^^s^:- D 2— & 1 ^^1 — ^ 3 i! i . ! t '1 * ■ } ; -1 1] ♦«; 5 ^' ^ -. ^ # n i # ^ ^^.> ■^Mm / i PAST AND PRESENT OF JASPER COUNTY IOWA GEN. JAMES B. WEAVER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ILLUSTRATED VOLUME I 1912 B. F. BOWEN & COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA DEDICATION. This work is respectfully dedicated to THE PIONEERS, long since departed. May the memory of those who laid down their burdens by the wayside ever be fragrant as the breath of summer flowers, for their toils and sacrifices have made Jasper County a garden of sun- shine and delights. ■5137052 V. / PREFACE All life and achievement is evolution; present wisdom comes from past experience, and present commercial prosperity has come only from past exer- tion and suffering. The deeds and motives of the men that have gone before have been instrumental in shaping the destinies of later communities and states. The development of a new country was at once a task and a privi- lege. It required great courage, sacrifice and privation. Compare the pres- ent conditicms of the people of Jasper ctmnty. Iowa, with what thev were one hundred years ago. From a trackless wilderness and virgin land, it has come to be a center of prosperity and civilization, with millions of wealth, systems of railways, grand educational institutions, splendid indus- tries and immense agricultural and mineral productions. Can any thinking person be insensible to the fascination of the study which discloses the aspirations and efforts of the early pioneers who so strongly laid the founda- tion upon which has been reared the magnificent prosperity of later days? To perpetuate the story of these people and to trace and record the social, political and industrial progress of the community from its first inception is the function of the local historian. A sincere purpose to preserve facts and personal memoirs that are deserving of perpetuation, and which unite the present to the past, is the motive for the present publication. The work has been in the hands of able writers. Avho have, after much patient study and research, produced here the most complete biographical memoirs of Jasper county. Iowa, ever offered to the jjublic. A specially valuable and interesting department is that one devoted to the sketches of representative citizens of this county whose records deserve preservation because of their worth, effort and accomplishment. The publishers desire to extend their thanks to the gentlemen who have so faithfully labored to this end. Thanks are also due to the citizens of Jasper count\- for the uniform kindness with which they have regarded this undertaking and for their many services ren- dered in the gaining of necessary information. In placing the "Past and Present of Jasper County. Iowa," before the citizens, the publishers can conscientiously claim that they have carried out the plan as outlined in the prospectus. Eveiy biographical sketch in the work has been submitted to the party interested, for correction, and therefore any error of fact, if there be any, is solely due to the person for whom the sketch was prepared. Confident that our effort to please will fully meet the approbation of the public, we are, Respectfully. THE PUBLISHERS. u CONTENTS CHAPTER I— Ix\TRODUCTORY 25 Importance of General and Local History — Jasper County Three Score Years Ago — Wonderful Change in the Scene. CHAPTER II— NATURAL FEATURES 27 ■ Geological Characteristics — Soil — Land Elevations — Streams of Jasper County — The Native Groves — Wonderful Mirage in 1859 — Coal Mining Industry — Weather Conditions of Jasper County — Climatic Changes. CHAPTER III— CHANGE FROM INDIAN TO W^HITE MAN'S OCCUPANCY 37 The Iowa Indians, the Sacs and Foxes — Indian Treaties — Disputes Between Iowa Indians and the Warlike Sioux — Treaty of 1825 — Government Secures Indian Lands — Removal of the Indians — Indians and the Whites — Some Well-known Chiefs — Indian Traders — The Trail Made by the Dragoons. CHAPTER IV— ORGANIZATION OF JASPER COUNTY 44 Original Boundary Lines — Organizing Act of 1846 — Organizing Election — First Officers — First Meeting of County Commissioners — Locating the County Seat — Dividing the County into Townships — Boundaries — Another Change in Township Lines — Washington Precinct — Government Surveys — Dates of Township Organizations. CHAPTER V— EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY 54 Adam Tool and His Companions — Mrs. William Highland, the First Woman — Tool's Tavern — Assessment Roll for 1847 — The Hollanders in Jasper County — The Pioneers — Wild Game — First Bad Characters in this County — First Events in Jasper County — First Portable Saw Mill — Claim Protection Societies — Going to Mill — Value of Bread — Some Severe Winters. CHAPTER VI— COUNTY GOVERNMENT 72 County Governmental Changes — Acts of the County Commissioners — Taxa- ble Property in 1849 — Acts of the County Judge — Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors — Drainage of the Swamp Lands — The County Held Liable — The County's Finances — Abstracts of Tax Books, 1910 — ^Jasper County's Various Court Houses — First County Building — The Second Court House — The Present Court House — The County Jail — The County Home — Jasper County Seal — Official Directory, 1911 — New Road Drag Law. CHAPTER VII— COUNTY, STATE AND NATIONAL REPRESENTATION.. 89 Presidential Vote — L'nited States Senators — Congressmen — Governors of Iowa — State Senators — Representatives — Early County Commissioners — Com- CONTENTS. „„.Mu„.i- V Icrks-County J lulKes— Sheriff .-founty Surveyors— Clerks of the District Court— County Attorneys— County Treasurers— County Record- crs-Countv Coroners- County Auditors-Prosecuting Attorneys— Superin- tendents of'School— School Fund Commissioner— County Supervisors— Town- ship Officers — Supervisors' Districts. CHAPTER VIII-AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, STOCK RAISING-— 100 Jasper, an Advanced County in One of the Best Agricultural States of the Union— Agricultural Census for 1905— Yield Per Acre— Rainfall— Jasper County Agricultural Society— Official Roster— Present Officers— Prairie City Agricultural Society— Patrons of Husbandry. CHAPTER IX-RAILROADS AND EARLY TRANSPORTATION 109 Importance of Railroads in Local Development— First Railroad Project- Iowa Land Grants— Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific— Newton & Monroe Railroad— Iowa Central Railroad— Chicago Great Western Railroad— Newton & Northwestern Railroad— Railroad Mileage of County. CHAPTER X— EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS . 116 Iowa Public School System the Best— Early Legislative Acts— First Subscrip- tion Schools — Early School Houses — School Finances Long Ago — First Schools in Some of the Townships — Newton City Schools — Occupations of High School Graduates — Jasper County Schools in 1870-76 — A Model School House — Jasper County Schools in 1910 — School Townships — Independent Village. Town and City Corporations — Rural Independent Corporations — Some Statistics — Teachers' Institutes — Wittemberg Manual Labor College — Lynnville Academy — Hazel Dell Academy — Its Founder, Prof. Darius Thomas — Newton Normal College. CHAPTER XI— NEWSPAPERS OF JASPER COUNTY 143 Potent Influence of the Press — First Newspaper in Jasper County — Newton Newspapers — The Express — The Journal — Jasper County Independent — Free Press — Newton Herald — Newton Daily News — Newton Record — Lynnville Star — Baxter New Era — Colfax Tribune — Colfax Clipper — Prairie City News — Monroe Mirror — Kellogg Enterprise. CHAPTER XII— RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF THE COUNTY 152 Religious Convictions of the Pioneers — First Religious Service in the County — Present Denominations and Memberships in the County — Methodist Epis- copal Societies— Newton Methodist Church— Tool's Chapel — Methodist Churches at Ira, Valeria, Mingo, Keilogg, Rushville, Mt. Pleasant, Reasnor, Colfax, Clyde, Fairmount, Kilduff, Prairie City, Lynnville— Methodist Pro- testant Church — Newton Free Methodist Church — Baptist Churches at New- ton, Colfax, Vandalia, Metz, Monroe— Presbyterian Churches at Newton, Colfax— United Presbyterian Churches at Monroe, Newton and the Palo Alto Church— United Brethren — Congregational Churches at Newton, Prairie City, Monroe, Sully, Newberg. Wittemberg— Church of Christ (Disciples)— Universalist Church— Catholic Churches of Jasper County— Episcopal Church —Mormon Church— Lutheran Churches— German Reformed Church— Christ- ian Ueformed Church— Society of Friends— Seventh-day Adventist Church- African Methodist Epixopal Church— Young Men's Christian Association. CONTENTS, CHAPTER XIII— CIVIC SOCIETIES OF THE COUNTY 191 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons — Royal Arch Masons— Kpights Templar — Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Patriarchs MSilitant — Knights of Pythias. CHAPTER XIV— MILITARY HISTORY OF THE COUNTY 204 President Lincoln's First Call for Enlistments — Enthusiasm in Jasper County — War Meetings — Official Action — Presentation of the Havelocks — Volun- teer Roster of the County— The County's Death Roll — The Jasper Grays— Spanish-American War — Grand Army of the Republic. CHAPTER XV— BENCH AND BAR OF JASPER COUNTY 229 First Term of Court in Jasper County — Early Judges — District and Circuit Courts — Jasper County Attorneys — The Present Bar. CHAPTER XVI— MEDICAL PROFESSION 248 The Early "Saddle-bags" Doctor — Wonderful Advance in the Science of Medi- cine — Physicians of Jasper County — An Honorable List — Present Practicmg Physicians — County Medical Societies. CHAPTER XVII— BANKS AND BANKINGi 256 Little Early Need for Banks — Prosperous Times of the Fifties — Specie Pay- ment in the County — Panic of 1857 — Newton's Banks — Banking at Monroe, Reasnor, Prairie City, Newburg, Mingo, Lynnville, Baxter, Ira, Kellogg, Colfax — Bank Failures — List of Present Jasper County Banks. CHAPTER XVIII— THE CITY OF NEWTON . 269 Beginning of the City — Value of Town Lots in 1846 — Town Plat Surveyed — Early Residents — Business Enterprises in 1860 — Activity of 1875 — Subsequent Rapid but Steady Growth — Manufacturing Enterprises in 1911 — Flouring Mills — Postoffice History — Municipal History — First Town Charter Aban- doned — Fire Department — Electric Light Plant — Water Works — A New De- parture — City Officials — Free Public Library — Union Cemetery — Business Men's Association. CHAPTER XIX— BUENA VISTA TOWNSHIP 285 Organization — Location — Concerning the Settlement— First Events— Wild Turkeys — Village of Murphy — Village of Killduflf — Churches. CHAPTER XX— FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP 290 Boundaries— Organization — First Settlement in Jasper County — First Events — Town of Monroe — Incorporation History — Mayors — Present Town Offi- cers — Business Directory — City of the Dead — Postoffice History — Village of Fairmount — Fairview Township and the Civil War — Veterans Who Re- enlisted. CHAPTER XXI— MOUND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP 300 Location — Organization — Original Land Entries — Early Settlers — First Events — Village of Metz — Village of Severs. CHAPTER XXII— ROCK CREEK TOWNSHIP . 304 Boundaries — Population — First Land Entries — Organization and First Elec- tion — Fatal Accidents — Valuations — Village of Turner. CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIII— ELK CREEK TOWNSHIP — 306 Situation— Organization— First Entries of Government Land— First Religious Ser\'ice — Elections — Valuations— Village of Galesburg. CHAPTER XXIV— MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP 308 Location and Organization— Land Entries— Personal Tax Valuations— En- terprising Spirit CHAPTER XXV— MALAKA TOWNSHIP 309 Largest Township in the County— Boundaries— Organization — Population — Land Entries — A Prairie Township — Tax Valuations. CHAPTER XXVI— DES MOINES TOWNSHIP 310 Area— Natural Features — Population — Organization — Land Entries — Elec- tions — Tax Valuations — Towns and Villages — Prairie City — A Desirable Lo- cation — Incorporation — Mayors — Local Improvements — Postoffice History — Business Directory — Vandalia Village. CHAPTER XXVII— KELLOGG TOWNSHIP 316 Location — Population — Tax Valuations — Town of Kellogg — Original Platting — Early Business Enterprises — First Events — Municipal History — Business Factors in 1911 — Postoffice — Fires. CHAPTER XXVIII— INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP 321 Boundaries — Natural Features — Organization — Tax Valuations — A Terrible Accident — Town of Baxter — Original Plat — Mayors — Public Improvements — Postoffice — Business Directory — Village of Ira — Business Interests — Post- office. CHAPTER XXIX— HICKORY GROVE TOWNSHIP 325 Area and Boundaries — Population — Unusual Items of Interest — Assessed Valuations — Village of Newburg — Postoffice — Business Interests. CHAPTER XXX— LYNN GROVE TOWNSHIP 328 One of the Original Civil Precincts — Natural Features — Tax Valuations — Character of First Pioneers — Early Enterprises — Another Early Settlement Account — First Events — Lynnville — Incorporation — Present Business Inter- ests — Postoffice — Village of Sully — Business Directory — Public Utilities — Postoffice. CHAPTER XXXI— RICHLAND TOWNSHIP 336 Situation and Area — Natural Featur.;s — Property Valuation — A Prosperous Farming Community. CHAPTER XXXII— POWESHIEK TOWNSHIP 337 Origin of Name— Situation— Natural Features— Organization— First Land Entries— Greencastle— Village of Mingo— Officials— Postoffice— Business In- terests—Village of Valeria— Commercial Directory— Postoffice— Oswalt. CHAPTER XXXIII— PALO ALTO TOWNSHIP 342 Location and Area— Earliest Land Entries— Organization— The Beginnings- First Events— Interesting Paragraphs— Town of Reasnor— Present Business Interests — Postoffice History. CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXIV-NEWTON TOWNSHIP... 34^ Organization-Boundaries-Natural Features-Prpuirti"o"n-ETe7tio'ns-Tax" Valuations— Historical Notes. CHAPTER XXXV-WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP 348 Boundaries-Streams-Population-Organization of the"Towns"h7pl"at"y"of Colfax-Schools and Churches-First Things-Medicinal Waters-Munici- pal Crovernment— Incorporation— Mayors— Present Officers— Fire Depart- ment-Water Works-Postoffice-First Important Events-Business In- terests. CHAPTER XXXVI— SHERMAN TOWNSHIP 357 Location-Groyes-Streams-Early Land Entries-b7;inL7t7on-p7puTa" tion — Land Valuations. CHAPTER XXXVII-CLEAR CREEK TOWNSHIP 358 Situation-Area-Streams- Population - Elections-TaxableT- vinaie""of Clyde — A Bad Fire. CHAPTER XXXVIII-MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 360 Village Plats of the County-California Gold Seekers-Earl'y'stage'Ro'adl- Marnage Record— Intoxicating Liquors, Prohibition, Etc.— Unique Temper- ance Election-Vote on the Constitutional Amendment-Local Literature and Authors-Total Eclipse of 1869-Pioneer Woman Called "Good Squaw" ~r^^}%'^T^^] ?"" Located in Jasper County-The Underground Railroad -Old Settlers Society-Jasper County's First Celebration-Population Sta- tistics-Postoffices-Village Plats and Population-Early-day Mob Law Spint-Jasper County Safe Robbery-Overturning of a Stage Coach-Grand Jury Incident— Ventriloquism— Valeria Cyclone, 1896. CHAPTER XXXIX-INTERESTING REMINISCENCES.... 403 Great Indian Scare— Memorable Winter of 1848-9— Hard Winter of"l856-7— Reminiscences of the Old Court House-A Home Coming-Early Times in Mound Prairie— The "Know Nothing" Political Party HISTORICAL INDEX A Acts of County Commissioners 37 Acts of County Judge 75 African M. E. Church 189 Agricultural Societies 102 An Agricultural County 100 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 191 Anti-slavery Days 373 Assessment Roll of 1847 59 Attorneys of Jasper County 232 Auditors 95 B Bad Characters 64 Bank Failures 266 Banks and Banking 256 Baptist Churches , 164 Baxter 322 Baxter Newspapers 148 Bench and Bar 229 Board of Supervisors 76 Buena Vista Township 286 Burton & Co. Bank, Kellogg 265 Business Men's Association 283 C California Gold Seekers 362 Catholic Churches 183 Census of 1910 377 Census Statistics 100 Changes in Township Lines 51 Chicago Great Western Railroad 114 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad 112 Christian Reformed Church 186 Church of Christ l78 Churches 152 Circuit Court 231 Citizens' State Bank, Colfax 265 Citizens' State Bank, Xewton 260 Civic Societies 191 Claim Protection Societies 67 Clark. L. D., Bank 260 Clear Creek Township 358 Clerks of District Court 93 Climatic Changes 34 Clyde 359 Clyde M. E. Church 161 Coal Mining 31 Colfax 340 Colfax Business Interests 353 Colfax Christian Church 180 Colfax Fire Department 352 Colfax M. E. Church 160 Colfax Municipal Government 351 Colfax Newspapers 148 Colfax Officers 351 Colfax Postoffice 352 Colfax Presbyterian Church 168 Colfax Water Works 352 Commissioners' Clerks 92 Congregational Churches 173 Congressmen 90 Constitutional Amendment, Vote 366 Coroners 95 County Attorneys 94 County Commissioners, Acts of 7Z County Commissioners, Early 92 County Commissioners, First Meet- ing 47 County Divided 50 Count}' Finances 78 County Government 72 County Home 86 County Jail 85 County Judge, Acts of 75 County Judges 92 County Medical Societies 255 HISTORICAL INDEX. v.,„,u> urticcrs. 1911 «^ County Schools in 1870 125 County Scat. Locating •♦^ County Supervisors 96 County Treasurers 94 County's War Death-roll —1 Court. F\t>1 Term of 229 Court House Reminiscences 40/ Court Houses 80 Cyclone at Valeria 399 D l)ai!y Newspapers I'^S Des Moines Township 310 Disciples Church 178 Division of County SO Doctors, Early 248 Drag Law 87 Drainage of Swamp Lands 77 E Early County Commissioners 92 Early-day Mob Spirit 379 Early Judges 229 Early Physicians 248 Early School Finances 119 Early School Houses 118 Early Settlement 54 Early Stage Roads 362 Early Times 411 Eclipse of 1869 369 Educational Interests 116 Election, Organizing ; 47 Elevation of Land 27 Elk Creek Township 306 Episcopal Church 183 F Fairniount 296 Fairmount M. E. Church 161 Fairvicw Township 296 Fairvifw Township and the Civil War 296 Farm Stai us 101 Farmers' S mgs Bank, Ira 265 Fifth Infantry 210 Fifth Veteran Cavalry __ 218 Fifty-first Regiment 225 Fifty-second Regiment 226 Finances of County 78 First Court House 80 First Death 65 First Events in Jasper County 65 First Mill 66 First National Bank, Colfax 266 First National Bank, Monroe 261 First National Bank, Newton 261 First National Bank, Prairie City 263 First Newspaper 143 First Portable Saw-mill 67 First Railroad Project 109 First School House 118 First Schools 119 First Term of Court 229 First Wedding 65 First W^hite Child 65 First Woman Here 56 Fortieth Infantry 216 Forty-fifth Infantry 217 Forty-ninth Regiment 224 Fourteenth Infantry 213 Fourth Cavalry 218 Foxes 37 Free Methodist Church 164 Friends Society 188 G Galesburg 307 German Reformed Church 185 Going to Mill 69 Gold Seekers 362 Good Squaw 370 Government Surveys 52 Governors 90 Grand Army of the Republic 226 Grand Jury Incident 398 Grange 106 Great Indian Scare 403 Green, John, Chief 41 Greencastle 338 Groves 29 H Hard Winter of 1856-7 407 Hazel Dell Academy 135 Hickory Grove Township 325 Highland, Mrs. William 56 HISTORICAL INDEX. Hollanders in Jasper County 60 Home Coming 410 I Independence Township 321 Independent Order of Odd Fellows 196 Independent School Corporations — 127 Indian Occupancy 37 Indian Scare 403 Indian Traders 41 Indian Treaties 38 Indians and Whites 39 Interesting Reminiscences 403 Intoxicating Liquors 365 Introductory 25 Iowa Central Railroad 114 Iowa Land Grants 110 lowas 37 Ira 324 Ira M. E. Church 157 J Jail 85 Jasper County Agricultural Society-- 102 Jasper County Attorneys 232 Jasper County Banks 267 Jasper County Medical Society 255 Jasper County Organized 44 Jasper County Population 377 Jasper County Postofifices 379 Jasper County Safe Robbery 383 Jasper County Savings Bank 260 Jasper County Seal 87 Jasper County Streams 27 Jasper Grays 223 Jasper's First Celebration 375 Jasper's Original Boundary 44 Judges 92 Judges, Early ^ 229 K Kellogg 316 Kellogg Christian Church 180 Kellogg Lutheran Church 184 Kellogg M. E. Church 158 Kellogg Newspapers 150 Kellogg Township 316 Killduff . 288 KilldufT M. E. Church 161 Knights of Pythias 201 Knights Templar 193 Know-nothing Party 414 L Land Elevation 27 Land Grants HO Library, Newton 281 Local Authors 367 Local Literature 367 Locating County Seat 48 Lutheran Church 184 Lynch Law 379 Lynn Grove Township 328 Lynnville 331 Lynnville Academy 135 Lynnville M. E. Church 162 Lynnville Newspapers 147 M Macy Brothers' Bank, Lynnville 264 Malaka Township 309 Mariposa Township 308 Marriage Record 363 Masonic Order 191 Medical Profession 248 Medical Society 255 Memorable Winter of 1848-9 406 Meteorological Reports 33 Methodist Episcopal Churches 153 Methodist Protestant Church 163 Metz 303 Metz Baptist Church 167 Military History of County 204 Mingo . 339 Mingo M. E. Church 157 Mingo Trust & Savings Bank 264 Mining 31 Mirage 30 Miscellaneous Commands 219 Miscellaneous Items 360 Mob Law Spirit 379 Model School House 125 Monroe 291 Monroe Baptist Church 167 Monroe City, State Capital 371 Monroe Congregational Church 175 Monroe Newspapers 150 HISTORICAL INDflX. Monroe Savint;> Uaiik -- -^1 Mormon Church — ^84 Mound Prairie, Early Times 411 Mound Prairie Township 300 Mt. Pleasant M. E. Church 159 Murphy 288 N Xative Groves 29 Natural Features -' Newburg •'^^ Ncwburg Congregational Church 176 Newspapers of Jasper County 143 Newton 269 Newton & Monroe Railroad 112 Newton & Northwe>tern Railroad — 114 Newton Banks 260 Newton Baptist Church 164 Newton Business in 1866 272 Newton Business in 1911 273 Newton Business Men's Ass'n 283 Newton City Officials 280 Newton City Schools 121 Newton Congressional Church 173 Newton Daily News 147 Newton Disciples Church 179 Newton Electric Light Plant 279 Newton Fire Department 278 Newton. First Buildings 270 Newton. First Events 271 Newton Flouring Mills 274 Newton Herald 146 Newton Lutheran Church 185 Newton Methodist Church 155 Newton Municipal History 276 Newton Newspapers 144 Newton Normal College 141 Newton. Original Plat 270 Newton Postoffice 275 Newton Presbyterian Church 168 Newton Public Library 281 Newton Record 147 Newton Savings Bank 261 Newton Surveyed 270 Newton Town Lots 269 Newton Township 346 Newton L'. P. Church 172 Newton Water Works 279 Nintii elow : ]\Iean temperature. Highest and Lowest temperature. 1879 — 12 above zero. 1899 — 48 above, 20 below zero. 1880 — 28 above zero. 1901 — 51 above. 8 below zero. 1881 — 8 above zero. 1902 — 50 above. 22 below zero. 1882 — 21 above zero. 1903 — 45 above. 8 below zero. 1883 — 24 above zero. 1904 — 47 above. 22 below zero. 1894 — 19 above zero. 1905 — 43 above. 18 below zero. 1895 — 15 above zero. 1908 — 51 above. 10 below zero. 1896—24 above zero. 1909 — 56 above. 16 below zero. 1897 — 18 above zero. 191 o — 40 above. 17 below zero. 1898 — 23 above zero. 191 1 — 32 above. 5 below zero. The average temperature at Newton since 1878 has been in the month of January, 18 degrees above; in February, 20 degrees above; March, 33 degrees above; April. 48 degrees above: ]\Iay, 60 degrees above: June. 70 degrees above: July, y^ degrees above: August, yz degrees above; September, 63 degrees above ; October, 5 1 degrees alw\e ; November, 34 degrees above ; December. 22 degrees above. The average for all years and all months is 48 degrees above zero. Another table shows that the highest temperature in the county, as indi- cated bv the Baxter reports, in the last thirty years, was in the month of July, 1901, when it reached 107 degrees above zero: the next hottest was 99 degrees (3) 34 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. in September. 1899, and August. 1900^ was next with 93 degrees above zero. The coldest was reached in February. 1899. when it \\as 28 below zero; the next lowest was in December. 1901. when it was 22 below and the next lowest >^as in the months of January and February, 1900, when it registered 13 below. The a\'erag"e annual rain and snow fall (precipitation as it's known in weather table parlance) at the Xewton station from 1878 has been by years indicated, as follows: 1878. 28 inches; 1879. -^ inches: 1880. 33 inches; 1881, 44 inches; 1882, 39 inches; 1893, 29 inches; 1894, 20 inches: 1895. 2>- inches; 1896. 45 inches; 1897. 27 inches: 1898, 30 inches: 1899, 27 inches; 1900, 40 inches; 1901, 25 inches. The total average for these years is thirty- three and thirty-nine hundredths inches of water. After reading so much about the ''hard winters" of early days, it will be of interest to read the causes for a change to milder winters. The following is from a scientific standpoint, by the pen of Dr. Gorrell, of Newton, in 191 1 : CLIMATIC CHANGES. By Dr. J. R. Gorrell. Is our climate becoming milder and our winters less severe? If so, what is the cause. There exists a consensus of opinion among close observers of meteorological conditions that there has been a perceptible change during the last fifty years. We may, they say, ]je unable to discover any difference from v^rinter to winter, but a comparison of our late winters with the winters of ten, twenty, thirty, forty and fifty years ago. appears to justify the belief that a gradual change is occurring in our climate. There are those who believe that the artificial groves over Iowa and adjoining states have contributed materially to raising the temperature during the winter months. It is no doubt true that the rigor of the winds has been lessened thereby, but as the absolute temperature is unaffected even by bliz- zards, it appears improbable that the groves have any effect on the climate. There are others who attribute our milder winters to thermal reg'ions in space through which our solar system as a whole is passing. The solar system con- sisting of the sun, the planets (Mercury. Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. Xeptune ) , their satellites, the asteroids l)C'l\\ec!i the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and all meteoric matter and comets that 1)elong to our system, is rushing through space with a velocity of thirty-nine thousand six hundred miles an hour, and the direction is so near a straight line that it will require many millions of years to complete one revolution. It is therefore not impossi- Ijle that the regions in space through A\hich we have l>een passing during the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 35 last two. three, four or five decades has had a hig^her tem[)erature than that through which we passed before, because we may have approached nearer to some other sun in the sidereal system to which our solar system belongs. The grove theory is unsatisfactory, and the effect of our movement through space is naught else than speculation. The heat of the surface of the earth and the atmosphere is derived almost wholh- from the sun. If the earth is a molten mass within, the heat from that source^ in hot springs, geysers and volcanoes (if any of these have any con- nection with the central lieat. which is improbable) is so small that it need not be considered in a discussion of climatic conditions and causes. Some substances are transparent to light and heat that are opaque to heat without light. For example, if a pane of glass is held between the face and the sun. the heat passes through the glass and the face is burned. If the same pane is held between the face and an intensely hot cannon ball that is not incandescent, the glass acts as a perfect screen and no heat whatever is felt because the glass is opaque to dark heat. John Tyndall was the first to call the attention of scientists to the fact that carbonic acid (carbon dioxide. C O2 ) was partially opaque to dark heat, and to suggest its potency in producing a milder climate. The proportion of carbon dioxide now in the atmosphere is only about one-thirtieth per cent., but being opaque to dark heat it absorbs the heat of the earth that otherwise would be radiated into space, and thus acts as a blanket to keep the earth warm. The greater the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the thicker becomes the blanket, and the more heat it absorbs. The other con- stituents of the atmosphere, oxygen and nitrogen, are transparent to dark heat and would therefore permit the radiation of the heat of the earth into space, and the result would be a cold and lifeless planet. Prior to the carboniferous era all the carbon dioxide now stored in the coal measures of the earth, 200,000 square miles in China and Japan; 194.000 in the United States ; 35.000 in India ; 27.000 in Russia : 9.000 in Great Britain : 3,600 in Germany: 1,800 in France: 1,400 in Belgium. Spain and other coun- tries, making a total of 471.800 square miles, was free in the atmosphere, and in consequence thereof there existed a tropical climate extending to the poles, as is indicated by the presence only of tropical plants in coal measures. It is estimated that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during that period was from fifty to one hundred thousand times greater than the amount now in the atmosphere, and as a result of the warm, moist climate, there flourished during that geological era the most luxuriant growth of vegetation the earth has ever known, and the succeeding glacial period was the logical sequence of the withdrawal of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 36 JASPER COUNTY, k)\\ A. Prof. Joseph LeConte, in his "Elements of Geology, " on page 617, says: "On account of its heat absorbing properties, the carbon dioxide is vastly the most important element affecting the climate. It now only forms about one- thousandth part of the atmosphere. With its thermal potency it will be seen that comparatively slight variation in the amount would produce great climatic effects. Physicists have long recognized this fact. It is believed that doubling the present small amount of carbon dioxide, would produce a mild climate to the poles, and that halving the present amount would bring on another glacial period."' The rapid increase in the consumption of coal, and the inevitable increase in the amount of carbon dioxide thrust into the atmosphere becomes apparent from the following facts. The consumption of coal in the United States in the year 1845 ^^'^^ ^'0^^'" ^""^ one-half million tons ; in the year 1864, twenty-two million tons; in the year 1874, fifty million tons; in the year 1884, one hun- dred and six million tons; in 1894, one hundred and fifty million tons; in 1899, two hundred and forty-three million tons. In Great Britain in the year 1845, there was consumed thirty-one million tons; in the year 1864, ninety million tons; in the year 1874, one hundred and twenty-five million tons; in 1884. one hundred and sixty million tons; in 1894, one hundred and sixty-four million tons; and in 1899, two hundred and ninety-five million tons. And the rate of increase in other countries. China and Japan, India, Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium and Austria-Hungary, is approximately the same. There is at present a concurrence of opinion among the highest authorities that the w^orld's supply of coal would probably last two or three centuries, but the rapidly increasing rate of consumption is becoming ominous. ''The state- ments of former years that the supply of coal was inexhaustible were not only false and foolish, but pernicious." The process of combustion, and respiration, consumes oxygen and lib- erates carbon dioxide and aqueous vapor. The incalculable combustion of coal and oil is gradually restoring to the atmosphere the hitherto confined carbon dioxide which when free produced a mild climate the \\orld over, and will probably again create the same meteorological conditions of heat and moisture that existed during the Tertiary period — a tropical climate from pole to pole. CHAPTER 111. CTIAXGE FROM IXDIAX TO Willi K MAX's OCCUPAXCY. The date of the Illack Hawk war was in 183-'. and about one hnnrh-ed years before that time the land within what is now Jasper county, Iowa, was the huntino- oround oi the Iowa Inchans. the Sacs and the Foxes. At the time of the Indian war just mentioned, the whole territory east of the Mississippi river was taken from the control of the red man and g-iven over to the author- ity of the white race, to w horn the \\ orld is indebted for its w(~inderful develop- ment and present priceless value. The Fox Indians were mercilessly driven from Canada, the movement for that purpose being- started in 1714. continuing with great vigor under De Louxigney. who gave them a terrible defeat on Fox river. In r7_'N the\' were dri\en farther to the west, and in 1746 the most of the tribe (those who had escaped with their lives ) had crossed the Mississippi. Subsecjuent to this the Sacs, who had formed a ur.i(~)n with the Iroquois in New ^'ork state and had dislodged th.e Illinois tribes from their grounds, which extended as far west as the Des Moines river, crossed the Alississippi and also formed a close alliance with the Foxes. The lowas were at one time identified with the Sacs of Rock River, but for some unknown cause they separated and started out as a band independent. The eight leading families of this tribe formed classes, or parties, known by the name of the different animals or birds, which they chose as types or symbols of their respective families — the eagle, the pigeon, the bear, the elk. the beaver, the buffalo and the snake — and were known severally in their tribe bv the ])eculiar manner in w liich they wore their hair. The Eagle family was marked by two locks of hair on the front part of the head and one on the back left part; the ^^'olf family had scattered bunches of hair left, representing islands whence their families were supix)sed to have sprung: the Rear family left one side of the hair of the head much longer than the other: the F>uffalo familv left a strip of long hair from the front to the rear part of the head with two bunches on each side to represent horns : and so on through all the families. For a time the lowas occupied common hunting grounds w ith the Sacs and Foxes, but feuds eventually sprung up between them and they became greatlv diminished in numbers and strength by the onslaughts of their more powerful enemies. The princii)al village of the lowas was on the Des Moines, ^8 JASPER COUNTY, JOWA. in what is now \^an Biiren county, and on the site of the town of lowaville. This was the scene of the great battle between the lowas and Sacs and Foxes, in which Black liawk. then a young- man, commanded one division of the at- tacking force. The battle resulted in the crushing defeat of the lowas. who were driven west of the Des Moines ri\ er in dismay, having lost, in killed and prisoners, a large portion of their former numbers. INDIAN TREATIES. North of the hunting- grounds of the Sacs and ]<"oxes were those of the Sioux, a fierce and warlike nation, which often disputed possession with their rivals in savage and bloody warfare. The possessions of these tribes were mostlv located in ^Minnesota, but extended over a portion of northern and western Iowa to the Alissouri river. Their descent from the north upon the hunting- grounds of Iowa frequently brought them in collision \\ ith the Sacs and Foxes and, after many a conflict and struggle, a boundary line was estab- lished between them by the government of the United States in a treaty held at Prairie du Chien in 1825. But this, instead of settling the difficulties. caused them to (juarrel all the more in consequence of alleged trespass upon each other's side of the line. These contests were kept up and became so un- relenting- that in 1830 the government bought of the respective tribes of the vSacs and Foxes, and the Sioux, a strip of land twenty miles in width on both sides of the line and, thus throwing them forty miles apart by creating between them a "neutral ground," commanded them to cease their histilities. The boundary line of this as surveyed by the terms of the treaty of 1825. was thus fixed : Commencing at the mouth of the Upper Iowa river on the west bank of the ]\Iississippi. and ascending said Iowa river to its west fork; thence bv the fork to its source: thence crossing the fork of Cedar river in a direct line to the second or upper fork of the Des Moines river; thence in a direct line to the lower fork of the Calumet river and down that ri\er to its junction with the Missouri river. On the 15th of July, 1830, the Sacs and Foxes ceded to the United States a strip of country lying south of the above line, twenty miles in width and ex- tending along the line aforesaid from the Mississippi to the Des Moines river. The Sioux also ceded in the same treaty a like strip on the north line of the boundary. Thus the United States became into possession of a portion of Iowa forty miles in width and extending along the Clark and Cass line of 1825, from the Mississippi to the Des Moines river. This territory was known as the "neutral ground"' and tlie tri1)es on either side of tlr.' lino were allowed JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 39 to fish and hunt on it unmolested till the W'innehagoes were moved to it in 1 841. Thus the southern houndarx- of the "neutral ground" was estahlished to pass through the northwest portion of Story county and Jasper became the possession of the Sacs and Foxes under the protection of the national govern- ment. In 1832 the Sacs and Foxes relinquished a strip of country fifty miles wide bordering on the Mississippi, from Minnesota to Missouri, and accepted in exchange a reservation of four hundred sections lying along the Iowa river. In 1836 the Indians ceded a strip lying alongside the lands relinquished in 1832, twenty-five miles wide in the center and terminating in a point at each end. Another treaty was made with the allied tribes in 1837, by which they agreed to dispose of all their land lying south of the neutral grounds, but the bargain was not consummated. The last treaty was made with the Sacs and Foxes October 1 1, 1842, and ratified March 23. 1843. It was made at the Sacs and Fox agency (Agency Citv) ])v John I'hamliers. commissioner on behalf of the United States. In this treaty the Sacs and h'ox Indians "ceded to the United States all their lands west of the Mississippi to which they had any claim or title." By the terms of this treaty they were to be removed from the country at the expira- tion of three years and all remaining after that were to move at their own ex- pense. Part of them were remo\ed to Kansas in the fall of 1845, and the rest the spring following. In the fall of 1843, "iifler the stipulation of this treaty, a line was surveyed northward from the Alissouri state line by George W. Har- rison, which passed by the red rocks of the Des Aloines about one mile west of the present town of that name. The extension of the line northward very nearly divided section 35 Fairview, through the middle. The western limit of the town of Monroe is one mile east of the line and the residence of what later was S. Zerley. in the same township, stands close to the line. This sur\-ey opened about two-thirds of Jasper county for settlement and left a strip ten and a half miles wide for the occupation of the Indians in this county. INDIANS AND THE WHITES. At the date of the first settlement in Jasper county the band of Indians still hanging around the country was under the leadership of lyishkekosh. who was strong enough to accompany Black Hawk when he visited Washington some vears before. The work entitled "Pioneers of Marion County" is the authority for the following concerning this chief and his people : 40 JASPER COLNtV, U)\VA. Having- endured much privation during the winter of 1844-5. the hand visited the little settlement at Red Rock in quest of hospitality. In the hand was Kishkekosh and his wife; Wykoma, son of Wapello, and two wives; Masha W'apetine and his wife, and children helonging to each family. They were entertained at hreakfast by Mr. Mikesell. Kishkekosh. having learned the art of dining at the national capital, passed the dishes to his hungry com- panions with politeness, before helping himself; but when he had organized the meeting, so to speak, the \oracious savage sat rex'ealed — he had relapsed from civilization to barbarism and ate like all his mates. He managed five or six cups of coffee, with solids in proportion. When pressed "to have some- thing more." he drew his fingers across his throat, and then, in further ex- planation, crammed it down his Avindpipe. The Indians who had received the strip of land off the west side of Jas- per county prepared to remove late in the autumn of 1845. Kishkekosh and his braN'es, twenty odd in all. had stored their heavy articles at Red Rock during the summer, not needing them while engaged in hunting. Prior to starting west, they repaired to Red Rock and hired Mr. Mikesell to haul the goods to camp. That night they camped where Alonroe now stands. The weather was cold and a heavy snow fell during the night. The Indians huddled together as close as possible to keep warm, and upon opening out in the morn- ing a perfect cloud of steam arose. Part of ^ilikesell's oxen went astray dur- ing the night, and he followed them clear home, the snow still continuing to fall very fast. On returning he found the Indians all bewildered as to the direction they should take, and it took the chief some time to ascertain the course, when the journey was resumed and their village reached that night. Pasishamone and his band also frequented the Skunk in this county, and at the time of the removal of the l)and of twenty, just spoken of, the former, with about all his braves, was at Agency City on a visit. The women, chil- dren and old men went into camp four miles from Fort Des Moines to await their return, which was at the beginning of winter. Then the band packed up and followed Kishkekosh and his followers. Another band, under the control of the famous Poweshiek, had a village at the forks of Indian creek, in what is now Toweshiek township. Their aban- doned wikeups remained standing two or three years after the tribe had re- moved. These wikeups were louilt by setting corner stakes into the ground at suitable distances for the intended building. To these were fastened poles at top and bottom, which served as fastenings for the covering of elm bark. This was procured by girdling the trees at the bottom and then as high as the arm could reach, when it was slit and peeled off in one sheet. When a sufficient JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 4I number had been procured, thc\- were punched at the ends and bound with bark or thongs to the poles, care being taken to kip them sufficiently to make a * good joint. The rafters were notched and fastened to the top poles with bark or leather and co\ered in much the same fashion as the sides. It is related of this band that on one occasion, in 1846. they visited the trading house kept by Rvans. alxjut a mile west of where Newton now stands, with whom they succeeded in exchanging a pony for a keg of whisky. Aydel- lotte, who saw them, savs they were already well saturated with fire water, and that as soon as the transfer was effected one of them lashed the keg to his saddle, when they all jumped on their ponies and made off on a gallop, whoop- ing loud enough to be heard two miles ! John Green was another well known chief. He was at the head of a small band of Pottawatomies. On one occasion he found a large lump of iron pyrites and meeting Mr. Sparks, soon after, informed that gentleman that he had found a gold min.e. ^Ir. Sparks, when he saw the specimen, unde- ceived the poor fellow, who had doubtless looked ahead to a future when he could ha\e whiskv three times a day, l)0Ught with tlie avails of his gold mine. The liorsc stealing of that day was not all carried on by the renegade Indians, as was sometimes thought by the pioneers, according to pioneer and first settler William Highland, who declared that a party of bee-hunters visited the countv in tlie summer of 1844 (the wet year) and were so unfor- tunate as to have some horses stolen, which they laid to the Indians. He says many cases of horse theft were charged up to Lo. the poor Indian, of which they were guiltless. From time to time there were white men passing through the count\-, in whom no more dependence could l)e placed than in the average Indian. After several vears' intercourse \\ith the latter, he said he had ne\er had any trouble with them, drunk or sober, l)ut that they seemed very friendly and honorable to him. iXDT AX tradi-:rs. Two \-oung men. whose names ha\ e gone from the memory ot the early settlers, had been traders w ith the Indian tril^es in some one or more of Iowa's lower counties, and in the spring of 1844 erected a little shanty in a small grove a mile north of the old "Long farm." Their stock of goods consisted chieflv of a barrel of whiskv, diluted one-third with water for profit's sake and not for the cause of tem])erance. As soon as the "store" was open for business a lively trade was carried on w ith the little band of Kishkekosh. On a certain day a dozen or more of the braves visited his place and managed to get 42 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. drunk. They then demanded more \vhisk>-. \\hich the dealer refused for fear of serious trouble. The Indians became quarrelsome, but after persisting some time without success they went back to their camp grumbling. Soon thereafter they returned with a lot of raw recruits, the total number being three times as many as at first. The traders became alarmed and endeavored to prevent the Indians from entering the store, but the door was easily pushed in. One of the white men knocked down three of the ugly Aluscjuakas, but thev were ox^erpowered by the shere force of superior numbers and borne to the floor of the shantv, where they were badly maltreated. One was badly injured by a blow from an Indian holding in his hand a saw he chanced to get hold of. Thev finallv made good their escape, leaving the store and its ''wet"' contents plunder for the red men of the forest. The white men found their way to Adam Tool's place, where they found the men all away from home, and thev were not pitied much by the good housewife, who had no love in her heart for wreckless liquor tlealers. They never engaged in business again in Jasper county. The same spring (1844) came ]\Iatthew Fish, who also began to trade with the Indians. His place was two miles northwest of Tool's Point. He ran a respectable place and sold no whisky to anyone. He traded three }-ears and then sold his claim to a man named Tucker. Later in the season of 1844 came in one Redick, and he stayed with one of the first four settlers, ^''ance, and there he handled whatever the Indians most wanted. l)ut only remained a few months. Scott & Nichols visited Jasper county the same year and traded with the Indians, doing a large whisky business. They had located the year before at Red Rock and in the summer of that year Scott, while hunting, had trouble \\ itli some Indians, who stole several articles from his camp south of Lvnn- ville. This maddened the Indians, who said, "vScott, he have too much white in his eyes." Scott left, but Xichols remained three years. His principal purchases were ponies, the usual price l:)cing sixteen quarts of whiskv for a first-class pony. THE TRAIL MADE RY THE l)R.\(;()ONS. Concerning the trail left in the march of the United States dragoons through Jasper county, in the forties, an able writer for the Western His- torical Companv in the seventies says : "Soon after the treaty of 1842 had been com])]etc(l. bv the terms of whicli the Sacs and Foxes were to be protected from expeditions from the jAsrF.R corxTv. IOWA. 43 war-like Sionx. the government made preparations to send troops into the new purchase for that purpose. The infantry was sent up the Des Moines river, arriving at the Raccoon forks ]\Iay g, 1843. -^s soon as the grass had started sufficiently, the dragoons detailed to go as scouts were sent forward to the same point, by way of Iowa City. Their course was really due west, as nearly as the upland of the country would admit of. and it crossed very nearly where now stands the city of Newton. This is the first passage, so far as can be ascertained, by white men through the central part of what became Jasper county four years later. It would be a pleasure to record the halting places of the little journey by this party, but it cannot now be done. The little band hardly dreamed that the prospector's wagon was close behind, and to them it would have been the merest imagination, and an improbable thing, had one of the party prophesied that the day's journey they were making be- tween Red Rock and South Skunk would in thirt}- years be marked with three prosperous, busy towns, and that on every July day over one hundred harvesters could be counted on either side of the trail they were then making through the forest and prairie grass. '"At night the camp-kettle bubbled, while the horses were picketed, the sentinels placed and the men in dusty uniforms collected to devour their rations. Pipes and cards were produced, and, indifferent to the future, the men played "old sledge"' for an hour, and then, wrapping their blankets about th6m, bivouacked beneath the stars that winked to each other, as if they knew more about the future than the tired horsemen reposing on the prairie grass never before crushed by the boot-heel." CH A IT F.R ^y. ORGAN IZATI ox OK JASPKR COUNTY. Oriijinally. Jasper was incliKlecl in Keokuk county. It was established January 13. 1846, and organized March 1. 1846. up to whicli time it had been attached to Mahaska county for election and judicial purposes. It was named in honor of Serqeant William Jasper, who won fame as a Revolutionary sol- dier. The following- were named as the committee to locate a county seat for the new county i>\ Jasi)er: Ricliard lusher. E. W . Kirkman and Thomas Anderson, respectively from Wapello. Davis and Keokuk counties. The first district court was appointed to be held at the house of Matthew D. Sprin,qer. The boundarv lines, as first defined, were not correctly specified by the act of the Legislature, in that it caused the county being set apart to cover parts of adjoining counties, as now understood. The first act of the Legisla- ture was dated January 13. 184^). but four days later, January ijtb. the Legislature saw its error and so amended the act as to read as follows : ■■P.eginning at the northeast corner of township Xo. 8t north, of range Xo. 17 west; thence west to the northwest corner of township X'^o. 81 north. of range 21 west: thence south to the .southeast corner of township X'o. 78 north, of range Xix 21 west: thence east to the southeast corner of township Xo. 78 ni'trth. of range 17 west: thence to the place of beginning."' TIIR OKCANrziXr, ACT. The following is substantially the wording of tbe record of the act or- ganizing Jasper county approved Januarx' 17. 1846: ''Section i. I'e it enacted b\- the Coimcil and House of Representatives of the Territory of Iowa: That the counties of Jasper and Polk be and they are hereby organized, from and after the date of March next, and the in- habitants of said counties shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges to which by law the inhabitants of other organized counties of the territory are entitled, and the said counties shall constitute a part of the second iudicial district of the territory. "Sec. 2. That there sliall be a special election held on the first Mondav of the month of April, at which time the county officers for said counties JASPER COUXTV. K)\VA. 45 shall be elected: and also such number of justices of the peace and constables, for each of said counties as may be ordered by the clerks of the court for their respective counties. "Sec. 3. That it shall be the duties of the several clerks of the district court, in and for said counties, to give at least ten days' previous notice of the time and place of holding such special election, in each of said counties, grant certificates of election, and in all respects discharge the duties required by law to be performed by the clerks of the boards of county commissioners in relation to elections, until a clerk of the board of county commissioners for their respective counties may be elected and qualified. "Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of the clerk of the district court, in each of said counties, to discharge all the duties required by law to be per- formed by sheriffs, in relation to elections, until a sheriff for their respective counties may be elected and qualified. "Sec. 5. That the county officers, justices of the peace and constables elected under the provisions of this act shall hold their offices until the first Monday in the month of August, 1846. and until their successors are elected and qualified. "Sec. 6. That the clerks of the district court, in and for said counties of Jasper and Polk, may be appointed and qualified at any time after the pas- sage of this act. "Sec. 7. That all actions at law and equity in the district court of the county of Alahaska commenced prior to the organization of said counties of Jasper and Polk, where the parties, or either of them reside in either of the counties aforesaid, shall be prosecuted to final judgment, order or decree as fully and effectually as if this act had not been passed. "Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty of all justices of the peace, resident within said counties of Jasper and Polk, to return all books and papers in their hands, pertaining to said offices, to the next nearest justice of the peace, who may be elected and qualified for their respective counties under the pro- visions of this act; and all suits at law. or other official business, which may be in the hands of such justices of the peace and unfinished, shall be prosecuted or completed by the justices of the peace to whom such business or papers may have been returned as aforesaid. "Sec. 9. That the judicial authorities of ^Mahaska county shall have cognizance of all crimes or violations of the criminal laws of this territory committed within the limits of said counties of Jasper and Polk prior to the first dav of March next : Proxided. prosecutions be commenced under the 46 JASl'KU CurXTV. IOWA. judicial authorities of said ^fahaska county prior to the first day of March next. "Sec. 10. That the said counties of Jasper and Polk shall have cog- nizance and jurisdiction of all crimes or violations of the criminal laws of this territorv committed prior to the first day of March next, in cases where prose- cutions shall not have been commenced under the judicial authorities of Ma- haska county. "Sec. II. That the county of Marshall be and the same is hereby at- tached to the county of Jasper for elections, revenue and judicial purposes. "Sec. !_'. (Attached counties of Story, Boone and Dallas to Polk.) "Sec. 13. That the several clerks of the district courts in and for the said counties of Jasper and Polk, may keep their respective offices at any place within their respective counties until the county seats thereof may be located. "Sec. 14. That Richard Fisher, of the county of Wapello; E. :\1. Kirk- ham, of the countv of Davis, and Thomas Henderson, of the county of Keo- kuk, be and thev are hereby appointed commissioners to locate and establish the seat of justice of the. county of Jasper. "Sec. 15. (Appointed commissioners for Polk.) ■'Sec. 16. That said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall meet at the office of the clerk of the district court in and for the county for which seat of justice they have been appointed to locate, on the first Monday in the month of ]\Iay next, or at such other time, not exceeding thirty days there- after, as a majority of said commissioners may agree. "Sec. 17. (Prescribed the oath to be administered to the commissioners.) "Sec. 18. Said commissioners, when met and qualified, shall proceed to locate the seat of justice of the respective counties for which they have been appointed, and as soon as they shall have come to a determination, the same shall be committed to writing, signed by the said commissioners and filed with the clerk of the district court of the county in which such seat of justice is situated, whose duty it shall be to record the same and forever keep it on file in his office, and the place thus designated shall be the seat of justice of said county. "Sec. 19. (Provided that the commissioners should receive two dollars per (lay and two dollars for every twenty miles traveled while discharging their duties.) "Sec. 20. That the district court for the county of Jasper shall be held at the house of Mathew D. Springer, in said county, or at such other place as may be designated by the board of county commissioners of said countv, until the seat of justice may be located." JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 47 ORGANIZING ELECTION. The duties of setting off precincts, appointing- judges, setting up notices, etc.. were performed by a citizen of Iowa county. At the election held in April. 1846. there were thirty-five \otes cast for the office of sheriff', of which D. Edmundson received eighteen votes and his opponent seventeen. Moses Lacy was one of the judges at Elk Creek pre- cinct. The other polling places were at Tool's Point and Lynn Grove. A return of the vote was made at Iowa City, in order to show the territorial authorities that the county was organized to assume its rights and duties, and also to KJnoxville, where the vote was canvassed and declared. John H. Franklin was the messenger sent to Iowa City and Washington Fleenor to Knoxville. The officers chosen were : Joab Bennett. John R. Sparks and ]^Ianly Gifford, commissioners; John H. Franklin, clerk: J. \V. Awann. treasurer; Davidson Edmundson. sheriff; Seth Hemmer. recorder; Washington Fleenor, probate judge. It will be understood by the reader that the county was at first, and until 1 85 1, governed solely by the officers known as the board of commissioners; then came the county judge system, that obtained until the county supervisor system went into effect, under the code of that year, when the judge's powers were limited to a sort of probate business and finally in 1868 was abolished entirely and the office of county auditor established, and he serves as ex- officio clerk of the board of supervisors. FIRST MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, "Territory of Iowa, Jasper County : ■'At a special term of the board of county commissioners, in and for the county of Jasper, in the territory of Iowa, begun and holden on the 14th day of April, A. D. 1846. present John R. Sparks, Joab Bennett and Manly Gif- ford, commissioners of said court; John H. Franklin, clerk of the board of commissioners, and David Edmundson, sheriff of said county. ■'Ordered, that the eagle side of a ten-cent piece, or dime, of the coin of the United States, be and the same is hereby adopted as the temporary seal of the board of county commissioners of the county of Jasper, aforesaid, until a proper seal may be provided for the use of said board." By a joint resolution, passed January 17, 1846, William Edmundson was authorized to contract a full set of seals for the counties of Marion, Jasper ^8 JASI'KK COLNTV, IOWA. and Tolk. and that ihe same be paid for out ot the territorial treasury. By this it would seem that the seal of Jasper county had not yet been obtained. The clerk was authorized to procure suitable books and stationery for the countv. after which the board adjourned to the second Monday of May fol- lowiiii;-. The book provided for the clerk and commissioners' use was a thick account book, of about three hundred pages, which contains all of the proceed- ings of that pioneer body, as well as the doings of the county judge, up to January 30, 1855. LOCATING THE COUNTY SEAT. Before Ballinger Aydellotte, a justice of the peace, appeared Messrs. Henderson and Fisher, two of the three commissioners named as locating commissioners in the county-seat matter, on the nth of }klay, 1846, and took an oath to faithfully and well perform their duties in impartially locating the seat of justice for Jasper county. They swore to take into account the "future as well as the present population of the county." Their report is carefully preserxed in the archives of the county, as required by law, and as the document is somewhat of a curiosity, unicjue in its spelling and general make-up, it is here given in full as follows : "Territory of Iowa, Jasper County: "We, the undersigned Commissioners, appointed by an x\ct of the Legis- lature of the Territory of Iowa, passed at the session of 1845-6, providing for the organization of the Counties of Jasper and Polk Counties, after having 1)een duly qualified agreeably to the provisions of Said Act, faithfully and Im- partially to Locate the seat of justice of said Jasper county, and having Ex- amined the Sityation of said County, have Agreed, and doe hereby Locate and Establish the County Seat of said Jasper County on the Northwest Quarter of Section (34) Thirty-four, Township Eighty (80) of Range Nineteen (19). Witness our hands this 14th day of May, A. D., 1846 — and furtfier Doe Give the Seat of Justice of said County the name of Newton City. •'Thomas Henderson, "Richard Fisher, "Commissioners to locate the Seate of Justice of Jasper County, Iowa Terri- tory." The alxjve instrument was hied as the comniissioners'report. witli J. N. Kinsman, clerk of the district court. May 25, 1846. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 49 The record of the affair shows that the commissioners examined two other sites besides the one at Newton. One was at a point two miles south of the one chosen, situated in section 3, Palo Alto township, and the other was near the residence which later belonged to William Hixon, in Kellogg town- ship, about three miles to the east of Newton. The general belief is that the site near Mr. Hixon's would have been selected as the point at which to locate Jasper's county seat, had it not been for the "log rolling'' carried on by the people of "Fort Des Moines" to prevent the four w-estern congressional townships of Jasper from being annexed to l\jlk county, which would have endangered the prospects of the fort itself of being made the permanent county seat of Polk county. In that event, it will readily be seen that Des Moines would have been too far west in Polk to have won the coveted prize, the county seat. While the final result gave Des Moines what it wanted, the latter-day population of Jasper county have ne\er regretted the turn which things took through this sharp practice on the part of Des Moines' early-day political factors. It has given this county a very desirable and highly valuable strip of land six miles wide on the western border of her fertile domain, in- cluding the civil townships of Clear Creek, Poweshiek, Washington and Des Moines. Before the commissioners had settled on Newton as the seat of justice, it is related in a former historical compilation, that B. Aydelotte and William M. Springer erected a liickory log building at Adamson's Grove, which they proposed to donate the county for office building purposes, but the offer was ignored bv the locating commissioners, w'hich greatly angered the would-be donors of a primitive court house. However, they were manly enough not to rush into either injunction or mandamus proceedings, as has been the case in many another Io\\ a county before the county seat question has tinally been settled. Thomas Adamson had a high pole erected on the site selected by the commissioners. To this pole he had attached a composition of his own mak- ing, setting forth the beautiful location, that it was central, and that here it should he located, because by so doing would be effected the greatest good to the greatest number. Mr. Adamson was a rock-rooted Democrat, and so were the locating commissioners, and some were of the belief that the stand he took had much to do with the final locating of the seat of justice at Newton. Be that as it may, ''all is well that ends well,'' and but few have ever had reason to regret that Ne\\t(Mi was chosen. With the crowning glory of the present new temple of I'ustice, costing more than two hundred thousand dol- lars, it is quite certain that the time will never come in the county's history when a mo\-ement will be for once thought of for moving the county seat. (4) ;0 JASl'KR COIXTV. IOWA. DIVIDING THE COL'XTV INTO TOWNSHIPS. On Mav 14. 1846. the county coniniissioneis proceeded to lay off civil sub-divisions, or townships, as follows: "Ordered, that there be a precinct laid otT in the southwest corner of the county, to be called Des Moines precinct. Said precinct to contain all the territory west of the Indian boundary line, and all south of the" terri- torial road leading- from Oskaloosa to Fort Des Moines, within said Jasper county. "Fairview Township — Ordered that Fairview precinct be bounded on the northeast Iw Skunk ri\er. on the south by the county line, and on the southwest bv Des Moines precinct, and on the west by said county line to said Skunk river. Elk Creek Township — Ordered that Elk Creek precinct be l)ounded as follows : Beginning at the northwest corner of said county, thence south to Skunk river, and down said Skunk river to the south line of the county, thence east to range line dividing 17 and 18, thence north to north boun- darv of said county, thence west to place of beginning." Lynn Cirove township was created by the following order: /'That Lynn Grove precinct be bounded as follows : That said precinct shall con- tain all that portion of territory in said county east of range line between 17 and 18." The abnve were Jasper county's original townships, or precincts, as sometimes still termed, but "township"' is the real name of the subdivisions in the entire state of Iowa. The judges of election in these newly created primaries were appointed bv the board of commissioners as follows : In Fairview precinct, Adam Tool. Xewton \\'right and John Frost ; in Elk Creek precinct, ]\Ioses Lacy, Thomas J. Adamson and Xathan Williams; in Lynn Grove precinct. Rufus Williams. M. L. Matthew and Blakely Shoemakc : in Des Moines precinct, Moses Ray, James Guthrie and Adam Michael. The first official act of County Judge Jesse Rickman (who was elected in August. 1851. and immediately took his seat) was that of rearranging the township lines, which was accomplished as follows : "The following are the boundaries of Lynn Grove township: Com- mencing at the northeast corner of township 81, range 17 west, and run we'st six miles to the southwest crirner of said township and range; thence south to the southwest corner of township /S<, range 17; thence east six miles to the southwest corner of saicl townsliiji and range: thence to the j:)lace of beginning. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 5 1 "The follow ing- are the boundaries of Xewton township : Commenc- ing- at the nortlieast corner of township 8i, range i8 west, and run west twehe miles to the northeast corner of township 8i, range 19; thence south six miles to the southwest corner of said township and range; thence west two miles to the northwest corner of section 2, township 80, range 20; thence south to Skunk river; thence with the meanders of the river to the section line four miles south of township line Xo. 79; thence east to range line 18; thence north to place of beginning. ''The following are the boundaries of Elk Creek township: Com- mencing at the northeast corner of section 25, township 79, range 18 west, and run west to Skunk river; thence with the meanders of the river to the county line: thence east to range 18, thence north to place of beginning. "Fair\iew Township — The boundaries of Fairview township are : Com- mencing on the county line at the southeast corner of section 34. township 78. range 20 west, and run north to the northwest corner of section 22. township 79, range 20; thence east to Skunk river: thence with the meanderings of the river to the county line ; thence west to place of beginning. ''Des ^Nfoines Township — Commencing at the southwest corner of the county and run north to the southwest corner of section 18. township 79. range 21 west: thence east to the northeast corner of section 21. township 79, range 20 ; thence south to the county line : thence west to the place of be- ginning. Poweshiek Township — Commencing at the southwest corner of section 18. township 79, range 21. and run east to Skunk river: thence up the ri\-er with the meanders to the section line two miles west of range 20: thence north to the township line 81; thence west to the county line: thence south to the place of beginning. ''Clear Creek Township — Commencing at the northwest corner of the county, and run south to township line 81 ; thence east to range line 20: thence north to the county line : thence west to the place of beginning." ANOTHER CHANGE IN TOWNSHIP LINES. In February, 1857, the county judge saw fit to make other changes in the territory and boundaries of the several townships within Jasper county. After that task had been completed the townships of the county were as fol- lows : Rock Creek, Mariposa. ^lalaka. Clear Creek. Poweshiek. Xewton, P)uen'i \^ista. Palo Alto. Mound Prairie. Des ^^oines. Fairview, Elk Creek. Lvnn Grove. This made twelve townships in all up to the date this change was broue^ht about. 0- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. On March 4, 1858, Independence township was formed. By election time, i860, the townships had been changed around to as- sume somewhat their present standing, Washington township, however, not having been set off until June, 1861, at request of petitioners from Mound Prairie township. Sherman and Hickory Grove were formed at a later date. WASHINGTON PRECINCT. 1 In Marion county, to the south of what is now Jasper county, the set- tlement had increased to such an extent that the commissioners of Mahaska countv, in March. 1845. erected the territory now comprised within the bounds of Jasper county into what they were pleased to term "Washington precinct." with the polling place at the house of Mr. Tool. As there were only about a dozen voters within the precinct at that date, it is possible that the vote was smaller than at the election the year l3efore and the officers elected were doubtless the same as those of the previous year. THE GOVERNMENT SURVEYS. All of the township and range lines north of the correction line and east of the Indian Reserve line were run by Orson Lyon, who also ran the southern and western line of township 78, range 19. The correction line was laid by J. E. Whitcher to the northwest corner of township 78, range 19, and was afterwards prolonged westward by Isaac X. Higbee. The tow^nship and range lines south of the correction line, and east of the reservation, were run bv William A. Burt of ^Michigan, son of the inventor of Burt's solar compass. Both Lyon and Burt were employed for several years in the surveys of Iowa. Township 78, range 21, was bounded by John Ball, and the lines of the re- maining townships in range 21 were laid by Isaac N. Higbee. Other parts of the survev in Jasper county were surveyed out by ^lessrs John D. Evans, Samuel Whitmore. Samuel Jacobs. James (jrant and possibly one other surveyor. DATES OF TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATIONS. These dates refer to original formation of the several townships of Jasper county, as kmiw n today, and not to certain changes in their territory and lines : Buena Vista township was organized in February, 1857. Clear Creek township was organized in the summer of 1849. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 53 Elk Creek township was organized in ]\Iay. 1846, one of the original townships. Fairview township was organized in May, 1846, one of the original townships. Des Moines township was organized in 'Sla.y, 1846. one of the original townships. Hickory Grove township was organized in 1864, among the last. Independence township was organized in March, 1858. Kellogg township was organized in 1868. Lynn Grove township was organized in 1846, one of the first sub- divisions. Mariposa township was organized in February, 1857. Mound Prairie township was organized in February, 1857. ]\Ialaka township was organized in February, 1857. Xewton township was organized in August, 1851. Palo Alto township was organized in February, 1857. Poweshiek township was organized in 1847. Rock Creek township was organized September 4, 1854. Richland township was organized in i860. Washington township was organized in 1861. CHAPTER V. EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. To ha\e been a pioneer in Jasper county, Iowa, while the fair and fertile domain was yet under the territorial government was indeed an honor to those who braved the frontier hardships, away back in the early forties, when the Indian was still in part possession of this section of the "vast, illimitable and ever-changing West." The sons and daughters of these early settlers may well refer to their ancestry with a just pride, for it was they who set the first stakes to a civilization now far surpassing their most sanguine dreams. Then, too, many of the pioneer band and their off- spring went forth in 1861 in defense of the flag of the Union and laid down life on a Southern battlefield, or perchance returned maimed for life. In- deed the pioneer band who first invaded the wilds of Jasper county were men and women of the truest and most sterling type of manhood and woman- hood. It was on April 23, 1843, ^ week prior to the legal time set for wdiite men to set their claim stakes in the "New Purchase" in Iowa, that four daring, rugged characters, accompanied by three others, left their families in Jefferson county, Iowa territory, in search of lands on which to build for themselves new homes. These men were Adam M. Tool, William Hisfh- land, John Frost and John Vance. Of the three men who accompanied those just named, this narrative will not undertake to trace further than when they parted from the four who are the subjects of this item in the early settlement chapter now being prepared by the compiler of this work. These four brave-hearted pioneers carried ten days' rations, and blankets on which to sleep at night time, and traveled a distance of eight v miles up the Skunk river. On the night of the 28th of April, 1843, these weary travelers and homeseekers camped for the night at a point where now stands the town of Monroe. They prepared their evening meal, rolled up in their blankets and slept peacefully in that solitude as yet unbroken by the work of the white race. The next day they passed on south to the trading post of Dick Parker, at the red rocks of the Des Moines, then the only house west of Jefferson county. Here they chanced to meet that now- historic steamboat, "'lone," which was slowly making its way up the Des JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 55 Moines river, having on board a company of infantry, commanded by Captain Allen, who was then building a barracks at the Raccoon forks (present Des ]^Ioines City). The land seekers were headed for a "squat- ter's" place whose name was ]\Iosier, in the Narrows near where Oskaloosa now stands, but as if by the strange hand of fate, or Providence, they were caught in a drenching, cold spring rain. They walked briskly along the Indian trail till late at eventide, finally reaching their objective point, badly jaded by exposure. In the morning of the following day Adam M. Tool was especially dis- gusted with his experience and talked of returning to Jefferson county and there purchasing a claim of another. They had been informed (possibly by the' trader Parker) that the Xew Purchase would not be ready for set- tlement for at least twenty years yet. The quartette of homeseekers all seemed to have a bad case of the '"blues." Highland was not satisfied, but believed that, on the whole, they could not do better than retrace their steps and stake out claims up the river. Finally a council determined that they should go back to the point of timber in which they had camped on the night of the 27th. Frost and A'^ance, the other two, being footsore and generally fatigued, thought it best for them to remain at the "Narrows" until the wagon loaded with provisions which was to intercept their wan- derings came in sight, when they would have more provisions and axes and other implements with which to make some needed improvements. Hence it was that Tool and Highland sallied forth and made their way to the Skunk Bottoms, arriving at their former camping spot on the night of the 30th of April. 1843. The next day was hailed with great delight, as that was the day fixed by the government on which claims might legally be staked out. They did not have the opposition met with in later years in Oklahoma land lottery days, but only had to select such choice lands as their judgment led them to believe were most desirable to them. They went forth at break of day, with tomahawks in hand, and be- gan the work of blazing and staking off their claims. Highland blazing and Tool doing the staking act. That day they staked out two claims and the day following staked the other two out. On the morning of the fourth day of their residence in the goodly location, which vicinity later became known as Tool's Point, they ate the last of their "grub." but were soon delighted to see the promised supply wagon. ^^ ith a fresh supply, accompanied by their partners. \'ance and Frost, as well as the drivers. James A. Tool, son of the pioneer, and the son-in-law, ^^'ashington Fleenor. The son and son-in-law soon staked out r5 JASTKR COrXTV. IOWA. a claim, each for himself, adjoining- the other four already referred to. This land was about one-half timber and one half ])rairie. and each claim was supposed to contain three hundred and twenty acres, the prairie land being situated along the south side of the Skunk river. These men were all true as steel and not possessed of selfishness or graft, but agreed that, as long as the men Tool and Highland had been the real pioneers in staking out claims there they should have the first choice of claims. Hence it was that the older Tool took the claim farther to the west, at the head or point of the grove, while Highland took the third one toward the east. Then Frost and \'ance drew cuts to decide their choice. A'ance's lot fell between Tool and Highland. The law. as well as their own needs and that of their families, which were soon expected on, demanded that within thirty days they each pro- vide themselves with cabins on their several claims. The six men above named set to work and succeeded in building up as far as the plates, one house a day. Highland's was the first built and consequently was the first erected in jasper county by white men. After having completed their cabins these men went back to Jefferson county to meet their families and tell them of the wonderful country they had concluded to settle in. A happv meeting it must have been, too! MRS. WILLIAM HIGHLAND FIRST WOMAN. As Mr. Highland at once packed up and moved his family here, ]\Irs. Highland was undoubtedly the first white woman to invade the wilds of what is now Jasper county, but which county had not yet been organized. This, the first family to be "at home" in the county, dated its coming in May. 1843. Vast the change in these later eventful decades in Iowa's history I As the township histories contain much of the early settlement and other matter concerning the various sections of the county, the only further attempt in this chapter to give the comings and goings of the first men and women who settled the county, will be brief sketches of a few of the first men whf) located in the month of April and May, 1843. closing the chapter with a list of the j>ersons who are found on the tax list of 1847, four years after the settlement was made at Tool's Point. Willis Green visited this county in 1845, 'Accompanying James Pear- son. Green located a claim while here, but did not succeed in selling his former claim in Mahaska count v, so the ckiim here was taken l)v Da\'i(l OLDEST HOUSE IN JASPER COUNTY JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 57 Edimindson. Green finally settled in 1847 and for two years thereafter spent most of his time in hunting bees in :\[arshall and Hardin counties. Joab Bennett was usually his comrade on these bee hunts. Bennett was a genuine frontiersman and it is said of him that he could talk the Indian dialect fluently. Indians frequently visited Newton to sell or trade ponies, and while other settlers were getting ready to buy a choice animal, expect- ing to pay ten or fifteen dollars, Bennett would walk up to the vender and, after a moment's talk, would walk off with the bridle on his arm, having paid two or three dollars for the animal. Seven claims were made in 1843, but only three can now be definitelv fixed as having been made in 1844. one having been that of Manlv Gifford. in section 36, township 78, range 20. This man remained many years and made a prominent and useful citizen. Later in life he moved to Keokuk county. John Campbell came to Jasper county in 1844. but whether he claimed land that season is not certain to the writer. The beginning of a settlement was made in the southeast portion of the county during the summer of 1844, one claim being taken by "Tandy" Mayfield, and another by Wesley Stalling, in what is now styled Lynn Grove. The families of these men probably did not arrive until the spring or summer of 1845. '"tool's taverx." Adam Tool's family arrived at his cabin September 2, 1843, ^^d, among the weeds and pea vines and tall grass, they halted their teams. built a fire by a huge dry log, and there cooked and ate their first supper in Jasper county, happy in the thought that they were on their own land and free to car\e out a home worth the having. The cabin being too small to accommodate the whole family of boys and girls and parents, the sons slept in their covered wagon for a while. Soon a shed was built and then more room was had for all hands in the "house.'' However, very soon the strong sons and rugged father, with ax in hands, went forth to the forest, from which they felled trees and then with a broad-ax hewed out and built a commodious log house of good proportions. Their nearest saw mill Avas seventy-five miles away, so lumber was not to be counted on. but all was worked out by hard hewing and chopping. It is the oldest house in the town of ^lonroe and stood many years as a landmark of those days in 1843 "^^hen it was built. 58 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. As it turned out. it came to be a pioneer tavern, for lono- before it was ready for real occupancy a weary traveler wanted lodging- there, and as the government had set about establishing a post at Fort Des Moines, this being the nearest house to the trail from that point to Oskaloosa, it be- came a stopping place for many of the men in government employ as well as strangers looking up locations for homes for themselves. Hence Mr. and Mrs. Tool had to become real landlord and landlady, a thing which they were quite well adapted to, and they had a large patronage for a time. Pioneer Adam Tool, who passed from earthly scenes in the seventies, was born in Augusta county. Virginia, July 31, 1794. His father was a teamster and young Tool had to do his share at helping cultivate the soil in order that the large family might subsist. He commenced farming on his own account, with one horse, when but sixteen years old. He was drafted into the militar\- service at the age of nineteen years. He married Susan H. Stinson in 181 7 and settled down for the struggle of what proved an eventful but prosperous career. In 1836 they moved to Coles countv, Illinois, where land was claimed, but on account of the fever and ague there, he sold and went toJefTerson county, low^a territory, where he was reduced in property by reason of sickness, having lost his eldest daughter, and other misfortunes overtook him. It was in the fall of 1841 when he arrived in Iowa. After this his history is known to the reader, if he has read the fore part of this chapter. William Highlands was born in Pennsylvania in 1803; removed to Ohio when a young man, and married Ellen Slaine. In 1837 he removed to Illinois and there became acquainted with Adam Tool. In September, 1842, he located in Jefiferson county, Iowa, to await the opening of lands in the "'New Purchase." He reared a large family, all of whom have long since removed from Jasper county to other parts of this (country, one daughter marrying James Fudge and moving to Poweshiek county. Had the four men who went up the Skunk on a land-hunting expedi- tion in the month of April. 1843, shot a deer they were after for food purposes, their supply then being about exhausted, the chances arc that they would never have become first settlers in Jasper countv, but such are the strange accidents in all stages of life. John B. Frost was a native of Virginia, settled in Fairview township in 1843. married Miss McCollum. In 1847 he sold his claim to another and moved on farther toward the setting sun. JASl'Kk COUNTY, IOWA, 59 John \^ance, the other named among the four who first located here, was born in Washington county, A'irginia; was a bachelor; made his claim and sold to ^lanly (iifford in 1845 o^' 1846, himself removing to Mahaska county, Iowa. Perhaps no better method is now obtainable to give the names of the persons who made up the population of Jasper county four years after the coming of the four men already narrated about, than to copy the list as shown in the assessment roll for 1847, which in substance is as follows, leaving out the amounts which each were assessed for : Jacob Bennett, Jesse Rickman, Peter ■Miller, Katherine Good, John H. Franklin, James Edgar, John Campbell, Ezekiel Shipley, M. S. Logs- don, C. C. Thorp, William Chenoweth, Willis Green, James Fry, Henry Hammer, Sr., David Edmundson, ^^'illiam Edmundson, Sylvester Tiffany, Martin Adkins, * Elbert Evans, John B. Hammack, John Ship, John Flem- ing, Nathan Brown, Wesley Brown, Benjamin Browse, ^ladison Tice, Amanda Tice, James D. Norris. Joel B. Worth, Peter Browse, Joseph Hill, Stephen B. Shelladay, ]\Iaiw D. Shelladay, Jacob Pudge, John Davis, Mary- Baldwin, John Carr, Adam Tool, Manly Gifford, Daniel ]\Iosier, Uriah Robbins, Jeremiah Kintz, John Wyatt, John Thorp, Mar}^ Adamson, John Rodgers, Cyrus Insley, Joseph Slaughter, i\ndrew Insley, Samuel Sewell, James Guthrie, William C. Harpe, William P. Norris, Robert C. Brown, Andre J. Brown, Stephen Reffel, John A. Mikel, Jacob Bruner, William Hays, Sarah Wyatt, Abner Ray, Alex. McCully, Asher Prunty, Elias Prunty, Thomas Tuttle, Alex. Black, Jacob Booher, John Q. Deakin, Henr>' Shewer, Daniel W. Shewer, Samuel H. Shewer, George Anderson, A. An- derson, John R. Sparks, Samuel Mor, Hezekiah Northsent, Robert Patter- son, Jesse Hammer, Wesley Stallings, E. N. Parks, William Turner, Elijah Friend, David Campbell, Mercy Shoemake, Sabin Stanwood, J. W. Swan, Henry Sweet, Isaac Myers, A. Davis, Atwell Holmes, William Smith, Ira Hammer, Evan Adamson, Abraham Adamson, Sims Richman, Ballinger Aydelotte, A. T. Prouty, Washington Logsdon, Nathan Williams, R. B. Dawson, William B. Campbell, Jacob Herring. Samuel McDaniel, Joseph Cooper, A. J. Smith, William E. Alexander, William Peterman, John Sherman, John Bisbee, Joseph Hiner, Silas Sawyer, ^^'illiam Welch, A. B. Miller, George K'ryser, Clark Kitchen, Evan Jones, Nathan McCon- nell, W'illiam Johnson. Arnold Shepherd, David Shepherd, Hartwell Hays, William Highland, John Reed, Ellison R. Wright, Newton Wright, John C. Baldwin est., Archibald IVIcCullon. Washington Fleenor. Daniel Spaw, O. Patterson. lames A. Pool. George Binkley, Lann Maradtt. John Snoas, 6o JASPER COrXTV. TOWA. John J. Mudi^^ett. James Blake. 1'. M. Sparks. M. T. .Mather. WilHam T. Ma>iiekl. J. M. Trease. \\'alter rnrncr. Jabez Starr. John E. Copp, David E. Cooper. William J. Biiffington. Thomas Mitchell. Curtis Dooley, William Logsdon. Wilberger Logsdon. Calvin Wolf. Zimri Hinshaw, David Hin- shaw, Elijah H. Barton, Lewis Adamson, Alvin Adkins, Thomas Pearson, Matthew Campl>ell. William J. Asher. Joseph Davidson, Joseph Logsdon, Maria Proiity. Thomas J. Adamson. Seth Hammer, Henry Ham- mer. Rachel Hammer. J^Jisha Hammer. G. W. Halley James Elliott, Mitchell Robertson. William C. Smith. Blakely Brush, J. M. Ferguson. James Asher. Moses Hames. Henry Hammer, Jr., A. S. Cox, William P. Cox. Joshua Kent. John AMI son. Jesse Amos, Moses Lacy, Shelby \\Aatt. Simon Ballard. I'hilip Ballard. John Duke, James Miller, Cavender Gear, Shelton Gear, John Ballarrd, Thomas Garden, Isaac Asher, William Ballard. E. B. Bush. Washington Asher. Lemuel* Perrin. James Richman, David La Follett, Joseph Kintz, William B. Meacham. James Finwick. George Howell. Eleanor Maggert. David A. Maggert. Josiah Cox. E. R. Wyatt est.. Richard Barker. A. J. Berry. A. A. Cummings, Daniel Cox. Evan Henshaw. Lewis Herring, John Moss, Joseph Dodd, David McKinney. William D. Allen, Henry Adamson, Benjamin Adamson, George Dooley. Silas Dooley. Thomas Rees, William M. Springer, Joseph Jones, Albert Ship, William Thomson. L-a Adamson, Samuel K. Parker, Edwin Terril. Abraham Peer, Hart Spring. William Howell, William Rickey, John C. K^artchmer, Charles A. Dolson, Joseph Stobaugh, Samuel Morrow, Milton Edwards, Joseph Hewitt, Joel B. Worth, Charles Fry. THE HOLLANDERS IN JASPER COUNTY. As a result of the religious persecution in Holland in 1835. as between the government and the Reformed church (one class of its members), a colony was formed under the leadership of Rev. Plenrv P. Scholte, who in 1846 landed with four boatloads of these people in Baltimore. They went to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, by canal boats and on down the Ohio and finally landed in St. Louis, where they recruited and finally wended their way to Marion county, Iowa, the objective point had in view by their leader. They settled up many of the northern townships in Marion county, Iowa, and it is their sons and daughters who today are known as the "Hollanders" of the southern townships of Jasper county, among whom are many of the best, truest citizens within the county, being industrious, religious, temperate and in all ways fit subjects of their adopted countrv. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 6l THE PIONEERS. The following gem of a poem was read by its author, the editor of the Nezvton Herald, in 1904, at the Louisana Purchase Exposition, at St. Louis, on the Fourth of July occasion that year. It w^as in the Iowa build- ing, before an intelligent Iowa audience, and is very befitting in this con- nection, hence will be given, both as a setting to the chapter now at hand, as well as to show the literary talent of one of Jasper county's young authors and publishers at that date, George F. Rinehart: We love best the man who dares to do — The moral hero, stalwart through and through, W'ho treads the untried path, evades the rut; Who braves the virgin forest, builds a hut; Removes the tares encumbering the soil, And founds an empire based on thought and toil. Within his veins the blood of humble birth. His purpose .stsible :is the roek-bound earth. His mind expansive and his pulsing brain Resolving problems not of selfish gain — This man will never servile bend the knee — He feels the uplift of the century. Leviathans for him forsake the main, And monsters leave the forest and the plain; The future holds no terror for his soul; No avarice collects its robber toll; No social caste, no party creed nor clan, To make him more a slave and less a man. . With wants but few, no pioneer will crave A crown in life nor plaudits at his grave; He leaves behind the slavery of style, The myrmidons of pride, deceit and guile; Enlisting with the cohorts of the free. The motto on his shield is "'Liberty." What cares he for the monarch's jeweled crown? For prince or plutocrat, for fame's renown; The turmoil and the strife of endless greed. When honest toil supplies each simple need: He seeks not glory, yet the future years Weave bri.ditest laurels f(ir the pioneers. Thus we have met in this fair spot today, To honor those, as well we may, Who. tliinkin;u' deep, perceived (ind's mighty pl;in. And carved the creed of liberty for man; W^ho made Bunker Hill a spot divine, And built at Valley Forge a nation's shrine. For emblems of that liberty so wide, So vast that with eternity it vied, They snatched the blue of heavens for the scroll, And sprinkled it with stars to make the goal, Where we might, far beyond the crest and crag, In liberty and justice plant the flag. ()2 lASI'KU COLXTV, IOWA. We venerate its patriotic pride. The sacied cause for which the martyrs died; And feeling thus, you will with me agree That much of what we are, what we may be, We owe to those who wrought for future years. And earned my toast, "God Bless the Pioneers.' WILD GA.ME. Pioneer lames A. Tool .states that wild i^ame was not very plcntiftil when the tirst settlers arrived. l)tit that within a .short time deer and wild turkey beeame abundant. The wolf had always been in evidence. In the winter of 1848-9 the snow was very deep and it was so light that the tur- keys could not fly to their roosts. One morning If ugh Patterson, living near by. went into Tool's orchard and rode down and picked up as many turkeys as he could carry away with him. May i, 1849, he states that he stood on the Skunk river bluffs, on what is the southeast corner of the Silas Nolan farm, and from that view-point counted forty-one deer. They were supposed to l)e migrating, for the like had never been seen before nor since that date. When the first settlers came here they found but few^ elk. buft'alo or antelope, though evidences of large numbers of receding buffalos was found in the trail they left visible going to and from springs of water and streams where the noble animals used to quench their thirst. There were but few^ panthers and less bear, owing to the thinness of the bodies of timber, af- fording them but scanty protection from cold w intry blasts. Wild cats and black wolves infested the groves, while troops of coyotes roamed at w ill on the broad prairies, but these animals were not dangerous, except that fre- (juentlx- they feasted on the pigs and lambs owned by the pioneers, who could not for did ne made to make many times the number of good miles of roads that now exist in everv countv in Iowa. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 73 ACTS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The wheels of county government were set in motion April 14, 1846, with the following- as county officers in charge of affairs : Joab Bennett, John R. Sparks and Manly Gifford. commissioners; John H. Franklin, clerk; J. W. Swain, treasurer; David Edmundson. sheriff; Seth Hammer, recor- der; AVashington I'leenor, probate judge. The first order given by the commissioners was "That the eagle side of a ten-cent piece or dime, of the coin of the United States, l)e and the same is hereby adopted as the temporary seal of the board of county commis- sioners of the county of Jasper, aforesaid, until a proper seal may 1)e pro- vided for the use of said board."' Now will follow the more important acts of the board, in aljout the chronological order they transpired, as seen by the records of the county. But before introducing the record on these matters, it will be best to state that the name of tlie county seat was changed as follows ; Chapter 22. of the acts of the First General Assembly of Iowa, ap- pro^•ed February 3, 1847, reads as follows: "Section i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Iowa, that the name of the town of 'Newton City,' the county seat of Jasper county. l)e and the same is hereby changed to that of 'Newton.' " At the July meeting" of the county board, the first tax was made a matter of record, it lieing a lev}' of four mills for county purposes and a half mill for school purposes. At the same time the treasury was in receipt of twenty-five dollars from Jacob Bennett, who paid his license to keep a grocery in Newton. The following day tlie following order was made: "That John R. Sparks be appointed as agent for the county of Jasper, to act as such to borrow money for and to enter at the land office at Iowa City the cjuarter section of land that the town of Newton is located on, for the seat of justice of Jasper county, who shall use all exertions to procure funds for the same by paying an interest not to exceed twenty per cent." October 4. 1847 — That day the court house erected by Evan Adamson was accepted and an order allowing him the sum of one hundred seventy-five dollars in "town money," which amounted to the eighty-seven dollars and fiftv cents voted him in full for the construction of the first court house of the county. lanuarv 4, 1848 — The clerk was instructed to give notice that there would be a sale of lots in Newton, commencing on the 31st day of January, 74 TASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1848. and that it would be continued from day to day until a sufficient sum had been realized to defray the expenses of entering the land selected for county seat purposes. April 10, 1848— The board assumed control and jurisdiction over Mar- shall county, by establishing a township in that territory of the name of Minerva Creek, with a polling place at the house of George W. Halley. At the meeting in July. 1848. the board levied a four-mill tax on the dollar for county revenue, two and a half mills for state purposes, and a half mill for school purposes. Silas Dooley. sheriff and assessor, was allowed thirty dollars for as- sessing the county, summoning jury, etc. The board also ordered that the portion of the state road running from Granville Hendry's, in :\Iarion county, to Fort Des Moines, which lay in Jasper county, be declared open for travel. At the October 2. 1848. meeting of the board, Joab Bennett was em- ploved to ceil one of the small rooms in the court house, for which he was to receive sixteen dollars in "town funds." Nathan Williams and Thomas J. Adamson became the purchasers of out-lots Nos. 18 and 19 in Newton, toward which they applied as part pay- ment a stove valued at twelve dollars. At this same meeting of the board difficulty was found relative to the county borrowing money and the following orders were made: "That the county be forthcoming to Nathan Williams and John R. Sparks for money to enter the town quarter the seat of justice of Jasper county; whereas, the said Williams and Sparks borrowed money of A. T. Prouty, and gave their own individual notes for the same to enter said land, and the same, or a large part of it, still remains unpaid, the county commissioners now assume the payment of the same, and all interest and accruing interest and costs that mav accrue on the same. "Ordered, that John B. Hammock be appointed commissioner's agent in the stead of Nathan Williams to borrow any moneys or use any reason- able means of getting money on the faith of the county, to pay the expense of entering the seat of justice of Jasper county." The money had been borrowed on the expectation that an apportion- ment of school money was to be made to the county, and it had been stipu- lated by the makers of the note that they were allowed to borrow this till the county would be able to replace the money in the school fund commis- sioner's hands out of a subsequent tax levy. It was a sort of "accommoda- tion"' paper which operated then as it has later, to fool the parties who gave it worse than anybody else. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 75 At the July meeting in 1849, the county treasurer reported the receipts for the last year to have been $266.42 in county orders and $312.50 in "town orders." The board then levied taxes as follows: County, four mills; state, two and a half mills; school, one mill. The total amount of taxable property in 1849 was $94,366. There were one hundred and seventy-six persons liable to pay a poll tax. There were eight silver watches, and $4,842 in coin and bank notes in possession, but it is likely that all was not given in then, as is the case nowadays. There were also three hundred and one horses over two years old, six hundred and eighty-eight head of cattle o\'er two years of age and two mules. The num- ber of sheep listed was seven hundred and ninety-four and one thousand seven hundred sixty-three swine — "prairie rooters." Four carriages were found by the assessor, but not a single piano within Jasper county! In March, 1850, the record shows that "The late treasurer paid over the sum of $365.23. the amount of tax for 1849 received by him." Jesse Rickman, school fund commissioner, made his report to the board, showing that the net sum collected and in his hands was $421.23. April, 185 1 — Ordered that the trustees of the parsonage of the mission of the Methodist Episcopal church have a deed for lot No. 8 in block No. 25. This donation to the church was among the last, if not the last, acts of the county commissioners whose office had been legislated out and they gave way to the newly created office of county judge, which obtained until an- other ten years had rolled around and the supervisor system had been estab- lished in all Iowa counties by the provisions of the code of 185 1. The last board of commissioners adjourned July 28, 1851. ACTS OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. Jesse Rickman was elected as Jasper county's first county judge. His first act was to rearrange the townships of the county, and when he had per- formed this task there were seven sub-divisions in Jasper county. His next act was to issue marriage license to \\^illiam Hammer and Ruth Hinshaw ; the document bears date of August 14, 1851. August 30, 1856, the old court house was sold at auction to Caleb Lamb for one hundred fifty dollars. In Septem1>er of the same year last named, the county treasurer was compelled to furnish a bond for thirty thousand dollars, instead of the sixteen thousand dollar bond given before, for the reason that the countv j6 JASPKR COrXTV. IOWA. expected the next levy to bring to his hands about twenty-five thousand dol- lars. This additional bond was signed bv P. G. D. Morton, J. W. Macy, Taylor Pierce and M. A. Blanchard. December lo. 1856, the county treasurer reported that the tax lists for 1848. 184c), 1850 and 1851 hnd been lost. It was therefore ordered that he ha\e credit ior the amount of tax delinquents on those lists, which amounted to two hundred eighty-se\en dollars. February 17. 1857. the county judge again made changes in the bound- aries of certain townships in this county and created other new ones. During the Legislature of 1856-7 a law passed requiring the county judge to affix his warrant to the tax book of 1854, ordering the treasurer to collect the taxes delinquent therein, and that the treasurer proceed to collect said taxes, and he was also ordered to pay over all nionev he had collected prior to the passage of that act. The county was made accountable to the treasurer for any damages lie might sustain in making the collections called for. In the autumn of i860 the county judge submitted to vote the question whether a sufficient portion of the swamp land fund should l^e di\-erted for the pur}X)se of erecting necessary l)ridges and for the redemption of bonds issued for the building of the court house. December 31. i860, the county judge made a contract with J. W. May to build a bridge at Parker's Ferry, on South Skunk, to be completed bv the first of the following April, for which he was to receive four hundred eightv- five dollars. On the same day B. Manning received his warrant for con- structing a bridge at ^Manning's Ferry, for which he was to be paid seven hundred eighty-six dollars. The last act of the county judge before handing over the reins of county government was to fix the boundary lines l)etween Fairview and Elk Creek townships. PROCKEDIXG.S OF THE BOARD OF Sl'PERVISOR.S. The first board of county supervisors, as ordered hx the new law, held its session the first week in January. 1861. The first board was made up of the following gentlemen: David McCord (chairman). William N. Harrah, C. M. Davi.s, Morris Gating, Salem Jeffries, Reuben Johnson. John Mc- Cracken, G. W. Chinn. Caleb Jorrlan. James E. Butler, Andrew G. Groves. William G. Romans. Perry Matteson, Eli.sha Flaugh and George Ryan. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. /J Among- the earliest acts of the board of supervisors may be mentioned the dividing- of Mound Prairie township and the formation of a new town- ship to be known as Washington. This was dated June, 1861. At the same session of the board it was learned that two thousand dol- lars of interest was due and delinquent to the permanent school fund. S. G. Smith, county attorney, was directed to push the collection of the same as speedily as possible. The board decided to apply one-half of the proceeds of the sale of swamp lands to the drainage of the sanie, anfl the other to building- bridges. DRAINAGE OF TtlE SWAMP LANDS. At the September meeting of the board came up the important matter of drainage of Jasper county's swamp lands. It was resolved that the drainage commissioner be authorized to expend such sums, not exceeding three hundred dollars, as he might deem necessary in the townships of Poweshiek, Clear Creek, Elk Creek, Fairview and Palo Alto, for the pur- pose of draining the swamp lands therein. Underground drains were to be used and the work was to be paid for in the lands at one dollar and twenty- five cents per acre, unless in case where the lands were worth more, when the lands were to be sold and contractors paid in cash. In June, 1862, the board agreed with John Henry, X. L. Williams and others, representing a company formed for the purpose, to transfer the swamp lands lying adjacent to the road crossing, either at Parker's or ^lan- ning's Bridge over South Skunk river, to the company on condition that the proposed corporation should construct approaches to the stream which should be above the high water mark, as well as drain the lands transferred. In exchange for this the company was granted the privilege of taking tolls for crossing the bridge selected by them, the amount to be regulated by the board. At the same session the committee on poor was instructed to inquire into the expediency of purchasing a poor farm. In 1863 the board agreed with the Mississippi & Missouri Railroad Company and the \\'estern Stage Company to have a sufficient roadway made across Skunk bottom at Parker's Bridge, the county contributing four thousand dollars, the railway one thousand dollars, and the stage company five hundred dollars. -s JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. THE COl^NTV HELD LIABLE. In 1873, or possibly a year later, one John Hessdorfer and family passed through Jasper county on his way to Nebraska. While crossing the South Skunk bottoms his team became frightened, backed off the bridge and in the fall one of the children was killed and other meml^ers of his family injured and the wagon badly broken up. Mr. Hessdorfer employed W'inslow & Wilson, attorneys, to bring action against Jasper county in his behalf. The case was tried in ]^Iahaska county, and he was awarded a ver- dict of four thousand five hundred dollars. This county appealed the case to the state supreme court. In the meantime J. ^^^ Wilson has been ap- pointed administrator for the deceased child, and he brought suit to recover the value of the child's services till it should have become of age, claiming five thousand dollars therefor. It was a long-drawn-out case, with com- promise here and there, and finally resulted in the county having to pay the plaintiff, in October. 1876. the sum of four thousand dollars and costs, to be paid in installments. THE county's FINANCES. Perhaps there is no better way to show the thrift and growth of the county in the last third of a century than to give the assessed valuation for the year 1878 and that of 1910: Assessed Valuation, Townships. 1878. Newton $2^2.425 Clear Creek 249.825 Washington 412,348 Hickory Grove 228,850 Prairie City 194,650 Palo Alto 318.108 Mariposa 218.289 Jasper City, Ind. D 180,350 Lynn Grove 257,505 Rock Creek 275,590 Richland 244.569 Kellogg 329-564 Des Moines 408,647 Assessed Valuation, Townships. 1878. Monroe 8313,410 Sherman 259,266 Colfax 1 16,672 \'andalia 31,992 Fairview 423,876 Lynnville, Ind. D 106,860 Poweshiek 275,678 Independence 241,473 Malaka 370-3i5 Ruena Vista 335,941 Elk Creek 356.410 Mound Prairie 276,776 Newton. Ind. D 691.949 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. /() ABSTRACT OF TAX BOOKS I QIC. Real and Personal Property. Total Tax. Clear Creek $ 292,320 $ 10.566.36 Independence 342,065 11,349.12 ]Malaka 369.635 11,711.97 Hickory Grove 344-885 10,570.1 1 Rock Creek 286,330 9,724.34 Kellogg- 309,790 1 1,136.50 Newton 437-265 i5'274-39 Sherman 304-95O 10,441.02 Poweshiek 278,360 9,665.67 Washington 317..125 9,867.62 Mound Prairie 378,435 11,790.91 Palo Alto 367,730 12,987.58 Buena Vista 403,465 13,272.24 Richland Z^7'7^':^ 12,260.96 Lynn Grove 37^-370 13,078.23 Elk Creek 371-125 12,780.00 Fairview 479-320 15,808.42 Des Moines 414-540 I3»i95-7i Mariposa 356,045 11,191.86 Town or City corporation — Monroe 253,235 i3,i74-53 Jasper City 159^965 9-003.36 Baxter 166,840 9,1 10.99 Prairie City 230,035 12,160.99 Sully 78.185 4-141-23 Lynnville 54-6io 2,909.89 Mingo ■ 47.555 1,788.79 Greencastle 50,730 i-9i3-89 Vandalia 32-375 1,568.12 Reasoner 50,330 2,211.12 Newton (City) 2,158,152 120,997.88 Colfax 287,690 30.330-73 Corporations 926,069 34,677.60 Total $11,249,241 $470,662.13 80 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. JASPER county's VARIOUS COURT HOUSES. The term "court house" is sometimes wrongly applied. It may mean simply a place for holding various kinds of court, or it may also mean a county building-, or buildings, wherein courts are held, as well as office rooms for the various county officials, such as recorder, treasurer, etc. So in speaking of the "first court house" in any given county it is always well to understand which construction is placed on the building being talked about. Here in Jasper county, the organizing act of the Legislature of the territory of Iowa had one section which reads : "That the district court of Jasper county shall be held at the house of Matthew- D. Springer, in said countv, or at such other place as may be designated by the board of county commissioners of said county, until the seat of justice of said county may be located." In accordance with the above provision, the first term of court was held at ]\Ir. Springer's residence, in Buena Vista township, or rather in Palo Alto tow^nship, near the line between the tw-o townships named. It was held in the cabin of Mr. Springer which he had erected the autumn before (1845) and to which he had added a small room in which the court might be held. While it was the first court house, it was not a public building owned by Jasper county, at all, but the residence of Mr. Springer. (See Bench and Bar chapter for the first court.) The reader of today and later generations may be interested in a descrip- tion of this, the pioneer "court house," so called. It stood where the highway now makes an elbow^ on the Samuel Squares farm. It w-as built of small round hickory logs, about eight inches in diameter and w^as in size sixteen feet square and about eig"ht feet high. Clapboards were nailed over the cracks inside to keep the snow and wind out as much as possible. It had what they called then a "continental" chim- ney — that is, holes Ijored into the w^alls, pins driven therein, and then weath- erboarded w'ith clapboards, thus forming a flue for conducting the smoke abo\e the roof of the building. A lane was cut through the brush from the "court house" to the prairie. Judge Williams, of Muscatine or Davenport, was the first judge of the Jasper county district court, and it is related that while in session (the term lasted about an hour) several deer were seen roaming about and finally entered the lane, cut through the underbrush be- tween the court house and prairie and the court, iudge and all, went out to see the animals. JASPER COUXTY, IOWA. 8l FIRST COUNTY BUILDING. The first real court house of Jasper county was that built in 1847 ^y Evan Adanison and turned over to the commissioners by him October 4th of that year, for which the board paid him the sum of eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents. It was constructed of green native lumber. The contract was awarded to Mr. Adamson April 5, 1847, ^^^ ^^ called for a building eighteen by thirty feet and one story high. This building served well its original purpose until the second court house was built in 1857. THE SECOND COURT HOUSE. During the winter of 1855-56 much excitement arose over a proposed removal of the court house site from the public square to Park block, in Nbrth Xewton. March 3. 1856, a petition was presented to County Judge Rickman, asking him to submit the question of removal in April following. A remonstrance Avas also presented, when it was learned that the petition contained four hundred nine names and the remonstrance seven hundred sixty-two. The Judge ruled that there be no election called. The case then went to tlie district court and the judge of that tribunal ordered that the county judge call an election, — at least to let the proposition be voted upon at the spring election, — which was carried out and resulted in a defeat to the removal petitioners, by a majority of four hundred sixty-eight. When it was decided to build a better, larger court house, in 1857, the old one was sold to Caleb Lamb and removed to his farm near Newton, where it stood for many years. The second court house being demanded. Judge Edmundson made a contract with John Hyde for the construction of a foundation of a building that should be ample for many years to come, and the record shows that on August 15, 1857. Hyde was allowed $150 as a part of the September pay- ment on the court house contract; on the 22d he was paid $150 more; on the 29th, $200 more. William Rodgers was paid $225 for superintending the work. October loth, Hyde was allowed $1,159 and November 3d, $3,814, drawn in thirty-two warrants. Eebruary 22, 1858, the Judge's record shows that he had sold bonds one and four to A. A. Kellogg at seventy-eight cents on the dollar, the same being pavable at the St. Nicholas Bank, New York City. Other bonds were disposed of at eightv cents on a dollar. (6) 82 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. October 30, 185S. the county indite ordered 81,981.43 to be paid to Contractor Hyde on the contract, and the record says he added, "this com- pletes the sum of $26,600 which has been paid on the court house, and for which J. P. Huskins. agent of John Hyde, the contractor, has receipted for as payment in full for contract and all extras in and about the building. The house is therefore received from the hands of the contractor." An early description of this building reads thus: "The building is located in the center of the public square; its form is oblong, being fifty feet wide by sixty-two long, with porticoes projecting from each front twelve feet. It is two stories high, with a basement seven feet high beneath, the latter built of sandstone; the portion above ground is faced with white lime- stone, the bases to the columns and antae being of the same material. The walls are built of brick. The first story is fourteen feet high, and contains four rooms, each seventeen and a half by twenty-three and a half feet, and two halls, each ten feet wide, occupied by the county officers. Two stair- ways lead to the second story, w^hich contains the court and jury rooms. The court room is thirty-seven by forty-seven feet, and nineteen feet high, and both jury rooms are ten and a half by sixteen feet in size. The entire height of the top of the cupola is eighty-three feet. The columns of the portico are Ionic." The first court house was not removed until October, 1859, and the following appeared in the Free Press, the*i published here : "Once it was the house of the town. I remember well when all the business of the county was conducted in it. Thither we used to go every Tuesday night to the post- office to hear our old townsman. Jesse Rickman, the postmaster, read over the list of mail matter brought in by Valentine Adamson. It was not until the spring of 1853 that we got mail over once a week, and that was brought every Tuesday by Val Adamson, and we used to gather around the old court house while 'Jess' Rickman opened the mail. In that same old house w'e used to ha\e both law and gospel dealt out to us." It was in this old house that many of the early county laws and ap- propriations were made. With its passing, came in a new and better era of county government. Court house number two. the one erected in 1857. was the one in which stood the treasury safe which in 1868 was broken into and robbed of about three thousand five hundred dollars in cash. This structure stood and served well its purpose until the present mag- nificent temple of justice was placed on the ground where the old one stood. JASPER COUNTY, TOWA. 83 THE PRESENT COURT HOUSE. This building, second to but few, if any, on Iowa soil today, was dedi- cated April 6, 191 1, and cost the county in round figures the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, which included the fixtures, etc. The first act of the board of supervisors looking to the erection of this splendid court house was in 1908, when the board called an election for the purpose of getting an expression of the people on this subject. Popular consent was easily obtained. In February, 1909, a contract was let; work commenced April i, 1909. and the building was dedicated Thursday, April 6. 191 1, Judge Horace E. Deemer, of the supreme bench of Iowa, deliver- ing the speech. The building is one hundred twenty feet and eight inches long and eighty feet wide. The tower is one hundred forty feet high from the curb- ing on the street below*. There are sixty rooms and four vaults in the struc- ture and an electric clock in each suite of rooms in the building, all regu- lated by the master-clock in the rooms of the auditor's office. The contract price for the court house was $140,825.71 ; the heating plant, $15,500; archi- tect and superintendent, $7,900; furniture, etc., $36,000, making a total ex- penditure of $200,225. This magnificent building is constructed of the celebrated Bedford (Indiana) stone, the best building limestone to be found in the country. A minute description is needless here, for be it rememljered that long after the pages of this county history are worn and turned yellow W'ith age, in all human probability this building will stand in all its massive beauty. It may be well, however, to add this concerning the new (1911) tem- ple of justice : The four emblematic paintings are by Edgar Cameron, of Chicago, and are each illustrative of some incident in Jasper county's his- tory. On the south side of the rotunda is a scene of a prairie fire and a herd of buffalo; on the east is a group of Unitd States soldiers, camped on the banks of Skunk river, west of Newton, in the early forties; on the north a scene of the departing Indian and the coming of the white man. his cabin and domestic surroundings; on the west side may be seen the soldier boys leaving for the front, in Civil war days, in which are to be seen the teams and the relatives of the newly enlisted men, with waving flags as they bid home and loved ones "good bye." These paintings are all real works of art and add materially to the charm of the building. The filing cabinets and book racks are all steel and fitted w^ith sliding fronts, dust and light proof, for the preservation of papers. In addition in 84 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. those offices needing- them are large fire-proof vaults, as large and liglit and comfortable to work in as the oflfice rooms proper. On the first floor is a room set apart for the exclusive use of the Grand Arniv of tho RciHiMic. in whicli there is everything attractive. In its border of mural decorati^ui are painted the names of nineteen of the import- ant battles of the Civil conflict, including Manassas and the windup at Ap- pomattox. .\nother si)ccial and modern feature of this court house building is the spacious, elegantly equipped ladies' rest room, on the first floor, easily ac- cessible to the street. Here the ladies from town and country may while away an hour and rest. On tlie same floor is an assembly room, which is finely furnished and here farmers and others may hold public meetings. This easily seats two hundred persons. Hie clock in the tower is tiie latest achievement in time-pieces. It is fitted with an automatic attachment so that every day it winds itself and each night it turns on the electric lights which show through its eight-foot dial to the four sides of the public. square. One thousand two hundred dol- lars of its cost was made uj) by private donations of Jasper county citizens. Aside, perhaps, from the Des Moines (Polk county) public building, nothing in all Iowa compares with this beautiful, modern court house. The following gentlemen were associated in the production of this, Jasper county's latest public l)uilding: Proudfoot & Bird, architects; James Row- son & Son, contractors; Norman A. Price, superintendent; Frank Sellman, auditor; supervisors during its construction, D. S. Fleck, chairman of the board. W. O. Livingston. J. F. Khse and C. F. Sauerman. At the dedication of this l)uilding there were one Imndred and twenty names entered in a book provided for the occasion, showing those present at the exercises who had seen the erection of the old court house of 1858. In this "book of fame,'' as it was appropriately styled, the oldest man to sign his name was C. A. Dotson, of Colfax, aged ninety vears and who came to Jasper county in 1848. The youngest man to sign was J. A. Blackwood, aged fifty-five years and who was three years old when the old court house was erected. Then another feature of this record book was tlie signing of the same by the oldest living settler in Jasper county, the venerable R. F. McKJinney, who is not the oldest person, but the oldest settler now living in the county, he having arrived here in 1846. at the age of seven vears. three years after tlie first wliite man liad invaded the county's domain. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 85 John B. Owens, of Newton, aged seventy-three, signed with the same pen which was used hy him on a hke occasion for the 1858 court house, having retained the same during all these long, eventful years. The chapter on "Reminiscences" in this volume will contain an article from the ready, graphic pen of J. H. I'\igard, of Newton, which will round out the history of Jasper county's last two court houses. (See index.) DETAILED FACTS CONCERNING THE BUILDING. Authorized at election November 3, 1908 Contract let February 18, 1909 Work commenced April i. 1909 Building completed April 6, 191 1 Length 120 feet and 8 inches Width 80 feet Height to cornice 56 feet Height of tower 140 feet Number of rooms 60 Number of vaults 4 Diameter of clock faces 7 feet Contract price $140,825.71 Heating plant 15,500.00 Architect and Superintendent 7,900 00 Furniture, etc 36.000.00 Total $200,225.71 THE COUNTY JAIL. The first permanent and separate jail for Jasper county was erected in 1877, at a cost of a contract price of fourteen thousand six hundred dollars, to John W. Rice, who gave l)onds to the amount of ten thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his work. It is a brick building, just to the southwest of the public square. It is a jail and sheriff's house combined and is a neat, modern structure, always kept clean and sanitary. The contract was let in December, 1876, and the building was first opened in 1877. In its rear is the city water works and lighting plant, with the new high steel water tower overlooking it. 86 JASl'ER COUNTY, IOWA. THE COUNTY HOME. The present county home was built through a contract entered into April 1 6, 1896, with S. T. Roberts, of Des Moines. The building commit- tee consisted of J. C. Donahey, chairman. Ed. Cook and Alfred Davey. The building was completed in October of the same year the contract was made. A one mill tax levy was made on the property of the county for the erection of this building. The election was had with the general election in Novem- ber, 1895, at which this proposition had 1,613 ^otes for and 1,545 against the building. Times change with the administration of different sets of county offi- cials, as will be observed by reading the two resolutions concerning this poor farm. At the April session in 1896, the board resolved: "We will not here- after allow payment for any but substantial, such as supplies and clothing, and positively refuse to allow payment for green apples, plums, cranberries, peaches, high grade flour in no case save sickness and then on an order from the attending physician." Way back in Commissioner Burton's administration, a quarter of a century ago, he states to the writer that he had one man — an inmate of the place — to raise poultry to the amount of over four hundred chickens and two hundred turkeys. When fully grown, he saw fit to dole these chickens and turkeys out to the old men and women who had poor appetites. He was called up on the carpet and the board found much fault with him, think- ing that he should sell such provisions and feed the inmates, regardless of age and health, on the plain foods such as the more hearty could live upon. Mr. Burton let his holy indignation Che came from old Virginia) rise and arose in his seat and exclaimed : "So long as I have charge of the poor fann I will do just as I have done and when you don't like my style you simply say so and I will resign my position to another." This ended it — he went ahead and heard no further murmuring from the stingy board. The last report of the county auditor gives the following concerning the report of the superintendent of the county home of Jasper county : Num- ber of inmates January i, 1910, thirty -nine: admitted in 1910, eight; total, forty-seven. Number of deaths during 1910, se\en : number discharged in 1910, six: total enrolled January i, 191 1, thirty-four. Total expenditures for 1910, including groceries, clothing, coal, to- bacco, furniture, feed and stock, improvements, doctor's bills, steward and stewardess, with payment on lighting plant. $8,614. Total sales from the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 8/ county farm for 1910, $3,981 ; net gain in invoice during 1910, $988.75. Outside the county home, the expenses were $5,020. For the three preced- ing- years the figures were: In 1906, $5,969; 1907, $6,119; 1908, $5,813. THE JASPER COUNTY SEAL. As has been previously noticed, the first seal of this county was im- provised by using the imprint of a ten-cent coin piece. Then later the county commissioners were allowed to purchase a real seal, which was in the lat- ter part of the forties or early in the fifties. This seal is the same in use today. It is quite emblematic. It is composed of the figure of an American eagle sitting on the edge of ''union,'' or a striped shield, which shield is resting on the beam of a huge plow turning a heavy furrow of virgin sod. In the rotunda of the new court house in Xewton this design has been en- larged to cover a space described by a circle not less than eight feet in diameter. It is in colors made by the different tints of the marble flooring. The only lettering on the seal is, ''Seal of Jasper County, Iowa." OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I9II. Auditor. H. S. Rayburn; deputy auditor. C. O. Edge; clerk, Frank Wilson; deputy clerk, Harvey Gribben; treasurer, O. B. Kipp; deputy treas- urer. Blanche Kipp; recorder, R. H. Bailey; deputy recorder, Fay Horn; sheriff, W. S. Gove ; deputy sheriff, Harry Gove ; county superintendent, Olive Shriner; deputy county superintendent, Edith Parvin; county attorney, Ross R. Mowry; county surveyor, W. F. Byers; coroner. James C. Hill; members of board of supervisors, D. S. Fleck, C. F. Sauerman, ^^^ O. Liv- ingston. NEW ROAD DRAG LAW. In the winter of 1910-11, the Iowa Legislature passed a new road drag law, of which the following is one of the sections : "Section 2. The township trustees shall from time to time designate what districts shall be dragged, which must include all the mail routes and all the main traveled roads within the township; they shall at their regular meeting in April, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, appoint a superintendent of dragging, who shall be a resident of the township, or any citv or town within said township, who shall serve for one year unless sooner removed by the board: they shall fix the amount of his compensa- tion, which shall not exceed two dollars and fifty cents per day and actual 88 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. expenses for each day of eight hours while engaged in necessary work for the township, and for giving notice to contractors who shall be required to drag he shall receive such additional compensation as the board may di- rect; they shall furnish suitable road drags for the township and pay for same out of the township road funds; they shall adopt a suitable form of notice to be given by the superintendent of dragging when ordering the roads dragged, stipulating the manner of serving same." It is believed that this new law will serve to greatly facilitate the making of improved roads, and Jasper county has already put the law into force. There are several excellent *'road-drags" manufactured within this county, one of which is made entirely of steel and is adjustable in its operation. CHAPTER VII. COUNTY, STATE AND NATIONAL REPRESENTATION. The chief object of this chapter is to give the reader a complete Hst of all county officers ; also to inform him as to who have represented the people of Jasper county in state and national official positions. It may serve as a fair political index of the county since the early days to the present, as in cases the vote is given on certain officers, showing the party strength. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE. 1848— Zachary Taylor (D) Elected. 1852— Franklin Pierce (D) Winfield Scott (Whig). 1856— James Buchanan (D) Elected. John C. Fremont (R). i8"6(^- Abraham Lincoln (R) Elected Stephen A. Douglas (Northern D) John C. Breckenridge (South. D). 1864— Abraham Lincoln (R) Elected. George B. McClellan (D) 1868— U. S. Grant (R) 2.999 Horatio Seymour fD) . . . . 1.282 1872— U. S. Grant (R) 2.848 Horace Greeley (Lib. D) . . 942 1876— Rutherford B. Hayes (R) . . Samuel J. Tilden (D) 1880— James A. Garfield f R) . . . . \Mnfield Scott Hancock ( D) James B. Weaver (Gr'enb'k) 1884— Grover Cleveland (D) . . . . James G. Blaine (R) John P. St. John (Prohi.) Benjamin Harrison (R) . . . Grover Cleveland (D) . . . . 1892— Benjamin Harrison (R) . . . Grover Cleveland (D) . . . . James B. A\^eaver (Peo.) . . 1896— William Mcl\iinley (R) William J. Bryan (D) John M. Palmer (Nat. D) . . John Levering (Prohi.) . . . . 1900 — \\'illiam McKinley (R.) William J. Bryan (D.) John G. Wooley (Prohi.).. 3.162 2.734 2,997 3.138 2.340 3.i7<^> 2.556 3-7T3 2.747 3. 161 90 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1904— Theodore Roosevelt {R) ■ . 3.962 Alton B. Parker (D) 1,942 Silas C. Swallow (Prohi.) Eugene V. Debs (Soc.) .... 1908 — William H. Taft (R).. William J. Bryan (D) . E. W. Chafin (Prohi.). Eugene V. Debs (Soc.) . 3o43 2,889 UNITED STATES SENATORS. The following is a list of the United States Senators from Iowa first General Assembly failed to elect a U. S. Senator. The 1848-58— George W. Jones (D) 1848-55 — Augustus C. Dodge (D). 1855-65 — James Harlan (Whig). 1858-70 — James W. Grimes (R). 1866-72 — James Harlan (R). 1865-67 — Samuel J. Kirkwood (R). 1870-72 — James B. Howell (R). 1871-77 — George G. Wright (R). 1 872-1908— William B. Allison (R). 1 877- 1 894— J. H. Gear (R). CONGRESSMEN. 1877-81 — Samuel J. Kirkwood (R). 1881-83— James McDill (R). 1 882- 1 894— James F. Wilson (R). 1 895- 1 900 — John H. Gear (R). 1900-10 — Jonathan P. Dolliver (R). 19 10 — few months — Hon. Lafayette Young (appointed). 1908 — Albert B. Cummins (R). 19 II — W. S. Kenyon (R). Since 1875 the congressmen from the sixth district have been as follows 1875-78 — Ezekial Sampson. 1879-80 — James B. Weaver. 1881-83— John C. Cook. 1883-84— M. E. Cutts. 1885-86— M. E. Cutts. 1887-88 — James B. Weaver. 1889-90 — James B. Weaver. 1891-92 — ^John F. Lacy. 1893-94 — Fred E. White. 1895-06 — John F. Lacy. 1907-08 — D. W. Hamilton. 1909-11 — N. E. Kendall. GOVERNORS OF IOWA. 1846-50 — Ansel Briggs (D). 1850-54 — Stephen Hemstead (D). 1854-58 — James W. Grimes (Whig). 1858-60— Ralph P. Lowe (R). 1860-64 — Samuel J. Kirkwood (R). 1864-68— William M. Stone (R). 1868-72— Samuel Merrill (R). ] 872-76 — Cyrus C. Carpenter (R). 1876-77 — Samuel G. Kirkwood (R). 1878 (part)— Sam'l G. Newbold (R) 1878-82— John H. Gear (R). JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 9 1 1 882- 1 886— 1895-97— Biiren R. Sherman (R) 2,073 F. M. Drake (R) 2,875 L. G. Kinnie (D) 695 W. J. Babb (D) 1,414 D. M. Clark (P) 687 1897-190CK- 1885-1889— Leslie M. Shaw (R) 3,116 William Larrabee (R) . . . . 2,756 F. E. White (D) 3*240 C. E. Whiting (D) 2,462 1900- 1902 — 1889-1891 — Leslie M. Shaw ( R) 3-33^) — Hutchison (R) 2,791 F. E. \\'hite (D) 3.009 Horace Boies (D) 2,276 1901-1908 — 1891-1893 — Albert B. Cummins (R)... 3,434 Hiram C. Wheeler f R) .... 3,077 T. J. Phillips (D) 2,190 Horace Boies (D) 2,695 1908-1912 — 1893-1895 — B. F. Carroll (R) 3,3^7 Frank D. Jackson (R) 3,075 Fred E. White (D) 2,825 Horace Boies (D) 2,365 STATE SENATORS. The state senators who have lived in Jasper county and represented this district have been as follows : EHsha Flaugh, tenth General Assembly. M. D. Doud. twenty-first and twenty-second General Assemblies. Perry Engle, twenty-third and twenty-fourth Assemblies. Dr. J. R. Gorrell, twenty-eighth Assemblies. F. L. Maytag, twenty -ninth to thirty-third Assemblies. REPRESENTATIVES. ! First General Assembly. John Kinsman. Sixth General Assembly, David Edmundson. Seventh General Assembly, S. B. Shelledy. Eighth General Assembly, C. ^L Davis. Tenth General Assembly. Salem Jeffries. Eleventh General Assembly, David Ryan. Twelfth General Assembly, M. W. Atwood. Thirteenth General Assembly. Caleb Bundy. I Fourteenth General Assembly, John P. Beatty. 92 ASl'KR COUNTY. IOWA. Fifteenth Cieneral Assembly. George M. \\ilson. Sixteenth General Assembly. Georg-e M. Wilson. Seventeenth General Assembly. Joel W. Deweese. Eighteenth and Nineteenth (General Assemblies. Eli E. Dotson. Twentieth General .\ssembly. \\'illiam H. McColloch, H. B. C. Ward. Twentv-first and twenty-second General Assemblies, Aaron Custer. Twenty-third, twenty-seventh General Assemblies, Samuel B. Powers. Twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth General Assemblies, C. N. Doane. Twenty-sixth General Assembly. X. A. Wells. Twenty-eighth General Assembly, W. W. Hawk. Twenty-ninth General Assembly, AV. W. Hawk. Thirtieth to thirty-third General Assemblies. John E. Offill. Thirty-third General Assembly, William R. Cooper. EARLY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1846 — John R. Sparks, Joab Bennett, ]\Ianly Gifford. 1847 — ^lanly Gifford. Nathan Williams, John R. Sparks. 1848 — Same as 1847. 1849 — J*'hn R. Sparks, Nathan Williams, John B. Hammack. 1850 — Nathan Williams, John R. Sparks, James A. Tool. 1 85 1 — James A. Tool, Willis Green, Levi Plummer. commissioners' clerks. 1846 — John H. Eranklin. 1847 — Jesse Rickman (to fill va- 1847 — Washington Eleener. cancy). 1848 — Jesse Rickman. COUNTY judges. This office was abolished by law in 1868. 1852 — Jesse Rickman. 1862 — Riley Ashley. 1856— William P. Norris. 1864— J. A. Harris. 1838 — David Edmundson. 1866 — O. C. Howe. SHERIFFS. 1846-7— David Edmundson. 1850 — Ballinger Aydelotte. 1848 — Silas Dooley. 1832 — Rilev Ashlev. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 93 854— J. A. Shellady. 856 — William Kromer, 857 — D. E. Longfellow. 858— J. T. Hull. 860-R. Ashley. 864 — Chancy Howard. 866 — James 'SI. Rodgers. 872— \\'. C. Hawk. 874 — J. R. Zollinger. 879 — James S. Hunter. 88 T — James S. Hunter. 883— H. L. Weston. 88 s— H. L- \\'eston 1887— M 1889— I. 1891— M 1893-M 1895— D. 1897— D. 1899— C. 1 90 1 — C. 1903— :^r 1905 — M. 1908 — F. 1 910 — W . A. McCord. L. Patton. . A. McCord. . A. McCord. R. Tripp. R. Tripp. H. Hook. H. Hook. . B. Moberly . B. Moberly. H. Russell. S. Gove. COUNTY SURVEYORS. 846— Silas Sawyer. 848 — Samuel SI. Coleman. 849 — Elisha Hammer. 852 — ^John Q. Deakin. 856— W. P. Cole. 858— S. W^ Foreman. 860— E. T. Preston. 866 — John Collier. 1868 — Charles C. Turner. 1872 — Aaron S. Stuver. 1876 — \\'illiam L. LeFever. 1879 — William L. LeFever. 1881 — Willard F. Byers. serving un- til 1906. 1906— P. R. Rice. 1908 — W. F. Byers. still serving. CLERKS OF THE DISTRICT COURT. 847 — Thomas J. Adamson. 848— Peter :\Iiller. 850 — William ^L Springer. 832— W. P. Xorris. 854 — C. C. Turner. 857 — Joseph B. Hough. 861 — Owen Davis. 865 — John A. Seaton. 869— A\'. R. ^rcCully. 877^ — Leroy B. Westbrook. 878— L. B. \\^estbrook. 880— ^L P. Doud. 882— :^L P. Doud. 884— G. W. Harlan. 1886 — George W. Harlan. 1888— X. Townsend. 1890 — X. Townsend. 1892 — John L. Mathews. 1894 — John S. Mathews. 1896 — John A. Mathews. 1898— t. H. Kapple. 1900 — J. A. Mathews. 1902 — Earnest Early. 1904 — Earnest Early. 1906— P. H. Healy. 1908— P. H. Healy. 19TO — Frank A\'ilson. 94 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. COUNTY ATTORNEYS. 1886— J. A. Kerr. 1888— W. G. Clements. 1892 — E. J. Salmon. i8g6— O. C. Meredith. 1900 — Henry Sihvolcl. 1904 — P. H. Creagen. 1902 — P. H. Creagen. 1906 — E. P. ]\Ialmberg. 1908— E. P. Malmberg. COUNTY TREASURERS. Up to 1804 the office of treasui The records show, however, that the sitions in Jasper county : 1846 — J. \V. Swann. 1848 — John E. Copp. 1850 — Henry Rodgers. 1854— A. T. Ault. 1858 — Elisha Hammer. 1862— J. W. Wilson. 1 864 — Thomas Arthur. 1866 — Josiah B. Eyerly. 1872 — E. H. Bartow. 1876 — George Z. Anderson. 1878— S. E. Zinn. 1879— D. G. Winchell. 1881— D. G. Winchell. 1883— S. H. Galusha. er and recorder was one and the same, following served in their respective po- 1885— S. H. Galusha. 1887— A. K: Brown. 1889 — A. K. Brown. 1 89 1 — Erank R. W^itmer. 1893 — Frank R. Witmer. 1895 — Willard Howard. 1897 — Willard Howard. 1899 — Henr}^ Galusha. 1 90 1 — Frank E. Robins. 1903 — Frank E. Robins. 1906 — Phillip Scharf. 1908— O. B. Kipp. 1 9 10 — O. B. Kipp. COUNTY RECORDER. 1846 — Seth Hammer. 1848 — John E. Copp. 1830 — Henry Rogers. 1858 — Elisha Hammer. 1862— J. W. Wilson. 1864 — Thomas Arthur. 1865 — John C. Wilson 1869— G. W. Chinn. 1873— W. H. Hough. 1877 — Williamson N. Carrothers. 1878— W\ B. Russell. 1879— S. S. Wilson. 1880 — Thomas M. Rodgers. 1882 — Thomas M. Rodgers. 1884 — Ezra Adkins. 1886 — Ezra Adkins. JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. 95 1888 — Jo Cunningham. 1890 — Jo Cunningham. 1892— J. W. Jeffries. 1894— J. W. Jeffries. 1896— A. G. West. 1898 — Fred A. Eaton. 1900 — A. J. Streeter. 1902 — A. J. Streeter. 1904 — James Campbell. 1906 — E. E. Erwin. 1908— R. H. Bailey. 1910 — R. H. Bailey. COUNTY CORONERS. 852 — Thomas J. Adamson. 854 — David S. Fuller. 856 — Joseph Hickman. 858 — Hugh Rodgers. 864 — W. M. Carrothers. 866— Hugh Newell. 868— David S. Stiver. 871 — Hugh Rodgers. 876— E. W. Mitchell. 878— Hugh Xewell. 879 — Hugh Newell, until 1887. 887— T. J. Robins. 1889— T. J. Robins. 1 89 1 — Hugh Newell. 1893 — Hugh Newell. 1895 — Hayden Reynolds. 1897 — Hayden Reynolds. 1899— H.'C. Gill.' 1901 — T. H. Jacobs. 1903 — S. M. Robinson. 1906 — C. E. Boyd. 1908 — James C. Hill. 1 910 — James C. Hill. COUNTY AUDITORS. This office was created and that of auditor, since that date, being ex-officio isors. 868-9—0. C. Howe. 869— G. R. Ledyard. 871 — G. R. Ledyard. 873— G. R. Ledyard. 875— G. R. Ledyard. 877— G. R. Ledyard. 879 — Moses Greenleaf. 881 — Moses Greenleaf. 883— B. \y. Brown. 885— B. \y. Brown. 887— J. T. Hunt. county judge abolished in 1868. the clerk of the lx)ard of county super- 1889— J. T. Hunt. 1892 — J. M. Rayburn. 1894 — J. 'SI. Rayburn. 1896 — Frank Fisk. 1898 — Joseph Horn. 1900 — Joseph Horn. 1902 — Eugene Bean. 1904 — Eugene Bean. 1906 — Frank Sellman. 1908 — Frank Sellman. 19 TO — H. S. Rayburn. g() JASPKK COUNTY. IOWA. PROSECUTING ATTORN KVS. 183 i_H. J. Skiff. 1 85r)— William B. Sloan. 1853— J. N. Edgar. 1857— D. L. Clark. Following this came the office of district attorney, which did away w ith the office of prosecuting attorney. SUPERINTB^TDENT OF SCHOOLS. 1858— Albert Lufkin. 1887— J. \V. Iliff. 1862— James Porter. 1889— C. O. McClain. 1864— D. Thomas. 1891— C. O. McClain. 1866— David Craig. 1893— ^^I. A. Walsh. 1868— Sanford J. Moyer. 1895— Minnie A. Walsh. 1872— C. D. Hipsley. 1897— E. C. Meredith. 1876 — W. G. Work. 1899 — Libbie Dean. 1878 — M. A. Mayfield. 1901 — Libbie Dean. 1879 — R- -^- ^lathews. 1903 — J. E. Roberts. ]88i— R. A. Mathews. 1906— Laura W. Killduff. 1883 — Daniel Miller. 1909 — Olive Shriner. 1885— Daniel Miller. SCHOOL FUND COMMISSIONERS. This was an office that was abolished when that of superintendent of schools was created in 1858. The commissioners were: 1851, Jesse Rick- man: 1853. T[arve\- J. Skiff; 1857. James G. Afeek. COUNTY SUPERVISORS. The governing power of all Iowa counties since i86t, when the one- man-power county-judge system was shorn of its authority, has been vested in the board of supervisors. Up to about 1871 there was one su- pervisor from each township within the county, but at that time it was changed to three and sometimes five (according to population) for the en- tire county, the same representing districts, in which they must reside. Under the former supervisor system the list in Jasper county was : 1861 — David McCord, chairman; William N. Harrah. C. M. Davis, Morris Cating, Salem Jeffries. Reuben Johnson. John McCracken, G. W. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 97 Chinn, Caleb Jordan, James E. Butler, A. G. Groves, William G. Romans, Perry Matteson, Elisha Flaiigh, George Ryati. 1862 — David McCord, chairman; Reuben Johnson, James Shaw, Joseph Dodd, Salem Jeffries, E. Flaugh. .V. McDonald, William N. Harrah, Caleb Jordan, R. L. McCroy, \\\ G. Romans, John McCracken, James E. Butler, A. G. Groves, IMorris Gating, C. M. Davis. 1863 — E. Flaugh, chairman; J. E. Butler, D. McCord, Reuben John- son, Isaac Porter, Nicholas Graffis, \\"m. X. Harrah, Caleb Jordan, James Shaw, Salem Jeffries, Manly Gifford, F. Gary, A. W. McDonald, Joseph Dodd. Levi Plummer. 1864— C. M. Davis. M. Griffis, Thomas Haskett, Manly Gifford. R. B. Dawson. J. A. Killin. A. W. ]VlcDonald. L. Plummer, E. H. Bartow, C. Jordan, D. McCord, J. McCracken, J. E. Butler, J. Dodd, George Ryan, W. N. Harrah, chairman. 1865 — Joseph Dodd, George Ryan, John Taylor, R. S. Williams, Thomas Haskett. R. B. Dawson, John Sumpter, John A. Fillin, A. W. Mc- Donald, E. H. Bartow, P. H. Doud, Caleb Jordan, John Breeden, C. M. Davis, W. R. Skiff, James E. Butler, John Taylor, W. N. Harrah, chair- man. 1866— E. H. Bartow, chairman; A\'. R. Skiff, Joseph Dodd, C. M. Davis, John Taylor, Joel Osgood. James Shaw. M. W. Atwood, P. H. Doud, William R. McCully, James E, Butler, John Breeden, James Rhine- hart. R. B. Dawson. Henry Hammer, Wesley Davis, R. S. Williams. 1867 — C. M. Davis, chairman; M. W. Atwood, Henry Hammer, Jacob Kipp, W. Davis, G. W. Shafer, J. F. Lamb, G. W. Chinn, Addison White, James Shaw. H. C. Peer, E. H. Bartow, J. G. Mudgett, Joseph Dodd, Salem Jeffries, J. F. Beatty. D. Edmundson. 1868 — C. ^L Davis, chairman: \\'esley Davis, J. J. Mudgett, Henry Ham- mer, J. F. Lamb. J. P. Beaty, H. C. Peer, J. Kipp. Joseph Dodd, Addison White, A. W. McDonald, D. Edmundson, William J. Rippey, G. W. Chinn, E. H. Bartow, Thomas Peer, Riley Ashley. 1869 — Riley Ashley, Jacob Kipp, J. L. Smith, J. L. Laughlin, H. C. Peer. Addison White, C. M. Davis, chairman. 1870 — J. P. Beatty, Reuben Johnson, J. L. Smith, C. M. Davis, J. C. Hiatt. E. Ross, George Harst, J. I-. Laughlin, A. W. McDonald, A. J. Hamilton. \Y. Carrothers, J. Kipp, C. D. Conwell, Wesley Davis, H. C. Peer. F. E. Phelps. D. P. Craven. A. White, D. Edmundson. chairman. 1871 — Elisha Flaugh, chairman: A. W. McDonald. George Harst. (7) ^8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Under the later system of the 1871 code, this county has had but three supervisors, the county^ being divided into supervisor districts. Those serving as such have been: 1872 — George Harst, chairman; Daniel Arnold, John C. Hiatt. 1873 — George Harst, chairman; Daniel Arnold, John Burton. 1874 — Daniel Arnold, chairman; John Burton, W. G. Romans. 187^ — W. G. Romans, chairman; John Burton, Jesse Slavins. 1876 — W. G. Romans, chairman; Jesse Slavins, C. N. Doane. 1877 — S. G. Butters, chairman. Jesse Slavin. C. N, Doane. 1878 — S. G. Butters, chairman; C. N. Doane, Daniel Arnold. 1879 — B. W. Brown, long term. 1 88 1 — Henry S. Effnor, long term. From this time on one supervisor was elected each year as follows : 1882— A. R Smith. 1895— ^^'. J. Miller. 1883 — William Byall. 1896 — John T. \\^inters. 1884 — John Roberts. 1897 — Ed Cook. 1885— James Stark. 1898— W. J. Miller. 1886— William Byall. 1899— C. T. Shill. 1887— E. H. Burton. i90C^G. C. Hart. 1888 — James Stark. 1901 — William Dentsch. 1889— W. H. Daft. 1902— C. T. Shill. 1890 — J. C. Donahey. 1903 — Geo. C. Hart. 1891 — Alfred Davey. 1904 — J. H. Hise. 1892— W. H. Daft. 1906— F. J. Klise. 1893 — J. C. Donahey. 1908 — D. S. Fleck, G. W. Parsons. 1894 — Alfred Davey. 1910 — \\'. O. Livingston. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS I9II-I2. Justices of the Peace — Hickory Grove township, A. H. Palmer; Inde- pendence, W. R. Vandike; Independence, Harry Hazlett; Newton, M. J. Carey; Newton, J. W. Allfree; K'ellogg, F. L. Phipps, Kellogg, J. N. Stuart; Richland, H. Laskewitz; Buena Vista, P. C. Welle; Mound Prairie. Will- iam Mabie; Mound Prairie, William Gist; Washington. W. H. Hagendorn; Washington, P. H. Cragan : Des Moines, T. J. Cowman; Des Moines, F. E. Cooper: Fairview. M. W. Bateman; Elk Creek. A. J. Hayes; Lynn Grove, J, H. Shaw; Lynn Grove, R. L, Sparks. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 99 Townfehip Clerks — Hickory Grove, Frank Beatty ; Mariposa, T, O. Sheek; Malaka, L. H. Weseman; Independence, R. M. Lane; Clear Creek, J. A. Leonard; Poweshiek, L. C. Westfall; Sherman, J. H. Mallicoat; New- ton, G. W. Edge; Kellogg, H. S. Roth; Rock Creek, W. H. Burroughs; Richland, V. B. Bailey ; Buena Vista, R. F. Agar ; Palo Alto, R. L. Rees ; Mound Prairie, W. S. Westbrook; Washington, Ira J. Mead; Des Moines, Hugh G. Little: Fairview. W. M. Livingston; Elk Creek, W. D. McKinney; Lynn Grove, C. F. Briggs. supervisors' districts. District Xo. i — Clear Creek, Poweshiek, IMalaka, ^Mariposa. Sherman, Independence, north one-half of Newton. 1 District No. 2 — Hickory Grove, Rock Creek, Kellogg, Richland, Buena Vista, Lynn Grove, south one-half of Newton. District No. 3 — Elk Creek, Washington, Mound Prairie, Palo Alto, Fairview, Des Moines. CHAPTER VIII. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE AND STOCKRAISING. The United States is an agricultural country; Iowa is classed as one of the best agricultural states, and Jasper county is considered among the most advanced agricultural counties within the state of Iowa. Here the farmer is king. By the aid of improved machinery, he is able to draw from this, the richest soil on earth, an abundance of all that is produced by suc- cessful agriculturists, fruit-growers and stock raisers. It may be said that outside the lively manufacturing industries at Newton and other points within Jasper county, and the fairly good mining interests, that the county is purely a farming section, where the farmer has grown rich, comfortable and happy in the thought that he has l^een able to provide for his own family and at the same time produce enough to feed the vast army of men and women in Eastern countries who have to depend on the West and its rich soil for about all they consume. Especially has corn been successful here. For a number of years Jasper won the banner for raising the most corn of any of the ninety-nine counties in Iowa, Polk, Pottawattamie, Page and Har- rison being the only real rivals for honors. The state census compendium for 1905 — the last official document on these matters — gave the following on Jasper county : "Population 1900. 26,900; area in square miles, 720; county settled in 1843; produced in 1905 — Bushels corn, 5,587,482; bushels wheat, 64,863; bushels oats, 1,287,410; bushels barley, 57,854; bushels ry-e, 3,289; tons clover, 4.192; tons timothy, 49-999; tons millet, 950; tons wild hay. 3.81 1; bushels clover seed, 367; bushels timothy seed, 4.706; bushels potatoes, 209.369 ; bushels sweet potatoes, 2,438 ; bushels sweet corn, 24,046 ; eggs and poultry. $272,323; dairy products, $306,201; fruits. $117,985; value farm animals. $3,236,468; value railroad and other corporations, .$3,704,276; value personal property, $9,438,984; value of lands, $22,882,960; value of town lots, $4,734,820; total value. $40,761,040. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 101 YIELD PER ACRE, RAINFALL, ETC. Since 1890 the average yield per acre for the ordinary crops in Jasper county has been as follows : 1890 — Corn, thirty bushels; wheat, twelve bushels: oats, seventeen bushels ; barley, thirty-five bushels : potatoes, forty-five bushels ; hay, two tons. 1891 — Corn, forty-four bushels: wheat, fourteen bushels: oats, forty- one bushels: 1)arley. thirty-six bushels: potatoes, one hundred and sixtv-two bushels : hay, two tons. 1892 — Corn, thirty-one bushels; wheat, eleven bushels; oats, twenty- nine bushels; barley, twenty- four bushels; potatoes, fifty-seven bushels: hay, one ton and a half. 189^^ — Corn, thirty-nine bushels; wheat, eleven bushels: oats, twenty- four bushels; barley, twenty-five bushels; potatoes, seventy- four 'bushels; hay, one and seven-tenths tons. 1894 — Corn, thirteen bushels: Avheat. twelve bushels: oats, twenty bush- els: barley, fifteen bushels: potatoes, fifty-six Imshels : hay. one-half ton. 1895 — Corn, forty-seven bushels: wheat, eighteen bushels; oats, fifty- one bushels : barley, twenty-four bushels ; potatoes, one hundred and twenty- two bushels: hay. one ton and a half. 1896 — Corn, forty-four bushels: wheat, fourteen bushels: oats, twenty bushels ; barley, twenty-five bushels : potatoes, eighty-one bushels : hay, two tons. 1897 — Corn, thirty-one bushels: wheat, thirteen bushels: oats, thirty bushels : barley, twenty-four bushels : potatoes, sixty bushels : hay. one and eight-tenths tons. 1898 — Corn, thirty-two Imshels: wheat, sixteen bushels: oats, thirty- one bushels: barley, thirty bushels: potatoes, ninety-three bushels: hay. four and four-tenths tons. 1899 — Corn, forty-five bushels: wheat, sixteen bushels: oats, forty-two bushels : barley, thirty bushels ; potatoes, ninety-three bushels : hay. one and a half tons. 1900 — Corn, forty-three bushels: wheat, eighteen bu.shels : oats, twenty- nine bu.shels: barley, twenty- four bushels: potatoes, seventy- four bushels: hay. one and six-tenths tons. 1901 — Corn, thirtv bushels: wheat, fifteen bushels: oats, twent^'-six bushels ; barley, twenty-eight bushels : potatoes, fifty-five bushels : hay. one and six-tenths tons. I02 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1902 — Corn, thirty-seven bushels; wheat, twelve bushels; oats, twenty- six bushels: barley, twenty-eight bushels; potatoes, fifty-three bushels; hay, one and eight-tenths tons. The averages for all these years has been — Corn, thirty-five bushels per acre; wheat, fourteen bushels; oats, thirty-one; barley, twenty-six bush- els: potatoes, seventy-eight bushels; hay, one and six-tenths tons. i RAINFALL FROM MAY 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 1ST. 1893, fifteen inches: 1894, seven inches; 1895, twenty inches; 1896, twenty-seven and a half inches; 1897, eight and three-quarters inches; 1898, fourteen inches; 1899, fifteen inches; 1900, twenty-one inches; 1901, ten inches; 1902, twenty-nine inches. The average rainfall for these years was sixteen and eighty-seven hun- dredths inches. The greatest crops were produced in the year when there was the greatest rainfall, 1896. A(;RICULTrRAL SOCIETIES. The Jasper County Agricultural Society dates its history from 1855, during which year a county fair was held near the house of Da\id Edmund- son, in a tent made of cloth borrowed for that purpose. A membership fee was charged, which enabled the society to pay its little premium list. One hundred and thirty-six premiums were awarded at the fourth fair held by this society. Mrs. McCord showed the best grade of butter and Mrs. E. Guthrie the best loaf of bi'ead. Evan Adamson was the sole exhibitor of apples grown within Jasper county. The officers of the society in 1858 were: C. M. Davis, president; R. Shearer. J. \\\ Blackwood, vice-piesidents: H. S. Winslow, secretary; P. S. Ritter. treasurer: C. Taylor, John Litner, Z. Mendenhall. E. S. Winslow, A. Hursh. Stephen Xeedham, E. \\'. Cozard. \\'i11iam Mann. E. D. Duncan. R. S. Williams, managers. Tn 1859 one hundred and thirteen premiums were awarded. Only one bull was exhibited that could give an authentic pedigree. The only fruit on public exhibition was a specimen of fine grapes by D. E. Longfellow. The society harl for its president in 1860 A. Failor. with D. E. Long- fellow as secretary. In December, 1859, an effort was made to secure .suitable fair grounds for the annual exhibition of Jasper county ])roducts, and at a Januarv meet- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. IO3 ing of that year it was resolved to enclose ten acres of the intended purchase with a fence seven feet high. It was also then decided to pay sixty cents on a dollar of the premiums awarded in October. The receipts had been one hundred thirty-two dollars and twenty-five cents and the expenditures eightv- four dollars and forty-six cents, leaving a balance on hand of forty-seven dollars and forty-nine cents. The fair of i860 was a decided improvement over the 1859 exhibition, the number of entries being three hundred and seventy -one. Adamson showed some good varieties of home-grown apples and Longfellow some fine grapes, while E. B. Johnson's display of small fruits was excellent. Twelve thoroughbred cattle were enclosed in the pens of entries. A trotting match was run and a span of mules drew six thousand two hundred and thirty-eight pounds. The cash receipts that year was one hundred eighty- four dollars and thirty-five cents. What was styled the Central Iowa District Association was held at Newton in August. 186 1. It may be of some interest at this remote date to note the receipts and expenditures for this fair. Receipts — Four hundred and seven membership tickets $ 407.00 Single tickets 607.00 Restaurant receipts 80.15 Per cent 223.10 Rent of grounds 15.00 From State of Iowa 200.00 Total $io32-35 Expenditures — Premiums awarded $1,346.25 Paid repairs to fence, stalls, etc 54-00 Paid lumber bill 70.28 Paid privies, police, gate hands, etc 126.27 Paid printing 12.00 Paid Mrs. Sanford labor 5.00 Paid Treasurer's assistant and expenses 3.00 Total St .628.80 104 JASfliR COUNTY, IOWA. One of the interesting, exciting and novel exhibits of the occasion was the cooking match in which ^liss Hattie Winslow. aged fourteen years, won the premium of eight dollars offered by the society to the person who could cook a meal of victuals in the least time, in the best manner. In forty-eight minutes she prepared the following dishes, which were enjoyed greatly by the committee on awards: Warm biscuits, fried chicken, tomatoes, pota- toes, cabbage, tea and coffee. Coming down to a little later date, it is discovered by the records that in June. 1875, the society purchased an addition to the old grounds, paying for the same the sum of one thousand three hundred dollars, and again in Tune, 1881. a nine-acre tract additional, costing the society one thousand "fifty dollars. This makes the present (1911) fair grounds to contain almost thirty-six acres of ground, just south of th€ city proper, on high rolling land and amid sightly surroundings, where are annually held the county fairs and also the circuses, etc.. which from time to time come to Newton. The following have served as presidents and secretaries of the agri- cultural society: Rev. Thomas Merrill. 1855, president, and A. Failon. sec- retary; (the president's name will come first in this list) James Deland, A. Failor, 1856: C. M. Davis. IT. S. Winslow, 1858; the records are deficient until 1860. when the president was A. Failor, secretary. Thomas Arthur; A. Failor, Thomas Arthur. 1861 ; William R. Skiff. J. A. TTarris, 1862; William R. Skiff, J. A. Harris. 1863; William R. Skifl'. J. J. Vaughan, 1864; A. Car- rier. J. J. \^aughan, 1865: A. K. Emerson. J. J. Vaughan, t866; A. K. omer- sun. J. J. N'aughan. 1867; Capt. J. H. Tait. F. W. Allum. 1868: A. Failor. L. \\'. Allum. 7869; A. Failor. F. W. Allum. 1870: A. Failor. William R. McCullv. 1871 ; another break in the records; A. K. Emerson. John W. Al- free. 1886; A. K. Emerson. A. K. Failor. 1887; A. F. Harrah. A. Failor, 1888; A. Tx. Emerson. J. J. A^aughan. 1889; C. N. Doane, J. J. Vaughan, 1890; A. L. Harrah. J. J \^aughan. 1891 ; A L. Harrah, Arthur J. Wright, 1892; A. F. Harrah, Arthur J. Wright. 1893; H. D. Parsons. Arthur J. Wright. 1894; H. D. Parsons. J. R. Crawford. 1895; T^. D. Parsons, J. R. Crawford. 1896: H. D. Parsons. S. G. Russell. 1897; H. D. Parsons, A. Failor, 1898; H. D. Parsons, A. Failor, 1899; H. D. Parsons. I. C. Khrf, iQoo; H. D. Parsons. I. C. T\orf. 1901 ; W. J. Miller. C. W. Campbell. 1902; A. Stewart. C. W. Campbell. K)03 : same in 1904-5; Fouie Aillaud, E. E. Fambcrt. 1906: Fouie .\illaud. Emma Fufkin. 1907; Fouie Aillaud, E. F. McMurray. 1908: C. F. Saucrman. J. H. dribbon. 1909; C. F. Sauerman, F E. Meredith. 1910-1 1. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I05 These annual fairs have always been kept alive and much interest has been manifested \\ith the passing years. The present grounds are well im- proved and contain all that can be desired by exhibitors anywhere. Good premiums are offered each year and a large attendance usually obtains, be the weather fair or otherwise. The following are the officers for the present season : President, C. F. Sauerman : vice-president, J. C. Haiffeigh : secretary. F. E. Meredith : treas- urer. Joe Horn. The directors elected to serve one year are X. J. Morgart, Hickorv Grove: J. W. Jeffries. Des Moines township; J. P. Taylor. Lynn Grove township; Tleorge Moore. Kellogg township; H. D. Parsons. Malaka township; Mike Hummell. Fairview township; Louie Aillaud. Xewton town- ship ; O. J. Turner. Rock Creek township ; William Carrier, at-large. Those elected for a term of two years are C. \\'. Craven, Mariposa township; B. F. Baker, Clear Creek township; E. E. Dotson. Washington township; Fred Hager, Independence township; D. E. Donahey. Xewton township; R. B. Yowell, Des Moines township; L. C. Watts, Richland township. Those elected for a term of three years are F. H. Russell. Xewton; H. C. Strater, Fairview township; H. L. ]\loffitt, Sherman township; W. A. Livingston. Buena Vista township : John Meyer. Palo Alto township : Fred C. Andreas. Elk Creek township; E. L. Duncan, Poweshiek township; W. J. Miller. Mount Prairie township. Among the more recent improvements made at the fair grounds may be mentioned the new track built in 1910, said now to be the best half-mile track in Iowa. PRAIRIE CITY AGRICULTURAL .SOCIETY. In 1870 a society known by the above name was organized at Prairie Citv. in this county. Perhaps no better statement can be made, at this late late, of this fair than that written in the XcTi'fon Jounml by its editor, who was in attendance and wrote as follows: 'Tn company with about one hundred and fifty others from Xewton. we were at Prairie City at the fair last Thursday. With good roads and fair weather, the drive thither was one of the most pleasant that we know of. \\'e found a large number of people on the grounds, not less than two thou- sand at one time during the day. The number of entries was about five hundred. There was an excellent showing of fine large horses, but few cat- tle, one pen of sheep, and quite a fair showing of hogs. In Floral Hall were to be seen some excellent specimens of flowers and the handiwork of ladies. 106 JASl'EK COL' N TV. U)\VA. The trotting race in the afternoon was indeed exciting and closely contested, being won by Tirapevine.' owned by D. C. Gifford. Governor Kellogg failed to arrive, but the balloon went up about five o'clock. All day the weather had been threatening, and at a little after five the rain came down in tor- rents and continued until about midnight. The experience of many of our people in getting home through the rain is laughable to relate, and all agree that the visit to the Prairie City fair this year could not be set down as a dry time." Two hundred and fifty-eight premiums were awarded to exhibitors on the al>ove occasion. After a time this association went down and now Xew- ton has the only annual exhi1:)ition in the county. PATRONS OF HUSBAXnRY. This was an order that sprang into existence perforce of the very needs of that time, and which was. not as has been supposed by some, a failure in the broader sense of the word, for through it the legislative bodies, both state and national, were induced to listen to the petitions of farmers and laborers in general. Many of the present-day reforms have been made possible by the work of what was termed the ''Grange.'' or Patrons of Hus- bandr\\ movement. This movement was organized and in good working form early in the seventies, but in Jasper county it had reached its greatest strength in 1874. when there were about sixty well organized Granges in operation. Its primary object was to make higher the standard of living among the farming classes of America. When it was fairly known what its true aim and object was, there were designing men. men who had been thus far a failure in life's conflict, and who hoped to gain by Ixx-oming identified with the new movement, who sought and in many cases were admitted to the Granges. Xo sooner had the order been well founded than tliere was one element who desired at once to do away with the "middle men" of this countr\- and take upon themseUes the duties of running retail and whole- sale stores, mills, creameries and farm implement factories and warehouses. They also sought to enter the political arena and have a direct voice in legis- lation, all of which was highly ])rnper. in a way. but as it was managed it proved too much of a task for a new-born order to successfullv carrv out. TTence instead of the real object, that of teaching farmers a better method of er of Granges in this county had decreased to about fifteen. Among the many good results of the Jasper County Grange may be mentioned the formation of a Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, in 1874. with E. N. Gates as president; J. \\\ Alfree. secretary; H. L. Moffatt, treasurer, with directors from each to\\nsliip in this county. Another feature of the Patrons of Husbandry here was the establish- ment of the Jasper County Co-operative Association, formed also in 1874. with its chief place of transacting its business at Newton. The first .stock- holders were J. W. Murphy, J. W. Alfree, James Lee, H. L. Mofifatt and Caleb Lamb. The paid-up capital was four thousand seven hundred dollars. This was more fortunate than most of the "Grange stores" in the country, in that it made some net profit each year during its existence. An ele\ator was erected at ]\Ionroe, this county, in 1873 by the Patrons in that locality, and it was owned and operated by them two years and more, when the property was sold without loss to the stockholders. In the earlv months of 1874. when word came from the distressed and destitute settlers of northwestern Iowa, asking for help for the hundreds who had lost heavily by reason of the grasshopper scourge, none gave more lil)erally than memljers of the Granges in Jasper county. And again, when the cry went up from drouth-stricken Kansas and Nebraska the year fol- lowing, car load after car load of grain and clothing and provisions were sent from here, as well as large sums of ready cash. Surely in the last day. when the motives and virtues of all men's hearts shall be made manifest, the names of the members of these Granges in Jasper county shall be re- corded as ha\ing done what they could for their brother farmers in distress and want. •Times changed, more equal laws were made concerning freight rates, warehouse privileges, etc.. and one by one the Granges dropped out of exist- ence until the order, once so thriving, went down. But in its stead, came many farmers' clubs and other associations by which the mutual efforts of farmers have Ijeen the means of doing much good in both social and indus- trial wax s. The farmer has at last learned that he has plenty to do to farm after improved methods and the business man has learned a lesson taught him bv the Granger movement, that it is l>est to not exact too great a profit on the goods he seeks to sell to the toiling masses of agriculturists in this country. !More and more, the American farmer is coming to be looked upon as holding the balance of ix)wer in his hands. His present bank account is io8 jasim:r couxtv, iowa. causing even Wall street to "sit up and take notice," and in times of panics he has only to keep a cool head and plow corn in Jasper county to be one of earth's independent kings. At this writing (1911) there are but a few Granges operating in this county, which includes the one known as the old Buena Vista Grange, which has always kept up its organization, This Grange was organized in August, 1872. bv the late -\ndrew Failor. at the home of J. W. Murphy, who was its first worthy master. This Grange owns a good hall at Adamson's Grove, well lighted and heated. Its table seats forty-two persons. Between seventy- five and one hundred persons still belong to this order in Buena Vista town- ship. Meetings are held each month and members are constantly being added. This always was one of the strongest Granges in Jasper county. It was here that was set on foot the present Farmers' Institute, as well as the Farmers' Co-operative Mutual Telephone System. CHAPTER IX. RAILROADS AND EARLY TRANSPORTATION. There is no internal improvement that has done so much to develop the country as its railroads. The printing press, the railroad and the electric telegraph wire, combined with the later telephone systems, certainly moved the world as Archimedes little dreamed it could be moved. Up to within about a half century, all new countries were required to be opened by the hardv pioneers, and their agricultural and mineral resources well developed before the capitalists would invest their money in building railroads. Now railroads are first built and the people follow on by freight and passenger train transportation. Jasper county was not so fortunate as to have been provided wdth railroads in advance of its first settlement, but long, weari- some years were endured before the stage coach and freighting wagons were superseded by the iron horse speeding over the iron and steel rails of a steam railway. But today the "Kingdom of Jasper" is crossed and recrossed by a network of railways that afford ample transportation for all that comes from the richness of the soil, and from its mineral deposits, as well as its vast manufacturing industries, the raw and completed materials of which come in and go out by rail in vast quantities. FIRST RAILROAD PROJECT. The county judge of this county in October, 1853, ordered an election on the question of railroads, which reads as follows : "Ordered, that there be an election held in Jasper county, Iowa, on Monday, the 21st day of November, 1853, submitting the question whether the countv of Jasper will aid in the construction of the Lyons Iowa Central railroad by subscribing to the capital stock forty thousand dollars." This election was ordered upon the petition of one-fourth of the legal voters within the county. Bonds were to be issued, running twenty years, and no monev was to be paid over until that amount of work had been per- formed within Jasper county by said railroad company. The rate of in- no JASPER COrXTY. IOWA. terest to be paid on bonds thus issued was seven per cent, llie people were to be taxed seven mills on a dollar each year for ten years and ten mills each year for the remaining ten years. This election resulted in a vote of one hundred eighty-nine for and one hundred forty-nine votes against the proposition. The road was never built, however, so it remains to be seen when Jasper county did really gain her first railway line. But before coming to that climax, the reader may be interested in knowing of other attempts at railroad projects in the county. November 20, 1856. a petition was presented to the county judge, signed by more than the required one- fourth of the voters of the county, asking that a proposition be submitted at an election, authorizing the judge of the county to subscribe two hundred thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Mississippi & Mis- souri Railroad Company. The election was set for December 30. 1856. The proposition was to carry with it twenty-year bonds, drawing ten per cent, interest. The result at the election was decidedly against the measure, the \ote standing seven hundred seven against and two hundred fourteen for the subscription. Every township in the county went against it, save Newton alone, and in the townships of Lynn Grove, Elk Creek, Fairview and Clear Creek not a single vote was cast for the railroad company. It is said that the farming communities outside went against this to get even with Newton for not voting them licenses for selling liquor — they wanted much in those early days for rattlesnake bites ! Another railroad proposition was defeated July 25, 1857, the vote standing seven hundred twenty-eight for and eight hundred two against the railroad. This was also for the proposed Mississippi & ]\Iissouri line, asking- two hundred thousand dollars in lx)nds. The next date for the railway proposition to come before the taxpayers of Jasper county was March 4. 1858, when the county judge ordered an election to decide whether the people wanted to vote aid to the Mississippi & Missouri line in the amount of fifty thousand dollars. This election, held April 5, 1858, was decided against the proposition by a vote of seven hun- dred fifty for and eight hundred fifty-seven against. IOWA LAND GRANTS. The congressional act of May 15, 1856, granting lands for the purpose of constructing railroads in this state, included the following trunk lines: Burlington & Missouri River, 287,000 acres of land ; Mississippi & Missouri JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. Ill River, 774.000 acres of land ; Cedar Rapids & Missouri River, 775,000 acres of land: Dubuque & Sioux City railroad, 1,226,000 acres of land. By this same act of Congress, the Mississippi & Missouri line was au- thorized to transfer and assign all or any part of the grant to any other com- pany or person, "if in the opinion of said company, the construction of said railroad across the state of Iowa would be thereby sooner and more satisfac- torily completed."' But greater still was the "graft" of the act of Congress in August. 1846. which provided for the navigation of the Des Moines river, and in payment for same undertaking the Des ]\Ioines River Navigation Companv was to receive two hundred and se\"enty-one thousand acres of valuable land on either side the stream, the same being each alternate section. Then, in 1855. when it was seen that the navigation scheme would not prove a success, they got Congress to juggle the case over, so that a railroad company might be built and thus utilize the proceeds of the land grant. The newly formed company was styled the Des Moines River Improvement & Railroad Company. After more than thirty years of litigation, in the courts of the country and in Congress, the case was finally settled by the commis- sion appointed by Congress to adjust the matter. Many improvements had been made on these lands by innocent purchasers and the company ejected many of the families. This went on as far north on the river as the grant extended, which was to Fort Dodge. \\'ebster county settlers were the greatest sufferers. One steamboat went as far north as Fort Dodge, on the high water of 1857, but no more was seen of steamboating on the river. Several sections of this river land, as it was styled, was in Des Moines and Fairview townships of Jasper county. Having expended just enough money to partly complete locks and dams along the stream, to control the lands granted by Congress, the company became bankrupt (?) and transferred its title to the Keokuk. Des Moines & Minnesota Railroad Company. This company, in about i860, commenced the building of a railroad along the banks of the Des Moines. Three years later the corporation was changed to the Des Moines Valley Railroad Com- pany, and under that corporate name the road was finished to Fort Dodge. This was the first railroad completed in Jasper county. The date was late in 1863. The first freight, a car of lumber, was landed at Monroe November 24, 1865. The next spring it reached Prairie City and in August, that year, it reached Des ]\Ioines. In 1873 the companv went into bankruptcy and was sold to others. The line between Keokuk and Des Moines was afterwards known as the Keokuk 112 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. & Des Moines railroad. The last named corporation Ijecanie involved and in 1878 it passed intt) the hands of the great Rock Island system. Including its connection with the ri\er land project, for making the river a navigable stream, this is the oldest railway corporation in Iowa. THE CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. This highway entered Iowa by reason of a lease from the old Missis- sippi & ]\Iissouri railroad, already mentioned as having been given aid through the great land grant of 1856, along with several other trunk lines across the domain of Iowa. Yet, without these grants it might have been manv years longer before the pioneer settler would have heard the neigh of an iron horse. Like all other early roads, this one made slow progress in getting through to the Missouri river at Council Bluffs. In 1858 it had reached Iowa Citv, where it stopped several years for lack of business and funds with which to complete its lines. During the middle of the Civil war period, about 1863, ^^ork was resumed, and "will reach Newton in ninety days" was heard several years, and finally, in 1867, it did reach this point. The oft-repeated defeats of the company at the hands of the people of Jas- per county proved but the part of wisdom when later decisions of the United States and state courts held that the bonds asked for in aid of such an enterprise would have been null and void for lack of constitutionality. In May, 1867, Newton had her first train service and the road was pushed on to Des Moines in the same year. Not long after this the old company went into the hands of a receiver, in the person of that once well known, highly respected banker, B. F. Allen, w^io in handling the large amounts entrusted to him invested in personal enterprises, and in the end became a bankrupt himself, and many think went down to his grave in dishonor. After this the road was operated and finally owned by the Riock Island corporation, and is today one link in its long and powerful system — a part of its main line. Another branch of this railroad is what was formerly called the NEWTON & MONROE RAILROAD. For a short line route, this railroad has had a checkered career. It was started by the coal mining interests found in the southern part of Jas- per county, in 1863-4, when F. H. Griggs, of Davenport, invested in a large JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. II3 tract of this coal land, situated three or four miles to the south of Newton. In 1 87 1 a local company was formed for the purpose of building down into the mining district from Newton. It was called the Jasper County Coal and Railroad Company, with Griggs as its president. In 1 87 1 a company known as the Chicago, Newton & Southwestern was organized, and the old coal road company contracted to build the same for them. No bonus was asked for this road. About the same date there was still another railroad enterprise formed on paper, largely, that of the Iowa, Minnesota & Northern Pacific, having a capital of twelve million dollars back of it. This line was projected as far to the northwest as Webster City, Hamilton county, Iowa. As soon as the last company began operations along the line, at Newton they disputed the rights of the coal road to hold the right-of-way in and through Newton, and then came an injunction suit in which the Iowa, Minnesota & Northern Pacific were beaten. During 1871 some work was executed along the new line to the great northwest, and in Palo Alto, Newton and Fairview townships, Jasper county, a tax was \oted to aid the construction of the new proposed highway. In fact, the new corporation had but little means on which to operate and they had to depend largely on the taxes they hoped to receive from farmers along the line. Hence they gave time checks and due bills to the workmen who performed service for them in construction. They, of course, believed that when the taxes were paid as levied that they would receive their pay. Busi- ness men took the paper at Newton and ]\Ionroe, and that by a slight dis- count. But presently, the men who had not favored taxation refused to pay taxes in and suits were filed to recover in cases where they had been paid in. At that date more than twenty thousand dollars of paper was floating, as given out for work done on the new road. The Iowa, Minnesota & Northern Pacific Company then laid still until 1875. when Hornish, Davis & Company, contractors, transferred their con- tract to the Iowa & Minnesota Construction Company, organized for the purpose of getting the old company out of the financial trouble it had fallen into. The old original stockholders of the coal company, of course, re- ceived thirtv-five thousand dollars in bonds of the road. Under this con- tract the grading was done and the track laid between Newton and Monroe, in December, 1876. Thus ended the much-talked-of great northwestern thoroughfare to the lake region of the upper ^lississippi river and the thun- dering cataract of St. Anthony Falls (now ^linneapolis) — a road part way through lasper county. (8)' 114 TASI'KU COrXTV. IOWA. In the spring of 1878. becoming in\ol\ed. the last named company was reorganized and was styled the Newton & Monroe Company, with general offices at Newton. Bnt later it was taken over by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Company and is by them operated today. THE lOWA CENTRAL RAILROAD. This system strikes Jasper county at a few ix)ints. Its main line, built in the seventies, from Alarshalltown to Oskaloosa. goes through the city of C.rinnell. and from the first station point to the north of Grinnell. called Newburg, which place is situated in Jasper county, a branch of the Iowa Central diverges to the northwest, to State Center. Newburg is within Hickory Grove township. Then this road has a branch, in Jasper county, running from Newton southeast to Lvnnville. from which place it passes southeast and out of the county, terminating at the main line, at New Sharon. THE CHICAGO GREAT WESTERX RAILROAD. This road was originally known as the Diagonal, then the Maple Leaf, and now the ''Great Western" route, which runs to St. Paul, Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs and Kansas City. It passes through the northwest part of Tasper county, with stations at Baxter, in Independence township; Ira. in the same township: Mingo, in Poweshiek township, and also Valaria, where it forms junction with the short road from Colfax, the Colfax North- ern. The Great Western was completed early in the eighties through this countv and is a valuable adjunct to transportation. It was built after the days when people were asked to be taxed to build railroads in Iowa, hence cost the people nothing, save here and there a bit of right of way, which \vas more than paid for in the advantages had by the coming of so good a system of railroad. THE XEWTOX vS; NOK'l" 1 1 WEST?:RX UAH.KOAD. This is the latest highway constructed in Jasper county, and so far has not ])roved to be a success, financially. It was constructed and put in opera- tion in 1905-6 and bid fair to become a good road. It runs through a rich section of Iowa's fair domain with several flourishing station points en route, but in a few years it was forced into the hands of a receiver, in the person of Parley Sheldon, of Ames. It is at this writing in the hands of the United States court, and unless matters can l)e adjusted or the ])ropertv sold to another corporation, it will be ordered sold for the material on its roadway, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. II5 including the iron and bridges, etc., and depot buildings will be sold at auction for the benefit of its creditors. But it is hoped, and believed, that the property will remain intact and purchased by a company able to continue its operation. Rumor says the Iowa Central and Rock Island both have their eyes on it. And it is thought the Des Moines interurban electric line may purchase and electrify a part of it. The general offices of the company are at Boone, while some of the stock is held in Boston. It extends from Xewton to Rockwell City, a dis- tance of one hundred and six miles, with a branch line from Goddard to Colfax of about four miles length. In Jasper county it passes from Xewton through Mingo, in a north- westerly direction. It has been suggested that it be electrified from Xewton to Des Moines Junction, but this remains to be recorded by another histor- ian, when the road has been finally disposed of. RAILROAD MILEAGE OF COUNTY. The mileage of railroads in Jasper county, in the spring of 191 1 is as follows : Miles. Main line of Rock Island railroad 34-38 Monroe branch of Rock Island railroad 17.02 Old "Des Moines Valley" branch 17-52 Iowa Central (main line) 4.00 X'^ewton-Xew Sharon line 23.28 State Center branch 6.00 Colfax & Northern i3-oo Newton & X^orthwestern -24.35 Chicago Great Western 31 -82 Interurban (from Colfax west) 5.06 Total mileage in county 1 76.43 CHAPTER X. EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. Sidney Foster, of Des Moines, is credited with originating the follow- ing phrase: "Of all things good, Iowa affords the best.'' And this sentiment applies justly to the public school system of the state. The common schools of our countiy are now looked upon as the safeguard of the republic. The first settlers of Iowa territory showed their faith by their .works in planning for a greater and better common school system than had hitherto been known in any section of the countn-. Governor Robert Lucas, in his first message to the first Legislative Assembly of Iowa territory, which con- vened at Burlington November 12, 1838, said in reference to schools: "The twelfth section of the act of Congress, establishing our territory, declares that 'the citizens of Iowa shall enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities heretofore granted and secured to the territory of Wisconsin, and its inhabitants.' This extends to us all the rights, privileges and im- munities specified in the ordinance of Congress of the 13th of July, 1787. ■'The third article of this ordinance declares that 'religion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government, and the happiness of man- kind, schools and all the means of education shall be forever encouraged.' "Congress, to carry out this declaration, has granted one section of land in each township to the inhabitants of such township, for the purposes of schools therein. ■'There is no subject to which I wish to call your attention more em- phatically, than the subject of establishing at the commencement of our political existence a well digested system of common schools." This Assembly addressed itself early to the task of providing for a system of common schools and enacting a law providing for the formation of districts, the establishing of schools, and authorized the voters of each district, when lawfully assembled, to levy and collect the necessary taxes, "either in cash or good merchantable property, at cash price, upon the inhabitants of their respective districts not exceeding one-half per centum, nor amounting to more than ten d(jllars on any one person, to do all and everylliing necessary to the establishment and support of schools within the same." CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, NEWTON WEST SCHOOL BUILDING. NEWTON JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 11/ The second Legislative Assembly enacted in January, 1840. a much more comprehensive law to establish a common school system. But it was a little in advance of the pulilic mind of the day. In the United States census reports for 1840 there were few public or private schools reported. One academy in Scott county with twenty-five students, and in the territory, sixty-three primary and common schools, with one thousand f\\c hundred scholars enrolled, is the report of that day. The first section of the act of 1839, for the establishment of schools, provided, that "there shall be established a common school, or schools, in each of the counties of the territory, which shall be open and free for every class of white citizens between the ages of five and twenty-one years.'' These districts were governed by a board of three trustees, whose duties were to examine teachers and employ the same, superintend the schools and collect and disburse the taxes voted by the electors for school purposes. When Iowa was admitted into the Union, in December, 1846, it had a school population of twenty thousand, one-fifth of its entire population. There were then four hundred school districts. By 1857, there had come to be three thousand two hundred and sixty-five school districts. From the earliest day, in Jasper county, education was considered first in importance and well were laid the foundation stones for the present most excellent public schools. The first schools in the county were taught in a private way, in the various settlements. These were what were termed ''subscription schools.'' Sometimes thev were taught in a rude log cabin, scarce fit for human habita- tion. Stoves and other heating appliances, now so common, were then un- known to this section of the countiy. A mud-and-stick chimney in one end of the building, with an earthen hearth, with a fireplace wide enough and deep enough to take in a four- foot length of wood for back-log and smaller wood to match, served universally for the warming of these early school houses. In summer time they served as a sort of conservatory. For win- dows, part of a log was cut out in either side, and maybe a few panes of eight-by-ten glass set in. or. in other instances, the opening would be covered with thick greased paper, which allowed a small amount of the sun's light into the rudely furnished school room. For writing benches wide planks were rested on pins or arms driven into some two-inch auger holes bored into the logs of the building, just beneath the windows. Seats were fashioned out of thick planks or hewed puncheons. The floor was usually made of the same material — sometimes only the soil of mother earth. Yet, from just Il8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. such school rooms have gone forth many of America's greatest statesmen. In some other instances the "spare room" of some humble farm cabin home was fitted up for school purposes. But even there the furniture was of the same rude, home-made type, never having seen a saw or smoothing plane, but all had the score line and imprint of the handy pioneer's hand-ax. All this has materially changed. In Iowa, a log school house has come to be looked upon as a rarity. In common with all the great commonwealth of Iowa. Jasper county now boasts of excellent school houses and teachers fully up-to-date in their manner of training the young. The county superintend- ents and the city instructors in the graded schools rank as high as any in Iowa. EARLY SCHOOL HOUSES. The first school house erected in Jasper county was built on the claim made by David Edmundson, near the site of the present county farm. This was built in 1848, of logs, and was about sixteen feet square. The floor, doors and desks were all made from rough hewn puncheons. The windows were glazed with greased paper. The chimney would be a startling curiosity to any person, old or young, today. A huge log was laid inside and parallel with the outside walls. On this the flue was constructed, sloping to the roof. Thus the space usually left in cabins for a recess w as left open as a toasting place for the little scholars. The flue-walls were covered with a thick mor- tar of clay. This school was taught by William C. Smith on the '"subscription" plan and lasted three months. In the dreary winter of 1848-9 might have been seen huddled together such boys as were later .prominent men in this county, and known as Messrs. A. T. Prouty, W. ^1. Springer, Lewis Herring, John Moss, Moses Lac}- and ! ). P^dniundson. The first school house in the southern portion of the county was that near Jasper Whitted's. at Tool's Point, which structure was completed in the fall of 1848 also. This was a much superior building, in that it had a chimney clear up from the earth to above the roof and it stood on the out- side of the building. The windows also were provided with glass. These window^ lights possibly came from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, via the Ohio and Mississippi river, round by way of the Des Moines river to this county. This school was taught by E. R. Wright and it was held in the w inter of 1848-49. He had an attendance of about fifteen and some weeks as high as twentv pupils. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I I9 SCHOOL FINANCES LONG AGO. Jesse Rickman, the first county school fund commissioner, had but little trouble in looking after the finances, as turned in to him, as will be obser\-ed bv the following: Only six school districts had so far been or- ganized by the fall of 1849-50. David Hinshaw, treasurer for district No. 2, Newton township, receipted for $18.08; Ezekiel Shipley, of district No. 3, same township, $20.60; Levi Plummer, for district No. i, Poweshiek town- ship, $34.06: Joseph L. Doan, for district No. i, of Newton township. $44.90; William Hayes, No. i. of Des ]\Ioines township, $48.77; Jacob Pudge, No. I, of Fairview township, $51.63. The school fund apportionment in March, 1851, was as follows: No. 2, Fairview, $8.29; No. 2, Newton, $19.35; ^^o- i- Elk Creek, $12.27; No. 3, Newton. $17.15; No. 4, N>wton, $23.34; No. i. Poweshiek, $18.25; No. i, Lynn Grove, $42.61; No. i, Newton, $24.34: No. i, Fairview, $24.34; No. I. Des ]Moines, $26.00: No. i. Clear Creek. S19.97: No. 2, Des ]\Ioines, $13.27. Five districts were formed in 1851. In 1854 four school districts were organized in Jasper county. That year marks the beginning of better school days in the county, for its first for- mative stages were then at an end — the log school house was then doomed to be superseded by frame and brick structures, for the mighty tide of settle- ment then set in had brought hundreds of settlers, some of whom had means, and all had an idea that education was a good thing to have in opening up a new country. By 1856 the rush of immigration was great and it brought new life and the true spirit of education and general progress from the older Eastern states. In August, 1854, the annual tax levy was : State, one and a half mills; county, three mills and a poll tax of fifty cents; roads, two mills, and a poll tax of one dollar and fifty cents : schools, three-fourths of a mill. FIRST SCHOOLS IN SOME OF THE TOWNSHIPS. For Newton township, see "'City Schools." In Monroe, in Fairview township, the first regular school house of anv consequence was erected in 1851. The independent district of Jasper city (now Kellogg) was organized May 25, 1868. with S. C. ]\Ionett as its president. June 8th of that year it was voted to erect a school house by the issue of a ten-mill tax for bonding purposes. I20 JASl'KR COrXTV. IOWA. The independent district of Lynnville was created in March, 1870. with A. O. Ailver as its president, and Benjamin F. Arnold, treasurer. In Aui^ust, 1 87 1, the board ordered the old school house sold and appointed a committee to confer with the I^>iends society of the town, with a view of selling the property and then leasing of them if possible. At that date, the Friends had a large building which had been used by them as an academy, but was then not in use. The board finally made satisfactory terms and the old meeting- house of the Friends was secured and served the district until in 1876. when it was found too small for the increasing population. The Friends believed in the school and recommended it to the surrounding settlement of Friends, and in this wav large numbers from outside were sent to school in this dis- trict, thus giving a nice town school re\enue. The land owned by the Friends was not thought legal to build a public school house upon and hence, after an injunction suit had been commenced, the matter was not protested against, but the district went ahead and bonded for two thousand dollars to build on grounds of their own purchasing. The building was twenty-eight by forty feet and two stories high. This is the base of the present school system at Lynnville, which from an early date has been noted for good order and most excellent public schools, as well as the old academy conducted by the Friends, first in the near-by country and later in town, an account of which will appear elsewhere in this chapter. The independent district of Colfax was not formed until in April, 1876. William Kelsey was the first president of the school board. During that year the district \oted and bonded itself for the amount of three thousand five hundred dollars with which to erect suitable school buildings. Its cost was really over four thousand dollars. It was a two-story, forty-foot scjuare building. At Prairie City an indepen^lent district was voted into existence at the March election of 1867. Caleb Bundy was chosen first director. In 1868 an exceptionally good school house was erected at a cost of six thousand dollars. The district in which Reasoner is located was formed in 1878 and since then the schools of the village ha\e been on a par w ith most small town schools in Jasper county. With the passing of the years there were built school houses all over the fair domain of Jasper county, wherever the settlement demanded it. and this appears to have been in almost every nook and corner. The present county superintendent's report to the state authorities, dated 1910. discloses many facts relative to Jasper county schools, which should be carefully read JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 121 by all interested in the subject of education in this county. But before entering into that subject, it will l3e best to note some things concerning the city schools of Newton, for they have, indeed, made an almost enviable record in the last quarter of a century among the cities of Iowa, and that largely perforce of having the right men at the helm, both on the board of education and as instructors. NEWTON CITY SCHOOLS. To have been educated at the Newton high school has been to be well trained — fit for entering into a college or an active life of business, in what- ever calling one might adopt. However, this excellent school did not come by mere chance, but by long, hard struggles. It has had its foes within and without, but at last came off conqueror and stands out prominent among the foremost schools in any section of the Hawkeye state. The early records show that Newton was within what was styled dis- trict No. 3, of Newton township, from 1858 on to the spring of 1863, when it was placed within an independent district. The records show the first officers to be, in this independent district, J. B. Hough, president; Josiah Wright, vice-president : William R. Skiff, treasurer : Jesse Rickman. secre- tary ; Milton Anderson, director. The first teachers employed were Baxter George, Airs. Margaret Carss. Mrs. Emilv McCord and Rebecca Donnal. The board resolved that ''the teachers and each and every one of the larger scholars be required to sweep the school house by turns," and that the teachers should have pay only for actual time employed. May 25, 1864, the board contracted with Hugh Rogers for the erection of two school houses, for one thousand four hundred and eighty -dollars, twenty-five by thirty feet, one located in Edmundson's addition to Newton, and also one in Pardoe's addition. In the spring of 1865 a new roof was placed on the brick school house, at the cost of five hundred dollars. In the summer of 1867 the West End school house was built by Con- nelly & Eastman, for seven hundred and eighty dollars, and the same season a building was erected in the east part of town, by C. L. Connelly, costing the district eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars. August 10, 1868, a vote was taken on the question of issuing bonds for the purpose of extending the school accommodations of Newton, which election resulted in five majority against the proposition. On the 25th of 122 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. the same month, however, another vote was taken and resulted in favor of the pending- proposition, the \ ote standing- one hundred forty-two to one hundred one. In March. 1870, a ten-mill tax was voted by the people for the con- struction of buildings to be centrally located. In May, 1871, the old school house site, north of the public square, was selected after a close contest. The building (still in use) was erected in 1871. It is three stories high and sixty by eighty feet in size. A high tower encloses the bell. The material is Milwaukee brick. The five thousand dollars which it cost was raised by floating bonds. The redemption fund commenced in 1872, with an eight mill tax. In 1873 four thousand five hundred dollars was levied: in 1874, 1875 and 1876, ten mills each year was levied. In 1878 the building was filled to its entire capacity and the patrons of the schools were again com- mencing to wonder what would be the next school house plans for Newton. In its day, this school house was among the best in Iowa, was well con- structed and is still doing excellent service. What is known as the West school, it being on ^^'>st ]vlain street, was erected in 1897, at a cost of ten thousand dollars, including all connected therewith. It is a two-story brick structure of modern architecture. The next building required was the one in the northeast part of the city, erected in 1901, at a cost of nine thousand eight hundred and seven-five dollars, including furniture. The pride of the city, however, is the high school building, erected in 1907, just west from Central school building. This beautiful large struc- ture cost the district the sum of seventy-two thousand dollars, all furnished. It is built on the most modern and approved plans for school buildings, even to the items of sanitary drinking fountains. THE SCHOOL GRADED. In 1863 Albert Lufkin, Milton Anderson and Josiah Wright were ap- pointed to grade the Newton schools. The following year there were four teachers employed at salaries ranging from twenty-five dollars to forty dol- lars per month. Darius Thomas was "principal teacher"' and he held the position to 1864, the end of that school year. E. H. Fenton was employed at twenty-five dollars per month and four other teachers were employed. In 1865 W. H. Shaw was employed as "principal teacher"' at fifty dol- lars per month. During all of these years of national struggle not a word is to be seen in the records about the great Ci\il war, then in progress, yet no JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I23 one can doubt that Newton was filled with a true and loyal spirit of patriot- ism, from the number of men she sent to the fighting front at the South. In 1866 the teachers were L. B. Westbrook, Mary Hickey, Emily Fen- ton, Cynthia Lindley, Lavinia Rickman and Lydia S. Clark. The salaries run from forty dollars down to as low as twenty-five. In 1867 the principal was J. A. Clippinger, who was paid sixty dollars per month for his services. Admission to the highest department of the schools was based on ability ''to advance beyond fractions." The man at the head of the schools was not permitted to use his own judgment, but must needs consultahe directors about any changes in school affairs. From 1869 on, the record shows that nine months" school was counted as a "school year." E. S. Everly was elected as principal, but. refusing to teach for less than seventy-five dollars a month, the board re-elected Mr. Clippinger and he was assisted by five other instructors. In 1868 among the teachers mentioned in the records was 'Sir. Martin. who received the largest salary. In 1870 nine teachers were employed. G. M. Doud receiving sixty dol- lars per month. W. G. Work remained superintendent. In 1 87 1 O. M. Schee was superintendent, at one hundred dollars per month, an innovation in wages. \\\ W. Wallace was hired to teach music at fifty dollars per month. Nine other instructors were engaged at that time. In 1872 Albert Loughridge was superintendent at a salary of one thousand dollars per year. He had ten assistants. In 1873 and on to 1876, William Hog was the superintendent. In November, 1874, a new course of study was adopted and the first class graduated in ]\Iarch, 1875, and was as follows : Emerson Hough, Bertha Fehleisen and George Fehleisen. From 1880 to 1883 R. G. Young was employed. In this connection it should be said that in 1882 a high school course was first adopted that met with the general approval of educators in this section of Iowa, generally, and was looked upon as advanced ground in the matter of better educational facilities. Again in 1887 another change was effected in grading the high school of Newton. Prof. E. J. H. Beard, the present capable instructor, was employed at Newton in 1892, as the superintendent of the public schools. Since then three school houses have been erected. When he commenced his work here he had fourteen assistants and now the work has advanced to that degree that more than twenty are required to do the work of instruction. Within the 124 JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. past ten years the colleges of the land have increased their requirements, by the addition of several branches, but the fact that up to 1903 no pupil had graduated who was not prepared to enter the freshman classes of accredited colleges speaks much for the work of the Xewton school. Seventeen classes, numbering in all one hundred and eighty-six pupils, graduated during the employment of other superintendents, while under Professor Beard's administration nineteen classes ha\e graduated, and these have a total of four hundred and twenty-eight pupils. In February, 1910. Professor Beard, superintendent of the city schools, said: ■'It is frequently Siiid that the studies of the high school courses lead boys to choose professional careers and do not promote the choice of pro- ductive industries or ordinary business pursuits. In the past seventeen years one hundred and thirty-five lx)ys have graduated from the Newton high school. So far as I am- able to ascertain the following occupations and the number of students in each is here indicated: Lawyers or students of law 4 Proprietors or partners in mercantile business 7 Clerks in various establishments 8 Farmers 18, students of agriculture so far as known 7. . . . 25 In banks 4 Grain dealer i Railroading i Architects 3 Agents for manufacturing and mercantile houses 6 Flectrical engineers or student of electrical engineering. .8 Civil engineers or students of civil engineering 7 Professors of colleges 4 Veterinary students 3 Real estate dealer i Justice of the peace i Editor or printer 2 Evangelist r Dentists 4 Dead c Lumberman i Doctors or medical students 3 Professor of music i JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 12: In factories as proprietor or workmen 15 * In college, courses not known 14 Students concerning- whom I have no data 4 135 "It will be seen from the foregoing that the frequently repeated asser- tion that the modern high school courses prepare students for the so-called 'learned professions' only, is not true and has not been true so far as the Newton high school history for the past seventeen years goes." JASPER COUNTY SCHOOLS IN 187O-76. From Superintendent S. J. Moyer's report in 1870, we extract the fol- lowing: "The state of Iowa boasts of her neat school houses, that dot her l)eautiful prairies, and Jasper county has a respectable share of these to claim as her own. \\ithin the past two years it has been the desire of all unimproved to accommodate themselves with accessible and convenient school houses, and by an examination of the tax abstract for the coming year we are assured the desire increases and ripens into execution as Jasper county enters upon the new year with an increased school house tax. The statistics show that during the last year (1869-70) there have been erected twenty-eight new school houses." The official reports for 1877 show that the county then contained 17 district townships: 28 independent districts: 145 sub-districts: ungraded schools, 165; graded schools, 8; school year, seven months and one week, average: number of male teachers, 123: number of female teachers, 244; average male wages. $35.95; female. $29.64; total enrollment. 8,198: aver- age attendance. 4,598: average cost of tuition, per scholar, $1.61; number of frame school houses. 170; brick school houses. 4; log school houses, none. The value of all school houses in the county, at that date, was $170,405. Cash on hand in school house fund. S6.380: contingent fund, $6,541 ; teacher's fund, $20,446. A MODEL SCHOOL HOUSE. Be it said to the credit of the patrons of the Monroe public schools that in 1870 the following was truthfully recorded by the county superin- tendent of schools of this countv : 12(1 lASl'KK fOUNTV. IOWA. ^'Those who contemplate building for graded schools and independent districts are respectfully invited to examine the new and beautiful school building lately erected in Monroe, which is far superior to any other in the countv in its design and structure and reflects much credit upon the city, the citizens and board that controlled its erection, and upon the community around." JASPER COUNTY SCHOOLS IN IQIO. According to the official report made by the school superintendent in 1910. the following was the statistical condition of the public schools in this county : SCHOOL TOWNSHIPS. Buena \^ista township, number of pupils enrolled, 246; male teachers, one; female teachers, thirteen: number of sub-districts, nine. Des :\Ioines township, number enrolled. 180; male teachers, two; fe- male teachers, sixteen: number of sul)-districts. eleven. Hickory Grove township, number enrolled. 119; male teachers, one; female teachers, thirteen; number sub-districts, nine. Independence township, pupils enrolled. 185; male teachers, one; fe- male teachers, twelve; number of sub-districts, nine. Kellogg township, pupils enrolled, 154; male teachers, one; female teachers, fifteen; number of sub-districts, eight. Lynn Grove township, pupils enrolled, 207; female teachers, twenty- two; number sub-districts, twelve. Malaka township, pupils enrolled, 140; female teachers, fifteen; num- ber of sub-districts, nine. Mariposa township, pupils enrolled, 172; female teachers, seventeen; number of sub-districts, nine. Mound Prairie township, pupils enrolled. 249; male teachers, two; fe- male teachers, fourteen ; number of sub-districts, nine. Xewton township, pupils enrolled, 136; female teachers, ten; number of sub-districts, nine. Palo Alto township, pupils enrolled. 209: female teachers, fifteen; num- ber of sub-districts, eleven. Poweshiek township, pupils enrolled, 244: female teachers, eighteen; number of sub-districts, eight. Richland township, pupils enrolled, 188; male teachers, one; female teachers, sixteen ; number of sub-districts, nine. JASPER COUNT V, IOWA. 12/ Rock Creek township, pupils enrolled, 204; male teachers, five; female teachers, fourteen; number of sub-districts, eight. Sherman tOAvnship, pupils enrolled, 117: female teachers, fourteen; number sub-districts, nine. Washington township, pupils enrolled, 131; female teachers, eleven; number sub-districts, nine. INDEPENDENT VILLAGE, TOWN AND CITY CORPORATIONS. Baxter had five rooms of graded school : one male and fourteen female .teachers; enrollment of 140. Colfax had fourteen rooms of graded school; one male and fourteen female teachers, with an enrollment of 706. Galesburg had two rooms graded; one male and three female teachers, and an enrollment of 49 pupils. Greencastle had two graded rooms; two female teachers, and an en- rollment of 59 pupils. Kellogg had five graded rooms; one male and four female teachers, with an enrollment of 156 pupils. ]^Ionroe had seven graded rooms ; one male and four female teachers, with an enrollment of 226 pupils. Xewton had twenty-eight graded rooms ; two male and twentv-six fe- male teachers, with an enrollment of 1,056 pupils. Prairie City had six graded rooms : one male and seven female teachers. \\ith an enrollment of 233 pupils. Reasoner had two graded rooms, two female teachers and an enroll- ment of thirty-five pupils. "•- Sully had two graded rooms; one male and one female teacher, with an enrollment of 98 pupils. Vandalia had two rural schools ; three female teachers, and an enroll- ment of 49 pupils. RURAL INDEPENDENT CORPORATIONS. No. I, one male and two female teachers, with an enrollment of 36. No. 2, Harsh, two female teachers, and 44 enrollment. Xo. 3. two female teachers and an enrollment of 19 pupils. N^o. 4. one female teacher and an enrollment of 15 pupils. Xo. 5. Ashton. three female teachers; 21 pupils enrolled. 128 JASI'ER COUNTV. IOWA. No. 6. Oak Gro\e, three female teachers, and an enroHment of 21 pupils. No. 7, X'alley. one female teacher, and an enrollment of 26 pupils. No. 8. Indian Creek, three female teachers ; 23 pupils enrolled. No. 9, Green Valley, one female teacher, and an enrollment of 28 pupils. Andreas, two female teachers, and an enrollment of 15 pupils. Brown, one female teacher, and an enrollment of 18 pupils. Dairy Grove, two female teachers, and an enrollment of 17 pupils. McKiiiney. one female teacher and eighteen pupils enrolled. Pleasant View, two females as teachers, and an enrollment of 13 pupils Richland, one male and two female teachers; number pupils enrolled. 14. Rose Hill, one female teacher; numljer pupils enrolled, 26. Sand Point, one female teacher; 18 pupils enrolled. Bellevue. two female teachers; 20 pupils enrolled. Capitol Prairie, one female teacher, and an enrollment of 15 pupils. Cottage Grove, one female teacher, and an enrollment of 35 pupils. Enterprise, one female teacher, and 16 pupils enrolled. Excelsior, one female teacher, and 16 pupils enrolled. Fair View, one female teacher, and 16 pupils enrolled. McCosky, two female teachers, and an enrollment of 16 pupils. Oak Grove, two female teachers, and an enrollment of 28 pupils. Pleasant Hill had no school in 19 10. Sunny Point, one female teacher, and 17 pupils enrolled. Union, one female teacher, and an enrollment of 26 pupils. Warren Grove, two female teachers, and 17 pupils enrolled. The average tuition cost of pupils per month in 1910 was «*'>2.55. OTHER FIGURES. As seen by the county school sujjerintendent's report to the state, bear- ing the date of June 30, 1910, llie following was the standing of schools in the county at that time : Average number of months taught, 81/, ; rural independent districts, 29; independent city, town and village incorporations in the countv. 11; school townships, 16; sub-districts. 147; teachers employed — males, 28; fe- males, 348; average compensation per month, for m<'ile teachers, $69.13; for females, $43.60; total enrollment in the county, 6,411; total average attendance, 4.490; average tuition per month, $2.55; number of school houses. 191; value of school houses, $336,740; value of all apparatus, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1 29 $11,105; number of volumes in all school libraries, 9,230; rooms in which the effects of stimulants and narcotics are taught, 244. On June 30. 1910. there was on hand in the school fund of Jasper county, the sum of $61,829. The school-house fund had on hand at the date just named, $8,845. O" the same date there were bonds and interest- bearing warrants outstanding in the county, $53,181. teachers" institutes. Hardin county had the first teachers' institute in Iowa, under the law which was created in the winter of 1857-8. Jasper was not far behind, for the record shows that on November i, 1858, an institute was commenced at Newton, lasting for six days. Reduced hotel rates were arranged for at the Phelps House, City Hotel and old Ohio House. Teachers were expected to bring with them a AIcGuffey's fourth reader, a geography and atlas, an arithmetic and grammar. The second institute was held in September, 1859. ^^^ organized by Albert Lufkin, president; A. W. Drew, vice-president; A. L. Swallow', secretary. This session continued for two full weeks and numerous lectures were given, including those delivered by Messrs. Shays, Rev. Joshua Swal- low. Rev. T. Merrill, J. R. Mershon, S. F. Cooper, S. N. Lindley and W. D. Moore. This was the beginning of institutes that have been kept up e\er since, with much interest and educational profit. The institute has come to be an occasion which all reputable teachers long for. and the teacher is now compelled to attend at least a part of the session each year. It is one of the needed auxiliaries to teaching and no up-to-date teacher cares to miss the annual session. wittemberg manual labor college. By Hon. W. O. McElroy. Advancement in civilization is largely due to the triumph of principles for which men and women, living in advance of their times, contended for years without apparent success. To such persons, the writer of contempo- raneous history is not always just. He who writes regarding his own times may accurately record current events, but a later generation can. l^etter than he. understand and appreciate their historical value. It is the dutv of the historian not onlv to present the facts, but to mark their significance, (9) 130 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. iiulgint;- men and measures impartially and gi\in,i;- credit to whomsoever it may Ix' due. The reason for tlie fnre.y;oing remark will appear as we proceed. Tn the early fifties a dozen or more families settled upon the prairie north of Xewton, formini^ what was afterwards known as the ''College I'arm" neighljorhood. Their number inckuled some exceptionally thoughtful and earnest men and women. On the i8th day of December, 1855, some of the more prominent ones assembled at the home of John Carey and there adopted articles of incorporation of the W'ittemberg Manual Labor College. At that time negro slavery was strongly intrenched in the United States under constitutional protection : women were generally barred from college and universit) , from taking part in public affairs, rarely being permitted e\en "to sj^eak in church," and were not generally accepted as teachers in public schools; technical education of the industrial classes, schools of agri- culture and mechanical arts, and public instruction in manual training and domestic science, were practically unknown : and the general trend of all education was away from manual labor and e\erything pertaining thereto. It is interesting- to notice, in the light of conditions then existing, the dis- tinctive principles of the institution thus founded and the spirit of its founders, as indicated in its articles of incorporation, four of which were as follows : "Article 3d. We will endeavor to maintain a school in which a pure morality and evangelical religion shall be taught, guarding against the in- troduction of both sectarian teaching and sectional influence. "Art. 4th. As the name of the corporation implies, labor shall be combined with study, invariably, in such manner as the trustees may direct, so that not less than two hours of manual labor each day be required of every teacher and student, unless prevented by sickness or other bodily in- firmity. "Art. 6th. Xo person of good moral character who is not a slave- holder in practice or principle, shall be denied the privilege of being a shareholder in this institution. None shall be rendered ineligible to office or refused admittance as a student on terms of ])erfect equalitv, on account of caste, color or sex. "Art. 1 2th. The trustees shall be chosen by ballot at each annual meet- ing * * * a|. ^vhich time this constitution may be amended * * * ex- cept so much of the second, third and fourth articles as embrace the dis- tinctive principles of our organization, to-wit : Pure morality and religion, without sectarianism; manual labor; freedom from distinction on account of caste, color or sex ; these features shall remain unalterable." JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I3I The first officers of the institution were: Richard Sherer. president; John Carey and John A. Work, vice-presidents; Andrew Failor, secretary; James R. Crawford, treasurer; Rev. Thomas Merrill, general agent; all of whom, with Mrs. Elizabeth Merrill, Mrs. ]\Iary Carey, James McLaughlin, S. A. Thornton, J. P. Beatty and Thomas \'anatta, constituted the board of trustees. A tract of land including the east halt of section 3. township 80, range 19, and adjacent lands, comprising more than four hundred acres in all. was purchased and sul)sec|uently platted. Ten acres in the center was reserved for college building, ornamental grounds, etc. Four rectangular tracts, each comprising about sixty acres, were reser\-ed for the purpose of pro- viding thereon the manual labor in agriculture to be performed by students and members of the faculty. Outlying parts of the land platted were di- vided into residence lots which were afterwards appraised and sold in order to obtain funds for the erection of a building. The records of the board of trustees throughout the sixteen or more years of the existence of the institution lie before us as we write. Insuf- ficient support funds, general low prices and low wages, high rates of in- terest, financial panic, and the disorganizing influence of the Civil war, made the struggle for the maintenance of the school throughout those years very hard. Every meeting of the board was opened with prayer. On Christmas day, 1855, the board fixed the rates of tuition for a term of twelve weeks, as follows : Three dollars for primary department, four dollars for common English branches and five dollars for the advanced English branches and the languages. At the same time ^fr. and ]Mrs. Merrill were employed as teachers. In Februarv", 1856, the property owned by the institution was valued at $6,781.75. One thousand copies of a circular setting forth the advantages offered by the school and its course of study were ordered printed and dis- tributed. Provisions were made for boarding students. Scholarships were ordered sold, the consideration therefor to be paid in installments. The board adopted a plan for a two-story central building fifty-two feet long and forty feet wide, with end or wing buildings, each thirty feet by forty feet. The building committee was authorized to borrow five thousand dollars for the erection of the building. Those were times of low prices and exorbitantly high rates of interest, and the committee subsequently re- l)orted that it could borrow only one thousand dollars. In November. 1856, the board purchased eight acres of timljer from Jesse Hammer, pacing thirty-three dollars per acre therefor, to provide lumber for the building. The plan of the building was subsequently altered 132 JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. considerably, the wing: biiildinji-s beino- omitted. The building- finally erected was a large two-story frame building constructed principally of native wood, finished inside with black walnut, the weather-boarding also being of walnut. The floors were oak. The foundation was stone. Its exact cost can not now be ascertained, but it was probably between six thousand and ten thousand dollars. Prior to its occupancy for educational purposes, the school occu- pied temporary buildings, one of which was, on and after December 7, 1857, rented to the board of directors of the school district for school purposes, at the rental of two dollars and fifty cents per month. The building was afterwards sold to the district. On Xovember 24, 1856, a death having occurred in the neighborhood,, a burial ground was located upon the lands of the college by a committee of the board of trustees "in view of locating the present grave," and the board adopted a resolution that the grounds be free to all as a place of burial. The burial thus located is within the present Wittemberg cemetery, comprising two acres. On October 20, 1858, the board of trustees adopted a resolution for the transfer of the burying ground to the trustees of the Free Presbyterian church of ^^'ittemberg. The financial panic of 1857 bore very heavily upon the corporation. The school continued without interruption, but very little progress was made upon the building. On March 4, 1857, the board adopted the follow- ing resolution : "Resolved, ist. That we recognize in our present embarrassed condition as a board and the causes which have led to it. the plain teachings of di- vine providence. "Resolved, 2d. That both duty and interest demand that we should go forward in the erection of the college building now under contract. "Resolved, 3d. That in order to the accomplishment of this- end, we feel that God is now demanding of us the contribution of such a portion of his property now in our hands as will put this enterprise beyond embarrass- ment." On September 22, 1857, a public dinner was held at the college, the meat for which cost the institution nine dollars. During the same month, the board arranged with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill to publish The W'ittcuiherg Edu- cator, a monthly journal devoted to the cause of education and the interest of the college in particular, the board furnishing the press, tvpe and room, and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill receiving the proceeds of the publication. Sarah Merrill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill and afterwards wife of Rev. Charles C. TTarrab. did the greater part of the work upon the paper. Tt JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I33 was subsequently puljlished semi-monthly under the name of Tlic IVittem^ berg ReTiciv. How long the publication continued, does not clearly appear. However, the minutes of the board show that on December 14. 1858, it adopted a resolution making its subse(|uent meetings private and directed the publication of the resolution in The Ji'iffemberrj Rez'iezv. On June 6, 1859, 'i^ order was made by the board giving Mr. Merrill the use of the printing press and twenty dollars worth of type for one year. In November, 1859, the board refunded to !Mr. Merrill the money spent by him in issuing the first numbers of The JVitt ember g Reviezc. On January 20, i860, the board voted to arrange to open the college school on the first Wednesday of the following May, the tuition alone being the salary of the teachers. At the same meeting Rev. Thomas ]\Ierrill was elected president of the college. J. R. Crawford, G. T. Poage and Thomas Merrill were appointed a committee to prepare a course of study, and ^Ir. Merrill A\as authorized to publish a circular setting forth the ad- vantages of the school. However, a part of the building was yet unfinished. On June 22, 1861, the board submitted to the Free Presbyterian church of \\'ittemberg a proposition to grant to said church the use of the north lower room of the college building for five years for church purposes, provided the church would furnish the materials and pro\ ide the labor necessarv for the completion of the room in the manner specified in the proposition. The proposition was accepted and the room was used for the purposes designated throughout the full term specified. On December 15, 1862, the board of trustees invited the Wesleyan Methodist general conference to co-operate in sustaining the college. Ten days later a committee from the conference called upon the board. The conference declined to consider the proposition unless the joint stock sys- tem should be abandoned and the institution governed entirely by a close board. All negotiations were dropped. During the next four years, in spite of adverse conditions and influences, the school prospered, the attend- ance varying from forty to ninetv pupils. Tn November, 1866, a committee was appointed to consider and report upon the advisability of transferring all the property of the institution to a responsible person who would agree to maintain the school. Nothing was accomplished in that direction, how- e\er, until ^May, 1867, when a contract was made with Rev. S. A. McLean, of Washington county. Pennsylvania, by the terms of which he advanced to the board the sum of two thousand dollars in cash, and agreed to con- duct in the college building for four years a school furnishing instruction in all branches taught in first-class academies, the board agreeing to furnish 1 ^4 JASPER COL'XTV, lOW A. the building in manner specified in the contract, and, at the end of the four years, to pay to McLean the aggregate sum of four thousand and fifteen dollars, the college property to be security for such payment. From the earliest settlement of the neighborhood until the close of the Civil war, the Free I'resbyterian church maintained a strong organiza- tion at Wittemberg. However, \\hen sla^•ery had ceased to exist and the war was closed and the feeling engendered thereby began to disappear, the organization dissolved, one element returning to the Presbyterian church and the other forming the Congregational church of Wittemberg. To the church last named, the board of trustees of the college conveyed a building site about December i, 1867. The Presbyterian church continued to occupy the college chapel until about 1869. On May i, 1868, a committee of the board made written report recom- mending the execution of a new agreement with S. A. McLean, by the terms of which the greater i)art of the college property was to be trans- ferred to ^IcLean, he to cancel all claims under the prior agreement and to assume certain debts and to maintain a school in the college building for ten years from and after January 1, 1868, and, at the expiration of the ten years, to be the absolute owner of the property. Other terms and condi- tions were included in the contract. A resolution authorizing the execution of the agreement was adopted by a divided vote of the trustees. The agree- ment was executed. Mr. McLean died in the early part of 1869. His daughters, Elizabeth and Anna, conducted the school some years after his death. In the meantime, in an action instituted by a trustee who opposed the execution of the last agreement with Mr. McLean, the district court of Jasper county held the conveyance of the property void and gave Mr. Mc- Lean's representatixes a lien thereon. 'i"he lien was foreclosed, but re- dempti(jn from the sale was not made and tlie title to all the property passed to AJr. McLean's heirs. Another writer remarked about tin's educational institution that "to complete the building and to pay the (lel)ts, Messrs. Merrill, Cary and Crawford pledged one thousand dollars each; Mr. King fi\e hundred dol- lars; Mr. Failor, two hundred and fifty dollars; Mr. Beatty, one hundred dollars. The money was raised l)y mortgaging the lands of those named above to parties in the E^st. and much anxiety was experienced by all of them in raising the money afterward to clear the mortgages. "This closed the history of the school, which might, otherwise, have enjoyed a wide reputation. Howex'er, much good was done iiere, for many young men found facilities for education here that tliev might ha\'e failed JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I35 of, and a num1)er of gentlemen now i)rominent in business affairs and other pursuits owe their education to Wittemburg. The school was quite successful from 1857 to 1865. the usual enrollment of pupils being from fifty to eighty." It may also be added that, socially, this institution accomplished much good for the early settlers of Jasper county. It also had what were then very new and advanced notions concerning diet. For instance thev ( the founders) did not eat much meat, but taught that a pure vegetable diet was the proper thing. They used large quantities of graham flour in their cook- ing. They had other notions which would not ])e popular today with the masses, but on the whole those college founders were men and women of large hearts, active brains and great fortitude and integrity of purpose. They certainly left their imprint on the community in which they settled and finally founded ^^'ittemberg College. LYNNVILLE ACADEMY. Mainl\- through subscrii)ti()ns raised among the Friends' society, this institution of learning was founded at Lynnville in 1866. It was continued a number of years, but owing to lack of boarding places the school waned and finally in the course of a few terms closed its doors. In 1871 arrange- ments were perfected with the public school district by which the building thev had erected just outside of town aways was moved to the village and rented to the district. In 1875 the b>iends again took possession of the property, and in the fall of that year an academic course was opened up, with an attendance of about eighty-five students, which number, at the end of the fifth week, had increased to one hundred and thirty. Prof. W. W. Gregg and N. Rosenberger were the teachers at the beginning, and such was the rush of students that the services of Miss Cynthia Macy and Miss Gregg became necessary. After about one year of such prosperity. Professor Gregg left the school. Another principal, from Indiana, taught a while and then the school ceased to be. The building was a frame structure, two stories high, well adapted for school work. Later the building became a part of the Friends' church. IIAZEI. DELF. ACADEAJV AND ITS FOIXDKK. t'KOF. DAkllS IlIOMAS. By J. H. Fugard. This institution was located at Xewton, and occupies an imi)ortant place in the educational history of Jasper county. It was a private school founded bv Prof. Darius Thomas, A. M., in 1856, and was owned and con- ] :>(. JASPKK COUNTY, IOWA. ducted by him for nearly a third of a century. He then disposed of it to Prof. G. \\'. Wormley. a former pupil, who removed it to a new location, and changed it into the Xewton Xornial College. At first the primary as well as the higher branches were taught. But as the public school system became more fully de\eloped, the primary branches w ere dropped, and the academy liecame an intermediate step between the com- mon school and the college. At that time many colleges had a two-year prepara- tory course for such students as were not prepared for the regular college studies. And it is to the credit of Hazel Dell that some of its students were able to pass the required examination and enter the freshman year. And this, too, not onlv in Western colleges, but also in some of the older ones, such as Dartmouth, Harvard and Pennsyhania. At that time commercial colleges and normal schools were but few in number, and none nearby. But this want was here met by courses of study designed to fit young people for business or for teaching. :^Iany received their training here, and several hundred school teachers were fitted for their work. More than fifteen hundred students attended the school during Professor Thomas' administration. .And. as a large numl)er of them afterwards taught in this countv, it can safely 1)e said that, directly and indirectly, several tliousand of our young people received its benefits. I once heard the veteran educator. C. D. Hipsley. say that in his ex- ])erience. as a teacher and principal of the Newton schools and as county su])erintendent. he had found that the teachers who came from this school were more uniformly successful than those from any other institution. The school existed at a time when educational advantages were limited in central Iowa, when times were strenuous and money scarce. And its founder made it possible for many young people to prepare for college, or fit themsehes for life's work, who would otherwise have lacked the op|X)r- tunitv and the stimulus. A glance at our early history will make this more apparent. .\ large proportion of the pioneers were per.sons of intelligence and character. They were desirous that their children should have the privileges whicli they had enjoyed in their former homes. But they were handicapped b\- lack r)f means. Money was scarce everywhere, and especially in the \\'^est. where people had little to sell, and lacked manV of the comforts of life. Some of their efi^orts to secure better things were A-ery feeble, but were steps in the right direction. .\nd we ought not to despise the (Ia\ of small things. For to these efforts we are largely indebted f(^r the ])resent more ideal conditions, which are represented by the church and the school JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1 37 house on the hill and no saloon in the valley. An incident of early davs will illustrate this thought. I once read the minutes of a school meeting that was held in 1854 at the home of Doctor Turck. where John Welle now lives in Buena Vista township. James Wright was secretary and the minutes were quite full and complete. The settlers had gathered to consider the question of having a school in their midst. And it was decided to have one, and to make application for money to hire a teacher. Xo public funds seem to ha\e been available for .school-house purposes, and so thev arranged to build one themselves, each man contributing a portion of the material. It was of rough logs with a clapboard roof, and stood just ea.st of what is now the Mt. Zion cemetery. The needless luxury of a floor was dispensed \\ith for the first year or two. And this school house, rude as it seems, was quite an acquisition to the community, and was used for several years, not only for school purposes, but also for preaching services and festive gatherings. And the religious work begun there by a faithful band of Christians, has been carried steadily and successfully forward, and is now the prosperous ^It. Zion ^Methodist church. The door of the old school house had wooden hinges and a wooden latch. And the seats were rough slabs with the bark side down, and with long wooden pegs for legs. Ah, those blessed old slab benches! ^My back aches even now as T re- call how hard it was for the little folk to balance themselves on them all day long, with nothing to lean against, and not able to reach the floor with our feet. And I remember how I envied the larger scholars who could sit on the bench that was next to the wall. And yet it was while seated there that some of us learned how to spell "l)aker" and '"shady" and the other hard words of two syllables that came after them in Webster's Elementary Spelling Book. On the cover of the book was an emblematic picture of the Temple of Fame, on the top of the Hill of Knowledge. But the sirles of the hill were so steep that no little bov would think of ever trying to reach its summit ; unless, perchance, like Darius Green, he could hope to invent .some kind of a flying machine. But poor as were the school house facilities of those days, a greater educational want was the need of properly trained teachers. At the one just mentioned no school was held the first winter fbr lack of a teacher. And some of the men who taught in the schools during those years were nearbv farmers, who were more noted for their muscle than for their wis- dom. And the fact that thev were able to control the larger bovs mav ha\e 138 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. had something to do with their selection. In the towns the conditions were not much better. The schools were held in small and over-crowded buildings, and only the rudimentary branches were taught. Such was the state of affairs when Mr. Thomas, a quiet, unassuming man. came here from the state of Maryland and entered on his life's work, for which he was well fitted, both by nature and by training. He was a graduate of Jefferson College, Pennsyhania. now known as Washington and Jefferson College. Newton was then only a little hamlet, situated on the edge of a wide prairie that rolled away to the eastward like a boundless sea. To the west and north was an almost unbroken forest, miles in extent and coming to within a block or two of the business part of town. He selected some lots three blocks north of the square where Will Jasper now lives, and with his own hands erected a neat school house there- on, and hewed a road to it through the dense thickets from which it took its name. It was afterwards enlarged several times, until it was made to accommodate a hundred or more pupils, many of whom roomed in the building. Ha\-ing learned in his }ounger days the now lost art of cabinet mak- ing, he was able to make his own furniture ; and it was of a kind that did not fall to pieces with the first season's use. And here he (juietly carried on his work for many years, brightening and sweetening the li\es of others. There was no pomp or attempt at dis- play. X'o students were solicited, and no public aid was ever asked for or received. These things seem odd to us. for we have come to believe that great endowments and costly buildings are a necessary part of brain culture. And we can hardl\- rid our minds of the idea that success onl\- comes to him who most loudly toots his own horn. We forget that modesty is occasionalh- rewarded, and that the public sometimes discovers and appreciates real merit. The school was well patronized by the town. l)ut the most of the stu- dents came from the country. The sturdy l30\s and bonnie girls came troop- ing in, glad to avail themselves of the opportunity which it offered. Only a small portion of them would have been able to go away to a distant school or college. But here, at their very doors, they found an opportunitv at a small cost to obtain the instruction which they desired. And some of them lived near enough to bring a sufficient supply of their mother's cooking to last all the week. They found no s])irit of caste or clannishness to appall them, and soon ceased to be mortified about their plain clothes and were encouraged to do JASPER COUNT V, IOWA. 1 39 their best. Many of ilieni had to work or teach a part of the year in order to earn enough to attend the rest of the time. And tliose who felt unable to continue their studies for lack of means often received helpful suggestions from their teacher, and were assured that their tuition could remain unpaid until they were able to meet it. And to their credit, it can be said that none of them ever failed to meet this obligation. At the present time so many educational institutions number their stu- dents In- hundreds and by thousands, and we are apt to associate successful instruction ^\ ith large attendance. We forget that many small schools and colleges are doing a grand work, and that many able men are from in^^titu- tions that are almost unknown. In a small school the student is usually brought into closer touch with the teacher, and had ought to learn from him to l)e a I^etter and brighter man. And this it seems to me is the best part of the teacher's work, to so shape and mould the lives of their pupils that they may become a blessing to others. Professor Thomas had the faculty of being able to make an impression for good on the character as well as the minds of those who came under his instructions. And this has since been shown by their well-ordered lives. They remember the exemplary life, the words of admonition, and the earn- est prayers for their guidance ; and somehow these things helped make them better men and l^etter women. It is pleasant to know that those who had been most l>enefited by his services did not wait until he was gone to express their appreciation. But many gladly did so during his lifetime. A largely attended reunion was once held at the fair grounds, with a good program, and he was presented with a siher service, suitably engraved, as a token of his pupil's esteem. On account of failing health, he was compelled to gi\e up his loved work in 1884, and seek relief in a milder climate. He retained a warm in- terest in the welfare of his former pupils, and kept a record of their where- abouts. And one of his greatest delights was to hear of their success. He pas.sed away on the 17th of October. 1892. at his home in Carthage, Missouri, and his body was laid to rest in the Xewton cemetery, amid the scenes of his earlier years, and among the people that he loved. Trulv he was a high type of manhood, and "Worthy to bear without reproach that grand old name of Gentleman.*' In the preparation of the foregoing sketch I am indebted to a number of former students and others who have given me facts and suggestions. .\f- ter havins: consented to do it. I shrank from the task, as I felt that it was a 140 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. subject worthy of some one who could do it better. And having been a pu- pil, and later an intimate friend of ^Ir. Thomas, I feared that it might be thought that 1 had unduly magnified the importance of these matters. Hence mv enquiries of others in regard to their view of it. And 1 have been sur- prised at their unanimity of opinion, some liaving used words of commenda- tion stronger than 1 have dared to do. As it was intended for a permanent history, I felt that it should be done bv one who was never connected with the school, and preferred that Hon. A. K. Campbell should do it. He had been familiar with its history, and had been deeply interested in the cause of education, and one of the regents of the State University. But he insisted that I should do it. and furnished me an outline, which I ha\e somewhat closelv followed in the foregoing. A. G. Miller, a former pupil, who has been for many years an efficient police officer in Des Moines and twice chief of the department, makes this suggestion: That the people of this count}' would do themselves a credit to erect a suital)le memorial, either a bronze tablet in the court house, or a monument, in honor of this useful man. Another student. President Hill ?\1. Bell, of Drake Universit}', writes in api)reciative words of the school and its teacher. I value his opinion be- cause he is a successful instructor, and a man of great executive ability, and also as the head of a great university and one of the trustees of the Carnegie Pension Fund he has had almost une([ualed opportunity to become acquainted w ith educators and to weigh their work and worth. I can not better close than by gi\^ing his letter, in which he exjiresses his views in a few terse sentences. It is as follows: "Des Moines^ Iowa, June 3, 1911. "My Dear Mr. Iniganl : "In answer to your letter of June 2d. I will say that I feel that Prof. Darius Thomas exercised a wonderfully good influence upon the earlv his- tory of Jasper county. "Hazel Dell Academy will long be rememljered as an institution that did a service that was not available from any other of like kind. "I acknowledge my own debt to Professor Thomas. ''He was an excellent teacher, and was in his day an inspiration to many young men and women. 'A'ory truly yours, "Hill M. Bell." JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I4I NEWTOX NORMAL COLLEGE. The Xcuton Xonnal College was but the continuation of old Hazel Dell Academy. G. W. W'ormley, in a recent article, states that in the fall of 1884 he was a student in the Iowa State College and received a communi- cation from Prof. Darius Thomas, in which letter the latter stated that he would have to give up teaching on account of failing health, and said : 'T have chosen vou to be my successor; come down and see me; I want to sell out to you." Mr. \\'ormley graduated that autumn as a civil engineer, a field of work in which he was very much interested. He wrote Professor Thomas that he had nothing- with which to purchase his school. To this the Professor replied, "Come down and see me; I can easily manage that part." Here was an event that was to entirely change the life plans of a young man for the better or worse, who can say? He himself is unable now to tell. He went, and the result was he returned to complete the few remain- ing weeks of his college course, the owner of Hazel Dell Academy, the place where he had taken his preparatory work for college. Professor Thomas had sold his school to ^^Ir. W'ormley on time, about the only way he could sell to a student just through college. Professor Wormley has told how Mr. Thomas, after carrying over all the desk-books, records, charts, etc., belonging to the school, came bringing the keys and the old copy of the Psalms and Xew Testament which he had read at opening- exercises for so many years, saying. "This also belongs to you, George. I hope you will not fail to continue its use in the school," and the answer he received seemed to satisfy him. Grand old man — God IMess him. Few nobler ever lived! The first term opened with an attendance of seventy-five. A pretty big undertaking for a young man only twenty-four years old, but he taught them, unaided by any assistants, and seemingly to their satisfaction. This young principal must have been rugged to some degree for he slept on a straw tick on the floor in an upstairs room in the academy all winter. In the spring of 1885 Mr. Wormley married Mary Ellen Spencer, daughter of Henrv M. Spencer and wife, of iSletz. In 1886 he built an addition to the academy, more than doubling the size of the building. The school gained in attendance and the second year after the addition was finished the enrollment reached one hundred and fifteen. Two assistants were now employed. The school continued to pros- per for nine vears. until some of the public-spirited citizens said it ought to 142 JASPER COl-XTV. IOWA. lia\e a l)ettt'r ei|uipnient and a more favorable location. This ag-itation re- sulted in the 1)uildino- of the Xewton Xormal College. This was done on the lot sale plan, through a board of trustees, and was made possible only through the influence of the business men of Newton and a number of pub- lic-spirited farmers. Xot a dollar of remuneration was ev«r received by the board of trustees for their services; on the contrary, they contributed personally toward the incidental expenses of their meetings. On April i-j . 1S93. the contract was let to Fehleisen & Coutts for tweh'e thousand, one hundred dollars, not including heating and plumbing. The building was turned over to Professor W'ormley in the month of No- vember. 1893. The amount received up to this date from lot sales was not sufficient to enable the trustees to settle with the contractors, accordingly they had to secure a loan of three thousand dollars on the college. This mortgage Professor Wormley assumed. This, with two thou- sand dollars which he paid for a heating plant to a firm in Oskaloosa. with school furniture, curtains, wells, piano, and the expenses incurred in mov- ing and remodeling the old academy l)uilding to be used as a dormitory, put him in debt six thousand, five hundred dollars, all of which he paid eight per cent interest upon. He had paid for Hazel Dell and had one thousand dollars in the bank at the close of 1892. This he had spent in purchasing lots, so he was compelled to l)orrow the entire six thousand, five hundred dollars in order to put the new building in condition to open for school the .winter of 1893. This debt he paid off at the end of seven years, partly by tuition, and partly by money raised from the sale of his residence (the old D. T. ^liller property) and the academy lots. The new school was maintained from 1893 to 1906, a period of thirteen years. Much lasting good was accomplished in this period among the stu- dents. This institution was in continuous operation for a period of fifty years, beginning in 1856 and ending in 1906. Twenty-eight years of the time the school was under the management of Prof. Darius Thomas and twenty-two years under Prof. G. W. ^^^ormley. Beginning almost at the opening of the new school — the Normal Col- lege — changes were taking place in our jnil^lic school system, \\hich no one could have foreseen and which no one would wish to prevent had they fore- seen. These changes encroached more and more upon the field fcjrmerly occupied by the scln^ol, imtil five years ago (1906) Professor Wormlev. not satisfied with the outlook, sold out his school and retired to a farm home near Newton. The normal college building is now occupied bv a manu- facturing plant. CHAPTER XL NEWSPAPER PRESS OE FASPER COIXTV. The newspaper press of the land today exerts a more potent influence upon the world than even the pulpit or the bar. The power for good or evil of the press is almost unlimited. The shortcomings of the politician are made known through the columns of the newspaper. The dark deeds of the wicked are made known to the people of all communities. The con- trolling influence of a state or nation is its press, and what is true generally today is true and has been for many years in Jasper countv. The local press is justly considered among the most important insti- tutions of every ^■illage, town and city. The people of almost all communi- ties regard their special newspaper as almost invaluable in the home, the workshop and ofiice. One by one the facts for news items are collected bv competent, reliable reporters : the printer puts them into cold tvpe : one bv one the papers are rolled forth from fast-moving presses : one bv one these papers are gathered and bound into a volume of invaluable historical infor- mation for the eyes of future people. The bound volumes of newspaper files are then gleaned by the local historian and from their pages, sometimes very yellow and dusty with age, come forth pages of history worth the reading, which had it not been thus safely preserved would forever have been lost to the reading, thinking world. The people of each town and county naturally have a pride in their own publications. The local press, as a general ^ule. reflects the business enterprise, the moral standing and the religious senti- ment of the community in which it is published. Judging from this stand- ard, the efforts in the right direction in Jasper county have indeed been com- mendable. The first newspaper in the county was the Exf>rcss. founded in 1836. The first daily was started by Rodgers & Newell in 1 861-2 and con- tinued for seven months, when the war took the youthful proprietors into an Iowa regiment. Xewell was killed at A^'icksburg. Rodgers is now assistant editor on the Xczcfon Record. The latest newspaper venture in Jasper county is the socialistic publi- cation established bv Dr. Perry Engle of Xewton. It is a small monthly paper devoted to political and economic interests. It is known as the AVrc-- ton Ethics. It is parti v home and partly outside make-up. 144 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Among the earliest journals in this county, of which hut little is now known, was the W'ittcuthcry Educator, jjuhlished hy the faculty of the Wit- temherg- College, mentioned in the educational chapter. It was established in 1857 and continued a few years, then changed its nam€ to the Wittcm- bcrg Rcz'iczv. which became a semi-monthly instead of a monthly, as had been the Educator. THE NEWTON NEWSPAPERS. In order to give a correct understanding of the press history in the city of Xewton it should be stated that the history of several of the newspapers here are mingled one with the other, their history being about as follows : The first real newspaper was the Express, founded in 1856 by Besack & Welker. Welker soon withdrew from the paper, and in 1857 F- T. Camp- bell purchased an interest, and a little later Besack disposed of his remain- ing interest to A. K. Campbell, about which date the name was changed to Free Press. Campbell Brothers conducted the paper till 1861. when F. T. (Frank) Campbell left his interests in the hands of his brother and went to the front as a Civil war Union soldier. On his return he engaged in the news- paper business at JNIontezuma until 1865, when he returned to Newton and published the Free Press until 1867, when he sold to Patton and W. A. Camp- bell. They, in turn, sold to \\'. S. Benham in 1870, and he continued im- til New Year's 1877, when he disposed of the property to Sage & Robinson, which firm was made up of the present weather bureau director, John R. Sage, of Des Moines, and Ralph Robinson, still residing at his old home- stead in Newton, honored and respected by all classes. Air. Robinson was once proprietor of the Herald at Clarinda, Page county, Iowa, also associ- ated at Fairfield with that pioneer journalist editor, Junkin, and in early life, after having learned his trade as printer in Wheeling, West A^irginia, was connected with the \arious papers at Pittsburg, Pennsyhania. After a partnership of alx)ut twelve months. Air. Sage had a banter from Robin- son to buy or sell for cash, and Sage, not having the cash at his command, the property passed at once to the hands of Air. Robinson, who conducted it as a straight out and out, always true-blue Republican organ, and his \ears of editorial writing on this publication, which name was changed to the Journal, when he took hold of it alone, have numbered thirty-three, he running it un- til 1910, and very reluctantly gave it up on account of failing health. He sold to F. L. Boy don. one of its present owners. ATr. Robinson put in the first power press in Jasper county, and had one of the finest plants — newspaper and job — in Iowa and his editorials were copied widely among all Republican papers in the West. JASPER COL'XTY, IOWA. 145 To complete the history of the Journal, the reader will please note the connection it finally had with the old Banner and Headlight, the outline history of which here follows: In 1868. J. B. Besack decided to start another journal in Xewton. he having purchased the material of the defunct Banner, a Democratic paper, of short duration. He called his new venture in Newton the Republican, but through various financial causes it went to the wall and fell into the sheriff's hands in 1874. On its ruins F. T. Campbell and T. H. Rodgers established the Headlight, which continued to shine and reflect the news of Jasper county and Newton until 1877, when it formed a union with the Free Press, and the j)reseiit Xewton JoiidiqI arose out of the ashes of both. In 1 910 the Daily Journal made its first a])pearance and is now run as such. It is a creditable daily and well circulated in the community. The Jasper County Independent was established September i, 1868, by H. A. Hanson, at Newton. Under his management it was. however, known as the Democratic Sentiiiel. Four years later he sold to Charles A. Clark, who issued his first paper in August. 1872. He changed the name to that of the Jasper County Independent. It was ever a strong Democratic paper, ablv edited and well patronized. In 1877 a Campbell power press was made to supersede the old hand press, and for many years it stood as one of the able advocates of Democracy in Iowa. DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF THE COUNTY. The first dailv newspaper in Jasper county was established in the winter of 1 861 -2 bv two striplings of boys, yet in their teens. T. M. Rodgers and Jackson F. Newell. The former is now the well-known new s])aper man called familiarly "Tommy" Rodgers. and the latter was wounded at the fearful siege of \'icksburg. Mississippi. ]^Iay 22, 1863. and died from the effects June ist. that year. These two youths were apprentices on the Free Press of Newton, run by the Campbell Brothers, and they got permission of these gentlemen to work extra time and get out a four-column daily paper, giving the important Civil war news, as the\- had arranged to secure the dispatches from the first telegrapher who e\er handled the keys at the Newton office. C. J. Housel. He took them as they passed over the wires to the w estern cities. The 1-ree Press l^eing a weeklv paper, it u.sed some of this war news matter in its edi- tion. Thev continued to conduct this daily, which had a large circulation for those days, until .\ugust. 1862. when both boys enlisted as volunteers in (10) I4^» JASPER COl'NTV, IOWA. the I'nion cause (See War chapter). Had it not l)een for that war, no tell- in;^ what their career might have lieen by this time. The name of the daily was The Xci^ion Monitor. They were at a loss to know what to call the publication until that well-known lady. Mrs. Nettie Sanford-Chapin, whose maiden name was Skiff, suggested the name Monitor, in honor of the gun- boat 1)\ that name that liad just sunk tlie Rebel "Merrimac." It was greatly appreciated by the patriotic citizens of Jasper county. The next daily in Xewton was that run by the Herald ofifice (see Herald history). In passing, it should be added that the daily run by the Herald oflfice was not of long duration, as it passed to the hands of the present K'eiv- ton Daily News. The Herald dates back many years in its history. First the lozua Nia- tional, a Greenback organ, was established in the winter of 1877-8 in New- ton, and in 1878 a stock company was formed. com[X)sed of citizens of New- ton and one Charles F. Neal. The paper appeared February ist, with Mr. Neal as its editor. Soon J. D. Rickman purchased a part of Neal's interest and the paper was published until September 23d. when Neal & Rickman sold their stock to the balance of the company and in 1878 the stockholders were: Milton Briggs. J- H. F. Balderson. J. C. Cotrell, C. W. Harcourt, George Early. Squire Sims. Perry Engle, M. D., J. R- Clements. Dr. Miller, John Meredith. A. T. Hinshaw. J. R. Mershon. Rev. T. F. Brown. D. N. Mc- Cord. Their motto was ''Forward, upward and onward, and while we so- licit the indulgence of our friends, we ask no favors of our enemies." Dr. Perrv Engle became editor and changed the name to the Newton Herald. Tt is still run as a weekly paper, but has l)een in the hands of many persons up to the ])resent time. It was run by Engle. then by Engle & Son and they sold to Ci. F. Rinehart. who conducted it many years in a successful man- ner, as a Democratic organ. Tn Deceml)er. TQ05. he sold the plant to J. F. Robinson, and in .\])ril, 1906. he sold to his son. L. E. Robinson, and in Sep- tember of that year he sold to Air. Rinehart, who had previously owned it. Rinehart conducted it initil Noveml)er. T906. when he sold it to M. Bilder- back. and in Januarw i(>io. he sold to C. F. Ridings and he in turn sold in May, 1910. to J. F. Klein. He ran it till July. iqio. when he sold to M. Miller, and he in October, 1910, to the Herald Company, W. M. Ward, edi- tor, as it is still published. This paper has cut a wide swath in the historv of Newton pa])ers. Tt is still one of the leading newspapers in J'lsper countv. It has had good and bad men at the helm. l)nt tlie proi)ert\- has al\\a\"S been valuable and found a warm welcome in many of the homes of this countv. Its numerous changes in form and dress are of not so much historic interest, as its policv and its editorials. JASPER COUXTV. IOWA. I47 At present its business is large, including its subscription list and ex- cellent job department, operated through the medium of the latest appliances known to the art. It was once a daily, with V. L. Boyden as editor, and under the editor- ship of Perry Engle the Herald was the hrsi paper in the nation to advo- cate the policy of "referendum," now so highly popular. The daily was sold to the present Nrzcfoii Daily Nez^s office. The Nczi'fon Daily Xczcs was established in 1902. as a separate publi- cation, it having been run as the daily edition of the Newton Herald up to that time. The Nen-s pulled its first issue as a daily under the present name, on May 19. 1902. James R. Rhoades is its editor. It is a newsy, public- spirited publication, greeting hundreds of homes each week dav in the vear. Its circulation grew rapidly from the first issue under the present able man- agement. It is perhaps one of Iowa's best dailies for a town of the size in which it is published. Its moral tone and business enterprise is indeed praise- worthy. Its present form is a seven-column folio. Its mechanical appear- ance is up to date. The job office connected therewith is fullv abreast with modern printing. It is set up by means of the first linotype in the citv. See history of the Herald for the early history of dailies in Xewton. The Xezcton Record (weekly) was established in the month of August. 1894. by Blazer & W'hitham, of Aledo. Illinois, and was edited bv Homer A. Galloway. October 15, 1897. it was purchased by L. A. Andrew, who con- ducted it five years, but had many an enemy and sold to C. A. Marlin. of Audubon. Iowa, and he in turn sold, in Fel)ruary. 1905. to W. S. Johnson a one-half interest. In 1907 \Iy. Johnson purchased the entire propertv and still conducts the paper as a weekly. It has always espoused the Republican political cause, and is one of the cleanest, brightest local papers in this section of the state. Its local editor. T. ^I. Rodgers, has long been connected with the press of the town and he makes it a fine family newspaper, because of his industry and wide acquaintance throughout Jasi)er county. It is a six-column quarto paper, run on a Cottrel power press operated by electric motor power for the last five years. The office also has a fine job plant, including a Gordon and a two-revolution cylinder jobber. Its subscription price is one dollar per year. NEWSPAPERS AT I.YNXVILLE. Lynn \i He has had her own share of newspapers, some short-li\ed, and .'^ome longer. The history of the press at this point in 1878 was written up as follows by a local scribe : I 148 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. The LynuviUe Gaccffc was established as a six-coluiiTn folio newspaper, Xoveniber 26, 1868, by Evans & Arnold. It continued six months, when Evans collected all ad\ance subscriptions he could and went away for the enjoyment of the money thus obtained, while Mr. Arnold was left to settle up the affairs of the oftice. The paper was soon discontinued and Lynn- ville was paperless until September 16. 1876. when Mr. Arnold started the lozca Interior Nczcs, which continued until June i, 1878, when the pro- prietor went to Kellog\i^ and there engaged in like business. After the editor of the Inferior decided to remove to Kellogg, the town was without a newspaper for a time, but other attempts were made by dif- ferent persons, these trials only ending in dismal failures. The present spicy newspaper, the LynnriUc Star, was toimded in 1900 and is ably con- ducted by Charles W. W'ildman. who is the mayor of the town and the ef- ficient postmaster, as well as an insurance and realty operator of the place. This paper is a six-column quarto, partly home and partly foreign print. It is published each Thiirsdav and its yearly subscription price is one dollar. THE BAXTER NEW ERA. At Baxter there was a paper established soon after the building" of the railroad, and in 1882 it was founded by a Mr. Brown and known as the Baxter Neics. Jt was l>eing conducted in 1888 by Will Johnson, who sold to C. B. Francisco in 1892 and after two years he sold to James Brower. who conducted it fourteen months, when it died. Brower then, in the sum- mer of 1895, established what is now the Nezc Era. which he sold to C. B. Francisco, Septeml^er i. 1896. and he in turn sold to the present publisher, Harry Hazlett, July i, 1899. The present outfit is good, up to date, and in keeping with the general enterprise of the town of Baxter. Three presses are installed, a Campbell. Peerless and Gordon jobber. The N^ezv Era is always Republican and an organ of no little or uncertain influence. The news, all the news and not afraid of printing tlie news as its editor finds it, might well be its motto. COLEAX JOURNALISM. The hist(jr)- of newspapers in Colfax is somewhat hartl to get at, for various reasons, among these the fact that complete files have not been pre- served from the founding of the pioneer papers. It is known that the Coif as Reporter was founded in 1876 bv \\'. B. Stearns. This was ])iil)lishe(l until Xovember of that vear. when it was sold JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. 149 to meet the debts incurred in founding it. It was purchased by J. W. Jarna- gan, and on January 4. 1878, he began the publication of the Sentinel, first a six-cohnnn folio, and later a five-coluntn quarto. The Colfax Tribune was established in 1893 ^^^ ^^ "o^^' conducted by C. L. Smith as an independent local paper. It is six-column and a quarto, fifteen by thirty inches in size. It is run on a power press, by gasoline power, and is issued each Thursday, at one dollar and fifty cents per year in advance. The Colfax Clipper was established in June, 1879. by H. \\\ Robinson and is still owned and operated by him. It is a six-column quarto paper, run on a Campbell press by gasoline engine. It is a "stand-pat"' Repuljlican organ, four pages home print and balance ready print. The Clipper succeeded the old Colfax Sentinel. It now enjoys a liberal patronage and does an immense amount of fine job work. Its plant is equipped with the latest type and presses for the speedy and artistic execu- tion of such work and the jobljers are busy the }"ear round. The Prairie City Xez^'S, among the bright newsful papers of Jasper county, has come down through the following changes in proprietors. The following was written of the newspaper history in Prairie City, in 1878: 'The first paper published in Prairie City was the Gleaner and Herald, bv lacob Sanders, in 1870. which only survived about one year. ■'The next publication was the Index, established by McGinitie & Bart- lett. in 1873. After a short time Bartlett sold to Col. W. Hammond, who .soon purchased ]\lcGinitie's interest. After a short career, the Colonel, hav- ing other business affairs of more importance to him. ceased the publication of the paper. "The next paper was the Xeivs, established by H. L. McGinitie. In 1878 this paper was described as a six-column folio. Republican in politics and had a good business, including a good job office. "A Greenback organ was published at this town in 1878, but in August of that year suspended." H. L. ;McGinitie established the Nezvs from the old hulex office, and he was succeeded by B. C. \\'ard, now of Des ;Moines, who continued six or more vears and gave way to A. A. Thompson and he in turn to Hammack & Allen, who sold to S. M. Robinson, who sold to Frank L. Woodard, who is now engaged in the general insurance business at Prairie City. He con- ducted the paper from October. 1891, to the spring of 1897 and sold to Robert lones. who consolidated with the Kodaek T another paper of the town) and it was then known as the News-Kodack. The next change was when it was purchased bv E. G. Robison and changed to the Prairie City 1 :^0 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. A^czi's. After some time he sold to S. B. Patterson and he to D. A. ]McDon- ald. who sold to the present proprietor, Al. S. Condon. The last named took possession some time in 1910. The office is well equipped with job printing material and its proprietor seems to be the right man at the helm, both as a local editor and job printer. MONROE NEWSPAPER HISTORY. At Monroe, the first newspaper was the South-Side Transcript, estab- hshed in 1872, by Leroy W. Alhim. Imt a year later changed the name to Monroe Mirror. The founder sold the material, but not the subscription list, which the purchaser had overlooked in the sale contract. Allum continued the Mirror till 1877, when P. St. Clair took a partnership for a time, but re- tired in four months, when Mr. Allum took full control. The Transcript and Mirror worked side by side for nine months, when the Transcript ceased to be issued. In the month of April. 1877. ^Messrs. Betzer & Jarnigan estal)lished the Times, which survived three months only. Later on, the Monitor, a little monthly, was started by Elder J. W. Todd, which publication was changed to the Temperance Reformer, and continued three months, when it was con- verted into a weekly paper. It had four editors within a dozen weeks' time. Mr. Allum was in control until October, 1880, when he sold the office to John Vandermast, the present owner and editor, who has been constantly in the editorial harness ever since that autumnal day thirty-one years ago. At three different dates since his coming to INlonroe, attempts have been made to run a newspaper outside of his, but all have "gone up the flume." The list is the Monroe Leader, by L. J. Anderson, who stuck to it three months; the second attempt was the Monroe Reviezv, by a Mr. Booton, and he held down the tripod about one year. Then came the Pride of Monroe. by C. A. Cox, who stuck to the ship for about two months and since then the Mirror has been the only reflector of the local news for the town, and be it said that it is a good newspaper, run in a modern way, by a man who un- derstands what a news item is and runs it down. Long may its pages shine under the present management. NEWSPAPERS AT KELT.OGG. At Kellogg the first paper established was the Reporter in ^^~^,. Its founder was N. C. McBeth. who continued until 1878, when he abandoned the field. His partner for a short time was M. E. Rudolph. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I5I In 1878 the K'fllogg Post was established by B. F. Arnold, during the month of June. It was a bright, newsy Republican local paper. At first it was printed on material and presses of the Interior News at Lynnville. Mr. Arnold sold the Post to J. R. Chandler and he in turn sold to J. C. Pratt, who later moved the plant to Perry, Iowa. In 1876, the Iozlu JVorkman was founded at Kellogg by J. Madison Kirk. This was the organ of the United Workmen in Iowa. It had a very large circulation and was finally removed to Davenport in the spring of 1878. The Kellogg Enterprise, the present creditable newspaper of the town, was founded April 30, 1880, by J. W. Burke and W. P. Coutts, who were in partnership for six and almost a half years, when Mr. Coutts became sole proprietor and for all these thirty-one years has been connected and edited the Enterprise. At first it was a five-column quarto and was printed first on a Wells job press of an ancient type; then it was printed from a Washington hand-press, but today is printed on a Hoe power press and is an eight-column folio in form and size. The office is also equipped with two modern style jobbers, a Star and a Gordon press. The power press was installed in 1902. The Enterprise has missed but one issue in thirty-one years and then on ac- count of changes in oftice equipment which could not be accomplished in one week. The editor of this paper is a true citizen of his town and county and is now running the only Democratic sheet in the eastern part of his county. He is an able writer and works early and late, year in and year out. for the upbuilding of Kellogg. The Tribune was established in 1889, by J. W. Burke, who conducted it until February, 1909, but the plant was injured by the great fire and after running it a few months longer it was suspended. Its politics was Republi- can. CHAPTER XII. RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF THE COUNTY. The ])ioneer band who first settled Iowa, inchuh'n.2: Jasper county, were not all devoted Christians, by any means, but it should be recorded that many of the men and women who made up the vanguard of true civilization here were God-fearing- persons, who in some one of the older ^Middle or Eastern states had been identified with some church organization and did not leave their devotion and religious practices when they departed for the wilds of "beyond the Mississippi river." On the contrary, they soon gathered in pri- vate houses, and later in rude log buildings, and there worshipped the only true and living God. as they had done in the land of their nativity. Building for themselves a home in a new country meant more than to acquire a large tract of cheap government land and to erect a log cabin in which to live and rear their young. It meant gaining a livelihood, by hard work, but coupled with this, the aim was to properly educate the mind and heart of the on- coming generation ])y the formation of school districts and the organization of church societies which carried their own religious conviction into practice. Erom the best obtainable evidence, the first religious service in Jasper county was in the fore part of 1844 at the house of Adam Tool. It was a meeting- presided over by a young Methodist Episcopal minister whose voice sounded like "one crying m the wilderness," and he was gladly listened to bv the few who lived within four or five miles of Tool's Point. The historv of the ^lethodist church at Monroe, found within this cha])ter. will gi\e the historv of this starting of religious .services in Jasper county, and which have in- creased in strength and good works until, according to the 1905 state census report, Jasper county had the following denominational representation, the list showing the number of church organizations and the niembershi]^ of the denomination in this county : Bapti.st (Regular), three congregations and a total membership of 405. Catholic, three congregations, 350 members. Christian, four congregations and t,6oo members. Congregational, seven churches, 886 members. Eree Methodist, one society, thirty members. Friends (Orthodox), tw^o meetings, 370 members. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I53 German Baptist Brethren, one society, fifty members. Lutheran churches, two, members, i88. Methodist Episcopal, nineteen churches. 1.676 members. Methodist (African), one with a membership of 16. Presbyterians, three churches, 219 members. United Presbyterians, three churches. 247 members. United Brethren churches, two, membership, 100. Total number churches, fifty: total number of members, in all churches in the county, 5,664: total value of churches and parsonages in countv. $27,"/,- 500. In the early part of the summer of 1844. while on his way to get some supplies for his household, Adam Tool met a stranger who proved to be a young ^Methodist preacher, sent out to establish a circuit. He met Mr. Tool on the open prairie and on horseback. He was invited to make Tool's place a stopping place and a preaching point in the new settlement. In 1845 ^^^'O ministers were sent in. Their circuit took in the old Agency City, and Tool's Point circuit was seventy-five miles long. In 1846 the work changed so that it extended northwest to connect Tool's Point with Coon Mission, extending to where Boonsboro was later located, then across the Des ^loines river and the Coon river at Fort Des ^Moines, then down the Three River country. With so many unbridged streams, fording was a frequent occurrence, and the early circuit rider's life was anything but a "flowery bed of ease." The first Sunday school was established in 1844 just over the Marion county line, but attended by the settlers of Jasper county. The first church organization of Jasper county was perfected in the winter of 1846-7 by J. A. Hammond. E. R. Wright was soon made class leader, the society being of the Methodist Episcopal faith. The third societv was formed in 1848. made up of diflferent denomina- tions, but mostly of the Baptist faith. Preaching was had at Hartwell Hayes* place. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. At ^Monroe the first religious denomination was formed in Jasper county. It was. as has so many times been the case, given to the ^Methodist people to first set up the cross of Christ in this new country at a time when the red man had just alx)ut given his last farewell to the country and a few settlers had set their claim stakes and built their rude log cabins. 1 :;_^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Early in the spring of 1844. Adam M. Tool, while going to mill at Brighton, chanced to fall in with a young ]\Iethodist preacher, who asked him if he helieved the people in his little neighborhood would like to have him come in and preach for them. Mr. Tool replied he thought they would. This young man of God was Rev. J. W. Johnson, who soon came to the settlement and preached at Mr. Tool's house. Soon afterwards a class was organized, the same consisting of Mrs. Susan A. Tool, Washington Fleenor and wife, and David Worth and wife. Later in the same season, a two days' meeting was held, when James A. Tool and his sister, Airs. Hill united with the class. The membership re- mained stationary then until the winter of 1849-50, during which season a revival was held, probably in charge of Rev. J. Q. Hammond, when the membership was increased to si.xteen, a part being by letter. It is know-n that Revs. Gibson and Hanson had preached the Word in 1846-7, and Rev. Raynor and Rev. Kirkpatrick during 1848. The revival was held at the school house. The first church building was a frame building, erected in 1856; it was homely, but very comfortable for those early times. In size it was thirty by fortv feet, and cost about one thousand seven hundred dollars. By that date the church membership had increased to about seventy-five. In 1874 another church was built. This was a frame structure forty by sixty-four feet, with a vestibule and bell tower. Its cost was five thousand dollars. In 1878 this church was still doing good service and the church had a membership of three hundred and twenty. The following have served as pastors in this church, with possibly a few- others whose names have not been inscribed on the record books: Revs. J. Q. Hammond, Gibson, K5rkpatrick. Michael Seay, 1850; Rev. Pierce, 1851; Joseph Hall. 1853; J. B. Allender, 1854-5; E. M. H. Fleming and Rev. Gard- ner in 1856; A. Coleman, 1857; Bussey, 1858; E. Wood, 1859; A. Lauback, i860; C. W. Shaw, 1862-3; B. Holland, 1864-5; Early, 1866; F. :M. Slusser, 1867-69; George Clammer, 1870; T. McKay Stuart, 1870-73; D. Mclntyre, 1874; P. St. Clair, 1875; ^^^'- Brown, 1876. From that date to the present the following, among others, have served : Revs. Brown, Clammer, Murphy, Durfey, Heaton, Stahl, September, 1893 to 1896; R. W. Smith, 1896-98; A. V. Knepper, 1898 to 1902; D. M. Hilmich, 1898-02; J. A. Ross, 1902 to 1904; A. E. Foutch, 1904 to 1906; J. C. Pike, 1906-1909; Charles P. John- son, 1909 to date. JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. 1 55 THE NKWTOX METHODIST CHURCH. The First Methodist Episcopal church of Newton was organized in 1848 by a Httle class which had been collected by Rev. Strange Brooks. Among- the original members were Willis Green and wife and their two daughters. E. Shipley and wife, James Pearson and wife, Thomas Pearson and wife. Willis Green was the first class-leader. In the winter of 1858-9 a union revival service was held at the old court house, which was conducted by Rev. Thomas Merrill, and Rev. Bartlett, Congregationalists, Rev. Fleming, of the Methodist church, and Rev. ^Ir. Steel, of the Presbyterian church. After the new converts had chosen their own church home, it was found that eighteen had united with the Methodist society. The first church edifice for this society was erected in 1856-7 and cost two thousand dollars. It was thirty by fifty feet. Later a good bell was added to the property. The records show that in 1877 there were two hundred and ten mem- bers in good standing, which has increased with the passing years to seven hundred and twenty-five. The list of pastors is not quite clear during the first few years, but it is certain that the following is not far from a complete list, beginning at 1854: Revs. Parker, Hiles, Petefish. Flemming, Carrier, Shaefer. Hestwood, \\'in- nings, Shaw, Brown, Harris, Busby, Reynolds, Shriner, Evans (in 1878), W. G. Thorn, R. A. Carimine, J. A. Boatman, J. G. Barton. I. O. Kimble. G. M. Tuttle, E. L. Shriner, J. W. Lewis, E. C. Brooks, C. V. Cowan, J- C. Willits, J. \\'. Hackley, O. S. Baker, W. P. Stoddard, W. H. Perdew. The present value of the church property of this society is twenty thou- sand dollars. Of the various building operations it should be stated that in 1 88 1 the present church was erected, at a cost of fourteen thousand dollars. It was destroyed by fire in 1885, caused by a poor furnace. It was rebuilt the same vear at a cost made up largely from insurance money received. In 1898 an addition was erected, at a cost of five thousand dollars, making it almost as large again. The increasing membership necessitates a new and larger building, and in the spring of 191 1 the trustees were instructed to secure subscriptions, plans, etc.. with the view of erecting a larger edifice, which will doubtless be carried forward in the near future. Great is the contrast in Xewton Methodism between these days and those early times of which the county record books speak as follows : 1-6 JASl'ER COrXTV. IOWA. ••Ordered, that the trustees of the parsonaiie of the Methodist Episcopal mission church have a deed granted to them for lot No. 8. block No. 25." (Dated July, 1851. and signed by the Board of County Commissioners.) tool's chapel METHODIST. [The following is from the hfty-sixtli anniversary of this church's his- tor\ . compiled in a neat booklet and is worthy of reproducing, it relating to earlv Methodism in Jasper county. — Editor.] The earlv history of the Methodist circuit rider and the development of this country run side by side. With the foundation of this government Methodism came on the scene, and as rapidly as the boundary was pushed westward, and in some instances before, the friendly face of the Methodist circuit rider was seen in his work of spreading the gospel of Jesus of Niazareth. The first religious service held in this section was in the home of Brother Tool, in 1849. in a ten-by-twelve log house that stood where now stands the home of Austin Sheeler. During this year a camp-meeting was held by the big spring, a half mile north of Draper, by Re^•. Mr. Parker, a supply on the Monroe mission. The work continued until December, 1853, when a class was organized called ''Tool's Class," R. B. Allender being the preacher in charge and John Hayden, presiding elder, with James A. Tool as class leader. The members at that date were : James A. Tool, Mrs. S. Tool, Allen McDannel, Louis Wright (later Mrs. J. H. Woody), Mrs. Elizal^eth Miller, Mrs. Mary F. Franklin, William Burns, Mrs. Amelia Burns. Mrs. Mahala Romans, Mrs. Sarah Rater. In the old class-1x)ok is still to be seen this inscription : ''Re- member the Friday preceding each quarterly conference, as a day of fasting and praver. for the prosperity of Zion in our midst." A church was erected in 1866. under the direction of the pastor. Rev. I. O. Kemble. This was after another great camp-meeting by the old spring- just mentioned. J. A. Tool gave the site for the building and soon a neat chapel was erected, twenty-six by thirty-six feet, costing one thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars, dedicated in 1867. Tt was named "Tool's JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 137 Chapel" l)v the pastor, Rev. Kemble. In 1899 it was remodeled and rededi- cated. and was re-seated in 1904. The record of pastors shows the followin,t^ array since that pioneer commencement in 1853. given in the order in which they served: Revs. R. B. .\llender, Eli Fleming, Austin Coleman, Amos Bussy, Enoch Wood, A. Eauback, C. Shaw. B. Holland, E O. Kemble, Horton, Worden, Carrier, Kino-. Armstead. 1". J. Meyers, Eli Sampson, IJ. B. Smith, A. Kershaw. A. Shaffer, A. J. Belknap. Cook, J. Butler. Slusser, E. Hartley, C. V. Cowan, S. Hestwood, Brown, J. Clulow. C P. Van Wye, ^E S. Stryker. G. "^^oun- kin, P. B. Davison, ^^^ H. Gifford, Will Hughes, E. E. Doud, D. S. Dunla- vey. D. F. Stiles, W. H. Jones, W. E. Fry, H. C. Millice, F. S. Seeds. IRA METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Methodist Episcopal church at Tra was organized in 1S89, l>y the following members: W. E. Rippey. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Cross, James Poul- son. James Cross. Mrs. Mary Crawford, Mrs. Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Doctor Goodman. Mrs. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. James Baker, Mrs. Colwell. The church now has a membership of eighty in good standing. The church edifice, thirtv bv forty feet, cost three thousand dollars, and was erected of wooden material. The pastors have been Revs. Patterson, Raymond. T. A. Eami)Son, Frank Ewan, E. C. Hackathorn, M. A. Wright. William Blood, Bartholo, C. C. Wilkins. W. D. Price, Charles Knoll, W^ \\'. Williams. VALERIA METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Methodism at Valeria was established in 1890 and now the church has a membership of twenty-eight. The first members were Mrs. Henninger, of Bondurant; Mrs. Mary Henninger. ]\Irs. Maria Eawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Poling. .\ church building was erected thirty by forty feet, at a cost of two thousand dollars. AA'hen the great Valeria cyclone passed through the county in May, 1896. this building was removed four feet from its foundation. The list of pastors have been the same as found in the lu'story of the church at Tra. MIXGO METIIODI.ST EPISCOPAL ClfURCH. At Mingo the Methodist church was estal)lished in 1887 and now has a membership of one hundred and fifty-four. The congregation now worships in a five thousand dollar edifice. The pastors serving here are the same as 158 JASPKK fOlXTV, IOWA. those given in tlie Ira church history. The charter members of the Alingo church were as follows: Robert Boyd and wife. John Penquite, Mrs. John Penquite. Mrs. John Boyd. \\'. A. W'itmer. Mrs. W. J. Southern, Mrs. Fred Wiles, Eli Boyd. :\Irs. Eli Boyd. Mrs. Fred Utiles. Mrs. Abe Penquite. KKLI-OGG METHODIST KPISCOP.VL CHURCH. This church was organized in 1866. For some time, in the early history of Kellogg. Sunday school was held in a passenger coach, this being the end of the Rock Island road at that time. UpcMi the erection of a school house ( bv a stock company) the school was transferred to that building and all de- nominations used it as a church. The present church building is a frame structure, thirty-two by fifty feet, erected during the pastorate of Rev. R. J. Kenyon. in 1870. In June. 1870. during the erection of the building, a storm struck it with such force that it had to be partly rebuilt. The record shows that among tlie first members were: William \"aughan and wife. Mehnda and Elijah Cowles. Mrs. Mary Cowles and daughter Elizabeth united on probation at the same time. The earliest preaching was by Rev. Mr. Moore, of the Grinnell circuit. Other members of about that date were Almira Bron- son. John Bronson. Clark Florer. Mrs. Hannah Florer, Martin Schoffner. Rel)ecca Schoffner. J. E. Fisher. ]\Irs. ^l. E. Fisher. W. J. Hagwood. Mrs. Betsa Hagwood. Mrs. Mira J. Stanley, S. C. Beeleney. ]Mrs. Sarah Beeleney, Phil Shoemaker. Helen Shoemaker, Amanda Mirely. John E. Auten. Sarah .\uten. Mr. and ^^Irs. Hyatt. Marion Monett. Maggie IMonett. Mrs. Thomas W'ingate. Joel Dunton. Mary Dunton, D. S. McCoun, Retta AlcCoun. The present membership is forty-three. \\'hat is styled the Kellogg circuit was formed in 1866. and consisted of Kellogg. Lynnville, Rushville. Rock Creek and Pleasant View. Rev. B. F. Wright was assigned to the charge. The following have served as pastors : Revs. Rankin, Moore. 1867; C. W. S. Shaw. 1868-9; R- J- Kenyon, 1870-1-2: J. M. Coats, 1873-4: Cyrus Morey, 1875-6: C. P. Reynolds, 1877-8-9: B. F. Share, 1880-1-2; John Potter. 1883; O. C. Shelton, 1884: R. A. Allison, 1885: G. W. Younkin, 1886; James Cleeclow. 1887: A. \Y. Haines. 1888- 9-90; C. W. Shephard. 1892-3-4; M. A. Aleagher, 1895; Isaac Borts, 1896- 7: D. R. Martin, 1898-9-1900: H. F. Robin.son. 1901-02: A. J. Bruner and L. A. Crull. 1903; L. A. Crull, 1904-5: H. W. Munster, 1906; Richard Breeden, two months; J. .\. Murray. 1907-8; Ireland. 1909: H. C. Millice, 1910-11. The church cost two thousand se\en hun(b-cd dollars and the par- sonage six hundred dollars. JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. 1 59 RUSIIVILLE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Rushville church of this denomination was organized April 25, 1855. ^y i^ev. J. D. Hiles, and had for its original class Robert W. Wilson and wife and their daughters, Frances, Charlotte and Irene; William Morrow and wife. Margaret, and daughter. Mary Ann; John Oldfield and wife. R. A\'. Wilson being the first class leader. The membership in April, 191 1. is thirty- four and three probationers. The pastors have been Revs. J. D. Hiles, 1855; William Clearage. 1856; A. H. Murphy. 1857-8; A. H. Shafer. 1859-60; George Clammor. 1863-4-5; B. F. Wright. 1866; Rev. Moore. 1867; C. W. Shaw, 1868-9; R. J. Kenyon, 1870-1-2; J. M. Coats. 1873-4; Cyrus Morey. 1875-6; C. P. Reynolds. 1877- 8-9; B. F. Shane, 1880-1-2; John Potter. 1883; O. C. Shelton. 1884; R. A. Allison, 1885; G. W. Younkin, 1886; James Clulow. 1887; A. W. Haines, 1888-9. 1899-91; C. W. Shephard. 1892-3-4; M. A. Meagher, 1895; Isaac Borts. 1896-7; D. R. Martin. 1898-9; H. F. Robinson. 1901-02; A. J. Bruner, 1903 ; L. A. Crull. 1904-5 ; H. W. Munster. 1906 (ten months and R. Breeden two months) ; J. A. Murray. 1907-8; W. B. Ireland. H. C. Millice. 1910-11. Services were first held in a log school house fourteen by sixteen feet, then a frame school building was used until the present church was erected in 1885. This building is twenty-eight by fort}' feet, a frame structure, and cost one thousand two hundred dollars. It was dedicated during the pas- torate of Rev. G. W. Younkin, l)y Rev. J. T. McFarland. It was dedicated free of deht. MOl'XT PLEASAXT METHODIST CHURCH. This church, located three miles southwest of Xewburg. was built in 1 871;. at a cost of one thousand three hundred dollars. The stone used were hauled about tw enty miles and one team w as lost by overheating in this work. Anions those who labored hard for the building of this edifice were Tohn Breedon, Calvin Dickson and Aaron Moxley. The first pastor was Rev. C. P. Revnolds. whose class had thirty-five meml)ers. This church is a neat frame building. The pastors have been: Revs. C. P. Reynolds. 1879; B. F. Shane, 1880-1-2; John Potter, 1883; J. Craig. 1885; S. F. Bishop, A. S. Loveall. 1886-7; A. \\'. Haines. 1888-9; C. W. Shephard. 1892-3-4; M. A. Meagher. 1895; Isaac Borts, 1896-7; D. R. ^Tartin. 1898-9-1900; H. F. Robinson. 1901-02; A. I. Bruner. 1903. with L. A. Crull. a part of the year; L. A Crull. iC)04-5; H. W. Munster. i()o6 ften months. Richard Breeden two ]C)0 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. months): J. A. Murray. 1907-8 : preachino: suspended in 1909; assigned to H. C. Millice on Kellogg charge. The present membership is small. Al- though small, this church has sent out three preachers from its midst. Revs. D. C. Bevan. Richard Breeden and Silas Ludwick. The publishers are greatly indebted to Re\ . Henry C. Millice. of Kel- logg, for his aid in getting facts together for the history of the churches under his immediate charge and for those whicli he has heretofore been the pastor of. RE.VSOXEK METII01U.ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. This church was formed in 1885 and now enjoys a membership of one hundred and forty. The following have ser\'ed as pastors : Revs. ]. Clulow. 1885; G. P. VanWye. 1886: M. S. Stryker. 1887-8; G. Younkin. 1889-90-92: W. H. Gifford, 1893-4; E. E. Doud. 1895-6; D. S. Dunlavey, 1897-8: D. O. Stiles. 1899-1901 ; W. H. Jones. 1902-3-4: A\'. L. Ery. 1905-6: H. C. Millice. 1907-9: E. S. Seeds. 1910-11. COLFAX METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first minister of this faith to preach the gospel at Colfax was Rev. J. W. Anderson in 1869. followed by RIev. Roby, who continued until 1872. Re\'. Da\id Shenton succeeded and found here Mr. Eoy and wife. Mrs. Hin- ton and one other woman of the Methodist faith. So little seemed in store for the location, he was transferred to Sand Ridge. But again, in Novem- ber, 1874, this same minister came to Colfax and preached in the Presbyter- ian church, from John xiv:T5-i7. A class was formed composed of Mr. and Mrs. Eoy and R. Price and wife. Tn November. 1875. he began to hold ser- N'ices in West & Weaver's hall, and on December 19th a Sabbath school was organized. Rev. Osljorne became pastor in 1876, followed in 1877 jjy Re\". J. A. Smith, and the year following came Re\". D. Thompson. The church was completed in l'el)ruary. 1878, and dedicated b\- Bishop Andrews. May 5th. It was a frame structure thirty-two by fiftv feet, costing about two thousand four hundred dollars. Tn 1878 the churcli had a mem- ber.ship of eight\- and its present membership is three luuKb'ed and fortv. The value of church property is al)0ut ten thousand dollars. In 1890 the church was struck by lightning and the steeple entirely destroyed: the loss, howe\er, was made good by insurance in force. The following is believed to be the order in which the various pastors have served at Colfax: Revs. David Slienton, Osborne. T. A. Smith. D. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. l6l Thompson, L. Jean, W. A. Chambers, Laidlay, Dr. Vinson, M. Harnerd, A. E. Griffith, B. F. W. Cozier, C. J. English, R. E. Shaw, M. Stahl, E. H. Fleisher, H. A. Walbiirn and E. W. F. Requa. CLYDE METHODIST CHURCH. During the autumn of 1874 the society erected a church edifice at this Httle hamlet to meet the demands of the worshipers of the Methodist Episco- pal faith in the surrounding neighborhood. It was forty by sixty feet in size, with a neat spire and bell swung in the same, the latter being a donation from ^^'arren Maxwell, of State Center. The cost of the church was two thousand five hundred dollars. FAIRMOUNT METHODIST CHURCH. The Methodist church at Fairmount was formed about 1877 and in a year or two a house of worship was erected of frame; it had a steeple and its cost was one thousand nine hundred and nineteen dollars. It was dedi- cated September 20, 1878, by Rev. Cullen. KILLDUFF METHODIST CHURCH. The Killduff Methodist Episcopal church is located in Buena Vista town- ship. It was organized in 1883 ^3' Rev. I. O. Kemble and now has a mem- bership of ninety-seven. The charter members were as follows : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jackson, James Rairdon, Ollie Rairdon, Phoebe Williams. Har- vey Hall, Barbara Dove, W. L. Dennis, R. A. Smith, Susan A. Smith, James Carey, ^Mary Carey. John Klein, Hetty Klein, Everet Leslie, Mary Leslie, Sarah Young, Alice Newell. Frances Hall, John Weeks, Clara Weeks, Will- iam Doak. The pastors who have faithfully served this church are: Revs. I. O. Kemble, J. Craig. S. F. Bishop, A. S. Loveall, D. R. Martin, A. W. McBain. L. G. Cummins and Jesse A. Monk. The present house of worship was built of wooden material, with a seating capacity of three hundred and fifty, and cost three thousand dollars PRAIRIE CITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. From the best authority obtainable, this church had its beginning away back in a log dwelling owned by John Butters, in 1856. Rev. Caleb Bundy being the preacher. The church was legally organized April 26, 18:^7. The (11) 1 62 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. organi;^ing minister was Rev. William Clarridge. of Greencastle circuit and within Iowa conference, .\mong the charter members may be named the following, though not a full list : Caleb Bundy, Mary Head, Mrs. Caleb Bundy, S. T. Butters, Margaret Butters, Jacob Main and wife, Mrs. Daniel ]\Iain and daughter, Julia; J. Minchell was class leader and his daughter was also a member. • • The following have served as pastors at this point to the present date (191 1 ), the date following name indicating when they took charge of the church: Revs. Caleb Bundy, 1856; William Clarridge, 1857; Smith, 1859; Garrison, i860; Whittier, 1861 : J. D. Moore, 1862; J. G. Eckles, 1864; A. Badley, 1867: W. A. Richards, 1868; F. M. Slusser, 1869; Sexton, 1871 ; D. Thompson. 1873; J. W. Snodgrass, 1874; H. ]\I. Sexton, 1877; A. H. Shafer, 1878; H. H. Murphy. 1879; A. ]. Barton, 1881 ; E. W. McDade, 1883: C. H. Newell, 1885; J. H. Anderson, 1887; A. H. Rusk, 1889: A. M. Shea. 1892; William G. Riheldaffer, 1895; John Cox Hall, 1897; \V. R. Alartin, 1898; B. W. Cozier, 1899; A. T. Jeffry, 1900; C. W. Proctor, 1903; J. R. Ramsev, 1907; William Mercer, 1908; the last named is still serving this church. The first church was erected in 1878; a frame building, thirty by forty feet, costing one thousand two hundred dollars. The present building was erected of brick, on the same site as the old structure. This was built in 1884, costing seven thousand dollars. The present parsonage was built in 1893. costing two thousand dollars. It is possible the first church building was erected a few years earlier than the date here given. LYNXVILLE METHODIST EPISCOPAL. The ^Methodist church at Lynnville was organized in 1865 by Rev. Wright. The first members were H. Moody and wife, William Reardon and wife, D. C. Edwards and wife. Harrison Dryden, A. O. Silver and wife. John P. Stallings and A. Chambers and wife. In 1871 the society purchased the old district school house and converted it into a house of worship. The next church was provided in 1879 at a cost of three thousand five hundred dollars. The present membership of the Lynnville circuit is one hundred and twenty-five. This includes the three appointments. The following have been pastors at this point: Revs. Wright. Rollins. Ditarr, ]\richner, S. R. Fergu- son, Morey. Shane, C. P. Reynolds, 1881 ; N. Wells, 1883; John Potter, 1884: O. C. Shelton, 1885; R- A. Allison. 1886; F. A. Piper. 1888: David Philips. 1889: F. C. Demorest, 1893; R. Collier, 1894; A. C. Boyd. 1898; H. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1 63 I. Poage. 1899; A. W. Haines, 1901 ; Alfred J. W. Tongue, 1902; Thomas A. Adams, 1903; A. T. James, 1904; H. C. ]\Iillice, 1905; \V. D. Merryman, 1907: T. B. Hughes, 1908; Frank Pfoutz, 1909. At this date there are three appointments on the Lynnville circuit : Bethel church, five miles north of Lynnville; Searsboro, four miles east of Lynnville; the Lynnville appointment. The Lynnville circuit was formed at the Iowa conference in September, 1867. OTHER METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCHES. The churches in connection with the work at Kilduff are the Grace church, six miles south of Newton; Mount Zion, nine miles southeast of Xewton; Pleasant Mew, se\'en miles east of Newton. Killduff was organ- ized either in 1883 or 1884; Pleasant View in 1868; ]\Iount Zion in 1870; Grace in 1872. The church in Killduff was erected in 1868 at a cost of two thousand three hundred dollars; the one at Mount Zion, in 1870, costing two thousand dollars; Grace, in 1876, costing two thousand four hundred and sixty-seven dollars. Total membership of all these churches, three hundred and fifty. The following is a list of the faithful pastors who have served in about the order here given, for a greater or less time : Revs. J. H. Boyd, George Clammor, P. F. Bresee, M. Carrier, A. M. Shafer. G. H. Clark, E. R. Frost, R. J. Kenyon, S. Hestwood. John Elrod, J. W. Robinson. J. ^L Coates, E. P. McCliene, Ira O. Kimble, J. Craig, S. F. Bishop, A. S. Loveall, R. Woese, David Phillips, Elias Handy, A. S. Loveall, D. R. Martin, A. \\\ ^IcBalin, L. G. Cummins, Jesse A. Monkman. Of the first church edifice at Mount Zion, it should be stated that it was destroyed by a cyclone in 1881 and rebuilt the same season. METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH. At Sully is located a Methodist Protestant church which was organized about i860, known first as Lynn Grove church. The charter members of this society were inclusive of these : J. R. Sparks and family. \\\ R. Mathews and family, Levi Conover and family. J. R. Mathews and family. Moses Shay and family. Mrs. A. R. Mathews is the only surviving charter meml>er. The pastors serving have been as follows: Revs. W. B. Warrington, \V. F. Price, John F. Rouge. Josiah Sanders. Josiah Selby. G. T. Dewitt, J. R. Bolton. I. L. Scott. G. M. Scott. G. I. Reeves. E. S. Brown. R. C. F. 164 JASPER COUNTY^ IOWA. Chambers, A. A. Peterson, T. W. Noble, James Kirkwood, J. H. Schull, P. A. Keople, J. R. McKaig, S. M. Petty, A. H. Linder, J. W. Payne, A. J. Green, F. G. Aylmore, A. N. Courtney, the present pastor. The present church was erected about 1870 and was then locaed about one-half mile east of the present town of Sully. It was moved about 1883 to its present site within the town incorporation limits of Sully. It is a frame structure, thirty -two by forty-four feet in size, costing originally two thou- sand three hundred and seventy dollars. The only other church of this denomination in Jasper county is the Hixon Grove, with Rev. J. \A'. ]\Iurphy as present pastor. At the date of its organization the Sully church was a part of the Oska- loosa circuit and was known as Lynn Grove. It was organized in a school house a mile to the east of where Sully now stands. It was later made a part of the Newton circuit and later still became a self-supporting charge, as it is today. NEWTON FREE METHODIST CHURCH. This society was formed and incorporated October 17, 1892, there being but six members present at that date. It has grown to number about thirty now. In 1894 a neat frame chapel was erected on North Market street. In 1896 a parsonage was built, which ^^ ith the church have cost the society four thousand dollars. The present officers are : T. C. Ewing, H. E. Rinehart, George Chap- man, trustees, and Mrs. L. Chapman, secretary. The following have served as pastors : Revs. J. V. ]Murray, W. E Boger, W. Chouts. I. H. Gorrill, I. B. Neville. E. I. Lish. I. P. Doud, F. M. Smith. I. S. Booton, Euke Scripter, E. E. Dalbey, and the present pastor. Rev. R. B. Ralls. BAPTIST CHURCHES. Among the first Baptist churches organized in Jasper countv, so far as is known to the compiler of this chapter, was the one at Newton, in Novem- ber, 1852, and during that year one was formed at A^andalia, whether before or after the Newton church is not now known from a lack of records at the former. At Newton the society was formed at the court house, November 20th, by Rev. E. Evans, moderator, and Rev. J. A. Nash, secretary of the council. The charter members numbered eight. They adopted the "New Hampshire Declaration of Faith and Church Covenant.'' Meetings were held, at least JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 165 once a month, at the court house. In 1856. through the aid of the Home Missionary Society, this church secured the services of Rev. J. E. Guild, who preached every Sabbath in the Presbyterian church. In 1857 they worshiped in the old academy building, with increased interest. In 1862 the lots on which the church edifice was later erected were purchased for two hundred and thirty-four dollars. In 1863 the church, having adopted rules of incor- poration, began building operations. The society then had only thirty-three members. The Sabbath school was not organized until May 14, 1865. On May 12. 1866. the chairman of the building committee, William Blackman, reported the church as finished, and that the total cost of church and lots was three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. It was built of brick and was thirty by forty feet in size. In June, that year, the parsonage was commenced and was finished that year, at a cost of one thousand two hundred dollars, a portion of which debt the society authorized the building committee to pay ten per cent, interest for the money borrowed. This debt hung over the church like a pall until 1874. In 1878 the membership was eighty-two and its present membership is one hundred and thirty. The following have served as pastors of this church : Revs. E. Evans, from 1852 to 1855; Rev. Orin W'hitcomb, 1855-56; Rev. J. E. Guild, 1856- 57 \ J- Currier, from ]March. i860, to June, 1863; J. Y. Atchison, from Xb- vember. 1865. to June, 1868; T. M. Bailey, from January. 1869, to October. 1869; S. M. Chamblet. May, 1870, to 1871 : D. M. Mead, from September, 1870, to October, 1871 ; Amos Robinson, from November. 1871, to 1879; Gilman Parker, one year: N. H. Daily, two years; in 1883. Rev. G. G. Daugherty became pastor, serving only nine months, and was not satisfactory to many in the church. The next pastor was Rev. L. F. Compton. in 1885. remaining two and a half years, and was followed by J. R. Murphy, D. D.. serving two years. In 1891 H. D. Weaver became pastor, serving three years; in 1894, J. S. Xasmith came from Kansas and took charge of the church, remaining two years ; he was succeeded by J. E. Lemar, who re- mained nine months and returned to college ; then came C. F. Lusk, followed by M. J. Sigler, C. A. Tenny, G. H. Rookns, N. G. Thomas, who is the present pastor. As to the present brick edifice, let it be said that it was dedicated in March, 1901. and cost eight thousand dollars. It stands one block south of the southwest corner of the court house square. It is modern in ever}- way. The building committee was as follows: Pastor Irwin Forbes, \\'illiam Amos, J. H. Fugard. F. D. Brown, William E. Holtz. l66 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. The First Baptist church of Colfax was organized by a band of ten famihes holding this faith. This was in the spring of 1889, and they strug:- gled along as best they could until the next year by holding their meetings in the homes of their members. That year, however, they called Rev. Allen, who labored with the society about one year. Rev. T. R. Stitt became the next pastor and under his administration a house of worship was planned. A member of the church, \\\ A. \\'inder, donated the lot on which the church now stands. The edifice, which was not erected until 1891, is a frame struc- ture, costing four thousand five hundred dollars. The church has grown from its original twenty members to have two hundred and sixty -one. The pastors have been in the following order : Revs. Allen, T. R. Stitt, Ferguson, Lilley, Reed, Miller, A. J. McColl, J. B. Banker, R. S. Wallace. T. W. Evans, J. L. Barton, and the present pastor. Rev. Al- bert van der Ploeg. Only two of the original members still remain in Colfax, Thomas Ryan and Mrs. Frankie IMarion. Sugar Grove Baptist church was organized about 1870 in Sherman town- ship and struggled along many years, finally providing themselves with a house of worship, built by popular subscriptions. The society finally run down and the building was sold to the Free Methodists under a contract that it should always be used for religious purposes. But not long since the last named society sold the property to William Baker, who sought to convert the same into a hog house, on his farm. But before its removal from its original site, the matter became a matter for the district court to attend to, as it was involved in an injunction suit brought by E. B. IMoffitt, of the Baptist denom- ination. The case was tried in the district court at Newton, before Judge Preston, at the May term, 191 1, at which time it was decided by the court that the property should not be removed, as it was built by subscriptions of people in the community who understood that it should always be uSed for church purposes at that point. The case has been appealed to the supreme court of the state. BAPTISTS AT VANDALIA. From an old record the following is found concerning the earlv Baptist church at Vandalia: "A Baptist society was organized in 1852. by Elder J, A. Nash, later of Des Moines. The first members were Henry Shearer and wife, J, Q. Deakin and wife, George Anderson and wife, Ira Sllers and wife. The first pastor was Elijah Evans, who moved to Vandalia about 1854, remaining ten vears. A building was erected by the society during the first years of its history, and was the only church building Ijuilt at \'andalia up to 1878." JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. J 6/ METZ BAPTIST CHURCH. There is a new Baptist organization at the village of Metz, west of New- ton, and during the spring and summer of 191 1 a neat frame church edifice was erected and dedicated in May or June. BAPTIST CHURCH OF MONROE. The First Baptist church at ^Monroe was formed ]\Iay 5, 1855, at which date the following assembled : Rev. E. ScarfT. E. O. Town, E. Bockenoogan, I. Talbott, A. Udell, J. J. Haven, W. Q. Ellis, from Pella, and Rev. A. B. Leavitt, of Indiana. W. J. Ellis was chosen clerk. The church was then or- ganized and in March. 1856, preparations were made to build of brick Among the pastors who have served in this place may be recalled : Revs. A. \\\ Russell, J. Carrier, up to 1868; G. W. Hertzog, from 1869 to 1875; J. A. Abbott, to 1877. In 1878 the membership was about eighty. At this date it is one hun- dred and eighty. Following Rev. Abbott, came Revs. \\'. C. Pratt, Hertzog, Wilson, Mills. H. J. Shutts, J. D. Collins, Richmond A. Smith, G. F. Reik- ing, F. H. \\'ebster, C. O. Johnson, O. H. Sisson, the present pastor, who came in September, 1910. In 1885, *oi' the sum of six hundred dollars, the society purchased the old Congregational church building and used it as it was until 1894, when they rebuilt it, leaA'ing only one of the side walls. It is now a fine veneered structure, costing six thousand four hundred dollars. It seats comfortably five hundred. It stands on the east side of the public square and has a fine belfr\% bell, baptistry and circular pews, all in modern style. It should be here recorded, however, that this was not the first Baptist societv in this neighborhood, for one was forn-ted ^larch 3, 1850. At a meet- ing held on the day just mentioned, met Elder George Bond, and Warren D, Everett, as secretary. Those who united with a new church were : Hartwell and Rebecca Hayes, John and Polly Woody, James D. and Diadema Putnam, Tarlton P. Duncan, Lucy Horton and Polly ]\Iangrum. This society was named "Harmony Church." Elder Evans preached in 1854 and in 1855 the church increased in its membership, but the Republican political party having arisen, dissensions of a political nature aroSe. coupled with other minor differences, caused the church to go do\\ n. The newer members asked to withdraw, but this was not granted. A meeting was called and the latter 1 68 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. membership voted to take their letters and they formed a new church at Mon- roe. The old original membership revived the old church and removed the place of meeting to the Woody neighborhood, where it ever afterward con- ducted its church services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. One of the earliest churches, in the city of Newton is the Presbyterian, formed in 1854. Among the pioneer members were C. J. Housel and wife, G. W. Chambers and wife and a Mr. Martin and wife. This society was incorporated March i. 1859. with J. S. Hunter, John C. Wilson and Thomas McCord as trustees. The house of worship was built at a cost of six thousand dollars in 1865 ; it was of brick, thirty by sixty feet in size. It was dedicated February 23, 1868, the sermon being deliv- ered by Rev. W. R. IMarshall, of Marion, Iowa. In 1878 the membership was seventy-five. Its present membership is placed at two hundred. The pastors who have served this congregation include the following : Revs. Jones. L. B. Crittenden, John Seele, E. S. Vail, George L. Little, James Agnew, John X. Wilson, E. L. Williams, Isaac Whittemore, R. R. Westcott, David Brown, Edwin J. Rice, R. F. Chambers, 1898 to 1906; W. N. Hess, 1906 to 1908; Theodore M. Balcoff, 1908 to 1909: George Furniss, May 22, 1910, and still pastor. The present church edifice was built in 1889, dedicated December 22d, free of all debts. The present valuation of the church property, including the manse, is fourteen thousand dollars. The present officers are S. G. Russell, clerk; H. S. Morrison. A. T. Guthrie, T. G. Bryant, C. W. Winn, Benjamin Jones, elders ; C. W. Jarvis, J. I. Cunningham, Percy R. McCord. James Davidson, T. G. Bryant and Lyman A. Russell (treasurer), trustees. THE COLFAX rUESBYTERIAX CHURCH. At Colfax the Presbyterian formed their church as the first church so- ciety in the place The petition was dated April 6, 1868, and was signed by J. T. and Salina Lamb, R. N. and Lizzie Stewart, W. H. Bonnell, E. O. Par- ker, G. W. Parker, Jane A. Parker. James and Sarah L. McCracken, Levi ^IcCracken. and Sarah C. Mytinger. Elders J. T. Lamb and R. N. Stewart were chosen September 20th. The church was erected in i868. at a cost of one thousand two hundred dollars. In 1884. a new church edifice was erected at a cost of five thousand four hundred dollars. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. T69 The present membership of this church is one hundred and eighty. The various pastors here have included the following : Revs. Thompson, Wilson, Agnew, Gordon, Hammer, F. A. Shearer, 1879; S. N. Vail, 1886; Charles R. Hunt, 1890; William E. Knight, 1892; D. Wallace McMillen, 1899; Henry Ouickenden, 1899; John McLinn, 1902; Scott W. Smith, 1904; W. C. Brewer, 1905; D. D. Buchanan, 1906; N. R. Miles. 1907, and still serving. The society was incorporated May 10, 1868, by E. O. Parker, J. M. Kennedy, W. H. Bonnell, R. N. Stewart, J. L. Lamb, with W. D. Ballantyne as moderator. J. R. Rodgers and R. N. Stewart are the only pioneers left. During the last four years the church has put in new cement steps to both entrances to the church building; put in a basement; replaced old and added new windows. The members give an average of about eleven dollars each to support the church, some as high as one hundred and twenty-five dollars. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. The United Presbyterian church at Monroe was an early organization in this county. It dates its history from before 1855, and the organization was perfected in 1861 and now has a membership of sixty-three. It built a frame church building in early Civil-war days which, with remodeling and repairs, has served until now. It is probably the oldest church in use in Jas- per county, and is in fine condition. Its surrounding grounds are kept in fine shape and the main structure is surmounted with a neat belfrv and vesti- bule. It is located southeast from the business portion of the citv. A WONDERFUL COUNTRY CHURCH. The Palo Alto United Presbyterian church was formed in December. 1870 — really after the church building had lieen completed, for that was dedicated in December and was started in February of that year, by a mere handful of neighbors of this particular religious faith. In 1869. preaching was held at the old court house and at the Wild Cat school house, five miles south of Newton, and in 1870 there was some talk early in the year of erect- ing a place for worship. Finally, five families, the Hills, Reeses, Matchetts, McCartneys and Kellers, organized themselves into a church. Pioneer Robert M. Hill, after consulting with the preacher. Rev. Johnson, at Newton, com- menced to circulate a sub.scription paper for the purpose of raising the neces- sary funds. He was successful in getting one thousand dollars pledged in lyO JASPER COUNTYj IOWA. one day in material and cash. Seven hundred dollars of this amount was donated by members of the above mentioned families, the sums ranging from twenty-five dollars to one hundred dollars each. In all the house cost about two thousand dollars. It was, after some parleying, decided to build on the opposite side of the road from the little country cemetery that had been established a few years prior. The land was really not worth over fifteen dol- lars per acre, but the owner, a Catholic, wanted sixty dollars per acre for the tract, which amount was finally given him. This church and cemetery is just south of the present homestead farm of R. M. Hill. Mrs. Badger was the lady who. carrying out the wishes of her deceased husband, paid for the ground and finally made a clear deed to the trustees of the newly organized church society. These first trustees were Messrs. Amos B. Rees. Henry C. Richardson and Joseph ]\Iiller. The structure was commenced February 14, 1870. The timbers were drawn from Adamson's grove and much of it was hewed out from the forest kings by hand. A carpenter named Conle} , of Newton, was engaged to build the cliurch, the ^^•ork being largel}- performed by the men of the church. The ladies furnished dinners for the workmen, both at the timber and at the building site. All but the price of two barrels of lime for the foundation had been contributed. \\'hen Fourth of July came round they held a rousing celebration and it was visited b\- many from outside, including many from Newton. The ladies made a handsome profit on articles sold on the Fourth and the first to occupy the new church was the Robert M. Hill family, of father, mother and three children. They stayed the night after the celebration in order to watch and care for dishes and pro- visions that had been left over from the feast. They were joined in the early niorning by ^Irs. Badger, who walked from her farm home and took break- fast in the church w itli the Hills and they then counted over the proceeds of the celebration with thankful hearts. This church was not erected without much sacrifice. State Treasurer Rankin had been selected to orate on that Fourth (1870), but not coming, he sent a twenty-dollar bill for the use of the church. One hundred dollars more was sent by the Church Extension Society and another hundred from Mrs. Hill's old home church in Linn county, Iowa. The date of real church organization was October 27, 1870. It was not fully perfected, however, until in December of that year, when fifteen members were taken into the church. At that time, the elder was Robert McCartney ; trustees, Amos B. Rees and Henry C. Richardson. By the excellent financial management of Robert M. Hill (still living), ihe church was dedicated by Rev. William Johnson, free of any debts. The JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I7I first person to be baptized here was David J. Matchett, at the second meeting held in the new building. Weekly prayer meetings were established "to con- tinue Wednesday evenings, perpetually." A Sabbath school was early formed and has been kept up ever since. Rev. William Johnson was to be the pastor, but had a call to preach in Indiana, and wrote the church officers ("on the wing") that he had to leave them and could not accept the work here, but wanted to frequently "hear from the church that dwelt solitary in the woods.'' Among the preachers who served as supplies, for a longer or shorter period, may be recalled Revs. Joseph Boyd. Richard Turnbull, Hugh F. Wal- lace, R. C. Wyatt. A. J. Graham, A. McCartney, J. Taylor, J. F. Tate, C. T. McCanaghan, F. K. Martin, S. M. Black, H. McHatton. R. Gray, S. Mc- Arthur. The last served until the call of the regular pastor. Rev. E. S. Mc- Michael, who had charge both here and at Xewton till 1873, ^vhen Newton was set off into a church by itself. Rev. ^IcMichael served in all from 1872 to 1879. and was followed by Rev. J. A. Ferguson, who served till 1882, and then came Rev. J. A. McCalmount to 1889. The next was Rev. W. A. Campbell, 1890-92; in the first twenty-five years of the church's history there had been twelve supply and thirteen stated pastors "settled." Since then there have been Revs. John Ferguson, E. F. Gillis, each seven years' pastor- ate, and now the church is "supplied." The present total meml>ership is about sixty. At one date, this church had sent out and in acti^■e work sixteen members who were teachers, college students, preachers and lawyers, showing the wonderful influence for good citizenship, education and Christianity that had sprung from this little coun- try church. ^liss Kate A. Hill, daughter of Robert ^I. Hill and wife, has been a missionary to India for fifteen years. A better family and church record can scarcely be found in the state than this one. Miss Hill is one of five sisters, all of whom were teachers. She is building up a thirty thousand dollar school for girls in India, to be named for her. Another, reared in this church, is Avery Fales, doing home missionary work in New Mexico. Robert M. Flill, one of the founders of this church, worked at day wages for a few shillings per day, to pay for the few evergreens and willow trees which now grace the front yard of this beautiful country church. These now tall, stately trees will doubtless stand in their waving green long years after the death of the devout man who. in the prime of his manhood, planted them, a living, growing monument to his rare devotion to the cause he had so sacrificed for. 172 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. NEWTOX UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The United rresbyterian church at Newton has a history running along the same lines as the one in Palo Alto, just mentioned. It sprang from this parent church in 1873. and they worshiped in the Presbyterian church until they purchased the old Universalist church building. After a number of years they tore this down and erected in 1897 their present neat church on the cor- ner of Olive and McDonald streets, the old site of the original Universalist building. Tlie same pastors have served both this and the Palo Alto church for all of these eventful years. Just now they have no pastor. The present membership is something over one hundred and seventy. UNITED r.RETIIREN IN HICKORY GROVE TOWNSHIP. This churcli was formed in 1872, organized by Rev. G. P. Fisher in Hickory Grove township, where there is also another of the same denomina- tion. The one now written of is known as Hickory Gro\'e, and the other, a history of which follows this, is known as the Union Chapel. Hickoiy Grove church now has a membership of about sixty. The only remaining charter member of this society is Mrs. Priscilla Burroughs. The building at Hickory is frame, thirty-six by forty feet, and in the beginning cost one thousand five hundred dollars, but in later times has been remodeled and added to, at an expense of one thousand five hundred dollars more. UNION CHAPEL UNITED BRETHREN. This societ\ was organized in section 5. Hickory township, sometime early in the eighties. Its edifice cost, originally, one thousand three hundred dollars. It has a present membership of about fifty. One of the members has kindly furnished the following facts concerning this society : In the eighties, sometime after the school house was built on section 5, Hickor\' Grove township, the United Brethren organized a class and the preacher from the Hickory Grove church of the same denomination, preached at the school house in the afternoon, once in two weeks. The members at' that date were as follows: Daniel Benedict and wife, Hiram Benedict and wife, Dewitt Benedict and wife. Thomas Doane and wife. Nathaniel Welch and wife. The pastors who have served here are the same as served at the Hickory Grove church, and included these, but the list is incomplete : Revs. Durfee, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1 73 George Rose. George \'andeventer, W. T. Dawson, Frank Butley, A. B. C. Dewatter, R. L. Purely, H. E. Slattery, D. C. and A. M. Tolbett, E. A. Elliott. L. L. Nichols, under whom the church was erected; Revs. L. "L. Nichols, 1898; W. A. King; 1899, W. A. King; 1900. A. T. Wright; 1901- 02, W. Stevenson; 1903. E. C. Wolcott; 1904, E. C. McCurdy; 1905-06, N. F. Hicks; 1907-8, C. Violett; 1909, C. E. McCurdy; 1910, R. P. Roberts; 191 1. C. C. Hobson. The present building was erected in 1869-70, as above referred to, and tion 5, township 81, range 17. It is twenty-six by forty feet, is built with arched ceiling and is beautifully frescoed and has modern seats. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. The Congregational church at Xewton was formed in September, 1856. Rev. J. R. Mershon was the moderator at the organizing meeting. The first membership was as follows : C. B. and Alary W. Eels, Robert and Marinda Scott, Edwin and Ruth Ann Scott. Chester and Henrietta Seymour. Elhan- nan Winslow and wife, P. E. and Matilda J. Charrand, Lemuel Scoville, J. R. Mershon, Elisha Woodruff and Mrs. A. A. Stevens. In 1859 a church was built at the cost of two thousand" five hundred dol- lars ; it was thirty by fifty feet in size, with an anteroom and was surmounted by a bell. In 1878 this church had a membership of one hupdred and fifty. Its membership in the spring of 191 1 was four hundred and thirteen. The present beautiful church building was built in 1892, at a cost of fifteen thou- sand dollars. The pastors who have served this church include the following : Re^■s. E. P. Kimball, E. N. Bartlett, from July, 1858, to December, i860; E. D. Jones, from February, 1861, to February, 1863; George H. Beecher. from August. 1863. to May, 1864; H. E. Barnes, from June. 1864, to July, 1868; E. N. Bartlett, from September, 1868, to September, 1869; W. L. Bray, from January, 1870, to September, 1870; D. H. Rogan. from September, 1871. to August. 1874; R. P. Foster, from May, 1875, to March, 1876; E. D. Eaton, from November, 1876, to December, 1879; J. E. Bissell, from July, 1884, to 1890; C. H. Harrah, from September. 1890, to May, 1897; B. C. Baum- gardner, from May, 1897. to May. 1900; J. \\'. Cowan, from August. 1900. to October, 1901 ; G. L. Smith, from March, 1902, to May, 1906; A. B. Appleby, from September, 1906, to 1910; George H. Kemp, from November. 1 9 10, the present pastor. 174 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. The Congregational church of Kellogg is among the oldest societies of that place. It dates its organization from February, 1868. when a council convened for that purpose, made up of the following gentlemen : Rev. H. E. Barnes, of Newton; Rev. T. G. Brainard, of Grinnell. and Rev. S. J. Whitton, of the old W'ittemberg church. The pulpit was supplied from Grinnell and other towns until the call of the first pastor. Rev. A. Lyman, of Sheffield, Illinois, who remained a number of years, doing excellent work. In June, 1869, several members purchased the old Union meeting house and fitted it up for themselves as a church home. In 1878 the society had a membership of about sixty. Up to that time the pastors had been Revs. A. Lyman, R. Hassell and H. S. Thompson. Year after year the church grew and pros- pered until by removal from the community and by deaths the society finally, in 1909, had to give up its support of a pastor and soon the Sunday school also went down. The society now only has a few members, who deeply re- gret the fact that services in their own church can not be maintained ; how- ever, with true Christian spirit, they willingly worship with some one of the other orthodox churches in the town. In May. 1889, the church dedicated a new frame church. Dr. Magoun, of Grinnell College, preached the dedicatory sermon. Rev. Edward Allen was serving as pastor of the church at that time. Deacon William F. Pringle was a deacon and treasurer, as well as church clerk for many years, even up to within a short time before he was called hence by death. The last pastor here was Rev. J. Franklin Smith, who ceased his labors in March, 1909, a few months ahead of the time for which he had really contracted for. THE PRAIRIE CITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Congregational church at Prairie City was formed in ]\Iarch, 1868. It was accomplished through the untiring labors of Rev. C. H. Eaton. The constituent members were E. Adkins and wife, Sarah Fugard. Elijah Elliott and wife, John Hume and wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Sladen, Mrs. Bidwell and possibly a few more. The building committee, in September. 1868, consisted of E. Adkins and C. H. Eaton. The first building was finished in the spring of 1869, and dedicated June 20th that year. Its cost was about two thousand dollars. In 1877 the recorded membership of this society was fortv-five. Its present membership is not large, but they are all devout church workers. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1 75 The present Iniilding was erected in 1869-70. as above referred to. and is of the New England type of "meeting houses" so called there. A basement is being provided for the church now. The following have served as the pastors of this church : Revs. C. H. Eaton. C. C. Harrah. J. Allender, William J. Smith. Charles Slater, B. F. Sherman. J- W. Ferner, two or more years; Rev. Sharpley. about the same length of pastorate: then for four years there was no pastor; the next was Rev. H. M. Skeels, who held meetings for a month and sent Rev. Houston for pastor and he remained one year and was followed by Rev. W. W. Hazen. for three years: then came Rev. J. J- ^litchell, who served seven years, and was followed by Rew W. C. Barber : next was Rev. R. B. Hall, followed by Rev. George Deakin and Rev. A. A. Thorn. The present pastor. Rev. William C. North, was called in 1909. MOXROE CONGREGATIOXAL CHURCH. At ^lonroe the Congregational church was formed in 1866, with about twenty-five members, under the ministration of Rev. Thomas ^Merrill, of Newton, who remained as pastor during the first year's history. Among the first to unite with this society may be recalled the names of Theodore Bethel and wife, ^Mr. Holdridge and wife and W. H. Langan and wife. The same year the church was built, twenty-eight by fortv feet in size, with a tower and l^ell swung within the same. This building was erected on the east side of the square, on ^^lonroe street. The pastors have included these : Revs. S. N. Crout, two years : C. C. Harrah. one year: C. N. Bingham, four years; Rev. C. C. Harrah returned in 1876 and served several years. The church finally went down for lack of support and the building was bought by the Baptist society, who have remodeled and re-built it and now occupy the same. SULLY COXGREGATIOXAL CHURCH. This is one of the latest churches formed in Jasper county, the date of its organization being Februarv- i. 191 1. Tt has a membership of about fifty persons. The constituent members were F. G. Ayhnore and wife. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Goat. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Forsythe. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Forsythe. F. M. Sherman, ^^r. and Mrs. Henry Wells. Mr. and Mrs. E. Awtrv, Mr. and ]\Irs. C. T Roten. Mr and Mrs. John Bnmner, 176 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Haines, ^Iv. and Mis. P. A. Kling, Mrs. G. Youngkin, Mr. and Mrs. Ch-de Mitchell. Mrs. D. Mitchell, Mrs. John Holdsworth, Mrs. E. J. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haines, Mrs. Hammer. The only pastor the society has ever had is the present one, Rev. Fred G. Ayhnore. The trustees are William Talbot, F. M. Sherman, A. C. Boat (treasurer), F. G. Sherman (clerk). A neat church edifice was erected at a cost of about one thousand five hundred dollars, size thirty by forty-five feet, on the north half of lots Nos. I, 2 and 3, block 16, Sully. NEWBURG CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. This society was formed ]\larch 28, 1880. During the winter of 1879- 80, Rev. F. H. ^lagoun, of Gilman, preached at Newburg school house. Several persons were converted to this faith and hence a church was formed at once. H. H. Morris, A. H. Palmer and J. R. Dewhurst were appointed a committee to send letters missive to the churches at Toledo, Chester, Grin- nell, Kellogg, Gilman and ^Nlarshalltown, also to Rev. C. H. Eaton, President G. F. Magoun, Rev. J. M. Chamberlain and Prof. S. G. Barnes. Other meet- ings were held and articles of faith and covenant were adopted and several persons presented themselves for admission as members by letter and by pro- fession of faith. On April 8, 1880, the council, composed of pastors and delegates from the invited churches, and Rev. G. F. Magoun and C. H. Eaton of Grinnell, assembled and proceeded to organize the church with the following members : George H. [Morris, from First Congregational church, Grinnell; Howard H. Morris, from First Congregational church. Grinnell; Mrs. Mary O. Morris, from First Baptist church, Tiskilwa, Illinois ; A. H. Palmer, from First Congregational church, Gilman, Iowa; Mrs. Abi Palmer, from First Congregational church. Gilman ; William Parker, from First Congregational church, Gilman; Mrs. Hannah J- Parker, from First Congregational church. Gilman ; James R. Dewhurst. from First Congregational church, Gilman ; James R. Wood, from Methodist Episcopal church, Gilman; ]\Irs. Elizabeth Royer, from First Congregational church, Chester; Mrs. Olive N. ISTewton, from United Brethren church. Hickory Grove; Harrison Newton, on pro- fession ; John Newcomer, on profession ; Mrs. Laura Newcomer, on profes- sion; Mrs. Lucy T. Morgan, on profession; Miss Lottie E. Sisco, on pro- fession; Miss Emma Kate Williar, on profession; Mrs. Laurette Green, on profession; Mrs. Elizabeth Wheelan, on profession. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. . I// A church was erected on lots 9 and 10, block 2, of Xewburg, costing three thousand dollars. It is thirty-two by forty-eight feet and built of lum- ber. There are now about forty members in the church. The following have served as pastors : Revs. C. H. Eaton, 1880-81: F. H. Magoun. 1881-2; W. L. Coleman, August 1882, to July. 1884; G. M. D. Slocum, 1884 to 1887; A. J. Houston, June. 1887, to latter part of 1891 ; C. L. Hammond, March, 1898, to De- cember. 1903: G. R. Chambers, April, 1894. to 1907; H. L. Wissler, Januarv, 1898, and still pastor. WITTEMBURG C0XGREG.\TI0N AL CHURCH. Wittemburg Congregational church of Newton township was organized in 1865 by members of the Free Presbyterian church and now enjoys a membership of ninety-seven members. The size of the edifice is thirty-six b\- sixty feet, its cost being about two thousand dollars. The parsonage and three acres of land are now valued at two thousand, five hundred dol- lars. The following have served as pastors : Revs. David Crage, S. Whiton, White. DeBois. S. Mills, J. J. Mitchell, W. M Dunham, E. Durant, S. A. Arnold, A. J. Benton, R. F. Lavender. To go into the origin of this church and society it will be well to in- troduce the reader to Rev. Thomas ]Iocks, nine feet high, the balance being of frame. It stands on a tract of eleven acres of land with the parsonage in the center. The first church was sold to the Congregational people and in January, 191 1, a new edifice was dedicated, which, together with the parsonage, etc., is valued at ten thousand dollars. The growth of the church is slow from the fact that teaching takes much pains and time. Most of the congregation are farmers and the high price of the land in this county keeps many from settling here, hence a slow groA\th in congregation matters, but good, thorough work is effected. The following have served as pastors at this point: Revs. J. Van der Mey, 1897-1903; W. Stuart, 1904-07; M. Van der Heide, 1908-10; the present pastor in charge is Rev. H. Danhof, who came and was installed September 18. 1910. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF GALESBURG. This society was organized in 1898 with eight families and seventeen communicants and about twenty members by baptism. Garret Uppel and family are among the first and strongest members of the church here, al- ways being counted on and present when possible to attend services. He is eighty-three years old, but neither summer's heat nor winter's blast pre- vents him coming to church. He lives all of five miles from his church. At first the society rented a place to worship, but in a few years pur- chased the old Christian church building and have since used that as a church home. About 1907 the society bought a parsonage at a cost of one thousand, three hundred dollars. Among the pastors here may be re- called. Rev. T- Van der ]\Iey, 1903-4; Rev. Van der Hock. 1905-08, and the present pastor, Rev. S. Bouma, who came in 1909. The church now has a membership of twenty-two families, forty-two communicants and sixty members by baptism — all told, one hundred and two. All services are held in the Holland language. REFORMED CHURCH OF SULLY. This society was organized as the First Reformed church December 7. 1904. and now has forty-six members, including these : John Verenkamp and wife, Cornelius De Jong, G. Van Workman and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Dykstra, W. K'ooistra and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wisgerhof and names not now at hand. l88 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. The list of pastors includes the following: Revs. B. Bruim, from No- vember, 1905. to November, 1907; John Hoffman, from July i, 1908, and still serving- the church as its pastor. The church and parsonage, both frame buildings, at Sully, are valued at fifteen hundred dollars. THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS ( ORTHODOX ). This denomination has two societies within Jasper county at the present date. The first work of this good sect was in the early fifties, near Lynnville. They first formed into a society in 1851 at Lynn Grove. Just a few years prior to this came to this settlement Ambrose Osborn and family, who located there. He purchased the mill erected by Mr. Sparks. Soon after this came Jervis Johnson, accompanied by his wife, Melissa, and four sons, who emigrated from Indiana. Then came Jesse Arnold, his wife, Sarah, and six children: Henry Zimmerman and wife, Paris ]Mendenhall and fam- ily, Solomon Edwards and family. Such a number desired meetings and came under the Sugar Creek (now Oskaloosa) monthly meeting. J. A. Grin- nell was their first preacher. This pioneer effort upon the part of the Friends was made known to those of like faith living in Indiana and large numbers came hither. From out this number of Friends was organized the Sugar Creek. Chester and Lynnville meetings. About 1858 they commenced to hold monthly meet- ings and by 1878 they had come to number of four hundred. These, to- gether with those at Kellogg, made up a quarterly meeting known as Lynn Grove quarter, having a membership of six hundred and thirty-one in 1877. In 1856 a meeting house was built thirty by sixty feet in size. Later, meet- ings w'ere held in the old academy. The present Friends' church at Lynnville was erected in 1899 at a cost of two thousand dollars, when material and labor was much lower than at this date. The present membership of tin's society is two hundred and eighty- three. THE CHESTER CHURCH FRIENDS' SOCIETY. Among the early settlers in Lynn Grove township were believers in the faith of the Friends (Quakers). Among the pioneers of this church are recalled now the names of Lemuel and Thomas Butler, Warren Bufkin, Will- iam Dysart, A. T. Kirk, Eli White, James Williams and others. These peo- ple all came in from Indiana and most of them had families partlv grown to manhood and womanhood at the time of their coming. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 1 89 The first prairie was broken in 1855 and the first house erected in 1856. While improving their lands and making for themselves comfortable homes, they forgot not the God of their fathers beyond the rolling waters of the Mis- sissippi river from whence they had emigrated. They formed here a cliurch and set in motion the wheels of a common school. For a time this settlement attended meeting at Lvnnville. but soon provided one nearer to their homes. The first meeting was held at the home of Lemuel Butler. After the school house was erected that was also used for meeting house purposes, until 1857, when a church was built. The first minister in this neighborhood v/as Jane Jones, Mattie Bufkin, Anna \\'hite, Aaron Symons and his wife, Anna, were included among the early ministers of this church. After 1887 Charles Renaud faithfully served as minister for a number of years and was still there in 1901. The membership was small, but they believed it their dutv to maintain a home meeting. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. This denomination is not now represented largely in Jasper county. A small body of this faith of religionists was organized at ^lonroe in 1871, by Elder Canright. The first members were Rebecca and Sarah A. Stemm, John Johnson and wife, Joseph Bennington and wife and George Marshall and wife. This denomination has not grown to any considerable extent in Jasper county with the passing of the vears. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. This society was organized by the colored people of Newton of this de- nomination in 1877, and a house of worship was provided in the northeast part of the city by the purchase of an old frame school house, which, after a number of years, was rebuilt into a respectable church edifice which still serves the congregation, which includes many of the colored people of the place, there being only the one African church in Xewton. YOUNG men's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. A society of this order was established at Newton in Februarv, 1874, with seven members. The officers were : S. J. Moyer, president ; J. C. Aydelotte. vice-president : David Van Giesen. treasurer; James Mitchell, Charles Jackson, Charles A. Clark, trustees. 190 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. A mission Sabbath school was organized by this association in North ISTewton in March, 1876. The association also established a lecture course in 1877. which was highly successful. A reading room was maintained, open afternoons and evenings, as well as Sundays. For a number of years this society was very active, but with the formation of other kindred societies within the numerous churches, the "^'oung Men's Christian Association was allowed to run down. CHAPTER XIII. CIVIC SOCIETIES OF THE COUNTY. In almost every part of the civilized globe there are found secret orders of various kinds, both ancient and modern in their origin. Of recent years — the last forty — there ha\e sprung up a legion of beneficiary societies, semi- secret in their workings, but it is not of this class that this chapter will treat, for they are too numerous and of too little general interest. They come and go like the shadows — some are good and some are spurious. As most of these are now under state control, they afford a very safe life insurance, and have coupled with them some very excellent work and are quite good social or- ganizations. Among such, in this county, may be named in passing, the Woodmen, Workmen, Knights of Columbus, Red Men, Ben Hur, etc. This chapter will seek only to give the general history, organization, present standing, etc., of the three great civic orders of this century, the Masons. Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. The first Masonic lodge instituted within Jasper countv was Newton Lodge No. 59, founded under dispensation of James L. Hogin, grand master. March 30, 1855. The first officers were: R. D. Minard. worshipful master; Jesse Rickman, senior warden ; Hugh Rodgers, junior warden ; S. Cooper, treasurer; Elisha Hammer, secretary; William Rodgers, senior deacon; Z. M. Allen, junior deacon ; Lewis Helfry, tiler. Hugh Rodgers represented this little band as proxy for the worshipful master at the grand lodge the following June, the session being held at Keosaqua. The report of that session remarked in record : "The work of this lodge is mostly square. The lodge was opened May 26, 1855, and has not yet been closed. Otherwise the work is good and the by-laws correct. They recommend that a charter be granted to said lodge by the name of Newton, No. ." Later in the grand lodge the number "59" was be- stowed upon this lodge. The lodge was represented at grand lodge at Oska- loosa in 1856 by Jesse Rickman. It does not appear that any "work" was done until in June, 1855, but a year later the ft^llowing had "formed the 19-' JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. perfect square:"' J. A. Harris, Caleb Laml). j. R. Sparks, P. AI. Wood, G. W. Corney. Little Woods, John Dunsmore, David Evans, W. M, Springer, Henry Welker. Joshua Rickman. Thomas Rees, W. R. Matthews, William H. Silssby, G. \\'. Louthian, \\illiam Dinwiddy, Riley Ashley, A. R. Joslin, William Dunn, Thomas Pearson, Henry Blake, Levi Combs, S. W. Foreman, T. J. Dinsmore. At the close of 1858 this lodge had a membership of forty- two. In 1878 it had increased to one hundred and twenty-eight. In 1875, ^^ conjunction with the chapter and commandery, they built a third story over the building erected by ]\Iorgan & Ledyard and R. Burns, on the west side of the public square, which was fitted up for their use at a cost of twelve thousand dollars. The rooms and equipment of this hall were, in their first days, considered as good as any in Iowa. The present number in this lodge is two hundred and sixty-four. Its officers in the spring of 191 1 were as follows: James E. Callison, worshipful master; Frank Wilson, senior warden; O. N. Green, junior warden; Christ- ian Griebling, treasurer; Fred L. Kiennedy, secretary; J. B. Harvey, senior deacon; John W. Kennington. junior deacon; David Conn, senior steward; George F. Scott, junior steward ; L. B. Westbrook, tiler. The following is a complete list of the past worshipful masters in New- ton : R. D. Minard, Jesse Rickman, 1857; R. D. Minard, 1858; R. D. Min- ard, 1855-6; Jesse Rickman. 1857; R. D. ]\Iinard, 1858; William Rodgers, 1859; J. A. Harris. 1860-61; T. H. Miller, 1862; William Rodgers, 1863; I. A. Hammer, 1864-5; William Rodgers, 1866; I. A. Hammer. 1867; S. G. Smith, 1868; J. W. Wilson, 1869-70-71-72-73, and grand master, 1878-79; S. H. Galusha, 1874-5; S. J. Condit, 1876-77; A. P. Hanson, 1878; J. W. McLaughlin, 1879-80: Caleb Lamb, C. P. Axtel 1882; J. B. Eyerly, 1883; Robert Burns. 1884; O. W. Treman (May to December) ; H. S. Winslow, 1885; H. K. Stahl, 1886: \'. W. Skiff. 1887-8; C. F. Morgan, 1889-90; J. Y. Bailey, 1891-92-93: H. V. Byers, 1894; O. N, Wagley, 1895-96-97-98, and grand custodian: F. D. \\'inn. 1899-1900; J. T. Pound, 1901-02; S. C. Hughes, 1903; David Conn. 1904-05; E. P. ]\Ialmberg. 1906; David L Clark, 1907; Walter J. ]\Iorgan. 1907; Clifford V. Cox, 1909; James E. Cal- lison, 19 10. All are now deceased but twenty-one. ROYAL ARCH MASONS. Gebal Chapter No. 12 was granted a dispensation for charter by James R. Hartsock. grand high priest, March 6, 1856, to J. Swallow, J. D. Minard, Caleb Lamb and a few others. JASl'ER COUNTY, IOWA I93 In 1878 the number of members of this chapter was ninety-eight and at this date it is one hundred and sixty-one. The hst of high priests have been as follows: Joshua Swallow, Caleb Lamb, William Rodgers, D. R. Minard, Jesse Rickman. 1863; William Rbdgers, 1864; Caleb Lamb. 1865; ^^'i^iam Rodgers, 1866-67; J. W. Mur- phy, 1868; William Rodgers, 1869; H. S. ^^■inslow, 1870-71-72-73, and grand high priest. 1875-76-77: S. J. Condit. 1874: S. E. Zinn, 1875-6 George R. Ledyard. 1877-78: A. P. Hanson. 1879-80; S. H. Galusha, 1881 D. L. Clark. 1882; J. W^ McLaughlin, 1883; C. P. Axtel, 1884-5: O. W Treman. 1886: Charles H. \\'ilder, 1887, and grand custodian, 1894-5: J. W McLaughlin, 1888: C. H. ^^'ilder, 1889-90; O. C. Meredith, 1891-92; F. D Winn, 1893-94-95: J. Y. Bailey. 1896-97; Howard Case, 1901-02; John Hartwig, 1903-04-05; David Conn, 1906-07-08; Fred L. Kennedy, 1909-10. Dates given denote the year elected, the election occurring in November. All are now deceased but sixteen. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Oriental Commandery No. 22, at Newton, was organized March 28, 1872, the charter having been granted October 16, 1871. The following is the list of the eminent commanders : Caleb Lamb, J. B. Eyerly, J. W. Wil- son, George R. Ledyard, Wesley Roberts, N. Townsend, J. Y. Bailey, J. \\'. McLaughlin, D. L. Burnett, J. P. Newell, Charles H. W^ilson, O. C. Mere- dith, Robert Burns, C. F. Morgan, A. M. Hough,, Frank D. Winn, Fred E. ]\Ieredith. A. H. Benjamin, D. R. Tripp. Lee E. Brown, Fred L. Kennedy, Walter J. ]\Iorgan, A. P. Hanson, E. E. Lambert. R. A. Rhoades, C. A'ar- num. William Rodgers. S. E. Zinn, S. L. Patton. H. S. Galusha. The present membership is one hundred and ninety. MONROE LODGES. Monroe Lodge No. 88. Ancient Free and Accepted Alasons, at !\Ionroe. was formed by dispensation granted March 5, 1856, hence is one of Jasper county's earliest Masonic bodies. The grand master named B. Putnam as worshipful master; D. S. Smoke, senior warden, and John Tyler as junior warden. Nothing was accomplished, however (owing to some irregularities in admitting members without proper recommendations), until 1857. In 1858 John Tyler became worshipful master and three members had been ad- mitted bv initiation ; then three had been passed and three raised, four de- mitted and the total membership was twenty-one. (13) 194 JASl'EK rOlNTV. IOWA. The lodi^'e was finallv chartered in ^^^J. hnt from internal causes the charter was surrendered in June, iS^g. w lien the body ceased to exist. After the close of the Civil war and in 1X66 the fires of Masonry were again lighted here in Monroe and a dispensation, was issued in June of that year to h^air- view Lodge Xo. 194. The first officers of the new lodge were: G. R. Led- vard. worshipful master: G. W. Richards, senior warden; John Taylor, junior warden. The lodge was chartered as Xo. 194 in the following year. From that date on peace was the record of the lodge at Monroe and in [HjH it en- I'oved a membership of ninety. Its present membership is recorded as one hundred and fourteen. The present officers are: (i. C. Ammer. worshipful master; C. D. Fouch, senior ^\■arden ; S. Scharf. junior warden; O. W. Burch- inal. treasurer; F. L. Lane, secretary. Fairview Lodge rented a hall until 1873, ^^hen they built a home of their o\\ n. and the present fine brick hall was erected in 1909, the same being as complete as anv hall in Towa. The Order of the Fastern Star is repre- sented here. Geber Chapter L^. D.. Royal Arch Masons, was instituted June 20, 1878. bv the appointment of G. AL Bethel as eminent high ])riest; Seth Dixon, excellent king; V. M. Slusser. excellent scril)e. The chapter grew rapidlv from the first and fifteen belonged in Octol)er, 1878, its first year's history. KELLOGG MASONIC LODGES. At Kellogg. ^Meridian Lodge Xo. 280, Ancient Free and Accepted Ma- sons, was established February 10. 1870. under dispensation granted Febru- ary Lst. which named Lsaac Burnett as worshipful master; C. H. Russell, senior warden; S. S. Patterson, junior warden. The other members Avere : \V. R. Reynolds, D. Vaughn. W. F. Rowland, Charles Morgan, Walter Mor- gan. J. AW A\'ilson was the first master under the charter, which instrument was granted the following June. In 1878 the records show a membership of about fifty; at present it is seventy-one. The present officers are as follows: R. C. Burton, worshipful master; F. R. Foster, senior warden; P>. A. Barton, junior warden; C. R Irish, treas- urer; E. J. Birchard, secretary; A. R. W. P)rown, A. !>. Cra\en, James Drake, trustees. In the nineties this lodge ])urcliase(l its present brick hall building. L^■x^\"ILLl•; ?il\soxi(' lodge. Lebanon Lodge X^o. 227, Ancient b'ree and .Accepted ^lasons, at Lvnn- ville, was organized under dispensation December 7, 1867, with fames B. Naylor, worshipful master; I. J. AAHiite, senior warden; AA'. R. Matthew^s, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I95 junior warden: J. P. lUmi]), treasurer; Joseph R. Xaylor, secretary; Dewitt Dunham, senior deacon; W. C. Rayburn. junior deacon; S. W. Caster, tiler. The only other charter meml)er was John R. Sparks. S. M. Robertson was the first candidate for the forming- of the ''perfect square." J. B. NIaylor served as master for seven years. The present membership of this lodge is sixty-seven and its elective offi- cers are: C. H. Potter, worshipful master; A. W". Meredith, senior warden; C. L. Zimmerman, junior warden; AT. G. Garner, treasurer; C. E. Ouire. secretar}'. BAXTER MASONIC LODGE. Unit Lodge No. 520. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Raxter. was instituted in 1892 by charter members as follows: John R. Peck. William R. Vandike. George M. Web]), James Williamson. P. J. Cool, Martin L. W'eaver, F. T. Gilmore, Alfred Davey. W^illiam H. Blair, C. P. Rairdon, J. 0. Gardner. W^illiam Bailey, George Greenfield, Jesse Cross. W. F. Rippey. The first officers (elective) were: John R,. Peck, ^^•orshipful master; William A^andike, senior warden ; George M. Webb, junior warden ; James Williamson, treasurer ; P. G. Cool, secretary. The first place of meeting was in the rooms o\'er Hanson & Downs" drug store. That burned in 1897, when they built a hall of their own on lot 15, l)lock 2, of Rippey's addition to Baxter. They lease to the Odd Fellows and \\'oodmen. The present membership of this lodge is forty-four, or \\as on January 1. 191 1. Its present officers are: John Allan, worshipful master; L. E. Fow- ler, senior warden ; J. S. Booth, treasurer ; Carl C. Webb, secretary. The trustees are Paul Cooper, C. E. Davey and W. R. A^andike. THE GALESBURG LODGE. Monumental Lodge Xo. 311, Ancient Free and .\ccepted Masons, at Galesburg, was organized in 1872 and in 1884 they erected their present hall. They now have a membership of forty-two, with the elective officers in 1911 as follows: Albert Lust, worshipful master; B. A. Romans, senior warden; L M. Carnahan. junior warden; W. A. AA'ilHamson. treasurer; .\rthur Wheeler, secretary. COLFAX MASONRY. Riverside Lodge No. 389, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Colfax, worked under dispensation from some time in 1878. when J. R. Rodgers was worshipful master; L N. Paschal, senior warden; J. T. West, junior warden; 196 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. W. L. West, secretary; John Fanselor. treasurer. The remainder of the charter members were: John Cochran. C. A. Dotson. D. ^1. Morrison, John D. Dee. E. M. Holland, Dr. J. R. Ryan. William Foy. William Clark, J. Keasey, William Little. Dr. S. K. Pickens and three more. PRAIRIE CITY MASONRY. Preston Lodge No. 218. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Prairie City, was organized under dispensation, iMay 14. 1867, with J. G. Eckles, worshipful master: A. B. Jenks. senior warden; C. F. Head, junior warden; the other petitioners were Charles Dustin. W. L. Clark, Lewis Clark. Levi Jenks, William L Church, F. T. Murrah, Ralph Nixon. The charter was granted in June, 1868. In 1878 the lodge had a membership of fifty-two and in the spring of 191 1 it has forty-eight. The present officers are: K. F. Harp, worshipful master; F. J. Binford, senior warden; J. A. Ray. junior warden: Fred Daly, senior deacon; D. ]\I. Henninger, junior deacon; B. E. Moore, treasurer; J. H. Freeman, secretary. A lodge hall was erected in 1881, at a cost of about one thousand five hundred dollars. The following is a list of the worshipful masters of this lodge: J. T. Eckles, C. F. Head. F. J. Reigart, H. C. DeWolf, W. L. Clark. W. G. Clements, F. M. Austin, Jesse Wilson. B. C. Ward. J. F. Harp, A. T. Dowden, G. L. McFadden, C. S. Jenks, Arthur Graham, D. H. Gill, H. M. Wilson, C. D. Johnson, J. F. Harp. MASONIC LODGES IN JASPER COUNTY, I9II. The following ^Masonic lodges were in existence in ]\Iay, 1911 : Newton Lodge No 59; Fairview Lodge No. 194, at Alonroe; Preston Lodge Nb. 218, at Prairie City : Lebanon Lodge No. 227. at Lynnville ; Meridian Lodge No. 280, at Kellogg: Alonumental Lodge No. 311, at Galesburg; Riverside Lodge No. 389. at Colfax; Unit Lodge No. 520, at Baxter. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. The pioneer Odd Fellows lodge of Jasper county was formed at New- ton. It was Central Lodge No. /T,, established October 11, 1855, by author- ity of the grand lodge of Iowa. The charter members were : H. J. Skiff, Solomon Gardner, A. Failor, C. Conlev and \\'il]iam Rodgers. The latter was the first noble grand; H. J. Skiff, \ice-grand : S. Gardner, recording sec- retary ; C. Conley, permanent secretary ; A. Failor, treasurer. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. I97 This lodge flourished with the town of Xewton until the breaking out of the Civil war, Ijut in 1862 it was found impossible to sustain it on account of the large numbers who had gone into the service of their country under President Lincoln's call for troops. The charter had to be surrendered, but about the close of that terrible conflict it was petitioned for at the grand lodge to have the original charter returned, and the prayer was answered, as they were entitled by their patriotism to this complimentary token of good will from the head of the order. In 1878 this lodge had a membership of fifty-six and was in a flourishing condition. The lodge now has a membership of two hundred and fifty-two. Its present officers are: Elroy Scott, noble grand; O. M. Keith, vice-grand: John R. Hall, recording secretary: F. H. Russell, financial secretary; George ^^^ Simpson, treasurer. Xewton Encampment Xo. 16 was instituted April 19, 1876. by charter from the grand encampment of Iowa, with Caleb Lamb, chief patriarch ; J. H. F. Balderson, high priest; A. ^I. Hinsdale, senior warden; William ^'aughan, junior warden; J. S. Agnew, scribe; J. H. !McCalmont, first war- der; G. F. Schurtz, second warder. The other members were E. Shipley, G. Meyer and J. S. Knight. In 1878 the records show a membership of twenty-seven; its present membership is one hundred and thirty-two. The present officers are : A. C. Raridon, chief patriarch : H. E. Ras- mussen, high priest; Arthur Jackson, senior warden; E. P. Grant, junior warden: J. R. Hall, secretary; S. S. ^Marshall, treasurer. PATRIARCHS MILITANT. Canton X^o. 31, at X'ewton, was possessed of the following elective offi- cers in June. 191 1: H. E. Rasmussen. captain; A. L. Guthrie, lieutenant; W. L. Kintz, ensign ; J. R. Hall, clerk and accountant. The order now has a membership of one hundred and thirty. The order is represented in the state department of Odd Fellowship by Maj.-Gen. E. E. Lambert and Col. H. J. ^NIc^Furray. of the Second Regi- ment of Iowa. The hall occupied by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at X'ew- ton was erected many years ago. At first the order built the east half of the present block at the northeast corner of the square and later purchased the balance of the block. They have a fine hall and the membership in all de- grees is one of activity and good works. 198 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ODD FELLOWS AT COLFAX. At Colfax the Odd Fellows organized Lodge Xo. 476, May 24, 1884, with the following charter members: F. W. Carey. J. R. Sharp, M. Thomas, D. M. Guessford. J. I). Johnson, A. J. Chalmers. J. M. Stayner. The present membership is one hundred and ninety. Its present officers are : B. F. W'intersteen, nol)le grand ; E. A. Wheeler, vice-grand ; R. E. Cnmmings. secretary; J. H. Hahn. treasurer. The lodge hall is owned in company with the Knights of Pythias order. The past grands are as follows : J. R. Sharp, A. S. Kizer. J- R. English. C. \V. Paschal, W. H. Ball, Henry Sharp. B. L. Logsdon. J. H. Clements. F. W. Logsdon. John Pearson, A. Dale. W. X. Smith. J. O. Pflaum. C. H. Keipp. B. Winpegler. A. H. Irwin. John Harris. Fred Ackrael. R. E. Cummings. yi. E. Penquite, E. E. Clark, \\\ S. Cutter. A. A. W'allburn. T. P. Barnes, E. E. Kiendig, E. J. Howe, Orvil Morgan. A. Denholm. l-'red Hanson. C. Winslow. J. H. Hahn, J. M. Stayner, O. D. Acton. BAXTER ODD FELLOWSHIP. As is usually the case in these progressive times, towns where enterpris- ing men do Imsiness ha\e time and desire for keeping up the various secret orders and looking after each other's ^^•elfare. Baxter has ever been fore- most in such laudable work Acton Lodge X"o. 516 was organized December 27, 1902, Iw' twenty- eight charter memljers. including these : X. Hazlett, P. S. Hill, W. H. Bair. George Chamlierlain. who held office. The total membership now is fifty- five. The lodge meets in Masonic hall, which they lease. The 191 1 electi\e officers are : J. F. Coakley. noble grand ; T. 1'. K'elley. ^■ice-grand ; James McKenzie, secretary : ^^^ T. Thorp, treasurer. Baxter Encampment X^o 224 was organized June 2/, 1909, with twenty- five memliers. The present officers are: Clint McMahon. chief patriarch; J. 1"'. Coakley, junior warden: R'. \\\ Crawford, high priest; James Garrison, scribe. Baxter Rebekah Lodge X'^o. 579 was organized February. 1909. and now enjoys a membership of fifty. Its present officers are: Mrs. Walter Grant, noble grand: Mrs. Alice Earl}-, vice-grand: Mrs. Belle Chamberlain, secre- tary. MIXGO ODD FELLOWSHIP. Mingo Lodge Xo. 174 was formed at Mingo, July 10. 1905. with forty- six charter members. The total membership of this lodge is one hundred and nine. Its present officers are: Henry Byal. nol)le grand; J. W. Ramlio, JASPER COUXTY, IOWA. I99 vice-grand; C. C. Black, treasurer; W. A. PeiKiuite. secretary. The lodge meets every Wednesday evening, in Baker's hall. The following have served as noble grands in this lodge; A. L. Rees, F. B. Rose. E. C. Battles. Lee Signs. M. F. Berkley. H. K. Poorbaiigh. C. C. Black. \V. J. Southern (deceased). J. L. Coughlan. W. A. Penciuite and C. Hebers. MONROE ODD FELLOWSHIP. At ]Monroe, Jasper Lodge No. i68 dates its history from Septeml)er. 1868. when a meeting was held and it was decided to petition for a charter. A dispensation was granted by William P. Sharpe. who ordered if the peti- tioners would wait three weeks or so. to come and establish a lodge, which was consummated December lo. 1868. The recognized charter members were as follows: William Howard, L. G. Zerley. J. W. Johnson. W. F. Hill. Josiah Turner. Jacob Kipp, Ximrod Caple and T. Burchinal. Early in 1871 the lodge purchased a set of jewels at a cost of one hun- dred dollars, and in the latter part of the year 1870 the lodge moved to new lodge (|uarters. In 1875 the lodge bought a lot of ground on the northeast corner of the pul)lic s(|uare. paying one thousand dollars therefor and there their hall was erected. In 1878 the lodge had a membership of seventv-one; its 191 1 member- ship is eighty-five. Its present officers are ; C. M. Hetherington. noble grand; Harry Worth, vice-grand; W. T. Woolcott. recording secretary; W. H. Hetherington. financial secretary; C. W. Burchinal. treasurer. At first this lodge had its home in the second story of a building on the north side of the public scjuare. Its present quarters are situated in the haU in the second story of a brick building over the State Savings Bank, at the southwest corner of the s(|uare. This hall was l)uilt at a cost of three thou- sand dollars. It was erected in 1898 and is the property of the Odd Fellows. Monroe Encampment Xo. 60. at Monroe, was instituted May 20. 1872. The first officers were: T. B. Burchinal. chief patriarch; T. McR. Stewart, high priest; I. Hawkins, senior warden; J. R. Hall, junior warden; R. R. Foehlinger. scribe; X. Caple. treasurer. In 1878 the lodge had a membership of thirty, which has been increased to forty-five in 191 1. The chief patriarch is W. T. Woolcott. Eureka Rel^ekah Degree Lodge X'o. 32 was established January 17, 1874. T. C. Burchinal was the first noble grand. It now has a membership of eighty. The present noble grand is Mrs. Mary Holland. 200 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. KELLOGG ODD FELLOWSHIP. Tecumseh Lodge No. i8i, at Kellogg', was organized December 15, 1869. J. H. F. Balderson was made noble grand: Daniel Boatright. vice- grand ; William Bonser. secretary ; S. Condon, treasurer. The other charter members were Cyrns Sinnard, Robert AIcK'ittrick and Jasper N. Stewart. The following- have filled the office of noble grand : J- H. F. Belderson, D. Boatman. S. Condon, William Bonser, B. B. Boatright, \\'illiam ^Marshall, William \^aughan, George Condon, Le\i ^^^ Davis, Charles B, Duncan. The present officers are: A. B. Craven, noble grand; ^^^ J. Robinson, vice-grand; F. L. Phipps, secretary : Harry Attwood, treasurer. The lodge now has a membership of fifty in good standing and is in a flourishing condition. The order meets over the Dr. Smith business house, on Main street, which it has called its home for a rpiarter of a century. The encampment degree is well represented at this point, also. ' LYNNVILLE ODD FELLOWSHIP. Lynnville Lodge No. 322 was constituted October 21, 1875. The first officers were : R. H. Cook, noble grand ; O. C. Meridith, vice-grand ; J. W. Moody, secretary; A. R. Matthews, treasurer. The other members were William Hamilton, Thomas McGlasson and S. Condon. In 1877 the lodge had a membership of about fifty. Lynnx'ille Fncampment No. 83, at Lynn\-ille, was established in October. 1876. The first officers were: O. C. Meridith, chief patriarch; J. W. Moody, high priest; A. R. Matthews, senior warden; J. S. Kitch, junior warden; W. H. H. Nelson, scribe; S. M. Robertson, treasurer. V. A. Roberts was also a charter member. In 1878 this encampment had a membership of thirty. PRAIRIE CITY ODD FELLOWSHIP. Prairie City Lodge No. 144 dates its history from 1867. George Fugard was the first noble grand ; C. Conrad, vice-grand, and the other charter mem- l)ers were Isaac Cooms, Caleb Bundy, S. F. Miller, B. J. Head. R. B. Smith, A. J. Wilkinson. The records show a membership in 1878 of thirty: its present member- ship is one hundred and four. Its present officers are: J. A. ^^^^ddell. noble grand ; Charles French, vice-grand ; Fred Daily, secretary ; ]. R. Buckley, treasurer. JASPER COUNT V, IOWA. 201 This lodge owns its own hall, a building forty by one hundred and twenty- feet, with a hardware store below the hall. The Rebekahs. Woman's Relief Corps and the Yieomen meet in the same hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. This fraternity has grown rapidly since its organi/catir)n. which seems but a few }ears, in comparison to the Masonic history which runs awav back into truly ancient times. The Knights of Pythias lodges are found in the following places in Jasper county : Delta Lodge No. 53 was organized February 19. 1880, by the following charter membership: F. S. Clark. ]\F A. McKinley. Frank Fisk, C. W. Stahl, Jay Clark. J. W. McLaughlin, George W. Ledyard, A. J. McGregor, W. Mc- Colloms, Grant Townsend, Ralph Parmenter, Frank Hunter. S. R. Oldaker, S. N. Russell, J. G. Cotton. H. K. Stahl. E. E. Hughes and R. C. Wilson. The first officers were: Past chancellor. S. R. Oldaker; chancellor com- mander. IT. Iv. Stahl: vice-chancellor. AL A. McKinlev : propliet. J. \\\ Mc- Laughlin: master of exchequer. Jay Clark; master of finance. Frank Fisk: keeper of records and seal, C. W. Stahl: master at arms. E. E. Hughes; inner guard. Grant Townsend : outer guard. A. J. McGregor. The present officers are: H. P. Engle, chancellor commander: J. R. Bowen, vice-chancellor: R. B. Gibford. prophet: R. D. Guessford. master of work; Oscar A. Coon, keeper of records and seal and master of finance; Charles Griebeling. master of exchequer; Arthur Nelson, master at arms; Mert Lewis, inner guard ; M. R. Souder. outer guard. The lodge was instituted in the Hiatt building on the north side of the public square and now meets in Castle Hall in the Clark Ijuilding on the east side of the square. The past chancellors have been A. H. Bergman. Jay Clark. John L. Conn, W. E. Carpenter. John H. Coon. J. R. Gorrell. Charles Ciriebeling, M. B. Huckins. J. H. Harvey, W. F. Harvey, A. K. Lufkin. E. N. Lawrence. R. R. Alowry, B. A. Miller, J. W. McLaughlin. David McAllister. John OT^eary, J. F. Rouze. Alton Reynolds, C. A. Snow and G. W. Simpson. Russell's Division No. 26, of the Uniform Rank of this order, was or- ganized June T. 1893, but has never been as prosperous as some of the other L'niform Rank divisions of Iowa. There are Knights of Pythias lodges in Jasper county at Newton. Kel- logg. Prairie City. Newburg. Baxter. IMonroe. Colfax. 202 JASI'KK COrXTV, IOWA. The Kini'o-hts of TVthias are represented at Prairie City l)y Jasper Lodge No. 63. organized August 14. 1890. by charter members, inckiding these: B. E. Aloore. J. H. Little. M. Feathers, j. Prouty. B. C. \\"ard. I. \V. Shriver. D. L. Lower, Ellis AlcConnaughey. V. A. Heaton. Ed. Winchell. C. Tool. B. F. Milleson, Henry Blatmer, W. M. Davis, Bailey Burns, Edgar Draper. Among the chancellor commanders have been B. C. Ward, D. M. Kelly, Alden (lilbert, Bailey lUirns, George 1\'. Scott, D. F. Brown, R. E. Yowell, F. Al. Moore. 1. W. Shriver. R. I). Lower, J. W. Jeffries. B. E. Moore, D. yi. Hemminger. A. j. Hixson. J ]\1. Keating, I'rank L. \\'oodard, W. M. Davis, present incumbent of the office. The 191 I officers are: W. M. Davis, chancellor commander; T. J. Yow- ell, vice-chancellor; R. E. Yowell, master of work; Hugh G. Little, keeper of records and seal and master of finance ; B. F. Moore, master of exchequer ; J. W. .Hayes, master at arms; F. M. Moore, prelate; D. i\L Hemminger, inner guard: Ivan Moore, outer guard. A leased hall is occupied now. 1die present membershii) of lodge is seventy-fi\e. In 1909 the I'ythian Sisters were instituted, and the 191 1 officers are as folhnvs : Past chief. May Hemminger; most excellent chief, Ollie Little; ex- cellent senior chief, Fannie Wiggins; excellent junior chief, Hazel Hayes; manager. Delia Kindred; mistress of records and correspondence. Jess M. Gill: mistress of finance. Floy McKleveen ; protector. Dora Brown; guard, Carrie Patrie. At Kellogg a Knights of Pythias lodge was formed in 1893 ^"^^ "^w has a working membership of thirty. It is known as Kellogg Lodge No. 376. They meet in a leased hall over the Jones business house on Main street. The officers (elective) in 1911 were: T. L. Simpson, chancellor com- mander; F. L. Rhodes, vice-chancellor; (i. F. Galusha. keeper (jf records and seal; A. E. Adams, prelate: S. A. Owings. master of finance; R. C. Birchard, master of exchecpier ; S. H. Schultx. master of work; A. F. Schultz. master at arms; M. D. Baum, inner guard; Pi. N. Smith, outer guard. Baxter Lodge No. 168. Knights of Pythias, was organized .\ugust 13, 1896, with sixteen charter meml>ers. The ])resent total membership is seventy. The present electi\e officers of the lodge are: G. T. Haeger, chancellor com- mander; George E. Kline, vice-chancellor; J. E. Thorp, prelate; \V. T. Thorp, keeper of records and seal; H. S. Downs, master of exchequer. The lodge meets in Haeger Brothers' hall. The past chancellors are: H. S. Downs, Homer Rairdon, A. C. Rose, W. T. Thorp, H. .\. Trus.sel, Carl C. ^^'el)b, J. A. Workman, \\. ]. (ioodwin. JASPER COUXTY, IOWA. 2O3 Colfax Lodge No. 4 was organized August 14. 1885, and now has a membership of one hundred eighty-six. The first officers were : (j. C. O'Neal, past chancellor; H. Crawford, chancellor commander; F. .\. Smith, prelate; 0. Bryan, master of exchequer; A. S. Mar(|uis, master of finance; A. W. Hall, keeper of records and seal; J. N. Reynolds, master at arms; PI. Young, inner guard ; John Roup, outer guard. The present (1911) officers are as follows: N. Rinker, chancellor com- mander; M. Pollard, vice-chancellor; Robert Dawson, prelate; M. McKeever, master at work; John Pearson, keeper of records and seal; A. Rol>erts. master of finance; I^. J. Drois, master of exchequer; Charles Gregg, master at arms; 1. Hunter, inner guard; A. E. Wheeler, outer guard. There have been fifteen chancellor commanders in this lodge to date. The order owns its own hall. CHAPTER XIV. MILITARY HISTORY OF THE COUNTY. The people of Iowa have ever been justly proud of the state's military- record made duriui;- the great Civil war, fought from 1861 to 1866. That her pioneers were made of the right material, in a patriotic sense, one is con- vinced by a glance at the lately published military volumes of Iowa, which valuable documents disclose the fact that out of about one hundred and fifty thousand men subject t(i military duty within lier borders in 1861, fully eighty thousand men went to the seat of war in the Southland. Many never returned to home and friends, Imt were buried where they fell, by disease or bullet, their graN'es now l)eing marked, if at all, by the sad, but significant word "unknown." Verily these died that our glorious Union might lie pre- serxed. By their life-blood the Nation was saved ! At first seventy-five thousand men were called for ])y the following- proclamation by President Lincoln, the document being dated Monday, April 15, 1861, and read as follows: ■'Whereas, the laws of the United States have for some time past, and are now, opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, in the states of South Carolina, Alabama. Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, by com- binations too powerful to he suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals ; now therefore, I, Abra- ham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution and the laws, have thought to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the several states of the Union, to the number of seventy-five thousand, in order to suppress said combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. ''The details for this su])ject will ])e immediately communicated to the state authorities through the war department. I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate and to aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and existence of our national union, and the perpetuity of popular govern- ment, and to redress wrongs already long endured. I deem it proper to say that the first services assigned to the forces hereby called forth will probably be to repossess the forts, places and property which have been seized from the I nion; and in everv event the utmost care will Ije observed, consistentlv JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. -^0=) with the ol)ject aforesaid, to avoid any devastation, any destruction of, or interference with property, or any disturbance of peaceful citizens in any part of the country; and I hereby command the persons composing the com- binations aforesaid, to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes, within twenty days from this date. "Deeming that the present condition of pubh'c affairs presents an extra- ordinary occasion, I do herelDy. in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, com-ene l)()th liouses <:)f Congress. The senators and represent- ati^•es are therefore summoned to assemble at their respective chambers at twelve o'clock noon, on Thursday, the fourth day of July next, then and there to consider and determine such measures as in their wisdom the public safety and interest may seem to demand. "In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington, the fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independ- ence of the United States the eighty-fifth. "Abraham Lincoln. "By the President. "W. H. Seward, Secretary of State." The last words of this proclamation had scarcely fallen from the wires before the call was filled. Men came from farm and shop, from the East and the West, from mountain and glen — men of all professions and all politi- cal shades of difference for the time being forgot all but the one thing of preserving the uaion of states and the rights of the people under the Con- stitution and the flag that had so long and proudly waved over a united people. But seventy-five thousand men were not sufficient to crush out the re- bellion. Call after call was made and filled by the best volunteers the world has ever seen draw- a sword or take aim with a musket. The inscription written in 1859 by Hon. Enoch Eastman, of Eldora, for the block of stone designed for the Washington monument, at the national capital, read, "Iowa — her affections, like the rivers of her borders, flow to an inseparable L^n- ion." When the great civil conflict came on, these words seemed almost prophetic in their character, when one reflects upon the unison of action in most e^'erv part of the commonwealth with wliich troops were mustered into service that the union of states might be preserved. Upon the receipt of the news that the assassination of the newly- elected President had been attempted while en route to Washington to take 206 JASPER COl'XTV. IOWA. his seat, a military company was hastily organized at the old conrt house at Xewton, with thirty-fi\e members, llie officers chosen were: j. A. Gar- rett, captain: J. W. Wilson, first lieutenant: J. S. llunter, second lieutenant; J. L. Matthews, Henry Kissell. Samuel Failor, Jesse Kennedy, Jr., sergeants; D. >\IcCord, Jr., Samuel Osborne, M. Ramsay. J. M. Rogers, corporals. Captain Garrett had seen service in the Mexican war. Application was immediately made to the go\'ernor of Iowa for arms, but the answer returned was that the cjuota was exhausted, and that there was little prospect of more being obtained for some time to come. On this account, the filling up of the company's ranks proceeded slowly for several weeks, when the organization was abandoned. VOLUNTEERING. April 22, 1861, in response to the President calling for troops, a rousing meeting was held at the court house in Xewton, and the nucleus of a com- pany for actual service was formed. The Free Press says that intense ex- citement pervaded the meeting, "and when the national flag was brought into the densely crowded room, to the stirring music of glorious 'Yankee Doodle,' such excited enthusiasm was there as only comes when slumbering patriotism is kindled from off God's altar." W. H. Silsby presided. Stir- ring and patriotic speeches were made by Dr. Robinson, of Grinnell, H. J. Skiff, S. G. Smith. H. S. Winslow, Judge Kbllogg, Rev. C. Shaffer. Rev. John Steel and Captain Chapman. The following citizens then signed the roll : S. H. Chapman, J. G. Jones, J. R. Rodgers, Thomas R. Keisler. John Shellady, D. \\\ Lester. Robert Bain. W. E. Huling, John S. Cottle, Allen Alloway, Thomas Poor, Martin Rtimsey, Simeon Kennedy, J. W. Preston, William Robinson, J. C. Dixon, William Hunter. D. ^^^ Critzer, J. S. Adam- son, S. R. Bicknell, B. Aydellotte, John Cockley, William Foutts, Francis Job, James P. Banks. Another meeting was held on the 26th of the same month, at which time the roll of the company was nearly comj)leted. May 2d the list was published, and its composition may be seen in this chapter elsewhere. In Monroe a great mass meeting was held on .\pril 24, 1861, presided over by R. Elwood ; S. A. Holt, secretary. Ten men volunteered. On the 29th, at an adjourned meeting, thirteen more enrolled their names and the meeting pledged itself to furnish as many more if necessary — and certainly they kept their word. JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. 20'J In Poweshiek a meeting was held on April 26, 1861, presided over by patriotic men. Another was held three days later. Eleven men joined Cap- tain Chapman's company, and the meeting passed the following resolutions : "j. That immediate .steps be taken to thoroughly organize Poweshiek into a military organization. "2. That there be a committee of twelve appointed to act as regula- tors, for \arious purposes, not necessary to mention. "3. That all persons not willing to vindicate and defend the Union and the Constitntion, sliall ])e brouglit lie fore the committee and be dealt with as traitors. "4. That (tur meetings open and close !)}• inxoking the divine aid and blessing upon our patriotic and glorious undertaking." JASPER COUNTY FULLY AROUSED. Saturday. May 4, 1861, was a big day in Jasper county. On that day was held a great mass-meeting at Xewton. at ^\•hich time measures were taken to fully perfect a complete military organization of the whole county, in which Poweshiek a few days Ijefore had led off by enrolling a home guard of fifty men. Captain Chapman was marshal of the day, assisted by Colonel Shellady and William H. Silsby. J. W. Alurphy presided at the meeting and A. K. Campbell was secretary. The exercises consisted of speeches by J. R. Alershon and Rev. C. Shafer, music and the business for which the assemblage had met. It was in the minds of the people in this and other southern Iowa coun- ties that an invasion would soon take place by the guerrillas from Alissouri. Airs. T. G. Springer, then of Alalaka township, wrote a beautiful poem on the going out of these. Jasper county's first soldiers. One stanza should never be lost among the rare gems of poetry written by an obscure lady at the beginning of the Civil war. It runs thus : "But would we call them back to us? Xo ! by those Stripes and Stars, That floated o'er our fathers through their long and bloody wars. We will cheer them on to battle \\here their glorious banner waves, And they'll proudl}- die beneath it, rather than live as slaves; And they will be victorious — the strength of courage born Will bear aloft their gallant flag, though blood-stained and torn; And the proud defiant chieftain, from the land of bloom and song, Will learn in blood this lesson — 'the peaceful are the strong.' " 2o8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. The original "Jasper drays" could not be recognized by Governor Sam- uel J. I\iirk\vood. until in July. ]86i, when they hnally received marching orders. They attended the Congregational church in a body in the morning, Rev. D. E. Jones preaching the sermon. At evening they attended the Methodist Episcopal church and listened to Rev. A. H. Shafer. The next evening, while assembled at a sociable at the Congregational church, a ma- jority of the men took a pledge list, which included these items: "We, the undersigned United States volunteers, remembering the teach- ings of our fathers and mothers and the sentiments of the community from whence we go, will abstain entirely from the use of ardent spirits, except for medicinal purposes; to not use profane language and improper language; to keep holy the Sabbath day ; to read the Scriptures and have prayer in our midst, and hope to be brave in the hour of conflict, kind and compassionate in the hour of victory, especially to women and children." On Tuesday, the same week, the soldiers were presented with a flag, the presentation being made by Col. Thomas Miller, on behalf of the "New- ton Hawkeyes." Then came the parting time — that saddest of all times on earth, when loved ones and dear friends part with but a faint hope of again meeting. Many of the citizens accompanied the troops on their way, as far as they thought best. The route taken was via Monroe, Pella, Oskaloosa and Edenville to Burlington, the place of rendezvous. A kettle-drum was car- ried by the boys, loaned them by ]\Ir. Bain. The same had been carried by a Continental drummer in the Revolutionary war. Recruiting for two more companies at once commenced ere the sound of the first company had been lost to the ears of the patriots at home. One was raised at Monroe and another at Newton. A company was also raised in August, 1 86 1, commanded by gallant Captain Garrett. OFFICIAL ACTION IN JASPER COUNTY. The reader may be interested to know something concerning the official action of the board of county supervisors, the people's representatives, during that never-to-be-forgotten struggle. The records show that at a special meeting held early in July, 1861, the following resolution was adopted by the board : "Resolved, That each member of the board of supervisors be authorized to look after the families of the soldiers that have gone or may go to war from their respecti\-e townships, and furnisli them witli such necessaries of life as tliey may need. And the orders of said supervisors, respecti\eh'. on the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 209 comity treasurer to pay for said necessaries shall be drawn by the clerk of the board of supcrxisors, upon presentation, accompanied with the name of the person's family to be relieved thereby, and duly signed by said member of the board of supervisors, each member to report his doings to the board." This was the only action necessary, and for the next seven years, until the claims and demands of soldiers' families had come to an end. there was never a hint by any member of the board that too much was being expended to care for the "war widows" and the families of soldiers in the field. When money was needed, it was dealt out in a business-like manner by the people, through the l)oard. Each member of the board (one from each township in the county then) had charge of the needs of his own township and was never questioned by the other members, for they, too, were all looking after the needs of their own soldiers' families. On June 3, 1863, the board passed the following resolution : "That Drs. Thornell and Hunter be and are hereby appointed a com- mittee to visit the sick and wounded soldiers of Jasper county, Iowa, and that the sum of three hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for the purpose of furnishing such supplies for them as, in their judgment, may be necessary and proper; and that they be required to report at the next session of this board, of their doings, together with the amounts expended." PRESENTATION OF THE ''lIAVELOCKS." The following bit of reminiscence was brought out by the pen and from the good memory of Civil war days, by J. H. Fugard. of Newton, at the dedication of the new (1911) court house: "Our people had some queer ideas about the dangers of a soldier's life, and some impracticable schemes were proposed for their relief. One source of dread was the fear that our boys would not be able to endure the intense heat that was supposed to exist in the Southern states. Some one had read how General Havelock, the Christian soldier, had furnished a novel sort of a head covering for his Highlanders to protect them from the sun, in their famous march across the sands of India to the relief of Lucknow. Acting on the suggestion, the Newton Ladies' Aid Society devised and made a lot of them. They were called 'Havelocks,' and were made of some kind of light material, and looked (piite different from anything ever seen here before, being a sort of a cross between a helmet of the middle ages and a night cap of our grandmother's days. And when Captain Garrett's com- pany were about to leave, they were drawn up in front of the north porcli, ' (14) 2IO JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. and in a short speech by one of the ministers were formally presented with them. "The gift was made from nol)le moti\es. But the presentation proceed- ings were badly marred by the loud laughter of the small boys at the ludi- crous appearance of the troops. But the latter paid no heed to the taunts and, out of respect to the donors, they wore their sunbonnets like heroes until they got out of town. They afterwards used them for dish cloths." For a complete list of all soldiers ^^•ho went from Fairview township the reader is referred to the history of that township for a certified sworn-to copy of same, made in 1865 for military purposes. " VOLUNTEER ROSTER OF THE COUNTY. The following roster of soldiers who went from Jasper county has been carefully compiled from the adjutant-general's reports which were issued by authority of the state between the years 1862 and 1866, and are considered correct, except in a few changes, where some disability, such as desertion, has been removed l)y more recent acts of Congress and rulings of the war department. It is the aim to give the name of all volunteers, and note also those killed. The list is given alphabetically, by companies and regiments. THIRD INFANTRY. Company C — William H. Sparks. Company E — Second Lieutenant (when mustered out in 1864) Allen Alloway ; James F. Guthrie, corporal; Benjamin F. Denton, corporal; J. M. Skiff, corporal ; John Blake. Justice Dunn. Samuel T. Jones, James C. Livingston. I. T. Xewhouse, Jasper H. Parks. J. \V. Preston, James H. Trotter. Coiiipaiix G — T. (i. Norris. John A. Butler. Company H — Second Lieutenant David Scott; Sergeant John C. Carr; H. C. Dearinger. FIFTH INFANTRY. Company A — Corporal William C. Hawk. F. G. Tubbs. Company B — Captain Samuel H. Chapman; First Lieutenant Alexander Mateer; First Lieutenant Robert A. McKee ; Second Lieutenant O. A. Camp- bell ; Sergeant John Shellady ; Sergeant William W . Dungan ; Sergeant James Vannatta; Sergeant Thomas R. Kiesler; Sergeant William Adamson ; JASPIiR COUNTY, IOWA. 21 J Corporals Miles Humphrey, E. Edmonds, J. ^M. Loudcnback.' Isaac J. Jones. D. W. Teter. James W. McCroske) . W. C. W'inslow, James Taylor, William F. Bodley, David Herron. James P. Banks, Cleorge F. Work, A. Ritter, John M. Yolk, T. E. Beath; J. R. Rogers, musician; If. C. Gist, wagoner; A. G. Atha. Daniel Bixler. M. Butler. John D. Bodley, I. T. Borden, L. K. Carey, S. Capel. I. Cartwright, M. W. Cottrell, M. K. Campbell, I. Collier, Burnett Dewitt, John C. Dixon, William P. Pouts, Job Plemming, Joseph E. Fisher, John Gray. William E. Graham. J. Halgerson, William E. Hun- ling, William Hill, Hiram C. Hall. W. H. Howard, George M. Hammond, William H. Haxton, J. M. Hilsinger, F. 'M. Johnson, Theodore Jones. G. L. Jones, S. Kennedy, James A. King, Thomas Kerr, PI. I. Lyman, George W. Lowe, D. R. Loudenback, E. McReynolds, ^^^illiam ^lartino. Jered Mesker. George B. T^Iahan, ^^'illiam I^. ]\Iaus, Wesley ]\Iatson. T. L. McDonald. William McCully, Charles ^I. Alorris, O. B. Piix^r. Thomas Poor, John J. Peyton. Thomas W. Preston, H. Reynolds. A. D. Romans, J. Rhynehart, James H. Smael. L. F. Shell} . William H. Sparks. B. F. Stearns, H. Scott. J. Stem. William Spnrlin, John H. Sparks, George Watson. W. Warrell, John H. \\^elsh. Company D — Layton Butin. M. B. Cooper. S. Hayes. T. H. Payton. Company (unknown) — Daniel Connor. C. Erich. A. ]>klcCusker, P. Mc- Daniel, J. Schlusser. TENTH INFANTRY. Colonel William H. Silsby entered as first lieutenant : Lieutenant-Colo- nel Aaron \\'. Drew entered as sergeant ; Quartermaster George G. Lindlejl' ; Sergeant-Alajor George Fugard; Hospital Steward Milo Dibl)le; Musician y. W. Skiff; Musician John A. Harris; ^Musician Z. Needham ; Musician Xeedham. Co}npa}i\ D — William B. McKinney. Company F — Samuel Bushong. Company I — Captain John A. Garrett; Captain Stephen W. Poage; Cap- tain William P. Wilson; Jnrst Lieutenant William Manning; Second Lieu- tenant James S. Laughlin ; Sergeant ^^'illiam F. Rippey ; Sergeant Joseph Houston ; Sergeant Joseph Powell ; Sergeant E. R. Gantt ; Sergeant Freder- ick Kinley; Corporals J. T. Kennedy. Oscar Evans. H. L. Kroh. Robert C. Banks, J. H. Jliff. \\'ilHam H. Earp. D. W. Church, C. T. J-Jelm, William Strong. Henrv Lockwood. James Smith: Musicians James O. Hammond. W. R. Perkins ; D. X. Adamson. A. Alloway, A. M. Ashley, A. Bevan, I. Black- wood, A. X. Bradfield, J. B. Clark, J. H. Coldren. Thomas J. Colyar, M. Cox, 212 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. T. J. B. Crawford. James Ciilp. Josiah Dicus, William Doak, Joel Dodge, E J. Duncan, H. M. Fiske, M. V. George, A. Hammack, James C. Hawk, George Hews, Isaac Hickman. A. W. Hickman, I. Homer, M. F. Iliff, William F. Jackson. George Klelly, Joseph C. Kennedy. Wesley Kerr, O. C. Kinley, James F. Faiigblin, George G. Findley, B. F. Logsdon, William H. Lowell, John Mather, R. D. Maus, J. W^ Mans, J. E. Montgomery, L. W. Moshier, Aaron Mylin. Thomas J. Nelson. E. D. Patterson, H. H. Phillips. John N. Replogle. F. .\. Sanders, S. Scarbrongh. Bennett Scoville, Jesse Slavens, H. E. Smith, Joseph \l. Trammel. M. W. Trotter. Benjamin F. Weston, F. Whitted, J. T. Wilsey, \Mlliam P. ^^'ilson. A. J. Wiggin. John W^ren. Company K — S. Adams, S. F. Beals, L B. Beals, U. D. Barrett, A. Cushalt, S. Howell. Israel Myrely, S. Morris, E. C. Smith, Richard Stock. Company (unknown) — John H. Dearinger. R. AL Sanders. THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. Company B — Captain Thomas H. Miller; Captain HarYcy J. Skiff; Captain Levi L. Newcomer; First Lieutenant George E. Martindale; First Lieutenant Josiah B. Eyerly ; First Lieutenant Ezekiel L Evans ; Second Lieutenant E. D. Duncan; Second Lieutenant William J. Peer; Second Lieu- tenant George B. Hunter ; First Sergeant David S. Stover ; Sergeant N. S. Johnson ; Sergeant John L. Mathews ; Sergeant Sylvester Adams ; Corporal John West ; Corporals E. L Evans, J. C. Taylor, William H. Shipley, H. L. Kissell. H. H. Lockwood, William L Peer, William P. Stier; privates, Armentrout, D. R. : Armentrout. William H. ; Binkerd. Jacob; Snodgrass, Robert S. ; Swaney. N. ; Barnes, J. R. ; Baker. Daniel W. ; Battles, Beriah; Byerty, William H. ; Barbee. William S. ; Burroughs. C. R. ; Cary, A. W. ; Carrothers. \\^illiam ; Cary, John C. ; Dickenson, J. W. ; Dodge, Israel ; Davis, M. R. ; Dennis, T. ; Dawson, J. ; Easterday, A. P. ; Eyerly, AA'illiam R. ; French, Angus; Fislier. F. H. : Fowler, Snyder; Fisher, Wil- liam IT.; Foy, William; Flaugli. William; Frantz. William; Flaugh. Aaron; Guthrie, 1). L. ; Giles, Samuel S. ; Guthrie. R. N. ; Guthrie. F. A.; Guthrie, A. W. ; Hunter, William A.; Hall. John R. ; Hart. William; Hanks, George; Hughes, S. R. ; Jordan, John ; Jordan, \\'illiam B. ; Kenyon, John N. ; Kenyon. George W. ; Kellogg. Frederick; Knapp, William H. ; Langcor. William; Lamphicr. 1).; Little. James V.\ Logsdon, \\Mlliam; Logsdon. George \Y.\ Lickins. Thomas N. ; McKeever, George ; Murphy, Hugh M. ; Muri)liy. William T. ; Myers. M. P.; Mendenhall. B. W. ; Monger, John \^ ; Moler, Lewis; McWilliams. H. ; Poling. Martin; Patterson, G. F. ; Rogers, J. M. ; JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 2I3 Parker, F. ; Rieman, F. ; Rieman, Clay; Rowe, G. R. ; Reynolds, James; Richardson, William; Rowe, Willis; Skiff, E. P.; Street, W. W. ; Shipp, Thomas; Snyder, M. P.; Seaton, J. A.; Shutt, John; Stahl, Henry; Swaney, Joseph; Sams, D. E. ; Shill, G. W. ; Wolf, C. j\I. ; Watt, James; Weston, G. W. ; Wedkins, William; Westfall, L. C.; Wheeler, J. R. ; Wright, Henry; Young, Wesley. Company E — Marquette, J. F. ; Neil, H. H. ; Priest, Joseph; Stock, William; Shook, J. R. ; Walker. Enos; Oswald, B. P.; Parker, J. W. (com- pany not known). FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. Company E — Captain ^^'illiam B. Davidson; First Lieutenant John W. Horine; Second Lieutenant Neill Murray; Second Lieutenant William H. McMillen; Sergeant William T. Ingle; Sergeant W. W. Stanfield; Sergeant J. K. Cavatt ; Corporals Samuel Ritchie, D. W. Shearer, J. Gravatt, D. W. Lybe, Benj. F. Prunty, Augustus Wagner, Isaac L. Rerick, James S. Seller, F. T. Jeffries, Daniel Bailey; Musicians Charles W'allace, B. F. Shawhan; privates — Broen, P. W. ; Crockett, B. F. ; Collins, William ; Collins, Andrew ; Court- ney, James; Cowman. C. R. ; Davidson, W. S. ; Deakin, \A'illiam; Deakin, J. E. ; Drake. M. ; Draper, J. \\\ ; Frazier, George ; Frost. Joel ; Frost, Samuel; Flemry. A.; Goodacre. Robert; George, D. C. ; Groomes, S. C. ; Gravatt, T. H. ; Hilton, William; Hayes, William A.; Hodson, William; Horn, George H. ; Holland, Thomas ; Johnson, Robert H. ; James, ISPathan ; James, George W. ; Lybe, William; Linton, H. B. ; Lindsey, Robert; Morris, John W. ; McMillen, J. C. ; Means, Adam, Pruner. Isaac; Pope, Carey; Rose, George D. ; Rutherford, D. E. ; Silvers, Isaac ; Van Grundy. L. ; Wallace, A\'illiam W. ; Webb, George M. RESIDUARY BATTALION, FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. Company A — Sergeant William T. Ingle; Sergeant William S. David- son ; Corporals. George M. Webb, F. M. Anderson, Isaac Walters. TWENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Company C — Captains T. M. Ault and Lafayette F. ^Mullens; First Lieutenants Neill Murray and Robert W. Davis; Second Lieutenants Samuel C. Fugard and Nathaniel Townsend ; Sergeants Taylor Pierce. George W^ Cooney, O. B. Sawdy, John N. Wykoft"; Corporals David H. 214 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Nlorris, Benjamin West. Levi V^ersaw, George \V. McCall, Thomas Allnm George S. Post. James T. Dailey. George C. Nicholl, N. Townsend. J. W Dinsmore. I. W. Low. J. \\\ Xewcll, George T. Bennett, George McQueen Musicians F. H. Peabody and Thomas M. Rogers ; \\'agoner David Slozad privates. Adams. Jeremiah; Atha. C. H. : Alkim, Leroy; Brown, H. C. Brown. S. B. ; Bean. Robert I. ; Brown. W'ilHam H. : Baker, Charles P. Burtch. A. E. ; Bair, Emanuel ; Bair, David ; Bennett, Adam ; Campbell George W. ; Carper. Monroe: Cushatt, James T. ; Chiles, H. W. ; Cole James A. ; Clippinger. John ; Dixon. A. ; Falkner, ]\I. H. ; Green. John L. Guthrie. J.: Hart. E. C. ; Hickman. E. M. : Hall. Levi M. ; Irwin. William Jack. John W. ; Jack. H. B. ; Kester, J. E. ; Kester. Samuel; Kene- day, J. R. ; Kester. Lewis \\'. : Kawapot, C. ; Linn, A. J. ; Longfellow. E. E. ; Linn, John, ]\IcIntosh, James K'. ; Myers, John ; McPherson. J. B. ; McCollough, James P. ; ]\Iyers, T. ^^^ ; McKeever. \\^illiam ; INIcKeever, Thomas; McDonald, C. L. ; McKeever, A.; Miles, R. W. ; Mann, William M.; McQueen, George; Xewhouse, J.. Oiler. C. C. ; Roustin. A.; Roustin, E. ; Story, Samuel; Smithart. L. W. ; Stanfield, P. N. ; Swaggert. John; Shawhan. George W. ; Story, Thomas ; Shipp, E. ; Scott. David ; Spurling, J. T. ; Strater. William; Thatcher. Joseph M.; Trager, William; Van Horn, D. M. ; Xan Horn, O. E. ; ^^'interhalter, I. \\'. ; Worrell. Barney. TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company A — Hilton, E. B. Company E — Fudge. James \\'. ; AIcLaughlln. E. R. ; Wood, E. F. Companx G — Captain J. P. Roach ; Captain Richard L. McCary ; Cap- tain Thomas H. Miller; Second Lieutenants George F. Ingle. Charles Hanes; Sergeants A\'illiam H. Minnick, S. Hammel. A. F. McConnell, William A. Webber. D. J. Sturgeon. H. Swain. Jacob R. Moore; Corporals, R. S. Rutherford. Charles Hanes. J. ^\^ Deweese. E. Frazier, R. S. McConnell. A. J. Porter. Thomas G. Stewart. J. B. Rumbaugh. D. West; Musicians. J. F. Hunnel, D. Hunnel ; wagoners. John H. Hill. R. S. Rutherford; privates, Asher, A.; Asher, L. ; Anderson, Robert; Ash. Thornton; Royer. Jacob; Berry, B. C. ; Brubaker, J. W. ; Bailey, William B. ; Carter, Harrison; Car- risck, C. ; Draper, J. J. ; Eli, S. J. ; Erickson, J. ; Meming. John \. ; Flinn. Robert; b^jrbes. F. H. ; Fox. (icorge W. ; Gift. John A.; Halpin. James; Hanes. William A.; Harvey, William; Harlan. E. ; Hampton. William; Hill, J. M.; Hill, William F. ; Hayes, J.; Howard. \\'illiani A.; Ingle. Thomas J.: Ingle. John L. ; Jones. A. \\'. ; K.oder. Sloan; Loman, John H. ; Morris, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 215 Solomon; ]\liller. Thomas H.; Marsh, Robert H.; Montgomery, T. G. ; ]\Ieans. EHas ; North, John; O'Kee, Joseph L. ; Porter, William E. ; Porter. Robert; Person. C. D. ; Powers, J. W. ; Powers, J. P.; Phifer, William; Phifer. John; Powers. John G. ; Riley. H.; Rees, James F. ; Sprunce, Levi; Smith. A. L. ; Sturgeon, A.; Stout. William H.; Strain, John A.; Sanford, I. \V. ; Trout. S. PL; Van Gundy. William W. ; Willock. John; West. S. ; Worley, John W. Company H — Nicholas. A. J.; Sims. John E. Company K — Perin. H. J.; Smith. Alvey ; Thompson. William M.; Thompson, Joseph A. TWEXTY-EIGIITH IXFAXTRY. Company K — Captain Merritt W. .Xtwcjod; First Lieutenant Malcom C. Dean: Second Lieutenant J. R. Zollinger; First Sergeant C. W. Mvlin; Sergeant J. Wright Wilson; Sergeants De \Vitt C. Smoke. John Hammack. John H. Smith, Nelson Adams, ; Corporals T. T. Mc- Cord, C. L. Roberts, J. M. Blanchard. James Hawes, Daniel E. Connor, Charles Bodley. Abel L. Cure. John F. W. Andreas, G. ]M. Walker. William Patterson. A. T. Pope, John R. Elliott, John C. \\'ilson, A. ]\L Hinsdale; ]^Iusicians. Thomas H. Housel. Jabez Green; Wagoner S. H. Durbin; privates, William J. Adams. John Aikens, \\'illiam H. Ashley, John H. Butters, W. H. Butters. Lucian Blanchard, William A\'. Brothers, John Bergstrom. A. F. Beals. Joseph Bodley. James M. Brown, E. E. W. Briggs. George W. Conrad. Samuel M. Caldwell, S. B. Cox. C. Callison. A. P. Callison. Nim- rod Dickey, James M. Dimn, Robert Doak, C. T. Davis. W. Elliott, Edward Early. Henry Effner. David Flover. Leander French. Robert D. Fregna, Samuel Friend. J. Graves. George ^^^ Garner. Daniel Gifford, Elisha Ham- mer, H. T. Hawk. James N. Hamilton. E. A. Head. Jonas P. Haskett. E. Harris. George Hutchinson, John Hews. John B. Harris. David Harris. S. \A'. Helphrey, J. ^^^ Hendricks, H. C. Houck, William J. Iliff, L. D. Jones. Thomas H. Jay, Charles Jones. E. H. Keyes. Hugh L. Moffit. J. Lloyd. H. McFarland. M. A. :\IcCord. Elias B. Moffitt. William J. ^L'lrtin. G. :McConkey. \\'illiam Northcut, \\'illiam Oblenis, E. A. Perkins, S. Old- field, G. B. Powell, William Roots, G. D. Patton, D. A. Post. A. J. Post, T. V. Saunders. John Sinder, Amos Sinder. Benson Starr. D. C. \\'ork, G. M. J. Parks. J. B. Peer. C. P. Riose. Josiah Rose. G. Skinner, A. S. Saum. M. Wilson. T- S. Wilson, Austin Whitehead, Solomon \\'est. 2l6 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, THIRTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Covipanx C — First Lieutenant Stephen B. Shellady. Company I — Captain Caleb Lamb ; Sergeant \\'illiam Blasdell ; Corporal Alex. Pattison; Musician Isaiah Gardner; ^Musician C. L. Gardner; Wag- oner R. R. Louderbach; Privates T. H. Cavett. Robert Denny, Elijah Davis, Jacob Guthry, William Gardner, N. S. Heard, Lewis Herring, David Harris, A. Y. Hampton. John K]eating. S. R. Lee, Alex AIcGarrah, C. D. Moffitt, William Meek, Jacob Oswalt, Alex. Peer, George Purrington, Andrew Pease, W. J. Robertson, T. Slater. William Stewart. D. C. Thatcher. William Wil- son, R. B. Wilkinson. FORTIETH INFANTRY. Company A — Joseph L. Hutchins. Company B — Y. E. Hestwood. Company D — Captain Felix W. Cozard ; Captain D. Cox; First Lieuten- ant David Edmundson ; First Lieutenant James D. Taylor ; Second Lieu- tenant John W. Smith; Sergeants C. C. Turner. J. W. Preston. Robert Williams, David Beams ; Corporals Y'illiam Barbee, Jacob C. Cozad, T. J. Davis, William P. Jordan, Hugh A. Peas, Y^illiam Ring, Alfred Alloway; Musician Eli Boarts; Musician W. B. Manners; privates, Joseph H. Ander- son, Abisha Alloway, B. Aydelotte, John W. Alloway, Curtis Burnham, Abraham Burnham. John C. Baker. C. F. Brock. James E. Bailey, A. Con- over, John B. Cole, H. M. Cole, Hiram B. Chase, P. M. Cline, A. B. Con- way, John Coe, Robert Dawson, Joseph A. Dooley, Thomas English, S. H. Fisher, AL Flock, David Y'. Flock. Elias E. Friend, William Foy. James Gettys. Peter Gettys, Jacob Gearhart, Burton Hurst. John Hopping, Abel Herring, John Y\ Haines. A. E. Jeffries, E. R. Jones, J. F. Knostman, Flenry Long, M. Lee, James Miller, Robert W. Mitchell, John Manning, H. iMcK'enna, James A. Meredith, T. J. McGlothlin, John R. Meighan. M. Miller, E. G. Neighbors. S. F. X^wcomer. Simeon Phillips. Robert Philson. John Rafferty. Adam Robinson, X. A. Rawlings, B. C. Sparks. M. F. Swan. John Swan, Robert Swan, George Sims, Solomon Sego, James Stewart, L. D. Smith, Patrick Sheridan, William LL Trease, James J. Tramel, George W. Y^olf, Eli Wolf, Joseph Wetzel, John \\'allace, John R. Y-'illiams, Jacob West, John T. Wyat, George W. A\'eems. Company E — Captain W. Sennet ; Captain Joseph Hewitt ; First Lieu- tenant James L. Hunter ; Second Lieutenant Aaron Adams ; Sergeants V. Y^. Heller. N. G. Xelson, John Mateer, H. G. Nielson ; Corporals C. P. Kintz, S. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 2\J O. Munger, Charles E. Dodd. William R. Hampton. William Dye, Joshua Chapman, William A. Thompson. J. W. Taylor, L. J. Connelly, William A. Kline. L. S. Thurston: Musicians T. C. Bain. John R. Bain; Privates A. Butin. A. C. Butin, William F. Baker. E. M. Bateman, B. Y. Blackwood, J. Bargenhaultz. Joseph Cox, I. B. Carnes. M. Connelly, H. A. Cowles, C. M. Cating. A. Carnham, Solomon Clemens. George W^ Carnahan, C. X. Dani- ger. John Dunaway, H. C. Fowler, G. Edwards. George W\ Eyler, Joseph E. Fisher. J. C. Fudge, F. P. George, Samuel P. Grey, J. A. Humphreys. David Hays. F. Hendricks. E. Humphreys, Jacob Hunter. N. Kitchen, Charles Kestler, Peter Kline, Isaac Koon. Howard Koon. John H. Lapella. Levi Lower. Olfrey Matthew. E. ]\Iather. John Minor. Phillip ]\Iudgett, Daniel Mather, N. Moon. F. Alortimore. Peter Matthews. X. H. X'orthrup. Joseph Xeal. John Oberlies. Joshua Parker. Henry Quick, William H. Runyon, Joseph Runyon. Francis Rice. William S. Reagan, George W. Randall. James Schooley. J. K. Schreck, Joseph F. Shutts. David Shutts, C. O. Sellman, E. AL Streeter. T. A. Streeter, Thomas Stock, George W. Thorne. James 'M. Trotter. E. J. Talbott. C. Taylor. S. Thompson. H. \'an Fossen, J. F. Wheatcraft. John F. Wheeler. John X'. Wilson, Isaac X'. Waldrip. Eli Walker. Joseph M. West. Company H — First Lieutenant Henry F. O'X'eal ; Wagoner John D. Cradlebaugh ; Privates James Acklin. C. Buckhalter, James Buckhalter, Davis Branham, William B. Bass, John W. Brodess, Jesse W. Barton, Cary Brown. William A. Ballard. J. Barrett. John Catlin, M. R. Carroll. Ashley Codey, John V. Cole. Isaac X'. Core, F. M. Dickey. George R. Dawson. James P. Dawson. Joshua Doty. Closes Doty. Isaac Doty, Phillip Etherington, A. Everhart, James A. Enos. Austin Fosdick. Franklin Ford, Oliver Ferrell. E. Haining, John Huff, H. Horsman. William H. Hammer, S. J. Humphrey. M. Hollingsworth. P. Hockstra. F. Jennings, Charles Johnson. James M. Johnson. Samuel Kinart, Peter Kesler. George M. Kferr, William Melroy, William ^lullins, John A. ]\Iark. Robert M. X'audain, John A. X'oasman, H. F. O'X'eal. James ^I. Pendroy. S. Rickenbaugh. Jackson Reno. A. L. Rees, Peter Rickenbaugh, Samuel P. Rees, John P. Scott. Company A'— C. M. Cating. Samuel G. Grey. D. W. Hiatt. C. W. Har- court. Joe KSndle. FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY TbATTALION) . Coinpanx B — Captain Joseph R. Rodgers : First Lieutenant Thomas Allum: Second Lieutenant Joshua J. Anderson: Sergeants S. ^^ Shellady. William M. Bovd. Samuel S. Fowler, William Carter. William :^rills. Will- 2l8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. iam A. Livingston; Corporals Cyrus liill. L. ilanimcr, A. Adamson, Marion Please; Musicians H. L. Stern, John C. Schack; Wagoner O. W. Burkhalter; Privates Thomas Adamson, \\'illiam J. Barrow, A. G. Donnell William H. Estle. W. Eggert, B. Elliott. \^^ J. Graves, William Hill. A. J. Honald, Edward E. Harris. John M. Hiskey, H. J. Iliff, L. Kes- ter, John C. Kelley, A. S. Livingston, William W. Logsdon, Thomas J. Long, J. N. Martin, D. U Mans, Benj. F. Meek, O. C. Meredith, C. W. Post. ]\Iarion Pease. Homer Reyburn. S. H. Rees. John W. Sego, S. T. Sparks. H. L. Stem. James Street, James M. Schooley, John Trotter, H. M. Talbott, C. F. W^inslow. FOURTH CAVALRY REGIMENT. Compaiix ./ — James ]McIntosh. Company E — Captain Exum R. Saint; Commissary Sergeant William R. Matthews ; Sergeant William G. Work ; Corporal John Blackman ; Far- rier D. M. Savage; Privates Eli E. Carson, Allen Davis, Robert J. Gaza- way, John Jennings. D. W. Jones, J. ]\I. Kime. E. Mahler, John W. Rafferty, J. J. Sparks, James Starr, Andes Turck. Compan\ F — James L. Hume, W^illiam F. Minshall, John Thompson, B. Volk. Company K — Jonathan \\^right, John Mitchell (company not certain). FIFTH VETERAN CAVALRY. Company A — Thomas J. Smith, John Walker. Company I — Captain Robert A. McKee ; Second Lieutenant John O. A. Campbell; Robert Bain, Samuel Capel, William P. Fonts, William E. Gra- ham, D. R. Loudenback, William Martino, E. McReynolds, B. F. Stearns, George Gaston, Delos Williams. SEVENTH CAVALRY. Company E — John ]T. Stor}-, a saddler; ShulMll Hurt, David Ximms, James E. Storey. Company G — Captain Elias Flammer; Second Lieutenant Job S. Bcals; Commissary Sergeant Benjamin R. Jones ; Corporals John M. Baker. James T. Allen, John ]\1. Hammer. Malco Doud ; Wagoner H. Borton. Ferdinand Adamson, Samuel Armstrong, James ¥. P)aker, A. J. Chenoweth, James C. JASE'EH COLNTY, IOWA. 219 Friend, Frank Gifford, A. T. Hammer. James G. Hanawalt, Samuel Hen- ning-s, J. F. Haines, Enos Hammer, M. H. Harper, I. R. Jordan, Thomas K^err. F. P. Oldfield, John C. Piper, Charles Parks, George R. Rowe, James A. Stephens, Edward R. Bell and A. Minnick (in unknown company of the Se\enth Cavalry ) . NINTH CAVALRY. Company H — Corporal L. C. Draper; Adam Means, Silas Thornburg. Company L — Captain Orlando C. Howe; First Lieutenant William W. Moore; First Lieutenant Norris Richardson; Second Lieutenant Richard Armstrong; Second Lieutenant David Scott; Commissary Sergeant H. Mathies ; Sergeant George W. Bronson ; Sergeant John Murray ; Sergeant James C. Painter; Corporals Xapoleon P. Church, Julius A. Baldwin, James B. Scott. C. D. Knapp, O. P. Springer; Trumpeter William W. Allen; Trumpe- ter James Bain; Wagoner A. McDonnell, George Anderson, Henry Baker. W. H. Barton. George Brady. T. Broomhall, James F. Burroughs, Baxter Banks. D. Y. Cross. James Clement. X. B. Collrell. A. J. Collrell, James Drake. James Early, James R. Gentry, William Grubb, William A. Hankins, C. H. Jennings. John W^ K^nox, William L. Kimberly, William Loaman. John T. Leach. Milton Lee. Joseph Logsdon. John March. H. H. Maus. C. H. Mendenhall, D. T. ^Ljrtimore. \A\ Mudgett, George Oldfield. D. H. Parker, D. M. Priddy, William Reynolds, Jacob Reutson. William E. Schooley, Foster Scott. George Sims, \\'illiam J. Stewart. F. Trotter, Purdy Trager. Jacob Trevets. S. E. Welch. D. AL West, James ^^'ilson. Theodore Winkler. Company M — Second Lieutenant William H. Crotzer; Corporal C. R. Squires. MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS. Second J'ctcra)! Infantry — Justus Dunn, J. F. Guthrie, J. C. Living- ston. J. H. Trotter. Fourth Infantry — [Musician Samuel Osborne; Corporals William. Bill- ings and L. D. Bloom. Sixth Infantry — Sergeant M. Holland, William H. Bolton, John Gard- ner, J. J. Moore. M. Holland. Seventh Infantry — H. C. McGill. Eight Infantry — Captain David Ryan; Sergeant Robert Ryan. F. McConnell. S. M. Peck. Lewis Scott. Ninth Infantry — Joseph Koener. 220 JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. Eleventh Infantry — Charles Rairden. C. C. Cloiul, R. ]\I. Davis, John Dally, H. Fisher, U. M. Gable, William Goodrich, I. Higgins, L. P. Hazen, Elias Humphries, H. Kandwig, Lewis Lobeer, O. K. Landrne, A. Lansing, A. McCaiiley, R. Xeese. F. Xeese, Peter Peterson, R. R. Rovster, L. J. Roy- ley. fifteenth Infantry (Mustered out July 24, 1895) — Patrick Cotter, An- drew Crouch, Alexander Corbin, J. ]\I. Dilton, Frank Emmerson, J. M. Hort- man, W. T. Hiler, William Peterson. David Phillips, San Pierie, W. A. Spencer, A. A. Woodard, William W^addell. David Webster. Seventeenth Infantry — D. S. Reagan. T. S. Smith; Captain George W. Deal; First Lieutenant Theodore Thompson. ]\I. H. Davis, Joseph A. Louden- back; Corporal Elijah Carnahan. James George, C. Klaiser, F. Kinton, F. McBride. Eighteejith hifantry — S. A'. Shellady, Edward Rogers, John R. Scutt, Adam Whiteman ; First Lieutenant John H. Harvey ; Sergeant John H. Har- vey ; Corporal John W. Cattrell ; Corporal M. W. Settle, jNIayville Drake. H. C. Farnsworth, William P. Holmes, John P. Johnson. Twenty- fourth Infantry— Isaac Anderson. Thirty-second Infantry — John McFarland, C. A. Stone. Thirty-third Infantry — James H. Bates, Holland Myers. Thomas Dun- naway, Delano [Myers. D. A^anXoss. Thirty-sixth Infantry — Theodore Brown, John Herring, H. T. Dimmitt, Joseph M. Scott. Thirty-ninth Infantry — Samuel E. Thornton. Forty-sixth Infantry — Sergeants Milo Cowan, George Baxter, Albert Harrah. Seth W. Macy, Joseph Shorer. Forty-seventh Infantry — Chaplain James P. Roach; Corporal James W. Davidson, C. Means, D. M. Pruny. First Ccevalry — Quartermaster Samuel C. Dickerson ; Sergeant James G. Rutter; Captain Charles Dustin ; Sergeant James H. McCord ; Corporal Peter B. Greaves; D. M. McCord, James E. Arnold, John S. Davis, James J. Gray, W. P. Kimberly. David Rutter, L H. Wildman. Second Cavalry — Corporal Elias Thatcher ; A. T. Sims, George W. Poore. John R. Seelev, William H. Shoewalter, James S. Smith, H. C. Smith, John B. Kuhns, H. B. Seeley. Third Cavalry — John F. Offil, Alexander Snodgrass, Cororal Ransom Sumney; Wagoner Daniel A. Buckhalter; T. S. Donnell, James H. Harvey, H. C. Vaughn, Joseph X^. Box, E. B. Carr, Orris Carter, William C. Goodman, David Hankins, M. T. Xorris, Robert Sterritty, Robert Stallcop, Henry Smith, James H. Morgan, M. S. Morris, T. J. Sinclair. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 22 I Sixth Cavalry — E. C. Stephens. Eighth Cavalry — William Rundy, John Friend. Jasper Robinson, Finley Sterrett. First Infantry, A. D., Co. E. (Sixth United States Volunteers A. D.) — Captain George F, Work; Sergeant John Green: Corporals H. Hayes, D. Siegel. H. Jones; Captain Alexander Nichols; A. E. Fine. S. F. Gordon. C. Graves. A. Hays. Lewis Castleton. T. E. Marshall. Austin Samuels, John Shearer, William Tait. W. Wolden. Jerry Wilson. Dodge's Brigade Band — George A. Bluem. \^ernon A\\ Skiff. James F. Needham. John F. Lister, John P. Strator. James Smith. Samuel Failor, Charles Gilman. Sixty-sixth Illinois Infantry — John Briggs. Third Missouri Cavalry — ^^'illiam Jordan. THE county's death ROLL. If it can truthfully be said that. ''It is good for one to die for his coun- try,'' Jasper county certain!}' acted well her part from 1861 to 1866. Out of the almost fourteen hundred men who went forth to the field, about one hun- dred and seventy fell on the battle field, or died from other army causes, and never reached home alive. The following may. and possibly may not. be a complete list of the honored dead. This list is one compiled from the adjutant- general's reports published from 1863 to 1866, inclusive, and there may be errors and omissions. The latest military work on Iowa soldiers is not yet out of press, hence the following will be given : Adamson, D. N. Armentrout. D. R. Atha. C. H. Andreas. F. W. Alloway. Abisha Beath. T. E. Bodley. J. D. Be van. A. Blackwood. L Byerley. \\'illiam H. Boyer, Jacob Brown, S. B. Baker. Charles P. Bair. Emanuel Bennett. Adam Butters. W. H. Baxter, William W. Beals. A. F. Blasdell. William Bargenhaulz, J. Brodess, John W. Brady, George Bolten. William H. Cure. Abel L. Cottrell. M. W. Cushatt, Jas. T. Connor, Daniel E. Callison. A. P. Cozad. Jacob C. Cline, P. ^L Connelly, L. J. Connellv, ^L Clements. James Dibble, Milo Derringer. H. C. Duncan. E. D. Dickerson, Samuel C. Easterday, A. P. Edmonds, E. Erickson. J. English. Thomas Etherington, Phillip Flemming. Job Fisher. William H. Flemry, A. Frazier. E. Plover, David Fowler, H. C. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Green, John L. Goodacre. Robert Grooms. S. C. Gravatt. T. H. Gould. F. W. Hunter. Jacob Huff. John Hammack, John H ousel, Thomas H. Hawk. H. T. Hamilton. James 'M. flackett. Jonas P. Helphrey. S. W. Hendricks. H. W. Hopping-. John Herring". Abel Haines. John \V. Hammel. S. Hunnel. J. F. Hart. William Hammack. A. Haxton. William H. Hil singer. J. ^^T. 7 laves. S. Ja\-. Thomas H. Jordan. William P. Jeffries. F. T. Jordan. John Jones, G. T. Knapp. C. D. Kenady, J. R. Kuhus. John B. Kawapot. C. Kerr. \\''esley Faudenback. D. R. Fongfellow. E. E. T-inton. H. B. Ij'kins. Thomas N. Lowe, George W. McConnell. F. McCollough. Jas. P. McLaughlin. E. R. McKeever. George McCary. Rich ^[cWilliams. H. McDonald. T. F. Mudgett. Fliillip >ranning, John Moore. Jacob B. ^Toss. J. W. Mateer. Alex C. Xelson. N. G. Xewcomer. S. F. Xewhouse. J. Xorris. David H. Oblenis. William Powell, G. B. Foots. William Parks. T. J. Pease. Andrew Powers. J. W. Parker. F. Poage. S. W. Parks. Jasper H. Filler. O. B. Pevton. John L. Pope. A. T. Rippey. William F, Rees. A. L. Rees. Samuel P. Runyon, William H. Rice. Francis Reno. Jackson Samei. James H. Shelley. L. F. Stem. J. Streett, James Sln-eck. J. K. Shutts, Joseph F. Stott. Thomas Scott. Foster Skiff'. J. M. Smith, James Scarbrough, S. Scoville, Bennett Street. \V. W. Shipp. Thomas Shill. G W. Shook. J. R. Swaggert. John Spurling. J. T. Sturgeon. D. T. Sprunce. Levi Sturgeon. A. Smith, Alvoy Swan. M. F. Sego. Solomon Smith. L. D. Taylor. James Taylor. James C. Trotter. James N. Thornton. Samuel E. A^anGrundy. L. A'anGrundy. William W. A^anHorn. D. AF. WanHorn. O. F. WanFossen, H. Weston, Benjamin F. A\'ren, John Watt. James Weston. G. W. \\'alker. Enos Winterhalter. L W. Williams. Robert Wolf. Geo. W. Wetzel. Joseph ^^'allace. John West. Jacob Willock. Tohn JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. 223 THE JASPER GRAYS. This military company was organized in January, 1876. with the follow- ing- officers: Than Townsend, captain; J. L. Mathers', first lieutenant; Al J- Richards. second lieutenant; Al W'vkoff, J. R. K;. Lamb. Newton Smith, Henry M. Rose, sergeants ; Zach Stokes. William S. Ferguson. Herbert Rose, George Failor, corporals. The uniform selected was navy blue, trimmed in fine style. The company was immediately armed with S])ringfiel(l breech- loading ritles. In 1S78 there were forty-five names on the roll. The company was sworn into state ser\ice April 30. iS/H, and was under orders in the riots of 1877, and were also a part of the escort of the lamented Cien. X. V. Baker. ^^•hose remains they followed to the grave. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. President William AIcKinley's proclamation ordering war between the United States and Spain was issued April 23. 1898. and read as follows : "Whereas, a joint resolution of Congress was approved on the 20th dav of April. 1898. entitled 'Joint Resolution for the recognition of the indepen- dence of the people of Cuba, demanding that the government of Spain relin- quish its authority and government in the island of Cuba, and to withdraw its land and na\-al forces from Cul)a and Cuban waters, and directing the Presi- dent of the United States to use the land and naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect.' and 'AVhereas by an act of Congress entitled 'An act to ])ro\ ide for temporar- ily increasing the militar\- establishment of the United States in time of war and for other purposes,' approved April 22, 1898. the President is authorized, in order to raise a volunteer army, to issue his proclamation calling for volun- teers to serve in the army of the United States : ''Nbw, therefore. T, A\'illiam McKinley, President of the I'nited States. by virtue of the power vested in me by the constituticMi and the laws, and deeming sufficient occasion to exist, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, volunteers to the aggregate number of one hundred and twenty- five thousand, in order to carrv into effect the purpose of said resolution; the same to be apportioned, as far as practicable, among the several states and territories and the District of Columbia, according to the population, and to serve two vears. unless sooner discharged. The details for this object will be immediatelv communicated to the proper authorities tlu-ough the war depart- ment. 224 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. "In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington, this 23d day of April, A. D. 1898, and in the independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second. "William McKinley. [Seal] "By the President : John Sherman, "Secretary of State." On April i, 1898. the following was the roster of the Iowa National Guard at Newton, as comprising Company L, Second Regiment : Henry T. Kennedy, first lieutenant ; William E. McMurray, second lieu- tenant : Alva Baker, Hemy ]\I. Burnett. Harry Barber. Albert B. Bryant, Walter H. Boyd, Frank Besack. Frank H. Boat. Roland E. Benjamin, Frank H. Clements. Eugene M. Errett, Charles H. Fox, Pearl G. Gibford, John W. Hendryx. Marion R. Flammer, John Hayes, Harry T. Lewis, Thomas B. Law, William H. Montgomery, Will L. Maus, Hany C. A. Miller, Harry J. Mc- Murray, Thomas F. Alorrissey, George W. Ohler, A. L. Parish, James M. Richmond. Charles H. Ruberg, Arthur Reynolds, Guy H. Smith, George Selb- her, Harry A. Stallings, George W. Turner, Fred E. Wilson, I. O. Wilson, William S. Westbrook, Arthur P. Woods, William H. Wert, John C. Wert, R. A. K. ^^llson, Albert F. Williams, Fred H. Wells, William M. \^^^-ick, Lewis E. Young. When the troops made up from the National Guards were finally mustered into the service of the United States, those from Iowa took the regimental numbers of the state, commencing where the last number left off in Civil war times. Those from Newton and Jasper county were in the regiments named below : THE forty-ninth REGIMENT. This regiment was organized from the Il'rst Regiment of Iowa National Guards; was ordered into Camp McKinley. Des Moines, Iowa, by the Gov- ernor on the 25th day of April, 1898, mustered into the service of the United States by Capt. J. A. Olmstead. United States Army, at Des Moines, June 2, 1898; left Des Moines, June 11, 1898, by rail for Jacksonville. Florida; assigned to the Third Brigade, Second Division. Seventh Army Corps; moved to Savannah. Georgia, October 25, 1898, and to Havana, Cuba. December 19, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 225 1898. Companies V, C, H, K, A and I returned to the United States, April 5, 1899, for mnster-oiit. Headquarters band and companies L., M, K, 1), G, and B returned to the United States, April 9, 1899. for muster-out. The whole regiment, January 1. 1899. particii)ated in the ceremonies attending the evac- uation of Havana by the Spaniards. Hie regiment was mustered out of the United States service at Savannah, Georgia, on the 13th day of May, 1899. Those serving from Jasper county in Company L were : Amos J. Under- wood, Elliott E. Lambert (colonel). John C. Trease, Howard T. Gibford, Swain Dennis, Ezra G, Baird. Frank E. Besack, John Wert, Thomas F. Mor- risey, Burrell Owens. Fletcher H. Helm, Andrew J. Streeter, James W. Vaughn, Thomas B. Law, Hennan: E. Dahlgren, Ike O. Wilson, Clarence G. Errett, John McFarlane, John W. Callahan, Alexander S. Crawford, Fred H. Coleman. Thomas W. Corrigan, Homer Vasco Clutter, Frank Leroy Harsha. John A. Hayes, Horatio S. Howard, Albert L. Kennedy, Carl D. iCiser, Henry A. McKinney, Bertram Mendenhall, William J. O'Neill, Fred L. Shrader. Arthur E. Small, Charles P. Smith, Perry E. Spencer, Jesse R. Stallings, Ed C. Stevenson, Andrew J. Streeter, James \Y. Vaughn, Bazil W^ells, Leonard A. Wells. FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. This regiment was organized from the Third Regiment of Iowa National Guards ; was ordered into quarters at Camp McKinley, Des Moines. Iowa, by the Governor, on the 25th day of April, 1898; mustered into sen-ice of the United States by Capt. J. A. Olmstcad, United States Army, at Des Moines May 30, 1898; left Des Moines June 5, 1898, by rail for San Francisco, Cali- fornia, per telegram from war department ; arrived in Camp Merritt. San Francisco. June 10. 1898; removed to Camp Merriman, Presidio, July 29, 1898; eml)arked on board transport ''Pennsylvania," at San Francisco. No- vember 3. 1898; arrived at Honolulu Novem1)er 12. 1898. arriving at Manila Bay, Philippine Island. December 7. 1898; remained on transport in Manila Bav until December 26. 1898. upon which date the regiment sailed for Iloilo, arriving at the latter i)]acc Decem1)er 28. 1898; remained on board the trans- port in Iloilo Bay until January 29. 1899. upon which date they sailed for Cavite, arriving January 31. 1899: disembarked from transport February 3. 1899. and went into quarters at Cavite. The regiment participated in the oc- cupation of San Roque. February 9. 1899. and the various companies were in the following engagements of the Philippine expedition: Gaudalupe church. Ouingua. East and ^^'est Pulilan. Calumpit. Santo Tomas. San Fernando, Calulut, Angeles. (15) 226 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. September 0. 1899, the regiment was moved to Manila preparatory to returning to the United States; sailed on transport "Senator,'" September 22, 1899. arriving at San Francisco, California, October 22, 1899; mustered out of service of the United States jMovember 2, 1899. ^^ San Francicso, Cal- ifornia. In this regiment there were soldiers from Jasper county as follows : Fred S. Carpenter, Joseph \'. House, Herbert W. Marshall. FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT. This regiment was organized from the Fourth Regiment of Iowa Na- tional Guards, and was designed to go to Porto Rico, but never left this coun- try, being stationed at Chickamauga Park, Georgia, and were mustered out at Des Moines in October, 1898. Only two from Jasper county served in this regiment, Qiarles A. Leonard, of Mingo, and Robert H. Rose, of Van- dalia. GRAND ARMY' OF THE REPUBLIC. The Grand Army of the Republic is composed of men who placed their lives at the disposal of their government for the preservation of the Union during the years of 1861 to 1865. They are organized to continue the frater- nal comradeship which grew out of their associations in a common cause, and the seeking of a common end — "The perpetuity of the Union.'' To teach coming generations by precept, as well as by example, a reverence for our flag, a love for our country, and the continuance of a "government of the people, by the people and for the people." Also to care for the needy soldiers, widows and orphans. Its motto and its practice is, "Fraternity, charity and loyalty." Garrett Post No. 16. Department of Iowa, located at Newton, Iowa, was organized and mustered in on the 20th day of August, 1879, ^"*^ ^^^^ named in honor of Col. John A. Garrett, who entered the military service in the war of the Rebellion August. 1861, as captain of Company I, Tenth Iowa Infantry, and was mustered out at the close of the war as colonel of the Fortieth Iowa Infantry. Colonel Garrett died at his home in Newton, Iowa, January 23, 1877. This post now has a membership of aljout seventy-five Civil war soldiers and two Spanish-American soldiers. The 191 1 officers are: J. W. Donavan, commander; J. W. Longley, senior vice-commander; T. M. Rodgers, junior vice-commander; A. Dennison, quartermaster; J. R. Sitler, adjutant; J. D. Edge, officer of the day; John Potter, chaplain. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 22/ With the return of each Memorial day the old \eterans take charge of the services and decorate the graves of the one hundred and sixty soldiers now buried in the City ceinetery. in a \ery befitting and truly touching manner. OTHER POSTS IX JASPER COUNTY, The Grand Army is also represented at the following points within Jas- per county: E. H. Keyes Post No. 511, at jMingo; Shellady Post Xo. 84, at Monroe; McGray Post Xo. 27, at Prairie City; Alloway Po.st Xo. 106. at Lynnville; E. D. Duncan Post No. 253, at Colfax; General Wilson Post No. 432, at Kellogg; Garrett Post No. 16, at Newton. There was a post at Baxter, but on account of the death and removal of many of the members their charter has probably been surrendered. Nearly if not all of the posts have had connected with them manv years the helpful auxiliary of the Woman's Relief Corps. THE PASSING OF THE "gRAND ARMY." As the years speed by the ranks of the Grand Army posts are fast dis- banding through the inroads of death. Perhaps no more eloquent passage along this theme can be here narrated than that recently delivered by Sant Kirkpatrick to his comrades of the Hornet's X>st Brigade, at Oskaloosa. Iowa, in April, 1911, when, in closing his well-timed address to the boys who once wore the loyal blue, he remarked : "To me. an occasion like this, in a great measure, is an hour of sorrow, a never ending day of mourning. The length and breadth and depth of the wounds and scars occasioned by that cruel war are as a poisoned arrow, the shaft of which has deeply pierced the heart of every true American citizen. "Comrades, you and I have passed the meridian of life ; we are now going down the decline on the other side, and I feel sometimes as if all creation was greased for the occasion. "W^ith you and T. the morning of life has gone, somber shades of even- ing are gathering closely around about us, we have heard the reveille at sun rise and listened to the tattoo of night, and taps, yes, taps, that once betokened the extinguishment of lights, now come reverljerating back as the heralds of death. "Another decade and many of us will have crossed the bar, another score of years and nearly, or quite all of us. will have answered the roll call of 228 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. eternity, and not only the Grand Army of the Republic, but the grandest army of the world, will haye passed into history. ' "Already the great majority of those with whom we once touched elbows have crossed the riyer. Would you behold them today ?^ If so, then come with me and draw aside as it were the veil of immortality." CHAPTER XV. THE BENCH AND BAR OF JASPER COUNTY. Wherever laws are enacted, there will always be need for capable and honorable lawyers to interpret and help put into execution the enforcement of legal enactments. The day has long since passed when the honorable attorney at law is looked upon as any but a member of one of earth's most useful professions, one needed in every intelligent community. He it is who helps us apply law to daily life. Changes comes in law. and hence the more need of a lawyer to point out such changes to his client, that he may not err in transacting his business. The discoveries of the arts and sciences, the in- ventions of new contrivances for lalx)r. and the increase of development in commerce are all new unexplored fields into which law must delve and it must needs be handled by competent lawyers who ha\e been schooled in the science of their own i)eculiar ]M-ofession. Hence the lawyer is a man of the day — a needful factor in ad\anced civilization. It is to be regretted that no more complete record has l)een kept of the Jasper county bar than has 1>een made, for it would be read with no little inter- est today, to note the many trials, and who were the combating attorneys who took part in the same, during all the years of the county's history. All that can be learned for the reader of this chapter of the county's history is found in the following", a carefully compiled statement of facts as they ha\e been picked up, here and there, from memory and record, bringing the list of at- torneys down to the present, and trying to give a fairly comprehensive glimpse into the earlier lawyers and judges of this county and district. The publishers are indebted to Hon. \V. G. Clements, who has compiled the follow- ing excellent account of the bench and bar: There is no record of any court ha^•ing l)een held in Jasper county ])rior to November 23. 1848. However, according to tradition and information gained from the old settlers, the first term of court was held in the spring of 1846, at the house of Matthew D. Springer, in what is now Buena Arista township, and was presided o\ er by Judge Williams, of ^luscatine. Judge Williams was elected supreme judge in 1846 or 1847. ^^^^^^ ^^'^s succeeded on the bench by Judge William McKay. The court record indi- cates that Judge ^IcKay held a term of court in Newton in June, 1849. ^^ 230 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. which term Hon. William H. Seevers was appointed prosecuting attorney. Judge McKay lived at Des Moines and continued to preside as judge of the district court of Jasper county until about July. 1854, when he was succeeded by Judge C. J. McFarland. who resided at Boonesboro. Judge McFarland held the different terms of the district court of Jasper county until 1857. Judge McFarland was quite austere and abrupt in his manners, and if any person incurred his displeasure, such person was very sure to be reminded of the same in a very severe manner. At the first term of court held by Judge McFarland in Xewton in 1854. the Hon. H. J. Skiff incurred the displeasure of the Judge, for the reason that Skiff opposed the election of ^^IcFarland (both being Democrats). Skiff claiming that McFar- land was not a proper person to be judge on account of his inebriacy. There- fore. McFarland sought to get revenge by ordering Skiff to sit down when he arose to address the court in reference to some case. Skiff refused to complv with the order of the Judge, and told the Judge that he had a right to talk in that court. Thereupon, the Judge fined him ten dollars for contempt. Skiff' told him to "pile it on." and the Judge doubled the fine. The quarrel con- tinued until Skiff stood indebted to the school fund in the sum of one hun- dred and fifty dollars. The Judge ordered the clerk to make out a commit- ment, who suggested to his honor that he could not get it served. The com- mitment was delivered to the sheriff', but it was not served. In the evening, the attorneys all met for consultation at Skiff's residence. The next morning when court opened, the attorneys by agreement continued all their cases, whereupon the Judge ordered the sheriff to adjourn the court. The contempt cases against Skiff were appealed by him to the supreme court, and McFar- land's judgments were set aside. ( See State vs. Skiff. 2d Iowa Supreme Court Report, page 550.) Judge McFarland died in Boonesboro when only alxjut forty years of age. Judge McFarland was succeeded as district judge by Hon. William AT. Stone, of Knoxville. Judge Stone resigned in March. 1861. and enlisted in the Union army. He afterwards became colonel of the Twenty-second Regiment of Iowa \'olunteer Infantry, and in the fall of 1863 was elected governor of the state of Iowa, which position he held for a term of four vears. and was one of the war governors of Iowa during the Rebellion. Judge Stone was afterwards commissioner of the general land office at Washington. D. C, having Ijeen appointed by President Harrison. Afterwards he removed to the Territory of Oklahoma, where he died Jul}' t8. 1893, and his l)(")dv was brought to Knoxville for burial. Upon the resignation of Judge Stone in March. 1861. William Loughridge. of Oskaloosa. was appointed district JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 23 1 ] judge, and continued to hold court in the sixth judicial district and in Jasper county until January i, 1867. Afterwards Judge Loughridge became a mem- ber of Congress from the sixth congressional district of Iowa, serving in that capacity several terms. Judge Loughridge died several years ago, and is buried at Oskaloosa. Iowa. On Januar}' i, 1867, Judge Loughridge was succeeded by lUm. K. S. Sampson. Judge Sampson was an ideal judge, very reserved in his' man- ner, cool and deliberate, and was highly respected by all who knew him. During the Civil war he was lieutenant-colonel ot the Fifth hnva Regiment of Volunteer Infantry. After his retirement from the l)ench. he was elected to Congress and served one term. Afterwards he engaged in the practice of law at Sigourney, Iowa, where he died October 7, 1892. Judge Sampson was succeeded on the district bench by Hon. H. S. Winslow. of Newton. January i. 1873. ^"^^^ served until January i, 1879. Judge Winslow was a good lawyer and a competent, painstaking judge. On January i. 1870. he was succeeded by Hon. J. C. Cook, of Xewton. now residing at Cedar Rapids. Judge Cook continued to occupv the dis- trict bench until January i, 1883. at which time Judge J. K. Johnson of Oskaloo,sa. was elected district judge, and lield the different terms of district court in Xewton, until January i. 1887. Under the law enacted in 1868. from 1868 to 1887. in addition to the district court, there was what was denominated the circuit court, having jurisdiction of all ci\il cases and probate matters. When the circuit court was instituted in 1868, Hon. H. S. Winslow. of X^ewton. was elected judge of the second circuit of the sixth judicial district, and entered i\\K)n his duties Januar\- i. 1869, and held the ofifice of circuit judge for one year, resigning to engage in the practice of law. He was succeeded l)y Hon. S. X. Lindley. of X^ewton. to that position and Judge Lindley continued to ser\ e in that ca- pacity as circuit judge until January i. 1873, after which Hon. L. C. Blanch- ard. of Oskaloosa. served as circuit judge until 1880. and was succeeded by Hon. W. R. Lewis, of Montezuma, who served until the circuit court was abolished. January i. 1887. at which time it was provided by law that the sixth judicial district would be entitled to three district judges, and in the fall of 1886 Hon. David Ryan, of Xewton. was elected as one of the judges of the district, together with Hon. J. K. Johnson, of Oskaloosa. and Hon. W. R. Lewis, of ^lontezuma. Judge Lewis served until January i. 1891, and was succeeded by Hon. A. R. Dewey, of Washington, who served un- til Tanuarv i. 1903- J^idge Johnson served until lie died in 1894. and was succeeded bv Hon. Ben McCoy, of Oskaloosa. \\ho was appointed by the 2^2 lASPER COUN'IV, IOWA. governor to fill the vacancy and ser\e the l)alance of Jncl,o-e Johnson's term; he was elected in the fall of 1894 to tlie office of indge for the term com- mencing- jannary i, 1895, ^^"^^ served nntil Jannary 1. 1899. Jndge Ryan served as district judge until January i. 1899, and was succeeded by W. G. Clements, of Newton, who served until January 1. 191 1. Judge McCoy was succeeded by Hon. John T. Scott, of Brooklyn, who served two terms until Januarv t. 1908, and was then succeeded l>y Hon. K. E. Willcockson, of Sigournev, who is now one of the judges, serving his second term. On January i. 1903. Judge Dewey was succeeded by B. W. Preston, of O.ska- loosa, who is now one of the judges, and ser\'ing his third term. Judge Clements serxed three terms and was succeeded by Hon. John F. Talbot, of Brooklyn, who is now one of the judges of the district. l'"oin- terms of court are held during the year in Jasper county, and each of the district judges have alternatel}' held the terms of court in the county as provided by law. JASPER COUNTY ATTORNEYS. From the time of the institution of the district court in Jasper county, many noted cases were tried. From 1868 to 1884 there were two terms of the district court and four terms of the circuit court held in Jasper countv each year, and from 1870 to 1880 the dockets of the different courts were crowded with cases and kept the court busy each term for four weeks, but of late years, litigation has ceased at least one half as compared with the period above mentioned. The names of some of the pioneer lawyers who took an active ])art in the court proceedings are as follows: H. J. Skiff, Thomas H. Miller. S. d. Smith, O. C. Howe, H. S. Winslow, S. N. Lindley. G. R. Shays, J. W. Wil- son, J. W. Sennett, D. L. Clark, David Ryan, Robert Ryan J. C. Cook, Hugh Newell, George E. Spencer, J. G. Meek, H. W. Gleason, J. W. Deweese. D. O. Stuart. R. A. Sankey. A. K. Campbell. S. J. ^^loyer, S. S. Patterson, Sidney Williams, W'illiam Howard, Don Carlos, Jonathan X. Edgar, of whom mention will be made. Hon. H. J. Skiff came to Newton from New ^'ork in 1850, and actively engaged in the practice of law. Mr. Skiff* was a graduate of Amherst Col- lege, and was a leading member of the bar shortly after coming to Newton. He was a member of the third constitutional convention of Towa. which was held at Iowa City in 1857. representing the counties of Poweshiek. Marsliall. Tama and Jasper. He took an active part in the con\-ention. and was greatly instrumental in formulating the present constitution of Towa. .\fterwards JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 233 he retired from the practice and en.^as^ed in the banking- lousiness in New- ton, nntil the outbreak of the Civil war, when lie enlisted in Companv B, Thirteenth Iowa Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, and served as captain of the company from 1862 to 1864. After the war he engaged in commercial pursuits, and died in Newton in November. 1904. Thomas H. Miller came to Newton from Cumberland countv. Pennsyl- vania, in December. 1856. and immediately formed a partnership with if. S. Winslow. under the style and firm name of Miller & Winslow. This firm continued in the practice of law until July. 1861. at which time Mr. Miller enlisted in Company B of the Thirteenth Ivegiment of Iowa Volunteer In- fantry and was captain of the company, serving with distinction and bravery in the battle of Shiloh, and while leading his company into the battle he fell, mortally wounded, on April 6. 1862, and died of his wounds on Mav 13, 1862. His body was brought to Newton for burial. Mr. ATiller was a good lawyer and a thorough gentleman. Hon. S. G. Smith was born in Greene county, New York, May 22. 183 1. He attended college at Oberlin, Ohio. Was admitted to the bar in March, 1857. at Columbus, Ohio. In XoxTUiber of that year he removed to New- ton, Iowa, and commenced the practice of law. In August, 1862, he was commissioned major of the Fortieth Iowa X^olunteer Infantry, and held this position until 1864, when he resigned. He then returned to Newton and resumed the practice of law. Was mayor of Newton, state senator in the ninth General Assembly and the extra session of the ninth General Assem- bly, and was district attorney of the sixth judicial district for four years. Was president of the board of directors of the State Normal School. .\t one time he was a member of the firm of Smith & Wilson, attorneys. He continued the practice of his profession until about four years before his death, and on account of failing health retired from the practice. He died in Newton November 5, 1890. Hon. O. C. Howe was born December 19, 1824, at Williamstown, \'er- mont. He finished his education at Aurora Academy. Studied law at Buf- falo. New York. In the fall of 1855 he came to Jasper county where he en- gaged in the practice of law for a short time. In the summer of 1856 he went to Spirit Lake. Iowa, and (Organized Dickerson county and located the countv seat. Afterward he returned to Newton preparatory to moving his goods and chattels to Spirit Lake. On his return to Spirit Lake, he found the Indians had massacred all of the white people in and around that section. He was elected count\' judge of Dickinson county. In 1858 he was elected district attorncv for tliat district. .\t that time the district em- 234 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. braced nearly one-fourth of the area of the entire state. In 1862 he returned to Newton, and soon thereafter he enUsted and was made captain of Com- pany L, Ninth Iowa Cavalry, and remained with the organization until the time of his discharge, in November, 1864. after which he returned to New- ton and formed a partnership for the practice of law with A. K. Campbell, until 1875. when he was appointed resident professor in the law depart- ment of the State University at Iowa City, and remained at Iowa City until 1 88 1, when he removed to Anthony, Kansas, going into partnership there with James McPhee. where he remained in the practice until his death, which occurred in August, 1899. Hon. H. S. Winslow was born at Pittsford. \^ermont. July 18, 1837. and came to Jasper county with his parents in 1856. He formed a partner- ship in December. 1856, with Thomas H. Miller, said firm practicing under the style and firm name of Miller & Winslow, until Mr. Miller enlisted in the Thirteenth Regiment of Iowa \^olunteers. In 1862 Mr. Winslow was elected district attorney of the sixth judicial district of Iowa, and served in that capacity for four years. In 1868 he was elected judge of the second circuit of the sixth judicial district for a term of four years. At the end of one year he resigned this office and resumed the practice of his profession until 1874, when he was elected judge of the sixth judicial district, and con- tinued to hold that position until January i, 1879. Afterward he resumed the practice of law and continued in the practice until his death, which oc- curred December 11, 1899. In 1894 the supreme court of the state appointed Judge Winslow one of the commissioners to revise and codify the laws of Iowa. To this work he brought not only his rare and ripe experience and knowledge of the law s, but the same indefatigable energy that characterized his whole life. Few men were more diligent, industrious or faithfully de- voted to the profession than Judge Winslow. By his death there went down one of the strongest towers of the profession, one distinguished in the state, both as an advocate at the bar and a jurist on the 1)ench. G. R. Shays came to Newton from the state of New York about the year 1858. and commenced the practice of law, and devoted himself actively to the practice until 1868, when he formed a |)artnership with Robert Ryan, under the firm name and style of Shays &- Ryan. The firm continued in the practice until the death of Mr. Shays, which occurred May 18, 1870. Little is known of the previous history of ^Ir. Shays, but he was a tower of strength in the trial of a case. He was over six feet in height and a great athlete. The writer remembers of his delivering an address at the court house to the first company of \olunteers that left Jasper county in the Civil war and his speech was an elocjuent effort and inspired enthusiasm and patriotism. JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. 235 Hon. J. W. Wilson was born August 8, 1837. in Lawrence county. Pennsylvania. He received his education at Mt. Union College, in the same state. Was admitted to the practice of law at Medina. Ohio, Septeml>er 21, 1855. The following year he removed to Xewton. Iowa. Tn October. 1861. he was elected county judge, which office he held until the following Aug- ust, when he resigned to enter the United States militar}- ser\ice, which he did as a private in Company K. Twenty-eighth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. In 1864 he was promoted to be adjutant of his regiment, which position he held until the close of the \\ar. He then returned to Xewton and resumed the practice of his profession. He formed a partnership with Hon. H. S. Wins- low, which partnership continued until Mr. Winslow was elected to the district Ijench. Mr. Wils()n then formed a partnership with Hon. S. G. Smith, which continued until atout 1879, then again formed a partnership with Mr. \\"inslow and remained a member of said firm and engaged ac- tively in the practice until a short time before his death, which occurred May 6, 1887. During his lifetime he took a great interest in ^Masonry. Was a Knight Templar, and was elected grand master of the grand lodge of Iowa Masons and continued to hold that exalted position for two terms. He was a true friends, and many a young member of the profession recollects him with gratitude for his kindly advice. J. \V. Sennett was one of the pioneer members of the profession, and engaged in the practice of law in X'ewton, commencing about the year 1854 or 1855, until November 15, 1862. when he enlisted in the militar\' service of the United States, and was captain of Company E. Fortieth Regiment of Iowa \^olunteer Infantry, serving in that capacity with distinction until August, 1864, after which he resumed the practice of law in Xewton for a time, and then removed to Jasper county. Missouri, and engaged in the prac- tice of law until alx)ut the year of 1907. at which time his death occurred. D. L. Clark came to Xewton alx)ut the year 1854 or 1855 and engaged in the practice of law successfully until he entered the banking business in Newton and continued in that business until his death, which (xcurred Sep- tember 20. 1904. He was a successful lawyer and a man of excellent judg- ment and a good financier. For a short time he was in the practice of law he was in partnership with Robert Ryan. Hon. David Ryan was born in Washington county, Xew ^'ork. March 15, 1840, and came to Jasi)er county with his parents in 1857, settling on a farm about two miles south of Prairie City. He was educated in the com- mon schools of Xew York and Iowa, and at Central University at Pella. He left college in 1861 and enlisted as a private in Company E. Eighth 2^() JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. Iowa Infantry. He finally became captain of his company. He participated in the Battle of Shiloh where he was captured and spent six months in Rebel prisons W'hen the Civil war ended, he had attained the rank of colonel. Re- turning to college, he graduated in 1867. and in the fall of that year he began the practice, which he continued a part of the time alone and a i)art of the time in partnership, first with Judge Lindlev and then with his brother, Robert Ryan, and later with W . O. McElroy. He was elected to the Legislature of the state, and was an efficient memlier of the ele\'enth (leneral Assembly. In 1886 he was elected to the district l)ench, which position he filled with credit for tweh'e years. At the exi)iration of his third term on the bench, he removed to Des Moines where, with ^^^illiam Phillips and his two sons. J. W. Ryan and \\'. L. Ryan, he formed the firm of Phillips, Ryan & Ryan, and on the subsequent death of Mr. Phillips, continued as Ryan, Ryan & Ryan up to the death of Judge Ryan, which occurred June 19, 1905. He was suc- cessful at every point of his useful career and. personally, was an excellent g'entleman. He had many friends wherever he was known. At the time of his death he was ])resident of the Des Moines Bar Association, and his funeral was largely attended bv many friends and members of the bar. com- ing from distant parts of the state. Hugh Xewell was one of the pioneer memljers of the bar of Jasper county, having emigrated to Xewton in 1855, and a short time thereafter was admitted to the bar on September 12. 1855. He engaged actively in the practice of law for several years, after which he retired and engaged in other pursuits in Jasper county, where he died February 26, 1895. Hon. J. C. Cook was born at Tiffin, Ohio, December 2f), 1846, and re- ceived his education at Heidelberg College. He was admitted to the bar in 1867 and the same year came to N'ewton and actively engaged in the prac- tice of the law. At one time he was in jiartnership with R. C. Clark, who emigrated to Kansas. In 1876 he was nominated for attorne}- general by the Democratic party of Iowa. In 1878 he was elected district judge of the sixth judicial district of Iowa, and served a term of four vears. After- wards he was elected to Congress from the sixth congressional district. Thereafter he became attorney for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, with headcpiarters at Eagle (irove. Iowa. He is now attorney for the Chicago. Milwaukee «S: St. Paul Railway Com])any for Iowa, and is located at Cedar Rai)ids. Judge Cook was a successful practitioner, seldom losing a case in which he was engaged. S. S. Patterson was born near Rochester, Xew ^'ork. .\])ril 17. 1835, and read law in Cincinnati, Ohio, for one year. At the first call for troops JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 2 ^7 in 1861, he enlisted in Company l\ Twelfth Ohio Infantry, as a private and after five months service returned to Ohio, resumed the study of law at Tifiin. Ohio, and in June, 1862, was admitted to the bar. Afterwards, in the early part of 1863, Mr. Patterson once more entered the army, being appointed as captain of the comj>any. He was present at the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox. After his service in the army, which closed in the fall of 1865. he received a governmental appointment in southwestern Virginia as inspector of internal re\enue. In 1868 he came to Iowa and lo- cated in Kellogg. After practicing his profession at that place for eight years, he came to Newton and engaged in active practice of the law with the exception of the time of President Cleveland's first administration, when he held a position under the general government of Indian agent in New Mexico. After occupying that position for four years, he returned to N^ew- ton and engaged in the practice of his profession until his death, which oc- curred in February, 1899. Major Patterson was a man of high honor and integrity and commanded the respect of all who knew him. Hon. J. W. Deweese commenced the practice of law at Prairie City in 1869 and remained at that place for ten years, during which time he was elected to represent Jasper county in the sixteenth and seventeenth General Assemblies, which he did with credit to himself and to his constituency, being elected speaker pro tem. of the House of Representatives at its seventeenth session. In 1862 Mr. Deweese answered the call of his country and en- listed in Company G, Twenty-third Regiment Iowa Volimteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war, after which he attended the Central Uiii- versity at Pella, Iowa, and then law school, previous to locating in Prairie City. In 1879 Mr. Deweese removed to Lincoln, Nebraska, and became at- torney for the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railway in Nebraska, which position he occupied until his death, which occurred September 3. 1907. Mr. Deweese was an able lawyer. Hon. E. C. Roach engaged in the practice of law at Prairie City, commencing about the year 1875 O'' 1876, and remained at that place ac- tively engaged in his profession until about 1883, at which time he removed to Rock- Rapids. Lyon county. Iowa, where he is still engaged in the practice of law with success. He has represented Lyon county twice in tlie Legis- lature, the twentv-first and twenty-second sessions of the General Assembly of Iowa. L. A. Williams came to Prairie City from the state of Kentucky in about the vear 1874 and continued the practice of law at that place until about the vear 1903. when he returned to the state of Kentucky, liis old home, and a short time thereafter died. 238 JASl'KR COUNTY, IOWA. Sidney Williams commenced the practice of law in Prairie City about the year 1868 and remained at Prairie City until 1873 and then removed to Colfax, Iowa. In 1874 he, with John Dixon, discovered the noted min- eral waters at Colfax. About the year 1885 he removed to Colorado, where he is now engaged in mining enterprises. Hon. B. C. Ward, a native of Vermont, came to Prairie City in 1869 and was principal of the schools at that place for a number of years. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1876, and formed a partnership with W. G. Clements, under the firm name of Clements & Ward, which partnership continued for the practice of law until 1893. The firm maintained offices at Prairie City and Newton, Mr. Clements having re- moved to Newton in October, 1887. The partnership was dissolved in 1893. Mr. \\'ard moved to Des Moines, where he has been engaged in philan- thropic interests, being president of the Young Men's Christian Association in Des Moines for a number of years. While at Prairie City, Mr. Ward rep- resented Jasper county in the Iowa Legislature, the twentieth session of the same, and served with credit to himself and to his constituency. Mr. Ward, during the Civil war, enlisted in the Second Vermont Infantry and served his country faithfully and was in many battles, including Gettysburg, the Wilderness and other hard-fought engagements. Mr. Ward still lives in Des Moines and is now senior vice-commander of the Grand Army of the Re- public of Iowa. William Howard came to Monroe in the year 1856. Was justice of the peace at that place for a number of years. Afterwards was admitted to the bar about the year i860, and engaged in the practice of law until his death, which occurred about 1875. Jacob Kipp was a pioneer lawyer of Monroe, coming to that town in the year of 1854. W^as elected justice of the peace for a number of years and was admitted to the bar and engaged in the general practice of law until 1899, when he retired from the practice and engaged in other pursuits. He is still living in Monroe and is over eighty-five years of ag"e. Sloan Koder practiced law in Monroe for a number of years with suc- cess. In 1895 he removed to Siloam Springs, Arkansas, where he resumed the law business and is still living at that [)lace. R. A. McKee commenced the practice of law in Monroe about the year 1870, and remained in the practice at that place for a number of years, and removed to the state of Nebraska. During the Civil war Mr. McKee was captain of Company I, Fifth Veteran Cavalry, and served with credit to himself and his country. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 239 A. O. Hayes, once a member of the bar of Jasper county, and engaged in the law business in Alonroe for a number of years, removed to the state of K'ansas about the year 1880. At last accounts, he was still living in the state of Kansas. Hon. H. W. Gleason. a native of New Hampshire, came to Monroe about January i. 1869, and remained there two years and engaged in the practice of law successfully, afterwards removed to Oskaloosa, Iowa, and formed a partnership with Judge Crookham. Mr. Gleason represented Ma- haska county in tlie se\enteenth General Assembh- of Iowa. After dissolv- ing partnership with Judge Crookham, he removed to the state of Kansas and there engaged in the practice of law for some time, and then returned to Oskaloosa where he continued the practice of law until his death, which occurred May i, 191 1. Alanson Clark, son of D. L. Clark, a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Iowa Law School, was admitted to the bar in 1875. and in 1876 com- menced the ])ractice of law at Xewton with success and remained in the prac- tice until his death, which occurred March 28, 1894. Mr. Clark was very energetic in the cause of his numerous clients, and won distinction at the bar by his prosecution of rebate cases against the different railway companies. At the time of his death, he was county attorney of Jasper county. S. J. ]\Ioyer came to Jasper county in the year 1864 and was engaged in teaching school until about the year 1872, when he was admitted to the bar and practiced law in Newton for a period of about twelve years, then remoxed to Chaml)erlain, South Dakota, and engaged in the same business at that place until his death, which occurred about the year 1896. A. S. Stuver was justice of peace for a number of years in Xewton, and a member of the bar and practiced law until he removed to Kimball, South Dakota, in 1882. He engaged in the practice of law in that state until his death, which occurred in 1904. H. K. Stahl and C. \\\ Stahl commenced the practice of law in Xew- ton in the vear 1874. under the firm name and style of Stahl Bros. They engaged in the ])ractice in Xewton for a period of about twelve years, and then removed to the state of California, where they each now reside. R. B. Kiddoo came to Jasper county in the year 1869 and engaged in the practice of law in Newton for about ten years. He then removed to the state of Nebraska, where he resumed the same business until his death, which occurred in the year 1894. J. G, Meek, one of the pioneer lawyers, came to X^ewton in the year 1854 and was admitted to the bar during that year. He practiced law in 240 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Newton for about ten years and then remo\ed to Ottuniwa, Iowa, where he still lives. J. M. Clements came to Jasper county with his parents in 1855 ^"^ ^"" gaged in work on the farm for his father near Newton until about the year 1868, when he attended college at W'ittemberg and Hazel Dell Academy in Newton, studied law. and was admitted to the bar in 1873. On January I, 1879, he was appointed official sliort-hand reporter for the sixth judicial district by Judge Cook and served in that capacity for four years, after w hich he resumed the practice of law in Newton. In a short time he formed a partnership with S. C. Cook, under the firm name of Cook & Clements, the partnership being dissolved in 1886, at which time Mr. Clements went to Helena, Montana, where he was elected county judge of the county for a term of two years. Afterwards he commenced the practice of law at that place with success. In 1903 he was elected judge of the district court at Helena, Montana. In 1907 he was re-elected, and now holds that position. S. C. Cook was raised on a farm near Newton, studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in Jasper county about the year 1874 and entered into part- nership with R. A. Sankey, which partnership existed for about four years, after which he formed a partnership with J. M. Clements. Mr. Cook was president of the railroad company which constructed what is now the Iowa Central Railway from Newton to Keithsburg, Iowa. Mr. Cook was a successful financier, very energetic and painstaking in whatever he under- took. He continued in the practice of law until September, 1887, when he met his death on a railway crossing between Mitchellville and Colfax by be- ing struck by a railway train while driving in his buggy. His tragic death was mourned by all his friends and acquaintances. Hon. Stephen N. Lindley was born in Merrittstown, Pennsylvania, May 7, 18 1 7. He removed to Athens county, Ohio, in 1835, ^^^^ there studied law in the office of A. J. Brown and was admitted to the bar. In April, 1848, he came to Iowa, and in 1861 came to Newton, where he resided nine- teen years, following his profession, and served two terms as circuit judge. He then moved to Fairbury. Nebraska, in 1880, and was elected and served several terms as probate judge. In 1894 his health failed and he gave up his practice and moved to Blanchester, Ohio, where he died January 22, 1896. Judge Lindley, prior to the Civil war, was an ardent abolitionist. While he resided in Monroe, he and John R. Clements (the father of the writer) conducted an "underground railroad'' and helped many a poor black person to regain his liberty. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 24 1 A. K. Campbell emigrated from the state of Ohio to Newton about the year 1855. Previous to coming to Iowa he studied law with his father in the state of Oliio. He was admitted to the bar in Jasper county in 1868, and formed a partnership with Judge O. C. Howe; the partnership continued until Judge Howe was appointed one of the resident law professors in the State University, which occurred in 1876. Mr. Campbell continued the practice of his profession until he removed from Newton to Des Moines, in 1887, where he now resides. W. E. Evans studied law in the office of Hon. J. C. Cook in Newton, and was admitted to the bar about the year 1876. He engaged in the prac- tice in Newton for three or four years, and then removed to the state of Kansas, where he now resides and is still engaged in the practice of law. Clark Varnum was admitted to the bar in Poweshiek county about 1873, and engaged in the practice of law at Malcom, Iowa, until 1885, when he removed to Newton and formed a partnership with Hon. H. S. Winslow, which partnership continued until Mr. Varnum removed to Chicago, which occurred about the year 1893. Mr. Varnum still resides in Chicago and is engaged in the practice of his profession. A. F. Brown was raised on a farm in Jasper county, studied law and w as admitted to the bar in June, 1882. and immediately thereafter formed a partnership with J. H. Fugard, which partnership was dissolved in Sep- tember, 1901. Afterward Mr. Brown continued the practice of his pro- fession as a lawyer in Newton until September, 1907, when he removed to the city of Des ]\Ioines where he is now general attorney for the Corn Belt Land & Loan Company. R. F. Graham engaged in the ])ractice of law in Newton for a number of years, being admitted to the bar about the year 1898, and followed the practice of law in Newton until about 1903. He then removed to W'hittier, California, where he is now engaged in the law- business. D. O. Stuart practiced law in Monroe. Iowa, for about six years, then, in 1878, removed to Harlan. Iowa, where he is still engaged in the practice of his profession. A. I. Craven was admitted to the bar in 1882. and practiced law in New- ton for about four years, and then removed to Helena, Montana. While there he became a member of the Legislature, and also a member of the constitutional convention which framed the constitution of the state. He is now located in Bellingham. Washington, and is there engaged in the prac- tice of law. (16) 242 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. James A. Kerr was admitted to the l)ar in about the year 1882 and immediately commenced the practice of his profession in N^ewton. He con- tinned in the practice with success until 1890, when he removed to Seattle, Washington, where he is now engaged in the practice of law. Previous to his leaving Newton he was in partnership with \V. O. McElroy for about four years. Mr. Kerr was a tprceful speaker and advocate, and has achieved great success in his new field where he now resides. A. AI. Harrah came to Jasper county with his parents about the year 1855, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1875, and commenced the practice of his profession in Newton which he continued with success until 1907. when he removed to Pasadena. Qlilifornia. where he is still engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1886. Mr. Harrah was elected county attorney and served in that capacity for a period of two years. Mr. Harrah A\as an able lawyer. John G. Harrah, son of A. M-. Harrah, was admitted to the bar in 1905, and commenced the practice of law in Newton and continued until 191 1, when he removed to Pasadena, California, where he now resides. Preston Chambers was born in the state of Indiana and emigrated to Iowa in 1855, settling near Galesburg. Iowa. He was admitted to the bar in 1877, and practiced law until June 19, 1907, when he died near Gales- burg. at the age of eighty-three years. Hon. W. H. Redman was born in Geneseo. Illinois. March 15, 1840. He lived and worked on a farm during the early years of his life. He served as private in Company C. Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, during the Civil war, and was advanced to the position of captain of his company. He was in several battles during the war. After the war, he came to Poweshiek county and located on a farm. He entered the law department of the State University from which he graduated in December, 1869. The following year he commenced the practice of law in Montezuma. Mr. Redman served in the twentv-first and twenty-second General Assemblies of Iowa, being made speaker of the House in the last named session. In 1898 he was ap- pointed assistant attorney general, whicli office he held until A])ril t, 1899. In 1900 he located in Newton, Iowa, and continued the practice of law until his death, which occurred about December. 1901. H. L, Stem came to Jasper county with his parents in 1855 '^"^^l settled on a farm near Monroe. Mr. Stem worked on the farm until he was admitted to the bar in 1871. and engaged in the practice of law in Monroe. Iowa, for a period of six vears, after which he removed to the state of Nebraska. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 243 E. M. Ives practiced law at Lynnville for a number of. years. From thence he removed to Kellogg. Iowa, and resumed the practice of his pro- fession at that place until 1907, when he removed to the state of Indiana. L. J. Labour practiced law in Colfax for a number of years, and about the year 1880 removed to the city of Des Moines. J. A. Metcalf came to Xewton about the year 1888 and i)racticed law' in Xewton until 1895, when he removed to Sac City, Sac county, Iowa, where he is now engaged in his chosen profession. Fred Oilman came to Newton from the northeastern part of Iowa about the year 1882, and practiced law in Xewton until about the year 1887. When he was appointed professor in the law department of the State University of Iowa, he removed to Iowa City. S. I, Miskimmons commenced the practice of law at Baxter, in Jasper county, in 1899 and continued in the practice at that place until the time of his death, April 15, 1904. S. Kent commenced the practice of law in Xewton about the year 1873, and remained in Xewton until about 1878, when he removed to the state of Xebraska, where he now lives. Bryant E. Corwin was ]x)rn in Morrow county, Ohio. October 21. 1850. attended the common schools of that county until 1872, when he came to Monroe. Iowa. He had previously studied law in the office of Judge Dickey at Mt. Gilead. He was admitted to the bar in Jasper county Xovem- ber 10, 1876. Previous to that time he had l)een principal for four years of the Monroe schools. He practiced law in Monroe with success until the time of his death, which occurred October 30, 1893. W. H. Williams practiced law in the town of Monroe from 1877 to 1879. He then moxed to the state of Kansas where he now resides. Joseph Arnold was born at Richmond. Indiana, April i. 1832. In 1843 li^ came with his parents to Lynnville. Iowa, and aided iiis parents in operating a grist mill at said place, and also in conducting a farm. In 1864 ^[r. Arnold was ordained a minister of the gospel in the Friends church and preached more or less. Alnnit the year 1873 he commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in Jasper county in 1877 and con- tinued the practice of law in Lynnville with success until the time of his death. Avhich occurred September 7. 1904. in the seventy-third year of his age. John C. Meredith was reared on a farm near Lynnville and about the vear 1880 was admitted to the bar and entered in the practice of law at Lynn- ville. which he carried on with success until about the year 1883. when he removed to Angus. Iowa. 244 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. James B. Nay lor, a resident of Lynnville, was admitted to the bar in 1874, and continued the practice of law at that place until about 1880, when he removed to Simeron, Kansas, where he is still engaged in the law business. C. A. Tracy practiced law in Monroe for about two years, commencing in 1890. He then removed to the state of Nebraska. R. A. Sankey, a native of Pennsylvania, came to Newton in 1866 and commenced the practice of law with success. He afterwards formed a partnership with AI. Howard, which continued for about two or three years. Afterwards he formed a partnership with S. C. Cook, which was dissolved in about two years thereafter. In 1882 Mr. Sankey went to Wichita, Kansas, where he engaged in the practice of his profession until the time of his death, which occurred in March, 1909. He was about sixty-two years of age at the time of his death. M. Howard came to Newton about the year 1870 and commenced the practice of law in partnership with R. A. Sankey, and after the dissolution of the partnership, which continued about three years, Mr. Howard removed to the city of Chicago where he now resides. Hon. Robert Ryan was born in Washington county, New York, and emigrated to Jasper county with his parents in 1857, and settled on a farm two miles south of Prairie City. He was educated in the common schools of New York and Iowa, and at the Central University at Pella. During the war he served as a member of the Eighth Iowa Infantry and upon his re- turn home finished his education and studied law, attending the law depart- ment of the Iowa State University. In about the year 1868 he commenced the practice of law in Newton, forming a partnership with G. R. Shays, which continued until the death of Mr. Shays. He then formed a partner- ship with his brother, David Ryan, which continued until his removal to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he resumed the practice of law. In a short time after removing to Lincoln, he was elected a member of the supreme court of that state, on which he serxed with alMJity for a term of six years. Af- terwards he resumed the practice of law, and in about the year 1900 he came to Des Moines, Iowa, and formed a partnership with his brother, David Ryan, and J. B. Ryan and W. L. Ryan, sons of David Ryan. Hon. Robert Ryan is now actively engaged in the practice of law in Des Moines. Evert M. Allen was born in Jasper county, and lived with his parents on a farm near Colfax. He attended the State University at Iowa City, and graduated from the law department thereof in 1897, after which he engaged in the practice of law in Colfax until about 1906. when he removed JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 245 to Spokane, state of Washington, where he is still engaged in the practice of his profession. E. H. Hurd came to Newton about the year 1900 and engaged in the practice of law until about 1906, when he removed to the state of Nebraska. Clifford V. Cox was born in Jasper county, February 14. 1880. He received his education in the common schools of the county and then entered the State University in 1897. from which he graduated from the law de- partment in June. 1903. and was admitted to the bar. He commenced the practice of his profession in Newton, forming a partnership with W. O. McElroy, under the firm name and style of McElroy & Cox, which partner- ship continued until 1909, when Mr. Cox removed to the city of Des Moines and formed a partnership with Mr. Bannister, where he is actively engaged in the practice. J. A. Mattern came to Colfax about the year 1878. He was admitted to the bar about that time and commenced the practice of law, which he con- tinued until about 1898. when he was elected clerk of the district court of Jasper county, which position he occupied until 1906. He then removed from Jasper county to Creston, Iowa, where he now resides. George F. Rinehart practiced law in Newton for about two years, then engaged in publishing a newspaper in Des ]\Ioines. From there he re- moved to the state of Oklahoma, where he is now successfully engaged in editing a newspaper. Jonathan N. Edgar was admitted to the bar at Newton in 1855. A short time thereafter he was elected county attorney and served in that capacity for about two years, when he removed to Oskaloosa, Iowa. William B. Sloan was admitted to the bar at Newton, September 8, 1854, and practiced law in Newton for about four years. He then re- moved to the state of Ohio and resumed the practice of his profession. B. F. Parmenter came to Newton in the fall of 1855 and commenced the practice of law. In the summer of 1856 he, in company with Judge O. C. Howe, went to Spirit Lake, where Mr. Parmenter remained until the time of his death. Charles Smentzer came to Newton in 1855 and commenced the practice of law. In 1857 he removed to Ft. Dodge, Iowa, where he resumed the practice of his profession and occupied many positions of trust at his new home. Hon. John C. Pollock, a native of Belmont county. Ohio, came to New- ton after the Civil war and studied law in the office of Hon. H. S. Winslow. He was admitted to the bar in Jasper county, and from there he moved to 246 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Montezuma, Poweshiek county, and remained there in the practice of his profession for about three years. He then removed to the state of Missouri and still continued the practice of law. From Missouri he went to Kansas where he gained distinction as a trial lawyer and was elected as district judge of that state, and while serving in that capacity was appointed judge of the United States district court for the state of Kansas, which position he now occupies. Hon. George E. Spencer was admitted to the bar in Newton April 16, 1856, and thereafter engaged in the practice of law in Newton with success. In 1858 he served as secretary of the state Senate of Iowa. Thereafter, in 1859. he removed to the northwestern part of the state in Cla\- county and took up a government claim and thereon laid out a town, giving it his own name, which is now the county seat of Clay county. He was the first set- tler in Clay county. During the Civil war he was colonel of a regiment of loyal Alabamians and served with distinction until the close of the war. After- wards, he settled in the state of Alabama, and was elected from that state to the United States Senate for a term of six years. Hon. James B. Weaver was born in Dayton. Ohio, June 12, 1833. He was educated in the common schools of Iowa. He commenced the study of law in the ofifice of S. G. McAchran. at Bloomfield, Iowa, in 1854. After- wards he attended the law school of Cincinnati College and graduated in 1855. Rutherford B. Hayes, afterwards President of the United States, was one of the board of examiners of said school. Afterwards General Weaver came to Bloomfield and engaged in the practice of his profession until the spring ofi86i. when he entered the Union army as a private soldier and was elected first lieutenant of Company G, Second Iowa InfantiT. Afterwards was promoted to the rank of major of his regiment and then to colonel and after\\ards was l)re\'eted Ijrigadier-general by President Lincoln. General Weaver was engaged in many hard-fought battles along with his regiment. At the close of the war he returned to Bloomfield and again en- tered upon the practice of law and in 1866 was elected district attorney of the second judicial district, ^^•hich was composed of seven counties, in which capacity he served for a term of four years. He was afterwards appointed United States assessor of internal revenue. Afterwards he entered the gen- eral practice and took an active part in politics. In 1878 he was elected to Congress from the sixth Iowa district and in 1886 was again elected to Con- gress. In 1880 he was nominated by the national Greenback party for Presi- dent of the United States and polled over three hundred thousand votes. In 1892 he was nominated for President of the United States by the Populist JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 247 party and polled over one million votes, and received twenty-two electoral votes, (ieneral Weaver was a resident of Colfax, in jasper countv. for the past fifteen years and, while not in the active practice of the law, was engaged in literary work. General Weaver had a keen sense of justice and right and espoused the cause of the weak and oppressed and therefore was highly respected and esteemed l)v ever}- person with whom he came in c«jn- tact. He died on February 6, 1912. THE PRESENT BAR. The following are the present members of the Jasper county bar: A. A. Arnold, George T. Anderson, A. H. Brous, J. W. Burke, M. J. Carey, W. G. Clements, F. H. Clements, W. R. Cooper, P. H. Cragan, C. E. Cragan, J. E. Cross, Tim J. Campbell, C. O. Edge, J. H. Fugard, A, R. Gorrell, A. C. Gates, M. R. Hammer, Jr., J. C. Hawkins, P. H. Healy, P. E. Johannsen, F. L. Kennedy, L. S. Kennington, H. C. Horf, Jacob Kipp, George C. Kipp, J. Koder, L. E. Hall, A. K. Lufkin, E. P. Malmberg, W. O. McElroy, C. O. McLain, E. M. S. McLaughlin, O. C. Meredith, Ross R. Mowry, V. H. Mor- gan, H. L. Morgan, G. L. Morgan, O. P. Myers, E. C. Ogg. M. E. Penquite, J. B. Ryan, E. J. Salmon, Henry Silwold, F. W. Swearingen, G. M. Tripp, D. M. Tripp, L. A. Wells. CHAPTER XVL THE MEDICAL PROFESSION AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. From the earliest history- of mankind, in all countries, civilized and un- civilized, the medical man has always been held in high esteem by those in need of his services. Whether it be the learned professor, who has had the advantages of many colleges and thoroughly understands the latest discov- eries in his science, or the "great medicine man'' of the semi-civilized and half-tutored savage, who from actual experience has made discoveries of the healing properties of various roots and herbs, honor awaits him on almost every hand, while the life and death of a human being is virtually placed in his keeping. The weary patient, streached out on his bed of pain, and the no less w^orthy watcher by his side, wait anxiously for the coming of the "good doctor,'' and, on his arrival, note his every movement. In health and strength we often speak lightly of the medical profession, but when the face is flushed with fever and the frame is full of pain and disorder, then it is that the doctor is most appreciated, for we know^ full w'ell that nature can best be aided by medicines administered by one who has made materia medica his life study. The early physicians in Jasper and adjoining counties were men of stand- ing and endured great hardships, as they faced the storms of an Iowa winter or the burning suns of summer, traveling on foot and on horseback, many times over roads almost impassable, with bridgeless streams, by day and by night. The "saddle-bag doctor" was here in evidence and the trained nurse was wanting, but was quite well substituted by the dear old grandmothers who seemed to have brought down from their homes in the eastern country many simple remedies and knew just how to care for the sick member of the family until the case needed a physician. The early day doctors practiced for money, same as today, but then, as now, the honorable physician did not turn a poor person away without treat- ment, but administered the best he could and trusted to luck to be repaid. This trait has caused many a doctor to have thousands of dollars charged on his books which might as well never have been entered, for when the patient has been healed he too frequently forgets his family physician and pays others less worthy. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 249 The science of medicine has materially advanced in the last fifty years and surgery has within twenty-five years made wonderful strides. What once seemed impossible to perfonn. is today counted but the work of a few minutes and a great operation is performed and life saved thereby. New countries always have their own peculiar diseases and Jasper county had her full share of pioneer ailments to be cared for by the early physicians, who were not al- ways of the brightest, highest type of medical men, but they carried out what they believed to be the best for those whom they treated. The later physi- cians were of a better educated type and met with good success — especiallv is this true of those who cam€ to Jasper county after the close of the Civil war. That conflict was of itself a great surgeon maker and the result of the ex- perience is still felt in the hospitals and general practice of today, from ocean to ocean. Early in the eighties the state laws were so changed that a "quack" was prohibited from practicing medicine, and this rule of law has made higher and better the standard of doctors throughout the commonwealth. The bitter fights between "old school" and other medical schools, including homeo- pathic, osteopathic, and even Christian Science treatment, has about been abandoned : the rank and file of physicians now see some good in the eclectic school as well as in the "regular." and if patients care to take treatment with any new school the reputable doctor is not offended, and indeed if he himself thinks anything is to be gained by using some of the remedies of other schools he feels at liberty to do so, and calls it perfectly professional. Tn short, the men engaged in the practice of medicine have been trained at in- stitutions of learning controlled by broad-gauged men. who see some good in all rational methods and have come to seek a cure, rather than carr}' into practice a pet theory of any school of medicine. PHYSICIANS OF JASPER COUNTY. (By Dr. Perry E3ngle.) The first physician in this count\' to estal>lish a medical practice was Dr. Henry Rodgers. who came from Pendleton, Indiana, and settled in Newton in 1847. He was the father of John F. Rodgers. of Newton, and an uncle of T. M. Rodgers, of the Neivton Record. Once while riding through the woods he was chased by a wild cat that tried to jump on his horse. He had a verv severe spell of sickness and was just convalescent when some of his patients near Grinnell came after him to see someone very sick: no buggies were in the countv then and the Doctor was unable to ride a horse, so a bed 250 JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. was rigged up in a wagon in which the devoted Doctor made his trip. He came home, took a relapse and died at the age of thirty-seven years. He saved his patient. He died that others might Hve. When the anxious John in- quired from the seaside prison, "Art thou He that shall come?" Christ sent replv: "The lame walk, the blind see." Is not the saving of the lives of others divine? Doctor Rodgers was buried in the Newton cemetery in 1855. William Patton was born in Warren county, Ohio, in 1818; graduated in medicine in Cincinnati, Ohio. He practiced medicine in Rock Creek town- ship. Jasper county, from 1855 to 1862, when he died from cerebro spinal meningitis, contracted while attending patients in Grinnell afflicted with that fatal malady. He was the father of I. L. Patton, ex-sheriff of Jasper county. He died May 6, 1862, in Rock Creek township. Andrew Patton was born in Warren county, Ohio, in 1808, and practiced in Newton three years before enlisting in the army; he was a surgeon in a colored regiment. His residence was where the Methodist parsonage now stands; he left Newton in 1865 for Nevada, Iowa, where he died in 1888. M. W. Richey practiced at Colfax, but for many years has been located in LeMars, Plymouth county, Iowa, where he has built up a large practice. N. W. Gearhart, another Colfax doctor, is now in Pierre, South Dakota. Lindley S. Blackledge, who was in Newton in 1883, is now in Orosi, California. A. T. Ault came to Newton in 1855, and later was elected county treas- urer, served in the Union army as captain in Company C, of an Iowa regi- ment. After the war he moved to Missouri, where he died. Drs. Neeley and A. L. Gray were active practitioners in Newton in 1854. B. M. Failor was born February 21, 1831, in Bucyrus, Ohio. In 1853 he married Sarah Picking. To them one child was born, Anna, now Mrs. Grandstaff, of Burlington, Iowa. He was a surgeon of the Nineteenth Regi- ment Ohio Volunteers and had a horse shot from under him at the battle of Stone River. He located in Newton in 1865. He was secretary of the Jasper County Medical Society for twenty years. He had charge of a field coi*ps hospital in Mississippi. Garrett Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's Relief Corps and the Jasper Society attended his funeral. In his professional business he was generous to a fault, never refusing a call on the score of pov- erty. He was, while returning from a sick call, waylaid and robbed. He died September 12, 1901. James M. Brown was born in Newton and was a son of Rev. T. F. Brown; was one of the editors of the lozva National; was a man of ability and a successful practitioner. He is now practicing in western Nebraska, having left Newton in 1878. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 25 I A. H. Buchanan died in Baxter, Iowa, April 3. 191 1. He was horn at sea January i. 1830. For three years he Hved at Delma. Alabama. At the age of three years he came with his parents to Richland county, Ohio, and lived on a farm near Hayesville. After preparatory study he was graduated from Jefferson Aledical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He practiced medicine in Bellville, Ohio, for twenty-five years. In 1862 he married Irene Wade, who died in 1876. To them two children were born, one of whom died in infancy, the other being Astella V. Hunter. In 1876 he came to Xewton, Iowa, where he lived two years, then moved to I)axter, Iowa. July 9th he married Isal^elle Donaldson, and to this marriage one child was 1x)rn. His wife and two daughters survive him. His life was a success, and he left the world the better for his having lived in it. Eugene Augustus Goodwin was born April 10, 1 831, at Hallowell, Maine, He spent much time teaching. He graduated from the U^iiversity of Michi- gan in 1871. and from there he entered the Long Island Medical College, from which he also graduated. He first practiced medicine in New Jersey, from where he moved to Newton, Iowa, in 1873. He practiced two years, then located in Baxter, this county, and finally engaged in farming. June 14, 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Ninety-ninth New York Volunteers; he was a valiant soldier of the Potomac and witnessed the memorable battle between the "Merrimac" and "Monitor." He was discharged July 2, 1864; died October 18, 1910, and was buried at Baxter. John S. Hunter came from Carrollton, Ohio, to Newton, Iowa, in 1857. at which time his competitors were Drs. Ault, Neeley, Rodgers, Hammer. Dinwiddle, Gray and others. The Doctor was the father of five children. Dr. Henry E. Hunter being one of them. He was a successful practitioner for years, and died and was buried in Newton. Henry E. Hunter was born in Carrolltown, Ohio, September 18, 1830. He came to Newton in 1854. He returned to his old home and was married to Sarah A. Wilson February 27, 1855. To this union two children were bom, George M. Hunter, and Carrie Hunter, who married C. E. Stubbs: she died in confinement in Chicago in 1885. Doctor Hunter first kept house in a frame building standing where the "Churchill" now stands. He was sent by the people of this county to care for our soldiers at \^icksburg. Mississippi. He came in a stage from Davenport, Iowa, to Newton and began practice with Dr. A. T. Ault, and at the time of his death he was the oldest practicing physician in the county. In medical ethics. Doctor Hunter was the soul of honor, brave, manly and just; his religious environment was the strictest cut of Presbyter- ianism, but at his death he was a liberal, a seeker of truth, and an example of 252 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. equity. He died of brain trouble June 20, 1902; his pall bearers were Dr. S. Druett. of Anamosa. Perry Engle, L. E. S, Turner, C. Boyd. E. F. Besser, C. C. Smead and J. T. Hendershot. William Bailey was born in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, on the 14th of r^larch, 1819, and died in Newton, Iowa, on the 25th of July, 1907, aged eighty-eight years. He was a son of Rev. William Bailey, who was one of John Wesley's preachers, \\hen a lad of ten years of age he came with his father to America and settled in New York state, and later moved to Ohio, where he grew to manhood. He earned his money for an education and grad- uated from the Lake Erie LTniversity in Columbus, as Doctor of Medicine at the age of twenty-three years. He practiced medicine for twenty-five years in Ohio and two years in Newton, Iowa. When he left his parental home to fight life's battles, he had but two dollars, one of which he gave to his loving mother, the other dollar was his only cash capital, which, with his honesty, energy and industry, made him rich. He bought a horse on credit; the horse died and he was compelled to make his rounds to visit his patients on foot. His patients many of them were poor and his practice large. His big generous heart took in his patients as well as his mother. He gave thousands of dollars in services and medicines gladly to the poor and unfortunate. In giving his life for others, the kind hearted Doctor often suffered from want and hunger. He instructed his family to never turn a tramp away hungry. His sympathies took in animals and birds as well as humanity. He was engaged in general merchandise in Newton for two years and then owned and successfully man- aged a large farm near Baxter. He was twice married and had seven children born. In 1893 he and his faithful daughter. Margaret, made their home in Newton. He was a charter member of the Masonic lodge of Baxter. I. A. Hammer was born in Tennessee, and came to Newton in 1864. He was a man of marked ability and seiwed as mayor of Newton two terms. In 1872 he moved to Des Moines and was elected city clerk. In 1892 he moved to Chicago, where he practiced medicine until his death, that occurred January I, 1900. He was a Methodist preacher, as well as a doctor, and he could marry a couple, officiate at the birth, and preach the funeral sermon, and do all the work well. He was an uncle of Dr. Marion Hammer. James Cooper was raised in Jasper county, read medicine with Perry Engle, and is now a prominent practitioner in Rockwell City, Iowa. J. Ridhout located in Jasper county in the early fifties, practiced a few years in Newton and for many years near Baxter. He died in Newton when nearly ninety years of age. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 253 Max Miller read medicine with J. R. Gorrell and is now in Newton. Kan- sas. George Clark was J- R- Gorrell's student, also Charles Erichson, who located in Des Moines, where he died. A. B. Thornell was located in Newton in the sixties, but moved to Knox- ville, where he died. Drs. Wolf and Willey practiced in Newton about fiftv years ago. J. Lindley read medicine with J. R. Gorrell, located and died while a young man at Maringo, Iowa. The following is a miscellaneous list of doctors who have practiced in Jasper county, and who have removed to other lands or are dead. The pres- ent whereabouts are given when known to the writer : C. C. Graham, of Baxter, now located at Des Moines, traveling salesman for antitoxin. H. C. Potter, formerly of Prairie City, is now located in Des Moines. J. W. Beck, of Kellogg, moved to Des Moines, where he served several terms as coroner, and where he died. S. F. Miller, once located at Colfax, Prairie City and Baxter, died at Baxter. H. C. Eschbaugh was located in Monroe and moved to Albia, where he has a lucrative practice. J. L. Pifer left Newton for Chicago. W. R. Trotter, once of Newton, is now in Des Moines. J. T. Robbins left Newton in 1897 for Des Moines, where he is still located. A. C. Simonton was in partnership with Henry E. Hunter, but is now located in the far West. C. J. Lukins read medicine w'ith Perry Engle. moved to Oskaloosa, and from there to Oklahoma. J. T. Hendershot practiced in Monroe, where he died of phthisis. H. C. Finch left Lynnville and is now in Oklahoma. E. H. Robb, of Newton, is now in Meenah, Wisconsin. D. W. Smouse left ^Monroe for Des ]Moines. Theodore Engle left Newton for State Center, where he is running a large sanitarium. J. C. McNutt left Reasoner and his residence is unknown. W. W. Goodrich, once in Ira. this county, is now on the Pacific coast, engaged in other business. 254 JASPKR COL'XTV, IOWA. A. Moxley. of Kellogg, removed to parts unknown. W. H. E. Booth, of Newton, is now practicing in Lebanon, Oregon. E. M. French died in Newton. A. W. Adair, who practiced in Kellogg for more than forty years, moved to Des Moines, where he died. E. H. Mershon practiced in Newton and vicinity for forty years and died in Newton. J. R. Smith was a successful practitioner of Kellogg, where he died. J. B. Coor, of Monroe, removed and residence is not known. E. M. Holland, of Colfax, died in that city. E. D. Allen, of JNIonroe. died there. J. R. Ryan, of Colfax, served humanity there more than forty years and moved to Des Moines, where he followed his profession ten years and died of cancer of the stomach. George Franzee. of Greencastle, this county, moved to Shelby county, where he died. J. G. Bidwell and \\'. T. Geary, of Prairie City, removed to parts un- known to the writer. Joseph Cowgill read medicine with Perry Engle and practiced medicine in Newton and is now located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Bailev Thomas was a son of Prof. Thomas, founder of Hazel Dell Academy. Newton, and read medicine with Perry Engle, and is now a leading physician at Carthage, Missouri. Frank Hunter also read with Perry Engle. located and died at Newton. Howard Gray left Newton, and is now located in Des IMoines. E. E. Lusk left Newton, but his residence is unknown. O. N. Jones left Colfax and. we believe, is decea.sed. J. W. Martain. of Colfax, left, but we know not of his residence. Harlan Wells was as.sociated with ]. R. Gorrell for a year and then moved to Wisconsin. John Thomas Hendershot was Iwrn in Greene county, Pennsylvania, December 2, 1842; he died in Monroe. April 5, 1903. of consumption. He came to Monroe from Otley in 1883; in 1877 he married Lucy A. Dunn, who. with one son. survives him. W. F. Stouder was born in Ohio July 12, 1850; came to Newton from Des jNToines and died November 9, 1908. He was the Socialist candidate for Congress from Des Moines, and polled a large vote. T'Vank Carpenter has moved from Sully to Pella. Towa, recently. JASPER COUXTV. IOWA. 25 ^ PRESENT PRACTICIXG PHYSICIANS. At Newton— J. R. Gorrell, Perry Engle. Harry P. Engle. E. F. Besser, Charles E. Boyd. M. R. Hammer. C. C. Smead. H. Y. Bvers. T. C. Hill, L. O. Rodgers. \L R. Harding. H. F. Landis. At Colfax — A. B. S. Turner, L. E. C. Turner, Florence lirown Sherbon. John Bayard Sherl)on. F. E. Boyd. J. C. Corselius, William W. Hawk. Nunia T. ^^'eston. Royal Anspach. Frank AW Stewart. At Lynnville — C. E. Quire. Austin R. Quire. At Baxter— Paul Keoper, C. C. Graham. Herl)ert W. Canfield. At Prairie City — J. F. Harp. AW D. McCannaughey, J. X. Porter. W. B. Chase. At Monroe — W. H. Shaw. J. L. Taylor. G. W. Loar. C. J. Aplin. James A. Shrader. G. L. Smith. J. L. Taylor. Daniel W. Wheelwright. At Sully— O. O. Carpenter, j. C. Smith. At Mingo — DL C. Gamer. At Kellogg— B. Eiesman. J. F. Hackett. Dr. Woods. At Vandalia — A. M. Xorris. At Reasoner — Frank Carpenter COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETIES. Jasper covmty's first medical society was organized in May. 1858. Doctor Hunter was elected chairman and Doctor Hunter. Jr.. secretary. Drs. Harris and Gray were selected to frame a constitution and by-laws. Drs. Dinwiddie and Hunter. Jr.. were to draw up a fee bill. The society com- pleted its organization May 24. 1858, and it had five members. Dr. E. H. Mershon was called the ''odd man." This society was short-lived, and Jasper county had no medical society until June. 1874. when another was organized with the following officers: J. W. Shooley. of Monroe, president: J. W. Adams, of Prairie City, vice-president: B. M. Failor. of Xewton, secretary; J. R. Gorrell. of X'^ewton. as treasurer: H. E. Hunter, of X>wton. I. A. Hammer, of Colfax. W. H. Shaw, of Monroe, censors. The present society is composed of twenty-five members and the follow- ing are its officers: Harry Perry Engle. president; L. E. C. Turner, vice- president: Frank E. Boyd, secretary: Perr>' Engle. C. C. Boyd and John Sherbon. censors. CHAPTER XVII. BANKS AND BANKING OF THE COUNTY. Banking, while not the first business demanded in any given community, is, after the settlement has advanced a few years, a very important adjunct to civilization and commerce. The pioneer had but little if indeed any money to deposit, and he had. as a general rule, but little property to put up as se- curity for money should he want to borrow, hence the bankers did not appear on the scenes of pioneer life very early, and then only in a very small way did they profess to carry on banking business, as it is now understood. Today, the farmer is as much of a bank depositor and is engaged in large trans- actions in stock and realty, by which he needs the assistance of a bank, fully as much as the business men of city and town. The citizens of Jasper county, who came in early and remained here, or their children and grandchildren who came after them, have, by reason of decades of hard work in tilling the fertile soil, and by the advance in land values, become wealthy and prosperous. They ride in carriages and automobiles ; they use the modern phone and rural mail service and have to do with the great busy world about them to a large degree, hence they have come to need the banker. Once the bank only loaned short time loans to the farmer, to tide him over a pinched period, till he could thresh or sell his stock, but now the farmer has a plenty and to spare, hence deposits, loans to others and takes certificates of deix)sits, running six and twelve months in many cases. PROSPEROUS TIMES OF THE FIFTIES. From 1852 on for a number of years— until the crash of 1857 — the West was in a prosperous condition, financially, at least for those days in the history of our country. Immigrants by the tens of thousands had found their way across the ^Mississippi river, in quest of new homes on the rich prairies of Iowa. Times were flourishing in the Eastern states, and many well-to-do farmers there, having tired of stony, stumpy fields, sold, and with the cash received, ventured out into this section of the West. Usually they had sold their farms in the East for one-third down, and agreed to wait for the other two-thirds a term of years. Country towns Indian agent Reach of Fort Des Moines, who notified the Indians that un- in Indiana and Illinois reaped a liar\est from the lengthy trains of teams JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 257 Avith covered wagons, known as "prairie schooners." which crossed the great river over into the land "beautiful." of which they had heard so much. No sooner had these pioneers made a selection of land and erected a claim cabin on the same, than it was up to them to purchase machinery, cattle, swine and horses with which to stock and improve their newly bought places. This took much mone>-. Grain had to come from the farmer al- ready in advance of him; plows with which to turn over the virgin soil had to come from the maker and dealer in such implements; lumber had to be sawed from native forests, and this cost money. But fortunately, many received money on deferred payments on farms once owned in some one of older Eastern states, v^^hich came due and followed on here to Jasper county in 1855 and 1856, hence everybody seemed for the time to be "well off." As is ever the case when money is plenty, speculation goes ranijjant and men get in the habit of indulging in luxuries not thought of in more stringent times. It was then towns were laid out and schools and colleges founded. But with these times came the higher rate of interest, and finally it was no uncommon thing to ask and receive twenty-five per cent, per an- num for the use of cash with which to go into some wild-cat scheme — a paper townsite, a milling project or a college. But really, the more fortu- nate of all was the stout man whose good, paid-for team would bring hmi in three dollars a day at breaking prairie, or hauling freight from the market places. Again, another would pay for a threshing machine in one year's threshing season and be ready for the next year all out of debt. But ten years later, the man who owned a machine was the most unfortunate man man in the county, for sometimes they lost their all l)y purchasing a high- priced machine and then trying to thresh in a season when grain did not yield. So gav and glorious did things look to the newcomer that he went wild over speculation. Frequently, he could make a hundred per cent, in one week on a single transaction, such as buying a corner town lot and selling it before Saturday night came around at twice what he had given. Labor did not make the first fortunes in Iowa and Jasper county, but specu- lation was at the back of those early-day fortunes. SPECIE PAYMENT IN THE COUNTY. The first specie payment in Jasper county was unquestionably in the autumn of 1844. when forty thousand dollars was sent in silver coin to less thev called for it immediately he would ha\e to send it back, as he feared robberv. He meant to send this money due the tribe back to Agency (17) 258 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. City. The untutored savages looked as earnestly for pay day as does the workman of today for his pay day to come. They frequently held a council for a month before time to be able to not make any errors or to give any chance for the money to be sent back to Washington. In one instance a forty-thousand-dollar lot of money was guarded day and night at the cabin home of the first settler, Adam Tool, who, it will be remembered, kept a sort of an inn at Tool's Point, near ]\Ionroe of today. The si)ecie arrived at the forks of the river, but the Indians, as usual, were not yet ready to receive it. as they had gotten into a dispute over whether it should be paid to the heads of the families, to the chiefs or to the traders from whom goods had l>een purchased. After a da}- or two parleying about the mat- ter, Beach was as good as his word and started the silver back to Agency City, and again stopped over night at Tool's tavern. The Indians feared they might miss the cash entirely if they did not quickly decide, so they notified Beach to have the money turned over to the trader at once, who took out what was coming to him and allowed the balance to be retained by the Indians, so that in all this mix up. the forty thousand dollars laid several nights at Tool's place. This was probably the first large amount of money kept at any one place within Jasper county, either for public or pri^•ate use. THE PANIC OF 1 857. Nearly every one is familiar with the facts, in general, about the great crash of 1857, which almost wrecked the entire country financially. But perhaps not all know of some of the local happenings in this county, in common with other points in Iowa. It was in the month of August, 1857. when the Ohio Life and Trust Company, a corporation doing business as bankers and life insurance ac- tivities, produced a panic on Wall street. New York City. A score of banks suspended payment, and a couple of weeks later bank failures became com- mon from Maine to the South and West. So inflated had been the financial condition of the countiy that speculators had been allowed to check on banks and give security only on lands yet undiscovered beyond the waters of the Missouri river, in what is now Nebraska and Kansas. When this crash came, gold and silver (as is ever the case) hid itself away, and soon followed the choicest of bank bills of Massachusetts, New York and Ohio, leaving nothing but the "wild-cat" bills, "red dog" money, etc.. of the West- ern states whose banking systems had not l>een noted for their regularity JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 259 la payment at par. Then came the tumble of prices in land, town property. Jive stock and general merchandise. It is said that upon an average these commodities fell fully fifty per cent. The farmer could not, and did not, pay his taxes and in many cases lost his land, the same having been sold for taxes. The sheriff of Jasijer county was the biggest real estate dealer here. He had good, but unpleas- ant, deals on hand every day in the week and every month in those never- to-be-forgotten years, remembered best by the fathers and grandfathers of those now owning and occupying the lands of Jasper countv. Those were the harvest days for those who had kept their cash well in hand and had the money at the right time, to bid on tax titles. The limit of time for redemption was short then as compared with the three year limit of today. So bad was the case in Iowa, that the Legisla- ture had to step in and relieve actual settlers from execution, by extending the day of redemption on taxes unpaid by land owners. The granaries of Jasper county were indeed full to the overflowing. The fertile soil had kept on producing well and the amount of wheat, oats and corn in crib and granary was something wonderful to behold. Good horses stood in the stables and sheds, fat steers and hogs in their wonted places, but there was no cash to be seen or had "for love or high interest.'' as one pioneer put it. The storekeeper would take such commodities in exchange for his wares — at his own price, howe\er. For many weary, anxious months the transactions were all accomplished on this barter plan. Xotes were given for so many bushels of wheat or corn, or again for so many pounds of pork. When a farmer wanted a sled or wagon, new or repaired, he first had to consult the mechanic or dealer as to what sort of "truck" he ^\■ould take and how much he would allow for the same, for such and such articles, or work to l>e performed. Yes. indeed, Jasper county suffered immensely rluring the [)anic — more so than at any other time during its entire history. But little land in this county escaped the sale for taxation. During the ill-fated winter of 1837-8. it is related for a fact, that a load of wheat on the street in Xewton could not be exchanged for a pound of coffee. Muscatine and Keokuk (too far to be reached by many) were the only market points where this article could be exchanged for anything of much real value to the producer. This state of affairs kept on until the breaking out of the great civil conflict. 1861. It is true that during 1858-9 — the rush days to Pike's Peak — the farmers had a breathing spell while the long caravans of gold seekers were passing through this county en route to the far off west. They left some good money 26o JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. with tlie farmers for the proxisions they needed. Then came the Mormon exodus, which left a Httle more ready cash on which to tide this county over. As late as 1861 exchange on X^ew York in Xewton ruled at thirty per XKW ton's banks. The L. 1). Clark Banking House, of Xewton. was estal>lished in 1866, by L. D. Clark. It is a private banking concern with no specified capital. The owner is L. D. Clark and the officers are Jay Clark, manager, and D. L. Clark, cashier. Its building was erected in 1867. It stands well among the reliable banks of Jasper county. The Jasper County Savings Bank was organized in 1869, by Gen, James Wilson and Albert Lufkin with a capital of $20,000. It now has a paid up capital of $100,000, with officers as follows: J. JM. Woodrow, president; F. M. Woodrow, vice-president; A. E. Hindorff. cashier. The bank building was erected in 1892, in which the extensive business is carried on at this date. When first established this banking concern was known as the Jasper County Bank, but since Februar}- i, 1908, it has operated under a charter as a savings institution, under the same officers and management. This bank does a large business and has the full confidence of all within this section of the state. The management has always been conservative and at all times honorable in its transactions. The Citizens State Bank was organized in 1896, with a capital of $60,000, which is also its present capital. Jt was at first formed and known as the Farmers and Alerchants State Bank, but its name was changed to the Citizens State Bank in 1905. The first set of officers were as follows : F. R. \\'itnier. president ; O. H. \\'itmer, cashier. At this date its officers are: Joe Horn, president; Charles Seeberger, vice-president : Lee E. Brown, cashier. The February, 191 1, statement published for this banking house, shows the deposits to have been at that date, $305,334.38 : total liabilities, $377,543.46 ; undivided profits, $9,000. In the list of directors a])pear the names of Joe Horn, C. F. Morgan and F. A. ]\IcMurray. The Citizens Bank of X^ewton has for the last six or seven years publislied and distrilmted free to its i:)atrons or others desiring it a small eight-page, dduble-cohinm ])a])er containing nianv valuable and higlily interesting items concerning banking, as well as general literary items. It is a neat folder, printed in modern st}le and is looked JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 261 for with the return of each month 1)\- hnndreds of ])ersons who ha\e read it a number of \ears. The First National Bank of Xewton was organized in 1882 and was the first national hank chartered in jasper county. It first officers were V. T. Campbell, president ; C. Griebling. vice-president : C. Glenaker, cashier. The present officers are: W. C. Bergman, president: l\. B. Alfree and C. Slonaker, vice-presidents: R. L. Arnank, the first president was J. D. Whisenand, who is still at the head of the bank; the vice-presidents are B. F. Moore and J. G. Olmsted; cashier. Hugh (j. Little; the additional directors are J- H. Little, A. A. Arnold and E. A. Nye. ^Ir. Little has served as cashier since 1909. when he succeeded W. D. Scott, who had succeeded Fred L. Risser. The March. 191 1, statement makes a good showing for the bank, as is to be seen by the following items: Loans, $264,543; United States bonds (five per cent), $13,125; cash and due from banks, $49,532, as resources. The liabilities include: $25,000 capital stock; surplus and profits, $10,276; circulation, $12,500; deposits, $281,924. This gives a total of $329,701, liabilities and resources, including the real estate holdings. The Prairie City State Bank was organized December 2, 1889, with the same capital it now runs under, $25,000. The officers were: Dr. S. V. Duncan, president; John Ryan, vice-president; B. W. Brown, cashier. This banking house has always been conducted in a safe, conservative manner, hence has always had the good will and confidence of the community. Its officers in the spring of 191 1 are: T. E. Johns, president; A. G. Warner, vice-president; John Ryan, vice-president; John R. Buckley, cashier, and Estell Porter, assistant cashier. Its late statements show that the amount of deposits was $250,056, and its total liabilities were, on March 7, 191 i. $282,237. BANKING AT NEWBURG. Being within one of the richest portions of Jasper county, it is not to be wondered at that pioneer John Borroughs saw fit to organize the present Savings Bank of Newburg. in the month of October. 1908. Its first and present capital is Sio.ooo. Its first officers were John Borroughs (now deceased) ; P. Y. Fuller, vice-president, and A. K. Murphy, cashier. The brick bank building was erected as the home of the institution in October of the year in which the bank was organized. The present officers are : John Newcomer, president ; P. Y. Fuller, vice-president: A. K. Murphy, cashier. The stockholders were originally about fortv-two, manv of whom were fanners in the northeast part of this countv. The last statement shows deposits amounting to about $50,000. The bank has among items in its last statement, loans to the amount of 264 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. $45,000. The itistitution is in the hands of safe, conservative men, inckid- mg that excellent business man of many years" commercial training. A. K. Murphy, the efficient cashier. MIXGO BANKING INTERESTS. The Ming;!) Trust and Savings Bank was established in 1894 and incor- porated in 1904. Its founder and president was F. R. Witmer. who started with a capital of S3.000. The present officers are: F. R. Witmer, president: W. J- Gannon, vice-president : A. W. Frey. cashier. The ])resent capital is Si 5.000: deposits about $70,000: loans about $70,000. Ilie neat brick- bank building was constructed in 1905. BANKING AT LYNNVILLE. Macy Brothers Exchange Bank of Lynnville was established in 1891, by Macy Brothers (E. B. and C. O. Alacy), who started on a capital of $5,000. The present officers are : C. O. Macy. president : E. B. Macy. cashier: E. M. Carey, assistant cashier. The present capital is $10,000. with a surplus of $2,000. The bank building was erected in 1900. Prior to this banking house. Johnson Brothers operated a private bank at Lynn- ville a number of years. BANKING AT B.VXTER. What is now known as the State Savings Bank of Baxter was originally established and known as the City Bank of Baxter, the date of its establish- ment being 1894. George D. and Alexander Wood established the City Bank, were the president and vice-president respectively, and the cashier was R. L. Arnold. The State Savings Bank was formed and incorporated in 1902 and it then took over the business of the old City Bank and in 1906 it also took over the banking interests of the Farmers State Bank of Baxter. The present officers are: Fred Hager. president: 11. .\. Geise. vice- president : Charles Burdick, cashier. The capital is now $30,000. with a surplus and undi\ide(l profits of $12,000. The building was erected in 1895. At this date the directors are : Fred Hager, H. S. Downs, Charles Sanderman, A. C. Meyer. George T. Hager. TI. A. Geise. Henry Krampe. JASPER COrXTV. IOWA. 265 The showini^- made in the fall of k^io was. loans. $288,000. and (le])<)sit.s amounting to $3i7/)79. There were at that date about fifty stockholders. The People's State Bank was organized in 1906, by L. 1*:. l-'owk-r. with a capital of $15,000. A handsome bank building was erected the same year of the bank's organi/:ation. The present officers re: A. D. Berry, presi- dent: L. R. Fowler, cashier. The present capital is $15,000: surplus and profits. $2,400. This banking house, although new, is gaining a good repu- tation and a good grade of business. BANKING AT IRA. At the village of Tra. this county, the Farmers' Savings Bank was estab- lished in 1904 by the citizens of Tra and vicinity, with a capital of $10,000. Its first officers were: B. F. Baker, president: W. F. Rippey. vice-president: C. S. Weston, cashier. The officers in 191 i are: B. F. Baker, president: TIenrv Miller, vice-president: \\'. I. Price, cashier. Their recent statement shows loans amounting to $62,000: deposits $60,000: net earnings $800. KAXKINC, AT KF.IJ.OC.O. At the enterprising town of Kellogg, banking was first established bv J. B. Burton — a private banking house — in 1881. This continued to serve all demands in the community until 1900, when it became organized into a state bank under the name of the Burton & Company State Bank. Its present capital is $80,000. The present officers are: J. 1]. Burton, presi- dent; C. J- Irish, cashier: R. C. Burton, assistant cashier. In September, 1908, the whole scpiare upon which stood the bank was destroyed by a sweeping fire and the bank was destroyed. Then the same year (1908) the present bank was built. It is a fine structure on the main street. The last statement of this bank shows they had deposits amounting to $225,764.15, while its undivided profits, etc., amounted to $6,871.60. COLFAX P.AXKTXG. The Citizens State Bank of Colfax was established in iS(/). It was the successor to a private banking concern called the Citizens Bank. The present bank was established bv "M. B. W'heelock and S. d. Ruby, with a paid up 206 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, capital of $35,000, which, with the surphis funds, now amounts to $50,000. The first officers were: S. G. Ruby, president; W. M. Croft, vice-president; M. B. Wheelock, cashier. The present officials are: C. W. Crissman, presi- dent; S. B. Wheelock. vice-president; M. B. Wheelock, cashier. The present deposits amount to about $300,000, with loans amounting to $275,cxx). The bank has always had a good growth and is now in a flourishing condition. Suavity of manner on the part of the officers of this bank is a marked feature of their dealing with customers. After the failure of the Bank of Colfax (which is treated elsewhere in this chapter), w^hich closed its doors and passed into the hands of a recei\er appointed by the district court, the building in which that defunct institution had been kept was sold by the receiver at public auction, and purchased by P. E. Johannsen for about $13,000, and he at once established the People's Loan & Trust Company, .\bout the same date Des Moines capitalists came to Colfax and established the First National Bank and the two new concerns run for several years, after which they sold to the People's Loan & Trust Company, the two banks becoming one. This continued until the Johannsen interests were sold to the present owners of the First National Bank. In 1904 R. A. Craw-ford and W. W. Lyons, of Des Moines, established the First National Bank. The first officers were W. \V. Lyons, president ; E. E. Dotson. vice-president; A. S. Marcjuis, cashier. The present officers are : F. E. Boyd, president ; R. D. Atchison, cashier ; R. E. Cummings, assist- ant cashier. The capital has always been $25,000. The present deposits are $115,000, with loans amounting to $85,000. The building in which the bank is kept was erected in 1881. This bank has the confidence of the citizens of Colfax and the new men at the head of the concern are loyal and true to every interest of their newly adopted city. BANK FAILURES. What was known as the Bank of Newton failed in 1884. ^t was a private concern and its cashier was J. G. Cotton, who dealt on the Board of Trade in Chicago and went under for fifty thousand dollars. Much might be added to the history of this transaction, l)ut it may be best to let the "dead bury tlie dead" and keep silent. Suffice to say. that the guilty one paid the j)enally for his wrong doing. I hit the (lei)()sitors ne\er received the funds he had squandered in speculation. Other bank failures have been at Baxter, Lynnville and Colfax. Of the Colfax failure let it be said that the Bank of Colfax was a copartnership JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 267 banking house, doing business at the city of Colfax. Its cashier and gen- eral manager was one of the two who formed the copartnership, the other member being an uncle of the cashier. The cashier was named George D. Wood, a fine looking, brainy, business man, in whom his uncle and all patrons of the bank had the utmost confidence. But in an unguarded moment he thought he saw a short cut — a "get-rich-(juick" plan — and dealt in options on the Chicago Board of Trade, which concern has ruined so many hundreds of good business men. He turned out to be a "plunger" — he invested in any- thing and everything from stocks of goods to live stock speculations and finally the grain pit. The capital was sui)posed to be about $75,000. He was badly involved in December, 1903, and on the 4th day of that month he" deliberately shot himself through the temple, ending his life instantly. There were over eleven hundred creditors to his bank, and these included bankers in the chief cities and towns in Iowa; widows and orphans in estate forms, and merchants. The total of all claims against the bank was, in round figures, $624,000, while the receiver, W. O. McElroy, of Newton (appointed by Judge Preston), after three years and two months' hard, faithful .service, including carrying three cases through the supreme court, was only able to pay out $235,000, or about thirty-nine and sixty-five hundredths cents on a dollar of the claims in question. The largest claim was over a hundred thou- sand dollars. Banks at Marshalltown, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Daven- port, Washington, etc., all got fleeced, as well as one bank at Colfax, which suffered many thousand dollars of loss. In fact the business interests of the city of Colfax suffered for a number of years, before full confidence in money institutions could be restored — people were all afraid of banks and bankers for a long time after this failure and sudden tragic ending oi their esteemed fellow townsman. ]^Ir. Wood. LIST OF JASPER COUNTY BANKS. As shown in the Iowa Bank Directory for January. 191 i. the following is concerning Jasper county banking interests : Place. Xame. Organized. Capital. Baxter — People's State Bank 1906 $15,000 Baxter — State Savings Bank 1894 30.000 Colfax — Citizens' State Bank 1893 35.000 Colfax — First National Bank 1904 25,000 Ira — Farmers' Savings Bank 1904 10,000 268 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Kellogg — Burton , by John X. Kinsman, on lots t and 2, block 21. It was a log structure. The second building was that built by Joab Bennett. This was a hewed log building and its owner intended to rent it to the commissioners for a county building (court house), but he was disappointed in this. A little later a small store was opened by a Mr. Van Horn. An old historic item runs thus : 'W son of William Edmundson relates that in the spring of 1847, being then six years old. he accompanied his father on a considerable drive across the prairie. Several miles awav he saw a flag floating in the air above a building, which, according to his recollection, stood solitary- and alone. Boylike, he set his question-mill going and soon found from his father that the people had laid out a town called X^ewton City the year before for a county seat, and that the building he saw was a small store." "Upon a virgin prairie, forest decked, A pole was set in seeming pride erect. Upon its ])oint the stars and stripes unfurled Proclaimed its due importance to the world ; And, where that starry emblem kissed the breeze, A town was platted, — Newton, if you please." RiNEHART. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 2/1 The residents in Xewton in 1850 were made up of about the following persons, possibly a half dozen others whose names ha\e escaped the notice of the earliest historian of the county : \V. M. Springer and family, hotel : John H. Franklin and family, cabinetmaker and justice of the peace; Ezekiel Shipley and family, carpenter: Willis Green and family, farmers; P. M. Wood and family, plasterer; Jesse Rickman and family, postmaster and clerk of the county board of commissioners; James Edgar and familv, black- smith; Calel) Lam]) and family, carpenter; L. L. D. Kennedy and Jesse R. Kennedy, carpenters; Joseph Morgan and family, blacksmith; Job Springer, clerk; James Fry and family, farmers; Re\'. Strange Brooks and familv. cir- cuit preacher of the ^Methodist Episcopal denomination; John Meredith and family, blacksmith; Zadock ]\[. Allen, blacksmith; Dr. D. R. Rodgers; Mrs. Good and Mrs. Peter Miller and daughter; E. Hammer, teacher. It would appear that blacksmiths were in great demand at that day, for it will be obserxed that out of the first colony which located on the new town site, three were knights of the forge. The first drugs were sold in way of patent medicines kept bv John H. Franklip in his furniture and undertaking establishment. It was he who had for "free distribution" a lot of Dr. Jayne's Almanacs, on the back cover of which was printed the ad\-ertisement of ''John H. Franklin, corner of Farmer and South streets, Xewton. Iowa, cabinetmaker and undertaker and dealer in patent medicines.'' The first school was taught by Elisha Hammer in the old court house, and spelling schools were frequent and interesting. The early hotel was the Ault House and later, after, additions had been made thereto, it was styled the Tammany House. ]Many a good story is told of this pioneer stopping place. Some are doubtless true and many anotlier one untrue, hence none will find place in this connection. Jo Thomas was one of the funny oddities who lx)re the title of landlord at this hotel and he it was who had a suit in court and when the judge (AIcFarland) was en- tering his decision on the record, just as Thomas entered the court room, the judge looked up and remarked, "Jo Thomas, by G — . I am beatin' you. You don't set up enough corn at vour table. I enter judgment against you for S and costs." Thomas conducted this house many years. It was a stage station and manv a weary traveler was sheltered beneath its roughly made walls. It was burned in 1857 and was known at that day as the Ohio House. Of all the various industries and enterprises of which Xewton may justly be proud today none are more lacking than that of hotels, there being 2-2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. onlv one hotel in the city, ami there is oertainl}- room tor at least two more, of reasonable rates and acceptable fare. But to resume the story of early matters in Newton, let it be said that at the close of the Civil war period ( 1866) the ])usiness of the city was in the hands of the following persons, chiefly: Xewspapers — Jasl>cr Free Prrss. Republican, b}- h'rank T. Campbell ; Xcuio)i Baimrr, Democratic, by John A. ^^'ilson. Crocers, Wholesale and Retail — John Meyer, R. Dixon, Anderson & Pardoe, A'ernon Skiff. John Dixon. I. E. Webster, Bradway & Belt, Joseph Rodgers. the last named a refreshment saloon. General Merchants— J. B. O'Neal & Brother. George Wright, Sawyer & Company, G. G. Lindley & Company, J. M. Blanchard. McCalmont t^ Broth- ers, S. E. Zinn, Loomis & Company, Miller & Little. Druggists — Dr. J. Green. Hammer & Company, Evans & Company. Jewelers — C. J. Housel. Chapman & Dawson. Hardware — Rhodes Lee. Thrift & Clippinger. \\'il]iam \'au§han. l'\u-niture — David Vangeison, W. H. Silsby. Dentists — C. J. Housel. W. E. Roseman. Harness — Milton Anderson, A. J. Osborn, R. McDowell, P. Alesworth. .\ttorneys — O. C. Howe, G. R. Shays, ^^'inslow &: Lindley, S. G. Smith, R. A. Sankey. J. W. Wilson, J. W. Sennett. D. L. Clark. Physicians — Drs. J. R. Gorrell, H. E. Hunter, E. H. Mershon. H. J. Walker, A. Patton, B. M. Eailor, Jabez Green, A. T. Ault. Hotels — Phelps House, Union Hotel, City Hotel. Miscellaneous Dealers, etc. — Livery, Sampey & Company ; marble shop ; photographer, S. D. Leveridge ; bookseller. Charles Gillman ; clothing, Gar- rett & Company; patent medicines, A. T. Ault, manufacturer; meat market. James Lester; lumber sealer. \\'illiam Durose, Hough & Atwater; boots and shoes. R. McDowell. Milton Anderson. \\"illiam Manning. John Lloyd. The year of JCS75 was one of the most noted for building operations in Newton, up to that date, two hundred thousand dollars worth of building being effected. Among the structures may l)e remembered the Masonic block, J. B. Eyerly's building, J. W. Wilson's, Caleb Lamb's, Burns & Condit, Henry Sami)ey, on the west side of the public square. West from northwest from the square was the W. H. L. Kjing and Henry Sampey's buildings; at the southea.st corner of the square were the buildings of Mershon and the hotel, a three-story building, sixty-three by one hundred thirty-two feet in size. At the same corner was the Joseph McCalmont iroii front building. The better, larger class of residences included those of Dr. (iorrcll, Willirun Wiughn. EAST SIDE SQUARE, NEWTON SCENE ON CHAQUAQUA OR SKUNK RIVER JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 273 Gen. James Wilson. Mr. Ainswoitli. .Xiij^ust W'endt and W. D. W'eineke. The.se and twenty other buildin<^s were all completed in 1875 '" Xewton. In the eii^hties. nineties, and a.t(ain in the first vears of the twentieth century. Xewton had rapid i^rowth. hut never was known as a f)oom town, always being steady and conser\ati\e in its actions and ad\ancement. Per- haps within the last twelve or fifteen years has there been more of a genuine sj)irit of enterprise than in an\- other \ears in the historv of the citv. In this period the city has come to he known for its many tine i>aying manufacturing plants, which have gi\en the i)lace much advertising abroad. This is the well-known home of the patented articles marie bv the famous One Minute Manufacturing Company, the self-feeding threshing machine and band-cut- ting machinery, named elsewhere in this chajiter. etc. Todav the hum of machinery in twenty-five plants can l)e daily heard, while the rtve hundred persons engaged swell a pay-roll amounting to about fortv thousand dollars per month. All tiie \arious retail Imsinesses of a first class citv of its population are here well represented, the naming of which is useless in this connection. The great activities of X'ewton are certainly centered in its manv factories, the whole being in working harmony with the well developed farming com- munity surrounding the city. The following include the manufacturing enterprises of Xewton in 191 1 : The Maytag Comi)any make the Parsons feeder, swinging ele\ator feeder, Ruth feeder, corn husker and shredder, shock hoist, shock loader, hay press, grain grader. Pastime washer, hog waterer. belt guide, cvlinder wrench, automobile parts. The G. W. Parsons Compan\- make trenching and exca\ating machinery and do a crucible steel and iron foundr}- business. One Minute Manufacturing Company make the One Minute washer, gasoline ])ower washer, electric power washer, gasoline engines, ironing lx)ards. rinse tul)s. combination farm tools. X'ewton Balance \'alve Companx make balance \alves. M. &- E. Manufacturing Companv manufacture acetylene gas lighting phmts. Automatic I'^lectric Washer Company manufacture an automatic electric washer and wringer and gasoline power washers. Cherry Blossoms Manufacturing Company make flavoring extracts. American Construction Company ])ut in municipal gas plants. The Bergman Manufacturing Company make grain graders. Hummel Manufacturing Company manufacture road graders. (18) 2-4 JASPER COrXTV, IOWA. Xewton Ice & Cold Storage Company make artiricial ice. Xewton Milling Company make Honr and patent pancake Hour. Oglnirn Manufacturing Company make the detachable manure spreader. Western Stock Remedy Company make stock remedies. Henry Held makes cigars. John O'Leary makes cigars. Xon-Leak Balance \'alve C()mj)any make balance valves. Scheurman Brothers make ladies' garments. Ever Ready Manufacturing Company make ironing boards. Xewton Manufacturing Company make advertising novelties. Clipless Paper Fastener Compau}- make the clipless paper fasteners. Skew Brothers make road graders, disc sharpeners, gray iron castings, bank and otfice fixtures, show cases, stair cases, exterior and interior finishes, manure spreaders. Xewton Disc Plow Company make disc garden plows, and X^ewdisco electric and power washers. Engle Coffee Mill Company make power coffee grinders. M. G Rogers makes cement l)locks. M. Brown makes brick and tile. F. Henning makes brick and tile. C. Schaumberg makes brick and tile. Ad\ertising Xovelty Manufacturing Company make advertising novel- ties. Arthur H. Joy & Company make dental soldering machines. M. L. Lewis & Son make bottled goods. E. C. Smith makes breakfast foods. The Cieorge W. Xewton Company, advertising no\elties. FLOl'RINT. MILL.S. One of the mo.st imi)urtant and useful industries Xewton possessed as early as 1858 was its steam flour mill, which plant made upon an average of two hundred barrels per day of an excellent grade of flour. The present milling business is conducted by the X^ewton Milling Com- pany, H. C. McCardell, proprietor. These mills are not extensive, but do ex- cellent work. They are located on the corner of Spring and South streets. Other mills of Jasper county are situated at Baxter, Monroe, Prairie City. Kellogg and Lynnville. Ten years ago (1900) the industries of Xewton were summed up as follows: The Parsons Band Cutter and Self-Feeder Comi)any was organized JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. 2/5 in 1892. has a capital of $73,000. ccners two and one-half acres with a splen- did plant, turns out 3.500 machines per annum, worth S600.000. employs ninety artisans and twenty-five traveling;- men, pays out $80,000 a vear in wages and sells its product in all the grain growing states of the L'nion. The Hawkexe l-'eeder Works was incorj)orated in Mav. 1898, l>y Par- sons. Rich & Company, composed of (ieorge W. Parsons and V. S. Rich. The plant represents a value of $30,000. turns out 1.200 machines worth $240,000. sells in all small grain districts. 1"he i)lant covers half a hlock. em- ploys 46 artisans, six in office, and ten traveling men. and ])avs out in wages S25.000 per }-ear. The Taylor-Xewell Company, manufacturers of pants, operate with a capital stock of $20.ocx). employs 65 people in the factory and five traveling- men, turn out $100,000 worth of goods and sell in Iowa. Minnesota. South Dakota. Nebraska. Kansas. Alissouri, Colorado. Illinois. The pav roll is $15,000 per year. The stockholders are F. M. Taylor. Will G. Xewell. Charles Seeberger. C. F. Alorgan, Ralph Parmenter. Ralph Robinson. A. C. riates. E. J. Schuneman. A. J. Anderson. The former is president of the company. A. C. Randolph & Company, manufacturers of the Randolph [)neu- matic stacker, established in 1899, employs 20 men in factory, six tra\-eling men, turns out 500 stackers worth $125,000 and sells where\-er threshing is done. A. C. Randolph is manager. Xewton Steel Cut Milling Company, manufacturers of "W'heat-O" breakfast food, established in 1898. capital $10,000, turns out $18,000 worth per year and sells through jobbers in several states. There are fi\e employes at the mills, two at office and two on the road. The compan\- is composed of A. H. Bergman. E. C. Smith. J. A\'. Langanback. The Hawkeye Incubator Company is composed of W. C. and F. H. P)ergman. was organized in 1898. turns out incubators and the "Ratchet Slat" washing machine, puts out 2.500 incubators and brooders and 1.000 washers, value $30,000 and employs 2=, men. In addition to the al)o\e the Skow Bros, manufacture a disc sharpener and a sand shoveler at their foundry and machine shop. PO.STOFFICE HISTORY. A postoffice was established in Xewton in the summer of 1847 ^"^^ T. J. Adamson was a])pointed postmaster. The mail was carried on horseback from Iowa Citv. then the state capital. A. B. Meacham was the mail carrier. 276 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Later he became famous in the Modoc Inthan warfare. Mail was thus car- ried until 1850. when stages were put in operation. It is known, howexer, that in the winter of 1850-51 the town had only about fifty people within its borders and that mail was received but once a week. It was brought in by \'al. Adamson and the po.stoffice was kept in the old court house, where all hands would congregate to hear the latest news, get a i)aper. ix)ssibly two or three weeks old. printed in .>^ome one of the states to the east of our own. In the winter of 1850-51 the postmaster w-as Jesse Rickman, who was also clerk of the county board of commissioners, and he held his combined office in the countv l)uilding. near where now stands the magnificent court house. In 1861 .\. W. McDonald was postmaster; he succeeded Perry Grossman, who was appointed under President James Buchanan. The records are lost from the date of Mr. McDonald to 1868. when followed these: G. B. Hunter, David Flowers, T. M. Rodgers. Samuel Sherman, L. S. Kennington, M. A. McG(»r(l, George Glark, Jr., the present postmaster. In 1886 this office was made a second-class ofilice. About 1900 the rural free delixery went into force at Newton office and now there are rural carriers. The office was made a free city delivery office in 1899. with three carriers, which has l)een increased to four. The office has been in its present place al>out seven years, and just ])revious to the present (piarters the post- office was kept on the west side of the pulilic square. The amount of business transacted, outside of the money order business, in 1910 was twentv-five thousand dollars. There are now twelve mails each way daily, and the total number of ])ersons em|)loyed, including the rural carriers, is eighteen. During tlie administration of T. M. Rodgers as po.stmaster. on the eve of St. X'alentine's day. 1893. the office was burglarized of three hundred dol- lars of government money and alx)ut the same amount belonging to the {XDSt- niaster. Xo clue as to the thief was ever had, but, aside from positive proof, it was really known who took the mone\'. MlNCJl'AI. lirSTOKV. Xewton was incorporated under a special charter, being one of the few- cities in Iowa thus incorporated. The legislative act incorporating the place was approved and dated January 26, 1857. Section 19 of the articles of incor]K)ration reads as follows: '"The county judge of the county of Jasper is hereby authorized to issue an order for an election, to lie held in the .said town of Newton on the first Mfjnday of .\pril next, for the adoption or rejection of this act of incorpora- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 2/7 tion, and the election hoard ot the township oi Xewton. in the said county. sliall on said day open a separate poll for the ])urpose of such votes; said election to be held in accordance with the laws governing county elections. Those in favor of the adoption of this act shall write on their tickets 'ff)r in- corporation ;' those opposed to the adoption of this act shall write on their tickets 'against incorporation.' Only the resident voters of said town shall be eligible to vote at said election." At the above election there were one hundred and twenty-one votes cast for incorporation and thirty-four against the proposition. The first corpora- tion election was held May 4, 1857, Imt the records of Xewton have not been l)reser\ed and hence the list of the first few set of officials cannot now l)e arrived at. An old history states that the first mayor was Hugh Newell. It should be said in connection witli the legislative act by which Xewton became an incorp(^rated town, in i^^y. that through a clerical blunder, the act defined the location as being "in township 81,'' which would bring it six miles north of where the town does in fact lie. and was intended bv the peti- tioners to be located. This error caused much anncjyance for a number of years, especially in attempting to enforce any criminal law. This, however, was later remedied l)y the Legislature. The records show that the following ser\ed as officers of the town of Xewton in 1868: D. D. Piper, mayor; Jcjhn C. Wilson, recorder: W. II. Hough. F. T. Campbell. James McGregor, C. K. I-'ord. J. M. Hiatt and George T. Anderson, councilmen. During the summer of 1868 there was a large amount of wooden side- walk put down on the streets of X'ewton. as a result of the town [)eing in- corporated. Tn September. 1869, one hundred and fourteen citizens and four "not eligible" petitioned the council to repeal the ordinance prohibiting the sale of "ale, wine and beer," but it was tabled and not long before the reiuon- strance of one hundred and thirty voters and ninety-six ladies was presented to the same body. N^ewton has never had legalized saloons. The ladies have to be given much credit along this line, be it recorded to their honor. Tn September. 1869. the council granted the right to F. 11. ( iriggs to construct a horse car line through the alley running north and south between Race and Vine streets, from the Rock Island depot to the south line of Xew- ton. and thence west on the street along the south side of the incorporation, to connect with the public road leading to the fair grounds. But it appears that the franchise was never taken advantage of, for there was never any street railroad constructed in X'^ewton. jjS JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. FIRST TOWN CHARTER ABANDON ED. On Februarv 28. 1870. thrdUi^h llie i)etili()n of eighty-se\en citizens, with no renit^nstrance ai^ainst it. the special charter of Xewton's first incor- iwration was al)an(lone(l. and the place was then organized under the laws of the state as seen in chapter 51, i860. An election was held in April of that vear and the question was voted upon and resulted in a \ote of eighty-seven for and none against, thus reorganizing the town inc(jrporation. The Hrst officers under the new town government were as follows: J. A. Hammer, mavor; L. B. Westbrook. recorder: J. A. Garrett. M. A. Blanchard. J. A. WiLson. C. Connelly. J. J. Vaughan. conncilmen : A. J. Osl^orn. treasurer: W. H. Hough, assessor. On ^\a\' 5, 1870. the ccnuicil divided the city into five wards and about the same date instituted a "pound" and purchased land on which to place the same. On Januarv 30, 1871. the limits of the place were extended to the extent of eightv acres, in section 2/: two hundred acres in section ^7,: two hundred and forty acres in section 34. On May 30. 1870. the right of wa}- through the city limits was refused to the Jasper County Coal & Railroad Company and to the Iowa, ^Minnesota & Northern Pacific Company : but on the 2d of August, that year, the appli- cation of the latter company was granted and an ordinance issued therefor. Xewton became a city of the second class in ]\Iay. 1870. FIRE DEPARTMENT BEGINS. The beginning of the present fire department in Xewton was effected in 1874. when about twenty members, which soon increased to fortv-five. or- ganized themselves into a hook and ladder companv. S. J. Mover was its president: J. J I. Tait. foreman: Alex. Work, first assistant: J-'rank Clark, sec- ond assistant; Alanson Clark, secretary: H. K. Stahl, treasurer. The present company consi.sts of about thirty-five men. Iliey are in charge of the hook and ladders and three hose carts, by which they ha\e l)eeii very successful in fighting fires. A city hall was erected in about 1886 and is still in use. The mayor has his private office and the city clerk and water su])erinten(lcnt hrnc officc< in the electric lighting plant. .lASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 279 ELECTRIC EIC.llT I'l.AXT, WATER WORKS, ETC. This i)l:int was (jri^inally buill by the Thompson-Houston Companv in 1883 and was of a private ownersliip ty])e. but in 1889 the present citv plant Avas installed and has furnished lii^ht and power U) the citv since then. It furnished li^ht at cheaper rates than were had in almost any other citv in Iowa. Last year (1910) it made a pnjfit of twelve thousand dollars, hence, after making a cheap rate to patrons, it is far more than self-sustaininj^-. The city is this year ( 1911 ) installing a gas ])lant for power and heating purposes, by bonding the city to the amount of forty thousand dollars. Thev expect to furnish gas as cheaply as possible, but at first it will necessarilv l)e about ()ne \ement. It has come to be almost self-sustaining. The su|)ply of water is had In- a large nuniber of fortv-five-foot wells sunk to the gravel beds of the fiats lying si.x miles to the west of the city, near the village of 'Sletz. The water is of the best and purest in the country. It is i)um])ed In- steam power through cast iron pipes and forced to elevated tanks in the heart of the city. The original tank holds eighty-fi\e thousand gallons of water, but the one being con- structed at the i)resent time is to be one hundred and twenty-eight feet high 28o JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. and constructed ui steel. This will hold one hundred thousand gallons mure. Both will be used, one as a reserve tank in case of emergency. A NEW DEPARTURE. In i8y7 the citizens awoke to the fact that they were behind the times in which thev were living and some advocated the paving of streets and making other needed city improvements, another class bitterly opposing these improvements on account of the necessary expenses, but when the spring election for city officers came around that was one, if not the prin- cipal, feature in nominating men for the office of mayor and members of the council. As it turned out the right man was selected and won out at the l)olls. This was George Early, who ser\ed one term and was friendly toward the putting down of the first brick paving Newton had ever had. So well were the propertv owners pleased that extensions were made from year to vear until now the city has many miles of paving. It was under the administration of Mayor Early, too, that the legal battle over the electric light franchise and original plant was carried forward and finallv won by the city purchasing the old private plant. Newton now gets water and lights (under municipal ownership plan) at the cost of pro- duction. CITY OFFICIALS. The following is a list of mayors for Newton, commencing with 1868, the records having been lost for the i>eriod before that: 1868. D. D. Piper; 1870. J. A. Hammer: 1873. C. Howard; 1874. M. A. Blanchard ; 1875, D. D. riper: 1877, John A. Wilson, w^hose term was completed by D. Edmundson and ]\I. A. Blanchard: 1878. M. A. Blanchard; 1879, D. Edmundson; 1880, X. Townsend : 1887. J. B. Eyerly : 1889, Joseph Stevens: 1893, A. Lufkin; 1898, George Early: 1899. Frank I-ong; 1907, Ed. Cook: 1909 to present date. O. C. Meredith. The officers for the city at this date are: ^layor, O. C. ^^leredith: solicitor. J. E. Cross; clerk. E. C. Finch; deputy clerk. Rov Fisk : treasurer. I). L Clark: health officer. Dr. E. E. Besser : street commissioner, .\rt Rey- nolds: marshal, J. H. Robbins; deputy marshal. \\'. V. Wade: superintendent light, water and gas. Connie OT^eary : councilmen. Frank P. Baldwin. George H. Warner (at-large). Oscar Coon, first ward: John H. Harvey, second ward: R. B. Jackson, third ward; Fred Fl. Bergmen, fourth ward. The chief of the fire department is Bruce E. Sattele : city assessor, E. E. Effnor : over- •seer of the poor, Ed. Cook. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 28l FREE I'L-BLIC LIBRARY As has been well said hy the efficient librarian of the splendid new- public library of Xewton, "Researches in the ancient history of Xewton re- veals the fact that the hrst inception of the librar}- idea was due to a Young Men's Christian Association at a very early date.* The history is not easilv traced. The fact remains, however, that Xewton counted the furni.shing of good literature an important factor in the growth of a good town. Later the work was undertaken b}- the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and was pushed with the public spirit and energy that characterizes that organi- zation. It passed through many \icissitudes. and only those of us who have given years of effort to initial points of service, who have tasted the bitter- ness of seeming failure, relie\ed by transient gleams of success, can aijjjre- ciate the patient labors of those days. "The next stej) was the foundation of the Social I'nion. an enterprise in which many took an acti\e part — indeed these faithful toilers Inu'lded better than they knew. 'Tn 1897 the city took charge of the library. In October of that year the present librarian was employed and the matter assumes the character of personal history." Again, in 1910, Miss Belle E. Smith writes a short history of the in- stitution in which she says : "X'ewton's free public library of four thousand thirteen volumes and sixty periodicals is the outgrowth of a library instituted by the ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in June. 1878. For seventeen years a handful of self-sacrihcing women conducted a public library and reading room, supported b}- indixidual contributions of money and Ixnoks and a few ])eriodicals. "In 1895 the Xewton Social Union succeeded to the management of the librarv and was very influential in causing the citizens to vote in March. 1896. for the establishment of a public library, as authorized by law and for a lew of a tax f(^r its maintenance. For three years the society lalxired to increase the number of books and when they last met, in October, 1898. the li])rarv contained one thousand eight hundred fourteen volumes. The or- *Xote. — This must be in error from the fact that an old record discloses the fact that the Newton Library Association was organized in 1859, prior to any Young Men's Christian Association work in Iowa. The first invoice of books numbered one hundred and thirty-two volumes. A. K. Campbell was librarian and the books were kept at the old court house. jg2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. jianization of tlie new free puljlic library, under tlie state laws, was com- pleted in Jiilv. 1896, by the appt)intnient of nine trustees who were confirmed. Jn lulv. 1902, in response to a recpiest from the trustees. .Vndrew Carnegie donated ten thousand dollars for a huildini;-. under the usual conditions im- posed bv him. .\ lari^e, attractive site was purchased and donated by public- spirited citizens. December. 1902. saw the library in its own building', the first time in its existence when it had no rent to i)ay. This edifice is a two-story brick building, forty-seven by sixty-five feet, has a heating ])lant and is lighted nicely by electricity. The first floor is taken up by the library proi)er and five rooms — children's reading room, general reading room, reference library and toilet room. The second floor is used bv the Woman's Clul). library trustees, school board and other or- ganizations. The number of visitors to the reading rooms are reported not long since as two thousand fi\e hundred monthly. Already two townsmen have donated one thousand one hundred dollars toward the book purchasing fund. The library and reading room are open nine hours through the entire school vear of the public schools of Newton, and six hours in summer time. The expenses are reduced some Ijy ha\ing the magazines hand-bound by one of the women of the place.'' The tax for library maintenance at the jjeginning of 1909 was two and one- fourth mills on the dollar, but in August that year was increased to three mills. The present (1911) trustees of the library are: W. O. McElroy, presi- dent; Mrs. O. C. Meredith, secretary; O. N. Wagley, Mrs. C. M. Campbell, E. J. H. Beard, Mrs. F. L. Maytag. E. C. Ogg. C. P. Hunter, Mrs. F. P. Gardner. Charlotte \'. P>ryant is the librarian and her assistant is Helen M. Taylor. T hi: r .\ lox CKM j:t I':rv. The attention ])aid to the resting place of the departed dead in an^■ gixen community speaks \olumcs for or against the character of the people of .such section of the country. Indeed the mark between ci\ilized and unciv- ilized life is found in this one feature. The city cemetery in .Xewton lias been fre(|uently \isited by many from otlier parts of Iowa, with the \ic\v of getting ideas as to caring for their own Ijurial places. With the first .settlement (jf Xewton ihc bur\ing ground was on the lots when- now stands the new high schod] l)nilding. Tiiere tiie first ])ioneers of the ])lace were laid away to rest. Tlu-rc lluw remained until Ci\il war JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 283 days and a little later, when the association which had charge turned it over to the incorporated town of Xewton. Many of the interments were moved to the new grounds. The deed record shows that the land where the present cemeter}' is situated, and which is known as the L'nion cemetery, was origin- ally owned by Jacob K. Ciuthric. who deeded it to D. E. Longfellow, in Feb- ruary, i860, for the consideration of $S37- 'his tract contained eleven and one-(iuarter acres. Mr. Longfellow deeded the same to the incorporation of Newton, August 23, 1866, for the consideration of ten dollars, the record reads. This cemetery is located to the northwest of the city and is a part of section 2H. township 80. range 19. To this has been added two other small tracts, making the present size of the cemetery about tw'enty acres. There are numerous l)eautiful native trees growing here and there through- out the cemetery. In the nineties the sexton, Mr. Kuhn. found it necessarv to have the ground re-platted, so a better account could be kept of the lots. At the northeast corner of the grounds is situated the four lots known as Memorial, or Soldiers', s(piare, where with the return of each Decoration day the (jrand Army and Relief Corps representatives, with other citizens, meet and have their own special ceremonies in honor of the fallen heroes, many of whom are sleeping their last sleep \\ ithin this sacred enclosure. An- other feature of the cemetery is the chapel, erected in 1900 at a cost of seven hundred and eighty dollars. In 1910 a local company erected a large mausoleum ha\ing two hundred cr)-pts f(^)r the burial of the dead abo\e ground in sealed vaults. This struc- ture was made of cement block material and adds much to the beauty of the grounds. Onlv eight bodies are now resting in this place. After the build- ing was completed it was turned over to the city authorities \\ itli pro\isions that the citv should maintain it and keep it intact perpetual!)-. Since early in 191 T the cit}' has cared for it. THE BUSINESS MEX's .VSSOCIATIOX. Being ali\'e to e\er\- interest of a growing western cit}-, the abo\e as- sociation was organized in 1897 ^"^^ '^'^"^^ enjoys a membership of two hun- dred and foiu". Its hrst officers were H. M. X'aughan. president: A. K. Hindorff. secretarv. The present officers are W. V. Johnson, president; E. E. Lambert, secretarv. The association has been instrumental in inducing manv industries to locate in X'ewton and are still reaching out over the countrx- l)v means of literature and correspondence, llu-ough tlie \arious chan- nels of commerce, to make Xewton well known abroad, h'rom its circular 284 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. issued in i<)io and freely distrihuled al the Ikwu stale fair that season, we (|uote the following: ■"Xewton is situated right in the center of the greatest consuming region in the world. Iowa is known the country over as l)eing the hest market in tile west for goods of all kinds and being right in the center of the state, we are e(|uall\' distant from four great states which hound Iowa on either side. "Xewton has one of the largest iron foundries in Iowa, and the only crucihle steel foundrx- of anv size west of Milwaukee. This is a great con- venience to small manufacturers who need castings in small ([uantities. '■l-"or factories Newton ofTers a twenty-four-hour electric current for motors with as cheap rates as any city in Iowa, large or small. Our fac- tories are now using several hundred horse power daily from this ])lant, wliich is owned and operated by the city itself. "Newton now employs l:>etween fi\e and six hundred persons in her factories and has ne\-er had a labor trouble of any note in all the years of her factory history." CHAPTER XIX. BUENA VISTA TOWNSHIP. Bnena Vista township was organized in February, 1857, by the order of the then presiding judge. The record shows that the order was, that there l)e a new township formed b}- the name of Buena Vista, bounded as follows: "Commencing at the northeast corner of section 25, township 80. range 18; thence west on the section line to the northwest corner of sec- tion 30, same township and range ; thence south on the range line to the southwest corner of section 30, township 79, range 18; thence east on the section line to the southeast corner of section 25, said township and range; thence north to the place of beginning by the range line." This refers to original Buena Vista township. There have been some changes in its boundaries since then, however. This sub-division of Jasper county derived its name doubtless from the Mexican city in which our American army entered in the war with Mexico that had just closed when this county had got fairly well organized and had among its ])ioneer band many who had taken part in that war. It is situated to the south of Kellogg, to the west of Richland, to the north of Elk Creek and Palo Alto, and to the east of Palo Alto townships, this county. It is six miles square. Among its chief water courses may be named Little Elm creek. The northw'estern portion of this township has. or did have at an early day, considerable natural timber. The iK)pulation of the township in 1905. according to the Iowa state census rei)orts, was ^"/T). Tt is one of the most excellent farming sections of the county. Its pioneer settlers were thoughtful and enterprising men and women whose characters have left their impress upon the present po])ulace. Among the first persons to enter government land in this townshi]) were: William Smith, in the west half of the northwest of section 20. August 12.^847: Evan Adamson. east half of section 18, August 14, 1847. In 1874 occurred the death of pioneer Henry Hammer. Sr.. who settled in Buena Vista township in 1848. He was a native of Tennessee and reached the ripe old age of seventv-three years. He was an anti-slax ery man all of his eventful life. 286 lASPKK COIXTV. IOWA. In 1878 the records show that Buena \'ista township liad personal prop- erty to the extent of $82,718. inclnding 670 horses, eis^hty mules and 1.780 head of cattle. In 1877 the Ijooks show thai this township had i)roperty \alued for assessment purposes to the amount of $336,000. The tax on this property broui^ht to the treasury of the county $5,072. See Educational chapter for the public schools of this township. CONCEKXING THK SETTLEMENT. A settlement was made on Elk creek, this township, as early as 1845 in what is stvled the Hixon and Adamson groves. Moses Lacy, of Illinois, took a claim in the southeast (piarter of section 18, in March. 1845. built a cabin and later sold to Evan Adamson. who moved to the same in the spring of 1846. Adamson immigrated from Missouri. Xathan Williams settled in the northwest (piarter of section 20 in the autumn of 1845. sold to Bill Smith, known as "Fool Bill," in the spring of 1846. lie sold to Enos Adamson, he to James Robb, and he in turn to William Robb, who owned the farm in 1900. l)a\id Adamson took a claim in the northwest (piarter of section 18. in March, 1846, and the following April sold to Abraham Adamson. He had sexen sons and from this large family the gro\e took its name. M. D. Springer took a claim later known as the Sam Scpiires farm, moving to the same in January, 1846. Ele sold to Elijah Hammer. On section 20, Ira Hammer claimed land and the date of this entry was 1846. There pioneer Hammer li\ed and died, barther to the east. William Chen- e(|oth, from Ohio, and later from Missouri, settled either in 1847 or possibly the year before. He died there ten years later. Henry Smith claimed land in 1846 where John Wells li\ed a few vears ago. He .sold to IVFoses Darling in 1837. On Elk creek Ballington Aydelotte claimed land in section 8, locating there in March. 1845, '^''^ ^^^ original entry man. In 1851 he sold to Samuel McDaniel and later it passed to the ownership of Milton \'ansco\-. James Plumb. Jr.. settled in a log cabin near where the J. W. Murphv residence now stands in 1848. In this rude ca])in home the Rew b'unes IMuml) fn-st saw the light of day. Air. Mur])hy ])urchased this farm in 1856. John H. Franklin claimed land in the southeast corner of section 6. in the early days of the spring of 1845. ^^''^ cabin stood near the present school building on section 5. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 287 William M. Sprini^cr took a claim on the northwest of section 7, in the fall of 1843. Da\i(l l^dmundson settled exactly where n(jw stands the conntv poor farm, in the spring" of 1846. Jacol) Hennett took land in the northwest of section 6 in 1843; he kej)! a honse of entertainment for traxelers. James Pearson settled in section 5. in 1845; this ])ropertv a few vears since was owned by Daniel W. Alnrphw Pioneer Pearson came into the connty on foot, made a fire and prepared his meal and then laid him down to rest, for he was \erv \\ear\ . He slcj)! by the side of a hnge log, and when he awoke in the earlv morning he dis- covered a larg-e wolf on the ojjposite side of the log' and he too had been too weary to look for game or to molest the stranger. Both were surprised and alarmed — the wolf ran away and for the time Mr. Pearson forgot he had a gnn and let the animal go. Pearson weighed fully two hundred and fiftv pounds and it has often ])een related of him that when he \iewed the beau- tiful prairie and forest landscape all about him, that he climbed a big, high tree and exclaimed in a very loud voice, ''I pre-empt all the land in sight." Between 1850 and 1856 the settlement was greatly augmented in this and manv parts of Jasper county. Among those who entered lands in this township ma}' be recalled now the names of: d. T. Saum, in section 1, in 1851 ; James Fenwick. in section 21, in 1852; Leonard Lickens, in section 2j. in 1852 or 1853; Levi Cook, in section 3, 1854; he erected a frame house which for many years was known as the "steep-roofed house.'' It was about this time that the hrst postoffice east of Xewton. on the Iowa City road, was established. This oifice was kept on section 35 of what is now Kellogg township. FIR.ST EX'EXTS. It seems (|uite certain that the first child born in this township was Allie Springer, son of William .M. and "Aunt Sally" Springer, he having been l)orn in the winter of 1846-7. The earliest marriage was that of Jesse Rickman (later a judge) and Xancy Pearson. At the same time, and both ceremonies being performed at the cabin of Thomas Pearson, were united for better or for worse. John Wilson and Josie Pear.son. Ballinger Aydelott tying both marriage knots. This was in Alarch. 1847. '^he wedding supper consisted of corn bread, crabapple pie. crabapple .sauce, roast chicken (both prairie and tame), cab- bage, slaw, roast pork and vegetables. 288 JASPER COIXTV. IOWA. The First sermon preached in Buena N'ista townsliip was that delivered by Joah Bennett, a Methodist minister, in March. 1846. Imvc i)ersons made up his auchence. In tlie autumn of 1846 WilHam Ferguson formed a Chris- tian church society at the house of pioneer Balhnger Aydelott. and tliis was doubtless the first of this denomination in Jasper county. WILD TURKEYS. it has been related of pioneer Jacob Bennett's good wife that slie met with the following fate by a wild turkey: In the spring of 1845 Bennett planted a patch of corn in the edge of the brush ; in the fall he cut and shocked it uj). The wild turkeys proposed to get a share of his labor, so they came to pick corn. Mrs. Bennett proposed to be their equal, so she hid herself in a shock. A large turkey gobbler climbed on the shock she was in. She caught him bv the leg. held him fast and he lacerated her hand terribly with his spurs. 1)in she took him in and cooked him. VILLAGE OF ML^RPHY. In 1890 there was a postoffice established at this point, the northeast quarter of the northwest (juarter of section 17, township 79, range 18, but it was discontinued January 15, 191 1. J. W. Murphy, an old pioneer, was the only person who ever ser\'ed as postmaster. The business of 19 10 only amounted to about forty dollars. Three mails were received each way daily while the office was in existence. The people of the vicinity are now sup- plied with mail by the rural free delivery from Newton route No. 7. There is a small store located iiere, l)ut aside from its being a station point on the railroad, there is no business transacted there. \ILLAGE OF KILl.DUFF. The only real \illage in this township is Killduti', located on section 35, ten miles to the southeast of Newton, on the Iowa Central railroad. It had in 1900 about eighty inhabitants, a postoffice, two good stores, a lumber yard and a blacksmith shop. It had a population of one hundred and fifty. Its business in 1910 consisted of the following: The live-stock dealer was Henry W. Agcr; l)lacksmithing, ])y O. H. Caniahan ; liardware and hotel were being conducted by William B. Coe ; barl>ering, William Harvey; gen- eral dealer in merchandise and banking in a small way. I'rank W. Swearingen ; JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 289 restaurant, by W:lliani C. Korff, ^vho was the postmaster at the date ^iven above. '^ There are two churches, the Methodist Episcopal and the Reformed • the latter denommation have no regular pastor at this writing. (19) CHAPTER XX. FATRVIEW TOWNSHIP. This township Hes on the south hne of the county and west of Skunk river, hence is of an irregular shape, -conforming as it does on its eastern border to the nieanderings of that stream. It is bounded, or rather sur- rounded by four townships and one county hne. It has two steam railroad lines, both entering the only town in the territoiy, Monroe, situated on the south line of the township and county. Marion county is just to the south of Fairview township. Being one of the original precincts of Jasper county, it was organized Mav 14, 1846. The order which made it a civil township read as follows: "Ordered that Fairview precinct be bounded on the northeast by Skunk river, on the south by the county line, on the southwest by Des ^loines pre- cinct, and on the west by said county line to the said Skunk river.'' This is numbered among the oldest and richest portions of Jasper county and within its tx^rders are to be seen many ^•aluable and highly cultivated farms, producing their annual harxest of valuable crops, which have en- riched the owners. Among the first entries of government land in Fairview township may be mentioned IManly Gifford, on the northwest quarter of the southeast quar- ter of section 36, January 16, 1848; Joel B. Worth, the west half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 34, also the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the same section, on October 10, 1848. In the extreme southeastern portion of the township is found a large body of natural timber, as well as some in the southwestern part. It was in this township that the original settlement of Jasper county was effected and here the first Methodist services were held at the home of pioneer Adam Tool early in 1844; ^ Sabbath school was organized the same year at the cabin home of Joel Worth, three miles southeast of the first pio- neer settlement in the county. The first store selling general merchandise in the south part of the county was in Fairview township. It was the property of Rol^ert Moore and brother, in 1848, they having purchased the claim taken by Mr. Fish. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 29I While the schools, churches and lodges will be mentioned at length in general chapters on these subjects, it may be stated here that in March, 1855, the amount of school fund apportionment for Fairview township was eight dollars and twenty-nine cents. At the presidential election in 1852, when Scott and Pierce were the can- didates for the presidency, the result of the election in Fairview township was twenty votes for each candidate; Gen. W'infield Scott, however, carried this county. In 1855 the temperance (piestion was voted on in Jasper countv with the following results in Fairview township: Votes for prohibition, fiftv-three, and against the measure, forty-nine. In 1878 the total personal property of Fairview township amounted to $82,680, including the items of 941 head of horses, 122 head of mules and asses and 2,155 head of cattle. The records show that in 1877 the total value of all property in this township was $423,876 and the taxes paid into the treasury was $6,554.35. The first business transacted in Fairview township, of which there seems to be any record extant, was that of March 7, 1853, when William DeLong and Xewton Wright met and divided the township into two road districts. October 4, 1853, John E. Teeters had his stock mark recorded, which was "a swallow fork in the point of each ear." In April, 1854. Daniel Harcourt and Jacob Kipp were elected justices of the peace; Ezra Woodv and Jesse Seay, constables; Theophilus Bethel, assessor ; \\'illiam Highland, Ximrod Cope and William DeLong, trustees ; ]*klartin Rogers, clerk. According to the state census reports for 1905, the population of Fair- view township in that year was 1.258. ( For an account of the proposed state capitol in this township, at "Mon- roe City," see index of general chapters.) THE TOWN OF MONROE. Monroe was laid out by pioneer Adam Tool, in the spring of 1851. the first platting being under the name of Tool's Point. It was changed a year or two later to Monroe. The first house erected on the plat was by James A. Tool. The same season buildings were erected by Mrs. Mary S. Fleenor, W'illiam DeLong, Daniel Hiskey, Dr. J. E. Teter, Hugh Patterson. William Peg and J. Kipp. The building erected bv Mr. Hiskey was used by him for store purposes. 2Q2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Peg was the first "village blacksmith."" These structures were all of the frame tvpe. Hosea Alatthews had constructed a saw mill on Alikesell creek, iust north of Red Rock, and lumber could be obtained at low figures. Most of the buildings had the old style, heavy frames mortised together and fast- ened with hardwood pins. Only three were ventured on the "balloon"' frame plan. The timbers were hewed out. studding and all. The siding was black walnut, the floors of oak, and the doors and window casings were of walnut. Long shingles were used, being split and dressed by hand. Late in 185 1 a school house was built in the town. The first child to see the light of day here was the daughter of Mr. and Airs. Ilill. She was christened Anna and became the wife of Stephen Shel- lady, Esq. The eldest child of the Hill family was born in Des Moines in 1846 at the old fort, and was the second child born in the fort, the date of its birth being the 9th of January, 1846. Had the child been a son, it was the intention of Mr. Hill to name him Andrew Jackson, as its father was a rock- rooted Democrat. The first lawyer to hang out his shingle in Monroe was S. N. Lindley, who did not remain long, however, but moved to the new town of Xewton. In the county seat ]\Ir. Lindley became a successful lawyer and judge of much note. Monroe grew steadily until 1857, when it had reached about four hun- dred population and was the center of a good business territory. The Des Moines Valley railroad entered the town in the month of November, 1865, and on the 24th of that month the first freight was unloaded from a car. During the Civil war days Monroe was a lively place and it sent forth its full share of men, as will be seen by reference to the War chapter. In 1876, the Newton & Monroe railway entered the place and this gave new life and encouragement to the town. The first road charged very high rates for freight and caused the dealers at Monroe to lose heavily, especially about 1 87 1 -2. but when connection was made at Newton with the great Rock Island system, Chicago and all eastern rates were materially reduced. Many of the Monroe dealers exchanged goods for time checks of laborers who djd the railway construction work for the Iowa, ^Minnesota & Northern Rail- road Company. l)ut were great losers in the end. as such paper proved almost worthless. INCORPORATION ITI.STORV. Monroe became an incorporated town in December, 1867, but the final legal papers were not properly completed until the autumn of 1868. The records do not show the result of the first town election, but it is ijuite certain JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 293 that the first council met December 31. 1868, and was made up of the fol- lowing gentlemen: W. L. LeFever, mayor; M. K. Campbell, recorder; L. M. Shaw, Seth Dixon, J. B. Bennington, John Morrison. A. S. Elwood, trustees: William Johnson, treasurer: John I. Nichols, marshal. The first ordinance was one to restrain persons from hitching teams to the fence around the public square. Up to 1878 the sentiment of the people of Monroe was largelv in favor of allowing liquors to be sold under a licensing system, at least for the sale and use of ale. wine and beer, but at that date a new council was elected with tliis in view and wiped the saloon from the town. The following have served as mayors of Monroe : W. L. LeFever. elected in 1868; J. Kipp, 1870: H. Green. 1872; J. C. McDill. 1873; J. B. Bennington. 1874: L. M. Shaw, 1875; ^lelvin Nichols, 1876; G. \V. Hertzog, 1877: W. T. Stotts, 1879: Aaron Custer, 1880-81 : \V. G. Romans, 1882: D. Hiskey, 1883: J. Cunningham, 1884; Z. Mosher, 1885; Z. ]\Iosher, 1886; G. \\\ Hertzog, 1887-8: J. W. Honald. 1889; W. L. LeFever, 1890; Hugh Mor- rison, 1891-93: S. S. Seger, 1894-6: Crane. 1896-7; Hugh Morrison, 1898: S. S. Seger, 1899: J. B. Gray, 1900-01 ; J. Koder, 1901-02: D. J. Lev- eridge, 1902-3: G. ^L Cowles, 1904-05; J. Kbder, 1905-6-7; A. Palmer, 1908-9: \\'. T. W'olcott, 1910-11 The present town officers are W. T. Wolcott, mayor: D. C. Phillips, clerk ; Jonas Barr. marshal : councilmen. C. C. Worth. George H. Orcutt. George Ammer. O. G. Shaw, George Neft. A gasoline gas plant provides sufficient light for the town. It was in- stalled in 1902-3 at a cost of six thousand dollars, secured by floating bonds. The town has a good brick city hall and jail, but needs water works. In 1905 the population of Monroe was eight hundred and thirty-six, ac- cording to the state census reports. The banking interests are mentioned in the chapter on banking. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. In the spring of 19 10 the business and professional interests of this old and interesting town were as follows : General Dealers — James H. Cochrane, Frank J. Coffee, Custer Brothers & Wright, Louis H. Yost. Groceries — J. A. Murray. Meat.s — Irwin Heffelfinger. 294 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Live Stock — R. B. Hendershot. Mark Batenian, Charles Cramer, W. 1. Shaw . W'ilHani Whitted. all breeders but the first named. Drugs — \V. \\'. Townsend. Lawyers — J. Kipp & Son, Jacob Koder. Hardware and Plumbing — Ammer & Worth. Blacksmith — George F. Anderson. Physicians — Dr. Charles J. Alpin. Leonard \V. Cochrane (dentist), Robert K. Gladson (dentist). In 191 1, D. H. Wheelwright, F. L. Smith. Li\ery — George Corroy, Thomas W. Hancock Merchant Tailor — Edwin A. Coburn. . ?^Iillinery — Estella Broomfield, Mrs. Cora Ferguson. Cigar Maker — Harry Demming. Shoes — O. H. and L W. Fisher. Hotel — Roberts House. Lumber — Citizens" Lumber Company. Furniture — J. & S. Scharf, Chicago Furniture Company (1911). Exclusive Live Stock — Monroe Live Stock Company. Newspaper — The Monroe Mirror. Telephone Company — The Monroe Telephone Company, who built a fine cement block exchange building in 1910. Cement ^^'ork — L. T. Munson. Real Estate— W. T. Stotts. Buggies and \\'agons — Hetherington & Son. THE CITY OF THE DE.\D. The people of this community have ever taken much care and have a just pride in their cemetery. The ^Monroe cemetery was established as a private enterprise on the part of Daniel Hiskey, Esq., who. in 1871, pur- chased twenty-two acres of land, at a cost of two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, within a half mile of the public square. This was soon fitted up and properly improved for a resting place for the departed dead of the community. In 1878 the property was sold to F. M. Slusser, Esq. He continued proprietor until his death, when his heirs, a son and daughter, took the work up and have carried the same on ever since, although they reside away from Monroe. Through pioneer hardware man, L. I\L Shaw, they have had this burying place well cared for and improved. Aside from this the citizens, especially the Ladies Association of Monroe, have accomplished much to beautify the sacred enclosure and through their work have sue- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 295 ceeded in laying a fme cement walk from the city out the entire way to the cemetery, a half mile, and they have also cared for all graves and grave lots where relatives do not reside in Monroe. Xo obnoxious weeds and tall, un- sightly grasses are permitted to grow on the grounds. The walk alone cost them eight hundred dollars. With the return of each springtime, these grounds are looked after and Memorial day is an interesting event in Monroe district, for all gather and remember the graves of departed friends. Many fine shade trees beautify the place. lx)th native and evergreens. There are many costly monuments, including the John D. Long shaft, forty feet high, of white mar- ble, surmounted by an angel figure of rare design. This monument was raised by a Philadelphia firm who had to send a special freight wagon to draw the material from the railroad to the cemetery, so huge were the parts, including the great granite base. This monument, which cost ten thousand dollars, was erected to the memory of the great cattle raiser and '"cattle king"' of Jasper county, who at one time just before his death had eight hundred acres of Jasper county land and a mansion on one tract of it. Strange to relate, and seemingly without cause. Mr. Long took his own life by hanging, alx)ut ten days prior to a great im[K)rted stock sale he was to have on his farm. He left a daughter by his first marriage and his second wife, who was buried beside him in the spring of 191 1. When the construction of mausoleums l>ecame so popular a few years since in Iowa a company, at an expense of twenty-two thousand dollars, erected one on the Monroe cemetery grounds, on land purchased of the pro- prietors. This was completed in 1909 and has two hundred and fifty crypts, of which about forty are now disposed of. The prices at first were one hun- dred dollars, but after Mr. Maytag, of Xewton. came into possession of the place it was raised to one hundred and twenty-five dollars per crypt. It is a massi\e piece of masonry, lined with pure white, polished marble. It con- tains four tiers of crypts, one above another, for both children and adults. This is a prixate institution and has mtthing to do with the cemetery proper. POSTOFFICE IILSTORV. There has been no record kept of this ofiice, except intermittently, so it will be impossible to go much into details. It was one of the early offices in Jasper count)- and the following gentlemen have served, with possibly one or two more, but this seems to be about a correct list : Mrs. Adam Tool, first in charge; Thomas Petete, 1854, John Hickey, W. L. Lefevre, Aaron Adams, L W. Allum, O. B. Kipp, H. G. Nelson, John Vandernast. W. T. Stotts. H. 296 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. A. Perrin. who receixed his appointment in 1897, and still holds the office ac- ceptably to the patrons of the office H. J. Perrin is assistant postmaster. Monroe postoffice was robbed May 14, 1902, when twenty-three dollars in stamps and small change were taken from the money drawer. VILLAGE OF FAIRMOUNT. This is a station point on the old Des Moines Valley (now the Rock Island branch) railroad, situated in Fairview township, midway between Monroe and Prairie City. It is beautifully situated by nature, being on a level plateau of prairie land separating the Des Moines from the Skunk rivers, the timber from both streams being plainly in sight. In 1878 the place had grown to possess a Methodist Episcopal church edifice, costing" almost two thousand dollars. At the date last mentioned Fairmount did considerable business in the shipping of farm products, including many potatoes. The present business of the place is confined to a few business houses, a church and the usual small shops such as are demanded by the farming community. The county directory of 1910-11 gave the population of Fairmount as fifty. The general dealer was xA.rch Livingston, who was postmaster; grain dealer, J. M. Porter & Sons. A Methodist Episcopal church is sustained here, the same being cared for by the pastor from Prairie City. The postoffice at Fairmount was estab- lished in 1876. It is a fourth-class office, and has had but two postmasters, George Volk and A. Livingston. It is a small office, having transacted only one hundred dollars' worth of postal business during the last year. Two mails are received and one sent each way daily. FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP AND THE CIV^IL WAR. Fortunate, indeed, are the publisliers to obtain a true certified copy of the list of soldiers who went from this township to the Civil war. The list is certified to by R. C. Anderson and Roljert Elwood, sworn to before Notary Public Simeon B. Tefft. January 11, 1865. The company and regiment in which these men served will generally be found in the War chapter of this work, hence will not be repeated in this connection, but their age will be here published, showing, as it does, that l'\airview sent forth from her midst youth and age. the best blood and flower of the community. Other townships may have e(|ualed this, but no record is found : JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 297 Armstrong, Richard, aged forty. Adams, Aaron, aged thirty-five. Armstrong, Samuel, aged eighteen. Brady, George, aged eighteen. Bain, Robert, aged twenty. Bain, James, aged eighteen. Bargenholts, James, aged twenty. Box. Joseph, aged twenty-eight. Baker, Henry, aged twenty-three. Beath. Thomas, aged twenty- four. Buckhaher, Cason. aged forty-four. Bargenhalts. Peter, aged eighteen. Carr. Raymond, aged eighteen. Campbell, M. K., aged twenty. Cowles, H. A., aged eighteen. Caple. S., aged eighteen. Dowler. Henry, aged eighteen. Deye. William, aged twenty-seven. Dibble, Milo. aged twenty-five. Eyerley. William R., aged twenty- four. Estella, William, aged nineteen. Ell wood, A. G., aged thirty-seven. Eyerly, J. B.. aged twenty-six. Fudge, John C., aged twenty-one. Fudge. James W., aged twenty- three. French. Angus, aged thirty-five. Grubb, Sylvester, aged eighteen. Grubb. W^illiam. aged eighteen. Gray, Perry, aged forty. Gray, John, aged twenty-one. Gray. Samuel, aged nineteen. Gray. James, aged eighteen. Harcourt. Charles, aged twenty- three. Heron. David, aged twenty-one. Hughes. Sylvester, aged nineteen. Hawkins. David, aged fortv. Hitchins, Joseph, aged thirty. Howard, A., aged eighteen. Hammond, J. Q.. aged twenty. Hunter, Jacob, aged forty. Hill. John, aged twenty-one. Hill. Frank, aged twenty-five. Hill. James, aged nineteen. Hawling, Edward, aged thirty. Hawkins, William A., aged eighteen. Jordan. Isaac, aged eighteen. Jones. T. K., aged eighteen. Jones. G. G.. aged twenty-five. Jordan, John, aged forty-three. Kerr. Thomas, aged twenty-one. Kerr, Wesley, aged eighteen. Kerr. George, aged eighteen. Knapp. William, aged twenty-two. Knapp, C. D., aged thirty. Kaiser, Christopher, aged eighteen. Kindle. Joseph, aged thirty. Loudenback. R., aged fifty. Lapella. John P.. aged eighteen. Loudenback. I. X.. aged twenty-two. Lone. J. P., aged twenty-fi\e. Loudenback, David, aged nineteen. Loudenback, Joseph, aged twenty- one. Leeter. D. W.. aged twenty-two. Mudgett. P., aged nineteen. Mudgett, Woodbury, aged nineteen. Mateer, John, aged thirty-five. Mateer. Alex., aged twenty-five. ?^forgan. Joseph, aged twenty-six. Murphy. H. ]\L. aged twenty-eight. -Murphy, William, aged twenty-one. Montgomery, James, aged eighteen. Moore. W. W., aged twenty-eight. Mathews. Peter, aged twenty. Mortimore. Ephraim. aged eighteen. 298 TASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mathews, Alfrey, aged eighteen. Mathias. Henry, aged thirty-four. McKee. Robert, aged nineteen. McBride, John, aged eighteen. :McDonald, Charles, aged twenty- one. McWilliams. Henry, aged twenty. McDonald, Allen, aged thirty. McReynolds, Ew-ing. aged twenty- two. McReynolds, David, aged twenty- six. McCarthy, J. W.. aged twenty-one. Xitnnio, David, aged twenty-three. Nelson, H. G., aged forty. Painter. James, aged twenty-two. Porter, Andrew J., aged twenty-one. Porter, Robert, aged eighteen. Porter. A\'illiam, aged twenty. Priddy, D. M., aged forty-two. Parker, Joshua, aged thirty-one. Patterson, James, aged eighteen. Pattison, Alex., aged fifty-five. Romans, A. D., aged twenty-two. Rice, Frank, aged twenty-five. Richardson, Norris. aged twenty- five. Rogers, Edward, aged eighteen. Rutter, James G., aged thirty-one. Rutter. John, aged twenty-one. Rutter, David, aged eighteen. Robison, Jasper, aged eighteen. Robison, George, aged twenty. Sumney, Anthony, aged thirty-three. Sumney, Ransom, aged twenty-one. Staler, William, aged nineteen. Schooley, William E., aged eigh- teen. Schooley, James, aged forty. Stem, Jacob, aged twenty- four. Scott, David, aged twenty-two. Scott, David, aged twenty-three. Scott, James, aged twenty-one. Story, John H., aged forty-two. Story. James, aged eighteen. Shellady, Stephen, aged eighteen. Shelledy. S. B., aged sixty. Shelledy, John E., aged twenty -five. Stevens, James, aged eighteen. Sterrett, Robert, aged forty-four. Starrett. Finley. aged eighteen. Thorne, George, aged twenty. Taylor, James, aged twenty-six. Tefft, Seneca, aged eighteen. Taylor. James C, aged twenty- four. Taylor, Columbus, aged twenty-two. Taylor, John, aged thirty-five. \^olk, ^Michael, aged twenty-two. Vaughan. H. C, aged twenty-two. Wood, Eli F.. aged twenty-five. Whitted. Aaron, aged eighteen. Wilson. James, aged nineteen. \\'inkler, Theodore, aged eighteen. Whitman. Adam, aged eighteen. \\'estfall, Leander, aged twenty-two. VETERANS WHO RE-ENLISTKD. These are the soldiers from Fairview township who veteranized : Robert W. McKee, H. C. Vaughan. Ransom Sumney. Robert Bain, Thomas Kerr, William Eyerley, Sylvester Flughes, I. N. Loudenback, Leander W^estfall, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 299 E. McReynolds, J. O. Hamniond. John Hill, James G. Rutter, William Murphy, John Schooley, William Mills, William Estee. Alex. Livingston, S. V. Shelledy, O. W. Buckhalter, Jeff Long, John Scheck, John Hiskey, H. Stem, Samuel McRevnolds. CHAPTER XXI. MOrXn PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. This sub-division of Jasper county is in the southwestern part of the county, comprises about twenty-seven sections of land, for the most part sit- uated in township 79. ranges 20 and 21 west. It is bounded on the north- east by the South fork of the Skunk river, that stream being the Hne be- tween it and Sherman township. It is of quite irregular form, owing to the meanderings of the river. A ix)rtion of Prairie City is within this town- ship, while the remainder is situated in Des Moines township. The north line of the township is traversed by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific rail- road, which enters W^ashington township at Colfax, just to the west line of Mound Prairie township. A half dozen or more small tributaries of the Skunk river flow from the southwest to the northeast through this township. But little native timber ever grew within this township, but the farming land on the prairies is of an excellent character and has come to be verv- valuable. The only village within the township, aside from a portion of Prairie City, is Metz. a small station point on the Rock Island railroad. Mound Prairie was organized in February. 1857, under the old county judge .system. The order of the court creating this township organization reads as follows : "That there be a township organized by the name of Mound Prairie, bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of section 3. township 79. range 20. thence west on the township line to the northwest corner of township 79. range 21 ; thence west on the countv line to the southwest corner of said township and range; thence east on the township line to the southeast corner of section ^^. township 79. range 20; thence north on the section line to the quarter section stake on the east side of .section ii. same town.ship and range: thence west one mile: thence north to place of beginning.'' It will be seen that this took in much more tcrritorv than the present township does. Washington township was not yet cut ofT and made into a township organization. Among the original land entries in this township, as first organized, were the following: Elbert Evans, on the southwest of section 2. range 20. JASPER COUNT V, IOWA. 3OI October 28, 1848; John Rodgers, in the southwest quarter of northeast range 20, of section 2, October 21, 1848. The state census returns for 1905 gave this township a population of 1.393- In 1878 the township paid a personal tax on $45,867, including the items of 544 horses; 39 mules; 1,067 head of cattle over six months of age. In 1877 the total real estate and personal tax of this township was re- corded as $276,776, on which a tax was turned into the county treasurer amounting to $4,575.26. See table of present township valuations, m the chapter on County Government. The people of Mound Prairie ha^■e ever been on the alert for the in- troduction of the best public school methods and have had standard Jasper county public schools from the earliest date of its history. Much concerning schools, churches, lodges, etc., in this township will be incorporated in the general chapters of this volume, under their proper and respective headings. EARLY SETTLERS. The first settler in this township was Joseph Slaughter, of section 5, and he came in 1845 ^"^ built a log cabin, went back east and returned with his family in the spring of 1846. Samuel K. Parker settled in 1847. He had a saw mill operated by Robert Warner. In 1853 John Sumpter settled on section 7. He became the first justice of the peace of this township. Then there were a few settlers on the east side of the river before 1855, in what is now known as the Metz corner, and among these were the Millers, L. D. Samms, who came in 1849; James, John and G. W. Miller, of 1853. with possibly others who settled for a short time and moved on west. At that date the facilities for home and comfort were not excellent, only for the stout-hearted, brave and self-denying spirits. The nearest post- office was at Tool's Point: a grist mill at Red Rock; a corn-cracker on the Indian creek, near present Colfax; all merchandise had to be hauled on wagons from the Mississippi river ; salt was seven dollars a barrel : cut nails fifteen cents per pound and other articles in proportion. Coal was first discovered in this county in 1846 by a young man on the Slaughter place. Reaping with a reaper was first accomplished in this township in 1857 with an old Rugg reaper. 302 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. Following the settlers already mentioned, may also be recalled the following: E. R. Peck; on section 19 was Riley Scoyac, who remained until 1857; Daniel Shepherd; and possibly a few more in the early fifties. The first school was taught as a private school by Mrs. Charles Kendall in the kitchen of her small house in 1856. This stood on the southwest quarter of section 8. The first school house in this township was erected on the southwest corner of the east half of the southwest quarter of section 7 and among the first teachers there was Samuel Gooden. The fencing all had to Ije of rails split from the nearby forests, and if for no other reason the timber sections of the country were always occupied first, this being many years prior to barb wire inventions. Then the timber afforded better protection against the severe winter blasts. The winter season was usually put in by these pioneers at rail splitting and getting out logs, some of which went twenty miles to be sawed into floor stuff for cabin homes. The diet was usually corn bread, corn cakes and honey and plenty of prairie chicken breasts. In 1843 a mounted company of dragoons passed through this township from Iowa City to Raccoon Forks or Fort Des Moines. They crossed the Skunk at Samuel K. Parker's place. In 1849 set in the heavy California emigration to the faraway gold fields. In 1856-7 the Momions passed through on their way to Salt Lake, in colonies of from five hundred to one thousand daily, with their hand-carts loaded with all their earthly possessions. Each company had a few wagons and good tents for the leaders and the sick ones. The hand-carts were rough and unsafe for such a long trip. The same road was lined from sunrise to dark in 1859 with Pike's Peak trains, and then the Skunk bottoms were next to impassable. The suffering of both man and beast will never be known. The first railroad in this township made its advent in 1867. the Rock Island system. In 1894 Seth W. Macy sunk the first hole for coal so far out on the prairies and struck five feet of good coal. Hanson & Nay lor later opened a large bank near this point in the township. Now one of the most valuable coal mines in Iowa is situated on the R. N. Stewart farm on section 17. The winter of 1855-6 was long to be remembered, being one of the severest on record. Snow stood thirty inches deep on a level in the timber and much suffering was experienced all over Iowa. JASPER COrXTV. IOWA. 3O3 THE VILLAGE OF METZ Metz is the small railroad station situated midway between Xewton on the east and Colfax on the west. In 1877 it is said to have contained but a half dozen buildings, all told. It was put in here by the railroad company as an accommodation to the farming community, where stock and other farm products might be shipped and where lumber and fuel might be pur- chased from the local dealers. It is situated on section 11, and was platted in 1883. by William Hitchler. It now contains about eighty population. Its present business consists of a general store by Jesse H. Clement, who is also the postmaster : the grain business is carried on by D. J. Eberhart. Recently a Baptist church has been organized and a house of worship erected, at least is now in course of erection : it is a frame building in the northern part of town. VILLAGE OF SEVERS. This is a coal mining town and has never grown to great proportions. It is at the terminus of a coal spur extending out from Colfax. A postoffice was established there many years ago. CHAPTER XXII. ROCK CREEK TOWNSHIP. Rock Creek township is on the eastern border of Jasper county and the second from the north hne of the county. It comprises all of congres- sional township Xo. 80, range 17 west, except section 31, in the southwest corner which belongs in Kellogg" township. Hickory Grove township lies to the north; Poweshiek county to the east; Richland township at the south and Kellogg township on its west. In the central and eastern portions is a fine body of native timber. Rock creek, a beautiful stream, with its branches affords ample drainage for this township, which for the greater part is made up of excellent prairie farming" lands, now of high value on account of the price of land and its exceptional fine productive qualities. The Rock Island railroad runs through its domain from east to west, bearing to the south- east in its course. According to the state census reports in 1905, the population of Rock Creek township was seven hundred and twenty- four. It takes its name evi- dently from the stream of the same name, a tributary of the Skunk river. Among the first original entries of government land within this town- ship may be mentioned Theodore Whitney, in the northwest of section 9, on October 27, 1848; Charles G. Adams, in the north half of the northeast quarter of section 27, and the south half of the southeast of section 22, on the same date. This township was set off from Lynn Grove township September 4, 1854. The first election was held at the house of James Elliott. This sub- division of Jasper county was described as being congressional township X^os. 80 and 81, range 17 west. Later Hickory Grove was formed from its northern half. Among the fatal accidents in this township is recalled by those living- there in 1874, that of Washington Young, who was struck by lightning on September 19th of that year and instantly killed, while standing in front of his blacksmith shop. A man and boy standing" near him were badly shocked, but not materially injured. During the same thunder storm, a barn be- longing to J. H. Russell, living five miles southwest of X^wton, was set on fire by lightning and totally destroyed. r JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 305 Rock Creek is purely an agricultural district and has hundreds of most excellent, well improved farms, upon which reside a happy, contented and prosperous people. To show the general sentiment of the township, in April. 1855, when the prohibition of the sale of lifpior came up through a vote in Jasper county, it may be stated that the vote stood eight for the law and twelve against. In 1878 the total assessed ^•alue of all personal property in the town- ship was $38,805. including that levied on 477 head of horses; 17 head of mules and 989 head of taxable cattle. In 1877 t^i^ total \aluation of both personal and real estate was $275,590. on which the sum of $5,280 was paid into the county treasury. The reader is referred to the table in the County Government chapter on total valuations of the various townships in Jasper county as in comparison to the figures of this year. The schools and churches are mentioned at length in chapters especially on these topics for the whole county. THE VILLAGE OF TURNER. Turner is a little hamlet on the Rock Island railroad on the line of sec- tions 23 and 28 of Rock Creek township, fourteen miles east of Newton. It affords a good trading point, in a small way, for the adjacent community of farmers. The recent dealers there are : General merchandise. Lena Diehl ; creamery. E. B. Elliott; postmaster, O. J. Turner; live stock, coal and lum- ber, O. J. Turner. (20) CHAPTER XXIII. ELK CREEK TOWNSHIP. I'^lk Creek township is situated on the south hue of Jasper county and comprises almost forty sections of land, all in township 78, range 18 west, except about three sections which lie in range 19, of the same congressional township. It is bounded on the north by Buena Vista and Palo Alto townships ; on the east by Lynn Grove township; on the south by Mahaska county and Fairview townshi[). Jasper county; on the west by Palo Alto and Fairview townships. This civil township was organized May, 1846, as one of the original townships or precincts of the county of Jasper. For a description of its original boundaries the reader is referred to the chapter on County Or- ganization, elsewhere in this work. The pioneer settlers who came in to this fair and fertile portion of Jasper count}- were men and women of sterling worth and possessed the true Western settler traits of character and indeed they "builded better than they knew." Among the first to enter government land in this section of the county were: John J. Mudgett, the west fractional part of the southwest quarter of section 29, on December 16, J 856, and the same person on parts of section 30. September 4, 1847; James A. Tool, on the east half of the northwest (piarter of section 34, September 4. 1847; the same in the southwest of sec- tion 27, on the same date. The lands were purchased from the general government at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre and are now certain of being worth from sixty to one hundred and fifty dollars ])er acre. This shows the reader the base of much of Jasjjcr countN's wealth. The first sermon ever preached within Elk Creek township was by Rev. -Mr. Hitchcock, a Congregational missionary, at the house of M. D. Springer, in the early spring of 1846. Twenty or more persons were his attentive aud- ience. Xo attempt was made to form a church there then. The schools and churches of this townshij) appear in iheir resi)ective places in chapters on these subjects. It may be said, however, in passing. JASI'KR tOlNTV. IOWA. 3O7 that in March, 1851. the record shows that the school fund a])p(jrtionnient for Elk Creek township aiiiounted to the sniii of tweKe dollars and twenty- seven cents. At the general election in iS3_>, when (leneral Scott and hVankiin Pierce were running for President of the L'nited States, the vote in Elk Creek township stood, ten for Scott and three for Pierce. In 1855 the question of prohihition of intoxicating liquors in Jasper county resulted at an election in which tlie \ote in Elk Creek township was thirteen for the law and thirty against prohihition. It carried, however, in the county hy thirty-five votes. In 1878 the total amount of personal property assessed in Elk Creek township was $83,267. This included the items of 786 horses, 66 mules and asses, and 1,670 cattle. As to the valuation and taxes on property of all kinds in this town.ship in 1877. the books show that it amounted to $356,410, and that the taxes turned into the treasury were $5,073. I^he state census returns in 1905 fixed the population as being 909. VILLAGE OF GALESBURG. The village, or hamlet of Galesburg, on section 16 of this township, is five miles east of Reasoner. It was recorded of it in 1878 that it contained a good store which drew trade from a large farming section. It once had a postoffice, but after the establishment of rural delivery of mail in the county it was discontinued. A general store is conducted there by A. A. AUoway; also one l)y William C. DeBruyns and A. Graffs. The village blacksmith is C. Breen. At an early day there was hopes of this becoming a much larger place than it has attained to. CHAPTER XXIV. MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP. Mariposa township is the second from the east and lies on the north hne of the county, comprising congressional township No. 8i, range 17 west. It is almost entirely a prairie township, having a few small streams. Its soil is fertile and its farms are among the most valuable and productive of any in the county. To its north is Marshall county; to its east is Hickory Grove township; to its south is Kellogg township and on its west is Malaka town- ship. Its population in 1905 w^as placed in the state enumeration reports as being six hundred and twelve. Mariposa was organized in the month of February, 1857, by the county judge then in office. The record says, "Ordered that there be a new township formed by the name of Mariposa, bounded as follows : Commencing at the northeast corner of township 81, range 18; thence west to the northwest corner of said township; thence south to the range line to the southwest corner of section 19, in township 80, range 18; thence on the section line to the southeast comer of section 24 in said township and range; thence north on the range line to place of beginning."' Among the first to enter government land in this township were : Ben- jamin Springer, in the fractional half of the northwest quarter of section 7, on May 15, 1854; Almond Bird, in the sowtheast of section 33, July i, 1854. The settlement prospered and the lands l>ecame e(]ually valuable to that of een gready benefited by these necessities, as viewed from a modern farmer's standpoint. The schools, churches, etc., connected witli this townshij) are treated in general cliapters on tliese to])ics, hence need not here be repeated. CHAPTER XXV. MALAKA TOWNSHIP. This is the largest township within Jasper county. It is situated cen- trally east and west and is on the northern hne of the county, bordering on Marshall county, with Mariposa and Kellogg townships at its east; Xewton township on the south and Sherman and Independence on the west. It has forty-eight sections of land, and comprises township 8i and two tiers of sec- tion of township 80, range 19 west. This township was organized in February, 1S57. by the then county judge. The record of its formation is as follows: "Commencing *m the northeast corner of township 81, range 19; thence west on the countv line to the northwest corner of section 2, in township 81. range 20; thence south on the section line to the southeast corner of section 12. township 80, range 19; thence north on the range line to the place of beginning.'' According to the census reports of 1905 taken by the state authorities, this township had a population at that date of six hundred and twenty-four. Robert H. Snyder entered government land in the northwest (piarter of the northwest (juarter of section 23, township 81, range 19, on November 16, 1852; Greenberry Bridges, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 27, on the same date. This is one of Jasper county's almost exclusive prairie townships and is now well developed into valuable, high-priced farms with a happy, prosperous and contented populace. However, it is without railroad or near-by town market places, depending upon the city of Newton largely for such accommodations. This township became the seat of the famous \\'ittemberg Manual La- bor College, mentioned at length in the Educational chapter. The taxes paid on the personal property in this township in 1878 amounted to $90,680, inclusive of the items of 849 head of horses; 51 head of mules and asses and 2,333 ^^^^<^1 '^^ cattle over six months of age. The year prior to that (1877) the total tax of the township, personal and realty, amounted to $5,760, while the total valuation was placed at $370,400. Several other items connected with the history of this township will be found under their proper headings in the general chapters, including the churches, schools, etc. cii.\rT]-:k x.w 1. UES MOINES TOWN SHIP. Des Moines is the extreme southwestern township of Jasper county. It is composed of township 78, range 21 west, and a part of range 22 of the same township. It is eight miles from east to west and six from north to south. The "correction hue"" runs on the north line of this township, hence there oc- curs a set-off, or jog, the townships to the north being set over to the west one mile on account of this correction line. The southern portion of this sub- division of Jasper county is quite well supplied with native timber, of excellent varieties. Numerous little streams course through the domain, making it one of rare beauty and fertility. To its east lies Fairview township; to its south is Marion county ; to its west is Polk county ; and on its north are Washington and Mound Prairie townships, Jasper county. In 1905 its population was one thousand and eighty. For an account of its schools and churches, the reader is referred to the general chapters on these topics. Of the organization of this township it should be stated that it was among the original townships set off in jasper county and has a history dating back to May, 1846, when the county was organized into precincts. It was described by the record as comprising "a precinct laid oft' in the southwest corner of the county, to be called Des Moines, said precinct to contain all the territory west of the Indian boundary line, and all south of the territorial road leading from Oskaloosa to Fort Des Moines, within said Jasper county." .Among the first to enter go\ernment land in this township were ; Na- than l^jrown, in the east half of the southwest quarter of section 26, on Sep- tember 26, 1848; (ieorge Anderson, on the west half of the northwest quar- ter of section 30, on the same date. The sch(Kjl fund apportionment for 1 (S5 i was thirteen dollars and twenty- seven cents for Des Moines township. In 1852, at the presidential election, this townshi]) cast sexenteen votes for Cien. Winfield Scott and fifteen for ['"ranklin Pierce for President of the United States. In .\ijril. 1855, at an election o\er the \ exed (|uestion of selling or not .selling intoxicating li(|uors in Jasper county, the vote stood in this township, twenty for and thirty against tlie measure of ])roliihition. I JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 3II The records show that in iHjcS the personal property in Des Moines township amounted to $85,609. inchuhnj,^ such articles as 865 horses, 133 mules and asses, and i,e the Fourth of July cele- bration of that year. It was celebrated in splendid style, by a procession form- ing on the public square at ten o'clock in the morning, officered by Isaiah Coombs. George Fugard, James F. Parker, Fletcher :\linshall, J. H. Elliott and R. H. McConnell, headed by the Newton Brass Band. A. F. McConnell read the Declaration of Independence and addresses were made by H. S. W'inslow. Judge Phillips, of Des Moines, Thomas S. Osborn. of Chicago, and Rev. Caleb Bundy. Six hundred people sat at dinner around a table heavily loaded with all that was palatable, the length of the improvised table being four hundred feet. A later Independence Day celebration was of not so pleasing a character. It was that of 18^)9, when several young men were saluting by the firing of an anvil when some one mentioned the fact that the town afforded another an\il. which was brought forward, l)urst with the first shot or discharge. It proved to be a cast iron one, hence not safe. The bursting of this anvil instantly killed a Mr. Anderson, of Prairie City, a man sixty years old ; also Mr. Rockbold, of Vandalia, besides severely wounding several others in the crowd of by-standers. Prairie City was incorporated and its first council met October 14, 1868, when Sidney Williams was mayor. In March, 1869, the work of sidewalk building engaged the attention of the people and the council. In July, the same year, a town jail or calaboose was erected for the unruly ones who chanced to l)e within the town's gates. The mayors from then on included 1). M. Bartlett, 1869: C. Smith, in 1875; D. G. Winchell, 1876; E. R. Ward, in 1877; A. H. Brous, 1881-83; L. A. Williams, 1883-85; G. J. Comman, 1885-89; M!. Feathers, 1889-91; I. W. Shriver, 1891-95; C. M. Baird, 1895- 97; F. J. Cowman, 1897-99; C. M. Baird, 1899-1901 ; George K. Scott, 1901- 03; D. H. Gill, 1903-07; C. M. Baird, 1907-10; J. W. Hayes. 1910-12. ,\ nine-thousand-dollar water works plant was voted in 1904 and it is now doing service. The present city clerk is Frank C. Turner, who is capable for his duties. The lodges and churches of this place will be treated in their respective chapters elsewhere in this work. The postoffice history of tliis place begins with its establishment in about 1855. It is now situated on the north side of the square. The first rural route was established from this point in July, 1902, and there are now two routes leading to the surrounding country. The amount of business trans- acted during the year 1910 at this postoffice was three hundred and fiftv dol- JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. 3I3 lars. Five mails are received here daily. On the night of April 21, 1909, the safe of this postoffice was blown open by two burglars, and stamps, etc., to the amount of eight hundred dollars and postal funds to the amount of about one hundred and seventy-five dollars was taken out. Xo clue has ever been obtained to the rcjbbery. The following have served as postmasters at Prairie City : James Elliott, J. Irely. John Butters. Caleb Bundy, D. M. Bartlett, Dennis Win- chell. Jc^hn Lyons. A. H. Brous. T. J. Cowman, J(jhn Sell)y. W. H. Price. Jacol) Mummert and the present incumbent, T. W. Xixon. The town is provided with a handsome park, a full square, in which are now growing a large number of artificial trees, which, with the band-stand in the center, makes an attractive place. The Knights of Pythias. Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Masons have lodges — see chapter on Lodges in this volume. The churches here represented are the Christian, Methodist Episcopal, Congregational. Christian Reformed (Dutch). BUSINESS DIRECTORY IN I9II. Banking — The First National and the State Bank. Prairie City Milling Company — Peter Wagman, miller. Dowden Manufacturing Co. — Makers of end-gates and potato diggers. Prairie City Grain and Live Stock Company — George V^anderz, manager. General Dealers — F. J. Christie. George Cross. Illias. Hardware Dealers — Little & Gill Company, Jenks & Son. Drugs — X. D. Riddle. J. F. Freeman. Harness— E. C. Wilson. Restaurant — E. K. Ballogh. A. A. Jones. Hotels— The Main and the Feathers. ■ Furniture — ^^^ A. Thomas. Novelty Store — M. Feathers. Postmaster — T. \V. Nixon. Millinery — Carrie White. Meats — \>rhaalen & \^erdught. Railroad Agent — Frank Joy. Blacksmiths — Rantlall & Son. Ren fro & Bowen. Dentist — Dr. D. ]\I. Hemminger. Billiard Hall— F. E. Davis. Auctioneer — Col. John T. Graham. -I^^ JASPER COIXTV. IOWA. Shoes and Clothing — D. Kramer & Co. Barbers — W'aher Hugen, Alex. Ray. Newspaper — The Prairie City Nezus. General Insurance — Frank L. \Voodard. Stationery — Leonard May. Books and Confectionary — H. C. Cowman. Livery — William Dutley. Lumber — McKleven & Co. Physicians — Drs. J. F. Hary. \\'. B. Chase, W. D. AlcCormaughey. ' Attorneys — A. A. Arnold, A. H. Brous. Opera House — The L'nion Mall. W. S. F'arker. i)roprietor. VANDALI.\ VILLAGE. \^andalia was laid out in 1851. John 0. Deakin and family were the life of earlv \'andalia. The first store in the place was opened by Henry Shearer. Mr. Deakin's father-in-law. A school house was provided in 1856, and by a few years more the place had outgrown the most sanguine expectations of its founder. In 1861 it was a better town than Monroe and kept on holding its enterprise until 1865. when it had a population of about five hundred. There were four general stores, two mills, two hotels, three blacksmith shops, two wagon shops and a good plow factory. Before that date had been formed both a Christian and Presbyterian church society. The Des Moines Valley road had planned to take in this village on its southeastern route, but finding that they could legally avail themselves of every other section of valuable land, even if they did go in a ^■ery crooked and extended course through the domain of the state, they decided to go farther out and leave Vandalia out in the rural district in which she had been so long located. It was the old Des Moines Navigation Companv liack of the building of this railroad, and its litigation was the tliorn in the side of every Congress until finally adjusted, about 1885. Many of the original settlers all along the river, as far north as Fort Dodge, lost all they had ])ut on their lands in way of twenty years improvements. EARLY DAY.S IN TTTE VILLAGE. .\t \'andalia, the first claim was taken by John O. Deakin, in 1845, while Iowa was yet a territory. He removed from Henry countv. Iowa, in the following year, and not long after his settlement he was joined bv liis wife's parents, Henry Shearer and wife, and George Anderson and wife. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 315 Dnrini^- his first year's sojourn, Mr. Deakin believed he had located in Polk county, and he cast his vote in that county in the fall of 1846. Me also served as a grand juryman from Polk county. The hrst birth in the village was that of a child of Mr. and Mrs. An- derson in the fall of 1849. The first death was that of a child of Mr. and Mrs. Deakin, which oc- curred in 1848. The first school house was erected in 1850, but a school had been taught by George Reese, the previous winter. The patrons of this first school were inclusive of these : Elias Prunty, Abner Ray, George Anderson, Alexander Black and J. Q. Deakin. In 1848 Mr. Deakin built a saw mill on Camp creek, near the west line of the county. He cut large quantities of native lumber and patrons to his mill came for many miles distant with logs. Two years later he commenced the building of a flouring mill and carding machine, where \'andalia now stands. In digging a well for his carding factory, he struck a vein of soft coal about twenty feet below the surface. It was found to be four feet thick, and was used for heating his buildings during the winter. With the construction of the old Des Moines \^alley railroad, the present Rock Island route, Vandalia began to go down, it being an inland town. Today many know not of its former history. Its present business is con- fined to a general store conducted by John Cavatt. CHAPTER XXVII. KELLOGG TOWNSHIP. Second from the north and the same from the east, in Jasper county, is. Kellogg township, which is all of congressional township No. 80, range 18 west. It is for the most part a fertile prairie section of the county. Its Ix-autiful streams are (juite numerous, and these include Alloway, Burr Oak and Coon creeks. In the central part of the township is found a good sized hody of natural timber land. The Rock Island & Pacific railroad traverses the territory from east to west, bearing" diagonally from southeast to north- \\est through a larger part of its course. The only town \yithin this town- ship is Kellogg, situated on section 23. The township's population in 1905, as per state reports, was six hun- dred and eight, plus that of Kellogg town, five hundred and ninety-two, mak- ing a total of one thousand two hundred. In 1878 it had a personal tax yaluation of $64,207. including 571 head of horses: 30 mules; 1,407 cattle. In 1877 the township paid a tax on all its property assessment into the county treasury amounting to $4,986, which had been levied on a valuation of all property, personal and real, amounting to $329,586. Here one finds a thrifty set of settlers who have wonderfully trans- formed the appearance and real value of the six-mile-square tract of Jasper county land. This township was organized in 1868 by the board of county super- visors and had previously been attached to other territory. TITE TOWN OF KELLOGG. Kellogg was laid out l)y Messrs. Enos Blair and Abraham W. Adair on September 12, 1865, \vhich was a few months before the first passenger ser- \'ice was perfected on what is now the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific rail- road, then known as the Mississippi & Missouri railway, to this point in Jasper county. It stands (original platting) on section 23, township 80, range 18 west. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 317 Soon after the platting had been executed a postoffice was estabhshed, known as Kimball, the name of the plat having been recorded as "J^^sper City." The railroad, however, had named the station at this point Kellogg, hence the place had, for a short time, three names. The track of the rail- road being laid from east to west, headed for the Missouri river, reached Kellogg in the spring of 1866, and soon freigiit and passenger service was maintained. The terminus of the road was here for about a year. None were sure what the company proposed to do in way of extension, or improve- ments, hence most all the buildings were little other than mere board shanties, aside from one building owned by a Mr. Downing, which later liecame the Methodist parsonage. During the summer and autumn of 1866 a tavern was started by Ben- jamin Manning; Blair & j\dair, town site proprietors, oi)ened up stores and Samuel Rich a blacksmith shop. Mr. Rich, aside from pounding at the glowing forge, was also the ''Nasby" of the town, for he held the office of postmaster and it is related for a truth that he delivered mail from his hat around the embryo village. The beer saloon was early in the field here, for during the year last mentioned two were staVted by Messrs. -\. J. Fish and Dick Wood. Besides those already referred to, there were residing in Kellogg during the winter of 1866-7: William Vaughan, Robert Ludwick, J. \V. Maynard. Samuel Rich, an attorney named Cooney, Lewis Clark. Fred C. Downing. John Matthews, the pioneer butcher, George Laird, W. R. Reynolds, E. L. Keagy, James McCully, Thad Woods, Captain Atwater, Barrtey Curtis, Patrick McGuire and a few more, all, or nearly all, men of families. Tn 1867 the peo])le united in the building of a union church, which later was purchased by the Congregational society, and in the- winter of 1868-9 't was rented for school house purposes and in it was taught the first school by J. H. F. Balderson. The first sermon in the place was preached, however, by Rev. Spooner in the depot in the late months of 1866. this man jjeing of the L'nited Brethren faith. Next came the L'uiversali^t preacher. Rev. Eaton. Then came another United Brethren preacher. Rev. Longshore. A society of this faith was formed, but went down after a year or two. The infant of Air. and Mrs. William \'aughan, born in the winter of 1866-7, '^^■^s doubtless the first to be born in Kellogg: it survived init a half year. The first marriage was that of William Patten to Mollie Winters in 1867. ^iS lAsi'KR c()^^T^■. iowa. In 1872 a large and costly flouring mill plant was erected at Ixlellogg. It was operated about three years, when it w^as burned and another followed in a few years. Kellogg had a fine growth for many years. A former history of this place, compiled in 1878. speaks of it as follows : The town of Kellogg has had a rapid growth in the thirteen years of its existence. It is surrounded by a magnificent farming region and enjoys a large trade. Its population ranks third in the county and it has by no means reached its limit of growth. Its citizens are wide-awake and enterprising, and are able to hold their own in comjietition with the surrounding towns. Its builders are fully employed and its growth (hu-ing iH/H is equal to that of the most prosperous towns in Iowa, population being considered." MUNICrP.XL HISTORY. Kellogg was legally incorporated in 1874, pursuant to a vote of its people. The first council was organized March 16. 1874, made up as follows: J. H. F. Halderson, mayor; W. J. Hay ward, Philip Shoemaker, L. L. Patton, L. W. I)a\is. S. 1'). Lyday. trustees; J. P>. Burton, recorder; F. Clawson, marslial and street commissioner. The mayors have been as follows: J. H. F. Balderson, 1874 and 1875; L. W. Davis. 1876: I. L. Patton, 1877-7*8; H. M. Cox, 1880; A. W. Adair, 1881-2; C. J. Wright. 1883; A. G. West, 1884; G. J. Wright, 1885; C. M. Golden. 1886: John Simpson, 1887; J. R. Smith, 1888; D. H. Setzer, 1890; W. J. Breedon. i8(j3: D. K. Moberly, 1896; C. K. Irish, 1900; A. G. West, 1902; S. 1). Powers. ]i)oC): \V. N. Jones, 1908; J. Boyle, 1910; F. L. Phipps, 19TI. The n'lunicipal officers in the spring of 191 1 are: F. L. Phipps. mayor; R. C. Birchanl. clerk; ('. J. Irish, treasurer; A. L. Miller, marshal; council- men. C. W. Richetl, F. T. Hammer, R. C. Butron, Perry Coon. The town is not well protected against fire. The small water svstem of the town is not sufiicient, but better things are promised another year, when a more up-to-date system will probably be voted upon. The recent year's fire has opened the eyes of the citizens and business men. Now the town only has small street wells and a cistern of small capacity on the hill. When these improvements go in it is thought also to erect a town hall and jail com- bined. These, with a suitable stand-pipe on the heights, will secure the citizens and i)ro])erty owners against the further ravages of the dread fire fiend. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ■ 319 Kellogg has a good gasoline gas-lighting [jlant owned by the town ; also the advantages of a good electric lighting system by the Craven Electric Com- pany, private. The gas plant was installed in 1905 at a cost of four thousand dollars. Bonds were floated for ten years for this purpose. BUSINESS IN J 911. In the month of April, 191 t, the following were the business factors in Kellogg : Agricultural Implements — Craven Implement Company, Craven & Mo- berly. Garage — Craven Garage Company. Bank — Burton & Company's State Bank. Barbers — Hammer & Shill, Arthur Jay. Blacksmiths — A. N. Dunn. Brick and Tile — Kellogg Brick and Tile Company. Cement Blocks — R. L. West. Clothing — Moses Caminsky. Creamery — Beatrice Creamery Company. Dentist — J. C. Craven. Druggists — R. C. Birchard, Carl W. Forche. Furniture and Undertaking — B. A. Burton. General Dealers — Ed. Lison, Bobzin Corner Store. Jones Bros., Galusha & Company. Grain Dealers — Farmers' Elevator Company. Hardware — B. A. Burton. Craven & Moberly. Hotel — Hotel Simpson. Lawyer — John W. Burke. Stock — Stephen A. Morris. C. \V. Rowland. Livery — Harry Richeld. Lumber — Charles Bobzin. Mills— Roller, by E. A. Conrad. Meats — "Melcher's Market." Milliner — Mrs. Lizzie Arthur. Newspaper — Enterprise. Pool Room — Mr. Nichols, of the Simpson hotel. Physicians — Drs. J. Frank Hackett. B. Liesman. Dr. Wood. Restaurant — Olson Bros.. Leslie Hill. \^alve Factorv — Stock company of home capitalists. 3_>0 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. The most important concerns of Kellogg at this date are the brick and tile factory and the \alve factory. The former was established in 1905. The churches of the town are the ^Methodist Episcopal. Congregational, Christian and German Lutheran societies. The lodges include the Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias and ^^'oodmen and Yeoman orders. (See Lodge and Church histories else- where.) The postoffice at Kellogg was established in 1865. and has been of the third-class since January i, 1907. There are four mails each way daily. The first rural free delivery route was established July i. 1902. There are now three routes. The amount of postoffice business transacted in 1910 was $4,300.16. The following have served this office as postmasters: Samuel Rich. B. F. Wright, William Fisher, Mrs. Phoebe Ludwick, L L. Hammer. W. P. Coutts, J. W. Burke, E. J. Birchard, the last being the present incum- bent; Kellogg has been visited with two disastrous fires, one in Septem1>er, 1909. and another January 22, 191 1. In the first fire the entire eastern side of the first business block was totally destroyed, aside from a residence or two. One dealer, IMr. Bobzin, lost over twenty thousand dollars in this fire. This was occasioned by a small boy burning" scrap papers in the alley and this ignited with straw in a livery barn across the alley from the old bank building. In the fire of last spring the opera hall was destroyed and with it a skating rink and part of a millinery stock. Total loss in this fire was said to have been about five thousand dollars. < CO O -n > X H m 73 O CHAPTER XXVIII. INDEPEXDEXCE TOWNSHIP. That portion of Jasper county described as congressional township 8i, range 20 west, is known as Independence civil township. It is bounded on the north by Marshall county ; on the east by Malaka township ; on the south by Sherman and a part of Poweshiek townships; on the west by Clear Creek township. It contains thirty-six sections of mixed timber and prairie land; is well watered by numerous small streams and larger creeks, all flowing southward, emptying into the waters of the Skunk river. The town of Baxter, a station on the Great Western railroad, is situated at the exact center of the township, and was long before railroad days known as Baxter postoffice. Independence township was organized in IMarch, 1858, by the county judge then in office. This was one of the later townships set ofif from the original precincts of Jasper county. The population of the township in 1905, according to state reports, had reached nine hundred and twenty-nine. In 1878 the value of personal property was fixed at $52,909, of which sum were included 619 head of work horses; 20 mules; 1.473 head of cattle. In 1878 the total amount of taxable property, personal and real, in In- dependence township was placed at $241,443, and the tax on the same was turned into the county treasury to the amount of $4,517. See present valua- tion list elsewhere for all the townships within the county. A TERRIBLE REAPER ACCIDENT. Among the terrible accidents of this township may be recalled that of 1874, when Alfred Butler, son of a widow Butler, of this township, was killed by a reaper. The team he was driving became frightened at a terrific clap of thunder and started to run, throwing the boy from his seat in such a manner that his body fell in front of the cutting bar of the reaper, by which part of the machine his right foot was severed and his left leg amputated at (21) ... JASl'KK COINTV, IOWA. — the groin, the parts above being so mangled and torn that death ended his sufferings in a few minutes, and before the men at work binding could reach him. THE TOWN OF BAXTER. What was originally styled "Baxter Postoffice," on section 22. of In- dependence township, has come to be a thriving town of about five hundred and fifty population. It is situated on the Great Western railroad and draws trade from a large fanning settlement, it now being the most business- like place in the northern part of Jasper county. It had in 1877 come to be a small hamlet in which were to be seen a postoffice, a physician, a public hall in which public meetings, church services, etc., were held, and near at hand was a good frame school building. Baxter has made its great growth since the building of the railroad, first stvled the "Diagonal." then the ''Maple Leaf" route and now the Chicago Great Western system. This railroad reached this place in 1883, since which date the town has made much growth. The town was platted October 24. 1883. by David W. and Amy Smith. It is within Independence township and is a part of section 24. It was in- corporated in 1894, and the 191 1 municipal officers are as follows: H. Haz- lett. mayor; Carl C. Webb, clerk: Charles Burdick, treasurer; H. H. Mag- gard, marshal ; councilmen, J. S. Booth. W. T. Thorp. George Diehl. O. E. Cunningham. A. C. Rose. The mayors of Baxter have been as follows: J. D. Richards. 1894; G. \\'. Thompson, 1896; J. F. Klise, 1897-1899, inclusive; W. T. Thorp, 1900 to 1904; C. C. Graham. 1904-05; H. Hazlett, 1906 to the present date, hav- ing served well and faithfully for the last six years. The question of providing some adequate water works for Baxter comes up at the special election this season. It is designed (if the people so elect) to issue bonds in the sum of ten thousand dollars. In 1904 the town erected a city building of cement blocks at a cost of one thousand six hundred dollars and in connection with this building a gasoline gas plant was added, costing the sum of four thousand five hundred dr)llars. The bonds run ten years. THE POSTOFFICE II I.STORY. This office was established at an early date in the town's history and among those who have been postmasters are the following : S. B. Higgins, Milo T. Burnett, J. F. Klise, George T. Hager, F. L. Phipps. D. R. Mann. Mrs. J. N. Mann, Carl C. Webb, who was appointed July i, 1906. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 323 A twenty-six-mile rural route was established a few years since. The receipts of this office in 1910 amounted to about one thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine dollars. 191 I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. In the fall of 1910 the following were the chief business and professional factors of the town of Baxter: Banking — State Savings Bank and People's State Bank. Baxter Dairy Company. Baxter Roller :\Iills — Hager & Noah. Baxter Telephone Company (incorporated). Blacksmiths— O. S. Tipton, H. D. Wilson. Baxter JNIercantile Company. Harness Shop — C. C. Commack & Company. Implements — Baxter Implement Company. Newspaper — The Neiv Era. Pool Room — C. S. Bishop. Cigar Maker — August Gouch. Clothing — H. E. Gould & Company. j Coal — Denniston & Partridge and S. E. Squires. Dentist — \\. R. Crawford. Drugs — Downs Drug Company and C. ]\I. Forney. Furniture — Buckley & Noah. General I>ealers — Miller & Klemme. Hardware — Buckley & Noah, Hasiie Hardware Company. Hotels — The Commercial, by G. A. Small, a dollar hotel by Mrs. Mar- garet Cool. Live Stock — F. W. Scharmann, J. M. Vansice. Smith & Wiley. Meat ^Market — Duncan McKenzie. Millinery — Mrs. H. H. Maggard. Photographs — J. L. Butler. Physicians — Drs. H. W. Canfield. C. C. Graham and Paul Koeper. Planing :\Iills— O. O. Tipton. ; Poultry and Eggs — Thomas Canfield. Real Estate Dealer— C. C. Webb. Insurance — C. C. W^ebb. Shoemaker — James Trussel. Postal Telegraph & Cable Company. ^24 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Klise's Opera House. Jewelry — G. H. Pease. For the Lodge and Church history of Baxter see spteci^l chapters. VILLAGE OF IRA. This is one of the smallest villages in the county, and yet much business is transacted here. It was platted as a station point on the Great Western railroad about 1883-4 and now has a population of about one hundred and fiftv. It had, in the spring of 191 1, a Christian and Methodist Episcopal church ; a Modern Woodman of America camp of thirty members and the Yeomen also had a lodge at this place, organized about 1890. Both meet in the hall on the second floor of the Ira Building Association's building. The business interests at Ira are now : Lumber — The Ira Lumber Company, L. F. Richards, manager. Grain — Rippey & Hanson. General Dealers — G. A. Ruml3augh, A. H. Campbell. Hardware — C. C. Barbee. Blacksmiths — F. I. Inglis. Barber — L. I. Harding. Bank — Farmers Savings Bank. Postmaster — A. W. Jeffries. Harness shop — W. W. Mead. Restaurant — C. L. Palmer. Stock dealer — Trammel & Jeffries. Railway agent — W. M. Barber. Implements — F. I. Inglis, Hurst Hotel. A |)ostoffice was established at Ira in 1883 and is now situated on lot No. 9, block 5. A rural free delivery route was established here April i, 1903. The amount of business transacted here in 1910 was five hundred and tw-elve dollars and thirteen cents. Two mails are sent and received here daily at this time. It is a fourth-class postoffice. The postmasters who have served here have been in the following order: Salem Jeffries, ^^^ J. Craw- ford. II. A. Jeffries. ^\^ J. Crawford, H. A. Jeffries, H. R. Lorimor, A. W. Teffries. CHAPTER XXIX. HICKORY GROVE TOWNSHIP. The extreme northeastern subdivision of Jasper county is known as Hickory Grove township. It is six miles square and comprises township 8i, range 17 west. It has but few streams of much size and is a prairie town- ship of excellent fertility and now well improved and the abiding place of hundreds of magnificent and valuable farm homes. The only village within its borders is Xfewburg, on the eastern line, midway north and south, a station point on' the Iowa Central railway. This township is bounded by Marshall county on its north ; by Poweshiek county on the east ; by Rock Creek town- ship on the south; and by Mariposa township on its west. In 1905 its popu- lation was placed by the state authorities at six hundred and thirty-eight. It was organized in 1864 and was among the later ones to be set off from the original townships or precincts of the county. Among the earliest land entries within this township may be named Francis Holyoke and Homer Hamlin in the northeast quarter of the south- east quarter of section 20, May 12, 1854; John Swigart. the southwest (luar- ter of section 34, on May 15, 1854. The amount of money apportioned from the school fund in the spring of 185 1 for this township was but a few dollars: the amount for the territory now included (the township not yet having been organized) in Hickory Grove and two other precincts was only $28.10, but at that day but little was needed for schools, as settlers were very far between. In October, 1865. William R. Skiff was appointed agent to locate swamp lands scrip for Jasper countv, but nothing was done for a year when he was ordered to dispose of the scrip for cash, on the best possible terms. UNUSUAL ITEMS OF INTEREST. In the middle of August. 1876. Harry Ford, a lad of seven years, was bitten by a rattlesnake in this township. The fangs of the reptile struck him in the hollow of his foot and he being heated at the time, the poison was ab- sorbed into his svstem and as a result he died within twentv-four hours. jj() JASPER COl'XTV. IOWA. In June. 1875, a small child of Scott Aydelotte. of this township, was scalded to death. Its mother had placed a tub of boiling hot water in the middle of the room, and had stepped to a nearby well, leaving the child in the room alone. The child approached the tub. fell in and was so badly scalded that it yielded up its innocent young life the day following. In 1878 Hickory Grove township had an assessed valuation of personal property amounting to $26,625 ; of this was included 527 horses. 47 mules and asses and 800 cattle. In 1877 the total valuation of all property in this township was $284,- 450. on which they paid into the county treasury the sum of $4,487. The schools and churches, as well as lodges of this township, are de- scribed in general chai)ters on these topics elsewhere. The Iowa Central railroad touches the eastern sections of this township, with a station point at Newburg, a small platted place in section ^24. An other branch of the same railroad runs to the northwest . from Newburg, go- ing diagonallv to section 6 where it leaves the county. The wagon roads in this township are situated, as a rule, on section lines and are well worked. The conveniences of modern mail service, the telephone and other im- provements which are now universally enjoyed by all up-to-date farmers here obtain to a good degree. To be a land owner in this goodly portion of the ''kingdom of Jasper" is indeed to be an independent citizen. VILLAGE OF NEWBURG. In Hickory Grove township, in the northeastern corner of Jasper county, is situated Newburg. A postoffice was established at this point in 1878. It was made a rural delivery station in July, 1902. The amount of business transacted in 1910 was only sex'enteen dollars and ten cents. This office suffered the loss of fifty-three dollars by a robbery, to which no clue was ever obtained. Two mails are receixed here daily, except Sunday. The fol- lowing persons have served as postmasters or postmistresses : E. H. Taylor, James R. Wood, O. V. Kenaston, ¥. J. Edelblite, Miss Sarah J. Clay, served nine years and six months, until August 23, 1893. when Mrs. Mary J. Craw- ford served until May 11. 1897, or three years and eight months, when Miss Sarah J. Clay was reappointed and is still serving. The population is now supposed to be about one hundred and fifty. There are two church buildings in Newburg, the Church of God and the Congregational denominations. See church chapter. , JASPKR COUNTY, IOWA. 327 The business interests of Newburg in April, 191 1, are: General dealers — G. D. Alden, Dale Livingston. Banking — The Newburg Savings Bank. Grain — Newburg Farmers lilevator Company, doing almost half a mil- lion dollars worth of business annually. The Newburg Creamery- Company, with numerous routes, doing an an- nual business of $30,000. Implements and lumber — A. C. Newcomer. Blacksmiths — George E. Buck, W. T. Richardson, who also runs a ma- chine shop. Hotel — Shannon House, by John Shannon and wife. The agent for the Iowa Central Lines at this station has l)een for the past seventeen years, P. S. Howard. It goes without saying that this place is situated within one of Iowa's richest farming sections CHAPTER XXX. LYNN GROVE TOWNSHIP. Lynn Grove township is one of the original precincts of Jasper county, organized by the commissioners in 1846. It is situated in the extreme southeastern corner of the county ; is bounded on the east by Poweshiek county, on the south by ]\Iahaska county, on the west by Elk Creek town- ship. Jasper county, and on its north by Richland township. It comprises, as now constituted, all of congressional township yS, range 17 west. The northeastern portion is cpiite rough and originally heavily timbered, while the balance of its territory is fine, rich prairie land, the cultivation of which has made it among the richest sections within Jasper county. The enter- prising town of Lynnville is the only place within this township, a history of which will follow the general history of the township. This township originally included much more teriltorv than at present. The schools and churches are mentioned under their respective head- ings, in the general chapters of this volume. .\t the general election in 1852 this township gave the following votes for the presidential candidates : For Gen. Winfield Scott, eighteen ; for Franklin Pierce, twelve. Scott carried Jasper county, but was not elected. In 185^; when the prohibition cjuestion first came up for solution in Jasper county, the voters of this township gave thirty-one votes for prohi- bition as against thirty-four votes against it. The measure carried in the county by thirty-five majority, and saloons then had to pay a license in order to sell intoxicating liquors. That this township was in a ]M-osperous condition in 1878 it only need be said that the county records show that there was at that date $76,580 worth of personal property, including tlic following items: 747 horses. 210 mules and asses and 2,011 cattle of a taxable age. The previous year the record is that this township paid into the county treasury the sum of $5,304.19. as the taxes on a total \aluation of all pro])erty of $257,505. The population of the townshi]). according to the reports compiled by authority of the state, in 1905 was eight hundred and eighty-three. The first pioneers in this goodly township were original land entry men — men who sought out this section of the famous Iowa countr\- in which to JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 309 build for themselves homes. Among- the earlier land entries the following named are now recalled after consulting the records of the county and the land office books : John R. Sparks, the west half of the northwest of section 10. December 4, 1846; William ]\I. Stallings; Walter Turner, Jr., the east half of the southeast of section 36, November 18, 1847; Moses Starr, the northwest of section 35, April 27, 1848. The original township, or territorial precinct, of Lynn (irove included ''all that part of Jasper county east of the range line between 17 and 18." But we find that changes were made and that on September 4, 1854. the territory of the precinct was sub-divided, throwing Rock Creek into a terri- tory described as "congressional townships 80 and 81, range 17 west." In 1857 the record shows that Lynn Grove was still in possession of all territory within congressional townships 78 and 79. range ij west. Richland township was cut off in i860, since which date Lynn Grove has been as now seen on the maps, an even township of land. Some time in the fall of 1846 a saw mill was constructed and started in this township by A. T. Sparks. It was on the North Skunk river, and bv the end of harvest time, in 1848, he had a good flouring mill in operation. This was a superior milling plant to that hitherto put up with by the pioneers, who had much trouble to obtain good flour at the illy-built make-shifts of mills in this section of Iowa. It was greatly prized by the people of the en- tire county, saving as it did three days drive to Oskaloosa over very uncertain streams and poor highways. Concerning the hardships of settlers here, the reader is referred to the general early settlement chapter in this volume. In March. 1851, the record shows that the apportionment from the school fund for this township amounted to forty-two dollars and sixty-one cents. This looks small to the residents of the school district in this year of the world. ANOTHER EARLY .SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Among the various historical writings of Joseph Arnold of this town- ship the writer has gleaned the following facts : In the spring of 1844, Wesley Stallings, his son W'illiam, and David Campbell came to Lynn Gro\e to establish homes. They came with ox teams. But prior to these pioneers had come fi\e men and taken claims and two had cabins built on them by these men. But all alone in the green glad solitude of the far west, these men tired of the country, believing that ilot in their life 3^0 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. time would this couiitry ever be settled up. hence they hunted and doubtless found greener pastures more to their liking. On the arrival of the Campbells and Stallings they took the two claims on which had been the cabins referred to above. They broke out twenty acres of the virgin sod and when their plow became too dull to do further work in the sod they went seventy-fne miles to have the sharpening done and paid for the work in breaking. While on this trip they chanced to meet \V. T. Mayfield and wife,, Nancy, with a family of six children. They begged them to locate in this section of Iowa and this they did in the month of August following. The Stallings returned and sowed some turnip seed and made many other improvements on their claims, then returned to their old home in Illinois. \\'hen Mr. Stallings returned he had his wife and five children and one dollar and seventy-five cents in cash. In the spring of 1845, D'^vid Campbell and family returned on April 19. It is quite certain that these constituted all that were in Lynn Grove in 1844. John R. Sparks and wife with eight children arrived in 1845, during the month of March. He possessed twenty-five dollars and a team of horses, two yoke of oxen and two yoke of steers. They located on section 10 and he lived and died on that claim. He used to relate that the Indians were so thick that they stuck out from under the bed frequently, but that he never had any trouble with them, but was more troubled with wild animals than with In- dians. Mr. Sparks died August 17, 1886, and his good wife passed away in June of the same year and they were liuried in the Odd Fellows cemetery near Old Settler's Park. Mathew T. Mathews came in company with Mi\ Sparks. He had a wife and five children at the time. They commenced housekeeping in a log cabin without doors or w indow s. J. W. Swan, the first treasurer of Jasper county, located here in 1845. He made many a coftin for the people who died in an early day in his section of this county. FIRST EVENTS. It is always of more or less interest to know the first hai)pcnings in the settlement of any given portion of a county, hence the following: The first township election was held when all was primitive. The ballot box consisted of a tin cup with a si)elling book for its cover. In the evening the ballots were counted out fair and scjuare and the number was fourteen and Jabez Starr was elected justice of the peace. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 33^1 The first couple married was Alexander Davis and Mercy Shoemaker, in the winter of 1848-9. The next was Jesse Hammer and Margaret Sparks. The first death was that of the ten-year-old daughter of Wesley Stallings. The first sermon in the township was preached by John Cameron. LYNNVILLE. This sprightly town is located on section 11 of Lynn Grove township, and was laid out by John and Mary Arnold in 1856. There is perhaps no section of Jasper county more replete with early day histor)', in many ways, than this vicinity. The first claims to land in what afterwards became Lynn Grove township were those made by Wesley Stallings and ''Tandy'" May- field, who came in the spring or summer of 1844. In the fall of the same year occurred the first birth in the neighborhood, the same being the second in Jasper county. This was in the family of Mr. Mayfield, and the child was named Xapoleon B. John R. Sparks and several others whose names are not recalled by the old settlers now settled in the Grove during 1845. The first death of that year was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shillings, aged about eleven years. Mrs. William Sparks passed from the scenes of this life in 1846. In the autumn of 1845 ^^^- Sparks began the construction of a saw mill and completed it the following year. This was doubtless the first saw mill in Jasper county, hence it had all it could possibly do as the pioneer settlers must needs have lumber with which to aid in building. Mr. Sparks also began his grist mill in 1847 and completed it himself, only aided by Mr. Richards. It commenced grinding in the fall of 1848. This was the first flouring mill completed in Jasper county. It was operated many years by its builder, but in the seventies passed into the hands of F. & J. Arnold. A school house was built in the autumn of 1848 and a school taught by a }oung teacher named Foster. The following spring a Sabbath school was started by Miss Lizzie Springer as its supenntendent. Probably the first camp meeting in Jasper county was held by the Metho- dist Protestant denomination either in 1850 or 185 1. Lvnnville is situated on the right bank of the North Skunk river, which here is a very rapidly flowing stream. In 1878 the town had a population of about five hundred souls. It is situated also about four miles to the west of Searsboro. on the Iowa Central railway line. A creditable local newspaper was founded at Lynnville in 1876 by B. F. Arnold, who later removed to Kellogg. 2^2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Lvnnville was incorporated in 1875 *"oi' the purpose of controlling the liquoi' traffic, which the common law did not well regulate. The first council met September 28. 1875. and was composed as follows: O. C. Meredith, mavor: W. W. Dryden. recorder; Z. F. Cause, Joel Hyatt, B. F. Arnold, G. R. \\'hite. 1. j. \\'hite. trustees; Joel Hyatt, treasurer; J. B. Xaylor. solicitor; D. C. Edwards, marshal ; Taylor Brown, street commissioner. Ordinance Xo. i was for prohibiting the sale of liciuor in the corpora- tion. In 1876 a pound was established and much attention was given to the building of suitable sidewalks. The following include the list of mayors in Lynnville since its incorpora- tion : O. C. Meredith, then in their order came Miles Tahash, Joseph Arnold, R. T. English (two terms), L. H. Bufkin, G. B. McCoy, E. \V. Jay. E. B. Macv. C. W. Wildman, the present mayor. The 191 1 officers are: Mayor, C. W. Wildman; clerk, E. M. Gary; treasurer, G. F. Briggs ; council, S. R. Alice. M. H. Cause, G. H. Xewby. A. T. Gifford, W. A. Cunningham. As the churches, schools and lodges have been made topics in chapters bv themselves, for all the towns of the county, no reference is here made of them. This is al.so true of the interesting subject of the old slave time "Un- derground Railroad." which had a station here. See general chapters. The population of Lynville as shown by the state census reports for 1905 was four hundred and sixty-two. BUSINESS INTERE.STS IN I9II. At this date the business of Lynnville is carried on successfully by the following persons; General dealers — J. H. Cause & Company, Briggs Brothers, Rich Rivers. Hardware — Ollie Ladd, F. W. Royden. Harness shoi^ — Lynville Harness Company. Meats — W. F. Zimmerman, V. A. Johnson. Milliner.s — Flora X'^oah, Cause & Garner. Furniture — A. T. Gifford. Livery — John Thompson. Hotel — Mrs. T. .\. Thompson. Photographs — Edith Burnham. Roller Mills — Fred Wagman, manager. l-'arm Implements — Clertsma (.K: Renaud, C. B. McCoy. Lumber — ]\[acy Brothers. Grain and Stock — Macy Brothers. I JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 333 Brick and Tile — C. H. Xewby. Cement Blocks — H. C. Alacy. Newspapers — The Lynnvillc Star, C. \V. Wildman. Builders and Contractors — J. C. Trease ^nd S. R. Alice & Son. Blacksmith — J- Noah. LVXXVILLE POSTOFFICE. In 1901 Joseph Arnold wrote concerning this postoffice as follows: "At this writing Lynnville is supplied with a branch of the Iowa Central railroad running from New Sharon to Newton. It affords ample means of trans- portation, and the mail car attached to the passenger train drops off its mail on time. This is a wonderful contrast with the one-horse carrier in the person of Mr. Eli Wolf, who in the year 1848, and on into the fifties, made a weekly trip, or a 'try' weekly trip it should be said, for when the roads were impassable he abandoned it days at a time. John R. Sparks was appointed postmaster when the office was first established. He kept it in a small building near where the hotel later stood. In a short time it was inconvenient for him to attend to the office and a returned ]\Iexican soldier, Sabin Stanwood, was appointed in his place. He lived a mile and a half west of Lynnville. In 1853 Joseph Arnold was appointed postmaster by President Franklin Pierce. The desk turned over to him was of black walnut, three feet long and fifteen inches wide and about eight inches deep. This, with a roll of paper, com- prised the furniture, and was carried by me from Stanwood's house to Lynn- ville under my arm. It set up the postoffice in the claim in which I lived, which was located on what is now lot i; block 3." The postmasters have served in about the following order : Joseph Arnold, Mattie Cloud. William Drs'den, Joseph McConnell, Jacob Kitch, ^N^^riett^ Dryden, Ollie ]\Iathews, Marietta Dryden, Charles W. Wildman. In 1903 a rural route was extended out from Lynnville over a line twenty- nine miles in length; T. A. Thompson has been the driver four years. The receipts of this office are about one thousand dollars a year. The number of mails sent out each week is fifteen and eighteen are received. VILLAGE OF SULLY. This excellent town is situated on section 8 of Lynn Grove township, on the line of the Iowa Central railroad from Newton to New Sharon, four miles west of Lynnville, and in 1900 had a population of one hundred and fifty and a good bank, lumber yard, large general store, a newspaper and an implement house. At present it has the following : :^i>_j. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Bank of Sully. Hotels — The Sully House, by Airs. Rusa Hammer; and the house con- ducted near the railroad, by Mrs. A. J. Ouinn. General Stores — C. E. Haan, Boat & Verdencamp. Drugs — C. y. Shipman. Restaurant — R. Burnham. Harness Work — Holdsworth & Company. Livery — Eldridge Brothers. Hardware — Vangenderen & Luberden, who are also blacksmiths ; Holds- worth & Company. Lumber — D. S. Jardema. Grain — Emmet Awtry. Contractors — N. J. Edwards, Henry Willets. Garage — H. Welle. Dressmaker — Mrs. Everett Eldridge, Miss Neva Edmundson. Barber — Lee Perry. Butcher — E. Austin. Railroad Agent— H. B. Lane. Physicians — Drs. O. O. Carpenter, J. C. Smith. Sully was incorporated as a town late in the nineties and the following- have served as mayors in the order here named : H. Welle. Robert Willets, C. Burnham, W. H. Holdsworth, S. G. Sherman. The 191 1 town officials are: Mayor. S. G. Sherman, J. G. Huigen, treasurer; D. Sjaardema, clerk; councilmen. Henry Welle, A. C. Boat, E. Awtry. J. P. Brunner. Peter Lubberden. In the month of April. 191 1, at the spring election, the matter of voting on the question of providing water and fire protection was up, and resulted in the casting of sixty-two votes. There were forty-five cast for voting and selling bonds to the amount of eight thousand five hundred dollars and seven- teen voted against the enterprise. At this election the ladies who were en- titled to a vote cast forty-four votes, of wliich all were favorable but seven. The bonds will be floated and the work of construction begun this season. The tower for the tank will be one hundred and eight feet high and the tank will hold thirty thousand gallons. Gasoline engines will be installed to pump w ith. This movement upon the part of the enterprising people of Sully will never be regretted. The postoffice was established here in the nineties and the following have served as the postmasters: Lew Mather, C. Phelps, T. H. Thomson, L. H. Sherman, appointed 1890; L. M. Doani, 1893; Cornelius Boat, 1897; Henry DeWit. 1899; John Varenkamp. 1903, and still in office. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 335 A rural free delivery was extended from this point in February, 1903, and is twenty-six miles in length. The first carrier was R. E. White and the present one is E. S. Haines. It was made a money order point in August, 1902. The receipts of this postoffice (outside of money order business) in 1910 was eight hundred and seventy-seven dollars and eight cents. The churches at Sully in the spring of 191 1 are Congregational, "Christ- ian Holland Dutch," Methodist Protestant and Dutch Reformed. The lodges are the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and its various auxiliaries. The churches and lodges are mentioned in their respective chapters in the general chapters of this volume. CHAPTER XXXI. RICHLAND TOWNSHIP. Richland township is situated in the south and eastern portion of the county, comprising all of congressional township 79, range 17 west, hence is six miles square and contains thirty-six sections of choice land. Its chief stream is the Skunk river, which courses through the territory from north to south, with a heavy body of natural timber growing in the south part of the township. In the east part is Sugar creek, a small stream. Richland is situated south of Rock creek, west of Poweshiek county, north of Lynn Grove township and east of Buena Vista township. The correction line runs on the southern boundary of Richland township. Richland was organized in i860. The population of this township in 1905 was placed by state reports as being seven hundred and thirty-nine. The property valuation — personal and real — in 1877 ^^'^^ $244,569, on which the taxes amounted to $4,816. The assessed valuation of all personal property in 1878 was $43,141, inclusive of 537 head of horses, 40 head of mules and 1,108 head of taxable cattle. See table of various townships for 1910, in the chapter on County Government. At this date there are laid out and well improved highways on almost every section line in this township. The chief business of the people in this section of Jasper county being agriculture, the lands are well tilled and farm- ers are in a prosperous condition. There are no towns within Richland township, but the modern advantages of both telephones and free rural mail delivery makes farming a pleasant task instead of a hum-drum life as it was in the fifties, sixties and seventies. Richland has its full cjuota of well conducted public schools which are mentioned in the Educational chapter of this volume. CHAPTER XXXII. POWESHIEK TOW XSHIP. Powesliiek township was named in honor of that very intelhgent and "good Indian" chieftain of the Sac tribes of Iowa Indians. It is situated on the western line of Jasper county, second from the northern border, with Polk county to the west, Clear Creek township to the north, Sherman township on the east and Mound Prairie and Washington townships on the south. Indian creek is its eastern border most of the dis- tance north and south, which fact caused it to be set over into another con- gressional township a part of one tier of sections from the one it is chiefly composed of. Its main territory is within township 80, range 21 west. However its southwestern corner is taken off from what would be a right angle, by reason of its line at that point going only to the banks of the South Skunk river, leaving two sections of township 80 on the south side of the river in Washington township. Poweshiek has considerable native timber within its borders and coal is found in paying mining quantities. This is said to be one of Jasper county's banner townships, and w ith its excellent coal lands and fertile surface it has come to be looked upon as among the most valuable realty within this section of the state. This township was organized in January, 1847, by the county commis- sioners, who then were the sole rulers of the county, this being prior to the establishment of the old county judge system, which obtained from 1851 to 1868, but more properly a one-man power up to 1861, when the supervisor system was established in Iowa. The commissioners" record, relative to this township, reads : "January 5, 1847 — To provide for the needs of the growing population of this county, be it ordered that there be a precinct laid off in the northwest corner of Jasper county, to be called Poweshiek precinct, said precinct to commence as fol- lows : On the county line, at a supposed line so as to include the Slaughter Grove, on the south side of the Skunk river, at the east end of said grove, thence north to the county line so as to include all the Indian creek timber and its tributaries. (22) :^^S JASPER COrXTV. IOWA. "Ordered, that the place tor hokhni;- electicms in Poweshiek precinct he at the house of John McDonald. "Ordered, That Lenuiel Perrin, C. H. i lanilin and Joseph Kint/. he ap- pointed as judges of elections in Poweshiek precinct." The population of this townshi]) in 1003, according to the state census, was one thousand thirty-two. It is now thickly settled and lands are held at high prices. Init when sold or exchanged the one leaving goes much farther and fares no hetter than to have remained the possessor of a fine farm in Poweshiek, in which township the old Indian chieftain made his last home, as the good head of the Sac tribe of Indians. Indeed great has been the transformation in these parts since the dusky warrior took his farewell look at the beautiful plains and hillsides, his last hunting grounds. Among the first to enter government land in this goodly section of Jasper county were: Seth Richards, who claimed the east half of the south- east quarter and the southeast cjuarter of the northeast quarter of section i. June 29, 1849: Levi Plummer. the north fractional half of section 2, Septem- ber 17, 1849. The school history of this townshij) will be found in the chapter on luiucation. It may be well in passing, howe\er, to mention the fact that the school fund apportionment in this township in 185 1 was but eighteen dollars and twenty-fi\'e cents. At the 1852 presidential election the \'ote in Poweshiek township re- sulted in gi\ing (ien. W'infield Scott eighteen \otes as against eight cast for l-'ranklin Pierce. Pierce was elected, but Scott carried Jasper county. When the xote on prohibition was taken in Jasper coimty in the spring of 1855. the vote stood, "for license eighteen, and thirt\"-one against" in Pow- eshiek township. TOWXS AXD VILLAGES. In this township ha\e been platted four towns. Greencastle, on section 14. Mingo, on section 3. Valeria, on section 20. and Oswalt, on section 33. Greencastle — a name almost ol)Solete now — was a \illage nestled down in the midst of a fine farming section of this county. The first w hite man to settle in this vicinity was pioneer Joseph Slaughter and a few who came in about the same time in 1846. A school district was located near Slaughter's settlement in 1849. showing the character of the few who braved the new country hardships. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 339 A successful Independence Day celebratifni was helanklin Pierce ran for the presidency, Xewton township ga\"e the former sixty-eight votes and the latter tliirty-two \-otes. In April, 1855, in voting on the prohibition cpiestion, this township gave the measure of prohibition one hundred and eighty-eight votes and fifty- three against the measure. In 1878 the records show that there was personal propertv valued at $22,308 in Newton township, outside the city. This included 324 head of hor.ses, 1 1 mules and 274 head of cattle of taxable age. JASlMiK COUNTY. IOWA. 347 At the above date the total valuation of property in the township was $252,425, on which was paid a total tax of $4,559.46. For the first five or six years the history of Newton t M. ~3> -4, -5. ^^)^ 35. 36 until it strikes the southwest corner of section 36, in the same township and range, so that all west of said division line may constitute and become a new township for voting and school purposes, and to do and to transact all other business as required by law in such case.'' The first polling place for holding elections was fixed by the lx)ard as at the Tyler school house. In 1877 the township paid a total tax of $6,351. on an assessed valuation of $412,348. In 1878 the abstract of assessment shows that the personal tax at that period was $58,105, including the items of 615 head of horses. 33 head of mules and 1,570 head of taxable cattle. These figures, compared with those found in the chapter on County Government, for the various townships in 19 10 will show the progress and growth made by this township. For the educational interests, as well as the church and lodge historv of the townshij), the reader is referred to such topics found in the general chap- ters under proper index headings. THE CITY OF COLFAX. Colfax is known, far and near, as "Spring City," owing to its numerous mineral springs, which are of great medicinal \irtue in the treatment of many diseases. It is situated on high rolling land for the most part and has many fine building sites and beautiful, well improved homes. Its abundant supply ol excellent water, taken from the gravelly springs, affords one of the most delightful and healthful places in all Iowa. Its beautiful groves of native timber, its large hotels and charming pul)lic park-grounds calls thousands here annually, for both pleasure and health. They come from all the states in the Union. Its churches and schools are something to l^e proud of. The denomina- tions having comfortable, though not extravagant, edifices, are the Metho- di.st Episcopal, Baptist, Christian, Presbyterian. Catholic and Christian Science. The public school buildings — two large, fine, modern brick structures — are centrallv located. The older was erected in 1896 and the last one in 191 1. For more detailed account of churches and schools the reader is referred to chapters on these special topics elsewhere in this volume. For the history of the ^lasonic. Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias orders, see Civic Society chapter. -^;0 JASl'EK COrXTV, IOWA. Colfax, named in honor of Hon. Schuyler Colfax, X'ice-President with President Grant during his first term, is situated in section i of Washington civil township and near the edge of the Ijotloiii land through which meanders the waters of the Skunk river. It was platted in 1866 by A. Kimball, almost one vear before the completion of the Rock Island railroad through Jasper county. In the autumn of 1866 Xew ton & Richey started in the dry goods trade at this point, while West tS: Kennedy opened a good sized general mer- chandise store. Mr. i^arker opened the hrst grocery store in the place. In 1867 Dr. j. G. Ryan established himself in the drug business. Such was the be- ginning at Colfax which for many years has been well advertised and widely known as one of the fine towns of which Iowa may well boast of many, where business, society, health-giving mineral waters and harmony prevail as elements sought by those desiding to lead a quiet life. It will be remembered that Colfax is but a short run on the steam or electric cars to Des ]\Ioines, hence the place is well patronized as a summer resort, owing largely to the surroundings and the fine spring water, w ith ample hotel accommodations. It is a first class market point for a large and wealthy farming section. But perliaps its greatest natural advantage is derived from its famous springs and ihe numercjus hotels and sanitariums using the medicinal waters which gush from the lx)wels of the earth at different points in and near the city proper. The town was started solely as a railroad station of the ordinary charac- ter, but in the autumn of 1875 ^ mineral spring was happily discovered and samples of it were sent to James H. Blaney, a celebrated cliemist of Chicago, who after testing its cpialities, declared that it contained chloride of sodium, sulj)hate of .soda, sulphate of potassa, sulphate of lime, sulphate of magnesia, bicarbonate of magnesia, bicarbonate of iron, alumina, silica, and only a small per cent, of organic matter. It should be recorded that here, as in most cases, great things are the work of accident, for the water found to be of so much \alue to the public at Colfax was discovered by a firm wh(j were boring for coal, and found the flow of water greatly hindering them, and while working the uneducated workmen (|uenched their thirst from this water and pronounced it fine water and the attention was called to it by others who l)elieved it more than common spring water. Invalids .soon ])tgan to seek it and finally a hotel had to lie erected to provide entertainment. It was not long before the medicinal qualities of this water attracted large numbers from far and near and the name of "Colfax Springs" and "Colfax Water" was known from one end of the land to the other. A hotel was erected for the accommodation of gue.sts and in\alids in 1876 and in January, 1877, a three-story building was erected by Messrs. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 35! Dixon, Leighton & Gray, which was thirty-six feet by one hundred and fifteen feet in size. The main springs are a mile to the east of the city, proper, and there are a number of hotels both there and in the city, all having mineral water connected therewith. In the summer of 1901 there were seven hotels in Colfax and all well filled with people afflicted with various diseases, including rheumatism, dyspepsia. Bright's disease and other kidney complaints and digestive derangements. Immense amounts of this water are shipped to all parts of the United States in botdes. jars and casks. This is carried on largely by three bottling works which carfcyonate the water for shipping purposes. Two large coal companies have their headquarters in Colfax and their pav rolls are of great value, commercially, to the city. Another feature by which the city is known is its beautiful Chautauqua grounds, the Epworth League Park, that is situated but a short distance from the eastern city limits. Here are assembled immense throngs with the return of each season to li.sten to the best talent in the country. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Colfax was incorporated as a town and its first council met September 9, 1873. when J. R. Rodgers took the oath as its first mayor; J. T. West its re- corder; R. Price. R. F. Fullington. William Kelsey. John Logston and W. L. West its trustees; M. B. Coe. assessor. The town's first marshal was H. Sumpter. The first year's receipts in the incorporation was one hundred and fifty- four dollars ; disbursements, one hundred and three dollars and twenty-five cents. It became a ""city" in February, 1901. and contains one square mile of territory. The following have served Colfax as mayors: J- R. Rodgers. 1875-6; P. H. Cragan, 1877; L. J. Labour. 1878; T. J. Doane. 1879; M. P. Doud, 1880; B. F. Sanders, 1881 : H. L. Weston. 1882; F. W. Carey. 1883 to 1886; J. A. Mattern. 1886: W. T. Dart. 1887; H. L. Weston. 1888; ]. A. Mattern. 1889 to 1892; G. M. Tripp. 1892; W. M. Croft. 1893; J. A. Mattern. 1894: P. H. Cragan. 1895; ^V. M. Croft, 1896; G. M. Tripp. 1897; P. H. Cragan. 1898 to 1901 ; J. B. Weaver. 1901 : J. H. Hahn. 1903 to 1909; M. E. Penquite. 1909. and is now on his second term. The present officers are: M. F. Penquite. mayor: W. S. Cutler, clerk; F. E. Kendig. chief of police; O. Morgan, deputy police; J. E. Penquite. water and street commissioner: Harry Xoble was elected treasurer, but on account of leaving for another state, the council elected another in his stead T^z^2 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. in the month of May. The present ( 191 1 ) council is as follows: Ray Lyons, N. T. Weston, J. H. Hahn, F. L. Evans, C. J. Burnett. The city assessor is \V. B. Wells. In the last two or three years the city has taken up the important matter of paving and sewerage. It now has eight miles and more of cement walks and is in all ways coming to the front as a small city. It has more than two thousand dollars invested in a public library and its furniture. It had in 1910 three and one-half miles of water mains, forty-three hydrants and many other les.ser improvements. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The fire department is such as is usually found in towns and cities of this class in Iowa. It is provided with hose carts, hook-and-ladder appliances, engines, etc.. and is manned by a volunteer fire company. WATER WORKS. The city is possessed of a most excellent water works system. It derives its water supply from a series of springs seated within a bed of gravel, and the purity of the water thus obtained is appreciated by the populace and by the stranger within the gates of the city. It is forced to the high water tower and tank on a very high eminence to the east of the city, proper, by means of steam pumps. The direct pressure from this elevated tank gives one hundred and twenty pounds down in the business center of the place — ample for all fire protection. The water rates are from ten to thirty cents per thousand feet. The water works fund is sustained by a five mill tax annually. These water works are valued at twenty-five thousand dollars. POSTOFFICE HISTORY, The history of the Colfax postofiice dates from the construction of the railroad through the place. Its earliest histor}' seems a little obscure in the minds of the present-day residents of the city. Among the postmasters who have served here are well remembered the following : William \\' est, "Vance" Wilson, Jacob F. Weaver, Adella V. Weaver, J. M. Topper, H. W. Robinson, and the present incumbent, W. W, Hawk, who was commissioned in 1908, In 1910 it was made a second-class office, having passed the eight thou- sand dollar mark of business transacted annually. It has two rural routes extending out from Colfax. JASPER COUXTY. lUWA. 353 FIRST IMPORTANT EVENTS. In the month of August, 187O, the town was provided with a suitable calaboose and about the same date the town voted on the saloon license ques- tion and it resulted in thirty-ti\e votes l>eing cast for license and thirty-two against it. The independent school district of Colfax was organized in 1876 (see Educational chapter). The first religious society to organize in Colfax was the Presbyterian body: their first action was taken April 6, 1868, and a church was erected in 1868 at a cost of one thousand two hundred dollars. A steam flouring mill was built here about 1877 and this drew trade from a large farming community. BUSINESS INTERESTS OF I9IO-I9II. It will be interesting in future years to look back to this page and note who was engaged in the various business and professional callings in Colfax in the years in which this history is being compiled. The list is as follows : Agricultural Implements — Lovolleus & DeLong. A. A. Penquite Hard- ware Company. Banks — Citizens' State, First National. Blacksmiths— Ball & Hibbs, D. D. Briggs. Books and Stationery — H. ^\^ Wood. Boots and Shoes — H. E. Gould & Company. Brick & Tile Co. — Colfax Brickyard Company. llothing — The Bargain Store, Davis & Davis. H. E. Gould. i Dentists— F. G. Blake, \\'. P. Cain. Drugg-ists — F. A. ^larquis, C. G. W'eirick. H. A. W'eirick. X. T. Weston. Dry Goods — Colfax Mercantile Company. F'lour and Feed — S. H. Dunton. James E. Goodman. I-'urniture — The Forsythe Hardware Company, .\. A. Penquite Hard- ware Company. General Dealers — Ed. Bellehoefer. Colfax Mercantile Company, W. E. Fenner. Grain Dealer — S. M. Brown & Son. Groceries — W. L. Porter, C. E. Sullenl^erger, Walter Thompson, George H. York and Luther Brothers. (23) 354 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Hardware — A. A. Penquite Hardware Company, Forsythe Hardware Company. Hotels — European, Grand Hotel, Colfax, Mason House, Mills House, Oriental, Victoria, Sanatorium House. Tee Dealer — Cieorge ]Myers. jewelry — \\\ S. Johnson, H. W. Wood. Laundry — Colfax Steam Laundry. Lawyers — P. K. Johannsen, James B. Weaver, Trip & Trip and Cragan Brothers. Live Stock — George \V. Kintz. Livery — Main & Robinson, C. C. Plummer, Star Livery. Lumber — S. M. Brown & Son, Colfax Lumber Company. !Meats — Colfax Mercantile Company, Sharp & Tespstra. Millinery — Miss K. G. Mahoney. Miss Emma Wheeler. Newspapers — Colfa^v Tribune, Baptist Messenger (monthly) and the Clipper. Photographs — Robert Dawson. Physicians — Drs. R. G. Anspach, Frank E. Boyd, T. A. Burke. J. C. Corselius, Alex. Hall. W. W. Hawk. M. AL Knowles, F. W. Stewart, J. E. Traister, Alice Turner, L. C. S. Turner, H. A. Weirick, N. T. Weston. Sanitariums — The Centropolis, Grand Hotel and Mineral Springs, Vic- toria, and Rest House. L'ndertakers — W. S. Cutler & Company. Colfax, in no large sense, can be styled a factory town. It has, how- ever, three extensive bottling works which sterilize the mineral spring waters and ship in all sorts of ])ackages to distant points in the United States. These concerns work full time and usually ship a carload apiece each twenty-four hours. The electric light plant has long been in operation. It is owned by pri- \ate individuals and beautifully illuminates the city and environments. The latest industry in Colfax is one of its best in many ways, for it has established a factory the product of which will certainly be in great demand as the years come and go. This is the plant that manufactures the "Close To Nature" incubator and brooder and kindred goods employed in the arti- ficial hatching of chickens and the care of the same. Its factory is near the depots and is good sized and well regulated. It has its base in the invention patented by its manager, W. H. IVIonroe, who several years since invented a line of devices for the purposes already stated and then formed a stock com- pany of chiefly Colfax men. It is known as the "Close To Nature" Manu- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 355 facturing Company. In the incubator which they make warm water is em- ployed for heating the machine. They also manufacture an improved "green feed" producer, by which green wheat, oats, corn, etc., may be (juicklv brought forth in mid-winter and early spring for feeding poultry. These goods find ready sale in all sections of the United States and the enterprise is constantlv spreading out w ith its increase of orders. LllAiTKR XXXVl. SHERMAN TOWNSHIP. Sherman township, in the northwestern quarter of Jasper cuunty, is lo- cated to the south of Intlependence township, to the west of Malaka, Newton and Palo Alto townships, to the north of Mound Prairie and Fairview town- ships and east of P'oweshiek township. For the most part the western border line is the meanderings of Indian creek, a branch of the Skunk river, which also forms the southwestern line of the township, thus making the township one of wedge shape. It contains about forty sections of land. This town- ship is somewhat broken, with numerous small creeks and a lake within its borders. The natural groves are confined to the banks of these streams. Highways run on almost all section lines, however, and the township is one of much value, lying near to the county seat as it does. There are no towns or \illages \\ ithin its borders. It has an excellent lot of common schools and as these are included in the Educational chapter they need not here be referred to. One of the earliest land entries in this township is shown by the public records to have been Samuel K. Parker, in the northwest quarter of the southeast cpiarter of section 32. on June 14, 1849; ^^ iHiam Rickey, in the northwest quarter of section 20, on Alay 15, 1849. Much of the land in this townshij) is underlaid with a good grade of bituminous coal, which has l)een nu'ned in paying quantities for many years. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad crosses the southern point of this township from east to west, the mileage in the same being about four miles. ORG.XNIZATION, ETC. Sherman to\\nshi[) was organized in 1868. According to the state census reports of 1903. tlie population of Sherman township was five hundred and seventy-fi\'c. As far back as 1877 ^^""6 total valuation of i)roi)erty in this township amounted to $359,326, on which the people owning it paid into the county treasury the sum of $5,475. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 357 In 1878 the personal tax was levied upon property valued at %y^Xy22, in- clusive of 793 head of horses. 29 mules and asses and 1.785 head of taxable cattle. By comparing these figures with those contained in the item of town- shi]) \aluations, found in the County Ciovernment chapter of this volume, the reader will note the advancement in the last quarter of a century of the town- ship's history. CHAPTER XXXVII. CLEAR CREEK TOWNSHIP. Clear Creek township is situated in the extreme northwestern part of Jasper county, bounded on the north by Story county, on the east by Inde- pendence township, on the south by Poweshiek township, on the west by Polk county. It is six miles square and comprises congressional township 8i, range 21 west. It was organized by order of the county board in the month of August. 1849, ^^^ ^^'^-'^ described later as it now stands. Indian creek courses through this township on its southeastern course, and together with its tributaries drains and waters the township well. Con- siderable nati\e timber is found in this portion of Jasper county. In 1905 the state census gave this township a population of seven hundred and eighty- seven. *Its schools and churches will be treated in the general chapters on such topics. Among the first to take up government land in this township were jose])h Kintz. two tracts in sections 24, 25 and 26, July 2, 1849; Adam W. Alaggart in section 25, July 9, 1849. The school fund apportionment for this township in 185 1 was nineteen dollars and ninety-seven cents. At the presidential election in 1856 General Winfield .Scott received nine votes and Franklin Pierce twenty-three votes in this township. In April. 1855. the people of Jasper county voted on the ever-present intoxicating li(|uor problem and in this township the vote stood eleven for and forty-eight against the measure. In t8-8 the records show that there was a total assessment on personal property in this township amounting to $61,206. This included the 615 horses. 30 mules and 1.388 head of cattle in the township. The tax levy for 1877 shows this township to have had a total valuation of property of $249,980 and on this they paid into the county treasury the sum of $3,757.26. THE VIEL.XGE OF CLYDE. This litde hamlet was for many years a useful adjunct to the people of this township. It is situated on section u of a small branch of Indian creek, less than two miles from the north line of the county. It is al)out fifteen miles from Newton and twelve from Colfax, while it is but twelve miles south of Colo. Story county. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 359 Maxwell & Company started a general store here in 1868; in the autumn of 1874 the Methodist Episcopal denomination erected a church here at a cost of two thousand five hundred dollars. In 1878 the hamlet had a dry goods store and three shops, with about fifteen or twenty dwelling houses. It was at this point in February, 1875. that during a fearful storm, the residence of Charles B. Maxwell caught fire and was totally destroyed, caus- ing a loss of four tliousand four hundred dollars, one half of which was covered by insurance. Clyde is still only a small trading point. CHAPTKR XXXVJ]!. :miscklLam-:()L"s ite:ms. Within this chapter will be found many interestin"-. valuable accounts of the doings of men and \\H)men who have participated in the development of Jasper countv. from its earliest settlement to this date. The editors have sought to publish ()n]\ tliat which is l)elie\e(l to lie accin-ate. and as such it will be valuable to the reader of local history. \1LI.AGE PLATS OF TTIE COUNTY. The following is believed to be an account of the plattings of all of the villages, towns and cities within Jasper county up to May, 191 1. Only the '"originals" are here named : Amboy. i)latte(l January. 1872. by David B. Gotschall and wife on the west half of the southwest quarter of section 17, township 80, range 18. The Rock Island road runs through this village plat. It is in Kellogg civil tow'n- ship. Baxter, platted October 24, 1883. on the southwest quarter of the north- west quarter of section 14, township 81. range 20, by David ^^^ and Amy Smith. It is situated in Independence ci\il township and is a station point on the (ireat Western railroad. Colfax was platted by Abel Kimball, of Scott coimty. Iowa, on the north half of the scnithwest (juarter of section 1. township 79. range 21, in July. 1867. Clyde was platted Septeml^er 18, 1857, on the northeast ((uarter of the southwest quarter of .section ii. township 81. range 21, by V. M. Heller and Joseph West and their wives. b^arniersN-illc was ])latted by Anderson X'owcll and wife, Lettv. in Maw 1876. on the southwest (|uartei' of the northwest (|uarter of section 12, town- shi]) 79, range 20. b^airmount — Xo record of brst platting. Boles addition \\as made March 21, 1876. This is a station jioint on the old Des Moines \'alle\' rail- road (now Keokuk & Des Moines), l)etween Prairie City and Monroe. Greencastle. on section 14, township 80, range 21. was i)latted bv .\ll)ert Sbi])p and wife. August 30, 1855. This plat is situated in Poweshiek civil township, southeast from Mingo. JASPER GOLNTV, IOWA. 361 Galeshurg. on section i6. townshij) 78. ran.qe 18. was platted by William Burton and wife. August 22, 1855. and is situated in Elk Creek township. Ira. which was platted as "Millard" originally. December 3. 1883. bv William F. Rippey and wife, is on section 32. townshij) 81, range 20. It is situated within Independence civil township. Jasper City (now Kellogg) was platted on section 26. township 80. range 18. Sei)tenil)er 12. 1863. by Imios Blair and Absalom Adair and their wi\es. It is in Kellogg civil township. Kellogg (first known as Jasper City) was incorporated August 12. 1873. after which it took the name Kellogg. Killduff was platted January 5. 1884. l)y Timothy Killduff and wife, on the east half of the southeast (|uarter and east third of the west lialf of the southeast quarter of section 35, township 79, range 18. Februarv 21, 1883. Lynnville was platted July 23. 1856. by John and ^fary .\rnold. on the northwest fpiarter of the northeast quarter of section 11. town.ship 78. range 17, and is witlun the ci\il township of L}nn Grox'e. Monroe was j)latted December 18. 1856. on the northwest (piarter of section 31. townshij) j?^, range 19, by Daniel Hiskey and wife. This is within the ci\il township of Fairview. Mingo was jjlatted May ij. 1884. on the northeast half of the south- west quarter of section 3. townshij) 80. range 21. by Thomas A. and Da\id Baker and is w ithin the trritory of Poweshiek townshij). Metz was j)latted Julv 2^:^. 1883, on the southeast (piarter of the north- east cjuarter of section it. townshij) 79. range 20. b\ William Hitchler and is within Mound Prairie township. Xewburg was j)latted Sei)tember 30. 1878. on the east half of the north- east cjuarter of the northwest (juarter of section 24. townshij) 81. range 17. by Horace and Margaret Palmer, in Hickory drove civil township. Xewton (original) was j)latted by the county commissioners of "Jasj)er county. Territory of Iowa." July 7. 1846. Prairie Citv (first called Flliott) was platted June 7. 1856. by James Elliott and wife, on section 2. township yd', range 21. This is in De> Moines township and a j)art runs over into Washington tow nshij). Rushville, in the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 9. townshij) 80. range 18. was j)latted by Jesse and Jane Young. March 24. 1857. and is situated in Kellogg civil township. Reasoner was i)latted August. 1877. l)y Samuel and Mary Reasoner. on the northeast (juarter of section 10. township 78. range 19. and is situated in Palo Alto ci\il townshij). ^02 JASPER COUNJV. IOWA. Sully was platted on the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 8. township 78, range 17. August 3, 1882, by Robert Ryan, trustee. This is in Lynn Grove civil township. Tools Point was platted and filed for record May 13, 1850, by pioneer Adam Tool, on the southwest quarter of section 31, township 70. range 19. Turner was platted April 19, 1899, on the northeast quarter of the north- west quarter of section 34, township 80, range 17. and is within Rock Creek civil township. X^andalia was platted on section 36, township 78, range 18. by josei)h W. Buffington. Februaiy 25, 1853. Valeria was platted October 24, 1883, by N. W. Johnson and wife, on section 20, township 80, range 21. in Poweshiek civil township. Wittemberg was platted by John Carey, president; T. Failor, secre- tarv of the Wittenil>erg IManual Labor College, on the east half of section 3. township 80. range 19, Decemlier 15, 1856, and the same was recorded Janu- arv 12. 1858. This was in Newton civil township. It was vacated in 1878 and in 1890. •Another village was platted at Oswalt, in Poweshiek township, but little, save a railway station has ever been built there. It is midway between Col- fax and \'aleria, on the Colfax & Northern railroad, in Poweshiek townshi]). CALIFORNIA GOLD SEEKERS. During the great California gold fe\er days, and in 1850, Jasper county was caught, as was many another Iowa county. A party was formed in- cluding the following gentlemen : David and William Edmundson, John E. Copp and son, Nathan Williams, William Smith, Curtis Dooley, Jesse Wilton and Peter Miller. Williams and Miller died in California. Dooley returned and a few years later went to Oregon. This party crossed the great plains, then styled the "Great American Desert." As a rule none were but little more advanced, financially, when they returned than when they left Iowa. Some, however, did (|uite well. EARLY ST.VGE ROADS. In h'cbruary, 1847, ^^'^ '^^t was approved by the Iowa Legislature, by which E. G. Hanfield, of Marion county, and Rufus Williams and Joab Ben- nett, of Jasper county, were authorized to lay off a road known as the "State Road," commencing at Knoxville, and running by Red Rock to Newton. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 363 These men were to meet thirty days later and have their expenses all paid jointly by the two counties. On the 1 2th of the same month Edward , of Iowa, Nathan Will- iams of Jasper, and A. D. Jones, of Polk counties, were appointed to es- tablish a road, beginning at James McCrea's in township 79, range 6, and running by the way of Newton and Fort Des Moines to the county seat of Dallas county, Iowa. Provisions were also made for running a road from Iowa City, bv the way of Marengo, to Newton, David Edmundson being the locating commis- sioner. February 18, 1847, ^lanly Gifford, of Jasper. John Hamilton, of Marion, and Thomas H. Napier, of Polk county, were appointed to lay out a state road from Lake Prairie, in ]Marion county, to Fort Des Moines, running on the north side of the Des Moines river. These commissioners were recjuired to meet l:>efore September of that year, to execute their duties. Joint resolution No. 9. of the first General Assembly, calls for the rep- resentatives in Congress to use their influence to obtain the establishment of a mail route from Iowa City, by the way of Newton, to Fort Des Moines, and to secure the establishment of a postoffice at Newton City. Resolution No. 12 called for the representatives in Congress to use their best exertions to obtain an appropriation for the establisliment of a military road from Iowa City to Fort Des Moines, and from thence on to the Missouri river. The preamble states that the route would conduce greatly to the public interest, and that, passing through a region remote from the navigable waters of any stream, it would thereby tend to facilitate the sale of large tracts of the public domain, which would otherwise remain unsettled for a long time. MARRIAGE RECORD. As long as people "are married and given in marriage"' in this world, if not in the world to come, it may be of some interest to the reader of this historic volume to know something of the first and subsequent marriages in Jasper county, as discovered in the records of the county. It appears of record that the first marriage in the county was that which united Sergt. James Hill. United States Army, of Fort Des 2^Ioines. and the bride. Miss Susan A. Tool, daughter of the first pioneer in this county. This marriaee is not recorded here, but in Marion countv. as this dates back earlier than the organization of this county. The marriage was performed in the -^(34 lASl'ER COUNTY, IOWA. niunth of l-'ehrnary. 1845. the ceremony being pertonned 1)y Re\-. Pardoe, an illiterate minister who had frequently preached as a missionary to Keokuk and his tribe. It is related of this eccentric minister, that he talked to the Indians and told them that if they loved to do right and believed in the word of life, that when thev died thev would go to a land "flowing with milk and honey." whereupon old chief Keokuk replied that he would much prefer to have it whisky and corn ! The first entrv found in tlie jasper county marriage register reads tlui> : "The L'nited States of America. Greeting: This may certify that James F. Xew has presented the [evidence] of being a regularly licensed minister of the gospel, in connection with the ^lethodist Episcopal church; therefore, know ve that the said James F. Xew is hereby authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimonv in said county so long as he maintains his standing in said church, and no longer. "In testimon\ whereof. I ha\c hereunto set m\' hand and affixed the seal (jf said court, at Monroe, this 4th da\- of Deceml)er. A. D. 1846. "Peter Mileer. Clerk." The credentials of l-'dder Claiborne Hall, a minister of the Christian church, were recorded in 1849. and also the credentials of Rev. John Crill and R. H. Brooks, preachers of the Methodist church. X^o marriages prior to 1849 are to be found recorded. Those consum- mated during that \ear were: Jesse Hammer and ^Margaret Sparks, by Rev. J. I"". Xew: .\lexander McCollum and Amanda Tice. by Elder Hall; Alex- ander Davis and Mrs. Mercy Shoemake. bv Jabez Starr, justice of the peace: Jacob Trulinger and Mrs. Catherine W'enn. b\- !>. 1". P)ro(l}'. justice of the l)eace. From January, 1870. to January. 1879. there were 990 marriages re- corded in the county's books in the clerk's office; from 1880 to January. 1890. the marriages numbered j.ooi in the ten-year ])eriod : frcjm 1890 to 1898 the number was 1.832: froiu J898 to 1907. the total was -'.392 for the decade, an average of 236 annually. From 1907 to January i. 191 1, the numl)er of marriages was 680. This makes a grand total of 7,895 since January i, 1 870. forty years. .|Asn:u ^.()L^l^. iowa. 365 IXTOXlCATIXC l-IyrORS, I'KOIIiniTlOX, KTC. l-'roiii the cavlicsi date in the history of this county, as well as in the entire state of Jowa, there has been a division of iniblic opinion regarding the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. As a rule the river towns on the east and west ])orders of the commonwealth have been the locations where the idea of ])rohi]jition lias l)een hooted at and fought the hardest. This is natural, for at such points the worst of our population have always resided, the l)etter element having chosen the prairie lands farther out from the con- taminating inthiences of river traffic and boatmen's life. The record of this county shows that in April, 1855, the question of prohibition was submitted to the people, and resulted in defeat bv a vote of three hundred and se\en to three hundred and forty-two, thirty-fiveniajority for proliibition. At that election Xewton. as a precinct, gave one hundred and eighty-eight votes against the sale of liciuor. and had it not been for this large majority (more than one hundred) the county would have gone for "free whisky."' ]n July, 1855. 't is recorded that at the town of Monroe. Bennett Put- nam was appointed by the judge as agent for the purchase and sale of intoxi- cating li(|uors for that town, and that on the loth of the same month he pur- chased one hundred and fifty dollars worth of liquors to be kept in his stock for "legitimate uses." Even this was a better regulation than many of the liquor laws enacted on b»\\a soil, by which the "de\il has been whip))ed around the bush." UNIQUE TP:MrERANCE ELECTIOX. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union, in Xewton, was organ- ized in June. 1876. with Mrs. Reynolds as its president: Mrs. A. C. Gardner, secretary: ]^Irs. Golding. treasurer. In 1878 it reported sixty-eight mem- bers. Perhaps the most noted thing ever attempted and carried to completion was that of holding a separate election, on the same day of the regular elec- tion held bv the men eligible to vote in Newton. The women had their own ballot \x)x and rallied their forces strong, early and late, and when the bal- lots were counted out by the men, it was found that the town had gone "dry" by one hundred and fifty majority. The ladies polled over four luuKlred bal- lots at their voting place. This was over whether Xewton should grant license to saloons or not. In this case the ladies, no doubt, had much influence on the casting of the ballots of their husbands and the reader can judge as to the proprietv of letting women vote as a purifier of elections in this country. 366 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. VOTE ON THE CONSTITUTIONAI- AMENDMENT, On June i-j, 1882. the prohibition question in Iowa was voted on. the question being whether or not an amendment should be added to the state constitution prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, including "ale, wine and beer." The vote in Jasper cninty, l)y precincts, was as follows: For Against Amendment. .Amendment. J.ynn Grove township 234 t^t^ Buena Vista Township 136 45 Independence Township 117 42 Colfax precinct 171 24 Elk Creek Township 1 19 127 Monroe precinct 299 143 Prairie City 42 7 \'andalia precinct 40 65 ' Sherman township 90 39 Palo .\lto township 152 58 Poweshiek township 185 28 Mound Prairie township 90 36 Xewton township 533 196 Kellogg township 185 in Clear Creek township 146 7 \\'ashington i)recinct 68 14 AFalaka township 43 63 Mariposa township 43 75 Richland township 92 34 Rock Creek township 29 53 Hickory Grove township 92 40 Teen severely punished. He had also sued the ladies for destroying his "property." but the case would not stand in Judge ?vIcFarland's district court. During 1836 the women of Xewton visited the liquor shop kept bv San- ford Porter and completely destroyed his stock in trade. Porter was greatly enraged and had the ladies arrested, but the case amounted to nothing, for he had no redress l:>efore the courts, as his was then, as now. looked upon as an illegitimate business. LOCAL LITERATURE AND AUTHORS. Since the pioneer days in Jasper county there have been several literary characters, those who have penned many beautiful jx^ems and framed many fine sentences and pages of ])rose writings. These can not all be reviewed in a work of the nature of this, but mention must be made of those that have come within the personal knowledge of the writer. Miss Carrie L. Early, daughter of George Early and wife, of Newton, will be long cherished by those who have read her fine poems and other com- positions. She passed from earth's shining circle all too young to have made herself known to the nation, as she would have done had she been spared to old age. She died at the age of twenty-seven. Tn a book of her rare gems of poetry, she had one poem entitled "Suc- cess." the last ver.se of which is here given. It really shows that her own sweet life was a success in and of itself. "If tliou hast striven to make clean Thyself and build a life of good To others, while thyself shall glean From wheat or tares a sheaf of good — If thou hast given thy l)est life's blood To gain the cause thou didst think best. If ever\' day thou didst an act of good. Then thou hast truly gained success." j^()S JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Miss Ciulillnia Zollinger was a recent year contributor to periodicals. •'Dan Druniniond." "The Widow O'Callihan's Boys" (1908). "The Route of the Foreigner" (1910), "A Boy's Ride"" (1909), and "Alaggie AlcLane- han" (1910). etc., are all from her winning pen. Dr. Perrv Engle has wntten many beautiful things of sentiment and deep philosophy, both in p^'ose and poetry. Dr. I. n. Gorrell has written many good things along various lines, including scientihc. professional and also religious and political. His recent work on his religious faith is said by good judges to be a work of rare merit as a compilation on religious subjects. As a local writer for the press none excels "Tommy" 'SI. Rodgers, as he is known. He has long served on various papers and gets down to the bot- tom of one's heart when he tries to be sentimental. Some of his writings along down the vears are rare gems, in beautiful English word settings. He was a soldier in the Civil war and, w ith another youth, established the first daily in this county. ^Ir. Rinehart, who conducted the Herald many years, was a brilliant writer in both prose and poetry, some of which may be seen in this work. Mrs. T. G. Springer, of the north part of this county, wrote fine verse in Civil war days. One poem was dedicated to the Jasper V^olunteers in 1861 and proved to be prophetic. Another lady whom Jasper justl\' claims was Xettie. daughter of Air. and Skiff, later known as Xettie Sanford-Cha])in, through her two marriage unions, the last being to the veteran journalist, E. C. Chapin, of the Marshall County Xczvs. She wrote mostly prose. She resided at W^ashingtoti several winters and wrote much concerning society and fashionable ^^'ashington circles. She lo\ed history also and w rote much of interest and \alue on Iowa history. She pul)lished se\eral small books herself. She has been dead a number of years. The following is a campaign ode written man\- \ears ago bv William Burne_\-. then editor of the Xcwtoii IlcraUl. now editor and proprietor of the Collins Cazcltc. the occasion being the congressional campaign of 1888: Friend of the ])eo[)le. wise and just. l-'aithful to country, and to trust, Xor shyster, nor deceiver; Straightforward in debate and vote. A gallant chief niongst men of nt)te, We hail thee. General \\'ea\er. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 369 Brave soldier 'mid the j^ory rtght For freedom, union, and the right. Undaunted 'til the close; Now. "mid the fight for equal laws For rich and poor — a holy cause — Thou bearest on thv foes. And truth and justice must prevail; And sore o])pression. and the wail From many a burdened life. Shall, by thine efforts, disappear, "Till o"er the land, afar and near, Shall cease the cause of strife. God bless our country — may her boys Have every blessing, and may joys Find none their non-recei\er ; And blessings crown thee, statesman true. ]\ larch on to conquer, we renew Our pledges. General Weaver. THE TOTAL ECLIPSE OF 1 869. Jasper county, in common ^\ ith others in this portion of this country, had a rare — once in a life-time chance — in the month of .August, 1869. to view the sublimit v of a total eclipse of the sun. It had been foretold by astronomers and the\' hit the \ery minute in which it appeared. It appeared as total within a stretch of country more than one hundred and fifty miles in width through Iowa. The bodv of the moon completely hid the sun from view. When the disk of the sun was almost covered and the light began to diminish, a chilliness crept into the air. which during the earlier part of the day had been extremely hot (it being August 7th). and a coolness not ex- perienced even of a summer evening hour seemed to envelop the earth. This approach of cold was instant and almost alarming. Birds and domestic fowls sought their roosts, dogs and horses manifested much uneasiness and in some instances positive terror. Cattle huddled together in fear at the swiftly ap- proaching darkness and vet it was scarcely four o'clock in the afternoon. The (24) 370 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. total w iilth i)t the corona was fifjured by scientists at one million six hun- dred thousand miles. Every person of an\- considerable as^e in this county who was not un- fortunate euiius^h to he blind, \iewed this wonderful ])henomenon in the heavens. It was a sight never to be forgotten 1)\- old ov young. Some had one impression, some another. It was a wonder to all. Many hundreds hav- ing prepared for the sight, had smoked glasses, and with tliese were enabled to clearlv view the eclipse from start to finish. The coming on was beautiful in the e.xtreme. Little bv little the light of the brilliant summer's sun was shut off bv the shadows of the silveiw moon in its majestic march onward. A few seconds of expectancy and the light was gone entirely. Then came an interval of absolute silence — total darkness covered the earth. Upward, the sight was charming, yet strange to behold. The larger, brighter stars could be seen overhead plainly, as if it were night time. The chickens crowed in man\' neighborhoods and all business was for the time suspended. All were quiet and awestruck. The astronomer was at his glory. The su- perstitious feared an impending calamity. The religious were thoughtful and knew that Clod in hea\en reigned o\ er all. .\fter a few seconds, the rift of light began to make its appearance and slowly the sun commenced again to send forth its warm summer rays. It was said that this eclipse would not again occur within four hundred years. Tt was the subject of much thought. discussion and speculation at the time. ITONEEIi wo .MAX CALEEI) ""COOO SQU.VW." The wife of one of the first settlers in Jasper county. Mrs. \\'illiam High- land, the first white woman in this county, felt timid when visited by her coi>- per-colored sisters and brothers in the absence of. her husband. Frequently a dozen braves would enter her cabin home at one time. They made quite fashionable calls and seemed interested in her housekeeping and the house- hold affairs in general. They talked on \arious topics, but wound up gen- erally with a hint that some (jf the w bite woman's food would suit their taste pretty well. In winter their clothing was none too ample for covering them, and in summer it was still more lacking in close structure. .\t first she tried to cut short these calls, and they knew full well the cause — because they were not wanted. When they had tea.sed her to their heart's content, they would compliment her by saying she was a "good scpiaw," and then offer to leave if she would shake hands with them. When she comi)lied. they silently left the place and did no mischief. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 37 1 There was a certain sympathy and pity extended toward these wander- ing: Indians, who had just recently been bont^ht off. or dri\en off from their lands by the antiiority of government. Uut the law of the survival of the fittest had tn I)e broui^ht into play in such cases that civilization mij^ht lx;ttcr be established in this, the .garden spot of Iowa. STATE CAPITAL ONCE LOCATED LV JASPER COUNTY. There are but few of the citizens living- within Iowa now who are aware of the fact that one time the capital of Iowa was legally fixed to be built in Jasper county, but such is the fact. After Iowa territory had been admitted as a state, in 1846. and its first session of Legislature was held in Iowa City, then the capital of the ter- ritory, the state treasurer reported the building at Iowa City very unsafe. subject to being injured by storms, etc.. and asked the Legislature to do something about it. Hence the General Assembly responded to his appeal and appropriated the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars for the com- ])letion of the old building. The question of the western boundary of Iowa ha\ing then been settled, a discussion arose regarding the relocation of the capital, as Iowa City was known by all reasonable minds to be too far to the east. So the General .\ssembly appointed a commission to locate a seat of government, and to select five sections of land. I)eing the amount granted by Congress for the erection of public buildings: and granted the untlnished buildings at Iowa City to the newlv created State L'niversity. to be used, however, by the Legislature until other provisions could be made. The said locating commissioners at once selected four sections and two half sections in Jasper county. Two of these sections were located in what is n(nv Des Moines township and the remainder in Fairview township. These lands were situated between Prairie City and Monroe, on the Keokuk & Des Moines railroad of later survey. A sale of lots took place there, a town having been platted and given the name of "Monroe City." Four hundred and fifteen of these lots were sold at cheap prices. The cash payment, one-fourth, yielded .Si. 797.34; while the expense of the sale, and claim of the commission for ser- vices, exceeded that amount by $409.14. When this glowing bit of financier- ing was made known in the report to the Legi.slaturc. he. later known as Iowa's most eccentric district judge. McFarland. who was then a member of the House, moved that a committee of five, forming a select committee, should be a])])ointed to investigate and show how much of "Monroe City" was under water and how much had been burned u]>! The report was re- l^yZ JASPER COIXTV. IOWA. ferred, without the instructions, however. The result was that Iowa's new capital at Monroe City ceased to be. llie lots were vacated and most of the lot owners received their money back. Chapter 71 of the laws of the first General AssembK will give about the above facts. But there are still more interesting points to be brought to the attention of the reader, in this singular case. Samuel B. Shelladay, a United States marshal, one of more than ordinary influence in Iowa, and also a large land- uuncr in Jasper county, was engaged by the citizens of the southern part of Jasper county, to go to the Legislature that w inter, at Iowa City, and lobby for the new seat of justice for Iowa. It may be stated, on good authority, that through his scheming the commissioners were induced to select ''Monroe City" (to be) for the new capitol location. After the commissioners had fully agreed upon this location, a pledge was given that no members should divulge the secret, until the fact had been made known at Iowa City to the Governor and through him made generally public?. But it is claimed that one Joseph D. Hoag, of the Friends religious faith — a genuine Quaker — after having agreed to this, was so dishonorable that he went to his home in Henry county, near Salem, and there let the news out among his brethren, giving them e\ en the exact spot where the commis- sion had located the new capital. At once the scheme was set on foot to claim and purchase all the land in and around the newly-made seat of justice. The Quakers were seen in great numbers, traveling on foot, on horseback and in wagons from Henry county, northward, through Oskaloosa, until the peo- ple there mistrusted something unusual was going on and when they followed on after them, in a few days, it was learned that these Friends had literally gobbled up much of the a\-ailable lands in the vicinity of 'Monroe City" — in short nearly all Ijetween tlie Skunk and Des Moines rivers. Manly Gifford, of Jasper county, was a large lot purchaser in the em- bryo city. So great was the ill feeling toward the man who had thus l>etra\ed a sacred pledge, that it was not until the lapse of more than fifteen vears that H(jag was able to get his fees as commissioner from the state of Iowa, which. after the older meml)ers were forgotten, did in 1862 finall\- ])a\- him for sucli services. "Monroe City"' ne\"er was platted ruid recorded in a legal manner — it existed only in the minds of a few schemers and upon paper of little size and value. Xot even a cabin was ever raised there ; the stakes denoting the lot corners soon disappeared with the prairie fires of 1850. Where the proud dome of the new state capitol was to rear its head heavenward, the prairie grass, frostbitten and brown, stood in (hy and decaying waves. ^Fhc wild animals made their snug homes where the executive mansion was to have been erected. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. T^yT^ THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD. To the present generation, especially t(j those who have not read up on the history of the country before the Civil, war, as touching the workings of the fugitive sla\e law, by which all citizens of the United States, whether living South or North, whether believing in the justice of slavery or opposed thereto, were, according to that law of Congress, obliged to help capture and return to their "own- ers" such negro slaves as might escape from their masters. This was a hard provision for the anti-slavery men to live up to and keep good and clear their consciences. Hence there was organized a secret society of men, and women too, who were ready to thwart the plans of such an unjust law, by assisting in every possible manner a sla\e who might come through the country, want- ing to make his escape to Canada, where he would be looked upon as a free man, black though he was. It will be understood also that this was happening just at a time when steam railroads were first engaging the minds of the masses and hence they very naturallv used the term "underground railroad," for the line over which these runaway slaves were sent from one part of the north to the other. Many of the patriotic anti-slave songs also had titles such as "Old Dan Tucker,"" the "Car of Emancipation," etc. Then it will be understood that "underground railroad" had no real significance, in the light of its being a real highway, as we now speak of railroads and of "under- ground railroads'" in cities, etc., which do exist, in fact, but usually styled as "subways." During those anti-slavery times there were many in this county who took an active part in helping negroes escape to Canada over this supposed "underground"" line, for most of its trains were operated at night-time, in order not to be detected by the slave hunters and their hounds. The following is from the pen of "Old Shady" (Joseph Arnold), who was a "conductor" on this railroad and these lines were not written until after the four years of Civil war had freed the slaves : "On the 4th day of November, ICS57, while returning from Newton in company with Matthew Sparks, they overtook three negroes about one-half mile out from Newton on the road leading to Lvnnville. Mr. Arnold spoke to them, assuring them that he and his com- panion were their friends, and told them to get into the wagon and ride. They seemed glad of the opportunity, and after getting in, asked them where they were going. Their repl>- was Lynn Grove. The darkies' eyes began to 274 JASPER COUISTV, IOWA. enlarge and show plenty of white. They then imiuired if either of us knew Arnold or Sparks. Upon being informed that the two gentlemen to whom thev were talking were the persons asked for, the poor fellows were over- joyed at tile announcement. One of them look a ragged and soiled piece of paper from his pocket. On this slip was the names of Arnold and Sparks which they said was furnished them by a certain party who had formerly lived in this neighborhood, but now a resident of the Territory of Kansas. He had instructed the colored gentlemen that Arnold and Sparks were safe con- ductors on the underground railway. They were taken to C. B. White's house in Lynnville. Soon after a good many local stockholders in the line assem])led. a meeting having been called by Arnold and Sparks. About nine o'clock one of the darkies made a speech in which he said : T have never saw so many friends in all ni}- life and would not be anything but a "nigger" tonight if J could. God bless you, I am gwine to de norf, sah.' After furnish- ing the darkies with means and proper passage, they were taken on to Grinnell. Their names were James F. ]\Iiller, Henry May and John Ross, and were from the Cherokee nation. The same year, a darkey, his wife and child, the latter about one year old, were br7. POPULATION. The total jjopulation of Jasper ccninty. from 1847 to igo^. was as fol- lows : 1847 560 1867 16.116 1849 1.223 1870 22. 116 1 850 1 .280 1 875 24, 1 28 1852 1,647 1880 23.963 1854- • 3456 1890 24.891 1856 7,490 1895 25.948 i860 9.883 1900 26.976 1863 10,590 1905 27.156 1865 12,239 In 1905 the state census report gave Jasper county a total of 27.156 population. di\icled among the \arious townships as follows: Buena ^'ista township 873 ^^ari])osa township 612 Clear Creek township 787 Mound Prairie township i'393 Des Moines township 1,080 Xewton township 902 Elk Creek township 909 Palo Alto township 1.096 FairAiew township 1.258 Poweshiek township 1.032 Hickory Grove township 638 Richland township 739 Independence township 608 Rock Creek township 724 Kellogg township 608 Shemian township yt^ Lynn Grove township 883 \\'ashington township 852 ^Falaka township 624 The population of cities, towns and villages in 1905 was: Baxter. 520: Colfax. 2.-^^T,\ Prairie City. 756: :\Ionroe. 836: Kellogg. 592: Lynnville. 462: .'^ullv. 262: AFingo. 262: Xewton. 4.398- THE I9TO UNITED STATES CENSUS. The official census returns for 19 10 show that Jasper county has made but a slight gain in population during the past ten years, but a review of the table given below will show that the retardation in gain is due to the falling T^jS JASI'EK COUNTY, IOWA. off of the rural districts for the towns in all instances, but three show a good per cent, of gain. The cities of Xewton and Colfax both made good gains over the 1900 census. Xewton making a gain e it said to the credit of her citizens, not manv such cases blacken the pages of its his- torv. but there were a few times when men's lives were hanging between eartli and skv in an awful suspense. In some instances innocent men and again guiltv rmes were thus treated for some crime, or supposed crime, com- mitted in this county. One such case is as here narrated: In 1848 and during the month of August, right in the midst of sultry dog days, a man named William Knisely had made a claim in township 81. range 21. north of present Greencastle o 80 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. site. He had broken out a small tract of land and planted out some nursery stock. He was a single man. a very filthy, dirty person in personal appear- ance and not well understood or liked 1)\' his near neighbors, the Hamlin families. All of a sudden Knisely was missing and no one seemed to know of his immediate whereabouts. Days went by and he did not return to im- pro\e his claim. Finally the whole county was aroused about his sudden disappearance and began to look the matter up. Charles H. and David B. 1 lamlin. with two other men. were arrested. Nathaniel Hamlin was also arrested, but he was acc|uitte(l in a short time. It was known that the Ham- lins had some property once l)elonging' to the man Knisely. and one of the familv had l)een seen at the claim shack the day before the strange settler had last been seen. Information was sworn out by John Harp and John B. Hammack lie fore T. J. Adamson. and the murder was alleged to have been committed June 27th. The complaint was made August nth. The Hamlins were to have a preliminary hearing on the nth and the other men on the 14th of August. All but the Hamlins were acquitted. To convict even the Hamlins more e\"idence must be found, so the mob having the matter now in hand set out to procure evidence sufficient to pro\"e the guilt of the parties. First they took Nathaniel Hamlin in hands and coming to a small tree hung him U]) by the thumbs. Soon he w'as lowered and. believ- ing as he did, the poor fellow thought best to confess to almost anything they asked him to. Half beside himself, and fearing l\nch law, he admitted that they had killed Knisely and offered to show where the body had been buried in a sand bar on the South Skunk. The crowd took the young man to the river, who selected the spot alleged ; but no trace of the remains of Knisely could be discovered there. Then the mob coaxed Hamlin to another confession, when he stated the body of the murdered man had l^een thrown into the Skunk river. He conducted the violent mob to the river's edge, and by this time he was in danger of being torn to pieces by angry, liquor-crazed men. Tie claimed the spot was on section 33 and that it was doubtless b\- a pWe of drift wood. They now feeling they might be on the correct clue, allowed Hamlin to strip and dive for the supposed body of the corpse. He did this, but doing so failed to come up. One of the guard plunged in after him and found Hamlin holding fast to a root, under water, no doubt intending to drown himself. His grip was loosened, and he was brought to the surface nearly strangled to death. As soon as he had recovered sufficiently to resume liis "trial" it has been related that he was severely flogged. The young man Hamlin, again fearing sudden death at the mob's hands, had a new idea — he claimed that JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 381 the murdered man had probably been buried in tlie Indian burying ground on section 25. township 80, range 21, near his father's claim, the remains of a Fox Indian's grave having been disturbed for that purpose. A rope was then attached to the prisoner, his hands pinioned and the rope fastened to the saddle's horn, after which he was literally dragged by a horse ridden by ^^'illiam Rickey, across the prairie to the Indian grave yard. He pointed to the spot and the earth was opened, but no corpse was discovered. It was an anomalous condition of affairs. The mob had casilv ex- torted a confession from Nathaniel, but each point in his story was shown to be untrue by actual inspection. It would be supposed that the people ought to have been satisfied with these acts of violence, but thev had now l)e- come bloodthristy. Accordingly a crowd again gathered, all of whom it is said, l^eing heroic with li(|uor. and took the other two Ilamlins out of the custody of the sheriff, and strung them up by the neck until they were found to be unconscious, when the\' were let down and allowed to revive. But this bold and wicked act on the part of the mob elicited nothing more satisfactoiT than the experiments made upon Nathaniel. The men told af- terward that the pain of hanging was trifling, but that the return to con- sciousness was terrible. That night the Hamlins, through the exertions of David Edmundson and John R. Sparks, Avere returned to custody, and were guarded by Mr. Sparks and John E. Copp in Copp's store: Copp was absent for awhile, and before he returned a tliunder-storm broke, ^^'hen Copp returned the noise of his entrance startled Sparks, who clutched him by the coat collar ready to strangle him before he recognized him. supposing for an instant that he was leading the returning mob.. The poor Hamlins were then discovered in one corner of the room, whimpering with fear, and begging to be saved from the mob. During the day's cruel business. Edmundson. who had followed the crowd, held down the sapling to which one of the men was stretched, in hoi)e of pre\-enting mischief, but was pulled a\\a\- l)y the crowd. Sparks, who had accompanied Edmunson. ran foul of the malevolent Prouty. who said to him that he believed he (Sparks) knew as much about Knisely's disappearance as the Hamlins. Sparks' Kentucky blood was up as soon as the words were out of Proutv's mouth. He seized the latter by the throat and demanded a retraction, which Prouty. who was a thorough coward, gave at once. It is difficult to find words suitable to express the honorable conduct of Messrs. ^S2 JASPER COINTV, IOWA. Edmundson and Sparks in endeavorini;- to maintain the law. Shakesix-are's "so shines a i^ood deed in a wicked world" is appropriate here. The people, thus haftled, were more excited than e\er. The Hamlins were carefullv i^narded tor several weeks hefore any new developments took place. Meantime. William Smith, wilhont statini;- his ])nrpose, decided to em- bark in the delecli\e business on his own account. Tie knew that Knisely had a brother li\int;- in Missouri, and he proceeded thither to l>egin his in- c|uiries. haviui^ been informed by the Hamlins that Knisely had gone to that state. .\s he had surmised, he found that Knisely had been to visit his brother since his disappearance from this county. Smith reurncd home and re- lated what he had heard. This was almost more than the county could stand, and the feeling was such that Smith himself was in danger of being lynched, or. at least, ar- rested. Thev had become convinced that the Hamlins could not by any pos- sibilitv be innocent, and here was Smith, just from Missouri, claiming to show that they could not possibly be guilty. 1'o sohe the dilemma and es- tabli.sh bevond dispute the truth or falsity of Smith's statements, a committee of three su])stantial citizens was selected to \-isit Kliisely's brother. They started forthwith and found to their astom'shment — most likely to their dis- gust, also — that Smith's story was literally true. Knisel}''s brother and a neighbor returned with the committee, and brought with them several afifi- daxits showing that the nurseryman had been seen l)v all the signers of the affidavit subse(|uent of the supposed murder. Nothing could be done but to release the two Tlamlins; yet it is certain that no apologies were offered them for the auno\ance and terror they had experienced through seventy-eight anxious da\s. Some of those concerned in the abo\'e transaction believe to this day that Knisely was killed by the Hamlins. It is stated to be a fact, in connection with the above, that Knisely ne\er appeared again to any of his acquaintances after he \isited his brother. It transi)ired al)out the time the prisoners were released, that the Ham- lins had told Knisely the neighbors were about to mob him (^n account of his filth\- habits of living, but whether this was a joke on their i)art, or whether tlicx' thought the}' could work on his fears and get him to run awav. thereby to get possession of his yoke of oxen and other property, or whether this came of his own imagination, can not now be stated with certainty, but it i> probable he made this statement himself while staying with his brother. Th(jse who had a part in this strange matter owe William Smith a debt of conscience they can never re])ay ; for. had it not been for his forethought. JASPER COUNTV. IOWA. 383 it is almost certain the poor Hamlins would lia\e been hanj^ed, either by or- der of Jiidge Lynch, or by authority based upon circumstantial evidence. It was a hai^py escape from a legalized murder that would have been a blot on the records of Iowa for all time. As it was. the i)eople of jasper county found that the news when spread abroad worked to their detriment, for peo- ple were afraid, for two years, to settle in the county, Ix^lieving its inhal)itants were a set of heathens. JASPER COUNTY SAFE ROBBERY. The conviction of two men. Rose and L'dell. in 1868, for breaking into the Jasper county treasury and robbing it of its effects not only created great excitement here, making an unparalleled chapter in the criminal records of this county and state, l^ut also broke up a gang of thieving outlaws whose members stretched over Indiana. Illinois and Iowa at the close of the Civil war. This forever ended the work of the Reno robbers of Indiana and like cases in the other two states named. The Pinkerton detective agency of Chi- cago figured in this noted case, as well as did J. W. Wilson, Esq., of this county, who liad charge of the prosecution. The county and commonwealth owe a debt of lasting gratitude to these several gentlemen for the genius and legal skill exhibited in breaking up this nest of violators. Bad, bold men have lived in all old as well as newly settled countries and Iowa has had her full share of such outlaws and some are still serving time in the prisons of the state for tlie crimes committed, while still others went un- punished, and still more have served their sentences and died, leaving but a dark spot upon the pages of the history of the county in which they lived and operated. In the more eastern states these crimes commenced way back in the years after the war of 1812-14 in Kentucky and other states. In 1835 this element sought newer fields in fair Iowa, then a territory, by the organi- zation known in historv as the "Banditti of the Prairies."' who were re- sponsible for the assassination of that good frontiersman. Col. Ceorge l)a\- enport. for whom the city of this name was named. The settlers in these states and territories only found Judge L\nch available in meting out justice to these noted characters. In 1837 coun- terfeit monev was j)ut into circulation in large quantities and was often l)razenly offered at the United States land offices. Hor.se stealing was a common thing for many years and was carried on to such an extent that "Horse-thief Societies" were organized under one name or another to pro- tect citizens from losing their teams. These gangs of outlaws were well ^$4 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. organized, too, and nothing but Jvidge Lynch could reach their cases, courts being too slow in action. Early in the forties such gangs made their appearance in Cedar, Linn, Clayton and I'^ayette counties. Their chief business was stealing live stock and driving it to market and selling it. But as the country settled up more, this type of men turned theiv attention to bank robbery and county seat treasury safes, from which they frecjuently picked many thousands of dol- lars. Then after the Ci^■il war came the James, and Youngers and Renos, and a dozen more noted bands. Jasper county, however, escaped the dev- iltry of these men until in 1868 the county treasury was boldly robbed by descendants (doubtless) of these same gangs of outlaws — for blood will tell ! The safe belonging to Jasper county, and the one used for temporary funds, was broken into on the night of February 25, 1868, and rohbed of about three thousand hve hundred dollars in current funds. The evening before the robbeiy, Josiah B. Eyerly, county treasurer, was at the court- house on business, in company with a man from the country. The treas- urer was very careful upon leaving to see that all was securely locked. At the time of this robbery Newton was the scene of a very exciting religious debate between J. Y. Atchison, a celebrated Baptist minister, and Rev. King, a Universalist preacher, well known in Iowa as a debater on universal salvation for all mankind. Nearly all the adult population of Newton had assembled at old Union Hall, facing the court house scjuare. The debate did not cease until almost midnight. Snow was falling and footsteps were thus well muffled. From the fact that no footsteps were seen in the snow when the robbery was discovered, it is thought the robbery must ha\e l)cen effected while the debate was going on in the well-packed hall, as the falling snow would easily cover such tracks as must ha\e been made by the robbers. The following morning, Albert Piper, an assistant of the treasurer, upon entering the office first, discovered the books and pajjers strewn about on the floor. He at once gave the alarm to the treasurer, who, with liis friends, went to the scene of the night robbery, and there found the tloor covered with ])apers and books of great value, carefully preserved and placed on file by the county officials. Some were mutilated and torn and others en- tirely destroyed, while others were yet of value and carefully collected to- gether. Powder had been placed in an opening in the safe and bv the ex- plosion the bolts and doors had been 1)lown apart. The robbers had chosen a time wlien the treasurv did not contain nearlv so much cash as mi<2ht have JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. 385 been found a day or so earlier or even later. Among the articles left behind were wedges, bars and tools used in effecting an entry ; a part of a wax candle and fuse were also found on the floor. At the time the safe stood in a very much exposed place, as compared to treasuries of today, which are housed within very safe, fire-proof vaults. The county officers concerned in ferreting out the robbery were J. M. Rodgers. sheriff; J. B. Eyerly, treasurer; M. A. McCord. prosecuting at- torney. W'inslow & Wilson were employed as special attorneys for the county. Silas Axtell, a constable and detective, was engaged at once to work up the case. The officers lost no time in instituting a search. I'Tom among the mul- titudes uf rumors they gathered enough to satisfy themselves that the rob- bers were not local parties, and that no grounds existed for suspecting anv- one in the town or county. It was soon learned that strangers had l)een seen coming into town the evening before from the direction of Kellogg. A school teacher had observed the men carrying a case or package, coffin- shaped, as he descril^ed it. It seemed \ery heavy, as the men kept changing hands in conveying it along the highway. This served as clue number one for the officers. It Avas soon learned that five men got ofif the Rock Island train at Kellogg the evening before the robbery. It was also found that five men got ofif the train at Mitchellville. the morning after the robbery had been committed. Search was then made all over Xewton and in a lumber yard the "coffin- shaped" box was discovered. A blacksmith shop on the west side o'f the square had been forced open and from it a sledge had been taken. This was found near the safe in the court house. A banker in Xewton was at once engaged to wire a detective in Chicago and at once one of Pinkerton's best men. DaAe Ise. appeared on the scene. He soon learned from railway men that the five men had each flashed a ten-dollar bill to pay fare to Des Moines, and that they had jumped the train at Mitchellville, before entering Des Moines. The men were soon spotted as having hired a famier to carry them to Nevada and there they boarded a train for Chicago. The detective-, hot on their trail, went to Chicago. There he changed clothing in disguise and, with the farmer, visited the low dives of the city a few days and finally found what the farmer said was his men and he still carried out the plot by playing cards with them and letting on that he was intoxicated. He had stationed two policemen at the saloon door and when the time was ripe the men wan- dered out and fell easilv into the hands of the officers. They being on I Hi- (25) 386 lASl'ER COLNTV. IOWA. nois soil, they had .to l^e spirited away by force in a sled and taken to a train which Pinkerton had wired to be stopped, where they were placed in irons and broug^ht to Davenport, where they tried at meal time to make their escape, but after a few shots were as^ain captured and broui:;'ht on west. On their person were found the gold pen and a padlock stolen from the lumber yard in Kewton, alreadv mentioned: also pieces of fuse of the same sort found in the Xewton court house. At the sprini^" term of district court, at Xewton, that same }ear, the two captured men, Charles LMell and Abraham Rose, were arraigned for the crime. They pleaded not guilty. The case did not come off. at once, and to make sure of their game, the authorities had the prisoners sent to a safer place, Oskaloosa jail, to await the November term of court. Allan Pinkerton had l>ecome convinced that these men l)elonged to a great gang — possibly the famous outlaws, the Renos, and he it was who insisted on hold- ing the case over in order to get more of the gang, which pro\-ed a very wise thing, too. A scheme was put into etTect. the gist of which was this: The prisoners were known to ha\e friends outside and it was con- cluded that attempts would be made to corresi)ond with them. The sheriff of Mahaska. J- ^^ • Hinesley, was interested in the matter and his valuable services secured. The sheriff did not live in tlie jail l)uil(Hng, which was in charge of jailer Hedrick. It was arranged that e\ery facility should be given the men, especially I'dell. for writing letters and his literary tendencies encouraged to the utmost. These epistles were necessarily given into the hands of some one of the officers. presuma])h- in those of the jailer: but in all cases the prisoners and their friends' letters were to be sent to Messrs. \\'inslow & Wilson, at Xewton. to be treated as they saw fit. ^Mr. \\'ilson became deeply absorbed in the work, and performed some detective feats that would ha\'e reflected credit on an old professional. Only a few days elapsed before the sheriff was able to open a regular system of secret correspondence with 'Mr. ^^^ilson. ^feantime the Pinker- ton force was fully aware of the scheme and ready to co-operate with the officers of either X'^ewton or Oskaloosa. The whole affair is explained so fully by the epistolary documents still in existence, but for the first time made public in 1878. ten years after tlie robbery, that thev are here used as quotations in full or in i)art, as the case seems best to warrant. The fir.st letter to Mr. Wilson from Sheriff 1 linesley was dated April 28. 1868. The reply is given here in full : JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 3S7 "Xewton. Iowa. April 29. 1868. "J- ^^'• Hinesley, Esq. : Yours of the 28tli w itli enclosure to W'inslow w as received today. W'inslow is in Boone county now. In the letter to Mrs. Smith, enclosed, I tiiid by close examination that it was written by invisible ink and contained something worth knowing. I applied a test to the letter, and brought out a full and clear letter, written closely over the whole sheet of paper. I send you enclosed a true copy for your benefit. The ink used was milk. I will make a true copy of the letter to Mrs. Smith as written in ink and in milk and send that to her. T will send a copy of the same to Pinkerton at Chicago, and have him send to Indianapolis and watch the party who takes the letter out and follow up the plot. In this way. I think we can keep track of them all the while and follow them to Oskaloosa. and arrest them Avhen they make the attempt on the jail. Of course vou will be prepared for them on the 15th and 20th of May, the time spoken of. As soon as we hear from Chicago we will let you know and keep vou fullv posted. Send all communications to us: also all letters sent to Rose and I'dell. before delivering them to the prisoners. "Yours truly. ''W'lXSLOW & \\'lLS0X, "Per Wilson." The letter referred to by Wilson is here produced in full. It was written by Mr. Udell on commercial note paper and contained a few com- monplace remarks on the first page, ))ut ended with the significant expression *'So now look out." Mr. W^ilson was satisfied that there was invisible writing on the three apparently blank pages and devoted nearly three days with experiments to bring it out. At last he thought of milk as an invisible ink and a])plied the test of a hot sad-iron, when the following satisfactory and surprising document gradually appeared on the innocently looking sheet : '"Dear Elizabeth : \\'e have tried twice to get out. but have made a failure. The last time we would have been out in a few minutes more, but now we can do nothing without help. The jailer is living in the jail. He is about. Andv Wilson and his wife is sick most of the time. There is three girls grown and three little boys the size of S. L. Willie and George. The boys all sleep in one bed and the family sleep up stairs. If five men w ill come tliev can take the whole family and release us. There is five persons in jail. There is a man bv the name of William A. Ayers that will lead the men if he can get four to follow him. He is a friend to A. Ro.se. my partner. \\'rite to William A. Avers. Springfield. Illinois, and send one letter to him ^88 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. in Chicago to the Matteson House, corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets, and tell him to come and see you, that you want to make an arrangement with him about bailing Abe Rose and his friend out of jail. Tell him on what street and the number of your house so that he can find you and your name, and when he comes show him this letter. Do this sure. This is the onlv sure way 1 know of to get out of here now. I hope that Ogle, Billy, Carle, I'erkins and Reno, or three of them at least, will follow Ayers. I know that the thing can be done in the evening at half past seven or eight and then lea\c on the train at nine. We can lock the family in the jail and get away at any time of night. This must be done or I fear I shall see hard times before I see you again. There will be no chance for private talk if one was to come to the jail, unless he comes in the night. I would (like and) ought to know what night to look for them, for I would (otherwise) be asleep when they spoke. There is a fence twelve feet high around the west end of the jail where we are. Get over that and come to the window and have a stick nine feet long. You can reach right straight across the hall to mv cell. Bring a dozen of the best saws. There is three bars in the door of the cell to saw, two inches wide and two and a half inches thick, and the same to cut to get into the house hallway. Then I will be as good as out. The window is large and low, four feet from the ground, with two sets of grates in it, but you could poke anything into my cell with a nine inch (foot) stick. If anyone comes they could stay a week and come in the night and talk to me. And I could tell them then what else to do. It will cost fourteen dol- lars to come here. Come b}- Keokuk. I will set the night the 20th of May, for one to be at tlie window. I will look for one that night at eleven or twelve. The jail is in the west end of building in Oskaloosa, Mahaska countv. The town is three miles from the railroad. Now- get one to bring the saws and come that night and stay and get things done fine. I have no confidence in sawing out but 1 will tv\'. If one comes he can see how e\'ery- thing is and take us out; the one that comes he can see how we are situated, then go back and get the men. He can go into the woods and stay daytime and see us at night. He can buy his grub somewhere, or go to the hotel at meal time. If you can get Ayers to come and sec }-ou. he can c-ome and get the thing done, and if he is not there by the 15th of May, get Ogle or Billy, or e\'en Charlie to come to our window . The fence is high and w ill be a little hard to get inside the fence. But there is cross pieces on the inside and will be very easy to get out. "Now my only hope of getting out of this scrape is bv some of you helping me, and I hope Charlie and Billy will not fail to help me. Ayers JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 389 (has?) was a brother in a fix S(j Ijacl as ours. He himself will do anything for my partner, that any of you would do for me; so if you can get him there or anyone to come, (a few words here unintelligible). I write this April 25th. but don't know how soon I can get it mailed. My last request is for some one to come to the window, some night as soon as they can and keep coming until we can come to some final understanding. Write me few lines through the lawyers at Newton and if anybody comes say so through milk: but only a few words, as 1 can only get letters through the jailer, James Hendrick. I have ten dollars yet. I will give the jailer's boy a dol- lar to mail this. If you get it that shows he is true to me. His name is Hiram Hendrick. He is alxmt twelve years of age. Whoever comes to our window have him to bring two small vials of equafortis. It will eat the bars when it is heated hot. (iet two vials with glass sto])pers and get the very best equafortis there is. Be careful it don't leak or it will ruin their clothes who e\"er l)uys it. The sheriff lives two squares from the jail. I tried to get the confidence of the sheriff. He may come right. He is on the stand what to do. He is afraid he can't do anything without being suspected. Only sure thing is to rough the jailer. It can be done by bringing a pris- oner. Tell him they captured him trying to steal one of Lansing Bryant's (omission), living four miles east of town. Tell whoever comes to the jail to call Mr. Hedrick. He will ask who is there. Tell him you have a man you caught trying to steal a horse of Lansing P)ryant. Then he will open the door and the jail part is straight back through the hall. Come on right through. When he comes on after you with the keys act as the thing suits you, but don't let the jailer go for the sheriff, but keep him in. Do not fail to get one to come to our window and don't be afraid of anything. It is easv to get out of the lot. but it is a high fence and hard to get inside." There was no signature to the secret part of the letter. The portion in ink contained the necessary formalities. The letter confirmed the suspicions of the detectives, but the sup- pression of the document would merely thwart their own ends. It must be sent to its destination and there traced to the evident headquarters of the gang in Indiana. The execution of this required no little ingenuity and skill. The letter itself was no longer availal)le because of the restoration of the milk writing to a legible condition. The only way to accomplish their end was to reproduce the document. This plan was successfully carried out. The writing in ink was coimterfeited and then the pages in milk were copied carefully in stvle. orthography, etc. Still after this diflficult task was per- formed there remained an obstacle in the way. Po.st-marked envelopes from ^gO JASPER COIXTV, IOWA. Oskaloosa were needed and these were obtained. The bogus letter was placed therein and sent to the Xewton office without further stamping. The expressions used by Udell opened up another field of work. It was agreed between the lawyers and the sheriff that the latter should estab- lish confidential relations with the prisoners, holding out the inducement that he could be bribed. The plan was so cautiously worked up that the cracksmen were fully deceixed. It was also arranged that the jailer's boy' should carrv all letters offered by Udell ; but instead of posting them he de- livered them to the sheriff. When it was known that Udell made use of milk that article was supplied him as a regular diet. The usually shrewd man thus fell headlong into the trap. The next letter was as follows : "Oskaloosa. May 8, 18G8: This is written with milk — heat it hot. Send me some answer this way. Write to the sheriff of Mahaska count}, Iowa. The sheriff is a brother of Hinesley that keeps the exchange livery stable in Indianapolis. I have talked with him about letting me out. He said if I was from where he heard I was that he could do something. He asked me about dift'erent persons at Indianapolis. I offered him six hundred for letting me out. He said it was not enough. Since Billy was here he has come and talked with my partner and wanted $2,500. But from his talk I am sure he will do it for two thousand. So if we can get two thousand I am sure we can both get out. He. of course, will not trade just for one of us. as he says that all in here will have to get away at the same time so as not to have him suspicioned. I am confident he is in earnest but he wants to make money by it and does not want to let anyone have a holt on him here- after. If Billy has this amount come and give it to me and I will l)e out in less than a week after. There was no drop about him being at the window that night, but the jailer won't let anyone in after night, unless he knows just who they are. So that if anyone was to come they would have to come late at night and get in on the quiet. But I know the sheriff will give us a chance to get off if we can get two thousand dollars. I don't believe that Rose can raise any money, so if Billy can get me that amount I can be out right off. But no one must know we bought the sheriff', for if he was to know I wrote this he would do nothing. He has got his left arm shot off and is p(jor and wants money. If I could raise the money anyway of my- self I would (\o it. But I don't know only to depend on Billy and that amount will let us out. and that is better than to run any uncertain or dangerous chances. If liillv can see those friends and get some funds from JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. yjl them Ayers will give some, if he has it. But if Billy has the money himself don't delay. If he gives to me we will make it in less than twenty days. I hate to ask this. l)ut is a sure thing and 1 have full confidence in it. Jf he did say anything to Ryan about me trying to hrihe him, I am confident he is all right now, for he can't make any mone\- l>v keeping us here or nothing by blowing on us for bribing him. If Billy comes to the window he must not say anything about the sheriff, for it won't do for the others in here to know we bribed the sheriff. But they can get out when we do, for the sheriff does not want them to know enough to implicate him. He is very cautious when he comes here to talk." How well the scheme worked will be seen by the following instrument which announces the full capture of the sheriff. It also alludes to the pres- ence of Udell's friends outside the window, a certain prisoner named ''Laid- ley." and possibly Pinkerton's Registers — at least the letter reads: "Oskaloosa, May 16, 1868. "I have a bargain to get out for $2,000. If I can get half and Abe half, we can get out right off. I don't know if the boys can do anything or not. B. said they would come in two weeks. That time is past two days ago. A prisoner upstairs tells me three of my friends was here Mondav and Tuesda}- night Ijut failed to come to mv window. This man upstairs li\-es at Columbia, ]owa. His name is George S. Laidley. He is a harnessmaker and gets out the last of this month. If B. goes to him the thing can be done here on the (|uiet. We want a all-key made. We have the impression. Then we ha\e onlv three liars to cut. This can be done with muriatic acid in one hour. Make a cu]i of beeswax around the bar and pour on acid. In forty minutes it will eat it off. This man understands it. Let one come to window and get our impression and go to Keokuk and get the key made. Get a dollar's worth of muriatic acid and a pound or two of beeswax and come and give it into the window about two or three in the morning. All is (piiet at that time. The next night we can cut out. We want also a good sized screw driver to take the lock off the back door. That lets us into the garden. Let B. come to Columbia the first of June and find George Laidley. I have posted him and if he gets out before the first of June he will write to you. But he will l)e home in Columbia by June ist. Anyhow he can tell B. more than I can and he will help at anything. He has been a rebel in his time and says he cut the bars and let Stonewall Jackson out of prison at Harper's Ferr\ . If B. will risk this plan, let him work it in dark of moon in June. But I can be home in three days if I can get a thousand dollars and Abe a 2^2 JASPER COLXTV. IDWA. thousand dollars. The sheriff lets us break out. Leave no stone unturned until von get me out. I am afraid B. will get discouraged but we must get out somehow before court. \\'e may be too late then. If that Avers liad money Abe would get his. lie writes to three or four men for money but has onlv heard from Ayers and he has none. He expects some from John Richardson, his brother of Forest City. ^Missouri. He writes today to his uncle at Trov. New York. Thomas Richardson. He is wealthy and I think Abe will get a thousand dollars soon and then I hope B. will let nie have a tliousand dollars. It might be best to buy out at once. So much expense will run u]) to that soon and we can get out immediately then. Write a few lines in ink and a few in milk. Send to J. ^^^ Hinesley, this place. Don't mention about this letter, as I got the jailer's boy to mail it. but you can say Ayers was there and how you are, etc." Mav 27. t868. Udell delivered a letter to the sheriff, with the sincere belief that that ofificer was still working in his interest, which letter was to be sent to his brother in Indianapolis, the Hveryman above alluded to. This missive contained an ordinary hope for better times, but was signed with a significant cioss. evidently a private mark placed by Udell on all documents containing milk writing. Some three pages of invisible writing were dis- covered on this sheet. Imt the information contained has already been cov- ered by other letters, except that these stated that he had not gotten his share of the Jasper safe robbery and that by reason of his going to Chicago to get his full share he had been captured. The letter ended by an intimation that the boys were still engaged in their dangerous work. He says, "li the boys 'make' $2,000. bring it to me without a moment's delay. Anyone can see me in company w ith the sheriff. \\'e are like old acquaintances. He knew father well.'' He also asked his wife how many letters she had received, as if he suspicioned the sheriff might not 1)e ])lriying fair with him. In a second letter, on the 27th of ?^ra\ . he signifies tliat he fears Laidley is not going to be true to his promise. He urged first one plan, then another, as if driven to desperation as court time was drawing close at hand. He repeats his in- junctions concerning the ease with which the j.'iiler can be '"ruffed." and himself and partner set at liberty. Another letter is found written entirely in milk, without date, which seems to take up the thread of the story at this ])oint. It is here reproduced entire, and is in Udell's own handwriting: 'A\'e lia\e a job for the boys to do. Tet them get a good worker to help them, and they can raise the money at one place. 1 think Jo Miller could work it with 1'. and C. There is a town called Xew London; it is eiehteen JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. * 393 miles west of BiirHnoton. It has six hundred inhabitants and there are ten stores and groceries in the place, and one steam grist mill. There is a drug store and grocery store together in one building. The store is kept bv Allen & Thompson. They have a safe five feet high, and it must have inside doors. as it is quite thick. It stands with the back towards the door, so that you can't see the front of it. It sets in the front of the store, at one end of the counter, and is the only safe in the town, except one at the gri.st mill. The one at the mill is a Pittsburg, single door. But don't disturb it until after the drug store one is got. There is no one sleeping in the drug store, and no one nearer than the tavern across the street. "This is the best job I know of. There is some bonds in il, and the druggist bought $900 in gold last fall from one man. There is some de- posits in it. They are sure of $5,000, and it ought to be made sure of. If they could get that and come on here, one of them, with $2,000. we would be free in a little while. At the back end of the store is a warehouse. You could raise a window in the back and get in through the middle door into the front room, or go in at the front door of the store. "The thing is as T tell you. and if you prepare yourself to go out \ou miglit watch it sometime to satisfy yourselves about it. Rut be sure and get a good worker and go ahead and do this as soon as possible. It is not harder than the Mount Vernon matter. Be sure and not make a failure. My life almost depends on raising this $2,000. I do hope that it will be got 1)6 fore long. Nearly half of my time is up. and nothing done yet. Don't lose the rest of the time. 'T S]:)oke about a man named Laidley, that lived at Columbia. He w ent out the 30th of May. He promised to go and see you. He said he would stop at Springfield and see Ayers. and write back and go onto your house. We gave him ten dollars to get through on ; but he has not wrote back, nor have we heard anything from him yet, and if he has not come he then only lied to us. Let me know in milk in your next letter if the $10 man has ever come vet. If lie wrote to vou. vou need not pay much attention to him. for he promised to go and see you and get some help to get me out. If he writes, or comes either, do not give him any money, nor do not let him lay around long. If he does anything, let him go at it. If not send him about his busi- ness. But let me know if he comes or wrote. If I had a little stufif I could settle the man that is here. 'Tn vours of the 23d. you say they watch the house. I see by the papers that the Jeff train was beat the night before you wrote, and it is likely the police had their eye on the house when you wrote, to see who T^g^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. would be coming in. to see if any of the express robbers were likely to be in it. I kind of suspect Salisbury is about there, and if he is he may be knowing" old matters, and may ha\e put someone on the affair that Ruby tried to shake him on. Sol is as mean, if not meaner, than (Gonzales, and they both ought to be put out of the way. "Write in black next time how much \ou can raise me, and how soon it can be got. B. thought the sheriff was wrong when he was there that night. I will find out when Ryan comes, if the sheriff said any thing alx)ut me to him: but anvway, if he did say anything. I know he would not do as he does now if he were not right; besides when Aloe's brother comes he will fix it so that he can't fool us: and he would be afraid to not let us break out after he got his money, for fear our friends would kill him." Another touching letter from "Lizzie," the wife of Udell, reads thus: "Well, I hardly know what to say, but 1 would give all this world that I ever exi)ect to ha^'e to see you and to know how to get you out. But my will is good, but for me to do anything without anything to go on is im- possible, for 1 hardly know what to do next sometimes. I have just one hundred dollars left now. The money that was lost with them dirt\- dogs B. says he will give back to me. It was three hundred dollars, but the lawyers got two of it. P'or my part I can't do nothing but just wait. I expect that you look for someone, but there was no one to go, for B. and C. had gone away to try to get some old debt settled up, and I will have to wait. If I could raise the money I would be glad to do so sure, and I think that B.'s j)ile is small at this time, but when they get back they can say what can be done. I think that they watch my house and that makes B. verv shy, what makes it hard on me. But I will try and do the best I can. 1 have found out through one of my neighbors that they quit Tom Wilson for not taking you. When you was out here they tried him in the police court, and he came very near losing his office. She says that day that he came to my house that there was three more in here, and Tom told a friend that he could not lake vou, because he thought so much of \-our wife and children. Hereafter. I will lie warned of danger. Well, 1 don't know what to say next. l)iit hope that something will be done for you when B. and C. gets back. I Impc that some- thing will be done for you. 1 have got the blues so l)ad I am almost sick. Well. I have told you all I can this time. Oh that 1 could see you and talk I would be glad. Write soon and let me hear from you, and I will trv hard to get .something done, so keep in good heart, and for this time. "Lizzie." JASl'EU COUNTY. IOWA. 395 June 9. 1868, came the next letter from Udell to his wife. Interlined between the ink writing is the information that his identity had been dis- covered and his connection with the general band was known. He ex- pressed no anxiety on this score, and assures his wife that he talks merely on general topics with the sheriff. He is satisfied that he can make his escape upon the receipt of one thousand dollars, and said the sheriff wanted the money sent by a trusty man, instead of l)y express. They had received a letter from Ayers. He had no money. Ijut wcmld attend to their case as soon as he got through with the trial of his own brother in Illinois for bur- glary. He said they could place no more confidence in Ayers. He again mentioned the chance at cracking the safe at Xew London and explains what he meant by wanting "stuff" to give a prisoner in jail there in Oska- loosa. It was thought the jail-bird had told the authorities of his trying to make a wooden key. The last letter from Udell to his wife was in pencil and spoke of hav- ing her bring the children to see him at time of his trial. Another letter from ^Irs. Udell to her husband, dated June 27th. refers to the i^risoner. Laidley. in the following language : "The man }ou gave the ten dollars wasn't here. He wrote to me to send him forty dollars to come and see me. but I can't do that, and I am afraid of your friends. I fear the letter that you sent by the sheriff's brother was give to Bill Robison. the old sheriff, to bring to me. Don't trust too far to no one. Joe Miller is gone up. and his wife and little Jim. But I think 1 can raise the money of Perkins by a mortgage on the land. The job on the Jeff road I don't know nothing about. "Send your letters to Mrs. Smith, same as l>efore. Tliat man Ayers. I don't want you to write to him, for I don't like his style, from what I can hear: and dcjn't talk too much to no one. tor everything leaks out. If he had the money, it would be all right : but he has not got it. "Well. I hope that your partner will raise his part by the 4th. and then someone will fetch it with the rest soun. Keep in good heart, for it is hard for me to think of you." The corresi3(jndence between Rose and his friends begins in April. 1868. l)v a letter to Ayers. written in ink, urging Avers to come to Xewton and consult with the lawyers for the defense relative to bail. May 8th three letters were written by Rose, one addressed to William C. Avers. Springfield. Illinois; one to John Richardson. Forest City, Mis- .souri. and one to James Gillmore. of St. Louis. The letter to Ayers is plainlv a renewal of the request for one thousand dollars to aid him in getting T^qC) JASI'KR cor XT V. IOWA. out of his difficulty. The one to Richardson was addressed ''Dear Brother'' upon the inside, and is of the same import as the one just referred to. The third letter was of a similar nature. Another of the interesting communications to iVyers was one written June If. 1868. which presupix)ses a knowledge of the attempted escape by bribery, and was written l)v both I 'dell and Rose, jointlw This letter read as follows : "You know I'itzsimmons, or Sandy, as he is called, also James Stein, and maybe Hilly Burns. Either one or all of these can tell you who it is that should raise the money. It was our misfortune to be found first, and b\- that means others had a warning of something wrong. \\'e ha\'e been wise enough to keep our mouths shut, also. We do not want to write to Chicago from here, or to make a false move to endanger any man's liberty, but we want nionew aiul must Iiaz'c it, for the purpose that we ha\e hereto- fore informed you. If you have any business up at Chicago, take this with you and find some of these men, and tell them you want to see our friends, or those that ought to help us. If you can be satisfied of the abilities of our friends to keep the secret, then you can tell them what is wanted with the money. And if thev wish to see or know more about it for their own satis- faction, let them send a man that they can depend upon here, and they shall be satisfied. Burns or Stein or Sandy, they can see us by seeing the sheriff. But for Christ's sake don't let this matter of ours become too public. It is a bad policy for men you know to gab and blow as soon as they are in trouble, but it is worse policy for free men to not step forward with a few hundred dollars to save men from long sufTering and hardships. 'A\'e ]ia\e got a knowledge of matters now that would of l)een cheaj) five months ago for $1,000. If we can get fixed, as money will fix it. this information will cost you nothing. The amount we ask. $2,000. can be returned inside twenty days. This letter, Ayers. I hope you will use with discretion. It is the only chance we ha\-e for seeing da\light." Ayers responded to this letter as follows : "I received your letter today of the 12th instant, and was glad to hear you were well. But I am .sorry to be obliged to say that I cannot help vou at pre.sent. I am on my way to Springfield, just leaving Ilarrw He had a trial, and was sentenced to eight years and Jim to six years. But we ap- pealed it and got a new trial. It comes off next September. Abe I expect to see Mc. and I shall lay this before him. 1 saw him once, l>ut he was not fixed. I can't get to see Billy, but I understand he says that he would not help anybody. I shall do all I can. 1 have overreached myself financially in this case of Harry's, but I shall go into business soon and keep you posted." JASl'ER COLXTV, KHVA. 397 J-roni tlic lime "Laidlcy" was liljeratcd. May ^olh. a constant visitor to Udell appeared in the jail yard. To this friendly fellow Udell fell into the habit of throwing numerous bits of tracts and hymn books, which some good Christian lady had evidently supplied him with, for the benefit of his soul. These scraps of religious literature were covered with fine writing in pencil, giving instructions as to how to work. In one of these messages Udell gives expression of a fear that ''all was not as it should be," but that he had a "true wife" who would look out for his interests. These messages found their way into the hands of Wilson, the attor- ney, in a way that was strange. Udell began to doubt the "honesty" of Laidley, and no one will blame him for that. The jail at Oskaloosa was strengthened by additional bolts and bars, in an unusual degree, Udell thought, considering the fact that no one knew of the proposed escape. . Day after day dragged heavily by, and no one came to his rescue. The day for his trial came and the two. Rose and Udell, were taken to Newton for trial. Lindley & Ryan defended the men. Xo defense was required, however, for on the 25th of November, both men pleaded guilty to the several charges. Charles Udell was sentenced December 30th to ten years' imprison- ment in the penitentiary and to pay half the costs of the prosecution. Abraham Rose was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment and half the costs of the prosecution. Rose was let ofif easy on account of his hon- orable service in the Union cause in time of the Civil war. The nine hundred and fifty-four dollars taken from them at their arrest was applied on their fines. The sentence of Rose was carried out to the end, but Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood. in 1878, pardoned Udell a few months before his time had expired on account of his disease, consumption, which, it was believed. would carrv him from earth within a short time. Thus were the ends of justice met. and thus ended the career of two noted western criminals. THE OVERTUKXIXG OF A STAGE COACH. A ])ublic meeting was once broken up l)y an accident that could not well happen nowadays. The only i)ublic conveyance then was the old-fashioned stage coach which passed through Newton a couple of times a day, and some- times several of them together. They used to stop at the old Phelps House. 398 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. a tour-r;torv liostelrv on the south side of the piibHc sciiiare. The (h-ivers hked to attract attention, and wonld sometimes drive in with their four horses on the run and turn up in the hotel door in grand style. One driver made too short a turn and upset his \ehicle. The round, heavy body of the coach broke loose from its fastenings and rolled across the street, like a huge pumpkin. The numerous passengers were packed in so tightly that they did not receive a shaking up. They were like so many sardines in a can. B. F. Allen, the noted banker of Des ]^Ioines. the only Iowa millionaire at the time, was a passenger, and had to share the delights of pioneer tra\el with the rest. A GRAND JURY INCIDENT. An incident is told of the grand jury room, that illustrates the dififi- culty that is sometimes met with in the enforcement of law. It prol)ably leaked out through the keyhole. The jurymen were discussing among them- selves how they could secure evidence that would lead to the conxiction of certain well known liquor dealers. One of their number, who was a drink- ing man, but a good citizen, remarked that they had ought to make inquiry of a certain man. as probably he knew more about it than anv man in the county. He was brought in and duly interrogated, as to whether he knew of any place where li((uor was sold or had been sold, as a be\erage, or of anyone who had bought and sold. To all these questions he replied in the negative. The gentleman who had suggested his name took him in hand, anfl inquired whether he could remember at a certain place on the street, a short time before, one of the witnesses remarking that he was going to get some liquor, and after going away soon returned with some. But although he strained his memory until it almost cracked, he was unable to recall it. He was then asked, somewhat hotly, whether he could remember of their having drank together, at any time, or at any place. He cheerfully replied that he did not. Whereupon the juryman proceeded to express his opinion of him in a wav that made the air seem blue! VKNTRTT.OOT'I.SM. From some of the early day incidents, of an historic character, and possibly worthy of preser\ation in a history of Jasper count)', where it oc- curred, is the following: During the fall of i«^43, perhaps in Octoloer. two strangers, young men. sto])ped at Adam Tool's house for the night. They said they were from St. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 399 Louis. 'J'liey were dressed in l)uckskin trousers and lumting skirts nicely fringed with the same material. After supper all were sitting around the campfire. One of the strangers stepped back from the circle. Soon sounds canie from the roadside like one in distress. The stranger called for a lan- tern, the man ])y the roadside saying his horse was down, and was crving for assistance. The lantern secured, the stranger, accompanied hv James A.. started to assist the horseman, but when they arrived at the spot from whence the sounds had proceeded, the stranger called out. "Where are you?" "'Here, a h'ttle ways off! Come quick!"' was the answer. Running about in this manner for a time, the stranger remarked. "The fellow must l>e drunk. We won't go any farther." and returned to the fire. In half an hour or so there was a call in another direction The stranger was again interested, and with lantern in hand, again accompanied by James, the}' started to assist him. Soon after. James discovered there was a trick in this, and ventured to say he believed it was a Aentriloquist. and explained to the stranger, at his re- Cjuest. what a Aentriloquist was. They soon returned to the tire. The stranger, dropping behind James, barked like a dog and caught him by the pants leg. By this time the women folks had retired for the night, and after the lights were blown out, all sorts of barnyard noises proceeded from this man's couch, chickens crowed, cats squalled and babies cried, the rest of the fami]\- not understanding the joke until tlie following morning. THE VALERIA CYCLONE. 1 896. The most disastrous wind-storm, taking the form of a cyclone, that ever passed through Jasper county, since white men have known it. was the one which struck A'aleria, Mingo and vicinity on Sunday night. May 24. 1896. There were many accounts written of this storm, as seen from various view-points, but we have chosen the account as published in the Xcwtoii Journal the week of the storm, the facts of which here follow : There were twentv-one killed, outright. It occurred about eight o'clock in the e\ening. after a very sultry Sunday afternoon. The dead included the following: Afr. and ]\Irs. Charles Phalen and children. Charlie, Mike, Susie, ^^lollie and l")an. Charles Phalen. the husband and father, was a wealthy farmer and large land-owner in the neighborhood of Valeria, and upon hearing the roaring of the oncoming cyclone, the sound of which resembled that of a train of freight cars rumbling rapidly over a wooden liridge. started for a storm cave near by the house on his farm. He evidently had one child under each arm in his flight. He was carried some forty feet and 400 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. dashed against a tree and instantly killed, as were also the children he had witli him. The honse was completely demolished. The daughter Mary and son Willie were blown fifty feet and they were the only ones of the house- hold saved. \\'illie had his hip broken. The mother got as far as the mouth of the ca\e and was there soon after found in a dying condition. The hogs, chickens, calves and all other domestic animals were killed and badly mangled. Other persons who were killed were Air. and ]\Irs. Peter Bolenburg and an adopted daughter, eight years of age. Lucrctia \Miitney and Martha Dickey, and the wife and son of D. Aiken and grandmother Shell. But few persons were injured, aside from those killed outright. The head of ]\frs. J.ucretia \\'hitney was so imbedded in the earth that it took the strength of se\"eral persons to extricate it. Most of the bodies of the deceased were fearfully mangled and must have been killed instantly. ]\Iany were sleeping at the time and possibly had no opportunit}" to save themselves from an awful death. The house of Robert Bailey, two miles north of Bondurant, was com- plete! v demolished and he and his wife and three children belonging to a brother at Colfax were all killed outright. In and near Mingo, the storm again did much damage and the property loss on farms was immense. At Valeria, in the house of G. ^^^ Lacey, there were nine children. The house was badly wrecked, but fortunately none were materially injured. The house of Miss Sue Philson was completely turned over and the ridge of the roof was thrown into the side of the next house to it, but strange to relate, the occupants of the former were unharmed. It is stated that the family started down stairs and arrived there just as the house turned over and were obliged to go back up stairs in order to get out. The Methodist Episcopal church at \'aleria was moved from its foun- dation two feet and badly wrecked, while the Catholic church building was totally demolished. In the priest's house the pastor of the church started across the room as the storm struck the house, and only escaped by a few inches a flying two-by-four scantling, which was sent through the window . In the business portion of \'aleria village, Taylor Barker's hardware building had its front blown in and mud and water covered the stock of goods. The residence of James Jones was entirely demolished, but the family had escaped to a cave nearby. The Knights of Pythias building, with a general stock on the first floor, was completely smashed to pieces. The blacksmith shop of D. M. JASPER COINTX, IOWA. 4O I Ilhon was also mashed flat to the earth. The newly Iniilt creamery was totally destroyed and its fixtures .strewn to the far-away fields. The railroad depot had two sides l)lown in and a nearby bridge was washed out. delaying all train service until the following afternoon. At the time there were six young men and boys from Poweshiek township standing in the depot and their fright was something they will always remember. The public .school building west of town was blown to kindling wood, not even a large section of the same being found in the neighborhood. Solomon Dickey's farm house was actually lexeled to the ground, but his wife and daughter were saved, with a few injuries. Harvev Pitcock. south of Mingo, had his farm house ]jicked up and carried fifty feet and landed in a ditch: his family were more or less injured. Charles Couche's house, south from Mingo, was destroyed, while the familv esca])ed death bv making their way to the storm cave. Sol. Dickey was in bed with his little baby and was bl()wn to a brush heap .'^ome distance. He was bruised badly, but the bal)e was uninjured. Five were killed of this family. The cloud has been Aariously described. From the point seen by many, it appeared dark and inky, while in other directions it was reix)rted as being white. The sound was awful. It was like falling water, or again seemed like trains running at rapid speed over trestle-work bridges. Its form was like a balloon or funnel-shaped, and it bounded along to and from the sur- face of the earth. There were many wells in the pathway of the storm, all of which liad their waters sucked from them as if by a huge jjunij). An apple orchard, west of \'aleria, was completely uprooted. At another point a w hole Osage orange hedge was taken up. roots and all. In the depot yards at \'aleria. there were steel rails twisted into all kinds of shape, and in one instance manv will still recall tlie strange sight of a steel rail thirty-two feet long. dri\en int() the hard earth a depth of fourteen feet, in a perpendicular position. So distinct was the path of the .storm that one-half of mrmy forest trees had their entire foliage and limbs cut off. while the remaining half was ap- parently untouched. Chickens were seen picked clean of feathers, pin feathers and all, while hogs had been beheaded as clean as if struck by a sharpened ax. Mondav and Tuesday, as well as for days afterwards, visitors came from far and near to view the strange, yet ugly, sights made by this terrible electric storm, which mowed in its certain path of death and .sure destruction. (26) 402 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Manv, indeed, nearly every visitor, carried away some treasured relic of the storm. The same evening there was a large water-spout in j\Iariposa town- ship, this county, which caused property damage, but no loss of life. This terrible wind-storm occurred the same week of the great St. Louis cyclone in which so many lives were sacrificed, and when the Eads steel bridge over the Mississippi river, between East St. Louis and the city proper, was partly carried away. There have been other severe wind storms in Jasper county, but none to compare with this one. CHAPTER XXXIX. INTERESTING REMINISCENCES. The following reminiscences have been furnished by local writers and extracted from the writings of men who have passed from earthlv scenes anrl who in their day and generation were men of influence and wrote truly and accurately concerning pioneer events which they themselves had wit- nessed either as men or youth. Perhaps there will be found treasured here much of interest to both the present and oncoming generations. THE GREAT INDIAN SCARE. Ballinger Aydelotte, who was one of Jasper count\ 's earliest justices of the peace, a hardy pioneer, and a man of considerable ability as a descrip- tive and historic writer, at various times, for numerous publications, gave the facts as herein narrated, concerning the great Indian scare in Jasper and adjoining counties away back in the days when the Indian was about to be removed forever from this, his once happy hunting and fishing ground, to l>e occupied by the white race : "The Indians were moved from this country in 1846 by the governiuent to western Kansas, except a few who were left on the reservation in Tama county. A great many of them did not want to go, and the dragoons gath- ered them to Fort Des Moines with a four-mule government team. W'e could see a squad of dragoons with mule teams every day for two weeks hunting Indians, catching them every day and hauling them to Des Moines. Most of them were Avilling to go, and would pilot the dragoons and help catch those who did not want to go. Those they did not find, gathered on the reserva- tion in Tama county and stayed there, as the soldiers were sent to the war in Mexico. "Quite a number straggled back in the fall of 1848. They said: 'Mas- quakie heap sick out there; all die if they stay there.' In June, 1849. they came in gangs of thirties and forties. They were sullen and would not talk or give the settlers any satisfaction, but went on to their reservation on Iowa river in Tama county. By the Fourth of July they had all passed on. AlK)Ut this time it began to be talked among the settlers that the Indians were going 404 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. to drive the whites out or kill them. This was talked of for a few days; stories began to fly thick and fast of what the Indians were going to do. None of these stories lost anything, but were generally enlarged, until noth- ing else was talked of but Indians and their massacres. Everybody was excited or scared. I saw men talk Indian till their teeth would chatter and their knees knock together. The women and children were worse scared, if possible than the men. Pretty soon some of the men took their families and left. This started the tide, and they went thick and fast for a few days. All went from some neighborhoods. They went to Mahaska. Jefiferson and Lee counties. One company from the Clear Creek settlement came to town and camped in the old court house, that stood on the northwest corner of the square. It was then new. They had one or two-horse teams, the rest were oxen. There were seven or eight families. Some time the next night the horses got scared, commenced to snort, and rattled their chains. Some one yelled, 'The Indians are coming!* This started the screams of the women and chil- dren. Wash. Logdon's wife fainted. This made matters worse, and such a tumult as they had! 'Twas a time long to \)t rememl^ered. Over half of the settlers in the county this side of Skunk river left. We felt lonesome after so many had gone. Some contended all the time that there was no danger ; but when the larger part of the settlers got scared and believed the reports, there was no reasoning w itli them. Those who stayed would gather at some house in the neighborhood at night. When they did not meet at my house I would take my wife and little six-year-old bov to the place where they were to meet, and go back home myself and get a good night's rest. I was no braver than other men. but I did not believe there was any danger. I felt as secure as I do today. The Indians were seen every day by the settlers in small hunting parties, and fishing, and sometimes called at the houses to l^eg for something to eat. Three of them called when I was awav from home. They walked in without speaking, frightening mv little liov so he crawled under the bed. and my wife could not speak. She was one of the scared ones from the first, b^inally she a.sked if the Indians were .going to war with the whites. The old Indian could not talk English, and he said. '^>s." Then my wife said. 'You won't kill the innocent, will you?" *Yes, we will.' he said. Then the little boy l:>egan to yell and cry. She then asked if there were more Indians coming. He said. 'Yes. heap Musquakie comin' drunk.' Then she thought sure she would l)e scalped in a few minutes. She then said. 'White man come and kill Indian.' Then the Indians were scared as bad as she was; they ran out of the house, jumped on their ponies, and went off whipping and looking back as if they expected to see the white men after JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 405 them. They did not come to my house any more that summer or fall. As soon as they were out of sight my wife and little lx)y hurried to the nearest neighhors as fast as they could, expecting to see the drunken Indians any time. When she told what the Indians said, the neighbors were badly scared and su))posed they had got drunk to begin their butchering. The news flew all over tlie settlement that the Indians had been to Avdelotte's house and threatened to kill his wife and child, and scared her so bad that she was not expected to live. Men came in from all over the settlement to learn the truth. There were no drunken Indians seen or heard of. T sup- pose the old Indian saw she was frightened and said what he did to frighten her worse. There were no more Indians seen in our neighborhood during the scare, but the talk and excitement went on, and several log forts were built around some houses in the settlement, where women and children were taken until the scare was over. In our settlement, after they had built their fort and got their women and children in three or four days, two of the women got into a quarrel over an old iron spoon. Thev then broke up and went home. "On Clear creek they built a fort around old Joe Hint's house. He was one who believed there was no danger. He went on plowing corn and working on his farm as usual, while the neighbors built the fort. They threatened to tie and keep him in the house. He told them they were wel- come to build the fort and bring their families there and stay as long as they pleased, Init he must plow corn and take care of his own farm, for there was no danger from the Indians. So the excitement went on. There was a com- mittee of five appointed to go to the Indian village on Iowa river and find out, if they could, whether the Indians were going to break out or not. Dr. Rodgers, Joab Bennett, Brock Hammick. William Richie and Silas Dooley were the committee who \n ent. They came back and reported that they had been to the Indian camp, and seen the Indians at their homes, and they .seemed verv friendly and sociable, and they gave no signs of hostility, and thought there was no danger. In the meantime several petitions had been gotten up in the different settlements and sent to the Governor at Iowa City, requesting him to send militia and drive away the Indians. Finally the Gov- ernor got so many of the petitions and found that the settlers were so excited and neglecting their work, that he sent an officer with a squad of men and an interpreter. Thev went and had a talk with the Indians. They found them perfectlv ignorant of the scare among the whites: they knew .something was wrong, but thev thought that the whites were going to war among them- selves. When thev found out what was the matter thev were as badlv scared 4J(» JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. as the Avhites had been. They were afraid the government would drive them back to Kansas, and that they would as soon die as go back there. From that time on. they were \ery friendly to the whites. They committed no depredations that were heard of. The worst they did was in scaring my wife and son. The Governor sent out a statement that he had investigated the matter and found the Indians peaceable and wanting to live at peace with the whites, and there were no good grounds for the scare. This settled it. and in a short time those who had left began to return, by one and twos. We had a good deal of fun wanting to know when they would get their land warrants for services in the "Indian war." and what they would take for them. Thus ended the big Indian scare of 1849." MEMORABLE WINTER OF 1 848-49. Among the numerous historic items \\ritten at A'arious times by that trustworthy pioneer, Ballinger Aydelotte. the following is worthy of perpetual preservation in the county's annals : "Tt was in the year 1848-49 that we had the 'deep snow,' so-called, be- cause it was the deepest ever known up to or after that winter. The snow began falling early in December, and on Christmas morning it measured forty inches on the level all over the country. As there had been no wind, there were no drifts. About the 27th there came a thaw and a fog and a crust formed. A few neighbors made paths from one house to another, but they were so far apart that most of the traveling was done on snow shoes for three months. We had no good houses. All were small log cabins, with cracks chinked and daubed with mud. The roofs and doors were made of clapboards, with puncheon floors, so they did not lack ventilation. There were no stoves in this country at that time. Wg had no mail for three months, therefore no news from the outside \\orld. It was impossible to get to the Oskaloosa mills. A few had tlieir milling done. Imt they were soon out of breadstuff, and those who had none borrowed vmtil it was all gone. So all were soon on an equality. The rule was to divide everything we had to eat as long as it lasted. Several attempts were made to get to mill in Febru- ary, but all failed, and it was not until the last of March that we got tlirough with ox teams. So we had bread again, after li\ing on l)ro\\ning and boiling corn and grating for over two months. "After the crust formed on the snow, a man on snow shoes could catch a deer in a short time, as the deer would go through the crusted snow evei-v jump it made, and after a few jumps would give up. The wolves, being able JASPER COrXTV, IOWA. 407 to run on the crust, caught a great many deer. One was started near William Springer's house: it tried to run into the house, but the dogs caught it and killed it in the yard. By the hrst of March deer got so poor one would not kill them for meat and many starved. 'The Indians lost hundreds of ponies that winter by starving. The snow that fell after the crust was formed was very light and every hard wind the air was filled with snow so one could scarce see their hand before them. At such times the snow would drift through the clapboard roof. And it was no fun jumping out of bed some mornings with snow two or three inches deep all over the house. After the hard blizzards the fine snow would blow off from the prairies into the hollows, making some of the drifts thirty and forty feet deep. I lived on Elk creek that winter.'' HARD WINTER OF 1 856-57. All true lowans have experienced, or heard their parents tell of. the terrible winter of 1856-57, when the snow, on a dead level, measured fully thirty inches deep, and when the thermometer stood from ten to thirty-four degrees below zero for weeks at a time. In November, 1856, it commenced snowing and during that night it fell to the depth of eight inches. The regu- lar rule that winter was five days of snowing and blowing and two days fair and A'ery cold. Humanity and the iX)or half-starved animal kingdom suf- fered greatly during that never-to-be-forgotten winter. This state of affairs extended throughout the entire western country. Reader, imagine yourself the head of a family, located three miles or more out on the prairie, where no fuel could be procured, save by hauling a few logs at a time, over the snow, from some timber ravine, and cutting it up for stove wood to keep your family from perishing. This was the lot of hundreds who had sought out a new home in the wilds of Jasper and other Iowa counties. REMINISCENCES OF THE OLD COURT HOUSE. By J. H. Fiigard. There was once great rejoicing over the completion of a certain great building, but some of the people wept when they remembered the glories of the former house. We are now made glad by the completion of our splendid new court house, but are not unmindful of the more modest structure that once occupied its place. The old building stood for so many years in the most prominent place in the county, and was such a familiar object, that to manv its destruction came like a personal loss ; and the world almost 408 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. seemed like a lonesome place without it. It cost much less than the present one. But land was then cheap and the people were poor. So that relatively it was more expensive than the new buildini;". Its architecture was of no mean order, and before it was marred by us^ly alterations and by the hand of time, it was reallv a handsome building. When we were children some of us thought that it was the grandest building in all the world. Its lofty dome seemed to us almost to reach the sky, and when brave Joe Bowker, the painter, once climbed upon it. and standing erect waved Old Glory to the breeze our enthusiasm knew no bounds. But the crowning glory of our former house consisted not in its stately columns and its classic frieze, but in wealth of its history. Many of the princi])al happenings of the county in its earlier \ears were connected with it, and much of our grand war historv centers there. A multitude of thrilling scenes, patriotic and pathetic, humorous and sensational, have occurred within and around it. Many notable cases were tried there, and from its witness stand have been told tales of the unraveling crime that were equal to the detective stones that are told of Sherlock Holmes. ]\Iany worthy men there rendered faithful service during their best years, and the lives of some of them doubtless were short- ened bv its unhealthy atmosphere. Many an exciting political convention was held there. And many a good man met his Waterloo, because of lack of sufficient votes. Rival parties and contending factions have there met and harmonized their differences, and like the wolf and the lamb have lain down together, one of them inside the other. Those who tremble for the safety of the country, because of the deadly breach between the progressives and the stand-patters, should remember the big pow-wow when the fierce "stalwarts" and the "mugwumps" ceased their defying warwhoops and to- gether smoked the pipe of peace. Not only was it a favorite place for local speakers to exercise their talents but many state spell-binders, and not a few of national reputation have there held forth. With what delight we have heard the eloquence of some of them, both on the rostrum and at the bars, with vigor of thought and splen- dor of diction they have striven to convince or instruct or inspire their hearers. As T have listened to their well chosen words and well rounded sentences, I have thought that I would rather l)e an orator than a king. The court room was for many years the largest assem])K- hall in tlie cotinty, and was the natural meeting place for large public gatherings. It was often used for religious services. And in early days a number of funerals w ere held there, among them that of Capt. Thomas H. Miller, who was mor- tally wounded at Pittsburg Landing. His was the first soldier's funeral ever JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 4O9 held in Newton, and was lart^ely attended by people from all parts of the county. Memorial services were also held there for our first martyr Presi- dent, whom the people loved to call ''I"~ather Abraham." A great sanitary fair was held during the war to raise money to buy supplies for the sick and wounded soldiers. It lasted for several days, and many hundred dollars were raised. People poured out their money lavishly for the good cause, and paid fabulous prices for trilling articles, often handing them back to be sold over again. It seems incredible that men's better natures should be stirred by patriot- ism that they would be willing to leave their families and business, and go away for years and incur the dangers and hardships of war. By such devo- tion, however, the I'nion was saved and we are enabled to enjov manv of our present blessings. The old court house figured prominently in the davs of the war, as many rallies were held there, and most of the volunteers started from there for the front. Man}- heartbreaking scenes occurred as the families and friends of the lirave men gathered about them to bid them what in many cases proved to be their last goodbye. Upon the breaking out of the rebellion, a numl^er of our citizens ex- pressed a willingness to help put it down. Among them was Samuel Chap- man, the town jeweler, who had seen service with Scott in Mexico, and who \vas urged to take the lead in trying to get up a company. And a meeting was called at the court house to discuss it. Earnest speeches were made by several of the volunteers and others. Among the speakers was a young Newton law student named S. H. M. Byers, now a prominent citizens of Des Moines. He told in a manly way that he thought it was every man's duty to be willing to obey his country's call, and that he had decided to offer his services. And he closed by saying "Rome was once a mighty nation, and so was Carthage. Rome fell and so did Carthage ; but shall these great United States of America fall? Never, never, never.'' Afterwards while confined in a rebel prison, he wrote a little poem entitled "Sherman's ^larch to the Sea," and sent it home concealed in a wooden leg of a returning fellow prisoner. And when he himself came home, he found that it had been set to music and had made him famous. Let me trv to describe another rally which was typical of all. It was on a summer afternor)n in 1862, in the darkest days of the war. Dr. Ault had received a commission authorizing him to raise what was afterwards Com- pany C of the Twenty-second Iowa, and this meeting was for the purpose of assisting him. Some one read the President's latest proclamation, calling for three hundred thousand more troops. And a statement was made as to tlie 4IO JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. number that would be required from Iowa and from Jasper county. People's hearts sank, for it seemed as if not another man could be spared, and the number of black dresses to be seen told plainly what had been the fate of many who had gone. Several citizens made brief remarks in regard to the needs of the country. Then it was announced that those who wished to volunteer could do so; and sixteen young men, mostly from Newton and from the flower of our youth, went up to the judge's desk and signed the enlistment paper, amid a silence broken only by the sobs of their parents and friends. Among them were Jackson F. Newell and Thomas ]\I. Rodgers, the vouthful editors of the Monitor, our first daily paper. Than Town,'send. Rov Allum and ^lilt ^IcCord were also of the number: but the last named was afterward transferred to his brother's company in the Twenty-eighth Iowa. During tlie next few years these sixteen young men had an opportunity to learn the horrors of war and about half of them never returned. On the bloodv 22d day of May, 1863, they were in that long line of blue that swept up the heights at Vicksburg and was hurled back in defeat from the rebel works, and men went down like grass before the mower. Among those that fell that day were the Bair brothers and Jackson Newell and Johnny Green. A HOME COMING. It was a glad night in the old building when the boys of Company B, Thirteenth Iowa, came home together on a furlough. The drums beat loudly, and everybody shouted for joy as the sturdy veterans marched proudly into the court room, and were seated at long tables laden with a royal feast. Those were stirring times. And many a fist fight occurred on the streets over discussions growing out of the war. While a jollification was being held at the south front of the court house, celebrating the victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg, the audience suddenly left their seats and ran to watch an angry crowd thump a big fellow for having spoken disrespectfully of the government. There were times when it seemed as if the seat of war was about to be transferred from the cotton fields of the south to the corn fields of the north. .\ riot occurred at a ])olitical meeting at Peoria in Mahaska county and many shots were fired, and a returned soldier named Alloway was killed. The news, in a greatly magnified form, reached here while a rally was in ])rogress at the court house and caused a great sensation. Many a check turned pale when it was reported that a battle had been fought on this side of Oskaloosa, and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 4II that two thousaiul rebels were niarchiiiL;- towards Xewton. At another time the community was thrown into excitement over the news that the draft was Ijeing resisted in I'oweshiek county, and that two United States marshals had been ambushed and shot in the public highway. And again the long roll sounded from the east steps calling out the home guards, like the minute men of old, for immediate service. Jasper county did its full part in standing loyally by the go\ernment in those trying times. And it furnished far more men than the fiuota required of it. At the first \\ ar meeting, before mentioned, a hope was expressed that eighty-four -men could be secured so that they could form their own organization. But several expressed doubts as to whether so many could be raised in such a thinly settled county. But Captain Chapman afterwards had the joy of marching out of the court yard at the head of his jasper Grays, a hundred strong. And later on six more full companies were sent and enough parts of companies and recruits to bring the whole number up to about fifteen hundred men. And these citizen soldiers, unused to war's alarms, served with great credit. Many of them saw active sen-ice, and some of them witnessed struggles as terrific and slaughter as terrible as were exper- ienced by the veterans who followed the leadership of the First Napoleon. EARLY TIMES IN MOX'ND PRAIRIE. The following reminiscence was written about a dozen years ago by Seth W. Macy, wlio was a lad of thirteen summers when his parents settled in Mound Prairie township, as it is now known among the civil sub-divisions of the county : On the 15th day of September, 1854, Jonathan W. Macy started from Kingston, Indiana, with all his worldly goods, to move to Iowa. His effects were loaded into two wagons, each drawn by a pair of horses. They arrived at Tool's Point October 5th. We drove on three and a half miles to the Col. S. B. Shelladv farm, then owned by Mr. Smart, and after father ex- plained \\hat we wanted, he proceeded at once to empty the best room in the house for us. What we needed for use in the house we unloaded and put in order tliat night. The remainder of the goods were stored in the barn except the large and well-filled tool chest, which was left in the wagon. The first night in Jasper county was very agreeably spent, and we had everything necessarv to our comfort. The next day. after dinner, father and I started for our land, and to locate the spot where the first cabin was to be built, on the northwest corner of section 19. ^^'e then drove on to the upper end 412 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. of Slaughter's (ii"o\e. where there were two log' cabins eight feet apart, the space between roofed and enclosed. These cabins were occupied by John and Edward Thomas, brothers. Ilie cabins were of logs with the bark left on. They were chinked and dau]:)ed with mud, and each had a stick-and-mud fire-place. Each brother had a wife and three children, two beds and trundle beds, so that each had a spare bed for traxelers. We secured bed and board with Ed Thomas until we could l>uild our cabin. The next day we went down into the timlier for our first load of logs fcjr our new cabin. Father cut the logs and loaded them and I hauled them out and unloaded them. I was then but thirteen years old, and of necessity had to play the part of a man. Six weeks later we moved into a \ery neat and comfortable hewed log house, fourteen by sixteen feet, with a sawed oak floor. Xow we have the cabin built, we will look around and see who li\ed in Prairie Mound township. In passing up from Tool's Point over the old Indian trail, we entered the township by coming onto section 33 from the south. On the northeast quarter of this section lived E. R. Peck, who af- terward became very well known by taking a great deal of interest in other people's property. Just north of the Peck property, on the southeast quar- ter of section j8, was another claim and cabin occupied by a Mr. Thomas. These were all the improvements on the south side of the township. On the east half of the northwest quarter of section 19, there was a small cabin built the year l^efore by Riley Van Scoyac. who occupied the same until 1857. when he sold to Isaiah Coomes who lived there for many years and died on the farm. On this farm Mr. Coomes made the first crockery in this portion of the country. Air. Van Scoyac's father lived south on the east half of the southwest quarter of the same section, and sold about the same time as his son to Daniel Shepherd. All of these places mentioned thus far were so new that they had no grain or produce to sell. The Thomas brothers of whom we have spoken lived on section i j. in what is now W^ash- ington townshi]). Joseph Slaughter, who lived on section 5. ^^■as the first settler in what is now Mound I'rairie township. He came here in 1845. erected a cabin, went back east and returned with his familv in fhe spring of 1846 and had a good farm in cultivation when we came, and ])lenty of grain and stock. Samuel K. Parker settled on section 4 in 1847. This was at the river crossing, now the Ross farm. Mr. Parker had a saw mill on the ri\'er forty rods below the river bridge, \\hich was then run by Robert ^\^arner, who we still have Avith us one mile south of Colfax. In 1853. John Sumpter settled on section 7, on what is now known as the Hartley farm. Mr. Sumpter was the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 413 first justice of the peace in the township, and no better or truer man could be found either then or ncnv for the place. 'J'his was all the permanent set- tlers in the township except a few on the east side of the river, now known as the Metz corner, where some very excellent people settled at an early date, among them the two Miller families, George \V. and brother. The first was L. D. Simms, who came in 1849, ^^i^" his son. S. S.. in 1831. James John and G. W. Miller came in 1853. These are all that we know settled in Mound Prairie township prior to 1854. In every new country there are always quite a number of comers and goers of a migratory disposition. They were here, but as I was a small boy 1 don't remember any of them. Now we will look around a little, our postoftice was at Tool's Point, our grist mill at Red Rock, our corn cracker at Indian creek, northeast of Colfax, and all the merchandise had to be hauled in wagons from the Mis- sissippi ri\er. What would you think of paying seven dollars per barrel for salt and fifteen cents per pound for nails, and all other articles in proportion? In the spring of 1856, an eastern Indiana farmer came out to look at the country. He arrived at Fort Des ]^Ioines in the evening, and took a little walk on Second street where the business was nearly all done. Seeing some salt barrels in front of a grocery, he incjuired the price, and was told seven dollars per barrel. "What! Seven dollars for a barrel of salt?" '"Yes." responded the grocer. "Well, no country can be settled where salt costs seven dollars per barrel." tie took the first stage for Keokuk and returned home as soon as possible. Those that remained here, however, have seen the Hawkeye state grow and develop until it is the grandest state in the union. A few years later, we are informed this same Indiana farmer heard of the famous rock salt beds in Kansas, moved there and prospered. The first grain cut with a machine was in iiS^^y. Jt was a Rugg ma- chine, bought Ijy William Jordan, who owned a part of what was after- wards the Jesse Long farm. Jonathan W. Macy afterward bought the ma- chine and cut the grain in the township that harvest. In 1856 Mr. Macy lx)ught .some registered shorthorn cattle of Milton Wilson, who went through here from Wayne county, Indiana, to Madison county. Iowa. Jonathan W. Macy was the originator of the Macy potato, later called the White Me.shanoc. and of the potato industry which has made the Prairie Citv famous. He was a pattern maker and millwright by trade, and one of the most skilled and perfect mechanics that could be found in any country. He built the first pile driver ever used in Jasper county. This 414 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. machine was fully half a century in advance of the age in which it was built. See what J. R. Rodgers has to say of this machine. He helped drive the first piles that were driven in the county with it. Mr. Alacv made a set of carpenter's tools before his arrival here, such as planes, bit stalks, screw clamps and a wooden bench vise, that would puzzle the modern mechanic to construct and equal to many of those now made by machinerv. most of which are now in my possession. ■'the kxow nothing" political party. The present generation knows but little, if indeed anything, of what was of political significance in the fifties in the way of a political party known as the ''Know Nothings." It was represented from one end of the country to the other and its chief principle was that it forbade the holding of office by other than American-born citizens, all foreigners being excluded from hold- ing anv office, either in county, state or nation. Naturally, a party advocat- ing these principles must soon go down in a country like this. In jasper county such a party had an existence for a season or more, and has been well described by "Old Shady" (Joseph Arnold) in one of his reminiscential stories which runs thus : In 1855-6 there was organized in nearly every state in the Union a party known as the Know Nothing party, the object of which was to keep all for- eigners from holding office or taking any i)art whatsoe\er in the go\'ernment of the United States. The meetings and lodges were held in secret, with armed force if need be. to prevent any foreigners from entering or to know of the Imsiness transacted. This ga\e a fa\-oral)le opi)ortunity for crafty office seekers to manipulate plans for their own elexation to office. A. T. Alt, the treasurer of the county, whose first tenu was about to expire, wished to be elected for another term. This he thought an opportunity to immortalize his name and secure his elec- tion for a second term. He attended meetings in an adjoining countv which was head(|uarters for Know Nothings and got the appointment to organize lodges in Jasper county. He set a time and place and notified the leading voters and foreigner haters that he would be down in L\nn Grove and or- ganize a lodge and fit them up to do business. At that time there was a log cabin in the midst of the woods located on .section 3, one-half mile north of the home of John R. Sparks. In conformity with previous arrangements. Sir Alt came down from Newton with tlie appliances to organize the Ameri- can party of Know Nothings. About sunset there was a large gathering of JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. 415 the voters of the township up in the woods near Sparks. About dark we wended our way to the cabin. Alt called the house to order. The first thing done was to place sentinels out to see that no foreigners should know of the business or purpose of the meeting. All being ready, Alt unfurled the Stars and Stripes, which made a fine display in that dark and forlorn place. In an elaborate speech he told us of the danger that the United States was in from the foreign element. After getting us fully awakened, he proceeded to in- itiate us as members of this mystic organization. The initiation fee was nominal, not exceeding one dollar for each one initiated. I well remember the pass-word, "Have you seen Sam?" The sign was to take hold of vour coat on the right side with all of your hand except the index finger, which should be pointed straight out. Then the arm in a natural mo\ement to be brought toward the left side, the index finger placed on the left breast near the region of the heart. After a general hand shaking this meeting closed about ten o'clock with- out benediction. A. T. Alt was defeated, and soon the K'now Nothing partv, in all the states, w as a thing of the past. This meeting was on Saturday night. On Sunday morning I went to our little Quaker meeting and saw as soon as I got into the yard. Jarvis Johnson. True to his trust, he gave me the sign bv taking hold of his shadbelly Quaker coat with his right hand, bringing his index finger near the region of the heart. T. true to my pledge, returned the sign. We both saw we were brethren and no foreigner could have our sup- port, for we were full-fledged Know Nothings, and the government still stands. GEN. JAMES B. WEAVER BIOGRAPHICAL GEN. JAMES BAIRD WEAVER. Among the few surviving commissioned officers of the Civil war is the man whose name heads this biographical notice, Gen. James B. Weaver, whose gallant military career, as well as useful political record, is well known to nearly every^ one within the borders of Iowa. His espousal of the cause of reformation and temperance in this state will live in principle and be en- acted into laws long after he has passed from earthly scenes. To have had the courage to fight the battles of one's country, whether on the field of car- nage, or by tongue and pen, as a wide-awake, forceful writer and speaker in the great national political arena, is indeed a fit legacy to bequeath to future generations. Mr. Weaver was born June 12, 1833, at Dayton, Ohio, and was educated in the common schools of early Iowa. He drove an ox team across the great plains of the \^^est from Davis county, Iowa, to Sacramento City, California, in 1853. He returned via Panama and New York the same autumn, and clerked for Edwin Planning at B()na])arte, Iowa, in the winter of 1853-4. The following spring he began his long cherished study of the law in the office of S. G. McAchran, at Bloomfield. Iowa. He then attended law school at the Cincinnati College and graduated as a Bachelor of Law in 1855. On the board of examiners was Rutherford B. Hayes, who long afterward became President of the L'nited States. He then returned to Bloomfield, Iowa, and was there admitted to the bar under Judge H. B. Hendershott, and entered upon the practice of his profession and continued therein actively until the spring of 1861, when he entered the Union army as a private soldier in Com- pany G. Second Iowa Infantry Regiment. He was elected first lieutenant and served in that capacity through the battles of Forts Donelson and Shiloh, and until the morning of the first day's battle at Corinth, Mississippi, when he was promoted to the rank of major. His commission as major came to him as a great surprise on the morning of the first day's battle. He had no inti- mation of his having been recommended for this position and was in no sense (27) _l^i^v; jAsrp:R coiXTV. iowa. a candidate for that honor. Jn this he was promoted over all the captains of his regiment. The first day of that fierce engagement his colonel, James Baker, was killed, and at the first volley in the morning of the second day's fight his lieutenant-colonel, Noah W. Mills, was mortally wounded. The next morning he was unanimoush- chosen colonel of the regiment by the officers and was duly commissioned by Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood. Subsequently, he w as breveted brigadier-general by President Lincoln. After the conflict of that great civil war had ended. General Weaver re- turned to Bloomfield. Iowa, and again resumed the practice of law, and in 1866 was elected district attorney of the second judicial district, which w-as composed of seven counties. The term lasted four years and during that time and two years longer he also held the office of United States assessor of internal revenue for the first district of Iowa. When his term of office had expired he again entered the general law practice, meantime taking an active ])art in even' political camjiaign as a Republican. Before the war he had edited a weekly new^spaper for a time and in many ways this became useful to him in after life. He also edited the lozca Tribune, of Des Moines, several years and it had a national circulation. In 1875 he was before the Republican state convention as a candidate for the governorship of Iowa, and on the very morning of the convention it seemed certain to all that he would be the nominee, but on account of his antagonism to the liquor interests in the state and his uncompromising tem- perance principles, the liquor license men of the convention secretly organized a movement to bring out the name of Samuel J. Kirkwood, the old "War Go\'ernor," and against that grand old man's wishes they presented his name in dramatic manner and by a pre-arranged plan had a tremendous applause and cheering started in the convention hall which swept the convention off their feet and at the last moment diverted from General Weaver's strength to nominate Kirkw^ood. The majority of Iowa voters desired to make him governor, but the men at the convention were swerved from the path of honor and political duty. But Weaver was to be heard from again. In 1878 he was elected to Congress from the sixth district in Iowa, on the independent, or so-called Greenback ])arty platform, defeating Judge Sampson. In 1880 he was nomi- nated by the national Greenl)ack party for President of the United States and polled over three hundred thousand votes, after having made an extended can- \ass both North and South. In 1882 he again l^ecame a candidate for Congress in a triangular fight, and w^as defeated by Hon. M. E. Cutts, though General JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 419 Weaver, having started in third, came out second best in the spirited contest. But he did not give it up. In 1884 he defeated Hon. Frank Campbell by a close margin, that of only sixty-six votes. Again in 1886 he was elected to a seat in Congress over John A. Donnel, I^epublican candidate. In 1888 Mr. Weaver was defeated by Hon. John F. Lacey. In 1892, twelve years after his first Presidential race, he was again nomi- nated for President of the United States by the Populist party, and ix)lled over one million votes, receiving twenty-two electoral votes, notably those of Kan- sas, Colorado and Nevada. During this campaign he canvassed the whole country from sea to sea and from the lakes to the gulf. He is the only third party candidate since Gen. John C. Fremont who has ever been able to force his way into the electoral college, a victory that cannot be effaced. He still takes an active part in politics and religious work. He has long been identi- fied with the Methodist Episcopal church. General Weaver was a delegate to the Democratic national convention of 1904 and a member of the committee on platform. In 1900 he made the fight of his life in the St. Louis Populist national convention and secured the endorsement of W. J. Bryan by that convention. As a token of regard, Mr. Bryan dedicated his book "The First Battle" to three men, Bland, of Missouri, Teller, of Colorado, and J. B. Weaver, of Iowa. Of late years General Weaver takes but little part in the practice of law, but is still very active on the stump when his heart is in the cause. In the campaign of 1908 he spoke from two to four times each day until the last night of the campaign. He is still hale, hearty and active. It should be added that his work in Congress was marked by great force and constant conflict. His battle for the opening of Oklahoma is unparalleled. For nearly one week, solitary and alone, he held up the House of Representatives until they were forced to pass that righteous bill. Remember, he stood alone upon the floor of the House in that struggle. That record stands unparalleled in all our parliamentary history. He had been prepared for this service by his con- flicts at the bar where he met in fierce combat such men as Trimble, Knapp. Perry, Miller. Burton, Hendershott, Jones. Harris and all of the great men of the Iowa bar of that day. General Weaver has truly been foremost in the advocacy of every refomi now urged by the progressives of both parties of the present day. His speeches in Congress, his book "A Call to Action," published in 1892. and the platforms upon which he ran twice for President of the United States, establish this l)eyond doubt. If there ever was a representative in Congress from this com- monwealth true to his honest convictions, it was the gentleman of whom this _j^20 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. sketch is written, and these points of excellency are being more and more realized as the years come and go in the political histoiy of this country. Whether one views the venerable General from the standpoint of a brave soldier on the field of terrible conflict in the Southland ; in the halls of national Congress; in state and national conventions; on the stump, the lecture plat- form, before the bar, or among his own home people, at his humble home in the beautiful city of Colfax, he is always and ever the same true, loyal, abid- ing friend to the great throng of American commoners. That his services have been appreciated by many of his fellow-country- men, it only needs to be referred to that in 1908, after the smoke of political l)attle had cleared away, his scores of admirers in Iowa had painted an heroic life-size oil portrait of General Weaver, and publicly presented it to the art gallery in the Iowa State Historical rooms at Des Moines. Upon that oc- casion scores of friends sent letters of congratulation to him, the same being iinally neatly bound and presented to him as a tribute of respect and honor. v'Dne of these letters (too lengthy to here insert) was from the pen of ''Ret" Clarkson, formerly of the State Register, who lived in New York city and could not be present. But one section of this letter should here be given ]:lace, showing a trait of character not yet brought out concerning General W'eaver : 'Tt may be said of General Weaver that he has achieved in all the larger helds except that of commercial success and money-making. His failure in that is to be credited to his generous nature and his life-long desire to help others rather than himself. Had he not looked to the interest of others all his life, more than to his own, he by his profession and oratoiy could have amassed a fortune. "I regretted he was not nominated for governor, instead of Kirkwood; he had fairly earned the position and a majority of the people of Iowa wanted him nominated." Mr. Weaver was married in July, 1858, at Keosauqua, Iowa, to Miss Clara Vinson, an Ohio girl, and by this union nine children were born, eight of whom are living, viz: Maude, J. B., Jr.. Susan, Abraham C, Laura, Ruth, Esther, Paul and another son who died in infancy. Addenda. — Since the foregoing sketch was prepared. General Weaver passed away on Tuesday afternoon, February 6, 19 12, while visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Evans, in Des Moines. Though he had been ill for a couple of days, suffering severely from an attack of acute indigestion, it was not thought his condition was critical, and his sud- <:cn death came as a profound shock to the whole community in which the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 421 General had for so many years been a familiai '^ jjiire. Funeral ser\'ices were held at the First ]^Iethodist Episcopal church, Des Moines, where the body lay in state for several hours prior to the services. The Rev. Dr. Pruitt, of Colfax, General Weaver's pastor, was in charge of the services, and the Rev. O. W. Fifer and Rev. Father James Xugent made appropriate addresses, touching eloquently on the life and character of the deceased. The active pallbearers were the two sons, J. B. Weaver, Jr., and A. C. Weaver, three sons-in-laws, Charles Sullenberger. of Colfax, Edward Cohart, of Traer, and S. C. Evans, and a nephew, D. H. Payne, of Bloomfield. Honorary pall- bearers were survivors of the Second Iowa, the General's old regiment. JUDGE WILLL\AI G. CLE^IEXTS. Standing out distinctly as one of the central figures of the judiciary of Iowa is the name of Hon. ^^'illiam G. Clements, of Xewton, Jasper county, the able and popular retiring judge of the sixth judicial district of Iowa, com- prising Jasper. Poweshiek, Mahaska, Keokuk and \\'ashington counties. Prominent in legal circles and equally so in public matters beyond the con- fines of his own jurisdiction, with a reputation in one of the most exacting of professions that has won him a name for distinguished service second to none of his contemporaries, there is today no more prominent or influential man in the district which he has long honored by his citizenship. Achieving success in the courts at an age when most young men are just entering upon the formative period of their lives, wearing the judicial ermine with becom- ing dignity and bringing to every case submitted to him a clearness of per- ception and readv power of analysis characteristic of the learned jurist, his name and work for years have been allied with the legal institutions, public enterprises and political interests of the state in such a way as to earn him recognition as one of the distinguished citizens in a locality noted for the high order of its talent. A high purpose and an unconquerable will, vigorous mental powers, diligent study and devotion to duty are some of the means by which he has made himself eminently useful, and every ambitious youth who fights the battle of life with the prospect of ultimate success may peruse with profit the biography herewith presented. Judge Clements was born January 2. 1847. near Flushing. Belmont county. Ohio. He is the son of a sterling old family of the Buckeye state, his parents. John R. and ^^lalinda ( Ramage) Clements, being natives of Bel- ^22 JASrpR rOUXTV. U)\VA. mont countv, m which ihey ^.ew to maturity, received their education and were married, beginning life on a farm. In October, 1855, they came to Jasper county, Iowa, and settled first in Monroe, where they remained three years, then took possession of an undeveloped farm northeast of Xew'ton, where they became well established and well known, the father dying there on November 17. 1888, being survived by his wife, who is now eighty-six years old and is living with her son at Harvey, Iowa. ^Ir. Clements was an ardent anti-slavery man. and he was a "conductor" on the "underground rail- road" through Iowa before the war. There were six children in his family, namelv: William G., of this review: James :\I. lives in Helena, ^Montana, and is judge of the district court there, having held this position for eight vears; L. R. is a manufacturer of excelsior at Harvey, Iowa; O. J. lives at Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is in the transfer business; John S. is an engineer and lives at Ames. Iowa; Josie died in 1885 at the age of eighteen years. It is a singular fact that the five sons are all living, the youngest being past fifty-four. The Clements family is of Scotch-Irish lineage. Grandfather James Clements settled in Belmont county, Ohio, in 1803 and began life there as a pioneer. He was born in Maryland and w^as a fuller by trade. He married Eliza Merritt and they became the parents of nine children. Josiah ^Nlerritt, the Judge's great-grandfather, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, hav- ing enlisted from Pennsyhania, and he became a sergeant. On the maternal side, the great-grandfather, William Ramage, Sr., was also a soldier in the war for independence, having enlisted from New Jersey, and he settled in Ohio in 1802. His son, William Ramage. Jr.. was the grandfather of Judge Clements, and he was a soldier in the war of 1812. He came to Iowa with his son-in-law^ father of the subject, and lived here until his death, at the age of eighty, on March 17. 1874. and he is buried at Monroe, Jasper county. William G. Clements was eight years of age when he accompanied his parents to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1855. He received his primary education in the common schools of Monroe and in the rural schools north of Newton and at the old College Farm, or ^^'ittemberg College, near Newton. This was supplemented by a course in Grinnell College. Grinnell, Iowa ; he w^as also graduated from the low^a Business College at Des Moines. For a few years he taught school, and was later appointed deputy county recorder, in the meantime beginning the study of law under Judge O. C. Howe, who was afterwards an instructor in the state law school. Thus he taught school and studied law until November, 1869, when he was admitted to the bar. In the spring of 1870 he began the practice of law at Prairie City, having formed a JASPER COLXTV, IOWA. 423 partnership with Sidney \\'illiani>. which lasted two years. While there he was mayor of that town for one year. In 1876 he formed a partnership with Hon. B. C. Ward, which existed for eighteen years Leaving Prairie City in 1887, where he had built up a very satisfactory clientele, he removed to Xewton, in order to secure a broader held for the exercise of his talents, maintaining an office also at Prairie City until 1893 ^^ 1^88 he was elected county attorney, and he performed his duties in such a commendable manner that he was re-elected in 1890, serving four years. He continued to practice law until 1898, his career presenting a series of continued successes such as few lawyers achieve. As a careful and painstaking student he has availed himself of every opportunity to familiarize himself with his profession in its ever}- detail to the end that he might better serve his fellow men and render justice to those who appeal to the courts for redress. Judge Clements is a Republican and as such has been active in public and political affairs and an intiuential force in his party not only in local matters but in the larger and more important theater of state and national affairs. He comes of Republican ancestors, but he does not attribute to this fact his strict adherence to the principles which he supports, but rather to history, also to reflection, judgment and conscience, all of which have combined to make him not only an able and judicious counselor, but a moulder of opinion and leader of men in what concerns the best interests of the body politic. While loyal to his power to promote its success, he believes that a man can be an earnest and active politician and yet be strictly honest in his methods and above reproach in all that he does to ad\ance the interests of his cause. He has ever acted upon the principle that he who serves his country best serves his party best, and with this object in Aiew his political efforts, although strenuous and in the highest degree intiuential and successful, have been above the slightest suspicion of dishonor and his counsels ha\e not onl\- met with the approval of his party associates but commanded the respect of the opposition as well. Partly as a reward for his nnseltish public service and partly because of his universally recognized ability. Mr. Clements was elected judge of the sixth judicial district in the fall of 1898, and his record was so highly satis- factory tliat he was re-elected in 1902 ?.nd in 1906. making a continuous service of twelve years, during which tin:e he was called upon to try many important cases, one of which was the noted Sarah Kuhn murder case, in which there was a state-wide interest and one of the most important ever held in Keokuk county, in fact, was one of the noted poisoning cases of the country. She was convicted and given a life sentence, which was affirmed by ^24 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. the supreme court, but she committed suicide in prison by swallowing con- centrated lye. Another case was that of Chester Tyler, tried for the murder of Dr. Benjamin Tailor, who was convicted and affirmed by the supreme court and he died in prison, his case having been tried in Newton. The de- cisions of Judge Clements shows a smaller percentage of reversals by the supreme court than any other judge who has occupied the bench in this dis- trict — reversed less by proportion of cases determined by the supreme court; in fact, as a judge he more than met the expectations of his friends and the public, and so discharged the duties of the office as to receive the hearty ap- proval and warm commendation of the bar. in his own and other circuits. without regard to party. He brought to the bench a dignity becoming the high position, and in the line of duty has ever been industrious, careful and singularlv painstaking, which, combined with his sterling honesty and fear- lessness of purpose, made him one of the most efficient and popular men ever called to preside over the courts of this district. Tt is but just to say, and greatlv to his credit, that no political prejudice, bias or zeal was ever allowed to deflect his mind from its honest convictions, and \vhile discharging his official functions, personal ties and friendships, as well as his own interests and opinions, were lost sight of in his conscientious efforts to render equal and exact justice to those whose affairs were adjudicated in his court. His opinions and decisions attested his eminent fitness for judicial positions, being alwavs lucid, unstrained and vigorous, his statements full and comprehensive and his analysis and interpretations of the law conspicuous and complete. At the expiration of his term of office. Judge Clements resumed the practice of law January t. rgri. in partnership with his son. He has always stood high in Ins profession. Xo one knows better than he the necessity of thorough preparation for the trial of cases, and no one more industriously applies himself to meet the issue than he: he is uniformly courteous and deferential to the court, and kind and forbearing to his adversaries. As a speaker he is earnest and impressive. The Judge's domestic life began on February 6, 1871, when he was united in marriage with Harriet T. Halferty. a lady of talent and culture, the daughter of James F. Halferty. an influential citizen of Richland county, Ohio, where ]\lrs Clements \\as born. This union has been blessed by the birth of one son. Frank H. Clements, a popular and successful lawyer in Xewton : he married Clara Rcwvcr and thev have one child. W^illiam B. Clements. The Judge has a beautiful, modern and attractive home in all its appoint- ments at Xo. 200 Soutli A'ine street, where the nianv friends of tlic familv JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 425 frequently gather, tinding here genuine hospitahty and good cheer. Fra- ternally, the Judge has been a Mason since 1869, and has attained the Knights Templar degree; for five years he was master of Preston Lodge Xo. 218, at Prairie City. He and his wife are members of the Congregationalist church, of which the Judge was one time trustee and of which he has always been a liberal supporter. PERRY ENGLE, AI. D. Deserving of a worthy and conspicuous place in the history of Jasper county is Dr. Periy Engle, of Newton, whose active and eminently worthy career, covering a residence of forty 3'ears in this locality, has been fraught with much usefulness since he came to the community. Doctor Engle was born near Findlay, Ohio, July 16, 1841, and he is the second child of Jacob and Louisa (Probst) Engle, natives of the state of Pennsylvania. He is one of seven children, was left an orphan when fifteen years of age, and he began the study of medicine while working on a farm. Pie afterward attended the University of Michigan, graduating from the medical department of that institution with the class of 1871, supplementing this by a course in the Long Island College at Brooklyn, New York, where he also graduated. In 1872 he had charge of the Third Street Hospital in Cincinnati. Ohio. Doctor Engle has been an honored resident of Newton for many years and during this time has been a potent factor for the general good of the community. He has held various local ofifices and always with credit. In 1876 he established The Xezcfoii Herald and was its editor and proprietor for twenty-four years. The Doctor is a fluent and forceful writer and during his regime the editorial columns of the Herald reflected a brilliancy rarely met with, and his paper grew to be one of the jeading journals of cen- tral Iowa, under his judicious management. In 1887 he established the lozin Refercnduui, this being the first ])aper in America that advocated the initiative and referendum. In 1889 Doctor Engle was nominated for state senator liy the Union Labor party and was afterwards nominated by the Democrats. In the latter campaign his seemed to be a hopeless fight, as Jasper county was strongly Republican, but he was elected by about two hundred majority, which is evidentlv criterion enough of his high standing in the county. He was the first man elected to the Legislature from Jasper county in opposition to the Republican nominee. He served in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth Gen- _^2(, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. eral Assemblies, and was a commanding figure in that distinguished body, ahvavs making his inliuence felt for the good of his county and state and proving his sagacity in civic affairs and the wisdom of his constituents in selecting him for such an important office. In the twenty-third General As- sembly he introduced a bill for the Australian ballot, which was finally merged into a committee bill and e\entnally became a law. He also introduced the bill which established the Industrial School for the Blind, at Knoxville, Iowa, which has since been made a home for inebriates. He was the People's party candidate for Congress in 1892, and a candidate for lieutenant-governor in 1901. Doctor Engle is a man of fine learning and scholarly attainments. A student of all that is richest and best in literature, his abode is a mecca for a wide circle of friends who love to commune with one so profound in thought and so delightful in entertainment. Possessing a heart mellowed by human sympathy and having a keen appreciation of the great social conditions of our day. he is an earnest advocate of such principles as may hasten the dawn of the long-hoped-for brotherhood of man. He is a profound student and is a vigorous investigator and has the courage of his investigations on all questions on which men and parties divide — in fine, he is a splendid example of that energetic, public spirited, genteel, virile, unassuming American manhood that pushes forward the car of civilization. The domestic life of Doctor Engle began in 1871 when he was united in marriage with Kate Madison, and to this union two children were born. Dr. Harry P. Engle, an eye. ear and nose specialist who is practicing in New- ton, and Bert J. Engle, an attorney. Thev are both graduates of the Iowa State L'niversity, and are young men of much promise. TOE HORN. In nearly every community are to be found indixiduals wlio, 1)\- iimate ability and sheer force of character, rise above their fellows and win for themselves conspicuous places in public esteem. Such an one is the well known gentleman whose name appears above, a man who has been identified with the history of Jasper county for many years, during which time his life has been closely interwoven with the material growth and development of the county, wielding a potent influence in financial circles, while his career as a progressive .man of affairs has been synonymous with all that is lionorable JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 427 and upright in citizenship. In all life's relations he has conmianded the re- spect and confidence of those with whom he has been thrown into contact and his friends are in number as his acquaintances, for he is, with all of his genial disposition, business acumen and commendable traits, entirely unas- suming. Joe Horn, president of the Citizens' State Bank, at Xewton, is the scion of a sterling old family of the Keystone state, and he himself was born in Bedford county, Penns\lvania, April i6. 1855; he is the son of Frederick and Ann (Long) Horn, both natives of Pennsylvania, where they grew to maturity, were educated and married. They came to Cedar countv, Iowa, in 1855, where they lived on a farm for twelve years, becoming quite well established and Avell known in that community and then removed to Kansas where they remained one year, then came back to Cedar county, Iowa, for a short time, later removing to Knox county, Illinois, where the father's death occurred in 1866, the mother surviving until 1895, reaching an advanced age. They were the parents of eight children, six of whom are living, namely : Lydia, wife of A. D. Briggs, of I'nion county, Iowa; Joe, of this review; Ella, wife of James Goddard, of Union City, Iowa; Eliza, wife of James Adams, of Kansas City, Missouri; Minnie is the wife of Henry Rayl. of Union City ; M. D. lives in Jasper county. Joe Horn was reared on the farm where he lived until fourteen years ago. 1897. He received a good common school education, which has since been supplemented by general home study and actual contact with the business world. He maintained a fine farm in Richland township, this county, which, under his able management, yielded rich harvests from year to year and he also handled a good grade of live stock of various kinds, being known for many years as one of the progressive agriculturists of his township, and there he maintained his home until he became deputy county auditor in 1897, which position he held verv creditably for two years, being elected auditor in 1899 on the Republican ticket, and he gave such eminent satisfaction that he was re-elected, serving four years in a manner that reflected much credit upon his abilitv as a conscientious, painstaking public servant and won the hearty approval of all concerned. After his tenure of oftice had expired Mr. Horn opened a real estate ofiice, which he continued for two years, then became cashier of the Citizens State Bank at Newton; a year later he was made vice- president, having in that time given conclusive evidence of a peculiar and rare abilitv as a financier, and in 19 10 he became president, the duties of which he has continued to discharge in an able and conservative manner, rendering this one of the soundest, most popular and safest institutions of its kind in central Iowa. _j^jS JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. On November 2=,, 1880. Air. Horn was married to Margaret A. Koons. daughter of Felix and Agnes (Ragan) Koons. She was born of an excellent faniilv in Knox county, Illinois, and she is a woman of many pleasing char- acteristics which have gained for her a wide circle of friends. Six children have been born to Mr. and ]\Irs. Horn, namely: Allen Roy: Fav is deputy recorder: Edna is the wife of Alva Griffin, of Newton; Ethel is a stenographer in the ])ank with her father; Walter L. is a student in the agricultural college at Ames, Iowa : Hollis is attending school. Fra- ternallv. Mr. Horn is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Horn has been very successful in business, being energetic, a keen observer and a good manager. He is a stockholder and director, also treas- urer in the Newton Disc Plow Company. He is also director and treasurer of the American Construction Company at Newton. In each of these rapidly- growing concerns he is a potent factor, and owing to his scrupulously honest methods and his genial address he has won the esteem and good will of the people of Jasper county. EMMET AV/TRY The march of improvement is accelerated day by day, and each successive moment seems to demand of men a broader intelligence and a greater discern- ment than did the preceding, showing that successful men must be live men in this age, bristling with activity. The purpose of biography is to preserve the records of such men for the edification of succeeding generations; thus the lesson of biography may be far-reaching to an extent not superficially evident. A man's reputation is the property of the world, for the laws of nature have forbidden isolation. Every human being either submits to or rises above the controlling influence which touches, controls, guides or misdirects others. If he be honest and successful in his chosen field of endeavor, investigation will brighten his reputation and point the way along which others may follow with like success. The career of Emmet Awtry, well known business man of Sully, Jasper county, is of that class of enterprising citizens whose example is calculated to be an incentive to others, for his efforts have met with a fair measure of success in life's affairs. Mr. Awtry was born in Marion county, Iowa. July 29, 1873, the son of Simon P. and Margaret A. (Flaugh) Awtry, the father born in Kentucky and the mother in Ohio, and they came to Iowa in a very early day, and the ma- ternal grandparents, Elisha and Tissue Flaugh, who were natives of Ohio, came to Jasper county, Iowa, when the country was wild and settlers few. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 429 It is believed that they entered land from the government and here they estab- hshed a good home, after the usual hard work and discomfiture, and here spent the rest of their lives, reared a family and took a leading part in the county's affairs. Air. Flaugh was a surveyor and, there being a great deal of this work done in his day, he was kept busy, though he managed to operate successfully his one hundred and sixty acre farm. Giles Awtry, the paternal grandfather, was also a pioneer of Iowa, he having come from Kentucky to Lick Prairie township, Alarion county, and there entered government land. He was a cooper by trade, which he followed in connection with farming and he became an influential citizen in that county. On his farm the father of the immediate subject of this sketch grew up and when the Cvil war came on he enlisted for service in the Federal army, in Company C, Fifteenth Iowa \'olun- teer Infantry, in which he served very faithfully for three years and ten months. He was wounded at the battle of Shiloh and came home on a fur- lough, after which he returned to his regiment and served out his time, re- ceiving an honorable discharge. After coming back to low^a from his arm\- career he was married and soon afterwards began farming, buying a part of his father's homestead. Through close application and good management he prospered from year to year and added to his holdings until at the time of his death, on July 25, 1891, he ow^ned four hundred and forty acres of valuable land, which he had brought up to a high state of improvement and cultivation. His widow survived until in August, 1910. Simon P. Awtry led a quiet home life, preferring to give his attention to his farm and his family rather than seek precarious public honors. His wife was a member of the Christian church, and known as a kind-hearted, noble-minded w^onian. Their family consisted of eight children, six of whom are living at this waiting. Emmet Awtry grew up in Marion county, assisted his father with the general work about the place and received his education in the public schools there, and there he took up farming, w-hich he followed for a period of five years, getting a good start the meanwhile. In September, 1902, he came to Sully, Jasper county, and there entered the live stock business with Alacev Brothers & Gove. Mr. Gove having later retired, the Maceys and Mr. Awtry are conducting the business, which has assumed extensive proportions and thev are widely known over this locality, in fact, are among the leading and most successful stock men in this section of Iowa. Politically. Mr. Awtry is a Republican, and he has served his township as trustee. In March, 1897, occurred the marriage of Mr. Awtry with Xellie C. Boat, a native of Marion county. Iowa, and the daughter of a highly respected fam- ily. This union has been blessed by the birth of one child, Margaret. 4^0 JASPER COUNTV, IOWA. JUDSON H. FUGARD. Mr. Fugard was born at Bellville, Richland county. Ohio. I'"e1)ruary 14. 1850. and is the son of John F. and Angalina (Cowan) Fugard. His father's people came from the Granite state, and his mother's from Maryland, and were among the early settlers of Ohio. One of his ancestors was Rev. Isaiah Stone, a prominent Baptist minister of New England. Another one was Samuel Fugard, of Bedford, New Hampshire, who liad ([uite.a good record as a Revolutionary soldier. He was a minute-man at the beginning of the war, and accompanied the illfated winter expedition against Quebec. He afterwards served for six years in the Continental line, or regulars, as a member of the Sixth Company of the First New Hampshire Regiment, and took part in the principal campaigns and battles of the war. He endured the hardships of \'alley Forge, and was among the one thousand five hundred picked men who crossed the Delaware river and attacked Trenton, on a night so cold that two of their number froze to death. On this occasion his com- pany was given the post of honor, by being selected to lead the advance and capture the enemy's outposts, receiving great credit for their gallantry. After his return from the war, he was granted a pension bv the Legislature. The records state that he had been discharged as unfit for duty because worn out in the service, and that a certificate had been given him by his excellency. General Washington, stating that he was entitled to a pension. Mr. Fugard's parents moved to Jasper county in 1855, and settled in Buena Vista township eight miles southeast of Newton. The country was then new and thinly settled, but they enjoyed pioneer life and did their full share towards building up the community, by actively favoring those things that were for the public good. Four children were born to them, three of whom died in infancy. Noble J. Fugard, of Newton, grew from childhood to honorable manhood in this home, and several other children also shared its benefits for one or more years, so that it was often known as the ''Orphans' Home." The farm on which the Fugard family first settled remained in their possession for fifty years. The father died at the age of sixty-three. His widow afterwards mar- ried J. J. Young, who is now deceased. She makes her home with her son. and, although past her eightieth year, she enjoys good health and takes an active interest in affairs at home and abroad, and has learned the great secret of how to grow old sweetlv. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 43 1 Judson Fugard grew to manhood on the farm, and knew the meaning of hard work, performing his part in helping to develop the home place from its raw state. He attended the public schools and Hazel Dell Academy and graduated from the law department of the State University. He opened an office in Newton and practiced for a number of years alone, and after- wards was associated for some twenty years with A. F. Brown, Esq.. under the firm name of Fugard & Brown. He still maintains a law office, but de- votes a part of his time to looking after outside interests. Some years he has had charge of as much as two thousand acres of farm lands belonging to others. For several years he has been interested in dairying, and has a herd of thirty cows, and a modern dairy barn and silo in a fine grove adjoining town. Improved methods are used in caring for the dairy products, which find a ready market. On ]^Iarch 5, 1884. ]\Ir. Fugard was united in marriage with Ella Slem- mons. a worthy young lady of Des Moines township. Her parents, Mr. and [Mrs. Benjamin Slemmons. were highly esteemed people of that community. They afterwards lived at Newton for a number of years, and then removed to Mahaska county. Both are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Fugard still reside in the same home in which they com- menced housekeeping. Two children have graced their union. John Reed. the son. is twenty-four years old, and married Rowena Owen, an excellent }onng lady of Piano. Illinois. He is a graduate of the Newton high school and afterwards took a four-years course of study in the School of Archi- tecture of the Illinois University. Upon his graduation from the latter insti- tution, he was offered a position with a prominent architect of Chicago and spent six months superintending the erection of some fine residences at Princeton, New Jersey. He is now located in Chicago and doing well. Florence Angelina, the daughter, is fifteen and is the light of her parents' home. ]^Ir. Fugard and his family belong to the Newton Baptist church and make four generations of their family that have been connected with it. He is also a member of the Iowa Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. He is a Republican in poli.tics. and has served his party as secretar}- of the county committee and in other capacities. At the time of the prohibitory amendment campaign, he served for three years as secretary of the amend- ment association and helped to thoroughly organize the county and carry it for prohibition by nearly two thousand majority. He has achieved some ^32 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. reputation as a writer, his articles possessing a quaint and interesting style, full of humor and pathos. F'or several years he had charge of the local work of the Newton Journal, was the Newton correspondent for the State Register, and has done considerable work for other papers, among them the Chicago Tribune. Personally Mr. Fugard is a very pleasant gentleman to know, being genteel in manners, unostentatious and obliging. ROSS R. ^lOWRY. It is with marked satisfaction that the biographer adverts to the life of one who has had a successful career despite the somewhat discouraging and unpromising circumstances at the outset. Such a life abounds in lesson and incentive and cannot but prove a stimulus to those whose fortunes and destinies are yet matters for the future to determine. Ross R. Mowry, one of the best known of the younger attorneys of Jasper county, was ambitious to become an attornev, but the way was not clear to him, so he made a way, studied hard, worked his way through college and at an early age has made a record of which anyone might well be proud, his career proving what honesty of purpose and rightly applied energy may accomplish although in the face of obstacles. Mr. Mowry was born in Clear Creek township, this county, March 5. 1882, of one of the highly respected old families of that part of the county, being the son of John E. and Louisa (Wilkins) Mowry, both natives of Penn- sylvania. The father devoted his life principally to farming, though he was for some time engaged in the mercantile business at Baxter, Jasper county, in which town he is now living retired. He is well known and has a host of friends throughout the county. There were ten children in his famil}^ Ross R., of this review, being the youngest. They are all living but one, who died in infancy; they are: Florence, widow of Henry Kline, of Baxter, this county; Alice, widow of David Cross, living near Colfax, Iowa ; Jesse lives at Nevada, Missouri ; Julia is the wife of Fred Dodd, living near Baxter; William lives at Marshalltown, Iowa; Ella Buchanan is the wife of J. M. Buchanan, living near Colfax; Milton lives in Kansas City, Missouri; Anna is the wife of Carl C. Webb, of Baxter; Ervin died in infancy; Ross R. The last named spent his youth on the home farm and assisted with the work about the place until he was fifteen years of age. He was always a Cf^y^^ (K, Tn O^^J^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 433 Student and he applied himself carefully to his text-hooks in the country schools, later graduated from the high school at Baxter, with the class of 1900, then entered the State University at Iowa City, w-here he made an ex- cellent record and from which institution he was graduated, in the law depart- ment, in 1903. However, he fore entering the university he taught school for a time; as already stated, he worked his way through the university. In the spring of 1903 he w^as admitted to the bar when he was twenty-one years of age. He began the practice of his profession at Baxter, where he remained one year and was gaining a solid foothold, Ijut. seeking a wider held for the exercise of his talents, he moved to Newton in 1905 and formed a partnership with John E. Cross, which was dissolved in 1910. Mr. Mowry has figured more or less prominently in local legal afifairs all the while, being regarded as a A-ery strong young lawyer and he lias been very successful in all his legal work- in the local courts. In 1910 Mr. Mowry was the Repul)lican nominee for county attorney and was duly elected at the ensuing election, and is now \er}- ably discharging the duties of this office. ^Ir. Mowry was married on September 15. 1908. to Edith Matthews, daughter of John L. Matthews, a well known citizen of Xewton. Mrs. Mowry is a young, lady of education and many pleasing traits of character which have long rendered her a fa\orite with a wide circle of friends. This union has been graced by the liirth of one child, l^sther \'irginia. who was born on November 8, 1909. Fraternally, Mr. Mowry is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen, and politicallv he is l(\val in liis support of the Republican party. The Mowry famrly is of (German slock, and the first sj)ecific record we have of them in America is when thev settled in Pennsylvania in the early davs. JOSEPH M. W'OODROW. No business man in the city of Xewton is regarded with higher fa\-or than the gentleman to a brief review of whose interesting career the reader's attention is directed in the following paragraphs, Joseph M. Woodrow being one of those public-spirited men who, while laboring to advance his own in- terests along legitimate lines, does not neglect to discharge his duties in fos- (28) _|i_^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. teriiii;" the upbuilding of the cuninumity in general, and few men ha\e done more to advance the material interests of Xewton than he. owing to his high position in financial circles and his unswer\ing allegiance to the higher stand- ards of living. Mr. Woodrow. president of the Jasper County Bank and one of the sub- stantial and representative men of Iowa, has been a resident of Jasper county since 1865 and he has thus li\ed to see and take i)art in the wonderful trans- formation of the same from a wild i)rairie country to a high rank in the great Hawkeye commonwealth, taking a great pride in its progress and al- wavs standing readv to support any worthy movement having as its object the general welfare o\ his locality and state. Mr. \\'oodrow is the scion of a sterling old family of the Empire state, he himself having been born in Genesee county. Xew York, September 8, 1840. and he is the son of Benjamin and Frances ( Sprague ) Woodrow, the father a native of England and the mother born in the state of Connecticut. The former was a tailor by trade, and after spending his youth in his native country, he emigrated to America in 1807 and became well established here. Joseph M. WOodrow started in life for himself when twent}--one years of age, working on a farm, by the month, in Illinois. Believing that the newer state of Iowa held still greater advantages for one of his temperament, he emigrated further west and in 1863 became a clerk in a store at Alt. Pleasant. Iowa, where he remained until 1865. when he came to Jasper count}- and launched out in the lx:)Ot and shoe business, the results of which were very satisfactory. In the spring of 1869 he sold out and started a nursery, which he operated successfully until 1883, when he sold out. Turning his attention to banking, for wliich he seems to ha\e been best endowed by nature, in 1880 he became cashier of the Jasper County Bank at Newton. His close applica- tion to his duties in this connection and his honest and conservative policy, together with his uniform courteous treatment of the patrons of this institu- tion, resulted in gradualb increasing its prestige and it 1)ecame one of the popular and sound financial institutions in central Iowa. He became its president in 1889, which position he has \ery abl\- and worthily discharged to the i)resent time. l)ecoming one of the best known bank presidents of this part of the state, managing the affairs of this institution with rare discretion and foresight and kec])ing it on a sound and safe basis, so that it has been amply able to weather all financial crises. '["he douiestic life of Mr. Woodrow began in 1865, when he was united in marriage with Parmelia A. Fluke, daughter of Mrs. Judith Browning and a lady of many i)raiscworthy attributes, being the re])resentative of an ex- JASPER COUNTY^ IOWA, 435 cellent old family. To this union seven children have been born, namely : Frank M., Eva A., Mrs. A. C. Keinath, Harry E. (deceased), Fred C, Grace M.. Airs. A. E. Hindorft, O. Blaine and Benjamin W. Mr. Woodrow's beautiful residence in Newton, which is modern and attractive in all its appointments, is frecjuently the gathering place for the many friends of the family, who never fail to find here an old-time hospitalitv and a sincere welcome, so that he and his wife ha\'e long been favorites with a wide circle of warm and admirinsf friends. WILLIAM S. GOVE. Many elements contribute to the development of a new countr}-, but no one thing plays so large a part as sterling worth and character. It is to the rugged, steadfast men and women who come into its domain that the new land must look, and it is most often the plain, blunt men of lousiness and every-day affairs who most affect a new country's history. While William S. Gove, the present able and popular sheriff of Jasper county, is not among the oldest of the county's settlers, yet he came here just at the close of the Civil war. and, throughout the years that have passed since then, his life has been a busy and fruitful one. and he has i)layed an important part in the affairs of the community during the most important period of its (le\elopment. Nearly every one in the county knows big, bluff, honest Will Gove, and the secret of his popularity lies in the fact that he has always been allied with those things which tend toward the advancement and betterment of men. While a keen, careful and straightforward business man. he has ne\-er become a dollar w orshiper or permitted the lust of greed to eradicate his higher ideals, believing that life holds much of greater value than mere wealth of estate. Mr. Gove was born in Vermont on May 23, 1855,. the scion of a sterling old Xew England family, being the son of Sabin P. and Harriet (Kendall) Gove, both natives of Vermont. The father was a farmer and it may truth- fully be said of him that he was a self-made man. Left an orphan when but a mere child, he was early bound out to an old doctor named Sabin. with whom he lived until almost reaching his majority. \\'hile this man was kind and did all for the boy he could, yet the youngster's life was \e\y lonesome and he was glad to reach the dav when he could start out in life for himself, which he did empty-handed. All he subsequently acquired he obtained alone and unaided, and when he died he had the respect and love of all who knew ^^6 JASPER ^COUNTY, IOWA. him. Sabin P. Gove and wife were married in Verm.ont. coming from tliat state to Kane county, Illinois, when the son. ^^''illiam S.. was but three months old. Upon their arrival there they purchased one hundred and twenty acres on which thev lived nine years, then moved to Grinnell. at that time the ter- minus of the Rock Island railroad. That was in 1864, and the following spring thev came on to Jas])er county, locating on one hundred and sixty acres in Richland township, which land still remains in the family, there having lieen but one transfer made of it. the land being originally home- steaded bv ]\Irs. A. K. Banett, a sister of the subject's mother, from the gov- ernment and transferred by her to the subject's father. Sabin P., in 1863. Here the family prospered, the father added to it until he finally became the owner of six hundred acres of valuable land, thus becoming one of the countr}-'s largest landowners and most progressive farmers. In the spring of 1883 he retired from active life and moved to the town of Sully, where he built a comfortable residence. Later, his health becoming very poor, he and his wife moved to Pasadena, California, where he purchased two good residence properties, and there he resided until death ended his earthly career, on September 10, 1895, when he had reached the age of sixty-fi\'e years, the immediate cause of his death Ijeing heart trouble. He was a man of fine character and had the good will and admiration of all who knew him. After his death his widow returned to her home in Sully, Iowa, where she still resides, being now seventy-seven years of age. Her eldest son lives with her. She has a host of warm friends who admire her beautiful characteristics. William S. Gove, of this review, is one of four children, all of whom are living; of these, the subject and an elder brother were born in Vermont, the others being born in Illinois; they are Albert K., born August 9, 1853. lives in Sully; William S., of this review; Harry M., born October 24, 1859, lives in Grinnell. Iowa; Tracey L., born August 2. 1861, also lives in Grinnell. At the age of twenty-one the subject began his independent life work by taking up farming and this he followed continuously until October. 1909. During the last twent}- years of this period, howcxer, he engaged in a very extensi\-e stock business, buying all kinds of live stock all over the county and, in fact, throughout many states, especially those of the West and South. It is said of him that lie has shi])ped stock over almost every railroad running into Chicago, and he is universally regarded as an expert judge of all kinds of stock. Few men are more widelv known in this \-ocation and few have achieved greated success. While never at any time pretending to be a politician. Mr. (iove has al- ways taken a keen and intelligent interest in ])(>litical affairs, and so, at the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 437 November, 1910. election the people of Jasper count}- testirted to the respect, confidence and esteem they held for him by electing him sheriff of the county, which position he is filling in a worthy and most acceptable manner, reflecting much credit upon himself and giving eminent satisfaction to all classes, dis- charging his official duties with that painstaking care and discretion, that un- swerving fidelity and aptitude that has ever characterized his Imsiness career. His son, Harry E. Gove, is acting deputy sheriff under his father, and they have the distinction of being the first sheriff and deputy to occupy the new court house. Mr. Gove has also held a number of the offices in Richland town- ship, among them being that of supervisor of roads and director of the town- ship schools. On November 2, 1876. Air. Gove was united in marriage with Amarilla Allen, a native of Illinois and the daughter of Ervin and Amelia (Moshier) Allen, both of whom were nati\-es of the state of X^ev/ York. They spent their lives on a farm and are now deceased, the father dying in Richland township, this county, at the age of seventy-eight years, his death occurring while he was here on a visit. He was buried in Oklahoma, where he had main- tained his home for some time. The mother died in that state at the age of sixty-six years. Mrs. Gove's parents came to Iowa when she was but three years old, her birth having occurred on July 17, 1856, she being the eldest of four children, all living, namely: Laura married Albert Gove, a brother of the subject, and they live in Arabia. Arizona, where \lrs. Gove is matron of the Indian school; Erank ]\I. Allen lives at Gates, Oklahoma: Susan E. li\es in Aha, Oklahoma. To Mr. and Mrs. Gove of this re\"iew six children ha\e been Ijorn, five of whom are living, namely: Jennie Alay. born May i, 1877, is the wife of Frank B. Sparks and resides on a farm in Richland township, this county : Cecil Ro.se, wife of Charles \\\ Sparks, a brother of I-Tank B., was born January 8, 1880: thev live on a farm in Richland township: Plarry E. Gove, born September 15, 1882. married Naomi Ewing and lives in Newton: Hat- tie A., born January 14, 1885. died December 10, 1905; Bessie E., born Jan- uarv 29, 1890, is unmarried and is still with her parents; Mabel E.. born July 31. 1892. has also remained single and is a mem];er of the family circle. In 1887 Mr. Gove went to southwestern Kansas and lived a year in Haskell county. While there he homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres which he later paid out under the provisions of the pre-emption law, receiving his patent from the President, December 28, 1889, it being the first patent ever issued in that county. He still holds this land, and also has other val- uable and extensive interests. 438 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. and Mrs. Gove are kindly, affable people and their home life is ideal, their attractive and commodious dwelling being known to their many friends as a place where hospitality and good cheer ever prevail. They have long been prominent factors in the social life of the town and county and richly deserve the high esteem and good will which are freely accorded by all. Mrs. Gove comes of a long line of Quaker ancestry. Mr. Gove has made a su.ccess of his life work, succeeding because he has been an adherent to those principles .and ideals w hich the world admires everywhere. He has not depended upon the assistance of any one. preferring to be the architect of his own fortune, and is a fine type of the virile, useful. industrious, broad-minded and public-spirited self-made American. COL. ELLIOTT E. LAMBERT. The office of biography is not to giye voice to a man's modest estimate of himself and his accomplishments, but rather to lea\-e upon the record the \-erdict establishing his character by the consensus of opinion on the part of his neighbors and fellow citizens. The life of Col. Elliott E. Lambert, a leading business man of Newton, Jasper county, has been such as to elicit just praise from those who know him best, owing to the fact that he has always been loyal to the trusts reposed upon him and has been upright in his dealings with his fellow men, at the same time lending his support to the advancement of any cause looking to the welfare of the community at large. Colonel Lambert was born in Licking county, Ohio, January 8, 1863, and he is the son of R. K. and Cynthia (Benjamin) Lambert, both natives of C)hio. The father, who devoted his early life to farming, came to Iowa in 1868 and settled in Newton, soon buying one hundred and sixty acres of laud, v.-hich he farmed until 1876, in which year he came to Newton and estaljlished the famous Lambert hotel, which he and his wife conducted successfully for a period of twenty-eight years, the same being popular with the traveling public and known throughout this part of the country. ]\Ir. Lambert is now living retired in Newton. He is one of the interesting ])ioneers and has had a \aried and interesting history, a representative of that sterling t}pe of men who con- stitute the bone and sinew of any country. His grandfather, Francis Lam- bert, was a soldier in the war of 181 2. The subject's father was a soldier in the Civil war, a faithful and efficient follower of the Stars and Stripes in many a trying campaign and hard-fought battle. He is known as a worker, a JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 439 man who does things. Although now advanced in years, ha\ing Ijeen born in 1839, he is today strong and vigorous. . His wife is a woman of the fine old school who has given the world so much sweetness and refinement, hospitable and affable. Ever loyal to all that was l)est and truest, during all her life she has brought to her home and friends a benign and uplifting infiuence. She is a faithful church worker and her life has been filled with many charitable deeds. The three children in this family are all living, namely : William R. lives in Newton, Iowa; his sun. Everett \\\, now deceased, had a national reputation as an all-around athlete; Elliott E., of this review; Belle is now the wife of Doctor Besser, of Xewton. It was in 1886 that Colonel Lambert, of this review, began business for himself, by taking up the general freighting and transfer business in Newton, which he followed for a period of seventeen years, when he sold out and engaged in the implement business there, the style of the firm being W. C. Bergman & Company, which business he conducted with his usual success for two years, after which he engaged in the general fire and life insurance busi- ness, which he has continued to the present time, his offices now being in the Scharf building, north of the court house square. He has met with a large measure of success from the first in this line of endeavor and is one of the best known insurance men in central Iowa. On January 6. 1886, Colonel Lambert was united in marriage with Lizzie M. Boydston. daughter of James and Mary Boydston. the fatlier dying soon after his daughter and the Colonel were married, and the mother died in Xew- ton on April 10, 19 10. Four children have been Ijorn to tlie Colonel and wife, all of whom are living, namely: Earl B., born October 7. 1886. is at home and employed by the American Construction Company; Harold R.. born June j, 1891, is at- tending the State University at Ames; Robert E., born August 2"/, 1893, is employed as stenographer for the Bergman Manufacturing Company; Mar- jory B.. born September 5, 1896, is at home, and. possessing a voice of ex- quisite melody and sweetness, which has been carefully educated, she is well known in musical circles. Colonel Lambert's military record is one of which his relatives and friends should be justly proud. On July 15. 1888, he enlisted at Newton in Company B. Third Iowa Volunteer Infantry, National (iuard. On March 9, 1889, lie was elected captain of his company, in which capacity he served until April 30. 1892. when he was transferred to the Second Regiment and elected major with the rank from that date; Later he was promoted to lieu- tenant-colonel. January 11. 1897. being mustered out :\Iay 18. 1898. and on 440 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. that date he was mustered into the vohinteer service with the rank of Heuten- ant-colonel of the Fiftieth Iowa Rei^iment. and for meritorious service he was promoted to colonel on Aus^ust 29. 1898. 1)ein<; mustered out as colonel on Xovember ^:;oth following-, at Des Moines. On February 5, 1900, he enlisted as a private in Company ].. i''iftieth Regiment. Iowa National Guard, of which he was elected major on julv i^), 1900. He was advanced to the. rank of lieutenant-colonel of the h'ifty- fourth (same as the Fiftieth) Regiment. Mav 2. 1904. He was appointed quartermaster on the staff of Brig-Gen. J. Rush Lincoln, commander of the First Brigade. Iowa National Guard. July 20. 1909. which i)osition he still holds. During the Spanish-American war he was (juartered at Iackson\ile. Morida. having been assigned to duty with the Second Di\ision of the Seventh Army Corps, under command of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. As a soldier he has acquitted himself most gallantly, and has won the admiration of his men and the praise of his superior officers. Colonel Lambert is a member of Newton Lodge No. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Gabal Chapter No. 12. Royal Arch Masons; Oriental Conimandery No. 22, Knights Templar, and the Za-Ga-Zig Temple, Alystic Shrine, at Des Moines. He is past eminent in the conimandery, and has passed all the chairs in the same. He is also a member of Central Lodge No. 73. Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Newton Encampment No. 16, and Can- ton Chevalier Bayard No. 31. At the ])resent writing he is department com- mander of Patriarchs Militant of Iowa, with rank of major-general. He is also grand senior warden in the grand encampment of the Independent Odd I'^ellows of Iowa. Colonel Lambert has also been a member of Newton's volunteer fire de- partment for t\\ ent\-se\en \ears. l)eing foreman of the company and chief of the department a part of the time. At present he is vice-president of the Iowa State Firemen's Association and chairman of the pension committee of that association. He is also a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, White Pine Camp No. 22, of Newton, of which he was clerk for ten years. For some time he ser\'ed as a member of the city council of Newton, being a member and chairman of the committee on streets and alleys. He has also been a member of the Newton Business Men's Association ever since its organization, and is its present secretar\'. Mrs. Lambert is well known in church and social circles; she is a mem- ber of Newton Chapter No. 100. Order of the Eastern Star, of which the Colonel is past worthy patron. She is a member of Margaret Rebekah Lodge No. 237. of Newton. She was formerly president of the Twentieth Century Club of Newton. She is a steward in the Methodist church, of wliich all the familv are members. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 441 GEORGE W. NEWTON. Perhaps, for his age, no man in Jasper county has acconiphshed more for the city of Newton than (George W. Newton, a man whose sterling char- acteristics would bring him success in any walk of life, for nature seems to have combined in him those attributes of head and heart which, when prop- erly controlled and directed, as they have evidently been done in his case, never fail of large results. Although young in years, Mr. Newton is widel\- known as the head of one of the best and most rapidlv growing manufactur- ing institutions in the city of Newton. Mr. Newton is the scion of a sterling ancestry, his birth having occurred on May 5, 1873, in Mt. Sterling, Illinois, and he is the son of \\'allace and Laura J. (Shealds) Newton, both natives of Ohio and both now deceased. The father was by occupation a carpenter, coming from a long line of me- chanics and artisans. George W. Newton is one of a family of three children, all living: Am- brosia married Oliver Sparks, the present mayor of Galena, Kansas, and the owner of the largest and best zinc mine in the country; Julia married Everett W'ilkins, a farmer living near Fairview, Illinois; George \\'. is the eldest of the three. Mr. Newton began working for himself soon after the death of his mother. Coming to Li\-ermore, Iowa, he took charge of a photograph gal- lery for a short time. Later, in response to an advertisement asking for a window trimmer, he came to Newton and entered the emplovment of the Iowa ^Mercantile Company, ^vith which he remained one year, at the end of W'hich time he entered the manufacturing business in a small way, turning out ad\'ertising specialties. At first he formed a partnership and the firm name was the Newton Manufacturing Company. This concern began, with little capital, to manufacture a number of small wood, metal and card-board specialties, in a little back room, but, having a good line and the tact to handle it properly, they were successful almost from the very beginning, and from time to time they were compelled to mo\e into larger quarters. On Januarv I, 19 10, they incorporated for twenty-fi\-c thousand dollars and purchased their own building. Since then they ha\e rented and now occupy another large building near their own l)uilding. They are manufacturing the largest and fastest selling advertising novelty in the United States, the Safety Maga- zine Match Safe, which little article is the direct outcome of the inventive genius of George W. Newton, of this review. He has also invented and ^2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. designed a number of special machines for its accurate and rapid manufac- ture, in fact, it is to the pluck and energy of Mr. Newton that the company owes much of its phenomenal success and its widespread popularity, for he is bv nature an organizer and promoter and is able to foresee with remarkable accuracy the future outcome of a present transaction, and he has made few mistakes as a business man. On June 20, 1902, Air. Newton was married to Anna Grace Van Wine- garden, daughter of William and Jacob ^^'inegarden, natives of Holland, from which country they came to America in early life, and here Mrs. New- ton was born. She received a good education and is a lady of many hue per- sonal qualities which makes her a favorite in the best social circles of her city. She is a member of a family of nine children, all of whom live within twenty miles of Newton ; they are, Jennie married Scott Byers, a farmer near Sully ; Anna Grace, wife of Air. Newton; Airs. Aliller, wife of Fred AHller, a farmer of this county; John is farming near Galesburg; Eva lives with her parents near Sully; Carry married Walter Blackwood, a farmer near Newton; \\'alter, Emma and Rudolph are living at home. To Air. and Airs. Newton two children have been born. George Alaxwell and Jacoba Lorene. Both Mr. and Airs. Newton are members of the Alethodist Episcopal church of Newton, and, fraternally, he belongs to the Yeomen. Politicallv. he is a Republican. He is a man of the highest standing in the comnninitv. ha\ing the confidence and respect of all classes. ALBERT S. CHAPAIAN. Jn the present review is recorded briefly the life history of one who was a few years since a familiar figure in the city of Colfax, 'where he was a prominent and respected business man. and took a full share of activity in the affairs of the community. As a business man he was strictly honest, and entirely cai)able, and his sagacity was admired bv his associates and acquaint- ances. His success was marked and notalile, and was the result of his own careful building. Albert S. Chapman was born near Colum])us. b'ranklin countv, Ohio, the son of John O. Chapman. John O. Chapman was born near Cape Alav. New Jersey. Judge Stanberry, of the Ohio supreme court, was the grandfather of Albert Stanberry Chapman. His mother died near Alaryville, Ohio, and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 443 Albert S. came to Mound Prairie precinct, Jasper county, Iowa, in 1865, with his father, who bought a farm here and hved on it the rest of his days. Albert S. lived on the farm, and was very successful in agriculture until 1881. when he removed to Colfax and engaged in business, quickly winning for himself a reputation as a man of enterprise and spirit. He continued in busi- ness until his death, on November 2^ , 1894, at the age of fifty-three. He served as a member of the school board in Colfax, and was always interested in the improvement and development of the communit}". Mr. Chapman was married in Mound Prairie precinct t(j Kate \'an Gil- der, the daughter of Squire Abram and Sarah (Anderson) \'an Gilder. Abram Van Gilder was born on July 9, 1813, in Hamilton county, Ohio, moved to Indiana, later to Knox county. Illinois, to a farm seven miles east of Gales- burg, and came to ]\Iound Prairie precinct in 1864. where he and his wife, who was born in Adams county. Ohio, on June 16, 1821, spent the rest of their lives. Abram \^an Gilder was influential in his community, and filled the ofiices of justice of the peace, town clerk, and secretary of the school board. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Chapman are the parents of the following children : Frank, of Bisbee, Arizona, a builder: Ed, of Colfax; George, of Colfax, a real estate agent; Harry, of Colfax; Mary Belle, who married Otis Wright, a banker of Colfax, and who died in 1897, at the age of twenty-seven, leaving one child. The Chapman family is one of the most respected in Colfax, and all its members are filling positions of worth and usefulness. Thesons of Albert S. Chapman ha\e ever present with them the memoiy of their father's ex- cellent life as an inspiration and example. HUGH SCOTT. Herein is recorded the life of one of the representative men of Jasper county, a capable and prominent farmer, who has a unique distinction in that he reared to manhood and to a sense of duty five stalwart sons, who ofifered their lives to their country and from each of whom she accepted the gift. Few men have been called upon for such a sacrifice as this. Hugh Scott was born on November 15. 1799, in Fleming county, Ken- tuck}-, the son of Thomas and Hannah Reid Scott. Thomas Scott, who was born on June i, 1766, was the son of Matthew and Elizabeth (Jackson) Scott, and married Hannah Reid, the daughter of Hugh and Jemima (Car- mon) Reid. on November 24, 1789. Jemima Carmon was the daughter of ^^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. lohn and Hannah Larmon, and was born on May 20. 1745. Hugh Scott's brothers and sisters were : Robert Jackson Scott, who was a heutenant in the war of 1812. Hved later in Ohio, and then in I'aris, Illinois; John Cannon Scott, who served in the Ohio militia in the war of 181 2, and remained in Ohio: Joseph Scott; Matthew Reid Scott, of Paris. Illinois; Sarah Scott Fuller; Mary Trewit Scott Means, Asenath Scott Pownall. Hugh Scott came to Jasper county in 1856. and located in Washington township. He had resided for more than twenty years previously in \ igo county, Indiana, near Terre Haute. \[r. Scott bought a farm of raw prairie, and cultivated and improved it and made from it an excellent farm, becoming known as one of the best farmers in the county. His success was entirely de- served and was due to his ability and character. He died on September 16. 1882. aged eighty-three years lacking two months. In 1827 Hugh Scott was married to Mar}- Lewis, who was born in Ken- tucky in 181 1, and died on June 8, 1852. in Vigo county, Indiana. She bore to him nine children, whose records follow ; Charles T. Scott enlisted in the Union army in tlie Twenty-ninth Iowa Infantry in 1862, and died in 1863 in the service of his countr}-. Hannah Scott married George Linford, of Mound Prairie township. Jasper county, and died in 1863. Henry Scott enlisted in 1861 in Company B, Fifth Iowa Infantry, and died in the service in March, 1863. Albert Scott, of Vigo count}-. Indiana, enlisted in the Eighteenth Indiana Batter\ of Light Artillery, and died in Tennessee in 1863. Lewis Scott enlisted in t86i in the Eighth Iowa Infantry, and died in the Keokuk (Iowa) hospital in 1862. Foster Scott enlisted in 1863 in the Ninth Iowa Cavalry, and met his death on the held at Du\-airs Bluff. Arkansas. Thus of the sons of Hugh Scott fixe ser\-ed in the armies of the L'nion. and all of these five ga\-e their lives in the nation's cause. Asenath Scott married first Thomas Malcomson, of Washington town- ship, who came to Jasper county in the fall of 1865. He served three years in the Second Wisconsin Infantry. To this marriage were born two children, Riley Malcomson, of Colfax, and Henry Malcomson, a builder, of Alinot, North Dakota. Mrs. Malcomson married later G. O. Barnes, who came to Jasper county in the eighties, and died in 1896, at the age of fifty-two. Harriet Scott married George Linford after the death of her sister, Hannah Scott. Harriet Scott died June 20. 191 1. Jacob Scott, a farmer of Washington township, died on April i, 1886, at the age of thirty-six. Hugh Scott took an active and prominent part in the affairs of his com- JASl'ER COUNTY, IOWA. 445 inuiiit}-. He was an old-time Whig, and later a Republican. He fiJled the offices of township assessor and trustee, was a justice of the peace, and at one time a member of the school board in I'rairie City. His character was strong and his indi\idualit\- impressive. \V. L. DEXXIS. \\'illmer L. Dennis was born in Wapello county, Iowa, on December 17. 1857, about five miles south of the city of Ottumwa. His father, Benjamin H. Dennis, was born in Ohio in 1830, and came west in 1852 and located first in Lee county, Iowa, but one year later he removed to Wapello countv. and here, on August 22,, 1854, he was united in marriage to Matilda Jackson, daughter of Richard and Isabella (Baum) Jackson. '\lrs. Jackson was born in Ohio in 1833, and removed with her parents to Wapello county, Iowa, when quite young. In 1864 ^Ir. Dennis traded forty acres of land which he had acquired in Wapello county for two hundred and forty acres in Jasper county, and in March of the following year brought his family to Jasper county and took possession of his farm, which was located in Buena \^ista township, near Kilduff. Here he lived and prospered until the year 1878. when he built a home in the city of N^ewton, Iowa, and retired from active labor. He de- parted this life in January. 1900. He was a splendid man, public spirited and very acti\e in church work, having united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1859. The mother of the subject departed this life in January, 1872, while the family still lived on the farm. When the family first came to Jasper countv all they owned in the way of stock was a team of horses, four head of cattle and a few sheep Mr. Dennis was a good business man and a man of good judgment, and by energetic eft'ort and good management he prospered and became a hea\y stock feeder well known throughout the county. Of five children born to this couple only three surxive : Willmer L., the subject of this review ; C. Dean Dennis, whose sketch appears elsewhere in these pages : and Minerva, wife of James Carey, of near Killduff, Iowa. Willmer L. Dennis received his early educational training in the country schools of the township in which he lived, and at the age of twenty began working for himself upon his father's farm. In 1882 his father made over to him eightv acres of land. Having had experience with feeding cattle and buvino- and raisin"- same for the market, while with his father, he began in ^._|.6 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. this lint? for liiniself and became one of the county's heaviest stock producers. He also from time to time purchased land, until at this time he owns over five iiundred acres, two hundred in Buena Vista township and three hundred in Richland township. He also owns a section of land in Deaf Smith county, Texas. On Mav 20. 1880, W'illmer L. Dennis was iniited in marriage to Anna M. Emmert. who was born in Bedford county. Pennsylvania, on September II. 1861. She was the daughter of J. \\ and Dorothea Emmert. prosperous fanners in the southeast portion of Buena A'ista township. Her parents were natives of Germany, her father coming with his ])arents to this country when onlv one vear old. the family locating in Pennsylvania. Pier mother, whose maiden name was Dorothea Schwappach. came alone to this country at the age of sixteen, and a few years later was joined by a sister, and these two were the onlv members of the family to cross the ocean. When ]\Irs. Dennis was a child three years old. her parents moved to Illinois, and hve years later thev moved to Jasper county. Iowa, and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land in Buena Vista township, which is still the home of her mother, her father dying at this place on April 12. 1895, ^^ the age of sixty-eight. Her mother is now seventy-three. Mrs. Dennis was one of ten children, she being the second in order of birth, the names of the others being as follows : George A., born in i860, owns eighty acres of land adjoining the old home place, and li\es with his mother and sister; Andrew, born in 1863, lives on a farm near Kellogg, Iowa, married Eelia Drew; Sophia died in infancy; Ella, born in 1867, lives at home,- unmarried ; William V.. born in 1868. was killed on his twenty-eighth birthday by being kicked bv a horse; Caroline, born in 1870, married Ed. Heli)er, who is deceased; Emma died of croup in infancy; Philip and Frances, twins, born in 1875; Frances, who died in 1909. was the wife of Ca.se Williamson; IMiilip lives on a farm in Palo Alto township. To y\r. and Mrs. Willmer L. Dennis have been born se\en children, namely: Benjamin, born August 9, i88t. died in 1882; Pdora May. born August 30. 1883. died in 1910. She was the wife of Charles Earp, to whom she bore two children, Leslie Lamont. deceased, and Nadine L. Earp ; Leroy. born November 19. 1888. near Killduff. married Regina Van Gilst. and to them has been born one child; Alvy. born Februarv 20. 1891. married Jennie De Bruyn, and lives near Killduff; Wanda, born March 14, 1894, is still under the parental roof, attending the Xewton high .school; W^illiam V., born Sep- tember 29, 1896. lives at home with his parents; Cleora, born .\ugust 22, 1891. In March. 19 10. Mr. Dennis and familv left the farm and ])urchased a fine residence property in Xewton. Iowa, where they now reside, .\lthough JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 447 living away from the farm. ]\Ir. Dennis is not content to lead a life of ease and quiet, but is still engaged in the stock business and looks after his farming interests, going back and forth from his home to the farm in an automobile. Both Mr. and ]\Irs. Dennis are members of the Methodist Episcopal church in Xewton. Politically, he votes with the Republican part}-. W. E. DEXXISTOX, The name of Denniston has been for many years an honored and respected one in Jasper county, and the gentleman of that name who is the immediate subject of this sketch is richly deserving of the universal respect and esteem which is accorded him by all with whom he is acquainted. For many years he has l>een one of the leading lumbermen of Xewton; still in the fullness of years, he is to be found at the helm of a large and growing business. A\'. E. Denniston. of the firm of Denniston & Partridge, was born in Jasper county. October 28. 1868, on the parental homestead in Buena \'ista township. He is the son of Robert E. and Delia (Hotchkiss)" Denniston, the father a native of Ohio and the mother of Wisconsin. The elder Denni- •ston came to Iowa in 1861 and settled in Buena \'ista township, and he has resided in the county ever since, now living on a farm of sixty acres just on the edge of X'ewton. He has long been well known in this community and has lived to see and take part in the great development of the same. His famil\- consisted of live children, two of whom are living, three having died in infancy: besides the subject, the other living child is Mrs. Charles Emery. who is li\ing on a farm near Metz. this county. ^^^ E. Denniston spent his early life on the home farm where he assisted with the general work about the place when of proper age. and he attended the common schools during the winter months, his education in later years being supplemented by good business training and wide home reading. He remained unrler his parental rooftree until he was twenty-one years of age. He learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked two years in X^'ewton after he had left the farm. He then worked in the lumber yards for Fred L. IMavtag for two vears. and twelve years for Maytag & Emerson, then he formed a partnership with Mr. Emerson under the firm name of Emerson & Denniston. which continued three years. Upon the death of Mr. Emerson, about two vears ago, the firm became Denniston & Partridge, a corporation. 448 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA oi which -Mr. Denniston is secretary aiul general manager. They have been verv successful and ha\e now a large and rapidly growing business which is wide in its scope, owning other yards besides the large one at Newton, including one at Altoona and Mitchellville, both in Polk county, Reasoner. Colfax and Baxter, in Jasper county. They handle a varied line of up-to- date building material. lum])er and also grain. Their home shed is one hundred twentv bv one hundred eighty feet, everything being conveniently and attractivelv arranged. On h>bruary 24, 1892. ISlv. Denniston was united in marriage with Lizzie W^ilson. daughter of ^\'illiam and Mary Wilson, who came from Scott county. Iowa, to this county. Air. Wilson having been born in the former. To Mr. and Mrs. Denniston two children have been born. Roy. whose birth occurred on February 20. 1892. and Homer, born August 5. 1895. Mr. and !Mrs. Denniston attend the United Presbyterian church. Politi- cally, he is a Republican and has taken an abiding interest in local affairs for some time. In 1906 he was elected to the city council from the first ward and has been on the board since then, making his influence felt for the good of his citv and community whenever possible. He is a man of energy, rare business foresight and he is a good mixer, being ahvays a gentleman and yet easily approached and unassuming, a man who has the confidence and good will of his fellowmen owing to his fair dealings and exemplary character. PROF. E. J. H. BEARD. The men most influential in promoting the advancement of society and in giving character to the times in which they live are two classes — the men of study and the men of action. Whether we are more indebted for the improve- ment of the age to the one class or the other is a question of honest difference of opinion ; neither can be spared and both should be encouraged to occupy their several spheres of labor and influence zealously and without mutual dis- trust. In the following paragraphs are briefly outlined the leading facts and characteristics in the career of a gentleman who combines in his makeup the elements of the scholar and the energy of the public-spirited man of affairs. Devoted to the noble and humane work of teaching, Prof. E. J. H. Beard, the efficient and po])ular superintendent of the Newton city schools, Jasper county, Iowa, has made his influence felt in a most potent manner in the locality of which this history treats, and he is not unknown to the wider educational ^c^. -^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 449 circles of the state, occupying as he does a prominent place in his profession and standing high in the esteem of educators in other than his own particular field of endeavor. All who come within range of his influence are profuse in their praise of his admirable qualities and the high regard in which he is held, not only professionally but socially, and as a gallant veteran of the grand army that saved the national Union, indicates the possession of attri- butes and characteristics that fully entitle him to the respect and consideration of his fellow men. Professor Beard, like many of our leading citizens, is a native of the great Empire state, his birth having occurred at Jefferson, Schoharie county. New York, February 23, 1842. He is the son of Ezra G. and Ruth G. (Gay- lord) Beard, both natives of New York, in which state they grew up, were educated and married and became well established and influential. The father devoted his life to agricultural pursuits and he lived and died in his native state. Professor Beard traces his genealogy back several centuries through a long line of distinguished ancestry. The family has been notably con- spicuous as soldiers, it being fully authenticated that members of the family participated in the early Indian wars, the Revolutionary war, the war of 1812, Civil and Spanish-American wars. In all the relations of life they have made their influence felt wherever they have dispersed, being leaders in the public and social life of their communities. Professor Beard spent his early boyhood on the home farm and there, in the free outdoor life and sylvan beauty, he laid the foundation for the de- velopment of a sound body and a strong mind. He never attended the public schools, but his early text-book training was received at Delaware Institute, Franklin, New York. He then entered Hamilton College, at Clinton, New York, and was making a brilliant record in that institution when the tocsin of war sounded which lured him from the primrose paths of a student life to the sanguinary "field of Mars,'' so he went to defend the flag with as much alacrity as ever Roman youth .hastened to the legions of Titus or Caesar, enlisting in the Fifty-first New York Volunteer Infantry, in which he served faithfully. He participated in the trying Virginia campaigns in the latter part of 1864 and the early months of 1865, engaging in many of the hard fought battles of the war. He was at Appomattox at Lee's surrender. The war over, he was honorably discharged and returned home. In the spring of 1866 he went to Colorado on government survey work and assisted in surveying the ground south and east of Denver, also in the vicinity of Colorado Springs and Pueblo. In the autumn of 1866 he went to Nebraska City, Nebraska, and (29) 4 so JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. taught school the following winter, then in 1867 he taught at Rockport, Atchison county, Missouri. The following year he was elected surveyor of that county, which position he held but a short time, however, having resigned to become superintendent of the schools at Hamburg, Iowa, where he remained for a period of fourteen years. From there he went to Maryville, Missouri, as superintendent of schools, which position he held for a period of eight years. In 1892 he came to Newlon, Iowa, as superintendent of schools and here he has continued to reside, having thus been in charge of the schools here for a period of twenty years. In this time he has l^rought the high school of Xewton up to a standard of efficiency and equipment that ranks with any high school in the state. He has taken great interest in his teachers, all of whom are selected with especial reference to their ability to fill acceptably the positions to which assigned. He encourages many of the high school gradu- ates to enter the teacher's profession and to this end devotes considerable time to pedagogic lectures and instruction on this important and far-reaching sub- ject, which are greatly prized by those contemplating making the school-room their chosen arena of endeavor. That the advantage of a liberal education may be generally disseminated he has encouraged young people of the county to attend high school by giving them every possible consideration. His great force of character and ripe scholarship, together with his ability as an organ- izer, has enabled Professor Beard to bring to his work in this city the results of his professional experience with marked effect, and it was not long until the schools under his supervision advanced to the high standard of efficiency for which they are now noted. The teaching force during his incumbency has been increased and the enrollment of pupils has constantly grown, while many things tending to lessen the teacher's labors and at the same time make them effective have been introduced ; the course of study throughout has been modified and improved, the latest and most approved appliances installed and everything in keeping with modern educational progress tested, and where practical, retained. He has shown himself to be a man of progressive ideas, broad-minded, and he has kept fully abreast of the times in all matters per- taining to his profession. His work in every department of education is char- acteristically practical and in teaching, in superintending and in devising and modifying the course of study, he possesses to a remarkable degree the sense of proportion and fitness. Continuous application through a period of forty- five years has given him a clear and comprehensive insight into the philosophy of education and the largest wisdom as to method and means of attainment of ends, while his steady growth in public favor wherever he has labored and his popularity with teachers and pupils have won for him educational standing in several states in the Middle West. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 45 1 Although a school man in the broadest and best sense of the term, and as such making every other consideration secondary to his professional and official duties, Prof. Beard has never become narrow or pedantic, as have so many whose lives have been spent in intimate association with the immature minds within the four walls of the school-room. He is a well rounded, sym- metrically developed man. fully alive to the demands of the times, thoroughly informed on the leading questions before the puljlic and takes broad views of men and things. He believes in progress in other than the profession to which he belongs and to attain the end manifests an abiding interest in what- ever makes for the material advancement of the community, encouraging all worthy enterprises and lending his influence to means whereby his fellowmen may be benefited and made better. A reader and thinker, he very naturally gives considerable thought to politics, his studies and investigations along this line leading him to espouse the Republican party. Fraternally, he holds mem- bership with the Masons, in which he has attained the Knight Templar degree, and the Knights of Pythias, and he belongs to Garrett Post, Grand Army of the Republic. He and his family are members of the Congregational church. In addition to the duties of the superintendency, Professor Beard is deeply interested in educational matters throughout the state and from time to time he has been honored with important official positions in various soci- eties and associations which make for the good of the work and the advance- ment of the teacher's profession. He is active and influential in the State Teachers' Association, having been president of the same, discharging the duties of that important position with an ability and fidelity that reflected much credit upon himself and elicited the hearty approval of all concerned. Besides taking an active part in the discussions and general deliberations of the organization, advocating certain measures with masterly force and skill and opposing whatever he deems dangerous to the progress of educational thought, his influence has always been felt, while his suggestions have com- manded respect and carried weight. As a lecturer on educational topics he is an easy, forceful and not infrequently a truly eloquent speaker, his familiar- ity with the subject under consideration, with his full command of strong, vigorous English and his pleasing, direct style, making him popular with his audiences and to no small degree a master of public assemblages. The domestic life of Professor Beard began on November 30. 1868, when he led to the hymeneal altar Lura Alexander, a lady of culture, talent and refinement, the daughter of ]\Iajor Samuel P. Alexander and wife, a prominent family of Beloit, Wisconsin, and this union has been graced by the birth of four children, namely: Lura Vesta is one of the popular teachers of ^^2 JASPER COUNTY. 1()\V.\. Newton, having been engaged with her father in high school work for the l)ast twenty-three years ; Grace L. is the wife of J. B. Baumer, of Independ- ence. Kansas ; Ezra G., who went to the Spanish-American war and died of typhoid-malarial fever, was a bright, promising and finely educated young man; Gertrude, the youngest child, is the possessor of rare musical talent and she is engaged in teaching music in Newton. This family has long been prominent in the social life of the city and county. SIMEON HICKS GALUSHA. Among Newton's prominent and most highly respected citizens is Simeon Hicks Galusha. one of the earliest settlers of this locality and for a good many years a prominent figure in its political and official affairs. His days of activ- ity now over, he is leading a retired life as befits his years, having passed his seventy-seventh milestone, but up until the last fifteen years there were few men in all Jasper county whose lives were so full and varied as his, for he has been a most conspicuous actor in the drama of civilization as played here in this, one of the most favored sections of the great ^Middle West, having" taken an active and influential part in its growth from the pioneer epoch to tlie opulent present. Mr. Galusha, like manv of the leading business men of this part of Iowa, is a native of the old Empire state, his birth having occurred on April 14, 1834. in Cattaraugus county, New York. He is the son of David and Marilla (Hicks) Galusha, both natives of VeiTnont, the father born near Ben- nington and the mother near East Arlington. David Galusha, who devoted his life principally to school teaching, was the son of Simeon Galusha and wife, an early New England family. When Simeon H. Galusha was thirteen years of age his parents moved from New York to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and there he received most of his schooling. When he was twenty-one years of age he moved with his parents to Iowa, settling first at Marion, Linn county, in 1855. He had previously learned the trades of l)rick mason and plasterer, and he followed these lines most of his active life. About a year after he came here he returned to Ohio, and after a short stav there came again to Iowa, this time locating at Newton, where he has made his home continuouslv to the present time, his life history and that of the town l)eing closely inter- woven, rp to fifteen years ago hardly a brick Iniilding was erected that he (lid not l)uil(l. wholly or in part: he helped erect the old Central school build- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 453 ing which has withstood the storms of over half a century. He is one of the two men now surviving who assisted in building the court house in Xewton. erected in 1858, and which lias but recentl}- been replaced by the stone Iniild- ing which now occupies its site; in fact, the major part of the t(jwn of Xewton stands as a monument to his skill as a builder. In the month of April, 1858, Mr. Galusha was united in marriage with Harriett Newell, daughter of Samuel Fleming and Julia A. (Fugard) Newell, the former a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and the mother of New Hampshire. ]\Ir. Newell was a carpenter by trade. He came to Newton. Iowa, from Mt. \>rnon, Ohio, in 1855, ^^^ here he became well known, was regarded as a very fine workman and was highly respected, and here his death occurred at the age of seventy-six years, his wife ha\ing died when forty- three years old. Airs. Galusha was born in Ohio on December 15, 1839, she being the eldest of a family of five children; the others'are Jackson F., who was killed in one of the principal battles during the siege of Vicksburg. in Company C, Twenty-second Iowa Volunteer Infantry; Adaline. now deceased, married Henry AIcFarland; Margaret E. wife of John M. Steele, lives at Olympia, Washington ; Elsworth L. owns and operates a ranch near Stock- ton. California. Air. Galusha. of this review, was one of a family of seven children, namely : Julius died in Wisconsin ; Ruben died at St. Paul, Minnesota ; David Henry died, it is presumed, during a yellow fever epidemic in the South, having been a soldier in the Third Wisconsin A'olunteer Infantry during the Civil war. at least he was never heard from after that: Delia. Lydia and Julia are all deceased. The father of these children died at the age of eighty-four years, the mother reaching the age of ninety-one years, and Grandfather Hicks lived to be one hundred years old. Air. and Airs. Galusha nre the parents of six children, namely: Samuel Henrv is living at Wichita, Kansas : he was formerly treasurer of Jasper countv. Iowa; Edward died in infancy: Julius AI., who is now living in Des Moines. Iowa, was formerly department treasurer of Jasper county, and he is now manager of the Western Newspaper Union; David Murray, who lives at Alemphis. Tennessee, is connected with the Western Newspaper Union : Reuben G. who is deceased. A\as associated with the \\'estern' Newspaper Union and A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Company at Chicago, Omaha and Wichita, as manager, and was a brilliant and forceful young man: Ned L.. a brick mason and plasterer at Newton. Simeon H. Galusha was a member of the Home Guards during the war nf the Rebellion. He was at one time department auditor of the county and _^-_| JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. he was township clerk for many years. He was elected on the Republican ticket and served two terms as treasurer of- Jasper county. He and his wife belong to the Congregational church of Newton, she having been a member since the age of nineteen. Air. Galusha was employed as bookkeeper in Morgan's store at Xewton for se\eral years. He is the owner of tw^o valuable and desirable properties in Xewton. Fraternally, he belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows and has attained the Knights Templar degree in Masonry ; all his sons except Ned are ]\Iasons. The subject spent a few years in Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, for his health. NELLIE SLAGHT, D. O. and M. D. This alert, capable and energetic \\oman is a splendid example of what courage, coupled with ability, may accomplish. Although a woman, she has entered a held of human effort commonly given over to men, and, while not sacrificing one jot of the feminine daintiness which is hers, she has been very successful in her chosen profession, that of a physician of the osteopath school. Nellie Slaght was born September 3, 1872, in Tiffin, Iowa, the daughter of Charles Parker and Philena (Higgins) Slaght. Her mother was born July 29, 1840, at Mount Vernon, Ohio, and her father was a native of New- Jersey, born in Morris county, that state, March 25, 1835. He was the fifth child born in a family of six children to Jeremiah Slaght (born 1798, in New^ Jersey). Se\eral years after his marriage, Jeremiah Slaght took his family and moved to the state of Ohio ; here he followed agricultural pursuits for a numl)er of years and in 1853 he removed to Iowa and settled on a farm near Iowa City. At this time Charles Parker, father of the subject, was a young man of eighteen years, and came with his father's family to Iowa. He learned the stonemason's trade in an early day and worked at this trade and also farming throughout his life. He was a man of good parts and great public spirit. He invented a hay rake and loader, known as the "Clean-sweep Hay- rake and Loader," now manufactured by the Sandwich Manufacturing Com- pany of Illinois. This invention has been exhibited at the world's fairs held in Chicago, Paris, Buffalo, etc., and is sold and shipped to Australia, South America, and, in fact, to all parts of the world. He was also a soldier in the Civil war, serving with distinction throughout the struggle. 1)eing a meniljcr of the Twenty-seventh Iowa Regiment. He was always prominent and active in j)oHtics. being identified with the interests of the I'JeiJublican party: was a JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 455 member of the Grand Army of the Repubhc, and was also prominent in church work, and in all affairs for the benefit of the public. He was a class leader and of^cer in the Methodist Episcopal church in TifBn for a great many years. In 1881 he moved to Iowa City and here his death occurred in 1890, from in- juries received from falling from a roof of a barn. He was twice married, his first marriage occurring October 8. 1857, when he was united to Rachel A. Chamberlin. To this union there were three children born, namely : Mar- garet, Mary and George, none of whom are now living, and only one of whom, Margaret, grew to maturity. She died at the age of thirty, unmarried, and his first wife died June 20, 1864, ^ii^^ iJii September 13, 1866, he was united in marriage to Philena Higgins, mother of the subject, as stated above. She was a daughter of Jesse and Sophronia (Van W'ormer) Higgins. To this second marriage were born three children, namely : Sophronia Celia, born September 3, 1867, died at the age of twenty-six; Agnes, born in iVugust, 1869, died at the age of four; and Xellie, the subject of this review. The mother died May 10, 1903, at Monroe, Iowa, where she was living with the subject, leaving her the only Ii\ing member of her family. Her father's peo- ple were all long-lived people. The family is of German descent. Two of her aunts, on the father's side, Lucinda Wolf Drake and Xancy Doty, are still living, aged respectively eighty-eight and eighty-two. Mrs. Drake lives in Newton, Iowa, Mrs. Doty at Sparta, Ohio. Nellie Slaght graduated from the high school at Iowa City, after which she taught two terms of school in Johnson county, and one term in the schools of Washington county, this state. She then took up the study of osteopathy, and entered the S. S. Still College of Osteopathy in Des Moines, Iowa, from wliich institution she was graduated in June, 1901. Slie then moved with her mother to Monroe, where she began the practice of osteopathy. About a year later she gave up her practice in Monroe and went to Chicago and taught there in the Chicago School of Osteopathy in the winter of 1902-3. She also took up the study of homeopathy, from which branch of medicine she was graduated in April, 1904. After her graduation she entered St. Hedwig's Hospital in Chicago as interne and served there during the winter of 1904-5. The following July she came to Newton and opened an office for the practice of osteopathy. Success crowned her efforts, and during the years she has been in Newton she has built up a large and lucrative practice and is recognized as one of its leading and prominent physicians. She is an active member of the state and district osteopathic associations and is eligible to meml)ership in the National Osteopathic Association. She is a zealous member and actixe worker in the United Pres])vterian church. _|.56 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. GEORGE C. HART. In studving the interesting life histories of many of the better class of men, and the ones of unquestioned merit and honor, it will be found that they have been compelled, very largel}'. to map out their own career and furnish their own motive force in scaling the heights of success, and it is such a one that the biographer writes of in these paragraphs. George C. Hart, a jjrominent citizen of Newton. Jasper county, is the son of Cyrus \\'. and Agnes M. ( Duff ) Hart, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Pennsylvania. The paternal grandfather was also named Cvrus ; the latter married Susan Ewing. who emigrated from Ireland with her parents when three years of age and they located near Pittsburg, Pennsyl- vania. The grandfather was born in Vermont and after his marriage lived in Ohio and reared a family of seven children. He was quite a talented man, being a musician and an author of note in that locality. Those of the children who came West were Theodore Plart, a former physician of Galesl)urg. this county, and also of Xewton, now deceased. Harriet Denniston, whose hus- band mysteriously disappeared while on a trip to Philadelphia with a load of horses; George Denniston, of Xewton, is their son. Susan was the wife of \A''ilson Tompson, now deceased; he was a farmer in Buena A'^ista township; James Hart was also a farmer in that township; Cyrus, father of the subject, and Lucy, who married James Irwin, were twins; she is deceased. Air. Irwin was a farmer in Buena Vista township and hardware merchant in Xewton. Cyrus Hart, the father, was born in 1833. and his wife, who was the daughter of a farmer, was born in 183^). The}- emigrated to Iowa in the pioneer days, descending the Ohio river, and thence up the ^Mississippi ri\er to Keokuk, then hauled their goods overland with ox teams to Mahaska county, where they purchased one hundred and sixtv acres of land. X'^ot having been used to a prairie country they found the winters uncomfortably severe, and the following spring sold their place and mo\ed to Jasper county and bought two hundred and forty acres in the timber, in Buena Arista town- ship. There was a stone quarry upon the place wln'cli proved to l)e a lucrative source of revenue. Some of the stone which entered into the construction of the old Jas])er county court house was taken from this quarry. In 1866 Mr. Hart traded this place for one hundred :>nd sixty acres in section 29, Buena \^i.sta township: later he added to this until he owned four hundred and seventy-eight acres, which he retained until 1892, when he retired and moved to Xewton. having laid by a competency and become one of the substantial men of his communitv, but he was not eniraeed in farminij- all that time. He JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 457 owned a house and lot where the present opera house now stands, and he was at one time engaged in the shipping ])usiness. He was the first citizen of Jasper county to start a dairy and creamery ; however, there was one here be- fore his, but it was operated by outside capital. While on his farm he was a heavy stock shipper and before the railroad was put through he was compelled to drive his stock to Kellogg for shipping. Mr. Hart died in Newton in 1907, honored and respected by all; one of the county's early settlers, he was one of its successful and progressive as well as influential business men. public spirited and active in the advance movements of his day and generation. It is a singular coincidence that his death and that of all the other deceased mem- bers of the Hart family occurred in February. The family of Cyrus Hart consisted of six children, namely: John died in infancy; Emma, who married Dr. I. H. ]^loore. of Monroe, now lives at Seattle, Washington ; until recent years he was superintendent of the Treadwell mine in Alaska; Madge mar- ried Jesse McClintock, and they live in Missouri ; Charles is engaged in the mercantile business at Blackfoot. Idaho; Fanny, who married Milt Carrier, lives in Xewton. Iowa: and George C, of this review. The mother of these children was called to her rest in February. 1904. George C. Hart, the third child in order of birth in his father's familv, was born in Jasper county, October 6, 1858. He received a good education and when twenty-one years of age he bought eighty acres of land from his father, and that year the father started in the creamery business and he induced his son to remain and manage the same for him. and in order to fully equip himself for this line of endeavor he went to a college where dairying is taught and took a course in the same, then returned and took charge of the business, which, under his able management, rapidly grew to large proportions and was a \erv paying enterprise. Four years later lie operated a dairy at Lynnville; later he rented his father's place and successfully operated the farm for six vears. At the end of that time he bought one hundred and twenty acres in Palo Alto township, in section 13. Eight years later he sold this and for two vears he engaged in the stock and meat market business in Xewton. He then bought land in South Dakota, also one hundred and sixty acres in Buena Msta township, about a mile from his birthplace. In all these business ventures he was successful. On Februarv 18. 1885, Mr. Hart was united in marriage with Alma Eaton, who was born November 14, 1858. the daughter of Fred and Carrie (Hodges) Eaton, the father a native of Ohio and the mother was born in the state of New York. Mr. Eaton came to Jasper county, Iowa, many year; ago and is todav one of the county's prominent citizens: he was elected county _^-S JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. recoixler for two terms. He and his wife live in Newton. Twelve children were born to them, namely : Frank died when thirteen years old ; \\'illiam is fanning in Newton township; Carrie married Gus Ericson and lives at Red Oak. Iowa: Arthur lives in Newton; Truman makes his residence in Kellogg township; Harry lives at Shenandoah, Page county; Horace is deceased; Fred, jr., lives in California; Sherman is deceased; Addie married Alton Reynolds and lives in Denver, Colorado ; Anna Belle is deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hart three children have been born: Grace, born Februarv 14. 1886, married Dr. \\'illiam Nelson, a dentist at Essex. Page county; Mabel, born ]\Iay 13. 1888, married Dr. H. D. Bergman, mem- ber of the faculty of Ames College, Ames, Iowa ; C. Fred, born January 29, 1896. also lives at home. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Hart are the fond grandparents of one little baby girl, Marjorie, born May 20, 1909, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Mrs. Hart's grandfather Hodges was in the Revolutionary war. George C. Hart has long been prominent in political affairs, and in 1900 he was elected county supervisor, and has since been re-elected. He is the inventor of a combination street fountain for the watering of both man and beast, that has many unique features which bids fair to become very popular. Mr. Hart is the owner of good city property and his home is an attractive and commodious one. Fraternally, Mr. Hart is a member of Modern Woodmen Camp No. 182 at Newton. He and his wife belong to the Alethodist Episcopal church of this city and are liberal supporters of the same. CHARLES C. McCONKEY. To the strong, defeats are but mile-stones on the highway tit Aictory. This truth seems to have been borne out by Charles C. McConkey, one of Jasper county's progressive citizens and an honored representative of one of her old i)ioneer families, members of which have done a great deal in various ways in contributing to the general development of this favored section of the great Hawkeye state. Mr. McConkey has never permitted obstacles to d<»\\n him or turn him aside when once he has determined upon a legitimate course of action, and therefore he has succeeded in his life work. Mr. McConkey was born May 18, 1872, in this county, and he is the son of Cobane and Sarah J. (Read) McConkey, early settlers of Jasper county. The paternal grandfather was Samuel McConkey. Cobane :\IcConkey was a JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 459 native of Ohio, born near Hopedale, Harrison county. When a young man be went to Virginia and was married there, by Alexander Campbell, the founder of the Campbellite church at Bethany. Cobane McConkey devoted his life to farming and in 1853 he brought his young wife to Scott county, Iowa, where they engaged in farming two years. He then moved to Jasper county and bought one hundred and twenty acres of good land in Newton township, which he retained up to the time of his death, having improved it into a splendid farm. He spent his last vears in retirement in Newton and died there in 1896 at the age of seventy-four vears. He was a good man and had the respect of all who knew him. His widow survives, making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Sumner E. Gates, just north of the city of Newton. The son. Charles C. was one of ten children, two of whom died in in- fancy : the others are ]\Iargaret I. Gates, widow of Sumner E. Gates, a prom- inent Jasper county citizen, his death haxing occurred in 1900; their sketch appears elsewhere in this work. Jane McConkey, who became the wife of Frank Graham, is now deceased ; Alice married John Alunn, of Newton town- ship; Edward died when seventeen years old; Mary died at the age of nine- teen ; Lillie married Bert Beatty, of Newton township ; William remained sin- gle and died when twenty-nine years old. Charles C. A'IcConkev attended the common schools, also Hazel Dell Academy two years. He began life for himself when about sixteen years of age, doing various things whereby he could earn honest money, but most of his labors were confined to the farm. He learned the carpenter's trade when a young man, which he has followed practically ever since. On June 28. 1893, Mr. McConkey was united in marriage with Alice Stuver, who was born in Iowa in October, 1874, the daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Palmer) Thomas. \\'hen but a small child she was legally adopted bv Aaron and Josephine Stuver, who had no children of their own. She has two sisters living, Mrs. Sarah Davis and Mrs. Zoa King, both in Colorado. When but a girl of sixteen she taught scliool two years, being .married at the age of eighteen. Not long after they were married Mr. and Mrs. ]\IcConkey moved to Brule county. South Dakota, where they purchased a quarter sec- tion of land, which they disposed of a few years later and returned to Jasper countv, locating on the old home place, which Mr. McConkey farmed for two years, then moved to the city of Newton and followed the carpenter's trade until the desire for a change again seized him; thus three years later he moved his familv to Chickasha. Grady county, Oklahoma; but he returned to lasper countv in 1909, since which time he has been following his trade, being _j.6o JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. \ery successful as a contractor and builder. He is regarded as a high grade workman and his contract jobs are always turned out quickly and well done. yir. and Mrs. McConkey are the parents of four children, namely : Charles Harold, born in .\ugust, 1905; Bertram, born in 1897, *^1'^<^ i" i'"*" fancv ; Edward, born in May, 1902: Margaret, born in Alay. 1909. Mr. McConkev has been very successful in a business way and he is now the owner of three hundred acres of valuable land in Kaddo county. Okla- homa. Fraternallv. he belongs to the Alasonic lodge in Xewton. and he is also a member of the Ancient Order of United \\'orkmen, in Brule county. South Dakota, and of the Relief Association of Oklahoma, Xo. 59. He and his wife are members of the Congregational church. ANDREW J. BROKAW. Abram Brokaw, the grandfather of the subject, was born in New Jersey in 1773, the son of Caleb Brokaw, who was a lieutenant in the war of the Revolution, and a brother of Caleb, named Isaac, served as private in the Revolutionary war. Abram Brokaw was married to Mariah Stryker. a native of New Jersey, in the year 1791, and to them were born fifteen children. In the year 1822 the family removed from Xew Jersey to Ohio and settled in Jefferson county, that state, and there Abram Brokaw departed this life in the year 1826. John A. Brokaw. the father of Andrew J., was the se\enth child born to Abram and ]\lariah Brokaw, and was Ijorn July 4, 1804. At the age of seventeen he learned the shoemaker's trade and began working for himself. When the family moved to Ohio, he went with them, but eighteen months later he went back to X^ew Jersey. A year later he returned again to Ohio and remained there until after the death of his father, when he took his mother and went back to New Jersey. Upon tliis trip he married Caroline Bush, a native of Xew Jersey, having been born in that state on June 20, 1809. In 183 1 John Brokaw took his wife and family, consisting at that time of two children, and again removed to Jefferson county, Ohio, but one year later he moved to Knox county, in the same state, and there he remained, working at his trade and farming until his death, which occurred on January 17, 1893. at the \enerable age of eighty-nine. At the time he arrived in Knox county, his entire worldly possessions consisted of one horse and a wagon and three dollars and twelve and one-half cents in monev. B\ inchistrv and thrift he JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 461 acquired quite a handsome campetence. His wife, Caroline Brokaw. the mother of Andrew J., died at Mt. Liberty, Knox county, Ohio, in 1878. This couple were the parents of thirteen children, as follows: Sarah, Ixtrn in 1829, died in 1852, was the wife of Henry Slack; Maria was the wife of Peter Sprack- len, born February 21. 1831, died 1855; Effa, born Februarys 26, 1833. mar- ried George Barr in 1853, and is now living at Manilla, Crawford county, Iowa, her husband being deceased ; Elizabeth, wife of D. L. Brackenridge, was born in November, 1834, and died in Tama county, Iowa, December 2t,, 1872; a daughter, born January 25, 1837, died in infancy; Phoebe A., born June 17, 1838, married Frank Lambert in 1859, and lives in Manilla, Craw- ford county, Iowa; Caroline, born January 27, 1842. married John Bird. Sep- tember 7, 1865. and lives at Mt. Vernon. Knox county, Ohio; Mary L.. lx>rn in February, 1843. niarried Smith Gearhart in 1865, and lives at Mt. Liberty, Knox county, Ohio ; Andrew J., the subject of this review, born June 6, 1845 ; William B., born August 8. 1847, lives in Richland county, Ohio; Abraham G.. born February 4. 1850. lives in Manilla, Crawford county, Iowa; John B.. born July 25, 1852, lives at Hollywood, California, has a real estate Ijusiness in Los Angeles, that state; Marcus, born July 8. 1855, died in infancy. Andrew J. Brokaw, who was the ninth child born to John and Caroline Brokaw. received his early educational training mainly in the country schools in Knox count}', Ohio. .\t the age of twenty-two he started out to work for himself, and a few years later. 1870. he came to Jasper county, Iowa, and worked as a farm hand around at different places, making his home the m.eanwhile with a sister. Phoebe Lambert, at that time living on a farm in Xewton township, this county. For a little over four years he continued working thus, at which time he was united in marriage with Mrs. Elizabeth Bishop, who was the widow of Miles S. Bishop and the daughter of Marcus A. and Lydia (Nichols) ^Morton, her father being a native of Massachusetts, born at Middlebury. that state, and her mother a native of Vermont. lx)rn at Well ford, that state. The family came from Massachusetts in the year 1832 to Licking county, Ohio, and settled on a farm not far from Gran\ille. that state. Here they lived until the year 1848. when they removed to Wood county, in the same state, where they engaged in agricultural pursuits until the death of the husband and father, which occurred on December 18. 1855, The next vear. the family, consisting of the mother and children, came to Iowa, and purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land just north of Newton, in Newton township, in the neighborhood of Farmer College. Here the mother departed this life on October 14, i860. There were ten _|(i2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. children in this family, as follows: George, born November 7. 1830. lives in Wood county, Ohio; A\'illiam W., born ^lay 22, 1832, died May 19, 1901, at Newton, leaving a family of three children. He owned a feed yard, the first one of its kind established in Newton, where Simpson's feed yard is now located; Hiram M., born January 8, 1834, died at Winterset, Iowa, in 1873. leaving four children; Sarah, wife of George Bacon, was born Decem- ber 18, 1836, lives at Horton, Kansas; Elizabeth, wife of Andrew J. Brokaw. was born November i, 1838; Silas \\'.. born April 21, 1840, died in 1906 at Council Bluffs. Iowa, leaving two children; Elias A died in infancy; Lydia E., born December 9. 1844, married James Trussel, and died in 1865, leaving five children; Julia, born September 14. 1846, wife of Thomas Helphrey, lives in Chicago; Mattie, wife of Jolin B. Johnson, was l)orn April 22, 1848, died at -Council Bluffs, Iowa, March 12, 1880, leaving three children. At the time the Morton family came to and located at Farmer College the country was very sparsely settled, there being only three houses Ijetween their place and the village of Newton. In 1859 Elizabeth Morton married Miles L. Bishop, a young farmer, who died in 1870. leaving her with five small children, namely: Eva, born November 12, i860, is the wife of John Mclllece, and lives in Webster county, Nebraska, where they own a farm of three hundred and twenty acres; George ]\I. and Charlie, twins, born June 5. 1862. George Hves in Scott county. Iowa, and Charlie lives at Baxter, Iowa, where he is engaged in business. He also owns land in North Dakota ; Hattie L., born June 7, 1864, married Frank Truman, lives at Lemoyne, \Vood county, Ohio; Delbert E.. born July 20, 1866. lives in Des Moines, Iowa. On February 2, 1875, Mrs. Bishop married Andrew J. Brokaw, and to them were born three children, namely: Mina, born March 7, 1877, married Charles Earl in 1899, lives in Rock Island, Illinois; J. A., born December 8, 1880, married Ethel Taylor December 9. 1907. lives at Newton, Iowa, and a boy who died in infancy. In 1901 Mr. and ]Mrs. Brokaw sold the home farm, where she had lived since a girl for over forty years, and purchased property in Newton. Their home is located in the southeast part of the city, where they have three acres of land. They also own a small tract of timber land in Kellogg township. Mr. Brokaw retired from active life when he left the farm in 1901. His family is of French extraction, while Mrs. Brokaw is of Scotch descent on her mother's side and English on her father's. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church in Newton, active and zealous in all the branches of that institution. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 463 W. M. GUESSFORD. The methods of \V. M. Guessford, well known real estate and insurance man of Newton, who for many years was a leading farmer of Jasper county, have always been progressive, and he is quick to adopt new ideas wiiich he believes will be of practical value in his work. Indolence and idleness have been entirely foreign to his nature and owing to his close application to his business and his honorable methods he has won the prosperity that he richly merited, while he enjoys the friendship and esteem of the people throughout the county. Mr. Guessford was born in Adair county, Kentucky, November 20. 1848. He is the son of \\'illiam D. and Emily J. (Smith) Guessford, both natives of Kentucky. The father emigrated to ^lissouri in 1850, coming on to Iowa in 1856, locating four miles south of Newton where he remained until seventeen years ago, when he moved to Newton and died here in October, 1906. He devoted his life to farming and his efforts were crowned with abundant success. He was a good citizen, but plain and retiring, seeking no public honors. The mother of the subject passed away when he was but seven years old. in 1855. preceding her husband to the grave over half a cen- tury. They were the parents of six children, four of whom are living, namely : Mrs. Louise Booyer, of Viola, Illinois: Mrs. Anngemona Springer, of Har- lan, Iowa: D. ]M., of Sumner, Nebraska; and W. M. of this review. The father of these children married a second time, his last wife being Lucy Evart, a native of New Jersey, this union resulting in the birth of five chil- dren, four of whom are living, namely: Joshua and Leander, both of New- ton : George lives southeast of Newton ; and Ida lives in Newton. W. M. Guessford grew to maturity on his father's fann and assisted in the general work about the place. He received a ^ery good education in the public schools, and he has made farming his chief life work, following the same with unabated success for a period of thirty-five years in Jasper county, having maintained a very desirable, productive and well im.proved place ten miles southeast of Newton. Seven years ago he gave up farming and moved to Newton where he has since engaged in real estate and the insurance business with singular success, having succeeded in building up a very satisfactory patronage. He is well infonned on the various grades and range in prices of real estate in this locality and his scrupulous honesty in all his dealings with his fellow men has given him an excellent standing in the business world, so that he has both the good will and the confidence of all who know him. 464 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Guessford is the owner of two valuable farms, one of eighty acres a mile south of Xewton, and one of one hundred sixty-se\en and a half acres near Colfax. On September 29, 1869, he married Catherine I. Blakely, a native of Ohio. She was the daughter of Z. A\'. and Elizabeth Blakely, who came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1866. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Guessford : Cora; Edward lives east of Xewton; Mrs. Lucretia Donald lives in Wayne county, Iowa, near Corydon ; Elmer lives near Cambria, Wayne county, Iowa ; Tames R. is associated with his father and is also in the auction busi- ness; Earl C. is employed in the First National Bank of Xewton. Mr. and Mrs. Guessford are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, Mr. Guessford being a teacher in the Sunday school; their children also belong to this church. Mr. Guessford is an enthusiastic worker in the church and Sunday school and has held every official position in the church. Fraternally, he belongs to the ^^'oodmen of the World. HON. ELI E. DOTSON. Herein is recorded the life history of a man who has been long, actively and prominently concerned in the affairs of Colfax and vicinity, one who dur- ing his life has been a practical and progressive teacher, an able and successful farmer, an efficient servant of the people in his state's legislative halls, and is now a prominent banker and business man of Colfax, a man whom the people trust implicitly, because they have seen him tried in so many situations in life — Hon. Eli E. Dotson. Eli E. Dotson was born in Edgar county, Illinois, on February 20, 1847, and was brought to Jasper county, Iowa, in June, 1848, by his parents. He is the son of Charles A. Dotson, whose sketch see in this w^ork. He was reared on the home farm, two and one-half miles north of Colfax, and attended the common schools. Then, showing a fondness for books and education be- yond that of most farm boys, he attended Grinnell College. For several terms he taught school in Jasper county, and for a time in Colfax, and in this capac- ity became well known, and because of his forceful personality and mastery of his profession he exerted a strong influence for good on the pupils who came under his instruction. He became the owner of a large tract of land west of Colfax in Washington township, and resided on the farm from 1876 to 1897, during which time he prospered. In 1897 he moved to Colfax and O^'-'A^^ "Y^-^-i-^ ^d-t\jl JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 465 now resides there, 1)iit still manages his farm of five hundred acres personally, with the same capability which he exercised when he lived upon it. At the organization of the First National Bank of Colfax Mr. Dotson became vice- president and later cashier, and his ability has had much to do wnth the prog- ress and prosperity of that institution, one of the soundest of Jasper county's banking establishments. Mr. Dotson is a Republican in politics and early held the offices of town- ship clerk, trustee, member of the school board, and other local offices. In 1879 he was elected to the Iowa Legislature from Jasper county, and re-elected in 1881. He served in the sessions of 1880 and 1882, and in the latter session was chairman of the committee on schools, which w^as in that session one of the most important committees, as several significant laws in regard to educa- tion were considered by the Assembly. Here Mr. Dotson's experience and reputation as a teacher had equipped him to render efficient service. Mr. Dot- son has been chairman of the county central committee and has long been veiy active in county and state politics. In fraternal relations he is a member of the Masons, of the Mystic Shrine, and of the Knights of Pythias. In 1868 Mr. Dotson was married in Jasper county to Mary Ellen Hurst, the daughter of Alfred Hurst, of Jasper county. She bore to him the follow- ing children: Ulysses, now principal of schools at Salem. Oregon; the Rev. Charles A., of Portland, California, pastor of the Christian -church; Doctor Eli E., of Corning, Oregon; Seymour H., and Sarah Belle, the wife of Ed Bolen, of Poweshiek county, Iowa. Mr. Dotson was married a second time to Anna Triplett, of Jasper county. To this marriage one child was born, Hugh L., of the United States navy, on the flagship "Tennessee" of the North Atlantic squadron. Mr. Dotson is well known to the people of Colfax, and they fully realize the value o^his services to the community and the worth of his character. For this reason w^ords of encomium are unnecessary, beyond saying that he is known in such a way as to create respect for the man who has builded his life so admirably. RALPH ROBINSON. Ralph Robinson, who died July 2r, J911. was tor man}- years the able editor of the Nezvton Journal. He was born in Washington county. Penn- sylvania, September 11, 1830. But little information is before the writer regarding the earlv history of the Robinson family. \\'c learn. hn\\c\'er, (30) _^t,r> JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. that they originated in the north of Ireland and w ere all Protestants, and by (-(ccupation small farmers and weavers. The paternal great-grandfather was quite a leader in his community, and was at one time master of the grand lodge of the Orangemen of Ireland. The famil}' was numbered among the early ^lethodists of Ireland, and John Wesley, when in the neighborhood, visited the subject's grandfather, to whom he wrote a number of letters. Large families have always been characteristic of the Robinsons. In his great-grandfather's family there were fifteen children; in his grandfather's thirteen, and in his father's family nine, consisting of seven sons and two daughters. Of these last, two brothers and one sister are now living. William Robinson, father of the subject, was ])rought to this country when a voung man. together with two others bearing the same name as he. bv an uncle whose name was also William Robinson. This uncle was a unique character, of liberal education and a bachelor. The object of his life was to free Ireland, and he came to America with the determination to make a fortune and eventually use it in bringing" about the accomplishment of the aim of his life. He possessed a remarkable memory and in all his numerous business transactions never kept a book, depending on liis memory for every- thing in this line. He was always very reticent, and never conversed with relatives or friends of his business transactions unless obliged to do so. It is believed that he accumulated a fortune of some two or three million dollars. and was doubtless preparing to devote it to the object for which it was made, when he was seized with a stroke of apoplexy and died without lea\ing any information to his relatives or friends of where his accumulations were in- vested, and the lawyers in the large cities where his interests were supposed to be. being discreet enough to keep silent after his death, neither Ireland nor his relati\'es received anv benefit from his large fortune. The father of the subject was one of a pair of twins, the tenth addition to the family. He settled in A\'ashington, Washingt(jn county. Pennsylvania. where he opened a small weaving shop, and early in life married ^fargaret Bushfield, of Greensburg, Westmoreland count\-. I'ennsvhania. Energetic and industrious, a man of keen intelligence and judicious management, he prospered in business, and at the time of his death, \\hich occurred in \\'ash- ington, I'ennsyhania, in 1834. he was a wealtlu' man. While engaged in wea\ing". he em])lo}-ed man\- apprentices, flaxing always been a Methodist. he was an^ong the first to join the Methodist Protestant church after the division of the ^lethodist Episcopal church, and was a very devoted member of the denomination. To aid the cause, he made it a point to "graduate" JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 467 preachers from among his apprentices at the weaver's bench, and in that way he added a dozen or more ministers to the pulpit of the chiircli. the most prominent of them being Doctor A[cCHntock, of Philadelphia. Since coming to this country the Robinson family has been largely engaged in business enterprises, more particularly in the weaving, paper and iron business. One of the subject's uncles built the Benwood Iron Mills, at Benwood. three miles south of Wheeling. West \'irginia, and a brother was extensively interested in paper mills, owning an interest in several large concerns. Quite a number of his immediate family have been newspaper publishers. His eldest brother, Samuel, was for a time connected with the Washington (Pennsylvania) Reporter. His bfother, James G., in company with D. R. Locke (the famous "Xasby"), first published the Advertiser, at Plymouth, Richland county. Ohio, afterward the Mansfield Herald, at Mans- field. Ohio, and then the Bncyrns Journal. Subsequently the subject of this sketch purchased Mr. Locke's interest in the last named paj)er, after which he and his brother published it for sev- eral years. Another brother. William T.. learned the printer's trade in Washington county. Pennsyhania. and first published the Republican at Knoxville, Illinois, then the Juurtiol at Leon. Decatur county. Iowa, and is now puljlishing the Opinion at Glenwood. Iowa, having been a publisher for nearly forty vears. When the senior ^Ir. Robinson died, in 1834, the subject was a child of four years, and his mother was left a widow with seven chil- dren. Soon afterwards financial reverses came, and in 1837 the family re- moved to Beverly. Washington county. Ohio, from which point the children began to scatter. In 1840 the mother and three children removed to ]\Iorris- town. Belmont county, Ohio, thence to Camliridge, and finally returned to Beverly, where she died in 1841. A^erv earlv in life the struggle for existence began with the subject of this sketch. At eleven years of age, he having determined to learn the trade of a printer, we find him at ^leadow Farm. Muskingum county. Ohio, where he found a place with the Rev. Cornelius Springer, who was then publishing the Western Recorder, Methodist Protestant paper. There he remained about two and one-half years, after which he worked for a time on the Zanes^iille Aurora, and from there went to \\'heeling. West \'irginia. where he entered the office of the J J 'heeling Times, then under the management of James E. Wharton. In that office his term of apprenticeship was completed, after which he attended school in \Mieeling for two terms. We next find Mr. Robinson a teacher in the public schools for one year. This profession. howe\er. did not suit his taste, for while he desired to be a 468 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. teacher, he wanted to do liis work through the columns of a newspaper and not in the school room. Removing to Pittsburgh, he Ijecame a journeyman and reporter, and also filled the position of foreman in several offices in that citv. He was a member of the second, if not the first, typographical union in this country. \\'hile engaged as foreman on the Chronicle in Pittsburgh, he gave to a man who afterward became famous his first work in a [)rinting office. This was no less a personage than David R. Locke, who is noted as the author of the "Xasby Letters", and who made a great success as editor and publisher of the Toledo Blade. As ]\Ir. Robinson grew older and gained additional experience, he dis- covered that a more thorough education would be of ad\'antage to him. Accordingly he went to Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, where he entered college and attended several terms, but did not graduate. Later he became proprietor of a book store in Wheeling, which, after conducting for little more than a year, he sold. For a time he managed a straw paper mill, in which a brother was interested. On account of failing health, he removed from Wheeling to Fairfield, Huron county. Ohio, and returned to his ''first love," the news- paper business. At that time he purchased an interest in the Fairfield Gazette, and continued its publication for two years. He then accepted a position as local editor of the Peoria (Illinois) Transcript, and after a short time thus s[)cnt he purchased the Republican at Middleport, Iroquois county, Illinois. The fever and ague drove him out of that town, and he went to Bucyrus, Ohio, where he bought an interest in the Journal and remained for six and one-half years. Meantime the Civil war was in progress. Mr. Robinson assisted in raising two companies of volunteers for Union services, notwithstanding the fact that Crawford county was relied upon for a Democratic majority of nineteen hundred, and the blue coat of a soldier upon the street was oftentimes the signal for a knock-down. Though desirous of enlisting, Mr. Robinson realized that to do so meant to discontinue a Republican paper in Crawford county, and on consulting with Ohio's old war governor, David Todd, he was told, ''Stick to your paper, Ralph. You can do more good for the L^nion cause there than }0u can by fighting rebels at the front." Therefore his fighting was done through his paper, and he did his full share of it, too. ^Moreover, he has the honor of a lieutenant's commission, having been commissioned in Company B, First Ohio Regiment, "Squirrel Hunters," at the ''siege of Cincinnati," and partook of six-weeks rations of hardtack and "pig's bosom." AVhile in Bucyrus, Mr. Robinson married Fannie J- Hamilton, whose lnjme was in ^lonroeville, Ohio. From Bucyrus he came to Iowa and pur- chased a half interest in the Fairfield Ledger with W. A\". Junkin. remaining JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 469 there for six and one-half years. He then went to Clarinda, where he pur- chased the entire interest of the Clarinda Herald, running it until 1877, when he came to Xewton and bought a half interest in the Newton Journal, and subsequently purchased the entire paper, in the publication of which he was engaged until his death. Socially, he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and was a Royal Arch Mason, having taken the first three degrees in Wheeling Lodge Xo. 128, in 1853. when he lived in that city. He was made a chapter Alason in McCord Chapter of Fairfield, Iowa, and received the council degrees at Newton. In all his newspaper venturings and wanderings ^Ir. Robinson was successful as a publisher and gained the respect and confidence of the people among whom he resided. He was thrice honored by being chosen as a delegate to national editorial conventions. Since his residence in Iowa, he visited all parts of the country, from Manitoba on the north to the old city of Mexico on the south, and from Boston on the east to San Diego on the west, travel being his principal recreation. In politics he was always a Republican. He was a member of an old Whig family, and his first Republican vote was cast for John C. Fremont, and every vote afterwards was cast for the nominees of the partv he represented, without an exception or a scratch on the tickets. The great good accomplished by the party during all these years of his con- nection therewith furnished him with reliable evidence that he had made no mistake in his political affiliations. From 1854 to the Emancipation Proc- lamation of President Lincoln, he was more or less identified with the "Old Liberty Guard'" and knew much of the workings and passengers of the underground railway and of the travel of the latter from slavery of the South to their Mecca of freedom in Canada. Mr. and ]\Irs. Robinson became the parents of two daughters and two sons. The eldest daughter, Margaret, now the wife of Rev. R. F. Chambers, of Jackson. Minnesota, is an entliusiastic and earnest worker in church mat- ters. The eldest son. Roy, is one of the proprietors of the JJ'alsenburg (Colorado) Independent. The second son, S. ^ilona. is manager of the Xewton Manufacturing Company. The younger daughter, Daisee, now Mrs. ^Mark Evans, is now with her mother since the father's death. Mr. Robinson's fifty-two vears of hard continued labor in and about a printing office was a limit few men have attained, and he was continually found in his printing establishment, guiding and directing, and at his editorial desk. His editor- ials attracted no little attention. When he supported an enterprise, he did it with his whole soul, and what he condemned through his paper, his friends were apt to let alone. _^yO JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. HENRY SILWOLD. Henry Silwold, well known attorney and substantial citizen of Newton, Jasper county, was born in Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, January 12, i860. He is the son of Henry and Charlotte (Depping) Silwold, both natives of Germany where they spent their childhood, emigrating to America when young. The elder Silwold devoted his life to farming and by hard work and good management became well established. He came to Iowa in 1866, located in Malaka township, Jasper county, where he bought land which he placed under excellent improvements and a high state of cultivation and where he continued to live until his death, in October, 1901, his wife surviv- ing until ^larch, 1908. They were highh- respected in their community and had a host of friends where^•er they were known. Six children were born to them, five of whom are living, namely : Henry, of this review ; Mrs. Herman Claussen, who lives four miles north of Newton; Mrs. W. J. Kelly, of Grovont, Wyoming; Fred is living on the old home farm in this county; Marv is also living on the old homestead. Henry Silwold was six years of age when his parents brought him to Jasper county ; here he grew to maturity on the home farm which he worked during the crop seasons, attending the common schools in the wintertime; after which he took a preparatory course at Hazel Dell Academy at Newton before entering Drake University, in 1885, at Des Moines, from which insti- tution he was graduated in 1890, having completed the collegiate course. He remained under his parental roof-tree, with the exception of the time spent in school, until he was t\\enty-five years of age. He had long entertained a laudable ambition to study law, and after leaving college he plunged into Blackstone and other authorities in earnest and made rapid progress with W. O. McElroy, of Newton, and he was admitted to the bar in October, 1892, and soon thereafter began active practice at Baxter, Iowa, where he gained a good foothold at once, remaining there three years. Seeking a wider field for the exercise of his talents, he moved to Newton in May, 1898, and has remained in the practice here to the present, proving himself to be a painstak- ing and careful advocate, and he is regarded as a logical and earnest pleader at the bar. He keeps fully abreast of the times in all matters pertaining to his professifjn. such as the latest decisions in important cases, new codes and revised statutes, anrl, judging from his past worthy and eminently honorable and satisfactory career, he bids fair to become one of tin- leading attorneys of the state in due course of time. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 4/1 yiv. Sihvold has never assumed the responsibilities of the married state. PoHtically, he is a RepubHcan and has been more or less active in political affairs for a number of years, always lending his support to any movement having for its object the general development of his locality. He was county attorney from April, 1900, to January 1, 1902, holding this important office in a manner that reflected much credit upon himself and to the entire satis- faction of all concerned. Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic order, and in religious matters he belongs to the Congregational church. MILTON A. McCORD. Milton A. McCord has long been recognized as one of Jasper county's foremost citizens, having long had the interests of the county at heart and which he has ever striven to promote in whatever laudable manner that pre- sented itself. His life has been led along high planes of endeavor and has been true to every trust that has been reposed in him. Thus for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he is an honored veteran of the greatest of the world's wars, in which he valiantly upheld the Stars and Stripes, he is eminently entitled to specific mention in a history of this character. Mr. McCord is the son of David and Eleanor (Temple) Macord, the father born in Virginia and the mother in Tennessee. Milton A. was the eighth in a family of eleven children, and he was born in Paris, Illinois, Feb- ruary 5, 1845. He lived in his native state until he was ten years of age, the family emigrating from Illinois in 1855 to Jasper county, Iowa, making the trip overland, locating in Newton township where, as pioneers, they settled on an unimproved farm which they developed and on which a good home was established, the elder Macord becoming one of the county's well-to-do men, owning at one time over two hundred and forty acres of land. Here IMrs. Alacord died in 1873, ^^ ^^e age of sixty-five years, the father's death occur- ring in 1884 at the age of seventy-eight years. The family has been identified with the business interests of Jasper county from its infancy and has borne an unsullied reputation. Milton A. .McCord grew to maturity on the home farm, and when but a boy he assisted in the general work about the place, attending the common schools in the winter time. He remained on the parental homestead until .\u- gust I, 1862, when, heeding his country's call, although yet a mere boy. he enlisted in Company K, Twenty-eighth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in which he _^j2 JASPER COUNTV, IOWA. served very faithfully for three years and nineteen days, during which time he participated in the battles of Champion's Hill, r>iege of Vicksburg, Port Gibson, Fisher's Hill. Black River, Cedar Creek and many others. His broth- ers, William l'.. Thomas T., James PI. and David X., were also in the service After receiving an honorable discharge, Mr. McCord returned home and began freighting across the plains with ox teams, making two trips to Denver, later engaging in farming and stock raising, being thus successfully engaged lip to 1890. He has always been more or less interested in ])uljlic affairs and always stood ready to support such measures as made for the progress of his county, and his loyalty has been rewarded by his friends electing him to sev- eral positions of trust and responsibility, having been elected sheriff of Jasper county in 1891, in which capacity he served for two terms in a manner that reflected much credit upon himself and to the entire satisfaction of his con- stituents. On March i, 1898, he was appointed postmaster at Newton, which position he held to October i, 1910, and in which he further demonstrated his eminent fitness as a public servant, pleasing both the department and the people of the town and vicinity. Mr. ]\IcCord was a delegate to the Republi- can national convention in 1908. On November 26, 1868, Mr. McCord married Gertie M. Reed, who was born in Indiana, and this union resulted in the birth of three children. Percy R.. Hettie and Stella M. WILLIAM CLAYTON POR\^IN. The history of Jasper county, Iowa, would be lacking should there be failure to give mention to William Clayton Porvin, who, though he spent the greater portion of his life in his native state of New York, was for many years a well known citizen of Newton, Iowa, where he took a leading part in all enterprises which promised the development of the community, and be- came influential in business and financial matters. William Clayton Porvin w^as born on January 11, 1828, the son of John and Sarah Porvin. His parents moved to Philadelphia when he w-as nine years old. and remained there until he was eighteen, when they returned to New York. Here his father died, and here the son lived \yith his mother until he was forty-six years old. On June 22, 1875, he was united in marriage at Middletown. New York, to Elizabeth Hamilton, who was born on January 30. 1839.- She was the daughter of James W. and Catherine (Taylor) Hamil- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 473 ton, of .Middletown, New York. Her father was a native of Scotland, and came with his parents when eight years old to Philadelphia. After his mar- riage Mr. Porvin and his wife remained for three years at Middletown. While living in Xew York he had been a wholesale druggist, and had been very suc- cessful, but on account of failing health, he and his wife m.oved to Xewton. Jasper county, Iowa, in 1879. To ]\Ir. and ]\Irs. Porvin were born two children: Edith C. at Middle- town. Xew York, on June 26, 1876, who is now deputy county superintendent of Jasper county, and is residing at home with her mother; and Hamilton, who was born at Middletown, New York, on May 31, 1878, and is employed as a bookkeeper with the Hawkeye Feeder Company. Mr. Porvin died on Xovember 14. 1893. His remains were interred in Newton cemetery. He was a member of the Congregational church, and gave to it his strong support. In politics he was a Republican, but took little active part. William Clay Porvin was not a relative of Theodore S. Porvin. but William Porvin, who was killed' at the battle of the Alamo, near Porvin, Texas, was an uncle of W^illiam Clay Porvin. William C. Porvin was a man of high ideals and culture. He ^\•as a man of the strictest integrity in business dealings and of keen judgment in finan- cial affairs. He was free with charity for the poor and needy, and was the friend of those in want, supplying their needs with pleasure. He was a man of strong intellect, and agreeable presence. Though his marriage occurred late in life, he was very much devoted to his wife and children, and no cloud ever occurred to shade their recollection of him as a kind and loving husband and father. As in his later days his business did not occupy all of his attention, he was enabled to give to his family much of his time and .society. This man of splendid character and attainments was one whose loss was deeply felt in Newton, for he had during his residence there strongly impressed his individ- ualitv on the people of that city, and they fully recognized the character of the man who had gone from their midst, and who had given so freely of his life and his talents to the service of the community, which had learned to honor and respect him. Mrs. AA^illiam Clay Porvin, an accomplished woman, whose appearance belies her age, is living with her children at No. 445 West McDonald street. Newton, and takes her full share in all the activities of the city, both social, religious and philanthropic, while Mr. Porvin's son and daughter are taking active and responsible parts in the work of the world. ^j^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. RICHARD LAMB. Fealty to facts in the analyzation of a citizen of the type of the late Richard Lamb, of Newton, Jasper county, is all that is required to make a biographical sketch interesting to those who have at heart the good name of the community, because it is the honorable reputation of the man of standing and affairs, more than any other consideration that gives character and stabil- ity to the body politic and makes the true glory of a city or state revered at home and respected abroad. In the broad light which things of good report ever invite the name and character of Mr. Lamb stand revealed and secure and though he is remembered as a man of modest demeanor, with no ambition to distinguish himself in public position or as a leader of men, his career was signally honorable and it may be studied with profit by the youth entering upon his life work. Mr. Lamb was born in Randolph county, North Carolina, September 9, 1829, and he was four years old when he accompanied his mother from his native hills to Hendricks county, Indiana, where he grew to manhood and received his education. His early youth was spent on the farm with his mother, two brothers and one sister, John. Caleb and Elizabeth. The subject was about four years old when his father, Albert Lamb, died, — in fact, death took him from his family while enroute to their new home in the North, to which the mother bravely pushed on and established in the Hoosier state. Richard Lanib came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1852, located at Newton and remained here three years. Here he met Nancy Thompson and they were married on February 25, 1855. She was born on September 3, 1834, and she was the daughter of Jerry and Jessie Thompson, of Kentucky. His par- ents moved from Wayne county, Kentucky, to Clinton county, Iowa, where they located on a farm. After his marriage Richard Lamb remained in New- ton but a short time, when he took his mother back to Indiana, their old home, and remained there five years on a farm in Hendricks county. Later Mr. Laml) Ijrought his wife and mother back to Newton, Iowa, in the fall of i860, and in 1865 they bought eighty-five acres of good land and there Mr. Lamb and wife made their home for a period of twenty-three years, during which time they enjoyed a liberal reward for their labors and developed one of the choice little farms of this part of the county. Finally, his health failing, he moved back to Newton, where he continued to reside until his death, on No- vember 13, 1 901, at the cozy and neatly furnished home, No. 425 West North street, where Mrs. Lamb continues to reside. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 475 They were the parents of two children, a daughter and a son. Frances Jane, born April i6, 1856, is now the wife of E. C. Ogg, of Xewton, and the mother of two sons living, Harry and George R , the latter being now in school at Monmouth College, Illinois. Albert Lamb, the subject's other child, died in infancy. Religiously, Richard Lamb held to the Baptist faith, and he was always a stanch Republican, taking a very active part in public affairs in his earlier years. Fraternall}-. he belonged to Lodge Xo. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Xewton, and he was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Lamb was very successful in a material wav and as he prospered through hard work and good management he added to his original eighty-fi\-e acres until he had a valuable place of two hundred acres, also a farm of one hundred and sixty acres in another part of Jasper county, which was well located and desirable land. He also owned one hundred and sixty acres of good land in Dakota, besides his home in X^ewton, adjoining which is one acre of land. He was one of the substantial and popular citizens of the county and, owing to his upright life, his kind and genial nature, he enjoyed the con- fidence, good will and friendship of all who knew him. WALTER J. MORGAX. It is probable, as a rule, that few of the present generation have ever realized in the dimmest way the transcendent possibilities that rested upon the shoulders of the pioneers of this country, of which worthy band the well remembered late Walter J. Morgan, of X'ewton, Jasper county, was an hon- ored member. Grant it that their lives, in certain instances, were somewhat narrow and that they realized but little the great results that ultimately crowned their efforts ; yet there exists the supreme fact that they followed their restless impulses, took their lives in their hands, overspread the wild prairies of the Hawkeye state and, with patient energ}', resolution and self- sacrifice that stands alone and unparalleled, they worked out their allotted tasks, accomplished' their destinies and today their descendants and others enjov undisturbed the fruitage of their lalx)rs. Mr. ^Morgan was born May 17, 1830, at Marshall. Xew York, and when he was a small boy, his parents, \\'alter and Louisa Morgan, came to Erie countv. X'ew York, and there the subject remained with his parents until he _^y6 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. was seventeen }ears old. when he went to Wisconsin, locating at Kenosha, where he remained for a number of years, and while there he learned his trade as cabinet maker, and while living" there he was married, on December lo, 1855, to Delia Derbyshire, the daughter of S. S. and Delia Derbyshire, Mrs. Morgan's birth having occurred on December 14, 1834, and she was living with her parents in Kenosha at the time of her marriage. This union was without issue. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan remained in Kenosha for nine years, and in 1864 they came to Jasper county. locating on a farm of four hundred acres in Clear Creek township, where they remained two years, then, late in the spring of 1867. they moved to another farm near Newton of two hundred acres, but remained there only a short time, moving to Newton in 1867, where Mr. Morgan launched in the furniture business and remained here until his death, on December 7. 1883, dying at the home where his widow has since lived, No. 306 East \\^ashington street, and he is buried in Newton cemetery. Fraternally, Mr. Morgan was a prominent Mason and Woodman at New- ton. He held to the creed of the Congregational church, although he was not a member of the same, but he was a liberal supporter of the local church and a great worker in the same. He was always a friend to the poor and did many charitable acts, not for any show or approval of the public, but out of- the largeness of his heart. In political affairs lie was always a stanch Republican although he never took an active part in public affairs. He was very success- ful as a business man and left his widow a beautiful and commodious home and cjuite a competency. She has long been a favorite with a wide circle of friends in Newton and vicinity, being the possessor of many estimable traits of character. THOMAS SMITH, JR. Prominent in the affairs of Newton and Jasper county and distinguished as a citizen whose influence was far extended beyond the limits of the com- munity honored by his residence, the name of the late Thomas Smith, Jr., for a quarter of a century the able and popular street commissioner, stands out a conspicuous figure. Characterized by breadth of wisdom and strong individuality, and in all of his enterprises and undertakings actuated by noble moti\es and high resolves, his success and achievements but represented the result of fit utilization of innate ralent in directing effort along those lines JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 477 where mature judgineiit and rare discriniinatioii led the way, and he long enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all classes, having done much for the general upbuilding of the city and community and led a clean, upright life from his youth up. Mr. Smith was born in England on ]\Iarch lo, 1S34, and after a long and busy career he passed to his reward at Xewton, Iowa, on Februar\- 25, 1907, at the attractive modern residence at No. 623 South Farmer street, where Mrs. Smith still resides. He grew to manhood and was educated in England, emigrating to New York City at the age of twenty-one years, but remained there only a short time when he came west, and, finding Jasper county a place of future possibilities and delightful surroundings, he decided to make this locality his permanent home, Iowa then being in her first stages of development. He first located in Newton township, but soon afterwards came to the town of Newton, where he made his home until his death, being' very active up to within a year and a half of that time, having resigned his position with the city in order to spend his declining days in retirement, ill health forcing him to take this step. He spent his early life engaged in agri- cultural pursuits, having in his youth worked with his father, Thomas Smith. Sr., a native of England and a prosperous farmer there. In 1856 Thomas Smith, Jr., was united in marriage with Mary Jackson, of Newton, Iowa, and to this union three children were born, onlv one of whom survives, Frank, who is married and resides at Colfax, this county. The first wife of Thomas Smith, Jr., died in 1872, and in 1874 he was united in marriage with Martha Hanson, of Newton, who was born Septem- ber 14, 1849, tl''^ daughter of Thomas Hanson and wife, of Birmingham. England. To this union four daughters were born, three of whom are now living, namely : Minnie married John Gardner, a large land owner and farmer of Jasper county; Ida May married William Gardner, a brother of John Gardner; thev live on a farm four and one-half miles from Newton and have two daughters, Mabel and Florence; Katie Belle married Guy Finch, of Newton. Mrs. Martha (Hanson) Smith is the daughter of Thomas and Jane Hanson, of Newton, to which city they came in 1865 from Birmingham, Eng- land. Here he soon began working at his trade, that of brick maker and molder. Their family consisted of fourteen children, namely : Emma, Mrs. Liza Lister, of Newton; William: ^^Irs Anna Beach, who now resides in Birmingham, England; Mrs. Fannie Newton, also of that city; ]\Iartha, now iMrs. Smith, of this review ; Mrs. Jane Ferguson, who lives in Adel, Iowa ; Mrs John Woodrow, of Newton. Iowa; Mrs. Clara Clasby, of Newton; ^-8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. George is deceased; Arthur lives in Oklahoma; Charles is deceased; Anna Norris is now deceased; Thomas lives in the state of Washington. Mrs. Thomas Smith, Jr., is the owner of considerable valuable property in Xewton. including a substantial and well furnished residence, surrounding which are three acres of ground. Mr. Smith was a Republican in politics and always took an active interest in local affairs. He was not a member of any church, being liberal in his religious views, although he inclined to the doctrine of the Methodists and at- tended thai church in Xewton with his family, they lieing members of the same. AUGUST WENDT. But a few years ago the gentleman whose name heads this re\'iew was a familiar figure in the city of Newton, where he was recognized as one of the prominent and successful merchants of that municipality. Born in Germany, he came to this country a poor immigrant, and by thrift and industry, and by adhering in the dealings of his business life to the principles of that church to which he was so greatly devoted, he gained a competence, became prosperous, and a leader in the community in which he resided, and which lost one of its ablest citizens in his death. August Wendt was born on May 26, 1845, ^^^ Shieder, Lippe-Dettmold. Germany. In infancy he was baptized in the Lutheran church, and in early life entered by confirmation into full communion with the church, throughout life making the service of his Master and his church his first object, literally obeying the injunction of his Master, ''Seek }'e first the kingdom of heax'en." In 1865, seeking for greater opportunities, young August Wendt came to America and, locating at Freeport, Illinois, resided there for four years, then came to Newton, Jasper county, Iowa, where he thenceforward cast his lot. He engaged in the grocer)- and dry goods business, in wiiich he greatly pros- pered, and was enabled to gain a competency sufficient to enable him to greatly assist in church work, to keep his family in comfort, and to accumulate a considerable amount of property in addition. He was prominent and respected among the business men of his city and active in every work which had for its object the betterment of the community, as well as in all kinds of philan- thropic movements. On Easter Monday, 1873, August Wendt was united in marriage with Emelinc Hanke. the daughter of Frederick and Matilda Ilanke, natives of JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 479 Germany, later residents of Freeport, Illinois. To this marriage were born five children, Louise, Matilda, August, Grace and Frederick. Fred- erick died in infancy; the others are living. Mrs. Emeline Wendt died at Newton, Iowa, on April 23, 1886, and on August 25, 1887, Mr. Wendt was married to Matilda Hanke, a sister of his first wife. To this marriage was born one son, William, now a student in Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa, in his fourth year's work. August Wendt was a stanch Republi- can, the principles of which party he adopted shortly after coming to this country. He died on July 26, 1896, and his remains were interred in the cemetery of Newton, Iowa. Extremely successful as was the business career of ]Mr. Wendt, perhaps he will be best remembered on account of the unceasing energy which he de- voted to the work of the Lutheran church, of which he was a mainstay, and the aid which he gave to charity and his kindness toward the needy and de- serving. He united with the Newton Evangelical church July 12, 1874. His place in the Lutheran congregation was one which cannot be filled, for, able church workers though there be, there are none with quite his tireless zeal, and strong and cheery personality. He was superintendent of its Sunday school for many years, and a deacon in the church. In public life he was a man of agressiveness and force, in his family he was a kind and tender com- panion, devoted to his wife and children, whose loss in his death was inestima- ble. GEORGE W. HICKMAN, JR. The present re^■iew records the events in the life of a man who was well known in Newton, Iowa, and to the people of Jasper county as a man of unswerving honor and integrity, and one capable of fulfilling his duty in all the situations of life where he was placed. He was yet but in his prime at the time when he was taken away, and the loss of his cheering presence and of his strong and upright manhood was greatly felt by those who had occasion to be associated with him, for though there are many who have become more famous and wealthier tlian he. still no one can ever fill the individual place which he so ^\ell filled, and no one can e\er take the place of George W. Hickman in the memories of his friends, his wife and his family. Their consolation is that they hope to meet him later in his heavenly home. 480 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. George W. Hickman. Jr.. was born in Campbell county. Kentucky, on June 2, 1847. ''^"*^ ^'^^^ ^^ ^^^^ home in Newton, Iowa, on March 31, 1905. He was brought up by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. North, his mother having died when he was six years old. In 1864, though but seventeen years of age, he enlisted in the service of his country, and was for one year a member of Company C, Fifty -third Ken- tucky Mounted Infantry. During this period he was taken prisoner, and was confined for three months in Libby prison, where he suffered great exposure, and almost starvation, the effects of which permanently injured his health. While in active service he was in a number of battles, and in all of them showed himself as a brave and efficient soldier, though but a lad, not vet fully grown. On September 29, 1867, Mr. Hickman united with the ^Methodist church at Asbury chapel, near Newport, Kentucky, and there began his career of Christian service. A few years later he came to Jasper county, Iowa, where he engaged in farming, and then he transferred his membership to the First Methodist church of Newton, of which he was an acti\"e and leading member until his death. Mr. Hickman was married on January 16. 1876. to Jane Hickman, the daughter of Samuel Hickman and wife, who were pioneers of Jasper county. To this union was born one son, Melville Clifford. George W. Hickman was very successful in his farming operations, and was a capable and upright business man in whom the people had confidence. To all mankind he was a friend, and no one in need could appeal in vain to his generous heart. He was an active member of Garrett Post of the Grand Army, and was always glad to meet in its hospitable halls the comrades of the great struggle to preserve American liberty. To his wife and son he was especially kind and loving, for he was a man who cared much for his family, and lavished on them the wealth of a strong affection. LEWIS C. S. TURNER, M. D. Among the leaders in the medical profession in central Iowa the name of Dr. Lewis C. S. Turner, of Colfax. Jasper county, must be included, for his practice here of nearly thirty years has won him a wide reputation among his contemporaries, who, with his wife, also a physician of well established re])ute, is proprietor of the Turner Rest Flome and Sanitarium, which has a H C 2 m 73 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 481 prestige second to none of its kind in the state. But, indeed, no man possess- ing the heritage of character and ahility which Doctor Turner has received from his ancestors could fail to live a life of usefulness, controlled by correct principles and high ideals, his progenitors including that sterling patriotic stock which helped successfully to establish the early American colonies, who sacrificed life in Washington's army in the struggle for independence, who bore the vicissitudes of the great Rebellion on the sanguinary battle fields of the South, who, as pioneer physician, faced the dangers and hard- ships on the western frontier in the service of administering to the ills to which humanity is heir- — men and women who, in their station, nobly ful- filled their myriad duties. Such an inheritance is more to be desired than '"much fine gold." Doctor Turner was born in Poweshiek township, Jasper county, Iowa, on November 2, 1854, the son of Charles Carroll Turner and Ann E. (Parks) Turner, the father born in Oxford county, Elaine, in 1826, the son of Joseph Turner, whose birth occurred on June 12. 1799, the latter's home being at Dedham, Massachusetts, and whose wife was known in her maidenhood as Nancy Shaw. Joseph Turner was the son of Ebenezer and Polly (Sum- ner) Turner, the former born in 1772, the son of Lieutenant Edward and Hannah (Fisher) Turner. Edward Turner was an officer in the colonial army and he fought in the battle of Bunker Hill, and while in the service for freedom he contracted smallpox which caused his death at Half Aloon, Massachusetts, in December, 1777. The first American ancestor of the Turn- ers came to Massachusetts in the early colonial days and settled twenty miles from Boston. The family of Joseph Turner came to Mindon, Adams county, Illinois, in 1834, the father of the subject of this sketch being then eight years of age, and there he grew to maturity, the Prairie state at that time being practically a wilderness. He remained in Illinois until 1850, when he came to Jasper county, Iowa, among the very early settlers, and located on a farm three miles north of the present site of Colfax, which land is still owned by his widow, Mrs. Mary C. (Pease) Turner, and their son, Ed S. Turner. Charles C. Turner became one of the influential farmers of the county in his day. He was the owner of over two hundred acres of good land and he was an extensive breeder of fine grades of live stock. He was active in public affairs, first as a Whig, then as a Republican. He was elected clerk of the district court of Jasper county, holding ofifice from 1854 to 1857; he was also county sun-eyor for two terms, from 1868 to 1872, and he was iustice of the peace and assessor for four full terms. He was a charter mem- (31) ^^2 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. Ijer uf Xewtoii Lodge Xo. 5.9, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. He proved his patriotism in i8()2 when he enhsted in the Federal army and proved to be a gallant soldier in the Fortieth Iowa V^okmteer Infantry. For a time he was sent home on recruiting service. \\'hile in the field he was at Columbus and Paducah. Kentucky ; Satarsia. Mississippi, Haines Bluff and Snvder Bluff, and after the fall of Vicksburg he was on reserve duty. He was in Arkansas at the taking of Little Rock, and he was the first with his brother-in-law, Hugh A. Pease, to cross the river on a pontoon bridge, October 10, 1863. He was mustered out at Davenport, Iowa, on April i, 1864. His death occurred on August 7, 1907, at an advanced age, after a useful and honorable career. Andrew Pease, father of ^Irs. Alary C. (Pease) Turner. Avas also one of the worthy "boys in blue,'" having served in Company I, Thirty-seventh Iowa \'olunteer Infantry. — the noted "Greybeard Volunteers," — he having enlisted when fifty-eight years of age, on December 15, 1862, and his death occurred while in the service, at Alton, Illinois, on January 10, 1863, he having been on guard duty there. Ann E. Parks, maiden name of the mother of Dr. Lewis C. S. Turner, of this sketch, was born in Noble county, Indiana, October 2, 1836, the daugh- ter of Dr. Hiram S. Parks, who was one of the pioneer physicians of Powe- shiek township. Jasper county, Iowa, and he practiced medicine here until 1863. when he went to Kansas. He made his calls on horseback, going long distances in all kinds of weather, enduring great hardships, following Indian trails, often swimming or fording dangerous streams, sometimes in the roughest winter weather. He was a good doctor and was highly esteemed by the entire locality. The death of Mrs. Ann E. Turner occurred on May 10, 1856. On June 4. 1857, Charles C. Turner was married a second time, his last wife being Alary Catherine Pease, one of the early teachers of this county, who taught the first school in her district. She was a woman of high edu- cational attainments and a strong character. She directed the education of her only step-child; and at the age of nineteen, Lewis C. S. Turner, of this sketch. l)egan teaching in the common schools of this county. He entered Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, in 1873, and he also attended Central University at Pella. Iowa, in 1874. In June. 1877. he finished the course at the Baylies Mercantile College at Keokuk, this state, and in 1878 he was graduated from Pierce's Xormal Institute of Penmanship of the last named city. He began the study of medicine under Doctors Tillman Seems, of Mitchellville, Iowa, and J. J. M. Angear. of Fort AFadison. Iowa, later of Chicago. Since March i. 1882. Doctor Turner has been successfully en- gaged in the practice of his profession at Colfax and has built up a large, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 483 Iiicrati\e and ever-.s^rowing patronage. He has kept well abreast of the times in everything that pertains to his practice, having always been a profound student and a vigorous and independent researcher. He is a member of the Jasper County, the Des Moines District and the Iowa State Medical societies. Since 1888 he has been health officer of Colfax and a member of the school board from 1892 to 1895. A graduate pharmacist, he dispenses his own drugs. He makes a specialty of eye, nose and throat and obstetrics, and his skill in these lines has placed him in the front rank of his professional brethren. On October 21, 1878, Doctor Turner was united in marriage with Alice B. Sams, one of the leading lady practitioners of medicine in central Iowa, an individual sketch of whom appears on another page of this work. This union has been graced by the birth of two children : Vera, who married J. W. Preston, of Port Lavaca, Texas. They have one daughter, Ruth Alice, born July 13, 191 1. She is a graduate of Wellesley College, and for a time she taught in the Jasper county schools ; she is a member of the Des Moines chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Carroll J. Turner was graduated from the Colfax high school and is now at college, preparing to follow in the footsteps of his parents and devote his life to the medical profession. Doctor Turner is a man of agreeable social nature, pleasing personality. Religiously, he is a Unitarian. He has been active in many works in Colfax, always ready to do what he could in furthering the interests of the city in any way. He is best known as the proprietor, jointly with his wife, of the Turner Rest Home and Sanitarium, which they established in 1904. Prior to this they had been proprietors of the Victoria Sanitarium, and for three years previously they maintained public bath parlors, using in all these the mineral waters for which. Colfax is famous. Doctor and Mrs. Turner went to Chicago, Illinois, in 1898 and there remained two years, returning to Colfax in 1900 and have since devoted most of their attention to their mod- ern, well equipped and popular sanitarium, which has proven to be a boon to thousands. ALICE BELLVADORE (SAIMS) TURNER, M. D. Women are entering, in this advanced epoch of the world's history, many of the professions, and, as a rule, they have met w-ith exceptional success, this being particularly true of medicine, and the town of Colfax, Jasper county, has a resident woman who has been longer in practice than most women _|^84 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. doctors, and one who stands at the top of the profession, irrespective of sex. Dr. Ahce Bellvadore (Sams) Turner is a descendant of a sterling old family of courageous, useful men and women, who have been leaders in various lines wherever they have dispersed, faithful citizens in whatever situation they were placed, whether fighting for their country's independence or living quietly in times of peace, whether blazing new trails on the frontier of civiliza- tion or laboring to better material, civic and moral conditions in some seat of modern culture. ]Mrs. Dr. Turner is a native of this county, having been bom at Greencastle on ]\Iarch 13, 1859, the daughter of John and Evaline (Humphreys) Sams, the former the son of Edmund and Sarah Sams, and her mother was the daughter of Moses and Rebecca (Boyd) Humphreys. Both her grandfathers served in the war of 1812 with the Tennessee troops, [ohn Sams was born in Sullivan county, east Tennessee, in 181 3 and there he spent his boyhood, moving to Logan county, Illinois, in 1833, when that coun- try was practically a wilderness. From there he came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1853 and again began life as a pioneer. He first married Mary Vande- vender, who was born in Virginia in 1834 and her death occurred in 1851, leaving three children, David E., Margaret and Sarah, deceased. In 1852, u'hile a resident of Logan county, Illinois, he was united in marriage with Rvaline (Humphreys) Hilton, who was born May 10, 1824, in the eastern part of Tennessee. To this marriage four children were born : Alfred is living in Jasper county; Emily, widow of Dr. A. S. Warner; Alice Bellvadore, subject of this sketch, and Francis M. John Sams, born January 8, 1813, was a successful farmer, in fact, for many years he was one of the leading agriculturists of the county, being the owner of about six hundred and forty acres here. He was influential in the affairs of his community, serving as township trustee and school director. He was an active Democrat, and a good and useful man. His death occurred on April 9. 1891. his widow surviving until August 19, 1902. The subject's paternal grandparents, Moses and Rebecca (Boyd) Hum- i;hreys. were natives of Carter county, Tennessee, and in an early day they moved to Logan county, Illinois, where they lived until 1853. when they came to Jasper county, Iowa, thus starting life twice under ])ioneer conditions, and here they spent the rest of their lives. Alice B. Sams grew to womanhood and received her common school training in her home community, later attending Lincoln University, at Lin- coln, Illinois, also Simpson College at Indianola, Iowa, and the Mitchell Seminary at Mitchellville, Iowa, and for a time she successfully taught school in Jasper and Shelby counties. She studied medicine under Dr. J. J. M. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 485 Angear of Keokuk. Lnva. making rapid progress, and thus well equij^ped for her life work, she hegan practicing medicine in Colfax in 1884 and with the exception of two years, from 1898 to 1900, inclusive, spent in Chicago, this vicinity has been the arena of her endeavors, during which time she has enjoyed a profitable and growing practice and has taken a position in the front rank of her compeers. On October 21, 1878, the subject was united in marriage with Dr. Lewis C. S. Turner, a complete sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this history, and has since been associated with him in practice and in the management of the famous Turner Rest Home and Sanitarium, but the success of the same has been due as much to her efforts as to his. She is a member of the Iowa State Aledical Society. She was one of the founders of the Colfax Public Library, of which she has been president for many years ; she also belongs to the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, the Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union and the \\'oman's Relief Corps. In 1886 and 1887 she filled the position of health officer of Colfax, being the first woman in Iowa to fill such a position. She has read many able papers before the above named literarv and medical societies. She is a scholarly, cultured and refined ladv whom to know is to esteem for her many commendable attributes of head and heart and she numbers her friends only by the limits of her acquaintance. She is a worthy member of the Unitarian church. Although necessarily \er\r busy in her professional and club work, she is none the less a faithful mother and home-loving woman. On July 24. 1874. she began keeping a diary, a daily record of transpiring events of interest which she has continued to the pres- ent time, and she has induced her son and daughter to begin keeping a dailv journal. These children are. Vera, born October 2. 1881. who was gradu- ated from Wellesley College in 1895, married J. A\'. Preston, now a resident of Colfax, and they are the parents of one child, Ruth Alice, born fulv 13. 191 1 ; Carroll John Turner, who was born March 28, 1893, was graduated from the local high school and he is now attending Drake Universitv at Des Moines, intending to follow the medical profession. WILLIA^r ADAMSON. The importance that attaches to the lives, character and work of those who took the initiative in the work of transforming the country from its wild condition into its present high state of development, and the influence they have exerted upon the cause of humanity and civilization is one of the most 486 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. absorbing themes that can possibly attract the attention of the local chroni- cler or historian. If great and beneficent results — results that endure and bless mankind — are the proper measure of the good men do, then who is there in the world's history that may take their places above such men as the late William Adamson, one of the best remembered of Jasper county citizens of a past generation whose good deeds will ne\er be forgotten? Mr. Adamson was born March 27, 1841, at Huntsville, Indiana, the son of Enos and Mar}^ Adamson. Enos Adamson died at Savannah. Missouri, and the widow came to Jasper county, Iowa, when William Adamson was about four years old. She entered land from the government and developed a very comfortable home. \\'illiam Adamson remained at home with his mother until he enlisted in the defense of the Stars and Stripes on April i, 1861. becoming a member of Company B, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, from Jasper county, this regiment being known as the ''Jasper Grays." He fought in the battles of Missionary Ridge, Lookout Alountain, Vicksburg. luka, Fort Donelson, Fort Henry and Shiloh. !Mr. Adamson saw much hard ser- vice and was in many tight places, and was once wounded on the head and was sent to the hospital, rejoining the army after his recovery and he was honorably discharged and returned to his mother, who was still living on the home farm in Jasper county. He taught schools in the winter months and farmed in the summer for several years. On December 12, 1867, he was united in marriage with Angeline Poore. a native of W'ichester, Randolph county, Indiana, where she was born May 27, 1841, and she was the daugh- ter of Edwar'd and Nancy A. Poore, who came to Jasper county, Iowa, in an early day when their daughter, Angeline, was young, and here they became well established and were prominent in the days of the first settlers. To this union two sons were born : Paul M. Adamson. who married Leah J. Wheldon, of Marshalltown, Iowa, and they have one child. Maxwell W\, who is attend- ing school at Marshalltown; Earl C. Adamson, the second son of the subject, was married to Daisy M. Lindsey, and to this union two children were born, one of whom died in infancy ; Marcella B. now resides in Newton with his grandmother, Mrs. William Adamson, his mother having passed away when he was a small boy. The second marriage of Earl C. Adamson was to Elois Allen, of Des Moines, Iowa, and to this union one child, Joseph F., was born. W^illiam Adamson grew up in Jasper county, received his education in the old-time public schools here and he went to school for a time at the Hazel Dell Academy. He and his family were members of the ^^lethodist church at Newton and he was a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic post at Newton and he always upheld the policies of ihc I\cpublican party. For JASPKR COLXTV, IOWA. 487 a number of years he a\ as assessor of Sherman township, and he became one of the prominent men of liis county. Air. Adamson was more than an average man, and had a fine education. After his marriage, Mr. Adamson remained on the farm only a few years, then on account of faihng health, he moved to Xewton and purchased the home where his widow now resides and there he lived until his death, January 15, 1897, and he was buried at Xewton cemetery. He left his family a beautiful home and several valuable lots in Newton, also another valuable residence property, these holdings of Mrs. Adamson being well situated on East South street in a \'ery desirable residence district of the citv. Airs. Adamson is a woman of estimable characteristics and has a host of warm personal friends who often visit her in her beautiful home. Her family were influential in their locality, and two of her brothers, Thomas J. and George W. Poore, were in the Civil war, the former being in the same company with her husband, William Adamson. and the latter was in the Iowa Cavalr}- and he died while in the service. Z. \\\ BLAKELY Among the representati\e farmers of Sherman township, Jasper county, the name of Z. W. Blakely, who has now departed from this life for his heav- enly home, is that of a man whose ability and character are often mentioned by those who were familiar with him. Unfaltering in the performance of his duty, whatever that may have been; a thorough and persevering Christian throughout all the days of his life, he was a citizen of the type to whom the state of Iowa owes her greatness. Z. \\'. Blakely was born on a farm in Knox county, Ohio, Pike town- ship, on January 29, 1830, the son of Hugh and Catherine Blakely. His father spent his days in farming, and his son early took up his father's occupation and followed it to the end of his days. He remained on the home farm until he was married, on November 8, 1849, to Elizabeth Ivunckel. who was born in the same township as he, on December 2, 183 1, the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Kunckel. After marriage Mr. and Airs. Blakely remained on the farm of Airs. Blakely's parents for three years, lived on different farms in Knox county, and in i860 moved to Aluscatine county, Iowa, shortly after- ward to Cedar county, where they lived for eight years, then in 1870 came to Jasper county. Here they lived each year accumulating and adding slowly to their property, until Air. Blakely 's death, on Alarch 2-j , 1898. At the time ^88 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. of his death, he was tlie owner of an excellent farm of one hundred and twenty acres, the cultivation of which had well repaid him. To the union of Z. \\'. Blakely and Elizabeth Kunckcl nine children were born, of whom three are now living. Catherine Isabella is the wife of W. M. Guessford, of Newton, and the mother of six children: Cora, Ed- ward W., Elmer, James, Lula and Earl. ^lary married Jacob Klein, of Jas- per county, to whom she has borne two children, Thelma and Florence E. Maggie is married to O. N. Green, of Newton, and has one son, Lester. Mr. and Mrs. Blakely also reared another child, Fanny, now the wife of O. G. Braley. near Kellogg, Iowa. In politics Z. \\'. Blakely was a Democrat before the war, then became a stanch Republican, and in his later life voted the Prohibitionist ticket. At the age of seventeen he united with the Methodist church, and was ever afterward a faithful meml^er. He was a class leader in the church at Newton, and took a leading part in all the affairs of the congregation. Honest and hardworking, of honor and integrity above reproach, he was a successful farmer, and left his family well provided for. He was much liked by those who knew him. for in his daily life he exemplified the teachings of the Christ in whom he had faith, and showed to the world a most lovable, and at the same time a strong character. To his wife and family he was a model husband and father, ranking his duty to his family as only next to, and indeed as a part of. his dut\- to his God. and his tenderness towards the members of his family was very noticeable. Such were the excellencies of the character of this man, that his taking off wrought an especial hardship on those who were intimately associated with him. and thus received the advantages of his advice and his presence, and to them tlie loss was great, their grief consoled onK- l)y the knowledge that he had gone to a fitting reward. .MADISON TICE. To point out the way, to make possi])le our present advancing civilization, its happy homes, its arts and sciences, its discoveries and inventions, its edu- cation, literature, culture, refinement and social life and joy. is to be truly great benefactors of mankind for all time. This was the great work accom- plished by the early settlers and it is granted by all that they builded wiser than they knew. Such a one was the well remembered and highly revered late Madison Tice. a sterling character, whose life was fraught with many good JASPER COUXTV, IOWA. 489 deeds and whose record was above reproach, a man whom to know was to honor and admire and whose record may be held up as worthy of imitation by the youth of this locahty whose destinies are still matters for the future to determine. Mr. Tice was born September 28, 1827, near Wheeling. West Virginia, and he was the son of Jacob and Jane Tice, who lived on a farm there, and who, later in life, moved to Illinois, locating in Menard county on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which they purchased in 1847, i^i which year their son. ]^fadison, of this review, came to Jasper county, Iowa, and located on one hundred and sixty acres, near Monroe, being among the pioneers. Here he set to work with a will and, although beset with many obstacles, he developed a good farm and home, which he sold in 1850 and moved to Mahaska county, this state, where he purchased three hundred and twenty acres which is now owned by his widow. It is \ery well located, being four miles from Pella. There ^Ir. Tice lived until his death, April 30, 1896. He developed an excellent farm by hard work and good management and accumu- lated a competency. On September 5. 1854. ]\Ir. Tice was united in marriage with Xancy Mays, who was born March 8. 1836. in Highland county, Ohio, near Chilli- cothe. She was the daughter of Charles and Mary Mays, who came to Iowa in an early day and were living on a fann near Oskaloosa when tneir daughter Xancv was married. To Mr. Tice and wife eleven children were born, namely : One died in infancv; the ten living are, Theopolus D. married Harriet A. Godby, and they have five children. Lester C, William M.. Delia J., May B. and Veda G. : Manella Tice married J. E. Hull and they liave five children, Madison, O. K., Homer H., Pearl and Frank: Alary Tice married J. W. Straughan. l)ut this union has been without issue ; Louisa Tice married Luther Lawrence, and they have three children, Lucy I., Nancy M. and Harvey T. Minnie Tice married E. X. Grimes, and they have two children, Gladys C. and Ruth W. ; C. G. Tice married Lovina Jarard. which union has been without issue: Cora Tice married F. P. McAdoo and they have four children. Avis C, Irene E., Frances C. and Beulah K. : Hattie M. Tice married O. L. McAuley, which union has been without issue: Daniel T. Tice married Gertrude Williamson and they have one child, Ruth J. ; Lottie Tice has remained single and is living with her mother and assisting in keeping their beautiful and well furnished home at Xo. 319 X^'orth Mechanic street. Madison Tice held to the creed of the Christian church, which he at- tended, although he was not a member. He was active as a member of the ^yO • JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Peoria, Iowa, and in political affairs he was always a stanch Democrat. After his death, Mrs. Tice remained on the farm near Pella, Mahaska county, for seven years, then came to Newton on ]^Iarch lo, 1902, and pur- chased the home where she now resides, mentioned above. Mr. Tice was a successful and enterprising farmer and he was a man who was popular among his neighbors, being charital)le. hospitable and always honest. R. H. BAILEY. Every human being either submits to the controlling intluence of others or wields an influence which touches, controls, guides or misdirects others. If he be honest and successful in his chosen field of endeavor, investigation will brighten his reputation and point the way along which others may follow with like success. Consequently a critical study of the life record of the honored young man whose name forms the caption of this paragraph will be of interest to many readers of this history, for it is one of usefulness and correct conduct. R. H. Bailey, the present popular and efficient county recorder of Jasper county, was born in Des Aloines township, near \"andalia, this county, June 23, 1880. He is the representative of one of the sterling early families of Jasper county, being the son of N. P. and Xancv J. (Keating) Bailey. The elder Bailey w«s a native of Illinois, from wliich state he came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1855, locating on a farm in Des ]\Ioines township, which he soon had under excellent improvements and had esta1)lished a good home where he spent the remainder of his life, dying in 1901, at the age of sixty- six years. His wife was a native of Penns\l\ania. from which state she moved with her parents to Ohio and thence to Iowa about 1855. with her parents. She is still living, making her home in Vandalia ; she is a woman or fine Chri-stian characteristics. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. X. P. Bailey, namely: H. C, deceased; J. E. lives in Des Moines; Edna Pearl is the wife of W. J. Bruner, of St. Louis; M. Coral is the wife of F. A. Vaughan, of Primghar, Iowa; R. 11., of this review. These cliildren received good common school educa- tions and are well situated in life, respected in \vliate\ cr cr)mmnnity they liave cast their lot. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 49I R. H. Bailey, of this review, grew to maturity on the home farm where he assisted with the general work about the place and during his youth attended the neighboring schools in the winter time, receiving a good educa- tion which has been supplemented in later life by general home reading and study. He remained on the parental acres until he was elected county re- corder in 1908 on the Republican ticket, in which year he moved to Xewton and where he has since resided. He has long taken an acti\e part in the affairs of the party, and his selection to the important positicjn he now occupies is looked upon as a very fortunate one. owing to the fact that he has discharged his duties in this capacity in a most effective and praiseworthy manner, giving entire satisfaction to all concerned. So faithful and well did he discharge his duties during his first term that he was his partv's choice for re-election in 19 lo. Fraternally, I\Ir. Bailey is a memlier of the Knights of FVthias. the Masonic order and the ]\Iodem \A'oodmen, standing high in each, and in religious matters he is a member of the Christian church. Mr. Bailey was married June 7. 1911, to Anna L. Sauerman, daughter of C. F. Sauerman. of Xewton. FRANK SELLMAN. It is not the weaklings who accomplish worthy ends in the face of op- position, but those with nerve and initiative whose motto is "He never fails who never gi\es up," and with this terse aphorism ever in view, emblazoned on the pillar of clouds, as it were, before them, they forge ahead until the sunny summits of men are reached and they can breathe the purer air that inspires the souls of men in respite. Such has been the history of Frank Sell- man, a leading business man of Newton, who was born October 4, 1868. in Jasper county, Iowa, on a farm in Elk Creek township. He is the son of Charles O. and Lucinda ((iraffis) Sellman, the father a native of ^Maryland and the mother of Ohio. They grew to maturity in the East and were edu- cated there, and they came to Iowa in 1855, locating among the early settlers of Elk Creek township. Jasper county, where they became well established, developed a good farm and became influential in the community. Grandfather Beal Sellman came to ]\Iarion county, Iowa, in an early day and he operated there one of the first mills in the state. The death of Charles O. Sellman oc- curred in Tune. 1886. while middle aged, having been born in 1842. His wife _|Qj JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. is living in Buena \'ista township, this county. The father devoted his life to farming and he held a nnnil)er of minor local offices. He was a soldier in the Civil war, having enlisted in Company E, Fortieth Iowa \'olunteer In- fantrv. in which he served faithfully for three years. He was in the siege of \'icksburg and many other engagements. His family consisted of four children, two of whom are living: Hattie died when seven years old; Blanche is the wife of Grant Wheatcraft. of Buena A'ista township: Jessie died in in- fancv : Frank, of this review. Frank Sellman worked on the home farm during his youth and lived there until he came to Newton in 1906. He received a good education in the common schools, which has since been supplemented by home reading and actual business experience. He- was seventeen years old when his father died, and after that he farmed for himself. (The father died from the effects of a kick from a horse.) The subject received his business training in the Western Normal Col- lege at Shenandoah, Iowa, from which he was graduated. In igo6 he was elected county auditor on the Democratic ticket, and he made such an ex- cellent record that he was re-elected in 1908, filling the duties of this office in a manner that has reflected much credit upon himself and gained the ad- miration of all concerned. His term expired January i, 191 1, and he is now devoting his time exclusively to the hardware business, having been in partner- ship with H. M. Cox for some time, at Newton. They carry a large and care- fullv selected line and have built up a very satisfactory patronage. Mr. Sellman was married on February 17, 1895, to Laura Cooper, daugh- ter of A. V. Cooper, a well known citizen, living near Prairie City, Iowa, and to this union eight children have been born : Jessie, Jean, Robert, Florence, Arthur, Urith, Frances, Esther, all at home and all in school except the two youngest. Mrs. Sellman is a member of the Christian church, and fraternally Mr. Sellman is a Mason, belonging to the Knights Templar and the Shriners. TOHN M. EMERY. The highest claim to the crown of good citizenship of John M. Emery, a gentleman too well known all over the state of Iowa to need any introduction here, is his universal dedication of himself to all moral and uplifting public issues. Point out the right side of all questions of vital public and general JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 493 interest and there you will hnd ^Ir. Emery arrayed as an advocate and tighter, and his popularity is well deserved, as in him are embraced the characteristics of unabating energy, unbending integrity, unswerving public spirit and an in- dustry that never flags, having gained the confidence and good will of his fellow men in all the relations of life by his genial address, his straightfor- ward business policy and his unquestioned loyalty to life's higher ideals. Like many of the best citizens of Jasper county. Mr. Emery hails from the old Empire state, his birth having occurred in Steuben county. New York, July 31, 1849, h^ being the scion of a sterling old family, the son of A. G. and Alice (Chatfield) Emery, both natives of New York, the mother's par- ents having come from Massachusetts, and the paternal grandfather served his country under Washington at Valley Forge. A. G. Emery was a Baptist minister and for many years was prominent in that denomination. He grew to maturity and was educated in his native state, and in 1854 he brought his family to Iowa, locating in Fayette county, and the following year he entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in Clayton county, and there began farming and preaching. He was successful and to his original holdings he added land until he owned a fine farm of two hundred and forty acres. In 1875 he sold this and moved to Kansas, where he homesteaded one hundred and sixty acres, also took up a timber claim of one hundred and sixty acres, and there he spent ten years, preaching and farming, then sold out and moved to Xorton, Kansas, where he lived eight years, thence moved to Boulder, Colo- rado, where he spent the remaining years of his life, dying when past eighty- seven years of age, and there he was buried. He was a good and useful man and highly honored wherever he went. His wife a most excellent wo- man, died at Bennett, Colorado, two years later at the age of eighty-five. Rev. A. G. Emery was a remarkable man in many ways ; he was exceptionally alert, vital and forceful, and possessed the magnetic ability to sway all who came into contact with him. His voice was musical and at the same time powerful and his eloquence impassioned and all-pervading. He was a born leader of men. and, whether from the pulpit or lecture platform, he always carried his audience with him. He took a deep interest in politics and was ever the champion of things worth while. He was a fine example of that sturdv band of pioneer citizens who ha\e made the Middle \\'est the great and prosperous land that it is today. His wife was a woman of sweet and gentle character, bringing into her home life the most benign and uplifting influence and she was of great assistance to her husband in his work. She- remained at home and took care of the family while he took a course in Hamilton College. Xew York, through which institution he worked his way. They became the parents of nine children, one of whom died in infancy; _]Q_|. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Ogden L. died at Xorton, Kansas, in 1885; Eftie married Andrew Gibson and died in Smith county, Kansas, in 1895, leaving five children; Hattie mar- ried Charles Frye, and she died in Boulder, Colorado, in 1908; those living besides John ]\I., of this review, are: Charles L., of Bennett, Colorado; Dr. H. G., of Denver, Colorado; R. D., of Des ]\Ioines, who is secretary of the Great \\'estern Accident Association ; Lettie married William Roundtree and lives at Bennett, Colorado. John M. Emery received a good education in the home schools and he started out for himself early in life. In 1869 he was married to Ellen L. Lawrence, a natixe of New York. Her parents spent their lives on a farm and are now both deceased. Mrs. Emery is one of eleven children, six of whom are living, namely: Mary A. is the widow of Benjamin Hunt, of Ken- sington, Kansas ; Estella married T. J. Piper and they live at Greeley, Colo- rado; ]\Iyra is the wife of J. A. Lawrence, living in Wisconsin; A. T. lives at Newton, Iowa; Ellen, wife of Mr. Emery, was the youngest of the family. After renting a part of his father's farm in Clayton county, Iowa, John M. Emery began farming, but six months later he took up the insurance business, at w hich he worked steadily for ten years, then sold out and took a position in a store for a year, after which he went on the road as traveling salesman for a gents' furnishing house, with which he continued for five years. He then took his present position with the Irwin-Phillips Company, of Keo- kuk. ha\'ing given them his usual high grade service and being regarded as one of their most efficient and trustworthy employes. Mr. Emery has made a special study of many languages, devoting special attention to the Swedish, mastering the same so perfectly that he can assume the role of a Swede for an indefinite time without being detected, even among Swedes. Added to this accomplishment is a rare sense of humor that is de- lightful in the extreme, consequently, being a good mixer, he is popular with all classes. He has a happy faculty of making after-dinner speeches, having frequently appeared at banquets and public gatherings, and his company is eagerly sought wherever he goes. Personally, he is a man whom it is a pleasure to meet, jovial, kind, hospitable, unselfish. To Mr. and Mrs. Emery have been born the following children : Bur- dett R. lives in Abilene, Kansas ; Theodosia married Jesse T. Tripp, and they are living at Bennett, Colorado; Aveiy lives in Newton. Fraternally, Mr. Emery belongs to Newton Lodge No. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Newton, and Gebal Chapter No. 12, Royal Arch Masons. He also belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America at Newton. He has a pleasant and well furnished home at Newton. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 495 THOMAS R. PHILLIPS. The present sketch is concerned witli the Hfe of a man who was for- merly one of the prominent farmers of Jasper county. In all the relations of life he was faithful in every respect to the highest standard of duty, whether in the service of his country in war, or in the every-day duties of his peaceful farm. Though for some time he has been a resident of the better land, his memory still lives in the hearts of his affectionate wife and children, the lat- ter of whom are now occupying useful positions in the work of the world to- day. Thomas R. Phillips was born in Steubenville, JefYerson countv. Ohio, on December 22, 1833, the son of Henry and Maria Phillips. When he was seven years of age his parents came to Knox county, Ohio, and here he grew to manhood on a farm eight miles west of the city of Mount Vernon. On the 9th day of November, 1856, he was married to Harriett Rebecca Allfree, of Green Valley, in the same county, for whom his friendship dating from boyhood had ripened into love. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the sendee of the United States government in Company E, Ninety-sixth Ohio Infantry, thus freely offering, if need be, his life to his countr}-. His regi- ment was under the command of Col. W. C. Cooper, of Mount Vernon, and soon after joining it Mr. Phillips was detached from his company, and made wagon master of his division, a position which he filled honorably and effi- ciently until he was honorabl}^ discharged from the service on account of ill health. In 1864 Mr. Phillips and his family moved to Iowa, where he ex- pected to find, and did find, greater opportunity in farming than in his native state. He lived on his farm of one hundred and twenty acres until 1883. when he removed to Newton, there erected a handsome residence at No. 319 South Market street, and lived here until his death, on March 4, 1903, his life lacking but a few months of reaching the three score and ten allotted to man. His wddoAV is still living in the home on South Market street. Mr. Phillips, as well as his family, was d. member of the Methodist church of Newton, and took an active part in church work. Fraternally, he was a member of the Masons and the Knights of Pythias, and the Grand Army counted him as one of the most enthusiastic of its members. The children o£ Thomas R. and Harriett R. Phillips are : Edward, de- ceased; Arthur A., deceased; Ella M., the wife of William Yost, of Newton, to whom she has borne one child, Cecil B. ; Ida M., deceased, formerly the wife of Charles Downs, of Kansas. ^g(j JASPER COUNTY^ IOWA. Thomas R. Phillips was a man liked and respected by all who knew him, on account of the many strong and worthy features of his character. Of a companionable disposition, enjoying the society of his brother man, welcome in all gatherings, kind and generous to the poor and needy, he was in the bosom of his family the most affectionate of husbands and kindest of fathers. In war a brave and gallant soldier, in peace a substantial, public spirited citi- zen, to all mankind a friend, to his family all in all, and they all in all to liim — v^i^ich was Thomas R. Phillips, whose taking away left a vacanc)' not to be tilled in the ranks of the citizens of Newton. w. o. Mcelroy. There is no member of the Jasper county bar who occupies a higher position in the estimation of the people than does W. O. McElroy, attorney, whose office is over the Jasper County Bank. During his many years of practice he has built up a very large clientele and he occupies a peculiar posi- tion before the people in that he is regarded as an exceedingly safe counselor in all matters pertaining to legal questions. It speaks well for any man who may have the confidence of the people to such an extent that he is regarded as especially adapted to the settlement of estates and matters of equity. Mr. McElroy holds this position. His serAdces are likewise in large demand where the drawing of intricate papers is involved, in fact, as a lawyer, he is easily the peer of any of his professional brethren throughout the state, and the honorable distinction already achieved at the bar is an earnest of the still wider sphere of usefulness that he is destined to fill, and the higher honors to be achieved in years to come as he is yet in the prime of manhood and a close observer of the trend of the times and an intelligent student of the great questions and issues upon which the thought of the best minds of the world are centered. Mr. r^TcElroy was born in Fayette county, Ohio, February 2, 1858, of a sterling old family of the Buckeye state, his parents being Hugh and Martha (Kerr) McElroy, both natives of Ohio, where they grew to maturity, re- ceived their education and married, and where they began life on a farm, emigrating to Jasper county, Iowa, when their son, W. O., of this review, was eleven years of age, locating about five miles north of Newton. Here the father continued to reside for forty years, becoming well established and an influential man in his community, making this his home until his death, De- cember 8, 1908, having attained the advanced age of eighty-nine years. He Qir^^.^^iA^'e'^^ . JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 497 spent his last days in Xewtun. where his death occurred. He Hved to see and take part in the wonderful development of the county, being one of the hon- ored pioneers, and known as an honest, plain, modest, unassuming gentle- man whom to know was to respect. He owned a good farm and was in- du.strious and thrifty. His wife passed away in 1880 at the age of fifty-four years. They were the parents of eight children, six of whom are living: J. K. makes his home near Waterloo, ]owa: Mrs. Lizzie A. Winstead, of Cir- cleville, Ohio; Margaret H. Vanatta, of Newton, Iowa; W. O., of this review; Charles S. is living on the old home farm five miles north of Xewton ; Hugh E. lives in Boise. Idaho, where he is practicing law; Mrs. Agnes McClain died when thirty years of age. in 1876; Mattie died when eighteen years old. W. O. McElroy spent his early life on the home farm where he assisted with the general work during the crop season, attending the common schools in the winter time, also took a course at Hazel Dell Academy at Xewton, When twenty-one years old he entered Ames College, taking a course in civil engineering, graduating there in 1881. For two years he successfully followed this profession. Ijut ha\ing entertained a laudable ambition to enter the legal profession, he accordingly began the study of law in 1883 with Col. David R}an, of X'e\\ton, and. ha\ing made rapid progress, was admitted to the bar six months later. In May. 1884. he formed a partnership with his ])receptor, which continued most success full}' until Colonel Ryan went on the bench in January, 1887, at which time Mr. McElroy formed a partnership with J. A. Kerr, now of Seattle, Washington, this partnership continuing for three years, Mr. McElroy having been alone most of the time since, taking a first ])lace among his professional brethren in this section of the state and figuring prominently in all the local courts, keeping abreast of the times in all matters pertaining to his profession and devoting his attention almost exclusively to his work. The domestic life of Mr. McElroy l)egan on September 6, 1888, when he was united in marriage with Julia Cavanagh. of Iowa City, a lady of re- finement and many estimable traits and the representative of a prominent family there, being the daughter of Matthew Cavanaugh. a prominent citizen of Iowa Citv. He and Marv Fellows constituted the first class of Cornell College at Mt. A'ernon. Iowa. Mrs. }kIcElroy was graduated from the State University. This union has been bjessed by the birth of the following chil- dren : Margaret, who is a junior at Cornell University. Ithaca. Xew York: Harold is attending the Iowa State College at Ames; Richard is a junior in the Xewton high school; Carroll, who is now ten years old. is attending the home schools. (32) 498 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. McElroY has, by careful and prudent management and methods of strict integrity, acquired a handsome competence. He is a director in the Jasper County Savings Bank, and he has some vahiable landed interests in Idaho. His home on East Main street, Newton, is a commodious, modern and attractive one where the many friends of the family frequently gather. ^Ir. ]\IcElr(iy has e\ er kept in touch with the affairs of his city and countv and is an ardent advocate and liberal patron of all worthy enterprises making for their advancement and prosperity. His activity in behalf of every movement for the good of his fellow citizens has endeared him to the people among whom the greater part of his life has been spent, and his popularity is bounded onlv l)y the limits of his accpiaintance. He has served as city so- licitor, countv attorney, as a member of the school board and he has been president of the library board ever since the library was built, about sixteen years ago, in fact, the cit}- is largely indebted to him for securing the hand- some donation ])\- Andrew Carnegie for the building, and Mr. McElroy spent a great deal of time in seeing that the building was erected according to plans and specifications, spending a great deal more time in this way than one would naturally suppose, but he has the good of the community at heart and has ever sought to sen-e the public well. For nearly twenty years he has been trustee of the Iowa State College at Ames, and he was chairman of the board for six years. He has been elected one of the trustees to administer the specific fund of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars given by G. A\\ Catt to the State College at Ames. He is loyal to the Republican party, but is not especially active in political affairs. Fraternally, he stands high in Masonic circles, being a member of the blue lodge, and having attained the Royal Arch and Knight Templar degrees. He and his family worship at the Congregational church. Mr. McElroy is deepl\- interested in educational affairs and he was chairman of the committee on faculty and course of study at the State College at Ames for more than ten years, this being the most important committee in the college. Mrs. ^ilcFlroy has also been acti\e in educational matters, and she A\ as head of the local high school for fwe years ]irevious to her marriage. Ml'. McElroy is always master of himself in ihe trial of cases and is rarely not at his best, being uniformly courteous and deferential toward the court and forbearing to his opponents. His treatment of his case is always full of comprehension and accurate, his analysis of the facts clear and ex- hausti\'e, and he seems to grasp without effort the relation and dependence of facts, and so groups them as to enable him to throw their combined force ui)on tlie point they tend to prove. He is not onl\- an able and reliable coun- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 499 selor, with a thorough acquaintance of the principles, intricacies and com- plexities of jurisprudence, but his honesty is such that he has frequently advised against long and expensive litigation, and this, too, at the loss of liberal fees which otherwise he could have easily earned. He is a man of the people, cosmopolitan in his ideas and of such sterling qualities as to render him popular with all classes; however, he is a plain, straightforward and un- assuming citizen who is merely seeking to live a wholesome life in all its re- lations, and while benefiting himself, does not neglect his broader duties to the county, state, nation and his fellow men in general. TOBIAS SHAFFER. An enumeration of those men of a past generation in Jasper county who won honor and puljlic recognition for themselves and at the same time hon- ored the locality to which they belonged, would be incomplete were there fail- ure to make mention of the late Tobias Shaffer, one of the prominent and sub- stantial citizens of Xewton, who, through all life's vicissitudes, sustained a ver}- enviable reputation in all circles, and left behind him the greatest of all inheritances, a good name, something to be desired, according to Hoi}' \\'rit. much more than silver and fine gold. Air. Shaffer ^^•as born May 24, 1839, in Bedford county. Pennsylvania, the son of Philip and Rebecca Shaffer, of that county, where they spent their lives engaged in farming pursuits, and there the subject grew to maturit}'. assisting with the general work about the place and attending the public schools during the winter months, remaining with his parents until he was married to Amanda Ressler, August 22, 1862. She was born May 29, 1842, in Bedford county. Pennsylvania, and was the daughter of \\'illiam and Elenor Ressler, of that county, where they spent their lives engaged in farm- ing. Four days after his marriage Tobias Shaffer proved his patriotism and his loyalty to the flag by enlisting on August 26, 1862, in Company F, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania \'olunteer Infantry, and he re- mained in the army nearly three years, proving to be a very gallant soldier. He was wounded at the battle of Fisher's Hill. September 22, 1864, having been shot through the left knee. Later he was taken to a hospital at Phila- delphia, where his limb was amputated. After he recovered he returned to his wife at the old home in Bedford county. Pennsylvania, and tliere they re- :;e.O JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. mained until 1871. when they came to Jasper county Iowa, and located on a farm near \\'ittemberg. Remaining" there three and one-half vears. they moved to Xewton and purchased a home. Mrs. Sliaffer resides at Xo. 208 East Xorth street, lie retired from actixe life, after accumulating" a com- petency. Two children were born to Mr. and ]Mrs. Shaffer, Joe W'.. born Decem- ber 31. 1866, in Bedford county. Pennsxlxania, married Edith Stine. of St. Joseph, ^Missouri, and one child was born to them wlio died in infancy. The death of Joe \\'. Shaffer occurred in St. Louis. August 10. 1904. Alberta Mav Shaffer was born in Jasper county, Iowa, August 6, 1873. She married Andrew Stewart and thev live at Rockwell City. Iowa, where he is an exten- sive farmer and cattle dealer. They have three children, namely : Eugene, Ruth and Donald, who are all attending school at Rockwell City. Tobias Shaffer was a member of the Lutheran church. Mrs. Shaffer belongs to the Christian church. ]\Ir. Shaft'er was an active member of the Grand Army of the Republic at N^ewton. Iowa. In political affairs he was a Democrat, but later in life became a stanch Republican, remaining so until his death. Owing to his being disabled in the arm}- his government remembered him with a pension of fifty-seven dollars per month as long as he lived, and his widow now receives twelve dollars per month. Her beautiful and well furnished home in X^ewton is often the gathering place for her many warm friends. JOHX MOSS. The foundation principles of all American institutions are English, and no nationality of people who have come to this country have so affected the destinies of the country as have the English. The majority of the earlies^t set- tlers were English and they gave the type to our institutions. But in later days immigration from England has greatly Jessened, in comparison with that from the continental countries, so that it is the exception to find in this coun- try those of English birth, thus directly coming from that little island whose people rule over the largest empire which the world has known, whose lan- guage is spoken by far more persons than any other European language, and whose sons and daughters, wherever found, typify the elements which have made their country so great. John Moss was born in Worsall, Staffordshire, England, on March 15, 1832. anrl received his earlv education in the Blue School, from whicli lie JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 5OI graduated with high honors, manifesting in his boyhood the intellectual abil- ity and the perseverance which were characteristic of his life. In England he became a grainer and decorator, and followed that occupation until 1869, when he came with his wife and family to Jasper county, Iowa, and there resided until his death, on December 8, 1885. More than thirty years ago he estab- lished the first floristry in Xewton, and this plant is still in operation bv his widow and children as the only one in Xewton today. The business, which was quite profitable in the lifetime of Mr. Moss, has greatly increased, and the up-to-date establishment is very attractive. John Moss was a stanch Republican and always stood up for the i)rinci- ples of that party, in which he was an active worker. In religion he was a member of the Episcopal church and took a prominent and leading part in the church work at Xewton. for as a true Christian he believed that his efforts could be nowhere better spent. He was a man of strong and vigorous charac- ter, of influence in the affairs of his community, greatly devoted to his wife and family, to whom he was ever a kind and loving husband and father. Mr. yioss. was one of the solid and substantial citizens of Xewton. of whom his adopted countr}- might be as proud as he was of her, and he filled a unique place in the city of X'ewton. which no other man could enter into. Mr. ]Moss was married on August i, 1864. to Eliza Hanson, the daugh- ter of Thomas and Jane Hanson, born in Birmingham, England, on August 19. 1844. Five years after marriage Mr. and Mrs. Moss came to America and located at Xewton, Iowa. To their union fourteen children were born, of whom but four are living: Arthur A. ]\Ioss, born July 13, 1865, in Xorth Wales, Great Britain. li\es in Ottumwa. Iowa; Charles A. ^loss, of Spartan- burg. South Carolina: Anna E. and Sidney H. ]\Ioss. living in Xewton with their mother and managing the fioristr}^ After the death of Mr. ]^Ioss his widow was married to James Lister. James Lister was born on February 9, 1830, in Yorkshire, England. He began his business career in Bradford, England, where he remained for seven years, and is supposed to have been the first butcher in that city. In 1856 he came to Xewton. Iowa, and engaged with Murhorn & Brothers, millers, for some time. Later he farmed in Jasper county. Iowa, and at the time of his death was the owner of a considerable amount of property in Xewton. On Julv 13. 1902, he passed away, and his remains were interred in Xewton cemeterv. In politics Mr. Lister was a Republican and his religious affilia- tions were with the ]\Iormon church. He was a man well known in Xewton. a good, conservative business man. w ith many friends, and who possessed the esteem and respect of all who knew him. and had the highest reputation for integritv and uprightness. He was in many affairs a leader of his neighbors. -Q2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Tames Lister was first married in Bradford, England, to Mrs. Ann Fos- ter, the daughter of George Ingle, who was born on July 3. 1825, in York- shire. England. She was the mother of one child bv her previous marriage, Diniah. now ]\Irs. Needham. Mrs. Ann Lister died in Jasper county in 1890, and on April 25. 1895, Mr. Lister was married to Mrs. John Moss, of New- ton, and after this marriage he lived in Newton until his death. Mrs. James Lister is an accomplished lady of refinement, who herself attends to much of her business affairs, and takes her full share in the social, church and philanthropic activities of Newton, and is always ready to aid any deserving person who is in need. SAMUEL PIERCE WILLIAMS. For many years the late Samuel Pierce Williams was actively identified with the life of Johnson county, playing a role of no mean consequence in her affairs and becoming widely known as one of her honored citizens. His well directed efforts in the practical affairs of life, his capable management of his own business interests and his sound judgment brought to him prosperity and his life demonstrated what may be accomplished by the man of energy and ambition who is not afraid to work and has the perseverance to continue his labors, even in the face of seemingly discouraging circumstances. In all the relations of life he commanded the respect and confidence of those with whom he was brought into contact, as was abundantly evidenced on many occasions, and without a suitable record of his life and achievements this volume would l)e incomplete. Air. Williams was born on February 6, 1838, in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, the son of Thomas and Jane B. Williams, prosperous farmers of that place. In 1843 his parents moved to Centerburg, Knox county, Ohio, vhere the subject received his education. He remained at home with his par- ents until he was twenty-one years of age, then came to Johnson county, Iowa, locating on a farm and the following year, i860. Mr. Williams was united in marriage with Mary Elizabeth Marhis, of that place. She was born in New Jersey, April 17, 1841, the daughter of Benjamin and Lucinda Marhis. She came to Ohio when she was a small girl, where she remained until she was fifteen years old, then came to Jolmson county, Iowa. After her marriage, she and Mr. Williams moved to a farm and there remained several years, later moving to a farm in Shelby county. Iowa, purchasing a fine place of several JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 503 hundred acres, where he remained until his death, on January i. 1889. He was a successful farmer and was highly respected, his character Ijeing above reproach. To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams five cliildren were born, namely: Berton died in infancy; Lucinda Catherine married Alpheus Leigh, of Shelby county, and she died lea^•ing one daughter, Bessie Lee, who was raised by her grandmother. Airs. Williams, wife of the subject, with whom she still makes her home. Charles E. Williams married h^fiie Davis and they are now living in Omaha, Nebraska; Samuel C. is married and lives at Ames, Iowa. Samuel P. Williams, of this review, was a prominent member of the Christian church of Shelby county, and he was a stanch Republican, taking an active part in the affairs of his party. He cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln. He was very successful as a business man and left an ample com- petency. A few^ years after his death Mrs. Williams came to Xewton and purchased a modern, cozy and neatly furnished home on East South street, where she has since resided. She is highlv esteemed by a wide circle of friends. ISALVH B. CARNS. The record of Isaiah B. Cams, one of Xewton's most substantial and highly honored citizens, is that of a man who has worked his way from a modest beginning to a position of considerable prominence by ^his efiforts. which have been practicall}- unaided, which fact renders him the more worthv of the praise that is freely accorded him by his fellow men and of the respite that he is enjoying in his declining years. The major part of his life has been one of unceasing industry and perseverance and the notablv systematic and honorable methods he has ever followed ha\e won for him the unbounded confidence and regard of all who have formed his accjuaintance. and in look- ing over the list of Jasper county's representative citizens, none is deemed worthier of a place in the pages of this work than that of the venerable gen- tleman whose name appears above. Mr. Cams was born of a sterling old Buckeye family, pioneers of Colum- biana county, Ohio, his birth having occurred in Springfield township, that county, on September 23. 1829. He is the son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Mishey) Cams, natives of Pennsylvania. The father followed farming all his life, coming to Ohio with his young wife in 1808 and settled in what was then a wilderness, in which wild game was plentiful and Indians were numer- :^04 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ons. Thev bei^an life in a loj^' ca])in and literally hewed (^ut from the woods a farm of one hundred and lift\- aeres, and it was there that Isaiah !>. was born and. his father d\ ini;" when he was hut three years old. he was compelled to work hard as soon as he was old enough to go to the fields, his mother, by indomitable pluck and courage, keeping the family together until the subject was fourteen years of age, then she. too. closed her eyes on earthly scenes. The son, Isaiah W.. then went to Stark county. Ohio, and li\ed with an elder brother two years. Although ha\ing only a limited ojjportunity to attend school, he studied hard at home and \yhen only sixteen years old began teach- ing in the winter months, working on the farm in the summer, continuing thus for four \ ears, in the meantime taking a general course of instruction in Twinsburg Seminary. He then entered Allegheny College, at ]\Ieadyille. Pennsvlyania. w here he remained two years, and he made a splendid record in l)oth these institutions. Later he returned to Ohio and resinned teaching", but after four months he began the regular business course in DufT's Mercantile College, at Pittsburg, Peniisylyania. He then went to Cincinnati, Louisyille, and later to St. Louis, seeking employment as bookkeeper, but failed to get suitable work, conse(|uentl}' he came on to Keokuk, Towa, September 27, 1853, and taught in Lee comity that winter. In the spring following he was called to a chair in what was then known as the Iowa Wesleyan Institute, w here he remained one year, when, on account of sickness, he was compelled to return to Ohio. When he came back to Iowa he located at h\armington and there organized an academy in which he taught the following fall and winter. In the summer of 1856 he went to Pennsyhania. where he was united in mar- riage with Margaret Kiddoo. daughter of John Kiddoo. of Jefferson county, Ohio. Returning with his wife to Farmington, Iowa, he inidertook to con- tinue with the school, but the panic of 1857^ coming on, the school failed, after which Mr. Cams came to Jasper county, where he had previously secured one hundred and twenty ^acres of wild land. This he moved upon and began im- proying, remaining there for foiu' )-ears, and there he passed some of the darkest hours of his life, undergoing some of the hardships and priyations always incident to a life in a new country. Then the war between the states came on, and excitement was high in his locality, neighbors all around him began enlisting, so. his patriotism being aroused, he bade adieu to his young wife and three small children on August 15, 1862, and enlisted in the, lu;rtieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry at Newton, and was sent at once to (Cairo, Illinois, thence to Columbus, Kentucky, where the winter of 1862-3 '^^''^^ spent. In the early spring he was sent to Paducah and drilled until June 30th, on the night of which they embarked for A'^icksburg, and there seryed through the .JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 5OS siege: later Mr. Cams was sent to Helena and f.ittle Rock, .Arkansas, and from there he was sent home on sick leave. After remaining at home a month, he was placed in the United States hospital at Keoknk. .The following February he joined his regiment at Little Rock and in the fall of that vear was sent to Fort Smith, later to Fort Gibson, where he was mustered out August 15, 1865. having been a very faithful defender oi the flag for three years. Returning home, he engaged in the real estate business, entering the office of a real estate dealer who, four years later, he bought out. jThen he engaged in the general real estate business for a period of thirtv-one years continuously, selling lands and making abstracts, during which time he became very well established, and took rank as one of Jasper county's substantial citi- zens, retiring from active life in 1896, and he is spending his old age in an attractive, commodious and neatly kept residence in Newton. Mr. Cams is the sole survivor of a family of eleven children, and liis wife is the only one. living of a family of ten children. To them have been born three children, two of whom are living: Fannie is at home: Jennie is the widow of A. F. Solmon,and resides at home: Lizzie died in infancv. This family belongs to the Presbyterian church of Xewton. ]Mrs. Cams being an active member of all the church societies and as active in church work as her health will permit. Mr. Carns has served his church as elder and trustee. Prior to the Civil war he was a member of Mystic Lodge No. 55, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, passing through all the degrees. After the war he dimitted out. He is an active temperance worker, and a member of an anti- saloon league. In politics he is Republican. He belongs to Garrett Post No. 16, Grand Army of the Republic, at Newton. ]\Irs. Carns was for a number of vears a teacher in the public schools and is a woman of talent and culture. Her brother. Joseph D. Kiddoo, was a brigadier-general during the Civil war, being desperately wounded at Petersburg. Before his death he was breveted major-general. ARTHUR LISTER. Among the prominent business men of the younger generation in Jasper county who are deserving of the large success that attends their efforts and of the high esteem in which they are held is Arthur Lister, a man who is not only endowed with indomitable industry, but who maintains a high standard of business and social ethics in every relation of life, thereby winning and re- taining the good will and confidence of all who come into contact with him. -q5 jasper county, IOWA. Mr. Lister comes to us from our sister nation across the Atlantic, and while cherishing patriotic impulses from his native land, he has become thoroughly Americanized and is an ardent supporter of our institutions. He was born in Yorkshire, England, January i8, 1865, and he is the son of William and Hannah (Brown) Lister, both natives of England, where they were reared, educated and married. The family emigrated to America in March, 1865, landing at New York. The father at once went to Philadelphia and engaged in the wool business, having worked as a wool sorter in his native countrv. After remaining in the Quaker city for five years they came to Iowa, locating at Xewton in 1870, the elder Lister having purchased land south of the city before coming here and on this he located and there the son Arthur, of this review, lived until he was seventeen years old, when he engaged in the meat business for his father in Xewton. After conducting this for about three years the son went to Rhode Island to learn the wool business with a brother, James. After remaining there three years, he returned to Xewton, Iowa, and engaged in the grocery business with his father for three years, after which he went to Denver, Colorado, thence returned to Rhode Island, where he again took up the wool business. In a little more than two years he returned to Xewton, and, the father having died the meanwhile, he engaged in the gro- cery business for himself for nearly five years. Closing out this business, he became the manager of the opera house in Newton and later at Grinnell. He leased the opera house at Grinnell and managed it for about two years, during which time he purchased the opera house at Kellogg, which he retained four years. Later he went to Des ]Moines and engaged in the real estate business, having disposed of his opera house at Kellogg. He is at present manager and part owner of Lister's Opera House at Xewton, and owns and operates bill- posting plants in Colfax and Xew^ton. In 1906 he went on the road at the head of the Chase-Lister Company, a theatrical organization, remaining out one year. While engaged in the grocery business in. Newton and as manager of the local opera house. Air. Lister was united in marriage with Louise Schwerin, of Burlington, from whom he was subsequently divorced. This union was without issue. Mr. Lister has met with some success as a business man, proving that he possesses fair business acumen, energy and foresight by his able management of whatever he has turned his attention to, having had experience covering a wide range. He has made a fair success of the local opera house and brought it up to standard, it now ranking with theaters in cities much larger than Xewton, a good class of attraction being constantly booked. He keeps everything in fair order and his attractions draw large crowds, at times many from other towns. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 507 Mr. Lister at one time made a trip to England, his early home, which he left when a babe. While on this visit he made most of the trip from London to Paris on a bicycle. At present he lives in Des :Moines. but spends most of his time in Newton. Fraternally, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias of Newton. Personally, he is a genial, obliging, genteel gentleman whom it is a pleasure to meet. CHARLES W. WINN. There are few people in Newton or in Jasper county who do not know Charles \\\ Winn, a progressive merchant and representative citizen. The chief reason why this is true is that he possesses a never-failing fund of humor and is a man blessed with that wealth of human sympathy which alwavs en- dears one so favored to his fellow men. No gathering of a social nature but receives an added spice if he be present, for he can always be relied upon to make a happy little speech or tell a quaint and funny story. This genial, obliging and popular gentleman was born in Muskingum county, Ohio. March 5, 1844, and he is the son of J. W. and Harriet (Virden) Winn, both natives of Ohio. His father was a merchant and came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 1854. The trip was made in an old-fashioned "prairie schooner,"' through a country more or less wild, over unbridged streams, rough roads, and filled with all kinds of wild game. The father purchased one hundred and sixty acres in Henry county, Iowa, but the hardships and loneliness of pioneer life caused him to turn his attention away from home-building in a new countrv in less than a year and he went back to Ohio, his son returning with him. In 1863 Charles W. Winn again left Ohio and went to Memphis, Tennessee, where he worked at different things for two years. He then returned to Ohio and on May i, 1866, was united in marriage with Eunice Thomas, daughter of David and (Hewett) Thomas, natives of Pennsylvania. Both these parents are now deceased, as are those of Mr. Winn also. To Mr. and Mrs. Winn five children have been born, namely : Orlando, who has remained unmarried, resides in Newton; Estella Laird, wife of J. L. Laird, lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota: Harvey W., who is married, is a prominent business man in Ft. Worth. Texas; Frank D.. who is yet single, lives in Des Moines; Blanch, who is a successful teacher, has remained single and is livimr at home. -oS JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. In 1866 Mr. Winn ai^ain niovetl from Ohio to All I'lcasant. Iowa, where he bought and improved a farm, hving on it for several years. Later, in 1878, he came to Newton. Jasper county, and in this vicinity again engaged in farming pursuits with his usual success. He then turned his attention to the shoe business, which he has followed ever since, having been in his present location in New^ton. either as clerk or proprietor, for a period of tw^enty- three vears. He has one of the neatest, best arranged and best known stores in the county, which is always carefully stocked with an ui)-to-date and at- tractive line of footwear of every description, and his trade has constantly grown, now extending to all parts of the locality. A criterion of his honesty and courtesy to patrons is seen in the fact that many of his best customers are of ten or twenty years' standing. Mr. Winn is one of eight brothers and sisters, tln-ee of whom are still livine". namelv : Isaac makes his home in Ohio; Frank D. lives in Idaho; and himself. Mr. Winn and his family are members of the Presbyterian church of Xewton, of which he is an elder. In politics he is a Democrat and, fraternally, belongs to the Brotherhood of American Yeomen. He has always manifested an abiding interest in the growth of Jasper county and has always readilv supported every movement calculated to augment the same. ALVIN C. GATES. Alvin C. Gates, who was born in Ashland, Ohio. October 14. 1855. is the son of E. N. and Sarah (Cunningham) Gates, the father being a native of Vermont and the mother of Ohio. It was in the year 1840 that the father came to Ashland, Ohio, and engaged in the practice of law\ Here he met and married his wife and here he resided until 1857, when he came to Geneseo, Illi- nois, again engaging in the law business. Mr. Gates's reason for stopping at this point was that he might w^ait until the railroad should have been built farther west. Before leaving Ohio, the father had, in 1854, journeyed to Jasper county, Iowa, and entered something over four thousand acres of land from the gov- ernment, paying the regulation government price of one dollar and a half per acre for it. It was situated in different parts of the county. It was this wise and far-seeing move on the part of the father which laid the foundation of the Gates fortune, which is considerable. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 509 In June, i860, the father rinally came to Jasper county, settHng in Xew- ton. A year later he moved out on one of his big farms a mile and a half northeast of Xewton. After this, although lie still practiced law to some extent, he practically gave up his profession, giving his attenticjn to his vast farming interests. E. N. Gates was one of the ahle lawyers of his time. lie was also a brilliant and forceful orator and a man of fine ])u1jlic s])irit. During the war he was commander of the board of enrolhnent for the sixtli congressional dis- trict of Iowa, acting as attorney and settling all legal questions. On account of this position he was ever afterwards called "J^-^^lgc" Gates. He was verv prominent in the state Grange of his time. He died in Xewton in December. 1882, at the age of sixty-eight years. Alvin C. Gates, the, subject of this sketch, is one of six children, all boys, of whom but two are li\ing. Three died in infancy; Sumner E.. who died in Jasper county in 1900, was ,born in Ohio and at his death was a farmer of considerable means; Lorin A., who was born in Illinois, in 1858. resides in Newton, was formerly engaged in the mercantile business, but is now engaged in oil operations in Kansas. Alvin Gates attended law school at Iowa City in 1876-77 and graduated from that school, afterwards opening a law office in N'ewton, where he en- gaged in the general practice of law for four years. Disliking the work, he purchased a livery stable in Newton, which he conducted for three years. lie was then appointed deputy sheriff under I. L. flatten, which office he filled for three vears. Next he was elected city clerk and superintendent of the X^ewton light and water plant, which position he held seventeen years. During the latter part of that time 'Slv. Gates and George Parsons organized the G. ^^^ Parsons Company, of which Mr. Gates is secretary and treasurer. This com- pany manufacture hea\y excavating machinery, selling their products all over the United States and in foreign countries. He is also vice-president 'of tht- One Minute Manufacturing Company, known all over the United States. Mr. Gates also has other interests of importance, owning some valuable lands. He is a member of X>wton Lodge Xo. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, also Gebal Chapter Xo. 12. Royal Arch Masons, and Oriental Commandery X'^o. 22. Knights Templar, also Za-Ga-Zig Temple, Ancient Arabian Order of Xobles of the Mystic Shrine, at Des Moines. Iowa. ]\lr. Gates is also a mem- ber of Des ]^loines Lodge X^o. 98. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. On December 5. 1877. Mr. Gates was married to Jennie, daughter of Ephraim and :\Iartha ( Harvin ) Bennett, both natives of Iowa. Mrs. Gates is one of three children, two of whom are dead, Adam and David. Mrs. 10 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Gates was born Janiiarx- 23, i860, and is a woman of rare culture and re- finement. She is also prominent socially, being a member of' the local chapter of the P. E. O. She is also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. To this couple have been born four children, one only surviving at this writing: Grace and Glen, twins, born 1879: Grace died in 1880 and Glen in 1889: Earl, born in Xewton in 1889, resides in Xewton. He is shipping clerk for the Parsons Company. He was recently united in marriage with Catherine Wilson, of Xewton ; Harry Dale, born in 1893, died in Xewton in 1894. ALBERT I. BAKER. Among the men who have been instrumental in public affairs is Albert I. Baker, of Xewton. a man eminently deserving of the high esteem in which he is held by all classes, and whose name should be perpetuated in the history of his localitv. partly because of his honored and untiring efforts in upbuilding the same and partly because he has led a worthy and consistent life, also because he is the scion of one of the prominent and influential old pioneer families, the type that has made the great Mississippi valley rival that of the Xile in medieval times. Mr. Baker was born in Livingston county, Illinois. December i, 1864. and he is the son of William E. and Sarah ( Chesebro) Baker, both natives of Xew York. His mother's parents were pioneers of Livingston count}-. Illi- nois, having built the second house in Sullivan townshi]), there, and for. many years they farmed extensively in that county. \Mlliam E. Baker was reared in Cincinnati, Ohio, and he came from there to Livingston county. Illinois, when a very young man, where he located oh a section of land purchased b}- his father and here he was married. There is no more prominent man in Liv- ingston county. Illinois, today than the subject's father, for he has at all times been active in politics and has held numerous township and countv offices, having twice been a meml)cr of the county board of super\isors. He was at one time mayor of the town of, Dwight. Illinois, and was also a mem- ber of the board of education there. After leaving Dwight he moved to Eair- bury, in, the same county, where he w-as appointed postmaster under Cleve- land. Lpon retiring from the postofifice in 1890 he was elected county treas- urer on the Democratic ticket, having resigned the position as ^postmaster to accept same. During his term as treasurer he w^as elected chairman of the Democratic county committee, in which capacity he served through two JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 5II different campaigns, winning in botli. Since going out of office he has been appointed on the board of re\iew for the apportionment of taxes for his county. At present he is residing in Pontiac, the county seat, and is serving as justice of the peace for Pontiac township, having been elected in 1909 by both parties. He is serving in this capacity with his usual ability and satis- faction. Although Mr. Baker is now seventy-three years of age, ^he is hale and hearty and an interesting man to know, being of the finest characteristics and well informed on all public questions. His wife is now sixty-six years old, and they have a host of warm friends. Their family consists of six chil- dren, an equal number of l)oys and girls, namely: Albert I., of this review: Clark E., a photographer of Smithfield. Utah: Stevens R., an att(jrnev in Pontiac: Helen lives in Pontiac; Delia, who married a ranchman, lives in Kalispel. Montana, and Isabel, in Pontiac. When eighteen years of age Albert I. Baker began working as an assist- ant bookkeeper and cashier in a large general store at Fairbury. Illinois, anrl there he remained three years, giving his employers the utmost satisfaction. Then he and his brother Clark established Tlic Fairbury Xcz\.'s, a weeklv paper which flourished for three years, when the plant l)urned. The following day both brothers accepted a partnership with The Fairburv Blade, where they remained two years. Clark Baker then went to Utah and in Decemlier. i8go, Albert I. Baker was appointed deputy clerk of Livingston countv under John C. George and served four years. After^that he spent over three vears in Elkhart, Indiana, as head bookkeeper for the National Paper and Supplv Company, and it was while Jiving there that he met and married Mrs. Har- riet A. Gruber, ncc Dodson, she being the widowed daughter of James J. and Jane (McLean) Dodson, lx)th of Ontario, Canada, where the father had been a merchant : he is now deceased ; his widow is making her home in Buffalo. Xew York, and is now seventy-four years old. One child, a son. born to Mr. and Mrs. Baker, died in infanc\-. In November, 1898, ^Ir. Baker came to X'ewton, Jasper county, and purchased the lozca State Democrat, which he sold after running it less than a year, then engaged with the Iowa Mercantile Company, filling the position of bookkeeper and cashier with his usual ability and fidelity for a period of four years. The next two years he was storekeeper and purchasing agent for the Parsons Self Feeder Company. On June i, 1906. he became auditor and credit man. for the One Minute Manufacturing Company, which position he still holds. perf(jrming his duties in a manner that reflects much credit upon his abilitv and to the entire satisfaction of his employers.. ^He owns a beauti- ful modern home in Xewton. He and his wife are both members of the ^12 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. }^Iethoclist Episcopal church at Xewton. Mr. Baker l)eini;' one of the trustees. He has alwavs taken an acti\"e interest in politics, especially since coming to Newton. He has acted as secretary of the Democratic central committee of the county and it is in a great measure due to his efforts that the party has heen placed on a successful basis. Fraternally, he is a niember of Xewton Lodge X^o. 39, Ancient Free and .\ccepted ]\Iasons. and he is a dimitted meml)er of X'ewton Chapter Xo. 100. Order of the Eastern Star, of which his wife also is a member. He also belongs to the Modern ^^'oodmen of America and the Brotherhood of American Yeomen at X'^ewton. He is a genial, kindly man whom it is a pleasure to meet, well informed on current topics on which men and parties divide and is acquainted with the world's best literature. He is one of those sincere, honest, public-spirited citizens who are a credit to any com- munity, for while laboring to advance their own interests thev nexer lose sight of their obligations to their neighbors and the general pul)lic. GEORGE M. ALLEX. There are always valuable lessons to be gained in perusing the life his- tories of such men as the late George M. Allen, one of Jasper county's most popular citizens whose life forcibly illustrated what energy, integrity and a fixed i)uri)ose can accomplish when animated by noble aims and correct ideals. During the years of his residence in the countv he held the unequivocal con- fidence and esteem of those with whom he came into contact, for he was a man whom to know was to trust and admire owing to his many commendable attributes of head and heart, when the "reaper whose name is death" gath- ered him in its sheaves while in the fullness of his strength and the prime of useful manhood, his irreparable loss to the community was keenly felt by all. Mr. Allen was born in this county on December 17. 1869. the son of James T. and Sarah E. Allen, the father a soldier in the Civil war. having been a member of Company G. Seventh Iowa Cavalry, and his death occurred when his son George was thirteen years of a,^e. Left fatherless thus early in life, it became necessary for him to put his shoulder to the wheel, and. nothing daunted, he pushed forward through every obstacle, proving his sterling in- nate mettle. He was educated in the pul)lic schools and for two years he at- tended the \\'estern Xormal College at Shenandoah, from which institution he was graduated in 1890. He was a good student and advanced rapidly, aufl when he was ready to begin a career for himself he was well equipped. ^,^-^^L,^>-T/t-^^^^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 513 Turning his attention to the clothing business, he entered the employ of G. ]\I. Hoyt & Company. Later he formed a partnership with J. E. Ammons, succeeding the first named concern, but a few years later he and Mr. Ammons dissolved partnership, and Mr. Allen associated himself with J. T. Pound in the same business. He later sold his business to a ]\Ir. Kock and in the spring of 1908 he formed a partnership with l^ed A. Jones, under the firm name of Jones & Allen, clothiers, which partnership was continued until dissolved by the death of Mr. Allen, on July 21, 191 o. He was regarded as one of the leading merchants of Newton, and always enjoyed a good trade with the sur- rounding country as well as the city, for he was uniformly courteous and considerate to his hundreds of patrons, all of whom were his friends, for he believed in injecting the Golden Rule into his every-day afTairs and he there- fore had not only the confidence but the good will of those with whom he had dealings. He was a man of good judgment, keen discernment and managed well, consequently he was succeeding most admirably when his career was suddenly cut short by the common fate of humanity. On June 17, 1896, Mr. Allen was united in marriage with Grace Hough, who survives him. She was the daughter of W^illiam H. and Sarah E. (Bond) Hough, both natives of Virginia, born in the Shenandoali valley in Loudoun county, where Mr. Hough was a prominent and influential Quaker. Mr. and and Mrs. Hough were married at Waterford, Loudoun county, Virginia, May 22, 1850, and they came to Iowa in 1858, locating in Newton, and for a time Mr. Hough freighted goods between that city and Grinnell. He was a man of much native ability and he took considerable interest in political affairs and was highly respected wherever he was known. For many years he owned and conducted a grocery store here. He was elected countv recorder of this county on the Republican ticket for two terms, performing the duties of that office in a most satisfactory manner. His death occurred in NcAvton on April 16, 1894, when seventy-one years of age, his birth having occurred on Novem- ber 27, 1823. He was a member of the Methodist church and a prominent worker in the same, having united with the same soon after he came to Newton, although he had been reared a Quaker. For many years he was class leader in the local congregation and he also sen-ed his church as treasurer. His wife was born on January 17, 1832. and her death occurred in Newton on October 20. 1908. She was a woman of the finest personal characteristics. Mrs. Grace (Hough) Allen was born in the house which she now occupies, on January 25, 1872, and it has been her home ever since. All her girlhood pleasures are connected with the place, the joys of her young wife- (33) 314 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. hood, and later the place became hallowed to her as the place wherein her devoted life companion spent his last days on earth and also as the place from which both her beloved parents passed into the mystic beyond, and here, too, she was led to the happy hymeneal altar. Mrs. Allen was graduated from the local high school in 1890, and she has been prominent in musical affairs from childhood. She is now a member of the choir of the Methodist Episcopal church : in fact, she has been singing in this choir since she was a school girl. She has a splendid alto voice which delights all who have the pleasure of hearing her sing. Mr. Allen was also a singer of exceptional ability as well as a thorough musician, and for years he was a well known figure in the choir of the Methodist church with his wife, and he was also a member of the Newton band. His voice, rare and well trained, was frequently heard at funerals and upon memorial occasions. Besides Mrs. Allen, the following children constituted the family of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hough: Mrs. E. E. McCord, Arthur and Fred, all living in Newton. Surviving Mr. Allen, besides his wife, is a sister, Mrs. Carrie Rice, of Pueblo, Colorado, and Roy Allen, who is in the printing business in Newton. At the time of his death Mr. Allen was treasurer of the Methodist church. He was a prominent Mason, being a member of the blue lodge; he was also a member of tlie Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and was a charter member of the Xewton Hunting and Fishing Club. He had no children. He was a man of engaging personality, genial, kind and generous almost to a fault, e\-er true to all that was best and noblest. All who knew him felt the personal charm of the man. for they' knew him to be a man not only of exceptional ability, but an advocate of all that meant progress in material, civic and moral lines. \VILLTAM M. BOYD. We of the present generation do not fully. realize what it meant for the young men of half a century ago, with life's bright promises before them, to lea^'e business, the comforts of home and the pleasures of associations with family and friends and go out to do or die 'in tlie world's greatest war, in which they suffered indescribably, at times, during four long, dreary years, "in order that the nation might live." But they, our honored sires, did it, gladly and well, and today no man should be the recipient of greater esteem bv us than the old Aeteran, who wore the blue. One such was \\'illiam M. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 515 Boyd, long a highly respected citizen of Jasper county, who was born in Cen- ter county, Tennessee, January 22, 1843. and he was the son of John and Sarah (Beldon) Boyd, the father a native of Tennessee and the mother of North Carolina. The latter came with her people to Tennessee with her parents when young and there met John Boyd and they were subsequently married by the noted "Parson Brownlow," a prominent preacher and poli- tician of his time. Mr. Boyd devoted his life to farming and carpentering and his death occurred in Jonesborough. Tennessee, at the advanced age of ninety years. He was influential in his community in public matters, and he and his oldest son were soldiers in the Mexican war, the father rising to the rank of first lieutenant. He was twice married and William M.. (jf this re\"iew, is one of three brothers by the first marriage; Samuel T. died in Tennessee in 1909; James I. lives in Shelby county, Iowa. Xine children were born to the second marriage. William M. Boyd left home witli his father's brother when fifteen years of age and came to Illinois where he worked as a farm hand four years, then in 1854 he came to Jasper county, Iowa, w-hen the country was new, settling in Poweshiek township where he worked as a farm hand until he responded to his country's call and enlisted in Newton, in Company B, Forty-eighth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in the western division of the Federal army, under "Fight- ing Joe"' Hooker. He was sent to Davenport, where he did guard duty, and later sent to Chicago to prevent a possible attempt to free a number of Con- federate prisoners held there. Returning to Rock Island, he was honorably discharged at the close of 1864 and returned to Jasper county, where he pur- chased one hundred and sixty acres of land, raw prairie, having long since transformed it into a splendid farm, well improved and under a high state of cultivation, and on which he was very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser. In March, 1857, Mr. Boyd was united in marriage with Amanda Sewell, daughter of John Sewell. a native of Indiana, and to this union three children were born, two sons and one daughter : Samuel died in infancy; Ella married Jonathan Lacy and resides in Colfax, this county; Sarah D. married a Mr. Patterson, a grain dealer of Mitchell ville, Iowa. The first wife of Mr. Boyd died in 1863 and in 1865, upon returning from the war, he married Margaret Martindale, a widow, and to this union seven children were born, all of whom are living, namely: Dr. F. E.. of Colfax; Edward, who conducts a "bus" line in Newton; L. J. is a traveling salesman, out of Beatrice, Nebraska; H. C. is a druggist in Mason City: Bertrus is the wife of Sumner Baker, a merchant who lives in Maringo. this 5l6 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. county; Theodosia is unmarried and is living at home; Linnie is the wife of Richard Sharp, a miner of this county. Until seven \ears ago, Mr. Boyd carried on active farm work, then re- tired and moved to Colfax, where he purchased a neat, substantial and com- fortable residence in which he spent his old age in the midst of plenty as a result of former years of activity. His death occurred on July 3, 191 1. He was always a man who had^the public welfare at heart, and he served in nearly all the township offices. He was a member of the Methodist Epis- copal church of Colfax, and he belonged to the E. D. Duncan Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was commander for several years. He belonged to Riverside Lodge Xo. 53, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Colfax, and he belonged to Oriental Commandery No. 22, Knights Tem- plar, at Newton, and to, the chapter of Royal Arch Masons; he had been a Mason since 1863. He was the recent overseer of the poor at Colfax and one of the commissioners of the soldiers' relief commission, and he was a member of the city council. In every capacity in which he served the public he acted conscientiously and won the approval of all concerned. KENNINGTON BROTHERS. The record of a life well spent, of triumphs over obstacles, of persever- ance under difficulties and steady advancement from a modest beginning to a place of honor and distinction in the industrial world, when imprinted on the pages of a history, present to the youth of the rising generation an example worthy of emulation and may also be studied with profit by those of more mature years whose achievements have not kept pace with their expectations. The success of the well known and popular firm of K'ennington Brothers, real estate dealers of New^ton, Jasper county, has been well earned and is worthy of careful consideration by those hesitating at the parting of the ways. They are representatives of a prominent old pioneer family here. L. S. Kennington was born in Jasper county, Iowa, June 13, 1858, and he is the son of Henry and Margaret (Slaughter) Kennington, the mother being a native of Ohio and the father of Ireland, from which country he emigrated to America in 1849, landing in New York where he began working as a locomotive machinist. Four years later he moved to Dayton, Ohio, w here he was married. In 1855 he came to Jasper county alone and purchased eighty acres of land and in the spring of 1856 he returned, bringing his family, JASPER COUNTY^ IOWA. 517 and began developing the land. By hard work and good management he soon had an excellent farm and a comfortable home and here he continued farm- ing until 1880 when he moved to his beautiful home in Newton where he has since led a retired life. He has always been a man of public spirit, his great- est interest being in the upbuilding of the schools and public roads, and during his active years he served as supervisor of roads and as school director. many times. To the original tract he added eighty acres, making one hundred and sixty acres in all, which valuable farm is now owned by his son, John M., brother of L. S. Kennington. The elder Kennington is a man of sterling attributes and popular with a wide circle of friends. At the age of sixteen years L. S. Kennington started in life for himself by canvassing for books. He then entered Hazel Dell Academy for the win- ter term and the following spring began teaching school. From then on till the fall of 1879 li^ either attended or taught school. He was a success as a teacher and his services were in great demand, but, believing that the law was his proper sphere, he began studying Blackstone and other standards, and entered the law department of the University of Iowa where he made a splendid record, and was graduated from the law department in 1880. Then he began the collegiate course from which he was graduated in 1884, receiv- ing the degree of Bachelor of Laws from the law department and the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the college ; later he received the degree of Master of Arts. In July, 1884, Mr. Kennington bought a half interest in the loiva State Democrat at Newton, and he purchased the other half in 1887. This paper he published with singular success for a period of fourteen years, during which time he built up a large circulation and made his paper the equal of any its type in Iowa and rendered the same a moulder of public opinion. In the spring of 1896 he was appointed postmaster of Newton and served two years in a manner that reflected much credit upon himself and to the entire satis- faction of the department and the citizens of this community. After leaving the newspaper field he began the practice of law, which he has continued ever since in connection with a real estate business. As an attorney he takes high rank in the local bar and is a painstaking, energetic and straightforward advo- cate and counselor who has long since won the admiration and good will of all classes and he has built up an extensive and ever growing clientele, figuring prominently in all the local courts. He has kept well abreast of the times in all matters of jurisprudence and is a close student. The domestic life of L. S. Kennington began on June 12, 1895, when he was united in marriage with Myra Davis, the daughter of J. S. Davis and 5l8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. wife, the former deceased. Mys. Kennington is a lady of many estimable attributes. At all times L. S. Kennington has taken an active interest in public affairs. In June. 1910, he completed a term of twenty-five years in some official capacity within the organization of the Democratic party. He served several times as county chairman of his party and also upon the congressional committee of his district, being chairman during one of the Weaver cam- paigns. He has served his party well and his counsels have done much for the success of the same. In all positions of public trust he has discharged his duties in an able and conscientious manner, to the satisfaction of all, irre- spective of party alignment. Mr. Kennington is a charter member of the Xewton Business Men's Association. He belongs to Central Lodge No. /t,, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Newton ; Newton Lodge No. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Gebal Chapter No. 12; Royal Arch Masons; Oriental Commandery No. 22, Knights Templar, and the Za-Ga-Zig Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, at Des Moines. Mrs. Kennington belongs to the Episcopal church at Newton. John M.. Kennington, brother of L. S. Kennington, and a well known business man and politician of Jasper county, was born here on October 9, 1856, being the eldest of four living children. The other two, besides L. S., are Eldora May, who married Al Bischoff, advertising manager of a Chicago newspaper; and Howard V., foreman of the linotype room for one of the large Chicago publishing houses. Those deceased are Sarah F., Charles H., Carrie and Margaret. The mother is also deceased. John M. Kennington began life for himself at the age of seventeen years by teaching school in the winter months and working on farms in the sum- mer and he is a fine type of the truly self-made American. He was educated at the old Flazel Dell Academy and when twenty-two years of age he went to Colorado, where he remained until the spring of 1897, working in different mining fields and becoming a successful mine operator. L'pon his return to Jasper county, Iowa, he purchased the old home place of his father, which he still owns and which he has kept well improved and well cultivated. In 1898 he, went to Chicago, where he was united in marriage with .Vlbertine Smith, a lady of refinement, a native of Gennany. Returning to Jasper county with his bride, Mr. Kennington settled on his farm and there he car- ried on general farming and stock raising very successfully until in l-'ebruary, 1908, when his wife was called to her rest, after which he rented his farm and moved to Newton, where he began a real estate business with his brother JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 5I9 and in which he has been very successful. Together they own over one thousand acres of choice and valuable land in Jasper county at this writing. They also have considerable holdings in South Dakota. They carry on a general real estate business, purchasing most of their property outright and are well known all over the county as honest, straightforward, capable busi- ness men, their integrity and honor not being questioned. John M. Kennington has ahvays paid considerable attention to politics, having served his township in nearly e\'ery capacity and he recentlv made a strong race for county treasurer on the Democratic ticket. He is a member of Newton Lodge No. 56, Ancient Free and Acepted Masons ; Oriental Com- mandeiy No. 22, Knights Templar; Gebal Chapter No. 12, Royal Arch Masons; he also belongs to Central Lodge No. y-^^, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Newton, having been a member of the same since 1879 and he is a past grand of that order. Like his brother, L. S., he is popular throughout the county or wherever he is known, being an unassuming, genial and public spirited gentleman. BEMAH BATTELS. It would be hard to find, within the borders of the locality of which this history treats, a man better beloved by his neighbors and his community than Beriah Battels, a sterling and honored pioneer, who, now that he has reached the advanced mile-posts of the years ''where cool and long the shadows grow" before the mellow evening twilight, is serenely passing his last days in re- tirement in his cozy home in the city of Newton. His life since l)oyhood has been an exemplary one, and he is now nearing his four score years. Kindly in his nature, gentle in his judgments, broad in his sympathies, he has long been known in truth to be "a friend in need and a friend indeed." -\lthough the sunshine for him has been darkened during the past few years, owing to some affliction of the eyes, he bears his lot with rare fortitude and cheerful- ness. His optimism of character, his gentleness and kindliness have made him ever a welcome guest in the hon-ies of his fellow men and have endeared him to all who know him. Mr. Battels was born on April 9. 1833. in Trumbull county, Ohio, the son of Beriah and Elizabeth (Fisher) Battels, both natives of Pennsylvania. His father was a veteran of the war of 1812. and his grandfather, who was also named Beriah. was a soldier in the Revolution. \Mien the subject of this sketch was but a small bov he moved with his parents to Hancock cr.untx , -20 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Ohio, and there, in the district schools, he received his education. His father first engaged in the foundry business in Pennsylvania, later took up farming in Ohio, and in 1855 moved with his family to Iowa, locating in Hamilton countv, where, as a pioneer, he engaged in farming until his death, in 1863, at the age of sixty-five years. L'pon coming to this state the subject came on to Jasper county, in 1855, selecting a farm in Poweshiek township, being among the early settlers there, with neighbors few and far between. Here he remained until the outl)reak of the Civil war, when he proved his patriotism by enlisting, in September. 1861. in the state service, and on October 21st fol- lowing was sworn into the United States service at Camp McClellan, as a l^rivate in Company B, Thirteenth Iowa A'^olunteer Infantry, under the com- mand of Capt. Thomas H. Miller and James ^^'ilson, first lieutenant, the lat- ter finally becoming a general. E. E. Dungan was second lieutenant. They were cjuartered at Jeft'erson barracks, near St. Louis, and at Jefferson City, Missouri, for the winter, and in ]\Iarch following they were ordered down the river, otsensiblv bound for Savannah, 1)ut they were turned aside at Pittsburg Landing and ordered into active service. During this engagement Mr. Bat- tels had a portion of his hand shot away, which incapacitated him for further duty, and he was discharged at St. Louis on August 12, 1862, and sent home. After his return from the army lie bought one hundred and sixty acres of land in Malaka township and, witli the exception of two years, 1881 and 1882, when he owned and conducted a general store at Mitchellville. he re- mained upon this farm until he retired in 1890, in which year he removed to Newton, where he has ever since resided, owning here a commodious and pleasant home, neatly furnished and well kept. Mr. Battels was the second child in a family of eight children, namely : Hiram Xewton was a member of a company recruited at Homer, and he served in the Second Iowa Cavalry during the Civil war ; he had a family of thirteen children, eight of whom were boys, who have now reached maturity and are successful business men. Mrs. Margaret E. Russell lives on a farm near Webster City, Iowa ; Jane, who married George Stover, died in Kansas ; Hiram, the second, died in Polk county, low^a ; Mrs. Mary Tucker lives in Pueblf), Colorado; Mrs. Amanda Bell, now a widow, lives at Brush Prairie. Washington; Mrs. Rhoda Brandon lives in Des ^Moines; Mrs Ellen Abernathv lives in Arkansas City. On Eebruary 22. 1853, Mr. Battels was united in marriage with Eliza J. Myers, daughter of John and Matilda (Groves) Myers. Not having any children of their own, they took a child to raise wdien only two months old, Charles E., the son of Lucetta Roberts, now Mrs. Albert B. Kitchel. Thev JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 52 1 educated him and reared him to manhood, and although never legally adopted by Mr. Battels or his wife, he has always borne their name. ~S[r. Battels' first wife died in 1882. whereupon he retired irom the mer- cantile busine'ss. turning the same over to the young man he had reared. On April II. 1883, he was married again, his last wife being known in her maiden- hood as Mar}' E. Carper. Her father, a well known farmer in Poweshiek township, this county, died in 1864, when only thirty-four years old; his widow survived him many years, dying on her se\entieth birthdav in Seattle, \^''ashington. There were five children in the family who grew to maturity, namely : Dr. P. D. Carper, a well known physician of Seattle. Washington, died six years ago; T. E. Carper, now engaged in the transfer business in the last named city, is married and has two children; Mrs. Kathryn Hinton. now deceased, left one child, Mrs. Andrew Christensen, wife of one of Seat- tle's progressive business men: Mrs. Clara Kircher died at Columbus. Ohio: the two brothers, mentioned above, were the first two from this country to set foot into the Klondike, and they enjoyed the distinction of being the first to discover gold in paying quantities on Bonanza creek. Their mining venture was very successful, the two having mined out several hundred thousand dol- lars' worth of gold, and they finally disposed of their claim for two hundred thousand dollars. At his death Dr. P. D Carper was the owner of the Good- lope mine of Nevada, which he left as a legacy to his brothers and sisters and it is still in the family. The first coal discovered in Jasper county north of the river was on the farm belonging to ^Irs. Battels' mother, and there the little town of Oswald was builded. ^[r. and Mrs. Battels are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Newton, the former having been converted at the age of eighteen, and he has been a consistent member of that denomination ever since. He has been class leader in the church since he first moved to Newton ; he has held most everv ofiice in the church, including that of steward, and as lay pastor he visits the homes of the afflicted and those who need his help and he is ever a welcome visitor, for he believes in scattering sunshine about him as he goes through life. Mrs. Battels has been a teacher in the church for a number of years and was a charter member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Colfax. When but fifteen years old she and her sister were baptized in the Skunk river at Colfax, being the first to receive baptism in the river there, and united with the Christian church, in which faith their mother had been baptized by Alexander Campbell at Massillon. C^22 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, Mr. and Mrs. Battels have no children, lie is a member of the Ma- sonic order at Xewton, also belongs to the Garret Post. Grand Army of the Republic, of which he has been past commander and chaplain. In 1862, after his return from the army, Mr. Battels was commissioned captaiai of the Home Guards bv Governor Stone of Iowa. Politically, he is a Republican. ]\Irs. Battels is a member of the Eastern Star, also the Woman's Relief Corps, having" been president of the latter for three years, also served as chaplain. Personallv, Mr. Battels is a very pleasant gentleman and he and his wife have long been prominent jn local affairs, especially in a social way, and among the most influential in club and church matters. J. R. ZOLLINGER. In a necessarily brief sketch like this it is impossible to enter fully into detail. The course of most lives is largely determined by circumstances and environment, a man, as a rule, being only able to do the best he can in the place where he finds himself. Jeremiah Rummel Zollinger was born December 7, 1829. near Hagers- town, Maryland, from which locality he removed in his early childhood with his parents to Pennsylvania, where he grew up. He learned the carpenter's trade, becoming a contractor and builder, and in that capacity came west at the age of twenty -five. At that time he invested somewhat in Iowa farm land. He was of a genial disposition, and had many friends. He was also possessed of sound common sense and good business ability, and, being thoroughly honest, he had the confidence of those with whom he dealt. In August, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Company K. of the Twenty- eighth Iowa, under Captain, afterward Colonel. John Meyer. There would seem to have been a warm friendship always between these two men. From private, J. R. Zollinger rose to be second lieutenant of his company, and was known for the thoroughness with which he performed all the duties falling to him. first as orderly sergeant, and later as second lieutenant. Like all of the Company K boys, he was a good soldier, always ready to fight, and never shrinking from any danger. He was in Hovey's division, and fought in thir- teen battles, besides skirmishes and other fights. In April, 1863. Hovey's division started for Vicksburg. They did not reach it till the 20th of May, when the city was invested and its bombardment began. In the meanwhile were fought the battles of Port Gibson. ]May i st, and Chami)ion Hill. May JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 523 i6th, in both of which J. R. Zolhnger fought, as well as later in the rifle pits of Vicksburg. Immediately after the surrender of X'icksburg the Twenty- eighth Iowa was marched off to take part in the siege of Jackson. Here, on the 7th of July, Lieutenant Zollinger received a wound in the head which did not at the time seem serious, but which gave him more or less suffering all through his later life. In Deceml)er, 1863, he was sent home as a recruiting officer and remained until the 27th of March, 1864, when he rejoined his regiment in Louisiana and saw service in that state during the spring and summer. On the 22d of July, ]864, he was embarked at Algiers, Louisiana, on the steamship "Arage" and sent north to Virginia. Here, in the valley of the Shenandoah, he saw hard service, being engaged in the battles of \X'inches- ter, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, besides several skirmishes. At various times in the absence of a captain he had the command of three diff'erent com- panies in the regiment besides his own, and led Company D in a charge in battle. In January, 1865, the Twenty-eighth was sent by sea to Savannah. Georgia. On the 12th of March they were sent to Newbern, North Caro- lina. Here the regiment by companies did guard duty on hospitals, prisons, and prisoners, and patrolled the town. In August, Lieutenant Zollinger, hav- ing been mustered out, returned to his home. In January, 1868, he was appointed deputy sheriff' by William C. Hawk, the newly elected sheriff of Jasper county. In this position he served four years. He was then elected sheriff, and held that office for three successive terms. In 1879 ^^ ^^'^^ made assignee of a bankrupt stock of goods in Col- fax, and disposed of it satisfactorily to all concerned. In 1880 he opened a grocery in Newton, and remained a grocer until he died, on Fe1)ruary 24, 1895. ' V. H. MORGAN. V. H. Morgan was born March 31, 1872, in Rock Creek townsliip, Jasper county, Iowa, and is the son of John and Mary (Dubois) Morgan, the father being a native of. Indiana and the mother of Iowa. The father came with his parents to Scott county, Iowa, when seven years old, his parents locating on a farm near Davenport, where they remained until they died. Mr. Morgan's father came to Jasper county in 1870 and settled on land near Kellogg. In all, he purchased three hundred and fifteen acres and followed farming and stockraising. Here he remained until his death, on September 29. 1907, at the age of sixtv-three vears. He was a man of splendid public spirit, active in -24 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. local politics and a stanch Democrat. He held a number of township offices, was justice of the peace, assessor and school director. He died having the respect and regard of the many who knew him. The subject of this review began working for himself at the age of twenty vears, working on the farm until he entered school at Hazel Dell Academy under Professor ^^'ormley. After graduating from that institution he taught school for one year, after which he entered the law office of Judge Winslow, reading law. He continued there one year, after which he entered the law department of the Iowa State University, graduating from that school in 1898. Immediately after graduating, he located a law office in Newton and began the active practice of law. He was alone for six years, after which time he formed a partnership with Ralph T. Graham, which partnership, under the firm name of Graham & Morgan, continued until July, 1901, when Mr. Graham went to Whittier. California, where he is now rated as one of its leading attorneys. Again Mr. Morgan was alone until December, 1902, when he formed a partnership with H. C. Korf. under the name of Morgan & Korf. which name is still continued. They do a general law business and represent some of the largest corporations in Newton. Besides the law, they deal cjuite ex- tensively in Jasper county land. During the first eight years of their partnership, they have owned six thousand five hundred acres of Jasper county land, aggregating a value of seven hundred thousand dollars. At this writing they are the owners of what is known as the Draper ranch, located in the county, some four and one-half miles from Prairie City, comprising one thousand two hundred and fifteen acres of fine land and said to be the best big farm in the county. ^Ir. ^lorgan is one of nine children, of whom six are living, three dying in infancy; the living are: Mrs. Emma Robison, wife of W. J. Robison, a farmer of the county ; \\'. R. Morgan, retired, who lives in Newton ; next in order is the subject of this sketch; F. V. Morgan, an attorney residing in Cam- bridge, low^a ; G. L. Morgan, proprietor of the original Morgan farm in the county of Jasper ; H. L. Morgan, an attorney of Ames, Iowa. The subject of this sketch was united in marriage October 30, 1901, W'ith Bessie Hinsdale, daughter of Charles ]\I. and Eva (Vaughn) Hinsdale, her mother being a sister of Hon. Charles N. Felton, former United States sena- tor from California. Her father was a traveling salesman for thirty-five years and at the time of liis death was chief deinity in the I'nited States mar- shal's offi.ce at Des !^foines. He died November 20, 1907. The mother of Mrs. Morgan makes her home with the subject of this sketch. To Mr. and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. D^D Mrs. Morgan have been bom three children, all of whom are living: Charles H., born December 20, 1902; John A., born August 31, 1904, and Elizabeth, lx)rn May 29, 1906. all at home. Mrs. Morgan is a member of the Episcopal church of Xewton. She is also president of the local chapter of the P. E. O., a social organization of state-wide importance, designed for social, charitable and educational work. Mr. Morgan is a member of tlie Knights of Pythias, also of Oriental Com- mandery No. 22, Knights Templar, of Newton. In politics he is a Republi- can. In 1900 he visited the Paris exposition as special commissioner from the state of Iowa, remaining in Europe for three months and visiting all the principal countries and points of interest. E. B. RAMSEY. Fifty years ago when the slaveholders' rebellion broke out with all its fury at Fort Sumter and when it looked as if the Union, which all love so much, would be dissolved. E. B. Ramsey, a venerable and esteemed citizen of Newton, Jasper county, enlisted to save the federation of states, being per- fectly willing, notwithstanding the grave dangers and certain hardships, to do what he could in this direction. ]t was a time when there could be no tem- porizing and no halting — no half-way position — for all who were not for the Union were against it, and both sides hated the man who claimed to be neutral because he had not the courage to go upon the field of battle and had no principles to sustain. ]\Ir. Ramsey was alive to the gravity of the national conflict, realizing that the struggle impending was something more than a holiday undertaking and knew that it meant great sacrifices and the shedding of much precious blood before the flag could again wave from Maine to Florida and from the Atlantic to the Pacific seaboards ; but he did not hesitate, be it said to his everlasting credit. So for this and many other reasons the name of Mr. Ramsey should be included in this history, not the least of which is the fact that he has been a loyal booster to the city of Newton since taking up his residence here, forty-four years ago, ha\ing played no inconspicuous part in the general progress of the town, and led a life so free from aught that is paltry or ignoble that its parallel is not frequently met with, and now that the twilight shadows of life are enshrouding him he can look backward over a road well traversed and forward with no apprehension. :;26 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Ranise)' was born in 1827. in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, and he is the son of Thomas and Sarah (W'eaverhng) Ramsey, both natives of Pennsylvania. The father, who dexoted his life to farming, was an old-line Whig and a man of upright character. His death occurred on December 20, 1861, at the age of fifty-nine years, while his son, E. B., was away from home, fighting for the flag which they both loved. The mother lived to be seventy- seven years of age. E. B. Ramsey, who was the third child in a family of six children, is of Scotch-Irish ancestry; the other children are: James, now deceased, formerly a wagon maker in Pennsylvania ; John died in Bucyrus, Ohio, when twenty- eight vears of age; Henry \\'., who served in the Unitm army, enlisting in a Pennsylvania regiment, is a shoemaker and lives in that state; Sophia is also living there; Oliver, now deceased, also served in the Civil war from Penn- sylvania. E. B. Ramsey, of this sketch, received his education in the public schools in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, but his educational advantages were limited. When fifteen years of age he was apprenticed to a tailor, and after learning the trade he worked at it for a period of fifteen years in different towns in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and won a reputation for verv skilled workmanship. When the Cixil war began he was one of the first to offer his services to the Union, April 25, 1861, in Company G, Thirteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He was stationed at York, Pennsylvania, and later at Chambers- burg, Pennsylvania. He was accidentally wounded by the carelessness of Lieut. William Barndollar. The subject found a revolver while doing picket duty and having seen one similar in the hands of his lieutenant, he took it to him. the latter carelessly taking hold of the weapon which was discharged as he did so, the bullet passing through Air. Ramsey's hand. The lieutenant was also injured. The result was that the subject received a discharge for dis- ability and was sent home. On February 20, 1863, leaving his young wife at home (for he had in the meantime married), he re-enlisted, this time in Com- pany E, One Hundred and Eighty-sixth Penns}l\'ania \"olunteer Infantry. He was in various engagements and skirmishes, but most of his duties were l^erformed while on detached service. After the close of the war he received an honorable discharge and was mustered out in August. 1865, in Philadel- phia. Air. Ramsey was married on February 18, 1862, to Sarah E. Widell. who was born in Bedford county," Pennsylvania, the daughter of George and Mary dMillborn) Widell, both natives of Pennsylvania. Her parents were of Ger- man and English extraction. '^Fhev came to Iowa and located in Xewton in JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 527 1867 and here Mr. Widell lived until his death, on December 20, 1888, at the age of seventy-two years. His widow survived until April 30, 1901, dying at the age of seventy-eight years. They" were the parents of six children; the eldest, Sarah E., who married ]Mr. Ramsey, was born on November 26, 1840; Amanda died when twenty-two years of age; Mary is the wife of Hess Par- sons, a prominent stock man and farmer in Alalaka township, this county; Georgia, wife of James Woods, lives in Xewton ; Henrietta, who married Charles Clark, lives in the state of Washington, where he owns a fruit ranch; William lives in Newton. E. B. Ramsey came, unaccompanied, to Iowa in the fall of 1867, reach- ing the city of Newton on November 23d. his family following soon after- ward. He was able to foresee a great future for Newton and decided to settle here. First he worked at his trade, that of tailor, later conducting a dray and express business for over -thirty years, or until he retired from active life, he having been sole owner of the same. By careful and honest manage- ment he succeeded in building up an extensive patronage and accumulated a competency for his old age. Three children were born to j\Ir. Ramsey and wife, named as follows: Elmer Elsworth lives in Des Moines; Charlie Preston, who makes his home with his father here in Newton, married Almira Stewart, and they have two children, Katherine W., who teaches school, and Florence E., who is attend- ing high school in Newton. They keep house for their grandfather, the sub- ject, his wife being deceased. William Albert, the youngest child of the sub- ject, died in infancy. After traversing happily and harmoniously the winding path of life to- gether for nearly a half century, Mr. Ramsey was called upon to undergo his greatest sorrow, that of parting from his faithful life companion, who passed to her rest on August 9, 19 10. She was a woman of remarkable intellect, broad-minded, kind-hearted and who was always willing to lend her assist- ance in forwarding any good cause. By her efforts, probably more than those of anv other woman, was the public library in Newton established. There being much local prejudice against it, she was compelled to work for it for a number of vears. She presided over the "reading room." patiently working with other right-minded citizens, until the public library became a fixture in Newton. She was its first librarian, and served as such for a period of thir- teen vears in a manner that reflected much credit upon herself and to the sat- isfaction of all concerned. She was a faithful member of the Lutheran church, a charter member of the local congregation, and she was a teacher in the Sunday school until ill health compelled her to resign. r28 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ^ir. Ramsey is a member of the same church. ha\ing been loyal to this denomination for a period of sixty-se\en years, and he was an officer in the church for a period of forty-five years, having been elder until recently, when his hearing grew too poor to perform his duties adequately, but he is still elder emeritus. He is a member of Garret Post, Grand Army of the Republic. When he enlisted for service in the army he was postmaster at Everett, Penn- sylvania; his wife, having been made his deputy, looked after the office while he was at the front. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps, also the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Politically. Mr. Ramsey has al- ways been a stanch Republican. He owns a pleasant cottage on Farmer and Washington streets, and is spending his declining years in peace and comfort. T. B. OWINGS. The history of Jasper county is not a very old one. It is the record of the steadv growth of a community planted on the wild prairies scarcely more than a half century ago and has reached its magnitude of today without other aid than those of industry. The people w^ho redeemed it from the primeval state Were strong-armed sons of the soil who hesitated at no diffi- culty and for w^hom hardships had little to appall. Among this class is the prominent retired farmer and enterprising citizen by whose name this article is introduced. The county was in its infant state of development w-hen he came upon the scene, and he has done much to assist in advancing its won- derful resources and' brought it up to the proud position it now occupies among the most progressive and enlightened sections of Iowa. J. B. Owings was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, December 25, 1837. He is the son of Beal and IMiranda (Young) Owings, both natives of Mary- land, from which state they came to Ohio about 181 5 and became prominent among the pioneers there, spending the rest of their lives on a farm there, the father dying in April, 1839, and the mother in 1844; they were the par- ents of eight children, three of whom are living, namely : Mary Ann died about 1908: Ellen also died about 1908; John died at Trinity Center, Cali- fornia, in 191 1 ; Denton died in childhood; McKensie lives in Newton, Iowa; Jesse died when twelve years old ; Minerva lives at Carbon Cliff, Illinois, and is the wife of a Mt. Barton; J. B., of this review. The subject grew to maturity and was educated in his native state, remaining there until 1855, when he came to Jasper county, Iowa, where he has since resided. He settled nine miles east of Newton and followed J. B. OWINGS JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 529 farming successfully until 1892. when he moved to Xewton and retired. He lived to see and take part in the great transformation of the county, for when he first came here the wild prairies were scarcely touched bv a plow- share and the town of Xewton was very small, there being no square and the court house was small and built of wood; there was not a brick building in the town. Land was then worth only three, six and eight dollars per acre. Mr. Owings is the owner of a finely improved and productive farm in Kellogg township, consisting of one hundred and thirty-four acres. On this he did unusually well as a general farmer and stock raiser. On December 27, i860, ]\Ir. Owings was married to Martha Mills, daugh- ter of John }klills, of Keokuk county, Iowa. She was born in Tennessee, ^larch i.1,, 1844, and from there she removed to Iowa with her parents when she was one year old. To Mr. and Mrs. Owings three children have been born, namely: Shafer A., who was born May 12, 1862, married Allie Miller, of Jasper county, and they live on the parental homestead, nine miles east of X'ewton ; Gertie J., born July 2/. 1865, is the wife of J. B. Case, a traveling salesman, residing at Jackson, Mississippi; Arrie I)., born December 12, 1869, married Charlie Miller, li\ing near Kellogg, Jasper county; she is now deceased. Mr. Owings has been a worker in the affairs of the county, having held a number of township offices in Kellogg, and he was overseer of the poor in Xewton township. In all of these he discharged his duties most faithfully and creditably. Fraternally, he is a member of Xewton Lodge X'o. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; politically, he is a Republican, and he and his wife are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal church. MARIOX R. HAMMER. M. 1). The life history of Dr. Marion R. Hammer, prominent citizen of Xewton, Jasper county, is one of romance and tragedy. Born in this county, the son of verv early settlers, his career has been one of strenuous action and full of human interest; but, being endowed with sterling (jualities. he has successfully met and overcome many obstacles that would have defeated the purposes of others less courageous. Determining early in life to become a physician, he let nothing stand in the way of his ambition and after years of toil and self-sac- rifice he attained the end sought for, becoming a successful practitioner, hon- (34) :io ^O JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, ored among his fellows. From this position he was stripped of all honors and subjected to such humiliation and disgrace as falls to the lot of a convict, then, to be pardoned bv the goxernor, restored to citizenshi]). and again win l)ack success and honor. He clearly belongs to that class of men made of the stuff that does not bend easily and who refuse to be downed by untoward ircum- stances, who, in fact, being natural fighters, thri\e on opposition. Doctor Hammer traces bis ancestry l)ack to Aaron Hammer, who was born in Celacia, (lermany, from which country he emigrated to America in 1 72s, settling in Bucks county. Pennsylvania, in which county his son Abra- ham was born in .1731. He adopted the Quaker religion and became a worker in that faith and the next three generations of Hammers adhered to the same. His son Isaac was l)orn at Guilford Court-house. North Carolina, in 1764, whither the father. .\1)raham. had emigrated with his family. Elisha. son of Isaac, was born in Xorth Carolina. ]\Iay i. 1789. and at an early age moved with his parents to Tennessee, settling in Jefferson county. He was a miller and owned a mill on the historic stream of Lost creek. He was a minister of the Friends church. His family consisted of ten children, of whom, Jesse, the father of the subject, was fourth in order of birth. In 1846 the Rev. Elisha Hammer sold his mill, loaded up bis earthly l^elongings and drove over- land to Iowa, bringing" his wife and si.\ sons, four of whom were married, and thev brought their families ; also tw(^ daughters. The Rev. Mr. Hammer came along, leaving but one meml)er of the family in Tennessee, llie Ham- mers wintered in Richland. Keokuk county, Iowa, where the father taught school. In the spring of 1847 Rev. Elijah Hammer came to Jasper county and settled in the neighborhood of Hammer's Grove and there he organized the I'riends church and became its first pastor, serving with(nit pay. and there he continued to reside until liis death, in 1847, ^'^^^ he was buried at Pleasant Plains. He was a useful man and accomplished much good wherever his lot was cast. He was a Whig and a strong Abolitionist. Jesse Hammer, father of the Doctor, was born Octol)er 4. 1820, in Jef- ferson county. Tennessee. There he grew up. recei\ed what education he could in the rude schools of those early days and there be married, bis wife dving in early life, leaving him with two sons. In i84r) be joined liis father, who de- cided tf) leave that country since he was opposed to slaxerv and his \iews had been resented by his neighbors, and they all came to Iowa. He settled in Jasper county and was destined to become quite prominent and influential. Here he married Margaret W. Sparks, daughter of John R. Sjxirks. wlio owned a flour n^ill at Lynn\ille. of wln'cb mill Jesse Hammer later became miller. o])eratin,iL'; the same successfullv for a number of vears. He later JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 53 1 became miller of Doctor Warren's mill near Oskaloosa. He was the owner of two hundred acres of land in Xewton township. He was elected the first sheriff of Jasper county. Init refused to serve. His marriage with Margaret Sparks was the first of record in this county. His brother Seth was the first recorder of the county, having been elected in 1846 or 1847; another brother. Elisha, was captain of Company G, Seventh Iowa Ca\alry. in the Civil war. Jesse Hammer was married four times, his first wife having been a Miss Hackney, of Tennessee, and they were married in Jefferson county. Mr. Ham- mer's wedding suit having been cut out by Andrew Johnson, later President of the United States, who lived in the adjoining county. By his second wife, Margaret Sparks, was born Dr. Marion R. Hammer, of this sketch, he l>eing their oldest child. In all, Jesse Hammer was the father of fourteen chil- dren. John R. Sparks, mentioned above, was not only known as the pro- prietor of the mill at Lynnville but he was also a large land owner, and at one time paid the largest tax of any one in Jasper county. He was prominent in the early industrial life of the county, having established the first flour mill, the first saw mill and the first carding mill in Jasper county, all being erected near Lynnville. Two sons of his, William Henry and Mathew T.. uncles of the subject, were soldiers in the Ci\'il war. having served in the I-'ifth Iowa \'olunteer Infantry: they were captured at Tunnel Hill in 1864 and in- carcerated in Andersonville prison, where. they died. The death of Jesse Ham- mer, father of the Doctor, occurred on September 2. 1873. at Richland. Iowa, whither he had gone on a visit. Dr. ]yIarion R. Hammer, the immediate subject of this sketch, was born Januarv 26, 1853, about a quarter of a mile north of the Amboy school house in Kellogg" township. When he was eight years old his mother died, and his earlv education was neglected, in fact, at the age of fifteen he could scarcely read or write, but earlv in boyhood he had shown a preference for the medi- cal profession and would not permit anything to turn him from his course, and he consulted with Dr. I. A. Hammer, a brother of his grandfather, as to the proper course to be pursued and was informed that he must obtain an educa- tion, so the boy set about to do so. Saving his earnings by working out on the farm, he attended school ten terms at Hazel Dell Academy and at Lynnville three terms. He also taught one term in the Lynnville Academy and three terms of public school in the county. In 1876-7 he entered the Iowa State Universitv and took his first course in medicine. He studied assiduously and made a brilliant record in his studies, both in the academy and the university. and thus well e(|uii)ped he began the practice of medicine at .\damson Grove in 1877. Later he located in Reasoner. In order to further fit himself for his .■^o- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. calliiii^". in j88o he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Joseph. Missouri, taking the prescribed course of medicine. Before he had finished there was a si)Ht in the faculty of that institution and a number of professors and students seceded and established the Northwestern Medical School. Of the seventy-seven students in the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, more than fiftv went with the new college. Doctor Hammer being one of the number and he graduated fourth in a class of twenty-seven on Febru- ar\- 17. 1881. He was elected vice-president of the Alumni Association of the last-named institution. Following his graduation, he came to Newton, lo- cating here in March. 1881. In the spring of 1884 he went to Kingsley. Iowa, and taught in the schools there for three terms He was first principal of these schools for one term. He was appointed professor of physiology of King College in Des Moines, which position he held for four years, and he lectured for two years on diseases of children in that college. In March, 1889, he was graduated from the King Eclectic College. He taught the branch of physiology in the Newton College for seven or eight terms. As a teacher he gave the utmost satisfaction in all capacities. On Octol^er 22, 1876, Doctor Hammer was united in marriage with ]\rar\- Emma Dooley, the daughter of a Jasper count\' farmer, and to this union two children were born: Marion R., Jr.. born August 22, 1878. is prac- ticing law in Newton; Jesse Marion, born at Kingsley. October 18, 1884. is. farming in Jasper county and is an optician. In the year 1901 Doctor Hammer was so unfortunate as to become em- broiled in a fjuarrel with a young man of Newton which resulted very disas- trously, for a time checking his career, and bringing much sorrow into his life. Doctor Hammers ow-n story of the troube follows: The two men in (juestion met on the public square and after a few bitter words the Doctor's opponent struck him five times in cjuick succession, the fourth blow knocking him to his knees ; while he was still on the sidewalk, the fifth blow knocked him into the street, some distance from the curbing. His opponent then followed him up ;md as he apj^roached Doctor Hammer drew a sheathed knife from his pocket and struck him with the knife sheathed, but his assailant continued to rain blows upon the Doctor's head and shoulders. 1 he latter's opponent was a much younger and larger man. twenty-eight \ ears of age, six feet and one inch tall and weighing two hundred and fortv pounds, while the Doctor was forty-eight years old and weighed but one hundred and fifty pounds at that time, and was but five feet seven inches in height. Be- lieving that liis life was in danger and not being able to cope with his opponent unassisted, he unslieathcd his knife and cut him several times or JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 533 until his assailant desisted from his attack. Imji- this he was arrested, tried and convicted of attempted manslaui^hter, hefore Judge Bishop, who was ap- pointed to hear the case and on l'>iday, March i, 1901. was sentenced to serve three and one-half years in the penitentiary. The ca.se was then ap- pealed and was sustained by the upper court, and on April 22, 1902, he was taken to Fort Madison by Sheriff Hook and Deputy Agnew, who showed him every possible courtesy. During the first ten months of his term in prison he was a messenger man or "lumper." and as such was allowed freedom to go to all parts of the penitentiary : the last twenty months he was gate-keeper at the lower gate and was outside the walls every day. His wife remained faith- ful during his trouble and never ceased in her efforts to work for his pardon. A petition containing over three thousand names, being one-third of the voters of the county, was presented to the governor, together with petitions from persons from various states of the union to the number of four thousand. The latter names were secured through the editor of the Blue Grass Blade, the Rev. C. C. Moore, of Lexington, Kentucky, who interested himself in the case and espoused it. These seven thousand names were presented in a peti- tion to the governor, asking for his release, and after the men who had been most interested in his prosecution and conviction had joined in the petition, the governor acted upon it, and on September 12, 1904. the Doctor's sentence was commuted to take effect on September 15th. three days later. He had received eight months off for good time. He came back to Xewton on the same train which had carried him to prison, reaching home on the 22d of that month, just two }-ears and six months after leaving home, \\nien the train upon which he was returning arri\-ed at the local station he was met by a delegation of five hundred persons, who tendered him an ovation, assuring him that they believed he had been wrongfully sentenced. On April 18. 1905, Doctor Hammer was restored to citizenship by the governor. The Doctor does not believe that his case was properly handled by his attorney. After his return home he again took up the practice of medicine, in the .same office in the ]\I\ers block, which he had retained during his absence; in fact, this has been his office since 1885. He has been very successful since his return home. enioving a large and growing practice, and he has sent his son. M. R. Ham- mer, Jr., through Drake University. Doctor Hammer is independent of his practice, but he continues it because of his liking for the work. He owns a good farm near Kapple Station, as also does Mrs. Hammer. He has served as health officer of the citv of Xewton for two years, and he has been i)hysician to the county jail for four years, all told : at the present time he is assistant phvsician to the county. He has been president and secretary of the Jasper ;24 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. County Eclectic Society of Physicians and Surgeons, and in 1910 he was elected vice-president of the Jasper County Medical Society. He was president of the Kingslev Medical Society and president of the Teachers Association of that institution. While confined at the state penitentiary he formed a medi- cal society and was made its president. It consisted of five other physicians. At present he is a member of the Jasper County Medical Society, the Iowa State Medical Society and the American Aledical Association. He is a dimitted member of the Masonic order. Lebanon Lodge No. 127, at Lynn- ville, Iowa. He is also a dimitted member of the Knights of Pythias. He belongs to the Pioneer Lodge, Des Moines Homesteaders. Politically, Doctor Hammer was reared a Republican, became a Demo- crat, afterwards embraced the Greenback theory, and later became a Populist, and is now a Socialist. He voted for Belva Lockwood for President, and is an ardent supporter of woman's suffrage. While he has always been an abolitionist, he is an uncompromising Confederate, and is in possession of the onlv Confederate flag in Jasper county. Religiously, he was reared a Quaker (Friend), became a Methodist, then a Universalist, later an infidel and now a confirmed atheist. CHESTER SLOANAKER. One great exemplification of the fact that wealth attends upon industry and that comfort is a close follower in the wake of thrift is shown in the life career of Chester Sloanaker, the popular and able vice-president of the First National Bank of Newton and a potent factor in the financial circles of the locality for many years, being regarded as one of the leading and substantial citizens of Jasper county; however, his is a plain record, rendered remarkal)le by no strange or mysterious adventure, no wonderful and luckv accident, and no tragic situation. Mr. Sloanaker being one of those estimable characters whose integrity and strong personality must force them into an admirable notoriety, which their modesty never seeks, who command the respect of their contemporaries and tlieir ])osterity, and leave the impress of their in- dividuality upon the age in which they live. Mr. Sloanaker was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania. January 11. 1856, of a sterling old New England family, members of which have figured more or less prominently in various walks of life since the old colonial days. He is the son of Isaac Morgan and Mary Trego (Hartman) Sloanaker, the father a. native of Chester countv, Pennsvlvania. where he grew to maturitv JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 535 and was educated, and tor many years he engaged successfully in the whole- sale mercantile business in the city of Philadelphia, under the firm name of Sloanaker, Kilpatrick & Company, wholesalers and importers, which firm did an extensive ahd thriving business. His wife was the daughter of Maj.-Cien. George \V. Hartman, who took a conspicuous part in the war of 181 2. His father, Major George Hartman, was a drummer l>oy when fourteen years of age at the battle of Brandywine, during the Revolution, and he was wounded in that engagement. His father was Major Peter Hartman, an officer in the patriot army. Peter Hench. the great-grandfather of Mrs. Isaac M. Sloan- aker, lived at Valley Forge during the war for independence, and while Washington's army was camped there, and he turned out his herd of cattle to the commander, to be used as food for the soldiers, for which worthy ser- vice the government later voted him money. His wife baked bread for the army. The maternal side of the famil\- is traced back to Plymouth Rock, through the W^eaver and Sharpies families, the subject's grandmother having been a \\'eaver. The earliest progenitor of the Hartman family in America was John Hartman. Dr. William Dell Hartman. uncle of the subject, was a member of the Academy of Science at Philadelphia, and during his career as professor he made a fine collection of shells which was eventually purchased by the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh. Isaac M. Sloanaker. father of Chester, was a Whig and an Abolitionist. He was a strong-minded and a useful man. and his death occurred in 1863; his wife survives, having attained the age of eighty-seven years. She makes her home with the subject and is a woman of gracious personality. She is the mother of two children. Chester, of this review, and .Mrs. Edith Mary Lyday, of Xewton. Chester Sloanaker was educated in the pu])lic .schools and the State Nor- mal at West Che.ster, Penn.sylvania, and also studied at two private academies there. He first turned his attention to farming, which he continued in his native state for five years, then came to Newton, Iowa, in 1881 and was one of the organizers of the First National Bank here in 1882, becoming its cashier, the duties of which position he discharged in a most worthy manner for a period of ten years, his courteous treatment of the bank's patrons and his conservative and judicious management of its affairs rendering it one of the most popular financial institutions of central Iowa. He became its president, which important position he held for a period of ten years, during which the bank enjoyed a still greater period of prosperity; he is at this writing vice- president and is devoting part of his time to real estate and other large inter- -i5 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ests. He is esseiuiallv an organizer and promoter by nature, and he pos- sesses rare business acumen and foresight, being al)le to forecast with re- markal)le accuracv the future outcome (»f a present transaction, and he has been very successful in a financial way, having, by his individual efforts, ac- cumulated a handsome competency and extensive property interests, including one of the most attractive, modern and desirable residences in Newton, the presiding" spirit of which is a lady of culture and genial personality, known in her maidenhood as Elizabeth Failor Lyday, whom Mr. Sloanaker married on September 13. i88t. She was born in Springfield, Ohio, and came to Jasper countv. Iowa, in her youth. She is the daughter of Jose])h H. and Alary (Fai- lor) Lvdav. This union has been blessed by the birth of six children, namely: George Hartman died when thirteen months old: Joseph Lyday. who lives near Fresno, California, graduated from Iowa College, drinnell, class of 1908, and engaged in the eucalyptus tree industry, maintaining a large nur- sery at his home; Ruth married Earl C. Guessford. teller with the First Na- tional Bank of Newton : Ralph Chester is with Graber & Allies Garage Com- pany, of Newton : Alary Cecelia graduated from the Newton high school with the class of 191 t ; Hiram Lyday is a student in the local high .school. This family belongs to the Lutheran church, of which Mr. Sloanaker is an elder, and he has been identified with the church council since he has resided in Newton. Politically, he is a Republican. He is a genteel gentleman at all times and a man in whom the utmost confidence is reposed o\^"ing to his hon- est methods. H. C. KORF. Among the earnest }oung men whose depth of character and strict ad- herence to principle have gained for him the admiration of his contempor- aries, H. C. Korf, well known attorney of Newton, Jasper county, is num- bered, and in his professional career he has shown a tenacity of purpose, an indomitable energy and that self-reliant courage whose natural concomitant is definite success. Air. Korf is one of the native sons of this county of whom she should be justly proud. His birth occurred on April 25, 1876 He is the son of Henrv and Wilhelmina (Weseman) Korf, the father a nati\e of Germany and the mother of Freeport, Illinois. The former came to .America in 1848 when eight years of age, accompanied by his parents, who located on a farm near Freeport. Illinois. Henry Korf grew^ to maturity in Illinois and was educated JASPER, COUNTY, IOWA. 537 there, remaining on the home farm durinj^- his youth. He came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1867, locating on a farm in Mahika township, where he be- came well established, developed a good farm and where he lived until 1906, when he retired and moved to Newton, where he now resides, spending his declining years in the midst of plenty and in comfort as a result of his long life of hard work and good management. He is a member of the Presbyter- ian church, and he and his wife have many friends throughout the countv. They are the parents of seven children, namely: H. C, of this review: Mrs. Hermina Rourke, of Marion, Ohio: Mrs. Marie J. Babcock, of Des Moines. Iowa; Amanda is in the law olifice with her brother, H. C. ; L. G. lives in Newton; E. T. is a civil engineer and lives at Ogden. Utah: E. O. is a student, at the State University. H. C. Korf grew to maturity on the home farm and there he assisted with the general work during the crop seasons during his earlv life, receiving, in the meantime, his primary education in the country schools and at Hazel Dell Academy at Newton, later attended Highland Park College at Des Moines, also took a course at the State University, graduating from the law department in 1899. ha\ing made a \er\ commendable record there, and in the same year he was admitted to the bar, soon afterwards beginning active practice at Newton, where he has since remained, building up a very satisfac- torv clientele and taking a very high rank among the men of this profession in central Iowa. He has kept well informed on all the important court decisions and revised codes, being at all times an assiduous student. He has been most successful in all his legal work and he stands second to none of his contem- poraries in a locality noted for the high order of its legal talent. Owing to his marked ability and his public spirit, he was soon singled out for positions of public trust, and for a period of four years he was city attorney of Newton, the duties of which important office he discharged in a manner that reflected credit upon himself and proved the wisdom of his constituents in selecting him for the place. This was from 1903 to 1907. Mr. Korf was married on August 9, 1905, to Patience E. Wormley, of this county, where she was born, reared and educated, being the representative of an excellent earlv family here. This union has been graced by the birth of one child. \\'ilimenia, born June 30, 1910. Mr. Korf is a director in the First National Bank and the Newton Sav- ings Bank: he is secretary and director of the Jasper County Telephone Com- pany, and is also a stockholder in a number of local manufacturing concerns, and he has an interest in several large farms, joint ownership in a number of lar"-e landed estates, in this state, and a large tract in Minnesota and Nevada. -og JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Korf has been very successful in a business way, being a man of rare executive abiHty, soundness of judgment and able to foresee with re- markable accuracy the future result of a present transaction. Politically, he is loyal to Republican principles, and fraternally, he is a member of the Knights of Pvthias. He is one of the trustees of the Congregational church, of which Mrs. Korf is also a member. ]\Ir. Korf has led an exemplary life and has the confidence and good will of all who know him, and he is regarded as one of the most substantial and representative citizens of his county, as well as a lawyer of unusual capability. He has been the artificer, very largely, of his own fortunes, and though he has encountered numerous obstacles, his courage has never tiagged and he has shown himself to be one thoroughly appreciative of the dignity of honest toil and endeavor. He has done much to improve the agricultural prosperity of the countv as well as encourage improvement along various lines, and, judging from his past honored and praiseworthy record, it is safe to predict that the future has much of good in store for him and his fellow men a still greater need of his services. ALBERT H. REED. That life is the most useful and desirable that results in the greatest good to the greatest number and, though all do not reach the heights to which they aspire, yet in some measure each can win success and make life a blessing" to his fellow men; and it is not necessary for one to occupy eminent public positions to do so, for in the humbler walks of life there remains much good to be accomplished and many opportunities for one to exercise one's talents and influence which in some way will touch the lives of those with whom we come into contact, making them better and brighter. In the list of Jasper county's honored citizens is Albert H. Reed, who is living in retirement in Xewton. In his career there is much that is commendable and his life forciblv illustrates what one can accomplish, even in the face of obstacles, if one's plans are wi.sely laid and his actions governed by right ])rinci])les, noble aims and high ideals. Mr. Reed was born on Fel)ruary u. 1836, in Jacksonxille, Illinois, the .son of Dr. Maro ]\IcLain Reed and Elizabeth (Lathro])) Reed, both natives of Connecticut, and in the old Nutmeg state they grew up, were educated and married. At Hartford the father practiced medicine two years, then located in Jacksonville, Illinois, and there the major part of his active career was JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 539 Spent. The Reed family is one of the oldest in Xew England and its several representatives for a number of generations have distinguished themselves in various walks of life wherever they have dispersed, being noted for their industry, culture and intellectual attainments. The paternal grandfather of the immediate subject of this review was Elijah E. Reed, a physician, verv prominent in his profession, in fact, was in advance of his times. He was the first doctor along the Connecticut valley to abandon the old practice of bleed- ing a patient for almost all ailments. He lived and died in Connecticut, after a useful and honored life. He was a descendant of one who came over in the "Mayflower."' William Bradford, who was elected the second governor of the Plymouth colony. His son. Maro McLain Reed, received his classical education at Yale College and his medical education at two medical colleges. Like his father before him. he was very successful as a medical practitioner and was highly esteemed for his manv commenclable attributes of head and heart. He was a man of fine pu1)lic spirit and broad-minded. He was a strong abolitionist and prohibitionist. After coming to Illinois he and Elihu W'oolcot, with others, founded the Congregational church at Jacksonville. He practiced medicine in Jacksonville for a period of forty-five years, during which time he became widely known, in fact, was regarded as one of the leading physicians of that part of the state. His death occurred in 1877, at the age of seventy-six years. His wife was a refi-ned gentlewoman of excel- lent Xew England parentage, and she is remembered as having a face good to look upon, full of benevolence and purity of mind and soul, indexing the inner life of one who held close communion with higher things. She was born in 1S07 and li\"ed to the goodlv old age of ninety-seven, beloxed by all who knew her. Xine children, of whom Albert H., of this review was the third in order of birth, were born to Dr. Maro McLain Reed and wife; those now living are. Tnlia, wife of William T. Reid. of Belmont. California. Mr. Reid was at one time president of the State University of California, but at present he is the owner and manager of the Belmont School for Boys, a preparatory school for Harvard L''ni^•ersity : he is assisted in the work by his wife, a woman of fine culture, great executive ability, and unwavering fidelity. Maria Reed married [. W. Thompson, and they live retired at Berkeley, California: Har- riet Reed was stewardess for a period of twenty years for the Belmont School for Bovs and died in 1902; Mary E. Reed, now decea.sed. was the wife of Professor Blackburn, of Chicago University. Albert H. Reed enjoved the advantages of a liberal education. He at- tended the Jacksonville schools and was graduated from Illinois College in i^^.O JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. i8sy- after which he atiended Andover Theoloi^ical Seminary, in Massachu- setts, and was graduated from that institution in i86j. After leaving the sem- inary, he took up the work of the American Missionary Association tor Freechnen at Norfolk. X'irginia, but after two years of earnest endeavor, he was forced to retire from the work on account of failing health, w'hich had been undermined hv the miasmatic climate, and a se\ere accident. Since then he has led a more or less retired life. On May 13. 1868, Mr. Reed was united in marriage with Julia W'ent- \\ortli. a descendant of one of the illustrious Eastern families. She was born at Rollings ford, Xew Ham^jshire, January 5. 1838, the daughter of John H. and Judith .\. (Pottle) \\'entworth. Her father was a lineal descendant of Elder William W'entworth. of England. Five of the governors of New Hampshire have borne the name of \\>ntworth. In Portsmouth today stand several handsome colonial mansions formerly occupied by the Went worths who were governors of the Granite state. The \\'entworth House, the most prominent hotel in the city of Portsmouth, has achieved international prom- inence bv reason of the peace conference between Japan and Russia being held there and the signing of the treaty between those nations there. John \\'entworth, father of IMrs. Reed, died in i860 at the age of fifty- four years. His family consisted of eight children. Besides Mrs. Reed, they are. Elias P.. who is now eighty years old, is a retired farmer. li\'ing near Portsmouth, at Greenland ; Eleanor married Charles Maloy, of W^altham. Massachusetts, he having been a literary man and a lecturer of prominence, a follower of Emerson; ]\Iartha H., the wife of Joseph Langton. is living at Kittery Point. Maine, just across the river from Portsmouth: he was formerly a merchant. but is now living retired; Thomas Fenner Wentworth is now deceased; he was formerly a prominent attorney in New York City: Francis G., who served through the Civil war, having enlisted as lieutenant in the Seventh New Ham])shire \V)lunteer Infantry, and he was breveted major during the raid at Washington. ^fr. and Mrs. Reed were married at Jacksonville. Illinois, and they con- tinued to reside in that cit\- for a ])eriod of thirty-one years, in the same house, and then they moved to Newton, Iowa. This union was blessed bv the birth of four children, named as follows : Elizabeth A\"entworth Reed, a very capable and talented professional nurse, has had an extensive training in her line, having attended a training .school at Fall River, Massachusetts, and also one of the best hospitals in New York City, receiving careful in- structions in surgery as w^ell as in nursing; she has been successfully engaged in her work in Newton for ten years, and her services are always in great JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 54I demand. Julius A. Reed, the subject's second child, who is with the ^reat Wanamaker department store of New ^'ork City, was named for his uncle, Rev. Julius A. Reed, well known ihrouj^hout the state of Iowa as a Congrega- tional minister, his entire life having been spent in home missionary work. After the first few years of this work, he was appointed superintendent of home missionary work for the whole state of Iowa, which position he held for eighteen years. Julius A. Reed, son of the subject of this review, was married to Harriet Lyons, of New York, and they have one child, Harriet Wentworth Reed. Jennie Reed, third child of the subject, died in childhood. William T. Reed, the youngest child, who lives at Tucson. Arizona, married Mabel Edwards, of Xewton, and they have four cliildren. Laura Wentworth. Jennie AL. Theodore F.. and Ora Elizabeth. Both of tlie sons, Julius A. and William T., enlisted in the Spanish-American war. in Company K. I'iftieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Mr. and Airs. Reed are Congregationalists in religious belief, and they were members of the church of this denomination in Jacksonville. Illinois. As intimated in a preceding paragraph, they have lived a retired life in Xew- ton during the past twehe years, and it has been their custom for some time, to spend their winters in Tuscon, Arizona. DANIEL L. GIBFORD. It is at all times \ery interesting to compile and preserve the experiences of the old soldiers who went out to fight the country's battles during the slave- holders' reljellion fifty years ago. These gallant old fellows are fast passing away, and we should get all their experiences first hand before it is too late, for it is not only interesting but important that we preserve these personal ex- periences, for, after all. those are the events that make history. What would history be worth were it not for the vivid actions of the individuals? That is all there is to the splendid histories of ancient and modern times. The story as told bv one who has passed through the bU)ody experiences of a half century ago of several years of stubborn struggle and was in numerous battles, marches and campaigns, and perhaps, prisons and hospitals, is far more inter- esting than if narrated long hence by some writer who may distort events out of their true historic significance. One of the lionored veterans of that great conflict whose military career would, if properly set forth, make a xolume of interesting narrative is Daniel L. Cibford. of Newton. Jas])er county. -_L2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. .Mr. Gibford was l)oni in Allen county,, Indiana, L'ebruary 3, 1841, the son of William and Sarah (Ritter) Gibford. both natives of Ohio. His grandparents on both sides came from Germany, the subject having been named after his grandfather, Daniel Ritter, a tavern keeper in Stark county, Ohio, in the early (la}s. by reason of which fact he became widely known. The subject's father was tbe third child in the family of Abraham Gibford and wife, whose familv consisted of seven children. In 1840 the i)arents of Daniel L. Gibford canie from Ohio and settled in Allen county. Indiana, l)ut soon after the birth of the subject of this sketch they returned to Stark county, Ohio, and a few vears later they removed to Monroe. Green county, Wi.sconsin. where the father, William Gil)ford, engaged in manufacturing and continued his trade of cabinet making. In 1854 he came to Newton, Iowa, having been induced to come here by W. B. Ritter, brother of Mrs. Gibford, who had come to this county a short time previously. After living in New- ton three or four vears. tliey moved to a farm in Palo Alto township, and in 1867 Mr. Gibford sold his farm and again moved to Newton and there spent the rest of his life, dying in 189 1 at the age of eighty-two years, his wife hav- ing preceding him to the grave in 1884, d\ing at the age of se\'enty-six years. Their familv consisted of eight children, of whom Daniel L., of this sketch, was the eldest; the others are, Jonathan, a veteran of the Ci\il war who lives at the Soldiers' Home; Catherine, now deceased, was the wife of L. D. Jones, formerly of Reasnor, this county; Frank, who was killed by a train in Cali- fornia: William, a stone-mason, lives in Denver, Colorado; Emily, wife of Frank Osborn, li\es in Seattle, W^ashington ; Charles owns a plum])ing estab- lishment in Newton; Alexander is in the dairy business at San Bernardino, California. Daniel L. (hl)ford, when twenty-one years of age, enlisted in August, 1862. in Company K, Twenty-eighth Iowa Volunteer Infantr\% at Newton, under Capt. John Meyer, later made colonel ; M. W. Atwood, first lieutenant, and M. C. Dean, second lieutenant. This regiment gathered at Iowa Cit}-. and when they were ordered soutli many of tlie boys carried a bottle of whisky with them, the subject being among the number; but he knew his mother would not ha\ e ajjproved of this had she known of it, so he ga\-e his bottle to a com- rade and eased his conscience, and he has never bought a drop of whisky since. He served faithfully until the close of the war and was honorably discharged in .\ugust, 1865, at Savannah. Georgia. He was in thirteen battles, some of which were among the most hotly contested of the war. among them being I'ort Gil:s()n. Jackson. Champion's Hill and the siege of Vicksburg. He par- tici])ated in the Rc<\ ri\er expedition and went wilb Sbcridan into the Slienan- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 543 cloah valley and was in the battles of Winchester and Cedar Creek, being wounded in the former, and he was one of the boys who tossed his hat when Sheridan dashed u[) from Winchester from his famous ride, arrivint^' in time to rally his fleeing troops and turn defeat into victory. For meritorious serxice Mr. Gibford was made fifth corporal and color guard. After returning from the war Mr. Gibford engaged in farming near Xewton, this county. He had sent the money received from his services in the army home for his father to take care of, but it appears that the latter was a poor financial manager and when the young soldier returned from the front he found that he was practically penniless ; however, he did not regret his services to his country. He bargained for fift_\' acres in 1867. in section 15. Palo Alto township, agreeing to pay one thousand dollars for the same, hie did not have a dollar to pay on it at the time, in fact he was compelled to borrow two dollars from a comrade with which to pay for the revenue stamp at that time required on all such legal papers. lUit he was a man of determina- tion and grit and. working hard and looking careful to details, he graduallv forged ahead until he had it all paid for. He not only improved it. but added twenty-fi\e acres more, making a very desirable farm, which he still owns. Tile land is underlaid with coal wliich ma\' prove a prolitable source of in- come to the family. In 1866 Mr. Gibford was united in marriage witli Xanc}- A. W'atkins. who was born in Kentucky in 1848. To this union three children were born, as follows: Eddie Sheridan, born in 1867. was named for the noted general. On September 19, 1890, on the anni\ersar)- of the battle of Winchester, he applied for a marriage license, intending to l)e married two da\s later. X. Townsend was the license clerk, and had fought in lliat battle, and in the .same regiment. Twenty-eighth Iowa, in which Mr. (hbford had fought, and the clerk induced the boy to have his wedding that night. His wife is now deceased, but he has four children, all daughters; he is a contractor and lives at Kearnev. Xel)raska. Alice S. Gibford. the subject's second child, was horn in 1868 and she married Lester W olford. They live on a farm near Lewellen. X'ebraska. and have three children. Howard T. Gibford is a dentist at Greenfield, Towa. On August 29. 1879. Mrs. Gibford was claimed by death, and on Xovem- ber 2, 1 88 1, the subject was united in marriage with Elizabeth Bates, born October 25, 1850. in Stevenson county. Illinois. She is the daughter of J. and Hannah (Lambert) Bates, the father a native of \>rmont and the mother of Massachusetts. Her parents came to Iowa at a very early date, soon after their daughter. Elizabeth, was born. Her father died in 185^^ and her mother -^4 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. passed awav in 1865. Their family consisted of three daughters and two sons, namely : Harriet married Horace Smith, a farmer of Palo Alto town- ship: Ellen married George Foster, who is in the employ of the United States government, having formerly heen lock tender for the go\ernment on the Illinois canal; Edwin, a veteran of Company I, One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Illinois \'olunteer Infantry, and formerly engaged in the livery Imsiness, now lives retired in I'lattsmoutli. Xel)raska: Isaac died when eleven years of age. Five children were horn of Air. (hbford's second marriage, namely: Alta Edna, born March 12, 1883, married Marion DeBolt ; they live in New- ton and have one child: he is with the ^^>stern Stock Remedy Company, being a stockholder in the same. Raymond B.. born April 15. 1884, formerly cashier for three years in the Laurel Savings Bank. Laurel, Iowa, and for sometime bookkeeper in the Citizens Bank at Newton, is now with the Ehman-Gibford Chemical Compau)- of this city as vice-president and general manager. Karl B., born ]^Iay 22, 1887, who lives on the home place in Palo Alto township, is married and has one child; Alorrell, born October i, 1892, died August 22, 1893; A'irgil, born May 14, 1894. died on September 20th following. For a period of forty-two years Mr. Gibford lived on his farm and then bought property in Newton in 1908, having accumulated a competency, and retired from active work, and here he is now living in honored retirement, surrounded by plenty as a result of his former years of industry. He is a member of Garret Post No. 16, Grand Anny of the Republic. Politicallv, he is independent. His wife belongs to the Methodist church. TOHN M. FALLS. Probably no citizen of Newton has triumphed over greater difficulties and adversities than has John AI. Fales, of Newton, Jasper county. The story of his life reads like fiction. He dates his lineage back to 1600, in which year James Fales emigrated from Engand and settled in ^^'alpole, Massachusetts, married Anna Brock in 1635, fought in King Philip's war, which commenced in 1675, and died in 1708. There were eight children in his family, the fourth of whom was named Peter, Ijorn in 1668, and died August 10, 1725. His wife. Al>igail Robbins, bore him eight children, the first a son, also named Peter, born April 18, 1690. He married Sarah Unity /^(&'CL,^^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 545 Allen July 30, 1724. Eight children came by this union, and the fourth was named Peter, born December 16, 1732. On August 4, 1726, he married Avis Bicknell. Ten children were born to them, the seventh being named Peter. Thus for four generations in the direct lineage of the subject comes the name Peter. The latter, who was born October 14, 1778, married Hannah Shepherd, and was married a second time to Judith Pole. He was born at Attleborough, Massachusetts, lived at different places, including Maine, Buffalo, New York, and died in Ohio, September 20, 1857, at the ad- vanced age of eighty years. He was the father of sixteen children, the sixth being Ellis, the father of the subject. Ellis Pales was born in Union, Maine, July 9, 1809. He received a limited education in the common schools of Maine, and when he reached his majority married Julia Ann Avery in Sheldon, New^ York. They afterward removed to Trumbull county, Ohio, but in a short time pushed farther w^est and located in Fond du Lac county, Wisconsin. Nine children were born to this union, three of whom and the mother died of typhoid fever in Wisconsin. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Fales married Electa Tolman in Fond du Lac, W^isconsin, by whom he had three children. For his third wife he married in Chickasaw county, Iowa, Mary Ann Tucker, which union resulted in the birth of four children. The family later moved to Missouri, and again returned to Iowa, and in a short time migrated to Norton county, Kansas, where they remained until the father's death, on September 16, 1888. Mr. Ellis was a blacksmith by trade and, although never having the advantages of a school education, by constant reading at home, became a w^ell posted man, and was able to hold his own in debates with men much better educated than he. John M. Fales, of this review, was the sixth son of Ellis and Julia Ann (Avery) Fales, and he was born near Farmington, Ohio, April 17, 1843. ^^^^ with his parents, who pushed w-estward at an early date, experienced many of the hardships coincident to pioneer life. On Februar\^ 12, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, Sixteenth United States Infantry, Second Battalion. They were sent to headquarters at Columbus, Ohio, and later to Columbus, Ken- tucky; here the subject remained, doing guard duty at headquarters until February, 1864, when he was ordered to join his regiment at Chattanooga, Tennessee. He participated in the battles of Buzzard Roost, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw^ Mountain, July 4, 1864, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta and Jonesboro, and subsequently, under the command of General Sherman, marched to the rear of Atlanta and was under fire most of the war. When Sherman started for the sea. Mr. Fales, with his brigade, was sent back to (35) 546 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Lookout Mountain, where he was honorably discharged, February 12, 1865. Returning home, he located in Chickasaw county, low^a, and invested what money he had saved from the pay of his ser\'ice in the army in land, buying seventy acres. At this time, September, 1865, he was united in marriage with Sarah J. Sisson. Shortly after their marriage her step-mother died and her father, James Sisson, who was then well advanced in years, was left alone. They took him into their family and he agreed to make them a deed to forty acres of land which he owned if they would take care of him the rest of his life. Agreeing to this, they sold their own place and moved to the home of her father, but this not proving to be a happy arrangement, the deed was returned to Mr. Sisson, giving him back his land, and leaving them nearly penniless. Thus Mr. Fales and his wife and little babe were turned out into the world b^' Mr. Sisson without anything. Mr. Fales then moved to Jasper county, Missouri, in 1870, but soon returned to northern Iowa. Here, at Fredericksburg, he operated a wagon shop and at this time his father-in-law again became a member of his family, Mr. Sisson now being without funds, having deeded away his property and got nothing for it to some one who was to give him a home during the rest of his life, but becoming dissatisfied and homeless Mr. Fales, forgiving- the harsh treatment he had received at his hand, took him again to his home and took care of him from that time until his death, which occurred in Newton in 1873, at the age of seventy-seven years. At this time Mr. Fales was in very reduced circumstances. He moved to Newton in 1873 and on May 20, 1875, his wife died after a long period of failing health, leaving five small children. During her illness and at her death, Mr. Fales' circumstances were such that he was compelled to accept outside assistance, and after her death homes were found for the two youngest children. One died shortly after- wards, but the other was reared by John Lamb and wife. The four children now living are Anna D., wife of Henry Metz, living in Idaho on a farm; Cora, wife of Charles Gififord, lives at Cunningham, Washington; Sidney M. is engaged in the meat market business at Rigby, Idaho ; he also owns a farm near there ; A. L. lives in New Mexico, engaged in missionary work. On April 2, 1876, Mr. Fales was united in marriage with Mrs. Betsey Barker, a native of Pennsylvania, the daughter of Hiram and Eliza Gary. She was lx)rn November 16, 1848. To this union tw^o children were bom, both now deceased,' as is the mother, whose death occurred on August 24, 1895. During the latter years of his life Hiram Gary, father of the second Mrs. Fales, was an innlate of their home, and he died at the age of eighty vears. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 547 On February 26, 1896, Mr. Fales was united in marriage with Mary C. Anderson. She was born in 1861 in Sweden, and she is the daughter of Andrew and Margaret (Mathews) Anderson, both natives of Sweden. She was twenty-two years old when she accompanied her parents to America, in 1883, and a brother, Victor, also came at that time. He is now engaged in farming and looks after a farm belonging to the subject of this sketch in Palo Alto township. There were six children in the Anderson family, all of whom came to America. Only three are now living. A sister, Anna Carleston, lives at Galvey, Illinois. Her father died ten years ago at the age of seventy-four years. The mother is still living and makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Fales, of this review. She is now eighty-five years old. To Mr. Fales' last union two children have been bory, John Melvin. born June 27, 1897, and Peter Emery, born May i, 1901. It will be noticed that the name "PeterV again appears, after skipping two generations, Mr. Fales believing that the name ought to be perpetuated in the family. John ]\I. Fales is now one of Xewton's substantial citizens, being worth over fifty thousand dollars. He is a fine type of the self-made American citizen. The story of his early struggles and his gradual rise to affluence is one to make the younger generation take notice, proving that strong hands, a clear brain and an honest heart can make stepping-stones of adversities and achieve large results in the face of obstacles. Before coming to Xewton Mr. Fales was engaged in the wagon making and repairing business, as above stated, in Fredericksburg. Once he sold a wagon to a man, taking in part pay an old wagon worth alx)ut ten dollars. He made a new wagon, using the irons of the old one and traded this for a young horse; he already owned a horse and therefore had a team. Soon after this trade he decided to move to Newton, so, loading up his family and earthly belongings, he drove through with his team, which he sold soon after his arrival, for sixty-five dollars, and purchased two lots in north Newton with the money. Later he was enabled to purchase enough lumber to build a house on them. This was some time after the death of his first wife when he was beginning to get on his feet again. Not long afterwards he traded the house and lots for one hundred and twenty acres of land in Cherokee county, Iowa, without seeing the land. This proved to be a good trade and after holding the land for some time he sold it for fifteen hundred and sixty dollars, and with twelve hundred and twenty dollars of that amount purchased eighty acres near Newton, leaving him a balance of three hundred and forty dollars, which paid for the lumber he had used in building the house on the lots, also included the price of the lots. Thus it will be seen bv his \arious trades, which he takes pride in tracing. -48 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Starting with the old set of wagon wheels, he \vas now twelve hundred and twenty dollars "to the good."" This eighty acres was sold some years after- wards for forty dollars per acre, and wath the money Mr. Fales purchased ninety-one and one-half acres of fine land in Fairview township and this he still holds. The second Mrs. Fales inherited eleven hundred dollars upon the death of her father, and forty-six and one-half acres was purchased in Wild Cat grove with this amount. This was unimproved and Mr. Fales and his faithful wife worked very hard in placing it under cultivation, and it is now a splendid little farm, worth probably two hundred and fifty dollars per acre. Mr. Fales has since added five acres to it, thus making fifty-one and one-half acres. In all he owns in Fairview and Palo Alto townships three hundred and sixty-five acres and two good residence properties in Xewton, and he is also part owner of one of Newton's best business blocks. He is now retired from the active duties of life and lives quietly in his beautiful modern home in Xewton, where his two little boys attend school. He is a member of the Baptist church, \vhile his wife affiliates with the Presbyter- ians. He is very grateful that God has prospered him and believes that "hon- esty is the best policy." Mr. Fales relates in an interesting manner his early experiences in Iowa, which were characterized by hardships, privations and labor of the most strenuous nature. Among these experiences he tells in the following words of his efforts to build his first house : "Soon after I came from the army I purchased a small piece of wild land near Fredericksburg, Chickasaw county, Iowa, paying for it with the money I had saved in the army service, using all my means in this purchase. I now needed a house, but, having no money, I worked for a Mr. Martin for ten days, for which I received one thousand feet of native lumber, delivered at the saw-mill. Then I gleaned around and got about seven hundred more feet of native lumber and hauled it to the mill. I then went to Mr. Paden, who owned the mill, and bargained with him to saw my logs at ten dollars a thousand, paying him in work by the day. I then got some logs and hew'ed my sills, eight inches square. Needing shingles, I went to Mr. Martin and bought a large black oak shingle tree for four dollars, to be paid at harvest time. I had the tree sawed into shingle blocks and hauled them to the shingle factor}^ I paid for the making of the shingles by work at the shingle factory. \\'hen I had the materials on the ground and ready to start the building I went to a Mr. Conner to help me put up the little house, which was to be fourteen by eighteen feet, eight feet high. He was too busy to help me, but said he could show me how so that I could do the work as well as he could. When JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 549 ready to raise the building I went to town to buy some nails. I had in my pockets but thirty-five cents and w ent to a hardware store to buy two' dollars' worth of nails. Being a stranger, they did not want to trust me, but said they would let me have the stuff if my father would say it was all right. Going to see my father. I found he had gone to the country, so I went back to the store. While there a man came in who was doing some mason work for the store people and said he wanted them to get him a workman. I spoke up and asked for the job, which I secured, and after working two days was able to buy my two dollars' worth of nails. I found a man who had a window he did not need and worked for him until I had paid for the window. My wife being anxious to get into the house, we moved in in the spring of 1866, with but one side of the roof on. one window in; a blanket doing service for a door and the floor only temporarily laid. This is the way I built my first house. We were both happy in this home of our own, though it was ever so humble, and when the building was completed it was a very com- fortable house." HOX. WILLIAAI R. COOPER. A young man who has stamped the impress of his strong personality upon the minds of the people of Jasper county in a manner as to render him one of the conspicuous characters of the locality is Hon. \\'illiam R. Cooper, the able and popular retiring representative in the state Legislature. Faith- fulness to duty and a strict adherence to a fixed purpose, which always do more to advance a man's interests than wealth or advantageous circumstances, have been dominating factors in his life, which has been replete with honor and success worthily attained, and he has become an important factor in the affairs of his county and stands in the foremost rank of the legal profession. Few citizens in Jasper county are better known, none occupy a more conspicuous place in the confidence of the public, and it is a compliment worthily bestowed to class him with the representative men of his day and generation in the city of his residence, having done much for the general development of Xewton and this vicinity. Mr. Cooper is one of the native sons of Jasper county of whom she may well be proud, his birth having occurred here on November 28. 1868. he being the scion of one of the sterling old families that figured prominently in the pioneer history of the county, the son of Levi and Ellen (Sanders) Cooper. The father was born, reared and educated in Pennsylvania, from -:^0 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. which state he came to Iowa about 1862 or 1863 and located in Jasper county, near Lvnnville. where he developed a good farm and became well established, and where he continued to reside until his death in 1874, when his son, \\'illiam R.. was about six years old. His wife was born in Indiana. The Cooper family is of Quaker stock and its members ha\-e always been noted for their piety and clean citizenship. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Cooper, two daughters, who are deceased, and \\'illiam R. of this review. The mother is now living in California, haxing remarried, her last husband being Jackson Booth. ^^'illiara R. Cooper was educated in the rural schools of this county and at Hazel Dell Academy at Newton. He afterward entered Iowa State Col- lege at Ames, and graduated in 1894, taking the scientific course. He pre- pared himself for a teacher and for several years successfully followed that vocation, winning the admiration of both pupil and patron ; but growing tired of the school room, he entered the abstract and loan business in 1900, in New- ton. Still not satisfied with his work, although again successful, he finally turned his attention to the law, for which he seemed to have a natural bent, and, making rapid progress in the same, he was admitted to the bar in 1904, since which time he has been actively engaged in the practice, and at the same time has carried on an extensive abstract and loan business. He has been successful as an attorney and abstractor, winning a reputation as a conscientious, capable, well grounded and energetic advocate, who, by his judicious course, has won the good will and admiration of all classes. Owing to his public spirit and his recognized ability, Mr. Cooper was soon singled out by party leaders for public positions, and in 1908 he was elected representative from Jasper county, and his eminently worthy and satisfactory course in the Legislature has evidently justified the wisdom of his selection for this important position, for he has labored untiringly for the good of his locality, winning the hearty approbation of all concerned, irrespective of party alignment, making his influence felt in the counsels and deliberations there and often on the floor, challenging forcefully and eloquently any measure that did not seem to warrant his support, and always defending in a relentless and tactful manner such movements as were calculated to make for the general good. He was chairman of the federal relations committee and a member of the judiciary, ways and means, insurance, banks and banking, mines and min- ing, pardons, labor, telegraph and express, and engrossed bills committees,- in all of which he displayed rare soundness of judgment and business acumen. He was the author of the bill, 'Tlace of Trial of Citations," which provides grounds for change of place of trial. He was instrumental in securing the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 55 1 passage of a bill to change the place of trial to the home county where there is an alleged fraudulent contract. He was the author of many hills, anrmilion county, Illinois, and located near his old home, remaining there about fifteen years, during which time he met and married, on June 16, 1861, Marv A. Morgan, of that county. She was born June 4, 1843, ^'^^^ ^^'^^ the daughter of Air. and Mrs. Thomas H. Morgan, successful farmers of that county and highly honored citizens there. Se\'en children were born to this union, named as follows : Dora May died when four years old; Alton lives in Denver, Colorado; Ida (deceased) married H. Van Epps, of Jasper county, and they had two children. Nellie Grace dying in infancy, Percy being the living child; Loella Reynolds died at the home of her mother at the age of thirty-one years in 1901 ; Victor, who lives on the home farm, married Ada L. Simpson and they have four children. Foster, Paul. Floyd and Robert; Nellie Reynolds died in 1901 ; Foster, the youngest child, died in 1901. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. John W. Reynolds took up their residence in Illinois and remained there eleven years, and in 1872 the family came to Jasper county, Iowa, locating in Buena Vista township on a farm of one hundred and forty acres, about five and one-half miles southeast of Newton and there they lived until the death of Mr. Reynolds on April 4, 1892, and there Mrs. Reynolds continued to reside until 1900, when 'she moved to Newton, locating in a commodious and cozy home which she had built. Remaining there a few years, she moved to the beautiful home she now owns and occupies at No. 215 North Mechanic street, and here many friends delight to gather for she is popular with a wide acquaintance. She has retained the home farm. Mr. Reynolds made (|uite a success as a general farmer and stock JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 575 raiser and he was a man whom everyhody trusted. He wa> a worthv and active nieml^er of the Methodist church at Pleasant View, Jasper county, to which his family also belongs. In 1862 Mr. Reynolds showed his love of the national union by enlisting for service in the Federal army, I^ecoming a mem- ber of Company G, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantrv. A few months later he was honorably discharged on account of disabilitv and returned to his home in \>rmilion county, Illinois. Politically, Mr. Reynolds was a Republican and he took an active part in the affairs of his party. He was a well read man and always abreast of the times. JESSE SLAVENS. The subject of the present sketch is a well known resident of Colfax, and was formerly a farmer of Washington township, where by hard work and honest dealing he accumulated a large amount of property, and is still the owner of one of the largest and best farms of the township. To his neighbors he is known as a man of high honor and integrity, of good business judgment, an enterprising and progressive farmer and a loyal friend. Jesse Slavens was born in Hendricks county, Indiana, thirty miles west of Indianapolis, the son of James and Mary (Davis) Slavens. The Slavens family were a family of soldiers. Many of the Indiana family served in the Mexican war, Reuben Sla^'ens, the grandfather of Jesse and his son Thomas took an active part in the war of 1812. and Reuben Slaxens' father ser\ed in the Virginia troops during the Revolution. Jesse Slavens came to Iowa at the solicitation of his uncle, C. M. Davis, with whom he lived for a while. At the outbreak of the war no youth descended from such a line of soldiers could have remained away from battle at his country's call, and Jesse Slavens en- listed in Company I. Tenth Iowa Infantry, under Captain Garrett, in 1861, and served for four years. He was in the Western army through the Corinth campaign to Vicksburg. was at the battle of Missionary Ridge, and went with Sherman to Atlanta and on to the sea, then took part in the Grand Review at Washington. He followed the line of greatest resistance, and took part in all the principal battles fought by the Western army, .\lways a brave and faith- ful soldier, he escaped with but one wound during the war. a slight one re- ceived at Champion Hill. At the close of the war. in the fall of 1865, Jesse Slavens came to Wash- ington township and located on the farm which he now owns, where he has 576 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. since spent the most of his Hfe and which contains four hundred acres of fertile and improved land. On this farm he has expended much labor and it has been well rewarded. One year ago he rented his farm and retired to Colfax. Mr. Slavens is a member of the Grand Army, an Odd Fellow, and has taken the blue lodge and chapter degrees of Masonry. In politics he is a strict Republican, and has ef'bciently served the people for one term on the board of county supervisors. He is now trustee of Washington township, serving on his second term, having been six years in office. His official service has been greatlv satisfactory to the people. Mr. Slavens owns a large amount of business property in Colfax. Mr. Slavens has one child, a daughter, the wife of Jesse Marcjuis, of Washington township. \\'idely and favorably known in the county, Mr. Slavens is especially deserving of mention among the representative citizens of his community. ROBERT ALEXANDER SCOTT. One of the influential citizens of Jasper county is Robert Alexander Scott, who, after a strenuous life as an agriculturist, is now living in honorable retirement. A man of excellent endowments and upright character, he has been a valued factor in local affairs and has ever commanded unequivocal con- fidence and esteem, iD^ing loyal to the upbuilding of his community and ever vigilant in his efforts to further its interests along material, moral and civic lines. Mr. Scott was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, March 30, 1845, the son of John G. and Isabel J. (Smith) Scott. The father was born in Wales and was the son of Job Scott, who came with his father to America when the former was only four months ()ld, locating in Pennsylvania, near Parkers- burg, and later moved to Belmont, Ohio, and there the death of Job Scott occurred in February, 1884, at the advanced age of ninety-five years, he having been born on May 25, 1789. There were eight children in his family, an equal number of sons and daughters, namely : John G., father of Robert A., of this review, was born June 30, 1816; Harrison, now deceased; Henry died in Warren county, Iowa, in 191 1; Jefferson went to the frontier at the age of twenty years and was never again heard of; Mary Ann, who married a Mr. Green, lived in the southern part of Iowa, and she died in 191 1; Sarah Jane married a Mr. Baldcrson and lives in Chicago ; Elizabeth Scott Robinson lives in Illinois ; Rebecca Scott-Burk is living in Ohio. The family is of a sturdy stock and all live to an advanced age. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT A. SCOTT JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 577 John G. Scott, father of the subject, was a cooper by trade, but after he came to Iowa he engaged in farming, becoming well known in the county and was influential among the pioneers, being a fine old gentleman personally of whom it was said, ''He has no enemies.'' Being a man of exemplar)' char- acter, he was highly respected by all who knew him; he was fearless in the discharge of his duties when he knew he was right and he held various township offices. His death occurred on August 7, 1905, at the age of eighty- nine years, his widow, who was a native of Ohio, surviving until February 25, 1910, reaching the age of eighty-four. They were the parents of three children, Lovina J., who married David Tipton, lives at Baxter, Iowa, they being retired; Sarah Frances, who married Joseph Miskimins, is now de- ceased; Robert Alexander, of this review, was the oldest of the three. Mr. Scott received a good common school education in his native county and he lived at home until his marriage, on January 10, 1867, to Eliza Moore, the daughter of John and Eliza (Hutchinson) Moore. Her father was born in Ireland and he came to America when a child with his parents and settled on a farm in Guernsey county, Ohio, and there the daughter, Eliza, was born on iMay 25, 1845. She was the next youngest daughter in a family of six children, namely : Nancy J., deceased, married J. B. Wherry, who formerly lived in Jones county, Iowa; ^lary, who married William J. Wheriy, lived on a farm near Wyoming, Jones county, until Mr. Wherry's death; William James is living retired in Jackson county; Samuel G. is in the mercantile business in New York city; John Humphrey, the young- est, enlisted in the Union army for service in the Civil war, at the age of sixteen years, and he was captured and confined in Andersonville prison, where he died. Soon after the marriage of the subject he came to Jasper county, Iowa, and located on a farm south of Baxter, of one hundred and twenty acres. Here he devoted himself to farming successfully until about twelve years ago. He then bought two hundred and twenty acres nine miles south of Newton, a part of the Jesse Long place, which he still owns. It is a valuable and well improved place. About ten years ago he bought property in Newton and retired from active farming and stock raising, having since lived quietly in his beautiful home in this city. He was very successful in his life work, having always applied himself very carefully to whatever he had in hand. :\rr. and MFs. Scott are the parents of three children, namely: Alice Orena, born September 25, 1867, married George Alfred, and they are now living in South Dakota and have three children. John A., born March 14, 1871, (37) 578 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. lives on a farm south of Newton, and they have one child. Elba Job, bom May 2-^, 1875. lives in Xewton. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Scott are members of the United Presbyterian church. He Avas a charter member of the Knights of Pythias lodge at Baxter; Mrs. Scott is a member of the Woman's Relief Corps. Mr. Scott has always taken an abiding interest in the general develop- ment of Jasper county and has always stood reeady to aid in any worthy movement. He has made a host of warm personal friends since coming to this county by his exemplary life, his public spirit and his industry. LEONARD ALDING GREENLIEF. One of the most interesting^ figures in Jasper county is Leonard Aiding Greenlief. Genial, kindly and at all times cheerful, he is as alert in mind and body as a man much younger in years. x\lthough almost blind for the past few years, this great affliction has by no means cast a shadow over his courageous and buoyant spirit, and his fund of ready humor is a delight to all who know him. As a teller of war stories (for he is one of the veteran heroes of the great civil strife of the sixties) he has few equals. \Miile his stories are told in a humorous vein, for it is his nature to hold up the brighter side of a picture to one's view, yet their dramatic quality graphically portrays the horrors of that great conflict. Mr. Greenlief was born on February 22, 1841, in the eastern part of Canada, in Shepherd county, about seven miles north of Vermont. He is the son of William C. and Mary (Whitcomb) Greenlief. both natives of Canada, where the father engaged in farming, moving with his family in 1858 to Illinois, settling near Bloomington, later mo\'ing to the southern part of the state, remaining there about a year, then went back to Canada ; but in a little while he came back to Illinois, locating in Henderson county. In 1862 he moved to Scott county, Iowa, where his son, Leonard A., of this review, had preceded him the year before. In 1864 he came to Jasper county and bought two hundred and forty acres of land, in Mound Prairie township, not far from Prairie City, and here he lived until his death, which occurred in 1894, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. William C. Greenlief was twice married. His first wife, mother of the subject, died in Canada .before the family came to the states. After her death he married Eunice Brown. Seven children were born of the first union, namely : Mary, Adaline, Leonard Aid- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 579 ing, George, Lyman, Lottie and :Mark. Lottie is a widow, living in Cali- fornia. By the second marriage four children were born: Hattie died in infancy; Emma J. died when seventeen years old; Charles lives in Newton; Homer has no fixed home. Leonard A. Greenlief received his education in the district schools of Canada, and was seventeen years of age when he accompanied his parents to the United States. He broke prairie sod for his father in Illinois. In 1861 he came to Scott county, Iowa, and worked for some time at breaking sod. In July, 1862, he pro\ed his loyalty to the constitution by enlisting in the Union army, taking out his first papers looking toward citizenship at that time. His enlistment was at Davenport in Company C, Twentieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He saw a great deal of hard service, and, according to his comrades, made a most efficient soldier. He was in the battle of Prairie Grove, Arkansas, the siege of Vicksburg for two months, at Fort Morgan, Fort Gaines, Fort Blakely, the outer works of Mobile, Alabama. After the engagement at Prairie Grove their company was sent to Van Buren, taking no provisions with them, expecting to find forage there, but the enemy had decamped, taking or destroying everything in the nature of forage, and the day following they marched back to Prairie Gro^■e again, covering a dis- tance of forty miles without a bite to eat. 'Whenever videttes were called for he always volunteered, until after he had a most horrifying experience, after which he was not so eager for vidette duty. He was one of five who were sent to different posts to watch the movements of the enemy. He was the only one of the five who succeeded in reaching the post assigned him. The enem}- advanced rapidly and the opposing factions engaged each other at about a distance of twenty rods with vidette Greenlief between them, lying among the weeds as close to the ground as he could, remaining there from eight in the morning until nine at night, when, under cover of darkness, he got back to camp. After that his voice was not the first to answer for vidette duty. He was sent on detached duty to serve in guarding a fleet -of sixteen boats from Duvall's Bluff to Little Rock. He was never injured nor was he in the hospital during the service. He was mustered out at Mobile, Alabama, and discharged at Clinton, Iowa, after three years of gallant service under the flag of his adopted country. After his return from the army he remained in Scott county only a month, then came to Jasper county. In the fall of 1866 he bought eighty acres of land in Mound Prairie township, and from time to time lie has added to it until at the present time he owns nine hun- dred acres of valuable, productive and well improved land, in two tract?. He made a pronounced success as a general farmer and stock raiser, becoming -go JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. one of the substantial men of this part of the county. Thirteen years ago he retired from active work and mo\ ed to Newton, where he has since made his home, having a modern, attractive and neatly furnished home in one of the choice residental sections of the city. On May i, 1866, Mr. Greenlief was united in marriage with Hattie Chap- man, who was born in Logan county, Ohio, in 1848, the daughter of J. O. and Mary (\\'oodruff) Chapman, both natives of Ohio, where Mr. Chap- man followed farming and owned a general store at Marysville, also at Richland. He came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1865 and bought land in ]\Iound Prairie township, and here he became very well established. He died at the age of eighty-five years. There were six children in his family, namely : Mrs. Martha Thompson, deceased; Mrs. Ellen Hurd, deceased; Mrs. Frances Halferty lives in Spokane, Washington; Albert is engaged in the butcher business in Colfax; George is farming in Newton township; Hattie, wife of ]\Ir. Greenlief of this review. The mother of these children died when the wife of the subject was five years old, and the father married again, two chil- dren being born by his second union, Charles A., who is living in Oregon, and j\Irs. Mary Galusha, of Wichita, Kansas. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Greenlief have one child, Mertie, who married Frank Clymer; they live on their farm near Prairie City and have five children, Vera, Kathryne, Nellie, John L. and William. 'Mr. Greenlief is a Democrat, and is a member of the Congregational church, as is also his wife; she is a member of the Woman's Relief Corps. JOHN M. HIATT. Specific mention is made within the pages of this book of many of the worthy citizens who have honored Jasper county with their residence — citizens who have figured in the growth and development of this favored section of the great Hawkeye commonwealth and whose interests are or have been identified with its every phase of progress, each contrilmting in his sphere of action to the well being of the community which he selected for the arena of his life labors and to the advancement of its normal and legitimate growth. Among this worthy number of a past generation none w^as more influential or conspicuous than the late John M. Hiatt, a man coml lining many praiseworthy characteristics of head and heart, much of whose busy and useful life was spent within the borders of this county, whose interests he ever had at heart JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 58 1 and sought to foster while laboring to advance his own. For his public spirit, his industry and exemplary character he was held in high regard b\- all classes. Mr. Hiatt was born in Licking county, Ohio, March 21, 1819. He was the son of Elsey and Sallie Hiatt. who were among the old settlers of that county, the family finally moving from there to Shelby county, Ohio, when the son, John ^I. Hiatt, was about four years old. and there grew to maturity on the home farm and received a good education in the countr\- public schools. He remained at home with his parents until he was married to Catherine Ike. of Shelby county, Ohio, on February 24. 1842. She was born in that county on Februar)^ 2, 182 1, she and Mr. Hiatt having been schoolmates there. She was the daughter of William and Hannah Ike, pioneer residents of that lo- cality, where they became prosperous farmers and influential in the affairs of the neighborhood. After their marriage John M. Hiatt and wife remained in Shelby county. Ohio, three years, then, in 1845, moved to Dearborn county, Indiana, locating on a farm where they spent three years, thence moving to Ross, that state, where ]\Ir. Hiatt engaged in carpentering until 1854. then started on the overland trip to Jasper county, Iowa, having been joined in Davenport. Iowa, by the parents of Mr. Hiatt, who accompanied them to Jasper county. Thev located on farms in Rock Creek township, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres from the government, the county being new. unimproved, in fact. wild. There the parents established a good home, in which they spent the remainder of their lives and there John M. Hiatt and wife lived until 1863. when they sold out and moved to Newton, which city was Mr. Hiatt's place of abode until his death, on January 13. 1887, at the home on West High street, where his widow continued to reside until summoned to her reward, some twenty- three vears afterwards. Here Mr. Hiatt followed carpentering and contract- ing, with the exception of three years, when he was in the drug business on the east side of the public square. He was very successful in whatever he turned his attention to and he became one of the best known contractors in this locality, many of the substantial buildings over the county today being monu- ments to his skill as a builder. Mr. Hiatt was a strong Republican and he took an active interest in party affairs. He was a worthy and active member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Newton. He left his widow a beautiful home and several valuable buildings in Newton, which she owned until her death, on Deceml^er 27. 1910, having attained the advanced age of ninety years. She was active and hearty almost to the last, her mind acute and memory excellent. It was a rare treat 582 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. to hear her recall reminiscences of the early days and conditions of pioneer times, both here and in Ohio. She led a devout Christian life and always enjoved the association of a host of warm friends. To iVIr. and Mrs. John M. Hiatt one child was born, a daughter, Sophia Jane, whose birth occurred on December 27, 1842, in Shelby county. She died when six years of age. John jM. Hiatt was admired and respected by all who knew him, and he did much for the early development of Jasper county along material and moral lines, and he and his faithful life companion are eminently deserving of a conspicuous place in her history. JAMES EASTMAN. It is an axiom demonstrated by human experience that industry is the keynote of prosperity. Success comes not to the man who idly waits, but to the faithful toiler whose work is characterized by sleepless vigilance and cheerful celerity, and it was by such means that James Eastman, late of New- ton, Jasper county, forged to the front and won an honored place among the substantial citizens of the locality of which this volume treats. He was widely and favorably known as a man of high character, and for a number of years his influence in the community was marked and salutary. Mr. Eastman came to us from England, where his birth occurred in 1832, and when sixteen years of age he emigrated to America, arriving on the shores of the United States, but later he went to Canada, and remained at Toronto for five years, then he went to the state of New York, where he spent four years. In 1855 he was'Uftited in marriage with Martha Hadley, of Machias, New York, in which place she was born in 1837, the daughter of John and Paulina Hadley, of that place. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman came to Jasper county, Iowa, and located in Newton in the spring of 1856, and there Mr. Eastman remained until his death. Owing to failing health he retired from active work about four years prior to his death, wnich occurred on February 20, 1907, at the home where his widow now resides. No. 600 East Temperance street. His remains were interred in Newton cemetery. He was among the old settlers aiid was for years a prominent character here ; he was influential in the development of the city and county and played well his part in the same. He devoted his life to contracting, both in stOne and wood work, and was verv successful. Manv of the finest and most substantial JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 583 buildings which stand in Xewton today are monuments to his skill as a builder. His services were in great demand owing to his adroitness in his chosen line of endeavor and his honesty in all his contracts. He left considerable valuable property to his widow, including a modern and substantial home in Xewton. Mr. Eastman was a prominent member of the Congregational church, having united with that church when a young man. He was also an active and worthy member of the Masonic lodge and the United Workmen of Xew- ton. Politically, he was a stanch Republican, taking a leading part in the affairs of his party. To Mr. and Mrs. James Eastman six children were born, as follows: Eva died in X^ewton when seven years of age; Clarence also died here when ten years of age; Bertha married Harry Aloore, of Xewton; they moved to Oklahoma, where the wife died, leaving two children, Marian and Florence, who remain with their father, he being a very prosperous farmer there. George Eastman is a large contractor in Omaha, Xebraska ; he married Winnie Ouin- lan, of Xewton, and they have one son, Clarence. Florence Eastman married Arthur Joy, of X^ewton, and they have two children, Lucile and Morris, both attending school at Xewton. James H. Eastman married Maud Joy, of Xew- ton, and they have three children, Joy, Harry and Arthur, also attending school at Xewton. REV. JAMES E. RYAX. X'o estimate of the immense amount of good that comes from a long and useful life like that of the late James E. Ryan, can be made, for it was far- reaching in its effects and will continue through coming generations, like the light that ''shines more and more unto the perfect day." Few lives have been so unselfish, so pregnated with good deeds and so controlled by an insatiable desire to be kind and beneficial to his fellow men; therefore, his memory is cherished wherever he was known, by thousands whom his life touched directly or indirectly. Rev. Mr. Ryan was born in the city of Roscrea. Ireland. His parents came to Xew York in 1831 when he was a small boy, thence they went to Montreal, Canada, and there they were living during the year of the great cholera epidemic. His parents being poor, the subject was compelled to start in life for himself when very young, being about nine years old when, in 1837, he began clerking in a dry goods store in Toronto, continuing in the same line of work seven years there and in Ontario, Buffalo and Xew York City :^84 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. and a number of other large cities. In i<^45 he united with the Episcopal church and resolved to become a minister, and he at once began a course of study at the academy at Romeo, Michigan, then under the direction of Prof. Rufus Netting Law. During the winter of 1846-1847 Mr. Ryan taught school and boarded around among the patrons of the school. In the fall of 1847 he entered the freshman class at Western College, later locating at Hud- son, Ohio, where he remained three years, but, being poor and out of funds, he left college at the close of his junior year to accept a position offered him as tutor in Williams Hall, a school for boys, and at the same time he became a divinity student at Bexley Hall, both institutions being located at Gambler, Knox county. Ohio, the seat of Kenyon College. He was graduated from Bexley Hall in 1853 and the same year he was ordained deacon by Rev. Charles P. Mcllvaine. bishop of Ohio, and the following year he was ordained to the second office of priest by the same bishop. For several years he served as rector of Grace church at Warren, Ohio. In 1858 he was sent by the church as a missionary to Kansas, later taking charge of the church at Atchison, that state, then he was called to St. Paul's church at Des Moines, Iowa, and he en- tered upon the duties of that important parish in the fall of 1864 and for a period of twenty-six years he labored faithfully and effectively in the diocese of Iowa, giving his best efforts to the various churches to which he was called. In 1 87 1 and again in 1877 ^e had the honor of representing the diocese of Iowa in the general con\ention of the churches and was for a number of years deacon of the northern and central conventions, and in 1885 he resigned the rectorship of the Good Shepherd in Des Moines. Later, about 1880, on ac- count of ill health, he and his family came to Xewton. Iowa, where he spent the balance of his days. On April 8. 1875, Rev. Mr. Ryan was united in marriage with a lady of talent and culture, Mrs. H. C. Hawkins, at her home in Troy, Kansas. She was born April 17, 1834, in Canandaigua, New^ York. She first married H. C. Hawkins, of Marshall, Michigan. Afterwards Mr. Hawkins and his wife moved to Topeka, Kansas, throughout which state he became known as one of the ablest lawyers of the same and ranked high as a public man, serving, at one time, very ably and commendablv as a member of the Legislature of that state. His death occurred when he was a comparatively young man, forty- three years old. By their union one son, J. C. Hawkins, was born, who married Eva Ketman, of Humboldt, Iowa, the daughter of a very prominent family there, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawkins are now living in Newton. Iowa, where they, like Mrs. Ryan, have a host of friends and are highly respected and in- fluential in the best social circles. JA§PER COUNTY, IOWA. 585 Rev. James E. Ryan was a man whom to know was to love, admire and praise, for he was high-minded, learned, kind, generous, untiring in his efforts to do good and at the same time unassuming, content merely to follow in the footsteps of the humble Gallilean and to know that he was doing His will, con- sequently the widespread fame and honor he won was justly due him. and the world is better and hai)pier by his having lived in it. DAVID EDMUXDSOX. Widely known as one of the leading citizens of central Iowa during her pioneer history and the subsequent period of her development, the name of David Edmundson stands out conspicuously, and although he has long since been called to a higher plane of action, the influence of his useful life, the many unselfish and charitable deeds he performed will continue to pervade the lives of succeeding generations, and the hearts of those who had the good fortune to be associated \vith him are warmed and their spirits braced by some faint echo of the words of wisdom and kindness he spoke. His well directed efforts in the practical aft'airs of life, his capable management of his business interests and his keen discernment brought him prosperity and his life demonstrated what may be accomplished by any man of energy and ambition who is not afraid to work and has the perseverance to continue his labors in the face of any discouragements which may seem to arise. In all the relations of life he commanded the respect and confidence of those with whom he was brought into contact, and a biographical history of Jasper county would certainly lack an important link were a record of his useful and interesting career omitted. David Edmundson was the scion of a fine old Southern family, many winnine characteristics of which he seemed to inherit, and he himself was born on Dixie soil, his birth occurring in Harrison county, Kentucky, June 9. 181 1, and there he spent his early boyhood, removing with his parents, William and ]Mary Emundson, to Indiana, locating at Greencastle in 1827. and there the death of his father occurred, and afterwards David Edmundson came to Burlington. Iowa. He located in Des Moines countv in 18 ?6 and there he remained until in Alarch. 1841, when he was united in marriage with Tem- perance Gordon, a lady of many beautiful attributes and the representative of an excellent old familv. her birth haxing occurred in May, 1821, in Pennsyl- vania, she being the daughter of Alexander and Elizal3eth Gordon. After their marriage they moved to Oskaloosa. Iowa, having remained in Des Moines 386 JASPER COUNTY^ IOWA. county but a short time. Remaining about a year in the former place, they moved, in 1846, to Jasper county, and here purchased one hundred and sixty acres where the county poor farm is now located; after remaining there three vears they moved to Xewton in 1849 ^"^^ there Mr. Edmundson assisted in laving out the city, and here he purchased one hundred and sixty acres from the government, he and his wife being among the very earliest settlers of this county and city, and certainly none were more influential or prominent in its earlv history than they, and none better known or more highly esteemed, for with old-time hospitality and genuine neighborly impulses they performed un- numbered acts of kindness among the first settlers. ]\Ir. Edmundson was active in politics and wielded a strong influence for his party and he was called upon to represent Jasper county in the state Legislature when the capital of the state was located at Iowa City. He was afterwards elected county judge, the duties of which important ofiice he performed in an eminently creditable man- ner, as he did those of representative. He had charge of building the old court house, in 1862. which was only recently torn down. When the Civil war came on Mr. Edmundson was too patriotic to re- strain his impulses to fight in defense of the old flag and he offered his services to the Union, though he was fifty-one years old at the time. He was com- missioned second lieutenant of Compan}- D. Fortieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and after a very gallant service of two years resigned and returned to this county and for the next fifteen years de\oted his attention very largely to the oflice of justice of the peace. He was one of the brave band who crossed the trackless western plains to the gold fields of California, he and a number of other Jasper county citizens making the long and prolix journey in 1850, the trip rc(|uiring tliree months. The return trip was made by water by way of the Isthmus of Panama and up the Mississippi river. He. in later life, talked most interestingly of this experience in the far \\>st and of other earlv occur- rences. Politically, he was early in life a AMiig and after the Republican party was. organized he loyally supported its principles. He made a splendid record as judge, both in this county and at the military, post at Columbus. Kentucky. The death of this excellent citizen occurred at his late residence. Xo. 520 East Temperance street. Xewton, Iowa, on July 26, 1895, at the age of eighty- four years. One of his brothers lived to be ninety-two years old and his mother was ninety- four years of age when she passed away in Oskaloosa, Iowa. To Mr. and Mrs. David Edmundson eight children. were born, namely: Araf^ella, the eldest child, is the wife of S. W. Macy. of Spokane. Washington; Alex lives at Los Angeles. California: David G.. lives at Des Moines, Iowa; Ella is deceased: Freda lives at the old home in Xewton: Marv is deceased; JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 0°/ Charles is deceased; Elizabeth lives with her sister, Freda, at the old home- stead mentioned above, and here the mother, who was a woman of gracious personality, passed to her rest on April 2, 1910. The Edmundson family has ranked in the forefront of Jasper county citizens from the earliest pioneer days to the present, none standing higher socially, and no one has done more for the locality honored by his citizenship than David Edmundson. whose memory is revered by all who knew him per- sonally or of his work. L. A. WELLS. Good intellectual training, thorough professional knowledge and the pos- session and utilization of the qualities and attributes essential to success have made L. A. Wells, of Xewton, Jasper county, eminent as an attorney-at-law, and he stands today among the enterprising men of this profession in central Iowa, figuring prominently for some time in the affairs of his locality, although yet young in years. Mr. Wells was born October 31, 1879, in Crawford county, Iowa, and he is the son of X. A. and Emma J. ( Benefiel) Wells, the father a native of A^ermont and the mother of Davenport, Iowa. X. A. Wells was for many years a well known stock buyer, having come to Jasper county twenty-six years ago, moving from Crawford county, this state. He was a successful business man and was prominent in political affairs and he was representative from Jasper county in 1897, filling this important office with much credit to himself and to the eminent satisfaction of all his constituents. He is at present living in Wadena county. ^linnesota, where he moved about seven years ago. His wife died ]^Iarch 20, 1898. There were five children in their family, named as follows: W. B.. of the United States navy, was with Rear Admiral Schley, on the famous cruiser "Brooklyn" at the great naval battle of Santiago during the Spanish- American war. He is now on detached duty at the Annap- olis X^aval Academy, and is writing text-books on marine engineering and naval construction : he is a graduate of the academy at Annapolis, and stands very high in naval circles. S. H. Wells is on a ranch in Wyoming: Mrs. Edith Kohler lives on a farm twelve miles south of Xewton ; Mrs. Mattie Lewis lives in Oklahoma. L. A. Wells, of this review, came to Jasper county with his parents when a child and he was reared on a farm five miles south of Xewton, and when old enough he assisted with the various duties about the place, attending the 588 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. neighboring schools during the winter months. He was always an ardent student and he made a splendid record while attending the high school at Xewton, from which he was graduated in 1898, and the University of Iowa, having graduated from the law department of the latter in 1901, after which he began practice at once in Xewton, and was very successful from the first, his practice having continued to grow steadily to the present time, being re- garded as a very cautious, energetic and safe advocate and an earnest and logical exponent before a jury. During the Spanish- American war in 1898, just as he was finishing high school. INIr. W^lls gave vent to his patriotic impulses by enlisting in Company F, Fiftieth Iowa Infantry, and was stationed at Jacksonville, Florida, for six months, from April to November. On April 18, 1902, Mr. ^^'ells was married to INIary J. Manning, daughter of Richard Manning, a prominent citizen of Xewton. Iowa, in which city Airs. A\'ells was l:;orn, reared and educated and where, owing to her genial nature, she has always been a favorite in the best social circles. This union has been graced by the birth of two daughters, Hortense, seven years old, and Esther, five years old. Politically, Air. Wells is a Republican and he has long supported every laudable movement looking to the betterment of his county and state, and he has the confidence and respect of all who know him, his career so far having been characterized by lofty purpose and honest precept. lOHX HEWS. The life history of John Hews, one of Jasper county's best known and highly honored pioneer citizens, would indicate that he is the possessor of sterling qualities that cannot help winning in any vocation if back of them is an indomitable courage, as seems to have been the case in this instance, and he has labored to goodly ends, ever keeping the interests of his neighbors and the locality in general before him while working to advance himself and, there- fore, he has played well his role in the local drama of civilization. He is one of the gallant veterans of the great Union army, having gladlv sacrificed much, like many legions of brave comrades, "in order that the nation might live." Thus many reasons might be advanced why Mr. Hews is justly entitled to con- spicuous and exhaustive mention in the history of this, one of the most thriv- ing and favored sections of the great commonwealth of Iowa, whose interests he has ever had verv much at heart. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 589 Mr. Hews was born September 3, 1837, in Saratoga county, New York, the son of James and Sally Maria (Efnor) Hews, he being the third child in order of birth, the two that preceded him dying in early infancy. These par- ents with their only child, John, who was too young to take any note of hap- penings at that time, 1838, made the long overland journey from New York to Illinois and in that state the son grew to young manhood and received most of his education. The family finally moved to Jasper county, Iowa, when this country was new and unsettled, or very sparsely so, and here the subject as- sisted in building a school house which he attended for a while. It was built of round logs and the seats were made by splitting a log in halves, and holes were bored in the ends in which the legs were fastened ; puncheons were also used for flooring. It was a typical first settlers* school house. Being the oldest of the family, a great deal of responsibility fell to him and he knew the meaning of hard work in all its significance. The nearest mill to them was at Lynn- ville, and there he had to go to mill, and later he went to Oskaloosa on the same errand ; but these long trips were looked upon as a pleasure rather than as irksome, for he was usually accompanied by some lively companion whom he not infrequently made the butt of practical jokes. He drove an ox team and. taking sufficient rations for the entire trip, would camp by the road over night, the trips consuming four or fi\e days. On one occasion he was com- pelled to haul water to be used in the mill, before steam could be generated with which to grind his corn. He tells many interesting stories of conditions and happenings here when he was a boy and when all were on an equal footing financially and socially; when there were few roads, no fences; when there were wolves, wild turkey and plenty of good game of various species ; in fact, he would be apt to tell you that those old times, the good old days of the pio- neers, were the best, and who of us would have the temerity to dispute him? Alr. Hews enlisted on August 8, 1862, at Galesburg, in Company K, Twenty-eighth Iowa \'olunteer Infantry, and after remaining at Camp Pope, Iowa City, a short time, was sent to Helena, Arkansas, thence to Port Gibson, where he took part in the battle, later fought at Champion's Hill, then was in the siege of Vicksburg for forty-eight days, then he was in the skirmishing about Jackson for fourteen days, after which his regiment was sent with General Banks on the Red River expedition ; later Mr. Hews went with Gen- eral Sherman into the Shenandoah valley, and he took part in the sanguinary battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Harrisburg; he was in camp at Cedar Creek and from there was sent to Martinsburg to guard a supply train and while he was there the Cedar Creek battle was fought. He marched bare- 590 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. footed from Cedar Creek to Winchester. From there he was ordered with the rest of the regiment to Savannah, Georgia, and there Mr. Hews was honorably discharged, and was mustered out at Davenport, Iowa, at the close of the war, after having seen some hard service. According to his comrades he was al- ways very faithful in the performance of duty, and for meritorious service he was promoted to sergeant at Vicksburg. He was in seventeen or eighteen general engagements and many skirmishes. After he returned from the war, ]\lr. Hews went back to farming; he had married in 1859 and at the time of his enlistment he had two small chil- dren. He owned forty acres of land in Elk Creek township and the wife and children lived there until he returned from the front. She was known in her maidenhood as Elizabeth Payton, who was born in Hendricks county, In- diana, the daughter of James and Mary (McDaniels) Payton, natives of Kentucky. The family came to Iowa fn 1855 and settled near Galesburg. There were eight in the family that grew to maturity, namely : Mary A., wife of Xapoleon B. Mayfield, now of Kansas, was the first wdiite child born in Jasper county; she became well educated, was highly intellectual and at one time was superintendent of schools of this county; Mrs. M. E. Hays is living in Kansas; Mr. Hays was formerly sheriff of the county when he lived at Sharon Springs; Milton C. lives at Creston, Iowa; Spencer H. lives at Lynn- ville, this county. The death of Mrs. Hews occurred in 1876, leaving eight children, only three of whom grew to maturity, namely : Edwin O., a landscape gardener in California; Alva was kicked by a horse and killed when twenty-seven years of age ; William, living in Kansas. In 1878 Mr. Hews again married, his second wife being Frances A. Hewitt, who was born at Burlington, Iowa, the daughter of Joseph and Anna (Buntin) Hewitt, natives of Ohio. By this marriage one child was born, Leota May, who died at the age of two years. Mr. Hews' second wife passed to her rest at Galesburg, February 14, 1909. Mr. Hews has been very successful in his business relations, having owned various farms, and in 1869 he went to Nebraska and bought one hun- dred and sixty acres which he sold four years later. Returning to Jasper county, he quit farming in a short time and took up carpentering, which he has followed more or less ever since, but is now leading a retired life with his sister, Mrs. Snodgrass. in Newton, whose husband died in October, 1890; she owns a good farm of over a hundred acres in Newton township, but prefers to live in the town of Newton. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 59 1 I\Ir. Hews spent eight years in Wichita, Kansas; for the past two years he has Hved in Xewton, this county. He is a member of the Masonic lodge at Newton; also belongs to Garrett Post, Grand Army of the Republic. He is a "standpat" Republican, and while living in Nebraska he was elected justice of the peace on the Republican ticket, and he held various offices in Elk Creek township. He is a worthy member of the Christian church. WILLIAM HARVEY NOLIN. One of the honored vocations from the earliest ages has been husbandry and as a usual thing men of worthy impulses have been patrons of agriculture. The free outdoor life of the farm has a decided tendency to foster and develop that independence of mind and self-reliance which characterizes true manhood and the boy is indeed fortunate who is reared in close touch with nature in the healthful, life-inspiring labor of the fields. Among the enterprising young farmers of Fairview township, Jasper county, Iowa, is William Harvey Nolin. who vvas born in Marion county, Iowa, February 21, 1885. He is the son of Cyrus Nolin and wife, a complete sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. The subject was the second in a family of four children, the others being. Robert George, now deceased ; Elvin Meek ; Mary Alice Blanch. William H. Nolin attended school at Sunny Point and he grew up on the home farm, assisting with the general work there when a boy. On the even- ing of his twenty-first birthday he was married, and he then began renting land of his father-in-law, and the year following he rented of his father. In 191 1 he and his brother, Elvin, bought a portion of the James A. Tool farm of one hundred and twenty acres, renting other land also, operating two hun- dred and eighty acres in all. The two live together and work the place together and they are making a success as general farmers and stock raisers, making a specialty of Poland-Chma hogs, Belgian and Shetland horses and light Brahma chickens. William H. Nolin is independent in politics, voting always for the l>est man. regardless of party. He is a prohibitionist in belief. He belongs to Tool's Chapel Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Nolin was married on February 21, 1906, to Grace Lucile Jarnagin, who was born December 19, 1884. in Marion county. She is the daughter of Alpheus Jarnagin, who came from Illinois to Iowa in 1865. Mrs. Nolin at- tended the Enterprise district school in Fairview township, this county. 5^2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. < To the subject and wife three children have been born, namely: Karl William, Burt Roscoe and Harold Elvin. Elvin Meek Nolin, mentioned above, as in partnership with the immediate subject of this sketch in operating the farms in this township, was born October 4, 1887. in Fairview township, this county. He attended the rural schools and the high school at Alonroe, from which he was graduated in 1898, after which he taught school very acceptably for two years; but he has pre- ferred farming and he is making good. On February 21, 191 1, Mr. Nolin was married to Cattolina Fennema, who was born in 1890, the daughter of John F. and Wllhelmina L. (Dejong) Fennema. These parents, who are of Holland descent, are farmers in ]\Iarion countv. CAPT. JOSEPH R. RODGERS. No resident of Colfax is better known to its people, stands higher in their regard, or comes from a more honored family, which he by his life has made more honored, than does Capt. Joseph R, Rodgers, now retired, who was the first mayor of Colfax, installed as such on September 9, 1875. -^^ came to Newton, Jasper county, in 1854 with his parents, Hugh and Emily (AlcManus) Rodgers. Hugh Rodgers came to this county from his native city, Charleston, South Carolina. He was the son of Henry and Jane (Nealy) Rodgers, respectively natives of Limerick and Cork, Ireland. Two of Hugh's brothers, Dr. Henry Rodgers and William Rodgers, also located at Newton, where the three brothers were among the leaders of the people for many years. Hugh Rodgers engaged in mercantile pursuits, and was coroner of Jasper county from 1858 to 1864 and from 1871 to 1876. The brothers were prominent in Masonic circles. Hugh was the first junior warden of Newton Lodge No. 59, of Masons, instituted on March 20, 1855, was proxy for the worshipful master at the grand lodge in June, 1855. William Rodgers was the first senior warden of the Newton Lodge, the first principal sojourner of Gebul Chapter No. 12, Royal Arch Masons, insti- tuted in 1856, and was a charter member of Commandery No. 22, Knights Templar, and of Lodge No. 73 of Odd Fellows. Dr. Henry Rodgers was a resident of Newton in 1850, and is credited with being the pioneer doctor of Jasper county. He was treasurer of Newton township in 1850, county treasurer from 1850 to 1854, and county recorder from 1850 to 1858. A son of Henry Rodgers, T. F. Rodgers, still, in 1910, resides on a farm near New- ton. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 593 Joseph R. Rodgers attended school in Xewton, and in uS6i enhsted in the first company to leave Newton, Company B, Fifth Iowa Infantry. In 1863 he became captain of Company B, Forty-eighth Iowa Infantry, and was so mus- tered out in October. 1864. He took part in the battles of Corinth. luka. and all the battles of the Western army up to and including the siege of Vicksburg. In 1868 Captain Rodgers came to Colfax and engaged in the grain and lumber business, in which he continued until 1898, when he retired, after thirty years of successful experience, in which his business abilities were strongly demonstrated. He was the first mayor of Colfax, served on the local school board for some years, and was town clerk for nine vears. He was ap- pointed land appraiser on the Dawes Indian commission in the Indian Terri- tory, and served for three years. He has been during all this time a loyal Re- publican. E. \\'. Duncan Post Xo. 283. Grand Army, numl>ers him among its most enthusiastic and active meml^ers.' Captain Rodgers was married at Newton to Emma J. IVIanning, the daughter of Ben and Mary (Gibson) Manning. Her parents came to Newton in 1854 from Plainfield, N^e\^• Jersey, and were prominent in the city. Mrs. Rodgers died on April 10, 1909. at the age of sixty-four. She left one daughter, Anna L. Rodgers, the wife of W. S. Cutter. Mrs. Rodgers' brother, Col. W. R. Manning, of Newton, is past state commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. A sister and a brother of Captain Rodgers live in Newton, the sister. Ella Townsend. being the widow of Col. Nathaniel Townsend, who was adjutant-general of Iowa ; the brother is Ward M. Rodgers, the editor of the Xczctoji Record. The record of the Rodgers family is an honorable one. and its members are types of the best of American citizenship. Capt. Joseph Rodgers is a man whom his community delights to honor for his services freely rendered, and whom it ranks among its first and foremost citizens. He has in his lifetime endeared to himself manv friends. ANDREW J. WIGGIN. Eighty-two years ha\e i)assed with leaden feet through the relentless gates of the irrevocable past since Andrew J. \\'iggin.one of Jasper county's best known and most highly respected citizens, first saw the light of day in an old house in New England, but the years have been kind to him and he is as active as most men are at the age of fifty. All his faculties have been well preserved, so that he reads without glasses, can climb a tree as nimbly as a (38) 594 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. bov, has a keen, comprehending intellect and is still a man of affairs and in- fluence. His early life was that of a soldier of fortune, a prospector and gold digger in the far West in the early fifties, and later was to be found gallantly defending his nation's flag on the field of battle, and in many ways he en- countered and endured hardships and difficulties that would have crushed many of a less sterling spirit, but his courage, energy, tact and robustness car- ried him safely through and now, in the mellow Indian summer of his years, he finds himself surrounded by peace and plenty upon the pleasant place he pro- cured over thirty years ago. ]Mr. W'iggin was born on April 14, 1830, in New Hampshire, the son of Andrew \\'iggin and wife, who lived on a farm in that state, of which they, too. were both natives. His great-grandfather W'iggin came from England to Massachusetts in the historic "Alayflower." The subject was the third in order of birth in a family of eight children, namely : Enoch, Laura, Sarah, Augusta, Mary, George and one who died in infancy. They were all born in New Hampshire, all remaining in their native state except Andrew J., of this review ; Enoch. Laura and George are deceased, and the parents passed away many years ago. Andrew J. Wiggin attended the country schools near his home for a time, but at the early age of fifteen years he started out in life for himself, went to Boston, Massachusetts, where he learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed until 1852, when, lured by the call of the western Eldorado with its possibilities of untold wealth to be had for the mere digging, fortune favor- ing, he set out with his savings to California, going by steamer from New' York and across the isthmus and thence up the western coast by steamer. He followed mining there for five years, and while not finding the enormous wealth of which he had dreamed, yet he was veiy successful and came away with several thousand dollars. He returned to Boston in 1857, and that same year he came to Iowa, making the trip by rail to Mount Pleasant and from there by stage to Prairie City, and he purchased eighty acres of land in Des Moines township. The following year he married Cynthia Parker, who bore him six children, namely: Morris, the eldest, lives in Wyoming; Mrs. Mary Pentacoe lives on a farm near Des Moines; Orin lives on a farm in Nebraska; George makes his home in Omaha, Nebraska ; Carrie, who has remained single, lives at home and keeps house for her father; one child died in infancy. When the great rebellion broke out in the early sixties, Mr. Wiggin felt it his duty to forsake the pleasures of home, to leave his fields to grow up in weeds and go to the front and do what he could in saving the Union, conse- quently in August, 1861, he enlisted in Company T. Tenth Iowa Volunteer In- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 595 fantry, in which he saw much hard ser\ice and pro\ing himself to be a true and gallant American soldier, an exponent of the Anglo-Saxon that has never been defeated. He took part in fourteen of the hardest- fought battles of the war, besides a number of skirmishes. He was in. among others, both battles of Corinth, siege of Vicksburg, Raymond, Jackson. Holly Springs, luka. Champion's Hill, New Madrid and Missionary Ridge. His regiment was in the brunt of the bloody clash at Cham^pion's Hill, and his comjjany of thirty- four men lost twenty-two, including Captain Pogue. Captain Garret, who commanded them at the time of their enlistment, had been promoted to the rank of colonel. Captain Drew was their captain when they were mustered out in October, 1864, at Kingston, Georgia. After his return home Mr. W'iggin took up the cultivation of his land and about twenty years later he sold the eighty acres and bought forty acres where he now lives, adjoining Prairie City. Later he added to this until he had one hundred and sixty acres, which he farmed successfully until ten vears ago, when he retired from active life, and a few years ago he sold all his land but four acres around his house, and here he continues to reside, the town having grown out around him. He has judiciously invested his monev in various ways until he now enjoys an income of five dollars per day. Mr. Wiggin has been twice married. Init for a number of years now he has lived single. Mr. Wiggin is a Republican, but he has never sought office. He cast his first \ote for Fremont for President, he having been a resident of San Fran- cisco at that time. He is a member of the McCray Post Xo. 27. Grand Army of the Republic, being a charter member of the same. He was its commander for several years, and at the present time he is senior vice-commander, and he has always been active and prominent in the organization. JOSL\H P. TURNER. Everybody in Prairie City. Jasper count)-, knows and honors Josiah P. .Turner, a kindly, honest, genial veteran of the "grand army" that saved the Union. For years a typical "jolly miller" of the town which he still claims as home, his special line of business giving him a wide acquaintance with the sur- rounding countrv for a radius of many miles, he is one of the best known of the pioneers of this part of the county, which he has lived to see develop from the wild prairie, taking an active part in the same. j;96 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Turner was born in Greene county, Pennsylvania, on October 5, 1832, the son of Isaiah and Nancy ( Moore) Turner, the father born in Maryland in 1 80 1, the son of Abel Turner. The family is of Scotch-Irish descent. The mother of the subject was born in Xew Jersey in 1803. These parents were married in Pennsylvania, where they devoted their lives to farming. Ten children were born to them, of whom Josiah P., of this review, was the fourth in order of birth; the others were named as follows: Mrs. Elizabeth Shirk, who died in Pennsylvania; Mrs. Martha Gordon also died in that state; Daniel died in Xew Orleans; Abel, who was a soldier in Company H, Fifteenth Penn- svlvania Cavalry, died in his native state; Mrs. Sarah Taylor also died in Pennsylvania ; Mrs. Mary Sutton is living in \\'aynesburg. Pennsylvania ; Tillie died in childhood ; X^ancy Ann. who has remained single, lives in the state of Pennsvlvania, as does also James. The mother of these children died in Greene county in 1855, and the father subsequently married Mrs. Ruth Clark, a widow, this union having been without issue. The death of the father, Isaiah Turner, occurred in 1876. Josiah P. Turner was educated in the country school of Greene county, Pennsylvania, remaining at home until 1854. when he came to Lasalle county, Illinois, and found work in a flouring mill there, and learned the business thor- oughl}-. In those early days the newcomers to the Middle West frequently suffered from the ague, and the subject, not being exempt, left that country on this account and returned home after an absence of two years. When the call for volunteers to suppress the rebellion was sent out, it at once appealed to Mr. Turner's patriotic impulses, and as soon as he could arrange to do so he "bade farewell to kith and kin" and in July, 1862. he enlisted at Waynesburg in Com- pany K, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. At the battle of Antietam their colonel was captured, Ijut later made his escape, and upon rejoining his regi- ment it was reorganized, Mr. Turner's company becoming Company D. Their colonel, William J. Palmer, was later made a brigadier-general. He was al- ways greatly beloved by his soldiers and is now living at Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 1907 he held a reunion of his regiment, furnishing transporta- tion for all those living and who could attend. The subject was there and the memory of this reunion will fondly linger with him until the final ''taps" are sounded. Besides the bloody conflict mentioned above, Mr. Turner took part in the scarcely less sanguinary conflicts of Chickamauga and. Stone River. He was in the campaign about Atlanta, then their command was sent back to General Thomas and was engaged in the battle of Xashville. He was with General Stoneman on his campaign through North Carolina, Georgia, Ala- bama and Tennessee. Fie was in manv skirmishes and saw much hard service. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 597 He was wounded in the foot at the battle of Stone River, and he was at one time confined in the hospital on account of sickness. According to his com- rades he made a most faithful soldier, and for meritorious service became first sergeant of his compan\ . After three years' service he was honorably dis- charged and mustered out on June 12. 1865. After his career in the army he returned to Pennsylvania and the follow- ing year came to Iowa, where he met Elizabeth Clark and in March, 1866. they were married in Muscatine county. She was born in Tyler county, \'irginia. on October 9. 1842. the daughter of Remick and Maria (Hatfield) Clark, natives of Pennsylvania. They moved to Virginia shordy after their mar- riage and came to Muscatine, Iowa, in 1865, later moving to Missouri, where they bought a farm on which they spent the rest of their lives. Mr. Clark dying there at the age of seventy-eight years, iiis wife reaching the age of eighty- four. They were the parents of six children that grew to maturity, as fol- lows : Emma, who married a ]\Ir. McPherren. lives in Geneva. Nebraska; A. B. lives in Sullivan countv, Missouri ; Mrs. Minnie Bailev lives at Browningf. Linn county. Missouri; Mrs. Joseph Pratt, now deceased, also lived in Mis- souri; Mrs. Amanda Johnson lives in Sullivan county, Missouri. Stephen Hat- field, grandfather of Airs. Turner on her mother's side, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Following their marriage Mr. and !\Irs. Turner went to Pennsyh'ania. but the following year. 1867, they returned to Iowa and have resided here continuously to the present time. For two years Mr. Turner farmed in Fair- ^•iew township, Jasper county, near the town of M(mroe, and in 1870 he moved to Prairie City and worked in the flouring mill there, which he later purchased and in which he installed new machinery, converting it into a good rolling mill and soon built up an extensi\e and lucrative business. This he continued to operate and own until it was destroyed l)y fire, nine years ago. He did not rebuild it. but has lived practically retired since that time. He has accumulated a competency for his old age and is entitled to the respite he is enjoying. He has a pleasant home in Prairie City, which he bought June i. 1 87 1, fortv years ago. and he has lived in the same ever since. During this long period he has witnessed many great changes in this locality. To Mr. and Mrs. Turner six children have been l>orn, namely: \'irginia died when six years of age; Anna 'SI. is at home; Amanda died when a child; Alberta died in infancy; Xettie married Hart W. Zachary. and they live on a farm three and one-half miles west of Prairie City, in Washington township, and they have four children, Leland, Gerald, Raymond and Grace. Frank Turner married Haddie Hanes and lives in Prairie City, where he is employed -q8 jasper county, IOWA. as bookkeeper in the First National Bank, and they have one child, Francis Palmer. Politically, ^Ir. Turner is a Democrat and he cast his first vote for Stephen A. Douglas in i860 for President. He is a member of McCray Post No. 177, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was formerly commander. Mrs. Turner is a member of the Woman's Relief Corps. CHARLES H. JENNINGS. All honor and praise is due the old soldiers, they \\ho, when the Union was in danger of being disrupted, gladly and unhesitatingly left their varied tasks, forsook their cheerful hearthstones, bade farewell to home folks, shoul- dered their muskets and offered their services and their lives, if need be, in order, as the Great Emancipator said, "that the nation, under God, might live." By their great sacrifices we of today are enjoying the fruits of their labors, the glorious heritance which is inestimable. One of this W'Orthy number is Charles H. Jennings, of Newton, Jasper county, a man whose life has been led along consistent lines, resulting in much good to those with whom he has come into contact and he is held in high esteem wherever he is known. Mr. Jennings, who is of English and Irish ancestry, w-as born in Knox county, Ohio, May 26, 1845, the son of Joseph and Eliza (McCowai) Jen- nings, of New- England. They came to Ohio when both were children. The paternal grandfather, Joseph Jennings, owned land in Knox county, Ohio, on the stage road, his home becoming a stage station in the early days, in fact, his place was a sort of tavern and there both driver and teams w-ere changed. His son Joseph, father of the subject, when fifteen years of age, began driving the stage through Knox and adjoining counties and continued in this business for a period of twenty-five years. In 1856 he came to Iowa, driving overland in ■'prairie schooners" from Franklin county, Ohio, where, at Reynoldsburg, he had kept a grocery store, the trip here requiring a month, for the roads were very rough; on the way a sick horse was traded for a good yoke of oxen. He arrived with his family in Newton in April, 1856, his family at that time con- sisting of three children, four having been born at later dates, and, liesides himself and wife, his father also came along, but the latter later returned to Ohio and his death occurred at Columbus. During the first year of his resi- dence here Joseph Jennings engaged in freighting. He handled the brick for the first two brick houses built in Newton, those for George Anderson and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 599 Colonel Meyers, both still substantial buildings. The same year he bought one hundred acres of land in Newton township, which land now lies in Sherman township, paying two dollars and fifty cents per acre for the same. This he cultivated for over thirty years, during which time he became one of the township's leading farmers, and laid by a com])etcncy ; then he lx)ught property in Newton and moved there, where he continued to reside until his death, in 1898, at the advanced age of eighty-two years, his wife having pre- ceded him to the grave many years before. He was a man of sterling char- acter and always a hard worker and a useful citizen. Charles H. Jennings was the second child in order of birth in a family of seven, named as follows: Isabel, who married Milton Heifner, a farmer, died some time ago, leaving four children; Mary F., who married Austin Niffin, taught school a number of years in this county, and her death occurred in Newton a few years ago; George, Cordelia, Maggie and William, all died during childhood. The subject's schooling was not extensive, owing to the fact that he grew up in a pioneer county ; however he improved such opportunity as he had in the subscription schools, walking three miles, also going to school some in New- ton. When seventeen years of age he ran away and joined the army, his father having opposed his suggestion to become a soldier; but he enlisted in Company L, Ninth Iowa Cavalry, on August 3, 1863. His service was mostly in Missouri and Arkansas, taking part in a number of minor engagements and skirmishes, and while he was not wounded he suffered from a severe sun- stroke, which has proved detrimental to his health ever since. He was also badly hurt by his horse falling on him. He was honorably discharged on February 3, 1866, and after his return home he began farming. In 1871 he took up a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres in Kansas, remain- ing there until 1873, when he sold it and returned to Jasper county. In 1878 he bought land in Adair county, but sold it a few years later, after which he followed carpentering in Newton for ten years. He was appointed janitor of the court house, which position he held for five years. He bought a sub- stantial residence property on Main street in the west part of Newton, and in 1894 traded this for his home place, which is pleasantly situated in the north end of the city, surrounded by four and one-half acres of ground, and on this Mr. Jennings has planted a number of fruit trees of excellent variety, and that same year he built a good, cozy house here. Besides this valuable property, he is the owner of a very desirable farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Wells county, Colorado. 600 JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. Mr. Jennins^s was married in \H()H lo Araniinta Runil)aui^h. which union proved a faihu^e and continued less than a }ear. In 1876 he was again mar- ried, his second wife heing Mary Eleanor Miller, whose death occurred in 1896; this union was without issue, but they adopted a son when he was three davs old, he ha\ing proved to be a good boy and a great comfort to his foster parents. Two years after the death of his second wife Mr. Jennings was united in marriage with Airs. Alma Sager Kintz, who was born in Jasper county. Iowa, the daughter of Simon and Eliza Sager. By her former mar- riage, she became the mother of one child. William Kintz. who is now li\ing in Xewton ; he is a moulder and carpenter. The two boys just referred to grew up together. The ado|)ted son was named Charles Ernest Jennings. He is now in Colorado. The subject is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Garret Post Xo. 16. He has always been a Republican. AVARREN McVAY The gentleman to whom attention is directed in this review is an in- di\'idual who has attained pronounced prestige by reason of native and ac- quired ability, and also because of his high standing in the domain of private citizenship. Warren McVay, of Newton, Jasper county, is one of the repre- sentative men of this vicinity and for several decades past has been promi- nently identified with the industrial and business interests of the locality of which this history treats. He takes a deep and abiding interest in everything pertaining to the material advancement of the town and county and every enterprise intended to promote the ad\-ancement of the same is sure to recei\'e his hearty support. He is rated as one of the progressive citizens of the county in which he has lived for a period of more than thirty years and the high respect in which he is held by all classes of people is a deserving compli- ment to an intelligent, broad-minded and most worth}- man. yir. McVay was born on February 15, 1862, in Schuyler county, Illinois, near the town of Rushville, the son of Alvin and Phoebe (Sparks) McVay, the father having been born in Ohio, the son of Isaac McVay. The familv is of Scotch-Irish extraction. Alvin McVay was a cooper by trade. He spent most of his life in Illinois, one year in Iowa and for a time resided in Denver, Colorado, later returning to Illinois, and, after a successful and useful life he died in 1894 at the age of sixty-five years His wife was born in Indiana and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 60I her death occurred in Denver in October. 1909, at the age of seventy-four years, having made her home in that city after the death of her husband. Warren Mc\'ay was the third child in a family of ten children, the others being named as follows: Alary j., wife of Milton McVay. a distant relative, lives at Camp Point. Illinois; Rosa, wife of John Hasley. lives in Xcwton ; Bert died in Silk, Colorado ; Myron died in Xewton ; Xancy. the eldest child, and Calvin. John and Laura, all died in infancy. ^\'arren McVay attended school in Adams county, Illinois, and on Octo- ber 7. 1880. he arrived in Xewton. h^wa. and he attended one term of school in Adamson's Grove, after coming to Jasper county. In order to get a start in the new country he worked by the month on different farms for five years, then went to Den\er. Colorado, and he farmed in that state for six rears ; but not taking any too kindly to rancliing in the Centennial state, he returned to Iowa in 1891. locating in Jasper county, living for a time at Kellogg. In 1893 he was united in marriage with May Belle Peters, who was born in Fayette county, Iowa, the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Landers) Peters. Her mother was a native of Pennsyhania and the father of Ohio. He de- voted his life to farming. He was only nine years of age when he accom- panied his parents to Iowa and here he grew up with the country, the state being new when he arrived. John Peters was a soldier in the L'nion army during the Civil war, having enlisted early in the struggle in Company F. X^inth Iowa \"olunteer Infantry, in which he served very gallantly until the close of the war, receiving an honorable discharge. He saw some hard ser- \ice in many campaigns and battles, in one of which he received a wound, but not of serious consequence. Although he was compelled to undergo many hardships of camp, skirmish and march, he never regretted his service to his country. He is still living, making his home in Marshalltown, being now sixty-eight vears of age. Mrs. Peters passed away in 1900. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. John Peters, namely : May Belle, wife of Mr. McVay; Ida. wife of T. E. Roseman, who is in the mail service at Kellogg, this county; Etta, wife of Horace Morgan, lives at Mar- shalltown : Anna, wife of Albert Haines, also lives at Marshalltown : Xellie. who married Harvev Gilbert, lives at Grinnell. Iowa; Wilder makes his home in Wisconsin; Willis is a citizen of Marshalltown; Martha died in infancy. After his marriage Air. Mc\^ay farmed for himself and as a general farmer and stock raiser met with encouraging success all along the line. In 1910 he moved to Xewton and started a dairy business, which has grown int(i extensive proportions, and his patrons still constantly increase. He is well prepared for this work and understands every detail of the same. He hn^^ 602 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. every modern appliance and equipment to carry on an up-to-date, sanitary and successful dairy. His honesty has been so pronounced that all who have had dealings with him have confidence in his integrity. He has been very suc- cessful in his life work, and besides his dairy, owns a substantial and pleasant home on Greencastle avenue, Xewton. Three children have been born to Mr. and ]\Irs. McVay, namely: Alma and Glen are both attending school in Xewton ; Leola, the youngest, died in infancy. Politically, ]\Ir. McVay is a Republican, and while he is loyal to his party and a booster for Newton and vicinity, he is in no sense a politician, preferring to give his attention exclusively to his individual affairs. He is a member of the Modern \\'oodmen and of the Christian church at Kellogg. He and his wife have made a host of friends since coming to Newton. CHARLES H. BRIDGES. Among the native-born residents of Jasper county who have reached a well merited success must certainly be included the name of Charles H. Bridges, well known young business man of Newton He represents one of the county's old and influential families, and honesty and fair dealing having been his watchwords, these twin virtues having ever been personified in his active life. He has kept unsullied the fair name of his forbears and is in every way deserving of the high respect which is accorded him by all his acquaintances. ^Ir. Bridges was born in Newton township, this county, April i6, 1877. He is the son of Absolom Green Bridges, commonly known as "Green'' Bridges. He was born in Indiana and he married Sarah A. Reynolds, a native of Kentucky, who came to Iowa when twelve years of age, her parents having gome direct to Jasper county from Kentucky in 1853. Green Bridges was also young when he came to this county, his advent here being in 1845 or 1846. He came with his mother and first wife, who died a few years after locating here. Here the parents of Charles H. Bridges, of this review, met and married. They devoted their lives to farming, their parents also having been farmers on both sides of the house. By thrift and untiring industry Green Bridges became one of the leading farmers of the county, at one time owning five hundred and forty acres of valuable land, all in Newton town- ship. Later, through his too generous nature and his kindness of heart and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 603 faith in his fellow men, he lost a considerable portion of this property. He was ever willing to heed the story of another's misfortunes and always willing to help. He frequently gave assistance that was not properly appreciated, and lost by so doing. He was a sturdy, true, likable character and few men in the country were better liked. A man of strong convictions, he was deeply in- terested in educational and church work, serving the church and his town- ship in many capacities. For years he was superintendent of the Sunday school and was always working to ameliorate local conditions, to make his fellow men better. Once he left the farm and came to Newton, where he con- ducted a general store for three years, but returned to the farm when he sold the store, dying soon afterwards at the age of sixty years. In politics he was a Republican and was active in party affairs, in fact, he was a local leader in his party and served it in many ways. By his first marriage Green Bridges became the father of three children, but one of whom, Emoline, wife of Joseph Reynolds, of Des Moines, is living. Twelve children were born of his second union, five of whom are now living, namely: Freddy and Etta died when children; Oliver Perry died in Xewton when twenty-six years of age ; Hayden died on the home farm when twenty- five years of age; Absolom G. died there when twenty- four years old; Carrie May died at home when seventeen years old; Rilla Maud died at the age of fifteen. Those living are: Rebecca, wife of John W. Foreman, lives in Xew- ton; Jennie is the wife of \Y. E. Smith, of Newburg, Iowa; Joseph M. lives in Plankinton, South Dakota; Charles H., of this review; Frank G., the youngest, lives with his mother in Newton. All the children by the second marriage were born in Newton tow-nship and all but two in the same house. After the death of the father Charles H. Bridges was left to care for the home farm, and he managed the same very successfully for a period of five years, although a mere youth. He left the same when eighteen years old and came to Newton and engaged in the livery business. After about three years he added a transfer business, which combination was continued for eight years, at the end of which time, the transfer business becoming so large, he disposed of the livery business, and now devotes his attention exclusively to his transfer work, his patronage ever increasing. He handles all kinds of baggage and freight, moves household goods and pianos, and he is well equipped for prompt and first class service in every respect. He has only reliable and competent assistance and he has made a great success in this line l)y his courteous and fair dealing with the public. During the past four years, howe\er, he has l)een agent at Newton for the American Express Company. 604 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. On October 3. 1906, Mr. Bridges was iinitetl in marriage with Pauline Xugteren, daughter of Peter Nugteren, a native of Holland. Both parents are living near Prairie City. Mrs. Bridges was born near Pella, Iowa. She is a member of the Presbyterian church at Xewton. Mr. Bridges and wife have one child, Earl LeRoy, who was born December 1 1. 1909. Politically. Mr. Bridges is a Republican and fraternally he belongs to the Delta Lodge No. 53. Knights of Pythias, of Newton, being at i)resent second lieutenant in the Uniform Rank. He was for four years a member of the Newton volunteer fire department. A. W. HALL. Of the able and enterprising business men of Colfax, none stands higher in the esteem of his contemporaries, or has shown more of business sagacity and capability in the management of affairs than has A. \\\ Hall, the record of whose success is briefly told below. A. W. Hall was born at Junction, Louisa county, Iowa, on November 22, 1854, the son of James G. and Celeste A. (Miller) Hall. James G. Hall came to Louisa county, Iowa, in 1832, and the next year brought his wife and fam- ily from Crawfordsville, Indiana, and spent the remainder of his life on a Louisa county farm. His son, A. W., spent his boyhood in the usual pursuits of farm life, and in 1883 came to Colfax, where he has since resided. For nearly twenty years, until 1902, he was engaged in a general store which did a thriving business, his partner being his brother, W. F. Hall, and the firm being known as Hall Brothers. Here Mr. Hall gained that business experience which has stood him in such good account in his later ventures. In 1901 he became, at the organization of the Fry Bottling Works, a partner in the com- pany, is now the secretary and treasurer, and has since that time devoted his whole time to the company's affairs. This company deals in the celebrated Colfax mineral waters, which it bottles and .ships all over the United States, their product bearing the brand "Fry's Pure Colfax Water," which is a guar- antee of its purity and relialjility. The sales of the company are each year steadily growing, and much credit is due to the enterprise of Mr. Hall and his associates, who have founded and built up this new business in Colfax. Mr. Hall's attention, directed to his share of the management of the plant and affairs, has contributed a large part to the success of the venture, for he is a thonmgh and competent man of affairs, with a brain wln'cli can not onlv con- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 605 ceive ideas, but which can execute the ideas conceived and carry them out to fruition. Mr. Hall married Ella Young, a native of Washington, hjwa. To this marriage five children have been born: Fred; J. X.. a graduate of Grinnell College, now of Boston, ^^lassachusetts ; Harvey \\'.. of (irinnell College; Dorothy Elizabeth and Marjory Celestia. now in school. Mr. Hall is much devoted to his wife and children, and has given to the latter the best advantages which could be afforded. HEXRY S. EFXOR. The veterans of the great Union army that saved the nation from dis- ruption during its darkest period should be justly proud of what they have done for succeeding generations, having left an inheritance of which we should be very grateful ; indeed we owe them a debt of gratitude that we can never pay. Xow that the "sunset of life" is upon them and the "grand army of the republic" is continuously marching across the "great divide" to join "the phantom army in the silent land." let us of the aftermath accord them every courtesy and honor, and prove our gratitude for what they have achieved while we have the opportunity. One of this worthy number is Henry S. Efnor. long a well known business man and public official of Jasper county, now living in retirement in his cozy home in Xewton. surrounded by every comfort of life as a result of his former years of industry and right living. Mr. Efnor was lx)rn May 4, 1839, in Saratoga county, Xew York. He is the son of Samuel S. and Perlexy (Xims) Efnor. both natives of the state of XTew York, where thev grew to maturity, were educated and married. The paternal grandfather came from Germany with two brothers, locating in the United States during the Revolutionary war. and they fought in the fam JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 609 tinuous rains, all of which greatly discouraged them: but the mother, a cour- ageous little woman, refused to be daunted and her admirable display of forti- tude kept up the courage of the others, frequently singing the old hymn, "We Will Stand the Storm, It Will Not Be Long." The family settled on a farm in Clear Creek township, this county, and besides farming, the father, who was an engineer, had charge of a stationary engine in that neighborhood, working in this capacity for a Mr. Richards. But a short time after reaching here disaster visited the home and the happy family circle was broken up by the sad death of the mother, who was burned to death. The father then left this part of the country, leaving his child. Noble J., of this review, to the care of neighbors. He was taken into the home of John F. Fugard when six years of age and remained with that family until after he became of age and he took their name. Having never been legally adopted by them, when he reached his majority, he secured an order from the court changing his name from Border to Fugard and he has since been known to ever)'body by the latter name. After the death of the mother of the subject, the father married again a Mrs. Young, and had a daughter, Mary Border, half-sister of the subject. She lives in Des ]Moines, and is now Mrs. Frank Ferris. His second wife is deceased, but Mr. Border is living in Des ^loines. There was but one other child born to the parents of the subject, a daughter, who died in infancy. yir. Fugard knows but little of his mother's people. She was the daugh- ter of Jacob Tindall, the latter a brother of George Tindall. a soldier in the Revolutionary war. The family owned considerable land where the city of Trenton, New Jersey, now stands. On June 6, 1886, Noble J. Fugard was united in marriage with Lou Mason, whose death occurred on September 12, 1888. On August 17, 1903, he was married to ]\Irs. Jennie Edwards, widow of Charles Edwards, and the daughter of John W. and Rebecca (Nichols) Bicknell. Her father was a native of North Carolina and was the son of Pleasant and Miary (Campbell) Bicknell. Her mother was the daughter of John and Mar>- Nichols and was born October 15, 1831, and died April 2^, 1863. Her people were among the earliest settlers in Jasper county and a full mention of them will l)e found in the sketch of Hannah Nichols, appearing elsewhere in this work. To John and Rebecca Bicknell five children were lx>rn. namely : Wilford S., Weslev C, William H., Elias M. and Mar\- Jane, the wife of Noble Fugard, of this review. She was born June 2=,, 1859. After her mother's death her father married Valinda Blackwood, and to this union two children were born, Frank, and Lester W., who died in 191 1. (39) 6lO JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mrs. Fugard's father, John Bicknell, was a well known man in this local- ity. He was a successful farmer, carpenter and also owned a livery barn in Xewton for a number of years. His death occurred very suddenly on Sep- tember 27, 1895, in Buena Vista township. Mary Jane Bicknell was married to Charles Edwards, May 22, 1882, and to this union was born one child, Etta May Edwards, now the wife of Guy A. Hammer, son of Nathan Hammer; they have three children, Lois, Bessie and Lawrence. Not having any children of their own, Mr. and Mrs. Fugard took a little girl from the orphans' home in September, 1907, when she was six weeks' old. They have adopted her and named her Daisy; she is much beloved by them and is the sunshine of their home. yiv. Fugard at one time owned what is known as the old Nichols place in Buena Vista township, but sold it a few years ago and moved to Newton, where he purchased a cozy home, known as the Springer property. This at- tractive and pleasant home is surrounded by two acres of valuable land. Mr. Fugard is independent in politics, but is in sympathy with the Pro- hibitionists. He is a member of the Baptist church, as is also his wife. They enjoy the friendship of a wide acquaintance and their home is known as a hospitable one. JAMES K. TURNER. For various reasons James K. Turner, of Newton, Jasper county, is deemed eligible for specific mention in this volume, not the least of which is the fact that he was one of the brave "boys in blue" who offered his services in defense of his country during the dark days of the early sixties. His life has been one of honest endeavor and certainly not de^•oid of good to his fellow men. as many of them will freely attest. He has always been a hard worker and has never permitted obstacles to turn him from his course when once he knew that he was right. He was born in July, 1845, ^^ Henry county, Indiana, the son of James and Priscilla (Ferrow) Turner, the father born in Guilford county. North Carolina, and the mother in Virginia, the latter's people at one time being ver}^ prominent in their locality and owning a large plantation along the Blue river. Her father was a slave holder, owning about one hundred slaves, and at his death these and his estate fell to the subject's mother and her brother, John C. Ferrow, later a general in the Confederate army. After Priscilla Ferrow married Mr. Turner, most of the slaves were JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 6l I set free, largely in view of the fact that James Turner, father of the subject, was a Quaker minister and opposed to holding slaves. In an early day the Turners moved to Indiana, but did not remain there long, having returned to High Point, Guilford county. North Carolina. In 1856 he again took his family to Indiana and lived there until his death, which occurred a few years later at the age of sixty-eight; the death of the mother of the subject oc- curred there two years after the family located there, at the age of fifty-eight years. James Turner followed farming, and also engaged in the distillery busi- ness for some time, which in those days was universally regarded as a respect- able vocation. His family consisted of ten children, of whom James K., of this review, was the youngest; four of the sons were soldiers in the Civil war, John, the eldest, having been with Morgan ; he died at Eddy ville, Iowa. The other children were named as follows : Elizabeth, who married a Mr. Smuck, is now deceased; Jane married Mace Beetle and lives in Jay county. Indiana; Mary A. is the wife of Philip Oxley; George lives in Gas City, Indiana; he w^as a soldier in Company C, Eighty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry; Lewis, who was a soldier in the Thirty- fourth Indiana \'olunteer Infantry, is now living in Texas ; Priscilla, who married Thomas Tadlock, also lives in Texas ; Nancy, who married Thomas Mann, lives in Michigan; Malinda died in In- diana. James K. Turner, of this sketch, attended school for a time at Buck Creek, Indiana, also at Fairmont. When less than seventeen years of age he enlisted in the Union army, in April, 1862, and served until the close of the war with honor and distinction, seeing much hard service, having taken part in over thirty of the most sanginuaiy battles of the war, besides a number of smaller engagements. He was shot through the body at Jackson, Mississippi, February 6, 1864, and was there taken prisoner, and it was some time before he recovered. As a private in Company C, Eighty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, he fought in the following engagements, among others : Green River bridge, where he heard his first cannon, although he had been in previous en- gagements; ^lurfreesboro, Lafayette, Guntown, Tupalo. Coldwater. The two months that he was in prison he subsisted, mostly, on pea bread and water and during that time his wound was dressed only once ; however, in the house where he was confined, which was guarded by the Confederates, was a bright young girl, who, feeling sorry for the wounded Northern lad, sometimes se- cretly gave him substantial foocf and brought him water. After he was ex- changed he was sent home. As soon as he was able to be upon his feet again he reported for duty at Indianapolis, but was told that he was unable to return to 6l2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. the front and was ordered to the hospital, Ijiit he begged so hard to be per- mitted to rejoin his regiment that they allowed him to do so, and he was sent to ^lemphis, later going with Gen. A. J. Smith's command on the Red River expedition. Later in the war Air. Turner took part in the battles of Sabine Cross Roads, Yellow Build, Fort Duruso, and in the hand-to-hand engage- ment at Pleasant Hill, in which one big fellow came near choking him to death, but a comrade saved his life by knocking his assailant in the head. They followed General Price from De Soto to Lexington and to Santa Fe, Kansas, and had several small engagements; then fought at Blue River, Sedalia, Lone Jack, and was in the two-days battle of Xashville, then went to Xew Orleans, and he witnessed the bombardment of Fort Pike, Fort Morgan and Fort Gains. He was on the sand battery and battery U. G. in the charge on the pontoons. He participated in the siege of Fort Blakely throughout. Later he was with Sherman in his march to Meridian, Mississippi, and Avas wounded at Queen's Hill. He was mustered out at Mobile. Alabama, and received an honorable discharge at Indianapolis, Indiana, in August, 1865. After returning from the war, Mr. Turner bought and sold cattle for a while, then went to Illinois and worked at the carpenter's trade and house moving. He came to Iowa in 1870, locating first at Oskaloosa, but later moved to Xew Sharon and there he w-as married to Ellen Shadley, who was born in Greene county, Ohio, the daughter of William and Malinda (Pendu- lum) Shadley; the father, a farmer, was born in Virginia and the mother in Ohio. They were the parents of ten children, those living besides Mrs. Turner being: William, of Xewton, Iowa; Mrs. James Mitcheltree, of Xew Sharon; Mrs. Hester Hilderbran, of near Xew Sharon; Mrs. Abbie Stanford, of Montezuma. The Shadley family came to Iowa before the war. Six children have been born to Mr. and ]\Irs. Turner, namely : ]\Iinnie, who married Edward Lynn, lives in Des Moines, and they have seven children ; Wesley, who lives in Xewton, is married and has two children ; Clyde also lives in Xewton ; Elizabeth, wife of Charles Pugh, lives in Des Moines and has three children ; Allison is at home ; Elsie, who married Bonner Benedict, died leaving four children. After living in Xew Sharon three years. Mr. Turner moved to Marshall county, but later went back to Xew Sharon. Five years ago he came to X'ew- ton, Jasper county, and here he and his sons are successfullv engaged in the house moving business, having built up a large patronage. Mr. Turner is a Republican and a member of Lighton Post, Grand Army of the Republic. Mrs. Turner is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 613 DAVID FIXCH. David Finch, an honored citizen of Xewton for over fifty years, one of the worthy pioneers of this new country whose interests he e\er'had at heart and sought to promulgate in any way possible, was born in Vates county, New York, January 19, 1827. His childhood and vouth were spent in Ohio, in which state, on May 28, 1854, he was united in marriage with Jemima Dean, and soon afterward they emigrated to Iowa, settling in Xewton, Jasper county, which, with the exception of a few years spent in Xebraska, had been his home through all the years until his death, in 1908. In February, 1877, his wife was called to her rest, leaving beside her husband, three sons, Madison, now residing at W'ray, Colorado, and Edgar and Ernest, residents of Xewton, Iowa. An only daughter, Florence, had died in early childhood. In X^ovember, 1879, Air. Finch was united in marriage with Mary Kime. who, with their one son. Earl Finch, of Los Angeles. California, survives him. Surviving him are also four sisters, all that are now left of a familv of eleven children. ]\lr. Fincli was a man of industry and very successful in a material way, Mrs. David Finch was the daughter of George W. and Julia Kime, verv old settlers of Jasper county and well known here to a past generation, both being now deceased. The mother was born in Ulster county, Xew York. May 16, 181 6; she moved to Ohio in 1837 and two years later was married to George W. Kime and they moved to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1852. Then, ten years afterwards, they moved to a place three miles south of West Union, Nebraska, where they remained until Mrs. Kime's death, December 5. 1890. Her remains were brought to X^^ewton, Iowa, and interred in the cemetery here. George W. Kiijie, who spent the latter years of his life in retirement, died at the home of his son, Jarvis Kime, near Dunning, X'ebraska, on December 22, 1898; his remains were interred beside his wife in the cemetery at Xewton, Iowa. He was eighty-one and a half years of age. having been born in A'irginia on July 6, 18 17. He lived in his native state until seven years of age when he removed with his parents to Seneca county, Ohio, where he grew to manhood and was there married to Julia A Springer on Xovember ID, 1839, and their union resulted in the birth of three children, nainely : Margaret E., who died in her seventeenth year; Jarvis M.. who lives in Nebraska; and Mary, widow of David Finch of this sketch. In 1 8 S3 George W. Kime moved with his family by wagon to Iowa countv. Iowa, and there lived amid the primitive conditions prevailing all over 6l4 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. the state at that period until 1857, in which year he moved to Newton, Jasper county, and here made his home until 1879, when he moved his family to Custer county. Nebraska, where the remainder of his life was spent on a farm. David Finch had been a faithful member of the Congregational church for many years, in fact, was one of its pillars of strength. He was also a worthy Mason, a Knight Templar, one of the last duties of his life being in attendance at the funeral of a brother Knight, from which he was returning home on April 24, 1908, when he was stricken with paralysis which resulted in his passing away a few days later at the age of eighty-one years, three months and twelve days, his death being marked w ith rare fortitude and sublimitv of faith. DANIEL W. WHITCOMB. The world owes much to the plain, plodding worker who, uncomplain- ingly, does his whole duty as he sees it ; but beyond his labors there is a sphere of activity w-herein the workers are few and the products produced are most rare — that of genius. Through the medium of this subtle, sublime, elusive thing, possessed of certain favored ones, all the great treasures of art, litera- ture, music and science have been given to the world. Those who know him best do not hesitate to pronounce Daniel W. Whitcomb, one of Jasper county's best known citizens, as a genius of high order, although it is doubtful if many who know him appreciate this fact to the fullest extent. In his little studio in Newton he is producing photographic art studies which are more than mere every-day likenesses as turned out in a never-ceasing stream from most pho- tograph galleries; they are works of art, while his samples of burnt wood etching, his painting in oil, pastel, water color, crayon and other mediums are of the finest. Mr. Whitcomb was lx)rn in this county on February 22, 1858, and he is the son of W. A. and Anna (Childs) Whitcomb, both natives of New York state. The father was a skilled mechanic and his services were always in great demand; he even made violins which were marvels of perfection. Back in his native state he was a miller, and later engaged in the mercantile business. He was a comparatively young man when he came to Indiana and settled near Vincennes, where he continued the mercantile business until 1856. when he came by wagon to Jasper county, Iowa, and located in Rushville, trading his stock of goods for forty acres of land, to which he later added forty acres more, and he follow^ed farming the rest of his life. There his death occurred, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 6 1 D at the age of sixty-eight years, and his wife was aged sixty-four when she was summoned to the silent land. The old homestead is still in the hands of the family. The father, as has already been intimated, was a man of splendid natural ability in many ways. He was ardently interested in church work and in the upbuilding of his locality, and he was an advocate of all that was best in life, being highly honored by all who knew him. His wife was a noble woman, whose innate gentleness of character shed the most loving and benign influence upon her home and friends. Their family consisted of eleven chil- married Joseph Braley and her death occurred in Kellogg about 1887; Am- anda, who remained unmarried, died there when twenty-two years of age; William A. died in Rochester, Washington, in 1899; J. T. died in Oregon about 1907; those living are Lodency, wife of Dr. \V. H. Green, of North Yakima, Washington; Stephen A. lives in Colorado; C. E. lives near Prairie City, this county; Eva lives in Des Moines; Daniel W., of this review. In August, 1877, Mr. Whitcomb entered as apprentice with Charles A. Clifford, of Xewton, learning the old fashioned "wet-plate" process of photog- raphy, and he was with him about a year, after which he went to Des ^loines, where he remained two years. Then he traveled extensively, teaching the ■'dry-plate" process of photography, and, following this, he again worked with Clifford and others in different places. On October 25, 1882, ~Mr. XMiitcomb was united in marriage with Orlina LaBar, a native of Pennsylvania and the daughter of Jesse and Sarah (Snyder) LaBar, the father a native of France and the mother of Xew York. The father died when Mrs. Whitcomb was a baby, so she has no recollection of him whatever. Her mother and the rest of the family came to Iowa in an early day and settled in Monroe about 1867. To Mr. and Mrs. Whitcomb have been lx)rn four children, all living, namely: Leon A., born ]\Iarch 19, 1884, in Monroe, and who has been crippled from infancy, began selling the Saturday Blade when a child, the cir- culation of which he soon increased from thirty-four to one hundred and sixty; selling this out, he began jjcddling extracts, toilet articles and other things, and by untiring industry succeeded in getting together enough money to purchase an expensive and modern pop^corn and peanut wagon, which, with its genial and hustling little owner installed within it, is a familiar object upon the streets of Newton, and he is making a decided success of the business. The other children are, Mabel, who married Thomas A. Ciire. lives in New- ton ; Lloyd is at home. He has been in the employ of the One Minute Manu- facturing Company for five years and is a young man of good habits and splendid promise in business affairs. Crippled like his brother from boyhood, 6l6 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. he has not permitted seemingly untoward circumstances to thwart him in his career. An operation on his limb recently made him almost normal physi- cally. Florence Edna Whitcomli is with her parents, and is a recent graduate of the Newton high school. After his marriage, Mr. Whitcomb opened a gallery at ]\Ionroe and in 1886 he went to Kellogg, later coming to Newton, where he has lived practi- cally ever since, although lie has trayeled alone and with his family in many states, principally those of the Middle West. During his travels he has taught painting in different mediums, as well as photography. He gave up his pro- fession in the spring of 1880 and went to Cheyenne, Wyoming, where, among other things, he worked on a newspaper. At another time he accepted a con- tract to finish the Atlas Distillery stock barns. This contract he completed and made some money in the work. He has occupied his present location twelve years and has built up a large and constantly growing business, many of his patrons coming from remote sections of this and adjoining counties, for his reputation has traveled over a wide territory. He makes every kind of picture known to the photographic art and his ^york in all branches is superb. He also makes enlarged portraits in water color, crayon and pastel. His gallery is one of the best equipped in the state, being fitted to make all kinds of cuts, half-tones, chalk plates, zinc etchings, etc. Mr. Whitcomb in his fraternal relations belongs to the Kellogg Lodge. Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodmen and the Yeomen, of Newton. He is a man of genial and interesting personality, and his wife is admired by a wide circle of acquaintances. GEORGE W. SIMPSON. George W. Simpson is a name known to every one who has any acquanit- ance whatever with the business history of Newton and Jasper county, for he has long filled an active place in the industrial affairs of this locality, and as an enterprising, far-sighted and energetic man whose judgment is seldom at fault. His influence has made for the substantial upbuilding of the commun- ity and he has earned the good will and esteem of a wide circle of friends. Mr. Simpson was born November 7, 1859, at Westfield, Poweshiek county, Iowa, and he is the son of John and Elizal^eth (Patrick) Simpson. natives of Ohio, the father of Scotch descent and the mother of Irish. The eider Simpson began life as a farmer. l>ut after coming to Iowa he preached as an ordained minister in the United Brethren church. While living near JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 617 Kellogg he had three charges, one of which was forty miles west of Des Moines. Every two weeks he dro\e eighty miles to preach and back again after the services. For this service he was paid sixty dollars a year. This one instance casts a strong side light upon the inherent strength and beauty of the father's character and readily reveals why he was one of the best belox'ed men in the county. All his life was spent in good works. The family came to Iowa in 1854, first settling near Dubuque and about a year later came on to Westfield. For years the father conducted a tavern on the old stage road between Iowa City and Des Moines, and he ran a general store in connection with the same. He also bought and shipped cattle and hogs extensively, often driving droves of hogs as far as Iowa City to market, which place was at that time the western terminus of the Rock Island system. After selling the tavern, he bought a farm three and one half miles southeast of Kellogg, and there he made his home until 1873, when he retired from farm- ing and he and his son W\ S. started a general store in Kellogg, which they sold after conducting it until 1876, whereupon the father retired. His death occurred in Kellogg in 1906, at the advanced age of eighty-six years; the mother is still living in that town, being now eighty-seven years old. John Simpson was a local politician of more than ordinary influence and he was for years mayor of Kellogg, the last time when past eighty years, making one of the best officials the town ever had. He was a loyal Republican and served his township in many capacities, always in a manner that reflected much credit upon himself and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Eight children were born to John Simpson and wife, of whom six are living, namely: Thomas J. died in California, at the age of fifty-six years; Wallace W. died in Kellogg, at the age of twenty-two years; W. S. is an eye and ear specialist in Des Moines; A. J. owns and operates the home place of two hundred and forty acres; T. L. resides in Kellogg, owning the only hotel there, and also has two farms ; Sarah E. is the wife of James Bennett and lives in Kellogg; George \\ . of this review ; L. E. is a retired farmer and resides in Kellogg. George W. Simpson began railroading in 1876 as water boy on the con- struction of the Rock Island. Two years later he began working with the steam shovel gang in Missouri. Then in the fall of 1879 he began braking on the Rock Island road, in Missouri, remaining two and one-half years. From that state he went to Ogden. Utah, then the western terminus of the Union Pacific road, with his headquarters at Evanston, Wyoming. After about a year he was transferred to Idaho and given a train. This he con- ducted but a short time, when he was placed in the yards at Pocatello, Idaho, 6l8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. as yard master. All told, he worked twenty-three months for the Union Pacific. He then went to San Francisco and other points on the Pacific coast, then returned east, and began braking out of Trenton, ]Missouri, continuing at this a year and a half, after which he ran a train several years, being a con- ductor both on a freight and a passenger. He was in many wrecks and saw much hard service, a great deal of it under the old-fashioned style of apparatus, before the days of safety devices and modern improvements. In making an old-fashioned coupling he was injured, losing a part of his hand. He was in a bad wreck in January before quitting the railroad business in February. At one time he worked for the W^abash railroad three months, but most of his long service was with the Rock Island and Union Pacific. He became widely known in railroad circles and was regarded as a faithful, honest and capable employe. Mr. Simpson was formerly a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and was its first delegate ever sent to the grand lodge at San An- tonio, Texas. Later, however, he dropped it for the Order of Railway Con- ductors, of which he is now a dimitted member. After he quit railroading Mr. Simpson purchased an eighty-acre farm near Kellogg, on which he spent nine years, then sold out and bought one hun- dred and fifty acres in Kellogg township which he farmed three years ; selling this, he purchased one hundred and forty -three acres in Newton township. After living here three years he sold it for one hundred sixty-two dollars and fifty cents per acre, then purchased the one-fourth city block in the heart of the business district of Newton where he has a feed store and hitch yard, which is doing a large business. Besides this property, he owns a splendid modern residence in Newton and valuable farming interests in Dickerson county. On March 31, 1887, Mr. Simpson was united in marriage with Mattie E. Stringer, of Missouri, and the daughter of James Stringer and wife, both now deceased ; they were farmers and highly respected in their neighborhood in ^Missouri. To Mr. and Mrs. Simpson five childien have been born, all of whom are living, namely: Earl E., born February 26, 1888, is a mail carrier in Newton; Harry V., born December 6, 1889, lives in De Soto, Iowa; Guy, born August 24, 1896; Ruth, born April 26, 1902; Gerald, born February 5, 1905, the last three named being at home. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are members of the Methodist church, and active and sincere workers therein. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 619 Mr. Simpson is at present third \ice-president of the Methodist Brother- hood. He has in the past been a trustee in the church and was assistant super- intendent of the Sunday school two years and teacher of the men's class one years. While in the country he was superintendent of the Sunday school three years. He is a member of Central Lodge No. 73, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Newton, being its present treasurer. In January, 1903, he joined as a charter member the Knights of Pythias lodge at Trenton, Missouri, later transferring his membership to Lodge No. 76 at Kellogg, Iowa, in which he has passed all the chairs except those of outer guard and prelate. At this time he is a member of the Newton lodge, which he has represented in the grand lodge several times. He was a delegate from the Kellogg lodge to the grand lodge at Council Bluffs. Both he and his \vife are members of the Rebekahs, and Mr. Simpson is a member of the Modern Brotherhood of America, of which he is secretary. Mr. Simpson has served on the school board of Buena Vista township for three years and as road supervisor for two years. He also served two years as clerk of Newton township. He is regarded as one of Jasper county's useful and representative men. WILLIAM ENSIGN HILL. As long as history endures will the American nation acknowledge its in- debtedness to the heroes who, between 1861 and 1865, fought for the preser- vation of the Union and the honor of that starry banner which has never been trailed in the dust of defeat in a single polemic struggle in which the country has been involved. Among those whose militar}^ records as valiant soldiers of the war of the Rebellion reflect lasting honor upon them and their descendants is William Ensign Hill, well known citizen of Jasper county, where he has long maintained his home and won an honored name by virtue of his consistency to truth, honesty and right living. Therefore he is eminently qualified for a place in the present volume. Mr. Hill was born in Lyons county. New York, September 15, 1843, and he is the son of Joshua and Eliza (Teller) Hill. His father was a carpenter and died when the subject was nine years old, consequently the latter knows but little of his father. After his death,, the mother continued to reside in Knox county, Illinois, whither the family had moved when the son William E. was five years old. Later they moved to Henry county, Illinois, where the mother remarried, her second husband being John Ladu. They subsequently moved to Jasper county, Iowa, and located near Newton. 620 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. William E. Hill is one of a family of eight children, of whom but four are now living: two died in infancy; Aaron is conducting a hotel in St. Joseph, Missouri ; Mrs. ]\Iary Smith lives in Albany, Oregon : Mrs. Richard Barnes is deceased; \Mlliam E., of this sketch, is next in order of birth; Sarah Andrews, who later became ]\Irs. Burris, is deceased ; Charles Hill is living retired in Newton. Upon the death of his father. William E. Hill began helping his mother support the family, and he remained at home until he was twenty-one years of age. On May 14, 1864, not being able to longer suppress his patriotism, he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Illinois Volunteer In- fantrv. under Capt. L. B. Hunt, and was sent to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on garrison duty. Later he was among the troops sent down the river after General Price. Returning to Fort Leavenworth he was mustered out and dis- charged from the service on October 15, 1864. when his term of enlistment had expired. Seven weeks before his discharge he fell ill with fever which had been brought on as the result of exposure, and although he had been fairly robust, he weighed but ninety-five pounds when he reached home. For three months after he returned to his fireside he could not work, but when spring came on he went to the fields as a farm hand. In the following autumn, he and his brother Aaron, who had also been a soldier, serving three years in the Federal army, purchased a threshing outfit, which they operated all over the county. After selling the machine they each rented farms and began farm- ing. As renter and then owner, the subject continued farming successfully until fourteen years ago, when he retired and came to Newton, where he owns a splendid home and valuable tow'n property, and his farm in Malaka township is one of the best. On December 8. 1867, Mr. Hill was united in marriage with Rebecca Emmert, daughter of Philip Emmert, a native of Pennsylvania. To this union two children were born, one of whom, Floreno Adelpha, died when seven months old; Philip S., born May 11, 1869. is living on a farm in Malaka township, this county. The wife and mother passed to her rest on October 28, 1880, at Morristown, Illinois. Subsequently, on October 13. 1 88 1. Mr. Hill was united in marriage with Phebe A. Anderson, of Orion, Henry county, Illinois. She was the daughter of Thomas Anderson, of Pennsylvania. Her parents were farmers and are now both deceased. Mrs. Hill is one of a family of three children, all daughters, two of whom are liv- ing; Margaret, who married Richard O. Richardson, resides in Newton; Addie Elizabeth, who married John Robbins, is deceased. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 6JI Thomas Anderson, mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and Aaron Hill, brother of the subject of this sketch, were together when thev enlisted for service in the Union army at Peoria, Illinois, September 20, 1862, in the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and they had a rather remarkable record, seeing much hard and dangerous service, and were in the following engagements: Monticello, Kentucky; Blue Springs, Philadelphia, Campbell's Station, Knoxville. all in Tennessee; Fort Sanders, Mossy Creek, Strawberry Plains, Dandridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Carrsville, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Chattahoochie river, siege of Atlanta. Decatur, Stony creek, Lovejoy Station. Duck river. Spring Hill, Franklin, Xashville, Port Anderson, Town creek. \\'ilmington, Kingston and Goldsborough and others, making forty-one engagements. They were discharged June 20, 1865. Although reared a Democrat. Mr. Hill is at present a supporter of the Republican ticket. He has always been a public-spirited man and willing to do his part in all public matters. He served seven years in succession as super- visor of roads in ]Malaka township, this county. He and his wife are both members of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal church of Xewton, and he belongs to Garrett Post No. 16, Grand Army of the Republic, and Mrs. Hill is a member of the Woman's Relief Corps and has served as junior vice-president and has also been color-bearer of the post. H. S. MORRISON. Standing with the best citizens of his county and state and a man whose sterling worth and inherent human kindness endears him to all who know him is H. S. Morrison. Jasper county can boast of no better all round man; no more affable, courteous gentleman than he. He was born in Orange county, New York, November 2^, 1851, his father, H. S. ^lorrison, Sr., and his mother, Harriet Mariah Jackson Sherman, being also natives of that great state. The father was born August 31, 1809, and died April 22, 1854, at the age of forty-six years, dying in New York when the subject of this review- was but three years old. The father was principally a farmer, although he kept a store for a brief period. The mother, born September 15, 1814, shortly after the death of her husband in 1856, removed with her family to Wisconsin, where the business of farming was carried on until 1863. when the familv came to Iowa, settling in Scott county. Here land was rented and farming re- sumed, the sons doing the work. In the fall of 1869 another move was made. 622 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. this time to Jasper county, the family settling- upon a farm ten miles northeast of Newton, upon which they remained until 1891, at which time the subject of this sketch and a brother, together \vith the mother, moved into Newton, where thev have remained ever since. The mother died January 25. 1901. while making her home with her children It was something like forty-one years ago when Mr. IMorrison, the sub- ject of this sketch, came to Jasper county, and settled on one hundred and sixty acres of raw prairie. Newton was then but a small town and wolves were plentiful, but he went to work with a stout heart and built a small house. By untiring and earnest effort, he and his brothers came to own over one thousand acres of land in the county. At one time, the years of 1873-4. he operated a threshing machine in the county. Mr. Morrison is one of nine children, five boys and four girls, of whom four are living, Mr. Harrison being the youngest of the family. The living ones are: John W.. who resides in Wisconsin, aged seventy-one years. He has retired from active business. He was a soldier in the Northern army dur- ing the Civil war; Catherine E. Wallace, aged sixty-six, wife of John Wallace, retired farmer, resides in Springfield, Pennsylvania ; Sarah E. Brown, aged sixty-two, wife of James M. Brown, a retired business man and Civil war veteran, resides in Newton; the next and last is Mr. Morrison, of this history. Upon September 9, 1891, Mr. Morrison was united in marriage with Mattie Pickens, daughter of James and Eliza (Gordon) Pickens, both of whom were natives of Ireland, her parents having married in Ireland, and coming to America in 1868, landing at New York. From New York they came to Scott county, Iowa, where they remained for nine years, after which they came to Jasper county, settling upon purchased land northeast of Newton. In 1899, Mrs. Morrison's father died, at the age of sixty-eight years. Her mother is still living, making her home with a daughter, Mrs. David Paul, of Grinnell. Iowa. Mrs. Morrison is one of six children, namely: Mary A. Morrison, born April i, 1855, died December 24, 1902. She married ar brother of the subject of this review; Margaret H. Paul, wife of David Paul, retired, resides in Grinnell, born March 4, 1857; Thomas A., born May 14, 1859, resides in Newton; Eliza G. Bergman, wife of Henry G. Bergman, a horse dealer of Newton, was born November 5, 1861 ; Hannah Lyman, wife of J. Fred Lyman, a farmer, was born December 14. 1863, and resides in Rockwell City, Iowa; Mattie B., wife of the subject of this sketch, was born July 7, 1868. To Mr. and Airs. Morrison have been born four children, all boys and all living at home: Horace Henry, born August 28, 1892; Leland P., born JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 623 October 21, 1895; Charles William, born July 28, 1899; James Gordon, born May 16, 1905. Both Mr. and Mrs. Morrison are members of the First Presbyterian church of Newton, Mrs. Morrison being also a member of the Ladies' Aid Society and the Woman's Missionary Society. She is a teacher in the Sun- day school, an earnest worker in the church and a most interesting and estim- able woman. Mr. Morrison is also a teacher in the Sabbath school and for sixteen years has been ruling elder in his church. He is also a member of Newton Lodge No. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and of Gebal Chapter No. 12, Royal Arch Masons. Always an active temperance worker, he is a member of the Anti-Saloon League, has served as director, secretary and treasurer of county schools and justice of the peace of his township. He is also vice-president of the Farmers Mutual Fire and Lightning Insurance Company. At one time Mr. Morrison engaged in the hardware business in Newton for eight years, selling out to go to California. He remained there but one year, however, when he returned to Newton. He traces his family back to the Revolution and is eligible to join the Sons and Daughters of the :\merican Revolution. CAPT. JACOB ROOKER WITMER. Jacob R. Witmer was born near Safe Harbor, Lancaster county, Penn- sylvania, the son of J. S. and Mary (Parker) Witmer. This family is of Swiss descent, the great-great-grandfather, John Witmer, having been born in that country in 1688. He came to America and located in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1728. The Captain's great-grandfather was Michael Wit- mer and his grandfather was Herman Witmer. Mary Parker, mentioned above, was the daughter of Abram and Elizabeth (Ebby) Parker, both natives of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Captain Witmer was one of a family of ten children, an equal number of sons and daughters, three besides himself coming to Jasper county. Captain Witmer was reared in his native state and educated in the public schools. He came to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1866 and here launched in the lumber business, running a saw-mill and maintaining a lumber yard, and here he resided until his death. He was married here to Lizzie Kendig, daughter of John and Maria (Kaufman) Kendig, pioneers of Sherman township, this county, who came from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, the father being now 624 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. deceased. The wife of the subject was called to her rest on February 6, 1900, when fifty years of age. The following children were born of this union: Emma married Peter Pink, of Sherman township: ISlinnie is the wife of George Sapp, formerly of Colfax, now of Sunnyside, Washington; Mary is the wife of Hamilton Sumpter, of Acton, Iowa; Lincoln Witmer, who is engaged in the lumber business at Kennewick, Washington, served two years in the marine service of the United States in this country and two years in the Philippine Islands; Cora married Milo Kapel, of Tacoma, Washington; Jacob lives at Denver, Colorado; Cristal, who has remained single, lives in Des Moines, Iowa. Captain Witmer's war record is a notable one. Scarcely had news of the firing on Fort Sumter been received when he offered his services in defense of the flag, enlisting in April, 1861, and serving throughout the conflict and even a year after the surrender, not leaving the service until in April, 1866. He ser\'ed as a private in Company B, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and as second lieutenant of Company E, Two Hundred and Four- teenth Volunteer Infantry, of that state and he was mustered out as first lieu- tenant of his company. He was in the Army of the West and took part in the battle of Perryville, Kentucky; later he was transferred to the Army of the Potomac and served with it in the Shenandoah valley. He was captain of a company of one hundred soldiers that guarded the prison where Captain Wertz was confined, and in the absence of his captain, the subject acted as provost marshal at Annapolis, Maryland. E. M. s. McLaughlin. The name of E. M. S. McLaughlin, of Newton, needs no introduction to the professional circles of central Iowa. Selecting the law as his sphere early in life, he has devoted his energies to that, ignoring other aspirations to make himself what he is today, a thorough master of legal science in all its ramifications. The common law, the statutes of Iowa, the history, progress and growth of jurisprudence, as well as the higher and more abstruse prin- ciples of equity, are all completely at his command, constituting him a leader at the bar, whicli position is readily conceded him by his associates. Mr. McLaughlin was born in Hamilton county, Iowa, November 4, 1869, the son of Angus and Catherine (Sells) McLaughlin, the father a native of Ohio and the mother of Pennsylvania, the paternal grandparents being natives of Scotland and the maternal grandparents of Pennsylvania. Angus Mc- E. M. s. McLaughlin JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 625 LaugliHn spent his active life engaged in agricultural pursuits, and is at present living retired in Los Angeles. California. He came west to Iowa in 1855, and entered land in Hamilton county, which land he improved, trans- forming it from the wild prairie to a fine farm, the same still being in pos- session of the family. At one time he was the owner of four hundred and twenty-six acres, which, since his retirement, has been added to by the sub- ject and his brothers until they now own jointly nine hundred and fifty-nine acres in one body, all well kept and valuable land, situated in one of the most favored agricultural sections in the state. Angus McLaughlin is a man of exceptional intelligence and sterling innate characteristics. He was always much interested in educational mat- ters, also politics, having served the Republican party in many capacities, having been supervisor of his county for two terms besides holding other offices, always with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of all con- cerned. His wife died on February 22, 1909. at the age of seventy years. In an early day the father made a trip across the western plains to the Black Hills and to Colorado, where he mined gold for a year. He is now making his home with his daughter, Elizabeth A. McLaughlin, an osteopathic phy- sician of Los Angeles. His other children are: J. J., a veterinary surgeon of Blue Earth, Minnesota; A. A., of Des Moines, is attorney for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company; E. M. S.. of this review; W. M. is an at- torney at Des Moines and ex-city solicitor of that place; Maud M. is the wife of D. D. McGillivary, an attorney of Lowden, Iowa. E. ]\I. S. McLaughlin remained on the home farm until the fall of 1889, then attended the Northern Iowa Normal School at Algona for one term, teaching the winter term of school. The following August he entered the Iowa State College at Ames for a four years" course, teaching during the win- ters. He made an excellent record and was graduated from that institution with the degree of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, on November 10, 1894. Then he again taught school and worked some at his chosen calling. On February 26, 1896. ^Ir. McLaughlin was united in marriage with Minnie A. Parmenter, of Polk county, Iowa, and the daughter of Edward and Anna Parmenter, of Ohio. They came to Iowa in an early day and spent their active lives in farming; the father is now deceased, but the mother survives. Two children were born to ^Ir. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Ruth and Ralph, both of whom are at home and in school. After his marriage Mr. McLaughlin lived on his farm for three years, after which he entered the law department of Drake University, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. He applied himself (40) 626 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. verv assiduously to his studies, becoming exceptionally well equipped for his life work, and in 1900 he opened a law office in Newton, which he has since maintained, doing a general practice in all courts and building up a large and constantly increasing clientele. He has met with a large measure of success, being a careful, ])ainstaking, tireless and honest advocate and exceptionally strong in the trial of cases. His reputation extends far beyond the limits of his county and has placed him in the front ranks of his professional brethren in this section of the state which has long been noted for its high order of legal ability. 'Sir. McLaughlin has long been active in the affairs of the Republican partv and is at this time chairman of the county central committee. His advice and counsel is freely sought in campaigns by candidates and political leaders. He was formerly a member of the Newton Business Men's Asso- ciation. Fraternally, a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, he is state consul of that organization, and served as its delegate to Indianapolis in 1903 and at Alilwaukee in 1905, and he was delegate to the head camp at Bufifalo in June, 191 1. He is also a member of the Brotherhood of American Yeoman, lieing its delegate to the grand conclave at Colorado Springs in 1903. He was also sent to Minneapolis in 1909 as a member of the national law committee and is at this time chairman of the national committee of appeals and grievances of said order. He is a member of the Delta Lodge No. 53, Knights of Pythias, of Xewton. Personally, ]\Ir. McLaughlin is a very pleasant gentleman, courteous, genial, obliging, straightforward and unas- suminsf. JOSEPH R. SITLER. To say that a man has been true to himself all his days, is to pay him a very great compliment, but to add to this that he has been a good father, kind and considerate husband, brave soldier and a man whose citizenship has been without taint or tlaw is to place that man high among his fellows. Yet these things may be truthfully said of Joseph R. Sitler, the subject of this review. Mr. Sitler was born in Crawford county, Pennsylvania. May 19, 1832, being the son of George Sitler, a native of Pennsylvania, and Sarah (Robins) Sitler, a native of New York. He is one of eight children, of whom but four survive, as follows: Mr. Sitler, of this review, the eldest: Henry F., born in 1836, resides in Dodge City, Kansas, of which city he has been one of the pioneer settlers and builders. An old cattle man and railroad contractor, he JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 62/ has been one of the most important factors in the upbuilding of his home city, a portion of it l)eing- upon land which he formerly owned as a cattle ranch; Jessie R. Sitler. born in 1840. resides in Bliss. Oklahoma, and is engaged in the grain business; Frank J. was killed at Axtell. Kansas, in 1909, by falling from a loaded straw wagon; he was born in 1845; Ida Wright, widow of Rev. Byron Wright, a Methodist minister, resides in Xew ^'ork City; Anna, wife of Rev. Orin B. Coates, died at the age of twenty-six years, one week after her marriage, her death being as tragic as it was pitiful. Her husband of one week enlisted in the army and when the news of his enlistment was brought to her, she fell to the floor in a swoon, from which she never revived. The young husband went to the front a broken-hearted man. Two i)rothers of the subject died in infancy. Of ]Mr. Sitler's parents it may be said that they were hardy. God-fearing people of culture and refinement. The father was a farmer and was a stalwart among his fellow men. Neither e\er removed from Penn- syhania. Both are now deceased. The military record of Mr. Sitler is as remarkable as it is creditable. Few men, even though they took part in that great civil war, were compelled to undergo the misery, hardship and privation through which Mr. Sitler passed. Modest and retiring in manner, he gave only some of the more strik- ing details of his varied army experience to the biographer, but it is easy to ''read between the lines" and gather the full purport of what he passed through. On October 6, 1861, in company with forty-four neighbor boys, he enlisted in the Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was placed in the department of the army guarding \\'ashington. For six months he took part in the famous chase after Mosby and his men. after which he was transferred to the Army of the Potomas. He took part in the second battle of Bull Run and was in the great battle of Gettysburg. Here it was he acted as first lieutenant of provost guards, the captain being absent, and, hurrying here and there, super- vising, directing and reporting to his superiors, he was under fire for hours. He saw the famous charge of rebel General Pickett. The next battle of im- portance in which he took part was that of Mine Run. \'irginia. and for days thereafter was under fire. Then came the terrible battle of the Wilderness and the desultory fighting along the Rapidan river during which battle he was again in command. Before the battle of the W^ilderness he was sent home to recruit men for the army, recruiting one hundred men from Crawford county, Pennsylvania, in one month. On April 26. 1864. along with four hundred men who had been home on furlough, he re-enlisted and was soon in the thick of the fight, two days thereafter being detailed 'with a scouting party to watch the actions of the rebel cavalrv along the Rappahannock river. On the night 628 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. of Alay 7, 1864. following the battle of the Wilderness, he was captured and marched to General Lee's headquarters, where he was kept for twelve days in company with forty- four officers and fourteen hundred other prisoners, with no rations except what they were able to buy for themselves. Next they were marched to Lynchburg, Virginia, a distance of sixty-five miles, two crackers being issued to each prisoner before starting Some of the men got none. At Lynchburg the men were robbed of everything they possessed, and were then taken to ALicon. Georgia, to the rebel prison camp. Here they were kept until July 10, when they were taken to Saxannah. and then to Charleston, South Carolina. Here it was that they were confined to the jail yard and the Northern prisoners were exposed purposely to the Northern artillery fire in order that an exchange might be enforced, but none was made. October 9, 1864, they were taken to "Camp Sorghum," South Carolina, so called for the reason that the rations consisted of a pint of corn meal each day and all the sorghum molasses they could use. From Camp Sorghum they were taken across the river and put in the asylum prison at Columbia. Then a number of moves were made to Raleigh, North Carolina, to Wilmington, South Caro- lina, and to many other places in the vain attempt to avoid the fast approaching Northern army, but finally at Wilmington, Mr. Sitler, along with many others was paroled. Here occurred one of those striking and romantic incidents so frequent in the great war. Standing among the Northern troops was a tall, commanding looking man, who eyed the subject of this sketch as he moved about among the other wretched prisoners. Suddenly, something familiar appealed to him and he clasped the thin hand of the prisoner. It was his brother, Jesse, at that time an adjutant of the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania. After a long siege in the hospitals, finding him unable to serve further, the authorities gave Mr. Sitler an honorable discharge as first lieutenant and he returned home. Mr. Sitler was commissioned to serve on court martial duty twice, first after the battle of Gettysburg and second at Annapolis. Maryland. This was an exceptional honor to be given a line officer and he was the junior member of the court both times. Mr. Sitler is a member of Garrett Post No. 16, Grand Army of the Republic, of Newton, of which he has been adjutant since 1895. He has also been commander of the post. He came to Jasper county August 2, 1866, and has resided here e\er since with the exception of one year spent in Dodge City, Kansas. On l^^bruary 16, 1864, he married Carrie Spalding, daughter of Rev. Josiah S])alding, who bore him the following children: Harry, born March i, 1867, residing in Jasper county; Anna, born January 12, 1869, is JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. . 629 unmarried, and resides with her father at home; one child died in infancy, the wife and mother dying soon after. On March 2, 1881, Mr. Sitler was married to Rebecca Goodrich, daughter of Levi Goodrich, a native of Maine. She still survives and is the considerate and loyal companion of Mr. Sitler, being a sweet- faced woman of rare ac- complishments. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sitler are members of the Congrega- tional church of Newton and Mrs. Sitler is prominent in temperance work, being an active member of the Anti-Saloon League. Mr. Sitler is a large land owner, besides owning elegant city property and being interested in the Jasper County Mutual h'ire and Lightning Insurance Compan}\ of which he has been treasurer for seventeen years. Few men are better known and none are more respected. In politics Mr. Sitler is a Re- publican. CAPT. FELIX WOODARD COZAD. A romantic glamour clings about the life history of Capt. Felix Woodard Cozad, gold digger of the days of the "forty-niners," loyal soldier and officer in the great Civil war and now- retired business man of Newton, Jasper county, who. although well past his eightieth milestone, is hale and hearty, as straight as a pine, and as alert as most men of fifty. He comes of a hardy New England ancestry. His grandfather was born just at the close of the Revolutionary war, and when he was nine years old he was playing with three vounger brothers when a band of Indians surprised and captured them, carrying them away into captivity. The youngest, unable to keep up. cried bitterly and was promptly brained with a tomahawk. The others were held captive four years before they were rescued by their father. They had by that time become so attached to the Indians and the Indians to them, that it was with great difficulty that the father persuaded them to go home with him. Captain Cozad was born in Lewis county, \\'est Virginia. February 17, 1827. being the son of Jacob W. and Beedy (Beaman) Cozad. the father born in the same county as the subject and the mother in \\ermont. She died when the son Felix W. was four years old. and the father being left alone with three small children, remarried, his second wife being Phoebe Beeman. who was a sister of the first wife. By the first marriage there were born these chil- dren : Jacob C. now deceased; Cecelia, the widow of Jacob Pifer. lives in Buckhannon. L^pshire county. West Virginia, the home of her birth; and Felix \y., of this sketch. The second marriage resulted in the birth of Clara, 630 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. who married Luther Bhick, and died in Colorado, whither she had gone for her health; David is now living in Butler county, Ohio; Francis Marion, who has not been heard from for twenty-five years; George W. died in Wheeling, West Virginia, in 1882. The death of the father of these children occurred in 1845, ^vhile yet a young man, only thirty-eight years old. Soon after attaining his majority, early in 1849, Captain Cozad, of this review, engaged in the manufacture of carriages in Cincinnati. Later in that year, attracted by the stories of treasure and adventure coming from the far West, he set out by w^ay of the isthmus of Panama for the new Eldorado. The holidays of 1849-50 were spent on the isthmus at a point not far from where the present great canal is being built. In January, 1850, he embarked on a sailing vessel up the Pacific coast, arriving at San Francisco on April 8th fol- lowing, the landing there being made upon the bare shore, there being no wharf of any kind there at that time. Securing his mining outfit, he plunged into the interior wilds of that region, finally locating in Trinity county, where he remained two years, spending three years in all in the gold diggings, during which time he met with far greater success than many others of the great army of prospectors. In June, 1853, he returned to Cincinnati and in 1854 came to Xewton, Iowa, being among the pioneers of this region, and here engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued until 1862, w^hen Lin- coln issued his call for three hundred thousand volunteers, whereupon Mr. Cozad closed out his business and in four days' time raised a company of one hundred men, of which he was elected captain, this being Company D, For- tieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He was soon at the front, proving to be an efficient and gallant officer, remaining until the close of hostilities, being hon- orably discharged on March 27, 1865, ten days prior to the actual close of the w^ar. While he did not participate in any of the great battles of the war. he took part in many lively skirmishes and was in the famous siege of Vicks- burg. During the last year of his service he was taken sick with chills and fever and forced to enter the regimental hospital, and from there he was sent home, this illness causing him to tender his resignation a few days before the close of the war. According to his comrades, he made a very efficient officer. In 1856 Captain Cozad was united in marriage with Sarah A. Scott, a native of Richmond, Virginia, and this union resulted in the birth of three children, as follows: Ida V., born February 14. 1857, who married George B. McCullough. now residing in Jefiferson, Iowa; Charles B., born in April, 1859, engaged in the drug and jewelry business in Adel, Iowa, married Laura Cowman, and he has been postmaster at Prairie City for years; Cecelia C. born February 14, 1862, died when four years old. The wife and mother JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 63 1 passed to her rest on October 25, 1(899, and eight years later, October 14, 1907, Captain Cozad was united in marriage with Mrs. Celia Therese Worm- ley, widow of Frederick P. W'ormley. She was the daughter of Benjamin Hale and Mary A. (Connable) Carlton, and her birth occurred on January 16, 1834, at Keene, New Hampshire, her parents being natives of Massachusetts. Mrs. Cozad is one of three children, a sister, Ellen, was the wife of George R. Parsons and she and a brother, Edgar L.. are both deceased. Mrs. Cozad was formerly prominent in social life, devoting much time to different social clubs and also organized for benevolent and literary pur- poses; but of late years she has practically withdrawn from society and now devotes most of her time to her home. She is a woman of education, culture and affable disposition which has made her a favorite with a wide circle of friends. She and the Captain are members of the Methodist Episcopal church of Newton, and she is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and is a charter member of the chapter in Pueblo, Colorado. The Captain belongs to Newton Lodge No. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, having been a ]\Iason since 1862; he is also a member of Garrett Post No. 16, Grand Army of the Republic, which post was named for his colonel. Captain Cozad has an attractive and substantial home, surrounding which are some beautiful and stately maple trees which he planted from the seed fifty-two years ago. CHARLES F. SAUERMAN. One of the best known men in Jasper county and one of her worthiest and most representative citizens is Charles F. Sauerman, for many years a leading farmer and stock raiser, but now living in retirement in his beautiful home in Newton. He is a fine type of the truly public-spirited citizen, and withholds his co-operation from no movement which is intended to promote public im- provement, and as president of the Jasper County Agricultural Society he has done a very commendable service to this locality. Wliat he has achieved in life proves the force of his character and illustrates his steadfastness of pur- pose, his own persistent and well directed efforts winning him not only ma- terial success, but also the good will and confidence of his fellow men. Mr. Sauerman was born in Frederick coimty. Maryland, October 24, 1851. He is the son of William F. and Sarah A. (Kershaw) Sauerman, the father a native of Hanover, Germany, and the mother of Maryland, her family having been more or less prominent in the Oriole state for many generations, 632 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. and there she grew to maturity, was echicated. met and married Mr. Sauer- man, who emigrated to America in 1840 and located at Baltimore. He learned the trade of shoemaking in his youth, which he followed successfully until he was sixty vears of age when he went to farming. He came west when Charles F., of this review, was three years of age, in November, 1854, locating among the pioneers at Blue Grass, Scott county, Iowa, where he developed a good farm, became well established, and where he remained until his death, in June, 1902, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years; his wife survived him until 1905, dying at the age of eighty-six years. Mr. Sauerman was strong in his allegiance to the Union, although he was too old to serve in the Federal arm v. He was a greatly beloved old gentleman and he and his wife numbered their friends by the scores in their vicinity in Scott county. They were the parents of ten children, four of whom are living at this writing : Henrv A., now deceased, served in the Union army for four years; William E. lives at (larner. Cherokee county. Iowa; xMrs. Sarah E. Spratt, of Sac Citv. Iowa; Mrs. Anna E. Mewshaw. of Huntsville, Texas; Charles F.. of this review. The subject was three years of age when his parents brought him to Iowa, and he grew to maturity on his father's farm, where he worked when a boy. He attended the public schools during the winter months and received a fairly good education. He took up farming for a livelihood, which he followed suc- cessfullv until March i, 1910. He remained in Scott county until he was thirty-two years old, then, in 1884. he went to Poweshiek county, Iowa, where he lived sixteen years, moving to Jasper county in the spring of 1900, locating five miles south of Newton, where he lived five years, then bought a farm north of Colfax and lived there five years, moving to Newton on March i, 1910. and retired from active life. He improved a number of good farms and by persistent labor and good management became well established. Besides general farming he made a success of stock raising. He has a modern, com- modious, attractive and neatly kept home on East Main street, the presiding spirit of which is a lady of many attractive characteristics, who was known in her maidenhood as Mary E. Agar, to whom JVIr. Sauerman was married on March 31. 1876. She is the daughter of Thomas and Lucy Agar, and her birth occurred in Livingston county. New York, where she was reared and educated, coming west with her parents in 1865. To this union seven children have been born, five of whom are living, namely : Harry C, of Lawton, Oklahoma; Leroy T. died in 1906; Anna L.. Lollie P., Henry A. are all at home; Ernest E. died when two vears old; Nellie E. is at home. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 633 Mr. Sauerman is a member of the board of county superx'isors, to which he was elected in 1908, on the Repubhcan ticket and he is still in office, having very ably and conscientiously discharged the duties of the same and winning the hearty commendation of all concerned. This board of three members had charge of building the new court house, which is one of the finest buildings in Iowa. Mr. Sauerman has given a great deal of his time and attention to this work, as well as looking after the bridges and roads of the countiy. Mr. Sauerman has been president of the Jasper County Agricultural Association for the past three years, during which time he has done much to encourage and strengthen this work, having always taken a great pride and interest in the work of the association, and he has worked for it in a manner that has won the admiration of all concerned. He is active in the Republican party, and he has often refused public office. Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic order, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he and his wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal church. SPENCER H. REES. One of Jasper county's substantial and representative citizens is Spencer H. Rees, who is essentially a self-made man, and as such ranks with the most enterprising and progressive of his contemporaries. He has, from early life, steadily pursued the honorable course which in due time brought social recog- nition and the high position he has long occupied in the industrial life of New- ton. By a life consistent in motive and action and because of his many fine personal qualities he has earned the sincere personal regard of all who know him. and in his home, which is the center of a large social circle, there is always in evidence a spirit of generosity. Mr. Rees was born of a sterling old Buckeye family, on August 4. 1847. in Hancock county, Ohio, being the son of Thomas and Mary A. (Prouty) Rees, the father a native of Pennsylvania and the mother of Ohio. In 1840 Thomas Rees came to Ohio, where he followed his trade of stone cutter for about eight years, during which time he met and married Mary A. Prouty. Shortlv after the birth of his son, Spencer H., of this review, he emigrated to Iowa, reaching Jasper county in the fall of 1848, settling in Palo Alto town- ship, and there he entered wild prairie land from the government, on which he built a one-roomed log cabin and began life in pioneer style, setting reso- lutelv to work to carve out a new home in a new countrv. Here he became 634 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, well established in due course of time, developing an excellent farm on which he remained until his death, March 10, 1865. For three months during his first winter here the only neighbors seen were Indians, but they were friendly. Wolves, deer and turkey were plentiful. Thomas Rees became a man of much influence in his community, being a man of fine personal characteristics and pronounced public spirit. The first election held in the township was in his barn. At the time of his death he was one of the county's largest land owners, having seven hundred and forty acres in Palo Alto township. After his death his widow married Isaac G. Badger, a native of England. She lived with him until her death, on November 22, 1881. To Thomas Rees and his first wife nine children were born, one of whom died in infanc\- ; Lewis died at the age of ten, and Anson B., well known all over the countv, died April 6, 1910; those living are, Spencer H., of this re- view ; Henriette married Harry McVey and they live in Rathburn, Iowa ; Rowland L. lives on a farm in Palo Alto township; Franklin P. is engaged in the mercantile business at Wann, Oklahoma ; Estella AI. married Dr. D. N. Johnson, of Chickasha. Oklahoma ; Effie C. married G. \\ . Byington, a real estate dealer in Little Rock, Arkansas. After Air. Rees's death, Mrs. Rees married Isaac Badger and two children were born to them, H. J. Badger, who is now residing in Chinook, Montana, and Alarv Belle, who married S. A. Guessford, a farmer of Buena Msta township, this county. On October 24, 1877, Spencer H. Rees was married to Margaret E. Holmes, daughter of Ranson P. and Mary A. (Duncan) Holmes, the father being a native of Kentucky and the mother of Indiana, Mr. Holmes having been a farmer and stock raiser. His death occurred on February 26, 1893, and that of his wife on October 27, 1891. Their family consisted of six children, of whom five are living, John W. Holmes having died in 1905 ; those living are : Charles W., of Texas; Alnora is the wife of Dr. J. W. Hannah, of Tonkawa, Oklahoma ; Ida married George W. Maund and lives in Jennings, Louisiana; Verna married A. L. Lewellen, who is living in Rosendale. Mis- souri. After the death of their father, Spencer H. Rees and liis elder brother assumed control of the farm and managed tlie same until the estate was settled upon the re-marriage of the mother, at which time the subject began working for himself, following farming until 1904, with more than ordinary success, when he was elected secretary of the Mutual Fire and Lightning In- surance Association of Jasper county, which position he has held ever since, discharging the duties of the same in a manner that has reflected much credit upon himself and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. He has served JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 635 both as trustee and clerk of Palo Alto township for two terms and has been assessor of that township three terms. He has acted as trustee of roads and upon coming to Xewton he resigned as clerk of the school board. He is the owner of an excellent farm in Palo Alto township, upon which is the site of the cabin his father built when he came to this county. He also holds considerable property interests in Xewton, having been very successful as a business man in whatever he has directed his attention to. During the year 1887 he was traveling mail weigher for the United States government on route Xo. 27036. In 1889 he was nominated for county auditor by the Union Labor partv and endorsed by the Democrats, being defeated by a small margin only. In 1895 Mr. Rees was nominated for county treasurer by the Populists and in the three- cornered fight which followed he polled his share of the votes. Both these nominations came to Mr. Rees unsought. Five children have been born to Mr. and ]\Irs. Rees, two of whom died in infancy; those living are, Morris H., born April 27, 1880; he received a high education and is professor of biology in the college at Tarkio, Missouri; Edith Glen, born January 8, 1884. is unmarried; Floy Xaoma. born October 17. 1887, is unmarried and at home. Both ]\Ir. and Mrs. Rees are members of the United Presbyterian church. While living in Palo Alto township he was a trustee of the church. In March, 1905, Mrs. Rees was stricken with rheumatism from which she has been a constant but patient sufTerer. having been almost helpless during the past five years, but here severe affliction has not changed her genial and kindly disposition. ]Mr. Rees is one of the honored "boys in blue,'' having proved his patriot- ism and loyalty to his country by enlisting in Company B, Forty-eighth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, on May 24. 1864. After serving faithfully for five months he was honorablv discharged October 21, 1864. ^lAYXARD ELLSWORTH PEXOUITE. Distinguished as an official, an attorney and pul)lic-spirited citizen, the name of Maynard Ellsworth Penquite, the present popular and efficient mayor of Colfax, has long been closely interwoven with the history and development of Jasper countv : in fact, few men in this locality are better or more favor- ably known and none have exercised a more potent influence in moulding and directing public opinion. The family of which he is an honorable representa- tive is old and eminently respectable. 636 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Penqiiite was born in this county on January 20, 1872, and he is the son of ^^'i^iam H. and Sarah I. (Hoping) Penquite. The father came to this county in 1866, locating near dreencastle and there became well established through years of hard and consecutive endeavor in general farming. He was a veteran of the Civil war. having enlisted in the Twenty-second Ohio Heavy Artillerv at Wilmington. Ohio, in 1863 and he ser\ed very gallantly and faith- fully for three years; however, his knee having been injured early in the service, he was on detached duty most of the time. He was the first post- master at Mingo and for some time he was clerk of his township. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. Duncan Post No. 258. His par- ents. John and Mary Penquite. spent their lives in Ohio, of which state he was a native. The death of William H. Penquite occurred on October 24, 1909. His wife was the daughter of Jeremiah and Jane (Stewart) Hoping, who came to Jasper county. Iowa, in 1857. having formerly lived near Xenia, Ohio. They located near Greencastle and there they both died. Maynard E. Penquite was the only son in a family of four children, his sisters being Claudia, the wife of Emanuel Fry, of ]\Iingo; Bessie is the wife of J. T. Stitt. of Des Moines; Mae Penquite lives at Ira, Iowa, and is the wife of Leon Richardson. The subject's mother owns the old home place which she has kept well improved and well cultivated. Mr. Penquite was married in Jasper county to Lola E. \\'arell, a most worthy representative of an excellent family, being the daughter of Charles and Eva Warell, the father having located in Clear Creek township when a boy and here grew up with the country. His wife was known in her maiden- hood as Eva Clapper, daughter of Harman and Katherine (Harsh) Clapper, who came to Jasper county in the latter forties or early fifties and located in Clear Creek township. To Mr. and Mrs. Penquite the following children have been born : Leon Maynard, Gladys Mae, Vergil Ellsworth, Morris Oral and Helen Lola. The subject grew up on the home farm where he worked during his boy- hood while not attending the public schools. Turning his attention to the law, he took a course in the law department of Drake L^niversity at Des Moines, where he made a splendid record, and from which institution he was gradu- atetl in 1899. Soon afterwards he was admitted to the bar and he began prac- tice at Collins, Story county. January i, 1903, he came to Colfax, where he lias continueil to the present time with ever-increasing success, being re- garded as a painstaking, persistent and honorable advocate, ever vigilant of his client's interests and a forceful and logical pleader before a jury. He has JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 637 figured prominently in the local courts for the past ten years and takes rank with the leading legal lights of the county. He has been justice of the peace for three terms, discharging the duties of this office in a most worthy manner, his decisions being characterized by fairness to all parties and given in a man- ner as to indicate his familiarity with all phases of jurisprudence. In the spring of 1909 he was elected mayor of the town of Colfax, which office he has held to the present time in a manner that reflects much credit upon himself and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Penquite is a pleasant man to know personally, genial, honest and straightforward in all his transactions, a man eminently meriting the high esteem in which he is held. J. C. HAWKINS. "Unique" is the term that best describes the subject of this review. Not so in a notorious way, nor yet in the realm of cheap tinsel and tawdry accomplishment, but unique as a man who is worth while, who is so original as to be apart from the great rank and file of his fellow men. J. C. Hawkins looks like Bourke Cochran and can talk almost as well. He is cynical without being bitter, sarcastic without l>eing narrow or unkind. Then he is so absolutely wide awake and alive to what the world is doing and what life means. He was born in Troy, Doniphan county. Kansas, April 30, 1869, being the son of H. C. and Susan ( W'ormley ) Hawkins, his father being a native of New York and his mother of Pennsylvania. His father was one of the best known men and ablest lawyers in Kansas, being elected to the Legis- lature of that state and leading attorney for the Santa Fe Railway Company for many years prior to his death, which occurred in 1874. As a speaker his reputation was equal to his fame as a lawyer. After the death of the father. Mr. Hawkins's mother remarried, her husband being J. Evans Ryan, an Epis- copal minister of Troy. Kansas. This marriage took place when the subject of this review was but six years of age, he being the only child by the former marriage. \\'hen his mother and stepfather came to Jasper county in 1880, the little boy came with them and he has since remained in Jasper county, although there was a time when he was absent, while traveling for his health for a period of some five years. His stepfather departed this life in 1893 and since then his mother has made her home in the city of Newton. Mr. Hawk- ins began his career in 1892 by graduating from the law department of the Iowa State Universitv of Iowa Citv. After this he went to Pueblo, Colorado, 638 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. where he opened a law office in partnership witli William Mitchell, practicing one vear. Returning to Monroe, Iowa, he practiced law one year in partner- ship with Sloan Coder, afterwards coming to Xewton^ where he has since re- mained. Air. Hawkins, since coming to Xewton, has been connected with some of the most important cases in the history of the county, his efforts being char- acterized by signal success. Until the last year prior to this writing, he has given his attention exclusively to the law, but since then has given much at- tention to the manufacture and sale of an excellent office device known as the "Clipless Paper Fastener." of which he is the inventor. This device, standing almost alone among paper fasteners, securely fastens the sheets of paper together by the paper itself and is in constant and ever increasing demand, being on sale in every leading city in the world. As an assistance to his sales- men, who handle his invention, Mr. Hawkins has written a delightfully in- genious little book. "Salesmanship, or How to Make Money," which is well worthv of perusal as it contains much trite information which could only be gained by actual experience. On October 18, 1904, Mr. Hawkins was married to E\-a Ketman. of Humboldt. Iowa, daughter of H. J. and Frances Ketman, she being one of twelve children living : Adrian, Abraham, Hermanns and one sister, Mary Flemeigh, wife of Charles Flemeigh. are all engaged in farming near Hum- boldt; Francis, wife of Fred Morgan, professor in Leland Stanford Univer- sity, California; Jennie, wife of Frank Carpenter, a jeweler, resides in Ireton, Iowa ; Isaac, residing in Winterset, Iowa, is the owner of the Scarless Liniment Company ; Peter is in the real estate business in Minnesota ; and T. R., a min- ister, is general manager for the Baptist Publishing Society of Chicago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins are most affable and cultured people whom it is a pleasure to know. They are among the best of Newton's people. BENJAMIN S. GILSON. The enterprise of Benjamin S. Gilson, long connected with the agricul- tural interests of Jasper county, now living in retirement in Newton, has been crowned by success, as the result of rightly applied principles which never fail in their ultimate effect when coupled with integrity, uprightness and con- genial disposition, as they have been done in the present instance, judging from the high standing of Mr. Gilson among his fellow men, whose individual esteem he has justly won and retained. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 639 Mr. Gilson was born near Enimettsburg, Maryland, October 25, 1846. He is the son of Thomas S. and Susan E. (Groff) Gilson, the father born in Frederick county, Maryland, February 27, 1825, and the mother was also born in that state. There they grew to maturity, w^re educated and married. They came to Dubuque, Iowa, in 1852, where they made their home until the spring of 1870, \\hen they removed to Marshall county. Mr. Gilson devoted his life to farming, remaining on his place in Marshall county until 1885, when he removed to Marshalltown, where he died in 1892. He was a man of energy, upright character and well liked wherever he lived. He was an enthusiastic worker in the Methodist church, and at the time of his death was trustee of the church at Marshalltown, and he had held other positions in the church. His wife was also a member of this church from her early youth. They were the parents of three children, Thomas R., of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Benjamin S., of this review, the other child being deceased. The mother passed to her rest in 1907, having attained the advanced age of eighty-tive years. Benjamin S. Gilson came west with his parents and was reared on the home farm, where he worked in the summer, and attended the public schools in the winter time. He has always been a farmer and delights in rural sur- roundings. He began life for himself on a farm in Dubuque county, and after he was married mo\ed to Marshall county, and in 1891 located at Xew- ton and retired from active farm work. For some time he has been speculating in lands on his own account, and his efforts have met with success. Mr. Gilson was married Alarch 2, 1869, to Frances E. Hamilton, who was born in Dubuque county, Iowa, the daughter of James S. and Mary (Walker) Hamilton, natives of Pennsylvania. To this union three children have been born : Jeanetta Mabel, who keeps house for her father, is a mem- ber of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is rarely accomplished in china, water color, pastel and oil painting. She is a graduate of the high school and is a young lady of marked intellectual attainments; Charles \V., who married Mrs. Grayce (Mertz) Dixon. August 30. 191 1, lives at Scott, Saskatchewan, Canada ; James Harold. Both boys are homesteading in Canada. James H. is a graduate of Xorthwestern University at Chicago, re- ceiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts ; he is also a graduate of the Comnock School of Oratoiy of Evanston, Illinois, having spent six years in college. He was offered a professorship, but he preferred outdoor life on the farm. He has financial interest in the Kittleman Leather Goods Company, of Chicago. He was married November 9. 191 1. to Ruth Ormiston Warrington, daugh- ter of Rev. Thomas C. \\''arrington. pastor of McKinley Park church of Chi- cago, and lives in Canada. 640 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. }ilrs. Gilson passed to her rest in December. 1906. when tiftv-eight years of age. She was a member of the Methodist church, as is also Mr. Gilson and the entire family. The father is a Prohibitionist and so votes. He has a beautiful and neatly kept home on East South street. While Mr. Gilson is a retired farmer, he is still engaged in business, having large land holdings in Canada, Kansas. Iowa, South Dakota. Walter, the eldest son, is an expert machinist, and is doing expert work for the International Harvester Com- pany in Canada, making his headquarters at Scott, Saskatchewan. Mr. Gilson is a class leader in the Methodist church at Xewton and has held nearly all the offices in the church. He has been a teacher in the Bible class for fifteen years. He was twice a delegate to the world's Sunday school congress, and he is a member of the Red Cross Society. The reputation of the Gilson ancestors is most exemplary, there having been no criminals and several preachers among them, and one of them fought in the Re\'olutionary war. A\^illiam Gilson was the founder of the family in America. He married Elizabeth Craighead. Their son, Thomas Gilson, mar- ried Nancy Boyd, and their son Richard married Mary Smith, and Thomas, the son of the latter couple, was the father of the subject. David Boyd was captured by the Indians and lived three years with them. Upon his return to his friends he joined the patriot army in the Revolutionary war. throughout \\hich he served. ^Ir. Gilson is a pleasant man to meet, hospitable, kind-hearted and pos- sessing every characteristic of a Christian gentleman and he makes friends easily and has no trouble in retaining them. OLIVER PERRY MYERS. The following is a brief sketch of one who, by close attention to business, has achieved marked success in the world's affairs and risen to an honorable position among the enterprising professional men of Jasper county with which his interests have long 1>een identified. Oliver Perry Myers, well known attorney of Xewton, was born in Washington county, Iowa, July 30. 1856. The Myers family comes of German stock. The parents were John and Mary (Ward) Myers, the father having been born in Indiana and he devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. He came to Iowa in 1856, locating in Washington county, where he lived until 1880, then moved to Xeosho, Missouri, where he continued to reside JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 64I until his death, in 1895, at the age of seventy-seven years. He was successful as a business man and prominent in public life, taking an abiding interest in the affairs of his community at all times. He was the Democratic nominee for the Legislature from Washington county at one time, but declined the nom- ination. His wife was a native of Indiana, her parents coming from New Jersey. Her death occurred in 1866 when comparatively young m years. Grandfather Myers was a native of Virginia. Being an anti-slavery man, he never owned a slave. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. John Myers, three of whom are living, namely: Joseph W., of Brighton, Iowa; Mrs. Rebecca J. Armstrong, also of Brighton, this state; and Oliver P., of this review. The father, John Myers, married again later in life. Oliver P. Myers was born on the home farm in a log calkin, and there he grew to maturity, knowing the meaning of hard work in developing a farm from the wild prairie. He received his primaiy education in the country schools there, going directly from the rural schools into the sub- freshman class at the State University, at Iowa City, and, making a splendid record for scholarship there, he was graduated from that institution in 1880. He taught school, worked on the farm and read law^ at Iowa City, beginning the study of law in earnest in 1882, and he was admitted to the bar in 1883 at Newton, Jasper county, having come to Newton a short time before. He formed a law partnership with A. M. Harrah on January i, 1884, which con- tinued until 1 89 1, in which year Mr. Myers went to South Dakota, where he lived until January 10, 1889, making his home at Huron. He taught school, becoming one of the leading educators of that part of the state, and he was county superintendent of schools for a period of four years, the law in that state permitting only four successive years. He returned to Newton, Iowa, in 1889 and re-formed a partnership with Mr. Harrah, which con- tinued with their former success until 1905, when Mr. Harrah went to California, since when Mr. Myers has been alone. He has built up a large and lucrative clientele, which has continued to grow from year to year until he ranks today among the leading legal lights of central Iowa, being regarded as a learned, painstaking, cautious and vigilant advocate, and a logical and earnest pleader at the bar, so that he has for years figured prominently in im- portant litigations in the local courts. Long prominent in public affairs, he was nominated for district judge for the sixth judicial district, but was defeated, though carrying his home county for one judgeship. He keeps fully abreast of the times in all matters pertaining to his profession and to public affairs, is widely read and an untiring worker in his professional duties. (41) 642 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. .Mr. Myers was married 011 May i, 1897, to Leah McFarlane, a lady of talent and many estimable traits, and the daughter of Samuel M. and Ellen (Stewart) ^IcFarlane. She was born in Michigan, and her parents were both born in Great Britain, the mother in London and the father in Ireland. They emigrated to America when young, first locating in Michigan, then moved to South Dakota, where Mr. and Mrs. Myers were married. This union has been blessed by the birth of three children, Kenneth, Ruth and Dorothy. Mr. ]VIyers is regarded by those who know him best as an honest man of the highest type, honest in every relation of life, — his daily routine of business, in social relations, in public affairs, — and it is safe to say that no citizen stands higher in the esteem of the people of Jasper county. ANDREW H. HO\\'ARD. To attain a worthy citizenship by a life that is always honored and re- spected, even from childhood, deserves more than mere mention. It is no easy task to resist the many temptations of youth and early manhood and plant a character in the minds and hearts of associates that will remain an unstained figure for all time. One may take his place in public life through some vigor- ous stroke of public policy, and ever remain in the hearts of friends and neigh- bors, but to assume a position of honor in the communitv by dint of the prac- tice of an ui)right life and without a cra\"ing for exaltation merely for selfish ends, whose chief desires seem to be to serve others and lead a life of useful- ness and honor, is worthy of the highest praise and commendation. Such a man is Andrew H. Howard, of Newton, Jasper county, who, after a long and active career, is living in retirement. J\Ir. Howard was born in Herkimer county, New York, July 24, 1843, the son of Chauncey and Ann (Rood) Howard, both natives of New York. The father was a machinist and he spent his early life in the East, coming to Iowa in 1856, locating in Jasper county in ^March of that year, first at Monroe, where he lived until the fall of 1863, then moved to Newton, having been elected sheriff of Jasper county, and he took office January i, 1864. He was also deputy United States marshal at that time. After the war he was ap- pointed deputy revenue assessor, and four years later the ofiice of assessor was abolished and he was made revenue collector for this district, which he held for a period of eighteen years. He declined the nomination for sheriff in 1865, claiming that the office should be given to a soldier, which was then done. Mr. Howard made Newton his home until his death, on Julv 16, 1882. He JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 64^ was one of the organizers, supporters and active workers of the Universalist church here. He was twice elected mayor of Xewton and also justice of the peace. Politically, he was a Republican; he was an influential and highly re- spected man, taking an active part in the early development of the locality. His wife survived until February 28. 1904. They were the parents of five children, three of whom are living, namely: May has remained single; Mrs. Alice Carl, of Newton; and Andrew H., of this review. The subject was thirteen years of age when his parents came to Jasper county ; he received a meager schooling in the rural schools of the early davs here, and on his eighteenth birthday he proved his patriotism and courage by enlisting, on July 24, 1862. in Company F, Eighteenth Iowa Infantry, in which he served with distinction for three years and one month, or until the close of the war. He participated in the Red River campaign, and was in the Western Army, his regiment having been rendezvoused at Clinton, Iowa, and mustered into service August 6, 1862, leaving Clinton by boat on the nth of that month, landding at St. Louis on the 13th. They went into camp at Benton Barracks where they were drilled until August 27th, when they were sent to Sedalia, ^^lissouri, thence across the country to Springfield, where they arrived on September 13th, and on the i8th were assigned to the First Brigade, of the Second Division of the Army of the Frontier, under command of General Schofield. with "little" Phil Sheridan as quartermaster of the army. The regiment took part in the battle of Newtonia, Missouri, on September 27th, and Fayetteville, Arkansas, on October 27th. From there they came back to Missouri, making a march of over seven hundred miles in seventy-five days, and they went into camp at Springfield for the winter. On January 8, 1863, the Confederate General Marmaduke attacked Springfield, which was defended by the Eighteenth Iowa Infantry, and the fight lasted from ten o'clock in the morning until eight at night, the Iowa troops suffering heavily. On October 17, 1863. the regiment left Springfield in pursuit of the Confederates under General Joe Shelby, with whom they had numerous skirmishes, finally driving him across to Arkansas, and the regiment went into winter quarters at Fort Smith, remaining there until March 22, 1864, when, with three divisions of the Seventh Army Corps, it marched to Camden, that state, all under com- mand of General Thayer. During this raid the regiment took part in the battle of Prairie d'Ann on April 12th, Macon the following day. Poison Springs on April i8th, Jenkins Ferry at Saline river. April 30th. In the battle of Poison Springs the regiment lost eighty-one killed, wounded and missing. ^Mr. Howard was mustered out on August 3, 1867, at Davenport. Iowa. The regiment of which he was a member marched in all four thousand one hundred and sixtv miles. There were only four hundred men and eight 644 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. officers who remained with the regiment at the date of mustering out, the total loss by death and discharge having been five hundred and fifteen. Mr. How- ard has been twice president of the Regiment Association of the Eighteenth Iowa. After the war he returned to Newton and worked at the carpenter's trade for a year, then entered the cabinet shop of McCord & A^an Glason, an old firm, with which he remained fourteen years, then entered the furniture business for himself at Malcom, Iowa, in which he remained two and one-half years, then returned to Newton and soon afterwards went on the road as traveling salesman, which he followed successfully for a period of twenty-five years, handling furniture five years and undertaker's goods the remainder of the time. In 1900 he and his son put up a laundry plant here, known as the Newton Steam Laundry, which they operated for ten years, employing about fifteen people. In 1908 Mr. Howard turned the business of the plant over to his son, exchanged residences with him and retired. On September 12, 1866, Mr. Howard was married to Adelaide Tow^n- send, a native of New Jersey, and the daughter of James and Esther Town- send, both natives of New Jersey. This union resulted in the birth of the fol- lowing children: Frances, wife of Murray Galusha, of JNIemphis, Tennessee, he being manager of the Western Newspaper Union there; they have three children, Howard, George D. and Robert. Charles E. Howard, pro- prietor of the Newton Steam Laundry, married Catherine Saun, daughter of George Saun, formerly an old citizen of Newton, now living in Des Moines; they have three children, Chauncy B., George P. and Karl E. Grace How^ard, now deceased, married Dr. B. A. Miller, of Newton, her death having occurred at Vermillion, South Dakota ; Delia is the wife of Roy B. Fisk, deputy city clerk of Newton. Politically, Mr. Howard is a Republican; he belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and he is a ]\Iason, having attained the Ivnight Templar degree. JOSEPH DeBOLT. A name known to every one who has the slightest acquaintance with the business history of Newton and Jasper county is Joseph DeBolt, for he has for some time filled a large place in the industrial affairs of this locality, and as an energetic, enterprising and far-sighted man whose influence makes for the upbuilding of the community he has earned a reputation second to none of his JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 645 contemporaries. He possesses a broad, inquiring mind and is keenly alive to everything that tends to improve material conditions and benefit those upon whose shoulders falls the burden of making possible the phenomenal progress resulting from the development and success of the industrial evolution in the contemporaries. He possesses a broad, inquiring mind and is keenlv alive to approachable, he has a strong and vigorous personality and in the best sense of the term is a leader of men and well fitted to manage large and important enterprises. 'Sir. DeBolt was born on January 13, 1859, in Woodford county, Illinois, the son of Benjamin and Sarah (Bair) DeBolt, both natives of Pennsylvania, where they grew up, were educated and married and began life on a farm, not long afterwards, however, moving to Illinois, locating in Vermilion count}^ and continued farming, the family coming -on to Iowa when the son Joseph, of this review, Avas fourteen years old, and located near Perry. Six years later they went back to Illinois, first to Knox county, but four years later returned to Vermilion county. Here Mr. DeBolt farmed until 1905, when, having accumulated a competency through many years of consecutive toil, he retired. His death occurred in 1908, at the age of seventy-two years. He was the son of Jacob DeBolt. who also spent his life on a farm. Benjamin DeBolt was twice married, his first wife dying when Joseph, of this review, was eight vears of age. He was the oldest of a family of six children, the others l^eing Clara, wife of Frank Morton, a farmer in Illinois; Esther, now deceased, married William Snart, a tailor at Sterling, Illinois; Edward is living at Galesburg. Illinois ; two. children died in infancy. Benjamin DeBolt's second marriage resulted in the birth of five children, namely : Frank and Clark are living at Newton; Harold, Tina and Isabella, all of East Lynn, Illinois. Joseph DeBolt obtained his education in the district schools of Wood- ford county. Illinois. When nineteen years of age he began working in a brickyard. In the fall of 1898 he came to Jasper county, Iowa, and located on a farm in Newton township and he farmed successfully until the fall of 19 10. when he moved to Newton and formed The Western Stock Remedy Company, a stock company making and handling remedies for live stock. He is president of the company and every member of his family owns stock in the company. Mr. DeBolt travels extensively in the interest of the concern, which has achieved a wide popularity, its products meeting with a ready sale wherever their merits are known. They are well equipped in every way for the manu- facture of various kinds of what has been proven to be superior grades of stock remedies. The prestige and success of the company has been due to the able management and judicious counsel of Mr. DeBolt. 646 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. On October 20. 1880. Air. DeBolt was united in marriage with Ida Bur- ton, who was born in Knox county, Illinois, on June 22, 1859. She was the daughter of Harvey and Rachael (Carpenter) Burton, both natives of Ohio. Her mother died when she was hve years of age, and her father subsequently remarried. By the first marriage there are living but two children, Oscar, now a Nebraska farmer, and Ida, wife of Mr. DeBolt. The children of the second marriage now li\ing are : ' John; Nettie, wife of George Bandy, lives in Wash- ington. iVIrs. DeBolt's father was a carpenter by trade ; his death occurred in 1898 at the age of seventy-six years. To Mr. and Mrs. DeBolt six children have been born, namely : Marion, who married Edna A. Gibford, lives in Newton and is manager of the home office of the Western Remedy Company, of which he is a large stockholder. Earl DeBolt, who also owns considerable stock in this concern, is employed in the home office of the same; he is unmarried and is still with his parents. Flossie DeBolt married Walter Austin, and is now deceased, leaving a child, Dorothea V. Lester, Glen and Clara are at home, the last named child having been given a good musical education. Mr. DeBolt is a member of the Modern Woodmen in Newton; he also belongs to the Iowa State Traveling Men's Association. In politics he is a Democrat, but is not a radical partisan, though he is interested in whatever tends to promote the general good in his county w^hether politically, morally or materially. He and his wife are consistent members of the Methodist Epis- copal church. Mr. DeBolt is a man of sound judgment and sterling character, a man whose word is as good if not better than the bond of most people. ALBERT LUFKIN. A notable example of the successful self-made man was the late Albert Lufkin, and as such he made his influence felt among the people of Jasper county, where he 'cast his lot in pioneer days and labored for his ow^n advance- ment and that of the locality as well, thereby earning the right to be classed among the leading citizens of his day in the community honored by his citi- zenship. His life was a long and interesting one, fraught, with much work and much good; indeed, it is doul)tful if any man of a past generation was so in- timately intermingled with the history of the city of Newton and Jasper county as was Mr. Lufkin. and his career may well be studied with profit by. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 647 the youth standing at the parting of the ways whose career is yet a matter for future years to determine, for it was not only successful from a material view- point, but it was wholesome in every avenue, exemplary in every relation and a model worthy of emulation by all who would be counted among those who win in the battle which we commonly call life and leave behind us the greatest of all heritages, an honored name. Mr. Lufkin was born on a farm situated on Casco Bay, Maine, about twenty miles from Portland, at the town of Freeport, on January 7, 183 1. He was the son of Benjamin and Eliza (Pote) Lufkin, both of English extraction and both natives of Freeport, Maine. Flis parents and all four of his grand- parents are buried in the cemetery at that place. The farm on which the sub- ject was born was partly cleared for the purpose of using the wood in boiling down sea water in making salt, and in his boyhood he plowed up fragments of the old salt kettles, interesting relics of a pioneer industry. His early educa- tion was obtained in the public schools. In addition to the common branches taught, he began the study of algebra and while yet at home he took up the study of geometry and trigonometr}^ without a teacher, using an old work on navigation, published in 1758. He learned the use of logarithms and com- menced the study of navigation from this book. He finished his course in Bowditch's Navigation unaided, after which he entered the North Yarmouth Academy, which he attended several terms. He followed teaching for several years, after leaving school, specializing on mathematics, which ])ranch he taught one term in Yarmouth Institute. He then attended a school of engi- neering at Providence, Rhode Island, under Prof. William A. Norton. The latter being called to Yale, the subject, with most of his class, followed and entered the school of engineering at Yale University, taking a course of scien- tific engineering and chemistry. Leaving New Haven, Mr. Lufkin went to work for H. T. Walling at map making. In 1853 he took a position with the Pennsylvania railroad as topographer. After making the surveys on the north branch of the Susquehanna river, he went to Philadelphia and si)ent the winter drafting for this road and while there he attended sixty lectures, having joined the Franklin Institute and the Pennsylvania Historical Society. In the spring of 1855 Mr. Lufkin came west and located in Jasper county, Iowa, purchasing a farm in what is now Richland township, for himself and his brother William, who came out in the fall of that year. On October 9, 1855, Mr. Lufkin was married to Catherine Grififin, of Freeport,' ]\Iaine. In the spring of 1858 he was elected county superintendent of schools and moved to Newton in August of that year. During his term of ofTfice he succeeded in having built many better school buildings. He held the 648 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. office two terms and made many friends among the people, teachers and pupils. He then began the first set of abstracts of titles in Jasper county. In 1869, in company with Gen. James Wilson, he established the Jasper County Bank, in which ^^Ir. Lufkin was interested for over ten years. While yet in the bank he bought an interest in the foundry and machine shop -of James Edgar & Company and with J. H. Lyday and James Dutot continued the business under the name of the Newton Machine Works. Later he became sole proprietor, \\hile he was in the machine shop, Rev. D. H. Rogan came to him with sewing machine plans, and in a room of Mr. Lufkin's stable was biiilt the first sewing machine ever manufactured west of the Mississippi and the first e\-er run with a thread for a belt. This was later sold to the Singer Sewing Machine Company. The death of Mr. Lufkin occurred in 1907, and that of his wife in 1880. Their family consisted of one daughter and two sons, namely : Mary, Arthur K. and Herman, all of whom are married, and the sons are successful business men and influential in their communities. In 1 88 1 Mr. Lufkin married Fannie E. Derbyshire, and one child was bom to this union, which died in infancy. 'Mr. Lufkin traveled extensively in this country, having visited all the states but four, and Canada repeatedly, also old Mexico. Mr. Lufkin was for over twenty years a member of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science. He was one of the leading men of his day and generation and to him Jasper county owes much and here his memorv will lono- be cherished. JOSEPH L. BUTLER. The name of Joseph L. Butler is a well known one in Jasper county, and he is a worthy representative of one of the old and honored families of this and Marshall county, members of which have played well their parts in the general progress of this locality, hence are deserving of proper mention in this work. Mr. Butler is a Buckeye by birth, having been born in L^nion county. Ohio, August 28. 1855. When but six weeks old his parents emigrated to Iowa, locating in Malaka township, Jasper county, and with the exception of two years he has been a continuous resident of the county, having lived through its several epochs of progress from the days of the first settler and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 649 the wild prairie sod to the present opulent state. He assisted his father in developing the home farm and attended the public schools during the winter months. For years he was one of Jasper county's successful farmers, in fact, farming has been his chief life work, but on January i, 19 lo, he purchased the Rhodes telephone system and on March ist of the same year he moved to Rhodes, where he now resides in a modern and neatly kept and well furnished home. He is making a success of his present work and is rapidly improving and extending the system. For twelve years he was a photographer and his fine work in this line attracted widespread attention. He seems to possess those qualities that make for success in every walk of life. Adams Butler, father of the subject, was born in Carroll county, Ohio, on April 6, 1830, and his death occurred on March 14, 1904. He married ]Mary ]\I. Beard, who was born in Union county, Ohio, on July 28, 1853, and who died on December 7, 1907. They became the parents of eight children, an equal number of sons and daughters, namely : J. \\'., born ]\Iarch 17, 1854, married Henrietta W'ilsterman, February 19, 1902, and lives near Newton, Iowa; Joseph L., of this review, born August 28, 1855; D. \V., born August 9, 1858, married Myrtle Higgins, June 4, 1891, and lives in Xewton; J. F. married Alice M. Deihl, August 4, 1885, and lives at Xewton; he was born on July II, i860; Mrs. Rosetta E. Martin, born December 14, 1861, lives in Mahaska county, and married J. W. Martin July 6, 1880; Louisa M., who married A. T. Heaverlo, was born April 11, 1863, and lives in Spencer, Iowa; Mrs. Hattie B. Kline, born April 21, 1865. is residing now in Spencer, Iowa; Mrs. Amanda O. Heaverlo, born May 2"], 1867, lives in ^lahaska county. The two oldest children were born in Ohio, the others in Jasper county. Joseph L. Butler was married on July 7, 1887, to Emma F. McKinney, who was born in Adams county. Illinois. June i. 1859. When seven years of age she came w-ith her parents to Iowa, the family locating in Wapello county. Her father, Greenbury ^IcKinney, was born in Adams county, IlHnois, July 29, 1829, and died at the home of ATr. and Mrs. Butler, at Baxter, Iowa, Sep- tember 21, 1909. The maiden name of Mrs. Butler's mother was Mahala E. Abbott, who was born in Rushville. Schuyler county. Illinois. April 13. 1838, and her death occurred on February 7. 1905. The wife of the subject was the oldest child in a family of five children: the others are: John W. McKinney now lives in Alaska : Thomas Jefiferson lives in Buxton. Iowa : Robert W. lives in Indian Territory : Mary Agnes died when four years old. The mother of these children spent her last days at Eddyville. Wapello county, Iowa, where this family settled in 1866. 650 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Politically, ^h: Butler is a Republican. He has been a member of the school board and road supervisor for a number of years. Fraternally, he is a member of Baxter Camp No. 5642, Modern \\'oodmen of America, at Baxter, and Mrs. Butler is a member of Rainbow Camp No. 3448, Royal Neighbors of America, at Baxter, and she is a member of the Christian church at Eddy- ville. They advance every worthy cause and are well informed, keeping an excellent libraiy and they enjoy the esteem of a wide circle of friends. G. H. \\^\RNER. In the face of obstacles that would have utterly discouraged one of less stamina and determination, G. H. Warner, the well-known and successful real estate dealer of Newton, Jasper county, has won for himself not only a fair competency, but also the honest regard and esteem of those with whom he has for many years been associated. He has taken an abiding interest in the general welfare of his county and has aided in its development in every way possible and by his judicious course has won the friendship and good will of all classes, Mr. Warner is a native of Scott county, Iowa, his birth having occurred there on November 28, 1865. He is the son of Frank and Ellen (Johnson) Warner, the father born in Germany and the mother in Ireland. Frank Warner emigrated to America when a young man and he came to Iowa about 1863 and devoted his life to farming, becoming well established here. His death occurred on April 18, 19 10, at the age of sixty-nine years, his birth hav- ing occurred in August, 183 1. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner, namely : G. H. of this review ; Frank W. lives on a farm in this county; Anna J. is the wife of John A. Pulley and is living in Faribault county, Minnesota ; Ella died in young womanhood. G. H. Warner spent his babyhood on the parental farm in Scott county, coming to Jasper county with his parents in the spring of 1868, when three years old and he has since made his home within her borders. The father located on a farm nine miles northeast of Newton and there G, H. spent his boyhood and youth, assisting in the general work on the place, attending the country schools during the winter months. When twenty-three years of age he began farming for himself, which he continued successfully up to the fall of 1899, when he came to Newton and engaged in the real estate business, which he is still conducting, having built up a very satisfactory patronage and JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 65 1 a rapidly growing business through his judicious management and honest deahngs. He is the owner of considerable desirable land outside the state. Mr. Warner was married on April 25, 1888, to Anna L. Miller, daughter of Joseph Miller, a highly respected citizen of this state, whither he moved from Illinois when Mrs. Warner was a baby, she having been born in the last named state, and she was reared and educated in Iowa. To Mr. Warner and wife one child has been born, Blanche, whose birth occurred on March 6, 1889. Mr. Warner has always taken an abiding interest in public affairs and in 1908 he was appointed a member of the city council of Xewton and in 1909 he was elected councilman-at-large on the Citizens' ticket. He is an enthusiastic city ownership advocate and he has done much for the general good of the town and vicinity since coming here. Fraternally, he belongs to the Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows and the ^^lodern Woodmen. ]\Irs. Warner belongs to the Presbyterian church. Politically, Mr. Warner is an unswerving Demo- crat. He is well liked throughout the county as a result of his public spirit, his known honestv and his irenial address. JOHN S. HOLTZ. A highly honored citizen of Newton, wdio has long had the interests of Jasper county at heart and whose career has been one of usefulness and char- acterized by lofty purpose, is John S. Holtz, for many years a leading fanner but now living retired. He was born near Morristown. Belmont county, Ohio, October 14, 1838. He is the son of Jacob and Eleanor (Douglas) Holtz, the father a native of St. Clairsville, Belmont county, Ohio, while the mother was a native of ^^laryland. The former spent his life on a farm in Ohio, dying at the advanced age of ninety-three years, his wife reaching the age of ninety-two; they were a remarkable old couple and highly honored in their community. The Holtz family is of German stock, Grandfather Holtz having emigrated from Germany to the state of Pennsylvania, where he died at the age of seventy-three years. Great-grandmother Holtz reached the re- markable age of one hundred and three years. Fourteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Holtz, seven of whom are living : Otha W. is a practic- ing physician in Alissouri; John S., of this review; D. F., of Cambridge, Ohio, is a minister in the Methodist church; Earl D. is a Doctor of Divinity, a great lecturer and traveler, making his home at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where he has a church: J. M. is a practicing physician in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; 652 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mrs. Caroline E. Bowles is a resident of Fairview, Ohio; Mrs. Mary Hood lives at Cambridge, Ohio. John S. Holtz was reared on the home farm in Ohio and when but a boy he knew the meaning of hard work. He received a good common school edu- cation, and when the tocsin of war sounded, calling the loyal sons of the old flag to rally in its defense, he unhesitatingly offered his services, enlisting in Company K, Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, in which he served nearly four years in a most faithful and gallant manner, participating in over one hun- dred battles and skirmishes, including Shiloh, Corinth, luka. Chattanooga and the numerous ones in the Atlanta campaign; he was with Sherman on his march to the sea and was also with him through the Carolinas, and he was taken prisoner near Fayetteville, North Carolina, and sent to Libby prison, where he remained only a few weeks, this having been about the close of the war. He received an honorable discharge at Qolumbus, Ohio. Two brothers were also in the Union army. Their father was an officer in the Ohio militia in his day. John S. Holtz was married first on August 9, 1866, to Cora J. Richmond, who was born in Kentucky, but was reared in Iowa, and to this union seven children were born, namely: Ellen died when two years of age; Albert C. lives on a farm near Ira, Jasper county ; William E. is a carpenter at Central City, Nebraska; ]\Irs. Florence Shrider, of Zanesville, Ohio; James B., of Boone, Iowa, where he is president and manager of a glove manufacturing concern ; Efifie died when one year old ; Mrs. Beryl Gearhart lives near God- dard, Jasper county. Mr. Holtz came to Jasper county at the close of the war in 1865 and settled north of Newton, where the village of Baxter is now located. After living there about ten years, he moved to Adair county, Iowa, where he im- proved two farms and lived seven years, then returned to near Baxter, Jasper county, again and there continued to reside until the spring of 1889, when he removed to northwestern Nebraska and there became the owner of four hun- dred and eighty acres. After living there se\en years, he again returned to Jasper county, Iowa, locating in Newton, where he has since lived, wath the exception of one trip made back to Nebraska for his wife's health. When he came back he rented a farm which he worked one year, then bought ten acres near Newton and went to gardening and raising small fruits, which he con- tinued for some time there, and then, about twelve years ago, he bought his present valuable place in Newton and he has continued in the gardening and small fruit business, having been very successful in this line of endeavor. He has a valuable and neatly kept place and has been very successful in whatever JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 653 he has turned his attention to, having always been a hard worker and a good manager. Mr. Holtz was married in January, 1904, to Mrs. Ava Lloyd, who was born in Jasper county, Iowa, of a highly respected old family, and here she grew to maturity and was educated. Mr. and Mrs. Holtz are members of the Baptist church. He served as trustee of the church for ten years. He is in- dependent in politics, and is a member of the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic. He is a Prohibitionist. ]\Ir. Holtz is an interesting man to meet, genial, honest and kindly dis- posed. He talks entertainingly of the pioneer days in Jasper county and of the wonderful subsequent growth of the same. He has always been a keen observer. He had a personal acquaintance with Gen. U. S. Grant and has seen a large number of the great men of a former generation. LEWIS D. REID. Prominent among the business men of Jasper county is Lewis D. Reid, who was born July 18, i860, in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, his father, DeWitt C. Reid, being a native of Erie county, Pennsylvania, and his mother, Delia (Lewis) Reid, a native of Crawford county, Pennsylvania. The father died in Crawford county, in 1883, at the age of fifty-two years; the mother still lives, making her home with the subject of this review. Mr. Reid's father was a farmer and was quite a local politician in his day. being a Re- publican after the birth of that party in 1856. After the death of his father, Mr. Reid left his home in Pennsylvania,, in the spring of 1884, coming at once to- Newton, Jasper county, where he rented land and began farming, his mother coming with him. At the end of three years, he bought a farm of his own and continued thereon until 1896, when he sold it and came to town, engaging in the livery business. In this business he continued for five years, after which he opened a real estate and insurance business, which business he has continued in every since. He makes a specialty of farms and farm lands in Jasper county, and also deals quite extensively in Canadian land and south Minnesota lands, conducting excursion parties to these regions. Mr. Reid is one of the best judges of soil in the county and enjoys the confidence of all his neighbors and friends. Aside from his extensive dealings in lands, he deals considerably in city property values and general investments and conducts a general fire, tornado and lightning insurance business, his office being located at this time at No. 114 \\'est McDonald street in the city of Xewton. 554 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ]^Ir. Reid was united in marriage with Xettie R. Drake, daughter of Horace and Catherine (Berminghoff) Drake, in September, 1884, in Cam- bridge, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Reid's parents were both natives of Venango county, Pennsylvania. Her father died in 1906, and her mother in 1883. Mrs. Reid's grandfather, John Berminghoff, was a well known figure in the early histon- of the Pennsyh-ania oil fields, and was the victim of what was known at the time as the "Berminghoff Robbery,'' being robbed of over three hundred and sixty thousand dollars, which he was keeping in his house, not caring to trust the unstable "wild-cat" banks of that time, he having lost heavily by them on three occasions. The prime mover in this robbery was never caught. To Mr. and Mrs. Reid have been born six children, five of whom are living, one dying in infancy, named as follows : Lyle F., born De- cember 13, 1885, is a traveling musician and electrician with the Chase Theat- rical Company, with which company he has been connected for four years ; Ida Pearl, born December 3, 1888, resides at home, and is toll operator at the Newton telephone exchange; George M., born January 21, 1894; Hazel L.. born January 13, 1896; Gladys G., born August i, 1902. Mr. Reid is a member of Central Lodge No. jt^, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Newton, being also a member of the encampment and Uni- form Rank. Mrs. Reid is a member of the local Rel^ekah lodge and also member of the First Christian church of Newton, and the Ladies Aid Society. In politics Mr. Reid is a Republican. L. T. HARMON. The subject of this sketch is known to be a man of courage, self-reliance and of the utmost integrity of purpose, as a result of which he has, during his entire life, stood high in the estimation of his neighbors and friends and is therefore deserving of a place in this book. L. T. Harmon was born in Jasper county, Iowa, July 28, 1866. He grew to manhood and was educated there and has always been identified with the agricultural interests of this and Marshall counties. He is the son of William Harmon, who married Mrs. Julia A. Miller-McKeever, early settlers of Jasper county ; the father died in Jasper county and the mother in Dallas county. A. L. Harmon, twin brother of L. T.. of this review, resides in Adel, Iowa; J. A., another brother, died in Dallas county; M. J. lives in Adel; \V. S. lives in Dallas county; Ola ^May died at the age of nine years. The mother of these i JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ' 655 children had the following children hy her first marriage: B. A., of Des Moines; D. A., of Mingo. Iowa: W. L. resides at Oswalt. Iowa: Amanda A. is deceased: Emma Beard, of Jasper county: Samantha Humphrey, of Dallas count}- ; Evaline died in Dallas county : J. H. is deceased : Loretta died when eighteen years of age ; S. H. lives in Kansas. L. T. Harmon, of this review, was married on January 22. 1889, to Hat- tie Elizabeth Thompson, who was born in Clear Creek township. Jasper county. August 27, 1871, and there she grew to womanhood and attended school. Her father, Samuel Thompson, who was one of the early settlers of Jasper county, was born in \'enango county, Pennsylvania. March 17. 1830. \\'hen ten years of age he moved to Wayne county, Ohio, and remained there until 185 1, when he moved to Jasper county. Iowa, and he has continued to live in this locality ever since, being now a resident of State Center township. Marshall county. His father, W^illiam Thompson, who was a "forty-niner.'' was a native of Westmoreland county. Pennsylvania, and he died in Iowa : the mother. [Margaret ^lorehead, also a native of Pennsylvania, died in Iowa. Samuel Thompson was third in a family of nine children. He was married in 1852 to Harriet Deeter, who died the following year, after which he married a sister of his first wife, Catherine H. Deeter. who was born in 1833 and died in Rhodes, Iowa. One child, Margaret Ellen Dodd, was born of the first union, her birth occurring on December 19, 1852; she is living in Jasper county. To the second union eleven children were born, namely : Mar)- Alulia [McNorris lives at Valley Junction. Iowa ; Annis Capron is deceased ; Samuel lives at Olathe, Kansas ; Lillian Walker is deceased ; Jennie Signs lives in Olathe, Kansas ; Rose Hand lives in Colo, Iowa : Sadie Corbett lives at State Center, Iowa: John lives at Clyde, Iowa. The youngest son died in infancy; Hattie Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Harmon, of this review. Samuel Thompson owns a well improved farm of two hundred and twehe acres in Clear Creek township, Jasper county, Iowa. He is a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted in Company E. Fortieth Iowa \'olunteer Infantry, in which he ser\ed two years and eight months in the Army of the Potomac. He is one of the honored pioneers of Iowa, having come overland from Hancock county, Ohio. In i860 he made an overland trip to Pike's Peak. He is now making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Corbett. of State Center. Four sons have been born to Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Harmon, of this review. namely: Ora C. born July 21, 1890, lives in Marshall county; Clare G.. born April 15, 1897, is with his parents on the farm; Leonidas B., born August 6, . 1899; Russell A., born February 12, 1906. The eldest child was born in 656 JASPER COUNTY^ IOWA. Jasper county, the others in Marshall county, Ora C. having been born on the same farm on which his mother was born. PoHtically, Mr. Harmon is a Democrat and he has been a member of the school board. He belongs to the Modern Brotherhood of America at Rhodes. The son, Ora C, belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America at Rhodes. Mrs. Harmon is a member of Crystal Chapter No. 11, Order of the Eastern Star, at Rhodes. MISS HANNAH NICHOLS. The part women played in assisting the early settlers can not be under- estimated. By nature not as robust physically as their male companions, hardships and privations leaned more heavily upon them, but the women of that day who came with their husbands and families into the loneliness of what was then the wilderness or the wild trackless plains were equal to the occasion. The pioneer woman, w'hether married or single, helped dispel the gloom, to disseminate the sense of hopelessness w'hich occasionally fell upon the settlers in their relentless labor. A woman of such caliber is Hannah Nichols, who can claim a wide acquaintance and 'a host of loyal friends throughout Jasper county, who, having passed her four score and sixth mile-stone, is an interesting link between the present and the rifle- bearing days of the first settler w^hen hardships were the rule and pleasures the exception. Miss Nichols, w'ho is a member of the Fugard family and who is making her home with Noble J. Fugard, mentioned at length on another page of this volume, she being a sister of Mrs. Fugard' s mother, was one of the very early settlers of Jasper county. She was born August 12, 1825, in Ottawa county, Ohio, and she was the daughter of John and Mary (McLoyd) Nichols, the father having been born in Virginia in 1790, and the mother's birth occurred in the same state in 1791. They came to Ohio in early youth and were married there, continuing to reside there until 1836, when they moved to Henry county, Indiana, where Mr. Nichols worked as a carpenter. In 1854 the family moved to Iowa and settled in Henry county at first and in the fall of that year they came to Buena Vista township, Jasper county, and bought one hundred and sixty acres just a mile north of Murphy, for which they paid fifteen dollars per acre for the prairie land and twenty dollars per acre for the timber land. At that time there were only five families in the township. The death of John Nichols occurred on December 22, 1855, his MISS HANNAH NICHOLS AND LITTLE DAISY FUGARD JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 657 widow siirvi\ing until June 18, 1870, both dying on the home farm which they had labored so assiduously to develop. There were seven children in their family, named as follows : Abigail, born July i, 1816, died in early life; Nancy, born October 10, 1818, died in Jasper county, Iowa, in 1863; she was the wife of Joshua Delhorn; Amy, born June 26, 182 1, died in child- hood; John, born October 7, 1822, died in 1901 ; Hannah, of this review; Mary, born May i, 1828, died the following year; Rebecca, born October 15, 1831, died April 23, 1863; she was the mother of Mrs. Xoble J. Fugard, mentioned above. For the past eleven years Miss Nichols has made her home with Mr. Fugard and wife, the latter being her niece and they have been pleased to minister to her every want, but being hale and in possession of her faculties she is far from being a burden in her declining age, and is a woman of remarkable memory, consequently her reminiscences of pioneer days are interesting and instructive; she is quite active. She lived on the same farm from 1854 to 1904, a half century, when the place was sold and she moved to town with the Fugard family. She has never married. Her life has been filled with good deeds and she has always been known to have a very amiable and genial disposition which has endeared her to all who have come into contact with her. MARTIN L. LEWIS. There are few people of Jasper county who have not heard of Martin L. Lewis, the subject of this sketch, and to know him is to realize the pleasure of knowing an honest, upright gentleman. He was born September i, 1842, in Indiana, being the son of George and Eleanor (Ewing) Lewis, both natives of Ohio. The father died in Tazewell county, Illinois, June i, 1853, at the age of forty-four years, and the mother at Stanford, INIcLain county, Illinois. The father was a farmer and a man whose word w'as his bond, being a strict churcli member of the Baptist denomination. A few years after his marriage he moved from his birthplace in Indiana and engaged in farming, building a log cabin in the then wilderness. It was here that the subject of this sketch was born. Next the father removed to Tazewell county, Illinois, near the town of Washington, where he purchased sixty acres of land, which he farmed until his death. After the death of the father the mother remained on the land nineteen years, when she removed with her family to McLain countv, Illinois, where she remained until she died. Mr. Lewis's mother was (42) 658 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. a Baptist and a woman of rare courage and Christian virtue, striving in every way to inculcate the principles of honesty and industry in the minds of her growing children. Mr. Lewis is one of seven children, five of whom survive, whose names are as follows: Mariah Gibson, aged seventy-six, widow of EHsha Gibson, who, with her children, resides upon a farm in Nebraska ; Robert Lewis, aged seventy-four, retired farmer, resides in Los Angeles, California, having been a Northern soldier during the great civil conflict; Mary Wade, wife of John Wade, died at the age of thirty years; Martin L., subject of this sketch; Sarah Angenette Field, wife of Henry Field, died eighteen years prior to this writ- ing; Eleanor Small, wife of jMillard Small, aged fifty-eight, resides in Deer Creek, Illinois ; George Alvin, a retired fanner, residing in Moscow, Idaho, aged fifty-six. It was in March, 1894, that the subject of this sketch came to Jasper coun- ty, settling upon a rented farm, where he remained ten years, farming and stock raising. After that he went back to Illinois, remaining one year, after which he returned to Xewton and engaged in the manufacture and bottling of soft or temperance drinks, which business he still conducts, selling his products all over the United States. His son, Merton L., manager of the plant, in- vented the now famous "Cherry Blossom," a soft drink of unusual excellence which is being sold everywhere. Mr. Lewis was married to Adelia Field, a native of Illinois, who died ten years later, while Mr. Lewis was living in Illinois. To this union were born three children : George B., agent for the Adams Express Company in Oskaloosa, Iowa; Daisy Martin, wife of Harry Martin, a farmer, residing near Monroe, in Jasper county; Herbert, whose wife was Laura Swaub, is a jeweler in Sutton, Nebraska. Subsequently Mr. Lewis was married to Emma Deal, daughter of John and Melvina (Eures) Deal, natives of Virginia. Mrs. Lewis died in Newton, March 26, 1909. To them were born three children, namely: Deal H., who married Catherine Livingston, resides in Jasper county; Merton L., un- married, resides in Newton, being a partner with his father ; Bessie Whitaker, wife of John Whitaker, a mail, carrier, resides in Newton. Mr. Lewis has at all times been a public-spirited citizen, having served five years as school director and five years as supervisor of roads in Fairview township. He is a charter member of the Modern Woodmen of America, Pine Tree Camp No. 394, of Sutton, Nebraska, at which place Mr. Lewis lived for six years prior to coming to Jasper county, being engaged in the livery Inisiness. In politics he is a Republican. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 659 PHILIP KLING. It is always an inspiring thing to learn something of a good man's his- tory. Life is so checkered and uncertain a thing that when we find an in- dividual who has at all times been clean and steadfast' of purpose, and loyal and true to the best that was by nature his, it is a pure delight to tell of him. Such a man is Philip Kling, who resides as a retired farmer in Xewton. Philip Kling was born in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, January i, 1859, and came with his father to America in October, 1870, settling in St. Clair county. Illinois. Here the family remained for three months, after which they removed to Jasper county, Iowa, where they have since remained. Two hundred acres of land were purchased in Elk Creek township in Jasper county, and w^ith this holding they began farming and stock raising. Mr. Kling's father, John Kling, and his mother, Elizabeth (Rodth) Kling, were both natives of Germany and were splendid examples of the fine, hardy stock of that great empire. The father died in June, 1889, at the age of eighty-five, the mother in November, 1875, ^t the age of fifty-two. Ten children in all came to America, all of whom are still living and all of whom own their own homes. Seven of them, including the subject of this sketch, reside in Jasper county. They are: Adam J., who resides in Sully, this county, is a retired farmer; George, residing in Hickman, Xebraska, is a shoe merchant; Catherine Reinheimer, wnfe of George Reinheimer, a farmer residing in New Athens, Illinois; Margaret Hendricks, wife of Fred Hen- dricks, a farmer residing near Galesburg, Jasper county ; Henry resides in this county, near Kellogg, and is a prosperous farmer ; John, residing in Jasper county, is a farmer; Philip, the subject of this review, is a retired farmer living in Newton; Mary Sheen, wife of Daniel Sheen, resides on a farm near Shem- ington, Wisconsin ; William J. resides on a farm in Jasper county ; Frederick, who resides in St. Louis, is employed in a wholesale house. On April 4, 1889, Mr. Kling v.as united in marriage to Lena \V. Castrof. a native of Jasper county. She is the daughter of Frederick Castrof, of Jasper county, who was born in Pommern, Germany, March i, 1846, and who died in Jasper county. December 13, 1902. Her mother, Augusta (Andress) Cas- trof, was a native of the same place. She came to America when about seven years of age and is still living near Killduff. Jasper county, making her home with her two sons, Frederick and Edward Castrof. Mrs. Kling is one of four living children, namely : William, the first born, first saw the light August 26. 1870: Margaret Snell. wife of J. W. Snell, a farmer residing near Killduff, was born March i, 1872: Frederick 660 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Castrof. whose wife was Effie Snell, resides on a farm in Jasper county. He was born July 14, 1876; Edward Castrof, unmarried, residing with his brother, was born July i8, 1878. When Mrs. Kling's parents came here they could not speak a word of English, but two days after landing at New York began work, and shortly came to Jasper county, Iowa, in the year 1855. Here her grandfather entered land from the government, later purchasing more until he owned four hun- dred acres before he died, this being the farm upon which Mrs. Kling's mother now lives. Both Mr. and 'Sirs. Kling are members of the English Lutheran church of Newton. jVIr. Kling is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Knight Templar and Shriner. He is affiliated with the lodge at Newton. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 73, at Newton. Mrs. Kling is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter No. 100, of Newton. She is also a member of the Daughters of Rebekah lodge at Newton and is a woman of exceptional culture and refinement. ]\Ir. Kling owns three hundred and twenty acres, besides his elegant home in the city of Newton and other interests. Both he and his wife are affable, kindly people, beloved by the great circle so fortunate as to call them friends. In politics ]\Ir. Kling is a Democrat. JOHN H. HARVEY, SR. The history of Jasper county reveals the handiwork of many a great and noble soul who wrought heroically and unselfishly. Her smiling fields and splendid homes, her high-grade institutions, her happy, prospering people speak volumes of someone's steadfastness of purpose, of someone's strength of arm, courage of heart, activity of brain — of someone's sacrifice. But time, that grim obliterator, before whose destroying fingers even the stubborn granite must, in the end succumb, is ever at his work of disintegration. Be- neath his blighting touch even memory fails, and too often a life of glorious achievement is forgotten in a day. "Lest we forget," then, this tribute to the elder John H. Harvey is penned. Pioneer, early freighter, a public-spirited, brave, kindly, generous man, it is the desire of the biographer, as it must be of all who know him, that his deeds and his character be recorded for the benefit of those who follow after. By no means rich, as mere worldly possessions are estimated, he is rich in a thousand thronging memories of the rugged days, JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 66l long gone, when hardy men stood shoulder to shoulder and fought to conquer the western wilderness. Hale and strong, although well past eighty, he may be seen, almost daily, moving about the streets of Newton, now a city, but, when first he saw it, a mere cluster of huts, set in the midst of the new prairie. A few there were who preceded him into this virgin country, but they are very few, Mr. Harvey having been numbered among its very first settlers. He freighted the first printing press to be seen in Newton, from Muscatine, and did many other useful things in the course of natural events, always doing whatever he could to encourage the growth of the county. Mr. Harvey was born in Madison county, New York, January 15, 1828, and he is the son of Nathan and Oriel (Lyman) Harvey, the former a native of the state of New York and the latter of Connecticut. The paternal grand- father was born in Ireland. Nathan Harvey originally worked as a wool dresser, but, after following this occupation some fixe years, he began farm- ing, then, when his son, John H., of this review, was about four years old, he sold his farm and began keeping a tavern on the famous old Cherry Valley turnpike. This the father conducted for over sixteen years, the place becoming widely known to the traveling public. Thus the boyhood and young manhood of the son was full of that romance which clung so tenaciously about those early hostelries. Day after day he watched the wagons come and go which were bearing the emigrants from the east westw-ard. and night by night he sat by the roaring fire-place and listened to many a fine old tale of adventure or senti- ment. But though the ta\ern had a public bar in connection and drinking was very common, he never touched liquor, and this fact, when we consider the easy freedom of those early times, speaks much for his sterling character. When about twenty-five years of age, Mr, Harvey came to Jasper county and three years later his father came. In December, 1857, he built the house where he now resides in Newton. For a year his parents lived with him. He then moved to himself and later to Harrison county, Iowa, where his father and mother both died. John H. Harvey was married when about twenty years old while living in New York, to Percy Ann Roberts, who died two years later, lea\-ing three children, namely: Charles, who is now living in Plattsmouth. Nebraska; Mrs. R. N. Stewart, of Severs, Iowa; and Mrs. Eva Bodley, of Jasper county. When Mr. Harvey came west he left the children with his father and mother. Mr. Harvey was again married, his second wife being Harriet Fenton. who died about eighteen years ago; to this union five children were born, all of whom are living, namely: Edward, William, John H., Jr.. and Carrie L.. all of Newton ; and George, who lives at Laramie. Wyoming. (362 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. John H. IJarvey, Jr., was born on September 7, 1871, in Newton, and he has spent his Hfe in Jasper county. He is a painter by trade and since he was sixteen years of age he has successfully followed this occupation. During the last ten years he has been employed in the works of the Maytag Manufac- turning Company, the last nine years of this period performing very acceptably the duties of foreman of the painting department. He has charge of the painting of all the manufactured output of the factory. On April 10, 1895, lie was united in marriage wath Louise Miller, a native of Wisconsin and the daughter of Conrad Miller, both her parents being natives of Germany. They emigrated to America in an early day and settled in Wisconsin, later came to Jasper county, Iowa, and they are now living on a farm near Baxter, Iowa. To Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harvey, Jr., have been born two children, Harlan J., born April 17, 1898, and Edwena, a daughter, born September 7, 1903, her father's birthday. Mrs. Harvey is a member of the German Reform church, and she and ^Ir. Harvey belong to the Pythian Sisters. The latter is very prominent in lodge circles. He is a member of Newton Lodge No. 59, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of Newton, of which he is senior deacon, also Delta Lodge No. 53, Knights of Pythias, of Newton. He has passed all the chairs in this lodge and is at present one of the trustees of the grand lodge of Iowa. He is also a member of the Yeomen. Young Mr. Harvey has been active in political affairs for some time, and in 1904 he was nominated as Democratic candidate for auditor of Jasper county, but was defeated, though he made an exceptionally strong race, run- ning ahead of his ticket. At the spring election, 1909, he was elected to the city council of Newton, and, having made a most creditable record, he was re- elected in the spring of 191 1. He has served his party organization in many ways and is a clean, energetic and. capable young business man, having the trust and respect of all who know him. His sister, Carrie, is a popular news^ paper woman, of exceptional ability and intelligence ; she is connected wnth the Newton Daily Journal, one of the leading papers of this section of the state. Since coming to Jasper county. May 21, 1854, John H. Harvey, Sr., has spent nearly all of his time in the county. .\s a freighter he was once an im- portant factor in the early affairs of the county. For a number of years he hauled all kinds of goods from Muscatine to Newton, then, in 1859, he began freighting westward to Denver. In 1864 he turned his attention to farming, wliich he continued successfully up to sixteen years ago. since which time he has led a retired Hfe, and, at peace with all the world, he is now enjoying that consideration and good will which a life well spent has earned for him. While JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 663 never considering- himself a politician, he has always taken the keenest interest in politics and in those great movements which make for the advancement and betterment of his fellow men. He has served the city of Newton as supervisor of roads and was for nine years constable, his duties taking him all over the country. In religious belief he is a Congregationalist. and politically, while he voted for Abraham Lincoln, he is now a Democrat. The subject is one of seven children, but four of whom are living; they are: Miles, the eldest, died in New Tacoma, California; John H., of this' review, was second in order of birth ; Addison died in Harrison county, Iowa ; O. B. lives in Ashland, Colorado; Emmet lives in St. Charles, Iowa; Mrs. Theodora Gee, widow of George W. Gee, lives in Oakland, California; Mary died in Harrison county, Iowa. . REV. JOSEPH ARNOLD. Examples that impress force of character on all who study them are w^orthy of record, and the mission of a great soul in this world is one that is calculated to inspire a multitude of others to better and grander things ; so its subsequent influence cannot be measured in metes and bounds, for it affects the lives of those with whom it comes into contact, broadening and enriching them for all time to come. By a few general observations may be conveyed some idea of the noble career of the late Rev. Joseph Arnold, for many years one of the best known ministers and attorneys of Jasper county, united in whose composition were so many elements of a solid, practical and altruistic nature as to bring him into prominent notice, who. not content to hide his talents amid life's sequestered ways, by the force of will and a laudable ambi- tion forged to the front. His life was one of hard study and unselfish indus- try, whose laborious professional duties in the various relations in which he was placed, led to a high position in the esteem of the public, which gave evi- dence that the qualities which he possessed afforded the means of distinction under a system of government in which places of honor and usefulness are open to all who may be found worthy of them. He passed over the troubled sea of life like a galleon through the phosphorescent Spanish main, leaving in its wake a pathway of illuminating radiance. Joseph Arnold, son of Jesse and ^lary (Pucket) Arnold, was born at Arba, Wayne county, Indiana, April i, 1832, and there he spent his early boy- hood, removing to Henry county, Iowa, where the town of Salem now stands, 664 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. in the vear 1839, later moving to Jefferson county, and in 1843 located in Mahaska county where his father took a homestead on the first day that lands were thrown open to settlers, two miles east of the present city of Oskaloosa, his stock of farming utensils consisting only of an axe and an old-fashioned flint-lock gun ; but he was a brave, hardy, persevering pioneer, who, in due course of time, established a good home in the wilds. In 1851 as a carpenter Joseph migrated to the Lynn Grove settlement in Jasper county to carve out his fortune. In the year 1853 he received from Franklin Pierce, then Presi- dent of the United States, his appointment as postmaster of Lynnville, and in the same year was married to Tacy Smith, of Palmyra, Warren county, Iowa. To this union were born six children, two of whom are deceased. Up to the year 1861 the active business life of Joseph Arnold was one of marked success, at which time he received an injury to the spine, by being thrown from a wagon, from which he never wholly recovered. Being thus deprived of physical strength, but having a strong mind, he turned his attention from business matters to the ministry, and in 1864. after having prepared him- self for this new work during a time of great physical distress, he was ordained as a minister of the gospel in the Society of Friends, of which church he was a birthright member. He continued taking treatment of the best physicians of the country, but with little improvement, and he finally moved with the family to Oskaloosa in 1867 for the purpose of being continually under the care of a specialist. His wife died while living there in the year 1869, and he was subsequently married to Sarah E. Hawkins, of Oskaloosa, to whom three children were born. In 1852 he had purchased an interest with his father in the flour and saw mills at Lynnville, which interest he retained, and in 1872, having somewhat improved in health, the family returned to Lynnville and Joseph Arnold was the miller there for some time until he traded his interest for the property which was known as the Iowa House. The hum- drum life of a landlord in a small town was not to his liking, however, so, while looking after the wants of his guests, serving the town as mayor and the township as justice of the peace, he studied law, devoting himself so assidu- ously to the same that in eleven months after he began to read Blackstone he successfully passed the recjuired examination and was admitted to the Jasper county bar. besides performing his duties as minister of the gospel. He was very successful from the first and soon enjoyed a satisfactory clientage, being known throughout the country as "the Quaker lawyer-preacher," and in his law practice the policy of Mr. Arnold was largely governed by the principle of arbitration, even to the frequent sacrifice of justly earned regular attorney fees He was an earnest, persevering, cautious and unbiased advocate, thor- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 665 oughly grounded in the principles of jurisprudence and as a speaker, whether at the bar or in the pulpit, he was forceful, persuasive and not infrequently truly eloquent. Something of his popularity in his home community and the confidence in which he was held bv the pul)lic may he gained from the fact that he was for fourteen successive years chosen mayor of Lynnville anecame a 688 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. member of the United Presbyterian church. His family consisted of nine children, five sons and four daughters, of whom the subject of this sketch was the oldest. William Dales grew up on the home farm and assisted with the general work about the place when a boy and he received his education in the district schools in Ohio. Two years after his marriage he came to Jasper county, Iowa, and bought eighty acres in Mound Prairie township. Selling that eighty, he bought one hundred and sixty acres, on which he erected all the buildings and made all other necessary improvements, setting out many trees, including walnut and willow groves. He has been ver)^ successful as a general farmer and stock raiser. He keeps large numbers of shorthorn cattle. Politically, Mr. Dales is a Republican and he has been township trustee and school director. He is a member of the United Presbyterian church. Mr. Dales was married December 31, 1875, to Jennie E. Worthing, who was born in Ohio, the daughter of Thomas Worthing, a farmer who joined the Union army and was taken prisoner, confined at Andersonville and starved to death in prison. To Mr. and Mrs. Dales the following children have been born : Mrs. Mary M. Watt, Mrs. Agnes Maud Bond, Mrs. Minnie Pearl Leonard, Mrs. Belva Lockwood Scow, Mrs. Ethel Newland, Bessie Zoe and William Vincent. JOSIAH B. EYERLY. But recently the gentleman whose name heads this sketch was a familiar and prominent figure in Xewton, where his business relations for many years had been such as to make him known to many people and to gain for him a standing as one of the foremost business men of the county. He had reached an honorable age and lived a life full of usefulness and activity, never giving up to the messenger of disease as long as it was in human power to resist, and his taking away left a void in the hearts of friends and members of his family which can not be filled, for there can never be another Josiah B. Eyerly. Josiah B. Eyerly was a native of Ohio, and was born at Lexington, in Richland county, October 28, 1834, and at the time of his death, on March 11, 1907, had reached the age of seventy-two years, four months and fifteen days. Eight of his brothers and sisters survived him: Rev. E. S. Eyerly, of Nor- tonville, Kansas; D. H., of Hershey, Nebraska; Harlan, of North Loup, Ne- JOSIAH B. EYERLY JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 689 braska; George W., of Winterset, Iowa; Mrs. J. H. LaPella, of Earlham, Iowa: Mrs. Alice Ferrin. of W'elmore, Kansas; Mrs. Hattie Gamble, of Oklahoma, and :\Irs. Mollie Low, of Stuart, Iowa. The parents of Josiah Eyerly came to Keokuk county. Iowa, in 1845, where they resided on a farm until 1855. when they moved to Monroe. Jasper county, and their son. not then twenty-one. came with them. For a time he served as postmaster at Monroe, during the first year of the war. In 1861, when the third company was organized in Jasper county, he enlisted as a private under Capt. Thomas H. Miller, in Company B. Thirteenth Iowa \'ol- unteer Infantry. He was soon promoted to sergeant, and in April. 1862. was made sergeant-major of his regiment, on May 28th of the same year being commissioned as first lieutenant of his company. For more than three vears he served gallantly in the army, always doing his duty as a soldier and an ofiicer. and taking part in many of the hardest engagements of the war. On Novem- ber I, 1864, he was mustered out. and he then spent nearly a year in the service of the government in reconstruction work. He then returned to his home. In 1865 Mr. Eyerly was elected treasurer of Jasper county, on the Re- publican ticket, and served for two terms, with a high record for efficiency. He moved to Xewton when his term commenced. On October i, 1867, he was united in marriage to Charlotte Piper, who died on Februarv 26. 1878. leaving one son. William Eyerly. now living in Xewton. On the 27th of August. 1879, he was married to Zerua Townsend. who died on April 24. 1886. On September 24. 1889. he was married to Celia Grandrath. who bore to him four sons. Joe G., Fred S.. Frank R. and John B.. all living. After retiring from the county treasurer's office in 1889. Mr. Eyerly remained in Xewton. and for a time was engaged in banking, then for a num- ber of years served as city clerk. After retiring from this latter office he engaged in the real estate business. In all his operations he was successful, and was in all his dealings actuated by the highest honesty and uprightness, which gained for him the full confidence of the people. To him the word friend had a sacred meaning, and to any one whom he called by that name he gave the highest devotion and was loyal to him at whatever cost. But admir- able as were the characteristics which this man showed in his more public life, in his home the best qualities of his heart and soul were most manifest, in the tender love and care which he gave to his wife and children, whom he almost idolized and who returned his affection in like degree. Tmly they suffered a great loss when this best of husbands and fathers was taken from them, but thev hope to meet him hereafter and to renew their old association where parting shall be no more. (44) 690 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Eyerly was a lo}al ^[ason, being a meml)er of all the degrees from the blue lodge to the commandery, and in his life he exemplified the noble principles of that order. He was one of Newton's men of influence, and that influence was always exerted on the side of right and justice. Generous to a fault, he always responded freely and bounteously to the appeals of the needy. In his life he left a high example and manly fortitude and virtue to his sons, and even better than the heritage of wealth which he left them is the heritage of the memorv of his noble character. FRED C ANDREAS, JR. The eveiyday life, with its cares, necessities and duties, aft"ords ample opportunities for acquiring experience of the best kind and its most beaten paths provide a true worker with abundant scope for effort and improve- ment. This fact was recognized early in life by Fred C. Andreas, Jr., one of the enterprising and esteemed citizens of Sully, Jasper county, who seized the small opportunities which he encountered on the rugged hill that leads to life's lofty summit where lies the ultimate goal of success, never attained by the weak, inactive and ambitionless. Mr. Andreas is carrying on the Bank of Sully with that discretion and energ}^ which are sure to find their natural sequence in definite success, and in such a man there is particular satisfaction in offering in his life history justification for the compilation ot works of this character. Mr. Andreas was born in Elk Creek township, Jasper county, on De- cember 20. 1875. He is the son of Fred C, Sr., and Mina (Castorf) An- dreas, both natives of Germany, the father born on April i, 1843, ^^^^ the mother on June 23, 1848. The maternal grandparents of the subject were Charles and Anna (Wass) Castorf, natives of Germany, where they grew up and married and from which country they emigrated to America in 1858, locating in Jasper county. Frederick and Sophia (Rohrdanz) Andreas were the paternal grandparents of our subject. Fred C. Andreas, Sr., grew up in Germany and there learned the black- smith's trade. In 1857 the family emigrated to Jasper county, Iowa, the grandfather buying a farm in Elk Creek township, where he lived until his death. He gave his son, Fred C, the father of the immediate subject of this sketch, eighty acres of land here, in view of the fact that he, being the eldest son, had helped his father since a small boy. Fred C, senior, kept adding to his farm until he had five hundred and forty acres of valuable land JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 69 1 at the time of his death, on March i8, 191 1, and he was one of the leading farmers of the township and one of its most highly respected citizens. He took an active interest in the affairs of the Democratic party, and served his township very ably as trustee and he was treasurer of the independent school district. He was reared in the German Lutheran church, from which faith he never departed. His widow is still living on the home place. The parents of the subject were married on January 11, 1868. This union re- sulted in the birth of three sons and seven daughters, namely : Mrs. Emma Rohrdanz, Mrs. W. J. Kling, :\Irs. Ella Sherman, ]Mrs. Martha Schnell, Fred C, William J., Mrs. Cora Talbot, Frank, Mrs. Mar}- Watts and Stella. Fred C. Andreas, Jr., grew up in his native community and he attended the district schools in Elk Creek township. When only about twelve years of age he began driving a team on the home farm and assisting with the general work on the same. \\'hen twenty-two years old his father gave him one hundred and twenty acres just west of the home place and here the subject resided until March i, 19 12, when he moved to his commodious home in Sully and took active management of the Bank of Sully, of which he has been president since March i, 191 1. He had the farm under ex- cellent improvements and in 1905 built a commodious and pleasant dwelling. In connection with general farming he fed large numbers of hogs and bred and raised Xorman horses of such a fine quality that they always found a very ready market. Mr. Andreas is a Democrat politically and he has served as township clerk for four years and as assessor for two years, giving eminent satis- faction in each. He belongs to the German Lutheran church. Mr. Andreas was married on January 10, 1900, to Amelia Marie Schnell, who was born in Buena Vista township, this county, on April 5, 1877. She is the daughter of August Schnell and wife, a highly respected family. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Andreas, Percy Lee, who died when six months old. Mr. Andreas is a man of excellent business qualifications and he has succeeded in whatever he has turned his attention to, being a man of sound judgment and wise foresight, and he is one of the well known financiers of Jiis township, being president of the Bank of Sully, to which position he succeeded in 191 1. upon the death of his father (who had been president of the bank for four vears preceding his death), and the duties of which he has discharged with a fidelity and ability which reflects much credit upon himself and to the satisfaction of the stockholders and patrons of the bank. Personally, he is a very pleasing gentleman to know, cultured, well informed, genial and honorable in all the relations of life. 692 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. HARRY D. TERPSTRA. To a great extent the prosperity of the agricultural sections of our great country is due to the honest industr)', the sturdy perseverance and the wise economy which so prominently characterizes the foreign element, both those who have come direct from the European nations and their American- born children. All will agree, after so much as a mere cursory glance over our forty-eight states, that they have entered very largely into our popu- lation. By comparison with their "old country" surroundings these people have readily recognized the fact that in the United States lie the greatest op- portunities for the man of ambition and energy. And because of this many have broken the ties of home and native land and have entered earnestly upon the task of gaining in the new world a home and a competence. Among this class may be mentioned the Terpstra family, of whom Harry D., a farmer of Elk Creek township, is a worthy representative; but he, being of the first generation in America, had the good fortune of being born here, thus avoiding many of the trials of his father, who had to master our language, get acquainted with our strange customs and be assimilated, as it were, into our civilization. Harry D. Terpstra was born in Elk Creek township, Jasper county, September 11, 1873, near Kellogg, and there he spent his boyhood and at- tended the McKinney district school. He is the son of Dow W. and Rosa (Napjus) Terpstra. both born in Friesland, Holland, the father on June II, 1842, and the mother on September 23, 1848. The latter came to America with her parents, John and Rosa (Plantenga) Napjus. and they established their home near Red Rock, Marion county, Iowa, in 1856 and there became well known. Dow W. Terpstra \vas the son of Watson and Sietska (Zuidma) Terpstra, both born in Holland. The paternal grand- parents of the subject of this sketch emigrated to the United States in 1850, and located in Lancaster, New York, and there they remained five years engaged in farm work, then the family emigrated west, settling in Marion county, Iowa, when that country was receiving its horde of settlers from the Empire and other Eastern states. Watson Terpstra became the owner of eighty acres of land in Marion county which he developed into a good farm. His eldest son, Dow W., began to work on the place when but a mere lad and there he grew up and married, later, in i86g, uKn-ing to Jasper county, this. state, and here bought eighty acres near the hamlet of Killduff. Later he traded this for one hundred and twentv acres in Elk JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 693 Creek township. Here he prospered and finally became the owner of four hundred and fifty acres. He farmed on a large scale and was an extensive cattle feeder and stock dealer. Accumulating a competency, he and his faithful life companion moved to the town of Sully in 1905 and retired from active life, living there until his death, on July ..11,. 1906, after a successful and well spent life, during which he gained the respect of all with whom he came in contact by reason of his model characteristics. Mrs. Terpstra now lives on part of the home place. The father of the subject of this sketch was prominent in the public affairs of his community. He was a Democrat and in religious matters supported the Reform Dutch church. Dow W. Terpstra and Rosa Xapjus were married on February 14, 1867, and to this union eight children were born, named as follows : Watson \'alentine, John X., Mrs. Sietsk George, of Xorth Dakota; Harry D., of this sketch; Albert L., Mrs. Rosa Dick, Mrs. Yetta Romans and Martin. Dow W. Terpstra was a true pioneer, locating here in the days of the wild prairie which he saw transformed into a rich agricultural region, taking a conspicuous part in the same. Harry D. Terpstra, of this sketch, early in life knew the meaning of hard work, starting to drive a team when only fourteen years of age. When twenty-one he began life for himself, and he remained under his parental roof-tree, working for his father until 1898, then moved to Sully and con- ducted a livery barn there for two years. On November 22, 1900, he was married, and at that time he moved to Colfax where he opened a restaurant which he ran for six months, then moved on one of the farms owned by his father-in-law in Palo Alto town- ship, w^hich he rented for two years. In 1903 he moved on one of his father's farms in Elk Creek township, where he rented for five years. In 1908 he moved on part of the old farm which he had previously bought. This excellent farm, which consists of one hundred and sixty acres, has been kept under a high state of cultivation and improvement by him and here he has met with encouraging success as a general farmer and stock raiser. He feeds four or five car loads of cattle annually, no small part of his income being derived from this source. Politically. Mr. Terpstra is a Republican, and while he takes an abiding interest in the affairs of his communty, he is not a seeker after public favors, preferring to devote his attention to his farm and stock. On November 22, 1900. Mr. Terpstra was united in marriage with Augusta L. Brodersen, who was born on February 26, 1874, m Palo Alto township, Jasper county, Iowa, and here she grew to womanhood and was i 094 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. educated in the common schools. She is the daughter of Peter and Caroline (Wulf) Brodersen, the father born on February 20, 1842, in Schleswig- Holstein, Germany, which province was formerly a part of Denmark. The mother was born on March 11, 1848, at Ratzwig, Germany. Mr. Brodersen spent his boyhood in his native land and in 1865 he emigrated to Da\enport, Iowa, and three years later he came to Jasper county, locating in Palo Alto township. Mrs. Brodersen came to Newton, Iowa, in 1868 and she and Mr. Broderson were married on December 17, 1869. They are now living in sec- tion 34, Palo Alto township, where they have a pleasant home. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Harr)- D. Terpstra : Leslie Dow, born December 27, 1901 ; Leah Irene, born November 11, 1903. Mr. Terpstra is one of the best informed men and one of the most pro- gressive citizens of his locality, keeping well abreast of the times and keep- ing his home well supplied with good current literature. He believes in adopting the most modern methods of agriculture, farms on the "intensive" plan and therefore gets the largest returns for the least outlay of labor. He is an excellent example of the thrifty second generation of Hollanders in the United States, and he has the confidence and esteem of all who know him, being a man who believes in following as far as possible, in his daily life, the Golden Rule. BERT A. ROMANS. One of the most active, enterprising and thoroughgoing young farmers of Elk Creek township, Jasper county, is the gentleman whose name intro- duces this sketch. Bert A. Romans comes of a family that settled on the wild Iowa plains when the Indians still roamed at will and the howl or the wolf and scream of the wild fowl were still heard. Members of both sides of the house were adventurous and enterprising and cared little for hardships, at least they did not permit obstacles to thwart them in their efforts at establishing new homes in new countries. Thus persevering, they succeeded where the less courageous failed and became well established and useful citizens. Many of their praiseworthy traits seem to have been inherited by the subject, for he has met with success in material things and has at the same time won a reputation for fair dealing and straightforward, honest relations with all the world. Mr. Romans was born in Elk Creek township, this county, on January 16, 1878. He is the son of Asbury D. and Mary A. (Wood) Romans, the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 695 father born in Illinois on Deceml^er 30, 1839, and the mother in Kosciusko county, Indiana, on February 2, 1841. The maternal grandparents of the subject were Eli and Elizabeth (Carr) Wood, both natives of Ohio, where they grew up and were married, and from that state they moved to Indiana, soon after their marriage, locating in Kosciusko county, where Mr. Wood became owner of a farm. It was in 1856 that the mother of the subject and her parents drove overland from Indiana to Jasper county, Iowa, with horses and wagons, arriving here in June of that year, their trip having been much pleasanter than those of other eastern pioneers to this country. There were several families in the party and a number of young people. The weather was most propitious and they all enjoyed the camping out. Grandfather Wood bought one hundred and sixty acres in Fairview township, this county, and there he lived until his death, having developed a good farm. He and his wife were devoted members of the :Methodist Episcopal church. They were the parents of twelve children, five sons and seven daughters, the mother of the subject of this sketch having been the tenth in order of birth. She attended school in Indiana and grew to girlhood there. Her mother being in poor health, ^Mar}- A. took charge of the household work when but a child, her older sisters having left home upon their marriage. Mr. and Airs. Asbur}- D. Romans were married on February 5, 1865, and they moved on the farm where the mother of the subject now lives in Elk Creek township, in 1869. Eight children were born to them. Bert A., of this sketch, being the sixth in order of birth, the others being named as follows : Mrs. Mehala Carney ; Wallace lives in Mitchellville, Iowa ; Frank, who was next in order ; ]^Irs. Jessie Butin, living in South Dakota ; Mrs. Laura Efnor lives in Newton, Iowa; Mrs. Edna Whiteman lives in South Dakota; Ora is deceased. Bert A. Romans grew up on the home farm and when but a small lad assisted with the work during the crop seasons, attending school in the Pleasant View district. When twenty-one years old he began renting farms in Elk Creek township, thereby getting a start. In 1907 he rented land of Morris Gating in this township, and this he still operates, in connection with eighty acres which he owns near by, just north of Galesburg. He is an extensive hog feeder. Politically, he is a Republican and he belongs to the blue lodge of Masons. Mr. Romans was married on September 21. 1906. to Yetta Terpstra, who was bora and reared in this county. She is the daughter of Dow W. and Rosa (Napjus) Terpstra, both natives of Friesland, Holland, the father born on June 11, 1842, and the latter on September 23, 1848, and when 696 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. eight years of age the latter emigrated to the United States with her parents, John and Rosa (Plantenga) Napjus, who located in Marion county, Iowa, where the mother of Mrs. Romans grew up and went to school, and in 1869 she and Mr. Terpstra were married. Dow W. Terpstra was the son of Watson and Sietska (Zuidma) Terpstra, natives of Holland, from which country they emigrated to the state of New York in 1850, where they lived five years, then came to Marion county, Iowa, obtained raw land and on this Dow W. grew up and worked hard. After his marriage he came to Jasper county and bought eighty acres, which he later traded for one hundred and twenty acres in Elk Creek township and here became a substantial, well known citizen, owning four hundred and fifty acres, and for years he was one of the largest cattle feeders on the county. Retiring from active life in 1905, he moved to Sully, this county, and there his death occurred on July II, 1906. His widow is now living on a part of the old homestead. Mrs. Romans is one of a family of eight children, the others being, Wat- son Valentine; Mrs. Sietska George, of North Dakota; Harry D., of Elk Creek township; Albert L., Mrs. Rose Dick and Martin. GEORGE HENDRICKS. It makes a wonderful difference in a man's life whether he earns his property by severe toil or by easy methods, or has it bequeathed to him by some industrious kinsman, for our personal habits are determined in no small measure by the manner in which we become the possessor of material things. People of all occupations should be thrifty enough to take care of what they have, no matter how they obtained it, for they have others to consider — children who have the right to demand of their parents that they save the property left to them by ancestors. Such is a family inheritance, which no member has the right to dissipate. One of the thrifty families of Jasper county who have been careful both as to how they secured their property and its retention is the Hendrickses, of whom George, of Elk Creek township, is a worthy representative. Mr. Hendricks is a native of the community in which he still resides, having been born here on November 25, 1874. Here he grew to manhood and obtained his education in the Brown district schools, and he spent his summers engaged in farm work for his father, making a regular hand in the fields when only twelve years of age, and the early discipline he received has JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 697 been of great benefit to him in his subsequent career. He remained at home until his marriage, on October 2^, 1901, then the father deeded to the subject eighty-seven acres of the homestead and there young Hendricks established himself, improving the place generally and remodeled the house. He has prospered through close application to his work and has since added eighty acres in section 23, Elk Creek township. In connection with general farming he pays special attention to raising live stock and breeds Hereford cattle. He has a good farm which he takes a deep interest in and which yields abundant han'ests under his management. Politically, Mr. Hendricks is a Democrat in principle. He has been justice of the peace and treasurer of Independence school district. Re- ligiously he belongs to the Lutheran church. Mr. Hendricks w^as married to Hattie Castorf on the date mentioned above. She was born in Lynn Grove township, Jasper county, Iowa, May 8, 1 88 1, and here she grew to womanhood and was educated in the common schools. This union, has resulted in the birth of the following children : Clifford, who died September 17, 1904, was born on November 9. 1903; Willie Frederick, born January 14, 1906; Freeman Charles, lx)rn February 2, 1908; Bernice, born November 22, 191 1. For a complete record of the subject's parents, Fred and Margaret (Kling) Hendricks, the reader is directed to their sketch appearing elsewhere in this volume. FRED HENDRICKS. From forty to sixty years ago it must have been the rule and not the exception to see farms in Jasper county in all directions in various stages of improvement, some in which the log cabin stood on the bare prairie or in the little clearing of half an acre, some with a tract of from five to twenty acres, newly broken and with a hewed or rough bark house, perhaps a double one; some with still more acres upturned to the genial skies and basking in the life-giving sunshine. On nearly all farms were to be seen for years after the first work had ^been done spots which the farmer thought it necessary to avoid on account of thick, heavy stumps, and low wet places, needing drain- ao-e ditches. Today a great difference is noted. On all these old fields something is growing, the soil having long ago been reclaimed from the wild. Fred Hendricks, one of our prosperous and most progressive farmers, passed through just such hardships and trying experiences, lived through the 698 JASPER COUNTY^ IOWA. early and later periods of development of Jasper county and he has played well his part in the work of transformation, as has many another whose name honors these pages, for no one will deny that to these hardy, self- sacrificing pioneers all honor is due. Fred Hendricks was born in Prussia, Germany, October i, 1843. -^^ is the son of John and Sophia (Gamer) Hendricks, both natives of Germany, the father born in 1805 and the mother in 1800. The parents of the subject grew up and were married in the fatherland, and there engaged in farming. In 1857 these parents emigrated to the United States, locating in Jasper county, Iowa, where John Hendricks purchased forty acres of land and here they established the family home, and here the mother died in 1864 while her son Fred, of this sketch, was away in the Federal army. Fred was the only child by the first marriage of John and Sophia Hendricks. The mother had been formerly married to a Mr. Price and they became the parents of three children, namely: Mrs. Mary (Price) Brandt, ]\Irs. Sophia (Price) Brandt, and Carl, who is deceased. Fred Hendricks attended school in Germany and for a short time the Jasper count}^ (Iowa) schools and he grew up on the farm, assisting his father with the general work about the place. He proved his loyalty to our flag and the national union by enlisting in our armies in 1862, and he served faithfully as a private in Company E, Fortieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, for a period of three years, receiving an honorable discharge. He returned home from the army and worked on his father's place, one hundred and twenty acres of which was later deeded to him by his father, and on this the subject went to work with a will and subsequently added to his original holdings until he is now the owner of one of the choice farms of the town- ship, consisting of three hundred and fifty acres, which he has kept well cul- tivated and placed under a high state of improvements. This splendid place is known as "Elk Valley Stock Farm." Some time ago he deeded forty acres to his son George. He has made a success as a general farmer and is now well established. Fred Hendricks was married on January i, 1874, to Margaret Kling, who was born in Germany on September 12, 1847, ^"^ there she spent her girlhood, emigrating to America with her parents in 1871. To the subject and wife two children have been born, namely : George, born in Elk Creek township, Jasper county, Iowa, November 25, 1874, is married and engaged in farming in this township; John, the younger son, is living at home. Po- litically, Mr. Hendricks is a Democrat and he belongs to the Lutheran church. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 699 WILLIAM SCHULTZK. There is a great difference in this world of ours as to how we get our property, whether by small degrees and hard toil or by suddenly making it in one or a few lucky ventures or even by inheriting it from successful and thrifty ancestors. It makes a wonderful difference in a man's life also, whether he earns his home by severe toil or by easy methods or secures it from his parents. One important fact will not be disputed, that if a man earns it by hard knocks he is much more likely to retain it than if it had been handed down to him by some hard-working, economical progenitor. "Come easy, go easy" is literally true, and it is not to the credit of anyone that it is so. One of the up-to-date farmers of Elk Creek township who has made his property solely by hard licks, who was taught to depend upon himself early in life and has therefore been independent and self-reliant all his life, is William Schultze, who was born in Hanover, Germany, August 17, 1858. He is the son of Henry and Tobina (Lutman) Schultze, both natives of Germany, the father born in 1829 and the mother in 1828. There they grew up and were mar- ried, in fact, spent their lives in the fatherland, never having come to America. The father was a ship carpenter by trade and was regarded as a very skilled workman. His death occurred in 1904. William Schultze, of this review, was the oldest of a family of five sons. After attending school in the community where he spent his boyhood, he learned the blacksmith's trade, at which he worked, hiring to various persons, until 1888, when, believing that greater opportunities existed for him in the United States, he set sail for our shores and has since been content to make his home among us, much to our mutual advantage. He at once took up his resi- dence at Orange City, Polk county, Iowa, establishing a shop there, which he conducted for one year. Then he went to ^Missouri, where he spent nine months, later worked in Chicago five months, then ran a shop of his own in Polk, Iowa, coming to Sully, this state, a year later, where he maintained a blacksmith shop until the spring of 1908, then turned his attention to farming, having saved considerable money from his earnings at the forge. He was regarded wherever he worked as a very skilled blacksmith and always had plenty of work. The place he purchased consisted of one hundred and sixty acres in Elk Creek township, Jasper county, and he moved thereto at once and soon had a good home and the place under good improvements and in a high state of cultivation and here he still lives, being now very comfortably established as the result of his long years of hard and constant toil. 7(X) JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ]\lr. Schultze has never been much of a pubhc man and he adheres to no poHtical party, preferring to vote for the best man seeking the office within the gift of the people, irrespective of party. He is a member of the Christian Reform church. yii: Schultze was married on April 29, 1890, to Anna Van \'orkum, who was born in Holland, from which country she emigrated to America when young and they were married in Pella, Iowa. To the subject and wife have been born seven children, named as follows : Artie, Henry, Gilbert, William. Lena, Adolf and Jennetta. HENRY F. PAHRE. The agricultural interests of Elk Creek township, Jasper county, is well represented by Henry F. Pahre, one of our most typical twentieth-century farmers, enterprising and progressive. His thorough system of tillage, the well- cared-for condition of his fields, the excellent order of his dealings and fences, demonstrate his successful management and substantial thrift. In the commun- ity where he has spent his life he has maintained a very high place in the con- fidence and esteem of his many neighbors and friends, being regarded as a representative citizen in every relation of life, discharging every duty de- volving upon him with commendable fidelity and proving himself worthy the large respect with which he is treated by all who know him. He has alwayj been interested in whatever tends to promote the prosperity of his township and county and to him as much as to any one man is the community indebted for the material development for which it has long been noted. He has also used his influence in behalf of all moral and benevolent enterprises, being a friend and liberal patron of the church and the school, believing these to be the most potential factors for substantial good that the world has ever known or can know. Mr. Pahre was born in Elk Creek township, this county, on July 19, 1859. He is the son of Ernest and Fredrika (Sanders) Pahre, both natives of Hanover, Germany, the father's birth occurring on November i, 1822, and the mother's on February 11, 1823. They grew up in their native land and there the father received excellent educational advantages, his parents desiring that he follow the ministry, but it seems that he did not take any too kindly to this idea> and left college and joined a colony of his fellow countrymen who emigrated to Quincy, Illinois, about 185 1. Among this number was Fredrika Sanders and she and Ernest Pahre were married in 1851, the first year of JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 7OI their stay in Illinois, and in 1854 they came to Jasper county, Iowa, locating in Elk Creek township. Here Henry Frederick Pahre, brother of the sub- ject's father, had located about 1850, having taken up government land, after he had served in the Mexican war. Then he went back to Germany and returned to this country with his father, the latter Iniying one hundred and forty-three acres upon his arrival in Jasper county, and here the parents of the subject established a comfortable home, became influential in the commun- ity and spent the rest of their lives. The father died on September 13, 1897, and the mother passed away on March 11, 1906. Henry Pahre, brother of the subject, who was one of the pioneers of Jasper county, became well fixed in a material way here, later adding eighty acres to his original holdings. He broke the wild prairie and endured the privations and hardships incident to pioneer life. When he first came here there were deer in plenty and much wild game of various kinds. Politically, he was a Democrat and he served his district as secretary of the school board. Religiously, he was a member of the Lutheran church. The following children were born to Mr. and i\Irs. Ernest Pahre: Louisa, Sophia and Louis all died in early childhood of diphtheria, all within two weeks; Henry F., of this sketch, is the oldest living child; ]\Irs. Martha Rohr- danz, Mrs. Emma O'Brien and Christina. Henry F. Pahre, of this sketch, grew up on the home farm and there learned valuable lessons relating to the various phases of agricultural work and stock raising. He attended the Andreas district school, and when only nine years of age he began driving a team and assisting in the farm work in a general way. He remained at home until he was twenty-five years of age, then bought sixty acres. He then worked his father's place on the shares until the death of the father, when the subject bought out the other heirs and is now the owner of one of the choice farms of the township, consisting of two hundred and eight-three acres ; he has kept the old place so well tilled, rotating his crops and keeping the fields well fertilized so that the soil has been strength- ened rather than thinned, and abundant harvests reward his annual toil. In 1905 he built a commodious, attractive and substantial dwelling and he has good outbuildings. In connection with general farming he raises and feeds live stock in large numbers, especially hogs. As a good and intelligent citizen, Mr. Pahre takes much interest in political affairs, voting with the Democratic party, the principles of which he believes to be more conducive to the country's good than those of any other political organization. He has ably and acceptably served his locality as township assessor for a period of eight years and he was also township ■J02 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. trustee for three terms. He is a member and liberal supporter of the German Lutheran church. On January 15, 1885, was solemnized the marriage of Henry F. Pahre and Catherine O'Brien, who was born in Fulton county. Illinois, on September 2, 1864. She is the daughter of Pat and Ann (Cunningham) O'Brien. The father was born in Ireland and from that country he emigrated to Illinois when a young man. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Pahre, namely: Elmer, born July 13. 1888; Lawrence, born July 9, 1890; Edna, born September 21, 1892 ; Roscoe, born September 24, 1895. NICHOLAS LANDMESSER. Fame may look to the clash of resounding arms for its heroes; history's pages may be filled with the record of the deeds of the so-called great who have deluged the world with blood, destroyed kingdoms, created dynasties and left their names as plague spots upon civilization's escutcheon; the poet may embalm in deathless song the short and simple annals of the poor; but there have been few to sound the praise of the brave and sturdy pioneer who among the truly great and noble is certainly deserving of at least a little space in the category of the immortals. To him more than to any other is civiliza- tion indebted for the brightest jewel in its diadem, for it was he who blazed the way and acted as a vanguard for the mighty army of progress that within the last seventy-five years has conquered the wilderness, upturned the wild sods of the plains, and transformed them into one of the fairest and most enlight- ened of the American commonwealth's fair domains. They seem to have had the sagacity to foresee the present opulent state of Iowa, having had, in some occult manner, been able to discern the future of this singularly favored sec- tion of the great Middle West. One of these honored early settlers is Nicholas Landmesser, a venerable agriculturist of Elk Creek township, Jasper county. He was born in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, December 27, 1835, and he is the son of Nicholas, Sr., and Catherine (Kriedler) Landmesser, the father born near Saarburg, on the Rhine, in Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, formerly a part of France, on Decem- ber 5, 181 1. The mother was born in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, August 20, 181 1. The father was of a Huguenot family and they were persecuted by the Catholics in their native land. The father was a teamster and worked all over western Germany. In the year 1833 he emigrated to America, the tedious voyage requiring seven weeks on an old-time sailing vessel. He was accom- JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, 703 panied by a married sister and brother-in-law and an unmarried sister — Nicholas and Louise Bisch and Alary Landmesser. The father of the im- mediate subject of this sketch located in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, when that country was practically new. He found employment first in digging canals, later worked in coal mines. He remained in the old Keystone state many years, but not getting the start he had anticipated he emigrated with his family to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1854. They came to Chicago by train and made the rest of the journey in a wagon, buying a team in the city by the lake. Here the elder Landmesser purchased two hundred and twenty acres in Elk Creek township, to which he later added seventy acres. He prospered in the new country through hard, persistent labor and good management and become one of the substantial and well known men of his community. He was school director and active in Democratic politics. He was reared in the faith of the German Lutheran church and he remained a supporter of the same to the end, his death occurring on March 4, 1879, his widow surviving only a few months, she having joined him in the Silent Land on November ist of the same year. There were eight children in the Landmesser family, named as follows : George, Daniel, Louis, Henry, Peter and Nicholas, of this sketch; Louise is deceased and two children died in infancy, the subject having been the oldest of the family. Nicholas Landmesser, Jr., had to work hard when a boy, assisting his father care for the younger members of the family and clear and develop the home place, in fact, he did a man's work from the age of fifteen years, and he then began working in tunnels and mines. He had little chance to obtain an education, but in later life he made up for this as best he could by home reading and contact with his fellows. Thus he grew to manhood in Pennsylvania, being nineteen years old when he accompanied his parents to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1854, and he continued to live with them until he was twenty-six years old, then began renting land of his father. He spent the entire year of 1865 breaking wild prairie land, and that fall he ran a horse-power threshing machine. In 1865 he purchased two hundred and twenty acres and his father bequeathed forty acres to him, so that he is now the owner of a fine farm con- sisting of three huijdred and thirty acres in Elk Creek and Buena Vista town- ships, which he has kept well improved and under a high state of cultivation and has met with encouraging success as a general farmer and stock raiser all along the line. For some time he kept between thirty and forty cows, running a dairy for butter, of which he made a success, later sold the cream and shipped it to Chicago. He is one of the most widely known threshers in this section, having owned and operated a threshing machine for the past forty -04 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. years. He keeps full-blooded Polled-Angus cattle, and, being a good judge of live stock, he has met with more than ordinary success in this field of en- deavor. Mr. Landmesser is a stanch Democrat and has long been active in the affairs of his community, his support always going to such measures as make for the general development of the same. He has been township supervisor for one term. Mr. Landmesser was married on January 13, 1858, to Louise Keller, who was born in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, on August 18, 1836, and there she spent her girlhood days. She proved to be a woman of praiseworthy char- acteristics and a fit helpmeet for an enterprising man of affairs. She was called to her rest on January 16, 1910. She was the daughter of Conrad Keller and wife, this family having emigrated to Jasper county, Iowa, in 1856, thus being among the pioneers, like the Landmessers. To Mr. and Mrs. Landmesser were born eight children, named as follows : Fred, deceased; Charles Henry lives in Canada; Richard lives on his father's place and assists in operating the same; Isadore lives in Galesburg. this state; Mrs. Henrietta Hieman ; Luther, Efifie and Wright live at home. Mr. Landmesser is a well preserved man for his years, hale and active. Personally, he is a man of positive ideas and has the courage of his convic- tions. By a judicious daily life he has won the confidence and good will of all who know him. GEORGE HEWS. Standing for upright manhood and progressive citizenship, George Hews, of Xewton, one of our honored defenders of the national union during the great Rebellion, occupies a conspicuous place, being widely known in the lo- cality of which this history deals, and his influence in e\ery relation of life has made for the material advancement of the community which he has so long honored by his citizenship and the moral welfare of those with whom he has been brought into contact. He is descended from a sterling pioneer family of the Prairie state, and he himself was born in Illinois when that great com- monwealth was yet in its infancy compared with its present day glory indus- trially, his birth having occurred in Fulton county on December 8, 1842. He is the son of James and Sally Maria (Efnor) Hews, both natives of the state of New York, in which the father of the former engaged in agricultural pur- suits when that countrv was little more than a wilderness. His familv con- o m O 73 O m X m > z D -n > JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 705 sisted of these children: James, father of George Hews, of this sketch; Will- iam, Henry, John, Benjamin, Abraham, Anson, Harriet. Katherine and Caro- line, all of whom moved with the family to Illinois and died in that state, ex- cept the subject and Herrick. who was accidentally drowned in the state of New York, also Henry and John, who went south, being at New Orleans at the time of the great yellow fever epidemic and they have never since been heard of, so it is believed that they died there of that dread scourge. The parents of these children were married on September 30, 1832, and for a time farmed in New York state, driving through to Illinois in the fall of 1838, the journey requiring seven weeks; they located in Fulton county where they bought land which they farmed until 1833 ^vhen they again loaded up their household effects and sought a new country, moving to Jasper county. Iowa, being among the early settlers here, bringing two wagons, one driven by a team of horses and the other by six yoke of oxen. There were four chil- dren in the family ; the sons. George and John, walked behind the wagons most of the way from Illinois, driving their cows. The elder Hews bought eighty acres of prairie and forty acres of timber in Elk Creek township. For this and a team, harness and a wagon he paid the sum of five hundred dollars. The family also entered over two hundred acres of land in different tracts in that and Fairview township, the land they thus entered having been fractional tracts lying along the dividing lines of townships and by the correction lines were made fractional. Newton was a very small place at that time, in fact, was little more than a cluster of a few log houses in a brush patch. There were no houses between the Hews home and Pella, except along the divide. Their friends warned against their settling so far west of them, saying, among other things, that the wolves would lie in their chimney corner. But the land was rich and, through hard work, a good farm was de\eloped and a comfort- able home established. George Hews grew up on the home farm and when but a boy he knew the meaning of hard work, and he attended school in a log school house dur- ing the brief winter months, in Fulton county, Illinois. There was no school in his neighborhood in Jasper county for some time after the Hews family came here ; finally the scattering neighbors banded together and erected a log house in which thev proposed to educate their children, .\lthough this was located about three and one-half miles from the Hews home, the subject at- tended school there, walking to and fro through all kinds of weather. George Hews was the fifth child in order of birth, but two died in in- fancv in New York; the others are: John, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work : Theadata Rosina married M. V. Saunders, a farmer, but they are (45) 7o6 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ni>\\ ifiired and li\e in Xewtoii ; Sarah Ann married Alex. Snodgrass. who is now deceased, and she makes her home in Xewton. lames Hews, father of the above named chi'dren, spent the rest of his h'fe in tlrs county, living on his farm in Elk Creek township until his death, on February ih, 1875, at the age of sixty-tive, his birth having occurred in 1810. His wife, who was born in 1806, reached an advanced age, her death occurring on Fel)ruary 2, 1895, being eighty-nine years old. George Hews without reluctance offered his services to the Union during the great conflict l3€tween the states, having enlisted on August 21, 1861, in Company I, Tenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Garrett, Willliam H. Silsby, first lieutenant, and Steven Pogue, second lieutenant, the latter later becoming captain and being killed in the service. Mr. Hews made a most faithful so'dier. according to his comrades, and he saw some hard service; hs was present at the boml)ardment of Island No. 10. and while at that place he was wounded in the wrist l)y the accidental discharge of a gun just as he was going off picket dut}- ; the bone was shattered and the wrist has been stiff ever since. Having been honorably discharged for disability, he returned home and after he had sutficientl}' recovered he again took up farming. On November 21. 1865. he was united in marriage with Purthenia L. Ramsdale, who was born near Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county, New York, the daugh- ter of Zachariah and Elizabeth (Crawford) Ramsdale, the father a native of Pennsylvania and the mother of Ireland. Her death occurred at the birth of the suljject's wife November 21, 1845, leaving five children, the other four being John, who died in the state of New York; Mary, who married Edwin Face ; Van Buren and Ziba, the latter three all still living in New York. By a second marriage of the father of these children, one son, Frank, was born, w ho is now engaged in farming. Soon after the marriage of George Hews he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land in Palo Alto township, this county, and this he still owns, having brought it up to a high state of cultivation and improvement. He worked the ])lace continuously from 1875 till in November, 1902, when, hav- ing accumulated a competency, he retired from active farming and moved to his pleasant home in Newton, having bought a good residence property here. Fie is a member of Garret Post. Grand Ann\- of the Republic, while his wife belongs to the Woman's Relief Corps, and they are both memljers of the Christian church. They are the parents of four children, Nellie and Nettie, twins, the former living at home, the latter having died when six years of age : Albert is living in Day county. South Dakota, is married and has two children. Herald and Iva; William H. died when nine years of age. JASPER COUNTY. IOWA. WATSOX \'.\L1l\T1\E TERPSTRA. 707 One of the worthy citizens of Elk Creek township, Jasper county, who has long followed agricultural pursuits is Watson \'alentine Terpstra, who, by close application when a boy. established those habits of industry and fru- gality which insured his success in later years. Only a cursory glance at his well-tilled fields, well-cared-for buildings and fences and the comfortable build- ings on his place is necessary to demonstrate his successful management and the characteristic thrift of his family, for since the pioneer days of this section of the Kawkc; e state the Terpstras have been admired for their enterprise and honesty In every relation of life they have been regarded as representative citizens, discharging every duty dexolving upon them with commendable fidelity and proving themselves worthy in e\ery way of the large measure of res])ect with which they have been treated by all who know them. Their lives have been as an open book, the pages of which are singularly free from blot or blemish, and citizens in whom all classes have been pleased to repose the most implicit confidence and trust, so that we are glad to give the readers of this work a review of their careers, although somewhat brief and imperfect. Watson V. Terpstra was born in ]\larion county Iowa, on Eebruary 14. 1868. He is the son of Dow \V. and Rosa ( Xapjus) Terpstra, both natives of Friesland, Holland, the father born on June 11, 1842, and the mother (jn September 23. 1848, and from there they emigrated to .America, the mother when she was eight years of age. with her parents, John and Rosa (Plantengaj X'apjus: they settled ne;ar Red Rock. ^Marion county. Iowa, in 1856, where they lived one year and then mo\ed to Pella. There the mother of the subject grew to womanhood and attended school, marrying Mr. Terpstra on February 14, 1867. Dow W. Terpstra was the son of Watson and Sietska (Zuidma) Terpstra. natives of Holland, who emigrated to .\merica in 1850 and located in the state of New York, engaging in farm work there for a peri- fi\ e vears. then moved to Iowa, locating in Marion county, and there bought eightv acres of land and there the father of the subject grew to manhood and helped develop the farm from the raw prairie. After his marriage he moved to Jasper county in 1869 and bought about eight acres of land near Kill- duff, which he later traded for one hundred and twenty acres in Elk Creek township. Here he worked hard and forged ahead and became one of the sub- stantial and influential men in his community, finally becoming the owner of four hundred and fifty acres on which he carried on general farming and stock raising on an extensive scale, being known as one of the largest cattle feeders in the county. Laying by a competency, he retired from active life in 1905 708 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. and he and his good wife retired to their pleasant home in Sully, Iowa, and there they continued to enjoy the fruits of their earlier years of industry until Mr. Terpstra's death, on July ii, 1906, Mrs. Terpstra subsequently returning to the farm and she is at present li\ing on a portion of the old homestead. Politically, Dow \V. Terpstra was a Democrat and he took a great deal of interest in the affairs of his community, holding se\eral local offices with credit to himself and satisfaction to all concerned. He was a man of fine personal characteristics, a typical pioneer, having found in Iowa a wild, new country, and here he bore the hardships and worked hard to develop himself- and eventually wrenched success from a resisting nature and, passing from the arena on to his reward, left behind a clear record. To Mr. and Mrs. Dow \V. Terpstra eight children were born, named as follows: Watson Valentine, the immediate subject of this sketch; Mrs. Sietsk George, of North Dakota ; Harry D. is farming in Elk Creek township, this county; Albert L., Mrs. Rose Dick, Mrs. Yetta Romans, Martin and John. When Watson V. Terpstra was about a year old his parents moved to Jasper county and here he grew to manhood and received his education in the McKinney district school. W^hen he was sixteen years of age he went to Pella, Iowa, and, having had a desire to enter the mercantile field, found em- ployment there and learned the business, clerking in a general merchandise store for two years. But not taking to this line as kindly as he had anticipatea, he returned to his father's farm and there assisted with the general work on the same until he was twenty-one years old. Then for two years he clerked in the store of August Wendt at Newton, Iowa. Shortly after this he took charge of the clothing department in the large department store at Boyden, Iowa, remaining there two years, giving his usual high grade service and general satisfaction. Then, in 1899, after having spent several years in the mercantile business, he traded his property in Newton for a restaurant in Prairie City, in southwest Jasper county, and he lived there one year, then traded his res- taurant for a farm in Decatur county, Iowa. In 1900 he began renting a farm of his father, a part of the old Jonathan Black place and also a part of the old Nels Alloway place, Mr. Alio way haxing been the picturesque charac- ter well known in this part of the state as the mail carrier between Marshall- town and Newton before the days of railroads. The subject still lives on this place, now owning eighty acres there on which he is making a very comfortable living, and he also rents other land. Pie built a new. commodious and con- venient dwelling in 1904 and he has improved the place generally. He keeps good live stock, making a specialty of Poland China hogs. Politically, Mr. Terpstra is a Republican and an active worker for his party in a Democratic township, and his influence always helps to lower the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 709 majorities of the opposing party, Fraternally, he belongs to the Woodmen of the World and he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Terpstra was united in marriage in 1892 with Anna Luella Holmes, who was born in Cass county, Xebraska, on March 5, 1870. She is the daughter of Frank T. and Hannah (Dove) Holmes, the father Ixjrn in Cape May county, New Jersey, on July 7, 1837, and he was the son of Theophelus and Mary Holmes, both natives of New Jersey, in which state this familv has long been more or less prominent. Theophelus Holmes was a wheel- wright by trade and during the latter part of his life he was quartermaster and ship carpenter in the navy and was regarded as a very skilled mechanic by the department. Frank T. Holmes, father of Mrs. Terpstra, grew up in his native state and was educated there, and in 1855 he came west to Sangamon county, Illinois, where he remained until 1858. when he went overland to Colorado and worked in the Pike's Peak gold mines The Civil war coming on while he was in the West, he enlisted, in 1861, in Company F, First Colorado Cav- alry, and he served very faithfully until October, 1864. In 1866 he came to Marion county, Iowa, and farmed on different rented lands until 1876, when he moved to Galesburg, Elk Creek township. Jasper county, and there worked at the carpenter's trade. He is now living in the town of Galesburg retired, an aged, well kno\\ n and highly respected pioneer. The following children have been born to Mr and ^Irs. Watson V. Terpstra : Ina, born September 14. 1893 ; Blanche, born May 15. 1895 ; Forest, born November 14, 1900; Harold, born January 7, 1903. Mr. Terpstra is a well informed man, having been a student all his life, and his home is well supplied with good literature. He is a very versatile man, speaking four languages fluently. English, Dutch. German and I'ries- land. This accomplishment has been a big asset to him in a business way. Personallv. he is a pleasant gentleman to meet, straightforward and genial, enjoying a reputation for fairness in all the relations of life. FRED ROHRD ANZ. The agricultural interests of Elk Creek township, Jasper county, are ably represented by Fred Rohrdanz, who. during the entire period since his birth, Februarv 17, 1859, has been a resident and honored citizen of the locality of which this history deals. He is a connecting link with the pioneer period of the history of this section, this family having been active in the affairs of the same since the countv was attacked by the seekers of new homes J 10 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. from the Eastern states, something more than a half century ago. Going still further back in the family history, it is learned that his parents in an early day left the vine-clad hills of Prussia and joined the tide of emigration to the free republic in the western hemisphere, for ihey realized that here was to be found a land which the poet Mackay sang of in the old colonial days as a "realm where the humblest may gather the fruits of the soil." This, of course, implied some outlay of physical labor on the part of those who would be beneficiaries of this great storehouse of mother Nature's. But this family having been used to the hardest kind of labor in the old country, — labor which had inadequate returns, — did not shrink from the task of clearing the wild land here and impro\-ing it, so they have succeeded. Fred Rohrdanz grew to manhood on the home farm and here he at- tended the district schools until he was fairly well educated. He is the son of John J. and Mary (Price) Rohrdanz, both born in Prussia, now^ a part of Germany, the father on February ii, 1825, and the mother in the town of Deemen, on January 23, 1829. There they grew up and were educated and there the father learned the blacksmith's trade. When thirty-six years of age he emigrated to America, locating in New York City, where he worked at his trade for a year. He then went to Niagara Falls, where he assisted in building the first suspension bridge over that noted cataract. The mother emigrated to New York in her girlhood days and there the parents of the subject were married. In 1844, seeking newer fields in which to establish their permanent home, they emigrated westw^ard until they came to Jasper county, Iowa, where the father purchased forty acres of land of the govern- ment, for which he paid one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, in Elk Creek township. The country was new and they had to undergo many priva- tions for a time, but they worked hard, developed a good farm and became very comfortably established, the father owning at the time of his death about two hundred and thirty-six acres. He was highly respected among the pio- neers. Politically, he was a Democrat and in religious matters he belonged to the German Lutheran church. He was a true pioneer, having come here only one year after the first settler in the county. There was but one house be- tween his and Newton, eleven miles away, and neighbors were indeed very few. He was a splendid soldier. ha\ing served in the (iernian army for a period of eight years and he served gallantly in the Franco-Prussian war. His death occurred on his farm here on No\ember 10, 1906. His family con- sisted of two daughters and one son, Fred, of this review, being the youngest of the family; his elder sisters were, Mrs. Christina Schultz and Mrs. Mary Berkenholz. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 7II Fred Rohrdanz was a mere lad when he began making a hand in the fields of his father, plowing corn when twelve years of age. He has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits and has met with encouraging success ail along the line, being now the owner of three hundred and nine acres of choice land in Elk Creek township, which he has placed under excellent improvements •and a high state of cultivation. He has a pleasant home and such other farm buildings as his needs require, and everything about the place indicates that a gentleman of good taste has its management in hand. In connection with general farming he raises and feeds considerable live stock of various kinds. Politically, Air. Rohrdanz is a Democrat and he belongs to the Lutheran church. On March 19, 1890. occurred the marriage of Fred Rohrdanz and Emma Andrews. The latter was born in Elk Creek township, Jasper countv, on November 19, 1868. She is the daughter of Fred C. Andrews, who came to Jasper county in 1857 from Gennany, where he was born on April i, 1843. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Rohrdanz : Letta, born February 2, 1893; Ella, born August 4, 1901 ; Otis, born Septem- ber 22, 1906; Wilma, born March 27, 1908; Pearl. Lulu, Lily and Vera are all deceased. ANDREW JACKSON HAYES. A large number of the early pioneers of Jasper county have passed to their reward and now rest from their labors, but here and there a scattered few remain, honorable heroes of a former day and generation, l)ent under time's autograph indelibl)' stamped upon their brows, but still sturdy and in- dependent of spirit as when in the long ago they cut loose from the moorings of civilization and penetrated the woods and traversed the trackless prairies in search of new homes and new destinies. Among those who have borne an active part in the pioneer period of this county is the well known farmer of Elk Creek township whose name introduces this sketch, whom to know is to honor and respect. Andrew Jackson Hayes, a Buckeye by birth, has long been one of the highlv esteemed citizens of the township of his residence and it is with pleasure that the following brief outline of his life and achievements is accorded a place in this volume which is devoted to a review of Jasper's representative men. That he is one of such, no one who has known him -^ince his residence began in our midst nearly a half century ago. will deny. y\2 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Mr. Hayes was born in Perry county, Ohio, March 30, 1844. He is the son of Bazel Cooper Hayes and Mary Pickeral Hayes, the father born in Maryland on December 25, 1800, and the mother in Perry county, Ohio. The father was young when he came to Perry county^ Ohio, and there they grew up and were married He had hved in Baltimore prior to his leaving the Oriole state. He learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed in con- nection with farming, but devoted the principal part of his life to the latter pursuit. It was about 1846 or 1847 that the Hayes family moved to Licking county. Ohio, where the father of the subject purchased a farm. The mother dying when the subject was two and one-half years of age, the father later remarried, his second wife being Hannah Matthews. The death of Bazel C. Hayes occurred in Ohio in 1863. He was a very radical Democrat, but a loyal supporter of the Union. Although he was an admirer of Stephen A. Douglas, he was an abolitionist. He and his wife belonged to the Christian church.' Andrew J. Hayes, of this review, had two sisters, and two half-sisters and a half-brother. The subject is the second child and, being the oldest son, he began assisting his father with the general work on the home farm when quite yaung. and although he was kept busy in the fields the major part of the year, he found time to attend school in the brief winter months in Licking county, Ohio. The schools being excellent for those days, he became fairly well educated. When twenty years of age he hired to A. V. Cooper to drive five hundred sheep from Licking county, Ohio, to Jasper county, Iowa. That was in 1864. He and his assistants were fifty-two days on the trip, which re- Cjuired considerable hardship and labor. Mr. Cooper owned considerable land in Jasper county. Being pleased with the prospect here, the subject decided to remain, so he continued to reside here for two years, working by the month. He then married and lived on his father-in-law's place, that of John Wheeler. In 1 88 1 he bought forty acres in Elk Creek township and has since made it his home. He has served as justice of the peace for a period of sixteen years, filling this post of duty in a manner that stamps him as a faithful and able public servant and he has given the utmost satisfaction to all concerned. His decisions have been characterized by fairness and have seldom met with re- versal at the hands of a higher tribunal. Mr. Hayes has long been a loyal supporter of the Democratic party. On November 14, 1869, occurred the marriage of Andrew J. Hayes with Emeline Melissa Wheeler, who was born in McLean county, Illinois. She was the daughter of John Wheeler, who came to Jasper county in 1856 and here Mrs. Hayes spent her girlhood and attended the early schools of the district in which the familv resided. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 713 The following children ha\e been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hayes: Will B. and Artemissia are deceased; Lee B. is living in Newton; Mrs. Nellie Zander- man, Arthur, Agnes O. ; Mrs. Myrtle Blacklidge (of Waterloo, Iowa) and Maud, who is now deceased, were twins; Nina was the voungest in order of birth JOHN W. LUST One of the worthiest young farmers and enterprising citizens of Elk Creek township, Jasper county, is John W. Lust, who, never lured away from the pleasant prairies of the Hawkeye state by the wanderlust spirit, has been content to spend his life here at home, and he has succeeded because he early grew familiar with the local conditions governing soils, crops and the various phases of the calling which he has been pleased to follow. It would seem that he has been thus wiser than so many of his contemporaries who have in their boyhood left the old home and gone out into other states to seek their for- tunes where conditions and peoples are alike strange and where so many for- tunes assume the marsh-light aspect — alluring to the sight, but hard to grasp in tangible form. Mr. Lust was born in this township on June 20, 1878, and here he grew up. received his education in the common schools, and worked on the home place during his boyhood days, in fact he has ever been identified with agri- cultural pursuits in this vicinity. The subject is the son of Riley and Amanda (Pentlerj Lust, his father being a native of Ohio and his mother of Indiana. His father, whose parents w^ere natives of Germany, is one of the best known men in all Jasper county, besides being one of its largest land owners. He is a man who is extremely modest regarding his achievements and he has the respect of all who know him because of the sturdiness and true worth of his character. He is largely interested in a great number of investments and enterprises aside from his extensive farm holdings, among others being the implement business in the little city of Reasnor. He is also a stockholder and director of the Reasnor Savings Bank. He is a man who does not seek public praise, but has always stood ready to assist in any way the upbuilding of his community and to ser\ e his fellows in whatever capacity they called him. At present he is leading a more or less retired life in his beautiful and modern residence in Reasnor. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Riley Lust, namely: Fred E., born July 22, 1874; Alfred T., born March 30, 1876; John W., of this review, being third in order of birth: Arthur J., born September 21, 1880: Elmer B., 714 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. born February 18, 1883; Roy R., born July 4, 1885 ; Minnie J., born Septem- ber 19, 1887, is the wife of Elmer Mercer, a farmer of Jasper county; Kather- ine S.. born March 5, 1890, is the wife of Carl Trout, a banker living in West Grove, iowa; Myrtle M., who is at home, single, was born August 19, 1893; Carl M., born Alay 31, 1896, is with his parents. John VV. Lust attended the Sand Point district school and the Newton Normal College three winters. In 1899 he began renting on the same place where he now lives, which belongs to his father. He is now successfully en- "aiied in farmino' one hundred and twentv-five acres. Politically, Air. Lust is a Republican and he belongs to the blue lodge of Masons. Mr. Lust was married on March 3, 1904, to Grace Romans, who was born in Fairview township, Jasper county, Iowa, July 16, 1882, the daughter of James M. Romans, now a resident of Grinnell, Iowa. He was born in Fairview township, Jasper county, Iowa, on July i, 1855. He married Mary Eleanor McCuen, who was born in Ashland county, Ohio, August 23, 1857. William Green Romans, the paternal grandfather of Mrs. Lust, came to Jasper county in 1843, locating as one of the earliest pioneers on the wild Iowa prai- ries. Mrs. Lust's folks lived on the old Highland farm, on which place the first white child was born in Jasper county, as the Highlands were the first settlers here, and Airs. Lust grew to womanhood and was educated in the common schools of this county. Air. Lust is a young man of engaging personality and is a man whom a large circle of acquaintances delight to call friend. JOHN H. TOOL. The subject of this sketch is a worthy representative of one of the oldest and best known families in Jasper county and since his childhood, which was passed amid the stem experiences of the pioneer period, he has been acti\ely identified with the growth and development of this locality. He has not only worthily upheld an honored family name, but has won ^ reputation for public spirit, honesty in politics and the home and liis material success is well de- ser\cfl. lie is tlie grandson of Adam Tool, tlie first white settler in Jasper county. John H. Tool, farmer of Elk Creek township, was born in Fair\iew township, this county, on Alay 23, 1854. He is the son of James A. and Sarah (Fouch) Tool, the father born on June 12, 1825, in Virginia, and the JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 715 mother was a native of Indiana. In an early day the father came to Fairfield, Iowa, and from there to Jasper county. For a complete history of the Tool family the reader is directed to the sketch of Quinn H. Tool, brother of the subject, which appears in another part of this volume John H. Tool, of this sketch, grew to manhood on the home farm and when but a boy he assisted with the general work in the fields and about the place. In the winter months he attended school in the Oak Grove district, and one winter in the Monroe high school. He remained under his parental roof-tree until he was twenty -one years of age, when he bought sixty acres, where he still resides. He has made a good living here, keeping his place well cultivated and well impro\ed and he has a cozy home and excellent outbuild- ings. By good management and close application to his affairs he has jjros- pered and added to his place from time to time until he now owns four hun- dred and twenty acres in Elk Creek and I-^airview townships. Good live stock are always to be found in his fields and everything about him indicates good management. Mr. Tool was first a Greenbacker in his political Ix^lief, and he now votes the Democratic ticket. In religious matters lie belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he takes much interest. He believes in carrying his religion into his every-day life and is therefore known as a mild-mannered, honorable, straightforward gentleman, eminenth- deser\ing of the confidence and respect which all freely accord him. Mr. Tool was married on November 6. 1875, ^^ Rebecca Wood, who was born near \\'arsaw. Indiana. December 2. 1855. the daughter of Weslev Wood, who came to Jasper county. Iowa, in 1855 and who is now living at Monroe. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Tool, namely: George A.. who married Marie Broderson : Bernice ; Clarence C. who married Dora Trout, and Lillian. ALFRED T. LUST. Without searching for lineage in musty tomes or the less satisfactory authority of tradition, it suffices to state in writing this brief sketch of a prac- tical man and a master of his craft, that his progenitors were in the broadest sense high and their infiuence salutary and whose characters and sterling worth have been reproduced on their descendants. Alfred Lust, farmer of Elk Creek township. Jasper county, has shown himself to be ready at all times to encourage and aid all laudable measures and enterprises for the general yi6 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. good. By a life consistent in motive and because of his many good qualities he has earned the sincere regard of all who know him, and his success wdiile vet a young man bespeaks for him continued advancements and a higher sphere of usefulness. Mr Lust was born on the place where he still resides in this township, on March 30. 1876, and here he has been content to spend his life. He is the son of Riley and Amanda (Pender) Lust, a well know-n pioneer family of this locality. The father was born in Ohio and the mother in Indiana. The pa- ternal grandparents were natives of Germany. Riley Lust is one of the best known and most substantial farmers in Jasper county, besides being one of our most extensive land owners. He is deserving of a great deal of credit for what he ha? accomplished, having hewn out his own fortune wdthout depend- ing on anyone for aid ; however, he is very modest regarding his achievements, being a plain, unassuming gentleman, content to be an unobtrusive citizen of what he considers one of the very foremost localities of our great sisterhood of states. He is largely interested in a great number of investments and en- terprises aside from his extensive farm holdings, among others being the im- plement business in the town of Reasnor, in which his son, Elmer, is a part- ner. He is also a stockholder and director in the Reasnor Savings Bank, and has at all times stood ready to serve his township in any capacity. At the present writing he is leading a practically retired life in his beautiful and modernlv furnished residence in Reasnor. He has the confidence and esteem of all who know him and his character has ever been above cavil. To Mr. and ^Irs. Riley Lust ten children have been born, all still living, namely: Fred E , born July 22, 1874; Alfred T., subject of this sketch; John W.. born June 20, 1878; Arthur J., born July 4, 1885; Mamie J., born Sep- tember 19, 1887, is the wife of Elmer Mercer, a farmer of Jasper county; Katherine S., born March 5, 1890, is the wife of Carl Trout, a banker residing in West drove, Iowa: Myrtle M.. born August 19, 1893, is living at home; Carl M., born May 31, 1896, also lives at home; Elmer B., born February 18, 1883, is engaged in the implement business at Reasnor, this county. Alfred Lust grew up on the home farm and assisted with the general work about the place, attending the Sand Point district schools in the winter months. At the age of twenty-one he began renting land of his father, of whom he has been renting four hundred acres ever since and operating the same in a most successful manner. In connection with general farming he carries on stock raising. He feeds cattle every year, making a specialty of raisins: Herefords. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 717 Politically, Mr. Lust is a Republican and fraternally he belongs to the Woodmen of the World and the blue lodge of Masons. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Reasnor. Mr. Lust was married on June 2y, 1900, to ^L'lrtha Earp. who was born in Elk Creek township, this county, and here she grew up and was educated. She is the daughter of Walter Earp, an early settler in Jasper countv. A sketch of Mr. Earp appears on another page of this work. To the subject and wife three children have been born, Edith. MiJdrerl and Lester R. HENRY WILLEMSEN. Henry Willemsen, a prominent farmer and stock raiser residing in sec- tion 14, Buena Vista township, is a native of Holland, having been born in that country on July 6, 1877. He is the oldest in a family of seven children born to John and Jennette (Van Ooigen) Willemsen, both natives of the province of Golderland, Holland. The family emigrated to the United States eighteen years ago and located on a farm four miles south of Sully, this county. They bought one hundred and twenty acres of land in that vicinity, and there they have ever since made their home. Air. Willemsen, Sr., owned a tobacco plantation in Holland. He was born in 1854 and his wife in 1850. The family came to the United States on the vessel "Rhinedam." Their children, all of whom were born in Holland, ar^e as follows : Henry, the subject of this sketch; Neil, who married Fanny Emmert (deceased), lives near Sully; Ed., who married Ella Dykens, lives on his farm of one hundred acres two miles north of Lynnville, this county; Jeff J., who married Jennie Vanderwilt. lives on his farm of eighty acres two miles northwest of Tainter: Arie. un- married, is a telegraph operator at \\'interset ; Diene lives at home with her parents; Joanna, deceased. Henry Willemsen was about fifteen years of age when the family came to America, and until he reached the age of twenty-one he lived at home and helped on his father's farm, after which time he started out working for him- self. After laboring as a farm hand for about four years, he rented a farm, and began the pursuit of agriculture for himself. A year later, h. June. 1903. he married Sarah Van Rees, daughter of Laurence and Sarah (De Veries) Van Rees. Her father is a native of Iowa, having been born near Sully, in Lynn Grove township, this county. He was a prominent stock buyer and wa? well known all over the county. He was an outspoken, old-fashioned, "dye<}- in-the-wool" Democrat. He died at his home near Sully in March. 1907. at 7l8 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. the age of fifty-three. Mrs. Willemsen's mother, who is Hving in Pella, iowa, is also a native of Holland, but came with her mother to this country at the age of three years, the father having died in Holland. Three days after landing in America the mother died, and the baby was raised by an aunt. To the V^an Reeses were born eight children, the seven besides Mrs. Willemsen being as follows: Leonard, the eldest, living three miles southwest of Sully, mar- ried Tosie Faust; Andrew. li\ing near Sully, married Xettie De ^'oung: Laurence, unmarried, who has no fixed home,, was formerly a butcher in Newton; Eddie died in infancy; Joe died at the age of ten; David and Agnes, who are still at home with their mother. That Henrv Willemsen is a man of rare judgment and good manage- ment is sliown by the fact that four years after he began farming for himself he was the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of fine land, formerly owned bv Ira Elscott. Here they have lived ever since To Mr. and ]\Irs. Willemsen have been born three children, namely : Joe Raymond, born December 28. 1904: Laura Hilda, born October 18, 1006; Jeannette Wilma, born Septem- ber 5. 1908; Sarah Hendrena. born December 3. 1910. Besides general farming, Mr. Wellemsen raises stock quite extensively for the markets. He is a genial gentleman, public spirited and of progressive ideas. In politics, he is independent, but of Democratic sympathies. HARTWELL ZACHARY. In placing the subject of this review before the reader as one standing in the front rank of Washington township's young farmers, we are doing justice to a fact, recognized by all who are familiar with his history. His career pre- sents a worthy example of the exercise of those qualities of mind and charac- ter which overcome obstacles and win success and his example might be imi- tated wath profit by those dissatisfied with present attainments who would aspire to wider fields of usefulness. Hartwell Zachary was born on his father's farm in Washington town- ship, this county, on March 31, 1871, and here he has spent his life. He is the son of James and Sarah .\nn (Eenton) Zachary, the father born in Ohio in 1846 and the mother a native of Iowa. The paternal grandfather, Larkin E. Zachary. was born in Virginia. November 20, 1818, and there grew up, mov- ing with his family to Ohio in 1839. He learned the painter's trade in his native state, which he followed during the summer months after he came to Ohio, but worked in a furniture factorv in the winter time. In 18^1 he drove JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. jig overland to Jasper county, Iowa, from Ohio. l)rin<,nng his family and all his worldly effects in a one-horse wagon. He arrived here with a cash capital of eighty dollars, fifty of which he paid for forty acres of land in Des Moines township. He began life on the wild prairie in typical pioneer fashion and soon had a good farm and a comfortable home. He became an extensive cattle feeder on the open prairies and by hard work and good management prospered far beyond the average man in a new country, finally becoming the owner of twenty-four hundred acres of land in Jasper county, mostlv in \\'ashington township. For many years he was one of the best known, most influential and substantial men in the county. In 1876 he became interested in a bank in Prairie City, later buying full control of the same, and it was known as the Zachary bank and was one of the popular banks of this section of Iowa. Larkin E. Zachary was married on January 29. 1840. to Elizabeth Biee. a nntive of Ohio, and to their union eight children were l)orn. six of whom are living. His wife lived to an advanced age. dying on Mav 2j. 1890. but he survived her twelve years, dying in 1902. He was a grand old man, whom everybody admired and respected. Politically, he was a strong Demo- crat and pronounced in his convictions on any subject. The maternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch was John Eelton. who came to Jasper county from Ohio and settled on a farm in an early day, wlierc he became v.ell established and \\ell liked James Zachary, father of Hartwell. of this sketch, worked on his father's farms until his death, in 1899. What little education he received was in the old log school houses, but he was a man of energy and a good observer and succeeded. Hartwell Zacharv grew up on the farm and Ind little chance to secure an education. \\'hen a small boy he herded cattle on his grandfather's farm. \\'hen he was onlv fifteen years of age he began the management of one of the farms and after both his grandfather and father had passed away, he bought eightv acres around the old home place in Washington township. He re- modeled the house and improved the place and has been very successful as both a general farmer and stock raiser. He keeps full blooded short horn cattle. shipping several loads each year as well as many hogs to market. Politically, he is a Democrat and he belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Pythias. The subject's mother died when he was small and the father remarried, his last wife being Mary A. Shaw, a native of Indiana, and she still lives in Des Moines. The subject has the following brothers and sisters: Robert, deceased; Mrs. Lida C. Stoner. Mrs. Cormia Belle George: and a half-sister. Imo Zacharv. 720 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Hartwell Zachaiy was married on March 14. 1897, to Nettie May Tur- ner, born in Prairie City, Iowa, the daughter of J. P. and Elizabeth Turner. The following children have been born to the subject and wife: Harry Le- land. Loren Gerald, Ravmond Fenton and Helen Grace. ED P. MALMBERG. One of the most deserving young men in Iowa, a man who has earned the rewards that come as a result of carefully regulated lives and unflagging zeal in whatever is undertaken, working his way unaided from none too fa- ydrable environments at the start to a conspicuous position in one of the most exacting of professions, is Ed. P. Malmberg, of Newton, Jasper county. Mr. Malmberg is a native of the city where he now resides, having been born here on January 14, 1878, the scion of a worthy and highly respected family, being the son of N. K. and Nellie (Stinson) Malmberg, both natives of Sweden, where they grew to maturity and were educated. They emigrated to America in 1867 and w-ere married at Knoxville, Illinois, where they re- mained until 1875, when they came to Jasper county, Iowa. After living a few months at Kellogg they moved to Newton, where they have since re- sided, the father being now seventy-six years of age. He has been a tailor for sixty-six years and is a very skilled workman in this line. He is a quiet, un- assuming man, whose life, though uneventful, has been useful and highly hon- orable. His wife is also living, having reached an advanced age. Six chil- dren have been born to them, those living besides Ed P. of this review, being ]\Irs. Ida E. Day of Chicago; J. O. and C. A. of Newton. Ed P. Malmberg grew to maturity in Newton and received his early training in the local schools, graduating from the Newton high school in 1895 when seventeen years of age, having made an excellent record, and in 1897 he was graduated from the Newton Normal College. During these school days he worked at odd jobs and after graduation he began to learn the cigar- maker's trade, at which he worked until he earned enough money to warrant his entering the State University at Iowa City. Having for some time fos- tered the laudable ambition to enter the legal profession, he had been bending every effort to that end, consecjuently he entered the law department of the last mentioned institution, made a brilliant record and was graduated from the same in 1905. and at once he began the practice of his profession at New- ton, having been admitted to the bar immediately after graduation. He did not have to wait long for clients, his abilities being recognized from the start JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 72 I and he made friends easily who were glad to assist him. His abilities l>cing quickly recognized by party leaders, he was nominated in 1906 by the Re- publican party for county attorney. This was an exceptionally hard- fought contest as there were three tickets in the field, but Mr. Malmberg was elected. Something of his popularity is gained from the fact that he was the only Re- publican elected on the county ticket. Useless to add that his selection proved the wisdom of his constituents, for his record was indeed a splendid one, eliciting the hearty approval of all concerned, irrespective of party alignment, and he was re-elected to the same office in 1908, leading his ticket. In 1910 he was chosen as the Republican nominee for state senator, his nomination being regarded l)y every one at all conversant with his career as a most for- tunate one. He was duly elected at the ensuing election and was a conspicuous member of the thirty-fourth General Assembly. Mr. Malmberg is regarded as a painstaking, accurate and conscentious attorney, well grounded in the principles of jurisprudence, and as a speaker he is logical, forceful and often eloquent, having great power over a jury. He believes in thorough preparation in the trial of cases and overlooks noth- ing of benefit to his clients. Judging his future by his past excellent record, there seems to be much in store for him. Mr. Malmberg has remained un- married. Fraternally, he is a Mason and Odd I^ellow. IRA ZWANK. There is a great deal in being born under a good eye, one that watches and guards off the error and folly that overtake so many young men. The father and the mother who are able to infuse into their children the spirit of the Spartans — the spirit that can meet any fate and make the most of the xvorld — will see their children grow to years of maturity with excellent habits and splendid principles and see them become exemplary citizens. The subject of this brief notice was fortunate in having so able and clean a father and so solicitous and gentle a mother. He was taught from the start the duties of life — not ordinary instruction, but the highest duties which all owe to each other and to society. The result has been to give him broad ideas of life and its responsibilities and to fit him for good citizenship. This he no doubt has fully appreciated and has sought to be a worthy representative of an honored old family in all walks of life and has therefore won and retained the good will and respect of all with whom he has come into contact. (46) 'J22 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Ira Zwank, farmer, of Elk Creek township, Jasper county, was born in Marion county, Iowa, on January i, 1872. He is the son of Jacob and Anna (DeBruyn) Zwank, the father born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1847, and the mother in Marion county, Iowa, in 1852, their home being now in New- ton, Iowa. The father came to Marion county when a boy and there he and Anna DeBruyn grew up, attended the common schools of their neigh- borhood and were married. They were both of Hollander descent and the sturdy stock of their progenitors has outcropped in them, enabling them to make a good living and establish a comfortable home. They moved to Jasper county soon after their marriage and bought forty acres of land in Elk Creek township. This they later sold and purchased eighty acres and at the time of the elder Zwank's death he owned a well improved farm of one hundred and eighty acres. Jacob Zwank endeavored to enlist for service in the Union army during the Civil war, but was too young. However, he ran away from home and started to the front, but was brought back. PoHtically, he was a Democrat and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His death occurred on August 19, 1897. The mother subsequently re-married, her last husband being Henry Efnor. They have a comfortable home in Newton. Ira Zwank, of this sketch, had two brothers and five sisters, named as follows : Mrs. Anna Carpenter ; Ira was the second in order of birth ; Peter, Mrs. Kate Efnor, Harmon, Mrs. Bessie Landmesser, Mrs. Lilly Cary, Ollie (deceased). The subject attended the Rose Hill district school and when but a boy he had to assist with the general work about the home place, he being the eldest of the family. He began plowing when but nine years of age and made a hand in the fields when most boys are spending their time fishing with a pin hook and making flutter mills ; but this early experience was good for him in the long run. When a young man he began farming for himself, renting land of the neighbors and staying at home. In 1901 he bought eighty acres which he sold a year later and then bought one hundred acres and he has since added forty acres more where he now resides, making one of the choice farms of the community, which he has kept well improved and well cultivated. He keeps good live stock and has a pleasant home. Mr. Zwank is a Democrat politically, having followed in the footsteps of his father, and he has always taken a good citizen's interest in the affairs of his community. He has served as township trustee. Mr. Zwank was married on March 18, 1900, to Edna Winters, who was born in Elk Creek township. Jasper county, June -30, 1880, and here JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 723 she grew to womanhood and received her education in the local schools. She was the daughter of John Winters, a farmer of Elk Creek township. who was born on April 23, 1849, in Ohio and who died on June 5, 1905. He married Phoebe Jane Shroyer. who was bom on February 10, 1852. and who is now living at Galesburg. Iowa. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Zwank has been without issue. Personal!) . Mr. Zwank is a man of fine physique, pleasant mannered and industrious. ALVA A. HIGHLEY For a number of years Alva A. Highley, of Washington township, Jasper county, has directed his efforts toward the goal of success and by patient con- tinuance has been amply rewarded, having made the rough path of life smooth by untiring perseverance. When one thus wins in the battles of life, whether it be by calm, consecutive endeavor or by sudden meteoric accomplishments, his example must abound in both lesson and incentive and prove a guide to the young men whose fortunes are still matters for the future to determine. ]\Ir. Highley was born in Hocking county. Ohio, September 21, 1862, and he is the son of Thomas Jackson Highley and Mary Jane ( Walsh) Highley, the father born in Pennsylvania, February 4, 1830, and the mother was born in Ireland, of Scotch descent, on May 26, 1829. She came to America when a voung girl and she and Mr. Highley were married in Penn- sylvania, in which state he grew up, and there he was engaged in the salt works for some time. In 1858 he moved to Ohio, locating in Hocking county, where he became the owner of an eighty-acre farm. Remaining there until about 1865, he moved to Barton county. Missouri, and settled at LeMars, then a new town, and in that vicinity he bought a farm of one hundred and sixty acres and there he remained until 1870. then moved to near Fort Scott. Kansas, where he owned one hundred and sixty acres. In 1873 he moved to Warren countv. Iowa, where he rented land, later moving to Black Hawk county, this state, renting farms near Waterloo. In 1896 he moved to Pali- sades, Colorado, and became the owner of a fruit farm there. He was very successful as a farmer and was favorably known in the various localities in which he lived. His death occurred on February 4. 1909. Politically, he was a Republican and. religiously, a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His family consisted of four sons and one daughter, namely: Frank is living in Idaho: Alva A., of this review, was second in order of birth: Theodore W. is living in Minneapolis, Minnesota: Mrs. Mettie Hampton was next in order: and Grant, who makes his homo in Idaho, was the youngest. 724 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Aha A. Highley grew up on the farm and he attended school in Ohio and in Pleasant Hill. Missouri. When thirteen years of age he began working out by the month on farms in Warren county. Iowa, and after his marriage he began renting land in Jasper county, having come here in 1881. He bought a farm in Calhoun county, this state, which he sold, and six months later bought eighty acres in Jasper county, southeast of Mitchellville. In 1892 he bought one hundred and fifty-one acres in Washington township, known as the old Evans farm, and here he still lives, haxing improved the place in every way. including the building of a good barn. He has prospered by reason of close application and good management and since the purchase of this place he has bought three hundred and twenty acres more. He raises good stock, anfl feeds quite a number of cattle each year. Politically, Mr. Highley is a Republican, and he has been school director and road supervisor. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, and he belongs to the Methodist church of Colfax. Mr. Highley was married on March 4, 1885, to Carrie M. Hibbs, w^ho was born in Polk county, Iowa, May 27, 1866. She was the daughter of George H. Hibbs, a very early settler of Polk county, having taken up his home there in 1852. Six children have been born to the subject and wife, namely : Edwin A. died at nine years of age ; Rachel J. died at the age of seven years; Oscar G. died in infancy; Rosa, born November 6, 1895 '- Edna, born June 30, 1899; May, born March 27, 1908. WILLIAM CARL HEXRY SCHULTZ. One of the best known and most painstaking of our younger generation of Elk Creek township farmers and one of the worthy representatives of one of the leading German families of Jasper county is William Carl Henry Schultz, a man who could hardly help succeeding at whatever he turned his attention to in view of his thrifty ancestral blood and his excellent early training. Mr. Schultz was born in the township where he still resides on January 4, 1875. He is the son of Lewis F. and Christie L. ( Rohrdanz) Schultz, he a native of Germany. Their parents came to this country in an early day, and although they found a strange language, strange customs and conditions in general, yet they were tactful and hard-working and in due time had es- tablished a good home and had an excellent farm under cultivation, at the same time winning the friendship and good will of all with whom they came JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 725 into contact. The father was born in Pommerania, kingdom of Prussia, later a part of Germany, on April 2. 1849. and he was the son of Christopher C. and Caroline (Severt) Schultz. both natives of the same place. After long planning, the Schultz family set sail for the shores of the New World m October. 1854. when the subject of this review was six years old. After the usual prolix voyage of those early sailing vessel days, they landed at New York and they proceeded at once to Bruce county, Illinois, where two other members of the family had previously settled and there they engaged in farming and carpentering, building many barns for the earlv settlers. Remaining there until 1858, they came to Poweshiek county. Iowa, and here worked for some of the large land holders of the county for two vears. In i860 Chris. C. Schultz started in life for himself, buying one hundred and twenty acres there. His wife had died in the spring of 1855 and thus the subject's father was reared by his grandmother. It was in the fall of 1873 that he came to Jasper county and began farming. W^ith some assistance from his father and father-in-law he purchased one hundred and ten acres which he still owns, and, having met with a large measure of success, he has added to his original holdings until he is now -the owner of a large amount of the county's richest land, in fact, Lewis F. Schultz has long been regarded as one of our largest land owners and most enterprising agri- culturists, his holdings now aggregating si.x hundred and eighty-seven acres, besides other property. He has devoted his life to husbandry, having the inherent love of his race for the soil and growing things, and he has also devoted much attention to the raising of live stock, in connection with his extensive farming. Christie L. Rohrdanz, mother of the subject of this sketch, was the daughter of John J. and Marie (Price) Rohrdanz, both natives of Germany, who emigrated to America in 1853. locating at Niagara- Falls, New York, and there the father was employed in the construction of the first great suspension bridge ever built across the great gorge near the falls. There Mrs. Schultz w^as born on November 26, 1854, she being one of three chil- dren, all of whom are living, the other two being Marie, born April 9, 1857, is the wife of Carl Birkenholtz. a Jasper county farmer; and Freda, born in Jasper county, Iowa, February 13. 1858, is still living in this county. Mrs. Schultz's parents came to this county in 1855. after the completion of the big Niagara bridge. They reached here without much of this world's goods, their sole capital being two and one-half dollars. The country was new and they were compelled to undergo the hardships and privations in- cident to the times, but being people of courage and thrift they did not per- 726 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. mit anything to discourage them and each year found them further advanced than the preceding until they finally had a pleasant home and a good farm of three hundred acres. The father of Airs. Schultz served in the Prussian army, as did the father of Lewis F. Schultz. During the rebellion of the provinces of Holstein and Schleswig, Mr. Rohrdan'/ was awarded a medal by the German government for signal bra\ery. Lewis F. Schultz was one of a family of three sons and one daughter, two of whom are living: Augusta Brooknew, wife of George Brooknew, a farmer, was born in 1851 and died in 1895 while residing in Poweshiek county, Iowa; Carl A., born in 1853, lives on a farm near Grinnell, this state, and Henry H., born in 1854. died in Poweshiek county in 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Schultz were married on January i, 1874, and to this union six children have been born, namely : Joseph Christopher died in infancy; William C. H., the immediate subject of this sketch; Walter Albert Lewis, born March 8, 1876, died November 9, 1905, leaving a widow and one child, a daughter, who died the following year ; Lewis Martin, born June 24, 1878, is a farmer and resides in this county; Henry Fred Lewis, born April 12, 1882. is also a Jasper county farmer: John C, born May 9, 1885, resides in this county and is engaged in farming. Lewis F. Schultz is a public spirited man and has held a number of local offices, covering many years, such as township clerk, trustee, assessor and justice of the peace, also supervisor of roads. He retired from active life in the spring of 19 10, moving at that time to his commodious residence in Reasoner. He is prominent in the Knights of Pythias lodge and he and his wife belong to the German Lutheran church. They are both held in high esteem bv all who know them for their man}- commendable personal traits. William C. H. Schultz, of this review, grew up on the home farm and assisted with the general work about the place during his boyhood days. During the winter months he attended the McKinney district school. When only seven years of age he w^as found following a plow, driving a team. He assisted his parents on the homestead during his early youth and when twenty-one years old he farmed for his father on the halves for a year, then bought one hundred and thirty-three acres in 1907 and has impro\ed the place in an up-to-date manner, keeping it well tilled and under a high state of cultivation and he is making a success as a general farmer and stock raiser. Mr. Schultz is a Democrat in his political relations, but he has not sought to be a public leader. Religiously, he belongs to the German Lutheran church. Mr. Schultz was married on December 22, 1905, to Minnie Castorf, who was born near Sully. Jasper county, Iowa, in 1887 She is the daughter of JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 727 William Castor f, an early settler of this county and a highly respected citi/:en. Here Mrs. Schultz grew to womanliood and received her education in the common schools. To the subject and wife have been born two children, namely: Lawrence Kenneth, born August lo, 1907, and Raymond Elmo born January 25, 191 1. The subject is a tall, strong young man, a hard worker and a genial fellow to meet, having an easy manner and a straightforwardness that im- presses the stranger. WALTER M. EARP. The descendants of the old settlers, those who cleared the land and first upturned the wild sod to the sun, should see that the doings of those early years are fittingly remembered and recorded. It was once remarked bv a great writer that those who take no interest in the deeds of their ancestors are not likely to do anything worthy to be remembered by their descendants. Could the lives of the first settlers be fully and truthfullv written what an in- teresting, thrilling and wonderful tale it would be. Think of the journey to the west over the roughest of roads, of the hardships of clearing the soil and the trials in establishing a home in a wild country and rearing a family. Think of the pioneer gatherings, of the shooting matches, the old subscription schools, the first churches under the branches of the trees the camp meetings, the famous old circuit riders, the husking matches, the quilting bees, the coon, wolf, fox and deer hunts, with many another form of diversion, and then presume to say that the old settlers did not live happy lives. Such were the experiences of \A'alter M. Earp. a highly respected citizen of Elk Creek town- ship, now living retired. Mr. Earp is a Kentuckian by birth, having first opened his eyes in the country of "the dark and bloody ground."' in Ohio county, on November 8, 1836. He is the son of Laranzo Dow Earp and Nancy Earp. He spent his early boyhood in his native state and received such education as he could in the pioneer log-cabin schools. In 1845 he accompanied the family to Warren county, Illinois, where they lived until 1853, when, with on ox team and an old-fashioned covered wagon, they set out on the slow journey to Warren county, Iowa, where they spent the summer, then moved to Marion county, this state, and wintered there, coming to Jasper county in the spring of 1854. Here the father of the subject entered one hundred and sixty acres in Elk Creek township, and on this Walter M. Earp spent his young manhood, help- 728 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. inj^' his father develop the place from the wild, helping split the rails with which to fence the farm. They had few neighbors and they endured the usual privations of first settlers, but in time had a good farm and a comfort- able home The subject began life for himself by renting land, which he continued to operate for six years and thereby got a start. He then bought forty acres, which he sold the following year and purchased eighty acres, to which he later added fiftv-five acres more in Elk Creek township, which he improved into an excellent farm. This he sold in 188 1 and moved to Plymouth county, Iowa, where he remained two years on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres. Then he came back to Galesburg. Jasper county, where he has since spent most of his time. He is now making his home with his son-in-law, Alfred Lust, a farmer of Elk Creek township, whose sketch appears on another page of this work. BENSON STARR. The gentleman to whom the reader's attention is respectfully called in the following paragraphs is an honored veteran of our great civil conflict. Thev are getting fewer and fewer in numbers, their annual reunions are sadly lacking when the lists of regiments- and companies are gone o\er. and their march is not as quick and full of meaning and fire as it was a half century ago. when, as sturdy boys, they left, most of them, the plow and assembled at the front, eager to hurl themselves in in\inciljle legions against the foes of the Union. But, nevertheless, it thrills one to see them in their old uniforms, with their tattered flags flying and their forms bent as they keep step, assisted, most of them. Avith their canes, at their gatherings on Memorial day or the Fourth of July. And how interesting it is to hear them tell the story of the dreadful hardships they endured in the hospitals, prisons, on the harassing marches, or in the skirmishes and battles. But their time is short now. so all persons should join in honoring them for the sacrifices they made when they were young and full of the love of life, but which was offered freely on the altar of their country. One of these honored old soldiers is Benton Starr, who is also eminently entitled to a place in his country's history because he is one of our pioneers, a member of that hard-working band who willingly underwent hardships in the county's first period of development that succeed- ing generati* n^ might be happy and prosperous. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 729 Air. Starr was born in Belmont county, Ohio, May 22. 1842. and he was the son of Jabez and Jane (Gregory) Starr, who spent their early lives in Ohio, married and began housekeeping there. About 1844 they made the long overland journey to Iowa, locating in \'an Buren county, being among the state's early settlers, but after three years there, during which thev hardlv gut well located, and deciding that the community was not what they desired as a permanent place of abode, they moved to Jasper county, locating in Lynn Grove township. First Mr. Starr bought a claim, but a year later moved a little to the north and entered one hundred and twenty acres in section 13. This land he cleared, broke, improved, and in time had a splendid farm and a comfortable home in which he lived until he reached an advanced age. then lived around with his children for the greater part of the time, although alwavs claiming this as his home. His death occurred in Madison county, this state. in 1885. his wife having died in 1878 on their farm. Politically, he was a Republican. He took a lively interest in political afifairs and for many vears was justice of the peace. There were thirteen children in their family, four of whom are living at this writing. Eleven of them grew to maturity and were married The father, Jabez Starr, was a good and useful man. and for years he did considerable preaching in the Methodist church, as did several of his brothers. He assisted in organizing the early Methodist church here and helped hold the first election ever known in Lynn Grove township ; he was also the first justice of the peace in this township. He gave the greatest satisfac- tion in this important ofifice, for in that early day it was important, a justice court ranking in those times with the higher tribunals of today. He was a lover of justice and peace and often settled differences and difficulties between parties in his conmiunity outside of court, his advice being frequently sought in personal and public affairs. Such men are empire builders and while today they are certainly not noticeable to a very great extent in our so-called ad- vanced civilization, thev were to be found in almost all communities of new- comers in the early days when the frontier was ever pushing westward. The memory of such should be fondly cherished by succeeding generations, for it goes without saying that we owe them a great debt of gratitude rmd that they builded wiser than they knew. Benson Starr, the immediate subject of this sketch, grew to manhood on the home place and there made himself useful in his boyhood days. He had little opportunity to attend school, in fact, three months in the old public school house in this vicinity constituted his text-book training: however, he has become a well informed man through home reading and careful observa- tion. 73© JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. On August 7, 1862, Mr. Starr enlisted in Company K, Twenty -eighth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in which he served very gallantly for about eighteen months, during which time he took part in the great siege of Vicksburg, the battles of Port Gibson, Champion's Hill and others, being under fire fifty-two days. Receiving an honorable discharge, he returned home and resumed farming and soon had a good start, and in 1S79 he bought his father's home- stead, later adding to the same until he is now the owner of a finely improved and productive farm of one hundred and seventy-one acres in Lynn Grove township, which adjoins the first purchase. Here he erected a substantial dwelling and good outbuildings and made such other up-to-date improvements as his needs required. He made a great success as a general farmer and stock man. He still manages the farm, though he keeps it rented out. Politically, i\Ir. Starr is a Republican and has ever been a loyal supporter of the same, taking a lively interest in local affair^, and he has held several offices within the gift of the people, including that of township trustee and con- stable. Fraternally, he belongs to the Masonic order at Lynnville, the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, encampment, also the Order of the Eastern Star and the Grand Army of the Republic, in all of which he takes an abiding interest. Mr. Starr was married in 1865 to Ellen Squires, a native of \'irginia and the daughter of Nehemiah and Olive Squires, who came to Jasper county after the close of the Civil war and later moved to Missouri. To Mr. and Mrs. Starr five children have been born, namely : Perry, who was killed by lightning: Dora and Nora, twins, the latter dying when four years of age; Lee and Frank LOGAN PENDLETON. To the person traveling by railw ay across the state at this day it seems almost incredible that only a little more than a half century ago the major part of the Hawkeye state was a wild, sparsely settled stretch of plains over- run Ijy Indians and all manner of wild animals ; but such was the case. During the last half century, the wild grass has been trampled down, the root-wo\en, tenacious sod has been upturned to the life-giving sun and the forests have been removed, almost entirely, stick by stick, by innumerable hands, — in fact, most of the timber was removed in considerably less than a half century. All this would never have been done were it not for the rich soil beneath and the comfortable homes that awaited the efiforts of the settlers. The task was a long JASPER COUNTY, IOWA, ' 731 one, but well repaid the early comers for the trials and hardships. One of the farmers of Elk Creek township, Jasper county, who has contributed to the development of this wonderfully favored section during what might be termed the second period of its growth is Logan Pendleton, for his advent here was not so early as the band of early pioneers who attacked the raw land in the fifties. Air. Pendleton was born in the Blue Grass state, having first opened his eyes on earthly scenes in Adair county, Kentucky, on September 20, 1865 He is the son of Samuel and Margaret (Gadbury) Pendleton, the father Ijorn in West \'irginia in 1810 and the mother in Kentucky in 1816, and there they spent their later years, the father being a prominent farmer, owning over eight hundred acres of valuable land, on which he farmed on a large scale, conducting one of the large tobacco plantations of Adair county; however, he kept no slaves. He was one of the substantial and influential men of his part of the state and a gentleman of fine personal qualities. Politically, he was a Republican and he and his wife belonged to the old Campbellite church. Their family consisted of eight children, of whom Logan, of this review, was the youngest in order of birth. They were named as follows: John, de- ceased : Green ; Granville, deceased : James lives in Kentucky ; Mrs. Sarah Napier lives in that state ; Mrs. Mollie Hudson is still a resident of the Blue Grass county ; Parker was next to the youngest child. Logan Pendleton was eight years of age when his father died in 1873. He recei\ed his education in the district schools of his native community and there he grew to manhood, and spent his summer months, when old enough, at work on the home plantation ; however, as he grew up he worked con- siderably by the month. It was in October. 1882. that he bade adieu to his "old Kentucky home*' and directed his course to Jasper county. Iowa, and here begnn working by the month for Preston Chambers in Elk Creek town- ship, with whom he remained for a period of seven years. Then he purchased a complete well-drilling outfit and followed drilling wells in this locality for two vears. then he began renting land, farming thus for a period of six years. Then he was married and his father-in-law, Preston Chambers, gave the sub- ject and his wife an excellent farm of one hundred and three acres in Elk Creek township, on which they still reside. Besides this Mr. Pendleton owns five acres of timber. He has been very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser, making a specialty of full-blood jacks, and he has quite a reputa- tion in this locality as a breeder, keeping such superior stock that they have been a great asset in his annual income. He also keeps full-blood Poland- China hogs. He had the largest hog at the Iowa state fair in 191 1, the much- admired animal weighing over one thousand pounds. 732 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Politically, -Mr. Pendleton is a Democrat and while he takes more or less interest in local affairs he is not a public man. On July i, 1900, oc- curred the ceremony which united in the bonds of wedlock Logan Pendleton and Allie Chambers. The latter was born in Elk Creek township, this county, on September 6. i860. She is the daui^hter of Preston Chambers, one of the substantial and influential early citizens of this county a sketch of whom is to be found on another page of this work. Air. and Mrs. Pendleton have no children ALEXANDER SMITH. I-'rom the far-awa}- land of Bruce and Burns, the bonn} heaths of ijlue- bell and thistle, — the rugged north "countree" that has for centuries sent its hardy, honest. liberty-lo\ing sons to help build the great republic of the West. - — has come to us one of our most highly esteemed and useful citizens, Alex- ander Smith, one of Jasper's county's most extensi\-e land owners, a man w hom to know is to admire and respect, for, without other aid than a strong heart and willing hands, guided and controlled by right principles and a sound brain, he has fought his way from an obscure environment to the top of the material ladfler and has long been one of the influential men of this locality. Mr. Smith was born in the village of Forres, Scotland, on September 26. 1830. and he is the son of Robert and Jeannette (Lysle) Smith, both born in Scotland. The paternal grandfather was Alexander Smith, a farmer, and the maternal grandmother was of noble blood, being a sister of the Duke of Southerland in England. Robert Smith came to America with his family in 1834 and located in Delaware county. New York, and there established a good home, and in that vicinity the son, Alexander Smith of this review, grew to manhood and he re- ceived his education at Roxbury.. New York, having the honor of being a schoolmate of the famous financier, Jay Gould, and the scarcely less noted author and naturalist, John Burroughs, the former having sat on the left of the subject for a year and the latter just in front of him for three vears. After leaving .school at the age of eighteen years, Mr. Smith engaged in teach- ing for eight or ten years, during which time he met with great success and his services were in demand wherever he was known. He also clerked for some time in a general merchandise store. In 1865 he moved to Pella. Iowa, and rented a farm that fall in Jasper county. The country was \vild and imnrovemcnts had been made here and there, but he had the foresi»ht to see JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. JT^^ a great future for so rich a region and in clue course of time he had l>econie one of the leading farmers here. Not long after his arrival he bought two hundred and forty acres, 'partly in Lynn (hove township and partly in lilk Creek township. Prospering through close applic-ition and good manage- ment, he added to his original holdings until he now owns eight hundred acres of as choice land as the county affords. He also owns four hundred acres in Lake county, Iowa, and two sections of land in North Dakota, all valuable and well located land. While general farming has been Air. Smith's principal life work, no small part of his large competency has been derived from the li\e stock business; he has fed cattle annually for forty vears. and he has met with a larger degree of success in this line than the average person. He has kept his land under excellent improvements and has a modern, convenient and well furnished home, in the midst of pleasant surroundings. Politically, Mr. Smith is a Republican and while he has ne\er sought leadership he has always stood ready to serve the public when necessary. He was treasurer of the school board of his district for a period of hfteen years. Mr. Smith was married on June 12, 1864, to Sarah Voss, who was born in New Jersey, the daughter of John Voss and wife, and to this union seven children have been born, of whom three are deceased, the living being named as follows: Mrs. Amy Jeanette Sherman, who lives in Pasadena, California; Mrs. Emily Francisco, who is li\ing in Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs. Mamie Nicholson, who lives in New Sharon, Iowa; Alexander Lyle. The last named son was born on the farm he now operates in Lynn Grove township, Jasper county, on October 6, 1876. There he grew to maturity and assisted with the general work on the place during the crop seasons, at- tending the public schools during the winter months near his home, later the high school at Lynnville, and the Iowa State College at Ames, spending two years in the agricultural course there ; he also attended the Gem City Business College at Quincy, Illinois. Thus well equipped for his life work from a standpoint of text-book training, he returned home to assist his father man- age some of his farms and he has met with a large degree of success; l>eing regarded as one of the most modern and scientific farmers in the county. He took charge of about six hundred acres two miles south of the town of Sully, where he has carried on general farming and cattle raising on an extensive scale, preparing for market and shipping from two to four car loads of cattle and two hundred hogs annually. Although he rents some of the land, he has general supervision over it all. Politically, he is a Republican and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Sully. 734 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Alexander L. Smith was united in marriage with Elizabeth Jean \'aughn on May 2"], 1903. She was born in Pennsylvania, but was living at Bur- lingame, Kansas, at the time of her marriage. She is the daughter of W. J. and Emily K. (Brown) V'aughn, who moved with their daughter to Kansas when she was two years old. and the parents still reside in the Sunflower state. Three children have graced the union of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Smith: Donald Lyle. born December 29, 1907; Vernon Eugene, born July 27, 1909; Robert Vaughn, born November 4, 191 1. No family in the county is better or more favorably known. JOHN KELLY. It is no doubt true that Ireland, of all countries of the world, has sent more emigrants in proportion to population to the United States than any other country, and the reason is well known. For hundreds of years the Emerald Isle has been denied many valuable rights and privileges by Great Britain, and the pride and honor of the people were ground into the dust. They could avoid all this by leaving the island, much as they loved it, and accordingly thousands of them, as the years rolled around, have crossed the great Atlantic to find a home of greater freedom in America. They began to come in large numbers soon after the Revolution and have continued to come until the present time. In every state they settled and built up comfortable homes. They were among our first teachers and business men, and today they occupy many of the proudest positions within the gift of the inhabitants. In that country was born John Kelly, farmer and stock raiser of Rock Creek township, Jasper county. He grew up and received what education he could in his native county of Roscommon. He is the son of George and Ann (Grady) Kelly, both natives of Ireland, and there the)- lived and died, the father being a shepherd, and consequently led a c[uiet life, close to nature and ever unobtrusive, his wants being simple. His family consisted of six chil- dren, three of whom are living, two in Ireland, Charles and Maria Burn. John Kelly, of this sketch, spent his boyhood days as a shepherd, but not being content with conditions at home, and having heard of the great oppor- tunities that existed in the new world, he set sail on the "City of Antwerp," October 6, 1869, for New York City. He came on to Richmond, Indiana, and remained there three years, working on the Vandalia railroad, then went to Indianapolis and during one winter worked in the railroad rolling mills. In 1893 ^i*^ mo\cd to Des Moines, Iowa, and there resumed railroad work, in JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. jt^z^ which he remained four years, then went to :\Iontana and worked in the placer mines at A^irginia City for a few months; then went to Glendale City and did the work of a roaster in the silver mines, remaining there three years, during which he was on one furnace. Then returninj^ to Des Moines, he worked there until his marriage, then mo\ed to Poweshiek county where he b(jught eighty acres of land at Oak (irove. Washington township, and remained there four years. He then moved to Palo Alto county, and a year later located in Rock Creek township, Jasper county, where he bought a farm of one hundred and twenty acres. This he has improved in an up-to-date manner and has been very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser, and he is a breeder of short horn cattle and Poland China hogs. Politically, he is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Roman Catholic church. In 1880 Mr. Kelly was united in marriage with Martha Hotchkin, who was born in Xew York City, the daughter of John Hotchkin, of England, and one of the honored old settlers of Jasper county, Iowa, where he died Decem- ber 12. 191 1, being advanced in years. He married Rose Gaughran, a native of Ireland. She and Mr. Hotchkin came to New York City single and there married. He was a blacksmith by trade. He came west and located in Illinois, three years after his marriage, and in 1870 he came on to Jasper county, Iowa, where he lived until his death. His wife passed to her rest on June 6. 1909. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, nameh : Mary. George. John (deceased). Martha. Charles and Lucy. MARCE TURNER. Success could not fail to attend the efforts of such a persistent and energetic worker as Marce Turner, of Kellogg township, for his motto seems to have always been that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. He was born in Ralls county, Missouri, June 5. 1870. and he is the son of George and Malinda (Seeley) Turner, the father born also in Ralls county, that state, on June i, 1840. The father followed farming during the earlier years of his life, later taking up carpentering, painting, blacksmithing and carriage making, following these until his death, on March 10. 1890: his widow survives, making her home in Cherokee county, Kansas. Marce Turner grew to maturity in his native county and in Kansas, spending his boyhood days assisting his father and attending the public schools. He started in life for himself by driving a stage, later took up freighting, then turned his attention to painting and carpentry. He came to 736 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Kellogg township, Jasper county, in 1900 and here worked on the farm by the month until in March, 1909, when he rented eighty acres. Mr. Turner was married October 22, 1899. to Maggie Watson, who was born in Michigan, f>bruary 14. 1883. the daughter of Lynn B. and Mar}^ (Roach) Watson, the father having been born in Kansas in 1856, and the mother's birth occurred in Iowa in 1855. Mrs. Turner received a good education in the common schools and she came to Iov\"a when young. Marce Turner is one of a family of ten children, five sons and five daughters, namely: Molly is deceased; George is deceased; Elija is deceased; Laura, Lucy, Cordelia and Cornelius (twins), Eugene, Joseph, Mandy and Marce. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Turner, a son and a daughter, namely: Virginia F., whose birth occurred November 20, 1900, and Virgil Eugene, who was born December 9, 1903. Politically, Mr. Turner is a Republican, and, fraternally, he belongs to the \\'oodmen. He is a member of the Christian church. ISAL^H W. BLACK. A representative Io^^a farmer, one of that great class of able men who have made Iowa a great state, is Isaiah W. Black. For Iowa is preeminently a farming state, and her farmers are more progressive and efficient than the average of American farmers, and demonstrate this every year by their excellent showing. Mr. Black has spent the years of his active life on the farm in honest and healthful toil, intelligently directed, which have brought to him peace and plenty in his later years, and a consciousness of duty done. Isaiah W. Black was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, on December 28, 1850, the son of Robert and Eliza (Hanna) Black. His father came to Jackson county, Iowa, from Mercer county, Pennsylvania, in 1853. His mother had died at an early age in Jackson county. Robert Black farmed in Jackson county until his death, at the age of seventy-one, and was a man of local influence, filling many offices in the township in which he resided. David M. Black, of Maquoketa, Iowa, is a half-brother, and Mrs. Emma Ward, of Newton, a half-sister of the subject. Isaiah W. Black farmed for many years in Jackson county, in South Dakota, and in Jasper county, meeting with uniform success. In all the com- munities in which he has lived he has taken an active and prominent part in 70 m D m z n m o > > X r > o 7^ JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 737 affairs of general interest and has filled local offices, lie was married in Jones county, Iowa, to Anna C. Deischer, the daughter of Daniel Diescher, a pioneer of Jones county, to which he had moved from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. To this marriage were born three children. Charles C. Black is in the lumber business at Mingo, Jasper county, and is thriving successfully. Clarence A. Black of Mingo, Jasper county, is a partner with his brother, Charles C, in the lumber business. Dr. Elmer E. Black, of Colfax, is a veter- inary surgeon, a graduate of the State Agricultural College of Ames, Iowa, in 1909. He began practice at Colfax, and is building np a good reputation by his efficiency. The Black family is an old and honored one. and all its Iowa members have lived up to the family name. Isaiah W. Black possesses the respect and esteem of all who know him, and has in his lifetime made many friends. LYMAX C. CLARK. Washington township, jasper county has ne\er had a better farmer or a more honorable citizen than the late Lyman C. Clark, and all who knew him well will readily admit that he was ever a gentleman of high standing to whom was not denied a full measure of success, although he was compelled to carve out his ow'n fortune with the assistance of no one but his faithful life com- panion. He was long a recognized factor of importance in connection with the agricultural interests of this localit}-, being identified with its material growth and prosperity from the pioneer days, his life being very closely inter- woven with its history. His early life was beset with such obstacles as would have discouraged a man of less sterling mettle, but he persevered in the face of all adversity and won. not only material success, but also the good will and esteem of all who knew him, for he was public-spirited. •l)road-min(leil, liberal and scrupulously honest. Mr. Clark was born of an excellent Xew England family on January 4, 1846, in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was the son of John and Lucy (Bond) Clark, lx)th natives of Massachusetts, where they grew up and were married and there the father spent his life After his death the mother mar- ried a Mr. Stone and they came west. Lyman C. Clark was educated in the .schools of Massachusetts and in about 1853, after having made his home in \'ermont for some time, he came to Knox countv, Illinois, and there bought one hundred and sixty acres, and (47) 738 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. later his mother and step-father joined him there, having driven overland from \'ermont. He found there a new and sparsely settled country and he tried to develop a farm from the wild sod, but he found it a hard task, one of his chief annoyances being the frequent destruction of his fences by prairie fires. While living in Illinois he was married at Galva, and in 1869 he and his family emigrated to Jasper county, Iowa, where he bought one hundred and sixty acres in Washington township, and he later bought forty acres of timber in Mound Prairie township. He succeeded in developing a good farm and in gaining a competence, but not without great toil and much sacrifice on his part and that of his wife, to whose sympathy and judicious counsel was due in no small measure his large success. Here they found a new country and they underwent the usual hardships and privations incident to pioneer life. Some of their land has been undermined for coal from shafts from the east. He was an extensive stock feeder and no small part of his income was derived from handling live stock of various grades. Mr. Clark was married on June 16, 1859, to Cordelia R. Stearns, who was born in Rockingham, Windham county, Vermont, on February 13, 1836. She was the daughter of Samuel E. Stearns and wife, a highly respected fam- ily who spent their lives engaged in agricultural pursuits, moving to Union county, Iowa, in the late fifties. Mrs. Clark died December 25, 191 1. To Mr. and Airs. Clark the following children were born : Mrs. Alice M. Fry; Mrs. Anna L. Jones; Mrs. Abbey Green, of Luceland, Canada; Norris J. runs the home farm; Mrs. Mary B. Clement; Cyrus L lives in Polk county. Iowa; Martha S. is deceased; Louis O., Jesse A. and Mrs. Gracia Haldefer. The death of Lyman C. Clark occurred on May 20. 1908. loved and hon- ored by all who intimately knew* him, for he was a man whom to know was to admire. SAMUEL DECATUR. Among the successful farmers of Jasper county who have forged their way to the front by sheer force of will and individual merit rather than by the infiuence and material assistance of others, no worthier example could be found than that of Samuel Decatur, of Rock Creek township. He is a man of excellent judgment, which accounts for his uniform success as an agricul- turist and stock raiser. Being careful in his calculations, resourceful in his dealings and eminently honorable in his relations with others, people have always reposed confidence in his word, as his integrity has ever been above criticism. He is one of the best examples of the truly self-made American JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 739 this county can produce, for he started at the bottom of the ladder and his rise to a topmost rung has been by hard work, close application and the exercise of great patience, making stepping-stones out of the obstacles encountered on tiie highway of life. Air. Decatur was born in Tioga county. New York, October 15, 1850, the son of William and Julia Ann (Cortwrightj Uecatur, both natives of Xew York, he of Binghamton and she of Tioga county, and there they grew up and were married. Mr. Decatur worked by the month until the commence- ment of the Civil war w lien he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Ninth Xew York X'olunteer Infantry. For there months he was sick in the hospital and was finally discharged on account of disability, lie brought his wife to Poweshiek county, Iowa, in 1869 and located in Griiinell, their son. Samuel, of this review, having preceded the parents there the year previous. The father remained in that city until his death, in 1882; however, he spent his last days on the farm with the subject. His family consisted of sc\cn cnildren, five of whom are living. Mrs. William Decatur survived her husband a short time. Samuel Decatur, of this sketch, was educated in the public schools of New York, and when but ele\en years of age he was compelled to work to help support the family while the father was in the war. When eighteen years of age he came to Poweshiek count}', Iowa, and worked by the month until the spring of 1881. When a boy he worked many a day for fifty cents, cutting wood, and boarded himself, and later he worked for two seasons on the Iowa Central railroad, using his own team. He was economical and thereby got a start, these hard experiences tloing him gcjod and insuring his success later in life In 1881 he bought a farm of thirty acres in Rock Creek town- ship; this being timbered, he did a great deal of hard work developing it. but this was his start toward a large and valuable farm, he having added to his original purchase from time to time, as he prospered, until he is now the owner of one of the best improved and most productixe farms in his township, con- sisting of three hundred and fifty acres; he has all modern conveniences, in- cluding a good silo, substantial outbuildings and a large and neatly furnished residence. In 1904 he bought the Perry Madison place of two hundred seven- teen and one-half acres which joined his original farm on the south. It is one of the oldest farms in the vicinity, but is still rich and productive, having been carefully tilled. Mr. Madison was one of the first settlers here and took up this farm from the government when this part of the state was yet a wild prairie. He was the first school teacher in Rock Creek township and wa- w ell known to the earlv settlers. 740 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. In politics r^Ir. Decatur is a Republican and he has held a number of local offices, always with credit to himself and with satisfaction to the people. In 1876 Mr. Decatur was united in marriage to Orilla Clapp, a native of Walworth county, Wisconsin, and the daughter of Alvin and Martha Clapp, old settlers of that county, having come from Xew England when Wisconsin was a territory. They began life as typical pioneers, erecting a log house and clearing a small patch, and in time had a good home, and there they spent the remainder of their lives, both being now deceased. Their family consisted of three children: Eli, who died in the army; Orilla, wife of Mr. Decatur; Marida. who married E. M. Wafifle. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Decatur, namely: Clarence is married and is living in Poweshiek county: George; Mable. who married William Tesser, lives in Grinnell ; Herbert ; Delphina married Arthur Durr and lives in Rock Creek township; Lawrence; William AIcKinley ; one child died in in fane v. JACOB SCHiMITT. Among the enterprising Germans who have found homes within our bor- ders and to whom the country has always been ready to extend a hearty wel- come, Jacob Schmitt, farmer of Washington township. Jasper county, is de- ser\-ing of specific mention in the list of worthy citizens of Jasper county. He is one of the pioneers of Iowa and has spent most of his long and useful life in the Hawkeye state, having come here when a boy sixty- four years ago, so he has lived to see and take part in the de\"elopment of the state from the epoch of the wild [)lains, when wild beasts and painted-faced Indians roamed at will, and it is interesting indeed to hear him tell of the early days. He has won a good home and valuable farmstead through his own indomitable efforts and while he has been laboring for his own ad\ancement he has never let a good opportunity pass whereby he could contribute in some way to the progress of his locality, having ever had the general good of his adopted country at heart. He has led a life of honesty and he has ever commanded the respect and good will of his neighbors and many friends. Mr. Schmitt was born in Bavaria, Germany, September 10. 1831, the son of Jacob, Sr., and Elizabeth (Beebinger) Schmitt, both born in Bavaria, he in 1799 and she in 1805. The paternal grandfather was also named Jacob. The father of the subject was a weaver by trade and worked his own loom for linen weaving. Tn July, 1847, ^^^ brought his family to America, landing JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. y^i at Xew Orleans alter a tedi(jus and trying \oyage of sixty-two days. They found It so hot in the Louisiana nietropoHs that the family decided to ascend the Mississippi to Iowa, so they came to Fort Madison and there located, the father securing employment in a hrick yard. Later he rented a farm in Lee county and lived there until his death, in 1863. liis familv consisted of seven children, of whom Jacob, the immediate subject of this sketch, was the second in order of birth. He attended school in Germany until lie was fourteen years of age. Although but sixteen years of age when the family came to America, he left them and started out in life for himself. For some time he worked in Keokuk, Iowa, and he was in the employ of a steamboat' pilot, receiving dur- ing the first year only three dollars per month. Later he began learning the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for a time in Mis.souri. later locating in Franklin, Iowa, where he conducted a blacksmith shop of his own. He worked two years in Louisa county and in 1874 he moved to Prairie City. Jasper county, where he established a blacksmith and repair shop and made wagons which were of such superior quality that they were eagerly sought for. He was in business with his brother Philip for some time, .\lthough he had been very successful as a blacksmith and wagon maker, the subject finally turned his attention to farming and rented land for three years, then bought one hundred and sixty acres in Washington township, in 1881, and here he has continued to reside, having enjoyed a very comfortable income from his well tilled land. Mr. Schmitt is a Republican in politics, though in his earlier life he voted the Democratic ticket. He has ])een road supervisor for five vears. Reli- giously, he belongs to the (jerman Lutheran church. On October 26, 1856, Mr. Schmitt was united in marriage with Henrietta Rauscher, who was born on the ocean while her parents were emigrating to America. She is the daughter of Henry Rauscher. who came to Ohio in 1833 and in 1848 moved on to Lee county, Iowa, thus starting life twice in the new world as a pioneer. To the subject and wife the following children have been born: Philip. Henry. Mrs. Anna Anderson, Lizzie and George, who died in infancy. MRS. JOA.N.VA \ALI-:XTIXI-:-F\A\S. The name of this estimable lady is a familiar sound to the people in Wash- ington and surrounding townships, and the brief record of her life outlined in the following paragraphs will doubtless be read with interest by manv friends and acquaintances who have learned to prize her for her beautiful 74-' JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. character and useful life, which has been as an open book in which there are no pages marred or soiled by conduct unbecoming true womanhood, and whose influence has always made for the good of the large circle of friends with whom she has associated. Airs. Evans was born on January _\S. 1839. in Warren county, Pennsyl- vania, the daughter of Edmund and Hannah \'alentine, her father a native of Pennsylvania and her mother of New York. Air. X'alentine grew up in Penn- svlvania and there engaged in the lumber business, working in the timber many vears, cutting, rafting and sawing. He is now deceased. The daughter Joanna grew up and was educated in Pennsylvania and she was married in Warren county, that state, on June 3, 1855, at Enterprise, to George. Evans, who was born Alarch 21, 1828. in Eranklin county, Penn- sylvania, and there he grew to manhood and when young followed teaming in the town of Franklin. The week after his marriage he and his bride moved to Henry county, Illinois, locating in the town of Cambridge and there farmed in the edge of town for three years; then Air. Evans managed a hotel in the town of Atkinson, Illinois, for several years. Later he teamed for different companies in Geneseo, that state. He hauled telegraph poles for the Rock Island Railroad Company when they built through Iowa. In 1875 he and his wife came to Polk county, Iowa, and conducted a hotel in the town of Alitchell- ville for a year, and also followed teaming there. The next year he bought one hundred and fifty-three acres in Washington towaiship, Jasper county, and moved to the same. Although he had to pay seventeen per cent, interest on the money with which he paid for the land and met with \ arious drawbacks, he persevered and succeeded, living on the place ten years. Then he bought three hundred and twenty acres in Washington township, just west of the city of Colfax, for which he paid twenty-six dollars per acre. It is now worth one hundred and fifty dollars per acre. He met with increasing success as a gen- eral farmer and stock raiser. He always kept a great number of dairy cows and made large quantities of butter. He established a pleasant home and left a comfortable competency. Air. Evans was a Democrat, Ijut he was not an aspirant for public oftice. He was a man whom everybody liked, being sociable, honorable and neigh- borly. His death occurred on Alarch 4, 1905. Seven children were born to Air. and Airs, (ieorge E\ans, named as fol- lows : Airs. Alary DeLong, Airs. Georgia Rose, Airs. Mattie Rose, Airs. Lou Stonehawker, Mrs. Ida Stamper, John and Ered. The youngest son, Fred, lives with his mother on the home place and has the active management of the entire farm, successfully carrying out the plans JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 743 inaugurated there by his father. They have gone extensively into butter making during the past few years. During the year 1910 they made two tons and eight hundred pounds from tlieir cows. They have a separator and churn run by gasoHne engine, in fact, have every m(jdern convenience about the place. Fred Evans is a progressive, energetic and capable young farmer, for whom the future promises mucli. lie attended school in Colfax, but has been managing the home place since 1901. He is a Democrat, a member of the Eagles lodge and the Improved Order of Red Men. He was married on May 24. 1905, to Mary Carroll, who was born at Council Bluffs, Iowa, the daughter of John Carroll, a railroader. HENRY SCHMITT The family name of the subject of this sketch is familiar throughout the county of Jasper and as highly esteemed as any other in this locality, and Henry Schmitt is recognized as one of its creditable representatives, a true type of a broad-minded, straightforward agriculturist who has not been afraid of hard work and who has succeeded because he has diligently and per- sistently followed a legitimate course, and while he has l^een laboring for his own advancement he has not been neglectful of his general duties to the com- munity at large. Mr. Schmitt was born in Lee county, Iowa, on May 6, i860, the son of Jacob and Henrietta (Rauscher) Schmitt, the father born in Bavaria, Ger- many, on September 10, 1831, and the mother was born on the ocean while her parents were emigrating to this country from Germany. The father of the subject was brought to b'ort Madison. Iowa, by his parents in 1847. He learned the blacksmith's trade which he followed successfully for many years in Missouri and Iowa, later in life turning his attention to farming, becoming the owner of a good farm in Washington township, Jasper county, in 1881, where he has since resided, being now advanced in years. His family con- sisted of five children, namely: Philip; Henry of this sketch; Mrs. .Anna Anderson, Lizzie and George, the latter dying in infancy. Henry Schmitt attended school first in Lee county, then in Louisa county, later in lasper county, his parents moving to various places when he was a boy. While they were living in Louisa count}, Hemw went back to the town of Franklin in Lee countv to attend a German school and while there his father moved to Prairie Citv, lasper county, and there, in connection with blacksmith- ^44 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. iiii;'. conducted a waj^oii shop, in which the sul)iect assisted, doing the painting". Three vears later the faniilv moved south of that town on a farm where they remained four years, then moved to the home farm in Washington township. in 1881, as before stated. When Henr\- was married he hegan renting hmd in order to get a start, continuing tlnis for two years on the farm which he now owns. It was in 1893 that he purchased his farm of eight acres and this he has greatly improved and made a good living from the same. He has remodeled the buildings and has a comfortable home. Mr. Schmitt is school director in his district, and. politically, he votes for the best man, irrespective of politics. He was born and reared in the faith of the German Lutheran church, from w hich he has not departed. Mr. Schmitt was married on September 23, 1891, to Anna A\'arner, a native of Jasper county, and the daughter of Mathew Warner, who came from Indiana to Des Moines township, in a v^ery early day. Three children have been born to the subject and wife, nameh' : Edwin Lyle, Clififord Vernon and ^lildred. Thev are being \ery carefully reared Ijy their parents. DAVID W. STRAIN. The record of David W. Strain, farmer of Washington township, Jasper county, is that of an er.ierprieing gentleman who worthily upholds an honored family name and whose life has been \ery intimately associated with the ma- terial prosperity and general advancement of \arious communities of this part of Iowa during the most progressi\'e period of its history, and he has always been found on the right side of (juestions looking to the 'development of his community in any way. \A'"hile he has been prominent in industrial affairs, he has at the same time won a reputation for honesty and wholesome living. He is a worthy representati\-e of one of the count}''s sterling pioneer families. Mr. Strain was born in Highland county, Ohio, Jime 12, 1845, ^he son of Thomas and Xancy A. (Winegar) Strain, the father l)orn in Virginia in 1819, but he spent his l;(j}'hood in South Carolina. When a \ oung man he went to Highland county, ( )hio. and there became owner of a farm. He was a typical frontiersman, and in 1850 he drove a team overland to Jasper county, Iowa, buying a farm here. There were few settlers and the country was a wild prairie. He took some land from the government and bought some from those who had entered land at an earlier period. He became the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of good land in Des Moines township and here JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 745 he went to work with a will and developed a good farm which he later sold and bought two hundred acres in Polk county, Iowa. Suhse<|uently trading that farm for one in Alahaska county, he lived there until his death, which oc- curred in February. 1877. Politically, he was first a Whig, later a Reiniblican. His wife survived until 1895. They were the parents of ten children, an equal number of sons and daughters, and it is somewiiat remarkable that so large a family should all be living at their ages, the eldest being now seventy, the Psalmist's allotted three score and ten ; they are Ellen J. ; John A., of Nebraska; Mrs. Elvira A. Woods, also of Nebraska; David W., of this sketch, who was the fourth in order of birth ; Libby ; Doctor W. ; Richard P. li\ <*>« n.-ar Altoona. Iowa; Sarah B., Delilah Emma and Albert Ross. David W. Strain, of this sketch, spent his boyhood for the most part in Camp township. Polk county, having been five years of age when his parents brought him from Ohio. He attended the pioneer schools of this vicinity. He lived at home until he was married, having helped his father transform raw land into productive fields. He became the owner of one hundred and forty acres in Mahaska county which he continued to operate until 1891, when he sold out and bought two hundred and forty acres in Polk county, which he still owns. He lived there, carrying on general farming with his usual suc- cess until 1900. in which vear he bought eighty acres in Washington township. Jasper county, and moved to the same, since adding eighty acres more to it. Under his management this pkice has taken rank among th.e l)est farms of the township. Mr. Strain was married on March t. 1877. to Mrs. Eliza (Myers) Block, who was born in Posey county. Indiana, the daughter of Isaac Myers, who came to Mahaska county. Iowa, in 1849. thus being an early settler. The following children have been born to Mr. Strain and wife: Mrs. Edna R. Freel. Mrs. Mayme F. ^^'ilson. Mrs. Lilly M. Schlo.s.ser and Mrs. Abl)ie R. Ward. Personally. Mr. Strain is a man of splendid physique and of a genial. jovial nature which makes him a favorite in any crowd. HEXRV WELLE. In the constant and laborious struggle for an honorable comi)etence and a creditable name on the part of business or professional men there is little to attract the reader in search of a sensational chapter, but to a mind thoroughly awake to the true meaning of life and its responsibilities there are noble and imperishable lessons in the career of an individual who. early tlirown upon J46 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. hi^ uwn rcs.ourcc> and without other means than a sound mind, fertile per- ceptive facult)- and a true heart, conquers ad\ersity and wins not only a position in the industrial world, but what is equally as great, the deserved esteem and confidence of his fellow men. Such a man is the prominent business man of Sully, Jasper county, whom the biographer treats in this connection, and whose name is so intimately associated with the material and civic interests of Lynn Grove township as to reflect much credit upon the town and vicinity, at the same time gaining the undi\ided respect of all who know him for his well directed life, which has been along paths of honor. Henry Welle was born in Marion county, Iowa. June 24, 1867, the son of Cornelius and Sarah (Nollen) Welle, both natives of Holland, the father having emigrated to America in 1847 ^^'ith his parents, Peter and Dirkie Welle, and located in ]^larion county, Iowa, two and one-half miles from Pella, and there they spent the rest of their lives, having established a very pleasant home in the new world, and there the father of our subject was reared, he having been but a boy when he was brought to this state. The maternal grandparents, Henrv and Sarah Xollen. also natives of Holland who emigrated to America in 1854, located in Marion county, Iowa, also and there the mother of the sub- ject was reared. Cornelius Welle devoted his life to agricultural pursuits and became the owner of about two hundred acres of valuable land. His death occurred on September 20. 1907; his widow is still lixing at the town of Pella, being now about seventy-five years of age. Their family consisted of two sons and two daughters, all living. Mr. Welle w^as a quiet, home man, a member of the Dutch Reformed church, to which his widow .also belongs. Henry Welle was educated in the common schools of Marion count}' and reared on the farm, and he engaged in the various phases of agricultural pur- suits until he was twenty-eight years of age, then he spent a year in Pella and in 1895 came to Sully, Jasper county, and entered the general mercantile busi- ness in partnership with B. H. Van Spanckeren, which continued successfully for a period of five years, during w hich time they built up an extensixe trade with the town and surrounding country. At the end of that time Mr. Welle bought out his partner and conducted the business alone for ten years, enjoying a liberal and growing patronage all the while, then sold out in the fall of 19 10 to Mr. Haan, and soon entered a partnership with Frank Sherman in the automobile and garage business, in which they are .^till engaged, having been successful from the first. They built a modern, substantial cement building, thirty by sixty feet, on Main street. They handle the popular Ford, Hudson and Mitchell cars and their business is constantlv growing. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 747 Mr. Welle is a Democrat in i^olitics and while lie has never sought public leadership he has always stood ready to do his part in furthering anv laudable undertaking having for its object the upbuilding of the communitv in anv wav. Religiously, he belongs to the Congregational church. Mr. Welle was married on September 2. 1896. to Dora \'an Spanckeren. daughter of P.. H. \'anSpanckeren, Sr.. who located in Marion county. Iowa, in 1847. He now lives in Pella and is eighty-four years of age. One son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Welle, named Cornelius. JOHN G. HORSFORD. This sterling farmer, who lias come to us from the great and powerful British empire, but who, nevertheless, reveres our flag and gladly supports our institutions, is one of the progressive and highly honored citizens of Washing- ton township, Jasper count) , owning there a valuable and well kept farm- stead. Since coming here he has won a reputation for both industry and in- tegrity, his character standing out unblemished, so that to him is accorded the fullest measure of popular confidence and esteem. He is eminently en- titled to representation in this work, which aims to give all worthy citizens of this locality due credit for their praiseworthy lives. Mr. Horsford was born in Devonshire, England. July 26, i860, and he is the son of George and Charlotte ( Gritiin) Horsford. both natives of Devon- shire, England. There they grew up, were educated and married, devoted their lives to farming, and there they died, the father in the same house in which he was born. Their family consisted of four sons, namely : John G., of this sketch; William lives in England; Harry died in his native country; and Fred, who is still living in England. John G. Horsford grew up in his native community and was educated there, emigrating to America when twenty-one years of age and located in Winnebago county, Illinois, where he worked a few months, then returned to England, where he remained until the spring of the next year, then returned to Illinois and located in La Salle county where he worked out as a farm hand. In the fall of 1883 he came to Jasper county and located in Richland town- ship, buying one hundred acres there, which he improved into a good farm and there made his home for a period of sixteen years, then sold out and bought one hundred and forty acres near Bethel church. Selling that farm in March, 1909. he purchased one hundred and sixty acres in Washington township and this place he has impro\ed and is \ery comfortably situated. 748 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. ha\ing a pleasant home and convenient barns and other builcHngs; in connec- tion with general farming, he raises a good grade of hve stock of various kimls. Having been a man of thrift, he has met with a hirge measure of success in his adopted country. Mr. Horsford is a man of decided views, and he votes for tlie man who, in his estimation, is best (pudihed for the ofiice sought, irrespective of poHtics. Rehgiouslv, he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal cluirch. He has been school director in his district. On July 24, 1884, Mr. Hosford was united in marriage with Mary Black, who was born in Grinnell. Iowa. Alay 18, 1864, the daughter of O. W. Black and wife, early settlers of this portion of Iowa. Two children ha\e been born to the subject and wife. Mrs. Fannie Hoover and Charlotte. HIRAM C. LIBOLT. The subject of this sketch holds worthy prestige among the enterprising farmers and representative citizens of Jasper county and it is with no small degree of satisfaction that the biographer gives to the public the following brief outline of his life and achievements, for he has always stood for upright manhood and progressixe citizenship, his intiuence in every relation of lite making for the luaterial advancement of his community, while he has led a life of honesty and established a reputation for fairness in all his relations with the world. Hfram C. Libolt was ]x)rn in Washington township, this count}', Septem- ber 7. 1868, the son of one of our worthy pioneer families, John L. and Eliza (Corwin) Liljolt, the fatlier Ixjrn in the state of Xew York in 1829 and died in 1907; the mother was born on the Isle of Man and her death occurred in 1869 when her son, Hiram C, of this sketch, was six months old. The father subsequently married Mrs. Jennie (Robinson) Allen. John L. Libolt, the father, was one of the earliest settlers in Cedar county. Iowa, w hither he came about 1854 and there he was married some time afterwards to the subject's mother. Aljout 1865 he moved to Jasper county and bought one hundred and sixty acres in Washington township and here he continued farming. He was a (Jreenbacker, later a Democrat and lie served his community as road supervisor. His family consisted of two children by his first wife, William, deceased, and Hiram C, of this review. Three children were born of his second union, Ada. deceased: Mrs. Delia Smith, and Cieorge, wlio is li\ing in Salt Lake Citv. JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 749 Jrlirani L". Liboll was educated in Washington township, district Xo. 6. When t(jurteen years of age he left home and worked out by the month and while still thus employed, at the age of twenty-three, he bought eighty acres of the home place and there he still resides, having kept the same well improved and well tilled, in 1907 he built a commodious new dwelling, and he has always kept good live stock. Tolitically, Mr. Libolt is a Democrat and he is now serving as school director in Washington township. He is a member of the Modern Wood- men lodge and of the Christian church at Colfax. On February 27, 1901, Mr. Libolt was married to Anna Stineman, who was born in Polk county, Iowa, the daugliter of John Stineman. This union has been without issue. Mr. Libolt is a pleasant man to meet, genial, hospitable and Inroad-minded. Such a man is to be congratulated for working his way from an humble begin- ning to the position which he now occupies In the community, and he is a fine example of the self-reliant, courageous and self-made American, his ex- ample proving that the boy who is ambitious and earnest may succeed in the face of obstacles, without the help of family or influential friends. By hon- est methods, economy, industry, the exercise of sound judgment and keen foresight he has pushed his way to the front. Being a close observer, he l)rofited bv the failures and faults of others. JOHN H. SHERMAN. What characterizes the present age of in(lu;-try in contrast with all that ha\-e gone before is the great and wonderful di\ersity of pursuits. One merchant of today will handle nothing but hats, another nothing but stationery, another nothing but confectionery, and so on; few manufacturers nowadavs turn out more than one product, and in nearly e\ery line of endeavor in this rushing, specializing, industrial age. this fact is traceable. To a considerable extent this holds good on the farm as well as in the city : the modern agricul- turist is turning his attention to some specific branch of farming, and onlv pursues the others so far as they will aid him in making a success of the one. In following the one he but observes the tendency of the times to concentrate most of his attention on certain lines which are thus sure to be vastiv more suc- cessful tlian if liis efforts were scattered o\er man\- occupations. Thus it is found that .some farmers make a specialty of raising certain grades of stock, to the exclusion of general farming except as the latter will aid him with his 750 JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. Stock. A good exponent of both general and special farming is to be found in John H. Sherman, one of the best known citizens of the southeastern part of Jasper county, and the son of one of the honored and most intiuential of the pioneers of L) nn Grove township, in the development of which the Shermans have been among the most active during the past half century or more, and in which township occurred the birth of the subject on March 23, i(Sr)i, and here he has been content to spend his life. He is the son of Thomas and Peninah (Sparks) Sherman. Th.e paternal grandfather. Harris Sherman, was a native of Massachusetts, and in 1831 this family moved to Portage county, Ohio, and settled among the pioneers there. Mr. Sherman engaging in farming there until his death, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, his wife also reaching a ripe old age. The Sparks family originated in Wales, from which country they emi- grated to America and settled in Mar}land in the early history of this countrx . later making their home in North Carolina, and still later in Kentucky. The maternal grandparents, John R. and Elizal)eth Sparks, were born in Adair county, Kentucky, he on March 16, 1806, and she on January 7. i8o5. and there they grew up and were married, and moved to Illinois in the early set- tlement of that state, and from there came on to Lee county, Iowa, in 1836. making their home there until 1845, ^^h^ri they moved to Jasper county, locat- ing in section 10, Lynn Grove township, entering about three hundred and twent}' acres from the government. Mr.' Sparks had little of this world's goods when he arrived here; he had twent}'-live dollars in money, a span of horses, three yoke of oxen and two plows. But he liked nothing better than to begin life in a new country, and he made a clearing, built- a rude hut and went to work witli his usual courage, and soon had a good farm and comfort- able home in which he spent the remainder of his life, dying on August 17. 1886, his wife having preceded him to the grave only a short time, her death having occurred on June 7th of that year. Their lives were remarkable in that they began and closed, each within a few days of the other and during a long flight of years they traversed the pathway side bv side. They were among the first settlers of Iowa and their like are not frequently met with nowadays. John R. Sparks built the first saw-mill in Lynn Grove township, choosing for the site the present village of Lynnville, on the Skunk river, and he also estab- lished the first grist-mill here, in fact, this antedated the saw-mill some time, he having est''blished these mills at Lynnville before he began farming in this vicinity. Thomas Sherman, father of John H., of this review, was born in Massa- chusetts, on September C^. 1828. and in 1831 he accompanied his parents to JASPER COUNTY, IOWA. 75 1 Portage county, Ohio, and tliere grew to maturity (jn the home farm, receiving such education as those early times afforded in the pubHc schools. Early in life he manifested an unusual ability as a financier. In 1854 he came to Jas- per county, Iowa, reaching here with absolutely nothing, and he began w(jrK- ing for John R. Sparks, for two years at twelve dollars per month. On April 10. 1856, he married his employer's daughter. Peninah. She was born in Morgan county, Illinois, on December 3, 1835. He had been economical, saved his money and after his marriage bought two hundred and forty acres of land in Lynn Grove township, not far from the Sparks homestead, for which he paid only one dollar and twenty-fi\e cents per acre, when this township had a population of less than two hundred. He built a frame house of a native walnut tree. Being a man of keen business discernment .md good judgment, he prospered from the first, and added t(^ his (jriginal purchase from time to time until he ouned one thousand and sixtv acres of valuable Jasper county land which he dix'ided mostly among his seven children before his de'ith. His home farm was a model in e\er}- respect, and he became one of the county's leading" agriculturists and substantial citizens, prominent and influential and a man whom everybody trusted and esteemed. He retained the old homestead until his death, on April 10, 1909, his widow sur\ iving until January 27. 191 1, both having reached ad\anced ages. He was a great reader, kept well ad\ised on current topics and was an intelligent and progressive citizen. He dealt exclusively in land, never refusing to sell when offered a reasonable profit. When the Iowa Central railroad built through this country he aided in organ- izing and founding the town of Sully. ?Te gave his children good educations and thev are all doing well in life's aft'airs. In politics he was a Republican and he and his wife belonged to the Methodist Protestant church, to which their parents before them also belonged. fohn H. Sherman, of this review, grew- up on his father's farm and when he became of proper age assisted in the general work on the same. After passing through the public schools of his community, he spent four years in Iowa College at Grinnell. In 1886 he returned to his native community and took up his life work. On December 23, 1887, he was united in marriage with Anna L. Shoop, daughter of a highly respected family. They .started housekeeping on the farm which his father had given him. Later he bought a part of the homestead and now owns a valuable, well improved and productive farm of one hundred and eighty acres in Lynn Grove township and has met with a large measure of success as a general farmer and stock raiser. He has placed manv modern improvements on this land, including a new and attractive dwelling and a good barn, fencing, etc. He has dealt in st