ON A FRESH REVISION OF THE ENGLISH NEW TESTAMENT. ON A FRESH REVISION OF THE ENGLISH NEW TESTAMENT BY THE LATE JOSEPH BARBER LIGHTFOOT, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D., LORD BISHOP OF DURHAM REPRINTED WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPENDIX ON THE LAST PETITION OF THE LORD'S PRAYER PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE LIGHTFOOT FUND Uon&on MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1891 All Rights reserved First Edition 1871 Second Edition 1872 Third Edition 1891 CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY c. j. CLAY, M.A. AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. B-S 25/7 L 5-3 i *?/ PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. TOURING the last summer, immediately before "-^ the Company appointed for the Revision of the English New Testament held its first sitting, I was invited to read a paper on the subject before a Clerical meeting. Finding that I had already written more than I could venture to read even to a very patient and considerate audience, and receiving a request from my hearers at the conclusion that the paper should be printed, I determined to revise the whole and make additions to it before publication. The result is the present volume. Owing to various interruptions its appearance has been delayed much longer than I had anticipated. This statement of facts was perhaps needed to justify the appearance of a book, which as occupying well-known ground cannot urge the plea of novelty, which has many imperfections in form, and which 466 VI PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. makes no pretensions to completeness. At all events it appeared necessary to be thus explicit, in order to show that I alone am responsible for any expressions of opinion contained in this volume, and that they do not (except accidentally) represent the views of the Company of which I am a member. In preparing the original paper for the press, I have been careful not to go beyond verbal alterations, where I was dis- cussing the prospects of the new Revision or the principles which in my opinion ought to guide it On the other hand, I have not scrupled to develope these principles freely, and to add fresh illustrations from time to time: but in most cases this has been done without any knowledge of the opinion of the majority of the Company ; and in the comparatively few instances where this opinion has become known to me, I have expressed my own individual judg- ment, which might or might not accord therewith. I ought to add also that I am quite prepared to find on consultation with others, that some of the suggestions offered here are open to objections which I had overlooked, and which might render them im- practicable in a Version intended for popular use, whatever value they may have from a scholar's point of view. The hopeful anticipations, which I had ventured to express before the commencement of the work, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Vll have been more than realized hitherto in its progress. On this point I have not heard a dissentient voice among members of the Company. I believe that all who have taken part regularly in the work will thankfully acknowledge the earnestness, moderation, truthfulness, and reverence, which have marked the deliberations of the Company, and which seem to justify the most sanguine auguries. This feeling contrasts strangely with the outcry which has been raised against the work by those who have had no opportunity of witnessing its actual progress, who have been disturbed by rumours of its results either wholly false or only partially true, and who necessarily judging on a priori grounds have been ready to condemn it unheard. This panic was perhaps not unnatural, and might have been antici- pated. Meanwhile however other dangers from an unforeseen quarter have threatened the progress of the Revision; but these are now happily averted. And, so far as present appearances can be trusted, the momentary peril has resulted in permanent good ; for the Company has been taught by the danger which threatened it to feel its own strength and co- herence; and there is every prospect that the work will be brought happily and successfully to a con- clusion. Great misunderstanding seems to prevail as to the vili PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. ultimate reception of the work. The alarm which has been expressed in some quarters can only be explained by a vague confusion of thought, as though the Houses of Convocation, while solemnly pledged to the furtherance of the work on definite conditions, were also pledged to its ultimate recep- tion whether good or bad. If the distinction had been kept in view, it is difficult to believe that there would have been even a momentary desire to repu- diate the obligations of a definite contract. The Houses of Convocation are as free, as the different bodies of Nonconformists represented in the Com- panies, to reject the Revised Version, when it appears, if it is not satisfactory. I do not suppose that any member of either Company would think of claiming any other consideration for the work, when completed, than that it shall be judged by its intrinsic merits; but on the other hand they have a right to demand that it shall be laid before the Church and the people of England in its integrity, and that a verdict shall be pronounced upon it as a whole. I cannot close these remarks without expressing my deep thankfulness that I have been allowed to take part in this work of Revision. I have spent many happy and profitable hours over it, and made many friends who otherwise would probably have remained unknown to me. Even though the work PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. IX should be terminated abruptly to-morrow, I for one should not consider it lost labour. In choosing my examples I have generally avoided dwelling on passages which have been fully discussed by others; but it was not possible to put the case fairly before the public without venturing from time to time on preoccupied ground, though in such in- stances I have endeavoured to tread as lightly as possible. The discussion in the Appendix 1 perhaps needs some apology. Though it has apparently no very direct bearing on the main subject of the volume, yet the investigation was undertaken in the first instance with a view to my work as a reviser; and hoping that the results might contribute towards permanently fixing the meaning of an expression, which occurs in the most familiar and most sacred of all forms of words, and which nevertheless has been and still is variously interpreted, I gladly seized this opportunity of placing them on record. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, April 3, 1871. 1 Appendix I. in the Third Edition [1891]. L. R. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. second edition is in all essential respects a reprint of the first. A few errors have been corrected, and one or two unimportant additions made, but the new matter altogether would not occupy more than a page. The reception accorded to this book has taken me by surprise, and the early call for a new edition would have prevented me from making any great changes, even if I had felt any desire to do so. To my critics, whether public or private, I can only return my very sincere thanks for their generous welcome of a work of whose imperfections the author himself must be only too conscious. From this expression of gratitude I see no reason to except the critique of Mr Earle 1 in a letter addressed to the editor of the Guardian ; but I am sure that he will pardon me if, while thankfully acknowledging the friendly tone of his letter, I venture entirely to dissent from a principle of translation to which he has lent the authority of his name. In fact he has attacked the very position in my work, which I confidently held, and still hold, to be impregnable. I had laid it down as a rule (subject of course to special exceptions) that, where the same word occurs in the same 1 Now Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University of Oxford. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. XI context in the original, it should be rendered by the same equivalent in the Version (p. 36 sq.); or, as Mr Earle ex- presses it, that 'a verbal repetition in English should be employed to represent a verbal repetition in the Greek.' Mr Earle (I will employ his own words) would reverse this, and say that in many of my details he would practically come to my conclusion, but that the principle itself, with all the speciousness of its appearance, is essentially unsound. This position he endeavours to establish by arguments, which I feel bound to meet, for I consider the principle which he assails to be essential to a thoroughly good translation. If, notwithstanding our opposite points of view, we had arrived at the same results, or, in other words, if Mr Earle's exceptions to his principle of variety were coextensive or nearly coextensive with my own applications of my principle of uniformity, I should have felt any discussion of his views to be superfluous ; for then, so far as regards any practical issues, the difference between us would have been reduced to a mere battle of words. But when I find that Mr Earle defends such a rendering as Matt, xviii. 33, 'Shouldest not thou also have had compassion (eXe^o-at) on thy fellow- servant, even as I had/#>> (qA.e>? laOrfn Xa/xTrpot) and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment (iaBfjri), and ye have respect unto him that weareth the gay clothing (rrjv co-Orjra njv Xa/x7rpav) etc.' Not only do I regard the variation here as highly artificial (a sufficient condemnation in itself), but it seems to me to dissipate the force of the passage, and therefore I am prepared to submit to the ' cruel impoverish- ment' by which the English would be made to conform to the simplicity of the Greek. Nor again am I able to see why in Rev. xvii. 6 c0av/Acura Gav^a /u,eya, 'I wondered with great admiration' is to be preferred to the natural rendering 'I wondered with great wonder] as in i Thess. iii. 9 7rt TraoTy r x a p 5 x */ 30 /* 61 ' ^ VJJWLS is translated ' for all the joy wherewith we/ <#>wTtvov, ws, vi. 22, 23 ; raiment, arrayed, ci/Sv/xaro?, 7repie/3aA.eTO, vi. 28, 29; clothe, clothed, d^iivvuvw, TreptjSaXw/Me^a, vi. 30, 31 ; good, ayaflov, KaXovs, vii. 17, 18; ^^/, 7rpo(r7r(rav, Trpoo'e- Kofav, vii. 25, 27). If my readers are of opinion that the general method adopted by our translators in the Sermon on the Mount is faulty, and that these three chapters would have gained by greater breadth and variety, I have nothing more to say ; but, if they are satisfied with this method, then they have conceded everything for which I am arguing 1 . 1 I confess myself quite unable to follow Mr Earle's logic, when he criticises what I had said of the Rheims Version. My words are (p. 49), PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. XIX But Mr Earle proceeds : ' There is no end to the curio- sities of scholarship and the perilous minutiae that such a principle may lead to, if it is persevered in'; and by way of illustration he adds, * Dr Lightfoot seems to ignore what I should have regarded as an obvious fact, that it is hardly possible in modern English to make a play upon words compatible with elevation of style. It was compatible with solemnity in Hebrew and also in the Hebrew-tinctured Greek of the New Testament ; but in English it is not. Explain it as you may, the fact is palpable. Does it not tax all our esteem for Shakspeare to put up with many a passage of which in any other author we should not hesitate to say that it was deformed and debased by a jingle of word- sounds ?' To this I answer fearlessly that I certainly do desire to see the play of words retained in the English Version, wherever it can be done without forcing the English. I be- 'Of all the English Versions the Rhemish alone has paid attention to this point, and so far compares advantageously with the rest, to which in most other respects it is confessedly inferior.' On this he remarks ; ' It is certainly unfortunate for our author's position that by his own showing the version which has kept to his principle should nevertheless be confessedly inferior in most other respects, including, as I apprehend, the highest respects that can affect our judgment of a version of Holy Scripture. To put this admission with the clearness due to its importance ; the Rheims Version is the best, in that it has observed our author's principle : but as a rendering of Scripture it is the worst.' Why unfortunate? Does experience suggest that the man or the book that is right on five points out of six, must be right on the sixth point also? Does it not rather lead us to expect some ele- ment of right in the most wrong and some element of wrong in the most right ? XX PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. lieve that our translators acted rightly when they rendered Xpw/xevoi, Karaxpw/xcvot, by use, abuse in i Cor. vii. 31;! believe that they were only wrong in translating /cara-To/x^, TrepiTo//^', concision, circumcision^ in Phil. iii. 2, 3, because the former is hardly a recognised English word and would not be generally understood. I freely confess that in many cases, perhaps in most cases, the thing cannot be done ; but I am sorry for it 1 . I cannot for a moment acquiesce in 1 On my suggestion that in 2 Thess. iii. 1 1 the play on epyafoptvovs, irepiepyafrfjitvovs, might be preserved by the words business, busy-bodies, Mr Earle remarks ; ' As a matter of history the word business has no radical connection with busy: it is merely a disguised form of the French besognes. This is however a secondary matter, because if the word-play be desirable as a matter of English taste, these words would answer the purpose just as well as if their affinity were quite esta- blished.' Without hazarding any opinion on a question on which Mr Earle is so much more competent to speak than myself, I would ven- ture to remark : (i) That the direct derivation of business from busy is maintained by no less an authority than Jacob Grimm, Deutsche Gram- matik, ii. p. 237 sq. ; (2) That other authorities maintain (whether rightly or wrongly I do not venture to say) the radical connexion of the Teutonic words busy (Engl.), bezig (Dutch), with the Romance words besogne, bisogna ; and (3) That this very play of words occurs in the earliest English translations of the Scriptures, the Wycliffite Ver- sions, in i Cor. vii. 32, * I wole you for to be withoute bisynesse (d/xe/>{/4- wus, Vulg. sine sollicitudine). Sothli he that is withoute wyf is bysy (fj.fpifotq., Vulg. sollicitus est) what thingis ben of the Lord.' Mr Earle remarks that in 2 Thess. iii. n 'Even the Rheims Version keeps clear of this (the play of words) : it has "working nothing, but curiously meddling.'" The fact is that after its wont it has translated the Vulgate Nihil operantes sed curiose agentes,' in which this cha- racteristic of the original has disappeared. This paronomasia is not confined to S. Paul but occurs also in Ari- PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. XXI Mr Earle's opinion, that it is incompatible with * solemnity,' with * elevation of style.' Above all I repudiate the notion, which seems to underlie whole paragraphs of Mr Earle's critique, that it is the business of a translator, when he is dealing with the Bible, to improve the style of his author, having before my eyes the warning examples of the past, and believing that all such attempts will end in discom- fiture 1 . Is it not one great merit of our English Version, stides II. p. 418 TttOra ef/ryao-Tcu /*&... Trepiei/rycurrcu 3 /XTjSa/tws, just as the Apostle's Qpovew, ffuQpovew (Rom. xii. 3) has a parallel in a passage quoted by Stobseus as from Charondas Floril. xliv. 40 Trpoo-iroielada) 5 &capoveij>. 1 The anxiety to impart dignity to the language of the Apostles and Evangelists reaches a climax in A Liberal Translation of the New Testament, being an attempt to translate the Sacred Writings with the same Freedom, Spirit and Elegance with which other English Transla- tions from the Greek Classics have lately been executed : by E. Harwood, London, 1 768. In this strange production the following is a sample of S. Luke's narrative (xi. 40), 'Absurd and preposterous conduct ! Did not the Great Being, who made the external form, create the internal intel- lectual powers and will He not be more solicitous for the purity of the mind than for the showy elegance of the body?' and this again of S. John's (iii. 32), ' But though this exalted personage freely publishes and solemnly attests those heavenly doctrines, etc.' The parable of the prodigal son in the former begins (xv. 1 1), 'A gentleman of splendid family and opulent fortune had two sons.' Even Dr Johnson himself, the great master of grandiloquent English, could not tolerate this book. * Returning through the house,' we are told, * he stepped into a small study or book-room. The first book he laid his hands upon was Harwood's Liberal Translation of the New Testament. The pas- sage which first caught his eye was that sublime apostrophe in S. John upon the raising of Lazarus Jesus wept, which Harwood had conceitedly rendered And Jesus, the Saviour of the world, burst into afiood of tears. XX11 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. regarded as a literary work, that it has naturalised in our language the magnificent Hebraisms of the original ? But the case before us is even stronger than this. The paronomasia is a characteristic of S. Paul's style, and should be repro- duced (so far as the genius of the English language permits) like any other characteristic. That it is admissible, the example of Shakespeare which Mr Earle adduces, and that of Tennyson, whose 'name and fame' he himself has already quoted and who abounds in similar examples of alliteration and assonance, not to mention other standard writers whether of the Elizabethan or of the Victorian era, are sufficient evidence. I am not concerned to defend Shakespeare's literary reputation, which may be left to itself; and I have certainly no wish to maintain that he was entirely free from the affectations of his age : but I am unfeignedly surprised to find plays on words condemned wholesale, as incom- patible with elevation of style. Under certain circum- stances, paronomasia, alliteration, and the like, are not only very natural, but, as indicating intensity of feeling, may produce even a tragic effect With the appreciation of a He contemptuously threw the book aside, exclaiming " Puppy ! '" (Ap- pendix to Boswell's Life of Johnson, in Croker's edition, London, 1866, p. 836). Johnson's biographer, Boswell, speaks of it as ' a fantastical translation of the New Testament in modern phrase' (p. 506). See also Mr Matthew Arnold's opinion (quoted below p. 2 10 sq.) on a very similar attempt at a revised version by Franklin. I am quite sure that Mr Earle's suffrage would be on the same side ; but, when he asks that the distinctive features of the sacred writers may be sacrificed to ' elevation of style ' and pleads that the language may be made more ' full-bodied* to suit * the public taste ' than it is in the original, is he not leading us, though by a different road, to the edge of the very same precipice ? PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. XX111 great genius Shakespeare himself has explained and justi- fied their use under such circumstances. When John of Gaunt, in his last illness, is visited by Richard, and in reply to the king's enquiry keeps harping on his name, Old Gaunt indeed and gaunt in being old, the king asks, Can sick men play so nicely with their names? The old man's answer is, No; misery makes sport to mock itself. The very intensity of his grief seeks relief in this way 1 . Again, who will question the propriety of the play on words in Queen Elizabeth's outburst of anger against Glou- cester after the murder of her children ? Cousins, indeed ; and by their uncle cozen'd Of comfort, kingdom, kindred, freedom, life. The very fierceness of her wrath seeks expression in the iteration of the same sounds. And in cases where no intensity of passion exists, there may be some other determining motive. Thus we find a tendency in all languages to repetition of sound, where a didactic purpose is served Of this motive the fondness for rhyme, alliteration, and the like, in the familiar proverbs of all languages, affords ample illustration, as in Waste not, want not, Forewarned, forearmed, Man proposes, God disposes, Compendia dispendia, TraOtj^ara fta^/xara. To this cate- gory we may assign S. Paul's py i,Veppoveiv, aAAa eis TO apoveiv (Rom. xii. 3). In- deed it would not be difficult to show that in every instance the Apostle had some reason for employing this figure, and that he did not use it as a mere rhetorical plaything. We may find ourselves unable in any individual case to reproduce the same effect in English, and thus may be forced to abandon the attempt in despair ; but not the less earnestly shall we protest against the principle that the genius of our language requires us to abstain from the attempt under any circumstances, and that a form of speech, which is natural in itself and common to all languages, must be sacrificed to some fancied ideal of an elevated style. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, S.John's Day, 1871. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. TO this edition has been added a reprint (p. 269 sq.) of three articles which appeared in the Guardian newspaper on the last petition of the Lord's Prayer. Their appearance here in their existing form seems to require a few words of explanation. The articles were called forth by a pamphlet published by the late Canon Cook 1 , criticizing the translation of this petition which had been adopted in the Revised Version. The Bishop intended to rewrite the articles entirely, adding further evidence in support of the rendering which he maintains to be correct. Thus recast, the articles were to have been published together with the dissertation on eVtovVtos (p. 217 sq.), and dissertations (never written) upon other points of critical interest in the Lord's Prayer. This design he did 1 Deliver us from Evil. A Protest against the Change in the Last Petition of the Lord's Prayer adopted in the Revised Version. A Letter to the Bishop of London. John Murray, 1881. Canon Cook published a reply to these articles entitled Deliver us from Evil. A Second Letter to the Lord Bishop of London. Johri Murray, 1882. XXVI PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. not live to carry out. In response therefore to numerous requests to make these articles available for reference, the Trustees have decided to include them in this volume; and it only remains for them to express their sincere regret that it has thus become necessary to perpetuate them in a form which their author never intended to be more than temporary. May 25, 1891. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE I. S. JEROME'S REVISION OF THE LATIN BIBLE . i II. AUTHORISED VERSION OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE . 10 III. LESSONS SUGGESTED BY THESE HISTORICAL PARALLELS . . 14 IV. NECESSITY FOR A FRESH REVISION OF THE AUTHORISED VERSION . . . . .19 i. False Readings . . . . . .21 2. Artificial distinctions created ... 36 3. Real distinctions obliterated ... 66 4. Faults of Grammar 89 5. Faults of Lexicography . . . .148 6. Treatment of Proper Names, Official Titles, etc .163 7. Archaisms, Defects in the English, Errors of the Press, etc 189 V. PROSPECTS OF THE NEW REVISION. . . 207 APPENDIX on the words riov 'H TrpotpTJTrj for the common reading eV rofc 7rpo6 epforas jrepl TOV djaOov (compared with Mark x. 18, Luke xviii. 19); and for the most part FALSE READINGS. 35 they are wholly unimportant as regards any doctrinal or practical bearing. The same motive which operates so powerfully in the Gospels will also influence, though in a far less degree, the text of those Epistles which are closely allied to each other, as for instance the Romans and Galatians, or the Ephesians and Colos- sians, and will be felt moreover in isolated parallel passages elsewhere ; but for the most part the cor- ruptions in the Epistles are due to the carelessness of scribes, or to their officiousness exercised on the grammar or the style. The restoration of the best supported reading is in almost every instance a gain, either as establishing a more satisfactory con- nexion of sentences, or as substituting a more forcible expression for a less forcible (e.g. irapaftoXevardfjLevos for 7rapa(3ov\evcrdtJLevo<;, Phil. ii. 30), or in other ways giving point to the expression and bringing out a better and clearer sense (e.g. Rom. iv. 19 /carevorjcrev TO eavTov o- &>//-. ..et? Be rrjv Trayye\iav rov eoy ov Si6/cpL0r), for ov tcarevorjo-ev K. r. X., where the point is that Abraham did fully recognise his own condition and notwithstanding was not staggered ; or 2 Cor. i. 2O ev avraj TO val, Bio teal Si avrov TO a/j,rjv K. T. \., where val denotes the fulfilment of the promise on the part of God, and a^v the recognition and thanks- giving on the part of the Church, a distinction which 32 36 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. is obliterated by the received reading eV avTO) TO val ical ev avTw TO dfjiijv ; or 2 Cor. xii. I Kav^da-Oat Set, ov (rv}i yap K. T. X. is feeble in comparison). It is this very fact, that the reading of the older authorities almost always exhibits some improvement in the sense (even though the change may be unimportant in itself) which gives us the strongest assurance of their trust- worthiness as against the superior numbers of the more recent copies. Altogether it may be safely affirmed that the permanent value of the new revision will depend in a great degree on the courage and fidelity with which it deals with questions of readings. If the signs of the times may be trusted, the course which is most truthful will also be most politic. To be con- servative, it will be necessary to be adequate: for no revision which fails to deal fairly with these textual problems, can be lasting. Here also the example of S. Jerome is full of encouragement. 2. From errors in the Greek text which our transla- tors used, we may pass on to faults of actual trans- lation. And here I will commence with one class DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 37 which is not unimportant in itself, and which claims to be considered first, because the translators have dwelt at some length on the matter and attempted to justify their mode of proceeding. I refer to the vari- ous renderings of the same word or words, by which artificial distinctions are introduced in the translation, which have no place in the original. This is perhaps the only point in which they proceed deliberately on a wrong principle. 'We have not tied ourselves/ they say in the preface. ' to an uniformity of phrasing or to an identity of words.' They plead that such a course would savour 'more of curiosity than wis- dom,' and they allege the quaint reason, that they might 'be charged (by scoffers) with some unequal dealing towards a great number of English words,' if they adopted one to the exclusion of another, as a rendering of the same Greek equivalent. Now, if they had restricted themselves within proper limits in the use of this liberty, no fault could have been found with this vindication. But, when the transla- tion of the same word is capriciously varied in the same paragraph, and even in the same verse, a false effect is inevitably produced, and the connexion will in some cases be severed, or the reader more or less seriously misled in other ways. To what extent they have thus attempted to improve upon the original by introducing variety, the following examples, though 38 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. they might be multiplied many times, will suffice to show. Why, for instance, should we read in Matt, xviii. 33 ' Should est not thou also have had compassion (eXefjaai) on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity (tfXerjcra) on thee?'; or in xx. 20 'Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children (viwv) with her sons (uio5z/)'; or in xxv. 32 ' He shall separate (dfopiel) them one from another, as a shepherd divideth (afyopl&i) his sheep from the goats'? Why in S. John xvi. i, 4, 6, should Tavra \e\d\rjfca v/j,w be rendered in three different ways in the same paragraph ; * These things have I spoken unto you,' ' These things have I told you/ ' I have said these things unto you ' ; or S. Thomas be made to say, l Put my finger,' and ' Thrust my hand,' in the same verse, though the same Greek word /3aXo> stands for both (xx. 25)? Why again in the Acts (xxvi. 24, 25) should Festus cry, ' Paul, thou art beside thyself (fjiaivrj, IlaOXe), and S. Paul reply, ' I am not mad, most noble Festus' (ov fjaivojuu, tcpdno-Te ^^o-re)? Why in the Epistle to the Romans (x. 15) should ol TroSe? Ttovevayye^^o/jLevwv elprjvrjv, TV vayy6\i%ofj,eva)v ra dyaQd be translated 'the feet of them tin& preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things'? Why in the same epistle (xv. 4, 5) should we read, 'That we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures (Bid 7^5 fa&JWffc ical rrjs irapaK\ij crews DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 39 TOJV vpa) might have hope,' and in the next sen- tence, 'Now the God of patience and consolation (6 6o? r^5 vTTOfjLovfj? KOLi T?$9 7rapaK\r]) grant you to be likeminded/ though the words are identical in the two clauses, and the repetition is obviously intended by S. Paul ? And why again in the salutations at the end of this epistle, as also of others, should aaird- craa-Oe be translated now ' salute ' and now ' greet/ the two renderings being interchanged capriciously and without any law ? Again in the First Epistle to the Corinthians, iii. 17, the same word fyOeipew is dif- ferently translated, * If any man defile (OepeT)' though the force of the passage depends on the identity of the sin and the punishment. And in a later passage (x. 1 6 sq.) KOivwvol TOV Ovo-iavTrjpiov is translated 'par- takers of the altar/ and two verses below icoivwvol TWV Saipovitov 'have fellowship with devils/ while (to com- plete the confusion) in a preceding and a succeeding verse the rendering ' be partakers ' is assigned to ^e/, and in the same paragraph KowwvLa TOV TOV avpa)0rjvai, K. T. X. is translated ' We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ/ where, indepen- dently of the fatal objection that 'appear' gives a wrong sense (for the context lays stress on the mani- festation of men's true characters at the great day), this rendering is still further faulty, as severing the connexion with what follows immediately (ver. n), ' We are made manifest (TrecfravepufjieOa) unto God, and I trust also are made manifest (7ravepa0ai) in your consciences.' Again in vii. 7 'consolation' and 'comfort* DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 43 are once more interchanged for 7rapa/ca\e1v, o-t?; in viii. 10, n, 12, TO 6e\eiv is translated 'to be for- ward' and 'to will,' and TrpoOv^La 'readiness* and 'a will- ing" mind' in successive verses ; in ix. 2, 3, 4, 5, 'ready* and 'prepared' are both employed in rendering Trap- ea/cevacTTai,, Trapecr/ceuaoy-te^ot, dTrapao-Kevdarov?, while conversely the single expression 'be ready' is made to represent both irapea/cevaa'Tat, and eroi^rfv elvat ; in x. 13, 15, 1 6, /cavatv, after being twice translated 'rule] is varied in the third passage by '//;**'; in xi. 1 6, 17, 1 8 the rendering of Kav^aaOai, /cav^o-i? is di- versified by 'boast' and * glory ' \ and in xii. 2, 3 owe oZSa, 6 Beo? oZSei/, is twice translated ' I cannot tell, God knowethl while elsewhere in these same verses oZ&a is rendered ' I knew I and OVK olSa, ' I cannot tell? This repugnance to repeating the same word for olSa has a parallel in John xvi. 30, where vvv ol'Sa/zez/ on ol$a$ Trdvra is given * Ngw are we sure that thou knowest all things.' Nor is there any improvement in the later books, as the following instances, taken almost at random from a very large number which might have been adduced, will show : Phil. ii. 13 ' It is God which worketh (tvep- ywv) in you both to will and to do (eVepyea/)'; Phil. iii. 3 sq. ( And have no confidence (ov TreTroiflore?) in the flesh; Though I might also have confidence (e^tov ireiroidrja-iv) in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath 44 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. whereof he might trust (5oet iretroiBevai) in the flesh, I more... as touching the law (Kara vopov), a Pharisee ; concerning zeal (Kara 9X09), persecuting the Church ; touching the righteousness (/card Sitcaiocrvwrjv) which is in the law, blameless': I Thess. ii. 4 'As we were al- lowed (SeSoKijjido-fjieOa) of God... not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth (So/cipd&vTi,) our hearts' : 2 Thess. i. 6 ' To recompense tribulation to them that trouble you ' (avraTTobovvai, rot? 6\i$Qvcriv vfj,d<; 6\L^iv) : Heb. viii. 13 ' He hath made the first old (TreirdXaiw/cev TTJV TrpwTTjv) ; now that which decayeth (Trakaiov^evov) and waxeth old(pr)Kev) of his Son': Rev. i. 15 'His voice ($0)1/77) as the sound ($0)1/77) of many waters': iii. 17 * I am rich (-TrXouo-to?) and increased with goods (TreTrXovrrj/cay : xvii. 6, ? DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 45 'And when I saw her, I wondered (iOav^iacra) with great admiration (Oav/jLa) ; and the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? (eflau/itacra?)': xviii. 2 ' And the hold ( ep^o^ai, and when he returns, he summons them iva yvfi [or 9. I say 'misunderstanding,' because the alternative that 'so' is a mere ambiguity of 48 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. expression seems to be precluded by the fact that in our Communion Service the words ' Let your light so .shine before men, etc./ detached from their con- text, are chosen as the initial sentence at the Offer- tory, where the correct meaning, 'in like manner/ could not stand. This love of variety might be still further illus- trated by their treatment of the component parts of words. Thus there is no reason why 7ro\vfjLpcos KOI TToXur/joTTft)? in Heb. i. I should be translated 'At sundry times and in divers manners/ even though for want of a better word we should allow the very in- adequate rendering 'times' to pass muster, where the original points to the divers parts of one great com- prehensive scheme. And again in Mark xii. 39 (comp. Matt, xxiii. 6) it is equally difficult to see why 7rpo>- TOKaOeSptas ev rat? o-vvaycayais Kal 7rpa)TOK\t,cria<; Iv rot? Set7n>ot9 should be rendered ' the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts.' On the archaic rendering 'room* for the second element in irpwroKkicria, I shall have something to say hereafter. These instances which have been given will suf- fice. But in fact examples, illustrating this miscon- ception of a translator's duty, are sown broadcast over our New Testament, so that there is scarcely a page without one or more. It is due to our translators DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 49 however to say, that in many cases, which I have examined, they only perpetuated and did not intro- duce the error, which may often be traced to Tyndale himself, from whom our Version is ultimately derived : and in some instances his variations are even greater than theirs. Thus in a passage already quoted, I Cor. xii. 4 sq., he has three different renderings of SLaipeaeis in the three successive clauses, where they have only two ; ' Ther are diversities of gyftes verely, yet but one sprete, and ther are differences of admini- stration and yet but one lorde, and ther are divers maners of operacions and yet but one God'; and in Rom. xvi. his interchanges of 'salute' and 'greet' are still more frequent than theirs. Of all the English Versions the Rhemish alone has paid attention to this point, and so far compares advantageously with the rest, to which in most other respects it is con- fessedly inferior. And I suppose that the words of our translators' preface, in which they attempt to jus- tify their course, must refer indirectly to this Roman Catholic Version, more especially as I find that its Latinisms are censured in the same paragraph. If so, it is to be regretted that prejudice should have blinded them to a consideration of some importance. But not only is it necessary to preserve the same word in the same context and in the same book ; equal care should be taken to secure uniformity, L. R. 4 50 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. where it occurs in the same connexion in different passages and different books. Thus, where quota- tions are given once or more from the Old Testament in the New, the rendering should exhibit (as far as possible) the exact coincidence with or divergence from the original and one another in the language. Again, when the same discourses or the same inci- dents are recorded by different Evangelists, it is especially important to reproduce the features of the original, neither obliterating nor creating differences. Again, in parallel passages in allied epistles, as for instance those of S. Paul to the Romans and Gala- tians, or to the Colossians and Ephesians, or the Epi- stle of S. Jude and the Second Epistle of S. Peter, the exact amount of resemblance should be repro- duced, because questions of date and authenticity are affected thereby. Again, in the writings which claim the same authorship, as for instance the Gospel and Epistles and the Apocalypse of S. John, the simi- larity of diction should be preserved. Though this will be a somewhat laborious task, let us hope that our new revisers will exercise constant vigilance in this matter. As the authors of our Received Version allowed themselves so much licence in the same context, it is no surprise that they did not pay any attention to these coincidences of language which occur in separate parts of the New Testament, and DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 5! which did not therefore force themselves on their notice. Of their mode of dealing with quotations from the Old Testament, one or two instances will suffice by way of illustration. Deut. xxxii. 35 is twice quoted in exactly the same words. In our English Version it appears in these two forms. Rom. xii. 19. Heb. x. 30. Vengeance is mine; I will Vengeance belongeth un- repay, saith the Lord. to me, I will recompense, saith the Lord Again, the same words Gen. xv. 6 (LXX) w 49 Sifcaioa-vvrjv are given with these variations : Rom. iv. 3 ' It was counted unto him for righteous- ness'; Rom. iv. 22 'It was imputed to. him for right- eousness'; Gal. iii. 6 ' It was accounted to him for righteousness' (with a marginal note 'or imputed'} ; James ii. 23 ' It was imputed unto him for righteous- ness'; while in an indirect reference to it, Rom. iv. 9 (in the immediate context of two of these divergent renderings), a still further variation is introduced, 'We say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteous- ness.' Again, /caXv-^rei, Tr\fj0o<; apapnwv (from Prov. x. 12) is translated in James v. 20 'shall hide a multi- 42 52 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. tude of sins,' and in I Pet. iv. 8 ' shall cover the mul- titude of sins' (with a marginal reading 'will 1 for 'shall'). The variation in the last instance which I shall give is still more astonishing, because the two quo- tations of the same passage (Ps. xcv. n) occur in the same context. Heb. iii. n. Heb. iv. 3. So I sware in my wrath, As I have sworn in my They shall not enter into wrath, If they shall enter my rest. into my rest. Here there is absolutely no difference in the Greek of the two passages ; and, as the argument is conti- nuous, no justification of the various renderings can be imagined. On the parallel narratives of the different Evange- lists it will not be necessary to dwell, because this part of the subject has been discussed at some length elsewhere 1 . I will content myself with three exam- ples. The first, which affects only the diction, is a fair sample of the defects of our* Version in this respect, because it is in no way striking or exceptional. 1 See for instance Dean Alford's Byways of New Testament Criticism, Contemporary Review, July 1868. DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 53 Matt. xvi. 26. Mark viii. 36. Luke ix. 25. Tt *y a P Q)(f)6- Tt yap d)7ros, \rjO-et, avdpcDTrov, XeiTai avdpct)7ros, OLV TOV KIHT/JLOV eav /cepBtjarrj TOV /cepBr/aas TOV KOG- 0\OVKpBrjO-r),TVV KOO-fJLOV 0\0l>, KCU fiov o\ov, eavTov Be ^v^rjv avTOv tofua>0y Tljv tyv- Be aVoXeVas ^ &/jLicoefj; %r)v avTOVj ewut>0k; ' For what is 'For what shall ' For what is a man profited, it profit a man, a man advan- if he shall gain if he shall gain taged, if he gain the whole world, the whole world, the whole world, and lose his own and lose his own and lose him- soul?' soul ?' self, or be cast away?' Here the coincidences and divergences of the first two Evangelists are fairly preserved ; but the relations of the third to either are wholly confused or obli- terated. My second example shall be of a different kind ; where the variation introduced affects not the ex- pression only, but the actual interpretation. In the explanation of the parable of the sower in S. Mark iv. 16 ol eVt TO. TreTpcvBrj (nreipofievoi, is properly translated 'they which are sown on stony ground,' and the corresponding expressions are treat- ed similarly; but in S. Matthew xiii. 2O 6 eVl ra <77ra/3et9 becomes, ' He that received the seed 54 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. into stony places,' where (besides minor variations) the person is substituted for the seed, and the corre- sponding expressions throughout the parable are manipulated similarly in defiance of grammar. This rendering is unhappy on many accounts. Besides making the Evangelists say different things, it has the still further disadvantage, that it destroys one main idea in the parable, the identification (for the purposes of the parable) of the seed when sown with the person himself ] so that the life and growth and decay of the one are coincident with the life and growth and decay of the other. The form of ex- pression in S. Luke (viii. 14 TO Se et9 r9 aicavQa^ 7ree7o> OVTOI elalv ol aKov(TavT6s) brings out this iden- tity more prominently ; but it is expressed not obscurely in the other Evangelists, and should not have been obliterated by our translators in one of them through an ungrammatical paraphrase. My third example concerns the treatment of a single word. In the account of the scenes preceding the Crucifixion, mention is made of a certain building which by three of the Evangelists is called Trpairw- piov. In S. Matthew (xxvii. 27) it is translated 'com- mon-hall,' with a marginal alternative 'governor's house'; in S. John (xviii. 28, 33, xix. 9) 'hall of judg- ment' and 'judgment-hall/ with a marginal alterna- tive 'Pilate's house' in the first passage; while in DISTINCTIONS CREATED. 55 S. Mark (xv. 16) it is reproduced in the English as ' praetorium.' It should be added that this same word when it occurs in the same sense, though referring to a different locality, in Acts xxiii. 35 is rendered 'judg- ment-hall,' though a 'judgment-hall' would obviously be an unfit place to keep a prisoner in ward ; and again in Phil. i. 13 eV oX&> ra) TrpaiTcopLw (where pro- bably it signifies the ' praetorian army/ but where our English translators have taken it to mean another such building) it appears as ' palace.' This last ren- dering might very properly have been adopted in all the passages in the Gospels and Acts, as adequately expressing the meaning. So also in those Epistles which are allied to each other 1 , the treatment of identical words and expres- sions is neither more nor less unsatisfactory than in the Gospels. In the instances already given, though there may be differences of opinion as to the importance of the subject, all probably will agree on the main point that it is advisable to preserve uniformity of render- ing. The illustration which I shall next select is more open to criticism ; and, as Archbishop Trench and Dean Alford and the Five Clergymen all take a 1 See Blunt's Duties of the Parish Priest, p. 71, Ellicott's Revision of the English N?w Testament, p. 118. 56 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. different view from my own 1 , I can hardly hope that my argument will carry general conviction. Yet the case seems to be strong. I refer to the translation of 7rapaK\7)ToT)v jrapa.Ka.Xe'iv; STO.V 5' virpTrr)8'i]r]a.vobs gives no encouragement. The margin however oilers the alternative ' orphans ' for 6ppoveiv eh TO a co(f) povelv, but with no great success, for in the rendering 'not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly,' the force of the original is evaporated. On the other hand the rendering of I Cor. vii. 31 ol co KocrfJLW rovra) [/. TOV KOO~IJLOV\ co? fjur) /cara- ,, ' they that use this world, as not abusing it,' is adequate. In other passages such as Acts viii. 30 yivwcr/ceis a dvayivaxTfceis ' understandest thou what thou readcst?', 2 Cor. iii. 2 yivcoo-KOfAevr) Kal 1 Contemporary Review^ July 1868, p. 323. L. R. 5 66 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. 'known and read,' 2 Cor. i. 13 a fj /cal eTriyivcbo-tceTe 'what ye read or acknowledge/ 2 Cor. x. 12 ov TO\fJLO)fj,6V ey/cplvat, r; (rwyKplvai, eaurot? 'we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves,' it would be impossible to reproduce the effect of the original. But in other cases such as 1 Cor. xii. 2 ct9 av T^yecr^e, aTrayofMevoi, 'carried away as ye were led,' 2 Cor. iv. 8 aTropov/jLevoi, aXV ov/c e'faTro- pov/jievoi, 'we are perplexed, but not in despair,' or 2 Cor. vi. IO cw? iLJ)$ev e^o^re? KOI irdvra /caT6^ovre<; ' as having nothing, and yet possessing all things/ the rendering might be improved. Nor is there any reason why the play on eprya^o/jievovs, Trepiepya^ofjievovs, in 2 Thess. iii. 1 1 should not be preserved by ' busi- ness/ 'busy-bodies'; or why in Ephes. v. 15 ^77 cu? aao^oL aXX' ok crofyol should not be rendered ' not as unwise but as wise.' In this latter passage the word aarocfros, which occurs nowhere else in the New Tes- tament, has been purposely preferred to the usual fjLwpos. Yet our translators have rendered aa-ooi 'fools' here, and reserved 'unwise' for acSpoi/e? two verses below, where it is not wanted. 3- From the creation of artificial distinctions in our English Version by different renderings of the same DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 67 word we pass naturally to the opposite fault, the ob- literation of real distinctions by the same rendering of different words. The former error is easily cor- rected for the most part; the latter not always so. For the synonyms of one language frequently cannot be reproduced in another without a harsh expression or a cumbersome paraphrase. Thus olSa, yivwcrica), eyvw/ca, eTTicrra/jLai, have different shades of meaning in Greek, but the obvious equivalent for each in English is ' I know.' Still some effort should be made (though success is not always possible) to dis- criminate between them, where they occur in the same context, and where therefore their position throws a special emphasis on the distinction. Thus in Acts xix. 15 we should not acquiesce in 'Jesus I know, and Paul I know/ as a rendering of rov 'Irja-ovv yivaxTKQ) /cal rov HavXov ewiffrapai, though all the preceding translations unite with our Authorised Version in obliterating the difference. The sig- nificant distinction which is made in the original between the kind of recognition in the case of the Divine agent and of the human instrument may easily be preserved by rendering, * Jesus I acknow- ledge and Paul I know* Again in such passages as 2 Cor. v. 1 6 drro rov vvv ovSeva oiSafnev Kara capita, el Kal eyvoo/capev Kara crdptca Xpurrov, d\\a vvv ov/ceri (and this is a type of a large class of 52 68 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. passages, where ol$a and occur together) some improvement should be attempted ; nor in the instance given could there be any difficulty in varying the rendering, though elsewhere the task might not prove so easy. From these allied words I pass on to the distinc- tion between yLvuxr/ceiv and eir^ivwa-Keiv, which is both clearer and more easily dealt with. Those who have paid any attention to the language of S. Paul will recognise the force of the substantive eTrlyvwai? as denoting the advanced or perfect knowledge which is the ideal state of the true Christian, and will remem- ber that it appears only in his later epistles (from the Romans onwards), where the more contemplative aspects of the Gospel are brought into view and its comprehensive and eternal relations more fully set forth. But the power of the preposition appears in the verb, no less than in the substantive ; and indeed its significance is occasionally forced upon our notice, where the simple and the compound verb appear in the same context. Thus in I Cor. xiii. 12 apri yivooo-KO) etc fjiepovs, Tore Se eTTiyvwaofjiai, Ka0(i)iv, I Cor. vi. I 6; Kplvew, Bia/cpiveiv, , Rom. xiv. 22, 23, I Cor. xi. 29, 31, 32; , KaraK piveiv, Rom. ii. I. Now it seems impos- sible in most cases, without a sacrifice of English which no one would be prepared to make, to reproduce the similarity of sound or the identity of root; but the distinction of sense should always be preserved. How this is neglected in our Version, and what confusion ensues from the neglect, the following instances will show. In I Cor. iv. 3, 4, 5, e/iol Se els e&Tiv 'iva v<$ vpaiv dvaKpi6w...aX)C ov&e bv dvc,Kpivu>...6 Se dvaKpivwv yue, 7O ERRORS AND DEFECTS. &<7T fJLTJ TTpO KCtlpOV Tl Kplvere, 66)9 at/ \0r) O Kt'/3t09, G9 Kal a)Ti(Ti rd KpVTTTa rov cr/coTOU9, the word dvcLKpivew is translated throughout 'judge'; while in a previous passage, I Cor. ii. 14, 15, it is rendered indifferently 'to discern' and 'to judge.' But dva- Kpivew is neither 'to judge/ which is icplveiv, nor 'to discern/ which is Siaicpivew, but ' to examine, investi- gate, enquire into, question/ as it is rightly translated elsewhere, e.g. I Cor. ix. 3, x. 25, 27 ; and the correct understanding of the passage before us depends on our retaining this sense. The avd/cpiais, it will be remembered, was an Athenian law term for a pre- liminary investigation (distinct from the actual Kpivis or trial), in which evidence was collected and the prisoner committed for trial, if a true bill was found against him. It corresponded in short mutatis mutandis to the part taken in English law proceedings by the grand jury. And this is substantially the force of the word here. The Apostle condemns all these impatient human praejudicia, these unauthorised dvaKpiavpd yLverai, the sense required is clearly 'sifting, probing, revealing,' and the rendering of our translators *he is judged of all' introduces an idea alien to the passage. Again, only five verses lower down (xiv. 29) another compound of /cptvetv occurs and is similarly treated, Trpoc^^rat Be Bvo fj rpet? \a\elrwcrav /cal ol O\\OL SiaKptverwo-av, 'let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judgel where it would be difficult to attach any precise meaning to the English without the aid of the Greek, and where certainly Sta/c ought to be rendered 'discern' rather than 'judge.' 72 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. Another passage which I shall take to illustrate the mode of dealing with icpivew and its compounds is still more important. In I Cor. xi. 28 34, a passage in which the English rendering is chargeable with some serious practical consequences and where a little attention to the original will correct more than one erroneous inference, the rendering of icpiveiv, SicLKpivew, KarcLKpiveLv, is utterly confused. The Greek runs SoKi/Aa^tra) 8e civOpwiros eavrbv /cal o#Tft>? e/c rov dprov ecr0iTG) /cal IK rov irorrjpLOV Trivera)' 6 yap eaOiwv KOI irlvwv [apaflo?] Kpi^a eavrq) ecrQiei /cal TrtWt, fjLrj TO aw/jia [rov K.vplov\...el Se eauroz)? Ste- , OVK av e/cpivofieOa' /cpivopevot, Be VTTO }Lvplov TraibevcfJieOa, wa JJLTJ crvv T&> Koa^a* /cara/cpi- 0tofjLV...eiL Tt9 Treiva, ev OIL/CM eo-Qierco, iva fjirj els icpifia a-vvep^crOe^ where the words in brackets should be omitted from the text. The English rendering corre- sponding to this is ; ' But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not dis- cerning' the Lord's body... For if we would jttdge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world... If any man hunger, let him eat at home, that ye come not together unto condemnation' Here the faults are manifold. In DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 73 the first place Kp[^a is rendered by two separate words 'damnation' and 'condemnation'; and, though we cannot fairly charge our translators with the inferences practically drawn from the first word, yet this is a blemish which we would gladly remove. But in fact both words are equally wrong, the correct rendering 'judgment' having in either case been relegated to the margin where it has lain neglected and has exercised no influence at all on the popular mind. And this circumstance (for it is only a sample of the fate which has befallen numberless valuable marginal readings elsewhere) suggests an important practical consideration. If the marginal renderings are intended for English-reading people (and for scholars they are superfluous), they will only then fulfil their purpose, when the margin is regarded as an integral portion of our English Bibles, and when it is ordered by authority that these alternative readings shall always be printed with the text. This then is the second error of our translators : tepiveiv, Kara/cpi- vew, are confused, when the force of the passage depends on their being kept separate; for these Kpipara in the Apostle's language are temporary judgments, differing so entirely from Kardicpi^a that they are intended to have a chastening effect and to save from condemnation, as he himself distinctly states; Kpivbpevoi 8e viro Kvplov Traibevo/jLeOa, f (va /LIT} 74 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. avv TO) Kocr/JLO) icaraKpiOw /j,ev. Lastly, the Version contains a third error in the confusion of icpivew and biaicpiveiv ; for whereas SiaKplvovres TO o-oofia is correctly translated ' discerning the body cf the Lord ' at the first occurrence of SuiKpiveiv, yet when the word appears again, it is rendered 'judge* to the confusion of the sense ; el eavrovs SieKpivoiJLev, ovtc av e/cpwofieOa, ' If we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged* where it ought to stand ' If we had discerned ourselves, we should not have been judged! In fact S. Paul speaks of three stages, marked respectively by Sia- Kplveiv, Kpivew, and Kxrafcpiveiv. The first word expresses the duty of persons before and in com- municating; this duty is twofold, they must discern themselves and discern the Lord's body, that they may understand and not violate the proper relations between the one and other. The second expresses the immediate consequences which ensue from the neglect of this duty fat judgments which are corrective and remedial, but not final. The third denotes the 'final condemnation, which only then overtakes a man, when the second has failed to reform his character. But this sequence is wholly obliterated in our Version. In Rom. xiv. 22, 23 again, where the words occur together, it would have been well to have kept the distinction, though here the confusion is not so fatal to the meaning : ' Happy is he that condemneth not DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 75 himself (6 /IT) tcpivnv eavrov) in that thing which he alloweth (eV Sotci/jLa^i): And he that doubteth (6 Se SiaKpivofievos) is damned (tcaTaKe/cpLTai) if he eat, because he eateth not of faith.' S. Paul is not satisfied in this case, that a man should not condemn himself; he must not even judge himself. In other words the case must be so clear that he has no need to balance conflicting arguments with a view to arriving at a result. Otherwise he should abstain altogether, for his eating is not of faith. Here our translators have rendered SicucpLvbiievos rightly, but a misgiving appears to have occurred to them, for in the margin they add ' Or, discerneth and putteth a difference between meats,' which would be the active 6 Siaicpivwv. Indeed an evil destiny would seem to have pursued them throughout, when dealing with compounds of Kpivew, for in another passage (2 Cor. i. 9) they render diro- Kpipa ' sentence/ though the correct meaning ' answer* is given in the margin. This neglect of prepositions in compound words is a very frequent fault in our Version. In the parable of the wheat and the tares indeed, though the correct reading describes the sowing in the one case by aireipeiv and in the other by eTriaireipeLv (Matt. xiii. 24, 25), yet no blame can attach to our translators for not observing the distinction, as they had in their text the faulty reading eWape for 76 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. eTrecrTreipev. But elsewhere this excuse cannot be pleaded in their behalf. Thus in the parable of the wedding-feast there is a striking variation of language between the commission of the master and its execution by the servants, which ought not to have been effaced. The order given is iropevevOe eVl ra9 &i,ej;6Sovs TWV oSwv, but as regards its fulfilment we read simply eeX0oWe9 eh ra? 0801)9 (Matt. xxii. g, 10). In this change of expression we seem to see a reference to the imperfect work of the human agents as contrasted with the urgent and uncompromising terms of the command, which bade them scour the public thoroughfares, following all their outlets ; and certainly it is slovenly work to translate both ra9 oVfoou9 TMV 6Bd)v and ra9 0801)9 alone by the same rendering 'high-ways.' A similar defect again is the obliteration of the distinction between airavav and ^K^airavav in 2 Cor. xii. 1 5 ' I will very gladly spend (Sajravijaa)) and be spent (e/cSaTrawrjOr}- o-ofjiat,) for you,' where ' wholly spent ' would give the force of the compound. But examples of this kind might be multiplied. Would it not be possible, for instance, to find some rendering, which without any shock to good taste would yet distinguish between $i\elv and Karai\.lv in such passages as Matt. xxvi. 48, 49 ov av (f>i\ijo-(o auro9 a~Tiv...Kal /car(f>i\rj- t\?7/x poi OVK DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 77 , aurrj &e...ov SteXiTrev KaTa$i\ovcra, TOU? TroSa? IJLOV, so as to bring out the extravagance of the treachery in the one case and the depth of the devotion in the other, implied in the strong compound Hardly less considerable is the injury inflicted on the sense by failing to observe the different force of prepositions, when not compounded. Of this fault one instance must suffice. In 2 Cor. iii. 1 1 el yap TO Karapyov/JLvov Sia So 779, TroXXro /Jba\\ov TO /juevov ev 80^77, 'For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious! the distinction of SLO, Sof/?? and ev &6%r) is obliterated, though the change is significant in the original, where the transitory flush and the abiding presence are distinguished by the change of prepositions, and thus another touch is added to the picture of the contrast between the two dispensations. Again, how much force is lost by neglecting a change of gender in the English rendering of John i. 1 1 ' He came to his own (et? TO, iSia) t and his own (OL L&IOI) received him not.' Here the distinction in the original between the neuter TO. i$ia and the masculine ol ISiot, at once recalls the parable in Matt. xxi. 33 sq., in which the vineyard corresponds to ra TSta and the husbandmen to ol 181,01 ; but our Version makes no distinction between the place and the 78 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. persons between 'His own home' and 'His own people. 1 Doubtless there is a terseness and a strength in the English rendering which no one would wil- lingly sacrifice ; but the sense ought to be the first consideration. Let me pass to an illustration of another kind, where confusion is introduced by the same render- ing of different verbs: I Cor. xiv. 36 'What, came the word of God out from you ? or came it unto you only ? ' Here there appears to the English reader to be an opposition between from and unto, and the two interrogatives seem to introduce alternative proposi- tions. The original however is rj afi vpwv 6 \6yos TOV eov e%?)\6ev ; rj et? vfia? fjuovovs KarrjvTrjaev ; where the fault of the English Version is twofold ; the same word is used in rendering e%rj\6ev and KarrjvTvjo-ev, and p,6vov<$ is represented by the ambiguous 'only.' Thus the emphasis is removed from the pronoun you in both clauses to the prepositions, and the two hypotheses are made to appear mutually exclusive. The translation of Tyndale, which was retained even in the Bishops' Bible, though somewhat harsh, is correct and forcible, ' Spronge the worde of God from you ? Ether came it unto you only 1 ?' 1 A very important passage, in which the hand of the reviser is needed, may perhaps be noted here. The correct Greek Text of Matt. V. 32 is Tras 6 dTroXiW TT\V yvvaiKO. avrov, Trape/cros \6yov iropveias, iroiet avryv /uoixei/0?}'cu, KO! 6s tdj> dTroXeXvfjLtvijv 70/070-77 /totxarat, where DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 79 Much attention has been directed by recent writers to the synonymes of the New Testament. They have pointed out what is lost to the English reader by such confusions as those of av\r) fotd and iro'uLvr] flock in John x. 1 6, where in our Version the same word/0/# stands for both 1 , though the point of our Lord's teaching depends mainly on the distinction between the many folds and the one flock ; of SovXot, and Sid/covoi, in the parable of the wedding-feast (Matt. xxii. I sq.), both rendered by servants, though they have different functions assigned to them, and though they represent two distinct classes of beings the one human, the other angelic ministers 2 ; of KO- our English Version has ' Whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adtiltery.' Here the English Version casts equal blame on the woman, thus doing her an injustice, for obviously she is not in the same position with the husband as regards guilt; but the Greek /uoixeutf^cu (not /uoixa0-0ai), being a passive verb, implies something quite different. In this instance however the fault does not lie at the door of our translators, who instead of ^.otxevdTjvai had the false reading /-totxcur&u ; but, the correct text being restored, a corresponding change in the English rendering is necessary. Com- pare also the various reading in Matt. xix. 9. 1 Tyndale and Coverdale preserve the distinction of flock and fold. In the Great Bible it disappears. 2 Here again the older Versions generally preserve the distinction, translating SovXoi, diaKovotby 'servants,' 'ministers,' respectively. The Rheims Version has 'waiters' for diaKovoi. In this case the Geneva Bible was the first to obliterate the distinction, which was preserved even in the Bishops'. 80 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. and airvpi^ in the miracles of feeding the five thousand and the four thousand respectively both translated baskets though the words are set over against each other in the evangelic narratives (Matt. xvi. 9, 10, Mark viii. 19, 20), and seem to point to a different nationality of the multitudes in the two cases ; of %>a and dijpia in the Apocalypse, both represented by beasts, though the one denotes the beings who. worship before the throne of heaven, and the other the monsters whose abode is the abyss beneath. For other instances, and generally for an adequate treatment of this branch of exegesis, I shall be content to refer to the works of Archbishop Trench and others ; but the following examples, out of many which might be given, will serve as further illustrations of the subject, which is far from being exhausted. In John xiii. 23, 25 r\v Be dvaKei^evo^ el? e/c liaOrjTtoV avrov eV TO> /c6\7r&) rov 'I77<7o0. eVeti/09 oi/Vft)? eVl TO (rrrjOos TOU 'I^crou Xeyet 'Now there was leaning 011 Jesus' bosom one of his disciples... He then lying on Jesus' breast saith,' the English Version makes no distinction between the reclining position of the beloved disciple throughout the meal, described by az/a/ce///,ero5, and the sudden change of posture at this moment, introduced by avaireo-wv. This distinc- tion is further enforced in the original by a change DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 8 1 in both the prepositions and the nouns, from eV to eW, and from Kokiros to o-rrjOos. S. John was reclining on the bosom of his Master, and he sud- denly threw back his head upon His breast to ask a question. Again in a later passage a reference occurs not to the reclining position but to the sudden movement 1 in xxi. 2O o? teal dveTreaev ev TO> SeLTTvq) eTrl TO GT?)6o<$ at/rod Kol elirev, where likewise it is misunderstood by our translators, 'which also leaned on his. breast and said/ This is among the most striking of those vivid descriptive traits which distinguish the narrative of the fourth Gospel gener- ally, and which are especially remarkable in these last scenes of Jesus' life, where the beloved dis- ciple was himself an eye-witness and an actor. It is therefore to be regretted that these fine touches 1 The word cij>aTriirTu> occurs several times in the New Testament and always signifies a change of position, for indeed this idea is inherent in the word. It is used of a rower bending back for a fresh stroke (e.g. Polyb. i. 21. 2), of a horse suddenly checked and rearing (Plat. Phcedr. 254 B, E), of a guest throwing himself back on the couch or on the ground preparatory to a meal (Matt. xv. 35, John xiii. 12, etc). The received text of xiii. 25 runs, tiwre 8e tKfwos eirl rb ffrrjdos /r.T.X., but the correct reading is as given above. The substitution of eTrnreffuv however does not tell in favour of our translators; for this word ought to have shown, even more clearly than avatreff&v, that a change of posture was intended. The OUTWS, which appears in the correct text and gives an additional touch to the picture, has a parallel in iv. 6 e/catfefcro ourws firl T$ ^1773. In xxi. 20 there is no various reading. L. R. 6 82 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. of the picture should be blurred in our English Bibles. Again, in I Cor. xiv. 2O /in) TraiSia 9 rd d^w^a favnv SiSovra... edv $iaa-To\r)v rot? (#0770*9 fJ*rj Sa> is translated, 'Even things without life giving sound... except they give a distinction in the sounds* where certainly different words should have been found for i/r} and 06yyo<; ; and yet our translators did not fail through poverty of expression, for three verses below they have ren- dered (jxaval voices and afywvov without signification. In the margin they suggest tunes for fi&oyyois, and this would be preferable to retaining the same word. As $007709 is used especially of musical sounds, per- haps notes might be adopted. This is just a case where a word not elsewhere found in the English Bible might be safely introduced, because there is no incongruity which jars upon the ear. Again in the following chapter (xv. 40) crepa pev 77 rc5z/ DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 83 pavlcov Sofa, erepa Se 77 rwv emyeLwv. a\\rj Sofa q Kal a\\rj Sofa 0-6X171/77?, KOI a\\rj Sofa dcrrepwv, the words aXX?? and erepa are translated alike, ' The glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars.' Yet it is hardly to be doubted that S. Paul purposely uses erepa when he is speaking of things belonging to different classes, as errovpdvia and eTriyeta, and a'XX?7 when he is speaking of things belonging to the same class, as the sun and moon and stars ; for this is the proper distinction between aXX?7 and erepa, that, whereas the former denotes simply distinction of individuals, the latter involves the secondary idea of difference of kind. In fact the change in the form of the sentence by which Sofa, Sofa, from being marked out as the subjects by the definite article and distin- guished by /jiev...Be in the first place, become simply predicates and are connected by Kal. . ./cal in the second, corresponds to the change from erepa to aXX?; in passing from the one to the other. These words aXXo?, ere/jo?, occur together more than once, and in all cases something is lost by effacing the distinction. In Gal. i. 6 6avada) ori.ovrco ra^eco? /jierarldeade... et? erepov evayyeXiov, o outc eanv aXXo, translated 'I marvel that ye are so soon removed... unto another Gospel, which is not anotherl the sense would be 62 84 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. brought out by giving each word its proper force ; and again in 2 Cor. xi. 4 a\\ov 'Iij&ovv Kripvcrcrei ov OVK etcrjpv^afjLev, rj 'rrvev/JLa erepov Xa/4/3az>ere o OVK eXdfiere, though the loss is less considerable, the dis- tinction might with advantage have been preserved. In these instances however a reviser might be deterred by the extreme difficulty in distinguishing the two, without introducing some modernism. In the passage first quoted (i Cor. xv. 40) the end might perhaps be attained by simply substituting ' other ' for ' another ' in rendering erepa. Still more important is it to mark the distinction between elvai a*nd ^Lveadai, where our translators have not observed it. Thus our English rendering of Joh. viii. 58, 'Before Abraham was, I am? loses half the force of the original, irplv 'Affpaajji, yevecrOai, eya> et/u, 'Before Abraham was born, I am? The becoming only can be rightly predicated of the patriarch ; the being is reserved for the Eternal Son alone. Similar in kind, though less in degree, is the loss in the render- ing of Luke vi. 36 ylveo-Qe olfcrtp/jLoves, KaOci)? [ical] 6 7rart}p vfjLO)v ol/crtpfjiwv eVrtV, ' J3e ye merciful, as your Father also is merciful.' Here also the original ex- presses the distinction between the imperfect effort and the eternal attribute 1 . 1 In i Pet. i. 1 6 our translators, when they gave the rendering '/?prjfjLa re\eiov in James i. 17 than ' every good gift and every perfect gift! since a contemporary of S. James especially distinguishes Soo-t?, Sofia, from Scopov, Saped etc., saying that the latter are much stronger and involve the idea of mag- nitude and fulness which is wanting to the former (Philo Leg. All. iii. 70, p. 126 epfyacriv fieyeQovs review d*ja6v StyXovow /c.T.X. ; com p. de Cherub. 25, p. 154), and applying to them the very same epithet 'perfect' which occurs in the passage before us. And yet the distinction would be dearly purchased at the 5rt yu> 07405 el fit, but the correct text is ayt-oi Zveede, on t'yi ciytos (omitting ct>i). 86 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. cost of an offensive Latinism. But whatever difficulty there may be in finding different renderings here, it was certainly not necessary in the sentence immediately preceding, 'When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin ; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death,' 1} eTndvfiia crv\\a/3ov(ra rtWet afjbapriav, ?} Be apapTia uTroreKecrQeicra airoicvei Odvarov, either to obliterate a real distinction by giving the same rendering of TLicrei and aTTo/cvei or to create an artificial distinction by adopting different forms of sentences for 77 eTnOvpia av\\aftov(Ta and 77 apapTia u7rore\(T0ta-a. The Eng- lish might run ; ' Lust when it hath conceived bring- eth forth sin, and sin when it is perfected (or 'grown') gendereth death.' Again in Rom. xii. 2 ' Be not con- formed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,' for /xr) o-vo-^rjfiarl^o-Oe raj alwvi rotrrft), XXa fJiCTa/JLOp^ovaOe rfj dvaxaivtoffei TOV 1/009 [vpwv], the English not only suggests an iden- tity of expression which has no place in the original but obliterates an important distinction between the (r^fia or fas/iion and the /Jo/> the whole of the sacred precincts. Thus in the English Version an utter confusion of localities results from a combination of two such passages as Matt, xxiii. 35 'Whom ye slew between the temple (rov vaov) and the altar/ and Matt. xxi. 12 'Them that sold and bought in the temple' (eV T&> lepu>). In the first case for TOV vaov S. Luke (xi. 51) uses TOV oitcov 'the house/ the building which is, as it were, the abode of the Divine Presence ; but our English translators have boldly rendered even TOV OLKOV by ' the temple.' More hopeless still is it to preserve the distinction between Qvcriao-Trjpiov the Jewish and /Jta/zo? the Heathen altar, the latter word occurring only once in the New Testament (Acts xvii. 23) and the poverty of our language obliging us there to translate it by the same word as Ova-iacrTrjpiov. The contrast of Jew and Gentile involved in these last words recalls another pair of synonymes, which DISTINCTIONS OBLITERATED. 89 present the same relation to each other and in which the distinction is equally impracticable, Xao? used especially of the chosen people and in contradistinction to the Gentiles (e.g. Acts iv. 25, 27, x. 2, xxi. 28, Rom. ix. 25, 26, i Pet. ii. 10, etc.), and Srjfj,o<; denoting the people of a heathen city and more particularly when gathered together in the popular assembly (e.g. at Caesarea, Acts xii. 22 1 ; at Thessalonica, Acts xvii. 5; at Ephesus, Acts xix. 30, 33). 4- Another class of errors, far more numerous and much more easily corrected than the last, is due to the imperfect knowledge of Greek grammar in the age in which our translators lived. And here it is instructive to observe how their accuracy fails for the most part just at the point where the Latin language ceases to run parallel with the Greek. In two re- markable instances, at all events, this is the case. The Latin language has only one past tense where 1 A heathen multitude, such as would naturally be found in a city which was the seat of the Roman government, is contemplated here, as the whole incident shows. Hence Tyndale and the later Versions rightly translate 0eoO ^WJ/TJ Kal of>< dvOpdirov (ver. 22) 'The voice of a god and not of a man,' where Wycliffe has ' The voice of God and not of man.' When the Jews of Caesarea are especially intended, 6 Xads is used instead of 6 5^/xoj ; Acts x. 2. 90 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. the Greek has two ; a Roman was forced to translate e\d\7}rra and \e\d\rjrca by the same expression 'locutus sum.' Accordingly we find that our English trans- lators make no difference between the aorist and the perfect, apparently giving the most obvious rendering on each occasion and not being guided by any grammatical principle in the treatment of these tenses. Again the Latin language has no definite article; and correspondingly in our English Version its pre- sence or absence is almost wholly disregarded. Indeed it would hardly be an exaggeration to say that, if the translators had been left to supply or omit the definite article in every case according to the probabilities of the sense or the requirements of the English, without any aid from the Greek, the result would have been about as accurate as it is at present. I am not bringing any charge against the ability of our translators. To demand from them a know- ledge of Greek Grammar which their age did not possess would be to demand an impossibility. Accus- tomed to write and to speak in Latin, they uncon- sciously limited the range and capacity of the Greek by the measure of the classical language with which they were most familiarly acquainted. But our own more accurate knowledge may well be brought to bear to correct these deficiencies. Tyndale had said FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 9! truly that ' the Greek tongue agreeth more with the English than the Latin'; and it should be our en- deavour to avail ourselves of this agreement and so to reproduce the meaning of the original with greater exactness. I hope to show, before I have done, that it is no mere pedanti(i affectation which would prompt us to correct these faults ; but that important inter- ests, sometimes doctrinal, sometimes historical, are involved in their adjustment. I. Under the head of faulty grammar, the tenses deserve to be considered first. And here I will begin with the defect on which I have already touched the confusion of the aorist and the perfect. It is not meant to assert that the aorist can always be rendered by an aorist and the perfect by a perfect in English 1 . No two languages coincide exactly in usage, and allowance must be made for the difference. But still I think it will be seen that our Version may be greatly improved in this respect without violence to the English idiom. Thus in John i. 3 %pi? avrov eyevero ovBe ev o yeyovcv, or in 2 Cor. xii. 17, 18 fjiij nva v dire- 7T/30? Vfid^, &i avrov 67r\eove/cTr)a TYroi/, Kal (ver. 22), edavaTaid'rjre (vii. 4), KaTr)pyt)6r)/Ji6v, aTroOavovres (ver. 6). In the second passage, TrepieT/jLrjdrjre (ii. Ii), o-vvTCKJzevres, o-vvrjyep- 6rjT6 (ver. 12), , ffvvriyfipev, ffWKaj9ii5, t^ e older Versions generally render KT-fia-rjadc by ' possess,' for which the A. V. substitutes ' pro- vide,' with the marginal alternative 'get'; and in Acts i. 18 e/crTjcraro Xuptov the oldest Versions have ' hath possessed,' for which the A. V. (after the Bishops' and Geneva Bibles) substitutes ' purchased.' These facts seem to show that the proper distinction between KTaadat and KeKTrjadai (which latter does not occur in the New Testament) was beginning to dawn upon Biblical scholars. FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 99 is treated as an aorist, ' he rose,' shows that they did not regard the rules of grammar, but were guided only by the apparent demands of the sense. Another example, closely allied to the last, occurs in Heb. vii. 14, 22. The context lays stress on the unchangeable priesthood ; ' Thou art a priest for ever,' ' He con- tinueth ever' (vv. 21, 24). Hence in ver. 14 the writer says 7rp6$r)\ov on ef 'lovSa dvareraX/cev 6 Ki?/uo? tffj,Q}v, and in ver. 22 Kara TOGOVTO KOI Kpeirrovos Bta- 6riK7)9 the aoristic rendering ' From the beginning it was not so ' entirely misleads the English reader as to the sense ; in xxiv. 2 1 oia ov yeyovev air dpxfjs, ' Such as hath not been from the beginning/ would (I suppose) be uni- versally accepted as an improvement on the present FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. IOI translation 'Such as was not from the beginning'; and lastly in xxv. 6 Kpavyrj yeyovev, the startling effect of the sudden surprise is expressed by the change of tense from the aorist, ' a cry is raised' and ought not to be neglected. When therefore this Evangelist in three distinct places introduces the fulfilment of a prophecy by yiyovev, the fact cannot be without meaning. In two of these passages editors sometimes attach the TOVTO Se o\ov yeyovev to the words of the previous speaker of the angel in i. 22 and of our Lord in xxvi. 56 in order to explain the perfect. But this connexion is very awkward even in these two cases, and wholly out of the question in the remaining instance (xxi. 4). Is not the true solution this ; that these tenses preserve the freshness of the earliest catechetical narrative of the Gospel history, when the narrator was not so far removed from the fact that it was unnatural for him to say 'This is come to pass'? I find this hypothesis confirmed when I turn to the Gospel of S. John. He too adopts a nearly identical form of words on one occasion to introduce a prophecy, but with a significant change of tense; xix. 36 eyevero yap ravra f iva TJ ypafyrj Tr\r)pw9f). To one writing at the close of the century, the events of the Lord's life would appear as a historic past ; and so the yeyovev of the earlier Evangelist is exchanged for the eyevero of the later. IO2 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. An able American writer on the English language, criticizing a previous effort at revision, remarks some- what satirically that, judging from this revised version, the tenses 'are coming to have in England a force which they have not now in America 1 .' Now I have already conceded that allowance must be made from time to time for difference of idiom in rendering aorists and perfects : and I do not know to what passages in the revision issued by the Five Clergy- men this criticism is intended to apply. But it is important that our new revisers should not defer hastily to such authority, and close too eagerly with a license which may be abused. The fact is, that our judgment in this matter is apt to be misled by two disturbing influences : we must be on our guard alike against the idola fort and against the idola specus. First, the language of the Authorised Version is so wrought into the fabric of our minds by long habit, that the corresponding conception is firmly lodged there also. Thus it happens that when a change of words is offered to us, we unconsciously apply the new words to the old conception and are 1 Marsh's Lectures on the English Language no. xxviii. p. 633, speaking of the translation of S. John by the Five Clergymen. The passage is quoted by Bp. Ellicott (Revision of the English New Testament p. 13), who seems half disposed to acquiesce in the justice of the criticism. FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 1 03 dissatisfied with them because they seem incongru- ous ; and perhaps we conclude that English idiom is violated because they do not mean what we expect them to mean, not being prepared to make the necessary effort required to master the new concep- tion involved in them. Ido la fort omnium molestissima sunt quae ex foedere verborum et nominum se insinua- runt in intellect inn. But secondly, the idols of our cave are scarcely less misleading than the idols of the market-place. Living in the middle of the nineteenth century, we cannot without an effort transfer ourselves to the modes of thought and of language, which were com- mon in the first. The mistranslation from which this digression started affords a good instance of this source of misapprehension. We should not our- selves say ' This is come to pass,' in referring to facts which happened more than eighteen centuries ago, and therefore we oblige the eye-witnesses to hold our own language and say 'This came to pass.' From the perfect tense I pass on to the present. And here I find a still better illustration of the errors into which we are led by following the idola specus. In the Epistle to the Hebrews the sacred writer, when speaking of the temple services and the Mosaic ritual, habitually uses the present tense : e.g. ix. 6, 7, 9 eiariaaiv ol iepels, irpocr^epei, inrep eavrov, Swpd IO4 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. re teal Ova-Lai, TrpocrfyepovTat,, x. I Overlap a? (frepovcriv. Now I do not say that this is absolutely conclusive as showing that the Epistle was written before the destruction of Jerusalem, but it is certainly a valuable indication of an early date and should not have been obliterated. Yet our translators in such cases almost invariably substitute a past tense, as in the passages just quoted, * the priests went in/ ' he offered for himself,' * were offered both gifts and sacrifices/ ' sacrifices which they offered! And simi- larly in ix. 1 8 they render eyKe/calvio-rai, 'was dedi- cated/ and in ix. 9 TOV icaipov TOV eveo-rr)KOTa ' the time then present/ Only in very rare instances do they allow the present to stand, and for the most part in such cases alone where it has no direct his- torical bearing. The temple worship was a thing of the remote past to themselves in the seventeenth century, and they forced the writer of the Epistle to speak their own language. Another and a more important example of the present tense is the rendering of ol crw^ofjievot,. In the language of the New Testament salvation is a thing of the past, a thing of the present, and a thing of the future. S. Paul says sometimes ' Ye (or we) were saved' (Rom. viii. 24), or 'Ye have been saved' (Ephes. ii. 5, 8), sometimes 'Ye are being saved' (i Cor. xv. 2), and sometimes 'Ye shall be FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 105 saved' (Rom. x. 9, 13). It is important to observe this, because we are thus taught that crwrypla involves a moral condition which must have begun already, though it will receive its final accomplishment here- after. Godliness, righteousness, is life, is salvation. And it is hardly necessary to say that the divorce of morality and religion must be fostered and en- couraged by failing to note this and so laying the whole stress either on the past or on the future on the first call or on the final change. It is there- fore important that the idea of salvation as a rescue from sin through the knowledge of God in Christ, and therefore a progressive condition, a present state, should not be obscured ; and we cannot but regret such a translation as Acts ii. 47 'The Lord added to the Church daily such as should be savedl where the Greek 7-01)5 aw*oiievovs implies a different idea. In other passages, Luke xiii. 23, I Cor. i. 18, 2 Cor. ii. 15, Rev. xxi. 24 (omitted in some texts), where ol crw^ofjievoL occurs, the renderings ' be saved, are saved' may perhaps be excused by the requirements of the English language, though these again suggest rather a complete act than a continuous and progressive state. In other cases the substitution of a past tense inflicts a slighter, but still a perceptible injury. It obscures the vividness of the narrative or destroys 106 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. the relation of the sentences. Thus in Matt. iii. I, 13, the appearing of John the Baptist and of our Lord is introduced in the same language: ev feu? ripepais eiceivai,? tr a p ay iv er a i *\(odvvr) KOI ov aTretrretXa? '1*70-01)1; Xpia-rov ; nor is it used without the de- finite article in more than four passages, Mark ix. 41 ez> ovofjiari on XpiaTov eVre, Luke ii. 1 1 arwrrjp os edvwri<$ aKovaras eV TO) e<7/zo>T77jCHft> TO, pya TOV XpicrTov, the Evangelist's meaning is not that the Baptist heard what Jesus was doing, but that he was informed of one per- forming those works of mercy and power which the Evangelic prophet had foretold as the special func- tion of the Messiah 1 . I have studiously confined 1 I find that the view, which is here maintained, of the use of Xpi<7Tos and 6 X/>WT6$ is different alike from that of Middleton (Greek FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 113 the rigid application of this rule to the historical portions of the Gospels and excepted the Evange- lists' own prefaces and comments : but even in these latter a passage is occasionally brought out with much greater force by understanding rov ^Kpiarov to apply to the ofnce rather than the individual, and translat- ing it 'the Christ/ In the genealogy of S. Matthew for instance, where the generations are divided sym- metrically into three sets of fourteen, the Evangelist seems to connect the last of each set with a critical epoch in the history of Israel ; the first reaching from the origin of the race to the commencement of the monarchy (ver. 6 * David the king') ; the second from the commencement of the monarchy to the captivity in Babylon ; the third and last from the captivity to the coming of the Messiah, the Christ (eo>9 TOV XpicrTov). Connected with the title of the Messiah is that of the prophet who occupied a large space in the Messianic horizon of the Jews the prophet whom Moses had foretold, conceived by some to be the Messiah himself, by others an attendant in his train. In one passage only (John vii. 40) is 6 TT/JO^TT??, so used, rightly given in our Version. In the rest (John Article on Mark ix. 41) and from those of others whom he criticizes. I should add that I wrote all these paragraphs relating to the definite article without consulting Middleton, and without conscious reminiscence of his views on any of the points discussed. L. R. 8 114 ERRORS AND DEFECTS; i. 21, 25, vi. 14) its force is weakened by the exag- gerated rendering ' that prophet'; while in the margin of i. 21 (as if to show how little they understood the exigencies of the article) our translators have offered an alternative, 'Art thou a prophet ?' As relating to the Person and Office of Christ another very important illustration presents itself. In Col. i. 19 S. Paul declares that ev avr

9 T^? /JLeydXrjs)' ; xvii. I 'That sitteth upon many waters' (eVl r&v vSdrwv rwv TTO\\WV, for this was the reading in their text). And another instance, not very dissimilar, occurs in the Gospels. The same expression is used six times in S. Matthew (viii. 12, xiii. 42, 50, xxii. 13, xxiv. 51, xxv. 30) and once in S. Luke (xiii. 28) to describe the despair and misery of the condemned : e/cel co-rat, 6 K\av0^oOaa-V (efydaicev) e eV avrovs 77 opyrj ette {,/jas i TT pay part),' where the sin of dis- honest gain is substituted for the sin of unbridled sensuality by the mistranslation ; and in 2 Cor. vii. 1 1 'Ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter (eV TW TrpdjfWTi)' where, though the perversion is much less considerable, a slightly different turn is given to the Apostle's meaning by substituting ' this ' for 'the. 1 Again, in I Cor. v. 9, where S. Paul is made to say, * I wrote unto you in an Epistle ' (instead of * my Epistle ' or ' letter '), the mistranslation of ev rfj e7U(TTo\f] has an important bearing on the interpre- tation of his allusion. Again in 2 Cor. xii. 18 'I I2O ERRORS AND DEFECTS. desired Titus, and with him I sent a brother (TOV aSeXTG>X p. 280. FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 'This is he that came by water and blood (Si KOI aJ/iaro?), even Jesus Christ ; not by water (eV TO> only, but by water (eV TO> vSari) and blood (TW '; Rev. xi. 9, 1 1 'Shall see their dead bodies three days and an half (^epa? r/oefc /cat ^cr after three days and an half (yuera ras rpri? jj /cat Tjfjburv) etc.' Omissions of this class are very numerous. The error of inserting the article where it is absent is less frequent than that of omitting it where it is present, but not less injurious to the sense. Thus in I Tim. iii. 1 1 yvvai/cas ooo-avrcos aeiivas would hardly have been rendered ' Even so must their wives be grave,' if the theory of the definite article had been understood ; for our translators would have seen that the reference is to 'yvvalicas Bia/covovs, 'women-deacons' or 'deaconesses/ and not to the wives of the deacons 1 . Again, in John iv. 27 eOav/jua^ov ori fiera fyvvaiicos e\d\i, the English Version ' They marvelled that He talked with the woman' implies that the disciples 1 The office of deaconess is mentioned only in one other passage in the New Testament (Rom. xvi. i) ; and there also it is obliterated in the English Version by the substitution of the vague expression ' which is a servant ' for the more definite oftaav diaKovov. If the testimony borne in these two passages to a ministry of women in the Apostolic times had not been thus blotted out of our English Bibles, attention would proba- bly have been directed to the subject at an earlier date, and our English Church would not have remained so long maimed in- one of her hands. 128 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. knew her shameful history a highly improbable sup- position, since she is obviously a stranger whose character our Lord reads through His divine intui- tion alone ; whereas the true rendering, * He talked with a woman,' which indeed alone explains the em- phatic position of , points to their surprise that He should break through the conventional restraints imposed by rabbinical authority and be seen speaking to one of the other sex in public 1 . Again in Luke vi. 1 6 09 [/cal] eyevero TrpoBoTrjs ought not to be trans- lated ' Which also was the traitor/ because the sub- sequent history of Judas is not assumed to be known to S. Luke's readers, but ' Who also became a traitor/ Again it is important for geographical reasons that in Acts viii. 5 Philip should not be represented as going down 'to the city of Samaria' (et9 iroXiv rrjs Sa/zape/a?), if the reading which our translators had before them be correct 2 , because the rendering may lead to a wrong identification of the place. And lastly, Kara eoprrjv, which means simply 'at festival-time/ should not be translated 'at the feast' (Luke xxiii. 17), still less 'at that feast' (Matt, xxvii. 15, Mark xv. 6), because these renderings seem to limit the custom to the feast of the Passover a limitation which is not 1 A rabbinical precept was, * Let no one talk with a woman in the street, no not with his own wife': see Lightfoot's Works, u. p. 543. 2 ds Tty irb\iv however ought almost certainly to be read. FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 1 29 implied in the original expression and certainly is not required by the parallel passage in S. John (xviil 39). Happily in another passage (John v. I //.era ravra TJV eop-rrj TWV 'lovSatW), which is important in its bearing on the chronology of our Lord's life, our translators have respected the omission of the article before eoprtj ; but that their accuracy in this instance was purely accidental appears from the fact that a chapter later (vi. 4) TO Traaya $ eoprr) T&V 'lovSaitov is rendered ' the Passover, a feast of the Jews.' But if, after the examples already given, any doubt could still remain that the theory of the definite article was wholly unknown to our trans- lators, the following passages, in which almost every conceivable rule is broken, must be regarded as con- clusive : Matt. iii. 4 avros Se 6 '\wdvvr]epovo-a Se aicavOas Kal T/H/SoXou? d&o/cifjios ' But that whicJi beareth thorns and briers is rejected ' ; ib. vi. 16 iracr^ airrols dvnXoylas Trepa? et? fiefiaiciMTiv 6 o/3/co? 'An oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife ' ; ib. ix. I TO re ayiov Koa/jLi/cov'And a worldly sanctuary'; ib. x. I rat? aiJrafc Qvalais a? irpovfyepovcnv l With those sacrifices which they offered ' ; Rev. xix. 9 ovrot, ol \6yoi, aXyOivol elcri TOV 6eoO 'These are the true sayings of God.' There is however one passage, in which this fault is committed and on which it may be worth while to dwell at greater length, because it does not appear to have been properly understood. In John v. 35 the words eicelvo<; r\v o Xi^z/o? 6 Kaioiievos Kal (fraivwvj in which our Lord describes the Baptist, are translated in our Version ' He was a burning and a shining light.' Thus rendered, the expression appears as in- FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 131 tended simply to glorify John. But this is not the sense which the context requires, and it is only at- tained by a flagrant disregard of the articles. Com- mentators have correctly pointed out that John is here called 6 \v^vo<; ' the lamp ' ; he was not TO o>? 'the light' (i. 8) 1 ; for Christ Himself and Christ only is ' the light' (i. 9, iii. 19, ix. 5, etc.). Thus the ren- dering of 6 \vxyos is vitally wrong, as probably few would deny. But it has not been perceived how much the contrast between the Baptist and the Sa- viour is strengthened by a proper appreciation of the remaining words 6 KOLLO^VO^ teal (fratvcov. The word is 'to burn, to kindle,' as in Matt. v. 15 ovSe \v%vov ' Neither do men light a candle ' : so too Luke xii. 35 ol \v^yoi KaLofievoi, Rev. iv. 5, viii. 10. Thus it implies that the light is not in- herent, but borrowed ; and the force of the expression will be, ' He is the lamp that is kindled and so shineth.' Christ Himself is the centre and source of light ; the Baptist has no light of his own, but draws all his illumination from this greater One. He is only as the light of the candle, for whose rays indeed men are grateful, but which is pale, flickering, trans- itory, compared with the glories of the Eternal flame from which itself is kindled. 1 Here again (i. 8) much is lost in the English Version by rendering O$K T]V tKelvo? rb 7rb TWV TTo^ltevtov ' those things which were told them of the shepherds' a rendering still retained even in the Bishops' and Geneva Bibles, and first altered ap- parently by King James's revisers. From these archaisms great ambiguity arises. When we hear ' It was said of him,' we understand FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 133 at once l about or concerning him,' but this is not the meaning which this preposition bears in our New Testament. And again, when we read ' It was sent by me,' we understand ' I sent it,' but neither again is this the meaning intended. In the modern lan- guage 'by' represents the sender (UTTO), whereas in the old it denotes the bearer (&a) of the letter or parcel. We do not venture to use l by' meaning the inter- mediate agency or instrument, except in cases where the form or the matter of the sentence shows dis- tinctly that the primary agent is not intended, so that no confusion is possible, as * I sent it by him/ ' I was informed by telegraph.' Otherwise misunder- standing is inevitable. Thus in Acts xii. 9 ' He wist not that it was true which was done by the angel ' (TO yivoiievov Sia rov dyyeXov), or in Acts ii. 43 'Many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles' (Sta T&V aTTocrroXo)!/ cyiveTo), no English reader would suspect that the angel and the Apostles respectively are re- presented as the doers only in the sense in which a chisel may be said to carve a piece of wood, as instru- ments in the hands of an initiative power. In the same way Acts ii. 23 ' Ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain' is, I fancy, wholly misunderstood : nor indeed would it be. easy without a knowledge of the Greek, Sia xeipwv avo^wv^, to dis- 1 I have taken xfipuv as the reading which our translators had before 134 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. cover that by the * wicked hands/ or rather * lawless hands/ is meant the instrumentality of the avofioi, the heathen Romans, whom the Jews addressed by S. Peter had used as their tools to compass our Lord's death. And again, such renderings as Gal. iii. 19 'ordained by angels* (Siarayek Si dyye\cov), and Eph. iii. 10 'might be known by the Church (yvcopi- aQfi Bid T?;? eKKXycrias, i.e. might be made known through the Church) the manifold wisdom of God/ are quite misleading. It was not however for the sake of such isolated examples as these that I entered upon this discussion. There are two very important classes of passages, in which the distinc- tion between VTTO (djro) and Bid is very important, and in which therefore this ambiguity is much to be regretted. The first of these has reference to Inspiration. Wherever the sacred writers have occasion to quote or to refer to the Old Testament, they invariably apply the preposition Bid, as denoting instrumentality, to the lawgiver or the prophet or the psalmist, while they reserve VTTO, as signifying the primary motive agency, to God Himself. This rule is, I believe, universal. Some few exceptions, it is true, occur in the received text; but all these vanish, when the them. But the correct text is unquestionably Sid. x l P^ o-vb/j-wv 'by the hand of lawless men,' which brings out the sense still more clearly. FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 135 readings of the older authorities are adopted 1 : and this very fact is significant, because it points to a con- trast between the persistent idea of the sacred writers themselves and the comparative indifference of their later transcribers. Sometimes Sia occurs alone, e.g. Matt. xxi. 4 TO /3?70ei> Sia TOV TrpocfrrjTov, xxiv. 15 TO pyOev &ia &avt,r)\, etc. ; sometimes in close connexion with VTTO, e.g. Matt. i. 22 TO prjOev VTTO K.vpiov St,a rov Trpo^Tov (comp. ii. 15). It is used moreover not only when the word is mentioned as spoken, but also when it is mentioned as written ; e.g. Matt. ii. 5 jap ryeypaTTTat, Si a TOV trpocfrrjTOV, Luke xviii. 31 ra yeypafji/jieva Sia TWV TrpotyrjTwv. Yet this signi- ficant fact is wholly lost to the English reader. The other class of passages has a still more im- portant theological bearing, having reference to the Person of Christ. The preposition, it is well known, which is especially applied to the Office of the Divine 1 In Matt. ii. 17, iii. 3, the readings of the received text are faro 'lepefdov, virb 'Rffaiov respectively, but all the best critical editions read Sid. in both places, following the preponderance of ancient authority. In Matt, xxvii. 35, Mark xiii. 14, the clauses containing virb in this connexion are interpolations, and are struck out in the best editions. In all these four passages our A.V. has 'by,' though the transla- tors had virb in their text and (following their ordinary practice) should have rendered it 'of.' Tyndale, who led the way, probably having no distinct grammatical conception of the difference of virb and 5, followed his theological instinct herein and thus extracted the right sense out of the false reading. 136 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. Word, is Bid', e.g. John i. 3, 10 irdvra Si avrov eyevero ...6 Acoo>io9 Si avrov eyevero, I Cor. viii. 6 el? Kvpios IrjO-OVS X/9i9 etc <&>ro9, K.T.\. words which in themselves represent the doctrine of God the Word as taught by S. John, but whose meaning is veiled by the English preposition of. Thus the Nicene doctrine is obscured in the Nicene formula itself as represented to the English ear ; and the prejudice against it, which is necessarily excited by misunder- standing, ensues. The same misconception must attend the corresponding passages in the New Tes- FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 137 tament; e.g. John i. 3, lO'All things were made by Him,' ' The world was made by Him.' In this case it is much easier to point out the defect than to sup- ply the remedy : but surely the English Version in this context is capricious in rendering Si avrov in the two passages already quoted ' by Him,' and yet in an intermediate verse (7) translating Traz/re? mo-rev o-cocriv $i avrov ' all men through him might believe/ and then again returning to by in ver. 17 6 vofjuos Bia Mft)i;<7ft)9 &60rf, T) ^cipi^ Kal T) aXrfBeia Sia 'I^o-ou X/3t<7ToO eyevero, 'The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.' If prescription is too powerful to admit the rendering 'through' for Bi,a throughout the passage, some degree of consis- tency at least might be attained, so that mvrevcraMTiv &i avrov and Sia Mcovcrew ISoOi) should be translated the same way. But, though in the renderings of Sid with the genitive we are confronted by archaisms rather than by errors, and it might be difficult and perhaps not advisable in many cases to meddle with them, the same apology and the same impediment do not apply to this preposition as used with the accusative. Here our translators are absolutely wrong, and a correction is imperative. Though they do not ever (so far as I have noticed) translate Sia with a genitive as though it had an accusative, they are frequently 138 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. guilty of the converse error, and render it with an accusative as though it had a genitive. Thus Matt, xv. 3, 6 ' Why do ye transgress the commandment of God?... ye have made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition (Ibia T^V TrapdSoa-iv vfiwv! i.e. ' for the sake of your tradition/ or, as it is expressed in the parallel passage Mark vii. 9, f iva Trjv TapdSoo-w vfLwv TrjprjarjTe [crTrjarjTe]) ; John xv. 3 ' Now ye are clean through the word (Sid rov \6yovy Rom. ii. 24 ' The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you (Si vfjids)' ; 2 Cor. iv. 15 1 That the abundant grace might through the thanks- giving of many redound to the glory of God (a/a 77 TrXeo^aoraera Bid rwv ir\ibvc>)v Trjv ev^apicrrLav vo-r) et? Trjv Sofaz/ rov oi))/ where it is per- haps best to govern TT)V zvyapiaTiav by irepicraevcrr) taken as a transitive, but where the English Version at all events has three positive errors, (i) translating 77 %apt? 7r\ovdfJLaTo6ap7J rd vorjfjLara V[JL>V djro r/J? aTrXor^ro? r^? els TOV Xpio~TOv is rendered 'So your minds should be corrupted from 1 In Mark xii. 26 OVK &vyvi)Te tv rfj /3i'/3Ay Mwi/Wws eirl TOV ^Sarou, TTO?S direv avry 6 0e6s ' Have ye not read in the book of Moses how in the bush God spake unto him?' the wrong idea conveyed in the English Version arises more from neglect of the order than from mistranslation of the preposition. If the order of the original had been trusted, our translators would have seen that eirl TOV /Sarou must mean 'in the pas- sage relating to the Bush,' 'in the passage called the Bush' (comp. ev 'HXip Rom. xi. 2, 'in the history of Elijah,' where again our A. V. has the wrong rendering * of Elias'). Strangely enough Wycliffe alone of our English translators gives the right meaning, 'Han ye not rad in the book of Moises on the bousche, how God seide to him?' In the parallel passage Luke xx. 37 the rendering of our Authorised Version ' at the bush ' is at all events an improvement on the preceding transla- tions ' besides the bush.' I4O ERRORS AND DEFECTS. the simplicity that is in Christ/ where the true idea is 'sincerity or fidelity towards Christ/ in accordance with the image in the context, ' That I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ/ Even more serious is the injury done to the sense in I Cor. viii. 6, a\X' TJ/jbiv efc 0609 6 Trarrjp ef ov ra iravra fcal r^els et? avrov, KOL 6t9 'Kvptos 'I?; aw^a e/3a7TTio-0i]fjiv ' For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body/ the Hebraic or instrumental sense of ev is indefensible. Lastly, even prepositions with such well-defined meanings as CUTTO and virip are not always respected ; as for example in 2 Thess. ii. I, 2 'Now we beseech you, brethren, by (vTrep) the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind (OTTO TOV 7/009)'; while elsewhere vrapa is similarly illtreated, I Pet. ii. 4 ' Disallowed indeed of men (I/TTO av0pa>7ra)v), but chosen of God (irapa ec3 Under these three heads the most numerous grammatical errors of our Version fall. But other in- accuracies of diverse kinds confront us from time to time, and some of these are of real importance. Any- one who attempts to frame a system of the chronology of our Lord's life by a comparison of the Gospel-nar- ratives with one another and with contemporary Jewish history, will know how perplexing is the statement in our English Version of Luke iii. 23 that Jesus after His baptism l began to be about thirty years of age.' 142 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. But the original need not and (in fact) cannot mean this ; for r^v ap^o^evo^ coo-el ertov rpidfcovra must be translated 'was about thirty years old, when he began' (i.e. at the commencement of His public life, His minis- try) ; where caael is sufficiently elastic to allow a year or two or even more either under or over the thirty years : and in fact the notices of Herod's life in Jose- phus compared with S. Matthew's narrative seem to require that our Lord should have been somewhat more than thirty years old at the time. Again such a translation as Phil. iv. 3 ow\afjfldvov avrals amz>e?... (Tvvr]6\'r](Tav fjLoi, 'Help those women which laboured with me/ is impossible ; and, going hand in hand with an error in the preceding verse by which a man ' Euodias ' is substituted for a woman ' Euodia 1 / calls for correction. Again in 2 Pet. iii. 12 the rendering of airevSovras rrjv Trapovaiav rry? rov 0eoO ^yttepa? ' hasting unto the coming of the day of God ' cannot stand, and the alternative suggested in the margin ' hasting the coming ' should be placed in the text ; for the words obviously imply that the zeal and steadfastness of the faithful will be instrumental in 1 The Versions of Tyndale and Coverdale, the Great Bible, and the Bishops' Bible, treat both as men's names, Euodias and Syntiches (Syntyches or Sintiches) ; the Geneva Testament (1557) gives both cor- rectly; but the Geneva Bible takes up the intermediate position, and is followed by our A. V. All alike are wrong in the translation of atfrcus al'rtj'es. FAULTS OF GRAMMAR. 143 speeding the final crisis. Again the substitution of an interrogative for a relative in Matt. xxvi. 50 eralpe, e' o irdpei, ' Friend, wherefore art thou come ?' is not warranted by New Testament usage, though here our translators are supported by many modern com- mentators ; and the expression must be treated as an aposiopesis, ' Friend, do that for which thou art come 1 .' Again our translators have on more than one occasion indulged in the grammatical fiction of Hypallage, rendering 717)09 ol/co$ofj,r]v r^ ' for the use of edifying ' in Eph. iv. 29, and d TOV T/J? dpx*! 1 * ToO XpiGTov \6yov (Heb. vi. i) 'leaving the principles of the 'doctrine of Christ' In both of these passages however there is a marginal note, though in the first the alternative offered 'to edify profitably ' slurs over the difficulty. Such grammatical deformities as these should be swept away. Neither again should we tolerate such a rendering as I Cor. xii. 28 azmA^/n/ret?, /cv/Bepvija-eis, 'helps in govern- ments 2 ,' where the original contemplates two distinct functions, of which ai/rA^/i^ret? would apply mainly to the diaconate and Kv^epvrja-ei^ to the presbytery, 1 Thus it may be compared with John xiii. 27 6 rotets, raxtov. 2 This is the rendering in the edition of 1611 ; but the preposition was struck out in the Cambridge edition of 1637 (and possibly earlier), and the text is commonly printed 'helps, governments,' but without any authority. 144 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. but where our translators have had recourse to the grammatical fiction of Hendiadys. A somewhat similar instance to the last, where two detached words are combined in defiance of the sense, is I Cor. xvi. 22 ' Let him be Anathema Maranatha,' where doubt- less the words should be separated ; rJTco dvdOe^a' M.apav a6d y 'Let him be anathema. Maran Atha' (i.e. ' The Lord cometh,' or ' is come '). Isolated examples of grammatical inaccuracy such as these might be multiplied ; but I will close with one illustration, drawn from the treatment of the word fyalvew. The distinction between fyalvew ' to shine ' and fyaivecrOat, ' to appear ' is based on an elementary principle of grammar. It is therefore surprising that our translators should not have ob- served the difference. And yet, though the context in most cases leads them right, the errors of which they are guilty in particular passages show that they proceeded on no fixed principle. Thus we have in Acts xxvii. 2O wre avrpwv eirifyaivovTw ITTL Tr\eiovas rjnepas 'Nor stars in many days appeared} and con- versely in Matt. xxiv. 27 /cal fyalverai eW 8vcrfj.wv 1 And shineth even unto the west,' and in Phil. ii. 1 5 eV ot9 aivo^ai elvai ' I appear to be,' and fyaivoiiai wv ' I am seen to be.' Of this error they are guilty in Matt. vi. 16, 1 8, O7r&) av fl '" ff <- Z word was accentuated as a passive (^avf;) in the text used by our trans- lators, as was probably the case, they have rendered it incorrectly 'The light of a candle shall shine no more in thee'; but here Lachmann and others read the active (jxiv-g. In Rev. viii. 12 they read Qaivr) and rightly translated it 'shone' : but modern critical editors substitute ou>y or Qavrj. In Acts xxi. 3 'When we had discovered Cyprus,' the correct text is probably dvaa.vTts. L. R. 10 146 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. grammar in our translators, it may be well to point out instances in which they have attempted to im- prove the original, where the connexion is loose or the structure ungrammatical. This happens most frequently where past and present tenses are inter- mingled in the original ; e.g. Matt. iii. 15, 16 6 ' TT/>Or}(riv is translated suffered \ or Mark xiv. 53, 54 Kai dTrrjyayov rov 'Irjcrovv...^!, ffwep^ov- rat, avro) 7rdvre<;...ical 6 TLerpos djro naicpoQev rj/co- \ov0r) avru> eov<7iav, iii. 12 6 VLK&V, Troitjao) avrov arv\ov, iii. 21 6 VIKWV, Swaco avrw KadLcai. In the first instance only have our translators had the courage to retain the broken grammar of the original, 'And /&? that overcometh... to him will I give/ acting thus boldly perhaps because the intervening words partly obscure the irregularity. In the other two cases they have set the grammar straight; 'Him that overcometh will I make a pillar/ 'To him that overcometh will I grant to sit.' Yet there was no sufficient reason for making a difference, and in all alike the English should have commenced as the Greek commences, ' He that over- cometh.' Would it be thought overbold if I were to counsel the same scrupulous adherence to the form of the original in a still more important passage ? In Rev. i. 4 %pfc9 Vfuv /cal eiprjvrj OTTO [roO] 6 wv Kal o rjv KOI 6 10 2 148 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. , the defiance of grammar is even more startling. It may be true that a cultivated Athenian could hardly have brought himself to write thus ; but certainly the fisherman of Galilee did not so express himself from mere ignorance of Greek, for such ig- norance as this supposition would assume must have prevented his writing the Apocalypse at all. In this instance at least, where the Apostle is dealing with the Name of names, the motive which would lead him to isolate the words from their context is plain enough. And should not this remarkable feature be preserved in our English Bible ? If in Exod. iii. 14 the words run ' I AM hath sent me unto you/ may we not also be allowed to read here, 'from HE THAT IS AND THAT WAS AND THAT IS TO COME'? Certainly the violation of grammar would not be greater in the English than it is in the Greek. 5. . , , - If the errors of grammar in our English Version are very numerous, those of lexicography are not so frequent. Yet even here several indisputable errors need correction ; not a few doubtful interpretations may be improved ; and many vague renderings will gain by being made sharper and clearer. Instances of impossible renderings occur from time FAULTS OF LEXICOGRAPHY. 149 to time, though the whole number of these is not great. By impossible renderings I mean those cases in which our translators have assigned to a word a signification which it never bears elsewhere, and which therefore we must at once discard without considering whether it docs or does not harmonize with the context. Such for instance is the treatment of the par- ticles eri and rjSrj in occasional passages, where their meaning is interchanged in our Version ; as in Mark xiii. 28 orav avrrjs rjBrj 6 icXdSos aVaXo? yevrjrai, K.T.\. 1 When her branch is yet tender/ for ' As soon as its branch is tender' (the sign of approaching summer), and 2 Cor. i. 23 ovtceri rj\6ov et? KopwOov, * I came not as yet unto Corinth,' for 'I came no more unto Corinth' (I paid no fresh visit): or the rendering of cnra% in Heb. xii. 26 en aira^ eyw , 'Yet once more I shake' : or of /cal jap in Matt. xv. 27 val Kvpie, KOI yap rd /cvvdpia eadiet,, ' Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat.' And, when we turn from particles to nouns and verbs, examples will not fail us. Such are the ren- derings of dvetyios in Col. iv. 10 ' Marcus, sisters son to Barnabas' (6 az/e\^o? Bapvufia) for 'cousin': of 6i- voTrcopivos in Jude 12 'Trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit (BevSpa (frOivoTrcopivd a/capTra), twice dead, plucked up by the roots,' for ' autumn trees without fruit, etc.,' where there appears to be a refer- I5O ERRORS AND DEFECTS. ence to the parable of the barren fig-tree (Luke xiii. 6), and where at all events the mention of the season when fruit might be expected is significant 1 , while under any circumstances the awkward contradiction of terms in our English Version should have sug- gested some misgiving : of OpiajM/Beveiv in 2 Cor. ii. 14 ' God which always canseth tis to triumph (TO> irav- Tore BpianftevovTi rjfias) in Christ,' for ' leadeth us in triumph/ where the image of the believer made cap- tive and chained to the car of Christ is most expres- sive, while the paradox of the Apostle's thanksgiving over his own spiritual defeat and thraldom is at once forcible and characteristic: and of Trapecns in Rom. iii. 25 'To declare his righteousness for the remission of 1 Strange to say, the earliest Versions all rendered Qdivoirwpiva correctly. Tyndale's instinct led him to give what I cannot but think the right turn to the expression; 'Trees with out frute at gadringe [gathering] time,' i.e. at the season when fruit was looked for; I cannot agree with Abp. Trench (p. 125), who maintains that 'Tyndale was feeling after, though he has not grasped, the right translation,' and himself explains ipffivoirupivd, aKapira, as 'mutually completing one another,' without leaves, without fruit. Tyndale was followed by Cover- dale and the Great Bible. Similarly Wycliffe has 'hervest trees without fruyt,' and the Rheims Version 'Trees of Autumne, unfruiteful.' The earliest offender is the Geneva Testament which gives 'corrupt trees and without frute, ' a rendering adopted also in the Geneva Bible. The Bishops' Bible strangely combines both renderings, 'trees withered [0lveu>] at fruite geathering [6ir6pa] and without fruite'; wh'ch is explained in the margin ' Trees withered in Autumne when the fruite harvest is, and so the Greke woord importeth,' while at the same time other alternative interpretations are given. FAULTS OF LEXICOGRAPHY. 151 sins that are past (Sia r^v irdpeaw rwv Trpojeyovurcov dfjLapTrjpaTcov),' for ' by reason of the passing over of the former sins,' where the double error of mistranslating Bta and of giving irdpecr^ the sense of afyecns has entirely shattered the meaning, and where the context implies that this signal manifestation of God's right- eousness was vouchsafed, not because the sins were forgiven, but because they were only overlooked for the time without being forgiven 1 . Other examples again are Xeu/ccus re fj.eXcui'Ofj.frais xXoepous re, it has this sense; and, though this poem was apparently not written till the fourth century, still it seems highly improbable that the writer should have derived this sense of the word solely from S. Jude. If he did so, it only shows how fixed this interpretation had become before his time. (4) The extreme violence of the metaphor 'rocks in your feasts of charity' is certainly not favourable to the interpretation which it is proposed to substitute. And (5) though this argument must not be pressed, yet the occurrence of cnriXoi Kai yuw^toi in the parallel passage (2 Pet. ii. 13) must be allowed some weight in determining the sense of a/>i<7cuos, 2a85ovKa:os, 'Ecrcrcuos (Hegesipp. in Euseb. H. E. iv. 23). This fact seems to have escaped Meyer when he points to the termination as showing that Kavavcuos denotes the name of a place and thus exhibits a false tradition, while the true account is preserved in the fT/Xwrrjs of S. Luke. Indeed the formation of Kavavalos from Kanan is exactly analogous to that of 4>a/oto-a?os from Pharish or 'Acrvis from vvvTaffiv, as many others have done.' The fact is that Karavfoaetv, Karavv^, are frequently used in the LXX to translate words denoting heavy sleep, silence, amazement, and the like, e.g. Levit. x. 3, Ps. iv. 5, xxx. 12, xxxv. 15, Is. vi. 5, Dan. x. 9; and in the very passage to which S. Paul here refers, Is. xxix. 10, Karairvfa represents the Hebrew HDlin 'deep sleep.' The idea of numbness is the connecting link between pricking, wounding, and stttpor, heavy sleep. Fritzsche (Rom. II. p. 558 sq.) has an important excursus on the w,ord, but is not always happy in his explanation of the LXX renderings. The earlier English Versions generally adopted the more literal meaning of Aorcu'vts. Thus Wycliffe and the Rheims Version have 'compunction* after the Vulgate; Tyndale, Coverdale, and the Great Bible 'unquiet- ness'; the Bishops' Bible 'remorse,' with the marginal note 'That is, pricking and unquietnesse of conscience.' The Geneva Testament (1557) is as usual the innovator, rendering the word ' heavy sleep.' For this the Geneva Bible substitutes 'slumber, 'but with a margin 'or pricking.* The reasons why I do not class ejrtotfcnos among these words, in which a mistaken derivation has led to a wrong translation, will be given in the Appendix. 156 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. favours another sense. Examples belonging to this class are James iii. 5 l&oi) o\i/<7cu); Mark iv. 29 orav irapa^ol 6 KapTros, 'When the fruit is brought forth} where the right meaning ripe is given in the margin : Acts ii. 3 St,a- fjLpi^6fjLvai y\(0Tio-/j,ov rov vayye\iov, * Lest the light of the Gospel... should shine unto them,' where indeed the fault was not with the translators but with the reading, since having ai/rot? in their text they had no choice but to translate the words so; but when avrois is struck out (as it should be), a different sense ought perhaps to be given to aLjdcrai, 1 That they might not be/told the light,' etc. Another and a very important example of this class of errors is the rendering of Trat? in Acts iii. 13, 26, iv. 27, 30, where it is translated 'son' or 'child' in place of 'servant,' thus obliterating the connexion with the prophetic announcement of the ' servant of the Lord ' in Isaiah 1 . It is not here, as elsewhere, the Sonship, but the ministry, on which the Apostles dwell. In Matt. xii. 18, where the prophecy itself (Isai. xlii. i) is quoted and applied to our Lord, the words are rightly translated, . * Behold I send my servant' ; and indeed when confronted with the original no one would think of rendering it otherwise. Other instances again are the rendering ofaLpeiv in John i. 29 6 aipwv rrjv d/napriav rov KCHT/JLOV, ' Which taketh away the sin of the world,' where the marginal reading beareth should probably be substituted in the text ; and similarly of dvevey- lv in Heb. ix. 28, I Pet. ii. 24 dvevey/cew d 1 See especially Trench, Authorized Version, p. 69. 158 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. * To bear the 'sins,' where the true idea is not that of sustaining a burden, but of raising upon the cross. So again TreTfXrjpofyoprjfjievwv in Luke i. I probably means 'fulfilled 'rather than 'most surely believed,' as in the latter sense the passive is used only of the per- sons convinced and not of the things credited. On the other hand, it is not certain whether paara&w means 'to carry off, to steal' in John xii. 6 ra /3aX- \6fjieva eftao-Ta^ev, or whether the English Version 'bare what was put therein' should stand. In another class of words the English rendering, while it cannot be called incorrect, is vague or in- adequate, so that the exact idea of the original is not represented or the sharpness of outline is blurred. This defect will be most obvious in metaphors. For instance in Rom. vi. 13, where oir\a d&t/cias is ren- dered ' instruments of unrighteousness,' instead of arms or weapons (which however is given as an alter- native in the margin), we fail to recognise the image of military service rendered to Sin, as a great king (ver. 12 fjurj fiaai\veTci)) who enforces obedience (vira- Koveiv) and pays his soldiery in the coin of death (ver. 23 rdo-^roovia rrjs a pa p-r Las 6dvaros\ Again the rendering of Col. ii. 5 i/*a>v rrjv TCL%IV /cal TO crrepewfjia T??? 6t? XPKTTOV TTfVreft)? i'fjiwv, 'Your order and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ,' fails to suggest the idea of the close phalanx arrayed for battle, which FAULTS OF LEXICOGRAPHY. 159 is involved in the original * : and similarly in 2 Cor. x. 5 irav v^jrcof^a 7raip6fj,evov Kara TT?? 7^0)0-60)? roD eoO our translators in rendering the words 'Every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,' appear not to have seen that this expression continues the metaphor of the campaign (o-rparevo- fjieOa) and the fortresses (o^vpwfjLara) in the context, and that the reference is to the siege works thrown up for the purpose of attacking the faith. Again the metaphor of KaravapKav is very inadequately given in 2 Cor. xi. 9 ' I was chargeable to no man/ and in xii. 13, 14 'I was not, I will not be, burden- some to you ' : and the * thorn in the flesh ' in the English Version of 2 Cor. xii. 7 has suggested inter- pretations of S. Paul's malady, which the original ^w/ia T^S iv ro?$ eto?s. 160 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. dressed cloth,' which occurs in the Geneva Testa- ment, as a rendering of pd/cos ayvafov, for 'new cloth/ contenting themselves with putting 'raw or unwrought' in the margin. In Matt. xxvi. 36, Mark xiv. 32, we read in the English Version of ' a place called Gethsemane' ; the Greek however is not %c/x>9 but xwptov, not a place but ' a parcel of ground' (as it is rendered in John iv. 5), an enclosure, a field or garden, and thus corresponds more closely to /ayTro? by which S. John describes the same locality though without mentioning the name (xviii. i). In Acts i. 3 oTTTavofievos avTois should not have been trans- lated 'being seen of them/ for the emphatic word oirrdveadai, which does not occur elsewhere in the New Testament, expresses much more than this, and ' showing himself unto them' would be a better though still an inadequate rendering. In Rom. ii. 22 6 /3Se- Auoxroftez/o? ra e!'S&>Xa tepo , the plural ' sabbath-days ' is obviously out of place, as co-ordinated with two singular nouns. The only passage in the New Testament where o-dfi/Bara is distinctly plural is Acts xvii. 2 eVl rpta, where it is defined by the numeral. Over and above the ordinary questions of trans- lation, there is a particular class of words which presents special difficulties and needs special atten- tion. Proper names, official titles, technical terms, which, as belonging to one language and one nation, have no direct equivalents in another, must obviously be treated in an exceptional way. Are they to be reproduced as they stand in the original, or is the translator to give the terms most nearly cor- responding to them in the language of his version? Is he to adopt the policy of despair, or the policy of compromise ? Or may he invoke either principle according to the exigencies of the case ? and, if so, what laws can be laid down to regulate his practice and to prevent caprice ? Of this class of words, proper names are the least difficult to deal with ; and yet even these occasion- ally offer perplexing problems. The general principles, on which our translators II 2 1 64 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. proceeded in this matter, are twofold. First ; where no familiar English form of a name existed, they retained the form substantially as they found it. In other words they reproduced the Hebrew or Chaldee form in the Old Testament, and the Greek in the New. Secondly; where a proper name had been adopted into the English language and become natu- ralised there with some modification of form, or where the person or place was commonly known in English by a name derived from some other language, they adopted this English equivalent, however originated. Instances of English equivalents arrived at by the one process are, Eve, Herod, James, John, Jude, Luke, Magdalene, Mary, Peter, Pilate, Saul, Stephen, Zebedee, Italy, Rome, etc.: of the other, Assyria, Ethiopia, Euphrates, Idumea, Mesopotamia, Persia, Syria, etc., Artaxerxes, Cyrus, Darius, etc., for Asshur, Cush, Phrath, Edom, Aram-Naharaim, Pharas, Aram, etc., Arta-chshashta, Coresh, Daryavesh, etc.. in the Old Testament 1 , the more familiar classical forms being substituted for the less familiar Hebrew; and of Diana, Jupiter, Mercurius, for Artemis, Zeus, Hermes, in the New the more familiar Latin being 1 In this however there is great inconsistency. Thus we have Cush in Is. xi. n, but Ethiopia in xviii. i, etc. ; Edom in Is. xi. 14, Ixiii. i, but Idumea in xxxiv. 5,6; Asshur in Hos. xiv. 3, but Assyria elsewhere in this same prophet; Javan in Is. Ixvi. 19, but Greece or Grecia in the other prophets ; and so with other words. PROPER NAMES. 165 substituted for the less familiar Greek : while in some few cases, e.g. Egypt, Tyre 1 , etc., both modifying influences have been at work ; the Hebrew has been replaced by the Greek, and this again has been Anglicised in form. In the instructions given to our translators it was so ordered : ' The names of the prophets and the holy writers with the other names of the text to be retained as nigh as may be, according as they were vulgarly used.' With these principles no fault can be found ; but the result of their application is not always satisfactory. Our translators are not uniformly con- sistent with themselves ; and moreover time has very considerably altered the conditions of the problem as it presents itself now. (i) The first of these principles, though it com- mends itself to our own age, was not allowed to pass unquestioned, when first asserted. At the era of the Reformation, the persons mentioned in the Old Testament were commonly known (so far as they were known at all) through the Septuagint and Vulgate forms. Thus Ochosias stood for Ahaziah, Achab for Ahab, Sobna for Shebnah, Elias for Elijah, Eliseus for Elisha, Roboam for Rehoboam, Josaphat for Jehoshaphat, Abdias for Obadiah, and the like. In 1 Yet 'Tyre' and 'Tyrus' are employed indifferently, and without any rule, in the Old Testament. 1 66 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. Coverdale's Bible these forms are generally retained ; but in the later English Versions there is a tendency to substitute the Hebrew forms, or forms more nearly approaching to them. In the two Versions, which held the ground when our Authorised Version was set on foot the Bishops' Bible and the Geneva Bible this tendency had reached the utmost limit which the English language seemed to allow. In Miinster's Latin Bible indeed an attempt had been made to reproduce the Hebrew forms with exactness ; and accordingly the names of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel there appear as Jesahiahu, Irmeiahu, and lechezchel. This extreme point however was never reached by any of our English translators; but still in the Geneva Bible the names of the patriarchs are written Izhak and laakob, and in the Bishops' Bible we meet with such forms as Amariahu, Zachariahu. This tendency was not left unassailed. Gregory Martin in his attack on the 'English Bibles used and authorised since the time of the schism/ published at Rheims in 1582, writes as follows : Of one thing we can by no means excuse you, but it must savour vanity or novelty or both. As when you affect new strange words which the people are not acquainted withal, but it is rather Hebrew to them than English : fia\a o-e/twus oi/ojza- Covrts, as Demosthenes speaketh, uttering with great counte- nance and majesty. 'Against him came up Nabuchadnezzar, PROPER NAMES. 167 King of Babel/ 2 Par. xxxvi. 6, for ' Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon'; 'Saneherib' for ' Sennacherib'; * Michaiah's pro- phecy' for 'Michaea's' ; 'Jehoshaphat's prayer' for 'Josaphat's': 'Uzza slain' for 'Oza'; 'when Zerubbabel went about to build the temple' for 'Zorobabel'; 'remember what the Lord did to Miriam' for 'Marie,' Deut. xxxiv ; and in your first 1 translation 'Elisa' for 'Elisaeus'; 'Pekahia' and 'Pekah' for 'Phaceia' and 'Phacee'; 'Uziahu' for 'Ozias'; 'Thiglath-peleser' for 'Teglath- phalasar'; 'Ahaziahu' for 'Ochozias'; 'Peka son of Remaliahu' for 'Phacee son of Romelia.' And why say you not as well 'Shelomoh' for 'Salomon,' and 'Coresh' for 'Cyrus,' and so alter every word from the known sound and pronunciation thereof? Is this to teach the people, when you speak Hebrew, rather than English? Were it goodly hearing (think you) to say for 'Jesus' 'Jeshuah' ; and for 'Marie' his mother ' Miriam'; and for 'Messias' 'Messiach'; and 'John' 'Jachannan'; and such-like monstrous novelties? which you might as well do, and the people would understand you as well, as when your preachers say, ' Nabucadnezer King of Babel.' To these charges Fulke gives this brief and sen- sible reply : Seeing the most of the proper names of the Old Testament were unknown to the people before the Scriptures were read in English, it was best to utter them according to the truth of their pronunciation in Hebrew, rather than after the common corrup- tion which they had received in the Greek and Latin tongues. But as for those names which were known to the people out of the New Testament, as Jesus, John, Mary, etc., it had been folly 1 i.e. the Great Bible, which was the first Bible in use after ' the schism'; the edition to which Martin refers is that of 1562. The two Bibles, to which Martin's strictures mostly apply, are the Genevan and the Bishops', as being most commonly used when he wrote. See Fulke's Defence, etc. p. 67 sq. 1 68 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. to have taught men to sound them otherwise than after the Greek declination, in which we find them 1 . The attack however was so far successful, that the revisers who produced our Authorised Translation seem to have adopted in each case from the current Versions those forms which least offended the English eye or ear, even though farther removed from the Hebrew. Thus in the examples already given, they write Isaac, Jacob, in preference to Izhak, laakob of the Geneva Bible, and Amariah, Zachariah in preference to Amariahu, Zachariahu of the Bishops'. With the general treatment of the Old Testament names I have no desire to find fault: perhaps the forms in our English Bible approach as nearly to the Hebrew as is desirable. But, when we compare the New Testament with the Old, some important ques- tions arise. In favour of retaining the old Septuagint and Vulgate forms in preference to introducing the Hebrew, there was this strong argument ; that the same person thus appeared under the same name in the New Testament as in the Old. The English reader did not need to be informed that Eliseus was the same as Elisha, Ozias as Uzziah, Salathiel as Shealtiel, etc. Now he has not this advantage. Even 1 Fulke's Defence of the English Translations of the Bible, p. 588 sq. (Parker Society's edition). PROPER NAMES. 169 supposing that the identity of persons is recognised, much unconscious misconception still remains in particular cases. It is very difficult for instance for an English reader, who has not read or thought on the subject, to realise the fact that the Elias, whom the Jews expected to appear in Messiah's days, was not some weird mythical being, or some merely sym- bolical person, but the veritable Elijah who lived on earth, in flesh and blood, in the days of Ahab. * Let us just seek to realize to ourselves/ says Archbishop Trench, ' the difference in the amount of awakened attention among a country congregation, which Matt, xvii. 10 would create, if it were read thus: "And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elijah must first come ?" as compared with what it now is likely to create.' And this argument applies, though in a less degree, to the scene of the transfiguration. It is most important, as the same writer has observed, to 'keep vivid and strong the relations between the Old and New Testament in the minds of the great body of English hearers and readers of Scripture 1 .' I imagine that few would deny the advantage of substituting the more familiar Old Testament names in such cases for the less familiar Septuagint forms preserved in the New ; but many more may question 1 Trench Authorized Version, p. 41. I 70 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. whether such a substitution is legitimate, and I ven- ture therefore to add a few words in defence of this reform which I should wish to see introduced. If at this point we were to invoke the second principle (which has been mentioned above and will be considered presently), that whenever a familiar English form of a name occurs, this shall be substi- tuted for the original, e.g. John for loannes, James for lacobos, Mary for Mariam, this principle alone would justify the change which I am advocating. For, to our generation at least, the familiar English names of the Old Testament personages are Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, etc. ; and therefore on this ground alone the Greek forms Elias, Eliseus, Esaias, should give place to them. In the i6th and I7th centuries it might be a question between Esay, Esaie, Esaias, Isaiah; be- tween Abdy, Abdias, Obadiah; between Jeremy, Jere- mias, Jeremiah ; between Osee, Oseas, Osea, Hosea (or Hoshea); between Sophony, Sophonia, Sophonias, Zephaniah ; between Aggeus, Haggeus, Haggai ; and the like: but now long familiarity has decided irre- vocably in favour of the last forms in each case, and there is every reason why the less familiar modes of representing the names should give place to the more familiar. But, quite independently of this considera- tion of familiarity, we should merely be exercising the legitimate functions of translators, if in most PROPER NAMES. cases we were to return to the Old Testament forms. For (with very few exceptions) the Greek forms repre- sent the original names as nearly as the vocables and the genius of the Greek language permit ; and in translating it is surely allowable to neglect the purely Greek features in the words. This applies especially to terminations, such as Jeremias, Jonas, Manasses, for Jeremiah, Jonah, Manasseh ; and in fact the name Elias itself is nothing more than 'Elijah' similarly formed, for the Hebrew word could not have been written otherwise in Greek. It applies also to the change of certain consonants. Thus a Greek had no choice but to represent the sh sound by a sim- ple s. Like the men of Ephraim, the Greeks could not frame to pronounce the word Shibboleth right ; and it is curious to observe to what straits the Alex- andrian translator of the narrative in the book of Judges (xii. 5, 6) is driven in his attempt to render the incident into this language 1 . Remembering this, we shall at once replace Cis (Acts xiii. 21) by Kish 2 , and Aser (Luke ii. 36, Rev. vii. 6) by Asher ; while the English reader will at length discover that the un- familiar Saron, connected with the history of ^Eneas 1 He can only say flirbv 817 ffrdxy* [A has etirare Sr/ fffod-rjfj.a] Kal 06 KaTi>0vve [A Kal KaTrjvdvvav] rou XaX^at oCrws. 2 It is not easy to see why our translators should have written Cis, Core, rather than Kis, Kore. 172 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. (Acts ix. 35), is the well-known Sharon of Old Testa- ment history. Combining this principle of change with the foregoing, we should restore Elisha in place of Eliseus. For the Hebrew gutturals again the Greeks had no equivalent, and were obliged either to omit them or to substitute the nearest sound which their language afforded. On this'principle they frequently represented the final PI by an e 1 ; and hence the forms Con?, No*?, which therefore we should without scruple replace by the more familiar Korah, Noah. In the middle of a word it was often represented by a %, while our Old Testament translators in this and other positions give an h ; and thus there is no reason why Ra^ab, Ac/iaz, should stand in the New Testament for Ra/zab, A/zaz in the Old. Again, the fact that the aspirate, though pronounced, was never written in Greek should be taken into account ; and any diverg- ence from the Hebrew form which can be traced to this cause might be neglected ; thus Agar, Eze- kias would be replaced by Hagar, Hezekiah, and Josaphat, Roboam, by Jehoshaphat, Rehoboam 2 . By 1 The genealogies at the beginning of the Books of Chronicles in the LXX offer very many instances of this change. Sometimes this final e represents an V or a 11. 2 For'Pcta (Heb. xi. 31, James ii. 25) our translators have boldly written 'Rahab.'. While speaking of aspirates, it may be mentioned that in the edition of 161 1 the normal spelling in the New Testament is 'Hierusalem'; the only exceptions which I have noticed being i Cor. PROPER NAMES. 173 adopting this principle of neglecting mere peculiari- ties and imperfections of the Greek in the repre- sentation of the Hebrew names, and thus endea- vouring to reproduce the original form which has undergone the modification, we should in almost every important instance bring the names in the Old and New Testament into conformity with each other. A very few comparatively trifling exceptions would still remain, where the Greek form cannot be so ex- plained. These might be allowed to stand ; or if the identity of the person signified was beyond question (e.g. Aram and Ram), the Old Testament form might be replaced in the text, and the Greek form given in the margin. (2) The second of the two principles, which were enunciated above as guiding our English translators, also requires some consideration. Under this head the inconsistency of our Author- ised Version will need correction, for it is incapable of defence. If the prophet was to be called Osee 1 xvi. 3, Gal. i. 17, 18, ii. i, iv. 25, 26, Heb. xii. 22, and the headings of some chapters (e.g. Acts xxi, Rev. xxi), where 'Jerusalem' appears. On the other hand in the Old Testament it is 'Jerusalem,' though 'Hierusalem' occurs in the heading of 2 Sam. xiv. 1 It may be questioned whether this word should be pronounced as a dissyllable, the double e being regarded as an English termination as in Zebedee, Pharisee, etc., or as a trisyllable, the word being considered as a reproduction of the Greek 'fldvvTjs, and to the Hebrew Jehohanan or Johanan (pnirV or pPlV). Are we then in every case to substitute John, where either the Greek or the Hebrew form occurs ? No one would think of displacing John the Baptist, or John the son of Zebedee, or John surnamed Mark. But what are we to do with the Old Testament per- sonages bearing this name ? What with those who are mentioned in S. Luke's genealogy, where appa- rently the name occurs more than once in forms more or less disguised (iii. 24 (?), 27, 30)? What with John i. 42, xxi. 15, 16, 17, where our English Version gives ' Simon son of Jona/ but where the true reading in the original is doubtless 'ladvov ? I do not know that any universal rule can be laid down ; but pro- bably the practice, adopted by our translators, of PROPER NAMES. 177 reproducing the name when it occurs in the Hebrew form, and translating it when in the Greek, would be generally approved. Yet perhaps an exception might be made of John i. 42, xxi. 15, 16, 17, where it is advisable either in the text or in the margin to show the connexion of form with the JSapiayva of Matt xvi. 17*. Again, in the English Version there is the 1 This form 'Iowa may represent two distinct Hebrew names: (i) !"I3V 'A dove,' the prophet's name, Jonah: (2) pill* 'The grace of Jehovah,' Johanan or John. This last is generally written 'luavdv or 'ludvrjs (the form 'ludwrjs with the double v has inferior support). Contracted it becomes 'Iwvav or 'Iwra, the first a being liable to be slurred over in pronunciation, because the Hebrew accent falls on the last syllable. For 'Iwvdv see i Chron. xii. 12 (A, Iwav K), xxvi. 3 (A), Neh. vi. 18 (B), Ezra x. 6 (X corr. from Iwavav), i Esdr. ix. i (B), Luke iii. 27 (v. 1.), iii. 30 (v. 1.); for 'Iwra, i Kings xxv. 23 (B), Luke iii. 30 (v. 1.). Thus the vios 'Iwavov of S. John is equivalent to the Bapiwj/a of S. Matthew. The longer form of the name of S. Peter's father was pre- served also in the Gospel of the Hebrews, as we learn from a marginal note in an early cursive MS (see Tischendorf, Notit. Cod. Sin. p. 58) on Matt. xvi. 17, 'Bapiwva TO 'lovdauov vlt 'Iwdvvov; and in an extant fragment inserted in the Latin translation of Origen in Matt. xix. 19 (ill. p. 671 sq., ed. Delarue), but omitted in the Greek, we read * Simon fili Joanne, facilius est camelum etc.' From not understanding that the two are forms of the same name, some harmonizer devised the statement which we find in a list of Apostles preserved in the Paris MSS Reg. 1789, 1026 (quoted by Cotelier, Pair. Apost. I. p. 275), Ilefi-pos K(d 'AvSptas d5e\(poi, K Trarpbs 'luvd, /j.i)Tp6pov ' The Market of Appius/ as it stands in the Geneva Version 3 . / 1 See above, p. 142. 2 The word 'Jewry' which was common in the older Versions for Judah or Judaea, has almost disappeared in the Authorised Version of the New Testament, but still remains in two passages (Luke xxiii. 5, John vii. i). In Dan. v. 13 'The children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Jewry,' the same word in the original is rendered both 'Judah' and 'Jewry.' 3 Another fault is the rendering both Qoivil;, the haven of Crete 12 2 l8o ERRORS AND DEFECTS. The question between reproduction and transla- tion becomes more important when we turn from proper names to official titles and technical terms, such as weights, measures, and the like. In the Old Testament our translators have frequently adopted the former principle, e.g. bath, cor, ephah, etc. : in the New, they almost universally adhere to the latter. In a Version which aims at being popular rather than literary, the latter course seems to be amply justified 1 . Yet, when the principle is conceded, the application is full of difficulty. The choice very often lies between giving a general expression which (Acts xxvii. 12), and ^oivlmj, the country of Phoenicia (Acts xi. 19, xv. 3), by the same word 'Phenice' (after the Bishops' and Geneva Bibles); while conversely $oivtKr) has two different renderings, 'Phenice' (xi. 19, xv. 3), and 'Phenicia' (xxi. 2). The older Versions generally, as late as the Great Bible, have 'Phenices' or 'Phenyces' for both words. Did our translators intend the final e of 'Phenice,' when it represents Phtenix, to be mute, on the analogy of Beatrix, Beatrice ? 1 At all events, whichever course is adopted, it should be carried out consistently. Thus there is no reason why 'Papfil should be sometimes reproduced in the English Version (Matt, xxiii. 7, 8, John i. 38, 49, iii. 2, 26, vi. 25) and sometimes rendered 'Master' (Matt. xxvi. 25, 49, Mark ix. 5, xi. 21, xiv. 45, John iv. 31, ix. 2, xi. 8), or in like manner why 'Papfiovvl, which only occurs twice, should be once translated 'Lord' (Mark x. 51) and once retained (John xx. 16). In the same way the word 7rdcr%a, which is generally rendered 'Pass- over,' is represented once and only once by 'Easter.' (Acts xii. 4). This is a remnant of the earlier Versions in which iraaxa. is commonly translated so, even in such passages as Luke xxii. i ^ eoprr) TUV atf/Aw 77 \eyo/j.tvij TrctVxa 'which is called Easter,' where however the Geneva and Bishops' Bibles substitute * Passover.' OFFICIAL TITLES. iSl conveys no very definite idea, and adopting some technical term which is precise enough to the English ear but suggests a conception more or less at variance with the original. How, for instance, are we to treat dvOvTraros ? Wycliffe reproduced the Latin ' proconsul.' The earlier Versions of the Reformed Church generally give * ruler of the country/ ' ruler.' The Authorised Version adopts the rendering of the Geneva and Bishops' Bibles, 'deputy of the country/ * deputy.' This last has now nothing to recommend it. In the 1 6th century, when the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland was styled Deputy, the word would convey a sufficiently precise idea; but now it suggests a wrong conception, if it suggests any at all. What sense, for instance, can an English reader attach to the words * The law is open, and there are deputies' (Acts xix. 38), which in the Authorised Version are given as the rendering of dyopaioi dyovrai, 1 KOI dvOvTraroi ela-w? The term which in the iQth century corresponds most nearly to the deputy of the i6th is lieutenant-governor, and indeed the Geneva Testament did in one passage 1 Why the slovenly translation 'the law is open' should have been allowed to remain it is difficult to see. In the margin our translators suggest 'the court days are kept.' They would have earned our gratitude if in this and other cases they had acted with more boldness and placed in the text the more correct renderings which they have been content to suggest in the margin. 1 82 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. (Acts xviii. 12) translate avdviraTos by 'lieutenant of the country/ but this rendering was dropped in the Geneva Bible, and not taken up again. To this pre- cise language however exception might be taken ; and if so, we should be obliged to fall back on some general term, such as ' governor,' 'chief-magistrate/ or the like. With the rendering of 7/)a/z//,areu9, ' town- clerk/ in Acts xix. 35, I should not be disposed to find fault, for it is difficult to suggest a more exact equivalent. In the context of the same passage how- ever (ver. 31) an English reader would not understand that the 'rulers of Asia' were officers appointed to preside at the festivals, and perhaps 'presidents of Asia' might be substituted with advantage (for the word occurs in the English Bible), though it is im- possible entirely to remove an obscurity which exists also in the Greek 'Acrta/)^?. In Rom. xvi. 23 the substitution of 'treasurer' for 'chamberlain' in the rendering of 6 oi/covofjios rrjs TroXew? would be an im- provement 1 ; for ' treasurer ' again is a good Biblical word, and we do not use 'chamberlain' to describe such an officer as is here intended 2 . On the whole however the rendering of official titles in our Version is fairly adequate and cannot be 1 Wycliffe has 'treasurer,' the Rheims Version 'cofferer': while the Versions of the Reformed Church render it ' chamberlain. ' 3 Perhaps I ought to except the Chamberlain of the Gty of London. OFFICIAL TITLES. 183 much improved. If there is occasionally some incon- sistency and want of method, as for instance when is translated ' chief-captain' and e/caTovrap- reproduced as 'centurion' in the same context 1 (Acts xxi. 31, 32, xxii. 24 26, xxiii. 17 23), still these renderings have established a prescriptive right, and an adequate reason must be shown for disturbing them. In Acts xvi. 35, 38 paftSovxot, 'lictors' is well rendered 'sergeants'; and in xxviii. 16 the translation of o-TpaT07reBdp%7js, the praefectus praetorio^ as 'captain of the guard' is a great improvement on the less precise renderings of the earlier Versions ; ' chief- captain of the host' (Tyndale, Great Bible, Bishops'), 'chief-captain' (Coverdale), 'general captain' (Geneva); and with the addition of one word might very well stand, ' chief-captain (or captain-general) of the guard.' On the other hand in Mark vi. 27 GTretcovXaTcop, which signifies ' a soldier of the guard,' should not have been rendered 'executioner' (in the earlier Versions it is ' hangman'), for this term describes a mere accident of his office. * But if official titles are on the whole fairly ren- dered, this is not the case with another class of technical terms, denoting coins, weights, and measures. As regards coins, the smaller pieces are more 1 Some of the older Versions translate the words * upper ' or ' high captain,' and 'under captain,' respectively. 184 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. adequately translated than the larger. No better rendering than 'mite' is possible for XeTrroV, or than * farthing' for KO^PCLVT^ 'quadrans'; and the relation of the two coins is thus preserved (Mark xii. 42 Xe-Trra &vo, o eariv /coSpdvTrjs). But from this point the inade- quacy and inconsistency begin. Why dao-dpiov, the late Greek diminutive used for the as, of which there- fore the KoSpdvTT]? is a fourth part, should still be translated a farthing*- (which elsewhere represents Ko^pdvnr]^) rather than a penny, it is difficult to see (Matt. x. 29, Luke xii. 6). And, as we advance in the scale, the disproportion between the value of the original coin and the English substitute increases. Thus the denarius, a silver piece of the value origi- nally of ten and afterwards of sixteen asses, is always rendered a penny. Its absolute value, as so much weight in metal, is as nearly as possible the same as the French franc. Its relative value, as a purchasing power, in an age and a country where provisions were much cheaper, was considerably more. Now, it so happens that in almost every case where the word &7)vdpi,ov occurs in the New Testament it is connected with the idea of a liberal or large amount ; and yet in these passages the English rendering names a sum 1 In Matth. x. 29 the Geneva Testament (1557) had rendered dwapiov by a half-penny (as Wycliffe), and similarly 5vo aVad/ata in Luke xii. 6 by a penny. The rest give it ' a farthing,' as in the A. V. COINS, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 185 which is absurdly small. Thus the Good Samaritan, whose generosity is intended to appear throughout, on leaving takes out 'two pence' and gives them to the innkeeper to supply the further wants of the wounded man. Thus again the owner of the vine- yard, whose liberality is contrasted with the niggardly envious spirit, the * evil eye' of others, gives, as a day's wages, a penny to each man. It is unnecessary to ask what impression the mention of this sum will leave on the minds of an uneducated peasant or shop- keeper of the present day. Even at the time when our Version was made and when wages were lower, it must have seemed wholly inadequate 1 . The in- adequacy again appears, though not so prominently, in the two hundred pence, the sum named as insuf- ficient to supply bread to the five thousand (Mark vi. 37, John vi. 7), and similarly in other cases (e.g. Mark xiv. 5, John xii. 5, Luke vii. 41). Lastly, in the Book of the Revelation (vi. 6) the announce- ment, which in the original implies famine prices, 1 The rendering 'a penny* was probably handed down in this familiar parable from the time when this sum would be no inadequate remunera- tion for a day's labour ; but long before the Versions of the Reformed Church were made this had ceased to be the case. Even in Henry the VIHth's reign a labourer earned from sixpence to eightpence a day (Froude I. p. 29 sq.) ; though after the Restoration the rate of wages does not seem to have advanced much upon this amount (see Macaulay I. p. 413). 1 86 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. is rendered in our English Version, 'A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny.' The fact is that the word ^olvi^, here translated 'measure/ falls below the amount of a quart, while the word Syvdpiov, here trans- lated 'a penny,' approaches towards the value of a shilling. To the English reader the words must convey the idea of enormous plenty 1 . Another word drachma occurs in the parable of the lost money in S. Luke xv. 8, 9, where it is translated piece of silver. Yet the Greek drachma is so nearly equal in value to the Roman denarius, that it may be questioned whether the same coin is not meant by both terms 2 ; and, if piece of silver or silver-piece is a reasonable translation of drachma, it might very well be em- ployed to render denarius. Again, in the incident relating to the tribute-money (Matt. xvii. 24 sq.) mention is made of two different coins or sums of money, the didrachma and the stater, the latter being 1 A * measure ' in some parts of England is or was equivalent to a Winchester bushel. At all events it would suggest a large rather than a small quantity. 2 See Plin. N.H. xxi. 109 'Drachma Attica denarii argentei habet pondus.' This parable does not occur in S. Matthew and S. Mark, and must have been derived by S. Luke from some independent source. Hence, as addressing Greek readers chiefly, he would not unnaturally name a Greek coin in preference. Similarly it was seen above (p. 1 24) that 6piv^ is confined to S. Luke in that portion of his narrative which does not run parallel with the other two Evangelists. COINS, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 187 double of the former; and this relation of value is important, and should have been preserved if possible, because it explains our Lord's words, 'Take it (the stater) and give unto them for me and for thee! In our Version however didrachma is rendered ' tribute- money, tribute/ and stater 'a piece of money.' Of larger amounts mina (fjLva) is translated a 'pound' in one parable (Luke xix. 13)*; while in two others (Matt, xviii. 24 sq., xxv. 14 sq.) talent is allowed to stand. From the latter of these comes the second- ary metaphorical sense of the word ' talent/ which has entirely superseded the literal meaning in common language. The treatment of measures again is extremely loose. The ^erp^r^ indeed is fairly rendered ' firkin* in John ii. 6; and the modius appears as 'bushel' (Matt. v. 15, Mark iv. 21, Luke xi. 33), where the English measure, though greatly in excess of the Latin, which is about a peck, may nevertheless remain undisturbed, since nothing depends on exactness. With these ex- ceptions, the one word ' measure' is made to do duty for all the terms which occur in the original. Thus in Rev. vi. 6, already quoted, it stands for a 1 The Wycliffite Versions have 'besaunt* for (tva here ; but the care- lessness with which the word is used appears from the fact that they employ it also to render drachma on the one hand (Luke xv. 8) and lalcntum on the other (Matt, xviii. 24 (v. 1.), xxv. 16). 1 88 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. something under a quart; and in other passages it represents not less than three Hebrew measures, the o-arov or seah (Matt. xiii. 33, Luke xiii. 21), the /Saro?, the bath or ephah, and the /copos, the cor or homer (both in Luke xvi. 6, 7), though the seah is one-third of the bath, and the bath one-tenth of the cor. In the former of these two passages from the Gospels accu- racy is unimportant, for the ' three measures of meal' in the parable will tell their tale equally, whatever may be the contents of the measure : though even here we may regret that our translators deserted the more precise ' peck,' which they found in some of the older Versions. But in Luke xvi. 6, 7, where the bath and the cor are mentioned in the same context, they should certainly be distinguished. The icopot, alrov might very well be rendered 'quarters of wheat* with Tyndale and several of the older Versions. For the fta-roi ekaLov it is more difficult to find an equivalent : Wycliffe renders /Sarou? by ' barrels'; the Rheims Version by 'pipes.' In Rev. vi. 6 it is still more important to aim at precision, because the ex- tremity of the famine only appears when the proper relation between the measure and the price is pre- served. Here %otwf might very well be translated fjie\6i> irepl VJJLCOV, where the distinction of fj,epifj,va and /xeXetz/ is signi- ficant, though effaced in our English Version, * Cast- ing all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.' A study of English archaisms again would have taught that our translators did not intend what they seem to say, for to 'take thought' in the old language meant to distress or trouble oneself 1 . But the great mass of people have neither the time nor the opportunity, even if they had the capacity, for such investigations. This archaism therefore is one which at all hazards should disappear in any revision of the English Bible. For 'take no thought' some have suggested ' be not careful.' But this, though an improvement, is very far from adequate. For careful- 1 *.. i Sam. ix. 5, 'Come, and let us return, lest my father.. .ta&r thought for us,' where the Hebrew verb is JN1, which Gesenius renders sollicilus fuit, anxie timuit. 'To die of thought' in the old language was to die heart-broken. On this archaism see Trench Authorized Version p. 14, Wright Bible Word- Book s. v. I Q2 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. ness, though in the i6th and i/th centuries it might be a term of reproof 1 , in the modern language almost always implies commendation. In fact it is an archa- ism open to the same misapprehension, though not to the same degree, as ' take no thought.' ' Be not anxious' or 'be not troubled' would adequately ex- press the original. The word 'anxious/ it is true, does not occur in our English Bible, but this is one of those rare instances where our new revisers might well assume the liberty, which the authors of the Received Version certainly claimed and exercised before them, of introducing a new word, where the language has shifted and no old word conveys the exact meaning. But though ' take no thought' is the worst offender of all, yet other archaisms might with advantage be removed. We may suspect that many an English- man, when he hears of Zacharias ' asking for a writing table (Luke i. 63),' conceives a notion very different from the Evangelist's own meaning. We have heard how the enquiring school-boy has been perplexed at 1 In fact it is used more than once to translate this very word ptpi/jLva, e.g. i Cor. vii. 32 *I would have you without carefulness,' i.e. anxiety (0Au> u/uas a/j.epi(jLt>ov$ etvai) ; Phil. iv. 6 'Be careful for nothing' (/ji.r)dev Latimer Serni. p. 400 (quoted in Wright's Bible Word-Book s. v.) speaks of ' this wicked carefulness,' an expression which in the modern language would be a contradiction in terms. ARCHAISMS. 193 reading that S. Paul and his companions 'fetched a compass' when they set sail from Syracuse (Acts xxviii. 13), not being able to reconcile this statement with the date given for the invention of this instru- ment. We can well imagine that not a few members of an average congregation, when the incident in the synagogue at Nazareth is read and they hear that the book, when closed, is handed 'to the minister 9 (Luke iv. 20), do not carry away quite the correct idea of the person intended by this expression. We must have misgivings whether our Lord's injunction to the disciples to 'take no scrip' with them, or S. Luke's statement that the Apostle's company ' took up their carriages and went up to Jerusalem ' (Acts xxi. 15), are universally understood. We may feel quite certain that the great majority of readers do not realise the fact (for how should they?) that by the highest and the lowest rooms in the parable are meant merely the places or seats 1 at the top or bottom of the same table, and that therefore the invi- tation to ' go up higher ' does not imply mounting a staircase to a more dignified reception-room in the upper storey. We find that even a scholarly divine" 1 Again in i Cor. xiv. 16 ' He that occupieth the room of the un- learned,' a double archaism obscures the sense of the original 6 avatrX-rjpwv TOV rbirov * He that fillet h the place? 2 Blunt Church of the First Three Centuries p. 27 'She was to have L. R. 13 194 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. seems to infer from S. Paul's language (i Tim. v. 4) the duty incumbent not only on children but even on nephews of providing for their aged relations ; and finding this we can hardly expect illiterate persons to know that in the old language nepJuw signifies grandchild. Among these misleading archaisms the word coast for ' border ' or ' region ' is perhaps the most frequent. It would be unreasonable to expect the English reader to understand that when S. Paul passes * through the upper coasts ' (ra dvcorepi/ca pep'n) on his way to Ephesus (Acts xix. i ), he does in fact traverse the high land which lies in the interior of Asia Minor. Again in the Gospels, when he reads of our Lord visiting * the coasts of Tyre and Sidon ' (Matt. xv. 21, Mark vii. 31), he naturally thinks of the sea-board, knowing these to be maritime cities, whereas the word in one passage stands for pepy 'parts,' and in the other for opua ' borders,' and the circumstances suggest rather the eastern than the western frontier of the region. And perhaps also his notions of the geography of Palestine may be utterly confused by reading that Capernaum is situated 'upon the sea- coast' (Matt. iv. 13). Then again, how is such a person to know that none of those children able to minister to her nor yet nephews'; see Trench's Authorized Version p. [8. ARCHAISMS. 195 when S. Paul condemns ' debate ' together with envy, wrath, murder, and the like (Rom. i. 29, 2 Cor. xii. 20), he denounces not discussion, but contention, strife (e/o*?); or that when he says, 'If any man have a quarrel against any' (Col. iii. 13), he means a com- plaint (querela), the original being exy pop$r)v ; or that, when S. James writes ' Grudge not one against another' (v. 9), the word signifies 'murmur' or 'be- moan ' (o-rei/afere) ? Even if he is aware that ' wicked lewdness* (Acts xviii. 14) does not signify gross sen- suality, will he also know conversely that by ' the hidden things of dishonesty ' (2 Cor. iv. 2) the Apostle means not fraudulence, want of probity, but 'secret deeds of shame* (alaxvvTjs) ? If context and common sense alike teach him that the ' highmindedness' which S. Paul more than once condemns (y"fyr)\o$poveiv, Rom. xi. 20, I Tim. vi. 17; rerv^wfievoi, 2 Tim. iii. 4) is not what we commonly understand by the term, will he also perceive that the ' maliciousness' which is denounced alike by S. Paul (Rom. i. 29 ' filled with maliciousness') and S. Peter (i Pet. ii. 16 'not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness') does not denote one special form of evil, but the vicious cha- racter generally (/caicla) ? Again, the expressions instantly and by and by may be taken in connexion, as being nearly allied. Yet in Biblical language neither signifies what it 132 196 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. would signify to ourselves. Instantly has not a tem- poral sense at all, but means 'urgently,' as in Luke vii. 4, 'They besought him instantly (o-7rou&u&)i\ovT6<> elvcn, SiBda/caXot, Sid TOV Xpovov), where without the Greek no one would ima- gine that 'for the time' means 'by reason of the long period of your training ' ; Apoc. iv. 1 1 ' For thy plea- sure they are, and were created (etVl KOI eKrio-Bfjaav 1 )^ where are reads as an auxiliary. In all such cases (and many other examples might be given) the remedy is easy. The great merit of our Version is its truly English character the strength and the homeliness of its lan- guage. Its authors were fully alive to the importance of preserving this feature, as impressed upon the Eng- lish Bible by Tyndale, and set their faces resolutely against the Latinisms to which the Rheims Version had attempted to give currency' 2 . In this they were 1 So the received text: but the correct reading is rfffav for et eVl r/7 vTrorayfj T^? 6{ioXoyias VJJLWV et? TO vayye\iov rov errour,' 'juncture of subministration,' 'vanity of their sense,' 'impu- dicity,' 'contristate.' Yet it was published nearly thirty years before the Authorised Version. 2O2 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. A fault of another kind is translating o$e\ov ' I would to God' (i Cor. iv. 8), though the earlier Ver- sions all give it so, with the exception of Wycliffe whose simpler rendering ' I would ' might be adopted with advantage. In this case the introduction of the Divine name is hardly defensible. In the case of yu?) yevoiro ' God forbid/ the difficulty of finding another idiomatic rendering may possibly excuse it. Yet even here we cannot but regret a rendering which in- terferes so seriously with the argument, as it presents itself to the English reader, in such passages as Rom. iii. 4, 6, ' God forbid ; yea, let God be true (/AT) yevoiro, yw TTJV eV Trio-ret ' Edifying which is in faith/ the word 0eo{) by some inadvertence was untranslated in the edition of 1611, and so it remained for many years after- wards, until in the Cambridge edition of 1638 'godly' was inserted after the earlier Versions, and this has held its ground ever since 2 . As this wise liberty was so freely exercised in other cases, it is strange that the obvious misprint 'strain at' should have survived the successive revisions of two centuries and a half. While speaking of errors and corrections of the press, it may be worth while in passing to observe 1 The corrections in Ecclus. xliv. 5, 2 Sam. xxiv, were made in 1612: those in Exod. xxxviii. n, Is. xlix. 20, Hos. vi. 5, i Cor. v, in 1613. A number of errors however still remained, which were removed from time to time in later editions. The edition of 1613, though it corrected some blunders, was grossly inaccurate, as may be seen from the colla- tion with the edition of 1611, prefixed to the Oxford reprint of the latter (1833). 2 I owe this fact, which has probably been noticed elsewhere, to some valuable MS notes of the late Prof. Grote on the printing of the English Bible. The error may be explained by supposing that the word 'godly' was struck out in the copy of the Bishops' Bible altered for the press, while the proposed substitution was omitted to be made or was made in such a way that it escaped the eye of the compositor. 2O6 ERRORS AND DEFECTS. how this license of change has affected the ortho- graphy. It would be a surprise to an English reader now to find in his Bible such words as aliant, causey, charet, cise, crudle, damosell, fauchion, fet, fift, flixe, iland, mids, moe, monethes, neesing, oweth (Lev. xiv. 35 for 'owneth'), price (Phil. iii. 14 for 'prize'), re- nowme, etc. While these have been altered into alien, causeway, chariot, size, curdle, damsel, falchion, fetched, fifth, flux, island, midst, more, months, sneez- ing, owneth, prize, renown, respectively, a capricious conservatism has retained the archaic spelling in other cases, such as fat, fetches, graff, hoise, pilled, strawed, throughly, for vat, vetches, graft, hoist, peeled, strewed, thoroughly. In some cases this caprice ap- pears in the same word ; thus neesings is retained in Job xli. 1 8, while sneezed is substituted for neesed in 2 Kings iv. 35. This license has had its disadvan- tages as well as its advantages ; if the substitution of 'its' for 'it' (Lev. xxv. 5, 'it owne accord' i6ii l ) was imperatively demanded by the change in the lan- guage, the alteration of ' shamefast, shamefastness' into 'shamefaced, shamefacedness' is unfortunate, as suggesting a wrong derivation and an inadequate meaning. Amidst all these changes it is a happy accident that the genuine form of the name of Phile- mon's wife has survived, though the precedent of the 1 See Wright's Bible Word-Book, s. v. //. CHANGES OF SPELLING. 2OJ older Versions and the authority of modern commen- tators alike would have led to the substitution of the Latin name 'Appia' for the Phrygian 'ApphiaV V. I have attempted to show in what directions our English Version is capable of improvement. It will be necessary to substitute an amended for a faulty text ; to remove artificial distinctions which do not 1 In Philem. 2 the reading is unquestionably 'A7r0ig, though some uncial MSS (of little value on a point of orthography) have a00a, a legitimate form, or dfjufriq., a manifest corruption: the authority for 'ATTTria is absolutely worthless. The fact is that this word has no con- nexion (except in sound) with the Roman Appia, but represents a native Phrygian name, which with various modifications appears again and again in the Phrygian inscriptions: e.g. Boeckh Corp. Inscr. 3814 Xei'/ccu/Spos /cat 'A00a yvvrj avrov, 3826 Hpurbpaxos 'A0[0]ta ywatKi, 3932 m rfjyvvaiid avrov 'A[7r]0i'p, 3962 'A7r0i'a eyu /ret/icu, 3827 1 (Appx.) 'A00ia 'Mevai'Spov, 3846 z (Appx.) BwXas 'A00i'a ffwftltp. Frequently also we meet with the diminutive airi.ov, &(pioi', or &bpov, and call attention to the difference in form, ?T0 for TTTT. All the older translations, so far as I have observed, print it Appia, so that the Authorised Version stands alone in its cor- rectness. 208 PROSPECTS OF REVISION. exist in the Greek ; to restore real distinctions which existing there were overlooked by our translators ; to correct errors of grammar and errors of lexicography; to revise the treatment of proper names and technical terms ; and to remove a few archaisms, ambiguities, and faults of expression, besides inaccuracies of editor- ship, in the English. All this may be done without altering the character of the Version. In this review of the question I have done nothing more than give examples of the different classes of errors. An exhaustive treatment of the subject was impossible; and the case therefore is much stronger than it is here made to appear. If for instance any one will take the trouble to go through some one book of the New Testament, as the Epistle to the Hebrews, referring to any recent critical edition of the Greek text and comparing it carefully with the English, he will see that the faults of our Version are very far from being few and slight or imaginary. But if a fair case for revision has been made out, it still re- mains to ask whether there is any reasonable prospect of success, if the attempt be made at the present time. Now in one important point perhaps the most important of all the answer must, I think, be favour- able. Greek scholarship has never stood higher in England than it does at the present moment. There is not only a sufficient body of scholars capable of IMAGINARY DANGERS. 209 undertaking the work, but there is also (and this is a most important element in the consideration) a very large number besides fully competent to submit the work of the revisers, when completed, to a minute and searching criticism. And, though we may trust that anyone who is called to take his share in the work will do so with a deep sense of the responsibility of the task assigned to him, still it will be a great stimulus to feel that he is surrounded by competent critics on all sides, and a great support to be able to gather opinions freely from without. But I would venture to go a step beyond this. I should be glad to think my apprehensions groundless, but there is at least some reason to forbode that Greek scholarship has reached its height in England, and that hence- forth it may be expected to decline 1 . The clamours of other branches of learning more especially of scientific studies for a recognised place in general education are growing louder and louder, and must make themselves heard ; and, if so, the almost ex- 1 Mr Marsh (Lectures on the English Language, xxviii, p. 639) says * There is no sufficient reason to doubt that at the end of this century the knowledge of biblical Greek and Hebrew will be as much in advance of the present standard, as that standard is before the sacred philology of the beginning of this century.' I wish I could take this very sanguine view of the probable future of the Greek language in England : as regards Hebrew, I have abstained from expressing an opinion. L. R. 14 210 PROSPECTS OF REVISION. elusive dominion of the Classical languages is past. I need not here enter into the question whether these languages have or have not been overrated as an instrument of education. It is sufficient to call attention to the fact that, whether rightly or wrongly, public opinion is changing in this respect, and to prepare for the consequences. And, if we turn from the Greek language to the English, the present moment seems not unfavourable for the undertaking. Many grave apprehensions have been expressed on this point, and alarming pic- tures are drawn of the fatal results which will follow from any attempt to meddle with the pure idiom of our English Bible. Of the infusion of Latinisms and Gallicisms, with which we are threatened, I myself have no fear. In the last century, or in the beginning of the present, the danger would have been real. The objections urged against the language of our English Bible by those who then advocated revision are now almost incredible. The specimens which they offered of an improved diction of the modern type would appear simply ludicrous to us, if the subject, on which the experiment was tried, had been less grave 1 . The very words which these critics 1 See examples in Trench's Authorized Version, p. 23 sq., and Prof. Plumptre's article in Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, s. v. Version, Autho- rised. ' I remember the relief,' writes Mr Matthew Arnold (Culture and IMAGINARY DANGERS. 2 I I would have ejected from our English Bibles, as bar- barous or uncouth or obsolete, have again taken their place in our highest poetry, and even in our popular language. And though it is impossible that the nineteenth century should ever speak the language of the sixteenth or seventeenth, still a genuine appre- ciation and careful study of the Authorised Version and of the older translations will (we may reasonably hope) enable the present revisers, in the corrections which they may introduce, to avoid any anachronisms of diction which would offend the taste or jar upon the ear. There is all this difference between the pre- sent advocates of revision and the former, that now we reverence the language and idiom of our English Bibles, whereas they regarded it as the crowning offence which seemed most to call for amendment. In several instances the end may be attained by returning to the renderings of the earlier Versions > which the revisers of 1611 abandoned. In almost every other case the words and even the expressions Anarchy, p. 44), 'with which after long feeling the sway of Franklin's imperturbable good sense, I came upon a project of his for a new version of the Book of Job to replace the old version, the style of which, says Franklin, has become obsolete and thence less agreeable. "I give," he continues, "a few verses which may serve as a sample of the kind of version I would recommend."...! well remember how wheA first I read that, I drew a deep breath of relief and said to myself: After all, there is a stretch of humanity beyond Franklin's victorious good sense.' 142 212 PROSPECTS OF REVISION. which the correction requires will be supplied from some other part of the Authorised Version itself. Very rare indeed are the exceptions where this assis- tance will fail and where it may be necessary to in- troduce a word for which there is no authority in the English Bibles. In these cases care must be taken that the word so introduced shall be in harmony with the general character of our biblical diction. So much license the new revisers may reasonably claim for themselves, as it was certainly claimed by the revisers of 1611. If these cautions are observed the Bible will still remain to future generations what it has been to past not only the store-house of the highest truth, but also the purest well of their native English. Indeed we may take courage from the fact, that the language of our English Bible is not the language of the age in which the translators lived, but in its grand simplicity stands out in contrast to the ornate and often affected diction of the literature of that time 1 . For if the retention of an older and better model was possible in the seventeenth century, it is quite as possible in the nineteenth. Nor again can there be any reasonable ground for apprehension as to the extent and character of the changes which may be introduced. The regula- tions under which the new company of revisers will 1 See Marsh's Lectures, p. 621 sq. IMAGINARY DANGERS. 213 act are a sufficient guarantee against hasty and capri- cious change. The language which public speakers and newspaper critics have held on this point would only then have force, if absolute power were given to each individual reviser to introduce all his favourite crotchets. But anyone, who has acted in concert with a large number of independent men, trained apart and under separate influences, will know how very difficult it is to secure the consent of two-thirds of the whole body to any change which is not a manifest improvement, and how wholly impossible it would be to obtain the suffrages of this number for a novel and questionable rendering, however important it might seem to its proposer. It is very possible that several corrections which I have suggested here may appear to others in this unfavourable light. Indeed it is hardly probable that in all cases they should escape being condemned ; for anyone, interested in such a subject, is naturally led to give prominence to those views on which he lays stress himself, just because they appear to him not to have received proper attention from others. But if so, it is morally certain that they will be treated as they deserve, and not suffered to disfigure the Revised Version as it will appear before the public. Indeed if there be any reasonable grounds for apprehension, the danger is rather that the changes introduced will be too slight 214 PROSPECTS OF REVISION. to satisfy the legitimate demands of theology and scholarship, than that they will be so sweeping as to affect the character of our English Bible. Lastly ; in one respect at least the present Revi- sion is commenced under very auspicious circum- stances. There has been great liberality in inviting the cooperation of those Biblical scholars who are not members of the Anglican communion, and they on their part have accorded a prompt and cheerful wel- come to this invitation. This is a matter for great thankfulness. It may be accepted as a guarantee that the work is undertaken not with any narrow sectarian aim, but in the broad interests of truth ; while also it is an earnest that, if the revision when completed recommends itself by its intrinsic merits (and if it does not, the sooner it is forgotten the better), then no unworthy jealousy will stand in the way of its general reception 1 . And meanwhile may we not cherish a loftier hope ? Now for the first time the bishops of our Church and the representatives of 1 'At this day,' wrote Mr Marsh in 1859, 'there could be no har- mony of action on this subject between difterent churches... So long as this sectarian feeling for it can be appropriately designated by no other term prevails on either side, there can be no union upon conditions compatible with the self-respect of the parties ' (p. 641 sq.). This pre- liminary difficulty at least has been overcome ; the 'better counsels,' of which this able writer seems to have despaired, have prevailed ; no wound has been inflicted on self-respect ; and entire harmony 01 action has been attained. FAVOURABLE CIRCUMSTANCES. 215 our Convocation will meet at the same table with Nonconformist divines, and will engage in a common work of a most sacred kind the interpretation of those Writings which all alike reverence 'as the source of their truest inspiration here and the foundation of their highest hopes hereafter. Is it too much to anticipate that by the experience of this united work the Christian communities in England may be drawn more closely together, and that, whether it succeed or fail in its immediate object, it may at least dissipate many prejudices and jealousies, may promote a better mutual understanding, and thus by fostering inward sympathy may lead the way to greater out- ward harmony among themselves, and a more intimate union with the Divine Head 1 ? 1 It will be remembered that this hope was expressed before the Revision Company had met. If I felt at liberty to modify the expres- sion by the light of subsequent experience, I should speak even more strongly. APPENDIX I. On the Words ITTLOVCTLOS, I. r I ^HE former of these two words, found only in * a petition of the Lord's Prayer, as given both by S. Matthew (vi. 1 1 TOV aprov TJJJLWV TOV ejriova-iov 809 rjplv z/, ryepovcrios from yepwv, Trvyovcrio? from TTVJWV, 'Axepova-ios (or ' A^epoz/rto?) from ' A^epwz/, etc. : see Lobeck Phryn. p. 4. To this derivation there is no grammatical objection. Only it may be pleaded that no motive existed for introducing an adjective by the side of eiriwv, sufficiently powerful to produce the result in an advanced stage of the language, when the fertility of creating new forms had been greatly impaired. On the other hand the derivation of eiriovcios from eTrl and ovaia, if not impossible, is at least more difficult. Two objections have been taken to this etymology; the one, as it seems to me, futile the other really formidable, if not insuperable, (i) It is alleged that an adjective in -ovcrios would not be formed from the substantive ovaia. To this it is sufficient to reply, that from this very word ov&ia we find the compounds dvova-ios (Clem. Alex. Exc. Theod. p. 970, ed. Potter: Pseudo- Justin Conf. dogm. Arist* 224 APPENDIX I. 50, p. 145 ; ib. Quaest. Christ, ad Gent. p. 185 B), eVovo-to? (Victorin. c. Arium ii. i, Synes. Hymn. 2, p. 318, Cyril. Alex, in Joann. v. 5, p. 527), efouo-to? (Philo in Place. 10, II. p. 528 Mang.), ere/jouorto? (ere- Porphyr. in Stob. Eel. Phys. 41, n. p. 822), , opoofoios, vTrep overtop (Victorin. 1. c., Synes. 1. c.), Trpoavovo-ios (Synes. Hymn. 1. c., and Hymn. 3, p. 322), etc. : and from egova-ia the compounds auref ov- er to? (frequently, e.g. Diod. xiv. 105) and vTrefouo-to? z/i//u, farfajpa, eTriijpavos, eTruBfjLtov, eiruffTwp. But the maintainers of this view have never enquired why the i of eW, which elsewhere is elided, has been exceptionally retained in such instances. The real fact is, that all these words without ex- ception were originally written with the digamma, eVtFaz>Sai>o>, eirifeucrj?, eViFeXTrro?, eV/Fop/eo?, etc., so that elision was out of the question ; and even when 1 tiribySoos is also adduced ; but in the only passage quoted for this form, Plat. Tim. 36 A, B, the best editions have the usual form ei APPENDIX I. 225 the digamma disappeared in pronunciation or was replaced by a simple aspirate, the old forms main- tained their ground. In the present instance no such reason can be pleaded to justify the retention of the i. The deriva- tion of eiriovcrios from eiri, ovcrta, can only be main- tained on the hypothesis that its form was determined by false analogies, with a view to exhibiting its com- ponent parts more clearly. But this hypothesis is not permissible if any other satisfactory explanation of the word can be given ; for eVtouo-to? would then be the single exception to the rule which determines compounds of eVt. In fact, the compound eVouo-tey&j?? is found occasionally, thus showing that the final vowel of the preposition is naturally elided before ovv TI dyr)T6 ; and on this showing, whatever interpretation we put upon eVtoucrioi/, a precept will be violated. The fact is, that, as fiepi/juva means anxiety, undue thought or care (see above, p. 190 sq.), prayer to God is not only consistent with the absence of /jLepifiva, but is a means of driving it away. One Apostle tells us (i Pet. v. 7) to 'cast all our anxiety (pepiiiva) on God, for He careth (auro> /-teXet) for us.' Another directs us 'not to be anxious about any matter (/juij^ev ^epi^vare) but in every thing with prayer and supplication joined with thanksgiving to make our desires known unto God (Phil. iv. 6).' These injunctions we fulfil when we use the petition in the Lord's Prayer in a proper spirit. At the same time, even in our prayers we are directed specially to the needs of ' the coming day,' for in the very act of asking for distant material blessings there is danger of exciting in ourselves this ^epi^va which it is our duty to crush 1 . 1 The moral bearing of this petition is well put by S. Basil (Reg. brev. tract, cclii, II. p. 500), though he wrongly interprets the word itself; 6 epyafo/uevos fAvrj/jLovevuv TOV Kvpiov X^-yojros MTJ iJ.epifj.va.Te rrj IS 2 228 APPENDIX I. On the other hand, if eiriovcnov be derived from ITTL, ova-la, we have the choice between the two senses of ovala, (i) 'subsistence,' and (2) 'essence, being.' Of these the latter must be rejected at once. It is highly improbable that a term of transcendental philosophy should have been chosen, and a strange compound invented for insertion in a prayer intended for everyday use. Indeed nothing could well be con- ceived more alien to the simplicity of the Gospel- teaching, than such an expression as eVtouo^o?, meaning 'suited to' or 'conducive to the ova-la, the essential being.' If therefore this derivation from ova- la is ten- able at all, we must be prepared to assign to it the more homely meaning, ' subsistence,' so that eTrtova-ios will be ' sufficient to sustain us/ ' enough for our absolute wants, but not enough for luxury.' Such a sense in itself would meet the requirements of the passage. Only it does not seem likely that a strange word, which arrives at this meaning in an indirect way, should have been invented to express a very simple idea for which the Greek language had already more than one equivalent. Nor indeed is it a natural sense for the word to bear. In Porphyr. Isag. 16, and elsewhere, eirova-Lw^ is used to signify accidental^ ri i?)iJ.epov faty rrj ovalq. y/J-uv xp^Mei'OJ'Ta, ovx eavry dXXd T( 0e< ^rvyxdvei Trepl TOVTOV, K.T.\. APPENDIX I. 229 as opposed to essential, denoting what is superadded to the ovcrta-, and if such a compound as eVtouoYo? (from ova- la) were possible, it ought to have a similar meaning. 3. TJte tenor of tradition. Hitherto we have seen no sufficient reason for abandoning the derivation from Uvai, while on the other hand serious difficulties are encountered by adopting the alternative and deriving the word from dvai. It remains to enquire how far this result is borne out by tradition. Tholuck, discussing the two derivations of eVtou- o-fco?, from elvat, and Ikvai respectively, states, 'The oldest and most widely spread is the former': and Suicer, mentioning the derivation from f) eTnovcra, adds, 'Nemo ex veteribus ita explicat.' I hope to show that such statements are the very reverse of the truth; that, so far as our evidence goes, the derivation from levat is decidedly the more ancient; and that, though the other prevailed widely among Greek interpreters after Origen, yet it never covered so wide an area as its elder rival. I shall take the great divisions of the Church as distinguished by their several languages, and investigate the traditional sense assigned to the word in each. 230 APPENDIX I. I. In the Greek Church the first testimony is that of ORIGEN (de Orat. 27, 1. c.). He himself derives the word from ovo-ta, adducing Trepiovcrios as an analogy. This analogy, as we have already seen, is false : for, whereas eVl loses the final vowel in com- position, Trepl retains it; so that while the one com- pound would be Trepiovcrios, the other would be eVouo-to?. Thus derived, the word signifies according to Origen TOV et? rrjv ovo-lav ijfjLwv a-v/jLf3a\\6/jLevov apTov. It is the spiritual bread which nourishes the spiritual being, 6 Ty (jtvaei, TTJ \oyi/cfj /caTa\\7]\6raro^ KOI Ty ovaia avTy (rvyyevrjs /e.r.X. This view Origen supports by quoting other passages where the heavenly bread is mentioned, and at the close of the discussion he adds (p. 249 c) ; ' Some one will say that eiriovo-iov is formed [1. KaTecr^fjiaTiaOai] from linevai ; so that we are bidden to ask for the bread which belongs to the future life (TOV olnelov TOV yaeXXo^ro? alwvos), that God may anticipate and give it to us even now, so that what shall be given as it were to-morrow may be given us to-day (OOCTTC TO olovel avpiov SoOrjcrofjievov vrjuepov rifilv SoOfjvcu) ; the future life being represented by to-morrow^ and the present by to-day: but the former acceptation is better in my judgment, etc.' Thus the earliest notice among Greek- speaking Christians reveals a conflict between the two derivations. It is true that in either case Origen APPENDIX I. 231 contemplates a spiritual rather than a literal interpre- tation of the bread, but this fact accords with the general principles of the Alexandrian school from which the notice emanates ; for this school is given to importing a mystical sense into the simple language of the Gospel. This ulterior question does not affect the derivation of the word. So far as I am acquainted with the language of Origen elsewhere, his mode of speaking here is quite consistent with the supposition that he himself first started the derivation from elvai, ovaia. At all events this supposition accords with his fondness for im- porting a reference to ' absolute being ' into the lan- guage of the Apostles and Evangelists elsewhere, as for instance when he interprets TO) in Ephes. i. i, and iva ra OVTCL /carapyrjo-rj in I Cor. i. 28, in this sense (see Cramer's Catena on Ephes. 1. c.). A derivation which transferred the word fVtouo-to? at once from the domain of the material to the domain of the supra- sensual would have a strong attraction for Origen's mind. Still it must remain a pure hypothesis that he himself invented this derivation. He may have got it from one of his predecessors, Pantaenus or Clement : but at all events it bears the impress of the Alexan- drian school. On the other hand his own language shows that the other etymology (from eirievai) had its 232 APPENDIX I. supporters. How few or how numerous they were, the vagueness of his expression will not allow us to speculate. It is only when we come to the Versions that we find solid ground for assuming that in the earliest age this was the prevailing view. The next Greek writer whose opinion is known was also an Alexandrian. The great ATHANASIUS (de Incarn. 16, I. p. 706) derives the word from 7rievat y but gives it a theological meaning : ' Elsewhere He calls the Holy Spirit heavenly bread, saying, Give us this day TOP aprov *5//,&>z/ TOV eiriova-Lov 1 , for He taught us in His prayer to ask in the present life for TOV eTriovo-lov aprov, that is the future, whereof we have the first-fruits in the present life, partaking of it through 2 the flesh of the Lord, as He Himself said, The bread, which I shall give, is My flesh, etc.' This is exactly the account of the word which Origen rejects. To those however, who have studied the early his- tory of Biblical interpretation, it will be no surprise to find that Origen's explanation of this word exerted a very wide and lasting influence. It is a common 1 The Benedictine editor translates tiriovo-iov here by supersubstan- tialem after Jerome, though the context of S. Athanasius is directly against this. At the same time Athanasius arrives at the same mystical meaning of rbv aprov rbv tiriovviov as Jerome, though through a different derivation. ' 2 5irifj.epov...Olrat, \rj vo-is] rpo(f>r)<; 1 It is right to mention that the authorship of this Homily has been questioned ; see the preface in Montfaucon's edition. APPENDIX I. 235 7779 dvaytcaias...v7Tp aprov /JLOVOV Ke\ev prjfjiaTt, d\\d /cal T6pov /JLCTO, TOVTO jrpocr- 60rjKV, eiTTCOV, So? TJIUV (TTJfiepOV' (WC7T6 fJLr) 7T6paiTepa> crvvTpijBeiv eaurou? Trj (frpovTiSi, r^? eTriovcrr)? ^/i-epa?, where he shelters himself under the vagueness of efyrifiepos without explaining how he arrives at this meaning, and where the somewhat ambiguous words ' not to afflict ourselves further with the thought of the coming (eVtouo-???) day ' seem to allow, if not to suggest, the derivation from eVtoucra. In a later passage of the same Homilies (Iv. 5, p. 562) and in his Exposition of Psalm cxxvii (V. p. 364) he again quotes this petition, but avoids an explanation; in his Homilies on Genesis (liv. 5, IV. p. 530 sq.) he adduces it as setting the proper limits to our desire for temporal goods, TOI^ apTov rj^wv TOV eTnovcriov So? THUV crrifj(,pov, OLVT\ TOV, TT}V TT?? tfflipOS Tpocfrrjv ; while on Philippians iv. 19 {Horn. xv. 4, XL p. 316), com- menting on the words 7r\r)poocrt, Tracrav ^peiav V/JLWV, he adds ' so as not to be in want but to have what is needful (rd TT/JO? ^peiav\ for Christ also put this in His prayer, when teaching us, TOV dprov jfjuwv TOV 67TLou(7Lov So? ^fjilv (rrjfjLepov.' Thus he seems throughout to be wavering between the meanings 236 APPENDIX I. daily and necessary, i.e. between the derivations from levai and elvau, though he tends towards the latter. Again THEODORET on Phil. iv. 19, following Chry- sostom, quotes this petition as warranting S. Paul in asking for his converts rrjv Kara rov irapovra ftlov Somewhat later CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA on Luke xi. 3 (Mat, II. p. 266) thus comments on eTnovai,ov\ 1 Some say that it is that which shall come and shall be given in the future life; ...... but if this were true ...... why do they add, Give us day by dayl For one may see likewise by these words that they make their petition for daily food ; and we must understand by eTnovcnov what is sufficient (rov av- rapKrf) etc. 1 ' Later Greek writers contented themselves with repeating one or more of the interpretations given by their predecessors. Thus DAMASCENE (Orthod. Fid. iv. 13, I. p. 272 Lequien) says, ovros 6 apros eo-rlv 7? dTrap'xfi rov /zeXXoz/ro? aprov, 05 ecrriv 6 CTriovcrios' TO jap eiriovo-iov 8r)\ot fj rov fj,e\\ovra, rovrean, rov rov /xeXXoz/T09 alcovos, rj rov TT/OO? avvr^prjo-Lv rrjs ova-las THIWV \a/jL/3av6/j,evov ; and THEOPHYLACT (on Luke xi. 3) explains it rov eVt rfj ovcria rjfMwv KOLI rfj Gvcn ' Give to-us the-bread of-our-necessity every-day.' This is only one of the many instances where the Peshito betrays the influences of the fourth century whether in the text or in the interpretation 2 . 1 Cureton compares Num. iv. 7 TDnn DH7, translated in the Syriac ta r^LlASfc K* TooY. 'Our bread of-to-morrow give-it to-us to-day/ In Luke xi. 3 : neNooiK e6NHOY MHiq NAN MMHNI. 'Our bread that-cometh give-it to-us daily/ The Thebaic Version : In Matt. vi. 1 1 : neNoeiK GTNHY Npri MMoq NAN Mrrooy. 'Our bread that-cometh give-thou it to us to-day/ The corresponding passage of S. Luke in this Version is not preserved. Here we have a choice of two translations, both founded on the same derivation, the one through , the other directly from eirievai. 162 244 APPENDIX I. In all the Coptic (i.e. Memphitic) Service-books which I have seen, the rendering of eiriova-iov is NirepACTi, 'of to-morrow/ 4. The Latin Churches preserve a still more an- cient tradition. The OLD LATIN Version, which dates certainly from the second century, and not improbably, so far as regards the Gospels, from the first half of the century, renders liriovaiov by quoti- dianum in both Evangelists. Of this rendering there can be no doubt. It is found in the extant manu- scripts of the Old Latin Version in both places. It is quoted moreover by the early Latin Fathers, Ter- tullian (de Orat. 6) and Cyprian (de Orat. p. 104, Fell). Though both these fathers are commenting especially on the Lord's Prayer, and both adopt a spiritual sense of the petition, as referring to Christ the living bread and to the eucharistic feast, yet they comment on 'quotidianum' from this point of view, and seem to be unaware that any other rendering is possible. At length in the fourth century the influence of the scholastic interpretation, put forward by Origen and the Greek Fathers, makes itself felt in Latin writers. The first semblance of any such influence is found in Juvencus, the Latin poet, who wrote a metrical history of the Gospel about A.D. 330 335. He renders the words APPENDIX I. 245 Vitalisque hodie sancti substantia panis Proveniat nobis. Evang. Hist. i. 631. Here however, though the coincidence is curious, no inference can safely be drawn from the occurrence of 'substantia' ; since Juvencus elsewhere uses the word with a genitive as a convenient periphrasis to eke out his metre, without any special significance; e.g. i. 415, 'substantia panis' (Matt. iv. 4); i. 510, 'salis substantia' (Matt. v. 13); ii. 420, 'vocis sub- stantia' (Matt. ix. 32); ii. 524, 'animae substantia' (Matt. xi. 5); ii. 677, 'credendi substantia' (John v. 38) ; iii. 668, 'arboris substantia' (Matt. xxi. 21). In VlCTORINUS the Rhetorician, who was ac- quainted with the Greek commentators, the first dis- tinct traces of this interpretation in the Latin Church are found. In his treatise against Arius, completed about the year 365, he writes (i. 31, Bibl. Vet. Patr. VIII. p. 163, ed. Galland.): 'Unde deductum eTriova-iov quam a substantia. ? Da panem nobis ITTIOIXTLOV hodi- ernum. Quoniam Jesus vita est, et corpus ipsius vita est, corpus autem panis... Significat eTriovcriov ex ipsa aut in ipsa substantia, hoc est, vitae panem/ And again (ii. 8, ib. p. 177): ' liriovaiov aprov, ex eadem ova-la panem, id est, de vita Dei, consubstantialem vitam...Graecum igitur Evangelium habet eTriovcriov, quod denominatum est a substantia, et utique Dei 246 APPENDIX I. substantial hoc Latini vel non intelligentes vel non valentes exprimere non potuerunt dicere, et tantum- modo quotidianum posuerunt, non eTriovcnov.' Setting himself to defend the O/MOOVO-IOV of the Nicene creed against the charge of novelty, Victorinus seizes with avidity a derivation of eTriova-iov which furnishes him with a sort of precedent. Again, in S. AMBROSE we find distinct references to this derivation. In a treatise ascribed to this father (de Sacram. v. 4. 24, II. p. 378) we read, 'Quare ergo in oratione dominica, quae postea sequi- tur, ait Panem nostrum ? Paaem quidem sed einov- (7iov, hoc est, super sub stantialem. Non iste panis est qui vadit in corpus ; sed ille panis vitae aeternae qui animae nostrae substantiam fulcit. Ideo Graece CTTIOV- aws dicitur : Latinus autem hunc panem quotidianum dixit [quern Graeci dicunt advenientem~\ l ; quia Graeci dicunt rrjv ITTIOVGCLV rjfjuepav advenientem diem. Ergo quod Latinus dixit et quod Graecus, utrumque utile videtur. Graecus utrumque uno sermone significavit, Latinus quotidianum dixit. Si quotidianus est panis, cur post annum ilium sumis, quemadmodum Graeci in oriente facere consuerunt ? Accipe quotidie, quod quotidie tibi prosit etc.' The writer seems here to combine the two derivations of eTTLovcriov, as though 1 The words in brackets are omitted in many MSS, and seem to be out of place. APPENDIX I. 247 the word could have a double etymology. At least I cannot interpret 'Graecus utrumque uno sermone significavit' in any other way 1 . The authorship of the treatise however is open to question, as it contains some suspicious statements and expressions. But whoever may have been the writer, the work appears to be early. If he owed the expression super sub- stantialis to S. Jerome's revision, as was probably the case, even this is consistent with the Ambrosian authorship, as several of this father's works were written after S. Jerome had completed the Gospels. Again, in an unquestioned treatise of S. Ambrose (de Fide iii. 15. 127, n. p. 519) written in the years 377, 378, this father, defending the word OJJLOOVO-LOV against the Arians, uses the same argument as Victo- rinus: 'An negare possunt ova-Lav lectam, cum et panem ITTLOVCTLOV Dominus dixerit et Moyses scrip- serit vjJLeis eaeade /JLOI, \aos irepiovcnos ? Aut quid est ova-la, vel unde dicta, nisi ovo~a aet, quod semper maneat ? Qui enim est, et est semper, Deus est ; et ideo manens semper ovaa dicitur divina substantia. Propterea eVtovcrto? panis, quod ex verbi substantia substantiam virtutis manentis cordi et animae sub- ministret ; scriptum est enim, Et panis confirmat cor 1 Pfeiffer in the Thesaur. Theol. Philol. II. p. 117 (Amstel. 1702) explains 'utrumque uno sermone significavit' by 'crastinum scil. di- cendo, hodiernum includens diem,' which seems to me meaningless. 248 APPENDIX I. hominis (Ps. ciii. 15).' The etymological views of a writer who derives ova-La from ovo-a del can have no value in themselves. The notice is only important as showing that the derivation from ova-la was gaining ground. At the same time, like the passage of Victo- rinus, it suggests a motive which would induce many to accept the etymology offered, as furnishing a ready answer to an Arian objection. When S. JEROME (about A.D. 383) revised the Latin of the New Testament, he substituted super- substantialem for quotidianum in the text of S. Matthew ; but, either prevented by scruples from erasing a cherished expression from the Latin Bibles, or feeling some misgiving about the correctness of his own rendering, he allowed quotidianum to stand in S. Luke. Altogether his language is vague and un- decided, whenever he has occasion to mention the word. In his Commentary on the Epistle to Titus (Op. VII. p. 726), written about A.D. 387, he thus ex- presses himself: 'Unde et illud, quod in evangelio secundum Latinos interpretes scriptum est Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie> melius in Graeco habetur Panem nostrum eTriovaiov, id est praecipuum^ egregium, peculiarem 1 , eum videlicet qui de caelo de- 1 It thus appears that the sense which S. Jerome himself attaches to his rendering supersubstantiakm is different from that which some theologians have assigned to it. APPENDIX I. 249 scendens ait (Job. vi. 51), Ego sum panis qui de caelo descendi. Absit quippe ut nos, qui in crastinum cogi- tare prohibemur, de pane isto qui post paululum con- coquendus et abjiciendus est in secessum in prece dominica rogare jubeamur. Nee multum differt inter iiriovviov et Trepiovcriov, praepositio enim tantummodo est mutata, non verbum. Quidam eTrtovaiov existi- mant in oratione dominica panem dictum, quod super omnes ova-las sit, hoc est super universas sub- stantias. Quod si accipitur, non multum ab eo sensu differt quern exposuimus. Quidquid enim egregium est et praecipuum, extra omnia est et super omnia.' And similarly in his Commentary on S. Matthew (Op. VII. p. 34), written a few years afterwards (A.D. 398) : 'Quod nos super sub stantialem expressimus, in Graeco habetur eTriovo-iov, quod verbum Septuaginta interpretes Trepiovpc5z/, where again represents n?3p, but in this instance without any reference to the chosen people. These appear to be the only passages in the LXX where Trepiovffios, Trepiovo-iao-fio^, occur. But H x^D is found besides in two other places: in Mai. iii. 17, where again it refers to the chosen people and where it is APPENDIX I. 263 rendered et? irepiiroiricrw, and in I Chron. xxix. 3, where Solomon says ' I have a Pi ?3D [translated in our Version ' of mine own proper good '] gold and silver which I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house,' rendered by the LXX e'er poi o irepLTreTroir^jLat, Xpva-Lov Kal dpyvpiov K.T.\. Of these two renderings which the LXX offers for n?3p, the one is adopted by S. Paul, Tit. ii. 14 Xao? irepiovvw, the other by S. Peter, I Pet. ii. 9 Xao? et? Trepmolria-iv. The reference in S. Peter is to Exod. xix. 5, where however the rendering irepLova-ios is found in the LXX. The Hebrew root 7-HD, from which H /3D comes, is not found in the Bible. But the senses of kindred roots in Hebrew, such as *)3D, and of other derivatives of this same root in the allied languages, point to its meaning. It signifies ' to surround on all sides/ and so to ' gather together, set apart, reserve, appro- priate.' In grammar the Rabbinical expression for a proper name is PPUD Dt^. In logic the predicable proprium is designated P1/Y3D by them. Applied to property, the word JlSHD would denote the private treasure which a person acquires for himself or possesses by himself alone, as distinguished 264 APPENDIX I. from that which he shares with others. Of a king, we might say that it was the * fiscus ' as distinguished from the 'aerarium/ the privy purse as opposed to the public treasury. It is something reserved for his private uses. In two of the passages where it occurs, Eccles. ii. 8, I Chron. xxix. 3, it refers to kings ; and in the latter it seems to be carefully dis- tinguished from the money which would naturally be devoted to expenditure on public works. Thus there is no great difficulty about the original Hebrew word. On the other hand it is less easy to see how the same idea can be represented by the Greek Trepiovcnos. Jerome speaks as though the leading notion of the word were ' superiority,' derived from TrepLeivai, in the sense 'to excel.' Obviously this meaning would not correspond to the original. We arrive at a more just conception of its force by considering a synonyme which Jerome himself points out This same Hebrew word, which in the LXX is given Treptovo-iov^ was rendered by Symma- chus egaiperov (Hieron. Op. VI. pp. 34, 726). Jerome indeed is satisfied with translating egalperov by prae- cipuum or egregium ; but its meaning is much more precise and forcible. It was used especially of the portion which was set apart as the share of the king or general, before the rest of the spoils were distributed by lot or otherwise to the soldiers of the victorious APPENDIX I. 265 army. The exemption from the common mode of apportionment in favour of rank or virtue is the lead- ing idea of the word. Thus in Plutarch, Vit. Cor. 10, we are told that when Coriolanus, as a reward for his bravery, was asked to select from the spoils ten of every kind before the distribution to the rest (efeXe- (rdai Se/ca iravra TT/OO rov vepew rofc aXXot?), he declined to do so, saying that he would take his chance with the others, but he added, e^alperov piav aiTov^ai^dpiv, 1 1 have one favour to ask, as an exceptional boon' In the triumphant anticipation of Sisera's mother, ' Have they not divided the prey ? to every man [lit. to the head of a man] a damsel or two, to Sisera a prey of divers colours, etc./ we have the idea which a Greek poet might express by egalperov Sewp^a (e.g. ^Esch. Bum. 380, comp. Agam. 927), the special treasure as- signed to the captain over and above the distribution which was made to the rest counted by heads. This sense of l^alperov is too common to need further illus- tration ; and I cannot doubt that Symmachus selected it on this account as an appropriate word to express the idea of the original. The leading idea is not superiority, as Jerome seems to imagine, but exception. 'Egregium,' strictly interpreted, might represent it, but not ' praecipuum.' It is the 'exsortem ducere honorem ' of Virgil. This idea fitly expresses the relations of Jehovah to Israel, whom in the language 266 APPENDIX I. of the Old Testament elsewhere He retained under His special care (see the notes on Clem. Rom. 29). The same conception seems to be involved in Treptovaios. This word may have been invented by the LXX translators, or it may have had some local currency in their age : but, if the latter was the case, the fact was unknown to Origen and Jerome, for they speak of irepiovcrios as not occurring out of the Bible. In either case, it might be derived from TrepLtov, on the analogy of e/covo-tos, eQeXovcrios, etc., or from ov&la, like evovaios, dvoixnos, etc. (see above, p. 222, 223). Thus its meaning would be either 'exist- ing over and above/ or * possessed over and above'; and the same idea of exception from the common laws of distribution would be involved as in egaiperos. S. Jerome mentions also 1 that in another passage Symmachus had adopted the Latin word peculiarem, as a rendering of PP3D. He doubtless ventured on this bold expedient because the Greek language did 1 Hieron. Op. vi. p. 34 'licet in quodam loco peculiare interpretatus sit'; ib. vi. p. 726 'in alio volumine Latino sermone utens peculiarem interpretatus est.' Different interpretations of this second passage have been given; but, compared with the first, it can only mean that 'in another book of Scripture Symmachus adopted a Latin expression, translating the word by peculiarem ' ; just in the same way as Ignatius writing in Greek uses deytprup, 5e7r6%erai 6 irovqpb^ KOI dpird^et TO O"7TapfJLVOV. Matt. xiii. 38, 39 ra e fy%dvid elaiv ol viol TOV trovrjpov, 6 be e^pos 6 aTrelpas avrd eo~Tt,v 6 SidftoXos. Ephes. vi. 16 irdvra rd j3e\r) TOV Trovrjpov [ra] TreTTVpa/jLeva aftkcrai. I John ii. 13, 14 v\dj;ei OTTO ToO Trovrjpov. A few remarks on each of these lists will be necessary. (i) In the first list I have included Matthew xiii. 38, because, notwithstanding Canon Cook's comments, I cannot consider the interpretation really doubtful. He himself says : ' It is perhaps unnecessary to question the propriety of this rendering [' the Evil One '] in which the Revisers accept the old Version ['the Wicked One'] with a slight modification. The use of the masculine is justified, and will probably commend itself to most readers, as it is accepted by the generality of commentators, ancient and modern (p. 7).' It is always dangerous to risk a sweeping negative ; but I do not remember a single Greek commentator 18 2 276 APPENDIX II. who takes it otherwise than masculine. On the other hand, in some revisions of the Old Latin Version, as Canon Cook has pointed out, we have filii nequitiae &s\&filii nequam ; but this is probably not the original form of this version, as I hope to show lower down. However this may be, there is a serious linguistic objection to the neuter here. We can understand ol viol T?9 Trovqpias, but is ol viol rov Trowrjpov possible ? Canon Cook, writing of the LXX, says (p. 8), ' TO TTovypov, in the sense of evil, moral and spiritual evil, is one of the commonest forms. It occurs, e.g., eight times in Deuteronomy, and repeatedly in the historical books.' Yes ; but though the occurrence of TO irovrjpov is so frequent in the LXX, it is not once used as an equivalent to q Trovrjpla. It never denotes the abstract quality, but always the concrete embodiment, 'the deed or thing which is evil.' This sense, I need not say, is quite out of place in the expression ol viol TOV Trovrjpov. One other passage in this list is disputed by Canon Cook. He considers that in I John v. 19, 6 #607^09 0X09 eV TO> Trovijpw fceiTcu, the neuter is preferable. I cannot agree with him. In the first place, the masculine is distinctly suggested by the previous 6 Trovypos ov% aTTTerai avTov. Secondly, the masculine is required in eV TV Trovrjpa) /celrai,, as the proper antithesis to eV/iei/ eV rw akyOww, ez> TO> vla> APPENDIX II. 277 avrov 'Irjo-ov Xpicrra), in the following verse. Thirdly, this interpretation is in entire accordance with the language and teaching of S. John elsewhere, where 'the world' is regarded as the domain of the Evil One. Fourthly, Canon Cook's interpretation would seem to require rfj Trovypia rather than rw Trovijpa). Lastly, the traditional exegesis favours the masculine. Here again I doubt whether a single Greek Father can be produced who adopts the neuter rendering, for in the passage of Dionysius of Alexandria (ed. Migne, pp. 1594, 1599), to which Canon Cook refers (p. 8) as favouring his view, the frequent reference to the Evil One (6 77-01/77/90$) in the context seems clearly to show that this Father adopted the masculine ren- dering here also. Nor again is he justified in saying that * the neuter is certainly supported by ' the Mem- phitic version, pi-pet-hoou. The expression is ambi- guous in itself (as I shall have occasion to show presently), being both masculine and neuter; and the fact that in the previous verse (o TTOZ/^O? ov% uTnerai avrov) the translator has adopted the Greek word itself, piponeros, proves nothing. Such variations between the native Egyptian and the naturalised Greek word in rendering the same original even in the same context are not uncommon in this version, (ii) As regards the second list, I need only remark that I Thess. v. 22, airb iravros et'Sov? Trovrjpov 278 APPENDIX II. , is not included, because the difficulty of treating Trowrjpov as a substantive is great. (iii) (a) Of the doubtful passages, Matt. v. 39, /j,r) dvTUTTrjvcu ro5 Trovrjpa) a\X* ocrrt? ere pairL^ei /e.r.X, may conveniently be taken first. Here r&> vrovypw should probably be rendered ' the evil man/ as in the Revised Version, since this is suggested by the words following, a\V ocms K.T.\. If so, this passage should be eliminated altogether from the list. (b) In Matt. v. 37, TO Se Trepio-aov TOVTCDV etc TOV Trovrjpov ea-riv, the Revisers have adopted the mas- culine rendering 'the Evil One' in the text, giving the neuter 'evil' in the margin. They have done rightly in my opinion. The masculine rendering is suggested by I John iii. 12, Kalv ex TOV irovypov ?jv, where it is certainly masculine, not to mention the analogous phrase e/c TOV SiafioXov elvai (John viii. 44, I John iii. 8). Moreover here also (though in this case the argument is not so strong) we should have expected T^? Trowrjpias, rather than TOV irovypov, if 1 evil ' had been meant. To the masculine rendering however Canon Cook has a theological objection, which he expresses as follows (p. 6): * The statement that every oath, especially every oath used to confirm an asseveration, owes its existence to moral evil in man, is in full accordance with our experience and with the teaching of Holy Scripture. But for the mutual distrust be- tween man and man it would never have been thought of ; and APPENDIX II. 279 when employed needlessly, lightly, irreverently, it involves serious guiltiness. But on solemn occasions, when it would otherwise be impossible to distinguish between thoughtless utterances and serious declarations, or when needed to convey full assurance to a timid conscience or distrustful heart, an oath is more than justifiable ; it comes not from the Evil One but from the goodness of the utterer.' The answer to this is twofold. First. If any act or thing ' owes its existence to moral evil in man,' it may be said to owe its existence to the author of evil. Secondly. Such oaths as are lawful lie altogether outside the letter of this passage. It is prefaced with the injunction, ' Swear not at all.' Clearly therefore the passage, however we may interpret it, refers to oaths which are forbidden, and does not contemplate such cases as Canon Cook adduces. The injunction, 'Let your speech be Yea, yea, Nay, nay/ and the reason assigned, ' Whatsoever is more than these/ etc., must be coextensive with the prohibition, ' Swear not at all.' Wrong swearing therefore is intended ; and wrong swearing is confessedly the prompting of the Evil One. (c) In John xvii. 15, OVK ep(oru> iva apy? CLVTOVS IK TOV ic6(r/j,ov a\V 'iva TT)pi]a"r)$ avTOvs e/e TOV Trovrjpov, I cannot myself doubt that TOV Trovrjpov is ' the Evil One,' though I have placed the passage in the doubt- ful list. The remark which has been made already 280 APPENDIX II. with respect to the Epistles of S. John holds good of his Gospel. The World and the Gospel are antago- nistic the one to the other. Satan is 'the prince of this world.' In this particular case therefore, where the disciples are contemplated as remaining in the world, we naturally expect that the prayer should take the form of exemption from the power of the tyrant who claims the world for his principality. This interpretation becomes the more probable when we remember that, whereas TO Trovypov, 'the evil thing/' is never found in S. John's writings, 6 TTO^/JO?, ' the Evil One,' occurs many times. (d) The only remaining passage, 2 Thess. iii. 3, a9 a-Tro rov Trovrjpov, ' Bring us not into temp- tation, but deliver us ' from what ? Does not the word ' temptation ' at once suggest the mention of the tempter ? And here I may perhaps be allowed to step aside for a moment and to say a word about another matter. The Revisers have been taken to task, even APPENDIX II. 289 by friendly critics, for an unnecessary and therefore irritating change in substituting ' bring ' for * lead ' in the previous clause. But the word in the original certainly means 'bring' not 'lead/ elcrevey/crjs not elo-aydyr]? ; and considering the grave and subtle questions which gather about the subject of tempta- tion and its relation to the agency of God, it would seem to be a matter of real theological moment that the Revisers should be scrupulously exact in their rendering of this word. Any one who takes the pains to read the patristic comments on the clause 'Bring us not into temptation' must be impressed with the anxiety which they betray, and will no longer (I venture to think) be disposed to censure the Revisers. This at least has been my own case, for I approached the subject with a decided repug- nance to the change, which nevertheless I am now convinced was right. But to return from this digres- sion. If the tempter is mentioned in the second clause, then, and then only, has the connexion firj a\\d .... its proper force. If on the other hand rov Trovrjpov be taken neuter, the strong opposition implied by these particles is no longer natural, for ' temptation ' is not coextensive with ' evil.' We should rather expect in this case, 'And deliver us from evil.' Several of the Fathers remark that S. Luke omits the last clause d\\a pvv\d%ei a-jrb TOV TTovqpov, custodiet a malo. It is rendered by this same adjective again in I Cor. v. 13, egapare (e%a- peiTe) TOV. TTovrjpbv, and in Matt. v. 39, fj,rj dvTiaTijvai, TO> irovrjpw, in both which passages it probably means 'the evil man/ In Luke vi. 45, 6 Trovrjpbs IK TOV 296 APPENDIX II. .... TO Trovijpov, it stands malus de malo .... malum, though Cod. Verc. substitutes nequam for malus, thus destroying the studied iteration. In Ephes. vi. 16, ra j3e\rj rov Trovrjpov is translated by tela nequissimi. In Matt. xiii. 38 however the Cod. Brix. has filii maligni for ol viol rov irovrjpov ; but here the readings of other MSS are different ; Veron. filii iniquity Vercell. filii nequitiae, Corb. filii nequam ; and this last is followed by Jerome in his Vulgate. Even here it may be conjectured (though no stress can be laid on the conjecture) that the original reading was mali, and that it was variously altered, some transcribers supposing it to be the nominative agreeing with^/zY. If not, it was probably Jitu iniqui, as read in the Cod. Veron., iniqui being intended as a genitive. At all events we have found no authority for malignus as a rendering of 6 7701/77/305 in the Gospels ; for filii maligni of Cod. Brix., in Matt. xiii. 38, is an obvious correction for the sake of clearness, and indeed cannot be pleaded by Canon Cook him- self, who contends for the neuter rendering here (p. 7). Only then at length, when we arrive at the First Epistle of S. John, is o Trovrjpos rendered by malignus (i John ii. 13, 14; iii. 12; v. 18, 19). The proper Latin equivalent of o jroz/^po? is malus, 1 Canon Cook has by some mistake given./?/// nequiliae as the read- ing of the Cod. Veron. APPENDIX II. 297 not malignus. For the sake of avoiding ambiguity, or for other reasons, it might be rendered by malignus, as is done consistently by the translator of S. John's Epistles. But the full sense of the word, as applied to the author of evil, is lost by the use of this more restricted term ; and there is no ground for supposing that the translator or translators of the Gospels would have made this sacrifice. 3. In the first rank, together wich the Syriac and Latin, stand the two principal Egyptian Versions. The Sahidic, the version of Upper Egypt, is quite explicit. It adopts the Greek word Trowrjpos, pre- fixing the Egyptian definite article, pponeros (not piponeros, as given by Canon Cook, p. n, for this is the Memphitic form). Canon Cook indeed, while allowing that this rendering ' most probably indicates a personal agent/ yet attempts to invalidate its tes- timony by adding in a note, * Not certainly ; for when Greek words are taken into the Coptic Version the translators keep the first and simplest form un- changed/ and he gives the instance of met-chrestos, ' goodness.' It is quite true that for ^T/O-TOT^? they might use met-chrestos, prefixing the Egyptian form- ative particle met- to the first form of the Greek word which came to hand. But this is a wholly different thing from rendering TO irovypov by pponeros, which properly represents 6 Trovrjpbs, and, until some instance 298 APPENDIX IT. of such a usage can be adduced, I am constrained to hold that the Sahidic translator without question adopted the masculine rendering. The case is different with the Memphitic, the version of Lower Egypt. Here the translator, in- stead of incorporating the Greek word, adopts the corresponding Egyptian, pi-pet-hoou. This is alto- gether ambiguous. The Egyptian language, like the Syriac, has no neuter, and the feminine commonly does duty for it (Peyron's Gramm. Copt. p. 34). But this is very far from being a universal rule. In the present instance pi-pet-hoou is used equally where the masculine is certain (Matt. xiii. 19, 38 ; I Cor. v. 13 ; Ephes. vi. 16), where the neuter is certain (Luke vi. 45 ; Rom. xii. 9), and where the gender in the Greek is disputable or disputed (Matt. v. 37, 39; John xvii. 1552 Thess. iii. 3). But here again we meet with the same phenomenon as in the Latin Version. When we get to the First Epistle of S. John we find a change. The translator adopts piponeros ( i John ii. 13, 14; v. 1 8) as the rendering of 6 iroviypos, though not consistently; for in I John iii. 12, v. 19, he has pi-pet-hoou. Here again, as in the case of the Latin Version, the rendering piponeros probably betrays a different hand from the translator of the Gospels. At the same time, though ambiguous in itself, it was taken as^ a masculine in the Egyptian Church, as APPENDIX II. 299 may be inferred from the fact that in the embolismus of the Lord's Prayer, which will be quoted hereafter, the Greek words pvcrai ??/Aaws ct7ro TOV Trovrjpov. oTSev yap T; TroAA?; o~ov cv- O'TrXay^vi'a ort ov 8wa/xe^a VTrcveyKetv Sta TI}V TroAA^v ly/iwi' acr0eviav aXXa irofycrov (rvv TO> 7retpao"/xw Kat cKy8ao~tv, TOU xas VTrcveyKetv. av yap IScoKas ly/xty e^ovo-tai/ TraTctJ/ o^>ea)V Kat o-KOp7riW, Kai CTT! Tracrav TJ}I> BvvafJLiv TOV (iii) Liturgy of Adceus p. 279: 'Ne nos inducas, Domine, in tentationem, sed libera et salva nos a malo et ab exercitibus ejus.' Thus all these Liturgies are in favour of the masculine rendering. The meaning of the first and 304 APPENDIX II. third is obvious. The first paraphrases 'deliver us from the Evil One and his works, from all his inso- lence and plotting'; the third, ' deliver and save us from the Evil One and his hosts.' The second is not quite so explicit; but its bearing is obvious. The explanation of airo rov irovrjpov appears in the words, 'Thou hast given us power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the Enemy.' But, when we turn to the Western Liturgies, all is changed. The Latin-speaking peoples embodied in their Eucharistic Service the interpretation which (as will be shown presently) appears first in the later Latin Fathers from Augustine onwards. In the Gre- gorian and Gelasian Canons (Hammond, pp. 372, 373) the embolismus takes the form, 'Libera nos, quae- sumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis praeteritis, prae- sentibus, et futuris, [et] intercedente beata et gloriosa semperfque] virgine Dei genitrice Maria,' etc., where the context betrays the late date of this form. This is also the form adopted in Roman and other later Latin Liturgies (pp. 344, 345). The words are wholly different, and not so explicit, in the Mozarabic Liturgy (ib.y p. 345), but they seem likewise to point to the neuter ; ' Liberati a malo, confirmati semper in bono, tibi servire mereamur Deo ac Domino nostro.' Strange- ly enough, this last is the only Liturgy which Canon Cook has quoted. APPENDIX II. 305 But though this was apparently the sense which the later Latin Churches put upon the words 'a malo' in the Lord's Prayer, as used in the Eucha- ristic Service, we have satisfactory evidence that it was differently understood at one time. In an ancient Exposition of the Roman Mass printed by Martene (de Antiq. Eccl. Rit. p. 450) the words ' Sed libera nos a malo' are thus commented upon : * Hoc est a diabolo, qui totius mali et auctor est et origo. Diabolus natura caelestis fuit, nunc est nequitia spiritalis ; aetate major saeculo, nocendi usu tritus, laedendi arte peri- tissimus, unde non jam matus, sed malum dicilur, a quo est omne quod malum est. .... Petendum nobis est ergo ut Deus nos a diabolo liberet, qui Christum terris ut diabolum vinceret commodavit. Clamet, clamet homo ad Deum, clamet Libera nos a malo, ut a tanto malo, solo Christo vincente, liberetur.' This is the more remarkable, because the writer immediately afterwards proceeds to comment on the embolismiis in the form in which it occurs in the Roman Mass, ' Libera nos, quaesumus, ab omnibus malis praeteritis,' etc. If the words which I have italicised formed part of the original text of this exposition (as they seem to have done), the pheno- menon is instructive as showing that, though the writer took 'malo' for a neuter, yet the older interpre- tation, which was founded on the masculine rendering, still so far survived and influenced him that he felt L. R. 20 300 APPENDIX II. constrained to interpret it directly of Satan, 'that evil thing/ This exposition is attributed by the editor to about the year 800. We are now in a position to see what force there is in the following pleading of Canon Cook (p. 18) : ' So far as I am aware, in no collection of prayers, in no ancient liturgy, and in no authorised form of devotional exer- cises, has the primitive Church, or our own Church, or any other Church before or after the Reformation, prescribed sepa- rate or special prayers for deliverance from the power of Satan.' I imagine that at this point he must have recalled the familiar words of the Litany : ' From the crafts and assaults of the devil, .... Good Lord, deliver us. ' From all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil, Good Lord, deliver its' At all events he continues : ' The crafts and assaults of the devil, the temptations brought to bear upon man's frailty, are of course dwelt upon as motives for watchfulness and earnestness ; prayers are offered that those assaults may be averted and brought to nought ; but all such prayers are, I believe, invariably connected with petitions to be delivered from evil, from all evil and mischief, and specially from sin and wickedness, and, in comparison with such petitions, occupy a secondary place.' Whether the reader will consider these statements consistent with the facts which I have adduced, I do APPENDIX II. 307 not know ; but I venture to think that they can only be vindicated, when confronted with these facts, by such an interpretation of their meaning as deprives them of any real value for the purpose for which they were made. (iii) The Fathers. Among Greek writers there is, so far as I have observed, absolute unanimity on this point. They do not even betray the slightest suspicion that any other interpretation is possible. In the CLEMENTINE HOMILIES xix. 2 sq., S. Peter is represented as inferring the existence of the Evil One from our Lord's own words. He says ; o/*oXoyw etvai TOV Trovypov, STL TroXXa/a? avVoV vVapxetv o irdvra. aX^evVas flprjKtv StSacncaXos .... otSa O.VTOV flp-rjKora .... OTL EoopaKei/ ToV Trovrjpov 009 aarpaTrryj/ Trccroi/ra .... /cat WXiv Mi? Sore Trpofyaarw TO> TrovTypa). aXXa Kat o-vfjL(3ov\va)v eip^- KV "Eo-T(0 V/XCOV TO Vttt VOL KO.I TO OV OV, TO Of. TT^pLO-Q-OV TOUTO)!/ K TOV TTOvifjpov lo~TLV. aXXa Kat iv rj TrapeScoKev tvXQ l^o/xev elpr]fLvov 'Pvaat 7^/>tas a?ro TOU irovypov .... Kat Iva. py ts TTO\V /X^KVVW TOV Xoyov, TroXXaKt? olSa TOV StSctcr/caXof pov tiirovra. tivai TOV I have nothing to say for the general orthodoxy of this writer, nor is his accuracy of quotation all that could be desired ; but on a question of this kind his early date gives a high value to his testimony. 20 2 308 APPENDIX II. ORIGEN de Orat. 30 (l. p. 265) explains this petition : pverat Se i^/xas o cos UTTO TOV 7rov?7pov, ov^t ore ov T^/JLIV TrpoVeiaii' avTiTraA.auov o t^pos oY ottuv S^TTOTC eavTov /cal vTnypCTtoi/ TOV ^eXry/xaros avYov, aAA.' O7 K.T.X. and he gives Job as an instance. ID. Sel in Psalm, ii. 3 (n. p. 66 1), *Sed et Dominus in Evangelio diabolum non dixit pec- catorem tantummodo, sed malignum, vel malum, et cum docet in oratione vel dicit, Sed libera nos a malo .... Aliud est enim per ignorantiam mala agere et vinci a malo ; aliud est voluntate et studio mala facere, et hoc est nequitia, Unde et merito diabolus nomine TTOI^POS-, id est malignus, vel nequam, appel- latur.' DIONYSIUS OF ALEXANDRIA Fragin. p. 1601 (ed. Migne), Kat nrj ctcreveyKTjs 7;/jtas ct? 7rctpa(r/xov* TOVTCCTTI pr} courts /X7TCTtI/ CIS 7Tlpa(T/XoV, OTl 8e ToCrO T^V OV TO fllj 7Tlpa- i, pvcr6rjvaL 8e avro TOV Trovrjpov, 7rpoo-^KV, 'AAAa pucrat aTTo TOV Tronypou. Kal Tt Siev^i/o^ev, to"a>s epcts, TO TTLpa.(rGfjvai Kal TO ets 7reipacrfj.ov e/x7rO*etv ir/rot to~X^tv; o jtxev ycxp qTrrjOfis viro TOV Trovrjpov . . . . cts TretpaoyxoV ovros Kttl CIS 7TlpaO"/XOV CtO-^X^C, KCU tCTTtl' V ttVTO) Kttt V7T* -Trep exacts ai^/xaXtoTOS . . . . o /xiv yap 7rovYjpo* ou pwOrjvai APPENDIX II. 309 GREGORY NYSSEN de Omt. Dom. 5 (i. p. 760), apa o TreipaoTxos re /cat d Trov^pos fv TL /cara r-qv a"rjp.ao-iav f(TTl. . . . pUO-at 77/X KoV/XO) TOuYto Tj)v tOT^VI/ KKTTT]fJ,VOV, K.T.X. DIDYMUSOF ALEXANDRIA r. Manich. u (p. HOO, ed. Migne), d Sia^oXos Kat Sarava? KCU Trovrjpds. tJs CK cvayycXtw o (TOJTTyp TTpOS T ( 30t9 Kttt TOUTO \ytV 8t8cX(7Kt V T7^ f^\V TO ^? fjLaOfjTds' Kat /XT; eto-cve'yKrjs Ty/xas ets Treipacr/xov, a'AXa pOom rj/xas a*7ro TOV irovrjpov. ID. Enarr. in Epist. Prim. Johann. v. 19 (p. 1806, ed. Migne), 1 Lib era nos a malo; redimuntur namque et liberantur ab eo cuncti qui nequaquam ab ignitis ejus jaculis vulnerantur, etc.' ClIRYSOSTOM In Matth. Horn. xix. (vil. p. 253), Trovrjpov 8e cvTavda TOV Sta^oXov KaXet, /ceXet'ooi/ ly/xas ISIDORE OF PELUSIUM ^//>/. iv. 24 (p. 425), TO 'POcrat 7;/xa? CITTO TOU irovypov, ot Trpos TOI/ l' I^OVTCS TT)^ /xa^v [St/catoi av eTev Xeycti/]. I do not doubt that it would be possible to in- crease the list of testimonies largely; but these examples will suffice. The unanimity extends, so far as I have investi- gated, to Greek writers of all ages. Among the Latin Fathers there is not the same agreement. The Latin Version 'libera nos a malo' 310 APPENDIX II. was less explicit than the original; and 'a malo' could much more easily be treated as a neuter than dirb roO irovijpov. The point to be observed is that the two great ante-Nicene Latin Fathers, writing while the Greek original still spoke through the Latin Version, treat it as a masculine. The testimony of the earliest Latin Father is clear and decisive ; TERTULLIAN de Orat. 3, * Ne nos inducas in temptationem, id est, ne nos patiaris induci, ab eo utique qui temptat. Ceterum absit ut Dominus temptare videatur diaboli est et infirmitas et malitia Ipse a diabolo temptatus praesidem et artificem temptationis demon- stravit Ergo respondet clausula, interpretans quid sit, Ne nos inducas in temptationem. Hoc est enim, Sed devehe nos a malo. 1 ' It is to be regretted/ writes Canon Cook on this passage, 'that in his treatise on the Lord's Prayer Tertullian simply quotes the last petition devehe nos a malo without giving any interpretation/ ' From this supposed silence he argues that 'in whatever sense the Latin Version used the word, in that Tertullian received it'; and, forasmuch as he claims to 'have shown that malignus, not mains, was the word used in all redactions of the Old Italic Version, when the personal enemy of mankind was designated/ he infers that Tertullian here understands a malo in the neuter sense. APPENDIX II. 311 I have already discussed Canon Cook's treatment of the Old Latin Version, and shall therefore pass over his inference from it in silence here. Of the whole argument in the passage just quoted it is sufficient to say that it starts from a false premiss. Tertullian does give an interpretation of the words devehe nos a malo, indirectly indeed, but not less plainly on that account. He says that when we pray not to be brought into temptation we must understand that the temptation comes not from God, but from the devil; so that the following clause, sed deveJu nos a malo, answers to and interprets what has gone before. The words 'ergo respondet clausula interpretans,' etc., would be rendered meaningless, if ' malo ' were not masculine. This being so, it is lost labour to argue that devehe is more appropriate of a thing than of a person, as Canon Cook does. * In a much later treatise however,' he continues, * De Fuga in Per. c. 1 1 [the reference should be c. 2], Tertullian has an entirely different rendering, erue nos a maligno....T'hQ difference of rendering may indicate, and may probably be explained by, a change of feeling such as might be evolved in the spirit of a separatist, especially in the direction of Montanism.' Here the words 'difference of rendering' must imply ' difference of interpretation,' if the context is to have any meaning. But not only (as we have seen) is the interpretation the same in the two passages, but also (what is more important) the 312 APPENDIX II. argument is the same. Here are Tertuilian's own words in the second passage : 1 Cum dicimus ad patrem, Ne nos inducas in temptationem . . . . ab eo illam profitemur accidere, a quo veniam ejus depre- camur. Hoc est enim quod sequitur, sed erue nos a maligno, id est, ne nos induxeris in temptationem permittendo nos ma- ligno; tune enim eruimur diaboli manibus, cum illi non tradimur in temptationem.' Thus Tertullian is perfectly consistent with him- self. If any shadow of doubt could have rested on the interpretation of the first passage, it would have been dispelled by the second. We pass on to the next great Latin Father, who owned Tertullian as his master. He is, as Canon Cook says, a 'most weighty attestation to the mind of the Latin Church': CYPRIAN de Domin. Orat. 25 sq. 'Illud quoque necessarie monet Dominus ut in oratione dicamus, et ne patiaris nos induct in temptationem : qua in parte ostenditur nihil contra nos adversarium posse, nisi Deus ante permiserit, ut omnis timor noster et devotio adque obser- vatio ad Deum convertatur, quando in temptationibus nihil malo liceat, nisi potestas inde tribuatur Potestas vero dupliciter adversum nos datur, vel ad poenam cum delinqui- mus, vel ad gloriam cum probamur : sicuti de Job factum videmus manifestante Deo et dicente, Ecce omnia quaecumque habet in tuas manus do, sed ipsum cave ne tangos. Et Dominus in evangelio loquitur tempore passionis, Nullam haberes potes- tatem adversum me, nisi data esset tibi desuper.....\n novissimo enim ponimus sed libera nos a inalo^ comprehendentes ad versa APPENDIX II. 313 cuncta quae contra nos in hoc mundo molitur inimicus, a quibus potest esse firma et fida tutela, si nos Deus liberet Quando autem dicimus libera nos a malo, nihil remanet quod ultra adhuc debeat postulari, quando semel protectionem Dei adversus malum petamus, qua impetrata contra omnia quae diabolus et mundus operantur securi stamus et tuti.' Throughout this passage the sense requires that malum, malo, be treated as masculines, as Hartel in his index rightly assumes. The expression ' nihil malo liceat, nisi potestas inde (i.e. a Deo) tribuatur,' corresponds to the preceding ' nihil contra nos adver- sarium posse, nisi Deus ante permiserit.' The constant references to the enemy of mankind under divers names adversaries, 'inimicus, diabolus point to this interpretation. The examples enforce it. Indeed the whole argument requires it; for in this respect the passage is merely an expansion, with illustrations, of the comment of Cyprian's master, Tertullian. Canon Cook however only quotes one sentence, ' Sed libera nos a malo, comprehendentes adversa cuncta quae contra nos in hoc mundo molitur inimi- cus,' to which (quite unintentionally) he gives a strong bias in his own favour by his translation, 'But de- liver us from evil, comprehending all evils which the enemy devises against us in this world.' Here, by translating adversa 'evils/ as if it were mala, he makes adversa cuncta the interpretation of a malo, whereas in fact its interpretation lies in inimicus, as 3H APPENDIX II. the whole context shows. I quite agree with Canon Cook that 'very special importance attaches to this exposition of Cyprian's'; and I claim him as a power- ful witness on my side. Even in the latter half of the fourth century this interpretation is not lost in the Latin Churches, though it becomes gradually obscured : AMBROSE De Sacram. v. 29 sq. (n. p. 380), ' Non dicit, Non inducas in tentationemj sed quasi athleta talem vult tentationem quam ferre possit humana conditio ; et unusquisque a malo, hoc est, ab inimico, a peccato, liberetur. Potens est autem Dominus .... tueri et custodire vos adversum diaboli adversantis insidias.' HILARY Tract, in cxviii Psalm. \. 15 (I. p. 282), * Quod et in dominicae orationis ordine continetur, cum dicitur Non derelinquas nos in tentatione, quam ferre non possimus lob Deus tentationi permittens, a jure diaboli potestatem animae ejus excerpsit, etc.' This is far from explicit, but as Hilary elsewhere (Comm. in Matt. v. i, I. p. 689) excuses himself from commenting on the Lord's Prayer on the ground that he has been anticipated by Cyprian and Tertul- lian, it may be presumed that he acquiesced in their explanations. With AUGUSTINE however a new era begins. The voice of the original Greek has ceased to be heard, or at least to be heard by an ear familiar with its idiom; and, notwithstanding his spiritual APPENDIX II. 315 insight, the loss here, as elsewhere, is very percept- ible : Epist. 130 (II. p. 390), ' Libera nos a malo ; nos admonemur cogitare, nondum nos esse in eo bono, ubi nullum patiemur malum. Et hoc quidem ultimum, quod in dominica oratione positum est, tarn late patet, ut homo Christianas in qualibet tribulatione constitutus in hoc gemitus edat, etc.' De Serm. Dom. ii. 35 (in. 2, p. 214), * Sed libera nos a malo. Orandum est enim ut non solum non inducamur in malum, quo caremus sed ab illo etiam liberemur, quo jam inducti sumus, etc.'; 37 (p. 215), 'et malum a quo liberari optamus, et ipsa liberatio a malo, ad hanc utique vitam pertinet, quam et justitia Dei mortalem meruimus, et unde ipsius misericordia liberamur.' Serm. Ivi. (v. p. 330), 'Libera nos a malo, hoc est ab ipsa tentatione.' Comp. Serm. Ivii. (p. 334), Serm. Iviii. (p. 342). Serm. clxxxii. 4 (v. p. 872), ' Et si susurret tibi Quid est quod clamasti, Libera nos a malo? Certe non est malum. Responde illi, Ego sum malus, etc.' De Pecc. Her. ii. 4 (x. p. 41), 4 Libera nos a malo. Manet enim malum in carne nostra.' Thus the older interpretation has passed out of sight. The patristic testimony therefore in favour of the masculine rendering is overwhelming. To Canon Cook however it assumes a wholly different aspect : APPENDIX II. ' I venture to assert (he writes) that no allusion to this view of the meaning of the petition is to be found in the so-called Apostolic Fathers, or in Justin Martyr, or in Irenseus, or in Clement of Alexandria, or any of their contemporaries or in short in any Greek-speaking Father earlier than Origen' (p. 14). The reader would, I imagine, infer from this language that allusions to the other rendering were numerous, or at least not rare. The case however is far otherwise. If there is no allusion to this view of the meaning of the petition, it is because there is no allusion to the petition at all. But is it quite certain that no such allusion occurs? The reference is not so clear as to be beyond a doubt, and therefore I do not press it. But when Polycarp (c. 7), after condemning one type of heretic as from the devil, and another as the firstborn of Satan, goes on to warn his readers to shun such false teaching and to give themselves to prayer, 'beseeching the allseeing God not to bring us into temptation' (pr) etVe- vey/celv 77/^9 e^9 7T6pacr//,o2/), this reference to the petition in the Lord's Prayer certainly gains in point if we suppose him to have adopted the masculine rendering. Again, Canon Cook has his own explanation of the origin and spread of the masculine rendering. He says of Origen (p. 14) that 'he was apt to introduce new thoughts, new speculations into the APPENDIX II. 317 sphere of Christian doctrine.' Elsewhere he writes more explicitly (p. 15, note): 'Considering the absence of testimony as to any earlier admission of a reference to Satan in the Lord's Prayer, and on the other hand the very remarkable influence of Origen upon the exegesis of the Greek and Latin Fathers of the fourth and fifth centuries, I am disposed to believe, though I should hesitate to assert, that this interpretation was first introduced, as it was certainly urged upon the Church, by Origen himself.' This surmise is refuted at once by the fact that the interpretation in question appears before Origen's time in the Latin Church i,n passages of Tertullian, which Canon Cook himself has quoted elsewhere but strangely overlooks here, and among Greek Christians in a passage of the Clementine Homilies, which has escaped Canon Cook's notice but is cited above. Once more : Canon Cook supposes that, whereas the neuter rendering prevailed in the ante-Nicene ages, the masculine gradually supplanted it after the conversion of Constantine, when the altered relations between the Church and the world brought with them a change of view with regard to the dominion of Satan, and consequently with regard to the exe- gesis of this passage : 'After the absorption of large masses,' he writes (p. 12), 'into the visible Church, the most earnest and influential Fathers recognised Satan as an enemy within the camp, lead- ing captive many a redeemed soul, and, as such, the object of deprecatory petitions. The prayer * Deliver us from that Evil 318 APPENDIX II. One' might then be of intense interest A clear line of demarcation should be drawn between the witness of the Fathers who wrote before the conversion of the Empire, and those who wrote at a time when the Church had received within its visible precincts a preponderating mass of half- converted or merely nominal Christians.' I have not myself noticed any such divergence between the ante-Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers respecting the power of Satan as is here supposed ; nor should I expect to find it. During the ages of persecution the agency of Satan in alluring men from the faith through their fears would impress the Christian conscience not less strongly than his wiles in seducing them through the blandishments of the world at a later date. If the form of the temptation was changed, yet the tempter was as active in the one period as in the other. But indeed we need not waste time in accounting for phenomena which are themselves imaginary. The fact which Canon Cook thus seeks to explain melts away in the light of evidence. He seems indeed to have read the history of the exegesis of this passage backwards. There is no evidence that the neuter rendering was adopted by a single ante-Nicene writer, Greek or Latin. The first direct testimony to it appears half a century or more after the conversion of the Empire. To sum up; the earliest Latin Father, and the APPENDIX II. 319 earliest Greek Father, of whose opinions we have any knowledge^ both take rov irovrjpov masculine. The masculine rendering seems to have been adopted uni- versally by the Greek Fathers. At least no authority, even of a late date, has been produced for the neuter. In the Latin Church the earliest distinct testimony for the neuter is S. Augustine at the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century. From that time forward the neuter gained ground in the Western Church till it altogether supplanted the masculine. 4. THEOLOGICAL PROPRIETY. The personality of the tempter does not come under discussion here. Whatever may be meant by this personality, it is plainly and repeatedly asserted in the New Testament elsewhere and in the Gospel of S. Matthew more particularly. There is therefore no a priori objection to its occurrence in the Lord's Prayer. It is not on this ground that Canon Cook objects, or could object, to the masculine rendering. His objection is of another kind. He supposes that the form of the petition, pva-at, y^as cnro rov Trovrjpov, when so interpreted, assumes the petitioner to be under the power of Satan. He contrasts with this assumption the language of S. John, 'who does not represent the Evil One as a foe, or tyrant, from whom the Christian has to be delivered, but as an enemy 32O APPENDIX II. whom even the young men have overcome (i John ii. 13, 14), and who is powerful over those only, who abandon themselves to his influence (v. 18, 19). As for the Christian, S. John assures us, That Evil One toucheth him not' (p. 5). He maintains that : 'The earlier Fathers agree .... with the Scriptural view, which looks upon him [Satan] as an enemy who has been expelled from the precincts of the Church, whom the Christian as such opposes, resists, and overcomes, armed, as S. Paul describes him, in the panoply of faith, and safe under the protection of his Lord' (p. 12). Speaking of S. Athanasius, he writes that he ' invariably and in the strongest language represents the Evil One and his agents as utterly weak, beaten, discomfited, deprived of all power, and the object of contempt not less than of abhorrence to the Christian as such.' 'We can conceive him and his disciples/ he adds, ' praying for the utter and final overthrow of Satan, for the discomfiture of all who contended against the truth under his influence ; but I, for one, cannot realise a petition on their part to be delivered from his power' (p. 16). To those who have read this Father's Life of S. Anthony, Canon Cook's statement will, I venture to think, appear singularly one-sided. But this by the way. I am only concerned with the general question. Happily Canon Cook has saved me all trouble, APPENDIX II. 321 for he has himself supplied a complete answer to his own objection. In an earlier page (p. 4) he has pointed out the difference between pveo-Qat, etc and pvea-Oat, airo, the former preposition 'implying that the petitioner is actually under the power of an enemy or principle/ which the latter does not. It is somewhat strange, after this explicit statement, to find Canon Cook again and again arguing as if ' Deliver us from the Evil One ' were equivalent to ' Deliver us from the power of the Evil One.' I am far from saying that, properly understood, even this last form of petition is out of place on the lips of the true Christian; but the question need not be discussed here, as it lies outside the words of the Lord's Prayer. And here I might let the matter drop. But the use which Canon Cook has made of I John v. 18, 19 ought not to pass unnoticed, if only on account of the consequences which may follow and have followed from similar treatment of the language of Scripture. The Apostles and Evangelists very frequently put forward the ideal view of the Christian's position. His potential achievements are insisted upon without qualification of language. 'But any one who appro- priates to himself individually this ideal perfection, which belongs to the typical Christian, will fall into the most perilous errors. We have only to take the context of the passage which Canon Cook quotes, if L. R. 21 322 APPENDIX II. we would see where this mode of treatment would land us: 'Whosoever is begotten of God, sinneth not ; but he that is begotten of God, keepeth him [A.V. 'himself'], and the Evil One toucheth him not' Must not the devout Christian then, by parity of reasoning, maintain that he is sinless ? Yet, * if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us' (i John i. 8). But if there are passages which celebrate the liberation of the Christian from the dominion of Satan, there are also others which warn him that Satan is still a terrible foe against whom he must exercise all vigilance ' Be sober, be watchful ; your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour' (i Pet. v. 8); 'Then cometh the Evil One and snatcheth away that which hath been sown in his heart' (Matt. xiii. 19). Though the enemy may be outside the city, he is watching his opportunity to scale the walls or to effect a breach. Though the wild beast may be without the tent, he is prowling about, ready to seize any chance straggler who may cross his path. Why should it be thought unreasonable to pray for deliverance from such a foe ? Prayer is the armour of the Christian. I hope that I have now put the reader in posses- sion of reasons which justify the procedure of the APPENDIX II. 323 Revisers. My paper has extended to a greater length than I had contemplated when it was com- menced. But a certain thoroughness of treatment was needed in order to do justice to the case; and the importance of the subject will probably be accepted as a valid excuse. I must conclude by expressing my thankfulness that I have had to deal with an adversary so learned and courteous as Canon Cook. 212 INDEX I. PAGE PAGE .TT.i. I III MATT. vi. 34 190,226,227 2,3 I 7 8 viii. 12 .... 117 6 "3 23 "5 22 100, 101, 135 ix. i I2 5 ii. 4 112 16 159 5 135 x. 4 153, 155 6 I 7 8 9 9 8 15 96, 135 16 152 17 135' '75 29 I8 4 iii. i 106 xi. 2 112 3 135 xii. i, 5, 10, ii, 12 l62 4 129 18 157 13 106 xiii. 2 125 14 107 19 274,282,287, 15,16 ... 146 288, 291, iv. 1,3 290 292, 295, 5 121 298, 322 6 139 20 53. 196 8 124 21 196 13 194 24,25 75 V. I 123 33 1 88 15 47, 122, 131, 38,39 - 274.275.282, 187 291, 292, 16 47 296, 298 32 78 42,50 ... 117 37 275' 278, 55 178 295, 298 xiv. 8 151 39 2/5, 278, 13 125 295, 298 22 125 vi. ii 217268 xv. 3, 6 138 13 33, 269323 21 194 16, 18 ... 145 22 154 25 190, 227 27 149 31 190 35 81 326 INDEX I. PAGE PAGE MATT. xvi. 9, 10... 80 MATT. xxv. 30 ... 117 14 175 32 38 16 112 4 6 45 17 177 xxvi. 15 156 25 65 25 1 80 16 53^5 3 6 1 60 xvii. r I2 4 48 76 10 I6 9 49 76, 180 21 33 50 143 14 sq. 1 86 56 IOO, IOI 25 198 63 112 xviii. 6, 7 197 64 139 24 j?. 187 69,71 ... 126 33 38 xxvii. 9 33 xix. 8 IOO 15 128 9 79 27 54 17 34 33 179 r 9 177 35 J35 xx. 2, 9, 10, 13 184, 185 xxviii. 19 28, 140 20 38 MARKi. I 33, in xxi. 4 100,101,135 21 162 12 88, 122 ii. 15, 16 126 33-^- 77 21 '59 xxii. i sq. 79 23 162 9, 10 ... 76 iii. 2, 4 162 13 117 5 i5 2 xxiii. 6 48 18 153 7,8 ... 1 80 iv. \ 125 24 204, 205 16 53 35 88 21 122, 187 xxiv. 5 112 2 9 156 12 109 v. 13 122 15 X 35 vi. 3 I 7 8 21 IOO 27 183 27 144 30 125 30 139 37 185 5 I 117 45 ii xxv. 6 101 52 152 14^. ... 187 vii. 9 138 INDEX I. 327 PAGE PAGE MARKvii. 26 174 LuKEiii. 23 141 31 194 24 I 7 6 viii. 19, 20 80 26 178 29 112 27 176, 177 36 53 30 176, 177, 17* ix. 2 124 33 I 7 8 5 1 80 iv. 5 124 29 33 9 121 41 in, 113 ii 139 x. 18 34 20 193 51 180 vi. 15 154 xi. 4 122 16 128 15 122 17 123 21 180 36 8 4 xii. 26 139 45 274,292,295 39 48 298, 300 42 I8 4 vii. 4 196 xiii. 14 135 5 122 28 149 33.34 .- 106 xiv. 5 185 41 185 32 160 45, 46 ... 76 45 180 viii. 14 54 53.54 .- 146 29 301 66,69 . 126 ix. 25 53 xv. 6 128 55 32 16 55 x. 35 185 22 179 xi. 3 217 260 xvi. 9 20 ... 31 4 269323 LUKE i. i 158 33 122, 187 39 125,178, 186 51 88 59 106 xii. 6 184 63 192 35 131 65 125, 186 xiii. 6 150 ii. n in 21 1 88 18 132 23 105 24 122 28 117 33 32 xv. 8 1 86, 187 36 171 9 1 86 43 32 xvi. 6, 7 1 88 ,28 INDEX I. PAGE PAGE LUKExvii. i, 2 ... I 9 6 JOHN iv. 5 160 xviii. 12 97 6 Si 19 34 27 127 31 135 31 1 80 xix. 13 46, 187, 197 37 129 15 46 V. I 129 xx. 37 139 3.4 34 xxi. 19 97 35 130 xxii. i 1 80 44 129 43.44 32 vi. 4 129 xxiii. 2 in 7 185 5 179 14 JI 5 17 128 22 Sq. ...-;' 125 33 179 25 1 80 34 32 5 I 249 35.39 - 112 6 9 112 xxiv. 10 109 vii. i I 79 JOHN i. 3 91, 136, 137 19,20 199 7 W J 37 25 199 8 131 26 112 9 131 4 o "3 10 I3 6 137 viii. i ii ... 3 1 ii 77 44 278 14 63 58 84 16 114 ix. 2 1 80 17 in, 137 5 I 3 I 18 22, 30 22 in 21 "5 x. 16 79 25 112, 115 xi. 8 1 80 2 9 157 14 202 39 1 80 xii. 5 185 43 176, 177 6 158 50 180 13 120 ii. 6 187 4 o 152 iii. 2 1 80 xiii. 12 81 8 64 23,25 ... 80, 8 1 10 120 27 H3 19 131 xiv. 5, 6 "5 26 1 80 i6sq. 56, 59. INDEX I. 329 PAGE PAGE JOHNxiv. 18 59 ACTS viii. 16 140 26 56, 59 30 6 5 xv. 3 138 37 33 26 56, 59. 6l ix. 2 "5 xvi. 1,4,6 ... 38 35 120, I 7 2 7 56,59 X. 2 8 9 30 43 30 33 xvii. 3 in 38 292 15 275. 279, xi. 17 96, 129 295, 298 19 1 80 xviii. i ... 160 xii. 4 180 28,33 - 54 9 133 39 129 12 174 xix. 9 54 22 89 17 179 25 174 36 IOI xiii. 14 162 xx. 16 1 80 21 171 22 64 50 161 25 38 xiv. 13 160 xxi. 15, 16, 17 176, 177 xv. 3 1 80 20 81 xvi. ii 222 ACTS i. 3 1 60 3538 .- 183 13 !54 xvii. i 122 18 98 2 163 ii. 3 156 5 8 9 ii '75 19,22 179 23 133 23 88, 197 273i ..- 88 29 160 38 in xviii. 12 181 43 133 14 '95 47 105 xix. I 194 iii. 6 in 2 96 8 301 3.5 140 I3 2 6 ... 157 9 "5 iv. 25,27 ... 89 15 67 27,30 ... 157 23 "5 vii. 26 107 30 89 45 175 31 182 viii. 5 128 33 89 330 INDEX I. PAGE PAGE Aersxix.35 182. ROM. iv. 19 35 38 181 22 5i XX. 2 174 v. 9 117 15 222 15 96 xxi. 2 1 80 1519 ... 108 3 145 vi. I sq. 93 15 193 1 93. 96 18 222 3 93, HO 28 8 9 4,6 ... 93 3i 199 8 93, 96 3L32 ... I8 3 , 13 -. 158 xxii. 24 26 ... I8 3 17,18 93 xxiii. 17 23 ... 183 21 202 35 55 22 94 xxiv. 5, 6 199 23 158 22 "5 vii. i sq. no XXV. 22 107 4 94 26 7i 6 94 xxvi. 24, 25 38 ii 30i xxvii. 12 180 viii. 6 96 20 144 ii 138 xxviii. 13 193 16 60 15 179, 207 24 105 16 183 26 60 16,29 32 ix. 3 107 ROM. 1.29 195 25 89 ii. i 69 26 89, 174 8 152 x. 9, 13 ... 105 12 .S^. no 15 38 18 118 xi. 2 139 22 1 60 7 151* 152 2 4 138 8 155 26 151 20 195 iii. 4,6 202 25 151, 152 19 *?. ... 1 10 xii. 2 86 25 I5<> 3 65 24 26 ... 56 9 292, 298 iv. 3,9 51 ii 3 i$sq. no 19 51, 117, 118 INDEX I. 331 PAGE PAGE RoM.xiii. n 9 6 i COR. xii.2 66 xiv. 14 141 + sq. 38,49 22,23 69, 74, 75 13 140, 141, 175 xv. 4, 5 38 22 6 32 118 28 143 xvi. i 127 xiii. 8 40 3.5.6,7,8,9 39 49 9, 12 68 7 179 xiv. 7 82 9 174 16 193 10 16 ... 39. 49 20 82 19 152 23 203 23 182 24,29 ... 7i i COR. i. 10 161 36 78 13 140 XV. 2 96, 105 18 105 4 20 ... 98, 99 28 231 22 96 ii. 1315 ... 69 24 28 ... 40, 41 14. 15 - 70 4 83,84 iii. 5 96 51 34 17 38 xvi. 1,2 4i iv. 3' 4. 5 - 69 12 118 8 202 15 201 v. 9 119 22 H4 13 295, 2 9 8 2COR.i. I 175 vi. i 6 69 3-8 ... 41 vii. 5 33 9 75 31 65 13 66 32 192 19 i75 viii. 6 136, 140 20 35 IO, 12 129 23 149 ix. 3 70 ii. 6 no 4 109 14 150 22 92 15 105 X. 2 140 iii. i 41 l6sq. 38 2 65 25,27 ... 70 5,6 ... 42 32 175 7 42 xi. 2834 72, 73 ii 77 29.31,32-.. 69 l^sq. ... 42 332 INDEX I. PAGE PAGE 2 COR. iii. 14 42, 151 2 COR. xiii. 9, ii... 161 18 42 14 28 iv. 2 195 GAL. i. 6 83 3 42 ii. 7 96 4 '156 16 96 8 66 16 21 ... 94 13 97 iii. 3 94 15 138 6 5i v. 6 ii ... 42 ios$. no 14 95 19 '34 16 67 27 94, 140 vi. 9 69 iv. 20 107 10 66 v. 13 94 vii. 7 42 20 152 10 85 2 4 94 ii 119 EPH. i. i 23/231 I3i4 . 92 11,13 94 viii. 10 12 ... 43 23 46, 114 19 130 ii. 5, 8 105 ix. 2 5 43 5, 6, 13, 14 94 13 2OI iii. 10 134 x. 5 159 19 114 12 66,69 iv. 1,4, 7 ... 94 13.15,16 43 13 114 xi. 3 *39 18 IS*. 152 4 84 29 143 9 i59 30 94 16 18 ... 43 v. 15 66 xii. i 36 vi. 12 199 isq. ... 99 16 274,291,294, 2,3 43 296, 298 7 9i PHIL. i. 13 55 9 63 14 109 13 109 17 152 13,14 ... '59 ii. 3 152 15 76 6sq. 87 17 9i 9 119 18 91, 119 13 43 20 152, 195 15 144, 152 INDEX I. 333 PAGE PAGE PHIL. ii. 30 35 i TIM. iii. 3 161 iii. 2, 3 65 ii 127 $sq. 43 13 198 14 199 16 30, i99 iv. 2 179 v. 4 194 2,3 142 19 3 6 192, 227 vi. 2 130 19 235* 2 3 6 5 130 COL. i. 13 94 17 195 16 92, 136 2 TIM. i. 7,9 94 19 114 ii. 19 130 ii. 5 158 iii. 4 195 8 151 iv. ii 174 9 114 TIT. i. 7 162 9, 10 46 12 175 II sq. 93 ii. 14 261, 263, 16 162 267, 268 20 96 iii. 5 94 iii. 1,3 94 PHILEM. 2 207 3 96 24 175 8 199 HEB. i. i 48 13 J 95 2 136 15 94 ii. 10 136 iv. 10 i49 175 16 156 14 !75 iii. ii 52 iTHESS.ii.4 44 iv. 3 52 16 118 8 i75 iv. 4 97 V. 2 200 6 "9 12 2OO V. 22 277 vi. i 143 2THESS.i. 6 44 7 138 ii. i, 2 141 8, 16 ... 130 3^- . 116 vii. 14 99, 178 6 45 21 24 ... 99 7 45. 198 viii. 8 178 iii. 2, 3 275, 288, 13 44 295, 298 ix. i 130 ii 66 69, 18... 103, 104 i TIM. i. 4 205 28 157 iii. i 3 X. I 104, 130 334 INDEX I. PAGE PAGE HEB. x. 30 51 I JOHNiv. 9, IO, 14 9 2 xi. 10 116 v. 6 126 31 172 7 2730 xii. 26 149 9, 10 44 JAMES i. 15 86 18,19 ... 274, 276, 17 85 291, 296, ii. 2,3 44 298, 321 23 51 JUDE 12 149' I5* *53 25 172 REV. i. 4 147 iii. 5 156 15 44 14, 16 152 ii. 13 46 v. 9 195 26 H7 16 ... 203 iii. 12 147 20 51 17 44, 170 i PET. i. 3 94 21 M7 16 84 iv. 4 46 18 94 5 13' ii. 4 141 ii 200 9 263, 268 v. 5 178 10 89 vi. 6 185, iSjSf. 16 195 vii. 5 178 21 94 6 171 2 4 157 12,14 ... 117 iii. 9 94 15 &5 21 151 viii. 10 J 3 r iv. 8 52 12 145 v. 7 191, 227 xi. 9, ii 127 8 322 16 46 13 175 xiii. 6 - ... 63 2 PET. ii. 1,3 44 xiv. 15, 16 139 13 153 xvi. 10 46 iii. 12 142 xvii. i 117 i JOHN i. 8 322 6,7 ... 45 ii. i 56 xviii. 2 45 13,14 ... 274, 291, 23 145 296, 298 xix. 9 130 iii. 8 278 xxi. 3 63 12 274, 278, 14, 19*7.... 116 291, 298 24 105 INDEX II. Abelard on eTrtoi/trtos, 251 sq., -255 Acts of the Apostles, text of, 33 ^Ethiopia rendering of twio6(rios, 259; of curb roO irovypov, 301 Alford (Dean) on Revision, 52, 55, 65 ambiguities of expression, 198 sq. Ambrose (S.) on ^7rtoi5<7ios, 246 sq. ; on OTTO Toy Trovrjpov, 314 Andre wes (Bp), 12 Anselm, 251 Antigenidas, 8 Antiochene School, 233 aorist, confused with perfect, 89 sq.; its significance in S. Paul, 93 ; various misrenderings of, 96 sq. Apphia, Appia, 207 archaisms in the English Version, i8 9 sq. by, 132 by and by, 195 carefulness, 191 carriages, 193 chamberlain, 182 coasts, 194 sq. comforter, 58 debate, 195 deputy, 1 81 devotions, 197 dishonesty, 195 fetch a compass, 193 generation, 197 go about to, 199 grudge, 195 high-minded, 195 instantly, 195 let, 198 lewdness, 195 maliciousness, 195 minister, 193 nephew, 194 occupy, 47, 197 of, 132 offend, offence, 196 prevent, 198 room, 48, 193 scrip, 193 thought, 190 sq. writing-table, 192 Armenian rendering of 258 ; of dirb TOV irovijpov, 300 Arnold (Mr M.) quoted, 210 sq. article (the definite), neglect of, 107 sq. ; insertion of, 127 sq. ; general ignorance of, 129 sq. Asiarchs, 182 aspirate (Hebrew) omitted in Greek, 172 Athanasius (S.) on eTrtoi/o-tos, 232 Augustine (S.) on Jerome's revision, INDEX II. 4, 6, 9, 1 6 ; on the heavenly wit- nesses, 29; on e7rtoti(Tios, 255; on <'nro TOV Trovrjpov, 314 sq., 319 Authorised Version : historical par- allel to, 10 sq,., 269; translators' forebodings of, 1 1 ; never autho- rised, 1 2 ; gradual reception of, 13; itself a revision, 15; faulty text of, 21 sq. ; distinctions cre- ated in, 36 sq. ; distinctions ob- literated in, 66 sq. ; errors of grammar in, 89 sq. ; errors of lexicography in, 148 sq. ; its ca- price in proper names, titles, etc., 163 sq.; archaisms in, 189 sq. ; ambiguities of expression in, 198 sq. ; faulty English in, 202 sq. ; editorial errors and misprints in, -203 sq. ; corrections in later edi- tions of, 143, 204 sq. ; variable orthography of, 206 sq.; pure English of, 211 sq. cubs, adjectives in, 222 atpeiv, 157 ClK^pCUOS, 152 dXXos, 2repos, 83 sq. dva.KpLvei.v t ditdnpiffis, 69 sq. dvairlTTTeiv, So sq. dveveyKeiv, 157 dffffdpiov, 184 sq. avydfriv, 157 av\-/i, -n-ol/j-vij, 79 Barjona, 177 sq. Barnabas, Epistle of, on 6 irovypos, 280 Basil (S.) on tiriofoios, 227, 233 sq. Bensly, 242 Bentley quoted, 108 sq. Bernard's (S.) controversy with Abelard, 251 sq., 254 besaunt, 187 Beza, 257 Bible; see Authorised Version Bishops'; 12, 30, 78, 79, 98, 142, 150, 155, 166, 168, 180, 181, 183, 201, 203, 205 Coverdale's ; 29, 79, 142, 150, i54> i55 166, 183 Geneva; 12, 79, 98, 142, 150, i55> 166, J 68, 179, 180, 181, 183, 201; Testament (1557), 30, 142, 150, 154, 159, 181, 184; Tomson's Testament, 203, 257 Great; 29, 79, 142, 150, 154, 155, 167, 180, 183 Rheims; 49, 79, 87, 150, 155, 182, 188, 200, 201 Tyndale's; 29, 49, 78, 79, 86, 87, 89, 90, 135, 142, 150, 154, 155, 160, 183, 188, 197, 198, 200, 257, 268 Wycliffe's (and Wycliffite); 87, 89, 150, 155. 181, 182, 184, 187, 1 88, 197, 257 Breviary, 255 Peurrdfcw, 158 /Saxes, 1 88 (3ii}/j,6s, OvffLo.ffT'fjpiov, 88 Calvin, 257 Cassianus, 250 sq. Christ and the Christ, 1 1 1 sq. Chrysostom (S.) on ^Triotfcrios, 234 sq.; on dirb TOV Trovypov, 309 Clementine Homilies on dwb TOV trovnpov, 307, 317 coins, rendering of, 184 sq. INDEX II. 337 Cook, Canon, and the Last Petition of the Lord's Prayer, 270 sq. Corinthians, 2nd Epistle to the ; recurrence of words in, 41 sq. Coverdale's Bible ; see Bible Cretans, Cretes, Cretians, 175 Cureton, 239 Cyprian (S.), 29, 244, 312 sq. Cyril (S.) of Alexandria; on &ri- o&rtos, 236; on Treptotfcrios, 261 Cyril (S.) of Jerusalem; on ^riotf- (Tios, 234; on dtrb TOV irovrjpov, 308 KaiecrOai, 131 Kavavcuos, tHavavinqs, 153 s, Ka.Tavv(r, 155 , 161 KO\TTOS, ffrijdos, So 6pos, 1 88 Kba/c\?7Tos, 61 ; of <77ri\o5es, 152; of ^Trtouatos, 243 sq., 257 sq. ; of curb TOV Trovrjpov, 277, 297 sq. Elias, Elijah, 169, 171 Ellicott (Bp) on Revision, 20, 55, 102 Embolismus, 302 sq. English language, present know- ledge of the, 2 10 sq. Ephesians, Epistle to the ; its desti- nation and genuineness, 22 sq. Ephrem Syrus, 242 Evangelists, parallel passages in the; 34, 52 sq., 124, 125 sq., 160, 178 Evil One, Deliver us from the, 269 sq. flvai, ylvevBai, 84 sq. ek wrongly translated, 139 sq. "EXXijis EXX^j'io-TiJs, 174 tv wrongly translated, 140 sq. t^alperos, 264 sq., 267 e7re/>cr?7/ia, 151 tirl wrongly translated, 139; the i elided in composition, 224 s, 68 22 INDEX II. 156 222, 226 lTTi.ovffi.os, 217 sq. 225, 228 152 Fidelity in translation, 270 sq. Five Clergymen, Revision of the ; 55. 102 Fulke's answer to Martin, 167 Gehenna, Hades, 87 sq. gender, change of, disregarded, 77 Geneva Bible, Testament; see Bible Gothic Version of tiriovffios, 258; of diro TOV irovrjpov, 300 Greek, Grecian, Greece, Grecia, 174 Greek forms of Hebrew names, 171 sq. Greek scholarship in England, 208 sq. Gregory the Great on the Latin Ver- sions, 10 Gregory Nyssen on ^riovVios, 233; on cforo TOV Trovrjpov, 309 Grote (Prof.), 205 gutturals (Hebrew), how dealt with in Greek, 172 67 sq. vs, 182 Hammond, 303, 304 Hare (Archdn), 56 Hebrews, Epistle to the ; date of, 104 Hebrews, Gospel of the ; its origin and value, 237 sq. ; rendering of ^rioimos, 237 Heloise, 251 hendiadys, 144 Hilary (S.) on tiriovffios, 255 ; on OLTTO TOV irovypov, 314 hypallage, 143 idols of the cave, market-place, 102 sq. imperfect tense mistranslated, 106 sq. Isidore of Pelusium on dirb TOV Trovripov, 309 Isidore of Seville, 13 Ismenias, 9 Italic, Old, the title, 293 ; see Latin, Old lepov, vaos, 88 lepoffv\iv t 1 60 IffTavai, 156 Jacob of Sarug, 241 sq. James, Jacob, 175 Jeremy, Jeremias, 175 Jerome (S.) revises the Latin Bible, i ; his detractors and opponents, 2 sq., 16; version of Book of Jo- nah, 4; corrects the text, 4 sq., 17, 26; does not translate but re- vise, 6; his Jewish teachers, 6 sq. ; his devotion to the work, 7 sq. ; gradual reception of his Version, 9 sq., 17 sq.; his rendering of ira- pd/cX^ros, 6 1 ; of ^7rioi/& (S.) f Gospel of Jona, two distinct names, 177 Jude, Juda, Judah, Judas, 178 Juvencus, 244 sq. Laodiceans, Epistle to the, 23 sq. Latin, Old ; false readings in, 2 sq. ; retained in Service-books, 14 ; ren- dering of irapdK\T)TO$, 60; of ffiri.- AciSes, 153; of ^riouo-tos, 244 sq. ; of Trepiovfftos, 267 ; of rov irovrjpov, 276, 293 sq., 311; various read- ing in the Lord's Prayer, 232 Latin Vulgate: see Jerome (S.) Latinisms, 189 sq., 200, 210 sq. Lindisfarne Gospels, 257 Liturgies, interpretation of dirb rov Trovrjpou in the, 301 sq. Lord's Prayer, the early use of, 218 sq. ; see also Appendices (passim) Lucas, Luke, 175 Luke (S.), Gospel of: two editions of, 31 sq.; its classical language, 124, 1 86 Luther's Bible, 30, 257 \v\vos, av, 190 sq., 227; dis- tinguished from /iAeu/, 191 /ierdvoia, /xera^iAeta, 85 /AerpTjTiys, 187 />ixaofjLa (rb), 119 dirrdveo'dai, 144 tyri (ty* 117 sq. opos (rb), 123 sq. -oi/crioj, adjectives in ; derived from -ay, 223, 266; from oixria, 223 sq. ovrws, 8 1 Papias, 31, 207 paronomasia, 65 sq. Paul (S.); his use of the aorist, 93 sq. ; his vision, 99 sq. ; his teach- ing of redemption, 109 ; his con- ception of law, no; his thorn in the flesh, 159 Payne Smith (Dean), 293 peculiar, 267 sq. peculium, peculiaris, 266 sq. perfect, confused with the aorist, 91 sq.; misrendered, 98 sq. Peshito ; see Syriac Versions Peyron, 299 Pfeiffer, 247, 251 Phenice, Phcenix, Phoenicia, 180 pleroma, the, 114 Polycarp, reference to the Lord's Prayer in, 316 prepositions ; in composition neglect- ed, 75 sq. ; variation of, disregard- ed, 77; mistranslations of, I32sq. present tense, mistranslated, 103 sq. Plumptre (Dean) on revision, 20, 210 proper names ; how to be dealt with, 163 sq. ; should conform in the O. T. and N. T., 168 sq. ; whether to be translated or reproduced, 179 sq. TTCUS, servant, 157 irapdK\r}Tos, 56 sq. Trapeo-ts, 150 sq. Treptoucrictayios, 262 Tre/noua-tos, 218, 230, 260 sq. Trepnroir)/ji.a, wind, spirit, 64 iro\\ol, ol Tro\\oi, etc., 109 sq. irovrjpbs (6), Trovripbv (rb} t 274 sq. Trpay/j-a (rb), 119 sq. 151 (6), 113 sq. Trrepvyiov (TO), 12 1 trvXwves, 161 irwpovv, Tr&pucris, 151 aLvecr6ai t 144 sq. 6oyy6s, 82 Rabbi, Rabboni, 180 Rahab, spelling of, 172 redemption, 109 Revision (the new) of the English Bible; historical parallel to, 10 sq., 269; gloomy forebodings of, 14 sq. ; exaggerated views of, 15 ; antagonism to, 16; disastrous re- sults anticipated from, 17; ques- tion of acceptance of, 18 sq. ; need of, 19 sq. (passim) ; prospects of, 207 sq. ; conservative tendencies of rules affecting, 212 sq.; liberal conditions of, 214 sq.; favourable circumstances attending, 215 Roberts (Dr), 238 INDEX II. 341 Rome, bishops of; their use of the Latin Versions, 9 sq. Rufinus, 4 , &Tr6, 273 Sahidic : see Egyptian Versions salvation, how regarded in the N. T., 104 sq. Saron : see Sharon Schiller-Szinessy, 285 second Advent, 115 sq. Septuagint, its evidence to N. T. theological terms weighed, 281 sq. shamefaced, shamefast, 206 Sharon, the, 121, 171 sq. Shechinah, ffKrjvfi, 62 sq. shibboleth, 171 sower, parable of the, 53 sq. Stanley (Dean), 123 stater, 186 substantia, 245 Suicer, 229 supersubstantialis, 232, 246, 248 sq.,5i sq. Symmachus, 266, 267 synonymes, 67, 79 sq. Syrian service-books, 242 Syrian Versions : Curetonian; rendering of wapd- K\TJTOS, 61; of tiriovffios, 238, 241, 242, 257 ; of ctTrd rou iroyrj- pov, 292 sq. Jerusalem ; rendering of tiriotaios, 240 Peshito ; rendering of Tropa/cXT/ros, 61; of Kapcu'cuos and Xcwcu'cuos, 154; of tirioixrios, 239, 242, 257; of airb TOU irovypov, 291 sq. Philoxenian (Harclean); render- ing of o-TTiXdSes, 153; of tmot- fftos, 240 sq. , 162 ffdrov, 1 88 i t 161 ri, , 62 sq. (TTre/couXarwp, 183 i, (TTTiXaSes, 152 sq. , 158 0'i'Xa'ywyeu', 151 ff(>)6fj.ei>oi (of), 104 sq. ilpJD, 262 sq. talent, 187 Targums and 6 7roi^p6s, 284 sq. tenses wrongly rendered, 89 sq. Tertullian, 244, 294, 310 sq., 317 Teutonic Versions of the Lord's Prayer, 256 text, importance of a correct, 25 sq. textual criticism, its tendencies, 21 sq. Theodoret on firiovtotf(Ttos, 261 Wright (Prof.), 239, 241, 242 Vulgate ; see Jerome (S.) Wycliffe's Bible : see Bible wages of labourers, 184 sq. way, the, 185 sq. Westcott (Bp), 13, 126 Zurich Latin Bible, 30, 257 faa, dijpla., 80 CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A., AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. A Revised Text, with Introduction, Notes, and Dissertations. loth Edition. 8vo. IIS. St Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. A Revised Text, with Introduction, Notes and Dissertations. 9th Edition. 8vo. us. St Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. A Revised Text, with Introduction, Notes and Dissertations, pth Edition. 8vo. iis. Primary Charge. Two Addresses, delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham, 1882. 8yo. is. The Apostolic Fathers. Part I. 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