Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/elementarygeometOOolnericli /> V ELEMENTARY G E O M E T RY I NRW EDITION. INCLUDING PLANE, SOLID, AND SPHERICAL GEOMETRY, WITH PRACTICAL EXERCISES. BY EDWARD OLNEY, PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN TH^ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SHELDON AND COMPANY, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. 1883. OLNEY'S NEW SERIES EMBRACES THE FOLLOWING BOOKS. FIRST LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC, PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC. Two-Book Series. This Series has more examples, and at less price, than any ever published. _^«,,..,^ (^ strictly High School Text-Book) Send for full Circular of Olney's Abithmeticd. FIRST PRINCIPLES OF ALGEBRA. COMPLETE ALGEBRA. (Newly electrotyped in large type.) NEW ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Copyright, 1883, by Sheldon &= Co. Smith & McDougal, Ei-kctbotvpekh. 82 Buekmiii) St., N. Y. ^i^^^l^ 'l^ J ^1^ 'i^ '4^ THE first edition of Olney's Special or Elementary Geometry was issued nearly twelve years ago. It con- tained many new features. The book has gone into use in every State in the Union, and has been tested by practical teachers in all grades of schools. This long and varied test has been watched with care by the author, and it is with the greatest pleasure that he has found that the general features of the book have been well-nigh universally approved. To make the book still more acceptable to the teachers and schools of our country, and to keep it abreast with the real advancement in science and methods of teaching, as well as to make it a worthy exponent of the best style of the printer's art, are some of the reasons which have led. to the preparation of this edition. 1. The division into Chapters and Sections, instead of Books, has been retained, as affording better means of classifying the subject-matter, and also as conforming to the usage of modern times in other literary and scientific treatises. , 2. Part First of the old edition has been omitted, and the definitions and illustrations necessary to the integrity of the subject ha.ve been incorporated with the body of the work. This has been done solely in deference to the general sentiment of the teachers of our country. The author can but feel that this senti- ment is wrong. That the best way to present the subject of Geometry is tb^present some of its leading notions and practical facts with their uses in drawing and in common life, before attempting to reason upon them, appears to him quite clear. It is in accord with one of the settled maxims of teaching which a c -i -^ 7 IV PREFACE. requires "facts before reasoning," and then it is in harmony with the historic development of the science, and with the order of mental development in the individual. Moreover, since this method was presented to the American public in this treatise, the author has received books on exactly the same plan, which are in general use in Germany, and also "A Syllabus of Plane Geometry, prepared by the Association for the improvement of Geometrical teaching " in England, in which this principle is recognized by recommending quite an extended course in Geometrical constructions before entering upon the logical treat- ment of the subject. The author hopes to revise his Part First, and present it as a Httle treatise adapted to our Grammar or lower schools ; as he can but think these subjects much more interesting and usefuf to pupils of this grade than much of the matter usually brought before them, especially the more advanced portions of arithmetic, and as he is confident that they are the proper preparation for the intelligent study of logical geometry. 3. The same general analysis of the subject is adhered to as in the first edition. All must acknowledge it a reproach to the oldest and most perfect of the sciences that, hitherto, no system- atic classification of its subject-matter has been reached. That the ordinary arrangement found in our Geometries is not based upon a scientific analysis of the subject, and a systematic classification of topics will be evident to any one who attempts to give the subject-title of almost any so-called Book. A glance at the table of contents of this volume will show that the analysis of the subject-matter is simple and strictly philo- sophical. There are two lines of inquiry in geometry, viz., concerning position (from which form results) and magni- tude. The concepts of Plane Geometry are the point, straight line, angle, and circle. Kow, the measurement of magnitude is either direct or indirect. The direct measurement and compar- ison of magnitudes is a simple arithmetical operation, and is presented, as regards straight lines, in Section 4. The direct measurement of other magnitudes is effected in a similar manner, but is unimportant from a scientific point of view. The indirect measurement of magnitude, as when we find the third side of a triangle from the other two and their included angle, the circum- PREFACE. V ference or area of a circle from the radius, etc., is a somewhat remote application of more elementary principles. There is then left, as the natural first object of inquiry, the relative position of two (and hence of all) straight lines. Here we have philosophi- cally the first inquiry of logical geometry. This inquiry divides into the three inquiries concerning perpendicular, oblique and parallel lines. In a similar manner the topics of the succeeding sections unfold themselves from the principles stated. 4. This analysis and classification of the subject-matter re- quires that a somewhat larger number of propositions be demon- strated from fundamental principles, that did the old method, of proving first any proposition you could, and then any other, and so on ; but who will consider this a defect ? On the other hand, it gives almost absolute unity of method of demonstration in the propositions of any one section. 5. The freedom with which revolution is used as a method of demonstration, will be observed upon a cursory reading. Of course it is assumed that the old repugnance to the introduction of the notions of time and motion into geometry is outgrown. Indeed, the old geometers could not get on without the super- position of magnitudes, and this idea involves motion. Now, revolution is but a systematic method of effecting superposition, which is well-nigh the only geometrical method of proving the equality of magnitudes. 6. The author has long desired to introduce the idea of same- ness of direction in treating parallels ; but could not accept what seemed to him the vague methods of writers who have made the attempt. If we cannot define the notion of direction, we certainly should have some method of estimating and measur- ing it before it can be made a proper subject of geometrical inquiry. This the author thinks he has secured, by giving the necessary precision to certain very common and simple notions. 7. As to the introduction of the infinitesimal method into mathematics (and if introduced at all, why not in the elements where it will do most service ?), the author is confident that no one thing would do more to simplify, and hence to advance, elementary mathematical study, than the general and hearty acceptance of this method. No writer has succeeded in getting VI PREFACE. on far, even in pure mathematics, without openly or covertly introducing the notion, and its directness, simplicity, if not absolute necessity, in the applied mathematics make its intro- duction into the elements exceedingly desirable. Nevertheless, the author has given alternative demonstrations, either in the body of the text or in the appendix, so that those who prefer can omit the demonstrations involving the infinitesimal concep- tion. 8. Thanks to the spirit of the times, no geometry can now receive favor which does not give opportunity for the application of principles and for independent investigation. As in the former edition, so in this, large attention has been given to this just demand of the times. As a help to independent thinking, after the student has been fairly introduced to the methods, and had time to imbibe somewhat of the spirit of geometrical reason- ing, the references to the antecedent principles on which state- ments in the demonstrations are based, are sometimes omitted, and their place supplied by interrogation marks. 9. In the earlier part of the work, the demonstrations are divided, according to the suggestion originally given by De Morgan, into short paragraphs, each of which presents but a single step. So, also, in this part, care has been taken to make separate paragraphs of the statement of premises and the conclu- sion, and to put the former in different type from the body of the demonstration. But, in the latter part of the work, this somewhat stiff and mechanical arrangement gives place to the freer and more elegant forms with which the student will need to be familiar in his subsequent reading. 10. In the preparation of the work the author has availed him- self of the suggestions of a large number of the best practical teachers in all parts of our country. His chief advisers have been Professor Benjamin F. Clarke, of Brown University, K. I., and Professor H. N. Chute, of the Ann Arbor High School, Mich. To Professor Clarke he is indebted for valuable sugges- tions on the whole of Chapter II., and especially on triedrals. Indeed, whatever merit there may be in the general method of treatment of triedrals, is due more to him than to the writer. His ability as a mathematician, and his knowledge of what is PREFACE, yU practical in methods of presentation, gained by long experience in teaching the subject, appear on well-nigh every page of the latter part of the work. Professor Chute, the able and accom- plished teacher of geometry in the Ann Arbor High School, has given me the free use of his careful and scholarly thought, and long and successful experience as a teacher, by several readings of the proofs, and by the use of the advance sheets of the entire work in his classes. His logical acumen, practical skill, and generous contribution of whatever he has found most valuable in matter or method, have been of the highest service. The same general acknowledgments are due to other authors as were made in the earlier edition. To the taste and skill of the stereo- typers, and the lavish expenditure of patience and money of the PubHshers, the author is indebted for the elegant and beautiful dress in which the book appears. EDWAKD OLNEY. University op Michigan, Ann Arbor, September i, 1883. N.B. — Part III. of the old edition will still be published for use in such schools as wish to push the study of geometry still further than it is carried in the ordinary treatises, and especially into the methods of what is called the Modern Geometry. The topics embraced in that part are Exercises in Geometrical Invention, including advanced theorems in Special or Elemen- tary Geometry, Problems in the same, and Applications of Algebra to Geometry ; and also an Introduction to Modern Geometry, including the elements of the subjects of Loci, Symmetry, Maxima and Minima, Isoperi- metry. Transversals, Harmonic Proportion, Pencils and Ratio, Poles and Polars, Radical Axes and Centres of Similitude in respect to Circles. The author's Trigonometry can also be had, bound separately or in con- nection with the other parts of the Geometry, the same as formerly, E. O. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. 1. Fix firmly in mind the fundamental definitions of the science, in exact language, and illustrate them so fully that the terms cannot be used in the hearing of the pupil, or by him, without bringing before his mind, witJiout conscious effort, the geometrical conception. 2. By numerous and varied applications of the fundamental principles of plane geometry to the most famihar and homely things in common life, divest the pupil's mind of the impression that he is studying " higher mathematics " (as he is not), and beget in him the habit of seeing the applications and illustrations of these principles everywhere about him. 3. By means of much experience in the elements of geometri- cal drawing, train the taste to enjoy, the eye to perceive, and the hand to execute, geometrical forms, and by so doing fix indelibly in the mind the " working facts " of geometry. 4. Have all definitions, theorems, corollaries, &c., memorized with perfect exactitude, and repeated till they can be given with- out effort. Demonstrations should not be memorized by the pupil ; and considerable latitude may be allowed in the use of language, provided the argument is brought out clearly. But errors in grammar, and inelegancies in style, should be carefully guarded against. One of the chief benefits to be derived from class-room drill in mathematics is the ability to think clearly and logically, and to express the thought in concise, perspicuous, and elegant language. 5. The teacher should never give a theorem or corollary in proper form, but by some such half -questions as the following, suggest the topic : The relation between the hypotenuse and the sides of a right- angled triangle ? The relative position of two circles when the distance between the centres is less than the sum and greater than the difference of the radii ? SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. ix The sum of the angles of a triangle ? The relation between the angles and the sides of a triangle ? etc. In this manner the teacher should always designate the propo- sition without stating it. The statement is one of the most important things for the pupil to learn, and have at perfect com- mand, and hence should not be given him by the teacher. 6. The construction of the figure is a necessary part of the demonstration, and no assistance should be given the pupil, nor aids allowed. 7. All figures in plane geometry should, upon first going over the subject, be constructed by the pupils with strict accuracy, on correct geometrical principles, using ruler and string ; and this should be persisted in until it can be done with ease. In reviews, free-hand drawing of figures may be allowed, and is even desir- able. 8. The ordinary notation by letters should be used. 9. All the exercises in the book should be worked with care in the study, and in the class, and be carefully explained by the pupil ; and as many additional, impromptu exercises as may be found necessary in order to render the pupil familiar with the practical import of the propositions. 10. Little, if any, original demonstration of theorems not in the book should be required of the pupil upon first going over plane geometry. In review, more or less of such work may be required. 11. Great pains should be taken that original demonstrations be given in good, workmanlike form. For this purpose, they should be written out with care by the pupil. Indeed, it is an excellent occasional exercise, to have demonstrations written out in full in class. 12. In review, much attention should be given to synopses of demonstrations. They are the main reliancie for fixing in memory the line of argument by which a proposition is demon- strated. I INTRODUCTION. SECTION I. GENERAL DEFINITIONS 13-15 SECTION II. THE GEOMETRICAL CONCEPTS 16-^0 SECTION III. AXIOMS AND POSTULATES 30-33 SECTION IV. MEASUREMENT OF RIGHT LINES 34-38 CHAPTER I. PLANE GEOMETRY. SECTION I. PERPENDICULAR STRAIGHT LINES 38-46 Exercises 47-48 SECTION 11. OBLIQUE STRAIGHT LINES 48-53 Exercises 63-54 SECTION III. PARALLELS 55-66 Exercises 67 SECTION IV. RELATIVE POSITIONS OF STRAIGHT LINES AND CIRCUMFERENCES 68-79 Exercises 79 SECTION V. RELATIVE POSITIONS OF CIRCUMFERENCES 80-86 Exercises 87 CONTENTS. XI SECTION VI. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES 88-103 Exercises 103-104 SECTION VII. ANGLES OF POLYGONS AND THE RELATION BETWEEN THE ANGLES AND SIDES. Op Triangles 104-109 Of QUADRn.ATERALS 110-118 Of Polygons of more than Four Sides 118-121 Of Regular Polygons 121-127 Exercises 127-128 Theorems for Original Investigation 129-130 SECTION VIII. OF EQUALITY. Op Angles 130-133 Op Triangles 133-139 Determination op Triangles 139-143 Determination op Quadrilaterals 143-147 Determination of Polygons 147-149 Propositions for Original Investigation 150-151 SECTION IX. OF EQUIVALENCY AND AREAS Equivalency 151-155 Area 155-163 Exercises 163-164 SECTION X. OF SIMILARITY 164-181 Exercises 181-183 SECTION XI. APPLICATIONS OF THE DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY TO THE DEVELOP- MENT OF GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES OF FIGURES. Op the Relations op the Segments on two Lines in- tersecting EACH OTHER AND INTERSECTED BY A CIRCUM- FERENCE 184-186 Op THE Bisector op an Angle of a Triangle. . . . . 186-188 Areas of Similar Figures 188-191 Perimeters and the Rectification op the Circumper- ence 191-196 Area op the Circle 197-199 Divison in Extreme and Mean Ratio 199-201 Exercises 201-204 XU CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. SOLID GEOMETRY. SECTION I. OF STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES. p^gbs Plane Determined 205-207 Perpendicular Lines to a Plane. 208-213 Oblique Lines to a Plane 213-216 Parallel Lines to a Plane 216-218 Parallel Planes 218-223 Exercises. 224 SECTION XL OF SOLID ANGLES. Of Diedrals 225-231 Of Triedrals 231-244 Of Polyedrals 244 Exercises 245-246 SECTION III. OF PRISMS. AND CYLINDERS 247-263 Exercises 263-264 SECTION IV. OF PYRAMIDS AND CONES 264-278 Of the Regular Polyedrons 279-282 Exercises 282-283 SECTION V. OF THE SPHERE. Circles of the Sphere 284-286 Distances on the Surface op a Sphere 287-293 Spherical Angles 293-296 Tangent Planes 297-298 Spherical Triangles 298-309 Polar or Supplemental Triangles 309-312 Quadrature of the Surface op the Sphere 313-316 Lunes 317-323 Volume of Sphere 324-327 Spherical Polygons and Pyramids 327-;J28 Exercises 329-330 APPENDIX 381-333 /' ^ E[eTnenCar V ^:- OR, -V yiEOMETI^ INTRODUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTIONS AND DEFINITIONS. ^gCtlOH I. GENERAL DEFINITIONS.* 1. A Proposition is a statement of something to be con- sidered or done. Illustration. — Thus, the comraon statement, "Life is short," is a proposition; so, also, we make, or state a proposition, when we say, "Let us seek earnestly after truth." — "The product of the divisor and quotient, plus the remainder, equals the dividend," and the requirement, " To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms," are examples of Arithmetical propositions. 2. Propositions are distinguished as Axioms, Theorems, Lem- mas, Corollaries, Postulates, and Problems. * The terms here defined are such as are used in the science in conee- quence of its logical character, hence tliey are sometimes called logico- mathematical terms. The science of the Pure Mathematics may be con- sidered as a department of practical logic. 14 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 3. An Axiom is a proposition which states a principle that is so elementary, and so evidently true as to require no proof. Illustration. — Thus, " A part of a thing is less than the whole of it," " Equimultiples of equals are equal," are examples of axioms. If any one does not admit the truth of axioms, when he understands the terms used, we say that his mind is not sound, and that we cannot reason with him. 4. A Theorem is a proposition which states a real or sup- posed fact, whose truth or falsity we are to determine by reasoning. Illustration. — " If the same quantity be added to both numerator and denominator of a proper fraction, the value of the fraction will be increased," is a Theorem. It is a statement the truth or falsity of which we are to determine by a course of reasoning. 6. A Demonstration is the course of reasoning by means of which the truth or falsity of a theorem is made to appear. The term is also applied to a logical statement of the reasons for the processes of a rule. A solution tells how a thing is done : a demonstration tells why it is so done. A demonstration is often called proof. 6. A Lemma is a theorem demonstrated for the purpose of using it in the demonstration of another theorem. Illustration. — Thus, in order to demonstrate the rule for finding the greatest common divisor of two or more numbers, it may be best first to prove that " A divisor of two numbers is a divisor of their sum, and also of their difference." This theorem, when proved for such a purpose, is called a Lemma. The term Lemma is not much used, and is not very important, since most theorems, once proved, become in turn auxiliary to the proof of others, and hence might be called lemmas. 7. A Corollary is a subordinate theorem which is sug- gested, or the truth of which is made evident, in the course of the demonstration of a more general theorem, or which is a direct inference from a proposition, or a definition. Illustration. — Thus, by the discussion of the ordinary process of performing subtraction in Arithmetic, the following Gorolhry might be GENERAL DEFINITIONS. 15 suggested : " Subtraction may also be performed by addition, as we can readily observe what number must be added to the subtrahend to pro- duce the minuend." 8. A Postulate is a proposition which states that some- thing can be done, and which is so evidently true as to require no process of reasoning to show that it is possible to be done. We may or may not know how to perform the operation. Illustration. — Quantities of the same kind can be added together. 9. A Problem is a proposition to*do some specified thing, and is stated with reference to developing the method of doing it Illustration. — A problem is often stated as an incomplete sentence, as, "To reduce fractions to forms having a common denominator." — This incomplete statement means that " We propose to show how to reduce fractions to forms having a common denominator." Again, the problem " To construct a square," means that " We propose to draw a figure which is called a square, and to tell how it is done." 10. A Rule is a formal statement of the method of solving u general problem, and is designed for practical application in solving special examples of the same class. 11. A Solution is the process of performing a problem or an example. A solution should usually be accompanied by a demonstration of the process. 12. A Scholium is a remark made at the close of a dis- cussion, and designed to call attention to some particular feature or features of it. Illustration. —Thus, after having discussed the subject of multipli- cation and division in Arithmetic, the remark that " Division is the con- verse of multiplication," is a scholium. 13. An Hypothesis is a supposition made in the state- ment of a proposition, or in the course of a demonstration. The Data are the things given or granted in a proposition. The Conclusion is the thing to be proved. The data of a proposition and the hypotheses are the same thing. 16 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, (i^^lrCtfiaM IL THE GEOMETRICAL CONCEPTS.* Points are designated POINTS. 14. A Point is a place without size, by letters. Illustration. — If we wish to designate any particular point (place) on the paper, we put a letter by it, and sometimes a dot in it. Thus, in Fig. 1, the] ends of the line, which are points, are desig- nated as " point A," " point D ;" or, simply, as A and D. The points marked in the I line are designated as " point B," " point C," or as B and C. F and E are two points above the line. Fig. I. LINES. 16. A Line is the path of a point in motion. Lines are represented upon paper by marks made with a pen or pen- cil, the point of the pen or pencil representing the moving point. A line is designated by naming the letters written at its ex- tremities, or somewhere upon it. Illustration. — In each case in Fig. 2, conceive a point to start from A and move along the path indicated by the mark to B. The path thus traced is a line. Since a point has no size, a line hcts no breadth, though * A concept is a thing thought about ; — a thought-object. Thus, in Arith- metic, number is the concept ; in Botany, plants ; in Geometry, as will appear in this section, points, lines, surfaces, and solids. These may also be said to constitute the subject-matter of the science. THE GEOMETRICAL CONCEPTS. 17 the marks by which we represent lines have some breadth. The first and third lines in the figure are each designated as "the line AB." The sec- ond line is considered as traced by a point starting from A and coming around to A again, so that B and A coincide. This line may he desig- nated as the line AmnA, or AmnE. In the fourth case, there are three lines represented, which are designated, respectively, as AmB, AnB, and AcB ; or, the last, as AB. 16. Lines are of Two Kinds, Straight and Curved. A straight line is also called a Eight Line. A curved line is often called simply a Curve. 17. A Straight Line is a line traced by a point which moves constantly in the same direction. (See 46, a.) The word " line " used alone generally signifies a straight line. 18. A Curved Line is a line traced by a point which con- stantly changes its direction of motion. Illustration. —Thus, in (1), Fig. 2, if the line AB is conceived as traced by a point moving from A to B, it is evident that this point moves in the same direction throughout its course ; hence AB is a straight line. If a body, as a stone, is let fall, it moves constantly toward the centre of the earth ; hence its path represents a straight line. If a weight is sus- pended by a string, the string represents a straight line. Considering the line represented by AtB, (3), Pig. 2, as the path of a point moving from A to B, we see that the direction of motion is con- stantly changing. 18 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, Sometimes a path like that rep- resented in Fig. 3 is called, though improperly, a Broken Line. It is not a line at all ; that is, not one line : it is a combination of straight lines. SURFACES. 19. A Surface is the path of a line in motion. 20. Surfaces are of Two Kinds^ Plane and Curved. 21. A Plane Surface, or simply a Plane, is a surface such that a straight line passing through any two of its points lies wholly in the surface. Such a surface may always be con- ceived as the path of a straight line in motion. Illustration. — Let AB, Fig. 4, be supposed to move to the right, so that its extremities A and B move at the same rate and in the same direction, A tracing the line AD, and B the line BC. The path of the line, the figure ABCD, is a sur- face. This page is a surface, and may be conceived as the path of a line sliding like a ruler from top to bottom of it, or from one side to the other. Such a path will have '^' ' length and breadth, being in the latter respect unlike a line, which has only length. 22. A Curved Surface is a surface in which, if various lin€8 are drawn through any point, some or all of them will be curved. Illustration. — Suppose a fine wire bent into the form of the curve AmB, Fig. 5, and its ends A and B stuck into a rod XY. Now, taking the rod XY in the fingers and rolling it, it is evident that the path of the line represented by the wire AwB will be the surface of a ball (sphere). Again, suppose the rod XY placed on the surface of this paper so that the wire AmB shall stand straight up from the paper, just as it THE GEOMETRICAL CONCEPTS, 19 would if we could take hold of the curve at tn and raise it right up, letting XY lie as it does in the figure. Now slide the rod straight up or down the page, making both ends move at the same rate. The path ol Fig. 6. Fig. 7. A/?iB will be like the surface of a half-round rod (a semi-cylinder). Thus we see how surfaces, plane and curved, may be conceiyed as the paths of lines in motion. Ex. 1. If the curve AnB, Fig. 6, be conceived as revolved about the line XY, the surface of what object will its path be like? Ex. 2. If the figure OMNP, Fig. 7, be conceived as revolved about OP, what kind of a path will MN trace ? What kind of paths will FN and OM trace ? Ans. One path will be like the surface of a joint of stove- pipe, L e., a cylindrical surface ; and one will be like a flat wheel, i. e., a circle. Ex. 3. If you fasten one end of a cord at a point in the ceil- ing and hang a ball on the other end, and then make the ball swing around in a circle, what kind of a surface will the string describe ? Ex. 4. If on the surface of a stove-pipe, you were to draw various lines through the same point, might any of them be straight ? Could all of them be straight ? What kind of a sur- face is this, therefore? Ex. 5. Can you draw a straight line on the surface of a ball ? On the surface of an egg ? What kind of surfaces are these ? 20 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Ex. 6. When the carpenter wishes to make the surface of a board perfectly flat, he takes a ruler whose edge is a straight line, and lays this straight edge on the surface in all directions, watching closely to see if it touches at all points in all positions. Which of our definitions is he illustrating by hig practice ^ Ex. 7. How can you conceive a straight line to move so that it shall not generate a surface ? OF TH E CI RCLE. 23. A Circle is a plane surface bounded by a curved line all points in which are equally distant from a point within. 24. The Circumference of a circle is the curved line all points in which are equally distant from a point within. 25. The Centre of a circle is the point within, which is equally distant from all points in the circumference. 26. An Arc is a part of a circumference. 27. A Radius is a straight line drawn from the centre to any point in the circumference of a circle. By reason of (24) all radii of the same circle are equal. 28. A Diameter of a circle is a straight line passing through the centre and limited by the circumference. A diameter is equal to the sum of two radii; hence, all diam- eters of the same circle are equal. Illustration. — A circle may be conceived as the path of a line, like OB, Fig. 8, one end of which, 0, remains at the same point, while the other end, B, moves around it in the plane of the paper. OB is the radius, and the path described by the point B is the circumference. A Bis a diam- eter. In Fig. 9, the curved line ABCDA is the circumference, is the centref&n^ the surface within the circumference is the circle. Any part of THE GEOMETRICAL CONCEPTS, 31 Fig. 8. Fig. ». Fig. 10. a circumference, as AB, or any one of tlie curved lines BB, Fig. 8, is an arc. So also AM and EF, Fig. 10, are arcs. EF is an arc drawn from 0' as a centre, with the radius O'B. 29. A Chord is a straight line joining any two points in a circumference, as BC or AD, Fig. 9. The portion of the circle included between the chord and its arc, as A/«D, is a Segfiiient. 30. A Tangent to a circle is a straight line which touches the circumference, but does not intersect it, how far soever the line be produced. Two circles which touch each other in but one point are said to be tangent to each other. A straight-line tangent is called a Rectilinear Tangent. 31. A Secant is a straight line which intersects the circum- ference. ANGLES. 32. A Plane Angle, or simply an Angle, is the opening between two lines which meet each other. The point in which the lines meet is called the Vertex, and the lines are called the Sides. An angle is designated by pla. lui,' ;- letter at its vertex, and one by each of its sides. In reaciiiig. we name the letter at the vertex when there is but one vertex at the point, and the three 5535 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. letters when there are i^o or more vertices at the same point. In the latter case, the letter at the vertex is put between the other two. Illustration. — Id com- mon language an angle la called a comer. The open- ing between the two lines AB and AC, in which the ligure 1 stands, is called the angle A ; or, if we choose, we may call it the angle BAC. At L there are two vertices, so that were we to say the angle L, one would not know whether we meant the angle (corner) in which 4 stands, or that in which 6 stands. To avoid this ambiguity, we say the angle HLR for the former, and RLT for the latter. The angle ZAY is the corner in which 11 stands; that is, ^ the opening between the '^' two lines AY and AZ. In designating an angle by three letters, it is immaterial which letter stands first, so that the one at the vertex is put between the other two. Thus, PQS and SQP are both designations of the angle in which 6 stands. An angle is also frequently designated by putting a letter or figure in it and near the vertex. 33. The Size of an Angle depends upon the rapidity with which its sides separate, and not upon their length. Illustration. —The angles BAC and MON, Fig. 11, are equal, since the sides separate at the same rate, although the sides of the latter are more prolonged than those of the former. The sides DF and DE separate faster than AB and AC, hence the angle EDF is greater than the angle BAC. 34. AdUacent Angles are angles so situated as to have a common vertex and one common side lying between them. THE GEOMETRICAL CONCEPTS. Illustration. — In Fig. 12, angles 4 and 5 are adjdcenty since tliey have the common vertex L, and the common side LR. Angles 9 and 10 are also adjacent. 35. Angles are distinguished as Right Angles and Oblique Angles. Oblique angles are either Acute or Obtuse. Fig. 12. 36. A Right Angle is an angle included between two straight lines which meet each other in such a manner as to make the adjacent angles equal. 37. An Acute Angle is an angle which is less than a right angle, i. e., one whose sides sepamte less rapidly than those of a right angle. 38. An Obtuse Angle is an angle which is greater than a right angle, i. e.^ one whose sides separate more rapidly than those of a right angle. 39. A Straight Angle is an angle whose sides extend in opposite directions, and hence form one and the same straight line. Illustrations. — In comnjon language, a right angle is called a square corner, and an acute angle a sharp comer. Fig. 13. Angles BAD and BAC, Fig. 13, are right angles^ PST is an acme arigle^ and HLR is an obtuse angle. If HL were turned to the left until it fell in the dotted line, the angle HLR would increase, and when HL fell in the dotted line, the angle would become what is called a straight angle. 24 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 40. The Sum of Two Angles is the angle included between their non-coincident sides, when the two angles are so placed as to be adjacent angles, and their sides lie in the same plane. Fig. 14. Illustration. — Let and M be any two angles. Make EPB = M, and APE = 0, thus placing the two angles and M so that they become adjacent angles (34). Then is APB the sum of and M, and we write, + M = APB, or APE + EPB = APB. That is, the sum of the angles and M, or APE and EPB, is APB. 41. The Difference between Two Angles is the angle included by their non-coincident sides, when the angles are so placed as to have a common vertex and side, the second side of the less angle lying between the sides of the greater. Fig. 15. Illustration.— To find the difierence between the two angles and S, we place the vertices and S at a common point, as at P, making APB = RST, and APC = DOE. Then is CPB the difiference between RST and DOE ; that is, RST - DOE = CPB. So also APB - APC = CPB, and APB - CPB = APC. THE GEOMETRICAL CONCEPTS. 25 42. Corollary !.—(r ac = 17; CD = Co + aD = AB + aD : = 27. Hence the lines AB and CD are to each other as the numbers 17 and 27 ; AB is ^ of CD ; or, expressed in the form of a proportion, AB _17* CD ~ 27 • ' [Note. — This process will be seen to be the same as that developed in Arithmetic and Algebra for finding the greatest or highest Common Measure of two numbers. See Practical Arithmetic, p. 362, and Complete Algebra, (137).] * This method will not always obtain the exact ratio, both because of the imperfection of the measurement, and because some lines are incommen- Burable by any finite unit, as will appear hereafter. 38 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Fig. 26. Ex. 1. Find, as above, the approximate ratio of AB to CD. Ratio, — . Ex. 2. Find, as above, the approximate ratio of CD and IK. Ratio, -• D Ex. 3. Find, as above, the approximate ratio of EF to GH. Ratio, jr« Ex. 4. Find, as above, the approximate ratio of EF to CD. Ratio, ~ CONTINUOUS VARIATION. 85. A magnitude is said to vary continuously when in passing from one value to another it passes through all interme- diate values. Illustbation. — Let the line EF, Fig. 26, be produced by placing a pencil at F and tracing the line to the right, until it becomes equal to IK. EF has thus been made to be successively of all intermediate lengths be- tween its present length and the length of IK ; i. e., it has varied continu- ously. In like manner, an angle may be conceived to vary continuously from one magnitude to another. Thus, in Fig. 27, the angle CPB may be made greater or less by revolving CP about P. By such a revolution of CP the angle CPB may be conceived to vary, or grow, continuoudy till it becomes CPB. •*• CHAPTER i. • ••••• • • •• • PLANE GEOMETRY. OF PERPENDICULAR STRAIGHT LINES. 86. A Perpendicular to a given line is a line which makes a right angle (36) with the given line. 87. An Obliqvie line is a line which makes an oblique angle with a given line. PROPOSITION I. 88. Theorem. — At any point in a straight line, one perpendicular can be erected to the line, and only one, which shall lie on the same side of the line. Demonstration. Let AB represent any line, and P be any point therein. We are to prove that, on the same side of AB, there can be one, and only one, perpendicular erected to AB at P. From P draw any oblique line, as PC, forming with AB the two angles CPB and CPA. Now, while the extremity P, of PC, remains at P, conceive the line PC to re- pjg. 27. volve so as to increase the less of the two angles, as CPB, continuously. Since the sum of CPB and CPA remaillS constant, CPA will diminish continuously. 40 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, Hence, for a certain position of CP, as C'P, these angles will become equal. In this position, the line is perpendicular to AB (36, 86). Therefore, there can be one perpendicular, C'P, erected to AB at P. Again, if the line C'P revolve from the position in which the angles are equal, one angle will increase and the other diminish ; hence there is only one position of the line on this side of AB in which the adjacent angles are equal. Therefore there can be only one perpendicular erected to AB at P, which shall lie on the same side of AB. Q. e. d. 89. Corollary 1. — On the other side of the line a second perpendicular, and only one, can he erected from the same point in the line, 90. Corollary 2. — // one straight line meets another so as to make the angle on one side of it a right angle, the angle on the other side is also a right angle. PROPOSITION II. 91. Theorem. — // two straight lines intersect so as to mahe one of the four angles formed a right angle, the other three are right angles, and the lines are mutually perpendicular to each other. Demonstration". Let CD intersect AB, making CEB a right angle. We are to prove that CEA, A ED, and DEB are also right angles, and that CD is perpendicular to AB, and AB to CD. By (90), since CEB is a right angle, CEA is also a right angle. In like manner, as BE meets CD, making CEB aright angle, BED is a right angle, by (90). Again, since DEB is right, DE meets AB, making one angle right; hence the Other, AED, is right also (90). Q. e. d. ii^^^^^^H Fig. 28. OF PERPENDICULAR STRAIGHT LINES. 41 Finally, since CD meets AB, making AEC a right angle, CD is perpen- dicular to AB (86) ; and, since AB meets CD, making AEC a right angle, AB is perpendicular to CD. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION III. 92. Theorem.— TFT^en. two straight lines intersect at right angles, if the portion of the plane of the lines on one side of either line he conceived to revolve on that line as an axis until it coincides with the portion of the plane on the other side, the parts of the second line will coincide,* Demonstration. Let the two lines AB and CD intersect at right angles at E ; and let the portion of the plane of the lines on the side of CD on which B lies be conceived to revolve on the line CD as an axis, until It falls In the portion of the plane on the other side of CD.f We are to prove that EB will fall in and coincide with EA. The point E being in CD, does not change position in the revolution; and, as EB remains perpendicular to CD, it must coincide with EA after the revolu- tion, or there would be two perpendicu- lars to CD on the same side and from the same point, E, which is impossible (88). Hence, EB coincides with EA. Q. e. d. Fig. 29. •i^^^^^^H PROPOSITION IV. 93. Theorem,— i^oTw. any point without a straight line, one perpendicular can be let fall upon that line, and only one. * This has nothing to do with the lengths of EB and EA ; indeed, lines are generally supposed indefinite in length, unless limited by the data. f This revolution may be illustrated by conceiving the paper folded in the line CD until EB is brought into EA. 42 ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPHY, ?' P \ \ \ \ — ) P' A D /D"B A' D' B' 1 / / / jP Demoi^stration. Let AB be any line and P any point without the line. We are to prove that one per- pendicular, and only one, can be let fall from P upon AB. Let A'B' be an auxiliary line; and at any point in it, as D', let a perpendicular P'D' be erected (88). Now place A'B', bearing P'D' with it, in AB, and move it to the right or left till P'D' passes through P, and when in this position let D be the point in AB in which ^''^- 3°- D' falls. Connect P and D. Then, since angle PDB coincides with the right angle P'D'B', PDB is a right angle, and PD is a perpendicular from P to the line AB (86)- Q- e. d. We are now to prove that PD is the only perpendicular from P to the line AB. Suppose that there can be another, and let it be PD". Produce PD to P'", and take DP"=DP, and draw P"D". Now let the portion of the plane above AB be revolved upon AB as an axis until it falls in the plane on the opposite side of AB from its first position. Then will DP' fall in DP'" (92), and since DP" is by construc- tion equal to DP, P will fall in P". Then, since PDB is a right angle BDP" is also a right angle, and PP" is a straight line (42, a)- For a like reason PD" P" is a straight line, and we have two straight lines from P to P", which is impossible. Hence there can be but one perpendicular, as PD, from P upon AB. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION V. 94. Theorem.^From a point laithout a straight line, the -perpendicular is the shortest distance to the line. Demonstration. Let AB be any straight line, P any point without it, PD a perpen- dicular, and PC any oblique line. We are to prove th^t Pp is shorter than any oblique line, as PC. OF PERPENDICULAR STRAIGHT LINES. 43 Ist. Since the shortest distance from P to any point in the line AB is a straight line (69), we are to examine only straight lines. 2d. Produce PD, making DP' = PD, and draw P'C. Now let the portion ofthe plane of the lines above AB be revohed upon AB as an axis until it coincides with the portion below AB. Since PP' and AB intersect at right angles, PD will fall in DP' (92); and, since PD = DP', P will fall in P', and PC = P'C, since they coincide when applied. Finally, PP' being a straight line, is shorter than PCP' which is a broken line, since a straight line is the shortest distance between two points (59). Now PD, the half of PP', is less than PC, the half of the broken line PCP . Therefore, the perpendicular, PD, is the shortest distance from R to the line AB. q. e. d. 95. The Distance between two points is the straight line which joins them, and the Distance from a point to a line is the perpendicular from the point to the line. S^^IH^^E Fig. 31. PROPOSITION VI. 96. Theorem. — // a perpendicular is erected at the middle point of a straight line, 1st. Any point in the perpendicular is equally distant from the extremities of the line. 2d. Any point without the perpendicular is nearer the extremity ofthe line on its own side of the perpendicular. Demonstration^. Let PD be a perpendicular to AB at its middle point, D, any point in this perpendicular, and 0' any point without the perpendicular. Draw OA, OB, O'A, and O'B. We are to prove, 1st, that OA = OB; and 2d, that O'B < O'A. Ist. Revolve ODB on PD as an axis, Fig. 32. 44 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, till B falls in the plane on the opposite side of PD. Then, since PD is perpendicular to AB, DB will fall in DA (92)- And since DB = DA by hypothesis, B will fall in A, and OB will coincide with OA (61). Hence OA = OB. q. e. d. 2d. 0' being on the opposite side of PD from A, 0' A will cut PD at some point, as 0. Draw CB. ^''^- ^^■ Now, since C is a point in the perpendicular, CA = CB by the for- mer part of the demonstration. And, since O'B is a straight line and O'C 4- CB is a broken line, OB < O'C + CB (59). Whence, substituting CA for its equal CB, we have OB < O'C + CA, or O'B < O'A. Q. E. D. 97. Corollary. — Conversely, The locus of a point equi- distant from the extremities of a given line is a perpen- dicular to that line at its middle point, since any point in such perpendicular is equidistant from the extremities of the line, and any point not in the perpendicular is unequally distant from the extremities. PROPOSITION VII. 98. Theorem. — // each of two points in one line is equally distant from the extremities of another line, the former line is perpendicular to the latter at its middle point. Demonstration. Every point equally distant from the extremities of a straight line lies in a perpendicular to that line at its middle point, by (97)- But two points determine the position of a straight line. Hence, two points, each equally distant from the extremities of a straight line, determine the position of the perpendicular at the middle point of the line. Q. e. d. OF PERPENDICULAR STRAIGHT LINES. 45 PROPOSITION VIII. 99. Problem. — To erect a perpendicular to a given line at a given point in the line. SOL[JTION. Let XY be the given line, and A the given point. We are to erect a perpendicu- lar to XY, at A. From A lay off on each side equal distances, as AC = AB. From C and B as centres, with a radius sufficiently great to cause the arcs to intersect at some point without XY, describe arcs intersecting at 0. Pass a line through and A, and it will be the perpendicular sought. Fig. 33. Demoxstkatiok of Solution. Since OA has two points, and A, each equally distant from B and C, OA is a perpendicular to BC at A, its middle point (98)* But BC coincides with XY ; hence OA is perpendicular to XY at A. 100. Definition. — To Bisect anything is to divide it into two equal parts. PROPOSITION IX. 101. Problem. — To bisect a given line. Solution. Let AB be the given line. We are to bisect it, that is, to divide it into two equal parts. From the extremities A and B as cen- tres, with any radius sufficiently great to cause the arcs to intersect without the line AB, describe arcs intersecting in two points, as m and n. i^^^^^if^^^^: Fig. 34. 46 J^LEMBNTARt GEOMETRY. Pass a line through m and n, intersect- ing AB at 0. Then is the middle point of AB, and AO = OB. Demonstration of Solution. Since the line mn has two points, m and n, eacli equally distant from A and B, it is perpendicular to AB at its middle point (98) Fig. 34. PROPOSITION X. 102. Problem. — From a point without a given line, to let fall a perpendicular upon the line. Solution. Let XY be the given line, and the point without the line. We are to let fall a perpendicular from to XY. From as a centre, with a radius sufficiently great to cause the arcs to in- tersect, descrilje an arc cutting XY in two points, as B and C. From B and C as centres, with a ra- dius sufficiently great to cause the arcs to intersect without XY, describe arcs in- tersecting at some point, as D. Fig. 35. Pass a line through and D, meeting XY in A. Then is OA the perpendicular sought. Demonstration of Solution. OA being produced through D has two points, and D, each equally distant from B and C, and hence is perpendicular to BC, which coincides with XY. Hence, OA passes through and is perpendicular to XY. OF PERPENDICULAR STRAIGHT LlJSES, 47 QU E R I ES. 103. 1. In the solution of Proposition IX, is it necessary that the arcs which intersect at n should be struck with the same radius as those which intersect at ?w ? Is it necessary that the two intersections be on different sides of AB ? 2. In the solution of Proposition X, is it necessary that the intersection D should fall on the opposite side of XY from ? Why is it necessary to take the radius with which these arcs are struck greater than half of BC ? EXERCISES. 104. 1. A mason wishes to build a wall from (Fig. 36), in the wall AB, '* straight across" (perpendicular) to the wall CD, which is 8 feet from AB. He has only his 10-foot pole, which is subdi- vided into feet and inches, with which to find the point in the opposite wall at which the cross wall must join. How shall he find it? What principle is involved? Fig. 36. Fig. 37. 2. Wishing to erect a line perpendicular to AB (Fig. 37) at its centre, I take a cord or chain somewhat longer than AB, and fastening its ends at A and B, take hold of the middle of the cord or chain and carry it as far from AB as I can, first on one side and then on the other, sticking pins at the most remote points, as at P and P'. These points determine the perpendicular sought. What is the principle involved ? 48 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, 3. Bisect a line by making marks on only one side of it. 4. With a measuring-tape as an instrument, how would you erect on the shore a perpendicular to the straight bank of a lake, at a given point in the bank ? -♦-•-♦- 0]&Ct!iaH 11 OF OBLIQUE STRAIGHT LINES. 105. The Supplement of an angle is the angle which remains after it has been taken from a straight angle, or two right angles. 106. Supplemental Angles are, therefore, two angles whose sum is a straight angle, or two right angles (42, h). 107. Vertical, or Opposite Angles are the non-adja- cent angles formed by the intersection of two straight lines. PROPOSITION I. 108. Theorem.— Vertical, or opposite angles are equal. Demokstration. Let AB and CE intersect at D. We are to prove that ADC = BDE, and CDB =ADE. ADC + CDB = a straight angle (42, ft); and for the same reason CDB + BDE = a straight angle. Hence, ADC + CDB = CDB + BDE ; and subtracting CDB from each member, we have ADC = BDE. In like manner, CDB + BDE — BDE + ADE ; whence, CDB = ADE. q. E. D. Fig. 38. OF OBLIQUE STRAIGHT LINES. 40 PROPOSITION II. 109. Theorem. — // two supplemental angles are so placed as to he adjacent to each other, the two sides not common fall in the same straight line. Demonstration. Let AOB and B'O'E' be two supplemental angles, and let B'O'E' be placed so as to be adjacent to AOB, e. e.^ as BOE. We are to prove that AE is a straight line. Before considering B'O'E' as placed adja- cent to AOB, produce AO to E, forming AE. By (42, ft), AOB + BOE = a straight angle, i. e., two right angles, whence BOE is the supplement of AOB. Now, as by hypothesis B'O'E' is the supplement of AOB, B'O'E' = BOE. Place B'O'E' a^acent to AOB, 0' in 0, and O'B' in OB. Then will O'E' fall m OE. Therefore the two sides not common, i. e., AO and O'E', fall in the same straight line AE- Q. e. d. Fig. 39. PROPOSITION III. 110. Theorem. — // from, a point without a line a perpendicular is drawn to the line, and oblique lines are drawn from, the same point, meeting the line at equal distances from, the foot of the perpendicular, 1st. Tlie oblique lines are equal to each other. 2d. The angles which the oblique lines form ivith the perpendicular are equal to each other. 3d. The angles formed by the oblique lines with the first line are equal to each other. Demonstration. Let AB (Fig. 40) be any line, P any point without it, PD a perpendicular, and PC and PE oblique lines meeting AB at and E, so that CD = DE. 50 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. We are to prove, 1st, that PC = PE ; 2d, that CPD = DPE ; and 3d, that PCD = PED. Revolve PDE on PD as an axis, until E falls in the plane on the other side of PD. Now, since AB is perpendicular to PD, DB will fall in DA (92). And since DE = DC by hypothesis, E will fall in C. Hence the two figures PDE and PDC coincide, and we have, 1st, PC = PE ; 2d, CPD = DPE ; and 3d, PCD = PED. Q. E. D. Fig. 40 Query.- (96) y -How would the equality of PC and PE follo\y from PROPOSITION IV. 111. Theorem. — // from a point i^vithout a line a perpendicular is draian to the line, and from the same point two oblique lines are drawn, making equal angles with the perpendicular and, meeting the first line, 1st. The oblique lines are equal to each other. 2d. The oblique lines cut off equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular. 3d. The oblique lines make equal angles with the first line.* Demonstratioit. Let AB be a straight line, P any point without it, and PD a perpen- dicular to AB ; and let PE and PC be drawn, making CPD = EPD. We are to prove, 1st, that PC = PE ; 2d, that DE = DC; and 3d, that PED = PCD. Revolve PDE upon PD as an axis, until E falls in the plane on the opposite side of PD. Then, since EPD = CPD by hypoth- esis, PE will fall in PF, and the point E will be found somewhere in PF. c. -, Fig. 41. * This proposition is the converse of tlie last. The significance of this statement will be more fully developed farther on (128). OF OBLIQUE STRAIGHT LINES, 51 Again, DE will fall in DA (92), and E will fall somewhere in DA. Now as E falls at the same time in DA and PF, it must fall at their intersection C, and the figures PDE and PDC must coincide ; whence we have, 1st, PC = PE ; 2d, DE = DC ; and 3d, PCD = PED. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION V. 112. Theorem. — // from a point without a line a perpendicular is drawn to the line, and from the sam^e point two oblique lines are drawn making equal angles with the first line, 1st. The oblique lines cut off equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, 2d. The oblique lines are equal to each other. 3d. The oblique lines make equal angles with the per- pendicular. Demonstration. Let P be any point without the line AB, and PD a perpendicular from P upon AB, and let PE and PC be drawn making the angle DEP = angle DCP. We are to prove, 1st, that DE = DC ; 2d, that PE = PC ; and 3d, that angle DPE = angle DPC. Conceive a perpendicular erected at the middle point of CE, and let it intersect CP, or CP produced, in some point as X. Conceive X joined with E. By (110, 3d.) XED = XCD, {i. c, PCD). Fig. 42. But by hypothesis PED = PCD. Hence, XE falls in PE, and PD is the perpendicular to CE at its middle point. Therefore, DE = DC; and by (HO) PE = PC, and DPE = DPC. Q. E. D. 52 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION VI. 113. Theorem. — If from a point without a line a per- pendicular is let fall on the line, and from the same point two oblique lines are drawn, the oblique line which cuts off the greater distance from the foot of the perpendicular is the greater. Demonstration. Let AB be any straight line, P any point without it, and PC and PF two oblique lines of which PF cuts off the greater distance from the foot of the perpendicular PD; that is, DF > DC. We are to prove that PF > PC. If the two oblique lines do not lie on the same side of the perpendicular, as in the case of PF anfl PE, take DC = DE, and on the side in which PF lies, draw PC. Then PC will be equal to PE, by (110, 1st). Hence, if we show the proposition true when both oblique lines lie on the same side of the perpendicular, * it will be true in general. ^'9* *^' Produce PD, making DP' = PD, and draw P'F and P'C, producing the latter until it meets PF in H. Revolve the figure FPD upon AB as an axis, until it falls in the plane on the opposite side of AB. Since PP' is perpendicular to AB, PD will fall in P'D; and, since PD = P'D, P will fall at P'. Then P'C = PC and P'F = PF. Now the broken line PCP' < than the broken line PHP', since the straight line PC < the broken line PHC. For a like reason, the broken line PHP' < PFP', since HP' < HFP'. Hence PCP' < PFP', and PC (the half of PCP') < PF (the half of PFP'). Q. E. D. 114. Corollary. — From a given point without a line, there can he two, and only two, equal oblique lines draivn to the line, and these will lie on opposite sides of the per- pendicular drawn from the given point to the given line. liH^^B! DF OBLiqUE STRAIGHT LINES. PROPOSITION VII. 116. Theorem.: — // two equal oblique lines are drawn from the same point in a perpendicular to a given line, they cut off equal distances on that line from, the foot of the perpendicular. Let PD be perpendicular to AB, and PE = PC. We are to prove that DE = DC. If DE were greater than DC, PE would be greater than PC, and if DE were less than DC, PE would be less than PC (113) ; but both of these conclusions are contrary to the hypothesis PE = PC. Hence, as DE can neither be greater nor equal to DC. Q. e. d. Fig. 44. than DC it must l^e EXERCISES. 116. 1. Having an angle given, how can you construct its supplement ? Draw on the blackboard any angle, and then con- struct its supplement. What is the supplement of a right angle ? Fig. 45. 2. The several angles in Fig. 45 are such parts of a right angle as are indicated by the fractions placed in them. If these anghfs are added together by bringing the vertices together and causing the adjacent sides of the angles to coincide, how will the two sides not common lie ? Why ? 54 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 3. If two times A, B (Fig. 45), two times D, three times E, three times C, three times G, and two times F, are added in order, how will AM and GN lie with reference to each other ? Why ? Ans, They will coincide. 4. If you place the vertices of any two equal angles together so that two of the sides shall extend in opposite directions and form one and the same straight line, the other two sides lying on opposite sides thereof, how will the latter sides lie? By what principle ? 5. If two lines intersect, show that tlie line which hisects one of the angles will, if produced, bisect the opposite angle. 6. If one line meet another, show that the two lines bisecting these supplemental angles are perpendicular to each other. 7. If two lines intersect, show that two lines bisecting the two pairs of opposite angles are perpendicular to each other. PARALLELS. I«» 0irct!0H m. OF PARALLELS. 117. The Direction of a straight line is defined or deter- mined by the plane in which it lies and the angle which it makes with some fixed line, this angle being generated (48) from the fixed line around in the same direction,* in the same argument. 118. The assumed fixed line is called the Direction Line, and the angle which the line makes with the direction hne is called the Direction Angle. Illustration. — Thus the directions of the several lines AB, CD, and EF may be defined by referring them to some as- sumed fixed line, as XY. The direction of AB is defined by say- ing that its direction angle is YOA, or its equal XOB, this angle l)cing conceived as generated /r^'7/i the direction line, as indi- cated by the arrows. So also the direction of CD is defined by the angle YMC, or its equal XMD; and the direction of EF is in like manner de- fined by YNE, or XNF. Fig. 46. 119. Witli reference to its generation, the same line may be conceived as having either of two opposite directions, or various parts of it may be conceived as having opposite direc- tions. Illustration.— Thus, the line AB (Fig. 47) may be considered as generated by a point moving from A to B, whence its direction would * Revolution around a fixed point is often designated as from left to right, or from right to left. To comprehend these terms, one may conceive himself in the centre of motion, and facing the moving point. Thus all the motions represented by arrows in Fig. 46 will be seen to he from right to left. 56 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. be from A towards B ; or, it may be considered as generated by a point moving from B to A, whence its direction would be from B towards A. In like manner, part of the line, as PB, may be considered as having the direction from P towards B, while the other part is conceived as having the opposite direction, i. e., from P towards A. Fig. 47. 120. Lines have the Same Direction when they lie in the same plane and make equal direction angles with the same line. Any line may be assumed at pleasure as the direction line, provided that in comparing the directions of different Hnes they all be referred to the same direction line. 121. Parallel Lines are lines which have the same or opposite directions. .122. A Transversal is a line cutting a system of lines. 123. When two lines are cut by a transversal, the angles formed are named as follows : Exterior Angles are those without the two lines, as 1, 2, 7, and 8. Interior Angles are those within the two lines, as 3, 4, 5, and 6. Alternate Exterior Angles are those without the two lines and on differ- ent sides of the transversal, but not adja- cent, as 2 and 7, 1 and 8. Fig. 48. Alternate Interior Angles are those within the two lines and on different sides of the transversal, but not adjacent, as 3 and 6, 4 and 5. Corresponding Angles are one without and one within the two lines, and on the same side of the transversal, but not adjacent, as 2 and 6, 4 and 8, 1 and 5, 3 and 7. PARALLELS. 67 PROPOSITION I. 124. Theorem. — Through a given point one line can be drawn parallel to a given line, and but one. Demonstration. Let AB be the given line, and P the given point. We arc to prove that one line can be drawn through P parallel to AB, and but one. Through P draw XY as the direc- tion line, intersecting AB in E. Also through P pass a line C'D', making XPD' greater than XEB. Then revolving CD' about P as a centre, XPD' may be made to dimin- ish continuously, and in some posi- Fig. 49. tion, as CD, XPD will equal XEB. In this position, CD is parallel to AB (120, 121). Hence there can be one line drawn through P parallel to AB. q. e. d. Again, there can be but one; since, if CD be revolved in either direc- tion about P, the angle XPD will become unequal to XEB, and hence the line CD will not be parallel to AB. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION II. 125. Theorem. — // a transversal cuts two parallels, 1st. Any two corresponding angles are equal. 2d. Any two alternate interior, or any two alternate exterior angles are equal. 3d. The sum of any two interior angles on the same side of the transversal, or the sum of any two exterior angles on the same side, is two right angles, or a straight angle. Demonstration. Let AB and CD (Fig. 50) beany two parallels, and EF any transversal. 58 ELEMENT A RT GEO METR F. We are to prove, Ist. Of the cor- responding angles, b = d^ a = e, e = g^ and / = h. 2d. Of the alternate interior an- gles, b =^f, and c = g; of the alter- nate exterior angles, d = h, and a = e. 3d. Of the interior angles on the same side of the transversal, & + c = 2 right angles, and g -\- f = 2 right angles ; of the exterior angles on the same side, a + d = 2 right angles, and Fig. 50. e + h = 2 right angle Let EF be taken as the direction line, the direction angles being esti- mated from right to left (120, 121, and foot-note, p. 55). Then, 1st. Of the corresponding angles, b = d, these being the direction angles, and AB and CD being parallel. a = c, since they are supplements of the equal angles, b and d ; and e = g, for the same reason. Also, f = h^ since they are opposite angles to the equal angles, b and d. 2d. Of the alternate interior angles, ft =/, since f — d (108) \ c — g^ since they are supplements of b and d. Of the alternate exterior angles, d = h^ since h = b (108); and « = a, since they are supplements of b and d. 3d. Of the interior angles on the same side, « b + c = 2 right angles (or a straight angle), since d -\- c = 2 right angles (or a straight angle), (42, *), and b = d; and 1 since g + f z=z 2 right angles, g -{. b = a straight angle, and b =f. Of the exterior angles on the same side, a + d = 2 right angles, since a + b = b, straight angle, and b = d; also since e -\- h = 2 right an^ g -\- h = & straight angle, and e = g. Q. e. d. PARALLELS, 69 PROPOSITION III. 126. Theorem. — Conversely to Proposition II, When two lines are cut by a transversal, the two lines are par- allel, |- 1st. // any two corresponding angles are equal, 2d. // a?nj two alternate interior, or any two alternate exterior angles are equal. 3d. //' the sum of any two interior angles on the same side, or the sum of any two exterior angles on the same side is two right angles. Demonstration. Let AB and CD be two lines cut by the transversal EF, making any pair of corresponding angles equal, as 6 = f/, a = r, y = e, h = /'; or any two alternate interior angles, or any two alternate exterior angles equal, as ft = /, f/ — c, (i = e, or h = d; or the sum of any two interior angles on the same side, or of any two exterior angles on the same side, equal to 2 right angles, 3S h + c, y + f, a ^ d, h + e, equal to 2 right angles. Wc are to prove that AB and CD are parallel. Let EF be the direction line, and b and d the direction angles. If, then, these are granted or proved equal, the lines are parallel (121)- Now, 1st. Of the corresponding an- 1 gles, if h = d, AB and CD are parallel by definition; but, if a = c, h = d, since & and d arc supplements of a and c; or, if ^ = e, b = d, since b and d " " Fig. 51. are supplements of g and = d, since Pig, 5,^ g + f +i + c = A right angles ; hence, ft + c = 2 right angles, and as e the middle point between E and F, and PO a perpendicular at this point. Revolve the portion of the figure on the right of PO, upon PO as an axis, f 'q- 54. until it falls upon the plane of the paper at the left. Then, since FPO and EPO are right angles, PD will fall in PC ; and, as PF = PE, F will fall on E. As F and E are right angles, FH will take the direction EG, and H will lie in EG or EG produced. Also, as POH and POG are right angles, OB will fall in OA, and H, falling at the same time in EG and OA, is at their intersection G. Hence, FH coincides with and is equ.il to EG. Q. e. d. Hence, also, CD cannot meet AB, since the distance from any point in CD to AB is EG. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION VII. 137. Theorem. —Conversely to Profwsition VI., // two points in one straight line are equally distant from a second straight line, and on the same side of it, the lines are parallel to each other. Demonstration. Let AB and CD (Fig. 55) be two lines having the points P and S in CD equally distant from AB, and on the same side of it. We are to prove that CD and AB are parallel. 64 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. From P and S draw PE and SF perpendicular to AB. Then is PE = SF, by hypothesis. Through 0, the middle point of PE, draw GH parallel to AB. Since PE is parallel to SF, GH cuts SF in some point as I (130)- By (136), OE = IF ; and since SF = PE and OE is |PE, IF is ^SF, that is, IF = IS. *''S- 55. Now, as PE and SF are perpendicu-ar to GH (133), if we revolye the figure OAEFBI on GH, E will fall in P, and F in S (92), and AB will have two points in common with CD, and hence will coincide with it. Hence, DPO = BEO, and as the latter is a right angle by construc- tion, AB and CD are perpendicular to PE, and hence parallel (127). Q. E. D. PROPOSITION VIII. 138. Theorem.— t/i pair of parallel transversals inter- cept equal portions of two parallels. Demonstratioi^. Let ST and RL be two parallel transversals, cutting the two parallels AB and CD. We are to prove that GE = HF. From E and F let fall the per- pendiculars EM and FK. Then EM = FK (136). Now apply the figure GEM to HFK, placing EM in its equal FK. Since M and K are right angles, MG will fall in KH. With the figures in this position, FH and EG are lines drawn from the same point in the perpendicular to ST and making equal angles with it (125), and are hence equal (112). Q- E. D, Fig. 56. PARALLELS. «6 PROPOSITION IX. 139. Theorem. — Two straight lines which are parallel to a third are parallel to each other. Demonstration. Let AB and CD be each parallel to EF We are to prove that AB and CD are parallel to each other. Draw HI perpendicular to EF; then will it be perpendicular to CD (133)- For a like reason, HI is perpendicular to AB. Hence, CD and AB are both perpendic- ular to HI, and consequently parallel (127)- Q. k. d <» Fig. 57. PROPOSITION X. 140. Theorem. — // to each of two parallels perpendic- ulars are drawn, then are the perpendiculars parallel. Demonstration. Let A and B be parallel lines, P be perpendicular to A, and Q to B. We are to prove that P and Q are par- allel to each other. Q, which is perpendicular to B, one of the two parallels, is perpendicular to A, the other parallel, also (133). Hence, P and Q are both perpendicu- lar to A, and hence are parallel (127)- Q. e. d.| Fig. 58. 66 ELEMENT A R Y GEOMETR T. PROPOSITION XI. 141. Theorem. — // to each of two non-parallel lines a perpendiGwlar is drawn, the perpendiculars are non- parallel. Demonstration. Let A and B be non-parallel, and P a perpendicular to A, and Q to B. We are to prove that P and Q are non-parallel. If P and Q were parallel, then, by the preceding proposition, A and B would be parallel, which is contrary to the hy- pothesis. Hence, P and Q are non-par- allel. subtends the less arc. straight lines and circumferences, 73 Demonstration. In the same circle, or in equal circles, let arc AmB < arc CtiD Fig. 67. We are to prove, first, that chord AB < chord CD. Draw OA, OB, OD, and OC Apply the figure CnDO to AmBO, placing OC in its equal OA, and the arc n in the arc m. Since arc CnD > arc AwB, D will fall beyond B, as at D'. Draw OD'. AD' will evidently cut OB. Let N be the point of intersection. Now AB < AN + NB (59), and BO = D'O < ND' + ON (59). Adding, AB + BO < AN + ND' + ON + NB, or AB + BO < AD' + BO. Subtracting BO from each member, we have AB < AD'. Q. E. D. Conversely, if chord AB < chord CD. We are to prove that arc AmB is less than arc CnD. For, if arc AwiB = arc C/iD, chord AB = chord CD (151). And, if arc AwB > arc C/iD, chord AB > chord CD, by the former part of this demonstration. But both of these conclusions are contrary to the hy- pothesis. Hence, as arc AmB can neither be equal to nor greater than arc CwD, it must be less. q. e. d. 74 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION IX. 163. Theorem. — In the same circle, or' in equal civ- cles, of two unequal chords, the less is at the greater dis- tance from the centre; and, conversely, of two chords which are unequally distant from the centre, that which is at the greater distance is the less. Demonstration. In the same circle, or In equal circles, let chord CE < chord AB, and OD and OD' their respective distances from the centre. Fig 68. We are to prove, first, that OD > OD'. From A, one extremity of the greater chord, lay oflF towards B, AE' = CE. Since AE' < AB, arc AE' < arc AB (152), and E' falls somewhere on the arc AB between A and B. Draw OD" perpendicular to AE', and OD" = OD, since the equal chords are equally distant from the centre (160). Now OD" is a different line from OD', since OD" produced would bisect arc AE', and OD' would bisect arc AB. Hence, as OD' is perpen- dicular to AB, OD" must be oblique (93). Again, OD" cuts the line AB in some point as H, since the chord AE' lies on the opposite side of AB from the centre 0. Hence, OH > OD' (94), and much more is OH + HD" (= OD") > OD'. Q. E. D. Conversely, let OD > OD'. We are to prove that CE < AB. If CE = AB, OD =r OD' (160), and if CE > AB, OD < OD', both of which conclusions are contrary to the hypothesis OD > CD'. Hence, as CE can neither be equal to nor greater than AB, it must be less. q. E. D. STRAIGHT LINES AND CIRCUMFERENCES. 75 PROPOSITION X. 154. Theorem. — A straight line which intersects a circumference in one point intersects it also in a second point, and can intersect it in hut two points. Demonstration. Let LM (Fig. 69) intersect the circumference in A. We are to prove that it intersects in finother point, as B, and in only these two points. Since LM intersects the circumference in A, I it passes within it, and hence has points nearerj the centre than A. OA is, therefore, anf oblique line, and not the perpendicular from upon LM (94). Now two equal oblique lines can be drawn! to a line from a point without (114). Let OBI be the other oblique line equal to OA. But asl OA is a radius, OB = OA must also be a radiu3,[ and B is in the circumference. Q. e. d. '^" Again, LM cannot have another point common with the circumfer- ence, since if it had there could be more than two equal straight lines drawn from to LM, which is impossible. Q. e. d. 155. Corollary. — Any line which is oblique to a radius at its extremity is a secant line, since any such line has points nearer the centre than the extremity of the radius, and hence passes within the circumference. PROPOSITION XI. 156. Theorem. — A straight line which is perpendicu- lar to a radius at its outer extremity is tangent to the circumference ; and, conversely, a tangent to a circumfer- ence is perpendicular to a radius drawn to the point of contact. Demonstration. A line perpendicular to a radius at its extremity touches the circum- ference because the extremity of the radius is in the circumference. 76 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Moreover, it does not intersect the circumference, since, if it did, it would have points nearer the centre than the extremity of the radius ; but these it cannot have, as the perpendicular is the shortest distance from a point to a line. Hence, as a line which is perpendicular to a radius at its ex- tremity touches the circumference but does not intersect it, it is a tan- gent (30). Q. E. D. Conversely, as a tangent to a circumference does not pass within, the point of contact is the nearest point to the centre, and hence is the foot of a perpendicular from the centre, q. e. d. 157. Corollary. — A perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a tangent meets the tangent in the point of tan- gencij (93). PROPOSITION XII. 158. Theorem. — The arcs of a circumference inter- cepted by two parallels are equal. Demonstration. There may be three cases, 1st. When one parallel Is a tangent and the other a secant, as AB and CD ; 2d. When both parallels are secants, as CD and EF; and 3d. When both parallels are tangents, as AB and GH. In the first case we are to prove Ml = MK; in the second, IL = KR; and in the third, MwiN = M;iN. Through draw MN perpendicular to one of the parallels, in any case, and it will be perpendicular to the other also (133); anfl as a perpendicular from the centre upon a tangent meets the tangent at the point of tangency (157), M and N are points of tangency, and MN is a diameter. Now, since the parallels are perpendicular to MN, and the chords IK and LR are bisected by it, if we fold the right-hand portion of the figure on MN as an axis until it falls in the plane on the left of MN, K will fall in I, and R in L. Hence, Ml = MK, IL = KR, and MmN = MwN. Q. e. d. STRAIGHT LINES AND CIRCUMFERENCES. 77 PROPOSITION XIII. 159. Problem. — To bisect a given arc. Solution. Let ACB be the given arc. We are to bisect it ; that is, find its mid- dle point. Draw the chord AB joining the extremi- ties of the arc ; and bisect this chord by the perpendicular 00' (101). Then will 00' bi- sect the arc, as at C. Demonstration of Solution. Fig. 71. 00' being a perpendicular to the chord AB at its middle point, any point in it is equally distant from the extremities. Hence chord BO - chord AC, and arc BC = arc AC (151). Q- e. d. PROPOSITION XIV. 160. Problem, — To find the centre of a circle whose circumference is known, or of any arc of it. Solution. Let ACB be an arc of a circumference. We are to find the centre of the circle. Draw any two chords of the arc, as AC and BC, not parallel, and bisect each by a perpendicular. Then will the in- tersection of these perpendiculars, as 0, be the centre of the circle. ^^^^^ Fig. 72. Demonstration op Solution. OL being perpendicular to the chord AC at its centre, passes through the centre of the circle, since if the centre were out of OL it would be unequally distant from A and C (96). And for a similar reason, CM 78 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. being perpendicular to the chord BC at its centre, passes through the centre of the circle. Hence, as the centre of the circle lies at the same time in LO and MO, it is their intersection 0. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION XV. 161. Problem. — To pass a circumference through three given points not in the same straight line. SOLITTION. Let A, B, and C be the three given points not in the same straight line. Join AB and BC. Bisect AB by the perpendicular IVINj (101), and BC by the perpendicular RS. With 0, the intersection of MN and RS,| as a centre, and any one of the distances 0A,| OB, OC, say OA, as a radius, describe a cir- cumference. Then will this circumference pass] through the three points A, B, and C. Fig. 73. Demonstration of Solution. Since AB and BC are non-parallel by hypothesis, MN and RS are non- parallel (141), and hence meet in some point, as (131). Now as every point in MN is equally distant from the extremities of AB (96), OA = OB. In like manner, every point in RS is equally distant from B and C. Hence, OB = OC. Hence, OA = OB — OC, and a circumference struck from as a centre, with a radius OA, will pass through A, B, and C. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION XVI. 162. Problem. — To draw a tangent to a circle at a given point in its circumference. STRAIGHT LINES AND CIRCUMFERENCES, 79 Solution. Let it be required to draw a tangent to' the circle whose centre is 0, at the point P in its circumference. Draw the radius OP, and produce it to any convenient distance beyond the circle. Through P draw MT perpendicular to OP. Then is MT a tangent to the circle at P. Demonstration of Solution. Fig. 74. MT being a perpendicular to the radius at its extremity, is a tangent to the circle by (166). Q- b. d. EXE RCISES. 163. 1. Draw a circle and divide it into two equal parts. What proposition is involved ? 2. Given a point in a circumference, to find where a semi- circumference reckoned from this point terminates. Wliat proposition is involved ? 3. In a circle whose radius is 11 there are drawn two chords, one at 6 from the centre, and one at 4. Which chord is the greater ? By what proposition ? 4. In a certain circle there are two chords, each 15 inches in length. What are their relative distances from the centre? Quote the principle. 5. There is a circular plat of ground whose diameter is 20 rods. A straight path in passing runs within 7 rods of the cen- tre. What is the position of the path with reference to the plat ? What is the position of a straight path whose nearest point is 10 rods from the centre? One whose nearest point is 11 rods from the centre ? 6. Pass a line through a given point, and parallel to a given line, by the principles contained in (151), (147), (148), and (127). 80 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, OF THE RELATIVE POSITIONS OF CIRCUMFERENCES. AXI OMS. 164. Two circles may occupy any one of five positions with reference to each other : 1st. One circle may be wholly exterior to the other. 2d. One circle may be tangent to the other externally, the circles being exterior to each other. 3d. One circumference may intersect the other. 4th. One circle may be tangent to the other internally. 5th. One circle may be wholly interior to the other. PROPOSITION I. 165. Theorem. — WTien one circle is wholly exterior to another, the distance between their centres is greater than the sum of their radii. Demonstration. Let M and N be two circles whose centres are and 0', and whose radii are OA = It, and O'B = r, respectively; and let N be wholly exterior to M, We are to prove that 00' > R + r. Draw 00', and let it inter- sect circumference M in A, and N in B. RELATIVE POSITIONS OF CIRCUMFERENCES, 81 Since N is wholly exterior to M, OB > OA. Adding BO' to each memlxjr of this inequality, we have OB + BO' > OA + BO', or 00' > B + r, since OB + BO' = 00', OA = i2, and OB = r. q. e. d. PROPOSITION II. 166. Theorem. — When two circles arc tangent to each other externally, 1st The distance between their centres is the sum of their radii. 2d. They have a common rectilinear tangent at their point of tangency. 3d. The point of tangency is in the straight line join- ing their centres. Demonstration. Let M and N be two circles tangent to each other externally; let and 0' be their respective centres, B and r their radii, D the point of tangency, and TR a tangent to M at D. prove, 1st. That 2d. That TR is 3d. That D is in We are to 00' = B + r; tangent to N ; 00'. 1st. Draw the radii OD = R, and O'D = r. If we show that OD + O'D = R + r is the shortest path from to 0', we show that it is a straight line (59), and hence is the distance from to 0' (95). Consider any other path from to 0', crossing circumference N in some other point than D, say in P. Now the shortest path from to P is the straight line OP (59) ; and the shortest path from P to 0' is the straight line PO'. Hence the shortest path from to 0' passing through P is OP -f PO'. Fig. 76. 82 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. But OP > i? (?)-*^, and PO' = r, whence OP + PO' > 5 + r. Hence, as P is the point where any other path from to 0' crosses circumference N, OD + D'O = R + r is the distance from to 0'. Q. E. D. 2d. As TR is tangent to M at D, by hypothesis, and as ODO' has been shown to be a straight line, TR is perpendicular to DO' (?) and hence tangent to N (156). Q- e. d. 3d. As D is the point of tangency, and ODO is 00', D is in 00'. Q. E. D. Fig. 76. PROPOSITION III. 167. Theorem.— Tw/o circumferences which intersect in one point intersect also in a second point, and hence have a cormnon chord. DEMOi;rSTRATIOIT. Let M and N be two circumferences intersecting in P. Fig. 77. We are to prove that they intersect in another point, as P', and hence have a common chord PP'. As M intersects N, it has points both without and within N. Now consider the circumference M as generated by a point moving from left to right, and let Y be a point within N. The generating point, * Hereafter, minor references to principles on which a statement de- pends will be omitted, and the interrogation mark substituted. This indi- cates that the student is to give the principle. In this case. P is without M since by hypothesis N is external to M. RELATIVE POSITIONS OF CIRCUMFERENCES. 83 in passing from Y, a point within N, to X, any point in the circumference M without N, must cross circumference N at some point, as P', since this is a closed curve. Moreover, this second point, P', is a different point from P, since a circumference of a circle does not cut itself, or become tangent to itself. Hence, if circumference M cuts circumference N in P, it cuts it also in a second point, as P'. (j. e. d. Finally, since P and P' are common to both circumferences, the circles M and N have a common chord PP'. q. e. d. PROPOSITION IV 168. Theorem. — Wken two circumferences intersect, 1st. The line joining their centres is perpendicular to their common chord at its middle point. 2d. The distance between their centres is less than the sum, of their radii and greater than their difference. Demonstration. Let M and N be two circumferences intersecting at P and P' ; let and 0' be their centres, and li and r their radii respectively, li being equal to or greater than r. We are to prove, 1st. That 00' is perpendicular to PP' at its middle point ; and 2d. That 00' < R -k- r, and 00' > R-r. Draw OP and O'P. Ist. Since is equally dis- tant from P and P', and 0' is also equally distant from P and P' (?) , 00' is perpendicular to PP' at its middle point (98). Q. E. D. 2d. As P is not in 00', 00' < Again, 00' + OP + PO' (?), or 00' < OP > OP, R -^ r. or 00' + r > R\ whence, subtracting r from each member, 00' > iJ - r. Q. E. D. u ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION V. 169. Theorem. — WTien the less of two circles is tangent to the other internally, 1st. They have a common rectilinear tangent at the point of tangency. 2d. Their centres and the point of tangency lie in the same straight line. 3d. The distance between the cerCtres is equal to the dif- ference of their radii. Demonstration-. Let M and N be two circles whose centres are and 0' respectively, N being less than M and tangent to it internally; let H and r be their radii, and D the point of tangency. We are to prove, 1st. That they have a coramon rectilinear tangent at D ; 3d. That 0, 0', and D are in the same straight line ; and 3d. That 00' = i^ — r. 1st. Draw TR tangent to IVI at D. Draw also O'D, and any other line from 0' to TR, as O'E. Now, since E is without the circle IVI (?), and IVI is without N (?), O'E > O'D, and O'D is perpendicular to TR (94). Hence, TR is tangent to N (156), and is therefore a common tangent, q. e. d. 2d. Since both OD and O'D are perpendicular to TR at D (?), OD and O'D coincide (88), and and 0' lie in the same straight line with D. Q. E. D. 3d. Since 00' and D are in the same straight line, and 0' is between and D, 00' = OD — O'D ; that is, 00' = -B — r, q. e. d. Fig. 79. RELATIVE POSITIONS OF CIRCUMFERENCES. 85 PROPOSITION VI. 170. Theorem. — WTien the less of two circles is wholly interior to the other, the distance between the centres is less than the difference of their radii. Demonstration. Let M and N be two circles whose centres are and 0', and whose radii are R and r respectively, and let N be wholly within M. We are to prove that 00' < 22 — r. Produce 00' till it meets both circumferences on the same side of that 0' is ; and let the inter- sections with N and M respectively be D and E. Then, as 0, 0', D, and E lie in order in the same straight line, OD < OE; J-, and subtracting O'D from each, and noticing that 00 — O'D = 00', that OE = i?, and O'D = r, we have 00' < B—r. Q. E. D. 171. General Scholium. — The converse of each of Props. 1, 11, IV, V, and VI is also true. Thus, if the distance between the centres is greater than the sum of the radii, the circles are wholly exterior the one to the other ; since if they occupied any one of the other four possible positions, the distance between the centres would be equal to the sum of the radii, less than their sum, equal to their diflference, or less than their diflference ; any one of which conclusions vrould be contrary to the hy- pothesis. In like manner, the converse of any one of the five propositions may be proved. This method of proof is called The Reductio ad Absurdum, and consists in showing that any conclusion other than the one stated would lead to an absurdity. ELEME^TAR Y GEOMETR Y, PROPOSITION VII. 172. Theorem. — All the circumferences which can be passed through three points not in the same straight line coincide, and are one and the same. Demonstration. Let A, B, and C be three points not in the same straight line. We are to prove that all tb& circnmferences which can be passed through them coincide, and are one and the same circumference. By (161) a circumftrence can be passed through A, B, and C. Now every point equally distant from A and B lies in FD, a perpendicular to AB at its middle point (?). And, in like manner, every point equally distant from B and C is in HE, a perpendicular to BC at its middle point. But the two straight lines FD and HE can intersect in only one point. Hence all circumferences which can pass through A, B, and C have their centre in 0, and their radius OA, and therefore they constitute one and the same circumference, q. e. d. 173. Cor. 1. — Through any three points not in the sam^e straight line a circumference can he passed, and hut one. 174. Definition. — A circle is said to be determined when the position of its centre and the length of its radius are known. 175. Cor. 2. — Three points not in the same straight line determ^ine a circle. 176. Cor. 3. — Two circumferences can intersect in only two points. For, if they have three points common, they coincide, and form one and the same circumference. RELATIVE POSITIONS OF CIRCUMFERENCES, 87 EXERCISES. 177. 1. The centres of two circles whose radii are 10 and 7, are at 4 from each other. What is the relative position of the circumferences ? What if the distance between the centres is 17 ? What if 20 ? What if 2 ? What if ? What if 3 ? 2. Given two circles and 0' (Fig. 82), to draw two others, one of which shall be tangent to these externally, and to the other of which the two given circles shall be tangent internally. Give all the principles involved in the construction. Give other methods. Fig. 82. Fig. 83. 3. Given two circles whose radii are 6 and 10, and the dis- tance between their centres 20. To draw a third circle whose radius shall be 8, and which shall be tangent to the two given circles. Can a third circle whose radius is 2 be drawn tangent to the two given circles ? How will it be situated ? Can one be drawn tangent to the given circles, whose radius shall be 1? Why? 4. With a given radius, draw a circumference (Fig. 83) which shall pass through a given point and be tangent to a given line. ELEMENTABr GEOMETRY, ^^^tvnn^ yi OF THE MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 178. Two angles are Commensurable when there is a common finite angle which measures each. When they have no such common measure, they are Incommensurable. 179. An Angle at the Centre is an angle included be- tween two radii. 180. An Inscribed Angle is an angle whose vertex is in a circumference, and whose sides are chords of that circumfer- ence. 181. Angles are said to be measured by arcs, according to the principles developed in the following f)ropositions. PROPOSITION I. 182. Theorem. — In the same circle, or in eqnal circles, two angles at the centre are in the same ratio as the arcs intercepted between their sides. Demonstration. There are three cases : CASE I. When the angles are equal. Let angle AOB = angle DOE (Fig. 84) in the same circle or in equal circles. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES, 89 We are to prove that AOB _ arc AB * DOE arc DE Apply tbe angle DOE to the angle AOB, placing the radius OD in its equal OA. By reason of the equality of the angles DOE and AOB, OE will fall in OB, and E in B (?). Hence DE coincides with AB, and arc AB arc DE Fig. 84. = 1. But, by hypothesis, Hence, AOB DOE AOB DOE = 1. arc AB arc DE (66). Q. E. D. CASE II. When tJie angles are commensurable. Let AOB and DOE be two commensurable angles at the centre in the same circle^ or in equal circles. . Fig. 85. * This method of writing a proportion is ado^ited in this book as the more elegant, and as it appears to be coming into exclusive use. The above is the same as AOB : DOE :: arc AB : arc DE and is to be read in the same manner. 90 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, Fig. 85. We are to prove that AOB _ arc AB DOE ~ arc DE * As the angles are commensurable by hyp()thesis, let m be their com- mon measure, and let it be contained 5 times in AOB and 8 times in DOE. 8o that AOB 5 DOE 8* Conceive the angle AOB divided into 5 partial angles, each equal to m, and the angle DOE divided into 8 such partial angles. Now as these partial angles are equal, their intercepted arcs are equal (?), and as AB contains 5 of them, and DE 8, arc AB _ 5 Hence, arc DE AOB DOE arc AB arc DE (?). q. E. D. CASE III. When the angles are incoinmensurahle. Let AOB and DOE (Fig. 86) be two incommensurable angles at the centre, in the same circle, or in equal circles. «r . 1- . AOB arc AB We are to prove that ^^ = ^^^-^ ' If the ratio ^ is not equal to the ratio ^^5^, let it be ^rea<^r ; and let in which DL is less than DE- AOB _ arc AB DOE ~ arcDL' MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 91 Fig. 86. Draw OL, and divide AOB into equal parts, each less than LOE. Apply this measure to DOE, beginning at DO. At least one line of di- vision win fall between OL and OE. Let this be OK. Now AOB and DOK are commensurable ; hence, by Case II, but by hjrpothesis AOB DOK AOB DOE arc AB arc DK * arc AB arc DL* -^. .,. AOB , AOB , arc AB , arcAB Dmdmg DOK ^y DOE' ^"^ ai^DK ^^ ar^DL' ^" ^*^^ DOE DOK arc DL arc DK But this conclusion is absurd, since DOE DOK > 1, and arc DL arcDK < 1. AOB Thus we show that the ratio ^-^ cannot be greater than the ratio — =^p ; and in a similar manner we may show that -r^r^ cannot be less arc DE ^ DOE than arc AB arc^E AOB . DOE Hence, as '^^ is neither greater nor less than ^^^^^ , it is equal to arc AB arc DE arc AB . , AOB arc AB =r^, and we have =r;^=. = ^^f. arc DE ' DOE arc DE Q. E. D. [For other methods of demonstrating this important theorem, see Appendix.] 92 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 188. Out of the truth developed in this proposition grows the method of representing angles by degrees, minutes, and seconds, as given in Trigonometry (Part IV, 3-6)- It will be observed, that in all cases, if arcs be struck with the same radius^ from the vertices of angles as centres, the angles bear the same ratio to each other as the arcs intercepted by their sides. Hence the arc is mid to measure the angle. Though this lan- guage is convenient, it is not quite natural ; for we naturally measure a quantity by another of like kind. Thus, distance (length) we measure by distance., as when we say a line is 10 inches long. The line is length ; and its measure, an inch, is length also. So, likewise, we say the area of a field is 4 acres: the quantity measured is a surface; and the measure, an acre, is a surface also. Yet, notwithstanding the artificiality of the method of measuring angles by arcs, instead of directly by angles, it is not only convenient but universally used ; and the student should know just what is meant by it. 189. A Degree is ^^ part of the circumference of a circle; a Minute is ^^ of a degree, and a Second is ^V of a minute. This is the primary signification of these terms. But as any angle at the centre sus- tains the same ratio to any other angle at the centre as do their subtended arcs, we speak of an angle as an angle of so many degrees, minutes, and seconds. Thus, an angle of 45 degrees (written 45°) means an angle at the centre 45 times as large as one which subtends ^^ of the circumfer- ence, or half as large as one which subtends 90° of the circumference. This idea, as well as the notation °, ', ", for degrees, minutes, and seconds, has already been made familiar in Arithmetic. 190. As the vertex of any angle may be conceived as the centre of a circle, the intercepted arc of whose circumference measures the angle, we speak of all angles in the same manner as of angles at the centre. Thus, a right angle is called an angle of 90°. one-half a right angle is an angle of 45°, a straight angle is an angle of 180°, and the sum of four right angles, being measured by the entire circumference, is an angle of 360°, etc. PROPOSITION II. 191. Theorem. — An inscribed angle is measured by half the arc intercepted between its sides. Demonstration. Let APB be an angle inscribed in a circle whose centre is 0. MEASUREMENT OF ANOLES. J We are to prove that tlie angle APB is measured by one-half the arc AB. There are three cases : 1st. When the centre is in one side ; 2d. When the centre is witliin the angle; and 3d. When it is without. CASE I. When the centre, 0, is in one side, ds PB, Draw the diameter DC parallel to AP. By reason of the parallels AP and CD, arc AC = arc PD (158) ; and, since COB = POD (?), arc CB = arc PD (?). Hence, arc AC = arc CB, and arc CB = i arc AB. ^, „ * Fig. 87. Again, since the parallels AP and DC are cut by the transversal PB, the angles APB and COB are equal (126). But COB is measured by arc CB (?). Hence, APB is measured by arc CB = ^ arc AB. Q. e. d. CASE II. When the centre is within the angle. Draw the diameter PC. Now by Case I, APC is measured by ^ arc AC, and CPB by ^ arc CB. Hence the sum of these angles, or APB, is measured by ^ arc AC -I- ^ arc CB, or ^ arc AB. q. e. d. CASE III. Wlien the centre is withont the angle. Draw the diameter PC. By Case I, APC is measured by ^ arc AC, and BPC by ^ arc BC. Hence, APB, which is APC — BPC, is measured by ^ arc KQ — ^ arc BC or \ arc AB. Q. e. d. Fig. 88. Fig. 89. 94 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, 192. Corollary. — In the same circle or in equal circles, all angles inscribed in the same segment or in equal seg- ments intercept equal arcs, and are consequently equal. If the segment is less than a semicircle, the angles are obtuse; if a semicircle, right; if greater than a semi- circle, acute. Fig. 90. Illustration. — In each separate figure the angles P are equal to each other, for they are each measured by half the same arc. In 0, each angle P is acute, being measured by ^m, which is less than a quarter of a circumference. In 0', each angle P is a right angle, being measured by ^m', which is a quadrant (quarter of a circumference). In 0", each angle P is obtuse, being measured by ^m", which is greater than a quadrant. PROPOSITION III. 193. Theorem.— Any angle formed by two chords in- tersecting in a circle is measured by one-half the sum of the arcs intercepted between its sides and the sides of its vertical, or opposite, angle. Demonstration. Let the chords AB and CD (Fig. 91) intersect in P. We are to prove that angle APD (= angle CPB ?) is measured by ^ (arc AD + arc CB) ; and that angle BPD (= angle CPA ?) is measured by ^ (arc BD + arc CA). MEASUnSMENT OF ANGLES. 95 •I Draw CE parallel to AB. Arc AE = arc CB (?) ; whence, arc ED = arc AD + arc CB. Now the inscribed angle ECD is measured by I arc ED = 1^ (arc AD + arc CB). But ECD = APD (0 ; hence, APD (= CPB) is measured by |^ (arc AD 4- arc CB). q. e. d. Finally, that ARC, or its equal BPD, is measured by | (AC + BD), appears from the f^'Q- ^•• fact that the sum of the four angles about P being equal to four right angles, is measured by a whole circumference (190). But APD + CPB is measured by AD + CB ; whence APC + BPD, or 2APC, is measured by the whole circumference minus (AD + CB); that is, by AC + BD. Hence APC is measured by \ (AC 4- BD). q. e. d. 194. Scholium. — The case of the angle included between two chords passes into that of the inscribed angle in the preceding proposition, by conceiving AB to move parallel to its present position until P arrives at C and BA coincides with CE. The angle APD is all the time measured by half the sum of the intercepted arcs; but, when P has reached C, CB becomes 0, and APD becomes an inscribed angle measured by half its in- tercepted arc. In a similar manner we may pass to the case of an angle at the centre, by supposing P to move toward the centre All the time APD is meas- ured by ^(AD + CB); but, when P reaches the centre, AD = CB, and |(AD + CB) = ^ (2 AD) = AD ; i. e., an angle at the centre is measured by its intercepted arc. PROPOSITION IV. 196. Theorem. — An angle included between two se- cants meeting iidthout the circle is measured by one-half the difference of the intercepted arcs. Demonstration. Let APB (Fig. 92) be an angle included between the secants PA and PB ; and let the intersections with the circumference be C and D. 96 ELEMENTARF GEOMETRY. We are to prove that APB is measured by ^ (arc AB — arc CD). Draw CE parallel to PB. Now arc CD = arc EB (?). Hence, arc AE = arc AB — arc CD. Again, ACE = APB (0- But ACE is measured by | arc AE (?). Hence APB is measured by ^ arc AE = ^ (arc AB — arc CD), q. e. d. 196. Scholium. — This case passes into that of an inscribed angle, by conceiving P to move Fig. 92. toward C, thus diminishing the arc CD. When P reaches C, the angle becomes inscribed ; and as CD is then 0, ^ (AB — CD) = jr AB. Also, by conceiving P to continue to move along PA, CD will reappear on the other side of PA, hence will change its sign,* and |(AE — CD) will become ^ (AE + CD), as it should, since the anglejs then formed by two chords intersecting within the circumference. PROPOSITION V. 197. Theorem. — ^11 equal angles whose sides inter- cept a given line, and wJiose vertices lie on the same side of that line, are inscribed in the same segment of which the intercepted line is the chord. Demonstration. Let APB, APB, AP"B, etc., be any number of equal angles whose sides intercept the given line AB. We are to prove that the vertices P, P', P", etc., all lie in the same arc of which AB is the chord. Through one of the vertices, as P, and A and B describe a circumference. Now the angle APB is measured by \ the arc AwB, and as the other angles are equal to this, they must have the same measure. * In accordance with the law of positive and negative quantities as used in mathematics, whenever a continuously varying quantity is conceived as diminishing till it reaches 0, and then as reappearing by the same law of change, it must change its sign. Fig. 93. MEASUREMENT OF AXGLES. 97 But suppose any one of them, as P', had its vertex within the segment. It would then be an angle included between two chords drawn from A and B, and hence would be measured by ^AmB plus some arc (193). If, on the other hand, the vertex P' was without the segment, the angle would be an angle included between two secants, and would be measured by ^A^nB less some arc (195) Hence, as P' can lie neither without nor within the arc APB, it lies in it. Q. E. D. 198. Corollary. — All right angles whose sides inter- cept a given line are inscribed in a semicircle whose diameter is the given line. PROPOSITION VI. 199. Theorem. — An angle included between a tan- gent and a chord drawn from the point of tangency is measured by one-half the intercepted, arc. Demonstration. Let TPA be an angle included be- tween the tangent TM and the chord PA. We are to prove that TPA is mea- sured by \ arc PnA. Through A draw the chord AD parallel to TM. Then is PAD = TPA (?). Now PAD is measured by \Pmli (?). Whence TPA is measured by ^PmD. But PwD equals PnA (?). Hence TPA is measured by ^PnA. Q. E. D. Fig. 94. Exercise. — Show that APM is measured by \ arc AwP. Also, observe how the case of two secants (195), passes into this. 98 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION VII. 200. Theorem, — J_n angle included between two tan- gents is measured by one-half the difference of the inter- cepted arcs. DEMONSTRATrON. Let APB be an angle included between the two tangents PA and PB, tangent at C and D. We are to prove that APB is measured by ^ (arc CmD — arc CnD). Draw the chord CE parallel to PB. Now arc CnD = arc EwD (?). Whence arc CE = arc CwD — arc OnD, Again, ACE = APB (?). But ACE is measured by \ arc CE = | (arc CwiD — arc CnD). Hence APB is measured by ^ (arc CwD — arc CwD). Q. E. D. 201. Scholium. — The case of two secants (195) becomes this by sup- posing the secants to move parallel to their first position till they botk become tangents. Fig. 95. PROPOSITION VIII 202. Tlieorem. — An angle included between a secant and a tangent is measured by one-half the difference of the intercepted arcs. [Let the student write out the demon- stration in form.] Fig. 96. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 99 PROPOSITION IX. 203. Problem, — From a given point in a given line to draw a line luhich shall mahe with the given line a given angle. SOLUTIOiT. Let A be the given point in the given line AB, and the given angle. We are to draw from A a line which shall make with AB an angle equal to 0. From as a centre, with any convenient radius, de- scribe an arc, as a6, measuring the angle 0. From A as a centre, with the same radius, describe an arc en cutting AB and extend p. ^^ ing on that side of AB on which the angle is to lie. Let this arc intersect AB in c. From c as a centre, with a radius equal to the chord oJ, describe an arc cutting cw, as at d. From A draw a line through L L PROPOSITION XIII 208. Problem. — To bisect a given angle. Solution. Let BOA be the given angle. We are to draw a line dividing BOA into two equal angles. With any convenient radius and as a centre, describe an arc cutting the sides OB and OA at h and a. From a and & as centres, with equal radii, strike arcs cutting in some point, as P. Through and P draw a straight line. Then is the angle BOA bisected by OP, and BOP = POA. Fig. lOf. Demonstration of Solution. OP being perpendicular to the chord of arc ab (?) bisects the arc (147). Hence arc &D = arc aO. But »°gl«BOP=''J^*° Therefore, BOP = POA. of the two acute angles of a right-angled triangle is equal to one right angle ; i. e., they are complements of each other. 219. Corollary 4. — If the angles of a, triangle are equal each to each, any one is one-third of two right an- gles, or two-thirds of one right angle. PROPOSITION II. 220. Theorem.— IT^e sides of a triangle sustain the same general relation to each other as their opposite an- gles; that is, the greatest side is opposite the greatest angle, the second greatest side opposite the second grea^test angle, and the least side opposite the least angle. Demonstration. Let ABC be any triangle having the angle C greater than B. and B greater than A. We are to prove that AB opposite C is the greatest side, AC opposite B the next greatest, and BC opposite A the least. Circumscribe a circle about the triangle (161). If the triangle is acute-angled, the arc meas- uring any angle is less than a quarter of a circum- ference (191). Now the angle C being greater than B, the arc c is greater than arc & (?). Hence, the chord Fig. I09. AB is greater than the chord AC. TRIANGLES. 107 In like manner, the angle B being greater than the angle A, the arc I is greater thaa^ arc a (?). Hence the chord AC is greater than the chord BC. If the triangle has one right angle, as C, Fig. 110, this angle is measured by ^ the semi-circumference AcB, and inscribed in the semi- circumference ACB. Hence the order of magnitude of the arcs is still c>l>a (?), and of the sides AB > AC > BC. Fig. 110. Fig. III. If any angle of the triangle, as C, is obtuse. Fig. Ill, this angle is in- scribed in a segment less than a semicircle (192), whence this arc ACB is less than a semi-circumference, and greater than either a or J, as it is their sum. Hence the chord AB is greater than either AC or BC (?). Thus we have shown that in all cases, the order of magnitude of the angles being C > B > A, the order of magnitude of the sides is AB > AC > BC. Q. E. D. 221. Corollary 1. — Conversely, TJie order of the Tnag- nitudes of the sides being AB > AC > BC, the order of the magnitudes of the angles is C> B > A. [Let the student give the demonstration in form.] 222. Corollary 2. — An equiangu- lar triangle is also equilateral ; and, conversely, an equilateral triangle is equiangular. Thus, if A = B = C, arc a = arc 6 = arc c, p. ,,2 108 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. and, consequently, chord BC = chord AC = chord AB. Conversely, if the chords are equal, the arcs are, and hence the angles subtended by these arcs. 223. Corollary 3. — In an isosceles triangle the angles opposite the equal sides are ecfual ; and, conversely, if two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite are equal, and the triangle is isosceles. Thus, if AB = BC, arc a = arc c ; and hence, angle A, measured by ^ a, = angle C, measured by|c. Conversely, if A = C, arc a = arc c ; and hence chord BC = chord AB. 224. Scholium. — It should be observed that the proposition gives only the general relation between the angles and sides of a triangle. It is not meant that the sides are in the same ratio as their opposite angles: this is not true. Thus, in Fig. 114, angle C is twice as great as angle A ; but side c is not twice as great as side «, although it is greater. Trigonometry dis- covers the exact relation which exists between the sides and angles. PROPOSITION III. 225. Theorem. — // from any point ivithin a triangle lines are drawn to the extremities of any side, the included angle is greater than the angle of the triangle opposite this side. Demonstration. Let ACB be any triangle, any point with- in, and OB and DA lines drawn from this point to the extremities of AB. We are to prove that angle AOB > angle ACB. Fig. 115. TRIANGLES, 109 Circumscribe a circle about the triangle (161), and produce AO and BO till they meet the circumference. Now ACB is measured by ^AnB (191); but AOB is measured by |(AnB + EmD) (193). Hence^ AOB > ACB. Q. e. d. 226. An Exterior Angle of a triangle is an angle formed by any side with its adjacent side produced, as CBD, Fig. 116. PROPOSITION IV. 227. Theorem.— v^/i'i/ exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior non-adjacent angles. Demonstration. Let ABC be a triangle, and CBD be^n ex- terior angle. We are to prove that CBD = A + C. ABC + CBD = a straight angle (?). But ABC + A + C = a straight angle (?). Hence, ABC + CBD = ABC + A + C (?). Hence, subtracting ABC from each member, CBD = A + C. Q. E. D. Fig. 116. 228. Corollary. — Either angle of a triangle not adja- cent to a specified exterior angle, is cqiuil to the differ- ence between this exterior angle and the other non- adjacent angle. Thus, since CBD = A + 0, by transposition, CBD — A = C, and CBD — C = A. 110 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. OF QUADRILATERALS. 229. A Quadrilateral is a plane surface inclosed hj four right lines. 230. There are three Classes of quadrilaterals, viz., Trape- ziums, Trapezoids, and Parallelograms, 231. A Trapezium is a quadrilateral which has no two of its sides parallel to each other. 232. A Trapezoid is a quadrilateral which has but two of its sides parallel to each other. 233. A Parallelogram is a quadrilateral which has its opposite sides parallel. 234. A Rectangle is a parallelogram whose angles are right angles. 235. A Sqviare is an equilateral rectangle. 236. A Rhombus is an equilateral parallelogram whose angles are oblique. 237. A Rhom- boid is an oblique- angled parallelogram two of whose sides are greater than the other two. III. — The figures in the margin are all quad- rilaterals. A is a trape- zium. (Why ?) B is a trapezoid. (Why?) C, D, E, and F are paral- lelograms. (Why?) D and E are rectangles, Fig. 117. Q UADRILA TERALS. Ill although D is the form usually referred to by the term rectangle. So C is the form usually referred to when a parallelogram is spoken of, without saying what kind of a parallelogram. C is also a rhomboid. (Why ?) E is a square. (Why ?) F is a rhombus. (Why?) 238. A Diagonal is a line joining the vertices of two non- consecutive angles of a figure. 239. The Altitude of a parallelogram is a perpendicular between its opposite sides ; of a trapezoid, it is a perpendicular between its parallel sides ; of a triangle, it is the perpendicular from any vertex to the side opposite or to that side produced. 240. The Bases of a parallelogram, or of a trapezoid, are the sides between which the altitude is conceived as taken ; of a triangle, the base is the side to which the altitude is perpendiculai*. PROPOSITION V. 241. Theorem. — ITie sum of the angles of a quadri- lateral is four right angles.* Demonstration. Let ABCD be any quadrilateral. We are to prove that DAB + B + BCD + D = 4 right angles. Draw either diagonal, as AC. The diagonal divides the quadrilateral into two triangles, and the sum of the an- gles of the two triangles is the same as the sum of the angles of the quadrilateral, since BCA + ACD = BCD, and BAC + CAD = DAB. But the sum of the angles of the triangles is four right angles (?). Hence the sum of the angles of the quadrilateral is four rii;ht angles. AC (= DF). We are to prove that the triangles are equal. Apply the triangle ABC to DEF, placing AC in its equal DF, the point A falling at D, and C at F. Since A = D, AB will take the direction DE. Let fall the perpen- dicular FH upon DE, or DE produced. Now, CB being ^ DF, cannot fall between it and the perpendicular, but must fall in FD or beyond both (?). But CB cannot fall in FD, since it is a different line from CA. Again, as CB = FE, and both lie on the same side of FH, they must coincide (114). Hence, the two triangles coincide, and are consequently equal. Q. E. D. PROPOSITION VII. 305. Theorem. — Two triangles which have the three sides of the one equal to the three sides of the other, each to each, are equal. 136 ELEMENTART GEOMETRY. Demon^stration. Fig. 148. l-et ABC and DEF be two triangles, in which AB = DE, AC = DF, and BC = EF. We are to prove that the triangles are equal. Place the triangle ABC in the position (5), with the longest side, AB, in its equal, DE, so that the other equal sides shall be adjacent, as AC adjacent to DF, and BC to EF. Draw FC cutting DE in 0. Now, since AC = DF, and BC = EF, DE is peipendicular to FC at its middle point (?). Hence, revolving ABC upon DE, it will coincide with DEF when brought into the plane of the latter, since OC will fall in OF (?) and is equal to it. Therefore the two triangles coincide, and hence are equal, q. e. d. 306. Corollary. — In two equal triangles, the equal an- gles lie opposite the equal sides. PROPOSITION VIII. 307. Theorem.— //^m;o triangles have two sides of the one respectively equal to two sides of the other, and the included^ angles unequal, the third sides are unequal, and the greater third side belongs to the triangle having the greater included angle. Demonstration. Let ABC and DEF be two triangles having AC = DF, CB = FE, and C > F. We are to prove that AB > DE. EQUALITY OF TRIANGLES. 137 Make the angle ACE = DFE, take CE = FE, and draw AE. Then is the triangle ACE = DFE, and AE = DE. Bisect ECB with CH. Now since angle DFE = ACE < ACB by hypothesis, CE falls be- tween CA and CB, and CH will meet AB in some point, as H. Draw HE. The triangles HCB and HCE have two sides and the included angle of the one, equal to the cor- responding parts of the other, whence HE = HB (?). Now AH + HE > AE Fig. 149. but Therefore, AH + HE = AH + HB = AB. AB > AE, or AB > DE. q. e. d. 308. Corollary. —Conversely, // two sides of one tri- angle are respectively equal to two sides of another, and the third sides are unequal, the angle opposite this third side is the greater in the triangle which has the greater third side. That is, if AC = DF, CB = FE, and AB > DE, angle C > angle F. For, if C = F, the triangles would be equal, and AB = DE (298) ; and, if C were less than F, AB would be less than DE, by the proposition. But both these conclusions are contrary to the hypothesis. Hence, as C cannot be equal to F, or less than F, it must be greater. PROPOSITION IX. 309. Theorem. — Two right-angled triangles which have the hypotenuse and one side of the one equal to the hypotenuse and one side of the other, each to each, are equal. 138 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, Demonstration. In the two triangles ABC and DEF, right-angled at B and E, let AC DF, and BC = EF. We are to prove that the triangles are equal. Place FE in its equal CB, with FD on the same side of CB that AC is. Then, since two equal oblique lines cannot be drawn from C to AB on the same side of CB, FD will coincide with CA, and DE with AB (?) Hence the two triangles are equal, as they coincide throughout when applied (292, 293). Q. e. d. Fig. 150. PROPOSITION X. 310. Theorem. — Two right-angled triangles having any side and one acute angle of the one equal to the corresponding parts of the other are equal. Demonstration. One acute angle in one triangle being equal to one in the other, the other acute angles are equal, since they are complements of the same angles (218). The case then falls under (301). EXERCISES. Exercise 1. Given the sides of a triangle, as 15, 8, and 5, to construct the triangle. Ex. 2. Given two sides of a triangle, a = 20, ^> = 8, and the angle B opposite the side h equal J of a right angle, to construct the triangle. DETERMINATION OF TRIANGLES, 139 Ex. 3. Same as in the preceding example, except h = 12. Same, except that b = 25. Ex. 4. Construct a triangle with angle A = J of a right angle, angle B = ^ of a right angle, and side a opposite angle A, 15. Ex. 5. Construct an isosceles triangle whose vertical angle is 30^. Ex. 6. Construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse is 12 and one of whose acute angles is 60^ Ex. 7. Construct an equilateral triangle, and let fall a per- pendicular from one vertex upon the opposite side. How is this angle divided ? How many degrees measure the angle between the perpendicular and one side ? THE DETERMINATION OF POLYGONS. 311. A triangle, or any polygon, is said to be Determined when a sufficient number of parts are known to enable us to construct the figure, or to find the unknown parts. If two different figures can be constructed, the case is said to be Ambiguous. 312. Since, in such a case, if several polygons were to be con- structed with the same given parts all would be equal, the condi- tions which determine a polygon are, in general, the same as those which insure equality (292). Hence, having shown that certain given parts determine a polygon, we may assert that two polygons having these parts respectively equal are equal, except in the ambiguous cases. PROPOSITION XI. 313. Theorem. — A triangle is determined in the fol- lowing cases : L W7ien two sides and the included angle are known. II. WTien two angles and the included side are known. 140 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, III. When the three sides are known. IV. When two sides and an angle opposite one of them are known, (a.) If the known angle is right or obtuse. (&.) If the known angle is acute and the known side opposite it is equal to the perpendicular upon the unknown side ; or equal to or greater than the other known side. {c.) But, if the known angle is acute and the known side opposite it is intermediate in length between the other known side and the perpendicular upon the unknown side, the case is ambiguous, i. e., there are two triangles possible. Demonstration. The demonstration of this proposition is effected in the solution of the following problems. 314. Problem. — Given two sides and the included angle, to construct a triangle. Solution. Let A and B be the given (or known) sides, and the given angle. We are to construct a triangle having an angle equal to included between sides equal to A and B. Draw any line, as O'D, equal to either of the given sides, as A. Lay off at either extremity of O'D, as at 0', an angle equal to (203), and make O'E equal to B, and draw ED. Then will EO'D be the triangle re- Fig. isi. quired. For, if two triangles (or any number) be constructed with the sftme sides and included angle, they will^all be equal to each other (298). 315. Problem. — Given two angles and the included side, to construct a triangle. DETERMINATTNN OF TRIANGLES. 141 Solution. Let M and N be the two given angles, and A the given side. We are to construct a triangle having a side equal to A and in- cluded between the vertices of two angles equal respectively to M and N. Draw DE equal to A. At one extremity, as D, make angle FDE = M, and at E make FED = N. Then is DEF the triangle re- quired (?). QuKRY. — What is the limit of the sum of the given 316. Problem. angle. Given three sides, to construct a tri- Solution. Let A, B, and C be the three given sides. We are to construct a triangle which shall have its three sides respectively equal to A, B, and C. Draw DE = A. With D as a centre and a radius equal to B, strike an arc intersecting an arc struck from E as a centre, with a radius C. The triangle DEF is the triangle sought (?). Fig. 153. 317, ScHOLiDM.— If any one of the three proposed sides is greater than the sum or less than the difference of the other two, a triangle is impossible (?). 318. Problem. — To construct a triangle, having given two sides and the angle opposite one of them. 142 ELEMENTARr GEOMETBr. Solution. There are three cases. CASE (a). When the given angle is right or obtuse. Let be the angle, and A and B the sides, the angle to be opposite the side A. Construct angle NDM =: (203), and take FD = B. From F as a centre, with A as a radius, strike an arc cutting DM in E, and draw FE. Then is FDE the triangle sought. For it has FD = B, FE = A (since FE is a radius of a circle struck with A as a radius), and angle FDE, opposite FE, equal to 0. If the given angle were right, the construction would be the same. Fig. 154. CASE (h). When the given angle is acute, and, 1st, the side opposite equal to the jterpendicular upon the unknoivn side, and, 2d, when the side opposite is equal to or greater than the other given side, 1st, Let A and B be the given sides and the given angle opposite B. Proceed exactly as in the preceding case, but when the arc is struck from F as a centre with a radius equal to B, instead of intersecting DM it will be tangent to it, since B = FE is the per- pendicular, and a line which is perpen- dicular to a radius at its extremity is tangent to the arc (156). 2d, If the side opposite the given angle is equal to the other given side, the arc struck from F tvith it as a radius will cut DETERMINATION OF QUADRILATERALS. 143 DM at an equal distance tuith FD from the foot of the perpen- dicular (?), and tite trUmgle formed will he isosceles {?), If the side opposite is greater than the other given side, it tu^iU cut MD hut once (?) and there ivUl he hut one triangle. CASE (r). When the given angle is acute, and the given side opposite it is intermediate in length hetween the other given side and the perpendicular to the unknown siile. Let A and B be the given sides and the angle opposite B, B being intermediate in length be- tween A and the perpendicular FH on the unknown side. Proceed as in the two preced- ing cases, but instead of tangency we get two intersections of DM by the arc struck from F with radius B. as E and E', since two equal oblique lines can be drawn from F to DM (114), and B being p;g ,55^ less than FD = A, FE will lie between FD and FH, and FE' beyond FH (113). Thus we have two triangles, DEF and DE'F, each of which fulfills the required conditions. 319. Scholium. — In order that the triangle should be possible, the side opposite the given angle must be equal to or greater than the per- pendicular upon the unknown side. OF QUADRILATERALS. The subject of the conditions which determine a quadrilateral or other polygon is quite an important and practical subject, especially in surveying, and we treat the problem of the equality of polygons of more than three sides in this way. (See 312.) 144 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION XII. 320. Theorem. — J_ quadrilateral is determined when there are given in their order : I. The four sides and either diagonal, II. The four sides and one angle. III. 1st. Three sides and two included angles. 2d. When the two angles are not both included between the known sides, the case may be ambiguous. IV. Three angles and two sides, the unknown sides being non-parallel. Demonstration. CASE I. Let a, hf c, d (Fig. 157), be the sides in order, and e the diagonal joining the vertex of the angle between a and d with the vertex between b and c. With LO = a, OM = J, MN = e, NL = d^ and LM = e, construct, by (316), the triangles LOM and MNL, on LM as a common side. Then is LOMN the quadrilateral sought. Fig. 157. Fig. 158. CASE II. Let LM, and c-d < LM, the quadrilateral is possible, but not otherwise. 3. In Case III, the Ist problem is always possible. The student will be able to determine when the several cases in the 2d are possible by in- specting Figs. 160 and 161. 4. In Case I\', the first problem is always possible when the sum of ^?°f7^ ^f] K -^0 U -■-'"'^CA^ Kv ^^ DETERMINATION OF POLYGONS. 147 the given angles is less than 4 right angles. In the second problem, if the unknown sides are parallel, the problem is indeterminate, i. e., there may be any number of solutions, if any. Note. — In problems of this class, it is usually understood that the given parts are such as to allow the construction ; i. c., that they are parts of a possible polygon. 322. Corollary 1. — A parallelogrartv is determined when two sides and their included angle are given. Since the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal (250), all the sides are known when two are given, and the case falls under Case II of the proposition, 323. Corollary 2. — Ihvo rectangles having equal bases and equal altitudes are equal. Exercise 1. Construct a quadrilateral three of whose con- secutive sides are 20, 12, and 15, and the angle included between 20 and the unknown side f of a right angle, and that between 15 and the unknown side J a right angle. Ex. 2. Construct a quadrilateral three of whose sides shall be 5, 4.2, and 4, and in which the angle between the unknown side and the side 5 shall be J^ of a right angle, and that between the unknown side and side 4, 1 J right angles. How many solutions are there? How many solutions if the second side is made 1.2, and the third 2 ? How many if the second side is made 1, and the third 1.5 ? OF PO L YGO NS PROPOSITION XIII. 324. Theorem. — A polygon is determined when two consecutive sides, the diagonals from the vertex of their included angle, and the consecutive angles included he- tween these lines are given. [Let the student show how the construction is made, and thus demon- strate the proposition.] 148 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION XIV. 325. Theorem.—./^ polygon is determined by vieans of its sides and angles, when there are given in order : I. All the parts except two angles and their included side. TI. All the parts except three angles. III. All the parts except two non-parallel sides. C o If s T R u c T I N s . CASE I. Beginning at one extremity of the unknown side, and constructing the given sides and angles in order till all are constructed, and joining the extremities of the broken line thus drawn, the polygon will be con- structed. CASE II. Ist, When the three angles lire consecutive. Suppose the polygon to be ABCDEFG, and the unknown angles A, G, and F. Commencing with side AB, lay oflf the given sides and angles in order till the unknown angle F is reached. Then from F as a centre, with a radius equal to the known side FG, strike an arc intersecting an arc struck from A as a centre with the side AG as a radius. This inter- section determines the remaining vertex of the polygon. Query — When does this case become impossible ? 2d, When two of the mi known angles are consecutive and the third is separated from both the others. Let A, B, and F be the unknown angles. The two partial polygons AiHGF and BCDEF can be constructed, and thus the sides AF and BF will become known, as also the angles AFG, lAF, BFE, and FBC. Then constructing the triangle ABF, whose three sides are now known, the angles AFB, ABF, and FAB become known. Hence all the parts of the polygon are found, for ^'9- '"• the angle GFE = AFG + AFB -f- BFE, etc. DETERMINATION OF POLYGONS. 149 3d, When no two of the three unknown angles are con- secutive. Let A, C, and F be the unknown Constructing the broken lines ABC, CDEF, and FGHIA separately, and apart from the position where the polygon is to be constructed, the diago- nals which form the sides of the triangle ACF can be determined by joining the extremities A and C, C and F, and F and A. This triangle can then be con- structed in the position desired, and Fig. 164. the broken lines constructed on its sides, as in the figure CASE III. Under this case we have two problems: 1st, When the tivo unknotvn sides are consecutive, 2d, When the two unknown sides are separated. [The student will be able to effect the construction. The first is similar to that of Case II, 1st problem. The second is effected by obtaining a quadrilateral similarly to the construction in Case II, 3d problem. 326- In case the unknown parts are two parallel sides, as a and 6, it is evident that these may be varied in length at plea- sure without changing the value of the other parts. ' 327- It will be a profitable exercise for the student to reduce the determination of polygons to that of quadri- laterals, and both to that of triangles. 150 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITIONS FOR ORIGINAL SOLU- TION AND DEMONSTRATION. 328. 1. Theorem,— IT^e sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is four right angles. Prove by drawing lines from a point and parallel to the sides of the polygon. 2. Theorem. — The sum of the angles of a polygon is twice as many right angles as the polygon has sides, less four right angles. Having proved the jweceding, base the proof of this upon that. 3. Theorem. — // the sum of two opposite sides of a quadrilateral is equal to the sum of the other two op- posite sides, show that a circle can be inscribed in the quadrilateral. 4. Theorem. — // from, a point without a circle two tangents are drawn, and also a chord joining the points of tangency, the angle included between a radius drawn to either point of tangency and the chord is half the angle included between the tan- gents. ^''^' "'• 5. Theorem. — In an isosceles triangle the line drawn from the vertex to the middle of the base bisects the triangle and also the angle at the vertex. 6. Problem. — With a given radius draw a circle tan- gent to the sides of a given angle. 7. Problem. — Through a given point within a given angle draw a line which shall make equal angles with the sides. EQUIVALENCY AND AREA. 151 8. Problem. — To draw a circumference through two given points and having its centre in a given line; or, to find in a given line a point equally distant from two points out of that line. •9. Theorem.—// from the ^ extremities of a diameter per- pendiculars are let fall ot^ any secant, the parts intercepted between the feet of these per- pendiculars and the circum- ference are equal. Fig. 167. 10. Problem. — To trisect a right angle. Suggestion. — What is the value of an angle of an equilateral tri- angle ? OF EQUIVALENCY AND AREA. 329. Equivalent Figures are such as are equal in mag- nitude. 330. The Area of a surface is the number of times it con- tains some other surface taken as a unit of measure ; or it is the ratio of one surface to another assumed as a standard of measure. PROPOSITION I. 331. Theorem. — Parallelograms having equal bases and equal altitudes are equivalent. 152 elementary geometry. Demonstration. Let ABCD and EFGH be two parallelograms having equal bases, BC and FG, and equal altitudes. We are to prove that the parallelo- grams are equivalent. Apply EFGH to ABCD, placing FG in its equal BC; and, since the altitudes are ^'9' equal, the upper base EH will fall in AD or AD produced, as E'H'. Now, the two triangles AE'B and DH'C are equal, since they have two sides and the included angle of the one equal to two sides and the in- cluded angle of the other; viz., AB = DC, being opposite sides of a parallelogram; and for a like reason BE' = CH'. Also, angle ABE' = angle DCH', by reason of the parallelism of their sides (294)- These triangles being equal, the quadrilateral ABCH' — the triangle AE'B = ABCH' — DH'C. But ABCH' - AE'B = E'BCH' = EFGH; and ABCH' - DH'C = ABCD. Hence, ABCD = EFGH. Q. e. d. 332. Corollary. — Any parallelogram is equivalent to a rectangle having the same base and altitude. PROPOSITION II. 333. Theorem. — A triangle is equivalent to one-half of any parallelogram having an equal base and an equal altitude with the triangle. Demonstration. Let ABC (Fig. 169) be a triangle. We are to prove that ABC is equivalent to one-half a parallelogram having an equal base and an equal altitude with the triangle. EQUIVALENCY AXD AREA 153 Consider AB as the base of the triangle, and complete the parallelogram ABCD by drawing AD parallel to EC, and DC to AB. Now ABCD has the same base, AB, as the triangle, and the same altitude, since the altitude of each is the perpendicular distance between the parallels DC and AB. But ABC is half of ABCD (249), and as ^'9- '^^• any other parallelogram having an equal base and altitude with ABCD is equivalent to ABCD (331), ABC is equivalent to one-half of any parallel- ogram having an equal base and altitude with ABC. Q. e. d. 334. Corollary 1. — J. tHangle is equivalent to one-half of a rectangle having an equal base and an equal al- titude with the triangle. 335. Corollary 2.~ Triangles of equal bases and equal altitudes are equivalent, for they are halves of equivalent parallelograms. PROPOSITION III . 336. Theorem. — The square described on n times a line is n^ times the square described on the line, n being any integer. Demonstration. Let u be any line and AB a line n times as long, n being any integer. We are to prove that the square de- scribed on AB is V? times the square on Aa. Construct on AB the square ABCD. Since m is a measure (76) of AB, by hypothesis, divide AB into n equal parts by applying m, and at the points of di- vision a, ft, c, etc., draw parallels to AD. In like manner divide AD, and draw through the points of division a', 5', c', etc., parallels to AB. Then are the surfaces 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Pi^. 170 154 ELEMENTAR Y GEOMETB T, etc., squares, since their opposite sides are parallel (139) and equal (138), and their angles are right angles (125)^ Now of these squares there are n in each of the rectangles a'B, 5'E, etc. (?), and as there are n divisions in AD, there are n rectangles. Hence there are n times n, or n^ squares in ABCD. q. e. d. Fig. 170. 337. Corollary. — The square described on twice a line is four times the square described on the line ; that on 3 times a line is 9 times the square on the line, etc. PROPOSITION IV. 338. Theorem. — A trapezoid is equivalent to two tri- angles having for their bases the upper and' lower bases of the trapezoid, and for their common altitude the altitude of the trapezoid. By constructing any trapezoid, and drawing either diagonal, the stu- dent can show the truth of this theorem. PROPOSITION V. 339. Problem.- lent triangle. To reduce any polygon to an equiva- SOLUTION. Let ABCDEF (Fig. 171) be a polygon. We are to reduce it to an equivalent triangle. Draw any diagonal, as EC, between two alternate vertices, and through the intermediate vertex, D, draw DH parallel to EC and meeting BC pro- duced in H. Then draw EH. EQUIVALENCY AND AREA, 155 In like manner, draw FH, and through E draw El parallel thereto, meeting BH produced in I. Then draw Fl. Again, draw the diag- onal FB, and through A draw AG parallel thereto, meeting BC produced in G. Then draw FG. Now FGI is equivalent to ABCDEF N K ^M\ Fig. 171. Demonstration of Solution. Consider the polygon ABCDEF as diminished by ECD and then in- creased by ECH. Since these triangles have the same base EC, and the same altitude (as their vertices lie in DH parallel to EC, and parallels are everywhere equidistant), the triangles are equivalent (335)- Hence, ABHEF is equivalent to ABCDEF (?). In like manner ABIF is equivalent to ABHEF, and FGI to ABIF. Hence FGI is equivalent to ABCDEF. q. e. d. A R E A. 340. An Infinitesimal is a quantity conceived under such a law as to be less than any assignable quantity. Illustration.— Consider a line of any finite length, as one foot. Conceive this line bisected, and one-half taken. Again conceive this half bisected, and one-half of it taken. By this process it is evident that the line may be reduced to a line less than any assignable line. Moreover, if the process be considered as repeated infinitely, the result is an infini- tesimal. Tins is the familiar conception of the last term of a decreasing infinite progression, the last term of which is called zero. 341. Principle I. — In comparison with finite quanti- ties, an infinitesimal is zero. 156 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, Thus, suppose — = a, w, n, and a being finite quantities. Let i represent an infinitesimal ; then m ± i m m ± i , or ., or :, n ' n ±1 n±i is to be considered as still equal to a, for to consider it to difi*er from a by any amount we might name, would be to assign some value to *'. 342. Principle II. — Any two geometrical magnitudes of the sam^e kind are to he conceived as commensurable hy an infinitesimal unit. By the process for obtaimng the common measure of two lines (84), the remainder may be made (in conception) less than any assignable quan- tity, and hence in comparison with the lines should be considered zero. The same conception may be applied to any geometrical magnitudes. PROPOSITION VI. 343. Theorem.- Rectangles are to each other* as the products of their respective bases and altitudes. First Demonstration. Lemma. — Two rectangles of equal altitudes are to each other as their bases. Let ABCD and abed be two rectangles having their altitudes AD and ad equal. Suppose rectangle ABCD gen- erated by the movement of AD from AD to BC,it remaining all the time parallel to its first position, and suppose ahcd generated in like man- ner by the movement of ad. Let these equal generatrices AD ^'3' '^^• and ad move with uniform and equal velocities ; then it is evident that the surfaces generated will be as the distances AB and ab. That is, ABCp^AB. abed ab * This is a common elliptical form, meaning that surfaces, or areas, are to each other. EQUIVALENCY AND AREA, 167 Now let M and N be any two rectan- gles, the base of M being AB and the altitude BC, and the base of N BE and its altitude BG. We are to prove that M A B X BC N "" BExBG* Place the rectaDgles so that the angles ABC and GBE shall be opposite, i. e., so that AG and CE shall be straight Fig. I73. lines (109) Complete the rectangle CBGH, and call it 0. Since M and have equal altitudes, - = — . (1) BG ^ ' In like manner, since N and have equal altitudes, N_ BE 0~ BC (3) Dividing the members of (1) by the corresponding members of (2), we have M AB X BC n = beTbg- ^•^^• Secon"d Demonstration. Let ABCD and EFGH be any two rectangles. We are to prove that Fig. 174. ABCD AB ) AD EFGH EF X EH The bases and altitudes of the two rectangles are at least to be con- sidered as commensurable by an infinitesimal unit (342)- 158 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Fig. 174. Let i be the common measure of AB, AD, EF, and EH, and suppose it contained in AB m times, in AD ti times, in EF p times, and in EH q times. AB AD Whence, m = ^ , 7i = -;- EF ^ EH Now conceive the rectangles divided into squares by drawing through the points of division of the bases and altitudes parallels to the altitudes and bases, as in (336), whence the rectangles will be divided into equal squares. Of these equal squares, ABCD contains m x n, and EFGH p^-q. Therefore ABCD rnxn AB AD — r- X — r- l I ABxAD EFGH ~ pxg - EF EH EFxEH — :- X — r- % % Q. E. D. PROPOSITION VII. 344. Theorem.— The area of a rectangle is equal to the product of its base and altitude. Demonstration. Let ABCD be a rectangle. We are to prove that its area is AB X AD. Let the square u be the pro- posed unit of measure, whose side isl. Fig. 175. \^^V^l EQUIVALENCY AND AREA. 159 T, /«^A^ ABCD AB X AD .„ ._ By (343), — ^- = , = AB X AD. Hence, by (330), area ABCD = AB x AB. Q. E. D. 346. Corollary 1. — The area of a square is equal to the second power of one of its sides, as in this case the base and altitude are equal. 346. Corollary 2. — The area of any parallelogram is equal to the product of its hose and altitude ; for any paral- lelogram is equivalent to a rectangle of the same base and altitude (332). 347. Corollary 3. — The area of a triangle is equal to one-half the product of its base and altitude ; for a tnangle is one-half of a parallelogram of the same base and altitude (333). 348. Corollary 4. — Parallelograms or triangles of equal bases are to each other as their altitudes; of equal altitudes, as their bases ; and in general they are to each other as the product of their basses by their al^ titudes, 349. Scholium. — The arithmetical signification of the theorem, The area of a rectangle is equal to the product of its hose and altitude^ is this : Let the base be 6 and the altitude a ; then we have, by the prop- osition, area = ah. Now, in order that ah may represent a surface, one of the factors must be conceived as a surface and the other as a number. Thus, we may conceive h to represent h superficial units, i. e., the rectangle having the base of the rectangle for its base and being 1 linear unit in.altitude. The entire rectangle is, then, a times the rectangle which contains b superficial units, or ah superficial units. In the expression area ABCD = AB x AD, AB and AD may be given a similar interpretation. 160 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION VIII. 360. Theorem. — The area of a trapezoid is equal to the product of its altitude into one-half the sum of its parallel sides, or, what is the same thing, the product of its altitude into a line joining the middle points of its inclined sides. Demonstration^. Let ABCD be a trapezoid, whose parallel sides are AB and DC, and whose altitude is IK. We are to prove, Ist, that An^n. .., AB + CD area ABCD = IK x — ^ — ' and, 2d, that area ABCD - \K x db, ^ .^r . ' ' r ig. I/O. ab being a line joining the middle points of AD and BC. Draw either diagonal, as AC. The trapezoid is thus divided into two triangles, whose areas are together equal to one-half the product of their common altitude (the altitude of the trapezoid) into their bases DC and AB, or this altitude into ^ (AB + DC). Q. B. D. At a and h draw the perpendiculars om and pn, meeting DC, pro- duced, if necessary. Now the triangles aoD and A«w are equal, since Aa = aD, angle o = angle m, both being right, and angle oaD = Aa>n, being opposite. Whence f^m = oD. In like manner, we may show that Cp = nB. Hence, ab = ^(op + mn) (?) = ^ (AB + DC) ; and area ABCD, which equals | (AB + DC) x IK, = a5 x IK. Q. E. D. EQUIVALENCY AND AREA, 161 PROPOSITION IX. 351. Theorem. — The area of a regular polygon is equal to one-half the product of its apothem into its perimeter. Demonstration. Let ABCDEFG be a regular polygon, whose perimeter is AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FG + GA, and whose apothem is Oa, We are to prove that area ABCDEFG = iOa(AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FG + GA). Draw the inscribed circle, the radii Oa, 05, etc., to the points of tangency, and the radii of the circumscribed circle OA, OB, etc. (273, 274). The polygon is thus divided into as many equal triangles as it has sides. Now, the apothem (or radius of the in- scribed circle) is the common altitude of these triangles, and their bases make up the perimeter of the polygon. *''9- "77. Hence, the area = ^Oa (AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FG -I- GA). q. e. d. 852. CoROLLART. — The area of any polygon in which a circle can he inscribed is equal to one-half the product of the radius of the inscribed circle into the perimeter. The student should draw a figure and observe the fact. It is espe- cially worthy of note in the case of a triangle. See Fig. 187. PROPOSITION X. 353. Lemma. — // any polygon is circum^scribed about a circle and a second polygon is formed by draw- ing tangents to the arcs intercepted between the con- secutive points of tangency, thus forming a polygon of double the number of sidles, the perimeter of the second polygon is less than that of the first. 162 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Demonstration. Let ABODE be any circumscribed polygon, whose consecutive sides are tangent at K, F, G, etc., and let a second polygon be formed by drawing tangents at f, g, etc. We are to prove that the perimeter ab -^-hc -\- cd^ etc., is less than the perimeter EA + AB + etc. Observing the portions of the perimeters from K to F, for the first polygon we have KA + AF = Ka + (aA + Aft)-f5F, and for the second But db < ak-\-fib (?). Hence, Ka + ab + W < KA + AF. Now, as a similar reduction will take place at each vertex, the entire perimeter of the second polygon will be less than that of the first, q. e. d. 364. The Limit of a varying quantity is a fixed quantity which it approaches by such a law as to be capable of b.eing made to differ from it by less than any assignable quantity. Such a varying quantity is often spoken of as reaching its limit after an infinite number of steps of approach. 365. Corollary. — As the number of the sides of a cir- cumscribed regular polygon is increased the perimeter is diminished, andj approaches the circumference of the circle as its limit, since tlie circle is the limit of such a poly- gon. Fig. 178. PROPOSITION XI. 366. Tlieorem. — The area of a circle is equal to one- half the product of its radius into its circumference. Demonstration. Let Oa (Fig. 179) be the radius ofthe circle. EXERCISES. 163 "We are to prove that the area of the circle is ^Oa X the circumference. Circumscribe any regular polygon. Now the area of this j^olygon is one-half the product of its apothem and perimeter. Conceive the number of sides of the poly- gon indefinitely increased, the polygon still continuing to be circumscribed and regular. The apothem continues to be the radius of the circle, and the perimeter approaches the circumference. When, therefore, the number of sides of the polygon becomes infinite, it is to be considered as coinciding with the circle, and its perimeter with the circumference (366). Hence the area of the circle is equal to one-half the product of its radius into its circumference, q. e. d. Fig. 179. 367. A Sector is a part of a circle included between two radii and their intercepted arc. 368. Corollary 1. — The area of a sector is equal to one-half the product of the radius into the arc of the sector. 369. Corollary 2. — The area of a sector is to the area of the circle as the arc of the sector is to the circumfer- ence, or as the angle of the sector is to four right angles. EXERCISES. 360. 1. What is the area in acres of a triangle whose base is 75 rods and altitude 110 rods ? 2. What is the area of a right-angled triangle whose sides about the right angle are 126 feet and 72 feet ? 3. If two lines are drawn from the vertex of a triangle to the base, dividing the base into parts which are to each other as 2, 3, and 5, how is the triangle divided ? How does a line drawn 164 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, from an angle to the middle of the opposite side divide a tri- V le 4. What is the area of the largest triangle which can be in- scribed in a circle whose radius is 12, the diameter being one side? 5. What is the area of a cross section of a ditch which is 6 feet wide at the bottom, 9 feet at the top, and 3 feet deep ? 6. If one of the angles at the base of an isosceles triangle is double the angle at the vertex, how many degrees in each ? OF SI M I LARITY. 361. The primary notion of similarity is likeness of form. Two figures are said to be similar which have the same shape, although they may differ in magnitude. A more scientific defi- nition is as follows : 362. Similar Figures are such as have their angles re- spectively equal, and their homologous sides proportional. 363. Homologous Sides of similar figures are those which are included between equal angles in the respective figures. 364. In similar triangles, the homologous sides are those opposite the equal angles. The student should be careful, at the outset, to mark the fact that similarity involves two things^ equality of angles and proportionality OP SIDES. It will appear that, in the case of triangles, if one of these facts exists, the other exists also ; but this is not so in other polygons. 365. Two figures are said to be Mutually equiangular when each angle in one has an equal angle in the other, and Mutually equilateral when each side in the one has an equal side in the other. SIMILARITY. 165 PROPOSITION I. 366. Theorem. — Triangles which are mutually equi- angular are similar. Demonstration. Let ABC and DEF be two mutually equiangular triangles, in which A = D, B = E, C = F. We are to prove that the sides opposite these equal angles are pro- portional, and thus that the triangles possess both the requisites of similar- ity, viz., equality of angles and pro- portionality of sides. Lay off on CA CD' = FD, and on CB CE' = FE, and draw D'E'. Triangle CD'E' equals triangle FDE (?). Draw AE' and BD'. Pig. 180. Since angle CE'D' = CBA, D'E' is " parallel to AB (?), and as the triangles D'E'B and D'E' A have a common base D'E' and the same altitudes, their vertices being in a line parallel to their base, they are equivalent (335). Now the triangles CD'E' and D'E'A, having a common altitude, are to each other as their buses (348). or or Hence, CD'E' CD' D'E'A - DA* For like reason, CD'E' CE' D'E'B - E B* Whence, as DEB = D E'A, CD' CE' DA ~ E'B By composition, CD' CE' CD' ' [>'* CE' + E'B CD CE' CA 'CB ' . - FE CA CB 166 ELEMENTA R Y GEOMETR Y. In a similar manner, by laying off ED and EF in BA and BC respec- tively, wenjan show that FE ED CB ~ BA * „ FD FE ED ^^^^^' CA = CB^BA-^-^-^- 367. Corollary 1. — // two triangles have two angles of one respectively equal to two angles of the other, the tri- angles are similar (?). 368. Corollary 2. — A transversal parallel to any side of a triangle divides the other sides proportionally, and the sides are in the ratio of either two corresponding segments. For in the demonstration we have D'E' parallel to AB, and or And also or, by alternation, CD' CE' DA ~ E'B' CD' DA CE' ~ E'B ' CD' CE' CA ~ CB ' CA CD' CB ~ CE' ~ DA E'B PROPOSITION II. 369. Theorem. — // any iwo transversals cut a series of parallels, their intercepted segments are proportional. Demonstration. l8t. Let OA and O'B' (Fig. 181) be any two parallel transversals cutting the series of parallels ah, cd, r/, yh, etc. We are to prove that =-= = v? = -^ , etc. oa af . fh SIMILARITY. 167 Now Hence. hd ' df ' = 1. etc. (?) ac_ce_eg^ hd~ df~ fV Q. E. D. 2ih Let OA and OB beanynon-paralleltrans- versals cutting ah, cd, «/> O^i'9 etc. "We are to prove Fig. 181. ae _ce_ _eg and Since OA and OB are non-parallel, they meet in some point, as 0. Then, by (368), we have q^ ^ ^ Oc _ C6 Od~df' Whence, by equality of ratios, we have ae _ M bd~df' ee eg Similarly, we may show that ^= tt^ 6^c. Hence, also, by alternation, and by equality of ratios, - = ^.. ^^ = '^^ a«d ^ = ^, etc. Q.E.D. ee df hd fh' eg fh' PROPOSITION III. 370. Theorem. — Conversely to Prop. I, If two triangles have their corresponding sides proportional, they are sim- ilar. Demonstration. AC OB BA Let ABC and DEF have OF FE ~ ED 168 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, We are to prove that ABC is similar to DEF. As one of the characteristics of similarity, viz., proportionality of sides, exists by hypothesis, we have only to prove the other, i. e., that A = D, C = F, and B = E. Make CD' = parallel to AB. FD, and draw D'E' Then, by (368), CA CB CD' ~ CE' ' Fig. 182. and since by construction and by hypothesis CD' = FD, CA FD CB FE' CE' = FE. Again the triangles D'E'C and ABC are mutually equiangular, since C is common, angle CD'E'= CAB (?), and angle CE'D' = CBA (?). Whence CA^ CD' AB D'E' But by hypothesis and construction CA CD' CA DF AB DE Hence D'E' = DE, and the triangles CD'E' and DEF are equal (?). Therefore ABC and D'E'C are similar; and as D'E'C = DEF, ABC and DEF are similar, q. e. d. 371. Scholium. — As we now know that if two triangles are mutually equiangular, they are similar ; or, if they have their corresponding sides proportional, they are similar, it will be sufficient hereafter, in any given case, to prove either one of these facts, in order to establish the similarity of two triangles. For, either fact being proved, the other follows as a consequence. SIMILARITY, 169 PROPOSITION IV. 372. Theorem. — Two triangles which have the sides of the one respectively parallel or perpendicular to the sides of the other, are similar. Demonstration. Let ABC and A'B'C be two triangles whose sides are respectively parallel or perpendicular to each other. We are to prove that tlie tri- angles are similar. Any angle in one triangle is either equal or supplemental to the angle in the other which is included between the sides which are parallel or perpendicular to its own sides. Thus, A either equals A', or A + A' = 2 right angles (294, 295, 296). Now, if the corresponding angles are all supplemental, that is, if A + A' = 2 right angles, B + B' = 2 right angles, and C + C' = 2 right angles, the sum of the angles of the two triangles is 6 right angles, which is impossible. Again, if one angle in one triangle equals the corresponding angle in the other, as A = A', and the other angles are supplemental, the sum is 4 right angles plus twice the equal angle, wiiich is impossible. Hence, two of the angles of one triangle must be equal respectively to two angles of the other. Therefore the triangles are similar (367)- Q. e. d. PROPOSITION V. 373. Theorem. — Two triangles having an angle in one equal to an angle in the other, and the sides about the equal angles proportional, are similar, 8 170 ELEMENT4.HY GEOMETRY. AC DF CB FE Demonstration. Let ABC and OEF have the angles C and F equal, and We are to prove that ABC and DEF are similar. Make CD' equal to FD, and draw D'E' parallel to AB. Then is angle CD'E' = angle CAB, whence the triangles are similar (367), and by (368), AC CB^ DC (= DF) ~ CE' ' But, by hypothesis, AC CB DF ~ FE' Whence CE' ■= FE. Hence the triangle CD'E' is equal to the triangle FDE. Now, CD'E' and ABC are mutually equiangular. Hence DFE and ABC are mutually equiangular and consequently similar, q. e. d. Fig. 184. PROPOSITION VI. 374. Theorem. — In any right-angled triangle, if a line is drawn from the vertex of the right angle perpen- dicular to the hypotenuse : 1st. The perpendicular divides the triangle into two triangles, which are similar to the given triangle, and consequently similar to each other, 2d. Either side about the right angle is a mean propor- tional between the jvhole hypotenuse and the adjacent segment. 3d. The perpendicular is a jnean proportional between the segments of the hypotenuse. Demonstration. Let ACB be a triangle right-angled at C, and CD a perpendicular upon the hypotenuse AB ; then STMtLARlTY. 171 Ist. The triangles ACD and ACB have the angle A common, and a riglit angle in each ; hence they are similar (367). For a like rea- son, CDB and ACB are similar. Finally, as ACD and CDB are both similar to ACB, they are similar to each other, q. e. d. ^'9- '^^• 2d. By reason of the similarity of ACD and ACB, we have AD AC AC ~ AB' DB CB and from CDB and ACB, we have CB AB Q. E. D. 3d. By reason of the similarity of ACD and CDB, we have AD CD CD DB" ^' E. D. Queries. — To which triangle does the first CD belong ? To which the second? Why is CD made the consequent of AD? Why, in the second ratio, are CD and DB to be compared? 375. Corollary. — // a perpendicular is Let fall from any point in a circumference upon a diameter, this per- pendicular is a mean proportional between the segments of the diameter. Let CD be such perpendicular, and draw AC and CB. Then, since ACB is a right angle (192), we have, by Case 3d, the proportion ^^§i. or CD-AOxDB. ^" "° Fig. 186. PROPOSITION VII. 376. Theorem. — The square described on the hypote- nuse of a right-angled triangle is equivalent to the sum; of the squares described on the other two sides. First Demonstration. Let ACB (Fig. 187) be any right-angled triangle. m ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. We are to prove that AB^ =: AC^ + CbI For, let fall the perpendicular CD, and by (374, 3d) we have AD AC AC AB v^ , and DB CB CB AB and ADxAB = AC'; DB X AB = CB . or Fig. 187. Adding, we have AB (AD + DB) = AC^ 4- CB^ AB X AB = AB' = AC^+ CB'. q. e. d. Second Demonstration. Let ABC be any right-angled triangle, right-angled at B. Describe the squares AE, AG, and CL on the hypotenuse and the other sides respect- ively. From the right angle let fall upon DE the perpendicular BK intersecting AC in I, and draw the diagonals BE, DB, HC, and AF. Now the triangles BAD and HAC are equal, having two sides and the included angle of one equal to two sides and the in- cluded angle of the other; viz., BA = HA, being sides of the same square, and for a like reason AD = AC ; and the angle HAC = BAD, since each is made up of a right angle and the angle BAC. Since ABG and ABC are right angles, BG is the prolongation of BC, and the triangle HAC has the same base, HA, and the same altitude, AB, as the square AG. Hence the triangle HAC is half the square AG. Moreover, the triangle BAD has the same base, AD, as the rectangle AK, and the same altitude as Al. Hence, triangle BAD = ^ADKI. Therefore, as the rectangle ADKI and the square AG are twice the equal triangles BAD and HAC respectively, they are equivalent. In like manner, the square CL may be shown to be equivalent to the rectangle CK. Whence we have ADKI = ABGH, and IKEC ^ BCFL; and adding, ADEC = ABGH f BCFL. Q. e. d. Fig. 188. SIMILARITY. 173 377. Corollary 1. — The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle equals the square root of the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Also, either side about the right angle equals the square root of the square of the hypotenuse minus tJie square of the other side. 378. Corollary 2. — The diagonal of a square is a/2 times the side. For, let S be the side. Drawing the diagonal, we have a right-angled triangle of which the diagonal is the hypotenuse, and the sides about the right angle are each S. Hence, by the proposition, (diag.)« = S' + 8' = 25«, or diag. = 8^'i. 379. Scholium. — Proposition VI with its corollary, and Prop. VII, which is a direct result of Prop. VI, are perhaps the most Iruitful in direct practical results of any in Geometry. Prop. VII is called the Pythagorean Proposition, its original demonstration being attributed to Pythagoras. PROPOSITION VIII. 380. Theorem. — Regular polygons of the sam,e num- ber of sides are similar figures. Demonstration. Let P and P' be two regular polygons of the same number of sides, a, b, c, d, etc., being the sides of the former, and a', h' , c' , d' , etc., the sides of the latter. Now, by the definition of regular polygons, the sides a, ft, c, d, etc., arc equal each to each, and also a\ b\ c', d\ etc. Hence, we have a^ _ b _ c _ d a'" V ~ d ~ W ' Again, the angles are equal, since n being the number of angles of each polygon, each angle is equal to 174 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. n X 2 right angles — 4 right angles (norj\ n Hence the polygons are mutually equiangular, and have their corres- ponding sides proportional ; that is, they are similar, q. e. d. PROPOSITION IX. 381. Theorem. — The corresponding diagonals of reg- ular polygons of the same number of sides are in the same ratio as the sides of the polygons. [Let the student give the demonstration.] PROPOSITION X. 382. Theorem. — TJie radii of the circumscribed, and also of the inscribed circles, of regular polygons of the same numjber of sides, are in the saine ratio as the sides of the polygons, Demonstkatioij. Fig 189. Let ABCDEF and abcdefbe two regular polygons of the same num- ber of sides, and It and r be the radii of their circumscribed circles, and II' and r' of their inscribed. We are to prove that — ( = — , etc. J z= — = — - SIMILARITY. 176 Let and 0' be the centres of the polygons, and draw OA, OF, O'a, and 0/, and also the apothenis 01 and O'i. OA = R, and O'a = r (?); also 01 = /?, and O'i = r' (?). Now the triangles AFO and nfO' are equiangular (?), and hence similar. rru r AF/ FE ^ \ OA i? Therefore, —-( = —-, etc. ) = -r- = - . q. e. d. a/ V /« J O'a r ^ Again, the triangles AlO and aiO' are mutually equiangular (?), and hence similar. Therefore, _ . — ,rvr»> Ai_qi ai ~ or whence, doubling the terms of the first ratio, we have ^F/ F£ ^ \ 0\ B' 383. Homologrous Altitudes in similar triangles are perpendiculars let fall from the vertices of equal angles upon the sides opposite. 384. Homologfous Diagonals in similar polygons are diagonals joining the vertices of corresponding equal angles. PROPOSITION XI. 385. Theorem.^-Hojnologous nZtitivdes in simUar trU angles have the same ratio as the homologous sides. [Let the student give the demonstration.] PROPOSITION XII. 386. Theorem. — The bisectors of equal angles of simi^ lar triangles are to each other as the homologous sides of the triangles, hence as the homologous perpendiculars, [Let the student ^ve the demonstration,] 176 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XIII. 387. Theorem. — Homologous diagonals in similar polygons have the same ratio as the homologous sides. Demonstration. Let ABCDEFG and ahcdefg be two similar polygons, having angle A = angle a, B = 6, C = c, etc. Fig. 190. We are to prove that AC AD ^ — , or — 3 , etc. oc ' ad AB AB the ratio — r^ being the ratio of any two homologous sides of the polygons. The triangles ABC and dbc are similar (?), and hence AC^AB ac ~ ab Also, since triangle ABC is similar to a6c, angle BCA = angle Jm, and subtracting these respectively from the equal angles (?) BCD and Icd^ we have angle ACD = angle acd. Hence the two triangles ACD and acd have an angle in each equal and the including sides proportional (?), and are consequently similar. AD ^ AC ^ AB ad ac ~ ab Therefore SIMILARITY. 177 In like manner, any homologous diagonals may be shown to have the AB ratio '-^^ , which is the ratio of any two homologous sides. ab ' Q. E. D. 388. Corollary 1. — Any two similar polygons are di- vided by their homologous diagonals into an equal number of similar triangles similarly placed, 389. Corollary 2.— Conversely, Tivo polygons which can be divided by diagonals into the same number of mutually similar triangles, similarly placed, are similar. PROPOSITION XIV. 390. Theorem. — Circles are similar figures. Fig. 191. Demonstration. Let 0« and OA be the radii of any two circles. Place the circles so that they shall be con- centric, as in the figure. Inscribe the regular hexagons, as ahcdef, ABCDEF. Conceive the arcs AB, BC, etc., of the outer circumference bisected, and the regular do- decagon inscribed, and also the corresponding regular dodecagon in the inner circumference. These are similar figures by (380). Now, as the process of bisecting the arcs of the exterior circumference can be conceived as indefinitely repeated, and the corresponding regular polygons as in- scribed in each circle, the circles may be considered as regular polygons of the same number of sides, and hence similar, q. e. d. 391. Corollary. — Sectors which correspond to equal angles at the centre are similar figures. Since a radius is perpendicular to the circumference of its circle, such sectors are mutually equiangular ; and by the proposition it is evident that the arcs are to each other as the radii. i e ^^^^ = ^ ' ' arc FE OF' Scholium. — The circle is said to be the limit of the inscribed polygon, and the circumference the limit of the perimeter. By this is meant that 178 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, as the number of the sides of the inscribed polygon is increased it ap- proaches nearer and nearer to equality with the circle. The apothem approaches equality with the radius, and hence has the radius for its limit. PROPOSITION XV. 392. Problem.— To divide a given line into parts which shall be proportional to several given lines. Solution.* Let it be required to divide OP into parts pro- portional to the lines A, B, C, and D. Draw ON making any convenient angle with OP, and on it lay off A, B, 0, and D, in succession, terminating at M. Join M with the extremity P, and draw par- allels to MP through the other points of division. Then by reason of the parallels we shall have A:B:C:D :: a : h : c : d (369). Fig. 192. 393. The notation A : B : C : D : : a : 5 : c : c^ is of such frequent occurrence in mathematical writing that we feel constrained to retain it. It means that the successive ratios ABC BC D' are equal to the successive ratios a b c b' c/ d' We may read the expression thus : " The successive ratios A to B, B to 0, to D = the successive ratios a to b.b to c, c to a point ivithout a circle, two secants are draivn terminating in the concave arc, the whole secants are reciprocally proportional to their external seg- ments ; whence the product of one secant into its external segm^ent equals the product of the other into its external segment. Demonstration. Let OA and OB be two secants intersecting the circumference in D and C respectively. We are to prove OB _ OD OA ~ OC ' whence, OB x OC = OA x OD. Draw AC and BD. The two triangles AOC and BOD are simi- lar (?). OB OD OA ~ OC ' Hence, whence, OB x OC = OA x OD. q. e. d. Fig. 204. Queries. —Same as under preceding demonstration. 186 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION III. 404. Theorem. — // from a point without a circle a tangent is drawn, and a secant terminating in the con- cave arc, the tangent is a mean proportional between the whole secant and its external segment ; whence the square of the tangent equals the product of the secant into its external segment. Demonsteation. Let OA be a tangent and OB a secant intersecting the circumference in C. We are to prove that OB A OA be * whence, OB x OC = OA . Draw AC and AB. The two triangles AOB and AOC are simi' lar, since angle is common, and angle OAC — angle B (?). „ OB OA Hence, Fig. 205. whence, OA 00* OB X 00 = OAI q. e. d. OF THE BISECTOR OF AN ANGLE OF A TRIANGLE. PROPOSITION IV. 405. Theorem. — A line which bisects any angle of a triangle divides the opposite side into segments propor- tional to the adjacent sides. Demonstration. In the triangle ABC (Fig. 206) let CD bisect the angle ACB. APPLICATIONS OF DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY, Then is 187 AD AC* DB ~ CB Draw BE parallel to CD, and produce it till it meets AC produced in E. By reason of the parallels CD and EB, angle ACD = AEB, and DCB = CBE. But, by hypothesis, ACD = DCB. Therefore, AEB (or CEB) = CBE, and CE = CB (?). AD _ AC DB ~ CE(= CB) Hence, finally, Fig. 206. (368). Q. E. D. PROPOSITION V. 406. Theorem. — // a line is drawn from any vertex of a triangle bisecting the exterior angle and intersecting the opposite side produced, the distances from the other vertices to this intersection are proportional to the adjacent sides. Demonstration. Let CD bisect the exterior angle BCF of the triangle ACB. AD _ AC BD ~ CB' Then is Fig. 207. For, draw BE parallel to AC. By reason of these parallels, angle FCE = CEB, and BCE = FCE, by hypothesis. Hence, CEB = BCE, and CB = BE. Also, by reason of the similar triangles ACD and BED, AD AC BD ~ BE(orCB) Q. E. D. * See note at the bottom of p. 178, 188 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION VI. 407. Theorem. — // a line is drawn bisecting any angle of a triangle and intersecting the opposite side, the product of the sides about the bisected angle equals the product of the segments of the third side, plus the square of the bisector. Demokstration. In the triangle ACB, let CD bisect the angle ACB. Then AC x CB = AD x DB + CD'. For, circumscribe the circle about the trian- gle, produce the bisector till it meets the circum- ference at E, and draw EB. The triangles ADC and CBE are similar, since angle ACD = ECB, by hypothesis, and A = E, because each is measured by ^ arc CB. AC CD CE ~ CB ' Fig. 208. Therefore, whence, ACxCB = CE xCD = (DE + CD) CD = DE X CD + CdI For DE X CD, substituting its equivalent AD x DB (402), we have AC X CB = AD X DB + CD^. Q. e. d. AREAS OF SIMILAR FIGURES. PROPOSITION VII. 408. Theorem. — The areas of similar triangles are to each other as the squares described on their homologous sides. Demonstration. Let ABC and EFG be two similar triangles, the homologous sides being AB and EF, BC and FG, and AC and EG. APPLICATIONS OF DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY. 189 Then is area ABC AC^ AT BC=^ area EFG e^^ e F^ FG^' From the greatest * angle in each tri- angle let fall a perpendicular upon the opposite side. Let these perpendiculars be BD and FH. Now and BD _ AC (.. FH-EG^'^' jAC _ AC ,as iEG"EG^^* Fig. 209. Multiplying the corresponding ratios together, we have iAC^BD AC^ iEGxFH " eg' and But Hence, And, finally, as ^AC X BD = area ABC, iEG X FH ^ area EFG (?). area ABC _ AC^ area EFG ~ eq^ AC AB' BC" we have EG EF' area ABC AC area EFG EG" FG' AT EF^ (?), Bc; FG^ 409. PROPOSITION VIII. Theorem. — The areas of similar polygons are to each other as the squares of any two Jwmologous sides of the polygons. * The only object in taking the largest angles is to make the perpendic- ular fall within the triangle. The demonstration is essentially the same when the perpendiculars fall upon the opposite sides produced. 190 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Demonstration. Let ABCDEF and abcdef be two similar polygons, the homologous sides being AB and a&, BC and 6c, CD and cd, DE and de, EF and ef, FA and /«. Let area ABCDEF = P, and area abcdef = p. Then is BC; 67 Fig. 210. or as the squares of any two homologous sides. Draw the homologous di- agimals AC, AD, AE, and ac, ad^ and ae, dividing the polygons into the similar triangles M and m^ N and w, and o. and S and s (388)* r2 Now - - ^^ (?) ED" -de' S^CB' But whence, cb; a;' Dc; dc = - = %-%i^y, ed fe Taking this by composition, we have M+N+O+S m+n+o+8 CB And as the ratio ^ is the same as that of the squares of any two cb' homologous sides, P and p are to each other as the squares of any two homologous sides. APPLICATIONS OF DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY. 191 Finally, as this argument can be extended to the case of any two similar polygons, the areas of any two similar polygons are to each other as the squares of any two homologous sides of the polygons, q. e. d. 410. Corollary 1. — Similar polijgons^ are to each other as the squares of their corresponding diagonals. In the demonstration we have - = — = — -. P m cb^ By (388, 408) we have ^=^1-^-^ ^ ae^ adr a and P. and r and R being corresponding diagonals, p _ r P ~ R Since the polygons are similar, By composition, a h c d ^ a + h-\-c + d4- etc. (or p) _ a A + B + C + D + etc. (orP) ~ A . or as any other homologous sides. Also, as the homologons sides are to each other as the corresponding diagonals (387), p r P R ^ 416. Corollary 1. — The perimeters of regular polygons of the same number of sides are to each other as the apo- thems of the polygons (382). 417. Corollary 2. — The circmnferences of circles are to eojch other as their radii, and as their diam^eters (390). PROPOSITION X. 418. Problem. — To find the relation between the chord of an arc and the chord of half the arc in a circle whose radius is v. APPLICATIONS OF DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY. 193 Solution. Let be the centre of the circle, AB any chord, and CB the chord of half the arc AB. Let AB = C, and CB = c. We are to find the relation between C and c. Draw the radii CO and BO, and call each r. CO is perpendicular to AB (?). In the right-angled triangle BDO, DO = VBO'-iC-^ (?), or DO = V*-' - iC". Fig. 211. Hence, CD = r - ^/r^' (P, Again, in the right-angled triangle CDB, CB = Vcb' + bd' = y 2r» - 2rv^r» — ;^(7» = |/2r iC« .y'4r» - G\ Therefore, e = y 2r' — r>v/4r'» — C is the relation desired. 419. ScHOLroM. — The formula = V 2r'-rV'4r*- (7« is the value of the chord of half the arc in terms of the chord of the whole arc and the radius. From this we readily obtain C = - V4r' - c\ which is the value of the chord in terras of the chord of half the arc and the radius. T8I4 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XI. 420. Theorem. — The circumference of a circle whose radius is 1, is 2-rT, the numerical value of n being approj^i- matelyS.Uie. Demonstration. We will approximate the circumference of a circle whose radius is 1, by obtaining, 1st, the perimeter of the regular inscribed hexagon ; 2d, the perimeter of the regular inscribed dodeca- gon ; 3d, the perimeter of the regular inscribed polygon of 24 sides ; then of 48, etc. By varying the polygon in this manner, it is evident that the perimeter approaches the cir- cumference as its limit (282, 354), since at each '^' '^' bisection the sum of two sides of a triangle is substituted for the third side. Moreover, the perimeter can never pass the circumference, since a chord is always less than its arc. Now let AB = r (?) = 1 be the side of the inscribed hexagon. Then by the formula (418), we have = 1/2- CB = c = y2-V4-l = .51763809, which is therefore the side of a regular dodecagon. Hence the perimeter of the dodecagtm is .51763809 X 12 ^ 6.21165708. Again, let the side of the inscribed regular polygon of 24 sides be c\ and we have 5'-|/s y^4 _ c« = y 2 - ^4 - (.51763809)« = .26105238; and the perimeter, .26105238 x 24 = 6.26525722. Carrying the computation forward in this manner, we have the fol- lowing : APPLICATIONS OF DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY. 195 C oc (N rH CO o T*< »-H o ^ 1 ft O ^ (N ^ o: T— 1 ^ -<*< •s H c «> J> cc »o »o Oi l2 ^ »r: »C ^^ o tH CO & cc C^ 2> (^ 05 tH r-i a s iC 00 (N C CO 00 T-\ *^ o 2 H © M o (^ cc G^ rH -rf c^ c<> rj CQ oc C<3 CO X cc C CO i-H •""• Bd 2> o iC (N CO ^•- H cc CO cc y-< <^ .2 ^ 1 »c G^I 1 CC ' 1 5 CO + ^-1 ": >< el- ■< 1 ICC 1 r i 1 ' II J -^ CO -1 + —A, CC 4 cc ■^ -f - ^ CO ^ C J — y~ ^ § -53 o 03 5 ^ 1 ) ) 1 II 7 1 II ^^ a \ «• 3 \ 3 ">;:> X ) \ > "b ^i * ^ .2 bo S* 1 « «l 11 03 ^ 196 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, It now appears that the first four decimal figures do not change as the number of sides is increased, but will remain the same 7ww far soever we 2>Toceed. When the foregoing process is continued till 5 decimals be- come constant, we have 6. 28318 + . We may therefore consider 6.28318 as app'oximatdy the circumference of a circle whose radius is 1, Hence, letting 27r stand for the circumference, we have 27r = 6.28318 + , and TT — 3.1416, nearly, q. e. d. 421. Scholium.— The symbol ;r is much used in mathematics, and signifies, primarily, the aemi-drcumference of a circle whose radius is 1. ^TT is therefore a symbol for a quadrant, 90°, or a right angle. \n is equivalent to 45", and 2n to a circumference, the radius being always supposed 1, unless statement is made to the contrary. The numerical value of TT has been sought in a great variety of ways, all of which agree in the conclusion that it cannot be exactly expressed in decimal numbers, but is approximately as given in the proposition. From the time of Archimedes (287 B.C.) to the present, much ingenious labor has been bestowed upon this problem. The most expeditious and elegant methods of approximation are furnished by the Calculus. The following is the value of n extended to fifteen places of decimals : 3.141592653589793. PROPOSITION XII. 422. Theorem. — The circumference of any circle is 2rrr, r being the radius. ' Demonstration. The circumferences of circles being to each other as their radii (417), and 27r being the circumference of a circle whose radius is 1, we have 27r _ 1^ circf. r ' whence, circf. = 27rr. Q. b. d. 423. Corollary. — The circumference of any circle is ttD, D being the diameter. AFPLICATIONS OF DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY. 197 AREA OF THE CIRCLE. PROPOSITION XIII. 424. Theorem. — The area of a circle whose radius is 1, is TT. Demonstration. The area of a circle is ^r x circf. (356). When r = 1, circf. = 2t(420); hence, area of circle whose radius is 1 = ^ x Stt = n^. q. e. d. PROPOSITION XIV. 425. Theorem. — The area of any circle is nr^, r being the radias. Demonstration. The areas of circles being to each other as the squares of their radii (413), and tt being the area of a circle whose radius is 1, we have n V area of any circle r' whence, area of any circle = tt? ■^ q. e. d. 426. Scholium 1. — Since the area of a sector is to the area of the circle of the same radius as its angle is to 4 right angles (359), if we d TT T^ represent the angle of the sector by a°, we have for its area • 427. Scholium 2. — As the value of tt cannot be exactly expressed in numbers, it follows that the area cannot. Finding the area of a circle has long been known as the problem of " Squaring the Circle ;" i. e., find- ing a square equal in area to a circle of given radius. Doubtless many hare-brained visionaries or ignoramuses will still continue the chase after the phantom, although it has long ago been demonstrated that the diam- 198 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, eter of a circle and its circumference are incommensurable by any finite unit. It is, however, an easy matter to conceive a square of the same area as any given circle. Thus, let there be a rectangle whose base is equal to the circumference of the circle, and whose altitude is half the radius ; its area is exactly equal to the area of the circle. Now, let there be a square whose side is a mean proportional between the altitude and base of this rectangle ; the area of the square is exactly equal to the area of the circle. PROPOSITION XV. 428. Theorem.—// a -perpendicular is let fall from any angle of a triangle upon the opposite side (or on the side produced), the difference of the squares of the segments is equivalent to the difference of the squares of the other two sides. Demonstration. Let ABC be any triangle, and CD be the perpendicular let fall from C upon AB (or AB produced). Call the sides opposite the angles A, B, and C, a, h, and c, respectively; and let the segment BD = m, AD = ti, and CD = p. Then is m'— n^ = «'—&». For, from the right-angled tri- angle BCD, Also, from CDA, Whence, o" — m^ = &^ — w or m^ — n^ = a^ — 5' 429. Corollary, — Since m' — n* = (m + n)(m — n), and a'-h' = {a-\-l){a- I), m + n (or c) a — b we have — r — = - — - a + m — n APPLICATIONS OF DOCTRINE OF SIMILARITY. 199 430. Scholium. — In case tlie perpendicular falls without, the dis- tances BD and AD are still, for simplicity of expression, spoken of as segments. 431. A line is said to be divided in Extreme and Mean Ratio when it is so divided that the whole line is to the greater segment as the greater segment is to tlie less, ?'. e.y when the greater segment is a mean proportional between the whole line and the less segment. PROPOSITION XVI. 432. Problem. — To divide a line in extreme and mean ratio. Solution. Let it be proposed to divide the line AB in extreme and mean ratio, ue,, C being the point of division, so that AB AC AC ~ CB" At one extremity of AB, as B, erect a perpendicular BO, and make it equal to iAB. From as a centre, with OB as a ra- dius, describe a circle. Draw AO, cutting the circumference in D. Then is AD the greater segment, and taking AC = AD, AB is divided in extreme and mean ratio at C. Demonstbation.of Solution. Produce AO to E. Now ^ = ^('n AB AO ^ ^' or, by inversion, ^ = ^. At AB Fig. 214. 200 ELEMENTARY GEOME'tRT, By division, we have AB AD AE - AB ~ AB - AD But, as DE = AB (?), AE - AB = AE - DE = AD = AC; and AB - AD = AB - AC = CB. A Pi Kf\ Hence, substituting, AC ~ CB ' ^ ^* ^• PROPOSITION XVII. 433. Problem. — To inscribe a regular decagon in a circle, and hence a regular pentagon, and regular polygons of 20, 40, 80, etc., sides. Solution. Let it be required to inscribe a regular decagon in the circle whose centre is and radius OA. Divide the radius OA in extreme and mean ratio, as at («). Then is ac, the greater segment, the side of the in- scribed decagon, ABODE, etc. To prove this, draw OA and OB, and taking CM = ° Fig. 215. ac = AB, draw BM. ^^^ OM ~ MA ' ^y construction ; and, as CM = AB, we have 0A_ AB AB ~ MA * Hence, considering the antecedents as belonging to the triangle OAB, and the consequents to the triangle BAM, we observe that the two sides about the angle A, which is common to both triangles, are proportional ; hence the triangles are similar (373). EXERCISES. 201 Therefore, ABM is isosceles, since OAB is, and angle BMA = A = OBA, and MB = BA = OM. This makes 0MB also isosceles, and the angle = OBM. Again, the exterior angle BMA = + OBM = 20; hence, A (which equals BMA) = 20. Hence, also, OBA (which equals A) = 20. Wherefore, is | the sum of the angles of the triangle OAB, or | of 2 right angles, = y^ of 4 right angles. The arc AB is therefore the measure of ^ of 4 right angles, and is consequently ^V "^ t^e circumference. Hence AB is the chord of ^ of the circumference, and if applied, as AB, BC, CD, DE, etc., will give an equilateral inscribed decagon. Moreover this inscribed polygon is equiangular, and hence regular by (272). To construct the pentagon, join the alternate angles of the decagon. To construct the regular polygon of 20 sides, bisect the arcs subtended by the sides of the decagon, etc. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. 434. f. Show that if a chord of a circle is conceived to re- volve, varying in length as it revolves, so as to keep its extremities in the circumference while it constantly passes through a fixed point, the rectangle of its segments remains constant. 2. The two segments of a chord intersected by another chord are 6 and 4, and one segment of the other chord is 3. What is the other segment of the latter chord ? 3. Show how Propositions I, II, and III may be considered as different cases of one and the same proposition. Suggestions. — By stating Propositions I and IT thus, The distances from the irUer section of the linen to their intersections with tlie circumference^ what follows? In Fig. 204, if the secant AO becomes a tangent, what does OD become ? 202 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 4. In a triangle whose sides are 48, 36, and 50, where do the bisectors of the angles intersect the sides ? 5. In the last example, find the lengths of the bisectors. 6. A and B have farms of similar shape, with their homolo- gous sides on the same road. A's is 150 rods on the road, and B's 200 rods. How does A's farm compare with B's in size ? 7. Draw two similar triangles with their homologous sides in the ratio of 3 to 5, and divide them into equal partial triangles, showing that their areas are as 3^ to 5^, that is, as 9 to 25. 8. What are the relative capacities of a 5-inch and a 7-inch stove-pipe ? 9. If a circle whose radius is 34 is divided into 5 equal parts by concentric circumferences, what are the diameters of the sev- eral circles ? Solve geometrically as well as numerically. 10. The projection of one line upon another in the same plane is the distance between the feet of two perpendiculars let fall from the extremities of the former upon the latter. Show that this projection is equal to the square root of the difference be- tween the square of the line and the square of the difference of the perpendiculars. 11. The three sides of a triangle being 4, 5, and 6, find the segments of the last side made by a perpendicular from the op- posite angle. Ans. 3.75 and 2.25. 12. Same as above, when the sides are 10, 4, and 7, and the perpendicular is let fall from the angle included by the sides 10 and 4. Draw the figure. Why is one of the segments negative ? 13. What is the area of a regular octagon inscribed in a circle whose radius is 1 ? What is its perimeter? What if the radius is 10? 14. What is the side of an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle whose radius is 1 ? EXERCISES. 203 15. What is the side of a regular inscribed decagon in a circle whose radius is 4 ? What the side of the inscribed pentagon? What is the area of each ? 16. Draw two squares, and construct two others, one equal to their sum, and the other to their difference. 17. Draw any two polygons, and construct two squares, one equivalent to their sum, and the other equivalent to their differ- ence. 18. Show that the length of a degree in any circle is -^y and hence that the lengths of degrees in different circles are to each other as the radii of the circles. 19. What is the length of a minute on a circle whose radius is 10 miles ? 20. Calling the equatorial radius of the earth 3962.8 miles, what is the length of a degree on the equator ? 21. How many degrees in the arc of a circle which is equal in length to the radius ? 22. Compute the area of the triangle whose sides are 20, 30, and 40. Find the segments of the base (40) by (428)- Hence the perpendic- ular. 23. Given the side of a regular inscribed pentagon, as 16, to find the side of the similar circumscribed polygon. 24. Prove that if a triangle is circumscribed about a given triangle by drawing lines through the vertices of the given tri- angle and parallel to the opposite sides, the area of the circum- scribed triangle is four times that of the given triangle. 25. Prove that the bisectors of the angles of a triangle pass through a common point. 26. Prove that the perpendiculars to the three sides of a tri- angle at their middle points pass through a common point. 304: ELEMENTA R Y GEOMETR Y. 27. The three perpendiculars drawn from the angles of a tri- angle upon the opposite sides intersect in a common point. Draw through the vertices of the triangle lines parallel to the opposite sides. The proposition may then be brought under the preceding. 28. The following triangles are similar — viz., BOE, BDC, AOD, and AEC, each to each ; also EOF, BDA, DOC, and CFA. Prove it. Fig. 216. 435. The Medial Lines in a triangle are the lines drawn from the vertices to the middle points of the opposite sides. 29. The three medial lines of a triangle mutually trisect each other, and hence intersect in a common point. To prove that OE = ^BE (Fig. 317), draw FC parallel to AD until it meets BE produced. Then the triangles AEO and FEC are equal (?); whence EF = OE. Also, BO = OF (?). Having shown that OE = iBE, by a similar construction we can show that OD = iAD Finally, we may show that the medial line from C to AB cuts off ^ of BE, and hence cuts BE at the same point as does AD. I- — ^c Fig. 217. Another Demonstration. — Lines through parallel to the sides trisect the sides, etc. Still Another.— Without EF and FC, draw ED, and prove by simi- lar triangles. 4- CHAPtfeR n; SOLID GEOMETRY.* OF STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES. 436. Solid Geometry is that department of Geometry in which the magnitudes treated are not limited to a single plane. " ^ 437. A Plane (or a Plane Surface) is a surface such that a straight line joining any two points in it lies wholly in the surface. PLANE, HOW DETERMINED. 438. A plane is said to be Determined by given conditions which fix its position. All planes are considered as indefinite in extent, unless the contrary is stated. * In some respects, perhaps, " Geometry of Space" is preferable to this term ; but, as neither is free from objections, and as this has the advantage of simplicity and long use, the author prefers to retain it. 206 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION I. 439. Theorem. — Three points not in the same straight line determine a plane. Demonstration. Let A, B, and C be three points not in the same straight line. Then one plane can be passed through them, and only one; i. c, they determine the position of a plane. For, pass a straight line through any two of these points, as A and B. Now, conceive any plane containing these two points ; then will the line passing through them lie wholly in the plane (437). Conceive this plane to revolve on ^'9- 2i8. the line as an axis until the point C falls in the plane. Thus we have one plane passed through the three points. That there can be only one is evident, since when C falls in the plane, if the plane be revolved either way, C will not be in it. The same may be shown by first passing a plane through B and C, or A and C. There is, therefore, only one position ot the plane in which it will contain the third point, q. e. d. 440. Corollary 1. — A line and a point witJwut it de^ termine a plane. ^ 441. Corollary 2. — Through one line, or two points, an infinite number of planes can he passed. , 442. Corollary 3. — The intersection of two planes is a straight line. For two planes cannot have even three points, not in the same straight line, common, much less an indefinite number, which would be required if we conceived the intersection (that is, the common points) to be in any other than a straight line. 443. The Trace of one plane in another is their intersection. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES. 207 PROPOSITION II. 444. Theorem. — Two intersecting lines determine the position of a plane. Demonstration. For, the point of intersection may be taken as one of the three points requisite to determine the position of a plane, and any two other points, one in each of the lines, as the other two requisite points. Now, the plane passing through these, points contains lx)th the lines, for it contains two points in each. q. e. d. PROPOSITION III. 445. Theorem. — Two parallel lines determine the po- sition of a plane. Demonstration. For, pass a plane through one of the parallels, and conceive it revolved until it contains some point of the second parallel. Now, if the plane be revolved either way from this position, the point will be left without it. Hence, it is the only plane containing the first parallel and this point in the second. But parallels lie in the same plane (120, 121), whence the plane of the parallels must contain the first line and the specified point in the second. Therefore, the plane containing the first line and a point in the second is the plane of the parallels, and is fixed in position, q. e. d. 446. Scholium. — When a plane is determined by two lines, accord- ing to either of the last two propositions, it is spoken of as the Plane of the Lines. In like manner, we may speak of the Plane of Three Points. RELATIVE POSITION OF A LINE AND A PLANE. 447. A line may have one of three positions in relation to a plane : {a) It may be perpendicular, (b) oblique, or (c) parallel 208 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. OF LINES PERPENDICULAR TO A PLANE. 448. A line is said to Pierce a plane at the point where it passes through it. 449. The point where a perpendicular meets, or pierces, a plane is called its Foot. 450. A Perpendicular to a Plane is a line which is perpendicular to all lines of the plane passing through its foot, and hence to every line of the plane. Conversely, the plane is perpendicular to the line. 451. The Distance of a point from a plane is the length of the perpendicular let fall from the point upon the plane. PROPOSITION IV. 452. Theorem. — A line which is perpendicular to two lines of a plane, at their intersection, is perpendicular to the plane. Demonstration^. Let PD be perpendicular to AB and CF at D. Then is it perpendicular to MN, the plane of the lines AB and CF. Let OQ be any other line of the plane MN, passing through O. Draw FB iutersecting the three lines AB, CF, and OQ in B, E, and F. Produce PD to P', making P'D = PD, and draw PF, PE, PB, P'F, PE, P'B. Then is PF ^ P'F, and PB = P'B, since FD and BD are perpendicular to PP', and PD = P'D(96) Fig. 219. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES, 209 Hence, the triangles PFB and PTB are equal (305) ; and if PFB be revolved upon FB till P falls at P', PE will fall in P'E. Therefore, OQ has E equally distant from P and P', and as D is also equidistant from the same points, OQ is perpendicular to PD at D (98). Now, as OQ is any line, PD is perpendicular to any line of the plane passing through its foot, and consequently perpendicular to the plane (460). Q. E. D. 463. Corollary. — If one of two perpendiculars revolves about the other as an axis, its path is avlane perpendicu- lar to the axis, and this plane contains all the perpendicu- lars to the axis at the common point. ThUvS, if AB revolves about PP' as an axis, it describes the plane MN, and MN contains all the perpendiculars to PP' at D. For, if there could be a perpendicular to PP at D which did not lie in the plane M N, there would be two perpendiculars to PP' at D, both'^' lying in the same plane, which is impossible (88). ' ^ PROPOSITION V. 454. Theorem. — M any point in a plane one perpen- dicular can he erected to the plane, and only one. Demonstration. Let it be required to show that one perpendicular, and only one, can be erected to the plane MN at D. Through D draw two lines. of the plane, as AB and CE, at right angles to each other. CE being perpendicular to AB, let a line be con- ceived as starting from the position ED to re- volve about A B as an axis. It will remain per- pendicular to AB (453). Conceive it to have passed to P'D. Now, as it continues to revolve, P'DC diminishes continuously, and at the same , • . . rig. 220. rate as P'DE increases; hence, in one position of the revolving line, and in only one, as PD, PDE = PDC, and PD is perpendicular to CE (86). Again, any line which is perpendicular to MN at D is perpendicular 210 ELEMENTA R Y GEOMETR Y. to AB and CE (450). But the plane of the lines PD and DE contains all lines perpendicular to AB at D. Hence, PD is perpendicular to the plane (452), and is the only perpendicular, q. e. d. PROPOSITION VI. 455. Theorem — From a point without a plane one perpendicular can he drawn to the plane, and only one. 4 Demonstration. Let It be required to show that one perpendicular can be drawn from P to the plane MN, and only one. Take RS as an aux- iliary plane, and at any point as C erect DC per- pendicular to RS. Now place the plane RS in coincidence with MN, and move it in MN till the perpendicular DC passes through P. Then DC, which passes Fig. 221 through P and is pei-pen- dicular to RS, is perpendicular to MN, with which RS is coincident. Q. E. D. To prove that there can be but one perpendicular from P to MN, sup- pose that there could be two, as PA and PF. Draw FA. Then since FA is a line of the plane, and PF and PA are perpendic- ulars to the plane, PFA and PAF are both right angles (?), and the tri- angle PFA has two right angles, which is absurd. Hence there can be but one perpendicular from P to MN. Q. e. d. 456. Corollary. — The perpendicular is the shortest line that can he drawn to a plane from a point without. Thus, let PA be a perpendicular and PF any oblique line, PA < PF (?). STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES, 211 PROPOSITION VII. 457. Theorem. — Conversely to the last. Through a given point in a line, one plane can be passed perpendicular to the line, and only one. Demonstration. Let D be the point in the line PG. Pass two lines through D, as EF and AB, each perpendicular to PD ; the plane of these lines is per- pendicular to PD. Q. E. D. To show that but one plane can be passed through D perpendicular to PG, assupie that M'N' is another plane passing through D, and per- pendicular to PG, but not contain- ing BD. Through PD and BD pass a plane, and let BD be its intersec- tion with M'N'. Then, on the hypothesis that M'N' is perpendic- ular to PG, B'DP is a right angle, and we have two lines in the same plane with PG, and perpendicular to it at the same point, which is absurd. Hence there can be but one plane perpendicular to PG and pass- ing through D. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION VIII. 458. Theorem. — // from the foot of a perpendicular to a plane a line is drawn at right angles to any line of the plane, and their intersection is joined with any point in the perpendicular, the last line is perpendicular to the line of the plane. Demonstration. From the foot of the perpendicular PD (Fig. 223) let DE be drawn perpendicular to AB, any line of the plane MN, and E joined with 0, any point of the perpendicular. 212 ELEMENT A RY G E03IETR Y, Then is OE perpendicular to AB. Take EF = EC, and draw CD, FD, CO, and FO. Now, CD = DF (?), whence CO = FO (?), and OE has equally distant from F and C, and also E. Therefore, OE is perpendicular to AB (?). Q. E. D. Fig. 223. 459. Corollary. — The line DE measures the shortest distance between PD and AB. For a line drawn from E to any other point in PD than D, as Ea, is longer than DE (?). Again, if from any other point in AB, as C, a line be drawn to D, it is longer thari DE (?) ; and if drawn from C to «, any other point in PD than D, Oa is longer than CD (?), and consequently longer than DE (?). PROPOSITION IX. 460. Theorem. — // one of two parallels is perpendic- ular to a plane, the other is perpendicular also. Demonstration. Let AB be parallel to CD and perpendicular to the plane MN. Then is CD perpendicular to MN. For, drawing BD in the plane MN, it is pcr- pendiculaf to AB (?), and consequently to CD (?). Through D draw EF in the plane and perpendic- ular to BD, and join D with any point in AB, as A; then is EF perpendicular to AD (?). Now, EF being perpendicular to two lines, AD and BD, of the plane ABDC, is perpendicular to F'g- 224. the plane, and hence to any line of the plane passing through D, as CD. Therefore, CD is perpendicular to BD and EF, and consequently to the plane MN (?). Q. e. d. STRAIGHT LINES /iND PLANES. 213 461. Corollary.— T/fo lines which are perpendicular to the same plane are parallel. Thus, AB and CD being perpendicular to the plane MN are parallel. For, if AB is not parallel to CD, draw a line through B which shall be. By the Proposition, this line is perpendicular to MN, and hence must coincide with AB (454)- PROPOSITION X. 462. Theorem. —Ta^o lines parallel to a third not in their own plane are parallel to each other. D EMO N STR ATION-V Let AB and CD be parallel to EF. Then are they parallel to each other. For, through F', any point in EF, pass a plane MN perpendicular to EF. Now AB and CD are respectively perpendicu- lar to MN (?), and hence are parallel to each other (?). Q. E. D. Fig. 225. OF LINES OBLIQUE TO A PLANE. 463. An Oblique Line is a line which pierces the plane (if sufficiently produced), but is not perpendicular to the plane. 464. The Projection of a Point on a plane is the foot of the perpendicular from the point to the plane. 465. The Projection of a Line upon a plane is the locus of the projection of the point which generates the line. 214 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION XI. 466. Theorem. — The projection of a straight line upon a plane is a straight line. Demonstration. Let AB be any line and MN the plane upon which it is projected. Then is the projection of AB in MN a straight line. Let P be a point in AB, and D its projection in IMN. Pass a plane, S, through AB and PD (444), and let CE be its trace in MN. Now let P' be any point in AB other than P, and let D' be its projec- tion in MN. As PD and P'D' are perpendicular to MN, they are parallel to each other (461), and a plane may be passed throug'i them (445). But the plane of PD and P'D' is S, since it contains PD and P' (440). Therefore D' lies in S, and as it lies in MN, it is in the trace of S in MN, which trace is a straight line (442). Hence, as P' is any point in AB, the projection of every point of AB is in a straight line. q. e. d. •■■■^■^BfS^H Fig. 226. 467. Corollary. — The projection of a line upon a plane is the trace of a plane containing the line and the projec- tion of any point of the line. 468. The Projecting Plane is the plane of a line and its projection upon another plane. 469. The Plane of Projection is the plane upon which a point or a line is projected. 470. The Inclination of a Line to a plane is the angle included between the line and its projection. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES, 215 PROPOSITION XII. 471. Theorem. — If from any point in a perpendicular to a plane, oblique lines are drawn to the plane, those which pierce the plane at equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular are equal ; and of those which pierce the plane at unequal distances from the foot of the perpendic- ular, those which pierce at the greater distances are the greater. Demonstration. Let PD be a perpendiculdp to the plane MN, and PE, PE', PE",and PE' " be oblique lines piercing the plane at equal distances ED, ED, E"D, and E "D from the foot of the perpendicular. Then PE = PE' = PE" = PE". For each of the triangles PDE, PDE', etc., has two sides and the included angle equal to the corresponding parts in the other. Again, let FD be longer than E'D. Then is PF > PE'. For, take ED = E'D ; then PE = PE', by the preceding part of the demonstration. But PF > PE, by (113). Hence, PF > PE'. Q. e. d. 472. Corollary 1. — The angles which oblique lines drawn from a common point in a perpendicular to a plane, and piercing the plane at equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, make with the perpendicular, are equal ; and the inclinations of such lines to the plane are equal. Thus, the equality of the triangles, as shown in the demonstration, shows that EPD = E'PD = E'PD = E "PD, and PED = PE'D = PE"D = PE "D. 473. Corollary 2. — Conversely, // the angles which oblique lines drawn from a point in a perpendicular to a 216 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. plane, make with the perpendicular, are equal, the lines are equal, and pierce the plane at equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular. Thus, let E'PD = E"PD ; then the right-angled triangles PDE' and PDE" are equal (?). Hence, PE' = PE", and DE' = DE". 474. Corollary 3. — Lines drawn from the same point in a perpendicular, and equally inclined to the plane, are equal, and pierce the plane at equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular. 475. Corollary 4. — Equal oblique lines from the same point in the perpendicular, pierce the plane at equal dis- tances fror)v the foot of the perpendicular, a>re equally inclined to the plane, and also to the perpendicular. Since the right-angled triangles PDE' and PDE" have their altitudes and hypotenuses equal, the triangles are equal (309), and DE' = DE", PE'D = PE "D, and E'PD == E "PD. OF LINES PARALLEL TO A PLANE. 476. A Line is Parallel to a Plane when it is paral- lel to its projection in that plane. PROPOSITION XIII. 477. Theorem. — A line parallel to a plane is every- where equidistant from the plane, and hence can never meet the plane ; and, conversely, a straight line which can- not meet a plane is parallel to it. Demonstration. The distance between a point in the line and the plane being the per- pendicular (451), is also the distance between the point and the projec- STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES. 217 tiori of the line (464). But this is everywhere the same (476, 136)- Hence a line parallel to a plane is everywhere equidistant from it, and therefore can never meet it. Q. e. d. Conversely ; A line which meets a plane meets it in the projection of the line in the plane, since the projecting plane contains all the per- pendiculars, or shortest lines, from the line to the plane. Hence a line which never meets a plane is parallel to its projection in that plane, that is, to the plane itself (476). Q- e. d. PROPOSITION XIV. 478. Theorem. — Either of two parallel lines is paral- lel to every plane containing the other. Demonstration. Let AB and CD be two parallel lines, and MN a plane containing CD. Then is AB parallel to the plane MN. Since AB and CD are in the same plane (?), and as the intersection of their plane with MN is CD (?), if AB meets the plane MN, it must meet it in CD, or CD produced. But this is impossible (?). Whence AB is parallel to MN (477). Q. E. D. Fig- 228. 479. Corollary 1. A line which is parallel to a line of a plane is parallel to the plane. 480. Corollary 2. — Through any given line, a plane may he passed parallel to any other given line not in the plane of the first. For, through any point of the line through which the plane is to pass, conceive a line parallel to the second given line. The plane of the two intersecting lines is parallel to the second given line (?). 481. Corollary 3. — Through any point in space a plane may he passed parallel to any two lines in space. For, through the given point conceive two lines respectively parallel to the given lines ; then is the plane of these intersecting lines parallel to the two given lines (?). 10 218 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XV. 482. Theorem. — Of two lines perpendicular to each other, if one is perpendicular to a plane the other is par- allel to the plane. Demonstration. Let AB and PD be perpendicular to each other, and PD perpendicu- lar to the plane MN. Then is AB parallel to MN. If AB does not intersect PD, through any point in PD, as G, draw A'B' parallel to AB ; then is it perpendicular to PD (32, foot- note). Let CE be the projection of A'B' in the plane MN. Then is H the point where PD pierces the plane in CE (?). Hence A'B' is parallel to its projection CE (?), and consequently parallel to the plane MN. Therefore AB is parallel to CE (?), and consequently to the plane MN (479). Q. E. D. 483. Corollary. — A line and a plane which are both perpendicular to the same line are parallel. Fia. 229. RELATIVE POSITION OF TWO PLANES. OF PARALLEL PLANES. 484. Parallel Planes are such that either is parallel to any line of the other. 485. The Distance between Two Parallel Planes at any point is measured by the perpendicular. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES. 219 PROPOSITION XVI. 486. Theorem. — Parallel planes are everywhere equi- distant and hence can never meet. Demonstration. Let P and Q be two parallel planes. Then are they everywhere equi- distant, and hence can never meet. Let A and B be any two points in P, and pass a line through them. Since Q is parallel to P, it is parallel to the line AB (484). And since it is parallel to A B it is every- where equidistant from AB. Hence A and B, any two points in P, are equidistant from Q, and consequently P and Q can never meet. q. e. d. Fig. 230. PROPOSITION XVII. 487. Theorem. — Two planes perpendicular to the same line are parallel to eoA^h other. Demonstration. Let P and Q be two planes perpen- dicular to the line AB. Then are P and Q parallel. For any line in one plane is parallel to its projection in the other, since any line in either plane is perpendicular to AB (?). Hence either plane is parallel to any line of the other (476), and therefore the planes are parallel to each other, q. e. d. Fig. 231. ^ 220 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XVIII. 488. Theorem.— 7/ a plane intersects two parallel planes, the lines of intersection are parallel. Demonstration. Let RS intersect the parallel planes MN and PQ in AB and CD. Then is AB parallel to CD. For, if AB and CD could meet, the planes MN and PQ would meet, as every point in A B is in MN, and every point in CD in PQ. Hence, AB and CD lie in the same plane, and do not meet how far soever they be produced (132) ; they are therefore parallel, q. e. d. 489. Corollary. — Parallel lines in- tercepted between parallel planes are equal. Fig. 232. Thus, AC = BD, if they are parallel. For, the intersections AB and CD, of the plane of these parallels, are parallel (?), and the figure ABDC is a parallelogram ; whence, AC = BD (?). PROPOSITION XIX. 490. Theorem.— t^ line which is perpendicular to one of two parallel planes, is perpendicular to the other also. Demonstration. Let MN and PQ be two parallel planes; and let AB be perpendicular to PQ. Then is AB perpendicular to MN. For, pass any plane through AB, and let AC and BD be its intersections with MN and PQ re- spectively Then are AC and BD parallel (?). Now, AB is perpendicular to BD (?), and hence to AC (?). Thus, AB is shown to be perpendic- ular to any line of MN passing through its foot, and hence perpendicular to MN (0- Q- e. d. Fig. 233. STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES, 221 PROPOSITION XX. 491. Theorem. — TJvrough any point without a plane, one plane can be passed parallel to the given plane, and only one. Demonstration. Let MN be a plane, and B any point without MN. Let BA be a perpendicular from B upon MN. Through B draw DE and FG per- pendicular to AB. Then is the plane of DE and and FG parallel to MN (452, 487). Q. E. D. Again, as any plane parallel to MN is perpendicular to AB, and as only one plane can be passed through B perpen- dicular to AB (457), only one plane can be passed through B parallel to MN. Q. e. d. Fig. 234. PROPOSITION XXI. 492. Theorem. — Two angles lying in different planes, but having their sides parallel and extending in the same direction, or in opposite directions, are equal, and their planes are parallel. Demonstration. Let A and A' lie In the different planes MN and PQ, and have AB parallel to AB , and AC to AC. Then A = A', and MN and PQ are parallel. For, take AD = A'D', and AE = A'E', and draw AA', DD', EE', ED, and E'D'. Now, AD being equal and parallel to AD', AA' = DD' (?) Fig. 235. 222 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. EE'; Again, since EE' For like reason, AA' = therefore EE' = DD'. and DD' are respectively parallel to AA', they are parallel to each other (?) ; whence EDO'E' is a parallelogram (?), and ED = E'D'. Hence the triangles ADE and A'D'E' are mutually equilateral, and A, opposite ED, is equal to A', opposite E'D', equal to ED. Q. E. D. Again, the plane of the angle BAC, MN, is parallel to PQ, the plane of B'A'C. For, let a plane be passed through A and revolved until it is parallel to PQ. It must cut DD' which is parallel to AA', and EE' which also is parallel to AA', so that DD' and EE' shall equal AA' (?); hence it must pass through D. Hence the planes of the angles are parallel, q. e. d. 493. Corollary l.—If two inter sectiiig planes are cut by parallel planes, the angles formed hy the intersections are equal. Thus, AS' and AC being cut by the parallel planes MN and PQ. AD is parallel to A'D' (0, and extends in the same direction from vertex A that A'D' does from A'; and the same may be said of AC and A'C. Hence, BAC = B'A'C (?). 494. Corollary 2. — // the corresponding extremities of three equal parallel lines not in the same plane are joined, the triangles formed are equal, and their planes parallel. Thus, if AA' = DD' = EE', the sides of the triangle AED are equal to the sides of A'E'D', since the figures AD', DE', and EA' are parallelo- grams (?), and the corollary comes under the proposition {i). STRAIGHT LINES AND PLANES, PROPOSITION XXII. 495. Theorem. — // two lines are cut by three parallel planes, the corresponding intercepted segments are propor- tional. Demonstration. Let AB and CD be cut by the three parallel planes M, N, and P, AB piercing the planes in A, E, and B, and CD in C, F, and D. ^ . AE CF ^^^^^EB = FD- Join the points A and D by the straight line AD, and eoneeive planes passing through AD and DC, and through AB and AD. Let EH and BD be the intersec- tions of the planes N and P with the plane BAD, and AC and HF the in- tersections of M and N with ADC- Now, since EH is parallel to BD (?), AE _ AH EB ~ HD ^'' " Fig. 236. In like manner, by reason of the parallelism of HF and AC, CF_ AH FD ~ HD' Hence, by equality of ratios, AE CF Ei = FD- ^"•^- [Note. — Planes perpendicular or oblique to each other give rise to one species of solid angles; hence their consideration is reaeired for the next Section.] 234 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, EXERCISES. 496. 1. Designate any three points in the room, as one cor- ner of the desk, a point on the stove, and some point in the ceiling, and show how you can conceive the plane of these points. 2. Show the position of two lines which will not meet, and yet are not parallel. 3. Conceive two lines, one line in the ceiling and one in the floor, which shall not be parallel to each other. 4. The ceiling of my room is 10 feet above the floor. I have a 12-foot pole, by the aid of which I wish to determine a point in the floor directly under a certain point in the ceiling. How can I do it ? Suggestion.— Consult Proposition XII. 5. Upon what principle in this section is it that a stool with three legs always stands firm on a level floor, when one with four may not ? 6. By the use of two carpenter's squares you can determine a perpendicular to a plane. How is it done ? 7. If you wish to test the perpendicularity of a stud to a level floor, on how many sides of it is it necessary to measure the angle which it makes with the floor? By applying the right angle of the carpenter's square on any two sides of the stud, to test the angle which it makes with the floor, can you determine whether it is perpendicular or not ? 8. If a line is drawn at an inclination of 23° to a plane, what is the greatest angle which any line of the plane, drawn through the point where the inclined line pierces the plane, makes with the line ? Can you conceive a line of the plane which makes an angle of 50° with the inclined line ? Of 80° ? Of 15° ? Of 170° ? SOLID ANGLES, 225 ^^^gcfToM \l OF SOLID ANGLES. 497. • A Solid Angle is the opening between two or more planes, each of which intersects all the others. The lines of in- tersection are called Edges, and the planes, or the portion of the planes between the edges where there are more than two, are called Faces. 498. Solid Angles are of Three Species, viz., Diedral, Triedral, and Polyedral, according as they have two, three, or more than three faces. OF DIEDRALS. 499. A Diedral Angle, or simply a Diedral, is the opening between two intersecting planes. 600. A Diedral (Angle) is Measured by the plane angle included by lines drawn in its faces from any point in the edge, and perpendicular thereto. A diedral angle is called Right, Acute, or Obtuse, according as its measure is right, acute, or obtuse. Two diedrals are said to be Supi)leinentary, when their measures are supplementary. Of course the magnitude of a solid angle is independent of the dis- tances to which the edges may chance to be produced. Illustrations. — The opening ])etween the two planes CABF and DABE (Fig. 237) is a Diedral (angle), AB is the Edge, and CABF and DABE are the Faces. Let MO lie in the plane AF, perpendicular to the edge ; and NO in AE, and also perpendicular to the edge ; then the plane angle MON is the measure of the diedral. ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. Fig. 237. Fig. 238. Fig 239. 501. A diedral may be read by the letters on the edge, when there would be no ambiguity, or otherwise by these letters and one in each face. Thus, the diedral in Fig. 237 may be designated as AB, or as C-AB-D. 502. A diedral may be considered as generated by the revolu- tion of a plane about a line of the plane, and hence we may see the propriety of measuring it by the angle included by two lines in its faces perpendicular to its edge, as stated in the preceding article. Illustration. — Let AB (Fig. 338) be a line of the plane GB. Con- ceive ^B perpendicular to A'B. Now, let the plane revolve upon AB as an axis, whence grB describes a circle (?) ; and at any position of the re- volving plane, as /BAF, since f^g measures the amount of revolution, it may be taken as the measure of the diedral f-E^-g. When gB has made ^ of a revolution, the plane will have made ^ of a revolution, and the diedral will be right. 503. When two planes intersect, four diedrals are formed, any two of which are either At\jaceiit to each other, or Opposite. 504. Adjacent Diedrals are on the same side of one plane, but on the opposite sides of the other. As D-AB-C and D-AB-c, or c-AB-D and c-AB-d (Fig. 239). Opposite Diedrals are on opposite sides of both planes. As D-AB-C and ^AB-c, or D-AB-c and <^AB-C (Fig. 239). SOLID ANGLES. 227 PROPOSITION I. 506. Theorem. — W%en two planes intersect, the op- posite diedrals are equal, and the adjacent ones are supplementary. Demonstration. Let the planes DE and CF intersect in AB. Then D-AB-C = d-M-c, and D-AB-r = e drawn in the plane CF, and Nw in the plane DE, each perpenrlicular to AB. Tlien is MON, the mcHsure of D-AB C (?), = mOn, the measure of d-hB-c (?), etc. Q. E. D. Also, MON + NOm = 180° (?), H0m-\-7n0n = 180°, etc. Fig. 240. q. E. D. PROPOSITION II. 606. Theorem.—^/z,^ Une in one face of a right die- dral, perpendicular to its edge, is perpendicular to the other face. Demonstration. in the face CB of the right diedral C-AB-D^ let MO be perpendicular to the edge AB. Then is MO perpendicular to the face DB. For, draw ON in the face DB, and perpendicu- lar to AB. Now, since the diedral is right, and MON measures its angle, MON is a right angle; whence MO is perpendicular to two lines of the plane DB, and consequently perpendicular to the plane. Q. e. d. Fig. 241. *"■ By this is meant the measure of the diedral. 228 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 607. OoKOLLARY 1. — Conversely, If one plane contains a line which is perpen- dicular to another plane, the dtiedral is right. Thus, if MO is perpendicular to the plane DB, C-AB-D is a right diedral. For MO is perpen- dicular to every line of DB passing through its foot (?) ; and hence is perpendicular to ON, drawn at right angles to AB. When C-AB-D is a right diedral, for it is measured by a right plane angle. ^'9- ^*'- 608. Two planes are Perpendicular to each other when they intersect so as to make the adjacent diedrals equal. In this case, all four of the diedrals are right. 609. Corollary 2.— The plane which projects a line upon a plane (468) is perpendicular to the plane of projec- tion. PROPOSITION III. 610. Theorem. — // each of two intersecting planes is perpendicular to a third, their intersection is perpendicu- lar to the third plane. Demonstration. Let EF 3"'* CD bo twu planes perpendicular to the third plane MN, and J^yt AB be the intersection of EF and CD. Then is AB perpendicular to MN. For, EF being perpendicular to MN, D-FG-E is a right diedral, and a line in EF perpendicular to FG at B is perpendicular to MN ; also a line in the plane CD, and perpen- dicular to DH at B, is perpendicular to MN (?). Hence, as there can be one and only one perpendicular to MN at B, and as this perpen- dicular is in both planes, CD and EF, it is their intersection, q. e. d. Fig. 242. SOLID ANGLES. 229 PROPOSITION IV. 511. Theorem.— me angle Uicluded by perpendicu- lars drawn from any point within a diedral to its faces, is the supplement of the diedral. Demonstration. Fig 243. Let P' be any point within the diedral F-AB-C, and let the perpendic- ulars P'D' and P'E' be drawn to the faces. Then is D'P'E' the sup- plement of F-AB-C. From P, any point in the plane which Insects the diedral F-AB-C, draw PD and PE perpendicular to the same faces respectively as P'D' and P'E'. Then is DPE = D'P'E'. Now pass a plane through PE and PD, and let EG and DO be its inter- sections with FB and CB respectively. Then, by (507), FB and CB are perpendicular to the plane PEOD. Hence, A5 is perpendicular to PEOD (?), and EOD is the measure of F-AB-C (?). But in the quadrilateral PEOD, P is the supplement of EOD (?), and hence of F-AB-C. Hence, D'P'E' is the supplement of F-AB-C. Q. e. d. 512. Corollary 1. — If from, a point in the edge of a diedral perpendiculars are erected to the faces on the same sides of the planes respectively as the perpendiculars let fall from a point within, the included angle is the sup- plem^ent of the angle of the diedral. 513. Corollary 2. — The angle DPE is the supplement of the opposite diedral H-AB-I, and equal to each of the ad- jacent diedrals C-AB-I and F-AB-H- 230 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION V. 514. Theorem. — Between any two lines not in the same plane one line, and only one, can he drawn which shall he perpendicular to both, and this line is the shortest distance between them. Demonstration. Let AB and CD be two lines not in the same plane. Then one line, as HG, and only one, can be drawn which is perpen- dicular to both AB and CD, and HG measures the shortest distance be- tween AB and CD. Through either line, as CD, pass a plane MN parallel to AB (480). From any point in AB, as E, let fall EF perpendicular to MN. Let EK be the plane of the lines EF and EB, and let FK be its trace Fig. m MN. Now, as AB and CD are not in the same plane, EK, and hence its trace FK, cuts CD in some point, as G. From G draw GH perpendicular to AB. laf nu i;-- :-> the plane EK (?) widch is perpendicular to MN (?), and being perpendicular to AB is perpemUcuIar to FK , and hence to the GH, which is perpendicular to AB, is perpendicular to 244. ■ia. an IS the only line which is perpendicular U) oth AB and CD. For ftny line which is prrpendicular to A5 aua C^ is perpendicular to FK (?), and hence to MN (?). Now every perpendicular from AB to the plane MN meets this plane in FK (?). But FK and CD have only one point common, viz., G. Hence, GH is the only perpendicular from AB to CD. 3d. GH is the shortest distance between AB and CD. For a line from any point in AB to any other point in CD, as LS, would be oblique to MN (?), and hence longer than the perpendicular LR, = HG. BOLID ANGLES, 231 PROPOSITION VI. 515. Theorem. — // one of two parallel planes is per- pendicular to a third plane, the other is also. Demonstration. Let PO and QE be two paral lei planes; and let PD be perpen- dicular to the third plane MN. Then is QE perpendicular to MN. Through PD and QE pass the plane RS perpendicular to MN, and let FK be its trace in QE, and HI in PD. Then is FK perpendicular to MN (?). And, as HI is parallel to FK (?), it is perpendicular to MN (460). Hence, QE is perpendicular to MN (507). Q. K. D. Fig. 245. OF TRIEDRALS. 516. As diedrals result from the intersection of two planes, so triedrals result from the intersection of three planes. Fifl. 24d. 232 ♦ ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 517. Three planes may intersect in three principal ways: 1st. Their intersections may all coincide, as in (a). 2d. They may have three parallel intersections, as in (h), 3d. They may have three non-parallel intersections, as in (c). In this case the three intersections meet in a common point, as at S. In the first case the three planes have an infinite number of common points. In the second case they have no common point. In the third case they have but one common point. The third case gives rise to Triedrals. 618. A Triedral is the opening between three planes which meet in a common point. 519. When three planes meet so as to form one triedral, they form also eight, as planes are to be considered indefinitely ex- tended, unless otherwise stated. 520. The planes enclosing a particular triedral are called its Faces, and their intersections its Edges. The common point is called the Vertex. 521. A triedral may be designated by naming the letter at the vertex and then three other letters, one in each edge. Thus, in the figure, the opening between the three planes ASC, CSB, and BSA is the triedral S-ABC. ThQ faces are ASC, CSB, and BSA. Fig. 247. 522. The plane angles enclosing a solid angle are called Facial Angles. 523. In every particular triedral there are six parts, Three Facial Angles and Three Diedrals. SOLID ANGLES, 233 524. Our study of triedrals will be confined to the relations of the facial angles and the diedrals, and the comparison of dif- ferent triedrals. 525. Triedrals are Rectangular, Bi-rectang^ular, or Tri-rectangular, according as they have one, two, or three right diedral angles. Illubtbation. — The comer of a cube is a Tinrectcmgular triedral, as S-ADC. Conceive the upper portion of the cube removed by the plane ASEF ; then the angle at S, i. e., S-AEC, is a Bi- rectangular triedral, A-SC-E and A-SE-C being right diedrals. Pig. 248. 626. An Isosceles Triedral is one that has two of ito facial angles equal. An Equilateral Triedral is one that has all three of its facial angles equal. 527. Opposite Triedrals are such as lie on opposite sides of each of the intersecting planes, as S-ABC and %-ahc. Opposite triedrals have mutually equal facial and equal diedral angles, but these being differently disposed, such triedrals are not in general capable of superposition. Illustration. — Let the edges of the triedral S-ABC be produced beyond the vertex, forming the opposite triedral S-aZw. Now, the faces are equal plane angles, but disposed in a different order. Thus, ASB = aS&, ASC = aSc, and BSC = 6Sc, and the diedrals are also equal ; but the triedrals cannot be superimposed, or made to coincide. To show this fact, conceive the upper triedral detached, and the face aSc placed in its equal face ASC, Sa in SA, and Sc ^'9- ^*^- in SC. Now the edge S6, instead of falling in SB, in front of ASC, will fall behind the plane ASC. Or, otherwise, if %-ahc be revolved on S by bringing it forward and turning it down on S-ABC, since the diedrals A-SB-C and o-Sh-a are equal, they will coincide ; but, as facial angle aSh is not necessarily equal to CSB, S/i will not necessarily fall in SC. For a like reason, %c will not necessarily fall in SA. 234 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, 528. Symmetrical Triedrals are triedrals in which each part in one has an equal part in the other ; but the equal parts not being similarly disposed, the triedrals may not be capable of superposition. Symmetrical solids are of frequent occurrence : the two hands form an illustration ; for, though the parts may be exactly alike, the hands cannot be placed so that their like parts "will be similarly situated ; in short, the left glove will not fit the right hand. 529. Atljaceiit Triedrals are such as lie on different sides of one of the intersecting planes, and on the mme side of two of them. Thus, S-ADE is adjacent to 8.DRE. In adjacent triedrals, two of the facial angles of one are the supplements of two of the other, each to each, and one is equal in each Thus, in the adjacent triedrals S-DRE and S-ADE, ASE and ASD are supplements respectively of ESR and DSR, while DSE is common to both. Fig. 250. 530. Of the eight triedrals formed by the intersection of three planes, each has its Oi)i)Osite or Symmetrical triedral, and each has three Adjacent triedrals. 631. Two triedrals are Supplementary when the facial angles of the one are the supplements of tiie measures of the corresponding diedrals of the other. 532. Equality, as has been before defined, means, in Geom- etry, equality in all respects ; and two figures that are said to be equal are capable of being so applied the one to the other that they will coincide throughout. This absolute equality is hence SOLID ANGLES, 235 often called Equality by Superposition^ in distinction from Equality by Symmetry. 533. Two figures are said to be Equal by Symmetry, or Symmetrically Equals or simply Symmetrical, when each part in one has an equal part in the other ; but these equal parts being differently arranged in the two figures, the one may not be capable of being superimposed upon the other. (See 527.) PROPOSITION VII. 534. Theorem. — Opposite triedrals are equal and may be syninietrlcal. Demonstration. Let S-ABC and S-ahc be two opposite triedrals. Then are the triedrals equal or syiiiiiietricul. For the facial angle ASC = the facial angle aSc (?); also, BSC = bSc, and ASB = aSh. Again, the diedra' A-SB-C = a-Sft-c, since they are op- posite diedrals. For like reason, B SA-C = b-Sa-c, and A-SC-B = a-Sc-b. Hence all the parts in one triedral have equal parts in the other. But, in general, these triedrals cannot be superimposed. (See illustration, 527.) '** If, however, ASB = CSB, then aSb = cSb, and the triedrals can be superimposed. Thus, conceive the triedral S-ahc revolved on S, being brought over towards the observer until Sb falls in SB. Tiien, since CSB = ASB = aSb, aSb may be made to coincide with BSC, and as the diedrals A-SB-C and ct-Sb-c are equal, cSb will fall in ASB, and the triedrals will coincide, and will be equal. Hence, opposite diedrals are equal and may be symmetrical, q. e. d. 535. equal. Corollary 1. — Opposite isosceles triedrals are 236 ELEMENTABY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION VIII. 536. Theorem. — Two syrmnetrical triedrals may al- ways be conceived to be placed as opposite triedrals. Demonstration. Let S-ABC and S'-A'B'C be two symmetrical triedrals, B and B' being in front of the planes ASC and A'S'C, ASB = A'S'B', ASC = A'S'C, BSC = B'S'C', A-SB-C = A'-S'B-C', A-SC-B =- A'-SX'-B', and B-SA-C = B'-S'A'-C. Then may S-ABC and S'-A'B'C be placed as opposite triedrals. Produce the edges of either triedral, as S'-A'B'C, beyond the vertex, forming the opposite tri- edral S'-aftc. Then can S-ABC be super- imposed upon ^'-dbc, and the latter fulfills the requirements of the proposition. The application is made as follows : Since B' is in front of the plane Fig. 252. A'S'C, I is behind the plane aS'c. Now conceive S-ABC inverted and reversed so that B shall fall behind the plane ASC. Then apply ASC to its equal aS'c, SA falling in S'a, and SC in S'c. By reason of the equality of A-SC-B and a-S'c-& (= A'-S'C'-B'), the plane BSC will fall in 5S'c, and for a like reason ASB will fall in aS'5 ; and since the planes coincide, their intersections SB and S'ft must coincide. Hence, S-ABC = S'-a5c, the opposite to S'-A'B'C Q. E. d. SOLID ANGLES, 237 PROPOSITION IX. 537. Theorem. — Two triedrals which have two facial angles and the included diedral equal, each to each, are either equal or symmetrical, Demonsteation. Let I, 2, 3, be triedrals having the facial angle ASC = A'S'C = aS"c, CSB = C'S'B' = cS "6, and A-SC-B = A -S'C'-B' = a-^'c-h. Fig. 253. Then are the triedrals either equal or symmetrical. Ist. When the equal facial angles are on the same sides of the respec- tive equal diedrals, as in Figs. 2 and 3, the triedrals may be appliecf the one to the other. Thus, let the facial angle A'S'C be placed in its equal oS"c, A'S' in aS, and S'C in S"c; whence, by reason of the equality of the diedrals A'-S'C'-B' and a-S"c-6, and since the facial angles B'S'C and hS"c lie on the same sides respectively of their diedrals A'-S'C -B' and a-S"c-h, the plane of B'S'C falls in the plane of 6S"c, and since angle B'S'C = angle 6S"c, B'S' falls in 6S", and A'S'B' coincides with aS"&. Hence the triedrals coincide and are equal, q. e. d. 2d. But if the equal facial angles lie on different sides of the equal diedrals, as in Figs. 1 and 3, let the opposite of S-ABC be drawn (627), and call it S-a'Vcf. Then may 1 be applied to S-a'h'd. [Let the student draw the figure and make the application.] 338 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION X. 538. Theorem. — Two triedrals which have two die- drals and the included facial angles equal each to each, are either equal or symmetrical, Demoi^stbation. [Same as preceding. Let the student draw figures like those for the preceding, and go through with the details of the application.] 539. Corollary. — In equal or in symmetrical triedrals, the equal facial angles are opposite the equal diedrals. PROPOSITION XI. 540. Theorem. — The sum of any two facial angles of a triedral is greater than the third- Demonstration. This proposition needs demonstration only in case of the sum of the two smaller facial angles as compared with the greatest {(). Let ASB and BSC each be less than ASC ; then is ASB + BSC > ASC. For, in the face ASC, make the angle AS J' = ASB, and S5' = S&, and pass a plane through 5 and 6', cut- ting SA and SC in « and c. The two triangles aSh and a%V are equal (?), whence Now, ab ■\-'bc> a^ (?), Fig, 254. and subtracting ah from the first member, and its equal cikl from the sec- ond, we have he > ft'c. Whence the two triangles 5Sc and V%c have two sides in the one equal to two sides in the other, each to each, but the third side he > than the third side ft'c, and consequently angle BSC > h SC. Adding ASB to the former, and its equal AS&' to the latter, we have ASB + BSC > ASC. Q. E. D. 541. Corollary. — The difference hetween any two facial angles of a triedral is less than the third facial angle (?). SOLID ANGLES. 239 PROPOSITION XII. 542. Theorem. — Two triedrals which have two facial angles of the one equal to two facial angles of the other, each to each, and the included diedrals unequal, have the third facial angles unequal, and the greater facial angle belongs to the trledral having the greater included diedi'al. Demonstr'ation. Let ASC = asc, and ASB = asb, while the diedral C-SA B > c-sa-b. Then CSB > eab. For, divide the diedral C-SA-B by a plane ASO, making the diedral C-SA-0 = o-sa-b; end taking ASO = aid, bisect the diedral 0-SA-B with the plane ISA. Conceive the planes OSI and OSC. F«g- 255. Now, the triedrals S-AOC and s-ahc are equal or symmetrical, having two facial angles and the included diedral equul eael^^to each (637). For a like reason, S-AIO and S-AIB are symmetrical, and the facial angle OSI = ISB. Again, in the triedral S-IOC> OSI + ISC > OSC (640), and substituting ISB for OSI, we have ISB -I- ISC (or CSB) > OSC, or its equal csb. q. e. d. 643. Corollary.— Conversely, // tJte two facial angles are equal, each to each, in two. triedrals, and the third facial angles unequal, the diedral opposite the greater facial angle is the greater. That is, if ASB = asb, and ASC = anCy while BSC > bsc, the diedral B-AS-C > b-as-r. For, if B-AS-C ^ b-as-c, BSC = bse (637, 639) ; and if B-AS C < b-aa-c, BSC < bse, by the proposition. Therefore, as B-AS-C cannot be equal to nor less than b-as-e, it must be greater, q. e. d. 240 ELEMENTARY OEOMETRT, PROPOSITION XIII. M 544. Theorem. — Two triedrals which have the three facial angles of the one equal to the three facial angles of the other, each to each, are either equal or symmetrical, Demokstration. Let A, B, and C represent the facial angles of one, and a, 5, and c the corresponding facial angles of the other. If A = a, B = &, and C :^ c, the triedrals are equal or symmetrical. For A being equal to a, and B to &, if, of their included diedrals, SM were greater than «m, C would be greater than c (?) ; and if diedral SM were less than diedral sm^ C would be less than c (?). Hence, as diedral SM can neither be greater nor less than diedral sm, it must be equal to it. Therefore the triedrals have two facial angles and the included diedral equal, each to each, and are consequently equal or symmetrical. Q. e. d. PROPOSITION XIV. 545. Theorem,— ///roT^Z/ any point within a triedral perpendiculars are drawn to the faces, they will be the edges of a supplementary triedral. Demonstratioit. From S' within the triedral S-ABC, let S'A' be drawn perpendicular to ASB, SB' to ASC, and S'C to BSC. Then is S'-A'B'C supple- mentary to S-ABC. For the facial angle A'S'B' is the supplement of the di- edral B-AS-C (511); and for like reason B'S'C is the sup- plement of A-SC-B, andA'S'C of A-SB-C. Again, since S'A' is per- pendicular to the face ASB, and S'B' is perpendicular to ASC, the plane of S'A' and ^. „^^ rig. Z5o. SOLID ANGLES. 241 S'B' is perpendicular to ASB and ASC, and therefore to SA. Hence SA is perpendicular to the face A'S'B'. For a similar reason, SC is perpendicular to B'S'C Hence ASC is the supplement of A'-S'B'-C In like manner, it may be shown that BSC is the supplement of A'-S'C'-B', and ASB of B'-S'A'-C. Q. e. d. 546. Scholium 1. — If perpendiculars were drawn from the point S, or any other point, parallel to those from S', and in the same directions respectively from S that S'A', etc., are from S', they would also l)e per- pendicular to the faces of the diedral, and would form a supplementary triedral. 547. Scholium 2. — The triedral S'-A'B'C is also supplementary to the triedral opposite to S-ABC. 548. Scholium 3. — The triedral S'-A'B'C will not be supplementary to the triedral adjacent to S-ABC, but one facial angle will be supple- mentary to the corresponding diedral in the other, and the other facial angles will be equal to their corresponding diedrals. 549. Scholium 4. — One triedral adjacent to S'-A'B'C will be sup- plementary to one of those adjacent to S-ABC. PROPOSITION XV. 550. Theorem. — In an isosceles triedral the diedrals opposite the equal facial angles are equal ; and, Conversely, If two diedrals of a triedral are equal, the triedral is isosceles. Demon^stration. In the triedral S-ABC, let ASC = CSB. Then is C-SA-B = C-SB-A. For, pass the plane CSD through the edge SC, bisecting the diedral A-SC-B. Then the two triedrals S-ACD and S-CBD have two facial angles of one equal to two facial angles of the other, each to each ; that is, ASC = CSB, by hypothesis, and CSD common; and the in- P, 257 242 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. eluded diedral8 equal by construction. Hence the triedrals are sym- metrical, and C-SA-B = C-SB-A (537, 639). Q. k. d. Convereely, if C-SA-B = C-SB-A, ASC = CSB. For the supplementary triedral is isosceles ; whence the diedrals op- posite those equal facial angles are equal. But ASC and CSB are the supplements of these equal diedrals, and hence equal, q. e. d. 651. Corollary 1. — The plane which bisects the angle included by the equal facial afigles of an isosceles triedral is perpendicular to the opposite face, and bisects the oppo- site facial angle. 662. Corollary 2.—// the^ three facial angles of a tri- edral are equal, each to each, the diedrals are also equal, each to each, and conversely. PROPOSITION XVI. 663. Theorem. — Two triedrals which have the three diedrals of the one equal to the three diedrals of the other, each to each, are equal or symmetrical. Demonstration. In the two supplementary triedrals, the facial angles of the one are equal to the facial angles of the other, each to each, since they are sup- plements of equal diedrals (546). Hence, the supplementary triedrals are equal or symmetrical (644). Now, the facial angles of the first triedrals are supplements of the diedrals of the supplementary ; whence the corresponding facial angles, being the supplements of equal diedrals, are equal. Therefore, the pro- posed triedrals have their facial angles equal, each to each, and are con- sequently equal j or symmetrical. Q. E. D. 664. Corollary. — All tri-rectangular triedrals are equal. SOLID ANGLES, 343 ^< V PROPOSITION XVII. 565. Theorem. — The sum of the facial angles of a -^ triedral may he anything between zero and four right angles. Demonstration. Let ASB, BSC, and ASC be the facial angles enclosing a triedral. Then, as each must have some value, the sum is greater than zero, and we have only to show that ASB + ASC + BSC is less than 4 right angles. Produce either edge, as AS, to D. Now, in the triedral S-BCD, BSC is less than BSD + CSD (?). '"'s- '^^^^ To each member of this inequality add ASB + ASC, and we have ASB + ASC + BSC less than ASB + ASC + BSD + CSD (?). But ASB + BSD = 2 right angles (?), and ASC + CSD = 2 right angles; whence ASB 4- ASC + BSD + CSD = 4 right angles, and consequently ASB + ASC + BSC is less than 4 right angles, q. k. d. PROPOSITION XVIII. 656. Tlxeorem.—The sum of the diedrals of a triedral may he anything hetween two and six right angles. Demonstration. Each diedral being the supplement of a facial angle of the supple- mentary triedral (531), the sum of the three diedrals is 3 times 2 right angles, or 6 right angles, minus the sum of the facial angles of the sup- plementary triedral. But this latter sum may be anything between and 4 right angles (?). Hence the sum of the diedrals may be anything between 2 and 6 right angles, q. e. d. \ 244 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. OF POLYEDRALS. 557. A Convex Polyedral is a polyedral none of the faces of which, when produced, enter tlie solid angle. A sec- tion of such a polyedral made by a plane cutting all its edges is a convex polygon. (See Fig. 259. ) PROPOSITION XIX. 558. Theorem. — Tke sum of the facial angles of any convex polyedral is less than four right angles. Demonstration. Let S be the vertex of any convex polyedral. Then is the sum of the angles ASB, BSC, CSD, DSE, and ESA less than 4 right angles. Let the edges of this polyedral be cut by any plane, as ABODE, which section will be a convex polygon, since the polyedral is convex. From any point within this polygon, as 0, draw lines to its vertices, as OA, OB, 00, etc. There will thus be formed two sets of triangles, one with their vertices at S, and the other with their vertices at 0; and there will be an equal number in each set, for the sides of the polygon form the bases of both sets. Now, the sum of the angles of each of these two sets of triangles is the same. But the sum of the angles at the bases of the trian«;les having their vertices at S is greater than the sum of the angles at the bases of the triangles having their vertices at 0, since SBA + SBO is greater than ABO, SOB + SOD is greater than BOD, etc. (540). Therefore the sum of the angles at S is less than the sum of the angles at 0> ». 6-, less than 4 right angles, q. e. d. Fig. 259. i EXEKCISES, 246 EXERCISES 659. 1. I have an iron block whose corners are all square (edges right diedrals, and the vertices tri-rectangular, or right, triedrals). If I bend a wire square around one of its edges, as c S't?, at what angle do I bend the wire ? If I bend a wire obliquely around the edge, as aSh, at what angle can I bend it ? If I bend it obliquely, as e S"/, at what angle can I bend it ? 2. Fig. 260 represents the ap- pearance of a rectangular parallelo- Fi7"26o7 piped, as seen from a certain position. Now, all the angles of such a solid are right angles : why is it that they nearly all appear oblique ? Can you see a right paral- lelopiped from such a position that all the angles seen shall appear as right angles ? 3. The diedral angles of crystals are measured with great care, in order to determine the substances of which the crystals consist. How must the measure be taken? If we measure obliquely around the edge, shall we get the true value of the angle ? 4. Prove that if three planes intersect so as to make two traces parallel, the third is parallel to each of these. 5. From a piece of pasteboard cut two figures of the same size, like ABCDS and ahcds (Fig. 261). Then drawing SB and SC so as to make 1 the largest angle and 3 the smallest, cut the pasteboard almost through in these lines, so that it will readily bend in them. Now fold the edges AS and DS together, and a triedral will be formed. From the piece ahcds form a triedral in like manner, only let the lines sc and sh be drawn so as to make 24:6 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. the angles 1, 2, and 3 of the same size as be- fore, while they occur in the order given in (ibcds. Now, see if you can slip one triedral into the other, so that they will fit. What is the difficulty? 6. In the last case, if 1 equals | of a right angle, 2 = ^ of a right angle, and 3 = | of a right angle, can you form the triedral? Why ? If you keep increasing the size of 1, 2, and 3, until the sum becomes equal to 4 right angles, will it always be possible to Fig. 26i. form a triedral ? How is it when the sum equals 4 right angles? 7. What is the locus of a point in space equidistant from three given points ? To demonstrate that such a locus is a straight line, pass a plane through the three points, and also a circumference. Now, 1st, a perpen- dicular to this circle at its centre has every point equidistant from the three points; and, 2d, any point out of the perpendicular is unequally distant from the points. Hence this perpendicular is the locus sought. Notice that in demonstrating such a proposition the two points should both be proved. 8. The locus of a point equidistant from two planes is the plane which bisects the diedral included between them. [Give proof.] 9. What is the locus of a point in space equidistant from the faces of a triedral ? [Give proof.] 10. If each of the projections of a line upon three intersecting planes is a straight line, the line is a straight line. 11. To find the point in a plane such that the sum of its dis- tances from two given points without the plane, and on the same side of it, shall be a minimum. Solution. — Let the two points be P and P'. Let fall a perpendicular from either point, as P, upon the plane, and call it PD. Produce PD on the opposite side of the plane to P", making P"D = PD. Join P" and P'. The point where P"P' pierces the plane is the point sought. [Give proof.] PRISMS, 247 0irCtlOM m. OF PRISMS AND CYLINDERS. 660. A Prism is a solid, two of whose faces are equal, par- allel polygons, while the other faces are parallelograms. The equal parallel polygons are the Bases, and the parallelograms make up the Lateral or Convex Surface. Prisms are triangular, quadrangular, pentagonal, etc., according to the number of sides of the polygon forming a base. 561. A Right Prism is a prism whose lateral edges are perpendicular to its bases. An Oblique Prism is a prism whose lateral edges are oblique to its bases. 562. A Regular Prism is a right prism whose bases are regular polygons ; whence its faces are equal rectangles. 563. The Altitude of a prism is the perpendicular distance between its bases : the altitude of a right prism is equal to any one of its lateral edges. 564. A Truncated Prism is a portion of a prism cut off by a plane cutting the lateral edges, but not parallel to its base. A section of a prism made by a plane perpendicu- lar to its lateral edges is called a Right Section. Illustrations. — In the figure, (a) and (&) are both prisms : (a) is oblique and (b) right. PO represents the altitude of (a) ; and '"'S- 262. any edge of (J), as JB, is its altitude. ABCDEF and abcd^ are lower and 248 ELEMENT A It Y GEOMETR Y. upper bases, respectively. Either portion of (b) cut off by an oblique plane, as a'l'c'd'e', is a truncated prism. 565. A Parallelepiped is a prism whose bases are paral- lelograms ; its faces, inclusive of the bases, are consequently all parallelograms. If its faces are all rectangular, it is a rectangu- lar parallelopiped. 566. A Cube is a rectangular parallelopiped whose faces are all equal squares. 567. The Volume or Contents of a solid is the number of times it contains some other solid taken as the unit of meas- ure ; or it is the ratio of one solid to another taken as the stand- ard of measure. In applied geometry the unit of volume is usually a cube de- scribed on some linear unit, as an inch, a foot, a yard, etc. To this the perch and the cord are exceptions. PROPOSITION I. 568. Theorem. — Parallel plane sections of any prism are equal polygons. Demoksteation^. Let ABODE and ahcde be parallel sections of the prism MN* Then are they equal polygons. For, the intersections with the lateral faces, as ab and AB, etc., are parallel, since they are inter- sections of parallel planes by a third plane (488)- Moreover, these intersections are equal, that is, db = AB, Ic = BC, cd = CD, etc., since they are parallels included between parallels (138)- Again, the corresponding angles of these polygons are equal, that is, a = A, J = B, c = C, etc., since their sides are parallel and lie in the same direction (492)- Therefore the polygons ABODE and abcde are mutually equilateral and equiangular ; that is, they are pJiiS3£S. 249 569. Corollary. — Any plane section of a prism, paral- lel to its base, is equal to the base ; and all right sections are equal. PROPOSITION II. 570. Theorem. — // two prisms have equivalent bases, any plane sections parallel to the bases are equivalent. Demonstration. Let M and N be any two prisms having equivalent bases B and B'; and let P and Q be sections parallel thereto. Then, by the preceding proposition, P = B, and Q = B' = B , whence, P = Q. Q. b.d. PROPOSITION III. 571. Theorem. — // three faeces including a triedral of one prism — complete or truncated — are equal respective- ly to three faces including a triedral of the other, and similarly placed, the prisms are equal. Demonstration. In the prisms ^d and ^'d' (Fig. 264), let ABCDE equal A'B'C'D'E, ^Bba = ^'B'b'a', and BCcb = B'CV6'. Then are the prisms equal. For, since the facial angles of the triedrals B and B' are equal, the triedrals are equal (544), and being applied they will coincide. Now, conceiving ^'d' as applied to A^, with B' in B, since the bases are equal polygons, they will coincide throughout ; and for like reason aB will coincide with a'B', and cB witli c'B'. 250 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, Furthermore, since the coincide, CD' falls in CD, and as C'c' falls in Cc, and D'd' is parallel to CV, and Ud to Cc (?), [y'd' falls in Dd. In like manner, £'e' can be shown to fall in Ee. Finally, since the upper bases have the angles a'l'c' and ahc co- incident, they coincide (444). Hence the prisms can be super- imposed, and are therefore equal. Fig. 264. Q. E. D. 572. Corollary. — Two right prisms having equal bases and equal altitudes are equal. If the faces are not similarly arranged, as the edges are perpendicular to the bases, one prism can be inverted and then superimposed on the other. PROPOSITION IV. 573. Theorem. — Any oblique prism is equivalent to a right prism, whose bases are right sections of the oblique prism, and whose edge is equal to the edge of the oblique prism. Demonstration. Let LB be an oblique prism, of which abode an6ff//iil are right sections, and gb = GB. Then is lb equivalent to LB. For the truncated prisms ^G and eB have the faces including any two corresponding triedrals, as G and B, respectively, equal and similarly placed (?), whence these prisms are equal (571)- Now, from the whole figure take away prism ZG, and there remains the oblique prism LB ; also, from the whole take away the prism cB, and there remains the right prism lb. Therefore, the right prism lb is equivalent to the oblique prism LB. q. e. d. Fig. 265. PRISMS, 251 PROPOSITION V. 574. Theorem. — The opposite faces of a parcdlelopiped are equal and parallel. Demonstration. Let Ac be a parallelopiped, AC and ac being its equal bases (560) Then are its opposite faces equal and parallel. Since the bases are parallelograms, AB is equal and parallel to DC ; and, since the faces are paral- lelograms, ah, is equal and parallel to d[). Hence, angle aAB = d[>0, and their planes are parallel, since their sides are parallel and extend in the same directions. Therefore, aS and dC are equal (322) and parallel parallelograms. In like manner it may be shown that aO is equal and parallel to M). Q. E. D. Fig. 266. PROPOSITION VI 575. Theorem.— me bisect each other. diagonals of a parallelopiped «. ^ AVw--^f Demonstration. Let ABCD-A be a parallelopiped whose diagonals are frD, f/B, cA, and aO. Then do ftD, be any two similar prisms, 11 and h their altitudes, Ka and k'a' two homologous edges, and A6 and Mb' two corresponding faces. Then is H Ha T- = jTi > or as aTiy other two homologouB edges : and Aft A'6' Aa H' > / ,i= -^ ' *• *M as the squares of any A' a'* h^ n .7 other two homologous edges, or as the squares of the altitudes. From the homologous vertices a and a' let fall the perpendiculars a\ and a' I', and draw Al and AT. a\ = H,m(\a'\' = hO). Now, since the prisms are similar, they may be so placed that their homologous edges wHl be parallel ; hence, let AB be parallel to A'B', AE to A'E', and ^A to a'A'. Then is al parallel to a'!', and Al to AT, and the triangles aAl and a' AT are similar. Whence we have H h Aa k^a" Fig. 271. or as any other two homolo- gous edges, since by definition any two homologous edges bear the same ratio. Q. e. d. 260 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, Again, since the corre- sponding faces Kb and A'^' have their homologous sides proportional (597), and their homologous angles, as aAB and a'A'B', equal, being the ho- mologous facial angles of equal triedrals, the faces are similar plane figures, and ka IP or as the squares of any two homologous edges, q. b. d. Fig. 271. 601. Corollary. — Tlie corresponding faces of any two similar solids are to each other as the squares of any two homologous edges of the solids. PROPOSITION XV. 602. Theorem. — The lateral surfaces of similar prisms are to each other as the squares of any two homologous edges, or as the squares of the altitudes of the prisms. Demonstration. Let Af B, C, I>, etc., and a, b, c, d, etc., be the corresponding faces of two similar prisms, and M and in any two homologous edges, and H and h the altitudes. By the last proposition, A a " Jf2 B M' CM' D ce, A_B_G_ a ~ b c — , etc. = -—^ , d VI- M^ etc. PRISMS AND CYLINDERS. 261 and, by coiuposition, a + 6 + c + rf, etc. ~ m^ ~ h^ ^^' ^•^^^■ 603. Corollary. — The entire surfaces of any two simi- lar solids are to each other as the squares of any two homologous edges. PROPOSITION XVI. 604. Theorem. — The volumes of similar prisms are to each other as the cubes of their homologous edges, and as the cubes of their altitudes. Demonstration. Let V and v be the volumes of any two similar prisms, M and m any two homologous edges, and ^ and h their altitudes. Then is -=-: = ^'- Let B and h be the bases of the prisms ; whence their volumes are 5xJy and hxh respectively (592). By (600), B ^M^^H^ b ~ W ~ A^ Bat f=-=f(')- h m h ^ ^ Multiplying, -r-T- ^ — - -^ ^ Ti' Q. E. D. 262 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XVII. 605. Theorem. — The convex surfaces of similar cylin- ders of revolution are to each other as the squares of their altitudes, and as the squares of the radii of their bases. Demonstration. Let H^rxA h be the altitudes, and R and r the radii of the bases of two similar cylinders. The convex surfaces are 27ri2^and ^tttK (586). T^ 2nRH RH R H •Now, — — - = — - = - X ^ . 2irrA rh t h By hypothesis, — = — • Whence, by substitution, we have 27rrh ~ h? ' , 2itRh m and — — ~ - —• Q. E. D. 2nrh T^ PROPOSITION XVIII. 606. Theorem. — The volumes of similar cylinders of revolution are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes, or as the cubes of the radii of their bases. Demonstration. Let H and fi be the altitudes of two similar cylinders of revolution, M and r the radii of their bases, and V and v their volumes. V H^ R^ PRISMS AND CYLINDERS 263 For, by (595), V = itHR', and V = nhr^. Hence, — = — ir-r — ^tt and, since - = -(?) we have, by substitution, — = — = -—. q. e. D. 607. Scholium.— It is a general truth, that the surfaces of similar solids, of any form^ are to each other as the squares of homologous lines; and their volumes are as the cubes of such lines. These truths will be further illustrated in the following section, but the methods of demon- stration will be seen to be the same as used in this. EXERCISES. 1. A farmer has two grain bins which are parallelo- pipeds. The front of one bin is a rectangle 6 feet long by 4 high, and the front of the other a rectangle 8 feet long by 4 high. They are built between parallel walls 5 feet apart. The bottom and ends of the first, he says, are " square " (he means,* it is a rectangular parallelopiped), while the bottom and ends of the other slope, i. e., are oblique to the front. What are the rela- tive capacities of the bins ? 2. How many square feet of boards in the walls and bottom of the first bin mentioned in Ex. 1 ? 3. An average sized honey bee's cell is a right hexagonal prism, .8 of an inch long, with faces ^ of an inch wide. The width of the face is always the same, but the length of the cell varies according to the space the bee has to fill. Are honey bees* cells similar ? Is a honey bee's cell, of the dimensions given above, similar to a wasp's cell, which is 1.6 inches long, and whose face is .3 of an incli wide? What are the relative capaci- ties of the wasp's cell and the honey bee's? 264 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 4. How many square inches of sheet iron docs it take to make a joint of 7-inch stovepipe 2 feet 4 inches long, allowing an inch and a half for making the seam ? 5. A certain water-pipe is 3 inches in diameter. How much water is discharged through it in 24 hours, if the current flows 3 feet per minute ? How much through a pipe of twice as great diameter, at the same rate of flow ? 6. What is the ratio of the length of a hogshead holding 125 gallons, to the length of a keg of the same shape, holding 8 gallons ? 7. What are the relative amounts of cloth required to clothe three men of the same form (similar solids), one being 5 feet high, another 5 feet 9 inches, and tlic other 6 feet, provided they dress in the same style? If the second of these men weighs 156 lb., what do the others weigh ? 8. If a man 5 J feet high weighs 160 lb., and a man 3 inches taller weighs 180 lb., which is the stouter in proportion to his height ? 9. I have a prismatic piece of timber, from which I cut two blocks, both 5 feet long measured along one edge of the stick ; but one block is made by cutting the stick square across (a right section), and the other by cutting both ends of it obliquely, making an angle of 45° with the same face of the timber. Which block is the greater ? Which has the greater lateral surface ? 10. How many cubic feet in a log 12 feet long and 2 feet and 5 inches in diameter ? How many square feet of inch boards can be cut from such a log, allowing one-quarter for waste in slabs and sawing ? 11. How many square feet of sheet copper will it take to line the sides and bottom of a cylindrical vat (cylinder of revolution) 6 feet deep, if the diameter of the bottom is 4 feet? How many barrels does such a vat contain ? 12. What are the relative capacities < - of rovolntion of the same diameter, but of different len.. \'5.. < of those of the same length, but of different diamuttrs PYRA W CONES, 265 ^irCTiOH lY, OF PYRAMIDS AND CONES. 609. A Pyramid is a solid having a polygon for its base, and triangles for its lateral faces. If the base is also a triangle, it is called a triangular pyramid, or a tetraedron (i. e., a solid with four faces). The vertex of tlie polyedral angle formed by the lateral faces is the Vertex of the pyramid. 610. The Altitude of a pyramid is the perpendicular dis- tance from its vertex to the plane of its base. 611. A Right Pyramid is a pyramid whose base is a regu- lar polygon, and the perpendicular from whose vertex falls at the centre of the base. This perpendicular is called the axis, 612. A Frustum of a pyramid is a portion of the pyramid intercepted between the base and a plane parallel to the base. If the cutting plane is not parallel to the base, the portion inter- cepted is called a Truncated pyramid. 613. The Slaut Height of a right pyramid is the altitude of one of the triangles which form its faces. The Slant Height of a Frustum of a right pyramid is the portion of the slant height of the pyramid intercepted between the bases of the frustum. Fig. 272. Illustrations.— The student will be able to find illustrations of the definitions in the above figures. 266 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 614. A Conical Surface is a surface traced by a line which passes througli a fixed point, while any other point traces a curve. The line is the Generatrix, and the curve the Direc- trix. The fixed point is the Vertex. Any line of the surface corresponding to some position of the generatrix is called an Element of the surface. 615. A Cone of Revolution is a solid generated by the revolution of a right-angled triangle around one of its sides, called the Axis. The hypotenuse describes the Convex Surface of the cone, and corresponds to the generatrix in the preceding definition. The other side of tlie triangle describes the Base. This cone is right, since the perpendicular (the axis) falls at the centre of the base. The Slayit Height is the distance from the vertex to tlie circumference of the base, and is the same as the hypotenuse of the generating triangle. 616. The terms Frustum and Truncated are applied to the cone in the same manner as to the pyramid. 617. A pyramid is said to be Inscribed in a cone when the base of the pyramid is inscribed in the base of the cone, and the edges of the pyramid are elements of the surface of the cone. The two solids have a common vertex and a common altitude. 618. If the generatrix be considered as an indefinite straight line passing through a fixed point, the portions of the line on opposite sides of the point will each describe a conical surface. These two surfaces, which in general discussions are considered but one, are called Nappes. The two nappes of the same cone are evidently alike. Illustration. —In Fig, 273, (a) represents a conical surface which has the curve ABC for its directrix^ and SA for its generatrix. The nu- merals indicate the successive positions of the point A, as it passes around the curve, while the point S remains fixed, (b) represents a Gorie of Rev- olution^ or a right cone with a circular base. It may be considered as generated in the general way, or by the right-angled triangle SOA revolv- ing about SO as an axis. SA describes the convex surface, and OA the PYRAMIDS AND CONES. 267 Fig. 273. base. The figure (c) represents the Frustum of a cone, the portion above the plane abc being supposed removed. Figure {d) represents the two Nappes of an oblique cone. PROPOSITION I. 619. Theorem. — Any section of a pyramid made by a plane parallel to its base is a polygon similar to the base. Demonstratiox. Let ahcde be a section of the pyramid S-ABCDE made by a plane parallel to ABODE. Then is dbaJe similar to ABODE. Since AB and ab are intersections of two parallel planes by a third plane, they are paral- lel (0. So also Ic is parallel to BO, cd to OD, etc. Hence, angle 5 = B, c = 0, etc. (?), and the polygons are mutually equiangular. Again, ab Sb , be Sb AB-SB- ""^ Be = is<^)- Fig. 274. Hence (?)• c^ _ bc^ a5 _ AB AB ~ BO ' ^^ 6c ~ BC In like manner, we can show that bc_ ed~ CD' Therefore, dhcde and ABODE are mutually equiangular, and have tlu'ir corresponding *tles proportional, and are consequently similar. Q. E. D. etc. 268 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION II. 620. Theorem. — // two pyramids of equal altitudes are cab by planes equally distant from and parallel to their bases, the sections are to each other as the bases. Demonstration^. ^ Let S-ABC and S'-A'B'C'D'E' be two pyramids of the same altitude, cut by the planes abc and a'b'dd'e' , parallel to and at equal distances from their bases. Then is abc ABC < a'h'c'd'i ABODE' For, conceive the bases in the same plane. Let SP and S'P' be the equal altitudes, and Sp = S'p' the distances of the cutting planes from the vertices. Conceive a plane passing through the vertices parallel to the plane of the bases. This plane, together with the plane in which the sections lie, and that in which the bases lie, make three parallel planes which cut the lines SA, SB, S'A', S'B', SP, and S'P', whence SB SP _ S^B S6' " Sp~ S'V g. 275. ST' S'p' Also, since the planes ASB and A'S'B' are cut by parallel planes in AB, (il, A'B', and a'V, ab is parallel to AB, and a'h' to A'B' ; whence. Now and AB SB ab ~ S6 ' A'B' SB' ABC abc ~ ^' ^'^ - S^'' ^ ^' A'B'C'D'E a'h'c'd'e' :' AM3'' s^' PYRAMIDS AND CONES. Hence, by equality of ratios, 269 ABC A'B'C'D'E' ahc — r- = — ,., ,,, -r, or aJbc ah'cde ABC a'h'c'd'ef A'B'C'D'E' (?). Q. E. D. 621. Corollary. — // two pTjramids having equivalent bases and equal altitudes are cut by planes parallel to and equidistant from their bases, the sections are equivalent. PROPOSITION III. 622. Theorem. — The area of the lateral surface of a right pyramid is equal to the perimeter of the base multi- plied bij one-half the slant height. Demonstration. The faces of such a pyramid are equal isosceles tri- angles (?), whose common altitude is the slant height of the pyramid (?). Hence, the area of these triangles is the product of one-half the slant height into the sum of their bases. But this sum is the perimeter of the base. Hence the area is equal to the perimeter of the base multiplied by one-half the slant height, q. e. d. Fig. 276. 623. Corollary. — The area of the lateral surface of the frustum of a right pyrajnid is equal to the product of its slant height into half the sum, of the perimeters of its bases. The proof is based upon (350) and definitions. /i Demonstration^. Let S-ABC be a triangular pyramid, whose altitude is H, Then is the volume equal to ^H X area ABC. For, through A and B draw Aa and B& parallel to SC; and through S draw Sa and S& parallel to CA and CB, and join a and J); then Sa6-ABC is a prism with its base equal to the base of the pyramid. Now, the solid added to the given pyr- amid is a quadrangular pyramid with abB^ as its base, and its vertex at S. Divide this into two triangular pyra- '^'9- 280. mids by drawing aB and passing a plane through SB and aE. These tri- angular pyramids are equivalent, since they have equal bases, aAB and abS, and a common altitude, the vertices of both being at S. PYRAMIDS AND CONES. 273 Again, S-«JB may be considered as having abS (equal to ABC) as its base, and the altitude of the given pyramid (equal to the altitude of the prism) for its altitude, and hence as equivalent to the given pyramid. Thus the prism KBCdbS is divided into the three equivalent pyramidsi, S-ABC, B-a&S, and S-«BA. Hence, the pyramid S-ABC is one-third the prism Sa5-ABC, which has the same base and altitude. But the volume of the prism is H X area ABC. Therefore the volume of the pyramid S-ABC is ^H X area ABC. Q. e. d. 630. Corollary 1. — The volume of any pyramid is equal to one-third the product of its base and altitude. Since any pyramid can be divided into triangular pyramids by passing planes through any one edge, as SE, and each of the other edges not adjacent, as SB and SC, the volume of the pyramid is equal to the sum of the volumes of several triangular pyramids having the same altitude as the given pyramid, and the sum of whose bases is the base of the given pyramid. Fig. 281. 631. CoROLLART 2. — Pyramids having equivalent bases are to each other as their altitudes ; such as have equal altitudes are to each other as their bases ; and^ in general, pyramids are to each other as the products of their bases and altitudes. Exercise.— A Regular Tetraedron is a triangular pyr- amid whose base is an equilateral triangle and each of whose lateral faces are equal to the base. What is the volume of such a tetraedron whose edge is 1 inch ? Ans. iVV ^ cu- in. What is the entire area of the surface of this tetraedron ? 274 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION VII. 632. Theorem, — The volume of the frustum of a tri- angular pyramid is equal to the volume of three -pyramids of the same altitude as the frustum, and whose bases are the upper base, the lower base, and a mean proportional between the two bases of the frustum. Demonstration. Let M&c-ABC (Fig. 282) be the frustum of a triangular pyramid. Through db and C pass a plane cutting off the pyramid 0-abc. This has for its base the upper base of the frustum, and for its altitude the altitude of the frustum. Again, draw Aft, and pass a plane through Aft and ftC, cutting off the pyramid ft-ABC, which has the same altitude as the frustum, and for its base the lower base of the frustum. There now remains a third pyramid, ft-AC«, to be examined. Through ft draw ftD parallel to «A, and draw DC and «D. The pyramid D-ACa is equivalent to ft-ACrt, since it has the same base and the same altitude (?). But the former may be considered as having ADC for its base, and the altitude of the frustum for its altitude, i. e., as pyramid «-ADC. We are now to show that ADC is a mean proportional between ahc and ABC. Fig. 282, ABC abc AEr ^1 ad" (?). Also, J— — ABC ADC AB AD (?); or abc;; ^ AT ADC' ad' (?). Tj ,., „ ,. ABC ABC By equality of ratios, — j— = 5 ; '-''- ADC' abc whence, ADC" = aftcxABC i.e.^ ADC is a mean proportional between the upper and lower bases of the frustum. Hence the volume of the frustum is equal to the volume of three pyramids, etc. q. e. d. PYRAMIDS AND CONES. 275 633. Corollary. — The volume of the frustum of any pyramid is equal to the volume of three pyramids hav- ing the same altitude as the frustum, and for bases, the upper base, the lower base, and a mean proportional between the two bases of the frustum. For, the frustum of any pyramid is equivalent to the corresponding frustum of a triangular pyramid of the same altitude and an equivalent base (?) ; and the bases of the frustum of the triangular pyramid being both equivalent to the corresponding bases of the given frustum, a mean proportional between the triangular bases is a mean proportional between their equivalents. PROPOSITION VIII. 634. Theorem. — The volum^e of a cone of revolution is equal to one-third the product of its base and altitude ; i. e. , ^-n R^H, R being the radius of the base and H the alti- tude. Demonstration. The volume of a pyramid is equal to one-third the product of the base and altitude, and the cone being the limit of the pyramid, the vol- ume of the cone is one-third the product of its base and altitude. Now, R being the radius of the base of a cone of revolution, the base (area of) is tt^, whence ^Tr^-fiTis the volume, -S" being the altitude. Q. E. D. 636. Corollary 1. — The volum^e of any cone is equal to one-third the product of its base and altitude. 636. Corollary 2. — The volume of the frustum of a cone is equal to the volum^e of three cones having the same altitude as the frustum,, and for bases, the upper base, the lower base, and a mean proportional between the two bases of the frustum. The truth of this appears from the fact that the frustum of a cone is the limit of the frustum of a regular inscribed pyramid. 276 ELEMEJSTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION IX. 637. Theorem. — The lateral surfaces of similar pyra- mids are to each other as the squares of their homologous edges, or of their altitudes. Demokstration. Let A, A', A", etc., and a, a\ a", etc., be homologous sides of the bases of two similar pyramids, E, E', E", etc., and e, e', e", etc., homologous lateral edges, H and h the altitudes of the pyramids, and let S and &* be the lateral surfaces. C A2 A/2 Kll-l _ ^ _ ^' _ ^' f ~ e" ~ e" ~ e'"" ' ' Since the pyramids are similar, the corresponding facial angles are equal, and the homologous edges proportional (597, 532), hence the bases are similar polygons, and the corresponding lateral faces are simi- lar triangles. Now let F, F', F", etc., and/,/',/", etc., be the corresponding lateral faces, of which triangles. A, A', A", etc., and «, a', a'\ etc., are the bases respectively, and E, E', E", etc., and e, e', e", etc., other homologous sides. A A' A" F F' F" U ™™ * = * = *" • ^'<=- = J = 7 = ?-' '^*<=-' = " (')■ A* A'"^ A"^ E^ E" E'" H^ ^'^'^"'^^ a'=^ = ^' "^^ = ¥ = ^ = 7^' «'<=•' = F (^> F A^ F' A'2 F" A"' Moreover, -^=^, ^ = - _ = _, , etc. Whence ^ + ^' + ^"^ ^'^- _ « _ A^ _ A'« _ A'"^ "^ i^ "^ ^ "^ e^ ' ®*^-' "" hF' ^^^'^' 638. Corollary. — The lateral surfaces of similar right pyramids are to each other as the squares of any homolo- gous lines, as slant heights, altitudes, or of correspond- ing diagonals of the bases.. PYRAMIDS AND CONES. 277 PROPOSITION X. 639. Theorem. — The convex surfaces of similar cones of revolution are to each other as the squares of their slant heights, the radii of their bases, or their altitudes; i. e., as the squares of any two homologous dimensions. Demonstration. Let H' and h' be the slant heights of two similar cones of revolution, R and r the radii of their bases, and H and h their altitudes. Their convex surfaces are ttRH' and TrrA'. Now, since the cones are similar, r h> ^' '' Multiplying the terms of this proportion by the corresponding terms of vH' _ E' ttA' ~ h' ' . irRH' H'^ we have — ^7- = -^7^ • Hence the convex surfaces are as the squares of their slant heights. Q. E. D. But, as _=_(?) = _, nRH^ _^ ^H* Trrh! ~ r^ ~ h* That is, the convex surfaces are to each other as the squares of the radii of the bases, or as the squares of the altitudes, q. e. d. SJ78 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, PROPOSITION XI. 640. Theorem, — The volumes of similar pyramids are to each other as the cubes of their homologous dimen- sions. Synopsis of Demonstration. Let A and a be homologous sides of the bases of two similar pyra- mids, B and b their bases, and J^and h their altitudes. We have B b = f«' W P _A a = > \BxH A^ ~ a? = f«- Q. B. D. PROPOSITION XII. 641. Theorem. — The volumes of similar cones are to each other as the cubes of their altitudes, or as the cubes of the radii of their bases. Synopsis of Demonstration. Let J? and r be the radii of their bases, and ^Tand h their altitudes. We have ^ ^ 'M^'^' •• ^Trr^xh ~ h^^'' B? or =^- QE.D. REGULAR POLYHDRONS. 279 OF THE REGULAR POLYEDRONS. 642. A Polyedron is a solid bounded by plane surfaces. A Regular Convex Polyedron is a polyedron whose faces are all equal regular polygons, and each of whose solid angles is convex outward, and is enclosed by the same number effaces. PROPOSITION XIII. 643. Theorem.— There are five and only five regular convex polyedrons, viz. : The TsTRAEDRONf whose faces are four equal equilat- eral triangles ; The Hexaedrox, or Cube, whose faces are six equal squares ; The OcTAEDRON, whose faces are eight equal equilateval triangles ; The DoDECAEDRON, whose faces are twelve equal regular pentagons; and The IcosAEDRON, whose faces are twenty equal equilat- eral triangles. Demonstration. We demonstrate" this proposition by showing — Ist, that such solids can be constructed ; and 2d, that no others are possible. The Regular Tetraedron.— Taking three equilat- eral triangles, as ASB, ASC, and BSC, it is possible to enclose a solid angle, as S, with them, since the sum of the three facial angles is (what ?) (555). Then, since AC = AS = CB (?), considering ACB the fourth face, we have a regular polyedron whose four faces are equilateral triangles. ^'9- ^^^- N 1^80 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, The Regular Hexaedron op Cube.— This is a familiar solid, but for purposes of uniformity and completeness we may conceive it constructefi as follows: Taking three equal squares, as ASCB, CSED, and ASEF, we can enclose a solid angle, as S, with them (?). Now, conceive the planes of CB and CD, AB and AF, EF and ED produced. The plane of CB and CD being parallel to ASEF (?), will intersect the plane of EF and ED in HD parallel to FE (?). In like manner, FH can be shown parallel to ED, BH to CD, and HD to BC. Hence the solid has for its faces six equal squares. ^^^' ^^ The Regular Octaedron. — At the intersection, p, of the diagonals of a square, ABCD, erect a perpendic- ular SP to the plane of the square, and making SP = AP (half of one of the diagonals) draw SA, SD, SC, and SB. Making a similar construction on the other side of the plane ABCD, we have a solid having for faces eight equal equilateral triangles (?). Fig. 185. The Regular Dodecaedron: — Taking twelve equal regular pentagons, we may group them in two sets of six each, as in the figure. Thus, around we may place five, forming five triedrals at the vertices of 0. These triedrals are possible, since the sum of the facial angles enclosing each is 3f righ! angles (?) — i.e. , between and 4 right angles (555). In like manner, the other six may be grouped by placing five of them about 0'. XT ' ' ^x. '''9. 286. Now, conceiving the con- vexity of the group in front and the concavity o^ grovip 0', we may place the two together so as to inclose a solid. Thus, placing A at &, the three faces 5, 7, 1, will inclose a triedral, since the diedral included by 5 and 1 is the diedral of such a triedral. Then will vertex B fall at c, and a like triedral will be formed at that point, and so of all the other vertices. Hence we have a polyedron having for faces twelve equal regular penta- gons. REG ULAR P OL YEDR ONS. 281 Fig. 287. The Regular Icosaedron.— Taking twenty equal equilateral triangles, they can be grouped in two sets, as in the figure, in a manner altogether similar to the preceding case. The solid angles in this case are included by five facial angles whose sum is 3^ right angles (:•), which is a possible case (555). As before, conceiving the convexity of group in front, and the concavity of 0', we can place them together by placing A at «, thus enclosing a solid angle with five faces, whence B will fall at J, etc. Thus we obtain a solid with twenty equal equilateral triangles for its faces. That there can be no other regular polyedrons than these five is evi- dent, since we can form no other convex solid angles by means of regular polygons. Thus, with equilateral triangles (the simplest polygon) we have formed solid angles with three faces (the least number possible), as in the tetraedron ; with four, as in the octaedron ; and with five, as in the icosaedron. Six such facial angles cannot enclose a solfd angle, since their sum is four right angles (?), and much less can any greater number. Again, with squares (the next most simple polygon) we have formed solid angles with three faces, as in the hexaedron, and can form no other, for the same reason as above. With regular i)entagons we can enclose only a triedral, as in the dodecaedron, for a like reason. With regular hexagons we cannot enclose a solid angle (?), and much less with any regular polygon of more than six sides. Fig. 288. 282 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 644. Scholium. — Models of the regular polyedrons are easily formed by cutting the preceding figures from cardboard, cutting half-way through the board in the dotted lines, and bringing the edges together as the forms will readily suggest. PROPOSITION XIV. 645. Theorem. — Any regular polyedron is inscriptihle and circumscriptible by a sphere. Outline of Demonstration. From the centres of any two adjacent faces, as c and c', let fall perpendiculars upon the common edge, and they will meet it in the same point o (?). The plane of these lines will be perpendicular to this edge (?), and perpendiculars to these faces from their centres, as cS, c'S, will lie in this plane (?), and hence will intersect at a point equally distant from these faces (?). In like manner c"S = c'S, and the point S can be ^'^" ^^^' shown to be equally distant from all of the faces, and is therefore the cen- tre of the inscribed sphere. Joining S with the vertices, we can readily show that S is also the centre of the circumscribed sphere. EXERCISES. 646. 1. What is the area of the lateral surface of a right hexagonal pyramid whose base is inscribed in a circle whose diameter is 20 feet, the altitude of the pyramid being 8 feet ? What is the volume of this pyramid ? 2. What is the area of the lateral surface of a right pentago- nal pyramid whose base is inscribed in a circle whose radius is G yards, the slant height of the pyramid being 10 yards? What is the volume of this pyramid ? EXERCISES. 383 3. How many quarts will a can contain, whose entire height is 10 inches, the body being a cylinder 6 inches in diameter and Q^ inches high, and the top a cone? How much tin does it take to make such a can, allowing nothing for waste and the seams ? 4. If very fine dry sand is piled upon a smooth horizontal surface, without any lateral support, the angle of slope (i. e., the angle of inclination of the sloping side of the pile with the plane) is about 31°. Suppose two circles be drawn on the floor, one 4 feet in diameter and the other 3, and sand piles be made as large as possible on these circles as bases, no other support being giyen. What is the relative magnitude of the piles ? 5. In the case of sand piles, as given in the last example, the ratio of the radius of the base to the altitude of the pile is |. How many cubic feet in each of the above piles ? 6. The frustum of a right pyramid was 72 feet square at the lower base and 48 at the upper ; and its altitude was 60 feet. What was the lateral surface ? What the volume ? [Such a solid is called a Prismoid.] 7. Find the area of the surface, and the contents of a regular tetraedron, one of whose edges is 10 inches. What is the diam- eter of the inscribed sphere ? Of the circumscribed ? 647. A Wedge is a sohd bounded by three quadrilaterals and two triangles. Thus, ABCD is a rectangle, and is called the Head of the wedge, the two Irianj^les AED and FBC are the Ends, and the two trapezoids ABFE and DCFE are the Sides. The Altitude is the perpendicular to the head from the Fiq. 290. edge opposite. 8. The base of a wedge being 18 feet by 9 feet, the edge 20 feet, and the altitude 6 feet, what are the contents ? Ans. 504 cu. ft. 284 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. OF THE SPHERE.* 648. A Sphere is a solid bounded by a surface every point in which is equally distant from a point within called the Cejitre. The distance from the centre to the surface is the Radius, and a line passing through the centre and limited by the surface is a Diameter. The diameter is equal to twice the radius. CIRCLES OF THE SPHERE, PROPOSITION I. 649. Theorem. — Every section of a sphere made hy a plane is a circle. Demonstration. Let AFEBD be a section of a sphere, whose centre is 0, made by a plane; then is the section AFEBD a circle. For, let fall from the centre a per- pendicular upon the plane AFEBD, as OC, and draw CA, CD, CE, CB, etc., lines of the plane, from the foot of the perpendicular to any points in which the plane cuts the Fig. 29i. * A spherical blackboard is almost indispensable in teaching this section as well as in teaching Spherical Trigonometry. A sphere about two feet in diameter, mounted on a pedestal, and having its surface slated or painted as a blackboard, is what is needed. It can be obtained of the manufacturers of school apparatus, or made in any good turning-shop. OF THE SPHERE. 285 surface of the sphere. Join these points with the centre, 0, of the sphere. Now OA, OD, OB, OE, etc., being radii, are equal; whence, CA, CD, CB, CE, etc., are equal; i. e., every point in the line of intersection of a plane and surface of a sphere is equally distant from a point in this plane. Hence, the intersection is a circle, q. e. d. 650. A circle made by a plane not passing through the centre is a Small Circle ; one made by a plane passing through the centre is a Great Circle. 651. Corollary \.—A perpendicidar from the centre of a sphere upon any small circle pierces the cii'de at its centre; and, conversely, a perpendicular to a small circle at its centre passes through the centre of the sphere. 652. A diameter perpendicular to any circle of a sphere is called the Axis of that circle. The extremities of the axis are the Poles of the circle. 663. Corollary 2. — The pole of a circle is equally dis- tant from every point in its circumference. The student should give the reason. 654. Corollary 3. — Every circle of a sphere has two poles, which, in case of a great circle, are equally distant from every point in the circumference of the circle ; hut, in case of a small circle, one pole is nearer any point in the circumference than the other pole is. 655. Corollary 4. — A small circle is less a; it.< dis- tance from the centre of the sphere is greater ; ) enc£ tlie circle whose plane passes through the centre is th greatest circle of the sphere. For, its diameter, being a chord of a great circle, is less as it i ther from the centre of the great circle, which is also the cenfrr i < . sphere. 656. Corollary 5. — All great circles of the same sphere are equal (?). 286 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION II. 667. Theorem. — Any great circle divides the sphere into two equal parts. DEMOlfSTRATIOlir. Conceive a sphere as divided by a great circle, i. e., by a plane pass- ing through its centre, and let the great circle be considered as the base of each portion. These bases being equal, reverse one of the portions and conceive its base placed in the base of the other, the convex surfaces being on the same side of the common base. Since the bases are equal circles, they will coincide, and since all points in the convex surface of each portion are equally distant from the centre of the common base, the convex surfaces will coincide. Therefore, the portions coincide through- out, and are consequently equal. Q. e. d. 657, a.— A Hemisphere is one of the two equal parts into which a great circle divides a sphere. PROPOSITION III. 658. Theorem.— The intersection of any two great cir- cles of a sphere is a diameter of a sphere. Demonstration. The intersection of two planes is a straight line ; and in the case of the two great circles, as they both pass through the centre of the sphere, this is one point of their intersection. Hence, the intersection of two great circles of a sphere is a straight line which passes through the cen- tre. Q. E. D. 659. Corollary. — The intersections on the surface of a sphere of two circumferences of great circles are a semi circumference, or 180°, apart, since they are '^* /..r,v.c// extremities of a diameter. OF THE SPHERE. 287 DISTANCES ON THE SURFACE OF A SPHERE. 660. Distances on the surface of a sphere are always to be understood as measured on the arc of a great circle, unless it is otherwise stated. PROPOSITION IV. 661. Theorem. — The distance, measured on the sur- face of a sphere, from the pole of a circle to any point in the circumference of that circle, is the same. Demonstration. Let P be a pole of the small circle AEB. Then are the arcs PA, PE, PB, etc., which measure the distances on the surface of tlie sphere, from P to any points in the circumference of circle AEB, equal. For, by (653), the straight lines AP, PE, PP, etc., are equal, and these equal chords subtend equal arcs, as arc PA,^rc PE, arc BB, etc., the great circles of which these lines are chords and arcs being equal (656). Thus, for like reasons, Fig. 292. arc P'QA = arc P'LE = arc P'RB, etc. q. e. d. 622. Corollary. — The distance from the pole of a great circle to any point in the circumference of the circle is a quadrant (a quarter of a circumference). Since the poles are 180° apart (being the extremities of a diameter), PAQP' = PELP' = a serai-circumference. But, in case of a great circle, chord PL = chord P'L (= chord PQ = chord P'Q), whence arc PEL = arc P'L = arc PAQ = arc P'Q. Hence, each of these arcs is a quadrant. 288 • ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 663. Scholium. — By means of the facts demonstrated in this proposition and corollary, we are enabled to draw arcs of small and great circles, in the surface of a sphere, with nearly the same facility that we draw arcs and lines in a plane. Thus, to draw the small circle AEB (Fig. 292), we take an arc equal to PE, and placing one end of it at P, cause a pencil held at the other end to trace the arc AEB, etc. To describe the circumference of a great circle, a quadrant must be used for the arc. By bending a wire into an arc of the circle, and making a loop in each end, a wooden pin can be put through one loop and a crayon through the other, and an arc drawn as represented in Fig. 293. Fig. 293. PROPOSITION V. 664. Problem. — To pass a circumference of a great circle through any two points on the surface of a sphere. Solution. Let A and B |3e two points on the surface of a sphere, through which it is proposed to pass a circumference o/a great circle. From B as a pole, with an arc equal to a quad- rant, strike an arc on, as nearly where the pole of the circle passing through A and B lies, as may be determined by inspection. Then, from A, with the same arc, strike an arc st intersecting on at P. Now, P is the pole of the great circle passing through A and B (?). Hence, from P as a pole, with a quadrant arc drawing a circle, it will pass through A and B ; and it will be a great circle, since its pole is a quadrant's distance from its circumference. [The student should make this construction on the spherical black- board.] Fig. 294. OF THE SPHERE. 289 PROPOSITION VI. 665. Theorem, — Through any two points on the sur- face of a sphere, one great circle^ can always he made to pass, and only one, except when the two points are at the extremities of the sam^e diameter, in which case an infi- nite number of great circles can he passed through the two points. Demonstration. This proposition may be considered a corollary to the preceding. Thus, in general, the two great circles struck from A and B as poles, with a quad- rant arc, can intersect in only two points (?), which are the poles of the same great circle (?). But, if the two given points were at the extrem- ities of the same diameter, as at D and C, the arcs st and m would coincide, and any point in this ^'8- 295. circumference being takdn as a pole, great circles can be drawn through D and C. [The student should trace the work on the spherical blackboard.] 666. Scholium. — The truth of the proposition is also evident from the fact that three points not in the same straight line determine the position of a plane. Thus. A, B, and the centre of the sphere, fix the position of one, and only one, great circle passing through A and B. Moreover, if the two given points are at the extremities of the same diam- eter, they are in the same straight line with the centre of the sphere, whence an infinite number of planes can be passed through them and the centre. The meridians on the earth's surface afford an example, the poles (of the equator) being the given points. 667. Corollary. — // two points in the circumference of a great circle of a sphere, not at the extremities of the sam^e diameter, are at a quadrant's distance from a point on the surface, this point is the pole of the circle, "■ The word circle may be understood to refer either to the circle proper, or to its circumference. The word is in constant use in the higher mathe- matics in the latter sense. 13 290 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION VII. 668. Theorem. — The shortest distance on the surface of a sphere, between any two points in that surface, is measured on the arc less than a semi-circumference of the great circle which joins them. Demonstration. Let A and B be two points in the surface of a sphere, AB the arc of a great circle joining them, and kiuCn^ any other path in the surface be- tween A and B. Then is arc AB less than AmCwB. Let C be any point in AmCwB, and pass the arcs of great circles through A and C, and B and C. Join A, B, and C with the centre of the sphere. The angles AOB, AOC, and COB form the facial angles of a triedral, of which angles the arcs AB, AC, and CB are the measures. Now, angle AOB < AOC + COB (540) ; Fig. 296 whence arc AB < arc AC + arc CB (?), and the path from A to B is less on arc AB than on arcs AC, CB. In like manner, joining any point in AmC with A and C by arcs of great circles, their sum will be greater than AC. So, also, joining any point in CwB with C and B, the sum of the arcs will be greater than CB. As this process is indefinitely repeated, the path from A to B on the arcs of the great circles will continually increase, and also continually approximate the path AmCwB. Hence, arc AB is less than the path AmCwB. Q. E. D. 669. Corollary. — The least arc of a circle of a sphere joining any two points in the surface, is the arc less than a semi-circumference of the great circle passing through the points; and the greatest arc is the circumference minus this least arc. OF TEE SPHERE. 291 Thus, let Km^n be any small circle passing through A and B, and ABD^^C the great circle; then, as just shown, Ajt>B < A77iB. Now, circf.*ABDoC > circf. AmB/i (655). Subtracting the former inequality from the latter, we have BDoCA > B/iA. Q. e. d. 670. Two arcs of great circles are said to be perpendicular to each other when their circles are. Fig. 297. • PROPOSITION VIII. 671. Theorem. — If at the middle point of an aro of a great circle a perpendicular is drawn on the surface of a sphere, the distances being measin^ed on great circles, 1st. Any p9^^ ^^ ^^^^ perpendicular is equally distant from the extremities of the arc, 2d. Anij point out of the perpendicular is unequally distant from the extremities of the arc. Demonstration". Let AB be any arc of a great circle, D its middle point, and PD a perpendicular. Then is PB = PA, the ares being all arcs of great circles. From 0, the centre of the sphere, draw OP, OD, OB, and OA. The rectangular triedrals 0-PDB and 0-PDA are symmetrically equal (?) ; whence PB = PA. Q. e. d. Fig. 298. Again, let P' be a point out of PD. Pass arcs of great circles through P' and A, and P' and B, as P'A, P'B. From P, where one of these cuts PD, draw the arc of a great circle PB. Then is P'B < P'P + PB (668), whence, P'B < P'P + PA (?), and P'B < P'A (?). Q. e. d. 292 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 672. Corollary 1. — The perpendicular at the middle point of an arc contains all the points in the surface of the sphere which are equally distant from tJJn>e extremities of the arc, 673. Corollary 2. — An arc which has each of two points, not at the ejotremity of the same diameter, equally distant from the extremities of another arc of a great circle, is perpendicular to the latter at its middle point. This is apparent, since by Corollary 1 such points are in the perpen- dicular, and two such points with the centre determine a great circle. PROPOSITION IX. 674. Theorem. — The shortest path on the surface of a hemisphere, from any point therein to the circumference of the great circle forming its base, is the arc not greater than a quadrant of a great circle perpendicular to the base, and the longest path, on any arc of a great circle, is the supplement of this shortest path* Dbmokstration. Let P be a point in the surface of the hemisphere whose base is ADCBC, and DPmD' an arc of a great circle passing through P and per- pendicular to ADCBC. Then is PD the shortest path on the sur- face from P to circumference ADCBC, and P?7iD' is the longest path from P to the cir- cumference, measured on the arc of a great circle. For, the shortest path from P to any point in circumference ADBC is measured on the arc of a great circle (?). Now, let PC be any oblique arc of a great circle. We will show that Fig. 29! arc PD < arc PC. OF THE SPHERE. 293 Produce PD until DP' = PD; and pass a great circle through P' and C. Then is the arc PC = arc P'C. And, since PC + PC > PP', PC, the half of PC 4- P'C, is greater than PD, the half of PP'. q. e. d. Secondly, PmD' is the supplement of PD, and we are to show that it Ml greater than any other arc of a great circle from P to the circumference ADBC. Let FnC be any arc of a great circle oblique to ADCBC. Pro- duce C'wP to C. Now CPtiC is a semi-circumference and consequently equal to DPmD'. But we have before shown that PD < PC, and subtracting these from the equals CPnC and DPwD', we have PwD' > PnC. Q. E. D. 675. Corollary. — From any point in the surface of a hemisphere there are two perpendiculars to the circumfer- ence of the great circle which forms the base of the hemi- sphere; one of which perpendiculars measures the least distance to that circumference, and the other the greatest, on the arc of any great circle of the sphere. SPHERICAL ANGLES. 676. The angle formed by two arcs of circles of a sphere is conceived as the same as the angle included by the tangents to the arcs at the common points. Illubtbation. — Let AB and AC be two arcs of circles of the sphere, meeting at A ; then the angle BAC is conceived as the same as the angle B'AC, B'A being tangent to the circle BADm, and C'A to the circle CAEn. Fio. 300. 294 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 677. A Spherical Angle is the angle included by two arcs of grmt circles. Illustration.— B AC is a spherical an- gle, and is conceived as the same as the angle B'AC, B'A and C'A being tangents to the great circles BADF and CAEF. [The stu- dent should not confound such an angle as BAC Fig. 800) with a spherical angle.] Fig. 301. PROPOSITION X. 678. Theorem. — td spherical angle is equal to the measicre of the diedral included by the great circles whose arcs form the sides of the angle. Demon^stration. Let BAC be any spherical angle, and BADF and CAEF the great cir- cles whose arcs BA and CA Include the angle. Then is BAC equal to the measure of the diedral C-AF-B. For, since two great circles interaect in a diameter (?), AF is a diameter. Now B'A is a tangent to the circle BADF, that is, it lies in the same plane and is per- pendicular to AO at A. In the like manner, C'A lies in the plane CAEF and is perpendicular to AO. Hence B'AC' is the measure of the diedral C-AF-B (?). Fig. 302. Therefore the spherical angle BAC, which is the same as the plane angle B'Ab', is equal to the measure of the diedral C-AF-B. q. e. d. OF THE UPHERE, 295 PROPOSITION XI 679. Theorem.—// one of two great circles passes through the pole of the other, their circinriferences inter- sect at right angles. Demonstration. Thus, P being the pole of the great circle CABm, PO is its axis, and any plane passing through PO is perpendicular to the plane CABm. (?). Hence, the diedral B-AO-P is right, and the spherical angle PAB, which is equal to the measure of the diedral, is also right, q. e. d. Fig. 303. 680. Corollary 1. — A spherical angle is measured by the arc of a great circle intercepted between its sides, and at a quadrant's distance from its vertex. Thus, the spherical angle CPA is measured by CA, PC and PA being quadrants. For, since PC is a quadrant, CO is a perpendicular to PO, the edge of the diedral C-PO-A, and for the like reason AO is perpendic- ular to PO. Hence, COA is the measure of the diedral, and consequently CA, its measure, is the measure of the spherical angle CPA. q. k. d. 681. Corollary 2. — The angle included by two arcs of sm,all circles is the same as the angle included, bi/ two arcs of great circles passing through the vertex and having the same .tangents. Thus, BAC = B AC For the angle BAC is, by definition, the same as B'AC, B'A and CA being tangents to BA and CA. Now, passing planes through CA, B'A. and the centre of the sphere, we have the arcs B"A, C'A, and B'A, C'A tangents to them. Hence, B"AC" is the same as B'AC, and consequently the same as BAC. q. e. d. Fig. 304. 296 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY, 682. Scholium. — To draw an arc of a great circle which shall he perpendicular to another ; or, what is the same thing, to construct a right spherical angle. Let it be required to erect an arc of a great circle perpendicular to CAB at A. Lay oflFfrom A, on the arc CAB, a quadrant's distance, as AP', and from P' as a pole, with a quadrant describe an arc pass- ing through A. This will be the perpendic- ular required. In a similar manner we may let fall a per- pendicular from any point in the surface, upon any arc of a great circle. To let fall a pei-pendicular from P" upon the arc CAB, from P" as a pole, with a quadrant describe an arc cutting CAB, as at P'. Then, from P' as a pole, with a quadrant describe an arc passing through P" and cutting CAB, and it will be perpendicular to CAB. Fig. 305 PROPOSITION XII. 683. Problem. — To pass the circumference of a small circle through any three points on the surface of a sphere. Solution-. Let A, B, and C be the three points in the surface of the sphere through which we propose to pass the circumference of a circle. Pass arcs of great circles through the points, thus forming the spherical triangle ABC (664)- Bisect two of these arcs, as BC and AC, by arcs of great circles perpendicular to each (673, 682)- The intersection of these perpendiculars, t>, will be the pole of the small circle required (?). Then from A. Then is BC > B'C For, join the vertices with the centre, form- ing the two triedrals 0-ABC and 0-A'B'C'. In these triedrals, AOB — A' OB', AOC = A'OC, being measured by equal arcs; and C-AO-B > C'-A'O-B', having the same measure as A and A' (678). Hence COB > COB' (?). Therefore CB, the measure of COB, > CB', the measure of COB'. Fig. 3I9. In like manner, the same sides of tVie triangles, and consequently the same facial angles of the triedrals, being granted equal, and BC > B'C, A > A'. For, BC being greater than B'C, COB > COB'; whence B AO-C > B'-A'O-C (?), or A is greater than A'. ^08 ELEMENTARY GEOMETBY, PROPOSITION XXIV. 707. Theorem. — On the same sphere, or on equal spheres, two spherical triangles having the sides of the one respectively equal to the sides of the other, or the angles of the one respectively equal to the angles of the other, are equal, or symmetrical and equivalent. Demonstration. The sides of the triangles being equal, the facial angles of the triedrals at the centre are equal, whence the triedrals are equal or symmetrical (?). Consequently, the angles of the triangles are equal, and the triangles are equal, or symmetrical and equivalent. Again, the triangles being mutually equiangular, the triedrals have their diedrals mutually equal ; whence the triedrals are equal or sym- metrical (?). Therefore, the sides of the triangles are mutually equal, and the triangles are equal, or symmetrical and equivalent. (See Figs. 313, 814.) PROPOSITION XXV. 708. Theorem. — On spheres of different radii, mu- tually equiangular triangles are similar (not equal). Demonstration. Let ABC and (ibc be two mutually equiangular spherical triangles on spheres whose radii are respectively li and r, and let angle A = a^ B = 6, C = c. r^. . AB BC CA Then is -—=-—= — . cu) oc ca For, joining the vertices of the triangles with the centres of the spheres, and C, the triedrals 0-ABC and O'-ahc have their diedrals mutually equal (?), whence their facial angles are mutually equal (?). Therefore sector AOB is similar to sector aO% sector BOC to JO'c, and sector COA to cO'a. OF THE SPHERE, 309 From the similarity of these sectors, we have db ~ r ^■'^' be ~ r ' ca ~ r ' AB BC CA and hence, —i: = ir — Q. e. d. ' ab be ca 709. Scholium. — In Spherical Trigonometry we are taught to find the sides of a splierical triangle having the angles given. But in such a case the sides are found in degrees, etc., which does not determine their absolute lengths. The length of an arc of any number of degrees is not known unless the radius of the sphere is known. POLAR OR SUPPLEMENTAL TRIAN- GLES. 710. One spherical triangle is Polar to another when the vertices of one are the poles of the sides of the other, and the corresponding vertices lie on the same side of the side opposite. (For illustration, see 713.) Such triangles are also called supplemental, since the angles of one are the supplements of the sides opposite in the other, as will appear hereafter. PROPOSITION XXVI. 711. Problem. — Having a spherical triangle given, to draw its polar. Solution. Let ABC (Fig. 320) be the given triangle.* From A as a pole, with * This should be executed on a sphere. Few students get clear ideas of polar triangles without it. Care should be taken to construct a variety of triangles as the given triangle, since the polar triangle does not always lie in the position indicated in the figure here given. Let the given triangle have one side considerably greater than 90", another somewhat less, and the third quite small. Also, let each of the sides of the given triangle be greater than 90°. 310 t:LEMENTA R Y GEOMETR Y. Fig. 320. Fig. 321. a quadrant strike an arc, as C'B'. From B as a pole, with a quadrant strike the arc C'A'; and from C, the arc A'B'. Then is A'B'C polar to ABC. 712. Corollary. — If one triangle is polar to another, conversely, the latter is polar to the former ; i. e., the rela- tion is reciprocal. Thus, A'B'C (Fig. 320) being polar to ABC, reciprocally, ABC is polar to A'B'C ; that is, A' is the pole of CB, B' of AC, and C of AB. For every point in A'B' is at^ quadrant's distance from C, and every point in A'C is at a quadrant's distance from B. Hence, A' is ai a quadrant's dis- tance from the two points C and B of CB, and is therefore its pole. [In like manner, the student should show that B' is the pole of AC, and C of AB.] 713. Scholium.— By producing (Fig. 331) each of the arcs struck from the vertices of the given triangle sufficiently, four new triangles will be formed, viz., A'B'C, QC'B', PCA', and RA'B'. Only the first of these is called polar to the given triangle. Thus, in A'B'C, A', corre- sponding to A, lies on the same side of CB or C'B' that A does, and so of any other corresponding vertices. It is easy to observe the relation of any of the parts of the other three triangles to the parts of the polar. Thus, QC = 180° - &', QB' = 180° - c', QC'B' = 180° - B'CA', QB'C = 180° — CB' A', and Q =-- A' = 180° - a, as will appear hereafter. OF THE SPHERE, 311 PROPOSITION XXVII. 714. Theorem. — Any angle of a spherical triangle is the supplement of the side opposite in its polar triangle ; and any side is the sicpplement of the angle opposite in the polar triangle. First Demonstration. Let ABC and A'B'C be two spherical triangles polar to each other; and let the sides of each be designated as a, b, c, a', h', d, a being op- posite A, », and 00 perpendicular to the axis, and B lune AIEB, whereas BL < Bl, that is, an improper fraction equals a proper fraction. In a similar manner, we may reduce the assumption to an absurdity, if we assume BL > BC. L BC Hence, as the ratio of -^ can neither be greater nor less than , it is equal thereto, and L BC BOC 8 ' EQrnXin 4 right angles Q. E. D. ^ 729. Scholium. — To obtain the ourea of a lune whose angle is known, find the area of the sphere, and multiply it by the ratio of the angle of the lune (in degrees) to 360°. Thus, B being the radius of the sphere, 4i7rB^ is the surface of the sphere ; and the lune whose angle is 30° is ^jj or Y^2^ the surface of the sphere, i. e., ^^ oi A^nB^ = ^tzB^. 730. Corollary. — The sum of several lunes on the same sphere is equal to a lune whose angle is the sum of the angles of the lunes ; and the difference of two lunes is a lune whose angle is the difference of their angles. OF THE SPHERE. 321 731. Corollary. — Ungulas hear the same ratio to the volume of the sphere that the corresponding lunes do to the area of the surface. PROPOSITION XXXIII. 732. Theorem. — If two semi-circumferences of great circles intersect on the surface of a hemisphere, the sum of the two opposite triangles thus formed is equivalent to a lune whose angle is that included by the semi-circum- ferences. Demonstration. Let the semi-circumferences CEB and DEA intersect at E on the sur- face of the hemisphere whose base is CABD. Then the sum of the triangles CED and AEB is equivalent to a lune whose angle is AEB. For, let the semi-circumferences CEB and DEA be produced around the sphere, inter- secting on the opposite hemisphere, at the extremity F of the diameter through E. Now, FBEA is a lune whose angle is AEB. Moreover, the triangle AFB is equivalent to the triangle DEC ; since F'g- 33'- angle AFB = AEB = DEC, side AF = side ED, each being the supplement of AE ; and BF = CE, each being the supplement of EB. Hence, the sum of the triangles CED and AEB is equivalent to the lune FBEA. Q. e. d. ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XXXIV. 733. Theorem. — The area of a spherical triangle is to the area of the surface of the hemisphere on which it is situated, as its spherical excess is to four right angles, or 360°. Demonstration. Let ABC be a spherical triangle whose angles are represented by A, B, and C; let T represent the area of the triangle, and H the area of the surface of the hemisphere. T _ A + B + C-180° R ~ 360° Then is Let lune A represent the lune whose angle is the angle A of the triangle, i. e., angle CAB, and in like manner understand lune B and lune C. Fig. 332. Now, triangle AHG + AED = lune A (732), BHI + BEF = lune B, CGF + CDI = lune C. Adding, 3ABC + hemisphere = lune (A + B + C)* (1) by (730), and since the six triangles AHG, AED, BHI, BEF, CGF, and CDI make the whole hemisphere and 2ABC besides, ABC being reckoned three times From (1) we have, by transposing, and remembering that a hemi- sphere is a lune whose angle is 180° (730), and dividing by 2, ABC = i lune (A + B + C - 180°).t But, by (728), i lune (A + B + H C- - 180°) A + B + C- 360° 180° Therefore, T H ~ . A + B + C • 360^ - 180° Q. E, D. * This signifies the lun<^whose angle is A -f B + C, which is of course the sum of the three lunes whose angles are A, B. and C. f This signifies one-half the lune whose angle is A + B + C— 180°. OF THE SPHERE. 323 734. Scholium 1. — To find the area of a spherical triangle on a given sphere, the angles of the triangle being given, we have simply to multiply the area of the hemisphere, *. e. , 2n-i2^, by the ratio of the spherical excess to 360". Thus, if the angles are A = 110°, B = 80°, and C = 50°, j s^ we have ^"^ area ABC = a.if' x ^^L?4^=J^1 = 2riP x ^ = ^nS?. 735. Scholium 3. — This proposition is often stated thus: Tlie area of a spherical triangle is equal to its spherical excess multiplied by the trirec- tangular triangle. When so stated, the spherical excess is to be estimated in terms of the right angle ; i. e., having subtracted 180^ from the sum of its angles, we are to divide the remainder by 90°, thus getting the spheri- cal excess in right angles. In the example in the preceding scholium, the spherical excess estimated in this way would be 110° + 80^ + 50^ - 18 0° _ 2 90° ~3 and the area of the triangle would be | of the trirectangular triangle. Now, the trirectangular triangle being |- of the surface of the sphere (?), is ^ of 47ri?', or ^7ri^^ This multiplied by | gives ^Tri?*, the same as above. The proportion ABC ^ A + B + C - 180° surf, of hemisph. 360' ' is readily put into a form which agrees with the enunciation as given in this scholium. Thus, surf, of hemisph. = 27ri?» ; whence, ARP -c)^m ^ A + B + C-180^ , _- . A+B + C-180° ABC - 2^i? X ^— = ^.m X 324 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. VOLUME OF SPHERE. PROPOSITION XXXV. 736. Theorem. — The volume of a sphere is equal to the area of its surface multiplied by one-third of the ra- dius, that is, f 7Ti23j R being the radius. Demonstration. Let OL = i^ be the radius of a sphere. Conceive a circumscribed cube, that is, a cube wliose faces are tangent planes to the sphere. Draw lines from the vertices of each of the polyedral angles of the cube to the centre of the sphere, as AO, BO, DO, CO, etc. These lines are the edges of six pyramids, having for their bases the faces of the cube, and for a com- mon altitude the radius of the sphere (?). Hence ^^' the volume of the circumscribed cube is equal to its surface multiplied by ^B. Again, conceive each of the triedral angles of the cube truncated by planes tangent to the sphere. A new circumscribed solid will thus be formed, whose volume will be nearer that of the sphere than is that of the circumscribed cube. Let a5c represent one of the tangent planes. Draw from the polyedral angles of this new solid, lines to the centre of the sphere, as^^O. 50, and cO, etc. ; these lines will form the edges of a set of pyramids whose bases constitute the surface of the solid, and whose com- mon altitude is the radius of the sphere (?). Hence the volume of this solid is equal to the product of its surface (the sum of the bases of the pyramids) into \R. Now, this process of truncating the angles by tangent planes may be conceived as continued indefinitely ; and, to whatever extent it is carried, it will always be true that the volume of the solid is equal to its surface multiplied by ^R. Therefore, as the sphere is the limit of this circum- scribed solid, we have the volume of the sphere equal to the surface of the sphere, which is 47ri2' multiplied by |i2, i. e., to ^nW. q,. e. d. OF THE SPHERE. 325 737. CoEOLLARY. — The surface of the sphere may he conceived as consisting of an infinite nuinher of infinitely small plane faces, and the volume as composed of an infi- nite number of pyramids having these faces for their bases, and their vertices at the centre of the sphere, the common altitude of the pyramids being the radius of the sphere. 738. A Spherical Sector is a portion of a sphere gener- ated by the revolution of a circular sector about the diameter around which the semicircle which generates the sphere is con- ceived to revolve. It has a zone for its base ; and it may have as its other surfaces one or two conical surfaces, or one conical and one plane surface. Illustration. — Thus, let ab be the diam- eter around which the semicircle aEl revolves to generate the sphere. The solid generated by the circular sector AOB will be a spherical sector ha^^ng the zone generated by AB for its base; and for its other surface, the conical sur- face generated by AO. The spherical sector generated by COD has the zone generated by CD for its base; and for its other surfaces, the concave conical surface generated by DO, and the convex conical surface generated by CO. The spherical sector generated by EOF has the zone generated by EF for its base, the plane generated by EO for one surface, and the concave conical surface gener- ated by FO for the other. ^ ' ., 739. A Spherical Segrment is a portion of the sphere included by two parallel planes, it being understood that one of the planes may become a tangent plane. In the latter case, the segment has but one base ; in other cases, it has two. A spheri- cal segment is bounded by a zone and one, or two, plane surfaces. 326 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. PROPOSITION XXXVI. 740. Theorem. — The volume of a spherical sector is equal to the product of the zone which forms its base into one-third the radius of the sphere. Demonstration. A spherical sector, like the sphere itself, may be conceived as consist- ing of an infinite number of pyramids whose bases make up the base of the sector, and whose common altitude is the radius of the sphere. Hence, the volume of the sector is equal to the sum of the bases of these pyra- mids, that is, the surface of the sector, multiplied by one-third their com- mon altitude, which is one-third the radius of the sphere, q. e. d. 741. Corollary. — The volumes of spherical sectors of the same sphere, or of equal spheres, are to each other as the zones which form their bases ; and, since these zones are to each other as their altitudes (723), the sectors are to each other as the altitudes of tJie zones luhich form> their bases. PROPOSITION XXXVII. 742. Theorem.— 17^6 volume of a spherical segment of one base is ttA^{R — \A), A being the altitude of the segment, and R the radius of the sphere. Demonstration. Let AG = JB, and CD = A. Then is the volume of the spherical segment generated by the revolution of ACD about CO equal to ttA^ {R — ^A). For, the volume of the spherical sector gener- ated by AOC i^ the zone generated by AC, multi- plied by \B, or ^TTAIty.^R = ^t:AR\ From this we must subtract the cone, the radius of whose base is AD, and whose altitude is DO. Fig. 335. OF THE SPHERE, To obtain this, we have DO = R-A\ whence, from the right-angled triangle ADO, 327 AD = V^ -{E- Af = ^2AB - A\ Now, the volume of this cone is ^OD x ttAD^ or ^TT (B — A) i2AB - A"") = ^n {2AR' — 3A'B + A^). Subtracting this from the volume of the spherical sector, we have ^kAB^ - ^TT (2^if - dA^'B + A') = n (A'R - ^A^ = nA^B-^A). Q. E. D. 743. Scholium. — The volume of a spherical segment with two bases is readily obtained by taking the difference between two segments of one base each. Thus, to obtain the volumes of the segment generated by the revolution of JCAc about aO, take the difference of the segments whose altitudes are ac and ab. Fifl. 336. SPHERICAL POLYGONS AND SPHERI- CAL PYRAMIDS. 744. A Spherical Polygon is a portion of the surface of a sphere bounded by several arcs of great circles. 745. The Diagonal of a spherical polygon is an arc of a great circle joining any two non-adjacent vertices. 746. A Spherical Pyramid is a portion of a sphere hav- ing for its base a spherical polygon, and for its lateral faces the circular sectors formed by joining the vertices of the polygon with the centre of the sphere. 328 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 747. The elementary properties of spherical polygons and spherical pyramids are so readily deduced from the corresponding properties of polyedral angles, spherical triangles, etc., that we leave them for the pupil to demonstrate, merely stating a few fundamental theorems. 748. Theorem.— ^6 angles of a spherical polygon and its sides sustain the same general relations to each other as the diedral and facial angles of a polyedral angle having for its edges the radii of the sphere drawn to the vertices of the polygon. 749. Theorem. — T^^e sum of the sides of a convex spherical polygon may be anything between 0° and 360°. 760. Theorem. — The sum of the angles of a spherical polygon may be anything between ^n — 4 and Qn — 12 right angles, n being the number of sides. 751. The Spherical Excess of a spherical polygon is the excess of the sum of its angles over the sum of the angles of a plane polygon of the same number of sides. 752. Theorem. — The spherical excess of a spherical polygon of n sides, the sum of whose angles is S, is ^+ 360° -71.180°. 753. Theorem. — The area of a spherical polygon is to the area of the surface of the hemisphere on which it is situated as its spherical excess is to four right angles. 754. Theorem.— IT^e volume of a spherical pyramid is the area of its base multiplied by one-third the radius of the sphere on which it is situated. EXERCISES, 329 EXERCISES. 755. 1. What is the circumference of a small circle of a sphere whose diameter is 10, the circle being at 3 from the centre ? Ans. 25.1328. 2. Construct on the spherical blackboard a spherical angle of 60°. Of 45°. Of 90°. Of 120°. Of 250°. Suggestions.— Let P be the point where the vertex of the required angle is to be situated. With a quadrant strike an arc passing through P, which shall represent one side of the required angle. From P as a pole, with a quadrant strike an arc from the side before drawn, which shall measure the required angle. On this last arc lay off from the firet side the measure of the required angle,* as 60°, 45% etc. Through the extremity of this arc and P pass a great circle (?). 3. On the spherical blackboard construct a spherical triangle ABC, having AB = 100°, AC = 80°, and A = 58°. 4. Construct as above a spherical triangle ABC, having AB = 75°, A =. 110°, and B = 87°. 5. Construct as above, having AB = 150°, BC = 80°, and AC = 100°. Also having AB = 160°, AC = 50°, and CB = 85°. 6. Construct as above, having A = 52°, AC = 47°, and CB = 40°. Suggestions. — Construct the angle A as before taught, and lay off AC from A equal to 47'', with the tape. This determines the vertex C. From C, as a pole, with an arc of 40°, describe an arc of a small circle; in this case this arc will cut the opposite side of the angle A in two places. Call these points B and B'. Pass circumferences of great circles through C, and B, and B'. There are two triangles, ACB and ACB'. 7. Construct on the spherical blackboard a spherical triangle ABC, having A = 59°, AC = 120°, and AB = 88°. ♦ For this purpose, a tape equal in length to a semi-circumference of a jrreat circle of the sphere used, and marked off into 180 equal parts, will be convenient. A strip of paper may be used. 330 ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. 8. Construct a triangle whose angles are 160°, 150°, and 140°. 9. Can there be a spherical triangle whose angles are 85°, 120°, and 150° ? Try to construct such a triangle by first con- structing its polar. 10. What is the area of a spherical triangle on the surface of a sphere whose radius is 10, the angles of the triangle being 85°, 120°, and 110° ? Ans. 235.6-j-. 11. What is the area of a spherical triangle on a sphere whose diameter is 12, the angles of the triangle being 82"", 98°, and 100°? 12. A sphere is cut by five parallel planes at 7 from each other. What are the relative areas of the zones ? What of the segments ? 13. Considering the earth as a sphere, its radius would be 3958 miles, and the altitudes of the zones. North torrid = 1578, North temperate = 2052, and North frigid = 328 miles. What are the relative areas of the several zones ? Suggestion. — The student should be careful to discriminate between the width of a zone and its altitude. The altitudes are found from their widths, as usually given in degrees, by means of Trigonometry. 14. The earth being regarded as a sphere whose radius is 3958 miles, what is the area of a spherical triangle on its surface, the angles being 120°, 130°, and 150° ? What is the area of a trirectangular triangle on the earth's surface ? 15. In the spherical triangle ABC, given A = 58°, B = 67°, and AC = 81° ; what can you afiirm of the polar triangle ? 16. What is the volume of a globe which is 2 feet in diameter ? What of a segment of the same globe included by two parallel planes, one at 3 and the other at 9 inches from the centre, the centre of the sphere being without the segment? What if the centre is within the segment? 17. Compare the convex surfaces of a sphere and its circum- scribed cylinder. 18. Compare the volumes of a sphere and its circumscribed cube, cylinder, and cone, the vertical angle of the cone being 60°. 19. If a and b represent the distances from the centre of a sphere whose radius is r, to the bases of a spherical segment, show that the volume of the segment is tt [r^ (b — a) — \{h^ — a^)]. THE INFINITESIMAL METHOD. The author is a firm believer in both the logical soundness and the practical advantages of the strict infinitesimal method. Hence he has intro- duced it — though generally as an alternative method — in those cases in which the incommensurability of geometrical magnitudes by a finite unit makes the old demonstrations cumbrous. As to the logical soundness of the method, he has not the shadow of a doubt. The well-known logical principle, that, if we create a certain cate- gory of concepts, under certain definite laws, use them in our argument in accordance with these laws, and finally eliminate them, the argument being conducted according to correct logical principles, the final results are correct, covers the entire case. Now the two essential laws of infinitesimals are, (1) Infinitesimals of the same order have the same relations among themselves as finite quantities ; and (2) Infinitesimals in comparison with finites, are zero. But the simple exposition given in the text (340-342) is quite adequate to show that the method can introduce no conceivable error. Thus, if — —