pT I— I <] o -^ ^ <1 o n pq E-i Q ffl o o o pq CO > 2 lU i :\^^ // //. .\V ^ #• J 'j;^ / y 1 ,^V^V£^ c I f ^ # BULLETIN No. 30. SAN FRANCISCO, JUNE 30, 1903. A BIBLIOGRAPHY RELATING TO THE Geology, Paleontology, and Mineral Resources of California. ISSUED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING BUREAU, FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO. BY AUTHORITY OF HON. GEORGE C PARDEE, GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA. LEWIS E. AUBURY, - - State Mineralogist SACRAMENTO. W.W.SHANNON. - - - SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRINTING. 1904. LIBRARY LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL. To Hon. George C. Pardee, Governor of the State of Cali- fornia, and the Honorable Board of Trustees of the State Mining Bureau. Gentlemen : I have the honor to transmit Bulletin No. 30, ''A Bibliography Relating to the Geology, Palaeontology, and Mineral Resources of California," this being the second edi- tion, which has been revised and brought up to date by the author of both editions, Lieut. Col. A. W. Vogdes, Artillery Corps, U. S. A. I wish to extend many thanks to Colonel Vogdes for his kind assistance to this department in donating this work, which will prove invaluable to the seeker for information pertaining to the literature which has been published relating to the sub- jects above enumerated. Very respectfully, LEWIS E. AUBURY, State Mineralogist. San Francisco, June 30, 1903. Hon. Lev^is E. Aubury, State Mineralogist. Dear Sir : I have the honor to submit this bibliography for publication by the State Mining Bureau, with the following remarks : Since the publications of the first Geological Survey of the State, in 1851, by Dr. Trask, a large number of papers on geology, mineral resources, palaeontology, and descriptions of local mining regions have appeared in special publications or in the transactions of learned societies. Besides these there are many articles incorporated in the official publications of the UnitecJ States, etc., etc. I have labored to bring this mass of literature together and make it accessible to the student and Letters of Transmittal. general reader by giving not only a catalogue of the books and maps, but also a general idea of their contents. As the palae- ontologist has to deal with the species described under each genus I have included a full list of fossils, which will save the student many a weary hour of laborious research through many volumes. The catalogue has been arranged under different heads, giving the student a direct reference to the contents of dif- ferent publications. Following is the arrangement: Part I. Publications of the State of California. Part II. Publications of the United States Government. Part III. Publications of Scientific Societies. Part IV. Publications of State Geological Surveys other than that of California. Part V. Miscellaneous Publications. Manj' of them are references to early reports on gold and other minerals, in- cluding trips to the gold fields of California. All of these books contain references to mines and local geology. Part VI. A list of the published maps of California. This will be found useful to all citizens of the State. ANTHONY W. VOGDES. San Diego, California, June 30, 1903. A BIBLIOGRAPHY RELATING TO The Geology, Paleontology, and Mineral Resources ol California. By ANTHONY W. VOGDES, Lieutenant-Colonel Artillery Corps, U. S. A., Fellow American Geological Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member of the New York Academy of Sciences; also of the Georgia, Philadelphia, Chicago, and California Academies of Sciences. PART I. Ptjblications relatingf to the Gcologfy, Paleontology-, and Mineral Resources of California, issued under the authority of the State* Page. 1. First Geological Survey of California (John B. Trask, State Geologist) 11 2. Second Geological Survey of California (J. D. Whitney, State Geologist) 12 3. Surveyor-General 's Reports 23 4. State Mining Bureau Publications 24 5. California Senate and Assembly Documents 37 6. California State University Publications 37 PART I. Publications relating: to the Geologfy, Paleontologfy, and Mineral Resources of California, issued under the authority of the State* Page. 1. First Geological Survey of California (John B. Trask, State Geologist) 11 2. Second Geological Survey of California ( J. D. Whitney, State Geologist) 12 3. Surveyor-General's Reports 23 4. State Mining Bureau Publications 24 5. California Senate and Assembly Documents 37 6. California State University Publications 37 PART L PUBLICATIONS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FIRST GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CALIFORNIA. DR. JOHN B. TRASK, State Geologist. Report of the special committee in favor of a geological survey of California. Submitted by Mr. Randall, April 24, 1851. 19 pp. Report of 1853, geology of the Sierra Nevada or California range; by John B. Trask. Sacramento, 1853. 31 pp. (2,000 copies printed.) This report contains a sketch of the geologj^ and mineral resources of the eastern valleys of the Sacramento and San Joaquin and to the coast line within the forty-first and forty-second degrees of north latitude, from personal observations made during the years 1850-52. Reviewed Mining Magazine, 1853, vol. 1, pp. 6-23. Report on the geology of the coast mountains, embracing their agricultural resources and mineral productions, also por- tions of the middle and northern mining districts ; by Dr. John B. Trask, State Geologist. Senate Doc. No. 14. Sacramento, 1855. 95 pp. This report contains a description of the physical geography of the coast mountains ; geology of the coast mountains ; Tertiary rocks of the coast mountains ; primitive rocks of the coast moun- tains ; volcanic rocks of the coast mountains ; geology of the San Bernardino Mountains ; stratified rocks of the San Bernardino chain and plains of Los Angeles ; extent of the infusorial group ; plains of Los Angeles ; artesian borings ; soils and productions of Los Angeles ; mineral productions of Los Angeles ; country north of the American River ; mineral district of the upper Sacramento Val- ley ; geology of the northern coast mountains ; local geology of the northern coast mountains ; Carboniferous limestone of the eastern part of Shasta County ; Trinity County ; structure of the Sacra- mento Valley ; Tertiary rocks and other deposits of the Sierra Nevada ; placer mining ; quartz veins ; quartz mines, with descrip- tions of mines, and statistics. 12 A Bihliograpliy of the Geology, etc., of California. Report on the geology of the coast mountains and part of the Sierra Nevada, embracing their industrial resources in agriculture and mining; by Dr. John B. Trask, State Geologist. Assembly Doc. No. 9, Session of 1854. 92 pj). This report contains a; description of the geology of the Monte Diablo range, Salinas Valley, from Point Pinos to the Nacimiento River, Santa Cruz Mountains ; structure of the valleys of Sacra- mento and San Joaquin ; review of the geological changes in the coast mountains and Monte Diablo range; classification of the rocks of the coast mountains and Monte Diablo range ; position and rela- tion of the volcanic rocks to the Tertiaries ; volcanic rocks preceding the Tertiary era ; most recent volcanic rocks of the coast moun- tains ; changes of level arid river terraces ; soils of the valley Santa Clara and shores of the Bay of San Francisco ; valley of the Salinas ; soils of the Salinas ; Pajaro Valley ; Livermore Valley ; mineral resources of the coast mountains ; mineral districts, embrac- ing parts of the counties of Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, and Calaveras ; quartz veins, and their relative age in California ; character and position of the older veins below the surface ; present government of metallic veins ; descriptions of mines, with list of gold mines. Report on the geology of northern and southern California, embracing the mineral and agricultural resources of those sections; with statistics of the northern, southern, and middle mines; by Dr. John B. Trask. Assembly Doc. No. 14, Session of 1856. 66 pp. This report contains a description of the physical geography lying in the coast mountains north of the Bay of San Francisco ; geolog- ical structure of the coast mountains ; mineral character of the primitive rocks of the coast mountains ; soils of Petaluma County ; plains west of the Sacramento River ; San Bernardino ; geology of Table Mountain, Tuolumne County ; Carboniferous rocks of the northern district ; salines of the upper Sacramento Valley ; Mam- moth Mines, Seventy-six, Jamison Creek ; descriptions of mines, etc. ; analyses of saline waters from Lick Springs, Shasta County ; gold mines in operation in 1855 ; table of altitudes. SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CALIFORNIA. J. D. WHITNEY, State Geologist. The Geological Survey of California. An address delivered before the Legislature of California, at Sacramento, Tues- day evening, March 12, 1861, by J. D. Whitney, State Geologist. To which is appended a copy of the Act authorizing the survey. San Francisco, 1861. 50 pp. Puhlications of the State of California. 13 Letter of the State Geologist relative to the progress of the State Geological Survey, by J. D. Whitney. San Fran- cisco, 1862. 7 pp. Lecture on geology, delivered before the Legislature of Cali- fornia, at San Francisco, Tuesday evening, February 27, 1862, by J. D. Whitney. San Francisco, 1862. 33 pp. Lecture on geology, delivered before the Legislature of Cali- fornia, at Sacramento, Tuesday evening, March 19, 1863, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1863. 17 pp. Annual report of the State Geologist of California for the year 1862. Sacramento, 1862. 12 pp. Annual report of the State Geologist for the year 1863. Sac- ramento, 1864. 7 pp. Letter of the State Geologist, relative to the progress of the State Geological Survey during the years 1864-65, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1866. 14 pp. Letter of the State Geologist, relative to the progress of the State Geological Survey during the years 1866-67, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1867. 15 pp. An address on the propriety of continuing the State Geological Survey of California, delivered before the Legislature, January, 1868, by J. D. Whitney. San Francisco, 1868. 23 pp. Report of the State Geologist on the condition of the Geological Survey of California, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1869. 7 pp. Letter of the State Geologist relative to the progress of the Geological Survey during the years 1870-71. Sacramento, 1871. 13 pp. Statement of the progress of the State Geological Survey of California during the years 1872-73, by J. D. Whitney. Sacramento, 1873. 14 pp. Report of the Joint Committee on the Geological Survey of the State, made to the Legislature in 1874. Report of sub-committee of the Committee on Mines and ]\Iin- ing Interests of the Senate, concerning the State Geolog- ical Survey. Sacramento, 1866. 5 pp. 14 A Bibliography of the Geology, etc., of California. Mining Statistics, No. 1. Tabular statement of the condition of the auriferous quartz mines and mills in that part of Mariposa and Tuolumne counties lying between the Merced and Stanislaus rivers; by A. Remond. April, 1866. 16 pp. The Yosemite Book. A description of the Yosemite Valley and the adjacent regions of the Sierra Nevada and Big Trees of California. New York, 1868. pp. 4-116, 2 maps and 28 photographs. 4to. (250 copies printed.) Another edition. Cambridge, 1870. viii and 155 pp., and 2 maps. Another edition. Cambridge, 1871. vii and 133 pp., and 2 maps. Another edition, revised and corrected. Cambridge, 1874. viii and 186 pp., and 4 maps. Geographical catalogue of the mollusca found west of the Rocky Mountains, between latitudes 33 and 49 deg. ; by J. G. Cooper. San Francisco, 1867. 40 pp. This catalogue was based on that published by P. P. Carpenter, Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1863, with the addition of about 130 species. It contains the names and localities of 825 species, so printed that the catalogue may serve for labels as well as a check-list. Catalogue of the invertebrate fossils of the western slope of the United States, Part II ; by J. G. Cooper. San Fran- cisco, 1871. 39 pp. This catalogue was intended merely as a check-list and for labels ; supplementing the catalogue published in 1867. The author gives a list of the Post Pliocene, Pliocene, and Miocene fossils described in detail in "Palaeontology of California." PalfEontology, vol. 1. Carboniferous and Jurassic fossils, by F. B. Meek. Triassic and Cretaceous fossils, by W. M, Gabb. Philadelphia, 1864. xx and 243 pp., 32 pi. The following fossils are described and illustrated in this volume : CARBONIFEROUS; by F. B. Meek (pp. 3-16, pi. 1-2) — FoBAMiNiFERA — FusuUtia Tohusta, Meek; F. gracilis, Meek; F. cylindrica, Fischer? ZoopHYTA — Lithostrotion mammillaref Castlenau ; L.f Calif or- niense, Meek ; L. sp. ? ; Clisiophyllum Gabhi, Meek. Bbachiopoda — Orthis (sp. undt.) ; Productus semireticulatua, Martin; Rhynchonella (sp. undt); Spirifer lineatus, Martin?; Spiriferina (sp. undt.) ; Retzia cotnpressa, Meek. Gastebopoda — Euomphalua Whitneyi, Meek. Publications of the State of California. 15 Pala3ontolog:y, vol. 1. (Continued.) TRIASSIC FOSSILS OF CALIFORNIA AND ADJACENT TERRITORIES; by W. M. Gabb (pp. 19-35, pi. 3-0) — Orthoceratites Blakei, n.sp. ; Nautilus Whitneyi, n.sp. ; N. mul- ticameratus, n.sp. ; Goniatites laevidorsatus, Hauer ; Ruxton, Life in the far West, 1859 164 Salathe, Origin of petroleum in California dti Schallep, Minerals from Leona Heights 44 Scheidel, Cyanide process 29 Schuchept, Directions for collecting and preparing fossils 7»i 286 Index. Page. Schuster, Mikroskopische beobachtungen an Californischen gesteinen... 114 Seyd, California and its resources 164 Seymour, Emigrant's guide to the gold mines 164 Shaler, California earthquakes 164 Shaw, Golden dreams and waking realities, etc. 164 Shepherd, Geysers of California 88 Shinn, C. H., Mining camps 164 Shumard, Description of Tertiary fossils from Oregon and Washington, and Cretaceous of Vancouver Island 130 Silliman, On naphtha and illuminating oil from California 90 On probable existence of microscopic diamonds in sands of hydraulic washings 92 New diamond localities in California 104 Report on New Almaden quicksilver mines 56, 90 Petroleum in California 90, 164 On placers of Nevada County .... 90 Petroleum regions in California 164 Report on oil property of Philadelphia and California Petroleum Company, 1865 164 Peculiar mode of occurrence of gold and silver. Sierra Nevada 104 Deep placers of the Yuba 90 Silversmith, Metallic wealth of Pacific States 164 Simonin, Auriferes de la Mariposa 112 Geologic, observations sur les gisements auriferes . 112 Simpson, Emigrant's guide to the gold mines 164 Sinclair, Tortoise from auriferous gravels of California 44 Skidmore, Reports on California mines 57, 58, 59 Deep placer mining in California . 58 Smith, , Report of General Smith on California, 1849 49 Smith, James P., Age of auriferous slates of the Sierra Nevada 117 Metamorphic series of Shasta County 120 The Arkansas coal measures, in their relation to the Pacific carbon- iferous province 120 Supplementary notes on the metamorphic series of the Shasta regon. 80 Mesozoic changes in the faunal geography of California 120 Carboniferous of Shasta County 80 Studies for students, migration of marine invertebrates 121 Classification of marine Trias l . 121 Border line between Palaeozoic and Mesozoic in Western America. -. 122 Principles of palaeozoic correlation 122 Development of Glyphioceras 107 Development of Ly toceras and Phy Uoceras 107 Development of Placenticeras _ 108 Smith and Weller, Prodromites: a new Ammonite genus 122 Smith, G. 0., Pacific Coast coal fields 67 Smith, W. S. T., Geology of Santa Catalina Island 107 Erosion theory of peneplain _ 43 Topographic study of islands of southern California 43 Geology of San Clemente Island 66 On Glyphioceratidce - 107 Solismac, Les mines de la Californie 164 Spurr, Origin and structure of basin ranges 118 Index. 287 Page. Stanton, Notes on geology of coast ranges 82 Fauna of the Sha'feta-Chico formations 116 Shasta-Chico series 117 Cretaceous palaeontology, Knoxville beds.. ._ 70 Faunal relations, Eocene and Upper Cretaceous 66 Stearns, Fossils from the Colorado Desert 98 Fossils from the Tertiary of California 129 On ActiBon 76 Stein, Translation of the future of silver, by Edward Suess 51 Stetefeldt, Lixiviation of silver ores 165 Stevenson, Lignite group 99 Stewart, Lecture on mineral resources of the Pacific States 165 Stillman, Seeking the Golden Fleece 165 Stone, Gold and silver mines of America 165 Storms, Ancient channel system of Calaveras County 28 Methods of mine-timbering 28 Mother lode region of California 31, 109 Mines of the gold belt . 125 Wall rocks of California gold mines 109 Talbot, Report of Lieutenant Talbot tp General Smith, 1849 49 Taylor, Bayard, El Dorado, etc 165 Taylor, J. W., Condition of gold and silver mining on Pacific Slope, 1867- 56 Copper resources of Pacific Slope, 1867 56 Taylor, R. C, Statistics of coal 165 Tegoborskl, Essay on the effect of the discovery of gold in California and Australia 165 Tenney, Bowlders north of Yosemite 98 Thornton, Oregon and California in 1848 166 Trask, Earthquakes in California, from 1800 to 1863 166 ■ Geology of the Sierra Nevada or California range 11, 123, 127 Mineral districts of central California 123 Report on State Geological Survey 11, 37 Description of three new species of the genus Plagiostoma from the Cretaceous 102 Earthquakes in California, in 1858 102 Geology of coast mountains 11, 12 Earthquakes in California, from 1800 to 1864 102 Geology of northern and southern California 12 Earthquakes of California during 1856 89 Direction and velocity of earthquake in California, 1857 89 Description of Ammonites Batesi . 101 Descriptions of fossil shells 101 On earthquakes in California, from 1812 to 1857 101 Two new species of Ammonite and Baculite 101 Treny, La Califomie . 166 Tripp, Report on Sonoma-Pacific coal mines Turner, Rocks of the Sierra Nevada 65, ^.'l Contribution to the geology of California 66 >1 Geological notes on the Sierra Nevada, parts 1 and 2 ' Notes on geology of the coast ranges Auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada H2 Geology of Mount Diablo \\% 288 Index. Page. Turner, The age and succession of the igneous rocks of the Sierra Nevada 120 Feldspathic granolites , 122 Geology of Great Basin . 118, 122 Granitic rocks of California 121 Replacement of ore deposits 121 Mohawk lake-beds _ 133 Amphibole-pyroxene rock and some orbicular rocks from California. 132 Gold belt of California 133 Geology of Yosemite Park 83 On collection of fossil plants. 82 Origin of diamonds in California 83 Notes on gold ores of California 96 Pleistocene geology of south central Sierra Nevada and Yosemite Valley '. 108 Turrill, California notes 166 Twining, Report on Union and Central Pacific Railways 51 Tyson, P. T., Geology of California 49 Geology and industrial resources of California 50 Tyson, J. L., Diary in California 167 Upham, Classification of mountain rai\ges 99 Voyage to California 167 Veateh, On mud volcanoes in Colorado Desert 102 On earthquakes in San Francisco 124 On the discovery of borax 167 Vinton, Report on artesian well near Benicia 50 Vivian, Wanderings in the Western land 167 Vogdes, Geological surveys in the State of California 106 On the discovery of Proetus ellipticus in Shasta County 107, 135 Bibliography of geology of California 30, 35 Wadsworth, Lithological studies 119 Azoic system 119 Compression in rocks, Boston Basin 100 Classification of rocks 119 Wagoner, Guadalupe quicksilver mine 109 Walbrldge, Fossil ferns '. 134 Walcott, Lower Cambrian rocks in eastern California 96 Reports U. S. Geological Survey 65, 66, 67 Post Pliocene in Inyo 121 Appalachian type of folding in Inyo County 96 Post Pliocene elevation of Inyo range 121 Waldeyer, Hydraulic mining in California 58 Walton, Facts from the gold region 167 Ward, Mesozoic flora 67 Warner, Reconnoissance of a route through the Sierra Nevada, by the Upper Sacramento « 49 Wasson, Bodie and Esmeralda, etc 167 Watson, Report on botany 21 Watts, The gas and petroleum-yielding formation of the central valley of California 28 Oil and gas of Los Angeles, etc 30 Oil and gas yielding formations of California 31, 150 Oil yielding formations of California 30, 125 Report of California State Mining Bureau 32 Index. 289 Page. Weber, Petroleum, coal, and asphaltura of northern California 26 Report on Santa Clara County 27 Weeks, Petroleum 61, 65, 73 Natural gas 61 Wells, How we get gold in California 167 Werth, Dissertation on the resources and policy of California 167 Weston, Four months in the mines of California 167 Wheeler, Report of surveys west of the 100th meridian 61, 62 Whipple, Explorations for railroad route 52 White, Description of Productus gignnteus 63, 76 Report on Mesozoic invertebrates 64 Mesozoic and Cenozoic palaeontology of California 68 On new Cretaceous fossils from California 69 Remarks on the genus Aucella -. 67 Fossils from the Pacific Coast &i) Correlation papers: Cretaceous 70 Mountain upthrust 98 Note on occurrence of Produchis giganteus in California 76 North American Mesozoic 131 Jura-Trias of western North America 93 Fauna of Shasta group 115 Jurassic strata of North America 94 Whiteaves, Mesozoic fossils 139 Wh'ting, Report on Mono County 26 Whitnej', Metallic wealth of the United States 168 Letter o.^ Professor Whitney on the Mariposa estate 168 Geological teur^^ey of California: Address delivered before the Legis- lature 12, 13 Notice of a human sku±! from a shaft near Angels 103 Letter of State Geologist 13, 168 Fresh- water infusorial deposits '^f the Pacific Coast 103 Absence of northern drift from W t ^tern coast 103 Azoic system '. 119 Lecture on geology 13 Die Californischen Bacillarien Gebirge 113 Annual reports of State Geologist 13 Yosemite guide-books 14 Report of progress and synopsis of field-work from 1860-64. Geology, VoL I --13,20 Contributions to barometric hypsometry 21 Geology of California, Vol. II 22 Climatic changes of later geological times 23 Report to Board of Regents, 1877 38 Progress of Geological Survey in California 13, 90 On earthquake wave of 1872 126 Notice of explorations of Geological Survey of California in Sierra Nevada, 1864 On the borax in California On the Owen's Valley earthquake Auriferous gravels of the Sierra Nevada Contributions to American geology. Vols. I and II Whitney and Wadswopth, Azoic system 290 . Index. Page. Wiley, Remarks on aijriferous gravel deposits of Placer County 104 Williams, Reports of mineral resources of United States 72, 73 Williamson, Reports on Pacific Railroad Surveys, Vol. V and Vol. VI.. . 52 Exploration of Monte Diablo and valley 49 Wilson, On the gold regions of California 110 Geology of the gold region of California 123 Pumping water for irrigation 72 Winchell, Effects of pressure of a continental glacier 81 Glacial action in flanks of higher Sierra Nevada 81 Winslow, On human remains with those of the mastodon 91 On tides, earthquakes, rising of continents, etc. 101 Lead and zinc deposits of Missouri 139 Woods, Sixteen months at the gold diggings . 168 Woodward, Foraminifera, Santa Barbara 126 Wright, The ice age in North America 168 Notes on glaciation of Pacific Coast i)9 Wyld, Guide to California 168 Notes on distribution of gold throughout the world 168 Geographical and mineralogical notes to accompany Wyld's map of the gold regions 168 Yale, C. G., Bulletins Nos. 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25 and 26, showing the mineral productions of California 29, 30, 31, 32, 35 — Mining machinery in California .% Borax in California 73 Quicksilver in California ^ 58 Auriferous gravels of California ^ 59 Reports on California mining ...•._. 59, 60, 150, 169 Miscellaneous writings on California mining .. 169, 170 Chapter on California mines, in Eleventh Census Report 61 Mineral industry of California 150 Iron ores of Pacific Coast , r 72, 73 Mining debris legislation -z'. 150 Yale, G., Legal titles to mining claims 168 Yates, Notes on the geology of the Channel Islands 27 The mollusca of the Channel Islands. .._ 27 Notes on the geology and scenery of the islands of Santa Barbara Channel ' 81 Mammalian fossils in California 129 Fossil botany 134 Zirkel, Microscopical petrography, expl. 40th parallel 63 *1 X 9^ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW M»^ BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL AFTER ONE WEEK. 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