BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA y / // //,/ r.STATKS JNI)I,\\ llfoXTIKK IN ISK), A'-.r/ //"//<,//'//// 7'ril'\llni///ri\'i'l>ti'ti rt'itiin-i'il n't s't ft/'tln Mixsi s'lfi [>i ILLUSTRATIONS MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND CONDITION NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS IN A SERIES OF LETTERS AND NOTES WRITTEN DURING EIGHT YEARS OF TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE AMONG THE WILDEST AND MOST REMARKABLE TRIBES NOW EXISTING. WITH THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ENGRAVINGS, FROM THE '$ risinat ftatnttng*. BY GEO. CATLIN, - IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. SIXTH EDITION. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCXLVIII. > . ami J. Adlard, Printers, Bartholomew (Host c \ Bancroft CONTENTS THE SECOND VOLUME, LETTER No. 32. Cantonment Leavenworth, p. 1, 15. Shiennes, p. 2. Portraits of, pis. 115, 116. Floyd's Grave, p. 4, pi. 118. Black Bird's Grave, p. 5, pi. 117. Beautiful grassy bluffs, p. 8, pis. 119, 120. Mandan remains, p. 9, pi. 121. Belle Vue, p. 11, pi. 122. Square hills, p. 11, pi. 123. Mouth of Platte, p. 13, pi. 125, Buffaloes crossing, p. 13, pi. 126. LETTER No. 33. Grouse shooting before the burning prairies, p. 16. Prairie bluffs burning, p. 17, pi. 127. Prairie meadows burning, p. 17, pi. 128. LETTER No. 34, loways, p. 22, pis. 129, 130, 132 Konzas, p. 22, pis. 133, 134, 135, 136. Mode of shav ing the head, p. 23. Pawnees, p. 24. Small-pox amongst Pawnees, p. 25. Major Dougherty's opinion of the Fur Trade, p. 26. Grand Pawnees, p. 27, pis. 138, 139, 140. Ottoes, p. 27, pis. 143. 144. Omahas, p. 27, pis. 145, 146. LETTER No. 35- St. Louis, p. 29. Loss of Indian curiosities, &c. Governor Clarke, p. 30 LETTER No. 36. Pensacola, Florida Perdido, p. 32. Pine woods of Florida, p. 33, pi. 147. Santa Rosa Island, p. 33, pi. 148. Prophecy, p. 34. Start for Camanchee country, p. 35. A A IV LETTER No. 37. Transit up the Arkansas river, p. 36. Fort Gibson, 1st regiment United States' Dragoons reviewed, p. 38. Equipping and starting of Dragoons for the Camanchee country, p. 38, 39. LETTER No. 38. Fort Gibson, p. 40. Osages, p. 41. Portraits of Osages, p. 41, pis. 150, 151, 152, 3, 4, 5, 6. Former and present condition of, p. 43, 44. Start for Camanchees and Pawnee Picts, p. 44. LETTER No. 39. Mouth of the False Washita and Red River, p. 45. Beautiful prairie country, p. 45. Arkanzas grapes. Plums. Wild roses, currants, gooseberries, prickly pears, &c. p. 46 Buffalo chase, p. 46. Murder of Judge Martin and family, p. 47. LETTER No. 40. Sickness at the Mouth of False Washita one-half of the regiment start for the Caman chees, under command of Col. Dodge, p. 49. Sickness of General Leavenworth, and cause of, p. 50. Another buffalo hunt, p. 51. LETTER No. 41. Great Camanchee village, Texas, p. 53. A stampede, p. 53. Meeting a Camanchee war party, and mode of approaching them, p. 55, pi. 157 They turn about and escort the Dragoons to their village, p. 56. Immense herds of buffaloes, p. 56. Buffaloes breaking through the ranks of the Dragoon regiment, p. 57, pi. 158. Wild horses sagacity of wild horses at play, p. 57, pi. 160. Joe Chadwick and I " creasing " a wild horse, p. 58. Taking the wild horse with laso, and ' breaking down," p. 58, pis. 161, 162. Chain of the Rocky Mountain, p. 60. Approach to the Camanchee village, p. 61, pi. 163. Immense number of Camanchee horses prices of Capt. Duncan's purchase, p. 62, 63. LETTER No. 4'2. Description of the Camanchee village, and view of, p. 64, pi. 164. Painting a family group, p. 165. Camanchees moving, p. 64, pi. 166 Wonderful feats of riding, p. 65, pi. 167. Portraits of Camanchee chiefs, p. 67, pis. t68. 169, 170, 171, 172. Esti mates of the Camanchees, p. 68. Pawnee Picts, Kiowas, and Wicos, p. 69. LETTER No. 43. The regiment advance towards the Pawnee village Description and view of the Pawnee village, p. 70, pi. 173. Council in the Pawnee village Recovery of the son of Judge Martin, and the presentation of the three Pawnee and Kiowa women to their own people, p. 71. Return of the regiment to the Camanchee village, p. 72. Pawnee 1'ict.s, portraits of, p. 73, pis. 174, 175, 176, 177. Kiowas, p. 74, pis. 178, 179, 180, 101. Wicus, portraits of, p. 75, pi. 1U'^. V LETTER No. 44. Camp Canadian Immense herds of buffaloes Great slaughter of them Extraordinary sickness of the command, p. 76. Suffering from impure water sickness of the men, p. 77. Horned frogs Curious adventure in catching them, p. 78. Death of General Leavenworth and Lieutenant M'Clure, p. 78. LETTER No. 45. Return to Fort Gibson Severe and fatal sickness at that place Death of Lieutenant West, p. 80. Death of the Prussian Botanist and his servant, p. 81. Indian Council at Fort Gibson, p. 82. Outfits of trading-parties to the Camanchees Probable conse quences of, p. 83. Curious minerals and fossil shells collected and thrown away, p. 85. Mountain ridges of fossil shells, of iron and gypsum, p. 86. Saltpetre and salt, p. 86. LETTER No. 46. Alton, on the Mississippi Captain Wharton His sickness at Fort Gibson, p. 87. The Author starting alone for St. Louis, a distance of 500 miles across the prairies His outfit, p. 88. The Author and his horse " Charley" encamped on a level prairie, p. 89, pi. 184. Singular freak and attachment of the Author's horse, p. 90. A beautiful valley in the prairies, p. 91. An Indian's estimation of a newspaper, p. 92. Riqua's village of Osages Meeting Captain Wharton at Ihe Kickapoo prairie, p. 93. Difficulty of swimming rivers Crossing the Osage, 94. Boonville on the Missouri Author reaches Alton, and starts for Florida, p. 95. LETTER No. 47. Trip to Florida and Texas, and back to St. Louis, p. 97. Kickapoos, portraits of, p. 98, pis. 185, 186. Weas, portraits of, p. 99, pis. 187, 188. Potowatomies, portraits of, p. 100, pis. 189, 190. Kaskasias, portraits of p. 100, pis. 191, 192. Peorias, portraits of, p. 101, pis. 193, 194. Piankeshaws, p. 101, pis. 195, 196. Delawares, p. 101, pis. 197, 198. Moheconneuhs, or Mohegans, p. 103, pis. 199, 200. Oneidas, p. 103, pis. 201. Tuskaroras, p. 103, pi. 202. Senecas, p. 104, pis. 203, 204, 205. Iroquois p. 106, pi. 206. LETTER No. 48. Flatheads, Nez Perec's, p. 108, pis. 207, 208. Flathead mission across the Rocky Moun tains to St. Louis. Mission of the Reverends Messrs. Lee and Spalding beyond the Rocky Mountains, p. 109. Chinooks, portraits, p. 110, pis. 209, 210. Process of flatten ing the head and cradle, p. Ill, pi. 210^. Flathead skulls, p. lll.-=-Similar custom of Choctaws Choctavr tradition, p. 112 Curious manufactures of the Chinoaks Klicka- t;.cks Cbubay^as, and Na-as Indians, p. 113, pi. S10|. Chaiacter and disposition of the Indians ou the Columbia, p. 114. VI LETTER No. 49. Shawanos.p. 115, pis. 211, 212, 213, 214. Shawnee prophet and his transactions, p. 117. Cherokees, portraits of, p. 119, pis. 215, 216, 217", 218. Creeks, portraits of, p. 122, pis. 219, '220. Choctaws, portraits of, p. 122, pis. 221, 222. Ball-play, p. 124, in plates 224, 225, 226 A distinguished ball-player, pi. 223. Eagle-dance, p. 126, pi. 227. Tradition of the Deluge Of a future state, p, 127. Origin of the Crawfish band, p. 128. LETTER No. 50. f'ort Snelling, near the Fall of St. Anthony Description of the Upper Mississippi, p. 129, 130. View on the Upper Mississippi and " Dubuque's Grave," p. 130, pis. 128, 129. Fall of St. Anthony, p. 131, pi. 230. Fort Snelling, p. 131, pi. 231. A Sioux cradle, and modes of carrying their children, p. 132, pi. 232. Mourning cradle, same plate. Sioux portraits, p. 134, pis. 233, 234, 235, 236. LETTER No. 51. Fourth of July at the Fall of St. Anthony, and amusements, p. 135-6. Dog dance of the Sioux, p. 136, pi. 237. Chippeway village, p. 137, pi. 238. Chippeways making the portage around the Fall of St. Anthony, p. 138, pi. 239. Chippeway bark canoes Mandan canoes of skins Sioux canoes Sioux and Chippeway snow-shoes, p. 138, pi. 240. Portraits of Chippeways, p. 139, pis. 241, 242, 244, 245, Saow-shoe dance, p. 139, pi. 243. LETTER No. 52. The Author descending the Mississippi in a bark canoe Shot at by Sioux Indians, p. 141. Lake Pepin and " Lover's Leap," p. 143, pi. 248. Pike's Tent, and Cap auTail, p. 143, pis. 249, 250." Cornice Rocks," p. 144, pi. 251 Prairie du Chien, p. 144, pi. 253. Ball-play of the women, p. 145, pi. 252. Winnebagoes, portraits of, p. 146, pis. 254, 255, 256. Menomonies, portraits of, p. 147, pis. 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263. Dubuque Lockwood's cave, p. 148. Camp des Moines, and visit to Keokuk's village, p. 149. LETTER No. 53. The Author and his bark canoe sunk in the Des Moine's Rapids, p. 151 . The Author left on Mascotin Island, p. 153. Death of Joe Chadwick The " West," not the " Far West," p 155. Author's contemplations on the probable future condition of the Great Valley of the Mississippi, p. 156 159. LETTER No. 54. Co'eau des Prairies, p. 160. Mackinaw and Sault de St. Mary's, p. 161, pis. 264, 265. Catcning white fish Canoe race, p. 162, pis. 266, 267. Chippeways, portraits of, p. 162, pis. 268, 269. Voyage up the Fox River, p. 162. Voyage down the Ouiscons'm Vll in bark canoe, p. 163. Red Pipe Stone Quarry, on the C6teau des Prairies, p. 16-1, pi. 270. Indian traditions relative to the Red Pipe Stone, p. 168, 169, 170. The "Leaping Rock " p. 170. The Author and his companion stopped by the Sioux, on their way, and objections raised by the Sioux, p. 172, 173, 174, 175. British medals amongst the Sioux, p. 173. Mons. La Fromboise, kind reception, p. 176. Encamp ment at the Pipe Stone Quarry, p. 177. Ba'tiste's " Story of the Medicine Bag, "p. 178. " Story of the Dog," prelude to, p. 180. Leaving the Mandans in canoe, p. 181. Passing the Riccarees in the night, p. 182. Encamping on the side of a clay-bluff, in a thunder-storm, p. 183. LETTER No. 55. "Story of the Dog" told, p. 188 to 194. Story of Wi-jun-jon, (the pigeon's egg head,) p. 194 to 200. Further account of the Red Pipe Stone Quarry, and the Author's approach to it, p. 201. Boulders of the Prairies, p. 203. Chemical analysis of the Red Pipe Stone, p. 206 LETTER No. 56. Author's return from the C6teau des Prairies " Laque du Cygn," p. 207, pi. 276 Sioux taking Muskrats, pi. 277, same page. Gathering wild rice, p. 208, pi. 278. View on St. Peters river, p. 208, pi. 279. The Author and his companion embark in a log canoe at " Traverse de Sioux" Arrive at Fall of St. Anthony, p. 208. Lake Pepin Prairie du Chien Cassville Rock Island, p. 209. Sac and Fox Indians, portraits of, p. 210, pis. 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289. Ke-o-kuk on horseback, p. 212, pi. 290. Slave-dance, p. 213, pi. 291. "Smoking horses," p. 213, pi. 292. Begging- dance, p. 214, pi. 293. Sailing in canoes Discovery-dance Dance to the Berdash, p. 214, pis. 294, 295, 296. Dance to the medicine of the brave, p. 215, pi. 297. Treaty with Sacs and Foxes Stipulations of, p. 215, and 216. LETTER No. 57. Fort Moultrie. Seminolees, p. 218. Florida war. Prisoners of war.-^-Osceola, p. 215. pi. 298. Cloud, King Phillip. Co-ee-ha-jo. Creek Billy, Mickenopah. p. 220, pis. 299 to 305. Death of Osceola. p. 221. LETTER No. 58. North Western Frontier General remarks on, p. 223. General appearance and habits of the North American Indians, p. 225 to 230. Jewish customs and Jewish resem blances, p. 232, 233. Probable origin of the Indians, p. 234. Languages, p. 236. Government, p. 239. Cruelties of punishments, p. 240. Indian queries on white man's modes, p. 241. Modes of war and peace, p. 242. Pipe of peace dance, p. 242. Religion, p. 242 3. Picture writing, songs and totems, p. 246, pis. 306, 307, 308, S09, 310, 311. Policy of removing the Indians, p. 249. Trade and small-pox, the principal destroyers of the Indian tribes, p. 250. Murder of the Root Diggers and Riccarees, 252. Concluding remarks, p. 254 to 256. VIM APPENDIX A. Account of the destruction of the Mandans, p. 257. Author's reasons for believing them to have perpetuated the remains of the Welsh Colony established by Prince Madoc. APPENDIX B. Vocabularies of several different Indian languages, shewing their dissimilarity, p. 262. APPENDIX C. Comparison of the Indians' original and secondary character, p. 266. LETTERS AND NOTES ON THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. LETTER No. 32. FORT LEAVENWORTH, LOWER MISSOURI. 1 HE readers, I presume, will have felt some anxiety for me and the fate of my little craft, after the close of my last Letter ; and I have the very great satisfaction of announcing to them that we escaped snags and sawyers, and every other danger, and arrived here safe from the Upper Missouri, where my last letters were dated. We, (that is, Ba'tiste, Bogard and I,) are comfort ably quartered for awhile, in the barracks of this hospitable Cantonmeat, which is now the extreme Western military post on the frontier, and under the command of Colonel Davenport, a gentleman of great urbanity of man ners, with a Roman head and a Grecian heart, restrained and tempered by the charms of an American lady, who has elegantly pioneered the graces of civilized refinements into these uncivilized regions. This Cantonment, which is beautifully situated on the west bank of the Missouri River, and six hundred miles above its mouth, was constructed some years since by General Leavenworth, from whom it has taken its name. Its location is very beautiful, and so is the country around it. It is the con centration point of a number of hostile tribes in the vicinity, and has its influence in restraining their warlike propensities. There is generally a regiment of men stationed here, for the purpose of holding the Indians in check, and of preserving the peace amongst the hostile tribes. I shall visit several tribes in this vicinity, and most assuredly give you some further account of them, as fast as I get it. Since the date of my last epistles, I succeeded in descending the river to this place, in my little canoe, with my two men at the oars, and myself at the helm, steering its course the whole way amongst snags and sand-bars. Before I give further account of this downward voyage, however, I must recur back for a few moments, to the Teton River, from whence I started, and VOL. II. B from whence my last epistles were written, to record a few more incidents which I then overlooked in my note-book. Whilst painting my portraits amongst the Sioux, as I have described, I got the portrait of a noble Shienne chief, by the name of Nee-hee-o-ee-woo-tiSi the wolf on the hill (PLATE 115). The chief of a party of that tribe, on a friendly visit to the Sioux, and the portrait also of a woman, Tis-see-woo-na-tis (she who bathes her knees, PLATE 116). The Shiennes are a small tribe of about 3000 in numbers, living neighbours to the Sioux, on the west of them, and between the Black Hills and the Rocky Mountains. There is no finer race of men than these in North America, and none superior in stature, excepting the Osages ; scarcely a man in the tribe, full grown, who is less than six feet in height. The Shiennes are undoubtedly the richest in horses of any tribe on the Continent, living in a country as they do, where the greatest herds of wild horses are grazing on the prairies, which they catch in great numbers and vend to the Sioux, Mandans and other tribes, as well as to the Fur Traders. These people are the most desperate set of horsemen, and warriors also, having carried on almost unceasing wars with the Pawnees and Blackfeet, " time out of mind." The chief represented in the picture was clothed in a handsome dress of deer skins, very neatly garnished with broad bands of porcupine quill-work down the sleeves of his shirt and his leggings, and all the way fringed with scalp-locks. His hair was very profuse, and flowing over his shoulders ; and in his hand he held a beautiful Sioux pipe, which had just been presented to him by Mr. M'Kenzie, the Trader. This was one of the finest looking and most dignified men that I have met in the Indian country ; and from the account given of him by the Traders a man of honour and strictest integrity. The woman was comely, and beautifully dressed ; her dress of the mountain-sheep skins, tastefully ornamented with quills and beads, and her hair plaited in large braids, that hung down on her breast. After I had painted these and many more, whom I have not time at pre sent to name, I painted the portrait of a celebrated warrior of the Sioux, by the name of Mah-to-chee-ga (the little bear), who was unfortunately slain in a few moments after the picture was done, by one of his own tribe ; and which was very near costing me my life for having painted a side view of his face, leaving one-half of it out of the picture, which had been the cause of the affray ; and supposed by the whole tribe to have been intentionally left out by me, as " good for nothing." This was the last picture that I painted amongst the Sioux, and the last, undoubtedly, that I ever shall paint in that place. So tremendous and so alarming was the excitement about it, that my brushes were instantly put away, and I embarked the next day on the steamer for the sources of the Missouri, and was glad to get underweigh. The man who slew this noble warrior was a troublesome fellow of the same tribe, by the name of Shon-ka (the dog). A " hue and cry" has been on his track for several months ; and my life having been repeatedly threatened during my absence up the river, I shall defer telling the whole of this most extraordinary affair, until I see that my own scalp is safe, and I am successfully out of the country. A few weeks or months will decide how many are to fall victims to the vengeance of the relatives of this mur dered brave ; and if I outlive the affair, I shall certainly give some further account of it.* My voyage from the mouth of the Teton River to this place has been the most rugged, yet the most delightful, of my whole Tour. Our canoe was generally landed at night on the point of some projecting barren sand-bar, where we straightened our limbs on our buffalo robes, secure from the annoyance of mosquitos, and out of the walks of Indians and grizzly bears. In addition to the opportunity which this descending Tour has afforded me, of visiting all the tribes of Indians on the river, and leisurely filling my port folio with the beautiful scenery which its shores present the sportsman's fever was roused and satisfied ; the swan, ducks, geese, and pelicans the deer, antelope, elk, and buffaloes, were " stretched" by our rifles ; and some times " pull boys ! pull ! ! a war party ! for your lives pull ! or we are gone !" I often landed my skiff, and mounted the green carpeted bluffs, whose soft grassy tops, invited me to recline, where I was at once lost in contem plation. Soul melting scenery that was about me! A place where the mind could think volumes ; but the tongue must be silent that would speak, and the hand palsied that would write. A place where a Divine would con fess that he never had fancied Paradise where the painter's palette would lose its beautiful tints the blood-stirring notes of eloquence would die in their utterance and even the soft tones of sweet music would scarcely pre serve a spark to light the soul again that had passed this sweet delirium. I mean the prairie, whose enamelled plains that lie beneath me, in distance soften into sweetness, like an essence ; whose thousand thousand velvet- covered hills, (surely never formed by chance, but grouped in one of Nature's sportive moods) tossing and leaping down with steep or graceful declivities to the river's edge, as if to grace its pictured shores, and make it " a thing to look upon." I mean the prairie at sun-set ; when the green hill-tops are turned into gold and their long shadows of melancholy are thrown over the valleys when all the breathings of day are hushed, and nought but the soft notes of the retiring dove can be heard ; or the still softer and more plaintive notes of the wolf, who sneaks through these scenes of en chantment, and mournfully how 1 s, as if lonesome, and lost in the too beautiful quiet and stillness about him. I mean this prairie ; where Heaven sheds its purest light, and lends its richest tints this round-toppd bluff, * Some months after writing the above, and after I had arrived safe in St. Louis, the news reached there that the Dog had heen overtaken and killed, and a brother of his also, and the affair thus settled. The portraits are in Vol. II. (PLATES 2?o, 274, and 275), and the story there told. where the foot treads soft and light whose steep sides, and lofty head, rear me to the skies, overlooking yonder pictured vale of beauty this solitary cedar-post, which tells a tale of grief grief that was keenly felt, and tenderly, but long since softened in the march of time and lost. Oh, sad and tear- starting contemplation ! sole tenant of this stately mound, how solitary thy habitation ! here Heaven wrested from thee thy ambition, and made thee sleeping monarch of this land of silence. Stranger ! oh, how the mystic web of sympathy links my soul to thee and thy afflictions ! I knew thee not, but it was enough ; thy tale was told, and I a solitary wanderer through thy land, have stopped to drop familiar tears upon thy grave. Pardon this gush from a stranger's eyes, for they are all that thou canst have in this strange land, where friends and dear relations are not allowed to pluck a flower, and drop a tear to freshen recollections of endearments past. Stranger ! adieu. With streaming eyes I leave thee again, and thy fairy land, to peaceful solitude. My pencil has faithfully traced thy beautiful habitation ; and long shall live in the world, and familiar, the name of " Floyd's Grave" Readers, pardon this digression. I have seated myself down, not on a prairie, but at my table, by a warm and cheering fire, with my journal before me to cull from it a few pages, for your entertainment ; and if there are spots of loveliness and beauty, over which I have passed, and whose images are occasionally beckoning me into digressions, you must forgive me. Such is the spot I have just named, and some others, on to which I am instantly transferred when I cast my eyes back upon the enamelled and beautiful shores of the Upper Missouri ; and I am constrained to step aside and give ear to their breathings, when their soft images, and cherished asso ciations, so earnestly prompt me. " Floyd's Grave" is a name given to one of the most lovely and imposing mounds or bluffs on the Missouri River, about twelve hundred miles above St. Louis, from the melancholy fate of Serjeant Floyd, who was of Lewis and Clark's expedition, in 1806 ; who died on the way, and whose body was taken to this beautiful hill, and buried in its top, where now stands a cedar post, bearing the initials of his name (PLATE 118). I landed my canoe in front of this grass-covered mound, and all hands being fatigued, we encamped a couple of days at its base. I several times ascended it and sat upon his grave, overgrown with grass and the most delicate wild flowers, where I sat and contemplated the solitude and stillness of this tenanted mound ; and beheld from its top, the windings infinite of the Missouri, and its thousand hills and domes of green, vanishing into blue in distance, when nought but the soft-breathing winds were heard, to break the stillness and quietude of the scene. Where not the chirping of bird or sound of cricket, nor soaring eagle's scream, were inter posed 'tween God and man ; nor aught to check man's whole surrender of % ':<^: ' HOT fgSSfedps^ , se 'Jv/*Wa/->i A -\\N ' >v -\o-,r- ; \^ .-. v-'. <*<:,-':::';! - - -3-^ - ,., ';- : ';^' ; r t |7 ' , u^^^^^^wSifrTr - '*' * &5l^-SS r^'^UJbV^Mr 7 -^ his soul to his Creator. I could not hunt upon this ground, but I roamed from hill-top to hill-top, and culled wild flowers, and looked into the valley below me, both up the river and down, and contemplated the thousand hills and dales that are now carpeted with green, streaked as they will be, with the plough, and yellow with the harvest sheaf ; spotted with lowing kine with houses and fences, and groups of hamlets and villas and these lovely hill-tops ringing with the giddy din and maze, or secret earnest whispers of lovesick swains of pristine simplicity and virtue wholesome and well- earned contentment and abundance and again, of wealth and refinements of idleness and luxury of vice and its deformities of fire and sword, and the vengeance of offended Heaven, wreaked in retributive destruction ! and peace, and quiet, and loveliness, and silence, dwelling again, over and through these scenes, and blending them into futurity ! Many such scenes there are, and thousands, on the Missouri shores. My canoe has been stopped, and I have clambered up their grassy and flower- decked sides ; and sighed all alone, as I have carefully traced and fastened them in colours on my canvass. This voyage in my little canoe, amid the thousand islands and grass- covered bluffs that stud the shores of this mighty river, afforded me infinite pleasure, mingled with pains and privations which I never shall wish to for get. Gliding along from day to day, and tiring our eyes on the varying landscapes that were continually opening to our view, my merry voyageurs were continually chaunting their cheerful boat songs, and " every now and then," taking up their unerring rifles to bring down the stately elks or ante lopes, which were often gazing at us from the shores of the river. But a few miles from " Floyd's Bluff" we landed our canoe, and spent a day in the vicinity of the " Black Bird's Grave" This is a celebrated point on the Missouri, and a sort of telegraphic place, which all the travellers in these realms, both white and red, are in the habit of visiting : the one to pay respect to the bones of one of their distinguished leaders ; and the others, to indulge their eyes on the lovely landscape that spreads out to an almost illimitable extent in every direction about it. This elevated bluff, which may be distinguished for several leagues in distance (PLATE I IV), has received the name of the " Black Bird's Grave," from the fact, that a famous chief of the O-ma-haws, by the name of the Black Bird, was buried on its top, at his own peculiar request ; over whose grave a cedar post was erected by his tribe some thirty years ago, which is still standing. The O -ma-haw village was about sixty miles above this place ; and this very noted chief, who had been on a visit to Washington City, in company with the Indian agent, died of the small-pox, near this spot, on his return home. And, whilst dying, enjoined on his warriors who were about him, this singular request, which was literally complied with. He requested them to take his body down the river to this his favourite haunt, and on the pinnacle of this towering bluff, to bury him on the back of his favourite war-horse, which was to be buried alive, under him, from whence he could see, as he said, " the Frenchmen passing up and down the river in their boats." He owned, amongst many horses, a noble white steed that was led to the top of the grass-covered hill ; and, with great pomp and ceremony, in presence of the whole nation, and several of the Fur Traders and the Indian agent, he was placed astride of his horse's back, with his bow in his hand, and his shield and quiver slung with his pipe and his medicine-bag with his supply of dried meat, and his tobacco-pouch replenished to last him through his journey to the " beautiful hunting grounds of the shades of his fathers" with his flint and steel, and his tinder, to light his pipes by the way. The scalps that he had taken from his enemies' heads, could be trophies for nobody else, and were hung to the bridle of his horse he was in full dress and fully equipped ; and on his head waved, to the last moment, his beautiful head-dress of the war-eagle's plumes. In this plight, and the last funeral honours having been performed by the medicine-men, every warrior of his band painted the palm and fingers of his right hand with vermilion ; which was stamped, and perfectly im pressed on the milk-white sides of his devoted horse. This all done, turfs were brought and placed around the feet and legs of the horse, and gradually laid up to its sides ; and at last, over the back and head of the unsuspecting animal, and last of all, over the head and even the eagle plumes of its valiant rider, where altogether have smouldered and remained undisturbed to the present day. This mound which is covered with a green turf, and spotted with wild flowers, with its cedar post in its centre, can easily be seen at the distance of fif teen miles, bythevoyageur, and formsfor him a familiar and useful land-mark. Whilst visiting this mound in company with Major Sanford, on our way up the river, I discovered in a hole made in the mound, by a " ground hog" or other animal, the skull of the horse ; and by a little pains, also came at the skull of the chief, which I carried to the river side, and secreted till my return in my canoe, when I took it in, and brought with me to this place, where I now have it, with others which I have collected on my route. There have been some very surprising tales told of this man, which will render him famous in history, whether they be truth or matters of fiction. Of the many, one of the most current is, that he gained his celebrity and authority by the most diabolical series of murders in his own tribe ; by administering arsenic (with which he had been supplied by the Fur Traders) to such of his enemies as he wished to get rid of and even to others in his tribe whom he was willing to sacrifice, merely to establish his superhuman powers, and the most servile dread of the tribe, from the certainty with which his victims fell around him, precisely at the times he saw fit to predict their death ! It has been said that he administered this potent drug, and to them unknown medicine, to many of his friends as well as to foes ; and by such an inhuman and unparalleled depravity, succeeded in exercising the most despotic and absolute authority in his tribe, until the time of his death ! This story may be true, and it may not. I cannot contradict it ; and 1 am sure the world will forgive me, if I say, I cannot believe it. If it be true, two things are also true ; the one, not much to the credit of the Indian character; and the other, to the everlasting infamy of the Fur Traders. If it be true, it furnishes an instance of Indian depravity that I never have else where heard of in my travels ; and carries the most conclusive proof of the incredible enormity of white men's dealings in this country; who, for some sinister purpose must have introduced the poisonous drug into the country, and taught the poor chief how to use it ; whilst they were silent accessories to the murders he was committing. This story is said to have been told by the Fur Traders ; and although I have not always the highest confidence in their justice to the Indian, yet, I cannot for the honour of my own species, believe them to be so depraved and so wicked, nor so weak, as to reveal such iniquities of this chief, if they were true, which must directly implicate them selves as accessories to his most wilful and unprovoked murders. Such he has been heralded, however, to future ages, as a murderer like hundreds and thousands of others, as " horse thieves" as " drunkards" as " rogues of the first order," &c. &c. by the historian who catches but a glaring story, (and perhaps fabrication) of their lives, and has no time nor disposition to enquire into and record their long and brilliant list of virtues, which must be lost in the shade of infamy, for want of an historian. I have learned much of this noble chieftain, and at a proper time shall recount the modes of his civil and military life how he exposed his life, and shed his blood in rescuing the victims to horrid torture, and abolished that savage custom in his tribe- 5 how he led on and headed his brave warriors, against the Sacs and Foxes ; and saved the butchery of his women and children how he received the Indian agent, and entertained him in his hospitable wigwam, in his village and how he conducted and acquitted himself on his embassy to the civilized world. So much I will take pains to say, of a man whom I never saw, because other historians have taken equal pains just to mention his name, and a soli tary (and doubtful) act of his life, as they have said of hundreds of others, for the purpose of consigning him to infamy. How much more kind would it have been for the historian, who never saw him, to have enumerated with this, other characteristic actions of his life (for the verdict of the world) ; or to have allowed, in charity, his bones and his name to have slept in silence, instead of calling them up from the grave, to thrust a dagger through them, and throw them back again. Book -making now-a-days, is done for money-making ; and he who takes the Indian for his theme, and cannot go and see him, finds a poverty in his matter that naturally begets error, by grasping at every little tale that is brought or fabricated by their enemies. Such books are standards, because they are made for white man's reading only ; and herald the character of a people who never can disprove them. They answer the purpose for which 8 they are written ; and the poor Indian who has no redress, stands stigmatized and branded, as a murderous wretch and beast. If the system of book-making and newspaper printing were in operation in the Indian country awhile, to herald the iniquities and horrible barbarities of white men in these Western regions, which now are sure to be overlooked ; I venture to say, that chapters would soon be printed, which would sicken the reader to his heart, and set up the Indian, a fair and tolerable man. There is no more beautiful prairie country in the world, than that which is to be seen in this vicinity. In looking back from this bluff, towards the West, there is, to an almost boundless extent, one of the most beautiful scenes imaginable. The surface of the country is gracefully and slightly undulating, like the swells of the retiring ocean after a heavy storm. And everywhere covered with a beautiful green turf, and with occasional patches and clusters of trees. The soil in this region is also rich, and capable of making one of the most beautiful and productive countries in the world. Ba'tiste and Bogard used their rifles to some effect during the day that we loitered here, and gathered great quantities of delicious grapes. From this lovely spot we embarked the next morning, and glided through con stantly changing scenes of beauty, until we landed our canoe at the base of a beautiful series of grass-covered bluffs, which, like thousands and thousands of others on the banks of this river, are designated by no name, that I know of; and I therefore introduce them as fair specimens of the grassy bluffs of the Missouri. My canoe was landed at noon, at the base of these picturesque hills and there rested till the next morning. As soon as we were ashore, I scrambled to their summits, and beheld, even to a line, what the reader has before him in PLATES 119 and 120. I took my easel, and canvass and brushes, to the top of the bluff, and painted the two views from the same spot ; the one looking up, and the other down the river. The reader, by imagining these hills to be five or six hundred feet high, and every foot of them, as far as they can be discovered in distance, covered with a vivid green turf, whilst the sun is gilding one side, and throwing a cool shadow on the other, will be enabled to form something like an adequate idea of the shores of the Missouri. From this enchanting spot there was nothing to arrest the eye from ranging over its waters for the distance of twenty or thirty miles, where it quietly glides between its barriers, formed of thousands of green and gracefully sloping hills, with its rich and alluvial meadows, and wood lands and its hundred islands, covered with stately cotton-wood. In these f\vo views, the reader has a fair account of the general character of the Upper Missouri ; and by turning back to PLATE 39, VOL. I., which I have already described, he will at once see the process by which this wonderful formation has been produced. In that plate will be seen the manner in which the rains are wearing down the clay-bluffs, cutting gullies or sluices behind them, and leaving them at last to stand out in relief, in - 1 cgErSa;' rcr~ -=- ny-n 4i.: ^^(K '" : 119 C.S 9 these rounded and graceful forms, until in time they get seeded over, and nourish a growth of green grass on their sides, which forms a turf, and pro tects their surface, preserving them for centuries, in the forms that are here seen. The tops of the highest of these bluffs rise nearly up to the summit level of the prairies, which is found as soon as one travels a mile or so from the river, amongst these picturesque groups, and comes out at their top ; from whence the country goes off to the East and the West, with an almost perfectly level surface. These two views were taken about thirty miles above the village of the Puncahs, and five miles above " the Tower ;" the name given by the travel lers through the country, to a high and remarkable clay bluff, rising to the height of some hundreds of feet from the water, and having in distance, the castellated appearance of a fortification. My canoe was not unmoored from the shores of this lovely spot for two days, except for the purpose of crossing the river; which I several times did, to ascend and examine the hills on the opposite side. I had Ba'tiste and Bogard with me on the tops of these green carpeted bluffs, and tried in vain to make them see the beauty of scenes that were about us. They dropped asleep, and I strolled and contemplated alone ; clambering "up one hill" and sliding or running "down another," with no other living being in sight, save now and then a bristling wolf, which, from my approach, was reluctantly retreating from his shady lair or sneaking behind me and smelling on my track. Whilst strolling about on the western bank of the river at this place, I found the ancient site of an Indian village, which, from the character of the marks, I am sure was once the residence of the Mandans. I said in a former Letter, when speaking of the Mandans, that within the recollection of some of their oldest men, they lived some sixty or eighty miles down the river from the place of their present residence ; and that they then lived in nine Tillages. On my way down, I became fully convinced of the fact ; having landed my canoe, and examined the ground where the foundation of every wigwam can yet be distinctly seen. At that time, they must have been much more numerous than at present, from the many marks they have left, as well as from their own representations. The Mandans have a peculiar way of building their wigwams, by digging down a couple of feet in the earth, and there fixing the ends of the poles which form the walls of their houses. There are other marks, such as their cnches and also their mode of depositing their dead on scaffolds and of preserving the skulls in circles on the prairies ; which peculiar customs I have before described, and most of which are distinctly to be recognized in each of these places, as well as in several similar remains which I have met with on the banks of the river, between here and the Mandans ; which fully convince me, that they have formerly occupied the lower parts of the Missouri, and have gradually made their way quite through the heart of the great Sioux country ; and having been well foitified in all their locations, as in VOL. II. C 10 their present one, by a regular stockade and ditch ; they have been able successfully to resist the continual assaults of the Sioux, that numerous tribe, who have been, and still are, endeavouring to effect their entire de struction. 1 have examined, at least fifteen or twenty of their ancient locations on the banks of this river, and can easily discover the regular differences in the ages of these antiquities ; and around them all I have found numerous bits of their broken pottery, corresponding with that which they are now manufacturing in great abundance ; and which is certainly made by no other tribe in these regions. These evidences, and others which I shall not take the time to mention in this place, go a great way in my mind towards strengthening the possibility of their having moved from the Ohio river, and of their being a remnant of the followers of Madoc. I have much further to trace them yet, however, and shall certainly have more to say on so interesting a subject in future. Almost every mile I have advanced on the banks of this river, I have met evidences and marks of Indians in some form or other ; and they have generally been those of the Sioux, who occupy and own the greater part of this immense region of country. In the latter part of my voyage, however, and of which I have been speaking in the former part of this Letter, I met the ancient sites of the O-ma-ha and Ot-to towns, which are easily detected when they are met. In PLATE 121 (letter A), is seen the usual mode of the Omahas, of depositing their dead in the crotches and on the branches of trees, enveloped in skins, and never without a wooden dish hanging by the head of the corpse ; probably for the purpose of enabling it to dip up water to quench its thirst on the long and tedious journey, which they generally expect to enter on after death. These corpses are so frequent along the banks of the river, that in some places a dozen or more of them may be seen at one view. Letter B in the same plate, shews the customs of the Sioux, which are found in endless numbers on the river ; and in fact, through every part of this country. The wigwams of these people are only moveable tents, and leave but a temporary mark to be discovered. Their burials, however, are peculiar and lasting remains, which can be long detected. They often de posit their dead on trees, and on scaffolds ; but more generally bury in the tops of bluffs, or near their villages ; when they often split out staves and drive in the ground around the grave, to protect it from the trespass of dogs or wild animals. t Letter c (same plate), shews the character of Mandan remains, that are met with in numerous places on the river. Their mode of resting their dead upon scaffolds is not so peculiar to them as positively to distinguish them from Sioux, who sometimes bury in the same way ; but the excava tions for their earth-covered wigwams, which I have said are two feet deep in the ground, with the ends of the decayed timbers remaining in them, are peculiar and conclusive evidence of their being of Mandan construction; 1! and the custom of leaving the skulls bleached upon the ground in circles (as I have formerly described in PLATE 48, VOL. I.), instead of burying them as the other tribes do, forms also a strong evidence of the fact that they are Mandan remains. In most of these sites of their ancient towns, however, I have been unable to find about their burial places, these characteristic deposits of the skulls ; from which I conclude, that whenever they deliberately moved to a different region, they buried the skulls out of respect to the dead. I found, just back of one of these sites of their ancient towns, however, and at least 500 miles below where they now live, the same arrangement of skulls as that I described in PLATE 48. They had laid so long, however, exposed to the weather, that they were reduced almost to a powder, except the teeth, which mostly seemed polished and sound as ever. It seems that no human hands had dared to meddle with the dead ; and that even their enemies had respected them ; for every one, and there were at least two hundred in one circle, had mouldered to chalk, in its exact relative position, as they had been placed in a circle. In this case, I am of opinion that the village was besieged by the Sioux, and entirely destroyed ; or that the Mandans were driven off without the power to stop and bury the bones of their dead. Belle Vue (PLATE 122) is a lovely scene on the West bank of the river, about nine miles above the mouth of the Platte, and is the agency of Major Dougherty, one of the oldest and most effective agents on our frontiers- This spot is, as I said, lovely in itself; but doubly so to the eye of the weather-beaten voyageur from the sources of the Missouri, who steers his canoe in, to the shore, as I did, and soon finds himself a welcome guest at the comfortable board of the Major, with a table again to eat from and that (not " groaning," but) standing under the comfortable weight of meat and vegetable luxuries, products of the labour of cultivating man. It was a pleasure to see again, in this great wilderness, a civilized habitation ; and still more pleasant to find it surrounded with corn-fields, and potatoes, with numerous fruit-trees, bending under the weight of their fruit with pigs and poultry, and kine ; and what was best of all, to see the kind and benevolent face, that never looked anything but welcome to the half-starved guests, who throw themselves upon him from the North, from the South, the East, or the West. At this place 1 was in the country of the Pawnees, a numerous tribe, whose villages are on the Platte river, and of whom I shall say more anon. Major Dougherty has been for many years the agent for this hostile tribe ; and by his familiar knowledge of the Indian character, and his strict honesty and integrity, he has been able to effect a friendly intercourse with them, and also to attract the applause and highest confidence of the world, as well as of the authorities who sent him there. An hundred miles above this, I passed a curious feature, called tl e "Square Hills" (PLATE 123). I landed my canoe, and went ashore, and 12 to their tops, to examine them. Though they appeared to be near the river, I found it half a day's journey to travel to and from them ; they being several miles from the river. On ascending them I found them to be two or three hundred feet high, and rising on their sides at an angle of 45 degrees; and on their tops, in some places, for half a mile in length, perfectly level, with a green turf, and corresponding exactly with the tabular hills spoken of above the Mandans, in PLATE 39, VOL. I. I therein said, that I should visit these hills on my way down the river ; and I am fully convinced, from close examination, that they are a part of the same original superstratum, which I therein described, though seven or eight hundred miles separated from them. They agree exactly in character, and also in the materials of which they are composed ; and I believe, that some unaccountable gorge of waters has swept away the intervening earth, leaving these solitary and isolated, though incontrovertible evidences, that the summit level of all this great valley has at one time been where the level surface of these hills now is, two or three hundred feet above what is now generally denominated the summit level. The mouth of the Platte (PLATE 124), is a beautiful scene, and no doubt will be the site of a large and flourishing town, soon after Indian titles shall have been extinguished to the lands in these regions, which will be done within a very few years. The Platte is a long and powerful stream, pouring in from the Rocky Mountains and joining with the Missouri at this place. In this voyage, as in all others that I have performed, I kept my journal, but I have not room, it will be seen, to insert more than an occasional extract from it for my present purpose. In this voyage, Ba'tiste and Bogard were my constant companions ; and we all had our rifles, and used them often. We often went ashore amongst the herds of buffaloes, and were obliged to do so for our daily food. We lived the whole way on buffaloes' flesh and venison we had no bread ; but laid in a good stock of coffee and sugar. These, however, from an unforeseen accident availed us but little ; as on the second or third day of our voyage, after we had taken our coffee on the shoie, and Ba'tiste and Bogard had gone in pursuit of a herd of buffaloes, I took it in my head to have an extra very fine dish of coffee to myself, as the fire was fine. For this purpose, J added more coffee-grounds to the pot, and placed it on the fire, which I sat watching, when I saw a fine buffalo cow wending her way leisurely over the hills, but a little distance from me, for whom I started at once, with my rifle trailed in my hand ; and after creep ing, and running, and heading, and all that, for half an hour, without get ting a shot at her ; I came back to the encampment, where I found my two men with meat enough, but in the most uncontroulable rage, for my coffee had all boiled out, and the coffee-pot was melted to pieces ! This was truly a deplorable accident, and one that could in no effectual way be remedied. We afterwards botched up a mess or two of it in our frying-pan, but to little purpose, and then abandoned it to Bogard alone, who thank - 123 '~ "" ~\~X~'"1> ^s^_ '1 >JJ- // Ml '*& IZ-t 13 fully received the dry coffee-grounds and sugar, at his meals, which he soon entirely demolished. We met immense numbers of buffaloes in the early part of our voyage and used to land our canoe almost every hour in the day ; and oftentimes all together approach the unsuspecting herds, through some deep and hidden ravine within a few rods of them, and at the word, " pull trigger," each of us bring down our victim (PLATE 125). In one instance, near the mouth of White. River, we met the most immense herd crossing the Missouri River and from an imprudence got our boat into imm inent danger amongst them, from which we were highly delighted to make our escape. It was in the midst of the " running season," and we had heard the " roaring" (as it is called) of the herd, when we were several miles from them. When we came in sight, we were actually terrified at the immense numbers that were streaming down the green hills on one side of the river, and galloping up and over the bluffs on the other. The river was filled, and in parts blackened, with their heads and horns, as they were swimming about, following up their objects, and making desperate battle whilst they were swimming. I deemed it imprudent for our canoe to be dodging amongst them, and ran it ashore for a few hours, where we laid, waiting for the opportunity of seeing the river clear ; but we waited in vain. Their numbers, however, got some what diminished at last, and we pushed off, and successfully made our way amongst them. From the immense numbers that had passed the river at that place, they had torn down the prairie bunk of fifteen feet in height, so as to form a sort of road or landing-place, where they all in succession clambered up. Many in their turmoil had been wafted below this landing, and unable to regain it against the swiftness of the current, had fastened themselves along in crowds, hugging close to the high bank under which they were standing. As we were drifting by these, and supposing ourselves out of danger, I drew up my rifle and shot one of them in the head, which tumbled into the water, and brought with him a hundred others, which plunged in, and in a moment were swimming about our canoe, and placing it in great danger (PLATE 126). No attack was made upon us, and in the confusion the poor beasts knew not, perhaps, the enemy that was amongst them ; but we were liable to be sunk by them, as they were furiously hooking and climbing on to each other. I rose in my canoe, and by my gestures and hallooing, kept them from coming in contact with us, until we were out of their reach. This was one of the instances that I formerly spoke of, where thousands and tens of thousands of these animals congregate in the running season, and move about from East and West, or wherever accident or circumstances may lead them. In this grand crusade, no one can know the numbers that may have made the ford within a few days ; nor in their blinded fury in such scenes, would feeble man be much respected. 14 During the remainder of that day we paddled onward, and passed many of their carcasess floating on the current, or lodged on the heads of islands and sand-bars. And, in the vicinity of, and not far below the grand tur moil, we passed several that were mired in the quicksand near the shores ; some were standing fast and half immersed ; whilst others were nearly out of sight, and gasping for the last breath ; others were standing with all legs fast, and one half of their bodies above the water, and their heads sunk under it, where they had evidently remained several days ; and flocks of ravens and crows were covering their backs, and picking the flesh from their dead bodies. So much of the Upper Missouri and its modes, at present ; though I have much more in store for some future occasion. Fort Leaven worth, which is on the Lower Missouri, being below the mouth of the Platte, is the nucleus of another neighbourhood of Indians, amongst whom I am to commence my labours, and of whom I shall soon be enabled to give some account. So, for the present, Adieu. 15 LETTER No. 33. FORT LEAVENWORTH, LOWER MISSOURI. I MENTIONED in a former epistle, that this is the extreme outpost on the Western Frontier, and built, like several others, in the heart of the Indian country. There is no finer tract of lands in North America, or, perhaps, in the world, than that vast space of prairie country, which lies in the vicinity of this post, embracing it on all sides. This garrison, like many others on the frontiers, is avowedly placed here for the purpose of protecting our fron tier inhabitants from the incursions of Indians ; and also for the purpose of preserving the peace amongst the different hostile tribes, who seem con tinually to wage, and glory in, their deadly wars. How far these feeble garrisons, which are generally but half manned, have been, or will be, able to intimidate and controul the warlike ardour of these restless and revenge ful spirits ; or how far they will be able in desperate necessity, to protect the lives and property of the honest pioneer, is yet to be tested. They have doubtless been designed with the best views, to effect the most humane objects, though I very much doubt the benefits that are anticipated to flow from them, unless a more efficient number of men are stationed in them than I have generally found ; enough to promise protection to the Indian, and then to ensure it; instead of promising, and leaving them to seek it in their own way at last, and when they are least prepared to do it. When I speak of this post as being on the Lower Missouri, I do not wish to convey the idea that I am down near the sea-coast, at the mouth of the river, or near it ; I only mean that 1 am on the lower part of the Mis souri, yet 600 miles above its junction with the Mississippi, and near 2000 from the Gulf of Mexico, into which the Mississippi discharges its waters. In this delightful Cantonment there are generally stationed six or seven companies of infantry, and ten or fifteen officers ; several of whom have their wives and daughters with them, forming a very pleasant little commu nity, who are almost continually together in social enjoyment of the peculiar amusements and pleasures of this wild country. Of these pastimes they have many, such as riding on horseback or in carriages over the beautiful green fields of the prairies, picking strawberries and wild plums deer chasing grouse shooting horse-racing, and other amusements of the gaiv rison, in which they are almost constantly engaged ; enjoying life to a very high degree. 1C In these delightful amusements, and with these pleasing- companions, 1 have been for a while participating with great satisfaction ; I have joined several times in the deer-hunts, and more frequently in grouse shooting, which constitutes the principal amusement of this place. This delicious bird, which is found in great abundance in nearly all the North American prairies, and most generally called the Prairie Hen, is, from what I can learn, very much like the English grouse, or heath hen, both in size, in colour, and in habits. They make their appearance in these parts in the months of August and September, from the higher lati tudes, where they go in the early part of the summer, to raise their broods. This is the season for the best sport amongst them ; and the whole garrison, in fact are almost subsisted on them at this time, owing to the facility with which they are killed. 1 was lucky enough the other day, with one of the officers of the garrison, to gain the enviable distinction of having brought in together seventy- live of these fine birds, which we killed in one afternoon ; and although I am quite ashamed to ccxnfess the manner in which we killed the greater part of them, I am not so professed a sportsman as to induce me to conceal the fact. We had a fine pointer, and had legitimately followed the sportsman's style for a part of the afternoon ; but seeing the prairies on fire several miles ahead of us, and the wind driving the fire gradually towards us, we found these poor birds driven before its long line, which seemed to extend from horizon to horizon, and they were flying in swarms or flocks that would at times almost fill the air. They generally flew half a mile or so, and lit down again in the grass, where they would sit until the fire was close upon them, and then they would rise again. We observed by watching their motions, that they lit in great numbers in every solitary tree ; and we placed our selves near each of these trees in turn, and shot them down as they settled in them ; sometimes killing five or six at a shot, by getting a range upon them. In this way we retreated for miles before the flames, in the midst of the flocks, and keeping company with them where they were carried along in advance of the fire, in accumulating numbers ; many of which had been driven along for many miles. We murdered the poor birds in this way, until we had as many as we could well carry, and laid our course bac k to the Fort, where we got much credit for our great shooting, and where we were mutually pledged to keep the secret. The prairies burning form some of the most beautiful scenes that are to be witnessed in this country, and also some of the most sublime. Every acre of these vast prairies (being covered for hundreds and hundreds of miles, with a crop of grass, which dies and dries in the fall) burns over during the fall or early in the spring, leaving the ground of a black and doleful colour. There are many modes by which the fire is communicated to them, both 17 by white men and by Indians par accident ; and yet many more where it is voluntarily clone for the purpose of getting a fresh crop of grass, for the grazing of their horses, and also for easier travelling during the next sum mer, when there will be no old grass to lie upon the prairies, entangling the feet of man and horse, as they are passing over them. Over the elevated lands and prairie bluffs, where the grass is thin and short, the fire slowly creeps with a feeble flame, which one can easily step over (PLATE 127) ; where the wild animals often rest in their lairs until the flames almost burn their noses, when they will reluctantly rise, and leap over it, and trot off amongst the cinders, where the fire has past and left the ground as black as jet. These scenes at night become indescribably beau tiful, when their flames are seen at many miles distance, creeping over the sides and tops of the bluffs, appearing to be sparkling and brilliant chains of liquid fire (the hills being lost to the view), hanging suspended in graceful festoons from the skies. But there is yet another character of burning prairies (PLATE 128), that requires another Letter, and a different pen to describe^ the war, or hell of fires ! where the grass is seven or eight feet high, as is often the case for many miles together, on the Missouri bottoms ; and the flames are driven forward O 7 by the hurricanes, which often sweep over the vast prairies of this denuded country. There are many of these meadows on the Missouri, the Platte, and the Arkansas, of many miles in breadth, which are perfectly level, with a waving grass, so high, that we are obliged to stand erect in our stirrups, in order to look over its waving tops, as we are riding through it. The fire in these, before such a wind, travels at an immense and frightful rate, and often destroys, on their fleetest horses, parties of Indians, who are so unlucky as to be overtaken by it ; not that it travels as fast as a horse at ful} speed, but that the high grass is filled with wild pea-vines and other impediments, which render it necessary for the rider to guide his horse in the zig-zag paths of the deers and buffaloes, retarding his progress, until he is overtaken by the dense column of smoke that is swept before the fire alarming the horse, which stops and stands terrified and immutable, till the burning grass which is wafted in the wind, falls about him, kindling up in a moment a thousand new fires, which are instantly wrapped in the swelling flood of smoke that is moving on like a black thunder-cloud, rolling on the earth, with its lightning's glare, and its thunder rumbling as it goes. ******* When Ba'tiste, and Bogard, and I, and Patrick Raymond (who like Bogard had been a free trapper in the Rocky Mountains), and Pah-me-o-ne-qua (the red thunder), our guide back from a neighbouring village, were jogging along on the summit of an elevated bluff, overlooking an immense valley of high grass, through which we were about to lay our course. ******* " Well, then, you say you have seen the prairies on fire ?" Yes. " You VOL. I!. P 18 have seen the fire on the mountains, and beheld it feebly creeping over th grassy hills of the North, where the toad and the timid snail were pacing from its approach all this you have seen, and who lias not ? But who has seen the vivid lightnings, and heard the roaring thunder of the rolling con flagration which sweeps over the deep-clad prairies of the West ? Who has dashed, on his wild horse, through an ocean of grass, with the raging tem pest at his back, rolling over the land its swelling waves of liquid fire?" What ! " Aye, even so. Ask the red savage of the wilds what is awful and sublime Ask him where the Great Spirit has mixed up all tbe elements 01 death, and if he does not blow them over the land in a storm of fire ? Ask him what foe he has met, that regarded not his frightening yells, or his sinewy bow ? Ask these lords of the land, who vauntingly challenge the thunder and lightning of Heaven whether there is not one foe that travels over their land, too swift for their feet, and too mighty for their strength at whose approach their stout hearts sicken, and their strong-armed courage withers to nothing? Ask him again (if he is sullen, and his eyes set in their sockets) ' Hush ! sh ! sh !' (he will tell you, with a soul too proud to confess his head sunk on his breast, and his hand over his mouth) ' that's medicine!' * * * * ******* I said to my comrades, as we were about to descend from the towering bluffs into the prairie " We will take that buffalo trail, where the travelling herds have slashed down the high grass, and making for that blue point, rising, as you can just discern, above this ocean of grass ; a good day's work will bring us over this vast meadow before sunset." We entered the trail, and slowly progressed on our way, being obliged to follow the winding paths of the buffaloes, for the grass was higher than the backs of our horses. Soon after we entered, my Indian guide dismounted slowly from his horse, and lying prostrate on the ground, with his face in the dirt, he cried, and was talking to the Spirits of the brave " For," said he, " over this beautiful plain dwells the Spirit of fire ! he rides in yonder cloud his face blackens with rage at the sound of the trampling hoofs tine, fire-bow is in his hand he draws it across the path of the Indian, and quicker than lightning, a thousand flames rise to destroy him ; such is the talk of my fathers, and the ground is whitened with their bones. It was here," said he, " that the brave son of Wah-chee-ton, and the strong-armed warriors of his band, just twelve moons since, licked the fire from the blazing wand of that great magician. Their pointed spears were drawn upon the backs of the trea cherous Sioux, whose swifter- fly ing horses led them, in vain, to the midst of this valley of death. A circular cloud sprang up from the prairie around them ! it was raised, and their doom was fixed by the Spirit of fire! It was on this vast plain of fire-grass that waves over our heads, that the swift foot of Mah-to-ga was laid. It is here, also, that the fleet-bounding wild horse mingles his bones with the red man ; and the eagle's wing is melted lit IVIY u iilm?"Jp V* i IfVf f| 128 3$m -4s*. ^^m^'' L27 19 as he darts over its surface. Friends ! it is the season of fire ; and I fear, from the smell of the wind, that the Spirit is awake ! " Pah-me-o-ne-qua said no more, but mounted his wild horse, and waving his hand, his red shoulders were seen rapidly vanishing as he glided through the thick mazes of waving grass. We were on his trail, and busily traced him until the midday-sun had brought us to the ground, with our refresh ments spread before us. He partook of them not, but stood like a statue, while his black eyes, in sullen silence, swept the horizon round ; and then, with a deep-drawn sigh, he gracefully sunk to the earth, and laid with his face to the ground. Our buffalo tongues and pemican, and marrow-fat, were spread before us ; and we were in the full enjoyment of these dainties of the Western world, when, quicker than the frightened elk, our Indian friend sprang upon his feet ! His eyes skimmed again slowly over the prairies' surface, and he laid himself as before on the ground. " Red Thunder seems sullen to-day," said Bogard " he startles at every rush of the wind, and scowls at the whole world that is about him." " There's a rare chap for you a fellow who would shake his fist at Heaven, when he is at home ; and here, in a grass-patch, must make his fire-medicine for a circumstance that he could easily leave at a shake of his horse's heels." " Not sae sure o' that, my hooney, though we'll not be making too lightly of the matter, nor either be frightened at the mon's strange octions. But, Bogard, I'll tell ye in a 'ord (and thot's enough), there's something more than odds in all this ' medicine.' If this mon's a fool, he was born out of his own country, that's all and if the divil iver gits him, he must take him cowld, for he is too swift and too wide-awake to be taken alive you under stand thot, I suppouse ? But, to come to the plain matter supposin that the Fire Spirit (and I go for somewhat of witchcraft), I say supposin that this Fire Spirit should jist impty his pipe on tother side of this prairie, and strike up a bit of a blaze in this high grass, and send it packing across in this direction, before sich a death of a wind as this is ! By the bull barley, I'll bet you'd be after ' making medicine,' and taking a bit of it, too, to get rid of the racket." " Yes, but you see, Patrick " " Neever mind thot (not wishin to distarb you) ; and suppouse the blowiu wind was coming fast ahead, jist blowin about our ears a warld of smoke and chokin us to dith, and we were dancin about a Varginny reel among these little paths, where the divil would we be by the time we got to that bluff, for it's now fool of a distance? Givin you time to spake, I would say a word more (askin your pardon), I know by the expression of your face, nion, you neever have seen the world on fire yet, and therefore you know nothin at all of a hurly burly of this kind did ye? did ye iver see (and I jist want to know), did ye iver see the fire in high-grass, runnin with a strong wind, about five mile and the half, and thin hear it strike into a slash of dry cane 20 brake ! ! I would jist ax you that ? By thuneder you niver have for your eyes would jist stick out of your head at the thought of it ! Did ye iver look way into the backside of Mr. Maelzel's Moscow, and see the flashin flames a runnin up ; and then hear the poppin of the militia fire jist after wards? then you have jist a touch of it ! ye're jist begiiwiin ye may talk about fires but this is sich a baste of a fire! Ask Jack Sanford, he's a chop that can tall you all aboot it. Not wishin to distarb you, I would say a word more and that is this If I were advisin, I would say that we are gettin too far into this imbustible meadow ; for the grass is dry, and the wind is too strong to make a light matter of, at this sason of the year ; an now I'll jist tell ye how M'Kenzie and I were sarved in this very place about two years ago ; and he's a worldly chop, and niter aslape, my word for that hollo, what's that!" Red Thunder was on his feet ! his long arm was stretched over the grass, and his blazing eye-balls starting from their sockets ! " White man (said he), see ye that small cloud lifting itself from the prairie ? he rises ! the hoofs of our horses have waked him ! The Fire Spirit is awake this wind is from his nostrils, and his face is this way ! " No more but his swift horse darted under him, and he gracefully slid over the waving grass as it was bent by the wind. Our viands were left, and we were swift on his trail. The extraordinary leaps of his wild horse, occasionally raised his red shoulders to view, and he sank again in the waving billows of grass. The tremulous wind was hurrying by us fast, and on it was borne the agitated wing of the soaring eagle. His neck was stretched for the towering bluff, and the thrilling screams of his voice told the secret that was behind him. Our horses were swift, and we struggled hard, yet hope was feeble, for the bluff was yet blue, and nature nearly exhausted ! The sunshine was dying, and a cool shadow advancing over the plain. Not daring to look back, we strained every nerve. The roar of a distant cataract seemed gradually advancing on us the winds increased, the howling tempest was madden ing behind us and the swift-winged beetle and heath hens, instinctively drew their straight lines over our heads. The fleet-bounding antelope passed us also ; and the still swifter long-legged hare, who leaves but a shadow as he flies ! Here was no time for thought but I recollect the heavens were overcast the distant thunder was heard the lightning's glare was reddening the scene and the smell that came on the winds struck terror to my soul ! * The piercing yell of my savage guide at this moment came back upon the winds his robe was seen waving in the air, and his foaming horse leaping up the towering bluff. Our breath and our sinews, in this last struggle for life, were just enough to bring us to its summit. We had risen from a sea of fire ! "Great God ! (I exclaimed) how sublime to gaze into that valley, where the elements of nature are so strangely convulsed ! " Ask not the poet or painter how it 21 looked, for they can tell you not ; but ask the naked savage, and watch the electric twinge of his manly nerves and muscles, as he pronounces the lengthened " hush sh '' his hand on his mouth, and his glaring eye-balls looking you to the very soul ! I beheld beneath me an immense cloud of black smoke, which extended from one extremity of this vast plain to the other, and seemed majestically to roll over its surface in a bed of liquid fire ; and above this mighty deso lation, as it rolled along, the whitened smoke, pale with terror, was stream ing and rising up in magnificent cliffs to heaven ! I stood secure, but tremblingly, and heard the maddening wind, which hurled this monster o'er the land I heard the roaring thunder, and saw its thousand lightnings flash ; and then I saw behind, the black and smoking desolation of this storm ofjire ! 22 LETTER No. 34. FORT LEAVENWORTH, LOWER MISSOURI. SINCE writing the last epistle, some considerable time has elapsed, which has, nevertheless,been filled up and used to advantage, as Ihavebeen moving about and using my brush amongst different tribes in this vicinity. The Indians that maybe said to belong to this vicinity, and who constantly visit this post, are the loways Konzas Pawnees Omahas Ottoes, and Missouries (primitive), and Delawares Kickapoos Potawatomies Weahs Peorias Shawanos, Kaskaskias (semi-civilized remnants of tribes that have been removed to this neighbourhood by the Government, within the few years past). These latter-named tribes are, to a considerable degree, agriculturalists ; getting their living principally by ploughing, and raising corn, and cattle and horses. They have been left on the frontier, surrounded by civilized neighbours, where they have at length been induced to sell out their lands, or exchange them for a much larger tract of wild lands in these regions, which the Government has purchased from the wilder tribes. Of the first named, the loways may be said to be the farthest departed from primitive modes, as they are depending chiefly on their corn-fields for subsistence ; though their appearance, both in their dwellings and personal looks, dress, modes, &c., is that of the primitive Indian. The loways are a small tribe, of about fourteen hundred persons, living in a snug little village within a few miles of the eastern bank of the Missouri River, a few miles above this place. The present chief of this tribe is Notch-ee-ning-a (the white cloud, PLATE 129), the son of a very distinguished chief of the same name, who died re cently, after gaining the love of his tribe, and the respect of all the civilized world who knew him. If my time and space will admit it, and I should not forget it, I shall take another occasion to detail some of the famous trans actions of his signal life. The son of White Cloud, who is now chief, and whose portrait I have just named, was tastefully dressed with a buffalo robe, wrapped around him, with a necklace of grizzly bear's claws on his neck ; with shield, bow, and quiver on, and a profusion of wampum strings on his neck. Wy-ee-yogh (the man of sense, PLATE 130), is another of this tribe, much distinguished for his bravery and early warlike achievements. His head was dressed with a broad silver baud passing around it, and decked out with the crest of horsehair. 129 130 132 23 Pah-ta-coo-che (ihe shooting cedar, PLATE 131), and Was-com-mun (the busy man, PLATE 132), are also distinguished warriors of ihe tribe; tastefully dressed and equipped, the one with his war-club on his arm, the other with bow and arrows in his hand ; both wore around their waists beautiful buffalo robes, and both had turbans made of vari-coloured cotton shawls, purchased of the Fur Traders. Around their necks were necklaces of the bears' claws, and a profusion of beads and wampum. Their ears were profusely strung with beads ; and their naked shoulders curiously streaked and daubed with red paint. Others of this tribe will be found amongst the paintings in my Indian Museum ; and more of them and their customs given at a future time. The Konzas, of 1560 souls, reside at the distance of sixty or eighty miles from this place, on the Konzas River, fifty miles above its union with the Missouri, from the West. This tribe has undoubtedly sprung from the Osages, as their personal appearance, language and traditions clearly- prove. They are living adjoin ing to the Osages at this time, and although a kindred people, have some times deadly warfare with them. The present chief of this tribe is known by the name of the " White Plume;" a very urbane and hospitable man, of good portly size, speaking some English, and making himself good company for all white persons who travel through his country and have the good luck to shake his liberal and hospitable hand. It has been to me a source of much regret, that I did not get the portrait of this celebrated chief; but I have painted several others distinguished in the tribe, which are fair specimens of these people. Sho-me-eos-se (the wolf, PLATE 133), a chief of some distinction, with a bold and manly outline of head ; exhibiting, like most of this tribe, an European outline of features, signally worthy the notice of the enquiring world. The head of this chief was most curiously ornamented, and his neck bore a profusion of wampum strings. Meach-o-shin-gaw (the little white bear, PLATE 134). Chesh-oo-hong-ha (the man of good sense, PLATE 135), and Wa-hon-ga-shee (no fool, PLATE 136), are portraits of distinguished Konzas, and all furnish striking instances of the bold and Roman outline that I have just spoken of. The custom of shaving the head, and ornamenting it with the crest of deer's hair, belongs to this tribe ; and also to the Osages, the Pawnees, the Sacs, and Foxes, and loways, and to no other tribe that I know of; unless it be in some few instances, where individuals have introduced it into their tribes, merely by way of imitation. With these tribes, the custom is one uniformly adhered to by every man in the nation ; excepting some few instances along the frontier, where efforts are made to imitate white men, by allowing the hair to grow out. In PLATE 135, is a fair exhibition of this very curious custom the hair being cut as close to the head as possible, except a tuft the size of the palm of the hand, on the crown of the head, which is left of two inches in length : and in the centre of which is fastened a beautiful crest made of the hair of the deer's tail (dyed red) and horsehair, and oftentimes surmounted with the war-eagle's quill. In the centre of the patch of hair, which I said was left of a couple of inches in length, is preserved a small lock, which is never cut, but cultivated to the greatest length possible, and uniformly kept in braid, and passed through a piece of curiously carved bone ; which lies in the centre of the crest, and spreads it out to its uniform shape, which they study with great care to preserve. Through this little braid, and outside of the bone, passes a small wooden or bone key, which holds the crest to the head. This little braid is called in these tribes, the " scalp-lock" and is scrupulously preserved in this way, and offered to their enemy if they can get it, as a trophy ; which it seems in all tribes they are anxious to yield to their conquerors, in case they are killed in battle ; and which it would be considered cowardly and disgraceful for a warrior to shave off, leaving nothing for his enemy to grasp for, when he falls into his hands in the events of battle. Amongst those tribes who thus shave and ornament their heads, the crest is uniformly blood-red ; and the upper part of the head, and generally a con siderable part of the face, as red as they can possibly make it with vermilion. I found these people cutting off the hair with small scissors, which they pur chase of the Fur Traders ; and they told me that previous to getting scissors, they cut it away with their knives ; and before they got knives, they were in the habit of burning it off with red hot stones, which was a very slow and painful operation. With the exception of these few, all the other tribes in North America cultivate the hair to the greatest length they possibly can ; preserving it to flow over their shoulders and backs in great profusion, and quite unwilling to spare the smallest lock of it for any consideration. The Pawnees are a very powerful and warlike nation, living on the river Platte, about one hundred miles from its junction with the Missouri ; laying claim to, and exercising sway over, the whole country, from its mouth to the base of the Rocky Mountains. The present number of this tribe is ten or twelve thousand; about one half the number they had in 1832, when that most appalling disease, the small-pox, was accidentally introduced amongst them by the Fur Traders, and whiskey sellers ; when ten thousand (or more) of them perished in the course of a few months. The Omahas, of fifteen hundred ; the Ottoes of six hundred ; and Mis- souries of four hundred, who are now living under the protection and surveillance of the Pawnees, and in the immediate vicinity of them, were all powerful tribes, but so reduced by this frightful disease, and at the same time, that they were unable longer to stand against so formidable enemies as they had around them, in the Sioux, Pawnees, Sacs, and Foxes, and at last 133 13 -t 135 136 last merged into the Pawnee tribe, under whose wing and protection they now live. The period of this awful calamity in these regions, was one that will be long felt, and long preserved in the traditions of these people. The great tribe of the Sioux, of whom I have heretofore spoken, suffered severely with the same disease ; as well as the Osages and Konzas ; and particularly the unfortunate Puncahs, who were almost extinguished by it. The destructive ravages of this most fatal disease amongst these poor people, who know of no specific for it, is beyond the knowledge, and almost beyond the belief, of the civilized world. Terror and dismay are carried with it ; and awful despair, in the midst of which they plunge into the river, when in the highest state of fever, and die in a moment; or dash themselves from precipices ; or plunge their knires to their hearts, to rid themselves from the pangs of slow and disgusting death. Amongst the formidable tribe of Pawnees, the Fur Traders are yet doing some business ; but, from what I can learn, the Indians are dealing with some considerable distrust, with a people who introduced so fatal a calamity amongst them, to which one half of their tribe have fallen victims. The Traders made their richest harvest amongst these people, before this disease broke out ; and since it subsided, quite a number of their lives have paid the forfeit, according to the Indian laws of retribution.* The Pawnees have ever been looked upon, as a very warlike and hostile tribe ; and unusually so, since the calamity which I have mentioned. Major Dougherty, of whom I have heretofore spoken, has been for several * Since the above was written, I have had the very great pleasure of reading the notes of the Honourable Charles A. Murray, (who was for several months a guest amongst the Pawnees), and also of being several times a fellow-traveller with him in America ; and at last a debtor to him for his signal kindness and friendship in London. Mr. Murray's account of the Pawnees, as far as he saw them, is without doubt drawn with great fidelity, and he makes them out a pretty bad set of fellows. As I have before mentioned, there is probably not another tribe on the Continent, that has been more abused and incensed by the system of trade, and money-making, than the Pawnees ; and the Honourable Mr. Murray, with his companion, made his way boldly into the heart of their country, without guide or interpreter, and I consider at great hazard to his life : and, from all the circumstances, 1 have been ready to congratulate him on getting out of their country as well as he did. I mentioned in a former page, the awful destruction of this tribe by the small-pox ; a few years previous to which, somo one of the Fur Traders visited a threat upon these people, that if they did not comply with some condition, " he would let the small-pox out of a bottle and destroy the whole of them." The pestilence has since been introduced accidentally amongst them by the Traders ; and the standing tradition of the tribe now is, that " the Traders opened a bottle and let it out to destroy them." Under such cir cumstances, from amongst a people who have been impoverished by the system of trade, without any body to protect him, I cannot but congratulate my Honourable friend for his peaceable retreat, where others before him have been less fortunate ; and regret at the same time, that he could not have been my companion to some others of the remote tribes. VOL. It E 26 years their agent ; and by his unrernitted endeavours, with an unequalled familiarity with the Indian character, and unyielding integrity of purpose, has successfully restored and established, a system of good feeling and respect between them and the " pale faces," upon whom they looked, naturally and experimentally, as their destructive enemies. Of this stern and uncompromising friend of the red man, and of justice, who has taken them close to his heart, and familiarized himself with their faults and their griefs, I take great pleasure in recording here for the perusal of the world, the following extract from one of his true and independent Reports, to the Secretary at War ; which sheds honour on his name, and deserves a more public place than the mere official archives of a Government record. " In comparing this Report with those of the years preceding, you will find there has been little improvement on the part of the Indians, either in literary acquirements or in agricultural knowledge. " It is my decided opinion, that, so long as the Fur Traders and trappers are permitted to reside among the Indians, all the efforts of the Government to better their condition will be fruitless ; or, in a great measure checked by the strong influence of those men over the various tribes. " Every exertion of the agents, (and other persons, intended to carry into effect the views of the Government, and humane societies,) are in such direct opposition to the Trader and his interest, that the agent finds himself continually contending with, and placed in direct and immediate contrariety of interest to the Fur Traders or grossly neglecting his duty by overlooking acts of impropriety ; and it is a curious and melancholy fact, that while the General Government is using every means and expense to promote the advancement of those aboriginal people, it is at the same time suffering the Traders to oppose and defeat the very objects of its intentions. So long as thie Traders and trappers are permitted in the Indian country, the introduc tion of spirituous liquors will be inevitable, under any penalty the law may require ; and until its prohibition is certain and effectual, every effort of Government, through the most faithful and indefatigable agents, will be use less. It would be, in my humble opinion, better to give up every thing to the Traders, and let them have the sole and entire control of the Indians, than permit them to contend at every point, with the views of the Govern ment ; and that contention made manifest, even to the most ignorant Indian. " While the agent is advising the Indians to give up the chase and settle themselves, with a view to agricultural pursuits, the Traders are urging them on in search of skins. " Far be it from me to be influenced or guided by improper or personal feeling, in the execution of my duty ; but, Sir, I submit my opinion to a candid world, in relation to the subject, and feel fully convinced you will be able to see at once the course which will ever place the Indian Trader, and the present policy of Government, in relation to the Indians, at eternal war. g^T^^aigii 27 " The missionaries sent amongst the several tribes are, no doubt, sincere in their intentions. I believe them to be so, from what I have seen ; but, unfortunately, they commence their labours where they should end them. They should teach the Indians to work, by establishing schools of that description among them ; induce them to live at home, abandon their rest less and unsettled life, and live independent of the chase. After they are taught this, their intellectual faculties would be more susceptible of improve ment of a moral and religious nature ; and their steps towards civilization would become less difficult." The Pawnees are divided into four bands, or families designated by the names of Grand Pawnees Tappage Pawnees Republican Pawnees, and Wolf Pawnees. Each of these bands has a chief at its head ; which chiefs, with all the nation, acknowledge a superior chief at whose voice they all move. At the head of the Grand Pawnees, is Shon-ka-ki-he-ga (the horse chief, PLATE 138) ; and by the side of him, Haw-che-ke-sug-ga (he who kills the Osages, PLATE 139), the aged chief of the Missouries, of whom I have spoken, and shall yet say more. La-doo-ke-a (the buffalo bull, PLATE 140), with his medicine or totem (the head of a buffalo) painted on his breast and his face, with bow and arrows in his hands, is a warrior of great distinction in the same band. Le-skaw-loo-lah-le-hoo (the big elk, PLATE 141), chief of the Wolf Paw nees, is another of the most distinguished of this tribe In addition to the above, I have also painted of this tribe, for my Museum, Ah-shaw-wah-rooks-te (the medicine horse) ; La-kee-too-wi-ra-sha (the little chief) ; Loo-ra-we-re-coo (the bird that goes to war) ; Ah-sha-la-coots-a (mole in the forehead) ; La-shaw-le-staw-hix (the man chief) ; Te-ah*ke-ra-le-re- coo (the Chayenne) ; Lo-loch-to-hoo-la (the big chief) ; La-wah-ee-coots-la- shaw-no (the brave chief) ; and L'har-e-tar-rushe (the ill-natured man). The Pawnees live in four villages, some few miles apart, on the banks of the Platte river, having their allies the Omahas and Ottoes so near to them as easily to act in concert, in case of invasion from any other tribe ; and from the fact that half or more of them are supplied with guns and ammunition, they are able to withstand the assaults of any tribe that may come upon them. Of the Ottoes, No-way-ke-sug-ga (he who strikes two at once, PLATE 143) ; and Raw-no-way-woh-krah (the loose pipe-stem, PLATE 144), I have painted at full length, in beautiful costumes the first with a necklace of grizzly bear's claws, and his dress profusely fringed with scalp-locks; the second, in a tunic made of the entire skin of a grizzly bear, with a head-dress of the war-eagle's quills. Besides these, I painted, also, Wah-ro-nee-sah (the surrounder) ; Non- je-ning-a (no heart) ; and We-ke-ru-law (he who exchanges). Of the Omahas, Ki-ho-ga-waw-shu-shee (the brave chief, PLATE 145), is the head chief; and next to him in standing and reputation, is Om-pa-ton-ga 28 (the big elk, PLATE 146), with his tomahawk in his hand, and his face painted black, for war. Besides these, I painted Man-sha-qui-ta (the little soldier), a brave; Shaw-da-mon-nee (there he goes) ; and Nom-ba-mon-nee (the double walker). Of these wild tribes I have much more in store to say in future, and shall certainly make another budget of Letters from this place, or from other regions from whence I may wish to write, and possibly, lack material ! All of these tribes, as well as the numerous semi-civilized remnants of tribes, that have been thrown out from the borders of our settlements, have missionary establishments and schools, as well as agricultural efforts amongst them ; and will furnish valuable evidence as to the success that those philanthropic and benevolent exertions have met with, contending (as thay have had to do) with the contaminating influences of whiskey-sellers, and other mercenary men, catering for their purses and their unholy appetites. LETTER No. 35. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. MY little bark has been soaked in the water again, and Ba'tiste and Bogard have paddled, and I have steered and dodged our little craft amongst the snags and sawyers, until at last we landed the humble little thing amongst the huge steamers and floating palaces at the wharf of this bustling and growing city. And first of all, I must relate the fate of my little boat, which had borne us safe over two thousand miles of the Missouri's turbid and boiling current, with no fault, excepting two or three instances, when the waves became too saucy, she, like the best of boats of her size, went to the bottom, and left us soused, to paddle our way to the shore, and drag out our things and dry them in the sun. When we landed at the wharf, my luggage was all taken out, and removed to my hotel ; and when I returned a few hours afterwards, to look for my little boat, to which I had contracted a peculiar attachment (although I had left it in special charge of a person at work on the wharf) ; some mystery or medicine operation had relieved me from any further anxiety or trouble about it it had gone and never returned, although it had safely passed the countries of mysteries, and had often laid weeks and months at the villages of red men, with no laws to guard it ; and where it had also often been taken out of the water by mystery-men, and carried up the bank, and turned against my wigwam ; and by them again safely carried to the river's edge, and put afloat upon the water, when I was ready to take a seat in it. St. Louis, which is 1400 miles west of New York, is a flourishing town, of 15,000 inhabitants, and destined to be the great emporium of the West the greatest inland town in America. Its location is on the Western bank of the Mississippi river, twenty miles below the mouth of the Missouri, and 1400 above the entrance of the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico. This is the great depot of all the Fur Trading Companies to the Upper Missouri and Rocky Mountains, and their starting-place ; and also for the Santa Fe, and other Trading Companies, who reach the Mexican borders overland, to trade for silver bullion, from the extensive mines of that rich country. I have also made it my starting-point, and place of deposit, to which I 30 send from different quarters, my packages of paintings and Indian articles, minerals, fossils, &c., as I collect them in various regions, here to be stored till my return ; and where on my last return, if I ever make it, I shall hustle them altogether, and remove them to the East. To this place I had transmitted by steamer and other conveyance, about twenty boxes and packages at different times, as my note-book shewed ; and I have, on looking them up and enumerating them, been lucky enough to recover and recognize about fifteen of the twenty, which is a pretty fair proportion for this wild and desperate country, and the very conscientious hands they often are doomed to pass through. Ba'tiste and Bogard (poor fellows) I found, after remaining here a few days, had been about as unceremoniously snatched off, as my little canoe ; and Bogard, in particular, as he had made show of a few hundred dollars, which he had saved of his hard earnings in the Rocky Mountains. He came down with a liberal heart, which he had learned in an Indian life of ten years, with a strong taste, which he had acquired, for whiskey, in a country where it was sold for twenty dollars per gallon ; and with an independent feeling, which illy harmonized with rules and regulations of a country of laws ; and the consequence soon was, that by the " Hawk and Buzzard" system, and Rocky Mountain liberality, and Rocky Mountain prodigality, the poor fellow was soon "jugged up;" where he could deli berately dream of beavers, and the free and cooling breezes of the mountain air, without the pleasure of setting his trap for the one, or even indulging the hope of ever again having the pleasure of breathing the other. I had imbibed rather less of these delightful passions in the Indian coun try, and consequently indulged less in them when I came back ; and of course, was rather more fortunate than poor Bogard, whose feelings I soothed as far as it laid in my power, and prepared to " lay my course" to the South, with colours and canvass in readiness for another campaign. In my sojourn in St. Louis, amongst many other kind and congenial friends whom I met, 1 have had daily interviews with the venerable Gover nor Clark, whose whitened locks are still shaken in roars of laughter, and good jests among the numerous citizens, who all love him, and continually rally around him in his hospitable mansion. Governor Clark, with Captain Lewis, were the first explorers across the Rocky Mountains, and down the Colombia to the Pacific Ocean thirty-two years ago ; whose tour has been published in a very interesting work, which has long been before the world. My works and my design have been warmly approved and applauded by this excellent patriarch of the Western World ; and kindly recommended by him in such ways as have been of great service to me. Governor Clark is now Superintendant of Indian Affairs for all the Western and North Western regions ; and surely, their interests could never have been intrusted to better or abler hands.* * Some year or two after writing the above, I saw the announcement of the death of this 31 So long have I been recruiting, and enjoying the society of friends in this town, that the navigation of the river has suddenly closed, being entirely frozen over ; and the earth's surface covered with eighteen inches of drifting snow, which has driven me to the only means, and I start in a day or two, with a tough little pony and a packhorse, to trudge through the snow drifts from this to New Madrid, and perhaps further ; a distance of three or four hundred miles to the South where I must venture to meet a warmer climate the river open, and steamers running, to waft me to the Gulf of Mexico. Of the fate or success that waits me, or of the incidents of that travel, as they have not transpired, I can as yet say nothing ; and I close my book for further time and future entries. veteran, whose life has been one of faithful service to his country, and, at tne same time, of strictest fidelity as the guardian and friend of the red men. 32 LETTER No. 36. PENSACOLA, WEST FLORIDA. FROM my long silence of late, you will no doubt have deemed me out of the civil and perhaps out of the whole world. I have, to be sure, been a great deal of the time out of the limits of one and, at times, nearly out of the other. Yet I am living, and hold in my possession a number of epistles which passing events had dictated, but which I neglected to transmit at the proper season. In my headlong transit through the Southern tribes of Indians, I have "popped out" of the woods upon this glowing land, and I cannot forego the pleasure of letting you into a few of the secrets of this delightful place. " Flos -floris" &c. every body knows the meaning of; and Florida, in Spanish, is a country of flowers. Perdido is perdition, and Rio Perdido, River of Perdition. Looking down its perpendicular banks into its black water, its depth would seem' to be endless, and the doom of the unwary to be gloomy in the extreme. Step not accidentally or wilfully over its fatal brink, and Nature's opposite extreme is spread about you. You are literally in the land of the " cypress and myrtle" where the ever-green live oak and lofty magnolia dress the forest in a perpetual mantle of green. The sudden transition from the ice-bound regions of the North to this mild climate, in the midst of winter, is one of peculiar pleasure. At a half way of the distance, one's cloak is thrown aside ; and arrived on the ever- verdant borders of Florida, the bosom is opened and bared to the soft breeze from the ocean's wave, and the congenial warmth of a summer's sun. Such is the face of Nature here in the rude month of February ; green peas are served on the table other garden vegetables in great perfection, and garden flowers, as well as wild, giving their full and sweetest perfume to the winds. I looked into the deep and bottomless Perdido, and beheld about it the thousand charms which Nature has spread to allure the unwary traveller to its brink. 'Twas not enough to entangle him in a web of sweets upon its bor ders, but Nature seems to have used an art to draw him to its bottom, by the voluptuous buds which blossom under its black waters, and whose vivid colours are softened and enriched the deeper they are seen below its surface The sweetest of wild flowers enamel the shores and spangle the dark green 33 tapestry which hangs over its bosom the stately magnolia towers fear lessly over its black waters, and sheds (with the myrtle and jessamine) the richest perfume over this chilling pool of death. How exquisitely pure and sweet are the delicate tendrils which Nature has hung over these scenes of melancholy and gloom ! and how strong, also, has she fixed in man's breast the passion to possess and enjoy them ! I could have hung by the tree tops over that fatal stream, or blindly staggered over its thorny brink to have culled the sweets which are found only in its bosom ; but the poisonous fang, I was told, was continually aimed at my heel, and I left the sweetened atmosphere of its dark and gloomy, yet enamelled shores. Florida is, in a great degree, a dark and sterile wilderness, yet with spots of beauty and of loveliness, with charms that cannot be forgotten. Her swamps and everglades, the dens of alligators, and lurking places of the desperate savage, gloom the thoughts of the wary traveller, whose mind is cheered and lit to admiration, when in the solitary pine woods, where he hears nought but the echoing notes of the sand-hill cranes, or the howling wolf, he suddenly breaks out into the open savannahs, teeming with their myriads of wild flowers, and palmettos (PLATE 147) ; or where the winding path through which he is wending his lonely way, suddenly brings him out upon the beach, where the rolling sea has thrown up her thousands of hills and mounds of sand as white as the drifted snow, over which her green waves are lashing, and sliding back again to her deep green and agitated bosom (PLATE 148). This sketch was made on Santa Rosa Island, within a few miles of Pensacola, of a favourite spot for tea (and other convivial) parties, which are often held there. The hills of sand are as purely white as snow, and fifty or sixty feet in height, and supporting on their tops, and in their sides, clusters of magnolia bushes of myrtle of palmetto and heather, all of which are evergreens, forming the most vivid contrast with the snow-white sand in which they are growing. On the beach a family of Seminole Indians are encamped, catching and drying red fish, their chief article of food. I have traversed the snow-white shores of Pensacola's beautiful bay, and 1 said to myself, " Is it possible that Nature has done so much in vain or will the wisdom of man lead him to add to such works the em bellishments of art, and thus convert to his own use and enjoyment the greatest luxuries of life ?" As a travelling stranger through the place, I said " yes : it must be so." Nature has here formed the finest harbour in the world ; and the dashing waves of the ocean have thrown around its shores the purest barriers of sand, as white as the drifted snow. Unlike all other Southern ports, it is surrounded by living fountains of the purest water, and its shores continually fanned by the refreshing breathings of the sea. To a Northern man, the winters in this place appear like a continual spring time ; and the intensity of a summer's sun is cooled into comfort and luxury by the ever-cheering sea breeze. VOL. II. F 34 This is the only place I have found in the Southern country to which Northern people can repair with safety in the summer season; and 1 know not of a place in the world where they can go with better .guarantees of good health, and a reasonable share of the luxuries of life. The town of Pensacola is beautifully situated on the shore of the bay, and contains at present about fifteen hundred inhabitants, most of them Spanish Creoles. They live an easy and idle life, without any energy further than for the mere means of living. The bay abounds in the greatest variety of fish, which are easily taken, and the finest quality of oysters are found in profusion, even alongside of the wharves. Government having fixed upon this harbour as the great naval dep6t for all the Southern coast, the consequence will be, that a vast sum of public money will always be put into circulation in this place ; and the officers of the navy, together with the officers of the army, stationed in the three forts built and now building at this place, will constitute the most polished and desirable society in our country. What Pensacola has been or is, in a commercial point of view, little can be said ; but what it can be, and most certainly will be, in a few years, the most sanguine can hardly predict. I would unhesitatingly recommend this to the enterprising capitalists of the North, as a place where they can live, and where (if nature has been kind, as experience has taught us) they will flourish. A few such men have taken their stand here within a few months past ; and, as a first step towards their aggrandizement, a plan of a rail-road has been projected, from Pensacola to Columbus, in Georgia ; which needs only to be completed, to place Pensacola at once before any other town on the Southern coast, excepting New Orleans. Of the feasi bility of such a work, there is not the slightest doubt; and, from the opinions advanced by Captain Chase and Lieutenant Bowman, two of the most dis tinguished engineers of the army, it would seem as if Nature had formed a level nearly the whole way, and supplied the best kind of timber on the spot for its erection. The route of this rail-road would be through or near the principal cotton-growing part of Alabama, and the quantity of produce from that state, as well as from a great part of the state of Georgia, which would seek this market, would be almost incalculable. Had this road been in ope ration during the past winter, it has been ascertained by a simple calculation, that the cotton-growers of Alabama, might have saved 2,000,000 of dollars on their crop ; by being enabled to have got it early into market, and received the first price of 18| cents, instead of waiting six weeks or two months for a rise of water, enabling them to get it to Mobile at which time it had fallen to nine cents per pound. As a work also of national utility, it would rank amongst the most important in our country, and the Government might afford to appropriate the whole sum necessary for its construction. In a period of war, when in all probability, for a great part of the time, this port may be in a 147 i G Gal 148 35 state of blockade, such a communication with the interior of the country, would be of incalculable benefit for the transportation of men of produce and munitions of war. Of the few remnants of Indians remaining in this part of the country, I have little to say, at present, that could interest you. The sum total that can be learned or seen of them (like all others that are half civilized) is, that they are to be pitied. The direful " trump of war" is blowing in East Florida, where I was " steering my course ;" and I shall in a few days turn my steps in a different direction. Since you last heard from me, I have added on to my former Tour " down the river," the remainder of the Mississippi (or rather Missouri), from St. Louis to New Orleans ; and I find that, from its source to the Balize, the distance is 4500 miles only ! 1 shall be on the wing again in a few days, for a shake of the hand with the Camanchees, Osages, Pawnees, Kioways, Arapahoes, &c. some hints of whom I shall certainly give you from their different localities, provided I can keep the hair on my head. This Tour will lead me up the Arkansas to its source, and into the Rocky Mountains, under the protection of the United States dragoons. You will begin to think ere long, that I shall acquaint myself pretty well with the manners and customs of our country at least with the out-land-ish part of it. I shall hail the day with pleasure, when I can again reach the free land of the lawless savage ; for far more agreeable to my ear is the Indiaa yeii and war-whoop, than the civilized groans and murmurs about " pressure," " de- posites," " banks," " boundary questions," &c. ; and I vanish from the country with the sincere hope that these tedious words may become obsolete before I return. Adieu. 3G LETTER No. 37. FORT GIBSON, ARKANSAS TERRITORY. SINCE the date of my last Letter at Pensacola, in Florida, I travelled New Orleans, and from thence up the Mississippi several hundred miles, the mouth of the Arkansas ; and up the Arkansas, 700 miles to this plact. We wended our way up, between the pictured shores of this beautiful river, on the steamer Arkansas," until within 200 miles of this post ; when we got aground, and the water falling fast, left the steamer nearly on dry ground. Hunting and fishing, and whist, and sleeping, and eating, were our principal amusements to deceive away the time, whilst we were waiting for the water to rise. Lieutenant Seaton, of the army, was one of my companions in misery, whilst we lay two weeks or more without prospect of further progress the poor fellow on his way to his post to join his regiment, had left his trunk, unfortunately, with all his clothes in it ; and by hunting and fishing m shirts that I loaned him, or from other causes, we became yoked in amusements, in catering for our table in getting fish and wild fowl ; and, after that, as the " last kick" for amusement and pastime, with another good companion by the name of Chadwick, we clambered up and over the rugged mountains' sides, from day to day, turning stones to catch centipedes and tarantulas, of which poisonous reptiles we caged a number ; and on the boat mused ourselves by betting on their battles, which were immediately fought, fe almost instantly taken, when they came together.* In this, and fifty other ways, we whiled away the heavy time : but yet, at last we reached our destined goal, and here we are at present fixed. Fort son is the extreme south-western outpost on the United States frontier; illy situated on the banks of the river, in the midst of an extensive lovely prairie ; and is at present occupied by the 7th regiment of United infantry, heretofore under the command of General Arbuckle, one of fficers on the frontier, and the original builder of the post. sing soon to leave this little civilized world for a campaign in the Indian try, I take this opportunity to bequeath a few words before the moment Having sometime since obtained permission from the Secre- Several years after writing the above, I was shocked at the announcement of the f th, : amiable and honourable young man, Lieutenant Seaton, who fell a victim to disease of that country; severing another of the many fibres of my heart, * peculiar circumstances in these wild regions, had woven, hut to be broken. 37 tary of War to accompany the regiment of the United States dragoons in their summer campaign, I reported myself at this place two months ago, where I have been waiting ever since for their organization. After the many difficul ties which they have had to encounter, they have at length all assembled the grassy plains are resounding with the trampling hoofs of the prancing war- horse and already the hills are echoing back the notes of the spirit-stirring trumpets, which are sounding for the onset. The natives are again "to be astonished," and I shall probably again be a witness to the scene. But whether the approach of eight hundred mounted dragoons amongst the Camanchees and Pawnees, will afford me a better subject for a picture of a gaping and astounded multitude, than did the first approach of our steam boat amongst the Mandans, &c., is a question yet to be solved. T am strongly inclined to think that the scene will not be less wild and spirited, and I ardently wish it ; for I have become so much Indian of late, that my pencil has lost all appetite for subjects that savour of tameness. I should delight in seeing these red knights of the lance astonished, for it is then that they shew their brightest hues and I care not how badly we frighten them, pro vided we hurt them not, nor frighten them out of sketching distance. You will agree with me, that 1 am going farther to get sitters, than any of my fellow- artists ever did ; but I take an indescribable pleasure in roaming through Nature's trackless wilds, and selecting my models, where I am free and unshackled by the killing restraints of society ; where a painter must modestly sit and breathe away in agony the edge and soul of his inspiration, waiting for the sluggish calls of the civil. Though the toil, the privations, and expense of travelling to these remote parts of the world to get subjects for my pencil, place almost insurmountable, and sometimes painful obstacles before me, yet I am encouraged by the continual conviction that I am practising in the true School of the Arts ; and that, though I should get as poor as Lazarus, I should deem myself rich in models and studies for the future occupation of my life. Of this much I am certain that amongst these sons of the forest, where are continually repeated the feats and gambols equal to the Grecian Games, I have learned more of the essential parts of my art in the three last years, than I could have learned in New York in a life-time. The landscape scenes of these wild and beautiful regions, are, of them selves, a rich reward for the traveller who can place them in his portfolio : and being myself the only one accompanying the dragoons for scientific purposes, there will be an additional pleasure to be derived from those pur suits. The regiment of eight hundred men, with whom I am to travel, will be an effective force, and a perfect protection against any attacks that will ever be made by Indians. It is composed principally of young men of respectable families, who would act, on all occasions, from feelings of pride and honour, in addition to those of the common soldier. The day before yesterday the regiment of dragoons and the 7th regiment 38 of infantry, stationed here, were reviewed by General Leavenworth, who lias lately arrived at this post, superseding Colonel Arbuckle in the command. Both regiments were drawn up in battle array, in fatigue dress, and pass ing through a number of the manoeuvres of battle, of charge and repulse, &c., presenting a novel and thrilling scene in the prairie, to the thousands of Indians and others who had assembled to witness the display. The proud and manly deportment of these young men remind one forcibly of a regiment of Inde pendent Volunteers, and the horses have a most beautiful appearance from the arrangement of colours. Each company of horses has been selected of one colour entire. There is a company of bays, a company of blacks, one of whites, one of sorrels, one of greys, one of cream colour, &c. &c., which render the companies distinct, and the effect exceedingly pleasing. This regiment goes out under the command of Colonel Dodge, and from his well tested qualifications, and from the beautiful equipment of the command, there can be little doubt but that they will do credit to themselves and an honour to their country ; so far as honours can be gained and laurels can be plucked from their wild stems in a savage country. The object of this summer's campaign seems to be to cultivate an acquaintance with the Paw nees and Camanchees. These are two extensive tribes of roaming Indians, who, from their extreme ignorance of us, have not yet recognized the United States in treaty, and have struck frequent blows on our frontiers and plundered our traders who are traversing their country. For this I cannot so much blame them, for the Spaniards are gradually advancing upon them on one side, and the Americans on the other, and fast destroying the furs and game of their country, which God gave them as their only wealth and means of subsistence. This movement of the dragoons seems to be one of the most humane in its views, and I heartily hope that it may prove so in the event, as well for our own sakes as for that of the Indian. I can see no reason why we should march upon them with an invading army carrying with it the spirit of chastisement. The object of Government undoubtedly is to effect a friendly meeting with them, that they may see and respect us, and to establish something like a system of mutual rights with them. To penetrate their country with the other view, that of chastising them, even with five times the number that are now going, would be entirely futile, and perhaps disastrous in the extreme. It is a pretty thing (and perhaps an easy one, in the estimation of the world) for an army of mounted men to be gaily pranc ing over the boundless green fields of the West, and it is so for a little distance but it would be well that the world should be apprised of some of the actual difficulties that oppose themselves to the success of such a cam paign, that they may not censure too severely, in case this command should fail to accomplish the objects for which they were organized. In the first place, from the great difficulty of organizing and equipping, these troops are starting too late in the season for their summer's campaign, by two months. The journey which they have to perform is a very long one. 39 and although the first part of it will be picturesque and pleasing, the after part of it will be tiresome and fatiguing in the extreme. As they advance to the West, the grass (and consequently the game) will be gradually dimi nishing, and water in many parts of the county not to be found. As the troops will be obliged to subsist themselves a great part of the way, it will be extremely difficult to do it under such circumstances, and at the same time hold themselves in readiness, with half-famished horses and men nearly exhausted, to contend with a numerous enemy who are at home, on the ground on which they were born , with horses fresh and ready for action. It is not probable, however, that the Indians will venture to take advantage of such circumstances ; but I am inclined to think, that the expedition will be more likely to fail from another source : it is my opinion that the appearance of so large a military force in their country, will alarm the Indians to that degree, that they will fly with their families to their hiding-places amongst those barren deserts, which they themselves can reach only by great fatigue and extreme privation, and to which our half-exhausted troops cannot possi bly follow them. From these haunts their warriors would advance and annoy the regiment as much as they could, by striking at their hunting parties and cutting off their supplies. To attempt to pursue them, if they cannot be called to a council, would be as useless as to follow the wind ; for our troops in such a case, are in a country where they are obliged to subsist themselves, and the Indians being on fresh horses, with a supply of provisions, would easily drive all the buffaloes ahead of them ; and endeavour, as far as pos sible, to decoy our troops into the barren parts of the country, where they could not find the means of subsistence. The plan designed to be pursued, and the only one that can succeed, is to send runners to the different bands, explaining the friendly intentions of our Government, and to invite them to a meeting. For this purpose several Camanchee and Pawnee prisoners have been purchased from the Osages, who may be of great service in bringing about a friendly interview. I ardently hope that this plan may succeed, for I am anticipating great fatigue and privation in the endeavour to see these wild tribes together ; that I may be enabled to lay before the world a just estimate of their manners and customs. 1 hope that my suggestions may not be truly prophetic ; but I am con strained to say, that I doubt very much whether we shall see anything more of them than their trails, and the sites of their deserted villages. Several companies have already started from this place ; and the remain ing ones will be on their march in a day or two. General Leavenworth will accompany them 200 miles, to the mouth of False Washita, and I shall be attached to his staff. Incidents which may occur, I shall record- Adieu. NOTE. In the mean time, as it may be long before I can write again, I bend you some account of the Osages ; whom I have been visiting and painting during the two months I have been staying here. LETTER-No. 38. FORT GIBSON, ARKANSAS. NEARLY two months have elapsed since I arrived at this post, on my way up the river from the Mississippi, to join the regiment of dragoons on their campaign into the country of the Camanchees and Pawnee Picts ; during which time, 1 have been industriously at work with my brush and my pen, recording the looks and the deeds of the Osages, who inhabit the country on the North and the West of this. The Osage, or (as they call themselves) Wa-saw-see, are a tribe of about 5200 in numbers, inhabiting and hunting over the head-waters of the Arkansas, and Neosho or Grand Rivers. Their present residence is about 700 miles West of the Mississippi river ; in three villages, constituted of wigwams, built of barks and flags or reeds. One of these villages is within forty miles of this Fort ; another within sixty, and the third about eighty miles. Their chief place of trade is with the sutlers at this post ; and there are constantly more or less of them encamped about the garrison. The Osages may justly be said to be the tallest race of men in North America, either of red or white skins ; there being very few indeed of the men, at their full growth, who are less than six feet in stature, and very many of them six and a half, and others seven feet. They are at the same time well-proportioned in their limbs, and good looking ; being rather nar row in the shoulders, and, like most all very tall people, a little inclined to stoop ; not throwing the chest out, and the head and shoulders back, quite as much as the Crows and Mandans, and other tribes amongst which I have been familiar. Their movement is graceful and quick ; and in war and the chase, I think they are equal to any of the tribes about them. This tribe, though living, as they long have, near the borders of the civi lized community, have studiously rejected everything of civilized customs ; and are uniformly dressed in skins of their own dressing strictly main taining their primitive looks and manners, without the slightest appearance of innovations, excepting in the blankets, which have been recently admitted to their use instead of the buffalo robes, which are now getting scarce amongst them. The Osages are one of the tribes who shave the head, as I have before described when speaking of the Pawnees and Konzas, and they decorate 41 and paint it with great care, and some considerable taste. There is a pecu liarity in the heads of these people which is very striking to the eye of a traveller; and which I find is produced by artificial means in infancy. Their children, like those of all the other tribes, are carried on a board, and slung upon the mother's back. The infants are lashed to the boards, with their backs upon them, apparently in a very uncomfortable condition ; and with the Osages, the head of the child bound down so tight to the board, as to force in the occipital bone, and create an unnatural deficiency on the back part, and consequently more than a natural elevation of the top of the head. This custom, they told me they practiced, because " it pressed out a bold and manly appearance in front." This I think, from observation, to be rather imaginary than real ; as I cannot see that they exhibit any extra ordinary development in the front ; though they evidently shew a striking deficiency on the back part, and also an unnatural elevation on the top of the head, which is, no doubt, produced by this custom. The difference between this mode and the one practiced by the Flat-head Indians beyond the Rocky Mountains, consists in this, that the Flat-heads press the head be tween two boards ; the one pressing the frontal bone down, whilst the other is pressing the occipital up, producing the most frightful deformity ; whilst the Osages merely press the occipital in, and that, but to a moderate degree, occasioning but a slight, and in many cases, almost immaterial, departure from the symmetry of nature. These people, like all those tribes who shave the head, cut and slit their ears very much, and suspend from them great quantities of wampum and tinsel ornaments. Their necks are generally ornamented also with a profusion of wampum and beads ; and as they live in a warm climate where there is not so much necessity for warm clothing, as amongst the more Northern tribes, of whom I have been heretofore speaking ; their shoulders, arms, and chests are generally naked, and painted in a great variety of picturesque' ways, with silver bands on the wrists, and oftentimes a profusion of rings on the fingers. The head-chief of the Osages at this time, is a young man by the name of Clermont (PLATE 150), the son of a very distinguished chief of that name, who recently died ; leaving his son his successor, with the consent of the tribe. I painted the portrait of this chief at full length, in a beautiful dress, his leggings fringed with scalp-locks, and in his hand his favourite and valued war-club. By his side I have painted also at full length, his wife and child (PLATE 151). She was richly dressed in costly cloths of civilized manufacture, which is almost a solitary instance amongst the Osages, who so studiously reject every luxury and every custom of civilized people ; and amongst those, the use of whiskey,- which is on all sides tendered to them but almost uniformily rejected ! This is an unusual and unaccountable thing, unless the influence which the missionaries and teachers have exer- VOL. II. O 42 cised over them, has induced them to abandon the pernicious and destructive habit of drinking to excess. From what I can learn, the Osages were once fond of whiskey ; and, like all other tribes who have had the opportunity, were in the habit of using it to excess. Several very good and exemplary men have been for years past exerting their greatest efforts, with those of their families, amongst these people ; having established schools and agri cultural experiments amongst them. And I am fully of the opinion, that this decided anomaly in the Indian country, has resulted from the devoted exertions of these pious and good men. Amongst the chiefs of the Osages, and probably the next in authority and respect in the tribe, is Tchong-tas-sab-bee, the black dog (PLATE 152), whom I painted also at full length, with his pipe in one hand, and his toma hawk in the other ; his head shaved, and ornamented with a beautiful crest of deer s' hair, and his body wrapped in a huge mackinaw blanket. This dignitary, who is blind in the left eye, is one of the most conspicuous characters in all this country, rendered so by his huge size (standing in height and in girth, above all of his tribe), as well as by his extraordinary life. The Black Dog is familiarly known to all the officers of the army, as well as to Traders and all other white men, who have traversed these regions, and I beiieve, admired and respected by most of them. His height, I think, is seven feet ; and his limbs full and rather fat, making his bulk formidable, and weighing, perhaps, some 250 or 300 pounds. This man is chief of one of the three bands of the Osages, divided as they are into three families ; occupying, as I before said, three villages, denominated, " Clermont's Village," " Black Dog's Village," and " White Hair's Village." The White Hair is another distinguished leader of the Osages ; and some have awarded to him the title of Head Chief; but in the jealous feelings of rivalry which have long agitated this tribe, and some times, even endangered its peace, I believe it has been generally agreed that his claims are third in the tribe; though he justly claims the title of a chief, and a very gallant and excellent man. The portrait of this man, 1 regret to say, I did not get. Amongst the many brave and distinguished warriors of the tribe, one of the most noted and respected is Tal-lee (PLATE 153), painted at full length, with his lance in his hand his shield on his arm, and his bow and quiver slung upon his back. In this portrait, there is a fair specimen of the Osage figure and dress, as well as of the facial outline, and shape and character of the head, and mode of dressing and ornamenting it with the helmet-crest, and the eagle's quill. If I had the time at present, I would unfold to the reader some of the pleasing and extraordinary incidents of this gallant fellow's military life ; and also the anecdotes that have grown out of the familiar life I have led with this handsome and high-minded gentleman of the wild woods and 152 43 prairies. Of the Black Dog I should say more also ; and most assuredly will not fail to do justice to these extraordinary men, when I have leisure to write off all my notes, and turn biographer. At present, I shake hands with these two noblemen, and bid them good-bye ; promising them, that if I never get time to say more of their virtues I shall say nothing them. In PLATES 154, 155, 156, I have represented three braves, Ko-ha-tunk-a (the big crow) ; Nah-com-e-shee (the man of the bed), and Mun-ne-pus- kee (he who is not afraid). These portraits set forth fairly the modes of dress and ornaments of the young men of the tribe, from the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet. The only dress they wear in warm weather is the breech-cloth, leggings, and moccasins of dressed skins, and garters worn immediately below the knee, ornamented profusely with beads and wampum.* These three distinguished and ambitious young men, were of the best families in the Osage nation ; and as they explained to me, having formed a peculiar attachment to each other they desired me to paint them all on one canvass, in which wish I indulged them. Besides the above personages, I also painted the portraits of Wa-ho- beck-ee ( ), a brave, and said to be the handsomest man in the Osage nation ; Moi-een-e-shee (the constant walker) ; Wa-mash-ee-sheek (he who takes away) ; Wa-chesh-uk (war) ; Mink-chesk ( ) ; Wash-im-pe- shee (the mad man), a distinguished warrior ; Shin-ga-wos-sa (the hand some bird) ; Cak-he-ga-shin-ga (the little chief), and Tcha-to-ga (the mad buffalo) ; all of which will hang in my INDIAN MUSEUM for the inspection of the curious. The last mentioned of these was tried and convicted of the murder of two white men during Adams's administration, and was afterwards pardoned, and still lives, though in disgrace in his tribe, as one whose life had been forfeited, " but (as they say) not worth taking." The Osages have been formerly, and until quite recently, a powerful and warlike tribe : carrying their arms fearlessly through all of these realms ; and ready to cope with foes of any kind that they were liable to meet. At present, the case is quite different ; they have been repeatedly moved and jostled along, from the head waters of the White river, and even from the shores of the Mississippi, to where they now are ; and reduced by every war and every move. The small-pox has taken its share of them at two or three different times ; and the Konzas, as they are now called, having been a * These three young men, with eight or ten others, were sent out by the order of the Black Dog and the other chiefs, with the regiment of dragoons, as guides and hunters, for the expedition to the Camanchees, an account of which will be found in the following pages. 1 was a fellow-traveller and hunter with these young men for several months, and therefore have related in the following pages some of the incidents of our mutual exploits whilst in the Camanchee country. 44 part of the Osages, and receded from them, impaired their strength ; and have at last helped to lessen the number of their warriors ; so that their decline has been very rapid, bringing them to the mere handful that now exists of them ; though still preserving their valour as warriors, which they are continually shewing off as bravely and as professionally as they can, with the Pawnees and the Camanchees, with whom they are waging incessant war ; although they are the principal sufferers in those scenes which they fearlessly persist in, as if they were actually bent on their self-destruction. Very great efforts have been, and are being made amongst these people to civilize and christianize them ; and still I believe with but little success. Agriculture they have caught but little of ; and of religion and civilization sti.ll less. One good result has, however, been produced by these faithful labourers, which is the conversion of these people to temperance ; which I consider the first important step towards the other results, and which of itself is an achievement that redounds much to the credit and humanity of those, whose lives have been devoted to its accomplishment. Here I must leave the Osages for the present, but not the reader, whose company I still hope to have awhile longer, to hear how I get along amongst the wild and untried scenes, that I am to start upon in a few days, in company with the first regiment of dragoons, in the first grand civilized foray, into the country of the wild and warlike Camanchees. LETTER No. 39. MOUTH OF FALSE WASHITA, RED RIVER. UNDER the protection of the United States dragoons, I arrived at this place three days since, on my way again in search of the " Far West." How far I may this time follow the flying phantom, is uncertain. I am already again in the land of the buffaloes and the fleet-bounding antelopes ; and I anticipate, with many other beating hearts, rare sport and amuse ment amongst the wild herds ere long. We shall start from hence in a few days, and other epistles I may occa sionally drop you from terra incognita, for such is the great expanse of country which we expect to range over ; and names we are to give, and country to explore, as far as we proceed. We are, at this place, on the banks of the Red River, having Texas under our eye on the opposite bank. Our encampment is on the point of land between the Red and False Washita rivers, at their junction ; and the country about us is a panorama too beau tiful to be painted with a pen : it is, like most of the country in these regions, composed of prairie and timber, alternating in the most delightful shapes and proportions that the eye of a connoisseur could desire. The verdure is everywhere of the deepest green, and the plains about us are literally speckled with buffalo. We are distant from Fort Gibson about 200 miles, which distance we accomplished in ten days. A great part of the way, the country is prairie, gracefully undulating well watered, and continually beautified by copses and patches of timber. On our way my attention was rivetted to the tops of some of the prairie bluffs, whose summits I approached with inexpressible delight. I rode to Ihe top of one of these noble mounds, in company with my friends Lieut. Wheelock and Joseph Chadwick, where we agreed that our horses instinc tively looked and admired. They thought not of the rich herbage that was under their feet, but, with deep-drawn sighs, their necks were loftily curved, and their eyes widely stretched over the landscape that was beneath us. From this elevated spot, the horizon was bounded all around us by moun tain streaks of blue, softening into azure as they vanished, and the pictured vales that intermediate lay, were deepening into green as the eye was re turning from its roamings. Beneath us, and winding through the waving landscape was seen with peculiar effect, the " bold dragoons," marching in beautiful order forming a train of a mile in length. Baggage waggons and 46 Indians (engages) helped to lengthen the procession. From the point where we stood, the line was seen in miniature ; and the undulating hills ovei which it was bending its way, gave it the appearance of a huge black snake gracefully gliding over a rich carpet of green. This picturesque country of 200 miles, over which we have passed, belongs to the Creeks and Choctaws, and affords one of the richest and most desi rable countries in the world for agricultural pursuits. Scarcely a day has passed, in which we have not crossed oak ridges, ot several miles in breadth, with a sandy soil and scattering timber ; where the ground was almost literally covered with vines, producing the greatest profusion of delicious grapes, of five-eighths of an inch in diameter, and hanging in such endless clusters, as justly to entitle this singular and solitary wilderness to the style of a vineyard (and ready for the vintage), for many miles together. The next hour we would be trailing through broad and verdant valleys of green prairies, into which we had descended ; and oftentimes find our progress completely arrested by hundreds of acres of small plum-trees, of four or six feet in height ; so closely woven and interlocked together, as entirely to dispute our progress, and sending us several miles around ; when every bush that was in sight was so loaded with the weight of its delicious wild fruit, that they were in many instances literally without leaves on their branches, and bent quite to the ground. Amongst these, and in patches, were intervening beds of wild roses, wild currants, and gooseberries. And underneath and about them, and occasionally interlocked with them, huge masses of the prickly pears, and beautiful and tempting wild flowers that sweetened the atmosphere above ; whilst an occasional huge yellow rattle snake, or a copper-head, could be seen gliding over, or basking across their vari-coloured tendrils and leaves. On the eighth day of our march we met, for the first time, a herd of buffaloes ; and being in advance of the command, in company with General Leavenworth, Colonel Dodge, and several other officers ; we all had an opportunity of testing the mettle of our horses and our own tact at the wild and spirited death. The inspiration of chase took at once, and alike, with the old and the young ; a beautiful plain lay before us, and we all gave spur for the onset. General Leavenworth and Colonel Dodge, with thoir pistols, gallantly and handsomely belaboured a fat cow, and were in together at the death. I was not quite so fortunate in my selection, for the one which I saw fit to gallant over the plain alone, of the same sex, younger and coy, led me a hard chase, and for a long time, disputed my near ap proach ; when, at length, the full speed of my horse forced us to close com pany, and she desperately assaulted his shoulders with her horns. My gun was aimed, but missing its fire, the muzzle entangled in her mane, and was instantly broke in two in my hands, and fell over my shoulder. My pistols were then brought to bear upon her ; and though severely wounded, she 4? succeeded in reaching the thicket, and left me without " a deed of chivalry to boast." Since that day, the Indian hunters in our charge have supplied us abundantly with buffalo meat ; and report says, that the country ahead of us will afford us continual sport, and an abundant supply. We are halting here for a few days to recruit horses and men, after which the line of march will be resumed ; and if the Pawnees are as near to us as we have strong reason to believe, from their recent trails and fires, it is probable that within a few days we shall " thrash" them or "get thrashed;" unless through their sagacity and fear, they elude our search by flying before us to their hiding-places. The prevailing policy amongst the officers seems to be, that of flogging them first, and then establishing a treaty of peace. If this plan were morally right, I do not think it practicable ; for, as enemies, I do not believe they will stand to meet us ; but, as friends, I think we may bring them to a talk, if the proper means are adopted. We are here encamped on the ground on which Judge Martin and servant were butchered, and his son kidnapped by the Pawnees or Camanchees, but a few weeks since ; and the moment they discover us in a large body, they will presume that we are relentlessly seek ing for revenge, and they will probably be very shy of our approach. We are over the Washita the " Rubicon is passed." We are invaders of a sacred soil. We are carrying war in our front, and " we shall soon see, what we shall see." The cruel fate of Judge Martin and family has been published in the papers ; and it belongs to the regiment of dragoons to demand the surrender of the murderers, and get for the information of the world, some authentic account of the mode in which this horrid outrage was committed. Judge Martin was a very respectable and independent man, living on the lower part of the Red River, and in the habit of taking his children and a couple of black men-servants with him, and a tent to live in, every summer, into these wild regions ; where he pitched it upon the prairie, and spent several months in killing buffaloes and other wild game, for his own private amuse ment. The news came to Fort Gibson but a few weeks before we started, that he had been set upon by a party of Indians and destroyed. A detachment of troops was speedily sent to the spot, where they found his body horridly mangled, and also of one of his negroes ; and it is supposed that his son, a fine boy of nine years of age, has been taken home to their villages by them. Where they still retain him, and where it is our hope to recover him. Great praise is due to General Leavenworth for his early and unremitted efforts to facilitate the movements of the regiment of dragoons, by opening ro ids from Gibson and Towson to this place. We found encamped two companies of infantry from Fort Towson, who will follow in the rear of the dragoons as far as necessary, transporting with waggons, stores and supplies, and ready, at the same time, to co-operate with the dragoons in case of ne cessity. General Leavenworth will advance with us from this post, but how 48 far he may proceed is uncertain. We know not exactly the route which wo shall take, for circumstances alone must decide that point. We shall proba bly reach Cantonment Leavenworth in the fall ; and one thing is certain (in the opinion of one who has already seen something of Indian life and country), we shall meet with many severe privations and reach that place a jaded set of fellows, and as ragged as Jack Falstaff's famous band. You are no doubt inquiring, who are these Pawnees, Camanchees, and Arapahoes, and why not tell us all about them ? Their history, numbers and limits are still in obscurity ; nothing definite is yet known of them, but I hope I shall soon be able to give the world a clue to them. If my life and health are preserved, 1 anticipate many a pleasing scene for my pencil, as well as incidents worthy of reciting to the world, which I shall occasionally do, as opportunity may occur. LETTER No. 40. MOUTH OF FALSE WASHITA. SINCE I wrote my last Letter from this place, I have been detained here with the rest of the cavalcade from the extraordinary sickness which is afflicting the regiment, and actually threatening to arrest its progress. It was, as I wrote the other day, the expectation of the commanding officer that we should have been by this time recruited and recovered from sickness, and ready to start again on our march ; but since I wrote nearly one half of the command, and included amongst them, several officers, with General Leavenworth, have been thrown upon their backs, with the prevailing epidemic, a slow and distressing bilious fever. The horses of the regiment are also sick, about an equal proportion, and seemingly suffering with the same disease. They are daily dying, and men are calling sick, and General Leavenworth has ordered Col. Dodge to select all the men, and all the horses that are able to proceed, and be otf to-morrow at nine o'clock upon the march towards the Camanchees, in hopes thereby to preserve the health of the men, and make the most rapid advance towards the extreme point of destination. General Leavenworth has reserved Col. Kearney to take command of the remaining troops and the little encampment; and promises Colonel Dodge that he will himself be well enough in a few days to proceed with a party on his trail and overtake him at the Cross Timbers. I should here remark, that when we started from Fort Gibson, the regiment of dragoons, instead of the eight hundred which it was sup posed it would contain, had only organized to the amount of 400 men, which was the number that started from that place ; and being at this time half disabled, furnishes but 200 effective men to penetrate the wild and untried regions of the hostile Camanchees. All has been bustle and confusion this day, packing up and preparing for the start to-morrow morning. My canvass and painting apparatus are prepared and ready for the packhorse, which carries the goods and chattels of my esteemed com panion Joseph Chadwick and myself, and we shall be the two only guests of the procession, and consequently the only two who will be at liberty to gallop about where we please, despite military rules and regulations, chasing the. wild herds, or seeking our own amusements in any such modes as we VOL. II. H 50 choose. Mr. Chadwick is a young man from St. Louis, with whom I ha7e been long acquainted, and for whom 1 have the highest esteem. He has so far stood by me as a faithful friend, and I rely implicitly on his society during this campaign for much good company and amusement. Though I have an order from the Secretary at War to the commanding officer, to protect and supply me, I shall ask but for their protection ; as I have, with my friend Joe, laid in our own supplies for the campaign, not putting the Govern ment to any expense on my account, in pursuit of my own private objects. I am writing this under General Leavenworth's tent, where he has gene rously invited me to take up my quarters during our encampment here, and he promises to send it by his express, which starts to-morrow with a mail from this to Fort Towson on the frontier, some hundreds of miles below this. At the time I am writing, the General lies pallid and emaciated before me, on his couch, with a dragoon fanning him, whilst he breathes forty or fifty breaths a minute, and writhes under a burning fever, although he is yet unwilling even to admit that he is sick. In my last Letter I gave a brief account of a buffalo chase, where General Leavenworth and Col. Dodge took parts, and met with pleasing success. The next day, while on the march, and a mile or so in advance of the regi ment, and two days before we reached this place, General Leavenworth, Col. Dodge, Lieut. Wheelock and myself were jogging along, and all in turn complaining of the lameness of our bones, from the chase on the former day, when the General, who had long ago had his surfeit of pleasure of this kind on the Upper Missouri, remonstrated against further indulgence, in the follow ing manner : " Well, Colonel, this running for buffaloes is bad business for us we are getting too old, and should leave such amusements to the young men ; I have had enough of this fun in my life, and I am determined not to hazard my limbs or weary my horse any more with it it is the height of folly for us, but will do well enough for boys." Col. Dodge assented at once to his resolves, and approved them ; whilst I, who had tried it in every form (and I had thought, to my heart's content), on the Upper Mis souri, joined my assent to the folly of our destroying our horses, which had a long journey to perform, and agreed that I would join no more in the buffalo chase, however near and inviting they might come to me. In the midst of this conversation, and these mutual declarations (or rather just at the end of them), as we were jogging along in " Indian file" and General Leavenworth taking the lead, and just rising to the top of a little hill over which it seems he had had an instant peep, he dropped himself suddenly upon the side of his horse and wheeled back ! and rapidly informed us with an agitated whisper, and an exceeding game contraction of the eye, that a snug little band of buffaloes were quietly grazing just over the knoll in a beautiful meadow for running, and that if I would take to the left ! and Lieut. Whee lock to the right ! and let him and the Colonel dash right into the midst of il:em! we could play the devil with them ! ! one half of this at least was 51 said after he had got upon his feet and taken off his portmanteau and valise, in which we had all followed suit, and were mounting for the start ! and I am almost sure nothing else was said, and if it had been I should not have heard it, for I was too far off! and too rapidly dashed over the waving grass ! and too eagerly gazing and plying the whip, to hear or to see, any thing but the trampling hoofs ! and the blackened throng ! and the darting steeds ! and the flashing of guns ! until 1 had crossed the beautiful lawn ! and the limb of a tree, as my horse was darting into the timber, had crossed my horse's back, and had scraped me into the grass, from which I soon raised my head ! and all was silent ! and all out of sight ! save the dragoon regiment, which I could see in distance creeping along on the top of a high hill. I found my legs under me in a few moments, and put them in their accustomed positions, none of which would for some time, answer the usual purpose; but I at last got them to work, and brought " Charley" out of the bushes, where he had " brought up" in the top of a fallen tree, with out damage. No buffalo was harmed in this furious assault, nor horse nor rider. Col. Dodge and Lieut. Wheelock had joined the regiment, and General Leaven- worth joined me, with too much game expression yet in his eye to allow him more time than to say, " I'll have that calf before I quit !" and away he sailed, " up hill and down dale," in pursuit of a fine calf that had been hidden on the ground during the chase, and was now making its way over the prairies in pursuit of the herd. I rode to the top of a little hill to witness the suc cess of the General's second effort, and after he had come close upon the little affrighted animal, it dodged about in such a manner as evidently to baffle his skill, and perplex his horse, which at last fell in a hole, and both were instantly out of my sight. I ran my horse with all possible speed to the spot, and found him on his hands and knees, endeavouring to get up. I dismounted and raised hkn on to his feet, when I asked him if he was hurt, to which he replied " no, but I might have been," when he instantly fainted, and I laid him on the grass. I had left my canteen with my portmanteau, and had nothing to administer to him, nor was there water near us. I took my lancet from my pocket and was tying his arm to open a vein, when he recovered, and objected to the operation, assuring me that he was not in the least injured. I caught his horse and soon got him mounted again, when we rode on together, and after two or three hours were enabled to join the regiment. From that hour to the present, I think I have seen a decided change in the General's face ; he has looked pale and feeble, and been continually troubled with a violent cough. I have rode by the side of him from day to day, and he several times told me that he was fearful he was badly hurt. He looks very feeble now, and I very much fear the result of the fever that has set in upon him. We take up the line of march at bugle-call in the morning, and \i may 52 be a long time before i can send a Letter again, as there are no post-offices nor mail carriers in the country where we are now going. It will take a great deal to stop me from writing, however, and as I am now to enter upon one of the most interesting parts of the Indian country, inasmuch as it is one of the wildest and most hostile, I shall surely scribble an occasional Letter, if I have to carry them in my own pocket, and bring them in with with me on ray return. 63 LETTER-NO. 41. GREAT CAMANCHEE VILLAGE. WE are again at rest, and I am with subjects rude and almost infinite around me, for my pen and my brush. The little band of dragoons are encamped by a fiue spring of cool water, within half a mile of the principal town of the Camanchees, and in the midst of a bustling and wild scene, I assure you ; and before I proceed to give an account of things and scenes that are about me, I must return for a few moments to the place where I left the Reader, at the encampment at False Washita, and rapidly travel with him o/er the country that lies between that place and the Camanchee Village, where I am now writing. On the morning after my last Letter was written, the sound and efficient part of the regiment was in motion at nine o'clock. And with them, my friend " Joe" and I, with our provisions laid in, and all snugly arranged on our packhorse, which we alternately led or drove between us. Our course was about due West, on the divide between the Washita and Red Rivers, with our faces looking towards the Rocky Mountains. The country over which we passed from day to day, was inimitably beautiful ; being the whole way one continuous prairie of green fields, with occasional clusters of timber and shrubbery, just enough for the uses of cultivating-man, and for the pleasure of his eyes to dwell upon. The regiment was rather more than half on the move, consisting of 250 men, instead of 200 as I pre dicted in my Letter from that place. All seemed gay and buoyant at the fresh start, which all trusted was to liberate us from the fatal miasma which we conceived was hovering about the mouth of the False Washita. We advanced on happily, and met with no trouble until the second night of our encampment, in the midst of which we were thrown into " pie" (as printers would say,) in an instant of the most appalling alarm and confusion. We were encamped on a beautiful prairie, where we were every hour apprehen sive of the lurking enemy. And in the dead of night, when all seemed to be sound asleep and quiet, the instant sound and flash of a gun within a few paces of us ! and then the most horrid and frightful groans that instantly followed it, brought us all upon our hands and knees in an instant, and our affrighted horses (which were breaking their lasos,) in full speed and fury over our heads, with the frightful and mingled din of snorting, and cries of "Indians! Indians! Pawnees!" &c., which rang from every part of our 54 little encampment ! In a few moments the excitement was chiefly over, and silence restored ; when we could hear the trampling hoofs of the horses, which were making off in all directions, (not unlike a drove of swine that once ran into the sea, when they were possessed of devils) ; and leaving but now and then an individual quadruped hanging at its stake within our little camp. The mode of our encampment was, uniformly in four lines, forming a square of fifteen or twenty rods in diameter. Upon these lines our saddles and packs were all laid, at the distance of five feet from each other ; and each man, after grazing his horse, had it fastened with a rope or laso, to a stake driven in the ground at a little distance from his feet ; thus enclosing the horses all within the square, for the convenience of securing them in case of attack or alarm. In this way we laid encamped, when we were awakened by the alarm that I have just mentioned ; and our horses affrighted, dashed out of the camp, and over the heads of their masters in the desperate " Stampedo." After an instant preparation for battle, and a little recovery from the fright, which was soon effected by waiting a few moments in vain, for the enemy to come on ; a general explanation took place, which brought all to our legs again, and convinced us that there was no decided obstacle, as yet, to our reaching the Camanchee towns ; and after that, " sweet home," and the arms of our wives and dear little children, provided we could ever overtake and recover our horses, which had swept off in fifty directions, and with impetus enough to ensure us employment for a day or two to come. At the proper moment for it to be made, there was a general enquiry for the cause of this real misfortune, when it was ascertained to have originated in the following manner. A " raw recruit," who was standing as one of the sentinels on that night, saw, as he says " he supposed," an Indian creep ing out of a bunch of bushes a few paces in front of him, upon whom he levelled his rifle ; and as the poor creature did not " advance and give the countersign at his call, nor any answer at all, he " let off!" and popped a bullet through the heart of a poor dragoon horse, which had strayed away on the night before, and had faithfully followed our trail all the day, and was now, with a beastly misgiving, coming up, and slowly poking through a little thicket of bushes into camp, to join its comrades, in servitude again ! The sudden shock of a gun, and the most appalling groans of this poor dying animal, in the dead of night, and so close upon the heels of sweet sleep, created a long vibration of nerves, and a day of great perplexity and toil which followed, as we had to retrace our steps twenty miles or more, in pursuit of affrighted horses ; of which some fifteen or twenty took up wild and free life upon the prairies, to which they were abandoned, as they could not be found. After a detention of two days in consequence of this disaster, we took up the line of march again, and pursued our course with vigour and success, over a continuation of green fields, enamelled with wild flowers, and pleasingly relieved with patches and groves of timber. 55 On the fourth day of our march, we discovered many fresh signs of buffa loes ; and at last, immense herds of them grazing on the distant hills. In dian trails were daily growing fresh, and their smokes were seen in various directions ahead of us. And on the same day at noon, we discovered a large party at several miles distance, sitting on their horses and looking at us. From the glistening of the blades of their lances, which were blazing as they turned them in the sun, it was at first thought that they were Mexican cavalry, who might have been apprized of our approach into their country, and had advanced to contest the point with us. On drawing a little nearer, however, and scanning them closer with our spy-glasses, they were soon ascer tained to be a war-party of Camanchees, on the look out for their enemies. The regiment was called to a halt, and the requisite preparations made and orders issued, we advanced in a direct line towards them until we had approach ed to within two or three miles of them, when they suddenly disappeared over the hill, and soon after shewed themselves on another mound farther off and in a different direction. The course of the regiment was then changed, and another advance towards them was commenced, and as before, they disap peared and shewed themselves in another direction. After several such efforts which proved ineffectual, Col. Dodge ordered the command to halt, while he rode forward with a few of his staff, and an ensign carrying a white flag. I joined this advance, and the Indians stood their ground until we had come within half a mile of them, and could distinctly observe all their numbers and movements. We then came to a halt, and the white flag was sent a little in advance, and waved as a signal for them to approach ; at which one of their party galloped out in advance of the war-party, on a milk white horse, carrying a piece of white buffalo skin on the point of his long lance in reply to our flag. This moment was the commencement of one of the most thrilling and beautiful scenes I ever witnessed. All eyes, both from his own party and ours, were fixed upon the manoeuvres of this gallant little fellow, and he well knew it. The distance between the two parties was perhaps half a mile, and that a beautiful and gently sloping prairie; over which he was for the space of a quarter of an hour, reining and spurring his maddened horse, and gradually approaching us by tacking to the right and the left, like a vessel beating against the wind. He at length came prancing and leaping along till he met the flag of the regiment, when he leaned his spear for a moment against it, looking the bearer full in the face, when he wheeled his horse, and dashed up to Col. Dodge (PLATE 157), with his extended hand, which was instantly grasped and shaken. We all had him by the hand in a moment, and the rest of the party seeing him received in this friendly manner, instead of being sacrificed, as they undoubtedly expected, started under " full whip" in a direct line towards us, and in a moment gathered, like a black cloud, around us I The regiment then moved up in regular order, and a general shake of 56 the hand ensued, which was accomplished by each warrior riding along the ranks, and shaking the hand of every one as he passed. This necessary form took up considerable time, and during the whole operation, my eyes were fixed upon the gallant and wonderful appearance of the little fellow who bore us the white flag on the point of his lance. He rode a fine and spirited wild horse, which was as white as the drifted snow, with an exuberant mane, and its long and bushy tail sweeping the ground. In his hand he tightly drew the reins upon a heavy Spanish bit, and at every jump, plunged into the animal's sides, till they were in a gore of blood, a huge pair of spurs, plun dered, no doubt, from the Spaniards in their border wars, which are con tinually waged on the Mexican frontiers. The eyes of this noble little steed seemed to be squeezed out of its head ; and its fright, and its agitation had brought out upon its skin a perspiration that was fretted into a white foam and lather. The warrior's quiver was slung on the warrior's back, and his bow grasped in his left hand, ready for instant use, if called for. His shield was on his arm, and across his thigh, in a beautiful cover of buckskin, his gun was slung and in his right hand his lance of fourteen feet in length. Thus armed and equipped was this dashing cavalier ; and nearly in the same manner, all the rest of the party ; and very many of them leading an extra horse, which we soon learned was the favourite war-horse ; and from which circumstances altogether, we soon understood that they were a war-party in search of their enemy. t After a shake of the hand, we dismounted, and the pipe was lit, and passed around. And then a " talk" was held, in which we were aided by a Spaniard we luckily had with us, who could converse with one of the Camanchees, who spoke some Spanish. Colonel Dodge explained to them the friendly motives with which we were penetrating their country that we were sent by the President to reach their villages to see the chiefs of the Camanchees and Pawnee Picts to shake hands with them, and to smoke the pipe of peace, and to establish an acquaintance, and consequently a system of trade that would be bene ficial to both. They listened attentively, and perfectly appreciated ; and taking Colonel Dodge at his word, relying with confidence in what he told them ; they in formed us that their great town was within a few days' march, and pointing in the direction offered to abandon their war-excursion, and turn about and escort us to it, which they did in perfect good faith. We were on the march in the afternoon of that day, and from day to clay they busily led us on, over hill and dale, encamping by the side of us at night, and resuming the march m the morning. During this march, over one of the most lovely and picturesque countries in the world, we had enough continually to amuse and excite us. The whole country seemed at times to be alive with buffaloes, and bands of wild horses. 57 We had with us about thirty Osage and Cherokee, Seneca and Delaware Indians, employed as guides and hunters for the regiment ; and with the war-party of ninety or a hundred Camanchees, we formed a most picturesque appearance while passing over the green fields , and consequently, sad havoc amongst the herds of buffaloes, which we were almost hourly passing. We were now out of the influence and reach of bread stuffs, and subsisted ourselves on buffaloes' meat altogether; and the Indians of the different tribes, emulous to shew their skill in the chase, and prove the mettle of their horses, took infinite pleasure in dashing into every herd that we approached; by which means, the regiment was abundantly supplied from day to day with fresh meat. In one of those spirited scenes when the regiment were on the march, and the Indians with their bows and arrows were closely plying a band of these affrighted animals, they made a bolt through the line of the dragoons, and a complete breach, through which the whole herd passed, upsetting horses and riders in the most amusing manner (PLATE 158), and receiving such shots as came from those guns and pistols that were aimed, and not fired off into the empty air. The buffaloes are very blind animals, and owing, probably in a great measure, to the profuse locks that hang over their eyes, they run chiefly by the nose, and follow in the tracks of each other, seemingly heedless of what is about them ; and of course, easily disposed to rush in a mass, and the whole tribe or gang to pass in the tracks of those that have first led the way. The tract of country over which we passed, between the False Washita and this place, is stocked, not only with buffaloes, but with numerous bands of wild horses, many of which we saw every day. There is no other animal on the prairies so wild and so sagacious as the horse ; and none other so difficult to come up with. So remarkably keen is their eye, that they will generally run " at the sight," when they are a mile distant ; being, no doubt, able to distinguish the character of the enemy that is approaching when at that distance ; and when in motion, will seldom stop short of three or four miles. I made many attempts to approach them by stealth, when they were grazing and playing their gambols, without ever having been more than once able to succeed. In this instance, I left my horse, and with my friend Chadwick, skulked through a ravine for a couple of miles; until we were at length brought within gun-shot of a fine herd of them, when I used my pencil for some time, while we were under cover of a little hedge of bushes which effectually screened us from their view. In this herd we saw all the colours, nearly, that can be seen in a kennel of English hounds. Some were milk white, some jet black others were sorrel, and bay, and cream colour many were of an iron grey; and others were pied, containing a variety of colours on the same animal. Their manes were very profuse, and hanging in the wildest confusion over their necks and faces and their long tails swept the ground (see PLATE 160). After we had satisfied our curiosity in looking at these proud and playful VOL. II. I 58 animals, we agreed that we would try the experiment of " creasing" one, as it is termed in this country ; which is done by shooting them through the gristle on the top of the neck, which stuns them so that they fall, and are secured with the hobbles on the feet ; after which they rise again without fatal injury. This is a practice often resorted to by expert hunters, with good rifles, who are not able to take them in any other way. My friend Joe and I were armed on this occasion, each with a light fowling-piece, which have not quite the preciseness in throwing a bullet that a rifle has ; and having both levelled our pieces at the withers of a noble, fine-lookin- iron grey, we pulled trigger, and the poor creature fell, and the rest of the herd were out of sight in a moment. We advanced speedily to him, and ' had the most inexpressible mortification of finding, that we never had thought of hobbles or halters, to secure him and in a few moments more, had the still greater mortification, and even anguish, to find that one of our shots had broken the poor creature's neck, and that he was quite dead. The laments of poor Chadwick for the wicked folly of destroying this noble animal, were such as I never shall forget ; and so guilty did we feel that we agreed that when we joined the regiment, we should boast of all the rest of our hunting feats, but never make mention of this. The usual mode of taking the wild horses, is, by throwing the laso, whilst pursuing them at full speed (PLATE 161), and dropping a noose over their necks, by which their speed is soon checked, and they are " choked down." The laso is a thong of rawhide, some ten or fifteen yards in length, twisted or braided, with a noose fixed at the end of it ; which, when the coil of the laso is thrown out, drops with great certainty over the neck of the animal, which is soon conquered. The Indian, when he starts for a wild horse, mounts one of the fleetest he can get, and coiling his laso on his arm, starts off under the " full whip," till he can enter the band, when he soon gets it over the neck of one of the number ; when he instantly dismounts, leaving his own horse, and runs as fast as he can, letting the laso pass out gradually and carefully through his hands, until the horse falls for want of breath, and lies helpless on the ground ; at which time the Indian advances slowly towards the horse's head, keeping his laso tight upon its neck, until he fastens a pair of hobbles on the animal's two forefeet, and also loosens the laso (giving the horse chance to breathe), and gives it a noose around the under jaw, by which he gets great power over the affrighted animal, which is rearing and plunging when it gets breath ; and by which, as he advances, hand over hand, towards the horse's nose (PLATE 162), he is able to hold it down and prevent it from throwing itself over on its back, at the hazard of its limbs. By this means he gradually advances, until be is able to place his hand on the animal's nose, and over its eyes ; and at length to breathe in its nostrils, when it soon becomes docile and conquered ; so that he has little else to do than to remove the hobbles from its feet, and lead or ride it into camp. 59 This "breaking down" or taming, however, is not without the most des perate trial on the part of the horse, which rears and plunges in every possible way to effect its escape, until its power is exhausted, and it becomes covered with foam ; and at last yields to the power of man, and becomes his willing slave for the rest of its life. By this very rigid treatment, the poor animal seems to be so completely conquered, that it makes no further struggle for its freedom ; but submits quietly ever after, and is led or rode away with very little difficulty. Great care is taken, however, in this and in subsequent treatment, not to subdue the spirit of the animal, which is carefully preserved and kept up, although they use them with great severity ; being, generally speaking, cruel masters. The wild horse of these regions is a small, but very powerful animal ; with an exceedingly prominent eye, sharp nose, high nostril, small feet and delicate leg ; and undoubtedly, have sprung from a stock introduced by the Spaniards, at the time of the invasion of Mexico ; which having strayed off upon the prairies, have run wild, and stocked the plains from this to Lake Winnepeg, two or three thousand miles to the North.* This useful animal has been of great service to the Indians living on these vast plains, enabling them to take their game more easily, to carry their burthens, &c. ; and no doubt, render them better and handier service than if they were of a larger and heavier breed. Vast numbers of them are also killed for food by the Indians, at seasons when buffaloes and other game are scarce. They subsist themselves both in winter and summer by biting at the grass, which they can always get in sufficient quantities for their food. Whilst on our march we met with many droves of these beautiful animals, and several times had the opportunity of seeing the Indians pursue them, and take them with the laso. The first successful instance of the kind was effected by one of our guides and hunters, by the name of Beatte, a French man, whose parents had lived nearly their whole lives in the Osage village ; and who, himself had been reared from infancy amongst them ; and in a continual life of Indian modes and amusements, had acquired all the skill and tact of his Indian teachers, and probably a little more ; for he is reputed, without exception, the best hunter in these Western regions. This instance took place one day whilst the regiment was at its usual halt of an hour, in the middle of the day. When the bugle sounded for a halt, and all were dismounted, Beatte and several others of the hunters asked permission of Col. Dodge to pursue a drove of horses which were then in sight, at a distance of a mile or more from us. The permission was given, and they started off, and by following * There are many very curious traditions about the first appearance of horses amongst the different tribes, and many of which bear striking proof of the above fact. Most of the tribes have some story about the first appearance of horses ; and amongst the Sioux, they have beautifully recorded the fact, by giving it the name of Shonk a-wakon (the me dicine-dog). 60 a ravine, approached near to tin: unsuspecting animals, when they brokr- upon them and pursued them for several miles in full view of the regiment. Several of us had good glasses, with which we could plainly see every move ment and every manoeuvre. After a race of two or three miles, Beatte was seen with his wild horse down, and the band and the other hunters rapidly leaving him. Seeing him in this condition, I galloped off to him as rapidly as possible, and had the satisfaction of seeing the whole operation of " breaking down," and bringing in the wild animal ; and in PLATE 162, I have given a l;iir representation of the mode by which it was done. When he had conquered the horse in this way, his brother, who was one of the unsuccessful ones in the chase, came, riding back, and leading up the horse of Beatte which he had left behind, and after staying with us a few minutes, assisted Beatte in leading his conquered wild horse towards the regiment, where it was satis factorily examined and commented upon, as it was trembling and covered with white foam, until the bugle sounded the signal for marching, when all mounted ; and with the rest, Beatte, astride of his wild horse, which had a buffalo skin girted on its back, and a halter, with a cruel noose around the under jaw. In this manner the command resumed its march, and Beatte astride of his wild horse, on which he rode quietly and without difficulty, until night ; the whole thing, the capture, and breaking, all having been accomplished within the space of one hour, our usual and daily halt at midday. Several others of these animals were caught in a similar manner during our march, by others of our hunters, affording us satisfactory instances of this most extraordinary and almost unaccountable feat. The horses that were caught were by no means very valuable specimens, being rather of an ordinary quality ; and I saw to my perfect satisfaction, that the finest of these droves can never be obtained in this way, as they take the lead at once, when they are pursued, and in a few moments will In- seen half a mile or more ahead of the bulk of the drove, which they arc leading off. There is not a doubt but there are many very fine and valuable horses amongst these herds ; but it is impossible for the Indian or other hunter to take them, unless it be done by " creasing" them, as I have before described ; which is often done, but always destroys the spirit and character of the animal. After many hard and tedious days of travel, we were at last told by our Camanchee guides that we were near their village ; and having led us to the top of a gently rising elevation on the prairie, they pointed to their village at several miles distance, in the midst of one of the most enchanting valleys that human eyes ever looked upon. The general course of the valley is from N. W. to S. E., of several miles in width, with a magnificent range of mountains rising in distance beyond ; it being, without doubt, a huge " spur" of the Rocky Mountains, composed entirely of a reddish granite or gneis, 61 corresponding with the other links of this stupendous chain. In the midst of tin's lovely valley, we could just discern amongst the scattering shrubbery ! that lined the banks of the watercourses, the tops of the Camanchce wig- ! warns, and the smoke curling above them. The valley, for a mile distant about the village, seemed speckled with horses and mules that were grazing in it. The chiefs of the war-party requested the regiment to halt, until they could ride in, and inform their people who were coming. We then dis mounted for an hour or so ; when we could see them busily running and catching their horses ; and at length, several hundreds of their braves and warriors came out at full speed to welcome us, and forming in a line in front of us, as we were again mounted, presented a formidable and pleasing ap pearance (PLATE lu'3). As they wheeled their horses, they very rapidly formed in a line, and " dressed" like well-disciplined cavalry. The regiment was drawn up in three columns, with a line formed in front, by Colonel Dodge and his staff, in which rank my friend Chadwick and I were also paraded ; when we had a fine view of the whole manoeuvre, which was pic turesque and thrilling in the extreme. In the centre of our advance was stationed a white flag, and the Indians answered to it with one which they sent forward and planted by the side of it.* The two lines were thus drawn up, face to face, within twenty or thirty yards of each other, as inveterate foes that never had met ; and, to the ever lasting credit of the Camanchees, whom the world had always looked upon as murderous and hostile, they had all come out in this manner, with their heads uncovered, and without a weapon of any kind, to meet a war-party bristling with arms, and trespassing to the middle of their country. They had every reason to look upon us as their natural enemy, as they have been in the habit of estimating all pale faces ; and yet, instead of arms or defences, or even of frowns, they galloped out and looked us in our faces, without an expression of fear or dismay, and evidently with expressions of joy and im patient pleasure, to shake us by the hand, on the bare assertion of Colontl Dodge, which had been made to the chiefs, that " we came to see them on a friendly visit. After we had sat and gazed at each other in this way for some half an hour or so, the head chief of the band came galloping up to Colonel Dodge, and having shaken him by the hand, he passed on to the other officers in turn, and then rode alongside of the different columns, shaking hands with every dragoon in the regiment ; he was followed in this by his principal * It is a fact which I deem to be worth noting here, that amongst all Indian tribes, that I have yet visited, in their primitive, as well as improved state, the white flag is used as a flag of truce, as it is in the civilized parts of the world, and held to be sacred and inviolable. 'J be chief froing to war always carries it in some form or other, generally of a piece of white fckin or hark, rolled on a small stick, and carried under his dress, or otherwise ; and also a red flag, either to be unfurled when occasion requires, the white Jiag as a truce, and the red one for battle, or, as they say, " for blood." 62 chiefs and braves, which altogether took up nearly an hour longer, when the Indians retreated slowly towards their village, escorting us to the banks of a fine clear stream, and a good spring of fresh water, half a mile from their village, which they designated as a suitable place for our encampment, and we were soon bivouacked at the place from which I am now scribbling. No sooner were we encamped here (or, in other words, as soon as our things were thrown upon the ground,) Major Mason, Lieutenant Wheelock, Captain Brown, Captain Duncan, my friend Chadwick and myself, galloped off to the village, and through it in the greatest impatience to the prairies, where there were at least three thousand horses and mules grazing ; all of us eager and impatient to see and to appropriate the splendid Arabian horses, which we had so often heard were owned by the Camanchee warriors. VVe galloped around busily, and glanced our eyes rapidly over them ; and all soon returned to the camp, quite " crest fallen" and satisfied, that, although there were some tolerable nags amongst this medley group of all colours and all shapes, the beautiful Arabian we had so often heard of at the East, as belonging to the Camanchees, must either be a great ways further South than this, or else it must be a horse of the imagination. The Camanchee horses are generally small, all of them being of the wild breed, and a very tough and serviceable animal ; and from what I can learn here of the chiefs, there are yet, farther South, and nearer the Mexican borders, some of the noblest animals in use of the chiefs, yet I do not know that we have any more reason to rely upon this information, than that which had made our horse-jockeys that, we have with us, to run almost crazy for the possession of those we were to find at this place. Amongst the immense herds we found grazing here, one-third perhaps are mules, which are much more valuable than the horses. Of the horses, the officers and men have purchased a number of the best, by giving a very inferior blanket and butcher's knife, costing in all about four dollars ! These horses in our cities at the East, independent of the name, putting them upon their merits alone, would be worth from eighty to one hundred dollars each, and not more. A vast many of such could be bought on such terms, and are hourly brought into camp for sale. If we had goods to trade for them, and means of getting them home, a great profit could be made, which can easily be learned from the following transaction that took place yesterday. A fine look ing Indian was hanging about my tent very closely for several days, and con tinually scanning an old and half-worn cotton umbrella, which I carried over me to keep off the sun, as I was suffering with fever and ague, and at last proposed to purchase it of me, with a very neat limbed and pretty pied horse which he was riding. He proposed at first, that I should give him a knife and the umbrella, but as I was not disposed for the trade (the umbrella being so useful an article to me, that I did not know how to part with it, not knowing whether there was another in the regiment) ; he came a second time, and * - I 1 63 offered me the horse for the umbrella alone, which offer I still rejected ; and he went back to the village, and soon returned with another horse of a much better quality, supposing that I had not valued the former one equal to the umbrella. With this he endeavoured to push the trade, and after I had with great difficulty made him understand that I was sick, and could not part with it, he turned and rode back towards the village, and in a short time returned again with one of the largest and finest mules I ever saw, proposing that, which I also rejected ; when he disappeared again. In a few moments my friend Captain Duncan, in whose hospitable tent I was quartered, came in, and the circumstance being related to him, started up some warm jockey feelings, which he was thoroughly possessed of, when he instantly sprang upon his feet, and exclaimed, " d mn the fellow ! where is he gone ? here, Gosset ! get my old umbrella out of the pack, I rolled it up with my wiper and the frying-pan get it as quick as lightning !" with it in his hand, the worthy Captain soon overtook the young man, and escorted him into the village, and returned in a short time not with the mule, but with the second horse that had been offered to me. LETTER No. 42. GREAT CAMANCHEE VILLAGE. THE village of the Camanchees by the side of which we are encamped, is composed of six or eight hundred skin-covered lodges, made of poles and buffalo skins, in the manner precisely as those of the Sioux and other Mis souri tribes, of which I have heretofore given some account. This village with its thousands of wild inmates, with horses and dogs, and wild sports and domestic occupations, presents a most curious scene ; and the manners and looks of the people, a rich subject for the brush and the pen. In the view I have made of it (PLATE 164), but a small portion of the village is shewn ; which is as well as to shew the whole of it, inasmuch as the wigwams, as well as the customs, are the same in every part of it. In the foreground is seen the wigwam of the chief; and in various parts, crotches and poles, on which the women are drying meat, and "graining" buffalo robes. These people, living in a country where buffaloes are abundant, make their wigwams more easily of their skins, than of anything else ; and with them find greater facilities of moving about, as circumstances often require ; when they drag them upon the poles attached to their horses, and erect them again with little trouble in their new residence. We white men, strolling about amongst their wigwams, are* looked upon- with as much curiosity as if we had come from the moon ; and evidently create a sort of chill in the blood of children and dogs, when we make our; appearance. I was pleased to-day with the simplicity of a group which came out in front of the chiefs lodge to scrutinize my faithful friend Chadwick and I, as we were strolling about the avenues and labyrinths of their village ; upon which I took out my book and sketched as quick as lightning, whilsJ " Joe" rivetted their attention by some ingenious trick or other, over my shoulders, which I did not see, having no time to turn my head (PLATE 165), These were the juvenile parts of the chiefs family, and all who at this mo ment were at home ; the venerable old man, and his three or four wives making a visit, like hundreds of others, to the encampment. In speaking just above, of the mode of moving their wigwams, and chang ing their encampments, I should have said a little more, and should als< have given to the reader, a sketch of one of these extraordinary scenes, whicl I have had the good luck to witness (PLATE 166) ; where several thousand; 10 CO were on the march, and furnishing one of those laughable scenes which daily happen, where so many dogs, and so many squaws, are travelling in such a confused mass ; with so many conflicting interests, and so many local and individual rights to be pertinaciously claimed and protected. Each horse drags his load, and each dog, i. e. each dog that will do it (and there are many that will not), also dragging his wallet on a couple of poles ; and each squaw with her load, and all together (notwithstanding their burthens) cherishing their pugnacious feelings, which often bring them into general conflict, commencing usually amongst the dogs, and sure to result in fisti cuffs of the women ; whilst the men, riding leisurely on the right or the left, take infinite pleasure in overlooking these desperate conflicts, at which they are sure to have a laugh, and in which, as sure never to lend a hand. The Camanchees, like the Northern tribes, have many games, and in pleasant weather seem to be continually practicing more or less of them, on the prairies, back of, and contiguous to, their village. In their ball-plays, and some other games, they are far behind the Sioux and others of the Northern tribes ; but, in racing horses and riding, they are not equalled by any other Indians on the Continent. Racing horses, it would seem, is a constant and almost incessant exercise, and their principal mode of gambling; and perhaps, a more finished set of jockeys are not to be found. The exercise of these people, in a country where horses are so abundant, and the country so fine for riding, is chiefly done on horseback ; and it " stands to reason," that such a people, who have been practicing from their childhood, should become exceedingly expert in this wholesome and beautiful exercise. Amongst their feats of riding, there is one that has astonished me more than anything of the kind I have ever seen, or expect to see, in my life : a stratagem of war, learned and practiced by every young man in the tribe ; by which he is able to drop his body upon the side of his horse at the instant he is passing, effectually screened from his enemies' weapons (PLATE 167) as he lays in a horizontal position behind the body of his horse, with his heel hanging over the horses' back ; by which he has the power of throwing himself up again, and changing to the other side of the horse if necessary. In this wonderful condition, he will hang whilst his horse is at fullest speed, carrying with him his bow and his shield, and also his long lance of fourteen feet in length, all or either of which he will wield upon his enemy as he passes ; rising and throwing his arrows over the horse's back, or with equal ease and equal success under the horse's neck.* This astonishing feat which the young men have been repeatedly playing off to our surprise as well as amusement, whilst they have * Since writing the above, I have conversed with some of the young men of the Paw nees, who practice the same feat, and who told me they could throw the arrow from under the horse's belly, and elevate it upon an enemy with deadly effect ! This feat I did not see performed, but from what I did see, I feel inclined to believe that these young men were boasting of no more than they were able to perform. VOL. II. K 66 been galloping about in front of our tents, completely puzzled the whole of us ; and appeared to be the result of magic, rather than of skill acquired by practice. I had several times great curiosity to approach them, to ascertain by what means their bodies could be suspended in this manner, where nothing could be seen but the heel hanging over the horse's back. In these endea vours 1 was continually frustrated, until one day I coaxed a young fellow up within a little distance of me, by offering him a few plugs of tobacco, and he in a moment solved the difficulty, so far as to render it apparently more feasible than before ; yet leaving it one of the most extraordinary results of practice and persevering endeavours. I found on examination, that a shorthair halter was passed around under the neck of the horse, and both ends tightly braided into the mane, on the withers, leaving a loop to hang under the neck, and against the breast, which, being caught up in the hand, makes a sling into which the elbow falls, taking the weight of the body on the middle of the upper arm. Into this loop the rider drops suddenly and fearlessly, leaving his heel to hang over the back of the horse, to steady him, and also to restore him when he wishes to regain his upright position on the horse's back. Besides this wonderful art, these people have several other feats of horse manship, which they are continually showing off; which are pleasing and extraordinary, and of which they seem very proud. A people who spend so very great a part of their lives, actually on their horses' backs, must needs become exceedingly expert in every thing that pertains to riding to war, or to the chase ; and J am ready, without hesitation, to pronounce the Camanchees the most extraordinary horsemen that I have seen yet in all my travels, and I doubt very much whether any people in the world can surpass them. The Camanchees are in stature, rather low, and in person, often approach ing to corpulency. In their movements, they are heavy and ungraceful ; and on their feet, one of the most unattractive and slovenly-looking races of Indians that I have ever seen ; but the moment they mount their horses, they seem at once metamorphosed, and surprise the spectator with the ease and elegance of their movements. A Camanchee on his feet is out of his element, and comparatively almost as awkward as a monkey on the ground, without a limb or a branch to cling to ; but the moment he lays his hand upon his horse, his/ace, even, becomes handsome, and he gracefully flies away like a different being:. O Our encampment is surrounded by continual swarms of old and young of middle aged of male and female of dogs, and every moving thing that constitutes their community ; and our tents are lined with the chiefs and other worthies of the tribe. So it will be seen there is no difficulty of getting sub jects enough for my brush, as well as for my pen, whilst residing in this place. The head chief of this village, who is represented to us here, as the head of the nation, is a mild and pleasant looking gentleman, without anything striking or peculiar in his looks (PLATE 168) ; dressed in a very humble 67 manner, with very few ornaments upon him, and his hair carelessly falling about his face, and over his shoulders. The name of this chief is Ee-shah- ko-nee (the bow and quiver). The only ornaments to be seen about him were a couple of beautiful shells worn in his ears, and a boar's tusk attached to his neck, and worn on his breast. For several days after we arrived at this place, there was a huge mass of flesh (PLATE 169), Ta-wah-que-nah (the mountain of rocks), who was put forward as head chief of the tribe ; and all honours were being paid to him by the regiment of dragoons, until the above-mentioned chief arrived from the country, where it seems he was leading a war-party ; and had been sent for, no doubt, on the occasion. When he arrived, this huge monster, who is the largest and fattest Indian I ever saw, stepped quite into the back ground, giving way to this admitted chief, who seemed to have the confidence and respect of the whole tribe. This enormous man, whose flesh would undoubtedly weigh three hundred pounds or more, took the most wonderful strides in the exercise of his tem porary authority; which, in all probability, he was lawfully exercising in the absence of his superior, as second chief of the tribe. A perfect personation of Jack FalstafF, in size and in figure, with an African face, and a beard on his chin of two or three inches in length. His name, he tells me, he got from having conducted a large, party of Camanchees through a secret and subterraneous passage, entirely through the mountain of granite rocks, which lies back of their village; thereby saving their lives from their more powerful enemy, who had " cornered them up" in such a way, that there was no other possible mode for their escape. The mountain under which he conducted them, is called Ta-wah-que-nah (the mountain of rocks), and from this he has received his name, which would certainly have been far more appropriate if it had been .a mountain of flesh. Corpulency is a thing exceedingly rare to be found in any of the tribes, amongst the men, owing, probably, to the exposed and active sort of lives they lead ; and that in the absence of all the spices of life, many of which have their effect in producing this disgusting, as well as unhandy and awk ward extravagance in civilized society. Ish-a-ro-yeh (he who carries a wolf, PLATE 170); and Is-sa-wah-tam-ah (the wolf tied with hair, PLATE 171) ; are also chiefs of some standing in the tribe, and evidently men of great influence, as they were put forward by the head chiefs, for their likenesses to be painted in turn, after their own. The first of the two seemed to be the leader of the war- party which we met, and of which I have spoken ; and in escorting us to their village, this man took the lead and piloted us the whole way, in consequence of which Colonel Dodge presented him a very fine gun. His-oo-san-ches (the Spaniard, PLATE 172), a gallant little fellow, is represented to us as one of the leading warriors of the tribe ; and no doubt is one of the most extraordinary men at present living in these regions. 68 I He is lialf Spanish, and being a half-breed, for whom they generally have the most contemptuous feelings, he has been all his life thrown into the front of battle and danger ; at which posts he has signalized himself, and commanded the highest admiration and respect of the tribe, for his daring and adventurous career. This is the man of whom I have before spoken, who dashed out so boldly from the war-party, and came to us with the white flag raised on the point of his lance, and of whom I have made a sketch in PLATE 157. I have here represented him as he stood for me, with his shield on his arm, with his quiver slung, and his lance of fourteen feet in length in his right hand. This extraordinary little man, whose figure was light, seemed to be all bone and muscle, and exhibited immense power, by the curve of the bones in his legs and his arms. We had many exhibitions of his extraordinary strength, as well as agility ; and of his gentlemanly politeness and friendship, we had as frequent evidences. As an instance of this, I will recite an occurrence which took place but a few days since, when we were moving our encampment to a more desirable ground on another side of their village. We had a deep and powerful stream to ford, when we had several men who were sick, and obliged to be carried on litters. My friend " Joe" and I came up in the rear of the regiment, where the litters with the sick were passing, and we found this little fellow up to his chin in the muddy water, wading and carrying one end of each litter on his head, as they were in turn, passed over. After they -had all passed, this gallant little fellow beckoned to me to dismount, and take a seat on his shoulders, which I declined ; preferring to stick to my horse's back, which I did, as he took it by the bridle and conducted it through the shallowest ford. When 1 was across, I took from my belt a handsome knife and presented it to him, which seemed to please him very much. Besides the above-named chiefs and warriors, I painted the portrait of Kots-o-ko-ro-ko (the hair of the bull's neck) ; and Hah-nee (the beaver) , the first, a chief, and the second, a warrior of terrible aspect, and also of considerable distinction. These and many other paintings, as well as manu factures from this tribe, may be always seen in my MUSEUM, if I have the good luck to get them safe home from this wild and remote region. From what I have already seen of the Camanchees, I am fully convinced that they are a numerous and very powerful tribe, and quite equal in num bers and prowess, to the accounts generally given of them. It is entirely impossible at present to make a correct estimate of their numbers ; but taking their own account of villages they point to in such numbers, South of the banks of the Red River, as well as those that lie farther West, and undoubtedly North of its banks, they must be a very numerous tribe ; and I think I am able to say, from estimates that these chiefs have made me, that they number some 30 or 40,000 being able to shew some 6 or 7000 warriors, well-mounted and well-armed. This estimate I offer not as conclusive, for so little is as yet known of these people, that 172 69 no estimate can be implicitly relied upon other than that, which, in general terms, pronounces them to be a very numerous and warlike tribe We shall learn much more of them before we get out of their country ; and I trust that it will yet be in my power to give something like a fair census of them before we have done with them. They speak much of their allies and friends, the Pawnee Picts, living to the West some three or four days' march, whom we are going to visit in a few days, and afterwards return to this village, and then " bend our course" homeward, or, in other words, back to Fort Gibson. Besides the Pawnee Picts, there are the Kiowas and Wicos ; small tribes that live in the same vicinity, and also in the same alliance, whom we shall probably see on our march. Every preparation is now making to be off in a few days and I shall omit further remarks on the Camanchees, until we return, when I shall probably have much more to relate of them and their customs. So many of the men and officers are getting sick, that the little command will be very much crippled, from the necessity we shall be under, of leaving about thirty sick, and about an equal number of well to take care of and protect them ; for which purpose, we are constructing a fort, with a sort of breast work of timbers and bushes, which will be ready in a day or two ; and tne sound part of the command prepared to start with several Camanchee leaders, who have agreed to pilot the way. LETTER-NO. 43 GREAT CAMANCHEE VILLAGE. THE above Letter it will be seen, was written some time ago, and when all hands (save those who were too sick) were on the start for the Pawnee village. Amongst those exceptions was I, before the hour of starting ha/! arrived ; and as the dragoons have made their visit there and returned in a most jaded condition, and I have again got well enough to write, I will render some account of the excursion, which is from the pen and the pencil of my friend Joe, who went with them and took my sketch and note-books in his pocket. " We were four days travelling over a beautiful country, most of the way prairie, and generally along near the base of a stupendous range of moun tains of reddish granite, in many places piled up to an immense height with out tree or shrubbery on them ; looking as if they had actually dropped from the clouds in such a confused mass, and all lay where they had fallen. Such we found the mountains enclosing the Pawnee village, on the bank of Red River, about ninety miles from the Camanchee town. -The dragoon regiment was drawn up within half a mile or so of this village, and encamped in a square, where we remained three days. We found here a very nume rous village, containing some five or six hundred wigwams, all made of long prairie grass, thatched over poles which are fastened in the ground and bent in at the top ; giving to them, in distance, the appearance of straw beehives, as in PLATE 173, which is an accurate view of it, shewing the Red River in front, and the " mountains of rocks" behind it. " To our very great surprise, we have found these people cultivating quite extensive fields of corn (maize), pumpkins, melons, beans and squashes ; so, with these aids, and an abundant supply of buffalo meat, they may be said to be living very well. " The next day after our arrival here, Colonel Dodge opened a council with the chiefs, in the chief's lodge, where he had the most of his officers around him. He first explained to them the friendly views with which he came to see them ; and of the wish of our Government to establish a lasting peace with them, which they seemed at once to appreciate and highly to estimate. " The head chief of the tribe is a very old man, and he several times replied to Colonel Dodge in a very eloquent manner ; assuring him of the friendly feelings of his chiefs and warriors towards the pale faces, in the direction from whence we came. " After Colonel Dodge had explained in general terms, the objects of our visit, he told them that he should expect from them some account of the foul murder of Judge Martin and his family on the False Washita, which had been perpetrated but a few weeks before, and which the Camanchees had told us was done by the Pawnee Picts. The Colonel told them, also, that he learned from the Camanchees, that they had the little boy, the son of the murdered gentleman, in their possession ; and that he should expect them to deliver him up, as an indispensable condition of the friendly arrangement that was now making. They positively denied the fact, and all knowledge of it ; firmly assuring us that they knew nothing of the murder, or of the boy. The demand was repeatedly made, and as often denied ; until at length a negro-man was discovered, who was living with the Pawnees, who spoke good English ; and coming into the council-house, gave information that such a boy had recently been brought into their village, and was now a prisoner amongst them. This excited great surprise and indignation in the council, and Colonel Dodge then informed the chiefs that the council would rest here ; and certainly nothing further of a peaceable nature would tran spire until the boy was brought in. In this alarming dilemma, all remained in gloomy silence for awhile ; when Colonel Dodge further informed the chiefs, that as an evidence of his friendly intentions towards them, he had, on starting, purchased at a very great price, from their enemies the Osages, two Pawnee (and one Kiowa) girls ; which had been held by them for some years as prisoners, and which he had brought the whole way home, and had here ready to be delivered to their friends and relations ; but whom he cer tainly would never show, until the little boy was produced. He also made another demand, which was for the restoration of an United States ranger, by the name of Abbe, who had been captured by them during the summer before. They acknowledged the seizure of this man, and all solemnly de clared that he had been taken by a party of the Camanchees, over whom they had no controul, and carried beyond the Red River into the Mexican pro vinces, where he was put to death. They held a long consultation about the boy, and seeing their plans defeated by the evidence of the negro ; and also being convinced of the friendly disposition of the Colonel, by bringing home their prisoners from the Osages, they sent out and had the boy brought in, from the middle of a corn-field, where he had been secreted. He is a smart and very intelligent boy of nine years of age, and when he came in, he was entirely naked, as they keep their own boys of that age. There was a great excitement in the council when the little fellow was brought in ; and as he passed amongst them, he looked around and exclaimed with some surprise, "What ! are there white men here?" to which Colonel Dodge replied, and asked his name ; and he promptly answered, " my name is Matthew Wright Martin." 72 He was then received into Colonel Dodge's arms ; and an order was im mediately given for the Pawnee and Kiowa girls to be brought forward ; they were in a few minutes brought into the council-house, when they were at once recognized by their friends and relatives, who embraced them with the most extravagant expressions of joy and satisfaction. The heart of the venerable old chief was melted at this evidence of white man's friendship, and he rose upon his feet, and taking Colonel Dodge in his arms, and placing his left cheek against the left cheek of the Colonel, held him for some minutes without saying a word, whilst tears were flowing from his eyes. He then embraced each officer in turn, in the same silent and affectionate man ner ; which form took half an hour or more, before it was completed.* " From this moment the council, which before had been a very grave and uncertain one, took a pleasing and friendly turn. And this excellent old man ordered the women to supply the dragoons with something to eat, as they were hungry. " The little encampment, which heretofore was in a woeful condition, having eaten up their last rations twelve hours before, were now gladdened by the approach of a number of women, who brought their " back loads" of dried buffalo meat and green corn, and threw it down amongst them. This seemed almost like a providential deliverance, for the country between here and the Camanchees, was entirely destitute of game, and our last provisions were consumed. " The council thus proceeded successfully and pleasantly for several days, whilst the warriors of theKiowas and Wicos, two adjoining and friendly tribes living further to the West, were arriving ; and also a great many from other bands of the Camanchees, who had heard of our arrival ; until two thousand or more of these wild and fearless-looking fellows were assembled, and all, from their horses' backs, with weapons in hand, were looking into OUT pitiful little encampment, of two hundred men, all in a state of dependence and almost literal starvation ; and at the same time nearly one half the number too sick to have made a successful resistance if we were to have been attacked." *********** The command returned to this village after an absence of fifteen days, in a fatigued and destitute condition, with scarcely anything to eat, or chance of getting anything here ; in consequence of which, Colonel Dodge almost instantly ordered preparations to be made for a move to the head of the Canadian river, a distance of an hundred or more miles, where the Indians represented to us there would be found immense herds of buffaloes ; a place where we could get enough to eat, and by lying by awhile, could restore the sick, who are now occupying a great number of litters. Some days have * The little boy of whom I have spoken, was brought in the whole distance to Fort Gibson, in the arms of the dragoons, who took turns in carrying him ; and after the command arrived there, he was transmitted to the Red River, by an officer, who had the enviable satisfaction of delivering him into the arms of his disconsolate and half-distracted mother. 73 elapsed, however, and we are not quite ready for the start yet. And during that time, continual parties of the Pawnee Picts and Kioways have come up ; and also Camanchees, from other villages, to get a look at us, and many of them are volunteering to go in with us to the frontier. The world who know me, will see that I can scarcely be idle under such circumstances as these, where so many subjects for my brush and my pen are gathering about me. The Pawnee Picts, Kioways, and Wicos are the subjects that I am most closely scanning at this moment, and I have materials enough around me. The Pawnee Picts are undoubtedly a numerous and powerful tribe, occu pying, with the Kioways and Wicos, the whole country on the head waters of the Red River, and quite in to and through the southern part of the Rocky Mountains. The old chief told me by signs, enumerating with his hands and fingers, that they had altogether three thousand warriors ; which if true, esti mating according to the usual rule, one warrior to four, would make the whole number about twelve thousand ; and, allowing a fair per-centage for boasting or bragging, of which they are generally a little guilty in such cases, there would be at a fair calculation from eight to ten thousand. These then, in an established alliance with the great tribe of Camanchees, hunting and feasting together, and ready to join in common defence of their country become a very formidable enemy when attacked on their own ground. The name of the Pawnee Picts, we find to be in their own language, Tow- ee-ahge, the meaning of which I have not yet learned. I have ascertained also, that these people are in no way related to the Pawnees of the Platte, who reside a thousand miles or more North of them, and know them only as enemies. There is no family or tribal resemblance ; nor any in their language or cus toms. The Pawnees of the Platte shave the head, and the Pawnee Picts abominate the custom ; allowing their hair to grow like the Camanchees and other tribes. The old chief of the Pawnee Picts, of whom I have before spoken, and whose name is We-ta-ra-sha-ro (PLATE 174), is undoubtedly a very excel lent and kind-hearted old man, of ninety or more years of age, and has con sented to accompany us, with a large party of his people, to Fort Gibson ; where Colonel Dodge has promised to return him liberal presents from the Government, for the friendship he has evinced on the present occasion. The second chief of this tribe, Sky-se-ro-ka (PLATE 175), we found to be a remarkably clever man, and much approved and valued in his tribe. The Pawnee Picts, as well as the Camanchees, are generally a very clumsy and ordinary looking set of men, when on their feet ; but being fine horse men, are equally improved in appearance as soon -as they mount upon their horses' backs. Amongst the women of this tribe, there were many that were exceedingly pretty in feature and in form ; and also in expression, though their skins are very dark. The dress of the men in this tribe, as amongst the Caman- VOL. n, L 74 chees, consists generally in leggings of dressed skins, and moccasins ; with a flap or breech clout, made also of dressed skins or furs, and often very beautifully ornamented with shells, &c. Above the waist they seldom wear any drapery, owing to the warmth of the climate, which will rarely justify it ; and their heads are generally uncovered with a head-dress, like the Northern tribes who live in a colder climate, and actually require them for comfort. The women of the Camanchees and Pawnee Picts, are always decently and comfortably clad, being covered generally with a gown or slip, that reaches from the chin quite down to the ancles, made of deer or elk skins ; often garnished very prettily, and ornamented with long fringes of elk's teeth, which are fastened on them in rows, and more highly valued than any other ornament they can put upon them. In PLATES 176 and 177, I have given the portraits of two Pawnee girls, Kah-kee-tsee (the thighs), and She-de-a (wild sage), the two Pawnee women who had been held as prisoners by the Osages, and purchased by the Indian Commissioner, the Reverend Mr. Schemmerhom, and brought home to their own people, and delivered up in the Pawnee town, in the manner that I have just described. The Kioways are a much finer looking race of men, than either the Ca manchees or Pawnees are tall and erect, with an easy and graceful gait with long hair, cultivated oftentimes so as to reach nearly to the ground. They have generally the fine and Roman outline of head, that is so frequently found at the North, and decidedly distinct from that of the Camanchees and Pawnee Picts. These men speak a language distinct from both of the others; and in fact, the Camanchees and Pawnee Picts and Kioways, and Wicos, are all so distinctly different in their languages, as to appear in that respect as total strangers to each other.* The head chief of the Kioways, whose name isTeh-toot-sah (PLATE 178), we found to be a very gentlemanly and high minded man, who treated the dragoons and officers with great kindness while in his country. His long hair, which was put up in several large clubs, and ornamented with a great many silver broaches, extended quite down to his knees. This distinguished man, as well as several others of his tribe, have agreed to join us on the march to Fort Gibson ; so I shall have much of their company yet, and probably much more to say of them at a future period. Bon-son-gee (the new fire, PLATE 179) is another chief of this tribe, and called a very good man ; the principal ornaments which he carried on his person were a boar's tusk and his war- whistle, which were hanging on his breast. * I have several times, in former parts of this work, spoken of the great number of dif ferent Indian languages which I have visited, and given my opinion, as to the dissimilarity and distinctness of their character. And would refer the reader for further information on this subject, as well as for a vocabulary of several languages, to the Appendix to this Volume, letter B. 174 175 177 Quay-ham-kay (the stone shell, PLATE 180), is another fair specimen of the warriors of this tribe ; and, if I mistake not, somewhat allied to the mys teries and arcana of the healing art, from the close company he keeps with my friend Dr. Findley, who is surgeon to the regiment, and by whom I have been employed to make a copy of my portrait of this distinguished personage. In PLATE 181, Wun-pan-to-mee (the white weasel), a girl; and Tunk- aht-oh-ye (the thunderer), a boy ; who are brother and sister, are two Kio- ways who were purchased from the Osages, to be taken to their tribe by the dragoons. The girl was taken the whole distance with us, on horseback, to the Pawnee village, and there delivered to her friends, as I have before mentioned ; and the fine little boy was killed at the Fur Trader's house on the banks of the Verdigris, near Fort Gibson, the day after I painted his portrait, and only a few days before he was to have started with us on the march. He was a beautiful boy of nine or ten years of age, and was killed by a ram, which struck him in the abdomen, and knocking him against a fence, killed him instantly. Kots-a-to-ah (the smoked shield, PLATE 182), is another of the extra ordinary men of this tribe, near seven feet in stature, and distinguished, not only as one of the greatest warriors, but the swiftest on foot, in the nation. This man, it is said, runs down a buffalo on foot, and slays it with his knife or his lance, as he runs by its side ! In PLATE 183, is the portrait of Ush-ee-kitz (he who fights with a feather), head chief of the Wi-co tribe, a very polite and polished Indian, in his man ners, and remarkable for his mode of embracing the officers and others in council. In the different talks and councils that we have had with these people, this man has been a conspicuous speaker ; and always, at the end of his speeches, has been in the habit of stepping forward and embracing friends and foes, all that were about him, taking each one in turn, closely and affec tionately in his arms, with his left cheek against theirs, and thus holding them tightly for several minutes. All the above chiefs and braves, and many others, forming a very pic turesque cavalcade, will move off with us in a day or two, on our way back to Fort Gibson, where it is to be hoped we may arrive more happy than we are in our present jaded and sickly condition. LETTER No. 44. CAMP CANADIAN, TEXAS. Six days of severe travelling have brought us from the Camanchee vil lage to the North bank of the Canadian, where we are snugly encamped on a beautiful plain, and in the midst of countless numbers of buffaloes ; and halting a few days to recruit our horses and men, and dry meat to last us the remainder of our journey. The plains around this, for many miles, seem actually speckled in dis tance, and in every direction, with herds of grazing buffaloes ; and for several days, the officers and men have been indulged in a general licence to gratify their sporting propensities; and a scene of bustle and cruel slaughter it has been, to be sure ! From morning till night, the camp has been daily almost deserted ; the men have dispersed in little squads in all directions, and are dealing death to these poor creatures to a most cruel and wanton extent, merely for the pleasure of destroying, generally without stopping to cut out the meat. During yesterday and this day, several hun dreds have undoubtedly been killed, and not so much as the flesh of half a dozen used. Such immense swarms of them are spread over this tract of country ; and so divided and terrified have they become, finding their ene mies in all directions where they run, that the poor beasts seem completely bewildered running here and there, and as often as otherwise, come singly advancing to the horsemen, as if to join them for their company, and are easily shot down. In the turmoil and confusion, when their assailants have been pushing them forward, they have galloped through our encamp ment, jumping over our fires, upsetting pots and kettles, driving horses from their fastenings, and throwing the whole encampment into the greatest instant consternation and alarm. The hunting fever will be satiated in a few days amongst the young men, who are well enough to take parts in the chase; and the bilious fever, it is to be hoped, will be abated in a short time, amongst those who are invalid, and meat enough will be dried to last us to Fort Gibson, when we shall be on the march again, and wending our way towards that garrison. Many are now sick and unable to ride, and are carried on litters between two horses. Nearly every tent belonging to the officers has been converted to hospitals for the sick ; and sighs and groaning are heard in all directions. From the Camanchee village to this place, the country has been entirely prairie ; and most of the way high and dry ground, without water, for which we sometimes suffered very much. From day to day we have dragged along exposed to the hot and burning rays of the sun, without a cloud to relieve its intensity, or a bush to shade us, or anything to cast a shadow, ex cept the bodies of our horses. The grass for a great part of the way, was very much dried up, scarcely affording a bite for our horses ; and some times for the distance of many miles, the only water we could find, was in stagnant pools, lying on the highest ground, in which the buffaloes have been lying and wallowing like hogs in a mud-puddle. We frequently came to these dirty lavers, from which we drove the herds of wallowing buffaloes, and into which our poor and almost dying horses, irresistibly ran and plunged their noses, sucking up the dirty and poisonous draught, until, in some instances, they fell dead in their tracks the men also (and oftentimes amongst the number, the writer of these lines) sprang from their horses, and laded up and drank to almost fatal excess, the disgusting and tepid draught, and with it filled their canteens, which were slung to their sides, and from which they were sucking the bilious contents during the day. In our march we found many deep ravines, in the bottoms of which there were the marks of wild and powerful streams ; but in this season of drought they were all dried up, except an occasional one, where we found them dashing along in the coolest and clearest manner, and on trial, to our great agony, so salt that even our horses could not drink from them ; so we had occasionally the tantalizing pleasure of hearing the roar of, and looking into, the clearest and most sparkling streams ; and after that the dire neces sity of drinking from stagnant pools which lay from month to month exposed to the rays of the sun, till their waters become so poisonous and heavy, from the loss of their vital principle, that they are neither diminished by absorption, or taken into the atmosphere by evaporation. This poisonous and indigestible water, with the intense rays of the sun in the hottest part of the summer, is the cause of the unexampled sickness of the horses and men. Both appear to be suffering and dying with the same disease, a slow and distressing bilious fever, which seems to terminate in a most frightful and fatal affection of the liver. In these several cruel days' march, I have suffered severely, having had all the time (and having yet) a distracting fever on me. My real friend, Joe, has constantly rode by my side, dismounting and filling my canteen for me, and picking up minerals or fossils, which my jaundiced eyes were able to discover as we were passing over them ; or doing other kind offices for me, when I v;as too weak to mount my horse without aid. During this march over these dry and parched plains, we picked up many curious things of the fossil and mineral kind, and besides them a number of the horned frogs. In our portmanteaux we had a number of tin boxes in which we had carried Seidlitz powders, in which we caged a number of them safely, in 78 hopes to carry them home alive. Several remarkable specimens my friend Joe has secured of these, with the horns of half and three-fourths of an inch in length, and very sharp at the points. These curious subjects have so often fallen under my eye while on the Upper Missouri, that with me, they have lost their novelty in a great degree; but they have amused and astonished my friend Chad wick so much, that he declares he will take every one he can pick up, and make a sensation with them when ne gets home. In this way Joe's fancy for horned frogs has grown into a sort of frog -mania, and his eyes are strained all day, and gazing amongst the grass and pebbles as he rides along, for his precious little prizes, which he occasionally picks up and consigns to his pockets.* On one of these hard day's march, and just at night, whilst we were looking out for water, and a suitable place to encamp, Joe and I galloped off a mile or two to the right of the regiment, to a point of timber, to look for water, where we found a small and sunken stagnant pool ; and as our horses plunged their feet into it to drink, we saw to our N great surprise, a number of frogs hopping across its surface, as our horses started them from the shore ! Several of them stopped in the middle of the pool, sitting quite " high and dry" on the surface of the water ; and when we approached them nearer, or jostled them, they made a leap into the air, and coming down head foremost went under the water and secreted themselves at the bottom. Here was a subject for Joe, in his own line ! frogs with horns, and frogs with webbed feet, that could hop about, and sit upon, the surface of the water ! We rode around the pool and drove a number of them into it, and fearing that it would be useless to try to get one of them that evening ; we rode back to the encampment, exulting very much in the curious dis covery we had made for the naturalists ; and by relating to some of the officers what we had seen, got excessively laughed at for our wonderful discovery ! Nevertheless, Joe and I could not disbelieve what we had seen so distinctly " with our own eyes ;" and we took to ourselves (or in other words, I acquiesced in Joe's taking to himself, as it was so peculiarly in his line) the most unequivocal satisfaction in the curious and undoubted discovery of this new variety ; and we made our arrangements to ride back to the spot before " bugle call" in the morning ; and by a thorough effort, to obtain a specimen or two of the web-footed frogs for Joe's pocket, to be by him introduced to the consideration of the knowing ones in the East. Well, our horses were saddled at an early hour, and Joe and I were soon on the spot and he with a handkerchief at the end of a little pole, with which he had made a sort of scoop-net, soon dipped one up as it was hopping along on the surface of the water, and making unsuccessful efforts to dive through its surface. On examining its feet, we found, to our very great surprise, * Several months after this, when I visited my friend Joe's room in St. Louis, he shewed me his homed frogs in their little tin boxes, in good flesh and good condition, where they had existed several months, without food of any kind. 79 that we had taken a great deal of pains to entrap an old and familiar little acquaintance of our boyhood ; but, somewhat like ourselves, unfortu nately, from dire necessity, driven to a loathsome pool, where the water was so foul and slimy, that it could hop and dance about its surface with dry feet ; and where it oftentimes found difficulty in diving through the sur face to hide itself at the bottom. I laughed a great deal at poor Joe's most cruel expense, and we amused ourselves a few minutes about this filthy and curious pool, and rode back to the encampment. We found by taking the water up in the hollow of the hand, and dipping the finger in it, and drawing it over the side, thus con ducting a little of it out ; it was so slimy that the whole would run over the side of the hand in a moment ! We were joked and teased a great deal about our web-footed frogs ; and after this, poor Joe has had repeatedly to take out and exhibit his little pets in his pockets, to convince our travelling companions that frogs some times actually have horns. Since writing the above, an express has arrived from the encampment, which we left at the mouth of False Washita, with the melancholy tidings of the death of General Leavenworth, Lieutenant M'Clure, and ten or fifteen of the men left at that place ! This has cast a gloom over our little encampment here, and seems to be received as a fatal foreboding by those who are sick with the same disease ; and many of them, poor fellows, with scarce a hope left now for their recovery. It seems that the General had moved on our trail a few days after we left the Washita, to the " Cross Timbers," a distance of fifty or sixty miles, where his disease at last terminated his existence ; and I am inclined to think, as I before mentioned, in consequence of the injury he sustained in a fall from his horse when running a buffalo calf. My reason for believing this, is, that I rode and ate with him every day after the hour of his fall ; and from that moment I was quite sure that I saw a different expression in his face, from that which he naturally wore ; and when riding by the side of him two or three days after his fall, I observed to him, " General, you have a very bad cough" " Yes," he replied, " I have killed myself in running that devilish calf ; and it was a very lucky thing, Catlin, that you painted the portrait of me before we started, for it is all that my dear wife will ever see of me." We shall be on the move again in a few days ; and I plainly see that I shall be upon a litter, unless my horrid fever leaves me, which is daily taking away my strength, and almost, at times, my senses. Adieu ! 80 LETTER-NO. 45. FORT GIBSON, ARKANSAS. THE last Letter was written from my tent, and out upon the wild prairies, when I was shaken and terrified by a burning fever, with home and my dear wife and little one, two thousand miles ahead of me, whom I was despair ing of ever embracing again. I am now scarcely better off, except that I am in comfortable quarters, with kind attendance, and friends about me. I am yet sick and very feeble, having been for several weeks upon my back since I was brought in from the prairies. I am slowly recovering, and for the first time since I wrote from the Canadian, able to use my pen or my brush. We drew off from that slaughtering ground a few days after my last Letter was written, with a great number sick, carried upon litters with horses giving out and dying by the way, which much impeded our progress over the long and tedious route that laid between us and Fort Gibson. Fif teen days, however, of constant toil and fatigue brought us here, but in a most crippled condition. Many of the sick were left by the way with atten dants to take care of them, others were buried from their litters on which they breathed their last while travelling, and many others were brought in, to this place, merely to die and get the privilege of a decent burial. Since the very day of our start into that country, the men have been con stantly falling sick, and on their return, of those who are alive, there are not well ones enough to take care of the sick. Many are yet left out upon the prairies, and of those that have been brought in, and quartered in the hospital, with the soldiers of the infantry regiment stationed here, four or five are buried daily ; and as an equal number from the 9th regiment are falling by the .same disease, I have the mournful sound of " Roslin Castle" with muffled drums, passing six or eight times a-day under my window, to the burying-ground ; which is but a little distance in front of my room, where I can lay in my bed and see every poor fellow lowered down into his silent and peaceful habitation. During the day before yesterday, no less than eight solemn processions visited that insatiable ground, and amongst them was carried the corpse of my intimate and much-loved friend Lieutenant West, who was aid-de-camp to General Leavenworth, on this disastrous campaign, and who has left in this place, a worthy and distracted widow, with her little 81 ones to mourn for his untimely end. On the same day was buried also the Prussian Botanist, a most excellent and scientific gentleman, who had ob tained an order from the Secretary at War to accompany the expedition for scientific purposes. He had at St. Louis, purchased a very comfortable dearborn waggon, and a snug span of little horses to convey himself and his servant with his collection of plants, over the prairies. In this he travelled in company with the regiment from St. Louis to Fort Gibson, some five or six hundred miles, and from that to the False Washita, and the Cross Tim bers and back again. In this Tour he had made an immense, and no doubt, very valuable collection of plants, and at this place had been for some weeks indefatigably engaged in changing and drying them, and at last, fell a victim to the disease of the country, which seemed to have made an easy conquest of him, from the very feeble and enervated state he was evidently in, that of pulmonary consumption. This fine, gentlemanly and urbane, excellent man, to whom I became very much attached, was lodged in a room adjoining to mine, where he died, as he had lived, peaceably and smiling, and that when nobody knew that hislife was in immediate danger. The surgeon who was attending me, (Dr. Wright,) was sitting on my bed-side in his morning- call at my room, when a negro boy, who alone had been left in the room with him, came into my apartment and said Mr. Beyrich was dying we in stantly stepped into his room and found him, not in the agonies of death, but quietly breathing his last, without a word or a struggle, as he had laid himself upon his bed with his clothes and his boots on. In this way perished this worthy man, who had no one here of kindred friends to drop tears for him ; and on the day previous to his misfortune, died also, and much in the same way, his devoted and faithful servant, a young man, a native of Germany. Their bodies were buried by the side of each other, and a general feeling of deep grief was manifested by the officers and citizens of the post, in the respect that was paid to their remains in the appropriate and decent com mittal of them to the grave. After leaving the head waters of the Canadian, my illness continually in creased, and losing strength every day, I soon got so reduced that I was neces sarily lifted on to and off from, my horse ; and at last, so that I could not ride at all. I was then put into a baggage- waggon which was going back empty, except with several soldiers sick, and in this condition rode eight days, most of the time in a delirious state, lying on the hard planks of the waggon, and made still harder by the jarring and jolting, until the skin from my elbows and knees was literally worn through, and I almost " worn out " when we at length reached this post, and I was taken to abed, in comfortable quarters, where I have had the skilful attendance of my friend and old schoolmate Dr. Wright, under whose hands, thank God, I have been restored, and an? now daily recovering my flesh and usual strength. The experiment has thus been made, of sending an army of men from the North, into this Southern and warm climate, in the hottest months of the VOL. II. M year, of July and August ; and from this sad experiment I am sure a secret will be learned that will be of value on future occasions. Of the 450 fine fellows who started from this place four months since, about one-third have already died, and I believe many more there are whose fates are sealed, and will yet fall victims to the deadly diseases contracted in that fatal country. About this post it seems to be almost equally un.- healthy, and generally so during this season, all over this region, which is probably owing to an unusual drought which has been visited on the country, and unknown heretofore to the oldest inhabitants. Since we came in from the prairies, and the sickness has a little abated, we have had a bustling time with the Indians at this place. Colonel Dodge sent runners to the chiefs of all the contiguous tribes of Indians, with an invitation to meet the Pawnees, &c. in council, at this place. Seven or eight tribes flocked to us, in great numbers on the first day of the month, when the council commenced ; it continued for several days, and gave these semi-civilized sons of the forest a fair opportunity of shaking the hands of their wild and untamed red brethren of the West of embracing them in their arms, with expressions of friendship, and of smoking the calumet to gether, as the solemn pledge of lasting peace and friendship. Colonel Dodge, Major Armstrong (the Indian agent), and General Stokes (the Indian commissioner), presided at this council, and I cannot name a scene more interesting and entertaining than it was ; where, for several days in succession, free vent was given to the feelings of men civilized, half -civilized, and wild ; where the three stages of man were fearlessly asserting their rights, their happiness, and friendship for each other. The vain orations of the half- polished (and half-breed) Cherokees and Choctaws, with all their finery and art, found their match in the brief and jarring gutturals of the wild and naked man. After the council had adjourned, and the fumes of the peace-making calumet had vanished away, and Colonel Dodge had made them additional presents, they soon made preparations for their departure, and on the next day started, with an escort of dragoons, for their own country. This move ment is much to be regretted ; for it would have been exceedingly gratifying to the people of the East to have seen so wild a group, and it would have been of great service to them to have visited Washington a journey, though, which they could not be prevailed upon to make. We brought with us to this place, three of the principal chiefs of the Pawnees, fifteen Kioways, one Camanchee, and one Wico chief. The group was undoubtedly one of the most interesting that ever visited our frontier; and, I have taken the utmost pains in painting the portraits of all of them, as well as seven of the Camanchee chiefs, who came part of the way with us, and turned back. These portraits, together with other paintings which I have made, descriptive of their manners and customs views of their vil lages landscapes of the country, &c., will soon be laid before the amateurs of the East, and, I trust, will be found to be very interesting- 83 Although the achievement has been a handsome one, of bringing these unknown people to an acquaintance, and a general peace ; and at first sight would appear to be of great benefit to them yet I have my strong doubts, whether it will better their condition, unless with the exercised aid of the strong arm of Government, they can be protected in the rights which by nature, they are entitled to. There is already in this place a company of eighty men fitted out, who are to start to-morrow, to overtake these Indians a few miles from this place, and accompany them home, with a large stock of goods, with traps for catching beavers, &c., calculating to build a trading-house amongst them, where they will amass, at once, an immense fortune, being the first traders and trappers that have ever been in that part of the country. I have travelled too much among Indian tribes, and seen too much, not to know the evil consequences of such a system. Goods are sold at such exorbitant prices, that the Indian gets a mere shadow for his peltries, &c. The Indians see no white people but traders and sellers of whiskey ; and of course, judge us all by them they consequently hold us, and always will, in contempt; as inferior to themselves, as they have reason to do and they neither fear nor respect us. When, on the contrary, if the Government would promptly prohibit such establishments, and invite these Indians to our frontier posts, they would bring in their furs, their robes, horses, mules, &c., to this place, where there is a good market for them all where they would get the full value of their property where there are several stores of goods where there is an honourable competition, and where they would get four or five times as much for their articles of trade, as they would get from a trader in the village, out of the reach of competition, and out of sight of the civilized world. At the same time, as they would be continually coming where they would see good and polished society, they would be gradually adopting our modes of living introducing to their country our vegetables, our domestic animals, poultry, &c., and at length, our arts and manufactures; they would see and estimate our military strength, and advantages, and would be led to fear and respect us. In short, it would undoubtedly be the quickest and surest way to a general acquaintance to friendship and peace, and at last to civilization. If there is a law in existence for such protection of the Indian tribes, which may have been waived in the case of those nations with which we have long traded, it is a great pity that it should not be rigidly enforced in this new and important acquaintance, which we have just made with thirty or forty thousand strangers to the civilized world ; yet (as we have learned from their unaffected hospitality when in their villages), with hearts of human mould, susceptible of all the noble feelings belonging to civilized man. This acquaintance has cost the United States a vast sum of money, as well as the lives of several valuable and esteemed officers, and more than 84 100 of the dragoons; and for the honour of the American name, I think we ought, in forming an acquaintance with these numerous tribes, to adopt and enforce some different system from that which has been generally practiced on and beyond our frontiers heretofore. What the regiment of dragoons has suffered from sickness since they started on their summer's campaign is unexampled in this country, and almost incredible. When we started from this place, ten or fifteen were sent back the first day, too sick to proceed ; and so afterwards our numbers were daily diminished, and at the distance of 200 miles from this place we could muster, out of the whole regiment, but 250 men who were able to proceed, with which little band, and that again reduced some sixty or seventy by sickness, we pushed on, and accomplished all that was done. The beautiful and pictured scenes which we passed over had an alluring charm on their surface, but (as it would seem) a lurking poison within, that spread a gloom about our encampment whenever we pitched it. We sometimes rode day after day, without a tree to shade us from the burning rays of a tropical sun, or a breath of wind to regale us or cheer our hearts and with mouths continually parched with thirst, we dipped our drink from stagnant pools that were heated by the sun, and kept in fermen tation by the wallowing herds of buffaloes that resort to them. In this way we dragged on, sometimes passing picturesque and broken country, with fine springs and streams, affording us the luxury of a refreshing shade and a cool draught of water. Thus was dragged through and completed this most disastrous campaign ; and to Colonel Dodge and Colonel Kearny, who so indefatigably led and encouraged their men through it, too much praise cannot be awarded. During my illness while I have been at this post, my friend Joe has been almost constantly by my bedside ; evincing (as he did when we were creep ing over the vast prairies) the most sincere and intense anxiety for my reco very ; whilst he has administered, like a brother, every aid and every comfort that lay in his power to bring. Such tried friendship as this, I shall ever recollect ; and it will long hence and often, lead my mind back to retrace, at least, the first part of our campaign, which was full pleasant ; and many of its incidents have formed pleasing impressions on my memory, which I would preserve to the end of my life. When we started, we were fresh and ardent for the incidents that were before us our little packhorse carried our bedding and culinary articles ; amongst which we had a coffee-pot and a frying-pan coffee in good store, and sugar and wherever we spread our bear-skin, and kindled our fire in the grass, we were sure to take by ourselves, a delightful repast, and a refresh ing sleep. During the march, as we were subject to no military subordination, we galloped about wherever we were disposed, popping away at whatever we chose to spend ammunition upon and running our noses into every wild nook and crevice, as we saw fit. In this way we travelled happily, until 85 our coffee was gone, and our bread ; and even then we were happy upon meat alone, until at last each one in his turn, like every other moving thing about us, both man and beast, were vomiting and fainting, under the poisonous influence of some latent enemy, that was floating in the air, and threatening our destruction. Then came the " tug of war," and instead of catering for our amusements, every one seemed desperately studying the means that were to support him on his feet, and bring him safe home again to the bosoms of his friends. In our start, our feelings were buoyant and light, and we had the luxuries of life the green prairies, spotted with wild flowers, and the clear blue sky, were an earthly paradise to us, until fatigue and disease, and at last despair, made them tiresome and painful to our jaundiced eyes. On our way, and while we were in good heart, my friend Joe and I had picked up many minerals and fossils of an interesting nature, which we put in our portmanteaux and carried for weeks, with much pains, and some pain also, until the time when our ardour cooled and our spirits lagged, and then we discharged and threw them away ; and sometimes we came across speci mens again, still more wonderful, which we put in their place, and lugged along till we were tired of them, and their weight, and we discharged them as before ; so that from our eager desire to procure, we lugged many pounds weight of stones, shells, &c. nearly the whole way, and were glad that their mother Earth should receive them again at our hands, which was done long before we got back. One of the most curious places we met in all our route, was a mountain ridge of fossil shells, from which a great number of the above-mentioned specimens were taken. During our second day's march from the mouth of the False Washita, we were astonished to find ourselves travelling over a bed of clam and oyster shells, which were all in a complete state of petrifaction. This ridge, which seemed to run from N. E. to S.W. was several hundred feet high, and varying from a quarter to half a mile in breadth, seemed to be com posed of nothing but a concretion of shells, which, on the surface, exposed to the weather for the depth of eight or ten inches, were entirely separated from the cementing material which had held them together, and were lying on the surface, sometimes for acres together, without a particle of soil or grass upon them ; with the colour, shapes and appearance exactly, of the natural shells, lying loosely together, into which our horses' feet were sinking at every step, above their fetterlocks. These I consider the most extraordinary petrifactions I ever beheld. In any way they could be seen, individually or in the mass together, they seemed to be nothing but the pure shells themselves, both in colour and in shape. In many instances we picked them up entire, never having been opened ; and taking our knives out, and splitting them open as we would an oyster, the fish was seen petrified in perfect form, and by dipping it into water, it shewed all the colours and freshness of an oyster just opened and laid on a plate to be eaten. Joe and I had carefully tied up many of these, with which we felt quite sure we could 36 deceive our oyster-eating friends when we got back to the East ; yet, like many other things we collected, they shared the fate that I have mentioned, without our bringing home one of them, though we brought many of them several hundreds of miles, and at last threw them away. This remarkable ridge is in some parts covered with grass, but generally with mere scattering bunches, for miles together, partially covering this compact mass of shells, forming (in my opinion) one of the greatest geological curiosities now to bo seen in this country, as it lies evidently some thousands of feet above the level of the ocean, and seven or eight hundred miles from the nearest point on the sea-coast. In another section of the country, lying between Fort Gibson and the Washita, we passed over a ridge for several miles, running parallel to this, where much of the way there was no earth or grass under foot, but our horses were travelling on a solid rock, which had on its surface a reddish or oxidized appearance ; and on getting from my horse and striking it with my hatchet, I found it to contain sixty or eighty per cent of solid iron, which produced a ringing noise, and a rebounding of the hatchet, as if it were struck upon ;u: anvil. In other parts, and farther West, between the Camanchee village and the Canadian, we passed over a similar surface for many miles denuded, will the exception of here and there little bunches of grass and wild sage, a leve and exposed surface of solid gypsum, of a dark grey colour ; and through it occasionally, as far as the eye could discover, to the East and the West streaks of three and five inches wide of snowy gypsum, which was literall; as white as the drifted snow. Of saltpetre and salt, there are also endless supplies ; so it will be seei that the mineral resources of this wilderness country are inexhaustible an< rich, and that the idle savage who never converts them to his use, mu soon yield them to the occupation of enlightened and cultivating man. In the vicinity of this post there are an immense number of Indians, mo* of whom have been removed to their present locations by the Government from their Eastern original positions, within a few years past; and previous t my starting with the dragoons, I had two months at my leisure in thi section of the country, which I used in travelling about with my canvas and note-book, and visiting all of them in their villages. I have made man paintings amongst them, and have a curious note-book to open at a futur day, for which the reader may be prepared. The tribes whom I thus visited and of whom my note-book -will yet speak , are the Cherokees, Ckoctawt Creeks, Seminoles, Chickasaws, Quapaws, Senecus, Delawares, and severe others, whose customs are interesting, and whose history, from their proxunit to, and dealings with the civilized community, is one of great interest, an some importance, to the enlightened world. Adieu. 87 LETTER No. 46. ALTON, ILLINOIS. A FEW days after the date of the above Letter, I took leave of Fort G ; 'i- son, and made a transit across the prairies to this place, a distance of 550 miles, which I have performed entirely alone, and had the satisfaction of joining my wife, whom I have found in good health, in a family of my esteemed friends, with whom she has been residing during my last year of absence. While at Fort Gibson, on my return from the Camanchees, I was quartered for a month or two in a room with my fellow-companion in misery, Captain Wharton, of the dragoons, who had come in from the prairies in a condition very similar to mine, and laid in abed in the opposite corner of the room ; where we laid for several weeks, like two grim ghosts, rolling our glaring and staring eyeballs upon each other, when we were totally unable to hold converse, other than that which was exchanged through the expres sive language of our hollow, and bilious, sunken eyes. The Captain had been sent with a company of dragoons to escort the Santa Fee Traders through the country of the Camanchees and Pawnees, and had returned from a rapid and bold foray into the country, with many of his men sick, and himself attacked with the epidemic of the country. The Captain is a gentleman of high and noble bearing, of one of the most respected families in Philadelphia, with a fine and chivalrous feeling ; but with scarce physical stamina sufficient to bear him up under the rough vicis situdes of his wild and arduous sort of life in this country. As soon as our respective surgeons had clarified our flesh and our bones with calomel, had brought our pulses to beat calmly, our tongues to ply gently, and our stomachs to digest moderately; we began to feel pleasure exquisitely in our convalescence, and draw amusement from mutual relations of scenes and adventures we had witnessed on our several marches. The Captain convalescing faster than I did, soon got so as to eat (but not to digest) enormous meals, which visited back upon him the renewed horrors of his disease : and I, who had got ahead of him in strength, but not in pru dence, was thrown back in my turn, by similar indulgence; and so we were mutually and repeatedly, until he at length got so as to feel strength enough to ride, and resolution enough to swear that he would take leave of that deadly spot, and seek restoration and health in a cooler and more congenial 88 latitude. So he had his horse brought up one morning, whilst he was so weak that he could scarcely mount upon its back, and with his servant, a small negro boy, packed on another, he steered off upon the prairies towards Fort Leavenworth, 500 miles to the North, where his company had long since marched. I remained a week or two longer, envying the Captain the good luck to escape from that dangerous ground ; and after I had gained strength suf ficient to warrant it, I made preparations to take informal leave, and wend my way also over the prairies to the Missouri, a distance of 500 miles, and most of the way a solitary wilderness. For this purpose I had my horse " Charley" brought up from his pasture, where he had been in good keeping during my illness, and got so fat as to form almost an objectionable contrast to his master, with whom he was to embark on a long and tedious journey again, over the vast and almost boundless prairies. - I had, like the Captain, grown into such a dread of that place, from the . scenes of death that were and had been visited upon it, that I resolved to be off as soon as I had strength to get on to my horse, and balance myself upon his back. For this purpose I packed up my canvass and brushes, and other luggage, and sent them down the river to the Mississippi, to be forwarded by steamer, to meet me at St. Louis. So, one fine morning, Charley was brought up and saddled, and a bear-skin and a buffalo robe being spread upon his saddle, and a coffee-pot and tin cup tied to it also with a few pounds of hard biscuit in my portmanteau with my fowling- piece in my hand, and my pistols in my belt with my sketch-book slung on my back, and a small pocket compass in my pocket ; I took leave of Fort Gibson, even against the advice of my surgeon and all the officers of the garrison, who gathered around me to bid me farewell. No argument could contend with the fixed resolve in my own mind, that if I could get out upon the prairies, and moving continually to the Northward, I should daily gain strength, and save myself, possibly, from the jaws of that vora cious burial-ground that laid in front of my room; where I had for months laid and imagined myself going with other poor fellows, whose mournful dirges were played under my window from day to day. No one can ima gine what was the dread I felt for that place ; nor the pleasure, which was extatic, when Charley was trembling under me, and I turned him around on the top of a prairie bluff at a mile distance, to take the last look upon it, and thank God, as I did audibly, that I was not to be buried within its enclosure. I said to myself, that " to die on the prairie, and be devoured by wolves ; or to fall in combat and be scalped by an Indian, would be far more acceptable than the lingering death that would consign me to the jaws of that insatiable grave," for which, in the fever and weakness of my mind, I had contracted so destructive a terror. So, alone, without other living being with me than my affectionate horse Charley, I turned my face to the North, and commenced on my long journey, 89 with confidence full and strong, that I should gain strength daily ; and no one can ever know the pleasure of that moment, which placed me alone, upon the boundless sea of waving grass, over which my proud horse was prancing, and I with my life in my own hands, commenced to steer my course to the banks of the Missouri. For the convalescent, rising and escaping from the gloom and horrors of a sick bed, astride of his strong and trembling horse, carrying him fast and safely over green fields spotted and tinted with waving wild flowers ; and through the fresh and cool breezes that are rushing about him, as he daily shortens the distance that lies between him and his wife and little ones, there is an exquisite pleasure yet to be learned, by those who never have felt it. Day by day I thus pranced and galloped along, the whole way through waving grass and green -fields, occasionally dismounting and lying in the grass an hour or so, until the grim shaking and chattering of an ague chill had passed off; and through the nights, slept on my bear-skin spread upon the grass, with my saddle for my pillow, and my buffalo robe drawn over me for my covering. My horse Charley was picketed near me at the end of his laso, which gave him room for his grazing ; and thus we snored and nod ded away the nights, and never were denied the doleful serenades of the gangs of sneaking wolves that were nightly perambulating our little encampment, and stationed at a safe distance from us at sun-rise in the morning gazing at us, and impatient to pick up the crumbs and bones that were left, when we moved away from our feeble fire that had faintly flickered through the night, and in the absence of timber, had been made of dried buffalo dung, (PLATE 184). This " Charley" was a noble animal of the Camanchee wild breed, of a clay bank colour ; and from our long and tried acquaintance, we had be come very much attached to each other, and acquired a wonderful facility both of mutual accommodation, and of construing each other's views and intentions. In fact, we had been so long tried together, that there would have seemed to the spectator almost an unity of interest ; and at all events, an unity of feelings on the subject of attachment, as well as on that of mutual dependence and protection. I purchased this very showy and well-known animal of Colonel Burbank, of the ninth regiment, and rode it the whole distance to the Camanchee villages and back again ; and at the time when most of the horses of the regiment were drooping and giving out by the way Charley flourished and came in in good flesh and good spirits. On this journey, while he and I were twenty-five days alone, we had much time, and the best of circumstances, under which to learn what we had as yet overlooked in each other's characters, as well as to draw great pleasure and real benefit from what we already had learned of each other, in our former travels. VOL. 11. N 90 I generally halted on the bank of some little stream, at half an hour's sun, where feed was good for Charley, and where I could get wood to kindle my fire, and water for my coffee. The first thing was to undress " Charley" and drive down his picket, to which he was fastened, to graze over a circle that he could inscribe at the end of his laso. In this wise he busily fed himself until nightfall; and after my coffee was made and drank, I uniformly moved him up, with his picket by my head, so that I could lay my hand upon his laso in an instant, in case of any alarm that was liable to drive him from me. On one of these evenings when he was grazing as usual, he slipped the laso over his head, and deliberately took his sup per at his pleasure, wherever he chose to prefer it, as he was strolling around. When night approached, I took the laso in hand and endeavoured to catch him, but I soon saw that he was determined to enjoy a little freedom ; and he continually evaded me until dark, when I abandoned the pursuit, making up my mind that I should inevitably lose him, and be obliged to perform the rest of my journey on foot. He had led me a chase of half a mile or more, when I left him busily grazing, and returned to my little solitary bivouac, and laid myself on my bear skin, and went to sleep. In the middle of the night I waked, whilst I was lying on my back, and on half opening my eyes, I was instantly shocked to the soul, by the huge figure (as I thought) of an Indian, standing over me, and in the very instant of taking my scalp ! The chill of horror that paralyzed me for the first moment, held me still till I saw there was no need of my moving that my faithful horse " Charley" had "played shy" till he had " filled his belly," and had then moved up, from feelings of pure affection, or from instinctive fear, or possibly, from a due share of both, and taken his position with his forefeet at the edge of my bed, with his head hanging directly over me, while he was standing fast asleep ! My nerves, which had been most violently shocked, were soon quieted, and I fell asleep, and so continued until sunrise in the morning, when I waked, and beheld my faithful servant at some considerable distance, busily at work picking up his breakfast amongst the cane-brake, along the bank of the creek. I went as busily to work, preparing my own, which was eaten, and after it, I had another half-hour of fruitless endeavours to catch Charley, whilst he seemed mindful of success on the evening before, and continually tantalized me by turning around and around, and keeping out of my reach. I recollected the conclusive evidence of his attachment and dependence, which he had voluntarily given in the night, and I thought I would try them in another way. So I packed up my things and slung the saddle on my back, trailing my gun in my hand, and started on my route. After I had advanced a quarter of a mile, I looked back, and saw him standing with his head and tail very high, looking alternately at me and at the spot where I had been encamped, and left a little fire burning. In this condition he stood and surveyed the prairies around for a while, as I continued on. He, 91 at length, walked with a hurried step to the spot, and seeing everything gone, began to neigh very violently, and at last started off at fullest speed, and overtook me, passing within a few paces of me, and wheeling about at a few rods distance in front of me, trembling like an aspen leaf. I called him by his familiar name, and walked up to him with the bridle in my hand, which I put over his head, as he held it down for me, and the saddle on his back, as he actually stooped to receive it. I was soon ar ranged, and on his back, when he started off upon his course as if he was well contented and pleased, like his rider, with the mano2uvre which had brought us together again, and afforded us mutual relief from our awkward positions. Though this alarming freak of " Charley's" passed off and ter minated so satisfactorily ; yet I thought such rather dangerous ones to play, and I took good care after that night, to keep him under my strict authority ; resolving to avoid further tricks and experiments till we got to the land of cultivated fields and steady habits. On the night of this memorable day, Charley and I stopped in one of the most lovely little valleys I ever saw, and even far more beautiful than could have been imagined by mortal man. An enchanting little lawn of five or six acres, on the banks of a cool and rippling stream, that was alive with fish ; and every now and then, a fine brood of young ducks, just old enough for delicious food, and too unsophisticated to avoid an easy and simple death. This little lawn was surrounded by bunches and copses of the most luxuriant and picturesque foliage, consisting of the lofty bois d'arcs and elms, spreading out their huge branches, as if offering protection to the rounded groups of cherry and plum-trees that supported festoons of grape vines, with their purple clusters that hung m the most tempting manner over the green carpet that was everywhere decked out with wild flowers, of all tints and of various sizes, from the modest wild sun-flowers, with their thousand tall and drooping heads, to the lillies that stood, and the violets that crept beneath them. By the side of this cool stream, Charley was fastened, and near him my bear-skin was spread in the grass, and by it my little fire, to which I soon brought a fine string of perch from the brook ; from which, and a broiled duck, and a delicious cup of coffee, I made my dinner and supper, which were usually united in one meal, at half an hour's sun. After this I strolled about this sweet little paradise, which I found was chosen, not only by myself, but by the wild deer, which were repeatedly rising from their quiet lairs, and bounding out, and over the graceful swells of the prairies which hemmed in, and framed this little picture of sweetest, tints and most masterly touches. The Indians also, I found, had loved it once, and left it ; for here and there were their solitary and deserted graves, which told, though briefly, of former chaunts and sports ; and perhaps, of wars and deaths, that have once rurvg and echoed through this little silent vale. On my return to my encampment, 1 laid down upon my back, and 92 looked awhile into the blue heavens that were over me, with their pure and milk white clouds that were passing with the sun just setting in the West, and the silver moon rising in the East, and renewed the impressions of rny own insignificance, as I contemplated the incomprehensible mechanism 01 that wonderful clock, whose time is infallible, and whose motion is eternity! I trembled, at last, at the dangerous expanse of my thoughts, and turned them again, and my eyes, upon the little and more comprehensible things that were about me. One of the first was a newspaper, which I had brought from the Garrison, the National Intelligencer, of Washington, which I had read for years, but never with quite the zest and relish that I now conversed over its familiar columns, in this clean and sweet valley of dead silence ! And while reading, I thought of (and laughed), what I had almost forgotten, the sensation I produced amongst the Minatarees while on the Upper Mis souri, a few years since, by taking from amongst my painting apparatus an old number of the New York Commercial Advertiser, edited by my kind and tried friend Colonel Stone. The Minatarees thought that I was mad, when they saw me for hours together, with my eyes fixed upon its pages. They had different and various conjectures about it ; the most current of which was, that I was looking at it to cure my sore eyes, and they called it the " medicine cloth for sore eyes !" I at length put an end to this and several equally ignorant conjectures, by reading passages in it, which were interpreted to them, and the objects of the paper fully explained ; after which, it was looked upon as much greater mystery than before ; and several liberal offers were made me for it, which I was obliged to refuse, having already received a beautifully garnished robe for it, from the hands of a young son of Esculapius, who told me that if he could employ a good interpreter to explain everything in it, he could travel about amongst the Minatarees and Mandans, and Sioux, and exhibit it after I was gone ; getting rich with presents, and adding greatly to the list of his medicines, as it would make him a great Medicine-Man. I left with the poor fellow his painted robe, and the newspaper ; and just before I de parted, I saw him unfolding it to show to some of his friends, when he took from around it, some eight or ten folds of birch bark and deer skins ; all of which were carefully enclosed in a sack made of the skin of a pole cat, and un doubtedly destined to become, and to be called, his mystery or medicine-bag. The distance from Fort Gibson to the Missouri, where I struck the river, is about five hundred miles, and most of the way a beautiful prairie, in a wild and uncultivated state without roads and without bridges, over a great part of which I steered my course with my pocket-compass, fording and swimming the streams in the best manner I could ; shooting prairie hens, and occasionally catching fish, which I cooked for my meals, and slept upon the ground at night. On my way I visited " Riqvia's Village" of Osages, and lodged during the night in the hospitable cabin of my old friend Beatte, of whom I have often spoken heretofore, as one of the guides and hunters for the dragoons on their campaign in the Camanchee country. This was the 93 most extraordinary hunter, I think, that I ever have met in all my travels. To " hunt" was a phrase almost foreign to him, however, for when he went out with his rifle, it was "for meat," or "for cattle ;" and he never came in without it. He never told how many animals he had seen how many he had wounded, &c. but his horse was always loaded with meat, which was thrown down in camp without comment or words spoken. Riqua was an early pioneer of Christianity in this country, who has devoted many years of his life, with his interesting family, in endeavouring to civilize and chris tianize these people, by the force of pious and industrious examples, which he has successfully set them ; and, I think, in the most judicious way, by establishing a little village, at some miles distance from the villages of the Osages ; where he has invited a considerable number of families who have taken their residence by the side of him ; where they are following his virtu ous examples in their dealings and modes of life, and in agricultural pursuits which he is teaching them, and showing them that they may raise the com forts and luxuries of life out of the ground, instead of seeking for them in the precarious manner in which they naturally look for them, in the uncer tainty of the chase. It was a source of much regret to me, that I did not see this pious man, as he was on a Tour to the East, when I was in his little village. Beatte lived in this village with his aged parents, to whom he introduced me ; and with whom, altogether, I spent a very pleasant evening in conversa tion. They are both French, and have spent the greater part of their lives with the Osages, and seem to be familiar with their whole history. This Beatte was the hunter and guide for a party of rangers (the summer before our campaign), with whom Washington Irving made his excursion to the borders of the Pawnee country ; and of whose extraordinary character and powers, Mr. Irving has drawn a very just and glowing account, excepting one error which I think he has inadvertently fallen into, that of calling him a " half breed." Beatte had complained of this to me often while out on the prairies ; and when I entered his hospitable cabin, he said he was glad to see me, and almost instantly continued, " Now you shall see, Monsieur Catline, I am not ' half breed,' here I shall introduce you to my father and my mother, who you see are two very nice and good old French people." From this cabin where I fared well and slept soundly, I started in the morning, after taking with them a good cup of coffee, and went smoothly on over the prairies on my course. About the middle of my journey, I struck a road leading into a small civi lized settlement, called the " Kickapoo prairie," to which I " bent my course;" and riding up to a log cabin which was kept as a sort of an hotel or tavern, I met at the door, the black boy belonging to my friend Captain I Wharton, w ho I have said took his leave of Fort Gibson a few weeks before me ; I asked the boy where his master was, to which he replied, " My good ; massa, Massa Wharton, in dese house, jist dead ob de libber compliment I" 94 I dismounted and went in, and to my deepest soriow and anguish, I found him, as the boy said, nearly dead, without power to raise his head or his voice his eyes were rolled upon me, and as he recognized me he took me' by the hand, which he firmly gripped, whilst both shed tears in profusion. By placing my ear to his lips, his whispers could be heard, and he was able in an imperfect manner to make his views and his wishes known. His disease seemed to be a repeated attack of his former malady, and a severe affection of the liver, which was to be (as his physician said) the proximate cause of his death. 1 conversed with his physician who seemed to be a young and inexperienced man, who told me that he certainly could not live more than ten days. I staid two days with him, and having no means with me of rendering him pecuniary or other aid amongst strangers, I left him in kind hands, and started on my course again. My health improved daily, from the time of my setting out at Fort Gibson ; and I was now moving along cheerfully, and in hopes soon to reach the end of my toilsome journey. I had yet vast prairies to pass over, and occasional latent difficulties, which were not apparent on their smooth and deceiving surfaces. Deep sunken streams, like ditches, occasionally^presented themselves suddenly to my view, when I was within a few steps of plunging into them from their perpendicular sides, which were overhung with long wild grass, and almost obscured from the sight. The bearings of my compass told me that I must cross them, and the only alternative was to plunge into them, and get out as well as I could. They were often muddy, and I could not tell whether they were three or ten feet deep, until my horse was in them ; and sometimes he went down head foremost, and I with him, to scramble out on the opposite shore in the best condition we could. In one of these canals, which I had followed for several miles in the vain hope of finding a shoal, or an accustomed ford, 1 plunged, with Charley, where it was about six or eight yards wide (and God knows how deep, for we did not go to the bottom), and swam him to the opposite bank, on to which I clung ; 'and which, being perpendicular and of clay, and three or four feet higher than the water, was an insurmountable difficulty to Charley ; and I led the poor fellow at least a mile, as I walked on the top of the bank, with the bridle in my hand, holding his head above, the water as he was swimming ; and I at times almost inextricably entangled in the long grass that^was often higher than my head, and hanging over the brink, filled and woven together, with ivy and wild pea-vines. I at length (and just before I was ready to drop the rein of faithful Charley, in hopeless despair), came to an old buffalo ford, where the banks were graded down, and the poor exhausted animal, at last got out, arid was ready and willing to take me and my luggage (after I had dried them in the sun) on the journey again. The Osage river which is a powerful stream, I struck at a place which seemed to stagger my courage very much. There had been heavy rains but a few days before, and this furious stream was rolling along its wild and 95 turbid waters, with a freshet upon it, that spread its waters, in many places over its banks, as was the case at the place where I encountered it. There seemed to be but little choice in places with this stream, which, with its banks full, was sixty or eighty yards in width, with a current that was sweeping along at a rapid rate. I stripped everything from Charley, and tied him with his laso, until I travelled the shores up and down for some distance, and collected drift wood enough for a small raft, which I constructed, to carry my clothes and saddle, and other things, safe over. This being com pleted, and my clothes taken off, and they with other things, laid upon the raft, I took Charley to the bank and drove him in and across, where he soon reached the opposite shore, and went to feeding on the bank. Next was to come the " great white medicine ;" and with him, saddle, bridle, saddle-bags, sketch-book, gun and pistols, coffee and coffee-pot, powder, and his clothes, all of which were placed upon the raft, and the raft pushed into the stream, and the " medicine man" swimming behind it, and pushing it along before him, until it reached the opposite shore, at least half a mile below ! From this, his things were carried to the top of the bank, and in a little time, Charley was caught and dressed, and straddled, and on the way again. These are a few of the incidents of that journey of 500 miles, which I performed entirely alone, and which at last brought me out at Boonville on the Western bank of the Missouri. While I was crossing the river at that place, I met General Arbuckle, with two surgeons, who were to start the next day from Boonville for Fort Gibson, travelling over the route that I had just passed. I instantly informed them of the condition of poor Wharton, and the two surgeons were started off that afternoon at fullest speed, with orders to reach him in the shortest time possible, and do every thing to save his life. I assisted in purchasing for him, several little things that he had named to me, such as jellies acids apples, &c. &c. ; and saw them start ; and (God knows), I shall impatiently hope to hear of their timely assistance, and of his recovery.* From Boonville, which is a very pretty little town, building up with the finest style of brick houses, I crossed the river to New Franklin, where I laid by several days, on account of stormy weather ; and from thence proceeded with success to the end of my journey, where I now am, under the roof of kind and hospitable friends, with my dear wife, who has patiently waited one year to receive me back, a wreck, as I now am ; and who is to start in a few days with me to the coast of Florida, 1400 miles South of this, to spend the winter in patching up my health, and fitting me for future cam paigns. On this Tour (from which 1 shall return in the spring, if my health will * I have great satisfaction in informing the reader, that I learned a year or so after the above date, that those two skilful surgeons hastened on with all possible speed to the assistance of this excellent gentleman, and had the satisfaction of conducting him to his post after he had entirely and permanently recovered his health. 96 admit of it), I shall visit the Seminoles in Florida, the Euchees the Creeks in Alabama and Georgia, and the Choctaws and Cherokees, who are yet remaining on their lands, on the East side of the Mississippi. We take steamer for New Orleans to-morrow, so, till after another cam paign, Adieu. LETTER-NO. 47. SAINT LOUIS. SINCE the date of my last Letter, a whole long winter has passed off, which I have whiled away on the Gulf of Mexico and about the shores of Florida and Texas. My health was soon restored by the congenial climate I there found, and my dear wife was my companion the whole way. We visited the different posts, and all that we could find to interest us in these delightful realms, and took steamer from New Orleans to this place, where we arrived but a few days since. Supposing that the reader by this time may be somewhat tired of follow ing me in my erratic wanderings over these wild regions, I have resolved to sit down awhile before I go further, and open to him my sketch-book, in which I have made a great many entries, as I have been dodging about, and which I have not as yet shewed to him, for want of requisite time and proper opportunity. In opening this book, the reader will allow me to turn over leaf after leaf, and describe to him, tribe after tribe, and chief after chief, of many of those whom I have visited, without the tediousness of travelling too minutely over the intervening distances ; in which I fear I might lose him as a fellow- traveller, and leave him fagged out by the way-side, before he would see all that I am anxious to show him. About a year since I made a visit to the KICKAPOOS, At present but a small tribe, numbering six or 800, the remnant of a once numerous and warlike tribe. They are residing within the state of Illinois, near the south end of Lake Michigan, and living in a poor and miserable condition, although they have one of the finest countries in the world. They have been reduced in numbers by whiskey and small-pox, and the game being destroyed in their country, and having little industry to work, they are exceedingly poor and dependent. In fact, there is very little in ducement for them to build houses and cultivate their farms, for they own so large and so fine a tract of country, which is now completely surrounded by civilized settlements, that they know, from experience, they will soon be obliged to sell out their country for a trifle, and move to the West, voi. n o 98 This system of moving has already commenced with them, and a consider able party have located on a tract of lands offered to them on the West bank of the Missouri river, a little north of Fort Leaven worth.* The Kickapoos have long lived in alliance with the Sacs and Foxes, and speak a language so similar that they seem almost to be of one family. The present chief of this tribe, whose name is Kee-an-ne-kuk (the foremost man, PLATE 185), usually called the Shawnee Prophet, is a very shrewd and talented man. When he sat for his portrait, he took his attitude as seen in the 'picture, which was that of prayer. And I soon learned that he was a very devoted Christian, regularly holding meetings in his tribe, on the sabbath, preaching to them and exhorting them to a belief in the Christian religion, and to an abandonment of the fatal habit of whiskey-drinking, which he strenuously represented as the bane that was to destroy them all, if they did not entirely cease to use it. I went on the sabbath, to hear this eloquent man preach, when he had his people assembled in the woods ; and although I could not understand his language, 1 was surprised and pleased with the natural ease and emphasis, and gesticulation, which carried their own evidence of the eloquence of his sermon. I was singularly struck with the noble efforts of this champion of the mere remnant of a poisoned race, so strenuously labouring to rescue the remainder of his people from the deadly bane that has been brought amongst them by enlightened Christians. How far the efforts of this zealous man have suc ceeded in christianizing, I cannot tell, but it is quite certain that his exem plary and constant endeavours have completely abolished the practice of drinking whiskey in his tribe ; which alone is a very praiseworthy achieve ment, and the first and indispensable step towards all other improvements. I was some time amongst these people, and was exceedingly pleased, and surprised also, to witness their sobriety, and their peaceable conduct ; not having seen an instance of drunkenness, or seen or heard of any use made of spirituous liquors whilst I was amongst the tribe. Ah-ton-we-tuck (the cock turkey, PLATE 1 86), is another Kickapoo of some distinction, and a disciple of the Prophet; in the attitude of prayer also, which he is reading off from characters cut upon a stick that he holds in his hands. It was told to me in the tribe by the Traders (though I am afraid to vouch for the whole truth of it), that while a Methodist preacher was soliciting him for permission to preach in his village, the Prophet refused him the privilege, but secretly took him aside and supported him until he learned from him his creed, and his system of teaching it to others ; when he discharged him, and commenced preaching amongst his people himself; pre tending to have had an interview with some superhuman mission, or inspired personage ; ingeniously resolving, that if there was any honour or emolu ment, or influence to be gained by the promulgation of it, he might as well * Since the above was written, the whole of this tribe have been removed beyond the Missouri, having sold out their lands in the state of Illinois to the Government. L&5 J86 187 188 99 have it as another person ; and with this view he commenced preaching and instituted a prayer, which he ingeniously carved on a maple-stick of an inch and a half in breadth, in characters somewhat resembling Chinese letters. These sticks, with the prayers on them, he has introduced into every family of the tribe, and into the hands of every individual ; and as he has necessarily the manufacturing of them all, he sells them at his own price ; and has thus added lucre to fame, and in two essential and effective ways, augmented his influence in his tribe. Every man, woman and child in the tribe, so far as I saw them, were in the habit of saying their prayer from this stick when going to bed at night, and also when rising in the morning ; which was in variably done by placing the fore-finger of the right hand under the upper character, until they repeat a sentence or two, which it suggests to them ; and then slipping it under the next, and the next, and so on, to the bottom of the stick, which altogether required about ten minutes, as it was sung over in a sort of a chaunt, to the end. Many people have called all this an ingenious piece of hypocrisy on the part of the Prophet, and whether it be so or not, I cannot decide ; yet one thing I can vouch to be true, that whether his motives and his life be as pure as he pretends or not, his example has done much towards correcting the habits of his people, and has effectually turned their attention from the destructive habits of dissipation and vice, to temperance and industry, in the pursuits of agriculture and the arts. The world may still be unwilling to allow him much credit for this, but I am ready to award him a great deal, who can by his influence thus far arrest the miseries of dissipation and the horrid de formities of vice, in the descending prospects of a nation who have so long had, and still have, the white-skin teachers of vices and dissipation amongst them. Besides these two chiefs, I have also painted Ma-shee-na (the elk's horn), Ke-chim-qua (the big bear), warriors, and Ah-tee-wot-o-mee, and She-nah- wee, women of the same tribe, whose portraits are in the Gallery. WEE-AHS. These are also the remnant of a once powerful tribe, and reduced by the same causes, to the number of 200. This tribe formerly lived in the State of Indiana, and have been moved with the Piankeshaws, to a position forty or fifty miles south of Fort Leavenworth. Go-to-kow-pah-a (he who stands by himself, PLATE 187), and Wa-pon- je-a (the swan), are two of the most distinguished warriors of the tribe, both with intelligent European heads. POT-O-WAT-O-MIES. The remains of a tribe who were once very numerous and warlike, but reduced by whiskey and small-pox, to their present number, which is not more than 2700. This tribe may be said to be semi-civilized, inasmuch 100 as they have so long lived in contiguity with white people, with whom their blood is considerably mixed, and whose modes and whose manners they have in many respects copied. From a similarity of language as well as of customs and personal appearance, there is no doubt that they have formerly been a part of the great tribe of Chippeways or Ot-ta-was. living neighbours and adjoining to them, on the North. This tribe live within the state of Michigan, and there own a rich and very valuable tract of land ; which, like the Kickapoos, they are selling out to the Go vernment, and about to remove to the west bank of the Missouri, where a part of the tribe have already gone and settled, in the vicinity of Fort Leavenworth. Of this tribe I have painted the portraits of On-saw-kie (the Sac, PLATE 189), in the attitude of prayer, and Na-pow-sa (the Bear travelling in the night,) PLATE 190, one of the principal chiefs of the tribe. These people have for some time lived neighbours to, and somewhat under the influence of the Kickapoos ; and very many of the tribe have become zealous disciples of the Kickapoo prophet, using his prayers most devoutly, and in the manner that I have already described, as is seen in the first of the two last-named portraits. KAS-KAS-KI-AS. This is the name of a tribe that formerly occupied, and of course owned, a vast tract of country lying on the East of the Mississippi, and between its banks and the Ohio, and now forming a considerable portion of the great and populous state of Illinois. History furnishes us a full and extraordinary account of the once warlike character and numbers of this tribe; and also of the disastrous career that they have led, from their first acquaintance with civilized neighbours ; whose rapacious avarice in grasping for their fine lands with the banes of whiskey and small-pox, added to the unex ampled cruelty of neighbouring hostile tribes, who have struck at them in the days of their adversity, and helped to erase them from existence. Perhaps there has been no other tribe on the Continent of equal power with the Kas-kas-ki-as, that have so suddenly sank down to complete an nihilation and disappeared. The remnant of this tribe have long since merged into the tribe of Peorias of Illinois ; and it is doubtful whether one dozen of them are now existing. With the very few remnants of this tribe will die in a few years a beautiful language, entirely distinct from all others about it, unless some enthusiastic person may preserve it from the lips of those few who are yet able to speak it. Of this tribe I painted Kee-mon- saw (the little chief), half-civilized, and, I should think, half-breed (PLATE 191 ;) and Wah-pe-seh-see (PLATE 192), a very aged woman, mother of the same. This young man is chief of the tribe ; and I was told by one of the Traders, that his mother and his son, were his only subjects ! Whether this be true or noti I cannot positively say, though I can assert with safety L95 MM) 101 that there are but a very few of them left, and that those, like all of the last of tribes, will soon die of dissipation or broken hearts. PE-0-RI-AS. The name of another tribe inhabiting a part of the state of Illinois; and, like the above tribes, but a remnant and civilized (or cicatrized, to speak more correctly). This tribe number about 200, and are, like most of the other remnants of tribes on the frontiers, under contract to move to the West of the Missouri. Of this tribe I painted the portrait of Pah-me-cow-e-tak (the man who tracks, PLATE 193) ; and Kee-mo-ra-ni-a (no English, PLATE 194). These are said to be the most influential men in the tribe, and both were very curiously and well dressed, in articles of civilized manu facture. PI-AN-KE-SHAWS. The remnant of another tribe, of the states of Illinois and Indiana, who have also recently sold out their country to Government, and are under contract to move to the West of the Missouri, in the vicinity of Fort Leavenworth. Ni-a-co-mo (to fix with the foot, PLATE 195), a brave of distinction; and Men-son-se-ah (the left hand, PLATE 196), a fierce-looking and very dis tinguished warrior, with a stone-hatchet in his hand, are fair specimens of this reduced and enfeebled tribe, which do not number more than 170 per sons at this time. DELAWARES. The very sound of this name has carried terror wherever it has been heard in the Indian wilderness ; and it has travelled and been known, as well as the people, over a very great part of the Continent. This tribe originally occupied a great part of the Eastern border of Pennsylvania, and great part of the states of New Jersey and Delaware. No other tribe on the Continent has been so much moved and jostled about by civilized invasions ; and none have retreated so far, or fought their way so desperately, as they have honourably and bravely contended for every foot of the ground they have passed over. From the banks of the Delaware to the lovely Susquehana, and my native valley, and to the base of and over, the Alleghany moun tains, to the Ohio river to the Illinois and the Mississippi, and at last to the West of the Missouri, they have been moved by Treaties after Treaties with the Government, who have now assigned to the mere handful of them that are left, a tract of land, as has been done a dozen times before, in fee simple, for ever ! In every move the poor fellows have made, they have been thrust against their wills from the graves of their fathers and their children ; and planted as they now are, on the borders of new enemies, where their first occupation has been to take up their weapons in self-de fence, and fight for the ground they have been planted on. There is no 102 tribe, perhaps, amongst which greater and more continued exertions have been made for their conversion to Christianity ; and that ever since the zealous efforts of the Moravian missionaries, who first began with them ; nor any, amongst whom those pious and zealous efforts have been squan dered more in vain ; which has, probably, been owing to the bad faith with which they have so often and so continually been treated by white people, which has excited prejudices that have stood in the way of their mental improvement. This scattered and reduced tribe, which once contained some 10 or 15,000, numbers at this time but 800 ; and the greater part of them have been for the fifty or sixty years past, residing in Ohio and Indiana. In these states, their reservations became surrounded by white people, whom they dislike for neighbours, and their lands too valuable for Indians and the certain consequence has been, that they have sold out and taken lands West of the Mississippi ; on to which they have moved, and on which it is, and always will be, almost impossible to find them, owing to their desperate disposition for roaming about, indulging in the chase, and in wars with their enemies. The wild frontier on which they are now placed, affords them so fine an opportunity to indulge both of these propensities, that they will be con tinually wandering in little and desperate parties over the vast buffalo plains, and exposed to their enemies, till a-t last the new country, which is given to them, in " fee simple, for ever," and which is destitute of game, will be deserted, and they, like the most of the removed remnants of tribes, will be destroyed ; and the faith of the Government well preserved, which has offered this as their last move, and these lands as theirs in fee simple, for ever. In my travels on the Upper Missouri, and in the Rocky Mountains, I learned to my utter astonishment, that little parties of these adventurous myrmidons, of only six or eight in numbers, had visited those remote tribes, at 2000 miles distance ; and in several instances, after having cajoled a whole tribe having been feasted in their villages having solemnized the articles of everlasting peace with them, and received many presents at their hands, and taken affectionate leave, have brought away six or eight scalps with them ; and nevertheless, braved their way, and defended themselves as they retreated in safety out of their enemies' country, and through the regions of other hostile tribes, where they managed to receive the same honours, and come off with similar trophies. Amongst this tribe there are some renowned chiefs, whose lives, if correctly written, would be matter of the most extraordinary kind for the reading world ; and of which, it may be in my power at some future time, to give a more detailed account. In PLATE 197 will be seen the portrait of one of the leading chiefs of the tribe, whose name is Ni-co-man (the answer), with his bow and arrows in his hand. Non-on-da-gon (PLATE 198), with a 197 198 199 200 103 silver ring in his nose, is another of the chiefs of distinction, whose history I admired very much, and whom, from his very gentlemanly attentions to me, I became much attached to. In both of these instances, their dresses were principally of stuffs of civilized manufacture ; and their heads were bound with vari-coloured handkerchiefs or shawls, which were tastefully put on like a Turkish turban. MO-HEE-CON-NEUHS, on MOHEGANS (THE GOOD CANOEMKN). There are 400 of this once powerful and still famous tribe, residing near Green Bay, on a rich tract of land given to them by the Government, in the territory of Wisconsin, near Winnebago lake on which they are living very comfortably ; having brought with them from their former country, in the state of Massachusetts, a knowledge of agriculture, which they had there effectually learned and practiced. This tribe are the remains, and all that are left, of the once powerful and celebrated tribe of Pequots of Massachusetts. History tells us, that in their wars and dissensions with the whites, a considerable portion of the tribe moved off under the command of a rival chief, and established a separate tribe or band, and took the name of Mo-hee-con-neuhs, which they have preserved until the present day ; the rest of the tribe having long since been extinct. The chief of this tribe, Ee-tow-o-kaum (both sides of the river, PLATE 199), which I have painted at full length, with a psalm-book in one hand, and a cane in the other, is a very shrewd and intelligent man, and a pro fessed, and I think, sincere Christian. Waun-naw-con (the dish), John W. Quinney (PLATE 200), in civilized dress, is a civilized Indian, well- educated speaking good English is a Baptist missionary preacher, and a very plausible and eloquent speaker. O-NEI-DA'S. The remnant of a numerous tribe that have been destroyed by wars with the whites by whiskey and small-pox, numbering at present but five or six hundred, and living in the most miserable poverty, on their reserve in the state of New York, near Utica and the banks of the Mohawk river. This tribe was one of the confederacy, called the Six Nations, and much distinguished in the early history of New York. The present chief is known by the name of Bread (PLATE 201). He is a shrewd and talented man, well educated, speaking good English is handsome, and a polite and gentlemanly man in his deportment. TUS-KA-RO-RA'S. Another of the tribes in the confederacy of the Six Nations, once numerous, but reduced at present to the number of 500. This little tribe are living on their reserve, a fine tract of land, near Buffalo, in the state of New York, 104 and surrounded by civilized settlements. Many of them are good farmers, raising abundant and fine crops. The chief of the tribe is a very dignified man, by the name of Cu-sick, and his son, of the same name, whom I have painted (PLATE 202), is a very talented man has been educated for the pulpit in some one of our public institutions, and is now a Baptist preacher, and I am told a very eloquent speaker. SEN-E-CA'S. One thousand two hundred in numbers at present, living on their reserve, near Buffalo, and within a few miles of Niagara Falls, in the state of New York. This tribe formerly lived on the banks of the Seneca and Cayuga lakes ; but, like all the other tribes who have stood in the way of the " march of civilization," have repeatedly bargained away their country, and removed to the West ; which easily accounts for the origin of the familiar phrase that is used amongst them, that " they are going to the setting sun." This tribe, when first known to the civilized world, contained some eight or ten thousand ; and from their position in the centre of the state of New York, held an important place in its history. The Senecas were one of the most numerous and effective tribes, constituting the compact called the " Six Nations ;" which was a confederacy formed by six tribes, who joined in a league as an effective mode of gaining strength, and preserving themselves by combined efforts which would be sufficiently strong to withstand the assaults of neighbouring tribes, or to resist the incursions of white people in their country. This confederacy consisted of the Senecas, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Mohawks, and Tuskaroras ; and until the innovations of white people, with their destructive engines of war with whiskey and small-pox, they held their sway in the country, carrying victory, and consequently terror and dismay, wherever they warred. Their war-parties were fearlessly sent into Connecticut and Massachusetts, to Virginia, and even to the Carolinas. and victory everywhere crowned their efforts. Their combined strength, however, in all its might, poor fellows, was not enough to withstand the siege of their insidious foes a destroying flood that has risen and advanced, like a flood-tide upon them, and covered their country ; has broken up their strong holds, has driven them from land to land ; and in their retreat, has drowned the most of them in its waves. The Senecas are the most numerous remnant of this compact ; and have at their head an aged and very distinguished chief, familiarly known throughout the United States, by the name of Red Jacket (PLATE 205). I painted this portrait from the life, in the costume in which he is represented ; and indulged him also, in the wish he expressed, " that he might be seen standing on the Table Rock, at the Falls of Niagara ; about which place he thought his spirit would linger after he was dead." Good Hunter (PLATE 203), and Hard Hickory (PLATE 204), are fair 201 202 ; . CutLin. 203 204 2O 5 105 specimens of the warriors of this tribe or rather hunters ; or perhaps, still more correctly speaking, farmers ; for the Senecas have had no battles to fight lately, and very little game to kill, except squirrels and pheasants ; and their hands are turned to the plough, having become, most of them, tolerable farmers ; raising the necessaries, and many of the luxuries of life, from the soil. Of this interesting tribe, the visitors to my Gallery will find several other portraits and paintings of their customs ; and in books that have been writ ten, and are being compiled, a much more able and faithful account than I can give in an epistle of this kind. The fame as well as the face of Red Jacket, is generally familiar to the citizens of the United States and the Canadas ; and for the information of those who have not known him, I will briefly say, that he has been for many years the head chief of the scattered remnants of that once powerful compact, the Six Nations ; a part of whom reside on their reservations in the vicinity of the Senecas, amounting perhaps in all, to about four thousand, and own ing some two hundred thousand acres of fine lands. Of this Confederacy, the Mohawks and Cayugas, chiefly emigrated to Canada, some fifty years ago, leaving the Senecas, the Tuskaroras, Oneidas, and Onondagas in the state of New York, on fine tracts of lands, completely surrounded with white population ; who by industry and enlerprize, are making the Indian lands too valuable to be long in their possession, who will no doubt be in duced to sell out to the Government, or, in other words, to exchange them for lands West of the Mississippi, where it is the avowed intention of the Government to remove all the border tribes.* Red Jacket has been reputed one of the greatest orators of his day ; and, no doubt, more distinguished for his eloquence and his influence in council, than as a warrior, in which character I think history has not said much of him. This may be owing, in a great measure, to the fact that the wars of his nation were chiefly fought before his fighting days ; and that, the greater part of his life and his talents have been spent with his tribe, during its downfall ; where, instead of the horrors of Indian wars, they have had a more fatal and destructive enemy to encounter, in the insidious encroach ments of pale faces, which he has been for many years exerting his eloquence and all his talents to resist. Poor old chief not all the eloquence of Cicero and Demosthenes would be able to avert the calamity, that awaits his de clining nation to resist the despoiling hand of mercenary white man, that opens and spreads liberally, but to entrap the unwary and ignorant within its withering grasp. This talented old man has for many years past, strenuously remonstrated * Since the above was written, the Senecas and all the other remnants of the Six Nations residing in the state of New York, have agreed in Treaties with the United States to re move to tracts of country assigned them, West of the Mississippi, twelve hundred mileg from their reservations in the state of New York. VOL. II. P 106 both to the Governor of New York, and the President of the United States, against the continual encroachments of white people ; whom he represented as using every endeavour to wrest from them their lands to destroy their- game, introducing vices of a horrible character, and unknown to his people by nature ! and most vehemently of all, has he continually remonstrated against the preaching of missionaries in his tribe ; alleging, that the " black coats" (as he calls the clergymen), did more mischief than good in his tribe, by creating doubts and dissensions amongst his people ! which are destructive of his peace, and dangerous to the success, and even existence of his tribe. Like many other great men who endeavour to soothe broken and painful feelings, by the kindness of the bottle, he has long since taken up whiskey-drinking to excess ; and much of his time, lies drunk in his cabin, or under the corner of a fence, or wherever else its kindness urges the neces sity of his dropping his helpless body and limbs, to indulge in the delightful spell. He is as great a drunkard as some of our most distinguished law givers and law-makers ; and yet ten times more culpable, as he has little to do in life, and wields the destinies of a nation in his hands !* There are no better people to be found, than the Seneca Indians none that I know of that are by Nature more talented and ingenious ; nor any that would be found to be better neighbours, if tb.B arts and abuses of white men and whiskey, could be kept away from them. They have mostly laid down their hunting habits, and become efficient farmers, raising fine crops of corn, and a great abundance of hogs, cattle and horses, and other necessaries and luxuries of life. I-RO-QUOIS. One of the most numerous and powerful tribes that ever existed in the Northern regions of our country, and now one of the most completely an nihilated. This tribe occupied a vast tract of country on the River St. Law rence, between its banks and Lake Champlain ; and at times, by conquest, actually over-run the whole country, from that to the shores of Lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan. But by their continual wars with the French, English, and Indians, and dissipation and disease, they have been almost entirely annihilated. The few remnants of them have long since merged into other tribes, and been mostly lost sight of.f Of this tribe I have * Thia celebrated chief died several years since, in his village near Buffalo ; and since his death our famous comedian, Mr. Plaoide, has erected a handsome and appropriate monument over his grave ; and I am pleased also to learn, that my friend Wm. L. Stone, Esq., is building him a still more lasting one in history, which he is compiling, of the life of this extraordinary man, to an early perusal of which, I can confidently refer the world for much curious and valuable information. t The whole of the Six Nations have been by some writers denominated Iroquois how correct this may be, I am not quite able to say ; one thing is certain, that is, that the Iro quois tribe did not all belong to that Confederacy, their original country was on the shores of the St. Lawrence; and, although one branch of their nation, the Mohawks, formed par:, and the most effective portion of that compact, yet the other members of it spoke 206 107 painted but one, Not-o-way (the thinker, PLATE 206). This was an ex cellent man, and was handsomely dressed for his picture. I had much con versation with him, and became very much attached to him. He seemed to be quite ignorant of the early history of his tribe, as well as of the position and condition of its few scattered remnants, who are yet in existence. He told me, however, that he had always learned that the Iroquois had conquered nearly all the world ; but the Great Spirit being offended at the great slaugh ters by his favourite people, resolved to punish them ; and he sent a dreadful disease amongst them, that carried the most of them off, and all the rest that could be found, were killed by their enemies that though he was an Iroquois, which he was proud to acknowledge to me, as I was to " make him live after he was dead ;" he wished it to be generally thought, that he was a Chippeway, that he might live as long as the Great Spirit had wished it when he made him.* different languages ; and a great part of the Iroquois moved their settlements further North and East, instead of joining in the continual wars carried on by the Six Nations. It is of this part of the tribe that I am speaking, when I mention them as nearly extinct : and it is from this branch of the family that I got the portrait which I have introduced above. * Since the above Letter was written, all the tribes and remnants of tribes mentioned in it have been removed by the Government, to lands West of the Mississippi and Missouri, given to them, in addition to considerable annuities, in consideration for the immense tracts of country they have left on the frontier, and within the States. The present positions of these tribes, and their relative locations to the civilized frontier and the wild, unjostled tribes, can be seen on a map in the beginning of this Volume. There are also other tribes there laid down, who have also been removed by Treaty stipulations, in the same way, which are treated of in subsequent Letters. The Government, under General Jackson, strenuously set forth and carried out, the policy of removing all the semi-civi lized and border Indians, to a country West of the Mississippi ; and although the project had many violent opponents, yet there were very many strong reasons in favour of it, and the thing has been at last done ; and a few years will decide, by the best of all arguments, whether the policy was a good one or not. I may have occasion to saymore OH this sub ject hereafter ; and in the mean time recommend the reader to examine their relative positions, and contemplate their prospects between their mortal foes on the West, and their acquisitive friends following them up from the East. 108 LETTER No. 48. ST. LOUIS. WHILST I am thus taking a hasty glance at the tribes on the Atlantic Coast, on the borders of Mexico, and the confines of Canada, the reader will pardon me for taking him for a few minutes to the mouth of the Columbia, on the Pacific Coast ; which place I have not yet quite reached myself, in my wild rambles, but most undoubtedly shall ere long, if my strolling career be not suddenly stopped. I scarcely need tell the reader where the Colum bia River is, since its course and its character have been so often, and so well described, by recent travellers through those regions. I can now but glance at this remote country and its customs ; and revert to it again after I shall have examined it in all its parts, and collected my materials for a fuller account. FLAT HEADS. These are a very numerous people, inhabiting the shores of the Columbia River, and a vast tract of country lying to the South of it, and living in a country which is exceedingly sterile and almost entirely, in many parts, destitute of game for the subsistence of the savage ; they are mostly obliged to live on roots, which they dig from the ground, and fish which they take from the streams ; the consequences of which are, that they are generally poor and miserably clad ; and in no respect equal to the Indians of whom I have heretofore spoken, who live on the East of the Rocky Mountains, in the ranges of the buffaloes; where they are well-fed, and mostly have good horses to ride, and materials in abundance for manufacturing their beautiful and comfortable dresses. The people generally denominated Flat Heads, are divided into a great many bands, and although they have undoubtedly got their name from the custom of flattening the head ; yet there are but very few of those so deno minated, who actually practice that extraordinary custom. The Nez Perces who inhabit the upper waters and mountainous parts of the Columbia, are a part of this tribe, though they are seldom known to flatten the head like those lower down, and about the mouth of the river. Hee-oh'ks-te-kin (the rabbit skin leggings, PLATE 207), and H'co-a-h'co-a- h'cotes-min (no horns on his head, PLATE 208), are young men of this tribe. These two young men, when J painted them, were in beautiful Sioux dresses, 109 which had been presented to them in a talk with the Sioux, who treated them very kindly, while passing through the Sioux country. These two men were part of a delegation that came across the Rocky Mountains to St. Louis, a few years since, to enquire for the truth of a representation which they said some white man had made amongst them, " that our religion was better than theirs, and that they would all be lost if they did not embrace it." Two old and venerable men of this party died in St. Louis, and I travelled two thousand miles, companion with these two young fellows, towards their own country, and became much pleased wi(h their manners and dispositions. The last mentioned of the two, died near the mouth of the Yellow Stone River on his way home, with disease which he had contracted in the civi lized district; and the other one I have since learned, arrived safely amongst his friends, conveying to them the melancholy intelligence of the deaths of all the rest of his party ; but assurances at the same time, from General Clark, and many Reverend gentlemen, that the report which they had heard was well founded ; and that missionaries, good and religious men, would soon come amongst them to teach this religion, so that they could all understand and have the benefits of it. When I first heard the report of the object of this extraordinary mission across the mountains, I could scarcely believe it ; but on conversing with General Clark on a future occasion, I was fully convinced of the fact ; and 1, like thousands of others r have had the satisfaction of witnessing the com plete success that has crowned the bold and daring exertions of Mr. Lee and Mr. Spalding, two Reverend gentlemen who have answered in a Christian manner to this unprecedented call ; and with their wives have crossed the most rugged wilds and wildernesses of the Rocky Mountains, and trium phantly proved to the world, that the Indians, in their native wilds are a kind and friendly people, and susceptible of mental improvement. 1 had long been of the opinion, that to ensure success, the exertions of pious men should be carried into the heart of the wilderness, beyond the reach and influence of civilized vices ; and I so expressed my opinion to the Reverend Mr. Spalding and his lady, in Pittsburgh, when on their way, in their first Tour to that distant country. I have seen the Reverend Mr. Lee and several others of the mission, several years since the formation of their school ; as well as several gentlemen who have visited their settlement, and from all, I am fully convinced of the complete success of these excellent and persever ing gentlemen, in proving to the world the absurdity of the assertion that has been often made, " that the Indian can never be civilized or christian ized." Their uninterrupted transit over such a vast and wild journey, also, with their wives on horseback, who were everywhere on their way, as well as amongst the tribes where they have located, treated with the utmost kind ness and respect, bears strong testimony to the assertions so often made by travellers in those countries, that these are, in their native state, a kind and excellent people. 110 I hope I shall on a future occasion, be able to give the reader some further detailed account of the success of these zealous and excellent men, whose example, of penetrating to the heart of the Indian country, and there teach ing the Indian in the true and effective way, will be a lasting honour to themselves, and I fully believe, a permanent benefit to those ignorant and benighted people. THE CHINOOKS, Inhabiting the lower parts of the Columbia, are a small tribe, and correctly come under the name of Flat Heads, as they are almost the only people who strictly adhere to the custom of squeezing and flattening the head. PLATE 209, is the portrait of a Chinook boy, of fifteen or eighteen years of age, on whose head that frightful operation has never been performed. And in PLATE 210, will be seen the portrait of a Chinook woman, with her child in her arms, her own head flattened, and the infant undergoing the process of flattening ; which is done by placing its back on a board, or thick plank, to which it is lashed with thongs, to a position from which it cannot escape, and the back of the head supported by a sort of pillow, made of moss or rabbit skins, with an inclined piece (as is seen in the drawing), resting on the forehead of the child ; being every day drawn down a little tighter by means of a cord, which holds it in its place, until it at length touches the nose ; thus forming a straight line from the crown of the head to the end of the nose. This process is seemingly a very cruel one, though I doubt whether it causes much pain ; as it is done in earliest infancy, whilst the bones are soft and cartilaginous, and easily pressed into this distorted shape, by forcing the occipital up, and the frontal down ; so that the skull at the top, in profile, will show a breadth of not more than an inch and a half, or two inches ; when in a front view it exhibits a great expansion on the sides, making it at the top, nearly the width of one and a half natural heads. By this remarkable operation, the brain is singularly changed from its natural shape ; but in all probability, not in the least diminished or injured in its natural functions. This belief is drawn from the testimony of many credible witnesses, who have closely scrutinized them ; and ascertained that those who have the head flattened, are in no way inferior in intellectual powers to those whose heads are in their natural shapes. In the process of flattening the head, there is often another form of crib or cradle, into which the child is placed, much in the form of a small canoe, dug out of a log of wood, with a cavity just large enough to admit the body of the child, and the head also, giving it room to expand in width ; while from the head of the cradle there is a sort of lever, with an elastic spring to it that comes down on the forehead of the child, and produces the same effects as the one I have above described. The child is wrapped in rabbits' skins, and placed in this little coffin-like TosswU Ill looking cradle, from which it is not, in some instances, taken out for several weeks. The bandages over and about the lower limbs, and as high up as the breast, are loose, and repeatedly taken off in the same day, as the child may require cleansing ; but the head and shoulders are kept strictly in the same position, and the breast given to the child by holding it up in the cradle, loosing the outer end of the lever that comes over the nose, and raising it up of turning it aside, so as to allow the child to come at the breast, without moving its head. The length of time that the infants are generally carried in these cradles is three, five, or eight weeks, until the bones are so formed as to keep their shapes, and preserve this singular appearance through life. This little cradle has a strap, which passes over the woman's forehead whilst the cradle rides on her back ; and if the child dies during its subjec tion to this rigid mode, its cradle becomes its coffin, forming a little canoe, in which it lies floating on the water in some sacred pool, where they are often in the habit of fastening the canoes, containing the dead bodies of the old and the young ; or which is often the case, elevated into the branches of trees, where their bodies are left to decay, and their bones to dry ; whilst they are bandaged in many skins, and curiously packed in their canoes, with paddles to propel, and ladles to bail them out, and provisions to last, an'd pipes to smoke, as they are performing their " long journey after death, to their contemplated hunting-grounds," which these people think is to be performed in their canoes. In PLATE 210| letter a, is an accurate drawing of the above-mentioned cradle, perfectly exemplifying the custom described ; and by the side of it (letter >,) the drawing of a Chinook skull, giving the front and profile view of it. Letter c, in the same plate, exhibits an Indian skull in its natural shape, to contrast with the artificial.* This mode of flattening the head is certainly one of the most unaccount able, as well as unmeaning customs, found amongst the North American Indians. What it could have originated in, or for what purpose, other than a mere useless fashion, it could have been invented, no human being can probably ever tell. The Indians have many curious and ridiculous fashions, which have come into existence, no doubt, by accident, and are of no earthly use (like many silly fashions in enlightened society), yet they are per petuated much longer, and that only because their ancestors practiced them in ages gone by. The greater part of Indian modes, however, and particularly those that are accompanied with much pain or trouble in their enactment, are most wonderfully adapted to the production of some good or useful re sults ; for which the inquisitive world, I am sure, may for ever look in vair. to this stupid and useless fashion, that has most unfortunately been engendered on these ignorant people, whose superstition forbids them to lay it down. * Besides these, there are a number of other skulls in the Collection, most interesting specimens, from various tribes. 112 It is a curious fact, and one that should be mentioned here, that these people have not been alone in this strange custom ; but that it existed and was practiced precisely the same, until recently, amongst the Choctaws and Chickasaws ; who occupied a large part of the states of Mississippi and Alabama, where they have laid their bones, and hundreds of their skulls have been procured, bearing incontrovertible evidence of a similar treatment, with similar results. The Choctaws who are now living, do not flatten the head ; the custom, like that of the ?nedicine~bag, and many others, which the Indians have de parted from, from the assurances of white people, that they were of no use, and were utterly ridiculous to be followed. Whilst amongst the Choctaws, I could learn little more from the people about such a custom, than that " their old men recollected to have heard it spoken of" which is much less satis factory evidence than inquisitive white people get by referring to the grave, which the Indian never meddles with. The distance of the Choctaws from the country of the Chinooks, is certainly between two and three thousand miles ; and there being no intervening tribes practicing the same custom and no probability that any two tribes in a state of Nature, would ever hit upon so peculiar an absurdity, we come, whether willingly or not, to the conclusion, that these tribes must at some former period, have lived neigh bours to each other, or have been parts of the same family ; which time and circumstances have gradually removed to such a very great distance from each other. Nor does this, in my opinion (as many suppose), furnish any very strong evidence in support of the theory, that the different tribes have all sprung from one stock ; but carries a strong argument to the other side, by furnishing proof of the very great tenacity these people have for their peculiar customs ; many of which are certainly not general, but often carried from one end of the Continent to the other, or from ocean to ocean, by bands or sections of tribes, which often get " run off" by their enemies in wars, or in hunting, as I have before described ; where to emigrate to a vast distance is not so unaccountable a thing, but almost the inevitable result, of a tribe that have got set in motion, all the way amongst deadly foes, in whose countries it would be fatal to stop. I am obliged therefore, to believe, that either the Chinooks emigrated from the Atlantic, or that the Choctaws came from the West side of the Rocky Mountains ; and I regret exceedingly that I have not been able as yet, to compare the languages of these two tribes, in which I should expect to find some decided resemblance. They might, however, have been near neigh bours, and practicing a copied custom where there was no resemblance in their language. Whilst among the Choctaws I wrote down from the lips of one of their chiefs, the following tradition, which seems strongly to favour the supposi tion that they came from a great distance in the West, and probably from beyond the Rocky Mountains : Tradition. " The Choctaws, a great many 113 winters ago, commenced moving from the country where they then lived, which was a great distance to the West of the great river, and the mountains of snow ; and they were a great many years on their way. A great medicine-man led them the whole way, by going before with a red pole, which he stuck in the ground every night where they encamped. This pole was every morning- found leaning to the East ; and he told them that they must continue to travel to the East, until the pole would stand upright in their encampment, and that there the Great Spirit had directed that they should live. At a place which they named Nah-ne-wa-ye (the sloping hill) ; the pole stood straight up, where they pitched their encampment, which was one mile square, with the men encamped on the outside, and the women and children in the centre; which is the centre of the old Choctaw nation to ' this day.' " In the vicinity of the mouth of the Columbia, there are, besides the Chinooks, the Klick-a-tacks, Cheehaylas, Na-as, and many other tribes, whose customs are interesting, and of whose manufactures, my Museum con tains many very curious and interesting specimens, from which I have inserted a few outlines in PLATE 210g, to which the reader will refer. Letter d, is a correct drawing of a Chinook canoe e, a Na-as war-canoe, curiously carved and painted -f, two dishes or ladles for baling their canoes g, a Stikeen mask, curiously carved and painted, worn by the mystery-men when in councils, for the purpose of calling up the Great or Evil Spirits to consult on the policy of peace or war h, custom of the Na-as women of wearing a block of wood in the under lip, which is almost as unaccountable as the custom of flattening the head. Letter i, is a drawing- of the block, and the exact dimensions of one in the Collection, taken out of the lip of a deceased Na-as woman k, " wapito diggers," instruments used by the women for digging the wapito, a bulbous root, much like a turnip, which the French Traders call pomme blanche, and which I have before described. Letter I, pau-to-mau-gons, or po-ko-mo-kons, war-clubs, the one made by the Indians from a piece of native copper, the other of the bone of the sperm whale. Letter n, two very curiously carved pipes, made of black slate and highly polished. Besides these, the visitor will find in the Collection a great number of their very ingenious articles of dress ; their culinary, war, and hunting implements, as well as specimens of their spinning and weaving, by which they convert dog's hair and the wool of the mountain-sheep into durable and splendid robes, the production of which, I venture to say, would bid defiance to any of the looms in the American or British Factories. The Indians who inhabit the rugged wildernesses of the Rocky Mountains, are chiefly the Blackfeet and Crows, of whom I have heretofore spoken, and the Shoshonees or Snakes, who are a part of the Camanchees, speaking the same language, and the Shoshokies or root diggers, who inhabit the southern parts of those vast and wild realms, with the Arapohoes and Navahoes, who are neighbours to the Camanchees on the West, having Santa Fe on the VOL. II. Q 114 South, and the coast of California on the West. Of the Shoshonees and Shoshokies, all travellers who have spoken of them, give them a good cha racter, as a kind and hospitable and harmless people ; to which fact I could' cite the unquestionable authorities of the excellent Rev. Mr. Parker, who has published his interesting Tour across the Rocky Mountains Lewis and Clarke Capt. Bonneville and others; and I allege it to be a truth, that the reason why we find them as they are uniformly described, a kind and inoffen sive people, is, that they have not as yet been abused that they are in their primitive state, as the Great Spirit made and endowed them with good hearts and kind feelings, unalloyed and untainted by the vices of the money- making world. To the same fact, relative to the tribes on the Columbia river, I have been allowed to quote the authority of H. Beaver, a very worthy and kind Reve rend Gentleman of England, who has been for several years past living with these people, and writes to me thus : " I shall be always ready, with pleasure, to testify my perfect accordance with the sentiments I have heard you express, both in your public lectures, and private conversation, relative to the much-traduced character of our Red brethren, particularly as it relates to their honesty, hospitality and peaceableness, throughout the length and breadth of the Columbia. What ever of a contrary disposition has at any time, in those parts, been dis played by them, has, I am persuaded been exotic, and forced on them by the depravity and impositions of the white Traders." 115 LETTER No. 49 ST. LOUIS. IN one of my last Letters from Fort Gibson, written some months since, I promised to open my note-book on a future occasion, to give some further account of tribes and remnants of tribes located in that, vicinity, amongst whom I had been spending some time with my pen and my pencil ; and having since that time extended my rambles over much of that ground again, and also through the regions of the East and South East, from whence the most of those tribes have emigrated ; I consider this a proper time to say something more of them, and their customs and condition, before I go farther. The most of these, as I have said, are tribes or parts of tribes which the Government has recently, by means of Treaty stipulations, removed to that wild and distant country, on to lands which have been given to them in exchange for their valuable possessions within the States, ten or twelve hun dred miles to the East. Of a number of such reduced and removed tribes, who have been located West of the Missouri, and North of St. Louis, I have already spoken in a former Letter, and shall yet make brief mention of another, which has been conducted to the same region and then direct the attention of the reader to those which are settled in the neighbourhood of Fort Gibson, who are the Cherokees Creeks Choctaws Chickasaws Seminoles, and Euchees. The people above alluded to are the SHA-WA-NO'S. The history of this once powerful tribe is so closely and necessarily con nected with that of the United States, and the revolutionary war, that it is generally pretty well understood. This tribe formerly inhabited great parts of the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, (and for the last sixty years,) a part of the states of Ohio and Indiana, to which they had removed ; and now, a considerable portion of them, a tract of country several hundred miles West of the Mississippi, which has been conveyed to them by Govern ment in exchange for their lands in Ohio, from which it is expected the re mainder of the tribe will soon move. It has been said that this tribe came formerly from Florida, but I do not believe it. The mere fact, that there is 116 found in East Florida a river by the name of Su wa-nee, which bears some resemblance to Sha-wa-no, seems, as far as I can learn, to be the principal evidence that has been adduced for the fact. They have evidently been known, and that within the scope of our authenticated history, on the Atlantic coast on the Delaware and Chesapeak bays. And after that, have fought their way against every sort of trespass and abuse against the bayonet and disease, through the states of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Ohio, In diana, Illinois and Missouri, to their present location near the Kon-zas River, at least 1500 miles from their native country. This tribe and the Detawares, of whom I have spoken, were neighbours on the Atlantic coast, and alternately allies and enemies, have retrograded and retreated together have fought their enemies united, and fought each other, until their remnants that have outlived their nation's calamities, have now settled as neighbours together in the Western wilds ; where, it is pro bable, the sweeping hand of death will soon relieve them from further necessity of warring or moving ; and the Government, from the necessity or policy of proposing to them a yet more distant home. In their long and disastrous pilgrimage, both of these tribes laid claim to, and alternately occupied the beautiful and renowned valley of Wy-6-ming ; and after strew ing the Susquehana's lovely banks with their bones, and their tumuli, they both yielded at last to the dire necessity, which follows all civilized inter course with natives, and fled to the Alleghany, and at last to the banks of the Ohio ; where necessity soon came again, and again, and again, until the great "Guardian" of all "red children" placed them where they now are. There are of this tribe remaining about 12CO ; some few of whom are agriculturists, and industrious and temperate, and religious people ; but the greater proportion of them are miserably poor and dependent, having scarcely the ambition to labour or to hunt, and a passion for whiskey-drink ing, that sinks them into the most abject poverty, as they will give the last thing they possess for a drink of it. There is not a tribe on the Continent whose history is more interesting than that of the Shawanos, nor any one that has produced more extra ordinary men. The great Tecumseh, whose name and history I can but barely allude to at this time, was the chief of this tribe, and perhaps the most extraordinary Indian of his age. The present chief of the tribe Lay-law-she-kaw (he who goes up the river, PLATE 211), is a very aged, but extraordinary man, with a fine and intelligent head, and his ears slit and stretched down to his shoulders, a custom highly valued in this tribe; which is done by severing the rim of the ear with a knife, and stretching it down by wearing heavy weights attached to it at times, to elongate it as much as possible, making a large orifice, through which, on parades, &c. they often pass a bunch of arrows or quillf, and wear them as ornaments. 117 In this instance (which was not an unusual one), the rims of the ears were so extended down, that they touched the shoulders, making a ring through which the whole hand could easily be passed. The daughter of this old chief, Ka-te-qua (the female eagle, PLATE 212), was an agreeable- looking girl, of fifteen years of age, and much thought of by the tribe. Pah-te-coo-saw (the straight man, PLATE 213), a warrior of this tribe, has distinguished himself by his exploits ; and when he sat for his picture, had painted his face in a very curious manner with black and red paint. Ten-squa-ta-way (the open door, PLATE 214), called the " Shawnce Prophet" is perhaps one of the most remarkable men, who has flourished on these frontiers for some time past. This man is brother of the famous Tecumseh, and quite equal in his medicines or mysteries, to what his brother was in arms ; he was blind in his left eye, and in his right hand he was hold ing his " medicine fire' 1 and his " sacred string of beans" in the other. With these mysteries he made his way through most of the North Western tribes, enlisting warriors wherever he went, to assist Tecumseh in effecting his great scheme, of forming a confederacy of all the Indians on the frontier, to drive back the whites and defend the Indians' rights ; which he told them could never in any other way be protected. His plan was certainly a correct one, if not a very great one ; and his brother, the Prophet, exercised his astonishing influence in raising men for him to fight his battles, and carry out his plans. For this purpose, he started upon an embassy to the various tribes on the Upper Missouri, nearly all of which he visited with astonishing success; exhibiting his mystery fire, and using his sacred string of beans, which every young man who was willing to go to war, was to touch ; thereby taking the solemn oath to start when called upon, and not to turn back. In this most surprising manner, this ingenious man entered the villages of most of his inveterate enemies, and of others who never had heard of the name of his tribe ; and manoeuvred in so successful a way, as to make his medicines a safe passport for him to all of their villages ; and also the means of enlisting in the different tribes, some eight or ten thousand warriors, who had solemnly sworn to return with him on his way back ; and to assist in the wars that Tecumseh was to wage against the whites on the frontier. I found, on my visit to the Sioux to the Puncahs, to the Riccarees and the Mandans, that he had been there, and even to the Blackfeet; and every where told them of the potency of his mysteries, and assured them, that if they allowed the fire to go out in their wigwams, it would prove fatal to them in every case. He carried with him into every wigwam that he visited, the image of a dead person of the size of life ; which was made ingeniously of some light material, and always kept concealed under bandages of thin white muslin cloths and not to be opened ; of this he made great mystery, and got his recruits to swear by touching a sacred string of white beans, which he had attached to its neck or some other way secreted about it. In this way, by his extraordinary cunning, he had carried terror into the country as far as 118 he went ; and had actually enlisted some eight or ten thousand men, who were sworn to follow him home ; and in a few days would have been on their way with him, had not a couple of his political enemies in his own tribe, fol lowed on his track, even to those remote tribes, and defeated his plans, by pronouncing him an impostor ; and all of his forms and plans an imposition upon them, which they would be fools to listen to. In this manner, this great recruiting officer was defeated in his plans, for raising an army of men to fight his brother's battles ; and to save his life, he discharged his medi cines as suddenly as possible, and secretly travelled his way home, over those vast regions, to his own tribe, where the death of Tecumseh, and the opposition of enemies, killed all his splendid prospects, and doomed him tc live the rest of his days in silence, and a sort of disgrace ; like all men in Indian communities who pretend to great medicine, in any way, and fail ; as they all think such failure an evidence of the displeasure of the Great Spirit, who always judges right. This, no doubt, has been a very shrewd and influential man, but circum stances have destroyed him, "as they have many other great men before him ; and he now lives respected, but silent and melancholy in his tribe. I con versed with him a great deal about his brother Tecumseh, of whom he spoke frankly, and seemingly with great pleasure ; but of himself and his own great schemes, he would say nothing. He told me that Tecumseh's plans were to embody all the Indian tribes in a grand confederacy, from the province of Mexico, to the Great Lakes, to unite their forces in an army that would be able to meet and drive back the white people, who were continually ad vancing on the Indian tribes, and forcing them from their lands towards the Rocky Mountains that Tecumseh was a great general, and that nothing but his premature death defeated his grand plan. The Shawanos, like most of the other remnants of tribes, in whose coun tries the game has been destroyed, and by the use of whiskey, have been reduced to poverty and absolute want, have become, to a certain degree, agriculturists; raising corn and beans, potatoes, hogs, horses, &c., so as to be enabled, if they could possess anywhere on earth, a country which they could have a certainty of holding in perpetuity, as their own, to plant and raise their own crops, and necessaries of life from the ground. The Government have effected with these people, as with most of the other dispersed tribes, an arrangement by which they are to remove West of the Mississippi, to lands assigned them ; on which they are solemnly pro mised a home for ever ; the uncertain definition of which important word, time and circumstances alone will determine. Besides the personages whom I have above-mentioned, I painted the por traits of several others of note in the tribe ; and amongst them Lay-loo-ah- pe-ai-shee-kaw (the grass-bush and blossom), whom I introduce in this place, rather from the very handy and poetical name, than from any great personal distinction known to have been acquired by him. ft m, iu 213 214 119 THE CHER-O-KEES. Living in the vicinity of, and about Fort Gibson, on the Arkansas, and 700 miles west of the Mississippi river, are a third part or more of the once very numerous and powerful tribe who inhabited and still inhabit, a considerable part of the state of Georgia, and under a Treaty made with the United States Government, have been removed to those regions, where they are settled on a fine tract of country ; and having advanced some what in the arts and agriculture before they started, are now found to be mostly living well, cultivating their fields of corn and other crops, which they raise with great success. Under a serious difficulty existing between these people (whom their for mer solemn Treaties with the United States Government, were acknowledged a free and independent nation, with powers to make and enforce their own laws), and the state of Georgia, which could not admit such a Government within her sovereignty, it was thought most expedient by the Government of the United States, to propose to them, for the fourth or fifth time, to enter into Treaty stipulations again to move; and by so doing to settle the difficult question with the state of Georgia, and at the same time, to place them in peaceable possession of a large tract of fine country, where they would for ever be free from the continual trespasses and abuses which it was supposed they would be subjected to, if they were to remain in the state of Georgia, under the present difficulties and the high excited feelings which were then existing in the minds of many people along their borders. John Ross, a civilized and highly educated and accomplished gentleman, who is the head-chief of the tribe, (PLATE 215), and several of his leading subordinate chiefs, have sternly and steadily rejected the proposition of such a Treaty ; and are yet, with a great majority of the nation remaining on their own ground in the state of Georgia, although some six or 7000 of the tribe have several years since removed to the Arkansas, under the guidance and con- troul of an aged and dignified chief by the name of Jol-lee (PLATE 217). This man, like most of the chiefs, as well as a very great proportion of the Cherokee population, has a mixture of white and red blood in his veins, of which, in this instance, the first seems decidedly to predominate. Another chief, and second to this, amongst this portion of the Cherokees, by the name of Teh-ke-neh-kee (the black coat), I have also painted and placed in my Collection, as well as a very interesting specimen of the Cherokee women (PLATE 216). I have travelled pretty generally through the several different locations of this interesting tribe, both in the Western and Eastern divisions, and have found them, as well as the Choctaws and Creeks, their neighbours, very far advanced in the arts; affording to the world the most satisfactory evidences that are to be found in America, of the fact, that the Indian was not made to shun and evade good example, and necessarily to live and die a brute, 120 as many speculating men would needs record them and treat them, until they are robbed arid trampled into the dust ; that no living evidences might give the lie to their theories, or draw the cloak from their cruel and horrible iniquities. As I have repeatedly said to my readers, in the course of my former epistles, that the greater part of my time would be devoted to the condition and customs of the tribes that might be found in their primitive state, they will feel disposed to pardon me for barely introducing the Cherokees, and several others of these very interesting tribes, and leaving them and their cus toms and histories (which are of themselves enough for volumes), to the reader, who is, perhaps, nearly as familiar as I am myself, with the full and fair ac counts of these people, who have had their historians and biographers. The history of the Cherokees and other numerous remnants of tribes, who are the exhabitants of the finest and most valued portions of the United States, is a subject of great interest and importance, and has already been woven into the most valued histories of the country, as well as forming material parts of the archives of the Government, which is my excuse for barely introducing the reader to them, and beckoning him off again to the native and untrodden wilds, to teach him something new and unrecorded. Yet I leave the subject, as I left the people (to whom I became attached, for their kindness and friendship), with a heavy heart, wishing them success and the blessing of the Great Spirit, who alone can avert the doom that would almost seem to be fixed for their unfortunate race. The Cherokees amount in all to about 22,000, 16,000 of whom are yet living in Georgia, under the Government of their chief, John Ross, whose name I have before mentioned ; with this excellent man, who has been for many years devotedly opposed to the Treaty stipulations for moving from their country, I have been familiarly acquainted ; and, notwithstanding the bitter invective and animadversions that have been by his political enemies heaped upon him, I feel authorized, and bound, to testify to the unassuming and gentlemanly urbanity of his manners, as well as to the rigid temperance of his habits, and the purity of his language, in which I never knew him to transgress for a moment, in public or private interviews. At this time, the most strenuous endeavours are making on the part of the Government and the state of Georgia, for the completion of an arrange ment for the removal of the whole of this tribe, as well as of the Choctaws and Seminoles ; and I have not a doubt of their final success, which seems, from all former experience, to attend every project of the kind made by the Government to their red children.* * Since writing the above, the Government have succeeded in removing the remainder of the Cherokees beyond the Mississippi, where they have taken up their residence along side of their old friends, who emigrated several years since under Jel-lee, as I have before mentioned. In the few years past, the Government has also succeeded in stipulating with, and removing West of the Mississippi, nearly every remnant of tribes spoken of in 215 216 217 218 121 It is not for me to decide, nor in this place to reason, as to the justice or injustice of the treatment of these people at the hands of the Government or individuals ; or of the wisdom of the policy which is to place them in a new, though vast and fertile country, 1000 miles from the land of their birth, in the doubtful dilemma whether to break the natural turf with their rusting ploughshares, or string their bows, and dash over the boundless prairies, beckoned on by the alluring dictates of their nature, seeking laurels amongst the ranks of their new enemies, and subsistence amongst the herds of buffaloes. Besides the Cberokees in Georgia, and those that I have spoken of in the neighbourhood of Fort Gibson, there is another band or family of the same tribe, of several hundreds, living on the banks of the Canadian river, an hundred or more miles South West of Fort Gibson, under the Government of a distinguished chief by the name of Tuch-ee (familiarly called by the white people, " Dutch," PLATE, 218). This is one of the most extraordinary men that lives on the frontiers at the present day, both for his remarkable history, and for his fine and manly figure, and character of face. This man was in the employment of the Government as a guide and hunter for the regiment of dragoons, on their expedition to the Camanchees, where I had him for a constant companion for several months, and opportu nities in abundance, for studying his true character, and of witnessing his wonderful exploits in the different varieties of the chase. The history of this man's life has been very curious and surprising ; and I sincerely hope that some one, with more leisure and more talent than myself, will take it up, and do it justice. I promise that the life of this man furnishes the best materials for a popular tale, that are now to be procured on the Western frontier. He is familiarly known, and much of his life, to all the officers who have been stationed at Fort Gibson, or at any of the posts in that region of country. Some twenty years or more since, becoming fatigued and incensed with civilized encroachments, that were continually making on the borders of the Cherokee country in Georgia, where he then resided, and probably, fore seeing the disastrous results they were to lead to, he beat up for volunteers to emigrate to the West, where he had designed to go, and colonize in a wild country beyond the reach and contamination of civilized innovations ; and succeeded in getting several hundred men, women, and children, whom he led over the banks of the Mississippi, and settled upon the head waters of White River, where they lived until the appearance of white faces, which began to peep through the forests at them, when they made another move of 600 miles to the banks of the Canadian, where they now reside ; and where, by tliis and the two last Letters, so that there are at this time but a few hundreds of the red men East of the Mississippi ; and it is probable, that a few months more will effect the removal of the remainder of them. See their present locations West of the Mississippi, on the map at the beginning of this Volume. VOL. II. V. 122 the system of desperate warfare, which he has carried on against the Osages and the Camanchees, he has successfully cleared away from a large tract of fine country, all the enemies that could contend for it, and now holds it,' with his little band of myrmidons, as their own undisputed soil, where they are living comfortably by raising from the soil fine crops of corn and pota toes, and other necessaries of life ; whilst they indulge whenever they please, in the pleasures of the chase amongst the herds of buffaloes, or in the natural propensity for ornamenting their dresses and their war-clubs with the scalp-locks of their enemies. THE CREEKS (on MUS-KO-GEES). Of 20,000 in numbers, have, until quite recently, occupied an immense tract of country in the states of Mississippi and Alabama ; but by a similar arrangement (and for a similar purpose) with the Government, have ex changed their possessions there for a country, adjoining to the Cherokees, on the South side of the Arkansas, to which they have already all removed, and on which, like the Cherokees, they are laying out fine farms, and building good houses, in which they live ; in many instances, surrounded by immense fields of corn and wheat. There is scarcely a finer country on earth than that now owned by the Creeks ; and in North America, certainly no Indian tribe more advanced in the arts and agriculture than they are. It is no uncommon thing to see a Creek with twenty or thirty slaves at work on his plantation, having brought them from a slave-holding country, from which, in their long journey, and exposure to white man's ingenuity, I ven ture to say, that most of them got rid of one-half of them, whilst on their long and disastrous crusade. The Creeks, as well as the Cherokees and Choctaws, have good schools and churches established amongst them, conducted by excellent and pious men, from whose example they are drawing great and lasting benefits. In PLATES 219 and 220, I have given the portraits of two distinguished men, and I believe, both chiefs. The first by the name of Stea-cha-co-me-co (the great king), familiarly called " Ben Ferryman ;" and the other, Hol-te- mal-te-tez-te-neehk-ee ( ), called " Sam Ferryman." These two men are brothers, and are fair specimens of the tribe, who are mostly clad in calicoes, and other cloths of civilized manufacture ; tasselled and fringed off by themselves in the most fantastic way, and sometimes with much true and picturesque taste. They use a vast many beads, and other trinkets, to hang upon their necks, and ornament their moccasins and beautiful belts. THE CHOCTAWS. Of fifteen thousand, are another tribe, removed from the Northern parts of Alabama, and Mississippi, within the few years past, and now occupying a large and rich tract ot country, South of the Arkansas and the Canadian 123 rivers ; adjoining to the country of the Creeks and the Cherokees, equally civilized, and living much in the same manner. In this tribe I painted the portrait of their famous and excellent chief, Mo- sho-la-tub-bee (he who puts out and kills, PLATE 221), who has since died of the small-pox. In the same plate will also be seen, the portrait of a dis tinguished and very gentlemanly man, who has been well-educated, and who gave me much curious and valuable information, of the history and traditions of his tribe. The name of this man, is Ha-tchoo-tuck-nee (the snapping turtle, PLATE 222), familiarly called by the whites "Peter Pinchlin." These people seem, even in their troubles, to be happy ; and have, like all the other remnants of tribes, preserved with great tenacity their different games, which it would seem they are everlastingly practicing for want of other occupations or amusements in life. Whilst I was staying at the Choc- taw agency in the midst of their nation, it seemed to be a sort of season of amusements, a kind of holiday : when the whole tribe almost, were assembled around the establishment, and from day to day we were entertained with some games or feats that were exceedingly amusing : horse-racing, dancing, wrestling, foot-racin g,and ball-playing, were amongst the most exciting ; and of all the catalogue, the most beautiful, was decidedly that of ball-playing. This wonderful game, which is the favourite one amongst all the tribes, and with these Southern tribes played exactly the same, can never be appreciated by those who are not happy enough to see it. It is no uncommon occurrence for six or eight hundred or a thousand of these young men, to engage in a game of ball, with five or six times that number of spectators, of men, women and children, surrounding the ground, and looking on. And I pronounce such a scene, with its hundreds of Nature's most beautiful models, denuded, and painted of various colours, running and leaping into the air, in all the most extravagant and varied forms, in the desperate struggles for the ball, a school for the painter or sculptor, equal to any of those which ever inspired the hand of the artist in the Olympian games or the Roman forum. 1 have made it an uniform rule, whilst in the Indian country, to attend every ball-play I could hear of, if I could do it by riding a distance of twenty or thirty miles ; and my usual custom has been on such occasions, to straddle the back of my horse, and look on to the best advantage. In this way I have sat, and oftentimes reclined, and almost dropped from my horse's back, with irresistible laughter at the succession of droll tricks, and kicks and scuffles which ensue, in the almost superhuman struggles for the ball. These plays gene rally commence at nine o'clock, or near it, in the morning ; and I have more than once balanced myself on my pony, from that time till near sundown, without more than one minute of intermission at a time, before the game has been decided. It is impossible for pen and ink alone, or brushes, or even with their com bined efforts, to give more than a caricature of such a scene ; but such as I 124 have been able to do, I have put upon the canvass, and in the slight outlines which I have here attached in PLATES 224, 225, 226, taken from those paintings, (for the colouring to which the reader must look to my pen,) I will convey as correct an account as I can, and leave the reader to imagine the rest ; or look to other books for what I may have omitted. While at the Choctaw agency it was announced, that there was to be a great play on a certain day, within a few miles, on which occasion I attended, and made the three sketches which are hereto annexed ; and also the follow ing entry in my note-book, which I literally copy out. " Monday afternoon at three, o'clock, I rode out with Lieutenants S. and M., to a very pretty prairie, about six miles distant, to the ball-play-ground of the Choctaws, where we found several thousand Indians encamped. There were two points of timber about half a mile apart, in which the two parties for the play, with their respective families and friends, were encamped ; and lying between them, the prairie on which the game was to be played. My companions and myself, although we had been apprised, that to see the whole of a ball-play, we must remain on the ground all the night previous, had brought nothing to sleep upon, resolving to keep our eyes open, and see what transpired through the night. During the afternoon, we loitered about amongst the different tents and shantees of the two encampments, and after wards, at sundown, witnessed the ceremony of measuring out the ground, and erecting the " byes" or goals which were to guide the play. Each party had their goal made with two upright posts, about 25 feet high and six feet apart, set firm in the ground, with a pole across at the top. These goals were about forty or fifty rods apart ; and at a point just half way between, was another small stake, driven down, where the ball was to be thrown up at the firing of a gun, to be struggled for by the players. All this prepara tion was made by some old men, who were, it seems, selected to be the judges of the play, who drew a line from one bye to the other ; to which directly came from the woods, on both sides, a great concourse of women and old men, boys and girls, and dogs and horses, where bets were to be made on the play. The betting was all done across this line, and seemed to be chiefly left to the women, who seemed to have martialled out a little of everything that their houses and their fields possessed. Goods and chattels knives dresses blankets pots and kettles dogs and horses, and guns ; and all were placed in the possession of stake-holders, who sat by them, and watched them on the ground all night, preparatory to the play. The sticks with which this tribe play, are bent into an oblong hoop at the end, with a sort of slight web of small thongs tied across, to prevent the ball from passing through. The players hold one of these in each hand, and by leaping into the air, they catch the ball between the two nettings and throw it, without being allowed to strike it, or catch it in their hands. The mode in which these sticks are constructed and used, will be seen in the portrait of Tullock-chish-ko (he who drinks the juice of the stone), the 125 most distinguished ball-player of the Choctaw nation (PLATE 223), repre-' sented in his ball-play dress, with his ball-sticks in his hands. In every ball- play of these people, it is a rule of the play, that no man shall wear mocca sins on his feet, or any other dress than his breech-cloth around his waist, with a beautiful bead belt, and a " tail," made of white horsehair or quills, and a " mane" on the neck, of horsehair dyed of various colours. This game had been arranged and " made up," three or four months be fore the parties met to play it, and in the following manner : The two champions who led the two parties, and had the alternate choosing of the players through the whole tribe, sent runners, with the ball-sticks most fan tastically ornamented with ribbons and red paint, to be touched by each one of the chosen players ; who thereby agreed to be on the spot at the appointed time and ready for the play. The ground having been all prepared and preliminaries of the game all settled, and the bettings all made, and goods all " staked," night came on without the appearance of any players on the ground. But soon after dark, a procession of lighted flambeaux was seen coming from each encampment, to the ground where the players assembled around their respective byes ; and at the beat of the drums and chaunts of the women, each party of players commenced the "ball-play dance" (PLATE 224). Each party danced for a quarter of an hour around their respective byes, in their ball-play dress ; rattling their ball-sticks together in the most violent manner, and all singing as loud as they could raise their voices; whilst the women of each party, who had their goods at stake, formed into two rows on the line between the two parties of players, and danced also, in an uniform step, and all their voices joined in chaunts to the Great Spirit; in which they were soliciting his favour in deciding the game to their advan tage ; and also encouraging the players to exert every power they possessed, in the struggle that was to ensue. In the mean time, four old medicine-men, who were to have the starting of the ball, and who were to be judges of the play, were seated at the point where the ball was to be started ; and busily smoking to the Great Spirit for their success in judging rightly, and impar tially, between the parties in so important an affair. This dance was one of the most picturesque scenes imaginable, and was repeated at intervals of every half hour during the night, and exactly in the same manner; so that the players were certainly awake all the night, and arranged in their appropriate dress, prepared for the play which was to com mence at nine o'clock the next morning. In the morning, at the hour, the two parties and all their friends, were drawn out and over the ground ; when at length the game commenced, by the judges throwing up the ball at the firing of a gun ; when an instant struggle ensued between the players, who were some six or seven hundred in numbers, and were mutually endeavouring to catch the ball in their sticks, and throw it home and between their respec tive stakes ; which, whenever successfully done, counts one for game. In this game every player was dressed alike, that is, divested of all dress, except the 126 girdle and the tail, which I have before described ; and in these desperate struggles for the ball, when it is up (PLATE 225, where hundreds are run ning together and leaping, actually over each other's heads, and darting between their adversaries' legs, tripping and throwing, and foiling each other in every possible manner, and every voice raised to the highest key, in shrill yelps and barks) ! there are rapid successions of feats, and of incidents, that astonish and amuse far beyond the conception of any one who has not had the singular good luck to witness them. In these struggles, every mode is used that can be devised, to oppose the progress of the foremost, who is likely to get the ball ; and these obstructions often meet desperate individual resis tance, which terminates in a violent scuffle, and sometimes in fisticuffs ; when their stricks are dropped, and the parties are unmolested, whilst they are set tling it between themselves ; unless it be by a general stampedo, to which they are subject who are down, if the ball happens to pass in their direction. Every weapon, by a rule of all ball-plays, is laid by in their respective en campments, and no man allowed to go for one ; so that the sudden broils that take place on the ground, are presumed to be as suddenly settled with out any probability of much personal injury ; and no one is allowed to inter fere in any way with the contentious individuals. There are times, when the ball gets to the ground (PLATE 226), and such a confused mass rushing together around it, and knocking their sticks to gether, without the possibility of any one getting or seeing it, for the dust that they raise, that the spectator loses his strength, and everything else but his senses ; when the condensed mass of ball-sticks, and shins, and bloody noses, is carried around the different parts of the ground, for a quarter of an hour at a time, without any one of the mass being able to see the ball ; and which they are often thus scuffling for, several minutes after it has been thrown off, and played over another part of the ground. For each time that the ball was passed between the stakes of either party, one was counted for their game, and a halt of about one minute ; when it was again started by the judges of the play, and a similar struggle ensued ; and so on until the successful party arrived to 100, which was the limit of the game, and accomplished at an hour's sun, when they took the stakes ; and then, by a previous agreement, produced a number of jugs of whiskey, which gave all a wholesome drink, and sent them all off merry and in good humour, but not drunk. After this exciting day, the concourse was assembled in the vicinity of the agency house, where we had a great variety of dances and other amusements; the most of which I have described on former occasions. One, however, was new to me, and t must say a few words of it : this was the Eagle Dance, a very pretty scene, which is got up by their young men, in honour of that bird, for which they seem to have a religious regard. This picturesque dance was given by twelve or sixteen men, whose bodies were chiefly naked and painted white, with white clay, and each ' /.-' ' ' r 'tJ>A Wzm i \ ^'l&'sCd^ ' ry t (_->?- if 127 one holding in his hand the tail of the eagle, while his head was also deco rated with an eagle's quill (PLATE 227). Spears were stuck in the ground, around which the dance was performed by four men at a time, who had simultaneously, at the beat of the drum, jumped up from the ground where they had all sat in rows of four, one row immediately behind the other, and ready to take the place of the first four when they left the ground fatigued, which they did by hopping or jumping around behind the rest, and taking their seats, ready to come up again in their turn, after each of the other sets had been through the same forms. In this dance, the steps or rather jumps, were different from anything I had ever witnessed before, as the dancers were squat down, with their bodies almost to the ground, in a severe and most difficult posture, as will have been seen in the drawing. I have already, in a former Letter, while speaking of the ancient custom of flattening the head, given a curious tradition of this interesting tribe, accounting for their having come from the West, and I here insert another or two, which I had, as well as the former one, from the lips of Peter Pinchlin, a very intelligent and influential man in the tribe, of whom I have spoken in page 123. The Deluge, " Our people have always had a tradition of the Deluge, which happened in this way : there was total darkness for a great time over the whole of the earth ; the Choctaw doctors or mystery-men looked out for daylight for a long time, until at last they despaired of ever seeing it, and the whole nation were very unhappy. At last a light was discovered in the North, and there was great rejoicing, until it was found to be great mountains of water rolling on, which destroyed them all, except a few families who had expected it and built a great raft, on which they were saved." Future State. " Our people all believe that the spirit lives in a future state that it has a great distance to travel after death towards the West that it has to cross a dreadful deep and rapid stream, which is hemmed in on both sides by high and rugged hills over this stream, from hill to hill, there lies a long and slippery pine-log, with the bark peeled off, over which the dead have to pass to the delightful hunting-grounds. On the other side of the stream there are six persons of the good hunting-grounds, with rocks in their hands, which they throw at them all when they are on the middle of the log. The good walk on safely, to the good hunting-grounds, where there is one continual day where the trees are always green where the sky has no clouds where there are continual fine and cooling breezes where there is one continual scene of feasting, dancing and rejoicing where there is no pain or trouble, and people never grow old, but for ever live young and enjoy the youthful pleasures. "The wicked see the stones coming, and try to dodge, by which they fall from the log, and go down thousands of feet to the water, which is dashing over the rocks, and is stinking with dead fish, and animals, where they are 128 carried around and brought continually back to the same place in whirl pools where the trees are all dead, and the waters are full of toads and lizards, and snakes where the dead are always hungry, and have nothing to eat are always sick, and never die where the sun never shines, and where the wicked are continually climbing up by thousands on the sides ot a high rock from which they can overlook the beautiful country of the good hunting-grounds, the place of the happy, but never can reach it." Origin of the Craw-fish band. " Our people have amongst them a band which is called, the Craw-fish band. They formerly, but at a very remote period, lived under ground, and used to come up out of the mud they were a species of craw-fish ; and they went on their hands and feet, and lived in a large eave deep under ground, where there was no light for several miles. They spoke no language at all, nor could they understand any. The entrance to their cave was through the mud and they used to run down through that, and into their cave ; and thus, the Choctaws were for a long time unable to molest them. The Choctaws used to lay and wait for them to come out into the sun, where they would try to talk to them, and cultivate an acquaintance. " One day, a parcel of them were run upon so suddenly by the Choctaws, that they had no time to go through the mud into their cave, but were driven into it by another entrance, which they had through the rocks. The Choctaws then tried a long time to smoke them out, and at last suc ceeded they treated them kindly taught them the Choctaw language taught them to walk on two legs made them cut oft' their toe nails, and pluck the hair from their bodies, after which they adopted them into their nation and the remainder of them are liviug under ground to this day." 129 LETTER-No. 50. FORT SNELLING, FALL OF ST. ANTHONY. HAVING recruited my health during the last winter, in recreation and amusements on the Coast of Florida, like a bird of passage I started, at the rallying notes of the swan and the wild goose, for the cool and freshness of the North, but the gifted passengers soon left me behind. I found them here, their nests built their eggs hatched their offspring fledged and figuring in the world, before I arrived. The majestic river from the Balize to the Fall of St. Anthony, I have just passed over ; with a high-wrought mind, filled with amazement and wonder, like other travellers who occasionally leave the stale and profitless routine of the " Fashionable Tour," to gaze with admiration upon the wild and native grandeur and majesty of this great Western world. The Upper Mis sissippi, like the Upper Missouri, must be approached to be appreciated ; for all that can be seen on the Mississippi below St. Louis, or for several hundred miles above it, gives no hint or clue to the magnificence of the scenes which are continually opening to the view of the traveller, and riveting him to the deck of the steamer, through sunshine, lightning or rain, from the mouth of the Ouisconsin to the Fall of St. Authony. The traveller in ascending the river, will see but little of picturesque beauty iu the landscape, until he reaches Rock Island ; and from that point he will find it growing gradually more interesting, until he reaches Prairie du Chien ; and from that place until he arrives at Lake Pepin, every reach and turn in the river presents to his eye a more immense and magnificent scene of grandeur and beauty. From day to day, the eye is riveted in list less, tireless admiration, upon the thousand bluffs which tower in majesty above the river on either side, and alternate as the river bends, into countless fascinating forms. The whole face of the country is covered with a luxuriant growth of grass, whether there is timber or not ; and the magnificent bluffs, studding the sides of the river, and rising in the forms of immense cones, domes and ram parts, give peculiar pleasure, from the deep and soft green in which they are clad up their broad sides, and to their extreme tops, with a carpet of grass, with spots and clusters of timber of a deeper green ; and apparently in many places, arranged in orchards and pleasure-grounds by the hands of art. The scenes that are passed between Prairie du Chien and St. Peters, in cluding Lake Pepin, between whose magnificently turretted shores one passes for twenty-two miles, will amply reward the tourist for the time and expense VOL. II, S 130 of a visit to them. And to him or her of too little relish for Nature's rude works, to profit as they pass, there will be found a redeeming pleasure at the mouth of St. Peters and the Fall of St. Anthony. This scene has often been described, and I leave it for the world to come and gaze upon for themselves ; recommending to them at the same time, to denominate the next " Fashionable Tour," a trip to St. Louis ; thence by steamer to Rock Island, Galena, Dubuque, Prairie du Chien, Lake Pepin, St. Peters, Fall of St. Anthony, back to Prairie du Chien, from thence to Fort Winnebago, Green Bay, Mackinaw, Sault de St. Mary, Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara, and home. This Tour would comprehend but a small part of the great " FarWest ;" but it will furnish to the traveller a fair sample, and being a part of it which is now made so easily accessible to the world, and the only part of it to which ladies can have access, I would recommend to all who have time and inclination to devote to the enjoyment of so splendid a Tour, to wait not, but make it while the subject is new, and capable of producing the greatest degree of pleasure. To the world at large, this trip is one of surpassing interest to the artist it has a double relish, and to me, still further induce ments ; inasmuch as, many of the tribes of Indians which I have met with, furnish manners and customs which have awakened my enthusiasm, and afforded me interesting materials for my Gallery. To give to the reader a better idea of the character of the scenes which I have above described, along the stately shores of the Upper Mississippi, I have here inserted a river view taken about one hundred miles below this' place (PLATE 228) ; and another of " Dubuque's Grave" (PLATE 229), about equi-distant between this and St. Louis ; and both fairly setting forth the predominant character of the shores of the Upper Mississippi, which are every where covered, as far as the eye can behold, with a green turf, and occasional forest trees, as seen in the drawings. Dubuque's Grave is a place of great notoriety on this river, in conse quence of its having been the residence and mining place of the first lead mining pioneer of these regions, by the name of Dubuque, who held his title under a grant from the Mexican Government (1 think), and settled by the side of this huge bluff, on the pinnacle of which he erected the tomb to receive his own body, and placed over it a cross with his own inscription on it. After his death, his body was placed within the tomb, at his request, lying in state (and uncovered except with his winding-sheet), upon a large flat stone, where it was exposed to the view, as his bones now are, to the gaze, of every traveller who takes the pains to ascend this beautiful, grassy and lilly-covered mound to th^ top, and peep through the gratings of two little windows, which have admitted the eyes, but stopped the sacrilegious hands of thousands who have taken a walk to it. At the foot of this bluff, there is now an extensive smelting furnace, where vast quantities of lead are melted from the ores which are dug out of the hills in all directions about it. 228 (ju.:2 &&f*-8lb ' ai WmWlm ipjpp . I sfeaa & sP* - i, * i^O^ Mfc I&M ;;; .v. ' , - J -_i. . I , ,1 \ _. 1 1 r^ V ! : 131 The Fall of St. Anthony (PLATE 230), which is 900 miles above St. | Louis, is the natural curiosity of this country, and nine miles above the i mouth of St. Peters, from whence I am at this time writing. At this place, on the point of land between the Mississippi and the St. Peters rivers, the United States' Government have erected a strong Fort, which has taken the name of Fort Snelling, from the name of a distinguished and most excellent officer of that name, who superintended the building of it. The site of this Fort is one of the most judicious that could have been selected in the country, both for health and defence ; and being on an elevation of 100 feet or more abore the water, has an exceedingly bold and picturesque effect, as seen in PLATE 231. This Fort is generally occupied by a regiment of men placed here to keep the peace amongst the Sioux and Chippeways, who occupy the coun try about it, and also for the purpose of protecting the citizens on the frontier. The Fall of St. Anthony is about nine miles above this Fort, and the junction of the two rivers ; and, although a picturesque and spirited scene, is but a pigmy in size to Niagara, and other cataracts in our country the actual perpendicular fall being but eighteen feet, though of half a mile or so in extent, which is the width of the river ; with brisk and leaping rapids above and below, giving life and spirit to the scene. The Sioux who live in the vicinity of the Falls, and occupy all the country about here, West of the Mississippi, are a part of the great tribe on the Upper Missouri ; and the same in most of their customs, yet very dissimilar in personal appearance, from the changes which civilized examples have wrought upon them. I mentioned in a former Letter, that the country of the Sioux, extended from the base of the Rocky Mountains to the banks of the Mississippi ; and for the whole of that way, it is more or less settled by this immense tribe, bounding the East side of their country by the Missis sippi River. The Sioux in these parts, who are out of reach of the beavers and buf faloes, are poor and very meanly clad, compared to those on the Missouri, where they are in the midst of those and other wild animals, whose skins supply them with picturesque and comfortable dresses. The same deterio ration also is seen in the morals and constitutions of these, as amongst all other Indians, who live along the frontiers, in the vicinity of our settlements, where whiskey is sold to them, and the small-pox and other diseases are introduced to shorten their lives. The principal bands of the Sioux that visit this place, and who live in the vicinity of it, are those known as the Black Dog's band Red Wing's band, and Wa-be-sha's band ; each band known in common parlance, by the name of its chief, as I have mentioned. The Black Dog's band reside but a few miles above Fort Snelling, on the banks of the St. Peters, and num ber some five or six hundred. The Red Wing's band are at the head of Lake Pepiu, sixty miles below this place on the West side of the river. And 132 Wa-be-sha's band and village are some sixty or more miles below Lake Pepin on the West side of the river, on a beautiful prairie, known (and ever will be) by the name of" Wa-be-sha's prairie." Each of these bands, and several others that live in this section of country, exhibit considerable industry in their agricultural pursuits, raising very handsome corn-fields, laying up their food, thus procured, for their subsistence during the long and tedious winters. The greater part of the inhabitants of these bands are assembled here at this time, affording us, who are visitors here, a fine and wild scene of dances, amusements, &c. They seem to take great pleasure in " showing off" in these scenes, to the amusement of the many fashionable visitors, both ladies and gentlemen, who are in the habit of reaching this post, as steamers are arriving at this place every week in the summer from St. Louis. Many of the customs of these people create great surprise in the minds of the travellers of the East, who here have the first satisfactory opportunity of seeing them ; and none, I observe, has created more surprise, and pleasure also, particularly amongst the ladies, than the mode of carrying their infants, slung on their backs, in their beautifully ornamented cradles. The custom of carrying the child thus is not peculiar to this tribe, but belongs alike to all, as far as I have yet visited them ; and also as far as I have been able to learn from travellers, who have been amongst tribes that I have not yet seen. The child in its earliest infancy, has its back lashed to a straight board, being fastened to it by bandages, which pass around it in front, and on the back of the board they are tightened to the necessary degree by lacing strings, which hold it in a straight and healthy position, with its feet resting on a broad hoop, which passes around the foot of the cradle, and the child's position (as it rides about on its mother's back, sup ported by a broad strap that passes across her forehead), that of standing erect, which, no doubt, has a tendency to produce straight limbs, sound lungs, and long life. In PLATE 232, letter a, is a correct drawing of a Sioux cradle, which is in my Collection, and was purchased from a Sioux woman's back, as she was carrying her infant in it, as is seen in letter d of the same plate. In this instance, as is often the case, the bandages that pass around the cradle, holding the child in, are all the way covered with a beautiful em broidery of porcupine quills, with ingenious figures of horses, men, &c. A broad hoop of elastic wood passes around in front of the child's face, to protect it in case of a fall, from the front of which is suspended a little toy of exquisite embroidery, for the child to handle and amuse itself with. To this and other little trinkets hanging in front of it, there are attached many little tinselled and tinkling things, of the brightest colours, to amuse both the eyes and the ears of the child. Whilst travelling on horseback, the arms of the child are fastened under the bandages, so as not to be endan gered if the cradle falls ; and when at rest, they are generally taken out, 133 allowing the infant to reach and amuse itself with the little toys and trinkets that are placed before it, and within its reach. This seems like a cruel I mode, but I am inclined to believe that it is a very good one for the people 1 who use it, and well adapted to the circumstances under which they live ; in support of which opinion, I offer the universality of the custom, which has been practiced for centuries amongst all the tribes of North America, as a legitimate and very strong reason. It is not true that amongst all the tribes the cradle will be found so much ornamented as in the present in stance ; but the model is essentially the same, as well as the mode of carry ing it. Along the frontiers, where the Indians have been ridiculed for the custom, as they are for everything that is not civil about them, they have in many instances departed from it ; but even there, they will generally be seen lug ging their child about in this way, when they have abandoned almost every other native custom, and are too poor to cover it with more than rags and strings, which fasten it to its cradle. The infant is carried in this manner until it is five, six or seven months old, after which it is carried on the back, in the manner represented in two of the figures of the same plate, and held within the folds of the robe or blanket. The modes of carrying the infant when riding, are also here shewn, and the manner in which the women ride, which, amongst all the tribes, is astride, in the same manner as that practiced by the men. Letter b in the same plate is a mourning cradle, and opens to the view of the reader another very curious and interesting custom. If the infant dies during the time that is allotted to it to be carried in this cradle, it is buried, and the disconsolate mother fills the cradle with black quills and feathers, in the parts which the child's body had occupied, and in this way carries it around with her wherever she goes for a year or more, with as much care as if her infant were alive and in it ; and she often lays or stands it leaning against the side of the wigwam, where she is all day engaged in her needle work, and chatting and talking to it as familiarly and affectionately as if it were her loved infant, instead of its shell, that she was talking to. So lasting and so strong is the affection of these women for the lost child, that it mat ters not how heavy or cruel their load, or how rugged the route they have to pass over, they will faithfully carry this, and carefully from day to day, and even more strictly perform their duties to it, than if the child were alive and in it. In the little toy that I have mentioned, and which is suspended before the child's face, is carefully and superstitiously preserved the umbilicus, which is always secured at the time of its birth, and being rolled up into a little wad of the size of a pea, and dried, it is enclosed in the centre of this little bag, and placed before the child's face, as its protector and its security for "good luck''' and long life. Letter c, same plate, exhibits a number of forms and different 134 tastes of several of these little toys, which I have purchased from the women, which they were very willing to sell for a trifling present; but in every instance, they cut them open, and removed from within a bunch of cotton or moss, the little sacred medicine, which, to part with, would be to " endanger the health of the child" a thing that no consideration would have induced them in any instance to have done. My brush has been busily employed at this place, as in others ; and amongst the dignitaries that I have painted, is, first and foremost, Wa-nah-de-tunck-a the big eagle), commonly called the " Black Dog " (PLATE 234). This is a very noted man, and chief of the 0-hah-kas-ka-toh-y-an-te (long avenue) band. By the side of him Toh-to-wah-kon-da-pee(the blue medicine PLATE233), a noted medicine-man, of theTing-tah-to-a band ; with his medicine or mystery drum, made of deer-skins; and his mystery rattles made of antelopes' hoofs, in his hands. This notorious old man was professionally a doctor in his tribe, but not very distinguished, until my friend Dr. Jarvis, who is surgeon for the post, very liberally dealt out from the public medicine-chest, occasional " odds and ends" to him, and with a professional concern for the poor old fellow's success, instructed him in the modes of their application ; since which, the effects of his prescriptions have been so decided amongst his tribe, whom he holds in ignorance of his aid in his mysterious operations ; that he has risen quite rapidly into notice, within the few last years, in the vicinity of the Fort ; where he finds it most easy to carry out his new mode of practice, for reasons above mentioned. In PLATES 235 and 236, there are portraits of the two most distinguished ball-players in the Sioux tribe, whose names are Ah-no-je-nahge (he who stands on both sides), and We-chush-ta-doo-ta (the red man). Both of these young men stood to me for their portraits, in the dresses precisely in which they are painted ; with their ball-sticks in their hands, and in the attitudes of the play. We have had several very spirited plays here within the few past days ; and each of these young men came from the ball-play ground to my painting-room, in the dress in which they had just struggled in the play. Tt will be seen by these sketches, that the custom in this tribe, differs in some respects from that of the Choctaws and other Southern tribes, of which I have before spoken ; and I there showed that they played with a stick in each hand, when the Sioux use but one stick, which is generally held in both hands, with a round hoop at the end, in which the ball is caught and thrown v/ith wonderful tact ; a much more difficult feat, I should think, than that of the Choctaws, who catch the ball between two sticks. The tail also, in this tribe, differs, inasmuch as it is generally made of quills, instead of white horsehair, a? described amongst the Choctaws. In other respects, the rules and manner of the game are the same as amongst those tribes. Several others of the distingues of the tribe, I have also painted here, and must needs refer the reader to the Museum for further information of them. ^4>" K ,,^,: < >^\\\'/A , ^rjTTfL w**si&m?*& 135 LETTER No. 51. FORT SNELLING, FALL OF ST. ANTHONY. THE fourth of July was hailed and celebrated by us at this place, in an unusual, and not uninteresting manner. With the presence of 'several hun dreds of the wildest of the Chippeways, and as many hundreds of the Sioux ; we were prepared with material in abundance for the novel for the wild and grotesque, as well as for the grave and ludicrous. Major Talliaflerro, the Indian agent, to aid ray views in procuring sketches of manners and customs, represented to them that I was a great medicine-man, who had visited, and witnessed the sports of, a vast many Indians of different tribes, and had come to see whether the Sioux and Chippeways were equal in a ball-play, &c. to their neighbours ; and that if they would come in on the next day (fourth of July), and give us a ball-play, and some of their dances, in their best style, he would have the big gun fired twenty-one times (the customary salute for that day), which they easily construed into a high com pliment to themselves. This, with still stronger inducements, a barrel of flour a quantity of pork and tobacco, which I gave them, brought the scene about on the day of independence, as follows : About eleven o'clock (the usual time for Indians to make their appearance on any great occasion), the young men, who were enlisted for ball-play, made their appearance on the ground with ball-sticks in hand with no other dress on than the flap, and attached to a girdle or ornamental sash, a tail, extending nearly to the ground, made of the choicest arrangement of quills and feathers, or of the hair of white horses' tails. After an excited and warmly contested play of two hours, they adjourned to a place in front of the agent's office, where they entertained us for two or three hours longer, with a continued variety of their most fanciful and picturesque dances. They gave us the beggar's dance the buffalo-dance the bear-dance the eagle-dance and dance of the braves. This last is peculiarly beautiful, and exciting to the feelings in the highest degree. At intervals they stop, and one of them steps into the ring, and voci ferates as loud as possible, with the most significant gesticulations, the feats of bravery which he has performed during his life he boasts of the scalps he has taken of the enemies he has vanquished, and at the same time carries his body through all the motions and gestures, which have been used 136 during these scenes when they were transacted. At the end of his boasting all assent to the truth of his story, and give in their approbation by the guttural "waugh !" and the dance again commences. At the next interval, another makes his boasts, and another, and another, and so on. During this scene, a little trick was played off in the following manner, which produced much amusement and laughter. A woman of goodly size, and in woman's attire, danced into the ring (which seemed to excite some surprise, as women are never allowed to join in the dance), and commenced " sawing the air," and boasting of the astonishing feats of bravery she had performed of the incredible number of horses she had stolen of the scalps she had taken, &c. &c. ; until her feats surpassed all that had ever been heard of sufficient to put all the warriors who had boasted, to the blush. They all gave assent, however, to what she had said, and apparently credence too ; and to reward so extraordinary a feat of female prowess, they presented to her a kettle, a cradle, beads, ribbons, &c. After getting her presents, and placing them safely in the hands of another matron for safe keeping, she commenced disrobing herself ; and, almost instantly divesting herself of a loose dress, in the presence of the whole company, came out in a soldier's coat and pantaloons ! and laughed at them excessively for their mistake ! She then commenced dancing and making her boasts of her exploits, assur ing them that she was a man, and a great brave. They all gave unqualified assent to this, acknowledged their error, and made her other presents of a gun, a horse, of tobacco, and a war-club. After her boasts were done, and the presents secured as before, she deliberately threw off the pantaloons and coat, and presented herself at once, and to their great astonishment and con fusion, in a beautiful woman's dress. The tact with which she performed these parts, so uniformity pleased, that it drew forth thundering applause from the Indians, as well as from the spectators ; and the chief stepped up and crowned her head with a beautiful plume of the eagle's quill, rising from a crest of the swan's down. My wife, who was travelling this part of the country with me, was a spectator of these scenes, as well as the ladies and officers of the garrison, whose polite hospitality we are at this time enjoying. Several days after this, the plains of St. Peters and St. Anthony, rang with the continual sounds of drums and rattles, in time with the thrilling yells of the dance, until it had doubly ceased to be novelty. General Patterson, of Philadelphia, and his family arrived about this time, however, and a dance was got up for their amusement ; and it proved to be one of an unusual kind, and interesting to all. Considerable preparation was made for the occasion, and the Indians informed me, that if they could get a couple of dogs that were of no use about the garrison, they would give us their favour ite, the "dog dance." The two dogs were soon produced by the officers, and in presence of the whole assemblage of spectators, they butchered then and placed their two hearts and livers entire and uncooked, on a couple of crotches about as high as a man's face (PLATE 237). These were then 137 cut into strips, about an inch in width, and left hanging in this condition, with the blood and smoke upon them. A spirited dance then ensued ; and, in a confused manner, every one sung forth his own deeds of bravery in ejaculatory gutturals, which were almost deafening ; and they danced up, two at a time to the stakes, and after spitting several times upon the liver and hearts, catched a piece in their mouths, bit it off, and swallowed it. This was all done without losing the step (which was in time to their music), or interrupting the times of their voices. Each and every one of them in this wise bit off and swallowed a piece of the livers, until they were demolished ; with the exception of the two last pieces hanging on the stakes, which a couple of them carried in their mouths, and communicated to the mouths of the two musicians who swallowed them. This is one of the most valued dances amongst the Sioux, though by no means the most beautiful or most pleasing. The beggar's dance, the discovery dance, and the eagle dance, are far more graceful and agreeable. The dog dance is one of distinction, inasmuch as it can only be danced by those who have taken scalps from the enemy's heads, and come forward boasting, that they killed their enemy in battle, and swallowed a piece of his heart in the same manner. As the Sioux own and occupy all the country on the West bank of the river in this vicinity; so do the Chippeways claim all lying East, from the mouth of the Chippeway River, at the outlet of Lake Pepin, to the source of the Mississippi ; and within the month past, there have been one thousand or more of them encamped here, on business with the Indian agent and Sioux, with whom they have recently had some difficulty. These two hostile foes, who have, time out of mind, been continually at war, are now encamped here, on different sides of the Fort ; and all difficulties having been arranged by their agent, in whose presence they have been making their speeches, for these two weeks past, have been indulging in every sort of their amusements, uniting in their dances, ball- plays and other games; and feasting and smoking together, only to raise the war-cry and the tomahawk again, when they get upon their hunting grounds. Major Talliafferro is the Government agent for the Sioux at this place, and furnishes the only instance probably, of a public servant on these frontiers, who has performed the duties of his office, strictly and faithfully, as well as kindly, for fifteen years. The Indians think much of him, and call him Great Father, to whose advice they listen with the greatest attention. The encampment of the Chippeways, to which I have been a daily visitor, was built in the manner seen in PLATE 238 ; their wigwams made of birch bark, covering the frame work, which was of slight poles stuck in the grourifl, and bent over at the top, so as to give a rot flike shape to the lodge, best calculated to ward off rain and winds. Through this curious scene I was strolling a few days since with my wife, and I observed the Indian women gathering around her, anxious to shake VOL. ii. i 138 hands with her, and shew her their children, of which she took especial notice ; and they literally filled her hands and her arms, with muk-kuks of maple sugar which they manufacture, and had brought in, in great quantities for sale. After the business and amusements of this great Treaty between the Chip- peways and Sioux were all over, the Chippeways struck their tents by taking them down and rolling up their bark coverings, which, with their bark canoes seen in the picture, turned up amongst their wigwams, were carried to the water's edge ; and all things being packed in, men, women, dogs, and all, were swiftly propelled by paddles to the Fall of St. Anthony, where we had repaired to witness their mode of passing the cataract, by " making (as it is called) the portage," which we found to be a very curious scene ; and was done by running all their canoes into an eddy below the Fall, and as near as they could get by paddling ; when all were landed, and every thing taken out of the canoes (PLATE 239), and with them carried by the women, around the Fall, and half a mile or so above, where the canoes were put into the water again ; and goods and chattels being loaded in, and all hands seated, the paddles were again put to work, and the light and bounding crafts upon their voyage. The bark canoe of the Chippeways is, perhaps, the most beautiful and light model of all the water crafts that ever were invented. They are gene rally made complete with the rind of one birch tree, and so ingeniously shaped and sewed together, with roots of the tamarack, which they call wat-tap, that they are water-tight, and ride upon the water, as light as a cork. They gracefully lean and dodge about, under the skilful balance of an In dian, or the ugliest squaw; but like everything wild, are timid and trea cherous under the guidance of white man ; and, if he be not an experienced equilibrist, he is sure to get two or three times soused, in his first endeavours at familiar acquaintance with them. In PLATE 240, letter a, the reader will see two specimens of these canoes correctly drawn ; where he can contrast them and their shapes, with the log canoe, letter b, (or " dug out," as it is often called in the Western regions) of the Sioux, and many other tribes ; which is dug out of a solid log, with great labour, by these ignorant people, who have but few tools to work with. In the same plate, letter c, I have also introduced the skin canoes of the Mandans, (of the Upper Missouri, of whom I have spoken in Volume I), which are made almost round like a tub, by straining a buffalo's skin over a frame of wicker work, made of willow or other boughs. The woman in paddling these awkward tubs, stands in the bow, and makes the stroke with the paddle, by reaching it forward in the water and drawing it to her, by which means she pulls the canoe along with some considerable speed. These very curious and rudely constructed canoes, are made in the form of the Welsh coracle', and, if I mistake not, propelled in the same manner, which is a very curious circumstance ; inasmuch as they are found in the heart of 239 139 the great wilderness of America, when all the other surrounding tribes construct their canoes in decidedly different forms, and of different ma terials. In the same plate, letter d, is a pair of Sioux (and in letter e, of Chippe- way) snow shoes, which are used in the deep snows of the winter, under the Indians' feet, to buoy him up as he runs in pursuit of his game. The hoops or frames of these are made of elastic wood, and the webbing, of strings of rawhide, which form such a resistance to the snow, as to carry them over without sinking into it : and enabling them to come up with their game, which is wallowing through the drifts, and easily overtaken ; as in the buf falo hunt, in PLATE 109, Volume I. Of the portraits of chiefs and others I have painted amongst the Chippe- ways at this place, two distinguished young men will be seen in PLATES 241, 242. The first by the name of Ka-bes-kunk (he who travels every where), the other, Ka-be-mub-be (he who sits everywhere), both painted at full length, in full dress, and just as they were adorned and equipped, even to a quill and a trinket. The first of these two young men is, no doubt, one of the most remark able of his age to be found in the tribe. Whilst he was standing for his portrait, which was in one of the officer's quarters in the Fort, where there were some ten or fifteen of his enemies the Sioux, seated on the floor around the room ; he told me to take particular pains in representing eight quills which were arranged in his head-dress, which he said stood for so many Sioux scalps that he had taken with his left hand, in which he was grasping his war-club, with which hand he told me he was in the habit of making all his blows. In PLATE 244, is the portrait of a warrior by the name of Ot-ta-wa (the otaway), with his pipe in his hand : and in PLATE 245, the portrait of a Chippeway woman. Ju-ah-kis-ciaw, with her child in its crib or cradle. In a former Letter I gave a minute account of the Sioux cradle, and here the reader sees the very similar mode amongst the Chippeways ; and as in all instances that can be found, the ni-ahkust-ahg (or umbilicus) hanging before the child's face for its supernatural protector. This woman's dress was mostly made of civilized manufactures, but curi ously decorated and ornamented according to Indian taste Many were the dances given to me on different places, of which I may make further use and further mention on future occasions : but of which I shall name but one at present, the snow-shoe dance (PLATE 243), which is exceedingly picturesque, being danced with the snow shoes under the feet, at the falling of the first snow in the beginning of winter ; when they sing a song of thanksgiving to the Great Spirit for sending them a return of snow, when they can run on their snow shoes in their valued hunts, and easily take the game for their food. 140 < ! About this lovely spot I have whiled away a few months with great plea- ; sure, and having visited all the curiosities, and all the different villages of ' Indians in the vicinity, I close my note-book and start in a few days for j Prairie du Chien, which is 300 miles below this ; where I shall have new j subjects for my brush and new themes for my pen, when I may continue my epistles. Adieu. 141 LETTER No. 52. CAMP DES MOINES. SOON after the date of my last Letter, written at St. Peters, having placed my wife on board of the steamer, with a party of ladies, for Prairie du Chien, I embarked in a light bark canoe, on my homeward course, with only one companion, Corporal Allen, from the garrison ; a young man of considerable taste, who thought he could relish the transient scenes of a voyage in com pany with a painter, having gained the indulgence of Major Bliss, the com manding officer, with permission to accompany me. With stores laid in for a ten days' voyage, and armed for any emergency with sketch-book and colours prepared, we shoved off and swiftly glided away with paddles nimbly plied, resolved to see and relish every thing curious or beautiful that fell in our way. We lingered along, among the scenes of grandeur which presented themselves amid the thousand bluffs, and arrived at Prairie du Chien in about ten days, in good plight, without accident or incident of a thrilling nature, with the exception of one instance which happened about thirty miles below St. Peters, and on the first day of our journey. In the after part of the day, we discovered three lodges of Sioux Indians encamped on the bank, all hallooing and waving their blankets for us to come in, to the shore. We had no business with them, and resolved to keep on our course, when one of them ran into his lodge, and coming out with his gun in his hand, levelled it at us, and gave us a charge of buck-shot about our ears. One of them struck in my canoe, passing through several folds of my cloak, which was folded, and lying just in front of my knee, and several others struck so near on each side as to spatter the water into our faces. There was no fun in this, and I then ran my canoe to the shore as fast as possible they all ran, men, women, and children, to the water's edge, meeting us with yells and laughter as we landed. As the canoe struck the shore, I rose violently from my seat, and throwing all the infuriated demon I could into my face thrusting my pistols into my belt a half dozen bullets into my mouth and my double-barrelled gun in my hand I leaped ashore and chased the lot of them from the beach, throwing myself, by a nearer route, between them and their wigwams, where I kept them for some time at a stand, with my barrels presented, and threats (corroborated with looks which they could not misunderstand) that I would 142 annihilate the whole of them in a minute. As the gun had been returned to the lodge, and the man who fired it could not. be identified, the rascal's life was thereby probably prolonged. We stood for some time in this position, and no explanation could be made, other than that which could be read from the lip and the brow, a language which is the same, and read alike, among all nations. I slipped my sketch-book and pencil into my hand, and undei the muzzle of my gun, each fellow stood for his likeness, which I made them understand, by signs, were to be sent to " Muzzabucksa" (iron cutter), the name they gave to Major Talliafferro, their agent at St. Peters. This threat, and the continued vociferation of the corporal from the canoe, that I was a " Grande Capitaine," seemed considerably to alarm them. I at length gradually drew myself off, but with a lingering eye upon the sneaking rascals, who stood in sullen silence, with one eye upon me, and the other upon the corporal ; who I found had held them at bay from the bow of his canoe, with his musket levelled upon them his bayonet fixed his cartouch box slung, with one eye in full blaze over the barrel, and the other drawn down within two parts of an inch of the upper corner of his mouth. At my approach, his muscles were gradually (but somewhat reluctantly) relaxed, We seated ourselves, and quietly dipped our paddles again on our way. Some allowance must be made for this outrage, and many others that could be named, thai have taken place amongst that part of the Sioux nation ; they have been for many years past made drunkards, by the solici tations of white men, and then abused, and their families also ; for which, when they are drunk (as in the present instance), they are often ready, and disposed to retaliate and to return insult for injuries. We went on peaceably and pleasantly during the rest of our voyage, having ducks, deer, and bass for our game and our food ; our bed was generally on the grass at the foot of some towering bluff, where, in the melancholy stillness of night, we were lulled to sleep by the liquid notes of the whip-poor-will ; and after his warbling ceased, roused by the mournful complaints of the starving wolf, or surprised by the startling interrogation, " who ! who ! who !" by the winged monarch of the dark. There is a something that fills and feeds the mind of an enthusiastic man, when he is thrown upon natural resources, amidst the rude untouched scenes of nature, which cannot be described ; and I leave the world to imagine the feelings of pleasure with which I found myself again out of the din of artful life, among scenes of grandeur worthy the whole soul's devotion, and admiration. When the morning's dew was shaken off, our coffee enjoyed our light bark again launched upon the water, and the chill of the morning banished by the quick stroke of the paddle, and the busy chaunt of the corporal's boat-song, our ears and our eyes were open to the rude scenes of romance that were about us our light boat ran to every ledge dodged into every slough or cut-off" to be seen every mineral was examined every cave ex- rya_\w ^v>i ^-vsaw CI \S<>W5i45AsSUY5RK '-. -^ ,v ^.3 rVVS 143 plored a nd almost every bluff of grandeur ascended to the top. These towering edifices of nature, which will stand the admiration of thousands and tens of thousands, unchanged and unchangeable, though grand and majestic to the eye of the passing traveller, will be found to inspire new ideas of magnitude when attempted to be travelled to the top. From the tops of many of them I have sketched for the information of the world, and for the benefit of those who travel much, I would recommend a trip to the summit of " Pike's Tent" (the highest bluff on the river), 100 miles above Prairie du Chien ; to the top also of " La Montaigne qui tromps a 1'eau" the summit of Bad Axe Mountain and a look over Lake Pepin's turretted shores from the top of the bluff opposite to the " Lover's Leap," being the highest on the lake, and the point from which the greater part of its shores can be seen. Along the shores of this beautiful lake we lingered for several days, and our canoe was hauled a hundred times upon the pebbly beach, where we spent hours and days, robbing it of .its precious gems, which are thrown up by the waves. We found many rich agates, carnelians, jaspers, and por- phyrys. The agates are many of them peculiarly beautiful, most of them water-waved their colours brilliant and beautifully striated. " Point aux Sables" has been considered the most productive part of the lake for these gems ; but owing to the frequent landings of the steam-boats and other craft on that point, the best specimens of them have been picked up ; and the traveller will now be best remunerated for his trouble, by tracing the shore around into some of its coves, or on some of its points less frequented by the footsteps of man. The Lover's Leap (PLATE 248), is a bold and projecting rock, of six or seven hundred feet elevation on the East side of the lake, from the sum mit of which, it is said, a beautiful Indian girl, the daughter of a chief, threw herself off in presence of her tribe, some fifty years ago, and dashed herself to pieces, to avoid being married to a man whom her father had decided to be her husband, and whom she would not marry. On our way, after we had left the beautiful shores of Lake Pepin, we passed the magni ficent bluff called "Pike's Tent" (PLATE 249), and undoubtedly, the highest eminence on the river, running up in the form of a tent ; from which circumstance, and that of having first been ascended by Lieutenant Pike, it has taken the name of Pike's Tent, which it will, doubtless, for ever retain. The corporal and I run our little craft to the base of this stupendous pyramid, and spent half a day about its sides and its pinnacle, admiring the lovely and almost boundless landscape that lies beneath it. To the top of this grass-covered mound I would advise every traveller in the country, who has the leisure to do it, and sinew enough in his leg, to stroll awhile, and enjoy what it may be difficult for him to see elsewhere. " Cap au rail" (Garlic Cape, PLATE 250), about twenty miles above Prairie du Chien is another beautiful scene and the " Cornice Rocks" U4 (PLATE 251), on the West bank, where my little bark rested two days, till the corporal and I had taken bass from every nook and eddy about them, where our hooks could be dipped. To the lover of fine fish, and fine sport in fishing, I would recommend an encampment for a few days on this pic turesque ledge, where his appetite and his passion will be soon gratified. Besides these picturesque scenes, I made drawings also of all the Indian villages on the way, and of many other interesting points, which are curious in my Collection, but too numerous to introduce in this place. In the midst, or half-way of Lake Pepin, which is an expansion of the river of four or five miles in width, and twenty-five miles in length, the corporal and I hauled our canoe out upon the beach of Point aux Sables, where we spent a couple of days, feasting on plums and fine fish and wild fowl, and filling our pockets with agates and carnelions we were picking up along the pebbly beach ; and at last, started on our way for the outlet of the lake, with a fair North West wind, which wafted us along in a delightful manner, as I sat in the stern and steered, while the corporal was " catching the breeze" in a large umbrella, which he spread open and held in the bow. We went merrily and exultingly on in this manner, until at length the wind increased to anything but a gale ; and the waves were foaming white, and dashing on the shores where we could not land without our frail bark being broken to pieces. We soon became alarmed, and saw that our only safety was in keeping on the course that we were running at a rapid rate, and that with our sail full set, to brace up and steady our boat on the waves, while we kept within swimming distance of the shore, resolved to run into the first cove, or around the first point we could find for our protection. We kept at an equal distance from the shore and in this most critical condition, the wind drove us ten or fifteen miles, without a landing-place, till we exultingly steered into the mouth of the Chippeway river, at the outlet of the lake, where we soon found quiet and safety ; but found our canoe in a sinking condition, being half full of water, and having three of the five of her beams or braces broken out, with which serious disasters, a few rods more of the fuss and confusion would have sent us to the bottom. We here laid by part of a day, and having repaired our disasters, wended our way again pleasantly and successfully on. At Prairie du Chien, which is near the mouth of the Ouisconsin River, and 600 miles above St. Louis, where we safely landed my canoe, I found my wife enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. Judge Lockwood, who had been a schoolmate of mine in our childhood, and is now residing with her interesting family in that place. Under her hospitable roof we spent a few weeks with great satisfaction, after which my wife took steamer for Dubuque, and I took to my little bark canoe alone (having taken leave of the corporal), which 1 paddled to this place, quite leisurely cooking my own meat, and having my own fun as I passed along. Prairie du Chien (PLATE 253) has been one of the earliest and principal V / i ' 250 ' r n? r j&&*L. 251 6r C I . ._ ^' - M' 1 ' ^ " - v-y/ /*{ / liv 5 iV..> M -, -^ / t ^-^jy " rnH ' -^ /