% ^. ■m^ ..'T'tnuvrnr; ^' ' '' u J j 1 1 . V ]|1" «^' ^'^ .^ ',T.T yi-4 luiinr. I U/^ J(V 4^ cu ^ THE HISTORY or THE Province of Moray. VOL. III. t t t 1 t c t *■ < c < « » « « f I t * « The Histoky OF THE Province of Moray. Comprising the Counties of Elgin and Nairn, the greater part of the County of Inverness, and a poHion of the County of Banff, — all called tlie Province of Moi'ay before tliere was a division into Counties. By LACHLAN SHAW. NEW EDITION.— IN THREE VOLUMES. Enlarged and brought down to the Present Time By J. F. S. GORDON, Author of " Scotichronicon," " Monasticon,'" <£t. VOLUME III. GLASGOW: ^^ciutcb at tk£ Enibcreitg §us3, And Published by HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO., LONDON, AND THOMAS D. MORISON, GLASGOW. 1882. 'V.2) CONTENTS OF VOLUME III. Materials for Building. Fuel. Mines, Dyeing. Salt Water. Fresh Waters. Animals. Tame Beasts. Wild Beasts. Viporous Animals, Fowls. Water Animals. Rarities. The Natural History of MORAY. Air, Light, Cold, Heat. The Rain, the Snow. The Winds, the Mountains. The Hills and Valleys. The Plains, the Soil. The Corn. Flax and Hemp. Potatoes and Mustard. Garden Fruits. Wild and Medicinal Herbs. Forests, Woods. The Civil and Political History The Inhabitants. Their Language. Way of Living, Manners. Genius. Agriculture, Improvements. Manufactures. Trade and Commerce. Commodities for Export. Civil Government. Feudal Customs. Titles of Honour. Count or Earl. Thanes. Dukes. Marquis. Earls. Viscounts. Pages 1-25 OF MORAY. Lords. Counties. Inverness County. Nairn County. Moray County. Regalities. Baronies. Jurisdictions Abolished. Courts of Judicature. Roll of Barons. Burghs. Inverness. Elgin. Nairn. Forres. Burghs of Barony. The Military History of MORAY. Abernethie. Pages 26-76 Royal Forts. At Elgin. Forres. Nairn. Inverness. Urquhart. Oliver's Fort. Fort-George at Inverness Fort-Augustus. Ruthven Barrack. Fort-George at Ardersier Fortalices. At Duffus. Raite. Ruthven. Lochiudort. Battles, &C. At Forres. Obelisk at Forres. Burgus. At Mortlich, anno 1010. Spey, anno 1078. Spey, anno 1110. Urquhart, anno 1160. Invernahavon, anno 1386. Perth, anno 1396. Drumnacoub, anno 1427. VI CONTENTS. Elgin, anno 1452. Young Chiefs. Clachnacharie, anno 1454. Officers. Cean-Loch-Lochie, an. 1544. Ensigns. Glenlivet, anno 1594. Bards. Aldern, anno 1G45. Pipers. Cromdale, anno 1690. Fiery Cross. Inverness, anno 1715. Cry to War. Culloden, anno 1746. Badge. Military Roads. Bards. Military Customs. Omens, &c. Pages 77-137 The Ecclesiastic History of MORAY. 1. The Druidical Church. Druids. Judges. Whence so called. Their Meetings. Their Office. The Vates. Their Religion. The Bards. Priests. Female Druids. Their Worship. Druid Temples. Stated Worshi]). Druid Deities. Circles. Druid Customs. Solemn Worship. In Hectic Fevers. Cairns. In Contagious Diseases. March Solemnity. The Moon's Changes. May Solemnity. Customs at Burials. Mid-Summer Solemnity. Conflagration. Hallow-Eve Solemnity. Druidism whence derived. Sacrifices and Ceremonies. Pages 138-157 ^. The Primitive Christian Church. Christianity Planted in Scot- Keledees. land. Their Purity. Pages 158, 159 3. The Roman Church. I. The Regular Clergy. An Abbey. Kinloss Abbey. The Priories. Urquhart Priory. Pluscardine Priory. Kingussie Priory. The Convents. Black Friars. Gray Friars. Gray Sifters. Preceptory of Maison Dieu St. Nicholas' Hospital. Templar Knights. Johannite Knights. II. The Secular Clergy. The Bishopric of Murtlac. Its Erection, Diocess, Trans- lation, Bishops. The Bishopric of Moray. List of the Bishops of Moray. Diocess. The Cathedral Church. At Spynie. At Elgin. The Cathedral at Elgin founded and built. Burnt and rebuilt. The Cathedral of Elgin De- scribed. CONTENTS. Vll The Chapter House. Dimensions of the Cathedral How Demolished. The College. Canons. Prebendaries. Erection of the College. Transplanted. List of the Canons. The Precinct. The Burgh. The Bishop's Palace At Kenedar. At Spynie. The Palace of Spynie De- scribed. Revenues of the Bishopric of Moray Dignified Clergy. Dean. Arch-Dean. Chantor. Chancellor. Treasurer. Chapter. Inferior Clergy. Parsons. Vicars. Mensal Churches. Common Churches. Chapels of Ease. Free Chapels. Domestic Chapels Private Chapels. Alterage. Obit and Dirge. Government of the Diocess. Chapter. Synod. Deanries. Consistory. Regality. Pages 159-312 4. The Protestant Church. 1st, The several Periods since the Reformation. I. Period, 1560—1572. Superintendents. Commissioners. Assemblies. Synods. Presbyteries. Sessions. n. Period, 1572—1592. Tulchan Bishops. Presbyteries Erected. III. Period, 1592— IGIO. Presbyterian Government Es- tablished. Overturned. IV. Period, 1610— 1G38. Episcopacy re-established. Condemned. V. Period, 1638—1662. Presbytery revived. Overturned. VI. Period, 1662—1690. Prelacy restored. Ministers ejected Conduct of Bishops. Prelacy a grievance. VII. Period, 1690— to the pre- sent time. Presbytery established. Remarks upon the several Change; of Church Government Threnodia. 2nd, The Protestant Bishops ot Moray since the Refor- mation. The Cathedral. Palace, Chapter, Jurisdiction. Revenues. Feu duties of the Bishopric. 3rd, The Ministers of Parishes since the Reformation. Presbytery of Strathbogie. Mortlich Parish. Bellie Parish. Presbytery of Aberlour. Dundurcos Parish. Rothes Parish. Knockando Parish. Boharra Parish. Vlll CONTENTS. Aberlaure Parish. Inveravon Parish. Presbytery of Abernethie Kirkmichael Parish. Cromdale Parish. Abernethie Parish. Duthel Parish. Alvie Parish. Kingusie and Insh Presbytery of Elgin. Dipple Parish. Essil Parish. Speymouth Parish. Urquhart Parish. Lanbribe Parish. Birnie Parish. Elgin Parish. St. Andrews Parish. Kenedar Parish. Ugston Parish. Duffus Parish. New Speynie Parish. Alves Parish. Presbytery of Forres. Kinloss Parish Rafford Parish. Dallas Parish. Forres Parish. Edinkylie Parish. Moy and Dyke Parish. Presbytery of Nairn. Ardclach Parish. Aldern Parish. Nairn Parish. Ardersier Parish. Calder Parish. Croy and Dalcross Parish. Presbytery of Inverness. Moj^ and Dalarassie Parish. Daviot and Dunlichtie. Pettie and Brachlie. Inverness Parish. Durris Parish. Kirkhill Parish. Kiltarlatie Parish Presbytery of Abertar. Urquhart and Glennioriston Boleskin and Abertarf Laggan Parish. Number of Inhabitants in Moray. 4th. The State of Religion in the Province from the Reforma- tion. State of Popery in Moray. Society for Propagating Chris- tian Knowledge. Pages 318-378 Index, Pages 473-471) HISTORY OF THE PROVINCE OF MORAY. PART III. THE NATUBAL HISTORY OF MORAY. A LTHOUGH this Country is in a climate con- •^^-^ siderably Northern, being in the 12th Chm- ate, and from about 57 degrees to 51 — 40 North latitude, the longest day being about 17 hours 46 minutes, and the shortest 6 hours 14 minutes ; yet no Country in Europe can boast of a more pure, temperate, and wholesome Air. No part of it is either too hot and sultry in Summer, nor too sharp and cold in Winter : and it is generally (and I think justly) observed, that in the plains of Moray they have 40 days of fair weather in the year, more than in any other country in Scot- land. The wholesomeness of the Air appears in the long lives of its inhabitants. In the year 1747, William Catanach in Pluscardine died at the age of 119 years ; in the 1755, Sir Patrick Grant of Dalvey died 100 years old ; in 1756, VOL, III. 1 2 LONGEVITY; WILL O' THE WISP; COLD. Thomas Eraser of Gortuleg in Stratherick, died aged 97. And generally 80 years are reckoned no great age to the sober and temperate. 'Tis observed in this, as in all Northern Coun- tries, that, in the beginning of the year, the Daylight increases with remarkable celerity, and decreases in a like proportion, at the approach of winter, which is owing to the inclination of the Earth towards the Poles. And in the Winter nights, the Aurora Borealis (from its desultory motion, called Merry-dancers and Streamers) affords no small light. Whether this proceeds from nitrous vapours in the lower region of the air, or from a reflection of the rays of the sun, I shall not enquire. It is certain that the Ignis Fatims or Ignis Lambens that shineth in the night is owing to a thick and hazy atmosphere, and a clammy and unctuous dew ; for in riding, the horse's mane, and the hair of the rider's head or wig, shine, and by gently rubbing them, the light disappears, and an oily vapour is found on the hand. The Cold in this Country is never found too sharp and severe. In the winters of 1739 and 1740, the frost was not by much so strong in Moray, as it was at Edinburgh and London, and during the continuance of it the water-mills at Elgin were kept going. The warm exhalations and vapours from the sea dissolve the icy parti- cles in the air, and the dry sandy soil doth not heat; rains; snow; winds prevalent, 3 soon freeze, or retain these particles : and if, among the mountains, the Cold is more intense, it is an advantage to the inhabitants ; for, by contracting the pores of the body, the vital heat is kept from dissipating, and is repelled towards the inner parts, keeping a necessary warmth in the whole body. The Heat is pretty strong in Moray; for in summer, the Sun's absence under the horizon is so short, that neither the atmosphere, or heated soil has little time to cool. And often, the heat is greater in the glens and valleys, than in the champaign ground, for the rays of the Sun are pent in and confined, and reverberated from the rocks. Eains in this Country are seldom hurtful, or occasion inundations. Usually we have the Lambmass Flood in the beginning of August, and sometimes a Michaelmas storm ; but the Soil is generally so sandy and dry, that Drought is more hurtful than Bain. Snow seldom lieth a long time, even in the glens and valleys ; and when it continueth, the benefit of it is considerable, especially if it is attended with Frost; for it mellows and manures the ground, and renders it more fertile, impreg- nating it with nitre and other principles of vege- tation, which improve both corn and grass. The winds that prevail here, are the South- west, the North and North-east. From January 4 MOUNTAINS AND DESERTS IN MORAYSHIRE. to June they generally blow between North-west and North-east, and from June to November between South-west and North-west. In winter they are more various and inconstant. By these periodical changes, the barley seed-time in April and May is cool, and the Harvest is fair and dry. Hurricanes are seldom known in this Country. The Mountains and Deserts in the Highlands of Moray, are incomparably more extensive than the arable ground. A chain of the Grampian Mountains runneth on the South side of Spey, and another chain, though lower than the former, stretcheth on the North side, from the mouth to the head of the river. And the straths of the other rivers. Erne, Nairn, Ness, and Farar, are, in like manner, enclosed by ranges of hills. Al- though, to the taste of some travellers, these may seem to disfigure the Country ; to others, their diversifying figures form the most agreeable landskip. And certainly, the benefit of these Mountains is very great; they collect and dis- solve the clouds into rain, and from the reser- voirs in their bowels, form the rivers and brooks that water the valleys and plains. The Mountain- water being impregnated by the earth, tlnrough which it is filtrated, has a vegetable power, which appears in the fertility of the grounds at the foot of Mountains. Their surface affords rich and wholesome pasture, necessary for the inhabitants, whose property consists [mainly in cattle. Let MOUNTAINS HEALTHY NATURAL FENCES. 5 me add, that these Mountains, as natural fences inclosing the valleys, make a fresh stream of air fan them, and drive away all noxious vapours : and hence the inhabitants are so sound, vigorous and wholesome, as to know few diseases, except such as are contracted by intemperance, or com- municated from other countries. In distant ages, and in times of tumults and war, much of the corn land was on the tops and sides of the lower hills. The ridges and furrows, are as yet discernible in many places, and the great heaps of stone gathered out of the corn- fields still remain. Their safety from the incur- sions of enemies, made them choose these high places to dwell in ; and at that time, the valleys were all covered with woods, and haunted by wolves ; and by burning the woods many glens and valleys are become swamps, marshes, and mosses, by the water stagnating in them. When more peaceable times encouraged agriculture and trade, men found the produce of corn in the hilly ground turn to small account. They destroyed the woods in the valleys (of which many roots, and trunks of oak and fir are daily digged up), drained swamps and marshes cultivated the rich ground, and removed their houses and habita- tions into more convenient situations, and more fertile land in the valleys. The Plains of Moray below the hills, extend the whole length of the Country, from Spey to b THE PLAINS OF MORAY ; SOIL OF THE COUNTRY. Farrar ; but of an unequal breadth, not above 6 miles where broadest. And although the Coun- try is champaign and level, it is so cultivated, that there is no stagnating water or fens, to ren- der it unwholesome by exhalations and vapours. The Soil of this Country is generally, either a light Sand or a deep Clay. The Sandy Soil in the plains, is called "Moray Coast," two or three feet deep of a light sandy earth, below which is a stratum of free-stone, or of hard compacted gravel. This composition makes it very warm, and the strong reaction of the sunbeams so heats the Soil, that, without frequent showers in Sum- mer, the produce of it is burnt up. The Clay Soil is strong and deep, and when well manured with hot dung or sea ware or weeds, it yieldeth a rich increase ; but it requireth moderate rain, as much as the Sandy Soil doth, for heat and drought bind the Clay, and the circulation of the sap and moisture from the root is stopt : hence the common observation is, A misty May and a dropping June, brings the honny land of Moray ahoon. The Soil in the Highlands is better watered, and by the sides of rivulets and brooks is deep and fertile, and needeth not much rain ; and the valleys running from North-east to South-west, the South side is always most fertile, because it is better watered, and less dried up by the heat of the sun. WHEAT, OATS, BEANS, AND PEASE ; FLAX AND HEMP. 7 The Corn grain produced by this Soil, is, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Beans, and Pease. The low lands are so plentiful in these sorts of grain, that they not only have enough for home consumpt, and supplying some parts of the High- lands, but they export annually good quantities into other kingdoms. And if some parts of the Highlands have not plenty of grain for their con- sumpt, it is not that the Soil is less fertile, or worse manured ; but the Barley and Oats are of a smaller body, and a thicker hool. Providence wisely so ordering, to guard the tender grain, which in cold valleys is apt to be chilled and blasted by clammy mill-dews, and sometimes by hoar frost : and though their grain doth not yield so much meal as in the low lands, it yields more and better straw, which to them is no less useful. But the principal cause why they fall short in Corn, is, that the inhabitants are too many for the small extent of land, in so much, that I have often seen ten persons on a poor farm of twenty pounds Scots. And what is wanting in Corn, is abundantly made up in Cattle, which are their main property. Of late Flax and Hemp are propagated, the former especially in great plenty, which is manu- factured both for home consumpt and for export- ation ; and no Soil in the kingdom is more proper for Flax, than a part of the low lands of Moray. ■ And it is no less proper, both in the low landa 8 GAEDEN productions; WILD FRUITS AND HERBS, and Highlands for Hemp ; but the want of ship- ping discourages the propagation of it. The Potatoe, ahnost unknown in this Country eighty years ago, is now everywhere planted with great success, and thereby the poor are supplied, and much barren ground is cultivated, to the no small advantage of the proprietors. Mustard is likewise propagated in the fields, and might be made a profitable article, in its quality not inferior to any in the Kingdom. There are no Garden Fruits or Herbs in any part of Britain, but can be brought to as great perfection in the low lands of Moray, by the same or less culture. Gentlemen's Gardens yield, in plenty. Nectarines, Peaches, Apricots, Apples, Pears, Plums, Geens, Cherries, Strawberries, Easps, Gooseberries, Currants, &c., all of the best kinds. And the kitchen garden affords the greatest plenty of kitchen Herbs and Eoots. Nor are the Wild Fruits and Herbs less various and plentiful, especially in the Highlands, in woods and heaths, such as Hazel-nuts, Service- berries, Sloes, Easps, Bramble-berries, Hip-ber- ries, Bug-berries, Blae-berries, Averans, or Wild Strawberries. Wild Herbs of the Medicinal kind abound everywhere : as Valerian, Penny- royal, Maiden-hair, Scurvy-grass, Sorrel, Gen- tian, Brook-lime, Water-trefoil, Mercury, Ger- mander, Wormwood, Liver-wort, Sage, Centaury, Buglos, Mallows, Tormentil, Scordium, &c. CiESAR'S CHARA AND OUR CARMILE. 9 I cannot here omit the Root and Herb Carmile, which abounds much in heaths and birch woods. Dio in Severo, speaking of the ancient Caledonian, says, " Certum cibi genus parant ad omnia, quern si ceperunt quantum est unius fabse magnitudo, minime esurire aut sitire solent."'" Dr. Sibbald observes, from Caes. de. Bel. Civ. lib. 3, That Valerius's soldiers had found a kind of Eoot called Char a, '' quod admistum lacte multum inopiam laevabat, id ad similitudinem panis effecie- bant, ejus erat magna copia."f Theophrastus calls it Badix Scythica, and says, That the Scythes could live on it and Mare's Milk for many days. To me it is probable, that Caesar's CJiara, and our Carynile (i.e. the Sweet-root, for it tastes like Liquorish) are the same, and are Die's Cihi Genus. It grows in small knots on the surface of the groimd, and bears a green stalk four or five inches long, and a small red flower. I have often seen it gathered, dried and used on journeys, especially on hills, to appease hunger; and being pounded and infused in water, it makes a pleasant wholesome balsamic drink, and is used sometimes in the Highlands. If we view the Forests, we shall not find them, as in England, large woods enclosed for *" They provide a certain kind of food, of which if they take the bigness of a Bean, they use not to hunger or thirst." t "Which, mixed with Milk, greatly relieves hunger. They prepared it like Bread, and had great plenty of it." 10 EXTENSIVE FORESTS IN THE PROVINCE OF MORAY. holding the King's game. Such woods, but not enclosed, there seem to have been in this country, as the Forests of Eothemurchus, Tarnua, Inver- culan, &c. And now Forests are such parts of the Mountains and Glens, as are appropriated to the pasturing of Deer and other game. The King is properly the Superior and Master of all Forests, and Gentlemen in whose lands they lie are but the hereditary keepers of them. The Duke of Gordon has large Forests in Glenavon, and in Badenoch, in which I have seen 300 Deer in one flock or herd. Lovat, Grant, Eothe- murchus, Macintosh, Glengary, have fine For- ests ; but they are now everywhere laid open for pasturing Cattle ; and few Deer (which love a clean pastm'e) are to be found in them, but have removed into the Forest of Athole which is carefully kept. Notwithstanding the visible destruction of "Woods in this Province, by burning, felling, clearing of Valleys and Glens, no Country in Scotland is more plentifully served than this is. In the parish of Duthel, Sir James Grant has a Fir Wood several miles in circuit. And in the parishes of Abernethie, Kinchardine, Eothemur- chus, and Alvie, the Duke of Gordon, Grant, Macintosh, and Eothemurchus, have an almost continued Fir Wood, 14 miles in length, and in some places more than 3 miles in breadth. In Glenmoriston there is a good Fir Wood, and in BURNING OF THE WOOD OF ABERNETHIE. 11 Strathglas a very large one. Parts of these Woods are often burnt by accidental fire ; and in the year 1746, the Wood of Abernethie suffered some miles in circuit, by which some millions of trees, young and old, were destroyed. Here I cannot but observe, as peculiar to Fir Woods, that they grow and spread always to the East, or between the North and the South-east, but never to the West or South-west. The cause of this seemeth to be, that in the months of July and August, the great heat opens the Fir apples then ripe, and the winds at that season, blowing from South-west to W.S.W., drive the seed out of the open husks to the East and the neighbouring Earths. Almost all the Glens and Valleys abound in Birch, Hazel, AUer, Aspine, Saugh or Sallow, Holly, Willows, Haws, Service-tree, &c. And in the Plains, are the Forest of Tarnuay, and the woods of Inshoch, Kilravock, and Calder ; and in this last, and in Inveravon, Alvie, and Urquhart, are large Oaks. I incline to think, that these Woods are the remains of the Sylva Caledonia, which Ptolemy extends '' A Lelalonio Lacu ad ^stuariiun Yararis," from Loch Lomond to the Moray Firth. With this abundance of Wood, there are Mate- rials for Building found in great plenty. Through- out the Plains of Moray, there are rich quarries of Freestone, easy to hew and dress, and yet durable. And in the Highlands, there is the 12 FREESTONE AND LIMESTONE; MINES OF IRON ORE. greatest plenty of Limestone, besides some quar- ries of it near Elgin, in Duffus, at Tarnua, &c. Slatestones are found both in the Highlands and Lowlands ; and good Clay almost in every parish within the Province. There are no mines of Coal as yet discovered in this Country ; yet I doubt not but such there are, and in a few generations the exigencies of the people will require their digging for them. In the Highlands, there is an inexhaustible store of Turf and Peats ; and the Lowlands (except the parishes on the coast, from Spey to Find- horn) are as yet well served in these, and in Broom, Heather, and Furze. I have not observed any Furze or Whins in Strathspey or Badenoch ; and only in the low Country : but the Moss ground is much exhausted, and will soon become very scarce. No Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, or Tin, has as yet been discovered in this Country. But there are rich Mines of Iron ore in several parts ; and at Coulnakyle in Abernethie parish, a Forge was set up lately, which made very good Iron, but through the extravagance arid luxury of the Managers was given up. At Achluncart, in the parish of Boharm, there is a quarry of fine Whet- stone ; and in Glenlivat, and other places, there is great plenty of rich Marie for Manure. Let me add, that there is in this Country, several materials for Dyeing, which the people MATERIALS FOR DYEING; THE MORAY FIRTH. IS use with success. With the top of Heather they make a Yellow colour ; with a red moss growing on stones, and called Korkir, they dye Eed ; with the bark of the Alder or Aller tree, they dye Black ; and a Gentleman in the parish of Kirk- michael had several hands employed in gathering, in the hills. Materials for dyeing Blue, Ingrain, Purple, &c. I have seen some of the Indigo he has made, and it proves very rich and good. This invention, if successful, may be a great benefit to the Country. But the Gentleman died lately ; and with him, that useful art. Having surveyed the Land, I shall now look into the Waters. The Moray Firth is the only Salt Water in this Province, and extended the whole length of it. It is somewhat remarkable, that though from Buchan Ness to Beaulie, the Firth is about 70 miles in length, and in some places 20 in breadth, there is not any one island in it. The North shore of this Firth, in Eoss and Cromarty, is high and rocky ; but the oppo- site Moray shore is low and sandy : hence, by the Water rebounding from the Ross side, it encroacheth much, in some places, on the Moray side. On the confines of the parishes of Duffus and Alves, there is a small Bay, which about sixty years ago or little more, was a moss, in which they digged up great roots of trees, and abundance of peats, and now a five hundred ton ship may ride at anchor in it. And when some 14 ENCROACHMENTS OF THE MORAY FIRTH. years ago, I viewed it, I found, that, if the sea shall encroach further, and rise about 4 feet higher, it will overflow and drown all the plains of Duffus, Kenedar, and Innes. The like en- croachment it begins to make, at the Town of Findhorn ; for, as it formerly cut off the old Town, it is not improbable that it will surround this new Town, and endanger the lands of Muir- toun and Kinloss. The Fresh Waters are, the Kivers already named, and the Lakes. The Water in all these is light and wholesome ; and not to mention here the Salmon taken in the rivers, Spey serveth to float down much of the Oak and Fir Woods to Germach, where they are sawed and shipped for export. The Loch and Eiver of Ness likewise are very useful, not only in keeping a communi- cation by Water to Fort Augustus, but in floating much Wood from Glenmoriston and Urquhart to Inverness. The Firs of Strathglas are in like manner brought down the Eiver Farar to Beaulie. I shall afterwards speak of Loch Ness and Loch- indorb. The other Lakes have nothing remark- able, but what shall be observed in treating of The Animal produce of this Country, whether on the Land or in the Waters. Among the tame land animals, the Horse claims the preference. In the Lowlands, they have got of late a brood of Horses, much stronger than they formerly had, and very fit both for the HORSES; OXEN; SHEEP; GOATS; HOGS; DOGS. 15 saddle and draught ; yet, in the Highlands, their small Horses are more proper for rough and hilly- ground. They are small, strong, and durable; and being pastured among hills and rocks, they are very sure footed ; when they come to a mire or bog, they smell to it, and sound it with one foot, and if they find not a firm bottom, they will not go forward ; they live and work in winter upon a little straw, without any corn. The Oxen and Cows are small, owing to the climate ; but their flesh is more delicious, than what is stall- fed. In the Plains where they sow grass seeds, they have Cows of a bigger size; but in the Highlands, the small Cattle are more serviceable, where their pasture in Summer is in woods and hills. The Sheep, though of a small size, are broody, and their flesh is tender and dehcate; the Wool in Strathspey and Badenoch is little inferior in fineness to the English Wool. The Highlands are well stored with Goats, whose flesh, though dry and strong, is very wholesome; their Milk and Whey are medicinal restoratives, as they browse upon the finest herbs among the rocks. Their Skins are a good article of trade. Hogs are not plentiful in this Country, but the few that are fed about mills and barns are very good. The Dogs are of various kinds, some small and mild, others large and surly. Some Terriers, to ferret the Fox out of his hole. But the most remarkable is the Greyhound, so swift 16 DEER ; FOXES ; HARES ; NO TIGERS NOR LEOPARDS. and strong as to catch and kill the Eed Deer in the Forest. The Woods and the Hills shelter many "Wild Beasts, as well the useful as the hurtful. The Red Deer in our hills are allowed to be of the largest size, and, if the Forests were duly kept, would be very plentiful ; they are of the gregari- ous kind, and go in herds ; they always browse in the hills, and move forward against the wind, and never with it, but when they are chased ; they shed their horns annually until they become old ; the young horns for some months are covered with a skin as fine and soft as velvet, to preserve them against the inclemency of the weather ; as the Deer keep the open hills, the Roes are seldom found except in woods; the Foxes destroy so many of their young, that now they are but few in number. Hares are to be met with every- where, even in the high hills, where in Winter they change their colour into white. We have very few Rabbits in this Country. These are the useful Wild Beasts in this Country, and fit for food. The rapacious and hurtful beasts are but few : I cannot find that ever there were in this Country any Lions, Tigers, Leopards, or Bears. It appears by the names of several places, and by statutes made for destroying them, that there were Wolves in this Country about 300 years ago ; but now there are none. There are still in this Province, Foxes, Badgers, Martens, THE FOX. BADGER, MARTEN, SQUIRREL, WEASEL, WHITRED. 17 Squirrels, Weasels, Whitreds, Wild Cats. Of these the Fox is the most hurtful, and destroys not only much of the Game, but also Lambs, Kids, Fawns, &c., and notwithstanding the many arts used to destroy them, they find such shelter in woods and rocks, that they are very numerous. The Badger is a harmless animal, and lives upon grass ; he is so strong in the back, that no stroke will kill him, but a small stroke on the forehead lays him flat. The Marten is of the Cat kind, but the head is small and long, and the colour a dark brown, and the fur nothing inferior to sable ; it haunts the woods, lives on mice, birds, &c., and is quite harmless, but defends fiercely when attacked, or when it has its young. The Squirrel is a pretty, sportive, harmless creature ; it is a kind of a Wood- Weasel, haunts the fir trees, if you toss chips or sticks at it, it will toss pieces of the bark back again, and thus sports with you ; if it is driven out of a tree, and skipping into another finds the distance too great, it turns back to its former lodge, its bushy tail serving for a sail or wings to it. The Weasel, a kind of Pole-cat, and the Whitred are well known. In the Highlands they change their colour into white in time of snow. The Wild Cats are no other than the House Cats that leave their home, and lodge in rocks and woods, and in this Country do little hurt. To these let me add the Mice and Rats, that are well known, and yet not so destructive VOL. in. 2 18 SERPENTS, LIZARDS, TOADS, FROGS. here as in other places. I have never seen any Rats in Strathspey or Badenoch, although I have lived long in these Countries. Of the Viperous or Poisonous Animals, there are few in this Country. The Serpents are small, few of them a yard long, and their bite is com- monly cured by a bath of the leaves, buds, and tender bark of the Ash tree. They cast their slough or epidermis annually. It is a common opinion, that Serpents have a power of charming and bringing down into their mouths, Birds, Squirrels, and other animals ; whether this is done by poisonous effluvia breathed out by the Serpent, and affecting animals within the sphere of these effluvia, so that they are stupified, and fall down ; or if, as the eye of the setting dog makes the partridges stand confounded, so the Bird, knowing the Serpent to be his natural enemy, is stupified with fear seeing the Sei*pent's eye fixed upon him, and so falls ; or what else may be the cause, I shall not determine, nor inquire. Lizards are frequent, generally about 5 inches; but I have seen some a foot in length. They are of a dark yellow colour, run swiftly in the heaths, and are very harmless. Toads and frogs are not very numerous. Caterpillars in April and May often destroy the fruit of trees and shrubs. But we have few of those Gnats, which in other Countries are extremely troublesome. THE EAGLE, HAWK, CROWS, ROOKS, MAGPIES. 19 The number of Feathered Animals, which are either Natives of this Country, or Birds of passage, that visit us annually, is considerable. The Tame or Barn-door Fowls, as Peacocks, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Pigeons and Poultry, are plentiful. The Ravenous and Carnivorous Wild Fowls are nimie- rous. Among these, the Eagle is, with us, called the King of Birds. He destroys not only much of the small game, but also Lambs, Kids, Calves, and Foals. He nestles commonly in high rocks, difficult to come at ; but indulgent Nature has provided that the ravenous Eagle and Hawk should have but few young, and seldom more than two in the year ; when the harmless little Wren has ten or twelve. Hawks, Gleds, Sten- chils. Ravens, Crows, Rooks, Magpies, &c., are numerous. The harmless Wild Fowls are, the Swan, Caperkylie (called also the Cock of the Wood), in Latin CapT-icalca, as if he infested the Goats, but properly in Irish Capal-Coil, i.e. the Wood Horse, being the chief Fowl in the Woods. He resembles, and is of the size of a Turkey Cock, of a dark grey, and red about the eyes ; he lodges in bushy Fir trees, and is very shy : but the Hen, which is much less in size, lays her eggs in the Heather, where they are destroyed by Foxes and Wild Cats, and thereby the Caper- kylie is become rare. His flesh is tender and delicious, though somewhat of a resinous Fir taste. 20 WATER ANIMALS IN THE PROVINCE. The Water Animals in this Country are com- mon to it with other places. In, and near to the Moray Firth, is found, Cod, Ling, Haddock, Whiting, Skate, Flounders, Mackerel, Prawns : and of the Testaceous kind, Oysters, Cockles, Muscles, Lobsters, Crabs, in such plenty, that there is not in Britain a cheaper Fish Market. The nearness of this Firth to the Northern Ocean made it anciently much frequented by Whales; insomuch, that Orkney had its name from that Fish. For in Irish, Ore is a species of Whale, and Y an Island ; and so Orcy^ is the Island of Whales. As yet Whales follow Shoals of Cod, or Herring into this Firth. In 1719, a Whale upwards of 50 feet in length, was left by the tide at Phopachie, near Inverness ; another of the like dimensions was stranded in the Barony of Innes ; and one in the Barony of Inshoch, about the year 1754. They were all of the Cetus Dentatus kind, and yielded much Sper- maceti. Young Whales, Porpoises, Seals, are frequent in the Firth, and sometimes plentj^ of Herring. The rivers of Spey, Findhorn, Ness, and Farar, abound in Salmon of the best kind. And in all our Elvers and Brooks, are delicious Trouts and Eels. I have seen in Spey, some Lampreys, which seem to be of the longer Eel kind, above 4 feet in length, and of a great thickness. In all our Lakes there are Pikes of a very large size, and in many Lochs, particularly RARITIES IN NATURE AND ART. 21 ill the Loch of Moy, near Macintosh's house, there is so great plenty of a fat Trout, called Eed-wame (because the belly of it is of a Vermil- lion red), that at one cast of the net, there will be taken out sometimes upwards of 200. In the river of Spey, there are Pearl Shells, in which I have seen many ripe Pearls, of a fine water, and great value. I shall now conclude this part, with an account of the Parities, whether of Nature or Art, found in this Country. And, 1. The only Parities of Ai-t I shall take notice of, are : The Chapter House, called the Apprentice Isle, in the Cathedral at Elgin ; for which, see Part VI. Ecclesiast. History, § 3. The Obelisk near Forres : see Part V. Military History. The Sea Burgh : see Part V. Military History. And the Druid Circles and Cairns: see Part VI. Eccle- siast. Historyy § 2. 2. As to Natural Parities, the Loch and Piver of Ness merit our notice. These never freeze, but retain their natural heat in the most extreme frost. Upon the Banks of the Loch, Snow sel- dom lies two days ; and Corn ripens much sooner than in other places. This quality is probably owing to Mines of Sulphur in and near to the Loch. This Loch, though about 22 miles in length, has no Island in it ; in some parts, it has been sounded with a line of about 300 fathoms, and no bottom found. This depth, with the 22 MEAL-FUOR-VONIE ; DUNDLECHACK, ETC. lightness of the water, makes waves rise very- high, yet not unbroken upon it. What Mr, Gordon writes in his Geography, on the authority of Sir George MacKenzie, Advocate, concerning' the Hill Meal-fuor-vonie, is a mistake. That Hill is not two thirds of a mile of perpendicular height from the surface of the Loch, neither is tliere any Lake on the top of it. 3. The Loch of Dundlechack, in the parish of Durris, does not freeze before the month of Feb- ruary; but in that month, it is in one night covered with Ice. This I have been assured of, by the inhabitants near to it. 4. The Cascade, or Water Fall near to Fohir in Stratherick. Here the Eiver Feachliu, con- tracted between Kocks, falls down a precipice about an 100 feet high, as I conjecture from a bare view of it, and breaking on the rocky shelves, the water is dissipated and rarified, and fills the great hollow with a perpetual mist. 5. The Carngorm Stones. This Mountain, of a great height, is in Kinchardine in Strathspey ; about the top of it, stones are found of a crystal colour, deep yellow, green, fine amber, &c., and very transparent, of a hexagon, octagon, and irregular figure. They are very solid, will cut as well as diamond, and being now in great request, are much searched for, on this, and other hills ; they are cut for rings, seals, pendants, snuff boxes, &c. CAVES; MINERAL WATERS; BLACK COCK, ETC. 23 6. In the Parishes of Kinnedar and Duffus, there are several Caves ; some are 10 or 12 feet high, and it is uncertain how far they extend; they open to the sea, in a hill of freestone, and probably were formed by the impetuous waves washing away the sand and gravel between the strata of stone. 7. Chalybeate Mineral Water, at Teynland in Lhanbride ; at Achterblair in Duthil ; at Auchna- gairn, in Kirkhill, and other places ; an unctuous mineral at Miltoun of Eylugas in Edinkylie. These are much frequented, and found medicinal in several diseases. 8. The Black Cock, called by some writers of zoology Gallus Scoticanus as peculiar to Scotland. It is the most beautiful fowl of our country, larger in the body than any Capon, of the colour of the Peacock, but wanting the proud train, which would retard his flight ; he haunts the birch woods in the hills, and is very shy ; although he is not so large in the body as a Goose, he has more flesh, and is more delicious. 9. I may reckon among our Karities, the Hill of Benalar on the South side of Spey, in the braes of Badenoch. It is not improbable, but this is the highest ground in Scotland ; for brooks from it fall into Spey, Lochie, and Tay, and so enter into the Sea at Germach, Fort William, and Dundee. 10. Let me add, as now become a rarity, the 24 THE CURRACH — AN ANCIENT NAUTIC VESSEL, Couracli. This nautic vessel was anciently much used ; Solinus, Cap. 22. says of the Irish in his day, " Navigant autem vimineis alveis, quos cir- cundant ambitione tergorum bubulorum,"'- ashort, but exact, description of the Courach. It is in shape oval, near 3 feet broad, and 4 long; a small keel runs from the head to the stern ; a few ribs are placed across the keel, and a ring of pliable wood around the lip of it. The whole machine is covered with the rough hide of an ox or a horse ; the seat is in the middle, it carries but one person, or if a second goes into it to be wafted over a river, he stands behind the rower, leaning on his shoulders ; in floating timber, a rope is fixed to the float, and the rower holds it in one hand, and with the other manages the paddle ; he keeps the float in deep water, and brings it to shore when he will ; in returning home, he carries the machine on his shoulders, or on a horse. In Irish, Curach signifies the trunk or coat of the body ; and hence this vessel had its name, and probably its first model. 11. I shall add but one Earity more, not indeed natural to this Country, but adventitious; I mean the Locust ; which came to our coast in July 1748, and for aught I know was never before seen in it. This flying insect is full two inches long in the body, and half an inch round, consisting * Translation. — For they sail in hollow boats, made of osiers, which they cover, in rivalry, with the hides of oxen. THE LOCUST MINUTELY DESCRIBED. 25 of several rings or cartilages ; the head is in the form of a lobster's head, broad and covered with strong scales, with two antennae ; the mouth wide, and armed with sharp teeth ; the neck and shoulders covered with a scale like a helmet; the eyes large and lively ; it has three pair of legs, the nearest to the head about an inch in length, the next pair somewhat longer, and both armed with sharp claws ; the third pair, with which it leaps, are two inches long, besides the foot that is near half an inch ; the leg has an inflexure or joint in the middle ; the upper part or thigh, is in form like a bird's thigh; the lower half is smaller, but serrated like a saw ; the foot has three glands in the sole to tread softly, and is armed with three claws on the heel, and as many at the point, to take a firm hold ; the body is covered with two pair of wings, the under wing is finer, and of a silver colour, and the upper is stronger, and spotted of silver and brown ; when the wings are folded, the whole length of the locust is two inches and a half. From what country they came here I know not, but they found this climate too cold to generate in. 26 THE PICTS — THEIR ORIGIN AND POSSESSIONS. PART lY. THE CIVIL AND POLITICAL HISTORY OF MORAY. TT cannot well be doubted, that the ancient -*- inhabitants of this Province, were the Picts and the Scots ; the one inhabiting the Lowlands on the coast, the other the Highlands among the hills. The Romans called the former Picti, be- cause they painted their bodies ; but their true name was PMchtiad, i.e. fighters, because they were brave and valiant. The ancient writers bring them from the European Scythia; Bede, Lib. 1. says, " It happened that the Picts from Scythia, as it is said, entered the ocean in long ships. Coming to Britain, they began to reside in the northern parts of the island, for the Britons had possessed the southern." And Nennius, Sect. 9 writes, "The Picts came and possessed the islands called the Orkneys, and afterwards from the adjacent islands wasted many large countries in the left, i.e. eastern side of Britain, and there remain to this day." The Picts thus coming from Scandia, about the mouth of the Baltic Sea, had an easy course to Shetland and Orkney, and thence to the THE SCOTS ; VARIOUS DIALECTS OF GOTHIC AND TEUTONIC. 27 continent, where, it is by all acknowledged, the}' possessed the eastern coast, southward to Tweed, and consequently they inhabited the plains of Moray. The Scots were so called by the Romans, from Sceot, i.e., in Celtic, a shield or target, which they much used. They were un- questionably Celts, and the same with the an- cient Britains, and were driyen by the Picts (as Nennius hints) out of the Grampian coast, into the glens and valleys. When the Pictish kingdom was overthrown about anno 842, the Picts were not extirpated as some authors write. It is cer- tain, they made a part of King David's army in the Battle of the Standard anno 1138. And when, in the reign of King Malcolm IV., many of the Moravienses were transplanted into the south (Vide Milit. Hist.), Lowlanders, no doubt,- of a Pictish descent, were brought to replace them ; and so the inhabitants of the Lowlands of Moray were, and as yet are, of a Pictish origin.- This is confirmed by the language of the country ; for though gentlemen, and all who have any liberal education, speak the English tongue in great propriety, yet the illiterate pea- sants use the broad Scottish or Buchan Dialect, which is manifestly the Pictish. And the Pictish, English, Saxon, Danish, Swedish, Icelandish, and Norwegian, are but the various dialects of the Gothic and Teutonic languages ; as the British, Welsh, Cornish, Scottish, Irish, are dialects of 28 ANCIENT CALEDONIANS — THEIR MODE OF LIVING. the Gallic and Celtic. Now that, since the Revolution in 1688, schools are erected both in the Highlands and Lowlands, the English tongue spreads and prevails ; insomuch, that in the par- ishes of Inveravon, Knockando, Edinkylie, and Nairn, where, in my time, Divine Worship was performed in Irish [Erse], now there is no occa- sion for that language. What the manners and way of living of the ancient inhabitants were, we can know only by the short hints Roman writers give us, of the ancient Caledonians, Scots, and Picts, which I shall not here transcribe. But what Tacitus, De Mor. Germ, writes is true of this country in its ancient state. '' They do not dwell to- gether in towns, but live separate, as a fountain of water, a plain, or a grove pleased them." Sidonius Apollinarius, Epist. 20, in describing a Gothish gentleman, gives a lively picture of a Highland Scotsman. "He covers his feet to the ankle with hairy leather, or rullions, his knees and legs are bare, his garment is short, close, and parti-coloured, hardly reaching to his hams, his sword hangs down from his shoulder, and his buckler covers his left side." Nay, Dr. Shaw's Account of the Arabs and Kabyles of Barbary is a plain description of the more rude parts both of the Lowlands and Highlands. They are, says he, the same people, if we except their religion, they were 2000 years ago ; without regarding the THEIR MUD-HOUSES, DRESS, AND CORN-MILLS. 29 novelties in dress or behaviour, that so often change. Their Gurbies, i.e. houses, are daubed over with mud, covered with turf, have but one chamber, and in a corner of it, are the foals, kids, and calves. The Hyke, i.e. blanket or plaid, six yards long and two broad, serves for dress in the day, and for bed and covering in the night ; by day, it is tucked by a girdle. Their Mills for grinding corn, are two small grindstones, the uppermost turned round by a small handle of wood, placed in the edge of it. When expedition is required, then two persons sit at it, generally women." This explains Ex. ii. 5, Mat. xxiv. 41. One would imagine the doctor had been de- scribing the way of living in Glengary. It might be easily made appear, that the ancient Moravi- enses, though bold and brave, were contentious, proud, turbulent, and revengeful, and upon the smallest provocation run to arms, and butchered one another ; and this wicked disposition ran in the blood, from one generation to another. But now that fierce and wild temper is done away, and no country in the kingdom is more civilized than the Lowlands of Moray. Their education, since the Eevolution, verifies, that Ingenuas didicisse feliciter artes, Eviollit mores, nee sinit esse feros/^ And even the Highlands, except Glengary, and some other skirts, are more * Translation. — To have successfully acquired the liberal arts, refines our manners, nor permits them to be ever coarse. so HIGH COMPLIMENTS PAID TO THE PEOPLE. peaceable and indiistrions than other Highland countries. In a word, one will not find, in the common people of this country, either the rusti- city of the Lowlanders, or the rudeness of the Highlanders in some other countries ; and the gentry are not exceeded by any of their neigh- bours for politeness and civility. In no country are the people more hospitable ; both the gentry and the peasants have a pleasure in entertaining strangers, in which they rather exceed than fall short ; and this hospitable temper is remarked in the Highlands, where there are but few inns to accommodate travellers, and where the natives, in looking after their cattle, often travel from one country to another ; yet I must own, that some other social virtues are rather on the decline ; that benevolence, in supplying the wants and relieving the distresses of relations and neigh- bours, and mutually assisting one another in their necessary affairs, that once sliined in this country, are degenerated into selfishness. The laudable custom of accommodating debates and differences, by an amicable arbitration, is be- come obsolete, through the craft of the chican- ing tribe. And to the same set of men it is much owing, that there is less of ingenuity and plainness, of trust and confidence in social deal- ing, than I have seen. The skill of this people in mechanics, and their genius for arts and sciences, are not inferior to THEIR SKILL IN MECHANICS, THE ARTS, AND SCIENCES. 31 any other corner of the kingdom. The peasants build houses, make all their instruments for agriculture, frame their corn and sawmills, and many of them are tanners, shoemakers, weavers, joiners, &c. ; nor is their capacity for arts and sciences inferior to their skill in mechanics. No people sooner learn the art of war, or make more eminent officers and brave soldiers. It is true, in later ages the Lowlanders, formerly brave, by their continual labour about their farms, and by the disuse of arms, have become more heavy and plilegmatic ; and yet when brought young into the militaiy, are exceeded by no soldiers in bravery and fidelity. The Highlanders have always had a peculiar advantage for martial exercises. The fresh and wholesome air they breathe, their plain and homely diet, their con- tinual motion and exercise, render them vigorous, healthy, and lively. They are inured to cold and fatigue, and accustomed to arms from their child- hood, which, with the rugged rocks they daily traverse, inspire them with a contempt of dan- gers and difficulties ; and their freedom from slavery and vassalage (except a dependence on their chiefs who encouraged their manliness), gave them a sprightliness, and generosity of mind, elevated above the boorish and mean spirit of the common soldiery. The generous, brave, and steady behaviour of the Highland regiments in the late wars, abundantly evinces that they 32 MEN EMINENT IN THE STATE, CHURCH, AND FIELD. were an honour to their country. How long they shall continue so I shall not pretend to guess. The Highlanders heing disarmed, and stripped of their native dress, appear not only awkward and slovenly in the Lowland garb, but dejected and dispirited. But if this change of dress makes them less fit for the field, it may render them more fit for the farm, and the useful arts of life. In brief, the genius of the inhabitants of this country will appear from the following list of men, eminent in the State and in the field, on the bench and in the Church, all of them natives of, or residing in Moray: — viz.. Sir John Cmn- mine Lord Badenoch, conjunct Guardian of the Kingdom, anno 1299 : — Thomas Kandolph Earl of Moray, Governor in 1329 : — Sir Andrew Moray, Lord Bothwell, of the Family of Dufi'us, conjunct Governor in 1332: — John Eandolph, Earl of Moray, General in 1346 : — Gavin Dunbar, grand- son of Sir Alexander of Westfield, Chancellor in 1528 ; and one of the Regents in 1536 : — the Earls of Huntley often Chancellors: — John Lesly Bishop of Ross, bastard son of the Parson of Kingusie, President of the Court of Session in 1564: — Duncan Forbes of Culloden, late Presi- dent of that Court: — Alex. Brodie of Brodie ; Sir Francis Grant of Cullen ; Patrick Grant of Elchies ; all Senators of the College of Justice : — Gavin Dunbar above mentioned, Archbishop of PRIMITIVE AGRICULTURE IN THE PROVINCE. 33 Glasgow 1524 : — Gavin Dunbar, son of Sir Alex, of Westfield, Bishop of Aberdeen 1518 : — Gilbert Moray, son of Duffus, Bishop of Caithness anno 1222 : — John Innes, son of John Innes of that ilk. Bishop of Moray in 1406 : — Adam Gordon, son of Huntley, Bishop of Caithness in 1460: — Alex. Gordon, son of Huntley, Bishop of Galloway 1558 : — John Lesly above mentioned. Bishop of Eoss anno 1665. — Not to mention the Bishops of Moray, natives of the country, nor the learned Professors and Advocates of later times. Experientia con- stat, Summos scbjjc viros, et mag?ia exempla daturos, Vervecum in patria, crassoque sub aere 7iasci/' If we view the agriculture, improvements, manu- factures, trade, and commerce of this Province, we will not find them such as might be expected. The people have, for ages, continued in one beaten tract of agriculture. Their only manure, in the inland, is the raw dung of cattle, not fer- mented or rotten, but mixed with coarse gravel, or dry sand ; near the coast, they mix sea-ware in the dunghill ; if the soil were not good, it would yield little by such poor manure. Marie, a fat and unctuous earth, and limestone in abun- dance, are found in many places. Few parts of the dry and hot soil in the Highlands or Low- * Translation. — It is by experience established, that often- times great men, and about to present shining examples, are born under a heavy atmosphere, and in mountainous districts. VOL. III. 3 34 PROPOSALS FOR ADVANCEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. lands but may be moistened and fattened by an easy conveyance of rills of water to them ; and by enclosing the corn land, resting it, and sowing grass seeds, it would be greatly improved. But the severe exactions of masters, and the poverty of tenants, hinder all improvements. Tenants have neither ability nor encouragement to try experi- ments ; some have no leases ; and if they who have them shall improve their farms, strangers will reap the benefit of it ; for at the expiration of the lease, they must pay an additional rent, or a high grassum, or entry-money, which, if they refuse, the farm will be put to the roup, and the improver will be removed. The country is very capable of improvement, and several branches of police and improvement, which might be easily made, are much wanted. In the plains of Moray, the moss ground, from which they take their fuel, and in which the tenants find fir-roots for light, and fir and oak timber for building, will soon be exhausted ; and the price of wood from the Highlands is become very high. But of late, the Duke of Gordon, the Earls of Findlater and Fife, Sir James Grant, Sir Lewis Grant, and some other gentlemen, have planted millions of barren trees, and continue in such improvement ; yet no care is taken to plant barren timber in the extensive heaths and moors, or indeed anywhere, except a few trees about gentlemen's seats. In no country can the open NO FACTORIES FOR WOOLLEN OR LINEN CLOTH. 35 fields be more easily enclosed, either with a dry- stone dyke or wall, or with a ditch, bank and hedges. But this is totally neglected, except about gentlemen's manors. The watering of ground is a rational and easy, and in other countries a beneficial hnprovement ; but here not once attempted. The draining of lakes and marshy ground would at once improve and beautify the country ; but the discords of heritors prevent it. No country in Scotland yields finer wool, or may yield better flax ; yet there are no factories, for either woollen or linen cloth : and it is well known how conveniently the country is situated for a herring fishery ; but it is totally neglected. In these useful branches our country is shame- fully deficient ; but in some others, a small ad- vance has been made of late. Gentlemen have drained and enclosed their own manors, which till of late lay open and naked. Wheat is propa- gated in greater plenty, and of a better body, by fallowing the ground, and bringing the seed from England. Flour mills and mills for sheeling barley are set up. Flax is propagated with good success. Lint mills and bleachfields are erected : and in the Highlands, the propagating flax, and spinning it, make progress, by the encourage- ment given by the trustees, who have settled a factory at Invermoriston, purchased ground, built the proper houses, and allow liberal salaries to an 36 OBSTRUCTIONS TO TRADE AND COMMERCE. overseer, spinsters, wheel-wrights, flax-dressers, &c., and now the country has Hnen coarse and fine for home consumpt, and a small quantity for export; and though we have no factories for weaving, yet we have good weavers of plain and figured linen. The manufacturing of broad woollen cloth is likewise improved by private hands; and, which was little known 30 years ago, cotton cloth is wrought and dyed with success. Let me add, that Potatoes are now planted everywhere, to the great benefit of the poor, and the improving of ground. Grass seeds are sown by gentlemen to great advantage. With respect to trade and commerce, there are many obstructions. We have no good Harbours ; Garmoch or Speymouth is often choked with banks of sand ; Lossiemouth is but a creek, and receives no ships of any burdens ; Findhorn is much barred ; and Inverness river receives but sloops and doggers. Were our harbours good, we have but few articles for export. Our mer- chants are generally men of no stock ; and our landed gentlemen have no inclination to employ their money in this way. The commodities our country affords for export either into foreign countries, or neighbouring countries, are these : Barley and oatmeal, to the quantity of about 20,000 bolls, may be exported annually ; and this article may be improved to much greater extent. Salmon is a considerable article, and no country FISHERIES ; EXPORT OF BEEF AND POKK ; WOODS. 37 affords better fish, than what is taken in the rivers of Spey, Findhorn, and Ness, Farar or Beauly, to the vahie of several thousands of pounds yearly. The white fishing of cod and ling turns to small account : linen cloth is an improving article, and might become a staple commodity, did gentlemen set up work-houses, and encourage the manufacture. Although our wool is not manufactured at home to any advan- tage, yet considerable quantities of it are sold in the counties of Banff and Aberdeen. Beef and pork are exported, though not to a great amount ; thousands of black cattle are annually sold in the south of Scotland, and in England ; great flocks of sheep are driven to Deeside, and other coun- tries ; and some horses are likewise sold. No small benefit arises from the woods in the High- lands, which furnish the neighbouring counties with plank, deal, board, joists, and all kinds of timber for building carts, waggons, labouring instruments, bark for tanning, pike staves, &c. To which, let me add, that the Highlands fur- nish much peltrie, raw hides, skins of deer, roe, fox, hare, otters, wild cats, goats, badgers, &c. For home consumpt we have in plenty, corn, fleshes and fishes, butter, cheese, honey, fruits, fowls, tame and wild, tallow, &c. In a word, would gentlemen live at home and improve the country ; would they encourage the tenants, and exempt them from slavish servitude ; would all 38 dalrymple's essay on feudal property. ranks live frugally and wisely, small as the produce of our countiy is, it may be called Terra suis contenta bonis, nee indiga mercis* But the luxury and vanity of our times know no bounds. Even they that live on alms are infected by it. It must be restrained, or the country will be impoverished. In few countries do the peasants live more poorly ; and though many of the gentry do grind the faces of the poor, they do not enrich themselves. They mul- tiply exactions upon the people, who dare not complain ; and they exhaust their own fortunes by the expense of imitating the manners and luxury of their more wealthy neighbours. I shall now take a view of the Civil Govern- ment of this country, as it is divided into Counties and Burghs ; and as it may be thought that a general view of the feudal system may throw some light on this, I shall, from Mr. Dalrymple's accurate essay on Feudal Property, extract a few lines. The Goths and Vandals having over-run the Roman empire, settled the feudal law in the countries they conquered. They went abroad, though under a General, as independent clans, to find a settlement ; and when they settled * Translation. — A land content with its own, nor in want of foreign merchandise. THE GOTHS AND VANDALS. SO" in any conquered country, they must fall into some subordination. Their General naturally became their prince or king ; and all must be ready, at a military call, to maintain their con- quest. Of the conquered land, (1) some part would be reserved for the prince or king. (2) The rest would be parcelled out among the chieftains. (3) Such of the ancient inhabitants as were allowed to remain in the country (for it was not their way to extirpate them) kept their lands OD the ancient footing ; and (4) Such intruders and followers as were not attached to any chieftain, taking possession of any vacant land, enjoyed it on the same footing. The King judged and led out to war in his own lands ; the chieftains did so in their lands ; and the King sent his officers to judge in the third and fourth classes. In France, lands held on the ancient footing were called Alleux or Allodial; the officer sent to command in them was termed Count ; those living under his jurisdiction were named Liheri and Milites, i.e., who owned no superior in a feudal, though subject to the King in a political way. Lands held on the feudal footing were called Feodaiix ; those holding them were named Lends, i.e. Lords, and they judged their own people, led them to war, and were no way subject to the Counts. Among the Saxons in England, lands granted to the Thanes or Lords were called Thain-land, and if held by 40 ALLODIAL LANDS ; COUNT, EARL, THANE, LORD. charter, Boc-land. Hence the proprietors of Boc-land were called Thegen, i.e. lords ; and those under them Theoden. Allodial lands, over which the King's officer, called Beve and Sherive, had jurisdiction, were called Beve-land, and being held without writ, Folkland. The governors of such lands were called Copies, i.e. Counts, and those under them Ceorles. At first, grants of conquered lands were made only during pleasure, afterwards for life ; and because men would not serve in war, if by their death their families would be ruined, therefore grants were made hereditary. In all the Gothic constitutions, honour and dignity (such as Count, Earl, Thane, Lord) were originally annexed to lands and offices. An Earl was the governor and judge of a province, and only during pleasure or for life. William the Conqueror made these offices hereditary and feudal. Then Earls, too great to bear the fatigue of business, appointed Deputies, Vice-comites, or Sherives. This left an earldom not so much a territorial office as a territorial dignity. After- wards, though the estate was lost, the honour was allowed to continue with the family ; or lands were erected into an earldom, in favours of the grantee and his heirs, and this conferred on him the territorial dignity, though he had neither office nor property in these lands. In Scotland and in other nations the feudal THE ONLY COUNT ANCIENTLY IN THE PROVINCE. 41 system was established by degrees. King Mal- colm II. made advances to it. The outlines of it consisted in making the crovna-vassals hold by military service ; in certain profits paid on change of heirs ; in granting the Superior the incidents of ward and marriage ; and in making the King not a supreme magistrate, but a paramomit superior, invested in the whole property of the kingdom, and his vassals attached to him by homage and fealty. To subject themselves to feudal service, to sm-render all their lands to the King during the minority of the heirs, and to pay a year's rent at the entry of every heir, were perquisites the nobles and chieftains would not yield without a valuable compensation. And this granted, (1) A part of the Crown lands was given, on condition of military service ; and if the gift was considerable, the receiver could not handsomely refuse to allow his own estate to be engrossed in the charter. (2) Titles of honour were conferred on many ; and (3) Whereas lands were formerly held by possession only, without writ, charters were granted, as the most solemn and sure title to land. By these baits they were gradually allured to give up their independency, and to accept of their own estates as a gift from the King, holding of him by military tenure. The only Count or Earl anciently in this province was the Earl of Moray. The charter to Thomas Randulph is in the reign of King Robert. 42 ANCIENT CHARTERS HAD NO DATES. Before that time, the Earls of Moray were pro- bably officers or governors, during pleasure or for life. But Randulph's dignity was manifestly territorial and hereditary. The privileges granted to him were ample, such as a regality in the whole county ; the superiority of baronies and freeholders, and of the boroughs of Elgin, Forres, and Nairn ; the patronage of Parish Churches ; and the military command of the whole county. But the patronage of Prelacies, the town and castle of Inverness, and the reversion of the whole county were reserved to the Crown. This Charter beareth no date, though granted anno 1313 (Char. Mor.) Ancient charters often wanted the date of time and place, as King Duncan's charter. Some name the place tut no time. In some a remarkable fact is related instead of the time, as in the charter of Innes, T do not find that any of our Kings before the 8tli year (1221) of King Alexander II. used the plural NOS in their charters. And in England,. King Richard I. or his immediate predecessors^ first used that style. And how soon Kings used it, the nobles and prelates copied from them. Our Kings never did subscribe their charters and grants, but only affixed their seals to them, and of late they superscribe them. And though the names of witnesses to Royal deeds were inserted in the body of the writ, yet they never KINGS NEVER SIGNED THEIR CHARTERS AND GRANTS. 4S did, nor as yet do manually subscribe ; but of old they affixed their seals to it. The crosses sub- joined to King Duncan's charter were drawn by the writer, or rather the King and witnesses drew the crosses, and the scribes wrote the names. The foundation-charter of the Abbey of Scone, by King Alexander L, anno 1115, thus ends: — "Ego Alexander Dei Gratia Kex Scot- ormn, propria manu mea hsec confirmo. — Ego Sybilla Kegina confirmo." * These names were written by the scribe, and the Roman letter E was in red or in gold. And with respect to the Deeds of subjects, it was not necessary, before 1681, that either the writer or the witnesses should be designed in the writ ; or that the witnesses subscribing should be the only pro- bative witnesses. (Vide Act Pari. 1681). King Malcolm III. was the first who affixed a seal to his deeds, but without any armorial figures. His sou Duncan used cross and seaL King Alexander I. introduced counter-sealing ; and King William (whose reign commenced anno 1165) first used armorial figures on his seal. The figures formerly on Royal seals, were, as on King Edgar's, viz., the King on the throne, a sword in one hand, and a sceptre in the other, with this inscription, " Ymago Edgari Scot- * Translation. — I, Alexander, by the favour of God King of the Scots, confirm this grant by my proper signature. I, Queen Sybilla, likewise confirm it. 44 RICHARD I. FIRST USED ARMORIAL FIGURES. torum Basilei." ■'''■ In England, King Eichard I., who began to reign anno 1189, first used armorial figures. The Barons and gentry had their seals likewise early charged, but not with armorial figures. ''Every Baron and any other holding of the King, shall have his proper seal ; and such as shall not have it shall be liable in the King's fine. And what are sealed shall be also signed, as used to be done in former times." (Stat. Boh. III.) In observance of this law, gentlemen sent their seals to the Court in lead, which the clerk kept by him {M^Kenz. Herald). To seal bonds, deeds, and conveyances was the custom till anno 1540. Then besides sealing, the granter's manual subscription, or that of a notary, was made necessary. {Act Pari. 1540. Pref. to Biplom. Scot.) To return from this digression. We had several Thanes in this Province. Con- cerning these, Fordoun, Lib. iv., Caj). 45, writes : — " Kings in ancient times used to grant to their soldiers more or less of their lands in feu-farm — a part of some province or thanedom; for in that era the whole kingdom almost was divided into thanedoms, of which he gave to any one just as he thought fit ; secured either from year to year, as to husbandmen ; or from ten or twenty years ; or for the whole life to one, or at most to two heirs, as to sons or to sons-in-law. To some, * The representation of Edgar, King of the Scots. THE SEVERAL THANES IN THE PROVINCE. 45 however, but to very few, in perpetuity, such as to esquires, thanes, or chieftains." Probably these Thanes were at first the King's servants (so the word signifies), or ofiicers in provinces or countries, and during pleasure only, or for life. But afterwards the title and the lands granted to them were made hereditary. In the Highlands they were termed Mormbaor, i.e. a Great Officer ; and hence probably, came Marus comitatus Begis. They were likewise called ToscJie (from Tus., i.e. First) that is, " Principal Persons, Primores." In this Province we had. The Thane of Moray ; of whom I know no more, but that the lands of Ligate, Newton, Ardgaoith, &c., in the parishes of Spynie and Alves, are called the Thanedom of Moray. — The Thane of Brodie and Dyke was probably the ancestor of the family of Brodie. — Thanus de Moithes (probably Moy or Moyness) is one of the Inquest, in estimating the baronies of Kilravock and Geddes. But I know no more of that Thanedom. In the year 1367, Joannes de Dolais was Thane of Cromdale. Whether or not he was the Earl of Fife's steward or factor of these lands, I know not. An account of the Thanes of Calder is given. The succession of these Thanes, always so designed, continued to the year 1500 ; and in this family the title of Thane was honorary and not official ; at least since the time of King Alexander III. I question not but the title of Thane was more ancient with us 46 THE FIRST DUKE, MARQUIS, EARL, AND VISCOUNT. than the titles of honom- that now obtain. Dempster says : — " Upon the miu'der of the tyrant Macbeth, Malcolm III. seized on the kingdom as his lawful inheritance, and earnestly applied himself to make it respectable and honom'able. Then it was that those who had been ennobled for their military services as- sumed the titles of their respective domains ; and, that he might add a fresh splendour to his reign, he created Lords and Earls — the numer- ous and noble retinue which accompanied S. Margaret from Hungary and England to Scot- land." The first Duke we had in Scotland was David, son of King Eobert III., so created about the year 1397. The first Marquisses were John, Marquis of Hamilton, and George, Marquis of Himtly, so created in one day, viz., 19th April, 1599. The first Earl is said to have been Duncan M'Duff, made Earl of Fife about the year 1057 ; but the laws of King Malcolm II. mention Comites in his reign. The first Viscount was Thomas, Lord Erskine, created Lord Viscount Fenton, anno 1606. How early we had Lords or Barons, either by tenure or by writ, I find not. It is certain we had such named, Leg. Male. cap. 8. But Lords by Patent we had not before the reign of Queen Mary, or of King James VI. DERIVATION OF SHIRES AND SHERIFFS. 47 I now come to consider our Counties. In France the King's officer who judged in allodial lands was called Comes and the district in which he judged Comitatus, and his depute Vicecomes. In England the King's officer was called Beve and Schereve, and the district Shire. In Saxon Scue (from Scyran, to divide) is a division ; and Sherif, Sci7'gerf, is the Gerif, Beve, or Office?' of a Shyre. Hence probably some lands of Elgin, Forres, &c., are called Greship Lands, because they were the salary of the Gerif or Sheriff. How early this province was divided into shires or counties, I find not. It now takes in a part of the shire of Inverness, the whole shires of Nairn and of Elgin, and a part of the shire of Banff. The shire or county of Inverness within this Province comprehends the parishes of Inverness, Kirkhill, Kiltarlartie, Urquhart, Boleskin, Durris, Cromdale, Alvie, Kothiemurchus, Kingusie, Lag- gan, Ardersier, and the greatest part of Petty, Croy, Daviot, Dunlichtie, Moy, and Dalarasie, and a part of Duthel. It stands the nineteenth in the EoU of Parliament. It appears from Beg. Maj. Lib. i. Cap. 16, 20, that there were Yice- comites, or Sheriffs, of Inverness, in the reign of King David I. ; and all the countries benorth the Forth being divided into Districts, for the more regular administration of justice, Inverness was one of the ** Loca Capitalia Scotise Comitatuum, 48 THE CAPITAL PLACES OF SCOTLAND. per totiun regnum." The other capital places were — Scoon, Dalginsh, Perth, Forfar, and Aber- deen. Ross (including Sutherland and Caith- ness) and all Moray answered at Inverness. We cannot infer from the words, " Loca Capitalia Comitatuum," that the counties were erected at that time, as they now are. Comitatus, as that of Randulph, Earl of Moray, comprehended seve- ral of the present counties ; and Loca Capitalia were the towns in which the Comites kept their Courts. Pari. 6, James lY., aimo 1503, it is ordained, " That the Justices and Sheriffs of the North Isles have their seat and place in Inverness or Dingwall ; that Mamore and Lochaber come to the Aire or Justice-Court of Inverness. And because the Sheriffdom of Inverness is too great, that there be a Sheriff made of Ross, who shall have full jurisdiction, and shall sit at Tain or Dingwall. And that there be a Sheriff at Caith- ness, who shall have jurisdiction of the hail Diocess of Caithness, and shall sit at Dornock or Wick, and the shires of Ross and Caithness shall answer to the Justice Aire of Caithness." The Sheriffship of Inverness was granted heredi- tably to the Earl of Huntly by the King's charter anno 1508, with a power to name deputies within the bounds of Ross, Caithness, Lochaber, and other distant parts (Falcon Decis.) And in 1583 the Earl of Huntly disponed to the Earl of Sutherland, the Sheriffship of Sutherland, in THE MARQUIS OF HUNTLY RESIGNS THE SHERIFFSHIPS. 49 exchange for the lands of Aboyne and Glen- tanir, the patrimonial estate of Adam Gordon, son to Huntly, who married the heiress of Sutherland. And the Marquis of Huntly, having resigned the Sheriffship of Inverness into the King's hands, anno 1628, there was a mutual contract between the King and the Earl of Sutherland in 1631, whereby the Earl resigned the Eegality and Sheriffship of Sutherland for a sum of money, but retained possession by way of mortgage, until the money should be paid. And the King dismembered the Sheriffship of Suther- land from that of Inverness, and erected Suther- land into a separate county, comprehending the lands of Sutherland, Assint, Strathnavir, Edir- dachaolis, Diurness, Strathaladale, and Ferin- coscarie in Slioschaolis, and appointed Dornoch to be the head borough of the shire ; which was ratified in Parliament, anno 1633. {MS. Gordon of Stralocli.) K. Charles I., under pretence of the general revocation in the beginning of every reign, made an attack upon all the heritable offices and juris- dictions that had been granted posterior to the Parliament 1455. And the Marquis of Huntly resigned the Sheriffship of Inverness and Aber- deen in 1628, for a compensation of £5000 ster- ling. But the Shire of Eoss was not divided from that of Inverness, and the bounds of it fixed, be- fore the year 1661. (Unprint. Acts of Pari. 1661.) VOL. III. 4 50 THE COUNTY OF NAIRN. The Legal Valuation of the Shire of Inverness now is £73,188 : 9 Scots. The County of Nairn lies all within this Pro- vince, and comprehends the parishes of Nairn, Aldern, Calder, and Ardclach, and some parts of the parishes of Croy, Pettie, Daviot, and Moy. The lands of Ferintosh in Boss are likewise within this county, having been a part of the Thanedom of Calder. {Ferina Toslie, signifies the Thane's land) which, by a special privilege, was all in the county of Nairn : and on this account CuUoden, as Baron of Ferintosh, votes in elections of Parliament for the County of Nairn. This county stood the twentieth in the Roll of Parliament. At what time Nairn was erected into a distinct County, I find not. In a Charter of the Thanedom of Calder anno 1310, it is called Thanagium. de Calder infra vicecomitatum de Innernarn. {Pen. Cald.). Donald, thane of Calder, as heir to his father Andrew, was infeft in the ofiice of Sheriff of the shire, and constable of the Castle of Nairn, anno 1406 (Ibid.). In the year 1442, Alexander de Yle, Earl of Ross, directed a Precept to the Deputy Sheriff of Inverness, his Bailiff in that part, for infefting William de Kaldor, as heir to his father Donald, in the Sheriffship of Nairn, held of him in capite (Ibid.). The Earl of Ross being forfeited in the year 1476, the Thane of Calder held the Sheriffship of the King in capite, THE COUNTY OF MORAY. 51 and that office continued heritably in the family of Calder till the year 1747. The Legal Valuation of the County of Nairn, is about £16,000 Scots. The County of Moray, or of Elgin and Forres, is all within this Province, and the parishes it comprehends, in whole or in part, may be seen in the Valuation Koll. But though Easter Moy, in the parish of Dyke, pays cess in the County of Moray, it is a part of the County of Nairn, and Thanedom of Calder. The County of Moray was the thirtieth in the Roll of the Scots Parliament. I find not, at what time, this County was erected, or how early it had Counts and Sheriffs. In a charter granted by Eva Morthac Domina de Rothes to Archibald Bishop of Moray, anno 1263, "De Gilbertus Roule miles Vicecomes de Elgyn" is a witness. Sir Thomas Randulph, Earl of Moray, was Hereditary Sheriff of this County ; and so were his successors in the Earldom, till upon the demise of Earl James Dunbar, his son Alexander of Westfield, unjustly deprived of the Earldom, was made Hereditary Sheriff of Moray; and the office continued in his family till the year 1724, when Ludowick Dunbar of Westfield, sold it to Charles Earl of Moray for £25,000 Scots. The Earls of Moray were principal Sheriffs from that time till the year 1747. The Legal Valuation of this Shire is about ^65,603 Scots. I do not find that any one within this Province 52 HEREDITARY REGALITIES, had an Heritable Justiciary. But Hereditary Eegalities, both ecclesiastical and civil, were numerous. I shall in the Ecclesiastic Part con- sider the former, and here only the latter. Ke- gality is a jurisdiction, which the lord thereof has in all his own lands, equal to the justiciary in criminals ; for he judges in the four pleas of the Crown, and equal to the Sheriff in civil causes. Eandulph Earl of Moray, had the whole Comi- tatus erected into a Eegality in his favours, as his Charter bears. George the first Duke of Gordon had all his lands erected into a Eegality, and this engrossed in his patent of Duke, anno 1684, by which his power of jurisdiction was great and extensive. Ludowick Grant of Grant got a power of Eegality in all his lands, in the year 1690. The Earl of Moray claimed the office of Lord of Regality over the Citadel of Inverness. Lord Lovat was Lord of the Eegality of Lovat. The Ecclesiastic Eegalities of Spynie, Kinloss, Plus- carden, Urquhart, Grangehill, and Ardersier, came after the Eeformation into the hands of Laics."' And even in time of Popery, noblemen and gentlemen got themselves made hereditary Bailiffs of Eegality in Church lands. The family of Gordon claimed the Bailiery of the Eegality of Spynie, because this office was, by King James *King James VI. gave to the Earl of Dunfermline Chan- cellor, the Regality of Urquhart, which the Duke of Gordon obtained. THE JURISDICTION OF BARONS. 53 VI. conferred on Lord Spynie ; and when that family became extinct, King Charles II. as TJlti- mus HcEres, disponed the Eegality to the Earl of Airly, who conveyed it to the family of Gordon. Several such claims will be mentioned when I speak of the abolishing hereditary jurisdictions in the year 1747. The jurisdiction of Barons or Freeholders was very ancient. By the Leges Malcolmi, Barons had their courts, and might judge of lith and limb ; and in capital crimes they got the escheat of their vassals, except in the four pleas of the Crown. And the milites or vassals of freeholders, even subvassoles, or vassals of the milites, had their courts, but could not judge of lith and limb, but only of wrong and unlauck. If a Baron be infeft cuvi Curiis et Blodiiitis, he may judge of riots and blood-wits ; and if he holds of the Crown cum Furca et Fossa, i.e., " pit and gal- lows," his power is very ample. We had likewise in this country. Hereditary Constables, of whom I shall speak in the Military History. Thus we have seen, that our Kings very early gave away the Crown lands, which made them dependent on their nobles : and the want of pro- perty was attended with the want of jurisdiction. They made hereditary sheriffs, chamberlains, and constables ; erected hereditary regalities and usticiaries ; and at last, by one Grant, made the 54 THE COURT OF SESSION INSTITUTED. office of the Justiciar of Scotland hereditary in the family of Argyle. When our Kings became sensible of their error, they gradually weakened the feudal courts. King James V. instituted the Court of Session; James VI. appointed Justices of the Peace; Charles I. purchased back the Justiciary of Scotland, when the Court of Justiciary was erected. Yet there remained many hereditary jurisdictions, and too much power in the hands of great men, and chiefs of clans, which was often abused, in perverting justice, and encouraging insurrections and rebel- lions. This was so manifest in the Rebellion in 1745, and 1746, that the Earl of Hardwick Lord Chancellor, planned the Jurisdiction Act in 1747, which has abolished some, and limited others of such of the territorial jimsdictions as were found dangerous to the community, and made the power of judging in the general official. It was referred to the Lords of Session by the Parliament, to consider the validity of the claims for heritable jurisdictions, and to determine the compensation that should be given to the pro- prietors. They rejected many claims, because : I. Some regalities were erected since the year 1455, but not granted in Parliament, or confirmed by it, as the Act XLIII. that year requires. II. Some jurisdictions were lost, non utendo, and prescription took place. III. Some jurisdictions were found split into COMPENSATIONS TO PROPRIETORS OF JURISDICTIONS. 55 parts, which the lords of them had no right to do : and, IV. The Sheriffship of Inverness was resigned to the Crown, anno 1628, for £2,500 sterHng. And it was presumed the price was paid. What the proprietors of jm-isdictions within this Pro- vince asked, and what the Lords of Session judged should be given, and was actually given, in compensation, is as follows : — Compensation Compensation Sought. Granted. Duke of Gobdon. FortheJusticiaryandRegalityofHuntly, £10,000 £4,000 For the Sheriflfshii? of Inverness, 2,500 For the Regality of Urquhart, 1,000 300 For the Bailiery of the Regality of Spynie, 2,000 500 For the Bailiery of the Regality of Kinloss, 1,500 182 19 6 For the Constabulary of Inverness Castle, 300 Earl of Moray. For the Sheriffship of Moray, 8,000 3,000 For the Regality of Inverness Citadel, 1,000 Laird of Calder. For the Sheriffship of Nairn, 3,000 2,000 For the Constabulary thereof, 500 For the Regality of Ardersier, 500 Earl of Sutherland. For the Regality in Strathnaver, ... 100 Lord Braco. For the Regality of Pluscarden, ... 1,000 68 18 & Sir Ludowick Grant. For the Regality of Grant, 5,000 900 Catbol. For the Bailiery of Regality there, ... 1,000 LOVAT. For the Regality of Lovat, 166 4 Lethin. For the Regality of Kinloss, 4,000 Grangehill. For the Regality of Grangehill, 500 £42,066 4 £10,951 17 II 66 THE COURTS OF JUDICATURE. The heritable jurisdictions being taken out of the hands of subjects, and being annexed to the Crown, the Courts of Judicature kept now within this Province are : — I. The Circuit or Justiciary Court, which sits twice every year, and the judges remain six days in the town, at each Circuit. II. The Sheriff Court. The King appoints the depute, who must be an advocate, of at least three years standing, and must reside four months in the year within his district ; the depute may appoint substitutes. The Sheriff of Inverness is allowed a salary of £250 ; one sheriff for Moray and Nairn Counties, at £150 of salary ; and the like for the Sheriff of Banff; the depute pays the salary of his substitutes. No fine, forfeitm-e, or penalty shall belong to the sheriff, but his share belongs to the King, and no sentence-money shall be taken. But by this the subject has no ease, for the fees allowed to clerks and other officers, by acts of sederunt, are very high. III. The Justice of Peace Court. IV. The Baron Court, for receiving and enrol- ling Barons. V. The Court of the Commissioners of Supply, for regulating what concerns the land tax, and window tax, for ordering the highways and public roads, for granting salaries to schools, &c. VI. The Commissary or Consistorial Court, at Elgin and Inverness : and. ROYAL BURGHS WITHIN THE PROVINCE. 57 YII. The Baron Court, of those who hold their land cu7}i curiis. Such have no jurisdiction in any criminal causes, except small crimes, for which, the punishment shall not exceed a fine of 20s. sterling, or three hours in the stocks in the day-time, or a month's imprisonment, on not paying the fine ; nor in civil causes, exceeding 40s. sterling, except in recovering rents and mul- tures. No person shall be imprisoned without a virritten commitment, recorded in the Court-books. And the prison shall have such windows and gates, as that any fiiend may visit the prisoner, &c. The Koyal Burghs within this Province are Inverness, Elgin, Nau^n, and Forres. The Leges Malcolmi, Cap. 4, describe the ofiice of the Cham- berlain, who had jurisdiction over the burghs. He had at that time for his salary, " £200 yearly from the fines of the burghs, from the tolls and customs of the burghs." In the year 1579, the Parliament appointed commissioners to determine the antiquity and priority among the burghs (Vide U7ipri?it. Acts); but what their determina- tion was I know not. In the Eoll of the Burghs, Inverness is the seventeenth in order, Elgin the thirty-fourth, Nairn the forty-third, and Forres the forty-fourth. The antiquity of the Burgh of Inverness cannot be questioned, though we pay no regard to Boetius' fabulous story, that it was founded by King 58 ANTIQUITY OF THE EURGH OF INVERNESS. Fergus I. What I observed from the Begiam Majestatem shows, that this town was consider- able in the reign of King David I. Buchanan speaks of it a hundred years before that time, viz., That King Duncan was murdered in Inver- ness, by MacBeath anno 1039 ; but in this he differs from Fordun, who writes, that King Dun- can was wounded at Logisnan (Forte Loggie in Brae-Moray) and was carried to Elgin, where he died. An older author than either of them writes, " Dunchath iilius MacTrivi Abthani de Dunkeld et Bethoc fili^ Malcolmi MacKinat, interfectus est a MacBeath MacFinleg in Both- gouanan"'" {Excerp. ex. Beg. S. And.); but where this place lies I know not. This town has an ample Charter from King James VI. before his accession to the Crown of England, referring to charters granted by the Kings, Wil- liam, Alexander II., David II., and James I., ratifying and confirming all the rights, privileges, liberties, and immunities granted by these kings to the burgh, particularly the power of constituting a sheriff in the town, who may appoint deputes, and of naming a coroner. This town being the key of the Highlands, has a great resort, and a considerable trade. It received an addition of buildings and trade, upon Cromwell's raising a * Translation. — Duncan, son of MacTrivi, steward of Dunkeld^ and of Bethoc (Beatrice 1) daughter of Malcolm Maclnat, was slain in Bothgownan by MacBeth MacFinleg. TOWN COUNCIL AND REVENUES OF INVERNESS. 51> Fort there, in 1652, and keeping a numerous garrison, to awe the neighbouring Highlands ; and v^hen, in 1662, to gratify the Highland chief- tains, that Fort was demolished, some of the best houses in town were built out of the materials found there. The town is governed by a common council of twenty-one members; viz., a provost, four bailies, a treasurer, dean of guild, deacon convener, ten merchant councillors, and three deacons of trades. The sett of this town, is much the same as of the town of Elgin, afterwards described. They have a weekly market on Friday, and several public annual fairs, as at Martinmas, Candlemas, Mid- summer, Marymass in August, Roodmass in Sep- tember, &c., and every fair continues for three days. Their revenues are about .£300 sterling yearly, arising from feu duties, petty customs. Upon building the Bridge of Inverness, the Parliament in 1681, empowered them to receive a small toll to keep it in repair (Vide unprint. Acts 1681). The town is the seat of the Courts of Justice ; the Justiciary, the Sheriff, the Commissary, the Justices of Peace, the Commissioners of Supply, keep their courts there. Here likewise are the Customs and Excise Offices The arms of the burgh are : — A camel, supported by two elephants. Motto, fidelitas et concordia. [FideHty and concord.] 60 EARLIEST CHARTER OF THE BURGH OF ELGIN. The Biirgh of Elgin appears to have been a considerable town, with a Eoyal Fort, when the Danes landed in Moray, about anno 1008 (Vide Milit. Hist.). The earliest Charter of Guildry I have seen in favours of this burgh, was granted by King Alexander II. as follows : — " Alexander, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, To all honest men of the whole earth. Health. Know ye that we have granted, and, by this Charter, confirmed, to our Burgesses of Elgin, that they, for the improvement of our Burgh of Elgin, may possess their own merchant-guild, as freely, and in like manner, as any of our burghs in oiu' whole kingdom possess their guild. Witnesses — Alan de Usher ; Eeginald of Cheyn, the chamberlain ; Hugh of Abernethy ; William and Bernard of the High Hill (" Monte Alto ") ; Alexander of Moray, and William Bisset. At Elgin, 28th day of Nov., 1236, in the 20th year of our reign." This town was the Manor of the Comitatus, and was subject to the Earls of Moray, as con- stables of the King's fort. John Dunbar, Earl of Moray, by his Charter May 1st, 1390, discharged to the town for ever, the assize or quantity of ale which they were bound to pay to him, as con- stable of the Castle of Elgin. Thomas Dunbar, Earl of Moray, by charter the 23rd July, 1393, granted to the town of Elgin, all the wool, cloth, and other things that go by ship out of his har- bour of Spey uncustomed. And the same Earl GOVERNMENT OF THE BUEGH OF ELGIN. 61 Thomas, by his Charter of the 22nd October, 1396, confirmed King Alexander's Charter of Guildry ; and so did Earl Archibald Douglas by his Charter, of October 27th, 1451 (Ihicl.). King Charles I. by his Charter, dated October 8th, 1633, ratified and confirmed to this burgh, the Charters granted by the Kings Alexander II., Kobert I., James 11. , and James VL, with ample privileges, liberties, and immunities. King James VI. by Charter dated 29th February, 1620 [? 1641], resmned or narrated his Charter, of date 22nd March, 1594, to the magistrates of Elgin, of the Hospital of Maison Dieu, with the patronage thereof, and all the lands belonging to it, for sus- taining the poor in the said Hospital, and sustain- ing a qualified master of music, and performing the ordinary services in the Church of the burgh (Ibid.). The government of the burgh, will appear from the sett or rule of government, ratified by the Convention of Burghs July 8th, 1706; in the heads and articles following : — I. The Town Council shall consist of seventeen members, including the Deacon Convener and two Deacons of Trades. II. These two Deacons shall be chosen by the Council. III. The New Council shall be elected annually, on Monday immediately preceding Michaelmas. IV. The Magistrates, and other office-bearers, shall be elected on Tuesday thereafter. 62 SETT OF THE BURGH OF ELGIN. V. There shall be annually put off, three of the Guildry, and two of the Trades. VI. One Provost, four Bailies, a Treasurer, and other office-hearers shall be chosen. VII. The Provost shall not continue in office above three years, nor the Bailies, Dean of Guild, or Treasurer above two, and they may be changed yearly. VIII. When these are put off their offices, they shall be continued on the Council for the next year. IX. The Old Council shall choose the New, and both the Old and New shall choose the Magistrates and office-bearers. In the week pre- ceding, the Incorporate Trades choose their Dea- cons, and on Saturday three of every Trade meet, and leet three of their number, of which three the Council on Monday chooses one for Convener. X. None may be elected but Besidenters and Burgesses, who bear Scot and Lot. XI. The Councillors shall choose annually out of their own number, five assessors to the Dean of Guild, whereof three with the Dean shall be a quorum. XII. The Council shall choose fifteen persons, not of their own body, whereof two of the Trades, for Stent Masters, who shall be sworn de jideli, and nine make a quorum. XIII. No Stent, except the public Cess, shall be imposed, without the consent of a Head Court. SETT OF THE BURGH OF ELGIN. 63 XIV. On the second Tuesday of September yearly, a Head Com-t shall be called, and the state of the burgh, and the Magistrates manage- ment of the Common Good, shall be laid before them, and the books and accounts shall lie on the Council table for twenty days, preceding the Head Coiurt; for the satisfaction of all con- cerned. The town is the seat of the Courts of Justice, where the Sheriff, Commissary, Justices of Peace, Commissioners of Supply, and the Barons hold their public meetings and com-ts. They have a weekly market on Friday, and annual fairs at Fasten's Eve, Pasch, Trinity, St. James's Day, Michaelmas, and Andersmas. They have the superiority of several lands, as may be seen in the abstract of King Charles's Charter, and a servitude on the Bm^gh Sea in Duffus, by which the fishers there are obliged to bring their fish to market in Elgin. They have some fishing boats at Lossiemouth, and yet for want of a good harbour that might encourage trade and com- merce, their revenue or common good is but small. By immemorial practice, though not by a special grant, the magistrates have a sheriff- ship within the town's liberties. If we may take the city of Edinburgh for a pattern, this town, in which the Cathedral of Moray stood, may be called a City, for King Charles L in his Charter, erecting the See of Edinburgh, dated 29th Sept., 64 ELGIN A CITY. 1633, says: — "We, taking into our consideration that our Burgh of Edinburgh is the chief Burgh of our Kingdom of Scotland, and that the same is most convenient to be the chief City of our lately erected Bishopric ; We, therefore, have enacted, and, in terms of this our present Charter, do enact into a City the said our Burgh of Edin- burgh, and do ordain the same to be the chief and Capital City of our said Kingdom, and of the foresaid lately erected Bishopric, and we do give and grant to it all the liberties and privileges ordinarily belonging to a City." But nothing is more uncertain than what constitutes a city — whether its being the capital of a province, or being a walled town, or being a royal burgh, or being a Bishop's See. The arms of the town of Elgin are — Saint Giles in a pastoral habit, holding a book in the right hand, and a pastoral staff in the left. With this motto, sic itur ad astra [Thus we travel to eminence]. [The City of Elgin (or Aigin, as it is called in the Journal) appears, from its being there characterized as "a good town," to have been a place of considerable importance in the 13th century. Of its history anterior to the reign of David I. all is obscurity and conjecture. It was a King's Burgh in his reign, as appears from the circumstances of its being referred to in his charter to the Priory of Urquhart (a.d. 1125-50), under the designation of " my burgh of Elgin " [mei burgi de Elgyn]. It must have been a place of considerable wealth at that time, as the sum of twenty shillings from its revenue and that of its waters — doubtless meaning by the latter term the fishings on the Lossie, the Spey, and the Findhorn — was ordered to be paid yearly to the monks of that Religious house for the purchase of their vestments. [Sciatis me in THE GREAT INTEREST OF ALEXANDER II. IN ELGIN. 05 perpetuum dedisse Deo et monachis de Vrchard ibi, Deo famulantibus dum devote et religiose se continuerint xx. solidos, singulis annis ad vestimenta eorum de firma, burgi mei et aquarum de Elgin.] * William the Lion conferred special favours on Elgin and his other burghs in Moray. He confirmed certain forest privileges and a commercial right, termed ausum, which his grandfather, David I., had granted to the burgesses, and bestowed several other immunities on them. It was, however, to Alexander II. that Elgin was most indebted for its advancement. He did more to promote its interests than any king who every visited Moray. It was in his reign, and chiefly at his solicitation, that permission was granted by Pope Honorius III. for the translation of the Episcopal See from Spynie to Elgin ; and it was by him, also, that the privi- leges of a merchant guild were conferred on its burgesses. Elgin, towards the close of the 13th century, was pro- bably unsurpassed, in regard to the number of its ecclesi- astical buildings, by any Episcopal city in Scotland. At the time of Edward's visit it could boast of a Cathedral which, according to Bishop Bar, " was the mirror of the land and the glory of the kingdom." The Bishop, in his petition to the King, describes the Cathedral, which had just been burned down (a.d. 1890), as having been the " speciale patriae decus, regni gloria, et delectatio extran- eorum." It had a Church dedicated to St. Giles, " Abbot and Confessor," who was the patron Saint of the town — a Monastery of Grey Friars — a preceptory of Knights Templars — a commandery of Knights Hospitallers of St. John — a house of the Brethren of St. Lazarus, and an Hospital called Maison Dieu. Elgin, besides having been a Bishop's See in the 13th century, was also a Royal burgh, enjoying corporate municipal privileges. The earliest allusion to its magistracy occurs in a charter of William the Lion (A.D. 1189-1198), but it is not till the reign of Alexander III. that its Provost is first mentioned by name. This office was held by Thomas Wiseman in 1261. The same individual was Sheriff of Elgin in 1248 ; and it is not improbable, therefore, that both appointments were united in him in the latter year. It is certain, how- * This charter is dated at Banff [apud Bancf]. (See Registrum de Dmfermhjn, p. 18, and Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, vol. ii., p. 129.) VOL. III. 5 66 ports; BEDE HOUSE; TOLBOOTH. ever, that they were distinct offices at a later period, as in the same Instrument in which the name of Wysman appears as Provost, Alexander de Montfort is mentioned as Sheriff of Elgin. Macpherson, who quotes E,ymer's MSS. as his authority, states that Elgin had one or more bailies in 1296. The number of these functionaries was probably two, the same as existed in 1345, when the magistracy consisted of Walter, the son of Ralph, then provost, and William Ydil, and William Vitrearius (the glazier), then bailies. We find the same number mentioned in 1368, when Patrick de Creython and Henry, the son of Robert, held this office. The town had four Ports, and the presump- tion therefore is, that it was originally surrounded by some defensive work — probably by a palisade, such as William the Lion required the inhalDitants of Inverness to erect when he entrenched that town with a fosse. The East Port [porta orientalis] is mentioned as early as the year 1242, It stood near the Bede House. The West Port was situated at West Park ; the South, or Smithy Port, as it was called, at the south end of the lane, now named the School Wynd; and the North Port at the middle of the Lossie Wynd. At these gates the Cham- berlain's officers — designated custumarii in public docu- ments of this period — collected the tolls which, like the octroi duties in Continental towns at the present day, were levied on such articles as were brought into the markets for sale. In connection with this revenue may be noticed the Tolbooth [Tolbotha]. The Tolbooth of South Berwick is mentioned under this name in a Deed of sale in 1258-98 (vide Reg. Ep. Morav, p. 143), which derived its name from its having been the booth where goods were weighed in order to ascertain the amount of toll leviable on them. It thus also became the place where defaulters, persons guilty of infringing the laws of the burgh, and debtors were confined, and was probably at this time only used for offenders of this class, whilst those accused of felony or crimes falling under the cogni- sance of the Sheriff" were imprisoned in the castle. It stood on the site now occupied by the public fountain, and was literally a booth or bothie, having been a wooden and thatched building down to about 1605, as appears from the following entry in the town's records of that HOUSES IN ELGIN ORIGINALLY WOODEN BOTHIES. 67 period :— " Item, £3 6s. 8d. for fog to theck the Tolbooth ." Next to the Cross and the Tolbooth the Ports formed the principal public places of the town, and were the sites whereon the limbs of criminals after execution were not unfrequently exposed to view. This practice was con- tinued down to as late a period as the year 1713, when we find it stated that the head of a man, who had been executed for murder, was placed on the Tolbooth, and one of his arms on the East Port and the other on the West Port, in completion of the sentence which had been passed on him. The houses of Elgin, as was the case at this time in all the towns both of England and Scotland, were chiefly built of wood, and comprised several grades of dwellings. These are referred to in different Deeds in the Register of Moray by the terms "mansions," "edifices," "huts" [habitacula], and "booths or bothies" [bothae]. We find that from an early period several of the barons and clergy in the neighbourhood, as well as some of the officers of State, possessed burgage property in Elgin. Tofts of land in the town were granted by Malcolm IV. and William the Lion to Berewald the Fleming, Lord of Innes, Richard, Bishop of Moray, the Abbot of Kinloss, the K-ing's Chamberlain, and the King's Justiciar, and were probably the sites of mansions belonging to these nobles and dignitaries. Most of the houses were erected with their gables fronting the street. This style of building, which formerly prevailed in the northern towns, and especially in Kirkwall and Lerwick, is of Scandinavian origin, and is still common in Norway. The single Street referred to as the Common Street [strata communis] — now the High Street — of which Elgin consisted in the 13th century, extended from the East to the West Port, and had near its centre the Church of St. Giles, surrounded by a Cemetery, and in its vicinity a Market Place, in which stood a wooden Cross. The Church of St. Giles is first mentioned in the Register of Moray in 1226, but there is reason to believe that it was of more ancient origin than the Cathedral, founded only two years previously, and that it is the Church referred to in a Charter of William the Lion between 1189-99. It is probable that the Cemetery around it was, in accordance with the practice which prevailed in the 13th century, the site of the Fairs of St. Giles, mentioned 68 THE ELGIN MARKET PLACE; THE FIEST BURGESS. in 1389, and that it originally constituted the Market Place [forum] alluded to in 1365. In its vicinity there were booths or bothies which, like the Luckenbooths that stood near the Church of St. Giles in Edinburgh, were probably the shops of the town. They were apparently permanent wooden structures, where, doubtless, the free burgesses of the merchant guild exposed their merchan- dise for sale. This Company, which was a corporate body, having all the commercial privileges that similar Incor- porations in other Royal bur-ghs possessed, had been established by charter by Alexander II. in 1384, and appears to have superseded the more ancient burghal association, which enjoyed the right or immunity termed auswni, which had been granted by David I., and con- firmed by William the Lion, to the burghs north of Aber- deen. Several of the members of the merchant guild of Elgin appear to have been men of considerable property and influence in the 13th and 14th centuries. The first burgess whose name is recorded is Robert Niger [Black], who appears as a Witness to an Agreement between the Bishop of Moray and Freskinus de Moravia in 1248. Hugh Heroc, burgess, was a member of the Court of Inquest which sat to adjudicate the claim of Robert Spine to the King's garden. He bequeathed his estate of Dal- deleyt, in 1286, to found two chaplaincies in the Cathedral and Church of St. Giles. William, the sou of Adam, the son of Stephen, burgess, possessed, in 1309, the lands of Qwytford, Inverloth}' [Inverlochtie], the mill at that place, and the lands of Milton. And Richard, the son of John, burgess, gave 100 shillings, payable yearly, from the rents of six booths and twenty crofts on the south side of the town, to found a chaplaincy in the Church of St. Giles. Several of the burgesses appear from their names to have been connected with other places, as William of Strabrock, Vosualdus of Aberchirder, Roger of Stirling, Adam of Berwick, son of William of Berwick. Of the trades or mechanical arts carried on in Elgin at this time, the only knowledge we possess is derived from the Register of Moray, wherein allusions are made to Osbert and Henry, the smiths or armourers ; Richard, William, and Tiiomas, the glaziers [vitrearii] ; Brice, the tailor [cissor] ; James, the shoemaker [sutor] ; and John, the fuller [fullonis] ; Gregory, the builder [cementarius]. THE TRADES; THE BURGH BRIDGE LANDS. 69 is mentioned in 1287. Carpenters were sent by the Sheriff of Elgin in 1262 to Caithness to erect a new hall and wardrobe-room for Alexander III. William, the gardener [Willielmus ortulanus], is mentioned as early as the year 1242. Gardens appear to have been common in the town even at this early period. The King's garden has been already alluded to. From an inquiry instituted in 1390 in regard to the respective rights of the Bishop and the Vicar of St. Giles to the tithes leviable on the gardens of Elgin, a distinction was drawn between the ancient and modern gardens — the boundary line of which was the original fence [claustura] — most probably the palisade of the town, which inclosed the former. Allusion is made in 1363 to a road behind the gardens [gardinas], on the south side of the town — apparently the present Greyfriars' and South Streets — beyond which were situ- ated the crofts described as extending down to the peat moss [ad maresiam petarum], now the low flat land called the " Wards," between the foot of Moss Street and New Elgin. Behind the gardens on the north side were also crofts, and the field styled the prepositura of the castle, or what now constitutes the Borough Bridge lands. It seems doubtful whether the Lossie ran at this time, as is generally supposed, between these lands and the foot of the gardens. The latter opinion is founded on the fact of these lands being included in the parish of New Spynie,* the boundary of which in this quarter is said to have formerly been that river. But at what period this was the case is not stated. It was certainly not in 1570, for in that year the Borough Bridge lands are mentioned as situated on the south side of the Lossie [pecia terrse vocata Burrowbriggis ex australi parte de Lossin]. And going farther back, viz., to the year 1350, we find mention made of certain crofts, and eight acres of the prepositura of Elgin adjoin- ing them, as extending down to the Lossie, which seems to'^imply that this river was at some distance from the gardens. Close to the burgh, at its eastern extremity, was the "Chanonry" or College, comprising an area of *Neiv Statistical Account of Elginshire, p. 95, where it is stated "the Lossie anciently ran close by the town, as appears from the title-deeds of the properties in the adjoinmg quarters of the town." 70 CHANONRY ; LAZARUS WYND ; THE PANS ; OLD MILLS. 900 yards in circumference, in which were situated the Cathedral and the manses of twenty-two prebendaries. It was bounded partly by the Lossie and partly by a wall having four gateways, one of which, called the "Pans Port," still remains. The ground between this wall on the west and the site of the Little Cross (erected in 1402) belonged to the Bishop and Chapter. In 13C0 a portion of it, having a frontage of three and a half roods in extent, was given for the sites of four chaplains' manses. It is described as being then held by the brethren of St, Lazarus, near the walls of Jerusalem [tentam de fratribus Sancti Lazari juxta mures Jerusalem], and, doubtless, from these religionists Lazarus Wynd took its name. The land now called the Pans, a name which, under the form of "le Pannis," first appears in the Register of Moray in 1566, was originally styled the " Burchalch " [Burgh Haugh ?], and was so designated in 1224, when it was divided into crofts and assigned as glebes to the Canons of the Cathedral. There were two bridges on the Lossie, one at a place called San- kathell across to Cranfinleth, the situation of which is not stated, and the other named the Bishop's Bridge. The latter, no doubt, was situated at Bishopmill, which is referred to in 1863 by the name of Bishoptung [Bishop- town], and below which, it is mentioned, lay the " pre- positura" or Borough Bridge lands. The mills on the Lossie in the vicinity of the town were the King's mills — now called Old Mills — which Alexander II. gave to the Monks of Pluscarden; the Bishop's Mill, the site of which was granted by William the Lion to Richard, Bishop of Moray, and which is described as being above the cruives on the Lossie [supra crohas quae sunt super Loseyn] below his Castle of Elgin ; and the Mill of Vchterspynie, which was erected on land granted by Bishop Andrew de Moravia to his kinsman, Walter de Moravia of Duffus, in 1237, on the condition of the latter giving yearly a reddendo of a pound of pepper, and the same quantity of cumin seed. It became the Sheriff's Mill (a name which it still retains) most probably in the time of Sir Reginald le Chen, but, at all events, before 1309, in which year it is noticed as "molendinum Vicecomitis de Elgin, super aquam de Lossyn."] (Registriim Fpiscopatus Moraviensis.) Vide Taylor's Echvard I. in the North of Scotland. (Ed.) ANTIQUITY OF THE BURGH OF NAIRN. 71 The Biirgh of Nairn is of considerable antiquity. We find it mentioned as early as the year 1008. And as long as it had a good harbour, and the King's Constable residing in the Castle of it, no doubt it flourished and made a good figure ; now the want of trade has brought it much into decay. The constitution of the town is much the same with that of Elgin, except that gentle- men in the country are admitted upon the Com- mon Council, because the town cannot afford the necessary annual changes. It has a weekly Market and some annual Fairs, and the Courts of Justice for that county sit there. The common good is but small. The inhabitants are about 600. The arms of the Town are — Saint Ninian in a proper habit, in his right hand a cross fitchie, in the left a book open. [The Keport of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations states that Nairn appears to have been founded by William the Lion. The name was originally Invernairn. The burgh and lands were granted by "Robert I. to his brother-in-law, Hugh, Earl of Ross, and they probably continued in the possession of that family till the forfeiture of John, Earl of Ross and Lord of the Isles, in 1475. At that period the tenure of the lands in Nairnshire, which had been formerly held under the Earls of Ross, was changed to a Crown-holding ; and a similar change very probably took place with regard to the town of Nairn, which then begins to be styled in records the King's Burgh and the Royal Burgh of Nairn, unless it may be thought that the terms of Robert I.'s grant of the Earldom of Moray to Thomas Ranulph (which cannot be easily reconciled with the Earl of Ross' charter) are suffi- cient to prove that Nairn, as well as Elgin and Forres, was then of the rank of a Royal Burgh. Nairn gave the title of Baron to the family of Nairn. The Peerage was created in 1681 by Charles XL, attained 72 GBANTS OF FORRES TO THE ABBEY OF KINLOSS. in 1746, and restored in 1824. It has been dormant since the death of William, sixth Lord, in 1837. It is said to be represented by the Baroness Keith of Banheath, Stone- haven. — Marischal.'] (Ed.) The earliest mention I have found of the Burgh of Forres is, "Dovenaldus filius Constantin occisus est in oppido Fothir anno 904."^" (Chron. de Begibus ScoHcb). FotJdr is supposed to be Forres, and King Duffus was murdered in Forres about anno 966. How early this town was erected into a Eoyal Burgh I find not. A Charter of ' ' De novo damns," by King James IV., dated June 23rd, 1496, bears. That the ancient Charters granted to this Burgh had been destroyed by fire and other accidents, and therefore the King erects it of new into a free Burgh, with all the privileges of a Eoyal Burgh, f The constitution of this Burgh * Translation. — Donald, son of Constantino, was slain in the town of Fothir in the year 904. t The Charter of the town of Forres grants to Kinloss — "Aquam et Piscaturam de Findhorn, tarn in aqua dulci quam salsa." This right is to he understood as follows : — 1st. The fishing of the Sluie-pool pertains to the Earl of Moray, and he claims and possesses this fishing from that Pool down the river as far as the Forest of Tarnua extends. 2nd. By King James I. Charter, anno 1425, the whole fishing of Findhorn was granted to the Monks and Abhot of Kinloss ; and King Robert's Charter to them, anno Regni ito, of the whole fishing of the river was confirmed {Pen. Lethcn.). 3rd. By Charter, December 2nd, 1505, the whole fishing, except the Sluie-pool, was granted to the Abbot (Ibid.). 4th. By contract betwixt Thomas, Abbot of Kinloss, with the Convent and the town of Forres, Alexander Urquhart of Burdsyards, and William Wiseman, of date Feb. 15th, 1505-G, the town, Burdsyards, and Wiseman, renounced all title to the fishing of the river. (It is probable the town obtained this Charter anno 1496, unknown to, and to the pre- judice of the Abbot.) And the Abbot and Convent did sett CONSTITUTION OF THE BURGH OF FORRES. 73 is much the same with that of Elgin. The only- sett they have is the following indistinct one : — ''At Forres, 20th September, 1711, in presence of the Town Council of the Burgh, a letter being read, directed by the Agent of the Burroughs to the Magistrates of the said Burgh, anent their making a true account and return to their Agent of their sett in electing yearly. In obedience to which the said Magistrates declare, That the number of their Council exceeds not seventeen, Provost, Bailies, Dean of Guild, and Treasurer included ; and that at ilk election the old Council chooses the new, and are changed yearly as occasion offers ; and to that effect timeous pre- monition is made to the whole burgesses, heritors, and inhabitants of the day prefixed for election of the said Magistrates and Town Council by tuck of drum, and placarding on the Cross, and by other advertisements used and wont; and heretably, and in feu-farm to the foresaids, the fishing on the fresh water from the Sluie-pool to the entering of the burn of Masset into the sea (Ibid.). 5th. Tlie Lord of Kinloss and Earl of Elgin came in the room and right of the Abbot and Convent, to whom the whole fishing from the Sluie-pool down- ward, both in fresh and salt water, did originally belong. And by Charter of date February 26th, 1664, under the Great Seal (Thomas, Earl of Elgin having resigned), Alexander Brodie of Lethen acquired a right to all the fishing that had belonged to the said Earl and Abbot (Ibid.). And now, 6th, the town of Forres holds of Lethen ; Tanachie and Durn hold of Forres ; the Earl of Moray and Burdsyards hold of the Crown ; and the estate of Grangehill, purchased in 1749 by Sir Alexander Grant of Dalvey. The fishing upon that estate lay partly in the Priory lands of Pluscarden, and partly in the Abbey lands of Kinloss. (Ed.) 74 SETT AND CHARTER OF THE BURGH OF FORRES. that the new Council chooses the Magistrates, and puts off, and takes on, or continues them as the circumstances of the place need and require. And this our sett has been unaltered for many . years ; and ordains our Clerk of Court to send an extract hereof to the Agent of the Burroughs. Signed in our name, and by our order, by Kobert Tulloch, our Common Clerk; sic. suhscrih. Eobert Tulloch, Clerk." "^ This sett leaves room to admit gentlemen in the county upon the Council, which accordingly is the practice. The town has a Jurisdiction of Sheriffship by their Charter, a weekly market and several annual fairs. Their revenue is about £1,000 Scots. The number of inhabitants is about 900. The Town's arms are— Saint Laurence in a long habit, stand- ing on a brander ; a chaplet round his head ; at his right side a crescent ; and at the left a star of six points ; holding in his right hand a book. Motto— Jehovah tu mihi Deus, quid DEEST. [Jehovah, Thou art my God ; what is wanting ?] * CHARTER TO THE BURGH OF FORRES. [" James, understanding that the ancient Charters granted to the town of Forres have been destroyed in time of war, or by the violence of fire, we have of new granted and confirmed to the community of the said Burgh o"f Forres, in free burgage, with the lands and others formerly thereto belonging— particu- larly the lands called Griveship, Bailie lands, Melkle Bog, with the King's Meadow; Lobbranstown, witli Crealties and Eamflat; and common pasturage in the Forest of Drummondside and Tulloch, with mosses, moors ; the water and fishing of Find- horn, from Dunduft' to the bank of Findhorn, botli in fresh and in salt water, with muscles and muscle scaups, with power to set the same in tack, to fish with boats and nets, and to have ports and harbours for ships upon the said water ; with power annually to elect and appoint a Provost, Bailies, and other PRIVILEGES OF THE BURGHS OF BARONY. 75 Every one of these Bnrghs has a Post-Office, and a regular return of Posts three times in the week. And since the union of the two kingdoms, Forres, Nairn, Inverness, and Chanonrie in Boss make a district ; and Elgin, CuUen, Banff, Inver- urie, and Kintore make another. Each district sends a member to the British Parliament. And each of the counties of Banff, Elgin, and Inver- ness, chooses a Commissioner ; but the county of Nairn being small, chooses only alternately with the county of Cromarty. Besides these Eoyal Burghs, there are in this Province several Burghs of Barony. These are erected by Eoyal Patents or Charters. What their privileges and immunities are will appear from the following instances : — Germach was erected into a Burgh of Barony by a patent anno 1587 ; the Kirktoun of Spynie, an Ecclesiastic Barony, anno 1452 ; the town of Eindhorn made a Barony, and the erection ratified in Parliament, Magistrates and officers necessary; and to constitute the Provost, Bailies, and Sheriffs within the Burgh and its liber- ties, and discharge the Sheriff of the shire of Elgin and Forres to exercise his office within the said Burgh or its liberties ; with power to the Burgh to have a Cross, a weekly Market on Friday, and an annual Fair, beginning on the Vigils of St. Lawrence and to continue for eight days ; with power, also, to hold Burgh and Sheriff Courts, and of packing, peeling, and with all and sundry other privileges and immunities of a free Burgh, paying yearly to the Abbot and Convent of Kinloss 20 merks current money out of the farm of the said water and the fishing.— At Edinburgh, June 23, 1496, and of our reign the ninth year."] (Ed.) 76 THE SEVERAL BURGHS OF BARONY, 1661 ; (Vide Unprint. Acts) the town of Geddes, in the parish of Nairn, was erected into a Burgh of Barony by Charter anno 1600 ; " cum potestate creandi Bahvos et Burgenses, et vendendi et vinum et cervisiam, et mercemonia qusecunque " ; ^' with a weekly market, &c. (Hist. Kilrav.). By a Charter anno 1635, in favour of John Grant of Loggie, Moyness, Broadland, and Aldern, were erected into the Barony of Moyness, with a weekly market on Saturday and an annual fair at Michaelmas {Pen. C alder). By Charter anno 1476, the Thanedom of Calder, Barony of Duris, &c., were erected into one Barony, called Camp- belltoun, with powerto create Bailives, Constables, Serjeants, and other Officers therein, with liberty to buy and sell within the freedoms thereof, and to have a Town House and a Market Cross, with a weekly Market on Wednesday and an annual Fair on July 15th, the Castle of Calder being the principal messuage at which infeft- ments and seasins may be taken, &c. (Ibid.). The town of Fochaber, the Kirktoun of Duffus, Blackstob in Muirtoun, the town of Cromdale in Strathspey, and no doubt other villages within this Province, were Burghs of Barony. * Translation. — With the power of making Bailies and Burgesses, and of selling both wine and ale, and all manner of merchandise whatever. THE ROMANS HAD NO WARS IN THE PROVINCE. 77 PAET V. THE MILITARY HISTORY OF MORAY. TT does not appear that the Eomans had any ■^ mihtary exploits within this Province, nor have they left any monument of such actions. Though Severus forced a march into the northmost bounds of Scotland, yet he fought no battle, but lost 50,000 of his army, in struggling with cold, hunger, and fatigue {Xi'pliil. in Sev.); and Agricola's ships which sailed round the north, and first discovered Britain to be an Island, gave names to people and places, but left no military monuments. As little can I find any certain account of the mili- tary actions of the Picts in this country ; their battles and skirmishes, whether with the Scots or the Saxons, were in the southern Provinces. But since the overthrow of the Pictish Kingdom, we have traces of some memorable battles and conflicts, of which I shall give the most genuine account I could learn. The character which Tacitus gives of tne Ger- man Catti, may, I doubt not, be applied to the ancient inhabitants of this Province, particularly to the Highlanders, viz.: — " This race possessed 78 SCOTTISH CLANSMEN INDEPENDENT OF KINGS. a sturdy frame of body, limbs well knit, stern countenances, and a great degree of courage. You could not so easily persuade them to till their lands, and observe the respective seasons of the year, as you might bring them to face their enemies, and give and take the most deadly wounds. For they even held it slothful and cowardly to acquire, by the sweat of their brows, what they could possess by the shedding of their blood." The great men and chiefs of clans in Scotland, for many ages, lived independent of the Kings ; they held their land by no other tenure than a forcible possession. In the year 1590, there was brought to the Exchequer, an account of 250,000 merks yearly rent (a large siun in these days), to which the chieftains in the Western Isles had no other right but Duchus or possession. The few Eoyal Forts through the kingdom, were not suJfficient to awe the country and main- tain peace ; and our Kings were necessitated to grant large powers, and extensive jurisdictions to great men, with liberty to build fortalices on their own lands, and to garrison them for the maintaining peace and order. By this, the power of the Crown was weakened, and the nobles and chieftains became factious and ungovernable ; and insurrections, tumults, and riots were fre- quent in every corner. The Eoyal Forts in this Province were : — THE FORT ON THE LADYHILL, ELGIN. 79 A Fort at Elgin. This Fort stood on a small hill, now called the Ladyhill, at the west end of the town, on the north side. The plain area on the top of the hill, is 85 yards in length, and 45 in breadth. There are some remains of the walls of this fort yet standing, but such as do not shew the form or extent of the buildings. Generally these forts were a square, or an oblong square ; the walls about 20 feet high, and 4 feet thick, with towers in the angles, all wrought with run lime. Within the walls, were rooms and barracks of wood ; the gate or entrance was guarded by an iron grate, and a portcullis ; and some forts had parapets on the top of the wall. Within the court there was a draw well, and the whole fort was environed with a fosse, over which was a draw bridge. Vestiges of all these things are to be seen at this fort at Elgin. The strength of such forts were considerable before great guns came into use. The Ean- dulphs, Dunbars, and Douglas Earls of Moray, were Constables of this fort, and had the customs of the town, the assize of ale, and probably the sixty-auchten parts and the moss wards, now belonging to the town, for their salary. They had a jurisdiction within certain bounds round the fort, and judged in riots and trespasses com- mitted within these bounds ; I am not certain, if after the death of Archibald Douglas anno 1455, any Earl acted as Constable of this fort. But the 80 ELGIN A ROYAL BURGH IN THE REIGN OF DAVID I. Castlehill, or Ladyhill, has always been the pro- perty of the Earls of Moray, and is so of the present Earl. THE CASTLE OF ELGIN. [All that now remains of "the good castell" [bon chastell] mentioned in the Journal, is the ruin, consisting of fragments of massive walls, on Ladyhill. Although history is silent in regard to the origin of this stronghold, yet it is certain, from the circumstance of Elgin beino- mentioned as a King's burgh in the reign of David I., that this place was then the seat of a Royal Castle, and it seems probable, therefore, that the heavy structure, the vestiges of which still remain, was built by that king on the site, perhaps, of a less durable wooden edifice of Celtic or Scandinavian origin. Mention is first made of the Castle of Elgin in the Charter of Malcolm IV., the grand- son and successor of David I., granting the lands of Innes to Berowald the Fleming [a.d. 1160]:— the condition of the tenure being the service of one soldier, or rather of one knight ["unius militis"] "in my Castle of Elgin" ["in castello meo de Elgin "]. It is again referred to, and its site indicated, in a charter granted by William the Lion — the brother and successor of William — to Richard, Bishop of Moray, giving him permission to erect a mill [Bishop- mill] on the Lossie, below the Castle of Elgin [subtus castellum meum de Elgin "]. {Reg. Epis. Morav.) William occasionally held his Court here, as appears from the circumstances of his having granted at Elo-in several charters which were witnessed by his Chancellor, Justiciar, and various bishops, earls, and barons. Elo-in appears to have been a favourite residence of Alexander II., who probably visited it to enjoy the sport of huntino- in the neighbouring Royal forests. He was here in the years 1221, 1225, 122G, 1228, and 1234. According to Wyntoun, he also held his Christmas here in 1231 : — ° " A tliousand twa hundyr and thretty gane, And to that yhit reckyne ane, The King Alagsandre in Elgyne Held his yliule and come cure syne The Munthis, passand til Mwnros." THE CASTLE OF ELGIN LONG A ROYAL RESIDENCE, 81 The same author in noticing an expeditious journey which this King made from Elgin to the south of Scot- land in 1242, mentions that he visited Moray yearly : — " The King and the Qwene alsa, And ane honest curt wytli tha That ilke yhere in Murrawe past, Bot soon agayne he sped hym fast, Swa aftyre that he came fra Elgyne." Alexander III. appears to have sojourned for some time in Elgin in 1263 ; on which occasion the Sheriff, Alex- ander de Montfort, disbursed the sum of £15 10s. 2d. from the revenues of his sheriffdom, to defray the ex- penses of the Royal journey to and from Caithness. That the Castle of Elgin was then, and had been for many years previously, a Royal residence, is proved by the fact that in 1261, daring the reign of the latter King, Robert Spine, bcdistarius (the keeper of the cross bows), succeeded in proving, before a competent tribunal, his right of tenure to the King's garden and the land pertaining to it, which, he asserted, had belonged to the ancestors of his wife, on the condition of their supplying the Royal kitchen with pot-herbs during the time that the King resided in the Castle of Elgin ; and of taking charge of the Royal ger- falcons and goshawks, for which service they had a chalder of meal yearly, besides a daily allowance of two- pence for feeding each gerfalcon, and a penny for each goshawk, while the King engaged in the sport of hawk- ing. The Sheriff (vicecomes) as the deputy of the earl (comes) was the keeper (custos) of this Castle, which was the chief seat of the King's authority within the county of Elgin, and doubtless the place where was de- posited the banner of Moray. This standard was unfurled by the Earl, or Guardian of the Province, when the King required the barons, thanes, and others holding of the Crown within the Sheriffdom, to perform military duty, constituting either the servitium forinsecum or servitium Scoticanum — on one or other of which tenures they usually held their lands. Among those permanently resident in the Castle may be mentioned the officer who had charge of the cross bows, balistae, catapults, and other warlike weapons and engines used for its defence, and the janitor or warder of its gates. The duties of the garrison were performed by the barons and thanes who. VOL. IIL ^ 82 THE DUTY OF THE KEEPER OF THE CASTLE. held their lands on the condition of their rendering mili- tary service within its walls. Such was the tenure by which Berowald the Fleming possessed his lands of Innes ; and Eugenius, those of Meft. A certain extent of land, called the 2^'>^epositura, was annexed to the Castle [prepositura castelli burgi de Elgin]. It is referred to in a charter of the year 1351, as situated in the north side of the town ; and it was probably, therefore, the Borough Bridge lands. The duty of the keeper of the castle in cases of disputes occurring in the town, was strictly defined, as appears from an ancient Enactment regarding royal castles and burghs, to the following effect: — viz., "Should any person belonging to the castle have com- mitted a trespass against a burgess, the latter was obliged to crave justice at the castle, outside the ports thereof;" whilst, in like manner any castellan who might have cause of complaint against a burgess, had to apply for redress within the burgh. The only occasions on which a royal castellan had a right to exercise authority in the burgh connected with his castle, were Christinas, Easter, and Whitsunday, when he could compel a burgess to sell such provisions as pigs, geese, and poultry, for silver, for the King's use. These festivals were kept with great pomp by the Scottish Kings; and, doubtless (as was the practice at the Anglo-Norman Courts), the prelates, earls, and barons of the kingdom were obliged by their tenures, as we are informed, to attend their Sovereign, to assist in the celebration of these festivals, in the administration of justice, and in deliberating on the great affairs of the realm. "On these occasions "we are further told "the King wore his crown, and feasted his nobles in the great hall of the palace, after which they proceeded to business, which consisted partly in determining important causes, and partly in deliberating on public affairs." {Henry's Great Britain, vol. vi., p. 13. The Castle of Elgin occupied a space extending about 240 feet in length, and 150 feet in breadth, on the summit of the Lady Hill. It was enclosed by a wall — the remains of which still exist on the south side — which, doubtless, like similar structures at this period, was of considerable height, having towers at its angles and a crenellated parapet with merlons or spaces between the embrasures, perforated with chinks terminating in eyelets for the dis- THE OUTER BALLIUM OF ELGIN CASTLE. 83 charge of arrows, javelins, and other missiles. The prin- cipal gate appears to have stood on the west side of the hill, where the ascent is comparatively easy; and judgino^ from the construction of similar portals in the 13th cen- tury, it was probably flanked by a round tower on each side, and further strengthened by a machicolation and portcullis. From the fact of an allusion being made in 1654 to the East Port of the Castlehill being situated near the point where the road leading down to the Morrieston ford at the Black Friars Haiigh, strikes off" from the road which skirts the foot of the hill on its northern side from east to west, it may be inferred that there was another gate, called the West Port, on the opposite side of the hill — most probably at the top of Lady Lane — and that the hill at its base, including a good deal of ground, which is now built upon, next the High Street, was surrounded by some defensive work, consisting likely of a palisade, such as was erected round the Castle of Inverness in A.D 1263-66. The level space within the wall which encircled the summit of the hill, was divided into two courts by a transverse wall — the site of the foundation of which is still indicated by a furrow or trench, which runs obliquely across the plateau in the direction of north-east to south- west. The outer halliurn* comprehended all the space situated west of the transverse wall and was entered through the principal gateway ; and from the numerous traces of foundations still to be seen, it would appear to have been crowded with buildings, consisting, no doubt, of barracks and storehouses, which, there is reason to believe, from the tenor of a writ issued by Edward, were, at this time, well stocked with armour and provisions. The inner ballium comprised the area on the east side of the division wall, and contained within it the keep and *This word, of which bayle and Bailey are Anglicised corruptions, is said to be derived from the Latin ballium. The term Bailey is still retained in the names of certain anciently fortified localities in England, as the Old Bailey of London, which is so designated from its position in relation to the ancient wall of the city and the Church of St. Peter, in the Bailey of Oxford, so called from its having been originally situated in the outer ballium of the Castle of Oxford. 84 THE KEEP OF THE CASTLE OF ELGIN. other buildings. The keep, a square tower, the remains of which are still seen — was built of rough, unhewn stones, cemented or grouted with run lime. The portions of its walls still remaining are of great thickness and solidity, and show how well adapted they were in an age when gunpowder was unknown, to resist all the battering machines and stone propelling engines which the engin- eering skill of those days employed to reduce fortresses. Like similar strongholds in the 12th and 13th centuries, this structure was probably three or four storeys in height. The lower storey in these buildings was a sub- terranean and dimly lighted vault, which constituted the donjon or oubliette of the keep. Above this was the floor which was occupied by the domestics of the estab- lishment, and which, from its having the outer door of the building opening in to it, formed a kind of vestibule, which communicated by a newel stair in the interior or substance of the wall, with the upper storeys. In the Castle of Elgin this staircase appears to have been situated in the south-east angle of the keep, where the walls pre- sent a much broader base than at the other corners. The second and third storeys contained a hall, one or more sleeping apartments, and an armoury of such weapons and engines as were required for the defence of the building. The Castle of Elgin had apparently a round tower on the site of the large circular hollow which exists in the immediate vicinity of the ruin. The Well of the castle which tradition has long assigned to this spot, was probably situated within this tower, and a windlass [Windagium]* used for drawing up the water from the bottom of the shaft, which must have descended to a great depth, even to the base of the hill.f A sketch of this building is given by Slezer, in his view of Elgin, forming one of the engravings in the " Theatrum Scotise " pub- lished in 1693.J] (Vide Taylor's Edward I. in the North of Scotland.) * Chamberlain's Accounts (A.D. 1264), vol. i., pp. 19, 20. t A good specimen of an ancient Well of this description is afforded by that of Cari-brooke Castle, Isle of Wight, where the water is drawn from a great depth by a windlass and wheel, worked by an ass, X Slezer was a German, a captain in the artillery company THE CHAPEL OF THE CASTLE OF ELGIN. 85 An allusion is made to the Chapel of the Castle of Elgin in a Deed of Isabella, Countess of Moray, the widow of the great Randolph, granting certain lands for the endowment of a Chaplaincy at Elgin, in the year 1351. One of the places therein mentioned where a stated religious service was enjoined to be performed, is " the altar of John the Baptist, in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the castle." This Chapel continued to be a place of worship, long after the castle itself had been abandoned as a residence; and from it, the locality appears to have derived its present name of Ladyhill. Its original appellation, however, of Castlehill was not unfrequently given to it, as late as the 17th century. Thus, in a sasine of the burgh, dated in 1654, mention is made of the road which passes from " the East Port of the said Castlehill to the Chapel of the Virgin Mary in the north." The barons who held lands on the condition of their rendering service to the castle, had houses within its precincts. Eugenius, thane of Rathven, and lord of Meft, states, in a petition which he presented to Alexander III. in 1262, that his great-grandfather — Yothre Mac Gilhys — received from King William, a grant of that barony, with his house in the Castle of Elgin. It is probable that there were in the inner ballium of the castle, besides the keep and the round tower, several wooden buildings, comprising a hall, a wardrobe room, and a Royal chamber. Such structures were common in the Royal, as well as in most of the baronial castles in the north, in the 13th century. Thus mention is made of a new hall, with a roof formed of a double tier of planks, and the walls also consisting of wood, having been erected in Caithness, for the accommo- dation of Alexander III., when he visited that country, in 1263. On the same occasion, a wardrobe room, with a double wooden roof, was built in the Castle of Inverness; and a new hall, which (as it only cost 48 shillings) must also have been constructed of wood, was erected in that year in the Castle of Invery. In a hall of this description " the framework " says Tytler, " composed of strong beams of oak, was covered, with a planking of fir, and this again laid over with plaster, which was adorned with painting and the ** Surveyor of their Majesties' stores and magazines in the kinsrdom of Scotland." 86 WHERE KING DUFFUS WAS MURDERED. and gilding, whilst the large oak pillars supporting the building rested in an embedment of strong mason work." The walls, when not ornamented in this manner, were generally adorned with tapestry. An oaken table, sup- ported on massive pedestals, occupied the centre of the floor, and a chair of state stood upon the dais at the upper end of the apartment. Such in all probability was the structure of the hall of the Castle of Elgin, and such, most likely, the manner in which it was fitted up, when Edward visited Moray in 1296. The Fort at Forres was pleasantly situated on an eminence, at the west end of the town, and was fortified as that of Elgin. It was in this fort that King Duffus was barbarously murdered, anno 965 or 966. Donald, grand -uncle of Bancho thane of Lochaber, and ancestor of the Family of Stewart (Mr. Sims.) was governor of the fort, and much trusted when the King came to Forres, in order to punish some villains. The King was a strict Justiciar, and would not grant a remis- sion to some criminals, for whom Donald and liis wife had warmly solicited ; wherefore they caused strangle him in his bed, and hid his corpse under a bridge near Kinloss, Donald, conscious of his guilt, fled from CuUen, successor to Duffus ; but his wife being put to the torture, confessed the whole scene. Donald was seized, and with his accomplices justly put to death, and the fort was razed (Ford. Buck.). I know not if this fort was rebuilt, and used as a Eoyal Fort ; but it is cer- tain, there was a Castle where it had stood, of which the Dunbars of Westfield had the property, ORIGINAL WOODEN CASTLE AT FORRES. 87 with the castle lands ; but I do not find that they acted as constables. CASTLE OF FORRES. [The Castle of Forres is referred to as early as tlie year 966, when King DufFus was murdered in it. Like the Castle of Elgin, it was probably originally a wooden struc- ture ; but its keep and walls were no doubt strengthened, if not rebuilt, in the reign of David I., when the town, which it protected, is first mentioned as a King's burgh. It was then surrounded by a forest, in which the bur- gesses had the privilege of wood-bote granted to them by that monarch. Its Castle was a Royal residence, and was visited by William the Lion, and Alexander II., who dated charters here — the former King in 1189-98, and the latter in 1238. Its prepositura which is referred to in a charter of the year 1238, was probably the land called " the Bailie lands " or " the King's meadow," in the char- ter of James IV. A few items of expenditure in connec- tion with this Castle are mentioned in the Chamberlain's Accounts in the reign of Alexander III. In 1264, William Wiseman, Sheriff of Forres, dis- bursed the sum of ten pounds for building a new tower beyond the King's chamber ; ten shillings for the carriage of ten hogsheads of wine from the shore [at the mouth of the Findhorn] to the castle; and sixteen shillings and teupence as the wages of two hawk-catchers for fourteen weeks, and for the repair of a mew belonging to the King. Of the stock of wine thus laid in for the King's table, two hogsheads are mentioned as having been sold for one hundred and three shillings and seven j^ence. The Castle appears to have been used as a residence both by the King and the Earl of Moray, in the 14th century. The Earl granted charters at it in 134G, and David II. issued a writ here in 1367. It is mentioned in 1371, in the charter of Robert II., giving certain lands and the keepership of the tower of the manor of Tarna- way to Thomas le Graunt and his heirs, as the place where, yearly, at Pentecost, the reddendo of one silver penny and six arrows were to be tendered as a blench rent.] (Taylor's Edward I. in the North of Scotland.) 88 OLD ROYAL FORT AT NAIRN AND ITS KEEPERS. '. The Eoyal Fort at Nairn stood on the bank of the river, a httle above the present bridge. The river, with a rocky precipice, guarded one side of it, and it wsiS strongly v^alled, and ditched about on the other sides. The Thanes of Calder were hereditary Constables of this fort, and so was the present John Campbell of Calder, till the Juris- diction Act anno 1747. CASTLE OF NAIRN. [The Castle of Nairn was next occupied by Edward's troops in their march northwards. This fort and its adjacent burgh, were founded by William the Lion, on land which had originally belonged to the Bishop of Moray [in excambium illius terrae apud Inuernaren, quam Dominus rex Willielmus pater meus cepit de Epis- copo Moraviensi, ad firmandum in ea castellum et burgum de Inuernaren.] This castle appears to have been built in order to supersede a more ancient one, which stood near the influx of the river into the sea. The latter is said by Buchanan to have been captured by the Danes from the Scots in the reign of Malcolm I.; and is described by Camden as " a tower on a peninsula of extraordinary height built in a wonderful manner, and anciently possessed by the Danes." According to the Survey of Moray, there were persons living about the end of last century, who remember to have seen, at spring tides, vestiges of its foundations now covered by the sea. The castle built by King William stood on the west bank of the river, on the site still distinguished by the name of " the constabulary garden." William Prat, Alexander de Moravia, and Reginald le Chen, senior, who each held in succession the office of Sheriff of Nairn in the 18th century, were, apparently, in virtue of their office, the keepers of this castle. They were succeded in the command of it by the Roses of Kilravock. In the Chamberlain's Ac- counts for 12G4, credit is given to Alexander de Moravia, for twenty-one shillings and three pence paid by him for plastering the hall, and for the purchase of locks for the tower or keep, and of two cables for the drawbridge of HEREDITARY CONSTABLE OF THE CASTLE OF INVERNESS. 89 the castle. [" Item in emplastracione anise, cum serruris emptis ad turrim, et cum xi. s. datis, pro duabus cablis emptis ad warnisturam castri et aliis minutis xxi. s. iiid."] (Taylor's Edward I. in the North of Scotland.) At Inverness we find in our histories a Fort or Castle very early. It stood on a hill close by the river, and commanded the town. What was the form of the old fort, I find not : but it appears that it had a ditch, and an agger or rampart of earth on three sides. The governor of it was appointed during pleasure, or for life, for some ages ; but about the beginning of the 16th cen- tury, if not sooner, the Earl of Huntley was made hereditary Constable of it, and for his fee or salary had the following lands, called the castle lands : viz.. The three Davachs of Dun- achtin, and the two Davachs of Kinrara and Delnaford in Badenoch, the Davach of Shevin in Strathern, the lands of Tordarach, Bochruben, and Dundelchak in Strathnairn and Stratherick (these lands are the property now of the Laird of Macintosh); likewise the Davach of Essich in the parish of Inverness, now belonging to Macin- tosh; the lands of Porterfield, Little Hilltoun, Albnaskiach, and Haughs, all near the town of Inverness; the three Davachs of Castle Leathers, and Coulduthil, the two Davachs of Upper and Nether Torbrecks, and Knocknagial; the two Davachs of Dunainmore, Dunaincroy, and Lag- nalane ; the two Davachs of Dochgarach, and Dochnaluirg; the lands of Dochfoure, Dochcharn, 90 MALCOLM CANMORE BUILT INVERNESS CASTLE. and Dochnacraig, all in the parish of Inverness; and the lands of Bimachtin and Drumbuie in Strath- nairn. The above-mentioned lands, now belong- ing to Macintosh, were granted to that family, as an assythment for the death of the Laird of Macintosh, whom the Earl of Huntley caused to be barbarously murdered in the Castle of Hunt- ley, in the year 1550. These lands were held Ward, but Macintosh purchased the freeholding of them ; the other castle lands hold of the Duke of Gordon. CASTLE OF INVERNESS. [The Castle of Inverness, before which Edward's army next appeared, stood upon the eminence still desig- nated the Castlehill. It is said to have been built by Malcolm Canmore ; after he had demolished the ancient stronghold called Macbeth 's Castle, which was situated on the extremity of the hilly ridge, called the " Crown,'' at the east end of the town. Allusion is made to the latter Castle in a Deed of the year 13G1, in which Document two sisters, named Ada and Susanna, are mentioned as the heiresses of it. — [Susanne et Ede sororum et heredum veteris castri] — also to a piece of ground called the field of the old castle, [ca,mpo veteris castri] which extended towards the river. The town, which rose up under the walls of the castle built by Malcolm Canmore, was, as already stated, constituted by David I., one of the six chief places in the kingdom [loca caj^italia Scotiae comi- tatuum per totum regnum,] where the King's Justiciar held his court. It was also created a Royal burgh at this time. Its burgesses possessed the privilege called ausum in common with the other burgesses of Moray, and had the right of pasturing their cattle in, and taking firewood from, the neighbouring forest, both which privileges were afterwards confirmed by King William. He also pro- tected its woollen manufactures by granting a charter which prohibited persons residing beyond the bounds of the burgh from making " cloths dyed and shorn contrary INVERNESS SHIP-BUILDING, BEAVER-SKINS, & HERRINGS. 91 to the assize of David I." He conceded several immuni- ties to its burgesses, such as an exemption from wager of battle in civil cases, and from paying toll on their mer- chandise throughout the kingdom. A fosse was dug round the town by him, on the condition, as already mentioned, that the burgesses should erect a good palisade, and agree to keep it in repair. Inverness was celebrated in the reign of Alexander II. as a place for shipbuilding — materials for which abounded in the neicjhbourinsf forests. Here was built, in 1249, for Hugh de Chatellar, Count of St. Paul and Blois, a vessel, the Leviathan of the age — which was called by Matthew Paris " the wonderful ship," on account of its great size. The commerce of the burgh was extensive, and was carried on chiefly by Flemings. One of its annual fairs is said to have been usually attended by foreign merchants. The exports were wool, cloths, furs, hides, fish, and cattle. It is probable that beaver skins were one of its articles of merchandise. According to Boece, the beaver was anciently found on the banks of Loch Ness; and we know from a public Record that " beueris " skins were included among the exports from Scotland in the reign of David I. Inverness appears to have been at this time the principal station for the herring fishing in the Moray Firth. Boece alludes to the great quantities of herrings that were caught at this place prior to this time. This seems to be corroborated by the fact, that in 1263 Laurence le Graunt, the Sheriff" of the County, is mentioned as disbursing 20 marks for 20 lasts of herrings, purchased for the King's household, and 105 shillings and 3 pence for their freight to Leith.* A charge of £7 13s. is also made in the same accounts for the transport of 540 head of cattle by ship to the same port. [Item in carragio quingentarum vac- carum usque leith, per navem, vii. lib. xiii. s.]t thus showing that a considerable intercourse by sea existed at tliis time between the Moray Firth and the Firth of Forth. A few topographical and other details are mentioned in regard to the town and its vicinity in the 13th and 14th centuries. Alexander II. gave to the burgesses Markinch and the prepositura of Kinmyles, consisting of the upper and * Chamberlain's Accounts, vol. i. p. 31. t Idem, vol. i. p. 21. 02 THE king's MILLS; CONVENTS AT INVERNESS. lower lands of that name ; and a stake fishing [yhara] on the Ness, to the Bishop of Moray and his successors, with the reservation that the tenants should grind their corn at the King's mills — which were, doubtless, situated in the locality still designated by that name — and should settle their disputes in his court. Allusion is made in the same charter ^to the Bishop's house in this barony. The Parish Church which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was presided over by a vicar, who was appointed for life, and had a manse provided for him near the Church, where he was bound to receive the Bishop of the diocese and the Abbot of Arbroath. He enjoyed as his stipend all the pertinents of the vicarage, except the tithes of corn, lands, mills, and herrings, and the rents of the lands of the Church, all of which were paid to the Abbey of Arbroath. The Dominicans had their Monastery and Chapel, dedi- cated to the Blessed Mary, with its Cemetery on the site of the present Chapelyard. The Franciscans' Convent occupied the ground still named the Greyfriars' yard. Both were settled here by Alexander II. about the year 1232. The Damysdale [Doomsdale] — so named from its lead- inof to the Gallowhill — is alluded to in 1362. It is the present Castle Street. Mention is also made of a road called Scathgat running parallel to the Ness, and of the Scatisgat leading to a place called Knokyntynole. Brumybauc, the Crasse [Carse], the Schipflat, the Surrflat, and the Hale [Haugh], are likewise referred to as localities in the vicinity of the burgh. St. Mary Chapel, belonging to the Dominicans — who appear to have left the town prior to the year 1359 — was endowed by John Scot, a burgess, in 1361. He bound himself and his heirs to pay 100 shillings yearly as a stipend to a chaplain, and to give him a robe on St. Andrew's Day. He also built for him a manse, with a garden inclosed with a fence, close to the chapel. To return to the Castle. In 1263, the sum of 38 shillings and nine pence was paid for constructing or repairing a palisade around it. There was also disbursed by the Sheriff" in the same year, the sum of £7 19s. for erecting a Scottish house and a wardrobe room with a roof of double boards within the walls of the castle — [pro con- THE ROYAL FORT AT URQUHART. 93 structione unius domus Scoticane infra castrum de Inuer- nes, &c., cum constructione gardrobae cum coopertorio de duplicii borda.*] The chaplain who officiated in the Chapel of the castle received five marks, equal to £3 6s. lOd., as his yearly stipend — [Item capellano ministranti in capella castri de Inuernes, illo anno, quinque marcas.]-|- The first governor of the Castle, whose name is known, was Shaw MacDufF, the second son of the Earl of Fife, j For the services which he had rendered in suppressing the rebellion of the Moravienses in 1161, Malcolm IV. re- warded him with large estates, and the command of the Castle of Inverness, of which he was made hereditary keeper'. He afterwards assumed the name of Macintosh (the son of the thane), and thus became the founder of the clan of that name. The governorship of the castle remained in the family for a period of a hundred and thirty years. Angus married in 1292, the heiress of Dowal Dal, the chief of the Clan Chattan ; and during the minority of his son, the castle was seized by the Comyns, and was held by them when Edward's army now appeared before it and summoned it to surrender.] (Taylor's Edward I. in the North of Scotland.) There was likewise a Eoyal Fort in Urquhart. It stood on a rock on the west side of Lochness, 12 miles from Inverness, and as many from Fort Augustus. The loch washed the east wall of it, and the other three sides were fortified with a strong rampart, a ditch, and a draw bridge. There were within the walls some good buildings, and accommodation for a battalion of soldiers. In the year 1303, King Edward I. of England reduced this fort, and basely put to the sword Alexander Bois and his garrison, who had bravely defended it (Abercro.). In 1334, Robert Lauder, * Chamberlain's Accounts, vol. i. p. 23. j Idem, vol. i. p. 21. i Shaw's History of Moray, p. 69. 94 CASTLE URQUHART; OLIVER'S FORT AT INVERNESS, Governor, maintained this fort against the Eng- hsh (Ibid.) ; Sir Robert Chisholm was Governor of this fort in 1364 {Hist. Kih\); but who suc- ceeded him I know not. These old forts were a good defence against the mihtary weapons at that time in use ; but when cannons and mortars were invented, they were soon reduced. [Castle Urquhart is a very prominent object from Loch Ness, and combines, in a very remarkable degree, natural and artificial defences upon its enciente, and within its area. It has a gate-house, and is far more extensive than most Highland Castles. The Keep is an excellent example of the stern rectangular Scottish fortalice of the fifteenth century. It is about 40 feet square of four stages. The remains of the Castle now standing can scarcely be older than the fifteenth century, and probably it was one of those built about the middle of it, in accordance with the strong recommendation published by James I. on his re- turn from his captivity in England. The third floor of the Keep, or fourth stage, ditf'ers fiom the rest, in that a small chamber is contained in the south-eastern angle, the door into which is in the south wall, near its east end. This may have been an Oratory.] (See The Builder, 17th February, 1872, by G. T. Clark.) The Citadel of Inverness, called Oliver's Fort, from Oliver Cromwell, was a modern regular building. It was begun in 1651, and next year finished. It stood on the east bank of the River Ness, near the mouth of it ; was a regular pen- tagon, with bastions, ramparts, a wet ditch, a covered way, and a glacis ; one side of it was washed by the river, and it could lodge 2000 men. But it had several inconveniences ; the foundation was bad, and brandered with oak, the FORT GEORGE AND FORT AUGUSTUS, 95 water was brackish, the air was moist, approaches to it were easy, and the town was a shelter for an enemy. In the year 1662 it was demohshed, because it was a rehct of usm^pation, but chiefly because it was a check upon the adjacent High- lands then esteemed loyal. Fort George stood on the Castle Hill of Inver- ness, and the building was begun soon after the rebellion in 1715; the old Castle was repaired for lodging the officers ; a fine house was built for the governor ; a pile of barracks stood as wings to the Castle ; a Chapel, magazine, and store- house were built ; the old draw-well was opened, and the whole surrounded with a strong wall, proof against any artillery except battering cannon. But the hill, being a heap of quick sand, could be easily sapped or undermined ; and it is strange that so much money was thrown away upon it. On the 19th February, 1746, this fort was taken and reduced by the rebels. Fort Augustus, so caUed from Frederick Augus- tus then Prince of Wales, stands at the south end of Lochness, in the point betwixt the rivers Eoich and Tarf, where they empty into the loch. The loch and Tarf wash two sides of the fort, which was built about 1730. The Kebels hke- wise demohshed this fort ; but it has been since rebuilt, and surrounded with a ditch and ram- parts. A small Galley is kept on Loch Ness, for the service of this fort, and to convey stores to it. 96 BARRACKS AT RUTHVEN AND FORT GEORGE. The Barrack of Euthven in Badenoch was begun to be bnilt in 1718. It stood where the old Castle had been, and consisted of two large houses standing parallel, and joined by ramparts, and two bastions in the diagonal angles. It had convenient lodging for two companies of men, a draw-well, and a large stable. In August, 1745, all the company lodged here joined General Cope, except Serjeant Mulloy and fourteen men, who maintained the barrack against two hundred of the Eebels. And in February, 1746, Serjeant Mulloy with twelve men only defended it for three days, and obtained an honourable capitula- tion, for which gallant behaviour he was preferred to be a Lieutenant. The Rebels burnt the barrack. Fort George at Ardersier stands on a point of land that juts into the Firth. The land is near a half mile broad to the continent, and tapers to a narrow point. On this point the fort is built in form of a triangle, whereof the sea covers two sides, and the ditch, which may receive the sea at pleasure, makes the third. It is environed with high ramparts and bastions, with a raveline, a covered way, and glacis. It is well served with sweet water, and can have a fine harbour. For an English mile no high ground commands it, and no lines of approach can be digged in the hard channel without great labour. The air is pure and wholesome, and it will accommodate 2,000 men. CASTLES OF OLD DUFFUS, RAIT, ABERNETHIE, RUTHVEN. 97 Besides these Eoyal Forts there were in this country several FortaHces built by gentlemen for defence. Of these the following five were ancient, and built in the old form, viz.: — The Castle of Old Duffus, which stood on a green moat on the bank of the Loch of Spynie. It was square, the wall about 20 feet high and 5 feet thick, with a parapet, ditch, and draw-bridge. Within the square were buildings of timber built to the wall, with stables and all necessary ofiices. I question not but this fort (the walls whereof were built with run lime, and as yet stand pretty entire) was built as early as the time, if not sooner, of Friskinus de Moravia, in the reign of King David I.'"" The Castle of Eait, in the parish of Nairn, was of the same form, and was probably the seat of Rait of that ilk. The Eed Castle in AbernetHie, the walls of which stand, was of the like form, and was the seat of Cummine, Laird of Abernethie. The Castle of Ruthven, the seat of Cummine, Lord Badenoch, stood on a green mount, jutting into a marshy plain. The mount is steep on three sides, and tapering to the top, as if it were artificial ; the area on the top, about 100 yards long and 30 broad; the south wall was 9 feet * I look upon it as probably the site of an ancient strength. The remaining masonry is not older than the end of the 14th century. (Cosmo Innes' M.S.) VOL. III. 7 ^8 LOCHINDORT OR LOCHINDORB. thick, through which the arched entry was guarded hy a douhle iron gate and a port-cnlHs ; the other walls were 16 feet high and 4 thick, and in the north end of the court were two towers in the corners, and some low buildings and a draw-well within the court. I have seen this fort entire.* In Lochindort, in the hills betwixt Strathspey and Brae Moray, stand in a small island the walls of a strong Fort, as yet entire. In the year 1335, . when the Earl of March defeated and killed David de Strathbogie, Earl of Athole, at Kilblain, and raised the siege of Kildrummy Castle, the Earl of Athole's lady fled to the Castle of Loch- indort. Sir Alexander Gordon laid siege to it, but next year King Edward of England obliged him to raise this siege. This fort and the adja- cent forest belong to John Campbell of Calder, for " James, Earl of Moray, 31st of October, 1606, disponed to Sir John Campbell of Calder the lands of Borlum, Goulards, and Kinchylie, cum Lacu de Lochindorb, domibus in eo, et adjacentibus Shelingis (Pe)i. Cald.).'" [^Transla- tion — With the Loch of Lochindorb, with the houses in it, and the neighbouring Sheilings.] LOCHINDORB. [On the 25th of September, Edward I. arrived at the Castle of Lochindorb [called Loghindorm in the Itinerary], situated ])ctween Brae Moray and Strathspey, and distant * It is artificially scarped. The buildings are not old. (Cosmo Inues' MS.) THE STRONGEST FORTRESS OF THE COMYNS. 99 about 21 miles from Kinloss. His object in visiting this remote Fort was, doubtless, to carry the war into the heart of the country of the Comyns, whose chief— Sir John Comyn, now the principal ruler of the kingdom — was still in arms against him. It is stated in a note to Trivet's Annals, that, after capturing towns and castles, he came to the domains of John Comyn of Badenoch. [. . . villas et castra capiens, pervenit ad terras Johannes Comyn de Badenoch] ; a remark which clearly shows the object which he had in view in his present expedition into the Highlands of Moray, At Lochindorb, which is situated about midway between the Findhorn and the Spey, and within a short distance of the ancient King's highway * which led from the plains of Moray to the banks of the latter river, Edward was in a convenient position to detach troops to overrun Badenoch and the adjacent districts. This Castle was the strongest fortress in the possession of the Comyns at this time. Its insular position, in a broad, deep lake, must have rendered it a safe retreat in times of turmoil and civil war, but this advantage was not sufficient to protect it from assault by Edward's army, furnished, as no doubt that army was, with warlike engines, the means of constructing rafts, and all the appli- ances necessary under the circumstances for carrying on a siege. But whether the fort was now evacuated by its garrison on the approach of the invader, or resistance was offered by its defenders to his troops, is not known. Certain it is, however, that it was occupied for some time by Edward. The Island on which this Castle stands is about an acre in extent, and is apparently composed of gravel and shingle. It is situated about the middle of the loch, which is two miles long and about half a mile broad, and is surrounded by deep water. In the descrip- tion given of it in the Old Statistical Account of Crom- dale it is stated that " great rafts or planks of oak, by the * The " via regia" of Findhorn and Drummynd is mentioned in a Charter of Alexander 11. in 1236 (Reg. Ep. Morav, p. 31), and was, no doubt, a continuation of the " via regia " which is alluded to in 1253-98 as extending bslow the standing-stones on the lands of Fanymarfchack or Fynlarg in Inverallou {Idem, p. 143). It is supposed to have been originally a Roman road. 100 THE FOREST OF LEANICH ; MEDIAEVAL PEELS. Beating of the waters against the old walls, occasionally make their appearance." This remark suggests the idea that the island is perhaps partly artificial, and that it was originally one of those fortified retreats — such as the islets of Loch-an-Eilean and Loch Moy, also belonging to Inver- ness-shire, and others throughout Scotland and Ireland — to which the original Celtic name of Crannoges* is now given by antiquaries. , The country around Lochindorb, now so bleak and dreary in its aspect, was covered with pine, oak, birch, hazel, and other trees in the 13th century. This wooded tract, anciently called the Forest of Leanich, extended to Duthill, and abounded in red deer. It is probable that the original stronghold on the island of Lochindorb was a Pfeel or wooden structure, and that the present Castle — the walls of which are still standing to a height of 20 feet — was erected in the time of Edward. It bears a strong resemblance in its irregular quadrangular shape, curtain walls, and round towers at its four angles, broad or bell- shaped at their base, to the English and Welsh castles of the same period. Of this style of mediaeval military architecture there are several examples in Scotland, as the Castles of Bothwell, Dirleton, Kildrummie, and Caer- laverock, all of which would, in England, be considered as "Edwardian" castles. -f- The walls of the Castle of Lochindorb, now heavy with lichens, have a rich yellow tint imparted to them by these plants, and look, from the lowness of the island on which they stand, as if they rose from beneath the surface of the water. They enclose the whole area of the island to within a few feet of the water's edge. They are built of granite, whinstone, and slate from the neighbouring hills. The principal gateway, sally-port, windows, and loopholes have their lintels, niouldings, and facings formed of freestone, which — as none of this material is found nearer than Tarnaway — was most likely either brought from that locality, or, as some suppose, from the more distant quarries of Duffus. The principal gateway is a pointed arch of the early * Notice of Crannoges — read by Joseph Robertson, Esq., before the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 14tli December, 1857. t See Lecture delivered by Joseph Eobert.son, Esq., before the ArcliJBological Institute, Edinburgh, July 1856. DRSCRIPTION OF THE CASTLE OF LOCHINDORB. 101 English style. It has a portcullis, but no barbican or flanking towers, which, from the insular situation of the castle, and its close proximity to the water, appear to have been considered unnecessary for its defence. The curtain walls are tolerably entire, except on the side on which the Chapel stood — the foundations of which build- ing are still seen. But the circular towers, which flank these walls at their four corners, are, with the exception of one, considerably dilapidated. Within the area enclosed by these outer walls is the Keep, a large quadrangular building, having a round tower at one end. It is men- tioned that in the last centmy "several vestiges of houses" were seen within its walls, but the surface of the court is now so covered with rubbish, and overgrown with weeds, that it is difficult to trace their foundations. Its hall, no doubt, was built entirely of wood, as was the case in most of the castles of that period. The traditions of this part of the country in reference to Lochindorb are more con- nected with Edward III. than his grandfather, Edward I., and relate almost exclusively to the relief by the former monarch of the Countess of Athole when besieged by Sir Alexander Gordon in 1335. The spot on the south-east bank of the loch where the besiegers had encamped and worked their war engines to make a breach in the walls is still pointed out. The tradition referring to Edward I. is obscure, and associates his name, as stated in the Old Statistical Account already quoted, with the buildings of the castle — thus affording a vague indication of his having been concerned in con- structing them. Tytler thinks that he made additions to the original fortifications, but it is more probable, from the similarity between this castle and those erected by him in England and Wales, that it was entirely built under his orders between the close of 1303 and the beginning of 1306. Fordun informs us that, during Edward's stay here, which continued for some time, the northern parts of the kingdom submitted to him [" in propria persona ad Lochindorb pervenit et ibidem ali- quamdiu moram faciens partes boreales ad pacem cepit."] But it may be presumed that the formal ceremony of receiving the homage of the many vanquished nobles who now presented themselves before him did not occupy his time so exclusively as to preclude all leisure for amuse- 102 EDWARD I. VISITS LOCHINDORB, AND HUNTS. ment. Whilst sojourning here he, doubtless, enjoyed his favourite pastime of hunting. Walsingham and John of London, the Monk of Canterbury, mention that, when not engaged in war, he indulged in hunting for birds as well as for wild animals, but chiefly for deer, which he was in the habit of pursuing on horseback. [" Cum vacaret ab armis venationibus tam avium quam ferarum, indulgebat et maxime cervorum quos in equis cursoribus solebat insequi,'"' &c.]. Hardying, the chronicler, also adverts to his love of sport. In speaking of the country from Stirling northwards, which he describes as being to a great extent covered with wood, he recommends Edward IV., to whom his Chronicle is addressed (with the view of inducing that monarch to invade Scotland), to take with him in his expedition "kennets and ratches, and seek out all the forests with hounds and horns, as King Edward with the Longshanks did," and " to bete the Forestes of Boyne and Haynge [Enzie] with fetemen." It appears, then, from this testimony that Edward had, as a ])art of his estab- lishment when he mai'ched through Scotland, packs of stag-hounds and wolf-dogs, as these kennets and ratches are supposed to have been ; and there can be little doubt, therefore, that during his residence at Lochindorb his principal amusement in his hours of relaxation from State affairs was the chase. And that, eager and successful * as he genei'ally was in this sport, he now shot many an arrow from his bow, and sounded with his horn the death- note of many a deer in the trystas which he held with his nobles in the Royal forests of the Leanich and Drummynd in Brae Moray. While the earlier part of the day was thus devoted to the pleasures of the chase, the later portion of it, no doubt, was not less agreeably spent within the walls of the Royal residence. As the shades of evening set in, the battlements and watch-towers of the insular Fortress, illuminated with torches on every side, sent forth a blaze of light over the surface of the lake. And while the soldiers, who either bivouacked or occupied tents and temporary huts, constructed of branches of trees, on its banks partook, around their camp fires, of their evening meal before retiring to rest, the knights * He is said to have killed two hundred bucks in one day in Eaglewood Forest, between Penrith and Carlisle. — Camden's Britannm, vol. iii., p. 189. EDWARD I. ISSUES LETTERS FROM KINLOSS ABBEY. 103 assembled in the banqueting hall of the Castle to pass the evening in conviviality and social mirth. Here Edward, presiding at the festive board, dispensed his hospitality to his nobles, and listened, while the wine cup was filled and went round, to the minstrels who strung their harps and sang of love, chivalry, and war. It is supposed by many, from the accounts which writers have given of his expedition, that Edward pro- ceeded farther north than Moray. He searched, says Hemingford, the land and all the Highlands, even as far as Caithness, nor was there any one who resisted him — [" Perlustravit nee erat que terram et omnes montes usque Cathenesse necerat qui resisteret ei."J Hardying informs us that he devastated the latter country — " And Kynge Edward then into Scotlande wente, Through all Catnesse destroyed in great hate." The limit of his expedition towards the north is thus alluded to by Barbour — " To Scotland went he then in hy And all the land gan occupy, Sa hale that baith castell and townes "War intill his possessione, Fra Weik anent Orkney To Mullysuwk in Galloway." Whilst Edward resided in Moray " he had," says Lord Hailes, " a view of the coast of Caithness. He may pro- bably have crossed over in a ship fi-om curiosity. This may account for the expression of historians, that Edward went as far north as Caithness." There is reason, how- ever, to believe, notwithstanding the plausible explana- tion given by Lord Hailes of the passages above quoted, that the invader did not personally visit the distant county here referred to. It will be seen by a reference to the dates in the Itinerary, and to those of the letters which Edward issued at Kinloss, that the only time — viz., that between the 25th of September and 4th of October, during which he could have accomplished this journey — was spent by him at Lochindorb, where, according to Fordun and Wyntoun, he stayed for some time. "And owre the Mownth then ul.sa fast Til Lowchyndorbe, then stracht he past, 104 VARIOUS FORTALICES BUILT IN JAMES II.'s REIGN. There swjourned a qwhile he bade Quhill he the North all wonnyn had." * But though Edward himself did not cross the Findhorn, yet there can be no doubt that he despatched a force to overrun the northern counties. It is not stated what number of men was sent on this expedition, nor is it known who commanded them.] (Taylor's Edward I. in the North of Scotland. — Ed.) The other FortaHces were strong towers — at Calder, Kilravock, Daviot, Lovat, Borkim, Ern- side, Dallas, &c. These were for the most part built in the reign of King James II., when the rebellion of the Earls of Douglas, Crawford, Eoss, &c., had run the kingdom into confusion. [At the Mains of Daviot, a seat of the ancestors of the present Laird of Mackintosh, there were, till lately, the ruins of a Fort or Castle, built by the Earl of Crawfurd in the beginning of the 15th century. This was, in those days, a place of great strength, being situated on the extremity of one of the sand hills, had a dry-ditch and draw-bridge, which divided and fortified it from the level ground on the west, and a strong wall on the other sides, where the height and natural declivity of the hill added much to its security. It was a square building, and enclosed an area of 860 square yards. It had four circular towers, one in every corner, and containing each three stories, all vaulted ; had secret passages in the middle of the wall, communicating with large vaulted rooms for the mainguard at the principal entry. This was a stately edifice, and commanded a very extensive prospect. The walls and towers, except a small breach at the main gate, were all entire about 44 years ago; and, had they suffered no injury besides natural decay, might have remained for centuries yet to come a specimen of the superior skill of our ancient operative masons. In 1748 a wadset was obtained of the lands of Daviot, where the Castle stood, and it is much to be * Wyntoun, vol. ii., p. 118. THE BATTLE OF FORRES. 105 regretted that, in a country where stones are so plentiful as to be an encumbrance, this noble and only monu- ment of antiquity should be partly destroyed for furnish- ing materials to a modern farm-house and offices. Still, however, a magnificent ruin remained ; but it must shake the feelings of every person of taste to be told that its total destruction was gradually accomplished during a period of 40 years for no other purpose than procuring the old lime and rubbish for the possessor's dunghills.] {Old Statistical Account of Scotland, 1795, vol. xiv., written by Rev. Alex. Gordon.) I now come to give some account of the Military actions, whether Battles, Skirmishes, or Eencounters, within this Province ; the earliest of which was The Battle of Forres. Sneno, son of Harald, King of Denmark, having defeated the English, and driven their King, Ethekad, out of the king- dom, sought to be revenged of the Scots, who had aided Etheh-ad. For this end he sent a great army into Scotland, under the command of Olaus and Enecus, who landed in Moray in 1008, and committed great ravages. King Malcolm II., being informed of this, marched against them with an army of new levies, and gave them battle near the town of Forres. But the unexperienced soldiers, rushing on with more courage than con- duct, and the King being wounded in the head and carried out of the field, the enemy got an easy victory, which they improved, as might be expected from such barbarians, with cruelty, bloodshed, and plunder. They soon reduced the castles or forts of Elgin, Forres, and Nairn. 106 KING SUENO'S STONE AT FORRES. Flushed with this success, they sent for their wives, children, and families, hoping they should quietly possess the pleasant and fertile plains of Moray, and from thence extend their conquests. A furlong or two east of Forres stands an Obelisk, called Sueno's Stone, which is one of the most curious and stately Monuments of that kind in Britain. Some years ago, the corn-land round it being always ploughed up, it was like to fall ; but Lady Ann Campbell, late Countess of Moray, caused it to be set upright, and supported with several steps of freestone. The height of this stone cannot now be certainly known. It is about 23 feet above ground, and said to be 12 feet under ground ; its breadth is about 4 feet. What is above ground is visibly divided into seven parts, whereof the lowest is almost wholly hid by the supports. The second division con- tains many figures, but much defaced. In the third are figures of men, and some of beasts, with human heads. The fourth contains ensigns and military weapons, carried by figures much worn out. And in the fifth, sixth, and seventh, the figures are scarce discernible. On the reverse is a Cross, beneath which are two human figures of a Gothish form. Mr. Gordon, in his Itinerariuin Septentrionale, will have this Obelisk erected after the Battle of Mortlach, and in memory of the Danes leaving the kingdom ; but why should there be erected DELINEATIONS OF SUENO's PILLAR. 107 at Forres a monument of a battle fought at more than 12 miles from it ? And after the Battle of Mortlach the Danes fought at Balbryde, Aber- lemno, Gemri, and Cruden in Buchan, where they engaged to leave the kingdom ; which places were more proper for such a monument than at Forres. [The Forres Pillar, commonly called " Sweno's Stone," is situated about half a mile to the east of Forres, on the north side of the highway, and occupies the position in which, in all probability, it originally was placed. The circular stone steps, clasped with iron, around the base are modern, and were placed as supports to the pillar by a late Countess of Moray, Lady Ann Campbell. It is a hard sandstone, 23 feet in height above ground, and said to be 12 feet more under ground ; the breadth at the base is 4 feet, the thickness about 15 inches. On the south side there are five divisions, each filled up by numerous figures cut in relief The first division represents a number of persons as if engaged in deep council, and holding conversation in groups, probably the back ground representing the walls of some hall or fortification. The second division exhibits an army of horse and foot on the march, the cavalry being in the van, and at full gallop, the infantry following with spears in their hands and shields. In the third division are appearances of a battle, both single combats and general fighting; in one corner are several decapitated bodies lying piled one on the other, while at the top of this division troops are seen entering the gate of a city, or, it may be, besieging it. The fourth division shows a number of captives bound together, some naked, and apparently females, others clothed in short jackets, while a row of warriors above, with unsheathed swords, are shouting victory. The last division is very obscure, but it gives indications of horsemen either returning as con- querors from the battle or retreatmg as beaten fugitives. The other, or north side of the stone, has only three divisions. Below are two figures, with human heads. 108 ACCURATE DRAWINGS OF SUENOS PILLAR. though their bodies are of rather grotesque forms, typical perhaps of priests bending over something as if in an attitude of prayer, while a smaller human figure stands behind each. All these figures have a broad cap on their heads, while the warriors on the other side are all bare- headed. In the division above is a long Cross, the arms at the top being within a circle. This part is much worn. The Cross and the entire spaces of the middle division are filled up by most ingenious carving, representing the intricate and endless convolutions of the Runic Knot. The edges of the stone are also occupied by these Runic Knots, and evidently show the elaborate art of the sculp- tors. At the base of one of the edges of the stone are several figures, apparently females. A piece of lead covers the top of the stone, as a defence ao"ainst rains. In 1813, when digging into a mound close to the pillar, eight human skeletons were found. The beautiful drawing given in Stuart's Sculptured Stones of Scotland, vol. i. plates xviii.-xxi., was taken with great pains, and a scaflfolding was erected so as to enable the artist to copy the upper part of the stone with accuracy.] (See Rhind's Sketches of Moray. — Ed.) The Danish families (above) sent for arrived, up- on which they fortified a small Promontory in the parish of Duffiis, which om* historians call Burgus. This promontory juts into the Firth and rises above low water about 16 yards. To the west and north it is a perpendicular rock. To the east the ascent is steep and covered with grass ; at the south the ascent is more easy. The top forms nearly a rectangular figiure, in length about 100 yards and in breadth about 30. This area they surrounded with a strong rampart of oaken logs laid deep in the earth, of which some pieces are as yet digged up, and the burnt remains appear in the earth. The neck of land towards DANISH FORTIFICATION AT BURGHEAD. 109 the south being small, they cut a deep trench, and brought the sea round the promontory ; and within this they cut other trenches, with a rampart of stone and earth. At the foot of the promontory, to the east, is an area about 40 yards long and 20 broad, of which the hill makes one side, and the other three were well fortified with a high rampart. This fort served them for a place of arms, for a safe retreat if defeated, for an asylum to their wives and children; and it guarded the harbour at the foot of the rock, where the transports lay. Our historians, not acquainted with the geography of the country, place this fort at Nairn, but no such promontory or fort was there, nor any tradition of it. As the Danes called it Burgliy it still retains that name, and is called BiirgJisea, or surrounded by the sea. The sea near it has retired by the reflection from the rock, and it is no longer an island. After the Battle of Forres, King Malcolm II. returned south, and finding that the Danes pur- posed to settle in Moray, raised a powerful army, with which he marched in the beginning of the year 1010, to drive out the invaders. How soon the Danes were certified of the road by which the King marched, they moved forward to meet him, wisely choosing to fight at a distance from their projected settlement. A little east of the House of Carron, there are manifest vestiges of a Camp, where it is thought the Danes encamped. 110 BATTLE OF MORTLICH ; GRAVES AT BALVENY CASTLE. till by their speculatories or scouts, they had certain intelligence of the King's approach ; then they marched to Mortlich, and the King's army came to Achindun, two miles from the enemy. The King, having learned that the Danes lay on both sides of the water of Dulenan near the Church, was advised to use a stratagem, viz. — A mile above the Church, the water runs in a narrow channel betwixt high rocks : here it was dammed up, and made to flow back into a spa- cious plain ; and the army about the dawning of the next day having attacked the enemy, he caused break the dam, and the torrent separated the two parts of their army, so that the one could not assist the other ; those on the south side, who were the smaller number, were all cut off ; but upon the falling of the water, the great body of the Danes charged the Scots with great fury, yet were entirely broken, and fled precipi- tately towards Moray. Enecus their general was killed, as was another general named Mag- nus or Manus, from whom Bal-vanie, i.e. Manus's Town, takes its name. The Scots lost three generals, Kenneth Thane of the Isles, Dunbar Thane of Laudian, and Grasme Thane of Strath- ern. In memory of this victory, the Episcopal See of Murthlac was erected. After this, the Danes had repeated defeats at Balbryde, Aber- lemno, Gemrie, and Cruden, and left the kingdom about the year 1012. {Buchanan.) ALEX. CARON MADE HEREDITARY STANDARD-BEARER. Ill King Malcolm III. having concluded a peace with the King of England, was soon after dis- turbed by insurrections at home. The inhabi- tants of Moray, Ross, and Caithness, made a revolt, and raised a powerful force. MacDuff Earl of Fife was detached to quell this tumult ; but when he had come to Dee, and was certified of the enemy's strength, he halted till the King came up with a considerable reinforcement. The army then marched to the River Spey, where the rebels on the other side were ready to obstruct their passage. The standard-bearer and others, declined to enter a river so deep and rapid, in the face of a numerous and desperate enemy; upon which, one Alexander de Caron, taking the standard, stepped into the river, and his boldness encouraged the army to follow him. The enemy observing the resoluteness of the Royal army, laid down their weapons, were pardoned, and peace was restored. Alexander Caron was made hereditary standard-bearer, and constable of the Castle of Dundee. Having defeated a bold English bully or fencer, he got the name of Scrimger, i.e. hard fighter, which became the surname of his family. One of his descendants was created Viscount Dundee ; but the male line faihng, the honom-s became extinct. (Buchanan.) In the year 1110, the 4th of the reign of King Alexander I. some young gentlemen in the Mearns and Moray, whose hcentious hfe the King had ] 12 CONSPIRACY TO MURDER KING ALEXANDER I. restrained, conspired to cut him off. The con- spiracy was happily discovered, and then the villains placed their safety in an open rebellion, and got a great number of desperadoes to join them. The King raised an army and pursued them into the Country of Moray. At the Eiver Spey the rebels halted, determined to dispute the passage ; but the King immediately rode into the river, the army followed, and he ordered Alexander Scrimger, son of Alexander Caron, to charge the enemy, which he did so gallantly, that many being kihed, the rest betook them- selves to a precipitate flight. The King pursued them through all Moray, and at the Stock-foord above Beauhe, followed them into Ross; some were apprehended and punished, and others found shelter from inaccessible mountains and rocks. This resolute action, in the beginning of his reign, rendered the remainder of it peaceable. (Wint. Major. Bitch.). King Malcolm IV. was a Prince of too mild and peaceable a disposition for the time in which he lived ; and suffered the English to rob him of those counties in England, which his predecessors had possessed for some generations. This made his own subjects contemn his authority, and dis- turb his reign ; Somerled (Somharle MacGil- bhride) Thane of Argyle and the Isles, was reduced by Gilchrist (ancestor of the Ogilvies) Earl of Angus; the same Earl defeated Mac- EAKL GILCHRIST CHASED OVER THE GRAMPIANS. 113 Dowal Lord of Galloway. But the Moravienses, or people of Moray, were not so easily reduced ; these, under the command of {Gildomhnich) Gil- dominic, laid waste the neighbouring countries, and so little regarded the Koyal authority, that they hanged the heralds sent to require them to lay down their arms. Earl Gilchrist was sent to reduce them, but was defeated and chased over the Grampian Mountains. These insults upon authority, and the cries of his people, roused the indolent King. About the year 1160, he marched with a powerful army, and found the enemy on the Moor of Urquhart near the Spey, ready to give him battle. Having passed the river, the noblemen in his army reconnoitred the enemy, and found them flushed with their late victory, and become desperate by rebellion. To fight against such men, and under a Prince of no military character, would make the event doubt- ful ; and should they succeed, the victory would only destroy their fellow subjects, and weaken the force of the kingdom. Wherefore, they ad- vised the King to promise the rebels, that, upon their submission, all their lives should be spared. The rebels finding the King's army superior, and resolute; and considering their own crime was such, as, if defeated, left them no room to hope for favour, they accepted the King's ofi"er, and laid down their arms. The King performed his. promise to them ; but in regard that they were,, VOL. IIL 8 114 FEW OF THE NAME OF MORAY IN THE PROVINCE. as Buchanan says, *' Homines inquieto semper ingenio," of a turbulent and unpeaceable disposi- tion, he, with the advice of his nobles, ordained that every family in Moray, that was engaged in this rebellion, should, in a limited time, remove out of Moray into other countries, where posses- sions would be assigned to them ; and that people of such countries should be placed in Moray. For performance of this, they gave hostages ; and at the time appointed, transplanted them- selves, some into the northern, but the greater number into the southern countries. Our historians say that there was here an obstinate Battle, in which the Moray men were (pene internecionem) almost totally cut off, and strangers brought into their place. But the ac- count given in the Register of Paisley (Yide Innes's Critic. Essay) is as I have here written, and seems more probable. The consequences con- firm it ; for the Moray men, at that time trans- planted into the south, did assume, and their posterity use the surname of Moray^ and are numerous in all the counties southward to the English borders. In the northern counties, some retain the name of Moray, and others have taken that of Sutherland ; but in the Province of Moray, there have been very few of the name of Moray, since the time of that action. I likewise incline to think, that as that time the Macintoshes, and probably the Roses of Geddes, came into' Moray; BATTLE BETWEEN THE CLANCHATTANS AND CAMERONS. 115 SO the Calders and Innesses, whose ancestors were Moray men, hut not concerned in that re- belHon, assumed surnames from their possessions. The next Battle or Fight, in order of time, does, I confess, as to the circumstances of it, depend on tradition ; hut such as is unvaried. Buchanan^ in vita Jac. I. mentions this fight, but out of the order of chronology, for it happened anno 1386; '' A dis-union having arisen between the Clan- chattan and the Camerons, they fought with such obstinacy of courage and strength, that, while a great number of the Clanchattan was killed, the Camerons were nearly cut off to a man." The occasion of the conflict was as follows : — The lands of Macintosh and Lochaber being possessed by the Camerons, the rents were seldom levied, but by force and in cattle. The Camerons, irritated by the poinding of their cattle, resolved to make reprisals, and marched into Badenoch about 400 men strong, commanded by Charles MacGilony. Macintosh informed of this, in haste called iiis friends and clan to meet together. The Macintoshes, MacPhersons, and Davidsons, soon made a force superior to the enemy ; but an unseasonable difference was like to prove fatal to them. It was agreed by all, that Macintosh, as Captain of the Clanchattan, should command the centre of their army ; but Cluney and Invernahavon contended about the command of the right wing. Cluney claimed it 116 'THE'MAdPliERSONS TOTALLY DEFEAT THE CAIIERONS. as Chief of the ancient Clan Chattan, of which the Davidsons of Invernahavon were but a branch. Invernahayon pleaded, that to him, as the oldest branch, the right hand belonged, by the custom of Scottish Clans. The contest was spun out, till the enemy were at hand ; and then Macin- tosh, as umpire, imprudently gave it in favour of Invernahavon. The MacPhersons, in whose coun- try they were met, and who were as numerous as both the Macintoshes and the Davidsons, being greatly offended, withdrew as spectators. The conflict was very sharp, by the superior nmnber of the Camerons ; many of the Macin- toshes, and almost all the Davidsons were cut off. The MacPhersons could no longer bear to see their brave neighbours and friends over- powered. They rushed in upon the Camerons, and soon gave them a total defeat. The few that escaped, with their leader, were pursued from Invernahavon, the place of battle, 3 miles above Ruthven in Badenoch, over the River Spey; and Charles MacGilony was killed in a hill in Glenbenchir, which is still called Co?'- Harlich, i.e. Charles's Hill (Hist. Macintosh). This Fight, in my opinion, gave occasion to the memorable conflict on the Inch of Perth, in pre- sence of the King and nobility anno 1396. Buck., lib. X. Caj). 2 and 3 gives a particular account of it, but does not name the combatants. Boethius calls them "Clan Cattani et Clan Caii;" but BATTLE ON THE INCH OF PERTH, v 117 though we read of those of the name of Gay or Kay^ in the Lowlands, they are never reckoned among the clans, nor had the Clan Chattan any intercourse with them. The combatants, thirty of a side, were the MacPhersons, properly Clan Chattan, and the Davidsons of Invernahavon, in Irish called Clan-Dhai, which is commonly sounded Clan-Cai; and our historians, ignorant of the Irish, made them a Clan different from, and at enmity with the Clan Chattan ; whereas they were a tribe of them. I mentioned above the rash judgment of Macintosh in their favour, giving them the right wing in battle, and Clunie's resentment of this injurious decision : after which decision, the MacPhersons and Davidsons, for ten years, miserably slaughtered one another. The judicious author of a MS. History of the Family of KilravocJc, says. That a contest about pre- cedency was the occasion of this conflict, and the fight at Perth was constructed a Koyal sen- tence in favour of the MacPhersons. I have mentioned this conflict, though it was not in Moray, because the combatants were of this Province ; and our historians have not sufficiently explained who they were, or what was the cause of the combat. Although it may be reckoned a digression, I shall mention another Conflict, which was not within this Province, that I may rectify a mis- take in our history. Buchanan, in vita Jac. I., 118 CONFLICT BETWEEN ANGUS DUBH AND ANGUS MORAY. writes, " The King had set at hberty the two Anguses, Duffas and Moray, both robber-cap- tains. Then, turning their hatred against each other, and haying met with an almost equal number of adherents (for each of them main- tained about 1200 thieves out of their plunder), the battle was so keenly contested, that scarce one was left to tell the tidings." The translator would make this a Conflict between the Duffs and the Morays ; but it was anno 1427, betwixt Angus Dubh, or Black Angus MacKay, ancestor to Lord Rae; and Angus Moray of Pulrossie (son of Alexander Moray of Coulbin in Moray), at Drumnacoub near Tung in Strathnaver, where both the Angusses were killed. {MS. Hist, of SutJier.) The next military Action, in order of time, was near the town of Elgin, anno 1452. When the Earl of Huntly was at the Battle of Brechin in May, 1452, Archibald Douglas, Earl of Moray, took advantage of it, entered the lands of Strath- bolgie, burnt the Castle of Huntley, and com- mitted many outrages through that lordship. The account of this stopped Huntley from im- proving his victory, and made him return in order to preserve his own lands. Douglas re- turned into Moray, and Huntley followed him with a considerable force, especially of cavalry ; Douglas with 600 foot, but few horses, stood on the heights of Whitefield, not daring to face BATTLE NEAR THE TOWN OF ELGIN. IID' Huntly in the plains. This provoked the Gor- dons to pkmder Douglas's lands, and finding that one half of the town of Elgin had joined Douglas, they burnt that half, which gave rise to the pro- verb, "Half done, as Elgin was half burnt." But in the evening, as a troop or two of the Gor- dons were spoiling the lands of Kirkhill in the parish of St. Andrews, a superior detachment of Douglas's men suddenly attacked, and drove them over Lossie, and some of them were killed in the bogs and fens, which occasioned this rhyme, What's come of thy men, thou Gordon so gay 1 They're in the bogs of Dunkintie mowing the hay, &c. The Earl of Huntly, however, drove Douglas into the south, where he was killed in the year 1455. It is the tradition of the country, that the half of the town of Elgin, at that time burnt, stood westward of the present town, and was never re- built; but the buildings were continued eastward to the precinct of Elgin College. And it is thought, that, at that time, the Earl of Moray gave to the town of Elgin the sixty Auchteen parts or (eight parts) of land near Pittenriech, to compensate the loss of burning the half of the town. The town enjoy these lands by immemorial possession, without any particular charter or right that I know of. But I incline to think that these were Castle lands, granted to the Earls of Moray as constables ; and that as, after Douglas, no Earl appears to have offiicated as constable, or to have 120 CONFLICT BETWEEN THE MACINTOSHES AND MUNROES. resided at Elgin, and the Earldom remained long in the hands of the King, the town's possession was fixed by prescription, and I find not that any of the subsequent Earls questioned it. {Buck. — Hist, of Douglas). A shameful and bloody conflict happened be- twixt the Macintoshes and Munroes in the year 1454. The occasion was this : — John Munroe, tutor of Fowles, in his return from Edin- burgh, rested upon a meadow in Strathardle, and both he and his servants falling asleep, the peevish owner of the meadow cut off the tails of his horses. This he resented, as the Turks would resent the cutting off their horses' tails, which they reckon a grievous insult. He re- turned soon with 350 men, spoiled Strathardle, and drove away their cattle. In passing by the Loch of Moy in Strathern he was observed. Macintosh, then residing in the Island of Moy, sent to ask a Stilie Baid, or Stihe Griech, i.e. a Road Collup ; a custom among the Highlanders, that, when a party drove any spoil of cattle through a gentleman's land, they should give him part of the spoil. Munroe offered what he thought reasonable, but not what was demanded ; Macintosh, irritated by some provoking words given to his messenger, convocated a body of men, pursued the Munroes, and at Clachnaharie near Inverness, they fought desperately. Many were killed on each side, among whom was the THE BATTLE OF CEAN-LOCH-LOCHIE. 121 Laird of Macintosh ; John Munroe was wounded and lamed, and ever after called John Bacilach. The Munroes had great advantage of ground, by lurking among the rocks ; whilst the M'Intoshes were exposed to their arrows. How rude and barbarous was the spirit of men in those days ! And upon what trifling, nay shameful provoca- tions, did they butcher one another ! {Hist, of Lovat. — Hist, of Macintosh). The next, in order of time, was the Battle of Cean-Loch-Lochie in the year 1544. The minority of the infant Queen, and the disturb- ance raised in the south by the Queen mother and Cardinal Beaton, encouraged the High- landers to break loose, and to hope for impunity. Particularly the Clan Eanald became very un- ruly. Eanald, son of Donald Glas of Moidart, was sister's son of Hugh Lord Lovat; and the Clan Eanald, conceiving a prejudice against him much upon Lovat's account, dispossessed him, and put John MacEanald his cousin in posses- sion of the estate. Lovat resented this injustice, and repossessed his own nei^hew, but the unruly Clan dispossessed Eanald again, and laid waste a part of Lovat's lands in Glenelg. Then George Earl of Huntly, Lieutenant of the north, was ordered to march against the Clan Eanald, and to reduce them to a peaceable behaviour. He set out in the end of May, 1544, attended by the Macintoshes, Grants, and Erasers; and when 122 THE BATTLE OF BLAR-NAN-LEIN. they arrived in Lochaber, all differences were composed in a seemingly amicable way, by the mediation of the Earl of Argyle. Ranald was put in possession of the estate. Huntly returned home. The Macintoshes and Grants conveyed Lovat to Gloy, now called the Nine Mile Water, and offered to escort him into his own countr}^ But Lovat, apprehending no danger, declined it ; and they marched home by Badenoch. Lovat soon came to see his error ; for at Letterfinlay, he was informed that the Clan Banald were at hand, in full march, to intercept him. He des- patched Bean Clerach, with 50 men to secure an important pass; but Bean either losing his way, or playing the knave, kept out of danger. As Lovat came to the north end of Loch Lochie, the Clan Ranald appeared, coming down the hill from the west, about 500 in seven companies. Lovat had about 300 who all stript to the shirts, the day (July 2nd) being very hot. And hence the battle was called Blar-nan-Lein, i.e., the field of shirts. The fight was very obstinate, first with arrows, and next with sword and target. In the heat of action, Simon Master of Lovat came up with a few men, and rushed in to find his father; but soon received a mortal wound. His father observing it became desperate, and both were killed. The fight continued till night ; and tra- dition bears, that only four of the Frasers, and ten of the Clan Ranald, remained alive. THE BATTLE OF GLENLIVAT. 12S Buchanan, and the MS. Account of Lovafs Family, blame the Earl of Huntly for this bar- barous conflict ; that he had privately stirred up the Clan Eanald to intercept Lovat. The char- acter of that Earl, and the resentment of his treachery, long entertained by the Erasers, found a suspicion that he was guilty, and the author of the History of that family makes but a poor defence for him. One remarkable circumstance is observed by oiu' historians, that 80 gentlemen of the Erasers, killed in this conflict, had left their wives pregnant, who all brought forth male children, which contributed much to recruit the Clan. (BticJi., Hist, of Lovat, Hist, of Maclnt.) The Battle of Glenlivat was so called because it was fought in that Glen. It was likewise called the Battle of Altchonlachan, from a small brook of that name betwixt Glenlivat and Glen- rinnes, on the banks of which it was fought. The occasion of this battle was the Earl of Huntly, having basely murdered the Earl of Moray at Dunibristle anno 1592, became on that account odious to all Protestants. And he, with the Earls of Errol and Angus, entered into a conspiracy against both Church and State, and invited the King of Spain to invade the kingdom. The Church at length excommunicated, and the King (unwillingly) forfeited these noblemen, and gave commission to the Earl of Argyle, a youth of 19 years of age, and of no military skill, to 124 THE BATTLE OF GLENLIVAT. reduce them. The Earl of Athole, Lords Forbes and Lovat, the MacNeils, MacLeans, MacKenzies, Macintoshes, Grants, Mimroes, Irvines, and the Lesleys of Balquhan were summoned to join Argyle, and the King promised to follow him in person with another army. The rebel Lords were not afraid. They knew the King's favour for them, and that he would make no haste. They also knew Argyle's want of experience, and that many in his army were Eoman Catholics, and would not heartily promote the Protestant interest, and that all his army were a raw Militia. Wherefore they prepared a body of horse, all gentlemen, and some field pieces. They likewise corrupted the Grants and Campbell of Lochinel. Argyle marched in the beginning of September, 1594, and on the 27th laid siege to the Castle of Kuthven in Badenoch. But the MacPhersons, Huntly's vassals, defended it so bravely that he soon raised the siege, and marching through Strathspey came to Drummin on 2nd October. The Earls of Huntly and Errol (for Angus had not come up) were that day at Auchindun. Argyle's council advised him to wait for the King, at least till the Erasers and Mackenzies should join them, and till the Irvines, Forbeses, and Lesleys should come up with their horse, and make a balance against the enemy's horse. But upon the enemy's approaching, October 3rd, he determined to fight. The numbers are not THE BATTLE OF GLENLIVAT. 125 agreed upon. Some give Argyle 10,000 and Himtly but 900. Straloch gives Hiintly 1,320. Calderwood makes Himtly's army 1,400 and Argyle's 5,000. Himtly and Errol could raise a far greater number. And considering the five clans that had not come up to Argyle, though the other clans had made 500 each, which certainly they did not, they would not make 5,000. The field of battle was the declivity of a hill betwixt Glenlivat and Glenrinnes. The Macintoshes and MacLeans made Argyle's right wing; the Grants, MacNeils, and MacGregors the left; and the Campbells, &c., the centre. Huntly's field pieces, which many had never seen before, put the Highlanders into disorder, and his horses rushing in increased it. Campbell of Lochinel (whose brother Argyle had put to death for murdering Campbell of C alder anno 1592, and who himself was Argyle's nearest heir) had wrote to Huntly to point his artillery against the yellow standard. This was done, and Lochinel falling, all his men fled. (Caldenv.) John Grant of Gartinbeg, Huntly's vassal, had concerted that the Grants, whom he commanded, should retreat how soon the action began, and they did so. {Hist, of Gord.). Thus the centre and the left wing were broken by treachery. The right wing stood firm after the rest had fled, and retreated with order and safety ; and MacQuaire observes that had they been sustained they had 126 THE BATTLE OF AULDEARN. certainly carried the victory. Argyle attempted in vain to rally his men. The victory was com- plete. On Argyle's side 500 were killed, besides MacNeil of Bara, Lochinel, and his brother. On the other side Errol was wounded ; Sir Patrick Gordon of Auchindun, Hnntly's uncle, and Gordon of Gight, with twelve more, were killed ; and many more were wounded. The King, in his usual dissimulation, was glad of Argyle's defeat, and jested him upon it. Gordon of Straloch, in his account of this battle, says, '' On the fourth night after the King's return I saw Lennox, Huntly, and Balquhan at supper privately in my father's house, which could not be without the King's knowledge." And Burnet of Crimond, in his MS. history, declares ^' that he saw among Huntly's papers a private remis- sion to him for the Battle of Glenlivat, granted in that same year, 1594." All these circum- stances considered, it was no wonder that Argyle was defeated. I come now to give some account of the Battle of Aldern, Montrose having, on the 2nd of Feb., 1645, in the night surprised the Campbells at Inverlochie in Lochaber, and thereby defeated them, wrote a vaunting letter to King Charles I., which he thus concludes — '' Give me leave, after I have reduced this country to obedience, and conquered from Dan to Beersheba, to say to your Majesty, as David's General to his Master, Come THE BATTLE OF AULDEARN. 127 thou thyself, lest this country be called by my name." This vain letter made the King break off the treaty of Uxbridge, which proved his ruin. (Welw.) Montrose marched into Moray, and was soon joined by Lord Gordon, the Earl of Aboyne, Lord Napier, and others. The Covenanters, in the meantime, had called over 1,000 of their troops from Ireland to join their raw Militia, and Baillie remaining in the south. Hurry marched into the north, and came to Inverness, understanding that Montrose was reinforced with 1,000 foot and 200 horse of the Gordons, and was marching back from Strathbogie. Hurry called in the assistance of the Frasers, MacKenzies, Bosses, Sutherlands, and Brodies, and made an army of about 3,500 foot and 400 horse. Montrose's army consisted of about 3,000 foot and 400 horse, made up of Gordons, MacDonalds, MacPhersons, and Irish. On May 4th, 1645, they engaged near the village of Aldern, immediately above the house of Kin- nudie. The fight was for a little obstinate and dubious, till Lord Gordon, bravely charging with his horse. Major Drummond, called the Crowner, who commanded Hurry's horse, wheeling about unskilfully, broke the foot ranks of their own men, and then Lord Gordon soon put them to a precipitate retreat. To this bad conduct of Drummond the defeat was greatly owing, for which he was tried at Inverness and shot. About 128 THE BATTLE OF CROMDALE. 800 of the Covenanters were killed, among whom were Campbell of Lawers and Sir Hugh and Gideon Murrays. The loss on Montrose's side was considerable, and among the killed was William MacPherson of Invereschie. This, and the two following victories at Alford, too much elated Montrose, who understood better how to gain than how to improve a victory. This ap- peared at the total defeat at Philliphaugh, Sej^t. 13th this year, after which he could not bring any force into the field. The Battle of Cromdale, anno 1690, comes next to be described. The death of the Viscount Dundee in the Battle of Killiecrankie, July 16th, 1689, was the ruin of King James's affairs in Scotland. Colonel Canon, with 3,000 men, sur- prised the Earl of Angus's regiment at Dunkeld on September, 1689, but the brave Colonel Cleland, with 1,200, made him retire, with no small loss both of men and of reputation. Canon retired into Lochaber, and in Spring, 1690, Colonel Buchan, with about forty officers, was sent over from Ireland and assumed the com- mand. In the beginning of April the rebel chiefs had a meeting. Some inclined to capitulate, but Sir Ewan Cameron diverted this, hoping that another campaign would retrieve their affairs. And till the seed time should be closed, and greater numbers should be raised, Colonel Buchan, with about 1,500 of MacLeans, MacDonalds, BURNING OF THE HOUSE OF EDINGLASSIE. 129 MacPhersons, Camerons, and Grants of Glen- moriston, marched towards the Lowlands to amuse and fatigue the King's troops. In marching through Strathspey they phmdered the country, and in passing towards Strathbogie they burnt the house of Edinglassie. But Mr. Gordon made severe reprisals; for, in their return, he seized 18 of their number and hanged them on the trees of his garden. [See Yol. I. p. 181.] By this time Sir Thomas Livingstone had come to Inverness with a battalion of foot, six troops of dragoons, and two of horse. The rebels, informed of this, returned towards the Higlilands, and Livingstone resolved to intercept them. Con- ducted by some gentlemen of the Grants, he marched on the night of April 30th with the horse and dragoons, leaving the foot to follow. By the dawning of the morning May 1, 1690, he came to Dairirade, or top of the hill above Castle Grant, and, that he might not be discovered, he was directed down the valley of Auchinarrow, to cross Spey below Dellachaple. The enemy had come to Cromdale April 30th, and choosing to keep near the hih, encamped that night near Lethindie, and had some advanced guards near the Kirk of Cromdale, which guards observed the troops fording the river, and alarmed the camp. This moved the General to mount some of the Grants on dragoon horses, and all the horse and dragoons, led by these gentlemen, rode smartly VOL. III. ^ 130 UTTER DEFEAT AT THE FOOT OF CROMDALE HILL. (the distance being about a mile, and a part of the road concealed by a birch wood) and surprised the enemy before they could all get into their clothes, who fled precipitately about a half mile, many of them quite naked ; and, at the foot of the hill of Cromdale, faced about and made a faint defence, but were soon routed ; and had not the hill been so steep that the horse could not pursue, few would have escaped. There were above 100 killed and about 60 were made prisoners, who were found in the Castle of Lethindie and the mill. It deserves to be remarked that Colonel MacDonald of Keppach, who was ever keen for plunder, but never once fought for his King, would not encamp with the other rebels, but with his men quartered in Garvlin, half a mile distant, and thereby escaped without loss. Such of the rebels as climbed up the hill could not be pursued. But a party of Camerons and MacLeans, who next day crossed the river, were pursued, and on the Muir of Granish near Aviemore some were killed, and the rest taking shelter in Craigelachie, and Keppach, who, with their banditti, attempted to reduce the Castle of Lochinelan in Rothie- murchus, were by that laird and his tenants beat off with loss. The Rebellion in the year 1715 is fresh in the memory of some yet living. On November 13th that year, the rebels at Preston, in England, were forced to surrender ; on the same day the THE TOWN AND CASTLE OF INVERNESS SURRENDERED. 131 Battle of Sheriffmuir was fought, which in the consequences of it was a complete victory. And likewise on that day the town and Castle of Inverness were surrendered. On Saturday, Nov. 12th, Arthur Eose, brother to Kilravock, a bold and daring man, with Eobert Kose, brother to Blackhills, and twelve chosen men, undertook to surprise the main guard in the Tolbooth. They were in the twilight conducted by one of the rebels, who promised to get the door opened, upon which they might rush in. The villain got access, but loudly alarmed the guard, and Arthur Rose, pressing to get in, was bruised betwixt the door and the door-cheek, and shot through the body, of which he died in a few hours. This so enraged Kilravock that he summoned the Gover- nor to surrender, else he would set the town in fire in a few hours. Sir John MacKenzie of Coul, Governor, knowing Kilravock's resoluteness, know- ing likewise that Lovat, with the Frasers from the Aird, and a battalion of Grants from Strath- spey, were approaching, he seized all the boats on the river and transported his garrison into Ross early in the morning of November 13th. Then Kilravock and Culloden garrisoned the town for the Government. Thus, was the town of Inver- ness reduced by Kilravock, although others who had no share in it assumed the praise. The Battle of Culloden, on the 16th of April, 1746, is so recent and fresh in our memories, that 132 THE BATTLE OF CULLODEN. I shall take no further notice of it, than to ob- serve, that it has broken the charm of the broad sword and target, and may convince the High- landers, that, in the way of fighting now practised, their imdisciplined, though brave militia, cannot stand before well disciphned troops, conducted by a proper general."" I now come to give some account of the Mili- tary ways within this Province. It was the cus- tom of the Eomans to make military ways or roads, in all conquered countries, for the more easy communication between their colonies and forts. Xiphil. says of Severus, " He invaded Cale- donia, and, in his progress, endured the heaviest labour in cutting his passage through woods, levelling obstructions, in raising mounds through marshes, and in making bridges on rivers." There are clear vestiges of those ways in the Lothians *Tlie Graves at Culloden Moor. — The graves or trenches in which the bodies of the unfortunate Higlilanders were buried after the Battle of Culloden are being cared for by the pro- prietor of the estate of Culloden. Formerly the graves were distinguishable in the level greensward at the roadside by the slightly raised sod, but stones bearing the names of the clans have just been erected at the head of each trench. On one stone is inscribed the names of the clans "M'Gillivray, M'Lean, and M'Lachlan;" and there are separate stones for "Clan Stuart of Appin," "Clan Cameron," and "Clan Mackintosh." Two graves are marked "Clans mixed." At the abortive "great cairn," a Slab has been placed bearing the following inscription : — "The Battle of Culloden was fought on this moor, 16th April, 1746. The graves of the gallant High- landers who fought for Scotland and Prince Charlie are marked by the names of their clans." (Ed.). GENERAL WADE AND HIS ROADS. 133 and Fife, particularly one that runs from Crail to Stirling Bridge, along the coast. It was in the year 1724, that General Wade, commissioned by his Majesty, to inquire into some disorders committed in the Highlands, pro- jected the roads that are now so useful. Next year they were begun. The first Eoad was from Stirling to Inverness and Foi-t Augustus. This road runs in two branches ; one by Dunkeld and Blair of Athole ; the other by Dunblain, Glen- almond, and Aberfeldie, and they meet at Delna- kerdich, and enter this Province at Dalwhinnie, where the road again branches into two ; the one leads 6 miles to Caitulack, 3 to Gavamore, and 12 to Fort Augustus ; the other branch is 9 miles to Euthven, 10 to Aviemore, 10 to Corribruch, and 10 to Inverness. At the same time, the road from Inverness to Fort William ^as begun. From Inverness to the General's Lodge are 12 miles, about 7 of these are upon the bank of Loch Ness, a part of which, called the Black Eock, was a very high precipice hanging over the loch ; here, for almost haK a mile, the rock was blown up with powder, and the miners were hung by ropes in boring into it. Now the road is beautiful and safe, secured from the precipice below by a wall 3 feet high. From the General's Lodge to Fort Augustus, are 12 miles ; thence to Leterfinlay 12 ; and thence to Fort William 12 miles. In the year 1753, the road from Fort 184 THE EOADS CONSTRUCTED BY GENERAL WADE. George in Ardersier to Perth was begun ; it runs from the Fort to Kih^avock 4 miles ; to the river of Ern 7 miles ; to Castle Grant 5 miles ; to the river of Avon 6 miles ; to Corrigarf 7 miles ; and thence by Castletoun of Braemar, Glenshee, and Blair of Gourie to Perth. There are likewise roads from Fort Augustus and h'om Inverness to Bernera in Glenelg. These roads are from 20 to 24 feet broad, run in straight lines where the hills permit, are annu- ally repaired, have aqueducts and side drains, great stones are set up on end on the road side, as guides in snow or mist. And besides bridges on rivers, every brook and rivulet has a bridge over it. In a word, this is a work that might have added lustre to the Eoman name. By means of these roads, soldiers have a straight and easy route. Artillery is carried into all the forts. Waggons, coaches, and all kinds of wheel carriages can pass from south to north. The weekly Posts make quick despatch. Commerce and inter- course are made easy. Convenient lodging is found at every stage, and the Highlands will be gradually civilized and improved. I shall now conclude this part, with an account of some ancient customs, chiefly Military, observed in this and other Provinces. Anciently, every chief of a clan was, by his dependants, considered as a little Prince, not absolute, but directed by the gentlemen of his CLANS HAD THEIR HEREDITARY OFFICERS AND ENSIGNS. 135 clan. As the Premores Begni, and all who held off the King i?i capite, were his Grand Council or Parhament; so the gentlemen and heads of fami- lies, were to the chief, by whose advice all things that regarded the clan in common, or particular families, were determined, differences were re- moved, injuries were punished or redressed, law suits prevented, declining families supported, and peace or war with other clans agreed upon. Young chiefs and heads of families were re- garded, according to their military or peaceable dispositions. If they revenged a clan quarrel, by killing some of the enemy, or carrying off their cattle, and laying their lands waste, they were highly esteemed, and great hopes were conceived of them. But if they failed in such attempts, they were little respected ; yea, despised if they did not incline to them. Clans had their military officers, not arbitrarily or occasionally chosen, but fixed and perpetual. The chief was Colonel or principal commander. The oldest Cadet was Lieutenant-colonel, and commanded the right wing. The youngest Cadet commanded the rear. Every head of a distinct family was captain of his own tribe. Every clan had an ensign or standard bearer, which office was at first conferred on some one who had behaved gallantly, and usually it became hereditary in his family, and was supported by a gratuity, or a small, annual salary. 136 EVERY CLANSMAN HAD HIS BARD AND PIPER. Every chief usually had his Bard, Poet, or Orator, whose office it was (as among the Ger- mans) in time of war to excite and animate them, hy reciting the brave actions of the clan, and particularly of their ancestors and chiefs, as Lucan writes: — "Likewise, ye Minstrels, who celebrate in strains of endless praise the brave warriors who died in battle — ye have poured forth the numerous songs of the Bard, free from the toils and dangers of war." At marriages they recited the genealogy of the married couple, and sung an Epithalamium ; and at burials they mournfully sung the elegy of the chief or great man. Their military music was the great pipe. The office of Piper was often hereditary, and had a small salary annexed to it. And the pipers of several clans had a chief piper who governed them; and schools in which they were instructed. The most of their time being employed in mili- tary exploits, or in hunting, every clan had a stated place of rendezvous, where they met when called by their chief. The manner of convocating them on a sudden emergent, was by the fiery cross. The chief ordered two men to be despatched, one to the upper, and the other to the lower end of his lands, each carrying a pole or staff, with a cross tree in the upper end of it, and that end burnt black. As they came to any village or house, they cried aloud the military cry of the THE DISTINGUISHING WAR-CRY OF EACH CLAN. 137 clan, and all who heard it armed quickly, and repaired to the place of rendezvous. If the nm- ner became fatigued, another must take the pole. Every clan had a peculiar Cry of War, by hear- ing which they were convocated to the place of general meeting. The cry of the MacDonalds was Freich, i.e. heather; of the MacPhersons, Craig-uhJiie ; of the MacKenzies, Tullich-ard; of the Grants, Craig-Elachie. And this was the cry of him that carried the fiery cross. Every clan had a distinguishing badge, whereby they might be known, as they had no military habit or livery. Their badges were natural and plain (not ribbons, feathers, or such gew-gaws), which they wore in their bonnets. The Mac- Donalds wore a bush of heather; the Macin- toshes a holly branch, the Grants a fir bush, &c. Upon an expedition, they much regarded omens. An armed man meeting them, was a good omen. If a woman barefooted crossed the road before them, they seized her, and fetched blood from her forehead. If a deer, fox, hare, or any beast of game appeared, and they did not kill it, it was an unlucky omen, &c. The Cuid Oidche, i.e. a night's provision was paid by many tenants. In hunting, or going on an expedition, the tenant who lived near the hill, furnished his master and his followers a night's entertainment, with brawn for his dogs. This is now converted into a stated rent. 138 DERIVATION OF THE DRUIDS. PAET VI. THE ECCLESIASTIC HISTOEY OF MORAY. SECTION I. THE HEATHEN OE PAGAN CHURCH. TT cannot be doubted, that, in this Province, as -■- indeed in all Britain, Druidism was the mode of the heathenish religion. The remain- ing vestiges of their places of worship, and of their superstitious customs, put this beyond question. Both sacred and profane history tes- tify, that, before temples were built, the ancient places of worship were in shady groves, imder spreading trees, and often in high places. The word Druid comes from the Greek Apu? an oak, or any wood ; or from the Celtic Deru or Dm an oak ; for they worshipped in groves, and under spreading trees. Druid was the general name of the sect or order ; and their literati were divided into priests, vates, and bards, who were their divines, philosophers, poets, orators, physi- cians, and judges in all causes. The grand arti- cles of their religion were : I. To worship the deity. II. To abstain from all evil. And, THE CHIEF ARTICLES OF THE DRUIDICAL RELIGION. 13& III. To be intrepid. This last was enforced by the behef of the immortahty of the soul, and of a future state. (Diog. Laer.). They were the instructors of youth in the mysteries of religion, philosophy, and morality^ &c. They kept their academies only in the sacred groves, retired from the noise of the world, and undisturbed from the hmTy of busi- ness. They were called Semnotliei, for their devo- tion {Suidas). And acknowledged one only eternal and self- existent God, whom they wor- shipped without any images or statues. They owned the immortality of the soul, and a future state of retribution ; they taught a warm devotion to God, and the strictest virtue and equity among men ; they offered sacrifices and oblations daily, and used ablutions and purifications. In a word, the Druids were at first held in great veneration, and much admired for their piety, virtue, and morality; but afterwards they degenerated greatly. By the Greeks and Komans they were led into polytheism, gross idolatry, superstition, Inmian sacrifices, &c. They committed no part of their religious mysteries, or natural philosophy, to writing ; but the bards turned these into clenching rhymes, and repeated them on all proper occasions. Moral precepts called Tegasg na Bard, and Fogldam na Filidh, i.e. "The instructions of 140 DRUIDICAL ALTARS AND PRIESTS. bards and philosophers," are to this day repeated in the Highlands by old men. The transmigration of souls, taught, though not at first, by the Druids, seems to have given rise to a notion among many ignorant and super- stitious people, viz., that when one dies of a consumption, the fairies steal the soul out of the body before death, and animate some other per- son with it. Possibly the way in which the Druids explained the immortality of the soul, and a future state, occasioned the common saying, "that at death one passes into the Saoghal hal, i.e. the " Yonder World," fancying, as the Americans do, that souls departed, go to pleasant regions beyond the mountains. The Druid priests were the ordinary minis- ters of religion, and an arch-priest, chosen out of the college of priests, presided in their meetings. Their worship was either stated and ordinary, or annual and more solemn. Their stated worship consisted in sacrifices and obla- tions, performed in pleasant groves, and com- monly on a level plot of ground; upon which they erected one or more circles of stones, all on end. And in the centre stood the altar, which was a broad stone laid horizontal on four stones as pillars ; and on this, sacrifices were offered. No sacrifice, however, was to be made without leaves or branches of the mistletoe; and before DRUIDICAL CIRCLES AT CLAFFERNIS AND DURRIS. 141 they entered the chcle to offer, they made a tour about it sun-ways ; and the Hke they did when they had done offering. These Circles, or remains of them, are found in every country. I cannot hut mention the Circle at Claffernis in the Isle of Lewis ; it consists of 12 stones, each 7 feet high, and 2 broad; at south-east and west', 3 stones are erected in a line without the circle ; to the north point is a lane, 19 stones in a line on each side, 6 feet distant from one another, the lane 8 feet broad ; one stone stands in the entry of the lane ; and in the centre of the circle, a stone 13 feet high, cut in the form of a rudder {Mr. Martin). The circle denotes the sun ; the 12 stones, the 12 signs ; the stones to south-east and west, the cardinal points; the 19 stones in the lane, the lunar cycle; the stone in the entry closes the cycle, and then it begins anew in the other line; the rudder shews, that the temple was dedicated to AnYona the deity of the sea. {Toland.) In DmTis, at the end of Loch Ness, is a temple of three concentric circles ; the altar stone is taken away, but near to where it stood is a hal- lowed stone, either a laver to wash in, or a basin to receive the blood of the sacrifices ; a lane leads through the circles to the centre ; in the area of the outer circle, probably stood the spectators ; in the second the offerers ; and at the altar, the priest and servants. 142 ALL PAGAN PLACES OF WORSHIP CIRCULAR. Both the true worshippers of God, and in imita- tion of them the superstitious, at first worshipped in open fields. The Naos and Teniene of the ancient Greeks, were but allotments of ground, and sacred en- closures for worship, and not covered houses. I have seen these in corn fields left untilled, he- cause they were supposed sacred. The heathen places of worship were circular or round, because dedicated to the sun, the emblem of their deity. The Highlanders call them Clachan, i.e. a collec- tion of stones : and hence they call a Church Clachan, as ClacJian Michel, Claclian Muire, i.e. Michael's Church, Mary's Church. The altar stone they call Crom Leac, i.e. the bowing, or worshipping stone ; and the priest Gromfear, i.e. the worshipper. The Britains called the sacred grove, wherein the circle stood, Lhivyn ; and hence probably, they call a Church Llian. And the Saxon Kirh or Circ, comes from Circus a circle. The tour about the circles, is called Deas- Soil, from Deas the south, and Soil the sun, q.d. south about with the sun. I have often seen at marriages and churching of women, and burials, such a tour made about the Church. This ceremony was not peculiar to the Druids. We find it at the fimeral pile of Pallas. Their more solemn worship was at their high festivals ; particularly in the month of March, on DRUIDICAL CAIRNS OR HEAPS OF STONES. 143 May-day, at Midsummer, and at Hallow Eve. - These festivals were celebrated on high or con- spicuous places, where they erected Cairns or heaps of Stones, on which they kindled great fires, and offered sacrifices. The fire was forced (and accounted sacred) by rubbing one piece of dry wood against another. All the families in the neighbourhood extinguished their fires ; and upon paying a small acknowledgement to the priest, they received of the cairn fire. Their cairns were very different from the cairns or heaps of stones on high ground, gathered out of their corn fields, and cast loose in a heap; and different likewise from the small cairns near to common roads, where men have been buried, or coffins laid down at burials, that the bearers might rest. These are called Leacadh na Marbh, i.e. " Stones erected in memory of the dead." The Druid cairns were great and broad heaps of stones, hedged in, all round with big stones placed on end in the earth, and joined close. In some of these cairns, another close circle of such stones was placed in the middle of the cairn ; and the altar stone, one or more, on the top within the inner circle. Such a cairn, pretty entire, is to be seen on the Moor to the east of Avie- more in Strathspey. Cairns are likewise on the top of the hill of Dunevan in Calder ; to the east of Gateside betwixt Elgin and Eorres, on the muir of Urquhart in Moray ; and in many other 1 44 DRUIDICAL CAIRN-FIRES AND FESTIVALS. places. Eound the great cairn, there were often Tumuh, or small heaps, in which, in the south, have been found urns containing the ashes of burnt bodies ; possibly the like might be found in this country. These cairns were so placed as to be within view of one another. The Druid who officiated at the cairn fire, was called Carneach, The fire was of dry wood preserved for that use ; it was an expiatory punishment for criminals to stand for a limited time betwixt two contiguous fires, or to walk barefooted thrice over the burn- ing ashes of a cairn fire. Mr. Toland thinks, that Silius Italicus alludes to this custom, when he makes Equanus the Sabine to pass through the fire (if unhurt, it was a good omen, otherwise a bad) on Mount Soracte in Italy, on whose top was Apollo's cairn. Possibly the trial by ordeal, practised long in this country, had its rise from this custom of passing through the cairn fire. I shall now mention such vestiges of the Druid cairn fires and festivals, as I have observed in this country. One of their great solemnities was in the month of March, when they gathered and consecrated the mistletoe of the oak. On the 6th of the March moon, a priest, clad in white, climbed the tree, and cut the mistletoe with a golden bill, and others in white, stand- ing round, received it ; after which they offered at their cairn fires with mirth. (Plin.) In the increase of the March moon, the High- BELTAN DAY; AND FREAKS ON MAUNDAY THURSDAY. 145 landers cut withs of the woodbine that cHngs about the oak. These they twist into a wreath or circle, and carefully preserve it till the next March. And when children are troubled with hectic fevers, or when any one is consumptive, they make them pass through this circle thrice, by putting it over their heads and conveying it down about their bodies. The like they do to cattle in some distempers. This I have often seen. Another grand solemnity was on May day. On the first of May, they offered sacrifice for the pre- servation of their cattle ; and that day was held sacred to Pan or Baal, and was commonly called La Baal-Tine, corruptly " Beltan day," i.e. the day of Baal's fire. Clear remains of this super- stition I have been present at when a young boy. Upon Maundy Thursday, the several herds cut staves of service wood about three feet long, and put two cross sticks into clefts in one end of the staff. These staves they laid up till the first of May. On that day several herds met together ; every one had two eggs, and a bannock or thick cake of oat meal crusted over with the yolks of eggs. They raised a pile of dry wood or sticks on a hillock, and striking fire with a flint they kindled the pile ; then they made the Deas-Soil thrice round the fire ; after which they roasted their eggs, and eat them with a part of the bread. The rest of the bread they brought home, to be eaten by the family; and having VOL. III. 10 146 MAY-DAY, MID-SUMMER, AND HALLOW-EVE. adorned the heads of their staves with vfild herbs, they fixed them on the tops, or above the doors of their several cots ; and this they fancied would preserve the cattle from diseases till next May. In the Highlands, the first day of May is still called La Baal-tine. In the armory, a priest is caUed Belec, probably from Baal : and when one is in great danger, he is said to be Edir da theine Bheil, i.e. "between two fires of Baal," alluding to the punishment above mentioned. The Mid-summer solemnity was celebrated in honour of Ceres. They made the Deas-Soil about their fields of corn, with burning torches of wood in their hands, to obtain a blessing on their corns. This I have often seen, more indeed in the Lowlands than in the Highlands. On Mid-summer eve, they kindle fires near their corn fields, and walk round them with burning torches. The like solemnity was kept on the eve of the first of November, as a thanksgiving for the safe ingathering of the produce of the fields. This, I am told, but have not seen it, is observed in Buchan and other countries, by having Hallow- eve fires kindled on some rising ground. In all these solemnities they offered sacrifices, and made the Deas-Soil round their fires. It cannot be doubted that they had sacrifices of various sorts, as precatory, to obtain bles- sings; gratulatory, to shew their thankfulness; CUSTOMS OF THE CELTS, GAULS, AND DRUIDS. 147 and expiatory, to atone for their sins. It appears from Lncan, that the Celts and Gauls used human sacrifices. Caesar, PHny, and Tacitus assure us, that the Druids used such sacrifices. "What creatures they used in sacrifice, or what particular cere- monies, I have not learned. No doubt they used washings and purgations, and clean clothes, as other people did. ^neas would not touch the Penates or the Sacra, before he washed. The Scots Highlanders, not only put on clean clothes on the Sabbath day, as others do ; but in the morning of that day, they wash (not in the house, but Flumine vivo) in running water, and they call it TJisg Domlmich, i.e. "Aqua Dominica." The Druid priests were judges in all causes, rehgious, civil, and criminal ; and were exempted from attending war, paying taxes, &c. Their authority was great, their sentence final, and the contumacious were excluded from the Sacra, and pronounced profane. This punishment was so severe, that all avoided the company of the in- terdicted. No one would converse with them; they could enjoy no ofiices, nor receive honours. C^sar says. In Gaul the Druids, at a certain season of the year, met in a consecrated place, " in finibus Carnutum," and there decided controver- sies. This place was Chartres Cimkis Carnutum, so called no doubt from the Druid cairns. Their principal seats in Britain were, the Isles 148 DRUIDICAL JUDGES, COURTS, AND BADGES OF OFFICE. of Anglesey and Man. But they administered justice in every country, and sat sub dio on green hillocks. Such round hillocks are found in many places. Two remarkable ones stand a little west of the town of Elgin, and two a little close by the Church of Petty. The Lowlanders call them laivSj because there the law was given or promulgated. Such are North Berwick Law, Innes Law, &c. The Highlanders call them Tom an Eracht, and Tom a Mhoid, i.e. "the court- hill." I question not but the Mute-hill (rather Moid-hill) at Scone was of this sort. So were the Duni pads, near the river Carron in Stirlingshire. Every Druid judge carried a rod, as a badge of ofiQ.ce and authority, called in Irish, Slaite na Druidheachd, i.e. " the rod of Druidism." He had likewise an egg hung about his neck, enchased in gold, or other precious metal. The eggs were said to be Ova Anguinum, " eggs formed by ser- pents ; " and Pliny says. They ascribed great virtues to them. It is confidently afi&rmed by the common people, that in Smnmer a number of serpents meet, and work a certain slimy matter into a round ball with their mouths, of the colour of their own skin. I have seen with jugglers round painted balls, which they call Adder Stones, and with them they played feats. The Welsh call them Gleine na Druidhe, i.e. " The Druid's Glass." These were but amulets of glass or stone. But the Phoenicians and Egyptians THE LITERATI OF THE DRUIDS. 149 made the egg an emblem of the principle of all things, and represented it as coming out of the mouth of a serpent. Hence came the Druid's Among the literati of the Druids, next to the priests, were the vates or cubages, called by the Celts and Irish, Faidhe. These were their diviners and physicians. By studying natural philosophy, the influences of the celestial bodies, and the qualities and virtues of plants and minerals, they might cure some diseases, and foretell events that depend upon a chain of natural causes ; and on this account might be held in great esteem and veneration. But as the innocent name of Magi in the east came to be taken in a bad sense, so Druidhe and Druid- lieaclid came to be abused, even to mean Sor- cerer and Sorcery. The Bards were another order of the Druids' literati. A bard in Celtic signifies a j^oet and orator. They were not only frequent in Gaul and Britain ; but Tacitus, de Mor. Germ, makes it probable that they were common among the Germans. When armies were to engage, the bard stood on some eminence, and harangued them to rouse their courage. This was anciently much practised in Scotland. As now the general makes a speech to his army before battle, of old the bards did so, and it was called Brosdughadh Cath, i.e. '* an incentive to fight." Diodorus 150 DRUIDICAL PRIESTESSES — THE NYMPHS OF THE GROVES. observes, that they were held in such veneration, that if battle was begun, and a bard appeared and commanded it, both sides ceased from fight- ing. They put the religious and moral instruc- tions into rhyme ; presided in their music ; acted a part at festivals ; recited genealogies at mar- riages and funerals ; and sung the praises of their heroes. Lucan writes the same. — ''But how honom'able soever this order might have been at first, they afterward became ignorant, venal, and despicable bufi'oons." Yalesius, in Ammian. Mar- cellin. lib. XY. well describes the modern bards. "From these things it appears, that the bards were nothing else but parasites, and like to those whom the Latins called Scurrce or buffoons. For as the Buffoons followed the army, and used to divert the soldiers at their feasting with jests and gesticulations, so also did the bards." There were likewise female Druids, or priest- esses, who might perform some ceremonies of their religion to women, in which it might not be decent to have men employed. And as all Druids frequented the groves, these priestesses probably were the JDryades and Hamadryades, " The nymphs of the groves," celebrated by the poets. And I doubt not but these gave rise to the fancy that prevails among the ignorant, viz.. That fairy women, or beautiful young girls, clad in green, with loose dishevelled hair, frequented the woods and valleys. I have often heard men DRUIDICAL HERMITS; DRUID's HOUSE AT OLD DEER. 151 affirm, that they had seen and spoken with such women. The Druids seem to have had among them some recluses and hermits. In the isles and on the Continent there are many small cells of stone of a round figure, and each cell capable of accom- modating one single person, called TinaDruididhe, i.e. ^' The Druid's house." I have not observed any such in this Province. But in the parish of Old Deer, in Buchan, I am told there is a Druid circle on a hill, and on the descent are the vestiges of about thirty cells, which the people call '^ The Picts' houses," possibly a convent of Druid hermits. These are different from the round stone edifices, 20 feet high and 12 broad, in Orkney and Shetland, called Picts' houses and burghs. The Eomans had little towers, called Burgus, for keeping military stores; and these round edifices might have been Sjpecula or Watch Towers, built by the Norwegians, when they came into these islands: or they might have been Druid temples. For as Zoroastres taught the Persian Magi to build temples, in which they kept their sacred fire (Prid. Con. Vol. I.) ; and as the Druid religion was manifestly derived from that of the Magians, the Druids might have had such fire temples ; and it is certain that in Augustus's reign they had temples in France. Vitruvius tells us, that anciently temples were of a round form and open at top. "The ancients, 152 ROUND EDIFICES AT CAREON AND TAIN, imitating the structure of the heavens, dehghted chiefly in round temples, and built their edifices in the open air, dedicated to the heavens, the sun, and the moon." The round edifice open at top, on the river Carron near Falkirk, was not the temple of Terminus, as Buchanan calls it ; nor a Eoman place of arms and ensigns, as Gordon in his Itinerariitm thinks. There have been found near it the horns of a bull, and a Patera used in sacrifices (Syb. Hist, of Stirlingshire) v^hich shews it was a temple ; and more probably a Druid than a Boman temple. For above Tain in Eoss are such round tapering edifices, open at top ; yet the Eomans never built there. In that part of Eoss, Ptolemy places the Creones, so called from Cruin, i.e. "round." And the Picts were called Cruinidh, i.e. "the round people;" because their places of worship, their cairns, their temples, and the hillocks on which the Druids sat as judges, were all of a round form, as emblems of the sun, the object of their worship. The deities worshipped by the Druids, are mentioned by Caesar. Three of them are men- tioned page 234, viz., Teutates, Haesus, and Taranis. Teutates was called by the Britons TaithDiun,i.e. "Mercury the God of journeys;" or Tytad, i.e. "the father of the house;" and presides over the lares and penates. Haesus (Heb. Strong, Might) was their supreme deity, THE DEITIES WORSHIPPED BY THE DRUIDS. 153 and represented by an oak. Taranis was the deity of the air, as Teutates was of the earth, called Tarain TJior, To7\ In Celtic and British Tar an signifies '' Thunder." Hence Jupiter Taranis. The Earl of Moray's seat of Tarnua in Irish Taranich; probably because some Druid cairn or circle there was dedicated to Jupiter Taranis. Anvona was the deity of the water, so called by the Gauls ; and in Irish Anfaria, signi- fies '' the raging of the sea." Let me add Apollo Carnius, so called probably from the Druid cairns; and the feast in honour of him was called Carjiea; and the month of May, Carnius Mensis. It was usual with the Romans, to their own names of their gods to add the names or attributes under which they went in the countries where the Romans at the time dwelt : hence also Apollo was called Grannus. In the reign of Queen Mary of Scotland, there was digged up, in the lands of Merchiston, a stone, in the shape of an altar stone, inscribed ** apollini gkanno q. lusius SABINIANUS PROC. AUG. V. S. S. L. V. M." i.e. " Votum susceptum solvit Lubens merito." Camden ob- serves, that this Apollo Grannus was the Apollo Akersecomes of the Grecians, i.e. "having long hair." Grannies may come from the Irish Grian, i.e. "the sun," and in that language Grianach signifies "hairy or spreading hair like the scat- tered beams of the sun." The Romans, when in Britain, gave Apollo that name. 154! SUPERSTITIONS IN THE PROVINCE OF MORAY. In speaking of the Druid priests, priestesses, vates, bards, circles, cairns, &c., I have all along observed the vestiges of these which are to be as yet met with in this Province. I shall now add an account of some superstitious customs still practised in this country, and which seem to have had their rise from the Druids. In hectic and consumptive diseases, they pare the nails of the fingers and toes of the patient, put these parings into a rag cut from his clothes, then wave their hand with the rag thrice round his head crying Deas-Soil, after which they bury the rag in some unknown place. I have seen this done. And Pliny, in his natural history, mentions it as practised by the Magians or Druids of his time. When a contagious disease enters among cattle, the fire is extinguished in some villages round : then they force fire with a wheel, or by rubbing a piece of dry wood upon another, and therewith burn juniper in the stalls of the cattle, that the smoke may purify the air about them : they likewise boil juniper in water, which they sprinkle upon the cattle. This done, the fires in the houses are rekindled from the forced fire. All this I have seen done ; and it is no doubt a Druid custom. They narrowly observe the changes of the Moon, and will not fell wood, cut turf or fuel, or thatch for houses, or go upon any expedition of HEATHENISH PRACTICES AT FUNERALS. 155 importance, but at certain periods of the revolu- tion of that planet : so the Druids avoided, if possible, to fight, till after the full moon. (Diodor.) They divine by bones ; having picked the flesh clean off a shoulder blade of mutton, which no iron must touch, they turn towards the east, or the rising sun, and looking steadily on the trans- parent bone, pretend to foretell deaths, burials, &c. This Osteomateia was much practised among the heathens : and the Druids consulted the en- trails and bones of animals, even of human vic- tims. (Tacit. Annal. 14.) I have spoken of their regard to omens. At burials they retain many heathenish prac- tices : such as music and dancing at like-wakes, when the nearest relations of the deceased dance first. At burials, monrning women chant the Coronach, or mournful extemporary rhymes, re- citing the valorous deeds, expert hunting, &c., of the deceased. When the corpse is lifted, the bed-straw, on which the deceased lay, is carried out and burnt in a place where no beast can come near it; and they pretend to find next morning, in the ashes, the print of the foot of that person in the family, who shall first die. They beheve, that the material world will be destroyed by fire. So general is this persuasion, that when they would express the end of time, they say Gu-Braith, i.e. '' to the conflagration or destruction." 156 LOCALITIES DERIVED FROM DRUID BARDS AND CAIRNS. The use which the Druids made of juniper, and their regard to the changes of the moon, show that they were no strangers to the virtues of plants, and the influences of the celestial bodies. I scarce need observe that, throughout this kingdom, many places have their names, and some persons their surnames, from the Druid bards, cairns, &c., as Baird, Carnie, Moni-bhard, Tullihardin, Carn^tvath, Cam-cross^ &c. Many more of the Druid customs may be seen in CcEsar, Pli?iy, Tacitus, Amminianus, Marcel- linus, dc. But I have mentioned only these customs, of which I have seen manifest remains in this Province. I shall now conclude this article with observing that any one who reads the account given by Dean Prideaux (Con. vol. i.) of the religion of the Magians in the east, will find that Druidism had a near resemblance of it. And it is to me no less apparent, that both Magianism and Druidism are borrowed, in many particulars, from the Patri- archal and Jewish plan of religion. I shall men- tion a few of these particulars : — They owned one supreme Being ; used no images or statues ; used sacrifices ; and in high places, under spread- ing oaks, and with sacred fire, at first worshipped sub dio ; afterwards built temples ; compassed their altars by going Deas-8oil round them. The priests were instructors of youth ; had their academies and schools in retired high places; DRUIDISM BORROWED FROM THE PATRIARCHS AND JEWS. 1 57 they had many ablutions and purgations ; they had a rod of office ; and had mourning women at burials. I might add several instances more in which the Druids seem to have borrowed from the Patriarchs and Jews. This Druidism was the religion of the Scots and Picts, as it was of the Gauls and Britons, before the light of the Gospel of Christ was made to shine among them. And this leads me to SECTION II. THE PRIMITIVE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. How early, and at what particular time, the Gospel of Christ was first made known in Scot- land, I will not pretend to determine. Here the Koman writers are silent. Gildas, Bede, and Nenius do not touch this question. The loss of the Pictish records and writings, the want of ancient records of the Scottish Church, render it difficult to throw any light on this subject. What is said of King Donald's conversion a.d. 203, and of Kegulus' arriving at Muk-Boss (now St. Andrews) about anno 370, is very uncertain ; and yet I see it no way improbable, that in the third and fom^th centmies Christianity had sure footing in North Britain. " Britannorum inac- cessa Eomanis loca, Christo tamen subdita." But as Pagan Druidism must have been gradu- ally, and not all at once, rooted out; so the Christian Faith must have been gradually spread. And indeed the gross ignorance wliich, till of 158 THE KELEDEES OR CULDEES. late, prevailed, and the many heathenish customs that remained in some parts of the kingdom, shew abundantly, that the knowledge of Christ advanced by very slow paces. The first teachers and ministers of the Chris- tian Faith in Scotland were called in the Scottish language Keledees. Our historians, not under- standing the language, have called them Culdei, q.d. " Cultores Dei," and they derive Kil, from Cella, the Jmt, or "house of the teacher." But any one conversant with ancient writings, will easily discover the mistake, and find that they are never called Culdei, but uniformly Keledei; a word compounded of Ceile or Keile, i.e. " a servant, or one devoted," and Dia (in the genitive De), i.e. God, q.d. ''a servant of God, or one devoted to him." A Church or place of worship was called Eil, because it was set apart for Divine service. When the Church of Kome dedicated Churches to their legendary saints, the word Kil was prefixed to the saint's name, as Kil-Mhuir, Kil-Mhilie,i.e. "dedicated to Mary and Milesius." These Keledees and primitive Christians in Scotland, were men of great piety, and for many ages, preserved the doctrines of the true religion. Possibly it was from the clerical to7isure, that the word Maol came to be prefixed to some names. The word signifies "a servant," and also Bare, Bald. So Maol-Cohiim, Maol-Biogh, is " Columba the servant, or the shaveling;" CULDEE CHAPELS IN THE PROVINCE. 159 " Regulus the servant or the shavehng." The Irish Hkewise prefix the word, Maith, i.e. "good;" as Maith Bechard, Maith Calen, is the same as " St. Richard, St. Colen." I have mentioned these things to explain the names of Churches and Chapels in this Pro- vince; such as Kil-Tarlatie, Kil-Chttimarij Maith- Bechard, Maith-Calen. Having met v^ith nothing peculiar to this country in the primitive state of the Christian Church, I go on to SECTION III. THE EOMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Before the 11th century, we had no Diocesan Bishops except one, viz., of St. Andrews. He was not properly Diocesan, for he was designed Episcopus ScoticB or Scotorum. In the same century it was that Monks and Friars were brought in as a militia or an army. Yet it was not before the 12th century, and the reign of King David I. that the Eoman Clergy got any sure footing. Richard, Prior of Hexham, writing De hello Standardi anno 1138 (the time when he lived), says of the Scots, " But they differing long from the Cisalpine, and almost from the whole Church, seemed to favour too much Peter Leo of abandoned memory, and his apostacy. But then being inspired by Divine grace, they all unani- mously, and with great veneration, received the commands of Pope Innocent and his legates." 160 ABBEYS, MONKS, AND FRIARS. Koman Catholics divide their Clergy into Eegular and Secular. And I shall treat of both, as I have found them in this Province ; beginning with I. THE EEGULAE CLERGY. These were so called, because they were bound to live, by the rule of St. Augustine, or St. Bennet ; or by some private statutes approved by the Pope. They lived, messed, and slept under one roof. These were numerous in this Province. I shall speak of them under the distinctions of Abbey, Priory, Convent, Preceptory, Ministry, and Chap- lainry. An Abbey is a society of Monks or Friars, whereof the Abbot (in Heb. Ab or Abba, i.e. *' Father ") is the head or ruler. Some Abbots were independent of the Bishop, and freed from his jurisdiction. These were called Abbates exempti. Some were invested with episcopal power, and wore a mitre, and were called " Sovereign mitred Abbots," and had a seat in Parliament. The Abbates Exempti might dis- cipline and punish their Monks; but Abbots, subject to the Bishop, must submit them to his authority. We had but one Abbey in Moray, viz., that of KINLOSS, The Abbot of which was mitred, and had a seat in Parliament. It was founded by King ENDOWMENT OF THE ABBEY OF KINLOSS. 161 David I. 12mo Kal. Januarii anno 1150 [20 June, 1151], and confirmed by the Pope's Bull [Alexander III.] anno 1174. The Monks were of the Cistertian or Bernardine order, called Monachi AIM, because all their clothes were white, except a black cowl and scapulary. King David endowed the Abbey with lands, and King William added many more, particularly aU the lands of Stryla, or Strath- Yla, near Keith. I have perused a Bull "'• in favour of this Abbey by Honorius, anno 1216, Pontiff, dtio, ratifying its lands and possessions, particularly, " The place in which the Monastery is fixed, with its pertinents ; Grange of Kinloss, with its pertinents ; West Grange, with its pertinents ; a smaU farm in Crumbachin; another in Banff, Inverness, Nairn, Forres, Elgin, Aberdeen, and Berwick." Other possessions are named in the Bull, but the parchment is so spoiled, and the writing so defaced, that they cannot be read, but may be supphed as follows: — The Abbey lands, out of which Mr. Brodie of Lethin receives feu duties, are— the Barony of Muirtown ; the Mill of Kin- loss, Windy Hills, Coltfield, West Grange, and *The Bull referred to by Shaw, the original of which ho states to be in his own possession, is printed in the Appendix of his History, No. xxvi., not as is given at No. xxvii. I have compared it, word for word, with the Bull of Pope Alexander III., given at page 105 of Stuart's Eecords of the Monastery^ of Kinloss, 1862. The original belongs to Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, and was given to him by George Cumm of Relugas. Shaw is literally accurate for once. (Ed.) VOL. III. 1^ 162 LANDS AND REVENUES OF KINLOSS ABBEY. Mill; the lands of Burgie; all Hempriggs ; the Crofts and House of Kinloss ; Kirktoun lands of Ordies ; Freefield in Elchies ; all Ballendallach's lands of Struthers ; Meikle and Little Tanachy ; Town of Forres and their fishing ; Burds-Yards ; Kincorth's, Grangehill's, and Coulbin's fishing; Bose of Newton's lands near Nairn ; Braco's lands in Stryla ; lands of Lichnet ; Kinminitie's lands in Stryla; lands of Edingieth; lands of Glengerrock ; several lands belonging to Lord Findlater ; Grange in Stryla ; the lands of Ellon ; besides Lethen's lands of Kinloss and the pre- cinct of the Abbey. ; I'he Eevenues of the Abbey, anno 1561, in money, victual, &c., were £1,152 Is. Bear and meal, 47 clialders 11 bolls 1 firlot 3 pecks; oats, 10 bolls 3 firlots; wedders, 34; geese, 41 ; capons, 60; poultry, 125. From which was deducted — to fourteen Monks for habit; silver to each, fifty shillings per annum ; for fish and flesh to each ten pence per diem ; for fire, butter, candle, spicery, and lentron meat, £12 ; for bread and drink per annum, to each 19 bolls 1 firlot 2 pecks, and £40 to Mr. John Ferrarius for his pension, which he had under the seal of the Abbey, annuallv during life. (Book of Assump., anno 1561 and 1563.) This specimen shows how sumptuously these pretendedly mortified Monks lived, and much more so their Abbots and Priors. [Ferrerius, in his History of the Abbots, states the Revenue in 1499, when Thomas Chrystall became Abbot, to be — from the barony of Kinloss, 1 14 marks Scots; from Finderen, 20 marks, from the barony of Strathily, 147 marks; from the town of Leithnot, 6 marks ; from the town of Freefield, 4 marks ; from Dundurcas, 10 marks; from the Church of Ellon, 252; from the Church of Awache in Ross, 72 marks ; in all, 632. In grain — from the barony of Kinloss, 8 chalders, 2 bolls ; from Strathily, 7 chalders ; from their fishings, 2 lasts of salmon ; REVENUES OF THE ABBEY OF KINLOSS. 163 by feu-duties and rents from Elgyn, 2 marks ; by rents from Inverness and Forres, 60 marks ; all which he doubled in a few years. There is a Charter granted by Walter, Abbot of Kinloss, in 1559, 12th September, with express consent of the members of the Convent, by which he dispones to Euphame Dundas their lands in Strathily for the sum of £2,000 Scots, paid in ready money, with £5 10s. Scots of augmentation of rent, to be holden of the Abbot and Convent of Kinloss, for payment of certain duties and rents contained in a rental. As this rental throws some light on the value of land, with the nature of the rents paid at that period, it is inserted. For Muiryfold, Boglugy,- Thomtown, - Haughs, - - - - Braco, . - - - Achindarie, - Overmills, Multures of ditto, - Ale-house of ditto, - Netherraill, - Multures of ditto, - Grange, with Tower, Clerkseat, Augmentation Rent, s . -3 a5 i 1 *^ CM O S . 5° >> Si C3 O 6> "3 1 8 1 L. S. D. 5 6 8 3 3 4 2 13 4 6 20 3 6 8 2 2"o' 5 19 4 4"6' 10 6 10 B. F. P 12 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 •2 h 2 2 1 1 2 2 6 12 6 3 3 8 8 is "e 5"? 12 6 6 16 16 6 8 4 4 8 12 2 B. F. P. 2 "o" 2 2 11 " CO 19 4 7 2 Si 26 62 38 4 2 11 11 And failing victual, there was to be paid for every boll of meal IDs. Scots, and for every boll of oats 5s. Scots, in the option of Euphame Dundass. Ferrerius mentions that in his time there were twenty or more Monks, who, over and above their ancient allowance, received from Abbot Chrystall on flesh days four pennies, and on meagre days one penny, and, instead of oat cakes, thirty- two ounces of wheat bread daily. It appears from Ferrerius that they had a great number of excellent buildings, but his description conveys no idea of their arrangement.] {Survey of the Province of Moray.) The Abbey stood in a fertile soil at the head of the Loch or Bay of Findhorn. No doubt the buildings were sumptuous, but no judgment can now be formed from the remaining ruins. In the 164 EDWARD BRUCE, COMMENDATOR OF KINLOSS. years 1651 and 1652 Alexander Brodie of Lethin, proprietor of Kinloss, sold the stones to the English, and with them the Citadel of Inverness was built. {Beg. Presbytery of Forres). The Abbot had a regality within the Abbey Lands. He had granges or farms, with detached Monks to oversee them, at East and West Grange, and at Grange in Stryla. I find in the writings of the family of Westfield that the Abbot had a process of spulzie against Sir Alexander Dunbar of Westfield, who died 1576, for taking out of the Abbey a laver, weighing 240 ounces of silver, and 22 feather beds, with other pieces of plate and furniture. Upon the dissolution of the Eeligious Houses, Mr. Edward Bruce was made Commendator of Kinloss. The King would not want the votes of Abbots and Priors in Parliament, and therefore presented Laics to the Benefices when vacant, who, by way of commendam, enjoyed the profits and fat in Parliament. But this usufructuary possession as titulars gave no right to the lands, and therefore they got them erected into tempo- rary lordships. Edward Bruce was created Lord of Kinloss and got the superiority of the other Abbey Lands. Ascelinus was the first Abbot ; Renerius the second; and Eobert Reid was the last. FURNITURE OF THE ABBEY. 165 KINLOSS ABBEY. [From Abbot John Ferrerius' History of the Abbey of Kinloss, printed by the Bannatyne Club in 1839, we learn that King David I. was led to erect this Monastery by such motives as led him to found the Abbey of Holy- rood. It is there narrated that, while he was encrajied in the chase in the country near Forres, he lost his way in a thick wood ; but under the guidance of a white dove {vouchsafed in answer to his prayers) he was led to an open spot, where he found two shepherds tending their flocks. By them King David was hospitably entertained, and being warned in a dream that he should there erect a Chapel to the Blessed Virgin, he resolved at once to obey the vision, and with his sword he proceeded to mark out on the green sward the outline of the building which he meant to erect. Having been rejoined by his nobles, the King then proceeded with them to the Castle of DufFus, in the neighbourhood, and announcing to them his vision and consequent vow, he collected the architects and masons engaged on Royal works in various places, in order that the foundation of Kinloss might forthwith he undertaken. To secure the uninterrupted progress of the work, the King remained at Duffus during the summer ; and when he was called away by other affairs, he procured from Melrose a Monk to whom he committed the charge of the rising Monastery, and who was afterwards made the first Abbot. After describing the Church as being of large dimen- sions, and ornamented with paintings, statues, organs, and altars, he mentions the dormitories of the monks, the refectory or dining-room, the hospital, brew-house, kitchen, pigeon-house, and garden. The furniture was plentiful and elegant. There were 50 feather beds, 28 arras-coverings, and 2 sick beds. The table was supplied with vessels of pewter brought from England, very costly. The library contained the Old and New Testaments, in six volumes, with the glosses commonly in use; four volumes of Vincent ; three of the Chronicle of Antoninus ; three of the epistles of St. Jerome; the Works of St. Jerome, in five volumes; the Works of SS. Ambrose, Chrysostora, Gregory, Bernard, Aquinas; Scotus Com- 166 SEALS OF THE MONASTERY OF KINLOSS. mentary on the Sentences ; St. Aquinas' Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul ; St. Augustine on the City of God, and on the Trinity; Jus Pontiticium, with glosses; many volumes of sermons ; and two vellum Missals. Some of these books are still extant in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. In July, 1.528, an unprecedented inundation at the Abbey is recorded, which tilled the Refectory, the Chapter- House, and the Cloister with water, Ferrerius has recorded the acquisition of many silver vessels by the Abbots — " phiake," "calices," and "scyphi " — which may now figure, like Nebuchadnezzar's, as sugar basins and drinking cups at the carousals of lairds and lords. These vessels once were consecrated to God for the use of the Altars of the Monastery. Seal of the Monastery. — A very pretty mediseval design repre- senting the adoration of tlie infant Saviour by the Magi. Tlie Blessed Virgin is seated crowned, holding in front the God- Man, also crowned, with the right hand uplifted in benediction. An angel and three Monks are adoring. In the centre is a crescent, for the Moon. Above is a large pentagonal Star of Bethlehem. *^ " S' Commvne : Monasterii : De : Kynlos." (A.D. 1574, G. Innes.) Another is given in H. Laing's Catalogue : — A fine seal, of an oval shape, in excellent preservation, and the only instance yet met with of Municipal Seals assuming the Vesica Fiscis form. A full-length figure of the Blessed Virgin and infant Jesus beneath a canopy, both crowned. On the plinth supporting the spiral pillars is the top of a Crook, ornamented. "S' Regalitatis De Kynlos." (From the original Matrix in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh.)] (Ed.) [The army marched to Kinloss on the 13th of Sep- tember — the 9th, as stated by Lord Hailes, having most likely been the date of the arrival of the advanced guard. This Abbey, in which Edward now took up his abode, was an establishment of Cistercians or white monks — so called from the white cassocks which they wore during divine service. It comprised an Abbot, a Prior, a Sub- prior, and 23 Monks. The Abbot was mitred and had a seat in Parliament. Richard, who held this office in 1289, was present, by virtue of the rank which he thus enjoyed, at the meeting of the Estates of the kingdom at DR. TAYLOR'S ACCOUNT OF EDWARD I. AT KINLOSS. 167 Brigham in that year, and affixed his seal to the Letter of the Community of Scotland, directed to Edward* His successor, whose name is not given, and who is merely mentioned by his official designation of "le Abbe de Kinlos," swore fealty to Edward in 1292. He died in 1303, but whether before or after the arrival of the King at the Abbey is not stated. This Religious House, founded by David I. in 11 50, had been richly endowed by him and his successors, William the Lion, and Alexander IL And it thus possessed at the time of Edward's visit to it, extensive property, comprising the fertile plain between the river Findhorn and Alves; the lands of Burgie; Dundurcas, on Speyside ; the estate of Grange in Strath- isla; and Ellen, in Aberdeenshire, besides fishings on the Findhorn, mills and houses in several royal burghs in the kingdom. The Abbey afforded in its cloisters, refectory, dormitories, kitchen, and other domestic offices, the accom- modation and conveniences common to such establish- ments. But besides these, it had, doubtless, like other Religious Houses of the same rank, its locutorium or parlour, where .the monks met to converse with each other ; its Scriptorium, where their books were tran- scribed, and the writing of documents was executed; its library ; its treasury, where the abbey seal, its charters, and church plate were kept; its hostelry, where strangers were entertained ; its almonery, where alms were distri- buted among the poor; and its infirmary, where the sick belonging to the Abbey were attended. Its Church; which was dedicated to the blessed Virgin, had a nave', transepts, choir, and a lofty central tower, as in Cathe- dials, and was fitted up with altars and ornamented with images and paintings. Its foundations can still be traced; and those also of the chapter-house, which stood near it The latter edifice, which was supported by six pillars, is said to have been pulled down for the sake of its build- ing materials in the last century.f "Half the gateway and the couples of several of the roofs," which were then to be seen, have also disappeared. The only parts of the ancient buildings now remaining, are one of the walls of the cloisters on the west, two fine Saxon arches on the south, and a portion of a building having an upper storey *Rymer's Fcedera, vol. ii., p. 474. __ ' t Goiigh's Additions to Camden's Britannia, vol. iii., p. 429. 168 ORCHARD, MILL, BREWHOUSE & DOVECOT OF KINLOSS, with a ground roof, supposed to have been the prior's chambers, on the east. The ruins, when visited by Pennant in 1790, afforded "specimens" as he states "of the most beautiful Gothic architecture, in all the elegance of simplicity, without any of its fantastic ornaments."* A little to the south of these ruins are the remains of a large house, of which the east gable and a portion of the wall are standing. It is arched or vaulted beneath, and has all the appearance of being a building of the 16th century. The Abbey, possessed within its own domain, all that was necessary for the support of its inmates. Adjoining it were its orchard^ and garden, well stocked with fruit trees, vegetables, and medicinal herbs ; also, its mill, brewhouse, and dovecot; while at its neighbouring grange or farm, containing many fertile cornfields and rich meadows, were well filled barns, and cattle, sheep, pigs, and poultry in abundance. The Religious Houses of England, in the 13th century, were, in consequence of their great wealth, frequently subjected to the heavy expense not only of entertaining the King, when he travelled, but also of providing forage and transport for his army when he marched through the kingdom. Abbeys of Royal foundation were also liable, unless they held by frank-almoigne, to be burdened with corodies, or the maintenance of such aged soldiers, ser- vants, or dependants, as the King might choose to billet or quarter on them. The practice of exacting supplies from Religious Houses, had been observed since the time of William the Conqueror, who invariably quartered his troops on monasteries, and obliged the monks to find provisions, by which means, it is said, he maintained his army without charge. These Houses, we are further told, were long afterwards saddled with the expense of finding carriage for the baggage of the army. It was seemingly in accordance with this usage that Edward now took up his quarters in the Abbey of Kin- * Pennant's Tour through Scotland, vol. i. t Orchards were cultivated about the residences of the clergy and nobility in Moray at an early period. Allusion is made to the King's orchard at Tarnaway in 1371 (ex parte boreali de nostri pomerii de Tarnaway). Reg. Ep. Morav, p. 474. The Castles of Kyneder and Spynie had each its orchard. EDWARD I. TAKES UP HIS QUARTERS IN KINLOSS ABBEY. 169 loss. According to Chalmers, buildings on the English plan — most probably temporary wooden barracks — were erected for the accommodation of himself and his troops. The supply of provisions and forage necessary for so large a body of men and horses as were now assembled here, must have been a heavy tax, which it required all the resources of the monks to meet. It is likely, indeed, that even these resources were insufficient for the purpose, and that the whole of the lower part of Moray was laid under contribution for supplies. Though there was a commis- sariat attached to the army, as appears from the circum- stance of large stores of wheat, oats, pease, and dried and salt fish having been purchased and laid in for the cam- paigns of 1299 and 1300, yet the expense of provisioning the troops on the present occasion was entirely borne by the Abbey of Kinloss and the neighbouring country.* Judging from one item of expenditure — viz., that of sixty chalders of malt, which Ferrarius mentions as having been consumed in the brewing of ale during Edward's residence at the Abbey — it may be presumed that the quantities of oats, barley, pease, hay, and straw, and the numbers of cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry, this Religious House had to furnish, were proportionally great. Edward appears to have been accompanied during his expeditions by a large household establishment. It is stated that, among the servants who attended him in the campaign of 1300, there were fishers with their nets. Doubt- less he had now not only these caterers for his kitchen, but also a staff of butchers, bakers, cooks, butlers, and confectioners, who were able, with the assistance of the purveyors of the household, to supply the royal table, during the march, with its ordinary luxuries and deli- cacies. Of the details of his reception at Kinloss — or of *In 1280, when Edward was preparing to invade Wales, he sent orders, according to Adam de Fulehame, for the purchase of 100 barrels of sturgeon (estigonum), and 5000 dry and salt fish of Aberdeen. The word estigonum however is supposed to be erroneously written for isiciorum (salmon). — MacPher- son's Annals of Commerce, vol. i., p. 422.— Large quantities of herrings were purchased for his garrisons in Scotland between 1299 and 1300. It also appears from the Wardrobe Accounts, (pp. 121 to 151), that wheat, oats for malt, and pease, were bought at the same time. 170 RECEPTIOX OF EDWARD I. IN KINLOSS ABBEY. the manner in which he and his suite were lodged by the Monks — there is no account extant. In the early part of the IGth century, the Abbey was fitted up with ])aintings, carved furniture, arras, and couches or beds of silk ; but it is uncertain whether it had, with the exception of the tapestry, any of these articles of luxury at the time Edward paid his unwelcome visit to it. There is little doubt, however, that a Religious House, enjoying the wealth of the Abbey of Kinloss, and superintended, as it was, by an ecclesiastic invested with the episcopal insignia of the mitre and crosier, and having precedence or rank before barons, possessed, notwithstanding the rigid rules of the Cistercian Order, an establishment which rivalled that of the highest nobles of the land, and afforded the means of entertaining even a royal guest in a manner befitting his exalted station. Edward issued letters tested at Kinloss, 19th of September [T.R. apud Kinlos, xix die Septr.], addressed to the Sheriff of York, iu favour of Christopher Seton and John Botturte, Lord of Mende- sham. He also granted letters of safe conduct, tested at the same place on the following day [T.R. apud Kinloss, XX die Septr.], to Alexander Baliol and others. On the same day (20th of Septr.) he held a Council, during which he addressed a letter to Philip, King of France, complaining of an act of piracy which some of his subjects of the port of Calais had committed on a vessel — the Goldingi May-: den'of Gippeswic [Ipswich] — belonging to Roger de Barum lie Filchan, a wool merchant of England. He states that these pirates had attacked the ship on the high seas, whilst she was on her way to certain ports in IJrabant, and that they had, after killing some and im- prisoning others of the crew, seized the vessel and cargo, lie reminds Philip that these acts of piracy constituted an infraction of the treaty of peace which had lately been concluded between them, and demands the immediate release of these in prison, and that full indemnity should be made to the owner and crew for the losses and injuries which they had suffered. On the loth of October, Edward was at Kinloss, whither he had returned on the previous day from Kil- drummie Castle. Here he issued a writ under the Privy Seal — [Teste Rege apud Kynlos, 10 die OctobrLs,* Per. *Ilymer's Foedera (new edition), vol. i., p. 939. : EDWARD I. AT LOCHINDORB AND ELGIN. I7l breve de Private Sigillo,] addressed to Roger Brabazon, William de Beretbrd, Roger de Hegham, Randolph de Sandwick, and Walter de Gloucester — commissioners appointed to inquire into a robbery of the King's treasury at Westminster, which had been broken into in the pre- vious month of May, and plundered of money to the amount of £100,000, and of plate and jewels. This large sum is said to have been collected by Edward, to enable him to carry on the war in Scotland. The Abbot, 48 Monks, and 32 Lay-brothers of the Abbey of Westminster, had been committed to the Tower of London on suspicion of having been concerned in the burglary. And it was in consequence of the accused having now piesented to the King a petition — in which they denied all knowledge of the crime imputed to them, and prayed that, as they had been falsely and maliciously charged and imprisoned, they might be speedily brought to trial, and have justice done them — that this writ, appointing the above-named commissioners, and empowering them to take evidence on oath, "both of knights and others within the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, according to the usual forms of law, was issued by Edward at Kinloss on the date before mentioned. There is little information extant in regard to the measures which Edward adopted at this time for the government of the kingdom. All that is known on this point is that while residing in Lochindorb, he appointed officers as governors of the castles and towns that had surrendered to him [in castris et villis firmatis universis sibi redditis suos ordinavit ministres.]* These officers, as might naturally be supposed, were all English — " Schyreffs and balyheys maid he them And allyrn other officers, That for to govern land affairs, He maid of Inglis nation." t They are further mentioned by Barbour, from whom these lines are quoted, as having exercised their authority with o-reat ric^our and cruelty towards all classes of people in the nation. Edward was at Elgin on the 11th of October. While *Fordun (a Hearne) p. 989. ' t " The Bruce," by Barbour. 172 EDWARD I. VISITS DUNDEE, CAMBUSKENNETH, ETC. the greater portion of his army was now engaged in sub- duing the northern counties, he was, after a sojourn of twenty-nine days in the province on his way to the south of Scotland. > His route thither is not mentioned. It is stated by Tytler that it was on his return from the north that he besieged Brechin, but it is evident from the dates mentioned in the Itinerary, that this could not have been the case, as he was at Kinross on the 10th, Elgin on the 11th, and Dundee on the 20th of October; and he could not possibly, therefore, have been employed for twenty days at this time in carrying on that siege. This castle, consequently, must have been, as already stated, invested and assaulted by him on his march towards the north, before he reached Aberdeen in August. He was at Dundee on the 20th of October, where, as already men- tioned, he issued a writ on that date. He next visited Balgarvie, near Scone, on the 22nd and 23rd, and appears to have passed thence to Camyskenel [Cambuskenneth], where he remained till the 7th of November. There is some ambiguity in regard to his movements after this date. In the Itinerary he is represented as having been at Kynloss [corrected Kinross] on the 10th of November; but, it may be stated as a corroboration of the former and not the latter being the place really meant, that there is on record a writ addressed to Roger Brabazon and the other parties already named,* ordering an inquiry into the robbery of the King's Treasury at Westminster which is tested and dated at Kynlos on this day — [Teste Rege, apud Kynlos, de 10 die Novembris.] Considering, how- ever, that the other public document relating to the same robbery was drawn up at Kiuloss on the 10th of October, it is probable that there is here an error in the date of the latter writ, and that both were issued at Kynloss on the same day, viz., the 10th of October. It may, there- fore, be presumed that Edward did not return to Moray in November; but that after his visit to Cambuskenneth Abbey he proceeded to Dunfermline, which he is said to have reached on the 11th of November. The Queen joined at this place, and here, in the splendid Abbey of the Benedictines, the}' took up their abode, and continued to hold their Court till the first week of February.] — (Taylor's Edtvard I. in the North of Scotland.) *Rymer (new edition), p. 960 — Prynne, p. 1005. IMMORAL MONKS; CELIBACY NOT CHASTITY. 173 ABBOTS OF KINLOSS. 1. Ascelinus, or Ascelyn, or Anselm, of Mellifont or Fountains. Died in 1174, March 1. (Walcott calls him, at p. 276, Scoti - Monasticon, "Joscelyne."?) (Ed.) 2. Ueinerius, or Nerius. Subsequently a Monk and Abbot of Melrose, 1188. Died 1219. 3. Radulphus, or Raljjh. Abbot of Melrose, 1194. 4. Hugh. Died 1217. 5. Andrew. 6. Alexander, Abbot of Deir. Died 6th Sept., 1222, and was buried in France. 7. Rcdpk Died 2;3rd October, 1228. 8. Robert, Abbot of Deir. 9. Richard. Died 15th Oct., 1241. 10. Herbert. Resigned in 1251. 11. Henry. Died 10th November, 1251. 12. Thomas. Died 11th February, 1258. 13. Symon. Died 18th April, 1269. (Monastery burnt.) 14. Richard. Died in England returning from Citeaux, 1274. 15. Andrew, formerly Prior of Newbottle, 1274. 16. Richard, Abbot of Deir. Died 15th July, 1289. 17. Thomas. Edward I. was his guest 20th September to 10th October, 1303. Died 1321. 18. AdaTii of Deir. 19. Richard. Under this Abbot, William, Earl of Sutherland, bestowed on Kinloss the Hospital of St. John the Baptist of Hebnisden. Patrick was Prior of the House, and by desire of the Abbot made two journeys to Rome about certain disputed lands. Died in 1371. 20. Adam of Teras. Lived in concubinage and had issue. Buried under a sculptured stone, before the Presbytery, in 1401. He erected the Abbot's Hall. 21. William Blair, LL.D. Abbot of Kinloss from 1401 to 1430, when he became Abbot of Cupar in Angus, where he was formerly a Monk. In 1419 he deposed John, Abbot of Culross, on account of his incontinency ; and in his time the Abbot of Pontigny came to Scotland on a mission from the Heads of the Cistercian Order, "that he might perhaps repair the collapse of religion." Died in 1445. 174 MAGNIFICENT VESTMENTS, &c., FOR KINLOSS ABBEY. 22. John Flutere. Lived in office 10 years, when in 1440 he was degraded for his incontinency. He bought, at great cost, the silver pastoral staff which the Abbots (mitred) afterwards used at Mass. In his time the Cistercians were banished from Pluscardine and the Benedictines introduced in their place. Two of the Cistercians were sent to Kinloss, one of whom, after showing his unchastity, was transferred to the Monastery of Deir, where he died in old age. 23. John Ellem brought to the Monastery a choice altar-piece and two silver candlesticks for the High Altar, with a third of bronze, at which the Gospel is read, as also several dalmatics and chasubles. He built a vaulted entrance to the cloister, and made preparations for build- ing a Bell tower, but was prevented by his death in 1467. 24. James Guthry was a B.D., and erected the Bell tower which his predecessor had projected, and placed on it a spire ; and in his improvements, having fallen short of money, he sold the organs, which were afterwards at Forres (Walcott says Forfar?), and a basin and ewer of silver, afterwards at Dunfermline. He would also have sold the fine painting of the High Altar had he not been prevented by the vicars of Spynie and Elgin, both of the name of Ellem. After a time he selected William Galbraith to be his successor at Kinloss, simoni- acally. For pretending old age he squeezed from Galbraith a large sum, in the hope of being made Abbot of Cupar- Angus, in which he was formerly cellarer or butler. It turned out that he could neither retain Kinloss nor obtain Cupar. He died of chagrin at Forfar in 1482 and was buried there. Under him was David Eliot, a Monk, who purchased or transcribed various vols, of Ritual. He also bought for the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist an Image and a Ghasuble. Another of the Monks was William Butters, who, in anger, committed homicide by striking a boy in the cloister. He went to Rome with another Monk and obtained letters of absolution, a copy of which he sent home to the Abbot, but neither he nor his companion returned. 25. William Galbraith was Subchanter of Moray when he was selected by the above Abbot Guthry to be his successor. He was the first who sent to Rome for Papal MURDERS AND RAPES WITHIN THE CHURCH OF DYKE. 175 Bulls — (from Bulla a seal or stamp appended to the Pope's official edict or mandate, hence the Edict or "Bull " itself). Prior to this the Abbots were canonically elected by the suffrages of the Monks and the confirmation of the Abbot of Melrose. The cup of this Abbot, having a silver hoop, continued to be used at the Abbot's table at Kinloss. He died in liOl, and was buried in the Chapel of St. Peter in the Abbey. 26. William Culross was very devout and corpulent, but nevertheless active in fleshly pleasures and venery. He was very handy in planting and grafting trees and other like work, and wrote several treatises on Ritual for the use of the House. He died on the 28th December, 1504, and was buried in the Chapel of St. Thomas in the Abbey. In 1515, John Gordon was excommunicated for pillag- ing the sacristy at midnight on the 27th December. A few years later, on Whitsun-Eve, the Macintoshes mur- dered 15 men, besides ravishing many matrons and maidens, within the Church of Dyke. 27. Thomas Chrystal. " But that was an affair of greater moment which was carried on [by Thomas Chrystal, the 27th Abbot of Kinloss, A.D. 1499] in defence of his Monastery against Alexander Gordon, Earl of Huntly, for seven years, with no less prudence than perseverance. Alexander desired that the field of Ballaoht [Balloch], in the barony of Strathisla, which the Monks and Abbot of Kinloss held, should be annexed to his possessions ; and, as he had no right in the case, he more than once threatened the Abbot with death for contending for his just right. But not even by those terrors could the Abbot be induced to yield to the Earl — indeed, at the mention of death he always undauntedly reverted very wisely to former times. At length, after infinite labour both of mind and body, and a very severe contest, the Abbot obtained the end desired ; and, in memory of this case, the Earl Alexander executed a public instrument of his giving up his claim, to which also his seal was attached, as may be seen in Kinloss. To this most complicated business was added the affair of Agnes, sister of Alexander, Earl of Huntly, whom memory says was formerly the wife of James Ogilvy of Finlater. She had begun a strong contention with the 176 FORTALICE AT GRANGE, NEAR KEITH. '■ Abbot about land at Strathisla, called Hawinthfe ; but the vigilance of the Abbot immediately repressed this flame, nor was she able to strive long, for the case at once fell to the ground. So the matter returned to the Abbot very meritoriously I will note below certain magnificent edifices which were erected by this Abbot Chrystal. The first that occurs is what is now to be seen in the lands of his Monastery, or rather the barony of Strathisla [a territory stretching from the Knock Hill to the Balloch]. There he constructed a sufficiently large and no less strong House from the foundation, in the shape of a Castle or Fortalice, in the year of the Saviour Christ 1525. To this House he added, before the half doors, a porch with a stone stair. Afterwards he built an elegant kitchen for the cooks for preparing the rations, and round about the tower he repjiired the old and decayed buildings for vari- ous future uses He built two mills at Strathisla . , 1. . . and placed in the Chapel at Strathisla a by no means contemptible statue of the Divine Virgin and Mother on a pedestal The one mill was at Old Newmill, being the U'pjier, and the other at Nether Mills, beautifully situated. As the aflfairs of mortals are frail, I desire by this hastily collected compendium of acts to make it as it were a small present to my senior master, Thomas Cr^^stall, Lord Abbot of Kinloss, on the first of January. Behold how so often death prevents our attempts ! He was already advanced in years, and in the height of summer fell into a dropsy, which, however, the labour of the physicians reduced to tumours only in the feet and legs. And there was hope that after a time he would overcome it, and end his life by paralysis. But it turned out far otherwise. When he grew ashamed of the swelling he was prevailed on by his friends to commit himself to the care of the most skilful in the medical art. By their advice he called in the very celebrated Mr. Hector Boece ; who, when he saw him, gave no hope of his restoration to health ; in order, however, to humour the patient, and in some degree his friends also, he gave some prescriptions most suited to the disease. In vain, however, all in vain ; indeed, the disease became more virulent and moved the tumour of the legs to the higher parts and to the bowels. DETAILS OF THE DEATH OF THOMAS CHRYSTALL. 177 When the physician ascertained this, he tried to remove the accumulations and the hardness of the belly by clysters and issues. But not even in this way did he succeed, for on the night that followed the fourth of the Calends of January (between the 29 and 30 December), about 11 o'clock, in his tower of Strathisla, this very excellent man. Lord Thomas, departed this life. [1535.] But that any one reading this may the better under- stand the piety of the man, we shall put on record some further particulars. In the first place, he was very solicitous that there should be a consultation with the people committed to his charge in both baronies before he died. In each of them he discharged in perpetuity much of the annual payments, and to most of the rest he made various grants. Then, three days before his death, he most religiously fulfilled the Brief of the Supreme Pontifi" Paul III., by which it was decreed that Confession being nightly per- formed and a three days' fast, and the most Holy Com- munion received, Christ's faithful should obtain pardon of all their sins. In the article of death, having first been anointed with the sacred ointment, he often implored mercy of the most gentle Jesus, and begged of his domestics to pardon him in His name who for us hung upon the Tree, if at any time he had treated them harshly. And frequently he called upon the divine Jerome, whom he chiefly held among the Saints as his patron while he lived, that, being cleansed from the stains of all vices contracted in this world, he might commend him to the Lord Jesus. Lastly, when speech failed him, he very, very often kissed the type of the Crucifix, and with uplifted hand repeatedly fortified himself with the sign of the Cross. And while the praiseworthy man was showing such tokens of true piety, he yielded up his spirit to Christ. And to sum up the whole matter in a few words — he was born in the year of our Lord fourteen hundred and seventy-eight ; and coming out of the eighteenth year of his age, he became a candidate of the Cistercian Institute, under the Lord Abbot of Kinloss, Lord William Galbraith; then at the expiry of a year he professed the Rule of Divine Benedict, and in due order was shortly advanced to the Order of Priest ; being nominated to the sacerdotal VOL. IlL 12 178 THOMAS CHRYSTALL, ABBOT OF KINLOSS. character under the Bishop of Ross, in the last week of the Fast of Lent, on the third day of Easter [Tuesday in Easter week], immediately after he had been initiated he celebrated his first Mass. This happened under the novitiate of David Spens, whose instructor (being then a Deacon), in what regards the ceremonies of religion, Lord Thomas was. But after some years, and for a good reason, he was declared Abbot of the Monastery of Kinloss by Lord William Culross ; and being anointed Abbot by the Bishop of Brechin, by name Meldrum, on the Feast of St. John the Baptist, he returned to his Monastery ; and again on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Blessed Virgin and Mother, he first celebrated the Sacrifice on his promotion to the office of Abbot with great but not the less religious splendour. But from that time he was wholly occupied in managing his Monastery, in contending with adversaries, in restoring buildings in ruins from old age, in constructing and erecting new houses, in purchasing as well for the use of his own family as for the Sacrifice, silver vessels and sacred vest- ments, in the exercise of discipline among the Monks, and in an infinity of such like works. When he saw from his age that he was hastening to death, which is common to all, that he might provide for the future, in the sixtieth year of his age, he appointed as the future Abbot a man in every way most celebrated, and a Subdean of the Church of Moray, Mr. Robert Reid, now my mecenas. After the election of his successor he lived seven years, less or more. From the year in which Lord Thomas first saw the light till the last day of his life he completed sixty-seven years. And on the third of the Calends of January he was carried by night to the Monastery and buried in the sepulchre built by himself near by the High Altar. Requiescat in pace. — Amen." (Translation from Ferrerius History of the Abbey of Kinloss, in Latin. Edinburgh, 1839. Given also in Dr. Stuart's Records of Kinloss, 1872.) Seal of Thomas, Abbot of Kinloss. — A full length figure of a Monk, with a pastoral staff in his right hand and a breviary in his left. At the dexter side is a mullet, and at the sinister a crescent. " SiGiLLU Abb[atis] De Kynlos." (Appended to Charter of the Patronage of the Church of Ochiltree, in Kyle, to the Abbey of Metros, A.D. 7316.) ABBOTS ROBERT AND WALTER REID. 179 28. Robert Reid was born at Akynhead, in the parish of Kinneddar, his father being John Reid, who fell at the Battle of Flodden; he was the 28th Abbot of Kinloss. In 1538 Alexander Ogilvie of Finlater, the successor of the former, revived the old settled dispute with this Abbot about the territory called Hawinthfe in Strathisla. After various debates before the King and Parliament the Abbot regained his suit. In 1533 he was sent by the King, along with William Stuart, Bishop of Aberdeen, on an embassy to Henry A^III. for a peace between the English and Scotch, which was arranged. On various occasions he received from King Henry, gifts of many silver vessels. He was, in 1535 and in 1536, sent to France on missions about the marriage of James V. In 1538 he erected a spacious fire-proof library at Kinloss, and adorned his Monastery with many new buildings. In 154-0 he built the nave of the Church at Beauly, and restored the bell tower, which had been destroyed by lightning. He brought from France a gardener who was expert at the planting and grafting of fruit trees, and who was also skilled in surgery; who lost one of his feet in a sea fight against the Spaniards near Marseilles. In 1538 Abbot Reid invited to Kinloss a celebrated painter, Andrew Bairhum, who was occupied for three years in painting altar-pieces for three Chapels in the Church. Although appointed Bishop of Orkney, he still retained the title of Abbot of Kinloss. To his liberality is owing the foundation of the College of Edin- burgh. He died at Dieppe on the 15th Sept., 1558. Seal of Robert Reid, Abbot of Kinloss. — Beautifully executed design of a full-length figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary and infant Jesus, -\vith a ball in his hands, signifying the world. In the lower part of the seal is a shield charged with a stag's head erased, the shield supported by a pastoral staff. " Sigilt^U RoBERTi Abbatis Monasterti De Kynlos." (c. A.D. 1550." — Detached Seal. C. Innes.) In 1544 is recorded the burial of James, Earl of xMoray, at Kinloss, before the High Altar, in the middle space between the " gradus confessionis " and where the Paschal candle stands. 29. Walter Reid, nephew of the former, was aihnitted to the office of Abbot of Kinloss in 1553, and was the last. He subscribed the first Covenant in 1500, and 180 THE ABBOT OF GRANGE SLAIN BY TAM o' EIVEN. alienated a great part of the Abbey lands of Kinloss, as well as those of the Priory of Beauly. He married Margaret Collace, a daughter of the house of Balnamoon, by whom he had several children. He was dead on the 1st January, 1589, when in a submission signed by Margaret Collace, who is described as relict of Walter, Abbot of Kinloss. 80. Walter Hetton, precentor, became Prior of Beauly. MONASTERY OF ST. MARY AT STRATHISLA OR GRANGE. The Abbots of Kinloss had in Grange a Castle in which they frequently resided, built on the top of a small mount, partly natural, partly artificial, surrounded by a dry ditch, upon the south side of a rising ground, overlooking extensive haughs, and the small River Isla meandering through them for several miles. Of this Castle there now remains nothing but a heap of rubbish. At the foot of a small natural mount, called the Lady Hill, adjoining the eminence on which the Castle stood, is a spring called the Lady Well. Another sprin gon the south bank of the Isla, directly opposite the Church door, is called the Croik Well. The Gallowhill, a small hill lying north of the Church, is so called because it was the place of execution for criminals tried and condemned in the Abbot's Regality Court. (Stat. Ace. of Scotland, vol. ix.) On the north shoulders of the two Ballochs (the Little and Muckle), between the glacks, is the famous spot where an Abbot of Grange challenged Tarn Gordon o' Riven (who had " a lucken han'," i.e., webbed, having the fingers joined like the toes of a duck or goose) to decide a dispute about certain lands. Tam o' Riven slew the Abbot. The scene and localities are graphically (barring blunders) portrayed in a scarce brochure by John A. Cameron, Banff, printed in 1849. The Rentall of the Abbay of Kynlos • (a.d. 1574.) The Baronie of Straithylay * Item, the mains and landis of Straithylay, with tour, fortalice, and orchard of the samyn, The Clerk Sett, Boglugy, Thornetoun, Hauches, Murifald, Brakhall, Cairn- hillis, Cairgleithe, Auchindanery, Ouir Mylne, Nethir Mylne, and mylne landis of the samyn, sent for j'' xxj lib. XV s. j d. RENTAL OF THE MONASTERY AT GRANGE. 181 Item, the landis underwrittin, videlicet, the landis of Millegin, Garwotwod, Eister Cranokis, Newland thairof, Westir Cranokis, Eister Croylettis, Westir Cro3^1ettis, Ethres, the half landis of Balluamene, Fortrie, Newland of Fortrie, the ouer sett and nether sett of Kilmanitie, the landis of The Clerk Saitt of the west syde of the burne, the landis of the xix oxingange of The Knok, sett for y Ixij lib. iiij s. Item, the remanent of the Knok, extending to xiij oxingange, set to the tennentis for yeirlie payment of xij lib. xviij d. iij bollis, iij firlots custume meill ; iij bollis, iij firlotis custume aittis ; iij wedderis, iij quarteris wedder, viij caponis. Item, the landis of Auchinhovis, with the pendicles, Glengarock and Mengreowis, sett for Ixxiij lib. v s. ij d. Item, the landis of the hauches of Kilmyntutie sett for V merks, vi s. viij d., tua firlotis custum meill, and ane boll of custume aittis, ane wedder, ane guis, thrie caponis, and thrie pultrie. The landis of Kelliesmonth, Toirmoir, and Nether Kylmanedy, sett for xxxviij lib. xviij s. The landis of Pethnik, sett for vij lib xj s., viij caponis, xvj pultrie, and twa geis. Item, the landis of Edingeith, with the pendicles, sett for xix lib. vij s. viij d. xj s. ryne marte silver, ij geis, viij caponis, xvj pultrie. The landis of Over and Nether Cantlie, sett for viij lib. xi s., ij bollis of custume meill, ij bollis custume aittis, ij wedderis, viij caponis, xvj pultrie, xi s. ryne marte silver. Item, the landis of Fluris, and the landis of the auld toun of Ballamene, sett for yeirlie payment of ix lib. ix s. V d., ij firlotis custume meill, ij firlotis custume aittis, half ane weddir, xiij geiss, iij caponis, iij pultrie, ij s. ix d. in ryne mart silver. , r^ i ■ Item, the landis of Windhills, calit the Sauchy town, sett for the yeirlie payment of vij lib. xiiij s. viij d. v s. vj d. in ryne marte silver, ij bollis custume meill, ij bollis custume aittis, ij wedderis, xij geiss, xij caponis, xij ^^^Item the landis of Over Hauchies of Kelleismonth, sett for the yeirlie payment of iiij lib. xx d., ij bollis meill, ij bollis aittis, j wedder, j guis, iij caponis, vj pultrie. ] 82 RENTAL OF THE BARONY OF STRATHISLA. Item, the landis of Lynnache, sett for payment of vj lib. viij s. iiij d. Item, the Newlands of Millegin, callit Jonettis Scheill, with Straibknow, sett for the yeirlie payment of xx s. Item, the Lady land, sett for yeirlie payment of iij lib. vj s. viij d. Thir ar to be deducit of the money victuallis aboue specifiet : — Item, to the baillie of Straithylay for his fie, x lib. Item, to the offieiar of Straithylay for his fie, xl s.] {The Booh of the Chronicles of Keith, &c., by the Editor.) I now go to THE PRIORIES. Of these we had three, viz.: — At Urquhart, Pluscarden and Kingussie. At first the Prior was but the ruler of the Abbey under the Abbot, who was Priimis in the Monastery, and the Prior was no dignitary. But afterwards a mother Abbey detached a party of its Monks and obtained a settlement for them in some other place, and becoming a separate Convent a Prior was set over them ; and their house was called Cella Grangia, or Obedientia, denoting that they depended on a superior Monastery. This was called a Con- ventual Prior, and was a dignitary ; but a Prior in the Abbey was only a Claustral Prior. The oldest in this Province was THE PRIORY OF URQUHART, Founded by King David I., anno 1125, in honour of the Trinity. It was a cell of Dunferm- line, planted with Benedictine or Black Monks, NO ACCOUNT OF THE REVENUES OF URQUHART PRIORY. 18S of the Order of Fleurie. King David endowed it liberally, granting "to the Church of the Holy Trinity of Urchard, and to the Prior and Brethren there serving God, Urchard, two Finfans, and Fochabers, by their right divisions, a commonty of pasture to animals, one fishing in Spey, twenty shillings in the Burgh of Elgin, and to the Lord- sMpmen in Fochabers a right of the fishing which belongs to Tain, and the teind-cane of Argyle, Moray, and of the Pleas, and of the whole rent of the same Argyle, also Penic, near Erin, by its right divisions, and the shealings of Fathnechtin, and all the rights which the Monks of Dunfermline were wont to have in Moray." All the lands now called the Lordship of Urquhart, the village and lands of Fochaber, the lands of Penic near Aldern, the lands of Dalcross, a fishing on Spey, pertained to this Priory, as did the patronage of Urquhart, Bellie, and Dalcross. The revenues of this Priory were not given up anno 1563, so I can give no account of them. The Priory lands were erected in a regality. The building stood in a hollow north-east of the Church of Urquhart, but scarce any vestige thereof remains. In the year 1565 Alexander Seaton, son to Lord Seaton, was made Commen- dator of Pluscarden ; and 3rd August, 1591, he was created Lord Urquhart, and Earl of Dun- fermline anno 1605. But Earl James being forfeited anno 1690, Seaton of Barns claimed the 184 LANDS GRANTED TO THE PRIORY OF URQUHART. Lordship of Urquhart, and about the year 1730 it was purchased by the family of Gordon. PRIORY OF URQUHART. [No vestige now remains to mark the locality where it stood, save an ancient well, which is still known by the name of the " Abbey Well." This Priory was a Cell of Benedictines of the Abbey of Dunfermline, and was endowed with a considerable extent of land in the neigh- bourhood, comprising the two Finfans and what subse- quently constituted the Lordship of Urquhart. The Monks are mentioned as performing the offices of religion to the inhabitants of Meft, Innes, Sallescot, Byn, and Garmach,* and as receiving for their services three-fifths of the tithes of these places, the other two-fifths falling to the share of the rector of Eskyll, to whose parish these places were then considered as belonging. Of the baronies in this part of the country, the one of which earliest mention is made is the estate of Innes and Easter Urqu- hart [Inees et etherurecard],"f* which was granted by Malcolm IV. to Berowald the Fleming in the previous century, and the possession of which was confirmed to Walter de Innes, the grandson of that noble, by Alexander II. in a charter dated at Cullen on the 20th of Jan., 1226.;|: The lands of Meft had been granted by William the Lion to the grandfather of a noble, named Eugenius, who proved before a court in the reign of Alexander III., in 1268, that this property was not a thanedom, and thus succeeded in obtaining its recognition as a barony. It was possessed by a son of this Baron at the time of Edward's visit to Moray. Urquhart was governed by a Prior, who, in 1343, was sufficiently independent to settle the obligation of the Priory to pay the expense of serving the Chapel of Kilravock; but in 1358 the Abbot of Dunfermline asserted that the Prior could not be elected without his sanction. In 1429 there is a letter from Columban, Bishop of Moray, authorising the Commissioner of the Abbot of Dunferm- * Reg. Ep. Morav, p. 102. t Beg. Ep. Morav, p. 453. \ Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff (Note to Table of Contents;, vol. ii., p. 20. ORANTS TO URQUHART CONFIRMED BY SEVERAL POPES. 185 line — the King's assent having been also obtained to the Commission — to inquire into, correct, and reform the Priorate and Prior of the Abbot's Cell of Urquhart, on account of some crimes come to the ears of the Abbot. The Bishop at the same time addressed a letter to the Prior of Urquhart, Andrew Raeburn, informing him that the Abbot intended, by his Commissioner, to hold a visitation of the Priory, and requiring the Prior to attend it. What faults the Prior of Urquhart had committed does not appear, nor the result of the visitation.] (Taylor's Edivard I. in the North of Scotland.) [The grant referred to at page 183, is confirmed by Popes Alexander III, 1163; Lucius III., 1182; Gregory IX., 1234. There is a Charter granted by Robert Keldelecht, Abbot of Dunfermline, between 1240 and 1252, of the lands of Kildun, near Dingwall, in Ross, with all their pertinents, to Richard of Moray, and his heirs, for his making an annual payment at the Feast of the Nativity of the blessed John the Baptist, " in our Cell of Urchard, to the Superior of it for the time being," which is sealed and attested by the Chapter of Dunfermline. And there is another somewhat similar Charter to a different person by Abbot Alexander de Berwick, between 1321 and 1353. In 1358, in the reign of David II., and the Pontificate of Innocent VII., and the incumbency of John, Abbot of Dunfermline, a protestation is issued concerning the Priory of Urchard. The south and east parts of the parish of Urquhart were erected into a temporal Lordship, and given by James VI. to his favourite courtier, Alexander Seton, from which he took one of his titles (Baron of Urquhart), in 1591. He afterwards became Chancellor of Scotland and Earl of Dunfermline. He sold the Kirk Lands of Durris, which were a part of the lands of the Priory of Urquhart, to Mark Dunbar, in 1592, reserving the patronage and the teinds ; and Dunbar disposed the whole barony of the parish of Durris to Sir John Campbell of Calder, 4th August, 1608, who, in 1610, purchased from Dunfermline the^patronage of Dalcross and the patronage and teinds of Durris. The Earl of Dunfermline mortified 12 bolls of meal, to be paid out of the Mill of Urquhart, as the salary of the School of Urquhart. l86 THE ABBEY WELL OF THE PRIORY OF URQUHART. The rest of the property of the Priory of Urquhart was bestowed by William II. on Livingstone, Viscount Kilsyth, whose estates were forfeited in 1690, and himself attainted in 1715. His portion of it was subsequently purchased by the Duke of Gordon, and now belongs to Lord Fife. The patronage of the Churches of Urquhart, Bellie, and Dalcross belonged to this Priory. The Kirk of Urquhart was a parsonage, and dedicated to St. Margaret, the mother of the founder of the Priory. The Priory lands were erected into a regality, and in 1535, James Beaton, Archbishop of St. Andrews, and George Dury, Commen- dator of the Monastery, appointed four persons to hold Justiciary Courts of the Regality of Dunfermline, below the Lordship of Urquhart and Priory of Pluscarden. The Priory was situated in a field a little to the east of the Parish Church. The Ahhey Well is the only memorial that remains. About 1345 this Cell, as well as that of Pluscarden, fell into disorder, and the Pope having commissioned some of the Bishops of Scotland to inquire into the irregularities, it was soon after separated from Dunfermline and conjoined to Pluscarden. At and before the Reformation, the Priors began to feu out the lands, reserving only in their own possession the manor, places, and mills ; the revenue which by that method they drew from thence, if we take into account the teinds and multures, would even at this day be nearly equal to a moderate rent. In 1654, the greater part of the materials were carried off to build a granary near the shore at Garmouth, the remainder, soon after, was employed in repairing the manse and enclosing the churchyard. {Old Stat. A cct. of Scotland.) The following paragraph is taken from the Glasgoiv Herald of 30th January, 1866 : — A man ploughing a piece of moss ground on the farm of Clockeasy, parish of Urquhart, last week, struck what he took to be a tree root. A short time afterwards, Mr. Taylor, the farmer, went with a spade to dig out the root, when he dis- covered that it was a square piece of oak, with planks of the same wood morticed into it. The next day three went to work to find out the secret, and, when they had dug round about it, they found it to be 4 posts, 6 feet square, all boxed up with planks, which were morticed into the posts, each of which was 9 inches square. On investigation being made as DISCOVERY OF THE FARM OF CLOCKEASY. 187 to what was within this planking, some bones were found and a lot of earthen vessels, which at one time had had handles, eight of which were turned quite distinct. There was also found a lead plate and some other articles, and it was observed that there had been one shelf round the square enclosure ■vvithin the planking. The place where this discovery was made is between the moss and a piece of rising ground. Our corre- spondent says there had once been buildings near the spot, which they call the Abbey. It seems to be the place where the old Priory of Urquhart stood, in a hollow to the north-east of the village of Urquhart. Not a vestige of this Religious House now remains, nor has it been visible for about seventy years. The Old Statistical Account of Urquhart, published in 1795, says that the site of it had lately been converted into an arable field, and the name of the "Abbey Well," which the country people still give to the well which supplied the Monks with water, was the only memorial of it that then remained. It is likely the discovery will be found to have some connection with the old Abbey. There are several Priors of this place mentioned in the two Chartularies of Moray, which are still preserved amongst the curious collection of manuscripts belonging to the Faculty of Advocates ; for Richard, Prior of Urqu- hart, subscribes the fixing of the Cathedral of Moray at Spynie, and the foundation of eight Canons settled there by Bishop Bricius, brother to William, Lord Douglas, in the reicfn of King William the Lion. PRIORS OF URQUHART. 1. Richard is noticed as in office in 1203, 1212, and 1221, in Wilkin's Concilia, p. 533. He subscribed the fixing of the Cathedral of Elgin at Spynie and the foun- dation of eight Canons settled there by Bishop Bricius, brother to William, Lord Douglas, in the reign of King William the Lion. 2. Thomas was present at a Synod of Andrew, Bishop of Moray, held at Elgin in 1232, and was Sub-Legate for composing a difference between the Bishop of Moray and David of Strathbogie. 3. William is noticed in the Register of Moray, pp. 36, 103, 461-2. 4. John, in 1248, appears in the Register of Dun- fermline. 188 PRIORS OF URQUHART. 5. W. de Rathen, 1260-86, appears in the Registers of Diinferinline and Moray. 6. John Blak, 1358, cellarer, having lost the Abbotship of Dunfermline, he became Prior of Urquhart. 7. Robert, 1369, was present at a Synod called at Elgin this year, "de decimis solvendis de plaustris ducentibus in eremia." 8. Adam de Hadyngton, 1388. 9. William de Bushy, 1390. In 1388 he appealed to Walter Trail, Bishop of St. Andrews, against Alexander Bar, Bishop of Moray, for an unjust appointment to the Priorate of Urchard. 10. Andreiv Raehurn, 1429. 11. Williar)i de Boy is, 1454-62. As the Revenues of this Priory were not returned in 1563, no account of them can be given. They were seized by the Crown and granted partly to Court favour- ites and partly as rewards to the Champions of the Reformation.] {Monasticon, by the Editor.) Next erected was THE PRIORY OF PLUSCARDEN, Which was founded by King Alexander II. 1230, in honour of St. Andrew, and named Vallis Sti AndrecB. [In a Bull by Pope Urban in 1263, the rights and privileges which had been conferred upon it are confirmed ; and it is termed Monas- terium Vallis Sancti Andrece^ It was planted Monaclii Vallis Caulium, a reform of the Cister- cians brought into Scotland by Bishop Malvoisin of St. Andrews, and settled in Pluscarden, Beaulie and Ardchatton. They were different from the Camaldulians, or Monachi Vallis UuibroscB, who were properly Hermits. Of the Monachi Vallis Caulium, only the Prior and the Procurator were REVENUE OF THE PRIORY OF PLUSCARDEN. 189 allowed to go without the precinct. The monks of Pluscarden, at first independent, afterwards becoming vicious, the Priory was reformed and made a cell of Dunfermline. By the munificence of our Kings and great men, the Priory became very rich. The whole valley of Pluscarden, 3 miles in length, in the parish of Elgin ; the lands of Old Mills, near the town of Elgin ; some lands in Durris, and the lands of Grangehill [now Dalvey] belonged to it. At this last place the Prior had a Grangia and a cell of monks. Likewise the mills of Old Mills near Elgin pertained to the priory. The town lands were thirled to those Mills, and Omnia grana crescentia cum allitis et invectis,^'' were to be grinded at these mills. King Eobert Bruce also gave the priory a fishing on the river of Spey. The Revenue of the Priory, as given up anno 1563, was as follows :— ^525 10s. lid.; wheat, 1 chalder 1 boll 2 firlots; malt meal and bear, 51 chalders 4 bolls 3 firlots 1 peck ; oats, 5 chalders 13 bolls ; dry multures, 9 chalders 11 bolls ; salmon, 30 lasts; grassums, cain, customs, poultrie, &c., omitted. De- ducted anno 1563, to ilk ane of five monks m kethmg and habit, silver £16 : and to ilk ane in victual, 1 chalder 5 bolls per annum. , -r. • , r> ■ [The following is a collated list from the Registruvi Episco- patus Momviensis .—Lordshiiy of Pluscarden, £262 16s. 2d. money; Baronies of Farnen and Urquhart, 31c. 10k victual Fishings, besides 30 lastis, intromitted with by the blieriff ot Moray, allegand him to half the samin in feu-farme Kirk of Pluscarden, £100 and 7c. lib. victual; Kirkis ot Urquhardc and Bellie, 28c. 10b. If. ip.; and in money, with the vicarages of the samin, but out of use of payment during this i nstant * Translation.— AW the growing corns, with such as were brought and ground there. (Ed.) 190 BUILDINGS OF THE PRIORY OF PLUSCARDEN. controversie and trouble. Kirk of Durris and Dalcons, £122 Os. 8d.; Mills of Forres, £46 13s. 4d.— 4c. 6b. victual. The Scotch money must be reckoned at only yV of the value of our sterling coin of the same name. The wages to the master, cook, porter, baker, gardener, and malt maker, was 14 bolls to each.] (Ed.) The buildings stood 4 miles south-west from the town of Elgin, near the entry of the valley, at the foot of the north Hill, which reverberating the sunbeams renders the place very warm. The walls of the precinct are almost entire, and make near a square figure. The Church stands about the middle of the square ; a fine edifice in the form of a cross, with a square tower in the middle all of hewn asher. The oratory and refectory join to the south end of the Church, under which is the dormitory. The Chapter House is a curious piece of workmanship ; an octagonal cube, whereof the vaulted roof is sup- ported by one pillar. The lodgings of the Prior and cells of the monks were all contiguous to the Church. Within the precinct were gardens and green walks. In a word, the remains of this Priory shew, that those monks lived in a stately palace, and not in mean cottages. The Prior was Lord of Regality within the Priory lands, and had a distinct regality in Grangehill, called '* The Regality of Stanefore- noon." At the Reformation, Sir Alexander Seaton, afterwards Earl of Dunfermline, was anno 1565 made Commendator of Pluscarden. He disponed the Church lands of Durris, with the DISPONINGS OF LANDS AT THE REFORMATION. 191 patronage and the lands of Grangehill, and the Barony of Phiscarden and Old Mills, 23rd Febru- ary, 1595, to Kenneth MacKenzie of Kintail, who got a Novo Damns, dated 12th March, 1607, of that Barony. ^' With all and sundry the teind- sheaves of the whole lands and barony, with their pertinents, which were never separated from the stock, and of which the Prior and Convents and their predecessors, were in possession in all times past." May 9th, 1633, George of Kintail, brother and heir of the said Kenneth, disponed the barony to his brother Thomas M'Kenzie ; from whom Sir George MacKenzie of Tarbet evicted it, by a charter of apprising anno 1649, and disponed it anno 1662 to the Earl of Caithness and Major George Bateman. The Earl transferred his right to the Major anno 1664 ; and the Major sold the whole barony to Lndowick Grant of Grant anno 1677. Here let it be remarked, that Alexander Brodie of Lethin, father-in-law to Grant, paid the purchase money £5000 sterhng, and Grant possessed Pluscarden only as tutor or trustee for his second son James, and in 1709 resigned in his favour. From the said James Grant (the late Sir James), Wilham Duff of Dipple pur- chased it anno 1710; and now it is the property of the Earl of Fife. [The walls, &c., of the Abbey of Pluscarden, though unroofed, are almost entire, and in good preservation. 192 PRIORY OF PLUSCARDEN. The Church was cruciform, having a saddle-back Tower rising in the centre. The whole buildings are worthy of the minutest study. In its general outline this Priory resembles very much the Abbey of Melrose, only it is smaller and less ornamented. The walls of the Church are lofty, and their high-pointed roofs reached almost to the topmost ledge of the tower walls. Great variety is shown in the disposition of the lights. The lines of these, especially of the choir windows, are singularly elegant. On the arch leading from the body of the Church to the choir are still seen the remains of paintings with which the walls were ornamented, consist- ing of delineations of the moon and stars, and part of a figure with an eagle on his arm, supposed to be St. John writing the Book of Revelation. The beautiful red sandstone of the neighbourhood has formed the materials of the Priory, and has well resisted the action of the elements. The entire walls of this large structure are completely covered with ivy, even to the top of the tower walls ; and it is doubtful whether it does not now present a more picturesque object than when in its pristine gi-andeur. The arched kitchen under part of the dormi- tories has been fitted up as a place of worship for the members of the Free Kirk in the neighbourhood. In it has been placed a very fine old Pulpit, removed from old St. Giles', in Elgin. Other portions have been formed into a shooting-box for the Earl of Fife, and others are fitted up annually as a dancing-hall, &c., for the Volun- teers ! The garden is now chiefly a nursery. There were several Chapels — 1. of the Dead ; 2. of St. Jerome ; 8. of St. Lawrence ; 4. of St. Mary ; 5. of St. Ann, on the north-west side of the nave ; 6. of St. Peter ; 7. of the Holy Cross ; 8, of St. John, Evangelist ; 9. of St. Andrew; 10. of St. Thomas; 11. of St. Bernan ; 12. of St. Mary Magdalen.]— (Ed.) [The first edifice that presents itself is the Church that was originally intended to have been built in the form of a Cross. The foundation of the western transept has been laid but never finished. The plan of the whole had been repeatedly changed, as appears by the windows. Its dimensions are : — MEASUREMENTS OF THE PRIORY OF PLUSCARDEN. 193 Feet. Inch. Length of the Church from north to south, - - 94 4^ (On the east has been a suite of aisles.) Breadth of the Church within the aisles, - - 27 8 Breadth, including the aisles, - - - - 46 10 Length of the eastern transept, - - - - 56 1 Breadth of Do., .... 26 4 Contiguous to the Church, on the south, is the Lady's or Virgin's Aisle, extending from east to west, 56 1 This long, narrow vault is in breadth, - - - 13 To the south of the Lady's Aisle is the Chapter- house, supported by a clustered pillar, an elegant room, illuminated by foiir very large ■windows. It is about 30 feet square. Contiguous to this, on the south, is a vaulted lobby, leading to a cloistered court on the west. Beyond this, to the south, is the kitchen, a large room, supported by two pillars. Its Length, 45 G Breadth, 29 8 Beneath the southmost half of the kitchen was a large vault, employed as a cemetery. The vault has been thrown down long ago, but the hollow space it occupied, and the doors leading to it, are to be seen. Contiguous to, and at right angles with the kitchen, on the west, was the refectory, a large hall, in length about 94 Beneath this there was a range of cellars. On the west of the Lady's Aisle and Chapter-house, &c., was a cloistered court, for enjoying the benefit of the open air in rainy weather. Its south wall formed by the north wall of the re- fectory. It was in - - Length - 99 8 Breadth - 94 4 Along the roofs of the Lady's Aisle, and Chapter- house, and kitchen, was the Dormitory. In Length - ^If " Breadth - - - - ■ . ' It was divided by a passage in the middle mto two suites of bed-chambers, in number about 13. At the south-east corner of the kitchen stood the Prior's house, communicating with the Church by a door in the south-east corner of the Dormitory, the passage in the middle of which led by another door to the Church. Immediately above the east gate of the gable of the VOL. III. 29 8. 13 194 ALIENATION OF THE LOVELY PLUSCARDEN. Feet. Inch Lady's Aisle was a chamber in which the Prior spent the forenoon generally. Contiguous to the north side of the east transept, and communicating with it by a door, was the Vestry, a vaulted building. In Length- - 16 Breadth - 16 The garden was well stored with fruit trees of the best kinds. A jQg tree continued to blossom in it within these few years. A stream of water was conducted within the precinct wall that drove the mill for grinding their corns. The Prior was Lord of Regality within the Priory lands. In 1565 Alexander Seton, afterwards Earl of Dunfermline, was Commendator of Pluscarden. He sold, in 1595, to Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail the Church lands of Durris, Grangehill, and the barony of Pluscarden, with Old Mill, including the deciTna garbalia, or teind sheaves of the barony. In 1633 the barony and Old Newmill were the property of Thomas, son of Kenneth Mackenzie. From him Sir George Mackenzie of Tarbet obtained them in 1649, who disponed them to Major Bateman. Janet Brodie, wife of Ludovick Grant of Grant, bought them in 1677 for her son James, afterwards Sir James Grant of Grant, who sold them in 1710 to William Duff of Dipple, and they remain the property of the Earl of Fife.] {Survey of the Province of Moray and Ed.) [Pluscardine is a beautiful early English and decorated !Minster, with later additions. A fragment of the south wall of the nave, possibly never completed ; an aisleless choir, 56 feet 8 inches long by 27 feet broad, covered with masses of woodbine and ivy ; a square Chapel, of the 15th century, on the north side ; the aisle of the transept, 92 feet 6 inches long, retaining its groined vault, with two Chapels on its wing ; a central tower, with trefoiled win- dows inscribed in a triangle, and saddle-backed gables ; and the north wing of the transept, a fine composition, resembling Hexham, with a round window in the gable, are spared. The dormitory steps remain in the south wing, and also a door to a bridge from the doi-mitory. The choir has traces of diaper work, and a credence on the north side, with angels supporting a vat, into which they are pressing clusters of grapes ; a most beautiful and FOEMER GLORY OF PLUSCARDEN PRIORY. 195 suggestive design. The Tabernacle shews angels holding the pyx ; and two others, with a shield, representing the Sacrifice of the Mass, offered to the heavens — a tree-stock for earth, a fish for water, a winged thunderbolt for fire, and a winged caduceus for the air — in French Cathedrals the four windows facing the points of the compass are called after the elements. There is no triforium. The clerestory consists of three circles sunk in spherical triangles. There are six exterior consecration crosses in circles, one west of each wing of the transept, and four in the choir wall. There were formerly similar examples at Trinity College, Edinburgh. There is one at St. Andrews. Of the conventual buildings, the refectory ; the base- ment of some of the offices ; the steps of the dormitory leading down into the south wing of the transept; the square Chapter House, 28 feet square, with a central pillar, four bays of groining, a fine double portal and lateral arches, and traces of mural decoration from the Apocalypse, which are minutely described by Cordiner,* with some por- tions of the Abbot's lodge, remain. The slanting orifice in the sacristy wall was used by the Acolytes who prepared the tapers, and lighted them on a signal from the tran- sept ; a small adjoining cell was probably used for peni- tential discipline. The cloister was 100 feet square.] — ( Walcott's Scoti-Monasticon.) PRIORS OF PLUSCARDEN. 1. Symon, Prior of Pluscardine, in 1239, witnesses the Charter by which, among other churches, the Church of Fernua, formed out of the Byset parish of Dunballoch, was granted by the Bishop of Moray to the canons of Elgin. In 1263 Pope Urban IV. granted a Bull to Pluscardine. He after the example of Gregory, of happy memory, takes the Monastery under the protection of the Blessed Peter and himself. He appoints that the Monastic order which has been instituted in the Monastery according to God and the rule of St. Benedict, and the institution of the Brethren of Valliscaulium should for all times be observed there. He confirms the grants made to tlie House, especi- ally the place where the Monastery is situated, with all its appurtenances; the Church situated in the town, called Durris (Dores), with the tithes of sheaves of the same * Cordiner does not describe these. (Eb.) 196 PRIORS OF PLUSCARDEN. place ; the right of patronage in the Church ; the tithes of sheaves in the forests of Pluscardine and Wthutyr ; the tithes of the mills placed in the same forests and of the iron dug in the same ; the right of fishing with twenty nets in the Spey ; and the mill with the stream, which the monks have in the town called Elgyn. The lands and possessions in the places commonly called Fernauay, Thulidoui, Kep, the Greater Kintessoch, and Mefth, are confirmed ; also the land and forest called Pluscardin and Wthutyr. Nobody is to take tithes from their gardens, underwoods, fishings, or meadows. The Monks may receive to conversion these flying from the secular power. There are the usual restrictions against leaving the House without the Prior's license ; and against any Monk or lay-brother being surety, and borrowing money ; leave to say the holy Officers during an interdict, and no Prior is to be placed at their head except he who is chosen by the majority. The Bull is dated at Viterbo, 3rd July, 1263. Symon seems to have been a long time Prior, for Dominus Symon, Prior de Pluscardine, is witness to a charter by John, the son of Malcolm de Moravia, which Mr. Innes puts down as of the date 1284, and which is witnessed by William, Earl of Sutherland, and William, Earl of Ross. In his time the Monks of Pluscardine arranged with the burgesses of Elgin that the Monks should have the lands which lay between the two mills of Elgin in lieu of an obligation on the town to repair the mills and stanks, with which the burgh was then bur- dened. The convention is dated St. Nicholas' Day, 1272. Patrick Heyrock was provost, and Hugo Bisset one of the burgesses; and Hugo Herock, in 1286, has Smion, Prior of Pluscardine, as a witness to his endowment of the chaplains of St. Nicholas and the Holy Cross at Elgin. By 1330 the Heyrocks have become treasurers of the Church of Moray, and the controversy between the town and the priory is now as to the multures. The Monks are to have the 17th vessel or vat of corn in lieu of other multures. 2. Andrew, became Prior of Newbottle in 1264. 3. Simon, 1286. 4. Joh7i Wyse. John, Bishop of Moray, and Richard, Bishop of Dunkeld, in a Cathedral Chapter of the Church of Moray, held on the 10th of October, 1345, having DISPUTES ABOUT RIGHTS AND PHIORITIES. 197 before them, summoned by the Bishop of Moray, John Wyse, the Prior, Adam Marshall, the Sub-Piior, aad William of Inverness and Adam Young, Monks, of the House of the Vale of St. Andrew of Pluscardine, interro- gate them, and extract from them this statement — That from the first foundation of the House of Pluscardine, as they have heard from their predecessors and seen in their own time, the Bishops of Moray for the time being, as often as they thought fit, had exercised the right of visi- tation and correction, institution and deprivation, over the Priors and brethren of the House of Pluscardine, and received procurations ; and the Prior and Monks admitted that they had no exemption or privilege against this right, which was now, and had been from time beyond memory, exercised by the Bishops of Moray. Nor was this all. Sir William de Longo Vico, a Monk of the Rennard Valley, of the diocese of Toul, as nuncio of the Order of the Valliscaulians, and proctor of the Prior of the House of Valliscaulium in the diocese of Langres, stated that the Bishops and diocesan Archbishops, as well in Germany as in other parts beyond the sea, in whose diocese Houses of the Valliscaulian order were situated, down to this time had exercised, and now exer- cise, in their dioceses, the right of visitation and correction over these Houses, and received procurations. There were present the Chancellor and Ofiicial of Moray, the Chancellor of Glasgow, the Treasurer of Dunkeld, and the Canons of Moray, specially called to be witnesses. The House of Pluscardine had further troubles in con- nection with their multures. Robert de Chisholm, who was Lord of Quarry wood, near Elgin, refused to pay multures to the Prior. The House appealed to the Bishop of Moray, and Alexander Bar, the then prelate, issued a monition to Sir Archibald Douglas, Knight, in April, 1390, in the following terms : — "Honourable and Noble Sir,— You and John de Kay, Sheriff of Inverness, have determined a certain process in such manner, as God knows, to the grievous injury of the Priory of Pluscardine, and to the great prejudice of the jurisdiction of the Church, which we crave to have by you recalled ; for we assert and declare that Alexander, King of Scotland, of pious memory, gifted to the Prior and Monks of Pluscardine the mills of Elgin and Forres and other mills depending on them, 'o^ 198 LOED OF QUARRY WOOD REFUSES MULCTURES TO PRIORS. and the mulctures of the lands of those mills which he then received, or ought to have received, as they were for the deliverance of his soul, which mulctures of the lands, when arable by virtue of the donation, the said Prior and Monks have received, likeas they yet without dispute receive ; and whereas the mulctures of the lands of Quarrywood, in the Sheriffdom of Elgin, at that time unimproved, but now reduced to cultivation, belongs and appertains to the mill of Elgin, from which it is scarcely a mile distant ; because, if it had been at that time cultivated, the mulctures would, and ought to haA'e been received by the royal granter," The complaint, after stating undisturbed possession, with the knowledge and tolerance of Robert de Chisholni, knight, during the preceding reigns, " further asserts and declares that the said Robert had seized and bound a certain husbandman of the lands of Findrassie (Finrossie), to whom the Prior had by contract let the said mulctures, and thrown him into a private prison, by which he directly incurred the sentence of excommunication." The complaint proceeds to shew cause why the action could not be determined by the civil, but by the ecclesiastical court, and concludes by threatening to excommunicate the civil judges if they attempted anything further hy which the Priory might be wronged or the jurisdiction of the Church marred. .5. TJiomas. On the 16th of April, 1390, Thomas, 1867, Prior of the House of Pluscardine, records a solemn instru- ment of protest against the proceedings of Sir Robert de Chisholm. The Prior and the Knight, however, attest a Charter of John of Dunbar, Earl of Moray, to the burgh of Elgin on the 1st of May, 1390, by which the Earl dis- charged to the town for ever the ale of assize belonging to him, as constable of the castle of Elgin. Quarrywood is in the parish of Spynie, and is so called from a rich quariy of freestone in these lands. It belonged in 1365 to Sir Robert Lauder whose grandson, Sir Robert de Chesholme, then Constable of Urquhart Castle (to whom John Randolph, Earl of Moray, had given in 1845, the lands of Invermoriston and Lochletter in Glenmoriston, and Glenurquhart), in January, 1365, married his daughter to Rose of Kilravock. Shaw wonders that Sir Robert Lauder could be alive when his great-grand-daughter was married, but the Landers of the Bass were a stout race. THE WRITS OF PLUSCARDEN PRIORY BURNED. 199 and he was not only alive, but able to enter into a deed with his grandson in 1366. Sir Kobert de Chisholm's method of taking the law into his hands against the Church was a month after outrage- ously exceeded by Alexander Stewart, the "Wolf of Badenoch," who burned Elgin and the Cathedral on St. Botolph's Day, 17th June, 1390. It seems that among the Bulls, apostolic letters, public instruments, charters, and other writings burned with the Cathedral, were those by which the rights of the Priory of the Valliscaulians at Pluscardine, and its privileges, and statutes, and founda- tions, could be manifested. Pope Benedict XIII. in 1404, issued a commission to the Bishop of Aberdeen to inquire for any other copies of the evidences burdened, but it does not appear that those of the House of Pluscardine were collected. Whether the Prior succeeded in rescuing his mulctures we cannot ascertain, but the plea of exclusive jurisdiction set up by the Church when the temporal rights of a Monastery were in dispute is not likely to have been sustained. In 1388, the appeal of a Monk of the Priory of Urquhart in Moray against the investiture of a Prior of Urquhart by the Bishop of Moray, was finally decided by King Kobert III., and the clergy in Parliament on the 12th March, 1391. The mode in which the election of Priors and their con- firmation by the Bishop was managed, is shown by what happened in the Priory of Pluscardine in 1398. Thomas, the head of the House, on the 7th August, 1398, resigns the Priory into the hands of the Bishop of Moray ; on the 13th of the same month the senior Monk announces to the Bishop that Alexander de Pluscardine, one of the Monks, was unanimously elected Prior; that the Te Deum was duly chanted after the election, and that the House in full chapter assembled craved the Bishop's con- firmation. And on the Vigil of the Assumption (14th August) the Bishop issues an order that any one opposing the election should appear on the 21st of the same month; and on the 21st the election of Alexander is confirmed by the Bishop, reserving to himself and successors the right of annual visitation. 6. Alexander, 1398. 7. Eugenius, 1417. 8. A ndrew Haig. 200 PROPOSAL TO UNITE PLUSCARDEN AND URQUHART. 9. John Benale, Prior of Urquhart, whose convent of brethren seems to have consisted of two Monks, in 1454 petitions Pope Nicholas V. that he would unite the Priories of Urquhart and Pluscardine. The petition stated that these two Priories were conventual, curative, and elective, and were acknowledged to be foundations of kings of Scotland ; that by reason of wars, mortalities, and other calamities, the income of the Priories had so diminished that they were unable to keep up a Prior in each House with a decent and competent number of religious men, or to keep the buildings of each house in proper order, or to maintain Divine Service ; so that in Pluscardine there were generally not above six Monks, in Urquhart two only. The petition stated that Plus- cardine was a dependent member of the Priory of Vallis- caulium in the diocese of Langres in France, and on account of the great distance of Pluscardine from Vallis- caulium, and that the Priory of Urquhart, which depended on the Monastery of Dunfermline of the order of St. Benedict, were annexed and united to Pluscardine. The Pope, on the 12th of March, 1454, issued a com- mission to the Abbot of Lindores and the Chancellor and Treasurer of Moray, stating the petition of the Prior of Urquhart, and authorising them to inquire into the truth of its allegations, and the consent of the King being obtained, to carry out the union. The papal Bull requires the commissioners to assign some proper compensation for the change to the Priory and Order of Valliscaulium. It asserts that Andrew Haag, Prior of Pluscardine, had resigned on a pension of £12, and appoints or authorises the commissioners to appoint John Benale Prior of Pluscardine. On the 8th of November, 1454, the Abbot of Dunfermline granted a commission to William de Boys to receive the professions into the Benedictine order, of the Monks of Pluscardine. John, who was then appointed Prior, was apparently a person of importance, for Eliza- beth, Dowager-Countess of Moray, executing a deed at Forres on 20th May, 1455, says, "the said Elizabeth, Countess of Morra, in absence of her own Sele, has pro- curit the Sele of a worshippful fader, Done John Benolda, ' Prior of Pluscardine ; ' a curious instance of the transla- tion of the ' Dominus.' " In November, 1456, the exchange is completed; on the THE CHURCH OF DINGWALL BELONGS TO PLUSCARDEN. 201 7th there is a commission of the Abbot of Dunfermline to William de Boys, the Sacristan, to visit the Priory of Pluscardine ; it is addressed to John de Benaly, and on the same day, on William de Boys' resignation, John de Benale is made Sacristan of Dunfermline. On the 8th there is a letter from the Abbot of Dunfermline to the Abbot of Kinloss, informing him that John de Benaly had resigned the Priorate of Pluscardine, and requesting him to confirm the new Prior if elected. With his com- mission of visitation in his pocket, the influence of 10. William de Boys was enough to procure his election, and in 1460 we find him named William de Boys, Prior of Pluscardine and Urcharde. He did not allow the rights of his House to be violated, for in 1463 he obtained a declaration from the Chancellor of Moray that the Church of Dingwall in Ross-shire, with all its fruits, belonged to the Prior of Pluscardine. How long he continued does not appear, but in 1500, Robert is the Prior of Pluscardine. On the 3rd February, 1501, this person executed a deed, printed in the book of Kilravock, which is interesting, not only from the rarity of any documents of the Convent of Pluscardine, but also from its throwing some light on the subject of mills and multures, so constantly mixed up with the Valliscaulian Priories. "The erecting the machinery of a corn mill," says Mr. Forsyth, " could not formerly be undertaken by any person in a rank inferior to a baron, a bishop, or an hereditary sherifl"." The Pluscardine House, by this deed, thirl all the growing corn of their lands of Penyck to the mill of the Laird of Lochloy, but the annexation of the foresaid corns to the foresaid myll till indure ay and quhill we or oure successors thinks it speidful to big ane myll of our awin, or cans ony vther to big in our name a myll to grund our foresaid tennante's corneys." It concludes thus : — "And this contract was maid at Pluscardin undir owre common Seill, with our subscriptions manualle, the thriJe day of Februar in the yere of God a thousand and five hundreitht year. " Ego, Eobertus, prior ad suprascripta subscribe. Et ego, Adam Forman, ad idem. Et ego, Jacobus Wyot, ad idem. Et ego, Andreas Broun, ad idem. 202 DEPLORABLE DEGRADATION IN THE LATTER DAYS. Et ego, Johannes Hay, ad idem. Et ego, Andreas Alain, ad idem. Et ego, Jacobus Justice, ad idem." 11. George was Prior and Coadjutor to Gavin Dunbar, Bishop of Aberdeen, in 1529 ; when also Hector Foreman was a Monk of Pluscardine, being Witness to a Donation of Bishop Gavin Dunbar, made to his Cathedral of Aber- deen, dated 28th Sep. that year, of 50 merks out of Quarrelwood, near Elgin. 12. Alexander II., 1549. 13. Alexander III, Seton, third son of Lord George Seton and his Lady, Isabel Hamilton (daughter of Sir William Hamilton of Sanquhar, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland in the reign of James V.), was born in 1555, and had the lands of Pluscardine presented to him, as "ane god-bairne gift," by Queen Mary, when she stood as God- mother to him ; and when he was afterwards at Rome, he received from her the Priory, of which his father had been economus and Commissioner since 17th April, 15G1, an office conferred on him, in reward for his great loyalty. In 1585, Alexander was Prior, — and in 1586, he became an extraordinary Lord, by the style of Prior of Pluscarty. He was first Commendator of Pluscardine, and afterwards one of the Senators of Justice, then President. King James VI. created him Lord Urquhart, afterwards Lord Fyvie ; and, in 1605, he was created Earl of Dunfermline, and was High Chancellor 18 years. He died 16th June, 1622. 14. James Douglas, 1577-8, was a bastard son of the Regent Morton, and acted as Commendator. 15. Alexander Seton, again, 1585. Seal of Alexander Seton. — A round Seal in good preserva- tion. Three niches ; in the centre one, a figure of S. Andrew, liolding his Cross before him with his right hand, and in his left a Breviary. In the dexter niche, a figure of the B. V. Mary and Infant Jesus ; and in the sinister a figure of S. Margaret, with a book in her right hand, and a sceptre in her left. In the lower part of the Seal is a shield, bearing within a double tressure. The Book of Pluscarden (Liber Pluscardensis) recently published, edited by Felix J. H. Skene, is in Latin, with an English able Preface, and is founded mainly on Bower's KINGUSSIE PRIORY. 203 Scotichronicon. It was probably compiled in the Priory in 1461, by Maurice Buchanan, a Cleric and Treasurer to the Dauphiness. An incongruity occurs in the Preface, stating thiitFlutere was the 17th Abbot, 1445-1460. He was not. The Seal of the Monastenj. — It is singular, emblematic of de- livering souls from Purgatory. " SiGiLL. Conventus Vall[is Sancti] Andree in Moravia." (a.d. 1455. In possession of the late D. Gregory.) THE PRIOEY OF KINGUSSIE'"' In Badenoch, was founded by George, Earl of Huntly, about the year 1490. Of what Order the Monks were, or what were the revenues of the Priory, I have not learned. The Prior's house and the cloisters of the Monks stood near the Church, where some remains of them are to be seen. The few lands belonging to it were the donation of the family of Huntly, and at the Eeformation were justly re-assumed by that family. I now proceed to The Convents of Monks, Friars, and Nuns within this Province. The Monks and Friars differed in this, that the former were seldom allowed to go out of their cloisters; but the Friars, who were generally Predicants or Mendi- cants, travelled about and preached in neighbour- ing parishes. Monks at first lived by their industry, and by private alms, and came to the * The Carmelite Friars of Inverbervy, Kincardineshire, held the Churches of Kingussie and Dunnottar. {Jern.^e'.i Angus, 441.) This Kingussie is not to be confounded with Kingusie, a mile from Ayr, where there was an Hospital. (Ed.) 204 HABITS OF THE DOMINICAN AND FRANCISCAN ORDERS. Parish Church. But a recluse Hfe was not so serviceahle to the Eomish Church, and therefore Friars were under Httle confinement. Every Monk and Friar used the Tonsure or shaved crown — an emblem, they said, of their hope of a crown of glory. They vowed chastity, poverty, and obedience, besides the rules of their respec- tive Orders. They had few Convents in this country. The Dominicans^ called BlacJc Friars, because they wore a black cross on a white gown, were instituted by Dominic, a Spaniard, who invented the Inquisition, were approved by the Pope anno 1215, and brought into Scotland by Bishop Malvoisin. These, with the Franciscan Gray Friars and Carmelite White Friars, were Mendi- cants, allowed to preach abroad, and beg their subsistence. The Dominicans, notwithstanding their professed poverty, had fifteen rich Convents in Scotland. And we had their Convents at Elgin, Forres, and Inverness. The Franciscans, called Grey Friars, wore a grey gown and cowl, a rope about their middle, and went about with pocks to beg. St. Francis, an Italian, established them anno 1206. King Alexander II. settled a Convent of them in Elgin, where they had a spacious Church and fine dwellings. Their principal house is now the seat of William King of Newmill. I may add s. Catherine's, (of sienna.) Edinburgh. 205 The Greij Sisters, or Nuns of Sienna in Italy. They wore a grey gown and a rochet, followed St. Austin's rule, and were never to go forth of their cloisters after they had made their vows. They had a Nunnery at Y-colum-kill, dedicated to St. Oran, and at Sheens, i.e., de Sienna, near Edinburgh, consecrated to St. Catharine de Sienna. It is probable they had a Convent at Elgin, where there are plots of land, called " St. Katharine's Crofts." THE PRECEPTOEY OF MAISON DIEU, Near Elgin, was an Hospital for entertaining strangers and maintaining poor infirm people. The Hospital stood close to the town at the east, where some parts of the buildings remain. The lands of this Hospital granted to the town of Elgin by King James VI. by charter 22nd March, 1594, confirmed ultimo Februarii, 1620, for main- taining poor people and sustaining a teacher of church music, who shall precent in the Church. King Alexander III. mortified the lands of Monben and Kelles to this Hospital, and King Charles I., by his charter to the town of Elgin, 8th October, 1633, confirms to them, " The Pre- ceptory of Maison Dieu, with the patronage thereof, and all belonging thereto, with the arable lands of Maison Dieu, and the crofts and pertinents thereof; the lands of Over and Nether Monben with the haugh thereof called 206 THE BEAD HOUSE AND LEPER HOSPITAL, ELGIN. Broomtown; the lands of Bogside, with the mill thereof, mill lands, adstricted multures and sequels ; the lands of Cardells, Over and Nether, alias Pitcroy, Delnapot, Smiddycroft, with the mill, mill lands, multures and sequels thereof; with the salmon fishing on the water of Spey ; and the lands of Over and Nether Pitinseir." [THE BEAD HOUSE Is supported from the lands of Maison Dieu. The first edifice was built in 1G24 to accommodate four poor men, with a small garden. In 1846 the Magistrates and Town Council erected the present neat Aims-House, but the inmates are not supplied with Beads or Rosaries, being all Protestants. The original tablet is placed on the building with the inscription — HospiTALiUM BURGI de Elgin per idem conditum, 1624. Underneath is a pilgrim with the text — "Blessed is he that considereth the poor ; the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble." Rebuilt a.d. 1846. The teachers in the Academy have certain pensions from the revenues, and each Beadman has an annuity of £10, besides his apartments and piece of ground. the leper HOUSE Was in this vicinity. Leprosy was common in this country during the middle ages, and there were several endowed Hospitals in Scotland for the reception of lepers. The frightful malady has been unknown for centuries. In the Town Council minutes of the 25th October, 1852, a plan of these crofts (termed " the Leper Lands ") was submitted to the Board, and permission was voted to advertise these patches of ground. The lands of Maisondieu, i. e., the House of God, extend from the Fochabers Road on the north to the Tyock on the south, and from Friars Croft (belonging to Lord Seafield) on the west to the Leper Lands on the east. Anderson's Institution and Easton House occupy the north end of these grounds, and other portions are being feued out by the Town Council. THE PEECEPTORY OF MAISON DIEU, ELGIN. 207 The Maisondieu Hosjntal stood on the green mound in the field a little south of Easton House, and was burned to the ground in 1390 by Alexander, Earl of Buchan (the Wolfe of Badenoch), at the same time as he fired the Cathedral. Part of the foundations were visible several years ago, but not a stone now remains. It is intended to have the site planted with shrubs and enclosed, to prevent farther encroachment. After the Reformation, the Preceptory of Maison Dieu having fallen to the Crown, James the Sixth of Scotland and First of England, by Royal Charter of Confirmation dated the last day of Februar}'^, 1G41 (not 1620, as stated in Morayshire Described, p. 196), granted to the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and community of Elgin, and their successors, the Hospice or House of Preceptory of Maison Dieu, lying adjacent to the said burgh — founded for the aliment and support of certain poor and needy persons, with the right of patronage to the same ; together with all rights, &c., &c., belonging thereto, and of which the Preceptor and Biedmen thereof were in possession at any former period ; together with the town and lands of Over and Nether Manbeen and Haugh of Manbeen, the lands of Over and Nether Cardels, the lands of Over and Nether Pittensear, for the support of certain poor and needy persons in the said Hospital, according to the original establishment thereof; and also to maintain and support a teacher of music, properly qualified to instruct the youth within said burgh in music and other liberal arts, and perform the ordinary services in the Church, and also to answer and promote the afiairs of the^ said burgh, because the common revenue was barely sufiicient for its own purposes. The lands of Maison Dieu were accord- ingly appropriated by the Magistrates for the purposes designed by the Charter. No evidence can be found that those of Manbeen, Kirdels, and Pittensear had ever been in their actual possession ; but the Charter gives right to the casualties of these lands payable at the time to the Hospital of Maison Dieu, the Bominum utile being in the hands of lay proprietors. The lands of Maison Dieu contained 20 acres, 2 roods, and 6 falls." r THE GREYFRIARS' MONASTERY. That noble and learned young man, Patrick Gordon, 208 THE GREY FRIARS' MONASTERY, ELGIN. younger of Letterfourie, communicated to me what I have got to say about the Monastery of Grey Friars here. The Grey Friars came to Elgin about 1479, after John Innes, Bishop of Moray, had erected a Convent for them at his own expense. It is said that this John Innes was a great plunderer of Church property and an adept sower of sedition in those quarters, taking bribes from both parties and pretending to be the just arbiter of either. It happened in 1478 that the katrines from the mountains of Morayshire came down to the low countries and plundered wholesale. This unjust judge collected a great number of armed men and pursued the pillagers (having with them much cattle and corn) as far as the woods of Abernethy, where a bloody conflict took place, when the katrines, waxing courageous, turned the pursuers to flight, and slew their leader with many wounds, leaving him on the hills, and again turned back for more booty. Mean- while the Sherift" was by all left as dead. He had a uterine brother named Francis Innes, who had long belonged to this Order, and who frequently journeyed in company with a Priest of the same Order from the Convent at New Aberdeen to instruct the barbarians of Moray. Being cognisant of the recent aftray, he, by chance, came upon the spot where his brother, the Sheriff, was lying wounded, whom he carried, with the assistance of some country people, to the nearest house, where he dressed his wounds, being skilled in the medical art. This raid was of such benefit to the Sheriff as wholly to convert him. He vowed, on his recovery, to restore the oxen and property which he had so basely acquired, and to build and furnish a Monastery for Franciscan Monks. He also restored property to the Monasteries of Pluscarden, and Urquhart which he otherwise oppressed and wronged. He used for whole days to live in the Monastery intent on pious workS; and frequently kept Vigils with the Brethren, content with the meanest fare. For twenty years he lived a most exemplary life, and at last was buried in the Cathedral Church in the sepulchre of his family, after the rites of the Franciscan Order. From the same source of information I got 1. A Bull of Pope Sixtus IV., confirming the erection of this Monastery. Dated at St. Peter's, Rome, 1479, in the seventh year of our Pontificate. BROCKIE'S details of the grey friars, ELGIN. 209. 2. A Chart of Alexander Sutherland of Quarrelwood, granting to the Grey Friars permission to get down trees wherewith to build and repair their Monastery, and to have other wood for firewood in perpetuity, seeing they had no possessions or taxes to live upon ; as also ordering that his forester for the time being shall cut down the requisite wood and carry it to the gate of the Monastery, and, besides, propagate young trees. The wood and lands of Quarrelwood are granted for this purpose, to be under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of the Diocese. Signed by Alexander Sutherland, and by his son and heir, William Sutherland, and dated at Elgin, 28th Sept., 1480. Francis Innes, uterine brother of the founder, was the first guardian. He taught the junior Brethren in the Convent at Aberdeen before he was appointed here. He was pious, learned, eloquent, and a laborious missioner among the rude people of the North. Among the early disciples of this Monastery was F. Bernard Chishplm. He was named Counsellor of the Katrines, because he spent a great deal of his time in wandering over the mountains and trying to convert the barbarous clans from rapine and violence, which he successfully accomplished. He was elected guardian in 1490. He died in the sight of all the Brethren of the Monastery at Elgin in 1513, aged 78 years. F. Antony Fraser, Priest, was educated among the Cistercian Monks in the Monastery of Belli Loci, but became a Franciscan, and was the constant companion of Friar Chisholm in his errands of evangelization. He had great preaching gifts. r^ ■, j ^ F. Robert Stuart, when a deacon in the Cathedral Church, joined this Monastery. Being of good family, the neic^hbouring gentry held him in great esteem. He was educated in Brussels. On his return home he was unceasing in his office, and at length became guardian of this Convent, which he held for many years. He took great part in the controversy which arose in his time between the Conventuals and the Observantines as to a distinctive dress. He flourished in 1521 ^ ^ „ ,, The last guardian was F. Antony Urquhart, of the ancient family of Urquhart, who tried to quell the sacri- lege of devastation in 1560. The Earl of Huntly, then Mister of Moray, joined the Calvinian Heretics, invaded VOL. III. 210 BLACKFRIARS' HOSPITAL, ELGIN. the town of Elgin, laid waste the Cathedral Church and all the Religious Houses in the city, hounding on the mob. This Convent was burned by Alexander Innes, the grand- son of the founder, after having stood 81 years.] (Brockies MS. (at Blairs College), p. 9961-9984.) [Scarcely a vestige of the Monastery of the Black Friars now remains. I find from a Charter communicated to me by Patrick Gordon of Letterfourie, that David, Bishop of Moray, gave two chalders of the best meal yearly to the Fratres Prcedicatores serving God in the Church of St. Andrew, Elgin, from the Episcopal Grange in Strathisla. The Charter is dated at the Castle of Spynie, 15th Jan., 1327. Bishop Keith states that David Moray, Bishop, died 20 Jan., 1326.] {Ibid, p. 8939.) ST. NICHOLAS' HOSPITAL Is noticed at pages 378-79, vol i., Parish of Dundurcos. DOMINICAN CONVENT OF INVERNESS. [In the year 1508, Andrew, Bishop of Moray, confirmed various foundations in favour of the Altar of St. Michael of the Parish Church, Inverness. The foundations were made in 1455. The Bishop's confirmation concludes thus : — "In testimony of which thing, in the absence of my seal, I, the foresaid William Pylche, have procured with instance the common seal of the Monastery of preaching Friars to be appended, &c., &c., at our Palace of Spiny, October 13th, 1508." Upon the 23rd of December, 1508, John Auchlek was presented as Chaplain of St. Catherine's, Inverness. The deed of presentation by the Provost and Bailies ends thus : — " These things were done in the choir of the Friars Preachers of Inverness, the 12th day, mid-day or there- abouts, in the year, month, day indiction and pontificate as foresaid." (1) The Bishop here quotes the words of the founder, William Pylche. The Seal of the Monastery was of lead, about one aud a half inches in length, by one in breadth; it bore the image of St. Dominic holding a stafi" surmounted by a cross in his left hand, whilst his right is uplifted in the act of blessing, at his feet hangs a shield with the hound and flaming torch. Around the margin are the words — DOMINICAN ORDER FOUNDED AT INVERNESS. 211 "SIGILL: MONAST INNER^ (SIGILLUM MONASTERII INVEK- NESSENSIS)" SEAL of the MONASTERY of INVERNESS. This seal is now in the hands of Mr. Robertson of Inshes, In- verness. Of King Alexander, Lord Hailes says that " he was one of the wisest princes that ever reigned over Scotland," and, in another place, that Alexander had a particular kindness for the Mendicant Friars of the Order of St. Dominic, called with us Black Friars. For them he founded no fewer than eight Monasteries at Edinburgh, Berwick, Ayr, Perth, Aberdeen, Stirling, and Inverness. Cardonel, in his Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, says of the Order — Fratres Predicatores, on account of their frequent preaching, " that according to their rules the Brethren renounced all worldly possessions, abstained from eating flesh from September to Easter. They lay neither on feather beds, nor in sheets, but on a mattress ; and every Saturday, in case there fell neither feast nor fast upon that day, they were to say the office of the Virgin Mary. Their habit was a white gown and scapular." The Order was founded in Inverness in 1233, and the Monastery must have been a building of importance. It appears to have received a grant of land at an early period from Saint Thomas of Aberbrothock, which grant cannot now be traced, and also in the year 1240 a Charter from Alexander II., which was described in the year 1530 as, appearing from length of time and negligent preservation, wasted and partly spoiled." This interesting Charter is in these terms : — " Alexander by the grace of God King of Scots, to all good men of his whole realm ; greeting ; Know ye that we have given, granted, and by this our present charter, confirmed to our endowed chaplains, the Preaching Friars of Inverness (devotis oratoribus nostris Fratribus Prtedica- toribus), serving and who shall serve God there, that, our Royal highway, lying in length from the water of Ness, as far as that land which the Abbot and Convent ot Aberbrothock gave to them for ever, and in breadth from the burying ground of the Parish Church and the wall of the said Friars ; and that island of our land lying on the north side of the said Friars, on the south side of the water of Ness, with the whole water and fishing from the 212 CHAKTER OF ALEXANDER II. TO THE BLACKFRIARS. foresaid Friars' road as far as Scurry in pure and perpetual elemosina (alms) with all commodities, liberties and ease- ments ; to be enjoyed freely, quietly, honourably, well, and in peace for ever, sicklike as any land is given or granted to religious men in our kingdom. — Witnesses, Alexander Comyn, Earl of Buchan, Constable and Justi- ciar of Scotland ; Donald, Earl of Mar ; Ingram de Genis ; and Reginald de Schenpatre, Knight. At Berwick the 20th day of May, in the 2Gth year of our reign." The hrst subject conveyed appears rather strange — the King's Highway. Some light is thrown upon this gift by a somewhat similar gift by Alexander in the year 1250 to the same Friars in Edinburgh of a Street, so well known for ages — Black Friars' Wynd — but in that case the condition was annexed " that the said Friars may, as it shall seem expedient, construct or erect houses or buildings in the foresaid street or passage which is called the venelle." Though the words in the Charter to Inver- ness are Nostra via Regia, yet it may really have been an open piece of waste ground, and either given for the purpose of being shut up to make the Monastery more private or in order to be annexed to their adjoining land. The vast differences now presented by the grounds from what they were at the period in question, may be to some extent realised from there being a grant of an Island to the north of their land, and the only grant whose limits can now be traced with any certainty is that of the fishing. It will be observed that the north boundary is described as "Scurry." This, however, denotes "cherry," which is well known as the next lowest shot to the Friars' shot on the River Ness. Of the Monastery there now remains but a single shattered column. The figure of a cherub, which may have been in the Monastery, and was fished out of the river some years ago in the Castle shot, some time at Campfield, is in fair preservation. The following is taken from the Papers of Provost Inglis to Captain, afterwards General Hutton, recently discovered in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh : — " The Monastery at Inverness was situated in a fine plain on the east side of the river. There remains of it now only one pillar, from the great size of which the building must have been extensive or the architecture very disproportionate. The ground which it covered is GENERAL HUTTON's PAPERS ON THE MONASTERY. 213 now used as a burying place by a few fjxmilies in the parish of the names of Baillie and Maclean, who, with their connections, seem to have acquired an exclusive right to it. They have lately enclosed it with a good stone wall. There is no monument of great antiquity in it, except the figure of a woman cut in stone and much mutilated. This Monastery has always been called by the inhabitants " The Grey Friars," although the only one of which we have an account in history was that founded by Alexander the Second, anno 1233, said to have been of the Dominican Order. Adjoining to the Monastery there is a very rich field of six acres, which was always the glebe of the first minister of Inverness. There are also a few small houses in the lane leading to it, from which the minister receives a feu or ground rent. The salmon fishing directly opposite to the Friary, and esteemed the most valuable in the river, did also belong to it, and is to this day called the Friars' Coble or Shot. It appears by the town's records that the stones of the Friars' Kirk were sold in the year 1653 to Colonel Lilburne, com- manding the troops of the Commonwealth, for building a fort at the river mouth, which was called Oliver's Fort. On a rising ground, separated from the Monastery by the lane only, stood the Parish Church, a very ancient struc- ture, which, having become quite ruinous, was pulled down in the year 17G9, and the present Church built on its site. On the west side of the river, opposite to the Priory, stood the Chapel of the Green, supposed to belong to it. The lands contiguous to the Chapel were Church lands, and now hold feu of the town. East of the Monas- tery, and only separated from it by a single street, stood St. Mary's Chapel, of which no vestige remains. It was situated in the centre of a field about four acres in extent — now the principal burying-ground of the town, and still called the Chapel-yard. Adjacent to it was St. Thomas's Chapel, of which there remains nothing. The tradition is that when the Fort was built out of the rums of the Monastery the stones of this Chapel were applied towards building what is called the Old Harbour, m which many stones, curiously carved, and which have evidently been in some other building, are yet to be seen. The lands of the Chaplainry of our Lady's High Altar are situated on a rising ground south of St. Thomas's Chapel, 214 CHARTER OF ROBERT THE BRUCE. and near to the side of M'Beth's Castle, and St. John's Chapel stood in a field below the old Castle Hill. No vestige of the Chapel remains, but the field is to this day- called Dire-na-Pouchk, or the land of the poor, and is in possession of the Church Session. There was also a Chapel dedicated to St. Catherine the Virgin on the west side of the River Ness, but no trace of it, or any of the others, remains, nor would their situations have been remembered, but that in some old Charters the lands are described by the directions in which they lie to the Chapels. (Signed) " William Inglis, Provost. "Inverness, March 18th, 1795." Upon the 7th of March, 1297, the payment of the pensions of the Friars of Inverness are included in the following order : — " The King to his beloved and faithful John de Warenne, Earl of Surry, his guardian of the Kingdom and Territory of Scotland : Greeting : We command you that you search in the rolls of the accounts of the times of Alexander and John, late Kings of Scotland, for the rents of the towns of Berwick, Edinburgh, Stirling, Glasgow, Ayr, Wigton, Perth, Aberdeen, Montrose, Elgin, and Inverness, to give to our beloved brethren in Christ of the Order of Prsedi- catores dwelling in these towns such sums of the rents of said towns for this year, of our charity and special favour, as they, by the rolls of said accounts from the time of foresaid John, appear to you yearly to have received, and to have been allowed in the rendering of the accounts of the rents of the said towns by the favour of Alexander, late King of Scotland, and of the foresaid John." In the year 1313 King Robert Bruce granted a Charter to the Friars of Inverness of a yearly gift of £10 sterling in these terms : — " Robert by the grace of God King of Scots, — To all good men of his whole realm ; greeting ; Know all present and future, that for the honour of God, and of the glorious Virgin Mary, His mother, and of the blessed Bartholomew, we have given, granted, and by this, our present Charter, confirmed to the Preaching Friars of Inverness, in gift to their Church, £10 sterling yearly, to be paid by the hands of our Provosts, who may for the time be, from the rents of our burgh of Inverness. To be had and held by the THE BP. OF MORAY AND THE ABBOT OF ARBROATH. 215 said Friars serving, and who in future may serve, God for ever, of us and our heirs in free, pure, and perpetual charity ; and to be paid yearly, by the said Provosts of the town of Inverness, from the rents of the town as is aforesaid, at two terms of the year, viz., the one half at the Feast of St. Martin in the winter, and the other half at the Feast of Pentecost. In testimony of which matter we command our seal to be appended to this our present Charter. Witnesses. — Our beloved brother Edward de Bruce, Earl of Carrick ; our nephew Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray ; John de Monteith ; Robert de Keith, our Mareschall of Scotland ; Gilbert de Haya, and Henry de Saint Clair, Knights. At Dundee, the twenty-first day of October, in the eighth year of our reign (ISl.'J)." In the year 1372 a strife arose between the Abbot of Aberbrothoc and the Bishop of Moray. Both parties appealed to Pope Gregory XI. In the meantime the Abbot hired mercenaries to pillage the possessions of the Bishop. They burnt the town of Inverness and the Dominican Monastery. The Abbot was excommunicated in consequence. The following is extracted from the Bishop's letter of appeal to the Holy See: — "After the cause 'twixt himself and the foresaid Vicar of Inverness had been moved and begun, spurning, omitting, and altogether contemning the ordinary path of law, in con- tempt, disobedience, and iri'everence of my ordinary jurisdiction — nay, rather more truly for the Apostolic See, under whose special protection my foresaid Church of Murray lies — with sure knowledge, malicious design, and with intention of obtaining a worthless revenge, he placed and appointed at said Church and town of Inver- ness powerful laymen, whose power and ferocity could not in any way be resisted, as, for instance, the noble, and a man of great power, W. de F. (William de Feutoun or William de Foderingham), who in name and on part of said Abbot, with an armed and great host, violently entered the houses of said Vicar, breaking and causing to be broken lockfast places and doors, destroying, plunder- ing, etc. (He tells how the roof was torn off the Churches and everything burnt or desecrated.) And I have pro- nounced sentence of excommunication against him (the Abbot) and declare him unlosed therefrom," &c. The Monastery suffered at the same time, for in the 216 THE WOLF OF BADENOCH ILL-USES HIS COUNTESS. Court held by Sir Robert de Chisholm in 1376, reference was made to the destruction by fire of a Charter which lay for presumed greater safety in the house of the Preaching Friars of Inverness. A certain burgess was summoned to show deeds of right to certain lands about the town. " Whereupon the said burgess, James, pro- tested and clearly showed that the said confirmation had been in safe keeping, along with his very many other evidents, in the custody of a late particular friend in the house of the Preaching Friars of Inverness, and had been burnt there and completely destroyed at the time of burning of said house." In the year 1389 Euphemia, Countess of Ross, owing to the ill-treatment of her husband, Alexander, Earl of Buchan's Count of Ross, separated from him. This wicked man had earned for himself the title of the " Wolf of Badenoch, or Alasdair Mor." The Wolf was bound over by the Bishops of Moray and Ross to treat his wife more honourably. The sentence was read in the Church of the Dominicans, Inverness. After detailing the cir- cumstances and terms of peace, the sentence concludes thus — " This our sentence was read, published, and pro- nounced in this writ in the Church of the Preaching Friars, Inverness, the 2nd day of the month of November, in the year of the Lord 1389." "Alexander and Alexander, Bishops by the grace of God of the Churches of Moray and Ross, diocesans and judges ordinary of the parts underwritten, sitting in the judgment seat, and having God only before our eyes," &c. The Bishop of Moray had likewise many and serious differences with the Earl of Moray. These formed the subject of reference to the Earl of Fife, guardian of the kingdom, afterwards the noted Duke of Albany. This decision was pronounced within the Church of the Preach- ing Friars of Inverness on the 28th of October, 1389. This indenture testifieth that on the vigils of the Apostles Simon and Jude (28th October), in the year of the Lord 1389, in the Church of the Preaching Friars of Inverness, it is ordained and determined by the illustrious man, Lord Robert, Earl of Fyff" and Menteith, guardian of the kingdom of Scotland, and his council, both in virtue of his office and by reason of the submission of the Lords, the Bishop of Moray on the one part and the Earl of THE CHARTER OF THE TOLBOOTH, INVERNESS. 217 Moray on the other First that the kiss of peace being interchanged they on both sides for the rest, be and continue true, firm, and cordial friends, and that none of them by himself or by others do injury voluntarily to the other, and if this happen by chance he who has suffered injury shall require the party injuring to make amends, &c. Then follows the various items of agreement on both sides. In the year 1390, on the Feast of St. Botulph, Abbot, in the month of June, Alexander, the Wolf of Badenoch, and his followers burnt the whole town and Cathedral of Elgin, with all the books, charters, and other valuable things of the country therein kept for security. Of the deeds which were saved a chartulary was afterwards com- piled, and has been of late years printed by the Bannatyne Club. In this year our Convent was destroyed ; whether it was again restored is uncertain. This outrage was in part repeated in July, 1402, by the same Alexander. He made reparation afterwards and was absolved. From the accounts of the Bailies of the burgh of Inver- ness, rendered at Perth by Walter Androusan and Andrew Adison, in the name of said Bailies, 13th March, 1429, we gather that the exits or expenses for two years amounted to £106 13s. 4d. From this sum the Preaching Friars received annually £10 — of the King's charity of old — as in full payment of said two years, as is clear by letters of receipt of the said Friars shown upon the account, £20. Upon the 6th of November, 1436, Christiana Makferry sold to the Community of Inverness the piece of ground at the corner of Bridge Street and Church Street, whereon the Tolbooth stood, by the Charter which is indorsed " Ye Charter of ye Tolbooth." It concludes thus—" In testi- mony of which matter, because I have no seal of my own, I have with instance procured the common seal of the Prior and Convent of the Preaching Friars of said burgh, together with the seal of Walter Andrew, and caused them to be appended to this writ at said burgh, the 6th day of the month of November, in the year of the Lord 1436." Upon the 4th of September, 1437, Alexander de Yle, who claimed the Earldom of Ross through his mother, made the following donation to the Prior and Friars of Inverness. This annual was with others transferred at 218 LAND IN FRONT OF THE COMMERCIAL INN. the Refoi-mation to the Magistrates of Inverness, and we understand it still forms part of the revenue of the burgh. " To all the faithful to whose knowledge the present letters shall come, Alexander de He, Earl of Ross and Lord of the Isles ; Greeting eternal in the Lord ; Know that we, for the salvation of our soul, and for the salvation of the souls of our fathers, ancestors, and successors, have given, granted, and by this present writ confirmed to the religious men, the Prior and Friars of the Dominican Preachers of Inverness, twenty shillings of annual rent, of the usual money of the kingdom of Scotland, to be paid annually at two terms of the year, viz., of Pentecost and St. Martins, by equal portions of our land and ferry of Easter Kessock." * Among the Inches charters is the following valuable document being a grant of the Friars of Inverness to Mr Robertson's predecessor of a particate of land in Inverness, dated 20th July, 1517. The land is that in front of the Commercial Hotel, and the buildings, no doubt, then projected into the main street, and probably included pai't of the present Town Hall buildings. This deed was lost for many years, but was fortunately re- covered in course of the year 1873. The document is endorsed " Charter to Lawrence Robertson of the Sklait- house " — " To all who shall see or hear of this charter. Friar Henry Dewer, Prior of the Preaching Friars of Inverness ; Greeting eternal in the Lord : Know that we, after mature deliberation, had with our said monastery and Friars therein, with common consent and the advantage and utility of our successors being considered and had in view, with consent of the reverend Prior, Friar John Adam, Professor of Sacred Theology, and Principal of the * By the roll of rents, feus, and maills, it appears that a sum of twenty shillings sterling is payable by the estate of Redcastle to the burgh for the lands of Easter Kessock. With the pertinents in pure and perpetual charity, as freely as any annual rent is given and granted to any other religious men in the kingdom of Scotland. In testimony of which matter we have caused our seal to be appended at Inverness the 4th day of the month of September, in the year of the Lord 1437. These, with many others, being witnesses, viz., Tarquil M'Loyde, Lord of Leywhouse (Lewis) ; George Munro of Foulis ; Alex. M'Culloch, and Lord Beane. CHARTER TO LAWRENCE ROBERTSON OF SKLAITE-HOUSE. 219 Order of Preaching Friars of all the Kingdom of Scotland, and also of the venerable men, the Friars of the Convent of our said Monastery, John Ricard, John Brown, and Alexander Andrew, and also of the discreet men after mentioned of the General Charter, viz. — Friar Andrew Mackneil, Prior of Aberdeen ; James Young, Prior of Annan ; John Lister, Sub-Prior of Ayr ; and John Faber, Sub-Prior of Glasgow ; have given, granted, set, and in feu-farm let for ever, and by this present charter, con- firmed, and also by these presents give, grant, set, and in feu-farm let, and by this present charter confirm, one particate of our land, with the pertinents, lying in the burgh of Inverness, between the lands of the late Far- quhar Mackintosh on the west side, and the public cross of said burgh on the east, and also the common way which leads to the bridge of said burgh on the north side, and the Castle Hill on the south, to a discreet man Lawrence Robertson, burgess of said burgh of Inverness, and his heirs and assignees whomsoever: To be held and had such, such particate of land with the pertinents by the said Lawrence and his heirs and assignees whomsoever of us and our successors in feu and heritage according as it lies in length and breadth for ever, with all and sundry its pertinents, commodities, liberties, and just pertinents as well named as not named, belonging to said particate of land, or which can in future in any way justly belong without revocation, contradiction, or retention of ours and our successors whomsoever; Giving therefore yearl3% the said Lawrence his heirs and assignees to us and our successors, the Prior and Convent of Inverness, who for the time may be, four shilling of annual rent at two terms in the year by equal portions — viz. — the feasts of Pente- cost, and St. Martin's in winter, together with five pence as burgh rate annually to the collectors thereof only, in lieu of every other burden, exaction, demand, or service, which for said particate of land, with the pertinents can in any way be exacted or required in time to come; so that it shall notbe in the power of the said Lawrence,his heirs.and assignees, to give, grant, alienate, sell, augment, or in any way' whatever dispone any part of the annual rent of said particate of land with the pertinents, to any persons whomsoever, except said whole annual rent of four shil- lino's, without the express consent and assent of the Prior 220 PRIOR AND FRIARS OF BLACKFRIARS, INVERNESS. and Convent of Inverness, who for the time may be ; Also if it happen that the said annual rent of four shil- lings as is premised, shall be due to us and our successors, for three continuous terms, and not be paid thereafter when required, then immediately said particate of land, with the pertinents, with whatsoever shall happen to be erected and repaired thereon, with all and sundry pertin- ents, shall ipso facto revert to the foresaid Prior and Convent of said Monastery of Inverness, without any judicial process, ecclesiastical, or civil ; and likewise it shall be in the power of the Prior and Convent for the time, to dispose of said particate of land with the pertin- ents for ever according to their pleasure ; and we, Henry the Prior, and the Convent of said Monastery, and our successors shall warrant, acquit, and for ever defend said particate of land with the pertinents ; reserving the fore- written restrictions to the said Lawrence and his heirs and assignees in form, manner, and effect, as premised. In testimony of which thing the seal of our Chapter of said Monastery is appended to these presents together with the seal of the said Rev. Prior Principal, and the manual subscriptions of said Friars of the Convent, and of the cessioners, and also with the seal of the honourable man, John Ker, bailie of said burgh of Inverness, who, after resignation made by us in his hands, gave his heirs and assignees, hereditary state and sasine of said particate of land, with the pertinents by delivery of earth and stone ; at Inverness, the 20th day of the month of July, A.D. 1517, in the 5th induction, and in the 5th year of the Pontificate of the most holy Father in Christ, and our Lord, by divine Providence, Lord Leo 10th Pope. Pre- sent there — Friar Duncan Cruickshank, Fr. Thomas Paterson, Fr. William Reid, Fr. William Thorne, and Fr. Peter Williamson ; Alexander Black, Officer or Clerk, with divers other witnesses called to the premises. Said annual rent is not to be alienated without our consent or that of our successors being obtained. By testimony of this my hand I, Fr. John Donaldson, was present." In the year 1530 King James V. granted the following charter of confirmation to the Friars Preachers of Inver- ness of the previous charters already given by Alexander II. and Robert the Bruce. The charter is dated at Perth, on 31st August, 1530, and is as follows: — "James, by the CHARTER OF JAMES V. TO THE BLACKFRIARS. 221 Grace of God, King of Scots — To all good men of his whole land, clergy and laity. Greeting ; Know ye for as much as we have examined and considered two charters, granted by our late most noble progenitors of happy memory, Alexander, King of Scots, and Robert, King of Scots, to our devout mendicant Preaching Friars of our burgh of Inverness, and whereas from length of time and negligent preservation, these charters appear wasted and partly spoiled, whereof the tenors follow, in these words. . . . [Here he quotes the charters given.] " Therefore we, for ourselves and our successors, ap- prove, ratify, and for us and our successors for ever, confirm, as above written, the foresaid charters in all the points and articles therein contained ; and we will and ordain that as great and the like Faith be given to this our charter of confirmation made upon the premises, as might be given to the said principal charters, if produced in judgment. In testimony whereof, to this our present charter of confirmation, we have ordered our great seal to be afiixed. At Perth the last day of the month of August in the year of our Lord 1530, and in the 17th of our reign." In 1538 the Prior and Convent of Inverness succeeded in vindicating their rights to the fishings granted them by the Kings of Scotland. These rights were encroached on by the burgh, as will be seen from the following notarial instrument of the proceedings of a court held by Alex- ander Baillie of Duncan, Sheriff' of Inverness : — " In the name of God, Amen : By this present public instrument, be it clearly known to all, that in the year of the Incarna- tion of our Lord, 1538, on the 28th day of June, the 11th indiction and in the 4th year of the pontificate of the most holy Father in Christ and our Lord, Lord Paul, by Divine Providence Pope III., in presence of the Notary public, and the under-subscribed witnesses, the venerable, religious man, Friar Thomas Stevenson, Prior of the Preaching Friars of the town of Inverness for the time, and the Convent of the same, the Provost, bailies of said burgh, and community occupying the salmon fishings of the river of Ness, being cited by the letters of the honour- able man, Alexander Baillie, at the time Sheriff" of Inver- ness, at the instance of the said Lord Prior of the Preaching Friars and of the Convent of the same, convened to render a reason for the unjust occupation of the fishing, by net 222 BURGH OF INVERNESS INVADE CONVENT FISHINGS. fishing of the western part of the river and water of Ness pertaining hereditarily to the Prior and Convent of Inverness, opposite the eastern ditch of said Friars on the one part ; and on the other part there convened the fore- said Prior and his Convent having charters containing the donation of King Alexander of happy memory, and also strengthened by the seal of the now reigning illustri- ous King James V., of all and whole the water of Ness, with its fishing, from the road intervening between the ]jlace of the Preaching Friars and the Parish Church on the south side, even to the churry on the north ; more- over both parties for themselves being heard, the right, and allegations and the complaints and statements of each being weighed, the foresaid Alexander Baillie, Sheriff of Inverness, holding the situation for the administration of Justice, being advised by the ripe counsel of his assessors, delivers and ordains the foresaid Provost, bailies, and the occupiers of the River Ness to desist and cease from all fishing and dragging of nets in time coming for ever, until they shall produce more valid evidences in judg- ment, and the charter of the said Friars, just shown before the said Sheriff, in defence of said Prior and Convent, and examined in judgment to be of as much force as is more fully contained in the roll of said court made thereupon ; of and upon all public instruments and sundry were sought by the foresaid Lord Prior of the Notary-public, underwritten, one or more to be made for him. These things were done in the Court-house of said burgh at 10 o'clock A.M., or thereabouts, under day, month, year, and indiction and pontificate as above. Present there, the honourable men, William Paterson, Provost of Inverness, Andrew Auchlek, James Dempster, bailies ; Thomas Wans, John Cuthbert, of the Old Castle, and Robt. Wans, Notary-public with divers others. John Scot, Notary-public." Evil days now fell on the Prior and Convent of Inver- ness, and upon the 23rd June, 1559, they were obliged to <1eposit their charters and gear for security with the Pro- vost and Magistrates of Inverness. Their buildings, no doubt, soon became ruinous. Nothing is known of the fate of the effects handed over, which included " a little relic of silver ; " but there are records to show that the tenements, annual rents, and other property of the Friars 16 oz. 2^ oz. 23 oz. 40 oz. H oz. EVIL DAYS BEFALL THE DOMINICANS AT INVERNESS. 223 were speedily divided or leased out by the town authori- ties among themselves : — " This is the year that we, Friar Robert Riche, Prior of the Friars Prsedicatores of Inverness, with consent and assent of our brethren, viz. — Fr. Andro Valcar, Sub-Prior, Fr. Hendre Wisman, Fr. James Ramsaye, Fr. Alex, Kaye, delivered in keeping to religion to the foresaid Prior, our successors, brethren of our place of Inverness, to our well- beloved benefactors, to honourable and worshipful men; George Cuthbert of the Auld Castle hill ; Thomas Flemying, burgess of Inverness ; John Makgilive, burgess of Inverness, Provost, bailies of Inverness, as after follows : — Item, A chalice of Silver, gilt with gold. Do. Do. Do., Do. Do. Do., Do. Do. Do., A buist, Do., for the sacrament, - Two Silver Spoons, for the lozenges to the Mass, - - - - - ^ oz. A little relic of silver. A box full of charters and evidents. A buist, covered with leather, with charters and other writings, with other loose evidents in the chest. „ A Chasible and a Clasp of red damask. „ 7 Carparats and 3 cases. „ A Chasible and two Clasps of red taffety. „ Do. and one Clasp of Black Damask, with host stole, fannon, and belt.* We, foresaids, George Cuthbert, Thomas Flemying, John M'Gilive, Provost and bailies of Inverness, grant us to have received the above- written gear from the said Prior and Convent and successors of the religion, and oblige us, our heirs, executors, and assignees whatsomever, that to the said Prior, brethren, and successors of Friars Predica- tors. without impediment or obstacle, we shall give, deliver to the saids Prior, brethren and their successors, the fore- said gear, whenever they require, or any unto their name pertaining to the religion whatsomever, by this our obli- gation we oblige our lands and heritage, heirs, executors, * Fannon signifies the Maniple. 224 Q, MARY DISPOSES THE PROPERTY OF THE BLACKFRIARS. and assignees, now and ever, on the deliverance to them of this present obligation. Subscribed with our hands at Inverness by both the parties, the 23rd day of June in the year of God 1559 years. George Cuthbert — Provost of Inverness. John M'Gilive, with my hand at the pen led by George Cuthbert. Thomas Flemying, one of the bailies of Inverness, with my hand. Frater Robertus Richardus, Prior — manu sua. Frater Andreas Valcar, Sub-prior, manu sua. Frater Henricus Vyisman, H.V.F. Frater Jacobus Ramsay, manu sua. Frater Alex. Kaye, manu sua." (Farjiily of Kilravock, p. 227, Spalding Club.) Shortly before the unfortunate Mary Stuart was de- throned, she granted the following Charter to Inverness. In it she disposes of the property of the Friars Preachers. " Mary, by the Grace of God Queen of Scots, To all good men. of her whole kingdom, cleric and laic ; Greet- ing ; Know that we, carefully considering our duty toward the service of God, and because of the ardent zeal we have for the upholding of the State, and for the preserva- tion of due order among our subjects, and chiefly within our burgh of Inverness ; considering, therefore, that we, by our oflice, are bound, and ought to consider our duty toward God, by whose Providence we are placed in the government of this kingdom, and also that it is by our office incumbent on us to provide by every honest means for the ministers of the word of God, and that hos- pitals should be maintained within our said burgh for poor, mutilated, and wretched, for orphans and children without parents ; we after our perfect age, with advice of the Lords of our secret council, have given, granted, dis- poned and for us and our successors for ever confirmed to our beloved the Provost, bailies. Council, and community of our said burgh of Inverness, and their successors for ever, all and sundry the lands, tenements, houses, build- ings, churches, chapels, orchards, gardens, acres, crofts, annual rents, fruits, duties, profits, emoluments, rents, alms, obits and anniversaries whatsomever, which in any way pertained or are known to pertain to whatsoever chaplaincies, vicarages, altarages, and prebendaries in whatsoever church, chapel, or college, . . . with manor FOUNDATION FOR THE MINISTERS OF INVERNESS. 225 places, gardens, acres, lands, annual rents, emoluments, duties, mills, and fishings which formerly pertained to the Dominican or Preaching Friars of our said burgh. . . To be held and had, all and sundry the foresaid churches, chapels, rents, abodes of the Friars, gardens, mills, fishings thereof, and pertinents by the foresaid Provost, bailies, etc. . . . quietly, fully, honourably in peace, without revocation, or contradiction whatsoever, as fully in all as the foresaid chaplains, vicars, or Friars above written could have been able formerly to enjoy and possess the same ; and con- sidering with what great fraud a great number of said Vicars and Friars, who, after the change of religion dis- poned, alienated, and gifted away into the hands of certain particular men their lands, rents, &c., &c., by these presents we annul and rescind all and sundry such alienations, &c., and incorporate the foresaid lands, churches, abodes of Friars, &c., &c., into one body for ever to be called our foundation for the ministers and hospitality of our said burgh of Inverness. In witness whereof we command our seal to be appended. Witnesses — Most Rev. Fr. in Xt John Abp. of St. Andrews, &c.; our beloved cousins, George, Earl of Huntly, Lord Gordon and Badenoch, our Chancellor; James, Earl of Both well ; Lord Halis, Creichton, and Liddlesdale, Gt. Admiral of our kingdom ; our beloved familiar advisers, Rd. Mait- land of Lethington, keeper of our Secret Seal ; Jas. Bal- four of Pittendreich, Clerk of the Register of our Rolls and Council; John Bellenden, Justiciary Clerk; Kt. at Edinburgh, 21st day of the month of April, a.d. 1567, and of our reign the twenty-fifth." At the time of acquiring the lands of the Preaching Friars, Provost Cuthbert appears not to have had enough to pay for the price, and to have been obliged to bor- row 200 merks from Alexander Bane of Tulloch and Agnes Eraser, his wife. The Provost rendered the mort- gage in 1584, as is seen by the following instrument of redemption and renunciation : — " In the name of God, Amen. By this present public instrument be it clearly known to all that in the year of the Incarnation of our Lord, on the 29th day of the month of May, in the 18th year of the Most Serene Prince James and sixth King of that name in presence of the public Notary, and the witnesses under-written, there VOL. III. 15 226 KING JAMES CONFIRMS HIS MOTHER'S CHARTER. compeared the honourable man, Alexander Bane of Tulloch and Agnes Fraser, his wife, hereditary owner of all and sundry the lands within the walls of the place of the Preaching Friars of Inverness, both arable and garden, removing and excepting the church and the passage to the church which lies between the water of Ness at the west, and the King's common highway at the east, and also another piece of land built upon, on the eastern side of the wall of the Preaching Friars of Inverness, between the Parish Church of Inverness and the place of the late Preaching Friars and the King's common highway on the north, and the wall of the said place of the Friars at the west, of their own mere, pure, and spontaneous will con- fessed, and by the tenour of this public instrument confess that the foresaid lands with their pertinents were held by them of the Provost, bailies, council, and community of Inverness, and were lawfully redeemed from them by the honourable man, William Cuthbert, burgess of Inver- ness, hereditary owner and feudatory of all and sundry foresaid lands with their pertinents . . . for the sum of 200 merks of the usual money of the Kingdom of Scotland. . . . These things, all and sundry, were done at Tulloch, the 29th day of the month of May, a.d. 1584. Present there, the honest man, Alexander Mer- chant, burgess of Inverness ; Alexander Bane, my eldest lawful son ; Robert Bane, my son ; Alexander Thomas M'Gilliemichael, with other witnesses called and required. (Signed) " Alexander Bayne of Tulloch. William Gumming acts as Notary." In 1587 King James confirmed the Charter of Mary Queen of Scots, his mother, to Inverness. He gives over to the Royal foundation all lands, duties, annual rents, milnes, fishings, houses, etc., which pertained of before to the Dominican Friars or Predicatores, etc., and he ordains the Clerk of Registers to amplify this present Act, insert and register the same among the remanent Acts of Par- liament, to have the strength of an Act of Parliament in all times coming. James R. Robert Milne. This Charter was confirmed by the Golden Charter panted by James upon January 1st, 1591, to the burgh ARREST OF THE WHOLE OF THE FRIARS' PROPERTIES. 227 of Inverness — Sealed with our great seal at Holyrood House." From the Proceedings of the Burgh Court of Inverness we extract the following : — " 13th Sept., 1568.— That day, Thomas Finlayson, officer, passed at the command of James Paterson, Provost of Inverness, to the Friars Predicatores of Inverness, and there arrested all and haill the Friars' Kirk houses, biggings, stones, dykes, of the same, that none within this burgh should pretend to break any of the foresaid Kirk houses, dykes, stones, nor lead them away unto the time that the infeftment obtained by the township should be fulfilled, and this he did before these witnesses — Magnus Caskin, William Anderson, and Gillimore M'Marrif Nov. 6th. — The Burgh Court of Inverness holden within the Tolbooth of the same by Alexander Paterson, Joseph Dempster, and William Cumming, bailie, conjunctly and severally the 6th day of Novr., in the year of God 1568. That day, etc., as above. Witnesses — Thomas Baillie, John Crown. June 24"th. — The Burgh Court of Inverness holden within the Tolbooth of the same, by William Cuthbert, Provost, John Robertson, one of the bailies of the said burgh, the 24th day of June, 1570. The which day com- peared William Cuthbert, Provost of Inverness, in pre- sence of the bailies, Council, and community of this burgh of Inverness, .... and there he exponed to them that he had obtained the consent of the Provost, bailies, Council, and community of the said burgh to have the haill Friars' yards and crofts bounded and included within the old walls thereof to him and heirs male for all the days of his lifetime, and that they had subscribed an assidation to him thereof, under their subscriptions manual, which assidation he presented to them openly, and desired them that they would admit and receive him as tenant and tacksman of the said Friars' yards and crofts and such like, because the subscriptions of the said assidation were gotten by him particularly of them, all being now altogether convened — which being openly read among them, and understanding that the common good was nothing hurt or diminished thereby, .... have received and admitted him tacksman and tenant to them of the said Friars' yards and crofts, ... he making 228 EXTRACTS FROM INVERNESS BURGH RECORDS. thankful payment, and ordained its common seal to be put to the said assidation, upon the which the said William Cuthbert took Act of Court. The Head Burgh Court of Inverness, after Yule, hol- den within the Tolbooth by John M'Gilive, one of the bailies of the burgh, Jany. 7th, 1571. That day William Thomson produced in judgment an evident upon a rood of land let to him by John Robertson, burgess, which land pays to the Friars' Preachers of Inverness, and their successors, three shillings annual yearly, the which William desires to be entered in the suit roll, which was granted by the judge, upon the which the said William required Act of Court. The Burgh Court of Inverness, holden within the Tolbooth of the same by William, one of the bailies, the 28th day of May, in the year of God 1578. That day compeared Maggie Kar, spouse to William Cuthbert, Provost, and there freely, purely, and simply renounced and overgave her fee of all and sundry the lands of the whole of the said late Black Friars of Inverness, haill yards and crofts within the walls of the said late Black Friars, with all claim, right, and possession which she had, in favour of the said William Cuthbert, her spouse, etc. Upon the which William Cuthbert and William Macfarquhar required Act of Court for the said Maggie Kar, James Paterson, Sheriff. Jany. 9th, 1575. — The house and place of Allister M'Phadrick pay 2 shillings annual to the Friars' Preachers, entered in the suit-roll." (Ft. Placid Conway.) THE GREIG STREET FOOT-BRIDGE, INVERNESS. A largely attended meeting of the subscribers to this Bridge was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday night, for the purpose of hearing the committee's report on the legality of the objections put forward to the erection of the Bridge, by the proprietor of the Friars' Shott salmon fishings. Mr. Alex. Macbean was in the chair. Mr. Charles Innes, solicitor, convener of the Committee, read the Report, which was as follows : — "Your committee understanding that the difiiculties in question have been raised by the present proprietor of the portion of the River Ness popularly called the * Friars' Shott,' have investigated the history of that por- THE friars' SHOTT; THE ROYAL HIGHWAY. 229 tion of the fishings, and as the result of their investiga- tions now beg to report as follows : — An Order of Friars, some sa}' ' black ' and others ' grey/ but generally styled in charters and other ancient re- cords ' Preaching Friars ' {fratres predicatores), settled in Inverness in 1233, and as they were much favoured by the then King, Alexander II., they were soon made the recipients of his bounty. In 1240 he gave them a grant of certain subjects, including fishings, the latter being in point of fact, as will be seen from the sequel, the fishings which we to this day call the ' Friars' Shott.' King Alexander's Charter appears to have been very carelessly kept, for by 1530 it was so wasted and de- stroyed that it became necessary to have it confirmed by James V., who then occupied the Scottish throne. James complied with the request to that effect, and his Charter of confirmation narrates particularly the description of the subjects included in his predecessor's grant. The full description, which it is necessary to give in order to the proper understanding of the boundaries of the fishings, is as follows : — ' Our Royal highway lying in length from the water of Ness, as far as that land which the Abbot and Convent of Arbroath gave to them ' (i.e. the Preaching Friars of Inverness) * for ever, and in breadth between the burying ground of the Parish Cliurch and the wall of the said Friars, and that island of our land lying on the north side of said Friars, on the south side of the water of Ness, with the whole water and fishing from the foresaid Friars' Road as far as Scurry, in pure and perpetual charity, with all commodities, liber- ties, and easements.' The Royal highwa}^ thus oddly gifted by the King to the Friars it will be seen lay in breadth ' between the burying ground of the Parish Church and the wall of the said Friars.' As the said wall is known to have been nearer the mouth of the river than the buiying ground, that is to the north thereof, it follows (first), that the ' Royal highway ' otherwise the ' Friars' Road,' running from the water side, must have formed the southern boundary of the fishings, and (second) that the said road must have been formed immediately alongside of the burying ground of the Parish Church — in fact that it 230 THE friars' shott salmon fishings. must have occupied pretty much the site of what we call Friars' Lane to this day. As the bounds of the fishings are described as extend- ing from the ' Friars' Road as far as Scurry,' and as it is well known that the latter was to the north of the former, and is what is now called ' the Cherry,' there could be no manner of doubt, even was there no evidence other than the charter itself, that the Friars' Road, or, in other words, the Friars' Lane of our day was in 1240, and in 1530, the boundary of the Friars' fishings at the south. Had, how- ever, there been any doubt as to the exact position of the Friars' Road, there is in existence a mass of evidence to place the matter beyond all question. The Friars' fishing seems from very early times to have led to disputes and litigation, and questions as to encroachment in connection therewith have not been confined to our day. The proprietors, however, so long, at any rate, as the fishings belonged to the Friars, do not appear to have been always the encroachers. In 1538 it would appear that the Burgh authorities attempted to rob the Friars, whose days by that time were well nigh numbered, of a portion of their property. The then Prior was, however, not the man meekly to allow his Order to be despoiled of any of their ancient possessions. By the rules of the Order, the brotherhood were bound to abstain from eating flesh from the month of September to Easter in each year, hence fish to them was an important article of food, and they were on that account the less likely to part with an inch of water to which they could lay just claim. The attempted en- croachment of the Burgh was brought before the Sheriff of Inverness, Alexander Baillie of Dunain, and he having heard both parties as to their rights and allegations, ' and the complaints and statements of each being weighed, the foresaid Alexander Baillie, Sherifi' of Inverness ' (as the Notarial instrument of the proceedings sets forth), 'holding the situation for the administration of justice, being advised by the ripe counsel of his assessors, delivers and ordains the foresaid Provost, Bailies, and the occupiers of the River Ness, to desist and cease from all fishing and dragging of nets, in all time coming, until they shall pro- duce more valid evidences in judgment; and the Charter of the said Friars just shown before the said Sherifi' in LITIGATION BETWEEN THE FEUARS AND MAGISTRATES. 231 defence of said Prior and Convent, and examined in judg- ment, to be of as much force, as is more fully contained in the Roll of said Court made thereupon.' So that for the time being the Friars came off victorious. In a Charter granted in 1 574, by which time the poor Friars had got their cong^, and were relieved of all their property, mention is made of 'the common passage or highway which leads to the water of Ness between the Parish Church of Inverness and the foresaid place of the Preaching Friars of Inverness ; ' and again in a deed executed in 1584, 'the common passage or way, which leads to the water of Ness between the Parish Church of Inverness and the place of the late Preaching Friars of Inverness,' is referred to. The said common passage, or way, was, therefore, undoubtedly well known. At the Reformation in 1560, the Friars were stripped of all their possessions, and their houses, lands, and fish- ings, were granted to the Provost, Bailies, Council, and community of Inverness, by Queen Mary, by Charter dated 21st April, 1567. The burgh authorities very soon parted with the subjects thus gifted to them, having feued out the same to different parties — not unfrequently to friends and connections of their own, and that at trifling feu duties. The Friars' fishing was in that way feued out, the duty being £1 2s. 9|d. It is needless,, however, at present, to trace it through each proprietor in succession, and a period of two centuries may there- fore be passed over. About the middle of the 18th century questions arose between the feuars of the River Ness and the magistrates of Inverness, which ended in a litigation. The proceedings were conducted in the Court of Session, and by the final decision of that Court, dated 27th June, 1775, it was found that ' the town of Inver- ness had been long since denuded of all their rights of salmon fishing in the water of Ness by grants made by the town in favour of the feuars of said fishing, and that the feuars ' (i.e. the parties in right of what are called the Four Cobles) ' have the sole right of salmon fishing from the stone of Clachnahagaig to the mouth of the river where it joins the sea at low water, except the Duke of Gordon's fishing, and the fishing called the Friars' fishing.' Subsequent to the year 1775, the municipal authori- 232 horne's plan of boundaries of friars' fishing. ties re-acquired half a coble, being one-eighth portion of the right formerly possessed by them, apart from the Friars' fishing, and it is in respect of the half coble so re-acquired the inhabitants of Inverness are now enjoying the privilege of fishing in the river within the Four Cobles water one day out of every eight. The fishings called the ' Friars' fishing' are said in the printed Report of the case to have then belonged to ' one Scot, a merchant in Inverness/ whose 'rights' it is said describe it by special boundaries as follows, viz.: — ' Totam et integrara aquam vocat. lie Friars water de Nes et salmonum piscarium ejusd. aquae, qua quondam pertinuerunt ad praedicatores. Invernesae, bodan. inter lie Cherry ad boream, et com- munem venellam quae descendit apud cemiterium lie Kirkyard et austrum.' That description agrees almost word for word with the description in the original Charter of 1240, as narrated in the Charter conjoining the same in 1530, the only difference being that the fact of the Cherry being at the north, and the Kirkyard at the south, is stated. There cannot be the slightest doubt as to the common vennel referred to in 1775 being the Friars' Road of 1240 and 1530, and the Friars' Lane of 1877, seeing that it has already been abundantly shown, apart from the statement in Scot's title, that the limit of the Friars' fishing on the south was the road, passage, highway, or common vennel (as it has at different times been called), which separated the ' Parish Church ' from the old ' place ' of the Friars. In connection with the before referred to case, a judicial Plan was prepared in 1774 by Mr. Home, which Plan was lithographed in 1830, and copies of which are in the pos- session of several Invernessians. The positions of the various fishing stations and the boundaries of the Friars' fishing are therein particularly marked. The end of the Trot or the third station of the coble proprietors, which in point of fact was the boundary of the Friars' fishing at the south, is placed on the east bank of the river a little to the north of Friars' Lane ; and it is run across the river in a slanting and upward direction until it reaches a point on the west bank about opposite the centre of old ' Drummuir's House,' which is now known as the ' Blue House ' or ' Balnain's House.' Towards the close of last century Provost William PROV. INOLIS' MEMORANDUM OF INVERNESS MONASTERY. 233 Inglis drew up a Memorandum on the subject of the old Monastery, its boundaries and possessions, which is still preserved in the Advocates' Library in Edinburgh. In it occurs the following passage — ' On a rising ground, sepa- rated from the Monastery hy the lane only, stood the Parish Church, a very ancient structure, which, having become quite ruinous, was pulled down in the year 1769, and the present Church built on its site.' This is further confirmation of the position of the road, passage, or vennel which was situated at the southern boundary of the Friars' water. Provost Inglis further says — ' the salmon fishing directly opposite to the Friary, and esteemed the most valuable in the river, did also belong to it, and is to this day called the Friars' coble or shott.' As we know with certainty that the Friars' lands did not extend beyond the road separating them from the Parish Church, it fol- lows, as a matter of course, the fishings which were ' directly opposite ' could not possibly extend beyond said road. In 1831, the Town Council granted a Charter of con- firmation of the fishings in question to Messrs. Fenwick and Steavenson, who were then in right of the same. In that Charter the description is as follows : — 'All and whole, the water commonly called the Friars' water of Ness, and salmon fishings of the same, which of old belonged to the Friars predicators of Inverness, called the Friars' fishing on the said river, and haill parts and pertinents thereto belonging, lying within the liberty and territory of the said Burgh of Inverness, bounded betwixt the common way or vennel descending nigh the Kirkyard and burial place thereof, at the south, and the Cherry, at the north.' On the 29th October, 18G9, a Charter of confirmation, the description in which is in precisely similar terms to the above, was granted to Mr. A. L. Steavenson. In the light of the quotations before given from the Charters, by which the fishings were originally granted to the old Preaching Friars, and seeing the Charters of confirmation just quoted (being the last delivered by the town) state distinctly the fishings referred to of old belonged to the Friars predicators of Inverness, it is evident the present proprietor of the Friars' fishing is 234 THE FEIARS' LANE; THE ABBAN: FRIESHOTT. entitled to as much of the water, but no more, as his pre- decessors the Preaching Friars possessed. No question has arisen as to the northern boundary, the southern boundary only being at present in dispute ; why any dispute should have arisen as to it is surprising, seeing that the boundary is as easily recognisable to-day as it was when the original grant was made, over 600 years ago, for now as then ' a common passage or way leads to the water of Ness between the Parish Church of Inverness and the place of the late Preaching Friars of Inverness.' That passage was in 1240 and 1530 called the Friars' Road ; ' it is now called Friars' Lane, and undoubtedly was then, as it is now, the boundary of the Friars' fish- ings on the south. It is believed that the present proprietor contends that the lane called Church Lane, which runs from Church Street between the High Churchyard and what is now the North Free Church Manse and garden, is the common way or vennel referred to in his titles. After what has already been said it is not necessary to waste a single sentence on the contention. The only peculiarity about the boundaries of the Friars' fishings is that while the march at the south on the east side of the river is given, no reference is made to the march on the west bank. The explanation is, that when the grant was originally given, fishing operations were in that portion of the river alone conducted from the east bank, the opposite or western bank being at that time not suitable for the purpose. The river opposite the Friars' lands was of old divided into two streams, the main body running where it now does, while the other found its way to the sea by what was called the Ahban. When the Abhan came to be closed up, the stream, which formerly struck the west- ern, was naturally thrown over toward the eastern bank, necessitating a change in the bank from which the cobles could be launched and the nets shot. Though it has no bearing on the point at issue, it may be well here to mention, as this Report may in after years be referred to, that some local antiquarians have asserted the ancient name of the Friars' Shott was ' Frie- shott ' or ' Freschot.' This assertion was made by Mr. Fraser-Mackintosh in his ' Antiquarian Notes ; ' the only THE FRESCHOTT AND FRIARS' SHOTT NOT SYNONYMOUS. 235 proof he gives being the fact that in a letter to his father, dated 29th October, 1819, the late Major Duff of Muir- town had said so. In his later work, ' Invernessiana,' Mr. Fraser-Mack- intosh quotes the authority of the late Mr. James Suter to the following effect : — ' What is now styled the Friars' Shott was called 300 years ago the Freschott, and this word signij&es that part of a river which is affected by the tide is sometimes fresh, sometimes salt water.' These gentlemen all seem to have jumped to the con- clusion that Freschott and Friars' Shott were S3aionymous on account apparently of the similarity of the two names. In a Charter, dated 18th May, 1544, by the Bishop of Moray to the then Lord Lovat, the Bishop granted inter alia ' the fishings of the Ness called the Freschott,' and that is the only Deed referred to by our antiquarians in which the fishing so called is named. Seeing that the lands included in said Charter are Abriachen, Kinmylies, Ballifeary, Bught,&c. — it is thought it might have occurred to even a casual reader, that in all probability the fishings going along with these lands might be looked for in their immediate neighbourhood, and not so far away as the Friars' fishings undoubtedly were. When, however, we know, and the antiquarians might have known too, that the Bishop of Moray never pos- sessed the ' Friars' fishing : ' that on the contrary said fishing remained in the possession of the Friars themselves from 1240 until they ceased to exist in 1560, and that it was with other portions of their property gifted by Queen Mary to the burgh in 15G7 (as has been explained), it will be at once seen that the fishing called the Freschott, in the Bishop of Moray's Charter to Lord Lovat in 1544, was not and could not possibly have been the Friars' Shott, The fishing, really given over by the Bishop of Moray to Lord Lovat are believed to have been in posses- sion of the Bishop's predecessors since 1282, and to have been the fishing, included in the Charter of Kinmylies granted in that year. By Mr. Home's Plan of 1774 before referred to, the end of the third station of the coble proprietors is fixed on the western bank of the river, as has been already stated, at a point about opposite the centre of old Drum- muir's House. As the coble proprietors appear to have 236 THE GREIG STREET FOOT BRIDGE, INVERNESS. made that the end of their station, doubtless the pro- prietors of the Friars' fishing came in time to look on the water on the west side of the river up to that point as theirs. There is nothing in the titles, however, which warrants their going further to the south than the old Friars' Road, and it is quite possible the proprietors of the cobles might yet, if they tried the question, be able to restrict the proprietor of the Friars' fishing to that portion of the water ending at his southern boundary as given in his titles. Into that question it is at present not necessary to enter. It would appear, however, that the present proprietor of the Friars' fishing, not content with being allowed to launch his boats on the western bank of the river from a point considerably beyond his Charter boundary, now claims a right to use the western bank for some 80 or 35 yards beyond even that point, for the pur- pose of towing up his boats. In the opinion of your Com- mittee he has no such right at common law, and it is quite certain he has no such right by his titles. The claim therefore should, it appears to your Committee, be strenuously resisted. Had it not been for the fact that the water of the four cobles proprietors is now almost only used for the purpose of angling, it is believed the operations of the proprietor of the Friars' fishings and his tenants would long ago have been challenged and stopped. The use of the bank beyond Balnain's House for the purpose of towing, began at a period when the cobles and Friars' fishing were in the tenancy of one and the same person or company, and it is believed the present pro- prietor cannot prove that by himself or his tenants he has in right of the Friars' fishings been undisturbedly using the bank of the river beyond Balnain's House as a towing j)ath for anything like forty years. As the proposed site of the foot-bridge is considerably to the south of Balnain's House on the west side of the river, and the Friars' Lane on the east side, your Com- mittee recommend : (1st) That immediate application should be made to the proper authorities (that is, the Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council, as also the pro- prietors of the four cobles fishing) for permission to erect the bridge on said site; (2nd) That, in anticipation of said permission being granted contracts should be forthwith entered into for the erection of said bridge so that the HOUSES OF THE TEMPLARS AT ELGIN AND ABERLOUE. 237 present season should not be lost; (3rd) That caveats should be lodged in the Courts in case the proprietor of the Friars' fishing should apply for an interdict ; and (4th) That care should be taken that the interests of the sub- scribers shall be protected by the contract to be entered into for the erection of the bridge by providing for the possibility of a question arising with the proprietor of said fishing. Reported in name and on behalf of the Committee b}'- Charles Innes, Convener. Inverness, 3rd April, 1877." templak and johannite knights. I shall add a few things concerning the Tem- plar and Johannite Knights. The Templars were religious Knights esta- blished at Jerusalem about the year 1118, and vowed to defend the Temple, and to guard and entertain pilgrims and strangers. They wore a white habit with a red cross, and were called by some the Bed-Friars. They became immensel}^ rich, had above 9000 houses in Europe, and the cross of the Order was on the top of every house. They had some lands in Ardersier and a jurisdic- tion of Eegality. In 1312 the Pope and the King of France suppressed this Order, and, under pretence of abominable crimes and errors, caused destroy the Knights in one night, then shared their riches, and gave a part of the lands to the Johannites. The Templars had a house in the town of Elgin ; and at Kinnermony, in Aberlour, there are the walls of an old Gothic house, and the tradition of the country is that it was a Eeligious 238 MASSACRE OF TEMPLARS AT KINNERMONY, ABEELOUR. house, and that all the Religious in it were mas- sacred in one night. [See Vol. I., pp. 183, 184.] The Johannites had their rise from some Neapolitan Merchants, whom the Caliph of Egypt permitted to build a house at Jerusalem for the reception of pilgrims. In 1104, Godfrey of Bouillon allowed a Temple and Hospital to be built in honour of St. John ; and hence the Knights took their name. They wore a black robe with a white cross. Being driven by the Saracens and Turks out of Palestine, Cyprus, and Rhodes, Charles V., Emperor, in 1534, gave them the island of Malta. Hence they were called The Knights of Malta. They had lands in almost all Christian countries. Their chief seat in Scotland was at Torphichen ; and King Malcolm lY. gave them '' Unum toftum in quoli- bet burgo to tins terrae suse.""^^ They had a house in the town of Elgin ; but at the Reformation, anno 1560, the Order was abolished. II. THE SECULAE CLERGY. These were so called because, being the Parish Ministers, they lived abroad in the world, and were not shut up in Convents and Cloisters as the Regulars were. We had two Bishops' Sees or Seats in this Province, Mortlach and Moray ; and the Bishops of these, with their Inferiors, were the Secular Clergy. * Translation — " One toft in whatever burgh they chose throughout tlie kingdom." FOUNDATION CHARTER OF THE SEE OF MORTLACH. 239 THE BISHOPEICK OF MORTLACH, With the time and occasion of its erection, is mentioned by Fordun, Lih. IV., cap. 44, in vita Malcolm II. — " Novam Episcopalem constituit sedem apud Murthlac, non procul a loco quo, siiperatis Norwegensibus, victoriam obtinuit."* This refers to the victory obtained over the Danes, anno 1010 ; and Fordun adds that Pope Benedict constituted Bean Bishop thereof. We have the foundation Charter of this See in the Chartulary of Aberdeen. It runs thus : — " Malcolmus, rex Scottorum, omnibus probis hominihus suis, tarn Clericis quam Laicis, Salutem: Sciatis, me dedisse, et hac Carta mea conjirmasse, Deo et Beatw Marice, et omnibus Sanctis, et Epis- copo Beyn de Murthelach, Ecclesiam de Murthe- lacli, ut ibidem construatur sedes Episcopalis, Terras meas de Murthelach, Ecclesiam de Cloveth cum terris, Ecclesiam^ de Dulmeth cum terris ; ita libere sicut eas tenui, et in puram, et perpetuam Eleemosynam : Teste meipso, apud Forfar, 8t'o Octobris, anno regni mei sexto."\ * Translation — " He erected a new Bishop's See at Murthlac, not far from the place where, havhig conquered the Nor- wegians, he obtained a victory." t Translation — " Malcolm, King of Scots, to all his good People, both Clergy and Laity, Greeting : Know ye that I have given, and by this Charter confirmed, to God and the blessed Mary, and all the Saints, and to the Bishop Beyn of Morthlach, the Church of Morthlach, that there a Bishop's See may be erected, my Lands of Morthlach, the Church of Cloveth with its lands, the Church of Dulmeth with its lands, as free as I held them, and in pure and perpetual charity. Witness myself, at Forfar, October 8th, in the sixth year of my Keign.'' 240 MALCOLM II. FOUNDS THE SEE OF MORTLACH. Dr. Nicholson, in his Scottish History, page 210, makes King Malcolm III. the founder of the Bishoprick, but gives no reason for his opinion. It is true, in the Chartulary of Aberdeen, this erection is said to have been, " Tempori Mal- colmi regis ScoticB Jilii Kenethi, per eum Malcol- mum constituta est prima sedes episcopalis apud Murthlac, cui dotavit ecclesiam de Murthlac,"* &c. Yet that Chartulary in another place says that it was erected anno 1070. But many circumstances concur in ascribing the erection to Malcolm II. Malcolm II., and not Malcolm III., was the son of Kenneth. Malcohn II., and not Malcolm III., defeated the Norwegians at Mortlach. It was erected anno regni 6to ; this places it in 1010, which was the 6th of Malcolm II. But the year 1070 was the 13th, and not the 6th, of Malcolm III. If Malcolm III. had been the Founder, he would have been so called in the Chartulary ; but he is mentioned only as a single donator. And David I. would have confirmed his father's char- ter had he been the founder ; but this he does not. The transcriber, therefore, of the charter has certainly erred in writing 1070 for 1010, which is but one figure for another, 7 for 1 — a mistake ready to be committed. This See, being erected 1010, was the second * Translation — " The Episcopal See at Morthlach was at first erected in the time of Malcolm, Son of Kenneth, and King of Scotland, to which he granted the Kirk of Morthlach." COSMO INNES COMBATS FIVE FORGED CHARTERS, 241 in Scotland ; and it shows how narrow and mean the extent and jurisdiction of Bishoprics were at first. This extended only over three parishes. King David I., by his charter dated at Forfar, 30th July, anno regni 18vo, i.e. 1142, translated the See from Mortlach to Aberdeen, in favour of Bishop Nectan ; whose Diocese was declared to be over the counties of Aberdeen and Banff (Chart. Aherd.) But the extent of that Diocese was afterwards altered, and much of it included in the Diocese of Moray, as we shall see. Yet the parish of Mortlach, the Mother-seat, remained in the Diocese of Aberdeen, until it was annexed to the Synod of Moray by the General Assembly, 9th April, 1706. SEE OF MORTLACH. [The circumstantial account of the foundation of a Bishop's See at Morthlach by Malcolm II. in 1010, given by Fordun and Boece, is repudiated by Cosmo Innes in his Preface to the Reg. Epis. Aberdonensis — as their delineations are built on five forged charters, which he combats as such. He says : — " At a somewhat earlier period than the era of Fordun, was engrossed in the Album Registrum, the most ancient of the existino^ re- cords of the Bishoprick of Aberdeen), the following com- mencement of a Table of its Contents. It has been much injured by an awkward attempt to alter the chronologv to suit the era of Malcolm II, ; but it would appear to have originally stood thus : — 'Anno Domini M°- Septuagesimo. Malcolmus Rex ScoTORUM FiLius Kenacjii Duxit in Uxorem Beatam Mar- GARETAM EliGINAM. . . . Et AnNO ReGNI SuI SeXTO FuNDATA Est Sedes Episcopalis Apud Morthlach Vt Habetur In Primo Folio Primi Quaterni. Et Processu Temporis Translata Est Sedes Episcopalis Apud Aberdon Per VOL. in. 16 242 historians' doubts about the time of foundation. Dauid Filium Suum Regem Scocie Et Dotata Vt Habetur In Eodem Folio, Litera Predicti Malcolm I. Prone- poTis Sui Eegis Scocie Confirmantis Donacionis Dauid Eegis Scocie Avi Sui. Litera Dauid Regis Scocie Filii Primi Malcolmi Et Beate Margarete Concedentis Et Donantis Multas Possessiones Ecclesias Et Decimas Omniuivi Reddituum Suorum Inter Duas Aquas Que Dee Et Spee Dicuntur.' The writer of this Record, although he mistakes the ather of Malcolm III., whom he calls Kenneth instead of Duncan, is, in other respects, consistent with himself and with the ascertained chronology. He ascribes the marriage of Malcolm and Margaret to the year 1070, which is the date assigned by the Chronicle of Melrose to the nuptials of Malcolm Canmore and Margaret of England. Nor can there be any doubt that it is Malcolm III. of whom he speaks, notwithstanding his mistaken patronymic, when he names David I. as his son and Malcolm IV. as his great-grandson, and bestows upon him his well-known appellation of " Canmor " — " Big Head." According, then, to this, the oldest authority for the tradition, and entitled to the more weight that it ivas written within the walls of the Cathedral, a Bishop's See was founded at Morthlach in 1063, which corresponds with the sixth year of the reign of Malcolm Canmore. Another Record, not indeed of so high antiquity or authority, asserts the translation of the See of Morthlach to Aberdeen to have taken place in 1125. It is hardly necessary to observe that these dates are more consistent with the number of Bishops between the foundation of the See and its translation to Aberdeen, as preserved by the unvarying tradition of the Church, than the period assigned by Fordun and Boece, which would extend the incumbency of three Bishops over a period of no less than 112 years." In the beginning of the 12th century, the band of mis- sionaries that pushed into the Pagan fastnesses of the North of Scotland, and established their little Christian family in the sequestered valley of the Fiddich, at Morth- lach, must have thriven in the benevolence of the people, since, at that period, the " Monastery of Morthlach " was possessed of five churches with their territories. We have all lived in the belief that Mortlach was the THE BATTLE AND BISHOPS OF MORTLACH QUESTIONED. 243 seat of a Bishop eight or nine centuries ago ; that the Bishopric was transferred from Mortlach to Aberdeen after there were three Bishops there in succession ; that Malcohn II., King of Scotland, fought the Danes at Mort- lach in 1010, and, in gratitude for his victory, added three lengths of his spear — a very long one, no doubt — to the old church. Neither John Hill Burton (the Historian of Scotland), nor W. F. Skene supports these beliefs, fondly cherished for a long period by every one belonging to the district. They do not absolutely say they are apocryphal ; but they point out difficulties in accepting the version of them which local history has handed down — difficulties that are not easy to get over, and which cannot finally be cleared up, without research for original documents, not yet founded on, which it may not be easy to find — which it may, indeed, be impossible to find. Mr. Skene, in one of the first two volumes of his Celtic Scotland, says quite distinctly that no Bishopric could have been at Mortlach at the time it was said to be there. The history of the time, so far as founded on reliable documents, makes it clear that St. Andrews had the only Bishop in Scotland at so early a period. The evidence of a Bishop being at Mortlach rests on the genuineness of five chapters of Memoranda prefixed to the Ghartulari/ of Aberdeen; and recent inquirers, including Professor Cosmo Innes, say they cannot be relied on. See page 241. Mr. Skene says there was a Culdee Church or Cell at Mortlach, and a Monastery, but not a Bishopric ; and, however unpleasant it may be to give up old beliefs that seemed well supported by historical authorities, we are afraid many of the associations that cluster around the early history of the Valley of the Fiddich must be aban- doned, and new reading and new inquiry resorted to, in order, if possible, to get at what is really reliable and true. About the Battle of Mortlach, Mr. Hill Burton is as decided that it could not have taken place, as Mr. Skene is that the Bishops were not there. The first authentic Writ in Regist Ej). Aberdeen is a Bull by Pope Adrian IV. in 1157, confirming to Edward, Bishop of Aberdeen, the Church of Aberdeen, the Church of St. Machar, with the town of Old Aberdeen and other lands, in which are included the Monastery 244 THE FIRST THREE BISHOPS OF MORTLACH, of Cloveth and the town and Monastery of Murthillaeh, with five churches and the lands belonging to them. There is here no allusion to Murthillaeh having been an Episcopal See, the seat of which had been transferred to Aberdeen. The designation of "Monastery" points une- quivocally to these Churches having been old Columban Monasteries; and accordingly we find that Murthillaeh was dedicated to St. Malusc, the founder of the Churches of Lismore and Rosemarky, in the sixth century. Of the three Bishops who are said to have preceded Nectan, Beyn probably belongs to the Columban period. Donertius has all the appearance of a fictitious name, and Cormauch is probably Cormac, Bishop of Dunkeld, who appears in the Charter in which Nectan is first men- tioned as having rights connected with the Church of Deer, and who may have possessed similar claims upon the Monasteries of Cloveth and Murthillaeh, as old Colum- ban foundations. (See Vol. II., 379.) The Church of Aberdeen appears to have had a tradi- tion that the See was originally founded at Mortlach, and was transferred to Aberdeen by King David in the 13th year of his reign. This tradition is contained in five C'harters or Memoranda of charters, prefixed to the Cliar- tulary of Aberdeen, and the interval between Beyn, the supposed first Bishop, and Nectan, is filled up by Doner- cius, the second Bishop, and Cormauch, the third Bishop. That a Bishopric was founded there by Malcolm II. is clearly at variance with the undoubted fact that there was, at that time, but one Bishop in Scotland, whose seat was at St. Andrews, and who Avas termed the Episcop. Albain, or Episcopus Scottorum ; and the five documents which contain the Aberdeen tradition have been shown by the learned Editor of the Chartulary (Cosmo Innes) to be unquestionably spurious.] (Ed.) The Bishops of Mortlach before the translation of the See were : — 1, Bean;* 2, Donertms ; 3, Cormac. These * In the Scotch Calendars, St. Beyn appears both on 26th October and on 16th December. The Breviary of Aberdeen has, on 26th October, Beyn Episcopus ; and in Adam King's Calendar he is called Bishop of Murthillaeh ; but in the Martyr- VARIOUS CHARTERS ANENT THE FOUNDATION OF MORAY. 'liio from anno 1010 to 1122. Then 4, Nectan was ordained, and in 1139 was brought to Aberdeen. In 1142 this See was called The Bishopric of Aberdeen. (Pref. to Dipl. et Num. ScoticB.) I come now to THE BISHOPRIC OP MORAY. The precise time of erecting this Bishopric, or the reign in which it was erected, cannot easily be fixed. Leslie and Buchanan ascribe it to King Malcolm III. or Ceanmore ; but this is uncertain. In the Foundation-Charter of the Priory of Scone, anno 1115, Gregorius Episcopus is a witness. In a Charter by King Alexander I. to the said Priory, about the year 1122, Robertus Electus Episcopus Sti Andrew, Cormacus Epis- copus, et Gregorius Episcopus de Moravia, are witnesses. And in a Charter by King David I. anno 1126, to the Abbey of Dunfermline, Robertus Sti Andreas, Joannes Glasguensis, Gregorius Moraviensis, Cormacus Dunkeldensis, and Mac- beth Rossimarkiensis, Episcopi, are witnesses. {Dalr. Coll.) I think it very probable, that Bishop Gregory, anno 112G, is the same that is ology of Aberdeen he is identified with S. Beyn of Fowlis in Stratherne, who, we learn from the Life of St. Cadroe, lived in the ninth century. Dempster, in his Monologium,, has him also at 16th December as Bishop of Murthlach, but this is also the day of St. Mobhesc in the Irish Calendars, whose name was also Beoan ; and as he is mentioned in the Felire of Angus, he must have lived before the eighth century. (See Mart. Donegal, p. 337.) (Ed.) 246 GREGORY, PRIOR AND BISHOP OF DUNKELD. mentioned 1122 and 1115; and this brings up the erection to the beginning of the reign of King Alexander I., and higher I cannot trace it. Thus the See of Moray is fourth in order of erection; and the more ancient Sees are, St. Andrews, Mortlach, and Glasgow. Let me now give an account of THE BISHOPS OF THIS SEE OF MORAY. Spottiswood and others have given very im- perfect Catalogues of these Bishops. I have com- pared several manuscript and printed lists, and from them compiled the following, which I think pretty exact. [Not so, as the emendations show. (Ed.)] 1. Gregorius, Bishop of Moray, anno 1115. I find not in what year he died. [Note at page 245.] [Gregory, Bishop of this See, is mentioned in the reign of King Alexander I., as Witness in a Charter to the Priory of Scone : and in the time of King David I., he is also named as Witness to his Charter to the Abbey of Dunfermline. {Cart. Dunferm. Dalr. Coll. p. 240, and 388-9, and Pref. p. 56.) I suspect the first Bishop of Dun- keld and this one here may be the same person. He was Prior of the Convent of Dunkeld in 1127, and made Bishop of the See about the same time. It was by his interest that the Lands of Outhertak, as well as 80 Prebends, were granted to the Bishop and Chapter of Dunkeld as is contained in King David's Charter. He procured, in the strictest form, from Pope Alexander III., the Apostolical protection for himself and his Church, in which Writing all the Possessions which they held then are reckoned. He assigned the Church of Rattray to the Sub-chanter, whose name was Guasdub. He is Bishop of Dunkeld, contemporary with Her- bert, Elect of Glasgow. {Cart. Camhuskcn.) Also, with EARLY BISHOPS OF THE SEE OF MORAY. 247 King David, Kobert, Elect of St. Andrews, and Her- bert and Andrew, Bishops of Glasgow and Caithness. {Cart. Dunferm.) He is Bishop of Dunkeld in 1150. {Cart. Glasguen.) He is contemporary with John, Bishop of Glasgow (Cart. Kelso) ; and in the time of King Malcolm IV., with Arnold, Bishop of St. Andrews, and Andrew, Bishop of Caithness. (Cart. Kelso et Passelet.) He is Bishop of Dunkeld under King Malcolm IV. (Dipl. et Numism.) He is Witness to a Charter of that King. {Hay et Cart. Netvbottle.) Also in the 11th year of the same King (Cart. Scone) ; and in the time of Pope Adrian IV. {Nic. Hist. Lib., p. 353.) Gregory, Bishop of Dunkeld, is Witness to a Charter of Robert, Bishop of St. Andrews, granting the Abbey of the Island of Loch Leven, the property of the Culdees, and the Vestments and Books of this Abbey, to the Church of St, Andrews. The grant must have been made before 1158, but there is no date.] (See Keith's Catalogue of Scottish Bishops.) 2. William. I find not when he was con- secrated. He was made Apostolic Legate 1159. Next year he consecrated Arnold, Bishop of St. Andrews, and died anno 1162. {Chron. Melr.) I think it not improbable, that Gregory and WiUiam might officiate from 1115 to 1162. [Williani was a Bishop here in the time of King David I. {Cart Camhusken, also Writs of Clackmannan.) He is Bishop also under King Malcolm II. (Cart. Dun- ferm., also Cart. Kelso et Dipl), and in the time of Pope Adrian IV. {Hist Lib., p. 35.3), "Willielmo Moraviense Episcopo Sedis) Apostolicse Legato," is Witness to a Charter by King Malcolm to Berowaldus Flandrensis, of the Lands of Innes transumed before the Lords of Council, 26th June, 152.3. {Riddles MS. Notes.) This Bishop, with one Nicolaiis Camerarius, Secretary to King Mal- colm IV., went to Rome for to complain of the usurpation of the Archbishop of York over the Church of Scotland in 1159. The Bishop returned as Legate in Scotland, with the accustomed powers of legislation and correction. {Chron. S. Cruc. Edinb. and Chron. Melros, p. 1G8.) It 248 BISHOPS WILLIAM, FELIX, SIMON, AND ANDREW. was further declared that if he should be chosen Bishoji of St. Andrews, the Pope would not only dispense with his journey to Rome for confirmation, but would ratify the ancient rites and honours of his See. If, it was added, another than the Bishop of Murray shall be chosen, then his office of Legate shall cease, and the new Bishop of St. Andrews, when confirmed and consecrated, shall be Legate of all Scotland. The choice of the Chapter fell on Arnold, Abbot of Kelso. Almost all that is known of the purpose and issue of this mission to Rome, is to be gathered from a newly published Rescript of Pope Alex- ander III. to the Chapter of St. Andrews, 22 Nov., 1159 (Statuta EcclesicB Scoticanoa, Preface xxx\. He died 9 Kal. Feb. 1161. Keith and Shaw are in error in stating 1162.] (See Keith's Catalogue of Scottish Bishops.) 3. Felix succeeded. He is a witness in a Charter by King William, " Willielmo filio Fres- keni," of the lands of Duffus, Rosile, &g. He died anno 1170. {Chron. Metros.) 4. Simon de Tonei, a Monk of Melrose; elected 1171. Died 1184. Buried in Birnie {MSS.) [Simeon or Simon de Toeny or Thondi, was Abbot at Coggleshall in the county of Essex, of which territory he was probably a native, as there were some of that name who came over with the Conqueror. Simeon is Bishop of this See, and contemporary with Simeon, Matthew, Andrew, and Gregory, Bishops of Dunblane, Aberdeen, Caithness, and Ross, in the time of King William {Cart. Morav.), and this same Simeon is a co-witness with Robert de Quincy and Philip de Valoniis. {Ibid.) He was consecrated 10 Kal. Feb. 1172. He died 15 Kal. Oct. 1184, and was the only Bishop in this See, who was buried at Birnie, according to some — although, very probably, his three predecessors were also there interred.] 5. Andrew, consecrated anno 1184; died 1185. {Chron. Melro.s.) BISHOPS RICHARD AND BRICE, SEE OF MORAY. 249 [This Bishop is omitted hy Keith; neither is he in- cluded in the Registrum Episcopatus Moraviense.] 6. BicJiard, Chaplain to King William, was consecrated Id. Martii, 1187, by Hugh, Bishop of St. Andrews. [Eemoved the Seat of the Dio- cese to Spynie, where he died and was buried in 1203. (Ed.)] [Richard was Bishop here in the time of King William (Cart. Glasg. — Dipl. et Niiinism. — Officers of State, p. 468]. He was contemporary with Joceline, Hugo, Turpin, Andrew, Bishops of Glasgow, Dunkeld, Brechin, and Caithness {Cart. Aherd.), and with Matthew, Bishop of Aberdeen, and also in the time of William, elect of Glasgow, Chancellor to the King, and of John, elect of Aberdeen. {Cart. Mor.) He is witness to King William's confirmation of a donation to the Abbey of Kinloss, and a co-witness is H. Cancellarius. The paper which I have viewed wants indeed the date of the year ; but yet it must have been betwixt the years 1189 and 1199, as being the space of time in which Hugo, who in the last year of his life came to be Bishop of Glasgow, filled the Chancellor's oftice {v. Officers of State). Whilst this Pre- late was Bishop of Moray, the King was very beneficent to the See. He gave orders for the punctual payment of the revenues bestowed by his royal ancestors upon the Bishops of Moray ; and, besides, he made over a portion of land, commonly called a Toft, in the towns of Kintore, BanflT, Cullen, Elgin, Nairn, and Inverness (a.d. 1165) — as also the Teinds of all the King's rents, ordinar}^ and extraordinary, within the Diocese of Moray, which had not formerly been set apart for the Church there. "Ricar- dus elect Moravien." is a witness to King William.] 7. Briciiis, brother of WilHam Lord Douglas, Prior of Lesmahagow, was elected anno 1203. Died 1222, and was buried in Spynie. He founded a College of 8 Canons. 250 BISHOP brice's great zeal and influence. [This Bishop's mother was sister to Friskinus de Kerdal of Kerdal, on the River Spey, as appears by a Charter of the Church of Deveth granted by Bishop Brice or Bricius, for supporting the fabric of the Church of Spynie, at that time the Cathedral of his Bishopric. He says : — " Ad instantiam et petitionen Friskini de Kerdal, avunculi nostri." (Cart. Morav., p. 22 v.) I suspect he may have been the same person who I see is Dean of this See of Moray in the time of the preceding Richard. It is said he became Bishop here in the year 1203, and that he died anno 1222. (Gwrt Metros.) (Keith's Gat.) Whether from consanguinity or alliance, he seems to have been closely connected with the powerful family of de Moravia, to which he probably owed his promotion to a Benefice so far from his own country. He was a great Benefactor to the Church, and was the first who, by application to Pope Innocent III. got the Cathedral of this See, formerly undefined and held at Birnie, Spynie, or Kinnedar, to be fixed at Spynie. It would appear that he afterwards applied to Rome for its transference to Elgin, as the Pope speaks of the personal representations of the Bishop — but this change did not take place till after his demise. It is said he went to Rome to a Council in 1215. {Cart. Melros.) His journey thereto is con- firmed by a safe-conduct from the King of England, granted in order to facilitate his return from the Papal Court. (Rot. Scot. 17 Johan. m. 8.) He founded a Chapter of 8 secular Canons, and gave to his Cathedral a Constitution, founded on the usage of Lincoln, which he ascertained by a mission to England. He brought with him into Moray his four brothers, Archibald, Alex- ander, Hugh, Henry, and probably Freskinus — and pro- vided for some of them by grants of land, for others as beneficed Churchmen. The promotion of their brother to the Bishopric, and perhaps the connection with the great northern family De Moravia, seem to have laid the foundation of the power of the family of Douglas, whose name before this period is scarcely known in history.] Seal of Brice or Bricius. — The upper and lower part of this Seal is unfortunately broken ; it represents the figure of a Bishop in profile, his right hand raised giving the benediction, his left holding a crook. He is arrayed in the alb and chasu- ble, the ample folds of which are gracefully disposed ; from the BISHOP ANDREW MORAY FOUNDS CATHEDRAL AT ELGIN. 251 left arm depends the maniple. The Inscription is much broken, but has been — "Bricius Dei gracia Moraviensis Episcopus." Counter Seal of the Preceding. — An antique gem, a figure of Peace or Concord holding in the right hand a winged victory, and her left resting on a shield — a frequent emblem on Eoman coins and gems. " Ave Maria Gracia Plena." {Appended to the Agreement between the Ahhey of Metros and Patrick Earl Dunbar, c. A.D. 1208. Melros Charters.) 8. Andreio Moray, son of William Moray of Duifus, Parson of Duffus. [Probably the son of Hugh de Moravia, Lord of Duffus, and before being raised to the Bishopric, Parson of Duffus, in which character he consented to the erection of the Chapel. (Ed.)] Was consecrated anno 1223. He founded the Cathedral Chinxh of Elgin anno 1224 ; added 14 Canons to the former 8, of which the Prebendary of Unthank was one : and he assigned to every Canon a toft on which to build a Manse and a Croft. To the Dean, Chancellor, Chanter, and Treasurer, 4 acres of land to each — and 2 other acres to each of the other Canons — which land he bought from the Burgesses of Elgin. He died 1242, and was buried in the Choir of the Cathedral under a broad blue stone. {MSS.) [Andreiu de Moravia, or Moray, a son of the family of Dutfus (the best of that noted surname), was the following Bishop ; and though there be no particular time allotted for his entrance, yet it must very probably have been very soon after the death of the former Bishop, since we see a writ by Pope Honorius, on the 12th day of May, in the 7th year of his Papacy, directed to " electo Morav." {Cart. Mor.), and indeed there is certain instruction of his being actual Bishop here in the year 1224 {Ihid.), item, in the years 122G, 12.32, 1233, 1234, 252 CATHEDRAL TRANSFERRED FROM SPYNIE TO ELGIN. 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242. {Ihid. et Reg. Chart. Dipl. it. Cart. Aberbr. Cambusk. et Balmer.) He was Bishop here in the 22nd year of King Alexander. {Cart. Arb.) He died anno 1242. (Cart. Melr.) This great and worthy Prelate having obtained from King Alexander II. a beautiful piece of ground, lying at the east end of the town of Elgin, close upon the margin of the river [Lossie], which glides by the north side of that city, he laid the foundation of that magnificent and noble Church, which was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and ordained to be the Cathedral Church of Moray for ever. The solemnity was performed upon the 15th [19th ?] day of July, in the year 1224, by the Bishop of Caithness and Dean of Ross, by the authority of Pope Honorius III. To the 8 Canons established by Bishop Bricius Douglas, Andrew Moray added 14 more; and having with great prudence and piety, exercised his Episcopal function 20 years, he died anno 1242, and his remains were deposited in the south side of the quire of the Cathedral which he himself had founded, under a large stone of blue marble {Mr. King's MS.), which is still to be seen.] (Keith's Cat.) [The brass thereupon has been pilfered long ago. In his time, in 1224, the transference of the Episcopal See was effected, which had been designed and solicited by his predecessor. At dift'erent times, and chiefly by munificent endowments obtained from his own relatives of the families of De Moravia, of Duffus, and Petty, he increased the number of Prebends to 22, as we have seen above, of which the Bishop held one, and sat as a simple undignified Canon in the Chapter.] 9. Simon, Dean of Moray, succeeded in the year 1243, and died anno 1252. He was buried in the Choir of the Cathedral under a blue stone {MSS.) \Simon, whom we observe to have been Dean of this See in the years 1232 and 1242 {Cart. Morav.), was advanced to the Bishop thereof He is said to have died anno 1254 ; yet I think there is an initial letter or char- acter, which I take to be S, denoting most plainly that BISHOP ARCHIBALD BUILDS THE PALACE AT KINNEDAR. 253 person to have been Bishop in the year 1253. {Cart. Morav.) But what I cannot account for is, that Simon, written at full length, is found Bishop here in the year 1348 (Cart. Morav.), unless it be supposed a mistake in the writer for 1248. He was Bishop of Mora}' 9 years. Died anno 1253 [1252 Shaw], and was buried in the Choir of the Cathedral.] (Mr. King's MS. and Keith.) \_Randulph, a Canon of Lincoln, according to Matthew Paris (p. 836), succeeded Simon : but it does not appear that he was ever consecrated. The words of the Historian are as follows : — " Electus est in Episcopum Morafensera. in vScotia, M. Radulphus Ecclesise Lincolensis canonicus."] 10. Archibald, Dean of Moray, was consecrated anno 1253 ; died 5th December, 1298, and was buried in the Cathedral. He built the Palace of Kinnedar, and resided there. In his time, Wil- liam Earl of Ross had done some injury to the Church of Petty and Prebend of Brauchlie, for the reparation of which he gave the lands of Catboll in Ross, and other lands to the Bishop and Canons (MSS.) [Archibald was Bishop here in 1253, 1256, 1258, 1260, 1269, and 1287. (Cart. Morav.) He was Bishop here in the 19th year of King Alexander (Cart. Newhott. et Cart. Aherbroth.), and Alexander (written at full length) was Bishop of Moray in the 22nd year of King Alexander {Cart. Passelet); but here it would seem there is an error of the name of Alexander written for Archibald. He was Bishop here anno 1290. (Rynier.) He died 5to Jons Dec. 1298 (Cart. Morav.), and was buried in the Choir of the Cathedral.] (Keith's Cat.) 11. David Moray, was consecrated at Avignon by Boniface YIII. anno 1299, and died 20th Jan., 1325. He was buried in the Choir (Ibid.) [David Moray, a son of the family of in the shire of was consecrated Bishop of this 254 BP. DAVID MORAY FOUNDS THE SCOTS COLLEGE AT PARIS. See at Avignon [Agnania], in the time of Pope Boniface VIII. on the vigil of the holy apostles Peter and Paul [2^.) (Keith's Cat.) 26-t BISHOPS JAMES AND DAVID STEWART. " Anno M°- IV"- Ixiij obiit Johanes Wynsist. eps. Mora- vien." {Harl MS., 2363.) Seal of Winchester. — This and the following seals of the Bishops of Moray are all of a round shape. A representation of the Trinity. In this the right hand of the Father is raised, and the fingers are beneath a canopy, supported with pillars. The inscription is on a scroll surrounding. " S Rotundu, JoHANNis Epi. Moravien." (Detached Seal, C. Innes.) 20. James Stetvart, Dean of Moray, of the family of Lorn, was consecrated anno 1458, and died 1460. [James Stewart, a branch of the illustrious family of Lorn, was first Dean of this See. (Cart. Publ.) He came afterwards to be Lord Treasurer anno 1453 (Regist. Cart.), and upon the death of Bishop Winchester in the year 1458-9, he was advanced to this Bishopric. He was Bishop here anno 1460 {Cart. Mor.), but he lived only two years, and was buried in St. Peter's and St. Paul's Aisle, on the north side of the Cathedral. {Spottis- woodes MS.) (Keith's Gat.) The two following entries occur in Harl. MS., 2363 : — " Anno M"- 4'^- lxvj° v. die mensis August! obiit Jacobus Stewart eps. Moravien." " Anno M"- 4'- Ixx. sexto obiit Dauid Stewart fs. predicti Jacobi epi. Moravien."] Seal of Stewart. — A well executed design, partly broken at the top. A shield, bearing a fess counter compony (no doubt meant for a fess cheque) between three crowns, within a plain double tressure; part of a crozier appears below the shield; the background ornamented with foliage. " (S) Jacobi Epis- COPI MoRAViENSis." {Detached Seal, C. Innes.) 21. David Steiuart, brother of the former, and Parson of Spynie, was consecrated anno 1461, and died 1475. He built that part of the palace called "Davy's Tower," and made several good regulations — as that no Canon be admitted except in general convocation ; that the common Kirk BISHOPS DAVID STEWART AND WILLIAM TULLOCH. 265 Lands be set to none but the labourers of the ground ; and that no pensions should be given out of these lands. [David Stewart, brother to the former Bishop and Parson of Spynie, [Duffus ?] was in this See in the year 1463. (Cart. Dunfer.) According to Mr. Kings MS. he was Bishop of Moray in 1461. According to Cart. Morav. in 1464, and anno 1468 and 1470 {Regist. Chart.) He built the great tower of Spynie Castle, a mighty strong- house. It is called to this day "David's Tower." He was disquieted bj^ Alexander, Earl of Huntly, who with- held the feu-duties of such lands as held of the See of Moray within the lordship and bounds of Strathbogie. The Earl, for his obstinacy and sacrilege, was excom- municated ; but at last by the mediation and good offices of the Abbot of Kinloss, the Prior of Pluscarden, and several others, matters were made up, and the Earl absolved, after satisfaction and submission made. This good prelate made several wise regulations, and after he had governed the See of Moray for 14 years, he died [1475] and was buried in the same aisle with his brother. He was buried in St. Peter's and St. Paul's Aisle, on the north of the Cathedral Church. {Spottisivoodes MS.)] (Keith's Cat.) 22. William Tulloch, Bishop of Orkney, was translated to Moray anno 1477, and died anno 1482. [William Tidloch, cousin to the former Bi.shop of Orkney in 1422, viz., Thomas Tulloch, of the House of Bonnington in Forfarshire, was Bishop of Orkney in the reign of King James III., and was sent by that Prince into Denmark in the year 1468, together with several other noble personages, to negotiate a marriage betwixt him and the Princess Margaret of that nation, which they had the good fortune to effectuate. In 1471 he was appointed one of the Administrators of the Exchequer. (Retul. Jac. III.) He was likewise made Lord Privy Seal, 26 March, 1473, an. reg. 13. He was one of the Ambassadors sent to England, 1471. {Rymer, Tom., ii., 2GG BISHOP ANDREW STEWART. p. 717.) The same, 15 March, 1472. (Rymer.) He was translated to the See of Moray in the year 1477; for in the Parliament, anno 147C, which restored the Earl of Ross, he was still Bishop of Orkney and Privy Seal ; but in a Charter, anno 1477, he is become Bishop of Moray and keeper of the Privy Seal. He was Bishop here and Privy Seal anno 1478, and 27th July, 1479. (Aberbro.) He was Bishop also anno 1478-79-81 and Privy Seal. (Regist. Chart.) He was buried in St. Mary's Aisle, in the Canonry Church of Moray, and must have died at least in the year 1482.] (Keitlis Cat.) 23. Andreiv Stewart, son of Sir James Stewart of Lorn, and of the widow of King James I., Dean of Moray and Lord Privy Seal, succeeded anno 1483. In 1488 he got a ratification of the Kegahty of Spynie, and died anno 1501. [Andrew Steivart, third son of Sir James Stewart, surnamed " The Black Knight of Lorn " by Jane Queen Dowager of Scotland, the widow of King James I., succeeded in 1482. In the year 1456 this gentleman was Sub-Dean of Glasgow and Bector of Monkland. ( Writs of the College of Glasgoiv.) Anno 1477 he is Provost of Lincluden, and retained his Sub-Deanery in commendam; and the same year he was elected Dean of Faculty in the University of Glasgow. {lbider)i.) He was Elect of Moray and Lord Privy Seal in the month of July, 1482 ; and " Electus, confirmatus, Moravien." is in the rolls of Parliament, December 2, 1482, in which year the King calls him " dilecto avunculo nostro Andrea, electo Mora- vien. secreti sigilli custode." {R. Chart.) But the Priv}' Seal he resigned upon his consecration in the year 1483. Andrew, Elect of Moray, is witness in a Charter to Alex- ander, Duke of Albany, Lord Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom and High Admiral. The paper wants a date, but one of the co-witnesses is John, Bishop of Glasgow, who died in January, 1482-3; and James, Bishop of Dunkeld, another witness, died anno 148.3. He is Bishop here anno 1487. (Ibid.) In the year 1488 there is a confirmation by King James III., and a new enlargement of the burgh of Spynie, 16th April, 1488 (C. Morav.),. BISHOP ANDEEW FORMAN. 267 which was only two months before the slaughter of the King. He was Bishop here anno 1492 {C. Morav., C. Aberbr., Assed. Aberbr., it. Hay), anno 1492, and 94 {Re;j. Cart), anno 1496 {C. Cmnbusk). "Andreas Episcopus Moravien. frater-germanus Jacobi eomitis de Buchan," anno 1501. (Reg. Chart.) And in that year, 1501, he died (Ibid.), and was buried in the Quire of the Cathedral.] (Keith's Cat.) Seal of Steu-arf. — Rather defaced. The design is the usual representation of the Trinity. At the lower part of the seal is a shield, but the charges are indistinct ; above the shield is the crozier and mitre. The background ornamented with foliage. "S' Andree Stewart Epi. Morav[iexsis]. (a.d. 1490.— Kilravock Charters.) 24. Andrew Forman, Commendator of Dry- burgh and Pittenweem, succeeded in 1501, and was translated to St. Andrews 1514. [Andreiu Forvian, a son of the Laird of Hutton, in Berwickshire, was Proto-Notary Apostolic in Scotland anno 1499. (R(^g- Chart.) He was Postulate of Moray in the year 1501, at which time he gets a commission, together with Robert, Archbishop of Glasgow, and Patrick, Earl of Bothwell, to treat about a marriage betwixt James IV. and Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry VII., King of England ; and he himself gets a subsequent commission to treat of a peace betwixt the two nations. (Reg. Chart.) In the same year, 1501, he was fully promoted to this See; and, together with it, held in commendam the Priories of Pittenweem, in Scotland, and of Cottingham, in England. Andrew is Bishop of Moray 10 July, 1502, the 5th indiction, and 10th of Pope Alexander VII. (Mar et Clackmannan.) He is " Episcopus Moravien. et com- mendatarius de Pittenweem, in Scotia, et Cottingham, in Anglia," anno 1503-4, item 1506. {Reg. Chart.) Jan. 2, 1506, 9th indiction, and 3rd of Pope Julius II. King James IV. appoints him his Ambassador to England, in order to procure a personal conference betwixt him and Henry, then King of England, therein expressly designed "Frater et consanguineus noster amantissimus," as appears by the commission given him, dated at Edinburgh, " 19th 268 BISHOP ANDREW FORMAN. Julii, anno regni nostri 22" (i.e., 1510 — Macfarl.) This commission is recorded by Rymer, Tom. x., p. 376, but erroneously put under the year 1427, and so ascribed to the times of James I. and Henry VI. He is designed Andrew, Bishop of Moray, Commendator of Pittenweem and Cottingham, in England. {Clack.) He was Bishop anno 1512 {Cart. Mor.), and bears the title of "Andreas, miseratione divina, Moravien. Episcopus, commendatarius perpet. monasteriorum de Dryburgh et Pittinveme, et Cottingham inAnglia.Sti Andreae et Eboracen.Diocesium." And he is styled Bishop of Moray and Commendator of Dryburgh and Pittenweem in a treaty of confederation made at Edinburgh, 10th July 1512. In Young's account of the marriage of James IV. with Margaret of England, we find that the Bishop of Moray was employed by his Sovereign as one of the Commis- sioners who, at the Court of Henry VII., arranged the royal nuptials. (See Leland's Collectanea, p. 258.) In the year 1514 he was translated to the Archiepiscopal See of St. Andrews. He died and was buried in Dun- fermline in 1522. (See my Scotichronicon, I., 242-245.) Andrew Forman, Bishop of Moray, and Papal Legate for Scotland, being obliged to say grace at an entertain- ment which he gave to the Pope and Cardinals in Rome, blundered so in his Latinity that his Holiness and their Eminences lost their gravity, which so disconcerted the Bishop that he concluded the blessing by giving all " the false carles to the Devil, In nomine Patris,Filii,et Spiritus Sancti ; " to which the company, not understanding his Scoto-Latin, said Amen ! " The holy Bishop," says Pit- scottie, "was not a good scholar, and had not good Latin."] (M'Crie's Life of Knox, p. 9.) Seal of Forman. — A beautifully designed and executed seal. Unfortunately it is a little broken, the parts that remain are, however, very perfect. A triple canopy, richly ornamented, and supported by slender pillars. Beneath the centre one the usual representation of the Trinity ; beneath the dexter canopy the Blessed Virgin and infant Jesus ; beneath the sinister a figure of Mary Magdalene, with the box of spikenard ; the background diapered with a lozenge, enclosing a fleur-de-lis. At the lower part of the seal is a shield, the upper part of Avhich only remains, showing it to have been quarterly ; first a chevron, between three fishes haurient, for Forman ; second, a BISHOPS JAMES HEPBURN AND ROBERT SHAW. 2G9 gander, with a bell fastened to his neck. *' S' Andree Epi. Mo[RAVIENS. COM]MENDA[TARn DE CoLDINGH]A]M ET COT- INGHAM." {Kilmvock Charters.) 25. James Hepbujm succeeded in 1514, and died anno 1523. [James Hepburn, third son of Adam Lord Hales, and brother to Patrick, the first Earl of Both well, had been Rector of Parton, and in the year 1515 Abbot of Dun- fermline (State Letters), and on the 15th June, the same year, had been constituted Lord Treasurer. Anno 1516 he became Bishop of Moray, and on the 3rd October, the same year, he quitted the Treasury. He is designed " Rector de Partoun, nunc Moravien. ecclesiae postulatus " (Reg. Cart.) ; and anno 1516 and 17 he is Bishop of Moray. (Ihid.) He was Bishop here anno 1520. {Cart. Mor. et Aberbr.) He was Bishop anno 1521 (Cart Carnbusk.), and he was Bishop here anno 1524 (Cart. Morav.), in which year he died, and was buried in our Lady's Aisle, near to the Earl of Huntly's tomb. {Mr. Kings MS.)'\ (Keith's Cat.) [He died before November, 1524, when the Earl of Angus wrote to Cardinal Wolsey to solicit the Pope for the Bishopric of Moray and Abbacy of Melrose for his brother — " whilkis are baith vacant."] Seal of Hephurn. — This is much broken, but it seems to have been a good design, though inferior to the last. The usual representation of the Trinity within a niche ; the sides of the seal filled up with foliage. In the lower part of the seal a shield, bearing on a chevron, a rose between two lions counter passant ; in base, a charge in form of a heart-shaped buckle ; above the shield a mitre. " Sig[illum Jacobi] Epi. Mora[vi]en." (a.u. 1523. — Kilravock Charters. ) 26. Robert Shaio, son of Saiichie and Abbot of Paisley, was consecrated anno 1525, and died 1528. [Robert Schaw, a son of the Laird of Sauchie, in the shire of Stirling, was elected Abbot of Paisley upon the resignation of his own uncle, George, for which he obtained the King's letters patent the 1st March, 1498. {Cart 270 BISHOPS ALEXANDER STEWART AND PATRICK HEPBURN Pub.). He was advanced to this See of Moray 1524. He is Bishop here 5th February, 1524-5. (Cartul. Aherhr.) He is in a commission of embassy to England during the time he was Bishop. (Rymer.) He died in the year 1527, and was buried between the sepulchres of Bishop Alexander Stewart and Andrew Stewart, his brother (3Ir. King's MS.), and has the character of a man of great virtue (Spottisvjoodes MS.)] (Keith's Cat.) 27. Alexander Steivart, son of Alexander, Duke of Albany, who was son of King James II., suc- ceeded, and died anno 1535. [A lexander Steiuart, son of Alexander, Duke of Albany, son to King James II., by Katherine Sinclair, then his wife, daughter of William, Earl of Orkney and Caithness, was the next Bishop. Their marriage having, by Act of Parliament, been declared unlawful, long after they were both dead, this gentleman was declared illegitimate in the year 1516, whereupon he betook himself to the service of the Church, and had first the Priory of Whithorn bestowed upon him, afterwards the Abbey of Inchaffray, and then the government of the Abbey of Scone was given him by his brother John, Duke of Albany, now become Kegent of the Kingdom ; and, last of all, he was made Bishop of Moray anno 1527. He is Bishop here anno 1530 {Cartul. Aherhr.), and anno 1532 {Reg. Chart, et Cart. Morav.) He died Bishop here [19 December], it is said, anno 1534 [as appears from the gift of the Tempor- ality of Moray to the Prior of St. Andrews, 28th March, 1535.] Certain it is that, in the year 1538, he is styled "quondam Alexandre episcopo Moravien." (Reg. Cart., B. 22, No. 115). He was buried in the Monastery of Scone. {Mr. King's MS.)] (Keith's Cat.) Keith observes that he is said to have died anno 1534. But, query, whether he was not living three years after that time, viz., in 1537. {Bishop Russell's Notes to Keith's Cat.) 28. Fatrick Hepburn, uncle to James, Earl of Bothwell, who murdered King Henry Stewart, Commendator of Scone, was consecrated anno BP. P. HEPBURN'S EOUND DOZEN OF WHORES. — R.I.P. 271 1537. [?] He was a man of an abandoned char- acter. Having concealed and aided his nephew when he fled from justice anno 1567, he pm-chased his own safety by yielding up a portion of the Church lands. He aliened and feued out almost all the other lands of the Bishopric. He died in the Castle of Spynie 20th June, 1573. (MS.) [Patrick Hejjhum, son to Patrick, first Earl of Both- well, being educated by his uncle John, Prior of St. Andrews, came to be his successor in that Priory anno 1522. In the year 1524 he was made Secretary, in which office he continued until the year 1527. He was advanced to the See of Moray anno 1535, and at the same time he held the Abbey of Scone in perpetual commendam. (Reg. Cart, anno 1539-40). He was Bishop anno 1539 {C. Mor.), anno 1446 {Register of Pr. Council), anno 1561 (Keith's History, App., p. 175), and anno 1568 (Errol). " Patricius episcopus Morav." subscribes the letters, in name of the community of Scotland, for empowering to treat about the marriage of our Queen Mary with Francis Dauphin of France. Upon the Reformation he had the fate of the other Prelates, but kept possession of his Episcopal palace till his death, which happened at Spynie Castle the 20th of June, 1573 (Mr. King's MS.), and was buried in the quire of the Cathedral Church. ["Patrick, Bishop of Murray, Commendator of the Abbey of Scone, grants a Charter to Richard Smyth of the lands of Over Fingask, dated 18th August, 1581, confirmed 80th April, 1586." (Riddle's MS. Notes.)] In the Cartulary of this See are to be seen a great many tacks of the lands per- taining to this Bishopric, leased out by him at and after the year 1540, from a foresight, no doubt, of what was coming on ; and in all the assedations he had the addi- tional title of " Monasterii de Scona commendatarius perpetuus."] (Keith's Cat.) [Knox has been blamed for recording this " merry bourd " or jest (to wit, " I am the youngest man, and yet have I had the round dozen, and seven of them are men's wives ") ; but under the Great Seal there passed the fol- 272 CONTINUATION OF THE E.C. APOSTOLIC CHAIN. lowing letters of legitimation : — (1) " Johanni et Patricio Hepburn, bastardis filiis natui^alibus Patricii Prions Sancti Andrete," 18th Dec, 1533. Also (2), " Legitimatio Adami, Patricii, Georgii, Johannis, et Patricii Hepburn, bastard- orum filiorum naturalium Patricii Episcopi Moraviensis," 4th October, 1545. And (3), "Legitimatio Jonetse et Agnetis Hepburn, bastardorum filiorum naturalium Patricii Moraviensis Episcopi." Here are no less than nine bastards evidently by different mothers. (4) Agnes Hepburn, another daughter, was also legitimated on the 8th Feb., 1587." (Dr. David Laing's Edition of Knox's Works, i., 41., Note.) He found the Bishopric in good condition, but he feued out all the lands belonging to it, " He lived long enough to dilapidate his great Bishopric, and to provide for a very large family, whose several legitimations stand on record." {Quarterly Review, 1851, vol. 39, p. 46, 1. 21.)] Seal of Hephiirn. — Under a canopy a representation of the Trinity {?), differing, however, from the usual design. The Father here appears to be veiled, and has a mitre or conical cap on his head C?) ; there is no appearance of the Holy Spirit, so it may be doubtful if it be meant for the Trinity. On the dexter side is a full length figure of the Virgin and infant Jesus ; and on the sinister, a figure of St. Michael in combat with the dragon. In the lower part of the seal is a shield, bearing Hepburn, Avith mullet in base. " S' Patricii Hepburn Epi. Moravien. AC coMMENDATARii De Sco." {G. Siiiythe.). The ancient Hierarchy ended with James Bethune, or Beaton, or Betoun (Archbishop of Glasgow, and nephew of the celebrated and murdered Cardinal), who died at Paris on the 25th April, 1603, aged 79. After being sub- jected to the jurisdiction of the Archpriests and first Vicar- Apostolic of England till 1623, and afterwards to local Prefects of the Mission, the clergy were incorporated into a Missionary body by Decree of Propaganda, 1653, and governed by the following : — • prefects apostolic. William Bannatyne (or Bellenden), - - - 1653-61 Alexander Dunbar (or Winster, or Winchester), -j ^r^ijiq^ John Walker (or Ross), ----- 1668-71 THE SCOTTISH VICARIATE APOSTOLIC. 273 In May, 1694, a Scottish Vicariate Ajwstolic was formed, which was divided, in Feb., 1731, into two Dis- tricts, viz., the Lowland and the Highland. By Papal Rescript of 13th Feb., 1827, these were increased to three Districts, viz., the Eastern, Western, and Northern. This last arrangement remained in force till the re-establish- ment of the Hierarchy by the Apostolic Letter, Ex Supremo, 4th March, 1878. See " The Catholic Church in Scotland from the Sup- pression of the Hierarchy till the present time : being Memorabilia of Bishops, Missioners, and Scotch Jesuits," edited by me in 1869. ROMAN BISHOPS, OR VICARS APOSTOLIC, OF SCOTLAND, 1694. Name. Title. Consecrated. Died. 1 Thomas Nicolson, Peristachium, Feb. 27, 1695.. .Oct. 23,1718 2 James Gordon, Nicopolis, Apr. 11, 1706. ..Mar. 1, 1746 3 John Wallace, Coadj., Cyrrha, Oct. 2, 1720... July 11, 1733 LOWLAND DISTRICT, 1731. James Gordon, as above. 4 Alexander Smith, Misinopolis, Nov. 13, 17.35... Aug. 21, 1766 5 James Grant, Sinita, Nov. 13, 1755... Dec. 2,1778 6 George Hay, Daulis, May 21, 1769... Oct. 15, 1811 7 John Geddes, Coadj., Morocco, Nov. 30, 1780... Feb. 11, 1799 8 Alexander Cameron, Maximianopolis, Oct. 28, 1798... Feb. 7,1828 HIGHLAND DISTRICT, 1731. 9 Hugh Macdonald, Diana, Oct. 2, 1731... Mar. 12, 1773 10 John Macdonald, Tiberiopolis Sept. 27, 1761... May 9, 1779 11 Alexander Macdonald, Polemo, Mar. 12, 1780... Sept. 9,1791 12 John Chisholm, Oria, Feb. 12, 1792... July 8,1814 13 jEneas Chisholm, Diocsesarea, Sept. 15, 1805... July 31,1818 14 Ranald Macdonald, Aeryndela, Feb; — , 1820.. .Sept. 20, 1832 EASTERN DISTRICT, 1828. 15 Alexander Paterson, Cybistra, Aug. 15, 1816... Oct. 28,1831 16 Andrew Carruthers, Ceramis, Jan. 13, 1833... May 24,18.52 17 James Gillis, Limyra, July 22, 1838. ..Feb. 24, 1864 18 John Strain, Abila, Sept. 25, 1864... — — Translated as Abp. of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, March 15, 1878. WESTERN DISTRICT, 1828. Ranald Macdonald as above. 19 Andrew Scott, Eretria, Sept. 21, 1828. ..Dec. 4,1846 20 John Murdoch, Castabala, Oct. 20,1833...— 15,1865 21 Alexander Smith, Coadj., Parium, _ Oct. 3, 1847... June 15, 1861 22 John Gray, Hypsopolis, Oct. 19, 1862... — — 23 James Lynch, Coadj., Arcadiopolis Nov. 4, 1866... — — Translated to Kildare and Leighlin as Coadjutor. 24 Charles Peter Eyre, Abp., Anazarba, Jan. 31,1869... — — Translated as Abp. of Glasgow, March 15, 1878. NORTHERN DISTRICT, 1828. 25 James Kyle,* Germanicia, Sept. 20, 1828... Feb. 23, 186» 26 John Macdonald, Nicopolis, Feb. 24, 1869... — — Translated to Aberdeen, March 15, 1878. * Bishop Kyle lived in primitive but hospitable simplicity, and died at Preshome, a spot which has so many attractions and VOL. in. 18 274 MERITED EULOGIUM ON BISHOP KYLE. THE HIERARCHICAL DIOCESE OF ABERDEEN Comprises the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, Caithness^ Cromarty, Elgin or Moray, Inverness (north of a straight line drawn from the extreme north of Loch Luing to the junction of the counties of Inverness, Aberdeen, and Banff), Kincardine, Nairn, Ross (except the island of Lewes), Sutherland, and the Orkney and Shetland Islands. BISHOP OF ABERDEEN. The Right Rev. John Macdonald, D.D., born in Strath- glass on the 2nd July, 1818 ; ordained at Preshome on the 4th Nov., 1841. Taken from Eskadale, he was conse- crated by Bishop Chadwick of Hexham and Newcastle at Aberdeen on the 24th Feb., 1869 (on the day before Bishop Kyle's death), as Bishop of Nicopolis and Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District. Translated to the See of Aberdeen by Brief of the loth March, 1878. Residence — Bishop's House, Queen's Road, Aberdeen.] (Ed.) These were the Bishops in the See of Moray before the Keformation. Let us now look into THE DIOCESE In which they officiated. It was always called '' The Diocese of Moray," hut what the extent of it was, at its first erection, I shall not pretend to determine. In the year 1142, the Diocese of Aberdeen associations. An impediment in his utterance was an obstacle to him as an orator. Albeit he was an able divine, and first- rate Latin, Greek, and Hebrew scholar. He was also deeply versed in the antiquities and literature of Scotland. He sup- plied the Spalding Club with several valuable documents, and discovered a key to the cypher in which several of the letters of Queen Mary were written. He was singularly unostentatious and charitable, acting more as a father to his clergy than as a superior. When Professor at Aquhorties, he devoted his leisure hours to printing and mechanics. (Ed.) EXTENT OF THE DIOCESE OF MORAY. 275 extended over the counties of Aberdeen and Banff; and if the extent of these counties was at that time what it is now, no part of the Diocese of Moray could, in 1142, he within them. But afterward, and right early, I find a part of the Diocese of Moray within the counties both of Aberdeen and Banff. In the time of Bishop Bricius, the parishes of Strathavon, Euthven, Arntullie, and Glass ; and in the Episcopate of Bishop Andrew Moray, Rynie, Dunbenan, Kinore, Inverkethnie, and Botarie were within the Diocese of Moray. Thus it extended to the east as far as it did any time after. To the west, Abertarf, in the time of Bricius and Fernua, anno 1239, were comprehended in it. I do not find that any part of this Diocese lay beyond the river of Farar or Beaulie, which is the bounding of Ross ; for although the Bishop of Moray had lands in Ross, Strathnaver, Cul- len, Banff, these were no part of his Episcopal charge. In the Procw'ationes Decanatuum, the rural Deanery or Archipresbyterate of Strathbogie is included ; and comprehends, besides Drumblade and Inverkeithny, now in the Synod of Aberdeen, the whole Presbytery of Strathbogie, except Mortlach, Botriphnie, Bellie, and Grange. Mortlach, the mother Church, was within the Diocese of Aberdeen till the year 1706. 276 THE PROCURATIONES DECANATUUM. Botriphnie was at that time probably a part of the parish of Mortlach or of Keith. Belhe, depending on the Priory of Urquhart, was probably exempt from the Procurationes. Grange was a part of the parish of Keith, and was disjoined and erected into a distinct parish in the year 1618. (Bee. Freshytery of Strathh.) In the Deanery of Strathspey, Laggan, in Bade- noch, is included ; and anno 1139, Laggan was in the Diocese of Moray. How early these Procurationes were drawn up, I know not ; but without regard to them, it appears that, in the beginning of the 13th cen- tury, the Diocese extended from Ehynie in the east to Abertarf in the south-west, and compre- hended what are now the counties of Moray and Nairn, and a considerable part of the counties of Inverness and Banff, and some parishes in the county of Aberdeen. Let me only add that at an enquiry made by David, Prince of Cumberland (afterward King David I.) into the ancient possessions of the Church of Glasgow, Pentejacob is called one of them ; and in a charter to that Church, posterior to the enquiry, Pentejacob is said to be Glenmoriston. (Dalr. Coll.) But why Glen- moriston was so called, or depended on the Church of Glasgow, I know not. Such was the Diocese. Let me next give some account of THE FIRST SIX BISHOPS HAD NO CATHEDRAL. 2 zn THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH. In the Primitive Christian Church the Bishop sat as Preses in the Consessus or College of Presbyters, in a cathedra or chair allotted to him. The pride and vanity of after ages, when Bishops affected to imitate the grandeur of princes, tm-ned the hmnble cathedra into a throne. The Bishop's own Church, in which he officiated, was called the Cathedral Church of the Diocese. It is probable that the first six Bishops of Moray had no fixed Cathedral, but served in Birnie, Spynie, or Kinnedar, as they affected. Bishop Bricius insinuates as much, and, men- tioning Birnie first, seems to hint that it was the Bishop's Church. It is a pleasant well-aired situation within two miles of the town of Elgin, and the 4th Bishop was there buried. The present Church of Birnie is built with a choir and nave ; but it does not appear to be the fabric that was there in those early times. There are no vestiges or tradition of a palace, except a place called the Castle Hill. Probably the revenues in those days were so small and so precarious, that they did not admit of stately Churches or palaces. The first six Bishops having shifted from one place to another, as fancy or conveniency prompted them. Bishop Bricius, who was con- secrated anno 1203, applied to Pope Innocent to 278 THE CHURCH AT SPYNIE DECLARED THE CATHEDRAL. have a Cathedral fixed for the Bishops of Moray. That Pope appointed the Bishops of St. Andrews, and Brechin, and the Abbot of Lindores, to re- pair to Moray, and to declare the Church of the Holy Trinity at Spynie to be the Cathedral of the Diocese in all time coming, which they accordingly did. But it does not appear in what year this was done ; yet it must have been betwixt the year 1203, when Bricius was conse- crated, and 1216, when Pope Innocent III. died. Bricius instituted a College of Canons, eight in number, at Spynie. This choice of a Cathedral did not please Bishop Andrew Murray, immediate successor to Bricius ; for, having come to the Episcopate in 1223, he next year represented to Pope Honorius that Spynie was a solitary place, far from the necessaries of life, and that Divine service was much neglected, while the Canons were obliged to travel at a distance to purchase the necessary provisions ; and therefore craved that the Cathedral might be translated from Spynie to the Church of the Holy Trinity, which stood a little north-east of the town of Elgin. To induce the Pontiff the more readily to com- ply, the Bishop signified that it not only was the desire of the Chapter of the Diocese, but likewise of the King of Scotland, Alexander II. The Pope cheerfully granted the request ; and, by his Apostohc Bull or Mandate, dated- (4fo Id.) SPEEDY TRANSLATION OF THE CATHEDRAL TO ELGIN. 279 the tenth day of April, 1224, empowered the Bishop of Caithness, with the Abbot of Kinloss and the Dean of Eosemarky, or the Bishop and any one of these, to make the desired translation if they should find it useful. In obedience to which Mandate, the said Bishop and Dean met at the Church of the Holy Trinity, near Elgin, on the 14th of the Kalends of August, i.e. July 19th, in the said year 1224, and finding the necessity and usefulness of the translation as represented, declared and appointed the said Church of the Holy Trinity to be the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Moray, and so to remain in all time coming. Bishop Andrew Murray is said to have laid the foundation-stone of the Cathedral Church, on the very day in which it was declared, viz., 19th July, 1224 ; and as he lived 18 years after, it can- not be doubted that he greatly advanced, if not finished the building. It does not appear what was the model or what the dimensions of the Church, as first built, though it is probable it was in the form common to Cathedral Churches, viz., the form of a passion-cross, with a spacious choir and nave. It had stood 166 years, from the year of its foundation, when it was totally burnt'' and de- stroyed, as follows. * Fordun, IL, 112, says that " in 1270 the Church of Elgin and the Canons' houses were burned." 280 THE WOLF OF BADENOCH's SACRILEGIOUS RAIDS. In the time of Bishop Alexander Barr, Alex- ander Stewart, [natural] son of King Bobert II., Lord Badenoch, commonly called " The Wolf of Badenoch," seized on the Bishop's lands of that country, and keeping violent possession of them, was excommunicated. In resentment of which, in the month of May [April], 1390, he burnt the town of Forres, with the choir of the Church [of St. Lawrence there], and the Manse of the Arch-Deacon. And in June that same year he burnt the town of Elgin, the Church of St. Giles, the Hospital of Maison- Dieu, and the Cathedral Church, with 18 houses of the Canons and Chaplains in the College of Elgin. For this wickedness the Lord Bade- noch was justly prosecuted, and obliged to make due reparation. Upon his humble submission he was absolved by Walter Trail, Bishop of St. Andrews, in the Black-Friar Church in Perth; being first received at the door, and again before the High Altar, in presence of the King and many of the nobility, on condition that he should make full satisfaction to the Bishop and Church of Moray, and obtain absolution from the Pope. Bishop Barr began the rebuilding of the Church, and every Canon contributed. Bishop Spynie continued the work ; but, though every parish paid a subsidy, yet, through the troubles of the times, it made slow advances. Bishop Innes laid the foundation of the Great Steeple ELGIN CATHEDRAL REBUILT. 281 in the middle of the Church, and greatly ad- vanced it. After his death, the Chapter met May 18th, 1414, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, that whosoever -should be elected Bishop, he should annually apply one-third of his revenue in repairing the Cathedral, until it should be finished. The Church being rebuilt, it remained entire for many years ; but in the beginning of the 16th century, about the year 1506, the Great Steeple in the centre fell down. Next year Bishop Foreman began to rebuild it ; but the work was not finished before the year 1538, and then the height of the tower, includ- ing the spire, was 198 feet. {Say of Druvihoot.) The Church, when entire, was a building of Gothic architecture, inferior to few in Europe. It stood due east and west, in the form of a passion or Jerusalem cross, ornamented with five towers, whereof two parallel stood on the west end, one in the middle, and two on the east end. Betwixt the two towers on the west end was the great porch or entrance. This gate is a con- cave arch, 24 feet broad in base, and 24 in height, terminating in a sharp angle. On each side of the valves or doors, in the sweep of the arch are 8 round and 8 fluted pilas- ters, 6^ feet high, adorned with a chapiter, from which arise 16 pilasters, which meet in the key of the arch. 282 DESCRIPTION OF ELGIN CATHEDRAL. There were porticoes or to-falls on each side of the Church, eastward from the traverse or cross, which were 18 feet broad without the walls. To yield sufficient light to a building so large, besides the great windows in the porticoes, and a row of attic windows in the walls, each 6 feet high, above the porticoes, there was in the west gable, above the gate, a window in form of an acute-angled arch, 19 feet broad in base, and 27 in height ; and in the east gable, between the turrets, a row of five parallel windows, each 2 feet broad and 10 high. Above these are five more, each 7 feet high ; and over all, a circular window, near to 10 feet in diameter. In the heart of the wall of the Church, and leading to all the upper windows, there is a channel or walk [Clerestory-gallery] round the whole building. The grand-gate, the windows, the pillars, the projecting table, pedestals, cordons, &c., are adorned with foliage, grapes, and other carving. Let us, after describing the body of the Church, take a view of THE CHAPTER-HOUSE, Commonly called " The Apprentice Aisle," a curious piece of architecture, standing on the north side of the Church, and communicating with the choir by a vaulted vestry. The house is an exact octagon, 34 feet high, DIMENSIONS OF CHAPTER HOUSE AND CATHEDRAL. 283 and the diagonal breadth, within walls, 37 feet. It is arched and vaulted at the top, and the whole arched roof supported by one pillar in the centre of the house. Arched pillars from every angle terminate in the grand pillar. This pillar, 9 feet in circumference, is crusted over with 16 pilasters or small pillars, alternately round and fluted, and 24 feet high, adorned with a chapiter, from which arise 16 round pillars that spread along the roof, and join at top with the pillars (5 in number) rising from every side of the octolateral figure. There is a large window in every side of seven, and the eighth side com- municates with the choir. In the north w^all of this Chapter-house there are 5 stalls, cut by way of niches, for the Bishop (or the Dean in the Bishop's absence) and the dignified clergy to sit in. The middle stall, for the Bishop or Dean, is larger and raised a step higher than the other four. They were all well lined with wainscoat. Some of the dimensions of this Church may be seen as follows : — Ft. The length on the outside, - - - - 264 The breadth on the outside, - - - - 35 The breadth within walls, - - - - 28 The length of the traverse [transept] outside, 114 The length [of transept] within walls, - - 110 The height of the west tower not including spire, 84 The height of tower in centre, including spire, 198 The height of the eastern turrets, - - - 60 The breadth of the great gate, - - - 24 The height thereof, - - - - - 24 284 MEASUREMENTS OF ELGIN CATHEDRAL. Ft. The breadth of each valve, - . - - 5 The height of each valve, near - - - 10 The height of the side walls, - - - - 36 The height of the Chapter House, - - - 34 The diagonal breadth within walls, - - 37 The breadth of every side, near - - - 15 The circumference of the great pillar, - - 9 The height thereof below the chapiter [or capital], 24 The breadth of the Porticoes [Aisles] on the side, 18 The breadth of the west window, - - - 19 The height thereof, ----- 27 The height of the east windows, - - - 10 The height of the second row, . _ - 7 The diameter of the circular window, - - 10 In taking these dimensions, I have not studied a scrupulous exactness ; and in some of them it was not possible to do so. The spires of the two west towers are fallen, but the stone work is pretty entire. No part of the Great Tower in the middle now stands. The two eastern turrets, being winding stair-cases, and vaulted at top, are entire. The walls of the Choir are pretty entire, and so is the whole Chapter-House ; but the walls of the Nave and Traverse are mostly fallen. It is a mistake that this stately edifice was either burnt or demolished by the mob at the Keformation. The following Act of Privy Coun- cil shows the contrary, viz. : — " Edinburgh, 14th February, 1567-8. Seeiug provision must be made for entertaining the men of war (soldiers) whose service cannot be spared, until the rebelli- ous and disobedient subjects be reduced ; There- fore appoint that the lead be taken from the THE LEAD ROOFS OF CATHEDRALS SINK SHIPS. 285 Cathedral Churches in Aberdeen and Elgin, and sold for sustentation of the said men of war. And command and charge the Earl of Huntly, Sheriff of Aberdeen, and his deputes, Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock, Knight Sheriff of Elgin and Forres, and his deputes, William, Bishop of Aberdeen, Patrick, Bishop of Moray, &c.. That they defend and assist Alexander Clerk and William Birnie and their servants, in taking down and selHng the said lead, &c. Signed R.M." {KeiWs Hist.). The lead was accordingly taken off these churches, and shipped at Aberdeen for Holland; but soon after the ship left the river it sunk, which was owing, as many thought, to the superstition of the Eoman Catholic captain. Be this as it may, the Cathedral of Moray, being uncovered, was suffered to decay as a piece of Romish vanity, too expensive to be kept in repair. Some painted rooms in the Towers and Choir remained so entire about the year 1640 that Roman Catholics repaired to them there to say their prayers. {Bee. Presbytery of Elgin.) The Great Tower in the middle of the Church, being uncovered, the wooden work gradually decayed, and the foundation faihng, the tower fell, anno 1711, on a Peace (Pasch or Easter] Sunday, in the morning. Several children were playing and idle people walking within the area of the Church, and immediately as they removed 286 "THE LANTERN OF THE NORTH." to breakfast, the tower fell down, aud no one was hurt. [Elgin Cathedral was "the lantern of the north." Bishop Bur, in his touching letters (given in Latin in the Registrum Episcopates Moraviense) on the destruction thereof by "the Wolfe of Badenoch," characterizes the fane to the King as " the ornament of the district, the glory of the kingdom, and the praise and admiration of foreigners." At a period when the country was rude and uncultivated, when the dwellings of the mass of the people were mere temporary huts, and even the Castles of the chiefs and nobles possessed no architectural beauty, and were devoid of taste and ornament, the solemn grandeur of such a pile, and the sacred purposes with which it was associated, must have inspired an awe and a reverence of which we can form but a faint conception. The prevailing impulse of the religion of the period led its zealous followers to concentrate their whole energies in the erection of such magnificent stiuctures ; and while there was little skill or industry manifested in the common arts of life, and no associations for promoting the temporal comforts of the people, the grand conceptions displayed in the architecture of the Middle-ages, the taste and persevering industry, and the amount of wealth and labour bestowed on these sacred edifices, find no parallel in modern times. The Cathedral was founded under the auspices of Bishop Andrew Moray, a scion of the great and powerful family of De Moravia, who possessed the greater part of the district, and whose wealth and influence must have been very considerable, even in that rude period. We cannot, how- ever, suppose that this Cathedral owed all its excellence of design or execution to native talent. The general resemblance of the plan manifested in the greater piopor- tion of similar structures of the period point out a common source from which all derived their origin. Architecture and practical masonry were then the fashion- able professions, and Companies or Incorporations of Free Mason.s, furnished with Papal Bulls and ample privileges, then traversed Europe. Ecclesiastics, too, from the high- est to the lowest, were also trained as proficients in the trade. Gundulph, a monk of Bee Abbey, afterwards ELGIN CATHEDRAL. 287 Bishop of Rochester, we are told, was a celebrated practi- cal architect. Bishop Lucy, a.d. 1202, first introduced " the high-pointed arch," and Bishop Lucy of Lincoln was so enthusiastic in the building of its Cathedral that he not only planned and superintended the work but actually carried stones and mortar on his shoulders for the use of the masons. {Matthew Paris, anno 1195.) It is not improbable that Bishop Andrew of Moray was equally knowing regarding the mysteries of the craft ; and attached to a Charter of this same founder of the Cathedral among other names, both local and foreign, are the signatures of Master Gregory, the mason, and Richard, the glazier, who doubtless were employed on the work. The original structure was founded in 1224, and pro- bably completed during the 18 years in which Bishop Andrew occupied the See. After standing IGO years, it was burnt in 1390 by "the Wolfe of Badenoch." Soon after, Bishop Bur began to rebuild it, and from the year 1414 the work was sedulously pursued till its completion. In 150G the great or central steeple fell, and was rebuilt soon afterwards. Whether in the conflagration of 1390 the entire structure was demolished has not been distinctly recorded. It is probable, however, that a portion of the walls may have remained, and this conjecture is strength- ened by the fact that different styles of architecture in the existing ruins point out different periods. Neither have we any means of ascertaining whether the original plan of the Cathedral was preserved in its subsequent restora- tions, or a new model adopted. The general style of the architecture would lead us to suppose that the original plan had, on the whole, been adhered to ; for it is of that kind which characterized the Cathedrals of the 12th and 13th centuries. At that period a change was in progress from the Saxon style, Avhere plain circular arches and broad buttresses marked the buildings, to the Norman style, where the arch was pointed, the pillars and buttresses of a lighter form, and the tracery and ornaments more profuse. Yet there was often in the buildings of this period a mixture of the Saxon and Norman styles, such as is found in the Cathe- dral at Elgin. In several parts of this building the circular arch is visible, and grouped windows, with pointed arches, surmounted by a circular arch above. 288 GRANDEUR OF ELGIN CATHEDRAL. On the whole, it is highly probable that, on the burn- ing of the Cathedral, a considerable portion of the walls remained ; that these were restored, and the dilapidated parts rebuilt from the same foundations ; and that any alterations on the original structure consisted more in the additional ornaments and slight architectural changes of subordinate parts, than in a total change of form. Its subsequent restoration was not likely to have been eclipsed by its pristine splendour. When entire, this magnificent temple must have afforded a splendid spectacle. A vast dome extending from the western entrance to the High Altar (not a chip of which remains), a length of 289 feet — with its richly-ornamented arches crossing and re-crossing each other, to lean for sup- port on the double rows of stately, massive pillars — the mellowed light streaming in at the gorgeous stained-glass windows above, and flickering below amid the deep and dark shades of the pointed aisles, while the tapers of the lit-up Altar twinkled through the rolling clouds of incense; the paintings and figures of angels and saints ; the solemn tones of the High Mass ; the rich modulated music of the choir; and the gorgeous vestments (chasubles, dalmatics, copes, and mitres), each, in time and place, in keeping with the various acts of the worship of God, as is described in the Apocalypse to be done in the Church triumphant. Every adjunct must have elevated the imagination and impressed with deep awe and veneration a people in a remote region and in a semi-barbarous age, with nothing around them in the slightest degree to com- pare with such overpowering splendour. No wonder that the clergy and the laity were proud of such a pile. It was a fit scene for Volusenus, a Latin author of the period, writing on " the Tranquillity of the Soul," to select for his " Temple of Peace," and under its walls to lay the scene of his philosophical dialogues." * * Florence Wilson (known by the Latin name of Florentius Volusenus) was born on the banks of the Lossie, near Elgin, about 1500. He was educated at Elgin, Aberdeen, and Paris. Mackenzie, in his Lives of Scottish Writers, III., 29-34, supposes " the Temple " to describe the old Cathedral of Elgin as it ap- peared in glory in the author's youth. Gough, in his Additions toCamde7L's Britannia, III., 249, with greater probabiHty, per- haps, conjectures that it was at the Lady Hill that Volusenus ELGIN CATHEDRAL, 289 Entering the west door by a flight of steps, the Nave of the Cathedral appears. On either side a row of 10 pillars rose to support the roof; the foundations alone and a few of the pedestals mark their situation. Within the Nave are the remains of a sarcophagus, said to have contained the body of King Duncan, who was killed by Macbeth at Bothgowan, in the parish of Duffus or Alves, previous to its being interred at lona in 1046. Macbeth was a hereditary Chief or Maormar of the Province of Moray. His character has been unwarrant- ably traduced, chiefly by the great Shakspere, who copies from Hollinshead. There of course is exciting romance in the play of Macbeth, but the murder of old King Duncan, we believe to be fictitious. Both were grandsons of Malcolm II., King of Scotland, They contended each for the throne, and met in contest in battle in the plains of Moray, King Duncan was mortally wounded by Mac- beth, who reigned for 18 years. The effigy of Bishop John Innes was found at the north-west pillar of the great central Tower, which he began to rebuild, and where he was buried. The Aisle of the South Transept was dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul, where, in recesse-s, are two knights in armour, circa 1481 — the burial-place of the Inneses of Invermarkie. The North Transept was dedicated to S. Thomas a Becket, and has an Aisle for the burial-place of the D unbars. The South Aisle adjoining the Chancel was dedicate. 5. George Douglas, reader, 1588. Vide Lhanbryde and Birnie.] G. Alex. Richardson [having Altyre also], min. in 1601 and 1617. 7. George Gumming, ord. [before 4 April] about 1624. [The only min. in the Presbytery who refused to sign the Covenant, 28 April, 1638.] Died [before 3 May] in summer 1648 [aged about 49]. 8. James Strachan, ord. in winter [before 2 Oct.] 1649, died [10] Oct., 1671 [aged about 52]. 1). Alex. Gumming, ord. 6 June, 1672, demitted in 1681 for the Test [died 24 May i'lnn.] 10. George Dunbar [schoolmaster of Auldearn], ord. 13 Oct., 1681 [1682], trans, to Nairn 1687. 11. Thomas Urquhart [son of .John U. Laird of Bvin-isyards], privately ord.; was admitted 11 Jan., 1688, died about 1706. 12. John Crockat, ord. 13 May, 1708, died 21 April, 1748. 13. Robert Dalryraple [son of the Rev. David D. of Dundurcos], ord. 23 Feb., 1749, deposed [for fornication], 28 April, 1763. [Repoued 29 May, 1776, died 20 March, 1778.] 14. James Hay, ord. Sep. 27, 1763. [Died 19 Oct., 1777.] 15. [David Milne, son of the Rev. Wm. M. of Kildrummy, ord. 7 July, 1778, trans, to Edenkillie, 3 June, 1793. 16. Richard Rose, a native of Nairn, schoolmaster at Cromarty, ord. 1 May, 1774, trans, to Drainie 9 July, 1816. 17. Francis William Grant, ord. 26 Sep., 1816, pres. to Dipple and Moy 22 Aug., 1820, but preferred to remain, and was trans, to Banff 27 Nov., 1821. 18. William TuUoch, son of Hugh T., Cromarty, schoolmaster at Nigg, ord. 11 April, 1822, died 23 Nov., 1845, aged 70. 19. John Macdonald. 1846. FREE CHURCH. William Davidson, born at Rafford ; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen, M.A. in 1838. Ord. 8 Aug., 1844. M. 11 Sept., 1861. Forres, a parsonage, dedicated to St. Laurence, and the seat of the Arch-deacon. The Earl of Moray is patron. There was a Chapel about a mile above the town, and another at Loggie (Vide Edenhjlie). The stipend, by decreet in 1754, is 98 bolls of bear, 29 bolls oatmeal, £410, and £80 Scots for Communion Elements. [New Kirk built in 1775.] The salary of the school is legal. Examinable persons are 1600. MINISTERS AT FORRES'. 4l:> fi The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. David Rae, min. in 1653. 2. John Patterson, reader in 1567. [Omitted by Dr. Hew Scott iu lii>i Fasli Ecc. Scot.] 3. Andrew Simpson, min. of Forres and Altyre 1568 [1567. In 1574 he had also Dyke and Moy. Died prior to 26 Aug., 1585]. 4. Gavin Dunbar, min. in 1574 and 1579. [Omitted by Dr. H. Scott.] 5. John Forrester, min. in 1590 [15S5, cont. in 1597]. (i. [John Stratouu, trans, from Raflord, having Edenkeily, Eafibrd, and Ardclach also in his charge : in 1608 the two latter were excluded. In 1611, he was cited before George, Archbishop of St. Andi-ews and others of the Privy Council and committed to ward in the Castle of Inverness, where he died 20 March, 1613.] 7. Patrick TuUoch [son of Robert T. of Tarnawheis, became min. at Cobham in Surrey, was pres. to the Archdeaconry of Moray by James VI., 1 July, 1613], in 1612, died in summer 1646 [before 14 July, aged about 66]. S. Joseph Brodie, from Keith, adni. Dec. 1646, died 27 Oct., 1656 [aged about 56]. !). Colin Falconer, from Essil, adm. 24 ]\larch, 1658, became Bishop [of Argyle] 1680 [1679]. 10. William Law [chaplain to Alex. Earl of Moray], ord. [by the above] 16 Sep.. 1680, dem. [dep. by Privy Council] in 1690. [Drowned in the Spey in 1697, aged about 40.] 11. Thomas Thomson [formerly of Carstairs], ord. about 1693, trans, to Turriii' 1697 [prior to 6 May]. 12. [David Pitcaini, min. of Creich, Fife, app. by Gen. Ass. 12 Feb., 1700, not adm.] 13. Charles Primrose, from Bellie, adm. [6] Jan., 1708, trans, to Elgin 1717 [17 April]. 14. John Squire, ord. 1713, adm. 17 June, 1718, died 27 Jan., 1758 [in his 74th year]. 1."). .i^neas ShaM', from Pettie, adm. 14 Dec, 1/58, died 5 July, 1773. 16. Alex. Watt, from Alves, adm. 23 June, 1774. [Died 14 May, 1791, aged 66.] 17. [John Macdonell, trans, from Edenkeillie, adm. 28 June, 1792, died 16 April, 1824, aged 68. 18. Wm. Hoyes, son of the Rev. John H. of Kinloss, schoolmaster of Cullen in 1818, ord. 23 Sep., 1824, died 20 Jan., 1827, in his 31st year. 19. Duncan Grant, trans, from Alves, adm. 27 Sep., 1827, joined the Free Kirk at the Disruption, died 17 March, 1866, in his 76th year. 20. Robert M'Pherson, D.D. 1843. ,21. James Keith, native of Keith. 1853. FREE CHURCH. Adam Robertson, born at Paisley; educ. at Edinburgh Univei'sity and New College. OrJ. 12 Aug., 1852. M. 27 Nov., 1862. -il-i PARISHES OF FORllES AND EDINKILLIE. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1st Church built 1772; 2ncl built 1813; sittings, 712. The foundation stone of a new Church was laid on 8th September, 1870, by Colonel the Honourable James Grant, M.P. The accommodation is for 600, and cost nearly £3000. The Church was opened 26 Nov., 1871, by Rev. Dr. M'Ewen, of Glasgow, and Mr. Watson, Opening col- lection, £330 17s. 6d. 1. William Bennet. from Milnathort (Second), ord. 16 Aug., 1774. Died 29 Nov., 1798. '2. Thomas Stark, from Falkirk (South), ord. 25 Nov., 1802. Called to Potterrow, Edinburgh, '1807, and to Kirkwall, 1819, but con- tinued in Forres. Died 9 Feb., 1849, ret. 70. (In 1841 the congregation called Mr. Thomas Stevenson, afterwards of Auchtermuchty, but the call was not prosecuted.) 3. Adam L. Simpson, from Nicolson Street, Edinburgh. Called to Tain, Keith, and Forres. Ord. as colleague to Mr. Stark, 1842, resigned his charge 3 Feb., 1857, and was appointed Librarian of the Theological Hall Library, Edinburgh ; afterwards min. of Derby. Author of " The Pleasures of Literature," a Lecture, and Funeral Sermon on the Death of his Colleague. 4. William Watson, M.A., from Aberdeen (St. Nicholas Lane). Called to Aberdeen (St. Nicholas' Lane), and Forres. Ord. 5 Nov., 1857. EdinMllie, a vicarage to the seat of the Arch- deacon, and whereon he was patron and titular. The Minister of Forres presented Mr. John Cumming in 1668, and Mr. David Gumming in 1672, and the Earl of Moray never presented before 1754. I do not find that this parish was erected before the Eefor^nation ; but there was a Chapel at Duldavie : and the Chapel of Logie Fythenach was the Archdeacon's vicarage. This and Ardclach were, for many years, one united parish, and were disjoined about 1638. The stipend, by decreet in 1764, including Element money, is 750 merks, and three chalders, half bear, half meal. [New Kirk built in 1741. J PROTESTANT MINISTERS OF EDINKILLIE. 415 There are three charity schools erected in this parish. The Examinable persons are about 1200 The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. Andrew Browu, miii. in 1570 [1567, rem. to Altyre prior to 1574]. 2. Robert Dunbar, min. of Edinkylie and Ardclach in 1624, died in 1636 [aged about 46]. 3. David Dunbar [second son to Robert D. of Boath], ord. 8 June, 1637, to both parishes, trans, to Nairn 1638. 4. John Dunbar, ord. to Edinkylie 163S, died in Spring 1646 [aged about 35.] 5. Patrick Glass, ord. 1649 [before 2 Oct.], died 18 March 1666 [aged about 52]. 6. John Gumming [third son of J. G. of Relugas, schoolmaster at Turriff], ord. 2 Jan., 1668, trans, to Aldern 1G72. 7. David Gumming [fourth son of the above J. C, and brother of the preceding, also schoolmaster at Turriff], ord. 25 April, 1672, died in summer 1699 [aged about 52], 8. Alex. Shaw [probably grandson of the Rev. George S. of Logie], crd. 6 May, 1702, died 24 June, 1753. 9. Alex. Goul, ord. 13 March, 1754. [Died 10 July, 1790.] 10. [John Macdonell, ord. as miss, at Fort Augustus, adm. 10 March, 1791, trans, to Forres 1 May, 1792. 11. David Milne, trans, from Dallas, adm. 27 June, 1793, died 3 Jan., 1807, in his 65th year. 12. Thomas Macfarlanc, trans, from Bressay, Zetland, adm. 1 Oct., 1807, died 7 Aug., 1827, in his 54th year. 13. Peter Ferries, a native of Dumfriesshire, pres. as assistant and suc- cessor at Avoch, 25 June, 1816, which was not carried out. Ord. 1 May, 1828, died 30 April, 1865, in his 70th year. 14. John Ferries, 1865. Resigned 1881. 15. George C. Watt, trans, from Burghead, 1881. FREE CHURCH. 1. Donald Macdonald, born at Inverness, educ. at King's Coll., Aberdeen, M.A. 1840, ord. 19 Dec, 1844. M. 1845, died 9 May, 1863. Author of "Creation and the Fall," and "Introduction to the Pentateuch. " 2. Alex. Anderson, born at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire; educ. at King's Goll. and Free Church Coll., Aberdeen. M.A. 1858, ord. 3 Dec., 1863. 31. 31 March, 1864. Moij and DyJce were distinct parishes, till the year 1624, when they were nnited by a decreet of the Plat (Syn. Bee). [The parish was held 416 PARISH OF DYKE. with Dyke from 1585 till 1608, and united to it 24 Jan., 1618. The Session Eegister of Dyke from 1610 to 1640 went amissing between 1798 and 1842.] Moy was a parsonage, but I do not find that Dyke was so. Mr. Campbell of Calder is undoubted patron of Moy, by a dis- position from Alexander Lord Spynie anno 1606. Mr. William Falconer seems to have been settled at Dyke about 1625; yet, upon a debate about teinds, the Earl of Dunfermline presented him in 1641, against which Mr. James Campbell of Moy protested, and the Synod, in 1642, ordered this protestation to be recorded in its proper place, in the Eegister of the Presbytery of Forres. In 1674, Mr. ■WiUiarn Falconer, the Bishop's son, was presented by Dunfermline, and the Earl of Moray wrote to the Bishop, approving his set- tlement (Syn. and Fresh. Bee). Dunfermline, as commendator of Pluscarden, and thereby heritor or superior of Grangehih, might have been patron of Dyke, and forfeited to the Crown; but I know not of any right that the Earl of Moray has. The stipend is 97 bolls 3 firlots, and 500 merks, including Communion Elements. [New Kirk at Dyke built in 1781.] The school is legal. The family of Brodie has built a con- venient house, and mortified a salary, for the education of girls. Harry Yause, who had long served Major George Grant of Coulbin, mortified to this parish £130 sterling, for clothing twelve MINISTERS OF MOY, DALAROSSIE, AND DYKE. 417 indigent boys. He mortified the like sum to the Infirmary at Edinburgh, and the same to that of Aberdeen, anno 1757. The Examinable persons are about 1400. The Protestant Ministers are : — . Moy. 1. William Sutherland, min. [parson and exhorter] in 1564, 1574, and 1579. [Dep. by Gen. Ass. 30 June, 1564.] 2. George Simpson, reader at Moy in 1570 [from 1567 to 1591]. 3. [Thomas Annand, son of John A., Elgin, pres. by James VI. 15 May, 1584, probably at Keith in 1599.] Moy and Dalarossie. 1. James MacLachlan, adm. 1806, died 1844. 2. Thomas MacLachlan, ass. and sue. 1838, dem. 1843. 3. Hector MacKenzie, adm. 1844, died 1871. 4. Donald M. Simpson, adm. 1872. Dyke. 1. Alex. Duff, reader at Dyke in 1570 [from 1567 to 1585]. 2. Harry Dundas, min. at Dyke in 1613. [Omitted by Dr. Hew Scott in his Fasti Ecc. Scot.'\ 3. William Dunbar, min. at Moy in 1613 [pres. to the vicarage by James VI. 26 Aug., 1585]. 4. William Falconer [son of Samuel F. of Kincorth, adm. before 25 Oct. , 1625,] died 18 June, 1G74 [aged about 75]. 5. William Falconer [nephew of Colin afterwards Bishop, schoolmaster of Dyke], ord. in England [by Henry Bishop of Oxford], adm. 23 Sep., 1674, ejected [by the Privy Council] 1690. 6. Alex. Forbes [trans, from Stewarton], adm. about 1691 [before 1 April, 1692], died in [April] 1707. 7. James Chalmers [son of the Rev. Hugh C. of Marnoch], ord. 14 Sep. [July] 1709, trans, to Aberdeen in 1726 [30 March]. 8. Robert Dunbar [of Kirkhill, second son of John D. of Kincorth], ord. 28 Sep., 1727. [Died 23 April, 1781.] 9. [John Dunbar, trans, from Knockando, adm. 6 May, 1788, died 15 Nov., 1807, in his 71st year. 10. David Brichan, min. of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, Artillery Street, London, 28 Sep., 1803, D.D. St. Andrews in 1807, adm. 9 June, 1808, died 3 Feb., 1814. 11. James Smith, ord. 22 Sep., 1814, died 26 May, 1820. 12. Mark Aitken, ord. in 1816 as min. of the Presbyterian Chapel, Sun- derland, adm. 30 Aug., 1821. Joined the Free Kirk at the Disruption, died 20 June, 1869, in his 82nd year. 13. John M'Ewen. 1843. VOL. III. 27 418 CHAPELS OF FERNES AND LETHEN ; ARDCLACH. FREE CHURCH. William Winter, born at Mains, Forfarshire, educ. at Dundee, St. Andrews Univ. and New Coll., Edinburgh. M.A. in 1851. Ord. 5 Feb., 1857. M. 3 June, 1857. The General Assembly [28 May], 1773, dis- joined from Forres, the parishes of Ardclach, Auldern, and Nairn ; from Inverness, Calder and Croy; and from Chanonry,Ardersier; and erected these six into the PRESBYTERY OF NAIRN. [The Begister begins 27 July, 1773, and is con- tained in 2 Yols.] ■Ardclach^ a vicarage whereof the Minister of Eafford was titular, and probably patron. Brodie of Lethen, as patron of Eafford, acted as patron of Ardclach. I do not find, that Ardclach was called a parish before the Eeformation; the Chapels of Femes and Lethen, depending on the Dean of Aldern, seem to have been the places of worship, and the Church of Ardclach was built in 1626. [Eebuilt in 1762.]^'^ The stipend, by agreement, is a chalder of meal, and 620 merks, including Element money. There is a legal school. And the Examinable persons are about 900. The Protestant Ministers since the disjunction are as below. 1. William Brown, reader in 1570 [from Lammas 1569 to 1579]. 2. William Simpson, vicar in 1588 [from 1580 to 1590]. 3. Donald MacPherson, ord. [bef. 3 April] 1638, trans, to Calder in 1642 [bet. 11 Jan. and 5 April]. * [Because inconvenient it was re-erected by the Plat 13 Feb., 1650. See Note p. 431 explaining Plat.] PKOTESTANT MINISTERS OF ARDCLACH. 419 4. George Balfour, ord. [bef. 4 Oct.] in 1642, died 4 Jan., 16S0 [aged about 64]. 5. Patrick Grant [brother to the Laird of Grant], ord. 12 Aug., 1680. died [bef. 20] Sep., 1715 [aged about 63]. 6. John Duncanson, ord. 13 Sep., 1716, trans, to Pettie in 1728 [11 June]. 7. William Baron [miss, at Inveravon and Glenlivat], adm. 24 April, 1729. [Died 27 Jan., 1779, in his 86th year. He married Jean Grant, by whom he had 16 children. He had the honour to join in marriage the parents of Henx'y MacKenzie, the author of the " Man of Feeling."] 8. [William Shaw, born at Clachaig in Kilmorie, Arran, ord. 14 Oct., 1779. Demitted 1 Aug., 1780, for a living in the Church of England. Great Gaelic scholar. 9. Donald Mitchell, prom, from the Little Church, Elgin, adm. 3 May, 1781, died 22 June, 1811, in his 62nd year. He had six sons and two daughters, one of the former (James Errol M. ) was born blind, deaf, and dumb, of whom notices are given in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Edinburgh, 1812 and 1815. 10. Hugh Macbean, miss, at Ullapool, adm. 10 Sep., 1812. M. Ann Eraser, Inverness. Died 17 Sep., 1851, aged 74. 11. Colin M'Kenzie, born at Rogart Manse; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen. Ord. in Feb., 1850. M. in Jan., 1854, Eliz.i Isa- bella, daughter of the late Rev. John M'Kenzie, minister of Lochcarron. FREE CHURCH. 1. Henry M'Leod, educ. at Invergordon and Aberdeen. Ord. 16 Aug., 1844. Died 19 Feb., 1876. 2. Alex] MacDonald, born 28 Dec, 1838; educ. at Stornoway and Glas- gow University. Ord. 6 Aug., 1872. M. 9 Oct., 1872. Auldearn, a parsonage, and the seat of the dean. [The Church was dedicated to St. Columba.] In 1650, some parts of this large parish were annexed to Nairn, Calder, and Ardclach. The patronage was disponed by Lord Spynie to Dun- bar of Grange, and by him to Hay of Park, from whom it came to the family of Brodie. The stipend, by decreet in 1755, is G chalders, half bear, half meal, 400 merks, 10 merks for the Dean's Crook, near Elgin, 14 wedders, and £00 for Communion Elements. [New Kirk built in 420 PARISH MINISTERS OF AULDEARN. 1757, repaired in 1816.] The school is legal. Examinable persons are about 1400. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. Alexander Dunbar, Dean of Moray, in 1560, 1574, and 1586. 2. William Reoch, exhorter at Aldem and Nairn, in 1570. 3. [Nicol Howeson, trans, from Dunnichen, in 1574. 4. James Rait, 1585, cont. in 1590, trans, to Bervie.] 5. Thomas Dunbar [trans, from Nairn], min. and dean in [1591] 1613. [Cont. in 1616.] 6. Jolin Brodie [third son of David B. of B.], min. and dean in [1622] 1624, died 7 Jan., 1655. 7. Harry Forbes from Wick, adm. 10 Oct., 1655, dem. in 1663. [He witnessed several remarkable confessions of witches.] 8. George Hannay, from Inveravon, adm. 24 July, 1664, died in 1669 [aged about 68]. 9. John Cummine, from Ediiikylie, adm. 14 Feb., 1672, dem. in 1682. [Afterwards at CuUen.] 10. Thomas Kay [is said to have been a " notorious drunkard "], ord. in the south [at Aberdeen 22 April, 1683], adm. 17 April, 1683, expelled [by the Privy Council] in 1690. 11. Alexander Dunbar [schoolmaster here. Afterwards chaplain and tutor in the family of Rose of Kilravock. Ord. prior to July 13, 1678. Imprisoned in 1684, and banished by the Privy Council in March, 1685. Imprisoned same year on the Bass Rock. Died after 3 years' ilhiess, 29 Oct., 1707, aged about 57. He gave ijc for Com. cups]. Adm. [before 1 May] in 1690, died in 1708. 12. David Henderson, ord. 13 Sep., 1709, died in June [July], 1727. 13. James Winchester, from Raflford, adm. 12 May, 1726, trans, to Elgin 1730 [22 April]. 14. Alexander Irvme, from St. Andrews, adm. 7 Jan., 1731, trans, to Elgin 1735 [10 July]. 15. Donald [Daniel] Munro, ord. 23 Sep., 1736, trans, to Tayne in 1745 [17 April]. 16. Thomas Gordon, from Cabrach, adm. 12 Feb., 1747. [Died 25 Nov., 1793, in his 84th year.] 17. [John Paterson, adm. 28 Aug., 1794, died unmarried, 13 Dec, 1813, in his 42nd year. 18. William Barclay, son of Charles B., Auchterless, ord. 28 Sep., 1814. Jouaed the Free Kirk at the Disruption, died 4 June, 1857, m his 67th year. 19. Charles Fowler. Ord. and died in 1843. 20. James Reid, born at Dunblane; educ. at Glasgow University. Ord, in 1844. M. Widow Mary Falconer, daughter of the late Robt, Skene, Skene Park, Nairnshire. Died in 1873. 21. James Bonallo, born at Ardoch ; educ. at Edinburgh University. Ord. in 1874. AULDEARN; U.P. MINISTERS AT BOGHOLE. 421 FREE CHURCH. 1. William Barclay. Died 4 June, 1847. 2. William G. Forrester ; educ. at Normal School, Edinburgh, and Edinburgh University. Ord. 29 April 1858. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Moyness, formerly Boghole, in the Parish of Auldearn. Met in summer in the courtyard, and in winter in the vault of the ruined Castle of Moyness, till 1753, when they took possession of a place of worship they had built for themselves in the vicinity : — 2nd Church built 1777- 8rd built 1848; sittings, 420. 1. Alexander Troup, located as a missionary to the Seceders in the shires of Moray and Ross, 1746 ; adhered, with all the persons to whom he ministered, to the General Associate (Antiburgher) Synod at the breach, 1747. Ord. as minister of the united cons^regations of Elgin and Boghole, 1748. Trans, to Perth, 1763. (After Mr. Troup's translation, the congregations of Elgin and Bog- hole were disjoined, and each of them obtained a minister for itself. ) 2. Henry Clerk, from Abernethy, ord. 11 Aug., 1763. Died 15 June, 1809, set. 76. (During the vacancy of six years, occasioned by the death of Mr. Clerk, the congregation called Mr. Gilmour, who was appointed by the Synod to South Shields, and the Rev. Mr. Wood, pre- viously of Ratteray, then a probationer. The Rev. T. Stark, of Forres, preached to the congregation during the long vacancy from 80 to 90 times. 3. David Anderson, from Perth (North), ord. 15 April, 1815. Res. 25 Jan., 18.39 ; emigrated to America, bcame minister of a con- gregation in Carlisle, Philadelphia. Died of apoplexy in one of the streets of Philadelphia, 1841, ast. 56. (The congregation called on James Morison, who preferred Kilmar- nock ; Andrew Gardner, afterwards of Kincardine, who declined the call. 4. John Whyte, from Kinross (West), called to Broughty Ferry and Boghole. Ord. 24 March, 1842. Author of "The Sabbath Established and Vindicated." Nairn, a vicarage, anciently Gapella de Inner- narin, depending on the Dean of Moray, who was patron and titular. In 1687, Mr. George Dunbar was presented by the Dean (Bee. Presbytery of Forres) ; and now the Laird of Brodie, as patron 422 PARISH MINISTERS OF NAIRN. of Aldern, claims the right, and did present in 1759. The Virgin's Chapel at Geddes was built anno 1220, and in 1475, Pope Sextus IV. granted a Bull, dispensing with a hundred days of penance, for every visit paid to it, on the Day of Assump- tion, Nativity, &c., or for repairing the building {Pen. KilravocJi). The stipend, by decreet, is 80 bolls of bear, £500, and £50 for Communion Elements. The school is legal. Examinable persons are about 1300. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. John Young, exhorter in 157S [1567]. 2. William Eeoch, exhorter in Aldern and Nairn in 1570. [Omitted by Dr. Hew Scott in his Fasti Ecc. Scot.l 3. [John Ross, reader, in 1574. 4. Walter Eoss, in 1576. 5. James Smith from 1578 to 1580. 6. Thomas Dunbar, 1590, trans, to Auldearn same yeai*.] 7. Andrew Balfour, min. in 1598 [1597. Cont. in 1601. Trans, to Cawdor before 1607. 8. George Makesonn, 1608, trans, to Wigton prior to 1614.] 9. John Sanders, min. in 1624 [1616], died about 1637. 10. David Dunbar, from Edinkylie, adm. [after 3 April], 1638, died 1662. [21 Feb., aged about 49.] 11. Hugh Rose [eldest son of David R. of Earlsmill], ord. 4 Jan., 1660, as assist., died [7] Dec, 1686 [aged about 53]. 12. George Dunbar, from Dallas, adm. 25 May, 1687, died Dec, 1728 [aged about 76]. 13. Alexander Rose, ord. 7 July, 1730, died 16 Dec, 1757. 14. Patrick Dunbar [a native of Auldearn], ord. 12 April, 1759. [Died 19 July, 1782. 15. [John Morrison, a native of Mortlach, schoolmaster at Nigg, adm. 11 May, 1788, died 26 Dec, 1830. 16. James Grant, son of the Rev. Alex. 6. of Cawdor. Educ. at King's Coll., Aberdeen. Ord. 13 July, 1815. M. Christina M'Intosh in 1818. Died 14 Dec, 1853, in his 64th year. 17. James Burns, born at Cambusnethan. Educ. at Glasgow Univ. Ord. at Levern, Paisley, in 1852. Trans, in 1854. M. Jane Isabella, daughter of Peter M'Dougall, Banker, Nairn, in 1874. FREE AND U.P. MINISTERS AT NAIRN. 423 FREE CHURCH. 1. Alex. M'Kenzie, ord. 16 Nov., 1843, trans, to Edinburgh, 15 Oct. 1863. 2. Murdoch MacDonald, educ. at Inverness and Glasgow, ord. 23 Sep., 1864, trans to Toorak, Australia, 3 Oct., 1875. 3. Alexander Lee, M.A., educ. at Inverness High School and Edinburgh Univ., 7th June, 1878. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1st Congregation 1769; 2nd Church built in 1815, cost £820, sitti^ngs 512; Srd Church built in 1852, cost £1,600, sittings 825. o 1. Henry Clerk, from Abernethy, ord. for Boghole and Nairn, 1763. Ceased connexion with Nairn in 1769. 2. Isaac Ketchen, from Alloa (First), called to Cabrach and Nairn, ord. at Nairn 13 April, 1780. Became son-in-law to Brodie of Brodie, from whom he refused two livings in his patronage to the Established Kirk. Called in 1816 to Stronsay, but declined. Died at Nairn 12 May, 1820, set. 70. 3. James Mein, from Blackfriars', Jedburgh, ord. 30 Jan., 1822, died 9 June, 1841, set. 30. (The congregation called George MacKenzie, afterwards of Carnoustie ; and T. Stevenson, afterwards of Auchtermuchty). 4. John Bisset, from Erskiue Church, Arbroath, ord. 27 Sep., 1843. Called to Lethendry, but declined. 5. G. K. Heughan, ord. 1870. Ardersier, a parsonage in the Presbytery of Chanonrie, and the seat of the Sub-Dean of Boss. The Laird of Calder is patron, by a right from Keith of Eavenscraig anno 1599. {Pen. Calder). This parish was annexed to the Synod of Moray in 1705, but soon after disjoined. The stipend is 80 bolls of victual and about £50 of vicarage. [New Kirk built in 1781-2. Eemoved to another site about 1769.] The Examinable persons with- out the precinct of the fort are about 400. There is no school. 424 PARISH MINISTERS AT ARDERSIER. And the Ministers, since the Eevolution in 1688, are :— 1. [The Incumbent was formerly Dean of Ross. 2. John Smith, reader, Nov., 1569. Disc. 1571. Replaced and cont. till 1579. 3. William Rape in 1580. 4. James Lauder, 1597. Rem. from Kilmuir Wester. Afterwards at Avoch. 5. Thomas Urquhart, son of John U. of Cromarty, 1599. Cont. in 1615. 6. Patrick Durhame, trans, from Idvie in 1628. Cont. 17 July, 1655. He had the vacant stipends for 1658-9, and was also pres. to the Deanery of Ross, a separate benefice— all because of his com- plaint of being dep. by that Synod after a service of 30 years. 7. John M'CuUoch, dep. by the Privy Council 1 Oct., 1662.] 8. John Dallas, Sub-Dean in 1688. Died about 1693. [Adm. before 18 April, 1665. Depr. by Act of Pari. 25 April, 1690.] 9. Lauchlan MacBean, from Calder, adm. 1695. Deprived in 1706 [before 6 Dec. for immorality]. 10. Hugh Campbell, ord. [7 Aug.] 1707. Trans, to Kilteam in 1708. 11. Donald Beaton, [eldest son of Kenneth B. of Leabost] ord. [24 Sep.] 1713. Trans, to Rosekene in 1717 [26 March]. 12. Alexander Falconer, [schoolmaster at Cromarty] ord. [10 June] 1718. Trans, to [Urquhart and Logic Wester 26 Nov.] Femtosh in 1728. 13. Duncan Macintosh, ord. [25 Sep.] 1729. Died in 1736 [6 June, 1738]. 14. James Calder, ord. [8 May, 1740] in 1737. Trans, to Croy 1747 [24 March]. 15. Donald Brodie, ord. 11 May, 1749. Trans, to Calder 1752 [20 Nov.] 16. Harry Gordon, ord. 5 April, 1757. Died March 15, 1764. 17. Walter Morrison, [miss, at Glenlivet] ord. [1 Feb.] 1763. Adm. Sept. 27, 1764. [Died 14 May, 1750, aged about 44. He was nicknamed "Witty Watty."] 18. [Pryse Campbell, a native of Mearns, ord. 23 March, 1781. Died 1 Feb., 1840, in his 86th year. 19. John Matheson. 1839. 20. Simon Fraser, born at Kilmorack Manse ; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen; ord. 1841. M. 1841, Cath. Noble, Inverness. Trans, to Kilmorack in May, 1846. 21. William Forsyth, born at Cromdale ; educ. at King's College, Aber- deen; ord. Oct., 1846. Trans, to Dornoch in April, 1853. 22. Evan Ross, born at Killearnan ; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh: ord. at Paisley in 1852. Trans, in 1853. M. m 1855, Jane, daughter of the late Joseph Ewing, surgeon, Fort- George. BRAAVEN OR CALDER PARISH. 425 FREE CHURCH. 1. John Mathieson. Died 12th Nov., 1848. 2. Donald Cameron, ord. 21st Nov., 1849. Trans, to Kirkmichael 3rd May, 1853. 3. Alex. Cameron; Glasgow; ord. 19th Jan., 1854. Caiodor, a parsonage dedicated to St. Ewan, whereof the Lah^d of Calder is patron, by a dis- position from the Lord Spynie anno 1606. The parish was called Bar-Eivan, i.e., Saint, or Ex- cellent Ewan. The Church stood in the south end till the year 1619. [Formerly the name was Braaven, and was changed to Calder or Cawdor in 1619.] Sir John Campbell, being in danger by water coming from Yla, vowed, if he arrived safe at Calder, he would build a Church in the centre of the parish, which he performed that same year. There was at Old Calder a Chapel of Ease. In the court of the castle was a Private Chapel, and at Dallas in the Streins was a Free Chapel, with a glebe and a proper stipend. The east end of this parish was disjoined from Aldearn and annexed to Calder in 1650. The stipend, by decreet in 1722, is 20 bolls bear, 20 bolls meal, 550 merks, and £50 for Com- munion Elements. The school is legal. Ex- aminable persons 700. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. Allan Macintosh, exhorter in 1568. Parson [pres. 19 June, 1569] in 1581 and 1586. [Cont. in 1591.] 2. [Normond Duncan, 1592, having also Croy, Moy, and Dacus. Trans. to Mortlach. 426 PROTESTANT MINISTERS OF CALDER. 3. Allan Macintosh, noticed above, returned in 1595. Cont. in 1599. 4. John Macintosh, 1601.] 5. Andrew Balfour, [trans, from Nairn] min. in 1623 [1607]. Died about 1625 [after 25 Oct.]. 6. Gilbert Henderson, [Anderson, adm. before 30 Oct., 1647] in 1626. Trans, in 1641 [to Cromarty between 5 Oct., 1641, and 11 Jan., 1642]. 7. Donald MacPherson, from Ardclach, adm. in 1642. Died in Dec, 1686 [26 Nov., aged about 72. In 1643 a complaint was made to the Privy Council against him and the Tutor of Calder for " waking a woman the space of 20 days naked, with nothing on her but sackcloth, under a charge of witchcraft. "] 8. Lauchlan MacBean, [schoolmaster at Nairn 29 March, 1682] ord. in Sep., 1687. Trans, to Ardersier 1695. 9. James Chapman, [son of Robert C, merchant, Inverness] ord. 1699. Trans, to Cromdale in 1702 [14 Oct.]. 10. John Calder, ord. 1704 [14 March, 1705]. Died in March, 1717. 11. Lauchlan Shaw, from Kingusie, adm. 19 Nov., 1719. Trans, to Elgm 1734 [17 April]. 12. Patrick Grant, ord. 7 May, 1735. Trans, to Urray in 1749 [13 May]. 13. Donald Brodie, from Ardersier, adm. 13 May, 1752. Died 21 May, 1771 [aged 47]. 14. Kenneth MacAuly, from Ardnamarchan, adm. 17 Nov., 1772. [Died 2 March, 1779, in his 56th year.] 15. [Alexander Grant, trans, from Daviot and Dunlichty. Adm. 30 March, 1780. Died 28 June, 1828, in his 85th year. 16. Alexander Fraser, son of the Rev. Donald F., Kii'khill, ord. 20 Nov., 1828. Trans, to Ku-khill 12 Jan., 1837. 17. Simon Fraser M 'Lauchlan, trans, from Suizort. Adm. 28 July, 1837. Joined the Free Kirk at the Disruption. Adm. to the Free Church, Kenmore, same year, but retii'ed here ua 1844. 18. George Campbell, ord. 1843. Trans, to Tarbat, Ross-shire, in 1845. 19. Lewis M'Pherson, born at Knockando ; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen; ord. at Inch, Abernethy, in 1837. M. Rachel Reid, Cawdor, in 1846. M. 2nd, Eliz. Bury in 1869. Died in 1876. 20. Thomas Fraser, born at Boharm; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen; ord. at Seafield, Fordyce, in 1873 ; inducted in 1876. FREE CHURCH. 1. S. F. M 'Lauchlan (still senior minister). 2. John M'Pherson, born at Portree; Glasgow; ord. 26th Oct., 1876. Cro2j and Dalcross were distinct parishes, and have still a glebe in each, but I find not how early they were united. Croy was a parsonage, on which Moy in Strathern depended as a vicar- PARISHES OF CROY AND DALCROSS. 427 age. Dalcross was a vicarage, depending on the Prior of Urquhart, and in 1343 there was an agreement between the Prior of Urquhart and the Baron of Kihavock that the Vicar of Dealg- an-Koss, now Dalcross, should officiate in the Private Chapel of Kilravock. {Pen. Kilrav.) The Laird of Calder is patron of Dalcross, by a disposition from Alexander, Earl of Dunfermline, and Lord Urquhart in 1610; and he likewise claims the Patronage of Croy, for Kilravock has few acts of possession. There was in the south of the parish a Chapel of Ease, called Eil-Doich, i.e., Dorothy's Church; another in the north at Chapeltoun ; and probably there was at Kilravock a Chapel dedicated to one of the name Eavok. The stipend, by decreet, is 5 chalders bear, 500 merks, and 50 merks for Communion Elements. [New Kirk built in 1767.] The school is legal. Examinable persons 1800. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. James Vause, reader at Croy and Moy 1567 [from Candlemas 1567 to 1586]. 2. Patrick Lyddel, minister at Croy in 1585. .3. James Vause, from [Daviot and] Dunlichtie, adm. in 1618. Died in 1660 [Sept.]. 4. Hugh Fraser, ord. in Dec, 1662 [17 June, 1663]. Died about 1699. [Accused of bigamy, and dep. by General Assembly in 1700.] 5. Alexander Fraser, ord. in spring [18 Feb] 170.3. Trans, to Fenitosh in 1715. [Trans, to Urquliart and Logie Wester 4 May, 1708, but cont. here till 1715.] 6. Ferchard [Farquhar] Beaton, [third son of Kenneth B. of Leabost] ord. in winter 1718 [18 Feb., 1719]. Died in Feb., 1746 [6 Feb.» aged 52]. 7. James Calder, from Ardersier, adm. 28 April, 1747. [Died 24 Dec, 1775, in his 65th year.] 428 PROTESTANT MINISTERS AT INVERNESS. 8. [Hugh Calder, son of the former, ord. 24 Sept., 1778. Died 31 Aug., 1822, in his 78th year. 9. Alexander Campbell, born at Ardersier ; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen. Trans, from Cores. Ord. 3 July, 1823. M. Beat- rice M'Rae. Died 10 Jan., 1853, in his 74th year. 10. Thomas Fraser, born at Kirkhill; educ. at King's College, Aberdeen; ord. in 1853. M. 1861, Anne Robertson, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Farquharson, Alford, Aberdeenshire. FREE CHURCH. Adam G. M'Leod, born at Kildonan; educ. at Aberdeen; ord. 20 March, 1856. PRESBYTERY OF INVERNESS. Moy and Dalarasie were distinct parishes, and there is still a glebe in each. How early they were united I find not. Kilravock, as Patron of Croy on which Moy depended, claims the patron- age, but I know not by what right. The stipend is 800 merks and 50 merks for Communion Ele- ments. [New Kirk built at Moy in 1765, and another at Dalrossie in 1790, in both of which there is preaching alternately.] There is no school. The Examinable persons are 1,000. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. Andrew Dow Fraser, [reader at Dalarossie or Tallarassie from 1574 to 1576. Removed from Boleskine 1614. Cont. at Dalarossie in 1616, Bullesken being also in charge. Removed to Moy prior to 1616. Trans, to Abertarff prior to 25 Oct., 1625.] Trans, to Boleskin in 1624. 2. Lauchlan Grant, ord. [before 30 Oct.] 1627. Trans, to Kingusie in 1649 [after 3 April]. 3. Roderick MacKenzie [from Elgin] ord. [prior to 21 May, 1654] in 1653. Died in Feb., 1680 [after the 4th]. 4. Alexander Gumming, ord. in May, 1680. Died 27 April, 1709. [Though a Jacobite, he cont. after the Revolution.] 5. James Leslie, ord. [23] Aug., 1716. Died 28 Oct., 1766. 6. James Macintosh, [schoolmaster at Cawdor and miss, in Stratheam], ord. 14 July, 1767. [Dep. for fornication 28 May, 1787. Died 9 May, 1799, in his 72nd year.] 7. [William M'Bean, adm. 5 Aug., 1788. Trans, to Alves 18 Sept., 1792. PARISH MINISTERS OF MOT AND DALAROSSIE. 429 8. Hugh M'Kay, son of Angus M'K. in Kinloch, merchant in Glasgow, schoohnaster at Tongue, miss, at Halkirk. Adm. 25 April, 1793. Died 7 March, 1804, aged about 42. 9. James M'Lachlan, prom, from the Gaelic Chapel, Edinburgh. Adm. 3 Sept., 1806. Died 10 Nov., 1843, in his 76th year. 10. Thomas M'Lachlan, youngest son of the former, ord. (assist, and succ.) 19 April, 1838. Joined the Free Kirk at the Disruption. Adm. to Dores Free Church in 1844, and to Edinburgh Free Gaelic Church in 1849. LL.D. Aberdeen in Nov., 1864. 11. Hector M'Kenzie. 1844. Daviot and Dunlichtie were distinct parishes, united about the year 1618, and the Minister has a glebe in each. DunHchtie was a parsonage, of which the Laird of Calder is patron. Daviot was a common [or mensal] Kirk. The Bishop pre- sented Mr. Alexander Eraser in 1664, and having presented Mr. Michael Fraser in 1673, Calder obliged the Bishop to annul the settlement, to declare the Chm'ch vacant, and then Calder pre- sented the same Mr. Michael Fraser. {Bee. Fresh, of Inverness.) The stipend, including Communion Elements, is 1,000 merks. [New Kirk built in 1826.] The school is legal. Mac- Phail of Inverarnie has mortified 400 merks, and Macintosh of Farr 300 merks for the poor. Ex- aminable persons are about 1,000. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. John Dow MacDonachie, [M'Condoquhy] reader, 1569. 2. [John Stewart, reader in 1574. 3. Robert Mosman, reader from 1576 to 1578. 4. John Ross, reader from 1579 to 1585.] 5. Hugh Gregory, parson of Lundichty, 1579. [Nos. 1 to 5 omitted by Dr. Hew Scott in his Fasti Ecc. Scot.]. 6. James Vause, [trans, from Duulichty], parson in 1613. Trans, to Croy in 1618. 430 PARISH MINISTERS OF DAVIOT AND DUNLICHTY, 7. Alexander Thomson, [formerly at Dores] min. in 1625 [1623]. Dep. in 1646 [prior to 6 Oct.]. 8. Alexander Rose [natural son of William Rose of Clava]; ord. [before 5 Oct.] 1647. Died in 1660 [after 2 Oct.], 9. Alexander Fraser, [trans, from Abbotshall] ord. 31 Aug., 1664. Deprived 1672 for Non-conformity [19 Oct.]. 10. Michael Fraser, [schoolmaster at Thurso] ord. 19 Feb., 1673. Died in April 1726. [Admonished by Synod 24 Nov., 1675, to abstain from all limning and painting, which diverted him from his ministerial duties.] 11. James Fraser, ord. 13 March, 1729. Died 18 June, 1736. 12. John Campbell, ord. 14 Jan., 1738. Died 4 Nov., 1759. 13. Patrick Grant, ord. [S] 22 April, 1761. Trans, to Boleskin 10 May, 1770. 14. Alexander Grant, [son of the Rev. George G. of Kirkmichael, miss. at Fort William] adm. 2 April, 1771. [Trans, to Cawdor 7 Dec, 1779.] 15. Alex. Gordon, adm. 19 April, 1781. Died 3 April, 1801. 16. James Macphail, prom, from the Gaelic Chapel, Aberdeen. Adm. 13 May, 1802. Died July, 1839, aged 73. 17. John Clark, adm. 1843. Trans. 1844. IS. Dugald M'Kitchan, adm. 1845. Died 1858. 19. James M'Donald, adm. 1859. Fettle and BracMie were distinct charges, and have distinct glehes. Petty is a parsonage, dedi- cated to St. Cohiim [Cohimba], and BrachUe a vicarage depending thereon. The Earl of Moray- is patron. The stipend is 80 bolls bear, 500 merks, and 50 merks for Communion Elements. The school is legal. The Examinable persons are about 1,100. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. Andrew Braboner, exhorter in 1568 [1567]. 2. [John Gordoun, 1574, having also Brachley, to which it "was united ofauld." Cont. in 1579.] 3. James Dunbar, parson in 1579 [1580. Cont. in 1591.] 4. Donald MacQueen in 1613. Died about 1630. [Pres. by James VI. 10 May, 1596. Died 22 Aug., 1630.] 5. Alexander Fraser, ord, [prior to 6 May] 1633. Died in summer [30 April] 1683. PARISH MINISTERS OF PETTY AND BRAUCHLIE. 431 (!. Alexander Denime, ord. privately [23 March]. Adm. 20 April, 1684. Deposed [19 June] 1706 [for swearing, drunkenness, &c.]. Died 1718 [26 Jan., 1719, aged about 61.] 7. Daniel MacKenzie, from Inveravon, adm. 8 Oct., 1719. Trans, to Inverness 1727 [3rd charge, 3 Oct.]. 8. John Duncanson, from Ardclach, adm. 18 June, 1728. Died 6 May, 1737. 9. Lewis Chapman, from Alvie, adm. [6 June], 1738. Died 19 April, 1741 [in his 36th year]. 19. .L^neas Shaw, from Comrie, adm. 8 June, 1742. Trans, to Forres in 1758 [31 Oct.]. 11. John Morison, [a native of Speymouth] ord. an itinerant [21 Jan., 1746, as miss, at Amultree]. Adm. 21 Aug., 1759. Died [9] Nov., 1774 [in his 73rd year.] 12. [William Smith, a native of Eafford, ord. 5 Sept., 1775. Died 15 Nov., 1833, in, his 87th year. At one time he contemplated to publish a Revision of this present Work. 13. John Grant, assist, to the former, ord. assist, and succ. 24 July, 1834. Joined the Free Kirk at the Disi'uption. Adm. to the Free Churcli, Roseneath, same year. Died 2 Sept., 1855. 14. Colin M'Kenzie, adm. 1843. Trans. 1858. 15. John Fraser, adm. 1859. Inverness is a parsonage, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, [and previous to the Eeformation belonged to the Abbey of Arbroath. The High- land or Parish Church was taken possession of by the Presbyterians in 1691, and rebuilt in 1794. The English Church was built in 1772, and the West Church in 1835], and in 1618 the parish of Bona, likewise a parsonage, was annexed to it by the Plat.'"' Lord Spynie, patron of Bona, did, in 1623, dispone his right to Fraser of Strichen, who, as vice-patron, presented Mr. John Anand in 1640, and the Synod of Moray in 1648 found that the other vice belonged to the Crown. Yet, after this, the family of Seafort claimed a vice, * The word Plat means such Members of Parliament as were appointed to modify stipends, annex, or disjoin parishes. 432 PATRONS OF THE PARISH OF INVERNESS. but by what right I find not ; and in 1674 the Lord Kintail presented Mr. Gilbert Marshal. But in a Sub-Synod at Forres in 1674 the Bishop produced two letters to him from the Primate discharging him to plant the Church of Inverness upon Seafort's presentation. And yet in 1688 Seafort presented Mr. Hector MacKenzie. {Bee. of Syn. and Presb. of Inverness.) Now, by the forfeiture of Seafort and of Lord Lovate, to whom it is said Strichen had sold the* patronage with his lands, both vices have come to the Crown, and the third charge is a Eoyal gift, the patronage of which, without doubt, is in the Crown. I have not found two Ministers in Inverness before 1638. For many years after the Eeformation few towns had more than one Minister, one manse, and one glebe, but a second glebe and manse at Inverness were obtained as follows : — "Messrs. John Annand and Murdoch MacKenzie, with consent of Strichen the patron, and James Cuthbert of Drakies Pro- vost, and James Kose of Markinsh one of the Bailies, Commissioners from the Town, and Pres- bytery of Inverness, in the General Assembly held at Aberdeen, in August 1640, did, with the approbation of the Assembly, agree, that the whole stipend, due to the said Ministers, for the year 1640, with the sum of 700 merks advanced by the Magistrates, should be laid out in pur- chasing a manse and glebe, for the said Mr. Annand, and his successors in office, which was SCHOOLS AND LIBRAEY AT INVERNESS. 433 accordingly done." This Deed is at large recorded in the Synod Eegister, Ad Annum 1651, page 201, &c. The stipend of two Ministers, by decreet in 1755, is to each 84 bolls, 1 firlot, 2 pecks, 2 lippies of meal, and .£491 6s. 8d., with a£50 to each for Communion Elements. In the year 1706 a living for a third Minister was obtained as follows : — Mr. Eobert Bailie, one of the Mini- sters, understood not the Irish language, and Mr. Hector Mackenzie, the other Minister, was super- annuated, by which means the Irish people were totally neglected, wherefore the Queen, by her Eoyal gift, dated 4th October, 1706, granted out of the rents of the Bishoprick of Moray the sum of £881 Is. 6d. Scots annually, as a maintainance for a third Minister, but he has no allowance for a manse, or glebe, or Communion Elements. The three Ministers are colleagues, keep one general session or consistory, and agree uj)on a partition of their ministerial work. There are in the town a Grammar School, and a School for teaching English, writing, arithmetic, &c.; and the Charity School, erected by the donation of Mr. John Kaining of Norwich, mer- chant, who mortified £1,200 sterling, is fixed in this town. There is a valuable Library, the donation mainly of Dr. Bray and Mr. James Eraser, son of Mr. Alexander Eraser, some time Minister at Pettie, who not only gave many books, but likewise a VOL. in. 28 434 HOSPITAL OF INVERNESS ; SUCCESSION OF MINISTERS. -sum of money to purchase more and afford a salary for a keeper of the Hbrary. The principal stock of the Hospital of Inver- ness in bonds, lands, fishing, at Martinmas 1746, was £2,303 3s. 9fd. sterling. Item, a separate rent paid out of the Weigh House and Hospital Garden annually, £3 6s. 8d. sterling. The Laird of Macintosh's Mortification in the trust of the Hospital Treasurer is of principal £166 13s. 4d. sterling. George Duncan's Mortification is £200 Scots annually, whereof one half towards repair- ing the Church, and the other to maintain boys at Eaining's School. "With respect to the succession of Ministers I have not found any Minister in Bona before the junction of the parishes, except Mr. Thomas Innes, who was patron of Bonaw in 1598. Mr. William Cloggie was brought to Inverness in 1620 and served with faithfulness till 1640, when some of the heritors and magistrates entered a complaint against him before the Synod of Moray, from which he was honourably assoilzied, but judged himself so ill used that he would serve no longer in that town, and therefore demitted his charge. Of Mr. Angus M'Bean's conduct I shall speak afterwards. At the Eevolution Mr. John MacGilligin preached for some time at Inverness, but was not settled, and died 8th June, 1689. Likewise Mr. James Fraser of Brae preached there for some time, but was not settled Minister. PARISH MINISTERS IN INVERNESS. 435 The number of Examinable persons in town and parish to landward is about 6,000. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. Thomas Howeson, miii. in 1568 and 1590. 2. Thomas Innes, parson of Bona, in 1598. 3. James Bishop, miti. in 1617. 4. William Cloggie, from Inveravon, adm. in 1620. Dem. in 1640. 5. George Munro, Irish [Erse] minister, ord. 1638. Dem. in 1640 for want of maintainance. 6. Murdoch MacKenzie, from Contane, adm. 1640. Trans, to Elgin in 1645. 7. John Annand, from Dunbenan, adm. 1640. Died in Nov., 1660. 8. Duncan MacCuUoch, ord. 1642. Trans, to Urquhart 1647, for want of maintainance. 9. William Eraser, ord. 1648. Died in Sept., 1659. 10. James Sutherland, ord. in April, 1660. Died in Sept., 1673. 11. Alexander Clerk, ord. in April, 1663. Died in Sept., 1683. 12. Gilbert Marshal, from Cromdale, adm. in Sept., 1674. Died about 1690. 13. Angus MacBean, privately ord. Adm. 29 Dec, 1683. Demitted in 1687. 14. Hector MacKenzie, from Kingusie, adm. 2 May 1688. Died 14 June, 1719. 15. Robert Bailie, from Lambinton, adm. in 1701. Died 11 Feb., 1726. 16. William Stewart, from Kiltearn, adm. in 1705. Trans, to Kilteani in 1726. 17. Alexander MacBean, from Douglas, adm. Nov., 1720. Died 2 Nov., 1762. 18. Alexander Eraser, from Eerntosh, adm. 4 April, 1727. Died 6 May, 1750. 19. Daniel MacKenzie, from Pettie, adm. 10 Oct., 1727. Died 21 iMarch, 1730. 20. William Bailie, ord. 22 July, 1731. Died 14 May, 1739. 21. Murdoch MacKenzie, from Dingwal, adm. 13 July, 1742. Died 7 April, 1774. 22. James Grant, ord. 14 April, 1752. Died 14 Dec. that same year. 23. Alexander Eraser, from Avoch, adm. 13 Nov., 1754. 24. Eobert Rose, ord. 27 Sept., 1763. 25. Watson, from Kiltearn, adm. 1775. REVISED FROM DR. HEW SCOTT'S '* FASTI EOC. SCOT." 1. [Thomas Houston or Howeson. Orders from the Church of Rome. Joined the Reformers. Settled prior to 1567. In 1585 Earnua was joined to the charge, and in 1590 Bonoch was also added Died 9 Feb., 1605. 436 PARISH MINISTERS IN INVERNESS. 2. James Bischop, pres. by James VI., 21 July, 1617. 3. William Cloggie, trans, from Liveraven. Adm. hi 1620. After- wards at iSpynie. 4. Murdo M'Kenzie, trans, from Contin. Elected 1 June, 1640. Trans. to Elgin in 1645. Bishop of Moray 18 Jan., 1662. 5. John Annand, trans, from 2nd charge, 1645. Died in Nov., I66O1, aged about 63. 6. James Sutherland, trans, from 2nd charge, 166- . Died in Sept., 1673, aged about 41. 7. Alexander Clerk, trans, from 2nd charge. He gave j'= merks towards building the bridge founded in 1681. Died in Sept., 1683, aged about 58. 8. Angus M'Bean, son of M'B. of Kinchyle, 1683. Dep. and imprisoned for abjuring Episcopacy. Died in Feb., 1689, in his 33rd year. 9. Hector M'Kenzie, trans, from Kingussie. Adm. 2 May, 1688. Died 14 June, 1719, aged about 74. 10. William Stuart, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 26 Jan., 1720. Trans, to Kiltearn 9 May, 1726. 11. Alexander M'Bean, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 4 April, 1727. Died 2 Nov., 1762. 12. Murdoch M'Kenzie, trans, from 2nd charge. Adm. 2 May, 1763, Died 7 April, 1774, aged 74. 13. Robert Rose, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 4 Dec, 1774. Died 2 Aug., 1799. 14. Patrick Grant, trans, from Boleskine. Adm. 2 Sept., 1800. Trans. to Kiltarlity 4 Nov. , same year. 15. Alexander Eraser, trans, from 2nd charge. Adm. 3 March, 1801. Died 20 May, 1821, in his 70th year. 16. Thomas Eraser, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 6 Nov., 1821. Died 3 Feb., 1834, aged 69. 17. Alexander Clark, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 17 June, 1834. Died 6 May, 1852, aged 55. 18. Donald M'Donald, D.D. Trans, from 2nd charge, 1852. Second Charge. 1. John Annand, adm. after 13 April, 1624. Trans, to Kinore between 25 April and 25 Oct., 1627. 2. Alexander Clark, 16—. Died 13 Sept., 1635. 3. George Munro, ord. after 3 April, 1638. Demitted for want of mamtenance after 3 June, 1640. 4. John Annand, above mentioned, re-trans, from Kinore, 1640. Trans. to 1st charge in 1645. 5. Duncan M'Culloch, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. in 1645. Trans. to Urquhart and Glenmoriston bet. 6 April and 5 Oct., 1647. 6. William Eraser, ord. before 3 April, 1649. Died 22 Nov., 1659. 7. James Sutherland, ord. before 3 April, 1660. Trans, to 1st charge. 8. Alexander Clerk, trans, from Latheron. Adm. in April, 1663. Trans to 1st charge in 1674. PARISH MINISTERS IN INVERNESS. 437 9. Gilbert Marshall, trans, from Cromdalc. Adm. 9 Sept., 1674. Died 26 Feb., 1691, aged about 46. N.B. — John M'Gilligan, of Alness, late min. of Fodderty, preached some time after liberty was given to the Presbyterians, but was not settled. Died 8 June, 1869. Alexander Sutherland, chaplain to Livingston's Regt., was called 30 Aug., 1691, but neither was he adm. Wm. Stuart likewise officiated, but was called to Kilteam in 1693. James Fraser, of Brea, min. of Cuh'oss, also officiated for a consider- able time, was called in Sept., 1696, and requested to get one of the Churches for himself, 8 Nov., 1698, but did not get possess- ion, and cont. in his charge at Cuh-oss. 10. Robert Baillie, trans, from Lamington. Adm. after 28 Feb., 1701. Died of consumption 11 Feb., 1726. Got calls from Keith in 1699, Gladsmuu- in 1710, London in 1711, and Rotherdam in 1714 and again in 1724. 11. Alexander Fraser, trans, from Urquhart and Logic Wester. Adm. 4 April, 1727. Died 6 May, 1750, in his 76th year. 12. Murdoch M'Kenzie, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 5 Feb., 1751. Trans, to 1st charge 10 March, 1763. 13. Alexander Fraser, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 1763. Died 12 Jan., 1778, aged about 69. 14. George Watson, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 7 July, 1778. Died 5 Feb., 1798, aged about 63. 15. Alexander Fraser, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 3 July, 1798. Trans, to 1st charge 3 March, 1801. 10. Alexander Rose, trans, from 3rd charge. Adm. 7 April, 1801. D.D. Edinburgh, 23 Dec, 1825. Demitted 5 March, 1850. 17. Donald M'Donald, assist, and success. 1842. Trans, to 1st charge, 1852. 18. Alexander M'Gregor, adm. 1853. Third Charge Was erected in 1641 in consequence of the Minister of the Second Charge not having Gaelic. 1. Duncan M'Culloch, ord. prior to 4 Oct., 1642. Trans, to 2nd charge in 1645. 2. William Stuart, trans, from Kilteam. Adm. after 9 April, 1705. Trans, to 1st charge 4 April, 1727. 3. Alexander M 'Bean, trans, from Douglas. Adm. 6 Dec, 1720. Trans. to 1st charge 4 April 1727. 4. Daniel M'Kenzie, trans, from Petty. Adm. 10 Oct., 1727. Died 21 March, 1730, aged about 49. This was his 6th cure. 5. William Baillie, son of the Rev. Robert B. of the 2iul charge, ord. 22 July, 1731. 'Died 17 May, 1739, in his 35th year. ■6. Murdoch M'Kenzie, trans, from Dingwall. Adm. 13 July, 1741. Trans, to 2nd charge 5 Feb., 1751. 7. James Grant, son of the Rev. George G., of Kirkmichael, ord. 14 April, 1752. Died unmarried 14 Dec, same year. 438 PROTESTANT MINISTERS IN INVERNESS. 8. Alexander Fraser, trans, from Avoch. Adm. 13 Nov., 1754. Trans. to 2nd charge in 1763. 9. Robert Rose, ord. 27 Sept., 1763. Trans, to 1st charge 4 Dec, 1774, 10. George Watson, trans, from Kilteam. Adm. 20 Dec, 1775. Trans. to 2nd charge 7 April, 1778. 1 1. Alexander Fraser, ord. 22 Sept. , 1778. Trans, to 2nd charge 3 July, 1798. 12. Alexander Rose, adm. 18 Sept., 1798. Trans, to 2nd charge 7 April, 1801. 13. Thomas Fraser, adm. 15 Dec, 1801. Trans, to 1st charge 6 Nov., 1821. 14. Alexander Clark, schoolmaster at Alves. Ord. 21 March, 1822. Trans, to 1st charge 17 June, 1834. 15. Robert Macpherson, ord. 23 Sept., 1834. Died at Ventnor, 6 Oct., 1841, in his 32nd year. 16. Sunon M'Intosh, adm. 1842. Trans. 1843. 17. Donald M'Connachie, adm. 1844. Trans. 1848. 18. Hugh M'Kenzie, adm 1848. Died 1860. 19. Duncan Stewart, adm. 1860. Trans. 1862. 20. John Stewart, adm. 1862. Died 1870. 21. Peter Robertson, adm. 1871. Trans. 1874. 22. Lachlan MacLachlan, adm. 1874. Trans. 1877. 23. David Cameron, adm. 1878. Trans. 1879. 24. Charles MacEcheru, adm. 1879. Chajnl of Ease or East Church. Erected in 1798, became a Quoad Sacra Parish by the Act of Assembly 31 May, 1834. 1. Ronald Bayne, formerly of the Chapel of Ease, Elgin, entered prior to 4 Aug., 1800. Prom, to Kiltarlity 5 May, 1808. 2. Donald Martm, min. of Kilmuir, Skye, elected 14 July, 1808. Prom. to Abernethy 15 Aug., 1820. 3. Robert Findlater, son of R. F., merchant, Drummond, Kiltearn, ord. as miss, at Lochtayside. Entered 31 May, 1821. Died 7 Sept., 1832, in his 47th year. 4. Fiulay Cook, min. of Cross, Lewis, entered in Nov., 1833. Trans. to Reay, 7 July, 1835. 5. David Campbell, trans, from Glenlyon. Adm. 17 Nov. 1836. Trans. to Tarbat, 30 Aug., 1838. North Church. Erected as an extension or Quoad Sacra Parish. Archibald Cook, ord. as miss, at Berriedale or Bi-uan. Adm. 31 Aug., 1837. Joined the Free Kirk at the Disruption. Became min. of the Free Church, Daviot, in 1844. Died 6 May, 1865, in his 75th year.] U.P. AND EPISCOPAL MINISTERS IN INVERNESS. 43^ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. First Church [now extinct). This congregation originated in the itineracies of the Rev. Mr. Buchanan of Nigg, about the year 1780. 1. ^neas M'Bean, ord. 31 Nov., 1790, suspended from office 27th April, 1810, and died in 1824. The congregation became extinct in 1810. Union Street. Twenty persons formerly connected with the First Congregation, Inverness, formed a second, by applying for and obtaining supply of sermon from the General Associate (Autiburgher) Presbytery of Elgin, in 1817. Church built 1821 ; sittings, 650. A new Church was built in Union Street in 1864, containing sittings for 700, at a cost of £3,000. 1. James Scott, D.D., from Pitcairngreen, ord. 21 March, 1821. D.D. from Monmouth College, Illinois, in Sep., 1871. 2. George Robson, M.A. from Glasgow (Wellington Street), of which his father was minister. Called to Dennyloanhead and Inver- ness. Ord. at Inverness, as colleague to Mr. Scott, 14 Nov., 1866. Queen Street. 1. Alexander Munro, ord. 9 July, 1833, as Gaelic miss., and inducted 8 March, 1842. Died 13 Dec, 1854. The congregation was for some years supplied by Mr. Adam Gordon, miss. Died in 1871. 2. Donald Eoss, from Nigg, ord. 22 Aug., 1860. Died 20 July, 1871. A call was given in April, 1872, to Rev. Alexander C. M'Donald, late of Thanesford, Canada, which the Synod set aside. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL, INVERNESS. In Oct., 1866, the Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Long- ley) laid the foundation stone, in the presence of about 70 Bishops and Clergy, and an immense concourse of people. On 1 Sep., 1869, the Cathedral was opened for Divine Service, when six Bishops w^ere present, among whom were Bishop Wilberforce of Oxford, and Bishop Cloughton of Rochester, who preached at the morning and evening services respectively. The Cathedral was consecrated by the Primus on Michaelmas Day, 1874, 6 other Bishops being present and about 36 Clergy. The Bishop of Derry (Dr. Alexander), preached in the morning, and Bishop Douglas of Bombay at Evensong. The following Clergy have held office in the Cathe- dral : — 440 CLERGY OF ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL, INVERNESS. Henry Clarke Powell, M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, Provost from 1S69-1877. William Roughead, M.A. of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, Canon from 1869-1874. Edward Shuttleworth Medley, B.A. of Univ. of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canon and Precentor in 1877. Frederic Dobrec Teesdale, M.A. of New Coll., Oxford, Head Master of the CoUege, Inverness, Canon 1875-1881. Ernest Thoyts, M.A. of Oriel Coll., Oxford, Canon 1879-1881. Assistant Clergy. Robert Allan Eden, M.A. of Christ Ch., Oxford, 1869-1871, and again in 1S8L Henry Ley Greaves, M.A. of St. Cath. Coll., Cambridge, 1876-1879. Durris, a parsonage in the gift of the Prior of Urqnhart, and now the Laird of Calder, is patron by a Disposition from Alexander, Earl of Dun- fermline, Lord Urqiihart in 1610. The stipend is 48 bolls of meal, 650 merks, with 50 merks for Communion Elements. The school is legal. Examinable persons are about 1100. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. James Dow [Duff?], reader in Durris and Boleskin in 1567. 2. [Soul or Souerane M'Phail, reader from 1574 to 1580. 3. Andrew M'Phail, trans, from Kingussie, having Boleskine also in charge. Cent, in 1601. Removed to Boleskine prior to 1607.] 4. Alexander Thomson, min. at Durris 1617. [Adm. prior to 30 May. Subsequently at Daviot.] 5. Patrick Dunbar, min. in 1613. Died in 1658 [aged about 63.] 6. William Cummine, ord. in 1663 [prior to 3 April], trans, in 1664. [Subsequently at Halkirk.] 7. James Smith, ord. in March [prior to 3 April], 1666, demitted in 1682, on account of the Test. [Died at Edinburgh, 23 Nov., 1718, aged about 80.] 8. Thomas Fraser [brother to the Laird of Belladrum] ord. privately. Adm. 11 March, 1683. Died in May, 1729 [3 March.] 9. Archibald Bannatyne, from Ardchattan, adm, 14 Sep., 1731. Died 20 June, 1752. 10. John Grant, miss, at Fort-Augustus, ord. 1 May, 1753. [Died un- married 17 November, 1784, aged 59.] 11. [John M'Kilican, a native of Croy, miss, in the parish of Boleskine, and also at Fort-Augustus. Adm. 23 Sep., 1785. Died 13 June, 1819, aged about 75. PARISH MINISTERS OF DURRIS AND KIRKHILL. 441 12. Alexander Campbell, teacher in Inverness Academy in 1818, ord. 28 March, 1820. Tra,ns. to Croy 12 June, 1823. 13. David Fraser, promoted from Eothesay Chapel of Ease, adm. 25 Sep., 1823. Trans, to Nigg, Koss-shirc, 29 March, 1843. Died 8 June, 1865, in his 71st year. 14. Peter M'Naughton, adm. 1844. Resigned 1846, 15. Ewen M'Kenzie, adm. 1846. Trans. 1848. 16. James M'Naughton, adm. 18iS. KirTiliill, formerly the parishes of Wardlaw a,nd Fearnua, a parsonage dedicated to the Virgin Mary. This Church stood formerly at Dunbalach, a mile up the river, and was dedicated to St. Maurice. I have seen, in the hands of Mr. Fraser of Dunbalach, a Papal Bull, dated anno 1210, for translating the Church of Mauritius from Dunbalach [Dunbathlach] to Wardlaw. Wardlaw parish made the west end of the pre- sent parish, and Fearnua (in Irish Eagluis Fear- 7iaic, so called either from some legendary saint, or from Fearn, i.e., " The Alder-tree," which abounds there) made the east end; and they were united in 1618. Lord Lovate was, and the King now is, patron. The stipend is, including Element money, 56 bolls, half bear and half meal, 400 merks, and vicarage worth 150 merks. The school is legal. The number of Examinable persons is 800. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. Sir William (an ecclesiastic Knight) Dow Fraser at Wardlaw, died about 1588. [Omitted by Dr. Hew Scott in his Fasti Kcc. Scot.l 2. Donaki Dow Frazer at Wardlaw [1574] from 1589 to 1600. [Kil- morack and Kintallartie being also iii tlie charge. Trans, from Kilchrist about 1530. Eet. prior to 1590. Abertarfifis attached in 1599, after which his name disappears.] 442 PROTESTANT MINISTERS OF KIRKHILL AND FARNUA. 3. Andrew MacPhail at Femua anno 1589. Died about 1606. [No- ticed below under Farnua.] 4. Bartholomew Eobertson [trans, from Lhanbryde. Adm. prior to 1603] at Wardlaw, from 1601 to 1610. 5. John Houston, ord. in 1611. Died in Deo., 1659. 6. James Fraser [of Phoppachie, son of Wm. F., M.D.] ord. in 166L Died in Oct., 1709 [aged about 75.] 7. Robert Thomson, from Clyne, adm. 22 April, 1717. [Proposed for the parish of EafiFord in 1728.] Died 30 April, 1770 [in his 85th year.] [iV. 5. —George Mark, pres. in 1770. Objected to for deficiency of Gaelic] 8. Alexander Fraser [son of the Rev. Donald F. of Urquhart and Logie Wester], ord. May 5, 1773. [D.D., Aberdeen, Sep., 1801. Died 13 Jan., 1802, in his 53rd year.] 9. [Donald Fraser, son of the former, ord. 28 Sep., 1802. Died 12 July, 1836, in his 54th year. 10. Alexander Fraser, trans, from Cawdor, adm. 26 Jan., 1837. Joined the Free Kirk at the Disruption. 11. Alex. M'Naughton, adm. 1843. Resigned 1847. 12. Ewen M'Kenzie, adm. 1848. Farnua. 1. [Andrew Brabnie, or Braboner, alias M'Phail, was exhorter at Pettie and Brathollie in 1567. Pres. to the parsonage of this parish by James VI., 18 June, 1569. Urquhart, Glenmoriston, and Bonoch were also in the charge in 1574. Died prior to 6 Nov., 1575. 2. Andrew M'Phail, reader at Petty and Brachlie in 1574. Pres. to the parsonage by James VL 6 Nov., 1575, and also to the vicarage 22 April, 1581. Trans, to Kingussie same year.] Kiltarlaty and Conveth seem to have been dis- tinct parishes, but how early united I find not. Conveth was a vicarage depending on the Priory of Beaulie. Kiltarlaty, a parsonage dedicated to St. Thalargus, Lord Lovat was, and the King now is, patron. The stipend, by decreet in 1635, is 48 bolls meal, 300 merks, 400 merks vicarage, and 30 merks for Cummunion Elements. [New Kirk built in 1829.] The salary of the school is legal. Examinable persons are 1600. PARISHES OF KILTAELATY, CONVETH, AND URQUHAET. 44.1 The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. [Robert Makrudder, reader and vicar, from 1574. Died in 1575. 2. John Wright, reader, from 1576 to 1591.] 3. William Fraser [adm. prior to 13 April] in 1G24. Died in vvinter, 1G65 [after 3 Oct.] ' 4. Hugh Fraser, ord. in 1667. Died about 170S. [Cont. after the Revolution. Died prior to 19 Sep., 1716, in his 73rd year.] 5. Patrick Nicolson, ord. 16 July [8 Aug.], 1716. [Called to Strath and Sleat 18 Sep., 1722, but declined.] Died 7 March, 1761. 6. Malcolm Nicolson [youngest son of the former], ord. 24 Sep., 1761. [Died 4 Jan., 1791, in his 55th year.] 7. [Jolm Fraser, prom, from the Gaelic Chapel, Glasgow. Adm. 10 May, 1792. Died 21 June, 1800, aged about 50. 8. Peter Grant, trans, from Inverness, adm. 23 Dec, 1800. Died 12 June, 1807, aged 74. 9. Ronald Bayne, prom, from Inverness Chapel of Ease, adm. 5 ^lay. 1808. D.D. Aberdeen, 2 July, 1809. Died 31 Jan., 1821, aged about 66. 10. Colin Fraser, miss, at Brae-Badenoch, Brae-Lochaber, and Fort- Augustus, Adm. 8 May, 1823. Died 8 August, 1853, in his 71st year. 11. David Ross, adm. 1855. PRESBYTERY OF ABERTARF. UrquJiart and Glemnoriston. The former is a parsonage dedicated to St. Mary, and the other was a Chapel dedicated to St. Eichard. Urquhart was always dependent on, and in the gift of the Chancellor of Moray, and now the Laird of Grant as patron of Inveravon, the seat of the Chancel- lor, acts as patron of Urquhart. Attempts have been made to unite Glenmoriston and Abertarf into one parish, but have failed for want of a maintenance. The stipend of Urquhart is 800 merks, and 50 merks for Communion Elements. There is no school. The number of Examinable persons is about 1600. 444 PARISHES OF URQUHART AND GLENMORISTON. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. [James Forrester, exhorter in 1567.] 2. James Farquharson, exhorter, 156S. [Omitted in Dr. Hew Scott's Fasti Ecc. Scot.] 3. [Jolm M 'Allan 1586. Cont. in 1591.] 4. Alexander Grant [adm. prior to 13 April] in 1624. Died in 1645 [aged about 54.] ^. Duncan M'Culloch, from [2nd charge] Inverness, adm. [between 6 April and 6 Oct.] 1647. Deposed [same date] 1658. Reponed [before 26 April] 1664, and demitted [after 1 Oct.] 1670. 6. James Grant, ord. 10 April, 1673. Trans, to Abemethie [Inverness- shire] in 1685 [after 15 Nov.] 7. Robert Munro, ord. in 1676 to Glenmoriston and Abertarf. Died about 1688. [Omitted by Dr. H. Scott.] 8. Robert Cummine, privately ord., adm. 24 Oct., 1686. Died in 1729 [between 14 Jan. and 3 April, 1730, aged about 70.] 9. William Gordon \alias M'Gregor, schoolmaster at Kingussie, cate- chist in Laggan] ord. 24 December, 1730. Trans, to Alvie [1 Aug.] 1739. 10. John Grant, ord. [at Kilmore 14 Jan., 1741. Died 8 Dec, 1792. 1 1 . [James Grant, nephew of the former, ord. (assistant and successor) 13 May, 1777. Died at Elgin 15 Oct., 1798, in his 43rd year. 12. James Fowler, miss, at Fort-Augustus, adm. 26 March, 1799. Died 25 May, 1814, in his 55th year. 13. James Doune Smith, son of the Rev. Wm. S. of Petty, miss, at Grantown. Adm. 20 April, 1815. Died 27 June, 1847, in his 66th year. 14. Donald M'Comiachie, adm. 1848. 15. John Cameron, adm. 1864. Bolesldn and Ahertarf were distinct parishes. I find GiHbride Parsona de Abertarf, before the year 1216. James Dow, vicar, sold the vicarage of Abertarf to the tutor of Lovate, about the year 1570, and for want of a living, Abertarf was annexed to Boleskin [14 July, 1614, at least prior to 1618.] In 1676 it was disjoined from Boleskin, and ecclesiastically united with Glen- moriston ; but the civil sanction was not obtained, and therefore Abertarf was again annexed to PARISHES OF BOLESKINE, ABERTARF, AND LAGGAN. 445 Boleskin about the year 1688. Lord Lovate was, and the Crown now is, patron. The stipend, about 1764, was augmented to 1300 merks. [New Kirk built in 1777.] There is no schooL Examinable persons are 1150. The Protestant Ministers are : — 1. James Dow [or Duff], exhorter in Durris, Boleskin, and Abertarf [Londichtie, Daviot, Tallaracie, and Moy] 1569 [1574. Cont. in 1580.] 2. [Andrew M'PIiail, trans, from DoiTes, having also in cliarge Moy, Dacus, and Lundichtie, 1607. Died 7 July, 1608.] 3. Andrew Dow Fraser, from jSIoy, adm. about 1624. Murdered by the Irishes 1646 [between 2 April, 1644, and 6 Oct., 1646, at the instigation of some of his parishioners, becaiise he obtained an order for a legal glebe. ] 4. Thomas Houston, ord. [between 5 Oct., 1647, and 4 April] in 1648. Died about 1704. 5. John Morison, from Glenelg, adm. [3 Dec] 1706. Trans, to Urray in 1710 [to Gairloch 2 Jan., 1711. 6. Thomas Fraser, ord. in March, 1714 [25 Nov., 1713.] Died 10 Feb., 1766. 7. Patrick Grant, from Daviot [and Dunlichty], adm. 1770 [10 May. Trans, to Inverness 12 Aug., 1800. 8. William Fraser, miss at Fort- William, adm. 25 Nov., 1800. Died 7 June, 1840, aged 77. 9. Donald Chisholm, adm. 1840. 10. Malcolm M'Intyre, adm. 1859. Laggan, a mensal Chm'ch dedicated to St. Kenneth. The Bishop was patron and settled the parish jure ■p'foprio. Now the King is pro- perly patron, and the family of Gordon has no act of possession. This parish was sometimes bj^ the Bishop annexed to Alvie, that he might draw the inore teinds from it. Mr. James Lyle served long in both parishes, and, it is said, understood not the Irish language, such penury was there of Ministers having that language. Upon his de- 446 PARISH MINISTERS OF LAGGAN. mitting, the parishes were disjoined, but were again united [by Murdoch M'Kenzie, Bishop of Moray] in 1672, and so continued to the death of Mr. Thomas MacPherson. [It was again dis- joined and re-erected in 1708.] About the year 1767 the stipend was augmented to 1260 merks. [New Kirk rebuilt in 1785.] There is no school. The number of Examinable persons is 1100. The Protestant Ministers are : — ]. Alexander Clark, exhorter in 1569. [Entered reader at Lammas 1569. Exhorter in Nov. Pres. to the parsonage and vicarage by James VI. 27 Sep., 1574. Died prior to 6 Nov., 1575.] •2. [John Dow M'Quhondoquhy, reader at Lundichtie and Daviot in Nov., 1569. Pres. to the parsonage and vicarage by James VI. 6 Nov., 1575. Cont. in 1589.] 3. James Lyle, miii. of Laggan and Alvie, long before 1624. Demitted for age in 1626. [Formerly of Ruthven.] 4. Alexander Clark [adm. prior to 3 April] in 1638. Deposed [before 5 Oct.] 1647. [Master of the Grammar School of Kingussie in 1652.] 5. James Dick, ord. to Laggan and Alvie [prior to 4 Oct.] 1653. De- posed [by the Bp. and brethren for dnmkenness 15 Nov.] 1665. 6. [William Robertson, adm. prior to 1 Oct., 1667. Trans, to Crathie and Kindrocht or Braemar after 6 April, 1669.] 7. Thomas MacPherson, in 1672. [Omitted by Dr. Hew Scott in his Fasti Ecc. Scof] S. John Mackenzie, from Kingussie, adm. [prior to 31 Mavl 1700 Died in 1745 [27 April.] J'J • 9. Duncan MacPherson [miss, at Glenroy, &c. Trans, to Mull in Oct 1744 ] Ord. April [adm. 16 Sep.], 1747. Died 13 Aug., 1757 [aged about 46. ] 10. Andrew Gallie [a native of the parish of Tarbat, miss, at Fort- Augustus. Adm.] 6 Sep., 1758. [Trans, to Kincardme, Ross- shu-e, 18 Aug., 1774.] 11. [James Grant, miss, at Fort- Augustus, adm. 20 Sep., 1775. Died 12. John Matheson, miss at Badenoch and Lochaber 19 Sep., 1791, ord 3 April 1792, as assist, to the Rev. Alex. Watt of Forres, on whose death he went back to his former mission. Adm. 11 Aug., 1802. Died 1 Dec, 1808, in his 49th year. 13. Duncan M'Intyre, a native of Fort- William, miss, here or at Mary- burgh 13 July 1784. Subsequently miss, at Kilmuir, in Skye, at Laggan and Glennurchy, and at Glencoe 7 Aug. , 1806. Adm 7 bep., 1809. Trans, to Kilmalie 26 March, 1816". PARISH MINISTERS OF LAGGAN. 447 14. William Robertson, miss, at Fort-William, adm. 3 Sep., 1816. Trans, to Kinloss 19 June. 15. George Shepherd, son of Thomas S., farmer, Fordyce, a native of Rathven, schoolmaster at Kingussie, miss, at Fort- William. Adm. 16 Nov., 1S18. Trans, to Kingussie and Inch 11 May, 1825. 16. Macintosh Mackay, son of Capt. Alex. M. of Duarbeg, schoolmaster at Portree, ord. 27 Sep., 1825. LL.D. Glasgow 1829. Trans, to Dunoon and Kilmun 22 March, 1832. Joined the Free Kirk at the Disiaiption. Elected Moderator of the Free General Assembly, 24 May, 1849. Sailed for Australia in 1853. Adm. to Melbourne Gaelic Church in 1854. Also to a congregation at Sydney in 1856. Returned to Scotland in 1861. Admitted to the Free Church, Tarbert, Harris, in 1862. 17. Donald Cameron, schoolmaster at Southend in 1815, and admonished for cruelty to the scholars, by the Presbytery, 28 .fune, 1816. Ord. as miss, at Glengairn 31 March, 1824. Adm. 1 Aug., 1832. Died 19 April, 1846, in his 54th year. 18. William Sutherland, adm. 1846. 19. John M'Leod, adm. 1851. 20. Donald M'Fadyen, adm. 1869. The number of Catechisable persons, of seven or eight years of age and upwards, as contained in the above account, is - - - - - - 67,678 To which, if, for children under that age, we add one fifth more, viz., - - - - - - 11,535 The number of souls in this Province is - - - 69,213 I cannot say that this number is strictly exact, but if there be any error, it must be but small. 4th. THE STATE OF RELIGION IN THIS PROVINCE FROM THE REFORMATION. I shall now conclude these Collections, with a succinct account of the state of Eeligion in this Province, from the Keformation anno 1560, to this time. How early the first dawning of the Eeforma- tion of religion appeared in Scotland, I will not pretend to determine. It cannot be denied, that 448 THE CULDEES, WALDENSES, AND ALBIGENSES. the Keledees remained in this kingdom in the beginning of the 14th century; and it may be supposed, that the purity of doctrine and wor- ship, and the simphcity of government maintained by them, were the seeds of the Keformation in this kingdom. Be this as it will, it is certain that the scanda- lous schism in the Chm^ch of Kome, of a long continued series of Anti-Popes, and the gross corruption both of the doctrine and manners that everywhere prevailed, were the more immediate causes of the downfall of Popery. In every age, from the days of the Apostles, there were some who openly maintained the pure doctrines of Christianity. In the 12th century? the Waldenses and Albigenses made an avowed secession from the Eomish Church. The bar- barous persecution of these faitliful witnesses, long continued, verified, "That the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church." Their doc- trine spread through many kingdoms of Europe, and in England John Wickliff openly taught it in the 14th century, and his disciples carried it into Germany and Erance, and no doubt into Scotland. In England, the Eeformation began right early, in the reign of King Henry VIIL, anno 1538, by renouncing the Pope's authority. And in 1542, many of the Scots nobihty and gentry being made, or rather surrendering them- selves, prisoners at Solway Moss, and remaining PAUL CRAW, PATRICK HAMILTON, GEORGE WISHART. 449 in England for some time, upon their retm-n to Scotland, openly favom-ed the Eeformation, en- couraged the preachers of it, and it soon spread into the several counties. Before that time, even in 1407, John Eoseby, and in 1432, Paul Craw, were publicly burnt for their opposition to the Church of Eome. In 1527, Mr. Patrick Hamil- ton, Abbot of Fern in Eoss, a man of noble birth, was burnt by Bishop [Cardinal] Beaton. It cannot be doubted, that this eminent martyr propagated the Eeformed doctrine in Eoss, and in the neighbouring counties. The cruelty of his death, and of the death of Mr. George Wishart, son to Pitarrow, in 1545, rendered Popery odious, and induced the people everywhere to favour the Eeformation. Although I have not met with particular in- stances of gentlemen or others, in the Province of Moray, who had embraced the Protestant principles before the year 1560; yet I question not but there were many such. For in the Par- liament that year, which abolished Popery, and established the Eeformation, William Innes of Innes, John Grant of Grant, William Sutherland of Duffus, and a commissioner from the town of Inverness, were members, and concurred in that good work. (Keith's History). And by the above Catalogue of Protestant Ministers, it appears, that, before the year 1570, almost all the parishes in the Diocese of Moray had Protestant teachers, VOL III. 29 450 ROMAN INFLUENCE OF THE FAMILY OF GORDON. and a Protestant Bishop with a formal Chapter was settled in 1573-4. From the Keformation downward, no county in the north, and few, if any, in the south, adhered more firmly to the Protestant principles, even in the worst of times, than did the inhabi- tants of Moray ; insomuch that, except what in- fluence the family of Gordon had (of which afterwards), Popery has found no countenance among them. And, although in time of Prelacy, the people behaved with due subjection to Civil authority, yet they never could be brought to a cheerful submission to Prelatic power, but joined in throwing off that yoke at different periods. The ministers banished by King James YI. to the north, and particularly Mr. Eobert Bruce, who was banished to Inverness anno 1604, and remained there four years, contributed to confirm the people in Protestant and Presbyterian prin- ciples. In 1638, the people of Moray heartily concurred in opposing the liturgy, the canons, the ecclesi- astic commission, and the order of Bishops. Messrs. Wilham Falconer at Dyke, John Hay at Eafford, David Dunbar at Edinkyhe, John Howeson at Wardlaw, Patrick Dunbar at Durris, ministers ; William Eoss of Clava, John Dimbar, Bailiff of Forres, James Fraser of Brae, and Eobert Baihe, Bailiff of Inverness, ruHng elders, were members of that Assembly. And Messrs. THE PEOPLE OF MORAY OPPOSED TO PRELACY. 451 John Gordon at Elgin, and John Guthrie, at Dn£fus, ministers, were, October 25, 1638, elected commissioners from the Presbytery of Elgin, to that Assembly, and Mr. Gordon was present in it, though omitted in the roll. (Beg. Presbytery of Elgin). That Assembly having deposed and excommunicated, among others, the Bishop of Moray, the clergy of his diocese who had vowed canonical obedience, and of whom some were ordained by him, intimated the sentence from their pulpits ; and the laity rejoiced in being delivered from ecclesiastic de- nomination. In the subsequent Assemblies of the Church, Innes of Innes, Brodie of Brodie, Brodie of Lethen, Eraser of Brae, &c., are found to have been members. All ranks in the Province signed the National Covenant, and the Solemn League ; some with cheerfulness, and many, to avoid the direful cen- sures of the Church. In the civil commotions, not improperly called, " The Bishop's War," the people, in general, except the vassals and depen- dents of the Marquis of Huntly and the Koman Catholics, joined the Covenanters at first. But in 1648, when they thought, that not so much religion, as monarchy and the civil constitution were in danger, then the Erasers, Macintoshes, Eoses, Inneses, &c., joined in the expedition called " The Duke's Engagement," and after the defeat at Preston, the Churches were filled with 452 THE COVENANTERS AND COMMITTEE OF ESTATES. mock penitents. The King being cut off in 1649, and his son Charles II. being called home from Breda, and crowned, both Chm^ch and State became infatuated. The King raised an army, which was routed at Worcester in September, 1651, and many gentlemen in Moray suffered much in this ill conducted expedition into Eng- land. At the same time, the Church split into parties, and made a breach not yet fully healed up. The King had three several times sworn the covenants ; but many very justly questioned his sincerity. The Covenanters being defeated at Dunbar in 1650, Cromwell began at Edinburgh, and having that Castle in his hands, the courtiers laboured, that all capable of serving their country might be received into the army, and not be hindered or deterred by church censures. Against this a body of gentlemen, military officers, and ministers remonstrated, and directed a subscribed remonstrance to the committee of estates, " ad- vising them to adhere to the King, only in defence of rehgion and hberty, and if he shall forsake the counsels of the Church and State, and be guided by malignants, that he be removed from the exer- cise of government." The committee of estates, in November, 1650, condemned that Paper as scandalous : and at the same time, the Commis- sion of the General Assembly first approved, but afterwards, by Court influence, condemned the remonstrance, which made several ministers enter MOCK PENITENTS CROWD INTO THE CHURCH. 453 a dissent. The King persuaded the same Com- mission to meet at Perth, _^ro re 7iata, on Decem- her 14, that year, and the Parhament asked them a solution of this question, " What persons shall be admitted to take arms against the sectaries, and in what capacity?" To which they an- swered: "That all fencible persons, except the excommunicated, forfeited, and professed enemies to the covenants, may be employed." The same Commission met on December 26, and then many protested against this resolution, because it en- couraged the enemies of religion, and put it in the power of the King and his courtiers to over- turn all that had been contended for since the year 1637. Hence came the opposite parties of resolutioners and protesters, who, by impudently meddling with the affairs of the Civil Government, and by their fierce animosities, occasioned the change of Church government. In the year 1651, the same Commission of the Church met in April, and gave it as their opinion, that the Parliament might admit into public offices, and places of trust, all subjects, provided the guilty did undergo Church censures. Upon this mock penitents crowded into the Church; those called malignants soon got into offices and posts ; and the protesters loudly complained, that a door was opened to infidelity, irreligion, and profaneness. But the resolutioners would main- tain what they had done, and meeting in May 454 REMONSTEANCES, PROTESTATIONS, AND RESOLUTIONS. 24th in commission, required all Presbyteries to cite to the ensuing Assembly, all who should oppose the Kesolutions. The General Assembly met on 16th July, at St. Andrews ; but because of the civil tumults soon removed to Dundee. Twenty-one members protested against the freeness and legality of the meeting, because by the conduct of the Commis- sion in May, there could be no free election, all protesters being under citation. Yet the Assem- bly condemned the Eemonstrance, approved the Resolutions, condemned the Protesters, deposed three, and suspended one of them, and ordered all Presbyteries to ask the opinion of their mem- bers concerning the Eemonstrance, the Resolu- tions, and the lawfulness of this Assembly. This kindled a flame in almost every Synod and Pres- bytery. In the Province of Moray, the Synod met fro re nata, on November 13th, 1651, and approved of the meeting of last Assembly. But Messrs, John Brodie at Aldern, Joseph Brodie at Forres, William Fraser at Inverness, James Park at Urquhart, and Patrick Glas at Edinkylie, minis- ters, with Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonston, Alexander Brodie of Brodie, and Hugh Campbell of Auchindune, elders, protested against this, because that Assembly was not free or regular in ^ the election of its members, and several things done in it were, in their opinion, dishonouring to THE PROVINCE SPLIT INTO PARTIES, 455 God, and contrary to the covenants and the engagement. Thus was the Province spht into parties; but the Synod promised to treat the protesting members with all brotherly love and benevolence. The kingdom being now under the feet of usurpers, General Assemblies being by them discharged, and Synods and Presbyteries often interrupted, a social and friendly intercom'se was, at least seemingly, kept up in this province for some years. But in the Synod of Moray, met in October, 1660, a copy of King Charles II. 's Jesuitical letter to the Presbytery of Edinburgh was read. I call this letter Jesuitical, because the King promised " to maintain inviolate the government of the Church as established by law." Although it was resolved to overtm-nit; and in a few months the Act Recissory was passed in Parliament, rescinding, repealing, and annul- ling all acts made in Parliament Convention or Assembly, since the year 1633, and so leaving the government of the Church what it was that year 1633. An equivocation unworthy of a King or a Christian. That letter being read, the Synod observed, that the King promised, to cause the authority of the Assembly 1651 to stand in force. Upon this they instantly, in a mean and base strain of adulation, persecuted their brethren, contrary to their former promise. Mr. Patrick Glas, the only minister now living who had pro- tested in 1651, was sharply rebuked, and made 456 DESIGN OF RE-ESTABLISHDCG PRELACY. to sign a recantation, which was recorded. And Sii- Lndovick Gordon of Gordonston, Alexander Brodie of Brodie, and Hugh Campbell, protesters, with Alexander Brodie of Lethen, Patrick Camp- bell of Boath, John Xiccolson, James Bnchan, Wilham Alves in FoiTes, and Eobert Watson in R afford, elders, who had approved of the protes- tations, were all deposed in absence. This was both mijnst and nngenerons, to expose their brethi-en, as much as they could, to the Eong's resentment. Bnt now the design of re-estabhshing Prelacy, was commnnicated to some of the clergy, and the Synod, met 2nd Jnly, 1661, sent an address to the Earl of Middleton, the King's Commissioner in Pai'Hament, in which they did not once men- tion the Protestant reh.gion, or Presbyterian Church government. Xay. it is apparent, that they had ah*eady privately agreed, to approve of the LQtended change ; for Mr. Murdo MacKenzie, minister at Elgia, who was to be one of the new Bishops, was sent np with the address, that he might receive the Rochet ; and the Synod set np, what in Divine worship was looked on as the badge of Episcopacy, I mean the Gloria Patriy and pai-ents repeating the Apostles' Creed at the baptism of their children. The transition fi'om one extreme to another is easy ; bnt it is difficult to stop in a jnst medium. This was apparent upon the Restoration in 1660. THE KIXG SUPREME IX CHTECH AND STATE. 457 Under the foiTaer period, the clergy ran into a wild exti'eme, of meddling with, and managing, all matters, civil, ecclesiastic, ciiminal, and mili- tary, and the language of their conduct, and of many of the laity, was, "bind yoiu* King with chains, and your nobles with fetters." Now they ran into the opposite extreme. All power, civil and ecclesiastic, was lodged in the King. He was declared absolute. Christ's right, as Head of the Church, was yielded up to him, and all became abject slaves to his will. Prelacy being restored in 1662, the King pro- posed to revive General Assembhes, and the Par- hament di'ew up a foiTQ of their constitution. But the Bishops could not bear such a check, and the project was dropt. Diocesan Synods and Presbyteries were kept up, and the new Bishops lost no time in prosecuting Xon-con- fomiists. Messrs. George Innes at Dipple, and Hame Forbes at Aldem, prevented de- position, by demitting their charges in 1633. And Messrs. Thomas Urquhart at Essil, James Urquhart at Kinloss, and George Meldrum at Glass, were that year deposed ; as was Mr. Alex- ander Eraser at Daviot, in 1672 ; and all the rest conformed. Some ministers fi'om Boss, as Messrs. James Fraser of Brae, Thomas Hogg, Thomas Boss, John MacGilligin, &c., were often driven into Moray, and joining the Xon-conformists there, performed Gospel-ministrations in private, 458 THE BISHOPS AND GENTRY OF MORAY MODERATE. and were much regarded and protected by the gentry. The Bishops of Moray were more mode- rate than other Bishops ; yet these ministers were informed against ; most of them were inter- communed, apprehended, and kept long prisoners in the Bass, and in other places. The gentlemen of the country, and the common peoj)le by their example and influence, behaved with much prudence, gave no imabrage to the civil powers ; and though they protected the per- secuted clergy, yet they discom'aged field preach- ing; by which means, both the ministers, and their hearers in private houses, were the less exposed to troubles. The houses of the Lairds of Innes, Grant, Kilravock, Brodie, Lethen, the Sheriff of Moray, and Sir Hugh Campbell of Calder, were so many sanctuaries to the op- pressed. The last mentioned gentleman, was, at one time, bail in ^SISOO sterling for prosecuted ministers. In a word, for twenty years after the Restoration, by the prudence and piety of fami- lies of distinction, Moray enjoyed more peace than other countries, and Eeligion flourished greatly. The imposing the Test, in 1681, opened a new scene of troubles. Thereby they swore, " To own and adhere to the Confession of Faith re- corded in Parhament 1567, and to disown all principles or practices contrary to the Protestant religion and the said Confession. That the THE TEST OF THE CONFESSION OF FAITH. 459 King is the only supreme governor in all causes, civil and ecclesiastic. That it is unla^^il for subjects, upon any pretence, to enter into Cove- nants and Leagues, or to convene in any Assem- blies to treat of any matter of state, civil or ecclesiastic, without his majesty's express licence ; or to take up arms against the King, or those commissioned by him : not to endeavour any change or alteration in the government, in Church or State as now established : never to decline his majesty's power or jurisdiction, &c." A strange medley of Erastianism, and contradic- tion ; to maintain the Protestant religion, and to bring in a Popish successor ; to swear in the Confession, that Christ is the only King of the Church, and yet that the King is the only supreme ; to allow any one having the King's commission, to cut all the throats in the king- dom ; not to convene to preaching or pray- ing, &c. ! Mr. Colin Falconer, Bishop of Moray, and the clergy of his Diocese, met at Elgin in December, 1681 ; and ministers, schoolmasters, and students in Divinity, swore the Test, with the Council's explication allowed by the King : viz. — 1. That they did not swear to every proposi- tion in the Confession of Faith, but only to the true Protestant religion, in opposition to Popery and fanaticism. 2. That there is reserved entire to the Bishops 460 THE TEST-OATH OF LOYALTY. and Pastors, all the intrinsic spiritual power of the Chiu'ch, and the preaching of the Word, ordination of pastors, &c., as in the three first centuries. 3. That this oath is no prejudice to the Epis- copal government of the Church now established by law. An explication so poor, that rather than comply with it, the following ministers quitted their charges, viz.: Messrs. James Stewart at Inveravon, Alexander Marshall at Dipple, Wil- liam Geddes at Urquhart, James Horn at Elgin, Alexander Gumming at Dallas, James Smith at Durris, William Speed at Botrifnie, and John Gumming at Aldern. This last gentleman did subscribe the Test ; but, upon reflection, chose to demit in 1682 ; and being a pious and peaceable man, he was settled at Cullen; and, by the favour of the Earl of Findlater, lived undisturbed. The conduct of the clergy, in so readily com- plying in this point, very much sullied their characters. Few of the gentlemen of this Province ha^i posts or offices that obliged them to take this oath. But it was soon made a test of loyalty in all ranks. And to drive the people into a full conformity to Church and State, or to ruin them if they became recusants, justiciary courts were appointed through the kingdom, with power to impose the Test, to inquire into conventicles, and absenting from Church ; and to fine, confine. DISMAL RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION. 461 banish, and hang, as they should see cause. In December, 1G84, a commission was granted to the Earls of Errol and Kintore, and Sir George Munro of Coulrain, for the bounds between Spey and Ness; and, on 19th January, 1685, their power was extended to Inverness, Koss, Crom- arty, and Sutherland ; and Lord Duffus, with a troop of militia, was ordered to attend them. A letter was likewise written by the council to the Bishop of Moray, requiring him to cause all the clergy to attend the justices on January 22nd, with their elders, and to bring lists of all persons either guilty or suspected. Such a parade and meeting of Justices, Bishops, Ministers, Elders, Militia, Gentlemen, Ladies, and common people, was held at Elgin, 22nd January, and the subsequent days ; and as it was unusual, could not but strike terror. And the more sensible people must have concluded, that a government, either in Church or State, must have been odious, that needed such support. These Justices made their report to the council on 2nd March, as follows : — " We made up lists of the heritors, wadsetters, and liferenters, who offered three months supply, signed a bond of peace, and took the Test, except a few. We fined some, banished others, and remitted some to the council. We ordered to imprison Munro of Fowles at Tain, and his son at Inverness, and sent Mr. William MacKay {N. 462 MINISTERS IMPRISONED AND BANISHED; LAIRDS FINED. he was afterwards minister at Cromdale) a vagrant preacher in Sutherland to Edinburgh. We ban- ished Messrs. James Urquhart, John Stuart (N. thereafter at Urquhart), Alexander Dunbar (N. thereafter at Aldern), and George Meldrum, min- isters, Alexander and Mark Mavors in Urquhart, Donald and Andrew Munros in Elgin, Alexander Munro of Maine, and Jean Taylor. We fined the Laird of Grant in £42,500 ; the Laird of Brodie in jC24,000 ; Alexander Brodie of Lethen in ^£40,000 ; Francis Brodie of Milnton in ^10,000 ; Francis Brodie of Windyhills in ^3,333 6s. 8d.; Mr. James Brodie (grandfather to the present Lethen) of Kinlie in ^333 6s. 8d; Mr. George Meldrum of Crombie in ^6,666 13s. 4d.; Thomas Dunbar of Grange, the Laird of Innes, William Brodie of Coltfield, William Brodie of Whitewrae, and Mr. Eobert Donaldson in Arr, were cited to appear when called." Besides these, there were imprisoned at Elgin, John Montsod, Chamberlain to Park ; Jean Brodie, relict of Alexander Thomson, merchant in Elgin ; Christine Lesly, daughter, and Beatrix Brodie, rehct of Lesly of Aikenway. Although the Justices who met at Elgin were not severe, and Sir John Munro was a friend to the oppres- sed, yet it is probable that to please the Court and Bishops, some executions would have been made, if the King's death had not prevented it. For how soon the Justices arrived at Elgin, they ATTENDING CONVENTICLES RIGOROUSLY PUNISHED 463 ordered a new gallows to be erected. But the King having died on 6th February, 1685, the account of it reached Elgin on the 13th. The Justices left the town next day; the prisoners were released ; and many who were under cita- tion were eased of the trouble of appearing be- cause the Commission of the Justices was vacated and became null. The gentlemen that were fined were brought to much trouble. Non-conformity, absence from Church, and attending conventicles were their only crimes ; and not so much the conduct of the gentlemen as of their ladies. They thought it hard to be punished for their wives' faults. The Laird of Brodie had a Non-conforming chaplain, and some conventicles in Brodie House ; and though he went to London to get some composition, yet he was forced to pay 20,000 merks Scots to Colonel Maxwell, a Papist. Lethen's fine was gifted to the Scots College of Doway, to be paid to Mr. Lewis Innes, a member of that College. The estate of Lethen was ad- judged in order to secure payment, and upon Lethen's death, the Laird of Grant (married to Lethen's only child) becoming executor to him, paid £30,000 to the Earl of Perth. The Laird of Grant petitioned the Privy Council, showed his own loyalty, and his lady's inability to travel to Chm'ch through want of health. Yet the Council ordered him to be prosecuted for the 464 SHEEIFFS DIVESTED OF OFFICE FOR NON-CONFORMITY. fine ; but he spun out his defences till the Re- volution delivered him. Milnton's fine was granted to Gray of Crichie, as a reward of his deciphering some of Argyle's letters ; but the Eevolution prevented paying it. Besides the severity used by this Comrt of Justiciary, the Sheriff Com'ts put many to dis- tress and trouble. The Hereditaiy Sheriff of Moray, refusing the test, was divested of his office, and Lord Down was made Sheriff Princi- pal, and Tulloch of Tanachie, Depute, who fined David Brodie of Pitgavenie, brother to Lethen, in £18,000, whereof a great part was paid. The Sheriff of Inverness fined many in that county ; and Mackenzie of Suddie, by a special warrand fi'om the Council, prosecuted many in Eoss and Cromarty. These prosecutions were carried on in all counties, and they who have calculated the fines imposed, and for the most part exacted, make them amount to £4000,000. As in the body natural, so in the political and ecclesiastic, too hot a regimen of medicines doth but inflame the disease which it is intended to cm-e. The severities used at that time, mainly for Non-conformity, increased the number of Non- conformists, although they dm'st not avow it, and brought the Administration, both of Church and State, into the greater contempt. Upon the accession of King James VII. to the Crown in 1685, he would willingly have compounded mat- THE LAST SUFFERER IN MORAY FOR NONCONFORMITY. 465 ters for a season, and grant a respite for Non- conformists, that he might with the better grace favour the Eoman CathoHcs. To this it was owing that, faiHng to get the penal statutes against Popeiy repealed, he granted an ample toleration, and the Non-conformists had rest. But the Scottish Bishops, being infatuated, al- though they knew of the Prince of Orange's intended expedition, to preserve the religion and liberties of Britain, yet in their address, gave theu' King such a taste of their loyalty, and the nation such a specimen of their religion and tem- per, that it was no wonder that next year the Convention of Estates declared Prelacy a griev- ance to the nation. The last sufferer I know in Moray for Non- conformity was Mr. Angus MacBean, son to MacBean of Kinchyle, and Minister of Inverness. He was a man of parts and piety, and was admitted Minister of Inverness December 29th, 1683. It was with great reluctancy that he entered into the ministry under the then Estab- lishment ; for his dissatisfaction with the Go- vernment, and the tjTannical conduct of the Chm-ch, made him, in June, 1687, withdraw from their judicatories, and on 23rd October, being the Lord's Day, he preached from Job xxxiv. 31, 32, publicly renounced Prelacy, and demitted his charge. In January, 1688, he was carried a prisoner to Edinburgh, examined before VOL. III. 30 466 THE REVOLUTION OF 1688. the Council, and, on 27th February, was deposed by the Archbishop of St. Andrews. He was remanded to prison, and though, on account of the languishing state of his health, Sir Kobert Gordon of Gordonstoun and Duncan Forbes of Culloden offered a bail of 10,000 merks Scots, to present him when called, yet the Chancellor would not liberate him. He lay in prison till, upon the Chancellor's running away in Decem- ber, 1688, the mob opened the prison doors. After this he continued in a languishing way, and died at Edinbiu-gh in February, 1689, in the 33rd year of his age. The happy Eevolution, in 1688, put an end to tyranny and persecution. I have given some account of the state of Eeligion in this Province at and since the Eevolution, and shall now only observe. That the Episcopal clergy, being by law in- dulged, upon their qualifying to the Civil Govern- ment, to keep their charges and livings, they saw this so much for their ease and worldly advantage, that they all, very few excepted, com- plied with it. Thereby they are eased of the trouble and expense of attending upon Presby- teries, Synods, Assemblies, and Commissions, and of bearing a share in frequent contributions of money for promoting religion and piety. No one was disturbed or ejected, except those who refused to acknowledge King William and Queen THE EPISCOPAL CLERGY KEEP THEIR LIVINGS. 467 Mary, and who still looked for the restoration of their abdicated King. I own that in Strathspey the Laird of Grant did take advantage of the Ministers of Cromdale, Abernethie, and Duthel, who neglected to qualify to Government within the time limited. And upon this he, in a manner too summary, caused shut up their Churches. In the town of Elgin, so disaffected were the magistrates, and influenced by the Lord Duffus, that for eight years they kept the pastoral charge vacant. And in Inverness, so great was the dis- affection (to which Mr. Hector MacKenzie, Minister, contributed not a little, although he himseK had qualified to the Civil Government), that upon the death of Mr. Marshall, in 1691, the magistrates would not suffer the charge to be declared vacant. Upon 21st June that year, all ayenues to the Church were beset with armed men, and double sentries placed at the doors that no Minister might enter ; and when Duncan Porbes of Cuhoden fought to open the doors, he was thrust back and struck violently. This made Culloden and others represent the case to the Council ; and in August, 1691, Leven's regiment was sent North to protect the well-affected in obeying the law. They made patent doors ; but for ten years no Minister could be got settled in that town. {Min. Presh. of Moray.) In remains now that I give some account of the state of Popery in this Province. The favour 468 SHAW'S STATE OF POPERY IN THE PROVINCE. showed by our Kings to Roman Catholics, ever since the Reformation, is well known. King James YI. did not dissemble that he would meet them half way. His son, though called a zealous Protestant, protected, employed, and encouraged Papists during his unfortuate reign. King Charles 11. was known to be, and died, a Roman Catholic ; and his brother openly professed that religion. Notwithstanding the influence and ex- ample of those princes, very few in this Province, except the dependents on the family of Gordon, and the MacDonalds and Chisholms, have been seduced into Popish errors. Among the High- land clans, the Frasers, Macintoshes, Grants, MacPhersons, MacGilliwrays, scarce any Papists are to be found. Even in the country of Bade- noch, though all are vassals or tenants of the Duke of Gordon, there are few, if any, of that religion. This has been owing, in a great mea- sure, to the gentry and chiefs of clans, who early embraced the Reformation, and both encouraged and promoted it in their lands. The MacDonalds of Glengary never that I know were Reformed. The gentlemen of that name have their sons educated in the Scots Col- leges abroad, especially at Doway; and they return home either avowed or concealed Papists. In the year 1726, in all Glengary and Achadrom, which may consist of 800 souls, I could find very few Protestants. Since that time they have not R. C. SEMINARY AT SCALAN, GLENLIVET. 469 become much better, but have diffused their errors into the neighboming countries of Aber- tarf, Glenmoriston, and Strathglass. The most noble family of Gordon, till of late, were Eoman Catholics ; and although now they are Protestants, yet Popery still prevails in their lands, within this Province, particularly in Glen- rinnes, Glenlivat, and Strathavon. I remember when a seminary or academy of Priests was openly kept in Glenlivat, where the languages, philo- sophy, and Divinity were regularly taught ; and a draught of the most promising boys was sent to France, who returned home Priests and Jesuits. I am not certain if such a seminary is now kept up there, but a Popish Meeting-House continues, and at High Mass 600 people or more convene to it. To conclude this account, in Glenrinnis, Glenlivat, and Strathavon, in Abertarf, Glengary, and Achadrom, and in Strathglass, there are, in my opinion, at least 3000 Koman Catholics. It may not be improper here to observe the happy increase in Christian knowledge since the Eevolution, by means of the early education of youth. All the parishes in this Province, excepting three or four, have now schools erected in them, according to law; and some society schools are settled where Popery prevails, or the extent of parishes requires. This valuable So- ciety had its rise from the piety and benevolence of some private Christians in Edinburgh, about the year 1700, who pitying the lamentable condi- 470 SHAW'S PORTRAITURE OF CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. tion of the Highlands and Islands, through ignor- ance, idolatry, superstition, and profaneness, did themselves cheerfully contribute, and prevailed with others to concur with them, for erecting schools. Their first school was in the country of Stratherick, within this Province ; but not meet- ing with the success expected, they applied to the General Assembly, who laid the design before her Majesty Queen Anne, and obtained letters patent, of date 25th May, 1709, erecting the con- tributors into a Society, by the name of "The Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge." The stock of the Society, in the year 1774, is for Scotland £28,901 sterling, and for America £4032 sterling. They have now established 121 schools (besides some lately sup- pressed), at which above 6000 boys and girls are educated ; and they have missionaries in Georgia, North Carolina, and other parts in America. The happy effects of this truly pious institution are visible in this Province. Christian knowledge is increased, heathenish customs are abandoned, the number of Papists is diminished, disaffection to the Government is lessened, and the Enghsh language is so diffused that in the remotest glens it is spoken by the young people ; and in the low country, in Inveravon, Glenlivat, Knockando, Edinkylie, Nairn, and Ardersier, where, till of late, public worship was performed in Irish, there is now no occasion for Ministers having that lanouaofe. INDEX. INDEX. ^BERCHIRDER, ii. 386 Aberlour. Benrinnes, i. 188 Carron House, i. 187 Charlestown, Village of, i. 187 Church of, i. 170, 173, 182 L Daughs, seven, i. 186, 187 » Drostan's, S., Monastery, i. 189 Epitaphs, i. 180-186 Font, i. 182 House of, i. 187 James-an-Tuam, i. 188 Macpherson Grant, Miss, i. 174-182 Properties, i. 170, 171, 172 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 375 Abernethy. Achemack, i. 242 Barony of, i. 240, 241 Caimgorum Stones, i. 245, 246, 250 Castle Grant, i. 248 Castle Roy, i. 243 Congess, i. 241 Coulnakyle, i. 242 Gartinmore, i. 241, 242 Glenbruin, i. 242 Glenlochie, i. 242 Kincardine Kirk, i. 243 Barony of, i. 242, 246 Letoch, i. 242 Lords Cullen and Prestongrange, Natives of Abernethy, i. 244 Lurg, i. 242 More, Bailie, i. 244 Nethy, Water of, i. 240, 242 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 380 Roy, Bailie, i. 244 Rymore, i. 242 Tulloch, i. 242 Tullochgoruni, i. 244 York Building Company, i. 249 Lochs. Avon, Garten, Maulachie, Morlach, Pittenlish, i. 245 Abertarff. Protestant Ministers of, iii. 445 Advie. Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 238, 239 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 379 Agricola, i. 2 Agriculture, primitive, iii. .S3 Aldivalloch, Roy's Wife of, i. 188 Aldroughty, ii. 134-137 Altyre House, ii. 177-180 Alvie. Badenoch proper, i. 278 Belleville, the property of Jas. Mac- Pherson, " Ossian's Poems," i. 279-282 Belleville House, i. 283 Chapels and Kirk of, i. 280 Delfour Druidical Temple, i. 284 Delraddie, i. 277, 279 Dunachten, i. 278 Kinrara, i. 282 Loch Alvie, i. 277, 281 Loch Insh, i. 282 Lochandhu, House of, i. 283 Lochandhu, Loch, i. 283 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 383 Bait's Cave, i. 284 Tor Alvie, i. 282 Alves, ii. 145, 147 Asleisk Castle, ii. 150 Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 150-152 Duncan's bequest, ii. 149 Ernside Castle, ii. 148 Knock of Alves (Conical Hill), ii. 148, 150. Protestant Ministers of, iii. 407 Ardclach, ii. 195 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 419 The Streens, ii. 197 Ardersier, ii. 314 Fort George, 316 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 424 Arndilly, Church of, i. 121 Arradoul, Lady, ii. 16 Auchindoun Castle, i. 129 Auldearn, the seat of the Dean of the Diocese, ii. 257 474 INDEX. AuLDEAEX, Battle of, ii. 259-261 Boath, barony of, ii. 253, 256 Covenanters' Graves, ii. 262 Druidical Temples, ii. 259 Hay of Lochloy buried, ii. 252 Inshoch, ii. 256 Kirk of, ii. 252, 257 Loch Loy, ii. 259 Lethin House, ii. 255 Market, St. Colm's, i. 259 Park, lands of, ii. 253 Penick, lands of, ii. 253, 256 Priory of Urquhart, ii. 253 Properties, ii. 253, 256 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 420 Village of, ii. 255, 256 JgALLINDALLOCH, i, 193, 195, 205 Belladrum, ii. 383 Belleville House, i, 282, 283 Badenoch, i. 266 Balveny Castle, i. 130, 135, 140 Graves at, iii. 110 Beauly, Priory of, ii. 384 Bellie, i. 50, 74 Churchyard Epitaphs, 61-65 Gordon Castle, i. 65, 68-71 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 367 Boghole, U. p. Ministers at, iii. 421 Boh ARM, i. 119 Arndilly, i. 121 Achmadies, i. 121 Auchluncart, i. 121, 125 Auldearn iii. 126 Ben Aigan, i. 120 Churchyard of, i. 123 Gallvall Castle, iii. 122, 125 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 373 Battles, iii. 115-132 Benrinnes, i. 197 Blar-nau-Lein, iii. 122 Cromdale, i. 234 ; iii. 128 Culloden, iii. 132 Cean-Loch-Lochie, iii. 121 Elgin Mear, 119 Glenlivat, iii. 123-126, 207 Inch of Perth, iii. 117 Mortlich, i. 136-140; iii. 110 Speymouth, i. 309 Benrinnes, i. 188 Battle of, i. 197 BiRNiE, ii. 39-44 Church of, ii. 39 Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 44-46 Font, ii. 42 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 394 Ronucl Bell, ii. 42 Beaufort, ii. 382 Belladrum, ii. 383 Bishopmill, ii. 124 Brauchlie. Protestant Ministers of, iii. 431 Boece, Hector, i. 1 BoLESKiNE, ii. 340, 350-358 Erasers of Lovat, ii. 340-348 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 445 Tomb of the Lovats, ii. 349 Blackhills, i. 352 Bourignonism, iii. 370 Brewster, Sir David, i. 284 Blervie Tower, ii. 178 Brodie, family of, ii. 248-252 BCTRGHEAB. Fortification, Danish, iii. 109 U. P. Ministers, iii. 405 Burgie Castle, ii. 178 QAIRNGORUM Llountains, i. 245 Stones, iii. 22 Calder, ii. 269, 276 Cawdor Castle, 270-275 Family of Calder, 278-284 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 426 Castles. Abemethy, iii. 97 Dufifus, iii. 97 Grant, i. 97, 231 Rait, iii. 97 Roy, i. 243 Ruthven, iii. 97 Stewart, ii. 321 Spinitan, ii. 329 Chalmers, George, author of "Cale- donia," fee, i. 75 Chattan, Clan, i. 274 Chisholm of Chisholm, seat of, ii. 381 Craigellachie and Bridge, i. 87, 255 CONVETH. Protestant Ministers of, iii, 443 Cottes, Lake of, i. 340 Court of Session instituted, iii. 54 Covesea, ii. 62, 63, 68 Coxton Tower, i. 328 Inneses of Coxton, i. 342 Cromdale, i. 225-236 Battle of, i. 234 Castle Grant, i. 230-231 Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 236-238 Grantown, village of, i. 232 Hospital, i. 233 Lochindorb Fort, i. 234 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 379 Croy, ii. 284, 299-307 Kilravock House, ii. 294, 295, 297 INDEX. 475 Rose of Kilravock, ii. 285-296 Rose of Insh, ii. 296 Nine other Roses, ii. 296 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 427, 428 Culbin Sands, ii. 214, 220 Family of, ii. 233 Culloden, Battle of, iii. 132 Culdees, iii. 158 Gumming, family of, ii. 183 of Relugas, ii. 191 of Logie, ii. 193 J)AVIOT, ii. 307, 310 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 429 De Moravia Family, i. 33 ; ii. 5, 112 DiPPLE. Protestant Ministers of, iii. 386 Divah, Fall of, ii. 367 Dalcross, Protestant Ministers of, iii. 427, 428 Dallachy, Stone Coffin at, i. 73 Darnaway Castle, ii. 209, 211 DouffhiUock, ii. 161 Dallas, ii. 46 Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 51-54 Kellas, ii. 47, 49 Old Cross, ii. 51 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 412 Dalarossie, ii. 201, 204 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 428 Darnaway Castle, ii. 211 Downan, i. 214 Drainie, ii. 56 Covesea, ii. 62, 63, 68 Ettles, ii. 68 Family of Gordonston, ii. 63-67 GordonstoB, House of, ii. 57 Mausoleum, ii. 58, 74-77 Harbour of Lossiemouth, ii. 61 Ogston, lands of, ii. 69-71 DUMBENNAN. Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 397-406 DuRRis, ii. 334, 338 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 440 Druids, iii. 139-157 Dunbars, ii. 98 of Westfield, ii. 101 of Thunderton, ii. 104 DUNDURCOS, i. 76 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 368 S. Nicholas' Hospital, Boat o' Brig, i. 78, 79 Dunkinty, i. 333 DuNLiCHTY, ii. 307, 310 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 429, 430 DufiF, families of, i. 156-169 DuFFUs, ii. 77-87 DuFFUS Castle, ii. 83 Inverugie Castle, ii. 82 Families. Morays of Duffias, ii. 87-93 Sutherlands, ii. 84 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 404 DuTHiL, i. 250-255 Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 255 Mausoleum of the Earls of Seafield,^ i. 256, 257 Muckerach, Tower of, i. 253 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 381 Rothiemurchus, i. 254 Strathspey, i. 255 Dyke, ii. 208, 210-220 Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 235-242 Culbin Sands, ii. 214-217, 220-231 Culbin, baronial mansion of, ii. 231 Culbin, family of, ii. 233 Darnaway Castle, ii. 211 Earls of Moray, ii. 242-248 Family of Brodie, ii. 248-252 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 417 ]gDINGLASSIE Castle, i. 131 Burning of, iii. 129 Edinkillie, ii. 185, 187 Dumphail Castle, ii. 187 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 415 Relugas, ii. 188 Gumming of Relugas, ii. 188 Gumming of Logie, ii. 193 Dun of Relugas, ii. 190 Elchies. Eastern and Western (Mansions), i. 3 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 371 Elgin. Burgh and parish of, iii. 60 Anderson's Institution, &c. i. 384- 387 Andersons of Barmuckity, i. 404 Anderson's House (of Linkwood), ii. 20 Arradoul, Lady, ii. 16 Assembly Rooms, ii, 17 Attractions for old natives, ii. 38 Auldearn, Parsonage House, ii. 8 Bead House, iii. 66 Bishop's Town Palace, ii. 21 Blackfriars' Monastery, ii. 45 ; iii. 210 Brodie of Arnhall, ii. 16 Calder House, ii. 17 Castle on Ladyhill, ii. 6, 7 ; iii. 80-86 Cathedral, iii. 277 476 INDEX. Elgin, Chapter of Cathedral, iii. 303-306 City, iii. 64 College!, North and South, i, 375, 377 ; ii. 21 Court House and Jail, i. 370-372 De Moravias, ii. .5 Deanery or North College, i. 375 Dominicans, ii. 25 Donaldson's House, ii. 17 Duffus Manse, ii. 21, 22 Dunkinty House, ii. 21 Duthac's, St., Manse, i. 379 Elchies House, ii. 15 Elgin Runic Pillar, ii. 3, 4 Elgin Street Architecture, ii. 18 Epitaphs, i. 387-409 Fort, iii. 79 Furlin Yetts, i. 381 Giles, St., Church — Ministers of, iii. 399 Grammar and Sang School, i. 381 Grant Lodge, i. 378 Greyfriars' Monastery, ii. 26 ; iii. 207-210 Guildry, i. 367 Isaac Forsyth's house, ii. 18 Lady Hill and Excavations, ii. 6, 7 Lady High House, ii. 20 Lands adjoining : — 1. Blackhills, i. 352 2. Bogside, i. 351-354 3. Langmorn, i. 350 4. Maine, i. 351 5. Monbein, i. 354 6. Milltown, i. 350 7. Mosstowie, i. 850 8. Pittendrigh, i. 354 9. Westertown, i. 354 Leper-house, iii. 206 Little Cross, ii. 23, 24 Little Kirk, i. 369 ; ii. 23 Maisou Dieu, iii. 205, 207 Meaning of the word, i. 346, 355, 350, 357 Merchants of last century, ii. 31, 32 Modernizing of Elgin, ii. 36 Morieston Mansion, ii. 14 North College, i. 375 Muckle Cross, ii. 23 Panni, ii. 14 ; iii. 66 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 396-400 Provosts of, i. 410-412 Retrospect, ir)0 years ago, ii. 33 Runic pillar, ii. 3 South College, i. 377 Sub-Dean's House, ii. 22 Thunderton House, ii. 15, 16 Tolbooth, i. 370 ; iii. 66 Unthank manse, ii. 22 Vicar's manse and garden, ii. 22. West Port, ii. 12 EssiL. Protestant Ministers of, iii. 387 JpARMEA, Parish of, ii. 375 Faruna. Battle of, ii. 105 Farquharson of Invercauld, i. 265 Ferguson, James, the astronomer, ii. 423 Findhorn, Village of, ii. 155, 156, 161 Findhorn River, ii. 168 Findrassie, ii. 119 Fingal, Chair of, ii. 339 Protestant Ministers of. iii. 442 Forres. Castle of, iii. 87 Fort of, iii. 86 Forts. Augustus, iii. 95 Elgin, iii. 79 George, ii. 315 ; iii. 96 Lochindorb, i. 234 Loch Ness, i. 22 Rothes, i, 81 Urquhart, iii. 93 Fochabers, i. 52 Forres, ii. 163-176 Altyre House, ii. 177 Burgh, constitution of, iii. 73 Castle Hill, ii. 177 Cross of Forres, ii. 174 Findhorn, River and Bay, iii. 168 Sweno's Pillar, iii. 106-108 The Hard Moors, ii. 173 Trafalgar Monument, ii. 170 Witches' Stane, iii. 174 FoRT-AuGUSTUs, iii. 358 Fort George, ii. 316 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 413 Forsyth, Isaac, ii. 18 Foyers, Fall of. ii. 355, 356 (3-ALVALL, Boharm, i. 123, 12.3 Gartly, ii. 415 Chapel of, ii. 295 Garmouth, i. 303 Germach, Barony of, iii. 388 Geddes, House of, ii. 265, 268 Glass, ii. 412 As wanly. House of, ii. 413 Beldorney, ii. 412 Edinglassie, House of, ii. 413 Glenavon, Forest, i. 219 Wallach Kirk, ii. 412 INDEX. 477 Glenlivet, Archaeology of, i. 200-203 Battle of, i. 208 Scalan, R.C. Seminary at, i. 206 Glenmorriston. Goodwin Sands, i. 336 Gordon Castle, i. 51 Gordons, Dukes and Family of, i. 52-61 Gordon, Wm., of Tomnavouliu, i, 151 Goths and Vandals, iii. 39 Gordonston House, ii. 58 Grant, Family of, i. 89-109 Grantown, i. 232 Grange, Fortalice at, iii. 180 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 444 Sepultures at Elgin Cathedral, i. 59, 60 JJUNTLY Castle, ii. 410 JNSH, i. 284, 285 Innes', Cosmo, Lecture on Elgin, ii. 1-39 Innes, Family of, i. 313-319, 322 Innes, Bishop John, i. 315 Innes House, i. 321, 329 Insh, i. 285 Inverallan, iii. 379 Inveravon, i. 190 Ballindalloch Castle, i. 194-196, 205 Benrinnes, Battle of, i. 197 Chapels, i. 199 Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 209-215 Druidical Circles and Stones, i. 198 Drummuir, Castle of, i. 199 Glenlivet, Battle of, i. 208 Inrerugie Castle, ii. 82 Kilmaichly, House of, i. 197 Loch Avon, i. 191 MacPhersons of Invereshie, i. 195 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 376 Scalan Pt.C. Establishment, i. 206 Inverness, ii. 322-334 Burgh, antiquity of, iii. 58 Castle of, iii. 89, 90, 131 Citadel, ii. 157 ; iii. 94 Convents, iii. 92, 210-237 _ Protestant Ministers of, iii. 435-439 St. Andrew's Cathedral and Clergy, iii. 439, 440 J^ELLAS, ii. 46, 47, 49 Kilmanivaig, ii. 358 Kilmorac, Fall of, ii. 366 Kininore, House of, i. 127, 140-142 KiNNEDAR, ii. 54 Ancient Coss, ii . 72 Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 72 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 401 KiNLOSS, ii. 152-162 Abbots, iii. 173-180 Abbey, iii. 157, 160 Douff Hillock, iii. 161 Edward I. here, iii. 103 Findhorn Village, iii. 156 Forres Grants, iii. 72 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 409 KiNNOIR. Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 406-410 KiNCHARDINE, iii. 380 Kilmorac, Fall of, ii. 382 Kilravock, ii. 263, 297 Kingussie, i. 286-290-293 Castle of Ruthven, i. 286, 893 Macpherson the Freebooter, iii. 288 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 384, 385 Priory of, iii. 287 KiRKHiLL, ii. 373-377 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 441, 442 KiRKMICHAEL, i. 215-220 Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 221-224 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 377, 378 Tomintoul and Queen Victoria, i. 218 KiLTARLiTY, ii. 377-386 Beaufort, ii. 382 Beauly Priory, ii. 384 Belladrum, ii. 383 Kings unable to sign their names, iii. 43 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 443 KiNNERMONY, Aberlour, i. 184 Kintrae, ii. 117 Templar House at, iii. 237 Knockando, i. 87, 113 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 372 TOADIES, Morayshire, of last century, ii. 28 Laggan. Burial-place of 7 Kings, i. 299 Grant, Mrs., i. 296 Leslies of Kininvie, i. 154 Loch Laggan, i. 295 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 446, 447 S. Killen's Church, iii. 295 S. Kenneth's Chapel, iii. 300 Lhanbryde, i. 326, 330 Coxton Tower, i. 328 Innes House, i. 329 Loch-an-eilan, i. 260 Lochindorb, iii. 98-102 Lochandhu, House of, i. 283 478 INDEX. Lhanbryde, Lochnabo, i. 29, 323, 340 Lossie, Port of, i. 337 Lossiemouth, ii. 59 Lovat Family, ii. 340-348 Manor of, i. 327 Pitgaveny, i. 332, 333 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 392 Spynie, Loch of, i. 29, 335 Tomb of the Lovats, ii. 349 iy[ACALLAN, Parish of, i. 114 Macdonald of Glengarry, ii. 360 Macintosh, Family of, i. 268 Macpherson, Clan, i. 272 Macphersou the Freebooter, i. 288 Maine, Lands of, i. 351 Marcheta Mulierum, i. 17 Marxoch. Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 390-396 Montrose, eldest son of, buried at Bellie, i. 75 Moray, Natural History of, iii. 1-26 Civil and Political, iii. 26-76 Military history of, iii. 77 Moray, Earls of, ii. 242-248 Morays of Duffus, ii. 87 Morays of Petty, ii. 90 Morriston, ii. 127 MORTL.\CH. Auchindoun Castle, i. 129 Bishopric of, iii. 239-246 Bishops of, iii. 246-272 Balvenie Castle, i. 130, 135, 140 Battle of, i. 136, 139 Church of, i. 134, 142-145 Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 146-155 Danes' Grave, i. 137 Edinglassie Castle, i. 131 Kininvie, House of, i. 140 Leslies of, i. 142, 154, 155 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 365 Runic Stone, i. 138 Tower of Tullich, i, 141 MoY, ii. 198, 201-205 Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 205-207 Lake of Moy and Obelisk, ii. 203 Moy Hall, ii. 199, 202 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 417, 428 MOYKESS. Muckerach, Tower of, i. 253 Myreside, ii. 117 U. P. Ministers at, iii. 421 JS^AIRN, ii. 262, 266-269 Burgh, iii. 71 Castle of, iii. 88 Nairn, Kilravock House, iii. 263 Ness, Loch, ii. 353, 354 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 422, 423 Raits Castle, iii. 265 New Spynie. Nicholas', St., Hospital at Boat o' Brig, i. 78, 79, 125 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 406 QGSTON Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 74-77 Ogston and Plewland, ii. 69 Order Pot, i. 380 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 402 Orton House, i. 83. St. Mary's Chapel and Well, i. 85 Ossian, the Father of, ii. 339 pETTY, ii. 318, 320 Castle Stewart, ii. 321 Heirship of, ii. 319 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 431 Pitgaveny, i. 333 Plttscarden. Book of, iii. 202 Priory, iii. 188-195 Priors, iii. 195-203 Pilgrimages to Wells, iii. 329 Pittendreich, i. 353 Prebendal Churches, iii 295 Protestant Bishops, iii. 341 Protestant Church, iii. 312, 341-358 QUARRYWOOD, ii. 121 J^AITS Castle, i. 283, ii. 265 Artificial Cave at, i. 284 Rafford, ii. 176, 179-183 Altyre House, ii. 177, 180, 181 Bier vie Castle, ii. 178 Burgie Castle, ii. 178 Cunimiugs of Altyre, ii. 183-185 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 410 Relugas, ii. 188-190 Rental of the Feu-duties of the See, iii. 362 Rose of Kilravock, ii. 285 Rose of Insh, ii. 296 Rothes, i. 80 Castle of, i. 81 Dundurcoa Church, i. 85 Orton Chapel and Well, i. 85 Orton House, i. 83 Properties, i. 83, 84 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 36 Rothiemurchus. Badenoch, i. 267 INDEX. 479 Families. Farquharson of Invercauld, i. 265 Grant of Eothiemurchus, i. 261 Loch-an-eilan, i. 260 Macintosh, i. 268-272 Macpherson, i. 272-277 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 881 Shaw of Rothiemurchus, i. 262-265 EoYAL Burghs within the Province, iii. 57 EUTHVEX. Barrack of Badenoch, iii. 96 Castle of, i. 293 Mount of, i. 286 gHAW of Rothiemurchus, i. 262 Shaw's, Rev. Lachlan, Biography, Pref., ix. Sheriffs and Shires, derivation of, iii. 47 Spey, the river of, i. 48-50, 306 Speymouth. Battles, i. 309 Chatham, Family of, i. 309 Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 310-312 Garmach, i. 303 Harbour of, i. 307 Innes, family of, i. 313-319 King Charles II. lands here, i. 309 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 389 St. Andrews (Lhanbryde), ii. 93 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 393 Spvnie, ii. 94, 106, 114 Church and bell of, ii. 114 Churchyard Epitaphs, ii. 137-145 Properties — Aldroughty, ii. 134-137 Bishopmill, ii. 124-126 Deanshaugh, ii. 126 Findrassie, ii. 119-121 Kintrae, ii. 117 Morriston, ii. 127-130 Myreside, ii. 117-119 Quarrywood, ii. 121-123 Scroggiemill, ii. 133-134 Sheriffmill, ii. Ill, 130-133 Westfield, ii. 123 Families — The Dunbars, ii. 98 The Dunbars of Thunderton, ii. 104-106 Families — The Dunbars of Westfield, ii. 101-104 Palace of, ii. 115; iii. 297. Strathavon, St. Peter's Church, i. 192 Streens, ii. 197 Strathglass, ii. 378 Strathspey, i. 255 Sutherlands of DuflTus, ii. 84 Sweno's Stone, ii. 182 ; iii. 106-108 fpACITUS, i. 2 Thanes and Thanedoms in the Pro- vince, i. 17, 18 ; iii. 45 Templars, Knights, iii. 237 Tomdow, rock of, i. 115 Tullich, tower of, i. 141 TuUochgorum, i. 97 JJCHTERSPYNIE, ii. 131 Urquhart, i. 312, 319 Churchyard Epitaphs, i. 314-326 Cottes, Loch of, i. 323 i Innes House, i. 321 Innes of Leuchars, i. 322 Lochnabo, i. 323 Priory of, i. 324 ; iii. 182-187 Priors, iii. 187, 188 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 390 Urquhart, Glenmorriston, iii. 361, 363-372 Castle of Urquhart, ii. 362, 372; iii. 94 Divah, fall of, iii. 367 Glenmorriston district, iii. 368 Kilmorac, fall of, iii. 366 Mhalfourvonnie Mountain, iii. 364 Protestant Ministers of, iii. 444 YICARS, Apostolic Scottish, iii. 273 TVTADE, General, and his roads, iii. 13.3 134 Wallach Kirk, ii. 412 War-cry of each clan, iii. 137 Wardlaw, parish of, ii. 375 Westfield, ii. 123 Whitereath, i. 352 THE END. 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In issuing a popular edition of this remarkable work, the editor has omitted those portions which were of interest only at the time of original publication, such as questions of politics and science. But there are other matters, the interest surrounding which is as great as ever — these the editor has been careful to retain. Especial care has also been taken with regard to the amusing element, with which these pages will be found laden. Jobn Taylor: — EARLY PROSE AND POETICAL W^ORKS OF JOHN Taylor, The Water Poet, 1580-1653. Post 8vo. Price 5s. A most remarkable man. His writings are highly descriptive of the ' manners and oostoms of the period. 2 MR. MORISON'S LIST OF Andrew Henderson : — SCOTTISH PROVERBS. By Andrew Henderson. Crown 8vo. Cheaper edition. Price 2s. 6d. Thomas Tod Stoddart : — ANGLING REMINISCENCES OF THE RIVERS AND LOCHS OF Scotland. By Thomas Tod Stoddart. Post 8vo. Price 3s. 6d. One of the most interesting of Stoddart' s angling works. 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Being the Hunt- ing, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eccentric, and Extravagant Exploits of that renowned sportiug citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks. By Robert S. Surtees. Post Svo. Price 2s. (See also Is. books.) Robert Smith Surtees : — HANDLEY CROSS ; OR, THE SPA HUNT. A Sporting Novel. By Robert Smith Surtees. Popular Edition. Post Svo. Price 5s. Robert Smith Surtees ; — HAWBUCK GRANGE; OR, THE SPORTING ADVENTURES of Thomas Scott, Esq. A Sporting Novel. By Robert Smith Surtees. Popular Edition. Post 8vo. Price 3s. 6d. Robert Hays Cunningham : — AMUSING PROSE CHAP BOOKS, CHIEFLY OF LAST Century. Edited by Robert Hays Cunningham. Post Svo. Price 4s. 6(1. 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This most interesting romance has been frequently described as equal in interest to any of Sir Walter Scott's historical tales. This is a complete un- abridged edition, and is uniform with " Highland Legends " and " Tales of the Highlands." As several abridged editions of the work have been published, especial attention is drawn to the fact that the above edition is complete. Sir Thomas Dick Lauder : — HIGHLAND LEGENDS. By Sir Thomas Dick Ladder. Crown Svo. Price 6s. Historical Legends descriptive of Clan and Highland Life and Incidents in former times. Sir Thomas Dick Lauder : — TALES OF THE HIGHLANDS. By Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Crown 8vo. Price 68. Uniform with and similar in character to the preceding, though en- tirely different tales. The two are companion volumes. Slv Thomas Dick Lauder : — LOCH AN DHU. A Tale of the Scottish Highlands. By Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Demy Svo. Price 5s. Thomas Mason : — PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES OF GLASGOW. A Bibliographical Study. 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This work was compiled by three very distinguished literary Scotchmen, namely, .John Donald Carrick, William Motherwell, and Andrew Henderson, all of them authors of works relating to Scotland. This is the only unadulterated edition, and is here given to the public as it came direct from the hands of the editors. Bev. Fergus Ferguson, D.D.: — A HISTORY OF THE EVANGELICAL UNION OF SCOT- LAND : From its Origin to the Present Time. By Fergus Fergu- son, D.D. Crown 8vo. Price 6s. 6d. Bev. Fergus Ferguson, D.D.: — SACRED SCENES. Being Notes of Travel in Egypt and the Holy Laud. By Fergus Ferguson, D.D. Crown 8vo. Price 5s. Timothy Pont, A.M. : — CUNINGKAME, TOPOGRAPHIZED. By Timothy Pont, A.M. [1604-1608.] With Cuntinuations aud Illustrative Notices by the late James Dobie, Esq., of Crummock, F.S.A. Edited by his son, John Sheddon Dobie. With numerous Illustrations and Maps. Im- perial 8vo. Price reduced to 12s. 6d. net. 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Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe : — A HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE BELIEF IN WITCH- CRAFT IN Scotland. By Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. Crown 8vo. Price^4s. 6d. Gives a chronological account of Witchcraft incidents in Scotland from the earliest period, in a racy, attractive style. And likewise contains an interesting Bibliography of Scottish books on Witchcraft. John Mactaggart : — THE SCOTTISH GALLOVIDIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA of the Original, Antiquated, and Natural Curiosities of the South of Scot- l-ind. By John Mactaggart. Demy 8vo. Price raised to 25s. net. Impression limited to 2.')0 copies. Contains a large amount of extremely interesting and curious matter relating to the South of Scotland. NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. 9 Ziacblan Shaw : — THE HISTORY OF THE PROVINCE OF MORAY. By Lach- LAN Shaw. New and enlarged edition. 3 Vols., Demy 8vo. Price 30s. net. 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Gives an interesting account of old local and general 'Scottish customs, now rapidly being lost sight of. S. J. Guthrie : — TALES OF THE COVENANTERS. By E. J. Guthrie. Crown 8vo. Cheaper edition. Price 2s. 6d. Bev. Robert Simpson, D.D. : — MARTYRLAND : A Historical Tale of the Covenanters. By the Rev. Robert Simpson, D.D. Crown 8vo. Cheaper edition. Price 2s. 6d. A tale illustrative of the history of the Covenanters in the South of Scotland. 10 MR. MORISON'S LIST OF Bev. Robert Paton : — THE SCOTTISH CHURCH IN EARLY TIMES, By the Rev. Robert Paton. Crown 8vo. Price 2s. 6d, In sixteen chapters, gives a history of the Early Scottish Church. John Gait : — THE LIVES OF THE PLAYERS. By John Galt. Post 8vo. Price 5s. Interesting accounts of the lives of distinguished actors, such as Betterton, Gibber, Farquhar, Garrick, Foote, Macklin, Murphy, Kemble, Siddons, etc., etc. John Holbein : — THE DANCE OF DEATH. Illustrated in Forty-eight Plates. By John Holbein. Demy 8vo. Price 5s. 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