i ('■:'■■' ^^s') .iv. OK THi: University of California. f tI K'l' <^K Received x/J^^^zrr ^^^93- ^^cccssions, No. S'^^/^ Chi^s No. h Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/alumnirecordsfroOOwillrich ^^ 07 THk"^^ ;TJFI7ERSIT7' ^^ *^^' "^ V1*-^ ""''"'y^Bm,- ,.szm^&^^^' WILLISTON SEMINARY, EASTHAMPTON, MASS. ALUMNI RECORDS From 1842 to 1874. COMPILED BY JOSEPH H. SAWYER, Teacher of Mathematics and Mental Philosophy. :UHI7ERSIT7l SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: CLARK W. BRYAN AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1875. ^ OF THk"^ ■TJHIVERSI INTRODUCTORY. , The history of this effort can be briefly told. At the Quarter- Centennial Celebration in 1867, the Alumni Association was formed. In the public address delivered before the Association in 1870, Rev. H. Clay Trumbull advocated the collection of an alumni record. At the business meeting of the alumni in 1871 the project was again revived and a Committee consisting of Rev. H. Clay Trumbull and Prof. Judson Smith was appointed to present the matter to the Board of Trustees. The Trustees not only approved the undertaking but also assumed the expense of it, and Rev. S. T. Seelye, D. D., and Hon. E. H. Sawyer were chosen their Committee to co-operate with the Committee of the Alumni. Nobody being found during the succeeding year to assume the work, it was urged upon one who was not himself an alumnus, but who had the other advantage of being resident in Easthampton. The apology for this late appearance of a work begun in 1872 must be the difficulties of the task. There was not even a complete collection of annual catalogues with which to begin the record. And after the list of catalogues had been with some difficulty and delay filled they furnished no reliable knowl- edge regarding who were and were not alumni. For forming the alumni list, reliance has been placed upon the memory of men known to be members of the various classes. The rule adopted has been that all who have here completed a preparation for col- lege, or scientific or professional' school, and all who have finished a. course of stqdy in any department, should be called alumni. 4 INTRODUCTORY. Under the administration of the first principal there was no for- mal graduation and no classification of the school. The same was largely true of the English Department under the second principal. The difficulty of making an accurate list of the alumni is at once apparent. It will prove a strange chance if the list as given is correct. Additions to those named are earnestly invited from all who can give such information. The second difficulty was to learn the whereabouts of these men. Most of them were lost to the recollection of those within knowledge. The meagre catalogues of the old " Memorandum Society " furnished little help. But by the aid of College Records and by a brisk correspondence with pastors and postmasters most of those sought have been found or their history traced. It has not been unusual to trace a man through many States of our Union by this correspondence. The third difficulty has been to obtain replies from persons, whose post-offices were known. Long delays have ensued which have greatly hindered the progress of the work. Replies are arriving even at the time of going to press. Many will doubtless be received afterwards and others may be incited to respond be- cause they know the record is an accomplished fact. In this belief the questions used in gathering this edition are here given. The replies will be placed on file and published in the next edition. 1. Place and date of your birth. 2. Did you complete a course of study here ? 3. Studies you have pursued since leaving here, with dates of graduation from colleges or other higher institutions of learning. 4. Different occupations you have followed with dates of en- tering and leaving them. 5. Profession you have chosen with date of entering it. 6. Civil offices filled and honors received. 7. Service in the war for the Union and your rank at the close of the war, and brevet commission since received. INTRODUCTORY. 5 8. Books you have written or edited. 9. Date of marriage and number of children. 10. Present post-office address. 1 1 . Sign your full name. The fourth difficulty has been the preparation of the record from the mass of letters received and the correction of the proof. Thousands of dates, and tens of thousands of figures have been transcribed. Many slips of the pen must have occurred, and many oversights in the proof have happened. All corrections will be most thankfully received and recorded. The encouragement and aid which have been given in the prep- aration of the Record, have been among its chiefest gratifications to the editor. Especially is mention due to the following, who have acted as class secretaries. Charles B. Ruggles (1856 CI.), Prof. H. H. Goodell (1858 CL), Lewis F. Whitin (i860 CI.), Rev. James T. Graves (186 1 CL), Thomas E. McKinlay, Esq. (1862 CL), Rev. P. W. Lyman (1863 CL), John H. Reed (1867 Sc), Henry H. Sawyer (1867 CL), Frederic Talcott (1868 Sc), E. A. Bradford (1869 CL), Sidney Dickinson (1870 CL), Walter H. Camp (187 1 Sc). Valuable aid has also been rendered by Frank- lin B. Dexter (1857 CL), Secretary of Yale College; Prof. H. H. Goodell (1858 CL) of Amherst Agricultural College; and F. W. Olds (1872 CL) of Williamstown, by searching the records of Yale, Amherst and Williams respectively. Aid has also been given in gathering records by Lyman H. Bagg (1865 CL), Walter B. Piatt (1870 Sc) and George E. Langdon (1870 CL). This list might be still more largely extended by the mention of those who have greatly assisted by correspondence, searching city directo- ries, etc. The records of the classical classes of 1858, i860, 1863, 1869 and 1870, and the scientific classes of 1866, 1867 and 187 1 were entirely gathered by the secretaries of those classes and are in- serted without change from their reports. Many replies have been received from those who do not claim 6 INTRODUCTORY. to be alumni. It has been decided to publish every letter re- ceived. Correspondence from former students is cordially and earnestly solicited. All information of the history of any former student, or teacher, or trustee will be carefully preserved for future publication. Please send such communications to Joseph H. Sawyer, East- hampton, Mass. ^\ A last word of explanation regarding the arrangement of this Record is necessary. The list of alumni was made from the information at hand last October. It was decided to place each name, whether reported or unreported, in the class to which the person belonged. While the Record has been going through the press, farther information has been received which has led to the reporting of others, who were entitled to be classed as alumni, in the list added at the end. And the names of a few more have been marked in the index as alumni, concerning whom no othe;- information has been obtained. The incompleteness of this work is thus necessarily rendered more apparent. Easthampton, March, 1875. CONTENTS. iPAGE. Introductory, 3 Officers of the Association, 9 Constitution of the Association, . . . . 10 WiLLiSTON Seminary, 11 Samuel Williston, 15 List of Trustees, 18 Officers of Board of Trustees, . . . . 19 Records of Trustees, 21 List of Teachers 29 Records of Teachers, 33 Records of Alumni, . . .... 47 Army Roll, 263 Records of the Alumnae, 277 Summary, 329 Index, 333 OFFICERS Willi^toi\ ^erqiiiki'y Sluinqi S^^odiktioi|. PRESIDENTS. Prof. Edward Hitchcock, Class of 1845, • President William S. Clark, Class of 1844, Rev. H. Clay Trumbull, Class of 1844, M. Fayette Dickinson, Esq., Class of 1858, William Rowland, Esq., Class of 1842, . SECRETARIES. Prof. H. H. GooDELL, Class of 1858, . . . Elihu Root, M. A., Class of 1863, . . . Russell M. Wright, M. A., Teacher, . . CHAIRMEN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Prof. Cyrus Northrop, Class of 1852, . . . . Russell M. Wright, M. A., Teacher, .... Joseph H. Sawyer, M..A., Teacher, 1867-8. 1868-70. 1870-2. 1872-4. 1874- 1867-8. 1868-9. 1870- 1867-8. 1868-73. 1873- PUBLIC ADDRESSES. 1870. Rev. H. Clay Trumbull, Class of 1844. 1871. Prof. JuDSON Smith, Class of 1855. 1873. I^cv. Henry M. Parsons, Class of 1844. 1874. Charles D. Adams, Esq., Class of 1859. CONSTITUTION OF THE ASSOCIATION, ADOPTED 1868. Article. I. This Association shall be called " The Society of the Alumni of Williston Seminary." Art. II. All the Alumni of the Seminary ; those who may be or may have been Trustees or Teachers, shall be considered as members of this Association. Art III. The object of this Society shall be to promote union and mutual good feeling among the Alumni, and to advance the interests of Williston Seminary in all proper ways. Art. IV. The officers shall be a President, five Vice-Presi- dents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and an Executive Committee of five persons, all to be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting. Art. V. The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be vested in one person. Art. VI. The Secretary and a majority of the Executive Com- mittee shall be residents of Easthampton. or its immediate neigh- borhood. Art. VII. The general duties of the officers shall be such as are common to those holding trusts in associations of a similar nature. Art. VIII. The annual meeting shall be at some convenient hour on one of the days of anniversary week, the time and place to be notified by the Secretary. Art. IX. The officers shall hold their offices respectively till a new election takes place. WILLISTON SEMINARY. WiLLiSTON Seminary had its beginnings in the consecration, in 1832, of a considerable sum of money by Hon. Samuel Williston, to the service of mankind. The specific object of his charities was not determined until after years of deliberation and counsel. The Seminary was announced through a series of articles in The Hampshire Gazette, signed "Old Hampshire." The Act of In- corporation bears date February, 1841. Work was at once begun, the corner-stone was laid June 17, and in December of the same year the school was opened for pupils. It was a favorite plan of the first principal to have his pupils study in a school-room under his direction. When he was furnishing the first building, Mr. Williston said to Mr. Wright, " If you think we shall ever have a hundred pupils here, I will place a hundred chairs in the school- room." Mr. Wright thought he would risk it. Ninety pupils appeared during the first term, and the school-room soon proved too small. There was then one building (two stories) of wood — with dormitories for sixty — besides the boarding-house. In 1844, a second building, of brick (three stories) — the present Middle Hall — was erected. The dormitories must then have accommo- dated 140. The wooden building was burned in March, 1857. It was at once replaced by a brick building — the present South Hall, (three stories high,) which, besides recitation rooms, has dormitories for 48. The Gymnasium, (two stories,) was erected in 1864. North Hall was built in 1866, (four stories high). This contains only one recitation room, and increases the dormitory accommodations to 215. The Astronomical Observatory was erected in 1872. All these buildings are of brick. The Semin- ary also owns the residences of the principal and janitor. In the announcement of the Seminary, its property is set at 12 ALUMNI RECORDS $27,000 ; in 1843 it stood at $30,000 ; in 1844 at $50,000 ; in 1850 at $55,000; in 1856 at $65,000; in 1858 at $78,000; in 1859 at $82,000 ; in 1864 at $140,000; in 1865 at $144,000 ; in 1866 at $225,000 ; in 1870 at $250,000 ; in 1873 at $270,000. By his will, Mr. Williston has left the institution a large endowment. The provisions of this will are given in a statement at the close of this article. Besides this, the Seminary may be said to own a prize fund, donated by friends of the school, the income of which is of use to the students. The first catalogues speak of Easthampton as being four miles from Northampton, and twelve miles from Westfield on the post- road from the former place to Hartford. " The stage passes the Seminary for Westfield on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and returns from Westfield soon after the arrival of the afternoon trains from Boston, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays." In 1845, the town had grown to the importance of having a daily stage from Westfield. In 1846, the Connecticut River Railroad had reached Northampton, and a daily stage ran from there. In 1857, occurs the announcement of the Hampshire and Hampden Railway, running through the town from Westfield to Northamp- ton. Now there is additional railroad communication by a branch road from the Connecticut River Railroad at Mount Tom. The first catalogues simply give a list of studies which were pursued in the two departments. There was no term arrange- ment of studies and no classification of students. Since then the courses of study have continually grown more definite and the school is now strictly graded While students are allowed to select their course most of them are pursuing a regular course. In the early catalogues the philosophical and chemical apparatus is given worth $1,000. Now there is a recently purchased appa- ratus in these departments amounting in value to many thousands, while very complete instruments and means of illustration are provided in all the subjects taught. The Seminary has had three principals and eighty-eight teachers. Tracing the catalogues there is manifest a growing permanency in the board of instruc- tors. The Seminary opened with a male and female department. The latter was suspended in 1864. ^ ^^ largest number of ladies in attendance during any year was 187, and the smallest 44. There were 54 names of ladies in the catalogue of 1864. The first WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 3 catalogue contains 191 names — two-thirds of these in the English course. The total rose rapidly until in 1846 it stood at 542. After that it declined and the yearly aggregate stood between 300 and 400 until the discontinuance of the ladies' department. The average term attendance since the war has stood at 175. The current term has 200. During the first five years of the Semin- ary's existence 95 per cent, of the pupils were from New England — 60 per cent, from Hampshire County and 30 per cent, from Easthampton. As high schools were developed in the neighbor- ing towns this local patronage fell off and the growth of South Hadley Seminary affected the number of ladies. During the second five years the percentage from New England had dropped to 90 and the percentage from Hampshire County to 33. For the next ten years the New England percentage stood at 85 and the Hampshire County percentage continued at ^;^. With the in- creased cost of board and the continued development of home schools these percentages continued to decline, until at present that from New England is 50 and from Hampshire County 10 — half of whom are from Easthampton. This indicates that the Seminary began as a local school and served the purpose of a high school for many neighboring towns. It has ceased to be local and has become national. What was said of the courses of study indicates that the school has ceased to be largely composed of irregular scholars, pursuing no fixed course, and absent a large part of the year. It has become a school with a fixed course and the pupils remaining are taken through a progressive series of studies. It is not implied by this, statement that the school was inferior in its early years. Rather is this shown — that the trustees and teachers have never failed to make an adequate effort to meet the increasing demands of education. The Prudential Committee of the Board of Trustees have authorized the following statement regarding the plans for the future : " The late Founder, by his will, has secured to the Seminary a munificent endowment. Upon the settlement of the estate the Institution receives '$200.000 ; in a few years thereafter it will receive $100,000 more; and in process of time $300,000 addi- tional. It was the design and hope of the P'ounder to make not a College, nor a Professional School, but a Secondary Institution of far higher order than any now existing. The courses of instruc- 14 ALUMNI RECORDS. tion are to-be divided into distinct Professorships. To the charge of these are to be appointed men of eminent talent, scholarship and culture — men who by experience are adepts in teaching and who will devote themselves exclusively to the inter- ests of the Seminary. The number of Professors and Instructors is to be sufficient to meet all the requirements of the instruction and they are to receive such compensation and to have such hours of labor that they can perfect themselves in their depart- ments and pursue their researches beyond the mere necessities of the class room. The Classical Department will afford the most complete and thorough preparation for the best colleges and also furnish a good training for those who contemplate going at once from the secondary school to professional study. Students in the English Class will lay the only solid foundation of all culture in a thorough mastery of the common English branches. In the Scientific Department young men are to be instructed in all the branches of science, literature and philosophy of a college course, and also in business forms and methods, in drawing and design- ing, and in architecture. Those who desire it will be taught in the most accomplished manner the French and German languages. This instruction will embrace not merely the literature of those tongues, but the art and practice of conversation in them. " As soon as the estate is settled the Trustees will proceed at once to put in operation the means for the accomplishment of these designed results." SAMUEL WILLISTON. Born, June 17, 1795. Died, July 17, 1874. He was the son of Rev. Payson Williston, who settled as the first pastor of the First Church in Easthampton in 1789 ; the grandson of Rev. Noah WiUiston of West Haven, Conn., and Rev. Nathan Birdseye of Stratford, Conn. He is said to have inherited his mother's disposition and traits — ^patient perseverance, pains- taking application to business and thrifty husbandry. He was designed of his father for the ministry, and he began his prepara tion at Phillips Academy, Andover. But his eyes failed and the plan of his life was changed. He entered the store of Arthur Tappan in New York as clerk, but soon returned to his native town and engaged in agriculture. This he in turn abandoned for the manufacture of covered buttons, which were then made by hand. Before leaving this business, he gave employment to one thousand families scattered through the Connecticut Valley. In 1835, Mr. Williston formed a co-partnership with Joel and Josiah Hay den, for the manufacture of machine-made buttons, then first introduced into this country from England. The business was begun at Haydenville, but was transferred to Easthampton in 1839. Mr. Williston remained president of this company through all its changes, until his death. He was also president of the Nashawannuck (suspender,) Co., the Williston Cotton Mills, the First National Bank and the Gas Company, all located in East- hampton. For a time also, he was president of the Easthampton Savings Bank and of the P^asthampton Steam Pump Co. He also held large amounts of stock in all the other manufacturing inter- ests in the town. He was first president of the Hampshire and Hampden Railway — now a part of the New Haven and North- 1 6 ALUMNI RECORDS ampton Railroad. He held large amounts of stock in other rail- roads and in various manufacturing and banking companies in towns adjoining his own — being president of the First National Bank of Northampton for many years, and also of the Greenville Manufacturing Co. (cotton cloths,) in the same town. This is a meagre summary of his business associations. He served his town in various offices of trust and responsibility. He repre- sented Easthampton in the General Court of 1841 and was a member of the Senate in 1842 and 1843, when he declined a re- election. Mr. Williston became very rich, chiefly by careful savings of small profits. He bestowed his wealth with liberal hand, and has laid the present generation and those that shall succeed under ob- ligation to him. It is estimated that his benefactions during his life- time amounted to $1,000,000. In his will he has m»ade pro- vision for the distribution of three-fourths of a million more. He gave from principle and not from impulse. Consequently, he al- ways weighed well the merits of the object presented for his aid. When he approved he gave well. His gifts to Williston Seminary are enumerated in the sketch preceding this. He began giving to Amherst College when the institution was in the depths of pov- erty and well-nigh given over as a failure. He saved the college to mankind, and by his example and personal solicitation stimu- lated others to give. He endowed two professorships and half of a third, beside an instructorship, built and equipped Williston Hall and assisted in the erection of other buildings, and gave large sums to the general fund. True to his character, after he had de- cided Amherst College was worthy his aid he never failed to help. In the words of the former treasurer "he always put his shoulder to the wheel." It was not unusual for him to pledge aid to " Am- herst " or " Williston " before the money was made. He was also the largest benefactor of Iowa College and left it a gift in his will. He aided Mary Lyon in establishing Mount Holyoke Seminary. He was a benefactor of the Protestant College at Beirut, Syria. He was president, and virtually treasurer of the board of trustees of Williston Seminary from its origin to his death — a member of the board of trust of Amherst College from 1842, of the board of trust of Westboro, Mass., Reform School twelve years, and for a long time upon the board of an asylum for idiots in Bos- ton, and also for many years a corporate member of the A. B. C. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1/ F. M. To his native town he was a constant benefactor — and having provided for the churches, public library and other deserv- ing objects in town, he left $10,000 in his will for the cemetery. He saw his native place grow from a village of 500 inhabitants to a town of 4,000, with a valuation exceeding two and a half mil- lions, and a manufacturing capital aggregating $1,500,000, This was chiefly due to the enterprises originated by himself. Of his person I need not speak. His face was familiar to you all. Mr. Williston was married in the Spring of 1822, to Emily Graves, of Williamsburg Five children were born to them, and all died in early childhood To him may be applied that graceful tribute which was paid to Dr. John Phillips — '• Without natural issue, he made posterity his heir." Mr. and Mrs. Williston reared five adopted children : — Lyman R. (No. 122). Harriet K. R., wife of President Clark (No 32), Cecilia R., wife of M. F Dickinson, Esq. (No. 533), Robert R. and Clara S., now Mrs. Rev Joseph Lanman. Mr. Williston's funeral was attended at his residence on Monday, July 20. A memorial address, prepared at his re- quest by Professor Tyler, of Amherst, was given in the Payson Church, September 13. TRUSTEES WILLISTON SEMINARY. *Hon. Samuel Williston, . *Rev. Emerson Davis, . . *Rev. John Mitchell, . . *Rev. William Bement, *Luther Wright, M. A , . *Tohn P. Williston, . . . *Rev. Heman Humphrey, *Hon. William Bowdoin, . Rev. Mark Hopkins, D. D., Rev. William S Tyler, D. D *Hon. Joel Hayden, . . . *Rev. Solomon Lyman, . . *Rev. Sumner G. Clapp, . Rev. George E. Day, . . Josiah Clark, M. A., . . Rev. George C. Partridge, Rev. S. G. Buckingham, D. D *Rev. David Coggin, . , Rev. John H. Bisbee, . . Rev, Noah Porter, D. D., . Rev. Rollin S. Stone, . . Hon. R. B. Hubbard, . . Rev. Nehemiah Adams, D. D Hon. William Hyde, . . Rev. Aaron M. Colton, . . *Rev. Wellington H. Tyler, Rev. Gordon Hall, D. D., . Marshall Henshaw, D. D , LL.D., Hon. Wm. S. Clark, Ph. D., LL D. Rev. Samuel T. Seelye, D. D Hon. Horatio G. Knight, . Hon. Edmund H. Sawyer, M. Fayette Dickinson, Esq., A. Lyman Williston, . . * Deceased. f Still in office. A. D. Served. Incorporator to July i8, 1874, 33 years, to Aug. 13, 1844, 3 " to Aug. 7, 1843, 2 " *' to July 29, 1850, 9 " to July 21, 1849, 8 " " to 1872, 31 " Feb. 22, 1841, to Aug. 10, 1846, 53^ " Mar. 18, 1841, to July 29, 1850, 9)-^ " Dec. I, 1841, to July 26, 1852, 10% " Dec. I, i84i,to , 33t " Aug. 13, 1841, to 1866, 25 Aug. 13, 1844, to Aug. 13, 1844, to May 14, 185 1, 7 " June 21, 1848, to May 14, 1851, 3 " June 21, 1849, to June 30, 1864, 15 " May 14, 1851, to July 30, 1855, 4 " May 14, 1851, to , 23! " May 14, 1851, to 1852, I year. May 14, 185 1, to , 23tyears. July 29, 1851, to July 26, 1858, 7 July 29, 1851, to Nov. 19, 1863, 12)^ " July 29, 185 1, to , 23t " July 26, 1852, to , 22t " July 26, 1852, to June 28, 1869, 17 " July 27, 1854, to , 2ot " July 27, 1854, to 1863, 9 " t " 1864, to lot " Nov. 19, 1863, to lit " May II, 1864, to lot " July I, 1867, to 7t *' July I, 1867, to 7t " July 2, 1872, to 2t " June 24, 1873, ^o it year. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. ■ > • PRESIDENTS. *Hon. Samuel Williston, 1841 to 1874 — 33 years. William S. Clark, Ph. D., LL.D., . . . 187410 SECRETARIES. Rev. William Bement, 1 841 to 1850 — 9 years. Rev. Rollin S. Stone, 1 851 to 1863-12 " Rev. Samuel T. Seelye, D. D., . . . . 1864 to 1866—2 " Marshall Henshaw, D. D., LL.D., .... 1866 to 8t " TREASURERS, Rev. Luther Wright, Rev. Solomon Lyman, E. L. Snow, . Edward Smith, E. A. Hubbard, John L. T. Phillips, E. A. Hubbard, Russell M. Wright, M. Fayette Dickinson, Moses H. Leonard, Odell G. Webster, 1 841 to 1844 to 1847 to 1851 to 1852 to 1854 to 1857 to 1863 to 1864 to 1865 to 1869 to 1844—3 years. 1847-3 " 185 1-4 " 1852 — I year. 1854 — 2 years. 1857-3 " 1863—6 " 1864 — I year. 1865— I " 1869—4 years. t ♦ Deceased. t Still in office. 'USIVBESITT] RECORDS OF THE TRUSTEES. Rev. Emerson Davis, D. D., was pastor of the First Congregational Church in Westfield, Mass , when elected trustee. He .was born at Ware, Mass., July 15, 1798 ; graduated at Williams College, 1821 ; was principal of the Westfield Academy ; tutor in Williams College, and again principal of Westfield Academy prior to his pastorate ; was fifth vice-president of Williams College ; received de- gree of D. D. from Harvard in 1847 5 published a volume on the first half of the present century ; left an unfinished manuscript of biographies of the Trinitarian clergymen of New England, five volumes. It is in the possession of the Congregational Library Association, Boston. Died of heart disease at Westfield, June 8, 1866. Rev. John Mitchell was pastor of the Edwards Church, Northampton, Mass., when chosen trustee. He was born at Chester, Conn., December 29, 1794, and died at Strat- ford, Conn., April 28, 1870; graduated at Yale College, 1821 ; editor Christian Spectator, 1824; pastor at Fair Haven, Conn., 1830-6; pastor Edwards Church, North- ampton, 1836-42 ; author of "The New England Churches," (a manual of the Congregational polity) ; " Notes from Over the Sea," (2 vols.) ; " Scenes and Characters in College ; " " My Mother, or Recollections of Maternal Influence ; " "Rachel Kell;" "Derwent," (a book of sketches.) Rev. William Bement was pastor of the Church in Easthampton at the time of his election ; born at Ash- 22 ALUMNI RECORDS field, Mass., April 5, 1806; graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1828. He is at present residing at Jersey City, N. J., and has retired from the ministry. Luther Wright, M. A., became trustee by act of in- corporation and principalship. Record given among the teachers, page 33. John P. Williston was a druggist and manufacturer of Payson's Indelible Ink when he became trustee ; born in Easthampton, December 5, 1803 — a brother of the founder; died in Northampton, January 4, 1872. He continued to manufacture Payson's Indelible Ink during his life ; held the ordinary grades of town offices. In 1846 the Green- ville Manufacturing Company was started by S. Williston, J. P. Williston and J. Hayden, of which he was agent and treasurer until his death. He was a director in Holyoke Water Power Company, in Northampton National Bank, and was interested in various local manufacturing enter- prises. He was a frequent, and generous, and unostenta- tious giver to all good causes. Rev. Heman Humphrey, D. D., was President of Am- herst College when elected trustee ; born at West Sims- bury, Conn., May 20, 1779; graduated at Yale College, 1805 ; studied theology with Rev. Asahel Hooker of Go- shen, Conn. ; settled over Fairfield Congregational Church, 1807-17; pastor at Pittsfield, 1817-23; was President of Amherst College twenty-two years ; lived at Pittsfield in retirement from 1845 until his death, April 3, 1861. Hon. William Bowdoin was a lawyer in South Had- ley, Mass., when he became trustee. He was a colleague with Samuel Williston in the Massachusetts Senate. He died several years ago at South Hadley. Rev. Mark Hopkins, D. D., was President of Williams College when he accepted trusteeship; born in Stock- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 23 bridge, Mass., February 4, 1802 ; graduated at Williams College, 1824, and at the Berkshire Medical School, 1829; resigned the presidency of the college, 1872, and remains Professor of Moral Science. Rev. William S. Tyler, D. D., was Professor of Latin and Greek languages in Amherst College when chosen trus- tee ; born in Harford, Susquehanna Co., Pa., September 2, 1 8 10; graduated at Amherst, 1830 ; studied theology in An- doverand New York ; licensed, 1836; ordained W. C, 1859; received honorary D. D. from Harvard, 185 7, and LL.D. from Amherst, 1871 ; trustee of Mount Holyoke Seminary, Ma- plewood Institute and Smith College. Books published — Germania and Agricola of Tacitus ; Histories of Tacitus ; Plato's Apology and Crito ; Plutarch de Sera Numinis Vindicta ; Theology of Greek Poets ; Prayer for Colleges ; Memoir of Lobdell ; History of Amherst College. Has written much for Quarterlies and Monthlies ; wrote the ar- ticles in the Hampshire Gazette, at Mr. Williston's request preparatory to the founding of Williston Seminary; has ever been Mr. Williston's intimate adviser in the conduct of the school. More than any other man he has shaped its literary and educational standard ; is Professor of Greek in Amherst. Hon. Joel Hayden resided in Haydenville and was a manufacturer when chosen trustee. He was born in Wil- liamsburg, Mass., April 8, 1798, and died suddenly at New York, 1874. During his life he was justice of the peace, representative to the General Court of Massachusetts, county commissioner for Hampshire County, member of executive council, and lieutenant-governor of Massachu- setts. Rev. Solomon Lyman was residing in Easthampton, retired from the ministry, when made trustee ; born, East- hampton, Mass., January 11, 1795; graduated at Yale, 24 ALUMNI RECORDS 1822 ; studied theology two years in New York ; preached at Pittstown, N. Y., 1824-7; Keeseville, N, Y., 1828-36; Poultney, Vt., 1835-43; returned to Easthampton, 1843; supplied pulpit at West Farms, (Northampton,) seven years; died, 1871. Rev. Sumner G. Clapp was pastor of the Congrega- tional Church in Cabotville, (now Chicopee,) when made trustee; born at Easthampton, Mass., March 10, 1800, and died at Boston, January 26, 1869 ; graduated at Yale, 1823, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1827; pastor at En- field, 1828-37; at Chicopee, 1837-50; at St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1850-5 ; at Sturbridge, 1856-62. Rev. George E. Day was pastor of the Edwards Church in Northampton, Mass., when he became trustee. He was a graduate of Yale College in 1833. He is at present Holmes Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature, and of Biblical Theology in Yale Seminary. JosiAH Clark, M. A., became trustee upon his appoint- ment as principal. See page 33. Rev. George C. Partridge was pastor of the Congre- gational Church, at Greenfield, Mass., when elected trustee ; born at Hatfield, Mass. ; graduated at Amherst College, 1833. Leaving Greenfield, he was pastor of Congrega- tional Church at Batavia, 111. ; since then at the same place collector of Internal Revenue, and general insurance agent. Rev. S. G. Buckingham, D. D., was pastor of South Con- gregational Church, Springfield, Mass , when chosen trus- tee; born at Lebanon, Conn., November 18, 18 12 ; gradua- ted at Yale College, 1833, and at Yale Theological Semi- nary, 1837; pastor Second Congregational Church, Mill- bury, Mass., 1837-47; pastor of South Church, Springfield, Mass., 1847 to date. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 2$ Rev. David Coggin, was pastor of the Westhampton, Mass., Church, when he became trustee; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1836; died 1852, aged 35. Rev. John H. Bisbee, was pastor of the Congregational Church in Worthington, Mass., when appointed trustee ; born in Chesterfield, Mass., January 23, 1805; graduated at Union College, 183 1 ; studied theology at Auburn, N. Y. Seminary; ordained, 1834; has been pastor of Second Congregational Church in Huntington, Mass., since leav- ing Worthington. Rev. Noah Porter, D. D., was Clark Professor of Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics in Yale College, when he was trustee; born in Farmington, Conn., December 14, 181 1 ; graduated at Yale College, 1831, and at Yale Theological Seminary; is, 1874, President of Yale College. Rev. RoLLiN S. Stone was pastor of the Payson Church, Easthampton, when he served as trustee. He graduated at Yale, 1832. He has been city missionary in Brooklyn, N. Y., since leaving his pastorate in Easthampton. Hon. R. B. Hubbard was principal of the Boys' High School, in Northampton, Mass., when chosen trustee ; born in Sunderland, Mass., September 3, 1803; graduated at Union College, 1829; taught Academy at Kingston, N. Y., Mt. Pleasant Labor School, and the Academy at Amherst, Mass., Northampton High School, and a private boys' school at Amherst; has been representative in Massa- chusetts Legislature, county commissioner, member of Governor Boutwell's council, and justice of the peace ; has given much time to teachers' institutes in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island ; at present engaged upon a genealogical record of the Hubbard family. Rev. Nehemiah Adams, D. D., resided in Boston, and was a minister of the gospel when made trustee. He was 4 26 ALUMNI RECORDS educated at Salem, Mass., Harvard and Andover Theolog- ical Seminary ; was first settled in Cambridge, and has been pastor of Union Church, Boston, forty years ; received D. D. from Harvard ; author of " Communion Sabbath," '• Agnes, or the Little Key," " Catherine," " Cross and Cell," " South Side View of Slavery," " Saber Cloud," " Broadcast," "Friends of Jesus," *' Bertha and her Baptism," "Under the Mizzen Mast," " Life of John Eliot," " Sermons," etc. Hon. William Hyde was cashier of a Bank and resided in Ware, Mass., when elected trustee ; born in Lee, Mass., August 1 6, 1806; graduated at Williams College, 1826; studied law in Springfield, and practiced there four years ; has been president of Ware Bank since 1865 ; has been trustee of Andover Theological Seminary six years, over- seer at Amherst College fifteen years, and trustee of Wil- liams College since 1859; member of the State Senate from Hampshire County, 185 1. Rev. Aaron M. Colton was pastor of the First Church, Easthampton, when elected trustee; born Georgia, Vt., August 25, 1S09 ; graduate of Yale, 1835, and of Andover Theological Seminary, 1838; pastor of First Church, Am- herst, 1840-53, and has been in his present pastorate since 1853. Rev. Wellington H. Tyler was engaged in business in New York City when elected trustee. He was born in Harford, Susquehanna Co., Pa., October 14, 1812 ; gradu- ated at Amherst, 1831 ; member of Theological Seminary, Andover, 1831-2; taught in Kentucky, 1832-4; tutor in Amherst College, 1834-6; principal of Academy at Man- lius, N. Y., 1836-8; licensed to preach, 1839; principal of Young Ladies' Seminary, Columbia, S. C, 1 840-1 ; founded Young Ladies' Institute, (now Maplewood,) at Pittsfield, Mass., 1 841; principal of the same, twelve years; pioneer of progressive education of women ; pronounced a " model WILLISTON SEMINARY. 2/ teacher," by Dr. Todd, Dr. Harris, and others ; died on a voyage for his health, at Hudson Bay Company's Station, at Northwest River, Labrador, August 19, 1863, Rev. Gordon Hall, D. D. was pastor of the Edwards Church, Northampton, Mass., when he became trustee ; born in Bombay, November 4, 1823 ; graduated from Yale College and Theological Seminary ; still retains his pastor- ate at Northampton. Marshall Henshaw, D. D., LL.D., became trustee upon assuming the principalship. See page 34. Hon. William S. Clark, Ph. D. LL.D., was Professor of Chemistry in Amherst College, when made trustee. See No. 32. Rev. Samuel T. Seelye, D. D., was pastor of the Pay- son Church, Easthampton, when he became trustee. He was born in Bethel, Conn., October 24, 1822 ; graduated at Western Reserve College and Auburn Theological Semin- ary ; was pastor of Congregational Church, Wolcottville, Conn., nine years — Fourth Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. Y., eight years — Payson Church, Easthampton, since 1863; received D. D. from Hamilton College; has pub- lished many sermons. Hon. Horatio G. Knight was treasurer of the National Button Company, Easthampton, and member of firm Willis- ton Knight & Co., when elected trustee ; born in Easthamp- ton, Mass., March 24, 1 8 1 7 ; has filled the various town offices in Easthampton ; representative to the General Court of Massachusetts, two years ; senator from Hampshire Dis- trict, two years ; councilor from the Eighth District, two years; appointed drafting committee, by Governor An- drew ; Massachusetts commissioner to Vienna Exhibition, by Governor Washburn ; commissioner on Lee and New 28 ALUMNI RECORDS. Haven Railroad, by Governor Talbot ; has been treasurer and president of Glendale Elastic Fabric Company ; treas- urer of National Button Company ; vice-president North- ampton Institution for Savings ; president Easthampton Rubber Thread Company ; president Northampton Loan and Trust Company ; president First National Bank of Easthampton ■ delegate to the Chicago Convention which first nominated Abraham Lincoln for the presidency, and to the Philadelphia Convention, which nominated General Grant, for a second term ; elected lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts, November 3, 1874. Hon. Edmund H. Sawyer was treasurer of the Nasha- wannuck Manufacturing Company, Easthampton, when ap- pointed trustee ; born in Newton, Mass., November 16, 1 821; representative in Massachusetts Legislature, 1866, and senator 1867 and 1868; trustee State Lunatic Hospital at Northampton. M. Fayette Dickinson, Esq. was a lawyer in Boston, when chosen trustee. See No. 533. A- Lyman Williston was a manufacturer in Northamp- ton, Mass., when chosen trustee. See No. 339. TEACHERS WILLISTON SEMINARY. PRINCIPALS. *Luther Wright, M. A., (see p. 33.) . Josiah Clark, M. A., (see p. 33.) Marshall Henshaw, D. D., LL. D., (see p. 34.) 1841 to 1849. 1850 to 1863. 1864 to TEACHERS. *David M. Kimball, M. A., (see p. 34.) Richard S. Storrs, Jr., M. A., (see p. 34.) William D. Clapp, (see p. 34.) • Samuel T. Spaulding, M. A., (see p. 34.) E. Monroe Wright, M. A., (see p. 35.) Russell M. Wright, M. A., (see p. 35.) Edmund K. Alden, B. A., (see p. 35.) William Rowland, M. A., (see No. 3.) L. Henry Edwards, B. A., (see No. 12.) Hanson L. Read, B. A., (see p. 36.) Eli A. Hubbard, M. A., (see p. 36.) William S. Clark, B. A., (see No. 32.) . John L. T. Phillips, M. A., (see p. 36.) Horace W. Taylor, B. A., (see p. 36.) Edward Hitchcock, Jr., M. D., (see No. 74.) Lyman R. Williston, B. A., (see No. 122.) James White, B. A., (see No. 165.) Rev. Oliver Warner, B. A , (see p. 37.) Franklin P. Chapin, B. A., (see p 37.) *A. H. Wenzell, B. A., (see p. 37.) Benjamin Talbot, M. A., (see p. 37) Edward P. Crowell, B. A., (see p. 38.) John A. Hamilton, B. A., (see No. 204.) Norman A. Prentiss, B. A., (see p. 38.) Edward P. Whitney, B. A., (see No. 166.) ♦Deceased. 184I to 1848. 1841 to 1843. 1842 to 1843. 1842 to 1843. 1843 to 1847 and 187 1 to 1872. 1843 to 1847 and 1863 to 1844 to 1845. 1846 to 1S49. 1847 to 1848. 1848 to 1849. 1848 to 1854 and 1S57 to 1864. 1848 to 1850. 1849 to 185 1 and 1S54 to 1857. 1849 to 1850. 1850 to 1852 and 1853 to 1861. 1850 to 1853. 1851 to 1S53. 1852 to 1863. 1852 to 1853. 1852 to 1853. 1854. 1853 to 1855. 1853 to 1855. 1S53 to 1854. 1854 to 1S55. 30 ALUMNI RECORDS William L. Montague, B. A., (see No. 281.) Edwin C. Bissel, B. A., (see p. 38.) Chester L. Cushman, B. A., (see p. 38.) Walter Barton, B. A., (see No. 303.) . Richard H. Mather, B. A., (see No. 322.) George S. Bishop, M. A., (see p 39.) *William H. Dunning, B. A., (see p. 39.) Henry S. Jewett, B. A., (see p. 39 ) *Henry C Skinner, B. A., (see No. 437.) Edward S. Frisbee, B. A., (see p. 39.) *WiIliam A. Richards, B. A., (see No 434.) M. Fayette Dickinson, B. A., (see No. 533.) John H. Jenks, (see No. 334) fliram B. Putnam, B. A., (see p. 39.) Judson Smith, M. A., (see No. 438.) Henry H Goodell, M. A., (see No. 536.) Charles M. Lamson, B. A., (see No. 627.) Francis A. Walker, M. A., (see p. 40.) Henry M. Tyler, B. A., (see No. 700 ) . Joseph H. Sawyer, M. A., (see p. 40.) Charles H. Chandler. B. A., (see p. 40.) Thomas S. Smitli, B. A., (see p. 40.) Frederic W. March, B. A., (see p. 41.) Edward P. Smith, M. A., (see p. 41.) Elihu Root, B. A., (see No. 767.) William H. White. B. A., (see p. 41.) William C. Peckham, M. A., (see p. 41.) Joseph T. Tracy, M. A., (see p. 42.) William P. Morgan, B. A., (see p. 42.) Charles H. Parkhurst, M. A., (see p. 42.) Edward G. Coy, B. A., (see No. 808.) . Mons. Charles A. Lador, M. A., (see p. 42 ) David Hill, M. A., (see p. 42.) Anson D. Morse, M. A., (see p, 43.) . Herbert B. Adams, B. A., (see p. 43.) Stephen A. French, (see p 43 ) Henry E. Alvord, C, E., (see p. 43.) John K. Richardson, M. A , (see p. 44.) PRECEPTRESSES. *Miss Sarah W. Brackett, Miss Mary Fisher, Miss Gertrude M. Chandler, Miss Harriet R. Williston, Miss Maria E. Mason, . Miss E. Maria Ely, ♦"Deceased. 1855 to 1857, 1855 to 1856. 1856 to 1857. 1856 to 1858. 1857 to 1858. 1858 to 1861. 1858 to 1859. 1858 to i860. 1859 to i860. i860 to 1862. 1561 to 1863. 1562 to 1864 1862 to 1866. 1863 to 1864. 1864 to 1 866. 1864 to 1867. 1864 to 1865. 1865 to 1868. 1865 to 1866. 1866 to 1866 to 1867. 1866 to 1867. 1867 to 186S. 1868 to 1870. 1867 to 1S69. 1867 to 1868. 1868 to 1870. 1868 to 1871. 1869 to 1871. 1870 to 1872. 1870 to 1872. 1871 to 1871 to 1872 to 1872 to 1873. 1872 to 1873. 1873 to 1873 to 1844 to 1845. 1845 to 1847. 1847 to 1S49. 1849 to 1850. 1850 to 1851. 1851 to 1852. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 31 Miss Maria C. Partridge, 1852 to 1855. Miss Elizabeth B. Hinckley, 1855 to 1863. Miss S. Elizabeth Chapin, 1863 to 1864. TEACHERS OF FRENCH. Miss Clarissa L. Wright, 1841 to 1842. Miss Clarissa Stacy, 1842 to 1846. Miss Mary Fisher, 1846 to 1847. Miss Harriet K. R, Williston, 1847 to 1848. Miss Gertrude M. Chandler, 1847 to 1849. Mons Louis Tribus, 1849 to 185 1. Miss E. Maria Ely, 1851 to 1852. Miss Maria C. Partridge, '. . 1852 to 1855. Miss Elizabeth B. Hinckley, 1855 to 1863. Miss S. Elizabeth Chapin, 1863 to 1864. TEACHERS OF FRENCH AND GERMAN. *Mons. Louis Tribus, (see p. 44.) 1854 to 1864. Mons. Chas. A. Lador, (see p. 42.) 1871 to TEACHERS OF MUSIC. *Col. Asa Barr, (see p. 44.) William Ludden, (see p. 44.) Ely S. Hoadley, M. A., (see p. 45.) Henry J. Rudd, (see p. 45.) L. V. Barnard, (see p. 45.) Alfred R. Hallett, (see p. 45.) 1841 to 1842. 1844 to 1846. 1846 to 1863. 186410 1867. 1868 to 1869. 1869 to 187 1. TEACHERS OF PENMANSHIP. Horatio Brown, 1841 to 1842. Edward L. Snow, (see p. 45.) 1842 to 1843. *C. Mattoon Alvord, (see p. 46.) 1843 to 1848. Alfred L. Strong, (see p. 46.) 1848 to 1870. TEACHER OF DRAWING AND PAINTING. Mrs. L. Ann Chandler, . ...... 1852 to 1853. LECTURER IN CHEMISTRY. Prof. W. S. Clark, Ph. D., (see No. 32.) . . . . 1863 to 1867. Teachers whose Names do not appear in the Seminary Catalogues. John H. Thompson, (see No. 114,) 1849. ♦John W. Underhill. B. A., (see p. 46.) 1854. Ebenezer N. Fernald, B. A., (see p. 46.) 1862. ♦Deceased. RECORDS OF TEACHERS WHO WERE NOT GRADUATES OF WILLISTON SEMINARY. Luther Wright, M. A., Principal ; born in Easthamp- ton, Mass., November 24, 1796; graduated at Yale College, 1822; 1822-4, principal of an academy in Maryland; 1824, began studying theology in New Haven ; 1825-8, tutor in Yale College; 1828, licensed to preach; elected Professor Latin and Greek in the Military Academy at Middletown, Conn.; 1829, associated with Judge Hall in founding a classical school at Ellington, Conn.; 1833-9, principal of Leicester, Mass., Academy ; 1 841-9, principal of Williston Seminary; passed the remainder of his life upon his farm in Easthampton ; died September 5, 1870; author of Discourse on Education, delivered at Leicester, Mass., at the dedication of a new academy building ; also of His- torical Sketch of Easthampton. JosiAH Clark, M. A., Principal ; born in Leicester, Mass., February 7, 1814 ; graduated at Yale College, 1833 ; principal of Westminster, Mass., Academy until 1835 ; teacher in the University of Maryland until 1837; student in Andover Theological Seminary four years, until 1841; went to Leicester Academy, first as associate principal, then as principal, where he remained until 1849 ; principal of Williston Seminary, 1849 to 1863 ; since 1863 has been teaching privately at Northampton, Mass. ; Professor elect of Latin and Greek in Smith Female College, now building in Northam^on. 5 34 ALUMNI RECORDS Marshall Henshaw, D. D., LL.D., Principal; born in ^ Bethany, Wayne Co., Pa., October 3, 1822; graduated at Amherst College, 1845 > taught Latin and Greek in Wil- liston Seminary one year; one year in the Theological Seminary in New York ; tutor in Amherst College, two years ; taught Hopkins Academy, (Hadley, Mass.,) one year and one term ; taught Pinkerton Academy, (Derry, N. H.,) two and one-half years; taught Dummer Academy, (Byfield, Mass.,) about seven years ; Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Rutgers College, four years ; prin- cipal of Williston Seminary since 1863; honorary LL.D., 1863, from New York University; D. D., 1872, from Am- herst ; has pubHshed " Analysis of Greek Verb." David M. Kimball, M. A., was born in Leroy, N. Y., August 26, 181 3 ; graduated at Union College, 1838 ; stud- ied Mathematics and drilled at West Point ; taught Mathe- matics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Williston Seminary ; taught in Brattleboro, Vt., Westfield and Chico- pee, Mass. ; received A. M. from Amherst College ; died at West Brookfield, Mass., October 23, 1857. Richard S. Storrs, Jr., M. A., was a graduate of Am- herst College, 1839; taught Mental and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric and Chemistry in Williston Seminary ; is pastor of the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y. William D. Clapp was born in Northampton, Mass., April 5, 1820; was a teacher in neighboring towns before coming to Easthampton; taught Arithmetic, English Gram- mar and Geography in Williston Seminary ; has been en- gaged for fifteen years, as a layman, in preaching the gospel to the people of West Farms, Northampton, Mass. ; is a farmer and dealer in coal at Northampton. Samuel T. Spaulding, M. A., was born in Jamaica, Vt, May 2, 1819; graduated at Amherst Colleg^, 1839; was WILLISTON SEMINARY. 35 assistant teacher in Languages in Williston Seminary ; has been engaged in the practice of law in Northampton, Mass., since 1844; appointed judge of probate by Gov. W. B. Washburn. E. Monroe Wright, M. A., was born in Northampton, Mass., 1816 ; graduated at Williams College, 1839 5 studied theology in New Haven, two years ; teacher of Moral Phi- losophy, Rhetoric and Chemistry in Williston Seminary, 1843-8; and of Elocution and English Grammar, 187 1-2; elected representative to Massachusetts Legislature in 1844, but resigned his seat; elected senator from Hampshire County, 1848 and 1849; custom house officer, 1849-53; secretary of state, Massachusetts, three years; began preaching, 1859; stopped in the Spring of 1870 on ac- count of ill health ; since then, health seeking ; has been on a voyage to South America, and is traveling at the West. Russell M. Wright, M. A., was born in Easthampton, Mass., December 17, 1815 ; graduated at Williams College, 1 841 ; taught Latin and Greek, Botany and English Gram- mar in Williston Seminary, 1843-7 ; .Latin ^^^^ Greek, 1863-4; Chemistry and Natural History since 1864; prin- cipal of an academy in Washington, Ga., 1847-58 ; princi- pal of a young ladies' seminary at Athens, Ga., from 1858 to breaking out of the war; principal of Castleton, Vt, Academy one year before returning to Williston Seminary. Edmund K. Alden, B. A. was born at Randolph, Mass., April II, 1825; graduated at Amherst College, 1844; taught Latin and Greek in Williston Seminary, 1844-5 ; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary in 1848 ; since then, in the ministry ; for the last fourteen years pastor of Phillips Church, Boston ; member prudential committee of A. B. C. F. M. ; trustee of Andover Seminary and Am- herst College. 36 ALUMNI RECORDS Hanson L. Reed, B. A., was born in Grafton, Mass., August 10, 1818 ; graduated from Amherst College, 1848; taught before and during his college course ; taught Latin, Arithmetic and Geography in Williston Seminary, 1848-9; taught almost uninterruptedly until 1868 — at Leicester Academy, as assistant and principal, eight years, Fitchburg High School, six years, Grafton High School, five years ; represented the town of Leicester in Massachusetts Legis- lature, Winter of '56 and '57 ; superintendent of schools in Amherst, Mass., three years, 1868 to 1871 ; since then in mercantile pursuits. Eli a. Hubbard., M. A., was born in Hinsdale, Mass., December 11, 1814, but his boyhood was spent in Cum- mington, Mass.; graduated from Williams College, 1842; previous to 1848, he taught in Worthington, Lee, North- ampton and Williams College ; teacher of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Williston Seminary, from 1848 to 1854, and from 1857 to 1864; principal of Fitchburg High School, 1854-7; since 1864, cashier of First National Bank of Easthampton, one year ; superin- tendent of schools in Springfield, Mass., eight years ; at present, superintendent of schools in Fitchburg. John L. T. Phillips, M. A., was born in Windsor, Mass., March 16, 1827; graduated at Williams College, 1847 ; principal of an academy in Spencertown, N. Y., two years ; assistant in the Classical department of Williston Seminary, 1849-51, and teacher of Mathematics and Nat- ural Philosophy, 1854-57. Since leaving the Seminary, Greek Professor at Williams College for eleven years ; trav- eler in Europe and the East, one year ; farmer at Ballston, N. Y. ; since then, postmaster of Ballston. Horace W. Taylor, B. A., was born at Granby, Mass., February i, 1823; graduated at Amherst College, 1848; taught one year at Killingly, Conn. ; assistant in the Eng- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 37 lish department of Williston Seminary, 1849 ^^ 1850 ; taught in Baltimore, Md., from 1850 to 1857; in 1857, removed to Rockford, 111., and has been practicing law at that place since then. Rev. Oliver Warner, B. A., was born in Northampton, Mass., April 17, 1818 ; graduated at Williams College, 1842 ; studied theology in Gilmanton, N. H., Seminary ; preached in Chesterfield, Mass., four years ; teacher of English Gram- mar, and Moral and Intellectual Philosophy in Williston Seminary, 1852-3; member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1854 and 1855 ; of the Senate, 1856 and 1857, and has held the office of secretary of state since that time. Franklin P. Chapin, B. A., was born in Gill, Mass., August 14, 1827; graduated at Amherst, 1852; taught Chemistry and Natural History in Williston Seminary, 1852-3 ; taught in Maplewood Institute, 1853-5 ; gradu- ated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1857 ; pastor of Con- gregational Church in Camden, Me., 1857-67; pastor of Second Church, Amherst, Mass., 1867-70; superintendent of schools in Amherst, 1870-3 ; pastor of church in Wey- mouth since then. Abner H. Wenzell, B. A., was born in Framingham, Mass., September 7, 1833 l graduated at Amherst College, 1853 ; taught Arithmetic and Latin in Williston Seminary during the year 1852-3 ; spent five years after graduation in teaching; practiced law in Pittsburg, Pa., until 1863; returned to his native State and taught ; resumed law prac- tice, 1870 ; died from a wound which he inflicted upon him- self during a fit of insanity, April 20, 1871. Benjamin Talbot, M. A., was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 22, 1827; graduated from Yale, 1849; ^^^^ ^^^^ Theological Seminary, 1853. During Principal Clark's ab- 38 ' ALUMNI RECORDS sence in Europe, he taught the Senior Classical Class, 1854. Since that date he has been in the service of the deaf and dumb — as a teacher nine years — as superintendent Iowa Institution, at Council Bluffs, since 1863. Edward P. Crowell, B. A., was born in Essex, Mass., September 7, 1830 ; graduated at Amherst, 1853 ; teacher of Latin and Greek in Williston Seminary, 1853-5 5 tutor in Amherst College, 1855-6 ; member Andover Theologi- cal Seminary, 1856-8 ; appointed Moore Professor of Latin Language and Literature in Amherst College, 1858. Also instructor in German in the College, 1858-64; has edited Cicero de Senectute and de Amicitia — also Cicero de Officiis. Norman A. Prentiss, B. A., was a graduate of Amherst College, 1854; taught English Grammar and Latin in Williston Seminary during a part of that year. Amherst College Semi-Centennial Catalogue (1872) says he is acting pastor at La Salle, 111. Edwin C. Bissel, B. A., was born in Schoharie, N. Y., March 2, 1832; graduated from Amherst College, 1855; teacher of Mathematics and Latin in Williston Seminary one year — 1855-6; graduated at Union Theological Semi- nary, 1859 ; pastor at Westhampton, Mass., 1859-64; San Francisco, Cal., 1864-9; ^t Winchester, Mass., 1872-3; missionary in Austria under A. B. C. F. M., since then ; was captain Company K, 5 2d Massachusetts Volunteers; has published the Historic Origin of the Bible, a Hand- book of Principal Facts from the best authorities, German and English ; was editor of The Pacific (in California) two years ; honorary D. D. from Amherst College, 1874. Chester L. Cushman, B. A., was a graduate of Amherst College, 1856; taught English Grammar and Latip in Williston Seminary, 1856-7; has been pastor in Ludlow, Mass. ; is now settled in Phillipston, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 39 George S. Bishop, M. A., was born in Rochester, N. Y., June 28, 1836; graduated from Amherst College, 1858 ; immediately after taught in Williston Seminary three years — one year as teacher of Junior Classical Class and two years as teacher of the Middle Classical Class ; graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary, 1864; pastor Sec- ond Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J., 1864-6; Calvary Church in Newburgh, N. Y., 1866-72 ; Second Presbyterian Church, Orange, N. J., since 1872; author of three tracts, " Reprobation," '* Divine Right of Presbytery," and " Ques- tion of the Second Advent." William H. Dunning, B. A., was a graduate of Har- vard College in 1858 ; teacher of Latin and Greek in WilUston Seminary, 1858-9; graduated at Andover Theo- logical Seminary, 1863 ; pastor at Rockport, Mass., 1864-7 ; in Europe, 1867-8 ; without charge, 1868 until he died at Faribault, Minn., February 7, 1869. Henry S. Jewett, B. A., was born at New Britain, Conn., December 4, 1836; graduated at Amherst College, 1868; taught English Grammar and Latin in Williston Seminary, 1858-60; has continued a teacher; is now principal and proprietor of Mansion Square Institute, a boarding-school for boys, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Edward S. Frisbee, B. A., was born in Meredith, N. Y., February 2, 1837; graduated from Amherst College, i860; taught Latin and Greek in Williston Seminary, 1860-2 — first year teacher of Junior and second year of Middle Class ; one year in Union Theological Seminary, New York ; four years principal of Amherst, Mass., High School ; four years principal of Northampton, Mass., High School ; principal of the Free Academy, Binghamton, N. Y., since 1872. Hiram B. Putnam, B. A., was born in Danvers, Mass., 1840; graduated at Amherst College, i860; teacher of 40 ALUMNI RECORDS Mathematics in Williston Seminary, 1863-4; since then has graduated at Hartford Theological Seriiinary and is settled pastor at West Concord, N. H. Francis A. Walker, M. A., was born in Boston, July 2, 1840; graduated from Amherst College, i860; served in the army — chiefly as staff-officer, 1861-5 ; left the army with rank of lieutenant-colonel ; while at Williston Seminary breveted brigadier-general ; taught the Middle Classical Class in the Seminary, 1865-8; on the editorial stafl" of the Sprmgfield Republican^ 1868; at Washington as deputy special commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1869; as superintendent of the Census, 1870; as commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1872 ; at present Professor of History and Political Economy in Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, Conn. Joseph H. Sawyer, M. A., was born in Davenport, Del- aware County, N. Y., May 29, 1842 ; graduated from Am- herst College, 1865 ; taught as assistant in Monson, Mass., Academy, one year; since 1866 teacher of Mathematics and Mental Philosophy, in Williston Seminary ; licensed to preach June /^, 1872. Charles H. Chandler, B. A., was born in Prescott, Mass., August 25, 1840; entered Amherst class of 1864, but graduated in 1866; member of 31st Massachusetts Regiment, Company D, two years, 186 1-3 ; taught Junior Classical Class in Williston Seminary, i^^^-'j \ principal Hopkins High School, Hadley, Mass., \Z6j-%\ principal Glenwood Ladies' Seminary, Brattleboro, Vt., 1 868-9 J ^^so of Norwood Ladies' Institute, Northampton, Mass., 1869-71; is now (1872,) assistant editor Springfield, Mass., Republi- can. Thomas S. Smith, B. A., was born at Variney, Jaffna, Ceylon, January 24, 1845 5 graduated from Amherst Col- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 4I lege, 1866 ; taught Arithmetic and English Grammar in Williston Seminary, iS66-y ; graduated at Andover Theo- logical Seminary, 1869; ordained for the Foreign Mission- ary Work, May, 1871 ; is stationed at Udupitty, Jaffna, Ceylon. Frederick W. March, B. A., was born in Cheshire, Conn. March 6, 1847; graduated from Amherst College, 1867; taught Arithmetic and English Grammar in Williston Sem- inary, iS6y-S; taught a select school at Lebanon, Pa-, two years ; graduated at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1873 ; ordained Presbyterian Missionary, American Board, May 22, 1874; sails this year (1874) for Syria. Edward P. Smith, M. A., was born in Middlefield, Mass. January 20, 1840; graduated at Amherst College, 1865; taught a high school in Hinsdale, Mass., a year and a half; then entered the Junior Class in Oberlin Theological Sem- inary, and afterward the Middle Class in Andover ; taught the Middle Classical Class in Williston Seminary, 1868-70; traveled in Europe two years ; elected Professor of Lan- guages in the Worcester, Mass., Free Institute, 1872; re- turned to France to prepare for professorship ; since then teaching in Worcester ; licensed to preach, 1872. William H. White, B. A., was born in Grafton, Mass., December 9, 1843; graduated at Amherst College, 1867; taught the Junior Classical Class in Williston Seminary, 1867-8 ; has continued a teacher ; three and one-half years, as principal of Stoughton, Mass., High School, the remain- der of the time principal of Brooks Grammar School of Medford, Mass. William C. Peckham, M. A., was born at South Roy- alston, Mass., August 13, 1841 ; graduated from Amherst College, 1867; principal of Leicester, Mass., Academy, 1867-8 ; teacher of Junior Classical Class in Williston 6 42 ALUMNI RECORDS Seminary, 1868-70; made the tour of the world, 1870-1; teaching in New York and Brooklyn since then. Joseph T. Tracy, M. A., was born in Tirumungalum, Madura District, Southern India, August 27, 1844; gradu- ated at Williams College, 1866; engaged in teaching two years ; teacher of Arithmetic and English Grammar and afterwards of Physiology and Gymnastics in Williston Seminary, 1868-71 ; since then teacher in Rev. D. A. Hol- brook's Military Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y. William P. Morgan, B. A., was a graduate of Bowdoin College, 1867; taught Modern Languages and Elocution in Williston Seminary, 1869-71 ; since then engaged in teaching in Central New York. Charles H. Parkhurst, M. A., was born Framingham, Mass., April 17, 1842 ; graduated from Amherst College, 1866; principal of Amherst High School two years and traveled in Europe prior to 1870 ; teacher of Senior Class- ical Class during Principal Henshaw's absence in Europe and afterwards of Middle Classical Class, 1870-2; studied theology in Germany ; settled pastor of Congregational Church in Lenox, Mass. Mons. Charles A. Labor, M. A., was born in St. Croix, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland, June 17, 1842 ; edu- cated at Lausanne, Switzerland, and the 'Sorbonne and College de France, Paris ; teacher of class in French pro- nunciation in Bellerive Institut, Vevey, also French teacher at Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey ; came to America November, 1869; in Union Theological Semi- nary two years before coming to Williston Seminary. David Hill, M. A., was born in Perinton, Monroe County, N. Y., February 9, 1838; graduated at Amherst College, 1871 ; has been teacher of Elocution and Gym- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 43 nasties in Williston Seminary sinee then ; entered the Union Army in 1862 as private in 121st New York Volun- teers ; transferred to I52d New York Volunteers ; served until December, 1864; wounded in the hand at Spottsyl- vania while in command of the regiment ; mustered out as captain. Anson D. Morse, M. A., was born in East Cambridge, Vt., August 13, 1846 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1871 ; traveled in Europe one year ; has been teaching the Junior Classical Class in Williston Seminary since 1872. Herbert B. Adams, B. A., was born April 16, 1850, at Shutesbury, Mass; graduated at Amherst, 1872; taught the Middle Classical Class in Williston Seminary, 1872-3 ; traveling in Europe since then. Stephen A. French, was born in New Brunswick, N. J., May 20, 1851 ; taught in Milltown and Cranberry, N. J., before 1872 ; teacher of drawing and commercial busi- ness in Williston Seminary, 1872-3. Henry E. Alvord, born at Greenfield, Mass., March II, 1844; graduated at Norwich University, Vt., class of 1862, degree of B. S , degree of C. E. in course ; cadet of Norwich University, and engaged in organizing and drill- ing volunteer troops in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, 1861-2 ; enlisted as a private in ** Students Company of Cavalry," (B) 7th Rhode Island Squadron, Spring of 1862 ; served as private, corporal, sergeant and first sergeant; commissioned second lieutenant, 2d Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry, November, 1862 ; pro- moted lieutenant, 1863 ; captain after Cedar Creek, October, 1864, and major after Five Forks, April, 1865 ; on duty in Freedmen's Bureau, 1865-6, as superintendent of Freed- men's Affairs, North-eastern District of Virginia, and super- intendent of schools in the Carolinas ; appointed lieutenant 44 ALUMNI RECORDS 1 0th Regiment Cavalry, United States Army, July, 1866; adjutant, May, 1867 ; captain, August, 1867 ; inspector gen- eral District of the Indian Territory, 1868 ; chief engineer, head-quarters of Major-General Sheridan, in the field, dur- ing Indian campaign. Winter of 1868-9; by order of Pres- ident of United States, on duty as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, August, 1869 to October, 1871 ; resigned from United States Army, December, 1871 ; special Indian com- missioner, Department of the Interior, Fall of 1872 ; special commissioner to the Sioux Indians of Dacotah and Wyom- ing, Spring of 1873 ; connected with Williston Seminary as professor of drawing and commercial business, from Au- gust, 1873. John K. Richardson, M. A., was born at Woburn, Mass,, July 11, 1843; graduated from Amherst College, 1869; Walker instructor in Mathematics in Amherst Col- lege three years ; principal Amherst High School two terms ; traveled and studied in Europe nine months ; since then instructor of Middle Classical Class, Williston Seminary ; served three years in Army of Potomac in 226. Massachusetts. Mons. Louis Tribus was born in Germany ; was a teacher of French for many years before coming to Willis- ton Seminary and after leaving it ; he died about August I, 1872, at Nassau, Germany; resided in Northampton, Mass., a few years previous to his death. Col. Asa Barr is remembered as the most widely known teacher of psalmody in the last generation in Western Mas- sachusetts ; he died some years ago at Pittsfield, Mass. William Ludden was born in Williamsburgh, Mass., May, 1824; studied music in Boston and taught music in Williston Seminary, 1844-6; graduated at Yale College, WILLISTON SEMINARY. 45 1850; Studied medicine two years in New Haven and Paris, France; returned to America, 1853 and resumed music teaching in New Haven, New York and Chicago ; in 1870 abandoned the occupation of teacher and opened a music store in Savannah, Ga., where he now is ; has written and compiled, " Manual of Music," " Lyra Sacra," "Thorough Bass School," "Sacred Lyrics," "School Lyrics," " School for the Voice." Eli S. Hoadley, M. A., was born in Worcester, Mass., August 23, 1826; taught music in Williston Seminary from 1846 to 1863; in 1868 he received honorary M. A. from Amherst College, which resulted from his having edited with Mr. Mason a "Method for the Piano Forte ;" in 1871 they published a second book for piano entitled " System for Beginners in the Art, &c. ;" conducted a music store in Springfield, Mass , 1863-72 ; since then in Brooklyn, N. Y., 107 Clinton avenue. Henry J. Rudd was teacher of music in Williston Sem- inary, 1864-7 ; removed to the West. L. V. Barnard was music teacher a part of the year 1868-9 5 nothing has been learned about him. Alfred R. Hallett was born in St. Johnsbury, Vt., August 22, 1838; studied music five years in Boston; taught three years in Stockbridge, Mass., in the " Ed- wards Place School ; " taught music in Williston Seminary, 1869-71 ; since then teaching in Holyoke, Mass ; as- sociate editor with W. O. Perkins of Boston, in 1871, of a collection of music for male voices — "The Orphean." Horatio Brown taught penmanship the first year the school was opened. E. L. Snow was born in Williamsburgh, Mass., April 4, 1820; taught penmanship in Williston Seminary, 1842-3, 46 ALUMNI RECORDS. and acted as treasurer of the institution ; engaged in-mer- cantile and manufacturing pursuits since leaving Easthamp- ton ; at present treasurer of a Sewing Machine Company in Paterson, N. J. ; resides at 107 Clinton Avenue, Brook- lyn. C. Mattoon Alvord was a native of Easthampton ; taught penmanship in the Seminary, 1843-8; remained a teacher during his life ; for many years was connected with the East Greenwich, R. I., Academy ; was also a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church — died 1873. Alfred L. Strong was born January 20, 1 804 ; taught penmanship in Williston Seminary, 1848-70 ; has also taught in the principal cities in New England and the Middle States ; was elected high sheriff of Hampshire County, 1851 ; was a member of the Massachusetts convention to revise the constitution, 1853 ; is now a farmer and justice of the peace. John W. Underhill, B. A., was a graduate of Amherst College, 1854; soon after taught a term or two in Williston Seminary ; he studied theology and settled at North Am- herst, where he died of softening of the spine, October 17, 1862, aged 33. Ebenezer N. Fernald, B. A., was a graduate of Amherst College in 1862 ; he taught in the English department of Williston Seminary during the succeeding Winter ; taught two years afterwards ; was in the service of Western Freed- men's Aid Commission, and then entered the ministry ; is settled at Auburn, Me. RECORDS OF ALUMNI AND OTHERS. The records are arranged by classes, but are referred to in the index by number. In each class the records of those who com- pleted the Classical course are given first — then of those who com- pleted the English or Scientific course — and last, of those who ceased their connection with the school, during that year, but completed neither course. The address, given in parenthesis, is in each case the address of the person given in the Seminary cata- logues. CLASS OF 1842. 1. Alonzo S. Bardwell (South Hadley Falls). — En- tered Amherst College, and remained one and one-half years; became a merchant in his native town where he died, November 24, 1855. ^. Thomas Haydpin (Haydenville). — Born at Williams- burgh, Mass., March 31, 1824; entered Yale College, and remained about two years ; has been engaged in mercantile and manufacturing business ; has been member of board of selectmen for Williamsburgh ; married June 16, 1855; seven children. Address, Haydenville, Mass. 3. William Rowland (Conway). — Born Conway, Mass., December 12, 1822 ; graduated at Amherst College, class of 1846; taught Latin and Greek in Williston Seminary, 1846-9; tutor in Amherst College, 1849-51; member of Yale Law School, part of 1850; admitted to the bar in 48 ALUMNI RECORDS Springfield, Mass., September, 185 1 ; has been engaged in the practice of law since then ; has resided in Lynn, since May, 1852 ; has held office of city solicitor of Lynn, several years ; was member of Massachusetts Legislature of 1868 ; holds no offices at present,- except those purely professional, as master in chancery, and commissioner of the United States Circuit Court ; unmarried. Address, Lynn, Mass. 4. Thomas Colton Parmalee Hyde (Becket). — Gradu- ated at Williams College, class of 1848 ; "resided at East Windsor a few years, then for a short time in Kansas ; " is now engaged in farming, at Andover, Conn. Address, An- dover, Tolland County, Conn. 5. Isaac Newton Lincoln (Plainfield). — Born in Plain- field, Mass., September 16, 1825 ; graduated at Williams College, 1847; completed the course of study at the East Windsor, Conn., Theological Seminary ; became first princi- pal of academy at Hinsdale, in 1849, ^.nd conducted the school with great success five years ; elected Professor of Latin and French in Williams College, 1853 ; ordained as an evangeHst, 1853 ; supplied pulpit at South Wilhamstown, four years, and preached often in the neighboring churches ; married in 185 1; died of typhoid fever, September 5, 1862. 6. Edward W. Gere (Williamsburgh). — Born at Wil- liamsburgh, Mass., April 8, 1826; was a merchant and member of manufacturing firm of Hayden, Gere & Co., of Haydenville, Mass., from which he retired in 1867; has since then resided in England; married, January, 1856; two children. Address, Gloucester, England. 7. Henry S. Gere (Williamsburgh). — Born at Williams- burgh, Mass., April 28, 1828 ; learned printer's trade in office q{ Hampshire Herald, the first anti-slavery paper pub- lished in Western Massachusetts ; in 1848 began editing the Herald ; at the end of one year bought Northampton, Mass., Courier ; owned and edited this until 1858, when he became joint owner and editor of Hampshire Gazette; in 1858 chosen treasurer of Hampshire County and has held the office by successive re-elections since then ; member of WILLISTON SEMINARY. 49 Northampton School Committee six years ; soldier in 5 2d Massachusetts Regiment (9 months volunteers) 1862-3; appointed army postmaster at Baton Rouge, La., by Maj. General Augur and served December, 1862, to August, 1863; married August 22, 1850; seven children. Address, Northamptoi^, Mass. CLASS OF 1843. 8. E. Fisher Ames (Conway). — Born in Amherst, Mass., May 10, 1822 ; taught two years, 1843-5, clenk in store at Conway, Mass., five years — then^ purchased the business and remained in it until 1854; removed to Montreal, Canada, and formed a connection with the firm Ames, Hol- den & Co , wholesale dealers in boots and shoes ; became senior partner, 1863; held town offices while residing in Conway and twice represented the town in Massachusetts Legislature ; is ruling elder in a Presbyterian Church in Montreal ; married in 1848 ; second marriage in 1853 ; three children by second marriage. Address, Craig street, Montreal, P. Q. 9. JosiAH Bent (Amherst). — Born in North Weymouth, Mass., August 2, 1825. Entered Amherst College, but forced to leave at end of Sophomore year because of weak eyes ; engaged in business in Eastern Massachusetts until 1857, when his wife died ; went to Wisconsin and became a civil engineer ; afterwards taught at Genoa and Kenosha, Wis. ; upon the outbreak of the rebellion he enlisted in the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, Company A ; was chosen and commissioned lieutenant. This regiment contained 200 teachers ; they were sent to Arkansas ; the climate proved unfavorable ; after lying a long time in a hospital at Helena, Ark., Lieutenant Bent was removed to Kenosha ; he died in Christian faith, after a distressing illness, November 10, 1862. 10. Nathaniel Ackley Cowdery (East Haddam, Conn). — Graduated at the law school of Yale College, 1847 ; after- 7 50 ALUMNI RECORDS wards practiced law in New Haven, Conn. Address un- known. 11. James Dunlap (Pelham). — Born in Pelham, Mass., 1 821; graduated at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1850; entered the medical profession and has since that date been occupied as a practicing physician ; un- married. Address, Northampton, Mass. 12. Henry Luther Edwards (Southampton). — Born in Southampton, Mass., January 24, 1822; graduated at Amherst College in class of 1847 ; taught much during his Seminary and College course; during a part of the year 1847-8 taught Latin and Greek in Williston Seminary; passed two years in Andover Theological Seminary, sup- porting himself by teaching ; classical tutor in Amherst College, 1849-51 ; licensed to preach 1850; attended theo- logical lectures in New York, 185 1, and in Andover, 1852 ; instructor in a classical family school in Northampton, 1853-4; settled pastor of the Congregational Church in South Abington, Mass., in 1855 and remained 12 years ; pas- tor of Congregational Church at North Middleboro, Mass., 1867-73 ; elected superintendent schools, Northampton, Mass., 1873; married October 16, 1867; three children. Address, Northampton, Mass. 13. Warren Goodale (Marlborough). — Born in Marl- borough, Mass., July 2, 1826; entered Yale College and re- mained two years ; left because of failure of eyes ; went to sea before the mast ; at the Hawaiian Islands, under its government from 1847 i^^ntil January 1864, in the fol- lowing offices : clerk to Minister of Public Instruction and teacher in Royal School one year ; marshal of Hawaiian Islands four months ; chief clerk interior department four years ; collector general of customs eleven years ; enlisted in summer of 1864 as private in nth Massachusetts Bat- tery ; at close of war first lieutenant ; since breveted cap- tain ; returned to Hawaiian Islands and managed a sugar plantation four years ; went to Coos Bay, Oregon, and en- gaged in mining — holding an interest in a coal mine ; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 5 I married at Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, June 17, 1852 ; wife died February, 1861 ; children, five. Address, to be Marl- borough, Mass. 14. Junius Lorin Hatch (Warwick). — Born in Hopkin- ton, N. H.,May i, 1825; graduated at Amherst College, 1849; studied theology two years at New York and New Haven ; has been engaged in teaching and preaching ; entered the ministry, 1852 ; at present supplying for Unity Society, San Jose, Cal. ; married October i, 1857; four children. Address, San Jose, Cal. 15. William Hallock HAYDEN(Haydenville). — Born in Haydenville, Mass., December 31, 1827; graduated at Yale College, 1847; assayer for California State Mint; since then a manufacturer; colonel of 4th Ohio State Volunteers, during the war for the Union ; married April 8, 185 1 ; five children. Address, Sing Sing, N. Y. 16. Edward Jessup (Westfield). — Graduated Yale Col- lege, 1847; studied theology at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. ; ordained deacon, December 22, 1850; ordained priest, March 7, 1852 ; assistant minister St. John's Church, Waterbury, Conn., 1850-2; minister at Chicopee, Mass., 1852-4; rector Grace Church, Bath, Me., 1854-9; rector Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1859; married 1859; five children; died at Vevay, Switzerland, April 2, 1872. 17. Charles Henry Norton (Westhampton). — Born in Westhampton, Mass., June 12, 1822; graduated at Wil- liams College, 1847, ^^^ at East Windsor Theological Semi- nary, in course ; installed as first pastor of Congregational Church in North Becket, where he labored until near the close of his life ; he died of consumption in the Spring of 1857, at Louisville, Ky. ; his wife and two sons survive him. 18. Alfred Plant (Northampton). — Born in Lancaster, now Clinton, Mass., March 2, 1821 ; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1847; never ordained, but preached in Massachusetts, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, three years ; chose the ministry, 52 ALUMNI RECORDS but obliged to abandon it because of ill health ; has been for a long time connected with the agricultural store of Plant Brothers at St. Louis; married September, 1863; one son living. Address, St. Louis, Mo. 19. Lafayette Clapp (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., August 5, 1824; has been farmer, mer- chant, insurance agent since 1865 ; member of State legis- lature of i860; has held sundry town offices; assistant United States assessor; inspector of tobacco and spirits; served three years in the war for the Union as private, Company A, 27th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry; married September 24, 1852; two children. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 20. Sheldon W. Clark (Easthampton). — Born March 29, 1822 ; remained a farmer in Easthampton ; died April 24, 1869. 31. John D. Ludden (Easthampton). — Born in Easthamp- ton, Mass., April 5, 1819; went to Wisconsin, now Minne- sota, in 1845; since then engaged in the lumber trade; married October, i860. Address, St. Paul, Minn. 33. James H. Lyman (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., November 13, 1822; is a farmer; school committee nine years ; selectman one year ; married April 3, 1853 ; one son. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 33. Charles Lyman Strong (Easthampton). — Born, August 15, 1826; book-keeper in New York, 1846-50; con- fidential clerk with Wells & Co., bankers, San Francisco, Cal, 1850-2; book-seller and publisher in San Francisco, firm of Lecount & Strong, 1852-7; from 1860-5 superin- tendent of the Gould & Curry silver mine in Nevada, a mine which yielded in two and a half years 1^11,500,000, — four-fifths silver, one-fifth gold ; is now a farmer at Pico, near Los Angelos, Cal. ; married February 26, 1863 ; has three children. 34. Henry Walworth Smith (South Hadley), — Born in Groton, Conn., January 6, 1827; passed freshman year ill Williams College ; began roaming the seas : took a WILLISTON SEMINARY. 53 voyage to Antarctic Ocean, and another to the West Indies ; three years in California, 1849-53 ; passed sophomore year at Rochester University, N. Y., 1853-4; in 1857 engaged in sub-marine operations as the occupation of his life ; ex- pended two years in searching for the almost fabulous wealth of the San Pedro de Alcantara, sunk in sixty-five feet of water, in the Bay of Cumana, coast of Venezuela, South America; suffered shipwreck and entire loss'of Brig Monagas, on Cohasset Shoals, Cape Cod (while in command of Brig), terminating the ill-starred expedition fitted out by the Boston Sub-Marine and Wrecking Company; in i860 raised a man-of-war, sunk near Callao, Peru, for the Peru- vian government. The ship is now afloat, and in service. In 1 861, recovered much of the treasure of the ship Leo- cadia, sunk in 1801 off coast of Ecquador; also engaged in large operations on the pearl banks of Ecquador; in 1863 entered United States Army as second lieutenant 4th Mas- sachusetts Cavalry; served with the regiment throughout war; mustered out as captain; in 1867 commissioned second lieutenant in Seventh Cavalry United States Army ; served under General Custer in his campaign against the Wichita Indians ; left the army as first lieutenant, 1871 ; since then occupied in sub-marine operations on the Mississippi ; mar- ried April 14, 1864; two sons. Address, Cairo, 111. CLASS OF 1844. 25. Austin Arnold (Haddam, Conn). — Born in Middle Haddam, Conn., May 28, 1821 ; graduated at Yale College, 1848; entered Union Theological Seminary in December 28, 1848, but left February, 1849, ^^^^ bleeding at the lungs ; took a sea voyage to San Francisco, leaving in March, 1849, and returned by the Isthmus in May, 1850; reached home in July, and died in Middle Haddam of consumption, Au- gust 15, 1850 ; unmarried. 36. Richard Storrs Billings (Trenton Falls, N. Y). — Born in Conway, Mass., September 29, 1820; graduated at 54 ALUMNI RECORDS Amherst College, 1847, and at Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1850; taught a part of one term in Williston Semi- nary in 1848 ; resident licentiate at New Haven two and a half years after leaving Andover ; in the active ministry since then ; now settled at Dalton ; married . Ad- dress, Dalton, Mass. 27. Henry T. Blake (New Haven, Conn.). — Born in New Haven, Conn., April 17, 1828; graduated at Yale College, 1848; occupied with legal profession since 1848; admitted to the bar in Connecticut, November, 1850; clerk of courts for Fairfield County, Conn., since 1868; author of "The Rise and the Fall," octavo, 310 pp., Hurd & Houghton, N. Y., 1866; married, May 31, i860; three children living. Address, (except for business,) New Haven, Conn. 2S. Edwin Atlee Brooke (Philadelphia, Pa.). — Born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 31, 1826; graduated Williams Col- lege, 1847 ; studied law; practiced awhile at Pottsville, Pa. Address, unknown. 29. Lafayette Burr (Providence, R. I.). — Born in Provi- dence, R. I., July 15, 1824; graduated Brown University, 1848; taught classics at Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1848-9; principal Bristol, R. I. high school, 1849-51; principal of school near Raymond, Miss., 1852-3 ; teaching in Natchez, Miss., 1853-4; kept a private boys' school at Vicksburgh, Miss., 1854-60; in business in Brooklyn, N. Y., and teaching at Danielsonville, Conn., 1860-2; clerk in War Department, Washington, and in service of United States Commissary Department about a year ; accepted treasuryship of two copper mining companies ; subse- quently treasurer of National Dock and Warehouse Com- pany, Boston, Mass., which place he now holds ; married September 2, 1858; seven children. Address, 26 Broad street, Boston. 30. MiLFORD Clark Butler (Buckland). — Graduated at Amherst, 185 1 ; president Female Institute. Address, Knoxville, Tenn. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 55 31. David Samuel Calhoun (Coventry, Conn.). — Born in Coventry, Tolland County, Conn., September ii, 1827; graduated Yale College, 1848 ; studied law at Ravenna-, O., and with Hon. O. S. Seymour of Litchfield, Conn. ; ad- mitted to the bar at Litchfield, December 17, 1851 ; has practiced at Manchester, Conn., and Hartford, Conn.; State senator of Connecticut 1856 and 1862; judge of probate twelve years ; married November 7, 1852, and again Feb- ruary 16, 1870; four children living. Address, Hartford, Conn. 33. William Smith Clark (Easthampton). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., July 31, 1826 ; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1848, and at Georgia, Augusta University, Goettin- gen, Hanover, 1852, receiving degree of Ph. D. ; teacher of Chemistry and Natural History in Williston Seminary, 1848-50; Professor of Chemistry in Amherst College, 1852 to 1867; lecturer on Chemistry in Williston, 1863-7; presi- dent of Massachusetts Agricultural College since 1867; major of 21st Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861 ; lieuten- ant-colonel and colonel, 1862 and 1863 ; recommended for brigadier-general by General Burnside, after battle of Antietam, September 25, 1862; member of the State Board of Agriculture by appointment of the governor since 1857; justice of the peace since 1867; member of Massachusetts Legislature, 1864-5-7; presidential elector, 1864; president Hampshire Massachusetts Agri- cultural Society, 1 860-1, and 187 1-2 ; president Williston Seminary trustees, 1874; married May 25, 1853; number of children eleven, living eight. Address, Amherst, Mass. 33. Francis P. Fisher (Oswego, N. Y.). — Born in Os- wego, N. Y., May 19, 1828 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1848; read law, 1849; engaged in fire insurance, 185 1, and in lumber trade in Michigan, 1854-7; farming, 1858; in 1859 joined the United States exploring expedition to New Mexico and Utah ; civil engineer in employ of Texas and New Orleans Railroad, head-quarters at Houston, Tex., i860; left in 1861 and enlisted as private. Company C, 56 ALUMNI RECORDS 55th Illinois Volunteers; served in General Sherman's command for three years ; mustered out with rank of first lieut tutor in Amherst College, 185 1-3; studied law, 1853-4; admitted to the bar, 1854; practiced law in Amherst two years ; then removed to New York, where he continued the practice of his profession until his death. He died at Westchester, N. Y., August 3, 1869. 62 ALUMNI RECORDS 63. George Reid Ferguson (Whately). — Born in At- tleboro, Mass., March 19, 1829; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1849; taught school, 1849-50; studied theology at Andover, 1850-1; civil engineer from 1851 to 1858; en- tered ministry, 1859; married January 20, 1864; five .chil- dren. Address, Millerton, N. Y. 64. Samuel Tobey Field (Hawley). — Born in Hawley, Mass., April 20, 1820; graduated, Williams College, 1848; taught two years ; studied law, admitted to the bar, 1852; has practiced law since then ; has been several times mem- ber of general school committee of his town, and twice a member of the Massachusetts Legislature ; elected district attorney for North-Western Massachusetts District, 1874; married, 1856; second marriage, 1873; seven children. Address, Shelburne Falls, Mass. 65. Charles Cheney Foote (Jamestown, N. Y.).— - Born in Jamestown, N. Y. ; graduated from Union College, New York, 1 849 ; and from Jefferson Medical College, Philsf- delphia. He at once began the practice of his profession in New Haven, Conn., pursuing that calling twenty years. He died suddenly by rupture of a large vessel near the heart, No- vember 9, 1870, aged 46 ; he left a widow and three children. 66. Chandler Thomas Ford (Cummington). — Born in Windsor, Mass., June 14, 1825 ; graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1848 ; taught school in Orleans County, N. Y., 1848- 52 ; practiced law at Elmira, N. Y., 1852-7 ; abandoned the profession upon removing to Iowa ; is now occupied with farming; married August 21, 1848; seven children living. Address, Red Oak, Montgomery County, la. 67. Edward Young Garrette (Canton, Conn.). — Born, in New Hartford, Conn., March 4, 1823 ; graduated at Am- herst College, 1850 ; studied theology ; entered the ministry, 1853; was a member of Christian commission during the war for the Union ; married May 17, 1854; number of chil- dren, three. Address, LaCrosse, Wis. 68. Francis Granger (Southwick). — Born in Southwick, Mass., May 12, 1820 ; pursued a full college and theological WILLISTON SEMINARY. 63 course, preparatory for the ministry in the Protestant Epis- copal Church ; his life work has been in that profession ; mar- ried May 19, 1861 ; no children. Address, Forestville, N. Y. 60. William C. Greene (Monson). — Born in Batavia, N. Y., October 8, 1828 ; entered Amherst College, but did not graduate; studied law; admitted to the bar, 1850; has followed that profession since then ; has held various town offices ; is secretary of the Massachusetts Total Abstinence Society ; lectures often in interest of that Society, and has written many temperance tracts: during 1872 published io,qoo copies of The Daily Witness, and also The Total Abstinence Daily Witness or Bible Verdict ; twice married ; three children. Address, for business, 33 School street, (room 19,) Boston. 70. Julius A. Hall (Hartford, Conn.). — In Amherst College one year ; station agent, express agent, and now an insurance agent, all at Amherst ; is married. Address, Amherst, Mass. 71. Thomas B. Harrington (Heath). — Born in Heath, Mass., November 15, 1822 ; graduated at Princeton Col- lege, 1849; established a school in Westchester, N. Y., in which he taught until his decease ; candidate for orders in the Episcopal Church of the diocese of New York in 1859; married October 11, 1854; had three children — one is liv- ing ; died February 16, 1861, in Westchester. 73. G. B. Hayden (Essex, Conn.). — Studied theology under Rev. Samuel Fuller, D. D., and at the Protestant Episcopal General Theological Seminary, New York; re- ceived holy orders in Protestant Episcopal Church, Septem- ber, 1849; ^^s had charge of various congregations. Ad- dress, 154 Second street, Brooklyn, East District, N. Y. 73. CoRYDON Webster Higgins (Worthington). — Born in Worthington, Mass., January 18, 1823 ; graduated at Williams College, 1849; labored for Home Missionary So- ciety in Missouri ; is dead. 74. Edward Hitchcock, Jr. (Amherst) — Born in Am- herst, Mass., May 23, 1828 ; graduated at Amherst College, 64 ALUMNI RECORDS 1849, ^"d ^t Harvard Medical School, 1853 ; teacher of Chemistry and Natural History in Williston Seminary, 1850-2 and 1853-61 ; Professor of Hygiene and Physical education in Amherst College since 1861 ; served in the Christian commission during the war for the Union ; author of a school-book upon Anatomy and Physiology ; married November 30, 1853 ; ten children. Address, Amherst, Mass. 75. Martin L. Kimball (Leyden, N. Y.). — Born in Ley- den, Lewis County, N. Y., September 4, 1826; graduated at Hamilton College, 1849; admitted to the bar at Milwau- kee, Wis., January 1851 ; settled in Berlin, Wis., in the Spring of 1851, and has remained there in the practice of law since then ; district attorney of Green Lake County, Wis., 1855-6 ; member of the Senate of Wisconsin, 1857-8 ; postmaster of the city of Berlin under President Lincoln ; delegate to the Baltimore convention, 1864 ; married, 1852 ; five children. Address, Berlin, Wis. 76. Theron KiNGSLEY (Ellicottville, N. Y.). — Died in Chesterfield, Mass., 1846. 77. Calvin Stoughton Locke (Hinsdale, N. H.). — Born in Acworth, N. H., October 11, 1829; graduated at Am- herst College, 1849, and Divinity School, Cambridge, 1854; has been occupied in teaching and the Christian ministry ; school committee for seventeen years ; married June 5, 1855. Address, West Dedham, Mass. 78. John C. Mitchell (Stratford, Conn.). 79. William Pitt Porter (Ashfield). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., April 25, 1819; graduated from Williams College, 1848 ; taught school until 1854; studied law ; admitted to the bar, 1856; was justice of the peace, assistant assessor, commissioner of deeds for State of New York, notary public, school committee; married January i, i860; five children ; died at North Adams, Mass., March 30, 1873. 80. John Bagg Taylor (West Springfield). — Born in West Springfield, Mass., September 24, 1826; graduated from Williams College, 1850; principal of Rega (N. Y.) WILLISTON SEMINARY. 6$ Academy one year; in 1851 began practice of civil en- gineering ; employed in Western New York and Pennsylva- nia until 1862, when he received an appointment in charge of statistics in Internal Revenue office, Washington, D. C. ; unmarried. Address, supposed to be Meadville, Pa. 81. Edwin B. Trumbull (Stonington, Conn!). — Grad- uated at Yale, 185 1 ; studied law with Hon. Lafayette Foster at Norwich ; practiced in Norwich ; removed to Stonington, Address, Stonington, Conn. 83. Silas Blake (Ashfield). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., October 10, 1823 ; completed course of English in Williston Seminary; was a teacher, 1845-52; farmer since then; has held various town offices, and has been chairman of school committee for Ashfield twenty years ; married Sep- tember 8, 1847; one child. Address, Ashfield, Mass. 83. John T. Rockwell (Colebrook, Conn.). — Born in Colebrook, Conn., January 21, 1827; completed English course in Williston Seminary ; manufacturer of leather ; married December, 1853 ; four children. Address, West Winsted, Conn. 84. William Austin Dickinson (Amherst, Mass.). — Born in Amherst, Mass., April 16, 1829; graduated from Amherst College, 1850; taught school a year and a half; studied law, graduating from Harvard Law School, 1854; began practice of law, 1855 ; elected treasurer of Amherst College, 1873; married 1850; two children. Address, Amherst, Mass. 85. Thomas R. Haskell (Windsor, Conn.). — Born in Windsor Locks, Conn., February 7, 1827; silk manufac- turer from 1850; State representative, 1854; State senator, 1857; married i860; one daughter; died September 20, 1863. * CLASS OF 1846. 86. William Fisher Avery (Conway). — Born in Con- way, Mass., December 4, 1826; graduated from Amherst College, 1850; preached about five years in Wisconsin; 9 66 ALUMNI RECORDS in 1 86 1 returned with impaired health to Massachusetts ; has preached occasionally, and has latterly been occupied with teaching ; married September 19, 1854; one son. Ad- dress, Conway, Mass. 87. Edward Bancroft (Chesterfield). — Born in Ches- terfield, Mass., December 8, 1830; occupied principally with farming ; was postmaster in Chesterfield, and held various town offices; unmarried ; died October i, 1873. 88. Edward Warren Bentley (Harwinton, Conn.). — Born in Tyringham, Mass., July 23, 1826; graduated from Yale College, 1850; taught 1 850-1 ; graduated from Con- necticut Theological Institute, (East Windsor, Conn.,) 1854; ordained and installed pastor of Reformed Dutch Church of EUenville, N. Y., October 4, 1854; still there; married May i, 1854; four children. Address, EUenville, Ulster County, N. Y. 89. Fisher Ames Boies (Blandford). — Born July 17, 1824; graduated from Williams College, 1849; died in Westfield, Mass., 1852. 90. Henry M. Brackett (Rushville, N. Y.).— Went to California. 91. Benjamin Shattuck Howe Brown (South Royal- ston). — Entered Dartmouth, but graduated at Harvard, 1850. 92. Carlos Chapman (Montgomery). — Born in Mont- gomery, Mass. ; studied medicine in Chicopee and attended lectures in Worcester ; graduated at Worcester with de- gree of M. D. ; practiced medicine in the Eastern States nine years, then removed to Anamosa, la. ; enlisted as a private in 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, but was detailed to serve as assistant surgeon ; discharged because of physi- cal disability at the end of one year ; afterwards returned and served in Quartermaster's Department until close of the war ; appointed by General Ord one of the registrars for Covington County, Miss., upon the reconstruction of the State ; elected delegate for that county and Simpson county to the State Constitutional Convention ; chosen WILLISTON SEMINARY. 6/ delegate from 5 th Congressional District of Mississippi to the convention which nominated General Grant for his first presidential term ; married December 25, 1850; one child. Address, Anamosa, Jones County, la. 93. H. D. Converse (Palmer). — Entered Yale College ; died January, 1848. 94. Abner DeWitt (Ware Village). — Born in South Hadley, Mass., August 7, 1826; graduated from Williams College, 1852, and from Auburn Theological Seminary, 1858; in the ministry since 1858; at present pastor of Third Presbyterian Church in Troy ; married November 4, 1858 ; five children. Address, Troy, N. Y. 95. Charles E. Ford (Cummington). — Address, New- ton, Jasper County, la. 96. Charles Chauncey Fowler (Amherst). — Born in Middlebury, Vt., October 8, 1829 ; studied French and Ger- man in Amherst ; entered Yale College in 1847; l^^t in Sophomore year, and graduated from Amherst College in 185 1 ; taught school, 185 1-3 ; studied law and admitted to the bar in 1855 ; abandoned the practice of law, 1864; since then in business in New York; married in Fall of 1864; two children. Address, Durham Centre, Conn. 97. George Lombard Frost (Springfield). — Born in Springfield, Mass., March 18, 1830; graduated from Yale College, 1850, and from Harvard Law School, 1852; since then in practice of law ; school superintendent of the city of Mineral Point, Wis., two years ; circuit court commis- sioner of Iowa County, Wis., eighteen years ; State senator from Iowa County two years ; editor of Mineral Pomt Detn- ocrat three years; married September 10, 1852; married again November 20, 1871 ; nine sons. Address, Dodge- ville, Iowa County, Wis. 98. Archibald Falconer Gilbert (Stamford, N. Y.). — Born in Stamford, N. Y., 1825 ; graduated from Amherst College, 1850; principal of Female Seminary in Mercers- burg, Pa., four years ; meantime studied theology and was licensed to preach ; principal of Stamford (N. Y.) Collegi- 6S ALUMNI RECORDS ate Institute, 1854-60; ordained pastor of Reformed Dutch Church at Prattsville, N. Y. ; died of brain fever at Pratts- ville, June 16, 1866. 99. Chauncey Meigs Hand (Madison, Conn.). — Born in Washington, D. C, May 2, 1828 ; graduated from Yale Col- lege, 1850; taught two years at Oxford, Md. ; studied law and began practice of his profession in New York ; after- wards studied theology and was licensed to preach. May, 1862; enlisted as private in 2d New York Cavalry; he was severely wounded in battle of Bridgewater, and after remaining some months at the hospital returned to Mad- ison, Conn., where he died October 5, 1865. 100. Oliver Bliss Hayes (South Hadley). — Born in South Hadley, Mass., March 7, 1829 ; graduated from Wil- liams College, 1850 ; resided at South Hadley two years after graduation ; was one year at Dubuque, la., and seven years at Chicago, 111. ; has been for several years with Crane & Co. of Dalton, Mass. ; holds several town offices ; married October i, 1856; wife died February 2, 1866; two children. Address, Dalton, Mass. 101. Edward Lyman Hill (Williamsburgh). — Born in Oxford, Mass., January 23, 1827 ; entered Amherst College, but was forced to leave in Junior year, from lack of funds ; taught school until 185 1 ; graduated from College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons (N. Y.), 1852 ; surgeon of the 20th Ohio Volunteer Militia in the three months' service in West Virginia ; organized general hospital at Bellair, O. ; surgeon of 20th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in three years' service. The regiment was baptized at Fort Donelson and followed Grant, Sherman and McPhferson through all the battles and campaign which ended with the fall of Vicksburg ; then took part in the Atlanta campaign and march to the sea. He was one of three constituting the ''Operating Board" of the Third Division, 17th Army Corps ; in charge of Third Division hospital in rear of Vicksburg ; organized and had charge of United States General Hospital No. 2, in Vicksburg, for nine months; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 69 during the rest of the service occupied with establishing, breaking up and moving hospitals ; married April 24, 1850 ; five children. Address, Oxford, Butler County, O. 103. George Rowland (Conway). — Graduated from Amherst College, 1850; tutor in Amherst College until 1857; since then principal of Chicago High School. Ad- dress, Chicago, 111. , 103. Martin Kellogg (Vernon, Conn.). — Born in Ver- non, Conn., March 15, 1828 ; graduated from Yale College, 1850; graduated from Union Theological Seminary, 1854; resident licentiate at Yale one year ; home missionary at Shasta, Cal., 1855-7 J preacher at Grass Valley, Cal., 1857- 60; Professor of Latin, College of California, 1860-9 J ^^o- fessor of Ancient Languages, University of California, 1870 to date ; compiler of " Ars Oratoria," composed of selec- tions in oratory from Cicero and Quintilian (Ivison, Blake- man, Taylor & Co., 1872) ; married September 3, 1863 ; two children — deceased. Address, Oakland, Cal. 104-. Joseph Bardwell Lyman (Chester). — Born in Chester, Mass., October 6, 1829; graduated from Yale Col- lege, 1850; taught in Mississippi, 1850-5; studied law, graduating from New Orleans Law School, 1856; came north at beginning of the war ; was agricultural editor of New York World; managing editor of //"^^r//^ and Home ; agricultural editor of New York Tribune, which occupied the four last years of his life ; married July 14, 1858; six chil- dren ; died January 28, 1872. 105. James F. Lyman (Northampton). —Born in North- ampton, Mass., August 28, 18— ; in Phillips Exeter Acad- emy one year and entered Sophomore at Harvard, 1847; graduated from Harvard College, 1850; taught school, 1850-2; studied in Cambridge Law School, 1852-3 ; entered legal profession, 1853 ; assistant actuary life insurance, four years ; legal advising clerk to G. P. Putnam, collector of internal revenue, two years; at Paris, 1^66-^'^ author of pamphlets: "Present Policy and Government of P'rance" (New York, 1867) and "Distribution of Surplus of Life In- JO ALUMNI RECORDS surance" (Boston, 1871); has written on life insurance and international copyright; unmarried. Address, — 15, Nas- sau street, New York. 100. Newton Spaulding Manross (Bristol, Conn). — Born in Bristol, Conn., June 20, 1825 ; graduated from Yale College, 1850; studied chemistry in Goettingen ; received degree of Ph. D. from the University in 1852 ; constructing machinery at Bristol, Conn., 1852-3; in Fall of 1853 sailed for the Orinoco in search of mining investment, and spent four or five months in examining gold region of the Yuru- ari, between the Orinoco and Amazon ; returned by way of Trinidad in Spring of 1854; in 1856 went to Isthmus of Panama, where he passed the Summer in exploring for coal, iron and other minerals in the province of Chiriqui. After his return he set out for Mexico, where he spent six months in searching for coal and iron in the district between the city of Mexico and the Panama coast. During this trip he vis- ited many of the great silver districts and descended into the craters of JoruUo and Popocatapetl. Returned home in 1857; remained in Bristol several years ; engaged in per- fecting mechanical and chemical inventions ; was acting Professor of Chemistry in Amherst College one year ; raised Company K, i6th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteer In- fantry, and went to the war as its captain. He fell after a day of gallant action at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. He was the author of several papers in the Ameri- can yoiirnal of Science and Art. 107. Ambrose Newell Merrick (Brimfield). — Born in Brimfield, Mass., February 9, 1827; graduated from Williams College, 1850; studied law and settled in Springfield, Mass., where he remained about ten years ; he then removed to California; married November 17, 1858. Address, unknown. 108. Jeremiah Lemuel Newton (Phillipston). — Born in Phillipston, Mass., October 2, 1824; graduated from Amherst College, 1850 ; principal of the Brown High School at Newburyport, Mass., and of the Bath High School and Academy at Bath, Me., for ten years ; in i860 entered WILLISTON SEMINARY. J I the profession of law at Boston, and has remained in it to the present time ; member of the Boston city council id>66-y-^ \ member of the House of Representatives from Boston, 1869 and 1872; married 1853; wife died 1855; married again in 1858; three children. Address, 27 Pem- berton square, Boston. 109. Norman W. Northam (Leyden, N. Y.) — Went to North Carolina as a teacher ; died there in 1848. 110. Henry Pratt (Salisbury, Conn). — Born in Salis- bury Conn., January 11, 1825 ; graduated from Williams Col- lege in 1850; studied theology; settled in Dudley, 1854; married June 26, 1850; at present farming in Greenfield. Address, Greenfield, Mass. 111. Ephraim Whitney Richardson (Royalston). — En- tered Dartmouth, but was obliged to leave on account of ill health ; died at Washington soon after. 113. John Elliot Sanford (Amherst). — Born in Den- nis, Mass., November 22, 1830 ; at Amherst Academy one year 1846-7; graduated from Amherst College, 185 1 ; taught Academy at Yarmouth, Mass., 185 1-3; tutor in Amherst College, 1853-4 ; studied law, 1854-6 ; admitted to the bar, 1856; insurance commissioner of Massachusetts, 1866-9; member of Massachusetts Senate, 1864, and of the House of Representatives, 1863, 187 1-2-3-4; speaker of the House of Representatives, 1872-3-4; author of 12th, 13th and 14th Massachusetts Insurance Report ; married December 10, 1856 ; three children. Address, Taunton, Mass. 113. David Paige Smith (Springfield). — Born in West- field, Mass., October i, 1830; graduated from Yale Col- lege, 185 1 ; studied medicine ; received M. D., March, 1854; settled in Springfield, 185/I ; surgeon i8th Massachusetts. Address, Springfield, Mass. 114. Barker Frisbie Smith (Northford, Conn.). — Died of consumption, June 18, 1848, while a member of the class of 1850, Yale College; born April 19, 1827. 115. Joseph Hussey Sprague (Greenfield). — Born in Greenfield, Mass., March 8, 1829; entered Williams College, 72 ALUMNI RECORDS 1846 ; left during first term on account of sickness ; studied at Phillips Andover Academy, Spring term of 1847 ; gradu- ated from Harvard College, 185 1 ; newspaper editing, 1852-4; insurance officer in Conway, Mass., Boston, and Hartford, Conn., to present time ; member of the Hartford board of school visitors for six years ; common councilman, 1 860-1 ; president board of common council, 1 870-1 ; alderman, 1871-3 ; mayor of city of Hartford, 1874; married Septem- ber 16, 1856; five children. Address, Hartford, Conn. 116. Benjamin E. Thayer (Boston). — Born in Winches- ter, N. H., November 12, 1820; has been occupied with farming ; member of 32d Massachusetts Volunteer In- fantry three years in war of the rebellion ; married April 12, 1847; nine children. Address, Springfield, Mass. 117. John Howland Thompson (Heath). — Born in Heath, Mass., September 8, 1827; graduated from Amherst College 1850 ; taught one term in Williston Seminary; as- sistant teacher at Monson Academy, 1 850-1 ; principal of Deerfield Academy, 1852; assistant editor of Springfield Republican, 1853 ; since then practicing law ; married, De- cember 15, 1869; one child. Address, 159 La Salle street, Chicago, 111. 118. Henry Martyn Tupper (Longmeadow). — Born in Hardwick, Mass., June 10, 1830; graduated from Yale College, 1850, and from Union Theological Seminary, 1856 ; taught in North Carolina, 1 850-1 ; in Illinois College, Jack- sonville, III, 1852-4 and 1858-9; licensed to preach, 1856; pastor at Waverly, 111., 1859-71 ; married November 13, i860 ; three children. Address, Ontario, Knox County, 111. 119. Joseph Warren Upton (Danvers).^Born in Dan- vers. South Parish (now Peabody), November 18, 1821; completed a course in English at Williston Seminary sim- ilar to the course in Dartmouth College ; has been a teacher since 1846, at Greenfield, Mass., Derry, N. H., Gloucester, Lynn, Quincy, and Peabody, Mass. ; is master of a school containing 380 pupils; married September 12, 1849; ^o^r children — two living. Address, Peabody, Mass. WILLISTOX SEMINARY. 73 130, Lawson Warfield (Blackstone). — Born in Black- stone, Mass., March 15, 1822; taught the high schools in Billingham and Millville, (Mass.,) for some time after leav- ing the Seminary; a short time in insurance business; the last years of his life in New York, wholesale dealer in sta- tionery ; married, 1846; two children; died of cholera in New York, August 10, 1855. 121. Emerson Cogswell Whitney (Winchendon). — Born ifi Winchendon, Mass., November 8, 1822; entered Dartmouth; graduated from Yale College, 185 1 ; taught during Fall term of that year; died December i, 185 1, at Middletown, Orange County, N. Y. 123. Lyman Richards WiLLiSTON(Easthampton). — Born in Island of Maui, Sandwich Islands, November 7, 1830; graduated from Amherst College, 1850 ; teacher in Williston Seminary, 1850-3; studying in Europe, 1853-7; teaching in Cambridge, Mass., since 1857; principal of Cambridge High School since 1865 ; married; six children. Address, Cambridge, Mass. 133. J. Ormand Wilson (Royalston). — Born in Royalston, Mass., April 2, 1825 ; graduated from Dartmouth College, 1850 ; studied law in private office, in Washington, D. C, and admitted to the bar in 1853, but never practiced the profession; taught in Washington, 1 850-1 and 1869-70; clerk in Treasury Department, 1851-69 ; superintendent of public schools of Washington since 1870; married July 5, 1853 ; four children. Address, Washington, D. C. 134. OswELL Langdon Woodford (West Avon, Conn.). — Born in West Avon, Conn., October 31, 1827; graduated from Yale College, 1850; teacher of Cherokee Male Semi- nary, two years ; in Andover Theological Seminary, 1852-5 ; principal of Cherokee Male Seminary, 1855-6; in Yale Theological Seminary, 1856-7; went to Kansas as home missionary ; settled in Grasshopper Falls ; organized a church there ; by failure of health obliged to return East in 1859; spent the remainder of his life in Avon, farming; member of Connecticut House of Representatives, 1865 ; 74 ALUMNI RECORDS twice married ; four children ; died at West Avon, October 21, 1870. 135, William F. Bassett (Ashfield). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., July 11, 1825 ; farming in Ashfield until 1861 ; re- moved to Vineland, N. J., and opened a store ; in 1865 be- gan a nursery business, which has grown to be extensive, shipping 2,000,000 plants a year ; married September 27, i860; four children. Address, Hammonton, N. J. 12(u Orland B. Bidwell (South Tyringham). — Born in Monterey, Mass., 1829 ; was in college two years; engaged in mercantile life and banking; president First National Bank of Freeport, 111., also president Board of Education ; married, 1850; five children. See No. 1191. Address, Freeport, 111. l'-i7, Ralph Bowe (West Springfield). — Born April 16, 1825; was a civil engineer; engaged in building the Northern Ogdensburgh Railroad, Buffalo and Corning Rail- road, and Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, of which he was chief engineer a portion of the time ; married Feb- ruary 5, 1852; one child; died September 1, 1855, from lung disease contracted in his profession. I'iS, Francis W. Bowe (West Springfield). — Born Au- gust 24, 1829; civil engineer ; engaged upon the Northern Ogdensburgh Railroad, Buffalo and Corning, Lake Shore Railroad and Miami Railroad ; died May 22, 1861, from dis- ease caused by exposures incident to his profession. 139. Edson p. Clark (Hadley).— ^Born in Spencer, Mass., July 23, 183 1 ; studied painting and mechanics; is at present manufacturing the indelible pencil — -an invention of his own ; married, 1865 ; two children. Address, North- ampton, Mass. 130. Jedediah B. Ferry (Easthampton) — Born in East- hampton, Mass., June 11, 1821 ; went to New York in April, 1852, and has been connected with the dry goods commission house of Woodward, Lawrence & Co., since that time; married July 9, 1856. Address, Box 207, iSfew York. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 75 131. Silas G. Hubbard (Hatfield). — Born in Hatfield, January 13, 1827; engaged in farming, civil engineering and general trade ; has been postmaster, representative in General Court, and has held various town offices ; married April 15, 185 1. Address, Hatfield, Mass. 133. Henry L. James (Williamsburgh). — Born in Wil- liamsburgh, Mass., February 13, 1829; merchant, woolen and hardware manufacturer; postmaster since 1861 ; repre- sentative, 1874 ; married May 31, i860 ; five children, three living. Address, Williamsburgh, Mass. 133. Henry M. Knight (Peru). — Born in Stafford, Conn., August 11, 1827 ; graduated from Berkshire Medical College, 1849; practiced medicine until 1858, when he be- came superintendent of Connecticut School for Imbeciles ; member of Connecticut General Assembly, 1855 ; received honorary diploma from Medical Society of State of New York, in 1869, and from Medical Society of State of Califor- nia, 1872; author of paper on "Hallucinations of Child- hood;" married October 2, 185 1 ; two sons; see No. 1108. Address, Lakeville, Conn. 134. William S. Munson (Northford, Conn.). — Born, 1827 ; occupation, farmer. Address, Northford, Conn. 135. Samuel Smith (Middlefield). — Born in Middlefield, Mass., August 5, 1826; has been engaged in agriculture; has held various town offices ; married September 25, 1851 ; four children. Address, South Amherst, Mass. CLASS OF 1847. 136. Edward Payson Bates (Granby). — Born in New- ton, Mass., May 8, 1830; graduated from Amherst College, 185 1 ; school teaching, 1851-65; life insurance as actuary, 1865 to date; author of "English Analysis" (Crosby & Nichols, Boston, 1861) ; married, 1854; wife died, 1866; married again, 1867; two children. Address, 558 North 17th street, Philadelphia, Pa. 137. Ethan Ely Boies (Northampton). — Born in Blan- 'j6 ' ALUMNI RECORDS ford, Mass., February 28, 1829; graduated from Amherst College, 185 1 ; banking clerk, 185 1-3; cashLer Cape May (N. J.) Bank, 1853-4; broker in Wall street, New York, 1854-5 ; removed to San Francisco, Cal., 1856; removed to Wisconsin, 1859; studied law and admitted to the bar, i860; connected with paymaster's department of the army, 1863-5 ) from that time until his death, engaged in life in- surance in New York; married June 20, 1857; died May 4, 1869. 138. John Boardman Brooks (New Haven, Conn.). — Born in New Haven, Conn., April 11, 1832; graduated from Yale College, 185 1 ; in the United States coast survey one year, at Galveston, Texas ; since then in business. Address, Bridgeport, Conn. 139. George L. Carey (Medway). — Born in Medway, Mass., May 10, 1830 ; passed one year at Leicester (Mass.) Academy; graduated from Harvard College, 1852; for the benefit of his health, engaged in business until 1856; in 1856, appointed acting professor of Greek in Antioch Col- lege ; upon the re-organization of the faculty, in 1857, ap- pointed professor of Greek and Latin ; remained in this office until 1862; accepted an invitation to take charge of the departments of New Testament Literature and Philoso- phy in the Theological School at Meadville, Pa. ; has pub- lished articles in Reviews; married March 12, 1854; one child. Address, Meadville, Pa. 140. Jeremiah Evarts Chamberlin (Sandwich Islands). — Born in Honolulu, Oahu, February 5, 1831; graduated from Williams College, 1852; studied law at Cambridge Law School ; chaplain of the 7th Wisconsin Volunteers ; after the battle of Shiloh, practiced law at St. Joseph, Mich. ; register of Court and member of Legislature, and aided in revising the code of the Sandwich Islands ; sup- posed to be at the Islands now. 141. Robert Elijah Day (East Haddam, Ct.). — Born in East Haddam, Conn., July 11, 1828; graduated from Yale College, 1852 ; studied law; admitted to the bar, 1855; en- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 77 gaged in that profession since then ; married, June 27, i860 ; wife died, 1864; one child. Address, Hartford, Conn. 143. Charles Augustus Dewey (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., December 29, 1830; graduated from Williams College, 185 1 ; studied law at law school of Harvard University, 1852-3 ; admitted to the bar in 1854, and has followed law since then ; is now judge of the third District Court of southern Worcester ; has been judge of that court and a similar one nine years ; married, March 12, 1867; two children. Address, Milford, Mass. 143. James A. Ferguson (Whately). — Born in Attle- boro', Mass., November 17, 1832 ; went into a store with a brother in New Orleans in 1848, where he died February 22, 1858 ; was married and left one child. 144. Erskine Joel Hawes (Hartford, Conn.). — Born in Hartford, Conn., July 23, 1829; graduated from Yale College, 185 1 ; studied theology at Andover and Yale Theo- logical Schools ; installed pastor of Congregational Church, Plymouth, Conn., January, 1858 ; died July 9, i860. 145. William Frederick Holcombe (Stockbridge). — Born in Sterling, Mass., April 2, 1827; entered Albany Medical College, and has been occupied constantly with the profession of medicine since 1847; settled in New York in 185 1 ; was the first person appointed to chair of ophthalmic and aural surgery in any medical college in the United States ; has held chairs in three colleges, and was an eye and ear surgeon to Demilt Dispensary 17 years ; in the sanitary commission service in Virginia in 1861 ; was a pupil of Velpeau, Sichel and Desmarres in Paris in 1 850-1 ; also in 1858-9; also in 1867 ; pupil of Prof Von Graefe of Berlin, 1859-60 ; pupil of Sir Wm. Wilde of Dublin in 185 1 ; appointed professor to New York Medical College in 1862 ; married November 16, 1852 ; no children. Address, 54 E. 25th street. New York. 146. Benjamin Cutler Jillson (Willimantic, Ct). — Born in Willimantic, Conn., July 15, 1830; graduated from department of philosophy and the arts, Yale College, 1853 ; yS ALUMNI RECORDS and from the medical department of the University of Nashville, 1857; assistant to Prof. Silliman, ^and professor of Natural Science in the State Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 1853-4; professor of the Natural Sciences in Cum- berland University, Lebanon, Tenn., from 1854 to 1856; professor of the same in University of Nashville and Nash- ville High School, from 1857 to 1861 ; assistant army sur- geon United States army, 1862-4; professor of Chemistry, Geology and Mineralogy in the Western University of Pennsylvania, from January, 1865, to October, 1871 ; princi- pal and professor of Zoology and Geology in the Pittsburgh High School, from October, 1871, to date ; Hon. Ph. D. from Lafayette College, 1868; has published many papers and lectures on science ; married June 15, 1864; four chil- dren. Address, Pittsburgh, Pa. 147. Walter S. Kimball (Leyden, N. Y.). — Born in Leyden, Lewis County, N. Y., October 22, 1828; entered Hamilton College and remained two years ; having chosen the profession of medicine, he left college to prepare for it ; graduated from the Medical College of Kentucky in 1853 ; has followed the practice of medicine since then ; married June 21, 1854; six children. Address, Eaton- town, N. J. 148. Waldo Whiting Ludden (Shelburne). — Born in Williamsburgh, Mass., April 2, 1826; graduated from Wil- liams College, 185 1, and from Union Theological Seminary, 1854; teaching has been his life work; three years in army of the Potomac. Address, box 462, Omaha, Neb. 149. James Kellogg Mills (Worthington). — Born in Galena, 111.; graduated from Williams College, 1851; has followed the profession of law ; admitted at Springfield, Mass., in 1854; president of the commission appointed by Secretary Stanton in 1 866 for the State of Missouri, under the act of Congress approved February 24, 1864; served in the Union army, from May, 1861, to November, 1864; entered as a private ; was colonel of the 24th Missouri Infantry at the close of the war and was brevetted Brigadier General ; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 79 has edited a newspaper; married November, 1855 ; three children. Address, Washington, D. C. 150. Hugh McLeod (Providence, R. I.). — Born in Pic- tou, Nova Scotia, January, 1826; graduated from Amherst College, 185 1, and from Bangor Theological Seminary, 1854; ordained to the ministry, July, 1855 ; agent of the United States Christian commission at the front, three years, during the war ; has supplied various churches in the West; married November, 1854; six children. Address, Healdsburg, Cal. 151. Thomas B. Musgrave (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., 1830; occupation, banking; in the army three months ; married, 1865 ; one child. Address, 19 Broad street. New York. 153. Timothy Pickering Ranney (Granville). — Gradu- ated from Amherst College, 1837 ; studied law ; is married. Address, Elizabeth, N. J. 153. Henry Dwight Root (Greenfield). — Born in Green- field, Mass., 1841 ; graduated from Amherst College, 1852; taught, 1852-3; studied modern languages, 1853-4; entered the law school of Harvard University, 1854; died in Brook- lyn, N. Y., September 10, 1855. 154-. Claudius B. Selden. — Came from LeRoy, N. Y. ; died while connected with the Seminary. 155. Horace Montague Smith (Ashfield). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., February 9, 1828; graduated from Yale College 185 1 ; taught school three or four years after leav- ing college ; had charge of commercial agency in Baltimore, Md., until war; since then in the business of manufacturing and selling gold pens. Address, 96 Duane street. New York. 156. Joel Sumner Smith (Easthampton). — Born in Pax- ton, Mass., September 11, 1830; graduated from Yale Col- lege, 1853; occupation, music teacher; married May 28, 1834; one child. Address, New Haven, Conn. 167. Justus Smith (Ashfield). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., February 3, 1825 ; graduated at Harvard, in 185 1 ; studied 80 ALUMNI RECORDS law and was admitted to the bar ; has never practiced his profession ; has been engaged in various business pursuits — real estate and mercantile — in New York; married; two children. Address, 207 Lexington avenue, New York. 158. Milan Cyrus Stebbins (Granby). — Born in Gran- by, Mass., May 16, 1828; graduated from Amherst College, 1851 ; assistant in Gilmanton (N. H.) Academy, and prin- cipal of Hopkinton (N. H.) Academy until 1853 ; principal of Nashua (N. H.) High School, 1853-8 ; established a private school in Lancaster, Mass. ; principal of Clinton (Mass.) High School, 1 862-4; resigned this position in 1864 to enter the ministry; settled as pastor of the Con- gregational Church and Society at Groton Junction (now Ayer) ; principal of the Springfield (Mass.) High School, 1865-74; married November 24, 1853 ; five children. Ad- dress, Springfield, Mass. 159. William Mason Taylor (Hinsdale, N. H.). — Born in Hinsdale, N. H., December i, 1827; graduated from Dartmouth College, 1852 ; taught at Mobile, Ala., a few years ; read law and practiced at Galveston, Texas ; mar- ried daughter of Governor Gwynne, of Mississippi ; died at Galveston, Tex., March, 1859 1()0. Frederick A. Tenney (Gill). — Graduated from Theological Seminary of Harvard University, 1853; died in 1859. lOl. Jared Clark Warner (Chester, Conn.). — Born in Chester, Conn., in 1828 ; graduated from Yale College, 1854 ; principal of Union Academy, at East Saginaw, Mich., until August 9, 1855, when he died. 103. William Parsons Washburn (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., April 15, 1830; graduated from Amherst College, 1851 ; commenced the practice of law in 1857, and still continues it; married, 1864; one child. Address, Knoxville, Tenn. 10:^. Mason Cogswell Weld (Hartford, Conn.). — Born in Philadelphia, Pa., February 18, 1829 ; graduated from de- partment of Philosophy and the Arts, Yale College, 1852 ; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 8 1 occupations, teacher, student, editor, publisher, farmer, " con- sulting agriculturist;" entered the Union army, 1862; was elected captain Company A, 25th Connecticut Volunteers ; promoted to lieutenant colonel ; mustered out with his regi- ment, 1863; editor and publisher of The Homestead, an agricultural journal published in Hartford, Conn., 1855-61; agricultural editor of the American Agriculturist y 186 1-2 and 1863-71 ; has "edited" many books; married, April 26, 1866 ; no children. Address, Closter, Bergen County, N. J. I(i4. Roger Welles (Newington, Conn.). — Born in Newington, Conn., March 7, 1829; graduated from Yale College, 1851 ; admitted to the bar of Hartford County, Conn., in 1854; has been a lawyer since then, and is now practicing in Hartford ; practiced law in Minnesota, 1855-60; representative in Connecticut Legislature, 1864 and 1871 ; married June 16, 1858 ; five children. Address, Newington, Conn., or (for business) Hartford, Conn. 165, James White (Hinsdale). — Born in Hinsdale, Mass., July 9, 1828 ; graduated from Williams College, 1851; taught in Williston Seminary, 185 1-3 ; in 1853, entered the Andover Theological Seminary, and remained one and one-third years ; left the Seminary on account of a dis- ease in the nerve of the eye, from which he has never re- covered ; went to Boston, and became connected with the firm, White, Brown & Co., (Boston and New York,) dealers in dry goods, and importers of British dress goods ; married January, 1856; two children. Address, 26 and 28 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. Iftfi. Edward Payson Whitney (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., May 22, 1833 ; graduated from Yale College, 1854; taught in Williston Seminary, 1854-5; studied medicine in New York, 1857-8; received M. D. from College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1858 ; nothing later known. 167. Henry Maltby (Northford, Conn.). — Born January 8, 1828; occupation, farmer ; married November i, i860; three children. Address, Northford, Conn. 82 ALUMNI RECORDS 168. Charles Peck (New Britain, Conn.). — Born in New Britain, Conn., March i6, 1830 ; clerk in a store in Griffin, Ga., two years ; returned to Connecticut and engaged in manufacturing hardware ; went to Canada and dealt in lumber; since 1856, secretary of P. & F. Corbin Co., New Britain, Conn.; married September 7, 1853 ; four children. Address, New Britain, Conn. CLASS OF 1848. 169. William Horatio Adams (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., December 30, 1831 ; graduated from Am- herst College, 1852 ; married November 5, 1857 ; one child. Address, West Dummerston, Vt. 170. Nathaniel Putnam Baker (Conway). — Born, 1830; graduated from Amherst College, 1853 ; died in 1856. 171. Edward Coke Billings (Hatfield). — Born in Hat- field, Mass., December 3, 1830 ; graduated from Yale Col- lege, 1853, and from the Dane Law University, 1856 ; commenced the practice of law in New York, and continued there until 1864; removed to New Orleans, La.; married October, 1874. Address, New Orleans, La. 173. William Boies (Northampton). — Born in North- ampton, Mass., March 21, 1828 ; graduated from Yale Col- lege, 1852; studied law in Hudson, N. Y., with Judge Hogeboom ; practiced law at Hudson, Albany, New York and Troy, N. Y., and at Northampton, Mass. ; married, 1859 ; two children ; died at Troy, N. Y., June 17, 1872. 173. George W. Carleton (Staten Island, N. Y.). — Born in New York City, 1832 ; occupation, book publisher in New York ; author of " Our Artist in Cuba" (six editions), " Our Artist in Peru" (three editions), ''Our Artist in Africa;" married, 1859; three children. Address, Madison Square, New York. 174. George Henry Coit (Bristol, R. L). — Graduated from Amherst College, 1852; studied theology; has been WILLISTON SEMINARY. 83 settled as pastor; in 1872, was at Wilmington, Del.\ Pres- ent residence unknown. 175. Charles William Curtis (Southington, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., June 25, 1831 ; graduated from Yale College, 1852; taught, 1852-3 ; studied in Europe, 1853-6, taking degree Ph. D. ; taught at Madison, Wis., 1857-9; professor of Chemistry in North-Western University, at Evanston, 111., 1859-61 ; in 1862, enlisted in Cheney's- Illinois Battery; married September 7, 1864; one daugh- ter. Address, Cortland, De Kalb County, 111. 176. Richard Titus Deming (Williamstown). — Born in Williamstown, Mass., August 29, 1825 ; graduated from Williams College in 1852; in a Massachusetts regiment in the war ; studied law in New York, and at the Cambridge Law School, and practiced law in New York City, where he died, July 8, 1868. 177. John Woodbridge Dickinson (Williamstown). — Born in Chester, Mass., October 24, 1828; graduated from Williams College, 1852; occupation, teaching since 1852; went to Westfield, Mass., August, 1852, as assistant in Nor- mal School, and became principal of the Normal School in 1856, a position he still holds ; married, 1857 ;• two chil- dren. Address, Westfield, Mass. 178. James Harrison Dwight (Constantinople, Turkey). — Born in Valetta, Malta, October 9, 1830 ; graduated from Yale College, 1852, and from Union Theological Seminary, 1855; studied medicine, 1855-7; pastor of Presbyterian Church, Cherry Valley, N. Y., 1857-9; established Presby- terian Church at Englewood, N. J., 1859-61 ; chaplain 66th New York Volunteers, 1861 ; resigned pastorate but remained at Englewood; married, 1855; wife died, i860; married again ; died at Englewood, N. J., December 3, 1872. 179. William Worthington Fowler (Amherst). — Born in Middlebury, Vt., June 24, 1832 ; finished preparation for college at Phillips Andover Academy ; graduated from Am- herst College, 1854; studied law, admitted to the bar of New York in 1857; practiced law until 1865, in New 84 ALUMNI RECORDS York ; was also an exporter and importer, for several years, in that city; enlisted in 1861, but being injured by the fall of a horse, saw no service in the field ; author of " Ten Years in Wall Street," "The Life and Adventures of Ben- jamin F. Moneypenny," " The Great Fires of History ; " has other books in preparation ; married, 1872. Address, Durham Centre, Conn. 180. John A. Gardner (Seekonk). — Born in North Providence, R. I., April 10, 1830; graduated from Brown University, 1852; admitted to practice law in 1855 ; clerk Superior Court, Providence County, R. I. ; member Rhode Island House of Representatives ; United States district attorney for Rhode Island District ; during the war on the Governor's staff with rank of colonel ; married, 1855 ; wife died ; married again, 1867; five children. Address, Provi- dence, R. I. 181. Seneca Hill (Easthampton). 183. A. W. Ide (Medway). — Born October 10, 1826; entered the ministry, 1859; niember of Massachusetts Leg- islature, 1873. Address, West Medway, Mass. 183. Joseph Lyman Jones (Amherst). — Born in Enfield, Mass., December 4, 183 1 ; entered Amherst College, but left at expiration of junior year, with letter of dismission at his own request ; clerk in a dry goods jobbing house, in New York, 1852-7; settled in Kansas in 1857, on govern- ment land ; pre-empted the same for a farm and is still occupying it; has filled the office of township justice several times, the office of county commissioner, and twice been elected a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas ; married, January 4, 1859; two chil- dren. Address, Lecompton, Kansas. 184. William G. Jones (Amherst). Address, Knoxville, Knox County, 111. 185. Mason Moore (Fredonia, N. Y.). — Graduated from Amherst College, 1852; entered the ministry; in 1872 was settled at Harrisville, N. Y. Present residence un- known. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 85 186. Stephen Clapp Pixley (Plainfield) — Born June 23, 1829; graduated from Williams College, 1852, and from Union Theological Seminary, 1855 ; he then married and went to the Zulu Mission, in South Africa, under charge of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions ; he is stationed near Port Natal. Address, care A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Mass. 187. George Edward Sanborne (Reading). — Born in Reading, Mass., April 16, 1827 ; at Monson Academy, 1848-9; graduated from Amherst College, 1853, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1856; ordained and in- stalled pastor of Congregational Church at Georgia, Vt., January i, 1857; at present acting pastor of Wethersfield Avenue Church, and superintendent of Hartford Orphan Asylum ; married June 10, 1858 ; no children. Address, Hartford, Conn. 188. AzARiAH Smith (Middlefield). — Born in Middlefield, Mass., January 12, 1833 ; graduated from New York Cen- tral College, July 14, 1855 ; teacher in seminary and pro- fessor in Central College, 1855-8; superintendent of schools, Mifflin County, Pa., 1859-63; cashier United States Military Telegraph, 1863-5 I connected with pub- lishing house of Ticknor & Fields (and its successors) since 1865 ; married September 25, 1861 ; one child. Address, 124 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. .189. Alden Bradford Whipple (Peru). — Born in Lanes- boro, Mass., February 7, 1824; graduated from Williams College, 1852; studied law with Ex-Governor Briggs ; taught the high school in Pittsfield, Mass., three years ; principal of high school in Nantucket, Mass., two and one- half years ; meanwhile licensed to preach by the Baptist Church ; in 1857 bought a female seminary at Lansing- burgh, N. Y., where he still remains ; besides having charge of a school of 80 pupils, and teachers, has acted as pastor of the Baptist Church ; served in the Christian commission; was married August 6, 1856; two daughters. Address, Lansingburgh, N. Y. S6 ALUMNI RECORDS 198- Epaphras C. Maltby (Northford, Conn.V — Born, 1828; occupation, manufacturer; married^ April, 185 1. Address, Northford, Conn. CLASS OF 1849. 191. Charles L. Ayer (Killingly, Conn.). — Born in North Stonington, Conn., June 25, 1826 ; deprived of a college course by ill health; farming, 1849-55; licensed by Windham (Conn.) Association, November, 1855; or- dained pastor of Congregational Church of Voluntown and Sterling, Conn., 1859; dismissed, 1863; pastor at South Mansfield, Conn., 1863-8 ; agent Connecticut Soldiers' Or- phan Home, 1868-9; acting pastor at Plainville, Conn., 1869-72; acting pastor, Taftville, Conn., 1872; married, November, 1849; ten children. Address, Taftville, Conn. 193. George L. Becker (Beloit, Wis.). — Has been or- dained to the ministry. Address, Granada, Kansas. 193. George E. Beckwith (Great Barrington). — Born in Great Barrington, Mass., November 14, 1828; entered Williams College, but left during sophomore year, from failure of eyes ; spent most of two years teaching in Hins- dale Academy; returned in 1852, for the senior year, but accepted an invitation to become teacher in the Royal School at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, and left without graduating ; afterwards received the honorary degree of A. M. from the college. At the end of two years' service at Honolulu, was elected professor of Latin and Greek ; held the position until 1858, when failing eyesight obliged him to resign ; passed eight years in establishing and man- aging a sugar plantation of about 10,000 acres, now known as the Haiku Plantation, on the island of Maiu, Hawaiian Islands ; returned to the United States in 1867; has resided at Oakland, Cal, since then ; taught Latin in Oakland College, one year, when his health utterly failed, and he was obliged to leave books altogether ; married Sep- tember 6, 1863 ; three children. Address, Oaktand, Cal. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 8/ 194. Hiram Bingham, Jr. (Chester). — Born in Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands, Ausust i6, 1832; graduated from Yale College, 1853; two years at Andover Theological Seminary ; principal of Northampton (Mass.) High School, 1853-4; in Europe, May to November, 1854; entered the ministry, November 9, 1856 ; sailed with his wife, December 2, 1856, as missionary under the American Board of Com- missioners for Foreign Missions, on the ship Morning Star, to Micronesian Islands ; they are located at Apaiary, one of the Gilbert Islands ; married November 18, 1856. Address, care of A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Mass. 195. Lewis Burt (Springfield). — Born in Springfield, Mass., March 14, 1827; entered college but left, from ill health, at end of second year ; occupation, farming ; mar- ried April 13, 1852; two children. Address, Springfield, Mass. 196. John Higley Case (Granby, Conn.). — Born inTor- rington, Litchfield County, Conn. ; completed preparation for college at Suffield, Conn. ; graduated from Yale College, 1855 ; studied law at Yale Law School, 1856-8; admitted to the bar at New Haven,i858 ; commenced practice of law at Faribault, Minn., 1858 ; district attorney four years, and State senator ; unmarried. Address, Faribault, Rice County, Minn. 197. Edson Lyman Clark (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., April i, 1827; graduated from Yale College, 1853, and from Union Theological Seminary, 1858 ; taught three years after leaving college ; has been in the ministry since 1858; married December 8, 1858; three children. Address, North Branford, Conn. 198. Henry Ellsworth Daniels (Worthington). — Born in Worthington, Mass., July 29, 1830; graduated from Williams College, 1853 ; taught in Lee and in Perry, N. Y. ; principal of High School in Westfield, Mass., 1856; studied law and was admitted to the bar of Hampden County, Mass. ; removed to Windsor Locks, Conn., to practice his profession ; in the early part of the war for the Union he 88 ALUMNI RECORDS acted as assistant adjutant general for his State ; clerk in Navy Department, at Washington, 1864; appointed pri- vate secretary to Admiral Dahlgren, then commanding South Pacific squadron, 1866 ; married December, 1855 ; died at Washington, November 16, 1866. 199. Samuel Chase Dean (Oakham). — Born in Oak- ham, Mass., March 28, 1823 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1853, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1856; mission- ary of the Marathi Mission, India, under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, from August, 1856, to October, 1869 ; preaching in Georgia, from Novem- ber, 1869, to February, 1872 ; missionary under the Ameri- can Home Missionary Society, from February, 1872, to date ; prepared references for one-half of the New Testa- ment in the Marathi language; married August 9, 1856; eight children. Address, Steele City, Jefferson County, Neb. 200. William P. Duncan (Hanover). — Born in Brooks, Me., April i, 1833 ; attended Phillips Academy, Andover; entered Amherst College, class of 1855, but did not grad- uate, on account of ill health ; taught school ; entered profession of law, i860; has been notary public and super- intendent of schools; married October 28, i860; three children. Address, 32 Washington street, Boston, Mass. 201. James Raymond Goodrich (Wethersfield, Conn.). — Born in Wethersfield, Conn., January 8, 1831 ; graduated from Yale College, 1853 ; taught in New Haven, 1853-6; taught a private school in Natchez, Miss., 1857-9; died at Kewanee, 111., October 24, 1859. 203. John Morton Green (Amherst). — Born in Hadley, Mass., March 12, 1872; graduated from Amherst College, 1853; teaching, 1853-7 ; tutor in Amherst College, 1855-7 ; in the ministry since 1857; pastor of churches at Hatfield, South Hadley and Lowell; married September 30, 1857; six children. Address, Lowell, Mass. 203. Henry C. Hall (Ashfield).— Born in Ashfield, Mass., April, 1828; civil engineer, two years; since then wholesale dealer in dry goods, in New York ; deacon in WILLISTON SEMINARY. 89 Broadway Tabernacle Church ; having for many years been intimate with the religious wants of Spain, through travel there, at the outbreak of the recent revolution of 1868, he was requested by the American Bible Society, American Tract Society, and American and Foreign Christian Union, to go out and systematize and plan for their future opera- tions there ; succeeded in taking in, under special permits, many thousands of copies of the Scriptures and books which, until then, had for centuries been contraband ; also established the first Sunday School in Spain, and the first religious newspaper, " El Eco del Evangelio"; the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions now continue the work thus inaugurated; married June, 1855; three children. Address, 59 Beaver street, New York. 304. John Alexander Hamilton (Chester). — Born in Chester, Mass., December 8, 1829; graduated from Am- herst College, 1853; teacher Mathematics and Latin in Williston Seminary, 1853-5 5 graduated from Andover The- ological Seminary, 1858 ; ordained colleague pastor (with Rev. Z. S. Barstow, D. D.) of the Congregational Church in Keene, N. H. ; chaplain of 6th Regiment New Hamp- shire Volunteers, 1862-3 ; dismissed from Keene, 1865 ; after supplying, for a while. Olivet Church, Springfield, Mass., settled at Davenport, la., 1867; dismissed, 1871 ; traveled in Europe, and the East ; settled pastor of First Congregational Church, Norwalk, Conn., 1873 ; married October 20, 1858 ; one child. Address, Norwalk, Conn. 305. Charles Harding (Sunderland). — Born in Whately, Mass., November 21, 1856; graduated from Yale College, 1853, and from Union Theological Seminary, 1856; sailed from Boston, August 18, 1856, as missionary under appoint- ment of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, for India; reached Bombay, January 12, 1857; labored there until November, 1863 ; then went to Shola- poor (Mahratta mission) ; now at Bombay; married June 25, 1856 ; three children. Address, Bombay, India, care of A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Mass. 12 90 ALUMNI RECORDS 206. James S. Hills (Palmer). — Is a broker. Address, St. Denis Hotel, New York. 207. Hiram Lowell Howard (Enfield). — Graduated from Yale College, 1855, and from Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1858; S. S. Pelham, Mass., 1858-60; Second Church, Ashfield, Mass., 1860-1 ; Burlington, 1861-3 ; ordained April 10, 1864; chaplain 59th Massachusetts Volunteers, 1864-5 J S. S. Presbyterian Church, Odessa, Del., 1865-7 ; assistant pastor Church of New Testament, Philadelphia, Pa., i86y-S ; S. S. Congregational Church, Cambridge, Ohio, 1869; Ruggles, Ohio, 1870; Atkinson, 111., 1872; at last accounts removed to Chicago. Address, Chicago, 111. 208. George Marshall Howe (Sudbury). — Is a practic- ing physician. Address, Framingham, Mass. 209. Henry Ives (Lenox). — Born in Lee, Mass., May 12, 1830 ; entered Williams College, but obliged to leave, from ill health, during sophomore year ; in April, 1852, went into the Hampshire Manufacturers' Bank, of Ware, Mass., where he remained as clerk and assistant cashier until bank was changed to Ware National Bank, when he became cashier, and served until 1867; became cashier of First National Bank of New Milford, Conn., 1867; justice of the peace; married May 12, 1857 ; four children. Address, New Mil- ford, Conn. 210. Reuben H. Knox (Blandford). — Born in Blandford, Mass., June 13, 1831 ; attended Wilbraham, Mass., Acad- emy ; went to college in 1850; emigrated to California, and spent some years in the mines ; was drowned March 22, 1858, in San P'rancisco Bay, by the upsetting of a boat in which he and a comrade were taking a pleasure ride. 211. Joseph Grout Longley (Hawley). — Born in Haw- ley, 1823 ; completed the course at Auburn Theological Seminary ; taught many years before studying theology ; received honorary A. M. from Amherst College, 1869; was in the army with rank of lieutenant ; died. May 6, 1871. 212. Robert McCurdy Lord (Lyme, Conn.). — Born in Old Lyme, Conn., January 10, 1833; studied medicine; is WILLISTON SEMINARY. 9 1 a practicing physician ; was examining surgeon for New London County, Conn., during the war ; married June, 1865 ; two children. Address, Kansas City, Mo. 213. Marcus Lyon (Genoa, N. Y.). — Born in Genoa, N. Y., September 23, 1827; graduated from Yale College, 1852; admitted to the bar at Ithaca, N. Y., 1854; district attor- ney, Schuyler County, N. Y., 1855 ; district attorney, Tomp- kins County, N. Y., 1856, and re-elected, 1859; married September 17, 1855 ; two children. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. 314. William Marcussohn (Odessa, Russia). — Born in Galat, Austria, July 11, 1826; entered Amherst College, but graduated from Williams College, 1852 ; graduated from East Windsor, Conn., Theological Sem.inary, 1854; in Spring of 1855 left New York under auspices or American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, as mis- sionary to Turkey, with permission to spend one year in Germany. During this year, the field in which he was to labor was ceded to the Committee of the Scotch Kirk ; re- appointed by that committee, he organized a mission in Salonica, and labored there three years, 1856-9; spent the Winter of 1858 in Scotland in behalf of the mission ; or- ganized a mission in Constantinople, and labored there three years ; returned to New York, 1862 ; since then con- nected with the Presbyterian Church of America ; settled as pastor of First Presbyterian Church at Lyndonville, N. Y., 1869 ; married August 3, 1859 5 ^our children. Address, Lyndonville, N. Y. 215. Gaylord B. Miller (Torringford, Conn.). — Born in Torringford, Conn., July 25, 1831; pursued a course of English in Williston Seminary ; graduated at Berkshire Medical College, (Pittsfield, Mass.,) November, 185 1 ; prac- ticing physician since that date ; assistant surgeon. United States army, during war; married December, 1853; no children. Address, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. 310. Edward Burns Olcott (Amherst). — Born in Ha- verhill, N. H., June 29, 1831 ; graduated from Amherst Col- lege, 1854 ; studied law with his father, Judge Olcott of 92 ALUMNI RECORDS New York, but did not enter upon the practice of his pro- fession, — after this, he devoted himself, to general litera- ture, until 1861 ; enlisted 1861 in 5th Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery ; served in various battles, and was taken prisoner at Staunton, Va., in Summer of 1864; confined in Libby prison ; though suffering from illness, he was placed in charge of others more sick than himself, and died in the discharge of his duty, August 9, 1864. 217. James Lanman Penniman (Philadelphia, Pa.). — Born in Cincinnati, O., July 9, 1S32 ; graduated from Yale College, 1853 ; taught at Fallston, Md., and in Virginia; in Department of the Interior at Washington, 1863 ; supposed to be still in Washington ; married ; one child. 218. Henry Reuben Pierce (Northampton). — Born in Coventry, Vt , January 2, 1828 ; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1853 ; principal of High School at Saxon ville, 1853-4; Hopkinton High School, 1854-5 5 ^or six months studied law; principal High School, Uxbridge, 1855-7; Woon- socket, R. I., High School, 1857-62 ; commissioned Novem- ber, 1862, second lieutenant 5th Rhode Island Infantry ; served under General Burnside in the expedition to New- bern ; at the battle of Newbern, while leading his men in a successful charge upon the enemy's rifle pits he fell, March 14, 1862 ; rushing up the bank, brandishing his sword, and exclaiming, " Let not a man flinch," he fell back, shot through the heart ; married August 12, 1856; one child. 319. William Callahan Robinson (Norwich, Conn.). — Born in Norwich, Conn., July 26, 1834 ; graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1854, and at General Seminary of Protest- ant Episcopal Church, New York, 1857; ordained deacon at Trinity Church, New York, June 28, 1857; rector St. James Church, Pittston, Pa., 1857-8 ; rector St. Luke's Church, Scranton, Pa., 1858-9; ordained presbyter Grace Church, Honesdale, Pa., February 10, 1859; embraced Ro- man Catholic belief, February, 1863 ; displaced from, the ministry; read law; practiced at Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1863; New London, Conn., 1864; New Haven, Conn., 1865; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 93 clerk City Court, New Haven, 1866-8 ; judge City Court, 1869-71 ; member Board of Education, 1873 ; member Connecticut House of Representatives from New Haven, 1874; lecturer on law in Yale College, 1869-72 ; professor of Elementary and Criminal Law and Law of Real Prop- erty, Yale College, 1872 to date ; has published ** Ebenezer Beriah Kelley, an Autobiography ; " associate editor Cath- olic World, New York, 1 868-9 5 occasional contributor to Catholic World and other magazines and papers ; married July 2, 1857. Address, New Haven, Conn. 330. Henry Millen Sabin (Lenox). — Born in Monterey, Berkshire County, Mass., September 6, 1831 ; graduated at Williams College, 1853 ; taught high schools and academies at Cincinnati, O., Lenox, Pittsfield and Saxonville, Mass. ; graduated in medicine at Bellevue Hospital Medical Col- lege, New York, 1863; assistant surgeon 52d Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers ; returned with regiment ; prac- ticed medicine eight years at Edwardsville, Madison County, 111. ; removed to Lincoln, Neb., and has followed his pro- fession there since then; married March 14, 1867; one son. Address, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb. 231. Oilman Lyman Sessions (West Woodstock, Conn.). — Born in Woodstock, Conn., February 8, 1829; graduated from Dartmouth College, 1853 ; taught in Washington, D. C, one year ; studied law with Hon. D. S. Dickinson of Binghamton, N. Y., and began practice there, but was in- terrupted on account of ill health. Address, unknown. 233. Nathan F. Smith (Stonington, Conn.). — Born in Stonington, Conn., May 3, 1830; completed a course in Mathematics at Williston Seminary ; pursued higher Math- ematics with a tutor ; taught one year ; since then a dealei* in drugs and medicines ; removed to Williamstown, 1852 ; married, 1858; four children. Address, Williamstown, Mass. 233. Richard Salter Storrs (Springfield). — Born in Amherst, Mass., September 29, 1830; graduated at Am- herst College, 1853 ; teaching continually ; taught one term, in Williston Seminary after graduation ; deaf mute teach- 94 ALUMNI RECORDS ing begun, 1853 ; Professor in National Deaf Mute College, Washington, D. C, 1854-5 '•> ^<^w in American Asylum at Hartford. Address, Hartford, Conn. 324. Abner Leavenworth Train (Milford, Conn.). — Born in Milford, Conn., September 16, 1830; graduated from Yale College, 1853; studied law; admitted to the bar, 1856 ; practiced law only a short time, then worked gradually into newspaper editing ; for a long time editor of New Haven Palladmm ; twice a member of the Connecti- cut House of Representatives ; married March 17, 1863; one child. Address, Office oi Palladium, New Haven, Conn. 225. George D. Vose (Pawtucket). — Address, Paw- tucket, R. I. 226. Richard Waite (Lyme, Conn.). — Born in Lyme, Conn., September 26, 1831 ; graduated from Yale College, 1853; then settled in Toledo, O., where, after two years study of law, was admitted to the bar in 1855 ; became law partner of his brother, Hon. M. R. Waite, Chief Justice of the United States ; served two short terms of enlistment in the United States army, as captain of infantry ; married March 21, 1857 ; seven children, four living. Address, Toledo, O. 227. Charles Walker, Jr. (Northampton). — Removed to Lowell, from Northampton, then to Kentucky. Ad- dress, unknown. 228. Ethan Brooks (Chicopee). — Born in West Spring- field, Mass., January 10, 1832; paper making, 1854-58, in Ohio; dealer in paper, 1858-61; since 1861, farming; married January i, 1856; two children. Address, West Springfield, Mass. • 229. Walter Chadwick (Lyme, Conn.).— Born in Old Lyme, Conn., April 28, 1832 ; master of the merchant ship Blenheim ; his ship left New York, for Panama, in June, 1863, and has not been heard from since reaching the vicinity of the West Indies; married October 25, 1853; three children — one, a daughter, is living. 230. Enoch Ludden (Westhampton). — Born in West- hampton, Mass. ; attended Normal School, at Westfield ; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 95 occupation, farmer and butcher ; selectman in Westhamp- ton ; married December i, 1853 ; two children. Address, Easthampton, Mass. CLASS OF 1850. 231. Hudson Burr (Burrville, Conn.). — Born in Torring- ford, Conn., January 23, 1830; graduated from Yale Col- lege, 1853 ; taught Latin and Greek in the Maryland Military Institute, one year; in 1854, removed to Bloom- ington, 111. ; assistant clerk of circuit court, 1854-9; com- menced the practice of law, 1859; in the Union army, 1862-4 ; assistant adjutant general, with rank of captain ; in 1865 returned to practice of law, and has remained in it since ; city attorney for Bloomington, two years — 1864 and 1865; married December 11, 1854; two children. Ad- dress, Bloomington, 111. 233. Gardiner H. Clarkc (Brookline). 233. James Franklin Clarke (Rowe). — Born in Buck- land, Mass., January 31, 1832; graduated from Amherst College, 1854, and from Andover Theological Seminary, 1858; entered the ministry, 1859; ^t Bridgewater, Vt., seven months ; sailed from Boston to Turkey, June 14, 1859; reached station, October 22, 1859; visited America in 1870; returned in 1871 ; in charge of theological school at Samokove ; married April 14, 1859; four children. Ad- dress, Samokove, European Turkey, care A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Mass. 234. Sumner C. Coolidge (Orange). — Born in Orange, Franklin County, Mass., February 9, 1828; two years at Amherst College, and three years' study of medicine ; grad- uated at Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, Mass., 1855 ; has continued a practicing physician since 1856 ; superin- tendent of public schools, town and county, six years in Dane County, Wis. ; member of Wisconsin Medical Society ; four children. Address, Middleton, Dane County, Wis. 2:i5. John H. Combs (Warren). — Born in Warren, Mass., 96 ALUMNI RECORDS July 15, 1826; graduated from Union College, (Schenec- tady, N. Y.,) 1853 ; teaching from 1854 to outbreak of re- bellion, at Memphis, Tenn., and at Vicksburg ; driven North by the war ; kept a select school at Washington, D. C, one year, building taken for a hospital ; principal of a high school in Wisconsin, one year; took a homestead in Minnesota, and settled down to farming ; driven off by the Minnesota Indian massacre; clerk on a War Steamboat Transport, plying between Washington and City Point, near Richmond ; returned South at close of war and resumed teaching-; married August 21, 1856; no children. Ad- dress, Yazoo City, Miss. 330. Appleton Dadmun (Marlboro). — Born in Marl- boro, Mass., July 21, 1828 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1854; studied law with Hon. Henry Chapin, of Worcester, and admitted to the bar there, April i, 1857 ; practiced his profession in that city, until, obliged to relinquish it in 1868, from ill health ; married June 6, 1865 ; died of con- sumption, at Minneapolis, Minn.", November 2, 1869. 237. Henry Dickinson (Granby). — Born in Granby, Mass., June 27, 1833; graduated at Amherst, 1854; teach- ing, 1854-8; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1861 ; preaching since then; married December, 1865; three children. Address, Chester Center, Mass. 338. Charles AnaldoDupee (West Brookfi eld). — Born in West Brookfield, Mass., May 22, 183 1 ; graduated at Yale College, 1854; taught in Chicago, 1854-60; entered profession of law at Chicago, 1861 ; married December 29, 1863. Address, care Hitchcock & Dupee, Chicago, 111. 239. JosiAH William Harmar (Philadelphia, Pa.). — Born in Philadelphia, Pa., November 23, 1834; derived member- ship of the Society of the Cincinnati, from Gen. Josiah Har- mar, his grandfather; graduated at Yale College, 1855; traveled in Europe one year ; graduated at Yale Law School; admitted to the bar, 1858 ; in 1861, opened a law office in Philadelphia; in 1863, served in the ist Pennsyl- vania Artillery, at the burning of CarUsle, and in the WILLISTON SEMINARY. 97 Cumberland Valley after the battle of Gettysburg ; while spending a Summer vacation at Mount Desert, the boat in which he, with a party of seven others, was returning from a day's sailing excursion, was carried down by a sudden gust of wind, and only one of the party was rescued. He died July 24, 1867. 2iO, Henry F. Hawkes (South Hadley).— Went to Chi- cago ; enlisted at Chicago in a battery ; sent to West Vir- ginia ; rose to captain ; attached to General Benharn's staff; in the attack on Fort Wagner, (Colonel Shaw's charge,) went on the ramparts of the enemy ; after war went to Vir- 1 ginia and manufactured paper. Address unknown. 341. James King Hill (Montgomery, N. Y.). — Born in Montgomery, Orange County, N. Y., 1830; graduated at Yale College, 1854; studied law, 1854-7; admitted to the bar of New York, 1857; law partner with Gen. James C. Rice, (No. 250,) before the war ; since then alone in the profession. Address, 44 Wall street, New York. 243. Edward Ingraham (Bristol, Conn,). — Born in Bris- tol, Conn., April 10, 1829 ;.at Yale one year, and Yale Law School one year; in June, 1854, began making clocks in Bristol, Conn. ; in 1857, settled as a farmer in Jefferson, 111. ; lately returned to Bristol, and is engaged in making clocks with his father ; firm, E. Ingraham & Co. Address, Bris- tol, Conn. 2«. O. B. King (Suffield, Conn.).— Born in Suffield, Conn., June 15, 183 1 ; entered Amherst College, but left in Junior year, and spent the next four years in Western New York, Ohio and SufHeld ; went to Minnesota in 1856;. in lumber trade, 1856-60; in office of county treasurer of Hennepin County, 1860-8 ; engaged in building and oper- ating a flouring mill, 1868-70 ; in lumber trade, 1870 to date ; deputy county treasurer, five and one-half years ; county treasurer, two years ; member of common council of city of Minneapolis, three years, and president of the board, one year ; married November 23, 1858 ; six children, four living. Address, Minneapolis, Minn. ^^ OF THP. ^ [tjhivbrsit ^ilPO" 98 ALUMNI RECORDS ^4. Charles Clinton Latimer (Newington, Conn.). — Born in Newington, Conn., October 17, 1831^ entered Yale College, but left in Junior year from ill health ; graduated from Yale Medical School, 1856; has been a practicing physician in Bureau County, 111.; surgeon in the 131st Regiment Illinois Infantry, with rank of major of cavalry in war of the rebellion ; examining surgeon for pensions since 1861 ; married July 21, 1858; two daughters. Ad- dress, Princeton, Bureau County, 111. 345. Edward Hicks Magill (Newhope, Pa.). — Born in Solebury, Pa., September 24, 1825 ; entered Yale College, and passed Freshman year ; entered Brown University in advance, and graduated, 1852 ; teaching in the Providence, R. I., High School, as instructor, three years, and as princi- pal of the Classical Department, four years ; submaster of the Boston Latin School, 1859-67; in 1867, went to Eu- rope ; attended lectures at the Sorbonne and the College de France, and in the following Summer, made the tour of Europe ; principal of Preparatory Department, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, 1869-72 ;. president Swathmore Col- lege, (Society of Friends,) 1872 to date ; author of Magill's French Grammar, Magill's Introductory French Reader, and Magill's French Prose and Poetry ; married October 25, 1852; six children, five living. Address, Swathmore Col- lege, Swathmore P. O., Pa. 246. Albert Matthews (Leverett). — Born in Leverett, Mass., November 12, 1828 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1854; studied law ; practiced law in Denver, Col, then re- moved to Newark, N. J., and now does business in New York; is in insurance business, and deals in stocks; un- married. Address, 810 Broad street, Newark, N. J. 347. John Thomas Miller (Torringford, Conn.). — Born in Torringford, Conn., October 28, 1832 ; graduated at Yale College, 1854; teacher, 1854-7; lawyer since 1859, during which year he settled in Grand Rapids ; unmarried. Ad- dress, Grand Rapids, Mich. 248. Edmund M. Pease (Granby). — Born in Huntington, WILLISTON SEMINARY. 99 Mass., July 23, 1833 ; graduated at College Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1859; city physician for Springfield, Mass., three years ; two and one-half years, surgeon 3d Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery ; for many years a practicing physician in Springfield ; married January 14, 1862; no children. Address, Springfield, Mass. 249. Ira Welch Pettibone (Winsted, Conn.). — Born in Whitestown, N. Y., July 27, 1833 ; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1854; occupation, teaching; member of Connecticut Legislature, 1868 ; in the army as colonel loth Connecticut Vols. ; principal preparatory department, Beloit College ; married April, 1857; four children. Address, Beloit, Wis. 250 James Clay Rice (VVorthington). — Born in Worth- ington, Mass., December 27, 1828; graduated at Yale College, 1854; taught in Natchez, Miss, 1854-5; began practicing law in New York, 1855 ; entered the army May, 1861, as first lieutenant 34th New York Volunteers; was captain in the battle of Bull Run ; promoted to lieutenant colonel 44th New York Volunteers, September, 1861 ; served on the peninsula ; commanded a brigade at Gettys- burg; promoted brigadier general, August, 1863; com- manded brigade in the 5th Army Corps in 1864; mortally wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864. 251. William Steele Shurtleff (Springfield). — Born in Newbury, Vt., February 17, 1830; graduated at Yale College, 1854; lawyer from 1856 to date; judge of probate court since 1863; colonel 46th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia; married November 27, 1857; two daughters. Address, Springfield, Mass. 252. Metcalf John Smith (Middlefield). — Born in Mid- dlefield, Mass., September 7, 1830; graduated at Central New York College, 1855 ; taught two years at that college ; two years more at Eleutherian College, Indiana ; three years as principal of Lewiston Academy, Miflin County, Pa. ; two years in Collinsville, Conn., High School; in 1864, re- turned to Middlefield, to take the burden of care from an aged father; farmer since 1864; author of Robinson's lOO ALUMNI RECORDS Arithmetical Examples (Ivison & Phinney, New York, 1864). The work has lately been revised by D. W. p'ish ; married December 30, 1857; four children. Address, Middlefield, Hampshire County, Mass. 353. Nathan Upham (Brookfield). — Born in Brookfield, Mass., September 6, 1825 ; passed Freshman year in Yale College ; entered Yale Law School, 185 1, and took degree of LL.B. July, 1853; librarian in the Law School until July, 1854; admitted to the bar of New Haven, 1854; prin- cipal of the High School in Southbridge, Mass., 1855-6; High School in Hopkinton, Mass., 1857; taught fourteen years in the grammar schools of New York City as first assistant, and is now principal of one of the public schools of Brooklyn, N. Y., where he has twenty assistant teachers, and 1,200 pupils ; has published many poems in the New York papers ; married April 17, 1856 ; one daughter. Ad- dress, 174 South 4th street, Williamsburgh, N. Y. 354. Joseph Warren Wilson (Natick). — Born in Hop- kinton, Mass., January 4, 1826; graduated at Yale College, 1854; taught school at Russell's, in New Haven, two years ; studied law in New Haven, two years ; has practiced law in Norwalk, Conn., since 1858; member of board of education in Norwalk, twelve years ; married February 9, 1859; four children, two living. Address, Norwalk, Conn. 255. John Milton Wolcott (West Springfield). — Born in Agawam, Mass., November 20, 1830; graduated from Yale College, 1854, and from Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1859; teaching between college and seminary; licensed to preach, 1859; ordained, 1861 ; married Septem- ber 26, i860; no children. Address, Cheshire, Conn. 256. Daniel Dewey (Williamstown). — Born in Williams- town, Mass., March 3, 1834 ; entered Williams College from the Middle Class of 1850; graduated from college, 1855 ; studied law and settled in Williamstown ; is now a mer- chant in Boston; married April 29, 1864. Address, care Harding, Gray & Dewey, Congress street, Boston. 257. James Bartlett Meacham (Williamstown). — Born WILLISTON SEMINARY. lOI in Williamstown, Mass., November 27, 1828 ; entered Wil- liams College from the middle class of 1850; graduated at college, 1854; practicing law in Bennington, Vt. 258. John Henry Piatt (Philadelphia, Pa.). — Born in Norwich, Conn., November 17, 1833 ; left middle class of 1850 and studied privately with Principal Wright, eight months; graduated at Yale College, 1855; studied law at the Cincinnati Law School, 1855-7; admitted to the Bar of Ohio, 1857; lawyer in practice, 1857-61 ; at the break- ing out of the rebellion entered the army as adjutant ist Ohio Cavalry ; at the close of the war was transferred into the regular army as captain 31st United States Infantry, remaining such until 1869, when he resigned ; during the war held ranks of first lieutenant, adjutant, captain and major; United States Commissioner southern district of Ohio, 1858; married September 11, 1859; two children. Address, Register's office. Hall of Records, New York. 359. Edward Sanford, Jr. (Saybrook, Conn.). — Born in Saybrook, Conn., August 28, 1833 ; entered Yale College from the Middle Class of 1850; graduated there, 1854; taught school till 1856; commenced practice of law, 1857; married August i, 1855; five children. Address, Morris, Gerard County, 111. 3<)0. Henry Martyn Smith (South Hadley). — Born in Granby, Mass., August 20, 1834; completed a mathemati- cal course at Williston Seminary ; two years, mercantile life ; since 1852 manufacturing cassimeres ; married Novem- ber 8, i860; two children. Address, Enfield, Mass. 301. John N. Bullard (.Rowe). — Born in Rowe, Frank- lin County, Mass., July 23, 1832; left Williston Seminary at end of middle year ; employed as salesman in John H. Wells & Go's store, Easthanlpton, Mass., 1852-8; clerk of the New Bedford tlour mill corporation, 1858-68 ; ap- pointed treasurer and superintendent of the same, 1868; member of the New Bedford tity government three years, 1866-9; married February 20, 1861 ; four children. Ad- dress, New Bedford, Mass. I02 ALUMNI KFXORDS 2(}2, Lewis S. Glakk (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., December 28, 1828; was a member of the English department of WilHston Seminary many terms ; occupation, farmer ; has held several town offices ; member of the 5 2d Massachusetts Regiment; in service nine months; married December 7, 1854; wife died; married again May 15, 1866; one child living. Address, East- hampton, Mass. 203. Daniel H. Newton (Greenfield). — Born in Hub- bardston, Mass., June 22, 1827; occupation, manufacturer of lumber and contractor; member Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1869; county treasurer, 1862-5 5 I'nar- ried September 24, 1862; one. child living. Address, Greenfield, Mass. 264. James Peck (Bristol, Conn.). — Merchant. Address, Burlington, Vt. 265. John E. Peck (Bristol, Gonn.) — Merchant. Ad- dress, Burlington, Vt. 266. H. G. Stickney (Northampton). — Born in Hunt- ington, Mass., July 23, 1833 ; graduated at Gollege of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1859; i^^ ^^e army three years as surgeon ; married January 14, I862. Ad- dress, Springfield, Mass. GLASS OF 1851. 267. David G. Ayers (South Hadley). — Born in Gran by, Mass., January 27, 1833 5 was two years in Amherst Gollege ; studied medicine at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; occupation, teach- ing, practice of medicine, keeping drug store ; married April, 1859; no children living. Address, unknown. 268. Gharles Wentworth Buck (Boston). — Born in Hampden, Me., August 19, 1833 ; graduated at Amherst Gollege, 1855 ; studied law, 1859-60 ; entered the ministry, 1862; married December 29* 1863; three children. Ad- dress, 116 Danforth street, Portland, Me. 269. John G. Dennis (Hardwick). — Born in Hard wick. WILLISTON SEMINARY. IO3 Mass., August 5, 1828 ; entered law school at Ballston, N. Y., and graduated with honor ; admitted to the Bar in New York ; his health, which was poor while he was at Williston Seminary, continued to decline, and he returned to Hard- wick in 1856; he died of consumption, July 30, 1858. 270. Sylvanus Clark Dickinson (Milford, Conn.)- — Born in Milford, Conn., November 28, 1832 ; at Yale Col- lege one year ; in business four years in New York ; one year in Cleveland, Ohio ; since then in Milford or New York. Address, Milford, Conn. 271. William Eastman Dickinson (North Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., June 11, 1832; graduated at Amherst College, 1855, and Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1858 ; since then in the ministry ; married September 6, i860 ; one child. Address, Walpole, N. H. 272. John Long Graves (Sunderland). — Born in Sun- derland, Mass., August 15, 1831 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1855 ; studied theology privately, chiefly with Dr. Kirk, of Boston ; entered the ministry, 1857; settled over Springfield Street Church, in Boston ; now in insurance business ; has taught at various times ; married September I, 1858. Address, Springfield, Mass. 273. Ebenezer F. Hawley (Ridgefield, Conn.). — Born in Ridgefield, Conn., October 8, 1832 ; entered Amherst College and died during the Junior year of his course, De- cember 5, 1853. 274. Charles Hopkins (Rutland, N. Y.). — Born in Rutland, Jefferson County, N. Y., January 31, 1832; en- tered Yale College, but was obliged by sickness to leave at the end of the Sophomore year ; afterwards received A. M. from Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y. ; began study of law, but abandoned it for theology ; entered An- dover Theological Seminary ; obliged again by sickness, 1859, to leave school ; meantime had taught four or five years ; in i860, all hope of professional life being gone, pur- chased a bookstore in Norwich, N. Y. ; remained there ten years ; during most of this time acted as county secretary 104 ALUMNI RECORDS of Sunday schools for Chenango County, N. Y., with high- ly encouraging results — numerous revivals ^of religion ac- companying his work ; in 1867, chosen district secretary of Sunday schools for southern New York, a territory covering twelve or thirteen counties ; held the office five years ; chosen general agent of the Equitable Life Assurance So- ciety of the United States, 1870, office hours 12.30 to 1.30, p. M. ; attached himself to the Brooklyn Tabernacle Free Lay College (Rev. T. D. Talmage, D. D., president) ; has organized and is at present conducting a large mission in East New York ; has written much for the press ; is New York correspondent for the Sunday School Times ; married September 9, 1868; one child. Address, 120 Broadway, New York. 275. Charles M. Rowland (Conway). — Born November 25, 1830; he entered Amherst College, but his health failed before completing his course of study ; he died October 20, 1853. 276. Henry Sylvester Kelsey (Evansville, N. Y.). — Born in LeRoy, Jefferson County, N. Y., December 5, 1830 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1855 ; studied theology in New York and East Windsor, Conn. ; taught in an academy at Gallipolis, Ohio, 1855-6; tutor and instructor in mathe- matics in Amherst College, 1857-60; professor of mathe- matics, natural philosophy and astronomy in Beloit College, Wis., 1860-3 ; pastor of Congregational Church in Granby, Mass., 1863-6 ; pastor First Congregational Church, Rock- ville. Conn., \%66-%\ employed by the American Mission- ary Association in Mobile, Ala., 1869; taught in Geneva, N. Y., 1869-70; pastor Congregational Church, Holliston, Mass., 1870-3 ; installed pastor Congregational Church, Woburn, Mass., 1873 ; married, 1861 ; wife died, 1865 \ o^^^ child, died 1856 ; married again, 1867; no children. Ad- dress, Woburn, Mass. 277. Gabriel Ludlum (Napanoch, N. Y.). — Born in Woodburne, Sullivan County, N. Y., November 23, 1834; was in Yale College a part of Freshman year ; engaged WILLISTON SEMINARY. IO5 in flour mill at Napanoch, Ulster County, N. Y. ; sold out and removed from there ; died some years ago at Nassau, N. Y. 378. George Augustus Mason (Bridgeport, Conn.). — Was in Yale College a part of the course ; killed about 1855 on a railroad, of which his father was superintendent, by putting his head from the car window while, the train was in motion. 370. Jarvis King Mason (Enfield, Conn.). — Born in En- field, Hartford County, Conn., November 8, 1831 ; gradu- ated at Yale College, 1855, and the Medical Department of Harvard, 1861 ; principal public schools in New York and Ohio, 1855-6; principal of academies in Texas and Missis- sippi, 1856-9; practicing physician since 1861 ; married June 23, 1863 ; wife died April 13, 1864 ; no children. Ad- dress, Suffield, Hartford County, Conn. 380. George Lowell Montague (South Hadley). — Born in South Hadley, Mass., December 15, 1833 J graduated at Williams College, 1855 ; teaching, 1856-60, at Beloit, Wis., and Freeport, 111. ; studied law ; was to have been ad- mitted at the outbreak of the rebellion ; in 6th Wisconsin Regiment from April, 1861, and raising troops on staff of the Governor of Wisconsin until his death, about April, 1862 ; in 37th Massachusetts Regiment from August 11, 1862, through the war ; in the 6th Wisconsin held rank of first lieutenant and captain ; in the 37th Massachusetts held com- missions of captain, major and lieutenant colonel ; held command of his regiment from the battle of the Wilder- ness, May, 1864; breveted colonel, May 12, 1864, "for dis- tinguished gallantry in the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia ; " could not be mustered out as full colonel, as the regiment had become reduced below the minimum number required, but continued in command until March, 1865, except such times as he commanded a brigade ; since the war in life insurance, as actuary of the Universal Life Insurance Company, of New York ; married May 29, 1865 ; no children. Address, 102 Broadway, New York. 14 I06 ALUMNI RECORDS 281. William Lewis Montague (Belchertown). — Born in Belchertown, Mass., April 6, 1831 ;^graduated at Amherst College, 1855 ; taught in Williston Seminary, 1855-7; tutor in Amherst College, 1857-8; instructor in Latin and French, 1858-62 ; associate professor of Latin, 1862-4; professor of French, Italian and Spanish, and li- brarian, 1864 to date ; since his appointment as professor has visited Europe twice, spending nearly a year each time in travel and study ; author of " Manual Italian Grammar " and a " Spanish Grammar ; " married ; no children. Address, Amherst, Mass. 382. Charles W. Moore (West Boylston).— Born in West Boylston, Mass., November 28, 1832 ; two years in Amherst College; railroading from 1854-8 on the Illinois Central ; high school teacher and superintendent of schools in Massachusetts and Minnesota, 1858-69; superintendent of Western Division of St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, 1869 to date ; in the Union army one year as second lieutenant Company I, 51st Massachusetts Volunteers ; married April 10, 1859; five children. Address, Willmar, Minn. 283. Henry Bradford Nason (North Bridgewater). — Born in Foxboro, Mass., June 22, 1831 ; graduated as Bachelor of Science at Amherst College, 1855 ; graduated as Doctor of Philosophy at the Georgia Augusta Univer- sity, Gottingen, Germany; appointed professor of Natural History in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, N. Y., 1857 ; declined appointment of professor of Chemistry and Natural Science in Oahu College, Sandwich Islands, and ac- cepted appointment to same chair in Beloit College, Wis. ; entered upon the professorship at Beloit, 1858, and spent a part of each year there, the remainder at Troy, until 1866, when he resigned the position to accept professorship of Chemistry and Mineralogy at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., which position he now holds ; pub- lished in 1865, "Tables of Reactions for Qualitative An- alysis;" in 1868, edited '"Wohler's Handbook of Mineral Analysis;" in 1870, published "Tables for Qualitative WILLISTON SEMINARY. IO7 Analysis in Colors ;" in 1873, edited "Manual of Blowpipe Analysis;" received honorary degree of A. M. from Am- herst College in 1863; married September 7, 1864; two children, one living. Address, Troy, N. Y. 284. James Orton (Greene, Chenango County, N. Y.) — Born in Seneca Falls, N. Y., April 21, 1830 ; graduated at Williams College, 1855, and at Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1858; traveled in Europe and the East, 1858-9; in South America, 1867-8; in the ministry, 1859-69; chosen professor of Natural History in Vassar College, Poughkeep- sie, N. Y., 1869; published "Miners' Guide and Metallur- gists' Directory," 1849; " Proverbialist and Poet," 1851; "The Andes and the Amazon," 1870; "Underground Treasures, and How and Where to find them," 1872 ; "The Liberal Education of Women," 1873 ; several school books ; married November 17, 1859 5 ^^ur children. Address, Vas- sar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 385. Walter B. Osgood (Templeton). — Born in Tem- pleton, Mass., April 6, 1835; entered Dartmouth College in 1852, but was obliged to leave at the end of Ereshman year on account of a disease of his eyes. Traveled in Europe and Africa, 1857-62 ; studied law ; health failed in 1864 and he was obliged to rest ; went to Europe again, 1865 — returned, 1868 ; settled in New York to engage in practice of law ; died suddenly in New York, March 10, 1872. 386. John Richards (New Hartford, Conn.). — Born in New Hartford, Conn., July 5, 1822 ; graduated at Williams College, 1855 ; taught a part of two years ; farming since 1855 ; also has owned and run a lumber mill since 1864; has worked much in Sunday school missions, and is a lay preacher ; married December 23, 1863 ; no children. Ad- dress, New Hartford, Conn. 287. Edwin Francis Sandys (Pittsfield). — Born in Lebanon Springs, N. Y., March, 1832; graduated at Yale College, 1857, and studied law in Pittsfield ; was principal of High School in Pittsfield ; is now insurance agent. Ad- dress, Pittsfield, Mass. I08 . ALUMNI RECORDS 288. Cyrus Austin Snow (Coleraine). — Born in Cole- raine, Mass., November ii, 1832; graduated at Williams College, 1855 ; taught in Kentucky and elsewhere; is now a farmer. Address, Austin, Texas. 289. George Talcott (West Hartford, Conn.). — Born in West Hartford, Conn., 1833 ; graduated at Yale College, 1855 ; studied law and practiced his profession in New York until January, 1859; ^^ then joined his brother in wholesale drug business in Hartford; married, 1862; wife died, 1863 ; married again May 16, 1871 ; he died at Niag- ara Falls, N. Y., May 29, 1871. 290. Alvan Wallace (Hoosick, N. Y.). — Address, Auburn, Cayuga County, N. Y. 291. William H. Watson (Lafayette, Ohio.). 292. William R. Wilkinson (Bucks County, Pa.). 293. Charles H. Ballard (Charlemont). — Born in Charlemont, Mass., January i, 1832; completed English course at Williston Seminary ; studied Civil Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ; joined a party of sur- veyors at work on what was then called the Sackett's Har- bor and Saratoga Railroad — now, after various changes, the Adirondack Company's Railroad ; has been engaged for the same company since then, and now holds the position of superintendent ; married June 23, 1861 ; two children. Address, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 294. Samuel Baker Forbes (Hopkinton). — Born in Westboro, Mass., August i, 1826 ; went from Middle Clas- sical Class to Williams College; graduated there, 1855, and at East Windsor Theological Seminary, 1857; i^ the minis- try, 1857-9; i^ business since 1859; 1862-71, dealer in furniture ; 1 871 to date, manufacturer of scythes ; married October 23, 1867 ; one child. Address, West Winsted, * Conn. 295. Thaddeus Graves (Hatfield). — Born in Hatfield, Mass. ; left Classical Class Middle Year ; graduated at Amherst College, 1856; studied law and practiced in New York ; returned to Hatfield, and is now engaged in farming WILLISTON SEMINARY. lOQ and law practice ; married ; three children. Address, Hat- field, Mass. JJ90. John H. Leavitt (East Charlemont). — Born in Heath, Mass. ; completed an English course in Williston Seminary ; studied higher mathematics at Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, Troy, N. Y. ; surveyor four years ; since 1856, a banker ; senator in Iowa Legislature, 187 1-3 ; mar- ied January i, 1858 ; four children. Address, Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. 297. John C. Polley (Holland). — Born in Holland, Mass., January 27, 1828 ; completed a course in English at Williston Seminary ; civil engineer, six months ; studied law and admitted to practice, 1854; a practicing lawyer since that date ; judge county court in Clinton County, Iowa, two terms, 1860-4; married January 24, 1856; three children. Address, 143 South Clark street, Chicago, 111. 398. George Crockett Strong (Easthampton). — Born October 6, 1832 ; adopted by Hon. A. L. Strong, of East- hampton ; went from Middle Classical Class to Union Col- lege ; graduated third in his class at West Point, 1857; placed in command of Watervliet Arsenal at Troy, N. Y. ; chief of ordnance to Gen. McDowell at Bull Run ; was on the staff of Gen. McClellan ; in 1861, chief of staff to Gen. Butler ; promoted to brigadier general, he joined Gen. Gilmore in operations about Charleston ; stormed batteries on Morris Island ; his boots becoming filled with water, he led the charge in his stockings ; led the charge on Fort Wagner and was fatally wounded ; died of lockjaw in New York, July 30, 1863 ; made major general by brevet, and was the youngest such officer in the army ; married April 14, 1859; left one son. 299. Lewis H. Judson (Bridgeport, Conn.).— Born in New York May 19, 1834; has been in business since leav- ing the Seminary ; is a merchant ; unmarried. Address, 50 Howard street, New York. 300. John William Lawton (Longmeadow). — Born in Monson, Mass., March 31, 1835 ; studied medicine, gradu- no ALUMNI RECORDS ating at Yale Medical College, 1859; is a practicing physi- cian and adjunct professor Ophthalmology, and Otology, Medical Department, University of Syracuse ; in the Union army, 1862-6, as surgeon United States Volun- teers ; unmarried. Address, Syracuse, N. Y. 301. PioRACE A. Potter (Plymouth, Conn.). — Graduated at Bridgewater, Mass., Normal School ; after teaching a few terms he began farming, and has followed that since ; married May, 1861; two children. Address, Thomaston, Conn. CLASS OF 1852. 302. Lyman Bartlett (North Hadley). — Born in North Hadley, Mass., February 20, 1831 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1856, and Theological Seminary at East Windsor, Conn., 1861 ; pastor at Morrisville, Vt., 1861-7; sailed from Boston, September 11, 1867, as missionary under A. B. C. F. M. ; arrived at Caesarea, Cappadocia, Asia Minor, November 8, 1867 ; is still in the missionary service ; mar- ried October 30, 1857; one child. Address, care A. B. C F. M., Boston. 303. Walter Barton (Granby). — Born in Granby, Mass., May 5, 1833; graduated at Amherst College, 1856; taught English Grammar and Latin two years in Williston Semi- nary ; graduated at East Windsor Theological Institute, 1 861 ; preached one year at Oxford, Conn. ; one year at Grafton, Vt. ; three years at South Amherst, Mass., where he was ordained, February 17, 1864; removed to Suffield, Conn., 1866; installed there, 1869; married. Address, Suffield, Conn. 304. James Atwood Bates (Granby). — Born in Newton, Mass., 1832 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1856, and at Andover Theological Seminary, i860; foreign missionary to Ceylon, 1860-4 5 since then pastor at Huntington, Mass., B , O., Brooklyn, O., and Lowell, Mass. ; married, i860; five children. Address, Lowell, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. Ill 305. Chester Bridgman (Westhampton). — Born in West- hampton, Mass., July 3, 1833 ; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1856, and at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1859; since then actively engaged in the ministry; author of pamphlet sermon, " Mechanism of Man," and tract, " Come Unto Me;" married May, 30, 1861 ; one child. Address, Portland, Pa. 306. Horatio Nelson Brockway (Lyme, Conn.). — Born in Lyme, Conn., November 8, 1834; graduated from Yale College, 1856. Address, Wellsville, Franklin County, Kansas. 307. John Milton Burrall (Bridgeport, Conn.). — Born in South Canaan, Conn., August 30, 1834; in Yale College two years ; in employ Illinois Central Railroad two years, at Galena, 111., then eighteen months cashier in freight office of same company, at Chicago; in 1859 he was residing at Lakeville, Conn. Address^ Mellonville, Orange County, Fla. 308. Henry M.JButler (Buckland). — Born in Buckland, Mass., 1831 ; is a music teacher and organist in St. Louis, Mo.; married about i860. Address, St. Louis, Mo. 309. William Harvey Wilson Campbell (Chelsea). — Born in Boston, October 23, 1833 ; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1856; meteorologist Atrato Ship Canal Survey, 1857-9; newspaper editor since i860; at present, editor of Norwich Mornmg Bulletin \ married November 28, 1861 ; no children. Address, Norwich, Conn. 310. Arthur Champion (Lyme, Conn.). — Born in Old Lyme, Conn., November 4, 1834; is master of the New York and London packet ship New World ; married De- cember 25, 1869; no children. Address, Lyme, Conn. 311. John Henry Dodge (Wenham). — Born in Wenham, Mass., February 14, 1828 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1856; studied theology at Andover; was ordained as a missionary, at Wenham, September 21, 1859 > sent by the American Missionary Association to the Mendi Mission, West Africa; in the Spring of 1861 he returned to this country on account of the health of his wife ; from July ist 112 ALUMNI RECORDS of the same year to his decease, he was acting pastor of the Congregational Church in Wendell, Mass. ; married October 6, 1859. ^^ ^^^^ ^^ lung fever, at Wendell, Mass., June 18, 1863. 313. Hamilton Nathan Eldridge (Williamstown). — Born in South Williamstown, Mass., August 2, 1831 ; grad- uated at Williams College, 1856 ; graduated Albany Law School; brevet brigadier general volunteer force in the army ; married. Address, Chicago, 111. 313, Nathan L. Hazen (Worthington). — Born in Worth- ington, Mass., April i, 1832 ; has been a farmer, with short intervals of teaching; married November i, i860; six chil- dren. Address, Philo, Champaign County, 111. 314^ Charles Henry Hitchcock (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., August 23, 1836; graduated at Amherst College, 1856, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1861 ; studied in Royal School of Mine*, London, 1865-6; assist- ant geologist State of Vermont, 1857-60; geologist State of Maine, 1 861-2 ; geologist State of New Hampshire, 1868 ; lecturer on Zoology, and Curator of Cabinets in Amherst College, 1858-63; professor Geology and Mineralogy in Lafayette College, Easton Pa., 1867-70; professor Geology and Mineralogy in Dartmouth College, 1869; justice of the peace and quorum for the State of New Hampshire ; re- ceived honorary degree of Ph. D. from Lafayette College, 1869; author of Geology of Vermont, 1861 ; two reports Geology of Maine, 1862-3 ; supplement to Ichnology of Massachusetts, 1865 ; Mount Washington in Winter, 1871 ; Elementary Geology, i860; in all cases joint authorship with others ; has published nearly sixty minor pamphlets, reports, essays, etc. — chiefly on geological subjects — in va- rious magazines. State documents, for mining companies, etc.; married June 19, 1862; four children. Address, Hanover, N. H. 315. Levi Holbrook, Jr. (Westboro). — Born in West- boro, Mass., March 7, 1836; graduated at Yale College, 1S57; the French and German languages and literatures WILLISTON SEMINARY. II3 Studied in Cambridge and Boston ; the Italian and Spanish languages and literatures studied in the "resident graduate" department of Harvard University ; a disease of the eye has prevented his entering professional life or performing steady literary labor ; has spent his life in reading, travel and business ; married December 27, 1871 ; one child. Address, P. O. Box 536, New York. 316. James E. Hutchison (Jacksonville, Pa.V — Died while Sophomore in Amherst College. 317. Edward Payson Kimball (Ipswich). — Born in Ips- wich, Mass., March 22, 1836 ; graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1857; studied law; practices his profession in Salem, Mass. ; resides at Ipswich, Mass. Address, Salem, Mass. 318. William Bird Kimball (Oakham). — Born in Oak- ham, Mass., June 2, 1833; graduated at Amherst College, 1856; traveled in the West one year; farming in West- boro, Mass., 1857-61 ; served three years in the army of the Potomac ; enlisted as private ; served as first sergeant, commissary sergeant, second lieutenant, first lieutenant and captain in the 13th Massachusetts Infantry; residing in Enfield, Mass., since 1864; justice of the peace, and has held various town offices; married February 17, 1858; no children. Address, Enfield, Mass. 319. Edward Payson Lane (Oakham).— Was a son of the founder of Lane Seminary ; engaged in boating on the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers ; died of consumption, May, 1869, at Memphis, Tenn. 3^0. Jo^N Eddy Dunbar Lamberton (Ware). — Born in Ware, Mass., February 11, 1835; graduated at Williams College, 1856; taught a private school in Philadelphia, Pa. He had chosen the ministry as his life-work ; died June 22, 1857. 33J1. Charles A. Mann (Utica, N. Y.). — Born in Utica, N. Y., May 29, 1835; graduated at Yale College, 1856; traveled in Europe, 1856-7; admitted to the bar in New York, 1869 ; nominally a lawyer since that date ; practiced with Mann & Rodman, New York, then removed to St. 15 114 ALUMNI RECORDS Paul, Minn. ; author of " Paper Money, The Root of all Evil" (Appleton & Co., New York, 1872); married June 15, 1864; wife died, 1869; three children. Address, 65 Broad street, Utica, N. Y. 3.33. Richard Henry Mather (Binghamton, N. Y.). — Born in Binghamton, N. Y., February 12, 1835 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1857, having intermitted one year to travel in Europe ; taught Middle Classical Class in Willis- ton Seminary, 1857-8; studied in Germany, 1858-9; in- structor in Greek in Amherst College, 1859-64; professor of Greek and German in Amherst College, 1864 to date ; has edited a book of Selections from Herodotus and Thucy- dides, for college use, and also Sophocles Oedipus Tyran- nus ; married. Address, Amherst, Mass. 333, Francis Le Baron Monroe (Granby). — Born in Medway, Mass , March 20, 1836 ; entered Yale College, but left end of second year and graduated at Williams College, 1857; studied medicine in Bowdoin College, and at Har- vard, taking degree M. D., 1861 ; assistant surgeon Boston Light Artillery, April to August, 1861 ; assistant surgeon 1st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, September, 1861, to January, 1863; surgeon 15th Massachusetts Volunteer In- fantry, January, 1863, to August, 1864; medical inspector 2d Corps army of the Potomac, July, i863, to January, 1864; A. A. surgeon United States army, September, 1864, to April, 1866; assistant port physician, City of Bos- ton, Summer of 1866 ; assistant surgeon United States army at present, and since May, 1867; married January 17, 1873 ; no children. Address, Care of Surgeon General United States army, Washington, D. C. 324, Cyrus Northrop (Ridgefield, Conn.). — Born in Ridgefield, Conn., September 30, 1834; graduated at Yale College, 1857, ^^d at Yale Law School, 1859; engaged in practice of law, 1860-2; assistant clerk Connecticut House of Representatives, i860; clerk in 1861 ; clerk of Senate, 1862; 1862 to 1863, editor New Haven Palladmm ; Sep- tember, 1863, became professor of Rhetoric and English WILLISTON SEMINARY. II5 Literature in Yale College, which position is still held ; ap- pointed collector of customs for District of New Haven, April, 1869; reappointed April, 1873; several addresses have been printed; married September 30, 1862; three children. Address, New Haven, Conn. 335. Ferdinand Rogan (Kingsport, East Tenn.). — En- tered University of Vermont, but left during first year because of broken health ; teaching, 1853-7; in the ministry, 1857-9 5 h^s followed the profession of teaching since 1859, principally at the South in the conduct of private schools ; married January 30, 1857; four children. Address, Ben- tonville, Benton County, Ark. 336. Edward Payson Smith (Easthampton). — Born in Granby, Mass., September 3, 1832; in Yale College one year ; since then in business ; is a manufacturer of woolen goods; married October 20, 1855 ; no children. Address, Enfield, Mass. 337. John Woodbridge Smith (North Hadley). — Born in North Hadley, Mass., March 13, 1836; graduated at Amherst College, 1856; in Harvard Law School one year; admitted to the bar, 1857 ; studied one year more with Hon. R. H. Chapman ; removed to Chicago, September, 1868 ; is practicing his profession ; married April 21, 1863 ; one child. Address, Chicago, 111. 33S. William P. Strickland (Sandisfield). — Born in Monterey, Mass., January 12, 1835 j graduated at WilHams College, 1858 ; is a lawyer, and has been for some time clerk of courts for Hampshire County, Mass. ; married Septem- ber 4, 1861 ; four children. Address, Northampton, Mass. 330. Edmund L. Traver (Greenbush, N. Y.). — Born in Greenbush, December 11, 1829; entered Williams College, but obliged by ill health to relinquish a college course ; taught, 1853-4; ii^ December, 1856, appointed principal of State Street School, Columbus, O.; ill health obliged him to resign in 1858; farmer for a time; traveled, selling pianos a year; during Fall of 1862, appointed by adjutant general of Ohio, clerk to mustering and disbursing officer, Il6 ALUMNI RECORDS regular army; in May, 1863, clerk to paymaster, and was sent to Vicksburg during siege, to pay Grant's army; Win- ter of 1863-4, auditing clerk in quartermaster's department, at Baltimore; in May, 1864, purchased a fruit farm at Ash- tabula, O. ; sold it in 1872, and since then a traveling com- mercial agent for benefit of his health; married January 18, 1855; two children. Address, Ashtabula, O. 330. Arthur H. Twining (Lenox). — Born in Sandisfield, Mass., June 5, 1836; was in a store, then engaged in the insurance business, in which he continued during his life; enlisted as private in ist Connecticut Artillery ; was ser- geant major, and rose to lieutenant ; died of cancer in Phil- adelphia, Pa., October 28, 1872. 331. AcHABUS George Wilkinson (Wilhmantic, Conn.). —Born in Willimantic, Conn., February 22, 1834 ; graduated at Yale College, 1856 ; studied Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in Washington, for a year; also studied at College de France, in Paris, and at Heidelberg, in Germany ; associate professor of Ancient Languages and professor of Modern Languages in University of Missouri; since 1861, con- nected with examining corps of United States Patent Office ; principal examiner since 1867; married, 1857; wife died, 1859; married again January, 1865 ; two children. Ad- dress, United States Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 333. Francis S, Williams (Erie, Pa.). 333. Charles H, Crofut (Danbury, Conn.). 334. John H. Jenks (North Brookfield).— Completed English course ; has followed teaching as a profession ; taught in Williston Seminary ; studied and traveled in France and Germany ; professor German in Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. ; married, 1873; three adopted children. Address, St. Louis, Mo. 335. William E. Livingston (Lowell). — Address, Low- ell, Mass. 336. E. W. Metcalf (Bangor, Me.).— Address, Elyria, O. 337. James H. Newton (Greenfield). — Born in Hub- bardston, January 13, 1832; completed English course; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 11/ graduated at Dartmouth College, 1859; principal of Thomas Grammar School, Worcester, Mass., 1859-64; paper man- ufacturer at present; married November 23, 1863. Ad- dress, Holyoke, Mass. 338. Albert D. Searle (Southampton). — Address, Lawrence, Kan. 339. A. Lyman Williston (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., December 13, 1834; completed Eng- lish course in Williston Seminary ; taught for a time, then engaged in manufacturing ; now treasurer and agent of Greenville Manufacturing Company, (sheetings and cotton goods,) Northampton, Mass. ; chosen trustee of Williston Seminary, and of Mount Holyoke Seminary, 1873 ; married June 12, 1 86 1 ; five children living. Address, Northamp- ton, Mass. 340. Henry P. Billings (Hatfield). — Born in Hatfield, June 9, 1836; has been a merchant; in the army nine months as second lieutenant in 52d Massachusetts Volun- teers ; register of deeds for Hampshire County, Mass., since 1871 ; unmarried. Address, Hatfield, Mass. 341. Daniel T. Kimball (Oakham). — Born in Oakham, Mass., July 24, 1835 ; in business in New York until his death ; died of typhoid fever, March, 1864. 343. Henry T. Hannum (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., August 23, 1830; farmer, selectman ; mar- ried May 10, 1870. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 343. Alanson B. Long (Greenfield). — Born March 26, 1835; finished preparation for college, at Saxton's River; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1858; taught before en- tering college and after graduation ; studied law at Harvard University; captain Company A, 5 2d Massachusetts Volun- teers ; assistant provost marshal of Baton Rouge, La. ; mustered out, 1863 ; returned at once to New Orleans and practiced law; appointed district attorney of Louisiana, 1870, which office he held at the time of his death, October 30, 1870. 344. Carlos Smith (Northford, Conn.). — Born January Il8 ALUMNI RECORDS 28, 1834; occupation, manufacturer; married April 24, 1857; five children. Address, New Haven, Conn. 315. Leigh R. Worcester (Ipswich).— Born in Newbury, Mass., January 2, 1835 ; finished preparation for college at Andover, Phillips Academy; entered Harvard, but was obliged to leave college from ill health; enlisted as private in 1 2th Massachusetts Infantry; mustered in as second lieutenant ; regiment ordered to Arlington Heights and changed to ist Massachusetts Heavy Artillery; attacked with malarial fever and obliged to resign ; re-enlisted in 3d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, and served in quartermas- ter's department; mustered out, September 18, 1865 ; em- ployed at present as book-keeper in Boston ; married Oc- tober 24, i860 ; three children. Address, Ipswich, Mass. CLASS OF 1853. 340. Edmund Thompson Allen (Fairhaven). — Born in Fairhaven, Mass., August 10, 1836 ; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1857; studied law, 1857-9; practicing law in New Bedford, Mass., 1859-63 ; short-hand reporter in -military courts at St. Louis, Mo., 1863-5 ; land commissioner of City of St. Louis, iS66-y ; practicing law in St. Louis, 1867 to date ; married January 13, 1863 ; three children. Address, 419 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. 347, James Theodore Briggs (Orange). — Born in Orange, Mass., 1831 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1857; teaching, 1857-70; since then a merchant; then dealer in furniture; married, i860; two sons. Address, San An- tonio, Texas. 348, Augustus Field Beard (South Norwalk, Conn.). Born in Norwalk, Conn., May 11, 1833 ; graduated at Yale College, 1857; entered the ministry, i860; married, 1862; four children. Address, 236 East Genesee street, Syra- cuse, N. Y. 349, Smith Samuel Caldwell (Marion, N. Y.). — Born in Marion, N. Y., 1835 ; entered Hamilton College, but WILLISTON SEMINARY. I IQ changed to Union College, and graduated, 1857 ; studied law and practiced in New York for some years ; is now a banker. Address, Caldwell, Hamilton & Co., Omaha, Neb. 350. Thomas William Fox (Worcester). — Born in Wor- cester, Mass., May 24, 1835 ; graduated at Brown Univer- sity, 1856; studied law in Harvard Law School, eighteen months ; entered profession of law, 1859 > practiced a while in Worcester, Mass. ; is not now there. Address unknown. 351. John Griswold (Lyme, Conn.). — Born in Old Lyme, Conn., April 24, 1837; graduated at Yale College, 1857 ; surveyor in Kansas, 1858 ; at Lyme, Conn., 1859-60; in January, i860, sailed from New London to Honolulu, to engage in business ; remained for six months with a single Kanaka companion on a Guano island in the Pacific, of which it was important to claim possession ; taken off by a company of Chinamen and carried to San Francisco ; re- turned to Connecticut and entered the national service as captain Company A, nth Connecticut Volunteers; showed great boldness on the battle field, and at Antietam gave up his life. 353. Joshua Hobbs (Boston). 353. Charles Henry Hubbard (Clinton, Conn ). — Born in Bloomfield, Conn., July 31, 1836; entered Yale, Class of 1857 ; left college in March of first year because of sickness ; taught three years ; began study of medicine, 1857 ; grad- uated Yale Medical School, i860; in practice of medicine since i860; married, 1863 ; five children. Address, Essex, Middlesex County, Conn. 354. Horace W. Hubbard (Hatfield). — Born in Hatfield, Mass., March 22, 1835 ; was two years at Yale College ; in business in New Haven two years ; in Hatfield two years ; in importing dry goods house. Bliss, Wheelock & Kelley ; now residing in Hatfield. Address, Hatfield, Mass. 355. Edward E. Lyman (Sunderland). — Born in Sunder- land, Mass., December 13, 1834; clerk in office of secre- tary of commonwealth, Boston, 1856-7 ; principal academy, St. Clair, Mich., 1857--8: admitted to the bar, 1861 ; clerk 120 ALUMNI RECORDS of courts, Franklin County, Mass., 1867 to date; married June 8, 1 871 ; one son. Address, Greenfield, Mass. 356. Joseph Lyman Morton (Hatfield). — Born in Hat- field, Mass., November 15, 1833 ; graduated at Yale College, 1857 ; teaching in Stockbridge, Mass., 1857-8 ; studied law in Northampton and admitted to the bar, i860; studied theology at Princeton ; licensed by the Hampshire (Mass.) Association, and installed pastor of Congregational Church in Pittsfield, N. H., 1863; in 1864, accepted a call to First Presbyterian Church in Waukegan, 111., where he remained until his death; died December 7, 1867. 357. William S. Moore (Ridgefield, Conn.). — Is a lawyer. Address, Moore & Kerr, 97 Third street, St. Paul, Minn. 358. George Dana Board man Pepper (Ware). — Born in Ware, Mass, February 5, 1833; graduated at Amherst College, 1857, and at Newton, Mass., Theological Institu- tion, i860; taught in Williston Seminary, Fall term, 1857; pastor of Baptist Church, Waterville, Me., September i, i860, to August 31, 1865 ; professor Ecclesiastical History in Newton Theological Institution, September, 1865, to Au- gust, 1867; professor of Systematic Theology in Crozier Theological Institution, at Upland, Pa., September, 1868, to date ; received degree of D. D. from Colby University, in 1866; married November 29, i860; two children, one living. Address, Chester, Pa. 359. John Jay Philbrick (Springfield). 300. Edward Leighton Porter (New London, Conn.). Born in New London, Conn., June 17, 1837; graduated at Yale College, 1857; taught in Virginia; studied law and admitted to New London County, Conn., bar; in 1862, re- ceived appointment of adjutant in i8th Connecticut Vol- unteers; promoted to captain in same regiment, 1863; severely wounded near Winchester, Va. ; though wounded, took command of his company, and fell at Winchester while leading his men to a fourth charge; died June 15, 1863 ; his article, entitled, "The Horses of Neptune/' appeared in the New Englandcv iox July, 1862. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 121 361. Daniel Tertius Potter (Plymouth, Conn.). — Born in Plymouth, Conn., January i8, 1829; graduated at Yale College, 1858 ; taught in various places for four years ; com- menced practice of law in 1866; editor InstLrance Law JoiLrnal ; unmarried. Address, 24 Insurance Exchange, 5th and Olive streets, St. Louis, Mo. 3(>3. Daniel Henry Rogan (Kingsport, East Tenn.). — Born in Kingsport, Tenn., June 4, 1830; graduated at Am- herst College, 1857, and at Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y., 1859; in the ministry since then; married May 10, 1859; four children. Address, Newton, la. 36;i. William J. Smith (East Abington).— Died 1870, at St. Paul, Minn., where he was occupied as a dealer in boots and shoes. 3(U. Homer Bemis Stevens (Norwich). — Born in Nor- wich, Mass., September 9, 1835 ; graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1857 ; began practice of law February, 1859 > ^^.s had no other occupation; married April 10, 1861 ; no children. Address, Westfield, Mass. 305- John Howard Sweetser (Amherst). — Born in Am- herst, Mass., 1835; graduated at Amherst College, 1857; is a merchant; married, i860; four children. Address, jZ Leonard street. New York. 366. Joseph E. Tinker (Westfield, N. Y.).— Born in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, January 20, 1833 ; graduated at Hamilton College, 1857, and Auburn Theological Semi- nary, i860 ; has been in the ministry constantly since i860; married May 14, 1863 ; three sons. Address, Portville, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. 307. Matthew Walker (Ware). — Born in Stow, Mass., August 24, 1835; graduated at Amherst College, 1857; occupations, druggist, post-office clerk and accountant ; married December 21, 1871 ; no children. Address, Barre, Mass. 368. George Warner (Granby). — Born in Granby, Mass., January 22, 1835 ; a confirmed dyspeptic ; he has never been able to perform prolonged study ; on a farm, three 16 122 ALUMNI RECORDS years ; grocer's clerk in New York and in Minnesota, two years ; teaching in Alabama, 1859-60; in a grocery store in Williamsburgh, L. I., 1860-2 ; kept grocery store in Jer- sey City, 1862-71 ; traveled in the West. Address, Spring- field, Mass. 369. Charles White, Jr., (Chelsea). 370. Lemuel Tripp Wilcox (Fairhaven). — Born in Fair- haven, Mass., August 8, 1835; traveling, 1853-6; gradu- ated at Yale College, i860; studied law with Elliot & Stetson, of New Bedford ; admitted to the bar of New Bed- ford, Mass., 1862 ; in practice of law in that city since then ; married June 22, 1864 ; two children, one living. Address, 39 North Water street. New Bedford, Mass. 371. Nathan Willey (South Windsor, Conn.). — Born in South Windsor, Conn., August 24, 1831 ; graduated at Yale College, 1857; studied law in Minnesota; occupa- tions, lawyer, editor, actuary of insurance since 1867; has been assistant clerk House of Representatives, Connecti- cut ; nine months in the army as sergeant Company G, 25th Connecticut Volunteers. His present position is actuary of the insurance department of the State of Ohio. His duties are the examination of the insurance companies which do business in Ohio ; author of a standard work on life insurance, entitled, A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Life Insurance (New York, J. H. & C. M. Goodsell) ; also author of " Cost of Insurance " (New York, Stephen English, 1870). Address, Columbus, O. 372. Howard C. Williams (Ithaca, N. Y.)'. 373. J. C. AuDENRiED (Bethlehem, Pa.). — Colonel, and aide de camp to the general of the army. Address, Wash- ington, D. C. 374. Lewis S. Avery (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, March 20, 1834; is a farmer. Address, East- hampton, Mass. 375. Joseph Blake (Ashfield). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., September 6, 183 1 ; occupations, farmer in Ashfield, fore- man at Round Hill Water Cure, Northampton, Mass., and WILLISTON SEMINARY. 123 Steward in Hudson River Institute, at Claverack, N. Y. ; married May 27, 1857 ; one child. Address, Conway, Mass. 376. Israel Harmon (Suffield, Ct.). — Born November 19, 1834; teaching, ten terms ; farming; proprietor of dye house; married, 1858; three children. Address, Spring- field, Mass. CLASS OF 1854. 377. George Pierce Andrews (St. Johnsbury, Vt.). — Born in North Bridgeton, Me., September 29, 1835 ; grad- uated at Yale College, 1858 ; has followed no occupation but law; admitted to the bar of New York, i860; was assistant district attorney of the United States in New York, November, 1859, to July, 1865 ; assistant counsel to the corporation in that city, December, 1872, to date; un- married. Address, 82 Nassau street. New York. 378. Edward Payson Batchelor (Whitinsville). — Born in Whitinsville, Mass., January 30, 1835 ; graduated at Yale College, 1858; taught, 1858-60; graduated at Har- vard Law School, 1862 (received degree of LL.B.) ; in 1862, removed to San Francisco, Cal. ; in practice of law there. Address, San Francisco, Cal. 379. John H. Bright (Key West, Fla.).— Entered Yale, but left second term of Freshman year ; nothing farther learned of him. 380. Charles Henry Brown (Stephentown, N. Y.). — Born in Stephentown, Rensselaer County, N. Y., April 12, 1834; last term of preparatory course taken at Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, N. Y. ; graduated at Williams College, 1858 ; studied law in office of Seymour & Van Santvoord, Troy, N. Y. ; admitted to practice, i860; re- moved to Omaha June 18, i860 ; August, i860, to January, 1 86 1, ox-driver and captain of ox train to Denver, Col., 1,400 miles; in January, 1861, admitted to practice law in Nebraska; May to December, 1861, in the employ of Pa- cific Telegraph Company, and assisted in building first tel- 124 ALUMNI RECORDS egraph line across the continent ; served the company in various capacities to Salt Lake and back — camping on the plains, and sleeping on the ground in snow and rain ; October, 1862, elected prosecuting attorney for Douglas County, Neb. ; in June, 1863, tried, convicted and had exe- cuted a man for murder — the first legal, Christian execution in Nebraska, and the death of the Vigilance Committee ; re-elected prosecuting attorney, 1863 ; elected member of Constitutional Convention, 1864; member Nebraska House of Representatives, 1864; alderman of Omaha, 1865; re- elected to House of Representatives, 1865 ; re-elected al- derman, 1866; elected mayor of Omaha, 1867; received democratic vote for United States Senator, 1869; aban- doned politics, 1869; strictly a lawyer now; unmarried. Address, Omaha, Neb. 381. Charles C. Carpenter (Bernardston). — Born in Bernardston, Mass., July 9, 1836; profession, ministry; ordained in Montreal, P. Q., May, i860; in service of Christian Commission in the war ; missionary to Labrador, seven years ; superintendent Lookout Mountain Educa- tional Institute, 1866-72; resident licentiate at Andover, 1873; received honorary M. A. from Hamilton College, 1869; married May i, 1862. Address, Andover, Mass. 383. Edward P. Clark (La Porte, Ind.). — Born in La Porte, Ind., August 24, 1835 ; occupation, dry goods mer- chant since 1855 ; rnarried, i860; one child. Address, La Porte, Ind. 383. James Collins (Pineville, Pa.). — Bqrn in Pineville, Bucks County, Pa., October 20, 1831 ; graduated at Am- herst College, 1858; graduated M. D. at University of Philadelphia, i860; entered the army as surgeon 3d Penn- sylvania Volunteers ; subsequently assistant surgeon and surgeon United States Volunteers, and lieutenant colonel by brevet; served, 186 1-5 ; was once imprisoned in Libby; after the war he was appointed surgical demonstrator in University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department ; is also in the practice of his profession. Address, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 12$ 384. Henry Giles Delano (Sunderland). — Born, 1837; graduated at Amherst College, 1858 ; died, 1859. 385. Samuel G. W. Ely (Easthampton). — Born in North Mansfield, Conn., 1837; pursued the course of study in Williams College, until middle of Junior year ; health failed ; traveled in Europe, and finished with University course the last year; occupation, merchant; married May, 1869; two children. Address, Morrison, Whiteside County, 111. 386. Nelson Gregory Hall (Guilford, Conn.). — One year with class of 1859, in Yale ; left it in 1857, and gradu- ated from Yale Medical Department, i860; in the army as surgeon ; is a practicing physician. Address, Vernon, Conn. 387. Frederick W. Johnson (Pittsfield). — Address, Grinnell, la. 388. Charles H. Learoyd (North Danvers). — Born in Danvers, Mass., June 7, 1834; graduated at Harvard Col- lege, 1858, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1862; pri- vate tutor in Cincinnati, 1858-9; ordained deacon July 10, 1863 ; ordained priest June 24, 1863 ; at present, rector St. Thomas'" Church, Taunton ; married October 14, 1863. Ad- dress, Taunton, Mass. . 389. Samuel Henry Lee (Lisbon, Conn.). — Born in Sprague, Conn., December 21, 1832; graduated at Yale College, 1858; at Theological Seminary, 1862 ; taught Con- necticut Normal School, 1858-60; in the ministry since September, 1862; settled in Greenfield, Mass.; now in Cleveland; married August 7, 1861 ; three children. Ad- dress, 164 Clinton street, Cleveland, O. 300. Edward Milo Mills (Canton Center, Conn.). — Born in Canton Center, Conn., June 26, 1834 ; graduated at Yale College, 1858 ; teaching, two years ; since then manu- facturing ; married December 25, 1861 ; four children. Ad- dress, Unionville, Conn. 391. Allison Henry Norcutt (Enfield). — Born in Dana, Mass., October 10, 1830: entered Yale — left Fresh- man year; in 1855, went to Illinois and has been chiefly farming since then ; enlisted for the war, but was rejected 126 ALUMNI RECORDS from physical disabilities; married February 4, 1855 ; \^ife died; married again April 5, i860; three children. Ad- dress, Brooks P. O., Adams County, la. 393. Charles H. Sharp (Goshen, N. Y.). — Born in Goshen, Orange County, N. Y., August 15, 1836; profes- sion, lawyer; banking, 1857-60; lawyer, 1860-7; since then, farming ; married, i860; three children. Address, Louisiana, Pike County, Mo. 393. Edmund Morse Taft (Whitinsville). — Born in Peacham, Vt., July 16, 1834; graduated at Yale College, 1858; taught in Whitinsville, Mass., until his death, of fever, October 25, 1858. 394. Abraham J. Van Wyck (Fishkill, N. Y.).— Born in Fishkill, N. Y., April 26, 1836; collegiate course at Wil- liams College (did not graduate) ; professional course at Poughkeepsie Law School ; practiced law two years in New York ; twelve years preaching in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Michigan, and a member of the Michigan An- nual Conference. Address, Otsego, Allegan County, Mich. 395. Gideon Wells (Wethersfield, Conn.). — -'Born in Wethersfield, Conn., August 16, 1835; graduated at Yale College, 1858 ; studied law in Springfield, and admitted to practice there in March, i860 ; continued in practice in that city ; at present, register in bankruptcy ; served in the 46th Massachusetts Volunteers, and in the 8th Massachusetts Volunteers ; whole service in army, one year ; mustered out first lieutenant ; unmarried. Address, Springfield, Mass. 396. Ebenezer Wright (Norwich). — Born in Ludlow, Mass., September 19, 1830; was two years in Amherst and Williams Colleges, and two years in Columbia College Law School, New York ; has been connected with the New York Juvenile Asylum since i860; formerly as superin- tendent of the general office in New York, and for the last seven years superintendent of its western agency ; mar- ried November 15, i860; three children. Address, Bloom- ington. 111. 397. John BRECKENRiDGE,(Ware). WILLISTON SEMINARY. 12/ 398. Aaron I. Comfort (Philadelphia, Pa.). 899. Elizur S. Goodrich (Wethersfield, Conn.). 400. Edward H. Perkins, Jr. (Athens, Pa.). — Banker. Address, New York City. 401. James M. Thompson (Pineville, Pa.). 403. William F. Coney (Ware). — Born in Ware, Mass., June 1 8, 1834; occupation, teacher and farmer; in the Union army ten months as private ; married March 23, 1859; four children. Address, Ware, Mass. 403. Benjamin F. Davis (Ware). — Born in Three Rivers, November 9, 1837; farmer, dealer in lumber, mer- chant ; has held numerous town offices ; member of Massa- chusetts General Court, 1875 ; married July 26, 1856; seven children. Address, Enfield, Mass. 404. Edwin S. Janes (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., November 29, 1832; farmer and retail dealer; selectman; married May 10, 1855; two children. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 405. Jonathan H. White (Hinsdale). — Born in Hins- dale, .Mass., July, 1836; dry goods merchant since 1854; married June, 1871 ; no children. Address, care R. H. White & Co., 44 and 46 Winter street, Boston. CLASS OF 1855. 406. Edmund Bridges Allis (Whately). — Born in East Whately, December 11, 1835; graduated at Yale College, 1859 ; pursued the study of law in New Haven, and after- ward in New York; died October 12, 1861. 407. Felix Ansart, Jr. (New London, Conn.). — Born in New London, Conn., January 28, 1837; entered Am- herst College, but left at end of Sophomore year; gradu- ated at Yale College, 1859 J studied law at Yale Law School; admitted to the bar, 1861 ; practicing law, 186 1-2; teach- ing, 1862-5 ; 1865-9, civil engineer ; studied mechanics and drawing at Philadelphia Polytechnic School, 1869-70; re- sumed practice of law, 1870, at Tunckhannock, Pa. ; in May, 128 ALUMNI RECORDS 1 87 1, appointed chief engineer of the Montrose Railway- Company, which office he was holding in ^1873; elected district attorney of Wyoming County, Pa., in 1871, and was holding that office in 1873. Address, Tunckhannock, Wyoming County, Pa. 408. Edward Beard (South Norwalk, Conn.). 409. Thomas Mason Boss (New London, Conn.). — Grad- uated at Amherst College, 1859; is a Congregational min- ister, settled at Putnam, Conn. Address, Putnam, Conn. 410. Daniel Bowe (West Springfield). — Born in Aga- wam, Mass., January 9, 1829; graduated at Yale College, 1859; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1862; in 1862 began work near Port Royal, S. C, as superintend- ent of plantations in the employment of the Educational Commission of Boston ; died October 30, 1862. 411. William Lockwood Bradley (New Haven, Conn.). — Born in New York City, October 11, 1839 ; graduated at Yale College, i860; clerk in bookstore, 1860-1 ; student of medicine in Yale, 186 1-3 ; medical cadet. United States army, at McKim's Mansion Hospital, Baltimore, 1863; trav- eling and studying in Europe, 1864-5; began practice of profession in New Haven, June, 1865 ; soon after appointed Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Medical Department of Yale, and still holds the position ; in 1866, pubhshed under auspices of Connecticut Medical Society, a paper entitled, " Alcohol as a Dressing for Wounds ;" and in June, 1872, a paper entitled, " The Treatment of Puerperal Convulsions." Address, New Haven, Conn. 4:VZ. John Groesbeck Burnett (Cincinnati, O.). — En- tered Yale, but did not graduate ; returned to Cincinnati. Address, unknown. 413. Chapin Howard Carpenter (Holyoke). — Born in Milford, N. H., June 29, 1835 ? graduated at Harvard Col- lege, 1859, ^^^ Newton Theological Seminary, 1862; or- dained as an evangelist at Old Cambridge, Mass., Septem- ber 28, 1862 ; was set apart to the foreign missionary work at Burlington, Vt, October i, of the same year ; sailed at WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 29 once for Burmah under the auspices of the Baptist Church ; taught in the Kann Theological Seminary at Rangoon, 1863-8; transferred to the charge of the schools and churches of the Bassein district. His health faihng, he returned to America, via China, Japan and California, 1872 ; has assisted in editing a Hymn Book and Sacred Geography in Sgan Kann ; returned to the missionary ground, 1874 ; married October 17, 1862. Address, care of Baptist Missionary Union, New York. 414. Frederick Mason Dennison (Deep River, Conn.). — Entered Yale College and remained one year; in 1863 was express agent at New London, Conn. ; no further in- formation obtained. 415. Oscar Fitzgerald Ely (Holyoke). — Born in the portion of West Springfield which is now Holyoke, No- vember 5, 1834; graduated at Harvard College,' 1859; taught school in Germanna, Va., prior to the war ; taught in a Moravian school in Nazareth, Pa. ; entered the 46th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, 1862, as corporal ; served nine months ; is now a farmer in Holyoke. Address, Hol- yoke, Mass. 416. Edwin Bancroft Foote (New Haven, Conn.). — Born in North Granville, N. Y., May 28, 1836; graduated at Yale College, 1859; principal academy North Green- wich, Conn., 1859-61 ; principal academy, Westbrook, Conn., 1861-2; principal academy, Rye, N. Y., 1864; re- moved to New York City ; present residence unknown. 417. Robert Gillespie (Natchez, Miss.). 418. Charles Fowler Hand (Madison, Conn.). — Born in Madison, Conn., May 18, 1837 ; graduated Williams Col- lege, 1859, ^^d at Andover Theological Seminary, 1862 ; in the army, 1 861-4 ; has been for many years an invalid ; is at the United States Soldiers' Hospital, Togus Springs, near Augusta, Me. Address, care superintendent United States Hospital, Togus Springs, Me. 419. William Sage Hyde (Ware Village). — Born in Ware, Mass., June 20, 1838; graduated Williams College, I 130 ALUMNI RECORDS 1859; engaged in banking, 1859; became cashier, 1867; married December 15, 1859; three children. Address, Ware, Mass. 420. Henry Norton Johnson (West Meriden, Conn.). — Born in West Meriden, Conn., June 11, 1831 ; graduated at Yale College, 1861, and at Yale Theological Seminary, 1864; elected to the principalship of New Haven Hopkins Grammar School in 1864; resigned in 1873. He is at present in Germany, to study and examine German methods of instruction. Address, New Haven, Conn. 431. Luther Maynard Jones (Marlborough, N. H.). — Born in Marlborough, N. H., April 21, 1837; graduated at Yale College, i860, and at Columbia College Law School, 1865 ; began practice of law in New York, 1866. Address, 20 Nassau street, New York. 423, James Adams Kinney (Chicago, III). — Supposed to be dead. 423. Thomas Augustus Lewis (Ware). — Born in Ware, Mass., June 13, 1835 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1859; studied theology at Bangor. It was his purpose to enter the foreign missionary service, but infirm health pre- vented, and in October, 1862, he became stated supply of the Congregational Church in West Brookfield ; served as a delegate of the Christian Commission in the army of the Cumberland, in the Summer of 1863 ; in March, 1864, became acting pastor of the church in Shutesbury, Mass. ; died of paralysis of heart, at Phillipston, Mass., July 9, 1865. 424. James Ford Mann (Utica, N. Y.). — Born May 24, 1837, at Utica, N. Y. ; lawyer, 1857-62; manufacturer, 1862 to date ; married, 1861 ; four children. Address, Utica, N. Y. 425. Ezra Wallace Mathews (Hadley). — Born in East- ford, Conn., November 17, 1835 ; studied higher Mathemat- ics after leaving seminary ; teaching, 1855-61 ; in the army, 1861-4; producer of petroleum at Titusville, Pa., Septem- ber, 1864, to September, 1866; financial editor Erie Des- patch (Erie, Pa.), \Z66-y \ banking, 1868-73 — first year was WILLISTON SEMINARY. I3I book-keeper, and remainder of time cashier; since Feb- ruary, 1874, a stock broker at Philadelphia stock exchange ; entered the army as adjutant in Infantry, three months' term of 1 86 1 ; raised a light battery (battery F, ist Pennsylva- nia Artillery), which he commanded as captain until March, 1863, when he was promoted major ; held that rank at close of the war ; married May, 1867; one child. Address, 116 South Front street, Philadelphia, Pa. 426. Theodore McDonald (New London, Conn.). — Born in Danbury, Conn., March 26, 1835; graduated at Yale College, 1859; studied law, 1859-51 ; admitted to the bar, 186 1 ; civil offices — ^justice of the peace and clerk of Probate Court. Address, Danbury, Conn. 427. William Henry Mather (Suffield, Conn.). — Born in Windsor, Conn., March, 1834; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1859, and at New York Medical University ; surgeon 173d United States Volunteers, and loth United States Colored Artillery, with rank and pay of major of cavalry; post surgeon at Forts Jackson and St. Philip in the delta of Mississippi, 1866 ; removed to Baton Rouge and served on staff of General Hartwell ; mustered out with rank of lieutenant-colonel, 1867; since then, in the practice of med- icine in Brooklyn, E. D., Bethel, Conn., and Suffield, Conn. ; married September 15, 1868; two children. Address, Suf- field, Conn. 428. Elbridge Francis Meconkey (West Chester, Pa.). — In Yale, one term Sophomore and one term Junior year; took degree LL.B. at Harvard Law School ; aid to Gen- eral McCall, army of Potomac ; is a lawyer. Address, Harrisburgh, Pa. 429. John Caverly Middleton (New London, Conn.). — Born in New London, Conn., January 9, 1834; graduated at Yale College, 1859; entered the Berkeley Divinity School at Middletown, Conn., but finished his theological studies with Rev. Dr. Littlejohn ; ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, September 21, i860; ordained priest March 2, 1863 ; assistant minister of Church of the 132 ALUMNI RECORDS Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, L. L, 1860-3; at Easter, 1863, began rectorship of Calvary Church, Stonington, Conn. ; at Easter, 1871, resigned to accept his present charge; editor Convocation Quarterly for two years, a religious paper in the interest of the mission work in the diocese ; has written many sacred songs, and his hymns and carols have beea largely used by the publishers of hymnals ; poem before Delta Kappa Sigma in the Payson Church, Easthampton, 1865, was published by request; married April 28, 1863; one child was born to him ; both wife and child died sud- denly in the following year. Address, New Britain, Conn. 430. Charles Addison Miller (Constableville, N. Y.). — Born in Constableville, N. Y., July 6, 1837 ; graduated at Yale College, 1859; connected with dry-goods firm of S. B. Chittenden & Co., 1859-71 ; as clerk, 1859-66; as part- ner, 1866-71 ; since 1871, of the firm D. J. Ely & Co., importers and jobbers of coffees, New York ; married Oc- tober II, 1870; one daughter. Address, lOi Wall street, New York. 431. Myron Andrews Munson (Huntington). — Born at Chester, Mass., May 5, 1835 ; graduated at Harvard Col- lege, i860, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1864; dis- abled in health, 1855-6 ; tour in Europe, 1 860-1 ; lecturing on things in Europe, 1861 ; Christian Commission service, March 30 to May 16, 1863; private in 6oth Massachusetts Volunteers, four months, 1864; profession, ministry; set- tled at Pittsford, Vt., December 30, 1865, to June 28, 1869; at Northfield, Minn., June 5, 1870, to June 4, 1871 ; at Moriah, N. Y., January 28, 1872, to 1873 ; Neponset, Mass., since then; disabled in health, 1869-70; revising manu- script for historian, 187 1-2 ; has published two Thanksgiv- ing discourses with copious annotations : " God's Doing and Man's Doing for Minnesota," 1870, " Iron More Golden than Gold," 1872 ; furnished articles for Lakeside Monthly: "About Vesuvius" and '* Macaulay's Treatment of William Penn ;" unmarried. Address, 18 Walnut street, Nepon- set, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 133 43-3. John Grant Otis (Danby, Vt.)- — Born in Danby, Vt, ; was engaged in practice of law, 1859-63 ; in the Union army, 1863-6; has been a farmer since 1866; served as captain in ist Colored Regiment in the army ; married, 1865 ; one child. Address, Topeka, Kan. 433. John Downing Reynolds (Hillsdale, N. Y.). — Born in Copake, N. Y. ; graduated at Union College, 1859; graduated at Medical Department of New York University, 1863 ; received A. M. from Union College, 1863 ; enlisted in army as private, August, 186 1 ; resigned as lieutenant, February, 1862; began practice of medicine, April, 1863 ; married August 22, 1863; two children. Address, Co- pake, N. Y. 434. William Austin Richards (Plainfield). — Born in Plainfield, Mass., January 27, 1836; graduated at Amherst College, 1 86 1. Immediately after his graduation at college he was appointed teacher of Latin and Greek in Williston Seminary, and continued in that position until his death, which occurred while he was on a visit to his brother ; died of typhoid fever at North Bridgewater, M^ss., September 7, 1863. 435. Henry Rose (Stephentown, N. Y.). — Born in Stephentown, N. Y., November, 1837; entered Williams College ; obliged by. ill health to leave college ; went South and taught for a time ; since then a farmer ; married March, 1862 ; four children. Address, Stephentown, N. Y. 436. Elliot Palmer Skinner (Rockville, Conn.). — Born in Vernon, Conn., November 2, 183 1; principal of the Franklin Public School in Rahway, N. J., until com- pelled by sickness to abandon teaching in 1858; occupa- tion at present, farming; married October 9, 1862. Address, Andover, Conn. 437. Henry Clay Skinner (Princeton). — Born in Prince- ton, Mass., February 28, 1834; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1859; taught in Williston Seminary until i860, when he was obliged to leave on account of failing health ; died of consumption at his home in Princeton, August 6, i860. 134 ALUMNI RECORDS 438. JuDSON Smith (Middlefield).— Born in Middlefield, Mass., June 28, 1837 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1859, and at Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1863; was tutor in Oberlin College, 1862-4; teacher in Williston Seminary, 1864-6; professor of Latin Language and Literature in Oberlin College, 1866-70; professor of Church History in Oberlin Theological Seminary, and lecturer on General History in Oberlin College, 1870 to date; ordained to the Christian ministry, October, 1866, and has preached almost regularly since; married August i, 1865; two children. Address, Oberlin, O. 439. William Dixon Spalding (^Enfield, Conn.). — Born in Enfield, Conn., October 7, 1836; graduated at Williams College, i860; from August, 1861, to April, 1866, clerk in the United States Senate ; since 1866 has been in the editorial profession, and for the last six years has re- sided in London. Address, care B. F. Stevens & Co., 17 Henrietta street, Covent Garden, London, England. 440. Alfred Judd Taylor (Huntington). — Born in Huntington, Mass., 1834; graduated at Yale College, 1859 ; principal of Hinsdale (Mass.) Academy, 1859-60; gradu- ated from the Law Department of the University of Albany, 1861 ; in the practice of law in New York since 1861 ; un- married. Address, 281 Broadway, N. Y, 441. George Franklin Vose (Fitchburg). — Born in Royalston, Mass., April 10, 1838; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1859 ; remained in New Haven for one year, studying Sanskrit and modern languages ; afterwards engaged with his father in business as a woolen manufacturer at Fitch- burg, Mass., where he remained until his death ; married and had one son ; died March 26, 1867. , 442. Lewis Parsons Waite (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., 1841 ; was engaged in farming until he entered the army ; member of 52d Regiment Massachu- setts Volunteers ; died at Easthampton, from sickness con- tracted in the service, November 2, 1862. 443. Thomas Rose (Stephentown, N. Y.). — Went from WILLISTON SEMINARY. 135 the Middle Classical Class to Union College, and graduated there in 1859; spent a year or more in the Theological Department of Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y. ; when last heard from was in Texas. 444. Charles W. Hill (Shrewsbury). — Has been teaching since leaving the Seminary, except one year in the army, Company I, 5th Massachusetts Volunteers ; now master Comins School, Boston ; married. Address, Boston Highlands, Mass. 445. William M. Pratt (Meriden, Conn.). — Address, Meriden, Conn 446. Franklin Henry Williams (Sunderland). — Born in Sunderland, Mass., February 2, 1834; farmer; married, 1866 ; two sons. Address, Sunderland, Mass. 447. Cephas Elmore Davison (Northampton). — Born in Sandlake, N. Y., August 12, 1834 ; dentist ; began prac- tice, 1854; married February, 1864; two children. Ad- dress, Wayland, Mich. . 448. Samuel B. Hamlen (Granville, O.). — Born in Granville, O., 1835 ; has studied music and followed music teaching and farming; mayor of Painesville; married Sep- tember 16, 1865. Address, Painesville, O. 449. Charles F. Phelps (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., October 28, 1833 ; has been a farmer since leaving the school; married June 4, 1857; two children. Address, Northampton, Mass. 450. Henry H. Smith (Easthampton). — Born in Hol- yoke, Mass., April 27, 1835; is a printer; was at the South at opening of the war; in attempting to escape, taken prisoner; in Libby and at Salisbury, N. C, two years ; exchanged, came North and enlisted in a New York Cavalry Regiment; thrown from his horse and in- jured ; saw no service ; married in 1862 ; wife died ; married again, 1871 ; one child. Address, 82 Third street, New York. 451. Lyman Montague Smith (Easthampton). — Born in West Springfield (now Holyoke), Mass., 1839; has been 136 ALUMNI RECORDS a merchant in Chicago ; now in grocery store in Westfield ; married, 1866; one child. Address, Westfield, Mass. 453. Charles C. Street (Holyoke). — Born in Holyoke, Mass., October 13, 1835; taught, 1855-8; graduated at Medical Department Harvard University, 1861 ; in prac- tice of medicine since ; unmarried. Address, 278 Hanover street, Boston, Mass. CLASS OF 1856. 453. John Avery (Conway). — Born in Conway, Mass., September 18, 1837; graduated at Amherst College, 1861; studied Philology, chiefly Sanskrit, four years at New Haven and one year in Berlin and Tubingen, Germany; has taught in divers places ; tutor at Amherst College and Yale Scientific School ; professor of Greek in Iowa Col- lege since 1870 ; has written various magazine articles ; married August 21, 1866 ; one child. Address, Grinnell, la. 454. Gardner Thurston Barker (Pittsfield). — Born in Pittsfield, Mass., October 26, 1837; entered Williams College; left second term Junior year; 1860-1, was in fur- niture business in Pittsfield ; afterward began the manu- facture of woolen goods ; married February 12, 185 1 ; three children. Address, Pittsfield, Mass. 455. James Madison Barker (Pittsfield). — Born in Pittsfield, Mass., October 23, 1839; graduated at Williams College, i860 ; began study of law in office of Hon. David Ramsey, Bath, N. Y., January, 1861 ; entered Harvard Law School, September, 1862 ; admitted to the Suffolk bar, January, 1863; from April i, 1863, has practiced law at Pittsfield, Mass. ; has held offices of town clerk, assistant assessor United States Internal Revenue, justice of peace, notary public, member Massachusetts House of Represent- atives (3d Berkshire District), 1872 and 1873; married Sep- ember 21, 1864; three children. Address, Pittsfield, Mass. 456. Edward Newton Beale (Spencertown, N. Y.). — Born in Spencertown, N. Y., November i, 1834; gradu- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 3/ ated at Williams College, 1861, and Berkshire Medical Col- lege, 1864; began practice of medicine, 1865, in Schagh- ticoke ; married November 20, 1862 ; one child. Address, Schaghticoke, N. Y. 457. Lyman Benham Bunnell (Burlington, Conn.). — Born in Burlington, Conn., August 18, 1832; graduated at Yale College, i860; 1860-2 studied law in Yale Law School, and instructed in Gymnastics in the College Gym- nasium ; began practice of law in New York, December i, 1862, and has since continued ; in his absence from school- meeting in District No. 9, Englewood, N. J., was chosen trusteie of district school ; continues in the office ; mar- ried May 30, 1865 ; two sons. Address, 178 Broadway, New York. 458. Henry William Norton Cole (Lenox). — Born in Lenox, Mass., September 21, 1837; completed civil en- gineering course at Union College, graduating i860; has followed civil engineering, and since 1868, mechanical engi- neering; at present connected with the construction of the Hoosac Tunnel ; was in the army of the James two years; married, 1861 ; four children. Address, North Adams, Mass. 459. Willard Sylvester Cooke (Amherst). — Born in Amherst; Mass., December 12, 1838; graduated at Williams College, 1861 ; was private in 31st Massachusetts Volun- teers ; is an insurance agent in Boston. Address, Bos- ton, Mass. 4C0. John Franklin Cutler (Hollis, N. H.).— Born in Louisville, Ky., January 6, 1838; entered Dartmouth College, but soon left and went into business ; served in the Rebel army during the war; is now a liquor mer- chant ; unmarried. Address, 408 Front street, San Fran- cisco, Cal. 461. Daniel Denison (Hampton, Conn.). — Born in Hampton, Conn., September 4, 1838; graduated at Yale College, i860; taught at Birdsboro', Pa., 1 860-1 ; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1864; has supplied va- 18 138 ALUMNI RECORDS rious churches, and done canvassing for books and papers, and acted superintendent of " American Railway Literary- Union ; " ordained and settled December 30, 1873, at Mid- dle Haddam, Conn.; married September 25, 1872; wife died December, 1873. Address, Middle Haddam, Conn. 403. Richard Draper Douglas (Plattsburg). — Born in Westport, N. Y., October 23, 1836; graduated at Am- herst College, i860, and at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1863; in service of United States Christian Commission, 1863, to April, 1865; United States Commissary Depart- ment, three months ; business in Boston, two years ; agent of Brooklyn Children's Aid Society from June, 1867, to date ; was acting chaplain without commission at Bridge- port, Ala., Post Hospital, 1864; married September 13, 1864; three children — two living. Address, Brooklyn Children's Aid Society, 61 Poplar street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 463. Tobias Gibson, Jr. (Terre Bonne Par., La.) 464. Henry Lewis Hall (Guilford, Conn.). — Born in Guilford, Conn., November 26, 1835 ; graduated at Yale College, i860; studied in Yale Theological Seminary until October, 1861, when he was ordained chaplain loth Regi- ment Connecticut Volunteers ; in 1862 went to Europe, where he studied three years at Halle, under Professor Tholuck ; in 1868, was installed over Congregational Church in Auburn, Me. ; dismissed on account of failing health, 1869; died November 6, 1869 ; his wife and one child sur- vive him. 465. Henry Eugene Hawley (New York City). — Born June 24, 1838; graduated at Yale College, i860; entered the firm Carter, Hawley & Co., importers and jobbers in teas, 1864; married February 12, 1862; three children — two living. Address, 140 Pearl street. New York. 466. Albert Newton Hathaway (Windsor, Conn.). — Born in Windsor, Conn., February 20, 1838; pursued the studies of Law and Philosophy at Harvard University, and graduated there in i860; since i860, has been following the profession of law ; by appointment of Connecticut Leg- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 39 islature commissioned July 4, 1872, judge, and has since then occupied the position of associate judge of the Police Court of the city of Hartford; married October 3, i860; one child. Address, Hartford, Conn. 467. Justin Perkins Kellogg (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., October 8, 1836; graduated at Amherst College, i860 ; studied law and admitted to the bar at Northampton, Mass., 1862 ; served in a company of Mas- sachusetts Volunteers, and attained rank of first lieutenant ; studied theology, and entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church ; has been in Europe two years ; is rector of a church at Newburgh, N. Y. ; married March 30, 1869; one child, now dead. Address, Newburgh, N. Y. 468. Henry Leavitt (East Charlemont). — Born in Heath, Mass., August 8, 1836; graduated at Williams Col- lege, i860 ; studied law at Albany Law School; practiced his profession in Chicago, 111. ; joined Union army in 1863 ; at close of war, went into the business of raising cotton at the South ; died on his plantation near Yazoo City, Miss., July 8, 1866. 469. Edward Pascal McKinney (Binghamton, N. Y.). — Born in Cooperstown, N. Y., February 23, 1838; was a year at Exeter Phillips Academy after leaving Williston Seminary; graduated at Yale College, 1861; enlisted Oc- tober 15, 1861, in 6th New York Cavalry, with rank of second lieutenant ; made first lieutenant, October, 1862 ; made captain and commissary of subsistence. May, 1864; wounded in battle with Mosby's Guerillas at Winchester, Va, August 1864; brevetted major at close of war; pres- ent business unknown; married June 18, 1868; one child. Address, Binghamton, N. Y. 470 George William Montague (Montgomery, Ala.). 471. John Moses Morris (Wethersfield, Conn.). — Born April 7, 1837; graduated at Yale College, i860; entered Yale Theological Seminary, but left to take the chaplaincy of the 8th Connecticut Volunteers ; served with distinction until 1863 ; was editor War Record, 1863-5 ; editor Charles- 140 ALUMNI RECORDS ton, S. C, Daily Republicmi, 1868-71 ; editor Washington, D. Q.^ Daily Chronicle, 187 1-4; clerk Connecticut House of Representatives, 1865-6 ; clerk Connecticut Senate, 1867; executive secretary United States Senate, 1868, to his death ; published " History of Connecticut During the War," 900 pages ; was employed in preparing the last edi- tion of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, from date of graduation from college until entering the army ; married December 31, 1863; two children; died at Washington, D. C, November 27, 1873. 472. John Russell Parsons (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., August 24, 1838 ; graduated from Yale College, i860; intended to study law; enlisted in 1861 in 31st Massachusetts Volunteers, with rank of second lieutenant. His regiment was ordered to the Gulf, and there he was transferred to the ist Louisiana (white) Regi- ment, and promoted to rank of captain ; on the death of his colonel, promoted to major ; at the close of the war re- mained at the South ; engaged in mercantile pursuits, but the last years of his life he spent at Jackson, Miss., taking part in the reconstruction of the State ; was chosen mem- ber of the Mississippi House of Representatives from Hinds County; died March 3, 1869. 473. Alexander Porter Root (Galveston, Texas). — Born in Galveston, Tex., June 21, 1840 ; graduated at Yale College, 1861 ; was in the Confederate army during the war, as lieutenant in a Texas battery; is now engaged in busi- ness at Galveston ; married, 1868 ; two children. Address, Galveston, Tex. 474. Charles Brigham Ruggles (Boylston Center). — Born in Rutland, Mass., June 2, 1833 ; graduated at Am- herst College, i860, and at Bangor Theological Seminary ; taught school at Sag Harbor, N. Y., three years ; at Spring- field, O., two years ; was book agent five years ; is now in bookstore of George E. Stevens & Co., Cincinnati, O. ; was in United States Sanitary Commission, August, 1864, to March, 1865, in Tennessee and Kentucky ; married Au- WILLISTON SEMINARY. I4I gust 18, 1864; three children. Address, 39 West Fourth street, Cincinnati, O. 475. Lorenzo Sears (Williamsburg). — Born April i8, 1838 ; graduated at Yale College, 1861, and completed the course at the General Theological Seminary of Protestant Episcopal Church, New York ; ordained deacon July 3, 1864; ordained priest, 1865; rector St. Mark's Church, Mystic, Conn., eighteen months ; St. Bartholomew's, Crans- ton Road, Providence, R. I., three years ; rector Grace Church, Manchester, N. H., since 1870; married January 2, 1866; two children. Address, 114 Orange street, Man- chester, N. H. 476. "MuNROE Snkll (Fiskdale). — Born in Ware, Mass., November 17, 1836; was with Yale Class of i860, Fresh- man year; was engaged in manufacturing, 1858-64; con- nected with North American Fire Insurance Company of New York, since September, 1865, as general agent for Maryland and District of Columbia ; during war was man- ufacturing weapons ; married January 13, 1870; one daugh- ter. Address, 30 South street, Baltimore, Md. 477* Pierre Sythoff Starr (New London, Conn.). — Born in New London, Conn., November 18, 1839; gradu- ated at Yale College, i860; studied medicine two years; was assistant surgeon 39th Ohio Volunteers ; homeopathic physician. Address, Hartford, Conn. 478. John Safford Fisk (Watertown, N. Y.). — Born in Ashtabula, O., January 18, 1838; was member of Senior English Class of 1856; graduated at Yale College, 1863; deputy clerk New York State Senate, Winter of 1863-4; taught one year near New York ; then studied and wrote for magazines; in 1867 appointed consul at Leith, Scot- land. Address, Edinburgh, Scotland, (last known). 479. Myron E. Searle (Southampton). — Born in South- ampton, Mass. ; taught two years ; railroad agent five years ; now in lumber business for himself; married Octo- ber, 1868. Address, Westfield, Mass. 480. Hosea Blake Baker (Ashfield). — Born in Con- 142 ALUMNI RECORDS way, Mass., May 29, 1837 ; is a dry goods merchant ; mar- ried August 30, 1859 5 'two children. Address, Dubuque, la. 481. Daniel Foster Davison (Westhampton). — Born in Plainfield, Mass., June 14, 1842 ; is a watchmaker since 1856. Address, Northampton, Mass. 483. Justus Lyman (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., February 24, 1835 ; was a farmer until opening of the war ; enlisted as private in 27th Massachu- setts Infantry ; served three and one-half years ; rose to first lieutenant, and was commissioned captain, 1866 ; since the war has been a lumber dealer and house builder ; mar- ried February 13, 1864; two children. Address, Bellows Falls, Vt. 483. William Grosvenor Taylor (Easthampton). — Born in South Adams, Mass., March 11, 1857 ; was private in 5 2d Massachusetts Infantry, one year, 1862-3 '•> since war a carpenter ; post commander Grand Army of the Repub- lic at Easthampton ; married May 5, 1869 ; one child. Ad- dress, Easthampton, Mass. > CLASS OF 1857. 484. George Albert Adams (Hopkinton). — Born in Hopkinton, Mass., June 30, 1837; obliged by poor health to relinquish a collegiate course ; with the exception of three years, spent in nursery and tree business, he was a teacher, and was very successful ; during last five years of his life was principal Orange Street School for boys, Wor- cester, Mass.; married April 20, 1859; ^^^ wife and one son survive him ; died May 16, 1873. 485. Hubbard Arnold (Westfield). — Born in Westfield, Mass., January 5, 1840; graduated at Yale College, 1861 ; studied and traveled in Europe, 1861-2; taught in New Haven, Conn., a short time; graduated at Yale Law School, 1865 ; since then in cotton trade, firm of D. Watts & Co. Address, 140 Pearl street, New York. 486. John Wait Barton (Danbury, Conn.). — Born in WILLISTON SEMINARY. 143 Danbury, Conn., June 2, 1839 '•> entered Yale, but left Junior year from sickness; licensed to preach, 1861 ; employed as missionary in Fairfield County, Conn. ; in 1863 employed as State superintendent for Sunday school work in Penn- sylvania; in 1865 undertook canvass of western Massachu- setts, but died before finishing it; married July 24, 1861 ; wife died September 4, 1861 ; married again March 3, 1864 ; one son ; died Noven>ber 21, 1866. 487. Isaac Bo we (Agawam). — Born in Agawam, Mass., October 4, 1838 ; graduated at Yale College, 1862 ; studied law one year in office of Beach & Bowe, Springfield, Mass., and then enlisted in the 2d Massachusetts Artillery ; since leaving the army has been in the firm Bowe & Marsh, man- ufacturers of defecated oil, Springfield, but has recently disposed of his portion in the firm ; unmarried. Address, Springfield, Mass. 488. William Bardwell Clark (Granby). — Born in Granby, Mass., January 20, 1838; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1861 ; enlisted, 1862, as private in 34th Massachu- setts Infantry ; in 1864 appointed captain in 22d Regiment, United States colored troops ; killed in a reconnoissance within six miles of Richmond, October 27, 1864; married August 7, 1862. 489. Walter Forward Clark (East Granby, Conn.). — Born in East Granby, Conn., July 10, 1837; studied law in Cleveland, O., and was admitted to practice in 1859; spent from 1866 to 1870 in California, as general agent for two mining companies of Hartford, Conn. ; unmarried. Ad- dress, East Granby, Conn. 490. Marshall Blair Cushman (North Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., September 23, 1839; graduated from Amherst College, 1861 ; and from Harvard Law School, 1864 ; admitted to the bar in New York City, 1865 ; engaged in the manufacture of paper at Amherst, 1865-70 ; clerk in the Census Bureau at Washington, D. C, 1870-2 ; librarian Young Men's Christian Association, and agent for Fairbanks & Co., of New York, at Washington, 1872 to 144 ALUMNI RECORDS date; married March 8, 1866; two children. Address, Young Men's Christian Association, Washington, D. C. 491. Franklin Bowditch Dexter (Fairhaven). — Born in Fairhaven, Mass., September 11, 1842; graduated at Yale College, 1861 ; taught in New Haven two years; made assistant librarian, Yale College, July, 1863 ; tutor, 1864; resigned, 1867; assistant librarian and treasurer of the college, 1867-9; secretary of Yale, 1869, and registrar of Faculty; made annalist at General Conference of Con- gregational Churches of Connecticut, 1871 ; in Europe, 1873. Address, New Haven, Conn. 493. James Byron Finch (Southampton). — Born in Southampton, Mass., December 29, 1832: entered Class of 1862 at Amherst ; left Sophomore year, but received A. B. from Amherst in 1871 ; graduated with degree of M. A. at University of the city of New York, 1869, having previ- ously studied theology ; graduated at Union Theological Seminary, 1863 ; stated supply at Orient, L. I., 1863-5 J Nebraska City, Neb., 1865-7; pastor at Hempstead, L. L, since then; married January 11, 1864; three children. Address, Hempstead, L. I. 493. David Folsom (Derry, N. H.). — Born in Auburn, Mass., January 4, 1839; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1862. He was a merchant at Memphis, Tenn., 1862-3; New Orleans, La., 1863-4; St. Louis, Mo., 1864; married December 21, 1865. Address, 494. John Gordon Frazer (Haverstraw, N. Y.). — Born in New York City, June 3, 1837; graduated at Williams College, 1862 ; assistant superintendent of Institution for the BHnd, New York City, one year ; graduated in medi- cine, 1865 ; began practice in New York at once, and has occupied the same office to date ; assistant surgeon in army in 1863 ; assistant to Board of Police Surgeons, three years, ending 1872; unmarried. Address, 321 West Thirty-fifth streety New York. 495. Benjamin Franklin Hamilton (Chester Facto- ries). — Born in Chester, Mass., November 4, 1835; gradu- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 45 ated at Amherst College, 1861, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1864; entered the ministry, 1865; served in Christian Commission, nine months ; is now pastor of Eliot Church, Boston Highlands ; unmarried. Address, Boston Highlands, Mass. 496. Elijah Harmon (Hawley). — Born in Hawley, Mass., March 22, 1835 5 graduated at Amherst College, 1861, and Hartford Theological Seminary, 1867; was a member of 52d Massachusetts Regiment nine months as sergeant;- taught, 1863-5; tutor in Amherst College the last si?c. months of that time ; entered the ministry, 1867 ; married July 12, 1866 ; wife died, ; married March 5, 1872.; wife died; married a third time, October 14, 1874. Address, Winchester, N. H. 497. Charles Borland Hill (Montgomery, N. Y.). — Born in Montgomery, N. Y., May 16, 1836; graduated at Yale College, 1861, studied law, and has practiced in New York ; for several years has been assistant corporation coun- sel. Address, 63 West Fifty-first street. New York. 498. Albion Howe (Standish, Me.). — Born in St. Au- gustine, Fla., May 11, 1840; graduated from Bowdoin Col- lege, 1861 ; and from the Artillery School of Practice, Fort Monroe, Va., 1869; studied law in Saco, Me., and Boston, 1 861-3 ; served in the 14th New York Artillery as second lieutenant, first lieutenant and major, 1863-5 l ^^ Boston Custom House, 1865-6; appointed second lieutenant 4th Artillery, United States army, 1866; promoted first lieu- tenant, 1869; was in the campaign from the Wilderness to siege of Petersburgh, and also served as aid-de-camp on staff of Gen. A. P. Howe in the campaign of the Shenan- doah Valley ; received brevets of first lieutenant and cap- tain United States army, also of lieutenant colonel United States Volunteers. He was killed in the " Lava Beds," April 26, 1873, while gallantly leading his company in a reconnoisance against the Modoc Indians ; buried in For- est Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, N. Y. ; married June i, 1869; no children. 19 146 ALUMNI RECORDS 499. Henry Dwight Hyde (Sturbridge). — Born in Southbridge, Mass., April 27, 1838 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1 861, and in law at Harvard, 1862; admitted to the bar in 1864, and has continued in the practice of law at Boston since that date ; member of Common Council of Boston, 1866 and 1867; trustee New England Female Medical College ; married, 1866; three children. Address, 14 Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. 500. Horatio Jenkins, Jr., (Chelsea).— Born in Boston, Mass., March 23, 1837; entered Yale College, 1857; left, 1859; entered Law School at Cambridge, Mass., and studied law there, and in Boston, until breaking out of the war in 1861 ; enlisted in 5th Massachusetts Volunteer In- fantry, April, 1861 ; served in that regiment during its term of service, three months ; was in first Bull Run battle ; re- turning home with the regiment, was commissioned first lieutenant in 40th Massachusetts Infantry, August, 1862; served with that regiment until December, 1865 ; was then commissioned lieutenant colonel in 4th Massachusetts Cav- alry, having previously risen to rank of lieutenant colonel in 40th Massachusetts Infantry ; while major of 40th Mas- sachusetts, was captured at the battle of Drury's Bluff, i6th May, 1864 ; confined in Libby Prison and at Macon, Ga.; put under fire in retaliation at Charleston, S. C, with the six hundred federal officers ; removed with others to Co- lumbia, S. C. ; escaped in November, 1864, from the prison camp ; walked to the Santee River ; procured a canoe and reached the mouth of the Santee and the deck of the war steamer, "Nipsic;" served as lieutenant colonel of 4th Massachusetts Cavalry in investment and assault of Peters- burgh ; after fall of Richmond, marched at the head of i8th Corps in pursuit of Lee ; shot through arm and captured in the battle at High Bridge, Va., but was rescued next day by Sheridan's men ; besides campaigns in Virginia, had part in the capture of the forts at Charleston harbor, and had a horse shot under him at Olustee, Fla. ; brevetted colonel for gallantry at High Bridge; after war closed bre- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 14/ vetted brigadier-general for meritorious service during war ; removed to Florida, 1866; member of Constitutional Con- vention of that State, and elected president of it, 1868; elected State senator; resigned in 1869; elected State senator in 1870 for four years ; appointed collector of In- ternal Revenue, District of Florida, 1869; has been editor of ^^Jacksonville Union;'' is now practicing law ; married August, 1862 ; three children. Address, Jacksonville, Fla. 501. Charles Nichols Judson (Bridgeport, Conn.). — Born in New York, November i, 1839; graduated at Yale College, 1862; entered profession of law, 1863; married December 23, 1869. Address, 37 Park Row, New York. 50,3. Walter Judson (Bristol, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., May i, 1839 5 spent one term Freshman with Class of 1 86 1, at Yale; taught until 1858, and then joined Class of 1862 ; left that class from ill health, and graduated with Class of 1864; taught at Perth Amboy, N. J., 1864-6; studied medicine, and is now in practice of his profession. Address, New Haven, Conn. 503. William Warriner Merriam (Springfield). — Born in Springfield, Mass., February .12, 1837; entered Yale, but graduated with the Class of 1861 at Williams; studied law a short time; graduated at Madison University Theological School (Hamilton, N. Y.), 1863; taught in Essex, Conn., 1863; was a teacher among the freedmen in North Caro- lina ; is now teaching. Address, Jamesport, Suffolk County, L. I. 504. Charles Lyman Miller (Easthampton). — Born in Holyoke, Mass., 1838 ; studied law one year, but was en- gaged principally in teaching. He died at Easthampton, June 26, 1873. 505. Frank Emery Miller (Wallingford, Conn.). — Born in Wallingford, Conn., February 7, 1834; entered Yale College, b.ut left to enter Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y., and graduated in theology there, i860; ordained pastor Baptist Church, Watertown, la., i860; left, 1861 : preaching in Connecticut, 1 861-2 ; pastor at Nashville, 148 ALUMNI RECORDS N. Y., 1862-3; for pecuniary reasons returned to business life ; book-keeper and salesman in store at Forestville, N. Y., 1863-6; book selling, 1866-8; engaged as traveling salesman for Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., electro-plated goods; is now a member of the firm; married July 31, 1 861 ; four children. Address, 420 Scovill avenue, Cleve- land, 0-. ' 50G. George Franklin Mills (South Williamstown). — Born in South Williamstown, Mass., August 25, 1839; graduated at Williams College, 1862; teaching since 1862 ; is principal of Greylock Institute; married April, 1868; one child. Address, South Williamstown, Mass. 507. Henry Lovejoy Mowry (Greenwich, N. Y.). — Born in Greenwich, N. Y., December 13, 1837; studied under private tutor at Middlebury College, but did not com- plete a course ; in Importers and Traders Bank, New York, 1859-60; during war had an interest in a knitting mill and boot and shoe manufactory; at close of war, bought with others a large cotton plantation in North Carolina; sold it at the end of three years ; in New York, out of business, two years; at present owns, with a partner, the Phoenix Paper Mill at Battenville, N. Y. ; is director in Washing- ton County, New York, National Bank, and Greenwich and Johnstown Railroad ; unmarried. Address, Greenwich, N. Y. 508. Leroy Mowry (Greenwich, N. Y.). — Born in Green- wich, N. Y., October 22, 1841 ; studied at Middlebury, Vt., College, but did not graduate ; owing to disease of heart was never able to engage in any business ; earned the title "judge" by his upright life ; died May 28, 1868. 509. Thaddeus Eugene Munn (Leyden, N. Y.). — Born in Leyden, N. Y.; entered college, but did not graduate; is a farmer and prominent in the order of Good Templars. Address, Leyden, N. Y. 510. James Brown Murray (Springfield). — Graduated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; studied theology; is in the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and is rector of a church. Address, Rondout, N. Y. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 49 511. Frederick Eugene Norwood ( Barkh am stead, Conn.). 613. Edward Phillips Payson (Fayetteville, N. Y.). — Born in Lyme, Conn., March 15, 1840; graduated at Yale College, 1 861, and from Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1864; ordained March, 1864; served from that date until close of war as chaplain 146th New York Regiment of Volunteers ; preaching in New York City, 1866-7 5 Pas- tor Congregational Church, Kent, Conn., 1867-70; pastor Sixty-fifth Street Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1 870-1 ; pastor church at Yorkville; married October 23, 1866; four chil- dren.' Address, Yorkville, N. Y. 513. Tracy Peck, Jr., '(Bristol, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., May 24, 1838; graduated at Yale College, 1861; studied Classical Philology in Europe, two years and eight months, at Jena, Berlin and Bonn ; tutor in Yale College, 1864-7 5 i^ Europe, 1867-9, studying Italian Language and the Topography and Antiquities at Rome, and the Sanskrit Language at Berlin; tutor in Yale, 1869-70; taught in Cincinnati, O., one year; professor Latin Language and Literature, Cornell University ; married December 22, 1870; two children. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. 514. George Austin Pelton (Great Barrington). — Born in Stockbridge, Mass., April 15, 1833 ; graduated at Yale College, 1861, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1864; entered the ministry, 1864; acting pastor First Con- gregational Church, Franklin, Mass., 1864-7; acting pas- tor Congregational Church, Bethel, Conn., 1867-9; pastor Congregational Church, Candor, N. Y., 1869-73; pastor Congregational Church, Groton, N. Y., 1873; appointed secretary Education Society, State of New York, 1870; married April 27, 1864; one child-— died, 1869. Address, Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y. 515. William Henry Rockwell (Brattleboro, Vt.). — Born in Brattleboro, Vt., March 3, 1840; graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, March, 1862; has been connected with the Vermont Asylum for 150 ALUMNI RECORDS the Insane since 1857; appointed assistant physician, 1862, and superintendent, 1872; resigned, 1873 ;\^ married June 16, 1864; three children. Address, Brattleboro, Vt. 516. James Field Spalding (Enfield, Conn.). — Born in Enfield, Conn., December 5, 1839; graduated at Williams College, 1862; teaching, 1862-70; entered the ministry of the Episcopal Church, 1869; married, 1864; three children. Address, Portland, Conn. 517. Edward Collins Stone (Columbus, O.). — Born in Hartford, Conn., January 29, 1840 ; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1862 ; teacher in Ohio Institution for Deaf and Dumb, at Columbus, 1862-4; teacher in American Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, at Hartford, 1864-8; principal Wiscon- sin Institute for Deaf and Dumb, 1868-71 ; has been prin- cipal American Asylum since 1871; married July, 1869; one daughter. Address, Hartford, Conn. 518. Nathan Thompson (New Braintree). — Born in New Braintree, Mass., 1837; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1 86 1, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1865 ; teach- ing, 1 86 1-2 ; entered the ministry, 1865 ; married, January I, 1870; one son. Address, Boulder, Boulder County, Col. 519. John Curtis Tyler (Brattleboro, Vt.).— r-Born in Brattleboro, Vt., February 18, 1839; graduated at Yale College, 1 861 ; commissioned major 4th Vermont Volun- teers, 1861 ; resigned January 17, 1862 ; during Spring of 1862, acted as aid for Gen. W. F. Smith ; studied law and admitted to Suffolk bar, Boston, 1864; appointed assistant adjutant general, with rank of major, but declined ; since then he has resided at Brattleboro, engaged in manufactur- ing ; married. Address, Brattleboro, Vt. 520. Charles Edwin West (Pittsfield). — Born in Pitts- field, Mass., November 4, 1838; entered Williams College, but did not complete the course, owing to ill health ; en- gaged in selling goods in Ohio and Pittsfield, Mass., and since 1866, a manufacturer of woolen goods at Dalton ; has held various town offices; married October 9, 1867; one child. Address, Dalton, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. I5I 521. Edward Whitin (Whitinsville). — Born in Whitins- ville, Mass., March lo, 1838; since graduation in 1857, ^^- gaged in manufacturing. Address, Whitinsville, Mass. 52Ji. Aretus Heermans Winton (New York City). 523. Henry Parsons (Sharon Springs, N. Y.). — Born in Sharon Springs, Schoharie County, N. Y.; entered Union College from the Middle Class ; graduated at Union College, 1861 ; studying law, 1 861-2 ; entered the army September, 1862, with rank of first lieutenant; promoted to captaincy, January, 1863; resigned June, 1863 ; admitted to practice of law in New York City, December, 1863; has continued in that profession in that city since then ; mar- ried July 23, 1867; wife died March 19, 1869; one child. Address, 117 Nassau street. New York. 524. Jairus Frink Burt (Easthampton). — Born in Huntington (now Norwich), Mass., March 7, 1839; occu- pation, farmer ; married May 14, 1862; four'children. Ad- dress, Easthampton, Mass. 525. Z. Brainerd Clark (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., December 17, 1841 ; has followed farming since leaving the seminary. Address, Easthamp- ton, Mass. 526. Henry Burnham Mead (Scotland, Conn.). — Born in Littleton, N. H., January 27, 1839 ; studied English at WilHston ; afterwards fitted for college and graduated at Yale, 1866, at Yale Theological Seminary, 1869 ; settled pastor at Terryville, Conn.; resigned, 1874; married June 14, 1871 ; one child. Address unknown. 527. Jacob A. Smith (Northford, Conn.). — Born No- vember 8, 1838; served three years in Union army; died while in the service, October 2, 1864. CLASS OF 1858. 528. Edward Hitchcock Adams (Amherst). — Born in Middlebury, Vt., December 18, 1842; entered Amherst College, September, 1858, leaving at the close of the first 152 ALUMNI RECORDS term on account of ill health ; clerk in drug store of Sam- uel K. Orr, Amherst, 1862-3 ; in Autumn of 1863, ap- pointed surgeon's steward on United States steamer Pembina, but was compelled to resign after a few weeks of service, on account of ill health ; appointed surgeon's stew- ard, February 13, 1865, on United States steamer Wachu- setts ; March 5 th, sailed in search of Rebel privateer Shen- andoah ; afterwards joined the Asiatic squadron, under Rear Admiral Bell ; discharged at New York City, Feb- ruary 8, 1868; May 14, 1868, appointed apothecary of third class at United States Naval Hospital, Washington, D. C. ; July I, 1868, promoted second class; April i, 1869, first class, which position he still holds while pursuing the study of medicine in the Medical Department of Georgetown Col- lege, D. C. Address, Washington, D. C. 529. Francis Olcott Allen (Hartford, Conn.). — Born in Hartford, Conn., March 14, 1840; entered Yale College, 1858 ; left April, 1859, ^^ account of ill health, and return- ing to Hartford, entered a bank, where he remained till 1863; in the coal business, Hartford, Conn., 1863-5; fire insurance, Pennsylvania, 1865; has been twice married; first, October 7, 1862, to Miss Isabella C. Jones of Chicago, 111., who died December 21, 1868, and second, November 10, 1870, to Miss Elizabeth H. Dulles of Philadelphia ; three children, Clarence J., born June 7, 1865 ; Bessie, born November 28, 1868 ; Margaret D,, born May 14, 1872. Ad- dress, Sabine & Allen, Corner Fifth and Walnut streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 530. Erastus Blakeslee (Plymouth, Conn.).; — Born in Plymouth, Conn., September 2, 1838; graduated at Yale College, 1863 ; left college in Junior year to enter the army ; received honorary degree of A. B. from Yale, July, 1864, and took that of A. M. in regular course ; commissioned second lieutenant ist Connecticut Cavalry, October 18, 1861 ; promoted first lieutenant and adjutant, October 28, 1861 ; captain, February 28, 1862; major, "for gallantry near Harper's Ferry, Va., July 14, 1863;" lieutenant colo- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 153 nel, May 23, 1864; colonel, May 27, 1864; served under General Sheridan, during the Summer and Fall of 1864, and saw much hard service ; participated in upwards of twenty engagements ; mustered out " by reason of expira- tion of term of service," November 2, 1864, and was made afterwards brevet brigadier general United States Volun- teers, to take rank from March 13, 1865, "for gallant con- duct at Ashland, Va., June i, 1864," at which place he was severely wounded in the left arm ; engaged in the insurance business at New Haven, Conn., 1865-8; in book publish- ing, firm of Warren & Blakeslee, at Boston, January, 1869, to January, 1870; present firm, Elliot, Blakeslee & Noyes, dealers in paintings, engravings, chromos, etc., at Boston, January, 1870 ; was married March 30, 1865, to Miss Mary G. North of New Haven, Conn. ; one child, Elizabeth Mary, born October 23, 1869. Address, Elliot, Blakeslee & Noyes, 127 Tremont street, Boston. 631. Albert Lawrence Brown (Dalton). — Born in Windsor, Mass., May i, 1839; ^i^^ of scarlet fever, Octo- ber 5, i860, at Somerset, Wis. He entered no collegiate institution ; at the time of his death he was principal of the Stillwater Seminary, Wisconsin. 533. Charles Horace Clark (Granby, Conn.). — Born in East Granby, Conn., March 9, 1839; entered Yale Col- lege in 1858, leaving during his first year; has been en- gaged since in the business of farming and cigar manufac- turing at East Granby, Conn. Was married October 24, 1864, to Miss Catherine Jane Hayden of Windsor, Conn.; she died April 16, 1872. Address, East Granby, Conn. 533. Marquis Fayette Dickinson (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., January 16, 1840 ; graduated from Am- herst College, 1862 ; was student at Harvard Law School, but took no degree at any professional school ; taught in Williston Seminary, 1862-5 ; trustee of Williston Semi- nary, 1872 ; admitted to the bar in Boston, 1866 ; in prac- tice there since then ; assistant United States attorney, for District of Massachusetts, during 1869 and 1870; has been 20 154 ALUMNI RECORDS member school committee of Boston, and trustee Boston public library; member Common Council, rS/i and 1872, from eleventh ward, and president of the Board, 1872 ; pub- lished pamphlet, " Legislation on the Hours of Labor," originally delivered before joint committee of Massachu- ■ setts Legislature; married at Easthampton to Miss Cece- lia R. WilHston, November 24, 1864; son, Williston, born February 17, 1869; died August 22, 1872; son, Charles, born July 17, 1872. Address, 14 Pemberton Square, Bos- ton, Mass. 534. John Birge Doolittle (Plymouth, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., November 6, 1836; graduated Yale Col- lege, 1863; studied for the ministry at Yale Theological Seminary, graduating 1867 ; chaplain 15th Connecticut Vol- unteers ; mustered in July 19, 1864 ; served under General Schofield ; present at battle of Kingston, N. C. ; mustered out July 5, 1865; settled at Hartland, Conn., June 12, 1867, to June 19, 1872; Bridgewater, Conn., October 16, 1872 ; married August 23, 1866, to Miss Cornelia J. Parmelee of Winsted, Conn. ; one child, Edward Winslow, born Octo- ber 14, 1870. Address, Bridgewater, Conn. 535. Adrian John Ebell (Rochester, N. Y.). — Born in Jaffnapatam, Ceylon, September 20, 1840. He entered Yale College, September, 1858, but soon left and re-entered in 1859, remaining, however, only through the first term of Freshman year. He then taught music at New Haven, Conn., and at Chicago, 111., in Douglass University, mean- time pursuing his studies in private to his Junior year. In the Summer of 1862, he went north-west on an exploring expedition to the Sioux reservations, but hardly had the expedition reached the territory when the Indian massacres broke out. Taking command of the party of forty-three persons, he succeeded in leading them back in safety, and was rewarded, on his arrival at St. Paul, by a first lieuten- ant's commission; joining the Indian expedition, he re- turned to the theatre of war on General Sibley's staff, act- ing as commissary. Returning to Yale, he entered the WILLISTON SEMINARY. 155 Sheffield Scientific School and graduated in 1866, taking the degree of Ph. B. In the year 1865, on his return from a trip to the West Indies and Turks Islands, he suffered shipwreck. In 1866, he commenced lecturing before schools and lyceums on Natural Science, and has delivered since that period over 3,000 lectures. Pursuing a course of medical study, he graduated, and received the degree of M. D. at the Albany Medical College in 1868. In 1870, he commenced the publication of a series of popular works on Comparative Anatomy and Zoology, six editions of which have been published by L. Reeve & Co., London, with whom he has entered into an arrangement for the publication of an international series of elementary works on Natural Science. In 1871, he organized the "Interna- tional Academy of Natural Science," director of which he still remains ; head-quarters at Cooper Institute, New York, taking classes each year to Europe for purposes of study. In 1872, he was appointed professor of Physiology and derponstrator of Anatomy at the Homoeopathic Medical College, New York City. Address, Cooper Institute, New- York City. 536. Henry Hill Goodell (Constantinople, Turkey). — Born in Constantinople, Turkey, May 20, 1839; graduated at Amherst College, Class of 1862; commissioned second lieutenant 25th Connecticut Volunteers, at Hartford, Conn., August 16, 1862 ; promoted first lieutenant, April 14, 1863; aid-de-camp on staff of Colonel Bissell, 3d Brigade, 4th Division, 19th Army Corps, July 8, 1863 ; served at battles of Irish Bend, Vermillion, siege of Port Hudson, the Teche Campaign and Donaldsonville ; mustered out at Hartford, Conn., August 26, 1863; taught at Williston Seminary, 1864-7; professor Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., 1867 ; married Miss Helen E. Stanton of Winchester, Mass., December 10, 1873. Address, Am- herst, Mass. 537. Thomas Henderson (Amherst). — Born in Sunder- land, Mass., November 24, 1835 : entered Amherst College, 156 ALUMNI RECORDS September, 1858, leaving at close of Freshman year ; stud- ied medicine at the Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, Mass., graduating November, 1862; commissioned assist- ant surgeon, February 3, 1863; served in Lawton Gen- eral Hospital-, at St. Louis, Mo., and Harvey General Hos- pital, Madison, Wis.; lost second finger of right hand by hospital gangrene ; practiced Easthampton, 1863-4; Madi- son, Wis., 1864-5 ; Boston, 1865-70; Waltham, 1870-3; associated with Dr. Dio Lewis as house physician in his home for invalids at Boston, 1873; married December 21, 1863, at Phippsburgh, Me., to Miss H. A. Bowker ; two chil- dren — Horace Wales, born August 22, 1865, and Marion, June, 1871. Address, Beacon street, Boston, Mass. 538. Charles Sylvester Hoar (New Braintree). — Born in New Braintree, Mass., January 19, 1840; by act of Leg- islature in 1859, ^'is name was changed to Charles Sylves- ter Brooks; graduated at Amherst in 1863 ; taught in East Abington, Mass., April, 1864 — Summer of 1866; studied for the ministry at Andover Theological Seminary, gradu- ating in 1869; pastor Tyngsborough, Mass., September 15, 1869, to August I, 1872; South Deerfield, January 14, 1873 ; was married November 11, 1863, to Miss Eleanor R. Converse, of New Braintree, Mass. ; one child, Josephine D., born January 28, 1872. Address, South Deerfield, Mass. 539. Francis Hunt Holmes (Williamsburgh). — Born in Williamsburgh, January 12, 1839; entered Yale College, September, 1858, leaving at the end of Sophomore year, i860; enlisted in the 5 2d Massachusetts Volunteers, Octo- ber II, 1862, and served as corporal till the mustering out of. the regiment, August 14, 1863 ; re-enlisted as private in the 2d Massachusetts Cavalry, February, 1865, and was mustered out in August of the same year ; taught in North Adams, the Fall and Winter of 1863-4; in Geneva, N. Y., the Autumn of 1864; in Conway, the Autumn of 1865; insurance agent for the New England Mutual Life, January, 1866, to August, 1866; re-entered Yale College, September, 1866, and left June, 1868, without taking a degree; since WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 57 1868, has been engaged in teaching as private tutor or in private schools at Philadelphia, Pa. ; during one year of this period, he was engaged in the editorial department of Forney s Press. He was married November 26, 1871, to Miss Caddie B. Pilling of Philadelphia, Pa. Address, 341 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. 540. William Lampson (Le Roy, N. Y.). — Born in Le Roy, N. Y., February 28, 1840; graduated at Yale, 1862; studied law at Columbia Law School, New York, graduating 1867; since 1868, has been president of the First National Bank at Le Roy, N. Y. ; unmarried. Ad- dress, Le Roy, N. Y. 541. Zechariah Edwards Lewis (Greenwich, Conn.). — Born in Geneseo, Livingston County, N. Y., November 5, 1 840; graduated at Amherst College in 1862; studied medicine in the Medical Department of the University of City of New York, and graduated in 1866; commissioned assistant surgeon United States army, June 17, 1864; served at Jefferson General Hospital, Jeffersonville, Ind. ; left ser- vice September 7, 1864, to return and complete his studies; from September, 1865, to September, 1867, he was in the New York Hospital, sixteen months as externe, and eight as interne surgeon ; assistant demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of the City of New York, I'i^^-'j \ demon- strator and in full charge of the Department, i^^ij-Z'^ in practice of profession in New York City, September, 1867, to June, 1868 ; West Farms, N. Y., June 5, 1868. Address, West Farms, N. Y. 543 RuFUS Pratt Lincoln (Amherst). — Born in Belch- ertown, Mass., April 27, 1840; graduated at Amherst Col- lege in 1862; commissioned second lieutenant 37th Massa- chusetts Volunteers, at Amherst, Mass., August 27, 1862; promoted captain, October 15, 1862; major, July 27, 1864; lieutenant colonel, March 4, 1865 ; colonel. May 19, 1865 ; served at battles of Fredericksburg, Mary's Heights, Frank- lin's Crossing, Gettysburg, Rappahannock, Mine Run, Wil- derness, Spottsylvania, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Peters- 158 ALUMNI RECORDS burgh and Taylor's Creek ; wounded at Wilderness and Spottsylvania ; mustered out July 29, 1865 ; studied medi- cine at the Medical Department of Harvard College, gradu- ating July 15, 1868; has practiced in New York City since January, 1869; was married August 24, 1869, to Miss Car- rie C. Tyler of New York City. Address, No. 22 West Thirty-first street. New York City. 543. Charles Elliott Mitchell (Bristol, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., May 11, 1837; graduated at Brown University in 1861 ; principal high school, 'Bristol, Conn., 1861-3; studied law at Law School, Albany, N. Y., gradu- ating in 1864; in practice of profession at New Britain, Conn., 1866; was married December 13, 1866, to Miss Cor- nelia A. Chamberlain ; one child, Robert Chamberlain, born May 8, 1868. 544. Harlan Page Parmelee (Morris, 111.). — Born in Naperville, 111., June 17, 1838; graduated at Yale in 1863; taught at Lisbon, 111., 1863-4; studied law at Cambridge Law School, graduating in 1866; practiced his profession in Chicago, 111., 1866-71 ; since April, 1871, has been en- gaged in the business of loaning money for Eastern cap- italists, and practicing law at Decatur, 111. ; was married February 15, 1872, to Miss Marietta E. Osborne of Chicago, 111. Address, Decatur, 111. 545. Henry Thomas Perry (Ashfield). — Born in Ash- field, Mass., May 6, 1838; graduated at Williams College, 1862; studied theology at Auburn Seminary, New York, graduating in 1865 ; was ordained as a missionary to Cen- tral Turkey in December, 1865, and left for his field of labor November 21, 1866; was stationed three years at Aintab, Turkey, and since then has been connected with the Theo- logical School in Marash, Turkey, assisting in training up a native ministry ; was married September 19, 1866, to Miss Jennie H. Jones of Cedar Rapids, la. Address, Marash, Turkey. 546. George William Porter (Enfield). — Born in Northampton, Mass., September 11, 1838; served during WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 59 the war in the loth Massachusetts^ Volunteers, June 21, 1 86 1, to July I, 1864; honorably discharged by reason of expiration of term of service. He was married, April 28, 1864, to Jane C. Cady of Chatham Four Corners, N. Y. ; in the soda business at Savannah, Ga., January, 1865, to June, 1866; died of consumption, October 7, 1866. 547. William Seymour Potwin (Terre Haute, Ind.). — Born in Sharon, Penn., February 22, 1838 ; partially pre- pared for College at Williston Seminary, Class of 1858, but on account of ill health, was compelled to leave before fin- ishing his course, and has since devoted himself to mercan- tile pursuits ; hardware merchant at Terre Haute, Ind., 1858-64; partner in the firm of Frank Sturgess & Co., manufacturers of tinned, stamped and japanned ware, at Chicago, 111., December, 1865 ; married September 27, i860, to Miss Lizzie Lewis, of Clinton, 111.; one child, Clara. Address, Frank Sturgess & Co., Chicago, 111. 548. Charles Smith Robert (Mastic, L. I.). — Born in New York, N. Y., March 5, 1839 ; entered Yale College, 1858 ; left at the close of Junior year in 1861 ; studied medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York, graduating October 14, 1864; assistant surgeon United States Volunteers, March, 1865, to July, 1865 ; in practice of his profession at St. Louis, Mo.,' 1866; Westport, Conn., May, 1868-72; New York City, 1873; married January 29, 1867, to Adelina Trudeau of New York City; four children — Amy, December 3, 1867; Lelia Adelina, November 18, 1868; Francis Berger, August 24, 1870; Caroline Elizabeth, March 10, 1872. Address, 175 East Seventy-third street. New York City. 549. John Smith Robert (Mastic, L. I.). — Born in Mas- tic, L. I., August 2, 1840; graduated at Yale, 1862; and has since devoted himself to the occupation of farmer. Address, Moriches, Suffolk County, N. Y. 650. Nathaniel Curtiss Scoville (Pitcairn, N. Y.) — Born in Pitcairn, N. Y., February 22, 1836; entered Yale College, i860, under the name of N. C. DeForest ; left l60 ALUMNI RECORDS July, 1862, and resuming his old name of Scoville, entered Harvard, graduating in 1864; studied law injhe Law De- partment of Harvard College, 1864-66; has practiced his profession at Kansas City, Mo., from October 7, 1866; mar- ried April 14, 1870, to Mrs. Susan E. Goss of Kansas City. Address, Kansas City, Mo. 551. Calvin Stebbins (South Wilbraham). — Born in South Wilbraham, Mass., April 22, 1837; graduated at Amherst College, 1862 ; studied Theology at the Divinity School, Cambridge, leaving before his course was com- pleted, March, 1865 ; pastor at Chicopee, November 22, 1866, to November i, 1869; Marlborough, November 4, 1869, to September 26, 1872 ; Detroit, Mich., October i, 1872; married August 8, 1866, to Miss Linda M. Beebe of South Wilbraham. Address, Detroit, Mich. 553, Francis Norton Sterling (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.). — Born in Salisbury, Conn., December 6, 1842; gradu- ated at Yale in 1862 ; commissioned first lieutenant Com- pany D, 128th New York Volunteers, September, 1862; died December 6, 1862, on board the transport Arago, while on his way to the seat of war. 553. Charles Burt Sumner (Southbridge). — Born in Southbridge, Mass., August 17, 1837; graduated at Yale College, 1862 ; enlisted sergeant Company A, 45th Massa- chusetts .Volunteers, September 26, 1862 ; served in North Carolina, taking part in several engagements in that State; mustered out July 7, 1863; taught at Monson Academy, 1863-5 5 studied Theology at Andover, gradu- ating in 1867; pastor at Monson, January 2, 1868; mar- ried October 7, 1869, to Miss Mary L. Stedman of Southbridge, Mass. ; one child, Helen, born February 24, .1871. Address, Monson, Mass. 554. Charles Humphreys Sweetser (Amherst). — Born at Athol, Mass., August 25, 1841 ; died of con- sumption in Pilatka, Fla., January i, 1871, aged 29 ; grad- uated at Amherst in 1862 ; adopting the profession of edi- tor, "his career was in many respects the most remarkable WILLISTON SEMINARY. l6l in the annals of journalism. He was a born suggestor, in- novator and pioneer." Immediately after graduation he be- came a member of the editorial staff of the Springfield Re- publican, remaining in that connection for a year thereafter. In the Fall of 1863, removing to New York, he established the Round Table, a weekly literary paper ; on the failure of that enterprise in the Spring of 1865, he became for a few months the editor of the Jersey City Times, Returning to New York in the Fall of 1865, he revived \hQ Round Table^ which has since been merged in the Citizen, In 1866, sell- ing out his interest in the Round Table^ he established what is now known as the Bureau of Literary Reference, and on Christmas eve of the same year started a new daily evening paper called the Gazette. In September, 1867, selling out to his partner, Mr. Ahern, he started the Eveni?tg Mail, a paper to all intents exactly the same; in December, 1868, he sold out his remaining interest in the Evening Mail dSiA started a daily morning paper called the City, which had only a brief existence. His health failing in 1869, he re- moved to St. Paul, where he was for a time engaged on the St. Paul Despatch* He afterwards projected a literary pa- per at Minneapolis, but failing in this he became the liter- ary editor of the Chicago Tribtme^ continuing in that relation till his last sickness. He edited, in 1867, a Guide Book to Minnesota, and in 1866 a Summer Resort Book, and had previously published the first Song Book of Amherst Col- lege, and a little work entitled, " Annals of Amherst Col- lege." He was married October 24, 1867, to Miss Mary Sweetser, of Brooklyn, who, with a daughter, survives him. 555. George Keys Tufts (New Braintree.) — Born in New Braintree, October 17, 1841 ; entered Yale College in 1859, leaving at the close of first term of Junior year, in the Fall of 1861 ; re-entered in the next class, but remained only a short time ; has been engaged in mercantile pursuits at New Braintree since December, 1866; has been post- master and justice of the peace. Address, New Braintree, Mass. 21 l62 ALUMNI RECORDS 656. Mason Whiting Tyler (Amherst). — Born in Am- herst, Mass., June 17, 1840; graduated at Amherst Col- lege in 1862 ; commissioned second lieutenant 37th Massa- chusetts Volunteers, at Amherst, Mass., August i, 1862; promoted first lieutenant, September 4, 1862 ; captain, January 17, 1863 ; major, March 4, 1865 ; lieutenant-col- onel, May 19, 1865; colonel, June 26,, 1865 ; served in battles of First and Second Fredericksburg, Burnside's Campaign, Salem Church, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Sta- tion, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Hanover Junc- tion, Coal Harbor, Petersburg, Fort Stearns, Summit Point, Winchester, Hatcher's Run, Forts Steadman and Sedge- wick ; wounded at Winchester and Fort Steadman ; mus- tered out at Washington, D. C, July 2, 1865 ; studied law at Columbia Law School, 1865-7; managing clerk in the office of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, New York, October, 1866, to January, 1869 ; partnership, Tremain & Tyler, Jan- uary I, 1869; married December 29, 1869, to Miss Eliza M. Schroeder of New Milford, Conn. Address, Tremain, Tyler & Patterson, 167 Broadway, New York. 557. Henry Selden Waite (Toledo, O.) — Born in Maumee, O., July 18, 1841 ; has devoted himself to mer- cantile pursuits, being now partner in the firm of Worts & Co., wholesale bakers and confectioners, Toledo, O. ; en- listed as private in the 8th Ohio Volunteers, in the Spring of 1862, and was mustered out in the Fall of the same year ; married August 2, 1865, to Miss lone Brown of Tecumseh, Mich. ; three children — M. R. 2d, born De- cember 13, 1866; Henry M., May 15, 1868; Amelia C, February 2, 1872. Address, Worts & Co., Toledo, O. 558. John Abbott Ward (Palmer). — Born in Palmer, Mass., January 7, 1840; entered Yale College in 1858, but died of consumption March 4, 1862, but a short time before graduation. 559. William Halliday Whitin (Whitinsville). — Born in Whitinsville, Mass., September 5, 1841 ; graduated at Yale, 1863 ; 1863-4 was spent at home occupied in general WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 63 reading; in August, 1864, he became a member of his father's firm, in the business of manufacturing cotton goods at Whitinsville, and is still so employed. Address, Whit- insville, Mass. 560. John Schall Herbst (Pike County, Pa.). 501. Charles Hume Baldwin (Windsor). — Born in Windsor, Mass., March 11, 1838; left Williston Seminary at close of Junior year ; completed preparation for college at Pittsfield High School ; graduated at Williams College, 1863; at Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1866; taught one year in New York; ordained and installed pas- tof Second Presbyterian Church, Peekskill, N. Y., April 30, 1867; dismissed July 16, 1869, to accept a call to the Pres- byterian Church, Johnstown, N. Y. ; resigned in 1873 to accept a call to Euclid Avenue Church, Cleveland, O. ; re- signed, 1874. Address, Cleveland, O. 563. Theodore Bartlett (Easthampton). — Born in Bricksville, O., September 21, 1841 ; pursued common English branches; was private in Company B, 31st Massa- chusetts Volunteers, nine months ; engaged in dry goods business since leaving school, 1859 to date. Address, Pittsfield, Mass. 563. Homer Wilson Munson (Huntington). — Born in Norwich, Mass., December 24, 1840; studied English at Williston ; ticket agent for Western Railroad at Hunting- ton, 1862-5 ; in mercantile firm of E. G. & H. W. Munson, 1865-70; since then conducting the same business alone ; married May 28, 1862. Address, Huntington, Mass. 564. Horace Willard Munson (Huntington). — Born in Norwich, Mass., December 24, 1840; studied English at Williston; farming until 1866; bought one-third interest in a sole-leather tannery, and a farm at Brookdale, Pa., 1866 ; returned to Huntington, 1869, and is engaged in farming and lumbering ; married May 28, 1873 ; three children. Address, Huntington, Mass. 1 64 ALUMNI RECORDS CLASS OF 1859. 565. Charles Dickinson Adams (Amherst). — Born in Shutesbury, Mass., October 11, 1839; graduated at Am- herst College, 1863, and from Columbia College Law School, 1864; has been engaged in the practice of law since 1864; married. Address, 59 Liberty street, New York. 566. Homer Rollin Barton (Granby). — Died of inflam- mation of the bowels at Granby, Mass., August 12, 1863, aged 26. He was born in Granby, July i, 1837; graduated at Amherst College, 1863. 567. Samuel Swift Beach (Canaan, Conn.). — Born in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Conn., October 16, 1842; studied medicine about eighteen months ; enlisted early in 1 86 1 in 2d Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry; served in various capacities, mostly on detached service in the field for three years ; honorably discharged at Washington in 1864, and served as clerk in War Department, two years ; since leaving the government service in 1866, has been en- gaged in mercantile pursuits; married October 27, 1868; one child. Address, Clinton, Clinton County, la. 568. Charles Morris Billings (Hatfield). — Born in Hatfield, Mass., July 20, 1843 ; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1863, and at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1867 ; since then in the practice of his profession. Address, Nashua, Chickasaw County, la. 569. Edward Munson Booth (New Britain, Conn.). — Born in Torrington, Litchfield County, Conn., January 26, 1840; graduated from Yale College, 1863; taught a term in Ashford Connecticut Academy ; removed to Chicago and taught classics and elocution in a private school ; since then instructor in elocution in the Chicago Theological Semi- nary (Congregational), and teacher of classes in elocution in some other schools ; married August 26, 1865 ; wife died November 28, 1870; one child, born December 24, 1867. Address, Union Park Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 65 570. James Henry Bradford (Grafton, Vt.). — Born in Grafton, Vt., August 24, 1836; was in Yale College two years, and Yale Theological Seminary, one year ; chaplain 1 2th Connecticut Volunteers, three years, — the only chap- lain in Connecticut regiment who went through ; home missionary in Wisconsin, two years ; chaplain and assist- ant superintendent Boys' Reform School at Westboro, Mass., two years ; superintendent Connecticut Industrial School for Girls, Middletown, Conn., three years ; vice- principal of the Russell School, New Haven, 1873 ; mar- ried August 19, 1865 ; three children. Address, New Haven, Conn. 571. Oliver Henry Chalker (Saybrook, Conn.). 572. Edward Whitman Chapin (Willimansett). — Born in Chicopee, Mass., August 23, 1840; graduated at Am- herst College, 1863 ; studied law with Beach & Stearns, Springfield ; spent six months in Harvard Law School ; ad- mitted to practice law in 1866, and since then settled in Holyoke ; member of the Massachusetts House of Repre- sentatives, 1872 ; married; two children. Address, Hol- yoke, Mass. 573. Dewitt Scoville Clark (Chicopee). — Born in Chicopee, Mass., September 11, 1841 ; graduated from Am- herst College, 1863, and from Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1868 ; teaching at Upton and Saxonville, Mass., two years after leaving college ; ordained and installed, Novem- ber 1 1, 1868, over Congregational Church in Clinton, Mass. ; married January 18, 1872. Address, Clinton, Mass. 574. Henry Wright Clark (Burlington, Conn.). — Born in Southold, Suffolk County, N. Y., November 26, 1839; enlisted from town of Avon, Conn., in Company C, 4th Connecticut Infantry; afterwards changed to ist Connecti- cut Heavy Artillery ; served two and one-third years ; was detailed for hospital service, caught diphtheria, and died August 23, 1863. 575. Edward Gould Colton (Easthampton). — Born in Amherst, Mass., May 3, 1841 ; taught in Selma, Ala., 1 66 ALUMNI RECORDS 1859-60; assistant surgeon in the Confederate army, 1860-4, ^rid stationed in hospitals at Mobile and Rich- mond ; graduated at New York Medical University ; since receiving his degree in medicine has practiced that profession in Brooklyn ; married ; one child. Address, 296 Union street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 576. George Stanley Dewey (Newbern, N. C). — En- tered Yale, but did not graduate ; enlisted in the Confed- erate army, and wsls killed just before the close of the war, near Richmond. 677. Henry Farnham Dimock (South Coventry, Conn.). — Born in South Coventry, Conn., March 28, 1842; grad- uated at Yale College, 1863 ; was a lawyer until 1870 ; since then managing Metropolitan Steamship Company ; married September 5, 1867; one child. Address, 80 West street, New York. 678. Julius Emmons (West Chester, Conn.). — Born in Westchester, Conn., December 8, 1840; graduated at Yale College, 1863 ; taught three years in East Haddam, Conn., and three years in Caledonia, Minn. ; during 1 870-1, traveled for a Boston business firm through states and ter- ritories along Rocky Mountains ; died at Colchester, Conn., December 4, 1871. 679. George Ephraim Fuller (Wilbraham). — Born in Wilbraham, Mass., December 25, 1838 ; entered Amherst College and left in 1861 ; entered the army; graduated at Georgetown Medical College, 1865, while stationed at Washington, D. C, in surgeon general's office. Section of the Army Medical Museum ; began practice of medicine in Brimfield, Mass., May 17, 1866, and removed to Monson, Mass., July i, 1868; entered the army as hospital steward 27th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Septem- ber 17, 1 86 1 ; served three years ; entered the regular army as hospital steward, November 4, 1864, and served in work connected with the preparation of a Surgical History of the War, until April 30, 1866, when he resigned to enter civil practice ; has been medical examiner, State aid Mas- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 167 sachusetts ; married December 25, 1865 ; two children — one living. Address, Monson, Mass. 580. Clark Hewitt Griggs (Chaplin, Conn.). — Born in Chaplin, Conn., January 27, 1839; graduated at Amherst College, 1863; entered United States army as hospital steward, January 5, 1864; discharged August, 1865; taught classical school of boys at Washington, two years ; in 1867, entered the United States patent office as clerk, and by being promoted three times, arose to be principal examiner ; married March 18, 1867; three children. He died Novem- ber II, 1872. 58i. Joseph Francis Hall (Jamestown, N. Y.); — Born in Jamestown, N. Y., April 9, 1837; entered Amherst Col- lege, but obliged by sickness to leave ; entered his brother's hardware store in Jamestown, and still pursued his studies ; enlisted as sergeant in Company F, 112th New York Vol- unteers ; was worn out during McClellan's campaigns ; de- tailed clerk in the adjutant-general's office, but growing weaker, he was sent home on furlough, where he died, Au- gust 13, 1864. 582. Leavitt Homan Hallock (Amherst). — Born in Plainfield, Mass., August 15, 1842; graduated at Amherst College, 1863, and Hartford Theological Seminary, 1866; ordained to the work of the gospel ministry, July 18, 1867 ; has been settled in Berlin, Conn., and Winsted, Conn. ; married June 11, 1867; two children. Address, Win- sted, Conn. 583. John Nathaniel Hayden (Chesterfield). — Born in Westhampton, Mass., March 3, 1839; graduated with honor preparatory to college; died at Chesterfield, April 18, 1859. 584. Samuel Augustus Hayt (Fishkill, N. Y.). — Born in Fishkill, N. Y., June 13, 1841 ; graduated at Princeton College, 1863 ; was in Princeton Theological Seminary, 1864; Union Seminary, 1865 ; studying in Berlin, Prussia, 1866; ordained to gospel ministry, 1867; married, 186S; three children. Address, Ballston Spa, N. Y. 1 68 ALUMNI RECORDS 585. Charles Brainerd HoLCOMB(Tariffville, Conn.). — Born in Granby, Conn., February 22, 1843;- entered Yale College, but forced by hemorrhage of lungs to leave college at end of Junior year ; entered service of Hartford Carpet Co., at Tariffville, Conn., not long after, as shipping clerk and paymaster, and remained until factory burned in 1867 ; traveled for D. S. Stevens & Co., of Wallingford, Conn., 1867-9 j sickness of his father obliged his return to Tariff- ville ; is now engaged in coal and lumber trade ; unmarried. Address, Tariffville, Conn. 586. Walter Morton Rowland (Conway). — Born in Conway, Mass., July 22, 1840 ; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1863 ; studied law in office of William Rowland of Lynn (Class 1842), and in Chicago ; entered the practice of law, 1869; was quarter-master in the army; married July 2, 1873, to Florence C. Reynolds of Terre Coupee, Ind., who died of pneumonia soon after. Address, 90 La Salle street. Room 26, Chicago, 111. 587. Emmons Rughitt (Genoa, N. Y.). — Born in Genoa, N. Y., July 28, 1840, and died October 28, 1864, at Union Theological Seminary, New York ; graduated at Amherst College, 1863 ; spent the first year of his theological study at Auburn, N. Y., and had entered upon his second year at New York, when he was attacked by variola in its most virulent form, and died before friends could reach him. 588. Ebenezer Porter Ryde (Youngstown, N. Y.). — Born in Youngstown, N. Y., October 28, 1837, and died at New Raven, Conn., August 31, 1868 ; entered Yale College and left third term of Sophomore year ; was two years in Yale Theological Seminary ; entered the ministry, 1 863 ; preached at South Coventry, Conn., 1863-6; health failed and he sought recovery in travel and change of life ; mar- ried July 18, 1863 ; left one child. 589. William Dixon Marsh (ElHngton, Conn.). — Born in Ellington, Conn., February 7, 1840; is a merchant ; mar- ried November 18, 1863 ; two children. Address, 164 La Salle street, Chicago, 111. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 69 590. Carroll Neide (Pottstown, Pa.). — Born in Potts- town, Pa., September 12, 1840; was in Yale three years ; enlisted in 2d Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, 1862 ; transferred to signal corps and promoted to sergeant ; dis- charged June, 1865 ; in Philadelphia office of Reading Railroad Co., 1866; in 1867, became clerk in Bureau ot Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned, at Charleston, S. C. ; served till close of Bureau ; now in Philadelphia City Treas- ury. Address, City Treasury, Philadelphia, Pa. 591. Christopher Pennell (West Stockbridge). — Fell July 30, 1864, in the assault which followed the springing of the mine at Petersburgh ; born in Northbridge, Mass., August 12, 1842 ; entered Amherst College, Class of 1863 ; at the close of Junior year, enlisted as private in 34th Mas- sachusetts Infantry, and was made a sergeant; subsequently recommended for promotion and commissioned second lieu- tenant in 19th United States Colored Troops ; soon ap- pointed aid on staff of General Thomas, commanding 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 9th Army Corps of army of Poto- mac ; in the only action in which he was engaged, he dis- played great coolness ; when our troops wavered under the cross-fire of the enemy, he seized the brigade colors and advanced, calling upon his men to follow. He fell far in front of the column, and all who rushed to his rescue shared his fate, save one. 593. Henry Selden Pratt (Meriden, Conn.). — Born in Meriden, Conn., January 9, 1841 ; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1863 ; since then a teacher; at Stamford, Conn., in a boys' boarding school, one year ; in charge of high school at Bristol, Conn., three years ; at Waukegan, 111., since then ; at present superintendent of schools ; married De- cember 28, 1869. Address, Waukegan, 111. 593. Robert Stephens (Elmira, N. Y.). 594. Charles Lysander Storrs (Amherst). — Born in Holliston, Mass., November i8, 1839; entered Amherst College, Fall of 1859, and remained till beginning of Junior year, 1861 ; enlisted as private in Company D, 27th Regi- 22 170 ALUMNI RECORDS ment Massachusetts Volunteers ; served with the 27th two and a half years ; commissioned captain and assigned to command of Company E, 32d United Stales Colored Troops ; served till close of war ; returning to Amherst, graduated with Class of 1867; September to December, 1867, edited and published American Journal of Photogra- phy, and taught in Union Academy at Jamaica, N. Y. ; dur- ing Winter of 1867-8, taught at Amherst; in December, 1868, bought half interest in Amherst Record; continued in this until 1871 ; for a short time, thereafter, night editor oi Boston News \ in September, 1871, bought the South Boston Inquirer, a local weekly, and is still engaged in pub- lishing that paper and in printing ; married May, 1869 ; one child. Address, South Boston, Mass., 325 E street. 595. DwiGHT Harrington Terry (Plymouth, Conn.). — Born in Plymouth, Conn., March 27, 1841 ; engaged in mercantile business and insurance ; married November 24, 1862. Address, Bridgeport, Conn. 596. Seth Edward Thomas (Plymouth Hollow, Conn.). — Born in Thomaston, Conn., October 9, 1841 ; has been secretary and treasurer of Seth Thomas Clock Company since 1859; married December 13, 1865; four children. Address, 581 Broadway, N. Y. 597. Eugene Wells (Hudson, N. Y.). — Born in Hud- son, N. Y., January 17, 1839 > studied medicine for a time, but was obliged to relinquish the same, owing to weak eyes; married May 31, 1865 ; one child. Address, Rhine- beck, N. Y. 598. Henry Mitchell Whitney (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., 1843 ; graduated at Yale College, 1864; at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1865-6; and Andover Theological Seminary, \'^66-Z, graduating; private in 5 2d Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers; dis- charged as sergeant-major; term of service one year; served in Christian Commission in various capacities ; preacher of the gospel and pastor of Congregational Church, Geneva, 111., November, 1868 to April, 1871 ; pro- WILLISTON SEMINARY. I7I fessor of Rhetoric and English Literature, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., since April, 1871 ; married, 1869; two chil- dren. Address, Beloit, Wis. 599. William Collins Whitney (Springfield). — Born in Conway, Mass., July 5, 1841 ; graduated at Yale College, 1863 ; studied law at Harvard Law School, and has been occupied with that profession since then ; married October 13, 1869; one child. Address, 20 Nassau street, N. Y. 600. Edward Allen Wickes (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.). — Address, 32 Pine street, N. Y. 601. Henry Nelson Bigelow (Clinton). — Is a manu- facturer. Address, Clinton, Mass. 603. Henry Melville Whitney (Springfield). 603. Egbert Byron Bingham (Scotland, Conn.). — Born in Scotland, Conn., February 17, 1839; ^^^^ the Classical Class at end of middle year ; graduated at Yale College, 1863 ; studied law in Columbia Law School, 1865-6 ; grad- uated at Yale Theological Seminary, 1868 ; taught school in Brooklyn, Conn., 1863-5 5 while pursuing theological studies was a tutor in Yale College ; assistant superinten- dent of public schools for State of Georgia, under Freed- men's Bureau, six months, 1869; ordained to the ministry at Atlanta, Ga., March 27, 1869; installed pastor of First Congregational Church, Rockville, Conn., October 17, 1871 ; married June 30, 1868. Address, Rockville, Conn. 604. Selah Merrill (Westfield). — Born in Canton Centre, Conn., May 2, 1837; left the Classical Class end of middle year ; spent one year in Yale ; graduated at Yale Theological Seminary, 1863 ; preached at Chester, Mass., 1863-4; appointed chaplain 49th Regiment United States Colored Troops, 1864; preached at Leroy, N. Y., iS66-y ; installed pastor of Third Congregational Church, San Fran- cisco, 1867; married March 15, 1866 ; wife died ; married again September 16, 1868. Address, San Francisco, Cal. 605. Benjamin Milton Smith (Easthampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., May 20, 1839 ; completed a course of English study in the Seminary ; was in the army nine 1/2 ALUMNI RECORDS months as private ; was a member of the firm of Todd, Lee 8: Co., hardware merchants, Northampton, -Mass. ; died of pneumonia at Easthampton, October 3, 1874. 606. Alvin Wright Clark (Westhampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., August 18, 1830; enlisted October i, 1861, in 1st Wisconsin Artillery; married July 3, 1856; five children. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 607. David Edwards Hoxie (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., February 25, 1840; carpenter, 1859- 61 ; private in the army, 1 861-3 5 watch-maker since 1863 ; married September 16, 1869; one son. Address, North- ampton, Mass. 608. Daniel Watson Lyman (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., November 2, 1843 ; enlisted in the 5 2d Massachusetts Regiment in September, 1862; served under Banks in Louisiana, and was killed by a rifle shot in the head at Port Hudson, June 14, 1863. 609. Robert Ansel Potter (Plymouth Hollow, Conn.). — Born in Plymouth, Conn. ; in the army three and one- half years as captain ; married May 10, 1869. Address, Bristol, Conn. CLASS OF i860. 610. John Forsyth Allen (Pittsfield). — Born in Pitts- field, August 26, 1844; was at Yale College three years; then with A. T. Stewart & Co. ; present business and ad- dress unknown. 611. William Prince Ames (Collin sville, Conn.). — Born in Princeton, Ind., July 12, 1842; was in Yale College one year ; taught in Philadelphia before entering the army ; in 1864, acting assistant adjutant general, rank of first lieu- tenant, 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 23d Army Corps, at Cumberland Gap. Address, Macon City, Mo. 613. Elliot Beardsley (West Winsted, Conn.). — His health failed soon after leaving Williston, and he died of consumption June, 1862, aged 18. 613. William Packer Bellamy (Chicopee Falls). — WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1/3 Born at Medina, N. Y., April 27, 18 — ; entered Yale Col- lege, but was obliged by hemorrhage of lungs to leave in the latter part of the Junior year ; in 1866 went abroad for his health ; died in southern France April 2, 1868. 614. Jasper Hamilton Bidwell (Collinsville, Conn.). — Born in East Granby, Conn., January 6, 1847; in oil speculation, clerking, book-keeping and trade ; served with the 2d Connecticut Volunteers for three months as private ; with i6th Connecticut Volunteers six months ; wounded and disabled at Antietam one month after enlist- ment ; detailed clerk for brigade commander and medical department ; discharged from disability ; married Decem- ber 27, 1868 ; wife died ; married again October 9, 1872. Address, Collinsville, Conn. 615. Charles Rollin Bissell (Southampton). — Born in Southampton, March 28, 1842 ; entered Williams Col- lege ; remained two terms ; came home sick and died No- vember 5, 1 861. 616. Monroe March Cady (Windsor). — Born in Wind- sor, Berkshire County, Mass., January 25, 1840; graduated at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., 1866; taught two years ; admitted to practice law at Albany, N. Y., May 7, 1868 ; practiced about a year in Owego, N. Y. ; at present member of the law firm of Graham & Cady, at Dubuque. Address, Dubuque, Iowa. 617. Thomas Goldthwait Colt (Pittsfield). — Born in Pittsfield, Mass., September 30, 1842 ; enUsted June 21, i86i,as private in Company D, loth Massachusetts Volun- teers; transferred to 37th Massachusetts Volunteers as adjutant, September 2, 1862; promoted captain of same regiment, September 23, 1864; brevetted lieutenant-colonel April 6, 1865, and held this rank at the close of the war; served in 6th Army Corps and in the Valley campaigns un- der Sheridan; entered March, 1868, the business of dealer in factory supplies ; sold out January, 1871 ; re-entered business May, 1871, as dealer in wool, and continues in same. Address, Pittsfield, Mass. 174 ALUMNI RECORDS 618. Timothy Grenville Darling (Nassau, N. P., Ba- hamas). — Born at Nassau, N. P., Bahamas, October 5, 1842; graduated at Williams College, 1864; two years at Princeton Theological Seminary; graduated at Union Theo- logical Seminary, 1869; entered the ministry; not yet ordained, being assistant to Rev. Dr. Backus, of First Pres- byterian church, since December, 1870. Address, S6 Ca[- thedral street, Baltimore, Md. 619. George Royal Davis (Ware). — Born in Palmer, Mass., January 3, 1840; accountant, 1860-2; in the army, 1862-5 ; in civil service of government, 1865-71 ; general agent of Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company for State of Illinois, 1 87 1 to date ; in September, 1862, organized and made captain of a company of nine months' men ; at- tached to 8th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ; served at Newbern ; detached to hold command of outposts ; built a railroad from Batchelde Creek to Kinston ; commanded United States forces in engagements at Dover, Red House, Tuscarora and Core Creek ; participated in Jones' raid to the relief of Little Washington and in defense of Newbern ; service expired August, 1863 ; at once organized and put in camp at Readville, Mass., a company of Light Artillery ; commissioned captain of Artillery and assigned to 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery ; resigned and resignation accepted (honorably) ; commissioned captain of Cavalry by Governor Smith of Rhode Island, and given command of Company C, 3d R- I. Volunteer Cavalry, October 9, 1863; commissioned major of Cavalry, October 17, 1863 ; commanded the regiment through the Red river campaign ; in the engagements at Opelousas, Alexandria, Henderson's Hill, Natchitoch, Burnt Camp and Pleasant Hill on the advance, and Natchitoch and Grand Ecore on the retreat ; summoned to Washington from Grand Ecore under order secretary of war, to answer charges preferred by Governor Andrew for fraudulently enlisting men in Massachusetts for Rhode Island service ; was fully and honorably ac- quitted ; returned to regiment ; held command of District WILLISTON SEMINARY. I/S of Assumption, La. ; president of military commission at Thebodoux, La., three months ; held command of Teche District, La., and received the surrender of confederate forces at that place ; resigned commission ; was general superintendent of rail, river and ocean transportation until 1867 ; chief clerk for staff quartermaster at head-quarters of General Sheridan at New Orleans, and afterward in the Indian campaign until 1871 ; was twice wounded in the war for the Union, and once in the Indian campaign ; mar- ried July 25, 1867; three children. Address, 166 Wash- ington street, Chicago, 111. 620. Henry Oliver Ely (Binghamton, N. Y.). — Born in Binghamton, N. Y., November 13, 1841 ; graduated at Williams College, 1864, and in medicine in New York; is a practicing physician. Address, Binghamton, N. Y. 6*21. Marshall Richard Gains (Granby, Conn.). — Born in Granby, Conn., November 15, 1839; graduated at Yale College, 1865 ; teaching Stamford, Conn., 1865-6; in Olivet College, iS66-y ; in charge of high school, Wethersfield, Conn., 1868-9; in Hartford High School, 1869-72, as teacher of classics ; studied theology in Yale Seminary, 1868-9, and 1872-4; was private in 60th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, July, 1864, until it disbanded, four and a half months later ; has written a History of HartfoVd Gram- mar School from its foundation, 1864 to present time ; mar- ried August 20, 1868. Address, New Haven, Conn. &Z2. Edward Weston Glover (Spencer). — Born in Joliet, 111., January 17, 1842; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1864, and at Law School of Harvard University, 1866, with degree LL. B. ; in practice of law in New York, 1866-9; ^^ mercantile business and manufacturing at Springfield, Mass., 1869-72; went to Denver, Col., in search of health; married November 11, 1869; one child. Died 1874. G-Z3. Charles Goldsbury (Warwick). — Born in Win- chester, N. H., July 20, 1 841 ; graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1865; taught school ; attended Harvard Law School 176 ALUMNI RECORDS in 1869, and admitted to the bar at St. Louis, Mo., same year; is at present a banker; married January 25, 1871 ; one daughter. Address, Cherokee, la. 634. Charles Horace Hall (Columbus, O.). — Born in Columbus, O., March 21, 1844; graduated at Yale College, 1864; manufacturing since then; married January 31, 1867; two children. Address, Columbus, O. 625. Ratcliffe Hicks (Tolland, Conn.). — Born in Tol- land, Conn., October 3, 1843; graduated at Brown Univer- sity, 1864; taught school, 1865; commenced the practice of law, 1866; representative from Tolland in Connecticut Legislature, 1866; city attorney for city of Meriden, 1868-70. Address, West Meriden, Conn. 626. David Allison Irwin (Mifflinburg, Pa.). — Born in Union County, Pa., April 2, 1840; entered Amherst College and passed through Freshman year and first term of Sophomore ; since then in mihtary service ; entered as second lieutenant of Cavalry, May 28, 1866; served in 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry during the war, chiefly in the Shen- andoah Valley ; was engaged in battles of second Bull Run, Antietam, South Mountain, and all the principal battles of the Shenandoah Valley ; at the close of the war held rank of captain ; elected to Pennsylvania Legislature from Coun- ty of Uifion, and served one year ; at present first lieuten- ant 4th Cavalry. Address, care adjutant-general of the army, Washington, D. C. 637. Charles Marion Lamson (North Hadley). — Born in North Hadley, Mass., May 16, 1843; graduated at Am- herst College, 1864; taught Junior Classical Class in Wil- liston Seminary, one year ; tutor in Latin in Amherst College, two years ; studied theology at Halle, Germany, and at Andover; tutor in English in Amherst College, one year; pastor of Congregational Church at North Bridge- water, Mass. ; now pastor Salem Street Church, Worcester, Mass.; married December 25, 1869; one child. Address, Worcester, Mass. 628. Charles Henry Leonard (Southbridge). — Born WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1/7 in Madison, Ind., December 29, 1841 ; graduated at Yale College. 1865, and College Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1868 ; private Company A, 45th Massachusetts Volunteer. Militia (Boston Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation Regiment), 1862-3; ^^ Charity Hospital on Black- well's Island, 1868-9; general practice of medicine and surgery at Providence, R. I., since January, 1870; has pub- lished Providence City health reports; married June i, 1872. Address, Providence, R. I. 629. John Fisher McKinlay (Wappinger's Falls, N. Y.). — Born in Glenham, N. Y., December 24, 1842 ; had charge of the books of a cotton factory at Wappinger's Falls, 1860-5 ; in a flouring mill six months ; removed to Ottawa, 111. ; had a position in a banking and insurance office two years, and then bought an interest in the same, where he continues; married November 20, 1866; wife died Octo- ber, 1867; married again June 26, 1872; one son. Ad- dress, Ottawa, La Salle County, 111. 630. Charles Henry Osgood (Norwich, Conn.). — Born in Norwich, Conn., October 16, 1842; entered Yale, Class of 1864; left in Junior year; entered his father's store as book-keeper ; assumed charge of the business (wholesale druggist), 1870. Address, Norwich, Conn. 631. Horace Daniel Paine (Woonsocket, R. L). — Born in Woonsocket, R. I., October 24, 1841, and died April 17, 1867; graduated at Yale College, 1864; after graduation he resided at home, engaged in teaching music. 633. Benjamin Whipple Peck (Easthampton). — Born in Hatfield, Mass., September 7, 1842 ; was in Williams College, one year; in California, four years; traveled, two years ; book-keeper, two years ; deputy collector of internal revenue, 9th Massachusetts District, four years ; was as- sistant secretary of Constitutional Convention of Nevada ; married November 13, 1867; three children. Address, Northampton, Mass. 633. Benjamin Wisner Perry (Holliston). — Born in Holliston, Mass., August 24, 1837 ; was a merchant's clerk ; 23 178 ALUMNI RECORDS joined 4th Battalion in Boston ; was on duty at Fort Inde- pendence/and in Boston as home guard and escort for regi- ments going out and returning ; died January 21, 1863, from injuries received in the act of catching a horse. . 634. Joseph Benson Russell Pettee (Pittsfield). — Born in Lenox, Mass., December 14, 1841 ; obliged by a two years' sickness to relinquish a collegiate and professional course of study ; 1863-5, engaged as salesman in hardware store in Palmer, Mass., and served as secretary school board, and superintendent of public schools ; removed to Boston, 1865 ; and has since then been in the business of importing trimmings, men's wear ; salesman for Foster & Sibley, one year ; partner in Pettee & Mansfield, two years ; partner in Hathaway, Pettee & Hill, three months (senior partner drowned by being lost overboard from a Portland steamer) ; salesman for Sibley, Cumner & Co., at, present ; married January 5, 1870. Address, Boston, Mass., 71 Sum- ner street. 635. Amasa Pratt (Center Brook, Conn.). — Born in Center Brook, Conn., November 23, 1841 ; graduated from Williams College, 1865 ; private in Company B, 24th Con- necticut, nine months' men ; detailed at Baton Rouge as Post Quartermaster's clerk ; teacher in Deaf and Dumb Institution at Philadelphia, 1865-6; teacher in Institution for Deaf and Dumb and Blind in California ; now teaching in Golden Gate Academy ; married February 3, 1870; one child. Address, Oakland, Cal. 636. Howard Eben Pratt (Essex, Conn.). — Born in Essex, Conn., October 29, 1840; graduated at Yale College, 1864. He returned home after graduation, where he died, February 21, 1865. 637. Franklin Almond Rising (New Marlboro'). — Born in New Marlboro', Mass., February 19, 1842; gradu- ated at Williams College, 1864; September, 1864, appointed teacher in the Ohio Deaf Mute Institution ; left in April, 1865, to enter business in Nebraska City, Neb.; returned east, May, 1866; studied medicine, six months; iri Fall of WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1/9 1866, entered New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb as professor; accepted position of vice-principal of the In- stitution for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes ; became principal of the same, September, 1869; married October 17, 1 87 1. Address, Deaf Mute Institution, 642 7th ave- nue, New York. 638. Nathaniel Emmons Robinson (Bethany, Conn.). — Born in Freetown, Mass., March 27, 1839; ^^^ i^ Yale, three years ; at last account was living in Washington, D. C. f)39. Henry Lyle Smith (Hudson, N. Y.)- — Born in New York City, June 28, 1843 ; did not complete the course; eyes failed ; has since lost sight of left eye ; graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1864; has been resident physician and surgeon to Charity Hospital, Small-pox Hospital, Bellevue Hospital, and to the hospitals of the penitentiary, almshouses, etc., in New York ; health officer of city of Hudson, N. Y. ; served as surgeon's as- sistant in Sanitary Commission; married November 29, 1869 ; two children — one living. Address, Hudson, N. Y. (>40. Edward Payson Sprague (South Orange, N. J.). — Born in West Chester, Colchester, Conn., October 18, 1843 ; graduated from New York University, 1864; and from An- dover Theological Seminary, 1867; ordained and installed over Presbyterian Church, Salem, N. Y., in April, 1868; married June 10, 1868; one daughter. Address, Salem, Washington County, N. Y. 641. Henry Edward Storrs (Amherst). — Born in Hol- liston, Mass., November 3, 1842; graduated at Amherst College, 1864, and at the Georgia Augusta University, Gottingen, Germany, 1869; studied at the latter place. Chemistry and Mineralogy ; taught in Maplewood Insti- tute, Pittsfield, Mass., after leaving Amherst; has been professor of Natural Sciences in Illinois College since 1870 ; married August 15, 1870. Address, Jacksonville, Mor- gan County, 111. 64:t>, John Arnold Tibbitts (New London, Conn.). — Born in New London, Conn., February 19, 1844; entered l8o ALUMNI RECORDS Williams College, but left Freshman year^ editor New London Evening Star^ 1866-9 ; admitted to the bar in 1868, and has since then been in practice of law at New London ; judge of City Court, two years ; member City Board of Ed- ucation, three years ; assistant clerk Connecticut House of Representatives, 1868; clerk, 1869; clerk of Senate, 1870; member City Council, 1871 ; member Connecticut General Assembly from New London, 1872; was chairman com- mittee on military affairs, and member select committee on courts and county seats ; judge advocate Third Regimental District of Connecticut; entered the army, June, 1862, as private Company H, 14th Connecticut Volunteers ; pro- moted to orderly sergeant before regiment left the State ; wounded at Antietam in left hand and right arm ; promoted to lieutenant, December 15, 1862 ; participated in battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg; after last battle honor- ably discharged on account of physical disability; in 1864 re-entered the army as captain and commissary subsistence on the general staff; served mostly with the cavalry in the Shenandoah Valley ; brevetted major at close of war ; married February 18, 1869. Address, New London, Conn. 643, William Wellington Tyler (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., October 24, 1841 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1864; entered the Ames machine shop at Chico- pee, Mass., as an apprentice ; is now located at Mount Hol- ley, N. J., as partner in the firm of Risdon, Tyler & Co., manufacturers of water wheels ; at the competitive tests at Lowell and Holyoke, Mass., in 1871 — seventy wheels com- peting — their wheels gave five per cent, more theoretical power of the water than any other ; married September, 1872. Address, Mount Holly, N. J. 644. Lyman Hamilton Warren (Chesterfield, N. H.). — Born in Westmoreland, N. H., June 26, 1842 ; enlisted Sep- tember 17, 1 861, in 17th United States Infantry; rose rap- idly from the ranks to second lieutenant in 1862 ; brevetted captain July, 1863, ''for gallant and meritorious service," and promoted captain, December, 1865 ; '-'- took part in very WILLISTON SEMINARY. l8l many battles ;" died in Houston, Tex., September i8, 1867, of yellow fever. 645. Henry Waterman Warren (Holden). — Born in Auburn, Mass., March 18, 1838; graduated at Yale Col- lege, 1865; taught in the public schools of Nashville, Tenn., six months ; purchased a cotton plantation in Leake County, Miss., March, 1866; when reconstruction com- menced, appointed president Board of Registrars of Leake County ; chosen to represent this county in the Constitu- tional Convention of 1868 ; probate judge for Leake County, 1868-9; elected in 1869, member of State Legis- lature to represent Leake County, and in 1871, chosen speaker of the House ; Leake County having gone demo- cratic in election of 1871, he lost his seat; chosen chief clerk of the House of Representatives, 1872, and holds the position at present. Address, Carthage, Leake County, Miss. 646. Benaiah Watson (Milford, Del.). — Born in Mil- ford, Del., December 30, 1841 ; was member of Yale College, 1860-3; graduated at Harvard Law School, 1866; admit- ted to the bar, October, 1866 ; clerk of the Delaware House of Representatives, 1869. Address, Dover, Del. 647. Lewis Frederick Whitin (Whitinsville). — Born in Whitinsville, Mass., January 20, 1844; graduated at Yale College, 1864; appointed acting assistant paymaster United States navy, January 20, 1865 ; resigned Novem- ber 10, 1865 ; became partner in firm of Collins, Atwater & Whitin, August, 1866 ; is now of the firm Collins, Whitin & Co., dry goods commission business; married April 16, 1872. Address, Care Collins, Whitin & Co., New York. 648. Newton Francis Whiting (Monson). — Born in East Holliston, Mass., January 24, 1842; studied law at Norwich, Conn. ; admitted to the Connecticut bar, Novem- ber 19, 1862; soon after formed partnership with State's Attorney for New London Co., (firm being Chadwick & Whitmg,) removed to Washington as protege of Hon. L. F. S. Foster ; while there was one of the confidential clerks 152 ALUMNI RECORDS of Hon. E. M. Stanton, and later, was detailed for the more important position of confidential clerk of the paymaster general of United States army ; returned to New York at close of the war; in 1866, accepted position of financial editor on the editorial stafi'of the New York Eve7ting Post ; holds that office now, and has been for three years past part proprietor of and writer for the New York Daily Bul- letin. Address, Care Evening Post, New York. 649, MosLEY Hooker Williams (Terryville, Conn.). — Born in Farmington, Conn., December 23, 1839; graduated at Yale College, 1864; at Union Theological Seminary, two years, and at Andover, one — graduating, 1867; ordained and installed pastor of Second Congregational Church, Philadelphia, Pa., March 26, 1868; preached at Grand Avenue Chapel, Brooklyn, N. Y., April, 1869, to July, 1870; installed pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church, Port- land, Me., November 29, 1870; resigned, 1874; married February i, 1870; one son. Address, Philadelphia, Pa. 650, Henry Martyn Adams (Amherst). — Born in Shutesbury, Mass., May 8, 1844; completed the course of English at Williston Seminary ; spent one and one-half years at Troy Polytechnic Institute ; graduated from Unit- ed States Military Academy, at West Point, 1866, with the first rank ; commissioned first lieutenant of engineers, and remained at West Point three years as instructor in engineering ; ordered to New Orleans to survey the delta, repair Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and assist in surveying for a ship canal. He has been engaged since then in engi- neering work of various kinds throughout the south-west. Address, Care Adjutant General of the Army, Washing- ton, D. C. 651, Pixlee Judson (Bridgeport, Conn.). — Address, 18 Beaver street, Bridgeport, Conn. 653. Henry Augustus Minor (Plymouth, Conn.). 653. Watson Hezekjah Wright (Easthampton). — Com- pleted the course in English at Williston Seminary ; stud- ied surveying in Wesleyan Academy; farmer and surveyor; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 83 married May 23, 1866; one child. Address, Easthamp- ton, Mass. 0.54. Frederick Cushman Colton (Easthampton). — Born in Amherst, Mass., September 5, 1844; left the Clas- sical Class at middle year; private in Company C, 5 2d Massachusetts Volunteers; in 1864, entered office of Wil- liston, Knight & Co., in New York, where he remains ; married October i, 1874. Address, 74 Worth street, New York. 655. Royal Elmore Davison (Northampton). — Born in Cunimington, Mass., February 4, 1836; left the Classical Class at middle year; pursued preparatory studies else- where, and passed two years in Amherst College ; since leaving college in 1864, has pursued watch-making; married May 29, 1866; wife died June 2, 1869. Address, North- ampton, Mass. 656. Horace Wright Gaylord (South Hadley). — Stud- ied English ; farming since leaving seminary ; married No- vember 5, 1862. Address, South Hadley, Mass. 657. George Henry Gilbert (Ware). — Born in North Andover, Mass., April 24, 1841 ; began Classical course; in dry goods commission, 1865-9 — firm Gilbert, Farnham & Co. ; since 1869, banker in Wall street, same firm. Ad- dress, Gilbert, Farnham & Co., New York. 658. Frank Ellis Hall (Ware). — Born in Ware, Mass., February 12, 1839; occupation, farmer. Address, Ware, Mass. 659. S. Parkman Janes (Westhampton). — Born in West- hampton, Mass., September 26, 1839; in Classical Depart- ment to middle year; entered army September 10, 1861 ; served in Signal Corps ; station agent Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, and express agent; married September i, 1868; two children. Address, Tunnel City, Wis. 660. Arthur Colton Wright (Easthampton). — Born in Leicester, Mass., September 7, 1839; studied English course; was a farmer; died February 28, 1866. 661. Luther Lyman Wright (Easthampton). — Born in 1 84 ALUMNI RECORDS Leicester, Mass., August 3, 1836 ; studied English course ; has taught, and is now a farmer; was a member of 5 2d Massachusetts Vohmteer Mihtia, with Banks' expedition in Louisiana; married October 17, 1866. Address, East- hampton, Mass. CLASS OF 1861. 663. Edwin Alden (Cincinnati, O.). 663. James Lord Bishop (Rochester, N. Y.). — Born July 18, 1843 ; graduated from Amherst College, 1865, and Columbia Law School, 1869; taught between leaving col- lege and studying law ; practiced law in New York, then in the West. Address, St. Paul, Minn. 664. William Henry Bishop (North Woodstock, Conn.). — Born in Dobb's Ferry, N. Y., May 28, 1844; re- turned to WilHston Seminary for two terms after the war ; served three years in the war for the Union in ist Connec- ticut Cavalry as quartermaster's sergeant ; is a farmer and gardener since 1866; married October 30, 1872. Address, Toledo, O. 665. Charles Edward Bolton (South Hadley Falls). — Born in South Hadley Falls, Mass., May 16, 1841 ; gradu- ated at Amherst College, 1865 ; business — safe and lock trade and real estate ; in Christian Commission during war; married October, 1866; one son. Address, 182 Su- perior street, Cleveland, O. 666. Henry Butler (Groton Centre). — Born in Dor- chester, Mass., November 27, 1843; entered Yale in Class of 1865, but left at the end of Freshman year to enter the army; served nine months as private in 44th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia; entered Yale, 1866, at beginning of Sophomore year and graduated ; has taught at Longmead- ow, Mass., Danbury, Conn., Groton, Mass., and at Saxon- ville, Mass. Address, Saxonville, Mass. 667. Samuel Southmayd Curtis (Watertown, Conn.). — Born in Watertown, Conn., March 15, 1843; entered Yale, but left Freshman year; engaged in business in WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 85 Lockport, N. Y. ; since then has been in California, engaged in prospecting and working gold and silver mines. Ad- dress, San Jose, Santa Clara County, Cal. 608. George Sherwood Dickerman (Mt. Carmel, Conn.). — Born in Mt. Carmel, Conn., June 5, 1843 ; grad- uated at Yale College, 1865, and Yale Theological Semi- nary, 1868; ordained August 5, 1868; since then engaged in the ministry of the Congregational Church ; was settled at West Haven, Ct. ; removed to his present charge, 1874; married Novembel: 29, 1870; one child. Address, Lewis- ton, Me. 609. Robert Edward Grant (Chittenango, N. Y.). — Born at Chittenango, Madison County, N. Y., April 19, 1843; entered Yale College, but left in Fall of 1862, to enter the army; enlisted in Company I, 157th New York Volunteers, August 7, 1862, as private ; mustered out May 2, 1865, as first lieutenant of same regiment; served one year as salesman in wholesale dry goods house. New York ; then retailed dry goods at Faribault, Minn., firm Grant & Gates ; holds appointment of government store-keeper at Chittenango ; was mustered out of the army for physical disability from wounds received, having been shot through the lungs at the battle of Grahamsville, S. C, November 30, 1864; had previously been a prisoner in Libby; has never fully recovered from his wound ; married May 4, 1871; one child. Address, Chittenango, N. Y. 070. James Taylor Graves (Easthampton). — Born in Townshend,Vt., February 2, 1841 ; graduated at Yale, 1866; was one year in the army, 1862-3; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1870; supplied the pulpit at Austin, Minn.; then supplied a church in Chicago; is now pastor Congregational Church at Marshall, 111. ; married October 24, 1871 ; one child. Address, Marshall, 111. 071, Porter Woods Greene (Hadley). — Born in Had- ley, Mass., August 21, 1842 ; was in Amherst College three years; left college to enter business at the West; married November 21, 1870; he died November 21, 1872. 24 1 86 ALUMNI RECORDS 673. Augustus Joel Hall (Wallingford, Cenn.)- — Born in Wallingford, Conn., May 14, 1842; was in Yale two years ; has been connected with auction business, firm Murdoch & Dickson, many years. Address, Care Murdoch & Dickson, St. Louis, Mo. 673. John Chester Hammond (Hadley). — Born in Am- herst, Mass., August 15, 1842; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1865 ; taught school, 1865-7, studying law at the same time; in 1868 studied in office of Hon. Charles Delano, Northampton, and was admitted to the bar October 22, 1868 ; is practicing law at Northampton, firm Delano & Ham^ mond; married November 16, 1871. Address, North- ampton, Mass. 674. Francis Hutchinson Hannum (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., April 12, 1842; graduated at Amherst College, 1865; taught in Cooperstown, N. Y., Seminary, 1865-6; book-keeping and mercantile business since then; married August 12, 1866; two children. Ad- dress, Easthampton, Mass. 675. Charles Elliot Harwood (Enfield). — Born in Enfield, Mass., June 16, 1842; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1865, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1869; licensed to preach by Andover Association, December 8, 1868; ordained pastor of Congregational Church, Orleans, Mass., June 7, 1871. Address, Orleans, Mass. 676. Henry White Allis Harwood (Whately). — Born inWhately, Mass., June 6, 1843; was clerk in a store in Whately; died F'ebruary 3, 1864. 677. Albert Stephen Hull (Danbury, Conn.). 678. Cyrus Austin Leland, (Ottawa, 111.). — Born in Ottawa, 111., August 11, 1843; graduated at Yale, 1865; entered office of clerk of Supreme Court of Third Division of Illinois, October, 1865; made deputy clerk of the same, 1866; admitted to the bar of Illinois, 1867; since then en- gaged in the practice of law; married December 7, 1870; one child. Address, Ottawa, III. 679. Romulus Curtis Loveridge (Washington, Conn.). WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 8/ — Born in Northville, Conn., October 27, 1838; was in Williams and Yale one year; enlisted in 19th Connecticut Volunteers, August, 1862, as private, and served as sergeant for eleven months in defences of Washington ; then com- missioned first lieutenant United States Colored Troops; ordered to Morris Island, S. C, August, 1863; served as aid on staff of Colonel James Montgomery, commanding brigade, until the capture of the Island ; ordered to Flori- da; was in the fight near Olustee as adjutant-general of same brigade ; was in command of post at Fernandina, five months, then provost marshal of same place, and also of Jacksonville; mustered out as captain, October, 1865; county clerk, Jefferson County, Fla., August, 1868, to Feb- ruary, 1873 ; also county superintendent schools of same county, June, 1872, to February, 1873; was a dealer in blank books and stationery, 1865-8; married May i, 1866; wife is dead. Address, Fairfield, Conn. 680. Robert McEwen (Buffalo, N. Y.).— Born July 22, 1840; was in Amherst College three years; went to New York and engaged in insurance business about one year ; when last heard from was in New York. 681. William Henry Marshall (South Sutton). 683. John Morton McKinstry (Harwinton, Conn.). — Born in Torrington, Conn., November 17, 1845; entered Yale, but left Freshman year; taught in California two years; is now a manufacturer and wholesale dealer in wooden ware, and senior member of "The Forest City Wooden Ware Co.;" married December 2, 1870. Address, 156 Clinton street, Cleveland, O. 683. John Crannell Minor (New York City). — Born in New York City, March 3, 1843; graduated from New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, March, 1865; professor of Chemistry and Natural Sciences in East Ten- nessee University, 1867-9; State Assayer of Tennessee, 1868-9; professor Clinical Surgery in New York Homeo- pathic Medical College, 1 870-1 ; married April 20, 1870; one child. Address, 10 East 41st street, New York. 1 88 ALUMNI RECORDS 684. Lewis Foster Morris (Branford, Conn.). — Born in Branford, Conn., April 12, 1842; graduated from Amherst College, 1866; studied Theology, teaching and preaching since 1869; married July, 1871; one son. Address, Peeks- kill, N. Y. 685. Edward Southworth Perry (New London, Conn.). 686. John Thomas Pope (Halifax). — Born in Halifax, Mass., June 18, 1842; graduated at Brown University, 1865, and at Albany Law School, 1866; since then in practice of law; married June 18, 1873. Address, 17 Nas- sau street, New York. 687. Stephen Bailey Rand (Holyoke). — Born in New York City, January 5, 1841 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1866, and at Rochester Theological Seminary, 1869; was a private in 46th Massachusetts Infantry, nine months ; mar- ried September 7, 1869; sailed for England, and thence to Burmah, December 22, 1869, under appointment of the American Baptist Missionary Union ; arrived in Burmah 22d of February, 1870, and has been laboring at Maulmain, Burmah, since then. He has two children. Address, Care officers of Baptist Missionary Union. 688. Eugene Raymond (New Baltimore, N. Y.). — Born in New Baltimore, N. Y., September 26, 1842 ; studied law at Hamilton and Yale Colleges, and at Law School of Uni- versity of Albany; received degree of LL. B., in May, 1863 ; has practiced law since then ; also edited Windham Journal iowx years, 1866-70; married June 30, 1868; one child. Address, Coxsackie, Greene County, N. Y. 689. Richard La Barre Rumsey (Alpine, N. Y.). — - Born in Alpine, Schuyler County, N. Y., June 7, 1837; en- gaged in oil refining at Irwin, Pa., but obliged through ill health to sell out his interest ; followed the army as quarter- master's clerk until obliged to return from failing health ; engaged in mercantile business at Alpine, N. Y., in 1864; was made postmaster and assistant collector internal reve- nue. He died at Alpine, N. Y., May 10, 1866. 690. John Sharp (Cherry Valley, N. Y.). — Born in WItLISTON SEMINARY. 1 89 Cherry Valley, Otsego County, N. Y., December 4, 1844; graduated at Yale, 1865, and at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1868; practiced medicine at Ottawa, 111., two years ; then in drug business ; now following his profession. Address, Cherry Valley, Otsego County, N. Y. . 691. Simeon Waldo Sibley (Bennington, Vt). 693. Charles Henry Smith (Beirut, Syria). — Gradu- ated at Yale College, 1865 ; has been teaching; was at Cincinnati, O., and is at Bowdoin College ; elected a profes- sor in the college, July, 1874. Address, Brunswick, Me. 695, Thomas Stanley SxMITH (Joanna Furnace, Pa.). — Born in Joanna Furnace, Pa., January 25, 1845 5 graduated at Amherst College, 1865 ; studied medicine in Philadelphia, and Chemistry at Gottingen, Germany ; practiced medicine a while at Reading, Pa. Address, Joanna Furnace, Pa. 694. Asa Adams Spear (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., November 2^,, 1841 ; graduated from Amherst Col- lege, 1866, and from Columbia College Law School, 1868; was second lieutenant 52d Regiment Massachusetts Volun- teers — one year's service under General Banks in the De- partment of the Gulf; principal service, siege of Port Hud- son; married November 3, 1870; one child. Address, 22 Pine street. New York. 695. Sylvester Lamson Stockbridge (Hadley). — Born in Hadley, Mass., May 22, 1841 ; was in Amherst College, one year; was corporal 37th Massachusetts Volunteers; studied law, and is practicing that profession; married January i, 1868. Address, Baltimore, Md. 696. Joseph Knight Taylor (Granby). — Born in Gran by, Mass., December 6, 1840; was one year in Am- herst College; in 1861, joined Company F, 37th Massachu- setts Volunteers as private ; was fatally wounded, August 21, 1862, and he died in field hospital at Sandy Hook, Md., August 30; a lieutenant's commission was being made for him at the time of his death. 697. John Lawrence Thompson (Philadelphia). — Died in Princeton, N. J., 1862, or 1863. 190 ALUMNI RECORDS 698. Philander Thurston (Enfield). — Born in Pelbam, Mass., May 25, 1837 5 graduated at Amherst College, 1865 ; studied in Bangor Theological Seminary, 1865-7; gradu- ated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1868 ; ordained to the Christian ministry in February, 1869; at South Sud- bury until 1874 ; now pastor of Village Church, Dorchester. Address, Dorchester, Mass. 699. Frank Evans Townsend (West Chester, Pa.)- — Born in Westchester, Pa., May 15, 1844; in the Army one year as senior first lieutenant Artillery ; manufacturer of bolts, nuts, etc., since 1863 ; married October 14, 1869. Address, 2301 Cherry street, Philadelphia, Pa. 700. Henry Mather Tyler (Amherst). — Born in Am- herst, Mass., November 18, 1843 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1865 ; taught Junior Classical Class in Williston Seminary, 1865-6; spent a year and a half in study and travel abroad ; was tutor of Latin in Amherst College, two years ; professor of Greek and German in Knox College, 111., three years ; settled pastor of Calvinistic Church, Fitchburg, 1872; married July 30, 1872. Address, Fitch- burg, Mass. 701. John Van Schaick (Sharon, N. Y.). — Born in Sharon, Schoharie County, N. Y., July 28, 1840; entered Williams College, but left to study law ; graduated from Albany Law School, 1864; in practice of law at Cobleskill since then ; commissioner of schools for Schoharie County ; married May 25,1871; one child. Address, Cobleskill, Schoharie County, N. Y. 70.3. Sterling Hadley Warner (South Egremont). — Born in Lockport, N. Y., July 17, 1841 ; entered Yale, but by pecuniary circumstances obliged to leave at end of Sophomore year ; engaged in Ordnance Department of United States Government during war ; since then in dry goods trade, with Peake, Opdyke & Co. Address, 427 and 429 Broadway, New York. 703. Willis Whipple (Milford). — Was slain in defense of the Union in a battle near Richmond. WILLISTON SEMINARY. IQI 704, Henry Collins Woodruff (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Born in Brooklyn, L. L, February i6, 1845 ; graduated from Yale College, 1868, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1871; profession, ministry — date of licensure June 6, 1871. Address, Northport, Suffolk County, L. I. 70j. Charles Henry Arms (Knoxville, 111.).— Born in Knoxville, Knox County, 111., December 25, 1840; com- pleted the course of English; enlisted July, 1862, in 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company A ; mustered out July, 1865, with rank of sergeant major; declined commis- sion of second lieutenant, first lieutenant and quarter- master ; six years farmer ; since then in business with J. L. Dickinson & Co., iron foundry and machine shop ; married October 17, 1866 ; two children. Address, Dubuque, la. 700. Charles Cargill Capron (Uxbridge). 707. Edward Gridley (Wassaic, N. Y.). — Born in Was- saic, Dutchess County, N. Y., June 17, 1842; completed course of English; iron manufacturing and mining; married January i, 1868. Address, Wassaic, Dutchess County, N. Y. 708. Walter Pratt Long (Mystic Bridge, Conn.). 709. Horace Vaughn Smith (Joanna Furnace, Pa.). — Address, Joanna Furnace, Pa. 710. Samuel Utley (Chesterfield). — Lawyer. Address, Worcester, Mass. 711. Henry Laurens Talbot (East Machias). — Born in East Machias, 1836; left the Classical Class, Junior year ; studied three years at Wesleyan Academy ; then at An- dover Theological Seminary, three years, in Class of 1870; called to settle at Durham, N. H., November, 1872. Ad- dress, Durham, N. H. 713. William Henry Gray (Ashfield). — Born in Ash- field, June I, 1842; studied English; farming since leaving school. Address, Ashfield, Mass. 192 ALUMNI RECORDS CLASS OF 1862. 713. Orville Payson 'Allen (New Haven, N. Y.). — Born in New Haven, Oswego County, N; Y., May 15, 1842; graduated at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., 1865, and from the Law School of Hamilton College, 1866, with de- gree of LL.B. ; admitted to practice in United States Dis- trict and Circuit Courts, 1867. Address, Utica, N. Y. 714. Henry Burr Barnes (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Born in New York City, December 14, 1845; graduated at Yale, 1866; entered business as publisher in August, 1866, in which he continues ; married June 16, 1869 ; two children. Address, iii and 113 William street. New York. 715. Edward Brown Bennett (Hampton, Conn.). — Born in Hampton, Conn., April 12, 1842 ; graduated from Yale, 1866; studied law in office of Hon. C. F. Cleveland at Hampton, iS66-y, and in office of Chamberlin & Hall, Hartford, 1867-8 ; admitted to the bar of Windham County, January, 1868 ; began practice at Hampton ; elected to the Connecticut House of Representatives, April, 1868; re- moved his law office to Hartford, October, 1868 ; chosen as- sistant clerk of House of Representatives, 1869; clerk of the same, 1870; clerk of the Senate, 1871 ; in July, 1871, appointed clerk of the Police Court of Hartford, which po- sition he holds. Address, Hartford, Conn. 716. William Reynolds Bond (Easthampton). — No re- ply from him. Address, through Dr. T. R. Bond, 16 Center avenue, Chicago, 111. 717. Daniel Tyler Bromley (Scotland, Conn.). — Born in Scotland, Conn., August 23, 1844; entered Yale — left Sophomore year ; graduated from Yale Medical School, 1867; is in practice of his profession. Address, Hart- ford, Conn. 718. Andrew Lewis Bush (Westfield). — Lieutenant 37th Massachusetts, in the army ; read law in New York and practiced there. Address, Westfield, Mass. 719. James Hewlett Cornwall (Patterson, N. Y.). — WILLISTON SEMINARY. I93 Born in Patterson, N. Y., June 27, 1845 ; graduated from Yale College, 1866; engaged in business of banking and brokerage since November, 1866; married September 30, 1868; one son. Address, 31 Wall street, New York. 730. William Harrison Cranston (Willimantic, Conn.). 731. Charles Atvvood Edwards (New York City). — Born in New York, May 22, 1844 ; graduated at Yale, 1866 ; spent one year in traveling; since January, 1868, engaged in mercantile business at 85 John street, New York. Ad- dress, no East 29th street, New York. 733. Joseph Whitcomb Fairbanks (Ashburnham). — Born in Ashburnham, Mass , March 26, 1841 ; graduated at Amherst, 1866 ; has been teaching all the time since then ; principal South Hadley Falls, Mass., High School, two years ; since then teaching in Center School, Norwalk, Conn.; married December 31, 1868; two children. Ad- dress, Norwalk, Conn. 733. Thomas Greenwood (East Templeton, Mass.). — Born in Providence, R. I., November 27, 1842 ; entered Yale, but left Sophomore year ; employed nearly a year as clerk in the commissionary department at Fortress Monroe; re entered Yale and graduated in 1867 ; taught at Gam'bier, O., 1867-8; taught at Westchester, N. Y., 1868-9; nothing farther known. 734. John Manning Hall (Willimantic, Conn.). — Born in Willimantic, Conn., October 16, 1841; graduated at Yale, 1866; studied law in New York; admitted to the bar of Connecticut, November, 1868 ; in the Spring of 1869 opened an ofRce in Willimantic, Conn., where he is now practicing ; elected to the Connecticut House of Representatives for town of Windham, 1870-2; in 1872, chairman of com- mittee on railroads; married September 27, 1870; one child. Address, Willimantic, Conn. 735. Thomas E. McKinlay (Wappinger's Falls). — Born in Wappinger's Falls, Dutchess County, N. Y., November 24, 1844; graduated at Yale, 1866; admitted to the bar at Ottawa, III., August 2, 1867 ; in practice of that profession 25 194 ALUMNI RECORDS since then, and engaged in loaning eastern money on real estate security; married February 23, 1870; one child. Address, Ottawa, 111. 72fi. Samuel Risher McClean (Pittsburgh, Pa.)- — Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., April 5, 1842; entered Yale in class of 1865 and left at close of Freshman year; entered 1866, at beginning of the course, and left at end of second term of Freshman year ; is now in the banking business in Pitts- burgh ; married December 10, 1863; two children; wife died May 13, 1869; married again February 13, 1872 ; one child. Address, care S. W. McClean & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. 727. George Shtpman Payson (Fayetteville, N. Y.). — Born in Harpersfield, N. Y., September 11, 1845; gradu- ated at Yale, 1866; taught in Norwich, Conn., Free Acad- emy, two years ; graduated from Union Theological Semi- nary, N. Y., 1 87 1. Address, unknown. 728. Henry Martyn Perkins (Oroomiah, Persia). — Born in Oroomiah, Persia ; graduated at Middlebury Col- lege, Vt., 1867, and Hartford Theological Seminary, 1872 ; taught school, 1867-9, ^P<^ studied law six months before entering Theological Seminary ; ordained to the Christian ministry, June 10, 1872. Address, New Gloucester, Me. 729. Abner Post (Westfield). — Born in Westfield, Mass., August 9, 1844; graduated at Yale, 1866, and at Medical School, Harvard University, 1870; held position of house surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital and engaged in study of his profession, 1870-2 ; is now assistant surgeon at United States Marine Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Address, Westfield, Mass. 730. William Cowper Simmons (North Wrentham). — Born in Wareham, Mass., September 2, 1841 ; studied clas- sics at Exeter Phillips Academy, and graduated at Harvard, 1868; teacher September, 1868, until present time; at Newport, R. I., now at Burlington, Vt. ; married December 29, 1868; two children. Address, Burlington, Vt. 731. Benjamin Smith (Pineville, Pa.). — Born in Pineville, Pa., August I, 1840; entered Yale, Class of 1866, but grad- WILLISTON SEMINARY. IQS uated in 1867 ; has been teaching since leaving college and is one of the principals of the English and Classical Semi- nary at Doylestown,Pa. ; married 'October 5, 1867; two chil- dren. Address, Doylestown, Bucks County, Pa. 732. Herbert Edward Smith (Binghamton, N. Y.'). — Horn in Fiskdale, Mass., August 24, 1844; entered Yale, but left Freshman year ; has since then been in boot and shoe business; married June 10, 1869. Address, Bing- hamton, N. Y. 733. Lewis Eben Snow (Waterbury, Conn.). — Born in Barkhamstead, Litchfield County, Conn., December 30, 1842; engaged in business of fire and marine insurance since March i, 1864; in New York from that date until November, 1867; since then at St. Louis; served as pri- vate in Company A, 23d Connecticut Volunteers; married September 18, 1866; wife died September 20, 1868; mar- ried again September 12, 1871 ; one daughter. Address, 3C0 and 302 North Main street, St. Louis, Mo. 734. Henry Gaylord Starin (Auburn, N. Y.)- — Born in Auburn, N. Y., July 8, 1844; banking eight years, 1863-71; manufacturing since then; married October 17, 1866; two children. Address, 29 Liberty street, New York. 735. Robert Lovett Taft (East Sheffield). — Born in Sheffield, Mass., August 7, 1841 ; passed Freshman year at Williams College ; in the army six months — 49th Massa- chusetts ; has been postmaster of East Sheffield ; mining since 1868; married October 13, 1864; one daughter. Address, Ashley Falls, Mass. 73ft. George Francis Tilton (Conway). — Born in Goshen, Mass., December 31, 1840; was a graduate at Westfield Normal School, 1861 ; entered Amherst College, 1S62; entered the army, September, 1862, in ist Massachu- setts Cavalry; was wounded November 29, 1863, and died December 21, 1863, at Alexandria, Va. 737. Albert Warner (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., October 8, 1846; accountant since leaving ig6 ALUMNI RECORDS the seminary; married January 15, 1868; l:wo children, one living. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 738. Almon Mitchell Warner (Plainfield). — Born in Plainfield, Mass., March 6, 1843 ; entered the army, August 6, 1862, and served until August 28, 1865 ; received a com- mission of second lieutenant; studied law in New York; admitted to the bar May, 1869; practiced one year in New York, two years in Virginia, and has been at present loca- tion since 1872; married October 12, 1870. Address, Huntington, West Va. 739. William Webster Warner (New Marlboro'). — Born in Southwick, Mass., November 11, 1841 ; in the ar- my, private, December, 1861, to December, 1864 — depart- ment of the Gulf; farming, 1864-9; graduated Law Depart- ment, University of Michigan, March, 1871 ; admitted to practice in the courts of Michigan, April, 1871 ; married October 7, 1872. Address, Allegan, Allegan County, Mich. 740. Robert Young Watson (Milford, Del.). — Born in Milford, Del., June 2, 1844; graduated from Medical De- partment University of Pennsylvania, 1867; in practice of medicine since then. Address, Milford, Kent County, Del. 741. Harman Yerkes (Warminster, Pa.). — Born in War- minster, Bucks County, Pa., October 8, 1843 ; taught school, 1862-3; studied law and farmed two years; admitted to practice law at Doylestown, Pa., November 3, 1865 ; elected district attorney of Bucks County, October, 1868; served three years ; delegate to National Democratic Convention at Baltimore, 1872; married June 24, 1869. Address, Doylestown, Bucks County, Pa. 743, George Brayton ( Western ville, N. Y.).— Born in Westernville, N. Y., January 8, 1844; left the class end of middle year; graduated at Amherst, 1866, and Union The- ological Seminary, N. Y., 1869; ordained June, .1869; settled at Norwood, N. J., and afterward at Newark; died June 9, 1873. 743. William Parker Derby (Northampton). — Born in Camillus, N. Y., January 5, 1839; completed English course VVILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 97 and the Classical to end of middle year ; entered the army September 20, 1861, as private in 27th Massachusetts Reg- iment, Company A, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ; promoted June 9, 1862, to military postmaster, department of North Carolina, and held that till expiration of service, September 20, 1864; "Retail Provision" two years ; book- keeping two years in a manufacturing establishment; since then agent for Anchor Tape and Webbing Company ; mar- ried May 4, 1865 ; two children. Address, Northampton,. Mass. 744, William Satterlee Packer (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 19, 1845; left the class middle year; graduated at Yale, 1866; spent three years abroad; graduated Columbia College Law School, 1871 ; since then in practice of his profession in New York City. Address, 2 Grace Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. 745. Oscar Francis Searl (Southampton), CLASS OF 1863. 7-16. George Woodward Atwood (Bristol, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., August 8, 1841 ; graduated at a commercial college; taught school; in life insurance- busi- ness; married December 20, 1870; one child. Address, Hartford, Conn. 74:7. John Warren Beaman (North Hadley). — Born in North Hadley, Mass., December 28, 1845 J was in Amherst College one term, 1863; entered the army January, 1864, in 2d Massachusetts Artillery under General Banks ; served through the war as surgeon general's clerk at Alexandria, Va. ; three years at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. ; clerk two years United States ex- ploration in Colorado and Montana ; two years in the Yellowstone region as meteorologist with Professor Hay- den ; occupation, civil engineer. Address, Amherst, Mass. 748. Joseph Judson Brooks (Salem, O.)- — Born in Salem, O., November 23, 1845; graduated at Yale, 1867; 198 ALUMNI RECORDS lawyer, began practice, 1870; married September, 1870; one child. Address, Cleveland, O. 749. Edward Cheselden Bullard (Schuylerville, N. Y.). — Born in Schuylerville, N. Y., March 20, 1843; grad- uated at Albany Law School, 1864; admitted to practice law, 1865; went to Kansas; took up railroad surveying; 1866; manufacturing paper ; burnt out; then kept a whole- sale store ; at present book-keeper and superintendent of a .large paper manufactory; married May 30, 1866; two children. Address, Schuylerville, N. Y. 750. Elihu Leach Clark, Jr., (Adrian, Mich.). — Born in Adrian, Mich., April 25, 1846; graduated at Yale, 1868 ; studied at Cambridge Law School one year ; has a loan office. Address, Adrian, Mich. 7.51. Silas Parsons Cook (Keene, N. H.), — Born in Richmond, N. H., October 18, 1845; graduated at Har- vard, 1867; was two years in Princeton Theological Semi- nary; entered the ministry June, 1867 ; in the army three months as private. Address, Windsor, Vt. 753. William Henry Cooley (Pittston, Pa.). — Born in Auburn, N. Y., December 26, 1845; took a course in Chemistry at Yale; entered mercantile life April, 1864, and has continued in it; married January 4, 1868; three chil- dren. Address, 102 Chauncey street, Boston. 753. Theodore Henry Elmer (South Windsor, Conn.). — Born in South Windsor, Conn., September 4, 1844; ^^ dry goods commission ; married March 20, 1871. Address, Chicago, 111., care Elmer & Ball. 754. Frank Herbert Graves (Thompson, Conn.). — Born in Thompson, Conn., March 26, 1846; entered Yale, but left at end of first year to enter the army; three years' service in the war; at the close, major and aide-de-camp to Major-General Paine ; brevetted colonel ; graduated at Harvard Law School ; admitted to Suffolk bar, March, 1870, and to United States courts, October 15, 1870. Ad- dress, 206 Beacon street, Boston. 755. John Morrison Graves (Easthampton). — Born in WILLISTON SEMINARY. 1 99 Townshend, Vt., October 28, 1847; clerk and salesman in a dry goods store ; now New York buyer for C. W. & E. Partridge & Co., wholesale dry goods, notions and carpets. Address, 118, 120, 122 and 124, State street, Chicago, 111. 750. George Ira Hadsell (Farmington, Conn.). — Born in Farmington, Conn., April 4, 1844; farmer and merchant; married May 16, 1865; two children. Address, Plain- ville, Conn. 757. Fayette Cook Hall (New York City). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., February i, 1844; member of Yale a short time; in English department Williston Seminary, and Eastman's Business College ; taught school in Quincy, 111.; since then book-keeper and salesman and traveling agent for wholesale stationer. Address, 6j West Washing- ton street, Chicago, 111. 758. Granville Stanley Hall (Ashfield). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., February i, 1844; graduated at Williams, 1867, and Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1872; stud- ied in Bonn and Berlin, Germany, two years; professor English Literature, Antioch College, O. ; has translated from German for Presbyterian Review, "Journal of Specula- tive Philosophy," in a number of articles. Address, Yel- low Springs, O. 759. Frederick Augustus Hand (Hancock). — Born in Hancock, Mass., October 23, 1842; graduated at Williams, 1867, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1870; profes- sion, ministry. Address, South Williamstown, Mass. 760. Dwight Stiles Herrick (Chicopee Falls). — Born in Chicopee Falls, Mass., December 12, 1845; graduated at Amherst, 1867; taught classics in Peekskill Military Academy, 1867-70; admitted to the bar of New York State December 15, 1870 ; married December 6, 1871. Address, Peekskill, Westchester County, N. Y. 761. Chauncey Alonzo Jacobs (Springfield). — Studied medicine and is a practicing physician. Address, Spring- field, Mass. 763, Gad Lee (Bristol, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., 2CX) ALUMNI RECORDS February 23, 1843; graduated Albany Law" School, 1864; admitted to bar May i, 1864; married September 13, 1869. Address, Waterford, N. Y. 703. Payson Williston Lyman (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., February 28, 1842; graduated at Amherst College, 1867, and Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1870; licensed by New York and Brooklyn Asso- ciation, April 6, 1870; ordained to the Christian ministry, May 10, 1871; author of '' History of Easthampton" and a section of " Coleman's Genealogy of the Lyman Family ;" married August 6, 1873; one child. Address, Belcher- town, Mass. 7(»4. Frank Moore (St. Clair, Mich.). — Born in St. Clair, Mich., September 6, 1845; graduated at Yale, 1868; lumber dealer. Address, Third Floor, Moffat's Block, Detroit, Mich. 765. Edwin Clarke Pratt (Pine Meadow, Conn.). — Born in East Haddam, Conn., December 25, 1840; entered Yale, Fall of 1863, intending to fit for the ministry; left in March, 1865, for the army; was lieutenant and aid to General Doubleday ; in the three days' fight about Peters- burgh and then " On to Richmond," he was worn out ; at the surrender of Lee he was sent to the hospital at Peters- burgh; he never recovered from his illness ; he was brought to Boston, where he died, July i, 1865 ; was buried at East Haddam, July 4, 1865. 700. Hugh Murray Richmond (New York City). — Born in Thompson, Conn., August 2, 1845 ; manufacturing; married November 19, 1868; one child. Address, 546 Pearl street. New York. 707. Elihu Root (Belchertown). — Born in Belchertown, Mass., September 14, 1845; graduated at Amherst, 1867; teacher of gymnastics and elocution in Williston Seminary two years ; studied theology at Andover one year; tutor of English at Amherst one year ; studied physics at Gottin- gen, Leipsic and Berlin three years. Address, 68 Unter den Linden, Berlin, Germany. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 201 708. Charles Clark Spellman (South Wilbraham). — Part of a classical course at Yale in Class of 1867; studied law and practicing in Springfield ; clerk of police court. Address, Springfield, Mass.. 769. James Hazelton Tallman (Middle Haddam, Conn.). — Born in Scotland, Conn., January 3, 1847; grad- uated at Yale, 1867; at Harvard Law School, 1868-9; admitted to the bar of Connecticut, October, 1869 ; judge of probate for district of Thompson, Conn. ' Address, Hartford, Conn. 770. Moses Bross Thomas (Shohola, Pa.). — Born in Barry ville, Sullivan County, N. Y., June 18, 1845; gradu- ated at Williams College, 1867; studied theology one year at Union Theological ^eminary ; after that with President Hopkins at Williamstown ; licensed by Presbytery of Alba- ny, February 15, 1871 ; ordained by Presbytery of Nassau, May 7, 1872; married February 25, 1868; one child — not living. Address, Islip, Long Island, N. Y. 771. Andrew Thompson (Port Jervis, N. Y.). — Born in Mount Hope, N. Y., April 3, 1845 ; has followed business, hardware, general store, bank, boot and shoe ; married January 29, 1873. Address, Honesdale, Wayne Coun- ty, Pa. 773, Arthur Wellington Tyler (New York City). — Born ^ in Pittsfield, Mass., March 14, 1842; graduated at Amherst, 1867; journalist from 1867 to 1871 ; since then assistant librarian Astor Library, New York ; has published " Our Lord's Sacerdotal Prayer," a new critical Greek text and digest of John xvii., [reprinted from Bibliotheca Sa- cra, April, 1871] ; also "Studies in the New Testament," a new critical Greek text of L Cor. xiii., with a digest of manuscript and patristic authorities, very much more full and complete than anything heretofore published [reprinted from Bibliotheca Sacra, January and July, 1873]. Address, Astor Library, New York. 773. William Allen Underwood (Adrian, Mich.). — Born in Adrian, Mich., November '16, 1846; studied at 26 202 ALUMNI RECORDS Yale and University of Michigan ; admitted tathe Michigan bar, 1869; married August 17, 1870; one child. Address, Adrian, Mich. 774, Theodore Frelinghuysen Breck (Springfield). — Born in Phelps, N. Y., July 29/1844; left the class Senior year; graduated from Harvard Medical School, 1866, and from Vienna Medical School, Vienna, Austria, March, 1870; in practice of medicine since that date ; was an assistant surgeon in the army; married April 18, 1872. Address, Springfield, Mass. 775.. George Case (Lebanon, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., July 21, 1837; left the class middle year; studied law with Richard D. Hubbard, Esq., of Hartford, Conn.; since 1864, in practice of law in that city ; has been justice of the peace, member of Common Council, alderman, and clerk of City Courts since 1868; published the Charter and Revised Ordinances of the City of Hartford ; married November 8, 1867; one child. Address, 297 Main street, Hartford, Conn. 776. John Marvin Chapin (Springfield). — Left the class middle year; graduated at Yale, 1868, and Hartford Theological Seminary, 1871; ordained and installed pas- tor First Church in West Springfield, June 19, 1872; died October, 1872, after a very honorable, useful and promising ministry. 777. Arthur Douglas Collins (Willimantic, Conn.). — Left the class Senior year. 778. Charles Pemberton Deane (Springfield). — Left the class Senior year. 779. Daniel Healy (New Braintree). — Left the class middle year. 780. Charles Cornelius Heisler (Christiana, Del.). — Born in Christiana, Del., August 30, 1843; left the class middle year ; entered Yale, and left end of Sophomore year; since then resided in Philadelphia, Pa.; engaged in tobacco business. Address, 216 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 203 781. Egbert Dushane Heisler (Christiana, Del.)- — Born in Baltimore, Md., May i8, 1841; left the class mid- dle year; entered Yale and left during Junior year; at home, one year ; in an importing house in Philadelphia, three years ; since then in wholesale tobacco business with his brother — named above — firm Heisler Brothers. Ad- dress, 216 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 7H'Z, John Van Wagener Heermance (Glenco, N. Y.) — Left the class middle year. 78;}. John McCrea Hildeburn (Philadelphia, Pa.)- — Born in Philadelphia, Pa., September 24, 1846; left the class Senior year ; was in Yale one year ; present resi- dence and occupation unknown. 784. Leonard Dwight Hills (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., April 2, 1845 ; left the class middle year ; since July, 1864, in the manufacture of palm-leaf hats. Ad- dress, Amherst, Mass. 7S5. William Henry Isbell (Lenox). — Born in Lenox, Mass., January 4, 1842; left the class middle year; gradu- ated at Williams College, 1867; five years in Lewiston, Me., in a cotton mill ; now overseer of a card-room in Con- tinental Mills. Address, Lewiston, Me. 786. Charles Smith Landers (New Britain, Conn.). — Born in New Britain, Conn., June 8, 1846; left the class middle year; manufacturer; married June 2, 1869; one child. Address, New Britain, Conn. 787. Albert Josiah Lyman (Lenox). — Born in Willis- ton, Vt., December 24, 1845; left the class Senior year; in Chicago Theological Seminary, one year; graduated at Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1868; one year at New Haven as licentiate; ordained September 7, 1870; published, " Conversion a Divine Work, at Once Natural and Supernatural;" settled in Milford, Conn.; now in Brooklyn ; married June i, 1870. Address, Brooklyn, N. Y. 788. Benjamin Franklin Marsh (Winsted, Conn.). — Born in Dayton, O., May 21, 1842; left the class middle year; soldier, 1862-3; enlisted in Company F, 2d Connec- 204 ALUMNI RECORDS ticut, May, 1861, and discharged August, iS6i ; re-enlisted August, 1862, in Company F, 28th Connecticut; dis- charged August, 1863, in consequence of loss of left arm at Port Hudson, June 15, 1863; school teacher, Winter 1863-4; tax collector and country store-keeper, 1864-8; then book-keeper, and now postmaster ; married February, 1866; two children. Address, West Winsted, Conn. 789. Thomas Neal McLean (Simsbury, Conn.). — Born in Simsbury, Conn., February 17, 1843 J 1^^ the class mid- dle year ; in Yale, two years ; Yale Medical, two and one- half years ; studied in hospitals in London, England ; spent the years 1864-6 in Louisiana, in cotton business; was house physician at Connecticut State Hospital, New Haven, and also for a time on medical staff of the Retreat for the Insane at Hartford. Address, Elizabeth, N. J. 790. James Fiske Merriam (Springfield). — Born in Springfield, Mass., May 2, 1845 ; left the class middle year; finished preparation at Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn ; graduated at Yale, 1867; one year at Yale Theological Seminary; two at Andover, graduating 1870; one year at Andover as licentiate ; ordained September, 1871 ; mar- ried April 7, 1869; two children. Address, Farming- ton, Conn. 791. Robert Stewart Morrison (Allegheny City, Pa.). — Left the class Senior year. 793. Foster Morss (Red Falls, N. Y.).— Born in Red Falls, Greene County, N. Y., August 19, 1845 ; left the class middle year; graduated in civil engineering, at Union College, in 1864; ouq year assistant engineer on Cincin- nati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad ; two years resident engineer of Rondout and Oswego Railroad ; one year chief engineer of same ; now consulting engineer of Kingston and Syracuse Railroad. Address, Rondout, N. Y. 793. George Moody Morse (Spencer). — Born in Spencer, Mass.; left the class middle year; taught a year; spent a year on State street, learning banking ; in that busi- ness since 1865 5 clerk of Congregational Society, Arling- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 20$ ton, and town auditor; married, 1865 ; three children. Ad- dress, Boston. 794. Joseph Gardner Parke (Parkesburgh, Pa.). — Born^ in Parkesburgh, Pa.; left the class middle year; some ser- vice in the army. 795. Cassius Carroll Peck (West Bloomfield, N. Y.). — Born in West Bloomfield, N. Y., December 10, 1844; left the class Senior year ; special attention given to Natural Philosophy ; traveled in Europe ; patent attorney at Chi- cagp, 1870; began manufacturing, 1873; has published some pamphlets on patent law; married October 15, 1866; one child ; wife deceased. Address, West Bloomfield, N. Y. 796. Frederick Miles Terrill (Auburn, N. Y.). — Born in Auburn, N. Y., February i, 1842; left the class Junior year; hardware merchant; married October 12, I870; two children. Address, Auburn, N. Y. 797. Henry Fuller Torrey (Honesdale, Pa.). — Born in Honesdale, Pa., October 20, 1842; left the class Senior year ; studied engineering ; mining engineer for Delaware & Hudson Coal Co., since 1865 ; also now real estate agent for the Company, with entire charge of those departments ; married November 23, 1869; two children. Address, Providence, Luzerne County, Pa. 798. Edwin Sprague Gould (Oakham). — Left the class Junior year ; studied at Oakham a year ; enlisted for nine months as a private in 51st Massachusetts Regiment; com- pleted preparation for college at Andover ; eyes failed ; con- nected with Hartford Post, Worcester Gazette^ and Commer- cial Advertiser^ severally, as local editor, associate editor, and editor; graduated at Hartford Theological Seminary, 1872 ; resident licentiate at Andover, 1872-3 ; settled pas- tor of Free Congregational Church in Providence. Ad- dress, Providence, R. L 799. George Washington Brown, Jr. (Ellsworth, Me.). — Left the class middle year. 800. Lucius Dyer Carpenter (Brattleboro, Vt.). — Left the class middle year. 206 ALUMNI RECORDS 801. William Clark (Cromwell, Conn.). — Left the class middle year. 803. John Edmands (North Brookfield). — Left the class middle year. CLASS OF 1864. 803. Arthur Hoyt Averill (Danbury, Conn.). — Born in Salisbury, Conn., July 6, 1845 ; graduated from Yale, 1869; studied law with his father, Hon. Roger Averill; went West. Address, unknown. 804. Henry Ballantine (Ahmednugger, India). — Born in Ahmednugger, India, November, 1846; graduated at Amherst College, 1868 ; is a merchant in India since 1869 ; married October, 1869; one child. Address, Bombay, India. 805. Louis Sylvester Bemis (Chester). — Born in North Chester, Mass., October 5, 1845 ; when last heard from was in Philadelphia. Address, unknown. 806. John Wilson Brown (Corning, N. Y.). — Born in Corning, N. Y., December 19, 1845 J graduated at the Uni- versity of Albany, 1868; admitted to the bar, 1869; i^ practice of law. Address, Corning, N. Y. 807. Charles Edgar Converse ( Stafford ville. Conn.). — Born in Staffordville, Tolland County, Conn., March 10, 1845 ; in mercantile business since leaving seminary; with Brown, Thompson & McWhirter. Address, 269 and 273 Main street, Hartford, Conn. 808. Edward Gustin Coy, Jr., (Sandusky, O.). — Born in Ithaca, N. Y., August 23, 1844; graduated at San- dusky High School, 1861 ; taught in common school until 1862; graduated at Yale, 1869; taught in Cincinnati, O.^ one year; taught Junior Classical Class, WiUiston Semi- nary, two years ; tutor of Latin in Yale, one year ; teacher Senior Class Phillips Andover Academy since then ; mar- ried November 25, 1873. Address, Andover, Mass. 809. Robert Weeks DeForest (New York, N. Y.).~- WILLISTON SEMINARY. ^20/ Born in New York City, April 25, 184S ; in Europe, 1864-6; graduated at Yale, 1870; graduated at Columbia College Law School; studied civil law at the University of Bonn, Germany; was for a time student in office of Evarts, Southmayd & Choate, 52 Wall street; afterward in that of Weeks & Forster, 58 Wall street; is now junior partner in Weeks, Forster & DeForest ; married November 12, 1872. Address, 58 Wall street, or 4 West 27th street, New York. 810. Otis Judd Eddy (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Born in Ithaca, N. Y., June 30, 1846; graduated at Hamilton Col- lege, 1868, and Hamilton Medical School, 1871. 811. Henry Harrison Hamilton (Chester). — Born in Chester, Mass., January 31, 1842; graduated at Amherst, 1868, and Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1871; ordained September, 1872; married June 4, 1872; one child. Address, Westford, Mass. 813. William Abbott Hamilton (Saratoga Springs, N. Y.). — Born in Chicago, 111., August 31, 1847; graduated at Yale, 1868. Address, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 813. Morris Waldo Hayden (Vernon, Conn.). — Ad- dress, care C. D, Talcott, Esq., Talcottville, Conn. 814. Robert Allen Hume (New Haven, Conn.). — Born in Bombay, India, March 18, 1847; graduated at Yale, 1868 ; at Yale Theological Seminary, two years ; graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1873; taught in General Russell's Institute, New Haven, 186S-9, and in the Ed- wards Place Boarding School, Stockbridge, Mass., 187 1-2; sailed for India, under A. B. C. F. M., 1874; married July 7, 1874. Address, care A. B. C. F. M., Boston. 815. George Henry Lewis (New Britain, Conn.). — Born in New Britain, Conn., September 6, 1842; was a member of Class of 1863 ; entered the army as private 14th Connecticut ; wounded in the shoulder at Antietam, and in the knee at Fredericksburgh ; discharged at the end of fourteen months; returned to Williston and graduated with Class of 1864; graduated at Yale, 1868; taught three years, 1868-71; admitted to the bar at Des Moines, la., 208 ALUMNI RECORDS October, 1 871; member law firm Parsons & Lewis; received honorary A. M. frorp Iowa College ; deacon in Congrega- tional Church, Des Moines; married August 29, 1869. Address, Des Moines, la. •810. Henry Neill (^Geneseo, N. Y.). — Born in Am- herst, Mass., January 20, 1845; two years in Center Col- lege, Ky., 1864-6; graduated at Princeton College, 1868, and at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1872; taught school, 1868-9; ordained a minister, June, 1872; married June, 1872. Address, Schaghticoke, N. Y. 817. Oscar Beroth Parker (Brimfield). — Entered Am- herst College and died in Freshman year. 818. Thomas Clayton Welles (Wethersfield, Conn.). — Born in Wethersfield, Conn., August 7, 1846; graduated at Yale, 1868, and at Yale Theological Seminary, 1872; taught at Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1868-9, and at Fulton, N. Y., Summer of 1870; ordained, 1873 ; married Decem- ber 4, 1872. Address, Keokuk, la. 811), Martin Seth Wiard (Plainville, Conn.). — Born in Burlington, Conn., February 21, 1843; graduated at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, Hartford, 1864; left the seminary to accept a position in Russell & Erwin Manufac- turing Company, New Britain, Conn., and has remained there since then; at present, paymaster. Address, New Britain, Conn. 820. Edward Francis Williams (Chaplin, Conn.). — Born in Eastford, Conn., April 7, 1845 ; graduated at Wil- liams College, 1868; engaged in teaching at Eastford, Conn., but obliged to relinquish his school at end of second term; he died of consumption, October 6, 1869. 821, Wilder Bennett Harding (Putney, Vt.). — Born in Putney, Vt., February 6, 1839; ^^^^ ^^^ class middle year; graduated at Yale, 1867; taught at Lawrence Academy, Groton, Mass., two years, beginning August, 1863; ad- mitted to the bar at Cambridge, Mass., July 3, 1869 ; taught two terms in Warring's Military Institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and two terms in Stamford Military Institute, Stam- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 209 ford, Conn.; principal of Smith Academy, Hatfield, Mass., since December, 1873; married August 22, 1872. Address, Hatfield. Mass. 82'i. William Henry Burnham (Hampton, Conn.). — Born in Hampton, Windham County, Conn., December 27, 1841 ; left the class Junior year; farmer since leaving Wil- liston ; selectman, four years ; married December 25, 1865. Address, Hampton, Windham County, Conn. 8'^3. Darwin Evander Ranney (West Brattleboro', Vt.). — Completed English course ; now clerk for Goldthwait, Snow & Knight, carpet dealers. Address, 43 and 45 Wash- ington street, Boston. ^,;. CLASS OF 1865. 8.24. Henry Adams (Amherst). — Is a government clerk. Address, Washington, D. C. 825. Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg (West Springfield). — Born in West Springfield, Mass., December 24, 1846 ; grad- uated at Yale, 1869; one of the editors of Yale Literary Magazine; wrote all of two numbers of Volume ix. (No- vember, 1868, and April, 1869), and 160 pp. out of 488 pp. comprising the volume were by him ; compiled and pub- lished an index of the first thirty-three volumes of the Yale Literary Magazine, an 8vo. pamphlet of 36 pp., containing 6,000 or 7,000 references ; in April, 1868, wrote " Letters of Mark, a college tragedy in three acts," for the wooden spoon exhibition, which was published without his knowledge ; delivered class poem on Presentation Day, which was pub- lished in pamphlet form ; during Winter of 1869-70, pre- pared manuscript (1000 pp.) of a sort of encyclopaedia of New Haven undergraduate life, entitled, *' Four Years at Yale : By a graduate of '69," published by C. C. Chatfield & Co., New Haven; one thousand copies sold within a year of its publication ; September, 1870, to July, 1871, resided in New Haven, engaged in proof-reading and writing for the College Courant ; contributed a series of articles on boating, which served as the pretext under which Harvard rejected 27 2IO ALUMNI RECORDS Yale's challenge for the usual University race of 1871 ; these articles, together with various newspaper reports of the races of 1870, were published in a pamphlet of 48 pp., entitled, "Yale and Harvard Boat Racing;" August i, 1871, issued a circular announcing his intention to compile a genealogy of his ancestor, John Bagg, who settled in Springfield in 1657; October, 1871, to July, 1872, on a European tour, meantime corresponding with Sprmgfield Republican; on April 21, 1873, entered the office of the Evening Post^ New York, where he expects to remain. Address, care of Evening Post^ New York. 826. Frederick Putnam Bellamy (Chicopee Falls). — Born in Danbury, Conn., April 14, 1847; graduated at Union College, 1868 ; studied law. Address, Brooklyn, N. Y. 827. Luther Whitney Bodman (Williamsburgh). — Born in Charlemont, Mass., March, 1845; farming; bank- ing and business; married Thanksgiving, 1870; one child. Address, Bement, 111. 828. Harvey Childs (Pittsburgh, Pa.). — Born in Pitts- burgh, Pa., February 20, 1848; two terms at Yale, Fresh- man Class of 1869; merchant since 1866; wholesale boots and shoes; married February i, 1872. Address, Pitts- burgh, Pa. 829. Nathan Brown Coy (Sandusky, O.). — Born in Ithaca, N. Y., August 30, 1847; graduated at Yale, 1870; has been teaching since September, 1870. Address, 17 Lafayette Place, New York. 830. Henry Adolphus Davenport (Stamford, Conn.). — Entered Amherst, but did not complete the course ; grad- uated from Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1873; at last account settled in Alexander Presbyterian Mission, King street. New York. 831. Charles Brown Herrick (Salt Point, N. Y.). — Born in Milanville, Dutchess County, N. Y., August 15, 1845 ; graduated at Yale College, 1869; admitted to prac- tice law in State of New York, June 15, 1870; married September 11, 1872. Address, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 2 I I 832. John Edward Kellogg (Amherst). — Graduated at Amherst, 1869 ; has pursued journalism since then ; editor Taimton Daily Evening Gazette ; now editor Fitch- burg Sentinel. Address, Fitchburg, Mass. 833. George Miller (Rochester, N. Y.). — Born in Rochester, N. Y., November 5, 1847; graduated at Yale, 1870; July, 1870, to September, 1871, post-graduate study in New Haven; September, 1871, to October,* 1872, in a New York publishing house ; since then secretary New England Car Spring Co., 240 Broadway, New York. Ad- dress, post-office box 662, New York. 834. Charles Steadman Newhall (Fall River). — Born in Boston, October 4, 1842; graduated at Amherst, 1869, and Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1872 ; has published, " History of Fall River," and " Joe and the How- ards, or Arms with Eyes ;" entered the ministry, 1872. Address, Oriskany Falls, N. Y. 835. Merritt Noyes (Abington). — Born in Abington, Mass., August 15, 1842; merchandise, 1866 to 1868; real estate broker, till May, 1871 ; hotel keeping since; was in Company E, 4th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Mili- tia ; has edited and published Kansas Real Estate Advo- cate, 'LdiVJVtncQ, Kan.; married October 10, 1869. Address, Parsons, Labette County, Kan. 836. Charles Elijah Plumb (Litchfield, Conn.). — Born in Litchfield, Conn., March 17, 1845 5 ^^^^ insurance till No- vember, 1870; since then dealing in stationery; married June 2, 1869; one child. Address, 627 Mt. Vernon street, Philadelphia, Pa. 837. Charles Reed (Abington). — Born in Abington, Mass., July 19, 1847; graduated at Yale, 1871, and from Yale Law School, 1873. Address, no Howe street, New Haven, Conn. 838. Edward Tinker Waite (Toledo, O.). — Born in Maumee City, O. ; graduated at Yale, 1869; entered the office of his father, the present chief justice, and studied law one year ; graduated from the Law School of Michigan 2 12 ALUMNI RECORDS University, with degree LL.B., 1871 ; admitted to the bar in Ohio, September, 1871 ; appointed secretary to Hon. M. R. Waite before the General Board of Arbitration of Ala- bama Claims, at Geneva, Switzerland ; became a member of the firm M. R. & R. Waite, attorneys at law ; married October 28, 1873. Address, Toledo, O. 839. Albert Allen Alden (Westfield). — Left the class Senior year; manufacturer. Address, Springfield, Mass. 840. Joseph Lane Barbour (Hartford, Conn.). — Left the class middle year ; has worked on Hartford Post^ and appeared as temperance lecturer and political speaker ; married. Address, Hartford, Conn. 841. Samuel Atkins Barbour (Bristol, Conn.). — Left the class middle year; graduated at Sheffield Scientific School, 1868. 843. Algernon Thompson Beaman (Princeton). — Born 1846; left the class middle year; passed one year in En- glish Department, Williston Seminary ; in partnership with his father in keeping the Wachusett House, Princeton, Mass. Address, Princeton, Mass. 843. Leander Augustus Bevin (Easthampton, Conn.). — Left the class middle year ; entered Yale in Class of 1870; did not graduate; employed by Springfield Gas Ma- chine Co. Address, 554 Broadway, New York. 844. Edward Pierce Goodrich (Plainville, Conn.). — Left the class middle year ; druggist. Address, Plain- ville, Conn. 845. Jonah David Gregory (Princeton). — Born in Princeton, Mass., February 18, 1845 \ left the class middle year; studied one year in English Department, Williston Seminary ; country merchant and postmaster ; married October 15, 1867; two children. Address, Princeton, Mass. 840. Lorenzo Griswold (Coleraine). — Born in Ston- ington. Conn., January 5, 1847 J left the class middle year ; studied one year in English Department, Williston Semi- nary ; cotton manufacturer at Griswoldville, Mass. ; mar- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 213 ried April 6, 1869; one child — deceased. Address, Gris- woldville, Mass. 847. Charles Goulding Howe .(Orange). — Born in Orange, Mass., December 9, 1844 ; completed the course of English; master builder ; married December 22, 1869 ; one child. Address, Orange, Mass. 848. Lester Bouton Howe (Geneseo, N. Y.). — Born in Angelica, Alleghany County, N. Y., January 16, 1846; completed the course of English ; clerk in office of Living- ston County; clerk, 1866-7; deputy postmaster, 1867-8; contract clerk United States Post-Office Department, Wash- ington, 1868-9; cashier and book-keeper American Cro- quet Co., Geneseo, N. Y., 1869-71 ; deputy clerk of Living- ston County, 1871, to date. Address, Geneseo, Livingston County, N. Y. 849. John Elliott Mason (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Left class Senior year, and took Senior English studies; gradu- ated at Union College. 850. Gordon Mitchell (Plainville, Conn.). — Born in Falmouth, Cornwall County, England, 1841 ; left the class Senior year; graduated at Union College, 1869, and Prince- ton Theological Seminary, in course ; settled over South Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Address, South- west corner 13th and Pine streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 851. Charles .Wadsworth Merriam (Springfield). — Left the class middle year ; died October 3, 1864. 852. Alfred Noyes (Abington). — Born in Abington, Mass., March 2, 1845 ; died during Senior year, April, 23, 1865. 85.3, Charles Kimball Pevey (West Boylston, Mass.). — Left the class Junior year ; dentist ; advertised his craft very extensively a few years ago. Address, Worces- ter, Mass. 854. LuciAN Tudor Platt (Waterbury, Conn ). — Born in Waterbury, Conn., May 21, 1846; left the class Senior year ; took special course at Sheffield Scientific School ; physician and surgeon since July, 1869 ; at one time asso- 214 ALUMNI RECORDS ciated with the " Half Yearly Compendium of Medical Science;" married September 25, 1872. Address, Terry- ville, Conn. 855. Samuel Atwater Raymond (Cleveland, O.)- — Born in Cleveland, O., August 27, 1845 ; left the class Sen- ior year ; studied with Professor Josiah Clark at North- ampton ; graduated Yale, 1870; entered the dry goods house of Raymond & Lowe, October, 1870 ; February i, 1 871, became partner in the same firm, Raymond, Lowe & Co. Address, Cleveland, O. 850. George Albert Russell (Holyoke, Mass.). — Left the class middle year. Address, Springfield, Mass. 857. Jacob Mans Schermerhorn (Homer, N. Y.). — Left the class Senior year; graduated at Williams College, 1869. 858. Henry Streeter (Towanda, Pa.). — Born Novem- ber I, 1846; left the class middle year; graduated at Union, 1868; lawyer. Address, Towanda, Pa. 859. Adelbert Phineas Thayer (Windermere, Conn.). — Left the class Junior year ; member of the firm Jordan Marsh & Co., Boston, when last heard from. 800. Charles Mitchell Ui^derwood (Adrian, Mich.). — Left the class Senior year ; graduated at Michigan Uni- versity, 1870. 861. John Kingsbury West (Pittsfield). — Left the class middle year; graduated at Williams College, 1868. 862. John Young (Geneseo, N. Y.). — Left the class middle year; graduated Hobart College, 1868. 863. Arthur PYetcher Whitin (Whitinsville). — Born in Whitinsville, Mass., June 28, 1846; completed the Eng- lish course ; traveling in Europe and the East, 1866-8; entered a machine shop, December, 1868; has followed the trade of a machinist since then ; has patented an im- provement in boring tools. Address, Whitinsville. 864. Alfred Ferry Lyman (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., September 27, 1846 ; studied English ; taught; died October 3, 1868. 865. Horace Smith Lyman (Easthampton). — Born in WILLISTON SEMINARY. 21 5 Easthampton, Mass., October 21, 1848; studied English ; taught; is a farmer; married November 30, 1871. Ad- dress, Easthampton, Mass. CLASS OF 1866. 866. Joseph Henry Adams (Hadley). — Born in Had- ley, Mass., August 11, 1845; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1870; spent two years in study and foreign travel; teaching since September i, 1872. Address, Orange, N. J. 867. Edward Browning Allen (Vernon, N. ].). — Born in Vernon, Sussex County, N. J., September 9, 1846; after successfully completing the course of study in the common school of his native town, he went to Hudson River Insti- tute, Claverack, N. Y., in the Fall of 1863 ; here he ac- quired such a thirst for knowledge that his father decided, contrary to his original purpose, to send him to college ; he entered upon his preparation at Williston ; he died Septem- ber 30, 1865. 868. John Elliott Curran (Utica, N. Y.). — Born in Utica, N. Y., May 25, 1848; graduated at Yale, 1870; traveled abroad a year ; began to read law, 1871. Address, Utica, N. Y. 869. Nathaniel French Davis (Lake Village, N. H.). — Born in Lake Village, N. H., June 11, 1847; graduated at Brown University in the class of 1870; connected with the engineering department of the Providence City Water Works, 1 870-1 ; taught mathematics at Riverview Military Academy, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., two years; at present, professor Mathematics and Physics and vice-principal in the Keystone State Normal School at Kutztown, Pa. Address, Kutztown, Berks County, Pa. 870. Richard Ellerby (Great Barrington). — Born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, August 26, 1843 ; entered Wil- liams College, but left at end of Sophomore year ; was an overseer in a woolen mill, 1868-72 ; entered the Theologi- cal Seminary, Protestant Episcopal Church, Fairfax County, 2l6 ALUMNI RECORDS Va., 1872; is a candidate for holy orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the diocese of Virginia. Address, Theological Seminary, Fairfax County, Va. 871. Manly Caudee Green (Buffalo, N. Y.). 873. Robert Beales Hall (Ashiield). — Born in Ash- field, Mass., December 30, 1845 5 graduated at Williams College, 1870; graduated at Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1873 ; settled pastor Congregational Church, at Wolfborough, N. H. ; taught one year after leaving college ; married December 30, 1870. Address, Wolfborough, N. H. 873. Samuel Whittlesey Rowland (Ceylon, India). — Born in Jaffna, Ceylon, March 4, 1848; graduated at Amherst, 1870, and Union Theological Seminary, 1873; ordained for the work of a foreign missionary, 1873, and sailed in the same year for Ceylon; married, 1873. -Ad- dress, Jaffna, Ceylon, care A. B. C. F. M., Boston. 874. Myron Winslow Hunt (Madras, India). — Born in Madras, India, December 5, 1846; graduated at Amherst, 1870, and Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1873; ordained for the foreign missionary service and sailed, 1873. Address, care A. B. C. F. M., Boston. 875. John Calvin Kendall (Ridgefield, Conn.). — Born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Conn., March 19, 1847; graduated at Yale, 1870; course of medicine in College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York ; graduated there. Address, Ridgefield, Conn. 870. DwiGHT Whitney Learned (Plymouth Hollow, Conn.). — Born in Canterbury, Conn., October 12, 1848; graduated at Yale, 1870; taught in New Haven, 1 870-1 ; studied in philology at Yale, 187 1-3; appointed, 1874, professor in Thayer College. Address, Kidder, Mo. 877. Edward Augustus Lewis (Naugatuck, Conn.).-^ Born in Naugatuck, Conn., October 5, 1847 5 graduated at Yale, 1870; studied medicine in New York. Address', Naugatuck, Conn. 878. Joseph Edward Miller (Amherst). — Born in Springfield, Mass., December 24, 1846; graduated at Am- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 21/ herst, 1870; taught in Monson Academy, 1870-1; princi- pal of South Hadley High School, 187 1-3 ; traveling and studying in Europe ; principal High School at Montpelier, 1874. Address, Montpelier, Vt. 879. Harvey Porter (Huntington). — Born in Shel- burne Falls, Mass., July 27, 1844; graduated at Amherst College, 1870; principal Amherst High School during Senior year; professor in Protestant College, Beirut, Syria, commencing November, 1870 ; in the war served as private in 46th Massachusetts; married August 8, 1872 ; one child. Address, American Mission, Beirut, Syria. 880. James Milnor Pratt (Centre Brook, Conn.). — Born in Centre Brook, Conn., August i, 1846; graduated at Williams College, 1870; taught the deaf and dumb, 1870-3 ; teacher by profession ; at present lecturing. Ad- dress, Centre Brook, Conn. Lyman William Redington (Rutland, Vt.). — Reported in Scientific Class of 1869. 881. John Gilman Stanton (Winchester). — Born in New Orleans, La., December 25, 1848 ; graduated at Am- herst, 1870 ; took a regular course in medicine in Germany, studying at Gottingen, Berlin and Wiirtzburg ; took the regular degree of M. D. at the University of Wurtzburg, 1873; thesis at graduation, " Treatment of Pneumonia by Quinine Inhalation ;" traveled in France and England ; now with Dr. J. G. Blake. Address, 183 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. 883. George Henry Tilton (Hopkinton, N. H.>. — Born in Nashua, N. H., January 31, 1845; graduated at Amherst, 1870, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1873- 883. Cornelius Gilman Trow (Sunderland). — Born in Buckland, Mass., March i, 1847; graduated at Amherst in 1870; graduated in medicine, 1872; in practice of his profession ; married June 5, 1872. Address, Sunder- land, Mass. 884. Morgan Carpenter Tyler (Canandaigua, N. Y.). 28 2l8 ALUMNI RECORDS — Born in Pittsfield, Mass., December 22, 1847; member of the firm J. B. Burr, Hyde & Co., book publishers. Ad- dress, 83 Clark street, Chicago, 111. 885. Walter Bowen Wines (New York City). — Born in Boston, Mass., October 10, 1848; entered Middlebury College, Vt., Class of 1870; left college May, 1869, having contracted marriage contrary to college laws ; graduated from Columbia College Law School, May, 1871 ; while attending Law School assisted his father, the Rev. Dr. E. C. Wines, in his duties as secretary of New York Prison Association; managing clerk in a lawyer's office, 187 1-2; since then in practice on his own account; is notary public and commissioner for nearly all the United States ; edited report of the Prison Labor Commission (pp. 325); also edited complete works of Edward Livingston — formerly senator from Louisiana and secretary of State — on " Crimi- nal Jurisprudence ; " married April 16, 1869; one child. Address, 194 Broadway, New York. 886. Edward Clark Winslow (Sunderland). — Born in Sunderland, Franklin County, Mass., August 24, 1845; graduated at Amherst, 1870; teaching since then; princi- pal Morgan School at Clinton; married August 23, 1872. Address, Clinton, Conn. 887. Caleb Wheeler Durham (Reading, Pa.)- — Born in Tunkhannock, Pa., February 6, 1848 ; completed a course in English; studied engineering at University of Michigan, (optional course,) 1867-9; March to August, 1866, clerk in employ of Reading Railroad; July, 1869, to April, 1870, civil engineer in employ of New York Central Railroad; July, 1870, to April, 1872, division engineer for Chicago and North-Western Railroad; May to November, 1872, principal assistant engineer for Texas and Pacific Railroad ; served in the army six months, at two terms, at the time of the invasion of Pennsylvania ; a private and fifteen years of age at time of service. Address, Reading, Pa. 888. Henry Perry Dutton (Rutland, N. Y.).— Born WILLISTON SEMINARY. 219 March, 1847; completed an English course; farmer. Ad- dress, Rutland, N. Y. 8S9. William Southworth Rowland (Ceylon, India).— Born in Jaffna, Ceylon, July 8, 1846; left the Classical Class Senior year; graduated at Amherst College, 1870, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1873 ; ordained for foreign missionary service, 1873; sailed for India same year; mar- ried June, 1873. Address, care A. B. C. F. M., Boston. 890. Arthur Richards Paine (Holden). — Born in Holden, Mass., May 9, 1846 ; completed an English course : graduated from Amherst College, 1871 ; was a teacher one year; studied medicine at College Physicians and Sur- geons, New York. Address, Holden, Mass. 891. William Harrison Root (Belchertown). — Born in Belchertown, Mass., June 6, 1847; completed an English course; insurance, 1866-70; with the firm Root, McKis- seck & Co., Chicago, dealers in lumber (hard wood), 1 870-1 ; cashier bank. Address, 735 Cottage Grove Ave- nue, Chicago, 111. 893, George Sawyer (Templeton). — Born in Phillips- ton, Mass., May 11, 1845; completed an English course; went into the lumber trade in Forest County, Penn. ; was burned out at the end of one year ; since then in the em- ploy of the Wilson Sewing Machine Company at Cleveland, O., Boston, New York and Chicago. Address, 378 West Madison street, Chicago, 111. 89;{. George Stacy Spencer (Corning, N. Y.). — Born March 13, 1847 ; completed a course in English; Fall and Winter of 1866 at Ithaca, N. Y., Academy; attended Al- bany University of Law, 1869-70; admitted to practice law in Spring of 1870; in 1871, entered the drug business in St. Cloud, Minn. ; served in the war as a private in Company B, loth New York Cavalry ; brevetted lieutenant after the war. Address, St. Cloud, Minn. 894. Edward Brayton Sterling (Watertown, N. Y.). — Born in Watertown, N. Y., May i, 1847; completed an English course; has studied Pharmacy at Philadelphia; 220 ALUMNI RECORDS has had one year's experience as drug clerk ; consular clerk at Edinburgh, Scotland, eighteen months ; since then in hardware trade. Address, Watertown, N. Y. 895. William Shaw Ward (Geneseo, N. Y.)- — Born in Madras, Hindostan, May 25, 1844; left the Classical Class middle year ; entered Princeton College ; returned to Williston Seminary, at the end of one year, to pursue a special course in Mathematics ; then entered " School of Mines," New York; superintendent Chemical Works in Brooklyn, N. Y., and East Providence, R. I., 1868-9; ^^ September, 1869, entered the United States Assay Office, as an assistant in the Assay Department, and is still en- gaged there ; acted as one of the staff on the America7t Cyclopedia ; was editor of Scientific Department of Apple- tons Journal^ and since editor same department Industrial Monthly ; in the war ; was master's mate in the United States Navy, Mississippi Squadron. Address, United States Assay Office, Wall street. New York. CLASS OF 1867. CLASSICAL. 896. Franklin Day Belden (Whately). — Entered Am- herst College, but did not graduate ; farming. Address, Whately, Mass. 897. Seelye Benedict (Montclair, N. J.). — Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., August 8, 1848 ; graduated at Yale, 1871 ; in boot and shoe business at San Francisco, March i to July I, 1872; in lumber trade at Albany, August i, 1872, to May I, 1873 ; in same trade at Oswego, N. Y., until No- vember I, 1873 ; in insurance business in New York since then. Address, Beecher & Benedict, 239 Broadway, New York. 898. Orville Justus Bliss (Chicago, III). — Born in Chagrin Falls, O., May 17, 1849; graduated at Yale, 1871 ; at present studying law in Union Law College, and in the office of Isham & Lincoln,. Chicago, 111.; for six months WILLISTON SEMINARY. 221 after the fire of October, 1871, was in the stationery busi- ness, in which he still holds an interest ; then traveled a year and a half in Colorado, Europe, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, etc. ; wrote a series of letters from abroad for the Chicago Inter-Ocean, Address, %(> Dearborn street, Chi- cago, 111. 899. Charles Howell Board (Edenville, N. Y.). — Born in Edenville, N. Y., September 5, 1848 ; graduated at Yale College, 1871 ; died at Edenville a week after leaving college. 900. WiLLL4M CowPER Gale (Lcc). — Born in Ware, Mass., June 22, 1850; graduated at Williams College, 1871; profession — journalism since October, 1871. Address, Worcester, Mass. 901. Benjamin Gitchell (Matteawan, N. Y.). 903. Dexter Hitchcock (Unionville, Conn.). — Gradu- ated at Yale, 1871 ; graduated in Medicine, taking degree M. D. ; is a practicing physician. Address, Norwalk, Conn. 903. William Bradford Homer (Brimfield). — Born in Brimfield, Mass., July 29, 1849 ; graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1871 ; studied law at Columbia Law School, New York; admitted to the Massachusetts bar, June 10, 1872; commenced practice of law in St. Louis, Mo., November 9, 1872. Address, 212 North Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. 904. Charles Hall Hooker (Westfield). — Graduated at Williams College, 1871 ; is in Paris, France, in the em- ploy of a banking house. 905. George Cheever Jewell (Hector, N. Y.). — Grad- uated at Yale, 1871 ; in Auburn Theological Seminary. Address, Auburn, N. Y. 900. Charles Huntoon Knight (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., November 22, 1849; graduated at Williams College, 1871 ; graduated at New York in Medi- cine, March, 1874. Address, care Williston, Knight & Co., 74 Worth street, New York. 907. Jeremiah Wilbur Masters (Matteawan, N. Y.). — Born in Florida, N. Y., January 5, 1849; graduated at Wil- 222 ALUMNI RECORDS liams College, 1871 ; taught Classics in Holbrook's Military Academy at Sing Sing, N. Y. He died August 31, 1872. 90S, Asa Henry Needham (Wales). — Born in Balti- more, Md., May 30, 1848; resided in New York City, and afterwards in Rochester, N. Y.; has lived in Brookfield for the past six years — a partner in the firm J. H. Rogers & Co. Address, Brookfield, Mass. 909. Samuel Newton Oviatt (Milford, Conn.). — Ad- dress, box JJ, Milford, Conn. 910. Lorenzo Higgins Pratt (Chatham Four Corners, N. Y.). — Entered Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., and died while connected with the college. 911. Edward Watkinson Rankin (Fairfield, Conn.). — Born in New York City, August 12, 1850; graduated at Princeton College, N. J., 1871 ; studied law in Southport, Conn., and at Albany, N. Y. ; admitted to the bar, 1873. Address, Fairfield, Conn. 912. Benjamin Sheldon Richards (Canandaigua, N, Y.). — Born in Columbia, S. C, April 24, 1849; graduated at Yale, 1871 ; has taught as vice-principal in female semi- nary since then. Address, Canandaigua, N. Y. 913. Frank Richardson (Bordentown, N. J.). 914. Henry Hovey Sawyer (Easthampton). — Born in Brattleboro, Vt., September 11, 1849; graduated at Am- herst, 1 87 1 ; with Goddard & Bro., tailors' trimmings, Au- gust 22, 1871, to January 29, 1873 ; banking since then — in Bank of the Metropolis and West Side Bank. Address, 116 West Forty-first street, New York. 915. David Augustus Shaw, Jr., (Brimfield). — Born in Warren, Mass., June 16, 1847; graduated at Am- herst College, 1871 ; house building since 1871. Ad- dress, Wales, Mass. 910. Philip Case Smith (Westfield). — Born in Provi- dence, R. I., February 5, 1846; graduated at Yale, 1871 ; in office of H. B. Smith & Co. Address, Westfield, Mass. 917. Watson Robertson Sperry (Unadilla, N. Y.). — Born in Sauquoit, Oneida County, N. Y., June 25, 1842; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 223 graduated at Yale, 1871 ; entered the office of the Neiv York Evening Post^ July, 1871, as a member of the regular staff, and now holds the position of assistant editor. Ad- dress, Evening Post, New York. 918. Thomas Campbell Sproat (Middleboro). — Born in Middleboro, Mass., March 20, 1849; graduated at Yale, 1871 ; studied law in office of Judge W. H. Wood of Mid- dleboro ; admitted to the bar, May, 1874. Address, Mid- dleboro, Mass. 919. Charles Spellman Stiles, Jr., (Chicopee Falls). — Born in Chicopee, Mass., December 4, 1848; graduated at Amherst, 1871 ; since graduation senior classical pro- fessor in West Pennsylvania Square Academy. Address, South-west Corner Market street and West Pennsylvania Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 930. Alwin Ethelstan Todd (Easthampton). — Born in Blandford, Mass., August 14, 1846; graduated at Yale, 1871 ; civil engineering, 187 1-2; in Yale Theological Sem- inary — graduates, 1875. Address, New Haven, Conn. 921. Thomas Pitman Vaille (Springfield). — Graduated at Yale, 1873 ; in Yale Theological Seminary — graduates, 1876. Address, New* Haven, Conn. 93'2. Frank Warner (Easthampton). — Born in East- hampton, Mass., January 21, 1849; was two years at Wil- liams; began the study of music, 1870; spent a year in Leipsic, Saxony. Address, Easthampton, Mass. scientific. 9.23. William Clarence Butler (Rockville, Conn.). — Born in Rockville, Conn., July 31, 1850; was in stove busi- ness until September, 1869; then book-keeper in a sewing machine firm at Dayton, O., till 1870; since then partner in a manufacturer's supply business. Address, Provi- dence, R. I. 934, Harlan Page Tuthill (Duquoin, 111.). — Born in Vergennes, 111., October 31, 1842 ; graduated at Eastman's Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; clerk for C. M. 224 ALUMNI RECORDS Willard, 1867-72; since then, his partner in mercantile business and banking ; served two years and ten months in the army, in Company K, 73d Illinois, first as private, and afterwards as first sergeant. Address, Anna, 111. 935. Clarence Wheeler Adams (Hadley). — Born in Hadley, Mass., August 3, 1848; left the Scientific Class Senior year; engaged in wagon-making. Address, Am- herst, Mass. 936. John Morgan Avery (Grand Rapids, Mich ). — Born in Seneca County, N. Y., July 20, 1847; left the Classical Class middle year; since 1868, in lumber trade. Address, Grand Rapids, Mich. 937. Charles Stanford Clark (Brattleboro, Vt.). — Born in West Brattleboro, Vt., July 2^, 1846; left the Sci- entific Class Senior year ; studied dentistry at Brattleboro, and at Harvard Dental School ; practiced dentistry at Woodstock, Vt., and since then at Brattleboro ; married and has one child. Address, Brattleboro, Vt. 938. Andrew Mathews Clute (Schenectady, N. Y.). — Born in Schenectady, N. Y., April 17, 1850; left the Classical Class Senior year ; graduated from Union College, 1870 ; studied law and admitted to the bar, 1873. Address, Schenectady, N. Y. 929. Henry Charles Davis (Ware). — Left the Classi- cal Class middle year ; entered Cambridge Law School at once and graduated, 1868 ; since then in practice of law. Address, Ware, Mass. 930. Charles Baker Dean (Dubuque, la.). — Born in Lyons, N. Y., 1848; left the Scientific Class Senior year; in the manufacture of iron since 1867; now manager of the Iowa Iron Works. Address, Dubuque, la. 931. Stewart Jay Dederick (Albany, N. Y.). — Born in Riverville, Columbia County, N. Y., January 5, 1849; left the Classical Class middle year ; completed preparation for college elsewhere; entered "Yale, 1872," but did not graduate; book-keeper a year; entered journalism, 1871 ; has worked on The Globe, The Evening Mail, Scribners WILLISTON SEMINARY. 22$ MviitJily^ and is now on city staff of The Tribime. Ad- dress, The Tribune, New York. 9)3, Charles Frederick Goodwin (New Hartford. Conn.). — Born in New Hartford, Conn., July 4, 1845 ; left the Scientific Class Senior year ; teaching, business, and farming since 1867. Address, Nepaug, Conn. 933. Edmund Billings Hall (Holden). — Born in Hol- den, Mass., July ii, 1850; left the Scientific Class Senior year ; clerk two years ; since then a manufacturer of wool- en goods. Address, Worcester, Mass. 93I-. Charles Dennison Hayt (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.). — Left the Scientific Class Senior year ; farmer near Pough- keepsie, 1867-71 ; secretary of New York Stock Growers' Association of Colorado one year; since 1872, a manufac- turer of spokes. Address, Uniontown, Penn. 935. Henry Asahel Judd (Sugar Grove, 111.). — Born in East Charlemont, Mass.; left the Scientific Class Senior year; since 1867, a farmer four years; then a dealer in implements, seeds, etc. ; married March 4, 1869. Address, Sugar Grove, 111. 936. Hiram Wheeler Lewis (Mecca, O). — Born in Warren, O., March 11, 1843 ; left the Classical Class middle year; studied law one year; went South, March, 1868, and took charge of his father's cotton plantation in Lowndes County, Miss. ; elected member of lower branch of Missis- sippi Legislature of 1870 and 1871, — this being the first after reconstruction; elected sheriff and tax collector of Lowndes in 1871, for two years ; re-elected, 1873; editor of Cobimbiis Press^ (Republican weekly paper), since 1873; served in Union army. May to October, 1873 ; wounded at Chickamauga; married November, 1866; three children. Address, Columbus, Miss. 937. John Horris Reed (Amenia, N. Y.). — Born in Amenia, N. Y., September 24, 1846; left the Scientific Class Senior year ; has been a farmer since 1867, — in Ame- nia, N. Y., Corr\,wall and Sharon, Conn. ; married ; one child. Address, Cornwall Bridge, Conn. 29 226 ADUMNI RECORDS 938. Schuyler Stott Rust (New Brunswick, N. J.). —Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May i6, 1848 ; left the Classi- cal Class Junior year; in Brush Manufacturing Company, 1866-9; drugs, wholesale and retail, 1869 to date. Ad- dress, New Brunswick, N. J. 930. Clarence Harvey Walker (Kalamazoo, Mich.). — Born in Adrian, Mich, August 4, 1848; left the Scientific Class Senior year; entered Ann Arbor University, 1867; left in January, 1868, owing to ill health; employed by a hardware firm in Detroit; in stoneware business, 1869-70; since then a dealer in coal. Address, Detroit, Mich. 940. William Bartlett Wilcox (Portland, Conn.). — Born in Portland, Conn., July 23, 1849; ^^^ the Scientific Class Senior year; entered Sheffield Scientific School; died September 16, 1868. CLASS OF 1868. CLASSICAL. 941. Henry William Andrews (Cincinnati, O.). — Born in Cincinnati, O., November 24, 1848; engaged in banking since November, 1868; married May 13, 1873. Address, Andrews, Bissell & Co., Cincinnati, O. 942. Frederic Harrison Baldwin (Montclair, N. J.). — Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., December 14, 1849 5 graduated at Yale, 1872; traveled in France, Italy and Switzerland, 1872-3; studying law in Columbia Law School. Ad- dress, 54 Livingston street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 943. Bernadotte Bancroft (Prescott). — Born in Wil- lington. Conn., April 24, 1851; graduated at Amherst, 1872; entered office of Allen, Stephens & Co., bankers, 25 Pine street. New York, in December, 1872. Address, Box 3087, New York. 944. Edgar Frost Belding (Northfield). — Born in Northfield, Mass., January 17, 1850; graduated at Yale, 1872 ; entered wholesale boot and shoe Ijusiness in Boston, March 17, 1873. Address, Box 5015, Boston, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 22/ 945. Erastus Ely Case (East Granby, Conn.). — Born in Canton Centre, Conn., May 28, 1847; graduated at Yale, 1872; graduated at the New York Homeopathic Medical College, February, 1874. Address, East Granby, Conn. 946. Samuel Watson Grierson (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 9, 1850 ; graduated at Yale, 1872; in December, 1872, entered publishing house of J. B. Ford & Co.; remained till April 26, 1873; from then till September of the same year, engaged with his father in publishing the Underwriters' Circular^ on insurance; since then in the actuarial department of the Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of New York. Address, 10 Clark street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 947. Moses Montague Hobart (North Amherst). — Born in North Amherst, Mass, March 26, 1846; graduated at Amherst, 1872; studied law at Columbia Law School. Address, North Amherst, Mass. 948. William Bailey Rowland (Kinderhook, N. Y.). — Born in Ashland, N. Y., June 10, 1849; taught school ; editing Kinderhook Advertiser, April i, 1869, to date ; mar- ried April 3, 1873. Address, Kinderhook, N. Y. 949. Robert Roy Kendall (Ridgefield, Conn.). — Born in Ridgefield, Conn., March 28, 1849; graduated at Yale, 1872 ; taught in Betts' Military Academy, Stamford, Conn., one year ; entered Yale Theological Seminary, September, 1873. Address, New Haven, Conn. 9.50. James Wilson Kirkham (Springfield). — Born in Springfield, Mass., April 8, 1850; graduated at Yale, 1872; at present, banking. Address, Springfield, Mass. 951. Achilles Lysander Loder (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Graduated at Princeton College, 1872; has been traveling in Europe ; proposes to study theology. 95!j. Charles Addison Northrop (Ridgefield, Conn.). — Born in Ridgefield, Conn., March 21, 1850; graduated at Yale, 1872 ; taught school a year ; studying theology. Ad- dress, Ridgefield, Conn. 228 ALUMNI RECORDS 953. Frederic William Packard (Orange). — Born in North Orange, Mass., November 5, 1850; graduated at Amherst College, 1872 ; studied law with King, Scott & Payson, Chicago. Address, 180 Clark street, Chicago, 111. 954. Albert George Paine (East Woodstock, Conn.). — Born in East Woodstock, Conn., April 10, 1848; gradu- ated at Amherst, 1872; teaching. Address, Amenia, Dutchess County, N. Y. 955. Lyman May Paine (East Woodstock, Conn.). — Born in East Woodstock, Conn., March 6, 1850; graduated at Amherst, 1872; teaching. Address, 61 Ellis avenue, Chicago, 111. 956. Lucius Bradford Pond (Unionville, Conn.). — Born in Burlington, Conn., July 14, 1847; entered Yale, but obliged by ill health to leave in 1869; farming; mar- ried. June 26, 1872 ; one son. Address, Unionville, Conn. 957. Albert Ely Sanderson (Sunderland). 958. Charles Hallock Stevenson (New York). — Born in New Albany, Ind., September 15, 1850; has charge of salesroom American Tract Society, New York. Address, Hawthorne, Passaic County, N. J. 959. Frederic French Van Deusen (Westfield). — Born in Westfield, Mass., November 2, 1848 ; entered Yale, but left, owing to sickness, second term Freshman ; entered Dartmouth, but did not complete ; studying German ; in service of American Whip Company, 22 Warren street, New York, for a time ; entered the tobacco warehouse of his father ; after serving one year was made partner. They also "job" in leather, and supply wholesale Canadian trade with whips. Address, Westfield, Mass. scientific 960. Sewell Frederic Camp (Watertown, N. Y.). — Born in Watertown, N. Y., September 30, 1848; engaged in manufacture of cotton goods; married October 14, 1874. Address, Norwich, Conn. 961. Oliver Kerr Forster (Centre Mills, Pa.). — Born WILLISTON SEMINARY. 229 in Centre Mills, Pa., September 3, 1848; spent two years in Kansas speculating in land ; since then in mercantile business at his native place ; in the army four months — ■" 195th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Address, Centre Mills, Pa. yO'i. Henry Rowland Gridley (Sunderland). — Was in flouring mill for a time ; now in service of Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co. Address, ySG Broadway, New York. 003. Charles Austin Groves (Rockville, Conn.). — Born in Rockville, Conn., December 8, 1850; salesman in a store, i868-y^ ; since then book-keeper in a lumber-yard. Address, Rockville, Conn. 964. .Benjamin Franklin Hosford (Haverhill). — Has been in the employ of S. D. Warren, wholesale dealer in paper, since 1868; married October, 1874. Address, 17 Beacon street, Boston, Mass. 965. P'rederic Talcott (Rockville, Conn.). — Born in Vernon, Conn., September 29, 1850; taught school in the Winter of 1868-9; since then in the millinery and fancy goods business in Hartford, Conn., Springfield, Mass., and Providence, R. I. Address, Providence, R. I. 966. Arthur Moulton Birney (Bay City, Mich.). — Born in Cincinnati, O., May 23, 1849; left the Classical Class Senior year ; took an optional course at Cornell Uni- versity ; occupation has been journalism (business manage- ment) ; partner in the publication of Bay City Chi-oiiicle and Journal. Address, Bay City, Mich. 967. Walter Fisher Day (Killingly, Conn.). — Born in Killingly, Conn., March 29, 1849 > left the Scientific Class Senior year; farming since 1868. Address, Danielson- ville. Conn. 968. LoRiN Samuel Gates (East Hartland, Conn.). — Left the Classical Class middle year ; graduated from Wil- liams, 1871 ; taught, 1871-2; in Yale Theological Semi- nary at present. Address, New Haven, Conn. 969. George Edwin McLean (Great Barrington). — Born in Rockville, Conn., August 31, 1850; left the Clas- sical Class middle year; graduated from Williams, 1871 ; 230 ALUMNI RECORDS graduated at Yale Theological Seminary, 1874; licensed to preach, May, 1873. Address, Great Barrington, Mass. 970. Elihu Sanford Miller (Wading River, N. Y.). — Born in Wading River, N. Y., February i, 1848 ; left the Scientific Class Senior year ; began teaching, but the death of his father called him to the care of a large farm ; has pursued the study of Botany ; prepared and presented to Williston Seminary, in 1874, an herbarium contain- ing 2,000 specimens ; is postmaster. Address, Wading River, L. I. 971. John W. Mitchell (Norwich, N. Y.). — Born in Norwich, N. Y., April 6, 1848; left Scientific Class Senior year ; graduated at Bellevue Medical Hospital, New York City, as M. D., in 1871 ; was house surgeon in this hospital, and received Degree of Master of Medicine ; medical prac- titioner and member of Rhode Island Medical Society. Address, box 679, Providence, R. I. 973. Charles Evelyn Pierpont (Rutland, Vt.). — Born in Rutland, Vt., November 25, 1848; left the Scientific Class Senior year ; remained at Rutland until the Winter of 1870; attended Commercial School at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; when ready to enter business was accidentally drowned, near his home, June 5, 1870. 973. Robert Benone Stiles (Broad Brook, Conn.). — Born in Broad Brook, Conn., August 8, 1848; left the Sci- entific Class middle year ; graduated at Union College, 1870; studied law and was admitted to the bar of New York at Albany, in May, 1871 ; in August, 1871, admitted to the Connecticut bar at Hartford ; began practice of law, September, 1871, at present address. Address, Lansing- burgh, N. Y. 974. Addison Sav^yer Upham (Watertown, N. Y.). — Born in Watertown, N. Y., April 25, 1849; left the Scien- tific Class middle year ; has been book-keeper in National Union Bank of Watertown, since leaving Williston. Ad- dress, Watertown, N. Y. 975. Edward Learned (Plymouth, Conn.). — Born in WILLISTON SEMINARY. 23 I Canterbury, Conn., August 14, 1851; left the Scientific Department Junior year; is a machinist. Address, Hart- ford, Conn. CLASS OF 1869. CLASSICAL. 976. William Townsend Barber (Westchester, Pa.). — Born in Baltimore, Md., December 4, 1853 ; graduated at Yale, 1873 ; will probably enter the ministry. Address, Westchester, Penn. 977. Edward Anthony Bradford (New York). — Born in New York City, November 5, 185 1 ; graduated at Yale, 1873; was one of three who founded The Yale Record; expects to be a lawyer. Address, 623 Broadway, New York. 978. Salter Storrs Clark (Yonkers, N. Y.). — Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 10, 1854; graduated at Yale, 1873; purposes to enter the ministry. Address, 5 Barclay street. New York. 979. Charles Wendell Cooper (Amherst). — Born in Calais, Me., May 16, 185 1; graduated at Amherst, 1873; studying medicine. Address, Amherst, Mass. 980. George Henry Fitts (Cohoes, N. Y.). — Born in. Cohoes, N. Y., September 29, 1851; graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1873 ; studying law at Albany Law School. Address, Albany, N. Y. 981. George Vail Gould (Troy, N. Y.). — Born in Troy, N. Y., October 24, 1851; entered Yale, but was forced by sickness to leave second term Junior year; grad- uated at Williams College, 1873. Address, Troy, N. Y. 983. Alfred Augustus Houghton (Corning, N. Y.). — Born in East Cambridge, Mass., March 6, 1851; entered Harvard, but left early in the course ; graduated at Colum- bia Law School, May 15, 1872; in practice of law. Ad- dress, 192, East Eagle street, Buffalo, N. Y. 983. Charles Valentine Jenckes (Dayville, Conn.). — 232 ALUMNI RECORDS Born in Dayville, Conn., January 24, 1850; book-keeping, 1869-70; entered Amherst College; purposed entering the ministry ; was president of Y. M. C. A. in his native town; died October 10, 1870. 984. Irwin McDowell, Jr., (New York). — Born July 5, 1853; died October 3, 1868; his father, Major-General McDowell, says of him, " He was fhe noblest child and man — for he was a man — I ever knew." 985. James Lester Pratt (East Longmeadow). — Born May 22, 1849. Address, Springfield, Mass. 986. Erving Leander Richardson (Columbia, Conn.). — Born in Columbia, Conn., April 21, 1849; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1873; teaching. Address, Colum- bia, Conn. 987. John Albert Sergeant (Meadville, Pa.). — Born in Meadville, Crawford County, Pa., March 8, 1851; read law, 1 870-1; studied in a commercial school, March to June, 1 871; became position clerk .in the car department of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Company, June I, 1872; is now assistant cashier and assistant pay- master in the treasurer's office of the same road. Address, Box 1584, Meadville, Pa. 988. Charles Bentley Strong (Coleraine). — Born in South Deerfield, Mass., May 31, 1850; graduated at Am- herst College, 1873; expects to enter the ministry. Ad- dress, Coleraine, Mass. 989. Charles Benedict Stuart (Logansport, Ind.). — Born in Logansport, Ind., April 21, 1852; graduated at Amherst College, 1873; will be a lawyer. Address, Lo- gansport, Ind. 990. James Parkhurst Trott (Niagara Falls, N. Y.). — Born in Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1849; was for a time con- nected with " Harvard, 1873." Address, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 991. John Mason Tyler (Amherst). — Born in Amherst, Mass., May 18, 185 1 ; graduated at Amherst, 1873; teach- ing in Phillips Academy, 1873-4 ; studying theology. Ad- dress, Amherst, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 233 903. Henry Benton Van Valzah (Spring Mills, Pa.)- — Born in Millheim, Centre County, Pa., February 5, 1849; graduated at Jeft'erson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., March 12, 1873; in practice of his profession. Address, Spring Mills, Centre County, Pa. W3, Edward Payson Warner (Great Bend Village, Pa.). — Entered Dartmouth, but left about the middle of the course. Address, Great Bend Village, Pa. SCIENTIFIC. 091. Horace Brown Bannard (Salem, N. J.). — Born in New York City, July 29, 185 1 ; studied civil engineering privately, 1869-70, and in Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., 1 870-1; engaged as assistant in the surveys of the West- ern New Jersey Railroad, and the Farmingdale and Squam Valley Railroad, 187 1-2; appointed April i, 1872, assistant engineer to the principal assistant engineer of Maintenance of Way on the United Railroads, New Jersey Division of Pennsylvania Railroad ; still occupies this position ; married October 22, 1873. Address, Box 287, Plainfield, N. J. 995. George Rolland Bliss (Gill). — Born in Gill, Mass., July 17, 1846; salesman in the clothing store of Ware, Pratt & Co., Worcester, Mass , 1869-73 ; since February, 1873, a member of the firm, H. C. Valentine & Co., clothing store ; married February 28, 1871 ; two chil- dren. Address, 330 Main street, Worcester, Mass. 996. Arthur Billings Chaffee (Saratoga Springs, N. Y.). — Born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 19, 1852; in the employ of Chaffee & Shreve, New York, importers and com- mission merchants, 1869-70; prepared for college under tuition of Rev. J. N. Crocker of Saratoga, 1870-2; entered Rochester University, but has been obliged by sickness to leave; expects to graduate with the Class of 1876, at Prince- ton ; purposes entering the Baptist ministry. Address, Avondale, Essex County, N. J. 997. Edward Hunt Guild (Ware). — Born March 11, 1852; studied architecture and entered the architect's pro- 30 234 ALUMNI RECORDS fession, September 14, 1871, in Boston; is at present en- gaged editing and publishing a Map and History of Stark County, O. Address, Ware, Mass. 998. Edward Wall Judson (Kingsborough, N. Y.). — • Born January 30, 1853; in the office of his father, glove manufacturer, since graduation. Address, Kingsborough, N. Y. 999. Theo. Hetsell Purple (West Northfield).— Ad- dress, Chicago, 111. 1000. Lyman William Redington (Waddington, N. Y.). — Born in Waddington, N. Y., March 14, 1849 ; graduated in the Classical course of Williston, 1866, and passed Fresh- man year at Yale before joining Scientific Department; studied law in Columbia College, New York, one year, and in office of Hon. Matthew Carpenter, Milwaukee, Wis., one year, where he was admitted to the bar ; has published a pamphlet, "Plain Talk on the Tariff;" traveled in Europe; at present owns and edits the Rutland Herald. Address, Rutland, Vt. 1001. Leroy Augustus Sayles (Dayville, Conn.). 100.3. Leonard Herman Best (Newark, N. J.). — Left the Classical Class middle year. Address, care Albert H. Best & Co., 39 and 41 Perry street, Buffalo, N. Y. 1003. Albert Joel Boardman (St. Stephens, N. B.). — Born in St. Stephens, N. B., February 6, 1852; left the Classical Class Senior year; graduated from Bowdoin Col- lege, 1872; began business, September i, 1872. Address, Brunswick, Me. 1004. John Dickinson Boyden (Chicago, 111.). — Born in Amherst, Mass., August 15, 1851; left the Classical Class Senior year ; entered Bowdoin College in 1870, but did not graduate. Address, Tamworth, N. H. 1005. Julian Augustan Chase (New England Village). — Born in Grafton, Mass., March 27, 1849; ^^^^ the Classical Class Junior year ; graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1872, with degree of M. D. ; in practice of his profession. Address, Pawtucket, R. L WILLISTON SEMINARY. 235 1000. Francis Manaen Gum (Frankford, Del.). — Born in Frankford, Del., February 25, 1848; left the Classical Class Senior year; graduated in the Department of Medi- cine, University of Pennsylvania, March, 1871 ; in practice since ; married January 30, 1873. Address, Frankford, Del. 1007. James John Guthrie (Mumford, N. Y.). — Left the Classical Class Senior year; studied law and is practic- ing at the West. 1008. Joel Willis Parsons (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., January 18, 1852; book-keeper for Glendale Manufacturing Company ; married September 24, 1872 ; two children. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 1009. Edward Josiah Ruddock (Buckland). — Born in Florida, Mass., March 12, 1845; left the Classical Class middle year; graduated at Amherst College, 1874; taught two years during college course, 1870-2. Address, Buck- land, Mass. 1010. William Cicero Simons (Springfield). — Born in Springfield, Mass., September 5, 1849; ^^^^ the Classical Class middle year; banking since 1868 in the Pynchon National Bank, Springfield. Address, Springfield, Mass. 1011. John Beaman Thresher (Stafford, Conn.). — Born in Staflford, Conn., December 7, 1849; ^^^^ ^^^ Classical Class middle year ; graduated at Denison University (Ohio), 1872; has studied medicine. Address, Stafford, Conn. 1012. Luther Joseph Warner (Northampton). — Born in Northampton, Mass., February 17, 185 1 ; left the Classi- cal Class middle year; graduated at Amherst, 1873; man- ufacturing. Address, Northampton, Mass. CLASS OF 1870. classical. 1013. George Hall Baker (Easthampton). — Born in Ashfield, Mass., April 23, 1850; graduated at Amherst College, 1874. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 1014. Sidney Dickinson (Northampton). — Born in West 236 ALUMNI RECORDS Springfield, Mass., March 29, 185 1 ; graduated at Amherst College, 1874. Address, Northampton, Mass. 1015. Frank Fowler Dow (Fowlerville, N. Y.). — Born in Fowlerville, N. Y., April 16, 1870; graduated at Amherst College, 1874. Address, Fowlerville, Livingston County, N. Y. 1016. Jesse Franklin Forbes (Cromwell, Conn.). — Born in Hartford, Conn., December 19, 1847; graduated at Am- herst College, 1874. Address, Cromwell, Conn. 1017. Edward Hitchcock Howland (Ceylon, India). — Born in Jaffna, Ceylon, June 6, 1841 ; was in Amherst College one year and a half; left on account of ill health ; farming since then and teaching. Address, Conway, Mass. lOlS. DwiGHT Mallory Pratt (North Cornwall, Conn.). — Born in West Cornwall, Conn., April 17, 1852; farming, 1870-2 ; at present a member of the Amherst College Class of 1876. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1019. Sumner Haynes Reed (Brookfield). — Born in Con- stantinople, Turkey, June 3, 1850; farming since leaving the seminary. Address, Brookfield, Mass. 1020. Herbert Henry Sanderson (Sunderland). — Born in Sunderland, Mass., May 7, 1849; passed Freshman and Sophomore years at Amherst ; local agent at Chicago for Ginn Brothers ; taught school ; agent for S. Ward & Co., Boston, stationers. Address, Boston, Mass. 1021. Thomas Rochester Shepard (Dansville, N. Y.). — Born in Dansville, Livingston County, N. Y., July 31, 1852 ; was two terms Freshman at Yale ; since then private study of engineering; civil engineer, August, i87i,to date. Ad- dress, Dansville, N. Y. 1023. Wayland Spaulding (Townsend). — Born in Townsend, Mass., 1850; graduated at Yale, 1874. Address, Townsend, Mass. 1023. Frederic Ozni Vaille (Springfield). — Born in Springfield, Mass., July 28, 1850; graduated at Harvard University, 1874. Address, Springfield, Mass. 1024. William Nelson Washburn (Greenfield). — Born WILLISTON SEMINARY. 23/ in Orange, Mass., July 30, 185 1 ; graduated at Yale, 1874. Address, Greenfield, Mass. 10-25, Arthur Dexter Whittemore (New York). — Born in Fitzvvilliam, N. H., August 11, 1852; graduated at Yale, 1874. Address, New York City. SCIENTIFIC. 1020. Charles Welling Badgley (Milwaukee, Wis.). 1037. Carlyle Fuller Barnes (Bristol, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., December 11, 1852; in the employ of R. F. Blodgett & Co., iron and steel merchants, Hartford, Conn., 1870-2 ; of George Sanderson & Co., steel im- porters, New York, January to November, 1872 ; of Cheney Bros., silk manufacturers, Hartford, Conn., 1872 to date. Address, care Cheney Bros., Hartford, Conn. 1028. Frederick Eugene Bassett (Dayville, Conn.). — Studying medicine at Harvard Medical School. Address, Killingly, Conn. 1029. Charles Daniel Daggett (Milwaukee, Wis.). 1030. Edwin Dwight Davis (Buckland). — Born in Buck- land, Mass., August 28, 185 1 ; civil engineer on Ware River Railroad, 1870-2 ; assistant engineer on Holyoke Water Works, 1872-3 ; since then, engineer of the same, and mem- ber of the firm Davis & Ellsworth, civil engineers and sur- veyors ; married August 28, 1872; one son. Address, box 555, Holyoke, Mass. 1031. Henry Green Fleming (Bellows Falls, Vt.). — Born in Essex, Vt., August 9, 185 1 ; civil engineer since January, 1871 ; now employed on Cairo and Fulton RaiU road. Address, Bellows Falls, Vt. 1032. Irving Lucius Holt (Meriden, Conn.). — Born in Somers, Conn., September 5, 185 1; was one year in Sheffield Scientific School ; teaching, two years ; entered fire insurance, July, 1874. Address, Meriden, Conn. 1033. Charles Edgar Jackman (Castleton, Vt.). — Has been in a bank ; is now a merchant. Address, Castle- ton, Vt. 238 ALUMNI RECORDS 1034. Augustus Williamson Jewett (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.)- — Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., September 7, 1851 ; has been in a wholesale crockery house since 1870. Ad- dress, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1035. Edwin Coolidge Kimball (Bradford). — Born in Bradford, Mass., November 10, 1850; shoe manufacturer; entered the store, August i, 1870, at 70 Washington street, Haverhill. Address, Bradford, Mass. 1036. Clarence Sumner Luce (Haydenville). — Born in Chicopee, Mass., June 10, 1852; has studied Architect- ure ; entered office of Gridley J. F. Bryant of Boston, May, 1870; became head draughtsman in 1871 ; entered busi- ness for himself, 1874. The Mill River disaster furnished him much business, and he removed to Northampton ; will return to Boston in 1875. Address, Boston, Mass. 1037. Charles Tombling Noonan (Milwaukee, Wis.). In Sheffield Scientific School, two years. 103S, Walter Brewster Platt (Waterbury, Conn.). — Born in Waterbury, Conn., December, 20, 1853 ; graduated at Sheffield Scientific School, 1874; began study of medi- cine, October, 1874. Address, Waterbury, Conn. 1039. John Billings Stanton (Trenton, N. Y.).— Born June 29, 1851 ; in mercantile life, 1872-3. Address, Tren- ton, N. Y. 1040. John Kennedy Tod (Glasgow, Scotland). — Ad- dress, 14 Lansdowne, Crescent, Glasgow, Scotland. 1041. John Charles Weber (New York). — Born in Como, 111., October 5, 1851; graduated Sheffield Scientific School, 1874. Address, New York. 1043. George Adam Weber (New York). — Born in Como, 111., December 13, 1848; engaged in shipping since 1873; traveled in Europe prior to that. Address, New York. 1043. Walter Herbert Wesson (Springfield). — Born in Grafton, Mass., January 23, 1850; book-keeping since 1 87 1. Address, Springfield, Mass. 1044. Thomas Whiteside Wilbor (Chatham, N. Y.). — WILLISTON SEMINARY. 239 Born in Chatham, N. Y., February ii, 1852; has studied French; book-keeping since 1873. Address, 365 Broad- way, Albany, N. Y. 1045. Frank Huntington Woodbury (Norwalk, Conn.). — Born in Wenham, Essex County, Mass., July 24, 1853 5 graduated from the Polytechnic School at Dresden, Ger- many, 1872; engaged in publishing since 1873; has writ- ten *• Guide to Kansas," and has been editor of The Oracle, at Wichita, Kan. Address, Norwalk, Conn. lOiO. RuFus Putnam Woodbury (Norwalk, Conn.)- — Born in Paris, France, June 3, 1852; studied modern lan- guages, mathematics, painting and literature in Europe ; has chosen civil engineering. Address, Norwalk, Conn. 1017. Edward Ashman Bartlett (Westhampton). — Born in Westhampton, January 18, 1851 ; left the Scientific Class middle year ; farmer. Address, Westhampton, Mass. 1048, William Gibson Montague Bliss (Chicopee). — Born in Chicopee, Mass., October 23, 1849; left the Scien- tific Class middle year ; in dry goods house of Arnold & Constable, 1 870-1 ; went into stove and house-furnishing business with his father, February, 1871. Address, lock- box 91, Springfield, Mass. 1049. John Herman Eden (New York). — Born in New York City, February 15, 1850; left the Classical Class Sen- ior year; graduated at Yale Medical School, 1874. Ad- dress, unknown. 1050, William Saunders Jourdan (Worcester). — Born in Worcester, Mass., April, 18, 185 1; left the Scientific Class middle year ; in hardware business, and since No- vember I, 1872, in coal business. Address, box 805, Wor- cester, Mass. 1051. Harlan George Mendenhall (Coatesville, Pa.). — Born in Coatesville, Pa., April 12, 185 1 ; left the Classical Class middle year; spent one year, 1870-1, at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania; graduated at Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny City, Pa., April, 1874; assistant editor Springfield Republican^ April to December, 1869; in charge 240 ALUMNI RECORDS of Soho Mission Chapel, Pittsburgh, Pa., from January, 1874; licensed to preach, June 11, 1874. Address, Coates- ville. Pa. 1053. Frank Wallace Officer (Granby, Conn.). — Born in Logan, O., September 23, 1851; left the Scientific Class middle year; banking since March, 1870. Address, Franklin, Pa. 1053. Luther Eugene Williams (Ashfield).— Born in Ashfield, Mass., October 20, 1848 ; left the Classical Class Senior year ; prevented by ill health from pursuing studies ; has been traveling in Texas and the Indian Territory for his health. Address, Ashfield, Mass. CLASS OF 1871. CLASSICAL. 1054. Edward Williamson Andrews (Cincinnati, O.). 1055. Howard Parry Bell (Albany, N. Y.). — Born in Dexter, N. Y., May 21, 185 1 ; is a member of the Class of 1875, in Yale. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1056. Frank Erwin Bosworth (Easthampton). — Born in Palmer, Mass., August 2, 1852; has been clerk in office of National Button Co., and is now in the service of his father. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 1057. Nicholas DuBois Chase (Great Bend, Pa.). — Born in Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa., June 4, 1852; banking, 1871-2; member of Hamilton College, N. Y., since then. Address, Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. 1058. James Kilbourne Clarke (Spencertown, N. Y.). — Born in Deep River, Conn., August 10, 1853 ; in Yale, two years ; expects to be a physician. Address, Spencer- town, N. Y. 1059. Samuel Winthrop Darling (Nassau, N. P.). — Born in Nassau, in the Island of New Providence, (Bahama Islands,) September 21, 1854; entered Williams College, and died while prosecuting his studies there, September 13, 1873. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 24 1 1060. Henry Wheeler De Forest (New York). — Is a member of Yale College ; entered, 1872. Address, New Haven, Conn. lOfil. William Edward Downes (Francestown, N. H.). 1002. George Fairfield Forbes (Cromwell, Conn.). — Born, in Hartford, Conn., March 15, 1849; member of Am- herst College, Class of 1875. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1003. James Frederick Herrick (Tirumungalum, South India). — Born in Pasumalie, South India, June 14, 1852 ; member of Williams College ; expects to be a missionary. Address, Williamstown, Mass. 1004. Edwin Aclston Hill (New York). — Born in New York City, January 18, 1850; member of Yale, Class of 1875. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1005. William Sumner Hungerford (East Haddam, Conn.). — Born in East Haddam, Conn., August 3, 1854; member of Yale College, Class of 1875. 1000, Franklin Benjamin Mitchell (Norwich, N. Y.). — Born in Norwich, N. Y., September 19, 1852 ; member of Yale, Class of 1875. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1007. Charles Lothrop Noyes (Pulney Hills, India). — Born in Charvagacherry, Ceylon, September 11, 1851; member of Yale, Class of 1875. Address, New Haven, Conn. lOOS. Frederick Augustine Rollo (Stephentown, N. Y.).— Born in Sand Lake, N. Y., March 3, 1853; was a member of Williams College, Class of 1875 5 ^^^^ Septem- ber, 1874. 1069. William Brewster Sawyer (Easthampton). — Born in Easthampton, Mass., November 22, 1854; member of Amherst College, Class of 1875. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1070. William Wotkyns Seymour (Troy, N. Y.). — Born in Troy, N. Y., July 29, 1853 ; member Yale, Class of 1875 i expects to study medicine. Address, 105 Third street, Troy, N. Y., or box 717, New Haven, Conn. 1071. Frederick Elkanah Snow (Waterbury, Conn.). 31 242 ALUMNI RECORDS — Born in Waterbury, Conn., March 10, 185 1; member Yale, Class of 1875. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1073. William Reuben Taylor (Jefferson, N. Y.). — Born in Jefferson, Schoharie County, N. Y., May 6, 1852; taught at Prattsville, N. Y., 187 1-2 ; passed Senior year at Phillips Exeter Academy, 1872-3; entered Harvard Col- lege, 1873. Address, Cambridge, Mass. 1073. Robert Donaldson Townsend (New Haven, Conn.). — Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 15, 1854 ; mem- ber Yale, Class of 1875. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1074. George Lincoln Walton (Westfield). — Born in Lawrence, Mass., March 16, 1854; member Harvard Col- lege. Address, Cambridge, Mass. SCIENTIFIC. 1075. Walter Hale Camp (Watertown, N. Y.). — Born in Watertown, N. Y., February i, 185 1 ; entered School of Mines, Columbia College, N. Y., 1872. Address, Water- town, N. Y. 1076. James Harmon Chadbourne (Wilmington, N. C). — Born in Wilmington, N. C, August 23, 1853 ; book- keeper. Address, Wilmington, N. C. 1077. Lucius Lyman Clark, Jr., (Kalamazoo, Mich.). — Born in Kalamazoo, Mich., October 31, 1851 ; attended a business college at Kalamazoo ; dry goods clerk, 1872-3 ; book-keeper in a furniture manufactory, 1873. Address, care Henry Gilbert & Sons, Jackson, Mich. 1078. Frederick Louis Coes (Worcester, Mass.). — Born in Worcester, Mass., January 9, 1850. Address, Worcester, Mass. 1070. Isaac Parsons Fiske (Wolcott, Conn.). — Born in Marlboro, Conn., September 16, 1852; studied medicine in Yale College, 1872-3 ; expects to be a physician. Address, Charlton, Mass. 1080. William Baldwin Phelps (Southampton). — Born in Southampton, Mass., August 26, 1850; civil engi- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 243 neer in employ of Massachusetts Central Railroad, 1871-3. Address, Southampton, Mass. 1081. Joshua Lothrop Pierson (Cincinnati, O.)- — In business with his father — lumber dealer. Address, 444 Central avenue, Cincinnati, O. 10S3. Henry Augustus Blair (Chicago, 111.). — Left the Scientific Class, Senior year; in a bank in Chicago until about a year ago ; traveling since then. Address, Chicago, 111. 1083. James Ogden Clark (Montclair, N. J.). — Born in Newark, N. J., October 15, 1849 5 l^^t the Classical Class middle year ; editor of Mojitclair Herald, and studying law ; expects to be admitted, 1875. Address, Montclair, N. J. 1084. Chester Mitchell Dawes (Pittsfield). — Born in North Adams, Mass., July 14, 1855 ; left the Classical Class Senior year ; member of Yale College ; expects to be a lawyer. Address, Pittsfield, Mass. 1085. Frederick William Hayt (Corning, N. Y.). — Born in Corning, N. Y., January 18, 1851; left Scientific Class middle year ; dry goods business since then. Ad- dress, Bay City, Mich. 1086. George Edward Langdon (Plymouth, Conn.). — Born in Colchester, Conn., September 23, 1852; left the Classical Class Senior year ; member of Yale Sophomore Class. Address, New Haven or Plymouth, Conn. 1087. Hyatt Parsons Miner (New Haven, Conn.). — Born in Branford, Conn., September 20, 1852 ; left the Sci- entific Class Senior year; book-keeper. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1088. George Washington Macpherson (Borden town, N. J.). — Born, October 10, 1854; left the' Scientific Class middle year; died, March 31, 1871. 1089. Julius Ezekiel Phelps (Southampton, Mass.). — Left the Classical Class Senior year; graduated at Am- herst College, 1874; teaching. Address, Southampton, Mass. 244 ALUMNI RECORDS CLASS OF 1872. CLASSICAL. 1090. Frank VanDyke Andrews (Cincinnati, O). — Member of Yale College. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1091. Walter Scott Andrews (New York). — Pursu- ing Academical course at Harvard College. Address, Cambridge, Mass. 1092. Charles Joseph Bellamy (Chicopee Falls). — Born in Chicopee Falls, Mass., May 7, 1852; entered Har- vard, 1872; has left college. Address, Chicopee Falls, Mass. 1093. Edward Fletcher Bishop (Lahaina, Sandwich Islands). — Born in Lahaina, Sandwich Islands, April 13, 1853 ; is in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1094:. William Morton Brown (New Britain, Conn.). — Born in New Britain, Conn., August 12, 1854; is in Yale College. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1095. Irving Ely Casey (Toledo, O.).— Born in Mid- dlebury, Mich., June 8, 1853 ; in the office of Carrington & Casey, 1872-3; left because of sickness ; went to Colo- rado ; died, January 3, 1874. 1096. Joseph Hayes Chandler (West Brattleboro, Vt.). — Born in West Brattleboro, Vt., August 14, 1854; is in Williams College. Address, Williamstown, Mass. 1097. Charles Melville Clarke (Spencertown, N.Y.). — Born in Southwick, Mass., February 3, 1856; is in Wil- liams College. Address, Williamstown, Mass. 1098. Frederick Billings Dickinson (North Hadley). — Born in North Hadley, Mass., December 25, 1853 ; in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1099. William Shearman Doolittle (Utica, N. Y.). — Born in Utica, N. Y., December 25, 1856; is in Yale; will be a lawyer. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1100. Galusha Benton Grow (Glenwood, Pa.). — Born in Carbondale, Pa., April 7, 1854; clerkship, 1873 ; also WILLISTON SEMINARY. 245 in business partnership with his brother — dealers in fine wild game and poultry. Address, Glenwood, Pa. 1101. John Rowland (Jaffna, Ceylon). — Born in Batti- cotta, Jaffna, Ceylon, March 13, 1854 ; in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1102. Lester Samuel Hubbard (Sandusk)^ O.). — Born in Sandusky, O., September 22, 1854; entered Yale, 1872; honorably dismissed during first term ; engaged November I, 1873, as traveling agent for the Hillsdale Chair Company of Michigan. Address, Sandusky, O. 1103. William Lawrence Humason, Jr., (New Brit- ain, Conn.). — Born in New Britain, Conn., June 7, 1853 ; is in Harvard College. Address, New Britain, Conn. 1104:. Charles White Huntington (North Brookfield.). — Born in Stockbridge, Mass., May 22, 1854; is in Wil- liams College. Address, Williamstovvn, Mass. 1105. Frank Jones (Ballston Spa, N. Y.). — Born in Ballston Spa, N. Y., October 19, 185 1 ; paper manufact- urer since October i, 1872. Address, Ballston Spa, N. Y. 1106. William Carey Joslyn (Thompson, Conn.). — Born in Thompson, Conn., November 17, 1852; is in Brown University. Address, Providence, R. L 1107. Edward Hooker Knight (Rocky Hill, Conn.). — Born in Hebron, Conn., October 22, 1854; is in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1108. George Henry Knight (Lakeville, Conn.). — Born in Lakeville, Conn., November 24, 1855. Address, Lakeville, Conn. 1109. William Ward Knight (Rocky Hill, Conn.).— Born in Chaplin, Conn., September 16, 1852; is studying medicine. Address, Torringford, Conn. 1110. Origen Hall Merrick (Holyoke). — Born in Willington, Conn., March 7, 1854; is in Brown Univer- sity. Address, Providence, R. L 1111. David Jay Murphey (Newark, Del.)- — Born in Smyrna, Del., December 27, 1853 ; is in Princeton College. Address, Princeton, N. J. 246 . ALUMNI RECORDS 1112. William Hampton Patton (Waterbiiry, Conn.). — Born in Waterbury, Conn., March 10, 1853 ; is in Yale College. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1113. Frederick William Silliman (Chester, Conn.). — Born in Chester, Conn., May 7, 1850; teaching; pur- poses graduating at some Theological Seminary. Address, Chester, Conn. 1114. William Thaddeus Strong (Pittsfield). — Born in New Haven, Conn., September 24, 1854; is in Yale College. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1115. Louis Grube Urner (Setzler's Store, Pa.). — Born in a country place without a name, in Chester County, Pa., October 10, 1854 ; is in Brown University. Address, Provi- dence, R. I., or Setzler's Store, Pa. 1116. William Ives Washburn (New York). — Born in Bridgeport, Conn., August 30, 1854; is in Amherst Col- lege. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1117. Frederick- Delano Weeks (New York). 1118. James Douglass Weston (Painted Post, N. Y.). — Born in Painted Post, N. Y., January 29, 1852 ; has at- tended a Commercial College; in the lumber yard of J. W. Dunham & Company, Albany, N. Y., May to November, 1873; expects to follow lumber trade. Address, Painted Post, Steuben County, N. Y, SCIENTIFIC. 1119. Harry Ward Barnes (Bristol, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., January 15, 1855 ; clerk in jewelry store. Address, Bristol, Conn. 1120. Watson Franklin Blair (Chicago, 111.). — Born in Michigan City, Ind., January 29, 1854; provision and commission dealer. Address, 3 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, 111. 1121. Abner Pardon Davol (Fall River).— Born in Fall River, Mass., December i, 1852; entered the Pocas- set Manufacturing Co. office. Fall River, as clerk, Septem- ber I, 1872. Address, Fall River, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. ^4/ 1122. Arthur Henry Elwell (South Norwalk, Conn.). — Born in Branford, Conn., April 17, 1853; commenced the manufacture of hardware as assistant superintendent, Sep- tember I, 1872. Address, South Norwalk, Conn. 1123. Thomas Richards Hill (Easthampton). — Born in Webster, Mass., October i, 1853 ; since graduation, teller in First National Bank of Easthampton. Address, East- hampton, Mass. 1124. John Hopson, Jr., (Kent, Conn.). — Born in Kent, Conn., August 29, 1854; is employed in the management of a blast furnace. Address, Kent, Conn. 1125. William Wallace Nash (WilHamsburgh). — Born in WilHamsburgh, Mass., April 20, 1852 ; taught school one year; since then, in fire insurance business. Address, 117 Jefferson street, Burlington, la. 1126. Charles David Richards (Chicago, 111.). — Has been in employ of Shaw & Winslow, dry goods, Toledo, O. Address, unknown. 1127. George Edward Rix (Keokuk, la.). — Born in Gainesville, Ala., June 25, 1853 ; in the iron and steel business since August, 1872. Address, Keokuk, la. 1128. Thomas James Swift (South Amenia, N. Y.). — Born in South Amenia, N. Y., March 6, 1853 ; is a mem- ber of the Law School, Yale College. Address, South Amenia, N. Y., or New Haven. 1129. Edward Luther White (Waterbury, Conn.). — Born in Waterbury, Conn., December 12, 1853; is pursu- ing the course in civil engineering at Sheffield Scientific School. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1130. Thomas Noyes Birnie (Springfield). — Left the Classical Class Senior year ; is in Yale College. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1131. Arthur Haynesworth Masten (Cohoes, N. Y.). — Born in Cohoes, N. Y., September 11, 1855; left the Classical Class Senior year ; is in WiUiams College. Ad- dress, Williamstown, Mass. 1132. Frank W. Olds (Columbus, O.). — Born in Cir- 243 ALUMNI RECORDS cleville, O., June 19, 1853; left the Classical Class Senior year ; is a member of Williams College. Address, Wil- liamstown, Mass., or Columbus, O. CLASS OF 1873. CLASSICAL. 1133. Charles Landon Alvord (WestWinsted, Conn.). — Born in West Winsted, Conn., March 20, 1854; is in Yale College. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1134:. James Henry Clark (Montclair, N. J.). — Born in Newark, N. J., August 8, 1853; is studying medicine; ex- pects to enter his profession 1875. Address, Montclair, N. J. 1135. Frank Theodore Cole (Waverly). — Born in Brattleboro, Vt., June 22, 1853 ; is in Williams College. Address, Waverly, Mass. 1136. Bryan Collins (Columbus, O.). — Born in Ley- den, Lewis County, N. Y., September 4, 1855; is in Wil- liams College. Address, Williamstown, Mass. 1137. James Pierpont Davenport (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 27, 1856; is in Yale. Ad- dress, 1 1 Garden Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1138. Merriam Bacheler Davenport (North Stam- ford, Conn.). — Born in North Stamford, Conn., February 9, 185 1 ; is studying music. Address, Stamford, Conn. 1139. Jere Dewey Eggleston (Suffield, Conn.). — Born in Longmeadow, Mass., October 28, 1853 ; is a member of Williams College. Address, Williamstown, Mass. 1140. William Ferdon (Piermont, N. Y.). — Born in Piermont, N. Y., January 15, 1854; is in Hamilton Col- lege. Address, Clinton, N. Y. 1141. John Howard Ford (New York). 1142. Foster Ward Gilbert (Plainfield). — Born in Plainfield, Mass., October 16, 1853 ; in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1143. Herbert Richmond Gill (Columbus, O.). — Born in Columbus, O., January 8, 1855 ; in the collegiate WILLISTON SEMINARY. 249 course at Yale. Address, New Haven, Conn., or Colum- bus, O. 114r4. Frank Daniel Goodhue (Cincinnati, O.)- — Born in Cincinnati, O., May 3, 1853 ; is in Yale. Address, New Haven, Conn., or 415 West Sixth street, Cincinnati, O. 1145. William Gerard Hallock (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Born in New York City, January 15, 1852; in Williams College. Address, Williamstown, Mass., box 249. 1146. Albert Hoysradt (Hudson, N. Y.). — Born in Hudson, N. Y., February 19, 1855; is in Yale College. Address, Hudson, N. Y., or New Haven, Conn. 1147. Emerson Wadsworth Judd (Whately). — Born in Westhampton, Mass., September 29, l8$6; in Williams College. Address, Whately, Mass. 1148. John Frisbie Keator (Roxbury, N. Y.). — Born in Roxbury, N. Y., April 16, 1850; now in Yale. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1149. William Edward Millard (Midland, N. Y.). — Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1854. Address, 8 Wall street, Room 45, New York. 1150. Frederick Rufus Sanford (Waterbury, Conn.). — Born in Bristol, Conn., February 13, 1854; in Yale. Ad- dress, Waterbury, Conn., or New Haven, Conn. 1151. Henry Stockbridge, Jr., (Baltimore, Md.).— Born in Baltimore, Md., September 18, 1856; is in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1152. Dexter Lyman Stone (Wilmington, Vt.).— -Born in Wilmington, Vt., June 16, 1853 ; is in Harvard College. Address, Wilmington, Vt., or Cambridge, Mass. 1153. Frederick Gridley Wheeler (Stamford, Conn.). — Born in Brooklyn, L. L, May 27, 1855 ; i^ Harvard Col- lege. Address, Cambridge, Mass. 1154. John Meek Whitehead (Hillsboro', 111.). — Born in Hillsboro', Montgomery County, 111., July 29, 1852; is in Yale College. Address, New Haven, Conn. 3? 250 ALUMNI RECORDS SCIENTIFIC. 1155. Alfred French Brainerd (St. Albans, Vt.). 1156. Charles Micah Ruggles Davol (Fall River). 1157. Ogden Pearl Letchworth (Auburn, N. Y.). — Is a member of a firm, manufacturing hames. Address, Auburn, N. Y. 1158. Frank Luther Wesson (Springfield). — Born in Charlestown, Mass., November 27, 1853; is at present en- gaged in a publishing house ^t Rouse's Point. Address, care John Lovell, Rouse's Point, N. Y. 1159. Benjamin Maurice (Sing Sing, N. Y.). — Born in Sing Sing, N. Y., June 8, 1855 ; left the Classical Class Senior year ; studied privately with Rev. Mr. Lewis, of Sing Sing; entered Sophomore at Williams College, 1873 ; is pursuing the college curriculum there. Address, Sing Sing, N. Y., or Williamstown, Mass. 1160. Moses Taylor Pyne (New York). — Born in New York City, December 21, 1855 ; reviewed with the Classi- cal Class during last term of the course ; is in Princeton College. Address, 25 East 22d street, New York. 1161. Theodore Chester Strong (Pittston, Pa.). — Born in Pittston, Pa., October 25, 1855 ; left the Classical Class Senior year; in Hopkins Grammar School, 1873-4; entered Yale, 1874. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1162. Frank Ferris (Peekskill, N. Y.).— Born in Peeks- kill, N. Y., March 21, 1853 ; left the Classical Class middle year; entered Williams College, 1872. Address, Williams- town, Mass., or Peekskill, N. Y. 1163. John Daniel Mersereau (Portville, N. Y.). — Born in Portville, N. Y., June 20, 1854; left the Scientific Class middle year ; is pursuing the course in civil engineer- ing at Sheffield Scientific School. Address, Box 1063, New Haven, Conn. 1164. John Gilbert Bramley (Brushland, N. Y.). — Left the Scientific Class middle year ; is pursuing civil en- WILLISTON SEMINARY. 25 1 gineering course in Sheffield Scientific School. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1165. George Loomis Brownell (Moodus, Conn.). — Left the Scientific Class middle year ; is pursuing course in civil engineering in Sheffield Scientific School. Address," New Haven, Conn. 1166. Henry Baldwin Harrison (Milton, Conn.). — Born in New Haven, Conn., June 25, 1854; left the Scientific Class Junior year ; has been post-office clerk ; is now a book-keeper. Address, Drawer 33, New Haven, Conn. 1167. Arthur Chapman Langdon (Plymouth, Conn.). — Born in Plymouth, Conn., September 27, 1854 ; left the Scientific Class Junior year; clock-maker, 1871-2; clerk, 1872 — . Address, Waterbury, Conn. CLASS OF 1874. CLASSICAL. 1 168. Frank Armstrong Beckwith (Waterbury, Conn.). — Born in Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Islands, April 23, 1854; is in Yale. Address, Waterbury, Conn. 1169. Charles Sumner Blodgett (Broad Brook, Conn.). — Is in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1170. Charles Francis Carter (Chicopee Falls). — Born in Chicopee Falls, Mass., June 14, 1856; in Yale. Address, Chicopee Falls, Mass. 1171. William Lyman Cowles (Belchertown). — Is in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1172. James Henry Devereux (Deposit, N. Y.). — Born in Deposit, N. Y., March 4, 1857; is in Princeton College. Address, Deposit, N. Y. 1173. George Benjamin Edwards (Russellville, Ky.). — In Yale. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1174. Edward Willis Flagg (Northboro'). — Born in Wellesley, Mass., October 27, 1850; in Yale. Address, Northboro*, Mass. 1175. Fred Alvin Flagg (New York).— Is in Wil- liams College. 252 ALUMNI RECORDS 1176. Irving Krause (Pottstown, Pa.). 1177. Daniel Martin (Williamstown, Vt.). — Born in Williamstown, Vt., June 4, 1852 ; in Amherst College. Ad- dress, Williamstown, Vt. 1178. Henry Matthews McDonald (Caledonia, N. Y.). — Born in Caledonia, Livingston County, N. Y., April 7, 1 85 1; in Princeton College. Address, Caledonia, Living- ston County, N. Y. 1179. Martin Henry Mead (Roxbury, N. Y.). — Is in Amherst College. 1180. Charles Wilbur Nichols (Bridgeport, Conn.). — Born in Bridgeport, Conn., December 17, 1855 ; in Yale. Address, box 605, Bridgeport, Conn. 1181. Henry Porter Peck (Norfolk, Conn.). — Born in Kalamazoo, Mich., October 25, 1854; in Amherst College. Address, Amherst, Mass. 1182. Lewis Alfred Platt (Waterbury, Conn.). — Is in Suffield (Conn.) 'Academy. Address, Waterbury, Conn. 1183. Alfred Wotkyns Seymour (Troy, N. Y.). — Is in Phillips Academy. Address, Exeter, N. H. 1184. William Cobbett Skinner (Haydenville). — Ad- dress, Holyoke, Mass. 1185. George Joseph Smith (New York). — Has en- tered Yale. Address, New York City. 1186. William Henry Taylor (Chicago, 111.). — Is in Yale. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1187. Charles Kemble Woodbury (Norwalk, Conn.). — Is in Yale. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1188. Thomas Cook Wordin (Bridgeport, Conn.). — Born in Bridgeport, Conn., October 15, 1854; is in Yale. Address, box 267, Bridgeport, Conn. scientific. 1189. Amasa Richard Angell (New York). — Is in Sheffield Scientific School — regular course. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1190. George Haynes Beckwith (Cleveland, O.). — Is WILLISTON SEMINARY. 253 in Sheffield Scientific School — Special course. Address, New Haven, Conn. 1191. Ad Bidwell (Freeport, 111.). — Born in Monterey, Mass., December 19, 1854. Address, Freeport, 111. 1192. Edward Cole Brownell (Moodus, Conn.). — Born in East Haddam, Conn., January 27, 1856. Address, Moodus, Conn. 1193. Nathaniel Holmes (Pittsburgh, Pa.). 1194. John Miles Marvin (Woodbridge, Conn.). — Born in Jamestown, N. Y., June 2, 1854. Address, care Town- send & Gale, Franklin street, New York. 1195. Harry Burrell Miller (Constableville, N. Y.). — Born in Constableville, N. Y., March 2, 1853 ; with D. J. Ely & Co. Address, loi Wall street. New York. 1196. T. DwiGHT Palmer (Stonington, Conn.). — Born in Stonington, Conn., January 26,1856; studying medi- cine. Address, Easthampton, Mass. 1197. George Holton Ryther (West Northfield). — Born in Brattleboro', Vt., April 20, 1852. Address, West Northfield, Mass. 1198. Edward Eugene Sage (Spuyten Duyvil, N. Y.). 1199. Charles Elton Stevens (Waterbury, Conn.). — Is in Scientific Department, Princeton College. Address, Princeton, N. J. 1200. Frederick Stursberg (Holyoke). — Born in Len- nep, Rheinish Prussia, November 2, 1855 ; mercantile life. Address, care Germania Mills, Holyoke, Mass. 1201. Miles Isaiah Weston (Dalton). — Born in Hop- kins County, Texas, August 13, 1854; paper manufacturing. Address, Greenville, Hunt County, Texas. 1202. Augustus Downing Wheelock (New York). — Born in New York City, August 27, 1856. Address, box 490, New York. 1203. George Marston Whitin (Whitinsville). Ad- dress, Whitinsville, Mass. 1204. Frank Morton H albert (Middle Park, N. J.). — Of the Classical Class — died during Senior year. 254 ALUMNI RECORDS 1205. James Hibben (Roslyn, N. Y.)- — Nearly com- pleted the Scientific course ; studying at Gottingen, Ger- many. 1206. Edgar Solomon Shumway (Belchertown). — Left the Classical Class last term of Senior year. The following list contains known addresses of those from whom no reply has been received. For explanation of abbreviations, see prefatory note to the Index. 1207. Joseph Allen (1854, m. e.) Suffield, Conn. 1208. D. W. Allis (1849, e.) *i873. 1209. Elisha C. Allis (1842, e.) Rochester, N. Y. 1210. Wm. p. Allis (1849, e.) farmer, Hatfield, Mass. 1211. W. H. Allis (185 i, e.) Springfield, Mass. 1212. W. F. Alvord (1861, j. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1213. J. B. Arnold (185 i, e.) Fitchbiirg, Mass. (?) 1214. Geo. H. Avery (1857, m. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1215. Myron W. Avery (1858, m. e.) hotel, Williams- burgh, Mass. 1216. Sidney W. Avery (1853, j.e.) South Hadley, Mass. 1217. Theodore L. Avery (1858, m. e.) 62 East Eighty- seventh street. New York. 1218. Ralph Bacon (1850, e.).* 1219. F. L. Ballard (1855, m. e.) Athens, Athens Coun- ty, O. 1220. E. P. Ball (1864, j. c.) Springfield, Mass. 1221. Carlos Bard well (1844, e-) 50 Howard street, New York. 1222. Caleb D. Bardwell (1856,]. c.) Hatfield, Mass. 1223. Charles H. Bates (1852, m. e.) Granby, Mass. 1224. Heugh W. Beadle (i860, m. c.) lawyer, Alexan- dria, Va. 1225. Edward K. Beekman (1855, m. e.) *i86i. 1226. D. Webster Bemis (1853, e.) Springfield, Mass. 1227. William M. Bemis (1854, m. e.) Springfield, Mass. 1228. A. W. Billings (1852, j. c.) wholesale grocer, St. Louis, Mo. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 255 1229. Charles H. Billings (185 i, m. e.) Conway, Mass. 1230. F. D. Billings (1851, m. e.) farmer, Hatfield, Mass. 1231. S. F. Billings (1846, e.) Hatfield, Mass. 1232. William D. Billings (185 i, m. e.) Hatfield, Mass. 123S. R. N. BissELL (1866, c.) New York City. 1234. W. W. Bishop (1865, m. c.) Geneseo, N. Y. (?) 1235. Austin C. Blair (1848, c.) Enfield, Mass. 1236. Francis Blair (1854, m. c.) Ware, Mass. 1237. John Blodgett (1846, e.) Bucksport, Me. 1238. Henry A. Bowdoin (1849, e.) New York.(?) 1239. H. Albert Bodman (1843, c.) Chicago, 111. 1240; James T. Brainard (1843, c.) Haddam, Conn.(?) 1241. Francis A. Brewer (1847, c.) Springfield, Mass.(?) 1242. Thomas S. Bridgman (1842, c.) Warren, Mass. 1243. John R. Brooks (1847, e.) West Springfield, Mass. 1244. Simon Brooks (1852,3*. c.) West Springfield, Mass. 1245. Francis S. Brown (1856,]. c.) St. Louis, Mo. 1246. Myron Brown (1850, e.) Whately, Mass. 1247. Hunt M. Butler (1848, e.) went to sea. 1248. Edward T. Caldwell (1852, m. e.) Groton, Mass. 1249. James Campbell (1859, ^n. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1250. F. A. Carpenter (1870, e.) editor, West Ran- dolph, Vt. 1251. G. H. Case (1844, c.) Canton, Conn. 1252. Orrin Case (1844, c.) Canton, Conn. 1253. Henry Chaffee (1847, e.) Faribault, Minn. 1254. A. Chamberlain, Jr. (1858, m. e.) Meriden, Conn. 1255. Samuel J. Chamberlin (1868, m. e.) South Hadley, Mass. 1256. Almon S. Chapman (1850, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1257. William H. Chapman (1852, m. e.) 74 Worth street, New York. 1258. Charles A. Chenery (1857, m. c.) Northampton, Mass.(?) 1259. William L. Church (1848, e.) Middlefield, Mass. 1260. Egbert I. Clapp (1859, m. e.) Northampton, Mass. 1261. James Clapp, Jr. (1846, e.) Worcester, Mass. 256 ALUMNI RECORDS 1262. Solomon P. Clapp (1859, m. e.) *i872. 1263. Thomas W. Clapp (1850, e.) Pittsfield, Mass. 1264. William E. Clapp (1859, ra. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1265. Willis W. Clapp (1858,111. e.) Northampton, Mass. 1266. Austin P. Clark (1848, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1267. Charles P. Clark (1852, m. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1268. Edmund W. Clark (185 i, m. e.) 311 Main street, Springfield, Mass. 1269. Edwin A. Clark (1847, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1270. F. W. Clark (1856, j. e.) Northampton, Mass. 1271. Gilbert A. Clark (1844, e.) *i874. 1272. Henry Clark (1843, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1273. Julius F. Clark (1847, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1274. Sereno Clark (1854, j. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1275. Sylvester Clark (1854, m. e.)* 1276. Uriel Clark (1844, c.) Easthamptdh, Mass. 1277. George B. Cline (1847, e-) Roslyn, L. I. 1278. John Coar (1852, m. e.) 152 East Thirty-seventh street, New York. 1279. Samuel N. Coleman (1844,6.) Easthampton, Mass. 1280. Thomas Conkling (1847, ^0 New Britain, Conn. 1281. Henry W. Cook (1858, m. c.).* 1282. Sherman Cooley (1859, ni, e.) New Britain, Conn. 1283. J. A. Crane (1867, m. e.) Dalton, Mass. 1284. C. Vanderbilt Cross (1853,]. c.) New York City.(i*) 1285. William Cutler (1850, e.) New Haven, Conn. 1286. Laban S. Cutler (1856, c.) New Haven, Conn. 1287. Alden G. Davis (1852, j. c.) Fitchburg, Mass. 1288. Fred Worth Day (1868, j. e.) Bennington, Vt. 1289. J. R. Dean (1846, e.) lawyer, Nacoochee, Ga. 1290. John W. Dickens (1858, m. e.) Louisville, Ky. 1291. Watson B. Dickerman (1864, c.) broker, 34 Broad street. New York. 1292. William Dickinson, M. P. (1849, e.) Melbourne, Australia. 1293. J. H. Downing (1865, e.) Downington, Pa. 1294. George D wight, Jr. (1861, m. e.) Springfield, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 2 $7 1295. William K. Ely (1849, e.) Ashleyville, Mass. 1296. R. T. Enghart (1856, m. e.) Davisville, Pa. 1297. Barton D. Evans (1865, m. c.) Westchester, Pa. 1298. S. G. Farnham (1846, c.) East Hartford, Conn. 1299. Edward M. Ferry (1855, ^' e) Easthampton, Mass. 1300. Irving D. Ferre (1862, e.) Pittsfield, Mass. 1301. Walter C. Ferry (1855, j. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1302. A. P. Fitch (1866, m. c.) 120 Broadway, New York. 1303. Franklin Ford (1843, e.) Cummington, Mass. 1304. T. H. Fuller (1858, m. c.) Waterbury, Conn. 1305. Collins Gere (1846, e.) 84 Beekman street, N. Y. 1306. William R. Gillett (1845, e.) New Haven, Conn. 1307. Daniel B. Gillett, Jr. (1865,]. c.) Enfield, Mass. 1308. Henry S. Goodale (1855, e.^ South Egremont, Mass. 1309. Thomas H. Goodspeed (1851,]. c.) Athol, Mass. 1310. Fayette P. Graves (1867, m. e.) Westhampton, Mass. 1311. George Green (i860, m. e.) Hadley, Mass. 1312. Linus C. Green (1867, m. e.) Hadley, Mass. 1313. E. D. Griswold (1848, e.) 13 White street, N. Y. 1314. Julian Griggs (1866, e.) Chaplin, Conn. 1315. John Gunn (1870, m. c.) master schooner at sea. 1316. George G. Hall (185 i, m. e.) Belchertown, Mass. 1317. George A. Hammond, (i860, m. c.) Willimantic, Conn. 1318. E. L. Hastings (1846, e.) South Hadley, Mass. 1319. O. D. Hastings (1847, e.).* 1320. William H. Hawley (1862, e.) Collinsville, Conn. 1321. Joseph L. Hayden (1843, c) Haydenville, Mass. 1322. Joel Hayden, Jr. (185 1 j. c.) Northampton, Mass. 1323. Fred. L. Hayden (1849, e.) Haydenville, Mass. 1324. Samuel W. Hayden (1859,]. c) Haydenville, Mass. 1325. Joseph J. Henry (1855, m. e.).* 1326. Jonathan E. Higgins (1872, m. c.) Theological Seminary, Oberlin, O. ^ 1327. George A. Hill (1861, m. e.) Easthampton. 35 258 ALUMNI RECORDS 1328. Samuel Hill (1849, c-) San Francisco, Cal. 1329. A. R. HiLLYER (185 1, m. c.) Hartford, Conn. 1330. William E. Hinsdale (1848, c.) Blandford, Mass. 1331. S. K. Holman (1848, c.) Bolton, Mass. 1332. C. A. Homer (1850, e.) Bloomington, 111. 1333. A. R. Howe, M. C. (1857, j. c) Sardis, Miss. .1334. Daniel Humphrey, M. D. (1849, c.) Lawrence, Mass. 1335. Charles E. Hunt (1851,]. c.) Granby, Mass. 1336. DwiGHT S. Ingram (i860, m. e.) Pittsfield, Mass. 1337. Franklin W. Janes (1847, c-) Easthampton, Mass. 1338. C. E. Jennings (1865, m. c.) 286 Franklin avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. ,1339. William A. Jones (185 i, m. c.) teacher, Terre Haute, Ind. 1340. D. H. JuDSON (1859,}. e-) 75 Hicks street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1341. R. L. P. JuDSON, (1849, ^0 Bridgeport, Conn. 1342. Harry Keen (1865, m. c.) Paris, France. 1343. Timothy Keefe (i860, m. e.) Chester, Mass. 1344. Cyrus W. King (1853, m. e.) West Suffield, Conn. 1345. Alonzo King (1857, m. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1346. B. O. Kingsley (1868, m. e.) Deep River, Conn. 1347. K. C. Kingsley (1868, m. e.) Deep River, Conn. 1348. J. B. Kittredge (1866, m. e.) Hinsdale, Mass. 1349. H. W. Knight (1864, e.) 74 Worth street, N.Y. 1350. J. Knox (1853, m. e.) Ware, Mass. 1351. Bradley D. Lee (i860, m. c.) St. Louis, Mo. ,1352. G. H. Leonard (1852, m. e.) Superintendent Nash- awannuck Co., Easthampton, Mass. 1353. M. H. Leonard (1853, m. e.) Treasurer Glendale Co., Easthampton, Mass. 1354. Frank E. Lewis (1869, m. e.) Naugatuck, Conn. 1355. Alpheus J. Lyman (1848, e.) merchant, Easthamp- ton, Mass. 1356. Ansel B. Lyman (1843, c-) farmer, Easthampton, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 259 1357. Charles H. Lyman (185 i, m. e.) Holyoke, Mass. 1358. John W. Lyman (1852, m. g.) Williamsburgh, Mass. 1359. Henry Lyman (1854, m. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1360. Lemuel D. Lyman (1846, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1361. Solon Lyman (1864, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1362. Thaddeus A. Lyman (1856,]. e.) Duluth, Minn. 1363. A. S. LuDDEN (1850, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1364:. John H. Manning (1865, e.) Pittsfield, Mass. 1365. Charles M. Marsh (1857, m.e.) Springfield, Mass. 1366. Lewis A. Marsh (1849, ^0 Springfield, Mass. 1367. J. S. McElwain (1850, e.) Springfield, Mass. 1368. John M. Meggett (1852, m. e.) Worcester, Mass. 1369. Joseph C. Merrill (1850, e.) Catlettsburgh, Ky. 1370. Thomas W. Meekins (1845, c.) dentist, Northamp- ton, Mass. 1371. H. Y. MoNTANYE (1856, j. e.) Warminster, Pa. 1372. William D. Moss (1845, e.) Westerly, R. L 1373. William R. Palmer (1845, c.) Stonington, Conn. 1374. George F. Parsons (1843, e.) 168 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. 1375. Charles M. Parsons (1858, m. e.) *July, 1874. 1376. Lucius E. Parsoi^s (1861, m. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1377. A. E. Parsons (1861, m. e.) Sacramento, Cal. 1378. Dean Peabody, Esq. (1843, e.) Lynn, Mass. 1379. Henry A. Pierce (1849, c.).Lansingburg, Mass. 1380. Charles Phelps (1844, e.) Northampton, Mass. 1381. Ellsworth N. Phelps (1844, e.) Windsor, Conn. 1382. Edward D. Pomeroy (1857, ^* ^0 Southampton, Mass. 1383. Frederic A. Pomeroy (1849, ^0 Columbus, Ga. 1384. P'rancis H. Pomeroy (1849, ^•) Easthampton, Mass. 1385. Henry F. Pomeroy (i859,m. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1386. Francis Poole (1842, c.) Peabody, Mass. 1387. James Porter (1846, c.) Hatfield, Mass. 1388. Jonathan D. Porter (1846, e.) Hatfield, Mass. 1389. Samuel D. Porter (1870, s.) Hatfield, Mass. 1390. James H. Potter (1863,]. c.) Bristol, Conn. 260 ALUMNI RECORDS 1391. Luther H. Potter (1857, e.) 176 Broadway, N. Y. 1392. Lyman D^ Potter (1847, e.) EnficldrMass. 1393. Ezra Pratt (1854, e.) Essex, Conn. 1394:. L. Monroe Preston (1864, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1395. Norman Preston (185 i,m. e.) South Hadley, Mass. 1396. L. V. Putney (1866, m. c.) lawyer, 261 Broadway, New York. 1397. W. W. Rice (1850, e.) dentist, Great Barrington, Mass. 1398. Edward S. Richards (1865, e.) Enfield, Mass. 1399. George Roberts, Jr., (1863, m.c.) Hartford, Conn. 1400. George Rockwell (1853, m. e.) New Britain, Conn. 1401. Charles S. Rust (1856, j. e.) Easthampton, Mass. 14:02. Daniel W. Rust (1852, j. e.) *i872. 1403. FoRDYCE A. Rust (1850, e.) Northampton, Mass. 1404. R. W. Sears (1851,]. c.) Boston, Mass. 1405. J. W. Shattuck (1864, c.) 104 Franklin street, N. Y. 1406. Samuel Sherman (i860, m. c.) Chicago, 111. 1407. Charles Sheldon (1854, j. e.) West Suffield, Conn. 1408. Thomas F. Sherman {1848, e.) Ware, Mass. 1409. George P. Shoals (1846, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1410. L. D. Sibley ( 1 862, e.) 5 3 1 Mitchell street, Chicago, 111. 1411. George C. Smith (1844, c). See addenda. 1412. Fred. Smith (1844, e.) Cleveland, Ohio. 1413. Morris W. Smith (1842, c.) Hartford, Conn. 1414. F. W. Stanley (1861, m. c.) 15 Frankfort street, New York. 1415. John Stanley (1869,]. e.) New Britain, Conn. 1416. Theodore A. Stanley (1852, m. e.).* 1417. Walter Stanley (1852, m. e.) New Britain, Conn. 1418. Morris E. Stowers (1865 e.) Scranton, Pa. 1419. Alexander Strangford (1864, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1420. Samuel Swift, M. D. (1865, e.) hospital. Fifty-first street. New York. 1421. Stephen Terry (1859, "^- c.) Hartford, Conn. 1422. E. Upson (1848, e.) New Haven, Conn. 1423. R. C. Usher (1859, m. e.) Plainville, Conn. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 26 1 1424. George White Waite (1856, m. c.) Ashtabula, O. 1425. Nathaniel P. Wardwell (1865, e.) Watertown, N. Y. 1426. David F. Wells (1846, c.).* 1427. Otis C. Wells (1840, e.) Hatfield, Mass. 1428. J. C. White, M. D. (1846, e.) Bloomington, 111. 1429. B. T. Whitmarsh (1868, m. e.) Abington, Mass. 1430. James W. Wilkins (1843, ^O Peabody, Mass. 1431. L. H. WiTHEY (1866, m, c.) Grand Rapids, Mich. 1432. Edmund D. Witt (1852, m. e.) Springfield, Mass. 1433. Enoch Wood (1845, e.) Eastharapton, Mass. 1434. EzEKiEL E. Wood (1847, ^O Easthampton, Mass. 1435. S. Chapin Wood (1855, ^- ^0 Easthampton, Mass. 1436. Newton Wood (1848, e.) Easthampton, Mass. 1437. L. B. Wing (1844, e.) banker, Newark, O. Added after the preceding report was ready for the press : 1438. Zebulon B. Taylor, of the English Class of 1847, is a dealer in broom corn at 122 La Salle street, Chi- cago, 111. ; married ; child ; No. 1 186. 1439. Harvey Sessions Carpenter of the Class 1849; graduated at Amherst, 1853 ; studied medicine and prac- ticed ; is reported in the Hospital for Insane at Worcester, Mass. 1440. William Vail Wilton Davis left the Class of 1868 in middle year. He graduated from Amherst College in 1873. He has been a teacher in Robert College, Con- stantinople, but returned some months ago. 1441. Joseph Goodhue Houghton went from middle year to Amherst College; graduated there, 1865; was mar- ried in 1 871; when last heard from was a dealer in boots and shoes. 1442. Joseph Naphthaly of the Class of 1859; gradu- ated at Yale, 1863. 1443. Henry Lyman Phelps entered Massachusetts Agricultural College from Middle Classical Class, 1872. He has graduated. 262 ALUMNI RECORDS 1444:. Charles Wellington entered Massachusetts Ag- ricultural College from Junior Scientific Classln 1870. He has graduated. 1445. Asa William Dickinson entered Massachusetts Agricultural College from the English Class in 1870. He has graduated. 1446. W. C. Holmes, H. C. Howard, C. H. Merriam and E. F. VanHoesen entered Sheffield Scientific School from Junior Scientific Class in 1874. 1447. Willie Clifford Luce of the Scientific Class of 1870, is a civil engineer in Boston, Mass. 1448. Arthur J. Best and William H. Storrs en- tered Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., from the Scientific department, in 1873. 1449. George S. Knapp (Merwinsville, Conn.). — Born in New Milford, Conn., March 23, 1840; studied English in the Seminary, 1858-60; teaching, 1861-7; at present treasurer of Cowles Hardware Company; married April 17, 1872. Address, Unionville, Conn. 1450. Frank Ezra Sawyer (Easthampton). — Born in Piermont, N. Y., September 14, 1854; in Williston Semi- nary, 1864-7; graduated from Naval Academy at Annapo- lis, Md., 1872; sailed in United States Steamer Hartford for a three years' cruise to the East Indies, November 7, 1872. Address, care E. T. Sawyer, Easthampton, Mass. 1451. Douglass Birnie (Springfield). — Left Classical Class of 1873, Senior year. Has entered "Yale 1878." 1452. Frank Broadhead Tracy (Brooklyn, N. Y.). — Left Classical Class of 1874, Senior year. Has entered "Yale 1878." 1453. Royal Corban Moodie (East Craftsbury, Vt.). — Entered "Yale 1878" from the Middle Classical Class; 1874. 1454. Edward Kirk Billings (Framingham), of the Scientific Class of 1870. May be addressed care Barnes, Ward & Co., Boston, Mass. 1455. Roland Gideon Curtin. See addenda. ROLL OF HONOR, The following list was first gathered in 1867-8, by Prof. H. H. Goodell (536). A few corrections and additions — furnished by the preceding statistics — have been made. TEACHERS. Edwin C. Bissell, captain Company K, 52d Massachusetts. Francis A. Walker, It. col., and A. A. G. ; bvt. brig. gen. Charles H. Chandler, 31st Massachusetts. David Hilt, captain 15 2d New York. Henry E. Alvord, major 2d Massachusetts Cavalry. John K. Richardson, 22d Massachusetts. STUDENTS. 1842. Henry S. Gere, 5 2d Massachusetts. Moses S. Hall, major West Virginia Regiment. 1843. *Josiah Bent, lieutenant Company A, ist Wis. Cavalry. ♦Kenosha, Wis., November lo, 1862. Lafayette Clapp, Company A, 27th Massachusetts. Warren Goodale, lieutenant ; brevet captain. Joseph L. Hayden, captain 37th Massachusetts. William H. Hayden, colonel 4th Ohio. Charles H. Lyman, 52d Massachusetts. Henry W. Smith, captain 4th Massachusetts Cavalry. 264 ALUMNI RECORDS 1844. *Orrin Case, lieutenant United States Colored Troops. William S. Clark, colonel 21st Massachusetts. Francis P. Fisher, first lieutenant Company C, 55th Illinois. Edwin Hubbard, major. Augustine Root, gov. supt. plantations, Port Royal, S. C. Rev. Henry C. Trumbull, chaplain loth Connecticut. *Jonathan Temple, surgeon 2d Wisconsin. *Borrowed musket, and killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. H. Ryland Warriner, Pennsylvania State Militia. 1845. Fayette Clapp, surgeon 5th Ohio and St. Louis Hospitals. James F. Dwight, colonel Western Cavalry Regiment. Ellsworth N. Phelps, colonel 22d Connecticut. 1846. Carlos Chapman, assistant surgeon, 14th Iowa. *Chauncey M. Hand, 2d New York Cavalry. *From wounds, Madison, Conn., October 5, 1865. Wilder F. Haskell, sergeant Company H, 5 2d Mass. Edward L. Hill, surgeon 20th Ohio. George C. Homer, private Company G, 46th Massachusetts, Augustus Lilly, lieutenant 19th Michigan. *Newton S. Manross, captain Company K, i6th Conn. *Antietam, September, 17, 1862. Rufus P. Scott, 2d Massachusetts Battery. David P. Smith, surgeon i8th Massachusetts. Benjamin E. Thayer, 32d Massachusetts. 1847. Gustavus Bissell, private Company A, 5 2d Massachusetts. Ethan E. Boies, Paymaster's Department. Rev. Jeremiah E. Chamberlain, chaplain 7th Wisconsin. James K. Mills, colonel 24th IV^issouri ; brevet brig. gen. Thomas B. Musgrave. John L. Otis, colonel loth Connecticut ; brevet brig. gen. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 265 Leonard B. Rice, lieutenant Company B, $26. Mass. Mason C. Weld, lieutenant-colonel 25th Connecticut. 5^noch E. Wood, 52d Massachusetts. 1848. Charles W. Curtis,'Cheney's Illinois Battery. Richard T. Deming, Massachusetts Volunteers. Rev. James H. Dwight, chaplain 66th New York. William W. Fowler. Azariah Smith, Military Telegraph. Newton Wood, 5 2d Massachusetts. 1849. Louis W. Bement, musician 12th Massachusetts. Harvey S. Carpenter, assistant surgeon. William H. Dwight, California Volunteers. Rev. John A. Hamilton, chaplain 6th New Hampshire. Rev. Hiram L. Howard, chaplain 59th Massachusetts. Henry Kimball, lieutenant Company F, 25th Connecticut Robert McC. Lord, examining surgeon. *Henry L. Messinger, sergeant Company B, 37th Mass. *Before Richmond. Gaylord B. Miller, surgeon. *Edward B. Olcutt, private 5th New York Artillery. *Libby Prison, August 9, 1864. *Henry R. Pierce, second lieutenant 5th Rhode Island. *Newbern, March 14, 1862. Howard Pixley, private New York Regiment. Henry M. Sabin, assistant surgeon 5 2d Massachusetts. William H. Sherman, sergeant Company G, 46th Mass. Medad Strong, 6th New Hampshire. Richard Waite, captain 84th Ohio. 1850. Hudson Burr, captain and assistant adjutant-general. W. R. Butler. Thomas W. Clapp, captain loth Massachusetts. Lewis S. Clark, 521! Massachusetts. 34 266 ALUMNI RECORDS Josiah W. Harmar, private ist Pennsylvania Artillery. Henry F. Hawkes, captain General Benham's Staff. Jerome W. Hollinbeck, quartermaster Illinois Regiment. Charles A. Homer, private 46th Massachusetts. Clinton C. Latimer, surgeon 131st Illinois. Edmund M. Pease, surgeon 3d Rhode Island Heavy Art. Ira W. Pettibone, colonel lOth Connecticut. John H. 'Piatt, major 1st Ohio. * James C. Rice, brigadier-general. *Spottsylvania, Va,, May i.i, 1864. Fordyce A. Rust, first lieutenant 31st Massachusetts. William S. Shurtleff, colonel 46th Massachusetts. H. G. Stickney, surgeon. 1851. *Alvin W. Clark, private 27th Massachusetts. j,*Andersonville, Ga. Edmund W. Clark, private 5 2d Massachusetts. .L. A. Dickinson, 5 2d Massachusetts. Edward I. Frisselle, surgeon. * William C. Hawes, lieutenant i62d New York. *May, 1864, Cross Roads, La. John W. Lawton, surgeon. Wheelock S. Merriman, major nth Illinois. Edward H. Miller, United States Navy. George L. Montague, lieut'.-col. 37th Mass. ; bvt. col. Charles W. Moore, second lieut. Company I, 51st Mass. James G. Smith, adjutant 46th Massachusetts. *George C. Strong, brigadier-general; brevet major-general. *July 30th, 1863, Morris Island. *Samuel F. Woods, adjutant 34th Massachusetts. *Worcester, Mass., of wounds received in battle. 1852. Charles H. Bates, private Company H, 5 2d Massachusetts Henry P. Billings, lieutenant 5 2d Massachusetts. Henry A. Braman, private 27th Massachusetts. Alden G. Davis, private 14th New York. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 26/ Hamilton N. Eldredgt, brigadier-general. William B. Kimball, captain 13th Massachusetts. Alanson B. Long, captain Company A, 5 2d Massachusetts.. John W. Lyman, 5 2d Massachusetts. Henry G. Maynard, private 5 2d Massachusetts. Eliab W. Metcalf, scout in Secret Service. Francis LeB. Monroe, surg. 15th Mass. ; med. inspec. 2d Corps. Albert D. Searle, lieutenant Company A, 9th Kansas. *Theodore A. Stanley, lieutenant Company F, 14th Conn. *December 31, 1862, Fredericksburg, Va. George F. Thomson, assistant surgeon 38th Massachusetts. Arthur H. Twining, lieutenant ist Connecticut. John P. White, captain. Chester Williams. 1853. *Joseph C. Alvord, lieutenant 21st Illinois. *December 30, 1862, Murfreesboro, Tenn. J. C. Audenried, aid-de-camp General Sherman's Staff. Hezekiah Bissell, lieutenant Company G, 25th Connecticut. S. S. Caldwell, captain 8th Illinois. Henry G. Gushing, Q. M. S. New Hampshire Regiment. *John Griswold, captain nth Connecticut. ♦September 18, 1862, Antietam. Eli Eldridge, Jr., private 28th Iowa. Everett Lane, major 43d Massachusetts. William Mann, captain ist Pennsylvania. *Edward L. Porter, captain i8th Connecticut. *June 15, 1863, Winchester, Va. George P. Rockwell, private Company F, 14th Connecticut. Thomas M. Towne. Matthew Walker, assistant surgeon. George A. Whitney, corporal Company F, loth Mass. Nathan Willey, sergeant Company G, 25th Connecticut. 1854. Rev. Charles C. Carpenter, chaplain. Thomas R. Clark, Connecticut Volunteers. 268 ALUMNI RECORDS *Lyman D. Coleman, lieutenant Kansas Volunteers. *August 21, 1863, massacre at Lawrence, Rs. James Collins, brigade surgeon 2d Brigade Pennsylvania Reserves. William F. Coney, private Pennsylvania Volunteers. Horace Neide, brigadier-general. Allison H. Norcutt. *Rufus W. Robinson, private 27th Massachusetts. *AndersonvilJe, Ga. Gideon Wells, first lieutenant 46th and 8th Massachusetts. 1855. James A. Betts, captain Pennsylvania Volunteers. Daniel Bowe, Freedmen's Bureau. William L. Bradley, medical cadet. John G. Burnett, Ohio Volunteers. Richard H. Chittenden, captain Minnesota Regiment. George P. Clark, major i8th New York Cavalry. Oscar F. Ely, corporal Company B, 46th Massachusetts. Edward M. Ferry, 5 2d Massachusetts. John W. Fitch, first sergeant 13th Kansas. Williston S. Graves, 5 2d Massachusetts. Charles F. Hand. *Sidney H. Hayden, sergeant Company B, i6th Conn. *Joseph J. Henry, captain New Jersey Regiment. *Roanoke Island. Charles W. Hill, Company I, 5 th Massachusetts Infantry. Andrew B. Hutchinson, captain 148th Pennsylvania. William H. Mather, surgeon 173d United States Volun- teers, and loth United States Colored Troops. Elbridge F. Meconkey, aid-de-camp General McCall. John G. Otis, captain ist United States Colored Troops. William M. Pratt, colonel Connecticut Regiment. John D. Reynolds, lieutenant. Edward P. Searle. Artemas H. Skinner, band 22d Massachusetts. Clarkson Smith, corporal Company F, 46th Massachusetts. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 269 *Lewis P..Waite, 5 2d Massachusetts. *Easthampton, November 2, 1862. Spencer C. Wood, 27th Massachusetts. 1856. George H. Atkins, corporal Company D, 34th Mass. *John C. Coffing, first lieutenant loth Connecticut. *December 26, 1862, Newbern, N. C. *Joseph H. Converse, major and aid-de-camp General Mar- tindale, i8th Corps. *June 3, 1864, Cold Harbor. Willard S. Cooke, private 37th Massachusetts. *Rollin Cowles, private 27th Massachusetts. *June 2, 1864, Cold Harbor. Rev. Henry L. Hall, chaplain loth Connecticut. Justin P. Kellogg, lieutenant 5 2d Massachusetts. *Zenas M. Kingsley, 27th Massachusetts. Henry Leavitt. Justus Lyman, lieutenant 17th Massachusetts. Thaddeus Lyman, 27th Massachusetts. Edward P. McKinney, major Commissary Department. John M. Morris, chaplain 8th Connecticut. John R. Parsons, major ist Louisiana. Frank W. Riddle, lieutenant Wisconsin Volunteers. Charles S. Rust, quartermaster 31st Massachusetts. Thomas Skelding, captain loth New York. Levi H. Smith, lieutenant-colonel 128th Pennsylvania. Pierre S. Starr, assistant surgeon 39th Ohio. William G. Taylor, 5 2d Massachusetts. Robert R. Williston, 24th Massachusetts. 1857. Theodore Bartlett, private Company B, 31st Massachusetts. Isaac Bowe, private 2d Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. Charles E. Chenery, United States Navy. *William B. Clark, captain 22d U. S. Colored Troops. ♦October 27, 1864, near Richmond. Edward B. Dickinson, 27th Massachusetts. 2/0 . ALUMNI RECORDS John G. Frazer, assistant surgeon. Edward P. Graves, New York Volunteers. Rev. Benjamin F. Hamilton, chaplain Camp Parole. Elijah Harmon, sergeant Company E, 5 2d Massachusetts. Dwight J. Harris, assistant surgeon United States Navy. Albert R. Howe, lieutenant. Albion Howe, major 14th N. York Art., and brevet lieut.-col. Horatio Jenkins, Jr., lieutenant-colonel 4th Massachusetts Cavalry, and brevet brigadier-general. *Elisha C. Lyman, 27th Massachusetts. *December 26, 1862, Newbern. Charles M. Marsh, 15th Connecticut. Edward Morris, private 46th Massachusetts. *Anson B. Norton, corporal Company K, 5 2d Mass. * April 19, 1863. Henry Parsons, captain. Rev. Edward P. Payson, chaplain 146th New York. Christopher Sawyer, captain 36th Massachusetts. *Sereno Sawyer, corporal Company A, 21st Massachusetts. *i86i, Annapolis, Md. Ichabod H. Searle, surgeon 72d New York. *Jacob A. Smith. *October 2, 1874. Charles H. Torry. John C. Tyler, major and assistant adjutant-general. 1858. Edward H. Adams, hospital steward United States Navy. Henry F. Bardwell, 25th Massachusetts. Erastus Blakeslee, col. ist Conn. Cav. and brevet brig.-gen. George P. Clark, 27th Massachusetts. *01iver A. Clark, private 27th Massachusetts. *Andersonville, Ga. Rev. John B. Doolittle, chaplain 15 th Connecticut. Robert J. Flemming. Henry H. Goodell, lieutenant Company F, 25th Connecticut. Albert S. Gove, 3d New York Zouaves. Joshua W. Hawkes, private Company C, 31st Massachusetts.; WILLISTON SEMINARY. 2/1 Thomas Henderson, assistant surgeon Harvey General Hos- pital, Madison, Wis, Francis H. Holmes, corporal Company I, 5 2d Massachusetts. James E. King, private Company F, 31st Massachusetts. Zecheriah E. Lewis, assistant surgeon Jefferson General Hospital, Jeffersonville, Ind. Rufus P. Lincoln, colonel 37th Massachusetts. Elisha Morgan, captain 72d Illinois. Otho H. Morgan, 7th Indiana Battery. Gustavus W. Peabody, loth Massachusetts. George W. Porter, private loth Massachusetts. Charles S. Robert, assistant surgeon. *Francis N. Sterling, lieutenant 128th New York. *December 6, 1862, at sea, off Cape Hatteras. Charles B. Sumner, sergeant Company A, 45 th Mass. Mason W. Tyler, colonel 37th Massachusetts. Henry S. Waite, private 8th Ohio. George C. Wells, private loth Massachusetts. 1859. Samuel S. Beach, 2d Massachusetts. Frederick Barton, captain loth Massachusetts. Egbert I. Bingham. Rev. James H. Bradford, chaplain 12th Connecticut. Egbert I. Clapp, lieutenant 31st Massachusetts. William E. Clapp, 52 Massachusetts. Alvin W. Clark, private ist Wisconsin Artillery. Henry W. Clark, ist Connecticut Heavy Artillery. Roland G. Curtin, United States Navy. *Perry N. Coleman, private Company C, loth Connecticut. *May 31, 1862, Fair Oaks. John W. Dickens, captain 190th, U. S. C. T. *Ezra D. Dickerman, major 20th Connecticut. *December 23, 1867. John F. Douglass, sergeant Company I, 25 th Connecticut. George E. Fuller, hospital steward. Clark H. Griggs, hospital steward. 2/2 ALUMNI RECORDS *Joseph F. Hall, sergeant Company F, ii2tlvNew York. *August 31, 1864. Samuel W. Hayden, 52d Massachusetts. Walter M. Rowland, quartermaster. David E. Hoxie, private loth Massachusetts. Edward H. Leavitt, corporal Company B, 5 2d Mass. Joshua Leavitt, lieutenant 31st Massachusetts. Charles McCurdy Lord, captain in regular army. *Daniel W. Lyman, private Company K, 5 2d Massachusetts. *Jur>e 14, 1863, Port Hudson. Rev. Selah Merrill, chaplain 49th U. S. C. T. Carroll Neide, Signal Corps. *Christopher Pennell, second lieutenant U. S. C. T. *July 30, 1864, near Petersburg, Va. Robert A. Potter, captain. Charles A. Skinner, Band 22d Massachusetts. Benjamin M. Smith, private $2d Massachusetts. George A. Smith, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. Charles L. Storrs, captain Company E, 32d U. S. C, T. Henry M. Whitney, Q. M. S. 5 2d Massachusetts. *Edward K. Wilcox, captain 27th Massachusetts. i860. Edwin S. Adams, lieutenant Massachusetts Volunteers. William P. Ames, first lieutenant. David M. Bailey, Illinois Volunteers. Jasper H. Bid well, corporal Company E, i6th Connecticut. George B. Clark, New York Volunteers. James H. Clark, 2d Massachusetts. Thomas G. Colt, brevet lieutenant-colonel, loth Mass. Fred. C. Colton, private Company A, 5 2d Massachusetts. Isaac W. Cooke, sergeant 3d Connecticut. Charles L. Crane, lieutenant United States Colored Troops. George R. Davis, major 3d Rhode Island Cavalry. Albert Eads, Illinois Volunteers. Marshall R. Gains, private 60th Massachusetts. Andrew J. Hill, 37th Massachusetts. Darvid A. Irwin, captain 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 2/3 Justin E. Janes, private 37th Massachusetts. S. Parkman Janes, Signal Corps. Albert J. King, private Company B, 7th Connecticut. Bradley D. Lee, 2cl Connecticut Artillery. Charles H. Leonard, private 45th Massachusetts. Alpheus W. Parsons, private 37th Massachusetts. Benjamin W. Perry, 4th Boston Battalion. Jonathan E. Pomeroy, private Company K, 5 2d Mass. Amasa Pratt, Quartermaster's Department. Clinton W. Reed, private Company E, 4th Massachusetts. William T. Schneider, United States Navy. George H. Scott, Vermont Volunteers. John A. Tibbetts, captain 14th Conn, and brevet major. Marvin R. Waite, lieutenant 8th Connecticut. Lyman H. Warren, captain 17th United States Infantry. Lewis F. Whitin, paymaster United States Navy. Newton F. Whiting, clerk to Paymaster General. Luther L. Wright, 5 2d Massachusetts. 1861. Whitney F. Alvord, 5 2d Massachusetts. Charles H. Arms, sergeant-major 77th Illinois. *William H. Atkins, Company I, loth Massachusetts. *July I, 1862, Malvern Hills. William H. Bishop, Q. M. S. ist Connecticut Cavalry. Henry Butler, private 44th Massachusetts. Holton Bodisco Chapman, 37th Massachusetts. Charles H. Clark, 37th Massachusetts. Chester D. Cleveland, 2d Connecticut Artillery. Edwin S. Gould, private Company F, 51st Massachusetts. John W. Gould, musician 25th Massachusetts. Robert E. Grant, first lieut. Company I, 157th New York. James T. Graves, 5 2d Massachusetts. George A. Hill, 27th Massachusetts. Edward W. Hooker, lieutenant 37th Massachusetts. Charles E. Hubbard, 37th Massachusetts. Augustus G. Jones, private 37th Massachusetts. 35 274 ALUMNI RECORDS Walter P. Long, captain 21st Connecticut. -- Romulus C. Loveridge, captain U. S. C. T. Abner E. Parsons, 27th Massachusetts. Lucius E. Parsons, 5 2d Massachusetts. George W. Perkins, colonel 57th Pennsylvania. Stephen B. Rand, private 46th Massachusetts. Edward J. Reed, private 27th Massachusetts. Richard L. Rumsey, quartermaster's clerk. Reuben S. Searle, private 37th Massachusetts. Asa A. Spear, second lieutenant 5 2d Massachusetts. *Frank W. Stanley, corporal Company A, 13th Conn. *May 29, 1863, Irish Bend, La. Sylvester L. Stockbridge, corporal 37th Massachusetts. William Stocking, private 60th Massachusetts. *Joseph K. Taylor, first sergeant, 37th Massachusetts. *August 30, 1864, from wounds received in battle. *John L. Thompson. Frank E. Townsend, first lieutenant Artillery. Sterling H. Warner, Ordnance Department. *Willis Whipple. *Near Richmond. *Lawson D. Wood, private 25th Massachusetts. 1862. Vernon D. Austin, private 27th Massachusetts. Andrew L. Bush, lieutenant 37th Massachusetts. Henry A. Clark, private Company F, 44th Massachusetts. Henry M. Cutter, Connecticut Volunteers. William P. Derby, private Company A, 27th Massachusetts. Henry R. Eldridge, sergeant 31st Massachusetts. Thomas Greenwood, clerk Commissary's Department. William H. Hawley, private i6th Connecticut. Charles N. Loud, private 5 2d Massachusetts. Joseph G. Parke, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Henry P. Phelps, sergeant Company B, 49th Massachusetts. Herbert W. Pomeroy, 52d Massachusetts. Oscar F. Searle, assistant surgeon. Benjamin Smith, Pennsylvania Volunteers. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 2/5 Lewis E. Snow, private Company A., 23d Connecticut. *Frederick P. Stone, private 27th Massachusetts. ♦Andersonville, Ga. Robert L. Taft, 49th Massachusetts. *George F. Tilton, sergeant first Massachusetts Cavalry. *December 21, 1863, Alexandria, Va. Almon M. Warner, second lieutenant. William W. Warner. 1863. • John W. Beaman, 2d Massachusetts Light Artillery. Silas P. Cooke, private. Frank H. Graves, bvt. maj. and col., aid to Maj.-Gen. Paine. Edwin S. Gould, 51st Massachusetts. Benjamin F. Marsh, Company F, 28th Connecticut. *Edwin C. Pratt, lieutenant 8th United States Colored Troops, and aid to General Doubleday. *July I, 1865, New Hartford, Conn. Henry F. Torrey. 1864. Charles A. Birnie, private 46th Massachusetts. Dudley C. Haskell, private Kansas Volunteers. George H. Lewis, private Company F, 14th Connecticut. Samuel K. Matthews, 5 2d Massachusetts. 1865. Daniel B. Gillette, corporal Company A, 8th Massachusetts. Edwin E. Janes, private 52d Massachusetts. Albert A. Lyman, 52d Massachusetts. Charles S. Newhall, corporal 45th Massachusetts. ' Merritt Noyes, private Company E, 4th Massachusetts. George E. Spear, private 5 2d Massachusetts. William H. Tyler, private 5 2d Massachusetts. 1866. Nathan L. Bishop, Connecticut Volunteers. Richard H. Blodgett, private 15th Massachusetts. 276 ALUMNI RECORDS Henry L. Driver, Tennessee Volunteers. Hiram W. Lewis, Ohio Volunteers. John E. McClellan, private ist Battalion Heavy Artillery. Harvey Porter, private 5 2d Massachusetts. George S. Spencer, New York Cavalry. William S. Ward, master's mate, Mississippi Squadron. 1867. Charles H. Morris, private 8th Massachusetts. Charles F. Stephens, ist Rhode Island Light Artillery. John H. Stickney, private 169th New York. William R. Stocking, sergeant 34th Massachusetts. Harlan P. Tuthill, sergeant Company G, 73d Illinois. 1868. Oliver K. Forster, 195th Pennsylvania. IN CONFEDERATE SERVICE. 1856. John F. Cutler. Alex. P. Root. 1859. Edward G. Colton, as'sistant surgeon. *George S. Dewey. LADIES' CATALOGUE. Arranged alphabetically and giving name and address when at school, date of leaving, and present name with ad- dress, or date of death. There is no index of this depart- ment, since it is not needed for reference. TEACHERS. Miss Clarissa L. Wright, French, 184 1-2 ; Mrs. Charles Lord, Easthampton, Mass. Miss Clarissa Stacy, French, 1842-6; Mrs. Bullis. Miss Sarah W. Brackett, preceptress, 1844-5 i Mrs. Nehe- miah Adams ; died November, 1854. Miss Mary Fisher, preceptress, 1845-7 j Mrs. Joseph A. Crane, Albany, N. Y. Miss Gertrude M. Chandler, preceptress, 1847-9 J Mrs. Joseph Chandler, Saxton's River, Mass. Miss Harriet R. Williston, preceptress, 1849-50 ; Mrs. Wil- liam S. Clark, Amherst, Mass. Miss Maria E. Mason, preceptress, 1 850-1 ; Mrs. Moses K. Cross ; died at Moline, III, September 8, 1855. Miss E. Maria Ely, preceptress, 1851-2 ; Mrs. E. W. Metcalf, Elyria, O. Miss Maria C. Partridge, preceptress, 1852-5 ; Batavia, III. Mrs. L. Ann Chandler, drawing and painting, 1852-3 ; Bos- ton, Mass. Miss Elizabeth B. Hinckley, preceptress, 1855-63 ; East- hampton, Mass. Miss S. Elizabeth Chapin, preceptress, 1863-4 ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. 2*]% ALUMNI RECORDS STUDENTS. Caroline P. Abel, (Goshen, Mass.,) 1845, ^- '> ^^s. Joseph Blake, Greenfield, Mass. Eliza Acres, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Westches- ter, N. Y. Minerva Adams, (Marlborough, Vt.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Lyman N. Oldsj died May 27, 1847, at Circleville, O. Martha Adams, (Conway, Mass.,) 1844, e.; Flint, Mich. Susan G. Adams, (Boston, .Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Daniel W. Job, Boston, Mass. Mary Adams, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1859, j. c; Mrs. Rutledge Bates, Stewart, Iowa. Harriet Ellen Ainsworth, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. Albert Sanders, Bethel, Vt. Sarah C. Alden, (Belchertown, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Providence, R. I. Ellen L. Alexander, (Winchester, N. H.,) 1847, e. ; New York City. Fanny H. Alexander, (Winchester, N. H.,) 1847, g- j Mrs. J. C. Stone, Peoria, 111. Sarah P. Alexander, (Winchester, N. H.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. W. J. Dawes, Fox Lake, Wis. Sarah E. Allen, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Wil- liam Skinner, Holyoke, Mass. Mary Jane Allen, (Winchester, N. H.,) 185 1, e. Harriet M. Allen, (Lisbon, Conn.,) 1852, e. Frances Amelia Allen, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; Hadley, Mass. Maria Malville Allen, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, e. Jane Maria Alvord, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Edwin O, Pomeroy, Westfield, Mass. Julia Eliza Ames, (Chester Factories, Mass.,) 1861, m. e. j Chicago, 111. Mary E. Anderson, (New York,) 1846, e. Izetta j. Anderson, (Chicopee Falls, Mass.,) 1854, e. Ophelia M. Andrews, (New Salem, Mass.,) 1846, e.; Mrs. O. S. Lovejoy, Haverhill, Mass. Emma Catherine Andrews, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, j- c- j Chelsea, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 279 Ellen D. Ashley, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. j Mrs. ; died, . Frances A. Ashley, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Dexter B. Hitchcock, Holyoke, Mass. Sarah M. Ashley, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. Charles Ashley, West Springfield, Mass. Maria Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; died January 17, 1843. Mary J. Avery, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Jeromas Pomeroy, Westfield, Mass. Jane R. Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; died July 29, 1851. Dorothy A. Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1848, e.; Am- herst, Mass. Sarah Roxanna Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e.; Mrs. Isaac R. Clark, Northampton, Mass. Harriet Clarissa Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Julia Maria Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Mary Ellen Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Henry C. Searle, Easthampton, Mass. Orril Eliza Avery, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Paul L. Levis, Easthampton, Mass. Amorette Ayers, (Granby, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Charles H. Smith; died June 6, 1852, at Granby, Mass. Emma F. Bacheler, (Grafton, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; died January 24, 1858, at West Roxbury, Mass. Sabrina S Bacheler, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. James Frye, Boston, Mass. Martha W. Bagg, (Lanesborough, Mass.,) 1843, c; died in Leroy, N. Y. Fanny C. Bagg, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Henry A. Pratt; died June, 187 1. Henrietta Bagg, (Holyoke, Mass.). Hannah M. Bagg, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Ethan Brooks, West Springfield, Mass. Nancy Elizabeth Bagg, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1856, c. ; Mrs. Frank Fuller, Springfield, Mass. 28o . ALUMNI RECORDS Lucy Maria Bagg, (West Springfield, Mass.,) i860, m. c. ; West Springfield, Mass. Helen M. Baker, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 184.6, c. ; Mrs. E. Hitchcock. Emily M. Baker, (Ashfield, Mass.,) 1853, e. Reda Baker, (East Hawley, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; Mrs. Stephen Budington, Leyden, Mass. Martha A. Baldwin, (Windsor, Mass.,) 1848. e. Sarah M. Bamforth, (Easthampton, Mass ,) 1855, m. e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Harriet W. Bardwell. (South Hadley Falls, Mass.,) 1842, c. ; Mrs. James B. Benton ; died May i, 1870, at South Hadley Falls. Mary Anna Barnes, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; died at Easthampton, June, 1866. Lucy M. Barrett, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1845, ^-'t ^^s John H. Lester, Charlestown, Mass. Jane Esther Barrett, (South Hadley Falls, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. S. Chase; died, 1863. Adaline Moore Bartholomew, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. John Fowler, Westfield Mass. Maria Jane Bartholomew, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Westfield, Mass. Mary E. Bartlett, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Philadel- phia, Pa. Sarah Achsah Bartlett, (Conway, Mass.,) 1851,0.; Syra- cuse, N. Y. Lucy P. Bartlett, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Pitts- field, Mass. Ann Elizabeth Bartlett, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. Charlotte Elmira Bartlett, (Easthampton, Mass.,) i860, j. c. ; died, . Sarah A. Barton, (Granby, Mass.,) 1847, c ; Mrs. Charles F. Clark, Granby, Mass. Helen M. Barton, (Granby, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. William Smith, South Hadley Falls, Mass. Clara Wright Barton, (Granby, Mass.,) 1857, j. c; Mrs. Stephen Harris; died at West Suffield, Conn., Sept. 19, 1869. Olive Maria Barton, (Granby, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. Eugene M. Warner, Granby, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 28 1 Experience Bascom, (Gill, Mass.,) 185 1, e. ; Mrs. James Up- ham, Chelsea, Mass. Rebecca Jane Batchelder, (Reading, Mass.,) 1864, e. Elzorah Bates, (Cummington, Mass.,) 1842, e. Mary A. Bates, (Conway, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. James Pratt; died at Hillsdale, Mich., June 15, 1854. Frances B. Beach, (Bridgeport, Conn.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Samuel G. W. Ely, Morrison, 111. Sally W. Beans, (Newtown, Pa.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. Edward H. Magill, Svvarthmore College, Pa. Mary L. Becker, (Troy, N. Y.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Justus Smith, New York City. Eliz'a M. Becker, (Wilna, N. Y.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Eleck Stew- art, Johnstown, N. Y. Emily Beckwith, (Great Barrington, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; Gouver- neur, N. Y. Maria Beckwith, (Great Barrington, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. E. F. Tanner, California, Mich. Martha Maria Beckwith, (Great Barrington, Mass.,) 1859, j. c. ; Mrs. Edwin Humphries, Great Barrington, Mass. Mary Gustina Beekman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e.; died at Easthampton, January 16, 186 1. Sarah Whitman Beekman, (Easthampton, Mass,,) 186 1, m. e. ; Mrs. Joseph H. Sawyer, Easthampton, Mass. Hannah M. Belcher, (North Brookfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Joseph Watson, Spencer, Mass. Louisa H. Bell, (Dalton, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. Simonds; died in Titusville, Pa. Sarah Chamberlin Bell, (Feeding Hills, Mass,) 1858,]. c; Mrs Julius F. Morrill, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ellen E. Bement, (Gill, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; died Jan. 22, 1855. LoviNA A. Bement, (Conway, Mass.,) 1848, e.; Mrs. Hosea Jones; died November 18, 1866. Mary Ann Bemis, (South Brookfield, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. George Plendrick, Brookfield, Mass. Flora Bidwell, (Canton, Conn.,) 1849. e. ; Mrs. Walter Hig- ley ; died in Canton, Conn., January 19, 1855. Mary A. Billings, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 185 1, e. ; Mrs. William D. Cummings, Pittsburgh, Pa. 36 282 ALUMNI RECORDS Henrietta Frances Billings, (Ware Village, Mass.,) 1856, m. c. ; Ware, Mass. Elizabeth K. Bingham, (Easthampton, Mass.^) 1848, e. ; Ho- nolulu, Sandwich Islands. Lydia D Bingham, (Chester, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Titus Coan, Hilo, Sandwich Islands. Charlotte A. Birdseye, (Pompey, N. Y.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs H. V. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y. Irene L. Birdseye, (Cornwall, Conn.,) 1855, e. ; died in Ells- worth, Conn., February 25, 1858. Lucy H. Bisbee, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1854,0.; Mrs. A. G. Burr; died October 8, 1866. Mary H. Bisbee, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; New York City. Mary Bishop, (Lisbon, Conn.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. Charles L. Ayers, Taftville, Conn. Abigail Bishop, (Lisbon, Conn.,) 1850 e. ; died at Lisbon, Conn., January 31, 1855. Rhoda a, Bissell, (Ellington, Conn.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Solomon I. Parsons, East Windsor, Conn. Mary Jane Bissell, (Torringford, Conn.,) 1849,0. ; Mrs. Mer- ritt Bronson, Torringford, Conn. Lois Cone Bissell, (Rockville, Conn..) 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. A. Park Hammond ; died at Rockville, Conn., July 28, 1872. Polly P. Blake, (Ashfield, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Clark Bard- well, Conway, Mass. Emily L. Blanchard, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852,6.; Mrs. Henry Marsh, South Hadley, Mass. Juliette Bliss, (Wilbraham, Mass ,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. Henry A. Collins ; died in Springfield, Mass., January 2, 1854. Mary E. Bliss, (Springfield, Mass..) 1847, c. Elizabeth F. Bliss, (North Wilbraham, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Springfield, Mass. Frances E. Bliss, (Wilbraham, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Springfield, Mass. Harriet H. Bodman, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Wil- liamsburgh, Mass. Nancy C. Boies, (Blandford, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. E. W. Hatch, Meriden, Conn. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 283 Mary A. Boies, (Blandford, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. Edward Bigelow. Maiden, N. Y. Virginia Guiteau Bond, (Easthampton. Mass.,) 1862, m. c. ; Mrs. James Gilbert Hill. Lowell, Mass. Martha Boutelle, (Leominster, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. E. B. Rice, Worcester, Mass. Amanda M. Boyd, (Bucks County, Pa.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Samuel Bucknam, Newtown, Pa. Lucy M. Brackett, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. John M. Pierce ; died May 26, 1864. Urania E. Brackett, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. George B<3wers, Springfield, Vt. Gratia R. Bradbury, (Sandwich, N. H.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Elijah Tarbox ; died at Scranton, Pa., August 29, 1859. Sarah A. Bradford, (Grafton, Vt.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. J. F. Whip- ple, New York. Mary Ann Brainard, (South Hadley Falls, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs Edward Judd ; died at South Hadley, Mass , Dec. 17, 1866. Olive S. Brainard, (South Hadley Falls, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Edward Lester, Miller's Falls, Mass. Julia Brainard, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; South Hadley Falls, Mass. Martha Jane Braman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Joel A Gleason, Tomah, Wis. • Emeline Almena Braman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e.; Mrs. Solomon Hollister, Sparta, Wis. Mary Adelia Braman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Harriet Ann Braman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Lyman Howard, Watertown, N. Y. Emma Louisa Braman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858,3 e. ; Mrs. Curtis Allen, Easthampton, Mass. Lelia Jeannette Braman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. LuciNDA Breck, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Ed- ward Wright. Minerva C. Brewster, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; Mrs. Hiram Bingham, Micronesian Islands. Maria Brooks, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. 284 ALUMNI RECORDS Emma C. Brooks, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1847, e. Angeline Brooks, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1855,]. c. ; West Springfield, Mass. Julia Elizabeth Brooks, (Buckland, Mass.,) 1855, c. j North- ampton, Mass. Cerinthia Adaline Brown, (Whately, Mass.,) 1843, c. ; Mrs. Royal A. Ward, South Deerfield, Mass. Lucy Brown, (Whately, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Edson Merritt, South Deerfield, Mass. Emily W. Brown, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Southamp- ton, Mass. Martha M. Brown, (Dalton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; died Decem- ber, 1853. Clara Brown, (Warwick, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. James Farrar, Adrian, Mich. Harriet E. Brown, (Charlemont, Mass.,) 1853, c. Sarah Jane Brown, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. Sarah Brown, (Brimfield, Mass.,) Mrs. Cyrus Grifhth, Morris- ania, N. Y. M. Cornelia Bruner, (Wilbraham, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Hubert, Jamesburgh, N. J. Elizabeth S. Bryant, (Chesterfield, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Frank H. Reed, Cleveland, O. Lucy Maria Buel, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. j Mrs. Stephen Chapin, Springfield, Mass. Joanna W. Bullard, (Princeton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Thomas Gordon, , Pa. Charlotte E. Burnap, (Andover, Conn.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. Thomas C. P. Hyde, Andover, Conn. Mary D. Burnap, (Andover, Conn.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Elliott P. Skinner, Andover, Conn. Lucy Jane Burnett, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. Elvira Melissa Burnette, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 186 1, m. e. Abigail C Burnham, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855, j. c. Celestia a. Burr, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Darling ; died in Laporte, Ind., December 10, 1870. Sophia A. Burr,. (Worthington, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Graham Bates, Ashfield, Mass. Mariette Bursing, (South Coventry, Conn.,) 185 1, c. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 285 Mary S. Burt, (Otisco, N. Y.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. E. W. Day, Chittenango, N. Y. LucRETiA C. Burt, (Longmeadow, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. King, Enfield, Conn. EuDORA Hannah Burt, (Easthampton, Mass.,) i860, m. c. ; Mrs. H. W. Gaylord, South Hadley Falls,. Mass. Mary C. Burton, (Manchester, Vt.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Myron Brinkerhoff, Herndon, Va. Margaret A. Caldwell, (Ipswich, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; Ipswich, Mass. Nancy E. CaMp, (Bristol, Conn.,) 1847, c. ; died October, 1854. Martha Campbell, (Highland County, Va.,) 1855, j. c. ; Hightown, Va. Elizabeth Rachel Campbell, (Highland County, Va.,) 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. Samuel P. Patterson, Huntersville, Va. Mary J. Capin, (Windsor, Conn..) 1847, e. ; died. Eliza S. Carpenter, (Warren, Mass.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. Henry E. Barnes, Moline, 111. Mary Carrier, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Mur- ray Closson, Keene, N. H. Jane L. Carter, (Otis, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. James E. Bayley ; died in Rutland, Vt., April 7, 1850. Mary E. Carter, (North Hadley, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Leroy J. McCloud, North Hadleyj Mass. Emma Chaffee, (Becket, Mass.,) 1849, c. ; Springfield, Mass. Juliette A. Chamberlain, (West Brookfield, Mass.,) 1848, c; Mrs. Jared Clark, Cleveland, Ohio. Gertrude M. Chandler. (Brattleboro', Vt.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Joseph Chandler, Saxton's River, Mass. HuLDAH W. Chapin, (South Wilbraham, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; died March i, 1862. Mary Chapin, (Greenfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. Aminta Chapin, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1847, e. Lucy Ann Chapin, (Chicopee, Mass,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. . Cornelia L. Chapin, (Chicopee, Mass.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. . Persis B. Chapin, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1850, e. Mrs. Dwight Jewett, South Deerfield, Mass. Mary A. Chapman, (Becket, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; died in 1843 or 1844. 286 ALUMNI RECORDS Mary E. Chapman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Gilbert Clark, Easthampton, Mass. Laura Chapman, (Montgomery, Mass.,) i846^e.j Mrs. Henry- Stiles, Montgomery, Mass. RosELLE R. Chapman, (Ellington, Conn.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. Oliver Hunt; died October 16. 1853. Rowena R. Chapman, (Ellington, Conn.,) 1850, e. ; died, 1873- Hannah E. Chapman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Mary E. Chapman, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. j Mrs. Edward Kingsley, , N. H. Susan A. Chapman, (Rockville, Conn.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Edwin Burnham, Bennington, Vt. Hortense a. Chapman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; d'ed October 31, 1855. Rosalinda Chapman, (Vernon, Conn.,) 1855, j. c. ; Mrs. Crookstan, Sparta, Wis. Eleanor Gertrude Chapman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Odell G. Webster, Easthampton, Mass. Mary E. Chase, (Bernardston, Mass.,) 1844. c. Mary Ann Chase, (Winchester Centre, Conn.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. A. V. R. Abbott, Stratford, Conn. E. LuTHERA Church, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Jason Smith, South Hadley, Mass. Laura Louisa Church, (Middlefield, Mass.,) 1857, j. c; Middlefield, Mass. Caroline B. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1842, c. ; Mrs. Jared C. Smith, Chicopee, Mass. Elizabeth Clapp, (Pittsfield, Mass.,) 1843, c; Mrs. Nelson, Albany, N. Y. Harriet F. Clapp, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1843, ^- > West- hampton, Mass. Adeline F. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844,6.; Mrs. Robert Dewar, Easthampton, Mass. Sarah G. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845, e.; Mrs. J. Homer Lloyd, Easthampton, Mass. Mary Clapp, (Chester, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. James Elder, Meadville, Pa. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 28/ Sophia N. Clapp, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. j Mrs. Henry Montague, Westhampton, Mass. Elvira Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; died Novem- ber 16, 1848. Helen Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Harriet Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Lewis Clark ; died at Easthampton, February 11, 1865. Amelia P. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1851, c. ; Mrs. Wil- liam H. Hart, Monroeville, O. Frances S. Clapp, (North Amherst, Mass.,) 185 1, e. Nancy P. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 185 1, e. Lucy M. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. George W. McWilliams, Deer Ridge, Mo. Sophia N. Clapp, (Spencer, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs, Dexter Bullard, Spencer, Mass. Martha C. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853, c. j Mrs. George I. Hadsell, Plainville, Conn. Virginia Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; died Febru- ary 13, 1863. Lucy P. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. D. C. Durfee, Gloversville, N. Y. Sarah E. Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Elizabeth J. Clapp, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. Enos. Harmon, Hawley, Mass. Hannah Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855, j. e ; Mrs. Edmund W. Clark, Springfield, Mass. Lucia Ann Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Emma Louisa Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass., J 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Frank Clapp, South Deerfield, Mass. Louisa Jeannette Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, j. c. ; Mrs. Edward F. Morris, Monson, Mass. Esther Clapp, (Chester, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs. Egbert Rude, Huntington, Mass. . Eliza Judd Clapp, (Chester, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Hunting- ton, Mass. 288 ALUMNI RECORDS Eliza Triphenia Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, e. ; Mrs. George W. Guilford, Springfield, Mass. Isabel Pamelia Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.j)Li864, e. ; Mrs. . Myron W. Avery, Williamsburgh, Mass. Elizabeth Hart Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e.; Glov- ersville, N. Y. Martha Alice Clapp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. George F. Hitchcock, Northampton, Mass. Mary Clark, (Blandford, Mass., J 1843, e. Sarah T. Clark, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Francis M. Searle, Syracuse, N. Y. Cecelia Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845,6.; Mrs. Joseph Parsons, Easthampton, Mass. Julia Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Isaiah Place ; died August 26, 1865. MiLANCY Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Helen Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845, 6- j died July II, 1872. Angelina Clark, (Granby, Mass.,) 1846, c"; Granby, Mass. Mandana a. Clark, (Whately, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Hyde Park, Mass. Ann Cornelia Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, ^'j Easthampton, Mass. Philura Clark, (Granby, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Jonathan R. Whittemore, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Frances A. Clark, (Blandford, Mass.,) 1847, e. Sarah H. Clark, (Southington, Conn.,) 1847, c. Lucy Adaline Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, e. ; died September i, 1863. Clara E. Clark, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; died Octo- ber, 1847. Martha Clark, (Haydenville, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Henry S. Gere, Northampton, Mass. Theresa N. Clark, (Chesterfield, Mass.,) 1847, e ; Mrs. — - died . Mary Ann Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; died September 17, 1849. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 289 Miranda E. Clark, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; died April, 1855. Elizabeth R. Clark, (Brooklyn, N. Y.,) 1848, c. ; died CERiNtHA F. Clark, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Norman P. Clarke, Lowell, Mass. Emma A. Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. j Easthamp- ton, Mass. Harriet E. Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; New York. Louisa J. Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; died Jmie 6, 1854. Elizabeth P. Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Enoch H, Ludden, Easthampton, Massl Sarah L. Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1S52, c. ; Mrs. Nor- man T. Smith, West Springfield, Mass. Lydia Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Samuel B. Hamlin, Painesville, Ohio. Harriet A. Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Franklin Janes, Easthampton, Mass. Laura Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e, ; Mrs. Almon S. Ludden, Easthampton, Mass. Caroline Rebecca Clark, (Baltimore, Md.,) 1855, c. ; Balti- more, Md. Sarah R. Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855,]*. ^• Isabel Hannah Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. c. ; Mrs. Sidney W. Leete, Guilford, Conn. Fidelia Dorcas Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. j Northampton, Mass. Sarah Electa Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; died . Sarah Maria Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. William B. Churchill, New York. Julia Aria Clark, (Baltimore, Md.,) 1857, c. ; Baltimore, Md. Rachel Morse Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, j.c. ; Mrs. Edward M. Ferry ; died January 11, 1863. Sarah Jeannie Clark, (Lancaster, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. ; Mrs. Austin : died at Mason, N. H. Ellen Sophia Clark, (Hinsdale, Mass.,) 1857,]. c. Louisa Augusta Clark, (Southampton, Mass*,) 1857, j. c. ; Mrs. Charles Grid ley, Southampton, Mass. 37 290 ALUMNI RECORDS Ellen Josephine , Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. W. S. Gibbs, Springfield, Mass. Mary Adelia Clark, (Easthamplon, Mass.,) ^^58, j. c. ; died August 31, 1859. Alta Myra Clark, (Worthington, Mass.,) Mrs. Joseph Par- sons, Columbus> O- De Etta Frances Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, j. e. ; Holyoke, Mass. Sarah Birdseye Clark (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; died January 17, 1866. Anna Elizabeth Clark, (North Adams, Mass.,) 1859, j. e. Clarinda Clark, (Princeton, 111.,) 1859,3. e. ; Mrs. Paine, Algona, la. Sarah Cornelia Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1861, m. e. ; Mrs. Brainard L. Clark, Easthampton, Mass. Ellen Maria Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; Mrs. William Edgar Clapp, Easthampton, Mass. Clara Maria Clark, • (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; Mrs. Lucius E. Parsons, Easthampton, Mass. Flora Loette Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Myra Lauriette Clark, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Helen Frances Clark, (West Newton, Mass.,) 1864, m. c. ; West Newton, Mass. Helen Clifford, (Shrewsbury, Mass,) 1853,0. ; Mrs. Thomas Harlow, West Boylston, Mass. Hattie Eliza Coit, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; died. Julia A. Colby, (Lowell, Mass.,) 1852, c. Phebe I. Cole, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1849, e. Celina S. Cole, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. C. M. Parsons, Worthington, Mass. Martha A. COle, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; died at Worthington, December 20, 1853. Deborah S. Coleman, (Buckland, Mass.,) 1847, c; Mrs. Harris Bartholemew, Indianapolis, Ind. Mary Laura Coleman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. ; Mrs. Mark Ross, Kirksville, Mo. ■ Cornelia Frances Coleman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, c. ; Mrs. Clark Coleman, Golonyj Mo. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 29 1 Laurianne Coleman, (Benton, Mo.,) 1859, j. c. ; Mrs. Milton Biggerstaff, Edina, Mo. Anna Gray Colton, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Washington McClintock, Denver, Col. Mary Brown Colton, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Elizabeth Sweetser Colton, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. Easthampton, Mass. Harriet S. Coney, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1845,6.; Mrs Hiram Smith, South Hadley Falls, Mass. Lucy C Cook, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1849, ^- > ^^^' Jairus W Congdon, Hadley, Mass. L. Emily Cook, (Dover, N. H.,) 1851, e. Caroline S. Cook, (Cleveland, O.,) 1852, e. Jane Cook, (Princeton, 111.,) 1857, j. c. ; Mrs. James Trumbull Princeton, 111. Abigail L. Cooley, (Colerain, Mass..) 1845, c. ; Mrs Jarvis J. Crandall, Brattleboro', Vt. Jane Cooley, (Palmer, Mass.,) 1845, e. Melissa Cooley, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1853, e. Maria M. Cooper, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1.847, c. Frances C. Cornish, (East Granby, Conn.,) 1849, c. ; East Granby, Conn. Julia H. Crane, (Caldwell, N. J.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. L. S. Pot: win, Hudson, O. Lucy R. Crittenden, (Charlemont, Mass.,) 1854, e. Jane Milk Cummings. (Morgan, Vt.,) 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. Richard Knight, South Hadley Falls, Mass. Anna.M. Cutler, (New Haven, Conn.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. San- ford, New Haven, Conn. Elizabeth A. Dailey, (Shefiield, Mass.,) 1850, e. Julia A. Dailey, (Shefiield, Mass.,). 1850, e. ; Mrs. Perry, Brooklyn, N. Y. Elizabeth Dakin, (North East, N. Y.,) 1851, c. ; San Fran? cisco, Cal. Anna G. Daniels, (Chester, Conn.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Edward Hungerford, Chester, Conn. Isabella G. Davis, (Holden, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. J. F. Clark, Bulgaria, Turkey. 292 ALUMNI RECORDS Lucy Davis, (Princeton, Mass.,) 1851, e. ; Mrs. Nathaniel Haynes, South Framingham, Mass. Catherine Davis, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Wil- liam Taylor, Glastenbiiry, Conn. Clara A. Dawes, (Cummington, Mass.,) 1844, c. ; Mrs. Chan- dler T. Ford, Red Oak, la. Harriet P. Dawes, (Windsor, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Barker, Bernardston, Mass. HuLDAH L. Dawes, (Cummington, Mass.,) 1844, c. ; Mrs. F. R. Joy; died at Red Oak, la., 1873. Sarah E. Day, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1855, e. ; Mrs. L. C. Wilder, Marshall, Mich. Eunice Amelia Day, (Willimansett, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. George R. Smith, Willimansett, Mass. Harriet Day, (West Springfield, Mass.,) i860, c. ; Mrs. Ad- dison P. Foster, Chelsea, Mass. Lucy A. Dean, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 1852, c; died, 1853. Emily C Dennison, (Deep River, Conn.,) 1853, c. ; Mrs. Joseph A. Smith, Deep River, Conn. Sarah L. Dewey, (Franklin, O.,) 1854, e. Hattie Lucretia Dexter, (Amherst, Mass,) 1857, m. c; Amherst, Mass. Clymanda O. Dickinson, (Granby, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Ebenezer Goldthwait, Granby, Mass. Harriet S. Dickinson, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1845, c. Louisa Dickinson, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. John M. Greene, Lowell, Mass. Julia B. Dickinson, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; died, . Helen E. Dickinson, (Hadley, Mass.,J 1854, c. ; Mrs. John C. Howe, North Hadley. Julia A. Dorman, (Enfield, Conn.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. A. G. Wilkinson; died April, 1859. Mary E. Douglass, (Greenwich, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Charles A. Wheeler, Worcester, Mass. Jennie M. Dudley, (Winsted, Conn.,) 1850, c. ; died, . Emily Maria Dudley, (Waterbury, Conn., J 1864, e. ; died February 25, 1871. Anna Maria Dunbar, (Worcester, Mass.,) 1848, e. Clara Dunford, (New York,) i860, m. e. ; Mrs. W. H. Pen- dleton, New York. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 293 Delta M. Dwight, (Belchertown, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Lyman Smith, New Hartford, la. Julia A. Dwight, (Belchertown, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; died Sep- tember 28, 1846. Clara A. Dwight, (Granby, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; Mrs. Cairo D. Trimble, Ottawa, 111. Lucy H. Eager. (Worth ington, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Thomas L. Morgan, Hyde Park, Chicago, 111. Jane A. E. Earl, (Shippen, Pa.,) 1853, c. ; Mrs. S. B. Reed, Joliet, 111. Mary W. Eastman, (Granby, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; died June 11, 1853. Clarissa R. Eastman, (Granby, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; died July 12, 1854. Matilda Eastman, (Amherst, Mass ,) 1847, e. ; Amherst, Mass. Pamelia C. Eastman, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1851, c; Mrs. Hinsdale Smith, Springfield, Mass. Julia Eastman, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1851, c. ; South Hadley, Mass. Ellen Sophia Eastman, (South Hadley, -Mass.,) i860, j. c. ; South Hadley, Mass, Louisa Eldridge, (Conway, Mass.,) 1853, e. Clara M. Ellms, (Scituate, Mass.,) 1851,0.; Mrs. John H. Skeels, Chicago, III. , Caroline C. Elmer, (^Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. Lucy A. Elmer, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. Elizabeth Elwell, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Luman F. Clark; died May 19, 1857. Fanny Ely, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Burr, ,0. Sarah M. Ely, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. Eliza M. Ely, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. E. W. Metcalf, Elyria, O. Mary W. Ely, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Morrison, III. Mary P. Ely, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 185 1, c. ; Mrs. Henry A. Pierce, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Felicia H. Emerson, (Heath, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. John Welch, Athens, O. Lucy Eliza Essex, (Bennington, Vt.,.) 1863, j. c. ; Mrs. Gil- bert Mattison, , Vt. 294 ALUMNI RECORDS Charlotte A. Ewing, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Simeon Miller ; died at Holyoke. Mary Fagan, (New Braintree, Mass.,) 1850^ c. ; Mrs. Joel Garfield. Ayer, Mass. Annie M. Fairfield, (Holyoke, Mass..) ; Mrs. William Whit- ing, Holyoke, Mass. Mvra E. Fairman, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Marvin R. Armstrong, Deming, Ind. Luthera Fairman, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. Charles Norton, Springfield, Mass. Helen N. Fairman, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. J. D. Searle, Northampton, Mass. Mary Adeline Farnsvvorth, (Brattleboro, Vt ,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. Edmund H. Sawyer; died May 3, 185 1. Julia Ann Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Fred- eric A. Spencer, Westfield, Mass. Sophia P. Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Wil.- liam Strong, Northampton, Mass. Adeline Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844,6 ; Mrs. Elbridge Hazen, Springfield.. Mass. Ann Maria Ferry, (Corunna, Mich.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. Ed: mund Green, Oakland, Cal. Mary E. Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Rufus Elwell ; died September 15, 1867. Orpah D. Ferry, (Becket, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. David McElwain, Ottawa, 111. Nancy Louan Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. P. H. Losburgh, Cleveland, O. . . LucRETiA Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Emily R. Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Delos Clark, Hudson, Mich. Lydia Ann Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855, e. ; East hampton, Mass. Fidelia H. Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass..) 1855, j e. ; Mrs J. Spencer Murphy, Springfield, Mass. Jane Althea Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1S58, m. e. ; Mrs John Stratton, Easthampton, Mass. Juliet Ferry, (Easthamptpn, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs. How ard B. Allen,. Boston, Mass. , , WILLISTON SEMINARY. 29$ Emily Wright Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1861, j. c. ; Mrs. Lucius E. Parsons j died in Easthampton, January 9, 1867. Cordelia Maria Ferry, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, j. c. ; Mrs. Albert P. Russell, North Hadley, Mass. Fanny F. Field, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1848, c ; died in Amherst, March 3, 185 1, Almira S. Finch, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. Martin Clapp, Southampton, Mass. Ursula Chryssis Finch, (Easthampton, Mass..) i860, m. e. ; died November 4, 1861. Alida p. Fish, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. William Bartlett, Blandford, Mass. Sarah G. Fisher, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. W^il- liam b. Clapp, Northampton, Mass. Dorcas Fisher. (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. James M. Chapman, Westhampton, Mass. Jane E. Fisher, (Westboro, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Joseph A. White; died at Framingham, Mass , March 25, 1869. Maria Fisk, (Shelburne, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. E. or L. Paige, Conway, Mass. Nancy J. Fitch, (Alford, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. John Mulli- gan, Alford, Mass. Sarah A. Fitch, (Alford, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Alford, Mass. Eleanor Flemming, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Al- mon S. Chapman, Easthampton, Mass. Susan Margaret Flemming, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1859, j. c. ; Mrs. Alexander Kinlock, Easthampton, Mass. Huldah Burr Ford, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Ellen Fowler, (Northford, Conn.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. William L. Marsh, Bristol, Wis. Jennette Fowler. CNorthford, Conn.,) 1847, e. ; Bristol, Wis. Elizabeth P. Fowler, (Westfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Sarah Maria Frary, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. John G. Rathburn, Elizabeth, N. J. Harriet Frink, (South Hadley Falls, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; died, 1854. Martha Frisselle^ (Peru, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. R. B. Haskell, Middlefield, Mass. 296 ALUMNI RECORDS Hannah Fuller, (Ellington, Conn.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Fred. Bailey, Chicago, 111. Eliza A. Fuller, (Suffield, Conn.,) 1846, e^; Mrs. George Remington, Suffield, Conn. Harriet P. Fuller, (Deerfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. E. A. Dammers, East Boston, Mass. Martha Gardner, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; North Hat- field, Mass. Minerva Gardner, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Charles L. Warren, Florence, Mass. Marietta Gibbs, (Blandford, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Orlando F. Gibbs, Evanston, 111. Harriet A. Gilbert, (Coventry, Conn.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. David Calhoun; died at Hartford, Conn., August i, 1868. Emma S. Gilbert, (Chester, Conn.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Strana- han. Helen R. Gilbert, (Chester, Conn.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Joseph Clark, Omaha, Neb. R. Athelina Gillett, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Lysander Avery ; died, . Salina Gillett, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1848, e, ; Mrs. For- dyce A. Rust, Northampton, Mass. Elizabeth Jane Goddard, (Worcester, Mass.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs, Franklin Hall, Worcester, Mass. Elizabeth F. Goodale, (South Egremont, Mass.,) 1852, e.; Mrs. Charles Newman ; died March 17, 1863. Emily C. Goodnow, (Shelburne Falls, Mass.,) 1851, j. c; Mrs. George M. Stearns, Chicopee, Mass. Elizabeth M. Gordon, (Newtown, Pa.,) 1845, ^• Electa H. GoulD, (Rowe, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. William A. Hicks, Rowe, Mass. LoANZA GouLDiNG, (Ware Village, Mass.,) 1844, c. ; Mrs. Wil- liam A. Benton, Mt. Lebanon, Syria. Harriet Goulding, (Ware Village, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; mission- ary to the Choctaws ; died in Sterling, Mass., April 24, 1857. Delia A. Gove, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; died. LoRA Graves, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; died about twenty years ago. Gratia R. Graves, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. EUhu Smith, Worthington, Minn. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 29/ Julia E. Graves, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. ; died, . Frances M. Graves, (Northampton. Mass.,) 1849, e. Elizabeth Graves, (Troy, Pa.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. John Jones ; died at Lock Haven, Pa., April 10, 1863. Jennie L. Graves, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Bar- bour; died in Denver, Col., May 18, 1864. Cordelia B. Greene, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1851, e. ; Amherst, Mass. Lucretia a. Greene, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1854, j. c. ; Mrs. Har- vey Bartlett; died in Rockford, 111.*, February 27, 1864. Sarah Greene, (Cambridge, N. Y.,) 1863, j. c, ; died in Eastr hampton, January 24, 1863. Harriet S. Griswold, (Ellington, Conn.,) 1852, e.; Mrs. J. M. Allen, Hartford, Conn. Lucy E. Grout, (Hawley, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. Henry S. Childs, Deerfield, Mass. Eliza C. Grosvenor, (Paxton, Mass.,) 1846, c. Lucy A. Guernsey, (Castleton, Vt.,) 1853, c. ; Mrs. Charles Gear, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. Clara J. Gunn, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1845, e.; Mrs. N. Aus- tin Smith, Sunderland, Mass. Fanny Gunn, (Conway, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Alvin C. Hitch- cock, Turners Falls, Mass. Julia F. Hamilton, (Unionville, Conn.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. George Gridley, Unionville, Conn. Mary A. Hamilton, (Fairhaven, Vt.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. John H. Williams, Marquette, Mich. Harriet C. Hammond, (Rockville, Conn.,) 1856, j. c. ; died October 10, 1870. Elizabeth Hand, (Bridgehampton, L. L,) 1851, e. ; Mrs. Wil- liam H. Lester, West Alexander, Pa. Lydia M. Hannum, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Mary E. Hannum, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1846,6. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Mary Jane Hannum, (Belchertown, Mass..) 1847, c ; Mrs. John Reynolds, Princeton, 111. Sarah Salina Hannum, (Easthampton, Mass ,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Horace Whitcomb, Northampton, Mass. 38 298 ALUMNI RECORDS Clara Hulett Hannum, (Amherst, Mass-,) 1859, m. e. ; El- mira, N. Y. Lucy Aurelia Hannum, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, e. ; Mrs. Watson H. Wright, Easthampton, Mass. Harriet Whitney Hannum, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Laura Hardy, (Shelburne, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; died October 21, 1870. Henrietta E. Harrington, (Heath, Mass.,) 1851,6.; Mrs. Walter Allen, Worthington, Mass. Caroline Harrington, (Worthington, Mass.,) 1854, e. j Mrs. Joel Randall ; died, . Juliette Harrison, (Westfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Charles J. Snow; died in Westfield, April 29, 1857. Martha A. Harrison, (Westfield, Mass.,) 1852, e. j Mrs. Lucius F. Thayer, Westfield, Mass. Martha E. Haskell, (Windsor Locks, Conn..) 1848, e. ; died, 1850. Elizabeth B. Haskell, (Windsor, Locks, Conn.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. Bartlett j died, . Naomi Hastings, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. Abby L. Hav.en, (Florence, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. John H. Combs, Yazoo City, Miss. Alma Hawkes, (Deerfield, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Deerfield, Mass. Electa S. Hawkes, (Charlemont, Mass,) 1845, ^•') ^^^'s- Charles P. Ballard ; died July 7, i860. Isabel Hawkes, (Shelburne, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. David O. Fisk, Shelburne, Mass. Emily Hawkes, (Deerfield, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Rockville, Ind. Martha Ann FIawkes, (Goshen, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs. Arthur H. Walkley, Brooklyn, N. Y. Deborah A. Hawley, (Plainfield, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. O. M. Hawkes, Rosemond, 111. Nancy O. Hawley, (Plainfield, Mass.,) 1843, c. ; Mrs. Brai- nard Smith, Normal, 111. Miranda K. Hawley, (Plainfield, Mass.,) 1847, e. j Mrs. John L. Marvin, New Iberia, La. Emily M. Hawley, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1854, j. c. ; Mrs. Charles F. Fowler, Westfield, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 299 Jennette E. R. Hayden, (Haydenville, Mass.,) 1842, c. ; Mrs. Herrick, Boston, Mass. Ann E. Hayden, (Haydenville, Mass.,) 1845, c ; Mrs. Stephen N. Crosby, Northampton, Mass. LuciNDA H. Hayden, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. Edward L. Hill, Oxford, O. Eliza A. Hayden, (Essex, Conn.,) 1847, c. ; Essex, Conn. Laura P. Hayden, (Essex, Conn.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Lyman Pratt; died, 1865. Abbey M. Hayden, (Essex, Conn.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Henry Kelley; died, 1857. Elizabeth M. Hayden, (Lyme, Conn.,) 1853. e. ; Ham- burgh, Conn. Adelaide Hayes, (Granby, Conn.,) 1852, c ; Pontiac, 111. Helen Hayes, (Granby, Conn.,) 1853, c. ; Pontiac, 111. Lucy Ann Hazen, (Worthington, Mass.,,) 1859, c. ; Mrs. J. Lyman Randall, Boston, Mass. Isabella G.. Hedges, (Bridgehampton, L. I.,) 185 1, c. ; Mrs. Roger Francis, New York. Rachel J. Hendrick, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. John G. Blanchard, Easthampton, Mass. Harriet K. Hendrick, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Enoch Ashley, Holyoke, Mass. LoviNA B. Hendrick, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. John Moore; died at Calais, Me., May 8, 1855. Mary Victoria Hendrick, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, e. ; Mrs. Alfonso Kibbe, North Somers, Conn. Nancy Ann Hendrick, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 185 i,e.; East- hampton, Mass. HuLDAH Jane Hendrick, (Easthampton, Mass..) 1864, e. ; Mrs. John Bugbee, North Somers, Conn. Nellie Maria Hendrick, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Levi Nash, Williamsburgh, Mass. Ann E. Henry, (Heath, Mass.,) 1851, e.; Mrs. Edwin La- throp, D wight, 111. Emma Irene Henshaw, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Frances Maria Henshaw, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. 300 ALUMNI RECORDS Anna Herbert, (Philadelphia, Pa.,) 1856, c. ; Mrs. ; died, . Sarah Elizabeth Hermans, (Nassau, N. Y.,)^i846, e. ; Mrs. Ezra H. Grinnell ; died at Grinnell, la., September, 19, i860. Kate E. Hickie, (Longmeadow, Mass.,) 1858, e. ; Mrs. Fred- erick R. Knott, Westfield, Mass. Abigail P. Higgins, (Chester, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Noah E. Lyman ; died in Washington, Mass., January 5, 1872. Sarah L. Hill, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. Charles Strong, Florence, Mass. Ellen M. Hill, (Shrewsbury, Mass.,) 1855, e. ; Marlboro, Mass. Anna Eliza Hill, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Susan Lyman Hillman, (Northampton, Mass.,) i860, j. c. ; Mrs. , Providence, R. I. Alice L. Hillyer, (^East Granby, Conn.,) 1849, ^' j Hart- ford, Conn. Jane E. Hitchcock, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. Gran- ville B. Putnam, Boston, Mass. Harriet H. Hitchcock, (Ware Village, Mass..) 185 1, e. Martha Ann Hitchcock, (Lyons, N. Y.) 1856, c. ; Mrs. James C. Moody, Wilbraham, Mass. Emily Hitchcock, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1856, c. ; Mrs. Cassius M. Terry, Minneapolis, Minn. Ada Victoria Hitchcock, (Palmer, Mass.,) 1857, c. Lydia S. Hoadley, (Northford, Conn.,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. J. Evarts Pond, Hampton, Me. Hannah S. Hoadley, (Northford, Conn.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. E. C. Maltby, Northford, Conn. Mrs. Mary J. Holcomb, (Onondaga, N. Y.,) 1852, e. Julia Elizabeth Hollister, (East Windsor, Conn.,) i860, j. c. Mary Amelia Holman, (California, Mass.,) i860, j. e. Martha Lydia Holt, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1861, e. Helen Amelia Hotchkiss, (Naugatuck, Conn.,) 1861, e. ; died June, 1873. Mary C Howe* (Woodstock, 111.,) 1846, c. Lydia A. Howe, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1855, e. j Mrs. Vincent Searle, Easthampton, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 3OI Cornelia Morgan Howe, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1861, c. ; Mrs. Richard Hawkins, Springfield, Mass. Mary Howes, (Buckland, Mass.,) 1843, c. ; Mrs. P. M. God- dard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Deborah D. Huey, (Chester, Pa.,) 185 1, e. Rhoda D. Hurbard, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Har- rison Ingraham, North Amherst, Mass. Fanny Jerusha Hubbard, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1861, e. ; Mrs. John G. Montague; died July 19, 1868 or 9. Emma Lucretia Hubbard, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, c. ; Fitchburg, Mass. Mary Hull, (Westfield, Mass.,) 1843, e. Phebe Ann Hull, (Westfield, Mass.,) 1858, e. ; Mrs. John Groiit, Springfield, Mass. Amy Ella Hull, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; died De- cember 2, 1867. Ruth F. Hunt, (Coventry, Conn.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. N. C. Bowen, Coventry, Conn. Susan Putney Hunt, (Goshen, Mass.,) 1864, j. c. ; Goshen, Mass. Catherine H. Hunter, (Tyringham, Mass..) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Albert Hubbard, Dixon, 111. Carrie Amelia Huntoon, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Boston, Mass. Mary S. Hyde, (Williamsburgh, Mass..) 1844, e. ; died Feb- ruary 25, 1856. Sarah Elizabeth Hyde, (Sturbridge, Mass.,) 1857, c. ; Stur- bridge, Mass. Mary Jacobs, (Galena, 111.,) 1847, c. Mariette Janes, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. John S. Hale, Breckville, O. Elvira Janes, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Waldo Prouty; died March 8, 1869. Emily Janes, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. William N. Clapp ; died November 9, 1862. Ann Eliza Janes, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; died October, 22, 1856. Sarah Philenia Janes, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1858, j. c. ; Oxford, O. 302 ALUMNI RECORDS Harriet A. Janes, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; died August 21, 1865. Mary Eliza Jaseph, (Dardenelle, Ark.,) i86z, e.; moved to Kentucky or Ohio. Louisa T. Jenks, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Frary, Springfield, Mass. Martha Jewett, (Middletown, Conn.,) i860, j. c. ; Mrs. Henry L. Coe, New York. Hannah Maria Jones, (Great Barrington, Mass.,) i860, c. ; Ashley Fall*, Mass. Mary M. Judd, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1844, e. j Mrs. Bur- nettej jdied — . Harriet M. Judd, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Daniel Smith, Hinsdale, N. H, L. Asenath Judd, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1847, ^- i ^^^- Oli- ver E. Bonney, Potsdam, N. Y. Frances Janes Judd, (South Hadley Falls, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Sydney Avery, South Hadley, Mass. Mary L. Judson, (Bridgeport, Conn.,) 1851, e. ; Mrs. Edward Hitchcock, Amherst, Mass. Caroline Judson, (Bridgeport, Conn.,) 1852, e. ; died January 17, 1861. Emily L. Judson, (Brooklyn, N. Y.,) 1855, j. c. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. Harriet Judson, (Brooklyn, N. Y.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. Charles N. Judson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Margaret Keefe, (Boston, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. M. S. Buckalew; died at San Francisco, Cal., January 4, 187 1. Mary Kelly, (Huntington, Mass.,) i860, m. e. ; Mrs. Lysan- der Bates, Easthampton, Mass. Keziah C. Kellogg, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. William Smith, South Hadley, Mass. Orpah a. Kellogg, (New Hartford, Conn.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Curtis, New Hartford, Conn. Laura M. Kellogg, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1851, c; Mrs. Elliot Montague, South Hadley, Mass. Emma Louisa Kellogg, (Vernon, Conn.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. N. S. Brown, Hebron, Conn. Harriet Maria Kelsey, (Egremont, Mass.,) i860, m. e. ; Mrs. Dudley C. Haskell, Lawrence, Kansas. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 3O3 LucRETiA M. Kemp, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855,111. e.; died in Springfield, Mass. Nancy O. Kimball, (Ipswich, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; died Sep- tember 30, 1868. Josephine Kimball, (Wellsborough, Pa.,) 1854, c. Mary E. King, (Palmer, Mass.,) 1844, c. Elizabeth M. King, (Suffield, Conn.,) 1845, e. ; Suffield, Conn. Martha A. King, (Suffield, Conn.,) i85i,e. ; Suffield, Conn. Mary B. King, (Suffield, Conn.,) 185 1, c. ; Mrs. VV. H. Moore, Berlin, Conn. Elizabeth D. King, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; Mrs. Orrin Moore, Bondville, Mass. Henrietta King, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. Laban Smith, East Haven, Conn. Harriet Adeline King, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1861, m. e. ; Mrs. L. Thompson, Ansonia, Conn. Charlotte King, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. George W. Flagg, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Elizabeth W. Kingsbury, (Coventry, Conn.,) 1847, g- j Mrs. Joseph Gilbert ; died . Mary J, Kingsbury, (Coventry, Conn.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Joseph Gilbert, Mansfield, Conn. Caroline J. Kingsley, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Erastus C. Bridgman, New York. Julia A. R. Kingsley, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Oliver C. Bridgman, Northampton, Mass. Harriet J. Kingsley, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Louis Tribus j died November 22, 1871, at Northampton. Susan Jeannie Kingsley, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1855,]. c. ; New York. Sarah H. Kingsley, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. George P. Drury; died February 3, 1861. Emily E. Kingsley, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Elihu P. Bartlett; died October 12, 1857. Lorinda M. Kingsley, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. John Dunning Dix, New York. Fanny C. Kingsley, (Whitingham, Vt,) 185 1, e. ; Mrs. Washington R. Smith, Chicago, 111. Ellen Victoria Kingsley, (Northampton, Mass.,) i860, m. e. 304 ALUMNI RECORDS Rachel Knight, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Margaret L. Knight, (Easthampton, Mass.,)-i846, e. ; Mrs. George L. Seymour, West Meriden, Conn. Mary C. Knight, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. j Mrs. Ed- win Woodford, Hartford, Conn. Emily Ann Knight, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1855, m. c. ; Chat- field, Minn. Nellie Jane Knight, (Detroit, Mich.,) 1857, j. c. j Mrs. James H. Bradford, New Haven, Conn. Alice Knight, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, j. c. ; Mrs. Henry Hopkins ; died April 17, 1869, at Easthampton. Lucy Knight, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Laura Lacroix, (Medway, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; died August 7, 1844. Lucy A. Lane, (North Brookfield, Mass.,) 1847, c. j Mrs. Washington A. Harwood, Adrian, Mich. Laura Lane, (Hartford, Conn.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. William H. Robertson, Hartford, Conn. Harriet E. Lane, (Hartford, Conn.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Charles Barber ; died in Hartford, November 18, 1866. Catharine D. Lane, (Chesterfield, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. ■ . ; died in New York City. Emma Lay, (Branford, Conn.,) 1855, m. e. j Mrs. James T. Lane; died in Clinton Parish, La., August, 1871. Margaret L. Leggett, (New Haven, Conn.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Adelaide Leigh, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Nor- man A. Freeman, Florence, Mass. Harriet Leigh, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. John F. Warner, Florence, Mass. Lorinda T. Leland, (Grafton, Mass.,) 1848, e. Maria R. Leonard, (SufField, Conn.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Seth Roderick, Philadelphia, Pa. Maria L. Leonard, (Chicopee, Mass.,) 185 1, e. Harriet E. Leonard, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Ellen Desire Leonard, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. ; Easthampton, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 305 Electa Rosina Leonard, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs. Heugh W. Beadle, Alexandria, Va. Marie Edith Lesure, (Whately, Mass.,) 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. Samuel White, Belchertown, Mass. Helen Judson Lewis, (Bridgeport, Conn.,) 1861, j. c. ; Mrs. Lyman S. Catlin, Bridgeport, Conn. Sarah Lincoln, (Whately, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. J. W. Goodale, Vineland, N. J. Adelia H. Lindsey, (Chester Village, Mass.,) 1852,6; Mrs. Wesley Garrett, Coeymans. N. Y. . Ellen M. Little, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Henry G. Curtis, Odell, 111. Sarah Ann Lloyd, (Blandford, Mass.,) 1851, e. ; died Au- gust 13, 1855. LucELTA E. LooMis, (Whately, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Otis Wells, Hatfield, Mass. Frances A. Loomis. (Whately, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. Alfred Starkweather, Northampton, Mass. Philomela A. Loomis, (Whately, Mass.,) 1848,0.; Mrs. Ira Brown, Whately, Mass. Clara B. Looans, (Whately, Mass.,) 185 1, c; Whately, Mass. Mary Sylvania Loomis, (Haydenville, Mass..) 1S62, e. Mary Elsie Lucia, (Bridgeport, Mass.,) 1862, e. Cecelia C. Ludden, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1843, e.; Mrs. J. W. Strong, Easthampton, Mass. Susan M. Ludden, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. Alanson Hubbard; died in Sunderland, Mass., March 29, 1869. LuTHERA A. Ludden, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Wil- liamsburgh, Mass. Rosina B. Ludden, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Philadel- phia, Pa. Hannah S. Ludden, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1852,0.; Mrs. Abner P. Bridgman, Westhampton, Mass. Mary Ann Ludden. (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; died at Westhampton, November 16, 1856. Sarah Hale Ludden, '(Westhampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. James W. Delancy, Brooklyn, N. Y. ^ Ann j. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; died July 31, 1846. 39 306 ALUMNI RECORDS Philomela Lyman, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Samuel Fisher ; died . Mrs. Sarah C Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Noadiali Bowler ; died . Theresa Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1843, c. ; Mrs. Addi- son Lyman; died in Geneseo, 111., January 7, 1847. Harriet Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e.; Northamp- ton, Mass. Mary E. Lyman. (Westhampton, Mass..) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Ed- ward H. Norton, Westhampton, Mass. Miranda Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass..) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Shel- don Clark; died in Easthampton, August 9, 1865. Arua S. Lyman, (Shiawassee, Mich,,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Charles C. Lockwood, Grand .Rapids, Mich. TiRZAH C. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass..) 1846, c. ; Mrs. E. S. Hoadley, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sally P. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass..) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Fred- erick Shaw ; died September 15, 1867, at Easthampton. Susan A. Lyman, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Wil- lard Rice, Great Barrington, Mass. Louisa Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. James G. Wait, FLitfield, Mass. Ann Maria Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. Junius Poullain, Greensborough, Ga. Nancy C. Lyman, (Springfield, Mass.,) i85i,e. ; Mrs. William Argersinger; died at Johnston, N. Y., February 28, 1874. Adelle S. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Harriet A. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. J. Edwards Janes, Springfield, Mass. Judith K. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Charles H. Hilliard, Brooklyn, N. Y. MiRA E. Lyman, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; Mrs. Solo- mon Richards ; died at Unionville, Conn., April 24, 1872. Ann C. Lyman, (Williamsburgh, Mass..) 1854, c ; Mrs. John Gibson, Great Barrington, Mass. Hannah P. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. D wight S. Jepson, Easthampton, Mass. Lois Parsons Lyman, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1855, c. ; Mrs. Andrew J. Wood, Montreal, Canada. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 307 Jane L. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass .) 1855. j. c. Mary S. Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass..) 1855, j. e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Fanny Burt Lyman, (Northampton, Mass..) 1856, m. e ; Mrs. William P. Derby, Northampton, Mass. Martha Montague Lyman, (Huntington, Mass ,) 1857, m. c. ; Mrs. Bodman, Chicago, III. Jane Amelia Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858,]. c. ; East- hampton, Mass. Maria Sarah Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs. Frederick Shaw, Easthampton, Mass. Sarah Clapp Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1S63, e. ; North- ampton, Mass. Jennie Elizabeth Lyman, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Edward R. Smith, New Haven, Conn. Mary Esther Lyman. (Easthampton, Mass..) 1864, e. ; Mrs. E. E. Wakefield, Northampton, Mass. Sarah Genevra LyxMan, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Julia Mack, (Plainfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. William A. Hallock, New York. Rebecca T. Magill, (New Hope, Pa..) 1849, c. ; West Phila- delphia, Pa. Ann p. Mallard, (Gill, Mass.,) 1845, c- ; Mrs. Hillin Baker; died in Orange, Mass., in 1855. Isabelle G. Maltby, (Northford, Conn.,) 1849, c; Mrs. Car- los Smith, New Haven, Conn. Mattie Minnie Marcy, (Willington, Conn, j 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. Henrietta C. Marsh, (Athens, O.,) 1848,0. ; Mrs. Gilfillan. Sarah Elizabeth Marshall, (Tolland, Mass.,) 1856, j. e. ; Mrs. La Fayette Granger; died May 3, 1872. Theresa Marshall. (Enfield, Conn.,) i860, m. e. Minerva Martindale, (Greenfield, Mass.^) 1846, e.; Mrs. Charles A. Bascom, Greenfield, Mass. Mary E. Mason, (Palmer, Mass.,) 1851, e. ; Mrs. died. Sarah E. Mason, (Bridgeport, Conn.,) 185 1, c. ; Mrs. H. G. Miller, Chicago, 111. LuciNA M. Mather, (Marlboro, Vt.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Ozra Wright, Hinsdale, N. H. 30S ALUMNI RECORDS Sarah J. Matthews, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 185 1, e. ; died May 20, 1854. Delia A. Matthews, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Matthew W. Dolan, Williamsburgh, Mass. Mary Lucy Matthews, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. John W. L3niian, Williamsburgh, Mass. Martha Priscilla Matthews, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, e ; Mrs. Solon Lyman, Easthampton, Mass. Mary M. M. Mayhew, (Charlemont, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; Mrs. Lucius B. Wing, Newark, O. Sarah McClintock, (Ware, Mass,) 1843, e. Mary Jane McKinlay, (Wappingers Falls, N. Y.,) 1863, j. c. ; died August 15^ 1871. Luthera Meekins, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Lu- cerne Smith, Northampton, Mass. Martha P'^inette Merritt, (Huntington, Mass.,) i860, j. c. ; Mrs. Henry Sampson, Haydenville, Mass. Amanda Clark Metcalf, (West Medway, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. John L. Adams, West Medway. Mass. Julia Miller, (^W^illiamsburgh, Mass..) 1843, e. j Mrs. Peck, Haydenville, Mass. Fanny S. Miller, (Andover, Conn.,) 1845, c- ; Mrs. Edward Reed, Albany, N. Y. Dorcas C. Miller, (West Springfield, Mass..) 1849, c. ; East- hampton, Mass. Juliette A. Miller, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. James Clapp, Northampton, Mass. Sophia Warner Miller, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, j. c. ; Mrs. Whitney F. Alvord, Easthampton, Mass. Ellen Sophronia Miller, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1859,3. c. ; West Springfield, Mass. Delia E. Merrick, (Leominster, Mass.,) 1864, c. Lizzie E. Mix, (Louisville, Ky.,) 1864, c. Hannah L. Montague^ (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Westhampton, Mass. Laura M. Montague, (Bclchertown, Mass.,) 1853, c. j Mrs. C. L. Cushman, Phillipston, Mass. Jane Montague, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Sunderland, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 3O9 LuciNA Montague, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. ; died in Westhampton, 1864. Lois Moody, (Granby, Mass.,) 1846,6. ; Mrs. Augustus Moody, Enfield, Mass. Mary S. Moody, (Bloomfield, Conn.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Charles W. Goodrich, Springfield, Mass. Sophia Moody, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. J. Thad- deus Sheldon, Springfield, Mass. Frances Moore, (Montgomery, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Augus- tus Moore, Montgomery, Mass. Laura A. Moore, (Montgomery, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Wil- liam C. Tucker, Westfield, Mass. Mary S. Moore, (South Brookfield, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Charles H. Newton, Bridgeport, Conn. Margaret Elizabeth Moore, (St. Clair, Mich.,) 1863, j. c. Esther Josephine Moore, (Chester, Mass.,) 1864, j. c. ; Mrs. Erastus Bromley, Huntington, Mass. Nancy A. Morse, (Prospect, Conn.,) 185 1, e.j Mrs. B. P. Foote, Meriden, Conn. Esther T. Morton, (Enfield, Mass,,) 1845, ^^ Phila E. Morton, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Jonathan D. Porter, Hatfield, Mass. Susan M. Morton, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Artemas Scott ; died. LoviNA S. Morton, (Leverett, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Peter Mclntire, , Minn. Sarah Morton, (Leverett, Mass.,) 185 1, e.; Mrs. James M. Hendrick, Easthampton, Mass. Sarah F. Morton, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 185 1, c; Mrs. T. F. Knight, Hatfield, Mass. Mary E. Morton, (Wheatland, Mich.,) 1854, e. Anna Hussey Morton, (Whately, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. George Bardwell ; died, 1869. Ada Augusta Mower, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, j. c. Mary J. Munger, (Holyoke, M'ass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Luther L. Wright, Easthampton, Mass. Nellie Maria Munson, (Whately, Mass.,) 1864, e. j Mrs. James Stone, Florence, Mass. Eleanor L. Nash, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. L. W. Carr; died July 16, 1862. 40 310 ALUMNI RECORDS Martha J. Nash, (Goshen, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. . Emma H. Nash, (Nashville, Tenn.,) 1854, c. Eleanor Nelson, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1853,-c. ; Mrs. Dan- iel Rust, 2d, Easthampton, Mass. Helen M. Nelson, (West SufHeld, Conn.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Charles C. Sheldon, V/est Suffield, Conn. Mary Lydia Nelson, (West Suffield, Conn.,) 1863, e. ; Mrs. George L. Pomeroy, Suffield, Conn. Mary Jane Newhall, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. Wash- burn W. Graves ; died March 13, 1871 at Lancaster, O. . Sophia F. Newton, (Royalston, Mass.,) 1846, c. Susan Newton, (Greenfield, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; died July 4 1863. Harriet Newton, (Greenfield, Mass..) 185 1, e. ; Mrs. Horatio G. Parker ; died in Cambridge, Mass., February 9, 187 1. Julia C. Norton, (Westhampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Stoughton Stickney, Alden, N. Y. Augusta Norwood, (Washington, Mass.,) 1847, e. j Mrs. Wil- liam J. Smith, St. Paul, Minn. Orissa a. Nourse, (Bolton, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. G. J. Ben- ton, South Milford, Conn. Eliza Nutting, (New York,) 1856, m. e. Elizabeth Nye, (North Brookfield, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Jonathan Chase, Manville, R. I. Cornelia A. Orcutt, (Cummington, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. A. L. Wait; died December 7, 1867. Mary E. Otis, (Danby, Vt.,) 1855, m. e. Sarah R. Otis, (Danby, Vt.,) 1855, j. c. Clara Owen, (Granby, Mass.,) 1847, c j died July 19, 1848. Jenette D. Owen, (East Granby, Conn.,) 1S52, e. ; Mrs. George S. Crane, Suffield, Conn. Eliza A. Packard, (Cummington, Mass..) 1850, e. ; Mrs. L. E. Coleman, Ashfield, Mass. Delphia M. Page, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 185 1, e. ; Airs. Thomas Hays, Hiawatha, Kan. Martha C. PalmiJi?, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 185 1, e. Margaret Panton, (^Northampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. Eliza J. Parish, (Hinsdale, Mass..) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Milo M. Wentworth; died November 16, 1869. Mary R. Parker, (Granby, Mass.,) 185 1, e. ; died in one of the Western States. WILLISTON SEMINARY. • 3II Sophia M. Parsons, (Goshen, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Amos Stone, Goshen, Mass. Martha I. Parsons, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1843, ^- > ^^^'s- R* Norton Lyman ; died in Hadley, Mass., May 7, 1862. Arethusa Parsons, (Weslhampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. WilHam J. Lyman, Westhampton, Mass. Mary E. Parsons, (Worthington, Mass..) 1846; c. ; Mrs. John- athan H. Eager, Worthington, Mass. Esther W. Parsons, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1847, c ; Mrs. Edwin Clark, Skeneateles, N. Y. AsENATH C. Parsons, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. David Montague, Westhampton, Mass. Eliza S. Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. j Easthamp- ton. Mass. Mary Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1S50, e. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. , Tryphena B. Parsons, (Conway, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; died at Conway, May 21, 1858. Sarah Jane Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass,,) 1853, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Jane E. Parsons, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. Charles Kirkland, Huntington Hill, Mass. Martha Cook Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1S56, m. e. ; Mrs. George M. Johnson, Easthampton, Mass. Emma Leora Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Ellen Dorcas Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; died in Easthampton, November 10, 1859. Harriet Emeline Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs Charles Marsh, Newtonville, Mass. Emma Jane Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) i860, j. c ; died at Easthampton, November 6, 1859. Helen Louisa Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1861, m. e. ; Mrs Elijah Phelps, Westhampton, Mass. Eleanor Cordelia Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; died August 22, 1864. Helen Mercy Parsons, (Easthampton, Mass..) 1864, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Mary Louisa Parsons, (Easthampton, jMass. ) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. 312 • ALUMNI RECORDS Bessie Amanda Patterson, (Montpelier, Vt.,) 1861, m. e. Sarah E. Peabody, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Frank Painter, Middletown, Conn. Mary Jane Peabody, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855, j. e. 3 Mrs. Jeremiah Howarth, Fairhaven, Conn. Lucy Cassendana Peabody, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, j e. ; Mrs. Frank Hoyt, St. Thomas, Canada. Helen M. Pease, (Whately, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Whately, Mass. Caroline Pease, (Conway, Mass.,) 1858, j. c. ; Mrs. Oaks, , Ind. Carrie Thurston Peet, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, m. c. j Mrs. . Lizzie Hartwell Peet, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, c. ; Mrs. . . Mary A. Perkins (Castleton, Vt.,) 1853, c. ; Mrs. N. P. Gil- bert, Castleton, Vt. Sarah M. Phelps, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845, ^- i '^i^cl, No- vember, 30, 1849. Sarah Jane Phelps, (Sandisfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. George Robinson, Montville, Mass. Sarah D. Phelps, (Worcester, Mass.,) 1848, c. Emma D. Phelps,. (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. David Thayer, Westfield, Mass. Diantha Phelps, (Dover, 111.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs, F. A. Plope, Maiden, 111. Phebe a. Phelps, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Lem- uel Tuttle, Springfield, Mass. Ann Eliza Phelps, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. James W. Carrier; died in Springfield, Mass., July 15, 1862. Cornelia A. Phillips, (Windsor, Mass.,) 1848, c; Mrs. Isaac N. Lincoln, Wiiliamstown, Mass. : Eunice Pierce (Hinsdale, Mass.,) 1842, e. j Mrs. Milton Nash; died April 13, 1852. : Martha L. Pierce, (Goshen, Mass,,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Nelson Brown, Cheshire, Mass. : Emily W. Pitkin, (Manchester, Conn.,) 1S43, c ; Mrs. ; died, . Mary Pitts-inger, (Chesterfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; died De- cember 15, 1848. WILLISTON SEMINARY. • 313 Mary Elizabeth Plunkett, (South Adams, Mass.,) 1859, j. e. ; died May 3, 1864. AcsAH Caroline Plunkett, (South Adams, Mass.,) i860, m. e. ; died December 25, i860. Lucy S. Pomeroy, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. John Quincy Adams, Columbus, Wis. Eunice P. Pomeroy, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. EHsha Crossman, South Amherst, Mass. Mary L. Pomeroy, (Compton, Canada,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. . Jane S. Pomeroy, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Roswell D. Roper, Springfield, Mass. Amanda E. Pomeroy, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Pitts- field, Mass. Ca'ndace L. Pomeroy, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. Sudler, Pittsfield, Mass. Jerusha N. Pomeroy, (Harrisfield, N. H.,) 1850, e. Martha C. Pomeroy, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Henry M. Lyman, Excelsior, Minn. Sabrina R. Pomeroy, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Horace Rhodes, Chesterfield, Mass. Ruth P. Pomeroy, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1853, c. ; Mrs C. F. Moulton, Mobile, Ala. Mary A. Pomeroy, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; died Feb- ruary 13, 1861. Maria A. Pomeroy, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. c. ; Mrs. Andrew J. Chase, Easthampton, Mass. Melissa Isabella Pomeroy, (^Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. Henry B. Soule, Brattleboro, Vt. Abcie Field Pomeroy, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs. George Hathaway, Easthampton, Mass. Ella Lucena Pomeroy, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. j East- hampton, Mass. . Margaret E. Pomeroy, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Frances Amelia Pope, (Halifax, Mass.,) 1856, m. c. ; Mrs. Edward Humphrey, Melrose, Mass. Sophia A. Porter, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Quartus Sykes, Sunderland, Mass. Sophia L. Porter, (Cummington, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. M. H. Smith, Jefferson City, Mo. 3 14 ALUMNI RECORDS Helen M. Porter, (Springfield, Vt,) 1853, e. ; died August 25, 1862. Laura E. Post, (Glaslenbur)-, Conn.,) 1846, c.. ; IMrs. Joseph Stevens^ West Meriden, Conn. Minnie Hart Potter, (Plymouth PIollow, Conn.,) 1859, m. c ; Mrs. Edward Manrille j died at Great Barrington, Mass., April 13, 1868. Eliza E. Powers, (Greenwich, Mass.,) 1846, c. j Mrs. Robert R. Conkey ; died January i, 1861. Eliza M. Pratt, (Coleraine, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Greenfield, Mass. Martha A. Pratt, (Princeton, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; died at Princeton, April 23, 1855. Sarah E. Pratt, (Princeton, Mass,,) 1849, ^- ; Mrs. Isaac F. Thompson, Princeton, Mass. Julia M. Pratt, (Dalton, Mass..) 1850, c; Mrs. Kendall, , Wis. Harriet E. Pratt, (Dalton, Mass.,) 185 1, c. ; died in Pitts- field, Mass. Frances E. Purdy, (Manchester, Vt.,) 1S54, c. ; Mrs. Dunn, Rutland Vt. Mary A. Ranney, (Fair Haven, Vt.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Reuben Ellis, Fair Haven, Vt. Eliza Jane Ray, (Bolton, Vt,) 1848, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Sarah Electa Remington, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Ogden L. Beath, Easthampton, Mass. Lucinda E. Reynolds, (Longmeadow, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Edwin K. Colton, Longmeadow, Mass. Frances M. Rice, (Charlemont, Mass.,) 1846, e. LuAN Cornelia Rice, (New Haven, Conn.,) 1863, e. ; Car- mansville, N. Y. Emily Richards, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Sam- uel Hitchcock, Conway, Mass. Julia M. Richards, (New Hartford, Conn.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Horace D. Knight, Chetopa, Kan. Mary E. Richards, (New Hartford; Conn.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Isaac DeVoe, Toledo, O. Ann S. Richards, (Plainfield, Mass.,) 1853, e.*; Plainfield, Mass. Susan G. Richards, (Enfield, Mass.,) 1S54, c. ; died August 19, 1854. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 315 Betsey Richardson, (Medway, Mass.,) 1843, ^ ; Mrs. E. B. Blake; died April 23, 1852. Emily O. Richardsox, (New Alstead, N. H.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. John C. Kimball, NewiDort, R. I. Ellen P. Richardson, (Lowell, Mass.,) 1S49, c. Harriet A. Richardson, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1849, c- j Hadley, Mass. Sophia N. Ring, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; died in Springfield. Mary C. Ring, (Huntington, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; New York. Henrietta Ida Ring, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, j.c. ; East- hampton, Mass. Elizabeth C Ripley, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Spring- field, Mass. Julia L. Ripley, (Rockville, Conn.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. M. W. Pember, Rockville, Conn. Mariette Rising, (Suffield, Conn.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Leonard, , Texas. Martha C. Rising, (Suffield,'Conn.,) 1852, e. ; , Texas. Emerett Allen Risley, (East Windsor, Conn.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs Edwin Dimick. Maria Robinson, (Southampton, Mass..) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Nor- man Putney, Ionia. Mich. Fanny C. Robinson, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. E. W. Jones, Chicago, 111. Harriet Ross, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1851, c. Miranda Ross, (New York,) 1852, c. Martha E. Rowe, (Sunderland, Mass..) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Augus- tus Graves, died in Macon, Ga., August 16, 1852. Elma Miriam Rude, (Huntington, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Mrs. Austin Hancock, Huntington, Mass. Cynthia Rugg, (Heath, Mass.,) 1846, e. Martha Rugg, (Heath, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. . Sarah H. Rugg, (Heath, Mass ,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Lucy R. Ruggles, (Charlton, Mass..) 185 1, c.; Mrs. Henry Hammond, Charlton Depot, Mass. Catharine E. Russell, (Greenfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. George Denison, New York. Charlotte P. Rust, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. George W. Edwards, Northampton, Mass." 3l6 . ALUMNI RECORDS Ellen M. Rust, (Collinsville, Conn.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Warner, Waukegan, III. Lydia Hale Rust, (Chester, O.,) 1857, m. e. ; Mrs. Walter Johnston, Chester, O. Laura Ann Rust, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Joseph W. Wilson, Easthampton, Mass. Sarah Parsons Rust, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859,]. e.; Mrs. John Webber ; died June 6, 1872. Chloe Ann Rust, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 186 1, m. e. ; died in Meriden, Conn., July 22, 1865. Mary P. Ryder, (Chelsea, Mass.,) 1853, c. Maria Dickinson Sabin, (Belchertown, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. • Mrs. Joshua Longley, Belchertown, Mass. Susan Augusta Sabin, (Montague, Mass.,) i860, m. e. ; Mrs. Arthur F. Wells, Bernardston, Mass. Sarah W. Sanders, (Conway, Mass.,) 1842, e. Elizabeth Sawyer, (Northfield, Mass.,) 1851, e. Lucretia Sawyer, (Northfield, Mass.,) 185 1, e. Henrietta Sawyer, (Templeton, Mass.,) 1852, c. j St. Louis, Mo-. Bertilda Sawyer, (Templeton, Mass.,) 1853, c. ; Mrs E. Wyman Stone, Otter River, Mass. Eliza Ann Sawyer; (Clinton, Mass.,) 1856,]. c; Mrs. Orrin Warren, West Newbury, Mass. Martha C. Scott, (Hadley, Mass.,) 1843, c. ; Mrs. D. O. Dickinson, Waukegan, 111. Hannah C. Scott, (North Hadley, Mass.,) 1845, g- J Mrs. Francis E. Clark, Waukegan, 111. Emily A. Scott, (North Hadley, Mass.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. Charles W. Cleveland ; died i860. Ermina Scott, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. David Root; died in Hadley, September 13, 1863. Adelia a. Scott, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Easthamp- ■ ton, Mass LoRA Maria Scott, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; East- hampton, Mass. Jane Amelia Scott, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858,]. c; East- hampton, Mass. Elizabeth Arabella Scott, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, j. c. ; Easthampton, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 31/ Almira C. Sedgwick, (Palmer, Mass.,) 1843, ^^ Theresa Elizabeth Shattuck, (Coleraine, Mass.,) 1863, j. c. ; Mrs. Halmer Ingalls, Troy, N. Y. Mehitabel Sheldon, (Deerfield, Mass.,) 1S46, e. ; Deerfield, Mass. Phebe p. Sheldon, (Fairhaven, Vt.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Samuel W. Bailey, Fairhaven, Vt. Susan M. Sheldon, (Fairhaven, Vt,) 1855, j. c. ; Mrs. E. H. Gibson^ Greenwich, N. Y. Hannah J. Shepard, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1849, c. Alice Shepard, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1856, j. c. LucRETiA A. Shoals, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. William E. Topliff, Easthampton, Mass. Jemima P. Shores, (Shutesbury, Mass.,)i853, e. ; Mrs. O. B. Bragg, Amherst, Mass. Mary Charlotte Shores, (Shutesbury, Mass.,) 1857, m. e. • Mrs. W. S. Bragg, Chicopee, Mass. Mary J. Shumway, (Belchertown, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Sam- uel M. Walker, Centralia, 111. Lucy M. Simpson, (Ashfield, Mass.,) 1844,0. ; Mrs. Champion Brown, Montreal, Canada. Hannah M. SimpsOxN, (Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,) 1849, e. Henrietta M. Slate, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; died in Northampton, March 20, 1863. Emily P. Slocum, (Tolland, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. William Tinker, Otis, Mass. Amanda Smith, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1842, e.; Mrs. Myron E. Green, Albany, N. Y. • Clarissa A. Smith, (Middlefield, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Charles C. Thompson, Middlefield, Mass. Mary C. Smith, (Middlefield, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Otis, Springfield, Mass. Sarah A. Smith, (Ware, Mass.,) 1843, c Editha Smith, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. War- ren S. Bellows, Galena, 111. Orra Smith, (Palmer, Mass.,) 1844, e. Sarah J. Smith, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Augustus Tuttle, Enfield, Mass. Elizabeth Smith, (Granby, Mass.,) 1846^ e. ; Mrs. Mills Cook, Granby, Mass. 41 3l8 ALUMNI RECORDS Elizabeth A. Smith, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. Joseph T. Noyes, New Haven, Conn. Lois A. Smith, (Granby, Mass.,) 1846, e.^; Mrs. George Smith, Springfield, Mass. Mary J. Smith, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Wil- liam Stacey, South Hadley, Mass. Cornelia H. Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Mary I. Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. ; died. Miranda Smith, (Ashfield, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Joseph Alden, Bergen Heights, N. J. Sarah E. Smith, (Princeton, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. Solon Wilder, Princeton,* Mass. Thankful G. Smith, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Wil- liam Trow ; died at Haydenville, Mass., October, 1868. Harriet Smith, (North Hadley, Mass.,) 1849, e. ; Mrs. H. C. Hastings, New Buffalo, Mich. Eveline C. Smith, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Julius W. Monson j died, August 13, 1862. Louisa M. Smith, (North Hadley, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. Rob- ert M. Crossett, Chicago, 111. Emily B. Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Joseph W. Winslow, Easthampton, Mass. Mary E. Smith, (Northford, Conn.,) 1852, e ; died at North- ford, September 10, 1858. Elvira J. Smith, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Whit- ney, Sunderland, Mass. Martha M. Smith, (North Hadley, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Walter Barton, Suffield, Conn. Louisa H. Smith, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1855, j. e. ; Mrs. Pease, Whately, Mass. Martha Smith, (Middlefield, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; died, May 18, 1856. S. Jane Smith, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1855, J- c. ; Mrs. Sherman j died . Elizabeth Smith, (North Hadley, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. E. Baker, North Hadley, Mass. Harriet Maria Smith, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. William F. Johnson, South Amherst, Mass. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 319 Josephine Augusta Smith, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Northampton, Mass. IMattie D. Smith, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. David Luddin^ton, West Springfield, Mass. Clementina Somers Smith, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1857, j. c ; Mrs. Silas P. Wright, Goldsboro', N. C. Adelaide Eugenia Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, j. c. Lucy Spring Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858,3. c. ; East- hampton, Mass. Luanna Eliza Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Adelle Amelia Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) i860, m. e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Helen Cargill Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; East- hampton, Mass, Elizabeth Ann Smith, (Chester, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; Hunting- ton, Mass. Ellen Ida Smith, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. George Parker, Boston, Mass. Emeline p. Snow, (Greenwich, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. John Utley, Boston, Mass. Lucy J. Snow, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. WilUe White, South Hadley, Mass. Julia E Snow, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1854,0. ; Mrs. Henry Tilton, Williamsburgh, Mass. Julia Preston Snow, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1855,0. ; Mrs. White- house. Laura Elizabeth Snow, (North Becket, Mass.,) 1862, e. ; Mrs. George Brown, Springfield, Mass. Ednah Maria Snow, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, m. c. ; died at Hartford, Conn., June 16, 1866. Tirzah Hoadley Snow, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1863, j. c. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. Harriet N. Solander, (Brimfield, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. H. M. Marsh, Brimfield, Mass. Mary Ann Southwick, (Sturbridge, Mass.,) 1856, j. c. ; Mrs. A. C. Morse, Sturbridge, Mass. Hannah L. Spear, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1851,6. Caroline E. Spooner, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 1851, e. ; Mrs. George R. Paige, Worcester, Mass. 320 ALUMNI RECORDS Emma Eliza Spring, (Collinsville, Conn.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Miron C. Brockett, Canton, Conn. Delia C Stacy, (Belchertown, Mass.,) 1843,-0. ; Mrs. J. G. Longley; died June 19, 1862. Mary Ann Steadman, (Chicopee, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. Almira Stearns, (Whately, Mass.,) 1850, e. j Mrs. Arnold Peck, Hatfield, Mass. EuNECiA T. Stebbins, (Greenwich, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Wilbra- ham, Mass. Elizabeth Stebbins, (South Deerfield, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. W. H. Pettes, Keene, N. H. Susan H. Sterling, (Bridgeport, Conn.,) 1851, c.j Mrs. George Silliman, Bridgeport, Conn. Harriet L. Stevens, (Becket, Mass ,) 1842, e. ; Twinsburgh. O. Jane L. Stevens, (Becket, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Justus Her- rick, Twinsburgh, O. Jennie Eliza Stevens, (Cheshire, Conn.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. , Naugatuck, Conn. L. Elvira Stillman, (Alfred, N. Y.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Henry C. Coon, Alfred, N. Y. Martha Adaline Stockwell, (Ravenna, O.,) 1861, m. e. ; 579 Case avenue, Cleveland, O. Elizabeth F. Stone, (Dana, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. D. E. Bedell, 543 Broadway, New York. Nancy Adelia Stone, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, c.j died August 21, 1856. Lucy Maria Stone, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1857, c. ; Brook- lyn, N. Y. Delia Perry Stone, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, j. c. ; died September 11, 186 1. Mary Ann Stone, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1859, j. c. ; Mrs. Thornton VanVliet, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lucy A. Storrs, (Longmeadovv, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. Lloyd Barbour, Rochester, Minn. E. Lucretia Stoughton, (Gill, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. John Moore, Gill, Mass. Uraj^ia L. Stoughton, (Gill, Mass.) 1845, c. ; Mrs. Benja- min D. Bailey, Providence, R. L Hannah G. Stratton, (Northfield, Mass.,) 1848, e. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 321 Delia A. Strong, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Northamp- ton. Mass. Harriet E. Strong, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; Mrs. Theron Pomeroy, Easthampton, Mass. Minerva C. Strong, (Gmnby, Mass.,) 1849, e. Mary S. W. Strong, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. James C. Arms, Northampton, Mass. Ellen Julia Strong, (Chicago, 111.,) 1855, c. ; died, Emeline F. Strong, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1855, j. c ; died, August. 1859. Ellen Martha Strong, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, m. e. ; Mrs. Benjamin H. Stedman., Chicopee, Mass. Elizai^eth Dickson Strong, (Boston, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. ; Mrs. George Knnpp, Auburndale, Mass. Josephine Elizabeth Strong, (Boston, Mass.,) 1857, c; Bos- ton, Mass. Martha Ann Strong, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1863, e. ; North- ampton, Mass. Lucy Flint Strong, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. H.* W. Lewis, Columbus, Miss. Eliza Goodspeed Sutherland, (Easthahipton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. W. N. Shandrew, Easthampton, Mass. Ida Elizabeth Sutherland, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Providence, R. I. Eveline M. Sweet, (Tyringham, Mass..) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Charles H Fargo; died in Chicago, 111., August 21, 187 1. S. Rebecca Swift, (Derby, Conn.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. David C. Bacon, Decorah, la. Mattie Elizabeth Swift, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Watson B. Dickerman, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ann M. Taft, (Upton, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Moses H. Bel- lows, Princeton, Mass. Charlotte A. Talcott, (Manchester, Conn ,) 1849, e. Harriet N. "Tarbell, (Brimfield, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. James B. Brown, Brimfield, Mass. Ann Taylor, (Chester, Mass.,) 1845, e. Charlotte Taylor, (Chesterfield, Mass.,) 1847, e- ; Spring- field, Mass. Sarah M. Taylor, (West Springfield, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Charles Fowler, Westfield, Mass, ';jiri7BR3IT7] 322 ALUMNI RECORDS Elizabeth Taylor, (Chester, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Alvah Foote, Northampton, Mass. Hannah J. Taylor, (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1850, e. Lydia M. Taylor, (Manchester, Vt .) 1853, c. Sabra Pamelia Taylor, (Easthampton, Mass.;,) 1858, m. e. ; Easthampton, Mass. LucELiA Thayer, (Deerfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; died at Deer- field, April 15, 1846. Calista White Thayer, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. j Mrs. Holbrook, Windsor, Conn. HuLDAH Thomas, (Cummington, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Aus- tin Packard, Brooklyn, NY. Clara E. Thomas, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Addi- son A. Hunt, Worcester, Mass. Clara C. Thompson, (Coleraine, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Gil- bert, Wanwatosa, Wis. Margaret Thompson, (Bucks County, Pa.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. William La Rue. Ellen F. Thorpe, (Southampton, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Bates, Cummington, Mass. Henrietta Maria Thorp, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1856, j. c. j Mrs. Henry Bartlett, Holyoke, Mass. Susan Amelia Thorp, (Southampton, Mass..) 1857, j. c. ; Mrs. Joseph F. Shepard ; died at Springfield, Mass., February 28, 1864. Mandana ' Tileston, (WiUiamsburgh, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Calvin Fairbanks, Northampton, Mass. Margaret Tinker, (Tolland, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; Mrs. William F. Slocum, Newton, Mass. Mary E. Tinker, (Conway, Mass.,) 1851, c. ; Mrs. Chancey W. Carter ; died at Leominster, Mass., June 16, 1865. Louisa H. Tower, (Goshen, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. John Dexter, Evarts, Mich. Harriet L. Townsend, (Hancock, Mass.,) 1843, e. j Mrs. T. L. Foster, Cobden, 111. Electa P. Trowbridge, (Buckland, Mass.,) 1854, c. ; Mrs. Eben Stratton, Buckland, Mass. Hannah Tucker, (Griswold, Conn.,) 1844, e. ; died in Brook- lyn, N. Y., August 9, 1869. Sarah Tucker, (Griswold, Conn.,) 1844, e. ; died at Griswold, Conn., March 22, 1855. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 323 Marcia M. Turner, (South Glastenbury, Conn.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. Hezekiah Hale, Glastenbury, Conn. Elizabeth Turner, (Willington, Conn.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. . Phebe Ann Turner, (Great Barrington, Mass.,) 1858, j. c. ; Mrs. Hubert Hall, Great Barrington, Mass. Sarah G. Tuttle, (Blanford; Mass.,) 185 1, e. ; Mrs. Chauncey S. Marsh, Hartford, Conn. Emma Clark Upson, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1861, m. e. ; Mrs. Wolcott, Amherst, Mass. Julia Maria Upson, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. William Miller, Easthampton, Mass. Emily J. Vallentine, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. , Norfolk, Va. Prudence T. Wait, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. William N. Clapp, Easthampton, Mass. Emily R. Wait, (Deerfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. ; Mrs. Charles Smith, Chicago, 111. Martha Ann Wait, (Deerfield, Mass.,) 1846, e. j Mrs. Charles Richmond, Greenfield, Mass. Julia Annette Wait, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Joseph B. Bosworth, Easthampton, Mass. Emily Stebbins Wait, (Hartford, Conn.) 1863, e. Susan Adelia Wait, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Spring- field, Mass. Fanny Laura Walker, (Vernon, Conn.,) 1857, j. c; Mrs. Jacob Strong, , Cal. ' Marion Wallace, (Hoosick, N. Y.,) 1851, c. Emily M. Ward, (Leverett, Mass..) 1848, e. ; Leverett, Mass. Lydia a. Warner, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. L. Sexton ; died at Rushville, Ind., 1858. Mary H. Warner, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1844, c. ; Mrs. Dr. Minor, Ware, Mass. Caroline R. Warner, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. E. D. Plolt, Chatfield, Mass. Eliza A. Warner, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. E. Grant; died at Ogdensburgh, N. Y., December 22, 1861. Emeline S. Warner, (Sunderland, Mass.,) 1847, c. ; Mrs. Samuel E. Harrington, North Amherst, Mass. Harriet E. Warner, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 185 1, e. ; Mrs. Har- mon C. Spooner, Gilbertville, Mass. 324 ALUMNI RECORDS Mary L. Warner, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1852, c. Ellen F. Warner, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. James F. Nutting, Decatur, Mich. Jennette Warner, (Williamsburgh, Mass.,) 1855, m. e. ; Mrs. Montague, La Cross, Wis. Emma Louisa Warner, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1859, m. e. ; died June 12, 1862. Sarah J. Warren, (Brimfield, Mass.,) 1850, e. ; Mrs. Charles Stoughton, Morrisania, N. Y. Millie Williams Warren, (Goshen, Mass,) 186 1, c. ; New York City. Cornelia Waters, (Millbury, Mass.,) 1854, c. Ruth Watkins, (Hinsdale, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. William H. Carson, Hinsdale, Mass. Eliza Weeks, (Amherst, Mass.,) 1844, e. Ruanny H. Weeks, (Norwich, Mass.,) 1850, e. M. Irene Weller, (Pittsfield, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. C. R. French ; died in Wisconsin, February 28, 1855. Augusta Wells, (Hatfield, Mass.,) 1852, c. ; North Hatfield, Mass. FiDuciA Smead Wells, (Boston, Mass.,) i860, j. c. ; Boston, Mass Ellen Catherine Wells, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Betsey C. West, (Rockville, Conn.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Avery; died in Grass Valley, Cal., June i, 1874. Fidelia J. West, (Rockville, Conn.,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Eaton; died in Grass Valley, Cal., June 8, 1874. Charlotte Wheeler, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Edwin McFarland, Worcester, Mass. Elizabeth Wheeler, (Stratford, Conn.,) 1848, c. ; Stratford, Conn. LuTHERA A. Wheeler, (Hardwick, Mass.,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. Edward Dean, Worcester, Mass. Lavinia T. Wheeler, (Easton, Conn.,) 1855, j.c. ; Mrs. Sage, Bridgeport, Conn. Maria G. Whitcomb, (Greenfield, Mass,,) 1855,]. e. ; Mrs. D. N. Ellsworth, Rochester, N. Y. Catherine White, (Goshen; Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Frank Pierce, Kenosha, Wis. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 325 Sarah A. White, (South Hadley, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; South Hadley, Mass. Mary L. White, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, ^- > ^^^^ iri Chesterfield, Mass., October i, 1861. Sophia M. White, (Hinsdale, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Stephen Wilcox, Worcester, Mass. Adaline Whithed, (Vernon, Vt.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. Charles F. Cone, Vernon, Vt. RosiNA P. Whitman, (Windsor, Mass.,) 1843, e. Martha E. Wight, (North Bellingham, Mass.,) 1855, j. e. j Mrs. Charles W. Hill, Boston Highlands, Mass. Susan G. Wikoff, (Shrewsbury, N. J.,) 1852, e. Caroline Haff Wilber, (Goshen, N. Y.,) i860, c. ; Goshen, N. Y. Isabella Wilcox, (Sandisfield, Mass.,) 1845, e.; Mrs. Henry Sheldon, Mill River, Mass. Maria C. Wilcox, (Sandisfield, Mass.,) 1845, c; Mrs. Seth Seymour, Montville, Mass. Elizabeth C. Wilcox, (Lorraine, N. Y.,) 1851, e. ; Mrs. Seth H. Pemry, Odell, 111. Georgiana Willcox, (West Granby, Mass.,) 1858, m. e. ; Mrs. Dewey, Northampton, Mass. Mary Bliss Williams, (Camden, O.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. Olds, Columbus, O. Rebecca A. Williams, (Ashfield, Mass.,) 1845, c. ; Mrs. Charles L. Knowlton, Northampton, Mass. AvALiNE Williams, (Hubbardston, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Worces- ter, Mass. Phila a. Williams, (South Deerfield, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Jack- sonville, Fla. Fanny R. Williams, (Sunderland, Mass ,) 1853, e. ; Mrs. Williams, Sunderland, Mass. Harriet K. R. Williston, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1847, c ; Mrs. William S. Clark, Amherst, Mass. Margaret M. Williston, (Brattleboro, Vt.,) 1849, c. ; died February 5, 1858. Maria Williston, (Brattleboro, Vt.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. George L. Walker; died August 31, 1865. Cecelia Risk Williston, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1856, j. c. j Mrs. M. F. Dickinson, Boston, Mass. 42 326 ALUMNI RECORDS. Hannah More Williston, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1859, m. e ; Mrs. George S. Bishop, Orange, N. J. Clara Safford Willtston, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1864, e. ; Mrs. Joseph Lannian, Westhampton, Mass. Caroline E. Wilson, (Wolcottville, Conn.,) 1849, ^^ Abigail Winch, (Holden, Mass.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. A. G. Goes, W^orcester, Mass. Jane M. Winchell, (Torringford, Conn.,) 1849, c. ; Mrs. John C. Gillett, Waterbury, Conn. Emeline R. Winchester, (New York,) 1854, c. Harriet E. Winslow, (Charlemont, Mass.,) 1845, e. ; Mrs. Julia W. Winslow, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1849, e. Julia M. Winslow, (Belchertown, Mass.,) 1850, c. Ellen M. Witt, (Granby, Mass.,) 1844, e. ; Mrs. S. Addison Dickinson, Westfield, Mass. Lucy A. Witt, (Granby, Mass.,) 1848, c. ; died March 20, 1852. Elizabeth S. Wolcott, (Cheshire, Mass.,) 1847, c; Mrs. Felix F. Petitcler; died in Cheshire, June 3, 1867. LuRA Elizabeth W^olcott, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, j. c. ; Mrs. Eugene W. Cooley; died, February 7, 1865. Elizabeth A. Wood, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1843, e. ; North- ampton, Mass. Cynthia M. Wood, (New York,) 1848, e. ; Mrs. A. J. Hug- gins ; died, November 11, 1870. Mary- Wood, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1852, e. ; Mrs. Charles Crocker, Dubuque, la. Arabella H. Wood, (Hawley, Mass.,) 1853, e. ; died in Hay- denville, Mass., September 17, 1864. Margaret M. Wood, (New York,) 1853, e. Sarah Wood, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Easthampton, Mass. Harriet Maria Wood, (Holyoke, Mass.,) 1857, j. c. Avie Maria Wood, (Whately, Mass.,) 1863, e. ; Mrs. Herder Clarke, New York. Jerusha Woodbridge, (Manchester, Conn.,) 1846, e. Lucy A. Woodbridge, (Manchester, Conn.,) 1846, e. Harriet E. Woods, (Windsor Locks, Conn.,) 1851,6.; Mrs. Henry E. Daniels, Clinton, N. Y. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 32/ Elizabeth Wooley, (Hartford, Conn.,) 1843, ^• AsENATH M. Wright, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1842, e. ; Mrs. Frank Lynn, LesMoilles, 111. Augusta A. Wright, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1844, e. j Mrs. Lewis Clapp; died in Easthampton, February 15, 1871. Mary A. Wright, (Northampton, Mass.,) 1845, e. Catharine T. Wright, (Hartford, Conn.,) 1846, c. ; Mrs. George Post, New York. Celia p. Wright, (Syracuse, N. Y.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. Warren Chamberlain, Sandwich Islands. Eunice S. Wright, (Norwich, Mass.,) 1847, e. ; Mrs. William F. Avery, Conway, Mass. Cynthia A. Wright, (Springfield, Mass.,) 1848, c; Mrs. Henry S. Herrick, Chicopee, Mass. Ellen L. Wright, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1849, c. ; East- hampton, Mass. Sarah E. Wright, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1849^ c. ; Easthamp- ton, Mass. Eliza A. Wright, (Springfield, 111.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. John A. Hamilton, Norwalk, Conn. Emily B. Wright, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1854, e. ; Mrs. Lewis S. Clark, Easthampton, Mass. Mary Clarissa Wright, (Easthampton, Mass.,) 1862, m. c. ; Easthampton, Mass. Harriet W. Young, (Williamstown, Mass.,) 1850, c. ; Mrs. Lewis Burt; died in Springfield, Mass., October 13, 1859. ADDENDA. No. 248, (E. M. Pease) contains two errors ; Dr. Pease was born December, 1828, and he is unmarried ; these errors origina- ted as follows : a record without any signature was received from a Springfield physician ; subsequently it was ascertained that Dr. Pease had forwarded his reply ; it was inferred that the unsigned record was his, and the mistake was not discovered until it was too late to correct it in the body of the work. No. 141 1, (George C. Smith) born in North Hadley, Mass., 328 ALUMNI RECORDS August 31, 1826; completed a course of English; in Wisconsin two years, farming; in North Hadley two years, lumbering; in California six years, a merchant ; in South America one year, traveling ; in Chicago four years, a merchant ; in North Hadley fourteen years, farming and lumbering ; selectman of North Had- ley, five years ; married December 5, i860, three children. Ad- dress, North Hadley, Mass. No. 1455, (Roland Gideon Curtin) born in Bellefonte, Penn., in 1839 ; completed English course ; studied at the University of Pennsylvania and received the degrees of M. D. (1864) and Ph. D. ; assistant United States geologist in 1868 with Professor Hay- den ; naval store-keeper at the Philadelphia navy yard during the war; now a practising physician; unmarried. Address, 332 South 17th street, Philadelphia, Penn. No. 180, (John A. Gardner) appointed, February 1875, United States Attorney for the district of Rhode Island. No. 271, (William E. Dickinson) has resigned his pastorate at Walpole, N. H. No. 386, (Nelson G. Hall,) is in ill health and farming at Guil- ford, Conn.; married November 13, i860; two children. No. 429, (John C. Middleton) has removed from New Brit- ain and is rector of St. Paul's Church, Glen Cove, L. I. No. 687, (S. B. Rand) is reported on his way home in ill health. No. 720; (William H. Cranston) is a photographer at Corry, Penn. No. 914, (Henry H. Sawyer) has been appointed book-keeper and paymaster of the Nashawannuck Company, at Easthampton, Mass. No. 1000, (Lyman W. Redington) has retired from the Rut- la?id Herald, and resumed law practice at Rutland, Vt. ; firm Baker & Redington. No. 105 1, (Harlan G. Mendenhall,) has settled pastor of Third Presbyterian Church at Fort Wayne, Ind. No. 1093, (Edward F. Bishop) died of typhoid pneumonia at Amherst, February 26, 1875. No. 1439, (Harvey S. Carpenter) died at Worcester, Jan- uary, 1875. SUMMARY. Whole number of gentlemen in index, Whole number reported more or less fully. Whole number reckoned alumni, . . . Number reported, ..... Number deceased Number who died during their course of study, Whole number of ladies, Number reported, Number deceased, Number of students present Fall term, 1874, Whole number of students since the Seminary opened, Whole number of trustees, Number reported, . Number deceased, . Whole number of teachers, Number reported, . Number deceased, . Whole number of reports obtained concerning different persons, 4,966 1. 117. 1,074 132 46 1,077 959 208 200 6.243 34 34 • 13 91 88 II 2,494 College Graduates: From Yale, . Amherst, . Williams, . Harvard, . Union, Brown University, Dartmouth, 205 162 78 14 13 9 9 Amount carried forward, 490 330 ALUMNI RECORDS Amount brought forward, Princeton, . Hamilton, . Eowdoin, . New York Central, New Yoik University, Middlebury, Hobart, Michigan University, Trinity, Denison University, Unknown, . 490 5 4 2 2 2 512 Graduates of Frofessional and Scientific Schools who are not gradu- ates of Colli ge: From Medical Colleges, 37 Law Schools, 19 Theological Seminaries, 13 West Point, 2 Naval Academy, I Massacliusetts Agricultural College, . 3 Various Scientific Schools, . . . n Ifi Colleges: I" Yale, 35 Amherst, 14 Williams, 12 Harvard, 6 Princeton, 3 Hamilton, 2 72 In Scientific Schools: In Sheffield, . . 12 llenssahier Polytechnic Institute, .... 2 Piincelon, ......... i Columbia School of Mines, ..... i 16 WILLISTON SEMINARY. 331 77ie Professions: Ministry — Acting pastors, Pastors deceased, Ketiied pastors and preachers, . Foreign Missionaries in the field, Returned Foreign Missionaries, . Foreign Missionaries deceased, . City Missionary, Home Missionary, ' Reported in preparation for ministry, Total. Counted twice, .... Net total, .... Latv — Lawyers in practice, Retired lawyers, Lawyers deceased, .... Reported in preparation for the profession, Total, . . . . Medicine — Physicians in practice, . Physicians deceased, .... Retired physicians, .... Reported in preparation for profession, Total,. . . . Teachers — Acting College Professors, Deceased College Professors, Retired College Professors, College Presidents, Professors in Theological Seminaries, Other acting teachers, Other teachers deceased, Total, . Counted elsewhere, . Remains, . 103 20 16 13 4 3 I I 10 171 4 167 134 12 20 8 174 2 I 6 80 20 2 5 2 3 46 II 89 12 77 332 ALUMNI RECORDS Editors — Acting. Deceased, . Retired, Counted elsewhere, Remains, Civil Engi7teers : Acting, Deceased, . Retired, Total, Whole number reported in the professions and learned avo- cations, ......... Authors reported, Political: Member Australian Parliament, . Member United States Congress, Speakers of State Legislatures, . Mayors of Cities, Members of State Legislatures, . Army Record: Generals, . Colonels, . Majors, Chaplains, . Surgeons, . Captains, . Lieutenants, Non-commissioned officers and privates, Total reported in service, . Died in battle or from exposure, In the Confederate service, 20 5 15 17 4 4 25 537 24 I I 2 3 30 9 16 14 13 27 Z^ 41 230 386 49 4 INDEX Note. — This index contains the names of all male students, found in the Seminary Catalogues, excepting the names of those who have been present during the current year. The dates and abbreviations preceding the names are dates of catalogues and designations of classes in which those names last occur. Those, whose names are thus preceded by dates and class designa- tions, are unreported. All records are numbered, and where a date is sup- planted by a number, the number refers to the record of the individual in the body of the report. A name in italics indicates the name of an alumnus. Abbreviations. — c, Classical ; e., English ; s., Scientific; — m., middle; j., junior. Annexed to a date preceding 1850, the abbreviations c. and e., denote simply departments ; annexed to dates from 1850 to 1869 inclusive, they denote also the senior classes in those departments. The name of the English de- partment was changed to Scientific department in 1870, and the abbreviations c. and s., annexed to dates subsequent to 1869, denote senior classes, while the abbreviation e., denotes the class in preparation for either department of the Seminary. A * indicates that the person is deceased. Abhe 1869 ra. e. Wm. Hackstaff Abbott li-ee m. c. Wheeler Gilbert Ahels 1846 e. Joshua Ackley 1846 e. Elijah 1855 j.c. Oliver L. 1856 e. Oliver timith Adams 1842 e. Ebcnezer 1844 e. Henry G. 1846 e. Asa 1845 e. Issiac lh4tJp. Charles 9. 1(59 William H. 18.50 e. Charles 11. 1H5() e. Thomas G. 185:? j.c. Charles 1853 j.c. Charles D. 185.3J.C. Francis T. 1857 in. e. Ambrose 4H4 George Albert* 628 Edward Hitchcock 666 Charles Dicldiison 1869 m.e. John Cheater 43 Adams 18G0 c. Edwin Smith (550 Henri) Marfi/n 1863 e. clarence Eugene 1x6:5 e. Ellis Dwight 824 Henry 866 Josepii Henry 925 Charles Wheeler 1869 m.e. Luke Watson 1872 m. 8. Horace Amos 1874 j.-8. Frank Butler Addison 1847 c. Thomas Jr. 1847 c. Samuel D. Ainslie 1853 j.c. James Ainsworth 1855 m. e. George A. Akin 1808 j.e. Burr Albrij?ht 18o4 e. Joseph John Albro 1852 m. e. George L. Alden 18i57 m e. Seth Jr. 662 Edwin 839 Albert Allen Alderman 1848 e. Franklin Aldrich 1854 m.e. James C. Alexander 1859 m.e. Joseph Harvey 1874 j.c. Coke Allen l'i48e. Brainanl 1846 c. Jamt-H K. 1848 c. Justin 1861 j. c. Charles Jr. 846 Edmund T. 18.')4 m. e. (4eorge E. 1207 Joseph N. 1857 m. H. George Payson 1857J.C. Edward .\ugustU9 5.'9 EranciH Olcutt 1868 J.c. Guy Chapln 1858J.C. SamI Whittlesey l8rtOJ c. William Henry (ilO./o/i» Eomyth 713 Oreille I'ayeon 334 ALUMNI RECORDS Allen 1863 j.c. John Wbeelock 1S63 e. Charles Hayden 1864 j.c. liowanl Bradley 8«7 Edicard Browning* 1866 m.c. Thomas, Jr. 1867 j. e. Josiah Warner 3867 j.e, Frank Bishop 1870 e. Asa Terry 1870 j.s. Luman Simons 1872 e. Franl< Mortimer 1873 m.s. Charles 1874 m.s. Leonard Louis AUinson 1848 e. D. Cooper 1848 e. John C. AUis 1209 Elisha C. 3844 e. VVaitstill 1848 e. Lewis 1208 D. W. 1210 William P. 1850 e. Stolham E. 1211 William H. 406 Edmund Bridges* Allison 1870 j.s. William Joseph Allyn 1844 e. Timothy C. 1872 m. c. William James A 1 press 1866 j.e. George Theodore Alvord 1848 e. Elisha B, 1849 e. Edward 1853 m.e. .Joseph C. 1212 Whitney Krary 1862 e. Edward Solomon 1868 j. e. Theodore W. 1133 Charles Landon Ames 8 Fisher 54 Horace B. 611 William Prince 1867 m.e. Ward well Anderson 1846 e. William J. Andrew 18G5 e. Wellington Miles Andrews 1844 e. B.Allen 1844 e. John R. 1S46 e. Charles W. 377 George P. 1865 j.c. Theo. Edward S. 941 Henry William 1869 j.c. Herbert Master 1054 Edivard Williamson 10i)0 Frank Vandyke 1091 Walter Scott Andrus 1843 e. Joseph R. Angell . 1189 Amasa Richard Ansart 407 Felix, Jr. Anthony 1867 m.e. Clarence Irving Appleget 1854 m.e. Thomas Archer 1848 e. James Arleda^e 1854 j.c. George H. Arms 705 Charles Henry Arnold 25 Austin* 1213 John B. 485 Hubbard Ashley 1845 6. Benjamin D. Atkins 1854 m.e. Homer W. 1856 e. George Hannahs 1861 e. William Henry Atwater 1849 e. Robert 1850 e. Stephen 1867 j.e. Edgar 1868 m.e. Frank Eb'nezer 1870 c. Dennis Hedges Atwood 746 George Woodward Audenried 373 Joseph C. 1853 j.c. J. Thomas 1853 j.c. William G. 1853 j.e. James E. 185.S j.e. Lewis C. 1853 i.e. Keuben H. 1853 j.e. Thomas H. Augur 1851 e. Marshall C. 1856 j.e. William Henry Ault 1847 c. Merrill T. Austin 1857 j. e. Abner Ellsworth 1862 e. Vernon Douglas 1873 m. c. Leverett Averill I860 m. e. James Judson 803 Arthur Hoyt 1865 m. c. John Chester Avery 47 Joseph C. 86 William F. 184S e. Lewis L. 1216 Sidney W. 374 Lewis S. 1855 j.e. George 453 John 1214 George Howland 1857 j.e. Asaliel Henry 1215 3Iyron Wright 1217 Theodore Lyman 926 John Morgan 1866 m. e. Holmes Maliow 1868 m. e. James Dean 1874 j . s. Frank Rhodes Ayer 1844 e. Elisha 191 Charles L. Ayers 1847 e. Edward 1847 c. William 267 David C. 1872 m.s. Alvah Watts Backus 1871 j.s. Eben Young Bachelder 1846 e. C. Bacon 1218 Ralph C* 1851 j.c. George E. Badger 1861 e. John Buck Barlgley 1026 Charles Welling Bagg 825 Lyman Hotchkiss 1865 j. c. John Sullivan Bailey 1843 e. Charles B. 1848 e. Myron 1860 m.e. David Moreland 1867 c. James Clark 1870 j. s. Alonzo Baker 1844 c. Otis S. 1«45 c. George C. 1845 e. Joel 170 N: Putnam* 1848 e. George G. 480 Hosea Blake 1013 George Hall 1870 j.s. Walter Warren* 1873 m. s. Herbert Balch 1857 j.c. Frank Wood Baldwin 184b c. William 1847 e. C. E. VV. 1852 j.c. Henry E. 1854 in. e. Loami A. 1855 m. e. David G. 561 Charles Hume 1866 m.c. John 942 Frederic Harrison 1871 e. Benjamin Newton 1871 e. John Jeremiah 1871 e. John Miles Ball 1847 e. William 8. 1848 e, Frederick 1850 j.c. E. H. Jr. 1850 j.c. Delos C. 1861 m.e. Job 1220 Edward Pliny 1871 e. Oilman Kimball 1874 m. s. Charles Harvey Ball a nee 1S69 m. c. Willis Henry Ballard 203 Charles H. 1852 m.e. William C. 1219 Frederick L. 1858 j.c. Fred'ck Thomas 1867 m. e. Charles Henry WILLISTON SEMINARY. 335 Ballentine ]84Ge. Ebetiezer 804 Henry Ballou 1846 e. Alonzo Bam forth 1852 m. e. WilHam C. 1852 j.e. OtisC. Bancroft 87 Edward* 1850 0. H. L. 943 liernadolte Banks 1870 j.c. Francis Marion Ban n arc! 994 Horace Brown Bannister 1843 e. Edwin Barbee 1871 m.s. William Thos. Barber 184G e. Azariab R. 1851 m.c. John J. 18i3 m.e. Lemuel 1869 m. e. Willard John 1869 e. Edwin Atlee 976 William Toionsend Barbour 1845 c. Henry S. 1849 e. Azarlah B. 1852 ra. c. Sylvester 1855 ra.e. Edward P. 840 Joseph Lane 841 Samuel Atkins 18(56 m. c. Henry Merlin 1869 j.e. George Willard Barclay 1867 c. David Baird 1872 m. 8. John Knox 1872 m. c. William Barden 1849 e. Hiram Bard well 1 Alonzo S.* 1842 e. Wells R. 48 Josiah, Jr. 1844 e. Charles 1221 Carlos 1814 e. Charles A. 1845 e. John L. 1847 e. Joseph 1848 c. Henry L. 1848 c. Frederick W. lV22 Caleb Dickinson 18r)8 m. e, Henry Field 1863 j.c. Ashbel Wright Barker 18">5 m. c. John William 4.')4 Gardner Thxt,rston 455 James Madison Barnard iSGOj.c. Franklin Barnes 1848 c. Wright 1848 c. Jededlah E. 1848 e. Andrew Barnes 18.5:J m.e. Herbert 714 Henry Burr 1865 j.e. Luther Milton 1027 Varhfle Fuller Wl^Henrif Ward 1873 s. Richard Storrs 1874 j.s. Amzi Milton Barnett 1850 e. William Barney 1848 c. Mason Barn hill 1851 m. 0. Henry G. Barn urn 1849 c. Freeman Barrett 1844 e. John H. 1846 c. Edward 1847 c. Charles 1861 m.e. Everett George Barron 1865 j.e. James William Barstow 1870 s. Samuel Pitcher Bartholomew 1857 ra. e. Pliny Webster 1864 j.c. George William 1865 j.e. Harris Moore 1866 m. e. George Wells Bartlett 1843 e. Daniel J. 1845 e. Jared O. 1846 0. ElihuP. 1846 e. G. Alfred 1852 m.e. Henry 302 Li I man 662 Theodore 1861 j. e. Henshaw Bates 1866 j.e. Henry Hubbard 1869 m. c. Homer 1047 Edward Ashman 1869 m. c. Charles Jesup 1870 j. 8. Ashbel Simpson 1874 e. Stephen Barton 303 Walter 1855 j.c. George W. 486Jo/m Waite* 1858 m.e. Daniel Newton 566 Homer Ilollin* 1859 j.c. Frederick 1870 j.c. CIiesTer Manly 1860 j.c. Otis Beverly 1871 j.s. Abner Watrous Bascom 1843 e. Julius Bassett 1846 e. Francis, Jr. Via William F. 1870 c Francis Edward 1028 Frederick Eugene 1870 j.s. N'th'n Aiex'nd'r Batchelder 1856 m.c. Edwin Hill i Batchelor I 878 Edward P. Bates 1842 e. Austin T. 136 Edward P. 1848 c. Ellsworth N. 1849 e. Lucius It. 1851 m.e. Walter 804 Ja7nes A. 122.1 Charles H. 1852 j.c. Thomas S. 1855 j. c. James 1859 m. 0. Joseph Anson Baugh 1866 J. e. Henry C. Hollen Bay 1865 j.e. Sam'l Mansdeld Beach 1845 c. Alfred E. 1846 e. Joseph P. 667 Samuel Swift 1861 j.e. William James 1861 j.e. Elmer .Jaynes 1870 j.s. Ephraim 1870 8. Frederick Halsey Beadle 1860 m. e. Chauncey M. Vil^Heugh Walter Beale 466 Edward Newton Beals 55 Alden P. 1871 m.c. Horace Homan Beaman 1^1 John Warren 842 Algernon T/iompson Beard 348 Augustus F. 408 Edward Beardsley 612 Elliott* Becker 1847 c. Henry H. 192 George L. Beck with 193 George E. 1855 j.c. Gurdon 1867 j.e. GustavusC. 1871 j.s. Oliver Allen 116S Frank Armstrong 1190 George Haunes 1873 m. 8. Dwight Merrill Beebe 1870 m. 8. Decius Beecher 1867 m. e. Carltoa Beekman 1225 Edward K.» Belden 1849 c. Theodore W. 18.59 0. Edward P«)rter 896 Franklin Day 1868 j.c. EUhu ijeonard Belding 1846 e. Franklin M. 1848 0. H. A. 944 Edgar Frost 336 ALUMNI RECORDS Bell 1055 Howard Perry 1873 j.c. Edward Morgan Bellamy 613 William Packer* 826 Frederick Putnam 1092 Charles Joseph Bement 1844 e, Joseph 1849 e. Louis W. 1849 e. Kewball 0. Bemis 1226 Daniel Webster 1227 William M. 805 Louis Sylvester 1869 j. s. Henry Scheele Benedict 897 Seelye Bennett 1846 6. S. B. 1848 e. George W. 715 Edward Brown 1863 m. c. Wm. Hosmer 1865 e. David Latourette 1866 j.e. Charles Fred'k Bent 9 Josiah* 1851 j.c. Henry K. White Bentley 88 Edward W. Benton 1846 c. William L. 1846 e. John F. 1848 e. Joseph E. 1873 j. c. Charles H. Berry 1857 m. c. Edward Payson 1858 e. Titus, Jr. Bertolet 1850 j. c. Nathaniel 1851 j. c. Levi A. Best 1002 Leonard Herman 1448 Arthur Jared Bestor 1869 j. e. Kandall Strong Betts 1855 m. c. James Augustus Bevin 1863 j. c. Newton Phila 843 Leander Augustus Bidwell 126 Orlando B. C. 1848 c. Hudson 614 Jasper Hamilton 1862 j.c. Daniel Henry 1865 e. David Henry 1191 Ad Bierce 1873 j.s, James 1873 j.s. Kussell Bi}ielow 1842 e. Henry H. 1849 e. Cliarles 601 Henry Xelson Bigelow 1865 j, e'. Theophilus S. 1868 j. c. Charles Brigham 1872 j. c. Bussell Anson Billard 1859 j. c. John Leander Billings 26 Richard S. 1231 Samuel F. 171 Edward C. 1850 e. E. P. 1232 William D. 1230 Fredrick D. 1229 Charles Hovey 1852 j. c. Henry W. 1228 Arthur W. 340 Henry P. 568 Charles Morris 1870 s. James Archer 1454 Edward Kirk 1871 j. s. Henry Pierce 1871 ]. s. Carlton Lewis Bills 1857 m. e. Franklin Bingham 194 Hiram, Jr. 603 Egbert Byron 1867 j. e. Ezra Waldo Bird 1871 m. c. Charles Willard Birdsall 18G3 m. c. Henry Randall Birney 966 Arthur Moulton Birnie 1864 e. Charles Alexander 1130 'lliomas A'oyes 1451 Douglass Putnam Bisbee 1863 e. Almon Foster Bishop 663 James Lord 664 JVilliam Henry 1866 m. c. Nathan Lee 1863 e. Frederic Harrison 1234 William Weed 1093 Edward Fletcher* Bissell 1847 e. Francis L. 1847 c. Gustavus 1850 e. M. 1853 ra.c. Hezekiah 1860 m. e. Dwight 615 Charles Rollin* 1233 Rennsalaer Havens 1867 m. e. George B. 1870 e. Charles A. Bixby 1849 c. Theron K. Black 1870 s. Joseph Walter 1872 s. George Franklin Blackinton 1866 j. c. Austin Ira 1866 m. e. Frederick Ford Black man 1866 j.c. Edward Homer Blackstone I860 j. c. Edwin Elizur 1865 e. James De'Trafford Blair 1235 Austin C. 1853 j.c. Charles H. 1236 Francis 1860 m. c. Francis M. 1870 s. William Stimson* 1082 Henry Augustus 1872 m. s. George Peters 1120 Watson Franklin Blake 27 Henry T. 82 Silas 1851 m. e. Elijah F. 375 Joseph 1871 m.c. George Matthew Blakeman 1868 m. c. Fredric T. Blakeslee 1850 j.c. Edwin 530 Erastus 1867 j.c. Cornelius Blanchard 1854 j. c. Stephen A. Blasdale 1853 e. William 1853 j.c. Charles Bliss 1843 e. Horace L. 1844 e. Charles H. 1844 e. Martial 1847 c. Alexander 1848 c. Charles F. 1849 c. Samuel P. 1850 e. Charles 1851 m. e. Henry M. 1858 m.e. Mvron A. 1858 j.c. William J859J.C. William Edward 898 Orville Justus 995 Georqe Holland 1048 William Gibson M. Blodffett 1287 John 1866 j.e. Richard Henry 1169 Charles Sumner Blood 1871 j. c. Alonzo H. Bloomfield 1872 j. c. Fred. Augustus Bly 1845 e. George R. Board 899 Charles Howell* Board man 1850 j.c. W. L. P. ,1851 m. c. George 1003 Albert Joel Bodman 1239 H. Albert 1845 e. Whitney T. 1857 m. c. Henry Lewis 18h8 j. c. Edward Ciishman 827 Luther Whitney 1872 s. Frank Hubbard WILLISTON SEMINARY. 337 Boflwell 1845 e. Isaac Boies 89 Finh^r Ames* ];37 Ethan K* 172 William* 1852 ni. c. William Henry Boise 1853 m.e. Timothy R. 18C5 m. e. Frank Anson Bolton 1848 e. James C. 665 Cfiarles Echoard Boltwood 1848 c. George S. Bond 1843 e. Edward N. 716 William lieynolds Booth 1847 e. Kirkland F. 1849e. William H. 569 Edward Munson Borden 1861 m.e. Siim'l Augustus 1869 m.e. Philip Durfee 1871 m. 8. Frank Boss 409 Thomas Mason Boswell 1855 j. c. John Henry Bosworth 1842 e. Svlvester J. 1844 e. Williams. 1844 c. Lafayette 1844 e. Samuel N. 1845 c. Solomon D. 18")4 e. Homer 1056 Frank Erwin Bottum 1858 ra. e. Daniel Wisley Bourne 56 Shearjashub, Jr. 1845 c. Silas T. Bontelle 1853 m. e. Josiah Bouton 1847 e. N. Sherman Boutwell I860 m.e. George Henry Bovie 1850 j. c. Charles W. Bowdoin 1812 c. William H. 1844 c. James W. 1238 Henry A. 1846 o. J. Austin Bo we 127 Ralph 128 Francis W. 410 Daniel* 487 Isaac 1874 m. 8. Wm. Horatio Bowman 1843 e. Joseph J. 1845 e. Emery H., Jr. Boyd 1844 e. Edward 1869 m, e. Irving Payson Boyden 1004 John Dickinson Boyle 1850 e. wmiam Boy n ton 1851 m. e. Charles E. Bracewell 1854 j. c. Thomas C. Brack ett 90 Henry M. Bradford 570 James Henry 1864 m. 0. Benjamin 1868 m. e. William 977 Edward Anthony Bradish 1848 e. John J. Bradley 1847 e. Israel 1850 m. c. John H. 411 William Lockwood 1866 j. e. Geor;,'e Henry 1870 c. Algernon Fred* 1870 m. c. 'William Samuel 1873 e. Lawrence Brady 1856 m. 6. Thomas Henry Brainard 1240 James T. 1849 e. Henry P. 1855 m. c. David C. 1155 Albert French 1872 e. Charles Aldis Braman 1843 e. Francis D. 1850 e. Albert L. 1S52 j. e. Henry A. 1852 j. e. Rosvvell E. 1853 m. e. Ansou H. Bramley 1164 John Gilbert Brum! 1860 j. c. Christopher A. Bray ton 742 George* 18(>5 j. c. "Edward 1872 m. s. David A., Jr. Bieck 774 Tlieodore F. Breckenridge 1846 e. E. 397 John 1861, j. c. Orrin Jonos 1868 j. e. Clarence Elias Brewer 1842 6. Djjnlel C. 1241 FrancirtA. 186(5 m. c. Fred. Arlington 1870 c. AUyn Brewster 1849 c. Jacob D. 1851 m. e. Henry P. Bridgman 1242 Thomas S. 1844 e. Aretus 1845 c. Sumner 1845 e. G. Ufford 1847 e. Lucas 1846 e. Joseph C. 1847 e. Federal B. 1847 e. Franklin A. 305 Chester 1851) e. Abner P. 1852 m. e. Israel N. 1868 m. e. Charles H. . 1871 e. Frank Orlando 1872 c. George Herbert 1873 j. 8. Fred. D wight 1874 j. 8. Robert Longlejr Bricrgs 1848 e. Ralph L. 1850 e. Albeit 347 James Theodore Bright 1843 c. John H. 379 John H. Brinsmado 1849 e. B. Franklin Bristol 1860 m. c. Burton H. Brockwav 1843 e. Wilson D. 306 Horatio N. 1860 m. e. Duncan Israel 1861 m. e. Wm. Spencer Broadliead 1873 s. Harvey Broesk 1874 j c. Harry Bromley 717 Daniel Tyler Bronson 1818 e. William B. 1859 m. c. Dwighl Sheldon Brooke 28 Edwin A. Brooks 184t; c. Augustus S. 1847 V. Edwanl D. 138 John B. 1213 John Ring 1818 c. Collins W. 1848 c. H. P. 1848 e. N. R. 1848 e. Charles S. 1849 e. JohnR. 228 Ethan 1851 m. c. John C. 1244 Simon 748 Joseph Jndson 186") m. e. Wm. Andrew 1865 j. c. ChJtrles Wesley 18(W j. e. William Smith 1866 m. e. Wui, Ix>onard 1868 j. e. Fred. Wix)ster 1874 e. Clarence William 1874 e. Emerson 333 ALUMNI RECORDS Brown 1844 c. Joseph 1844 e. B. Franklin 1845 c. Franklin 1845 e. C. E. 1846 e. Charles 1846 e. A2 Solomon Pardons* 1265 Willis Warner 1260 Egbert Irving 1264 William E. 1866 j. o. Edward Weldon Clark 1842 c. Edward 1842 c. Homer 340 ALUMNI RECORDS Clark 1842 e. Lawrence 1843 c. Edward L. 1272 Henry 20 Sheldon W. 1844 e. Edward 1271 Gilbert A.* 1844 e. Lemuel A. 32 William S. 1276 Lriel lb46 e. Alanson D. 12H Edson P. 1269 Edwin A. 1847 e. Elijah P. 1847 e. John 1847 e. John 1847 e. Joseph B. 1273 Julius F. 1848 e. Alfred 1266 Austin P. 1848 e, Charles 1848 e. George H. 1848 e. John L. 1848 e. Martin L. 1848 c. WilUam B. 1849 e. Charles F. 197 Edsnn L. 1849 e. William A. 1849 e. William E. 232 Gardner H. 1850 j. c. George H. 1850 e, Henry L. 233 James F. 26^ Lewis S. 1851 m. e. Alvin W. 1268 Edmund W. 1851 m. e. John S. 1267 Charles P. 1852 m. 6. Samuel E. 1853 j. c. Egbert H. 1853 m. e. Eugene S. 382 Edioard P. 1854 m. e. John G. 1854 j. c. Nuthaniel 1274 Sereno 1275 Sylvester 1854 m. c. Thomas R. 1854 j. e. William W. 1855 m. e. Edward A. 1855 j. c. George P. 185') j. e. James 1855 j. e. William Henry 1270 Frederick Warner 1857 j. e. Charles 1857 m. e. Charles W. 1857 m. e. George Payson 1857 e. Lewis Strong 488 William Bardivell* 489 Walter Forward 1857 ra. e. Wm. Herbert 1857 m. e. William Bills 1858 m. e. Charles H. P. 532 Charles Horace 1858 m. c. George P. 1858 ra. e. George Phelps 1858 j. c. Oliver Anson 1858 m. e. Pickuey Benj. 1858 m. e. Philetns A. 606 Alvin Wright 573 Dewitt Scocille 18.59 m. e. George W. 674 Henry Wrinlit* 1859 m. e. Philetus Cook 1860 j. e. Albert Henry 1860 j.c. Ambrose Benoni 1860 m, e. George Bradley Clark 1860 m. e. Horace Lee 1860 j. e. James Hervey 1861 m. e. Albert 525 Z. Brainard 1861 m. e. Charles Henry 1861 ra. e. George Warren 1861 ra. e. James Warren 1861 m. e. Joseph 1862 m. e. Henry Asa 1862 m. c. William 750 Elihu Leach 1863 j. c. Joseph Stillwell 1864 m. c. Henry Asel 1864 e. Luman Spencer 1864 e. Walter Pliney 801 William Chalmers 1866 j. e. Edward Payson 927 Charles Stanford 978 Salter Starrs 1058 James Kilbourne 1077 Lncius Lyman, Jr. 1083 James Offden 1097 Charles Melville ' 1134 James Henry demons 1845 c. H. X. Cleveland 1842 e. Isaac P. 1848 e. H. W. 1854 m. e. George B. 1861 ra. c. Chester Dwight 1861 ra. e. Henry Elisha 1873 m. e. Louis Baker Cline 1277 George B. Clintran 1869 Clement Brooks CI i shy 1874 j. c. Warner Beatty Clute 928 Andrew Matthew Coan 1866 m. e. Samuel L. Coar 1278 John Coblei;i e. Orrin Jr. 1858 m. e. Frank 067 Samuel Southmat/d 1863 e. Wm, Derbyshire 1873 j. 8. Charles VV. Gushing 1853 e. Henry G. Cushman 1850 e. Samuel 490 Marshall B. Cutler 1850 e. Dwight 1285 William 12K6 Laban S. 1857 m. e. Austin 1868 j. e. Edward Newell Cutter 4<;0 John Fravl'lin 1862 e. Henry Martin Dadman 236 Appleton* i Dajf«ett I 1029 C/tarles Daniel I Dakin 1 1^54 j. e. Jacob ! 1855 j. e. Henry Smith. Dale 186;i m. c. Thomas N.. Jr. 1804 e. Frederick Sheldon 1865 m.e. John Loukwood Daly 1850 j.e. Abram H. Dampman 1807 j. c. John Buchanan Dana 1867 j. e. William Henry 1871 j. s. James C. 1871 8. AUred Sanford Daniels 198 Henry E* 1866 j. c. Amasa Chapin 1866 j.e. William Henry Darling 1851 m. e. Moses 1856 ml e. John Harrison 618 Timothy Grenville 1059 Samuel Winthrop* Darlington 1855 m. e. Francis James Darrow 1846 e. William Davenport 830 Henry Adnlphm 11.37 James Pitrpont 1138 Merriam Bacheler Davey 1873 8. Walter Gibson Davidson 1865 j. e. George Gregory Davies 1866 c. Francis Herbert Davis 1818 e. Charles 1851 m. e. Rufus 1287 Alden Grout 403 Benjamin F. 619 George Royal 1861 m. e. Wm. Hftrmon 1864 j. c. Eugene G., Jr. 1864 e. Daniel, Jr. 869 Xathaniel h^-ench 929 Hejiry Charles 18«u; j. e. James Henry 1440 Wm. Vail Wilton 1030 Edwin Dioight Davison 447 Cephas A. 481 D. Fo.ster 655 Royal Ellmore Davol 1869 m. e. Frank Herbert 1121 Abner Pardon 1156 Charles Micah, R. Dawes 1846 e. Edward L. 1084 Chester Mitchell Day 1842 e. PrankHn 1846 e. William W. 141 Robert E. 1849 0. Norman 18.''>3 j. e. Albert 18.'>5 m. e. Shercbiah 1865 j. c. Addlsun Lyman 1866 m. c. Carlos Erastua 967 W.alter Fii*her 1288 Frederick Worth 1869 e. William Doly 44 342 ALUMNI RECORDS Dean 1845 e. George M. 1289 J. R., Jr. 1848 e. Edward 199 Samvel C. 930 Charles Pemberfon 1867 j. e. Beiij. Calhoun 1868 j. e. Gilbert Addison Deane 1854 j. e. Samuel 778 Charles Baker Dechert 1851 m. e. William W. Dederer 1863 j. c. Charles H. Dederick 931 Stewart Jay. 1867 j. c. George De Forest 809 liohert Weeks / 1060 Henry Wheeler De Kay 1851 m. c. Joseph D. Delano 1849 c. Marcus F. 384 Benry O* 1866 ra. c. Charles Gridley De Mason 1869 m. e. Wm. McHart Deming 1844 e. Benjamin F. 1845 c. George 176 Richard T* 1849 e. James B. 1853 j. e. George E. 1855 m. e. Thomas S. Denmeade 1865 j. e. William Chai'les 1866 j. e. Aquilla Denison 1848 c. Darius C. 414 Frederick Mason 461 Daniel Dennis 269 John G* Dennison 1861 m. e. Horace Pratt Denniston 1844 c. Evans E. Denny 1874 m. 8. Dewitt Clinton Denslow 1853 m. e. Charles A. Derby 743 William Parker De liidder 1864 e. John Henry Deuel 1848 c. Silas S. Dewej"^ 142 diaries A.^Jr. 256 Daniel 1858 m. e. George Melvin 676 George Stanley Dewey 1860*m. e. Ansel Gershom Devereux 1172 James Henry De Witt 94 Aimer 1852 j. e. Clinton De Wolf 1868 j. c. Henry Clay De Wolfe 1856 m. e. Daniel Burton Dexter 491 Franklin Bowditch 1867 j. e. Edwin Douglass Dibble 1848 e. R. S. 1861 m. c. Fitzhngh I. 18G9m. e. Wm. Milford 1870 e. Charles Worth Dickens 1290 John Whitby Dickerman 1855 m. 6. Henry Street 1857 j. c. Charles Wood 1859 m. e. Ezra Day 668 George Sherioood 1291 Watson Bradley Dickinson 1844 e. Samuel 84 William A. 1846 e. O. 1847 6. William M. 1848 c. Alired 0. 177 John W. 1848 c. Parsons F. 1292 William 237 Fliphaz E. 270 Sylvanus C. 271 William E. 1851 m. e. L. A. 1851 m. e. Thomas A. 1854 m. 6. Samuel M. 1856 m. e. Charles Reed 1857 j. c. Edward Baxter 1857 m. e. Elbridge 533 Marquis Fayette 1858 m. e. Francis P. 1861 m. c. Edmund N. 1861 m. e. John Watson 1867 m. e. William Cotton 1867 m. e. Lewis Sabine 1868 j. c. Charles Dexter 1445 Asa William 1870 e. Frank Filmore 1014 Sidney 1098 Frederic Billings Dike 1866 c. William Wallace Dimock 577 Henry Famum 1872 m. c. George Doane 1848 e. John F. 1854 j. e. Gilbert Dodge 311 John Henry* 1868 j. c. George Shepard 1871 m. 8. John Edwards Doolittle 534 John Birge 1099 William Sherman D ore mils 1866 3. e. William Henry Douglas 462 Richard Draper Douglass 1848 e. Charles B. 1859 m. e. John Fayette 1869 m. e. Wm. Morton Dow 1869 m. 6. Purcell L. 1015 Frank Fotvler Dowling 1847 e. William Downes 1061 William Edward Downing 1847 c. Jerome F. 1293 Joseph Harvard Drake 1847 e. Elihu A. Draper 1851 m. 6. Emerson H. Dresser 1848 e. Rufus L. 1861 m. e. Henry Bartlett Dripps 1871 j. e. William David Driver 1866 m. e. Henry Lynch DuBois 1872 n. s. Edward Turner Dudley 1842 e. John H. 1860 m. c. George, Jr. 1865 e. Henry Marchant Dunbar 1860 m. 6. Edward Butler Duncan 200 William Paley 1874 e. Joseph Gray Dunham 1851 c. George C. 1867 j. e. Charles Finch Dunlap 11 James 1856 j. c. Samuel Gustavus 1864 e. Henry George 1865 j. e. Edgar Clarence Dunning 1846 c. William T. Dupee 238 Charles A. 1861 m. c. Lewis Francis Durant 1868 j. e. Frank Durfee 1848 e. William B. Dur fey 1855 j. e. Charles A. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 343 Durham 887 Caleb Wheeler Durkee 1871 i. e. William Wolls 1872 5. e. Charles Miller Dutton 1848 e. William R. H, 1863 m. c. Henry James 888 Henry Perry Dwiirht 61 James F. 178 Jam.e.s H* 1849 e. Josiah 1819 e. W. H. 1294 George Bement Dwinnell 1852 e. John B. Dyas i860 m. e. E.lward C. Dyer 1861 m. c. Fordyce Albert 1874 m. s. Daniel Thomas Ea(U 1860 m. e. Albert Easrer 1847 e. Joseph Eames 1846 e. AlonzoD. 1848 c. William M. 1869 ra. e. Fred. Sherrell Earle 1844 c. K. 0. Eastman 1843 e. Baxter 1843 e. Herman D. 1813 e. Samuel F. 1864 e. William Eaton 1850 m. c. Benjamin P. Ebell 535 Adrian John Eckert 1872 j.s. James Clendenin 1873 e. Thomas Thompson Eddy 810 OtisJudd Eden 1049 John Herman Edmands 802 John D. Edwards 12 Henry L. 1845 0. 'i'heophilus 1846 c. Charles 1848 e. Solomon R. 1850 e. Henry B. 1851 in. e. Ansel 1855 j. e. Cliarles S. 1861 j. c. Stoi)lion Kitby 721 Charles Alivond 1173 Gcorf/e liei\jamin 1873 m. 8. Thomas Hughes Egirleston li39 Jere Dewey Elder 1844 e. William 1853 m. e. J. Nash Eld ridge 1843 e. Benjamins. 312 Hamilton N. 1853 m. e. Eli, Jr. I 1858 j. c. John Marshall I 1860 m. c. Joseph Battell 1862 j. c. Henry Robert Eliason 1848 c. Armistead O. 1848 e. William A. Ellerby 870 Richard Elliot 1849 c. Charles A. 1868 j. c. George Buxton Elliott 1855 m. 6. Richard C. Ellis 1848 e. Lathrop S. 1849 e. Joseph 1859 m. e. Charles Albert Ellsworth 1848 e. James E. Elmer 753 Theodore Henry Elton 1856 m. 6. Samuel Romeo El well 1122 Arthur Henry Ely 1845 e. Rugcles K. 1846 c. Chatles F. 1846 e. Henry M. 1847 c. James J. 12i)5 William K. 1850 e. Michael M. 1850 e. R. S. W. 1851 m. e. Homer 385 Samiiel G. W. 415 Oscar Fitzerland 1855 m. c. Samuel W. 1859 j. c. Granville 620 Henry Oliver Emerson 62 John M* 18.54 m. c. David L. 1860 m. e. Edward Eugene 1866 e. Edwrard Davis 1874 e. Pliny Williams Emmons 1S48 e. Henry V. 578 Julius* ISVA e. David Mack 1872 e. Harris 1874 j. c. Halmor Hall Enghart 1296 Robert Thompson Eno 1848 c. Henry W. EoflT 1872 e. Charles Walton Estabrook 1865 e. Joseph Parkhurst Evans 1297 Barton Darlinj^n 1865 e. Louis Prevost Eves 1858 c. Abram Ewing 18.58 j. c. Daniel StillweU 1858 j. c. Hc.nry Claudius 1858 m. e. George CUnton Fairbanks 1849 e. Charles H. 18.54 m. e. William H. 722 Joseph Whitcomb Fairchild 1860 m. e. Edward Eugene Fairfield 1844 c. Charles D. 1844 e. Allen W. 1873 e. Edward Marvin Farnham 1298 Sylvester G. 1865 m. e. Fred. Clark 1867 m. c. Frank Gunn Farnum 1847 e. John M. 1863 m. c. John Farrington 1846 c. John B. Faxton 1854 j. e. John Fay 1846 c. Windsor L. 1847 e. A. Burgess 1847 e. G. P. 1847 c. JosiahC. 1848 e. J. Edwards 1848 e. Benjamin W. 1857 \. c. Charles Almon 1858 J. c. Benjamin Bates 1860 m. e. George Otis Felton 1849 c. Alexander C. 1849 c. Benjamin R. Fenn 1849 c. William H. 1852 m. e. Luther L. 1861 m. c. Enistus Dudley 1861 j. e. Daniel Hamilton Ferdon 1140 William Ferguson 63 George R. 143 James A* Fern 1862 e. David HamUton Ferre 1300 Irving Dwight Ferris 1857 c. Samuel Peters 1870 m. c. Frank Benj. 1162 Frank Ferry 1846 e. Eli 130 Jedediah B. 1850 e. Charles B. 344 ALUMNI RECORDS Ferry 1299 Edward M. 1301 Walter C. 1861 m. c. Lvraan Dwight 1862 e. Charles Everett 1862 e. Frederick Nelson 1864 e. Lyman Stuart Fessenden 1873 j. c. Oliver Griswold Field 64 Samuel T. 1849 6. Charles G. 1852 m. e. Osmyn 1859 m. e. Heiuy 1861 m. e. Albert Oscar 1863 e. Charles, Jr. 1869 m. e. George Parker 1873 j. s. Charles Theodore Fillebrown 1868 j. e. Albert Augustus Finch 492 James Byron 1864 e. Joseph Albert Fish 1855 j. c. John L. Fisher 33 Francis P. 34 Frederick P. 1844 c. George H. 1848 e. Daniel 1855 e. Theodore W. 1861 m. e. Earl Webster Fiske 478 Jolin Safford 1079 Isaac Parsons Fitch 1853 m. c. James O. 1855 e. John Witherspoon 1302 Ashley Parmalee Fitchett Frederick Roberts Fitts 1847 c. John A. 1855 m. e. Calvin R. 980 George Henry Fitz 1846 c. John 1849 c. Henry S. 1849 c. James S. 1850 m. c. James E. 1850 j. c. J. L. 1859 m. e. Franklin W. 1871 j. c. Herbert Horatio 1871 j. c. Lyman Mason 1174 Edward Willis 1175 Fred Alvin 1874 j. c. Urban Hallock Fleming 1031 Henry Green Flemming 1858 m. 6, Robert J. Fletcher 1861 j. e. Oliver Morris 1870 m, 8. Allen Miller Flint 1846 e. A. P. I Flint I 1847 e. A. B. Flower 1869 ra. e, Archie 1869 m. 6. James Frisbie Foley I8G1 j. e. John Follett 1847 e. Edwards Folsom 493 David Foote 1844 c. Elizur L. 1844 e. George C. 65 Charles C* 1852 m. e. Edward 416 Edwin Bancroft 1856 m. e. Bradford C. Forbes 294 Samuel B. 1854 j. c. William A. 1016 Jesse Franklin 1062 George Fairfield 1871 ni. s. Fayette Fred. Ford 1303 Franklin M. 66 Chandler T. 95 Charles G. 1848 c. Charles E. 1849 c. John E. 1857 m. e. Rufus Miner 1141 John Howard Foreman 1855 j. c. Austin W. Forrest 1865 j. e. Frederick 1874 e. Rutherford R. W. Forster 1868 e. Franklin Harris 961 Oliver Kei-r Forsyth 1855 m. 6. Joseph L. Forward 1842 c. Pliny M. Foskit 1857 m. e. Josiah Daniel Foster 1852 m. e. Richard H. Fowler 96 Charles C. 179 William W. 1853 m. e. J. Douglass 1856 m. c. Joseph Seth 1856 ra, c. William Sereno 1865 m. c. Ralph Perry 1871 j. c. George 1873 j. s. Wm. Beveridge Fox 1846 c. Charles 350 Thomas W. Frail 1855 j. c. Elisha Frantz 1867 j. c. Albert J. Frary 1851 m. e. Lucius M. 1871 m. c. William Rice Frazer 494 John Gordon 1860 m. c. Edward 0. Frederick 1857 j. c. Nelson Freeman 1863 j. c. Wallace French 1844 c. Theodore F. 1844 e. Theodore W. 1850 j. c. George F. 1864 m. c. Andrew Riley 1864 j. c. Solon Tenney 1867 j. c. Hamlin Quigley Frisbie 1872 s. Edward Lauren Frissell 1844 e. Mason M. 1847 e. Dwight Frisselle 1851 m. 6. Edward L Frost 97 George L. 1853 m. c, Charles B. Fry 1855 j. c. E. K. Fuller 1851 m. e. James H. 1304 Thomas Hart 1859 e. Aaron Frank 579 George Ephraim 1869 m. e. Geo. Augustus Furber 1868 j. c. Charles Hamlin Gaine 1854 e. Charles, Jr. Gainer 1860 m. c. Albert Edward Gains 621 Marshall Richard Gale 1858 m. c. Justin Edwards 1866 j. e. Jesse Stearns 900 William Coivper Galusha 1853 m. e. Henry F. Gam well 1853 m, c. Franklin B. 1854 j. c. Andrew H. 1857 m. 6. Dexter Jones Gardiner 1846 e. Reubens 1853 m. c. Kirke E. Gardner 180 ^. Johnson 1864 m. c. Sylvester 1866 j. c. Edmund Le B. Garrett 67 Edmund Y. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 345 Gassett I860 m. e. John Eames Gates 968 Loren Samuel 1867 j. e. Orson Cooley 1872 m. s. John, Jr. Gaut 1850 e. Andrew Gay 1851 m. e. William P. Gaylord 1843 e. William 1846 e. Ebenezer ia54 m. c. William L. 1857 j. c. Austin Lyman 656 Horace Wright 1863 e. James HoUis 1865 m. e. Arthur Frank 1866 m. e^ Lewis Moses Gere 6 Edward W. 7 Henry S. 1305 Collins 1867 j. e. Geo. Sherwood Gerry 1845 e. Walt Gibbons 1847 e. O. S. Gibbs 1865 6. Howard Ashley Gibson 463 Tobias, Jr. Giddings 1851 m. e. William I. 1856 m. e. Minot Samuel Gilbert 1845 e. George 1845 e. S. 98 Archibald F* 1847 e. N. S. 1848 e. J. R. 1852 j. c. George 657 George Henry, Jr. 1142 Foster Ward Gildersleeve 1845 c. Charles H. Gill 1143 Herbert Richmond Gillespie 417 Robert Gillett 1306 William R. 1847 e. George Gillette 1855 j. e. Charles 1864 e. Rufus Woods 1307 Daniel Bates, Jr. Gilliams 1863 j. o. James Solhoron Gilman 1868 j. e. Theophilus Gilson 1866 j. e. Albert Augustus Gitchell 901 Benjamin Gleason 1852 j, c. Gabriel H. 1856 m. o. George Field 1868 m. e. Wm. Parsons Glover 622 Edward Weston Goddard 1848 e. Emmons E. 1850 e. Silas W. 1859 j. e. Edward Aldrich Golden 1854 m. e. Peter S. Goldsbury 1851 m. e. Samuel S. 1852 m. e. James 623 Charles Goodale 13 Warren 1844 e. David B. 1853 j. e. Charles 1308 Henry Sterling Goodell 636 Henry Hill 1862 e. John Henry 1871 j. c. Charles Leroy Goodhue 1144 Frank Daniel Goodman 1852 m. e. Daniel 1857 j. c. Lewis Henry Goodnow 1865 m. e. Moses Cheever Goodrich 201 James R.* 399 Elizur S. 1859 m. e. John Israel 1863 e. Charles Clinton 844 Edicard Pierce 1864 e. Frederick Wells 1864 e. Henry Ezekiel 1865 j. e. Riley Fortune Good speed 1309 Thomas H. 1852 m. e. Philander P. Goodwin 932 Cliarles Frederick 1869 m. o. Scott Gilbert Gordon 1866 m. e. George Leet Gore 1848 e. Elisha H. Gorhara 1847 e. John Goslee 1852 j. c. William L. Gould 798 Edwin Spracuo 1861 m. e. John William 981 Georqe Vail 1872 m. c. Edward Tracy Gove 1858 j. c. Albert Sanders Gowdy 1850 e. Andrew E. 1850 e. H. L. 1851 m. e. James E. 1862 e. Isaac Hill 1862 e. Lorin Beri Gracey 1855 m. c. William Belton Graham 1871 m. 8. Hamilton, Jr. Granger 68 Francis 1851 m. c. Reuben Grant 1843 e. William C. 1861 j. c. Edward W. 669 Robert Edward 1873 m. c. Robert Hume Graves 1846 e. Lewis E. 1846 e. Lemuel 1847 e. HolUs C. 1847 e. M. Orson 272 John L. 295 Thaddeus 1853 m. e. Henry 1854 m. e. Benjamin B. 1854 m. e. Chester 1854 m. e. Heniy L. 1855 j. e. Williston S. 1857 m. c. Edward Payson 1858 m. c. George Rex 1859 m. e. Myron 1860 j. c. Frank Sidney 670 James Taylor 1862 m. e. Edward A. 1862 m. c. George Mather 1863 j. c. Alfred Howard 754 Frank Herbert 755 John Morrison 1865 j. e. Charles Leonard 1310 Fayette Parsons 1873 e. ilewtou Church Gray 1850 e. Henry 1854 m. e. Henry M. ia54 e. Henry P. 1854 m. e. James P. 1858 j. c. William Henry 712 William Henry 1864 e. John Billy Green 1843 e. Gains G. 1844 e. Samuel J. 69 William C. 1846 c. C. W. 202 John M. 1850 e. J. U. 1852 m. e. Edward 1855 c. Thomas R. 1856 m. e. Zerah 1857 j. o. Wm. Boardman 1859 m. e. Geo. Franklin 1311 George 1862 j. c. Samuel Tudor 1864 e. George Myron 871 Man hi Candee 1867 e. Edward GUbert 1312 Linus Clark 1871 j. e. Frank Clinton 1872 m. c. Henry Heatly 346 ALUMNI RECORDS Greene 1846 e. Edgar 1846 e. H. R. 671 Porter Woods* 1864 e. WilUam Greenwood 1859 j, c. Edward Dwight 723 Thomas Greg^ory 845 Josiah David 1867 m. e. William Odell Greir 1870 j. e. Frank Rich Gremmels 1855 j. e. Henry Grennells 1846 e. William F. Gridley 1857 m. e. Henry Wells 707 Edward 962 Henry Hoioland Grierson 946 Samuel Watson 1870 j.c. Frank Henry Griggs 580 Clark Hewitt* 1314 Julian 1867 m. e. Frank Griswold 1313DenisonE. 1850 j. c. Joseph "W." 1850 j.c. M.S. 351 John* 1856 m. e. Charles Fayette 1857 e. Edward Pay son 1857 e. Franklin Clinton 1862 e. Joseph Lancaster 1863 j. c. Wayne 1865 j.c. Robert Southgate 846 Lorenzo 1866 j. e. James Dixon 1872 e. Monroe 1872 m. s. Peter Bierce 1873 m. s. Waite Robert Grosvencr 1846 c. Lemuel C. Grout 1861 j. e. John Andrew Groves 963 Charles Austin Grow 1868 e. Frederick Fuller 1100 Galusha Benton Gurney 1873 m. s. David Elbridge Guernsey 1857 m. e, William Ralph 1860 m. e. Jarvis Anthony Guild 997 Edgar Hunt Gum 1006 Francis Manaen 1315 John Albert Gunn 1850 e. Otis Guthrie 1007 James John Guy 1866 j. e. James Knox Hadsell 756 George Ira Hain 1854 j. c. Peter L. Halbert 1204 Franh Norton* Hale 1846 e. Henry H. 1852 m. e. WilUam Henry 1852 m. e. George 1853 j. c. William Henry 1856 8. John Horatio 1869 m. e. Walter 1870 m. c. Harry Hall 1842 c. Moses S. 70 Julius A. 203 Henr7j C. 1316 George G. 386 Nelson G. 1854 m. e. Nathan 464 Henry Lewis* 1857 j. c. Charles Winslow 581 Joseph Francis* 624 Charles Horace 658 Frank Ellis 672 Augustus Joel 1861 j. c. Hiland Saxon 724 John Manning Ihl Fayette Cook 758 Granville Stanley 1865 j. e. Francis Edgar 1866 j. c. Alfred Stevens 872 Robert Beales 1866 j. e. Stephen 933 Edmund Bridges 1868 m. e. John Adolphus 1869 j. e. Daniel Edwin Hallenbeck 1856 j. e. Albert Dutton HalliJay 1856 ra. e. George Hallock 1846 c. Daniel D. 582 Leavitt Homan 1145 William Gerard Halsey 1844 e. Christopher W. 1854 m. e. Harlan P. 1860 m. c. Hamilton R. Hambleton 1852 m. e. Joseph W. Hamilton 1846 e. Alexander 1848 e. F. D. 1849 e. Cutler E. 204 John A. 1853 m. e. Alexander 1854 m. e. Joel W. 1854 m. e. Henry L. 1855 m. e. William P. 495 Benjamin Franklin 1858 m. e. Benj. Franklin 1861 j. c. Robert James 811 Henry Harrison Hamilton 812 William Abbott 1872 j. s. Fred. Merriam 1873 j. s. Andrew Rienzi Hamlin- 448 Samuel B. Hammond 1850 j. c. E. P. 1852 j. c. Chauncey 1852 m. e. Charles G. 1859 j. c. Walter 1317 George Asahel 1860 j. c. Julius Webster 1861 m. c. Henry Louis 673 John Chester 1872 m. s. Burton Hanchett 1861 m. e. Orison H. Hancox 1870 e. Benjamin Franklin Hand 99 Chauncey M* 418 Charles Fowler 759 Frederick Augustus Hanmer 1851 m. e. Caleb 1857 m. e. Charles Henry 1865 j. e. John Hannum 1850 e. Henry L. 1851 m. e. John Wesley 1851 m. e. Silas 342 Heniy T. 1853 m. e. Leander M. 674 Francis Hutchinson 1862 e. Josiah Franklin 1865 j. e. Melvin Lewis Haps^ood 1872 m. s. William Wesley Harding 1846 c. George L. 2tt5 Charles 1851 m. e. Quartus 821 Wilder Bennett 1870 j. s. William Bridge Hardy 1849 e. W. F. 1852 m. e. Asa 1861 m. e. Charles Francis Harkness 1843 e. Harvey Harlow 1849 e. Thomas Harmar 239 Josiah W.* Harmon 1845 e. Oliver 1847 c. Oscar F. 370 Israel 1855 m. e. Julius A. 496 Elijah Harootiinian 1872 e. Kevork Harper 1873 m, o. William WILLISTON SEMINARY. 347 Harrinjsrton 49 JRrainerd T. 71 Thomas B* 18r)6rn. e. Moody 1860 m. e. Clark Harris ISSn m, c. Albert 1857 e. Dwight James 1860 m. 6. ^'harles IVIonroe 3862]. c. William Pond 1863 e. Lutlier 1869 j. e. Charles Henry Harrison 1868 e. James Campbell 1160 Henry Baldwin Hart 1846 c. Henrv A. 1860 m. c. David Wliiting 1860 m. c. Edward Welles 1860 m. e. Samuel Nelson 1868 j. c. Albert Jndson 1870 j. s. Charles W. 1870 3. 8. Wm. Clarence 1871 j. 8. John Hooker 1874 j. s. Charles Amos Hartshorn 1865 j. e. William Henry Hartwell 1849 e. Edward E. Harvey 1852 m. e. Samuel Harwood 675 Charles Elliot 1861 m. e. Harrison. Jr. 676 Henry White All is 1870 m. c. Albert Lesley 1870 e. Frank William 1871 m. s. Myron Lamort Haskell 1845 e. Jabez 85 Thomas li* 1846 e. Wilder P. 1864 e. Dudley Chase 1868 j. c. Peter Valentine 1869 j.c. Nahum A. 1870 m. 8. Horace W. Haskin 1869 j. e. Grove Hasson 1874 j. 8. John Alexander Hastinffs 1318 E. L. 1819 O. D. 1850 m. c. Stephen P. 1853 m, c. Leonnrd J. 1865 e. Orlando Burr 1872 m. s. Fred. Emmons Hatch 1843 e. Henry F. 14 Junius L. 1852 m. e. George E. Hathaway 1849 c. Charles W. 1856 j.c. Philip Bennett 1866 m. e. Charles Hatheway 1847 c. John E. 1847 e. Charles Hatheway 1854 ra. e. Amos M. 406 Albert Newton 1857 m, e. Geo. Stonghton 1858 j. c. Edgar Skinner Havens 1854 m. e. John C. Hawes 144 J. Erskine* 1851 j. c. William Clark 1853 j.c. William 1854 m. e. George Hawkes 1847 e. Edward 240 Henry F. 1864 e. William Henry Hawks 1858 j. c. Joshua Wright Haw ley 1845 e. Benjamin R. 273 Ebenezer F* 1851 m. e. Frank E. 1854 m. e, Frederick B. 18.54 m. e. George T. 465 Henry En gene 1860 m. e. E«lwaid A. 1320 William Henry Hayden 1842 e. Austin 2 Thomas S. 1842 e. Josiah B. 1321 Joseph L. 15 William Hallock 1845 e. Charles T. 1845 c. David B. 1845 e. David AC. 72 G. B. 1323 Frederick L. 1849 e. Thomas H. 1850 e. D. H. 1322 Joel, Jr. 18.53 m. e. Joseph L. 1854 j. e. Gideon A. 1855 j. e. Sidney H.* 683 John Nathaniel* 1324 Samuel Williston 813 Morris Waldo Hayes 100 Oliver Bliss 1852 j. c. Byron Haynes 1847 e. Artemas L. Hayt 584 Samuel Aufjustus 9.'54 Charles Deiinixnn 1085 Frederic William Hay ward 1857 j, c. Henry James 1861 m. e. William Eugene Haywood 1857 m. e. Charles Harvey Hazen 313 Nathan L. 1866 j. c. Elihha Brewster Head ley 1870 m. c. Irving H. B. Heal V Ti9' Daniel Heath 1847 e. Henry Heermance 782 John Van Wagener Heigh way 1873 j. 8. Archibald E. 1873 j. 8. Sheridan C. Heiser 1873 m. 8. John Jay Heisler 780 Charles Cornelius 781 Egbert Durham Hemphill 1860 j. c. Joseph Henderson 637 T/iomas 1868 e, Edgar Frederick Hendrick 1844 e. Stephen V. R. 1848 6. Daniel Hennessey 1861 m. e. John George Hennion 1858 j. c. Andrew Josephua Henry 1325 Josepli J.* 1808 m. e. George Dexter Herbst 18.52 j. c. William 560 John Schall 1874 j. c. Henry Herbert Herrick 760 Intnght Stiles 831 ( 'luirlts Bron-n 1063 Jam*-s Frederick 1874 j. c. William T. Herring 1848 c. William D. Hewitt 1844 c. William Heylin 1844 e. James Hevwood 1849 c. Dwight Hihbard 1842 e. Richard 1842 e. Samuel Hibben 1205 James Hibbs 1830 e. J. K. Hickman 1860 m. e. George Brcntou Hickock 1853 j. c. Starr Hickok 18G4 m. c. Wm. Tliomas Hicks 6-.i6 Ratcliffe Ilijfgins 73 C. W. 348 ALUMNI RECORDS Hijrgins 1863 m. c. Pennell Corbitt 1866 m. e. Arthur Smith 1326 Joriathau Edwards Hildeburn 783 John McCrea Hill 1843 e. Ephraim B. 101 Edward L. 184Ge. Lewis E. 1846 c. Thomas 181 Seneca 1328 Samuel, Jr. 241 James K. 1850 j. c. S. W. 444 Charles W. 497 Charles Borland 1860 m. e. Andrew J. 1860 j. c. John Alden 1327 George Albert 1865 m. c. Ebenezer, Jr. 1869 m. e. Christian John 1870 e. David 1064 Edmund Allston 1871 m. s. Jacob Henry 1123 Thomas Richards 1873 j. s. Orson Jerome Hillhouse 1846 c. James "W. Hills 206 J. S. 1850 6. H. E. 1860 j. c. Samuel Dwight 1861 ra. 6, Samuel C. F. ! 784 Leonard Dwight Hillyer 1329 Appleton R. 1853 m. e. Lucius Hinckley 1851 j.c. Henry "R. 1866 j. c. Howard Nelson Hine 1855 j. c. Elmore C. 1860 m, c. Charles Dan'l 1860 m. e. James Bailey Hines 1850 e. Cyrus C. Hinsdale 1330 William E. 1849 e. Lymau Hitchcock 74 Edward, Jr. 1850 e. Luke D. 314 Charles H. 1855 j. e. Lyman 1857 m. e. Francis W. 902 Dexter Hixon 1872 m. c. Chas. Walter Hoar 1818 c. Dwight 538 Charles Sylvester 1871 j. B. William Henry Hobart 947 Moses Montague Hobbs 1849 6. George 362 Joshua Hodges 1849 c. William A. Hoffman 1868 j. e. George Holbrook 1847 e. B. F. 1848 e. N. D. 315 Levi, Jr. Holcomb 145 William F. 1857 m. e. Edward 585 Charles Brainard 1859 m. e. Charles Francis Hoi com be 1871 m. s. Frederick Elias Holden 1871 j. c. Horatio Buell Hoigate 1854 m. c. A. Hopkins Holland 1812 c. James H. 1857 j. c. William Hollenbeck 1850 e. Jerome W. Holley 1866 j. c. Edgar Kotchkiss 1874 m. s. William Justus HoUiday 1856 c. David Hendee Hollis 1844 c. Samuel W. Hollister 35 Shelton* 1845 e. Charles W. 1846 e. Ezra 1853 m. e. Elisha 1854 m. e. Isaac N. 1854 j. c. James Hoi man 1847 e. Lvman F. 1331 Samuel K. 1849 e. Silas Holmes 1845 e. Cyrus W., Jr. 1851 j. c. George C. 1851 j. c. William R. 1856 m. e. Jeffrey Abijah 539 Francis Hunt 1861 j. c. Thomas 1873 m. 8. Paraclete W. 1193 Nathaniel 1446 William Coe Holt 1032 Irving Lucius Homer 1846 c. George C. 1332 Charles A. 903 William Bradford Hooker 1845 e. Henry 1861 j. c. Edward Wales 904 Charles Hall 1869 j. e. Charles Hoover 1855 m. e. John H. Hopkins 274 Charles 1851 m. e. Joseph H. 1852 m, c. John Hopson 1124 John Horner 1863 j. c. Charles Pittman Horr 1848 c. George W. Horton 1871 j. 8. Herbert Hiram 1872 j. c. Cyrus William Ho s ford 964 Benjamin Franklin Hoskins 1850 e. Henry C. Hosmer 1843 e. Silas Hotchkiss 1858 j. c. Chas. Augustus 1860 m. c. Henry Lucius Hough 1847 c. Eli Smith 1859 m. c. Beuj. Smith Houghton 1441 Joseph Goodhue 982 Alfred Augustus House 1843 e. James U. Houston 1870 j. 8. James Walton How 1870 m. 8. Berkeley Avery Howard 207 HXram L. 1866 j.c. Nelson Hinckley 1870 j. s. Chapin 1446 Horace Cobb Howe 1847 e. Cutler N. 1848 c. Henry A. 1849 e. Fenelon W. 208 George M. 1849 e. Solomon B. J. 1853 j. e. George O. 1853 m. e. Levi B. 1854 m. 6. Jabez C. 1854 m. e. WiUiam W. 498 Albion * 1333 Albert Richards 1861 j. c. Benjamin Porter 847 Charles Gould ing 848 Lester Bouton 1868 m. e. Chas. Mortimer Howell 1868 j. c. James Archibald Howes 1843 e. Elijah B. 1866 j. e. Thomas Baasett 1870 j. s. Lewis Woodward Howland 3 William 102 Georqe 1849 e. Allen WILLISTON SEMINARY. 349 Howland 275 Charles M. 580 Waltar Morton 88!) William S'mlhwortlx 87;} Samuel IVluttleseij 948 WiUiam DaUeii 1017 Edward HUchcock 1101 John Hoxie 607 David Edwards Hoyes 1819 e. Hoyt Hoysradt 1140 Albert Hoyt 18r)G in. e. Francis Stiles 1804 e. Herman Waylaud 1873 e. Edwin Keeler Hubbard 1844 e. Edwin 1844 e. Joseph 1816 e. David L. 1846 e, E. W. 1846 c. Samuel, Jr. 131 Silas G. 1847 e. Alonzo 1847 e. Elisha 1847 e. William H. 1850 ra. c. Franklin 1850 j.c. H. W. 1851 m. e. Davis W. J851 m. e. George W. 1852 j. c. Rodolplius 353 Charlea IL 1853 m. e. George F. 354 Horace ]V. 1854 m. e. Roswell 1856 j. c. Clias. l>ickinson 1800 j. c. Lewis Thomas 18(il m. e. Chas. Edward 1861 m. e. Henry Strong 1102 Lester Hamuel Hubbell 1849 e. John W. 1860 m. e. Edgar George Hudson 1863 j. c. George Huey 1851 m. 6. Pennock Huphitt 587 Emmons* Hulbert 1872 m. c. Robert Samuel Hull 1847 e. Sylvester. J. 1858 m. e. Jos. Kincalde 677 Albert Stephen 1863 e. Alonzo Humason 1103 William Laiorence Hume 814 liobert Allen Humes 1865 m. c. Andrew Russell Humphrey 1843 c. Uollin* 1848 c. Frederick Humphrey I 1.334 Daniel 1850 e. Edward 1808 j. e. Thomas Edward Hnn^erford 1819 e. Joseph W. 1853 j. e. Robert L. 1065 William Sumner Hunt 1845 e. Frederick 1846 c. Edward 1846 c. H. J. 1846 c. William 1850 e. C. S. 13.35 Charles E. 1852 m. e. Timothy 1851 m. e. William E. 1803 0. George Shaw I860 j. c. Asahel Adolphus 1866 j. e. Elliott 874 Mijh'on Winslow Huntington 1842 e. Charles T. 1843 e. George H. 1843 e. Joseph S. 1104 Charles White Huntley 1855 j. e. Ezra B. Hurd 1867 j. e. Wilbur W. Hurlburt 1800 j. e. William Lyman 1851 j. c. Thomas O. Hussey 1866 j. e. Samuel John Huston 1870 j. c. Thomas Hutchins 18.59 m. e. George Harvey 1872 j. c. Augustus Schell Hutchinson 1848 e. John 1849 c. B. F. 316 James E* 18.55 m. e. Graham H. 1870 c. James Adams Hutchison 1853 j. c. Henrj' Cyrus 1855 m. c. Andrew Boyd 1853 j. c. Charles T. Hyde 1842 €. Edward J. 4 Thomas C. P. 1844 c. Nelson C. 1848 c. James B. 419 William Sac/e 499 Hmnj Dwipht 588 Ebe.nezer Porter* 1869 m. c. Fred'ick Albert Ide 182 A. W. 1848 e. William H. Ingalls I 180 J j. c. ILilmar Reves Injrersoll 1874 e. Fred Bradley Ingham 1859 m. e. Samuel Ingle 1865 m. c. Joseph Lowrie Ingraham 242 Edward Ingram 1817 e. Orriu F. 1336 Dwight Sextus 18G» m. e. Edward H. Irwin 626 David Allison Isbell 785 William Henry Ives 1812 e. Theodore 209 Henry 1853 m. e. Julius, Jr. 1801 m. c. Sumner Ab'rm Jacobs 761 Chauncey Alonzo Jackman 1033 Charles Edgar Jackson 1845 c. Richard C. James 132 Henry L. 1852 j. e. Lyman D. Janes 1843 c. Edward 1844 e. Lyman 1815 e. Jonathan Edw'da 1817 e. Ebenezer D. 1337 Franklin W. 1850 e. Edwin L. 401 Edwins. 659 Samuel Parkman ]8(>0 j. c. Justin Edwards 1861 J. e. Augustus G. 1805 j. e. E, Geo. Seymour Morrison 791 Eohert Stewart 1870 j. c. Edmund Lincoln Morse 1846 e. Franklin 1850 j. c. Monroe 792 George Moody Morss 792 Foster Morton 1850 j. c. Lyman M. 356 Lyman* 1853 m. e. William Moseley 1869 j. e. Herbert Clarence Moses 1867 j. c. Richard A. Mosman 1855 e. Silas Henry Moss 1372 William Dixon Mowrey 1859 m. e. Alfred Truman Mowry 507 Henry Lovejoy 508 Lelloy Mum ford 1858 m. e. James Arthur Munger 1850 e. George H. Munn 1843 e. G. Albert 509 Thaddeus Eugene Munson 134 W. S. 1854 j.c. Cyrus B. 1854 m. e. Edward G. 1854 m. e. Josiah B. 431 Myron Andretvs 563 Homer Wilson 564 Horace Willard 1860 j.c. Samuel Lyman Murdock 1850 m. c. I. M. 1866 m. e. Julius Oliver Murphey 1869 e. Henrv Clay 1870 8. Theodore F. 1111 David Jay Murray 510 James Brown Musgrave 151 Thomas B. Muzzy 1845 e. J. Henry 1870 c. Arthur Thomas Myers 1852 c. Henry Melville WILLISTON SEMINARY. 355 Myers 1865 m. e. Joseph Parker 186G m. e. Jamea Walker Naphthaly 1442 Joseph Narramore 1845 e. Joseph L. Nash 1856 m.e, Charles Milton 1868 e. Charles 1125 William Wallace Nason 283 Henry B. Navarro 1867 j.e. Jose Euaebio Needham 908 Asa Henry Neide 1854 m. c, Horace 590 Carroll Neil'l 816 Henry Nellis 1844 c. Abraham Nelson 1845 e. A. M. 1845 c. George W. 1854 m.e. Clinton H. 1874 j. s. Thomas Grant Newcomb 1845 c. John C. 1850 e. Charles R. 1853 j. c. Kichard T. Newell 1846 e. Jason 1849 e. Charles S. 1859 j.e. Edward Everett Newliall 834 Charles Stedman New land !« 1865 c. ■William Land Newlin 1863 j. c. Walter Wheaton Newman 1862 e. James Stonehall »*^Newton 108 Jeremiah L. 203 D. H. 1850 e. John A. 337 James H. 1852 m. e. Moses 1864 e. Franklin Bradley 1864 e. Silas Nichols 1846 e. Benjamin 1870 e. Charles Tfenry 1180 Charles Wilb^lr Nickerson 1848 e. Luther 1850 j. c. John Q. Nielsen 1872 j. c. Mikkel Niles 1847 e. Milton C. 1849 e. Edward P. 1859 m. e. Jolui Avery Nims 1846 e. WiUiam N. Noble 1805 e. Theodore Frelon 1867 ra. e. Lewis Cass Nolton 1800 m. e. Charles Fox Noonan 1037 Charles Tombling Nooney 1842 e. G. S. Norcross 1858 m. e. Alanson P. Norcutt 391 Allison Henry Norris 1807 j. c. Austin Hall North 1845 e. Alexander B. 1848 e. John 1873 j.s. Fred. Delano North am 109 Norman W.* 1848 e. George 1871 j. s. Samuel Dewey Northend 1859 m. e. Charles A. Northrop 1847 e. Andrew J. 324 Cyrus 1857 e. John Edward 952 Charles Addison • Norton 1842 e. Edward H. I«t2e. Oliver D. 17 Charles H* 1850 e. Henry L. 1857 j. c, Anson Bralnard 1860 m. e. George Norwood 1853 j.e. Douglass 185i m. e. Elbridge 1857 m. e. Edwin 511 Frederick William Nourse 1849 c. C. E. Noves 1857 m. e. George Moore 1858 m. e. Matthew 1860 m. e. Charles Phelps a52 Alfred* 835 Merritt 1807 m. e. Joseph Cheever 1067 Charles Lothrop Nvce 1857 j. e. Richard Morgan Nye 1855 0. William C. Oakes 1845 e. George M. Oakes 1851 m. e. James J. Oberley 1866 m. c. John Leidy O'Brien 1872 j. s. Deunls John Officer 1052 Frank Wallace O'Flaherty 1864 e. John Olcutt 210 Edward B. Olds 1132 Frank Newell Olendorf 1872 j. 8. Caleb Willis Olmsted 1842 e, Lucius 30 William* Ono 1873 e. Adzsa Orciitt 1844 e. Almon M. 52 Ly Sander J. Orton 284 Jam^s Osborn 1840 c, Timothv C. 1853 j. c. George H. 1850 c. Hariwell Osborne 1858 m. 6. Edward Payson 1860 j. c. Lester Taylor Osgood 285 Walter B* 1859 m. e. Cliarles Frank 630 Charles Htiiry Ostrum 1851 m. c. John D. Otis 1847 e. James L. 432 John Grant 1865 e. Orran Gray Oiiseki 1873 e. Matoshi Oviatt 909 Samuel Newton Owen 1843 c. William H. 1845 e. Charles M. 1847 e. I>eWilt 1847 e. Homer 18."Sl m. e. Jolin B. 185.'{ n\. e. Franelt* J. 1809 m. c. James Henry Packard 1848 e. Charles H. 1850 e. M. M. 1850 e. S. W. 18.'>8 m. e. E«imund Thos. 1861 j. c. Hour)- liovl 1860 1. c. Samuel Ware 9.W Frederick William 1873 j. a. Elmer Bradford 356 ALUMNI RECORDS Packer 744 William Satterlee Page 1813 e. Elijah 1865 m. c. Charles Luther Paisre 1846 c. Calvin G. 1846 c. Timothy 1848 e. George R. Paine 631 Horace Daniel* 890 Arthur Richards 954 Albert George 955 Lyman May Painter 1870 c. Jacob, Jr. Pal en 1873 m. s. Frank Wheeler Palmer 1373 "William R. 1847 e. Horace B. 1196 Theo. TJivk/ht 1874 m. s. Smith, Jr. Panton 1847 e. John O. Parish 1854 j. e. Richard H. 1873 m. s. William Benj. Parke 794 Joseph Gardner Parker 1843 e. Asa H. 1843 e. Chauncey P. 1845 c. Henrv N. 1845 e. William N. 1851 m. e. Frederick L. 1855 m. e. Joel Dana 1856 j. c. Jason Goulding 1859 j. c. Joseph Lyman 817 Oscar Beroth* Parkhurst 1861 m. e. Albion Wood Parks 1847 e, George A. 1864 e. Robert William Parmelee 544 Harlan Page Parry 1863 j. c. John Ely 1873 j. 8. W. William Parsons 1842 e. Levi 1374 George F. 37 Henry M. 1844 e. Joseph 1844 c. Levi H. 1844 e. Spencer 1846 e. Henry M. 1848 e. A. C. 1851 j. c. Eugene Dewitt 1851 m. c. Myron C. 1854 m. c. Samuel J. 1856 m. e. Charles Henry 472 John Russell 523 Henry 1375 Charles Miller* 1860 m. 6. Alpheus W. Parsons 1377 Abner Edward 1376 Lucius Edmund 1008 Joel Willis 1871 j. s. Samuel Holden Partridge 1855 j. c. John K. Patrick 1854 m. e. Brockholst V. Patton 1112 William Hampton 1873 j. s. William, Jr. Paul 1848 e. Marvin K. 1854 j. c. Fulton Payne 1858 m. e. Charles Fred. 1866 m. e. Lyman Mack Pay son 512 Edioard Phillips Til George Shipman Peabody 1378 Dean 1858 m. e. Gustavus W. Pearce 1849 c. Peleg T. Pearse 1867 c. George Robinson Pearson 1852 m. e. Henry W. Pease 1845 e. Charles N. 248 Edmund M. 1853 m. e. Walter L. 1865 j. e. Henry Sidney 1869 m. e. Clifford B. lSr2j. c. Fred. Wilson Peck 1846 c. Josiah T. 1846 e. LaFayette 168 Charles 1848 e. Jonathan M. 265 John E. 1850 6. J. G. 264 James 1853 m. e. D. Brainard 513 Tracy, Jr. 1859 m. e. Walter Bryan 1859 m. e. Wm. Henry 632 Benjamin Whipple 795 Cassius Carroll 1863 e. Oliver 18G6 j. e. Charles Earle 1866 m. c. Miles Lewis 1181 Henry Porter Peebles 1855 c. Hubert Francis Peet 1864 j.c. George Rich 1864 j. c. Wm. Wheelock Peirce 1846 c. M. D. Pell 1848 e. Thomas J. Pel ton 514 George Austin Pennell 591 Christopher* Pen ni man 1842 e. James 1843 c. -William 1845 e. Edwin 217 James L. 1868 j. c. Henry Mixter Pepper 1847 e. Elbridge 358 George D. B. Perkins 1846 e. Joseph L. 1850 j.c. W. L. 400 Edward H., Jr. 1854 m. c. Joseph A. 1855 m. c. Frank Allen 1861 m. c. George Welles 728 Henry Martyn 1872 m. s. Bishop Perrin 1847 c. Daniel 1851 j. c. George Kinney Perry 1851 m. e. Thomas H. 1855 j. c. Horace P. 545 Henry Thomas 633 Benjamin Wlsner* 685 Edward Southworth 1862 m. c. Joseph Frank Peters 1851 j. c. Fredus 1865 j. e. Warren Sibley Petree 1871 m. c. Charles Lynds Pettee 634 Joseph Benson R. Pettengill 1866 m. e, George T. Pettibone 249 Ira W. Pettingill 1852 m. e. Charles B. Pettis 1846 e. Alphonso P. 1849 e. Francis Petts I860 j. c. Chas. Linnaeus Pevey 853 Charles Kimball Plielps 1842 e. Elnathan W. 1843 c. John J. 1380 Charles 1381 Ellsworth N. 1845 c. Henry W. 1847 e. George 1848 e. Charles 1848 e. Emerson 1850 e. H. J. 1850 e. J. M. 1850 m. c. O. R. 1851 m. e. C. F. 1854 j. e. Henry M. 449 Charles P. 1855 j. e. George F. 1857 j. c. Erakine Mason WILLISTON SEMINARY. 357 Phelps 1857 ra. e. George Francis 1858 m. e. George Wright 1859 m. e. Cicero 1800 j. c. Horace Beverly 18GI m. e. Andrew Henry 1861 j. c. George W. 1862 e. Henry Pitt 1866 m. e. John Lester 1089 Julius Ezekiel 1080 William Baldioin 1443 Henry Lyman 1872 m, c. Robert S. 1874 m. s. Watson T. Philbrick 359 John Jay Philip 1855 j. c. Charles A. Phillips 1849 e. John 1864 e. Albert Liscomb Phippeney 1872 j. 8. Francis Eugene Phipps 1856 e. Martin Van Buren Piatt 258 John H. Pierce 1848 c. Edwin M. 1379 Henry A. 218 Henry R* 1850 e. Edward D. 1851 j. c. Henry A. 1852 m. e. George W. 1869 j.c. Granville Pierpont 972 Charles Evelyn* Pierson 1846 e. Nathan R. 1081 Joshua Lothrop Pike 1874 j.s. Albert Pin^ree 1851 m. c. John T. Pinney 1849 e. A. W. 1862 e. DeLos Rensselaer Piper 1846 e. Abel W. Pitkin 1844 e. Horace W. « 1846 c. George W. 1846 c. James R. 1852 m. e. Edward Pixley 186 Stephen Clapp 1849 e. Howard Plant 18 Alfred Piatt 1864 c. John Miller 854 Lucien Tndor 1038 IValfer lircwster 1 182 Lewis Alfred Plattner 18G0 m. e. Samuel Quincey Plotts I 1863 m. c. Peter Bruce Plumb 836 Charles Elijah 1867 e. Fayette Bomaey Polhemus 1869 m. e. Abraham Polk 1853 j. c. George 1867 m. e. James Pollard 1868 m. c. Charles Fred. 1868 j. c. David Nichols PoUey 297 John C. Pollock 1845 c. Joseph B. Pomeroy 1842 e. Edwin 1845 e. Charles 1847 e. Calvin 1847 c. Warren L. 1848 e. David 1848 e, Francis 1383 F. A. 1384 F. H. 1849 e. Thomas C. 1850 e. Luke W. 1850 e. Franklin J. 1851 m. e. Frederick 1851 m. c. John W. 1852 ra. e. Julius C. 1855 j. e. Edward T. 1856 m. e. Franklin J. 1856 m. e. Philo Johnson 1382 Edward DeGraff 1385 Henry Foote 1859 m. c. Theron Lucerne 1860 m. e. Jonathan E. 1862 e. Herbert White Pond 1858 m. e. Henry Lewis B. lHf>4 1. c. Win. Bradford 1867 m. e. Edward C. 956 Lucius Bra4ford Poole 1386 Francis Pope , 686 John Thomas Porter 1842 6. Henry 1&44 e. Jonathan E. 1844 c. Ransom N. 1845 o. George O. 79 William Pitt"* 1387 James 1388 J. D. 1848 c. R. H. 1849 e. J. 360 Edwin L* 546 George William* 879 Harvey 1389 Samuel Dwicht 1872 j.s. Francis Enos 1874 m. 8. William Henry Post 1846 e. John H. 729 Abner Potter 1846 c. Samuel L. 1392 Lyman D. 301 Horace A. ia53 j. c. Crage D, 361 Daniel Tertius 1854 e. Charles H. 1391 Luther Hart 1858 j. c. Henry Seymour 609 Robert Ansel 1859 m. e. Richard Albort 1390 James Henry 1873 e. Frederick Gates Potwin 1872 j. 8. Arthur Edwin Potwine 547 William Seymour Powell 1855 j. c. Charles L. Powers 1845 e. John C. 1847 e. Marvin K. Prall 1869 j. e. Ross Jones Pratt no Henry 1846 e. J. H. 1847 e. Phineas G. 1848 e. George E. 1849 c. George 1852 j. 6. Charles E. 1852 j. e. J. H. 1853 j. e. Charles 1393 Ezra 1855 j. c. Galen Emory 445 William Af.\ 592 Henry Selden 635 A7nasa 636 Howard Ehen* 765 Edwin Clark* 1864 j. c. Henry Miller 880 James Milnor 910 Ixtrenzo Higgins* 985 James Lester 1018 Dwight Mallory Prentice 1853 m. e. As.ahel 1853 m. e. Thomas D. 1856 m. e. George Wallace 1871 m. c. William Albert Preston 1.395 Norman 1860 j. c. Joel Henry 1861 m. e. All»ert Dewey 1394 Lucius Monroe Prime 1872 j. c. Natha'l Scmlder Prior 1862 e. George Henry Proctor 1850 e. Daniel W. Provost 1851 m. e. Andrew J. Proiitv 1849 e. Lewis W. 1851 m. o. John 18.54 j. e. Waldo 1S6I) m. e. Gardner Otis 46 358 ALUMNI RECORDS Prouty 1867 m. e. Jason Wood Pruddens 1852 m. e. Edwin J. Precket 1849 e. J. H. Puffer 1871 j. s. Fred. Arthur Purdy 1867 m. c. Frank Purple 999 Theo.Hetsell 1870 8. William Burton 1872 s. Whitby Foster Putnam 3846 6. H. D. 18i6 c. S. S. 1847 c. Avery D.' 1852 in. e. Wolcutt DeF. 1861 m. c. John 1871 e. Silas Safford Putnev 1396 Louis Vail Pye 1845 c. F. B. Pynclion 1846 c. Lewis 0. Pyne 1160 Moses Taylor 1873 m. c. Percy R. 1866 j. c. James Franklin 1866 m. 6. John Freeman Quigley 1854 m. e. Charles Eainey 1852 j. 6. George Eamsdell 1858 m. e. Amos Mareellus 1869 m. e. Ossian Jabea Rand 1845 e. George W. 687 Stephen Bailey Bandall 1855 m. e. Benj. Wiley 1855 e. Joel Warren 1872 e. George Arthur Rankin 911 Edward Watldnson 1868 j. c. Isaac Ogden 1874 m. 8. John Delos Ranney 152 Timothy P. 1854 m. 6. Oliver K. 823 Darwin Evander 1870 j. s. Waitstell R. Ransom 1866 c. Albert Lemuel 1866 m. e. John Schauffler Ray 1869 j. e. John Joel Raymond 688 Eugene Raymond 855 Samuel Atwater 1872 m. c. Percy Seymour Read 1845 e. Jonathan E. 1854 j. c. Jesse H. 1859, j. c. John Beach 1863 j. c. William Pratt Redington 1000 Lyman William Redman 1854 m. c. Wallace St. C. Reed 1849 e. Henry A. 1851 m. e. Jonathan E. 1853 j. c. George F. 1856 j. c. Beman 1860 m. e. Clinton W. 1861 m. e. Edward John 837 Charles 937 John Harris 1867 m. e. C. Van Allen 1019 Sumner Hayes Remington 1866 j. e. Carver Renshaw 1886 j. e. James Budden Rexford 1857 m. e. Orlo Steuben 1858 j. c. -Calvin Steuben 1861 m. e. Henry Allen Reybold 1868 c. George Wills 1808 m. e. William Eugene Reynolds 433 John Downing 1870 s. William Henry Rhoades 1859 m. c. Daniel Lorah Rice 1845 e. George H. 1846 c. Henry S. 1846 c. James L. 1847 e. Leonard B. 1848 e. Charles B. 250 James C* 1397 W. W. 1852 m. e. Stillman 1860 m. e. Chas. Bingham 1861 m. e. George Dwight 1867 e. Arthur Woods 1869 m. c. Wm. Augustus Rich 1868 e. Tracy Gridley, Jr. Richards 1844 e. Isaac N. 18t9 e. Otis F. 286 John 434 William Austin* 1863 e. Charles Ephraira 1398 Edward Sylvester 912 Benjamin Sheldon 1126 Charles David Richardson 111 Ephraim W. * 1847 e. Edward P. 1865 j. c. Ward Boyleston 1860 m. e. Dwight Sumner Richardson 913 Erank 986 Erving Leander Richmond 766 HWgh Murray 1873 j. c. Henry Leeds 1874 j. c. Arthur Archibald Riddle 1856 e. Frank Woodbury Ring 1845 c. Eleazer, J. Ripley 1844 e. William L. 1846 c. George 1853 j. c. Dwight 1863 e. Edward Everett Rising 637 Franklin Almond Risley 1861 m. e. Amos Elihu 1861 m. e. Elisha Ritter 1858 c. Frederick Daniel Rix 1127 George Edward Robbins 1866 j. e. David Lowrey Robert 548 Charles Smith 549 John Smith Roberts * 1860 m. e. Arthur Ozias 1399 George, Jr. 1874 m. c. Thomas Moore Robinson 1842 c. Robert 1845 e. John H. 1845 e. L. A. S. 1846 e. Henry 1848 e. Albert 219 William C. 1853 j. c. Franklin A. 1854 m, e. Ruf us W. 638 Nathaniel Emmons 1861 m. c. James Adams 1869 e. Edward Leach 1873 m. s. Chas. Augustus Rockwell 1843 c. Columbus C. 83 John T. . 1400 George P. 515 William Henry 1859 m. e. Charles Rodgers 1866 m. e. Thomas Rodman 1872 c. William Dudley Roe 1868 e. Thomas Beach Rogan 325 Ferdinand 362 Daniel Henry Rogers 1844 c, William 1845 e. J. Harrison WILLISTON SEMINARY. 359 "Rogers 1853 j. c. D wight 1859 e. Heury Kollo 1068 Frederick Augustine* Rood 1859 m. e. Charles Dexter Root 38 Augustine 1845 e. James N. 153 Henry D* 18t7 c. Solomon F. 1848 e. Harrison F. 473 Alexander Porter 1858 j. e. Enoch Anson 767 Elilm 891 William Harrison 1866 j. e. James Emerson 1866 ra. c. Ed. Woolsey 1868 e. Edward Lyman 1873 j. c. James Theodore Roper 1S47 e. Charles E. 1847 e. Roswell D. Rosbrook 1873 j. s. Frank Warner Rose 435 Henry 443 Thomas 1863 e. Charles Justus Roseboom 1872 c. Jacob Livingstone Ross 1851 m. e. John Rothwell 1873 j. 8. William Rowe 1844 e. John M. 1845 e. Elihu S. 1847 6. Dexter Rowland 1867 j. e. Wilford George Rowley 1854 m. e. Henry W. Royce 1872 m. 8. George Fay 1872 j. 8. Irah Hayden Ruddock 1009 Edward Josiah Ruggles 1848 c. Henry C. 1848 c. Leander 1850 j. c. Frederick 474 Charles Jirigham Rumsey 689 Richard Laban Runyan 1847 e. Henry Russell 1847 e. John E. 1848 e. Joseph A. 1852 ra. e. Edward W. 1852 j. e. Alden 1853 m. e. John W. 1853 m. 0. llobert Russell 1854 j. c. Parley A. 18r>4 j. c. Lowell S. 1859 m. e. Warren Beaman 1860 m. e. Frank West 1862 m. c. Austin Nash 1870 ra. 8. Edgar Francis 856 George Albert 1870 e. lienry David Rust 1403 Fordyce A. 1402 Daniel W.* 1401 Charles Spencer 1856 j. c. Benjamin Wait 1800 m. e. Theodore Smith 1860 m. e. Charles Hunt 938 Schuyler Stott Ryan 1849 c. Stanmore B. Ryther 1197 George Bolton Sabin 220 Henry M. 1865 j.c. Wallace Edgar 1866 j. e. J. Hoyt Saflf;>rd 1842 c. S. Satterlee Sage 1844 e. Byron 1845 c. Cyrus H. 1867 m. e. WilUam F. 1873 ra. 8. Warren 1198 Edtoard Eugene Salisbury 1861 j. c. William Randall Salmon 1865 e. Pomeroy Lyman Saltraarsh 1856 e. John Sanborne 187 George E. Sanderson 1859 e. Horace Graves 1863 e. Peter Myron 957 Albert Ely 1020 Herbert Henry Sandtbrd 1854 m. e. HarUn P. Sandys 287 Edwin F. Sanford 1846 c. David B. 112 John Elliot 1849 e. George A. 1849 e. Nelson D. 259 Edward, Jr. 1150 Frederick livfua Sanger 1854 j. c. William H. Sawyer 1853 m. e. Lorenzo 1854 c. Jolm H. 18.W j. c. William Henry 18.")7 m. e. Christopher 1857 m. e. Sereno 1864 e. Ahner Washington 892 George Sawyer 1450 Frank Ezra' 914 Ht'urii Hove If 1069 William Brewster Say 1 68 ]'848 e. George W. I860 c. William Randall 1001 Leroy Augustus Scarritt 1872 0. Charles Hale Sclmll 1857 m. e. John Calvin Schenck 1867 j. e. Unico W. H. Schermerhora 857 Jacob Alaus 1873 m. c. James Randall Scbneider 1860 j. c. William Tyler Scbroeder 1865 m. e. Henry Schuster 1872 6. Henry Scott 1844 c. David B. . 1846 e. Rufus P. 1847 e. Israel 1853 j. c. Wintield 1855 e. Aaron 1858 j. c. Rufus Leonard 1860 c. George Hale 1860 j. c. John James 1864 e. Walter John 1871 j. 8. George Theodoro Scoville 1845 c. George W. 1847 e. Samuel D. 1848 e. John 1851 m. e. George E. 650 Natfianiel Curtis Scran ton 1860 m. c. William Ttowd Searl 1853 j. e. Jared P. 1857 c. Ichabod Howe 1857 m. e. Vinson Clark Searle 338 Albert D. 1852 m. e. Enos T. 1855 1. e. Edwarti Payson 479 Myron Edicartls 1857 m. c. Alvan Clapp 1861 m. e. Henry Clark 1861 m. e. Reuben S. 745 Oscar /•Yancis 1866 j. c. Lymau >Vliite Searls IMS e. Luther B. 1845 e. William R. Sears 1843 e. E4lmund 1850 e. Edwin 1850 e. Samuel 1404 Richard W. 475 Lorenzo 1868 m. e. Sylvester L. 1873 j. B. Samuel Herbert 36o ALUMNI RECORDS Seeley 1868 j. e. George Bostwick Seely 1855 j. c. Aaron Cooke Seelye 1859 j. e. Edgar 1854 j. c. Anson G. P. Selden 154 Claudius B* 1872 m. s. Henry Hezekiah Sellew 1846 e. Wells H. Sergeant 987 John Albert Sessions 221 Oilman L. Severance 1848 c. Martin J. Sewall 1861 j. c. Somers Seward 1855 e. Ogden T. Sewell 1846 c. Charles E. Sexton 1855 j. c. William Oliver Seya 1873 e. Kojiro Seymour 1846 e. Samuel 1861 j.c. Hudson McLane 1865 m. e. Henry Albert 1070 William Wotkyns 1183 Alfred Wotkyns Sharp 392 Charles H. 690 John Sharpe 1869 m. e. Alfred G. Shattuck 1405 John Waldo Shaw 1842 c. George H. 1848 c. Watson D. 1850 e. Webster 1853 m. e. George S. 1854 m. e. James B. 18t;5 j. e, Charles 1866 m. e. John Thaxter 915 David Augustus Shea 1866 m. e. Charles 1866 m. 6. John Shearer 1865 j. c. Joel Sellers 1870 8. William Leonard Sheffield 1849 c. Simon Shelden 1847 6. George B. Sheldon 1853 m. e. Allen J. 1407 Charles O. 1862 e. Alfred Gad 1868 j. c. Jesse Harding Shepard 1845 e. Amos C. 1853 m. e. George 1021 Thomas Rochester 1872 j. c. Omer Holbrook Sherman 1846 e. Ezra H. 1408 Thomas F. 1849 e. William H. 1406 Samuel 1867 m. c. Frank 1869 m. e. Edward Crosby Sherrill 1869 e. Henry William Shipman 1844 e. James D. 1854 j. e. John Shoals 1843 e. Lewis F. 1409 George P. 1873 e. George Horatio Shuey 1861 m. e. William Henry Shumway 1206 Edgar Solomon ShurtlifF 251 Williams. Sibley 691 Simon Waldo 1410 Lorenzo Dow Sigourney 1866 j. e. Albert Marshall Silliman 1113 Frederick William Simmons 730 William Cowper Simons 1849 e. J.Milton 1010 WiUiam Cicero Simonson 1850 j. c. I. J. Simpkins 1854 m. e. George W. Simpson 1864 e. Albert 1869 e. Alfred Holden 1872 m. s. John Frederick 1873 m. c. James Greeley Sinnet 1846 e. William Sisson 1849 e. James C. Skeele 1851 m. e. Henry E. Skelding 1856 m. c. Thomas Skiff 1862 j. c. Mason Massasoit Skiff 1864 c. Valentine Henry Skinner 1851 j. c. William White 436 FAliot Palmer 437 Henry Clay* 1855 m. e. Artemas Howe 1859 m.e. Chas. Augustine 1184 William Cobbitt Slocum 1857 j.c. Philo Mills 1865 j. e. Geo. Wellington 1865 "m. e. Henry Albert 1866 m. e. Albert Smead 1846 e. J. F. 1851 j. c. Elihu 1852 m. e. George L. 1871 e. Jesse Henry Smith 1842 e. Franklin A. 24 Henry W. 1842 e. James H. 1842 e. Joseph A. 1413 Morris W. 1843 e. Henry 1843 e. J. Richardson 1843 e. Richard 1844 e. Edmund B. 1412 Frederick S. 1411 George C. 1844 e. John W. 1844 e. Pliny 1845 e. Edward 1845 e. Elihu 1845 e. Nathaniel A. 1845 e. William H. 1845 e. George 1846 e. Austin R. 114 Barker F* 113 David P. 1846 c. Eli W. 1846 e. Hervey J. 135 Samuel D. 1846 e. Orasmus D. 1847 e. Freeman A. 1847 e. Henry 1847 e. Henry M. 155 Horace M. 156 Joel S. 157 Justus, Jr. 1847 c. Samuel 1848 e. J.M. 1848 e. Charles W. 188 Azariah 1849 e. Byi-on E. 1849 c. Charles S. 1849 e. Plenry 1849 e. Jonathan?. 222 Nathan F. 1850 e. Ambrose O. 1850 e. Hiram M. 252 John M. 1850 e. Lewis 1850 j. c. Sereno 1850 j. c. Sylvester B. 1850 j. c. Webster 1851*m. e. Augustus W. 1851 j. c. Horace W. 1851 m. e. James G. 1851 m. e. Wayland 1852 m. e. Edward 260 Henry M. 326 Edward P. WILLISTON SEMINARY. ^6 1 Smith 344 Carlos 1852 e. Francis 1852 i. e. George 1852 J. c. George W. 327 John W. 1852 m. e. Morgan 1853 m. e. Albert 1853 m, c. George B. 1853 m. e. Kufiis 303 William Judson* 1854 m. e. George 450 Henry H. 1854 m. e. Thaddeus F. 1854 m. e. William 1854 m. c. William D. 1855 m. e. Clarkson 438 Judson 451 Lyman Montague 1856 j.c. Horace 1856 e. Levi Heber 1856 j. c. Livingston Wait 1857 m. c. Asa Welch 1857 m. e. Geo. Berkeley 527 Jacob Augustus* 605 Benjamin Milton* 1858 m. e. Geo. Alphonso 1859 m. e. Henry E. 639 Henry Lyle 692 Charles lienry 1861 j. c. Charles Mather 709 Horace Vaughn 1861 m. e. Rufus Clark 693 Thomas Stanley 731 Benjamin 732 Herbert Edward 1862 j. c. Joseph 1864 e. Edward Warner 1864 e. Edwin Clapp 1866 ra. e. Joseph Richard 916 Philip Case 1867 m. e. Charles Elmer 1867 ra, e. Daniel Porter 1867 j. c. Henry Hill 1867 j. c. William HaUock 1869 j. c. Edgar Todd 1870 m. s. Arthur 1870 s. Charles Howland 1870 m. 8. Charles Kibbe 1871 j. 8. Charles Moses 1873 m. 8. Walter Harry 1185 George Joseph Snead 1844 c. William A. Snell 476 Munroe 1860 j. e. Thos. Thornton 1861 c. James Thornton Snelling 1848 c. Charles G. Snow 1845 6. William N. 1849 e. Lucius A. 288 Cyrus A. 1853 j. c. Edwin S. 1853 m. e. Robert M. 733 Lewis Eben 1862 j. c. William Henry 1071 Frederick Elkanah Snyder 1854 j.c. J.H. 1868 c. Simon Bolivar Soper 1857 m. 6. William Sonth worth 1854 j.c. Horatio W. Spaldingr 439 William Dixon 516 James Field 1871 m. 8. Frederick P. Spang 1853 m. e. Jacob K. 1858 e. Frederick K. Sparks 1866 m. e. George Thomas Spaulding 1867 m. c. Timothy G. 1022 Wayland Spear 1846 e. J. 694 Asa Adams 1865 j. e. George Peter Spellman 768 Charles Clark Spencer 40 Samuel S. 39 John L* 1845 e. JohnM. 1848 e. Horatio G. 1851 j. c. Frederick A. 1859 m. c. Alanson 893 Georqe Stacy 1869 j. c. WiUiam Seymour Sperry 917 Watson Robertson Spofford 1843 c. Ainswoith Spooner 1850 j. c. Joseph 1857 m, e. Charles W. 1864 e. William Sylvester 1873 j. 8. Arthur Willis Sprague 1845 e. John F. 115 Joseph H. (140 Edward Pay son 1874 e. George Asa Spring 1851 m. c. Andrew J. Sproat 918 Thomas Campbell Squire 1857 j. e. Lyman Frisbie Stafford 1846 e. Franklin 1846 c. G. P. 1860 m. e. Armaud Stanley 1847 c. Walter H. 1416 Theodore A.» 1417 Walter H. 1859 m. e. Henry Dwight 1859m. e. Mortimer Henrj' 1414 Frank Wadsworth 1415 John Pembroke 1873 m. 8. Charles Brown Stanton 881 John Oilman 1039 John Billings Starin 734 Henry Gaylord Stark 1850 m. c. George W. Starkweather 1857 m. e. Jacob Flint Starr 477 Pierre Sythoff 1870 8. Chandler, Jr. Starrett 1850 j. c. Thomas B. 1851 m. e. George B. Stearns 1860 j. c. Theodore R. 18GI m. c. Newton 1866 j. c. Eustace H. 1870 m. c. Winfred Alden Stebbins 1842 e. Christopher A. 1842 e. Evander G. 1842 c. John M. 1842 e. Lovell 158 Milan C. 1847 e. Edward W. 1849 e. Francis W, 1849 e. Frederick F. 1851 m. e. Oramel G. 1854 m. e. Edmund 551 Calvin, Jr. 1864 m. c. John Ashmun Stephens 593 Bobert 1861 j. c. Stephen Dover 1868 m. e. Charles Frank Sterling 652 Francis Norton* 894 Edward Bray ton Stevens 1845 e. Charles 1849 e. Frederick P. 364 Homer B. 1857 m. e. Horace Hiram 1861 m. c. William Henry 1867 m. c. Robert Merwin 1871 j. 8. Fred. Beckwith 1199 Charles Elton Stevenson 1842 e. Ell 958 Charles Hal lock Stewart 1870 j. s. William Barker Stick ney 2()6 Horatio G. 1863 e. Frank Henrv 1865 i. e. Frank Hafi 1868 j. e. John Henry Stiles 919 Charles Spellman i 973 Bobert Btttoni 1872 m. 8. George Nichols I Stillman 1846 c. D. E. Stockbridge I 695 Sylveattr 362 ALUMNI RECORDS Stockbridge 1151 Henry, Jr. Stocking 1861 m. c. William 1867 ra. c. Wm. Kedfteld 1868 j. c. Ezra Gilbert Stockwell 1842 e. Frederick Stone 1852 m. 6. Mason A. 1854 m. c. George M. 517 Edward Collins 1861 j. c. William Bidney 1862 e. Fred. Partridge 1861 j. c, Harlan Page 1865 j. c. Cliarles Luke 1872 m. c. George Fisher 1152 Dexter Lyman Storrs 223 Richard S. 594 Charles Lysander 641 Henni Edward 1448 William Henry Stoughton 1852 m. e. Elias C. 1859 m, e. Justin Oliver 1864 e. Edward Payson 1866 m. e. Cliarles 11. 1870 c. Henry Timotliy 1874 m. s. Wm. Canning Stowe 1854 m. e. William L. Stowell 1843 e. Samuel S. 1850 e. George H. 1854 m. e. Dvvight W. 1860 m. e. Francis Albert Stowers 1418 Mon-is Edwards Strain 1870 j. s. Robert Strang 1872 m. 8. Ira Daniel Strangford 1419 Alexander Stratton 1845 c. Eben E. Strand 1857 j. c. Charles Erwin Street 1847 e. Austin B. 452 Charles C. 1857 j. e. George D wight 1858 j.e. Albert Favette 1858 m. e. William W. Streeter 858 Harry William Strickland 328 William P. 1855 m. e. James V. R. Strong 23 Charles L. 1845 c. James C. 1849 e. Medad 298 George C* 1857 j. c. William VirgU Strong 1859 m. e. Alexander H. 1863 e. Charles Henry 1866 m. e. Charles, Jr. 1867 e. Cyrus, Jr. 988 Charles Bentley 1114 William Thaddeus 1161 Theodore Chester Stuart 989 Charles Benedict 1870 s. William Studley 1853 m. 6. Eezkiel R. Sturges 1846 e. Shelton Sturgiss 1865 m. c. Frank Abbott Stursberg 1200 Frederick Sturtevant 1859 j. c. Edgar Sumner 1850 e. S. L. 553 Charles Burt 1860 m. c. George Gleason Sweet 1847 e. Sullivan, Jr. Sweetser 1846 e. George D. 1846 e. William 1850 e. William G. 365 John Howard 554 Cliarles Humphrey* Swift 1420 Samuel 1128 Thomas James Swinton 1853 j. c. John Sykes 1854 j.c. LeverettF. 1858 m. e. Henry Martyn Taft 1843 e. H. Dexter 1845 c. Yelorus 1847 c. John J. 1850 e. Edward P. 393 Edward M* 735 Robert Lovett 1864 e. Herbert Luke Taintor 1874 j. s. Frederick Talbot 711 Henry Laurens Talcott 1842 c. William F. 1845 e. Caleb N. 1849 e. Elisha E. 289 George* 1853 j. c. William A. 1853 m. e. Hart 1853 m. e. James 1864 j. c. Adrian Ronald 965 Frederic 1871 j. s. Morris Hathaway 1874 m. c. John Croswell Tallmadge 1864 j. c. William Henry Tallman 769 James Hazelton Tansley 1862 j. c. John Oscroft Tapley 1845 e. Charles E. Taylor 1842 e. Edwin J. 1844 e. John B. 53 Varnum A^. 1845 e. Horace C. 1845 e. Hollis 1845 e. Amos A. 80 John B. 1845 e. Frederick 1845 e. Hiram 1846 e. Kirk W. 1846 e. John H. 159 William 31* 1847 e. Charles L. 1847 e. Horace P. 1438 Zebulon B. 1850 e. Albert 1851 m. e. Theodore E. 1851 m. c. Horace C. 1854 m, c. John H. 1854 c. James F. 1854 m. e. Daniel E. 1854 m. e. Benjamin, Jr. 440 Alfred Judd 1855 m. e. Henry M. 1855 m. e. William S. 483 William Grosvenor 1857 e. Charles Lyman 1857 j. c. Levi Bntdford 1860 m. e. Henry Edwards 696 Joseph Knight* 1861 m. c. Edward Ruthven 1862 e. Franklin Clark 1804 e. Frank Elihu 1865 j. e. John Emerson 1866 m. e. John George 1072 William Reuben 1873 j. c. George Harper 1186 William Henry Teffl 1844 e. Alfred B. Temple 1844 c. Jonathan 1849 e. Charles M. 1857 m. e. Francis William Tenney 160 F. A* Terrill 796 Frederick Miles Terry 1845 e. Lucius H. 1856 j. c. Milton Graham 1857 j. c. Eli 1857 j. c. Edwin 1857 j. c. Henry Kingsbury 1857 j.e. Solon Mark 595 Dwight Harrington 1421 Stephen Thayer 1844 e. Austin E. 1844 e. Benjamin C. 116 Benjamin E. WILLISTON SEMINARY. 3^3 Thayer 1849 e. Washington I. 1857 j. e. George 1861 m. e. John Newton 859 Adelbert Phineas 1864 e. Frederick William 1872 m. c. Frank Putnam 1872 j. c. Charles Latimer Thomas 1848 c. James S. 1853 j. c. Granville S. 1855 i. c. George Noble 596 Heth Edioard 770 Moses Jiross 1867 m. e. Chauncey, Jr. 1871 m. s. William Burr Thompson 1843 e. James 1846 c. Charles F. 117 John H. 1846 e. Lorenzo 1847 e. DeWitt 0. 1847 e. F. A. 1849 e. E. G. 1852 m.e. Charles E. 1852 m. e. Francis M. 401 James M. 1854 m. e. John G. 1854 m. e. John W. 1854 m. e. Sylvanus 1856 m. e. Howard 518 Nathan 1858 m. e. John Chenery 697 John Laiorence* 771 Andrew 1863 m. c. Chas, Hutchison 1865 j. e. Chas. Hamilton 1865 j..e. Edward Payson Thomson 1852 m. e. George F. 1867 m. e. Edward B. Thorp 1854J. e. Joseph E. Thorpe 1857 m. e. Edward Richard 1857 m. e. James A., Jr. Thresher 1011 John Seaman Thurston 41 Asa G* 698 Philander Tibhits 642 John Arnold Ticknor 1853 m. e. Walter TJ. Tiffany 1860 j. c. John Crane 1873 e. Albert Hill Tileston 1842 e. Henry L. 1859 j.c. Frederick Lyman Tilton 1848 e. Chauncey B. 736 George Francis* 882 George Henry Tinker 1845 e. A. Seymour 366 Joseph E. Tirrell 1858 m. e. Charles Shaw Tisdale 1849 c. Thomas Q. Tod 1868 m. e. James Steward 1040 John Kennedy Todd 1859 j. e. Albert Frederick 1859 m. e. Gilbert Horton 1866 m. c. William P. M. 920 Alvin Ethertxm 1873 j. 8. Edward, Jr. Tolman 1845 e. Joseph Tomlinson 1865 j. c. David H. Tompkins 1874 m. 8. Wm. States D. Tooley 1855 m. e. Luclen S. Topi iff 1842 e. John 1852 m. e. Isaac N. Torrance 1847 c. Dwight Torrey 1854 "m. e, Edward P. 1857 j. c. Charles Henry 797 Henry Fuller Tower 1847 c. GeoigeB.N. 1809 m. e. Wm. Stafford Towere 1853 m. ie. Thomas M. Townsend 699 FYank Evans 1073 Pobert Donaldson Tracey 1861 m. e. Alvin Talcott Tracy 1857 m. e. John Nichols 1871 j. 0. Frank Eugene 1452 Frank Broadhead Train 224 Abner Leavenworth Traver 329 Edmund L. Tremain 1873 j.s. William Henry Trott 990 James Parhhurst Trow 883 Cornelius Gilman Troxell 1868 m. 0. Edgar R. Trnelock 1860 m. e. Joseph Burton Trumbull 42 Henry Clay 81 Edwin B. I Tryon j 1805 J. e. Frederick Lewis ! Tsanoff I 1870 m. 8. Andrew Stoyn Tucker 43 Samuel B. 1845 e. James C. 1846 e. George 1860 j. c. Fellowes Dixon Tufts 555 George Keys Tupper 118 henry Martyn Turner 1846 e. Wmiam H. Tuthill 924 Harlan Page Tuttle 1848 e. Thomas 1853 m.e, Horatio 18.54 j. c. Lemuel 1855 j. c. Morris 1870 8. Arthur Cheney 1871 j. 8. Oawin Hinckley 1872 e. Merritt Hoffman Twichell 1866 j. c. Emmons Wright Twining a30 ArtMir H* 1857 m. e. Homer P. 1857 m. e. Lewis Talcot 1874 m. 8. Edson P. Twitchell 1870 8. Frederick Fulton Tyler 1847 e. Charles N. 1847 e. J. P. 1848 e. Henry E. 1849 e. Evarts C. 1851 m. e. Junius 519 John Curtis 556 Mason Whiting 643 William Wtllington 700 Henn/ .^father 772 Arthur Wellinqton 1865 j. e. Henry William 884 Morgan Carpenter 991 John Mason Ufford 1846 e. Edward W. 1851 m.e. Joseph L. 1854 m. e. John A. mine 1848 e. Oscar Ulrich 18.53 m. e. William H. 1870 e. George Bowman 1871 m. c. Alex. Neubitt Underbill 1866 j. c. Henry Beers, Jr. Underwood 773 Willinm Allen 18<*4 e. George Lvinan 800 Charles Mitchell 1867 j. c. Cliarles Finney 3^4 ALUMNI RECORDS Upham 253 Nathan 974 Addison Sawyer Upson 1422 Enestus 1855 j. e. Orrin 1864 e. Charles Henry 1874 j. s. James Edward Upton 119 Joseph W. Urner 1115 Louis Grube Usher 1423 Kobert Cleaveland 1864 e. Arthur Patterson 1872 j. c. Sam'l Chambers Utley 1858 m. e. James 710 Samuel 1865 e. Charles Horace Vail 1857 m. e. Charles Henry Vaille 1852 .i. c. Herbert P. 921 Thomas Pitman 1023 Frederick Ozni Valentine 1846 e. Henry C. 1847 e. Lawpon 1854 m. e. Chaiies E. Vallarino 1859 j. c. Bernard Van Cott 1865 c. D. T. MacFarland Van Deusen 1847 e. Alonzo 959 Frederick French V^n Hoesen 1446 Edmund French Van Ness 1846 c. Ralph Granger Van Ostrand 1866 c. William Haines Van Santv'^oord 1859 m. e. Abraham Van Schaick 701 John Vant 1861 ra. e. Dexter P. Van Va! ken burgh 1873 c. Philip Van Valzah 1866 ni. e. John Foster 992 Henry Burton Van Winkle 1867 m. c. Theodore Van Wyck 394 Abraham J. 1854 e. Richard T. 1870 j. c. Edmund Varney 1854 m. e, Qamwell Vermilye 1867 j. e. Thomas Edward Vernon 1845 c. Edward H. Viets 1844 c. James E. Vincent 1847 e. Lyman Vinton 1850 m. c. Joseph Vofjel 1855 j. c. Theodore K. Vose 225 George D. 411 George Franklin* Wade 1845 e. Henry A. 1851 ra. e. Lewis 0. 1869 e. Edward Thomas 1872 m. s. Charles Herford Wadsworth 1846 e. Walter 1847 c. Philip 1853 j. e. Charles 1857 e. George Francis 1871 m. c. Thos. Seymour Wait 1847 e. Samuel G. 1854 e. Benjamin A. Waite 1844 e. James O. 226 Richard 1850 e. Henry 1852 m. c. Norman 1424 George White 557 Henry Selden 442 Lewis Parsons* 1860 m. c. Marvin 1863 e. Charles Albert 838 Edward Tinker 1865 j. e. Edward James 1868 m. e. Charles Burritt Walbridge 1871 e. William Gedney Walcott 1864 j. c. Edwin Herbert 1864 e. George Henry 1871 e. Frederick Melvin Walker 1847 c. Samuel Mills 227 Charles, Jr. 367 Matthev) 1854 m. e. Theodore L, 1856 m, c. Jarvis Cochrane 1858 j. c. Henry Josiah 1863 c. William Henry 939 Clarence Harvey 1867 m. e. Frederick E. Wallace 1850 e. C. S. 290 Aloan Walton 1074 George Lincoln Ward 558 John Abbott* 895 William Shaio 1866 j. c. George Lester Ward well 1425 Nathaniel Phillips Ware 1843 e. Austin 1849 c. R. W. 1852 m. e. Reuben N. 1852 m. e. William S. 1852 m. e. George D. Warfield 120 Lawson* 1848 e. Lyman Warner 1845 e. James 1845 e. Richard 1846 e. John F. 1846 c. James E. 1847 e. George W. 161 J. Clark* 368 George 1853 m. e. William W. 1854 j.c. Sterling A. 1856 m. e. William Henry 1859 j. e. William 702 Sterling Hadley 737 Albert 738 Almon Mitchell 739 William Webster 1866 j.e. William Park 922 Frank 1867 j. c. James Dickinson 1012 Luther Joseph 993 Edivard Pay son 1870 m. s. William Austin 1872 c. Frank Pierce Warren 1851 m, e. R. Marcellus 1858 m. e. Berliner 645 Henry Waterman 644 Lyman Hamilton* 1865 j. c. Joseph W. Warriner 44 H. By land* Washburn 45 John H. 1845 e. George L. 162 William P. 1861 j. c. Monroe Bliss 1024 William Nelson 1870 j. c. George Sweetser* 1116 William Ives Waterman 1872 m. s. Herbert Waters 1858 m. e. Daniel Austin 1867 m. c. Ruesell Judson Watkins 1814 e. Horatio N. 1874 j. s. James Young Watson 1850 e. F. 291 William H. 646 Benaiah 710 Robert Young 1863 c. John Butcher Way 1858 m. e. James Allen 1870 s. Francis Wead 1872 j, s. Charles Minor Webb 1856 j. c. Charles Hall 1873 j. 8. Charles Jehial WILLISTON SEMINARY. 36s Webber 1868 m. e. Frank William Weber 1042 George Adam 1011 John Charles Webster 1846 c. William Eugene 1846 6. Henry Stuart 1860 m. e. William Lusk 1873 8. William, Weed 1854 3. c. Edwin A. 1865 j. e. Isaac Downer Weeks 1852 m. c. Austin Theo. 18G6 j. e. Hiram William 1117 Frederick Dalano 1873 m. c. John Abell Welch 1857 m. e. James Hart Weld ■ 163 Mason ('. Welles 1842 e. G. L. 164 Boger, Jr. 818 Thomas Clayton Wellington 1444 Charles Wells 1843 e. William J. 1426 David F. 1847 c. Luther 1848 c. Curtis B. . 1427 Otis C. 18.50 e. P. M. 1852 j.c. S.Ferry 395 Gideon 1855 m. e. Charles Thomas 1857 m. c. Daniel French 1857 m. c. Henry P. 597 Eugene 18.58 m. e. George C. 1858 m. e. George Merrill 18G3 e. Dwight Clark 18G3 c. John Lester 1872 j. s. Caleb Harrison Wesson 1043 Walter Herbert 1158 Frank Luther West .520 Charles Edioln 861 John Kingsbury 1863 e. Robert Frank Weston 1848 e. Byron C, 1848 e. G. M. 1855 j. c. David H. 1118 James Douglass 1201 Miles Isaiah Wetherell 1843 c. Sylvester J. 1874 j. s. Arthur Bryant j Whalen ' 1851 m. e. Lee Wlialen 1852 m. e. Seth, Jr. 1852 m. e. Hugh Wheaton 1861 j. c. Labau M. 47 Wheeler 1844 e Elijahs. 1846 c. HeuryD. 1846 c. Russell L. 1847 c. Charles A. 1848 e. John 184!) e. Merrill 1852 3. c. Edward < : . 1852 e. Edward 1858 m. c. William 1153 Frederick Grid leg Wheeloek 18G4 e. Eugene Augustus 18G7m. e. William H. 1202 Augustus iJomning Whigara 1854 j.c. David P. Whipple 1846 e. George A. 1846 e. J. Francis 189 AUlen B. 1848 e. Alexander B. 703 Willis* Whitaker 1852 m. e. John H. 18.37 c. Ezra James Whitconib 1857 m. e. Baxter Greene 1874 j. 8. Henry Lincoln White 1814 c. Hiram B. 1844 e. Joseph H. 1844 e. Douglas 1428 James C. 1846 e. William A. 165 James 1847 e. Henry K. 1847 c. John L. 1847. e. George 1848 c. Jonathan J. 1848 e. Moses W. 1851 m. e. Rodolphus A, 1852 m. c. John Payson 369 Charles, Jr. 405 Jonathan H. 18.53 m. c. John P. P. 1857 m. e. William E. 1858 m. o. Samuel Brooks 1860 j. c. Isjiac Davis 1861 m. c. Luther 1861 m. e. Henrv Carson 1868 j. e. Frederick A. 1868 m. e. Austin Henry 18G9 m. c. Willard Minor 1872 e. William John 1129 Edward Luther 1873 m. s. Chauiicey H. 1874 e. Percival Waylaud Whiteliead 1870 s. William McCluro 1151 John Meek Whiteside 1846 e. Alexander 1870 8. Frank Whitin 621 Edward 559 William Halliday 647 Lewis Frederick «G3 Arthur Fletcfier 1867 m. c. George Milnor 1203 Marston George Whiting 1845 c. Auren W. Whiting 1846 0. Charles B. 1849 c. Pliny F. 648 Nexcton Francis Whitman 1844 c. Samuel. Jr. 1849 c. John 1849 c. Joseph H. 1850 e. Marcus 1851 m. e. Olney A . Whitmarsh 1429 Bela Thaxter Whitmore 1849 6. O. H. Whitney 1843 c. Isaac 121 Emerson C* 166 Edward P. 1848 c. William N. 1848 6. Charles H. 1853 m. e. Charles A. 1853 j. e. John N. 1853 j. e. George A. 598 Henry Mitchell .599 William Collins 602 Henry Melville 1868 m. o. Charles Edward Whittaker 1865 j. e. Wm. Augustine Whittemore 1848 c. Franklin J. 1025 Arthur Dexter Whittlesey 1871 m. s. Lyman Walter 1872 8. Elisha Grant Wiard 819 Martin Seth Wickes 600 Edioard Allen Wight 16 Lyman L. 1873 j. c. Charles Albert Wilbor 1044 Thomas Whiteside Wilbur 1847 6. E. J. Wilcox 1845 e. William J. 1845 e. William L. 1816 c. George F. 1847 e. Stephen J. 1850 e. Sanmel J, 1852 m. o. William S. 370 Lemuel T. 1855 m. e. Frederick B. 1857 j. c. Edward Kirk 1859 j.e. Marcellus Bribtol 940 William Bartletf 1867 m. e. Frauk Philip Wilder 1817 c. David P. 1817 e. George S. 18-19 c. Salem 1861 j. c. Henry Clay 18.51 m. e. William W. 1851 j. c. Warren Wilkins 1430 James W. 1848 e. William W. 366 ALUMNI RECORDS. Wilkins 1851 j c. Jesse A. Wilkinson 292 William R. 331 A. George 1859 m. c. George Edwin Willard 1860 m, e. Charles Levi 1866 j. e. William Lester 1872 e. Leonard Wilcox Willey 371 Nathan Williams 1842 e. George A. 1843 e. Enos 1845 e. John F. 1846 c. Philo J. 1846 e. George L. 1846 e. C. W. 1846 e. Henry E. 1848 c. RufusR. 1849 c. Fordyce 1850 j. c. Lewis 1850 e. Blewett 1851 m. e. Henry F. 332 Francis S. 1852 j. e. Chester 372 Hmoard C. 446 Franldin Henry 1855 j. e. William F. 1856 e. Charles Howard 1859 m. e. Pearl 649 Moseley Hoolcer 820 Edv)ard Francis* 1867 j. e. Charles Fred. 1869 m. e. Arthur Henry 1053 Luther Eui/ene 1870 j. s. Charles Merriam 1871m. s. WarehamH. 1871 j. c. Griffith Thomas 1872 m. s. Hubert 1874 m. s. Henry Albert Willis 1851 m. e, Henry F. Williston 122 Lyman Richards 339 A. Lyman 1856 j. e. Robert Risk Wilmot 1865 c. Thomas Morgan Wilson 1846 e. Henry C. 123 J. O. 254 Joseph W. 1853 m. c. James B. 1859 j. c. Ezra Dow 1864 j. c. Frank Lyman 1864 j. c. Henry Jacob • 1864 6. Edward Horatio 1864 e. Tiernan 1865 j. e. Homer 1866 j. c. John Foster 1866 j. e. Horatio Maine 1807 in. e. Clark Hamilton 1874 e. Daniel Long Wiltberger 1847 e. Charles H. Winch 1852 e. Calvin M. Winchell 1845 6. Edwin H. 1867 j. e. Henry Chauncey Wines 885 Walter Boioen Wing 1843 e. Francis W. 1437 Lucius B. 1864 e. Henry Taft Wingate 1874 e. Charles Thomas Winslow 1847 e. Asa B. 1848 e. Henry Lyman 1856 m. c. William Cutler 886 Edioard Clark Winters 1846 e. Charles Winton' 522 Aretus Heermans 1866 m. e. Byron Manning Wisner 1845 c. Henry 1846 e. John N. 1870 e. Albert John Wis wall 1858 m. c. Wm. McAlpine Witherell 1859 m. e. Alphonso Withey 1431 Lewis Hinsdale Witt 1848 e. Hollis D. 1432 Edmund D. Wolcott 1845 e. Orlo 255 John M. 1868 m. e. Oliver Wood 1433 Enoch 1434 Ezekiel E. 1847 e. Nelson 1848 c. E. W. 1848 e. James B. 1436 Newton 1851 j. c. Walter Hastings 1853 ni. e. Thomas 1435 Spencer Chapin 18G1 j. c. Lawson Dwight 1863 j. c. William Henry Woodbridge 1846 e. Edward A. 1846 e. Joseph 1847 e. J. S. Woodbury 104G Rufus Putnam 1045 Frank Huntington 1187 Charles Kemb/e Woodford 124 Oswell Lanqdon* 1847 e. Nelson A. 1861 m. c. Clayton 1866 j. e. Edgar ICellogg 1866 j. e. Edwin Holley 1868 m. e. Charles Howard 1868 m. e. William Wesley Woodhull 1869 m. e. Leonard Nath'l Woodruff 1846 c. William R. 1846 c. Henry E. Woodruff 1854 m. c. Albert C. 1854.i. e.JlenryS. 1859 j.c. William Thomas 1860 m. e. James Edgar 704 Henry Collins Woods 1847 c. Isaac F. 1851 m. c. Samuel F. Wood vine 1856 j, c. Denton George Woolse}'- 1856 e.' Theodore Bailey 1860 m. c. William Walton Worcester 345 Leigh R. Wordin 1188 Thomas Cook Works 1855 m. e. Henry Clay Wortliington 1859 m. c. Amos Edward 1866 m. e. Caspar W. P. Wotton 1874 j. s. Frederick Henry Wright 1842 c. Charles C. 1843 e. Lewis 1845 c. M. L. 1818 c. Chauncey 1848 e. Luther A. 1849 e. George L. 1851 m. e. Charles 1851 m. e. Na.than 396 Fbenezer 1856 m. c. Silas Pratt, Jr. 1859 m. c. James Joseph 1859 m. e. Frank 661 Luther Lyman 660 Arthur Chiton* 653 Watson Hezekiah 1860 m. e. Silas Monroe 1862 e. Luther Clark 1862 e. George Lewis 1863 e. George Lord 1864 m. c. Williston S. 1865 m. e. John Henry 1867 c. Edioard Asahel Wyckoff 1850 e. J. B. Wynans 1867 m. e. Wm. Francis Yardley 1865 j.c. William Buck Yates 1865 j. c. Edward Yerkes 1856 j.e. Stephen 741 Harman 1863 m. c. Joseph Ball Young 1852 m. e. Samuel 1859 m. e. Erastus 1860 m. e. David 1861 j. c. Smith Paine 862 John 1867 m. e. Sylvester Youngs 1849 6. Thomas UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY