IRLF 30D Senerai oT* LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OP oO430 Class or THE HAM DDDADtlCIDo \ t Compiled t [PCDBM1EAD. Superintendent of Public Instruction State of Idaho. MOSCOW IDAHO. General School Laws OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. or T TJlHVEBSr --*** 1 ^ Compiled by PERMEAL TRENCH, Superintendent of Public Instruction State of Idaho, 1 699 1 900 DEMOCRATIC-TIMES' JOB ROOM, Moscow, Idaho. 1899. GENERAL INFORMATION. Certificates. Life Diplomas, State Certificates, and County Certificates are granted only on examination. Applicants for Life Diplomas are examined in the follow- ing: Political Economy, Zoology, Psychology, Plane Geometry. Applicants for State Certificates are examined in the following: Physics, Literature, General History, Botany, Paper. Applicants for County Certificates are examined in the following: Arithmetic, Grammar, United States History, Civil Government, Geography, State Constitution, Physiology, Reading, School-Law, Theory and Art, Algebra. Application for Life Diploma and State Certificate is not considered unless applicant holds a first-grade County Certificate, issued by a County Superintendent of this State. State Board of Public Instruction. Permeal French, Supt. of Public Instruction. M. Patrie, Secretary of State, Samuel H. Hays, Attorney General, University of Idaho Moscow. Six years: Albert Alford, F. N^Gilbert, F. E. Cornwall, Four years: A. B. Campbell, C. E. Harris, G. E. Robethan, Two Years: Josiah Hickman, John B. Goode, Mrs. George A. Williams, REGENTS. Boise, Idaho Boise, Idaho Boise, Idaho Lewiston, Idaho Moscow, Idaho Moscow, Idaho Wallace, Idaho Paris, Idaho Pocatello, Idaho Ma lad, Idaho Rathdrum, Idaho Hailev, Idaho Lewiston State Normal School Lewiston. TRUSTEES. Two years: B.F.Morris, Lewiston, Idaho. C. W. Shaft'. Lewiston. Idaho Four years: J. P. Vollmer, Lewiston, Idaho. Geo. E. Erb, Lewiston, Idaho Six years: Jas. W. Reid, Lewiston, Idaho. James W. Poe, Lewiston. Idaho Albion State Normal School Albion. TRUSTEES. H. E. McElroy, Boise, Idaho. J. E. Harroun. Albion, Idaho C. S. Mark,- Albion, Idaho. H. T. Eames. Almo, Idaho Chester Call. Pocatello. Idaho. Laws Relating to Common Schools. CHAPTER I.- STATE BOAKD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, SECTION 1. Members and Officers. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General shall constitute the State Board of Public Instruction, of which the Superintendent shall be President. The Board shall have power to appoint a Secretary. SEC. 2. Regular Meetings. The Board of Public Instruc- tion shall meet at the Capitol on the first Monday of June and December of each year for the transaction of business and at such other times as its President shall direct; and shall have power to adopt rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, for its own government. SEC. 3. State Examinations Assistants Compensation. The State Board shall hold annually, at least two public exam- inations of teachers, at each of which examinations one member of the Board shall preside, assisted by such person, or persons, not to exceed two in number, as the Board may select, who shall receive for such services not to exceed five dollars per day, and said Board shall keep a full and correct record of its proceedings and a complete register of all persons to whom certificates are issued. SEC. 4 State Certificates and State Diplomas When Granted. Said Board shall issue State Certificates and State Diplomas to those persons only, who possess good moral character and who shall have passed a thorough examination in all the branches included in the Course of Study prescribed for the pub- lic schools of the State, didactics and such other branches as the Board may direct. I'rovided, That in no case shall a State Certificate be granted unless the applicant has been successfully engaged in teaching for at least three years and can furnish the Board satisfactory evidence of his or her ability to instruct and properly manage any school in the State. Such certificate shall authorize the person to whom it is issued to teach in any public school in the State for the term of five years from the date of its issue, unless sooner revoked by the State Board of Public In- struction. SEC. 5. State Diploma Conditions. In no case shall a State Diploma be granted, unless the applicant has been success- fully engaged in teaching for the term of at least five years, two of which shall have been in the State of Idaho, and can furnish the Board satisfactory evidence of his ability to instruct and properly manage any public school -in the State. Such diploma shall authorize the person to whom it is issued to teach in any public school of the State during the life-time of the holder, unless re- voked bv the State Board of Public Instruction. 85430 4 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS SEC. 6. Recognition of Other State Diploma*. The Boanl may issue certificates to persons holding State Diplomas or Stat- Certificates from other States requiring similar qualifications. SKC. 7.- Revocation of Certificates. The State Board ot" Public Instruction shall have the power to revoke any State Cer- tificate or State Diploma, for any cause or disqualification, which. would have been sufficient ground for refusing to issue the s-ame, had the cause existed or been known at the time of its issue. I'roi'ided. That before 'revoking- any such certificate or diploma the holder thereof shall have at least thirty days' notice to appear before the State Board and show cause why such revocation should not be made. CHAPTER II. STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. SECTION 1. Official Qualification, Before entering upon the duties of his office the State Superintendent of Public In- struction shall take and subscribe to the oath, prescribed by the Constitution, and execute a bond in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, payable to the State of Idaho, with sureties to be approved by the Governor, conditioned upon the faithful per- formance of his official duties, and the delivery to his sue." of all books, papers, documents and other property belonging to the office. Said bond and oath shall be deposited with tin Secretary of State. SEC. 2. Office at Seat of Government Preservation <>f Records. He shall have an office at the Capitol, where a seal shall be kept which shall be the official seal of the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction, by wdiich all his official acts may be authenticated, and all records, books, and papers apper- taining to the business of this office. He shall file all papers, reports, and public documents transmitted to him by the County Superintendents of the several counties and hold the same in readiness to be exhibited to the Governor, or to any Committee of any House of the Legislature, or any citizen of the State. SEC. 3. Supervision of Schools Course of Study. He shall have general supervision of all the County Superintendents and of the public schools of the State, and shall prepare and prescribe a Course of Study for use in all such public schools. SKC. 4. Teachers' Examination. He shall prepare or eause to be prepared all examination questions to be used by the County Superintendents of the several counties of the State in the examination of applicants for teachers' certificates, and shall pre- scribe the rules and regulations for the conducting of all svich examinations. SEC. 5. Conference with County Superintendents. He shall meet the County Superintendents of each judicial district, or of two or more districts combined, at such time and place as he shall appoint, giving them due notice of such meeting. The ob- ject of such meeting shall be to accumulate facts relative to schools, to compare views, to discuss principles, to hear dis- OF THIS STATE OF IDAHO 5 cushions and. suggestions appertaining to the examination and qualification of teachers, methods of instruction, institutes and all other matters embraced in the public school system. SEC. 6. School Laws. He shall have the law relating to the public schools printed in pamphlet form and shall supply school officers, school libraries and State Librarians with one copy each of such pamphlets; said printing to be paid for on the warrant of the Auditor out of the General Fund on bills ap- proved by the State Board of Examiners. SEC. 7. Biennial Report. He shall on or before the first day of December in every year preceding that in which shall be held a regular session of the Legislature, report to the Governor the condition of the public schools, the amount of State School Fund apportioned and sources from which derived, with such suggestions and recommendations relating to the affairs of his office as he may think proper. SEC. 8. Visitation of Schools. It shall be his duty to visit annually such counties of the State as most need his personal attendance, and all counties if practicable, for the purpose of inspecting the schools, awakening and guiding public sentiment in relation to the practical interests of education. And he shall open such correspondence as may enable him to obtain all necessary information relating to the system of public schools in other states. SKC. 9. Traveling Expenses and Incidentals. He shall re- ceive out of the State Treasury for actual traveling expenses and other expenses while traveling on the business of the department, not exceeding seven hundred and'fifty dollars per annum, for which he shall render an itemized bill to the State Board of Examiners; and all office fuel, furniture, books, postage, stationery and other contingent expenses pertaining to his office, shall be furnished, in the same manner as those of the other departments of the State government. SEC. 10. Apportionment of School Funds. The income of the State School Fund and taxes collected by the State for the support of the public schools which will be received up to the first day of January and the first day of July of each year shall be distributed semi-annually during said months respectively in each year among the several counties of the State from which reports have been received by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as provided in this act, in proportion to the number of children of school age, as shown by the last school census list of each county, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall certify such apportionment to the State Auditor, and upon such certificate the Auditor shall draw his warrant in favor of the County Treasurer of each county, for the amount due such county. The Superintendent shall also certify to the Treasurer and Superintendent of each county the amount apportioned to each county. GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS CHAPTER III. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. An Act to Establish the Office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction and Prescribing the Duties of the Same. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: SEC. 1. Election of County Superintendents. At the next ensuing general election after the passage of this act, there shall be elected in each county in the State oi Idaho, a Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall reside at the county seat of the county in which he is elected, and who shall hold his office for A term of two years, from and after his taking charge of the same and until hi& successor has- been elected and qualified. SEC. 2. Official Qualifications. Before entering upon the duties of his office the County Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law and execute a bond, payable to the State of Idaho, with two or more sureties to be approved by the Board of County Commissioners, in the penal sum of not less than two thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his official duties, and the delivery of all moneys and property received by him as such Superintendent to his successor in office, which bond shall be filed in the office of the County Recorder; which official bond, together with his official oath, shall be filed in the office of the County Recorder as aforesaid, not later than the second Monday in January, next after election. Provided, That no person shall be eligible to the office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction except a practical teacher of not less than two years' experience and the holder of a valid First Grade Certificate, at the time of his election or appointment. SEC. 3. Supervision ailH Visitation. The County Superin- tendent of Public Instruction shall have charge and oversight of the public schools of his county, and it shall be his duty to visit every public school in his county at least once during each term and remain at said public school at least one-half day. At such visits he shall carefully observe the methods employed by the teacher in giving instruction in the several branches taught; the manner of discipline and government, the classification of the pupils, and the general management of the schools, and shall give the schools such instruction and encouragement as he deems for the best interest of all concerned, and he shall make such sug- gestions to the teacher in private as, in his judgment, will render the said teacher more efficient, and promote the general educational interests of the districts. SEC. 4. Office w Formed. A joint school district may be formed from territory belonging to two or more contig- uous counties. For the purpose of organizing a joint district the same preliminary steps must be taken, and the same course be pursued, as is pursued in the organization of other districts, as is provided in Sec. 35* and 36* of this act. Such districts shall be designated as "Joint District No.. .., of the counties of ;? and be so numbered that it shall have the same number in all the counties from which it was formed. The petition required by Sec. 35* shall be made to each County Superintendent inter- ested. SEC. 8 Record of Joint Districts. The school census, the record of attendance at school, the assessing of property, the col- *Section 6. Chapters. "Section 4. Chapters. M .'-.'NEKAL SCHOOL LAWS lection of taxes, and all nets which from their nature shall be separately kept, shall be kept and done, and the report thereof: made as if each portion of said joint district were an entire dis- trict in the respective counties. The teachevof such joint district shall not be required to hold a c<-rtinVate in both counties. Si-:t.*-.9. New Districts Entitled to Apportionment. All new districts formed of unorganized territory shall be entitled to their just proportion of school moneys at- the next apportionment and. the County Superintendent shall place the same to the credit of such district: Provided, That in no case shall such district be entitled to use the same unless school has actually been com- menced therein and six months shall not have elapsed since the date of its organization. Si-:r. 10. New Districts Adjustment of Funds or Indebted- ness. If any new district is organized from any part of any other organized district or districts, as provided in this act, the County Superintendent, after having ascertained the amount of money- belonging to said old district or districts and deducting said in- debtedness and liabilities, must apportion to said new district "its due per capita proportion of money or indebtedness, as the cast- ma y be, from said districts from which it may be formed. SEC. 11. Joint District* Apportionment. [Laws 1893, Ch. 5, Sec. 39J And in case of joint districts the County Superin- tendent must apportion to such district such proportion of the school money to which such district is entitled, as the number of school children residing in that portion of the district situated in his county bears to the whole number of school census children, in the whole district. SEC. 12 Dissolution of Districts When Sale of Property Disposal of Territory. If any school district shall, for the period of one year, fail to maintain a school for a term of at least three consecutive months or keep up its organization of officers, as re- quired by law, or if there has been an average attendance for three consecutive months of only five pupils, or less, such dis- trict shall lapse, and the moneys in the treasury of the county belonging thereto shall be apportioned by the County Superin- tendent among the other districts in the same manner as other school moneys are apportioned. The property of any school dis- trict that shall lapse shall be sold by the County Superintendent in such manner as he shall deem best. The proceeds of such sale, after the payment of any indebtedness of said district, shall be placed to the credit of the General School Fund. The territory in- cluded within the boundaries of the said district shall, by order of the Board of County Commissioners, be attached to one or more school districts. CHAPTER VL SCHOOL ELECTIONS SPECIAL TAX. SEC. 1. The regular election for electing members of the ^Board of School Trustees shall be held annually in each district on the first Monday in June at which time it shall be lawful to OF T H E S P A T E OF 1 D.UtO. IS transa-ct any business pertaining to schools and school interests. The Clerk of said Hoard of Trustees shall cause printed or written notices to be posted specifying the time and place of holding' such election and the time during which the hallot box shall he kept open, not less, however, than three hours, and further specifying at what hour other business shall be transacted. Said notice shall be posted in three public places in the district, one of which shall be the school house, if there be one, at least ten days previous to such time of election. If the Clerk fail to give such notice, then any two legal voters residing in the district may give such notice over their own names, and such election may be held .after the day fixed in this Act. for such election. All elections shall be by ballot; the polls shall be opened by one of the Board of Trustees, or by any qualified elector if no Trustee be present At the time specified in the notice. If no time is specified in tin- notice, then the_ polls shall be opened at one o'clock r. M. and <-IoM'd at five i'. M. of the same day. Said election shall be con- ducted as any other county election, except that one Judge .and one Clerk may constitute a Board of Election, and any Trustee may administer the oath to the said Judge and Clerk. Said Judge and Clerk shall make return of such election to the County Superintendent immediately, which return shall be filed in the office of the County Superintendent: Provided, further, That it shall be lawful at such annual meeting and election on said first Monday in June to vote upon the question of whether or not any special tax shall be levied for any purpose, such as building or repairing school houses, or for the support of public- schools in the district; said meeting may first decide the rate to be levied, not to exceed ten mills on the dollar of taxable property, then proceed to ballot, on which ballot shall be written or printed "Tax Yes" or "Tax No" and none but actual resident free- holders or heads of families of said district are entitled to vote at such election: Provided* That for the . purpose of this Act both husband and wife are to be considered a head of a family. A separate ballot box shall be used for voting on any question of taxation or other business concerning schools and school interests, from that used in voting for Trustees. If a majority of the votes polled at such election are in favor of a tax, the Board of Trustees must immediately make such levy and certify the fact, the date thereof, and the rate of tax levied, the year for which levied and the number of the district, to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners and the County Assessors, but not more than one such special tax shall be levied in any one year. SEC. 2. Qualified Voters General School Election. (Const. Art. 6, Sec. 2.) Except as in this article otherwise pro- vided, every male citizen of the United States, twenty-one years old, who has actually resided in the state or territory for six months, and in the county where he offers to vote, thirty days next preceding the day of election, is a qualified elector; and until otherwise provided by the legislature, women who have the qualifications prescribed in this article, may continue to hold 16 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS such school offices and vote at such school elections as provided by the laws of Idaho. SEC. 3. When and Hnw Trustees Qualify. Trustees must qualify within fifteen days after receiving notice of their election, by taking the official oath, which oath may be administered by either of the other Trustees or the retiring Trustee, and said oath shall be subscribed and filed in the office of the County Super- intendent. CHAPTER VII. SCHOOL FUNDS. SEC. 1. Proceeds of Land*. The Public School Fund of the State shall consist of the proceeds of such lands as have here- tofore been granted, or may hereafter be granted, to the State by the general government known as "School Lands" and those granted in lieu of such. Lands acquired by gift or grant from any person or corporation under any law or grant, and of all other grants of land or money made to the State for general educational purposes, and all moneys accruing to the State from the estates of deceased persons. SEC. 2. Funds Shall Remain [miniate and Intact (Const. Ch. 9, Sec. 3.) The Public School Fund of the State shall for- ever remain inviolate and intact; the interest thereon only shall be expended in the maintenance of the schools of the State, and shall be distributed among the several counties and school dis- tricts of the State in such manner as may be prescribed by law. No part of this fund, principal or interest, shall ever be trans- ferred to any other fund, or used or appropriated except as herein provided. The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of this fund, and the same shall be securely and profitably invested as may be by law directed. The State shall supply all losses there- of that may in any manner occur. SEC. 3. School Tax Levy. For the purpose of establishing and maintaining public schools in the several counties of the State, the Board of County Commissioners shall, at the time of levying the taxes for the State and county purposes, levy a tax of not less than five mills nor more than ten mills on each dollar of taxable property, in their respective counties, for school pur- poses. Said taxes must be assessed and collected in each county as other taxes for State and county purposes. FREE SCHOOL SYSTEM -AMENDING OE. An Act to Amend Sections Thirty-one and Thirty-three of an Act Entitled, "An Act to Establish and Maintain a System of Eree Schools." SEC. 4. Free School System Amending Of Duty of Bounty Treasurer District not Entitled, to Apportionment Duty of Oon.nty Auditor Repeal Approval. That Section 31 of said act be amended to read as follows: Sec. 31. It is hereby made the duty of the County Treasurer to keep a separate account with each school district in the county : to place to the credit of each. the amount of money certified to by the County Superintendent, as provided .in this act. and to pay over the money on legally F T 1 1 E S T A T E ( J F I D A II . 17 drawn warrants or orders of the district officers entii draw the same: /Vor/V^/. That ii the County Sup notify the County Treasurer in writing, that then* has b .failure on the part of any Board of Trustee*^ to comply with the law, and that said mone\ s;ia!! .he withheld from said Board of Trustees, he shall retain tl until further notice fro:n the y any district shall i Fund of the county, and he apportioned as oth T in And it shall he the duty of said Treasurer to receive and hold as special de- all moneys belonging to the Puhlie, S..-honl Fund of his county in accordance with the provisions of this act, and to pay over only on the warran ity Auditor: Provided, tiirt.lie.i-, That the said County Treasurer shall pay over to the Treasure^ or any independent school district organized under the provisions of this act, all morn- ; ^' n & to such district station of an order from the Clerk of the Board of Trust ich district signed also hy the Chairman th and countersigned Cuuntv Superintendent and County Auditor. (Special Act 1897, II. li. 7:1 Sec. 2.) That Sec. 33 of act he amended to read as follows: Sec. .>:>. It shall be the duty of the County Auditor upon the presentation of any order from the Clerk of the B >ard of Trustees of a,ny school district in id order also being signed hy the Chairman of the said Board of Trustees or in his absence hy the other member of toard, i > draw his warrant upon the School Fun I standing to the credit of said district in favor of the person mentioned in the said order: Proridr.d, That in case of independent school dis- trict orders, he shall not draw his warrant, but countersign the warrant or order of said district officers: Pi-oeided further, That the said orders have been countersigned by the County Superintendent, but in no case shall he issue a warrant, or countersign an order for a greater amount than there is cash in the treasury to the credit of said district. . }. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. SKC. o. --Duty nf Comity Superintendent, It shall be the duty of the County Superintendent in each county to keep a separate account with each school district in his county; to place to tfie credit of each district the amount apportioned by him as provided for in this act; to countersign all legally drawn warrants and orders of the district officers entitled to draw 7 the same: to enter the same upon his books in proper form, giving, date, number of such- warrant, or order, to- whom drawn, for what pur- pose, and the amount of the same. SEC. (i. Crtllectlvn. nf Pi'nal Fi.ncx. It shall be the duty rf the County Superintendent to collect by process of law all penal tines not paid over by the Justices of the Peace, or other oilicers required by law to pay the same into the county treasury: and the same may he collected and recovered by action at law, in which the State of Idaho, by the County Superintendent, is 18 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS plaintiff and the officer neglecting or refusing to pa} 7 over said moneys is defendant. SEC. 7. Special Tax Levy Duty of Assessor. Upon re- ceiving such statement from the Trustees of any school district the Assessor must assess upon all property in the district subject to taxation the tax so levied and certified to him as aforesaid ; but for that purpose he is not required to take new statements from the owners of property but his assessment of all special taxes so levied may be computed and made upon the valuation of property as fixed by the Board of Equalization for State and county purposes, and as appears upon the assessment roll in the same year. SEC. 8. Special Tax Levy A Lien Upon the Property Assessor Must Keep Separate Lint and Get Separate Receipts. Said special taxes so levied as aforesaid shall become a lien upon the property so assessed from the date of assessment, and shall ]>; due and payable at the same time as State and county taxes, and in all respects are to be collected in the same way, except that the Assessor must keep a separate list or assessment roll thereof, and when paid must be named in his receipt to the tax- payer as a separate item, and he must pay them to the County Treasurer as he pays other taxes; but at the time of payment ho must specify to the Treasurer what taxes they are. and take a separate receipt therefor and keep separate accounts thereof. SEC. 9. Special 'lax Compensation of Assessor The Assessor shall receive two per centum on all such special taxes so collected by him, having first rendered his account thereto. and the same being allowed by the Board of County Commission- ers, and shall be paid out of said special tax. SEC. 10. Special Tax Provision for Blanks Exemptions of Independent Districts. The Board of County Commissioners shall furnish the Assessor with such blanks as are needed to com- ply with the provisions hereof. The provision of this act for the levy and collection of taxes shall not apply to independent dis- tricts now established, which have special laws for the collection of school taxes. SEC. 11. Investment of Funds. Whenever there shall have accumulated in the hands of the Treasurer of any school district in this State moneys belonging to said school district to an amount in excess of the amount which, in the opinion of the School District Board of said district, shall be necessary for the necessary current expenses of maintaining the schools in said district, the same shall be invested by said Board in United States bonds, State bonds, State warrants or county warrants, when the market value thereof is not below par. And said Board shall deposit said securities in some safe deposit, and they shall there be kept until it shall become necessary to convert the same into money for school district purposes, to be determined by said Board. SEC. 12. New License Fund- Collection and Payment to OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. 19 Treasurer On the first Monday in each month the collector must return to the Auditor all licenses unsold and be credited therewith, and must, with the Auditor, appear at the Treasurer's office and pay into the county treasury ail moneys collected for licenses sold during the preceding month, take the Treasurer's receipt therefor and file the duplicate thereof with the Auditor. The Auditor must credit the collector and charge the Treasurer therewith. SEC. 13. Apportionment of the License Money. Fifty per cent, of all moneys paid for licenses shall be applied to and con- stitute a part of the School Fund of the school district in which said licenses are collected, forty per cent, to the General Road Fund of the county in which said licenses are collected and ten per cent, shall be paid into the State treasury: Provided. That forty per cent, of all moneys paid for licenses by applicants within incorporated towns, cities, and villages, or cities acting under special charters shall be paid by the County Treasurer to the municipal authorities of such town, city, or village for general revenue purposes of such town, city, or village; fifty per cent, of said moneys so paid for licenses are to be applied and constitute a part of the School Fund of the school district in which said licenses are collected, and ten per cent, shall be paid into the State treasury. SEC. 14. Collector's Report. The Collector shall file with the Treasurer a statement or report each quarter showing the amount of licenses collected in each school district, incorporated town, city, or village, or city acting under special charter. CHAPTER VIII. TEACHERS AND TEACHERS' INSTITUTES. SECTION 1. Registers and Reports. Teachers of the public schools must be furnished with a school register by the Trustees of the district, for the purpose of registering the names of their pupils and their daily attendance at school, and at the close of the term said register must be delivered to the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the district; and the teacher must also be fur- nished with a blank report by said Trustees, which report said teacher must fill up according to the heading of same and trans- mit it to the County Superintendent of the county at the close of the term; and no teacher shall be allowed an order in excess of ninety per cent, of his or her salary until said report is made out and transmitted. SEC. 2. General Duties. Every teacher in the public schools may suspend for good cause any pupil and report such suspension to the Board of Trustees for review. If the action of the teacher is sustained by the Board, the pupil may be censured and re- turned to the school or expelled from school as in the judgment of the Board seems proper, but if not sustained, the teacher may appeal to the County Superintendent, whose decision shall be final. Every teacher shall make reports, in addition to those men- tioned elsewhere in said act, which may be required by the State GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS Superiniv intehdent, or by the school district ; of Trustees; shall use the text books provided for the schools of the State: enforce the Course of Study and the rules and r : by the State Superintendent; hold pupils to a strict account for disorderly conduct or improper Ian- Linage in and about the building, on the play grounds and on the way to am 1 from school; shall keep himself or herself above re- proach and endeavor to impress upon the minds of the pupils the principles of truth, justice, morality, patriotism and refinement and to avoid idlen -hood, profanity, vulgarity and in :C.e; give attention during every school term to the cultiva- >! manners, and devote not less than thirty minutes week to the systematic teaching of kindness of pupils to one another and toward d< md other living crea* in. Xo teacher shall be entitled I msatio-n for the time heorshe i<-achesin any lie school without a certificate valid or in force for such time in the county where such school is taught, except that if a teacher's certificate shall expire by its own limitation within six weeks of the ci term such teacher may finish such term without re- examination or renewal i her certilicatc. 4. Prohibit* -in*. No books, papers, tracts or < nients of a political, sectarian or denomination character must be used or introduced in any school established under the provis- ions of this act. and any and every political, sectarian or d<- inational doctrin." -cssly forbidden to be taught therein ; nor shall, any teacher or any district receive any of the public school moneys in wiiich the 'schools have not been tauirht in accordance with the provisions of this act. SKC. .">. School Year and School Month. The school within this State shall commence on the first Monday in Septem- i each vear. A school month is four weeks of five school days each. S w. I'., Schftfil A<], School aa'c MS lierein used is defined as all per and twenty-one years. Si-x 1 . 7. - -Institute Call Notice. The County Superintendent of each county in this State must hold annually a teachers' in- stitute at such time as lie may designate, and such institute must continue in session not less than five nor more than fifteen days. He must give at least ten days' notice of the time and place of holding such institute by publication in some newspaper pub- lished in the county or by a written notice to each qualified teacher in ;tbe county. Provided, that two or more adjoining counties may unite in holding a joint institute under the joint supervision of the County Superintendents of such counties. Institutes Teach ri'$ Shall Attend. It is the duty of all teachers engaged in the county and of all persons holding certificates, to attend such institute and to participate in the ex- reof, and all teachers who may have charge of schools OF THE STATE OF IDAHO at the time of holding the annual institute must adjourn their schools for the time during which the institute is held. J^mridcd, that when joint institutes an? held in accordance with the provis- ions of Section -51* it shall be the duty of all teachers in said counties and of all persons holding certificates therein, to attend such joint institute. SKC. 1*. Institutes Adjournment of Schools,. All teachers who IMM.V adjourn school for the purpose of attending any annual county or joint institute must be allowed the same pay while in actual attendance as when teaching, and the County Superintend- ent must certify to the number of days attendance of each teacher, arid the Trustees of the several districts must count them as so many days lawfully employed. SKO. 10.- Institute* Axsixtants /Vwi*/m? for Expense. The County Superintendent shall procure the services of one or Eaore competent persons to assist in conducting said institute^ he must also provide- a building, lights, stationery, janitor service, and all things necessary for the holding of the institute ; and must present an itemized account of such expense* not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars, exclusive of the amount received from fees of applicants for teachers' certificates to the Auditor of his county, and the County Auditor shall issue a, warrant in favor of the County Superintendent equal to the amount of such expenses. I' In case joint institutes are held as provided in Section 7, the County Superintendents of the counties holding such institutes shall each present an itemized account of such ex- penses as aforesaid to the Auditor of his county and the expense-^ thereof shall be borne equally by such counties, and the County Auditor shall issue a warrant in favor of the County Superin- tendent for the part chargeable against such county. CHAPTER IX. FREE TEXT BOOK LAW. An Act to Provide for the Free and Uniform Text Books for the Public Schools of the State of Idaho. Be, it Enacted by tJie Legislature of the State of Idaho; SECTION 1. The Governor of the State of Idaho is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint five persons, one of whom shall he the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and four of whom shall be educators of the State of- Idaho, who shall con- stitute a State Board of Text Book Commissioners, and who shall hold office until they have complied with the duties hereinafter imposed. SEC 2. The said Board of Text Book Commissioners shall meet at the State Capitol, in the Senate chamber, on the first Monday in May, 1899, for the purpose of selecting and adopting a uniform series of text books for use in all the public schools of the State. Said Board shall have power to formulate rules for its own government and three members shall constitute a quorum. ^Section 7. Chapter 8. 2? GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS SEC\. 3, Immediately upon the approval of this Act, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall advertise for at least thirty days- in two newspapers published in the State, giving: notice that the Text Book Commissioners will meet as herein- before provided, and will consider all offers and proposals for supplying the State of Idaho with a uniform series of text books- for use in all public schools of said State for a term of six years from and after the first day of September, 1899, in the following branches, to- wit: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geog- vaphy, Grammar, Physiology and Hygiene, Civil Government, History of the United States, and in all other branches taught in the common, graded, and high schools of the State. Said pro- posals shall state the price at which said books will be furnished free on board the ca'rs at the places designated by the said Corn-- mission, Provided. That the price paid for the books so adopted and used in the public schools shall not exceed the price at which said books shall be sold by said publishers to other purchasers during- the existence of their contract with the State. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the said Board of Text Book Commissioners to meet at the time and place mentioned in said notice, and to carefully consider all proposals made to them for the furnishing of the said text books as hereinbefore provided, and said Board shall select and adopt such text books for use in all the public schools, as will in their judgment best subserve the interests and promote the progress of the public schools in the State. The series of text books so selected and adopted by the said Board of Text Book Commissioners, shall be certified to by the Chairman, and said certificate with a copy of all books named therein, must be placed on file in the office of the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. Such certificate must contain, a complete list of all books adopted by the said Board, giving the price for which each kind and grade of books will be furnished, and the name and address of the publisher agreeing to furnish the same. The said books named in the said certificate shall for a period of six years from and after the first day of September, 1899. be used in all the public schools of the State to the exclu- sion of all others. SEC. 5. The said Board of Text Book Commissioners shall have power to make such contracts and agreements with pub- lishers as they shall deem necessary for the best interests of the public schools of the State, and shall require of a 11 publishers con- tracting and agreeing to furnish books adopted by said Commis- sioners to furnish bonds in double the amount in value of the books to be furnished, for the faithful performance of the condi- tions of said contract. SEC. 6. Immediately after the filing of said certificate in his office, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have prepared printed lists of the text books adopted by said Board, with the price of each of said books as certified to in said certificate and shall forward the same to the County Superintend- OF THE STATE OF IDAQO. 2?, ente of the several counties of the State, who shall immediately forward one list to each Trustee and to each teacher in his county. SEC, 7. It shall be the duty of all book publishers furnish- ing books to the State of Idaho under this Act to keep the book? they agree to furnish, on hand at all times at their places of business. SEC. 8. Not later than the first Monday in August, 1899, and at such othsr times as may be necessary to properly supply the schools of said district th 3 Chairman o,' each of the several Boards of Trustees of the county shall forward to the County Superintendent of his county a list of th.3 kind of books, and the number of each kind, which will be required to supply the pupils of the public schools of his district. Immediately upon the receipt of this requisition from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 'he County Superintendent shall order from the nearest book pub- lisher or publishers furnishing said books designated therein, and upon receipt of the duplicate bills from said publishers, and upon comparison with the original bills sent to t'he Trustee or other person to whom the order was consigned, and after comparing the same with the publishad price furnished him by the State Superintendent as hereinbefore provided, shall order the County Treasurer to remit the purchased price to the said publishers from the funds of said district: Provided, That if the district had no funds to its credit in the hands of the County Treasurer, then the said County Treasurer shall at once remit from the Current Ex- pense Fund of the county, the same to be reimbursed to the Current Expense Fund of the county, from the funds of the dis- trict as soon as the amount has been paid into the treasury to the account of said district. And: Provided, further., That if from any cause the accounts are not paid within ninety days, the same shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the date of the shipment of the books to the date of payment. SEC. 9. The County Superintendent and the County Treasurer shall each keep an account of all books ordered, show- ing the number of the district, the number and kind of books, the date of the order, the place from whence ordered, the date and the amount of the remittance and such other items as will in their judgement render the whole transaction easily understood. Provided, That the Trustees of each district shall determine whether or not the text books for said district shall be free text books, and if it shall be determined by said Trustees that said text books shall not be free then any parent or guardian or other person having the legal or actual control of a child or children, shall be required to purchase necessary books for such child or children from the Trustees of his district at actual cost to t hat district, and the Trustees shall pay the purchase price back into the treasury, the same to be placed to the credit of said district: Provided, That in cases where it is deemed by said Trustees that any parent or guardian is unable to pay for said text books, the s, 18t)<>. CHAPTER X. COMPULSORY EDUCATION. SEC. 1. Duties of Torrent* or Gurtrdicws Prows*). Ev- ery parent, guardian or other person in the State of Idaho having control of a child or children between the ages of eight and four- teen vears shall be required to send such child or children to a OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. 2.S public school for a period of twelve weeks in each school year, at least eight weeks of which shall be consecutive, unless such child -or children are excused from such attendance by the Board of -School Trustees of the school district in which such parents or .guardians reside, upon it being shown to their satisfaction that the bodily or mental condition of such children has been suck as to prevent his, her or their attendance at school, or application -at study for the period required, or that such child or children. .are taught in a private school or at home in such branches as are usually taught in a primary school, or have already acquired the ordinary branches of learning taught in the public schools: I'roridefL In case a public school shall not be taught for a period of twelve weeks, during the year, within three miles by the near- est traveled road of the residence of any such parent or guardian within the school district, he or she shall not be liable to the pro- visions of this act. SEC. 2. Duties of Trustees It shall be the duty of the Board of School Trustees of each district in the State, on or be- fore the first Monday in September in each year, to furnish the principal in each public school taught in the district with a list of all children in the school district between the ages of eight and fourteen years, said list to be taken from the report of the School Census Marshal. SEC. 3. Duty of Teachers Monthly Reports. At the be- ginning of each school month thereafter it shall be the duty of the principal of each school in such district to report to the Board of School Trustees of such district the names of all children attend- ing school during the previous school month. SEC. 4. Violation of the Law How Proceedings are Begun, Proviso. When it shall appear, at the expiration of three school months, to the Board of School Trustees that any parent, guardian or other person having charge or control of any child or children shall have failed to comply with the provisions of this act, the Board shall cause dematod to be made upon such parent, guardian or other person for the amount of the penalty herein- after provided, when, if such parent, guardian or other person shall neglect or refuse to pay the same within five days after the making of said demand, the Board shall commence proceedings in the name of the school district for the recovery of the fine hereinafter provided before any court having jurisdiction: Pro- vided, That nothing in sub-division 1 shall apply to any child or children who are actually and necessarily compelled to labor for the support of a parent or parents. SEC. 5. Penalty Disposal of Fines Arising From Such Funds. Any parent, guardian or other person having control or charge of any child or children, failing to comply with the pro- visions of this act, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars for the first offense, nor less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for the second and each subsequent offense, be- side the cost of collection. All fines collected under the pro- visions of this act shall be paid into the county treasury, the 26 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS same to be placed to the credit of the school district collecting the same. SEC. 6. Trustees' Annual Notice. The Board of School Trustees in each district shall cause to be posted annually in three public places in the district notices of the requirements and penalties of this law. CHAPTER XI. SCHOOL BONDS. SECTION 1. Election Limit of Issue Rate of Interest Purpose. The Board of School Trustees of an} 7 school district may, whenever a majority so decide, submit to the electors who are residents, freeholders or heads of families of the district, the question whether the Board be authorized to issue coupon bonds to a certain amount, not to exceed four per cent of the taxable property in said district, and bearing a certain rate of interest. not exceeding eight per centum per annum, and payable and redeemable at a certain time, for the purpose of building or providing a school house in said district with all necessary furniture, as desks, blackboards, globes, charts, outline maps, etc., and the Board of School Trustees of any school district, which has issued bonds for any of the purposes enumerated in this section, may submit to the electors of such district the ques- tion whether the Board shall be authorized to issue coupon bonds to refund or take up any of the bonded indebtedness of such district, at a rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent, per annum. SEC. 2. Manner of Holding Election. Such elections must be held in the manner prescribed for elections in this act. The ballots must contain the words "Bonds Yes" or ''Bonds No." If two-thirds of the votes cast at such election are " Bonds Yes'! the Board of Trustees must issue such bonds in such forms as the Board may direct; they must bear the signature of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and be countersigned by the Clerk of the school district, and coupons attached to the bonds must be signed by said Chairman and said Clerk; and each bond so issued must be registered by the County Treasurer in a book provided for that purpose, which must show the number and amount of each bond and the person to whom the same is issued, and the said bonds must be sold by the said school Trustees as hereinafter provided. SEC. 3. Notice of Male. The school Trustees must give notice in some newspaper published in the State, for a period of not less than four weeks to the effect that said school Trustees will sell said bonds, briefly describing the same, and stating the time when, and the place where said sale will take place: Pro rided, That the said bonds must not be sold for less than their par value, and the Trustees are authorized to reject any bids and to sell said bonds at private sale if they deem it for the best interest of the district, and all money arising from the sale of said bonds must be paid forthwith into the treasury of the county in which said district may be located, to the credit of said district, OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. 27 and the same are immediately available for any of the purposes authorized by this chapter. SKC 4. The faith of each school district, is solemnly pledged for the payment of the interest and the redemption of the principal of all bonds, which are issued under this act. And for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this act, each school district is a body corporate, and may sue and be sued by or in the name of the Board of School Trustees of said district. SEC. 5. Interest Loaning 'of Sinking Fand. The school Trustees of each district must ascertain and levy annually the tax necessary to pay the interest as it becomes due and a Sinking Fund to redeem the bonds at their maturity, and said tax is a lien upon the property of said school district and must be collected in the same manner as other taxes for school purposes: Provided, That the said Sinking Fund may, at the discretion of the Board, be loaned on first mortgage or improved farm lands, but 110 loan shall exceed one-third of the market value of the land, exclusive of the improvements thereon, given as security for such loans. The annual interest on all loans herein provided for shall be seven per cent., or may be invested in United States bonds, State bonds, county or State warrants, when the market value thereof is not below par, at the discretion of said Board. SEC. 6. Redemption. When the sum in the Sinking Fund equals or exceeds the amount of any bond then due, the County Treasurer shall post in his office a notice that he will, within thirty days from the date of such notice, redeem the bonds then payable, giving the number thereof; and preference must be given to the oldest issue; and if at the expiration of the said thirty days the holder or holders of said bonds shall fail or neglect to present the same for payment, interest thereon must cease; but the Treasurer shall at all times thereafter be ready to redeem the same on presentation, and when any bonds are so purchased or redeemed the County Treasurer must cancel the same by writing across the face of each bond, in red ink, the word "redeemed," and the date of such redemption. SEC. 7. County Treasurer Must Pay Interest. The County Treasurer must pay out of any moneys belonging to a school dis- trict, the interest upon any bonds issued under this chapter by such school district when the same becomes due, upon the pre- sentation at his office of the proper coupon, which must show the amount due and the number of the bond to which it belonged; and all coupons so paid must be reported to the school Trustees at the first meeting thereafter. SEC. 8. 'trustees Issue Bonds. The school Trustees of any district must cause to be printed or lithographed at the lowest rate, suitable bonds, with the coupons attached, when the same becomes necessary, and pay therefor out of any moneys in the county treasury to the credit of the school district. SEC. 9. Penalty for Refusing to Pay. If any of the school Trustees fraudulently fail or refuse to pay into the county treasury *2S :T SCHOOL DISTRICTS. FREE SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT DISTRICT. \n Act to Amend Section Seventy-eight of an Act Entitled, "An Act to Establish! and Maintain a System of Free Schools." Passed by the Second Session of the Legislature of the State of Idaho. Be it Enacted by the legislature of the State of fdaho; SECTION 1. Free Schools Independent Ditricts. That Section Seventy-eight [78] of an act of the legislature of the State of Idaho entitled, "An Act to Establish and Maintain a System of Free Schools," approved March 11, 1898, be amended so as- to read as follows: Sec. 78. Whenever any school district within this State, as defined by the Board of County Commission- ers, has within its limits taxable property to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars or over, as shown by the last assessment roll for the county, it may be organized into an in- dependent school district upon a vote of one-fifth or over, of those within the district who are qualified to vote at school elections- petitioning the said Board for the establishing of such district as an independent school district, and if a greater number of such quali- fied voters do not remonstrate against such establishment, the Board must clearly, by its order of record y define the boundaries of such district, if not already done, and within one month, order that the question of so establishing such independent school district must be submitted tp a vote of all the electors of the district, who, under the provisions of this act, are authorized to vote for the lew of taxes and issue of bonds, and must make the necessary ar- rangements for such election, giving at least twenty days' notice thereof, and the time and place of holding the same. If a ma- jority of those so voting, vote in favor of so organizing such independent district, said Board must make its order of record and declare such district established, and designate it as the independent school district, [state name and number of district] in County, Idaho. SEC. 2. Corporate rowers. The district so established is constituted a body corporate and succeeds to the title of all property , rights and privileges, and assumes and must dischn and pay all debts, obligations and duties belonging to or devolving upon the old district or districts of which it is so formed and established, and by its corporate name it may: FIRST. Make contracts, sue and be sued. SECOND. Take, hold and convey such real and personal property only as is needed for actual school purposes. THIRD. To have a corporate seal. FOURTH. To choose such officers as are herein provided for. SEC. 3. Officers Trustees Terms. The officers of such district consist of a Board oi Trustees, composed of six qualified OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. 2<> electors, who are resident freeholders within the district. The first Board of Trustees must be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners immediately after the district is so established and hold their offices for terms as follows, to-wit: Two, until the next school election under the provision hereof; two for two, and two for four years after such election arid until their successors are elected and qualified, and said Board so appointing must designate the term of each Trustee so appointed. SEC. 4. Election Time Notice. There must be an election for two members of the Board of Trustees to be held on the first Monday of September following the establishment of such district, and biennially thereafter an election must be held to elect two Trustees. The Clerk of the Board must give at least ten days' notice of the time and place of such election, by publica- tion in a newspaper, or by three posted notices in the district. SEC. 5. Qualified Electors Judges 1 Decision on Tie Vote. At all elections under this chapter voters must have the same qualifications prescribed by this title for school elections. At such elections any person offering to vote may be challenged and required to take all oaths required of voters at the general elections in this State; and on refusing to take such oaths must not be allowed to vote, and the Board of Trustees must appoint for all such elections two Judges and one Clerk. Voting must be by ballot, and if upon counting the ballots there is a tie and three qualified persons have the highest and an equal number of votes, the Board of Trustees must select two from the three, and when there is a failure to elect by reason of a tie vote the Board of Trustees must select. SEC. 6. Vacancies. If any Trustee dies, removes from the district, or ceases to have the qualifications for such office, or from any cause his office is vacant, or he neglects or refuses to act, or without excuse ceases to attend the meeting of the Board for four consecutive regular meetings thereof, his office thereby becomes vacant, and a majority of said Board of Trustees may appoint another qualified person to fill his unexpired term. SEC. 7. Pecuniary Interest. No Trustee must be interested in any contract let or made by or with the Board, or with any officer thereof, or in any supplies furnished to or for said district, or a surety for the performance of any contract with said Board or district, or the agent or partner of any contractor with said Board or district ; and no action can be maintained or recovery had against said Board or district upon any contract or obliga- tion in which any Trustee is so interested, but the same is void. SEC. 8. Official Oath of Trustees. Each Trustee must be- fore entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the official oath, which must be filed with the County School Super- intendent. SEC. 9. Organization of Board of 'trustees. Immediately after the appointment of such Trustees by the Board of County Commissioners, as above provided, and after such biennial el- SO GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS ection, the Trustees, or a majority thereof, must meet at the school house and organize as a Board, and from their number- must select a Chairman, a Clerk and a Treasurer, or they may elect as Treasurer some competent or responsible person who is- not a Trustee. SEQ. 10. Compensation of T-'vxte.ez. No school officer whatever must receive any pay or compensation for his time or services or in any way be allowed to make any pecuniary profit or gain by reason of his office ; and any school officer or person- who has the custody in any way of any school funds must give- bonds, with at least two good sureties, in double the amount of funds likely at any time to be in his custody. SE'C. 11. Rcoular Meetings Quo-rum. Regular meetings f the- Board of Trustees must be held on the second Monday of each month, and special meetings- may be called by the Chair- man of the Board, or by any two Trustees-, by personal notice of the time and place of such meetings to each member of the Board.. or, if he cannot be found, by leaving such notice at his place of residence with some person of suitable age and discretion. Four- Trustees constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. but a less number may adjourn any regular meeting from time to time, until a quorum can be obtained ; but no meeting of the Board, not provided for by the rules or by law, is legal unless all. the members thereof have been notified as provided for in this sec- tion. SEC. 12. General Duties and Powers of Board of Trustees-. The Board of Trustees of said district must have power to and it is their duty: FIRST. To make such by-laws for their own government and for the government of the schools of the district as they may deem expedient, not inconsisient with the provisions of this chap- ter. SECOND. T employ or discharge teachers, mechanics and la- borers, and to fix, allow and order paid their salaries and compen- sation, and to determine the rates of tuition for non-resident pu- pils. THIRD. -To levy a special tax if necessary, which when added to the moneys apportioned by the County Superintendent of schools, will be sufficient to provide funds for the maintenance of the schools for nine months in each year ; the special taxes- levied by said Board of Trustees for the payment of interest on bonds and Sinking Fund, for payment of bonds at maturity, to- gether with the levy for maintenance of schools, shall not exceed ten mills on the dollar. FOURTH. To provide furniture, fixtures and apparatus, and for everything needed in the school house or for the use of the board. FIFTH. To rent, repair and insure school houses and property, and preserve the same for the benefit of the school of the district. SIXTH. To build or remove school houses and buildings, and to purchase or sell school lots. OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. ?,1 SEVENTH. To suspend or expel pupils from school who refuse to obey the rules thereof, and to exclude from school, children under six years of age. EIGHTH. To determine the nurnher and qualifications of teachers who shall be employed and the length of time the school shall he kept, to fix the time for opening or closing of school, and for the dismissal of primary pupils before the regular time of closing schools. NINTH. To require pupils to be furnished with the proper and suitable books as a condition of membership irr the schools. TENTH. To exclude from the schools and the school libraries of said district all books, tracts, papers and catechisms of a sec- tarian nature. ELEVENTH, To require teachers to conform to the law and the regulation of the Board. TWELFTH. To protect the morals and the health of the pupils while at school. SEC. 13. General Provisiofis, Not Contradictory Govern Independent Distric.f*. All the provisions of this act providing for a public school system wherein not contradictory to or incon- sistent with the provisions of this chapter, and which may be made applicable to the objects thereof, are adopted as part of the law governing the establishment and management of independent school districts. CHAPTER XIII. ACT AUTHORIZING INDEPENDENT DISTRICTS TO ISSUE BONDS, SEC. 1. Trustees May Issue Purpose Limit of Issue. Board of Trustees of any independent school district organized under any general or special law, may issue negotiable coupon bonds of their district for the purpose of paying, redeeming or re- funding the principal of any of the outstanding bonded indebted- ness of their district, whenever the same can be done to the profit or advantage of their district, and without the district incurring any additional indebtedness or liability exceeding in any year the income or revenue provided for such year. SEC. 2. Bonds Description of. Said bonds must bear in- terest at not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi- annually, at the office of the Treasurer of the district, or at such banking house in the city of New York as may be designated by the Board of Trustees ; and the principal of said bonds, or any part thereof, may, at the option of the district, be paid at any time after ten years, and must be paid within twenty years, from the time they are issued, and in the order in which they are issued and numbered. Semi-annual interest coupons, covering the interest to grow due, must be attached to each bond ; the bonds must be signed by the presiding officer of the Board and attested to by its Secretary and the seal of the district, if it have a seal, and -the coupons must be signed and the bonds registered by the Treasurer of the Board. 32 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS SEC. 3. Bonds rnlve of Application of I'roceedx. No bond shall be sold at less than its par value, and the proceeds thereof must be devoted to the payment, redemption or refunding of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the district. SEC. 4. Election to Issue Bonds tor Building, Improving, Etc. The Board of Trustees of any such independent district may, whenever two-thirds of the Board so decide, submit to the qualified electors of the district, at an election to be held for that purpose, ad to be called and conducted as other school elections in said dis'trict, the question whether the Board shall be author- ized to issue the negotiable coupon bonds of the district in an amount to be mentioned in the notice of election, for the pur- poses of providing and improving school houses and grounds and furniture, apparatus, and fixtures for said district, or for any or either of said purposes ; and if at such election two- thirds of the qualified electors of said district voting at said election assent thereto, the Board of Trustees may issue such bonds of the dis- trict to the amount and for the purpose designated in said notice; which bonds shall be in all respects similar to, and shall be be signed, negotiated, registered, bear interest, and be made pay- able as provided in the last preceding section ; and no bond shall be sold .for less than its par value ; and the proceeds thereof must be devoted to the purposes mentioned in said notice. SEC. 5. Special Tax for Interest Sinking Fund and, R? demption. The Board of Trustees of any such district that ha? issued bonds under either of the last two preceding sections must annually levy upon all the taxable property of the district, in addition to other authorized taxes, a tax sufficient to pay the in- terest on all bonds so issued as it falls due, and also to constitute a Sinking Fund for the payment of the principal thereof within twenty years from the time the bonds are issued ; which taxes shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid over as other taxes are levied, assessed, collected and paid over, in the district, and shall be devoted to the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds only; and the accumulated Sinking Fund may be used for the redemption of said bond? at any time after ten years from the date of their issue. Approved March 6, A. D., 1891. SEC. 6. Whereas an emergeny exists, therefor, this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. CHAPTER XIV. An Act to Validate and Legalize State, County, School, Municipal or Other Bonds Issued Under Acts of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Sessions of the Legislature of the State of Idaho. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the Statr of Idaho: SECTION 1. All bonds heretofore duly issued under, in pursuance or by virtue of. and in accordance with, the provisions of any Act of the first, second, third or fourth sessions of the Legislature of the State of Idaho are hereby declared to be good, valid and binding obligations, any question as to the manner of OF THE -STATE OF IDAHO. the passage of any such Act or Acts notwithstanding; and tkeir validity shall not be questioned in any court. SEC. 2, Whereas an emergency exists therefor this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 6, 1899, CHAPTER XV, A Joint Resolution to Submit to the Electors of the State of Idaho for Rejection or Approval, an Amendment to Section Eleven of Article Nine, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho, Relating to Investing of Public School Fund. Be it Resolved by the. Legislative of the State of Idaho; SECTION 1. That Section Eleven of Article Nine of the ^Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to read as follows: Section 11. The permanent educational funds other than funds arising from the disposition of University lands belonging to the State, shall be loaned on first mortgage on improved farm lands within the State; State, United States, or school district bonds, or State warrants, under such regulations as the Legisla- ture may provide: Provide I, That no loan shall be made of any amount of money exceeding one-third of the market value of the lands at the time of the loan, exclusive of the buildings. SEC, 2. The question to be submitted to the electors of the State, at the next general election shall be in form as follows, to- wit: "Shall Section 11 of Article Nine of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to enlarge the powers of the State Board of Land Commissioners, in loaning school money." CHAPTER XVI. EDUCATION OF DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND. SECTION 1. Animal Appropriation. There is hereby ap- propriated, annually, the sum of six thousand (6,000) dollars or so m uch thereof as may be necessary for the ed ucation of the deaf, dumb and blind of this State, under the direction of the State Board of .Education, and the Treasurer shall pay the same on the warrant of the Auditor for that purpose. SEC, 2. Contract for Tuition. The said Board of Educa- tion shall enter into contract with some one of the adjacent States or Territories having an institution for the education of the deaf, dumb and blind of the State of Idaho upon the most economical terms possible, SEC. 3. Duly of the Board of Education to Ascertain Pupils Eligible. It shall be the duty of the Board of Education to ascertain the number of deaf, dumb and blind in the State of school age and of sound mind and body, whose parents are not able to provide for their education, and as soon as practicable thereafter take "the necessary steps for their education as provid- ed for in Section 2 of this act. SEC. 4 Payment of Tuition Rate. The State or Territory in which such institution for the education of the deaf, dumb and blind is located, as designated by the said Board of Educa- 34 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS tion, shall be paid from the appropriation made in section 1, of this act, of the rate of not to exceed three hundred dollars a year for each scholar's instruction and board, including board during vacation, on the certificate of the State Board of Education to be furnished to the State Auditor. SEC. 5. -Examination of Applicant* Contingent Expenses. The State Board of Education is authorized to provide for the careful examination of all applicants for admission to the insti- tution designated, and to audit and certify to the State Auditor all accounts for the expenses of designating said institution and conducting examinations, and all contingent expenses attending the same, and the accounts thereof shall be paid from the appro- priation for this purpose made in Section 1 of this act. SEC. 6. Emergency Clause In Approval. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval, an emergency existing therefor. Approved March 14, A. D., 1891. CHAPTER XVII. An Act to Provide for taking the Census of the Deaf and Blind Children of School Age and Defining who are Deaf and Blind. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State, of Idaho: SECTION 1. It is hereby made the duty of the Census Marshal of each school district in the State of Idaho, when he shall enumerate the children of school age in his district, to care- fully ascertain what children in that district are deaf or blind as defined in Section 2 of this Act, and he shall note the name, age, and sex of such child or children, also the names of parents or guardian or other person having the legal or actual charge of such child or children, and shall report the same to the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, and said County Superin- tendent of Public Instruction shall include these items in his annual report to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. SEC. 2. All children between the ages of six and twenty- four years, who are too deaf or too blind to be educated in our public schools shall be deemed deaf and blind for the purposes of this Act. SEC. 3. Whereas an emergency exists, therefore, this Act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 13, 1899. CHAPTER. XVIII. ACT TO ENCOURAGE ARBORCULTURE. SECTION 1. Designation of Arbor Day. The Friday follow- ing the first day of May in each year shall hereafter be known throughout this State as Arbor day. SEC. 2. Schools Shall Observe the Day Manner Purpose. It shall be the duty of the authorities of every public school in this State to assemble the scholars in their charge on that day in OF T H E STATE OF 1 D A H . 35 the school building or elsewhere, as they may deem proper, and to provide for and conduct, under the general supervision of the County Superintendents of Public Instruction, such exercises as shall tend to encourage the planting, protection and preservation of trees and shrubs, and an acquaintance with the best methods to be adopted to accomplish such results. SEC. 3. Program of Exercises. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have power to prescribe from time to time in writing a course of exercises in instructions in the subject hereinbefore mentioned, which shall be adopted and observed by the school authorities on Arbor Day, and upon receipt of copies of such course, sufficient in number to supply all the schools under their, supervision, the County Superintendent of Public In- struction aforesaid shall promptly provide each of the schools under his charge with a copy, and cause it to be adopted and observed. SEC. 4. Emergency Clause. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval, an emergency existing therefor. SEC. 5. Repealing Clause. All Acts and parts of Acts in- consistent with this Act are hereby repealed. CHAPTER XIX. An Act to Prevent the Spread of Contagious Diseases. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho; SECTION 1. The owner, or agent of the owner, of a house in which a person resides who has the small-pox, diphtheria, scarlet fever or any other contagious or infectious disease, dangerous to the public health, and the physician called to attend the person or persons so affected shall, within twenty-four hours after be- coming cognizant of the fact, give notice thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the school district in which said person so afflicted resides, and said person so afflicted shall be kept away and apart from all other persons except those whose presence may be necessary to the physical or spiritual wellbeing of such person or persons. SEC. 2. The school Trustees of the various school districts in the State, shall not allow any pupil to attend the public schools while any member of the household to which such pupil belongs is sick of small-pox, diphtheria, scarlet fever or other con- tagious or infectious disease, dangerous to the public health, or during the period of two weeks after the death, recovery or re- moval of such sick person; and any pupil coming from such household shall be required to present, to the teacher of the school the pupil desires to attend, a certificate, from the attend- ing physician, of the facts necessary to entitle him to admission in accordance with 'he above regulations. SEC. 3. Whenever any text-book or books, belonging to any school district, shall be in any house during the time that 36- GENERAL SUffOOl LAWS pupils residing' in such house are prevented from attending the* public school in accordance with the provisions of this Act, Midi book or hooks shall not be returned to such public school until the same shall have been thoroughly disinfected under the direc- tion of the attending physician, who* shall certify the same to the teacher of said school, or to the Clerk of the Board of Trustees in ease the school is not in session at such time, SEC. 4. Any school Trustees or other person, violating: any of the provision's of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. SEC. 5. Whereas an emergency exists therefor, this Act e required to sign the declaration named in the foregoing section. SEC, 13. Lectures in Sciences and Arts. Lectures in chem- istry, comparative anatomy, agricultural chemistry, and any other science or any other branch of literature that the Board of Trustees may direct, may be delivered to those attending such school in such manner and on such conditions as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. SEC. 14. Traveling and Necessary Expenses of Trustees. The actual and necessary personal expenses incurred by the mem- bers of said Board of Trustees, in carrying out the provisions of this act, shall be paid on the proper certificate out of any fundy belonging to said Normal School in the hands of the Treasurer. SEC. 15. Vacancies on Board of Trustees It shall be the duty of the Governor of the State to fill by appointme-nt all vacan- cies" that may, from any cause, occur in the said Board of Trustees. SEC. 16-. Annual Report. The President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall on the first day of January of each year, transmit to the Governor of the State, a full report of the doings of the said Board of Trustees, the progress and condition of said Normal School, together with a full report of the- expend- itures of the same for the previous year, setting forth each item in full, and the date thereof and such recommendations as they deem proper for the good of said Normal School. SEC. 17. School Discipline. The Board of Trustees in their regulations, and the Principal and assistants in their supervision and government of said school, shall exercise a watchful guard- ianship over the morals of the pupils at all times during their at- tendance upon the same, but no religious or sectarian tests si i all be applied in the selection of teachers, and none shall be adopted in said school. Approved, Feb. 7, 1899, CHAPTER XIL LEWISTON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. An Act Providing for the Issue of State Bonds for the Purchase of Chemicals and Chemical and Physical Apparatus, and for the Erection of two Dormitories for the Lewiston State Normal School, and Prescribing how the Proceeds of the Sale of such Bonds shall be Expended* Be it Enacted by the Legislatue of the State of Idaho: SECTION. 1. That for the purpose of providing money for chemicals and chemical and physical apparatus, and for the erection of two dormitories for the Lewiston State Normal School, ()P THE STATE OF IDAHO. located at Lewiston, in Nez Perce County. State of Idaho, a loan of Seven Thousand Five Hundred (7,500) Dollars is hereby au- thorized to be negotiated by a Board consisting of Governor, Treasurer, Secretary of State and Attorney General, of the State of Idaho on the faith and credit of the State of Idaho, and secured by the proceeds of the sale of State Normal School lands and the timber thereon as hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. The Treasurer of the State is hereby authorized, empowered and directed immediately upon the passage of this Act, to issue fifteen (15) bonds of the State of Idaho, to be known as Idaho Lewiston State Normal School Bonds, in the sum of Five Hundred (500) Dollars each, payable in twenty (20) years from the date of their issuance, to bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year at a bank in the city of New York to be selected by the State Treasurer; said bonds however to Ir- redeemable at the option of the State of Idaho, at any time at the expiration of ten (10) years from the date of their issuance, and -said bonds plain I} 7 numbered from one to fifteen (15) consecutively. SEC. o. The State Treasurer is hereby further authorized, empowered and directed, to cause to be printed or lithographed, suitable bonds, in proper form, with coupons attached, for the purposes of this Act. All such bonds shall be signed by the Sec- retary of State with his own proper name, affixing his official character, and shall be authenticated by the Great Seal of the State, and shall also be signed or endorsed by the Governor of the State with his own proper name, affixing his official character, and shall then be delivered by the Secretary of State to the State Auditor, who shall make and keep a register of such bonds, show- ing the number and amount of each bond, and then deliver the said bonds to the State Treasurer, and charge the State Treasurer on the books of the Auditor's office with the full amount of each bond. SEC, 4. At the time of issuing said bonds under the pro- visions of this Act, the State Treasurer shall sign them with his own proper name, affixing his official character, and shall in like manner sign the coupons thereunto attached, and such signing shall bind the State. The coupons for the payment of interest shall be attached to said bonds in such manner that they may be taken off without injury or mutilating the bonds, and shall be severally numbered from one to forty, inclusive, each bearing the corresponding number of the bond to which it is attached. The Treasurer shall keep a register of all the bonds issued by him showing the date of issuance, and shall deliver said bonds with the coupons attached as aforesaid, to the purchaser or purchasers, upon the receipt of the purchase money therefor; and the money received from the sale of said bonds shall be by said Treasurer placed in a certain fund to be known as the Lewiston Normal School Fund for chemical and physical apparatus and the erec- tion of domitories. none of said bonds however shall be sold for 48 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS less than their face or par value.' The expense of printing or lithographing and procuring said bonds with coupons attached, shall be paid out of the funds arising from the sale of said bonds. SEC. 5. For the purpose of securing the payment of the principal of the bonds provided for in this Act, the proceeds of the sale of all the lands, or of timber growing thereon, granted to the State of Idaho by the United States for State Normal Schools are hereby set apart as a separate and distinct fund to be known as the Normal School Sinking Fund; and after the pay- ment of the principal and interest of the bonds provided for by an Act providing for the issue of said bonds for the benefit of the Albion State Normal School and the Lewiston State Normal Schools, and prescribing how the proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be expended, ratified the seventh day of March, 1895; and after the payment of the said principal of the said bonds provided by this Act, then the proceeds of the sales of said land or timber shall be paid into the General Fund in the State treasury. until an amount, equal to the total amount of interest that has theretofore been paid out of said General Fund on said bonds, issued by the said two Acts hereinbefore named, less the amount of interest that may have been paid into raid General Fund from investment of Normal School Sinking Fund moneys in State warrants, as hereinafter provided for, has been so paid into said General Fund. When the principal of said bonds shall have been fully paid and the General Fund of the State reimbursed for interest on said bonds provided in said two Acts as herein specified, then and thereafter the proceeds of the sales of such lands and timber shall be disposed of, as may by law be provided. SEC. 6. At any time after ten (10) years from the issuance of said bonds, whenever there shall be ten thousand (10,000) dollars of said Sinking Fund, the Treasurer of the State shall make a "call" by publication for sixty (60) days in some daily newspaper in this State, notifying all the parties interested that certain bonds of said Normal School Bonds provided by the said two Acts hereinbefore referred to, giving their numbers, will at a certain date be paid at the office of said Treasurer, and the bonds so called shall cease to bear interest from and after the date in said '''call" specified. SEC. 7. At any time when money to the amount of One Thousand Dollars or more is in said Sinking Fund it is hereby made the duty of the State Treasurer to invest such money in registered State warrants of this State, and in registered State warrants only, and to hold such warrants until they are re- deemed as a part of said Sinking Fund, and whenever State war- rants so held by the Treasurer are paid, the Treasurer shall certify the amount of interest that may have accrued thereon to the State Auditor and the amount of such interest shall thereupon be placed to the credit of and become a part of the General Fund of the State, and the amount of the principal of said Sinking Fund invested in such warrants shall upon the redemption of said war- \)Y THE STAIE OF IDAHO. -fcl rants he returned to said Sinking Fund, to be reinvested in the <3ame manner: Provided, That when the principal pi said Sink- ing Fund is required for the redemption of the bonds called as provided for in this Act, such principal shall not be so invested in such warrants. SEC. 8. For the prompt payment of the interest that may accrue upon said bonds there is hereby appropriated for each year out of any moneys in the State treasury not otherwise ap- propriated, an amount equal to the amount of said interest on said bond? as the same may become due, and for the payment of such interest when due the Treasurer of the State shall reserve any and sufficient of the funds in his hands, in preference to all other claims whatsoever, except the interest on bonds of the State heretofore issued pursuant to law. SEC. 9. When the moneys arising from the sale of said bonds are received by the State Treasurer he shall notify the State Auditor of the amount of money so received, and the State Auditor shall thereupon credit the Treasurer's account with the amount of bonds sold. SEC. 10. All moneys paid or to be paid into said the Lewiston State Normal School Fund, are hereby appropriated 'to the Lew- iston State Normal School for the purposes of said two acts as hereinbefore stated and provided. SEC. 11. The moneys in said Lewiston State Normal School Fund received from sale of bonds issued under this Act, and hereinbefore stated and provided, shall be paid out for the purchase of chemicals and chemical and physical apparatus, and for the erection and furnishing of the two dormitories for the Lewiston State Normal School. SEC. 12. The moneys in the said Lewiston State Normal School Fund, as hereinbefore provided in this Act, shall be drawn therefrom only upon warrants issued by the State Auditor upon certificates of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of said Lew- iston Normal School, countersigned by the President thereof, as provided in Section five [5] of "An Act to establish a State Nor- mal School at Lewiston, V etc.: Approved February 7, 1899, and approved by the State Board of Examiners. SEC. 13. Whereas an emergency exists therefor this Act shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and ap- proval. Became a law without Executive Approval March 9, 1899. CHAPTER XXIII. ALBION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. SECTION 1. Location Purpose Proviso. That a Normal School for the State of Idaho is hereby established at or near the town of Albion, in the County of Cassia, to be called the "Albion State Normal School," the purpose of which will be for training and educating teachers in 'the art of instruction and governing in the public schools of this State, and of teaching the various branches that pertain to a good common school education: Pro- GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS rided. That J. E. Miller, of the said town of Albion, shall prior to the first day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, do- nate to the Board of Trustees hereinafter named, as a -site for t he- use of the said Albion State Normal School, five acres of Lot 3~ Section 6, Township 12, S., R. 25 E., together with a permanent water right therefor and shall convey the same by a good' and perfect title in fee simple to said Board of Trustees, who are herebv authorized and empowered to receive and hold the same,, and the title thereto, in trust and for the use of the said Albion, State Normal School. SEC, 2. That a non-partisan Board of Trustees to be- known a& "The Board of Trustees of the Albion State Normal School" consisting of five members, no more than three of whom shall be of the same political party, is hereby created for the management and control of the Albion State Normal School. Said Trustees shall be appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of two years and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and before en- tering upon the duties of their office each of said Trustees shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation that he will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution and laws of the State of Idaho, and will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office, which oath or affirmation shall be filed in office of Secretary of State. SEC. 3. All the rights, powers, duties and titles to real es- tate or personal property belonging to or vested in said Albion State Normal School, are hereby vested in the Trustees of said school herein provided for. SEC. 4. Organization Quorum Etc. The said Board of Trustees may conduct its proceedings in such manner as will best conduce to the proper dispatch of business. A majority of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. No member of said Board of Trustees shall participate in any proceedings in which he has any pecuniary interest. Every vote and official act of the said Board of Trustees shall be entered on record. Said Board of Trustees shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. Said Board of Trustees may sue and be sued. No vacancy in the Board of Trustees shall impair the right of the remaining Trustees to exercise all the powers of the said Board of Trustees. At their first meeting, and annually thereafter, the said Board of Trustees shall elect from their num- ber a President and a Secretary. The State Treasurer shall be ex- officio Treasurer of the said Board of Trustees. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an exact and detailed account of the doings of said Board, and an itemized account of all expend- itures authorized by said Board. SEC. 5. General Fowe v s and Duties of Trustees. The said Board of Trustees are hereby authorized, and it is made their duty, to take and at all times to have general supervision and control of all buildings and. N property appertaining to said Normal OF THE STATE OF IDAHO 51 School, and to have general charge and control of the construc- tion of all buildings to be built. They shall have power to let contracts for buildings and completion of any such buildings^ and the entire supervision of their construction. SEC. 6. Funds Hew Expended Proviso. All funds ap- propriated for the use and benefit of said Normal School, -from every source, including the pro rata share of the available pro- ceeds of sales of land, granted by the government of the United States to the State of Idaho, for the establishment and mainte- nance of the State Normal Schools, due to said Normal School, shall be under the direction and control of said Board of Trustees subject to the provision herein contained. The Treasurer of the Board of Trustees shall pay out of such funds all orders or drafts for money to be expended under the provisions of this Act. Such orders or drafts shall be drawn by the State Auditor on certifi- cates of the Secretary countersigned by the President of said Board of Trustees and approved by the State Board of Examiners, No such certificates shall be given except on accounts audited and allowed by said Board of Trustees. SEC. 7. Regular Meetings. The Board of Trustees shall hold two regular meetings annually, at the said town of Albion, but special meetings may be called by the President of the Board by sending written notice at least ten days before such meeting to each member. SEC. 8. Election of Teachers Salaries Removals. The Board of Trustees shall have power to elect a principal and all other teachers that may be deemed necessary, to fix the salaries of the same and to prescribe their duties. They shall have power to remove either the Principal, assistant or teachers and appoint others in their stead. SEC. 9. Course of Study Value of Certificates. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to prescribe the course of study, and the time and standard of graduation, and to issue such certificates and diplomas as may from time to time be deemed suitable. These certificates and diplomas shall entitle the holders to teach in the public schools in any county in this State for the time and in the grade specified in the certificate or diploma. SEC. 10. Text Books, Apparatus and Furniture. The Board of Trustees shall prescribe the text books, apparatus and furniture, and provide the same together with all the necessary stationery for the use of the pupils. SEC. 11. Training or Model Schools. The Board of Trus- tees, shall, when deemed expedient, establish and maintain a training or model school or schools; in which the pupils of the Normal School shall be required to instruct classes under the supervision and direction of experienced teachers. SEC. 12. Rules and Regulations. The Board of Trustees shall ordain such rules and regulations for the admission of pupils to said Normal School as they shall deem necessary and proper. All classes may be admitted into the said Normal School f>2 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS who are admitted without restriction into the public schools of the State: Provided, The applicant, if a male, must be not less than sixteen years of age, or if a female not less than fifteen years of age. Applicants must also present letters of recommendation from the County Superintendent of Public Instruction of the county in which they reside, certifying to their good moral char- acter, and their fitness to enter the Normal School. Before enter- ing all applicants must sign the following declaration: "We hereby declare that our purpose in entering the Albion State Normal School is to fit ourselves for the profession of teaching. and that it is our intention to engage in teaching in the public schools of this State." SEC. 13. N on Resident l*Hpih. Pupils from other States and Territories may be admitted to all the privileges of the said Normal School, on presenting letters of recommendation from the Executive or State School Superintendent thereof, and paying such tuition fee as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. Each of such pupils must sign the following declaration: "I hereby de- clare that my purpose in entering the Albion State Normal School is to tit myself for the profession of teaching." SEC. 14. Lectures in Sciences and Arts. Lectures in chemis- try, comparative anatomy, mechanical arts, agricultural chemistry, and any other science or any other branch of literature that t he Boar< I of Trustees may direct, may be delivered to those attending such school in such manner and on such conditions as the Board of Trustees may prescribe. SEC. 15. Traveling and Necessary Expenses <>f Trustees. The actual and necessary personal expenses incurred by the mem- bers of said Board of Trustees, in carrying out the provisions of this act, shall be paid on the proper certificate out of any funds belonging to said Normal School in the hands of the Treasurer. SEC. 16. -Vacancies on Board of Trustees. It shall be the duty of the Governor of the State to fill by appointment all vacan- cies that may, from any cause, occur in the said Board of Trustees. SEC. 17. Report. The President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall on the first days of January and July of each year, transmit to the Governor of the State, a full report of the doings of the said Board of Trustees, the progress and condition of said Normal School, together with a full report of the expend- itures of the same for the previous six months, setting forth each item of in full, and the date thereof and such recommendations as they deem proper for the good of said Normal School. SEC. 18.- School Discipline. The Board of Trustees in their regulations, and the Principal and assistant in their supervision and government of said school, shall exercise a watchful guard- ianship over the morals of the pupils at all times during their at- tendance upon the same, but no religious or sectarian tests shall be applied in the selection of teachers, and none shall be adopted in the said school. SEC. 19. Whereas an emergency exists therefor this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, February 14, 1899. OF THE STATE OF IDATO. INDEX. Chapter. Section Adjournment of schools ................................. ....... 8 9 Age, school, defined, ............... ________ ...... ____ 8 6 Age, teachers' ....................................................... . .......................... ...^. 3 # Albion State Normal School ................... .. ........ .....! 28 Amendment, constitutional- Investment of public school funds...,. ............. ...... .......... 16 1-2 Apportionment of forfei ted money .............................................. ..,.,. 7 4 Apportionment of license money ........................... . _____ ..\... ......... ......... 7 13 Apportionment of school funds, county and state Hy county superintendent... ..................................... ..... 3 15 Manner of ....................................... ..................... 3 1& Share given each district .................................... ..,..'..... 3 15 For new districts ............................... ...,.....,....,.,. ............. 5 n For joint districts ................................................ , ...... 5 u Apportionment of state school funds By state superintendent ...................... .., ......... ................... ... s 10 Appropriation Text book commission ..................... . ........... ........ , ............ 9 J3 Arbor culture ................................... ______ ....................................... ,. _____ 3.8 i Arbor day Designation of ................................ .............. ............... .,,.... 18 1 Schools obliged to observe the day..., .......... . ........ ............... 18 2 Manner ...... ............................. ................. .......................... 18 z Purpose ............................................ , ........ ----- ... .......... ...... is 2 Programme of exercises .................. .......... ... ................ ... 18 3 Assessors Duty in special tax levy .................................. v _______ .,.>... 7 7 Must keep separate list, and take separate receipt ............. 7 8 Must keep separate account ..................... ^ ............ ............. ? 8 Compensation ................................................................... 7 9 Paid from special tax ............... . ........................ .................... 7 % Blanks furnished by county cemmisfei0r>ers ................ , ..... 7 10 Assistants ^t institutes ........................ ...................... .., ...... .,,, .......... 8 U {?ee school bonds.) IiKiependen t school Dist. (See independent school Diat.) State, county, school, municipal, or other bends validated It \ Boundaries- Petition to change filed with county superintendent ......... 5 2 County commissioners hav power to change at regular meetings .......................................................... f 2 Cbangedonly on petition ..... ,. ......... . ...... ........ ,. ..... .. ..... .. 5 2 Notice of petition to change must be posted in public places ............................................... ... ..... ............ 5 4 Trustees must be notified of petitio a ..... ...... .> ................ 5 4 Census Marshal- Shall report children of school age to trustees .................... ..... 10 2 report deaf , dumb and blind in each district to county superintendent ........................ , ............................ 17 1 Certificates, County First-erade ..... ~ ...... , ................ ~~ ........... ., .., ........................... 3 8-9 Second-grade ----- ............... ........... . ..... . ................ ... ......... ... . 3 8-9 Tnird-grade ................... , ......... ........................ , ............... 3 8-9 Fee .................................... . ......................................... 3 8-9 Maybe revok-ed by county superintendent forcause ____ ...... 9 lu Not granted to persons not citizens of the United States... 3 17 Corporation - Each regularly organized district..... ..... . ............................ . 5 1 Name and style .................................................................... 5 1 Certificates, state ................ .............. ................ ........... 2 3-i Examinations held semi-annually ....................................... 1 8 When granted ............................................................ I 4 Conditions ............................................................................ 1 4 Life of ............................................................................. 1 4 May be revoked by state board ............................................. 1 4-7 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS Chapter. Sectioia Chairman beard of trustees- Elected by board 4 2- bhall sign school bonds and coupons 11 2 Clrk board of trustees Elected by board of trustees ,, 4 2 Compensation paid by trustees 4 5 Must enumerate children of school age in his district 4 13 Compensation of enumeration.- 4 14 Post notice of election .*;...... 6 1 Receives school register 8 1 custodian of district textbooks 9 10 Shall distribute text-books to teachers ". 9 10 take receipt for books J~ 9 lO ' receive books at close of school year 9 10 1 sign school bonds and coupons 11 Collector - Shall return unsold licenses to county auditor 7 12 pay to county treasurer all moneys collected 7 12 take treasurer's receipt 7 12 " file duplicate receipt with auditor. 7 12 " file quarterly report w ith county treasurer.... 7 14 Compensation of teachers... ..- 8 a Contagious diseases To prevent spread of ~. 19 1 Duty of owners of houses ~~ 19 1 Duty of physicians 19 1-2-3 Duty of trustees ^ 19 2-4 County auditor- Shall draw warrant on district school fund on presentation of order 7 4 " countersign warrant on independent district officers 7 4 Unsold licenses returned to 7 draw warrant for expense of teachers' institutes 9 10 County bonds- Validated ~ ~ 14 1 County commissioners- Have power to create new school district at regular meetings 5 2 Have power to change boundaries at regular meetings 5 May change boundaries only on petition ~ 5 2 May create districts only on petition ... 5 2 Must act on petition for new districts, and change of boundaries at regular meeting 5 4-5 May modify petition 5 4-k Shall order territory of lapsed district* attached to other school districts ~ 5 12 " levy tax for school purposes ~ 7 " furnish assessor blanks for special tax , 7 County superintendent- Election of ~ 3 I Residence 3 1 Term of office ~ ~ 3 Special qualifications 3 2 Bond 3 2 Sureties 3 2 Bond approved by county commissioners 3 2 Bond and oath filed with county recorder ~ 3 2 Must possess valid first-grade certificate 3 2 Eligibility.. ~ ~ 3 2 Shall visit and supervise schools Office at county seat , 3 4 Office supplies and office, provided by commissioners- 4 " designate office days - 3 4 ketpoffice open _ % 4 " direct trustees i egarding repair of school buildings 3 keep record of official acts 3 " preserve office supplies ~ 3 file all official documents - 3 obey legal instructions of state superintendent -.. 3 hold examinations, regular and special 3 " adveitise examinations 3 " grant and sign certificates to teachers 3 open examination questions in presence of applicants... S deposit fees collected for certificates in county treasury. . . 3 May revoke county cerfcincates for cause 3 10 keep record of all certificates granted or revoked 3 11 " keep books required by state superintendent, showing re- ports of trustees, etc 3 " report annually to state superintendent " appoint tiustees in all newly-organized districts 3 appoint trustees to fill all vacancies 3 " be allowed expense of examination , 3 14 require county treasurer to report, quarterly, school moneys not apportioned ' apportion school moneys, county and state 3 OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. Chapter. Section. Shall certify to county treasurer amount of school monev to credit of each district 3. 15 " notify clerk of each district of amount of money to credit of district...... .- ; 3 15 . Peualty for failure to comply with requirements of state superintendent. 3 lft Salary.. , '. uotity trustees when petitions for new districts, or change of boundaries ate filed 5 4 Contents of notice * post printed notices of petitions ...1V.V. 5 " present petitions for new districts and change of bound- aries to county commissioners 5 4 May approve, or disapproYe, petition 5 4 apportion money to new districts 5 9 ' apportion .money to joint districts.. " 5 n " apportion to other districts money apportioned to districts that have lapsed 5 jg " sell property of lapsed districts ', 5 " notify county treasurer if trustees fail to comply with the law 7 4 keep account with each district 7 5 ' countersign warrants of district officers " 7 ' collect peual tines due county 7 & Decision final in cases of suspension of pupils 8 ' hold annual institute 8 7 ' advertise time of holding institute, or send written notice to teachers 8 7 May hold joint institute g 7 ' certify to trustees teachers' attendance at institutes 8 9 " procure institute assistants 8 10 ' provide all necessaries for institute work .*." 8 10 present account of institute expenses to county auditor . . 8 10 forward text-book lists to teachers and trustees 9 6 order text-books 9 g " keep accouuts of books ordered... 9 9 Bound by state superintendent's regulations concerning text-books... 9 n ' report number of deaf, dumb and blind to state superin- tendent 17 i County treasurer- Gives receipt therefore .-i* 7 12 Receives collector's report . 7 14 Shall keep account of text-books ordered 9 9 bound by state superintendent's regulations concerning text-books 9 n 1 register school bonds 11 2 ' post notice to redeem bonds 11 e ' pay interest on bonds 11 7 " report quarterly to county superintendent school money not apportioned 9 15 ' keep separate account with each school district... 7 4 " pay money on warrant 7 4 " retain district money wheu directed by county superinten- dent .. 7 4 " hold school fund as special deposit 7 4 " pay to treasurer 01 independent school district money belonging thereto 7 4 Receives license money 7 ia Course of study 2 i Days of school in a week .. 8 5 Deaf, dumb and blind 10 Census of 17 i Age limit **. 17 t Denominational literature forbidden in schools '...'.'. .". 8 4 Diplomas, state . 3-4 When granted _ 4 Conditions .. 4-5 Good during life of holder ,.. f May be revoked by state board 5-7 Districts- Amount of school money to which each is entitled*. 3 15 Manner of apportioning money to each ... a It Limit of expenditures for supplies * 4 9 Regularly organized, body corporate . 5 1 May sue, and be sued 5 1 Boundaries may be changed on petition at quarterly meet* ings of board of county commissioners 5 Union of , when allowed 5 Division, when allowed 5 Area of 5 City, or town, shall not be divided 5 Dissolution of, when 5 IS GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS Chapter. Section. Sale of property and disposal of funds by county superin- tendent 5 12 Disposal of territory by county commissioners 5 12 Account kept with each by county treasurer 7 4 Account kept with each by county superintendent 7 5 Faith pledged for redemption of bonds 11 4 fcach a body corporate, may sue and be sued It 4 Districts, independent (See independent school districts.) Distrijis, joint- How formed 5 7 Record of 5 8 Census 5 Attendance 5 Assessment of property 5 Collection of taxes 5 K Apportionment 5 It Districts, new When created 5 2 Petitions for. 5 2-3 Contents of 5 3 Boundaries of 5 2 3 Entitled to proportion of school moneys 5 9 Adjustment oi funds, or indebtedness 5 10 Education compulsory 10 1 I hildren required to attend school 10 Exceptions 10 > Duties of parents or guardians 10 ^Election special tax - 6 ballots Ballot box, separate t> Who may vote 6 Certification of levy, rate, date, etc., of special tax to county commissioners, by trustees l> Limit t> Election of trustees- time 6 Notice u contents of notice 6 Judge ti Clerk 6 Returns made to county superintendent 6 Returns filed in office ot county superintendent Voters, qualified t> a Election for issuance of school bonds. (See school bonds.) Examination, state One member oi the state ooard shall preside l Assistants may be employed Compensation of assistants 1 Examinations, county Date 3 Kegular, must be held at the county seat .. Special, may be held elsewhere Advertised by county superintendent 3 Subjects 3 Questions furnished county superintendent under seal Questions must be opened in presence of applicants 3 fcee .' 3 Expense of examination paid from current expense fund.. Questions prepared by state superintendent 2 Kules prescribed by state superintendent 2 Fines For violation of school law paid into the county treasury .. 10 Independent school districts- Have special laws for collection of taxes Free schools independent districts 12 Corporate powers 12 2 Officers 12 Bonds trustees may issue 13 1 Purpose ~ ~ , 13 I Limit . 13 1 Description of 13 2 Value of 13 3 Application of proceeds 13 3 Election to issue for buildings, etc 13 4 Special tax for interest sinking fund, redemption 13 5 Trustees 12 2 Terms 1 3 Election..... 12 4 Time . 12 4 Notice !.".".".. 1 12 4 Qualified electors 12 5 Judges 1 decision on tie vote 12 5 Vacancies 12 OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. Clapter. Section. Pecuniary Ijt-M-est 12 7 'Official oath or trustees ... 12 8 Organization of boards of trustees ,~ 12 9 Compensation of trustees. ~ 12 16 Regular meetings 12 11 Quorum 12 It General dutkjs ;ind powers of hoard . 12 12 General provisions uot contradictory govern . 12 13 Institutes- Held annually bv county superintendent 8 Time of holding determined toy county superintendent 8 Ten days' notice given . , 8 7 Lenyth of session , $ 7 Advertised r-y county superintendent 8 7 Teachers to be notified -~ ~ - 8 7 Teachers must attend, 8 Kxpense of - 8 10 Limit of expens .., 8 10 Assistants 8 10 Necessaries provided by county superintendent 8 10 Joint institutes ~ 8 Expenses or _ 8 10 Interest on state school funds 7 2 Xnvestmont of school funds . ' 7 11 Lewiston State Normal c chool 21 Sale of bondsfcr purchase of chemicals and chemical and physical apparatus ,., .. 22 License fund ~ 7 li Collection and payment to treasurer .'. 7 1* License money apportionment of ,.7 13 Month, school 8 ft Municipal bonds, validated , ,,. 14 1 Notice Of petition for new district r 4 Of ctuvnere of district boundaries .., _ 5 4 Contents of. , !> 4 Presentation to county commissioners 5 4 Parents or Guardians Required to send children to school , 10 1 Provisos 10 1 Fined for violating the school-law 10 5 Petitions For new districts, and change of boundaries 5 2-3 Contents of 5 9 Parties interested notified by county superintendents 5 4 Commissioners act on petitions at regular meetings 5 4-5 For union of districts 5 6 Must be placed before trustees 5 4 Political literature-forbidden in schools 8 4 Prohibitions to teachers .,. 8 Property for school purposes 4 (See trustees > Publishers of text-books Must furnish bonds 9 M ust keep books on hand ft Must make bills for books in duplicate 8 8 Pupils- Disorderly conduct of 4 12 Suspension of 4 12 May be suspended, censured, expelled 8 Non-resident 4 15 Reports State superintendent's 9 County superintendents' 3 12 Trustees' - 4 11 Teachers' 8 1-2 School bonds Trustees may submit issuance 11 Election II Limit of issue Rate of interest 11 Purpose Election manner of holding 11 , 2 Ballots n * Ballots signed by chairman and clerk Coupons 2 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS Chapter. Sectforu Coupons signed by chairman and clerk 11 3 Coupons registered by county treasurer 11 2 dumber and amount of bonds shown in bond book 11 2 To whom issued ri 2- Soldby trustees 11 2' Notice of sale 11 3 Contents of notice 11 3 JM ust not be sold below par 11 3 Bids may be reiected by trustees 11 3 K 1 ay be "sold at private sale II 3 Money arising paid into county treasury 11 3. Interest H 5- Sinking fund ^ !, .11 Kedernption . .- Jl 6- Oldest redeemed first _, n t>. Interest ceases thirty days after call 11 o Cancelled on redemption 11 e Interest paid out of school money 11 7 Payment reported bj county treasurer to school trustees..,. 11 7 Validated 14 i School days in week school weeks in mouth, school months in year . 8 5- School fund-district- Not to exceed twenty five per cent, thereof must be spent for school supplies annually 4 9- Excess invested in ^curities 7 11 Receives share of license money 7 13 State proceeds of lands 7 1 Kemaios inviolate and intact, not transferable, interest spent to- maintain schools, state treasurer custodian, shall be invested 7 2r Scbool-laws-publication, distribution 2 6> School money from sale of bonds paid into county treasury 11 3: School tax- Rate levied by county commissioners , assessed and collected as other taxes are 7 3. Sectarian literature forbidden in schools 8 4 linking fund -(See school bonds) _ 11 5- Special tax election. (See election -special tax.* special tax levy- Duty of assessors 7 7: Shall become a lien on property assessed 7 8 1 Separate account kept for, separate receipt taken for 7 M Assessor's compensation paid out of special tax 7 9 State board of public instiuction Members, president, secretary 1 Kegular meetings ..- 1 2 Shall adopt rules and regulations % bold state examinations a " keep record of proceedings 3. Way revoke state certificates and state diplomas 4-7 M ust give thirty days notice to holder thereof 7 May issue certificates to persons holding same from other t> states ~ 6 " direct education of deaf, dumb and blind lt> i State superintendent of public instruction- Official qualifications, oath of office approved by governor,. bond deposited with secretary < if state 2 i Office, seal 2 2 1 Shall preserve records 2 2 Kecords open to public _ 2 2 Has supervision of schools, has supervision of county superintendents 2 " prepare course of study 2 a " prepare all examination questions 2. 4 p?e scribe rules and regulations for conducting examina- tions 2 4 " confer with county superintendents 2 " publish and distribute school laws 2 ' report to governor biennially . 2 - visit schools 2 8 Traveling expenses, office furnished by state government. 2 9 " apportion state school fund 2 10 certify to each county treasurer amount appoitioned to county 2 10 " certify to each county superintendent amount apportioned to county 2 10 v certify to state auditor amount apportioned to each county 2 10 ' furnish county superintendents blanks for annual reports 3 12 Member of text-book commission 9 1 " advertise meeting of text-book commission 9 3 " prepare printed lists of text-books adopted G *' forward tex c-book lists to county superintendents 9 6 *' prepare, print and distribute text-book regulations 9 11 OF THE STATE OF IDAHO Trustees--" For newly organized districts, vacancies filled by apooint> ments, serve until next election 3 13 Election of, ballots must designate term of office, three members on board, term of office 4 i Clerk of board elected by members, chairman of "board elected by members 4 3 Peeular meetings, special meetings 4 3 Quorum 4 4 Shall employ teachers .....!.....! 4 5 make written contracts with teachers 4 5 May disc barge teachers 4 5 fix, allow, and order paid teachers' salaries 4 5 fix, allow, and order paid clerks' salaries 4 5 determine rate of tuition for non-resident pupils 4 5-15 Huve charge of district school property 4 Q Have power to purchase, receive, hold and convey real property for school purposes 4 7 Forbidden to have pecuniary interest in contracts made by board 4 g " furnish necessary school supplies 4 9 May audit accounts against district school fund 4 9 Forbidden to draw warrants in excess of amount to credit of district ' 4 \Q 1 report annually to county superintendent 4 n ' decide on punishment of pupils 4 12 transmit certified copy of school census to county superin- tendent 4 j3 May sue and be sued 5_l 1 i_4 M ay hold and convey property for district 5 t May make contracts for districts 5 j Notified by county superintendent of petitions for new districts or change of boundaries 5 4 Election of, administer oath to judge and clerk of election, levy special tax, certify levy of special tax to county commissioners, certify rate of special tax to county commissioners, certify date, etc. of special tax to county commissioners : 6 1 Oath filed in office of county superintendent 6 3 \Vhenandhowtheyqualify 6 3 Shall furnish teacher with register and blank reports 8 i " credit teachers with time spent at institutes 8 & Furnished with lists of free text-books by county superin- tendent 9 6 ' determine whether, or not, text-books shall be free 9 9 Bound by state superintendent's regulations concerning text-books 9 n 1 furnish principal with list of children of school age 10 13 demand penalty from parents for violating school law 10 4 post requirements and penalties of compulsory school lw 10 6 " submit issuance of school bonds to electors 11 1 chairman and clerk shall sign bonds and coupons 11 2 ; "C sell bonds 11 2^ " publish notice of sale of bonds 11 3 May reject all bids for bonds, may sell bonds at private sale 11 3 " levy tax to pay interest on bonds II 5 Notified by county treasurer of payment of school bonds... 11 7 " print bonds 11 8 " pay money arising from sale of bonds into county treasury neglect, a felony 11 Duty in preventing spread of contagious diseases 19 2-4 Trustees independent school dist. (See independent school dist.) Teachers Qualifications, age 8 8 Must be citizens of the United States 3 17 Employed by trustees, contracts made with trustees, salaries fixed by trustees 4 5 In joint districts need not hold certificates in both counties 5 8 Furnished by trustees with register and blank reports 8 1 May suspend pupils, may appeal from judgment of board to county superintendents, general duties toward pupils , 8 2 Must hold valid certificate . 8 3 Not entitled to compensation without certificate..... 6 3 Forbidden to introduce sectarian literature into schools 8 4 Forbidden to introduce political literature into schools 8 4 Forbidden to introduce denominational literature into schools 8 4 Allowed salaries while attending institutes 8 9 Furnished with lists of free text-books by county superin- tendent 9 6 Return text-books to clerk of board at close of term 9 10 Bound by state superintendent's regulation concerning text-books 9 11 GENERAL SCHOOL LAWS . Cliapter."~Se( tion. Shall not be discharged without hearing 4 5 " report disorderly conduct of pupils to trustees 4 12 ' enforce decision of trustees 4 12 " deliver register to clerk of board 8 1 " transmit report to county superintendent 8 1 " report suspensions to trustees 8 2 ' make reports required by state superintendent 8 2 " make reports required by county superintendent 8 2 ' use text-books provided by the state 8 2 " enforce course of study 8 2 " enforce rules prescribed by state superintendent 20 44 teach kindness 8 2 " attend institutes 8 ' prticipate in institute exercises 8 " adjourn school to attend institutes 8 8 " give receipt for text-books to clerk of board 9 10 * renort to trustees names of children attending school 10- 3 Text-books, free- Adopted by board of text book commissioners 9 2 Branches, price 9 3 Books adopted cerlified by chairman of V>ard, certificate filed with state superintendent, certificate of books must be complete, sample copies of books adopted filed with state superintendent, adopted for six years 9 4 List of books adopted furnished teachers by county super- intendents 9 6 Kept by publishers 9 Date to order, ordered through county superintendent 9 Manner of ordering and making remittance 9 8 State superintendent's regulations 9 Text-book commissioners Appointed by governor, consists of five persons, state superintendent a member, term of office 9 I Date of meeting, meet at state capitol. adont uniform text- books, members formulate rules for government, three members a quorum 9 Meeting advertised by state superintendent, adopt books for six years, branches 9 8 Chairman certifies to books adopted, certificate filed with state superintendent 9 Have power to make contracts, shall require publishers to furnish bonds 9 5 Authorized to prepare circulars of text book information.. 9 Shall distribute circulars Compensation of members Appropriation 9 Tuition of non resident pupils . 4 5-15 Tax election, special. (See election.) Tax, school 7 Treasurer, state custodian of state school funds 7 University of Idaho bonds, improvement 20 Voters^ qualified 6 Ss Year, school.... 8 5 A 4 I o