty is the direct end of its constitution." The editor will close his notes by expressing for the constitution of England the expiring wish of the famous father Paul for his country, " Esto perpetua !" Be thou everlasting ! INDEX. 481 INDEX TO THE WORK. A. AMERICAN Colonies, their claim of voting supplies to the crown, hurtful, if obtained, to the English constitution, 458, 461. What ought to have heeu the general conduct of ministers in regard to the colonies, 461, 462, 463. Appeal, in case of murder, its effects, and to whom allowed, 78. Army, restrictions on the power of the king in regard to the keep- ing of it, 78, 79. Is not, in England, the means of supporting the authority of the crown, 393. How little its assistance was useful to James II., 412. See Military Power and Crovm. Arrest, method of, in civil causes, by the English laws, 98, 99. By the Roman laws, 101, 102. The alterations in the English law in that respect, 102, 103. Assemblies, popular, the disadvantages they lie under in regard to each coming to any deliberate well-weighed resolution, 214, 215. The advantages a few distinguished citizens have over them, 219, 220. Tully's passage concerning them, 229. See Com- monwealths, People, Rome. Athens, arbitrary proceedings of its magistrates, 237. Aula Regis, what kind of Court, 12. The Court of Common Pleas dismembered from it, 96. The Court of King's Bench may be considered as the remains of it, 97. Author, occasional personal remarks of his, 326, 377, 378, 393, 399, 400. His Memorials of Human Superstition quoted, 450. His conversation with Dr. Franklin, 460. B. Barons, originally in a great measure independent in France, 9, I I 482 INDEX TO THE WORK. 10. Not so in England, 11. Unite in a common cause with the people, 17, 293, 402. Beauchamp, lord (now marquis of Hertford), procures the passing of a bill for limiting personal arrests, 103. Bills, how deliberated upon and framed, 59, 60, 196, 203, 230, 231. See Commons and Parliament. Bill of Rights, an account of, 47. Utility of its provisions, 297. Blackstone, judge, quoted, 61, 159, 314, 329. Burnet, bishop, quoted, 318, 413. C. CTSON AND FA1.MM:, PRINTERS, SA V(M -SI K tlT, SI HAND. TN \\1 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 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